a iiiLIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA Risa erat FEOOKSINDERS CeO ella. e GREENSBORO,NC. EST ete) SalaFelons tly Nace : A Ltvre ze ley oz Ga... ——THE CRITIC AL GREEK AND ENGLISH NEW THSTAMENT. CONSISTING OF THE GREEK TEXT OF SCHOLZ, WITH THE READINGS, BOTH TEXTUAL AND MARGINAL, OF GRIESBACH; AND ’ THE VARIATIONS OF THE EDITIONS OF STEPHENS, 1550; BEZA, 1598; AND THE ELZEVIR, 1633: WITHt Che 44nglish Authorised Version, AND ITS MARGINAL RENDERINGS. 2 oe fe ae “8 soa oe 5 ; oe e ee &-« &» . . z 2 & fe eo Se are - ee e ‘ees e e NT Te 7 a oe ® eee 5 e NE YORE. foes 2. eee Be 8 OR tS ee ee Te ee JOHN WILEY, 36° WALKER: STREET: °3 +. % LONDON: SAMUEL BAGSTER & SONS. 1859.305951ADVERTISEMENT. 1s Edition of the New Testament Scriptures consists of: — TH I. The Greek Text of Dr. M.A. ScHouz ( Leipsic,1830-6 ): but carefully purged from the typographical inac- curacies found in that edition. Scholz’s Text and that of Il. Every variation between together with all Griesbach’s Manual ( Leipsic, 1805); those readings, of the value of which Griesbach ex- presses any judgment. Ill. The variations of the Text of the Third Edition of Stephens (folio, 1550). The Textof this edition was followed by Dr. reprinted in England. Mill, and is usually IV. The variations ol the Text of Beza’s Fifth Edition (1598). From which the Au made: itis evide thorised English Translation is said tohave been nt, however, that other editions were likewise consulted. V. The variations of the Second of the Elzevir Editions (Leyden, 1633 ). VI. The ENGLISH AUTHORISED VERSION, according to the Edition of 1611 (the Italic words of which have been carefully followed) with the whole of the mar- ginal renderings. VII. The Paragraphs into which the Greek Text is divided, have been regulated, in doubtful cases, by the di- - whose arrangement is adopted by visions of Bengel ; Bishop Lloyd, in his edition of the Greek Testament.ABBREVIATIONS. Ree. Signifies that the Texts of Stephens, Beza, and the Elzevir edition agree with the reading to which it is prefixed. If these differ amongst themselves, they are cited thus: St. — Bz. — Elz. Om. omittit or omittunt. Add. addit or addunt. SIGNS. Used by Griesbach as expressive of his judgment of the Value of the different Readings. =< Indicates a probable omission. Griesbach did not, however, remove such from the Text. =. Indicates a less probable omission. wb Signifies an addition of some slight probability. ~ Marks a reading of great value, but which Griesbach did not prefer placing in his Text. ~ Marks a reading of somewhat less authority ; considered by Griesbach inferior to the Text. abe &c. in the Text, indicate the commencement of a passage to which there is a various reading; and the sign (”) is placed to mark its close. But the close of a second reading in- cluded within the first, is marked by the sign (:). d eat the Text of this Edition (Scholz’s) happens to correspond 7 ~~ with the reading which Griesbach marks © ors, one or other of these signs commences the note; and the reading in which Griesbach and the common text coincide follows after with the proper abbreviation prefixed. . A > rs ;>/ a4 \ , Matt. ix. 5.7) ev7rety, * Evyetpe KQt TEPLTTATEL 5 i wm. — Rec. & Gb. Eyerpar. That is—Scholz’s Text agrees with what Griesbach in his margin marks »%, and Rec. and Gb. give ”Eyecpac.EL KAINH. ATLA @ ELK, EYATTEALON KATA, , MATOATON, ‘ KE®AAAION a. IBAOS yevécews “Incod Xprorov, nN « x ~ viovd * Aavid’, viov “ABpadp. 2 sy \ > 4 > = ; ABpaap. eyevnoe TOY Ioadk ‘ 4, A , X27 Ioadk O€ eyévynoe Tov “laxkwB* “laxoB a \ > 4 A > da \ A 2*Q dé eyevynoe Tov “lovday kai Tovs aded- aX > ARS , ee \ ovs avTou Iovdas d€ eyevynoe Tov C \ \ \ A > > , p Papes Kal toy Zapa ek THs Oapap Dapes dé eyévynoe TOV Eopapm’ "Eopap Oe > / \ > / - 4 > \ Se € eyevynoe Tov Apap Apap 0¢€ eyevynoe TOV "AuwaddB *ApwadaB dé Saf, “ i 3 \ éyevvnoe Tov Naacowv' Naacooy oe eyevynoe TOV Zalpov' ° Sarhpov de > 4 > ~ rs \ eyevnoe TOV Bodog ex THs PaydB’ Boog A / \ ’ ; A c , dé éyévynoe Tov ‘OBIS ek THs “Povd: > QO ‘ 4 / > OBS dé eyévyvnoe Tov “leooai: ° "leo- \ , iG s gat d€ eyévynoe Tov Aavid Tov Bactrea. x» 4 Aavid dé 6 Baoitels eyévynoe Tov > Sodopava" ex THs Tov Ovpiov' 4 Zodo- pov de eyevynoe TOV "PoBodp “PoBoau \ > , \ > 2 f. es A \ > 4 dé éyévynoe Tov “ABia* “ABia de eyev- \ > ar 8 > \ A > / A vnoe TOY Aca Aca Oe eyevynoe Tov > ‘ , loaadar’ TIooapar de eyevynoe TOV > fe > \ AD , \ > Pda ‘< Iwpau’ “Iwpap de eyevynoe Tov OCiay > 4 > 9 ’Olias dé éyévynoe Tov Taabap “lwd- , v 74 A Gap dé eyévynce tov "Ayal: "Axag oe > / \ Iz / é 10 > / &é eyevynoe Tov “E¢exiav E¢exias oe 4 ~ ~ A eyevynoe TOV Mavacon’ Mavacons de Ri gt, \ > Pe gid x Nie? / eyevynoe TOV Apav’ Apov d€ eyevunoe 4 Rec S AaBib, et sic pdosius. Pedy B “= CHAPTER I. NHE BOOK of the ge- neration of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham. 2 Abraham begat Isaac, and Isaac begat Jacob, and Jacob begat Judas and his brethren. 3 And Judas begat Phares and Zara of Thamar, and Phares begat Esrom, and: Esrom begat Aram. 4 And Aram begat Amina- dab, and Aminadab _ begat Naasson, and Naasson begat. Salmon. 5 And Salmon begat Booz of Rachab, and Booz begat Obed. of Ruth, and Obed begat Jesse. §& And Jesse begat David the king, and David the _ king begat Solomon of her that had been the wife of Urias. 7 And Solomon begat Ko- boam, and Roboam_ begat Abia, and Abia begat Asa. 8 And Asa begat Josaphat, and Josaphat begat Joram, and Joram begat Ozias. 9 And Ozias begat Joatham, and Joatham begat Achaz, and Achaz begat Ezekias. 10 And Ezekias begat Manas- ses, and Manasses_ begat Amon, and Amon _ begat Lb Rec, LodAopwrtaeMarr. I. 11, Josias. 11 And «Josias begat Jechonias and _ his brethren, about the time they were carried away to Babylon. 1 And after they were brought to Babylon, Jecho- nias begat Salathiel, and Sa- lathiel begat Zorobabel. 13 And Zorobabel begat Abiud, and Abiud begat Eliakim, and Eli- akim begat Azor. 14 And Azor begat Sadoc, and Sadoc be- gat Achim, and Achim begat Eliud. }5 And Eliud begat Ele- azar, and Eleazar begat Mat- than, and Matthan begat Jacob. '!6 And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ. 17 So all the generations from generations: and from Day - until the carrying away in arAn * away into Babylon unto Christ, are fourteen generations. 18 ‘Now the birth of Jesus “ae Christ was on this wise: Whe ~~ . as his mother Mary was es- } Linn uw poused to Joseph (before they ae | wee Aotcop, came together) she was found : : a, ef ten with child of the Holy Ghost. ce 19 Then Joseph her husband Her being a just man, and not will- i ing to make her a publick ex- - 4 kasample, wd a away privily. was minded to put her *0 But while he ~.@ thought on these things, behold, . the angel of the Lord appeared ce unto him in a dream, saying, BA Joseph thou son of David, fear Larsnot to take unto thee Mary thy “ube wife; for that which is con- ;& w@. ceived in her, is of the Holy > vm AM-Ghost. 2! And she shall bring veede.- forth a son, and thou shalt call -, hismame JESUS: for he shall go hopisave his people from their sins. = Fig! 2 (Now all this was done, that pee sed owt BAD { / r it might be fulfilled which was a ) " f.. spoken of the Lord by the of 24. oy ue x 6. 4 A et baw.—G a . Some read, Josi tS IY. Pe rate Abraham to David,are fourteen dy \. \ , : Ss ia €@s Aavid, yeveat dexatéaoapes Kat I — z to avo Aa as Babylon, are fourteen genera- ie B \ Z : NOT eN ° : s 5 ) y € at amc prrskes. ions: and from thé carrying “®¥9S)/ Ye aot Oexaréooap So.a6 sd TyS PETOLKEO tas BaBvA@vos €WS TOU _ ~ \ , Xptotov, YVEVEQL dexaréaoapes. o > yNnols” OvVTwS HY A Pose Tp0s avtovd Ma las TO “Iwo? Tow a c a I 7 » , > €xouca exsIIvevuaros dyiov. Iaond > ye 3 ; O€ 6 avipp adris, Sixavos dy Kat pn Oé- An Gy € auTop evOuunbevros, idov, ayyedos Kupiou kar ‘Toond vids “Aavid! Bn poBnOys AaBety Mapiay thy yuvaika yep EV avTh yevunbev ék vevpards EOTW cyiov. * yap oaoet Tov Aady abrtos Fog AWE ce \ CoN ag ail yovev, wa TANP@OH TS pnOev bd © Tod b. yereocs. as begat Jakim, and Jakim begat Jechonias. 2 EYATTEAION Tov “Iaciay’ | lwoias dé eyevunoe TOV ~ > A "leyoviay Kal rods adedods avrod, él TS peTotKecias BavdAdvos. C 1 O€ TT iav BaBurG Mera 0€ tiv petoixeciay 3apvia- >- , 3d 7 A / ; vos, lexovias eyevynoe Tov Sarabinr Zahabinr O€ eyevynoe Tov ZopoaBenr* s 2? , "8 ZopoBdBer Se eyevynoe Tov ’ABi0vS" “ABLOvS Oe eyévynoe Tov *EAvakeip" > , "Entaxeip. O€ eyevynoe Tov Aap: ie "Aloo dé eyevynoe Tov Sadak Sadox Oe eyevynoe TOV “Ayetp" "Ayelu dé eyev- ynoe TOY Edwovd" ©’ Eovd de eyevynoe TOV "Edea ap’ "Ededlap d€ eyévynoe Tov MarOdav' Maré6dy Se eyevynoe TOY , » Taka 16 ‘Taxw Se eyevinoe Tov “lw-= \ \ La / > e > , anp Tov avdpa Mapias, €& js eyevin On "Inaods 6 Aeydpevos Xpiords. 17 lla > c Ne A eS, A agat ovy at yeveal amd ’ABpadp x ° A j LO €ws TNS MeTOLKETIas BaBu-“%e | IS ov Oe “anaoo ” Xpiorov 7 ” VevT Beck pynorevdeians yap rhs *K7- | Euch| | a | guveheiy avrovs, evpeOn ev yaorpi ORV ENGE LY, @Vv avTny © 8 yy ° mapadec ypatioar’, , > a , ; tov kar ovap earn avT@, héeyau 7Tapa- K\ Ta —. Sa le oov’ l LE de ey A TeSeTal O€ vidy, Kal Ka- ¢ \ > > Any ~ a Sry he €oels TO Ovoma avTOU ‘Incody' ‘airds= A ~ . 0 THY x n~ fr 4 22 (Totro dé éXop ye- APTLOY aUTOp. ©N decyparccar, c=; Vi Si “y= seul ee ; ok oe of tie.KATA Kupiou = “JOan, MATOAION, 3 dua Tov mpodyrov, éyovTos" 1 wapGevos ev yaotpl, e&eu kal TeSeTau vidv, Kal * kadécovau’/rd dvoma avrTov “Eppavoumh, Oo €07U peCeppn- VEVOPLEVOY, Mc& 7p@v 0 Ocos. die * Oveyep- Geis dé 6 loon ard tod Umvou eroincey @s mpooetagey avT@ 6 ay yehos Koupiov' Kal mapédaBe THY yovaiKa avrov, 2 OUK eyivookey QUTHV Ews OU ETEKE TOV vidyv aUTNS TOY TPwTOTOKOY" Kal EKahece TO Gvopa avTov “Incody. 2.Tov de Incov yevynbevtos ev Bnd- Aecp THs “lovdaiagy ev npepars “Hpadov TOU Bac NEWS, Lov, payoParo avat oA@v TAPE Kal yEvovTo eis ‘lepooddupa, F > c 1 \ / tes’ Ilov eori 6 TexGeis Bactdevs , / a way \ > ~ \ > / lovdaiov; €LOOMEV yap aQvuToOv TOV aoTEpa is * heyov- TOV TH avaroy, Kal 7\Oopev TpooKuryATat avT@.° Axovoas O€ ‘Hpadns 6 Bacidevs erapaxén, Kai GUTOU' c , > lepocoAvpa pet TOUS aj IX LEPELS kal YPappar Els TOU ) aovs €UV- Taca Kal cuvayayeov mavrTas Bion map aUTGV, TOU O Xpi oTOs yey vara. ® ot de elroy auT@" "Ep BnOdcep 77s ‘Tovdaia s* OUT@ yap yéypanrat Ou TOU T™poP TOU, ° Kal cdf ByOreen, 4 ‘Iovda, eanaiias ehaxiom €6 €v Tots yepoow ‘Tovéa" €x oov yap efehevo ETAL youpe vos, GoTLS TOLmavel TOV Aady pov TOV ‘Topann. ? Tore ‘Hpadns, Ad@pa kadévas Tovs payous, nKpiBace map auT@y TOV Xpovoy TOU awvopevov dOTEPOS, 8 kal meprpas avtous eis Br Oheep €LTE* IlopevOevres dxpiBas eferacare TeEpl TOU mavdiov" evav O€ EvpnTe, draryyei hare pol, omT@s Kaye ehOav mpooKuynTe@ avt@. 9? Oi de dxovgavTes TOU Baowews eropevOnoay Kal iOov, 6 6 do? Ps OV elOov ev 77 avaroh7, mporyev avuTovs, ews €AGav » €o7N ‘eT av@ Marr, H<-10. prophet, saying, virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and a they shall call his name Km- manuel, which being inter- preted,is,God with us.) 24 Then Joseph, being raised from sleep, did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife: > and knew her not, till she had brought forth her firstborn son, and he called his name JESUS. . Now when Jesus was born in gece of Judea, in the days of Herod the king, be hold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, ? saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him. Herod the king had heard these things, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him. * Anc when he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people together, he demanded of them where Christ should be born. ° And they said unt him, for thus it is written by the prophet; § And thou Bethlehem in the land of Juda, art not the least among the princes of Juda: for out of thee shall come a Governor, that shal] & rule my people Israel. 7 Then Herod, when he had privily called the wise men, enquired of them diligently what time the star appeared: 8 and he sent them to Bethle- hem, and said, Go, and search diligently for the young child, and when ye have found him, bring me word again, that I may come and worship him also. 9% When they had heard the king, they departed, and lo, the star which they saw in the east, wert before them, till it came and stood over where ov nv To tratdiov. ' iddvres Se TOY GT Epa, the young child was, '? When a Bz. «adecets. 0 eoradn. ? Or, his name shall be called. B Or, feed. 23 Behold, a = -pbedt Bethea Fd ude ao) Nea d)-Jhere Wwe. another Port. XiX f Sseex wou 3 When Jae. .Vvs 13 A.2: pw. ae V.2.oer Bcc Vu yo « rrmuade KE, 15: Mart. II. 11. they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. 11 And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mo- ther, and fell down, and wor- shipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they ¢ presented unto him gifts, gold, & frankincense, & myrrh. 12 And being warned of God in a dream, that they should not return to Herod, they departed into their own country another way. 13 And when they were de- parted, behold, the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise and take the young child, and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word: for Herod will seek the young child, to destroy him. 14 When he arose, he took the young child and his mother by night, and departed into Egypt: '> and was there until the death of Herod, that it might be ful- filled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, Out of Egypt have I called my son. 16 Then Herod, when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men, was exceeding wroth, and sent forth, and slew all the children that were in Bethle- nem, & in all the coasts thereof, from two-years old and under, according to the time, which he had diligently enquired of the wise men. !7 Then was fulfilled y which was spoken by Jeremy the prophet, saying, 18 In Rama was there a voice heard, lamen- tation, and weeping, and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted,because they are not. '9 But when Herod was dead, behold, an angel of the Lord appeareth in a dream to Joseph in Egypt, 2° saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and go into the land of Israel: for they are dead which a Rec. evgor be>: EYATTEAION gal 4. exdpnoav yapay peyddny opddpa’ © Kat éAOdvtes eis THY oiKiay, * eidoy” TO maL~ Slov era Mapias ths pntpos avrov, kat TEC OVTES TpooeKkuynoay avT@, Kal avot- Eaytes Tovs Onoavpovs avTav mpoon- yeyKay aire dapa, xXpuaov kal AiBavoy Kal opupvayv. ” kat xpnuariobevtes Kar évap pr avaxaprar mpds “Hpadny, ou dAAns 6000 avexopnoay els THY Xopav auTa@v. 3 -Avayopnodvrav Oé aitayv, idod, adyyedos Kupiou daiverar kar dvap TO loonp, eyov’ “EyepOels mapddaBe To maoiov Kal THY pHTEpa aVTOV, Kal Pevye eis Alyuttoy, Kal to Ot exei €ws dy EuT@ col’ pede yap ‘Hpwdns (nrety ro mat- diov, TOU amroke€cat avTd. ** “O Oe eyep- Geis mapéAaBe TO mraOlov Kal THY pnTEpa QUTOU VUKTOS, Kal aveywpnoev eis Atyu- mrov, ° Kal ny éeket ews THs TeAEUTHS ‘“Hpodov' iva mAnpaby 1d pynOev vd » rob” Kupiov dua Tov mpodnrov, Aéyou- tos’ “EE Aiytrrov éxddeca Tov vidv Ov. © Tére “Hpwdns, ieav ore everralyOn vTd TOY padyeay, €Ovu@bn diay, Kal a7ro- oreidas avethe Tavras Tovs raidas Tovs ev BynOdeeu kal ev raat Trois Spiots adThs, amo Ouerovs Kal KaTwTépw, KaTd TOP Xpdvov oy nKpiBwce mapa Tov jdyeov. “ Tére emdnpwbn 7d pnGev ° brrd" “Tepe- plov Tod mpopynrov, éyovtos’ 8 Boyt ev Paya nkovoOn, *Opivos kat” kavOuds Kal ddupp.os Todds, Pax) KAalovea Ta TeKva avTis’ Kal ovk HOehe mapakdn- Onvat, Ort OvK eict. % Tedeurnoavros 8€ rod “Hpodov, idov, ayyedos Kupiou Kar ovap aivera TO ‘loond ev Alyurra, 0 héyor" ‘Eyep- Geis mapadaBe rd waSlov Kal THY UNTEepa avTov, kal tropevou eis yhv lopand: reb- CW da. (il ce a Or, cffered.rk KATA MAT@CAION. 3 vnkagt yap of (nTovvTes THY WuyTY Tod matdlov. *‘O de eyepOels mapédXaBe Td matSiov Kal THY pnTEpa adTov, Kat nOev eis yv “Iopand. ™ dxovoas O€ drt’ Ap- } Xéaos Bacrhever 2 emt” rhs “Iovdaias avtt ‘Hpwdov tov marpds avtov, epo- BnOn exe amreN Bet" Xpnpario Gels dé Kar’ ovap, dvexopnoev els TA BEN Ts Tahu- Aaias, *% Kat eGov KaT@Knoey els OAL Aeyopevyy Nagapér omas TAnpwOn Td pnbev dia TOY TpoPpyTar, 67r NaCwpatos Be ae rti. 3. ‘Ev de” rats npEpacs mapayiverat ‘lodyyns 0 Barriers, Kn- puto €v TH Epnu@ wn "Tovdatas, * Kal Aéyov' Meravoeire’ ifyyixe yap 9 Ba- givela TOV olpavav. * ObTos yap €oTLY 6 pnbeis ° bd" “Hoatov rod mpocyrou, Aeyovros® Pov) Bodyvros ev TH Epnua ‘Eroudoare Thy Oddy Kupiou: ev0eias movetre Tas TpiBous auTov. * Auros de ‘Todvens elye TO evdupa aUuTOv azo rpuxav Kapndov, Kal Couny Sepparivny mepl THY ooduy avrou" 1 O€ Tpopy avTov Wy akpides Kal peu a (eyptov. 5 Tére e€erropevero mpos avrov ‘Tepo- oohupa kat Taga 1) lovdaia Kal maoa 1 mepix@pos TOU “Topddvou" ® kal €Ba- 6 mriCovTo ev TO ‘Topddvy t Ul QUTOU, ef 0[10- oyovpevoe Tas dpaprtias avta@v. ' dav de mohhovs Tov Papioaioy Kal 2addou- Kaloy €p >XopEvous em TO Parriopa au- TOU, elirev avrous" Tevynpara exLOvar, Tis vmedergev t vpiy cuyely amo TIS ped- ovens opyis; ° woujoare ovy * Kap7roy aé.ov" 7s _peravoias" 9 kal pe Od&nTe éyew ev eavTols, Tarépa EX OPEV TOV ‘ABpadp’ AEyo yap UPD, OTL duvarat 6 0 Ocds ek TOY hiGeoy TOUT@Y eyeipau TeKva TO ‘ABpadp. ° 80 dé ° Kau” y agin mpos THY pitav TOV Sevdpav ue gay s EKELVaALS a -* d Rec. xaprovs a€cous. e— Marr: TIE 10. sought the young child’s life. *! And he arose, and took the young child and his mother, and came into the land of Is- rael. 22 But when he heard that Archelaus did reign in Judea in the room of his father Herod, he was afraid to go thither: not- withstanding, being wamed of God ina dream, he turned aside into the parts of Galilee: 23 and he came and dwelt in a city called Nazareth, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets, He shall be called a Nazarene. 3. In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judea, ? and say- ing, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. 3 For this is he that was spoken of by the prophet Esaias, saying, The voice of one crying in the wil- derness, Prepare ye the way of y Lord, make his paths straight. 4 And the same John had his raiment of camel’s hair, and a leathern girdle about his loins, and his meat was locusts and wild honey. 5 Then went out to him Je- rusalem, and all Judea, and all the region round about Jordan, 6 and were baptized of him in Jordan, confessing their sins. 7 But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from ¥ wrath tocome? §& bring forth therefore fruits * meet for repentance. ® And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to ow father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up chil- dren unto Abraham. !9 And now also the ax is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore a Or, answerable to amendment of life.Mart. III. 11. every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit, is hewn down, 2 and cast into the fire. }! I in- deed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me, is mightier than 1, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear, he shall baptize you with the Ul oly G host, and with fire. 12 Whose fan is in his hand, and he will throughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner: but will burn up the chaff with un- quenchable fire. 13 Then cometh Jesus from Galileeto Jordan, unto John, to be baptized of him: 14 but John forbad him, saying, J have need to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me ? Jesus answering, said unto him, Suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all right- | eousness. Then he suffered him. '6 And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straight- way out of the water: and lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting uponhim. 17 And ay a voice from heaven, saying, a his is my beloved ‘Son, in whom J] am well pleased. 4. Then was Jesus led up of the spirit mto the wilderness, to be tempted of the devil. ? And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was after- ward an hungred. 3 And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the son of God, command that these stones be made bread. 1 But he answered, and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that pro- ceedeth out of the mouth of God. 5 Then the devil taketh him up into the holy city, and set- teth him on a pinnacle of the temple, 6 and saith unto him, 15 and , 6 EYATTEAION ouy devOpoy en Towouy KapTroy coy EKKOTTETAL, Kal eis mop Barrera. ™ eyo pey Banri¢ @ Upas ev vOaTL els peravouay" 6 0€ OTiT@ pov EPXOHEVOS: loxuporepas pou €oTly, OU OUK ell ikavos Ta vr06N)- para Bacracar avros vpas Banricer €v Tvevpare ayig: KALI mpl ~ oui ro mrvoY ev TH xeept airod, Kal Svaxabapret Ty d\@va avTov, Kal ovya&er TOY otTOV , avrov" eis THY amoOnkny, TO O€ GXupov KATAKAUCEL mupe aoBéaT@ lS Tore mapayivera 0 inoeds amo 77s TadtAalas emt tov “lopdavny mpos Tov lodwny, tod BarricOnva tr avrov. 4 ¢ / > \ , 6 6€ Iwavyns Stex@Avev avrov, Kéyou Eyo ypelav éyw v0 cov Barrio Onvat TC Lis JUTYQALs, Tee Xx ag di 53 Kal ov EPX?. mpos Bes AmrokptGets Oe / > 6 Inoods elire mpos avroy’ Ages aptt ee OUT@ yap mpeTrov eoTly ply mAnp@oat na / > , macay Ouaoovyny. Tére apinow avrop. i >? ~ > Lin > \ 6 kal Bartiabels 6 Inccds aveBn evOvs Ses \ mss, . VSN eh > ' ard Tov VdaTos* Kal idov, avedyOnoay > \ > A a avUT@ ol ovpavol, Kat etOe TO IIvedpa Tov fy ox c \ \ Gecov KataBatvoy @OEl TEPLOTEpAY, Kal > , Soha > , 17 \ id \ \ epxXopevoy em avtdov. ’ Kat ov, Peavy > pe > oe , . 2 > c ek TOY OVpavayv heyovoa’ Ottds eoTEY 6 cs > > © >a vlog ov O ayamnTos, Ev @ EvOdKNGA. rie co A en > \ 4. Tote 6 “Incots avnx6n eis Hv + c 4 ~ / ~ epnpov vireo Tov IIlvevparos, TetpacOnvat ¢ \ ~ 9 \ , , umd Tov StaBdXov. * Kai ynoTevoas nee pas TecoapdKovra Kal vuKras Teo oapd- KOVTA, vorepov eTelvace. Kal ™poo- eA baov avT@ 6 meupaCov eimrev’ Ei vids el TOU Ocoi, elmre, wa ot AiOor ovTot aprot yvovra, os 0 O€ ar oxptels err’ Téyparrat’ Ovx em apT@ pave Cyoerat “ew & dvOperos, AN *éri" wavtl pypart exrropevomevey Oud oTdparos Ocov. 5 Tore mapahapBaver avrov 0 dvaBo- Nos eis Ty ayiay TOW, kal © toTnow : aUTOY emt TO TTEpYyLov TOD Lepov, yale AUs g Kal b> ¢c ~ add a. dw ey &€ W esrycer.KATA MATOAION. i Mart. IV. 19. n +> € Ss ~ ~ , Aéyer avT@’ Et vids et TOV Qeov, Bare If thou be the Son of God, cast \ Pisiy Z Bid thyself down: for it is written WTOVY KAT@ eypanTat ya Ort => VD oie . ? ee nS : ‘ zi ay he ex ae X He shall give his angels charge TOLS ayyédots QUTOU EVTENELTAL TeplOov, concerning thee, and in their ox > A / , c i a er a ear yelpav apovat oe, pyToTe Tpoo- hands they shall bear thee up, ’ \ 10 \ sy 7 Rc lest at any time thou dash thy Kovns 7 pos ALGov Tov TO0a Gov. bn foot against a stone. 7 Jesus a ~ / / > . . . . avT@ 0 “Inaovs" TlaAw yeypanrat Ovk said unto him, It is written ue \ ; again, Thou shalt not tempt the exmretpagers Kuptov Tov Ocoy gov. irara'the God Pee , Q! coe ¢ , Vegas : f s Tlavuw ma aka Baye. avTov oO dta- 8 Again the devil taketh him i . ~ € , \ / « Axe dine hic Boros eis pos iWrov Alay, Ka? O€lk- up into an exceeding high moun- coo - eee ’ __~ tain, and sheweth him all the vuoly avT@® Tagas Tas BactdeLas TOU kingdoms of the world, and the kéopou kat THY Od§ay avTay, 9 kal Aé- glory of them: ® and saith unto him, All these things will I ive thee, if thou wilt fall down \ m/ Z & : x ° TETWV TPOOKVYNONS MOL. Tore eyet and worship me. !° Then saith Me ick? ~ “inp a>! ” Jesus unto him, Get thee hence ) is’ “Yorraye “ omlo@ pov attic Eee = he Ingovs eo y ae B 2 Satan: for it is written, Thou 2atava yeypantat yap Kvuptoy TOY shalt worship the Lord thy > a , . . Z ‘ @edv cov TPOOKVYITELS, Kal aUuT@ pLov@ God, and him only shalt thou , Tw >t a \ . serve. !! Then the devil leaveth Aatpevoets. Tore agpinatvy avuTOV O jim, and behold, angels came \ > o> . : . SidBoros* Kal idovd, dyyedou mpoonGoy and ministered unto him. a “ic , , d\ yeu avT@’ Tavta mavtTa oot daca, €av , 10 \ , > o~ Kal Siunkovouy auTo. 9 ~ a > « Fa 2° Axovoas b€ ” 6 "Incovs” OTL lw- 12 Now when Jesus had heard f f 5 f \. that John was ¢ cast into prison € THY : mits ; gers mrapedobn, Pe ‘ SS ] he departed into Galilee. !3 And Tadvdaiav? 8 xai Karadurey tiv Naa- jeaving Nazareth, he came and ‘ , ’ > r Nib Mi : . Aree eee ee At PET, eAOav Kataknoer els © Karrepvaoup. dwelt in Capernaum, which \ Sa; Sa cat ZABauNG is upon the sea coast, in the THY mapabakacctar, ev optots Z| oul ®V orders of Zabulon and Neph- ‘ ak ‘ : : kai NepOareip’ 14 iva mANP@OH TO pnOey thalim: | that it might be ne + ~ cpr ov, AeyovTos" fulfilled which was spoken by i Hoatov aos Re ue 2 z ‘i Esaias the prophet, saying, * V7 ZaBovhov Kat 1) Ned@areip, 15 The land of Zabulon, and oN / : ) *Llopda the land of Nephthalim, by the tov lopdoavouv , by odor Oakacons a: ¢ \ f of > way of the sea beyond Jordan, Vadidata tov €bvar, 6 Aaos 0 KAbN- Galilee of tue Gentiles: 16 the > a 4 ‘ ~ Rye ase, : nls ‘ peevos €v OKOTEL ELOE pas peya, Kat TOLS Bee ea eee in OBE ee - > I \ a / saw grea g a€ ay kaOnpevots a Ope fee oe Gavarou, which sat in the region and pas aveTethev avTots. WW Agro TOTE shadow of death light is aprane Eg 2 5 ¢ i Ne - up. 17 From that time Jesus Kat Aeyetv ip&aro : Boos yg ae / Z ~ began to preach, and to say, Meravoeite’ nyytke Yap 1 Baot\ela TOY Repent, for the kingdom of , 5 yen is at hand. oupavev. . ’ heaven is a 2 vad ‘\ a = 18 Tlepuraray de ° “rapa TY 6adac ~ / Ss , > \ i gav tis Yadvdaias eide Ovo adehpous, 1S And ion walkie Nee Sipeava Tov Aeydpevoy Ierpov, Kat Av- sea of Galilee, saw two breth- s \ Ser \ OU BadXovras ren, Simon, called Peter, and Opeav nay. oC pov Oe > Andrew his brother, casting a 5 / ee £ : ae appiBrnoTpov els THY dadagoav’ 7)04V yet into the sea (for ther were > Se Ss E c 1 19 Kal Neve aUTOLS Aeore fishers) 1% and he saith unto \ rn yap dXuets. e ad Rec. add o Incouse 2 Ors delivered upe 8 Rec, > DS c wm Kadapvaoup.Mart. LY. 20. 8 EYAITEAION , Co ¢ a > them, Follow me: and I will 67igw pov, Kat TOlno® ees ahets Cue aeecoou Ashers ot men. “Aus Oparav. * Oi dé evOews apevtes Ta ral yé : heir nets ¥ eb \ \ A AIRE IRE going OikTva nkoAoUOnG AY avTo. ' kal mpoBas on from thence, he SaH one ekelOev, eloev GAAous Ovo adehfovs, two brethren, James the son of >, , \ ~ L \ s Zebedee, and John his brother, laxewBov avo ZeBedatov Kal loavyny in a ship with Zebedee their roy ddeAdoy avTov, ev TO TAOL@ pera father, mending their nets: ZeBeSatou ae marpos QUTOV, KaTapti- and he called them. 22 And eae eee Vane Rey they immediately left the Covras Ta OlktTva QUT@Y, Kal E€KAAET a oe See \ ship and their father, and fol- girotc. ~ of Sée cibéas aQpevTes TO wed him. S : 5 ae > Ri red motoy Kal Tov TaTépa avT@y nKoAOU Se Onoay aUTO. : 9 \ A er A € 23 And Jesus went about all 2 Kar TEpInyev oAny THY TadtXaiay 6 Galilee, teaching in their syna- ‘Incovs, OwWadoKewy ev Tals auvaywyats gogues, and preaching the gos- 5; ~ \ , vo jG pel of the kingdom, and healing @UT@V, eet MP OR GOL TO EuUYY COs all manner of sickness, and all Bacudelas, Kal Geparrevay jTagayv vooov - Poa a ee ager ol disease among the | 0} aay pradakiay ev TO Kae. Kat people. “4 And his fame went “~~ Bete aie aes. 2) ‘ throughout all Syria: and they amnhOev 7) Q@KOn avTouv els OCANY THY 5 is > an , brought unto him all sick peo- Zupiay’ Kal mpoonveyxay avT@ Tavras ple that were taken with di- ; Sas, ny ‘oie aah vers diseases and torments, and TOUS KAKWS €VYOVTAS, TOLKL US LAO Ce . . / /, those which were possessed with Bacavo.s OUVEXO[LEVOUS, Kal Saipovico- devils, and those which were - \ Z uN i 5 Kal Tapa- lunatick, and those that had M&Y¥OUS, Kat oehnvraCopevous, Ty , > , Pe S \ the palsy, and he healed them. AvTiKoUs’ Kal eGepamrevoev avtous. ™ Kal 25 rea ft; 7 ] . nS > » And there followed him gr eat nkohovOnoayv avTo@ oxAot Tool amo multitudes of people, from Ga- / , oN , \ lilee, and from Decapolis, and THS TadtAaias Kat Aexardéd\ews Kal from Jerusalem, and from Ju- ‘TepoooAtpowv kat “Iovdaias Kal TéEpav dea, and from beyond Jordan. ~ 9 / TOU lopdavov. : . lA >’ 4 2 5. Andseeing the multitudes, 5. “Id@y S€ rods dydous avéBn els he went up into a mountain: _\ » \ r Se S Cong SCA : J oonaA- and when he was set, his disci- ToC pes kat kadicavros PUTO Tpeod > ”~ ¢ \ > ae 4 a \ 2 / ples came unto him. 2 And he boy QUT®@ OL padnral aUTOU Kal avol- 7 i ~ , > \ opened his mouth, and taught fas TO oTdua attod, edidacKey adrovds, them, saying, ; : eyau 3 M , ¢ A qn , ‘ akaplol OL TTMXOL TH TVEVLATL 3 . -j +. @ Sua ¢ -~ = Pee ce Weihe,poor in spi= gay eoTw 7 Bactdrela Tov ovpavar. rit: for their’s is the kingdom 4 5 : - o Sees of heaven. 4 Blessed are they akaptot ou mevOovvres’ OTL avTol Tapa- that mourn: for they shall be x\n6y7 5 { [ is’ 6 ] 3 oovTat. QKQPLOL OL TPaEls* OTL comforted. 5 Blessed ure the a di r , ie p \ ~ P 6 , meek: for they shall inherit STO Lak npovoenoovar rue es PARES a oo ° Blessed are they prot of mewavres Kat Owpartes tiv which do hunger and thirst y oe 3: EN z after righteousness: for they dtkacoouyny OTL avTOL XopracOnoorrat, shall be filled. 7 Blessed are ‘ fakdptou ol éhenuoves’ Stu adror eXen- the merciful; for they shall Gr 8 ; \ = ] OOVTalL. L obtain merey, 8 Blessed aye (7 Pakapiot ot Kadapol rh , 5 a > \ \ A + the pure in heart : for they shall kapoia OTL avuTot Tov Geoy owovrat. / oC see God. 9 Blessed ure the ? Hakaptot ot eipnvomo.ol’ bre adrot violKATA MATOAION. 9 Mart V2): D , 10 1 f SeOu- peacemakers: for they shall } OVTaL. AKQPLOL OL OEOL- PEE > I _ 8! @eov kn Ono i P ¢/ as be called the children of God. WYpEVOL EVEKEV Oukaoourns lena GUT@Y 10 Blessed we they which are , a > n 5 : = ms 2 oie EOTLY 1 Bacireta T@Y OUPaVayV. peaka-~ persecuted for righteousness RO of ei Gui? UUs Kar sake: for their’s is the kingdom eee coy OTOY ORE aoe of heaven. !! Blessed are ye, dtoEwot, Kal €lr@ol Tay ToYyNPOY PNA when men shall Le yousane pee , ae 2 10), persecute you, and shall say a Kad he Bycuoomeob; ened cla vanes of evil against you . XaipeTe Kal ayaa Oe OTE, O ees afalsely for my sake. }? Re- 5 > > ~ a oie S os : 5 s ee aos UL@Y qoNvs €v TOLS ovpavols, OUT® joiee Sud been cece ne ES , NY F \ \ great is y @ : oer édtwgav ee mpopnras TOUS) AER forseo persecuted they the pro- ULO@V. i : phets which Wa ee eee 3S is é€ 5 a ns yns’ 13 Year Sé the earth: 18 Ypets €07TE TO aAas Ts ys €av de ie eae emieee cm > / © . c c » Sa To Gas popavOn, ev Tit dda Onoerat 3 Wats a wHicromitne hall NOSES 2, > Sc7 a > piers ratety els ovdEV ioxvet €TL, €l 27) BAnOnva é£a, salted ? it is thenceforth good \ toGat b1O TOV avepoTrav for nothing, but to be cast out, eee a , f ; and to be trodden under foot 2 \ 5 : 1 D " UpLELS €oTE TO pas TOU KOC OV of men. |4 Ye Te light of , 5 y Td C the world. A city that is set on Ovvarat Tots Kpupnvat a fete eer eH abt Be hides 16 NEI 5 »>Q\ / € » Ce G , . KELLevT]” '° ovde Katovot AuXvOY | pane ther do men light a candle, and 4 c \ \ / ee ‘is at s 3} Z Teac QUTOV UTFO TOV poovov, ard €7l put it pe ki ee eer \ ie Ne a o ~ a candlestick, = é di Auxviay Ke Aapret Lie ee ao = a light unto all that are in the oikia. | ovta AapwWato TO pos UH@Y house. 16 ee shine . ie IT Sras Lo@ot before men, that they may see eumpoo Bev ray dvOparor, ae : \.. your good works, and glorify UL@Y ra kaha apy ay Ra dogacwor TOV Your Father which is in heaven. 4 ¢ ~ \ > _ > e a JL@Y TOV EV TOLS OVPAVOLsS. eee Ce ce ™ NDoat 17 Think not that I am come ' My WO TEED a GS OTe a o ee to destroy the law or the pro- Tov vomov 7) TOVs Tpopntas” OVvK HAOGov phets. 1 am not come to de- > V0 wAnpacat. '8 duny yap stroy, but to fulfil. 18 For verily KaTahvoat, ee a. ¢ P ] y 7 I say unto you, Till heaven and , - od x f Nr : 7 : ‘ eyo Up, €@s ay mapenOn 0 ee earth pass, one jot or one ce Vn ny. iw ey wl ) 4417) Shall in no wise pass from the a Ys, ae S 7 Ee bag let i a law, till all be fulfilled. 1» Who- TrapedOy amo TOU VOHOU, eee oe TS soever therefore shall break one : 13 ¢ “0 b ) @Y of se least cominandments, Pee ma a Bi elt Ce oo ve cexel men so, he shall EVTOA@Y TOUT@Y oe ; : a ie : be called the least in the king- : E \ % € Drone ddaEy oUT@ TOUS avOparovs, ehaxto TOS dom of ae Bae Se y/ oy TH la TQ vay shall do, and teach them, the KdnOnoerat ae Paceheta ae Sr same shall be called great in f . a 7. . ~ os © dy roimon Kat OvddEn, Sees HEYaS the kingdom of heaven. 2° For I , 2 TH ia T@V OV @V. say unto you, That except your KAnOnoerat “y TH Baothelg os ae eehteaiaess shall exceed the - heyo epee Oe Ss Bae ~ righteousness of the scribes and ‘ / ) UG €LOY TWY Pharisees, ye shall in no case an by acca doe ° 1) €loeN PSone ned of heaven. Maploal@Wy, OU ry J ; ted oatiebate a Y a > i ov 21 Ye have heard, that it was Onre SEN PY Baovhevay Ter CRE } said &by them of old time, ¢ 7 > rc A Sie “> Te i 3 21 Hxovoate Ort eppeOn Tous apxatots Thou shalt not Hill’ aud eae oR é ever shall ki é Ov porevoes® ds & dv Hhovevan, EvoxXoS soever Se . dr them. at * Gr. lying. 8 Or, to thMarr. Vii 22. danger of the judgment. 2? But Isay unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother with- out a cause, shall bein danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, 5 shall be in danger of the council : but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire. 23 Therefore if thou bring thy gift to y altar, and there re- memberest y thy brother hath ought against thee: 74 leave there thy gift before altar, an nd go thy way, first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift. 25 Agree with thine adversary quickly, whiles thou art in the way with him: lest at any time the adversary deliver thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and thou be cast into prison. 26 Verily I say unto thee, Thou shalt by no means come out thence, till thou hast paid the uttermost farthing. #7 Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery. 23 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her, hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. 29 And if thy right eye « offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee. For itis pro- fitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell. 3° And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and east it from thee. For it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell. 3! Jt hath been said, Whoso- ever shall put away his wife, let him give her a writing of divorcement, 32 But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and who- soever shall marry her that is divorced, committeth adultery. 10 EYATTEAION ear 7H kpioet 2 -Eya Oe éyo Up, OTL Tas O dpylopevos * TO depo avrou eikn, EVoXOS EOTAL TH Kpioee’ os & ay clr TO ADEAPO avTov" “Paka, evoxos EOTAL TO cuvedpic’ os 0 dy eurn’ Mape ; Evoxos eoTa eis THY yeevvay TOU mupos. 3 cay ob mpoopepns TO O@poy cou emt TO Ovovacriptoy, KGKEt pun obys OTL O adeh pas cou yeu TL KaTa cou, ™ aes exel TO S&pdv Gov eumpoolev Tov Bu- cuagrnptov, kal UmTaye, mpaorov OvaAAa- yn. ro adeAPS cov, Kat Tore ehOwv mpoagpepe TO ee cov. > Trt evvooy TO avribixe cou TAX, €ws OTOUV El eV 7H 60@ per avrov" par TOTE OE mapade 6 dvridixos TO Kpirh}, Kal 6 KplTns oe Tapav@ TO UnNpeT I, kal eis pula BrnOnon. 7 duny Néyw cot, ov jn e&- ENOns éxeiOev, ews amo0@s TOY eoxXarov Kodpavrny. 7 "Hrovoare ort eppebn * Ov pol- xevoess 8 °Eya O€ Aéyo tyly, Ore was Br , e 39 0e a 3 Tldkw jKovoate dtu eppeOn Tors _ / > > , > dpxaious’ OK emopKyoes, aTod@cets Q\ Ps r / \ ¢ e 7 dé TH Kupim tous opkous cov" Ey \ / ¢ 7 \ > , dé Neyo tpi” pur) Opdoar Chas” pire ev ar > ” ee > a ~ TH ovpave, Ott Opdvos €oTl TOU Geov" Q- , > a a 7 35 unre ev TH yn, Ste Umomdduov €oTt 5 ~ >? ~ , , c Tav Today avTov’ pte cis lepoodAvpa, c , > \ “~ / , 6tt modus eoTt TOU peyddouv Baciéws" 2 , > C ~ > co 6 unre ev TH Kepady cov opdons, OT > , / \ a od Svuvacat piav Tpiya NevKny 7) pedarvav mojoa. * gata O€ 6 Adyos LpLOY, val a\ \ \ , val, ov ov* TO S€ meptagoyv TovT@Y eK TOU ToVvNpov EoTW. ‘ > , ; 22> ¢7 > 38 -Hovoate Ore eppebn? “OpOar- \ > \ > ~ \ ’ , , A pov avtt opOadpor, kat 6d0d6vTa ayTt Qs eg 39° ? aN \ , Crea \ odoyTos Eye Oe Aeyo vp py) dyrictnvat TH Tovnp@ add oaTis cE ¢ / > \ \ , pamioe: emt thy SeEvavy cov oiaydva, , > o \ \ + ‘i 40 \ > oTpéwov avT@ Kat THY Any Kal TO , ~ na / Oédovri cow KpiOjvar, Kal TOY XIT@VA f, = / > ~ \ \ c / * cov AaBeiv, apes avT@ Kal TO \yaTLoy e > 4 , \ 4l kal dotis oe ayyapevoet pido EV; 7 > > ~ s 9 r > ~ , Umaye per avTovd Ovo. 42 7@ aiTovyTl / . A \ > \ : ~ / oe OiSou' Kal TOY OéXovra ard cod Savel- \ > 6 cacbat pr) arootpadpys:- AS) py! Wise wed 5 a4 Nein 3 , Hotoate ére eppeOn* “Ayann- \ / cers TOY TANTIOY TOV, KAL pLLaTNTELS TOV ~ ‘ , Cae €xOpdv cov" 4 Rye de Aeyo vp, > = \ > \ c a ¢ > r ayarrare Tovs €xOpovs vpar, * evNoyetre : d 2 : TOvs KaTapwp.evous Lpas, KaN@s TroLeEtTE r n c ~ ft \ , > roils picovcw Upas”, Kal mpooevxer Oe ‘ a n ¢ ”“ 7 imép Tay ° emnpeaovT@y vpas, Kal” dto- ~ > © 4 c A ~ kévrov tpas’ * des yernaGe viol Tov ~ ~ > > ~ a \ maTpos vpay TOU ev OUpavoLs, OTL TOY ~ > \ \ \ HALov avrov avaredXeu Emrt TOVNPOVS Kat > A \ iE 4 , \ 8 / \ ayabovs, Kat Bpexet emt OvKatovs Kat > / \ adixous. 4 eay yap ayamnante Tous . ~~ a / \ a adyaravras vas, Tiva puoOov €EXETE; ovxl Kat of Treh@vat TO) AUTO TOLOVCL 5 sn / \ > \ “ 47 kai cay domdonalbe Tovs * adeAous cal / \ ca > \ Upav povoy, TL Teplaaoy TOLELTE; OUXt > > a b Rec. rovg pegovyTas. o— Mart. -V. 47. 33 Again, ye have heard that it hath been said by them of old time, Thou shalt not for- swear thyself, but shalt perform unto the Lord thine oaths. 34 But 1 say unto you, Swear net at all, neither by heaven, for it is God’s throne: % nor by the earth, for it is his foot- stool: neither by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great king. 36 Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make one hair white or black. 37 But let your com- munication be Yea, yea: Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these, cometh of evil. 38 Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for atooth. %9 But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also. 40 And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloak also, 4! And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain. ‘4% Give to him that asketh thee: and from him that would borrow of thee, turn not thou away. 43 Ye have heard, that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine ene- my. ‘44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you: 4° that ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just, and on the unjust. 46 For if ye love them which love you, what re- ward have ye? do not even the publicans the same? 47 and if ye salute your brethren only, what do you more than others ? dw pirovs:Marr. V. 48. 12 EYATTEAION A \ ¢ a 4 7 ay < AS 2 moi do not even the publicans so? Kal of * reAOvat OUT® TFOLOVOLY 5 Ge . . a x o ¢ * Be ye ie cone BOWeCo even ae ovv tpeis rédevoL, aomep 6 maTIp as your Father, which is in a s ee > Sip ea pas heaven is perfect. upay 6 ev Tois oupavois” reeds SOG : 2 4 \ Cc 2 6. Take heed that ye do not 6. IIpocexere THY ehenpwoovrny your alms before men, to be bay a) TOLEeLy eumpoo bev Tay avOpe- seen of them: otherwise ye R S GeaGh Seto ten douse have no reward ¢of your Father TOY, TBOSeRe Ceaonyal eee Seay which is in heaven. 2 There- pura Oov OUK €XETE TAPA T@ TATPL UL@OV fore, when thou doest thine /. 5 a > aD of > Pk : : OTav OVY TroLns alms, do not sound a trumpet ey SY Tots Cup Ov ols ; e : he before thee, as the hypocrites eAenpoovuny, Pn cadtions eum poo ev 7 ™me 1 ee , ~ > do, in the synagogues, and in § gov, WoTrEp oi troKpital mowovcw ey Streets, that they may have ss o at ee glory of men. Verily, I Say TALS Ovvay@yals Kai ey Tais pupats, . mi : ¢ x ~ c a > f e unto you, They have their re- Oras Oo€acbacw tins Tey av6porav ward. 3 But when thou doest 5 Z C7 tL \ \ C alms, let not thy left hand know, CITE, eyo dpir, CT OUOE OV po ov what thy right doeth: 4 that auTa@v. © Gov O€ TroLodYTOS €Aenuwoovrny, thine alms may be in secret: 1 / <2 y f oo eee : YOT@ 1) APlLOTENA GOV Ti ToLEL 7 and thy Father which seeth ely, 7 oP Pp <5 , } in secret, himself shall reward OcEva OOUv, OT7@S 7) TOU 7 eXenwoovyy = & 7 Cees thee openly. ev TO KPUTT@’ Kal 6 TaTHp cov 6 PA€tr@v ~ ~ > > , a = eV TO KputTta@ ‘adtos” dmodaoet cou ° ep TO davepo.” 5 PON ed , > »~ ° And when thou _prayest, ° Kat érav TPOTEVX), OVK EON woTrEp Ne 7 C716 / ~ ’ 5 thou shalt not be as the hypo- ol umoKpital, 6tt dirovow ev tats cuy- crites are: for they love to pray n eS ~ / oN standing in the synagogues, and aymyals Kal €v Tais Y@Vlals T@Y TAa- . na ¢ a , 7 x‘ in the corners of the streets, that TELMY EDTWTES Tpocevyeo Oat, OT@S ap they may beseen of men, Verily p Nouqoleavond Gis Gury c 6 I say unto you, They have their OTL TOS ROT = aE te Matias, reward. € But thou when thou OTL aTEXOVGL TOY pa Gov QUT@V. ° OU O€, Prayest, enter into thy closet, Tay Toomey 7 AGe e? \ ae Gevnn, ElgEAGE Els TO TamEetgy and when thou hast shut thy f Xas \ ; ‘ E , door, pray to thy Father which 90vU, kat kNeioas THY Ovpay Gov, 7pod- ae ae Ae j x x Bey 1s In secret, and thy Father evar TH ! TATPl COU TA €y TO KputT@"” which seeth in secret, shall‘ re- Nil ees / ce ye 1 Se ward thee openly. 7 But when K@! © marnp cov o Brérev ey ye . sie ” / 3 ~ ~ Fe the ee oe Vain repetitions, KPUTT@ aTob@oet OOl ep TO pavepa. as the heathen do. For they % = think that they shall be heard , DEG EXO HEY OL de el Barrohoynonre, for their much speaking. 8 Be ®O7EP of €OyiKol' Ookovot yap ott ev not ye therefore like unto them: ™ tWodvAoyla abtoy ¢) , I : TOAVAOYLA AUTOY €igaKovc 6} OovTat. for your Father knoweth what f YG a ae I 8 \ > ¢ oS > Aine 7O \ ¢ things ye have need of, before Pal. oy omowwOijre adrois’ cide YER eo s a ® , »” A ye ask him. TaTHP UL@Y oY xXpElay EXETE, TPO TOV Gees aN , UMas alTnOat avTov. 9 CA > , c - , 9 After this manner therefore Ourws oby TporevyxerGe ipeis’ Md- : a - > an , pray ye: Our Father which art TEP NU@V O EV TOs ovpavots, ayiacOnrw in heaven, hallowed be thy -3 dvoud 10 262 ¢ er uame. 10 Thy kingdom come yea Tou, él JET @ 1) Baowrela cou, Thy will be done, in earth, as YevnOntw 76 OeAnwd @ov a y ore nae itis inheaven. 11 Give us this Kal emt ™ms yns 1 NI Cty aes 2 » OS EV OvpaVa \ » ¢ a TOV apTov Hudv Toy BOS'—-Gb.cOyixot, b LS ooupavios, ¢ Bz. & Gb. ; Stxatocuyny, d-»+e zie fn TaArTpt cov ey tw xpurr ee : f t 7 PUT ith, ? Or, cause not a frumpet to be soun Te. ded,KATA MATCAION. 13 emLovelov dds nuty oT HEpov" > kal aes new Ta dpedjpara 7 HOY, as Kal nets apicpev Tots operderas 7 npev? 3 Kai par) eloeveykys mpas eis metpag por, ara poa EGS aro TOU movnpov. Bo 2 Bay, yap apire TOUS dvOperos Ta Tapanra- para QUT@Y, anoet Kal Upiy 6 marTp Upaev 6 ovpavos’ © ea Se pa) adiire Tois avOparos » ta mapantopata ad- T@Y,” ovde 6 Pant vpav adyoe Ta oP in TapanTepara Vay. "Oray dé ynorevyre, pu) yiverbe Oo- mEp ot vroxpiral, oKvOparot apavi- Covet yap Ta mpdcera auTav, ores “pavocr Tots dvOparors vnorevovtes® auny eyo t vpty, OTL améxoucl TOV pLl- oOo aurav. V ov O€ ynorev ov, adewpat gov mY Kepadyy, Kal TO TpPoT@Toy Gov via’ 8 Gres pr) pavijs Tots avOparrous Borevey, ahha TO marpt gov T@ ep To ¢ pee? TT" kal 6 TaTHp Gov 6 Bere ev TO “ KpuTT@* ‘ aTrod@aet cou”, io Mi) Onoavpicere by Onoavpods em. THS Vis; Omrou ans Kal Boots apa- viet, Kal Orrou KAémTaL Svopvocover Kal KAertoucr Onoavpicere de vpiy Oncavpovs ev ovpav@, bv 6 TOU eTepov Katappovycet. ov Svvacbe a , Ma OF \ Ged Sovdevery kai * papeova.” ” dua na , cA \ a ce S TOUTO Neyo Viv, wn mepywvate TH Woy7 aA , / oo \ upey, ti pdynre, > Kat ti minre’” punde a a / > / > \ € TQ THOMATL Yuay, TL evdvanTOe. ovXL 7 val a ~ \ \ Wuyn wreidy €ote THs Tpopys, Kal TO A A zB 2 se , > TGua Tov evdvparos; * éuBrAbate eis ~ ~ 7 > / Ta TeTELVa TOD OUpavOd, OTL Ov OTrELpov- > ‘ / > \ / SS aw, ovde OepiCovowy, ovdé cvvdyourw \ ¢ n >: / els amroOnkas, Kal 6 maTHp tpav 6 oupa- > ee tas Nl ae vios TpEpet avtTa’ ody vpets adAov Ora- rc 9 A I ¢ ~ Pepete attov; * ris Oe €& tudv pept- a 5 \ ¢ / pay Suvarat tpoobeivas emt Thy WuKiay an an o 9) > , avrod mxvy eva; * Kal wept evOvparos ~ / a TL pepyvare ; Kataudbere Ta Kplwa-Toe ~ A 2 : A INS , aypov, Tas av&aver ob Koma, obSE yndeu' 29 , \ ¢ rc ed »>a\ : \ > ~ eyo O€ ipiv, drt ovd€ Vodouav ev , a S c ~ fi ¢ ad maon TH O6En avTov TepieBddeTo as ev ce “~ > ~ routay. * ei be roy XOpToy Tov dypod, , », L Onuepov Ovra, Kal avjproy eis KriBavoy / c \ oS > 4 Baddédpevov, 6 Geds oUTws aupievyucw, > nw n~ ¢ cas > 4 OU TOMAG paddov vpas, oAtydreTot ; ‘ \ > / , ro? *! un) oby pepiuynonre, eyovtes* Ti aX , | payoper, 7) Tl Tiaper, 7 Ti TmepiBaro- | = . 5 peOa; ravra yap radra Ta €Oun exitny- | Tel’ olde yap 6 matnp buay 6 oupavios | , , Qc eS Ore xpneTe TOUT@Y amdvTay % (nreite } a \ a a | dé mpOrov thy Bacirelay Tod Ccod xa} \ , oe x THY OtKatogvyny adrod, Kal Tadta wdyTa /, 4 2 > mpooteOnoerat tiv’ 4 wu) ody pEpysyy- > \ », OnTe Els THY avpLov’ y yap avpioy pe- , n ~ a 4 pyynoer “ra éautns.” dpketov TH TLE pa ¢ ~ 1 Kakia avtns. A , or \ a 7. My) kpivere, tva ut) KpiOnre? > ey ic \ , , , = \ ? yap Kpiware Kpivere, Kpnoer de kal cy @ peTP@ peTpeite, 4 wetpnOnoerar’ ener. 17 A , upiy. 2 Ti d€ Brees 7d Kappos ro éy TO OPOaya Tod adeApod co wy Oe Sea se) on ee oO a a VT O@ OPFaAU® Soxdy ov KaTavoets; 4a a DS nS = 7] TOS €pels TH GEAPS cov, "Ades C SS eaurns. d Rec, Qvripetpnenocsrar,KATA MATCAION. 15 Mann VEL. 17. 1 idov. 7 So € 5 6bOarAp@ of thine eye, and behold, a : C €Y TQ O AAfLL@ O 2 yes | a pee Kal t00v, 1 doKes E Pp Mm beam is in thine own eyer gov; ° vmoKpiTa, exBahe TP@Tov TN” s Thou hypocrite, first cast out h OKOV €K TOU dpOarpov @OV, Kal TOTE the beam out of thine one oe : , 2 a ear 2 Tov and then shalt thou see ce early Biophées exSadey ne Kappos eer to cast out the mote out of thy bpOahpov Tod adeAPov cov. patie’ eye: her Gn S- \ dvioy TOs KUL pnde 6 Give not that which is holy oa dare pba te r eae Be unto the dogs, neither cast ye Badnre Tous papyapiTas UPR@Y SPTERO your pearls before ae ee oD ( F TAT = they tre le them under their HMWOTE KATATTATHO®@- they trample ; pet oy ne De® feet, and turn again and rend you. ey \ co ales \ OL avTous ev TOLS TOOW AVT@Y, Kal ; cre ee VTE NoEWOlW VUAaS. paper te iG dS06r : Suty: (NTElTE 7 Ask, and it shall be given Atretre, kau ~ Ne $7 : ou: seek, and ye shall find: kal evpnoeTe” RPOUETGs KGE GEOL YR GETS E knock, and it shall be ee le Ay [ 8S For everyv 4e tha DULL 8 as ya 5 al Vv a Bdver, Kal unto you. 8 For every one pee: nes pore : ee. ue = . asketh, receiveth: and he that 6 (7T@V EUPLTKEL, Kal T@ KPOVOVTL AvOL caeleth ot ameviic mandingo hiro : D ot ; ne : ynoerat ; i TLs EOTL ef UL@V av@pwros, y knocketh, it a be opened. D 43 he an is there of you, ae oA oe s wios AUT ALOTOV 1) ® Or what man is you oy €ay alTno? Oo UsAs oe Bc: ey a whom if his son ask bread, will NiGov emOacet AVT@;} kat eay txO0Y jo give him a stone? | or if itn es 2 “LSdoEL avTO@ 3 1) ¢? he ask a fish, will he give him alTno}), 7) ody ae = ue a serpent? ll Ifye then being ov UpEls, TOVNPOL OVTES, oware OOPaTA Avil, know how to give ae = Z Fp os 7 ie ic, ronr chi re LOW ayaba Ouddval TOLS TEKVOLS UUA@Y, TOO® gifts unto your children, 7 : re shall your Father 7 € Ni Sa ke ovpa- much more shall your ner ud >; eee Fe a xX 2 Tidvra oov oga ay € € Wa Trol~ '2 Therefore all things what- r Coe coy: 7 Va m S 7A , id @ow vey ot avOparot, ovTw Kal Upets Sever ye would } men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and a things to them that ask him ? Ody a > n : = , > TOLELTE AUTOLS” * OUTOS” yap €oTw 6 yd- | Los Kat of mpopnrat. the prophets. 13 BicedGere Oc ™S OTEVIS muAns’ 13 Enter ye in at the strait ees a a -\ N30 7 « gate, for wide is the gate, and pa! mhareta eae) eat eupUyepas l broad is the way that leadeth 600s ) avrayovga els Ty am@)evay, Kal to destruction, and many there he > > Dace whic vee ayaa tic 14 a ToAXOl eiow of eloepxopevoe Ov’ avtng: be which go in thereat: 4abe 14 b tn sce , ‘ \ 6 , « Cause Strait is the gate, and TL OTEV) 1) TVAn, Kal TE Atyupevn ?) narrow is the way which lead- cAN €435 , > \ \ Vay 2 . a 0008 7 amrayovga els THY Cwny, Kal oAtyou eth unto life, and few there be en Coe? a that find it. ELOY OL EUPLOKOVTES AUTHY. 5 4 \ > ~ = IIpooexete S€ ard Tey Wevdorpo- n ao Sa \ ¢ ”~ > pytay, otrwes EPXOPTAL TPOS VUASseY 15 Beware of false prophets > 4 / », , > , . . evoupact mpoBarwy, €érwbev Sé cit AU- which come to you in sheep’s U > an A as > ing b i , oy ar kot Gprrayes. '° ard rey KapT@yv avT@y clothing, = a they are ; : nay jp p ravening wolves. !6 Ye shall emtyvacea Oe QUTOUS" [NTL ovd\X€youvcw know them by their fruits: Do eR) n \ v9 . Ee 4 amo axavOay orapvrny, i) dd TpLBdAwy Men gather grapes of thorns, or 5 Aye o ody 2s figs of thistles? '7 even so, eed ’ OUT@ TAY CEvOpoV ayaloV KapP~ every good tree bringeth forth \ n \ \ ‘ , id . " Tous Ka\ovs Trotet’ TO Oe gampov Oevdpoy good fruit: but a corrupt tree a2 ovrw, b Rec. & Ore. (? Or, howMarr. VII. 18. bringeth forth evil fruit. good tree cannot bring evil fruit, neither cana tree bring forth good fruit, 13 A Ka forth 7 corrupt Or 16 Tote. 49 \ EYATTEAION| \ A > 18 > Zz PTOVS Trovnpovs Trotet. ov Ovvardt > a vopov dyabdy Kaprovs TFOYNPOUS TrOLELH, > 7 { > forth good fruit, ovde O€vd 19 Every tree that bringeth not is hewn down, Pov gampoy Kapmrovs Kadod}s av O€vOpoy ju) trovody kap~ . « » © . 2 ‘ v and cast into ¥ fire. 20 Where. TOY KaAOy éxkémreraL Kal €is mup Bdad- fore by their know them. *1 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall en- ter into the kingdom of heaven: but he that doeth the will % Many will Prophesied in thy wonderful works ? that work iniquity, 24 Therefore, whosoever hear- eth these Sayings of mine, an nénoth. them, I will likep hi: udoflittle faith ? 3! "Therefarg unto a wise man, which built his house upon arock: 25 and the rain descended, & the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that hose: and it fell not, for it was founded up- on a rock. *6 And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: *7 And the rain descena- ed, and the floods came, & the winds blew, and beat upon that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it. *3 And it came to pass, when Jesus had ended these Sayings, the people were astonished at his doctrine. 29 For he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes. 8. When he was come down from the mountain, great mul- titudes followed him. fruits ye shall Nerqy. d , VOUS LOVTOR! > , emlyvaoerOe avrovs. 21 ayes s Ou mas 6 Néyaou pot, Kupre, ’ , eloehevoerat eis TV Ree Cantey HEV, Kal TO O@ L ToAXas ero yp: : 7 TOALEYV 5 amoXwpetre an nod of > avouiay. ©. ~ > 4 Tas obp \ £ , cod > / avtov avSpt ppovio, dares @Koddunoe A z A 4 i 25 \ THY olklav avTov éml THY TeTpay’ ~ Kal} 4 ¢ \ Woe € ‘ KateBn 7 Bpoxn Kal mdOov of TOTA}LOL | \ , | Kal €mvevoay of dvepuo, Kal TT POoeTTET OV ~ A > 7 . TH Otkia €kelvyn, Kal ovK emrece , 9. \ rn Aioro yap emi tiv mérpav. © Kal ras 6 , , ‘ \ akovey pov Tods Adyous ToUTOUS Kal Bn an , SENN ~~ TOL@Y avrovs, bpowwOncerat avopl pope, , c ~ aN doTls Bkoddunoe Thy oiktay abroo emt s \ s ¢ \ THY apov? 7 Kal KatéBn 1 Bpoyxn > \ a ¢ Kat 7\@ov of worapol Kal ervevoay oi , vod > / > / avepot, kal mpooéxoray Th OlKia €keivn, 2, - ¢ co > aA Kal €meoe’ kal fv aracts auTns peyann. 28 TEN DD, e r c Kat eéyévero Ore ouverédecev 6 > ~ , > , Inaovs rods Adyous tovrous, ee No / Daun. = = > oye govro ol dyAou emi th Sdayh adrod 29) > \ s > \ c > , nv yap OdoKey aitovs ds e€ovoiay », >) 5 Exov, kal ovy ds of ypapparets. rs a» 8. KaraBavri 8€ a’ta dmb rob opous, , SA : , s nkodovbr cay aUT@ OxAoL wOAXOL. ic. ¢ > , ‘ , OOTLS AKOVEL /LOU Tovs d= \ an > % eleva saab Oy RUE TOLEL UDTOUS, Opt TeOepe- 20 «=» 3 a a a apaye aro Tay KkapTr@y avray , 1 Kupee, Bactreiay Tov od- ~ A > > ¢ a ~ be of Pavev’ aN 6 TroLdy TS Gena Tod ma- my Father which is in heayen Die , t 22 j - TPOS [LOU TOU év Ov : Say to me in that a ~ i Die ty Cee , nol Ke: day, Lord, Lord, have we not EROUaL HOt ev Exe 7) Ep name? & in Ky thy name have cast out deyils 2 and in thy name done Maya 23 Bar ( and then OEY, will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye 4 a, Kupte, > ~ ~ > , 7k PLE, OU TO O@ dvdpare 7 poepnrevoa- > / Oo ovopate Oatrovia e£e- EN a a5 Kal 7@ O@ ovdpatt Ouvdpers ° *3 kal tére 61L0X0- 1O@ avtois: “O DOE: e" OIL ot TOUS Tl OVOETFOTE EyYVov vupas* > epyatdpevor THY |KATA MATOAION. LZ: Kat idov, Aerpos * eAOav" mpoce- KUVEL AUTO Moar. Kupte,. €av Oedas, Svvacat pe kaBapioat. Kal ékteivas TY xElpa, Hato av’Tod 6 “Inaods, NE- yav' Odo, KadapicOntr. Kai evdews exabapioOn avrov 1 empa. 4 kal Neyer aur@ 6 “Inaovs’ “Opa pndevt elms” aha uTaye, ceavtoyv SeiEov TH tepel, Kal MpooeveyKe TO O@pov 5 mpooetase »Moojs,” els paptupiov avr TOLS. 5 EiceAOdvre O€ ° avr” eis Kazrep- vaovp, 7 mpoonhGev avT@ EKATOVTApXOS eden avTov, 6 kal Reyor" Kupte, 6 mats pov BeBAnra ev TH oikia Tmapa- Autikds, Sews Bacaricopevos. * Kat heyet avT@ 6 Tqoovs" "Eya® edOov Oe- parevow avtov. §® Kal aroxpiBeis 6 Exar OvTapXos eon Kupte, OUK €ipl tka- vos wa ov umd Ty oreyny eia eA Ons” a\Aa pdvoy «ize “oye,” kal iaOnoerat 0 Tats pov. Kal yap eye dedpeonds eiut Ud €&ovciar, eXoV epaut ov oTparioras” Kal ey ye TOUT o Tlopew Onre, Kal qmopevetat® Kal GA" "EpXOU, Kal EpxeTat’ Kal TO Sovhe pov" ILoingov TOUTO, Kal 7roLel. Axovas dé 6 “In- gous eOavpace, Kal ere Tous ako\ov- Bovow" ‘Apa | eyo vp, ovde EV TO ‘Topanr TooavTHY mioTw etpov. héyo d€ tpi, ore modXot amo avato\@v Kat duo pav SOvar, kal dvakAtOnoovrat per a "ABpaau kat “Ioaak kal Taxa ev TI) Bacutela TOY ovpavar. 2 of O€ viol 77s Baovhetas x8 OH govrat €is TO OKOTOS TO e€@Tepov" eket EoTat 6 KNav Gpos Kal 6 Bpuypos Tay oddvrav. oe elev O ‘Inaovs T@ ° ExatovTapxn™” “Yraye, Kal Os emtorevoas yer On TO COL. Kai ian 6 mais avTov ev 72 apa exeivy. 14 Kal éhOay 6 “Inoovs ets THY oikiay Ilérpov «ide thy wevOepay avtov PePAn- © oT & DW awpocedfuwy. bw © Rec. tw *I7aou. ‘ leper, and worshipped him, say- ing, canst make me clean. Jesus put forth his hand, and touched him, saying, I will, thou clean. his leprosy was cleansed. #4 Jesus saith unto him, tell no man, shew thyself to the priest, and offer the gift that Moses com- manded, them. tered came unto him a centurion, be- seeching sick of the palsy, grievously tor- mented. Marr. VIII. 14. 2 And behold, there came a thou 3 And Lord, if thou wilt, be And immediately And See thou but go thy way, for a testimony unto Jesus was en- there 5 And when into Capernaum, him, © and saying, Lord, my servant lieth at home 7 And Jesus saith unto him, I will come, and heal him. 8 The centurion answered, and said, Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof: but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed. For I am a man under au- thority, having soldiers under me: and I say to this man, Go, and he goeth: and to another, Come, and he cometh: and to my servant, Do this, and he doeth it. '9 When Jesus heard it, he marvelled, and said to them that followed, Verily, Isay unto you, l have not found so great faith, no not in Israel. And | unto you, That many shall come from the east and west, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of hea- ven: I but the children of the kingdom shall be cast ont into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 13 And Jesus said unto the cen- turion, Go thy way, and as thou hast believed, so be itdone unto thee. And his servant was heal- ed in the selfsame hour. Say 14 And when Jesus was come into Peter’s house, he saw his wife’s mother laid, and sick of a a Rec. Aoj e Rec. ExXaTOVTaPY®,Marr. VIII. 15. fever: 15 and he touched her hand, and the fever left her: & she arose, and ministered unto them. 16 When the even was come, tney brought unto him many that were possessed with devils: and he cast out the spirits with his word, and healed all that were sick, !7 that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying, Him- self took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses. 18 Now when Jesus saw great multitudes about him, he gave commandment to depart unto y other side. 19 And a certain scribe came, and said unto him, Master, I will follow thee whi- thersoever thou goest. 29 And Jesus saith unto him, The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests: but the son of man hath not where to lay his head. 72! And another of his disciples said unto him, Lord, suffer me first to go, and bury my father. 2? But Jesus said un- to him, Follow me, and let the dead bury their dead, 23 And when he was entered into a ship, his disciples follow- ed him. 24 And behold, there arose a great tempest in y Sea, insomuch ¥ the ship was covered with the waves: but he was a- sleep. 25 Andhis disciples came to him, and awoke him, saying, Lord, save us: we perish. 26 And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith ? then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm. 27 But the men marvelled, saying, What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him ? 28 And when he was come to the other side, into the country of the Gergesenes, there met him a ™w.— Rec. & Gb. avuros. b Rec, ad EYAITTEAION 1 18 5 \ a pevny Kal Tupeccovaay. Kal ivaro wn \ SA \ > om TS XELPOS AVTNS, Kal apne avriy o Ao, / \ - a Tuperos’ Kal NyepOn, Kat OunKover avUT@. , \ L 16 Qrbias Sé yevopévns mpoonveykay ~ Z $s a avT@ OatpoviCopevous mohAovus" Kal Ege \ / Bare Ta mvevpara N6y@, Kal Tapas Tous an 2, 4 . 4 Kak@s €xovtas eOepamevoev 7 6rros ~ \ c \ 8 Sy ts I seks D1 O- mAnpodn To pnOev dia “Hoatov Tov rp \ > pnrov, héyovtos’ Avtos tas aaGeveias wn %, > / nav €daBe, Kal Tas vdoous eSdoTtacev. n TA 18 “ldap S€ 6 “Inaods woAdovs 6xAovs \ ¢ \ > > > , \ Tepl auTov ekéNevoev amedGe eis TO mépav. * Kat mpooedOay eis ypaypa- Tevs elmev a’T@*? AiddoKade, akoNov- / ¢/ / r SS Onow oor, Sou édy amépyn. * Kat o~ C3: ~ > rf héyet ad’T@ 6 “Incovs’ Ai adwzmekes po- Neovs €xovet, Kal Ta TrETEWA TOU oupavov , x ~ Katacknv@cets’ 6 O€ vids Tov avOparrou > + ~ \ \ / Di}: oS OUK EXEL, TOU THY Kear kKAivy. 7 "Ere- pos O€ Tay pabnray avrod eimrey QUuTa* r an 5 6 Kupue, ewirpeyyov prot mp@rov amedGeww \ / \ 4 99. e x Kat Oavrar Tov warépa pov. O oe > ~ Sy > Price 2. 4 Q Inoous etrrey avt@* “AxohovOet pot, Kat a / rt aes Tovs vekpovs Oda rods éavtoy VEKpoUvs. 9s FN > / a r Kat €uBavts aire eis 76 motor, > / na ~ nkohovOnoavy até of pabnral adrod. 2 <> \ e 4 , a kal iOov, wecopos péyas eyevero ey TH 4 y 5 \ Gardoon, ore Td mroioy Karirrrea bat cA a : vm0 T@OY KUYpaTaY avTos be éxdbevde. 25 : » 6 x ¢ \bp/ >» Kal mpooehGortes of panrat iyyeupay > \ 7 >? a na avtov, héyortes’ Kipte, c&cov Las, > ri , 6 26 iN 7 > i ety amtrohhupeOa. Kai A€yet adtois: Ti 5 Xr t MS | 3 / Z m7 > \ OelAol eote, OAuydmLCTOL ; Tére eyepbeis > , n /, a ETETUULNTE TOLS ave“oLs Kal TH Garacon, Ra es “tf? Kal eyeveTo yadnyn peyddyn. 7 of &e 2/ 4 / avOparro. eOavpacay, A€youres* Tloramréds ) e o EOTLY OUTOS, OTL Kal of avepoe Kal 9 @a- , an Aacoa Urakovovow aite: rN >» 6 , ate y \ 5 Kat eh@dvre ave eis 76 Tépav eis \ , ~ > ~ W THY Xopay Tov © Vadapnvay,’ vITnvTnoay a d avrov, ¢ ~.— Reo. & Gb. Tepyesnvwyv, Depacnrey,KATA MATOAION. 19 > ~ 4 , > n~ avta@ Ovo Saov(dpevor eK TOV pyN- pbetov eSepXopuevor, xarerrou Alay, @OTE aS pa toxvew Twa TapedOety Sua THS dod exetyns’ * Kal idov, expagav, eyovtes* fie Ci, 2 \ \ 2Q.? Au eX ~ aie Tt nu Kat col, Inoov’, VLE TOU Qeov : 7\Oes ade ™po Karpov: Buvadicu npLas ; 30 °Hy 6€ paxpay am’ abrav ayehn Xoipeav mo\AN@v Bockopern. * of dé Saipoves s a ELN s Sa Oe [Sp SSNs auTOoY, Aeyovres: Bi exBad- < an heus pas, » étrpeyyoy Tp _arredOeiy" els THY oe TOV Xolpe. 32 Kal etmrev avtots' “Yrayete. Ot de efeOdytes den SiN ae a r az amndOov «is © thy ayeAny TaV xolpev N.S \ e/ a ¢ > d a kat idov, Opynoe waa 7 ayehn “Tov xXoipav” KaTa TOU Kpnpvod eis THY Oddac- way, kat améGavoy ev trois VOaow. *® of \ 4 + \ > , > dé Bockovres ebvyor, kat amrehOdrtes Eis THY TOAW amIyyElAay TaVTa, Kal TA TOY , 2 5 a ¢ SaypoviCopevov. * kat iSovd, maca 7 s EA > , =) a, mods e&nOev eis cuvavTnow T® Inoov \ > / , o kal iddvtes a’rov, mapexahecay o7@s ~ > \ a ~ peraBn amo TOY Opi@y avTav. 9. Kal euBas eis ° 70” mdotov Suere- Nes > \ 2Q/ s oe nOev eis THY idiay modu. * kal idov, mpooepepov avTa mapahute- KOV el khins BeBhnpevor _kai idav 6 ‘Incovs thy wictw avTaéy ime TO Ta- pS Odpoet, TEKVOV, dpearrai ‘oot ai dpapriat gov.” * Kai idov, rwes TOV ypapparewy eimoy ev EavTois” Obros Brarpnpet. * Kai § dav" 6 ‘Ingots Tas evOupnoers avtay eirev’ “Ivari bpeis ev- OupetoOe Tovnpa ev Tats KapOlats UpLav; = / / > > , , cas : Tt yap E€OTLY EVUKOTT@TEPOV, ELTTELV, A / Yh L € footie Nee Lpewvrat gov at EOE ve 7) €LITELV, Eyeipe” Kal Tepuraret ; 6 ia Oe €l- Onre, OTU eEovolay € EXEL 6 vios TOU avOpo- TOU ert 7™ms ns advevat G dpaptias, (Tore heyet TO TapanuTiKg ) ‘EyepOets apov cov THV ‘Kdiyny, Kal Umraye Els TOV olkoy 7 Kau eyepeis ann\Oev els TOV Marr. EX: 7. two possessed with devils, com- ing out of the tombs, exceeding fierce, so that no man might pass by that way. 29 And be- hold, they cried out, saying, What have we to do with thee, Jesus thou son of God? art thou come hither to torment us before the time? °9 And there was a good way off from them, an herd of many swine, feeding. 31 So the devils besought him, saying, If thou cast us out, suf- fer us to go away into the herd of swine. 3? And he said unto them, Go. And when they were come out, they went into the herd of swine: and behold, the whole herd of swine ran vio- lently down a steep place into the sea, and perished in the wa- ters. 33 And they y kept them, fled, and went their ways into the city, and told every thing, and what was befallen to the possessed of the devils. %! And behold, ¥ whole city came out to meet Jesus: and when they saw him, they besought him y he would depart out of their coasts. 9. And he entered into a ship, and passed over, and came into his own city. ? And behold, they brought to him a man sick of the palsy, lying on a bed: and Jesus seeing their faith, said un- to the sick of the palsy, Son, be of good cheer, thy sins be forgiven thee. 3 And behold, certain of ¥ scribes said within themselves, This man blasphe- meth. 4 And Jesus knowing their thoughts, said, Wherefore think ye evil in your hearts? 5 for whether is easier to say, Thy sins be forgiven thee: or to say, Arise, and walk ? © but y ye may know that the son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (then saith he to the sick of the palsy) Arise, take up thy bed, and go unto thine house. 7 And he arose, Gov. a Gb. om, b w.— Gb. aroareiAov nuas. © Gb Tous Hotpovs. d Gh, om, e~ £X© cov at apaorcac, 8 WX ecdws. h Rec, cou, i \.— Rec. & Gb, Eyerpac,Marr. IX. 8. and departed to his house. § But when the multitudes saw it, they maryelled, and glorified God, which had given such power unto men. 2 And as Jesus passed forth from thence, he saw a man named Matthew, sitting at the receipt of custom: and he saith unto him, Follow me. And he arose and followed him. !9 And it came to pass, as Jesus sat at meat in the house, behold, many publicans and sinners, came and sat down with him and his dis- ciples. 11 And when the Pha- risees saw it, they said unto his disciples, Why eateth your mas- ter with publicans and sinners ? 12 But when Jesus heard that, he said unto them, They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick. 13 But go yeand learn what that mean- eth, I will have mercy and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. 14 Then came to him the dis- ciples of John, saying, Why do we and the Pharisees fast oft, but thy disciples fast not 2 15 and Jesus said unto them, Can the children of the bridechamber mourn, as longas y bridegroom is with them ? but the days will come when jy bridegroom shall be taken from them, and then shall they fast. 16 No man put- teth a piece of «new cloth unto an old garment: for that which is put in to All it up, taketh from the garment, and the rent is made worse. !7 Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, & the bottles perish: but they put new wine into new bottles, and both are oreserved, 18 While he spake these things unto them, behold, there came a certain ruler and worshipped BL ehoBnIncav, b>» ew EXsos. d (tb. om. Or, EYATTEAION otkov avtov. ® iddvres dé of GAOL * COav- pacay,’ kai edd€acay Tov Gedy, Toy Sdvra e€ovciay To.avTny Tots avOpearrots. ° Kal rapdyev 6 “Incovs exeiOev eidey dvOpwrov KaOnwevoy emi TO Teh@vioy, Mar@atov Aeydpevor, kat Aeyer avT@" "AkoAovder prot. Kal dvaoras KONOU- Oncev avt@. 1° Kal éyévero avrov ava- Keyevou ev TH olkia, Kal iOov, modXol Tehovat kal dpaptodol eAOdvtes oup- avexewto TO ‘Incod Kal Tots pabnrais avrov. | Kal iddrres ol Papirator el7rov Tois pa@nrats avrov’ Avati peta TOY TEAMOVOY Kal GuapT@ray eoOier 6 Oida- oKados vpav; = “°O dé Incovs dxovoas elev b avrois™” Ov Xpetay eXovow Ot isyvovres iatpov, GAN ot KaK@s EXOVTES. 13 ropevOevtes Oe padere a eoruy" © "WN cov" GeXw, Kai ov Ouvciay: ov yap nrAOov kaheoa Cuxatous, aA dpapto- Aovs “eis peravouay.” 14 TérTe 7 mpooepxovrat avT@ oi i pa@yrat "Iwdvvov, héeyovres® Acari npeets Kal ot Papicator yy oTEvopeEY TONG, ot Oe pa- Onrat gov ov vnorevovot; 1 Kat etzrev avtois 6 “Incovs’ Mn Sovausas ot viol TOU Yuppavos mevOeip, ep 6oov per aura oT 6 vupcpios 5 ehevorovrat Oe 7€par Otay amapOn ar avTav 6 vup- dios, kal TdTE morevoouow. 16 ovdels Oe emBadhet € emrifé hype p pakous dyvacbou em ipari@ ana. atpet ‘yap TO 7An- popa QUTOU amo TOU iwariov, Kal Xetpoy oxlopa yiverat. 7 ovde Baddovow owoy vEeov eis doKous mahavovs” el O€ pays, piryvevrat ol doKol, Kal 6 olvos ékyetrat, Kat ot aoKol drrohodyrau’ ada PaNKouccy olvov véoy eis doKovs Kaivovs, Kal © du- porepor” owTnpovyrat. Tavra avTou AaXovvros avrots, dod, dpxov * eis eXOdv" T POT EKUVEL € Rec. au f Rec. Porepa. Taw, er uny rrought cloth, A EAGwYe— © ecoerADwyKATA MATSOAION. avT@ eyou" eTeMeUTN OEY" 21 \ ¢ \ > aN Kai ol waOnrat avrod. 0 Kai Sod, yuri) aisoppoodvea Sddexa TN, TpoceAOovca omaOev, Hharo Tov , ~ / > A 9 Kpao7rédovu TOU ipatiou avuTov’ a c / > ~ , LULaATLOU QvuTov, cwbn OoOLuat. 2 . ELITE epas ekeivns. *8 Kat eddy 6 Inaois ets THY OiKiay TOU apxovtos, kal iSdv rods avAnras Kat TOY OyXov GopuBovpevor, 74 * Neyer avtois” ‘Avayapeire’ ov yap améOave TO Kopdc.oy, Grad Kabe’Ser. Ka} Kare- yehov aitodv. ™ "Ore dé e€eBAOn 6 OxAos, eioeAGdv expdtnoe THs xELpos avThs, kal nyépOn ro Kopdawoy. 2 Ka} eEnOev 9 pnun avrn eis Ohny thy yhv EKELYNV. gf \ , > 16 ~ 2 e “ Kai mapdyovti éxeibev T® Incod, a , / 7KONOvOn cay avt@ dvo rupAol, kpdCovres , 7 an V/ ay Kal Néyovtes "ENenoov fas,” vie’ Aavid. 8 -ENO6vtu O€ eis THV Oikiay, mpoonrOov > o ¢ ‘ \ 4 > = €29 avT@ ot TupAol, Kal Néyer adrois 6 In- ~ re , ~ gous’ Ilvorevere Ort Ovvapiat TovTo A , ~ \ us momoa; Aeyovow avt@* Nai, Kupte. / 0 vat ~ > ~ ae ore WWaro trav opbatwaey adrar, ¢ ~ / eyov' Kara THY ToT una yernOnra r > ~ c > vp. 9 Kal avedyOnoayv aitaéy oi 6- / > ~ C3 POarpot: Kat eveBpiunoaro avrois 6 "In- zs ; C : ; gous, heyou" “Opare pndels yuvwckéro. 31 c a. > , 8 / > \ Oi de e€edOdvres Suehpicay adrov ¢ n~ lad ’ , ev OAN TH yh ekelvy. a > ie > \ 32 Adray dé eEepxopievey, tod, ™poo- ~ » \ nveykay avTd advOparov Kooy da- povigopnevov. 3 Kai ekBrnOévros rod o e , » Ort 7 Ovydrnp flov aptu GAAa eOdv emibes THY n~ , Jk D, > \ x t 19 \ X€(pa ov er avtny, kal Cyoerar. 1 Ka} > \ e > ~ > - > a eyepOeis 6 “Incods nkohovenoev adTa eEdeye \ > c as sa \ , oe na Yep ev eavty* Kay povoy airopat rod 30 #2 5 @i.0c > ~ > \ ~ > \ a \ Inoovs emorpadels xa iddv aQuTny / ¢ Oapae., Ouyarep: 1) Tiers GOovu , , > , £. \ > A “ O€OWKE CE, Kat eo @On 7) yuvn” amvTo TS Marr. IX. 33. him, saying, My daughter js ( even now dead: but come, and lay thy hand upon her, and she Shall live. 19 And Jesus arose, and followed him, and so did his disciples, 20 (And behold, a woman which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came be- hind him, and touched the hera of his garment. 21 For she said within herself, If | may but touch his garment, I shall be whole. 22 But Jesus turned him about, and when he saw her, he said, Daughter, be of good com- fort, thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour.) *3 And when Jesus came into the ruler’s house, and saw the minstrels and the people mak- ing a noise, 24 he Said unto them, Give place, for the maid is not dead, but sleepeth. And they laughed him to scorn, *5 But when the people were put forth, he went in, and took her by the hand: and the maid arose. 26 And ¢the fame hereof went abroad into all that land, 27 And when Jesus departed thence, two blind men followed him, crying, and saying, Thou son of David, have mercy on us. ?3 And when he was come into the house, the blind men came to him: and Jesus saith unto them, Believe ye that I am able to do this ? they said unto him, Yea, Lord. 29 Then touched he their eyes, Saying, According to your faith, be it unto you. 3° And their eyes were opened: and Jesus Straitly charged them, Saying, See that no man know it. 3! But they, when they were departed, spread abroad his fame in all that country. 32 As they went out, behold, they brought to him a dumb man possessed with a devil. 33 And when the devil was cast am eAcyev, bx vlog. 40r, this fame.22 EYATTEAION Marr. IX. 34. e pie x 9 , out, the dumb spake, and the Satpoviov, ehaAnoev O Kaos Kee édav- multitudes marvelled, saying, pacay OL dx AOL heyovTes” a” OvudeTroTe It was never so seen in Israel. ‘,, , bs Sh ae 7 Or Se eee end ile ee) aum@sn cy 1p eORET T f casteth out the devils through hapicaior €Aeyov" Ev T@ apXovte TOV the prince of the devils Sapoviev exBadheu TA Satpovia. - > a \ , Ss Andscsdawentiabout all 9.2 Kal mepinyev 0 Inoovs Tas qONELS ae = ’ : : i the cities and villages, teaching zdgas Kal TAS KOPAS, OuddoK@V Ev TALS in their synagogues, and preach- zs Se é - Fi ing the gospel of the kingdom, ovvayoyats auT@Y, Kal KypuvTo@Vv TO . : “~ / ~ and healing every sickness, and evayyeov TIS BaoteLas, Kat Geparrevav every disease among the people. __- ; \ a ayre ni 36 But when he saw the multi- BE OOY VOC ous Sas OEY, p ae tudes, he was moved with com- 36 2Sa@y Oe TOUS OXAOUS, eomayxvia8n passion on them, because they . Gora. OTL ues ECON cuok Kal afainted, and were scattered TSpe a Ma en ; pH 5 abroad, as sheep having no shep- €pplppevot @OEL mpoBara py €xXoVvTa herd. 37 Then saith he unto Troleva. 37 rdorTe heyet TOLS padnrats his disciples, The harvest truly: oc ee. oe Q \ \? ce is plenteous, but the labourers GURU : Bee EpLo Hes BONE Se Pt € are few. 38 Pray ye therefore epyaTtal odtyou’ 38 SenOnte ovy TOV KU- the Lord of the harvest, that be. 7 a ~ of > , 2 t : ones epya will send forth labourers into PiQe a Oepropovs OT DS exBady pyangs. his harvest. els TOV Gepropov GUTOU. \ , A , 10. And when he had called 10. Kat mpookahegapHevos tous 0 unto him his twelve disciples, dexa padnras aUTOU, €OWKEY AvVTOLS 7 ot hy > 5 , y he gave them power Sagains’ e£oygiay TVEVJLAT OV dxabapTav, BoTE unclean spirits, to cast them , ; sn < ; es out, and to heal all manner exSadAew avTa, Kal Oeparrevety Tacay of sickness, and all manner of ydcov Kal Tacav padaktay. / disease. a \ > os 2 2 Toy dé OhSexa aTrocTOA@Y TA OVO- 2 Now thenames of the twelve BS aes a G c pata €oTl TAaUTA TP@TOS ZluLOY O de- apostles are these: the first, (a . tal atlas : Simon, who is called Peter, and YOMEvos Ilerpos, Kal Avdpeas oO adehos Andrew his brother, James the avrou: "Tdkaos 6 TOD Z - sion , Inoouvs, mapayyeiAas avuTols, eyouv" forth, and commanded them, Wir <2 i eos . . vad \ - ee eo not ae the way of Eis OOOV eOvav 1?) ame One, Kat €lS e Gentiles, and into any city s a Nees =. 6 e the Samaritans enter ye not: a BY igehOnre FEE put go rather to the lost sheep PEveTVE Oe Pal ov mpos Ta mpdoBara Ta of the house of Israel. 7 And @zohwddTa oixov Iopanar. / mopevopevot as ye go, preach, saying, The de , ses ote > € kingdom of heaven is at hand: € KnpvooeTe, AEYOVTES Ort nyytKev 1) . , ad rr ~ 8 heal the sick, cleanse the Baowela Tv ovpavar. 8° AgOevouvtas a @ Rec. add Ore. D Rec. add ev ro raw, © Rec. sxredupevots d— As. o excxA.—Alii > 0 exexd® Gadd, e & Kavavacros. f St. & Bz, om. @ Or, were tired and lay down. Or. over.KATA MATOAION. 23 Oepamevere, * Nempovs xaOapitete,” Sat- povia exBdddeTe. Swpeay ehaBere, dw- peav Sdre. ° wx KrHonode xpuaov, pnde dpyupov, pndé xadkov eis Tas Covas ipav, 1 wy mpay eis dddv, pde dvo xiTavas, de imoSnpata, pnde » paB- Sous” dEvos yap 6 epyatns THs Tpopys auTOU €OTLV. M Big Hy & dy wodw 7) Kopnv eio€edr- Onre, eEerdcare tis €v avTh afvos eoTe" Kaker plelvate, eas dy e€ehOnre. 2 vexp. eyerp, 1 S.—.Rec.&Gb. éaBtov. B Or, simple.Marr. -Xi,/23. 24 EYATTEAION - ¢ A , \ \ ea men for my name’s sake: but wladoupevol vO TaYT@Y Ova TO ovopa « i . e he that endureth to the end, pou’ 6 O€ Umopetvas eis TéeAos, OvTOS shall be saved. , owOnoerat. 93 7 4 , C. 2A > n , Oray O€ St@kwow tas év TH WOeEt 23 But when they persecute Tn, pevyere eis thy ™ &Anv. apy you in this city, flee ye into an- Peay ee li lee peal other: for verily I say unto ° yap eyo UW, OV [7 TEMEONTE Tas T , ~ ° 3 », you, Ye shall not «have gone 7 deve rov IopaiA, ews dv €AOn 6 vids over the cities of Israel, till the sees ; 1) oe x Son of man be come. 74 The TOU avOporov. OUK €OTL padnrns disciple is not above his master, jrép toy OuddoKadoy, ovde SoddOS tmEp nor the servant above his lord. _, , © tA OR \ a Ane 25 It is enough for the disciple TOY KUPLOVY AUTOV. APKETOV TH LAUT), that he be as his master, and (va yeynta ws 6 diddoKados avTov, Kal the servant as his lord: if they ¢< ~ ie cee Dim) ee have called the master of the 2? Govdos" ws 6 KUDOS (OUT OU ae , , \ > 4 house Beelzebub, how much olkodeomoTny Bee CeBovad ¢ érexddecay,” more shall they call themofhis 7ggq paddAov rovs oikiaKov’s avToU; houshold? 26 fear them not 9, <¢ 5 on 5S AGE INE ; therefore: for there is nothing § #7) OUV PpoBn GS RLU. QUOeP aE covered, that shall not be re- eg7e kekahuppevoy, 0 OvK amoKadupbn- vealed ; and hid, that shall not Conde an cau: ae ; be known. 2 What I tell you an : i Pp On 24 010U. YEOOE OSE. in darkness, that speak ye in “4 O heya ULL EV TH OKOTLG, ElTTATE EV 1 - 7 7 rj = A ay light : and what ye hear in the TO port Kat 6 eis TO OvS GKOUETE, ear, that preach ye upon the ¢ ,/, Sigs ¥ housetops. knpv€are emt TOY O@pdtov. \ A n ee 8 Kal pr ° poBeiobe” amd rév * drro- f uM x ~ \ \ A A 28 And fear not them which KTEVOVT@Y TEM OO ele de Wouxny 2] kill the body, but are not able Ouvapévov arroxreivar’ oBnOnre Se to kill the soul: butratherfear ,,7 \ , \ \ \ Bieter nbesasanieuts destroy padXov tov Suvduevoy Kal Wuxny Kat : vo > ¢ > 4 > \ , both soul and body in hell..7@pa amroheoat ev VEEVV)) - = OUXE dvo 29 f 7 1 7 o , > , > d » Are not two sparrows sold for grpovOia dooaplou wwdetrat; Kal év e& a farthing? and one of them >° ~ > ~ pea a1» shall not fall on the ground @UT®Y OU MEO ELT OL re THY ynv avEev . © oO ~ ~ \ mitioout oe BA Hatt Tov matpos tuarv * jyaev dé Kal ai the very hairs of your head are 4 a a zs y A Z lL all numbered. 3! Fear ye not EP, XS, we Kepahijs CE OIGL nprOpnpevar therefore, ye are of more value €l0L. B17) Ovy phoBnOnre: TOAA@Y than many sparrows. 32 Who- bieav 8 f NILEEC. 92 ora 5 J L OTPOVOL@Y OLAMEPETE VEILS. 7a soever therefore shall confess « fe ON p E > i Neos, SUF me before men, him will I con- 2974S POEONOYIOEL BV arCHOl eumpoo ev 7. ~ ° ~ , fess also before my Fatherwhich Toy avOparray, Opohoynow Kaye ev is in heaven. 35 But whosoever ate eéumpocbeyv tov s a shall deny me before men, him “5° ¢ les me a pT OT POS HOU Te ch will I also deny before my Fa- OUpavots. ootis © ap apvnonrat pe EG cectgrsiere cs ahi a a ; ther which is in heaven. eum poo ev TOV avOporer, apynoopat > \ > \ + ~ , avToy Kay@ eur poo Oey TOU TATpos Lov TOU €v ovpavots. 34 Think not that !amcome 34 yj} i cp oe 4 1 VOpLL to send peace on earth: Icame , , ] v4 fe SHES om 7d Oov Bakeiv not to send peace, but a sword. €4PnYNv emt THY ynv" ovK HAOov Badetp 5 > , > , = > 35 For I am come to set a man Elpnyny, anda Paxatpap. = 7d Oov yap 5 Gh. add > erepay® nav gx ravrns dtwKwory upas, Pevyere evs zy. D -» © Bz. rw dovrlw Rec, exadecay. e Ee T f Rec cr - ¢ oS oe pee C. Exc v. Rec. do8nOnre. Rec. avoxrsuvovrwy. g = Or, end, or, finish,KATA MATCOAION. 25 , ~ dixdoat GvOpwroyv Kata TOU TmaTpos av- TOU, Kat Ovyarépa KATA THS LNTPOS aurns, Kat vonony KaTa THs mevOepas avr" 36 Kal eyOpol Tod avOpemov of oiktakol > A = x , avtod. * 6 diiev warépa 7) pyntépa Pine N 2 N Se Lg ‘ Ne UITEP Ee, OUK ETL ov A&Los* Kal 6 du- na av , ’ ‘ 4 Aa@y vidv 7) Ovyatépa Urep Epe, OVK ETTL 2 - 38 Nid > , \ jrov a&wos Kal Os ov AapBaver Tov oTavpoy avTov Kal akoXovbet dric@ fou, ovK €aTe pov aé&ios. * 6 etpav A \ c A > , Dee \ Thy Wuxny avTov amoheoet avTny’ Kal 6 amoheoas Thy Wuxny avTov EeveKev > ~ , , , €“ov evpnaeL avTny. 6 dSexdpevos vas eye Sexera’ Kal 6 eye Sexdpevos d€xera Tov amooteiNavTa pe. * 6 Se- , > , Xopevos mpopntny cis dvoua mpopnrov \ , , ‘. \ c , pc Oov mpodnrov Aneta’ Kal 6 dSexd- prevos Sikatoy eis ovopa SiKaiov puoOdyv , / - 42 \ a dA / dtkaiov AnWerat Kal Os €dy TOTLON ao 4 n 7 , ~ EVA TOV [LLKP@V TOUT@Y TrOTNPLOY YuxpoUv povoy eis dvopa padnrod, apnv eyo Div, ov pry) aTroheon Tov pLoOdy avTov. r > 4 a > 11. Kal eyéveto ote érédecev 6 “In- govs Svatdcowy tots dadexa pabnrais avTov, peTeBn exeiOev Tov SidaoKev Kal Knpvocely ev Tals TWONETLY AUTOV. c Xi a / > , > rn O Ge loavyns akovoas ev T@ Oe- oparnpio Ta épya Tov Xpiorov, mépras me Sv0" TOV padnraev avrou, 3 cimrev avT@ Sv ef 6 Epxdpevos, 7} erepov ™poo- Soxapev ; 4 Kal amoxpibels 6 “Incovs elev avtois: IlopevOevres amayyet\ate ec 4 \ "Twdvyn a axovere Kal BAEtreTe ° tuprot avaSiérovet, Kal Xorot mepuTarovoe’ Nem pot kaOapicovrat, Kal Kopol aKovou- ol vEeKpoL eyetpovrat, Kal BTOXOl evay- yehigovrar 8 kal pakapeds €oTLy, Os ea Ee) oxaydahio 67 ev cpl. € 7 Tovtwy Sé TOpEvopeveorv, npsaro 6 *Incovs eyew Tos oxXous mept Iwavvov" Ti e&nOere eis THY Epnuov OedcacOa ; Marr. XI. 7. at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. 36 And a man’s foes shall be they of hisown houshold. 37 He that loveth father or mother more than me, is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me, is not worthy of me. 3° And he that taketh not his cross, and follow- eth after me, is not worthy of me. * He that findeth his life, shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake, shall find it. 40 He that receiveth you, re- ceiveth me: and he y receiveth me, receiveth him thatsent me. 41 He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet, shall receive a prophet’s reward: and he that receiveth a righteous man, in the name of a righteous man, shall receive a righteous man’s reward. 42 And whoso- ever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones, a cup of cold water only, in the name of a disciple, verily Isay unto you, he shall in no wise lose his re- ward. 11: And it came to pass, when Jesus had made an end of com- manding his twelve disciples, he departed thence to teach and to pee in their cities. Now when John had heard in ¥ prison the works of Christ, he sent two of his disciples, 3 and said unto him, Art thou he that should come ? or do we look for another? 4 Jesus an- swered and said unto them, Go & shew Jobn again those things which ye do hear and see: ® the blind receive their sight, and y lame walk, ¥ lepers are clean- sed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and y poor have the gospel preached to them. 6 And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me. 7 Andas they departed, Jesus began to say unto ¥ multitudes concerning John, What went ye out into the wilderness to see ? a OO ba,Marr. XI. 8. 26 EYAITTEAION . . e 4 Piha , d a reed shaken with the wind? KaAauov vd ave“ov calevdpevor ; 6 But what went ye out for to 8 G)yq r/ em Bere idety ; avOpwrrov ev see ? amanclothed in soft rai- iBo% ment ? behold, they ¥ wear soft padaxots iariots nPlecpLevoy 5 lOOv, clothing, are in kings’ ae of TA padaka popourres ey TOs otkous 2 But what went ye out for to a see? a prophet? yea, I say Tay * Bacieloy” etaivs ° adda Ti e§- unto you, and more than a pro- nhOere idetv; mpopyrny ; val, Neyo b up, phet. 19 For this is he of whom can Oren a omumove 20 ooTos it is written, Behold, I send k P oS PB p on my messenger before thy face, y4p eOTe Tept ov yeypamrat’ "dod, which shall prepare thy way be- eyY@ ATOOTEAA@ TOV ayyedov pLouv ™po fore thee. 1! Verily Isay unto ; Fs , < you, Among them that are born 7POT@7TO0U GOV, OS KATADKEVAGEL THY _ Ss 2, , > of women, there hath not risen 606y cCoU eumpoo Gev cov. ll Apap a greater than John the Baptist: » 7 Ge > a0 ae con : : : J au Ev YE notwithstanding, he that is least eyo Udes GUK oy YER YO EOLS: in the kingdom of heaven, is yuvalK@y pretCov Iwavyvou Tov Bartt- greater than he. atov' 6°Oé pukpdrepos ev TH Bactreia na na > “~ > TOV ovpavaey prelC@y avuTov €OTly. 12 And from the days of John =? Amro 82 rey HEp@v “Ilwdyvou Tod the Baptist, until now, the king- is ~ Oe. » € / mn dom of heaven ¢ suffereth vio- Bara LOG aU SOS CPae 1 Paovheva ; TOV lence, and y violent take it by ovpaywy Bidgerat, Kat Piragrat dpmragou- . 13 ° . , a force. For all the prophets, ow avrny. 13 anes yap Af mpopirat and the law prophesied until eres Same ; J John. '4 And if ye willreceive Kal 0 vopos ews Imavyou mT poepyntevoay’ . . . \ys . Pa / > it, this is Elias which was for 4 xq} ef Oé\ere beEao Oat, avutTés €oTW to come. !° He that hath ears to > "HN ay 6g ioe hear, let him hear. ‘!6 But ues 0 BEAKOV EpXEo se o EXO” whereunto shall I liken this ge- @Ta dxovew, AKOVETO» tive O€ OfLOL- Oo@ THY ieyeGy TAUTHY 5 Opola earl neration ? It is like unto chil- dren, sitting in the markets, and : pe calling unto their fellows, !” and TaLdtous” © ev ayopats KaOnpievors, K saying, We have piped unto you, Tporpavovar TOL eraipors avuTo@v, Wea] and ye have not danced: we Nevo Laan > have mourned unto you, and RSMOUGL: SUTIG OEY. Up, Kat JUK 3 2 Ci. \ > vemave not lamented, 1s Hox apxnoacbe eOpnynoaper UB, Kal OvK ohn came neither eating nor 2,7 18 > : drinking, and they say, He hath exorao de. H)ée yap ‘Lodvyns pnre a devil. !9 The Son of man €o Olav pare mivor, Kal heyouct, Aatpo- came eating and drinking, and poy EXEL. ° Ger 6 6 vids TOU avOpo- they say, Behold a man glutton- oi ous, and a winebibber, a friend 79U eGov Kal river, Kal Aeyouw, of publicans and sinners: but *Idov, wOparos pdyos Kal oivomdrns, wisdom is justified of her chil- r r Grant TEADVOV pu os Kal dpapTodar, kal €0L- 20 Then began he to upbraid Kat@On 1) 7) copia a amo TOV TEKVOV auTns. the cities wherein most of his 70 Tore np§aro overdiCery Tas TOKeLs mighty works were done, be- aie 8 cause they repented not. 21 Woe ev ais €yevovto al TAELOTAL uvdpers unto thee Chorazin, woe unto avTov, OTL OU PeTeuononay, 1 Ovai ool, thee Bethsaida: for ‘if § ymighty x d “QS 4 of > opa . works which were done in you, p (i, ovai cot, Bn Ocaiday OTL EL had been done in T yre& Sidon, ev Tup@ Kal Save € L EYEVOYTO at Ouvdpers they would have repented long af yevopevar ev vpiy, Tadat dy ev oakK@ a ‘8X.—Ree &Gb. Bacirewrv. b Rec. madaptocs. ©cS nal. ev ayopa,a rpoopwvovrra rors st acpocc(s.erer eaiey ™~ B70cuarda, Or, is gotten by force, and they that thr rust menKATA MAT@AION, 27 \ “~ , Kal oT00® MéTevonoap. t Marr, XII. 4. \ ers : TAny A€Y@ ago in sackcloth and ashes. a , A > » 22 av y < vp, Tup@ Kat Svdavi avekTorepoy €orar * But I say unto you, It shall ao Sigs Bae 24 : ‘ be more tolerable for J yre and ev neEpa KPlLOEw@sS, 7) UMD. K@l OV, Sidon at the day of Judgment, = . oO a > a > 99 me 1 Karepvaovp, a ” EWS TOU oupavou vWo- than for you . ve And thou Ca- bes, “eo 78 BiBa Of 8 > pernaum, which art exalted un- 7ELOa, Sasa Gu ROG saa POT. Oe . to heaven, shalt be brought €V Zoddpuors EVEVOVTO al Ouvdpers at down to hell: for if the mighty , > Noo oP 3 Z Ae Works which have been done in evOMEVal EV Gol, Euervay dy EY PL T7 ans ¥: : Of Sh es oS : ‘ ie XE = thee, had been done In Sodom, On MEpov. TAN AEY@ vey, OTe Y?7 it would have remained until » > ¢ , dla 2 2 ita Soddpueapv avEKTOTEpoV €oTat ép npepa thisday. 24 But Isay unto you, . a . * That it shall be more tolerable Sp LO ees. 7] TOL. 3 ' for the land of Sodom, in ¥ day 5 > , a an eee = / “Ep exeiva T@ Kalp@ arroKpiOels 6 of judgment, than for thee. a 6S ae ey , *> At ytime Jesus answered a . ie A } ( Td a ’ re ? Inoovs ela oy ESopodoyodpai ona WN ke said, I thank thee, O Father, TEP, KUPLE TOU OVPAVOD KQl TS yns, OTL Lord of heaven and earth, be- 3 > > , ~ > A an \ re ~ . 7 ca iInoe amréxpuvvas Tavta amo coda Kal ouye- Cause thou hast hid these things - A ; 5 SN / from the wise and prudent, and TOV, Kal amrexahvwpas QUEG) VIITFLOLS. jaf revealed them unto babes. 9 ao 7 > 4 > " nl . > e val, 6 TaTnp, OTL OUTWS EYEVETO EvV- 76 Even 50, Father, for so it dori, ” bd : 27 ‘ seemed good in thy sight. 27 Al] OKLa eee re eee aon Ue an things are delivered unto me of TapeddOn bd Too TaTpOS MOU" Kat ovdels my father: and no man know. a ohare Zou viny ee in as Tarnp’ eth the son but the father: y : ; ef ey : Pp neither knoweth any man the oude TOV TaTEPAa TIS ETLYLV@OKEL, EL 1) father, save the son, and he to @ , cA > r > Tar ry LATA O vids, Kal @ €ay BovAnrat 0 vids amro- whomsoever the son will reveal , him. kadvwau. Vs a4 UTE TPO { i wD 28. nto me all y Acute 77 POs Be TQAVTES OL KOT L@VYTES ome unto a ye \ , DN > ; that labour, and are heavy 4 wav Pats J Sa mePoprurpevor, vad bo sc a 2 - =? laden, and I will give you rest. upas. a apatre Tov Cvyov jiou ep vpas, 29 Take my yoke upon you, t ud TRBMEDD. ir? rH Ghe i and learn of me, for Iam meek 1 1 € QT €MOV, OTL PAGS EluL Kal a me, hala der aes NY oe i , fh > 4 and lowly in heart: and ye Tamewos TH Kapoia’ Kal EUPNOETE AVA- 3,4)) find rest unto your souls, a a a 2 \ a ‘ ¥ a ; ‘ Tavow Tats Wuxais UMOV. nO yap °° For my yoke IS easy, and my \ Los y burden is light. (vyds prov XPNFTOS, Kat TO Hoprioy pov 8 > > eLadpov EOTLY. ~ ~ 7 . ‘ ‘s 12. ?Ey éxeivo 7d Kalp@ eTropevOn 6 12. At that time, Jesus went > ~ a tps duc A ’ . en the sabbath day through the Inoovs Tos caSSaor dua ray eee corn, and his disciples were an ~ > / ot O€ pa@nrat avTov EMELVAT AY, KUL 7P- hungered, and began to pluck Gi we As 2 of ¥ earsofcorn,andtoeat. 2 But = DiS OL aS : Earro y Mew ordxvas Bes co Oies > . When the Pharisees saw it, they de Papicator tOdvres eizrov avuT@ Idov, said unto him, Behold, thy dis- ‘ , D D ouK < iples do that which is not law. DUTLV, O OUK E&ECTE Ciple: o pabnrai Ss ea me ey VS g > ful to doupon the sabbath day. TOLELY EV caBPdre. O 0€ cizey mae 3 But he said unto them, Haye 4 , S ees . Tois* OvK aveyyare Tl eTOINGeE Aavio, ye not read what David did a, fae b4 See oe TOs when he was an hungred, and RES en VaO'E met anit be aP> ou. they that were with him, 4 how elon bev els TOY Oikov Tov Ocov, Kal he entered into y house of God, =: 7 e he é id eat y shewbread, which Tous dprous THs mpobecews eayer, ods and did eat j ad, oem se aaa an & WD 7 ews Tov ovp, vans. b Rec. add auTos,Mart. XII. 5. 28 EYATTEAION a > EN D SA o~ > NN oe ? was not lawful for him to eat, OUK e&ov nv aAVT® paye, ovde TOLS pe neither for them which were quyrou, el pet) TOLS tepevou povots 5 7} with him, but only for y priests? eo A yOu a ate od- 5 or have ye not read in the OUK CEU OTS 2 CED ae taw, how that on y sabbath days Baow ol lepers EV T@ tep@ TO oaBBarov the priests in y temple profane ~ No gael 1 os Oe e z < at avalTLolL €lot eV@ ¥ sabbath, and are blameless ? BeBndovot, Ka 3 Se le a S Gael cay unto you, Phat inde vpiy, o7e mov TEpOU peifov” oT this place is one greater than @Se, 7 ef dé eyv@xere ri éotw" "EXe- temple. 7 But if ye had known bar Se so aes what this meaneth, I will have 0” NOTE Cu BOE one es TEOt: mercy, & not sacrifice, ye would kagaTe TOUS AVaLTLOUS. Kuptos yap not have condemned the guilt- » bv ~ , ef ren ATS . Tt Vv _ less. 8 For the Son of man 1s Sort TOC gaBPBarov 0: ULOS TOUR Lord even of the sabbath day. Oparrov. c > 2 \ 9 And whenhe wasdeparted © Kat peraBas éxeiOev, MAGEv Els THY thence, he went into their sy- \ Dns 107 caverOOn Py Anal nagogue. 10 And, behold, there COV OY TE une a fee was a man which had his hand gros ° qv THY XElpa EXOV Enpav" Kat withered, and they asked him, 2 I 2 SSN Z von 2 saying, Is it lawful to heal on SI) PO Oy Ones heyouTes Eu efeort the sabbath days? that they TOUS cdBBaor Oepamevewy; wa KaTTyo- might accuse him. 1 And he pyg@ouy avrov. l °Q §€ elev avTois” said unto them, What man shall pion Soren An 16 as (8F there be among you, that shall +4 €oTal 6s Uy ch Pones os €&€t ‘os , ¢ \ ~ - have one pecee ae i Aah m™pdBatov ev, Kal eay EuTreon TOUTO TOLS into a pit on the sabbat ays ey > 1h? oN , will he not lay hold on it, and cdBBacw —— ese eUey, gue Kp e. lift it out? ' how much then @vUTO Kal EVEPEL 5 “ TO0o@ OVUV Orapepet is a man better than a sheep? @y@pwros mpoBarov ; bore €Eeott TOUS wherefore it is lawful to do , Ve i 1B Tg rZ wellon j sabbath days. '3 Then caPpBact Ka Oe TTOLELV. : OTE AEYEL : c-} ‘ 5 > / 4 6 v. saith he to ¥ man, Stretch forth r@ dvOpam@: “Exrewoy Tv XElpa TOU. thine hand: and he stretched Ki \ eer ve cae GarexareoTae a ee it forth, and it was restored a iS Stn aoe : ui yens whole, like as ¥ other. 14 Then ws cAAN. of O€ Paptaatot oup- | Phari y d al oul > > Cx Se , the Pharisees went out, and Boy\roy €haBov KaT avTOU e&ehOdvtes, aheld a council against him, \, ns 5 how they might destroy him. OT@S AUTOV aTrOKET MOL. Ab But when Jesus knew it, he 15 ‘g §eé "Incovs vous dvexopnoev withdrew himself from thence: > “Dep: eye > and great multitudes followed €KEt ok Rae TRO ow OGY pas ox af him, and he healed them all, 7roAAol, Kal eOepamrevorev auTOUs TravTas” 6 and charged them that they 16 pq) é i 2S, \ \ should not make him known: oe enemy aeares GUE fal (pavepov 1) that it might be fulfilled @UTOV TOlnT wow" émras TANP@OH TO ie 7° : : AV ec o Ae * a , which was spoken by Esaias y pnoev dua ‘Hoatov tov mpopnrov, ee prophet, saying, !8 Behold, my Ces aay G - fo ery Servant whom! have chosen, YOVTOS OU, O OS pee OV 7/P€- . ¢ , @ > / my beloved in whom my soul Tuaa* 6 ayamnTos [Lov, Els OV evOOKNOEY is well pleased : I will put my <¢ abu 1 rou: Chow co. Elveu 4 taut spirit upon him, and he shall a . xX? ie ; ] oe BS fe i shew judgment to the Gentiles. QUTOY, Kal Kploly TOLS eOveow amrayyeet" 19 “i an He shall not strive, nor cry, 19 odx pice, ovde Kpavydoer’ ovde neither shall any man hearhis , » > a ; \ \ voice in y streets. 20 A bruised QAKOUVO EL ces €y Tals awAarelats THY povny: > ~ / , reed shall he not break, and avrov. 7° Kadapov ovVTETPLULPEVOY ou 0 ee a ~w.—Ree, & Gb. pectwr. b Rec. add Kar. cs d Rec. & Gb awoxarsarady. @ Or, took counsel.KATA MAT@AION., 29 Marr. XII. 33. / \ a , , kared&et, kal Aivoy TuPdmevoy ov oBécer: smoking flax shall he not quench, Y iN > / > 5 , j “ . nie ews dy exBarn els vikos THY Kplow. till he send forth judgment unto 2Q NO) es a ny x victory. 21 And in his name ie T@ ovopart avtov €Ovn EAmLovGL. shal) the Gentiles trust. , 4 > ~ 4 Tore mpoonveyOn avT@ Saovcd- \ \ F \ > / pevos Tupdos kal kadds" Kat SGepdmeu- “2 phen was brought unto BaN , \ \ j Santer 4 oe wev avtov, Sore Tov TupAoy Ka} Kagoy him one possessed with a devil, ‘ A . ; 2 \ oe) blind, and dumb: and he healed Kal Naheiy Kat PreErrew. Kal ECLOTQAYTO him. insomuch that the blind , c.f \» / ee « = TAVTES OL OXXoOL, Kal eAeyov" Myre ottés ty oe both spake and saw. ) ck EN 9 CNN ~ +9 And all ¥ people were amaz- €oTlv oO vios Aavid; 4 OF Oe Papicatou ada pie Is this the eon > , > a > > / edict Gazer > akovoayTes elzov’ Otros odk exSdAXeu of David? 2 but when the \ > \ > a Si / Pharisees Ard ji ay j Ta Oauyiduia, ci pr) ev TO BeeAeBovA Eharisees heard it, they said, = ee : 2 pear ar ¢ Lhis fellow doth not cast out aPXOVTL T@Y Satpovior. Eid@s O€ 6 devils, but by Beelzebub the ? ~ \ > , > a Ss Trea re I ares 25 J Inoovs Tas evOupnoes adta&v eiey prince of the devils. 25 And Dee ink Te R Nes ag cal? Jesus knew their thoughts, and auTols Tae a pau te KeploCeioa ka , Said unto them, Every kingdom c A A a , 3 ae ‘ - mie = EQUTNS ENNMLOUTaL’ Kal Taca ToAts 7 divided against itself, is brought af Z~ Bre = > to desolation: and every city or El r TQ- file awe ae eye Pente? ae Kae eunys ig AE . house divided against itself,shall Gygerar. = nah «i ¢ Zatavas Tov not stand. 26 And if Satan cast PS 517 219 > Lane, Sat: 2 is divided acaj Saravay exBarXeu, ed €avTov EuepicOn* out Satan, he is divided against ie = ; <= j »_.~, himself; how shall then his Tos ovv oTabncera 7 Bacidrela QUTOU$ kingdom stand? 27 and if [ > h \ ’ , \ 7D 7 kal ei eyd ev BeeAeBovd &xBddXw Ta by Beelzebub cast out devils, 5 , CNG Ce > , AGN. by whom do your children cast pte, 18 eee ee - ie ashy @ them out? therefore they shall Aovot; t@ TOVTO auto UL@V €OOVTAL be your judges. 28 But if I cast 9 > XV} > , ~ > < Jew) 7 a Cniyi ‘ j Kptral. *8 ef dé ey IIvevpatt Geod ey” out devils by the Spirit of God, Se : ; x 2 >,» then ¥ kingdom of God is come EKBdAAw Ta Oaipdua, apa epGacev ed unio you. ® Or elses howeus upas 1 Baotveia Tov Oecd. 2 i) Was one enter into a strong man’s a7 / oe Oe > \ S67 ~p, house, and spoil his goods, ex- Be tae TLS €loeA ew eis ti oy TOU dept He ttel. Bind the strong ta XUpoU Kal TA OKEUN avToU Olap7agat, man, and then he will spoil his 2\ \ a Q/ > \ , house. 3° He that is not with TP@TOV OnOn TOV toyUpOV, Kal ; : oe Pel rp ne ne Lots OX Be 30 « Me, Is against me: and he that TOTE THY OLKLAaY aUTOU dvaprace: © gathereth not with me, scatter- Ss a eiAD a ella Coie iu 6 eth abroad. #1) @Y MET EMOU, KAT ELLoU EoTL’ Kal A / > > ~ / 1) Gvvay@v MET E"“ov, OKOpTICeL. BR’) A a is ~ a Ci ee ane 31 Wherefore I say unto you, 7 ud ec ciaee sb 1 PEE ane oe Cr p All manner of sin & blasphemy Tia Kat Praodnpia aheOnoerar Trois shall be forgiven unto men: but > t = ENA = 2 2) the blasphemy against the Holy G00 7 O€ Tov Ilvevuatos Brac- A hcachipek ‘ avOparrous > } iS ae > . Ghost,shall not be forgiven unto pnpia OUK apeOnoerat TOLS avOparots. men. 32 And whosoever speak- a 5 y \ ~ Can va ee “J 32 kal ds dy etry Aoyoy KaTa TOU viov eth a word against the Son of D opend ahebi, Dt tee tA & man, it shall be forgiven him: TOU avUpw7rou, ae ORT ae pa oS but whosoever speaketh against a oN ¢ . = n av ern KaTa TOU IIvevparos tov aytov, the Holy Ghost, it shall HOA Bee Pe a he i> ) voy” forgiven him, neither in this C ) ) €V TQ vu) § ae Ses apeOnoerar eee Meat n H t, world, neither in the world to GIWVL OUTE EV Ta) €\AovTt. 7) TOLNO ATE come. °° Either make the tree \ , « \ \ \ > ~ ic fr j x d: TO devOpoy kadov, Kal Tov Kaprroy adtod good, and his fruit good: o1 &@ Rec add ev b Ree. eyw sv Uy. Ocov e¢ ™ —.Rec. & Gh. ev rovTw Te- (Marr. XII. 34. else make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt: for the tree is known by his fruit. 34 O generation of vipers, how can ve, being evil, speak good things ? for out of the abun- dance of the heart the mouth speaketh. 3° A good man out of ¥ good treasure of y heart, bringeth forth good things : and an evil man out of the evil treasure, bringeth forth evil things. 6 But I] say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give ac- count thereof in the day of judg- ment. 37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned. 38 Then certain of ¥ scribes, and of the Pharisees, answered, saying, Master, we would see a sign from thee. 39 But he an- swered, and said to them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign, and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas. 40 For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly: so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of y earth. 4! The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it, because they repented at the preaching of Jonas, and behold, a greater than Jonas is here. 4% The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this gene- ration, and shall condemn it: for she came from the utter- most parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and behold, a greater than Solomon is here. 43 When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walk- eth through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none. 44 Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out ; 30 EYATTEAION cardov' 4) momoare TO SevOpov campor, Kal Tov Kaproy avTod campdy" ek yap rod Kaprov TO OevOpoy ywaoKerat. 3 Dewnpara exidvav, mas duvacde dyaba dadeiv, Tovnpot dvTess eK yap TOU TEplLOOEVPLATOS TIS KapOdias TO oT Opa harel. % 6 dyabds GvOpwros €k TOU ayabod Onoavpov a” ékBaddet ” ayaba’ Kal 6 Tovnpos dvOpwros ek TOU TovNnpoU Onxavpod exBaddeu Tovnpa. 38 Neyw O€ jpiv, Ore way pha apyov, 5 eay hahn- cgecw of dOpaTo, arod@covat Tept avrov Néyov ev Hpépa Kpiocas. 37 ek yap Tay héyov cov SiukacwOnon, Kal €K Tay N6yav cov KatabikagOno7. 38 Tére dmekpliOnoay Twes TOV ypap- paréwy kal Papioaiov, héyovtes’ Avda- oKare, Oédomev ard cov onpetoy tev. 39 °Q Sé droxpiels eirev adrois’ Tevea Tovnpa Kal pouyadis onpEtoy emuCnret* Kal onpetoy ov SoOncera avTn, et pn TO onpetov "lava tod mpopnrov. * Somep yap iv lavas év Th Kola Tov KHTOUS - Coe \ = , o Tpeis Nuepas Kal TpEls VUKTAaS, OUT@S Zora 6 vids Tov avOpamov ev TH Kapdia THs ys Tpels nuépas Kal Tpels vUKTas. 41 dydpes Nwevirar dvacrnoovTa: ev TH Kpioes peta THs yeveds TaUTNS, Kal Ka- Taxpwovaw avTny Ort perevdnoay eis TO KNpvypa lava’ Kal tdov, mNelov lova &de. * Bacittooa votov eyepOnoerat €v TH Kploer peta THS ‘yeveas TaUTNS, kal Katakpwel avtTny’ OTe nAOev ex TOV TEepatav THS yns akovoar tHy oodiay Sodopavos’ Kat idov, whetoy Todopavos ade. 43° "Oray dé TO axdOaprov mvedpa €EENOn ard TOD avOpamov, Siepxerat Ov avidpev térev, (yrovy avaravow, Kat ovy evpioxet. * rére héyer’ "Emiotpeo eis Tov oikdy pov, GOev e&HAOov. Kai @ Rec. add rns xapicag. b Rec, & Gb. > add ra,KATA MATOAION. 31 Ov eUpiorket oxohagovra, vecapa- wevoy Kal Kekoopnévoy. * rére Tmopev- Ta Kal mapahapBaver ped EQUTOU EmTA iTepa mvevpmata moynpsrepa eavrou, Kat cioehOdyra KQTOLKEL KEL Kal yiverau Ta eFoxara TOU avOparov exe lvou xelpova ray TPOT@v. oUT@s eorat Kal TH yeved TAUTN TH movnpa. a “Er Oe QUuToU Aahodyros Tots dxhous, idov, 7 7) BTN Kal ot ddepol aQUTOU €l- oTnkeiray ea, (yrotvres aur Aahjoat. ’ etme O€ Tis a’TO" 1600, 7 ”) LTNpP cov Kal ot aedpot gov €&® éoTHKaCl, (yrouy- TES wou Aahjoa. a 0 de dmroxpiGels elire TO elm Ovre aor @ Tiséeorw 1 mytnp pov; kal Tives cto ol ddedoot pov 5 49 Kat eExTeElvas THY xetpa avuTov emt robs pa- Onrds avrod etrev’ "Id0v, 7 7) pATNP jeov Kal ob added pot pou. °° Gatis yap ay momen TO Oednpa TOU TaTpds ou TOU ey ovpavois, avros pov adehdos kal added, Kal entyp eoriy. 13. “Ey Oe TH nHEPS exeivn ef bay 6 “Incotvs dd Ths oixtas exaOnro mapa THY Oadaccay’ * Kal ovnxOnoa mpos auroy oxhor To\Xol, ooTE av’Toy eis TO motov enBavrTa Radacdar Kal was 6 OxAos emt Toy aiytadoy ciornKeL. 3 Kal é€AddAnoey avrois mo\AG év Ta- paBodais, Néeyav “dod, e&nAOev 6 orel- pov Tov omeipe. * Kal ev TO oTrEipeLy avuTov, a pey erece Tapa THY 60dv" Kal NrAOe Ta TeTELVa, Kal KaTéPayey adtd. ° Gia O€ erecev emt Ta TeTPwSN, SrroU ovuK elye ynv TOAAHY’ Kal evOews eEave- Tete, O1a TO pn Exe BAOos ys © ndiov O€ dvareihavtos exavpatiobn, Kal dia TO py exe piav, eEnpavn. 7 dra oe emecev emt Tas axavOas, Kal avéBnoay at dxayOa, Kal amemyay aura. 8 Gra O€ emeceyv emt THY yay Ty coe Kal eOidov Kaprroy, 6 pev Exardy, 6 Oe €En- Marr. XIII. 8. and when he is come, he findeth it empty, sw ept, and garnished. ‘> Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there : and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation. 46 While he yet talked to the people, behold, his mother and his brethren stood without, desiring to speak with him, 47 Then one said unto him, Be- hold, thy mother and thy ‘bre- thren stand w ithout, desiring to speak with thee. 48 But he answered, and said unto him that told him, Who is my mo- ther? and who are my bre- thren? 49 and he streiched forth his hand toward his dis- ciples, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren. 50 For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother. 13. The same day went Jesus out of the house, and sat by the sea side. 2 And great multitudes were gathered toge- ther unto him, so that he went into a ship, and sat, and the whole multitude stood on the shore. % And he spake many things unto them in parables, saying, Behold, a sower went forth to sow. 4 And when he sowed, some seeds fell by the way side, and the fowls came, and devoured them up. © Some fell upon stony places, where they had not much earth: and forthwith they sprung up, be- cause they had no deepness of earth. §& And when the sun was up, they were scorched: and because they had not root, they withered away. 7 And some fell among thorns: and the thorns sprung up, & choked them. 8 But other fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some six-Mart. XIII. 9. 32 EYATTEAION 0 a »y ~ tyfold, some thirtyfold. 9 Who Kora, 0 O€ TpudKovra. 20 EX OV @Ta hath ears to hear, let him hear. GKOVELY GKOVETO. 10 And the disciples came, 10 Od e 6 es & said unto him, Why speakest Kat mpooeh OVYTES OL pa Tal ELTTOV ae unto them in parables? qi: am ev mapaohais ales e answered, and said unto > %, them, Because it is given unto CUT Cls DO .0c dmroxp.Bets euirey avrois* you to know the mysteries of “Oru UpLLy dedorat yrovat Ta puoTnpla the kingdom of heaven, but to ™S Pacwreias * TOY ovpavar,’ €KELVOLS them it is not given. 12 For ; 12 i whosoever hath, to him shall be de ov SeSorat. dots yap EXEL, 8087 given, and he shall have more oerat avT@, Kal meprrwevOnoerat’ dares abundance: but whosoever hath de ° se i ver not, from him shall be taken . oUK EXEL, Kal 0 EXEL; ap OET a away, even yhe hath. 13 There- avrov. 1° 61a TovTo év mapaBohais avuTots fore spe ak Ito them i in parables: aho, ort Phérovres ov BNérrovat, KOU because they seeing, see not: & hearing, they hear not, neither dxovovTes OUK akovovclw ovde TUYLOUE. do they under stand. 14 Andin 14 Kat dvar\npovrat ba avrois 7 ™popn- them is fulfilled the prophecy Hy Xe >A of Esaias, which saith, By hear- Tela gatov, 7 ey eur as Axon KOU ing ye shall hear, and shall not O€ETE, Kal ov PB ouvnre® Kal Pderrovres understand: and seeing ye shall 15 ' mea eae € al ov 7 7 ayvuyGr see, & shall not perceive. 15 For Pr Apere, Kal ov Py tyre. em x WO this people’s heart is waxed yap 1 Kapoia Tov Aaov 7 TOUTOU, Kal TOUS gross, and their ears are dullof Qg} Bapéws iKovcay, Kal TOUS opOan - hearing, and their eyes they 78 have closed, lest at any time poous auT@v EKG ILLUO ay’ pNTrore Leer they should see with their eyes, Tots opOarois, KaL TOUS @owW akov- and hear with their ears, and c a “ \ * i e 7 a should understand with their ee Kal ™ Kap dig TEE Obs me heart, and should be converted, €1r worperpoo, Kal lav@pat CUTgoS: e 7 16 and [should heal them. 16 But 16 * Ypuov Oe paKdptot ot opdarpol, OTL blessed are your eyes, for they / a cd see: and your ears, for they eNGTOU kat Ta Ora LOY, OTL : oc hear. For verily Isay unto dKovet. 7 aun yap eyo Up, OTL you, bis many prophets, and \ > righteous men have desired to mohKot 7 popynr at Kal Oikavor érre- S Q4 A see those things which ye see, eae ioety a Prerere, Kal OvK s) > “~ \ and have not seen them: and eiOov’ Kal akovgat a ako ETE, Kal OvUK to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them. HKovTay. c 'S Hear ye therefore the pa- 2 Ypets obv akovoare 7 THY T mapaBodny rable of the sower. !9 When 19 : TOU OTTELPOVTO Ilayre ) any one heareth the word of the pe si avros aKov OES kingdom, and understandeth it TOY Aoyov 1 TS Bacvdcias Kal fn) CuVLep- not, then cometh the wicked TOS, EpXeTau O moynpos, Kat dprage TO one, and catcheth away that Sf which was sown in his heart: eomrappevov ev ™ Kapo.@ avTou" obTds this is he which received seed coTw 6 Tapa TV A oT ay pets. *” 6 0c by the way side. 29 But he ¥ received the seed into stony ert Ta meTpodn omapels, ovTos ETL 6 places, the same is he < Vv hear eth TOV Aoyoy a aKovor, Kal ev0ds pera Xapas the word, ane anon with joy re- AauBavev avtoyv’ 2! odk Exel d€ p pt icay € eV ceiveth it: 2! yet hath he not = r4 root in himself, but dureth for EauTa, Se mpdoKaipds ere YEH Ce a while: for when tribulation pens Oe Odipews i) Ora@ypov Ova TOp a > b Rec. add ex’, © N.—: St. & Elz. & Gb. cuvace. d Wtasopas,KATA MATCAION. 33 , A Adyov, eis Tas akdvOas omapels, ovTOS eoTL 6 Tov débyov dkovav, Kal 7) peptyva ~ a ¢ , ~ Tov ai@vos Tovrov kal 9 amdTn TOU ‘ mrovrou oupmviyes Tov Adyov, Kat 9 \ \ ~ dkapros yivera. * 6 d€ emt THY ynV = > Thy Ka\Y oTmapEls, OvTOS ETTW O , aA \ Tov Adyov dkovwy Kal guYL@Y’ OS oy Kapmopopet, Kat Toll 6 pey EKATOV, O dé éEnxovra, 6 S€é TpidKovTa. 4 4" ANAnv mapaBorny mapeOnkev av- Tois, A€yov" ‘Quo.wOn 9 Bactreia TOV oipwwav avOpar@ ameipovTt Kaov 5 a “nw 95 ~ oméppa ey TH ayp@ avrov' ” ev de TO cabevde Tovs avOparous, 7\Oev avTov 6 €xOpds Kal éorretpe Ci(dia ava pecov nn , \ > ~ 26 ed \ Vy / TOU citov, Kat amndOev. *° dre de €BAa- otnoev 6 xoptos, Kal Kaprrov emoince, , > , \ \ 7 27 r46 Tore eavy Kat Ta (Caria. *! pore Gov- res D€ of SovAoL TOU oiKoOeaTOTOU ElTrOV r - , we av’t@ Kupte, ovyi Kadov oreppa EO TTEL- > ~ > > a ; SS ad pas ev TO 0 aypa; mo0ev ovv Exel W” E¢ana; *%°O dé ey avrois’ "Ex Opos 2/ a > / ¢ A a dvOpwros TodTo éroincev. Oi dé dovdoe >: Dee > > / eimov aita’ Céhes otv ameOdvTes > guddeEwper” adra; * “O Oe ey’ OV: / / \ / > pnmote ouvAdéyortes Ta CeCavia, eKpt- Coonre dja avtois Tov citov. *° adere cuvavédverOar aupdrepa pexpt Tov oN \ > cH ~ a A Bepuopov kal ev “" Katp@ TOU Gepio pov €p@ Tols Oepiarais’ SvAAeEaTe TPaTov A / \ / > \ d Sg , ra CiCama, kat Snoate avta “eis” Oe- gpas mpos TO KaTakavoa avira’ Tov dé oirov cuvaydyere eis THY aroOnKnY pov. 31” ANA Body 0 ; AAnv mapaBoArny mapEeOnkev av- r 4 . c / > \ ¢ / Tos, heyov' “Opoia eoriv 9 Bacideta TOY OVpaVaY KOKK@® CwvdrTrews, Ov aBav / > ~ a a avOpemos éomeipev Ev TA AyP@ avTov" ; a ~ 32 0 puKpdrepoy ey ETL TUYT@Y TOV a \ S a r a ameppdray’ oray Oe avénOi, petCov Tay / > \ Xx / / Naxavov eoti, Kal yiverat devdpoyr, & Rec. udd ra, t ae ; D Ez, cv\Aclourre c | Mart. XIII. 82. or persecution ariseth because of the word, by and by he is offended. 22 He also that re- ceived seed among the thorns, is he that heareth the word, and the care of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word, and he becometh unfruit- ful. 28 But he that received seed into the good ground, is he that heareth the word, and un- derstandeth it, which also bear- eth fruit, and bringeth forth, some an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty. 24 Another parable put he forth unto them, saying; The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field: 2° but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. 26 But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then ap- peared the tares also. *? So the servants of the housholder came, and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares? 25 he said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? % but he said, Nay: lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them. 3° Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the lime of har- vest, I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn, 31 Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field. 32 Which indeed is the least of all seeds: but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree: so > tec, add Tw, a>Marr. XIII. 33. 34 EYATTEAION . cat ~ > nA x that the birds of the air come Sore édOciy ra merewd TOG ovpavod, kai and lodge in the branches a cr > x KaTaoKnvovy ev Tots KAdOOLS adTod. thereof. ag ‘ see 3 33 Another parable spake he AhAny wapaBorjy edddrAnoev ad- i mm . rn , a > unto them, The kingdom of Tots’ “Opola eoTly n Bacidela Tov oupa- heaven is like unto leaven, + , ay Boo ae 4 which a woman took, and hid Ee. Coun, nV Aapovoa yuvn evekpuwev * . > 4 / / aS en > , in three measures of meal, till ej¢ ahevpou cara Tpia, €ws ob eCupobry the whole was leavened. BN ov. o All these things spake *4 Tatra mdyra ehadnoey 6 "Inoovs Jesus unto the multitude in ép mapaBonats TOLS oxAots, Kat xwpts parables, and without a parable PSG yy hoes A ape spake he not unto them: % that TapaPoAns ovK eXddeL adTots OT@s it pl be fulfilled which was ™\npobn TO pnOev Oud Tov mpodnrov, Spoken by the prophet, saying, \ / cae 3 1 é > - \ taillsnee a peace eyovros Avoig@ ev mapaBohais ioe bles, I will utter things which OTOpa ov" EpevEopar KEKPUL EVA aTrO have been kept secret from the KataBo\ns KOojLOv. foundation of the world. She ool Beige tee ss > . 6 ‘Then Jesus sent the mul- Tore adeis tovs dyXovs, nev eis titude away, and went into the THV oikiay °6 "Inaots’” Kal m™poonrOoy house: and his disciplesvcame 150 4 g ladon G yee unto him, saying, Declare unto @UT@ Ot PavnTat ae eyouTes Pas a cos ee of the ae e oov pty THY TapaBoAny Tav Citavioy the field. He answered, an ~ 5 aU] .0¢ A ae said unto them, He that soweth ce PUP : O oe crroxpibeis oe the good seed, is the Son of avrots’ ‘O oTelpwv TO kKadOv oméppa man. 38 The field is the world. €or 6 vids ToD avOparrov" 38 6 Oe a- The good seed, are the children oo 8 Oe es 2 of the kingdom: but the tares YPOs €OTLY O KOO Mos" TO O€ KaNOY oT Eppa are the children of the wicked ojrol eiow of; viol THs Bacidelas: Th Oé one. % The enemy that sowed EO Dien GaN - ei SO them, is the devil. The harvest, CeCamd So eh be Se LEI a is the end of the world. And d€ éyOpds 6 o7melpas auta €oTtw 6 S&ta- the reapers are the angels. Boros’ 6 8€ Oepioudss cuvtdd\era TOU 40 As therefore the tares are sees Ee fe ow , gathered and burnt in the fire: al@vdés éoriv' of Be Oepiorat ayyerot so shall it be in the end of this elow. 40 @oTeEp oop ovdd€yerat Ta world. 4! The Son of man , \ Neca no »” shall send forth his angels, and (i¢ama, Kal Wupt “ KaleTat, ovTas oe they shall gather out of his épy TH Ovvredeia TOU aiavos “zobvroy.” kingdom all ¢ things that offend 41 23 Ak eR nD r \ : Se ee a? € and them which do iniquity : aATOOTENEL 6 Vids TOD avOpamou TOUS > ¢ ~ \ 4 a ~ ~ and shall cast them into a ayyéAovs abrod, Kal ovhr€Eovow &k rhs furmace of fire: there shall be BactXeias abrod rdyra th oKavOaXa kat Wailing and gnashing of teeth. \ “ \ > ‘ > \ 43 Then shall the righteous TOUS 7ToLovyTas THY avopiay, ® kat Ba- : : ~ > \ v\ / =~ shine forth as the sun, in the Novgup QUTOUS ELS THY KapLLVOY TOU Tupos’ kingdom of their father. Who eer eG7 a 6 ave Vc Bovyicte hath ears to hear, let him hear, ee 43 ie oe ee Cea) beer oddvrav. 8 rére of Sixarot exhappovow € Ce > a , -* ws 6 HALos ev TH Baoirela rod Tarpos CaN € + > > , , : avTov. O €ywy @ra dkovew dakovéTo. 41 Again, the kingdom of 44 11g) swota ear of B Nee heaven is like unto treasure hid ‘ AAW, OHOLa EoTLW 1 BactrEla Tov in a field: hi f A D é - 5 eld: the which when a oupayay Onoavpa KEKPULMEV® EV TH 34 aN exprysy. De © Rec. caraxacerac, ces — Or, scandalsKATA MATCAION. 390 Gypa, by eupav tvOpamos expue’ Kat uP £ pe > p c , P \ , aro THS Xapas avTOU UTayeEL, Kal TavTAa ec a -~ > ‘ dca fer adel, kal dyopa¢er Toy aypov EKELVYOV. ; , ’ Shan NEC , A 45 Tlddw, dota eorl 7 Baoiieta TOY > a > ’ ~ oupavav avOpare EuTop@, (nTOUYTL Ka- ¢ * ‘ a hov’s uapyapiras’ “ *evpay Se” eva , , , ToAvTyLov papyapitny, amehOav Te- ov > > , mpake mdavta Oca eixe, Kal Nyopacey QuTov. , c , > ¢ a 47 Tlddw, duoia eotly 7 Baoideta TOY > a / , , A , otpavev caynvy BAnbeion eis THY Od- Aacoay, Kal ex TayvrTos yevous Tuvaya- , : 8 A ao > / > DO youn iv, Ore emANpwOn, avaSiBa- Wk ° ‘ , cavres emt Tov alytadoy, Kat kaioartes, s fn \ \ > > lal A \ cuvédeEay Ta Kada eis ayyeia, Ta OE \ » »~ 49 oY »~ > campa €&w €Badov. OUT@S EOTAaL EV ad ’ ~ a > , TH ovTedela TOD aid@vos’ e€eAevTovTar : f of dyyeXor, Kal apopioder Tovs TovNpous > 4 nr , n~ €k pecou Tov Sixaiwy. °° Kal Badovow > \ S a cal avrovs eis THY Kdjuvov TOU TUpds" EKet »~ c \ \ c \ -~ €otat 6 KAavOpos Kal 6 Bpvypos TeV oddvTav. , + > ~ / 51> Aéyer avtois 6 Ingots” SuvnKare raita mdvra; Aéyoucw aire Nal, , yt \ Sy ~ Exvore. ™ “O de etrev avtois’ Ava zn od \ , TOUTO Tas ypappateds paOnrevoeis “eis riv Bacireiav” TY ovpavOv OpoLds é- > , > / oa > , ot avOpar@ oikodeaT0T7, OOTLS exBad- Aer ex TOU Onoavpod avToU Kawa kal makaa. , a > > ~ 53 Kal éyeveto Ore erehecev 0 Inaovs , ~ vad Tas mapaBoNds TavTas, peTHpEV exeiOev" 54 \ y \ > \ , ¢ ~ kal €AOay eis THY TaTpida avTOU, > rn a Sn ediSackey avTovs ev TH OVVAYwy) AUTOY, , 4, are éexmdyjtrecOar avtovs Kal every" , , ¢ / a \ c /, ldbev rovt@ 7 copia avrn kai ai duva- pers; © ody odTds eat 6 TOD TEKTOVOS cs SNe ? > = , : vids; ovxi 7) pnTNp avtod eyerar Ma- \ \ c > \ > ASS ia F piap, Kal of adeAdot avtou IaxwBos ~ > 7% ka. “loons kal Sipwv kal Iovdas ; a Rec. © og svpwy. DSS c-> Marr. XIII. 55. man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field. 45 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: 46 who when he had found one pearl of great price, he went and sold all that he had, and bought it. 47 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a net that was cast into the sea, and ga- thered of every kind, 48 which, when it was full, they drew to shore, and sat down, and ga- thered the good into vessels, but cast the bad away. “4 So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just, °° and shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing, and gnashing of teeth. 61 Jesus saith unto them, Have ye understood all these things? they say unto him, Yea, Lord. 5? Then said he unto them, Therefore every scribe which is instructed unto the kingdom of heaven, is like unto a man that is an hous- holder, which bringeth forth out of his treasure things new and old. 53 And it came to pass, that when Jesus had finished these parables, he departed thence. 54 And when he was come into his own country, he taught them in their synagogue, insomuch y they were astonished, and said, Whence hath this man this wis- dom, and these mighty works ? 55is not this ¥ carpenter’s sou? is not his mother called Mary ? and his brethren, James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas? d Gb ty BaordecyMarr, XTIT..56. 36 EYATTEAION 56 > 4 5 ~ > A na A °6 and his sisters, are they not ”° Kat ai ddeAdal advrod ody! macat T™pos all with us? whence then hath CHL > , > , a : ¢ as elat; moGevy ody TovTw TavTa this man all these things? 57 and ae: 57 ars : ty a they were offendedinhim. But wavra; * Kat egkavOahiCovro eV QUT. Jesus pe autonnen, 2 prophet ‘O 6€ "Incots etzev aitoiss OdK ott is not without honour, save in , 2 > Ven5 a / his own country, and in his own mpopnrns SOS Spe SE 2 marpivu house. 68 And he did not many avTov Kal ev T OLKLA QUTOU. Kat ovk 7 FS > cr A \ A mighty works there, because of eroinoen eket Ouvdpers moras, Oud THY their unbelief. 5 , Rs aTlLoOTLAY AUT@V. yee! that time Herod the 14. “Ey éxely@ 7O Kaipo fKovcey tetrarch heard of the fame of Epc ¢ 7s a ute T A Jesus, 2 and said unto his serv- : Pewee? ie UROO NTS Ty Oke iy Pee ants, This is John the Baptist, “ Kal el7re TOls Talo. autov’ OvTOs €oTty he is risen from the dead, and > s € Tin DEN ae therefore mighty works ¢do loavyns 6 Bantiotns’ avros nyepAn > rn na \ \ “~ / shew forth themselves in him. 70 TOV VEKP@V, Kat Ova ToUTO ai Ovvd- > ~ 5 a pels Evepyovow €v auto. 3 ue \ c t £ , A > 3 For Herod had laid hold on O yap Hpadns kpatnoas Tov "Ie- 1 » », > John, and bound him, and put avyny eOnoev adroy Kal €beTo ev puAa- him in prison for Herodias’ N te Sid \ - Xf sake, his brother Philip’s wife. 7), ua Hpo cada THY yuvatka PrdiT- “For John said unto him, It is gov tod ade qhov avutov. 4 €heye yap not lawful for thee tohaveher. > ~ - are - Ove ZE , »” ® And when he would have put Ae v eg es ES hae TOLEXE him to death, he feared the mul- autnv. © Kat OéX@v adrov aTTOKTELVaL, titude, because they counted 2 ae i rt € f him as a prophet. & But when eon Gn ae exrov, ort os mpopntny Herod’s birthday was kept, the @UTOV elyov. » yeveriwy de? AYOLEV@V daughter of Herodias danced rod ‘Hpadou, epxnoaro 7 Ouyatnp ths before them, & pleased Herod. acs) ‘5 > ae 7 Vy a 7 Whereupon he promised with é PO Le OS Sy TD EOD. KQL J/PEGE TQ an oath, to give her whatsoever “Hpwdn* * 6@ev peO opkov apohoynoev she would ask. § And she, be- _> > = aN Diet 8c s ing before instructed of | her CU77) Sovvar 2 Se Pet de H oc mother, said, Give me here John TpoPiBacbeioa UTO TNS KNHTPOS avTns, ra das head in a charger. Ads. por; @noiv, &de emi mivakt THY Ke- nd the king was sorry: never- ye / a a 9 \ theless for the oath’s sake, and padny ‘Iadvvov rot Barricrov. Kai them which sat with him at ehum7On 6 Baoirevs’ did dé Tods 6pkovus meat, he commanded it to be Kay \ s BON 5 given her: 10 and he sent, and TOUS Ovvavakeltwevous EeKeAevce Oo- . . an . fe beheaded John in the prison. Onvat 0 Kal meprpas amrekepanuce TOV I 7 < > a a , i‘! And his head was brought I@avyny ey TH udaky. Nl pay nvexOn 1 in a charger, and given to the yey AOE NE phe VOawe a damisel: and she brought it to Keadn abrov emt TLWAKL, Kal €0dOn T@ ‘ 5 z , » rn nn her mother. 12 And his dis- Kopag la Kal nVEYKE T™) Enrpl auTns. ciples came, and took up the 12 ea \ Aope es Onray cen body, and buried it, and went 5 RE SES gt PEOUE AL Guo nw » > , and told Jesus. npav TO ° c@pa,” Kai €OaWay airs: Kal > / > , x a FE tes ehOdvres arrnyyeay T@® “Inco. When Jesus heard of it, he 13 Keay acon ce “re , oes at a 2 departed thence by ship, into a es pug as i Ingovs GEEX OPT desert place apart: and when T€V ekelOey éy Tol els Epnuoy ToTroy ‘ NY the people had heard thereof, kar’ iSlav. Kah akovoavres of OyxAot a2 yevoue 2 a7 OO YEVOLEVwy. bo TTwWa, “ Or, are w rought by him,KATA MATOAION. 37 > , > - > \ a , nko\ovenoay avT@ weln amo ToY TO- ewv. . > a > M4 Kal €ehOav * 6 Incods” ide wodvy + \ > / 6 b Si kD > c “ OxAov, Kal eomAayxvicOn ” em avTots, a7 ~ Kal eOepdrrevoe TOUS GPpooTous aT. 15 -Owias S€ yevope nr@ yevonerns, mpoonhOov Sy one \ > A , ” avTo of waOnrat avrov, Aeyortes* Epn- pees BH c 7 , a ¢ a ” Ril pos eoTw 6 TOrTos, Kat 7) pa Aon map- i” / ° nrdev’ amduooy Tovs OyxAous, wa > / ameNOodvres eis TUS KOpas ayopacwow ¢ =~ 16 <¢ de > 3 ~ Ss éavTois Bpwpara. O de Inoous etrev adrois’ Ov xpelay ¢xovow ameOeiy’ Sdre avtois tpets payee. ' Oi de de- youcw ait@ OvK exopev Ode et pu) / / e \ , > , 18 ¢ \ mévte Gptous Kal dvo ixOvas. *° “O de > - 4 sf > \ e 19 \ ele’ PEpETE fol GuTOVS de. Kat ke- 4 \ a > om > \ hevoas Tovs dyAovs avakAOjvar emt ah fr \ 4 / Tovs xdOpTous, *’ KaBav Tovs TEvTE apTous ‘ \ , > , > Q , > \ Kal Tovs dvo tyOvas, avaBewWas eis Tov ovpavoy, eUéynoe’ Kal KAdoas, €OwKke r r A rots pabnrais Tovs tiprous, ot dé pabn- cr » 9, » / Tat Tois dxAols. * Kai Epayoy martes, kat €xoptacOncav’ Kal pay TO TEpLo- cedoy Tay KAacpdTov, Sadeka kopivous , 9] c Ny: 61 x 2/ 8 mAnpets. 7 of Oe exOlovtes Naay avopes % a @oel TevTaKioxXidwolt, Xwpis yuvarKkay kal Travolov. ¢ A , > \ 2 Kal etdéws nvayxacey * Tous pa- 6 \ e4 > Se > \ ri ee \ nras °” éuBnvat els TO TAOLOY, KaL TPO- , , o e > aye avTov eis TO TEpay, EWS OV aTrO- 9 or > s Avan Tos ByAovs. “ Kai amodvoas A & a+ > 4 iQ > A + > Tovs OxAous, avePn eis TO Opos Kar £ > , ‘ 4 idiay mpooevEac au. ovvias dé yevoperns, 5 rd \ r 5 , povos ny KEL. 74 25 Sé mAotov Hon pEeTov a , > , ¢ A ts Oardoons jv, PacaviCopevoy vTo a 4‘ Sa! / / Tay Kudo’ Hy yap evayTios O avepos. 5 \ ~ ~ ‘ % Terdpty O€ pvdaky THs vuKTOS a“ ot ~ VN € dandbe” mpos avtous §" TepuTatay EeTt ~ > \ ¢ tis Oaddoons. © kai iddvres avtoy ot pabnral ent Thy Oadacoay TepiTatovwTa 7 / / éerapdxOnoav, héyovres’ “Ore pavragpa © Rec. add «ae- aS b Rec, ex’ av7ovg. £ @ nrGs. 6 Rec. > ad Rec, add o Inoovusg, Marr. XIV. 26. they followed him on foot, out of the cities. 14 And Jesus went forth, and saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion toward them, and he healed their sick. 15 And when it was evening, his disciples came to him, say- ing, This is a desert place, and the time is now past; send the multitude away, that they may go into the Villages, and buy themselves victuals. 1/6 But Jesus said unto them, They need not depart; give ye them to eat. 17 And they say unto him, We have here but five loaves, and two fishes. !8 He said, Bring them hither to me. 19 And he commanded the mul- titude to sit down on the grass, and took the five loaves, and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed, and brake, and gave the loaves to his dis- ciples, and the disciples to the multitude. ?9 And they did all eat, and were filled: and they took up of the fragments that remained twelve baskets full. 2! And they that had eaten, were about five thou- sand men, beside women and children. 22 And straightway Jesus con- strained his disciples to get into a ship, and to go before him unto the other side, while he sent the multitudes away. 23 And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray: and when the evening was come, he was there alone: 24 ut the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves: for the wind was con- trary. 25 And in the fourth watch of y night, Jesus went unto them, walking onthe sea. 26 And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, @ Rec, add autov. udd o Inaovs.Mart. XIV. 27. 38 EYATTEAION An » > saying, Itisaspirit: &theycried €or’ Kal amd TOU poBou éxpatay. * ev= Y 27 i os eo 2 a out tor fear. 77 Bub straight- Oly. §¢ eladnoev avtois 6 Inaovs, way Jesus spake unto them, say- \, nae is eye: o> \ Zz ing, Be of good cheer: it is I, NO Oapoeire EyY@ CEE He?) poBei- be not afraid. 28 And Peter abe. * ArroxpiGets | de avT@ 0 Ilerpos answered him, and said, Lord, K aN 4 if it be thou, bid me come unto elre’ Uple, el OU el, KeAevTOY PE EP. s c thee on the water. 29 Andhe ge €AGciy emt Ta Voata. 79 ‘O Sé eimev' 1 + , > > ~ ieee Gomme, ond when Eeter py a Ko} KataBas amd Tov mAolov was come down out of the ship, < . : SER « 18 he walked on the water, to go O Iletpos TEPLETTATHOEV ETL TA voaTa, a ar a , \ to Jesus. #° But when he saw 2) Geiy mpos Tov Inaovy. * Prerrov Oe the wind Bnd ff afraid: and beginning to sink, TOY Gvepov iaxupov edoByOn’ Kat ap- he cried, saying, Lord save €awevos karanovriver Oat expage, Ne= me. *! And immediately Jesus al : ’ : uGe Stretched forth his hand, and TOK Kupte, cacov hie s Oe OS be 6 caught him, and said unto him, Inoous ne ce Ty. XE(pa eTeAaBETO O thou of little faith, where- avTov, kal Neyer avt@’ *Odrydmore, fore didst thou doubt? 32 and 39° Kar coe when they were come into the €/S Ti edtoracas ; 3 eae cp Bavtov ship, the wind ceased. *3 Then qiroy eis 70 motov, € EKOTTAC EY 6 GVELOS" they that were in the ship, 33 camie’and worshipped him, say. ot 0€ ev T@ TAOI@ EAO6VTES TPOGe- ing, Of a truth thou art the son Kuynoay avT@, héyovres" "AdnOds Ocov of God vlOs €l. 31 , 5 \ 81 And when they were gone Kat dvarepacavres nOov eis thy over, they came into j land of ~ s, eS > > Ne ynv Tevrnoaper. * Kai ETLYVOVTES AUTOB Gennesaret. °° And when the ‘<¢ » Ane ey 5807 x menof that placehad knowledge 2% dvOpes Tov TOmou eketvou améeoTetday of him, they sent out into all eds ony THY mepix@pov exeivy, Kat that country round about, and 7 poohveykay avTe@ mavras Tous kakas prought unto him all that were diseased, 36 and besought him, exovras: 38 Kal mapeKdowy aurov, wa that they might only touch the pdyoy aevrat Tou Kpao7eOou Tov iwa- hem of his garment; and as ey in P i many as touched, were made Tlov avTov' Kal dgoL WWayto, dveco- perfectly whole. @naav. 15. Tore TpooepxovTat TO “Inoov ot azo ‘Tepocodvpoy ypapparets kal ®a- 15. Then came to Jesus plo-atot, Aeyovtes* * Atari ot padnrat scribes & Pharisees, which were ; of Jerusalem, saying, 2 Why do oou mapaBaivovor THY mapadoow TOV thy disciples tr ansgress y tradi- mpeoBurepav ; cy ov “yap viTovTat Tas tion of ¥ elders ? for they wash XElpas auTav, oray aprov ecOioow. 7*O not their hands when they eat bread. 3 But he answered, and Oe droxpibels elev avrois” Avati Kat aa unto Eholas Why do you pets mapaBaivere THY eLTORTY, TOU also transgress the command- ment of God by your tradition? Ocod dua THY mapadoow t ULOD 5 O yap 4 for God commanded, saying, «eds * everei aro, Aeyou' Tipe" TOV Honour thy father and mother: B Tateépa °“Kal Thy pnrepa’ Kat’ “O xa- and he that curseth father or 2 rH B)) E mother, let him die the death. eee marepa 7} pnTépa Bavaro * But ye say, Whosoever shall yeheurdt@* *‘ Ypeis O€ Aeyere, “Os av am eure’ Tina. b Rec. add cow * Or, strong.KATA MATOAION. 39 »” a \Oon a , AS aN Elm TO TaTpl 7) TH yTpL A@poy, o cay ef > Nie rv An 2; \u4 > \ b 7. § pou ape nOijs, * Kat" ov pn TepN- on’ Tov TaTépa avTOU 7H THY pyTEpa ¢ A > a autou' ® kal nkupwoate THY EvTOANY TOU Ocod Sia THY Tapadoow vpav. ’ Uro- ~ / a Kpiral, KaN@s mpoedyrevoe EPL ULOV t S , > Hoaias, déyov: ® °’Eyyiger pou” 6 \ e a , ¢ r \ Aads ovtos 47 orduate avTay, Kat’ pe , x < rois xyeiNeot pe Tina’ 7) O€ Kapdla av- ca Bit © , > ~ Tay TOppw améexe am enor. * paryy Oe 4 / v , oéBovrai pe, SuddoKovres OtOacKadias, > , evrd\pata avOparev. 10 Kal mpookadeodpevos Tov dxXor, > a , eimev avtois* “Akoverte kat guviere’ | od TO eloepxdpevoy cis TO OTOL KOLVOL TOV dvOpwrov' aha TO exTropevdjevov €K TOU oTdpatos, TOUTO Kool Tov dvOparoy. 12 / , ¢ \ > Tire mpooeAOdvtes of padnrai av- Tov elroy avt@’ Oidas Te ot Bapicator > / Q , 5 / dxoveavtes Tov Adyov eaKavdahiaOn- 4 13:.S N43, \ > e > wav; O 6€ amoxpiets eime’ Haca A , gurela, iy ovk eputevoev 6 TaTnp pov ¢ > / > , 14 » 6 ovpdavios, expi(wOnoerat. acbete airous’ ddnyol ciate TUpAol TUPAGY" Tv- pros S€ rupdAor €a sOnyn, apporepot hos O€ Trupdov eav oOnyn, ap | > / ~ 5 > @ \ eis BOOuvoy mecovvTat. Amrokpieis \ , > ~ os d¢ 6 Iétpos cimev ait@* Ppacov npty A \ / . 16 ¢ de > ~ THy TapaBoAny TavTny. O de ‘Incovs > r /, / cirev’ “Akunv kal vpels GoUvETOL EOTE 5 17 oa voeire, OTL Way TO eloTropEvO- , / pevoy cis TO oTdpa Els THY KoLALaY X@- r an / \ pel, Kal eis apedpava éxBdadrera; 18 ra ~ > dé éxmopevdpeva ek TOV TTOMATOS EK A , soe > - ~ Ths Kapdlas €€pxeTal, Kakelwa KOLVOL ES / tov dvOpwmov. ' €k yap TIS KapOoias 4 \ / eS€pxovTat Siadoyio pot movnpol, Povot, Cr c \ pouxeiat, Tropvetat, KAoTraL, Wevdopap- 2° ~ / > \ Tupiat, Brachnpia. 20 TavTa e€oTL Ta ~ \ > / kowovvta Tov dvOperov’ TO O€ avimTots r a / xepar payetv ov Kowvot Tov avOporov. 2 Kal é€ehOav éxeiOev 6 “Incov at e&\G@yv exewlevy O ingous Marr. XV. 21. say to his father or his mother, It is a gift by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me, 6 and honour not his father or his mother, he shall be free. Thus have ye made the com- mandment of God of none effect by your tradition. 7 Ye hypo- crites, well did Esaias prophesy , of you, saying, ® This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips: but their heart is far from me. 9 But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doc- trines, the commandments of men. 10 And he called the multi- tude, and said unto them, Hear and understand. 1!! Not that which goeth into the mouth de- fileth a man: but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man. 12 Then came his disciples, and said unto him, Knowest thou that the Pharisees were offend- ed after they heard this saying ? 13 but he answered, and said, Every plant which my heavenly father hath not planted, shall berooted up. !4 Let them alone: they be blind leaders of ¥ blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. 15 Then answered Peter, and said unto him, Declare unto us this parable. !® And Jesus said, Are ye also yet without under- standing ? !7 do not ye yet un- derstand, that whatsoever en- tereth in at the mouth, goeth into the belly, and is cast out into the draught? !§ but those things which proceed out of the mouth, come forth from the heart, and they defile the man. 19 For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, mur- ders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphe- mies. 20 These are the things which defile a man: but to eat with unwashen hands, defileth not a man. 21 Then Jesus went thence, aaa a— D ow ripnoes ¢ Gb. om d Gb. omMarr. XV. 22. 40 EYATTEAION > , ’ 4 4 4 ‘ nan and departed into the coasts of aveyopnoey els Ta epn TUpov Kal S1d0- “ : 9° ¢ , > a Tyreand Sidon. ? Andbehold, 1 5.. 22 ka) idov, yur Xavavaia ano Toy a woman of Canaancame out of |. Se 2X O05 s > the same coasts, and cried unto DRED. REIDY, ee : Ope SRP EU aC ey him, saying, Have mercy on me, avT@, Aéyovoa “Edénody pe, Kuple, vie O Lord, thou son of David, my nN G , aS , : : Te OU KQK@ ALILOVLCE= daughter is grievously vexed pores) Ouya Pale ES ORT. j ¢ with a devil. *8 But he answer. rat. “ “O O€ ovx admexpiOn adr Adyor. ed her not a word. And his dis- .q} mpooeOdvres of pabnrat advrod ciples came, and besought him, 5 , San rZ a a 2 saying, Send her away, for she TROT Ove avuToy, TOL IES ; 70 em . € ¢) /, », al crieth after us. 24 But he answer- auTny, OTL Kpacet mia bev T/L@v. 24 “GO ed, and said, I am not sent, but gq. 3 \ > E > > / > unto the lost sheep of the house be amoxpiGets SUEY, Ov ameorahny ee of Israel. 5 Then came she, 7) eis TA TPOBara Ta atoA@AGTA OlKOU and worshipped him, saying, ‘Iopank. * ‘H 8é &Adotca * TpoceKU- Lord, help me. 76 But he Va eos eS : , 0 answered, and said, It is not vet” avr@ héeyouca’ Kipie, Bonber por. ales ¢ \ i => > > » meet to take the children’s 26 ‘Q §@ amroxpiOels eimev’ OvK fort ka- bread, and to cast it to dogs. Noe x B a ea) x , \ *7 And she said, Truth Lord: Aov Aa ely TOV apTov Te TEKVOV, Kal yet the dogs eat of the crumbs BaXely Tots kuvapiows. 77 “H Oé efre which fall from their mas- ~7_\ Fee Maar \ 4 ayy Bai a t LEL ters’ table. 78 Then Jesus an- Nat, eRe eat Y ee ae UEC a eodie swered, and said unto her, Q@770 Tay Wixiov TOV TLTTOVT@YV ATO TNS O woman, great is thy faith: Tpané(ns Tay Kupioy atrav. * Tére be it unto thee even as thou , Baorecci ean > iin sO wilt. And her daughter was OT ORE ape RIOUS: STE auTy : made whole from that very yuvat, peyahn gov » TloTtis’ yernOnra hour. c 6 aN I NC 10 ¢ 6 / oot ws CeXets. Kat ia@n 7 vyaTnp ~ A a Sd avTis amd THs pas éekeiyns. 2 rn > ALD 29 And Jesus departed from ” Kat peraBas éxeiev 6 Inaovs ne thence, and came nigh unto the mapa Tiy Odhaccay Ts TadtAaias’ Kal sea of Galilee, andwent up into |, \ > Ny. 3 ey > - 30 \ a mountain, andsat down there. avaBas €lS TO Opos, €KaOnTO EKEL. KQl i y ae oe > Ao » *o And great multitudes came TpoonhOov aire yNot 7roAXol, ExXOVTES unto him, having with them Gé a \ rot \ those that were lame, blind, M€ Be Tup ee Kadovs, dumb, maimed, and many kvA)ovs, Kal €TEpous woAXovs, Kal Ep- others, and cast them down <¢ aoe \ \ ZN b x9 a vay avTous Ta 0 0a - at Jesus’ feet, and he healed P iv Gees: oh PRED, médas ee In them: %linsomuch that the 00U,” Kal eOeparevoev avTous" @OTE i 2 7 a she / 4 multitude wondered, when zo)¢ oxAous Gavpacat, BXérovras Ko- they saw the dumb to speak, ING NOD Wr cuersanes Noe the maimed to be whole, the pous a A SES au ous VE ESKe ous lame to walk, and the blind to mepurarobyras, Kal TupArovs Brérovras" See: and they glorified the VAN LE \ \Ee 3 , God of Israel. kal eddfacay TOV Ocov Iopann. : : ifcks “ O &€ “Incods Tpockadecdpevos 82 Then Jesus called his dis- Ou Onn cis ebros Cone Sm , ciples unto him, and said, I have : ie ee how Sue . cL \ayxvico- compassion on the multitude, Pat emt Toy oxAor, OTL 70n : 7NéEpar” because they continue with me fi , p Np oe - TPELS TPOTUEVOU < now three days, and have no- P , Pee \ ge Bee noe oe eee thing to eat: and I will not send TL Paywou. Kat aroNvoa abtovs VIOTELS ae RCA Wiatachinc > , = os be them away fasting, lest they- od Oddo, patrore exhudaow ev rh 6S0. a DS mpocexuyncer, b SS avrov, © Rec. nuspas,KATA MAT@OAION. 4] 33 Kal Néyouow adT@ of wabnrat avrov" Tidéev tiv ev epnuia aptoe tocovro., are xoptacat OxyNov TOT OUTOY 5 34 Kal Reyes avrots 6 Incovs’ Udcous aprovs a+ ¢ \ a ¢c \ \ eh exeTe 5 Ol dé eimov' Enta, kat odiya ixvdia. * Kal éxédevoe trois bxAors avarrecety emt tTHvy yay * Kat aBov rovs entra tprous Kal Tovs ixOvas, €v- yapioTnoas ékhace, Kal €Owke Tois pa- Onrais adrod, of b€ pabnrai Td Oyo. 37 kal epayov mavtes, kal €xoptdaOnoay" Kal jpay TO Teplawevoy THY KNagPATOY, ¢ \ / 4 38 ¢ Ni , emTa omupioas mAnpets. ot O€ €o Oi- ovTEs HOA TeTPAKLOXiALOL GydpEs, Xwpts yuvakay Kal radiav. * Kai drohvoas \ + a2 4 a > A co “i Tovs OxAous * eveBn” eis TO TAOLOY, Kal PAG > Via , mrOev eis Ta Opta Maydaha. 16. Kat mpooehOdvres of Papioator Kat Saddovkator teipacovtes emnpoTny- cay avTov onpeloy ek TOU Ovpayod emt- Seiéar adtois. * 6 dé dmoxpileis etmev > ae > / 4, 4 > Ips avrois’ Ovpias yevouerns héyere, Evdia Si Ca, \ ¢ > , 3 \ es muppacer yap 0 ovpayos. Kat mpot Snuepov xeav’ muppater yap orv- / ec > , b ¢ Ni \ \ yuat@v 6 ovpavds. ”“Ymoxperat,” To pep mpdcamoy TOD ovpavod yiv@oKeTe Oza- kpiew, Ta O€ onpeia TOY KaLPGV ov ? Sivacbe; 4 yeved Tovnpa Kai povyaXdis onpetov emetnret’ Kal onpetov ov OoO7- GeTaL avTH, el pu) TO ONpEtoy “lava © Tod S Mu \ . > \ mpopyrov. Kal kxaradimwy avrovs, amnOe. ~ 5 Kai edOdvres of padnral abrov «is \ , > , / r To Tépav émeddOovto aprovs aPeiv. 6 6 d€ "Inaods elmev adrois’ ‘Opare kat mpooéxere aro THs Couns Tey Papioaiov kal Saddovkaioy. 4% Oi be dveAoyiCovTo €v éautois, Néyovtes’ “OTe aprovs ovK ehaBowev. ® Tvovs O¢ 6 "Inaovs etrev*” / r Ti dvadoyileo be ev Eavrois, dd\uyortaTol, ad / co Ort Uptous ovk eAdBete; * OUT voeire, Marr. XVI. 9. faint inthe way. 33 And his dis- ciples say unto him, Whence should we have so much bread in the wilderness, as to fill so great a multitude ? 34 and Je- sus saith unto them, How many loaves have ye? and they said, Seven, and a few little fishes. 35 And he commanded the mul- titude to sit down on y ground. 36 And he took the seven loaves and the fishes, and gave thanks, and brake them, and gave to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude. 87 And they did all eat, and were filled: & they took up of y broken meat that was left, seven baskets full. 38 And they that did eat, were four thousand men, beside women and children. 29 And he sent away the multitude, & took ship, and came into the coasts of Magdala. 16. The Pharisees also, with the Sadducees, came, & tempt- ing, desired him that he would shew them a sign from heaven. 2 He answered, and said unto them, When it is evening, ye say, Ié will be fair weather: for the sky is red. % And in the morning, I¢ will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowring. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky, but can ye not discern the signs of the times? 4 A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign, and.there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas. And he left them, and departed. 5 And when his disciples were come to the other side, they had forgotten to take bread. ® Then Jesus said unto them, Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, aud of the Sadducees. 7 And they rea- soned among themselves, say- ing, It is because we have taken no bread. 8 Which when Jesus perceived, he said unto them, O ye of little faith, why reason ye among yourselves, because ye have brought no bread ? ¥do a Gb. aveBn. b c—> > > d Rec. add avrocgMarr. XVI. 10. 42 EYATTEAION no ; / 6 ye not yet understand, nei- oye uynuovevere Tovs mévre aptous TOV ther remember the five loaves / ‘ s / of the five thousand, and how TeHmae ON cces: Nae oCee ss Kopivous many baskets ye took up? é€\d/ere; QUOE TOUS ETTA APTOUS TOV 0 neither the seven loaves of ri \ s is l CAL@ Kal Tooa OT VUPLOas the four thousand, and how EeaR Gs x HW 2 > - oe see \ many baskets ye took up? ehaBere ; T@S OV VOELTE, OTL OV TEPL . - > 6 / > how is it that ye do not un- a dptwv" » eimoy tpiv mpocéxew" dad derstand, that Ispake it not to ; mS as , eon you concerning bread, that ye ie: Cupns cee CPEs, poe ae alg should beware of fee Gee oe KQLOY 3 12° Tore OUVHKAY, OTL OUK ELITE the Pharisees, and of the Sad- s Dei A / S ) GUCCES? ya, bben Ynderstood “PAIS XeLus amo THs Guus ere ee they how thathebadethemnot GAN a7ro 7™S dvdayns TWV Papioaia@y a - erica rita , beware of the leaven of bread > Kal Saddovkalov. but of the doctrine of the Pha- 18 PYG) deg? A > \ , risees, and of the Sadducees. EGov d€ 6 Incovs ee Peps r . a , an J. / 13 When Jesus came into the Kaoapetas TNS Pid la7r0Vv NP@TaA TOUS coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he Anis mom Nevers aRias ea asked his disciples, saying, M@ eG Eae: “ Oe ; ie 5 Whom do men say, that I, the yovaolv ot avOpwrot €lvat TOY VLOY TOV ‘ 2 14 > we Son of man, am and they avOpamov; ™ Of 8é cio’ OF pev lo- Said, Some say that thou art ; A , » a) jy ee John the Baptist, some Elias, avynv Tov Barticrny’ G\Xou bé >HXtav and others Jeremias, or one of erepou O€ ‘Tepepiay, i) eva TOV m™podn- the prophets. 15 Hesaithunto 1B. Ae irons Mmete Qo them, But whom say ye that | TY. ‘ f yet ws ey 2 Po 2 coe am? !6 and Simon Peter an- pe deyeTe EAL; : Amroxpileis 0€ Su- swered, and said, Thou art s Dts NBD) cas. oon € Christ the son of the living God. Rae Tlerpos Bee zu ere A purvoss, Gi '7 And Jesus answered, and said UlLOs TOU Oeod Tov (@vTos. ‘ Kat azro- 7 NS > ~ £ rn , unto him, Blessed art thou Si- kpileis 6 Inaovs etrev adre, Makaptos mon Bar-jona: for flesh and & 3/ aay ok Ae vue blood hath not revealed it unto €4 ar Bap @VA, OTL Gaps ROG : : 2 / , > > thee, but my Father which is odx« amekahuwe gol, aAN 6 TATHP [LOU In heaven. 18 And I say also Gre” méteronpavores 18 Kaye Oe aol Xe unto thee, that thou art eter = 2 - - RON oe ayer ae oes Ree and upon this rock I will build OTt ov EL Ilerpos, kai éri TaAUTH TH TWETPA re ee , / \ / my church: und the gates of olkodopnaw jLov THY EkkKAnolay, Kal TU- hell shall not preyail against it. ¢ > , sn 19 \ 19 And I will give unto thee the Aa adou OU KaTLOXUGOVGLY QUT) S- Kas keys of the kingdom of heaven: Smo@ ool Tas K\els THs Bacidelas Toev and whatsoever thou shalt bind SER Le LStenasy, 2.BN. Gan = on earth, shall be bound in Sposa Kae a Diy 1S oe “— YS Se hath and whatsoever thou €o7Tat dedepévov €V TOLS Ovpavols’ Kal O Shalt loose on earth, shall be 2: , Bet ae Oger f : € 7 loosed in heaven. 20 Then ee vons es oe Aehupevov charged he his disciples that €¥ Tols ovpavois. * Tére 4 Sueoretdaro they should tell no man thathe cojf> padnrais avuTod, iva pndevi elT@OL, was Jesus the Christ. cr 2) eM sc) x7 ’ oTl autos €oTwy ° 6 Xpiatds. 3 oT} A \ , + ¢ a ~ 8 21 From that time forthbegan GOT OTE ipSaro O “TOUS “OER pee ia ne unto his disciples, vuewy Tois pa@nrais atrov, Ste Set adrov ow that he must go unto Jeru- 2 2 2 § s \ \ : am7re salem, and suffer many things e Oe es lepoodhupa, a mohha of the elders and chief priests T@Octv amd TOy mpeoButTépav Kat apXle- : oe , \ , z= and scribes, and be killed, and PE@V Kal YpauaTewy, Kal amoxravOnvar, se ee & w—,Rec. & Gb. aprov. bwe Tov upty Ipoceyere CW ecroy uptv 5s Upocezere ds, c=) WW everiuncer, © Rec. add Inaous,KATA MATOAION. 43 rn , ¢ , > A Kal TH TpiTN NPEPS eyepOnvat. >? ¢ EU mpooAaBopevos avrov 6 Meérpos ip&aro a a / ae ! f . eitysay adT@, heyov' “Trews wot, Kuple y ~ 93 ¢ \ ov pi) €OTAL GOL TOUTO. *3°O de oTpa- > a I, > / els etre TO Hérpo' “Yraye ortow pov, nr S: ed > Sarava, ckavOahov pov el’ OTL OU ppo- a \ a me} A \ n > 6 , veis TUTOD OeoU, GAAA TA TOV AVUP@TOV. 4 Tére 6Incovs ele Tois padyTats ajrov: Ei tus Oeder oriaw pov ede, > dmapynodcba €éavTov, kat apadt@ TOV atraupoy avrov, Kat akoAovGeiT@ LOL. 95 a \ x BEN \ \ Coes és yap av Oedn THY Wuxny avrov al , A x > coat, drohéce avTny’ os O ay ano- héon Thy wvyiy atrov eveKev €[L00, S , > , 26 / \ > r e evpnoel aUTnV. TL yap @pedetra G , évOpwros, ev Tov Kdo pov Ohov Keponon, \ \ \ ¢ ~ a“ x / / ri S€ Wuxry abrod (npr@dy 5 7) Te da- ce. dvOpamos avTd\\aypa THs Wouy7s avrov; ~ pedder yap 6 vids TOU av- if y+ > a / tn \ Opamov epyec Oar év rH OEn TOU TaTpos airod peta Tov ayyé\ov avTov' Kal rore drodaoe: ExdoT@ KaTa THY TPAkw “A 8 , Ct avrod. * dry A€éyo wpiv, eiot Twes a n o a Bde éorGres,” olrives ov pay yevowvTat ¢ if ~ Gavdrou, as dv Swat Tov vidy Tov av- Oparrov Epxspevov ev TH Baowdela avrov. > ‘ 17. Kai pe? npepas e& mapadapBaver e? a \ , Ne yo, 4 6 Inoovs toy Iletpov kat Iax@Bov Kat >? / A > \ ,’ ft \ > Iaavyny Tov adehoy avTov, Kal ava- , > \ , + ¢ \ Dee , héper avtovs cis dpos Vyov Kat idtav. \ » a 2 kal perepoppabyn eumpoobev avtav, ww » ~ kat €daprbe TO Tpdc@mov avTod ws O a \ Oe c , > Se , A Pruos, Ta O€ iudria adtov eyevero hevKa c \ An 3 A \ bli > c os to pas. * kal iSodv, aPOnoay avrois ey A , A Maojs kal HYias, per avtov ovAda- A > , > hodvres. 4 dmoxpiGels dé 6 [lerpos etre na? “A , na e 7@ Inood’ Kupte, xaddv eat nuas GbE > fo > , e cs eva et Oeders, Trojtwpev Ode TpeEts \ ‘ / a oknvas, got piav, kal Moon play, Kal , AA 5 7 > Ae a utay id. Ett avrov adovvTos, > \ iSov, vepedn > hore” emeokiacev s KQ@l Marr. XVII. 5. be raised again the third day. 22 Then Peter took him, and began to rebuke him, saying, Be it far from thee Lord: this shall not be unto thee. 7% But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan, thou art an offence unto me: for thou sayourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men. 24 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. 2 For whosoever will save his life, shall lose it: and who- soever will lose his life for my sake, shall find it. *6 For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? 27 for the Son of man shall come in the glory of his father, with his angels: and then he shall reward every man ac- cording to his works. *5 Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his king- dom. 17. And after six days, Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his brother, and bringeth them up into an high mountain apart, 2 and was transfigured before them, and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light. % And be- hold, there appeared unto them Moses, and Elias, taiking with him. 4 Then answered Peter, and said unto Jesus, Lord, it is good for us to be here: if thou wilt, let us make here three tabernacles: one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias. 5 While he yet spake, behold, a bright cloud over- » @ Rec. rwy wis ectnxotwy, Gb, rwy wie eotwrwy, b ~,—Gb. ParogXVII. 6. shadowed them: and behold a voice out of the cloud, which said, This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased: hear ye him. 6 And when the disciples heard it, they fell on their face, and were sore afraid. 7 And Jesus came and touched them, and said, Arise, and be not afraid. 8 And when they had lifted up their eyes, they saw no man, save Jesus only. Marr. 9 Andas they came down from the mountain, Jesus charged them, saying, Tell the vision to no man, until the Son of man be risen again from the dead. 10 And his disciples asked him, Saying, Why thensay the scribes that Elias must first come ? 1l and Jesus answered, and said unto them, Elias truly shall first come, and restore all things: 12 put I say unto you, that Elias is come already, and they knew him not, but have done unto him whatsoever they listed: likewise shall also the Son of man suffer of them. !8 Then the disciples understood that he spake unto them of John the Baptist. 14 And when they were come to the multitude, there came to him a certain man, kneeling down to him, &saying, 15 Lord, have mercy on my son, for he is lunatick, and sore vexed: for oft times he falleth into the fire, and oft into the water. 16 And I brought him to thy disciples, and they could not cure him. !7 Then Jesus an- swered, and said, O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? how long shall I suffer you ? bring him hither tome. 18 And Je- sus rebuked the devil, and he departed out of him: and the child was cured from that very 44 EYATTEAION \ C5 ~ avtous’ kal idov, povn eK THs vepedns, coy Cr, ¢ héyouca’ Otrds eat 6 vids pou 6 @ is > a > / ayamnros, €v @ evOdKnoa’ avTOD akov- , ¢ N27 eve. © Kat dxovoavres of pabnrat ére- ¢ va ‘ > 7 gov eml mpocwmoy avTayv, Kat epoBn- \ ¢ Onoav ofpddpa. 7 kal mpocehOov 6 See a vos 3 , "Inoovs ippato avray, Kal eimev’ *Eyep- rc ? / Onre kai py poBeicbe. 8% ’Emdpavtes a > , 3: de Tovs 6POadpovs avrav, ovdeva eidov, ei put) TOY Inaovy pdvoy. 9 x ie , SA ae a Kal xaraBawdvtev attay * é€x” Tov - > ~ 7, dpous, evereiNato avrois 6 “Incods, e- >) of oY ©: 3 you’ Mndevi ELITNTE TO Opapa, ews ov oO nn ~ > n vios TOU avOparou ek vEeKp@y avaoTH. N Kal emnparnoay aitoy of pa€nrat ce r > ¢ ca avtov, héeyovres’ Ti oty of ypayparets / a > / ae on ~ z A€youowy, Ore “HAiay det eOety rpOTov; ~ 7 > "0 d€ ®’Incots” dmoxpibels etrrev ad-= a 4 ~ “ tois’ “HXias pev épxerae © mp@tov,” Kat € / A ¢€ ~~ arokatactnoe ravra’ ™ héyw O€ byiv, a > / + ay \ > > 4 ore Hyias On nde, kat ovK eméyyaoay > \ 2 > > / > > ~ ¢/ > ¢ avTov, aA erolnoay ev aiT@ dca 7O€- Anoav’ oUT@ Kal 6 vids Tov dvOpamou a / €s50 >in 13 mz peer macyew tm avrov. Tore ~ 4 > / ovvnkay ot padnrai, dre mept *lwavvou Tov BamtioroU eimev avTots. -~ / “4 Kat ehOdvtav aitav mpds roy b- xAov, mpoondOev atte avOpwros yovu- pg Ps ly Se NA ABE Sek. fied Pe ee weTa@v * avToy, kat héeywv' Kupte, ehenody pov Tov vidv, OTe weAnvidCeTat Kal Kak@s mdoyxet’ ToNdKis yap Tiree , ~ a eis TO TUp, Kal ToAAdKLS eis TO UOwp. /, a Co © Kal mpoonveyka avtoy Trois pabnrais > , gov, kal ov nOvynOncay aitov Oepa- =~ 7. > \ X ¢;73 a TEVoAL. AmoxpiOeis S€ 6 "Inaovs a > AS emey” “Q. yevea Gnoros kal Sueotpap- 4 o » a Hern, Ews TOTE Ecouat pe Wud; Ews / > ft: ¢ ~ 4 , WOTE dveEopat upay ; péepere jou avrov e N / > na An @de. 18 Kal ETETIUNTEV AVT@ O Incovs, No Dicn 33 > en ro x kat e€p\Oev am avrod 7d Saypdviov, Kat > 4 cad ~ _ eOcparet6n 6 mais dd Tis Spas éxelvns. & Rec. azo, b a ae = Chess d Rec. aurw,KATA MATOAION. 45 12. Tore mpooeh Oovres ot padyrat TO ‘Inoov kat idiay eimov' Atari npeeis OUK novunOnpev exBarew airs; ~ ‘O Oe ‘Tngovs etrey adrois" Aud THY amurriay Upav. ape yap eyo t Up, eay _EXNTE mor os KOKKOV OLlVaTrEws, epeire TO Opel TOUT@ MerdBn 6 evtevbev € Exel, Kal peraBhoerat kal ovdev aduvarnoes tpi. 71 rovro O€ TO yevos ovK EkTropeveTal, Et pa) ev TMpoTEvyxy Kal vyoTeia. 2 “Avaotpepopevav dé avrayv év TH TadtAala, eimev adtois 6 Incovs’ MéA- het 6 vids Tov avOparov tapadido- o@a «is xeipas avOparearv, ® Kal aro- z em eee cy KTEVOUTW aUTOV, Kal TH TPiTn NLEpa éyepOnoera. Kati édumnOncav od- a. 4 °ENOdvrayv S€ adray cis Karep- VAOV pL, 7 mpoonOoy ot ra SiSpaxpa Aap- Bavoytes TO Tlérpg, Kal elroy" ‘O &- OdcKados vay ot Tedet Ta Sidpaxpa; % Aeyer’ Nai. Kat dre eionhGev eis THY oikiay, TpoepOacey avrov 6 Incods, Aeyov’ Ti cot Soxet, Sivwv; oi Bact- Nels THS yns amd Tivev apBdvovor TeAN 7} KNYTOD 5 amo TOY viv aura, i) amo TOV @rorpiov; 6 Aéyer avTa * 6 Térpos"" "ATO TOV a\ortpiov. "Edy aura 6 ‘Ingovs" “Apaye ehevOepol eiow of viol. *” iva bé Ha oxavdadiooper avrovs, mopevdeis eis THY Oaddhacoay Bare a @yKLOTPO, kal Tov avaBayra m™pao- TOV ixOdy a Gpov" Kal avoigas TO oTéua auToU, eupnoes oTaTHpa’ ekeivoy KaBav dds avrots avTl €uov Kai cod. 18. °Epv exelvy) 7 ” apa” mpoonhOov ol pabnral 7 ‘Ingov, héyovtes’ Tis dpa peiCoov eoTl ev TH Baowrela Tar ovpaver ; 2 Kal mpookaherapevos 0 ‘Ingods matSiov é EoTH OEY avTo €v peo@ avtay, * kal eimev’ “Apiy déyo bpiv, Marr. XVIII. 3. hour. 19 Then came the dis- ciples to Jesus apart, and said, Why could not we cast him out? 2° and Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith asa grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain; Remove hence to yonder place: and it shall re- move, and nothing shall be im- possible unto you. ?! Howbeit, this kind goeth not out, but by prayer and fasting. 22 And while they abode in Galilee, Jesus said unto them, The Son of man shall be be- trayed into the hands of men: 23 and they shall kill him, and the third day he shall be raised again: and they were exceeding sorry. 24 And when they were come to Capernaum, they that re- ceived tribute money, came to Peter, and said, Doth not your master pay tribute? % he saith, Yes. And when he was come into the house, Jesus pre- vented him, saying, What. think- est thou, Simon? of whom do the kings of the earth take cus- tom or tribute? of their own children, or of strangers ? 26 Pe- ter saith unto him, Of strangers. Jesus saith unto him, Then are the children free. 27 Notwith- standing, lest we should offend them, go thou to the sea, and cast an hook, and take up the fish that first cometh up: and when thou hast opened his mouth, thoushalt find a piece of money: that take, and give unto them for me, and thee. 18. At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the king- dom of heaven? 2 and Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them, 3 and said, Verily I say aoa! D0 ww nHFpG.Marr. XVIII. 4. unto you, Except ye be con- verted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. 4 Who- soever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the king- dom of heaven. 5 And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name, receiveth me. ® But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. 7 Woe unto the world because of offences: for it must needs be that offences come: but woe to that man by whom }¥ offence cometh. § Wherefore if thy hand or thy foot offend thee, cut them off, and cast them from thee : it is better for thee to enter into life halt or maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet, to be cast into ever- lasting fire. 9 And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes, to be cast into hell fire. 10 ‘Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones: for I say unto you, that in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heayen. 1! For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost. !2 How think ye ? if a man have an hundred sheep, and one of them be gone astray, doth he not leave the ninety and nine, and goeth into the mountains, and seeketh that which is gone astray? 13 and if so be that he find it, verily I say unto you, he rejoiceth more of that sheep, than of the ninety ass—.Rec & Gb. taresvwoy, 46 EYATTEAION eqy py orpapire Kal yerna be Os Ta nadia, ov ra cioehOnre eis THY Baow- Nelay THY ovpavav. * Gots ody * Ta- MEWOoeEL” EaUTOY OS 70 madioyv TOUTO, ovTds eoTw 6 pelCov 7 TH Bacwreia TOV ovpavor. 5 Kal Os eay GeEnrat mavdioy FOOT oy ev emt T@ Ovopart [OU ewe O€xerau’ © os &° dy oxardanrion é eva Tov _PiKpav TOUTOY TOY TLOTEVOYTOY els eHe, ouppe Epel avTo, wa Kpenao 07 povros ovikos ? eis” Tov Tpdxndov avrov, kal katarroyvticOn ev Ta Tmehayer THS Oahacons. 7 Oval ra Koop aro Tay cKavOahev* avaykn yap eotiy ehGety ra oKavdaha* may oval TO apa EKELVO, oe ou ro oKxdvSaroy 2 epxerar. ® et Se 7 xelp gov 7} 6 movs cov cKavdariCe ce, exkowyov © aura" kat Bade aro cov" kaddv oot eotly eicehOety eis THY Conv 3 c A , xadov 7 KvdAAOv, 7 Sto yEipas 7 SvO 4d + ‘a > A a A mo0as €xovra BAnOnvat eis TO UP TO 7 9 \ 2 5f£i sn. / aiovioy. ° kal «it 6 opOadpos wou cKay= dadi€er oe, eEeXe avrov Kal Bade amd a / > \ , > gov" Kaddy cot eoti povdpOadpor eis a , mv Conv eicedOciy, 7) Svo dpOadpovs exovta BAnOnvar eis thy yéeevvay TOU mupos. 1G ¢ a A 4 Ck Opare pa) karappovnonre EVvOS TOV LUKP@V TOUT@Y" eyo yap Uply, OTe ol dyyehou adray ev odpavots Oud Tavros Prerovor TO mpécwmoy Tod marpds pov TOU €v ovpavois. 1 4 7rOe yap 6 vids i avOparov ceca TO dmroho- NOs. oH oly Ooket; €ay yevnrat TWh aOpare € EKATOV mpoBara, Kat wAavnOn ev €& avray: ovxt adels Ta evvEvnKOV- Taevvea, em TA opn mopevOels (ret TO mravedpevor 5 13 kal écy yeuyrat evpely avr, dun eyo Uy, ore xaipe én avT@ paddov 7 ent rots evvevnKOVTa- b w—.Rec. & Gb exe. © ® avroy. d =KATA MATOAION. 47 14 of evved Trois pi) Temaynpevots. *” OVT@S OvK €OTL Oehnpa éumpoobey TOU maTpos tHov ToD €&V ovpavois, iva amédnrat eis” TOY puKpav TOUTOV. e “Edy be dyaptnon els ve 6 adehpds cov, Umaye > Kal’ " eheyEov avTov peragv gov Kal avrov povov. €ay cou aKxovon, exepOnoas Toy adeAov cou" 16 cay be a dKovon, mapddaBe pera wov ere eva 7 dv0, wa emt oTdparos dvo papriper i) TpL@v oral jay pia. 7 eay Oe TapaKovoy avTa@v, «ime TH] ekg oi’ eaqy O€ kal m™ms exh oias mapakov- on, ¢oT@ cor Bomep 6 €OyiKds Kai 6 TEA@INS. 8 “Amy héyo tpiy, doa €ay Snore emits YASs eorardedepeva € ev TO ) ovpare” kal ooa eay Nuonte eT THs yns, €ora Aehupeva € ev TO oupare. 9 rahw “eyo opi, | OTL eay dto tpav cuppormnoacw et ms yas mepl mavTos mpayparos oo eay airnoorrat, yernoera avTots mapa TOU marpds pou TOU ey ovpavois. 0 of yap elo dvo 7] 7 Tpets TUN YHEVOL eis TO €“ov dvopa, €KEl Eipt eV pEo@ avT@v. al. Tére mpooeOav auT@ 6 Ilerpos eime’ Kupte, moodKes dpaptnoes cis ene 0 adehpos pov, Kal apjoe aUT@ 3 Ews emrakis; ™ Aéye ad’T@ 6 Inaovs" Ov, Neyo ool, €ws émTakis, aN’ ews €BSo- Bykovraks eta. * Ova TOTO @porwOn 7 Bacrcia Tey otlpavay avOpare Ba- airel, Os NIA noe cvvapar Adyor pera TOV Sovhor avtov. 74 dp§apevov d€ avTov ovvaipely, mpoonvexOn avT@ els odethe- 7™s puplov Tadayrov. > un EXovTos de avTovd dmodotva, éxehevoev adrov Kuptos avrov mpabnvat, Kai THY yuvaiKka oo \ \ , \ / a aqvToU Kal Ta TeKVa, Kal TayTa boa ely, Kal amo8oOjvat. TETMY OUP OovAos mpoceKvver ad’Ta, héyav’ Kupue, ¢ On on aw ey b Gb. om rac, © any Marr. XVIII. 26. and nine which went not astray. 14 Byen so, it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish. 15 Moreover, if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. 16 But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three wit- nesses, every word may be esta- blished. 17 And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear ¥ church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man, and a publican. 18 Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth,shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth, shall be loosed in hea- ven. 19 Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. 79 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. 21 Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times ? *2 Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, until seventy times seven. *3 Therefore is ) king- dom of heaven likened unto a certain king, which would take account of his servants. 24 And when he had begun to reckon, one was brought unto him which owed him ten thousand talents. 2% But forasmuch as he had not to pay, his lord com- manded him to be sold, and his wife, and children, and all that he had, & payment to be made. 26 The servant therefore fell down, and Sey aes him, = Or besought himMart. XVIIL 27. saying, Lord, have patience with me, and J will pay thee all. 27 Then the lord of that servant was moved with com- passion, and loosed him, and forgave him the debt. 28 But the same servant went out, and found one of his fel- lowservants, which owed him an hundred pence: and he laid hands on him, and took him by the throat, saying, Pay me that thou owest. % And his fellow- servant fell down at his feet, é< besought him, saying, Have patience with me, and I will pay thee all. 39 And he would not: but went and cast him in- to prison, till he should pay the debt. 3! So when his fellow- servants saw what was done, they were very sorry, and came, and told unto their lord all that was done. 32 Then his lord, after that he had called him, said unto him, O thou wicked servant, I forgave thee all that debt because thou desiredst me: 33 shouldest not thou also haye had compassion on thy fellowservant, even as I had pity on thee? %4 and his lord was wroth, and delivered him to the tormentors, till he should pay all that was due unto him. 35 So likewise shall my hea- venly Father do also unto you, if ye from your hearts forgive not every one his brother their trespasses. 19. And it came to pass, that when Jesus had finished these sayings, he departed from Gali- Jee, and came into the coasts of Judea, beyond Jordan: ? and great multitudes followed him, and he healed them there. 3 The Pharisees also came unto him, tempting him, and saying unto him, Is it lawful for a man tv put away his wife for every cause? #4 and he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that D Reo. ¢ Te. ¢ Gb. om. f Gb. om, > ‘> 48 EYATTEAION P > / ot pakpobupnooy em €mol, Kal TavTa Col” 2 YA Lh rn 6 \ Oe ¢ += aT00@o a. SmridayxviaGels O€ O KUs” ~ > s > ptos Tov SovAou ekeivou améhuoev ave” Tov, Kal TO Odveroy apnKev avTa. 8 -HEeOav Se 6 Oovdos ExeELwos = 7 a , ¢ ex a etpeyv eva Tey auvdovh@y avuTOU, O§ a > ~ c \ / A Spewrev advt@ éExarov Onvapia, Kat Kpa= 2, / ? Thoas avTov emvvye, heyov’ “Amdd0s oI > 2 wor” Pel re” oetAers. 29 Tlec@y ovv 6 , > Ngee) \ , > A cvvdovnros avrod © eis TOUS TOOas aVTOU / ig mapekddet avTov, Aéyov' MaxpoOvpnoov ém €uol, Kal “” arod@oe oot. 30°O de} ovk HOcedev, ANNA are Oav EBadrev avuTov ’ A a > > ~ A > , eis Pudakny, EWS OV amoo@ TO dpeho- 31 2N7 Bie A ». > a pevov. 3! ddvres dé of guvOovAot avTou \ , > , / a A ra yevopeva ehurnOnoay opodpa’ kat 6 ¢ cal eOdvres Suecdnoay TO Kupl@ avT@V 2 mara Ta yevopeva. * réTe mpooKahe- odpevos avTov 6 KUplLos avToU eyet rn n \ > > ait@, Aovde movnpe, Tava THY Opet= hiyy exeluny apikd cou, emel mapeKade- ods pe’ * ovk eer Kal oe EdeTOaL TOY / , c Ne ees, > / cvvdovddy cov, os Kal eyo oe nrenoa; : , a oe 34 Kal dpyraGels 6 KUptos avTov Tmape= r C a oe Saxev ad’tov Tois Bacavictais, Ews OU amod@ may TO opeddpevor avTa. = oe , 35 oft@ Kal 6 maTNp jou 6 © eroupavios” Touoer Upiv, eay py apyre ExaoTos TO GdEAPO avTovd awd TV KapOl@v Upev fra mapanTo@pata avTav.” 19. Kal éyévero ore eréhecev 6 a A , n~ "Incovs Tovs Adyous ToVvTOUS, PETNPEY amo £ rhs” TadwAalas, kat nAOev cis Ta a A , ~ 3 , Spia ths “lovdaias mépav Tov ‘lopdavov. 9 \ > , > ~ oA X 2 kal neodovOnaay avtT@ OxAot TodXol, kal eOepdrrevoev avrous €kél. 3 K \ nvAG > ~ € © r Kai mpoondOov avt@ ol Papicator meipacovres avTov, Kat AeyovTes " avT@” 7 », / > oe Ei é£eotw avOpame@ arohvoa Thy yv- r ~ ~ c vaika avrov Kata Tacay aitiay; *‘O d« = eee JE drrokpibels eirev avtots’ OVK aveyvare & g © © ovparviog ad Rec. & Gb. add wavra. Gb. > bh —- § Elz. om, =KATA MATOAION. 49 OTL O ) Toujoas cr dpxns dpoey Kal Ondu emoinoey avtous, * kal etmev" Evexey rouToU Karaheiyer pYoparros TOV 7 marépa kal THY pnrepa Kal * kody Onorerar” 7H yuvarel avrou, Kal evovra ot duo eis odpka pay; ° “Qore ovKeTe eiol Ovo, add oapé pia’ 6 ovv 6 Oeds auvecev- Sen ayOpearos a) Xeopiceroo. Aéyouow ait@’ Ti obv Moons eve- TelNaTO Sovvar BuBXiov & drrocragiou, Kal amoddaa avtTny; ® Aéyet avtois’ “Ore Moons mpos THY oKnpoxapdiav bpav ererperpev % opiy drrohvoa Tas yovaikas UO’ ar apxijs de ov yeyouey ouTe. : eyo de yu, éru os ay aronvo7 TY yuvaixa avrov, ” ei” pn emt mopveia, Kal yapnon GAnv, povyarat’ Kal 6 amroe- hupermy yapnoas povyarat. © Aéyovow a’T@ ot pabnrat avtov' Ei ouras early 7 aitia Tov avOparov pera 7™s yuvatkos, ou oupeper yapij- gat. 1 °O de etrev adrois’ Ov mavres ‘yopovor TOV Adyor TOUTOY, GX’ ois be- (Sora. ? elo yap evvovyol, oirwes €k kotMlas puntpos eyevyiOnoay ovTw Kal slow evvodxol, viTives evvovyicOnoay i0 Tov avOpoTreyv" Kai cio EvvodyoL, vires Evvovytoay EavTovs Sid THY Ba- redelay TOV oupavay. 6 Suvdpevos ya- JE X@pElTo. | 38 Tére mpoonvexOn avT@ matoia, iva “as xeipas e707) avrots, Kat mpooevén- ge of O€ pabyral emer ino ay avrois" 6 O€ "Ingovs elev" “Agere TQ Tal- iia, kal Ha) Kkolvere aura eh Oeiv m™pos € TOV yap TOLOUT@Y €OTLY 1) Bacwdeia ay ovpavar. ® Kal émiOeis avtois ras ‘ €ipas, eropev6n exeiOev. -! 18 Kat i8od, eis mpooed Bay elev av- et" Awdackane © ayabe,” Tl dyaboy TOl- «To, va exw Cory aidvioy 3 “O dé eirev q a &.—Rec. & Gb. rpocxodAAnOncerat, b cl Gb. om, c= & Marr. XIX. 16, he which made them at the be- ginning, made them male and female? and said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleaye to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh. © Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put ‘asunder. 7 They say unto him, Why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement, and to put her away? §& he saith unto them, Moses, because of } hardness of your hearts, suffer- ed you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so. % And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornica- tion, and shall marry another, committeth adultery : and who- so marrieth her which is put away, doth commit adultery. 10 His disciples say unto him, If the case of the man be so with his wife, it is not good to marry. 11 But he said unto them, All men cannot receive this saying, save they to whom it is given. 12 For there are some eunuchs, , which were so born from their mother’s womb: and there are some eunuchs,which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made them- selves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him re- ceive it. 13 Then were there brought unto him little children, that he should put his hands on them, and pray: and the disciples re- buked them. !4 But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and for- bid them not to come unto me: for of sists is the kingdom of heaven. And he laid his hands on deer and departed thence. 16 And behold, one came and said unto him, Good master, what good thing shall I do, that —Marrs XIX 1. Imay have eternal life? 17 And avT@* Lay pe eyes aya ayadbs, et pi es; 6 Gcds.” > i 2: \ eloeAGely els THY rodds. 18 Aéyer avt@* Ho = oS , > , “ > cous eure Td: Ov govevoets’ ov héyreus’ ov evOopap- , / \ \ tupnoes’ ' ripa TOY TaTEpa b” kal THY , / , pntepa’ Kal’ “Ayannoets Tov mTANnoLOV / a , cou os ceauTov. 2 Aéyer adT@ 6 veavi- 4 ~ 3 / okos' Ildvra tadta epvdagapyy s f Ai) Le, G Bere 2177 vedTnTOS Pou" TL ETL VOTEP® 5 on C ~ 4 avT@ oO Incovs’ Et Odders = TE NELOS; a od A c /, cival, Umaye, TOANTOY Tov TA UTAp- c QA ae xovra, Kal dos TTwXOLS Kal e€ers On- C~ _ > / | gaupov ev ovpave” Kal Oevpo, aKo\ov-|| > , / se Ger pou. * “Axovoas dé 6 veavioKos TOY} ~ , > \ »~ Adyov dmnrOe AuTrovpevos” nv Yap EX@Y,| , KTnpata moAha. 23 °Q §€ “Ingods «ime Tots panrais | avrou' “Apny eyo UW, OTL dugKOAQs | 4 5 "f 3 \ Xx / mAovotos eicedevoetat eis THY BactAcLay a me 9 t a > Trav ovpavaev. >! madw € Neyo VIL, EUKOR | / / / TaoTepov ete Kdynov Sud TPvTNLaTos, a 3 , > \ Sos YeicedGety,” 7) TAOVTLOY ELS THY Baordelay TOU Qeov eloe La if cavres 8€ of pabnrat °” e€erAnooorTa , 7 , | opddpa, AeyovTes” Tis dpa duvatat T@> mu é , > aes. Onvar; © ’EpBr ~ > N c co > , / avt@’ "IdSov, nets abnkapev TayTa, Ka aE Mobs dels an OMey, TAU nkoovonoapey col TL apa EoTal MW 28 ¢ AD, ~ oS: > Pte > \ xr / ‘ O S€ Ingots etrev avrois’ Apny eye cr - , , i jpiv, dre tpets of dkohovOnoaytes pou an ¢ , cut év Ty maduyyeveria, Stay Kabion Oo vlog “A , ¢ ~ Tov avOpamovu emt Opdvov dd&ns avTou, cabioeabe Kal tpeis emt Sadexa Opde / \ , A 4S vous, Kpivoytes Tas Sadexa pvdds TOU > , 29 \ ro of id? Iopand. ~ Kat mas os ® ankey OlKias, 3 x a / + i) adeAdods, 7} adeAas, 7) TaTEpa, | he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep ¥ commandments. !§ He saith unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, !9 Honour thy father & thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 2° The young man saith unto him, All these things have I kept from my youth up: what lack I yet? *! Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be per- fect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come & follow me. 2? But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions. 23 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of hea- ven. 24 And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. % When his disciples heard it, they were exceedingly amazed, saying, Who then can be saved? 26 But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. 27 Then answered Peter, and said unto him, Behold, we have forsaken all, and followed thee, what shall we have therefore ? 23 And Jesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you, that ye which have followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. 29 And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, , > PLOLXEVTELS OU K NGciv. % > Axov- | | EYATYEAION | } | t Cay, THN or" Tas EVR | & XN .—Gb. Te pe epwras Tepe 7OV ayaflow; ets BaTLv O ayabos, € Rec add avrovKATA MATOAION. dl pnTepa, i yovaixa, i) TEKVA, 7) aypovs, eveKey TOU ovdpards pov, exatovram)a- aiova Anerat, Kal (wry al@vioy KAy- povopnoes. “0 TloAol O€ €covrar mpSrot €a-yarot, kat €oxaTot mparor. 20. dpola yap cot 7 Baciela THY ovpavev avOpaTa ~ © < oikodeoréTn, Ootis e&nhOev Gua mpal / 3 / > \ > a prcOacacba epydras eis TOY dumeh@va avrov. * ouudavncas O€ peta Tov epyatav ex Snvapiov THY npEpay, dre- : arerhey auTous els TOV aur eh@va avroo. 3 Kal ef Oav n mept a Tpirny Opa, cidev ahous eoTatas €v TH ayopa dpyous : Kakeivots elev" ‘Yrdyere Kal vpcls eis TOV dpumehava, kal 0 éav 7 Olkatov dao tpiv. * OF Se am Gov. wadw eEeh day mept eKTHY kal ? evvarny" pay, emrolnoev ooaiTas. g mept O€ TH év- | Oekarny © Spay" Eedbar, eupey @ ous éaT@ras “apyovs,” Kat Aeyet aurois" an a@0e eoTnKarTe ogy Ty LE pay apyot ; ’ Aéyovow atta: "Ore ovdels nas emi Gacaro. Agvet avrois* ‘Yrrayere a - Kal Upels eis TOY dumedava, © Kal 6 éay 1 9 Oikatoy An Were.” - 8 °Ovbias dé yevouerns Aeyer 6 6 Kupios 1 TOU dpmehdyvos 7 emirpom@ avutov’ Ka- : Kecov TOUS epyaras, Kal amd8os avrois Tov poor, dpEdpevos a amo TOY eax arov 1 EWS Toy mpatov. ° Kai €d@dvres oi \mept thy evdexdtny Spav ehaBov ava Onvaptov. %° €dOdvres S€ of mparoe \ vOpuoay ore m)etova AnWovra’ Kat \€AaBov kat adrot ava Onvaptov. 1 a- Bovres 6: SySyrvov KaTa TOU olKode- i O@OTOU, ) A€yovtes’ “Ore ovToL of €- TXaTou play pay émoinoay, Kal icous mpi avrovs emoinaas, Tots Baordoact ‘TO Bdpos ths nuepas Kal Tov Kavoova. 3 *O 6€ amoxpiGels ecirev evi adtav" Marr. XX. 13. or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name’s sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life. 30 But many ¥ are first, shall be last, and the last shall be first. 20. For the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is an housholder, which went out early in the morning to hire labourers into his vineyard. 2 And when he had agreed with the labourers for a penny a day, he sent them into his vine- yard. 3 Andhe went out about the third hour, and saw others standing idle in the market- place, 4 and said unto them, Go ye also into the vineyard, and whatsoever is right, I will give you. And they went their way. © Again he went out about the sixth and ninth hour, and did likewise. 6 And about the eleventh hour, he went out, and found others standing idle, and saith unto them, Why ooo ye here all the day idle? 7 They say unto him, Because no man hath hired us. He saith unto them, Go ye also into the vine- yard: and whatsoever is right, that shall ye receive. 8 So when even was come, the lord of the vineyard saith unto his steward, Call the la- bourers, and give them their hire, beginning from the last, unto the first. 9 And when they came that were hired about the eleventh hour, they received every man a penny. !9 But when the first came, they sup- posed that they should have received more, & they likewise received every man a penny. 11 And when they had received it, they murmured ag: aint. the goodman of yhouse, !2 saying These last have wrought but one hour, and thou hast made them equal unto us, which have borne the burden, and heat of ¥ day. 13 But heanswered one of a > 4 & Rec. add ry. bw evar. ees 4 wo. ou, “> Ur, bave cuntinued one bow on y.Marr. XX. 14. 52 EYATTEAION them and said, Friend, I do thee ‘Eraipe, OUK QOLK® OE ovxt Snvaptov no wrong: didst not thou agree cuvepovnads [LOL 14 dpov TO OY Kat with me fora penny? 14 Take , AY ‘ , mes , Soo Nae aneds Demateolny Way, Uden CeN@ Oe TOVTO TO ceKATD COVA . . . \ > a f= I will give unto this ast, even qo Kal OO. 15 i) OUK €&eoTl pot TOLnOaL as unto thee. 1 Is it not law- a ANGE Pea ae regen tat G 6pOanr ta Palifom mie fondo what, 1 will O°VENO €Y GTS Ce ee 3 i with mine own? Is thine eye wou 7roynpos €OTLY, OTL EY dyads ELL 5 j 5 ¢ 16S ° > », a evil, because 1am good? 16 So 16 ofrws €covrat ol EXATOL TPOTOL, Kal the last shall be first, and the , = o : \ , > Peat tor iiaiy fe called, Of mparor “eo yarormmoNNou ap } / but few chosen. KAnTol, OAtyot O€ EKNEKTOL. W Kal dvaBalvov 6 Incods eis ‘Iepo- 17 And Jesus going upto Je- Cay ep Oey NeOUS le hae rusalem, took the twelve disci- ooAupLa mapeAaBe TOUS Owdexa pabnras ples apart. in the way, and said .47? ?S{ay év TH 600, Kal elmev avTots’ unto them, !8 Behold, we go 4. ; Sea of t ae P up to Jerusalem, and the Son ISov, avaBatvopey eis Iepooodupa, . Z , of man shall be betrayed unto xq} 6 vids Tov dvOpamou mapadoOnoeTat the chief priests, and unto the ee) a \ oe en scribes, and they shall condemn 70!S apXlLepe poe a Oe KalLKa— him to death, !9 and shall de- Taxpivovotv auTOV Gavaro, 19 kal mapa- liver him to the Gentiles to 97 Sea ~ > vg mock, and to scourge, and to Oaoovow avTov Gos eOveow els 2. Eph crucify him: and the third day matEa Kal paoTlywodl Kal oTavpadal he Sue rise again. Kal TH Tpitn TLE pa avaoTnoera. 20 Then came to him the mo- 2 m/ : Ay 4 a ea BC ee a ther of Zebedee’s children, with Tote mpoonhbev GUT] PNTHp TOM 4 ~~ ~ ¢ her sons, worshipping him, and via@v ZeBeSaiov pera TOY VvIGY aUTNS; a. : : : ai 2 ce , ose fesiring a.cemaln thing of him. + oogKuvovca Kal airovod TL Tap avTOU. And he said unto her, What 9)’ « Si be r OL) : , wilt thou ? she saith unto him, 6 Oe Elev auT? Te Gehrets 5 Aeyet pion < las > No, / ve ¢ Grant, that these my two sons avte’ Eimé a xkabio@ow ovrot ot dvo may sit, the one on thy right | « Ds Pa aos é a cen ee éé hand, and the other on the left ee Hoes a eK 7 5 2 elas ueu; o S in thy kingdom. 22 But Jesus ev@vyuy@y > GOV EV TH] Baowdeia cov. © . . « 7 7% ; C i > a > answered, and said, Ye know 22 Arroxptlets © Oe 5! Incovs eurev’ OUK not what yeask. Are ye able , 3 Si , x : to drink of the cup that I shall oldare Ti aireiode. SvvacGe Tel TO . = ; 19 7 a ‘ drink of, and to be baptized TOTNpLoV, } ey@ peo TIVELY, oF TO with the baptism that 1am bap- tized with? ‘They say unto wl ee we 5: Bs a him, We are able. 23 Andhe var; Aeyouo.y avTa@ Avvdpeba. 23 Kal a y © 1 avn , saith unto them, Ye shall drink héyer ocoic. ae pev TroTnpuov pov aries indeed of my cup, and be bap- a ak ee RR . tized with the baptism that 1 oe, ° 7) TO Bamriopa, oeyw Barrigopat, = a 3 ‘ / \ / > a am baptized with: but tositon Barua OnoecGe*" 70 Oe kaGioat ek OeELar my right hand, and on my left, . Dp > , £ 7 is not mine to give, but 2¢ shall ee kal €& UU ORC poe oe — be given C ae oF ape it €uov Sovdvat, dA ois NTOLAGTAL UITO TOL is prepared of my Father. , 24 And when the ten heard Tae pees ; a : s it, they were moved with indig- 24 Kal dxovoartes ot Seka NY avakTn- j © j 7 \ na , > a 9: nation against the twobrethren. gqy Tepl TeV dvo adedpar. 2 6 Ot 25 But Jesus called them unto » a 7 52 > him, and said, Ye know that Inoovus TpooKadeapevos avTovus €l: c — : 7 / n~ a the princes of the Gentiles wep: OlSate dru of dpxovtes Tov €Ovar 4 St. a. b Rec. om. © St,o de. 4Gb. om.—Rec. care. T.A. © Gb. om.—Rec xan. te A £5 Bdrriopa, 6 eyo Barrifopat, Barria 67- |KATA MATOAION. 53 Matt. XXI. 6. s > an \ © if . <8 2 KATAKUPLEVOVOLY AUT@V, Kal OL peyanot exercise dominion over them, s Se 205) Creagh! & they that are great, exercise kare£ovod ovo sarki) vee ae . authority upon them. 26 But gota ev wiv’ GAN’ Os eav OeAn Ev vpiv it shall not balsa among you: 4 4 be “ Suav bia o* but whosoever wi oe grea vy OtaKovo ] g Eres yeveo bau, Be ees uk among you, let him be your “7 Kal Os eav Gedy ev bpiv etva TPOTOS, minister. 7 And whosoever A a = 9 ef ¢ 2s . . ‘ ot a ee), t > > ¥ . 4 ‘ tov avOpwrov ov 7AOe Staxovn Ojvat, theo Son Gimmiveame KGte te aa Staxovncat Kat Oovvat THY uxny ere ee ae minis- Nay oF per EN a ter, and to give his life a ran- avrov huTpoy avrTt Toda. ee 45 len ene en , > a \ oi 29 Kal exmopevopévav avTay amd ‘le- ~ 29 And as they departed from > / > ~ oS z . x ° ei ptx®, nKoAoVOnTEY avT@ OxXAOS ToXvs. Jericho, a great multitude fol 0 ay oN OG Nor 6y, . lowed him. And behold, two Kat idov, us tup a a 1p SOF EPS blind men sitting by the way THY OO0Y, akovaayTes OTL Inaovs trapa- side, a oo that Je- 2 , STN ‘uae, sus passed by, cried out, saying yet, €xpagav, Aeyovres* Ehenoov meas, ae ee ie , of » a kupte, vids Aavid. *! ‘O dé dyNos erre- thou sonof David. 3! Andthe r 7 , € A . i ~ S Tiunoey avrois iva ctamncacu. ot dé ne ee aici ioy , a , con au hey s c HeiCov expacor, Aeyovres Ekenoov npas, peace: but they cried the more, ¢ * ° kupte, vios Aautd. 2 Kal otras 6 In- ae ite? oo ro ee ete en ) etre: Ti Lord, thouson of David, 32 Anc oee epavnoey Bee aS ore i Jesus stood still, and called C54 , oe : as z Oédere TOWMTW VELLW 5 = Aeyovow avT®* them, and said, What will ye ? ps Cain c > ‘ 7 3 > Kupte, wa dvoryOdow jpadv of d- ¥ Ishall dounto you? % they “ s to | Lord, that our Gar , 3i 5 \ be} de or ~ , Say unto him, Lora, p eNO C- Be Ae ee €0 1179US eves may be opened. 34 So Je- WWvaro TOV opladpav aUT@Y Kat evbews a had uelans on a ee ra Sige : } and touched thelr eyes: anc aveBhevray ot ey . opdarnol, ak immediately their eyes received nkoNovenoay auT@. sight, and they followed him. we. c bi 21. Katdre 7yytoay eis ‘Iepoodd\vpa, 21. And when they drew nigh a a / > 7 Kat nrOov eis BnOpayi m™pos TO pos unto Jerusalem, and were come a Z j doe Mee ay to Bethphage, unto the mount TOV eAaay, TOTE O Incovs aTeaTENeE of Olives, then sent Jesus two , , > a , ws ‘ 7 dvo paOnras, * Néywv adrois TIopev- disciples, * saying unto them, é > \ r eee « -_. Gointothe village over against aes le OPV ae OR Te’ vee you, and straightway ye shall Kal evOews EUPNOETE OVOY dedeperny, Kat find an coche und a colt with a a : 2 2 » 0? her: ? tn, and bying them A > av Avera ayayere her: loobe then, and bsing uae is ae ele, - wees TSS aes ge ‘3 urto “me. : Ane if any man peot. Kal €ay Tis Up ELT Ta EP6lTC” say oyght xno you, ye shall a / > val > as . > 4 a ‘ “Ort 6 Kuptos avraéy ypesaveyer’ evbews say, The Lord jhath aeed of dé 4g Ne “aides. Ae Ton Sr staem and Sstraightway’ ie will a ee CE AUTOUS.» >> 0470 » Of ‘send them. 4 >A)li'th}s Has done, , oAn \ y\ ; Bre > oo a © oo” yeyovev, wa mAnpoly To pnbey that it, malt de’tul fled which A , ee 5. ow 2 k es Ova Tov mpopyrov, Aéyovras’ ® Eiirare os TP Tall vo tevaeaeltae ct > \ he 53 \ c , 09 Py oh 7 Ovyatpl Si@v* Idod, 6 Bacidevs cov Sion, Behold, thy king cometh ” , a ei EPXETAL TOL, Tpavs kal emBeBnkaws eal Unto thee, meek, and sitting 2s Sil Ciba c , upon an ass, and a colt, the foal ovov Kal THAov vidy brotvyiov. ab asinte: ° IlopevOévres S€ of pabnral, Kal © Andthe disciples went, and & Rec, add de, Dw eora © ws eorTas, d Ree. avocredrs. eMarr. XXI. 7. 54 EYATTEAION Z > r e did as Jesus commanded them, TOlnTAVTES Kalas mpooerakev avuTols O 7 - . ~ \ a and brought the ass, and the "Inoovs, 7 yayov THY bvov Kal TOV TO- colt, and put on them their ee a Sy Soe Nous clothes, and they set him there- oy, Kal emeOnkay ETAaY@ AVTOY TA LUa- on. 8 Anda very great multi- cia aUuT@Y, Kat 2% emeKabuoev ETAVa tude spread their garments iny > _- 8 6 MQ) n > x way, others cut down branches CEOs v be mheiaros Oxhos SOR 2A" from the trees, and strawed éavray Ta iudria ev TH 000° a@Xou O€ i y6 9 » , a , \ them in the way. And the %oqroy KAaOoUSs amro T@V devdpov, Kat multitudes that went before, , i 5 ae ES 9. of Se can and that followed, cried, say- EOTP@VVYUOV €V 77) 00®@. ol O€ OXAOL ing, Hosanna to the son of pes ol mpoayovTes Kal of aKkoAouvGovrTes vid: Blessed is he that cometh » s nag Ne aes in the name of the Lord, Ho- expagov, Aeyovres Qoavva Tue Aav sanna in the highest. Lo" evhoynfevos O EPXOPEVOS EV OVOLATL o ¢ / Kvpiov" ecavya év Tols viyloTols. 10 10 Ke \ 2) rG6 > a i ST a And when he was come at eiaeAGovTos auTov els i€po j 1 7 ~ (oe ¢ Z . into Jerusalem, all the city was oodvupa, eceiaOn Taca 1 WONts, NEyoua moved, saying, Who is this ? Me 2 se Os Oe SN GIEENE 5 11 And the multitude said, This *+4S €77l CULO Ny ut EO XE OIG yen is Jesus the prophet of Naza- Ovrds ear Inoovs 0 Tpopntns, O avo © ; nan / feiobGalilee: Nalaper tis TaAtAatas. : 12 \ 5 an 6 ¢ ? ~ , Aa A 12 And Jesus went into the Kat elonr ev 0 Inoous els TO LEepoY © ye © ~ ~ fe / / \ temple of God, and cast out all bo) Qeod,” Kai e&eBahe mavtTas Tous them that sold and bought in Noe <3 / > meen the temple, and overthrew the ™#AOULTaS Kat ayopacovTas EV T@ LEPQ, tables of the moneychangers, kal Tas TpaTre(as TOV KoAAUBia TOV Ka-= and the seats of them that sold _ Ng s a doves, }3 and said unto them, réeoTpee, Kal Tas kaledpas TOY Te o KGL €- It is written, My house shall be NovvT@y Tas Tepiorepas® called } house of prayer, but ye ye, avrots’ Teypanrar ‘O otkdés pov have made it a den of thieves. “5 s nO a: pe see 14 And the blind and the lame OlKOS TTPOTEUKXNS KAT) NOETAL UPELS OE came to him inthe temple, and qiroy emouoate omndaov AyoT@y. he healed them. 1 And when j4 ‘ a 2A \ x ile the chief priests and scribes Kat mpoonOov aUED Tuprot KE) rn Cc > / > saw the wonderful things that xadoi ev TQ) lep@* Kal eOepamrevoev avu- || i rh] . tal 5 \ c \ ¢ he did, and the children crying ¢ojjo, 15 2Sdpres O€ of apxvepets Kal ot in the temple, and saying, Ho- a 4 ; aS : sanna to the son of David, they VPG@M@PaTELS TA davpacia a €TTOLNOE, KAL a . ic ~ } vw > ~ ¢ - \ were sore «displeased, 18 and zovs tratdas KpagovTas ev TH LEP@, Kal said ufptgé him, cléarest «thou S27 a. oO, ee Ge A a0 2 what these gay $ «And Jesus epORT ae PETE TOU Ye saith usto them, ¥ea,havetye paksnoay,’ o WB Kas elmrov avT@" Akovets never read, Out of the molth' 7 oF 7 o~Néyevew”; ‘O de “Inaovs deyet of bakes and sucklipgs, thon, .,. Y te mr 2 hast perfected praise? '% And @UTOLS Nat .ovdemote aveyvate’ Ort ae : t C he left them,and went out 6f && ‘ordpaross yyTMav Kal Onralovrav the city into Bethuny,and he aa! 3 oe las NG lodged there. Rariptio@ CUB OE 5 Sat karahureay avrovs e&niOev €Ew THs Toews Els / \ > / > - ee a ‘ BnOaviar, Kal nuria On €KEL. 8 Now in the morning, as he 18 tT ase oeme , > \ , returned into ¥ city, he hurger- TE RORae STAVE OUNS yp ae ed. 19 And when he sawa fig uy, ereivace’ © Kal idwy ouKNy play a@ Bz & Elz. erexadicav, baKATA MAT®@AION. emt 7s 6500, rev € em QUT? evpev ev aury) €l pa pudda 05 VY, Kal ovdEev povov" Kal deyet aurh” Myxere €k WOU KapTos yé- yytar Els Tov ai@va. Kat e&npavOn Ta- paxpnpua 1 OUK?. a Kal iOdvres ol pa@nral eOavpacayr, eyortes’ Il@s wa- paxpnyua e&npavOn 1) OUR 5 Kpidels de 6 ‘Inaods elev av *Aqro- TOLS" “Away eyo viv, eav eEXnTe mor, Kal pa) SvaxpOnre, ov HOvoy » TO TNS vKi}s Tou were, ada Kiv TO oper TOUT@ elirnTe* “ApOnrt Kal BdyOnre eis THY yevn wera’ 2 kal mavra 6 THONTE EY TH TPOTEVXA, 7 Anweo Ge. > > ~ > 3 Kal édG@dvre auT@ Els Adda ooay’ oa ay a i = TLOTEVOVTES, A ¢ x TO LEepov, mpoonOov avTa Siitokppro; apxtepets Kal ol mpeoBbrepor TOU Aaov, eyour es" ‘Ey roia efouoig TavTa motets 5 ; Kal Tis cou Cake THY efougiay ravTn vy; *4? Azo- KpiOeis dé 6 ‘Inaovs Elev avrois" ‘Epo- THT@ vpas Kayo oyor € eva, Ov eay Elmnre pol, Kayo Up Ep@ ev Troia eSovcia es ae 25 TaVTaA TOL® mobev Hy ; \ Ce > - To Partiopa Iwdvyou > > eS \ I ¢ > , e& ovpavod, at && avOparray 3 Oi de OvehoyiCovro 7 map Eavrots, Aeyov- Tes" "Eay er FOILED, 6 ovpavod, Epet mpiy" Acari ouy OUK EMLOTEVTATE AUTO; "Eay O€ elroper, ef avOparrar, ho- Bovpeba TOV oxhov" TavTes yap eXovoe TOV ‘loavyny « @s mpopnrny. kpevres TO Inoov elroy" *7 Kat aro- 02K olduper. "Egy avrots Kal autds? MDE eya Adyw Upp ey Troia eovolc TAUTU TODO 8° Bt. Oe bp OoKel $ TeKva Ovo, kat mpdtoendeov etme’ Téxvoy, traye, TIHLEp ev TO dprrehove * fapous nae | avO perros -etXe? T TPETO ov epyagoy O d€ aro- Kpwels elev" Ov bo’ Uorepoy Oe pe- TapednOeis, andre. a \ - b ¢ / a“ 7 ¢ Oov TQ) ETENO E€lTTEVY WOA Kal mpooed- / c \ UT@S. O Oe Marr. X XI. 30. tree in the way, he came to It, and found nothing thereon but leaves only, and said unto it, Let no fruit grow on thee henceforward for ever. And presently the fig tree withered away. 79 And when the disci- ples saw it, they marvelled, say- ing, How soon is the fig tree withered away. 21 Testis an- swered, and said unto them, Verily Ts say unto you, if ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this w hich is done to the ‘fig tree, but also, if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea, it shall be done. 2 And all things what- scever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. “3 And when he was come in- to the temple, the chief priests and the elders of the people came unto him as he was teach- ing, and said, By what autho- rity doest thou these things ? & who gave thee this authority ? *4 And Jesus answered, and said unto them, I also will ask you one thing, which if ye tell me, 1 in like wise will tell you by what authority I do these things. *5 The baptism of John, whence was it? from heaven, or of men? And they reasoned with themselves saying, If we shall say, From heaven, he will say unto us, Why did ye not then believe him ? 26 But if we shall say, Of men, we fear the peo- ple, for all hold John as a pro- phet. 27 And they answered Josus, add s said > Weévcannot tell. An a he saidunto thenr, Neither *éll 1 you by what authority 1 do these things. 4 ) am Bia ene D ? 28 But w hat “thins you PA verdaim man had two sohs, and he came to the first, and said, Son, go work to day in my vineyard. ?? He answered, and said, I will not: but afterward he repented, and went. °° And he came to the second, and said b Rec. © dsurepy.Marr. XXI. 31. 56 EYATTEAION likewise: and he answered,and dmokpiOels eurev’ Eya, Kupte’ kat OUK said, 1 go sir, and went not. GrpyOe. 9 ris ex Tay OVO €moinge TO 31 Whether of them twain did S , , xe the will of his father? They GeAnpa Tov marpos ; Aéyovow avTo’ say unto him, The first. Jesus ‘O Tp@Tos. Aéyeu avtois 6 "Incovs* saithduntesthem, Verily t say "Aur Neyo vey, Ort Of TeA@vat Kal al unto you, That the publicans ~7/ ‘ ha . ; and the harlots go into the mdépvat mpoayovow vpas els THY Baot- kingdom of God before you. Nan “ a aN \ NCCLS : elay TOU Qeov. € ya OS ULa 32 For John came unto you in , LO TO ae © 4] YEP EROS Hes the way of righteousness, and Iwavyys ev 60@ OtKkavocvyns, Kal OvK . - a 4 ~~ Cn ye believed him not: but the eqigrevoate avt@’ of O€ TeA@Vat Kal ai publicans and the harlots be- , > 7 y Seo NCH OG Pats Adal yeiwien Ge TOOUaL cTLOTmeU OGY Aum, WUiels OSLO ats . / 9 n~ had seen it, repented not af- res ov pereeAnOnTe VoTEpoy TOU TL- ci ‘ i liev = a terward, that ye might believe Boeirar avre. him. BS , 33 "AXAnv mapaBorry akovoare’ av- > o y Py ee “another Sparable Opwmos *” Hy oixodeondrns, OoTts epu- > an \ \ >: a There was a certain housholder, eg GTN OUeS ae ppaypov Ne which planted a vineyard, and mepu€Onke, kal Gpugev ev avt@ Ayvov, hedged it round about, and xq} gxoddunoe TUPYON, Kal €&€00TO av-= digged a winepress in it, and 04 ih cuss ; 34 A built a tower, and let it out to TOY YE@pyols, Kal arreOnunoev. OTe O€ husbandmen, and went into a Wyyerev 0 Kaipos TOV KapTr@v, QITEGTELNE far country. °4 And when the vo NGOK Gs \ \ \ Ror pnine trot drewamedr, he "US COU NoUusiduToUNm posi YEO POE sent his servants to Y husband- AaBeww TOUS Kap7rovs aVTOV" 35 kal a= men, that they might receive Bdyreg of yewpyot TOUS INNS COT the fruits of it. 5 And the B oe Y Py SN Baw a > husbandmen took his servants, OV pev eOetpay, Ov Oe amekTewway, OV be and beat one, & killed another, é\vOo8dAnoav. *° madw dméoretbev Gr- and stoned another. °6 Again \ Sak es ~ ! : he sent other servants, more aes Ge Ous vi Loe TOV TPO than the first, and they didunto Kal €77TOlLnT7 AY AUTOLS MOAUT@S. 37 vote- i rt 37 ‘ V3 , them likewise. But last of pov O€ ameotethe mpos avTovs TOV viOV all, he sent unto them hisson, ". ~ y, a : : cs saying, They will reverence auTOV, heyou" EvtpamnoovTat TOV VLOV my son. 38 But when the hus- pov. 3 Of dé yewpyol iddvTes Tov viov bandmen saw the son, they ‘> De Rast See Vy said among themselves, This Euey Ce UGS: aS SOs K TRE : : : : ~ \ is the keir wos let us kill vopos devre, ATOKTELV@PEV AUTOV, Kat him, and lef usseige Jn hisjiac bogad cy Woes , os heritanc€, < 99 Andcthey caught ease ot, K«hnpovopuay Coe him, and cast Him’ oat.‘of ** Kal AaBiyneg adrov € Ana US ain meakows Ne He wili miserably destroy ‘lee ly ia ¢ aK us eS a those wicked men, and will let @uTOUS" Kal TOV apmeh@va © ékddaerat out his vineyard unto other g)\) fs a 2 J yer? addols yEewpyots, OLTLVES ATTOO@TO husbandmen, which shall ren- 5 «4 ¥. Pls ous go 6 es cay der him the fraits in their @UT@® TOUS Kap7rous EV TOLS KaLpols aU- seasons. TOV. @ Reo. add ris. b OW cywer, © be. & Gb, exdweerar.KATA MATOAION. 57 2 Aéyet adtots 6 ‘Incovs' Ovderore \aveyvate ev Tats ypapats’ Ai@ov by | drreSoxipacay ot oixodopovrTes, ovuTOS ever On eis keahyy yovias. mapa Ku- | ptou eyeveTo avn, Kal €oTL Oavpacry) u ev opOahpois 7 nav; * Aa Touro eyo bi, OTL apOnoerat ap vpev n Bactheta “rov Geov, Kal SoOncerat €Over movovvTe TOUS Kapmous auris. 44 akal 6 mecov ‘em Tov AiBov ToUTOY ovvOacOnoerau’ rep ov & dy réon, Aukunoer adrdv.” s Kal dxovoarres ot dpxeepets Kal ot | Papoator Tas mapaBohas autos eyvo- (gay OTL mepl avT@v eye’ S kal &- TOUVTES auTov KpaTT ice wee Onoav "Tous dxAous, erretorn ?@s mpodnrny’ ree elyov. 22. Kai amoxptbets 6 “Inoovs mahw elev avtois év tmapaBodais, heyor’ 2 “Qpotw6n 7 Baotheta TOV ovpavay ay- i opoTe Baorkel, dots Eemoinge yapous TO UI aurov" 3 kal dméarethe rovs dov- | Nous aurov KaNeoat Tous KEKAN|LEVOUS : els TOUS ydapous, Kal OK j0ehov ehOeiv. 1 ad améotetdev GAdovs Sovdous, he- | you" Eurarte Tots Kexhnpievoes” ‘Idov, TO Apiary jeou nToipaTd, ot Tavpot pov Kal Ta oLrLora TeOupeva, Kal Tiare » eroua” Oevte els TOUS yapous. & Onde dpehnoavres eT NEOY 0 pev cis TOV | tov aypov, 6 O¢ Seis” THY epTropiav av- -rov' © of dé ourrot kparnoarres Tous ‘8o0vAous adrov UBpicay Kai améKrewar. 74 Kat dxougas ous Bacrdeds exeivos: opyiaOn,” Kal mepayas Ta oTparevpara avrov amahece Tous povets eKeivous, Kal THY TOALY aUT@V EVETTPNTE. 8 réTe | Reyer Tots SovAats avTov" “O pev yapios - Eroupsds eat, ot de Kehnpevor ovK noay ‘a&uou. 9 mopeverbe ouv eT ras bref d- Sous trav 6day, Kal daous ay evpnre, Marr. XXII. 9. 42 Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become ¥ head of the corner ? this is the Lord’s doing, and it is marvel- lous in our eyes. 43 Therefore say I unto you, the kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof. 44 And whosoever shall fall on this stone, shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder. 49 And when the chief priests and Pharisees had heard his parables, they perceived that he spake of them. 46 But when they sought to lay hands on him, they feared the multitude, because they took him for a prophet. 22. And Jesus answered, and spake unto them again by pa- rables, and said, ? The kingdom of heaven is like untoa certain king, which made a marriage for hisson, 3 and sent forth his servants to call them that were bidden to the wedding, & they would not come. 4 Again, he sent forth other servants, say- ing, Tell them which are bid- den, Behold, I have prepared my dinner; my oxen, and my fatlings are killed, & all things are ready : come unto the mar- riage. 5 But they made light of it, and went their w ays, one to his farm, another to his mer- chandise: § and the remnant took his servants, and entreat- ed them spitefully, and slew them. 7 But when the king heard thereof, he was wroth, and he sent forth his armies, and de- stroyed those murderers, and burnt up their city. °% Then saith he to his servants, The wedding is ready, but they which were bidden, were not worthy. 9% Go ye therefore into the highways, and as many as 5a ->» D SS ag wpopnTny. OW ex. d Rec. & Gb. Axovoas de 0 Bac. wpy. ~ O de Bac, wey. © Ww Bacirervg ExELVOS.Marr. XXII. 10. ye shall find, bid to the mar- riage. 10 So those servants went out into the highways, and ga- thered together all as many as they found, both bad and good, and the wedding was furnished with guests. 1! And when the king came in to see the guests, he saw there a man, which had not on a wedding garment, 12 andhe saith unto him, Friend, how camest thou in hither, not having a wedding garment ? Andhe was speechless. !% Then said the king to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness, there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 1/4 Formany are called, but few are chosen. 15 Then went the Pharisees, & took counsel, how they might entangle him in his talk. 16 And they sent out unto him their disciples, with the Herodians, saying, Master, we know that thou art true, and teachest the way of God in truth, neither carest thou for any man; for thou regardest not the person of men. !7 Tell us therefore, what thinkest thou? Is it lawful to give tribute unto Cesar, or not ? 18 But Jesus perceived their wickedness, & said, Why tempt ye me, ye hypocrites? !9 Shew me the tribute money. And they brought unto hima penny. 20 And he saith unto them, Whose is this image and @su- perscription ? 2! They say un- to him, Cesar’s. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Cesar, the things which are Cesar’s: and unto God, the things that are God’s. 2? When they had heard these words, they marvelled, and left him, and went their way. 23 The same day came to him the Sadducees, which say that there is no resurrection, and asked him, 24 saying, Master, 58 EYATTEAION A , A > Kadécarte els Tovs yapous. 7 Kai e&- / ¢ a > vo > A c \ edGédvres of SotAor exeivor eis TUS ddoUS / fey ouvnyayov TmayTas OgoUs EUpoY, Tovn- 7 \ > be \ > / ¢ povs Te Kal ayabous’ kat emAnaOn 6 , yapos dvaxepevov. ™ eivehOav de 6 > , Baoweds GedoacOat Tovs avaKelpevous A = , eldev exe dvOpwrov ovK evdedupEevoy »” , _ 12 \ / 3 ee 7 évOupa yapov’ kat Aeyer auT@* Erat- pe, Tas clondOes Ge py Exov Evdupa / ¢€ \ > / 6 13 7, £2 yapou ; “O d€ edipabn. TOTE ElTreV ¢ \ > / eck / 6 Bactrevs Tots Siakdvois’ * Anoavtes nn c > airod médas Kal yelpas, apate avTov NZ / > A / VO ed: . Kai’ éexBdaderte els TO OKOTOS TO EEWTEPOY Zotar 6 KAavOpos Kal 6 Bpvypos a > , 14 \ , ° PX TOY OOdYT@V. mohXot yap €lot KAn- \ > / Ae. / Tol, OAtyot O€ EKNEKTOL. 15 Té6re mopevbe i® t pevbevtes ot Papioator ovp- , » e/ UN , Botduov €dhaBov Oras av’roy mayiWev- > , 16 Ne rr caow ev oye. Kal amroaTéANOVaLY avT@ Tovs pabytas auTay peta TOY ~~ 4 yy ‘Hpwdiavaer, Neyovtes’ Awddokane, ot- Sapev Ore ddynOys «tl, Kal THY doy TOU Gcod ey ddncia SiSdokets, Kat ov peAet \ > aN > \ 4 3 go. rept ovdevds, ov yap Brerrets ets 7 x > CoA mpoawmov avOparav. ! eine ovv nuiy, rl cou OoKet; €£eare Sovvat Knvooy Kat- Xv Mi LS: a \ Oe Cz, ~ \ capt, 7 ov; “*Tvous de 0 Inoovs thy movnpiav avtaev etme Ti pe meipacere, broxpitat 3 +9 emdeiEare ror TO vopLo pa a / a Tov knvoov. Ot dé mpoonveyKay avT@ yj 20 \ 4 > Me , fe Snvapiov. 7° kat Eyer avtois’ Tivos 7 o , 9 4 Elkay avtn kat 7 emvypadn ; 7) Aéyouvow avté* Katoapos. Tdte déyer avtois’ > 4 ay \ , , % \ Amddore ovv Ta Katcapos Kaicapt’ kat \ = _~ ~ ~ 99 \ > , Ta TOV Qeov TO Oem. ~~ Kat axov- cavtes eOatpacay’ Kal adevtes avTov amy Oov. OR M4 > a , a 23 Ry éxelyn TH Nuéepa mpoondOov avt@ SadSovxaior, of Aeyortes ju) etvat advdotacw* Kal émnpaTnoay avTor, 9 , ~ > 4 \éyovtes’ AvddoKxade, Mons etrrev" Din ol EKEL @ w Anoarres avtov Todas a Kae yelpas, Or, inscription,KATA MATOAION. 59 "Eay tts drroB avy pn) EX@V TEKVQ, €TTL- yauSpevoer 6 6 adedgos auToU THY yuvat- Ka @UTOv, Kal dvaoracet OTrepa TO dAPO avrov. » *Hoay O€ rap’ np enTa aderdot: Kal 6 TpP@ros yap.noas érehebrnoe Kal pn) EX@V OTEpLa, anke ayy yovaixa avToU TO dpe avrov. ” 6poiws Kal 6 Sebrepos, Kal 6 Tpiros, €ws TOV emrd. 27 vorepov de mavt ov améBave § Kal ”) yer. Sv TH ouv avaoTacet, Tivos TOY enra EoTal yun; TavTes yap éaxov Beri 9 ’Amoxpeis be 6 ‘Incovs elev av- TOUS" Ihavaode, pr) lddres Tas ypapas, pn dé TV Ovvapy Tov Oceov. * é&y “yap TH avaoTacet ovTE _yapovow, oUTe * é€k- yapivovrar," GXN ws dyyedou? TOU Ocov" ev ovpav@ eit: mepl d€ THs avacTa- Tews Tov veKp@y, OUK avEeyvarTeE TO 6 pn ey by UO TOU Geod, eyovtos" "Eyo elut 0 eds * AGpde i Kal 6 Geds ae Kal 6 Geos ‘lakoB; Ovx goTtw 6 Ceds Geds vexpav, dda Covrer. * Kal akov- gavrTes of OxAoe eSemANooCOoYTO ent TH Ouday7n avrov. ty Oi Oe Papicaton, akovoavres Ort epipoce Tous 2addovukaious, ournxOn- aay emi TO avTo° * Kal ern parnoey ets e& avT@Y vopukos, wepateayv avToy kat Aéeyor" MAiddoade, moia evroXy peyahn eV TO vom; * 7 Ope Inaov s °en” auT@" ‘Ayam gets Kvpioy toy Gedy cov ev 26An tH Kapdia” cov, Kal ev GAN TH vxn gov, Kal ev GAn TH Stavoia cov. 2 Avtn €oTl °mpatn Kal peyadn’ ev- Ton. * Sevrépa Sé dpoia * adTn” "Ayarnoes TOY TANTioOV Gov ws * Ge- autoy.” *°°Ey ravrats rats duciv évro- Aais Gdos 6 vopos Kal of mpodyra Kpe- pravTat. 1 Sumypevav S€ trév Papicaior, Mart. XXII. 41. Moses said, If a man die, hav- ing no children, his brother shall marry his wife, and raise up seed unto his br other. 25 Now there were with us seven bre- thren, and the first when he had married a wife, deceased, and having no issue, left his wife unto his brother. 26 Likewise the second also, and the third, unto the seventh. 27 And last f all the woman died also. 28 Therefore, in the resur- rection, whose wife shall she be of the seven ? for they all had her. 29 Jesus answered, and said unto them, Yedo err, not know- ing the scriptures, nor the power of God. 3? For in the resurrec- tion they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven. 3! But as touching the resur- rection of the dead, have yenot read that which was spoken unto you by God, saying, ° | am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living. 33° And when the multitude heard this, they were aston- ished at his doctrine. 34 But when the Pharisees had heard that he had put the Sadducees to silence, they were gathered together. 3 Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying, °6 Master, w hich is the great command- ment in the law ? 37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. %5 This is the first and great command- ment. 9% And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 49 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. 41 While the Pharisees were BOW yaputfovTat, b -+ c Rec. ecvrerv. d & oAp Kapdia. f ~ aurn. & GW savror. © Ow peyadrn Kat TpwrreMarr. XXII. 42. gathered together, Jesus asked them, 42 saying, What think ye of Christ ? whose son is he? They say unto him, The son of David. 43 He saith unto them, How then doth David in spirit call him Lord, saving, 44 The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy foot- stool? 45 If David then call him Lord, how is he his son? 46 And no man was able to answer him a word, neither durst any man (from that day forth) ask him any more ques- tions. 93. Then spake Jesus to the multitude, and to his disciples, 2 saying, The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat: 3 all therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do, but do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not. 4 For they bind heavy burdens, and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men’s shoulders, but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers. 5 But all their works they do, for to be seen of men: they make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments, 6 and love the uppermost rooms at feasts, and the chief seats in the synagogues, 7 and greetings in the markets, and to be called of men, Rabbi, Rabbi. 8 But be not yecalled Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ, and all ye are brethren. 9 And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your father which isin heaven. 10 Neither be ye called masters: for one is your master, even Christ. !! But he that is greatest 60 EYATTEAION > ' 53m © ces a ADs £ emnpatnoey avtous 0 Inaous, eyou Ti vpiv Soxet wept Tov Xpuorov ; TiVOS cs > , eae 5 ok vids ett; Aeyovow avt@’ Tou Aavid. 43 Aéyer avtois’ las ovy Aavid ev mvev- Ze > \ r aa Xr 4 a 44 af pate KUpLov avTov KaXel; Aeyov El- , n a mev 6 Kuptos tT Kupi@ pov’ Kaéov ék deLrav prov, Ews dv 06 Tovs €xOpovs cov 4imondd.ov” Tav Today cov. © Ki > x co > \ , a e\ ovy Aavid KaXet avTov KupLoV, Tas VLOS > Ze, ie 46 \ > \ Qn / > 6 avtou €ott; © Kai ovdeis eduvaro avT@ a 6n r , A > 6 \ > / / E amokpiOnvar Adyov" ovde eTOApNaEe TLS > > > / ~ ¢ 4 an amr éxelyns THS Npepas eTEpwTHOaL AUTOV OUKETL. 3) ~ nw 23. Tére 6 Inaods éAddyoe Tois O- yAous Kal Tots paOnrais avTov, * Aéyav" > X ”~ ¢ 4, > / ¢ Eml ras Macéws Kabédpas exabioay ot ypapparets kat ot Papicatot’ 3 ravta is ed > / ‘ss co obv Goa ay elrmow vp ” Tnpetv,” TH- petre kal 7rovetTe’ KaTa dé Ta €pya avTa@v \ Co 4 vad pr) Troteire’ N€youvat yap Kat ov TrOLOUGL. 7 ~ 4 4 Secpevovor ° yap” popria Bapea “ Kat SvgBdaorakra,” Kai émitiOcaow ert TOUS a a t a , dpous tav avOporav’ re de daxTuh@ c ~~ t ~ avtay ov Gédover Kwhioat aura. > rayTa \ 4, ~ ~ \ S€ ra épya avt&v rowover mpos To Oea- Onvar Trois avOpamos. mAaTUVvoVCE © Oe" \ , 5 Ta cbuAaKTnpla avT@v, Kal peyadvuvouct \ , n ~~ Ta KpdoTreda ‘TOV ipatioy avT@v™” ° du- hodal re THY mpwToKALciay ev Tols Oel- Tvows, Kal Tas TpwToKabedpias ev Tats ouvaywyais, 7 Kal Tovs domacpous ev a > r - a Tais ayopats, Kal kadetoOae vo Ta >? ¢ oc avOparev, paBBi, * paBi.” Suc - \ \ a e @ Ypeis O€ pty KANOnTE, paBBi ets , > ¢ n i yap eorw tpav 6 *KaOnyntns’, ‘6 Xpi- helt , Ne wee > L 3 otros” mavtes Sé tyets adeAot eore. 9 \ , / r a kal matépa pn) KANEoNTE UpOv emt THS Priiel S , a ys’ els yap eoTw 6 maTnp tar, 6 ev Sea as ‘ # trois ovpavots. ‘ pnde KAnOjre Kabn- 05 Ne CRE: \ ¢ a yntal’ “ets yap tyav é€otw 6 Kabnyn- 4. A , a THs," 6 Xpiotds. * 6 O€ petfov vpav © ww de, 1 Gb om & OO vUT0OKaTw bo d+ ew yap. f— k & ors “aOnynTns a h © écdacwaros.KATA MATOAION. 61 cord vpav S.akovos. © Gores d€ tWacer eaurov, TarewoOncerar’ kal 607s Ta- TELVOCEL EauTor, vWodnoera. 4 Oval d€*” bpiv, ypaupareis kal ba- ploato., vmoxpiral’ » ore KateaOlere Tas oikias TOY XNP@Y, Kal Tpopace paxpa Tpocevxopevor’ Ova ToUTO AnWeoOe Tre- piooorepoy Kpipa. | oval tpiy, *’ypap- patets kat Papicator, vmroKpitai™” ore K\eleTe THY Bactdelay Tey ovpavay ep mpoobev TeV avOparray" dpets yap, OUK eioepxeode, pide, tods elo epXomevous apiere eloehOctv. © oval tpiv, ypap- flareis Kal @apioatot, vmroxKptrai’ OTe Tepiayete THY Oadacoay kai THY Enpay, Toijoar eva Tpoondvtoy, Kal Orav yé- VnTAL, TOLELTE aUTOY VioY yeevuns OuTA6- eae Tepoy UpLav. 16 Ovai Up, ddnyol Tuprol, oi \é- YOuTEs, “Os é dy opoon ev TO va@, ovdev eotiy’ Os & ap open eV TO xpvo@ TOU yaov, Opeirer, “ Mapot Kal Tuphot: Tis yap pei(ov éotlv, 6 xpvaos, 7) 6 vaos 6 ayiafwv tov xpvodv; 38 Kat *Os éedy opdon ev Td OvoracTypio, ovdev ect’ bs © dy oudon ev to Sap@ T@ eTava adrtov, ddpeiher. 19 © Ma@poi Kat’ tupdol* Ti yap petCov, TO Spor, i) TO Ovovagrnpiov TO aytatoy TO O@pov ; = 6 ouv opdcas ev TO duovarrnpio ouvver €v QUT@ Kal ev Tat Tots eT ava avtov' 7 kal 6 dudcas ev TO vaw opyver ev avT@ kal VT 4 Karon TayTe” aurov' * Kal 6 opdaas ev TH OUpaya dpvver ev TS Opdv@ Tov Oeod Kal Ev TO KaOnueva edva avrov. 5 Oval tpir, ypapparets Kat Papi- oatot, Umoxperat OTL arrodekaroure TO Ovoopov Kal 70 avn Oov Kal TO KUO? kat ankare Ta Baptrepa TOU vouou, m7 Kptow kat Toy €deoy Kal THY TLOTLY" a WM post 13 Bz. & Elz. b = ore warecOtere ad vroxpirat. * Or, adebtor, or, bound. Mart. XXIII. 2 among you, shall be your ser- vant. !? And whosoever shall exalt himself, shall be abased: and he that shall humble him- self, shall be exalted. 13 But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites ; for ye shut up y kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering, to goin. 44 Woe unto you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites ; for ye devour widows’ houses, and for a pretence make long prayer ; therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation. 1 Woe unto you scribes and Phari- sees, hypocrites ; for ye com- pass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves. 16 Woe unto you, ye blind guides, which say, Whosoever shall swear by the temple, it is nothing: but whosoever shall swear by the gold of y temple, he is a debtor. 17 Ye fools and blind: for whether is greater, the gold, or the temple that sanctifieth the gold? ‘8 and Whosoever shall swear by the altar, it is nothing: but whoso- ever sweareth by the gift that is upon it, he is a guilty. 19 Ye fools and blind: for whether is greater, the gift, or the altar y sanctifieth the gift ? 2° Whoso therefore shall swear by the altar, sweareth by it, and by all things thereon. 2?! And whoso shall swear by y temple, swear- eth by it, and by him that dwell- eth therein. 22 And he that shall swear by heaven, sweareth by the throne of God, and by him that sitteth thereon. 23 Woe unto you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites ; for ye pay tithe of mint, and anise, and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy & faith: these ought ye to have done, Siz d Rec. xarotxouvrs.Marr. XXIII. 24. 62 EYATTEAION A %, a > 6 Ne. 7 and not to leave the other un- ravra*” det TOLNO AL, KAKEWA [11 acpuevat. done. 24 Ye blind guides, which 24 6dnyor rupnot’ of dwaAicovres TOV strain ata gnat,andswallowa _ , \ wee? r camel. 2> Woeuntoyouscribes K®Y@TA, TV Oe Kapenov KATQ7TLVOVTES. : : : Z es ‘ s and Pharisees, hypocrites ; for 25 oval UUW, ypapparets Kal Papi aiot, ye make clean the outside of « Fe aan itere ay téwbev nao the cup, and of the platter, but U*OKPl74 ome ep ‘ S : within they are full of extortion grornplov Kal TIS mapowioos, érwbev Oe 26 i be s é 2 > , and excess. *6 Thoublind Pha- .Zjoygiy €€ dpmayns Kat ” adckias.” risee, cleanse first that which is 56 2 i : within the cup and platter, that “” Papioate Tupre, Kabdpiooy mparov the outside of them may be 74 éyrds Tod mornpiou ° Kal THs TapoYt- clean also. ye / NOON Ng ee a dos,’ wa yevntae Kal TO EKTOS “ aUT@Y kaOapov. i 9 n rn \ 27 Woe unto you scribes and */ Oval tiv, ypapparets Kat Papt- Pharisees, hypocrites, forye are Gajo., tmoKpiTal’ OTL TapopolaceTeE Td- like unto whited sepulchres, a . " “eo x which indeed appear beautiful ors Kékoviapevois, oiTives EE@UEV pey outward, but are within full of aivovrat @patot, éowbev Oe yemouoL dead men’s bones, and of all 35 , A \ ; 3 ad , uncleanness. 28 Even so, ye 00TE@Y VERRAN EON SACS GGL: also outwardly appearrighteous 28 oUrw Kal upeis €@Oev pev paiverbe unto men, but within ye are rai f / x s Y : ; zoe wGev O€ TO full of hypocrisy and iniquity. Tots avOparrots Oikavot, SO: é v6 ae & 29 Woe unto you scribes and €OTE UTOKPLOEWS KAL AVOLLAS. oual : i 4 m is ae ee Pharisees, hypocrites, because Up, ypappareis Kal Papicator, viroKkpt- ye build the tombs of the pro- Tg aay a \ , a phets, and garnish the sepul- Tal OTe OLKO 1 ele TOUS) Taous TOV rae ne righteous, ia and mpopntar, KQL KOOPELTE TA LYN LELA TOV say, If we had been in the days y 30 NZ -Wee 7 Me? of our fathers, we would not Oukaiov, Ka! eyere Eu ijpeOa ep have been partakers with them TQl¢ NMEpAls TOV TATEP@V NU@Y, OUK AV 1 * an 4 ad in the blood of the prophets. ¢ 76a" Kowvwvol auT@v €v TH alparte i Wherefore ye be witnesses — ~ x 31 79 Z = unto yourselves, that yeare the 7®V mpopnTav. OTE PAPTUPELTE . . . c a ad c Ss ~ / children of them which killed €aurols, oTt Viol EOTE TMV bovevoavTov the prophets. 32 Fill ye up then at dnra 32 cai duels mnpoOoane the measure of your fathers. eu pap aTRE = . Up: = mp a 33 Ye serpents, ye generation TO PéTpOV T@Y TaTEpwV Lav. ~ oets, of vipers, how can ye escape the f Be NS a , aaa : € ara LOV@ damnation of hell ? Vee ROPE be Ly ce puynte am PBSC LES 8 yecvis 3s 3 Awa todTo, idov, eye amoaTehh@ € a ic \ 34 Wherefore behold, I send T™pos upas mpopnras Kal copouvs Kal ce ot ae ee ypapparets’ kale& avTa@v amoxrevette Kal on, ’ , \ DAN , them ye shall kill and crucify, CRUD OSE SS Kat €& eR PATTLYWOETE = A a \ ) £ and some of them shall ye ey Tals Guvay@yals UMwY, Kal Ov@&eTe scourge in your synagogues,and >_\ ss > yi ee So 7 persecute them from city to city: Re Toews: a mOhw OTE OS eon 35 that upon you may come all ep ULas TAV AlLWa OlKaov €KXUVOMEVOV i SEN > > > ~ ed, / “A me pe eure emt THS Ys, ad TOV aipatos” ABed Tov ’ Bie a a a , Goa righteous Abel, unto the blood OcKaiov, Ews TOU alwatos Zaxaplov viov 5 : a ex of Zacharias, son of Barachias, Bapayiov, ov epovevoare peTagu TOV & Go add — da, L Ree. anapactas. (y= a w& aurou. © Kee. nusy bis,j KATA MAT@CAION. . vaov Kal Tov Ovovagrnypiov. ° day Neyo U Uw, * ore" net Tadra wayra ent THY yeveay Tavrny. #7] Anp, ‘I vy; iT 0- cpouradnp, ‘lepovoa My 1) * amo KTeivoura’ Tovs mpodyras Kal Nubofo- hovoa Tovs dmearaduevous m™pos avrny, Hi TooaKts nOedrnoa emurwvayayety Ta rekva FOU; ov Tpomov emeouvayet opyis 1 Ta voocia €auTns uae Tas mrepuyas, Kal OUK Noadnoare ; 33 750d, acbierau viv 6 otkos UL@V Eppios. #9 eyo yap Ubi, ov pn pe lOnTe amr aprt, ews ay 3 elmnre Evhoynpevos O Epxdpevos ev Be Bee: ‘ Os ov ovopate Kupiov. 24. Kai efedO ey 6 6 “Ingots é eTmopeveTo aro TOU lepov: Kal mpoondbov ot paén- Tal avTou emdeigat auT@ Tas oixodopas 26 Oe” Inoovs elmrey aurots" © Prerere qwavrTa Tavra ; dpiny eyo sul ov pn apbeOn Bde AiOos emi AiOov, a KaradvOnoerat. * KaOnpévou 8€ abrod emt TOU Opous ' TOV EAALOY, 7 ™poonr@ov avT@ ot pabyrai Kar idiav, Aeyovres Eire npr, OTE » TavTa €oTaL; Kal Ti TO On[Letov 77s ons cy a Tohhovs mavncovat. 13 4 Tapovaias, kal Tis ovrehetas TOU aid- vos ; 4 Kal amoxpwBeis 6 ‘Ingovs elirev aurois" BXemere, un Tus vpas Thavnoy. ° rool yap Deonituc emt TO ovopart pou, Aéyovtes’ Eya elit 6 Xpuords" Kal ° pehAnoere de | aKovety moh€mous Kal dxous mohepev" Opare jn Opocia be bet yap © gayTa” Beyeoba’ GAN ovi@ e€otl Td TéXos. 7 eyepOnoerat yap €Ovos emt ebvos, Kal Bacvheia em Paothetay Kal €oovrat Auywot Kat ool Kal cevopol Kara Té- 4 Tous. 8 , \ ~ > A > / TaVTa Oe TAVTa ~ Picovmevor td Tavtov Stav" Ova Marr. XXIV. 9. whom ye slew between the tem- ple and the altar. 36 Verily J say unto you, All these things shall come upon this genera- tion. 37 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children to- gether, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not. 38 Behold, your house is left unto you de- sclate. %9 For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord. And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple, and his disciples came to him, for to shew him the buildings of the temple. 2 And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down. 3 And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, say- ing, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? 4 and Jesus answered, and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. 5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ: and shall ‘deceive many. §® And ye shall hear of wars, and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. 7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes m divers places. 8 All these are y beginning of sorrows. 9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations a Rec. > D&S aroxrFvouca, cS d Rec. add «7. °— f fiz. om.Marr. XXIY. 10. for my name’s sake. 1° And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, & shall hate one another. !! And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. !? And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. 13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be sav- ed. /4 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world, for a witness unto all nations, and then shall the end come. 15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desola- tion, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him under- stand.) 16 Then let them which be in Judea, flee into the moun- tains. 17 Let him which is on the housetop, not come down, to take any thing out of his house: 38 neither Jet him which is in the field, return back to take his clothes. !9 And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days. 2° But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day: 2l for then shall be great tribu- lation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. 22 Andexcept those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake, those days shall be shortened. 23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there: believe it not. *4 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders: insomuch that (if it were pos- sible,) they shall deceive the very elect. 2 Behold, I have told you before. 26 Wherefore, if they shall say unto you, Be- hold, he is in the desert, go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers, believe it not. 27 For as the lightning cometh out of @ St, ~ EaTos. EYAITEAION dud TO Gvopa pov. kal TOTE OKAaY- SadiaOncovrar moAdol, Kal adAndovs / Tapadaoovel, Kal pon Tovew adyXovs: ll kal moddol wevdorpopyrar eyepOn- , govrat, Kal TAavnoovat Todos" * Kal \ \ es \ 2) / / Sia TO TANOvvOAvar THY avopiay, \ruyn- canis ~ Rs BASES gerar % ayann Tay ToAN@Y 6 O€ itropeivas eis Tes, OUTOS owOncerat, 4 kal knpuxOnoetat TOUTO TO evayyeAtov tis Baowdelas ev CAN TH olkoupevn, Els paptupioy maar Tois eOveow’ Kat TOTE ie , n&eu TO TEAOS. 15 "Oray obv idnre TO BOEAVypa TIS =) , \ ¢ \ x \ ~ EpnL@TEWS, TO pnGev Sia Aavind Tov , as No) 39 , CE EDs ¢ mpopnrov, *€aTws” ev TOTm ayl@ (6 avayw@okov voeitw’) 1 réte of ev TH > , Z SuEN A OF : ¢ Ilovdala evyérwoay emi Ta Opn’ “* © emi Tov Sapatos pi) KaTaBawwer@ capa b Sad oe, ” , , ¢ Le 18 \ c 3 Ta” €k THS OiKLas aUTOU Kal 6 ev nats n Nice / 9 isa, & TO ayp@ pa) emioTpEaT@ oTiag@ apat ee en toe ¢ pS \ Bio Ta tdTia” auTOU. oval O€ Tals ev \ > / \ a 7, yaoTpl €xovoas Kal Tals OnraCoveas ev exelvats Tais jpépats. * mpooevyxeabe S¢ tva pay yevnrar n pvyy LpOy XElpo- Ned, BBa Q1 \ vos, poe oaSBato. éoTar yap 4, / / ad > 4 > > Tore OXiis peyadn, ola ov Yyeyovey aT apxns Koopou és TOU vov, OVS ov pq s 92 SO \ 2) Q! ¢ yevntat, ~~ Kal el p21) exodoBaOnoay at 7pepae eketval, Ovk ay éo@On raca caps Sid Se rods ekAexrovs KohoBwOnoovrat ai npépae exeivat. 23 , Sz Cs ” a4. \ c Tore édy tis tiv ein’ “lov, &de 6 Xpiords, 7 ode pr) TLOTEVONTE. 24 > br \ 86 XN eyepOncovra, yap Wevdoxpioror kat evdorpopnra, Kal Socover onpeia peydda kal Tépata, bore TAaYHCAL, Et 8 \ \ \ > 4 25 > A vyatov, Kal Tovs ekNexTovs. * LOov, mpoeipnka vptv. °° €ay ovv ELT @OW VL" 150d, ev TH Epnuw eat’ pr e&€AOnte "I8od, €y 7H ephue cor’ pap ebeOn ISov, €v TOls Tapelots’ py) TLToTEVONTE. ¢ i 7 7 domep yap » aotpann e€epxetar aro | 64 10 d Rec. add ev. OC QD TO bUaTioveKATA MATOAION. 65 Gvarohav Kal aiverar ews Ovopar, ovras eoTar*” 7 mapovcla TOU viov TOU avOparov. 8 gov yap” eav 7 TO mropa, exer ovvaxOncovrat ol derol. 29 BiOéws Oé peta THY EAU TY Hjuepav Ekeivar, 0 7]ALos oKoTicOnoerat, nar fr oedjyn ov Sacer TO Heyyos avTis, “al of dorépes TeTovYTaL amo TOU ouU- pavovd, Kal al Ouvapers TOV oupavav carevOnoovra. *° Kat réTe pavngerat 7) onpciov Tod viod Tod dvOperou ev TO OUpayg’ Kal TOTE Ko\povTar TAaGat al pudai ris yijs, Kal dyovra: Tov vLoV rod avOparov €pxdpevor emt TAY vEpe- dv TOV ovpavod peTa duvapews Kal SdEns modAjs. *! Kal doaredet TOUS dyyédous abrod peta oddmuyyos Povis peyadns, Kal emeouvdfovor TOUS €K\€- KTOUS avTOU €k TOY TETTAPOY AVELOY, am dxkpev oipavay éws dkpwv avTov. 32 Amd dé ths ouKAs pabeTe THY TA- paBorjy’ drav 75n 6 KAaCos avTHs ye- yyrar dmados, Kal Ta vdda ° exuy,” ¢ > , ‘ ¢ yuooKere ore eyyus TO O€pos: a OUT@ Kal bpets, ray wonTe TavTa TaUTA, YI- vookere Ott eyys eat emt OGupass. 34 Guny eyo vplv, ov pn TapehOn 1) yeved aUTN, €ws av TayTa Tara YyEvy- ra. ® 6 ovpavds Kal 7 Yi “ mape- heveovrat,” of dé Adyou pou ov py mapehOact. 36 Tlepi dé THs nuépas exelvns Kal °“&Spas ovdels oidev, ovde ot ayyedou Tay ovpavav, ei fui) 6 TmaTNp ‘pov’ p6- vos. */ Gomep S€ ai nuepat Tov Nae, 7 »” Nee , A A ovTws €uTat Kal 1) Tapovaia TOU viOv tov avOpamov. * womep yap joa & Tais nepats ® tals mpo” Tov KaTa- KAUGPOU, Tp@yovTes Kal TivoyTEs, ya- poovres Kal exyapiCovtes, axpe As npepas eiondOe Nae eis tHy KiBwror, Matt. XXIV. 38. the east, and shineth even unto the west: so shall also the com- ing of the Sonofmanbe. *5 For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gather- ed together. 29 Immediately after the tri- bulation of those days, shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken. 3° And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory. 3! And he shall send his angels with ¢ a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. 32 Now learn a parable of the g tree: when his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: 33s0 likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. 34 Verily I say unto you, this generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. 35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. 36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. 37 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. * For as in the days that were before the flood, they were eating, and drinking, marrying, and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, bo a Rec. & Gb. addxar. Gb. 3S t Gh om. Cw exhr7z- g _ J d Gb. wapeXevosrar. Me Or, with a trumpet and a great voice. & Rec. add rng.~ —*. Marr. XXIV. 39. 39and knew not until the flood came, & took them all away: so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 49 Then shall two be in the field, the one shall be taken, and the other left. 41 Two women shall be grinding at the mill: the one shall be taken, and the other left. 42 Watch therefore, for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. 4% But know this, that if the goodman of y house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up. 44 Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as you think not, the Son of man cometh. 45 Who then is a faith- ful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his houshold, to give them meat in due season? 46 Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh, shall find so doing. 47 Verily I say unto you, that he shall make him ruler over all his goods. 48 But and if that evil ser- vant shall say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming, 49 and shall begin to smite his fellow- servants, and to eat and drink with the drunken: °° the lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of: 5! and shall «cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 25. Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. ? And five of them were wise, and five were fool- ish. 3 hey that were foolish took their lamps, and took no 66 EYATTEAION % 7 > 39 Kal odk @yvacav, eas nOev 6 KaTa- \ Saco KAvo}LOS Kal npev Nowe ‘ ~ C2 > Ae f Kal ) TWApPOVvGla TOV VLOV avOPGITOVU. 40 +éve OvO COOVTaL EV TH A . TrapahappaveTai, Kat “O is. ag \ 7% A 2 “ j 41 Ovo aAnfovoat EV TH PUA@YE [it mapadapBaverat, Kai pia adler #2 Tonyopetre ovy, OTL 0vK olOaTe TOG dpa 6 Kupios tpav épxera. * exewo \ , c , af e > S€ ywooxere, Ort ci TOeL 6 olKodE- ondtns rola pudakh 6 KNETTNS EPXETAL TT OTT Se Oo a ICT) ONE el eae eypnydpnoev ay, Kal odK dy eiace Ot0- \ aah, Ci ~ 44 A A puynvat THY OiKlay aUTOU. Oud TOUTO | Kat pets yiverOe erowmor* OTe 7) Opa | ov Soxeire, 6 vids TOU avOpamov EpxeTat. 45 cig dpa éeotw 6 muatds SovAos Kal ppdvijos, Ov KaTéoTnOEY 6 KUpLos av- Tov emt THs Oepamelas avTod, Tov ?di- / a4 > CS \ A > n~ A Oovat QuTOLS THV Tpony EV Kaltp@ 5 ~ 6 A 45 waxdptos 6 SovAos ékelvos, Ov EhOav 4 ~ , a“ A 6 KUpPLOS aVTOD EUPNOEL TOLOYTA OUTS. > 7 co e/ > ~ r 47 dunv héyo tp, OTe ent Tact Tols ¢ A / bmdpyovew avrov KaTaoTHoEL avTOY. 48 > \ \ wy ¢ A a“ > ~ Eay O€ etn 6 Kakos Oovdos €ketvos oS a WAVTAS, OUTWS €OTAL)) aay > an , ¢ a r / ¢ , , €V TH Kapola auTov" Xpovicer 0 KUpLOS f pou eAOeiv" 49, pas dng , Kat ap§&nrat TUTTELy | , ~ / Ny rovs auydSovAovs avTov,” técOin Oe Kat / 4 \ > s mivn” peta TOV peOvdyTor, Hee OF s A , be 312" ge, © 5 Kuplos TOU OovAou EKELVYOU EV nBEpa WN > a \ > el € > Ki ov mpooOoka, Kal ev pa 7H OV ywo- | 51 \ 8 , aN \ vl OKEL, Kal LYOTONNOEL QvuTOV, KQt TO | “~ a a , wépos adrov pera TeV tmoKpiTay Onoet > ~ w+ ¢ \ NS \ éxel €orat 6 KAavOpos Kal 6 Bpuypos Toy OOdVTODV. 25. Tére dpowwOnoera 7 Bacrdeta | Tov ovpavev dSéka rrapOEvots, altuves } AaBodoa ras Naumddas avTtav €&HOov | TIEVTE |; cH} > > / ~ / 2 eis GmdyTnoly TOU vupPtov. be > > > “~ / X e é joav e& a’Tav ppovipot, Kat “at o mévte popai. * airwes popat, da-} Bodvoa Tas Aapwadas favTa@y,” ovK) a —> bis. b jw —.Gb. dovvar. eSt.~.—. Bz. & Elz. & Gb. d Rec. ec@cecy be Kar Teverv. * Or, cut him off. c ~—.Rec. & Gb. om. om. f Rec. eaurwy.KATA MATOAION. 67 a ¢ \ ZaBov pel eavtGv ator" 4 ai Oe & - > , ppdvyor €XaBov €davoy é€y Tols ayyél- n va / ¢ co ols auT@y pera TaY Napradoy avTwv. a” / > , 5 ypovitovros de Tov vupplov, €vv- oraéav Taga Kal exdbevdov. ° peons a ? \ c S2 vuerds kpavyn yéyover’ “Idov, 6 4 f 3 > , vudlos *épxeTat,. e&épyeobe els atray- ~ > / + mow avtov. 7 Tére nyepOnoay Tacat r > \ ai mapbévor ekeivat, Kal exoopnoay Tas Aauddas abrav. * ai dé pwpat tats > Caan ~ opovipors eimov’ Adre ny €k TOU a / ¢ a edatov dpav, ore ai apmades Nyov \ oBevuvrat. ©’ AmexpiOnoar dé at ppo- , ? / yynot, Keyovrau Mnrore ? ov pn” apKeoy Auty Kal dpi’ mopeverOe °“pahdov m™pos rovs T@AovyTas, Kal dyopdcare eauTais. 10° Amepyopevav S€ adtev ayopacat, AOev 6 vupcios’ Kal ai €rousoe elopd- Gov per avrod cis Tovs yapous, Kal > / ¢ 4 11 a \ a exreio On 7 Ovpa. votepov Oe €p- xovrat kal ai Nourai wapOevor, heyoveat’ Kipte, kvpre, dvorEov npiv. ™ ‘O de Pics RUPte, np. > 6 \ > a A 4 ¢ x > dmoxpieis etrrev’ “Aunv Aeyo vpLLY, OVK oda tuas. 8 Tpnyopetre ovv, 6rt ovKk y \ C v ee \ \ 2 oldare THY nuepay ovdE THY apav*”. 7 a 4 "Oomep yap avOpwros amodnpnev See \ 3/7 , x exddece Tovs idlous dovAous, Kal Ta- 4 a ~ pedoney avrois Ta UmapxovTa avTov" \ Q 2 ie 5 Kal o pev COwke TEVTE TAaAaYTA, @ \ , te No. Cs2 X \ > g & dé do, 6 O€ &" ExdoT@ Kata THY idiav 7 4 Sivapev' Kal areOnpnoer edvbéas. ** rro- 6 \ be ¢ \ / / \ pevOeis O€ 6 Ta mevte TadavTa AaBov > 4 nr eipydoatro ey avtois, Kal ° eroinaey” 4 dia wevre f rddavta”. “ @oatras Kat 6 ta Ovo exépdnoe Sxal aitos” ay , adda to. 8 6 b€ 7d &v AaBav ared- \ 3 > 2 a / Gov dpvgev Vy TH YN» Kal ameKpuwe TO apyuptoy Tov Kupiov avTov. 19 \ \ , \ Mera Ge Xpdvov mohvy eEpxeTat 6 KUpLos TOY SovAwy exeivav, Kal guvaiper > 6 , pet avtav Adyov. ™ Kal mpoceAOav Marr. XXV. 20. oil with them: 4 but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. 5 While ¥ bride- groom tarried, they all slum- bered and slept. 6 And at mid- night there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom com- eth, go ye out to meet him. 7 Then all those virgins arose, & trimmed their lamps. § And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil, for our lamps are ¢gone out. * But the wise answered, saying, Not so, lest there be not enough for us and you, but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselyes. 19 And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and they that were ready, went in with him to the mar- riage, and the door was shut. ll Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. !* But he answered, and said, Verily | say unto you, I know you not. 13 Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day, nor the hour, wherein the Son of man com- eth. 14 For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods: }5 and unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to every man according to his several ability, and straight- way took his journey. !® Then he that had received the five talents, went and traded with the same, and made them other five talents. 17 And likewise he that had received two, he also gained other two. !§ But he that had received one, went and digged in the earth, and hid his lord’s money. 19 After a long time, the lord of those servants cometh, and reckoneth with them. *° And => ax ba—., Rec. & Gb. orn. € XX exepdncer, © Rec add de, _ g— d Rec, add ev 7 0 vos rou avOpwrov Eepyerat, Or, going out,Marr. XXV. 21. so he that had received five talents, came and brought other five talents, saying, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me five talents, behold, I have gained besides them, five talents more. 2! His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant, thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord. 22 file also that had received two talents, came and said, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me two talents: behold, I have gained two other talents besides them. 23 His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful seryant, thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into y joy of thy lord. 24 Then he which had re- ceived the one talent, came and said, Lord, 1 knew thee that thou art an hard man, reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering where thou hast not strawed: % and I was afraid, and went and hid thy talent in the earth: lo, there thou hast that is thine. 26 His lord an- swered, & said unto him, Thou wicked and slothful servant, thou knewest that I reap where I sowed not, and gather where I have not strawed: * thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers, and then at my coming I should haye received mine own with usury. 28 Take therefore the talent from him, and give it unto him which hath ten talents. 29 For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not, shall be taken away, even that which he hath. 30 And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness, there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 31 When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then a— bD Ree. add és. c-—> d— @ @ rou be un. f Rec, ex@adaAere. £ Gb. om. 68 EYATTEAION re * 6 7h révre TaNavTa AaBwv TPOTNVEYKED | / 4 , Ma wevte tédavta, Aeyou’ Kupie,y s ~ , ~ aD) > a TEVTE TAAGYTG [LOL Tapes KAS LOE, dA- He > ~ s a> + 7S ; TE TANAVTA EKEPO ET ¢ h 5 rn ¢ ? : : yn °“avuT@ O Kui 1 ; > a ue + ayabe Kal TLOTE ET %. OAL) | , 7 \ ‘ Loe 7‘ eran crn TLOTOS, EFL TroAA@yv O€ KaTaui no® 4 1c€AG ; ; Nay TOU 1010”) a ELlgoeACE ELS TIV Xapay TOU KUPiOV 4 22 TIpocedOay dé Kal 6 ra Svo Tadavra L > = / ©haBdy” etre’ Kupte, dvo TaAQaYTa [Ob 7% 3 > ay , / TapEeOwKas ide, GAka dvo Tadavra , a 1 a éexepdnoa ter avrois”. "Edn avt@ ¢ , > Loi 5 A > \ 4 6 Kupios avtov’ Bu, SovAe ayabe kat mote: emi odlya As TLOTOS, ETL TOAOYS | / \ \ y ge KataoTnow’ eloedOe els THY Xapav} TOU KUpioU Gov. i z | 4 TIpocedOav Oe Kal 6 TO ev TaAay= | Tov elAnpws eimre Kupie, eyvov oe ort S c e/ okAnpos et dvOpeTos, OepiCa@v Omou ovK) gomeipas, Kal ouvayov 60ev ov Ote- 9} oKopTtiaas” 25 kal poBnGets, ame Cav) p %, Cs lad iy : éxpua TO TdAavToy cou ev TH YN we, + \ , 26 > \ Oe c exels TO OOV. Amoxpilelts Oe 0 Kuptos avTov eimev AUTO Ilovnpe Sovde Kal dxynpe, 7OeLs OTL Oepi{@ O7rov OUK €omreipa, Kal ouvaya obey ov SueoKop- moa; 7 ee ovv ce Badrew TO apyv- , rn , x \ ; pidy prov Tots rpameCiras* Kat €hOoy eye eKopioapny ay TO ELOY TU TOKO. 2 > > a , i 28 @pate ovy amr avTov TO TaXavToy, | kal Sdte TO €XovTL TA Seka TaAavTa.)| 9 ad 2, , | 29 7H yap ExovTe TayTt SoOnoerat, Kal | mepiooevOnaeTa © ams S€ TOU py 2 a » , Si i €yovTos, Kal 0 EXEL, apOjceTa am av=|) “~ 30 \ \ > o ~ £2. / TOU. Kai Tov axpetov Soddoy * exBaq > Nere” els TO OKOTOS TO EE@TEPOY” EKEH} Zorar 6 KAavOuos Kal 6 Bpvype Ov orat 6 Khavbpos L 6 Bpvyyos T@ OOOVTOY. i 31’Orav dé €dOn 6 vids Tod avOpo=; mov év tH OdEn avTov, Kal TavTES ob | od af At > > ~ , ‘ E Gytor” Gyyehou peT avTOV, TOTE Kabi- = ion69 32 KATA MATOAION. ge. emt Opdvov dd&ns avrod, ovwvaxOnoerar eumpoobev avtod mavta ta €Oyn, Kal apopret avtovs am a\An- hoy, Somep 6 Tony aopicer Ta mpd- Bata amd téy-€pipor, * / ‘ Kal Kal OTNOEL Le, ra “A \ X ra pev TpSBara ex SeEcav avrov, Ta Se 3 / 2 , eolhva e& EVOVUPLOY. f a rn > 3 Tére epet 6 Bactdevs Tots EK e- nw ~ “A 5 4 n~ E.ay avrod’ Acire, ol evdoynpevot TOV 4, \ ¢ marpds pov, KAnpovoynoare THY 1TOL- 6 > pacperny vpiv Bactdetay amo KaTa- A 5 \ \ Bodjs Kéopov. * emetvaca yap, Kal rr \ > edakaré ror payety’ edunoa, Kai e7ro- 4 A / 4 rioaté pe’ Eevos Hunv, Kal ovyyyayeTe , 7 pe © yuuvds, Kai mepieBadere pe nobernoa, Kal éemreokeWao be JAG: &V dudakh juny, Kal AOeTe Tpos pe. 37 Tére amroxpiOnoovTat avT@ ot Oikavot, / héyovres’ Kupte, mdre oe elOopev Tret- na \ > 4 x vas ‘ vavta, Kat €Opepapev; 7) Oupavta, kai , Bl | érotigapev; * méte Sé€ ce etdoper & x Eévoy, kal ovvnydyopev ; 7) yupvov, Kai , oe BD tas SNE 29 TrepleBadoper ; mote O€ ce ElOopey > Be 5D. a N © , dobevn, 7 ev pudaky, kat 7AOopev mpds oe; * Kat aroxpibels 6 Baotdeds epet me , rn > ¢ avtois) “Apiy eyo ww, esp ocov i a > ral emoioate evi TOUT@Y TaY AbEAP@yY jLov rn 7, TOY ehaxloToY, EOL ETOLNTATE. 41 / > c \ o > > , . Tore €pet Kat ToLs €€ EVOVULOY , ~ , TlopevecOe ar’ nov, of katnpapevot, ets ~ eS 4 TO TUp TO ai@vioy, *TO NTolmacpEvoy AM / \ a > > me T® OtaBdd@ Kal Tots ayyeAots avTov. 2 éretvaca yap, Kal ovK eOmKaTE LOL dayetv edapnoa, Kat ovK emoticatEé a 43 , wy \ >? , s pe E€vos Hpnv, Kal OU OuVnyayeTE pe’ yupvos, Kai ov mepieBddere pe? > A \ > ca A > > doOevns, Kat ev dudaki, Kat OvK ETe- oxerao be pee. 44 Tére dmroxptOncovrat>” , , kal avtol, Néeyovtes* Kupie, wéte oe yw 6 3\ ~ xv , elOopmey TewovTa, 7) Ouyovra, 7 E€vor, XN A Xv > “~ Xv > oa ‘ i) yupvov, 7) aaGevn, 7) ev cbudakn, Kal Marr. XXV. 44. shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: 3% and before him shall be gathered all nations, and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats. 33 And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. 34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. °° For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a Stranger, and ye took me in: 3% naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. °? Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink ? 38 when saw we thee 4 stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? 3° or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? #0 And the King shall answer, and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. 41 Then shall he say also un- to them on the left hand, De- part from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: 4° I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not. 44 Then shall they also answer him, say- ing, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister & MW o nroiwacéy Oo TaTHp wor 1H. b Ree. add aerqMarr. XXYV. 4d. 70 EYATTEAION > PTS - 40.oRo ir O- unto thee? 45 Then shall he ov OunKoynoapey TOL OTE aT <—weLr 1} *j PKs a , Se) \ / answer them, saying, Verily, kpiOncerat adrois, A€yov Aun eyo I say unto you, inasmuch as .' ~ Se: aes piss ec / e did it not to one of the UPI, Ep OGOr OUK €TFOlWGaTe ue HOUs least of these, ye did it not -@y Tray EMayloTars ouve j to me. 46 And these shall go i, <2 Fr 6 away into everlasting punish- ge : “ ai ee Sahel Ke ment: but the righteous into KéAagly ai@viov’ ot de OlKaiod ES § ‘ life eternal. aidviov. = 4 296 Ae. / ed SL ¢ 7 26. And it came to pass, when » Kat eyevero: ore: ene\ecey 0 * 2 ] ‘ ie A / Jesus had finished all these say- gods mavTas Tous hoyous TOUTOUS, € ings, he said unto his disciples, 5 6 - 2 aS o 2 Ye know that after two days 70'S ee eee is CE CAE is the feast of the passover, and preTa Ovo nuEpas TO TAT KA ylveTal, Kal the Son of man is betrayed to § 1§} eae ! f P ad tania 6 vids Tov avOpamov mapadioorar ets croint emoin- ELL TOL} ~~) } ~ re TO otavpwOnvat. 3 , vie. € 2? wo . 3 Then assembled together . Tore ovvnxOnoay Ol MP XLEP EES Kat See ; Beep A the chief priests, a the ol ypappatets Kal Ol m™peaPuTEepot TOU scribes, and the elders of the yo) \ >> \ a / a people, unto the palace of the Aaov cs ye audny oe CPXECB Ee BOS high priest, who was called Aeyomevov Kaiapa’ Kal ovveBovu- Ce Ge — sree od ~ Gaiaphase+and consulted that NeyoavTo iva rov Incoty » déA@ Kpa- they might take Jesus by sub- + u > / BN tilty, and kill him. * But they TO CGH TA OND SY ae ‘ £ YoY said, Not-on the feast day, lest O€° My ev TH €0pTy, Wa PY OdpuBos there be an uproar among the yevnrau ép 7 KAO: people. Games CE oe , > e Tod 8€ “Incod yevouevou ev By- 6 Now when Jesus was in bavi 5 c i = ye Bethany, in the house of Simon avid €V OLKLG Zipwovos Tov AETpoVv, y 4 E a 3S \ 4 the leper, 7there came unto 7 mpoonhlev avuT@ yun ahdBaoTpov him a woman, having an ala- _” x B r euiccy chican baster box of very precious ORCS eXKOOre CP ET UE x ointment, and poured it on his €7l T7V Keadyy QUTOU QAVAKELEVOV. 8B A > head, as he sat at meat. § But 8 ?Sdyres dé of pabnrat © qirov” iyya- when his disciples saw it, they , 5 : : Ve Se had indignation, saying, To V@KT)OAY, heyovtes’ Ets Tt 1) amT@heta . + Sy o¢ > , ~ ” what purpose is this waste ? avUTn 3 9 OuvaTo yap TOUTO 4’ 7 oabjvat 9 For this ointment might have we GOs een - been sold for much, and given ie wees eae Og ape JOS TOKO to the poor. 10 When Jesusun- 1° Tyovs de 6 Inaous etmey avrois Re derstood it, he said unto them , , e te 2 \ z ? 2 € € TN YUVQLKL 5 EPyoV Why trouble ye the woman? ee Cd ae TOF B . a AY e YER for she hath wrought a good KaAov elpyao ato Els EME. TIAVTOTE 2 is > > aA work upon me. !! For ye have yap rods Mr@XOUS EXETE pel éavTov' the poor always with you, but 3) eae 2 12 B ey me ye have not always. 12 For aes re ERTCRS EXEL a a NOUGe in that she hath poured this yap avTn TO peupoy TOUTO €7l TOU O@- ointment on my body, she did f \ oe t it for my burial. !3 Verily I say pees Cone oe a evrapiagat KS unto you, Wheresoever this ETTOLNO EV. apn eyo UPL, OTFOU EAV gospel shall be preached in the KnpuxOn TO evayyedvov TOUTO eV dro whole world, there shall also =~ ’7 any Cia so t this, that this woman hath done, BO MOE a aA) HOET SE KQL O €TFTOLNOEV be told for a memorial of her. aut7, €ls pen jLoovvov auTns. s— b Ree. xpatnawar doAq@ 6.53 d Rec. add ro pupor, e w~—. Rec. & Gb. om.KATA MATOCAION. ] Marr. XXVI. 27. ¢ Shan rX 4 Tére mopevbels els TOV O&feKa, 6 4 Then one of the twelve, s ey 2 DT? \_ called Judas Iscariot, went un- as IoKaPL®Tjo, gpods eS > ; Aeyojtevos Iovd Se eek ry JS: TPS to the chief priests, and said TOUS APXLEPELS, Ele LOedere fol unto them, What will ye give A DN Cry < Sn : aa : Oovvat, Kay® UpLY TANS OTH avrov ; ™é, and I will deliver him unto > you ? and they covenanted with € Noe ae , > , - Oi de SOT OUET @ TplakovTa apy upea him for thirty pieces of silver. 16 Kal amy rdoTe e(nret evkatplay iva 16 And from that time he sought ee - opportunity to betray him. auty mapaco. a oN , 7 T ul Tn Oe TpPOTN Trav atupev mpoo- 17 Now the first day of the nx : an a , ne C aan ee an Gov as pabyral ae "Inco, héyovtes feast of unleavened bread, the he = bod oe 7 , disciples came to Jesus, saying *avuT@ TIov Oedets ETOLUAT@pPEV FOL unto him, Where wilt thou that payely TO TATXa } 18 “ > e > a Ve , ragev avrois 6 Ingots, Kat 1TOlWATAY yeady the passover. TO TAC Xa. 20 Ovylas Sé -yevomevns avEekelTo eTa 3 ; a, BSUS. © per 20 Now when the even was TOY Owdexa. Kal eg G.ovT@v aUT@V come, he sat down with the a > \ , rn ed < ¢ = 2 : eines’ "Awiy Deyo Spiir, dre els ef welve. 21 And ss they id a / 22 ’ 3 ’ ’ re rt ULOY mapadacet He Kat AuTrovpevor to you, that one of you shall apddpa jpEavto ” Aeyety avT@, exaoTos betray me. 22 And they were ne 7 37 9 , DRY ’ exceeding sorrowful, and be- avtav” Mnte eyo etp, Kuple O oe NEO 5 ‘ 1 = XE eh 2 p =a? > gan every one of them to say amoxplleis eimev’ =O euBavras [eT unto him, Lord, Is it 1? euod ev TO TOUVBAL@ THV xELpa obrds 7 And he answered and said Be D TPUVPAL@ THY XELpa, ; Sd Se c. es He that dippeth his hand BE papa qe ok g Psy. ULOS, TOU, aE with me in the dish, the same Opwrou vrdayel, kabos yéypamrat mept shall betray me. 4 The Son SMe QD ' ey > of man goeth as it is written of Tey Quat de Le. avOpar@ EKSIEO> bu him: but woe unto that man by ov O VLOS TOU avOparov mapadioorat’ whom the Son of man is be- Kadoy fv alta, et ovK eyevvyOn 6 ay- trayed: it had been good for 6 ee oY OR be} ,o, » that man, if he had not been BOTS EKELYOS. ‘ AmoxpwWels de lou- born. 28 Then Judas, which das 6 mapad.oous avtov eime’ Mnre betrayed him, answered, and Sys vee) € , Z 3A, . said, Master, Isit 1? He said EYQ €ELUL a : € a ee igne yf BL Pp PBi; Aeyes avT@’ FV into him, Thou hast said. elmas. 6 > . A an 26 -Robidvrav dé aitav, AaBav 6 "Incovs °roy” a L ten ” 1 oy v CPAs Kae EUXEPLga TY: 26 And as they were eating, oas, Ss age Kat €didov Tots pabn- Jesus took bread, and blessed ~ > , a . nnlra 7 . Tais, kal eime’ AadBere, payere’ TOUTS ie ang brass It, on Berea 2 \ ae, 27 x \ , the disciples, and said, Take, EGE4.TO POLS HOUs Kat AaBav TO eat, this is my body. 27 And he ToTnploy, Kal evyaploTnoas, €OwxKey took the cup, and gave thanks, ao. v & Acyety ELg Exatros. c— d w—. Rec. & Gb evdoyntas.Marr. X XVI. 28. and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it: 25 for this is my blood of the new testa- ment, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. 7° But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom. 30 And when they had sung an «hymn, they went out into the mount of Olives. °! Then saith Jesus unto them, All ye shall be offended because of me this night, for it is writ- ten, I will smite the shep- herd, and the sheep of the flock shall be scattered abroad. 32 But after I am risen again, I will go before you into Gali- lee. 38 Peter answered, and ote nim, ihough all men shall be -offended be- cause of thée, yet will I never be offended. °4 Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, that this night before the cock crow, thou shalt de- ny me thrice. > Peter said unto him, Though I should die with thee, yet will I not deny thee. Likewise also said all the disciples. 39 36 Then cometh Jesus with them unto a place called Geth- semane, and saith unto the dis- ciples, Sit ye here, while I go and pray yonder. %7 And he took with him Peter, and the two sons of Zebedee, and be- gan to be sorrowful, and very heavy. 83 Then saith he un- to them, My soul is exceed- ing sorrowful, even unto death: tarry ye here, and watch with me. 2% And he went a lit- tle farther, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless, not as I will, but a Rec. add «car. b Wh be. e Rec. & Gb. om. Gb. ¢ Rec. & Gb. om.—Gb. th 72 EYATTEAION Noe Bee Cora ae ‘: Leyov € €& AUTOU TAVTES > a QUTOLS, 98 VON a St ps ee \ a roUTO /ap €OTLt TO aALWa [LOU, TO TS * ee Som a5 iN i ae n > Kalv1s OLtat <8 7O GF €} Fi oAXNOV CK= 5 V El iden’. aya ITL@V. ~” N ene Xvvopevon evs as prta Aeyo O€ vptiy, OTL OU [LY TTL 5 gy i GQpTt €K > , , ~ / o A SD R TovTov Tov yevynpaTros THS ATS Aov, o a ¢ , > , 5 4 fees: EWS TNS NMEPAS EKELYNS, 01 ALTO WY@ , €1a pcO vay Kawoy ev TH Bach TATPOS [LOv. . ; on 30 Kat tpynoavres e&ndOov eis 7 " a an " , na dpos Tav ehar@y. *! réTe AEyet avTots Cike? =~ / ¢ 5 6 “Incovs: Ildvres tpeis okavdade- / a cOnoeobe ev eyol ev TH vuKTL TaUTN yéypanra yap’ Ilard&@ Tov qmotpeva, , nan kat StackopricOnoera Ta MpOPata THS , 32 a moiuyns. ** Mera O€ 1O eyepOnvat / ¢ A , wy / pe, mpodéw vpas eis tv Tadvdatay. Qc > \ \ / > cad 33 ArroxpiOels O€ 6 Ilérpos eimey adTa* / \ Ei *“navres oxavdadtaOnoovtat ev ool, EEN b/ 10E } Xr 67 eyo ovdémote oKxavOadicOnoopat. 3! ’Edn alto 6 “Incods: “Apny eyo oO , a , gol, OTe ey TAUTN TH vUKTL, mpw ahe- wn , kropa eavnca, tpis amapynon pe. ~ > n 7 3 , 35 Aéyer avT@ 6 Ilerpos’ Kav Oey pe - > / cov ool arobaveiv, 00 pn oe amapyy- < / c§ \ 4 \ / ¢ gopat. Opolas € Kal mavrTes ot paOnrat etiov. 36 \ 7 y+ > IN C2 a Tore épxerar pet avtav 6 Inaovs > / x sf d NCU, x els yopiov Neyopevoy “TeOonpavel,” kat héyet Tots paOnrais’ Kadioare auTOU, ° ies , - gos 008 amehOav tmpocevE@pat exe. 37 Kat mapadaBoy toy Ilerpov Kal TOUS ?. CN / We os Svo viovs ZeBedaiov, 7pEatro Au7retc Oar kal adnuovetv. 8 rére eyes avrois °O ’ eed, sf > ¢ , Incovs’” Iepitumds eotw 1 \ruxn jou éws Oavarov' peivate OSe Kat ypnyo- pelTe LET EMOv. 39 Kal ‘ rpocehOav” 2, > ~ piKpov, emecev emt mpdcwmov avTov Tpowevxopevos, Kat héyov" Ilarep pov, et Suvatdv ett, mapeNOér@ am pov \ , A . \ > € DEEN TO ToTNpLoy TOTO” TAY OVX wS eEY@ d w—. Ree. & Gb. TePonyuarn. a £ ~—. Rec. & Gh. wposAOwy* Or, psalineKATA MATOAION. 73 Go, GAN os ov. * Kai &p mpos Tovs paOnras, Kut eiploKker avTous kabevdovras, Kai eye » Ilerp@ Odrws ovK ioyvoaTe Miay @pav ypn- -euou; © ire Kal VETOE Kes at UET ELD ypnyope ov ‘ > ‘ = iva pur) ELOEAGHTE ELS TEL- ~ , ¢ TVEVILA mpoOupov, 1) vyoonaa yopyoa: j.e7 wNOGEVYea be, paguey. TO UEV . volt agus be caps 42 [ldhuy ek nvéaro, heyov' ~ / Svvarat ToUTo *TO ToTHpLoy” bee 2 ~ HN \ 5 \ / vey 6nta dm \ ? \ > re in foe adels adrovs, arehOav mad, Tpoonv Eato 1 ék rpitov,” toy avtov hoyoy > , 45 , y+ \ \ Z cinay. © Tote EpxeTat mpos Tous pa Onras avrov, kal Neyer avrois’ Kadev- Sere TO Aourrdy Kal avarravedOe* idov, iPyyikev 1) @pa, Kal 6 vids TOU avOperrou mapadioorac «is xeElpas dpapTodor. 46 > / ay . > \ as ¢ eyelper be, dyapev” LOov, ifyytKev O Piapectous fe Fe js al Kal ért avrov Xadovvtos, idov, > s e a , > Iovdas eis tov Swdexa HAGE, Kal per avTov OyNos TONS peTa paxaipay Kat , >? a > 7 Evhov, amv0 TOV apxLepewv Kal mpe- ~ a c aBurépav Tod aod. * 6 de mapadidovs > r r avToy éd@Kkey avTois onpetov, eyov" 4 x , a 2 > / Oy dy didnow, avTos eote’ KpatTnoaTe > a avrov. * Kai evééws mpocedOav TO > ~ > yr A Incov eime’ Xaipe, paBBi Kat ka- t a tepitnoey airév. © 6 O€ “Inaois — Aaah € - ee ke 4 / eimey avt@ ‘Eratpe, ° ep Tapes 3 nS. SevTepou ameNOav mpoo- Ilarep ov, el ov Tapeh Gew ” 0 Tore mpoce dures erreBadov ras XEipas emt Tov “Inoovy, Kal expatnaay avTov. 51 Kal idod, eis tay peta “Incod, exrelvas iY yElpa, améomace THY paxaipay avTov, Kal matagas roy dov- hoy Tov apxtepéws ageihev adTov Td Marr. X XVI. 51. 1s thou wilt. 49 And he cometh unto the disc ples, and find- eth them asleep, and saith unto Peter, What, could ye not watch with me one hour ? 41 Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. 42 He went away again the second time, and prayed, say- ing, O my father, if this cup may not pass away from me, except I drink it, thy will be done. 43 And he came and found them asleep again: for their eyes were heavy. +4 And he left them, and went away again, and prayed the third time, saying the same words. 45 Then cometh he to his disci- ples, and saith unto them, Sleep on now, and take your rest, behold, the hour is at hand, and the Son of man is betray- ed into the hands of sinners. 46 Rise, let us be going: be- hold, he is at hand that doth betray me. 47 And while he yet spake, lo, Judas one of the twelve came, and with him a great mul- titude with swords and staves from the chief priests and el- ders of the people. ‘4% Now he that betrayed him, gave them a sign, saying, Whom- soever I shall kiss, that same is he, hold him fast. #9 And forthwith he came to Jesus, and said, Hail master, and kissed him. % And Jesus said unto him, Friend, where- fore art thou come? Then came they, and laid hands on Jesus, and took him. 51 And behold, one of them which were with Jesus, stretch- ed out his hand, and drew his sword, and struck a servant of the high priest’s, and smote off ae << : abe boas € © edGwv wadev, supsy avrovg,. d — e@ Rec. sp’ wu.Marr. X XVI. 52. his ear. 52 Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword, shall perish with the sword. 4% Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels? 54 But how then shall the scrip- tures be fulfilled, that thus it must be ? 55 Jn that same hour said Je- sus to the multitudes, Are ye come out as against a thief with swords and staves for to take me ? Isat daily with you teach- ing in the temple, and ye laid no holdonme. % But all this was done, that the scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled. Then all the disciples forsook him, and fled: 57 And they that had laid hold on Jesus, led him away to Caiaphas the high priest, where the scribes and the elders were assembled. 58 But Peter fol- lowed him afar off, unto the high priest’s palace, and went in, and sat with the servants to see the end. 59 Now the chief priests and elders, and all the council, sought false witness against Jesus to put him to death, 6° but found none: yea, though many false witnesses came, yet found they none. At the last came two false witness- es, 6! and said, This fellow said, Iam able to destroy the temple of God, and to build it in three days. 6? Andthe high priest arose, and said unto him, Answerest thou nothing ? what is it, which these witness against thee ? ®3 But Jesus held his peace. And the high priest answer- ed, and said unto him, I adjure thee by the living God, that 74 EYATTEAION ~ >) nn Qrlov. % rére Eyer a’t@ 0 Inaovs’ > \ ’Andatpepov cov THY p.axatpay Els TOY rémoy avtns’ mdvTes yap ol AaBdvtes , > , a nr a WY pdxaipay ey paxaipa * amoAouyTat. ra d > BTA 53 7 Ookeis OTL Ov Svyapat apte X mapakahéoas TOV Tmarepa pov, kal \ , mapactnoe. por mAclovs 7 dadeka Aeyeavas ayyehov ; 54 TOs oby MANA pobacw ai ypapat, OTL ovTw OEt yever Oar 5 5a ? a Qh S €? A Ev éxeivn TH Opa etrev 0 Inoous trois dxNous’ ‘Qs emt Anotny €EnhOete \ ~ \ OX AX io petra paxapav kal Evhav ovhhaety 13 iC: / b \ ¢ aw Wee 6 , pe; Ka tpuepay Pmpds tpas” exadeCo- uny © diddoKo” év TO lep@, Kal ovK eKpaTHTATE pe. 56 rovro O¢ OAov ye- yovev, wa npwbdcw at ypapat TOV mpopntav. Tdtre of pabyrat TAVTES abévres avroy epvyov. 57 € \ / A > a Oi dé Kpatnoavres Tov Incovy dmnyayov mpos Kaidpay roy apxleped, ¢ - / Orrou of ypappareis Kal ot mpeoBurepot / 6 58 © Oe , > \ 58 ovynxOnoav. 6 O¢ Ilerpos nxodovGet aiTa ard pakpdber, Ews TIS avAns TOD dpxvepews’ Kal eioeA Oy €o@ exaOnto pera Tov UmnpeTayv, ieiy TO Té)os. 59 c \ 2 a d X ¢ , a“ of S€ dpxuepets ‘kat of mperBurepor \ \ / ce +e/ kal To cvvedpiov Gov e(nrowy Yevdo- paptuplay Kata Tod "Ingov, ores ° 6a- varoowow avtdv.” 9 Kai ovx etpor, : : ; fkal” Sqo\N@v evdopapTupey Tpoced- Odvtwv" ody etpov.” vaTepoy O€ Tpoo- ehOdvres Sv0 Wevdopaptupes % etrov" Oiros éhyn Avyayar Katadvoa TOV vaoy Tov Geodv, Kat Oia TpL@yv Nuepav oikoSopnoa avtéy. © Kat avagtas 6 dpyvepeds elrev adt@ Ovdev aroKpwn; Tl obrol cou Katapaptupovow; © “O de *Incovs eovora. Kai dmoxpibels 6 apxtepeds etrrev ~ > ~ a A avt@’ “E€opkifw oe Kata Tov Geod Tov & ® arofavovvrat. b> c-> d = € Rec. & Gb. aur. Oar. f Gb. om. &6 > h Gb. om.KATA MAT@OAION. ‘ (a@vTos, wa meu =n €i ov €f Npt- gros, 6 vids Tod cov. © yeL AUT@ 6 ‘Ingovs’ Sv etirus Syeo UpLLY, an adore oeo Ge OV avOpatrou kabnuevoy ex Se&.av ris Suvapews Kal eer ert Tay vepEA@v TOU oupayov. 1D mf CoD t 433. - Nie / Tore 6 dpxtcpevs Sueppynge Ta twaria . Be ey q ; , 3 , aurov, Aeywov'" ‘Ore eBacgynpnoe’ TL wy 7 4, , 7 a ere xpelay EXOpMEVY MAaPTUPAY 5 LOE, VUV ? / \ / a> A 66F jxoveate THY BLacpynuiay “avTov. — Tt ipiv Soxet; Oi de amoxplOevtes €tmov" a , > , 67 mer S254 Evoxos Oavarou «oTl. Tore eve- a“ \ mrvcay eis TO Tpoaw@roy avuTouv, Kal 3 / > / ¢ ‘\ 339.2602 éxohaduoay avrdv’ of de €ppamiar, 638 Xe . Tl , ¢ r x se youtes’ Ilpodntevaooy ny, Xplore, Tis eoTW 6 Talcas CE; 69 “Q §€ Ilérpos ew exa@nro ev TH ada, Kal mpoonrOev att@ pia mar- Sickn, éyovoa’ Kai ov joOa pera > A ~ , 70 ¢ de > , Inoov tov Tads\atov. O de npvn- gato ¢umpoobev Paditay” mavtor, de- you’ OvK oida Ti deyers. 71 REedOovra dé adrév eis Tov muAdva, €iOey avToy d\An Kat Aéyer Cavrois’ “Ext Kal’ ovTos aN Vi a a T , 72 moN jv peta Inoovd tov Nafwpatov. ‘ Kat > o q mad mpynoaro pe dpkov' “Ore ovK id \ Ey 73 \ \ \ olda Toy avOparoyr. Mera puxpov Oe mpocedbdyres of crates eimov TH Ile- foe). ~~ \ Ne > er S. \ tp@ “AhnOas kai ov €& avta@y ci” kal yap 7 Nadud cou OpAdv ce moet. “* Tore Bf d / a“ \ > 4 ri jpéato Karabeparicew” Kat opyvely ¢ > 2 N 2 PN > Ort ovkK oida Tov GvOpemov. Kat ev- bé. ine > , 7a \ 2 / as ddéxtop epovnce. 7 Kal envy On 6 Iérpos tod ° pnuaros tov “Incov" a a Cy / cipnkétos att@’ “Ore amply aexropa ghavncat, tpis drapynon pe’ Kai e&eh- Ooy €&m exNavoe TLKPas. a 27. Tpwias d€ yevouevns, cvpBov- huoy CraBov mdyres of apytepets Kai ot 4 Aa ~ ~ ~ mpeoBvrepot Tov Aaovd Kata TOU ‘Ingod, ed a ote Oavataou aitov, * Kal dyoavtes Marr. X XVII. 2. thou tell us, whether thou be the Christ the son of God. 64 Jesus saith unto him, Thou hast said: nevertheless I say unto you, Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven. 6} Then the high priest rent his clothes, saying, He hath spoken blasphemy: what fur- ther need have we of witnesses ? behold, now ye have heard his blasphemy. ® What think ye ? They answered and said, He is guilty of death. & Then did they spit in his face, and buf- feted him, and others smote him with «the palms of their hands, 68 saying, Prophesy unto us, thou Christ, who is he that smote thee ? 69 Now Peter sat without in the palace: anda damsel came unto him, saying, Thou also wast with Jesus of Galilee. 70 But he denied before them all, saying, I know not what thou sayest. 7! And when he was gone out into the porch, another maid saw him, and said unto them that were there, This fellow was also with Jesus of Nazareth. 72 And again he denied with an oath, I do not know the man. 7% Andaftera while came unto him they that stood by, and said to Peter, Surely thou also art one of them, for thy speech bewrayeth thee. 74 Then began he to curse and to swear, saying, I know not theman. Andimme- diately the cock crew. 7 And Peter remembered the words of Jesus, which said unto him, Before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice. And he went out, and wept bitterly. 27. When the morning was come, all the chief priests and elders of the people, took coun- sel against Jesus to put him to death. * And when they had © w=. Rec. & Gb, tors exer” 9S dynpyarog Ingov. b Rec. > > Kaz, 4 Rec. xatavaSeuarifecr. ° Or, rodsMarr. XXVII. 3. bound him, they led him away, and delivered him to Pontius Pilate the governor. 3 Then Judas, which had be- trayed him, when he saw that he was condemned, repented himself, and brought again the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders, 4 say- ing, I have sinned, in that I have betrayed the innocent blood. And they said, What is that to us ? see thouto that. 5 And he cast down the pieces of silver in the temple, and de- parted, and went and hanged himself. © Andthe chief priests took the silver pieces, and said, It is not lawful for to put them into the treasury, because it is the price of blood. 7 And they took counsel, and bought with them the potter’s field, to bury strangers in. 3 Wherefore that field was called, The field of blood unto this day. 9% (Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremy the prophet, saying, And they took the thirty pieces of silver, the price of him that was valued, whom they of the children of Israel did value: !8 and gave them for the potter’s field, as the Lord appointed me.) 11 And Jesus stood before the governor, and the governor asked him, saying; Art thou the King of the Jews? And Jesus said unto him, Thou say- est. 1/2 And when he was ac- cused of the chief priests and elders, he answered nothing. 13 Then saith Pilate unto him, Hearest thou not how many things they witness against thee ? 14 And he answered him to never a word: insomuch that the governor marvelled greatly. 15 Now at that feast the governor was wont to release unto the people a_ prisoner, whom they would. 16 And they had then a notable prisoner, called Barabbas. !7 Therefore when they were gathered to- gether, Pilate said unto them, EYATTEAION avTov amnyayor, kal mapedokay avTov Ilovria TWitato TO mryepoue. 3 Tére Sav "Tovdas 6 mapadiovs av- TOV, OTL karekpiGy, perapehnOets amre- oTpeve Ta TpuaKovra dpyvpea Jie ap- Xuepevou Kal TOLS TPEG| Purépotss Es “Hyaprov mapadovs aipea a ath oop.” Oi O€ elroy? Ti mpos nyeas § ou boyy.” 5 Kal piyas ra dpyupia ev TO vada, oro Kal amehOoy dmipyéaro. 5 Or de dpxvepets AaBdvtes Ta apyupea elroy’ OUK efeore Pahety avra eis TOV KopBavay, € eTel TLLT aipards éott. * Zu PBovdoy Oe haBovres, nyopacav e& av- T@Y TOY aypov TOU KEPapews, els Trapny TOUS Sevots. 8 Od exhn On 6 aypos EKEL- vos aypos aijvaros, ews THS onpLEpov. Tore EmANP@ON TO pynOEev Sia ‘Iepepiou Tov mpodyrov, éyovtos’ Kat ehaBov \ ; Se Td TplakovTa apyupia, THY TYLNY TOL TET UMN MEVOV, ov é€TLLNOAVTO, amo VOY ‘Iopann, ut kal éOwKav avta eis TOY aypov Tov Kepapews, KaOd ouveTagE por Kuptos. iO Oc “‘Ingovs €oTn epmpoo dev TOU mE HOVOS" Kal ern parnoey aQuTov 6 myE- pov, Aeyov' Sv et oO Baorhevs TOV ‘Tovdaiev ; “O dé “Incovs en avt@ Su eyers. Kai ev T@ Karnyopeto Bae aUTOY UTO TOY dpXvepeoy Kal TOV mpe- oBurepaoy, ovdey amexpivaro. ™ Tore heyet avT@ 6 IlAaros* wo Ovk dKovets Tooa cou Katapaptupovot; ‘4 Kai ovK« amekpiOn att@ mpos ovd€ ev prya, ote GOavpacew Tov jyepova Alay. 15 r \ \ ce \ Sof ¢ ¢ X Kara 6¢ éopTay eiw0er 6 NYyELov amohvely Eva TO oxhe Seopuor, ov HOeXo a dé dé 7 V. etyov b€ rote Séopuov eri- onpov, ? Aeyopevoy BapaPBar. 7 gup- nypevav ody avUT@Y, ElTrEV abrots 6 IliAdros’ Tiva Oedere arodkvo@ viv; b Ree. a OW dbexaroy, & Gb. ower. < Or, whom they bought of the children of Israel.KATA MATOAION. ee BapaB8av, 7 “Incovy tov deydpevov Xpiordv; '8 "Hoe yap ore Oia POdvoy , > , * TapeO@Kay avr} ! TA QA > - ‘ a , mn KAGCHMEVOU OE GUTOU ETI £ TOU Bn- f \ paros, amecre:ve s auToy 1) yun guTov., Aeyour -y Gol Kal TO Ou- BLO ex e1Va)’ TOAAG yap emaGov onpLepov > > / r @vap OL auTov. Oi dé dpytepets kal of mpecBurepor > a seucay Tovs OxAous, Wa aitno@yTaL rov BapaBBav, roy de “Incody atro\e- 9 c 3S coow. 7» dmoxpibels S€é 6 1yEpov EtTeEV Dee, ory! r Sue a , > avtois’ Tiva Gedete amd THY Ovo aTo- , c > = hicw wiv; Oi dé eizov' BapaBBav. oe) / > cr ¢ / - , Sy / Aeyet avutots 0 IliAaros* Ti ovy moujo@ > ~ , r , Inoody Tov eydpevoy Xpiratov; Aec- - > ~ / , yourw * atte” mavres’ Sravpobytw. 23 ‘Oo 8e € OAR + ; x/ \ \ é nyepav en’ Te yap Kaxoy eroinaev ; Of Sé mepicoas Expacov, Aeé- yovtes’ Stavpabnto. ™* “Idwv de 6 Tliudtos, dre ovdev @pedet, ara pad- Nov OdpuBos yiverat, KaBav vdwp, amre- / A r > yp ~ + viiyato Tas xeipas dmévavtt TOD OxXAov, Néeyov' “AOads Ete amo TOV aipatos b A bok 7 : ¢ r ” tov Sixaiov” rovrov' tpets OeoGe. 25 ~ > = 25 Kal dmoxpibels mas 6 Aads etme’ To aipa adrov ef) pas Kal emt Ta TéKva - 9 , > r nav. * Tore améAvoev avtois Tov BapaBBar" Tov de "Inaovy dpayehAwoas / a ~ qapédwkey va oTavpaOy. rn n ¢ 7 'Tére of oTpati@tat TOU TyEHOvos, mapadaBdvtes Tov Incovy eis TO Tpat- > “ Toplov, cvvyyayov em adrov Any THY omeipay’ 7 Kal exdvoavTes avuToy, Tre- / > ad / / - 29 \ picOnkay avT@ XAapHVOA KOKKLUNY Kal / 4 +f | ~~ > 4 mréEavres otepavoy €& akavOay, eme- Onxav ent tiv Kepadyy adrov, Kal 7 coe’ \ ZN Juba A \ Kddapov emt tiy Oe§vav" avTov* Kal , 2, > a 4 yovuTrEeTn oT AavTEs eumpooOev avtov, €vée- gravCov avT@, heyovtes’ Xaipe, é Baot- Cn / r \ > Neds Tov Iovdalov’ *° Kai eumruoartes ay oe b> = Cm ev TY defig Matr. X XVII. 30. Whom will ye that I release unto you ? Barabbas, or Jesus, which is called Christ ? 18 For he knew that for envy they had delivered him. 19 When he was set down on the judgment seat, his wife sent unto him, saying, Have thou nothing to do with that jnst man: for I have suffered many things this day in a dream, be- cause of him. 20 But the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitude that they should ask Barabbas, and destroy Jesus. 2! The go- vernor answered, and said un- to them, Whether of the twain will ye that I release unto you? They said, Barabbas. °* Pilate said unto them, What shall I do then with Jesus, which is called Christ 2? They all said unto him, Let him be crucified. 23 And the governor said, Why, what evil hath he done? But they cried out the more, saying, Let him be crucified. *4 When Pilate saw that he could pre- vail nothing, but that rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person: see ye to it. 25 Then answered all the peo- ple, and said, His blood ée on us, and on our children. 76 Then released he SBarabbas unto them, and when he had scourg- ed Jesus, he delivered him to be crucified. 27 Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the @common hall, and gathered unto him the whole band of soldiers. 8 And they stripped him, and put on him a scarlet robe. 29 And when they had platted a crown of thorns, they put it upon his head, and a reed in his right hand: and they bowed the knee before him, and mocked him, saying, Hail king of the Jews. °° And * Or, governor’s house.Marr. X XVII. 31. they spit upon him, and took the reed, and smote him on the fhead. 3! And after that they had mocked him, they took the robe off from him, and put his own raiment on him, and led him away to crucify him. a 32 Andas they came out, they found a man of Cyrene, Simon by name: him they compelled ato bear his cross. 33 And when they were come unto a place called Golgotha, that is to say, ca place of a skull, 34 they gave him vinegar to drink, mingled with gall: and when he had tasted thereof, he would not adrink, %° And they crucified him, and parted his garments, casting lots: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, They parted my garments among them, and up- on my vesture did they cast lots. 36 And sitting down, they watch- aed him there: 37 and set up over his head, his accusation written, O THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE asews. 383 Then were there two thieves crucified with him: one on the right hand, and another on the left. f ° And they that passed by, reviled him, wagging their heads, 49 and saying, Thou that destroyest the temple, and buildest it in three days, save thyself: if thou be the son of God, come down from the cross. 41 Likewise also the chief priests mocking him, with the scribes and elders, said, 42 He saved others, himself he cannot save: if he be the King of Israel, let him now come down from the cross, and we will believe him. 43 He trusted in God, let him deliver him now if he will have pene for he said, I am the son bof God. 44'The thieves also which were crucified with him, cast the same in his teeth. 6 45 Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all 78 EYATTEAION eis avrov, ehaBov TOV Kdhapov, Kal | erumTOY els THY Kearny avtod. * Kati ore everraréay QUT O, efeduoay abroy TV xAapvda, Kai evédvcay abroy Ta iudria avrod" Kat amnyayov avroy eis | ‘ se TO OTAUYPaTAL. a2 “Egepxopevor dé etpov dvOparoy Kupnvatov, ovopare Sipova: TOUTOY ny yapevoay va apn Tov oTavpoy advTov. | SS eat ehOdvres els TOrroy eydpevoy | Tonyola,.* 0” é€ore » heydprevos" Kpaviov | TOTS, 34 Coxay av’t@ mew © b§0s" pera xoAns Le pLty Lev" Kal yevodpevos ovK HOede mreetv. * cravpwacartes Se | avrov, OuepepioavTo Ta ivaria avTov, | BadXovres KAnpov*” *8 Kal KaOjpevor | ern pow avrov éxet. * Kal emeOnkay eT AaV@ THS Kearns avuTou THY airiay av- Tou yeypapperny™ Oirds éatw “Inaos | 5 Baorhevs Trav "lovdalov. *8 Tore | oraupouyraL TW avT@ dvo Ayjoral, eis | ex OcEvav Kat ets e€& EVOVUPLOY. 39 Of dé mapamopevdépevar —BAachn- || pouy avToy, KwovvTes Tas Ketbadas av- TOY, = Kat eyoures® ‘0 KaTahvev TOY | vaov Kal éy Tpiol npepats olkodopav, oacov ceauTov" el ulds et Tow Oxcts Ka= | TaBnO ard Tov aotavpod. * “Opoias | de .Kal of apxvepeis epmraicovres pera TOY ypauparewy Kat TpeaBuTepay ede- you: * ”AdXous Bee EavTov ov Ov= | vara oaoa. ° Paovhevs ‘Iopanh | coTt, karaBare voy amo TOU oTaupon, Kal TLOTEVTOMED ‘er aito. ® TeTrOL- | Gev emi Tov Oedv, prodobe yov avror, : | €l - eaiez. cir yap" “Ort Ceovd ete | Vids, ~*4\Td avo Kal of Anoral ot nee bee avT@ a@velducoy § ad-= , H# TOV. ee A \ ¢ © "Amd dé exrns @pas oKdros éyévero &® Rec. ose bs © ® ovvorv. a Rec. add eva TAnpwOn To PnOEv v7ro Tow J TpoPpnrov’ ArcvEmepioavTo Ta tyaTLa you EaUTOLS, Kat ETL TOY L“aT topov yrov eBarov KAnpoy. f © .— Rec. & Gb. om. 8 Rec. avte.KATA MATOAION. 79 eml Tacay TY ynv €as wpas evvatns’ i rept d€ Thy évvaTny apay dveBonoev 6 ‘Inovs devi peyhr hey y “HA, s "EN), Napa caPoydavi; Toor eoru Océ p Gce pov, fairs pe eyKarehurres 3 Dives S€ rév exet Eor@twy axoveay- Tes éheyov’ “Oru “HXiav povet ovTos. 8 Kal ideas Spapav eis €€ auTav, kal \aSedy omdyyov, TAnoas TE ogous, kal -piets Kahapp endriev avrov. *9 oi 6¢ douzrol eheyov" “Ages, iopev el épyerat H\las c@oay avrov. tap OO? Oe ‘Ingods Tah kpdgas dovi b peyahy apie TO mevpa. 5} kal (ov, TO Karameracpa TOU yaov exxicn Eis dvo dad dvabev éws KaTw’ Kal 7 Yn ecto On, Kal at metpat eoxtoOn cay’ mea leno punpeta dve@yOnoay, kal 7o\a copara TOV KEKOUpN LEVY dytov 7 iyepOn, 53 kal e&eAOdvres ek TOY pYNpEl@V pLEeTa Ty eyepow advrov, elandOoy eis THY dyiay modu, Kal evehavicbnoay mol- ots. bee O48 a O d€ Exardvrapyos Kal oi per ad- TOU TNpovVTEs TOY Incobvy, iddvTes TOY getopov Kal Ta yevdpeva, ehoBnOnoav opddpa, héeyovtes* “Ans Oeod vids WV OUTOS. FS *Hoay 0€ exet yuvaikes modal ard paxpdbev Oewpodoat, atrives nkoNovOn- cay TO ‘Ingov_ aro 7™s T'advdaias, Oua- Kovovoat ata * ey ais ny Mapia 7 Maydaryyn, Kal Mapia 1 TOU ‘TakaBou Kai loon pntnp, Kal } pntnp Tov vidv ZeBeSaiov. , SES Oias ‘Oe Yevoperns, Oey ay- Opemos mhovowos a dro ‘Apyabatas, TOU- vopa loon, os Kal autos enabnrevoe TO ‘Incot 8 ovros | Tpooeh bay T@ Ie- hare, 7 TNTATO TO CHa TOU Incod. TOTE 6 Hiddros eke evoev dm o8obijvat TO “capa. © kal AaBav ro copa 6 ‘Toon Marr. XXVIII. 59. the land unto the ninth hour. 46 And about the ninth hour, Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabach- thani, that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou for- saken me? 47 Some of them that stood there, when they heard that, said, This man call- eth for Elias. 48 And straight- way one of them ran, and took a spunge, and filled it with vinegar, and put it ona reed, and gave him to drink. 49 The rest said, Let be, let us see whether Elias will come to save him. 50 Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. 4! And behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain, from the top to the bottom, and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent. 5? And the graves were opened, and many bodies of saints which slept arose, 53 and came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many. 54 Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earth- quake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the son of God. 55 And many women were there (beholding afar off) which followed Jesus from Galilee, ministering unto him. 56 Among which was Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James and Joses, and the mother of Zebedee’s children. 57 When the even was come, there came a rich man of Ari- mathea, named Joseph, who also himself was Jesus’ disciple: 58 He went to Pilate, and beg- ged the body of Jesus: then Pi- late commanded the body to be delivered. 59 And when Joseph had taken the body, he wrapped- Marr. XX VII. 60. it in a clean linen cloth, ©? and laid it in his own new tomb, which he had hewn out in the rock: and he rolled a great 9 stone to the door oi the sepul- chre, and departed. 6! And there was Mary Magdalene, and the other Mary, sitting over against the sepulchre. 62 Now the next day that fol- lowed the day of the prepara- tion, the chief priests and Phari- sees came together unto Pilate, 63 saying, Sir, we remember that that deceiver said, while he was yet alive, After three days J will rise again. §* Com- mand therefore that the sepul- chre be made sure, until the third day, lest his disciples come by night, and steal him away, and say unto the people, He is risen from the dead: the last error shall be ae than the first. © Pilate said unto them, Ye have a watch, go your way, make it as sure as youcan. 66 So they went, and made the sepulchre sure, seal- ing the stone, and setting a watch 28. In the end of the sab- bath, as it began to dawn to- wards the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene, and the other Mary, to see ine sepulchre. ? And behold, there * was a great earth- quake, for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it. 3 His countenance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow. ‘4 And for fear of him, the keepers did shake, and be- came as dead men. 5 And the angel answered, and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified. © He is not here: for he is risen, as he said: come, see the place where the Lord lay. 7 And go quickly, and tell his disciples | TOmOV OTroU €EKELT 0 6 Kuptos. EYATTEAION 80 4 60 eveT udev auto ow dove kabapa, na \ Kat eOney avTO €vy TO KALV@ avTOv punpel@, F 0 eAaTopnoev EV TH mer pa Kat Tpoo- kudioas Aidov pe yay TH Supa TOU pun [LeLOU, ammOev. 61 Ay Og exet Mapia 7 \ Maydadnv7), Kal a ddAn Mapia, KaOn- | eval amevavTe Tou Tapov. Gay be eTaUpLoy, HTls EOL pera TP Taparkeviy, ouy1 1xOnoay Ol apxvepets Kal ol Papirator m™pos Ihdrov, YovTes * ¢ mavos etirev ett C@v- nepas eyelpopia. aopahia Cnvat TOV Tapoy € Ews TS Tpirns Mera Tpeis ap spae pLnTroTe ehOovres ol pabnrat av- f Tov * aw’ : Kheroow auton, Kal €lT@ot TO “HyépOn amo TOY VEKpO@V" TNS. Sonos avtots 6 LuAdros*” 63 eal Kupue, enn 7 Onpeev OTL €KELVOS } KenXevoov ovv| Kaul €OTAL 7 Sone mavn XeEipav THs T™pa- ‘Exere ? ? KoVvgT@OLaV* UITAYETE, arparicagbe « @S } oloarte. ea Oi de mopevOevres nopant- gavTo Tov Tapov oppayicaytes TOV |i AiBov pera THs KovoT@olas. 28. ‘Owe oe caBBaroy, ™ eTLpa-| okoven eis piay eal} Bator, nhOe Mapia} 7 Maydaryyn, Kal ”, adh Mapia, Gea- pia TOV Tapov. eyEVvETO ees ayyehos yap Kupiou Kata(3as cs oupavor, mpooeh Gav aqre- KuALoe TOV NiOoy © amd aes Ovpas,” Kal exdOnto émdve avtov. % ny de 7 idea avTOU ws dorpany, Kal TO €vOupa avTov hevkoy wel xray. * amd Oe TOU poBou 2 Kai idov, TET HOS | avuTou eveto Onoay ol TNPOUUTES, Kal eye | 5 VOVTO ooel vEeKpol. amoxpiGels Oe 6 dyyehos elire Tais syuvargi: M7 pop Beto be) oida yap ore "Inooby TOV eoTau- | Upeets” papevoy (nretre. © ovk eoTw Ode YEP” On yap, Kabos ele. OcvTE, Were Tor Ka TAXU mopevbeioat ElTrare TOS pabnrats | a Rec. add vuxros. b Rec. add de c > =O r. had been.KATA MATCAION. 81 ) a ¢ Seed See 8 ~ we, aitov, Ore nyépOn amo TOV veKpov cr ° A kal iSov, mpodyer tyuas eis thy Tare- a > \ = Nalay’ exet avtov deobe. idov, etirov Up. “~ \ > 4 aN 8 Kat e€e\Oovoa: Tayv amo TOU pyn- pelov peta PdBou Kat yapas peyadns, rn r 5 > edpapov amayyeidar Tots jraOyTais av- Tov. ° *a@¢o O€ emopevovTo anayyetiat n cr A \ > ~ rois pea@ntais avrov,” Kat (dou 6 Incous r , r / ¢ amnvtnoev avtats, Keyov' Xaipere. At A , > =~ \ d€ mporehOovcar Expatnoay avTOU Tous , 6 médas, kal mpogekuvnoay aiT@. ' rdTe , > r en? Are \ 8B rc 6 . héeyer adrais 6 “Inoovs’ Mn PoBeiabe Cue > r a > z imdyete, amayyeikare Tors adeAois o > > \ Xr x , pov, wa ame\Owow eis tiv TadtAaay, KaKel pe O\povTat. ll / \ SoA id \ \ Ilopevopevey de avtay, iov, Twes A / > , ’ \ / THs KovoT@dlas eAOdvTEs eis THY TOhW , a a amnyyeiNay Tois apxlepedvow amavta Ta yevopneva. ™ Kal cuvayOevres peTa TOY 8 z aN , mn , mpeaPurepar, ovpBovr.dy Te AaBovTes, < A PS c apyupla ixaya Okay Tols oTpaTi@rats, , + oe 13 Neyovres’ Etmare’ “Ore of padnral > = \ > / ys > A avTov vuxTos eAOdvtes exAeYray avTov ¢ a 77 an UO Kolnopevov, 4 Kal eay axovaOn TOUTO Em TOU Nyeudvos, Nels TEloopeEr Cia N \ x QUTOY, Kal Das apepipvous Trooopey. ® Of dé AaBdvres Ta dpyipta eroinaay 4 ¢ > ws edLdaxOnoav. kal dueypicbn 6 dé- 2 > / a yos ovros Tapa ‘lIovdaios péxpe THs onpepov. l Na: 5 Of Se evdexa prabnrat emopevOnoay > \ / > \ SIA eo > / ets THY TadiAatay, eis TO Opos ov EeTd- > Cr ~ Eato avtois 6 “Ingots. ™ Kat iddvres 3 A , ~ auTov, mpogekuynoay aiT@ oi dé edi- otacayv. 18 xai mpoceAdav 6 “Incovs »~\ 7 > r , eAadnoev avtois, héywv’ “ESd6n poe oe > / ~ ~ maga e€ovcia ev ovpava kal ent yijs. 19 , mopevdevtes >” nadnrevoate mavtTa Ta av , evn, Bamrivovres avtods eis TO dvopa oN TL \ ‘ “~ Clin \ xs c , Tou Llarpos kat Tov Ytov Kat Tov day.ou Marr. XXVIII. 19. that he is risen from the dead. And behold, he goeth before you into Galilee, there shall ye see him: lo, I have told you. 8 And they departed quickly from the sepulchre, with fear and great joy, and did run to bring his disciples word. ¥ And as they went to tell his disciples, behold, Jesus met them, saying, All hail. And they came, and held him by the feet, and wor- shipped him. !° Then said Je- sus unto them, Be not afraid: go tell my brethren that they go into Galilee, and there shall they see me. 11 Now when they were going, behold, some of the watch came into the city, and shewed unto the chief priests all the things that were done. 1!% And when they were assembled with the elders, and had taken counsel, they gave large money unto the soldiers, 13 saying, Say ye, His disciples came by night, and stole him away while we slept. 14 And if this come to the go- vernor’s ears, we will persuade him, and secure you. }> So ‘hey took the money, and did s they were taught. And this saying is commonly re- ported among the Jews until this day. 16 Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, into a mountain where Jesus had ap- pointed them. !7 And when they saw him, they worship- ped him: but some doubted. 18 And Jesus came, and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and inearth. 1!9 Go ye there- fore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and a b Rec. add ovr. /Marr. XXVIII. 20. of the Holy Ghost: 2° teach- ing them to observe all things, whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you al- way, even unto the end of the world. Amen. 82 EYATTEAION IIvetparos, *° d:ddoKovtes avtovs Tn- pe mavra Oca eveTerhapny viv? Kal iOov, eyo peO vay elt maoas Tas NuEpas ews THS OvvTEhElas TOU ai@vos. * duny.” EYATTEAION ia A, MAP RON, \HE beginning of the gospel “ of Jesus Christ, the son of God, ? asitis written in the prophets, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall pag hate thy way be- fore thee. 3% The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Pre- pare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight. 4 John did baptize in the wilderness, and preach the baptism of re- pentance, 2 for the remission of sins. And there went out unto ne all the land of Ju- dea, and they of Jerusalem, and were all baptized of him in the river of Jordan, confess- ing their sins. 6 And John was clothed with camel’s hair, and with a girdle of a skin about his loins: and he did eat locusts and wild honey, 7 and preached, saying, here cometh one than I after me, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to stoop down, and unloose. 8 [ indeed have baptized you with water: but he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost. 9 And it came to pass in those days, that Jesus came from Na- zareth of Galilee, and was bap- tized of John in Jordan. 19 And straightway coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens mightier } ee A PXH rov evayyehiou’ IngovXpiorov, viov TOU Ocov: ? os yeypanrae ev ‘Hoaia to mpodpytn” “Idov, eyo >) y; § " BTA / £ \ amooTeAAw Toy ayyehov Lov TPO TPOT- Q @T0v Gov, Os KaTacKevaceL THY OOdV rn a > / gov": 3 dav Bodyros ev TH épnuw’ c / \ c \ r / ie > / Erouwacare tiv 6ddv Kupiov' eveias vol ~ 4 Toeire Tas TpiBouvs avTov' * eyEVvErO ‘Ioavyns BantiCayv ev TH PIED Kal Knpvooay Banricpa penergias eis ie- ow duaptiayv. * Kal 4 é€eropeveto” a , , mpos avtoyv Taga lovdaia ywpa, Kal ot ¢ r lepovohupiras® Kal eBarriCovro Tay- TES” Vv TO ‘Topdavy TOTAL® Um avrou, e£ouohoyovpevor Tas dwaprias aurav. 6°Hy d€ “Iwdvins evdedupevos Tpixas , ’ Kapnhou, kal Cavny Seppativny mepl Thy oopdy avTov, Kai eoOiwy axpidas Kal peu aypiov. ? kal exnpvooe, eyov" "Epxetac 6 loxupdétepos pov drice e , ~ [LOU, OU OUK Ell iKavos KU as AVo-aL TOY inavta TOY vTOOnudT@Y avTov. 8 eyo \ > / ¢ ~ > og 5 > A de prev eBdrtica vas ev voaTt avTos OE na / Barrice twas ev IIvevpare ayia. ie cr 4 9 Kal eyévero ev exeivats Tals nepats, > > A \ ~ nrAGev “Inwovs amd Nafaper ths Tadi- ? >? Aatas, Kal eBanticOn vd “Iwdyvov eis 10 \ Wa , > , TOV ‘LopSavny. kal evdews avaSaivev amo” Tov Udaros, Eide oyiCopevous TOds b 4 Gb. om. @ Gb. ravtes’ b Rec. & ev rors TOOPHTALS. Kae eBarriLovrTo. d ww e€eropsvovro. unto. © Rec. add eumpoobev CO S &K. Or,KATA MAPKON. Marx I. 23. oupavovs, Kal TO Tyevpa * os TE PROS 4 opened, and the Spirit like a pay karaBaivoy eT avTOV’ dove descending upon him. kal pour ll And there came a voice from eyevero €K TOV ovpavay" Sv ef 6 vids heaven, saying, Thou art my pou 6 adyamnros, » ev o’ ' 006K) O4. beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. ee Kat evds TO Tyedpa QUT ov exBan- 12 Andimmediately the spirit Rev eis TY epnyov. 13 kal Hy © éxet” ev TH driveth him into the wilderness. epnu@ TpEpas Teg oapdKovTa, metpaco- 13 And he was there in the wil- derness forty days tempted of peevos vo TOU Sarava, Kal ny pera T@Y Satan, and was with the wild Onpiov’ Kat oi ayyehor Sunkdvouy auTe. 14 Mera O€ 70 mapadobivat roy lwdy- yyy mrGev 6 Incous eis ee TadtAaiay, Knpvooor TO evayyeuoy 4 7s Bacuelas \a Tov Geov, % & pera 6 Katpos, Kal MY YKEY 1 1 Baovheic beasts, and the angels minis- tered unto him. 14 Now after that John was 7 put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the Kal” héeyou" * ‘Ore mem\- gospel of the kingdom of , God, and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom Tov Oeov" peTavoeire, KaL MLOTEVETE EV of God is at hand: repent 7 evayyedio. 1° '' Tepuraray Oe7 mapa Y ye, and believe the gospel. thy Oddaccay THs Tahuaias, cide Di- 16 Now as he walked by thesea of Galilee, he saw Simon, and pova Kal ‘Av Spear Tov & § adeh pov aUTOU Andrew his brother, casting a TOU Sipavos,” dupiBaddovras” dppi- BAnotpoy ev TH Oaracon’ dducis’ | Aevre OTlow Ov, Kal TOMNTw vpas Yo net into the sea (for they were fishers.) '7 And Jesus said unto nga yap them, Come ye after me; and Kal €imrey avrois 0 Tygovs" A w ill make you to become fish- s of men. !§ And straightway a forsook their nets, and fol- veo bat duets abporoy. 18 Kal evOews lowed him. agevres Ta Oixtva | avTaey,” nkodovby- > a oay eT OS 19 Kat mpoBas K exeiOev” odtyov, e(dev _ '9 And when he had gone a "IdkoBoy TOV TOU ZeBedaiov, Kal ‘Tway- little farther thence, he saw James the son of Zebedee, and unyy TOV adeApov auTou, Kal avrovs év John his brother, who also were TO moio karapriCovras Ta Oixrua. 20° a the ship mending their nets. ) And straightway he called Kal eidkas exd)eoev avTous* kal a- rae and they left their father pevres TOV marépa aUTOV ZeBeSaiov e€ ey Zebedee in the ship with the : 7 TAOL® pera TOY wc OwTay, amnOor jj omic avrov, 21 Ka) eloTropevovrat els Kamepvaotp Kal ideas Tols cdSBacwy ' fired servants, and went after 21 And they went into Caper- naum, and straightway on the mM TY guvayoynys edldacKke. 7 Kal sabbath day he entered into the Eemhyegorrs ¢ emi TH bibax7 avTou’ ny | yap biaoKay avTovs ws efovciay & EXOYs 23 Kal ovx Os ot ypapparets. TH ouvayoyn auTav ayOpwros € €V TVEU- ate axabapra, Kal avekpa€e, Synagogue, and taught. 22 And they were astonished at his doc- trine: for he taught themas one Kal ny ev that had authority, and not as the scribes. 23 And there was in their synagogue a man with 24 heyov" an unclean spirit, and he cried * Rec. woe. DW eyco. ¢ Gh.om. d= Nec. & Gb, om, rov Secu, h Rec. ~ Baddovras, f ~ Kat Tapaywy, B® absrAoy tov Yipwros, =~ 71 a 13 m Elz. om. Or, cloven, or, rent,Marx I. 24. out, 24 saying, Let us alone, what have we to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth ? art thou come to destroy us? I know thee who thou art, the Holy One of God. 7 And Je- sus rebuked him, saying, Hold thy peace, and come out of him. 26 And when the unclean spirit had torn him, and cried witha loud voice, he came out of him. 27 And they were all amazed, insomuch that they questioned among themselves, saying, What thing is this ? what new doctrine is this? for with au- thority commandeth he even the unclean spirits, and they do obey him. 23 And immediately his fame spread abroad through- out all the region round about Galilee. 229 And forthwith, when they were come out of the syna- gogue, they entered into the house of Simon, and Andrew, with James and John. % But Simon’s wife’s mother lay sick of a fever: and anon they tell him of her. 3! And he came and took her by the hand, and lifted her up, and immediately the fever left her, and she minis- tered unto them. 32 And at even, when the sun did set, they brought unto him all that were diseased, and them that were possessed with devils : 33 and all the city was gathered together at the door. 34 And he healed many that were sick of divers diseases, and cast out many devils, and suffered not the devils «to speak, because they knew him. 39 And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed. 36 And Simon, and they that were with him, followed after him: 37 and when they had found him, they said unto him, All men seek for thee. 38 And he said unto them, Let us go into the next towns, that I may preach there also: for 84 EYATTEAION Cin > ~ aka,” ti nuiv Kal col, Incov Na- > , Can SQ / Capnvé ; NAOes amrodcoa Nuas ; ol0a oe > = a No) , tis el, 6 dytos TOU Ocov. 75 Kat emeri- a > ~ 7 a / unoev atta 6 Incods, Néyov" Diy.wOnrt, Y, La ~ 9, I, in kai €EedOe €E avrov. *° Kai omapagay ~ > / ¥ avroy TO mvedpa TO aKkalapTov, Kat n IED Ie M. kpagavy hovn peyddyn, e&ndOev b €& ~ © / / avtou. ~ Kat eOapBynOnoay artes, r , 4 date oulyrew mpos avrovs, © NeyovTas ~ / ¢ A c \ Ti é€ort rodto; tis 7 OwWayyn 7 Kawy 5 r , avtn, ore” Kat e€ovolay kal ToLs TyEU- r / > / \ wage Tols aKa@apTots emiTacoel, Kal ue , > = 28 > EPG 6e ¢ UITAKOVOUTLY AUT@ ; Ende O€ 7 nA . oe \ / dxo1) AVTOU EvOUS Els OANY THY TEPLX@POV Tys Vadwdaias. J 4 > nw n 29 Kal evOéws €k THS TUVaywyys t , > \ 5-27, / 4d 2c Odvres, HAOov” eis THY OlKtay 2L- / > \ povos Kat Avdpéov, pera “laxaBou Kat > / 30 ¢ Oe 6 \ Si Iwavyov. n O€ TeVOEpa ZYyL@VOS Ka- , > 4 7 TEKELTO TUpegoouTa’ Kal evdéws eyou- 6 “~ \ \ ow adto rept aitis. *! Kal mpooehOav 2 ‘ s = \ > HyElpEVv ATHY, KpaTyaas THs XELpos av- aA ‘ x ¢ >fn7 rns Kal apnkev adtiy 6 TupeTos evdEws, kal Oinkdvet werots. 5 2 e », 2 -Ovvias S€ yevouevns, OTe edu 6 Huos, ehepov mpos avTov wavTas Tous n »y = 4, KakOs éxovras Kal Tovs darpoviCopevous® 26 ¢/ , > 33 Kal f WONLs GAN emLTUUNYLEVN VY TPOS \ , 34 \ 26 / rN \ Ty Oupay. kal eOeparrevoe TroANOUS kak@s exovras mroukidas vdoos’ Kal Sayudvia Toda €€€Bade, Kal ovK pte in s d / areiy ra Saydya, OTe HOELcaY av- TOV. Fg ay 3 Kal mpat © évvvxov" diay avaoras EA \ > o~ > ~ , eEnOe, kal amndOev eis Epnuov Toror, rc / / Kakel TpoonvxeTo. * Kal Kkaredio€av SHON CRS? Nc be 9 ols 5037, \ avTov 6 Siwy Kal ot per avTov Kal / cat vA evpdvtes avTov, héyovow a’t@* “Ort f f = au 38 K \ XZ > mavtes ‘oe (nTovot. au Aeyer av- ~ 4 > , toils’ “Aywpev eis Tas ExXo-éevas K@MO- o = , aA moNets, wa § kal é€xet” Knpv&w" eis TOUTO bw arn’. £ Rec. & Gb. Ynrovcs ce. © WW Aeyovres’ Tes 7) didayn n Karvy; 5 a d ~w cFedO@wy, nrAGev. Or. to say that they knew him. € NW evyv yn. e@C. KAKEL,KATA MAPKON, yap *e€eAndvOa.” * Kal qv knpvoooy o cr n , oc ey Tais cuvaywyais” aiTay, eis oAnv my VadtAaiay, cai ra Saypdvia exBad- ov. ® Kat.épxerar mpds adrov dempods, Tapakah@y avroy Kal yovumeTGy avrov, \ 4 > ~ od Day + / kat heyov aita’ “Ori, eav Gédys, Ov- / ie / 4] ¢ Nie. ~ vacal pe Kabapioa O oe Ingous xElpa, Cea, > a \ , Soon nWaro avtov, Kat deyet avTa / 42 Fee IG. 29, , 5 kaapic Ante. Kat © evrovros > 4 > ~ > > > Ao 8 / \ evdews annOev am’ advrod 7 démpa, Kal exaOupic On 8 Kai éuBpysnodpevos ad- 4 kal Neyer avT@’ “Opa, under pndev etrns’ aX Umaye, oeavtoy Sei€oy T@ lepel, Kal TPOOEVEYKE TEP TOD Ka@apicpov cov a mpoaetage Maones, eis prapTuptoy avrots. ‘O 6€ e&eAOay jpEaro Knpvocew Toda Kat SuadynpiCew tov Ayo, Sore pykett avtoy dvvacba pavepds eis 16- Aw ceived Oety GN ew ev epnuors rérr01s NY, Kat HpxovTo mpos adrov “rdvrobev.’ 2. Kai °eiondOe wddw” eis Karrep- vaodp. Ov nep@v Kal nKovaOn dre eis TO, eUOEws eE€Badey ator, 45 5 2) / > o 2 \ > 4 / olkéy €ort Kal evdews cvvny@noay TodKOl, WoTE pnKeTL Ywpeiv pnde Ta \ / / a mpos thv Ovipav' Kai éhddee adtois Toy Aoyor. ° Kal épyovrat Tpos avtoy, mapadv- TLKOV Pépovtes, aipduevoy imd Tecod- 4 pov. kat ur) Suvdpevor Tpoceyyioa avt@® Ova Tov dydor, amreoréyacay Tip oTeyny omov Av, Kal e€opvéavres ya- A@ou Tov KpaBBaror, fed’ @ 85 " 0 Tapa- Aurixos Karéxero. * Sav d€ 6 ‘Inoovs THY TloTLy avT@Y héeyer TO Tapadvtik@’ Téxvoy, apéoyral Sco ai dpaptia cov.” 6 *Hoav O€ ties Tov Ypauparewy eKel KaOnpevot, Kal OuadoyiCdpwevor ev rats KapOias avrav’ 7 Ti obros ovrw adel Misr 00:7. therefore came I forth. 39 And he preached in their synagogues throughout all Galilee, and cast out devils. 40 And there came a leper tu him, beseeching him, and kneel- ing down to him, and saying unto him, If thou wilt, thou canst make meclean. 4! And Jesus moved with compassion, put forth his hand, and touched him, and saith unto him, I will, be thou clean. 4? And as soon as he had spoken, immediately the leprosy departed from him, and he was cleansed. 43 And he straitly charged him, and forthwith sent him away, 44 and saith unto him, See thou say nothing to any man: but go thy way, shew thyself to the priest, and offer for thy cleansing those things which Moses command- ed, for a testimony unto them. 45 But he went out, and began to publish it much, and to blaze abroad the matter: insomuch that Jesus could no more openly enter into the city, but was without in desert places: and they came to him from every quarter. 2. And again he entered into Capernaum after some days, and it was noised that he was in the house. ? And straight- way many were gathered to- gether, insomuch that there was no room to receive them, no not so much as about the door: and he preached the word unto them. 3 And they come unto him, bringing one sick of the palsy, which was borne of four. 4 And when they could not come nigh unto him for the press, they un covered the roof where he was: and when they had broken it up, they let down the bed where- in the sick of the palsy lay. 5 When Jesus saw their faith, he said unto the sick of the palsy, Son, thy sins be forgiven thee. § But there were certain of the scribes sitting there, and reasoning in their hearts, 7 Why 2% edndAvOa. © Rec. & Gb. wadcy evond9ev, b Gb. £tg Tag Guvaywyas. 1X omov. d ~—, Rec. & Gb. wavra~ober. SV —. Gb. cov ai auapriac,Marx II. 8. 86 EYATTEAION : , E , Sb > , c doth this man thus speak blas- BAaopnpias; Tis OvvaTal agvevat dpap- phemies ? who can forgive sins 7jq ei UT cis, 6 Geds; 8 Kal evbéws but God only ? 8 Andimmedi- , aes faa Sy ied ey sues ately, when Jesus perceived in €7UyvOUS o Inaovs T@ Te eee QuTOU, : sus n ¢ ad > Na > ¢ Deepa that they so reasoned @rz oUTa@s *avTot” OvadoyiCovTar ev Eav- within themselves, he said unto - > Ds ae i - Y (em aWhyiKeasontiyen these OS eurey “auTols” Bn things in your hearts ?. 9 Whe- CeaGe ev Tals KapOlats Upa@v; ~ Tt EoTLy |} ther is it easier to say to the eixomarepov, elmely TO TapahvTlK@* | sick of the palsy, Thy sins be , , rb Vide det ee ON Oe forgiven thee: or to say, Arise, Adéwvrai ? cou" at dpaptiae’ 1) elmrety ’ » 3) : / A / \ and take up thy bed and walk? ©” Hyeupe, apov" cov Tov kpaBBarov, Kat 10 but that ye may know that ‘yale Fy gid eibane oe >Eou / the Son of man hath power on Sadie a 5 : ‘) ia us SS on earth to forgive sins, (he saith eel O VLOS TOU avOparrov “€MLTNS YNS a= ‘ak of the Pay ni iis: Nes, m s to the sick of the palsy,) ©’ Isay cpiévar” duaptias (Aeyee T@ TAPAAUTLK®) - unto thee, Arise, and take up yj) ey ey, ie ie eR ie thy bed, and go thy way into Zot eyo Eyerpe, apov TOV Kpap- : ¢ : : Wey, , \' oy thine house. 12 And immedi- Bardy cov, Kal Umraye eis TOV OlKdy GOV. ately he arose, took up the bed, j2 Kee 6 HAL pS 2) \ iB | and went forth before them all, CT SIO Ee Cpa OVS) ora insomuch that they were all Baroy, e&n Oey EVAYTLOY TTAVT@Y WOTE » amazed, and glorified God, say- (grag Oarmavtas, xa Oo£d ew Tov Ocor, ing, We never saw it on this .», of si 7 > fashion. Névyortas’ “Ort ovdérroTe OUTS ELOopeEV. | ae Ny en / \ \ eat Kat e&m\Oe makw mapa THY Oa- | i 7 . 7 Za / 2 } 3 And he went forth again jagcav’ Kal Tas O oxAos PXETO pos h by the seaside, andallthe mul- > _\ + eid Ota a7 LAGRIOES rat titude resorted unto him, and 2UTOV,Kat € oes QUT ous: Kt wapaas > av. \ A he ue te 14 And ashe yov eloe Aevly TOY TOU Ardatov, xan- | passed by, he saw Levi the son NEN y \ /Z > a of Alpheus sitting * at the re- ee oe ue Tehe@veoy, ny Aeyet avT@ | ceipt of custom, and said unto AkoAovder pou. Kav avaoTas nKoNovOnce? | him, Follow me. And he arose, gir. ) Kal eyevero ev TO Karaketo Oat | and followed him. And it >» < > eT, von \ came to pass, that as Jesus sat @UTOV €Y 72) OLKLA AUTOV, Kal moNot a | : : a \ / & I at meat in his house, many A@vat Kal dpapTodol OUVAVEKELVTO TQ) t publicans and sinners sat also > a \ Fs e De sae | together with Jesus and his Ingou eet ays padnrats ee 0 Om) disciples: for there were many, Yap woAAol, Kal nKoNOvOnTay aUT@.| © ; = . 16 { r \ ~ | and they followed him. !® And 16 pq} of ypapparers Kal ol Papicatot, | when the scribes and Pharisees 39, ENG OW Ny ae saw him eat with publicans and iSdvres avrov eo OtovTa pera TOV TEA@= | sinners, they said unto his dis- yey Kal dpapToA@y, €Aeyov TOUS pabn-) ciples, How is it that he eateth ane ais Ti étt era ToL TEA@VA | and drinketh with publicans os 7 5 e k » 1 ees | oe sinners? !7 When Jesus KQ@L dpapToA@y eo Glew Kal TLVEL § 7 Kai} ieard it, he saith unto them, gro7, 2 i f earice aI = n, dxovoas 6 Incovs Eyer av Ou | They that are whole, have no a - Cf . > ve ace a need of the physician, but they XP€tav €XOvoly Ob LOXVOVTES LATPOV,) jek « fe > > c rn 2 > that are sick: I came not to @\X ol KaKwS €XOVTES. OUK nrOov Ka-| eall the righteous, but sinners Y¢ 8 Gj ace Nouek to repentance. ae ee ao OL eae ous ae F a Kal Acay of pabnrat “Iwavvouv kai). 18 And the disciples of John, , « a oO ie , he oy pet iiombhariakessusedi to 708 Papioaior ynoTEvovTes” Kat EpXOVTal * \ / 3a , ‘ fast; and they come, and say Kal Aeyouow avtT@’ Acate ot paéyra) aRee, > bRec. cor © Ree. Eyecpat, eat apov. a Rec. adrevar ext Tyg ynse © Rec. Eyetpat wat apoy AC . * ¢ a } i ! Rec. add re usrtavorav. g Rec. 0+ Twy Pasitarwy. Or, at the place where the cnstom was receivedKATA MAPKON. 87 ’ 7. \ ¢ cas Le , Ioavvov Kal ol TOY Paptcaiwmy vnoTEev- > 7 ovo, of O€ col pa@nral ov ynoTEVvOVOL 5 I. ee srois 6 Incots' M7 Ov Kal eimev avtois 6 Incots* Mn ov- a n > ae vayra of viol Tov vuppdavos, EV @ O a > , yuplos per avTav €oTl, wnoTEvEw } a 2, \ *§cov ypdvov pe éavT@v Exovoe TOY , 420 2 , youtov, ov Sbvavrar morevew"” *° ehev- ed > a > > > covra: dé nuépar Otay amapOh am av- 6 ¥ Trav 6 vupios, Kal TOTE YNaTEVTOVOLY r 4 9 , > \ > / ey ® éxelvn th Hpepa.” * “ ovdels emt- > Siw > \ Bina pdakous ayvapov emippamtet ETL a > \ + \ / ivatio maha: ei O€ pi), atpes TO TAH- wn A A \ papa avTov TO Katvoy TOV TadaLov, Kal a 99 \ > \ XElpov oxiopa yivera. ™ kai ovdels > , > > \ Te BddXeu oivoy veoy eis GoKov’s TadaLovs > \ \ C7 ¢ G ds fy Ht \ el O€ py, pyooet 6 olvos “6 veos” TOUS a. ~~ \ ¢ > doKovs, Kal 6 olVos ekxEtTat Kal Ot adKOL A 3 , > > \ amroNovvrat’ adda otvoy veov els agKous Kavous BAnTEov. 23 > > 4 , 6 > A Kat eyevero mapamropeveo Oat avToy a an / ev Tols cdBBaor Sid TOY OTOpipav, Kal Hpeavto of paOnral avrod doy Trovety Ti\Aovtes ToUs aTaxvas. 4 Kai of Ba- a ” ea A piaaios Eheyov atta’ “Ide, Ti movovow a a ye Di € ey” rots caBBacw, 0 ovK eEeatt; ~ Kat fs SAS NW. ran > a 0 , aoe autos” €heyey avtois* Ovdemore ave- x Co yore, ti emoinae Aavid, ore xpeiav eoxXe Kal emeivagey aitos Kal ot per avtTov; *° mas eiandOev eis Toy oikoy 10 D emt AB 16 g AW > 4 TOU Geod emt tadap * Tov" apylepews, \ A > ”~ 4 cya Kal rods aptous THs mpobEecews Epayer, a > 5 A ovs ovK e€eaT payely Ei pun ToOLs iepevor, kal €O@kE Kal TOLs GUY avTa ovat; 7 Kal t a > “5 \ 1QL \ \ eheyey avtois’ To oaBBaroy Ova roy 2} “eed > uo ap \ avOperov eyéeveto, ovxy 6 avOpwros Ova \ / 23 ad / , > c To caBBarov. @oTe Kuptos eT 6 ~ > A > Lo 7 / avroy «i Tos oaBBacr Oeparrevoret autor, Marx III. 2. unto him, Why do the disciples of John, and of the Pharisees fast, but thy disciples fast not ? 19 And Jesus said unto them, Can the children of the bride- chamber fast, while the bride- groom is with them? as long as they have the bridegroom with them, they cannot fast. 20 But the days will come, when the bridegroom shall be taken away from them, and then shall they fast in those days. 2! No man also seweth a piece of @new cloth on an old garment: else the new piece that filled it up, taketh away from the old, and the rent is made worse. 22 And no man putteth new wine into old bottles, else the new wine doth burst the bottles, and the wine is spilled, and the bottles will be marred: but new wine must be put into new bottles. 14 23 And it came to pass, that he went through the corn fields on the sabbath day, and his disciples began as they went, to pluck the ears of corn. *4 And the Pharisees said unto him, Behold, why do they on the sab- bath day that which is not law- ; ful ? * And he said unto them, y Have ye never read what Da- vid did, when he had need, and was an hungred, he, and they that were with him? 26 How he \ , went into the house of God in it the days of Abiathar the high priest, and did eat the shew- bread, which is not lawful to eat, but for the priests, and 1 a8 gave also to them which were with him ? 27 And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath: 25 therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath. 3. And he entered again in- to the synagogue, and there wus a man there which had a Y withered hand: 2? and they watched him, whether he would heal him on the sabbath day, aoa. b Ree, execvacs rarg nuepace. © Rec. add «as. a Jr, raw, ov, unwrought. a ‘2 fosMarx III. 3. 85 EYAITTEAION . e 7 , ~ \ / that they might accuse him. wa KaTnNyOpnT@olW AVTOV. 3 Kal eyet 3 And he saith unto the man ~~ Gg ! eG 4 Zz . : @ OT@ TO € ApL[LEVNV EX OVTL THY which had the withered hand, TOsavE pe LS Re a omp ie ? x 4 ee Stand forth. 4 And he saith un- X€lpa@ Hyetpey €ls 70. HSECOK.. Gs to them, Is it lawful to do good )éyer avrois’ “E€eots Tots odBBaow on the sabbath days, or todo > g a i Watinale au ‘y evil? to save life, or to kill? Y@ OT GIO Es Th, KORO TO 1 ay x1 but they held their peace. ®And @@oal, 7) AMOKTELVAL ; Oi d€ €ol@Tov. when he had looked round & ,,)} de 2 EN > Ravi : OS GUTOU E%0 S about on them with anger, be- at mepyBhewyapey SY Pe PRVAS2 ing grieved for the “hardness TVAANVUTFOVLEVOS ETL TI] TO POee THs Kap- + i ~ / i) / on of their hearts, he saith unto §/a¢ avT@r, Neyer TO avOpoTre Exrewvov the man, Stretch forth thine Ae K ee / Galilee followed him, and from a mohv ahi Geos gig an be Tadthatas Judea, 8 and from Jerusalem, nkohovOnoav © QUTO, Kat amo TiS . « ss , \ and from Idumea, and from *IoySaias, ®xal amd ‘lepooodvpor, kat beyond Jordan, and theyabout 304 2.9 > ; . , ANS Tyre and Sidon, a great mul- @770 77S Idoupaias, kal T€epay TOV lop- “ / \ 1 \ a titude, when they had heard §d4yov kat ot wept Tupoy Kat Sava, what great things he did, came evs) yh ad , en er olen unto him. 9 And he spake to 7/7/08 FEE Es COUT Rs CUA e Se his disciples that a small ship 7\@ov mpos avtov. Kal €l7re TOls pa- should wait on him, because of Pepe NT , as Tals AUTOD, La TWAOLAPLOV TPOTKAapTE the multitude, lest they should On a s a at os : p 2 oP, PD throng him. 1° For he had @UT®, Ova TOY oxAov, wa p71) OriBoow healed many, insomuch that aqirdgy. })° qodAovs yap edeparrevoey, they & pressed upon him, for to > f ear 5 A ee touch him, as many as had ®97¢ ETRE ACY et ye pe ayypov- plagues. 11 And unclean spirits, Tat, OGOL ELyoy pacoTLyas Kal Ta when they saw him, fell down ’ St ii Ne Aer Deena nie tern aeticd teat ioe: myevpara TA axa@apra, oray avToy edew Thou art the Son of God. P€l, MPOTETLNTEY AUT, Kat expace, e- 12 trai shar . q a a“ Zs 2 And he straitly charged them, yoyra’ ‘Ort od €f 6 vids TOD Ceod. * Kat that they should not make him eS ; ew oe, Lh \ oen. mohha emeTipa avTols, Wa fir] cbavepov 4 : QUTOY TOLNT@OCL. 13 And he goeth up into.a ise 7 / 5 EN 5 mountain, and calleth unto him Kal avaBatvet els TO Opos, Kal TPOT- whom he would: and theycame «aevrau ods HOedev avTos’ Kal amn\ Gov unto him. ! And he ordained \ ote ld Dae 59 o twelve, that they should be with gEpOS GUTQHs PIG OLAS @OEKGs UG him, and that he might send @ou pet’ avTov, Kat iva amoateAAy av- ° - 15 \ , NY them forth to preach: and zoho knpvooew, 1 Kai €xew e€ovotay to have power to heal sick- ; \ , Roe Vayu \ nesses, and to cast out devils. Geparrevey Tas VOTOUS, Kal exBadAew Ta 1 Si i S i 7 wn 6 And Simon he surnamed Sarpdovia 16 i” kai emeOnke TO Sipeove a Rec. Evyerpac. b Rec. ~© amoxatectayn. © Rec. add vyens, ws 7 aAAn- d Gb. usta twv pad, avr. o veywpnoey. &€ cj —. Gb. gus. fw neorAovPncev. § = avr98.— > nxodovOnoay aura, h Ree, avroy Pavspore iO rpwroy Lipwra. * Or, blindness. 6 Or, rushed.KATA MAPKON. 89 ovopa Tlerpov" W Kal TdxoBoy TOV TOU ZeBeSatov, kai “laavyny Tov ade pov TOU “Taka;3ov" kal emeOnev avTots ovdpara Boavepyess 0 coTw, viol Bpovtns” 8 kal "AvOpeay, kat Pidumoyv, Kal BapGoho- patoy, kal Mar@atov, Kal Oopay, Kal ‘TdxaSov | TOY TOU ‘Adpaiov, Kal eres datov, Kal Sipova TOV Kavavirny, * 9 kal *Tovday “IoKxapi@rny, Os Kal mapedaxer avrov. Kal epxovTau els OLKOV" Xerae mahw oxhos, OTE p17) dvvac Gat avTous pure aprov payeir. 21 Kal GKOU- cayres ol map avtou e&n) Gov kparnoa. auToy" eeyov yap" “Ort efeoTn. 2 Kat ol ypapyareis of amo ‘Iepooodvpor Ka- Tasavres eheyov'" ‘Ort Beeh(eBov ¢ Exel” kat’ “Ott ev TH ApxovTe TAY Sarpoviay exBadXeu TA Saypdva. *3 Kal mpocka- hewdpevos avTovs, ev mapaBondats EAeyev avrois’ Ilés dvvara 2aravas Satravay exBadhew ; 24 kat eav Baowdela ep EQUTN pepo Oy), ou Ovvarat orabyva 7 7 Baovreia é€xelyn’ ™ Kal €ay oikia ep eaur ny pepioOi, ov Ovvatat otadnva 7 oikia exelviy 6 Kal ef 6 Satavas avéotn ep Eavrov Kal pepeptotat, ov Ovvata. ora@nvat, GANG TéAos Eyer. 7% *ovdels OvvaTac” TA OKELN TOV ioxUpOU, eloeAOay Eis THY oikiay avtov, Suapracat, €ay pn TPOTov Tov ioyupoy Onon, can TOTE THY oikiay qurov Oiapraces. 8 deny eyo pw, OTe TayTa apeOnoerat bra eHapminaRd Tots viols ToY avOparar", kal ai” BXac- dnpia doas dy Pracdynpnowcuw * os & dv Pracdnunon eis TO Ivedpa 70d dytov, ovk exer Apeow “eis Toy aidva,” a\N evoxds eat aiwviou * Kpirews™” 30.2074 eheyou" ee dxdOaproy € EXEL. 31 "Epxovrat ody! puntnp avTov Kal 20 6.) ; Kal OVVEP- Marx III. 31. Peter. 17 And James the son of Zebedee, and John the brother of James (and he surnamed them Boanerges, which is, The sons of thunder.) 18 And Andrew, and Philip, and Bar- tholomew, and Matthew, and Thomas, and James the son of Alpheus, and Thaddeus, and Simon the Canaanite, ! and Judas Iscariot, which also betrayed him: And they went¢into anhouse. 20 And the multitude cometh together again, so that they could not so much as eat bread. 21 And when his & friends heard of it, they went out to lay hold on him, for they said, He is beside himself. ?2 And the scribes which came down from Jerusalem, said, He hath Beel- zebub, and by the prince of the devils, casteth he out devils. 23 And he called them unto him, and said unto them in pa- rables, How can Satan cast out Satan? 74 andif a king- dom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. 25 And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand 26 Andif Satan rise up against himself, and be divided, he cannot stand, but hath an end. 27 No man can enter into a strong man’s house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man, and then he will spoil his house. 75 Ve- rily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, & blasphemies, where- with soever they shall blas- pheme: 79 but he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost, hath never forgive- ness, but is in danger of eter- nal damnation. 30 Because they said, He hath an unclean spirit. 31 There came then his 2 Rec, ov duvarac ovéecs. b Gb. r. ve. tr. avOp. ra apap. f Ree ot adeXHor Kar n unrnp avtov. Or, ¢ Rec. > do € SS auaprnuaros. 2 . home. P Or, kinsmen.Marx III. 82. brethren, and his mother, and standing without, sent unto him, calling him. %? And the multitude sat about him and they said unto him, Behold, thy mother and thy brethren with- out seek for thee. 33 And he answered them, saying, Who is my mother, or my brethren ? 34 And he looked round about on them which sat about him, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren. 8° For who- » soever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother. 4. And he began again to teach by the sea side: and there was gathered unto him a great multitude, so that he entered into a ship, and sat in the sea: and the whole multitude was by the sea on the land. 2 And he taught them many things by parables, and said unto them in his doctrine, ? Hearken, Be- hold, there went out a scwer to sow: 4 and it came to pass as he sowed, some fell by the w ay side, and the fowls of the air came, and devoured it up. 5And some fell on stony ground, where it had not much earth: and immediately it sprang up, because it had no depth of earth. © But when the sun was up, it was scorched, and be- cause it ao no root, it withered away. 7 And some fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up, and choked it, and it yielded no fruit. 8 And other fell on good ground, and did yield fruit that sprang up, and increased, and brought forth some thirty, and some sixty, and some an hundred. 9 And he said unto them, He that hath ears to hear, let him hear. 10 And when he was alone, they that were about him, with the twelve, asked of him the foe i And he said unto | gS > avEavouevov, b Ree, & Gb. om. — Gb. HH ¢ & cous kuedw, Gd € 90 EYATTEAION of adeAdol avrov,” kal eo éaTartes dméorethay mpos auTov, * avouvres avtéy.” * Kat exdOnro oxAos Tept aUTOY" elroy S€ a’Ta" ‘180d, 7 7) LNTNP Tov Kal ol adepoi cov ? Kal ai adeAdai cov" eo (ntrouci oe. *3 Kal dmexpi@n avtois, hé- yov" es ECT 1) MNTNP pout ot ddeAPoi HOV 5 4 Kal mepiBheyrapevos © KUKA@ TOUS” aap auroy” Kadnpevous, Neyer’ lees 7 U7) pat pov Kal ol adehpot pov. os yap ay Tromon TO Gednpa TOU cod, TOS ddehpos fou Kal adeAdy pov Kal Tp €oTl. Hien &@ madw ipEato OwWackew Tapa Thy Oddacoay’ Kal cuvnyOn mpos avTov dxAos TOAUS, GaTE avTov euBayTa els TO mAOtov Kaba Oar ev TH Garacon’ Kal mas 0 dyNos mpos THY Gddacoay emt TS yns nv. * Kat édidackev adtovs ev ma- paBodats 7odAa, Kal €heyev avrois &v tT Owlaxyn avrov' * *Akovere’ idov, e&nOev 6 orreipav Tov omeipart 4 Kal EVEVETO EV TH OTrElpEtV, O pev emEceE mapa THY 6ddv, Kal 7AOE Ta ered”, Kal karepayev avrd. ° Gdho Oe emecey eTl TO meTpadves, 6 OmrOU OvK ELE YY moh~ Aq’ Kal evOéws efaverethe, dua TO pr) exew Bados ys ® ndiou de avarethay- Tos ekavpatioOn, Kai Sia TO EN exe picay e&npav0n. * Kat Gddo émecer eis ras” axavOas" kal dvéBnoay at dxavOat, Kal ouvervisay avr, Kal KapTrov OUK edaxe, ® Kal G\Xo érecey eis THY yhv THY Kahny” kat €didou Kapmov avaBai- vovra Kal § avEdvovra” » Kal epepev eva Tpidkovra, Kal © éy” efnkovra, Kan ay" exarov. ° Kai éheyev'” ‘O éyav dra akovew dKOvETo. 10"Ore O€ é eVEVETO karapévas Ss nporn- cay avroy ol mept av’roy avy Tols do- ) Seka Tv tmapaBornvy. ™ xal eheyev Rec. add rov ovpavov. f Gb om h XW ép ter, i Rec, add aurois.KATA MAPKON. 91 avtois’ “Ypiv dédSorar 2 yvdvar" 7d pu- aTmptov ths Bacireias Tov Oeod" €kei- vos dé Tols €Ew, ev mapaBoAats Ta mavTa yiverau’ 2 iva Perrovres Preroor, Kal BY Woot’ Kat akovoytTes dkovwat, Kal py Tvviaou puntrore eteowpebabe Kal apeOn avtois > ra duaprnuara.” * Kai Neyer avTois’ OvK oldare Try mapaBodrny TaUTHY ; Kal Tas Tdoas Tas TapaBodds porerde ; 4 6 omeipwv tov Aédyor ome el. 15 odroe O€ Elowy of Tapa THY p 600v, O7rou o7reipeTat 6 Néyos, Kal drav axovawow, evdews epyerar 6 Saravas Kal atper TOY Néyoy Toy e€oTrappevoy © ev Tals kapdiars avtav.” 36 Kai obrot eiow Ojwotcs ot emt Ta metpodn OTTELPO[LEVOL, Ol, OTay akovowat TOV Aéyov, evbews pera, Xapas AapRavovow _avron, W Kal OUK eXovor pitay € ev Eavrois, ad\a rpdo- Katpot elow" eita yevouerns ONivews i) Otwypov Oud Tov Aayov, evdews okav- banigovra. 8 kat “obrol eioww” ot Eis Tas akavOas oreipcuevor, ° ovTOoi eiow” ot TOY Adyor f dKovovres,” ig kat ai pe- puvar Tov aldvos © rovTov,” Kal 1 darn TOU TAOUTOV, Kal ai wept Ta Nowa em- Oupiat eiomopevdpevat oupmviyouce TOY Adyor, Kal akapros yiverat. 20 Kal obrot elow oi em TY yay THY kay omapev- TES, OlTWEes aKovVoVGL TOY Néyov Kal mapadexovTa, Kal Kaprropopodaw,, » ev” tpiaxovta, kal "ey" é€nxovta, Kal » ey’ re, EKATOV. aT Kat eheyev avrois" Mnre 6 uxvos EPXETAL, iva vio Tov podtov re i) vm Thy KAiyny; ovx wa ent THY dvyxviav emureO ; ov yap éoti ‘r” Kpumroy, *O €ay pi)” pavepobi ovdé eyevero 22 0 dmdxpupor, adn’ iva els avepov ehOp. 3 ei tis eyet ora aKOvEL, GKOVETO. 4 Kal éheyev avrois’ Bdemere Ti Marx [Y. 24. them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the king- dom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables: |! that seeing they may see, and not perceive, and hearing they may hear, and not understand, lest at any time they should be con- verted, and their sins should be forgiven them. 18 And he said unto them, Know ye not this parable ? andhow then will you know all parables? 4 The sower soweth the word. } And these are they by the way side, where the word is sown, but when they have heard, Satan cometh immediately, & taketh away the word that’ was sown in their hearts. 16 And these are they likewise which are sown on stony ground,who when they have heard the word, im- mediately receive it with glad- ness: !7 and have no root in themselves, and so endure but for a time: afterward when af- fliction or persecution ariseth for the word’s sake, immedi- ately they are offended. '5 And these are they which are sown among thorns: suchas hear the word, 19 and the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruit- ful. 2° And these are they which are sown on good ground, such as hear the word, and re- ceive it, and bring forth fruit, some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some an hundred. 21 And he said unto them, Is a candle brought to be put un- der a bushel, or under a bed ? and not to be set on a candle- stick ? 2? For there is nothing hid, which shall not be mani- fested: neither was any thing kept secret, but that it should come abroad. 23 If any man have ears to hear, let him hear. 24 And he said unto them, Take Baer be=2 c* d Gb. adr eroer, ~\ éy ter. S Ev auTots. fr AKOVOaYTES & Gb. om, h i— — = ovros siorv ; e Elz, om. = k &© eay py (8S ft pen eva.)Marx LV. 25. heed what youhear: with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you: and unto you that hear, shall more be given. 2° For he that hath, to him shall be given: and lie that hath not, from him shall be taken, even that which he hath. 26 And he said, So is the king- dom of God, as if a man should cast seed into the ground, 2’ and should sleep, and rise night and day, and the seed should spring, and grow up, he knoweth not how. 78 For the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself, first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear. 29 But when the fruit is # brought forth, immediately he putteth in the sickle, because the harvest is come. 30 And he said, Whereunto shall we liken the kingdorn of God? or with what comparison shall we compare it y 2! It is like a grain of mustard seed: which when it is sown in the earth, is less than all the seeds that be in the earth, 32 But when it is sown, it groweth up, and becometh greater than all herbs, and shooteth out great branches, so that the fowls of the air may lodge under the shadow of it. 33 And with many such para- bles spake he the word unto them, as they were able to hear it. °*4 But without a parable spake he not unto them, and when they were alone, he ex- pounded all things to his disci- > And the same day, when the even was come, he saith unto them, Let us pass over unto the other side. °6 And when they had sent away the multitude, they took him, even as he was in the ship, and there were also with him other little ships. 87 And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so 92 EYATTEAION dkoveTe. ev ® Pep perpetre, perp Onj- OeTaL tpn, 4 Kal mpooreOnoerat by TOLs dKovovow ° 2 Sodijcerau are" kal Os oUK €xEl, Kal O EXEL dpOnoerar ar avrov. 26 Kau eheyev’ Ovres eotly 4 Baot- Aela Tod Ceov, as av GvOpamos Bay TOV om Opov eT Tis YISs 4y Kal Kadevdy Kal eyetpytat yuxta Kal Pipe Kal 6 omopos P\aoravy Kal oUK oldey avtos. * abroparn yap” 7 yn Kkapropopet, T™ p@Tov Xoprov, e(Ta ordxur, eiTa TANPN OLTOV EV T@ OTAXUI. * oray O€ mapas 6 KapTos, evdews amooreNet TO Spéravor, 6 OTL TAPEDTNKEV 6 Oepicpos. 30 Kal édeye’ © Tin” épormoepev thy BactX o 4 \ \ L ~ > akovewy Xeopis de mapaBoAns ovK / > a SUNY \ vas rn eAaneu avrots’ Kar idiav dé Tots paOnrais aUuTov emeve TaVTA. 35 K \ , > rn > > , Ale , Kai héyet avTots ev exeivn TH NEpa ovias yevouerns’ AtehOwpev eis TO / 36 \ > / \ BT mepay. *° Kat apevres Tov oxhov, mapa- NauBavovory aUTOV ws mY. ev i) Toi Kal aha de ™ wordpia” my MET QUTOU. 37 Kal yiverau Aaihayy dvewou peeyann’ Ta O€ kowara emeBad\ev eis TO motor, 5 : 33 that it was now fall. 38 And @O7Te ‘avro 70n yepier Oar.” kal 7p g s k u \ he was in the hinder part of the avros * emt TH Tpvpyn €ml TO Tpoo- ®Gb.om. PO penevynrac. ‘Qs ove ordev autos, avtrowatn. CS Tlwe. 4 Ree. KOKK@, & N) “LKpOTEpOr. MW pwectov. g- h Gb. wAoca. i @® nin yeweletOar ro wroL0v, k ~j—.Gb. e: 2 Or, ripe. os y2P, ay EXIM. | ” pnKoynrat os:KATA MAPKON. 93 / X , xeddatoy Kafevdav" Kat dieyeipovoey n / adtoy, Kat Aéyovow adit@* Adackare, Y per Ste amroAAvpeba; *? Kai -ov peder GoL OTL aToAAupeta 5 Kal Pris) eet \ as SueyepOels emeriunoe TO aVEUG, KAL ELTTE a , / \ tT Oadacon Svo7ra, Tepipoco. Kat c : NE eZ , éxdracey 6 dvejos, Kal eyeveto yahnyn ‘neyddn. 9 Kal eirev avrois* Ti dechot peyann. Kal elev QUT a > t »~ , cote *0UTM@; TOS OUK EXETE TLOTL 5 g , , 4 \ 41 Kat ehoBnOnoav poBov peyav, Kat » \ > , - , a e / éeyov mpos addAndous’ Tis apa ovtos 4 ¢ / éorw, ore Kal 6 dvepos Kal 7 Cddacoa , rn UTAKOVOVTLY AUTO 5 5. Kal » 7\OGov” eis TO mepay Tis Gara is THY Xe av °ladapn- addons, eis THY Xopay ToY °Padapy o~ > / a A yov.” * Kal e&eAOdvTt avT@ €K TOV / > #5 GD a mNolov, evOews ATNVTNTEV AUT@ EK TH’ 7 > , punpelov dvOpamos ev Trevpate akabap- ¢ > > ° To, * Os THY KaTOiKnOW ElxEV EV TOLS d 5 , oA \ By) nr / 8 \ pynpacu’” Kal ovre ddvoecw ovdeis 2. a \ > \ ndvvaro avtov Sioa, * dia TO avTor , , TodAdks medats Kat GAvoeot Heder Oat, nn ~ /, kat OuecmacGa vr avTod Tas ddvoets, N \ £8 / 6 \ We) \ kal Tas méOas cuyTeTpiPOat, Kal ovdeis avroy toxve Sapaca’ ° Kal diarayTos 4 r / VUKTOS Kal TLepas ev Tos °wynpact Kal é€v Tots Opeow" nv Kpd¢wy Kal Kata- KomT@v éavtov didots. 6 [Sav O€ rov Inaody fad” pakpdéev, , a 2Opape kal mpocekuynoey atT@, 7 kat / nr / oS a / > \ kpd&as povn peyadn Seine” Te enol Kal gol, Inoov, vie TOU Ocod Tov vWi- / oTou ; OpKi(a oe Tov Oeov, py pe Ba- ” As cavions. ® ("Edeye yap avt@ "E€edGe, TO TvEedpa TO akdOaproy ek TOU avOpw- f mov.) ° Kal émnpata attév' Ti cou / \ / an dvowa; Kat ™ Neyer atta” Aeyeoy vo 7 > dvoud mol, OTL ToAAoi eopev. 1°. Kal ’ B / > A \ a \ > \ Tapekadet avtov woNAa, Wa pi) auToUs dmoaTeian €&@ THS Yopas. il °Hy O€ éxet ‘pds TO Oper” ayeA : : Pea Bee te xolpwv * weyddn” Bookopern? © kal Mane Vo 12. ship asleep on a pillow: and they awake him, and say unto him, Master, carest thou not, that we perish? % And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still: and the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. 40 And he said unto them, Why are ye so fearful ? how is it that you haye no faith? 4! And they feared exceedingly, and said one to another, What manner of man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him ? 5. And they came over unto the other side of the sea, into the country of the Gadarenes. 2 And when he was come out of the ship, immediately there met him out of the tombs, a man with an unclean spirit, 3 who had his dwelling among the tombs, and no man could bind him, no not with chains: 4 because that he had been often bound with fetters and chains, and the chains had been plucked asunder by him, and the fetters broken in pieces: neither could any man tame him. ® And al- ways night and day, he was in the mountains, and in the tombs, crying, and cutting himself with stones. 6 But when he saw Jesus afar off, he came & worshipped him, 7 and cried with a loud voice, and said, What have I to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of the most high God? I adjure thee by God, that thou torment me not. 8 (For he said unto him, Come out of the man, thou unclean spirit.) 9 And he asked him, What is thy name? And he answered, saying, My name is Legion: for we are many. 10 And he besought him much, that he would not send them away out of the country. 1 Now there was there nigh unto the mountains a great herd of swine, feeding. 12 And all boo nrOev. CS Lepacnywr. h Rec, © azexprOn ABywv, i AN ontTrw.— Novtws ov7Te. revnuacer, £—» £ ww Neyse. d Rec. PLVTILELOLGs € Rec, opece was ev rote Rec. xpos ta 09n. > 1p0¢ Tw ones. k *Marx V. 138. the devils besought him, saying, Send us into the swine, that we may enter into them. 1% And forthwith Jesus gave them leave. And the unclean spirits went out, and entered into the swine, and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the sea (they were about two thousand) and were choked in the sea. !4 And they that fed the swine fled, and told it in the city, and in the country. And they went out to see what it was that was done. 15 And they come to Jesus, and see him that was possessed with the devil, and had the legion, sitting, and clothed, and in his right mind: and they were afraid. 16 And they that saw it, told them how it befell to him that was possessed with the devil, and also concerning the swine. 17 And they began to pray him to depart out of their coasts. 18 And when he was come into the ship, he that had been pos- sessed with the devil prayed him that he might be with him. 19 Howbeit Jesus suffered him not, but saith unto him, Go home to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee, and hath had compassion on thee. 79 And he departed, and began to publish in Decapolis, how great things Jesus had done for him: and all men did marvel. 21 And when Jesus was passed over again by ship unto the other side, much people gath- ered unto him, and he was nigh unto thesea. 2 And behold, there cometh one of the rulers of the synagogue, Jairus by name, and when he saw him, he fell at his feet, 72 and be- sought him greatly, saying, My little daughter lieth at the point of death, I pray thee come and lay thy hands on her, that she may be healed, and she shall 94 EYATTEAION , / mapexddecay avrov™ oi Saipoves,” Ne- ¢ - °. \ , yovres’ Ilepryov nas eis Tous XoLpous, cd r > 6 iva eis aitovs elaeAOapev. 1 Kai eve- > ° bé C2 ee, \ TpeWev avtois ev0ews °6 Ingovs. kat fa / > eLehOdvra Ta mvevpata Ta axabapra ~ / \ el cian dOov eis Tovs Xolpous’ Kal @pynoev + ~ ~ , A f 1 Gyehn Kata TOU KpHpvOU els THY 6a- O° r . Aacoav’ IAcay dé “ ws Ovoyidwow” Kal > / > > , 14 ¢ Oe , emviyovto ev TH Oadacon. ot de Bo- 2, 5 , okovtes °avtous” epuyov, kat Samnyyet- > \ > , hav” eis THY WOAW Kal Els TOUS aypous. Von es ar 5 Ta) \ bh kat 8 e&nAOov ” ew TL EaTL TO yeyovos 5 2, > ~ ‘ 5 kal €pxovrar mpos Tov Incovy, kat a , Gewpovor Tov Sarporr(dpevoy KaOnpevoy h kal” iwaticpevoy Kal owppovovyta, ' cov eoynkdra Tov Neye@va"” Kal Eedo- 4 Bnénoay. = t a 16 Kal Sunynoavto avrois of iddrTes, an , 7 a 4 \ X TDS: EYEVETO TO SarprorComever, Kal Tept Tov xolpov. ! Kal 7pSavto mapakanety avroy ameOety amo T&Y Opiey avTar. 18 \tk,> (2 / “ > ~ > \ Xr ox kat ¥ éuBayros” avrov els TO TAoLoy, ¢ od a mapekdner adroy 6 Satpovioeis, Wa 7 > > ~ 1921 \ > Hes - > \ pleT QUTOU. kal ovK” adykey avtoy, > \ / > Mee, > \ Sr, adda Neyer avT@ “Yraye eis Tov otKov gov mpos Tovs qovs, Kat avayyetdoy avrois é6ga cou 6 Kuptos ™ meroinke, “ \ ne / 20 rN > a \ Kal nA€noe Ce. Kat amndée kat > , x e ipEato Knpvocey ev TH Ackamddet, 0a / ~ ~n / emoinoey ait@ 6 “Incovs’ Kat mayTes / eOavpacoy. Ole 8 t n°? ae) Kat dvamrepacavtos tov Inoov ev . Ce TO Tol@ mad eis TO TEpav, ovvHXOn / \ > > dyAos moUs em avTdv' Kal hy Tapa THY / i) » es Garaccav. ™ Kat ” idov,” epxerau ets nr > / TOV APXLTVVAYOYOV; °ovdparte Iaeupos,” 3 kal id@y avtov, mimtel Tpos TOUS 7d0as A 9° , avrov: > kal mapeka\eu avtoy TrodAa, s / héyou' “Ore TO Ovyarpidy pov erxaTos » a 5 na rn exer wa ehOav emtOns aut] Tas XEtpas, . © . ¢/ a zo ©, r live. 24 And Jesus went with P émws “ gaOn Kal (yoerar. ™ Kai c a Rec. add mravves. be Cres. Guest & Rec. rovs yorpous. f Rec. avnyyevAayv. & ~ nAPov. > i BS k ® ruBacvovros. l Rec. o de *Inaovg ovr. m Rec. eroinos. ne o> peaKATA MAPKON., 95 amnhOe per avtov’ Kal nKodovder ad’ta dxhos Tohds, Kat cvveOiBov adroy. * Kal yun * 71s" ovoa ev puget al- patos érn Owdexa, * Kal roAha madovoa U0 ToAN@Y latpev, kal Saravncaca ‘ra map adtns” mavra, kal pndev ade- AnOeioa, adda paddoy eis 7d yeipov e\bovca, * akovcaca Trepl tod "Inco, edovoa ev TH OxAW OriTOev, Haro Tov iwatiov avtov' “8 édeye ydp* “Ort, Kay Toy ivatiay avtov dopa, owbn- goua. ™ Kat edvdéws eEnpavOn 1 mnyy A d A ND OD. a UG TOU aywaros avTTS, Kal Eyva TO Tdpare OTL laTal amo THS paoTLyos. Kal. €U- Béws 6 “Incots emtyvovs ev EQUT@ THY e€ avrov dvvapw €EedOodcar, émiorpa- . no ee ? els ey TO OXA@, eheye” Tis ou iNvaro TOV LUaTLov; Kat edeyov avt@ oi palnrai avtov' Berets Tov d6xNov cuv- OXiBovra ce, Kal Neyeus’ Tis pou nYraro; ° Kal mepicBdérero ideiv tiv rodro mooacay. * 7 dé yw hoSnbcioa Kat Tpémovoa, eidvia & yéyovey er avTh, AOE Kal mpocérecev avT@, Kal elev avTa macav Thy a\nOeay. 34 6 Oé etrev avty Ovyatep, 7) miotis cou cécwKé ge’ Umaye eis eipyyny, Kal tab vyins > \ ee , 4 amo THS aoTLYOs Cov. 35” Ert avTou Aadovrtos, épyovrat ard TO apxirvvayayou, heyovtes’ “Ore 7 Ouyatnp cov améOave’ ti ere ocKidrers tov didacKanroy ; *° ‘OQ Sé "Inaovs © ed- Géws” dxovoas tov éyov Aahovpevov Neyer TO apxioivayoyo: Mn door, | povov mioteve. 7 Kat ook apikey ov- /O€va adT@ guwvakohovOnoat, ef pr Ié- ‘tpov kat “IdkwBov xa "Todvyny TOV adehhov V’TaxkaBov.” 8 Kah EPNETAL Eis TOV OtKoV TOU apxiouvayayou, Kat Oewpet 'OdpuBov, © kat” kNaiovras Ka) ad\ahagov- ‘tas ToMAd. *9 Kai eioeAOdoy hE€yer avrois" Pree Rad TH Ar Ona air D Ree, ta wap? sauTns. c- Marx V. 39. him, and much people followed him, and thronged him, 25 Andacertain woman which had an issue of blood twelve years, 76 andhad suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse, 27 when she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment. 28 For she said, If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole. 29 And straight- way the fountain of her blood was dried up: and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague. 39 And Jesus immediately knowing in him- self that virtue had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said, Who touched my clothes ? 3! And his disciples said unto him, Thou seest the multitude thronging thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me ? 3> And he looked round about to see her that had done this thing. ° But the woman fearing and trembling, knowing what was done in her, came and fell down before him, and told him all the truth. 34 And he said un- to her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole, go in peace, and be whole of thy plague. 35 While he yet spake, there came from the ruler of the syna- gogue’s house, certain which said, Thy daughter is dead, why troublest thou the Master any further ? 36 As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, he saith unto the ruler of the Synagogue, Be not afraid, only believe. 37 And he suffered no man to follow him, save Peter, and James, aud John the bro- ther of James. 38 And he cometh to the house of the ruler of the Synagogue, and seeth the tu- mult, and them that wept and wailed greatly. 39 And when he was come in, he saith unto them, 22S Re ee dx auriv, © Rec, —Marx V. 40. Why make ye this ado, and weep ? the damsel is not dead, put sleepeth. 4° And they laugh- ed him to scorn: but when he had put them all out, he taketh the father and the mother of the damsel, and them that were with him, and entereth in where the damsel was lying. #4! And he took the damsel by the hand, and said unto her, Talitha cumi, which is, being interpret- ed, Damsel (I say unto thee) arise. 42 And straightway the damsel arose, and walked, for she was of the age of twelve years: and they were astonish- ed with a great astonishment. 43 And he charged them straitly, that no man should know it: and commanded that something should be given her to eat. 6. And he went out from thence, and came into his own country, and his disciples follow him. 2 And when the sabbath day was come, he began to teach in the synagogue: and many hearing him, were astonished, saying, From whence hath this man these things? and what wisdom is this which is given unto him, that even such mighty works are wrought by his hands? 3 Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James and Joses, and of Juda, and Simon? and are not his sisters here with us? And they were offended at him. 4 But Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not without honour, but in his own country, and among his own kin, and in his own house. 5 And he could there do no mighty work, save that he laid his hands upon a few sick folk, and healed them. § Andhe mar- velled because of their unbelief. And he went round about the villages, teaching. 7’ And he calleth unto him the twelve, and began to send them forth, by two and two, and gave them power over unclean spirits, §and commanded them that they 96 EYATTEAION Ti OopuBeicbe Kat Khalere; To mardtov ovK amébavev, ANG Kabedder. *° Kai Ka- nr > ~ c Oe > A a / 4 Teyehoy avTov. 6 Oe ekBahwy *mayras, mapadapBaver Toy maTépa Tov maiiov Kal TIy puntépa Kal Tovs peT avTod, Kal , o > elorropeverar Orrou ny TO TaLdioy ” ava- keijevov’, *' Kal KpaTnoas THs XELPOS TOU , , Jo &S r \ ~ 6 madiov, Néyet avtn’ Tada, Kovpe: G éortweOeppnvevdpevoy' Td kopdator, (ol 4 » 2 4 héeyo,) *eyerpe.” ” Kal tds dveotn TA / \ > a Kopdolov Kal Tep.emdret, jy yap eTar Sadexa’ Kat e&éornoay exoTdcet preyady, 3 Kat SueoreiAaro avrois moAAd, iva \ > > > ~ a pndéls yv@ TovTo’ Kal etme OoOnyat avTh payetv. 6. Kal e&p\Oev éxcidev, cat iOev eis Thy TaTpida avTov’ Kal akodovOovow avTa of padnrat abrov. ? Kal yEvopEvor caBBarov, ipEaro ev TH cuvaywyn Ot- Saokew? Kai * qoAdolt akovoytes e&e- , 4 . , 4 ~ mA\nocovto, héyovres’ I1dGev rovr@ Tav- ¢ r Qn Ta; Kal Tis 7 copia 7 dobcica avTa, °” kat Ouvapets ToradTat Oia TOV XELPOI avtov yivovrar; % ovxy otrds eoTw ¢ réxtw@v, 6 vios Mapias, ! ddehpos de’ > t “2 = rare) , \ , lak@Bov Kat "Iwon Kat “Iovda kat Si- X > ° \ ¢ > A > a povos 3 Kal ovK cialy ai adeXal avTot ‘eo A is ” \ > / > ade mpos nas; Kal eoxavdadiCovto et > na 4 7+ ‘ > - c5 ae od atta. * €deye S€ avtois 6 Incous’ “Or », , + ovk éoTe Tpopytns Arios, EL py EV TI marpiit avTov, Kal éy Tois cvyyever 3 nt UTR LY ¢ a § \ 3 ANZ Kal ev TH OlKia avTov. ° Kat ovk ndvvare exei ovdepiay Svvapuy Toujoat, el pn > 2>2¢ rn } ddlyous appwators emiGeis Tas XeEtpas éOepamevoe. © kat eOavpate dua TH amigtiay avTav. “3 a , Kal mepuye Tas KOpas KvKA@ O10a oxov. 7 Kal mpocKanetrat Tovs Oa@dexa N¢ OF > \ > , , kal #pEato avrovs amoarehXewy dvo Suc \ cr ~ Kat €didov abtots e€ovolay Tay mveupa Tov Tov axabaptov. § Kal mapryyevre » Reo, avravras. b Gb. om. © Rec. eyecpar. d th oc © Rec, add ore. f W wae adedwpos.KATA MAPKON. adrois, wa pndev aipwow eis 60d, €t p17 paBdov pdvov pn ™pay, pA) prov, Hy cis THY Covny xadkdv" * add vmodee- pevous cavdddiat Kal pI) a evdvano be” Svo yir@vas. ! Kal eheyev adrots’ “Orou éav elceAOnte els oikiay, eket pevere eas nS eq 3 Kal dgot ay py déEavrar buds, pndé dxovcwow var, exmopevdpevor ekelOev, extiva€ate Tov youy Tov UTOKAT@ TOY TOOGY UUay, Els papropeoy avrois. ” dunv eyo vply, dvexrérepoy eta Soddpors 7) Toudp- pous év muepa Kploews, i) TH mOdEL €Kel- m.” } Kal e€ehOdvres exnpyvocoy wa kal Oaypdvia mroAda e£€BadXor, Kal nheibov ehai@ modAovs aye EhOnte éxeldey. VU U 13 peTavono wot De IBCeL S73, / app@aoToOvs Kal eGeparrevov. 4 Kal qKovcev 6 Bacireds “Hpwdns, (pavepoy yap eyeveto TO Gyvoma avTov, ) kal Seheyev’” “Ort Iwdvyns 6 Barrigey ek vexpav nyepOn, Kal dud TovTO Evep- ‘ : z ovow at duvauets ev avTo. d de” eeyov" “Ort HXlas eoriv. "AdXou » ¢ dé deyov’ “Ore mpodytns early, els TOY TpOPyTav. 16° Axovoas O€ 6 ‘Hpo- a > \ Ons eimev? "Oru" dy eyo amexepddica i > 4 a ovTos’ nyepOn eK veKpav. 17, Ad \ \ fe € I > , vTos yap 6 Hpedns amooteiias > 4 > 4, expatnoe TOV lwdvyny, kal €Onoev avTov ? © ’Te@dvyny,” » iv Bb] na ev *“ udakn, dia “Hpwdiada ty yu- vaika Bidinmov Tov adehpod avtov, Oru > \ > auTny eyaunoev. © edeye yap 6 ledv- ~ c , a 7 > + / yns T® Hpawdn? “Ore otk eEeoti coor »” ‘ cr A a EXE THY yuvaikKa Tov adeA*od Gov. 19 ey be i } A > ~ > ~ x € Hpwdias evetyey atta, kal ay > o fOehev adroy arokreivat' Kal ovK 7O0- 20: \ ec > yato. “ 6 yap “Hpwdns époBeiro roy , > \ Ioavyyy, eidos avrov avdpa Sixatov Kat a \ , aylov, Kal ouvernper avTov’ Kal dkovoas > a“ A > 4 ~ avuTov, moAAa eErolet, Kal O€ws advTod 2 1)KOUE. Marx VI. 20. should take nothing for their journey, save a staff only: no scrip, no bread, no money Mm their purse: 9 but be shod with sandals: and not put on two coats. !9 And he said unto them, In what place soever ye enter into an house, there abide till ye depart from that place. !! And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear you, when ye depart thence, shake off the dust un- der your feet, for a testimony against them: verily I say un- to you, It shall be more tolera- ble for Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city. 12 And they went out, and preached that men should repent. 13 And they cast out many devils, and anointed with oil many, that were sick, and healed them. 14 And king Herod heard of him (for his name was spread abroad:) and he said that John the Baptist was risen from the dead, and therefore mighty works do shew forth themselves in him. } Others said, That it is Elias. And others said, That it is a prophet, or as one of the prophets. !& But when Herod heard thereof; he said, It is John, whom I beheaded, he is risen from the dead. V7 For Herod himself had sent forth and laid hold upon John, and bound him in prison for Herodias’ sake, his brother Philip’s wife, for he had mar- ried her. 18 For John had said unto Herod, It is not lawful for thee to have thy brother’s wife. 19 Therefore Herodias had «a quarrel against him, and would have killed him, but she could not. * For Herod feared John, knowing that he was a just man, andan holy, and Sobserved him: and when he heard him, he did many things, and heard him gladly. 2Pz.& Elz. evdvcac@ac, bGb.om. © sreyor. ae ‘ d Rec.& Gb. om. Gb. e Rec. add 7, f—> gz N EG. OUTOS EaTEY, AvT0S, COaurog. i Rec.add rp. * Or, an inward grudge. 3 Or, kept him.or, saved him.Marx VI. 21. 21 And when a convenient day was come, that Herod on his birthday made a supper to his lords, high captains, and chief estates of Galilee: ?” and when the daughter of the said Herodias came in, and danced, and pleased Herod, and them that sat with him, the king said unto the damsel, Ask of me whatsoever thou wilt, and I will give it thee. 23 And he sware unto her, Whatsoever thou shalt ask of me, I will give it thee, unto the half of my kingdom. 24 And she went forth, and said unto her mother, What shall I ask ? And she said, The head of John the Baptist. 2>And she came in straightway with haste, unto the king, and asked, saying, I will that thou give me by and by in a charger, the head of John the Baptist. 26 And the king was exceeding sorry, yet for his oath’s sake, and for their sakes which sat with him, he would not reject her. 27 And immediately the king sent 2 an executioner, and commanded his head to be brought, and he went, and beheaded him in the prison, *8and brought his head in a charger, and gave it to the damsel, and the damsel gave it to her mother. 29 And when his disciples heard of 7¢, they came and took up his corpse, and laid it in a tomb. 39 And the apostles gathered themselves together unto Jesus, and told him all things, both what they had done, and what they had taught. 3! And he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while. For there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat. 38% And they departed into a desert place by ship privately. 98 EYATTEAION 91 \ , e , > , a i Kai VEVOREVIS nuEepas E€UKQGLPOU, OTE ik ‘Hpadns trois yeveriows avrov Oeisvoy | cr cal ¢ a \ os emolel TOIS PEeyYLOTaTW aUTOU Kat TOLS | yurtdpyous Kal Tois mp@rous THs Tahe- halas, 2 Kai elaeAOovons Tis Ovyatpos aitis ths “Hpwdiddos, kat dpxnoaperns, Kat apecdons TO Hpwdn Kat Tots ovy- avakeypéevots, elev 6 Baotdevs TO Kopa- > Ao oN \ t cio’ Airnody pe 0 eav Oedns, Kal daca we 23 5 MN ELE eae J a 27 ool Kai @pocev avtn, Ort oO €ay a Mu rs ba « 7 c / pe” airnoys, Soo Tol, ews TuLooUS Ts Pacthetas pov. c. ~ oy = \ 24H Oé e&eAOovoa ele TH pHTPL va / ¢ \ s) \ auTns Ti aitnoopar; H O¢ eire’ TH Ag / A ~ 25 \ Kepadhy lwdvvov Tov Bantiorou. ~ Kat A , \ ”~ A ciceAOovoa -eibéws” pera orovdns Tpos } / , 2 7 | Tov Bacidéa, nTHoaTO, Aeyovta’ OKr@ 7 vad fa ~ A twa por Sas eSautns emt mivake THY KE a ~ 5) XN pariy l@dvyov tov Bartictov. *6 Kal r , ¢ Xr \ 8 \ mepirurros yevouevos 6 Baothevs, Ova oO \ 4 TOUS OPKOUS Kal TOUS TUVAVAKELWEVOUS »)- \ > A 9 x otk AOAnoev adtHy abernoa. * Kat evdéws amoateiAas 6 BaowWed’s oTeKov- + Adrwpa emérakev evexOnvar THY Kepa- } Any avrov. * 6 de amehOav atrekepa- } ~ a \ ey Nucev avTov ev TH Pvdaky, Kal HvEeyKE > PD osS / NG 7, | Tip Kepadyy auto eTl TWaKL, Kat €0@- | cs 7: \ \ , KEV AUTHY TO KOPATi@ KAL TO KOpaCLoy | + 2 teN = \ CES 29 \ EOwKkey av’TnY TH PNTPL avTns. Kal \ > ox NY dxovcavres of pabntat avtrov 7)Oov, > cr > n \ a Kal fipav TO TT@ma avrov, Kat €OnKay | > > / aUTO EV PYNLELO. 30 iain , (Seat) , nr A Kat ovyvayovTat Ol ATOOTOAOL mT pos le / > os 2 2 = / | TOV Inoovr, Kal amnyyerhav auT@ Tay- . > / vo IN7 Ta, °Kal’ 60a emolnoay Kal ooa €0l- 31 \ pi ee > OS ce a ¢ = dakav. KQ@U €lLTTEY AUTOLS Aevute ULELS y 3 IN, > + \ avTol Kat diay eis €pnuoy TOmoy, Kal | > 4 Ie 3 \ Go | avarravea Ge oALyov. Hoav yap ot ep- ¢ / \ \ xXOpevor Kat of Umdyovtes TohAOl, Kal ovde chayetv NUKALpouy. 32 kal amnOor | is Zonuoyv Térov T@ TACI@ Kar tOlay els €pnp.oy T D Tol K lav. cues * Or, one otf his guard, —KATA MAPKON. 99 33 Kal eldov avrovs imdyovras*”, Kat émeyvacay ” avrov” moot’ Kal megn Gré tracey tav mé\eov cuvedpapov ¢ dxel” 4 kal mpondOov adrovs, kal ouv- AOov mpos adrdy.” ** Kal eEeAOay eidev ©6 Incovs’ mohty dxAov, Kal eomhay- xvicbn em avrois, dr nTay ws mpoBara ui) €xovra Towpeva’ Kal ipEaro OWacKely avrovs ToANa. 3% Kal #6n Spas moddis yevouerns, mpooedOdvres aiT@ of paOnrat avrov héyouow’ “Ore epnpos €oTL O TOTOS, kat #8n parody’ * aardducov avrous, iva ame Odvtes eis TOS KUKA@ aypovs kal Kopas, dyopacaow f éaurois dprous: Tl yap paywow ovk Exovow. ~ O Oe dmokpiGels etmev avtois’ Adre avrois ipeis payetv. Kal héyourw avTo’ “At- ehOdvres dyopacapev & Snvaptay SiaKo- ciwy” dprous, Kal Odpmev avtots payety ; 8 °Q O€ Néyer adrois: Ildcous dprovs éxete; vmayere Kat” idere. Kat yvov- tes Néyovot* Ilevre, kat dvo iyOvas. 39 Kal emérakev avtois dvakNivar TavTas oupmdcia cupmdola ent TO XLwp@ XOp- T@. *° Kal dvérevov Tpactat mpactal, ava éxaroy kal ava mevtnkovta. * Kat ha- Bov rods mwévte Gptous Kal tovs dvo ixOvas, avaBdéwas eis TOv ovpavor, €v- Noynoe’ Kal KaTékNace TOUS aprous, Kal edidov Trois padynrais avTov, wa Tapa- Odcw advrois’ Kal tovs dvo0 ixOvas epe- pice aot. * Kal epayoy mayres, Kat exoptacOnoay’ * Kai jpayv Khagudtov dadexa Kodivous mANpets, Kal amo TOV ixOvav. * kal noay of paydvres Tous dprous '” mevrakiryiduot avdpes. 4 Kat evdéws nvayxace Tous wadnras avrov euBnvat eis TO TAOtoy, Kal mpod- yew els 0 mépay mpos ByOcaiday, ews avtos amo\von tov byAdov. * Kat Marx VI. 46. 33 And the people saw them departing, and many knew him, and ran afoot thither out of all cities, and outwent them, and came together unto him. 34 And Jesus when he came out, saw much people, and was moved with compassion toward them, because they were as sheep not having a shepherd: and he began to teach them many things. 35 And when the day was now far spent, his disciples came unto him, and said, This is a desert place, and now the time is far passed. 96 Send them away, that they may go into the coun- try round about, and into the villages, and buy themselves bread: for they have nothing to eat. 37 He answered and said unto them, Give ye them to eat. And they say unto him, Shall we go and buy two hun- dred pennyworth of bread, and give them to eat? %5 He saith unto them, How many loaves have ye? go, and see. And when they knew, they say, Five, and two fishes. °° And he commanded them to make all sit down by companies upon the green grass. 19 And they sat down in ranks by hundreds, and by fifties. 41 And when he had taken the five loaves, and the two fishes, he looked up to hea- ven, and blessed, and brake the loaves, and gave them to his disciples to set before them ; and the two fishes divided he among them all. 4? And they did all eat, and were filled. 43 And they took up twelve baskets full of the fragments, and of the fishes. 44 And they that did eat of the loaves, were about five thousand men. 45 And straightway he con- strained his disciples to get into the ship, and to go to the other side before unto Bethsaida, while he sent away the people. 46 And when he had sent them CW rae 7AUOV EKELs > bes D Gb. om. Staxocgiwy GnVapLwrv. a itec, add ot oyAoe. t. Daywor. & Rec i Rec. add wase. d Gb.om. € Gb. om. fs favuTos Or, over against Bethsaida,Marx VI. 47. 100 EYAITTEAION J > ’ a > eS ’ \ away, he departed into a moun- droragapevos avtois, amn\Oev eis TO tain to pray. 47 And when even was come, the ship was in the midst of the sea, and he alone on the land. 43 And he saw them toiling in rowing (for the wind was con- trary unto them:) and about the fourth watch of the night, he cometh unto them, walking upon the sea, and would have passed by them. 49 But when they saw him walking upon the sea, they supposed it “had been a spirit, and cried out. °° (For they all saw him, and were troubled) and immediately he talked with them, and saith unto them, Be of good cheer, it is I, be not afraid. 5! And he went up unto them into the ship, and the wind ceased : and they were sore amazed in them- selves beyond measure, and wondered. °2 For they con- sidered not the miracle of the loaves, for their heart was har- dened. °3 And when they had passed over, they came into the land of Gennesaret, and drew to the shore. 54 And when they were come out of the ship, straight- way they knew him, ° and ran through that whole region round about, and began to carry about in beds, those that were sick, 5 where they heard he was. 5° And whithersoever he entered, into villages, or cities, or country, they laid the sick in the streets, and besought him that they might touch if it were but the border of his garment: and as many as touched him, were made whole. 7. Then came together unto him the Pharisees, and certain of the scribes, which came from Jerusalem. 2 And when they saw some of his disciples eat bread with & defiled (that is to say, With unwashen) hands, they found fault. % For the Phari- 3 sees and all the Jews, except they wash their hands 7 oft, eat a@— b+ ci dRec. & Gb. 7 wap. aur. & Rec.add susupavro. % Or,it opos mpooevgao dar. a Kat ovias yevoperns, ay TO TAotoy ev pEo@ TIS Garacons, Kal avros pLOvos eml THS Yas: 48 Kai elev avrovs Paca- vicopevous ev TO éAavvety” mY yap 0 dvepos evayrios abtois* Kat rept TeTap- T™y puhaxny 7S VUKTOS Epxerau ™pos avrovs, TEpUTaT@Y ETL TS aracons Kal 7#Oede mraped Oey avrovs. * ot d¢ iSdvres avTov mepimarovyTa emt THs daracons, edofay pavraopa eval Kal dvexpagav" 50 crayres yap avtov €idoy, Kal erapdxOnoav. Kat evbéws ehadynoe per’ QUTOV, Kal Néyet avTots” Oapoetre eyo elt, Ha poBera be. 51 Kal avéBy mpos avtovs eis TO motor, Kal exomarev 6 dvepos* Kal *iav” ¥ ex TEpirrov" ev eavTots e€toravro, © Kal eOavpator.” e200 “yep ouryjKay eml TOUS aiprous” yy yap ° avray 7 Kapdia" TeT@POMEVN. 83 Kai Ovamepacartes HAOov emt THY yn Devnoaper, Kal mpoowppicOncav. 54 kal eSeAObvTav avrav eK gon moiov, evdews emvyvoures avror, : ® mepiopa- povres ony THY TEpix@pov exetyny, np- Eayro emt TOLS KpaSparors TOUS kaKk@s exovTas Tepupepey, orrou KOVOY | OTL exet eott. © Kal omou ay eloemopevero cis K@pas i) monets 7} i} Aypovs, ev Tats ayopais eriOouy Tovs do Gevovvras, kat mapeKadouy avroy, iva Kav TOU kpaome- Sou Tov iwariov avTov GWevrar Kat dot dy HrTovTo avTOU, Ea aw ovTo. 7. Kal cuvayovra mpos avrov oi Ba- piodio, Kal Ties TOY ypaypatewy, e- Odvtes ard ‘lepocodvpav * Kal iddyTes Twas TOV paOnT@v avTOV KoLvals xepat, TOUT oT avintols, erOiovras aprous®”* (oi yap Papicaior kal aves ot ‘lov- Sato, ed pr) Typ vViipevTat Tas xElpas, . BOr, common. Y Or, diligently.KATA MAPKON. 101 ovk éaGiovat, Kparouvres Tym mapadoow TOD mpeoBurepav" 4 Kal amo ayopas, eqy py) Barricovrat, ovk €o Glover’ Kal d\Aa Toda eat a smapehaBSov Kpareiy, Barricpovs TOTNPLOV kat georay Kal Xarkiov Kal Khar) * a reiTa” e7mre- potacw avtTov oi Papioator kal ot ypappareis: Atari of padnrai cov ov mepurarouoe Kara THY, mapddoow TOV mpeoBurepar, G\Aa ” avirros” yepow exBiovcr TOV aprov ; 6 *O dé dmoxpibeis eimev avtois’ “OTe KaAas mpoeytevoen + ‘Hoatas Tept Dpoy | TOV vrroKplT@v, ws yeyparrat’ Odros 6 ads Tois xetheot pe TUG, 1 de SPUD: avuTav Topp améxet aw eyuod. 7 parny de c€Bovrat pe, OOdokovres SudacKaNlas, evrddpara avOpatav. §& *Adévtes yap thy €evTo- Aj Tov Oeov, Kpareire THY mapadooty Tay avOparay, Bamrticpovs EeoTav Kal ToTnpiwy, Kal G\Aa wapdpoa Tovavra ToANG TroleiTe. ° Kat eheyev avrois” Kahas adereire THY evrodny TOU oor iva THY mapadoow ae ° rnpnonre.” " Moons yap eure Tiua tov warépa cov kal Thy pytepa gov’ Kai’ ‘O kakxo\oyav marépa 7) pntépa OGavara TeheuTadra * "Ypeis de Aeyere® Edw elrn avOpearos TO Tarpt 7 7H pnt pt Kopfav, (6 €oTt, d0- pov), 0 eay €& €H0U a@pedndns’ * Kal OUKETL apiere auTov ovdey moujoae TO marpl QUTOD 7) TH parpl avtov, | dxv- pouvres Tov Adyov Tov Oeod TH mapa- Odaet Dwav 7 mapedaxare® kal trapdpo.a TOLaUTa TOAAG TroLEtTe. 4 Kal mpookadeodpevos *rdvta” Tov 2 LA > ee? , , , oxAop, eheyev avtois’ AkoveTé Lov may- , / + & Tes, Kal ouviere. ovdev eotiy €Ewbev ~ 2 , Tov avOparov ciomopevdpevov eis av- NGA WP eN a 3 RN TOV, 0 OvvaTat avTov Kolv@oat’ adda Ta Marx VII. 15. not, holding the tradition of the elders. 4 And when they come from the market, except they wash, they eat not. And many other things there be, which they have received. to hold, as the washing of cups and pots, brasen vessels, and of ¢ tables. 5 Then the Pharisees and scribes asked him, Why walk not thy disciples according to the tradi- tion of the elders, but eat bread with unwashen hands? ® He answered and said unto them, Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. 7 Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines, the command- ments of men. §& For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots, and cups: and many other such like things ye do. 9 And he said unto them, Full well ye f reject the com- mandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition. 19 For Moses said, Honour thy father and thy mother: and whoso curseth father or mother, let him die the death. ! But ye say, If a man shall say to his father or mother, It is Corban, that is to say, a gift, by what- soever thou mightest be profited by me: heshall be free. '2 And ye suffer him no more to do ought for his father, or his mo- ther: !% making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have de- livered: and many such like things do ye. 14 And when he had called all the people unto him, he said unto them, Hearken unto me every one of you, and under- stand. 15 There is nothing from without a man that entering into him, can defile him: but aw Kas. b wo—, Gb. Korvarg. C SS ornonre, d © wandey, * Or, beds & Or, frustrate,Marx VII. 16. the things which come out of him, those are they that defile the man. '!6 If any man have ears to hear, let him hear 17 And when he was entered into the house from the people, his disciples asked him concern- ing the parable. 38 And he saith unto them, Are yeso with- out understanding also ? Do ye not perceive, that whatsoever thing from without entereth into the man, it cannot defile him, }9 because it entereth not into his heart, but into the belly, and goeth out into the draught, purging all meats? 2? And he said, hat which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man. 21 For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornica- tions, murders, 2 thefts, cove- tousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blas- phemy, pride, foolishness: *? all these evil things come from within, and defile the man. 24 And from thence he arose, and went into the borders of Tyre and Sidon, and entered into an house, and would have no man know it, but he could not be hid. * For a certain woman, whose young daughter had an unclean spirit, heard of him, and came and fell at his feet. 26 (The woman was a @ Greek, a Syrophenician by nation: ) and she besought him that he would cast forth the devil out of her daughter. 27 But Jesus said unto net, Let the children first be filled: for it is not meet to take the chil- dren’s bread, and to cast it unto the dogs. 28 And she an- swered and said unto him, Yes Lord, yet the dogs under the ta- ble eat of the children’s crumbs. 102 EYATTEAION eKTropevopeva amr avtov, Exel €OTL TA Kowouvta Tov avOparor. 16 el tis EXEL ‘Cy > , > , OTA AKOVEW, GKOVETO. WV Kal ére eiandGev eis olkKoy aro Tou oxAov, em porav avroyv ot padnral av- Tov * mept ™S rrapaBohis. + watt Kat Reyer avrois: Ovre Kal Upets AOUVETOL cOTE | OU VOELTE ore jay TO eLobev elo mopevdevov els TOV avOparoy ou Ovvarat ee Kowooat ; 19 Gru oUK €ic- Topevera >avrov eis THY “kapotav, aan eis THY, KolAlav’ Kal eis TOY dbedpava exrropever au, kaOapifoy mavTa Ta Bpo- para. "Eeye Oé* “Ort TO €kK TOU spas EKTFOPEVOPEVOY, EKELYO KOLVOL TOV dvOpamor. "1 gowOev yap eK THS Kapdias TOV avOporey ot dvahoyiopol ol Kakol ek7ropevoyTat’ potyetal, Top- VELL, povot, 22 KNomal, mAEeoveEiat, movnpia, dddos, acgeAyeta, opGarpos Tovnpos; Pracdnpia, imepnpavia, a- ppoovyn: 28 mayra TavTa Ta mounp a ecwbey exTropeveTat, Kal KoLvot TOV a= Opwroyv. a4 Kat exeiOev avactas an7dOev els Ta peOdpia Tupov © kat Sane “Kal ceiocAOwy eis *” oikiay, ovdeva FOede yraevat, Kal ovK dun On adeiv. a dKov- caca yap yen mept aUTOU, HS ELYE TO Ovyatpiov avTns Teva dxdBapror, eA- Govoa TPOTEMETE 7 mpos TOUS TdOas av- Tov “© (jy O€ 7 yen “EMgvis & Su- popowikiroa & 7a yevet’) Kal npora avTov wa TO Sautpdrsoy' ekBahzy" Sex" as Ouyarpos QuTns. 6 O€ ‘Inaots «imev i avri “Ades T™ P@Tov Xoprac Onvat Te | TEKVAa’ OU yap KaAov eote AaBety Tov 5h ~ / \ r cr | apTOv TWOYV TEKY@Y, KQAL Bade TOLS KU= vapiors. 78 SH Oé amexpiOn Kai Aeyee y \ / . \ \ \ / auTa" Nat, Kuplte Kat yap Ta nee UTOKAT@ TS Tpamens eoOlet amro TOD | a SS tv trapaPoAnv. ~ Rec, Supoporiosca, Gb.= b Bz. ecg tT. Kap. avr —> padowvixicoa f Rec. exBadrAp 8 => d Rec. & Gb. add my .—Gb.o Or, Gentile.KATA MAPKON. 103 Vixtov ray madioy. °° Kal etmev eeu Aud ToUToY TOV hoyor, imaye e&eAndvde TO Saydvioy €K 17 TIS Guyarpos o gov. °° Kai dmedOodca eis Tov otkoV aris; etpe TO daipoveov eEcdy vos, Kat THY GuvyaTEepa BeBAnperny emt THS KALYN S. 31 Kal mahw senor & ek TOV Opiay Tvpov * kat 210avos, HrOe” ? mpos” TH Gaharoay ms Yahsdatas, ava pLecov TOV oplov Acxarrddews. ® Kat pepovow avT@ Kagoy © poyradoy,* Kal 7 mapaka- Nodow avroy iva en.Oiy avuT@ ry xetpa. 3 Kal drohaBopevos avrov amo Tov 0- Xhov_ kar ioe tay, eBade TOUS Saxrudous avuTov cis Ta @Ta avrov, Kal mrvoas ato 77s pocons avrod, ** Kat ava- Bheyras els TOY OUPAVOY, corévake, Kal dEeyet are "Eddaba: 6 cote, Svavol- : XOnre. * Kal evdews SunvoixOnoav auToU ai dxoal’ kal ehudy 6 6 Seopos TIS yoo- ons avTov, Kal edhe opbas. * kat Suearetharo avtois iva pndevi elT@oLy” dgoy O€ avTOs avToOIs OtearedNeTo, paa- hov Tepio core pov exnpvocoyv. * Kal Umeprepiow@s eemnooorro, heyores” Kal@s mavra memoinke’ Kal TOUS KO- dbovs molet akovelv, Kal Tovs adddous Aaketv. 8. -Ev éxeivats Tais nuepacs, * map- mOdov" OxAou GyTOS, Kal p47) eXovT@V Ti Payot mpooKaerapevos * ” cous peadnras * avrou “Neyer avrois ? Smhay- xvicopar € emt TOY oxAov" OTL 700 Snpepar Tpets mpoopevovot Ou, Kal OUK exovor ti ddywou' * Kal €dy admohvow avTovs vnorels eis olkoy auTav, exhvOnoovrat 2 ™ 00g" TWES Yap avToy paxpddev hnKkovot.” * Kat amekpinoay avT@ ot pabnrat avrov' T06ey ToUTOUS duvt- geTai Tis Be YopTdca prev em é€py- plas; *® Kat emnpwta avrovs' Idcous Marx VIII. 5. 29 And he said unto her, For this saying, go thy way, the devil is gone out of thy d: wugh- ter. 30 And when she was come to her house, she found the de- vil gone out, and her daughter laid upon the bed. 31 And again departing from the coasts of Tyre and Sidon, he came unto the sea of Gali- lee, through the midst of the coasts of Decapolis. °? And they bring unto him one that was deaf, and had an impedi- ment in his speech: and they beseech him i put his, hand upon him. *3 And he took him aside from the multitude, and put his fingers into his ears, and he spit, and touched his tongue, 34 and looking up to heaven, he sighed, and saith unto him, Ephph hatha, that is, Be opened. 39 And straightway his ears were opened, and the string of his tongue was loosed, and he spake plain. 36 And he charged them that they should tell no man: but the more he charged them, so much the more a great deal they published it, 87 and were beyond measure astonished, saying, He hath done all things well: he maketh both the deat to hear, and the dumb to speak 8. In those days the multi- tude being very great, afd hav- ing nothing to eat, Jesus called his disciples unto him, and saith unto them, ? I have compassion on the multitude, because they have now been with me three Gays and have nothing to eat: 3 and if I send them away fast- ing to their own houses, they will faint by the way: for divers of them came from far. 4 And his disciples answered him. From whence can aman satisfy these men with bread here in the wilderness ? 5 And he asked them, How many loaves have A mdOe bia Sedwvoc. b Gb. erg, © Kat poyyeAaroy. d w& wad. rodAAONe @ Rec. add o Inaoug fey B Rec. nuspay rpecs. h St.2Kac«.Marx VIII. 6. yee ? And they said, Seven. 6 And he commanded the peo- ple to sit down on the ground: and he took the seven loaves, and gave thanks, and brake, and gave to his disciples to set be- fore them: and they did set them before the people. 7 And they had a few small fishes: and he blessed, and commanded to set them also before them. 8 So they did eat, and were filled: and they took up, of the broken meat that was left, seven bas- kets. 9% And they that had eaten were about four thou- sand, and he sent them away. 10 And straightway he enter- ed into aship with his disciples, andcame into the parts of Dal- manutha. 1! And the Pharisees came forth, and began to ques- tion with him, seeking of him a sign from heaven, tempting him. 1? And he sighed deeply in his spirit, and saith, Why doth this generation seek after a sign? verily I say unto you, There shall no sign be given unto this generation. 1% And he left them, and entering into the ship again, departed to the other side. 14 Now the disciples had for- gotten to take bread, neither had they in the ship with them more than one loaf. }° And he charged them, saying, Take heed, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, andof the leaven < of Herod. !6 And they reason- ed among themselves, saying, Iéis, because we have no bread. 17 And when Jesus knew it, he saith unto them, Why reason ye, because ye have no bread ? perceive ye not yet, neither un- derstand ? have ye your heart yet hardened ? !8 Having eyes, see ye not? and having ears hear. ye not ? and do ye not re- member ? 19 When I brake the five loaves among five thou- sand, how many baskets full of fragments took yeup? They say unto him, Twelve. 29 And 104 EYATTEAION EXETE aprovs; Of de elroy" ‘Era. © Kat mapnyyetre T@® OXAW dvamecety emt THS vas Kat AaBav tovs era apTous, edXapioTnoas exhage Kal edidou TOUS padnrais avrov, wa mapabace Kal 7ra- peOnkay TO OXAD. 7 Kat eixov ivyOvdva one al evhoyqoas elmre mapadewat Akai avtd.” § épayov dé, Kal €xop- tacOnoay’ Kat pay Tepioocevpata Kha- opdtov, énta omupioas’ * noay de ? dayovtes” os TeTpakioxidtou Kal a7e- uoev avtovs. 10 Kal evOéws éuBas eis TO mAotov peta TOV pabnray avTov, mOev eis Ta pEpn Aahpavovdd. phaKat e&q) Bov ot Papicaior, kal ipSavrTo oucyrely avr, Cyrovyres jap avrov onpetov amo TOU ovupavov, metpacovres avtov. ™ Kat ava- orevagas TO TVEvpaTE avuTovU eye" Te 7 yeved aun on |Letoy emunret § apnu eyo U piv, et SoOnoerat TH yeved TaUTN onpetov. 1 Kal adeis avrovs euBas madw. ° eis TO TAOtoY,” amndOev eis TO Tépay. 4 Kal émeAdbovro%” AaBety dptovs, Kal el put) Eva diptoy ovK eixoy pe? éavT@y ev T@ TAoim. ™ Kal OvearedeTO av- TOlS, héyor" ‘Opare, Premere aro THS Copns Tay Papicalwy Kal THs Copns ‘“Hpadov. 1 Kat dehoyiCovro mpos ad- Andovs, Aeyovtes’ “OTe Gprous ovK ExXO- pev. ? Kal yvovs 6 Inaous Neyer avdrois" Ti d:adoyiferOe, dru dprous ovK ExeETE; oUm@ voeite, ovde GuvieTe; ° ETL” -TrE- Tape@mevny exeTE THY KapOlay UVLO ; opOadpovs €xovtes ov BdEmeTE; Kal @Ta EXovTES OUK akovere 5 Kal ov pynwo- vevete; )9 dre Tovs mEVTE aprous éxkdaca eis TOUS TevTakloxiAlovs, méaous KO- givovs mAdnpers KNaopdT@y Aparte 5 Aéyovow ait@' Aawdexa. * “Ore be aa Die C= d Bz, add ot padyrar, e—KATA MAPKON. , rovs €nra Eis TOUS TETPAKLOXLALOUS, T0- , gev onupidav mypopata = r / qypate; Ot Oe etroy" ‘Enra. 7) Kat €de- yev avrois’ las ov OUVIETE $ 22 Neg a > b 6 18 i. Kali *épxerac” eis ° ByOoatday \ , Soca \ \ kat pepovow aitd tupAov, Kat 7 A ce ~ Kadovow avroy wa avtov aynrat. > /, a \ ~~ A emtdaBdpevos THs XELPOS TOU tupdov, efnyayev adtov eo Tis Kopns’ Kal mrocas eis TH Sppata avrov, emOels rn a” avT@, emnp@ta avToy Et TL Brére. ™ kai avaSdewas eye’ Bre- mwa Tovs avOpamovs, © as devdpa purarovvtas. ” Eira way emeOnke TAS = > \ \ > \ > ~ d \ yelpas emi Tovs dpOahpovs avTov, “ kat > / > \ >? 4 om éroinaev avTov avaBdeyat Katectadn, Kat 26 \ > , > A > Kal ameoTetAev AUTOY ELS {ites > a , é \ > \ oikov adtov, Néeyov' Myde eis THY , > \ ” \ > ~ kopny eioedAOns, pnde elmns TW EV TH , oun. °7 Kal e£nOev 6 Inaods kal of pabynrat ~ , ~ adrov eis Tas Kopas Katoapeias Tis Bilnmov' Kat ev TH 6O@ emnpwra Tovs padntas avtov, heyy avrois” / Cy) 6 eee 28 € \ heyouow ot avOpwrot ‘etvat ; Oi de amexplOnoav’ “Ladvyny Tov BamtioTny* Kat GANot “Hdiav* aAdou Se a 9 7 o / r mpopntav. * Kal avros ® Neyer avtois™” Tiva pe EyeTe Elva; ’ Arro- € , / AS \ Ss 6 Ilerpos Neyer avtT@* Zu et 30 \ > / c > a Kal éretiunoey avtois, a \ f \ > ~ iva pndevi héywor TEpl avTov. 31 Kal npéaro dudaoKew avTous, OTL c \ ev a 2 , A cr Sei Tov vidv Tod avOpwrrov Troha Trae, Kal amrodokipacOnvat oBurépwv ‘kal Tay apxiepewy Kal TOY Kat amoxtavOnvat, Kal 6 7 an weTa TpEls Mepas avagTHvac’ see / \ , > , \ mappnola Tov Ndyov ehahet. Kat Tpoo- haBduevos avtoyv 6 Tl€tpos, ifpEaTo Marx VIII. 32. when the seven among four thousand: how many baskets full of fragments took ye up? And they said, Seven. 2! And he said unto them, How is it that ye do not understand ? 22 “And he cometh to Beth- saida, and they bring a blind man unto him, and besought him to touch him: 7° and he took the blind man by the hand, and led him out of the town, and when he had spit on his eyes, and put his hands upon him, he asked him, if he saw ought. 24 And he looked up, and said, I see men as trees, walking. > After that he put his hands again upon his eyes, and made him look up: and he was restored, and saw every man clearly. 26 And he sent him away to his house, saying, Neither go into the town, nor tell it to any in the town. 27 And Jesus went out, and his disciples, into the towns of Cesarea Philippi: and by the way he asked his disciples, say- ing unto them, Whom do men say that 1 am? % And they answered, John the Baptist: but some say, Elias: and others, one of the prophets. *9 And he saith unto them, But whom say ye that 1am? And Peter answereth and saith unto him, Thou art the Christ. °° And he charged them that they should tell no man of him. 31 And he began to teach them, that the Son of man must suffer many things, and be re- jected of the elders, and of the chief priests, and scribes, and be killed, and after three days rise again. %2 And he spake that saying openly. And Peter took him, and began to rebuke © St. © ors ws devipa opw. d — e ~—. Rec. & Gb. aravrus 1 Rec. © «at apyrepewy war ypapparewMArk VIE 83. him. 33 But when he had turn- ed about, and looked on his disciples, he rebuked Peter, saying, Get thee behind me, Satan: for thou sayourest not the things that be of God, but the things that be of men. 34 And when he had called the people unto him, with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and fol- low me. % For whosoever will save his life shall lose it, but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it. %6 For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? 37 Or what shall a man give in ex- change for his soul ? 38 Whoso- ever thereforeshall be ashamed of me, and of my words, in this adulterous and sinful genera- tion, of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Fa- ther, with the holy angels. 9. And he said unto them, Verily I say unto you, that there be some of them that stand here, which shall not taste of death, till they have seen the kingdom of God come with power. And after six days, Jesus taketh with him Peter, and James, and John, and leadeth them up into an high mountain apart by themselves: and he was transfigured before them. ° Andhis raiment became shin- ing, exceeding white as snow: so as no fuller on earth can white them. 4 And there ap- peared unto them Elias with Moses: and they were talking with Jesus. 5 And Peter an- swered, and said to Jesus, Master, it is good for us to be here, and let us make three @~\ Ee reg. D Rec. edOecv > t Rec. add ror, 106 EYATTEAION a an A > \ ETUTLLaV auT@. 336 dé emortpahels, a > J Kali (Owy Tovs pabynras avToU, ETETipNnoe a / / 7. soe 7@ Ilerpoe, Aeyou Yraye OTLT@ [MOUs Sarava’ ort ov cdpoveis Ta TOU Ceo, aka ta Toy avOporear. s: Kay MpooKaherapevos TOV bxQop | ouy ToLs paOnr ais aUTOU, elmey avTots* 4”"Ogris” Gere 6rrigw prov > aKodouGety, > / \ arapynoda Ba EauToy, Kal apat@ TOV oravpoy avrou, Kal dxohovGeir@ Ot. 35. O¢ yap cy Gedy TY Yuxny auTou vocal, amohece artny’ Os © av amo- 7 n~ \ ov > nn heon °rny EavTov wuyxny” evexey pou 7 , Kat Tov evayyediov, “” cacer avTny. 36 / e 2) 6 “ >\ Tl yap opines avOpetrov,” eay - : 4 Keponon TOV KOopoy Odoy, Kat Cnpoby \ { ¢ a 27 , THY Wuxnv avtov; * 6 a n Tl O@met Gv- Opamos avTd\haypa THS Wuxns aQvrou; 8 Os yap dy eraraxuvOi) PE Kal TOUS €ous Adyous ey TH yeved. Tavry TH protxadtou Kal dpapTor@, Kat 6 vios TOU avOparrou | emaurxuvenoera avror, oray oe ev TH ObEN TOU TaTPds aUTOU pEeTa TOV ayyehov TOY aylov. 9. Kat edeyen avrtois* Apayy eyo t Upty, OTL elo TwWes Tov de ETTHKITOY, OlTWES Ov pr) yEv- gwvra. Oavdtov, €ws ay Wao TH Pacciay Tov Ceov edAndvbviay ev dv- VapLes. + Kat ped nueepas e& TrapahapBavee 0 ‘Inoovs TOV Ilerp OoV Kal TOV ‘TdxoBoy Kal ‘ “l@avyny, A avapeper avTous eis opos whnddov Kar idiay povous Kal perepoppadn epmpoo Oev avrav, 3? Kal Ta iwatia avrov €yeveTO oT) hBovra, Aevka Kiav § ¢ as Mors “ota yvapevs emt THS ys ou dvvarat »” Aevkavat, 4 kal open avTots ae civ Macet, kat noav cvdhadovytes TO ‘Ingo. > Kat amoxpiGeis 0 Ilerpos héyet TO ‘Ingov ‘PaBBl, Kadtdév eotw Huds Ode elvac’ Rec. ryv Wuyny avrov, d Rec. ada evrog. © CO avIpwros = é SS h Kh ovrw, | 2 I a Kt \ * { if IsKATA MAPKON. 107 Kal ToUjT@pey oKNVAS Tpeis, col piay, xa) Maoet piav, kai HXia piav. Ov yap moet Th 2arjnon” -joav yap €K- doBou.” 7 Kal eyeveTo vepehn emo KLd- ovoa avrois* Kal AOe avn eK TIS yepéedns®“* Odrds eorw 6 vids pov 0 dyanntés* avToOU dxovere. ® Kat e€amwa mepBeWapevor, ovKert ovdeva ELOY, GdAd TOY “Incovy povoy pe eau- TOV. 9 KaraBawovrav de avT@V amo TOU dpous, Suoreiharo avrois iva pydevi , Ae > wd. ¢ eX Sinynoovrat a €iSoy, et p7 oTaY O Vos Tov avOparov €K veKpav dvaoth. © Kat Tov Aéyov exparnoay Tpos EavTOUS, OU- Cyrodyres Tl eote “TO EK VEKP@Y avactn- yar.” 4 nal énnp@teay avTor, NeyovTes* "Ori A€yovow ot ypapyparets, ott Haiav Sei ehOciv mparov ; 7 °O de® amokptlels, cirev’ adrois’ HXias pev e\Oav TpaTOY, dmoxabiara mdvta* Kal Tas "yeypamrat emt Tov vidv TOU avOpaTov, iva TrokAa rtbn Kat é€ovdevoby. adda eyo ipiy, OTe Kal ’Hylas eAnduée, kal errotn- cay aiTe boa nOeAnoay, kabas yeypa- > ee TTA em avTOV. 1! Kal éhOay mpos Tovs pabnras, El- Sev byov Todd Tept avTOUS, kal ypap.- pareis cu(ntoovras avTois. 5 Kai evOews mas 6 dxNos 'idav avTor, e€cbapBnOn,” Kal TpooTpEeXOVTES nomacvovTo avuTov. 16 Kal emnpdtnoe &Tovs ypappareis” Tl oulnreire mpos avrovs ; Kat dmoxpwels eis eK TOU OyNou, etme At- Sdokane, 7veyKa TOV VLOV [LOU Tpos Gé, exovra Tvevpa GAahop. 18 Kai O7rou Gy av- roy KaTaddBn, pnower avToOV" kat adpi- Cet, kal Tpier Tos dddvTas h qurov,’ Kal Enpaiverau’ Kal etroy Tois pabnrats ou iva advro exBddwot, Kal ovK ioxvOay. D @ exofor yap eyevovTo. c Rec add f co cdovteg autoy, FEebaySnOncar. * Or, among yourselves. as» AaANTEte ew &Pne P Or, dasheth him, Marx IX. 18. tabernacles ; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias. §& For he wist not what to say, for they were sore a- fraid. 7 And there was a cloud that overshadowed them: and a voice came out of the cloud, saying, Thisismy beloved Son: hear him. 8 And suddenly when they had looked round about, they saw no man any more, save Jesus only with them- selves. 9 And as they came down from the mountain, he charged them that they should tell no man, what things they had seen, till the Son of man were risen from the dead. 1° And they kept that saying with them- selves, questioning one with ' another, what the rising from the dead should mean. !! And they asked him, saying, Why say the scribes that Elias must ta first come ? !2 And he answer- : ed, and told them, Elias verily ea cometh first, and restoreth all , things, and how it is written of the Son of man, that he must suffer many things, and be set at nought. }% But I say unto you, that Elias is indeed come, and they have done unto him whatsoever they listed, as it is written of him. 14 And when he came to his disciples, he saw a great multi- : tude about them, and the scribes questioning with them. 1s And straightway all the people, when they beheld him, were greatly amazed, and running to hin, saluted him. !6 And he asked the scribes, What question ye awith them ? !7 And one of the multitude answered, and said, Master, I have brought unto thee my son, which hath adumb ; spirit: 18 and wheresoever he ; taketh him, he Steareth him, and he foameth, and gnasheth with his teeth, and pineth away: and J spake to thy disciples, that they should cast him out, dw oray Ex VEXPWY AVATTIs h eyouga, g S —. Gh, avrovs. :Marx IX. 19. 108 EYATTEAION and they could not. 19 Hean- 19‘O §é amrokptets 2 avrots,” Neyer "Ok swereth him, and saith, O faith- evea dmrioros fos wore mpos pas less generation, how long shall me 5 ee ate cee j I be with you, how long shall | €WOLaL; ews TrOTE ave€opat ULOY 5 epere Z. 3 z 9 ” > suffer you? Bring him untome. qyroy m™pos pe. 20 Kal nveykay QuTOV 29 And they brought him unto \ aes N yr ee 3 Ad \ him: and when he saw him, 7P0S eee pat ZOE Re UROL ou €@S ne straightway the spirit tare him, TVEULA eoTapagey QuUTOV’ Kal TEoO@Y and he fell on the ground, and 2 \ | > a > r > y : l aDMplca@v. wallowed, foaming. Ore oT exuh s0e Pp ¢ ye arias *l1 And he asked his father, Kat ETNPWTNOE TOV TATEPA AUTOV How long is it ago since this TI1go¢ ypdvos éorlv, &s TovTO yeyovey came unto him? Andhesaid, , .~ <6 de So: WMaisicd 22 < Of a child. 22 And oft times it @U7@ 2 : c eure : at a Sue 2 Kal hath cast him into the fire, and gzroAAdkis avTov Kal eis © TO mup €Bahe into the waters to destroy him: Ee o > s > 7. Ne but if thou canst do any thing, *@! eis UOara, iva amoheoy avroy avr have compassion on us, and €l TL dOvvacat, BonOnoov LW, om\ay- help us. 23 Jesus said unto him, xviabels ep’ Mas. 3 y , ¢ \ a , and said with tears, Lord, I be- evdéws Kpa€as O TaTnp TOU TaLOLov, + : . , of , lieve. help thou mine unbelief. wera Oaxpvav éheye’ Tiorevw®’, Bonbet 25 7 aw a= 9 , 95 > \ > a » When Jesus saw that the pov Th amtoria. 2 TSdy de 6 Inaovs people came running together, /; 3° Bs S ; ; 2 he rebuked the foul spirit, say- OTL €7FLOUYTpEVeEL oxAos, ETETLUNTE TO : . , ~ > / / Ce ing unto him, Thou dumb and qyeyuare Ta. akabdpto, Aéyov atta’ Td deaf spirit, I charge thee come ~ \ ay ‘i ‘ \ Sy out of him, and enter no more ESO Ee eee oF at Kapor, ore Gee into him. 7 And the spirit cried, emiraooa, e€eh Oe e& QUTOV, KQL [LNKETL and rent him sore, and came cioeNOne eis QuTGY 26 Kai fxr d&éay 4 out of him, and he was as one : 2] ee oS Sa P Suess dead, insomuch that many said, KQ@L mova § omapatay avuToy, e&n Oe" ~ "3 27 s 37 \ 1 He is dead. * But Jesus took kal eyévero cael vexpds, Sore moAAovs him by the hand, and lifted him NE cf 3 Dye 27.8 SS OT B up, and he arose. eyely OTe nite avey. O O€ 1 0Us ty 4 KpaTnoas AUTOY THs XELPOS, NYELPEY av- > Z TOV" Kal aveoTn. 9: \ 3 SN > a 28 And when he was come ~~ Kal eioeAOdvra adrov eis otkoy, of into the house, his disciples pabnral aurov emnpoTov Chey ‘dere asked him privately, Why could Mas tO Cun Se PN “0 > not we cast him out? 79 And ‘Olay TOE CESSOUR 1] OU OF] ey. ekBa- he said aaron bet as kind Nety ad’td; *9 Kal eirev adtois' Todro can come forth by nothing, but _, _ - > > \ a7 > n > fearaver, andifasting: TO Yyevos ev ovdevi dvvarae e&eOeiv, Ei ya Tpooevyy kat VNOTELA. & / 30 And they departed thence, °9 Kal éxeiGep e€eh Odvtes Tapemro-~ S o ali 2 , A and passed through Galilee, pevovto dua THs TadeAaias* Kal ovK 70€- and he would not that any man he Sa Fai oN é ; should know it. 3! For he taught Nev "iva Tis yo. ¢ eOlOacke yap Tovs < yeas z : A » cn o his disciples, and said unto ya@nras-avrod, Kal eheyeyv avtois’ “Ort them, The Sonof man is de- * <4 Ses and Sid > livered into the hands of men, 9 ViOS TOU avOpwirou TapadLooTat ets and they shall kill him, and yeipas avOporev, kal dmoKtevovow 2 =3.— Rec. QUT @. b w& avrov ro wvevpa, evdus. © Rec. & Gh. om. — Gb.w d—»> e Rec. add xupis, { Gh. xpakas, 8 Gb. orapatas. h lz. reg uva,KATA MAPKON. 109 Ss. Ne. 4 \ ae , ¢ , “ abrév’ Kal amroxtavGets, *TH TPLTN NEPA \ > / \ dyactnoera. * OL de nyvoovy To on \ > a SN > és Aqua, Kat epoBotyro avroy emepo coal. > z eee ve 33 Kat nev eis Karrepyaoup’ Kat ev a , > Fags e / rij oikia yevopevos, emmpata avtovs’ Te a a / éy tn 60@ ” mpos EavTous” Suedoyier Oe} ; ; > , \ 4 Of O€ eoimmav’ mpos aAAnAovs yap > an vad / , SuehéxOnoav ev tH 60@, Ts peiCov. 2 \ , > u £ \ t 8 kal kabicas ehavyse Tors dadeka, \ 4 > Boe 4 ber ~ Kal h€yer avrots’ Et tis Oedes mparos eivat, CoTal TAVT@Y ET XATOS, Kal TAYT@V Sidxovos. % Kal \aBav matdiov, EoTn- , C > ev ato ey peo av’T@Y Kal evaryKaAt- / S > ax a dA odpevos avTOo, Elev avTols 37 “Os eav A a 7 , , év rav rowvtay madiov deEnrar emt n / A TO Gvdpati pov, eye O€xXeTAL’ Kal Os €ay 2 Y \ , > oN / > \ \ éue S€Enrar, odk ee Séxerat, adda Toy amroaTetNavTa pe. rn >’ , 38 Arexpibn dé ato “ Iwdvvns, de- ; oe di See es you Aackane, elOopey Tiva TO oVO- / 3 / , e a > pati cou exBdddovra Sayoud, ° Os oUK 2 Ce a“ \ > / > \ dkoNovbet nuiv’” Kat exahuoapey autor, fre ovK axodovbet juiv.” *°‘O de “Tn- a > e \ , Sor Haas > \ gous etre’ Mz) kwdvere aitdv" ovdeis a , a yap éotw os ronoer Ovvapw emt TH / dvopari pov, Kal duynoerat TAXU KaKo- hoynoal pe. ° bs yap odk eats & kal? ¢ ~ a a > ipav, bmép tpav" eorw. * ds yap ay , la / oe motion tas motnpioy Udaros ” ev ovd- / = = , part, drt Xpiorov eore, dpny eyo S n > \ , ~ ipiv, ov py amohéon Toy poOoy avTov. : \ a x‘ 9 an 2 Kal os av oxavdadion eva TOY pukpav TaY maTevdvTar eis ene, KaAdY > > n a . , eoTw avT@ paddoy, ei mepixerrac ' hidos \ “ pudKos” rept Tov Tpdyndov avdrov, Kat L rv ? \ Oar 43 NES BeBAnrat els THY Cahacoay. Kal €ay 6 AL C. , > , oxavdanri(n oe 7 XElp Tov, amdKoryor > hy avrny’ Kady got eotl KuAdOy Els THY \ Pb) r x , r x Conv eioedbetv, 7) Tas Ovo xXElpas EXovTA > ry , \ / i. ~ ame Oey eis THY yeevvay, “els TO TUP Marx IX. 43. after that he is killed, he shall rise the third day. %? But they understood not that saying, and were afraid to ask him. 33 And he came to Caper- naum ; and being in the house, he asked them, What was it that ye disputed among yourselves by the way ? 34 But they held their peace: for by the way they had disputed among them- selves, who should be the great- est. 35 And he sat down, and called the twelve, and saith un- to them, If any man desire to be first, the same shall be last of all, andservant of all. °° And he took a child, and set him in the midst of them: and when he had taken him in his arms, he said unto them, 37 Whoso- ever shall receive one of such children in my name, receiveth me: and whosoever shall re- ceive me, receiveth not me, but him that sent me. 38 And John answered him, saying, Master, we Saw one cast- ing out devils in thy name, and he followeth not us, and we for- bad him, because he followeth not us. °9 But Jesus said, For- bid him not, for there is no man, which shall do a miracle in my name, that can lightly speak evil of me. 4° For he that is not against us, is on our part. 4! For whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my name, because ye belong to Christ: verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward. 42 And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him, that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea. 4 And if thy hand offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands, to go into hell, into the fire that never shall be 2S pera TpELs MEPS. b= cCRec. add o. d Bz. & Elz. add ev. © Gh.om. f- g¢ Bz. & Elz. nad’ nua, a a umrep Nw. h Rec. ev tw ovopare pov. i pvdog ovcxos. k Or, cause thee to olfend,Marx IX. 44. quenched: 44 where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched. 4 And if thy foot offend thee, cut it off: it is bet- ter for thee to enter halt into life, than having two feet, to be cast into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched: 46 where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched. 47 And if thine eye @ offend thee, pluck it out: it is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, than hav- ing two eyes, to be cast into hell fire; 48 where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched. 49 For every one shall be salted with fire, and every sacrifice shall be salted with salt. 50 Salt is good: but if the salt have lost his saltness, where- with will you season it? Have salt in yourselves, and have peace one with another. 0. And he arose from thence, and cometh into the coasts of Judea by the farther side of Jordan: and the people resort unto him again, and as he was wont, he taught them again. 2 And the Pharisees came to him, and asked him, Is it law- ful for a man to put away his 3 wife ? tempting him. 3 And he answered, and said unto them, What did Moses command you? 4 And they said, Moses suffered to write a bill of diy pee and to put her away. And Jesus answered, and said unto them, For the hardness of your heart, he wrote you this pre- cept. © But from the beginning of the creation, God made them male, and female. 7 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife, Sand they twain shall be one flesh: so then they 110 EYATTEAION a > cal TO doBeotoy,” * * drrov 6 oKaohné QUT OV ou TehevTa, Kal TO mop ov oBevyvTa.” > Kat eay 6 TOUS TOU oxavdariCy o€, || oe autov’ Kaddv eoti ” oe" ‘elveh- Get cis THY Cary xohoy, i Tous dvo pes Exovra Brn Oivat els THY yecvvay, © eis TO mop TO doBeorov,” 46 4 Garou 6 oKoANE avTGy ov TeEUTG, Kal TO TUP ov oBevvura.” 7 Kal eday 6 dpOarpds cov oKxavdanriCn oe, €kBade avTdv’ Ka- hov oot eott povdpOarpov civedOew eis tiv Bactelay TOD Ceov, n dvo opGah- provs exovra Pn Ojvae eis THY yeevvay drovmupos,” * dimou 6 oKodng aQuT@y ov Tehevra, Kal TO TUp ov oPeEvyUTat. ” Tas yap mupl dducOnoerat, Kai Wada Oucia aNt dducOnoera. ef dA aA \ A f | Kahoy TO aXas" cay Oe TO dXas civahoy YEVIT AL, Ev TWL aro dprocere ; ; éxere ev éavtots GAas, Kal eipnvevete €V a\dnrots. , cr 2, > 10. Kaxeidev dvarras €pxerar eis Ta opta TS ‘Iovdaias, Oud TOU Téepay TOU “Topddvou" Kat ovpmopevovrat mad O- xAot mpos ad’Tov’ Kal ws ci@er, Tah eOidackev aUTOUs. * Kal rpocedOdvres &” Papicator ewn- patnoayv avTov' Ei ¢eotw avdpt yu- vaika amohvoa 3 meipacovres avTov. 6 O€ dmoxpiGels eimev avrois’ Ti piv evereihato Maons 3 4 01 de i 2 f \ k € ' { \ h i XN ¢ 6 “Inoovs etrev avrois’ IIpos Tay oKhn- + pokapOdlay vey eypaev tuty THY EvTO= diy TauTny" amo de apXTs KTLOE@S, Soe Kal Ondv é emoinoev avTous 6 Ocds. “Evexev TouToU Karahetper avOparos ! TOV TaTépa avTOU Kal THY pyTEepa’ Kal , rc TpooKoAAnOnoeTae TPs THY ‘yuvaika avtov, ® a 44 ct 40 — ozov ad oBeviurac, * Or, vause thee to offend. b Rec. & Gb. cou. oss a —> © Rec. add ot6e , ' { \ + A , > 7, Kat €govtat ot dvo els oapka |KATA MAPKON. Ela Saw 4 > \ piay. “Qorte overt “elot ~=Ovo, adda Niecy eee \ Z pia oapé. 9 8 oay 6 Geds auvEeceveer, \ , aOpamos p21) xopiCeTo. ; : ~ > / Li 0 Kal * ev ry olkia” madwy ot padyral ~ A AES , avTov TEpt TOU avTOU EmNPwTNOGY AUTOV. 5 a dN > kat eyes avrois’ “Os cay amrohvon r a \ , + Ty yuvaika avTov Kat yapnon adn, n / fe 2 X 2\ wouyaTaL em avTnY 12 kal eay yun 7 Can \ a drokvon Tov ayOpa avTns Kat yapndn aXe, morxarat. hae , > a 3 Kal mpooeepov avt@ maidia, ta a \ > / drat avray’ of Oé padnrat emeTimav zs , 2) \ Ne Ca oS rois mpoaépovow. ' idav de 6 Inoovs > > -_,?7 \ NYAvaKTN TE, Kal ElTEV AUTOLS Agere Ta i \ , maidia épyecOat mpds pic, >” put K@AUVETE a , 3 \ ¢ 2 avTd’ TOY yap ToLOUT@y eoTW 1) Ba- a n~ 5 > \ 4 ¢ e oitela Tov Geod’ © auny eyo vpty, a PAS \ be£ \ fQ nN / “A os ecy pry SeEnrar THY Paowdelay TOU ~ \ , > Qcod ws mardiov, ov pi) eioeOn eis = SN avrnv. %° Kal évayxadiodpevos aura, \ A ~ > > > \ c DAG “ TiUels Tas xelpas ew avTa, © evdoyer aura. 17 NS } , > a > SS6 Kal éxmopevopevov avrov els odor, © , mpocOpapar eis Kal yovuTeTnoas avTOV > / > Leas , > \ ‘ emnpota avtov’ AWackade ayade, Ti / , / TonT@ wa Cony alaviov KAnpovoyncea ; ¢ > a > a * , 'S “OQ O€ "Inaots eimev ata Ti pe déE- > SOIR N29 Y LN yews ayabdy; ovdels ayabds, et pr) els, 6 Oeds. ' Tas evtodds oldas’ My A ee Gia / EMIS | i potxyevons’ “ un Povevans’” pn Krewys \ , , pn evdouaptupnons’ py) amoorepn- / ons’ Tia TOY TaTépa Gov Kal THY pN- i“ y ¢ \ ‘ > Pas réepa. ™ ‘O dé dmoxpiOels eirev arta / A , AwWdoxale, tatra mavra epvdrakdpny D 2 A ek vedtnTos ov. * ‘O dé "Incods éu- , Sienee a 7 = Blepas atta nydmnoev avrov, kal eirev OR od), avT@’ “Ey go vorepet’ Uraye, doa exes ! \ x rn ~ T@AnOV, Kal Ods °Tois” wrwyois, Kal a \ a ms ees Onoavpdy éy ovpave Kali dedpo, > 4 arokouder po, ' dpas tov oravpdv.” 99 ¢ \ ~ O d€ orvyvacas émi TO éyo Mark X. 22. are no more twain, but one flesh. 9 What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. 10 And in the house his dis- ciples asked him again of the same matter. 1}! And he saith unto them, Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery against her. '* And if a woman shall put away her husband, and be married to another, she committeth adultery. 13 And they brought young children to him, that he should touch them, and his disciples rebuked those that brought them. 4 But when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. ) Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein. !6 And he took them up in his arms, put his hands upon them, and blessed them. 17 And when he was gone forth into the way, there came one running, and kneeled to him, and asked him, Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life ? 18 And Jesus said unto him, Why call- est thou me good ? there is no man good, but one, that is God. 19 Thou knowest the command- ments, Donot commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Defraud not, Honour thy father, and mother. 2% And he answered, and said unto him, Master, all these have I observed from my youth. 2! Then Jesus behold- ing him, loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lack- est ; go thy way, sell whatso- ever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have trea- sure in heaven, and come, take up the cross and follow me. *2 And he was sad at that b Ree. add «ar. ACS big TY OLKLGY, © Kee. w Gb. yvAuyeb. dMarx X.2 saying, and went away grieved: for he had great possessions. 23 And Jesus looked round about, and saith unto his dis- ciples, How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God? 24 And the disciples were astonished at his words. But Jesus answereth again, and saith unto them, Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches, to enter into the kingdom of God ? 2% it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. 26 And they were astonished out of measure, Saying among them- selves, Who ‘then can be saved ? 7 And Jesus looking upon them, saith, With men it is impossible, but not with God: 12 EYATTEAION amndOe Avrrovpevos’ ny yap exwv KTH: | pata Tro\Xa. 73 Kal mepiBreWwdpevos 6 “Inaods\ Neyer Tots paOnrats avrov’ Tas dvcKd-' Aws of TA ypnpara eyovTes cis THY Ba-) otvelayv TOU Geov eicehevoovra. ™ Oil de pabnrat eGapBovvro emt Trois Adyots) avtov. 6 Oe ‘Incovs madw darokptbeis Neyet avtots’ Texva, mas SvcKOACY éoTIt Tovs temolOdras emt * Tots” ypnuacw eis THY Bacidelay Tov Ceovd ecicedOeiv, | > eixorr@repov eat Kdundov Oia ” THs Tpupanias » tHs” papidos © dueAOetv,” FF TAovoLov eis Thy BaowWeiay Tov Ceo! eiceNOeiv. * Oi dé TEpiooas efem hj o-| GovrTo, A€yovTes mpos éavtous’ Kal Tis) Svvara c@Onvar; 77 "EpBréwWas dé av-| A\\, for with God all things are Tots 6 “Inaovs héyeu' Hapa ay Genii possible. 23 Then Peter began to say unto him, Lo, we have left all, and have followed thee. 29 And Jesus answered, and said, Ve- LovOnraper ool. rily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or advvaroy, avn ov Tapa ° TO” Oc@’| x *qavra yap Ouvata €or Tapa TO Gd" Pd Hp£aro 6 0 Tlérpos héyew aur@ "Idovd, jets adr mkapeey mTavta, Kal nKo=) *9 8 Kal amroKpe els” 6} ‘Ingovs elrev" ‘Apayy eyo vpiv, ovdets| ; col, Os anKey oikiav, 7) adeApovs, i brethren, or sisters, or father, ? i : > Th) or mother, or wife, or children, adeAdas, i) marepa, 7 pnTepa, hy Va f or lands, for my sake, and the gospel’s, 3° but he shall re- ceive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, AaBy and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with per- Kalp@ TOUTO, oikias Kal adedpous Ka secutions; and in the world to adedpas Kal pntépas Kal TeKVa Ka come eternal life: 3! but many ~ he that are first, shall be last: and dypovs, pera Ovoypar, kal ev a0 aiovi| the last, first. TO ePXOpEVD Cony ai@vioy. TON | Lat \ 7 a at i) TEKVA, 7 aypovs, eveKey €ou ‘kal EVEKEV TOU evayyeNiou,” v! eav Hm rt | | k f \ exarovtamhactova voy ev iq ann { ’ i ea ee { € €wovTau _Tp@Toe ETXATOL, Kal K ol EaXATOL Tpero. | 32 And they were in the way going up to Jerusalem: and #2 "Hoap O€ ev 77 60@ dvaBaivovres | i feeieent befere them, and els ‘Tepoodhupa” Kal nv mpowyeov avuTovg they were amazed, and as they 6 Inaovs, kal eGapBorvro, Kal. ako\ov- | followed, they were afraid: and he took again the twelve, and Govyres epoBovvto. Kal mapahaBov Ta began to tell them what things Atv Tovs adexa, ip§aro avuTots heyeu! should happen unto him, rd peAXovTa avuT@ oupBaive? 3 °Ore, | a. b — rng bis. © St. eccerdOsrrv. Gb. Azoxp, > a> e—> f Rec. add Kar, § Rec. Amroxp. éa i Rec. nat tov svayyedcov. k Gb. om.a KATA MAPKON. 1 13 Marx X. 45. iSod, avaBatvopey eis ‘Tepoo dupa, Kat 33 saying, Behold, we go up to 0 vlos TOU avOpamou rrapadobnoerat Tots * rots" YPapparevor, Kal dpxtepevor Kal kaTaKpivovgw avrov davare@, Kal Te S@ooveL avurov ToLS Zovect, n \ , Talgovot avT@, Kal pactLywoovow 7, > ca \ > QUTOY, Kal EuTTVTOUTLY AUT@, Kal a7ro- nr , ¢ 4 e lle tala “~ \ Krevoucly avTov’ Kat / WwaoTnoeTa. 35 34 Kal €[L- Kat Tpoomopevovrat awT@ "TaxwBos Kal I@avyns ot viol ZeBedaiov, Aeyov- § tes’ AiOdoxanre, Oéhopey iva 0 éay ai- / , ¢€ 6 TNTOPMEV, TOLNONS NL. avrois’ Ti Oedere ec A , “a Tomoa pe ae i JE “Orde etrev ply § 5 Oi dé etmroy avTa’ Ads nw, iva eis ex Oe&tav cou kal eis €& Sonu oou ee ose eV 77 OoEn gov. ‘0 de ‘Inoovs etme adrois: OvK odare Th at Teta be Suvacde Tle TO TOT npeov O Kal” TO amie é £yo * Ot dé etmroy with? Ingovs elev > XN , d ey Tivo, Parrivopat, Par Teo Onva ; ate" Avydpeba. ‘0 de. avrois’ Tod pe ToTHpLoy O eye TWO, mieabe Kal Td EC c eye Ba- 976 d€ kabi- oa ék beiay pow kal €& evovepron © a ovK €orw enoy Sovvat, GAN ois jrol- mriCojat, BarricOjcer de * “agra. Kar dkoveayres ol d€Ka np&avTo dyavakrety Tept ‘laxwBou Kat "ladvvov. 6 O€ ‘Ingovs mpookaheodpevos av- Tous heyet avtois’ Oidare Gre of Go- KouyTes apxew Tay eOvaev KaraKuptev- OUVOLY aura’ Kal KareSovordCovow avTav. a ou ot peyador a vray OUT@ de ora ev tpi aN és 7 ery yever Oar peyas ev up, eotat ! dap dudKkovos”, = Kal veoOar Tparos, 45 HOE = SvaxovOiyvau, ava a eS SS META TPELS NuEPas, g Gb eay, ds Say" Behn UBL@Y Ye- €OTal TAYT@Y Govhos: Kat yap 6 vids Tov dvOpomou OUK OLakovncat, Jerusalem, and the Son of man shall be delivered unto the chief priests, and unto the scribes: and they shall condemn him to death, and shall deliver him to the Gentiles. °4 And they shall mock him, and_ shall scourge him, and shall spit upon him, and shall kill him, and the third day he shall rise eae » And James, and John the sons of Zebedee come unto him, saying, Master, we would that thou shouldest do for us what- soever we Shall desire. 36 And he said unto them, What would ye that I should do for you? °7 They said unto him, Grant unto us that we may sit, one on thy right hand, and the other on thy left hand, in thy glory. 38 But Jesus said unto them, Ye know not what ye ask: can ye drink of the cup that I drink of ? and be baptized with the baptism that I am_ baptized 39 And they said unto him, We can. And Jesus said unto them, Ye shall indeed drink of the cup that I drink of: and with the baptism that I am baptized withal, shall ye be baptized: 4° but to sit on my right hand and on my left hand, is not mine to give, but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared. 4! And when the ten heard it, they began to be much dis- pleased with James and John. 42 But Jesus called them to him, and saith unto them, Ye know that they which ¢are ac- counted to rule over the Gen- tiles, exercise lordship over them: and their great ones ex- ercise authority upon them. 43 But so shall it not be among you: but whosoever will be great among you, shall be your minister: 44 and whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all. 45 For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to CS ToLNew. d ~ 7. a Or, think good, e& Rec. add pov, f Rec, dcaxovos vuwy.Marx X. 46. minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. 46 And they came to Jericho: and as he went out of Jericho with his disciples, and a great number of people; blind Bar- timzeus, the son of "Timeus, sat by the highway side, begging. 47 And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he be- gan to cry out, and say, Jesus thou son of David, have mercy onme. 48 And many charged him, that he should hold his peace: but he cried the more a great deal, Thou son of David, have mercy on me. #9 And Jesus stood still, and command- ed him to be called: and they call the blind man, saying unto him, Be of good comfort, rise, he calleth thee. 5° And he casting away his garment, rose, and came to Jesus. °! And Jesus answered, and said unto him, What wilt thou that I should do unto thee? The blind man said unto him, Lord, that I might receive my sight. 92 And Jesus said unto him, Go thy way, thy faith hath amade thee whole: and imme- diately he received his sight, © and followed Jesus in the way. 11. And when they came nigh to Jerusalem, unto Beth- phage, and Bethany, at y mount of Olives, he sendeth forth two of his disciples, 2 andsaith unto them, Go your way into the vil- lage over against you, & as soon as ye be entered into it, ye shall find a colt tied, whereon never man sat, loose him, and bring him. 3 And if any man say unto you, Why do ye this ? say ye, that the Lord hath need of him: and straightway he will send him hither. 4 And they went their way, and found the colt tied by the door without, in a place where two ways met: and they loose him. 5 And zertain of them that stood there, said unto them, What do ye loosing the colt? ® And they said unto them even as Jesus 114 EYATTEAION kat Sodvar thy Wuxny avTovd hUTpov aytt TOMN@Y. go, Kal sonora! eis ‘Tepix eo” kal €K=) MoOpEvomevou *avrov amo ‘Tepix@," Kal} TOY padnray avTov, Kal oxAou ixavov, | > ulds” Typatou Bapripaos 0 Tuphos exdOnro mapa ty 6d0ov TmporaTar. | 47 Kal dkovoas OTL ‘Ingovs O NaCepatos eoTW, ip&aro Kpacew kai héyew" “O vids mo Aavio, ‘Ingod, € ehenoov pe. 48 Kal ere-|s Tiu@v avT@ ToAXol, iva ciomnon 6 Oe). TOAD waAQov expacey’ Yie Aavid, ere-} nodv pe. * Kat ors 6 ‘Inovs. Elirev | auToy parnOjvar Kal pavovor TOV -TU- |} prov, Reyoures avTa Oapoen’ *eyerpau,” pave Oe. ‘O de dmroBahay TO ied hi Tov avTov avactas HOE mpos TOV Tye) couv' *| Kal amoxpiOeis héyet avT@ 0) "Incods" Te Gedeis Toca gor; ‘O de} Tupros elmev adTa’ * -PaBBour, : iva} dvaBheyro. 4 ‘0 ane, Inoovs elmrey av-=} TO’ “Yraye' 1) TloTls TOU TETWKE TE, } Kal cidéas aveBrewe, Kal 1KoAovder | TO ‘Inoo" ay ™ 000. ll. Kal 6re éyyiGovow 6s. hs lepou-) cahnp, els BnOpay? Kat" BynOaviay ™pos| TO Opos TOV Sh eu amoate\Aet Ovo TOY) pant ay avrov, * kat Neyer avrois” ‘Yrra- : yee els THY KOpNY Ty KarevayTe ULOV" | Kal cidéos ELOTFOPEVO}LEVOL eis auTny | eUpnaeTe T@NOV SeDepevon, ep’ ov ovdels . avOparov Kexaduxe’ & hucavres avurov | ayayere.” > Kal edy Tls Up etry’ Tal qwoveite ToUTO; elmate’ “Ott 6 Kupuos} avTovd xpelav exer’ Kal evOéws avron| @woateheu” de. "Amor Se, Kal} ctpov'” meAov Oedepevoy mpos THY Ovpay'| é&@ émt Tod apdddou, Kat Avovow) auTév. ® Kal Twes Tay Exel EaTNKOT@Y éXeyov avrois’ Ti movetre Avovtes Tov mo@dov; © Ot dé eimov adrois Kadas| &@ Woavrou sxecdev, DSo wos. € Gb. eyercps. 4 Rec. PaB3ou. e Gb. avro. Kat €USe § SY Avowre avroy nat Pepsre f © ‘TepovcaAny bh Rec. azrogreAce. i Rec. add rove. % Or, saved thee.KATA MAPKON. 115 * everetharo" ‘Ingous" kat apnkay av- rous. * Kal emyeyor TOV m@)ov mpos TOV "Ingovy, Kal © emeBadov" avT@ Ta ipdria avT@y, Kal exadicey Vem ava.’ 8 ITo\Aol O¢ Ta iudria avTav EoTpo- cay eis THY 6ddv' Got Oe croysadas ékomTov €K TOY devdpor, Kal eoTpavyvoy cis tiv 60dy. ° Kal of mpodyovTes Kal ol akoouGouytes eKpacoy, * Aeyoures” ‘Qouvva’ evAoympevos 0 €pXopevos ey ovopare Kupiov. edhoynpern 1 €pXo- pevn Bagwhetat” Tov marpos nuav Aavid" j@oavva ev TOLS wipiorors. 1 Kal cio Oey eis ‘Iepordhupa 8 "Tyoods, | kav’ €ig TO lepov" Kal mepiSheya- jevos mavra, éyplas 707 ovons Ts opas, ae eis ByOaviay peTa TOY Oadexa. 2 Kal t emaupLov eEeMOdvT@v avTav amo BrGavias, erevace’ '® kal tOov ouKny | * dro “ ppaxpdder, € exovray puna, mroev et dpa evpyoet TL €v avTn* Kal av er avril, oudey evpev el pun pudda’ ov yap my Katpos avkev. \ kat ¢ oO an oxpiBels ** €lITEV ary Mpxere €K WOU eis Tov aia@va * pndets” Kapwoy Payot. Ne: ¢ \ > ~ Kal Axovoy of padnrat avrov. 15 K Nao, De € , A \ al €pxovrat eis IepoodAvpa’ Kal ° \ foc > ox a > \ c \ yw eiaehGwv ‘6 Ingovs” eis TO lepov 7p- &ato exBadXew Tovs meodovvTas Kal > / > a dyopafovras ev T® lep@* Kal Tas Tpa- melas Tov KoAAUBZLCTO@Y, Kal Tas KaGé- an z. dpas Tay TadowTwy Tas Tepiorepas , kareotpeWe '° Kal ovk dhiev iva tls 8 , a aS a = Oleveykn OKEvOS OLa TOU iepov. 7 Kal diac, deyor avtois’ Ov yeypamras’ "Ort 6 oikds prov oikos Tpooevxns kAnOnoerar mac. Tois COveowv; wtpets \ 3 , n dg emoimoate avtov omndatoy AnoTav. 18 \ By; ¢ in Kat jkovoay ot ypappareis Kat ot >) cr \ des a ANY LEpels, Kal ECnTOUY TOS avrov 2 amo- s baptism of John, was it from heaven, or of men? answer me. 3! And they reasoned with themselves, saying, If we shall say, From heaven, he will say, Why then did ye not believe him? 8? But if we shall say, Of men, they feared the peo- ple: for all men counted John, 116 EYATTEAION mas 0 OxAos eLeANnGCETO em TH OWay7R avtov. | kal dre éWe eyévero, é&ero- peveto €&@ THs Toews. 0 Kal mpat maparopevopevon, etdov ~ / c a 9 THY TUKHY eSnpappevny ex piCav. 7! Kal avapyna Oels 6 Ilerpos deyet QUT@ * ‘PaBBl, ie, 7 ouKH jy KatTnpdow WP aN > 6 \ BS) eEnpavrat. Kat aroxpiGeis * 0 In- cous” Neyer adrots’ "Exere wiotTl Ceov. / > ¢ e 3 iy apny yap éyo bpiv, Gre Os ay ‘eimy D0 Te’ ~“ApOntt, Kat BAHOnre Et T@ Oper TOUT@’ “ApOnt1, Kai BAROnTe eis tg \ 4 \ \ ~ > ~ THyv Oadacoay, Kai py OvakpLOn ev TH Kapoia (aurou, ada muoTevon ore a Neyet yivera, €gTat auT@ »6 eay elm.” 4 *4 Sud TodTO Neyo piv, mdvra oa ° ay TPOTEVXSMEVOL aireioOe, miorevere OTL : apBavere,” Kal eora: vpiv. 72 Kan Oray OTHKNTE TpoTEvXOpevol, adlere Et 7 ee \ TL EXETE KaTAa TLVOS* Wa Kal 6 TaTIp ULOY 6 Ev TOls ovpavois apn duly Ta Tapantopara tuav. © ei dé tyets ovK agiere, ovde 6 marip Upav 6 ev Tots oU- pavois apnoe: Ta Tapanreara UPO@V. 7 Kal EpNovrar maXuy eis ‘Tepooddupea Kal €v TO iep@ mepurarouvTos aUTOU, EPXOVTAL Tpos. auToy ot apxvepets Kal ol ypapmparets Kat of mpecButepa, * Kat Aeyovow avto* ‘Ey rroia e£ovcia ravra TrOLEts 3 Kal Tis GOL THY EEovTiay TavTHY yy ad ~ 5 c EO@KEV, Wa TalTa ToLNs; O de > ~ > \ ay > opae > Incovs amoxpiOets eiev avtots’ >Eme- / 5 pwrno® wvpas Kayo éva _Adyor, Kal arroxpiOnré fl, Kal €p@ vty ev trola eSoucia Tavta Tom. * Td Bdrricpa ‘loavvou €& ovpavov WY, 1) {7 orevoate QUT®@ 3 "ANA etropen* ‘EE dvOpdrov, eoBoirr Tov adv’ amavres yap eixov tov “laavynv, ért &@ Rec. © Inaous. br fc at a d w edaBere. Or, have the faith of God. fw —, Re Or, thing. € LY beeXoyLovro. c. & Gh. add ear,KATA MAPKON. nN? OvT@S mpopyrns i. 33 Kal aroKpt- bevres Aeyoure TO "Incov" OvK otdaper. Kat 6 ‘Ingovs drvoxpibels eye aurots* Ode eyo A€yw tu ev Troia egovcia TAUTA TOL. 12. Kal #p£aro atrois ev wapaBoXais Neyew" *Apmeh@va epurevoey avOpo- Tos, Kal TrepucOnKe ppaypoy, Kal opugev UmoAnvor, Kal @xoddpnoe TUpyovs Kal efedoro aurov yeopyors, kal amr ednunce. ? kal dméoretXe pds TOUS yeopyous TO KaLp@ dovho», t wa mapas TOY YEwpy@v Mie By a amo TOU KapTou TOU dare @vos* of de AaBdyres avtov ederpay, kal améaret- ay KEvOD. 4 kal wad ameorethe mpos avtovs GAXov SovAov’ Kaxetvoy * \iAo- 4 Bodncavres” exedadaiwcav, Kai arré- oreiay nTysopevov. * Kal © mdduy” adXoy amreotete* kaxetvoy disexreway* Kal modhovs adQous, Tovs pey d And they took him, and killed him, and cast him out of the vineyard. 9 What shall there- fore the lord of the vineyard do ? he will come and destroy the husbandmen, and will give the vineyard unto others. 10 And have ye not read this seripture ? The stone which the builders rejected, is become the head of the corner: |! this was the Lord’s doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes, 2 And they sought to lay an on him, but feared the people, for they knew that he had spoken the parable against them: and they left him, and went their way.Marx XII. 13. 13 And they send unto him certain of the Pharisees, and of the Herodians, to catch him in his words. ‘4 And when they were come, they say un- to him, Master, we know that thou art true, and carest for no man: for thou regardest not the person or men, but teachest the way of God in truth. Isit lawful to give tri- bute to Cesar, or not ? shall we give, or shall we not give > But he knowing their hypocrisy, said unto them, Why tempt ye me? bring me a pen- ny that I may see it. 16 And they brought it: and he saith unto them, Whose is this image and superscription ? And they said unto him, Cesar’s. !7 And Jesus answering, said unto them, Render to Cesar y things that are Cesar’s: and to God the things that are God’s. And they marvelled at him. 18 Then come unto him the Sadducees, which say there is no resurrection, and they asked him, saying, !9 Master, Moses wrote unto us, If a man’s bro- ther die, and leave his wife behind him, and leave no chil- dren, that his brother should take his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother. 7° Now there were seven brethren : and the first took a wife, and dying left no seed. 72! And the second took her, and died, neither left he any seed, and the third likewise. *% And the seven had her, and left no seed: last of all the woman died also. -?3 In the resur- rection therefore, when they shall rise, whose wife shall she be of them? for the seven had her to wife. 7° And Jesus an- swering, said unto them, Do ye not therefore err, because ye know not the scriptures, neither the power of God? 2> for when they shall rise from the dead, they neither marry, nor are 118 EYATTEAION r A > / 138 Kal dmootéAAovot Tpos avTov Tl- a = / \ a c nr vas Tov Papicatoy kat TOY Hpwd.aver, / € \ iva avrov aypevowot hoya. VY ot be | 8 a ehOdvtes Neyouow avt@ AWaokade, y+ ed >? \ Sy cn > aN oidapev Ore adnOijs €l, Kal ov pedct Got \ > Roe \ , > / Tept ovdevds’ ov yap BreTreis Ets TpOT- > / > > > > > / \ eroy avOpoamav, aA er adnOeias THY < \ => ~ Q “a Lh ~ 6d0v Tov Geod SiddcKers. ESeoT KHYOOY Sey a 3\ p/ 15 Se 3\ ‘ Kaicapt Sovvat 7 ov ; apev, 7) py Qn ¢ \ a ida > > \ dapev; “O de El0@sS © aUT@Y THY y > cs / / imdkpiow elev avtots Ti pe Teipacere; “a7 , , o yy 16 c de pépeTé por Onvaptov, wa Wo. Oi Oe 2 r , > aa / ¢ iveykay. Kat déyer avtois’ Tivos 7 IN o Nise Cen / ¢ \ a eix@y avtn Kal n émeypadn ; Ot de etmroy n ‘ ohh mes > aité Kaicapos. ™“ Kai dmokpibeis 6 2 SA 2) > ee eS / \ aay, Inqovus eirey avuTols Amoddote ta Kat- 2 \ a A n gapos Kaicapt, kat Ta Tov Qcouv TO a \ > / > > > ~ ce Gee. Kal eGavpacay ew avTa. 18 r \ as 6 c c~ \ Kat ¢pyovrat Zaddovkator mpos / 4 > / X avTov, olTiwes éEyovoly avagTragw pi] sz b) s elval’ Kal émnpaTnoay avtToy, héeyovTes” r A 2 Gas 19 AdacKake, Moons eyparev NW, o 34 > \ > / \ Ore edv twos adeAdds amobavyn, Kat r \ 4 \ > Katalin yuvatka, Kal Texva pon ay, oc 112. es) \ > A Nie vas iva NaBn 6 adeAos avTOU THY yuvaiKa a / 4 6 avTov, Kal e€avaoTnon omEeppa TO a a 2° Cay > s ddehkP@ atrov. * “Entra?” adeAgot a e Be 5 n \ Hoav, Kal 6 TMpatos eae yuvaika, Kat > / > a / 9 XN drobynokoy ovk adjKke oméeppa’ * Kat ¢ / ZN > \ \ a ‘6 6 Sevrepos EhaBey avtny, Kal amelave, 2 4A , \ kal ovdé avtos adike omeppa* kal O ; ; ae sate , tpitos acavtas’ ~ Kai edhaBoy auTny \ > = “A , > > oi emTa, Kal OUK agiKxay omeppa. ¢ eo- / ze / \ “a xdatn mavrev anéGave Kal 9 yur. or > a > > , 5 2 *3 éy th Sotr” avaotacel, © oTay ava- a / A > a 2, , OTaOL, TiVOS avTeY ~aTaL yur7 ; ol yap 5 : on tay ge énta €ayov avtijy yuvatka. ** Kat amo- \ 2 > 5) > ve > \ KpiGets 6 Incovs eimev avTois* Ov dua a ~ \ > , x \ rovTo mAavaa be, pi) eiddres Tas ypahas, \ 4 nn ~ OF pndé tiv Svvapw Tov Geod; ~ oTav x > a > ~ >» e=KATA MAPKON. TERG > , > Ses N ¢ > ovTe yapiokoyTal, adAd elow ws ayye- hoe *” ey rois oipavois. *° rept de Tay veKpar, OTL eyelpovrat, OUK GVEYYOTE EV TH BiBre Moves, emt > tod Batov,” ws eimev QUT@ O cds, heyou" "Eyo 6 Gcos ABpady, Kal 6 Geds Ioadk, Kat 6 Gcds “laxaB; ~ OvKx eotw 6 Oeds veKp@V, GAA ©” CavT@y® Upets ody TONY mAavag Oe. 8 Kat TpooeN Gay eis TOV ypappa- TEwY, akovoas avTaey oucnrowrar, eld@s OTL KaN@s avrois dmexpiOn, emn- pornoey avroy" — EOTL TPOT 7 4 Fay- Tov" evtoAn; 7 “O de’ Inoovs ameKpt6n wre “Ore °mparn TayT@V TOY evroh ov" : 7A Kove, ‘Topar, Kupvos 6 Geds nue Kuptos ets eo. *° Kal aya noets Kuprov Tov Gedy cou eS odns ™S kapdias cou, Kal €& OAns THS Wuxns ov, Kal €& odns ™S Savokds cov, Kal €& OAns THS iayVos gov. AUTH TpaTN éprohn. 3. andes répa ‘opoia, aitn” “Ayannoes Tov mAnolov cov ws ceavTéy. Meifwy rov- TOV Oy evToNy ouk eote. * Kat eimey avT@ 6 ypapparevs: Kahas, diddcare, er * dy Beias elias, Tt eis eoTeS“, Kal ovK tor Gddos FAHY aiTtod’ *8 Kal TO ayaray avurov e& oAns TS kapdias, Kal e& OAns Ts TUVETEDS, Kal €& ohns THs Woxns, kal €& oAns THs loxt 08, Kal TO ayaray TOV TAnGloy ws €avToY, TAELOy eoTL aT TOV OhokavT@pnaTOY Kal 2” @vovav. ** Kai 6 “‘Incovs iO@y avTor, OTe YOUVEXOS drexpiOn, eiey avT@* Ov praxpay el amo Ts Baotdelas TOU ‘Gcoo. Kal ovdels overs éréApa avroy eme- pernoa. #20 Kat drrokpuBeis 6 “Inaots eReye, duddcKav ev TO iep@" Ilas heyovow oi ypappareis, Ott 6 Xpuotos vids €ore 5 Marx XII. 38. given in marriage: but are as the angels which are in heaven. *6 And as touching the dead, that they rise: have ye not read in the book of Moses, how in the bush God spake unto him, saying, Iam the God of Abra- ham, and the God of Isaac, and the Godof Jacob? 7 He is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living: ye there- fore do greatly err. 28 And one of the _ scribes came, and having heard them reasoning together, and perceiv- ing that he had answ ered them well, asked him which is the first commandment of all. *9 And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord: 2° and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, et with all thy strength: this y first commandment. 3! And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: there is none other commandment greater than these. 32 And the scribe said unto him, Well Master, thou hast said the truth: for there is one God, and there is none other but he. 33 And to love him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to love his neigh- bour as himself, is more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices. %4 And when Jesus saw that he answered discreetly, he said unto him, Thou art not far from the kingdom of God. And no man after that durst ask him any question 35 And Jesus answered, and said, while he taught in the temple, How say the scribes that Christ is the son of David? & Rec. add oc. b Rec. rns Barov. © Rec. add Geos, d Rec. racwy. e Rec. rowrn wacwy twy evToAwy. WO Travrwy 7po Gb. rpwrn wavrwy evroAn. SS TpwTH ETTLY. b Rec. add rawr. f SS ofora auTy. & Rec. add Geog.Marx XII. 36. 36 for David himself said by the Holy Ghost, The Lordsaid to my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool. #7 David therefore himself calleth him Lord, and whence is he then his son ? And ¥ common people heard him gladly. 38 And he said un- to them in his doctrine, Beware of the scribes, which love to go in long clothing, and love salu- tations in the marketplaces, 39 and the chief seats in the synagogues, and the uppermost rooms at feasts: 49 which de- vour widows’ houses, and for a pretence make long prayers: these shall receive greater dam- nation. 41 And Jesus sat over against the treasury, and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury: and many that were rich, cast in much. 4? And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing. 43 And he called unto him his disciples, and saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, that this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury. 44 For all they did cast in of their abundance: but she of her want, did cast in all that she had, even all her living. 13. And as he went out of the temple, one of his disciples saith unto him, Master, see what manner of stones, and what buildings are here. 2 And Jesus answering, said unto him, Seest thou these great build- ings ? there shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down. 8 And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, over against the temple, Peter, and James, and John, and Andrew asked him privately, 4 Tell us, when &® Rec, rw Mvevparte rw. b Rec. © Eivsys 0 > d+ 120 EYATTEAION Mawios, 2 avros yep Aavid eimev ev * Tvevpare “ ayio* » Neves’ nO Kupuos ™@ Kupia) pov" KdOov ék deEvay pov, €ws av 0 Tous exOpous cou UmorrdOLoy TOV Today cov. % Avros © ovy” Aavid ever avTov KUpLoy’ Kal 760ev vids AVTOU E€OTL ; \ c \ 2/ Ey 2 ae Kat 6 modvs OyAos AkovEey avToU 7 » ~ > na noewas. 8 xal deyev avrois ev TH ddayyn avtod’ BXémere dro Tay ypap- patewv, Tov OeddvT@v ev oToXais Te- a r > rn plratety, Kal domagpmovs ev Tals ayopais, » kai mpwroKkabedpias ev Tats cuvayo- yais, Kal mpwTokAuclas ev Tots Oeimvois* *° of karecOlovtes Tas oikias TaY XnDaY, Kal mpoddres paxpa TPOTEVXOpevou OUTOL Anyovrat mepioo orepoy Kpipa. 41 Kal xaioas 6 ‘Ingovs Karévayte tov ya¢odvAakiov eGemper 7s 6 OXAOS Baddet yadkoy eis TO yafoduAaktov. Kal » , 9 moot mAovetoe €Baddov ToAAa’? * Kat 2 6 a , , d Ve SS. Dr eh@ovca pia xnpa mTw xn” EBare \ , ad >» / 43 \ Aemra Ovo, 6 eoTe KodpayrTns. Kal Tpookarecdpevos Tovs pabnras avrov, e r 4 7 > Sis 2. \ , Ccuac e/ ¢ eye” avtoiss Apnv N€ey@ vpiy, OTL 7) xnpa avrn 1) TT@X)) metov TaYTOV BeBAnke Tov Baddyrov els TO yatodu- Aaxwov. mayrTes yap eK TOU TEplo- cevovros abrois €Bahor" avrn d€ €k Tijs boTepnreas aris TavrTa Goa etyev €Ba- dev, Odov Tov Bioy avTis. 13. Kai éxropevopevov avtov ék Tov lepov, Neyer avT@ eis Tay pabynTav av- x , EeSy \ / \ rov' Avdackane, ide, moramot AiGor Kat Totamat olkodopat. Kal 6 "Inoovs arroxptOels eimev ad’ta@’ Berets tavtas \ , > 4 > N76 aa Tas peyahas olkodopds 5 ; ov pr ‘ apedn AiOos emt Aidw, Os vv BH karahv6). 3 Kal KaOnévou avTov els TO dpos TOV €AaL@v Karevavre TOU lepou, em - potay avtoy kar idiay Ilerpos Kal ‘Idkw@Bos kal “Iwavyns kat >Avdpéas: e€O—. Gb. cirey,. fcagsdy whe.KATA MAPKON. 121 Eine npiv, rote tadra gota; Kal ri TO Onpeiov 6tay péAAn TavTa ravra ouvreheio Bau ; 5 O 6€ "Incots dzo- Kpuels avrois npEaTo heyew” BXeémete fn TLs vpas 7 mhaynon. ° qodXol yap eAevorovrar € em TO ovdpart prov, eyov- ¢ Tes" "Oru eyo Etpt* kal mohXous TAa- | ynrovow. 7 dray O€ a aKovonre Todepous Kal akoas Troépor, pen) Opociade Oet yep yeverOar' aX ovr Td Tédos. ©» eyepOnaerau yap €Ovos em eOvos, Kal Bacvdeia emt Baowelay ° Kat €covrat Geto pol Kata Fataus, Kal EWovTal Arpot * kal Tapaxat. » ax?) “ @divev TadTa. Prerere dé & upecs EaUTOvs’ mapadacover yap pas eis ovvedpea, Kal els owva- yoyas Sapnoecbe, kal em YE BOVEY Kal Bacher orabnceade € evekey e}00; eis peapTupioy avtois* kal els ravra Ta €Oyn bet pepomoy knpuxGivat TO evayyeov. “Orav Oe ° ayoouw tpas Trapaoi- Bivres, pa) T pomepivare ri hadnonre, * Hb beherare:* “ aX 0 é€av 6067 t up ev exeivy) TH Pa, TouTO NaXeire’ ov yap €OTE “Upeis ot Aadovytes, GAAG TO Tvevpa mo dyioy. mapadocer dé adehpos adeh poy eis Gavaror, kal Tar 7p TEKVOV* Kal exavacTnoovra TEKva eEml yovets, Kal Gavaracovow avrous" 3 kal ever be provpevor bro mavT@v ova TO ovopd ftov' oO O€ Umopeivas els TéAOS, OvTOS awOnoerat. ue Oray ge tOnre TO Bocduypa THs Epnpareas, © TO pnOev td Aavujr Tod mpopnrov,” ‘eoras” O7rov ov bet" (0 ava- YvooKay yoelT@*) TOTE oi ey 7H "lov- Gaia pevyérooay els Ta Opn’ 6 de emt TOU O@paros 21) karaBare els THY oixiay, pn de eioeA ber a dpat TL €K Ts oikias avrou' 1° xal 6 cis Tov aypov dy pn emiotpeWat eis Ta bia, dpat Marx XIII. 16. shall these things be ? and what shall be the sign when all these things shall be fulfilled ? 5 And Jesus answering them, began to say, Take heed lest any man deceive you. © For many shall come in my name, saying, J am Christ: and shall dec ceive many. And when ye shall hear of wars, and rumours of wars, be ye not troubled: for such things must needs be, but the end shall not be yet. 8 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines, and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows. 9 But take heed to yourselves for they shall deliver you up to councils, and in the synagogues ye shall be beaten, and ye shall be brought before rulers and kings for my sake, for a testi- mony against them. 10 And the gospel must first be pub- lished among all nations. 11 But when they shall lead you, and deliver you up, take no thought beforehand what ye shall speak, neither do ye pre- meditate ; but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour, that speak ye: for it is not ye that speak, but the Holy Ghost. 12 Now the brother shall betray the brother to death, and the father the son: and children shall rise up against their pa- rents, and shall cause them to be put to death. 13 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be sayed. 14 But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation spo- ken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not (let him that readeth understand) then let them that be in Judea, flee to the mountains: !5 and let him that is on the housetop, not go down into the house, nei- ther enter therein, to take any thing out of his house. 16 And a > b w—. Rec. & Gb. apyat. © Rec, ayaywotv. d= «:Gh. om: f St. sarog,Marx XIII. 17. let him that is in the field, not turn back again for to take up his garment. !” But woe to them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days. 18 And pray ye that your flight be not in the winter. }9% For in those days shall be affliction, such as was not from the be- ginning of the creation which God created, unto this time, neither shall be. 2 And except that the Lord had shortened those days, no flesh should be saved: but for the elect’s sake whom he hath chosen, he hath shortened the days. 2! Andthen, if any man shall say to you, Lo, ere is ©hrist, of Jo, hey 1s there: believe him not. 22 For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect. 23 But take ye heed: behold, I have foretold you all things. 24 But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light. 2° And the stars of heaven shall fall, and the powers that ave in heaven shall be shaken. 76 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds, with great power and glory. 2’ And then shall he send his angels, and shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from the uttermost part of the earth, to the uttermost part of heaven. 28 Now learn a parable of the fig tree. When her branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is near: 79 so ye in like manner, when ye shall see these things come to pass, know that it is nigh, even at y doors. 2° Verily I say unto you, that this gene- ration shall not pass, till all these things be done. 2! Hea- ven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass 122 EYATTEAION TO ipa ov aurov. 7 ovat O€ Tats ev yaorpt exovrats Kal as Onralovoas ev exeivars rats [LEP ats. 'S rpocevxen be dé va py yevnrat Tr n pryn t Upev “ XEt- povos. * evovTau ys ai nprepar eKewvat drives, ova ou Yé “ove ToLaUTH an apxis Krivews Hs EKTLOEV O Ocds, ews Tou yvV, Kal ov pi yeunra. 20 Kal el pa) Kupios éxohdBaoe Tas ucpas, ovK av eawOn mara oap& adda Ova Tovs exekrous ovs eeAeEar0, exo 0Bave Tas Nwepas. 21 kal tore edy Tis wply ely’ “ldov, Ode 6 Xpiarés’ A” “dod exei, pH) © - oreverd. © 7 eyepOnrovrat yap ev- ddxpioTo. Kal Yevdorpopnrat, Kal Saoovot onpeta Kal Tépara, mpos TO amorhavay, ei Ouvarov, Kal TOUS EKAeE- KTOUs. a vpeets dé Brérere’ idov, mpo- etpka Opty TayTa. ae AED exeivaus Tals HLepats, ETA THY Ohi exelynV, 6 HALOS oKorea Oi) erat, Kal 7) ohn au Soe. TO peyyos aurns, # idiot dorepes TOU ovpavov evovrat ERT TOVTES, kal at Ovvydpes at €v TOls ovpavois cahevOnoovrat. 6 Kal TOTE oWorrau Tov vioy Tov avOparrou EpXGpevoy ey vepehats pera Suvapews moNhijs Kal dvéys. 7 Kal TOTE ATOOTENEL Tovs ayyedous 4 avTov, “ Kat emir uvaget TOUS €KNEKTOUS AUTOD eK TOY TETTAPaY avenov, ar axpou yis €ws Ukpov ovpayov. "Amo O€ THs ovKis padere THY Ta- paBodnv* éray aurns #0n 6 KAados amraNos yernrat, Kal exon Ta pudra, yvaokere OTe eyyus TO G ¢ , ov pn ee rept Oe THS Nmepas exeins a Ts @pas, ovdels Loss ovde ol dbyyehow ol €v ovpave, ovd€ 1) 6 TaTnp. es Bherere, dypumvetre Kal mpooev- xeoOe* ovK oidaTe yap MOTE 6 Kalpds €or. of os avOparros umdonpos apels Ty oiklay avtov, Kat Sovs tots SovAats QUTOU THY efouciay, Kal €kKdoT@ TO epyov QUTOU, Kal TO Gupap@ evereiAaro wa 35 yenyori- ypnyopetre ovuv' OUK oldaTE | yap more 6 KUpLos THs olklas €pxerat, owe, 7 i) pevovuKTto, i) ahekTopopevias, 7 mpot py eAOav eSaipyns evupn a O€ tu Neyo, tpas kabevSovtas. | Tact eyo" Upryopetre. 14. “Hy be TO marx Kal Ta aCupa | pera dvo 7 npEpas® Kat e¢nTouv ol ap; XLE- ) pets Kal ol ypapparets, TOS avTOV ev | OdA@ Kparnoarres aroKrelvaow" > ede- _ you Oe My) ev Th €opTh, untrore Oopusos } €oTat TOV Aaov. 3 Kal dvros avrod ev BnOavia, ev TH ) olkia _Sipovos TOU empov, KATAKELJLEVOU avrov, HAGE yuri) exoura ahaBacr pov | pupov vapdov TLoTUKHS mohutehous* Kat cwrpipara TO ahaSaotpoy, Kare XeeV } QUTOU KATA TIS Kepahijs. “ ) dyavakrouvTes Tpos cauTovs, Kal eyov- ¥ Tes” Eis rt aw@heva auTn a feo } Yeyove ; ; ° 0uvaro yap TOUTO | pov" mpabjvat eT ava TplaKoo lav Onva- ploy, Kal Sobjvat TOiS TT@XOLS. Berane auTn. ‘O dé "Incovs elev" ! TL avry sgt aa EXETE edo epyov eipydoaro * © ey €jL0l. aed WAYTOTE yap TOUS TTWXOUS EXETE ped Eau Ov, Kal oray Gehnre, Svvacbe avrous ev ee igee epe de ov [TAVTOTE EXETE. érroinae’ mpoehaBe abkiae uoU TO TOLa Ba on incor ee nee a Rec. «ae. b Rec. > c Rec. ecg tue. Marx XIV. 8. away. 32 But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father. 33 Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is. %4 For the Son of munis as a man taking a far journey, who left his house, and gave authority to his ser- vants, and to every man his work, and commanded the por- ter to watch: ° watch ye there- fore (for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morn- ing.) 36 Lest coming suddenly, he find you sleeping. %7 And what I say unto you, I say unto all, Watch. 14. After two days was the feast of the passover, and of unleavened bread: and the chief priests, and the scribes sought how they might take him by craft, and put him to death. 2? But they said, Not on the feast day, lest there be an uproar of the people. 3 And being in Bethany, nm the house of Simon the leper, as he sat at meat, there camea woman, having an alabaster box of ointment of ¢spikenard very precious, and she brake the box, and poured it on his head. 4 And there were some that had indignation within themselves, and said, Why was this waste of the ointment made? ® For it might have been sold for more than three hundred pence, and have been given to the poor: and they murmured against her. 6 And Jesus said, Let her alone, why trouble ye her ? she hath wrought a good work on me. 7 For ye have the poor with you always, and whenso- ever ye will ye may do them good: but me ye have not always. §% She hath done what she could: she is come z Elz. ecyer. * Or, pure nard, or, liquid nard.Marx XIV. 9. 124 EYATTEAION s ¢ . | aforehand to anoint my body to els Toy evragiacpoy. 9 aun eyo vpiy, ‘| the burying. ° Verily Isayunto groy dy KnpuvxOn TO evayyéALov TovTO | you, Wheresoever this gospel 5 o> x fame Rene, o shall be preached throughout €4S OAOY TOY KOO LOY, Kal O ETTOLNO EY AUTN, } the whole world, this also Se NadnOnoerat els puynLoouvor avrns. she hath done, shall be spoken 10 Ne oY ©? ' cS of for a memorial of her. Kat 2 lovdas e lokapiorns, cls: i 0 And Judas Iscariot, one TGv Oa@deka, anne mpds Tovs apyte- on Be Ec lye SenE MILO Ntie pets, wa mapad@ avtoy aitois. © of chief priests, to betray himunto &.°2 nee a. ‘ them. 1! And when they heard O€ adkovaayvtes Exapnoayv, Kal EemnyyeEl- wt, they were glad, and pro- Nayro adit@ dpyupiov Sodvat’ Kat eCyret mised to give himmoney. And _ ~ aie SN Wa he sought how he might con- 7@S €UKQLNWS GuUTOV TOPAOD. Ss veniently betray him. ® Kat tH mpatn nucpa Tov adipor, 2 And the first day of unlea~ gre 76 macxa €Ovoy heyoutw avt@ ot vened bread, when they ¢ killed ease oe s a the passover, his disciples said pabnral avtov: Ilov Oéders amreNOdvres unto him, Where wilt thou that ETOLLAT @ [LEV wa payns TO TAXA ; we go, and prepare, that thou j3 renee > A eS Onea : mayest -eat the passover? Qt ATOTTEANKEL OVO TOV PAUNTwY . And he sendeth forth two of avrov, kal héyer adrois’ ‘Yrayere els i his disciples, and saith unto _\ , : \ > Le Gas fem! oo eoantonne Giana Wy modu’ Kal ROT et UpLLY avOporos there shall meet you a man Kepdploy vdatros Bacrdfey’ axkohovOn- bearing a pitcher of water: gare aitm, 1 Kal émov éav eioeh Op, follow him. 14 And whereso- _,, ee, F ¢ ¢ ee ever he shall go in, say ye to €7aTE TO olkodeoréTn Or. 6 O6i0acKa- the goodman of the house, The og Neyer’ Tlod é€ort TO Karanup.a, O7rov niaster saith, Where is the _\ ; Nes Anes , : guestchamber, where I shall 79 TE ONG. Benge Ge [eee Tay pov paye; ; eat the passover with my disci- ® Kat avréos uuly Oel€er avayatov ples ? 1° And he will shew you Heya eotpapevov » éromov'” exet éro- a large upper room furnished, 5 ne 16 ee ee é and prepared: there make PaoaTe PLL. Kat e&n\Oov ol pabn- ready for us. | “6 And his dis- rai adrov, Kal AAOoy eis THY TOAW, Kal ciples went forth, and came 2 Oe > oe Vee into the city, and found as he SUP OY: KQUWS ELTEV AUTOLS, Kal NTOLWATaY had said unto them: and they TO TagXa. made ready the passover. a7 ke: évvias yevouevns epyerat pera a , \ > / a 17 And in the evening he 7®Y O@deKa’ aS Kal AVAKELLEVOY avrav cometh with thetwelve. }8 And Kal eo O.dvTay, ElTTEV O Ingcovs" “Apa as they sat, and did eat, Jesus’ ) J.) Guiy. Oru eis e& Upov mapadace said, Verily I say unto you, ¥Q lt - 1 MP: 19 : PB as one of you which eateth with M€, 0 eoOlwy PET EMOV. Oi dé np- me, shall betray me. 1 And €ayro Aumeio Oar, Kal eye adT@ eis they began to be sorrowful, and Actin: , MC a COND ae to say unto him, one by one, Is K@9 €ls Myre eyo; “Kal addos Myre it 1? and another said, Is it 1? éym;” 29°O de4g Beis” et UTOIS* it is and ante ae, SduLe eyo 5 € amoKpu els €l7TEY AUTOLS nd he answered, an id wet ~ , ¢ 2 > unto them, Jé is one of the Ets ex Tay da@deka, 6 cuBamrdpevos per twelve, that dippeth with me €“ouv eis TO TpuPAtLov. O pev vids ‘ ny the sdists the Son of ro) dyOpamov umayel, KaBds yeypamrrat man indeed goeth, as it is writ- Ne oe Ar NNN 5 D Seu? ten of him: but woe to that 7€P! AvTOv ovat dé TO) avopatr@ EKELVQ, \ man by whom the Son of man 67 of 6 vlos TOU avOparrov mapadiorat’ @ Rec. avwysor. bo c —> ada * Or, sacrificed.KATA MAPKON. 125 KaNov 7 1 QUTe, el oUK éeyevunOn 6 av- Opwrros ekeivas. = Kal éecOidvray airév, AaBov 6 "Incovs diprov evhoynoas Zovatres Kal edoxev avrois, kal etre’ AdBere,*” rovré €OTL TO TOpa pov. * Kat AaBay » 7d” mornpLov evxaploThoas EOWKEV AUTOIS" Kal emuov €& avrod mayres: 24 Kal elmev perois” Toure €OTL TO aij pov, STO" 7™s * Kaus’ » OuanKns, TO mept moNK@v EKXUYO}LEVOY. a ayuny heyo Up, OTL OUKETL OU j21) * rio” €K ToD Uyevenparos” THs dpmehov, € ews Ts nHEpas ekelyns, t OTav avTO Tiv@ Kawoy ev TH Bacwdeia TOU Qeov. PO ARGH vpynoavres e&7)\ Oov ets TO épos TOV ehavav. *7 Kal Aéyet avrois 6 ‘Inoovs" “Ort TAVTES oxavdadio6n- weabe & S ey éuol ev TH yurrt rauty” ee yeypanra’ Ilardé@ Tov Tromeéva, Kat Svackopmia Onoera Ta mpdoBara. 78’ Ad- ha pera TO eyepOnvai pe, 7 mpoas@ vpas eis Tv Tadtdaiav. * ‘O dé Ilérpos epn avT@’- Kat ei mavres ce govrat, GAN’ ovk eyo. * Kal réye avT@ 6 “Incots’ ’Apny héyo oot, " ore ov onpepov” ev TH vuKTt TaUTy, mp i ls aXeKropa povicat, Tpis amapynon | ple. ‘O O€ 'ék mepioood” edeye * waddov" “ ‘Edy pee den ouvaTobavety COL, OV py OE arapynoopat. ‘QoavTas de kal maytes €Xeyor. 2 Kal epxovrat eis yawpiov, ob 7d Ovopa Tebonuavyn Kat Néyeu Tots pabn- Tals avTov' Kaéioare de, €ws Tpocev- Eopa. ® Kal mapahapBdver TOV Tlerpov | ea ‘TaxaBov Kal “l@dvyny ped €au- ‘tov’ Kal ApEaro exOapBetaOat Kat adn- Bove. 31 kal Reyer avTots" Tlepthurrés €oTw 7 vrux7 pov é€ws Oavdrov' peivare @de Kal ypnyopeire. * Kal ™ rpoehOav” . Marx XIV. 35. is betrayed: good were it for that man, if he had never been born. *2 And as they did eat, Jesus took bread, and blessed, and brake Zé, and gave to them, and said, Take, eat: this is my body. 23 Aud he took the cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them: and they all drank of it. 24 And hesaid unto them, This is my blood of the new testament, which is shed formany. 5 Verily Isay unto you, I will drink no more y of the fruit of the vine, until that day that I drink it new in the kingdom of God. 26 And when they had sung an hymn, they went out into the mount of Olives. 27 And Jesus saith unto them, All ye shall be offended because of me this night: for it is written, 1 will smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered. *S But after that I am risen, I will go before you into Galilee. “9 But Peter said unto him, Al- though all shall be offended, yet will not I. 3° And Jesus saith unto him, Verily I say unto thee, That this day, even in this night before the cock crow twice, thou shalt deny me thrice. 3! But he spake the more vehemently, If I should die with thee, I will not deny thee in any wise. Likewise also said they all. And they came to a place which was named Gethsemane, and he saith to his disciples, Sit ye here, while I shall pray. 33 And he taketh with him Pe- ter, and James, and John, and began to be sore amazed, and to be very heavy, °4 and saith unto them, My soul is exceed- ing sorrowful unto death: tarry ye here, and watch. °° And he > 8B Rec. add dayere. b> ¢c—> AZ eC wnrpocdw wiv. fo _ ‘ m © mporcsdPwy Or, psalm. i WD Ex7regiogas. kis 1 Rec. add rov yevnuaros. § => h Rec. ore onpepoy.MARK XIV: 36. went forward a little, and fell on the ground, and prayed, that if it were possible, the hour might pass from him. 86 And he said, Abba, father, all things are possible unto thee, take away this cup from me: never- theless, not that [ will, but what thou wilt. 37 And he cometh, and findeth them sleeping, and saith unto Peter, Simon, sleep- est thou? couldest not thou watch one hour? °8 Watch ye and pray, lest ye enter into temptation: the spirit truly is ready, but the flesh is weak. 39 And again he went away, and prayed, and spake the same words. 49 And when he re- turned, he found them asleep again, (for their eyes were hea- vy) neither wist they what to answer him. 4! And he cometh the third time, and saith unto them, Sleep on now, and take your rest: it is enough, the hour is come, behold, the Son of man is betrayed into the hands of sinners. 42 Rise up, letus go, lo, he that betrayeth me, is at hand. 43 Andimmediately, while he yet spake, cometh Judas, one of the twelve, and with him a great multitude with swords, & staves, from the chief priests, and the scribes, and the elders. 44 And he that betrayed him, had given them a token, saying, Whomsoever I shall kiss, that same is he; take him, andlead him away safely. 45 And as soon as he .was come, he goeth straightway to him, and saith, Master, master, and kissed him. 46 And they laid their hands on him, and took him. 47 Andone of them that stood by, drew a sword, and smote a servant of the high priest, and 126 EYATTEAION ~ ~ \ puKpov, emerev ETL THS YNS, Kal TPOT- noyeto, wa, et Suvatov cart, mapehOn ~ > A amr avrou 7 dpa * Kal eheyey’ “ABBa, 4 6 matnp, mayra OvvaTa Go’ TapEveyKeE an ~ s TO ToTNnpioy am euod TOUTO' ad ov , Tl eyo Gedo, adda ci ov. * Kal » 4 épxerar Kal evpioKer avrous Kabev- Q Ni re ~ / e Si Oovtus, Kat Neyer T@ LletTp@ (Lov, / xabevdeis ; ovK iaxvoas play Opav ypn- ~ 2, = 7 yopnaae 5 8 ypnyopelTe Kal mpoaev- e \ > 7 Di , xeo be, wa pa) cioeh Ore cis meupao pov. TO pev mvedpa mpdOvuov, n Se caps aobevns. « 4 39 Kal mddw anre\Oav mpoonvgéaro, Tov avTov dyoy EiTov. 40 kal Utro- , e > \ a in 7 6 , aTpéevras etpev avrous *mahw” Kalev- Sovras* joav yap ot dpOarpoi avtay b (. / W \ > 2% , > BeBapnpevor,” Kal ove nOevoay TL av- TO aTroKpibact. ** Kal EpxeTat TO TplTov kat Néye avtots’ KaOevdete © 70" Nourrov \ > , > / . > ¢ e/ 3 kal dvaravecOe. améxer’ HAOey 7 Bpa > \ ™d ¢ ©\ Aves , idov, mapadidorat O vlos TOV avOpeatrou r A a 9 eis Tas yelpas TOY dpapTohov. * eyet- pecbe, dyapev" iOov, 6 mapadidovs pe WY YUKE. 43 Kal etOéws, ert avtov Aadovrtos, / i > / ‘ct d > 4 ~ I TapaylvEeTat lovdas, eis 4 dy” Tov Sa- Sexa, kal per avtov dxNos modus peta paxaipav kai Ethov, Tapa TOY apxte- peov Kat TOV ypappareav Kal TOV = , 44 8 SS oo Se Ce TpeoButéepav. eO@Ker O€ 0 Tapa- , cr diSovs avrov cvaonpoy avtois, Eyov" Ov dv diijoa, a’rdés eoTe’ Kparnoate > A \ > / > n 45 \ avrov, kal amayayete aoadas. Kal ehOov, edOéws mpoceOav ait@ eye’ ‘PaBBi, ° paBBi-” Kai Kkatepirnoev av- , 46 c \ > ff > > > \ \ TOV. ot O€ eméBadov ew avToy Tas XEipas avTOy, Kal exparnoay avTov. 47 Eis O€ Tis TY TapEeTTNKOT@Y oTacapevos THY pdxaipay emaioe TOV SovAov Tov adpylepews, Kal aether o = b & KxaraBapvvomsvor. Ws d= e— i a aresKATA MAPKON. 127 > ~ , av 8 A , avtov tT) 2 atiov.” * Kat amoxpibeis 5 ‘Incots elev avTols” e&n\Oere peta ovdhaBety HE} Sy KaO. mpos vpas ev TO rn dda OUK exparnoare pe’ adr ‘Os emt AnorHy PLAX ALPOY kal Svhov npepay pny doKaY, Kal iva mANpeo- Gdow al ypapat. 50 Kat apevt €s aUTOY mavres epuyov. > > nKodovOnoen ” owwddva emt yupvov" \ ce € ce ll 52 Oe Tov © ol veavio Kot 6 O€ THY owddva yupvos E:uyev Tov.” 51 Kal eis TLS VEeavioKOS aQuTo, meptBeBAnpevos Kal kparovow av- KaTANUT OV G2: 2 amr av- a8 Kal amipyayov 1 TOV ‘Tnoovy pos TOV dpxvepea Kal cuvEpxovTaL avT@ maryres ot apxvepets Kal ol peo Bbrepor Kal ol ypapparets. Kal O Terpos amo pea- Kpoeev nKodovdn orev avT@ ews Eo els THY avAry TOU dpXvepews* kaOnuevos preva Oeppauvopevos mpos © TO Kal nv ovy- TOV vanpeT@v, Kal " bes. 55 of Oe apxvepets Kal 6Aov TO cured puov e(yrowy Kara TOU ‘Tygou paprupiay, Els TO 6a- vyaT@oal avTOV’ Kal OVX eUploKoV. = IfoAXot yap eyevSopaprupowy KaT. aQUTOv, Kal (oar al praprupiat OvUK noay. 7 Kai TwWEs avaoTavTes eyevdopapru- pou KaT avTOov, Aeyortes * 588 "Ort Ay pets ROU OD auTouU Aeyovros * “Ore eyo KaTahvow Tov vaov TOUTOV TOV XElporroinrov, Kal dua TpLov Ep @v a = ov dxerporoinroy oikodopm go. 62 Kai ovoe ovTas ton ny 1 paprepia | auTa@v. 69 Kat dvaoras 0 apxLEepEvs eis! pecov ernparnoe TOV Tncovy, | héyov’ OvK amoxpivy ovoer 3 Ti ovTOL WOU kaTapap- TUpPOVTW § 5 drrekpivaro. 61 °Q §é éoimma, Kal ovdev Tldkuw 6 dpxvepevs emnpara avror, kat A€éyet aT 22 El O Xproros, 0 6 vLlos TOU edhoynroo 3 : am® wraptov. ba —. Rec. & Gb. neodovbe O 82 Incods einer" t. © cuvnxoAorvGer. Marx XIV. 62. cut off his ear. 48 And Jesus answered, and said unto them, Are ye come out as against a thief, with swords, and with Staves to take me? 49 I was daily with you in the temple, teaching, and ye took me not; but the scriptures must be ful- filled. 5° And they all forsook him, and fled. °! And there followed him a certain young man, having a linen cloth cast about his naked body, and the young men laid hold on him. 52 And he left the linen cloth, and fled from them naked. 53 And they led Jesus away to the high priest, and with him were assembled all the chief priests, and the elders, and the scribes. 54 And Peter followed him afar off, even into the palace of the high priest: and he sat with the servants, and warmed himself at the fire. °° And the chief priests, and all the council sought for witness against Je- sus, to put him to death, and found none. 56 For many bare false wit- ness against him, but their wit- ness agreed not together. ®7 And there arose certain, and bare false witness against him,saying, 58 We heard him say, [ will de- stroy this temple that is made with hands, and within three days I will build another made without hands. 59 But neither so did their witness agree to- gether. 6 And the high priest stood up in the midst, and asked Jesus, saying, Answerest thou nothing ? what is it which these witness against thee ? ®! But he held his peace, and answered nothing. Again, the high priest asked him, and said unto him, Art thou the Christ, the son of the Blessed? 6 And Jesus said, I c= d— eElz.om. f Rec. add ro, 1 (Marx XIV. 63. 128 EYATTEAION } > \ i} A ey i > am: and ye shall see the Son Eya eit. Kat oWerGe TOV VLOY TOV aV:\ ss eae f i A , > of man sitting on the right hand Oparrou Dei deLrav Kan wevor" Ths Suva of power, and coming in the ee , ea Akt clouds of heaven. 6 Then the Mews, Kal EPXOPEVOV META TOY vee oe high priest rent his clothes, and TOU ovpavod. 63°C Se apxvepeds Ovap- ie saith, What need we any fur- cs \ ean ain Ne - BA ther witnesses? 64 Ye have Pygas es ET OUES ee i, i. y 5 : heard the blasphemy: what érz XPELay EXOMEV PapTUpaY 3 )KOv-= | think ye? And they all con- ON fe aaa ae i A : dhe OATE T KAGPHILLAS* TLUULLY Matverat: s demned him to be guilty of pega Pr Pn : le pe ie death. Ot O€ wavres KaTeKpivay avTov eivas evoxov Oavarov. - . = , ~ s © And some began to spit on 6 Kat ypEavrd twes EMTTVELY ATO 3 him, and to cover his face, and \ ees \ , js aed to buffet him, and to say unto AGE CS PE RENUT cue ae WPO0owimov avrov, him, Prophesy: andthe servants Kal Kohapiceuy Qu7oy. » kat Néeyew aira’ | . . . . tL did strike him with the palms , \ ¢c 7 ¢ / Sahai Ipognrevooy’ Kal ol UTNPETAL parri- = of their hands. rip > 2a NE Opaoly avTov ° ESBadXop. 66 K Noy, n lie > ears NA 66 And as Peter was beneath SQL OVTOS TOU CT POULED S12] 2QUNG in the palace, there cometh one \ / 4, / a nw n~ ’ ace, tl C : KaTO, EPXETAL pia Tov TaidicKayv Tov \ of the maids of the high priest. > / G7 ay GiSed Syeelhe : ®7 And when she saw Peter ANOS, Re OUT a oad roe ee warming himself, she looked Oeppatvdmevoy, euPrAbaca avT@ heyer' upon him, and said, And thou Karan \ ONT: ~. as. : 2 Sal ou eva TOU Na vou J ‘ also wast with Jesus of Naza- Re ev: le oe Capn TOU, no0a reth. 6S But he denied, saying, °° ‘O 6e npynoaro, heywv' Odvx olda, I know not, neither understand oude eriorapat TL ov deyets. Kar e&ni- I what thou sayest. And he bate > \ a a one went out into the porch, and the 7EV EE) els i pO ae LOE nee G ERT GH cock crew. 69 And a maid saw epovnce. 62 Kal n TaLoioKn Loovaoad av- him again, and began to Say to —\ s 4 & , a : Aes TOV TaAwy Th € O ape ~ them that stood by, This is one 7 ‘ ae Ne mpsa 2 Xe VEE S ee Sel of them. 70 And he denied it Kéauv* Ort otros €& QUT@V coTL. ‘ O Noa] 1 . / > rn peein. And alittle after, they §2a4\1» MPVELTO. Kal era purKpov maduy that stood by said again to ee ON Me AX Peter, Surely thou art one of Ol TE DEOUROTES S cree DDE Sep Wa apes A A > - > them: for thou art a Galilean, 065 e& auTa@y el’ Kal yap TanktXaios El, and thy speech agrecth thereto. \ s ¢ hee LS re A ‘1 But he began to curse andto <@! 7] Aahua Jou opotacet. O de % yA > La / \ d > 4 ae: Swear, saying, I know not this ipEaro avalenaricerw Kal O/LYVELV : i : : rie 7A oY > > / A A man of whom ye speak. 72 And Ore ovK ofda Tov avOperov TOUTOY, Ov the second time the cock crew: / 72 % oN Gye Wo 3) Z and Peter called to mind the Neyere. Kat °evééws” e&k deurépou word that Jesus said unto him, aXEKTop epavnoe. Kal dvepyno On 6 Before the cock crow twice, Td {0a Cn ay > levee co T thou shalt deny me thrice, Ana ee no Pua, - ey CU 0 ele when he thought thereon, *he @ovs" Ore Tpw a€xropa Ppovnca Ds Ols arapynon He Tpis. Kal émiPBadov »~ % . ekAae. QO ‘ iS BK \ 77 yea A a , 15. And straightway in the 15. Kal etOéws ent rd Tpat cvpPBov- morning the chief priests held , ¢ > ~ \ n : g tov TTOLNCAVTES OL a tepels Leta TOV a consultation with the elders C y \ PXESP , B a and scribes, and the whole TpegPvrépwy kal YPARMaTE@Y, Kat ohoy E 7 = council, and bound Jesus, and 7% ovvedptoy, Onoavres TOV "Incoov 2 Rec. Kad. ex det, bw edafor, crs? hw Gh: opevnvar, © Rec. & Gh, om, fo—. Rec. & Gb. Or, he wept abundantly, or, he began t rb. 0 Weep. Tov p NUATOS ovKATA MAPKON. 129 4 a , dmnveyxay Kal mapeO@kay TP Tludr@. > ¢ / i 2 kal emnparngey avrov 6 IliAaros* uv a : im > , =e el 6 Baciievs TOY Tovdaior 5 c: Oe > x. \ , wieN drroxpubels eimev ait’ Sv heyers. © Kat an > “pe . KaTNYOpovy avTOV oi apxlepets moAAa \ > / 2 > \ 46 Oé IluAdros maw emNnpoTNOEY AUTOY, z Bf / héyov' Odk amoxpivy ovdev 5 lO€, OTA A c Ne ~ gov Karapaptvpovow" ° “O de ‘Inaous 4 / t / overs obdey arexpiOn, @oTe Oavpacer Tov Iluarov. , > Las 9 6 Kara O€ €opriy amehvev avrols eva ¢ A a > Nae Séoptov, dvmep jrovvTo. / jv de 6 he- a \ rn youevos BapaBBas peta Tov ovoTa- 5 /, a > n / ciaotay Oedepevos, OlTIVEs EV TN OTATEL \ > i / pdvov memouxecav. * kai ava8oncas » Brees. a \ SEN 6 bxdos Ap&aTo aireicOa, Kabws adel / nt > / émoter adtois. 9 6 dé IluAdros amexpiOn > na f / > , c ~ avTois, Néywy' Chere amokve@® vp \ 2) / n > 8 / . 10 Ki / Tov Bactdea Tav Lovdatwy 5 yive- \ eA \ , , oxe yap ore Sia POsvov mapaded@keroay avrov of apxsepeis. * of d€ apxtepets 2 7 a \ avéceoay TOV OxAoV, va paddoy Tov BapaBBav drodvay avrois. ™ 6 dé It- Adros amoKpibels madwy elmev avTois" Tyee t / a , ¢ Ti ody Oedere Toinow ov Aeyere Baorhea rev lovdaley; 1 Oi dé madw expagav" Stavpwcov avrév. “ ‘O dé Ilaros > rn / éheyev avrois’ Ti yap Kakoy emotnoey ; Oi d€ *repicoas” expagay’ Stavpwcoy avtov. ° ‘O de IlAdros BovAdpevos TO OXA® TO ikavoy TOIT AL, aTEMUTEY AUTOLS \ C \ / < > Tov BapaBBav" kai mapédwxe tov In- covv, ppayehooas, iva cravpoO7. 16 Of dé orpari@rar amnyayov avToy ET THS AVANS, 6 ETL TpaLT@pLOY, Kal x a ON \ a 17 \ ‘OVYKa OUVOLY OANV THY OTFELPAV, Kal 2 / Joao 4 \ evOvovaly avToy TopPupay, Kal TEptTl- 7, 6 4 Oéaow avt@ mheEavtes axayOivoy ore- davov, 8 Kai jpEavro aomaleo Oat av- Tov Xatpe, > 6 Baciwdevs” Tv “lovdaiav’" 19 K NC, > a \ \ ai érumToy avrov thy Kepadyy Marx XV. 19. carried him away, and deliver- ed him to Pilate. ? And Pilate asked him, Art thou the King of the Jews? And he answer- ing, said unto him, Thou sayest it. 3% And the chief priests ac- cused him of many things: but he answered nothing. +4 And Pilate asked him again, saying, Answerest thou nothing? be- hold how many things they witness against thee. ° Jesus yet answered nothing, so that Pilate marvelled. 6 Now at that feast he re- leased unto them one prisoner, whomsoever they desired. ‘ And there was one named Barabbas, which lay bound with them that had made insurrection with him, who had committed mur- der in the insurrection. 5 An the multitude crying aloud, began to desire him to do ashe had ever done unto them. * But Pilate answered them, saying, Will ye that I release unto you the King of the Jews? }° (for he knew that the chief priests had delivered him for envy.) 11 But the chief priests moved the people, that he shouldrather release Barabbas unto them. 12 And Pilate answered, and said again unto them, What will ye then that J shall do un- to him whom ye call the King of the Jews? !3 And they cried out again, Crucify him. !4 Then Pilate said unto them, Why, what evil hath he done? And they cried out the more ex- ceedingly, Crucify him. !° And so Pilate, willing to content the people, released Barabbas unto them, and delivered Jesus, when he had scourged him, to be crucified. 16 And the soldiers led him away into the hall, called Pre- torium, and they call together the whole band. !7 And they clothed him with purple, and platted a crowa of thorns, and put it about his head, '8 and began to salute him, Hail King of the Jews. !¥ And they smote a Rec. wepiocorepws. b 10 Rec. Baccrev,Marx XV. 20. him on the head with a reed, and did spit upon him, and bowing their knees, worshipped him. 29 And when they had mocked him, they took off the purple from him, and put his own clothes on him, and led him out to crucify him. 2! And they compel one Simon a Cyrenian, who passed by, coming out of the country, the father of Alexander and Rufus, to bear his cross. 2 And ¢ they bring him unto the place Golgotha, which is, being in- terpreted, the place of a skull. 23 And they gave him to drink, wine mingled with myrrh: but he received it not. 24 And when they had crucified him, they parted his garments, casting lots upon them, what every man should take. 2 And it was the third hour, and they crucified him. *® And the superscription of his accu- sation was written over, THE KING OF THE JEWS. 27 And with him they crucify g two thieves, the one on his right hand, and the other on his left. 28 And the scripture was ful- filled, which saith, And he was numbered with the transgress- ors. 29 And they that passed by, railed on him, wagging their heads, and saying, Ah thou that destroyest the temple, and buildest it in three days, 30 save thyself, and come down from the cross. 3! Likewise also the chief priests mocking, said among themselves with the scribes, He saved others, him- self he cannot save. 3° Let Christ the King of Israel de- scend now from the cross, that we may see and believe: and they that were crucified with him, reviled him. 33 And when the sixth hour was come, there was darkness over the whole land, until the ninth hour. 4 And at the ninth hour, Jesus cried with a loud 130 EYATTEAION Kaha, kal even TvOY aure, Kal rudevTes Ta yovata mpoweKvvouy auto. * Kat ore eveTrateav wuT@, e&dduoay avrov Ty Tmoppupay, kar eveOvoay adroy Ta iparia aro LOLde © Kai efayouow avroy, wa oraupo- coo avrov. 7 Kai dyyapevouct mapa~ yourd Tia Dipova Kupyvatov, EpxXOpevoY ar aypov, (roy marepa ‘ANeEavOpov Kal ‘Poupov,) | iva apn TOV oraupov auTov. Kal pepovow avtov émt Todyoba T6- TOV, 0 cor! _pedeppnvevd.evov, Kpaviov TOmos. *° Kat eOtdouy QUT@ Tew eo pup- Yio Levoy otvov, 6 O€ be 2raBe. % kal oravparayres autor, > SvapepiCovrar” Ta iparva avrov, Bdddovtes KAnpov em oe. Tis Th apy. "Hy O¢ pa Tpirn, Kal eoravpacay avtov. *© Kal ny 7 emypapi 1 THs aitias avTov Tey ean ae ‘O Baoidevs TQV ‘lovdatov. ‘ Kal ovv avr@ oravpovre dvo Ayoras, éva €K beétev kal eva e§ EVOVULOY avtov. * © Kai emhypobn 7 ypapn 7 heyouga * Kal peta avopov ehoyioOn.” *9 Kal oi TapamropEevopevol eBhacnpovy avrov, KLVOUVYTES TAS KE- paras avr an, Kal heyovres: Ova, 0 Ka- TANV@Y TOV VAY, Kal EV Tpioly nee pas oikoSopay, 30 GOcov Caney Kal KaTd~= Pa amo TOU oTAUpOU. * ‘Opoios ° a” Kat ot apxvepets epmraiCovres T™pos addr hous peTa TOV “ypappareoy eAeyou" “AXQovs ~rwoer, Eavtoy ov Sivara caoa. * 6 Xpiaros oO Baovheds TOU ‘Iopanh KaTa- Bare yov aro TOU oTavpov, wa Wapev kal TLOTEVT OLE. Kai of cuveotavpo- pevol QUT@ avetduCov avrov. 43 Tevopévns de pas EKTNS oKOTOS eyeveTo ep ony my YI", €ws @pas ev- yarns” 34 kal TH @pa TH evvaTn eBonoey 6 Inoots hovy peyddyn éyov’ “Ehot, => b Rec. dvewepevov Cie d Rec. add ée.KATA MAPKON. 131 Edel, Nappa caBay Cari} 0 €oTL pedep- unvevdpevoy’ “O Oeds pov, 6 Ocds pov, cis Tl pe eykaredures; © kal Tues TOV TAapEegTNKOT@Y axovoayres eheyov" Idov, "Hilav dovei. *° Apapay de ets, Kat yeuloas omoyyov d€ous, mepileis TE Kahdpeo, emdricev avroy, héyou' "Adere, WOwpey el EpxeTat "HAlas KabeNety av- TOV. 37 ‘Q $é "Incots adels havi peyd- Any é&émvevoe. * Kai TO KataTéracpa rov vaov eaxiabn «is v0, awd dvwbev Zos Kato. % ideyv Sé 6 KevTUpioy oO mapeotnkas €& evayrias avTod, 71 oUT@ Kpd&as e&emvevoev, elev" "AAndds 6 dvOpwmos odros vids Hy Ocod. 40 *Hoay O€ kal yuvaikes amo paKkpd- ev Oewpovoat, ev ais nv Kat Mapia 1 Maydadnv, kal Mapia 7 Tod “lak@Bou Tov puxpov Kal *’laon” pntnp, kal Sa- hopn, * al kal, dre Hv ev tH Tadedaia, nkodovbovy atte, Kal dinkdvovy avTa, kal @\Kat TONAal ai cvvavaBacat avT@ eis IepoodAvpa. © Kal 70n owWias yevoperns, (emel iv Tapackeun, 0 eott mpoodBBaror, ) 43 b dev" "Ioonp 6 amd ’Apipabaias, evoynpev Bovdeutis, Os Kal adtos Ay mpoodexopevos THY Bactideiay Tov Ceod" Todpnoas elandOe mpos Tudrov, Kat HTHTATO TO GGpa Tov “Incod. ** 6 de TiAdros eOavpacey ei Sn téOvnke* Kal Tpookadeoapevos Toy KevTUPiw@va, €7N- patnoey avtoy ei mada ameOave* ® Kal yyous amd TOU KevTUpiwvos, eOa@pnoaTo TO capaT@ “lwonp. * Kal dyopdoas owddva, Kal kabehov avtov, éveihnoe TH owodduvt, Kal KaTEOnKey avTOY ev pyy- pei@, O nv NeaTopnéevoy ek méTpas* kai mpocekvdice NiGov emi thy Ov- pay Tov pynpetov. “ 7 dé Mapia 7 Marx XV. 47. voice, saying, Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani ? which is, being interpreted, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me ? 35 And some of them that stood by, when they heard it, said, Behold, he calleth Elias. 8° And one ran, and filled a spunge full of vinegar, and put it ona reed, and gave him to drink, saying, Let alone, let us see whether Elias will come to take him down. 37 And Jesus cried with a loud voice, and gave up the ghost. 35 And the veil of the temple was rent in twain, from the top to the bottom. 9% And when the centurion which stood over against him, saw that he so cried out, and gave up the ghost, he said, Truly this man was the son of God. 40 There were also women looking on afar off, among whom was Mary Magdalene, & Mary the mother of James the less, and of Joses, and Salome: 41 who also when he was in Galilee, followed him, and ministered unto him, and many other women which came up with him unto Jerusalem. 42 And now when the even was come, (because it was the preparation, that is, the day before the sabbath) 4% Joseph of Arimathza, an honourable counsellor, which also waited for the kingdom of God, came, and went in boldly unto Pilate, and craved the body of Jesus. 44 And Pilate marvelled if he were already dead, and calling unto him the centurion, he ask- ed him whether he had been any while dead. 4 And when he knew it of the centurion, he gave the body to Joesph. 46 And he bought fine linen, and took him down, and wrap- ped him in the linen, and laid him in a sepulchre, which was hewn out of a rock, and roll- ed a stone unto the door of the sepulchre. 47 And Mary aX Lwonrog b ww ehOwv.IMIG eXOVels Magdalene, & Mary ¥ mother of Joses beheld where he was laid. 16. And when the sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, had bought sweet > spices, that they might come and anoint him. 2? And very early in the morning, the first day of the week they came un- to the sepulchre, at the rising of the san: ° and they said among themselves, Who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the sepulchre? 4 (and when they looked, they saw that the stone was rolled away) for it was very great. > And entering into the sepul- ehre, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, clothed in a long white garment, and they were affrighted. 6 Andhe saith unto them, Be not af- frighted ; ye seek Jesus of Na- zareth, which was crucified: he is risen, he is not here: behold the place where they laid him. 7 But go your way, tell his dis- ciples, and Peter, that he goeth before you into Galilee, there shall ye see him, as he said un- to you.. 8 And they went out quickly, and fled from the se- pulchre, for they trembled, and were amazed, neither said they any thing to any man, for they were afraid. 2 Now when Jesus was risen early, the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Mag- dalene, out of whom he had cast seven devils. 10 And she went and told them that had been with him, as they mourned and wept. i And they, when they had heard that he was alive, and had been seen of her, be- lieved not. !2 After that, he appeared in another form unto two of them, as they walked, and went into the country. 13 And they went and told it unto the residue, neither believed they them. 14 Afterward he appeared un- to the eleven, as they sat © Rec, add trayv. a 132 EYATTEAION Maydadnv7) kai Mapia “Ilaon €bewpovy'i A / “ qrov * Tiderat. A / 16. Kat dvayevopevov Tov caBBarov, | ¢ au Mapia 1” Maydadnvy Kal Mapia n > Tov * me > para, iva ehOovoa adreifoouw avtov. 2 Nora €Ml TO punpetov, avareihayros TOU nALOU. Kal eeyov Tpos €auTas’ ee a / > a Tis dmoxuAioes juiy Tov Aifov EK THS’ A ; : ; Ovpas Tov pynpetov; * Kal avaBreyacat |) Cewopotow OTL amokekvALaTat 6 Aidos" nv yap peyas opddpa. 5 Kai cio Povo eis TO penpsetov, elOov veavioxov KaOnevov ev Tots Oe- Sos, mepiBeBAnpevoy otoAny evkny" kal e€eOapBnOnoay. © 6 dé Neyer adrats” Mi) exOapBeicbe’ “Incovy (nreite Tov Naapnvov tov éoravpapevoy* nyéep6n, ovK €or Ode" ie, 6 Témos 6rou €Onkay > / 7p > Bat / By r avutov. ‘ adN vmayete, elmate Tols pa- >} oy. > en \ ” 4 e/ / Onrats avtov kai T@ Ilerp@, OTe mpod- yet vpas eis THY TadwAaiav’ éxet avtov >/ \ 2 Cn oWeabe, Kadas eirev Up. Govoa °* euyov avo TOU pun petov™ Exe de auras Tpdpos Kal eKOT ACLS” Kal ovdevl ovdev euro, eoSouvro yap. C \ 9 VAvacras S€ tpal tpoTn caBPBd- tov epavn mpetoy Mapia 77 Mayda- 10.2 , 5 Dia? r ? E€KELVI) Tropevbetoa amnyyethe TOLS HET laxoBov Kal Salaun nydpacay apo- i kal lav 7 mpat THS peas oaBBarev €p- >} © ’ A p ti i ® Kal e&eh-} * Anvy, ap hs ekBeBAnker émTa Saypovia. | A , A \ t avTou VEL OHEVOTSS mrevOov OL KAL khalovot. 4 ll Ur auTns ymaTnoay. 9 fe an 2 Mera d€ ravra Svoly ef QuTa@v KaKeivou axovoavtes OTL CH Kal eOceaby j a mepuTarovow epavepoOn € €V erepa HORS r pn Topevopevors els aypov. | Kakeivor ameX Oovres amnyyetday Tots Noumrois” ovoe ekeivots emtorevoay. "Vv ore pov © e/ dvakeupevors avtots Tots é e evOeka efavep@On, Kat aveidice Thy | d= Avaorag usque ad finem libri. e@ Ez. ada ds, Or, together,KATA AOYKAN. 133 Gmotiay abrav Kal oxAnpoxapOiay, ort Trois Oeacapevots avTov eynYEp}-eVOV OVK emlaTevoay. 18 Kal eirev adrois’ Mopevdevres eis roy koopov Gmayra, Knpvéate TO evay- yéhuoy Tdon Th KTITEL. 6 morevoas kai Banricbels c@OnoeTat’ 0 O€ am- atnoas KaraxplOnoerat. 7 onpeta O€ role mioTevoacl TavTa MapakodovonceEt’ éy 7 dydpari pov Saydvia exBadovuow’ yhoooats Aakjnoover Kawats” 18 Odes dpovo Kay Oavaoipdy Te Two, Ov pI) avtovs * Bday” emt appaotous xXelpas émOnooval, Kal Kakas eGovow. 19° pév ody Kuptos, peta TO Nadjoa avrois aveAnpOn eis Tov oupavoy, Kal exdbioey ek deEvav Tod Ocod’ * exeivor Se e€ehOdvtes exnpvéay mavraxov, TOU Kupiov cuvepyodvros, Kat toy dyov BeBaodvros Sia tev émakoNovbovyTwr onpetov, >” Luxe I. 8. meat, and upbraided them with their unbelief, and hardness of heart, because they believed not them, which had seen him after he was risen. | And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. !6 He that believeth and is baptized, shall be saved, but he that believeth not, shall be damned. 1!” And these signs shall follow them that believe, In my name shall they cast out devils, they shall speak with new tongues, !* they shall take up serpents, and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them, they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. 19 So then after the Lordhad spoken unto them, he was re- ceived up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God. 20 And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and con- firming the word with signs following. Amen. EYATFEAION eA TAG A Or ? WHEIAHIIEP Tool emexelpnoay avaragacba Sinynow mept Tay TeTmANpopopnpevav ev nuty TpaypLaTov, 2 xabws Tapedocay nuiv ol am apxns avronrat kat onnperat yevomevor TOU Adyov, é edoge Kajol, TapnkohovOnkore dvobev macw axpiBds, KabeEns oor ypawat, kpaticte Ocddire, * wa em- yes mepl ay Katnxnéns AOyov THY acpahevay. > "Eyevero ey rais npepats “Hpadou tov Baowews ths “lovdaias tepevs Tis dvduate Zayapias, e& ednpepias KAN. F ORASM'JCH as many have taken in hand to set forth in order a declaration of those things which are most surely be- lieved among us, * even as they delivered them unto us, which from y beginning were eyewit- nesses, & ministers of ¥ word: 3 it seemed good to mealso, having had perfect understanding of all things from ¥ very first, to write unto thee in order, most excel- lent Theophilus, 4 that thou mightest know the certainty of those things wherein thou hast been instructed. _> There was in ¥ days of Herod y king of Judea, a certain priest, @ Rec. Brower. bSt. add apav.Luxe I. 6. named Zacharias, of ¥ course of Abia, and his wife was of the daughters of Aaron,& her name was Elisabeth. were both righteous before God, walking in all the command- ments and ordinances of the Lord. blameless. 7 And they had no child, because that Elisabeth was barren, and they both were now well stricken in years. 8 And it came to pass, that while he executed the priest’s office before God in the order of his course, 9% according to the custom of the priest’s office, his lot was to burn incense w hen he went into the temple of the Lord. 1° And the whole mul- titude of the people were pray- ing without, at the time of incense. !1 And there appeared unto him an angel of the Lord, standing on the right side of the altar of incense. 12 And when Zacharias saw him, he was troubled, and fear fell upon him. 1!3 But the an- gel said unto him, Fear not, Zacharias, for thy prayer is heard, and thy wife Elisabeth shall bear thee a son, and thou shalt call hisname John. 14 And thou shalt have joy and glad- ness, and many shall rejoice at his birth: 15 for he shall be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine, nor strong drink, and he shall be filled ‘with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother’s womb. '6 And many of the children of Israel shall he turn to the Lord their God. 1 And he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elias, to tur the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient «to the wisdom of the just, to make ready a people prepared for the Lord. 18 And Zacharias said unto the angel, Whereby shall I know this? for I am an old man, and my wife well stricken &@ NN evaytiov. D Rec. tov Aaov 6 And they 6 134 EYATTEAION ABud: Kal 7 youn) aUTOU ek TOV Ouyarépev ‘Aapov, Kal TO Ovopa a’Tns “Eduodjer. noay Oe Oikao. ayddrepor éevomoy TOU Oeov, mopevdpevor ev Tacats Tals evTodais Kal OvKat@pace tov Kupiov duepmro.. % Kal ovK HY avTois TEKVO?, KaO6re 7 EduodBer nv oretpa, Kal Gp porepoe mpoPeBnkdres ev Tals nuEepats any no. * “Eyevero d€ ev TO isp avroy ev TH Taéet THS epnpepias auTov # evayre" Tov Geo, ehaxe Tov Oupidoa eioehOoy eis Tov vaov Tov Kupiov' 10 kal way TO mh Oos ay Tov Naov” Mpooevx Spucvoy ef 7? Opa TOU Ovpuduaros. open d€ avT@ ay- yedos Kupiov, € éEoTos ek O€t@v TOU Ou- ovaornpiou Tov Ouptduaros. B Kat erapaxOn Zaxapias idan, Kat poBos € ememerey én autov. Tpos avtTov 6 ayyedos* My poBov, Zaxapia’ Oude eonkova On 1 n O€nois OU, | kat 7) yuyn cov “EXodBer yevnoes viOV GOL, Kal kahecets TO ovopia avTou "Teavyny. 14 kal €orau Xapa ou Kal dyahXiacts, Kal moot emt TH ° ye- VEEL “ avtov xapnoovra. » gorau yap peyas EVOTLOY d rou” Kupiov: Kal olvov Kat olkepa ov pn) iN, Kal Tvevparos ' ‘ 2 J e A Kata TO €Oos TS ieparetas, 5 ¢ : ele Oc & € it c dyiov mhyoOncerar € ETL EK Kouhias Entpos |} auTov. o kat mohhovs TOV Vi@V ‘Iopara emuaTpewer € ETL Kuptov TOV Ocov avuT@v’ W@ Kal avTos mpoehevoerat EV@TLOV a= TOU €v TvevpaTL Kal Suvdpet “HXiov, emarpewyau kapdlas Tar épwv eT TeKVa, Kal ame.bets év ppovnoes Suxaiov, €TOL= pacar Kupio Aaov KaTEgKevagpevov. 18 Kal cizme Zaxapias mpos TOV ay- yehov' Karta ri yooopa TOUTO 5 5 eyo yap «ips mpeo Burns, Kal 7 yh, pov mpoBeBnkvia ev Tals ruepas avris. nV. © Rec. yevynoss. ad Gb. om, * Or, byKATA AOYKAN. 19 Kal dmoxptbels 6 ayyehos Elev AUT@" "Eye eips VaSpupd 6 TApEGTNK@S €VO- awiov ToD cod: Kal dmeoTaAny hadjcat mpos €, Kal ebayyehicac Gat gol TAUTGa. 20 kal idov, on TLwmay Kal j41) Ouva- wevos Nadjoat, axpe 7s Tuepas yevnrar radra: ave ey ovk émiatevoas ToLs O- npwbncovra” «is yots jou, olTuves * mh 21 K NGS ¢ Xr \ - mpoadokay Tov Zaxaptav’ Kat eOavpragov a n na Oo) df év T ypovitely avTov EV TO VAD. ~ e&eh- ‘ e \ > > 7 ae : > Snes \ Gov dé ovk nOvvato haAnoat avTots* kat ¢ , 5 nr éméyvacay Oru dmraciay Ewpakev Ev TO rn > , > a yao’ Kal avtos jv Svavevwy avTots, Kal “ > / Kal éyévero os emdnoycay al Nepat TIS hetroupyias avTov, ann ev els TOV OLKOY AUTOU. ras Huepas cvvedaBev EducaBer 7 yur, > a \ / ¢ \ 7 a 7 avTov, Kat TepieKpuBev eauTny pnyas 95 ¢ oa 25 "Ort OUT@ pol TrE- , / e co moinxev 6 Kvpios év myrépas, ais emeidev 2 on AG of / > > , adehety TO OverOos pov eV avOparots. 9, > a Le, , 6 Ey O€ TO pnvl TO EKTO amTecTary : s . 6 dyyedos TaBpujA vm0 Tov Ocov eis SN a S, / 3): - \ moAw THs Vaduaias, 7 ovopa Nacaper, 7 / / 7 pds mapOevov pepynatevperny avOpl, aS y eT \ I¢ oy A io? \ \ @ ovojia aon, e€ otkov Aavio" Kal TO dvona Ths Tapbevov Mapiap. 28 \ , Wale Cael \ > Kal eiceAOay 6 ayyedos Tpos av- \ > =e Z © tz THY Elme Xalpe, KEXaPLTwpEVN’ O Kuptos \ n~ , tL peta cov, » evAoynwern ov Ev yuvacgiv.” 2 ¢ \ > ~ , > 6 9°¢ ‘H Oe idovca duerapaxOn eTl TO / > NIT: \ - Ady avrov,” Kat dueAoyitero moramos 2 € > \ e el) 0 doTacpos ovTos. » Soon A dyyehos atti’ My oBov, Mapidu’ e \ n A etpes yap xapiv mapa TO Oc. i 3 \ / > 4k idov, cvAANWY ev yaoTpt, Kal TEEN LOY, A 4 5 2 n~ a Kal Kahécers 72 Ovopa avTov “Incovy. 2 »y s obTos éorat péyas, Kal vids vyloTou , / r kAnOnoerat* Kal Oaoet ai7@ Kuptos 6 74 wera dé ravtas ; : mevTe, Neyouca’ Loxn 1.32: in years. !9 And the angel an- swering, said unto him, I am Gabriel that stand in the pre- sence of God, and am sent to speak unto thee, and to shew thee these glad tidings. 29 And behold, thou shalt be dumb, and not able to speak, until the day that these things shall be per- formed, because thou believest not my words, which shall be fulfilled in their season. ?! And the people waited for Zacharias, and marvelled that he tarried so long in the temple. 7? And when he came out, he could not speak unto them: and they perceived that he had seen a vision in the temple: for he beckoned unto them, and re- mained speechless. 23 And it came to pass, that as soon as the days of his mi- nistration were accomplished, he departed to his own house. 24 And after those days his wife Elisabeth conceived, and hid herself five months, saying, 25 Thus hath ¥ Lord dealt with me in the days wherein he looked on me, to take away my reproach among men. x6 And in the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent from God, unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth, 2’ to avirgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of Da- vid, and the virgin’s name was Mary. 28 And the angel came in un- to her, and said, Hail thow that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women. 7% And when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and cast in her mind what manuer of saluta- tion this should be. #8 Andthe ange] said unto her, Fear not, Mary, for thou hast found fa- vour with God. 3! And be- hold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus. 32 He shall be great, and shall be called the son of the Highest, zw Aoyw dcerapayOn. SY ‘H de dcerapayOn, ~ ‘H d¢ graciously accepted, or, much graced.Luxe I. 33. and the Lord God shall give 136 EYATTEAION A. n~ A > Ges Tov Opdvov Aavid rod TaTpos av- unto him the throne of his fa- 33 \ Ned ae N \ o TOU Kal QOUKEVGEL ETL TOV OCLKOYV ther David. 33 And he shall y p reign over the house of Jacob Tako els Tovs avas, Kal ™S Baou- for ever, and of his kingdom ae shall be no end. + Then said Mary unto the Nees AUTOD OUK €oTaL Teos. aA a 4 Elie Se Mapiap mpos TOV dyyehov aire How shall this be, seeing Ils éorat TOUTO, Tel av0pa ou ywve- I know not aman? 39 And the angel answered and said unto oko; * Kat dmoxpiBets 6 O dyyed os eurev her, The Holy Ghost shall come QuTH * Tvevpa ayvov em@eNevoeTat emt upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee. Therefore al so that holy thing Ovo Kat 7d YEVVOLEVOY which shall be born of thee, shall be called the son of God. 36 And behold, thy cousin Elisa- oe, Kal Ovvapus tyiorou ETLOKLAGEL O08 “” Gytoy KAnOn- erat vios Geov. * Kal idov, "Educ dBer 1 ee Fou, Kal aury cuverdn via 36 beth, she hath also conceived a vioy ev »-ynpee auris* Kat obTos py son in her old age, and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren. 37 For with God nothing shall be impossi- ble. °8 And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lor d, beit unto me according to thy word: and the angel departed from her with a loud yoice, and Blessed art thou among w omen, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. 43 And whenee is this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? 44 For lo, as soon as the voice of salutation sounded in things, which were told from the Lord. 46 And Mary said, M Ty soul doth magnify the Lord, 47 And my spirit hath rejoiced in God a Bz. ex cov. Gb. Hb Ree, ype © Rec. evayadd. ro Bped, % Or, which believed, that there. 89 And Mary arose in those days, and went into the hill countr y with haste, into a city of Juda. 4% and entered into the house of Zacharias, and saluted Elisabeth. 4! And it came to pass that when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb, and Elisa- beth was filled with the Holy Ghost. 42 And she a out mine ears, the babe leaped in my w omb for joy. 45 And blessed is she “that believed, for there shall bea performance of those EXTOS eorly QUuTH TH Kahoupery) oretpa’ 37 Ort OK aduvarnoer mapa TO GEO Tay pnua. 8 Kime Oe Mapvdp ° "dob, 7 dovdn Kuptov" yevourd pou KATA TO papa gos Kai amn\Oev ar avrns 6 ayyehos. ‘Avacraoa Oe Mapiay, ev Tats Tipe pas Tavrals eropevOn els THY opeuny pera orrovdns, eis TOA Tovda, * Kat cto \Oev els TOV OlkKoY Zaxapiov, wal nomacaro Thy "EdXtodBer. ® kat eye VETO os NKOUTED 7 “EdiodBer TOV aoTrag Lov 77s Mapias, eoKiptn oe TO Bpépos eV a) Konia avTns’ Kal erhnoOn TIveoparos dytov 7 "EdicdBer, Kal ave- , parnoe pov peyady, 2 kal etre’ Evhoynpevy ov ev yuvaél, Kal evhoyn- [Levos 6 Kapmos 7 7s KowAlas ov. = Kal 7 OOev jot TOvTO, iva €X ai 7 NTP TOU Kuptou pov T™pos PES * (Sov yap, as eyevero 1 porn TOU aomao pov oou is Ta @TA Lov, €oxiptyge °ro Bpedos ev ayaudoec" ev 7? Koudia Hov. Kal pakapla 9» muorevoaca, btu gota Te- Aelwous Tois NeAadnpevors adtA Tapa Kupiov. 46 Kal etme Mapiap. * Meyahwvet 7 Wuxn pov TOV Kvpwov, 47 Kal nyadKiace TO veda pou emt TO Oe TO garnptKATA AOYKAN. 137 ew ag éréBrewrev emt Thy Ta- melvacw THs Sovdns autov. tdov yap, amo TOU UV pakaplovat pe macat al yeveat’ 49 Gri emolno€e [ol peyaeta o Suvatos, Kat dywov TO Ovopa avTov' 50 nal tO eheos avTov *eis evens YE- yeav" Trois PoBoupevots avTov. 51 Brroinae kparos ev Bpaxlove avrov" Sveondpmicey vrepnpavous Suavola Kap- Siac abtov. © xabeite Svvdotas amo dpdver, Kai v\race rarewovs. °° qTet- yavtas everrAnoev ayadav, Kal TWAou- roovras é€aréatetne Kevous. *4 avreha- Bero ‘Iopanh maudds avrou, pono Onvat édéous, ™ (kadas ehadynoe mpos Tous TarTépas Hev,) TO "ABpadw Kal TO omeppate avtou » €ws aiavos.” 56 "Euewe O¢ Mapiap ody avty a@oel yjvas Tpeis* Kal unéorpee eis TOV > ae OLKOV QUTNS. 87 T7 b€’ENuodBer errno On 6 xpovos s ey, Soo er TOU TEKElY aUTNY* Kal eyevynoey vLOY. 58 kal #Kovoay ol TreploiKol Kal ol OVY- yevels avtns, OTe epeydhuve Kvptos To Eeos avrov pet avis, Kal ovvEexX aLpov auTn. 59 Kat éyévero ° ev tH dydon LEP AOov mepitepeiy TO Trardiov’ Kal €kd- hovy avTo eml TO dvdmate TOV TaTpos avtod Zayapiav. © kal amoxpiOcioa a pntnp avrov etmey’ Ovyl, aAAG KAn- Oncerar “Iadvyns. % Kal etmov mpos autny* “Ore ovdets eotiy 4 ev TH avy- yevela” gov, ds KadeiTar TO ovopart ToT@. © "Eyévevoy O€ TH TmaTpt avTov, \ 7K , r ro Tl dy Oérou KaNetoGa avrov. © Kai 77 7% > , aitnoas muvakidioy eéyparpe, Neyou * > / > \ / aA r Iwavyns eoti TO ovoma autov. Kat > / eOavpacay Tavres. 64 > , A AvedyOn d€ TO oTdpa avToOU Tra- on \ c rn n paxpnua Kal 7 yA@ooa avTov, Kal Luxe I. 64. my Saviour. 45 For he hath re- garded the low estate of his handmaiden: for behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. 49 For he that is mighty hath done to me great things, and holy is his name. 50 And his mercy is on them that fear him, from generation to generation. 51 He hath shewed strength with his arm, he hath scattered the proud, in the imagination of their hearts. >? He hath put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted them of low degree. 53 He hath filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he hath sent empty away. 54 He hath holpen his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy, © as he spake to our fathers, to Abraham, and to his seed for ever. 56 And Mary abode with her about three months, and re- turned to her own house. 57 Now Elisabeth’s full time came, that she should be de- livered, and she brought forth ason. 58 And her neighbours and her cousins heard how the Lord had shewed great mercy upon her, and they rejoiced with her. 59 And it came to pass that on the eighth day they came to circumcise the child, and they called him Zacharias, after the name of his father. © And his mother answered, and said, Not so, but he shall be called John. 6! And they said unto her, There is none of thy kindred that is called by this name. ® And they made signs to his father, how he would have him called. 63 And he asked for a writing table, and wrote, saying, His name is John: and they mar- velled all. 64 And his mouth was opened immediately, and his tongue loosed, and he spake, and AW ELg yeveay Kat yEvEav \ ELS YEVEAS Kat YEVEAS. dw ex Db Rec. Weis roy atwya, TNS TVYYEVELAG. CS Ev tp NMEPS TH oysogLuxe |. 65; 138 EYATTEAION = / > a \ 5 \ > 4 praised God. 6 And fearcame eAdAet evdoyav Tov Gedy. © Kal eEVETO | © 7 } A on all that dwelt round about err) mavras pdBos rovs TeplocKoovras | them, and all these ¢sayings > / A > eo ~ > ad “ > were noised abroad throughout @UTOUS* Kal ev oAn Ty) Opelvn THs Tov- | all the hill country of Judea. Saias Suehadetro mdvra ra pyuara tadra: | 6 And all they that had heard ¢& \ 24 , eu eee s > them, laid them up in their i Kal Sonne TOY TES, ol TEE EES o ; hearts, saying, What manner of T7 Kkapdia avtdv, héyovtes* Ti apa TO | child shall this be? And the y a v4 \ . i 5 4 l fag i 5 E U Vv ii hand of the Lord was with him. we Stoy coure coral; Kar XElp K Peo NV [ET QUTOU. 67 And his father Zacharias 67 Kat Zaxapias 0 TaTNp QvuTOU emAn- was filled with the Holy Ghost, A , roy \ , and prophesied, saying, 68 Bless- on Hi cuyiemios ge RE mpoeyrevoe, ed be the Lord God of Israel, A€yor * Evdoyntos Kupios 6 Geos iq] a> a ¢ / for he hath visited and redeem- 79% Iopand: ore érreokéwyaro Kat eTroinge ed his people, 9 and hath raised 1 , n n c A 69 Nop up an horn of salvation for us, Autpoow TO dag UEOP REET Y Caps . _ rn n VQ in the house of his servant Da- Kepas_ OwTnplas nuiv, ey T@ OLK@ Aavid vid, 7° as he spake by the mouth ~ \ Coane 70) LIAS EN of his holy prophets, which have TOU 7@tO0s avrod (kabas eXadynoe \ a tf 5 > >) tA been since the world began: Ola oTOparos TOV aylov T@YV AT Alavos “1 that we should be saved as as 1 4 ee : : TPOPHNT@Y AvTov OwWTNHNPlav E& EY- from our enemies, and from the popn: a . ) \ ie g x hand of all that hate us, 72 to Pow HOV, Kal os XELPOS TAVT@OV TwV . c an om ~ », A perform the mercy promised to loovvT@Y nuas’ ‘” TroLncaL éA\eos pEeTa our fathers, and to remember TOV Tarépeyv Fh Lov, Kal uvnoOnvat Sta- his holy covenant, 73 the oath 74 ! p TL OUs a ED a a which he sware to our father Onkns aylas auTov, ‘° OpKoy ov wore ; 74 ; > / c a A Abraham, that he w ould m™pos ABpadp rel matépa pav, tod grant unto us, that we being a Css Aer sy ) \ a : . 8 L 3 delivered out of the hands of OOVVal nL, APOIOS; EK NELNOS ROY = . . ae . > ~ ¢ ~ ¢ , 4 > our enemies, might serve him exOpav NEL@V puaGevras, Aarpeveuy avu- without fear, 7° in holiness and “% FO Cues 5 Nae , es righteousness before him, all 7? eet OLOGY Oe OO TN eae the days of our life. mov avuTou Tagas Tas nuEepas *” nuay. ~ 5, rh 7 EN \ , , ¢ / 76 And thou child shalt be /° Kat ov, wacSiov, Tpopynrns uiarou « , 4, , called the prophet of the High- KAnOnon’ Tpomropevon yap T™po Tpooa- est: for thou shalt go before ee , ¢ De ‘Son 3d the face of the Lord to prepare 70U Kuplov, eTolw“acat oO CUS CEG! his ways, 77 to give knowledge ” rod Sodvau yyOow ceTnpias TO haw of salvation unto his people, aaioe aa ade e. Guapieyv avuTov “78 duc & by the remission of their sins, % : o BaP eg ae 7 te ‘through the y tender mercy owAdyxva eh€ovs Ceod Hudy, ev ois ae i - é dav. / a > > o of our God, whereby the é day ereakéewaro as avaronr e& vrbous, spring from on high hath visited 7) ts es ; 5 me us, 79 to give light to them that ‘~ €7upavat Tots €v oKdret Kal oKLG Oa- sit in darkness, and in the sha- pgrou KaOnuevois’ Tov KatevOdvar Tovs dow of death, to guide our feet ss Cee Pia. Be into the way of peace. TOOCAS NU@V Els OOOY Elpnyns. 89 And the child grew, and % Td dé madlov nv€ave Kal exparat- waxed strong in spirit, and was ,7> , : Ngo 3 aD ee : ; : OUTO TTVEUVMATL’ KAL HY EV Tals € Ol in the deserts, till the day of i i PUGS, o Cae 4, > I fo > ~ \ \ his shewing unto Israel. EWS nEpas avabelEews QUTOU 7 pos TOV > , IgpanX. ° es > , ’ n ¢ 2. And it came to pass in 2. ‘Eyevero 6€ év Tais nLepats 4 Rec. add rns Yans. % Or, things. § Or, for. Y Or, bowels of mercy 6 Or, sunrising, or, branchKATA AOYKAN. 139 éxelvats, en dOe Sdypa mapa Kaicapos Avyovorou, amoypaperOar macav THY oikovpevny. * (avry 1 drroypapn Tpern eyeveTo TyyeHovevoyTos THs Suptas Ku- pnviov.) * Kal emmopevovTo mavTEs aTrO- ypaper Oar, ExaoTos els THY idvay mohw. 4 avéBn O€ kal loon amo THs VadwAatas, ex mbdews Naaper, «is tv “lovdatay, cis rodw Aavtd, Aris Kadeirat BnOde€p, (Sica ro etvar adroy €& otkou Kat matplas Aavid,) ° dmoypayrac Bat ouv Mapuciye TH PeLYNOTEvLEV] AVT@ ‘yuvarkl, ovo] eyKUa. 6 "Byevero O€ ev TO cival QUTOUS EKEL, emrynobnoay ai Hepat TOU TeKely avrTny" 7 kal érexe Tov viov a’THS TOY MpPwTOTO- Koy, Kal éorapydvacev avrov, Kal ave- kduwvev avroy ev *7y” harvyn’ SudTe ovK jv adrois Tonos ev TO KaTahvpatt. 8 Kal wopéves hoav ev TH XOPA TH avTn, adypavdodvres kat puddooortes dudakas Tis vuKTos emt THY Toipyny auT@V. kat iOov, dyyedos Kupiov éméatn avrois, kal Oda ” Kupiov" se- piehapyrev avrovs’ kal epoBnOnoay o- Bov péyav. ™ Kal etrrey avrois 6 dyyedos* My hoBeicde idod yap, evayyeAiCopat bpiv xapay peyadny, ATLs Eorat mavTt Be pee Ae 7@ age H OTL erexOn opiv onpepoy caTHpP, os ete Xptotos Kuptos, ev moet Aavid. * kal rovro tyiy TO onpetov" etpnoete Bpépos eomrapyavapevoy Kel- pevov ev ©” aryvn. * Kat efaidyns eyevero ou TO ayyeh mh Oos orparias ovpaviou, aivovyvray Tov Geov, Kal de- yovrav’ 4 AdEa ev wWhioros Oca, kal eml ys elpnyn’ ev avOpamors evdo- / Kia. 15 Kal éyévero, as anndOov dm av- TaY eis TOY ovpavoy oi ayyehol, Kal of avOparo. of momeves eiov mpos Ture [is 15. those days, that there went out a decree from Cesar Augustus, that all the world should be a@taxed. 2 (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria) 3? And all went to be taxed, every one in- to his own city. 4 And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, (be- cause he was of the house and lineage of David,) 5 to be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child. 6 And so it was, that while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. 7 Andshe brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a man- ger, because there was no room for them in the inn. 8 And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping & watch over their flock by night. 9% And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them, and they were sore afraid. 10 And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all peo- ple. !! For unto you is born this day, in the city of David, a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. !? And this shall be a sign unto you ; yeshall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes lying ina manger. !° And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heaven- ly host praising God, and say- ing, '4 Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will towards men. 15 And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now a —> Db —> © Rec. add rp. * Or, enrolled B Or, the night watches,Luxe II. 16. 140 EYATTEAION , / A aS A go even unto Bethlehem, and a\AnAous" AtehOwpev 6) eas ByOXeep, ic 1 hie ] 2 en n a see this thing which is come to an Wapev TO pia Toro TO yeyovos, o pass, which the Lord hath made ~ he cs oe 16 a known unto us. 16 And they 6 Kupios éyvapicey jpiv. Kat 7AGov 9 stm an , came with haste, and found omevoartes, Kal avevpov THY TE Mapiap Mary and Joseph, andthe babe Ne \ Se ; / lying in a manger. 17 And K@t Tov loon, LRT Bpehos KELILEVOV : = ~ > \ r when they had seen it, they ev rn dbatvn. ™ iddvres O€ dveyvapt- rz = 5 Oe a : oN aes A , made known abroad the saying, oan Tept TOU pypatos TOU adn G€evros which was told them, concern- erie ; i ne y 18 x ing this child. ‘48 And all they avuTols TEPL TOU TALOLOU TOUTOU, Kal © 7 7 9 , > , that heard it, wondered atthose éyree of dxovoarres eOavpuacay rept things, which were told them , CAEN ba / \ by the shepherds. 19 But Mary T®Y hadnbevrov UDO TOUMOULEV OY THOS ~ iS ~ / , kept all these things, and pon- avrovs. !9 4 dé Mapiap ravra CUVETH PEL dered them inher heart. 20 And _\ ¢7 a 4 2 a : 7 the shepherds returned, glorify- ae Pee See ours aiNoviog Se 77) ing and praising God for all the Kapola avuTns. Kav uTeotpevvay ol things that they had heard and TOULEVES, Oo€agovtes Kal aivovuyres TOV seen, as it was told unto them. Ne Noe ay 5S Oecov €77l TAOLY OLS )KOVO QV Kal e(Oov, . > / \ > / kaOws ehadyOn mpos avrors. 21 BN ey. > , ¢ , 3 \ Kat ore emdno@noay nuépar oxred accomplished for the cireum- a Oy OLeN as ce \ cising of the child, his name OU ASE Ce: Kal Eee sl a TO was called Jesus, which was so OvVOLa AUTOU Ingous, TO KAn@ev UTTO TOU named of the angel before he > \ < as > aN 3 oc oO Ar nv was conceived in the womb. ayyehou Pile SOL Oe Por CE TH Kola. os 22 K Weta > 2 6 CL , An * And when the days of her Sau oTe emAnoUnoay al nepal TOU purification according to the Kaapio pou ce avTav,” KaTa TOV VO}LOv law of Moses, were accomplish- M , 7 oe re s ed, they brought him to Jeru- 44@O€@s, avnyayoy POT OTEIEES s te ee a law of the Lord, Every male TEA Eat ie BOE Kuptov Om sp ad that openeth the womb, shall apoev Svavotyov PyTpav ayLoy Te) Kupt@ « A . , 9. AN ~ be called holy to the Lord) knOnoerar') ** Kai rod Oodvar Ouciay, *4 and to offer a sacrifice ac- . eS , > , Ate a cording to that which is said in K@T@ TO uel IVECO SU pron Zev- . . 3 \ the law of the Lord, A pair of yos Tpuyovey 7) dvo 4 veooaous” TE pt- turtledoves, or two young pi- a : OTEPo@Y. geons. x Ee * Kal idov, Av dvOpwmos év ‘Tepov- 25 And behold, there was a . er? : ee man in Jerusalem, whose name oadnp, @ ovopa SULE@Y" Kalo avOparos was Simeon, andthesame man ofzo¢ OlKatos Kal evrafsns, T™poadexo-~ was Just and devout, waiting , i 7 aT a \ for the consolation of Israel: /€&YOS CER AITO oe CPO Ra and the Holy Ghost was upon IIvevpa ° nv aytov” em avutov' 75 pat ny 2m. 76 And it was revealed > - 4 ces a f unto him by the Holy Ghost, Cur SORE EO EVOL aU TnO) mae Hyev- that he should not see death, @aTOs TOU aylov, Ln iOety Oavaroy T pw ra nq? \ \ x , 7. a before he had seen the Lord’s i ton TOV XpiorAv Kupiov. 7 Kal nrOev Christ. 27 And he came by the 4“, ; > Ng ce VS Spirit into the temple: and €¥ T@ IIveuvyare eis TO tepoy Kat ev . a 5 r \ 6 when the parents breught in T®@ eloayayely Tous YoOvets TO TatOlov 21 And when eight days were oS ey 4 Rec. eveotpevay, b Ree ro wacdior. © Bz. & Elz. avurns. © avrov da voocovs, & Ree. aycov ny.KATA AOYKAN. ‘Incovy, Tov moujoat avTovs KaTd TO «i- Oia prevoy TOU vdpov Tept avrov, 8 Kal auros edefaro auto els Tas dyxddas QUuTOU, Kal evhdynoe 7 Tov Gedy, Kat Etre’ *9 Nov amoAves Tov OovAdV cov, Aéamro- Ta, KaTa TO pHa cov, ev eipnyvy °° dre elOov of 6pOadpoi pov TO C@THpLOY Gov, EO rolwacas KATA TPOT@TOY TaYT@Y Tov \aav’ * dds eis droxahuypw eOvar, kal 0d€av Kaov wou ‘Toparn. 33 Kal qv loop Katy pntnp avrov" Oavpdfovres emt Tots Nadovpevols TrEpt avtov. ** kal evA\dynoev adTovs Supewy, Kal eime mpos Mapiap. Ti pntépa avtov" *Ido0v, ovTos KEiTaL Eis TT@OW Kal ava- oTacl TOAA@Y EV TO ‘Topann, Kal ets onpLetov dyridey 5.007" > (kal gov O¢ es Tay Wuxny OueAevorerar pop.ata’ ) Tos dy amokadkupOaow eK wodhav PE adian Suahoyeopot. 35 Kal ny “Avva mpoprres, Gvyarnp bavourA, éK pudijs ’ Aonp’ aut mpoBe- Pyxvia ev pee paues wodhats, (joaca ern pera avOpos enra amo Ts mapbevias auTns’ *” Kal avty Xnpa os eT@Y dydon- KovTa Tecodpov, i) ovK adiorato amo TOU lepou, ynorelas kat Oenoect Nar pev- ovea vixta Kal nuepav’ *8 Kal aitn aury TH apa eTLOTAGa dvOapodoyeiro TO Kupi@, kat eAdAet mepl avToU Tat TOLS mpoodexopevors hutpoow » ev “Tepov- sadn.” 39 Kal os éréXecay dmavra Td KaTa roy vopov Kuplov, tréotpeav eis THY Hahkatay, eis THY TOA avT@v Na¢a- per. zo dé mraudiov nvEave, Kal expa- TaLouTo ° mvevpare,’ ( AN poupevoy codi- as’ Kal Xapts Qcov hv ew avTo. eb Kat eropevovTo ot yoveis avrov Kar qe) eis ‘Tepovoadny 7H €opry TOU maoxa. * Kai ore eyeveto eTav OwdeKa, luke E49. the child Jesus, to do for him after the custom of the law, *8 then took he him up in his arms, and blessed God, and said, *9 Lord now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, ac- cording to thy word. 30 For mine eyes have seen thy salva- tion. %! Which thou hast pre- pared before the face of all people. 32 A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel. 33 And Joseph and his mother marvelled at those things which were spoken of him. 34 And Simeon blessed them, and said unto Mary his mother, Behold, this child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel: and for asign which shall be spoken against, 3° (yea asword shall pierce through thy own soul also) that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed. 36 And there was one Anna aprophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Aser ; she was of a great age, andhad lived with an husband seyen years from her virginity. §7 And she was a widow of about four- score and four years, which departed not from the temple, but served God with fastings and prayers night and day. 83 And she coming in that in- stant, gave thanks likewise unto the Lord, and spake of him to all them that looked for re- devenuon in 4 Jerusalem. 9 And when they had per- fies all things according to the law of the ‘Lord, they re- turned into Galil ee, to theirown city Nazareth. 4° And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon him. 41 Now his parents went to Jerusalem every year, at the feast of the passover. 4% And when he was twelve years old, 20 —, Gb. 0 warnp avtov nat 7 “NTNP. bw ‘IepovcaAnpm. oS ° Or, Israel.Luxx I. 43. 142 EYATTEAION 1 a“ \ i they went up to Jerusalem, dvaBdyrwv airay *eis ‘lepoodAupa’ Kara | after the custom of the feast. _\ 0 ae As, cal reX 4 i | ‘ TO €Oos THS EOpTNS Kal TeMELOOAVT OY 43 And when they had fulfilled a oP He the days, as they returned, the Tas npepas, ev TO Umoorpepew avTous, i child Jesus tarried Pon er "Inoods 6 mais € ev ‘Tepovoradnp | Jerusalem, and Joseph and his | mother knew not of it. 4! But Kal ovK ° eyvo ‘Toon kal 7) patnp aw they supposing him to have tov.” 44 Vomioayres Oe avurov ev TH our ae Pee Company, Wen 2 Oe Meials moor niepas odor, Kae Bad day’s journey, and they sought | \ him among their _kinsfolk and ave Grow auTov ev TOLS TvYYEvErt Kal acquaintance, 4 And when © ey" Tots yvaearots’ 45 Kal ay eupdvres they found him not, they turned Veaouga\e a. back again to Jerusalem, seek- avroy,” uneotpewpay els €p Nhe, ing him. © (nrovyres” avtov. \ > / > ¢ 4 los 2 46 And it came to pass, that Tan ee pe TNPEpas TpEts, aca after three days they found him poy avuTov ev TO iep@, KadeComevov ev in the temple, sitting in the dd zy midst of the doctors, both hear- HEo@ Tov dlacKkahay, kal dxovovra ing them, and asking them airy, kal émepwtavra avtovs. “7 e&i- questions. 47 Andall that heard \ , 35 a, Se him were astonished at his un- 970/79 de TAVYTES OL AKOVOVTES AUTOV, > Cn 7 S > > / derstanding, & answers. 43 And €7Fl TH OvvedelL KAL Tals aToKpioEeow 9 ] - A > \ ~¢ s when they saw him, they were qizog, 48 Kal iddvres aUror, e&emayn- amazed: and his mother said : . sd den ‘ unto him, Son, why hast thou 7@v" Kat pos avrov 1 pTNp oe thus dealt with us? behold, thy ej7re Texvoy, TL eroingas pe OvTOS ; 5 father and I have sought thee aon a BUM KGYO COUN! vou sorrowing. 49 And he said unto '02% oT Tp G; ay id them, How is it that ye sought eCnToupiey oe. * Kat euire Tpos avrovs me? wist ye not that I must o eN 2 i Ore e(nreiré LE 5 OUK 7O€LTE OTL ey | i be about my father’s business ? Cn : ol 50 ‘ 50 And they understood not the Tous Tou marpos jhou det eival eS 3 Kat saying which he spake unto avrol ov ounKay TO pha O Nae, i them. °! And he went down 51 :B with them, and came to Naza- avrois. Kal Kate 7 per. aurar, ‘Kat . > reth, and was subject unto them: 7A0ev” ets Na Caper Kat ny vroraga6- but his mother kept all these : i € v 7 T UTOU OLE € sayings in her heart. eo Tois. Kal 1 ea? up 0 THps : mavra Ta pnuata TavTa ev TH Kapoia | auras. | ed 52 And Jesus increased in * Kal ‘Ingods TpoeKorre copia Kal wisdom and @stature, and in favour with God and man. mAcKia, kal Xapere mapa Op kal avOpa Tous. a 3. “Ev ére: 6é TevreKaLOeKaT@ ™s || 3. Now in the fifteenth year nNyEpovias TyBepiov Kaicapos, TyELO- of the reign of Tiberius Cesar, vevorros Tloyriov Iarov tis ‘Jovdatas, Pontius Pilate being governor ey Fokud 14 of Judza, and Herod being TeTpapXouvTos mS adidaias Lpa- tetrarch of Galilee, and his Sov, @idimmou dé roo adedpov avuTov brother Philip tetrarch of Itu- : : TETPAPKOUVYTO a ' : rea, and of the region of Tra- ie THs Trovpaias Kal _lpa chonitis, and Lysanias the te- Xoviridos X@pas, Kal Avoraviou Ts “ABe- ‘ trarch of Abilene, ? Annas and Anyijs TeTpapyourTos, 78 em apxtepéws” bX eyrwoay o« overs avtou. © Gb.om. 4 Gb: om. & SS avatnrovrtes i. & Rec, ex’ apyepewr. ° Or, age.KATA AOYKAN. 143 " 1 Kala MVE: Snua Oeov ‘Awva kat Kaidda, rayolas els abeow Gpapti@v’ ~ ws yée- : z yparrat ev BiBA@ héyov “Hoatov tov \ n mpopnrov, NeyovTos” ” Sevn Boaytos a / \ eQ\ év th epnuo’ Erowacate THY odoy if o A , > Kupiov’ evOelas movetre Tas tpiBous av- a / tov. © aoa dapayé mAnpwOyoerat, a A, é kal may bpos Kat Bouvos rarretvwOnoeTat iS ~ \ ¢ cal 2orat Ta oKOALa eis EVOELaY, Kal at fy >? ¢ \ it; A, a Tpaxetat eis Gdovs Aetas. © Kal oerat rica capé TO cwTNpLoy TOU Oeov. 7 "Eeyev ovy Tois ekmopevopevots By a C. 29, > oy / dyNows Barrio Onvar vr avrov* Vevyn- 2 ; . i ara exsdvar, Tis bmederEev pty uyew an ~ / amo THs HeANovaNS Opyns; ~ Touoare > ‘ nA / - \ ovv Kaprrovs agélous THs peTavolas* Kat pn ap&nobe héeyerv ev eavtois’ Marepa éyowev Tov “ABpadu Aéyw yap viv, a >? rr 4 ére Ovvatat 6 Geds ex TOY NiBwy TOVT@Y 2 5 , ey eee , 9 WS Yd eyeipar texva TO “APBpaap. n0n O€ Nt > , A c \ A rn , Kal 7 aéivn mpos THY piCay Tav devdpay keirat’ may ovv Sevdpoy jut) ToLovY Kap- mov KaNoyv ekKdmTeTaL Kal €is TuUp BadXerat. 10 Kal émnporev avroy of dxdot, Aé- yovtes* Ti ovy © TomnT@peD 5” 1? Arro- \ A 4 > 5 ¢ as 4 kpilets Se Neyer adrois* “O €yay dvo xit@vas jreraddt@ TO put) €xovTL’ Kal 6 y \ = éxov Bpopara 6poiws moueira. ”°H)- \ an a Gov b€ Kal tehdvar BarticOjnvat, Kai elmov mpos avrov* AiddoKane, Ti Town- : : copev; 33 ‘O 6 ete mpos avrovs’ \ 4 , Mndev mheoy mapa To dcateraypevoy oom , vuty mpacoere. | Ennpotay O€ av- A n 4 Tov Kal oTpatevdpevot, heyovtes* Kat ¢ *~ , , > nels TL tmomoopev; Kal elie mpos > Fk 7 , \ avtovs’ Mndeva vacetonte, pode Luxe III. 14. Caiaphas being the high priests, the word of God came unto John the son of Zacharias, in the wilderness. 3 And he came into all the country about Jordan, preach- ing the baptism of repentance, for the remission of sins, 4 as it is written in the book of the words of Esaias the prophet, saying, The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his aths straight. 5 Every valley shall be filled, and every moun- tain and hill shall be brought low, and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough ways shall be made smooth. 6 And all flesh shall see the salvation of God. 7 Then said he to the multi- tude that came forth to be bap- tized of him, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come? 8 Bring forth therefore fruits aworthy of repentance, and begin not to say within your- selves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raiseup children unto Abra- ham. 9 And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees : every tree therefore which bringeth not forth good fruit, is hewn down, and cast into the fire. 10 And the people asked him, saying, What shall we do then ? 11 He answereth, and saith unto them, He that hath two coats, let him impart to him that hath none, and he that hath meat, let him do likewise. !2 Then came also publicans to be bap- tized, and said unto him, Mas- ter, what shall we do? 18 And he said unto them, Exact no more than that which is ap- pointed you. 14 And the soldiers likewise demanded of him, say- ing, And what shall we do? And he said unto them, & Do violence to no man, neither 4 Rec.add ron DD ¢ H —. Rec. & Gb. wonooper. * Or, meet for. 8B Or, Put no man in fear.owe Wl. 15. accuse any falsely, and be con- tent with your 4 wages. 15 And as the people were Sin expectation, and all men ymused in their hearts of John, whether he were the Christ or not: 1/6 John answered, saying unto them all, I indeed baptize you with water, but one mightier than I cometh, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose, he shall _ baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire. 17 Whose fan is in his hand, and he will throughly purge his floor, and will gather the wheat into his garner, but the chaff he will burn with fire unquenchable. $48 And many other things in his _ exhorta- tion preached he unto the peo- ple. '9 But Herod the tetrarch be- Ing reproved by him for Hero- dias his brother Philip’s wife, and for all the evils which Herod had done, *9 added yet this above all, that he shut up John in prison. 21 Now when all the people were baptized, andit came to pass that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven was opened: %? and the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him, and a voice came from heaven, which said, Thou art my beloved son, in thee J am well pleased. *3 And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, be- ing (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli, 24 which. was ¢he son of Matthat, which was the son of Levi, which was the son of Mel- chi, which was the son of Janna, which was the son of Joseph, 2> which was the son of Matta- thias, which was the son of Amos, which was the son of Naum, which was the son of Esli, which was the son of Nagge, 26 which was the son of Maath, which was the son of Mattathias, which was 144 EYATTEAION , . ovKxopavTnanre > / ¢ a OWerviols Uuav. \ ° n rn Kai dpkeirbe TOLS > 15 IIpocdoxavtos S€ Tov Naov, Kal) duadoyiCouevov mavT@v ev Tals Kap- diats avTay Tept TOU Iwavvov, pntrore avtos ein 6 Xpiotos, *° asexpivato 6 ‘Iaavuns drat, héyav’ “Eyo pev voate Banti(@m vas’ epxyerar de 6 ioxupe- TEPOS fLOV, OU OUK Eipl ikavos NuGTaL TOY iuavTa TOY UTOOnUdT@Y aUTOU’ avTos upas Barrioe: €v Ivevpate dyio kal mupt’ “ot TO mrvov ev TH xXELpL av-= Tov, Kat Ovakadapuet THY GA@va avTOU" Kal cuvaget TOY otToy eis THY aTFOOnKNY avTov, TO O€ Gxupoy KaTaKavoet Tupl aoBéotm. ' IloAXG pev ot Kat eTEpa Tapakahay evnyyedicero Tov hadv. * “O de ‘Hpwdns 6 rerpapyns, edey- xXpevos UT avrov Trepl Hpwdiddos ths yuvatkos *” Tov ddedovd avrovd, Kat TEpl TavT@v &v eToinae Trovnpav 6 ‘Hpwdns, °° rpoaéOnke Kat TrodTo emt Tmaot, Kai KateKhetoe TOV “lwavyny ev Th pvdaky. 21 Eyeveto O€ ev TO BanricOnvat dmavra Tov adv, Kat “Incov Barr- aGevros Kai mpocevyopevou, avewxO7- vat Tov ovpavoyv, ™ Kai KataBHvar Td Ilvevpa 70 dytov g@paTika@ cider Ooel Teptotepay em avTov, Kal gdovnv e& oupavov yevecba, >déyovcay’” Sd ef 0 vlog ov 6 ayamnros, év col nvdd- Kno. 293 \ DN oY €-9 “a ¢ No Ba Kat avtos nv 6 Incovs acel €Tav / > X TplaKovTa apXOmeEvos, Ov, ws evopic= e\ > \ at Xo a eT0, vlos Iwond, Tov HAl, 4 rod Mar- A ~ av ~ \ fw) \ at, Tou Aevl, Tov Medyxl, Tov lavva, mA SS \ 25 ~ y , A Tov Iwond, tov Marra@iov, tod 2 \ Aa aA) a Apos, Tou Naovp,tov Eon, Tov Nay- \ 2 a A A A yal, 6 Tod Madé, rov MarraGiou, Tov & Rec. add @iAcwrov. b> a Or, allowance, 8 Or, in suspense. iy, Or, reasoned, or, debated, ae 4 ) | ieKATA AOYKAN. Septet, TOU loon, rod Iovda, 1 rod “I@avya, Tov ‘Pnoa, Tov ZoposaBen, TOU Daradunr, tov Nypl, 38 Tov MeAxi, rod “AOS, Tov Kooap, TOU "EX podap, tov Hp, 9 00 ‘Toon, Tov "EdeCep, Tod “la- pet, TOV Matar, rov Aevt, 30 roU Dupedy, Tov ‘“lovda, rod Iwan, Tov Iwvay, Tov "ENakelp, *1 rov Medea, Tov Maivav, tod Marrafa, Tov Nadav, rod Aavid, 2 tod “leccal, tov 2879, Tov Boot, Tod Sahpov, Tov Naacoov, ® rod “Apwadas, TOU Apap, TOU Eapou, TOU Papes, 7 Tov lovda, ** rod “Ia- KoB, Tov “IoadK, Tov “AB- nat TOU Odpa, TOU Naxap, 35 tov Zepovy, TOU ‘Payav, TOU @ahek, Tov EBep, Tov Sada, ° rod Kaivay, rov “Appaéad, Tov Sn, TOU N@e, Tov Aa- pex, 7 rov Mabovaana, rod "Evoy, tov ‘laped, Tov Made- Aenh, Tov Kaivav, * to "Evas, Tov 370, Tod *Addp, Tov Geov. SS) 4, “Incovs dé Bettas dyiov mrpys vmeotpewer aro Tov lopdavou' Kal NYETO ev 7 ) Hvetorot eis TY eépn- pov” ® nucpas Teo oapdkovra, TetpaCopevos UmrO TOU dao dov. Kal ovK eayev ovdey ev Taisnpepars exelvas” Kal ouy- TedeoOeic av. attov, » vore- pov” émretvacé. 3 Kal etrev ao ey ry EPL. 145 Lure V¥.3 the son of Semei, which was the son of Joseph, which was the son of Juda, 7 which was the son of Joanna, which was the son of Rhesa, which was the son of Zorobabel, which was the son of Salathiel, which was the son of Neri, 28 which was the son of Melchi, which was the son of Addi, which was the son of Cosam, which was the son of Elmodam, which was the son of Er, 29 which was the son of Jose, which was the son of Eliezer, which was the son of Jorim which was the son of Matthat, which was the son of Levi, 3° which was the son of Simeon, which was the son of Juda, which was the son of Joseph, which was the son of Jonan, which was ¢he son of Eliakim, 3! which was the son of Melea, which was the son of Menan, which was the son of Mattatha, which was the son of Nathan, which was the son of David, 32 which was the son of Jesse, which was the son of Obed, which was the son of Booz, which was the son of Salmon, which was the son of Naasson, °3 which was the son of Aminadab, which was the son of Aram, which was the son of Esrom, which was the son of Phares, which was the son of Juda, 34 which was the son of Jacob, which was the son of Isaac, which was the son of Abraham, which was the son of Thara, which was the son of Nachor, * which was the son of Saruch, which was ¢the son of Ragau which was the son of Phalec, which was the son of Heber, which was the son of Sala, 36 which was the son of Cainan, which was the son of Arphaxad, which was the son of Sem, which was fhe son of Noe, which was the son of Lamech, %7 which was the son of Maihusala, which was fhe son of Enoch, which was the son of Jared, which was the som of Maleleel, which was the son of Cainan, 35 which was the son of Enos, which was the son of Seth, which was the son of Adam, which was ¢he son of God. * 4. And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost, returned from Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, 2 being forty days tempted of the deyil, and in those days he did eat nothing: and wher they were ended, he after ward hungered. 3 And b3S 1]Luxe IV. 4. the devil said unto him, If thou be the son of God, command this stone that it be made bread. + And Jesus answered him, say- ing, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God »° And the devil taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. 6 And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them ; for that is delivered unto me, and to whomsoever [| will, I give it. 7 If thou therefore wilt 2 wor- ship me, all shal! be thine. § And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Sa- tan: for itis written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. 9 Andhe brought him to Jeru- salem, and set him ona pinnacle of the temple, and said unto bim, If thou be the son of God, cast thyself down from hence. 10 For it is written, He shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee. 1! And in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone. !* And Jesus answering, said unto him, It is said, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. !° And when the devil had ended all the temp- tation, he departed from him for a season. \4 And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee, and there went out a fame of him through all the region round about. 15 And he taught in their synagogues, being glo- rified of all. 16 And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the 146 EYATTEAION avTe 6 duaBoXos* Ei vids Kal davayayov avrov 6 didBodos ” eis Opos ty hov edersev avrg Tacas Tas Bact\elas wn oikoupevns ev OTLYLN Xpovov" 6 kal elev AUT@ O SidBohos: Soi deow Thy e€ovociay TavtTny amacay Kal THY ddgav avTaev* OTe enol mapade- Sorat, kal @ eav Ocho OLOapue abrny * 7 ov aby eay mpooKvyNjons EV@TLOV JLOU, éotat cou ° maca.” 8 Kal amoxpifeis ate eirev 6 Incovs* 4 "Yraye orice pov, Satava‘” yeypamrat © IIpoo- Kun oes Kupiov rov Gedy cov, Kal auTa pove harpevoets. 9° Kal ayryey avTov eis ‘Iepovoahnp, Kal eoTnoey avTov emt TO TTEpvyLov TOU iepov, Kal etmev art@’ Ei !“vids et Tov B28, Bare ceavTov evrevdey Kato" ® yeypamrat yap’ “Ort Tots ayyehots auTovU evTeetra rept cov, TOU Ovagu- AdEa ce. 1 Kal ® Ore" emi xetpav dpovot , pote mpookd ns mpos iBov Tov qéoa cov. ™ Kai amoxpiBeis eimrev avuTa 0 Iyoods" “Ore elpnrae’ OvK €k- TELPAT ELS Kuptoy Tov Gedy cov. *® Kat ovreheras mavra Tmeypao Hoy 6 dua Bo- os anéotn aw avrov aypt Karpov. 4 Kal tréotpepev 6 “Incovs ev TH Suvaper Tov Ivevparos eis thy Tade- Aalav’ kal dnun €&ndAOe Kab’ OAns Tis Tepiyopou wept av’tod. ™ Kat avros edidacKkey év Talis cuvaywyais avTey, do€adpevos Urd TavT@v. 16 Kal AAOev eis THY Na€apér, ob 7 TeOpappevos’ Kal eionhGe, Kata TO €lw- Obs ate ev TH népa TOY caBBaTov > eR b= ¢ Res wavra. 4 Gb. um ie ; oe as : Hee. add yap. f Rec. add o, 8 = ~ Or, fall down before meKATA AOYKAN. 147 Luxe IV. 28. sabbath day, andstood up for to > \ \ Mig oe : a he a eee ae Boe ae read. 17 And there was deliver- vat. ¥ cal eredoOy avT@ Bus or Fal0V eq unto him the book of the TOU mpopnrov' Kal avantugas TO BiBrLov, prophet Esaias, and when he 2 \ , 5 Ay yeypa évop: had opened the book, he found eupe TOV (Ee ee ; I a is ee , the place where it was written, ig Tlyevpa Kupiou em eye" OU “ €LVEKEV 18 The Spirit of the Lord is up- g Z ; (| 6 Fc. onme, because he hath anointed edicacbar TTwYXOLS ; ee ee ee, 6 \ ee me, to preach the gospel to the aMEGTAAKE pe © lagagval TOUS OS poor, he hath sent me to heal i ff “Ale a nay “PoC cpyspevous THY KapSiav” Knpvgar aix- the brokenhearted, to preach rd 7 eat tupois ava- deliverance to the captives, and ee apeow, , > recovering of sight to the blind, Brew" amootethat TeOpavopevous €Y to set at liberty them that are ite Say SAO) ffs 2 \ ceptable year of the Lord. OeKTov. Kae mrvgas UW By) oe eer 20 And he closed the book, and na / \ - . . Sovs To UmNpeTN, exabice’ Kal wavT@y he gave it again to the minister, ee a ap ‘> e and sat down: and the eyes of fA 0 Bee * opOahpot Oe all them that were in the syna- vitovres auT@. gogue were fastened on him. ak mary 8 A Xr , pas A 2 a , : p&aro de heyewy mpos avTous , , ¢ \ o ae Pits ae 7 peapn eam 21 And he began to say unto oy Tote Gt coe : no AS eee them, This day is this scripture > na nn . 7 . 4») TUPOUVY GQUT@, Kal eOavpagov emt Tots fulfilled in your ears. 7” And ‘ Set pee , all bare him witness, and won- hoyous THS XAPLTOS, TOLS EKTOPEVOLEVOLS aered at the gracious words, > A > a No s : 2 €K TOU oTdmaros auTov, Kal eheyov which proceeded out of his e > , 9. r , cal c Ody oorés e€oTw 6 vids loon ; 23 Ka} mouth. And they said, Is not > \ eee Td a nae this Joseph’s son? % And he Sv Tpos OTOUS 4 UT OS BPRS peat said unto them, Ye will surely Ty mapaBodny tauTnv’ larpe, Gepa- say unto me this proverb, Phy- Pee cu in oa TKOU ae “yever sician, heal thyself: whatsoever Oe ee 1) Me » , we have heard done in Caper- eva ~ ev TH Karrepyvaoup, TOlnoov Kal naum, do also here in thy coun- i > sm 9. > , a 2 send T awl ber Bdeaen Th marpiou gov. 74 Fine Se: try. 74 And he said, Verily I ner ve A ae 8 2} , say unto you, no prophet is Bee EO pee CURES: mpopnrns accepted in his own country. Sexrés cote ev TH maTpiou avrov. * em’ » But I tell you of a truth, > , \ , eon NE en many widows were in Israel in adnOeias dé Evo Dply oe Ne eaten UALS modhat XP the days of Elias, when the noav ev Tals nLepals HAiov ev r@ “Io- heaven was shut up three years \ ¢ 2 ? ¢ > \ se Near ix - pair, Gre exdeioOn 6 ovpavos emt érn and six months: when great eeu neue a 6 ee yea famine was throughout all the Pp moe Pal S € 9 2S Stones tuas land: *6 but unto none of them peyas €7l TAGCAY THY ynv Kat Tpos was Elias sent, save unto Sa- > , An ase 7 > / > . repta a city of Sidon t ovdeniay a’trav eméeuphbn >H J + eee & a he : Lp le Meas, ce eal woman that was a widow. as apemTa TNS S.Oavos mTpos yuvaika *7 And many lepers were in xnpay. 27 rah qo\Xo} empot hoa er) me in the time of Eliseus the 5 7 5 ; 53 prophet: and none of them w: Edtocaiou ; ; E ke Re a mpoprrov a T® Iopa cleansed, saying Naaman the nr kat ovdels adtay exabapicbn, «i pay Syrian. ¢ , Neeuav 0 Supos. 28 Wes) 4 , a > © Kat emAno@noay ravres Oupwod év 8 And all they in the 4 Rec, . Rec. svexev b Gb. om. fCw—, Gh. ecg d & SidwesasMowe Ve 2 synagogue, when they heard these things, were filled with wrath,?9 and rose up, and thrust him out of the city, and led him unto the ¢ brow of the hill (whereon their city was built) that they might cast him down headlong. 2° But he passing through the midst of them, went his way: 31 and came down to Caper- naum, a city of Galilee, and taught them on the sabbath days. %2 And they were aston- ished at his doctrine: for his word was with power. 23 And in the synagogue there was a man which had a spirit of an anclean devil, and cried out with a loud voice, 34 saying, 8 Let us alone, what have we to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth ? art thou come to destroy us ? I know thee who thou art, the Holy One of God. 39 And Jesus rebuked him, saying, Hold thy peace, and come out of him. And when the devil had thrown him in the midst, he came out of him, and hurt him not. 36 And they were all amazed, and spake among themselves, saying, What a word is this ? for with authority and power he commandeth the un- clean spirits, and they come out. 37 And the fame of him went out into every place of the country round about. 3 And he arose out of the synagogue, and entered into Simon’s house: and Simon’s wife’s mother was taken with a great fever, and they besought him for her. 39 And he stood over her, and rebuked the fe- ver, and it left her. And im- mediately she arose, and minis- tered unto them. 40 Now when the sun was set- ting, all they that had any sick with divers diseases, brought them unto him: and he laid his hands on every one of them, € and healed them. 4! And 148 EYATTEAION 29 TH owayoyn, axovoyTes ravra. f Kal avacTayTes e§€Badov auroy e€w THS TO- ews, Kal iPyayov auToV ews ao odpuos Tov dpovs, ep ov 1 TONS abray @K086- [inOs aw els, TO. KaTaKpypviodt avTév" 30 aitos O€ SueAOav Sua pe~ou avTaev CTFOPEVETO. Sl Kat xatndOev eis Kazepvaovp modw THs Tadwdaias’ Kal ny OwWdoKwv avTovs ev Tots caBBace. a2 Kae efe- whyowovro eT TH Oudax7) QUTOD, ore ev efoucia ny 6 Adyos avtov. * Kal ev TH ouvayoyn my ivOpwmos tyov mvedpa datpoviov axabaprov, kal avexpa&e pavy peyahy, : Aeyou" "Ea, TL npiv Kat gol, ‘Inoov Nacapnves mbes dmoeoat 1Uas ; oida ge Tis €i, 6 ys 1 Tov Geov. *® Kal ETETIPLN OEY avTa 6 Ingots, héyov’ Bi- poOnte, Kal €EedOe © €&" avrou. Kat piray avroy TO Oana eis 4.70" pecoy e&n\Oev am avrov, pndev BAdWay avtov. 38 kal eyévero OauBos emt mavras, Kat auvedddovy mpos addAndovus, éyovres” Tis 6 \éyos ovTos, OTe ev eEovoia Kal Suvdper emitda oes TOLs akabdprous TvEv- part, Kal eS€pNovrar ; 7 Kat e€eropev- , 7 €TO NYOS mepl avToU «is mavTa TOToY THS TEPLY@pov. 8 Avaotas O€ * ex” THs TUVayeyns, eiondOev eis THY olkiay Sinevos: ! “TEV Pepa dé Tov Sipavos wy our /eXOMEUT TUPETO pLeyaho* kal nparncay avuTov mepi avTns. * Kal éemuotas émave ad- TNS, ETETIUNTE TO TUPETO, Kal adbykev abryy: mapaxpnpa d€ avactaca Siy- KOVEL AUTOLS. %° Avvovtos dé Tov Alou, TUYTES Ooou eixov do devovvt Tas vocous moukihaus PY ayov avrovs mpos avtév: 6 Oé évt KAOT@ aUTOY Tas Keen emOels €Ge- pamevoev avtovs. 1 eEnpyero dé Kal b Gb wore. * Or, ed ® Rec, add +5, ¢ wan’, ad Gb. om. ¢ Lazo. £ Rec. add », ge. BP Or, away.KATA AOYKAN. 149 es , ‘ , Saypdvia amd ToA@Y, Kpagoyta Kat \e- > r \ Meet eA B33 yovta’ “Oru av et * 6 Xpioros” 0 vlog TOU a ne > Doan a Ocod. Kal émuripav ovk ela aura ane, , a aa\ > Oru JSeccay Tov Xpuoroy avroy ecvat. 43 4 de Hue Ee Oav Tevopevns O€ nNpEpas e&€ \ c emopevOn eis Epnpov TOTrOV, Kat OL oxdoe A 5 Sos b ére(nrouv" avTov, Kal NAOoY Ews aUTOV, r a \ 4 Kal KATELYOY aUTOV TOU [1] mopever Oat A : ey > Fie amr avroav. * 6 Oe elme mpos avTous oY va > , Ori kal tais érépais TOAEoLY evayyeNl- carat pe Set Thy Baodeiay Tov Geo" ¢ a , Nina ért elg Touro améotaApa. * Kal ny / r rn ~ Knpycoay ev Tals guvaywyais THs Ta- Atalas. 5. “Eyévero 0€ ore a ~ / n keto Oar avT@ TOU aKovELY Tov NOyov TOV nA > \ \ Ocod, Kal ad’rds HY éEoToS Tapa THY ! 18 9 Aa , - ipyny Tevynoapet ~ Kat eloe Ovo TAOLA ce a \ \ , . c NS 4 <> éotata mapa THY Aiuyny’ ot Oe aduets > , 252 > 5 c > ¢ r “ \ droBavres am avTay ©amemhuvay” Ta , 3 J aN \ ° a a ‘ a dixrua. * euBas O€ Els EV TOV TOLWY, O > ~ > ~ HV Tod Sipwvos, NpOTnTEV aUTOY aT TIS yas emavayayety ddiyov * Kal Kabioas Qs > _ / \ Bi ediNacKkey ek TOU TAOLOU TOUS OxAOUS. 4¢ NED, , a a \ Qs d€ émavoato Nadav, Ete pos \ , . ? a °, \ / TOY Zipwova’ Ezavayaye els To Babos, Kal yaddoare Ta Oikrua vay els Gypuy. 5 TN > \ ¢ , y > ~, Kat amroxpieis O Ziv ElTEV AVT@ > ’ a , ’"Emorata, Ov dys THs vUKTOS KoTTLa- > \ > / s > \ \ 6 gavres ovdey edaBopev’ emt Oe TO ak: / / \ ) 6 i pnpart cov xaddow TO Oixtvoy. ° Kat n / 7 a TOUTO TOLNOaYTES, TUVEKNELT AY dn Oos > , 4 he 3.04 Venkeane iyOvav" modu: Sueppryyvuto Oe TO OiKTUOY avtav, * Kal KaTevevoay Tots peTOXoLS ee ce, z Tos ev TO ETEp@ TADI@, TOV ehOdyTas , r > cu\AaBécOa avtois* Kal 7AOov, Kai 2 > r 2 Ae em\noay auddorepa Ta TAA, dore “ Bu- Giver Oat avra. > \ \ , , 8 [day O€ Sipay Ieérpos mpooérece ce , a? a , i Tols yovaot Tov Inaov, Aéeyav’ "E€edOe > arte. ~ iva > A am €wov, Ort avip duaptaNds eit, KUpLE. > a \ a > €v T@ TOV OYAOV ET t- Burke Vu. devils also came out of many, crying out, and saying, ‘Thou art Christ the sonof God. And herebuking them,suffered them not @to speak: for they knew that he was Christ. 42 And when it was day, he departed, and went into a de- sert place: & the people sought him, and came unto him, and stayed him, that he should not depart from them. 4% And he said unto them, I] must preach the kingdom of God to other cities also: for therefore am I sent. 44 And he preached in the synagogues of Galilee. 5, And it came to pass, that as the people pressed upon him to hear the word of God, he stood by the lake of Gennesaret, 2and saw two ships standing by the lake: but the fishermen were gone out of them, and were washing their nets. ? An he entered into one of the ships, which was Simon’s, and prayed him, that he would thrust out a little from the land: and he sat down, and taught the peo- ple out of the ship. 4 Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets fora draught, 5 And Simon answering, said unto him, Master, we have toil- ed all thenight, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net. 6 And when they had this done, they inclosed a great multitude of fishes, and their net brake: 7 and they beckoned unto their partners, which were in the other ship, that they should come and help them. And they came, and filled both the ships, so that they began to sink. 8 When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord. b Ree, eXyrovr. © Ww exdvvay, © Or, to say that they knew him a Gb. om. d Ree. tyGuwy ~Anvo;. e Bz. add mapa 7s. to be Chiist.Luxe Y. 9 ® For he was astonished, and all that were with him, at the raught of the fishes which they had taken. 1° And so was also James, and John the sons of Zebedee, which were partners with Simon. And Jesus said unto Simon, Fear not, from henceforth thou shalt catch men. !! And when they had brought their ships to land, they forsook all, and followed him. 12 And it came to pass, when he was in a certain city, behold a man full of leprosy : who see- ing Jesus, fell on his face, and besought him, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean. 1/3 And he put forth his hand, and touched him, saying, I will: be thou clean. And immediately the leprosy de- parted from him. !4 And he charged him to tell no man: but, go, and shew thyself to the priest, and offer for thy cleans- ing, according as Moses com- manded, for a testimony unto them. 1 But so much the more went there a fame abroad of him, and great multitudes came together to hear, and to be healed by him of their infir- mities. 46 And he withdrew himself into the wilderness, and prayed. 17 And it came to pass on a certuin day, as Be was teaching, that there were Pharisees and doctors of the law sitting by, which were come out of every town of Galilee, and Judea, and Jerusalem: and the power of the Lord was present to heal them. 148 And behold, men brought in a bed a man which was taken witha palsy: and they sought means to bring him in, and to lay him before him. 19 And when they could not find by what way they might bring him in, because of the multitude, they went upon the housetop, and let him down through the tiling with his 150 EYATTEAION 2 OapBos yap TEPLETXEV QvTOY Kal mavras TOUS TW AUTO, emt 72 aypa TOV ixOveov 7 cuvéhapov" uy dpotos de Kal ‘Tax@Bov Kal ‘Toavyny, uiovs Ze- Pedaiov, ou noav KOLW@VOL TO Sipove. Kal €lTre mpos TOV Zipava 0 Incods" My poBov* amo Tov voy avOperous €on Coypav. 1 Kai Karayayovtes Ta TAola emt TV Ynys adévres Gmavta, Nkohov- Oncay avre. 2 Kat eyévero ev T@ elvat avrov ev pula TOV Toewy, Kal i808, avnp mAnpns Aempas Kal iO@y Tov ‘Ingovy, TET OY emt mpocwmor, edenOn avTov, hEeyov* Kupte, eq Gedys, dvvacal pe kadapioat. 3 Kal éxreivas thy xElpa, mato aUTOV, cim@y" Ged, kadapioOnrt. Kal evééws 7 empa anmnhOev amr avtov. ™ kat avtTos TapnyyeltAcy aUT@ pndevi elmrety* GAAG areAOay SetEov ceavToy T@ lepet, Kal TpooeveyKeE Tepl TOU Kabaprrpov gov, Kados mpooerage Moons, eis pap- TUpLoy GUTOIS. oes Aumpxero de padhov 6 éyos Trept aUTOU * Kal ovynpXoVvTo oxo mo\Xol akovew, Kal Geparever Oat ‘um avTov” amd Tay acbeve@y avTaV’ 16 adros O€ Hy UToYwpHy ev Tals epnpots, Kal TpowevxOpevos. 7 Kal éyevero ev pia Tov nuepor, kal avtos jy OidacKov" Kal Hoa KaOn- pevor Papicaion Kal vopodiacKadot, ot noay edndvO6tes €k TaoNnsS KopNS TIS TadwAaias cal “Iovdaias kai ‘lepovea- Anu’ Kal Sivas Kupiov fy eis TO tac Oat avtovs. 38 cai idod, avdpes Pépovtes emt kAlyns GvOpwmoy os Ay mapadedv- pevos. Kal etnrouy auTOV EeloevEeyKEL Kal Oetvar éev@rvoy aurc Ds.) Koby eupdvtes Prroias” eigevéeykKaow avTov dud Tov dxAOv, avaBavTes emt TO O@pa, dua Tav Kepapewv KaOnKkav avtov ody TA D Rec, dca rrovag,KATA AOYKAN. 151 4 + oN Kuvidi@ eis TO pecov éumpooUev TOU Aa ‘ \ , > ~~ "Incod. ™ Kai av THY TOT AUTO, op ” > 4 / eimey *avT@"” "AvOpare, apewvral cot 9 NG OG at dpaptiar cov. 1 Kai npgavto Ova- o \ ¢ hoyiferOar ot ypapparers Kat ot @a- a é > ‘e a puoaiot, Néyovres* Tis eotw ouTos os r / 4 > , haret Brachypias ; Tis Ouvarat aguevat \ fe ¢ / vi dwaptias, €l pr) povos 0 Ocos ; © - ~ \ 2 -Emiyvods O€ 6 “Ingovs tovs dia- rn \ > \ Aoyopovs avTa@y dmoxp.lels elie THOS > r / avrovs’ Ti Ovadoyicer Ge ev Tats kapolats x , ae: iuav; Ti eotw evKoT@TEpOY, ELTELY s a > Ces "Adéavral cou ai Guaptiar cov, 7) elmely nt 3,25 ie SAT. MEINE Eyeipe” kal mepumarer; ~ wa 0e eLonre » ~ > ’ dru eLovoiay éyer 6 vids Tov avOpamov n - , , > r éml ms yas aduevar dwaptias, («ire TO ; i! / er d Cmrapanehupeva’”) Soi heyo" “"Eyerpe,” / = kal Gpas TO KAWLOLY Gov, TOpEvOU ELS Toy ody cov, ™ Kal mapaypnpa > \ eu. Soca / e 2H? SH dvaoTas evamtov aiTay, apas © ep @ KaTeKelTo, amnOev eis TOY OKOY AUTOD, -/ \ / 96 \ ~* do€afay tov Oecor. Kal exoTaoLs éaBev dmayras, kal edd£aoy Tov Oeor, kat emrnaOnaay PoBov, hEyovTes* “Ort / fa / eldowev Trapadoga onpepov. OF a an > 7 Kal pera tatra e&ne, kat eOed- , XN gaTo TeA@vny, dvdpatt Acvly, KaOnjwEvor éml TO TEA@YLOV, Kal Elev AUT@* >AKO- ‘6 28 4... Noe: Rover LoL. Kai karadiro@y arayta, > > 4 rn 9 dyagtas nkodovOnoey atta. * Kat > F: XN ~~ émoinae Soxny peyadny '” Aevis avTo 2 2 ~ > €v TH oikia avTov* Kal ny OxXAos TEAO- a \ \ Ey o> > vav Todvs Kat GdA@v, ol noay mer 2 a a > ‘ avta@y katakeipevot. * Kai eydyyu¢ov ¢ ° - r ol ypapparets avT@y Kal of Papicaioe \ ~ s mpos Tovs pabnras avTov, héyorTes’ 4 . nr a Avati & wera TOY TEM@OVaY" Kal GpapTo- hav eobiere kat wivere; *! Kal amo- 6 \ >? ~ > A > , > kpwels 6 “Incovs etme mpos avrovs’ Ov / ” ae xpelay €xovow oi vysaivovtes tarpov, IAN. ¢ n y 32 > > / GX’ 01 Kak@s ExovTeEs. ovuK €AnAvda Gos Vie 32. couch, into the midst before Jesus. 29 And when he saw their faith, he said unto him, Man, thy sins are forgiven thee. “1 And the scribes and the Pha- risees began to reason, saying, Who is this which speaketh blasphemies ? who can forgive sins, but God alone ? 22 But when Jesus perceived their thoughts, he answering, said unto them, What reason ye in your hearts? 73 Whe- ther is easier to say, Thy sins be forgiven thee: or to say, Rise up and walk? 74 But that yemay know that the Son of man hath power upon earth to forgive sins (he said unto the sick of the palsy,) I say unto thee, Arise, and take up thy couch, and go into thine house. 25 And immediately he rose up before them, and took up that whereon he lay, and departed to his own house, glorifying God. 26 And they were all amazed, and they glorified God, and were filled with fear, say- ing, We have seen strange things to day. 27 And after these things he went forth, and saw a publican, named Leyi, sitting at the re- ceipt of custom: and he said unto him, Follow me. *8 And he left all, rose up, and follow- ed him. 2% And Levi made him a great feast in his own house; and there was a great company of publicans, and of others that sat down with them. 30 But their scribes and Pha- risees murmured against his isciples, saying, Why do ye eat and drink with publicans andsinners? 3°! And Jesus an- swering, said unto them, They that are whole need not a phy- sician: but they that are sick. 32, 1 came not to call the 4 Gb, om. b Rec. Eyecpac. Cc) wapadurexy, d Rec. Eyecpas. e ® «9’ 0. f Rec. add o, § Nec. © pera redwvwr.Luxe V. 33. 152 EYATTEAION i \ A > righteous, but sinners to re- kahéorat Sukalous, ddA drapT@dovs els pentance. peerdvoay. 33 And they said unto him, 33 Of O€ elroy mobs airov: Atari of Why do the disciples of John : G Se). v ‘2 A ‘ fast often, and make prayers, padnrat Imavyou vnyoTEVOVGL TUKYG, Kat . . . . ~ \ € a pus ibewise the disciples of Oenoets TOLOUYTAL, Opol@s Kal OL T@YV the Pharisees: but thine eat + , Se NS Sa , \ Ls and drink ? 34 And he said po ee ye Oe Ie exOlovor AGE thie. unto them, Can ye make the vououwy 3 O O€ ete mpos avTous children of the bridechamber M7) dvvacbe rods vios Tov vupdavos, fast, while the bridegroom is , /,-~ , he es : A with then? %5 But the days €Y @ O vupptos pLeT auT@y cOTl, mouoat pao en pee acca UNOTEVEL 3 ehevoovrat O€ Npepat, snall be taken away from them, NE Reh > Ae Se A 0 ve , and then shall they fast inthose K@4 OTav arap6 am avtav 6 vuppios, 2 / es days. TOTE vnoTEVTOVoLW ev €kelvals Tals npLepats. 36 And he spake also a pa- 36 7 7 A ? a Eneye d€ kal rapaBoXiy mpos av- rable unto them, No man put- 1 Bg 2 deh > AGN eae , teth a piece of a new garment TOUS Ort ovdeis emiBAnpua lat lou upon an old: if otherwise, then kaivov “ emiBadreu emt tuatvov madatov™ both the new maketh a rent, >» a, 7 LX \ I se Nice Z € / Cs and the piece that was taken £4 de BYE, Kal TO Kalvoy OKXiCEL, Kal TH a > r > / “ \ out of the new, agreeth not Tahau@ Ov TULPwvel b em (BAnpa TO el a7 . a om 27 SoA , with the old. 7 And.no man G74 cod Kawod. 7 xayoddels Barret putteth new wine into old bot- 4 , , > \ 4 a >) \ tles: else the new wine will olvov VEOV ELS AOKOVUS qjTahatovs €d Oe = . > , Osc c , > \ > \ burst the bottles, and be spilled, BIYye, pn§et O veos olvos Tovs acKovs, and the bottles shall perish. \ Sa > Oy, Seg. aS \ 38 But new wine must be put Kat aUTOS EKXU noerat, Kat ou dokot into new bottles, and both are amoAovvtar* °8 adda oivov véov eis seYry 39 J S > \ \ , Neg. preserved. No man also Goods ratvods Brnreov, © kal duddrepot having drunk old wine, straight- = ie 39 re eee . Way desireth new: for he saith, ©U’T)NpovyTat. “ Kal ovdels TLov Tra- 7. ee > , , , s PEC AE The old is better. Aavov evbews Oder véov héyer yap’ O \ , , > : Takao NOTOTEDO TL. 6. And it came to pass on ©, OR nes me O Vs the second sabbath after the 6. Eyeveto Oe ey caSBato devrepo- frst, that he went through the qodr@ Ovarropevec Oar aitov bia Tov corn fields: and his disciples ; 5 VOR c 6 Mt ee plucked the ears of corn, and Cee Peay, Kal ene ov ol pa as auTou did eat, rubbing them in their tovs oTayvas, Kal joOcov, Weoxovres hands. 2? And certain of the os / 2 s Sew 4 Pharisees said unto them, Why pa Te s Pe be pe Papioaioy do ye that which is not lawful €u7rov ° autots*” Ti movetre 0 ovK EEEOTL « ‘ . a 2 a , « ey to do on the sabbath days ? TOLELY EV TOLS oaBBact ; 3 Kat amro- 3 And Jesus answering them, Ae \ a aN > Oe ats said, Have ye not readso much KPLUELS Tpos avTous Taney c Incous a : eee ° >aAL A > 4 ¢ > , x as this what David did, when ODO€ TovUTO AVEYYOWTE, 0 ETOLNTE Aavtd, himself was an hungred, and OUTER eacetD DisaN Ng Die they which were with him: an i ogee ee a ce rae oe 4 how he went into the house OVTES 5 @Ss etonhOev €LS TOV OLKOV TOU ol © c ; ak ~ ~ \ \ a a“ , of God, and did take and eat Oeov, Kal rods aptous THs mpobecews the shewbread, and gave also on Nuieoy Nese \ = to them that were with him, ehapPe, Kal epaye, Kal €Owke Kal TOL * ee > A ¢ n which it is not lawful to eat but pet avTou, ovs ovK é€eotu payety ei @ SN uno taTLOV KaLVOU OZtGaG. bes cS => > e-< 5 ce WwW bt: KATA AOYKAN. 153 Luk Lo Veh fEpeEls \ 2% cyey for the priests alone? ° And M4 Bye oe mel te: ne fe " ~ he said unto them, That the avrois’ “Oru Kuplos eat oO UVLOS HOU coo aan is, bord poor eg Se Pi avOpwmov kal TOU caBBarov. | sabbath. Nia, CHF. s : $ nla 6 "Eyevero dé Kal ev ETEP@ caSBare 6 And ff came to pass elso > Ak EEN? \ on another sabbath, tha civehGey auroy els IT aa a ae entered into the synagogue, and ao } SdoKewv’ Kal Av exel GvOpwTos, Kat 1) taught: and there was @’man \ NE a ee 6 ad ~ whose right hand was withered. a. qrape- whos ; xe as if defua a emp. Nees . 7 And the scribes and Pharisees THpoUv de“ of ypapparers Kat OL a- atchedhim, whether he would a Qf , © « t* « puraiot, el ev TO caSBdre Oepamevoret’ heal on the sabbath day: that 7 ae : A es avros they might find an accusation wa evpwot kaTnyoplLav ea stsh > against him. §% But he knew \ z . Oe qe TOUS duadoyropous aUT@V, KQU their thoughts, and said to the Sheet boat ! 7 ~~ £0... 2 oy, man which had the withere @ T@ ay €yOoVTt 1 é ae ue euspons i oe x . hand, Rise up, and stand forth THY XELpa Eyetpat, Kat o7TnUt €lS TO in the midst. And he arose, 2 . » > > om % “az ueoov. ‘O b€ dvagras got. ° etmev and stood ot i niet said Vee > a \ 5 fe ce Wer Jesus unto them, I will ask you sod : mies pes Sus A eR OeneS one thing, Is it lawful on the q upas* TL e€eoTl Tois oaSPacLY, sabbath days to do good, or to ; A ; n : \, do evil? to save life, or to de- i 7) KaKoTroinoal uvyny do evil: » ayec uci oe! E u a, Se vox stroy it? !° And looking round FOAL 1) © ATOKTELVAL Kat meptSA€- aout upon them all, he said a 322 PSL x ss wdpevos TayTas avToUs, €liTev ‘avT@*” unto the man, Stretch forth thy “h aN Ae l £9 8e & erroinoev hand. And he did so: and his en . ih BOR - . re ? > hand was restored whole as the obra.” kal » dmoxareatdbn’ 7 ' X€lp @V- other. |! And they were filled ~*~ 7 —s wee 0} > TOU OS 7 an.” 1l adrot be emdnoOnoay with madness, and communed Sey, \ / Von one with another what they Gvotas’ kal SueAddouvy mpds GAAroUS, might do to Jesus. / ae ~ vi dy rooeay TO Inoov. 12°? / \ * 7 ¢ , Je “ Eyevero de ev Tals nLEpals TAVTALS, k 2én\Oev" eis TO Opos T ogevéac Out * u . . : Up , P 5 dt Z . 12 Andit came to pass in those Kal HY SvavuKTEepevov €Y Tl] TPOOEVX days, that he went out into a a ~ / 4 ¢ 4 ° Tov Oeov: 13 Kal OTE EVEVETO nuepa, mountain to pray, and con- / \ Gari Gey as tinued all night in prayer to mpooeparnoe woes ee ee lars ieee God. 1! And when it was day, exeEapevos amr avtav OwdeKa, ovs Kat hecalledunto him his disciples: 2 , > / a 2 : relive. GOOTGNOUS ovdpace’ 14 Sipova oy and of them he chose twelve ; Con, ; RS ; . Whom also he named apostles : Kal MYOLACE Ilerpoy, Kal Avdpéav TOY 14 Simon, (whom he also named ° a > , - > ic - adeh ov avrou, IaxwBov Kal "loavvny, Peter,) and Andrew his brother: nome Banbor - 1 VW James and John, Philip and is v7 um a ap g OIE : ee Bartholomew, !* Matthew and Gatov Kat Owpay, IaxkwBoy Toy Tov Thomas, James the son of Al- > , , #5 ys os - o Ahgatou Kal Sipova roy KaNovevov phos, ano Simon, called Ze- Zr Reg? 5 3 Seas lotes, 6 and Judas the brother LWAKOTIY, Iovday lakaPov, kat Iovday of James, and Judas Iscariot, > , A / thic « 9° c Iokapt@Tny, Os Kal EYEVETO mpoodtns” which also was the traitor. Vaca earabe Se we Ae ee ; . And he came down with ‘ ee EE ORT OYs €o77 €7! them, and stood in the plain, TOTOU TeOwWoOv, Kal oxAos padnrav auTov, and the company of his aww —. Rec. & Gb. wapernpour de avrov. © rapsernpovuvTo be UuTOV. b w rw ardpr. C Gb, Eyscpe. d Elz. ~& vpas te’ KEsote, & Rec. Wamodecar, f Rec. ~~ Ty avOpwre. § Gb. exounce. © eFerecve h Gb, avexarectadn. i Rec. yetp avrov vyi7ns wo 4 adAAnN, CS Veto avTou, Kk SS e€eAGeiy avroyLuxe Vi.is: disciples, and agreat multitude of people, out of all Judea and Jerusalem, and from the sea coast of Tyre and Sidon, which came to hear him, and to be heal- ed of their diseases, !8 and they that were vexed with unclean spirits: and they were healed. 19 And the whole multitude sought to touch him: for there went virtue out of him, and healed them all. 20 And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples, and _ said, Blessed be ye poor: for your’s is the kingdom of God. 2! Bless- ed are ye that hunger now: for ye shall be filled. Blessed are ye that weep now, for ye shall laugh. 22 Blessed are ye when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall re- proach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man’s sake. 23 Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy: for behold, your reward is great in heaven for in the like manner did their fathers unto the pro- phets. 24 But woe unto you that are rich : for ye have received your consolation. 29 Woe unto you that are full: for ye shall hunger. Woe unto you that laugh now: for ye shall mourn and weep. 26 Woe unto you when all men shall speak well of you: for so did their fathers to the false prophets. 27 But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you, *8 bless them that curse you, and pray for them which de- spitefully use you. 29 And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek, offer also the other: and him that taketh away thy cloke, forbid not to take thy coat also. 30 Give to 154 EYATTEAION Kal 7AnOos toAv Tov Aaov amd Tacns THs “lovdaias Kai ‘lepovoadnp, Kal THs mapaniov Tvpov Kat Svdeavos, ot 7AOoy akovoa avrov, kat la@nvar amo Tov VOTOY aUTOY, kat ot * dyAovpevor” > amd” mvevudtey dxabdptayv, Kai €Oe- pamevovro. kal mas 6 dxAos eCnres dmreaOat avrov’ Ore Ovvapus Tap avTov eENPXETO, Kal taro mayras. Kal auTos eTrapas Tous opdarpovs auTov eis Tovs padnras avrou eheye* Makdptoe ol TTOXOl, Ort Uperepa eoTly 7 Bactreia TOD cov. 7 paxdproe ob a voy, OTt XopracOnoeade. pea Kaptot ob khaiovres VUV, ore yehacere. "2 waKdplol eore, Oray pironowow wpmas ot avOperrot, Kal Gray apopicwoty vas, Kal ovevolowot, Kal eKBadwor TO dvoua UL@V WS Troynpov, eveKka TOU viod TOD avOpwmov. * © yapnre” ev exeivy] TH neepa Kal oKIpTHoATE * (dov Yap, 6 pubes t Umay mohvs € EV T@ OVpav@’ KaTa ‘Tavra” yep. emolouy Tois mpodyrats ot TATEpEsS AUTOV. 4 TAjy oval vpty Tots movators, OTL direXere THY TapakAnow t Dav. 5 ovat opi, oi eprem yo pLevol, OTt TElvacere. ovat © vpty,” of yehovtes viv, Ott mevOn- oeTe kai kAavoete. 7° ovai!”, dray KaNoS upas eimaow §" ot aOparot’ kara ! rav- Ta” yap emrolouy Tots reuOorpopyrars ot mare pes auT@v. aT ANN Up eyo Tots dKovovow, “Ayarare TOUS exOpovs Ua, KAAOS MOLELTE TOLS pLGOvGLY Uas, 78 evhoyetre TOUS Kar apopevous nOfeas; a4 mpoev- xeode Umrep Tay emnpeatovrav Upas. 9 5@ TUMTOVTL OE eT Ty ovaydva, map Exe Kal Hyp addny’ kal ard TOU atpovrds wou TO iarioy, Kal TOV XiT@va a) K@~= Avoys. * rayri dé T@ airodvTi ce, BX cvoyAorpervac. b Rec. vo. & Rec. add wayrey. 1 @& ratrd. d ss radra. es k Rec. add xau, © Rec. yacpere. i Ree, vue. f Rec. add vuen | | | | | | | |KATA AOYKAN. / \ > \ “a ” A \ A Sidov: Kal did TOU alpovTos TA Oa, pL) > / 31 \ ba EN ad aa arairet. Kal Kabws GedeTE (va TOL@ x era . ow py ot dvOpwro, Kal UpEts TOLELT Bs - > x \ avTois Opoiws. 32 kal ei ayamaTe TOUS na S&S / ¢ = / 3 / s ayar@vTas ipas, mola tui Xapls EOL § A > a Kal yap ol dprapt@dot Tous ayamT@vTa Luxe VI. 42, every man that asketh of thee, and of him that taketh away thy goods, ask them not again. € 31 And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise. 3? For if ye love them which love you, what ¢ thank have ye ? forsinners also love those that love them. > \ > a 33. N22.N > a auTous ayaT@ot. “~ Kal eay ayabonounre 33 And if ye do good to them - es rovs ayaboroutvras vas, ‘i \ xXapis €oTl; Kal yap ot dwapt@dot To a > © , adro mova. *! Kat cay * davelfnre” Je: > / > r 3 ~ / ¢ - map &y edmifere arrohaBetv, Tova UpLy ydpis e€oti; Kal yap ot" dpapT@dot aad a > / dpaptwdots SavetCovory, wa aTtroAaBoot 4 : : ra toa. ® adi ayamare Tovs €xOpovs ipav, Kal ayadoroteire, kat OaveiCere \ > / « \ »~ ¢ \ undev amehmiCovTes” Kal EOTAL O pro os ¢ a \ \ + é Ck ce ¢ / . ipdy roNds, Kal €xeo Ge viol ©" wpiorou ére adros xpnoTtés ¢ \ > , oOnre. amoAvete, Kal atrohvOnoea Ge. 38 Oi0 1 OoOnoerar tpi” pe iSore, kal OoOncerat vpw" peTpov KaNov, memlecpevoy Kal cecaevpevor Kal Umepekyuvomevoy Somovow eis TOV , ¢ a a \ > > , - KoAmrov pay. TO yap avTo peTP © peTpelre, avTipeTpnOnoetar viv. 389 Kime O€ mapaBodny avtoiss Myre , r Stvarar Tupdods tupddy ddnyew 3 ovyt aupdrepor eis BdOuvoy mec ovyTaL; a \ ¢ \ A / ¢ gate paOntns vmep Tov OuOdoKadoy av- Tov KaTnpticpevos O€ Tas EaTAL wS 6 OuOdoKaAos avTov. 41 Ti dé Bhéres TO Kappos TO ev TA IPOarps Tod adehpov cov, Tv dE So- / ¢ - y, > qolia uply which do good to you, What thank have ye ? forsinners also do even the same. * And if ye lend to them of whom ye hope to receive, What thank have ye ? for sinners also lend to sinners, to receive as much again. %® But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again : and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful, and to the evil. 36 Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful, 37 Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be for- given. %8 Give, and it shall be given unto you, good measure, pressed down, and shaken to- gether, and running over, shall men give into your bosom: for with the same measure that ye mete withal, it shall be mea- sured to you again. 39 And he spake a parable unto them, Can the blind lead the blind ? shall they not both fall into the ditch? 4° The disciple is not above his master : but every one ¢that is perfect shall be as his master. 41 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but perceivest not the \ \ > a iOL > 6 Xr a > oon ~ KOY THY EV TH LOL od aAB@ ov KaTa- beam that is in thine own eye ? yoes; = i) was Suvaca eyew TO > n~ > 4 y/ adeAPHO cov’ AdeAhe, aes exBaho 70 , > - a ss Kappos TO eV TO) opbarpa gov’ autos eye:when thou thyself beholdest 42 either how canst thou say to thy brother, Brother, let me pull out the mote that is in thine a Wéarvefere, bay cC Kec, add rov. ® Or, shall be perfected as his mastersLuxe VI. 43. 156 EYATTEAION * n a > , not the beam that is in thine tiv ev TH dPOahw@ cov SoKdy ov Bre- Bee sae ae t : : own eye? ‘Thou hypocrite, cast 77 (), 3 Umoxkpita, €KBake mpa@tov THY out first the beam out of thine Seas lees 5 Ape own eye, and then shalt thou OoKkOv €K TOU opOahpov Ov, Kal TOTE see clearly to pull out the mote OvaBhewers exBadely TO Kappos TO ev that is in thy brother's eye. 43 43 For a good tree bringeth not T@ opdarpa TOU adeh pod Cer ov / ~ \ forth corrupt fruit: neither doth yap €oTL devOpov KaNOv TroLouy KapTroy / \ oS aie un Pee ae ood carpdv' ovde Sévdpoy aampoy, moLovy ruit For every tree is ‘ ; We ae SEES known by his own fruit: for of Kapmoy KaNdv. ekaoToy yap Oevdpoy A A , a > ‘ thorns men do not gather figs, gx cop iSlov Kap7rou YlY@OKETAL’ Ov yap | nor of a bramble bush gather 5. , 06 re ~ ovderer they grapes. 4° A good man out E Ce ee ee ee Oe eee ne of the good treasure of his arov Tpvy@ot orapulyy. 2 6 ayados heart, bringeth forth that which » : = . Ou aavupou 77s is good: and an evil man out avOperos € ek TOU ayabov On B / of the evil treasure of his heart, Kapoias avuTou Tmpopepet TO ayadoy' Kal bringeth forth that which is 6 Trovnpos ® avOparros” ék TOU Trovnpov evil: for of the abundance of bg Aa 5 en , the heart, his mouth speaketh. OQavUpoVU gs page las QUTOU mpopéepet \ / ca TO TOYN pov" EK yap TOU TEPLOTEVLATOS A rc > > A THs Kapdias Nadel TO oOTOpa © avTOU. ~/ 7 r / , \ | 46 And why call ye me Lord, *° Ti d€ pe Kadetre, Kupie, Kupte, Kal | ] a j a oi a > / ) Lord, and do not the things 9}, aTOLELTE G eyo 5 47 as 6 epxopevos | { which I say? 47 Whosoever ; eS ee A NG a cometh to me, and heareth my 7POS ME KAL AKOUWY [LOU T@Y VOR Kae 7 } 7 ~ ¢ /& ¢ c sayings, and doeth them, I will TOL@V avTovs, UTodElEw ULL TLL EOTLY shew you to whom he is like. « 48 ¢ ena) > Anan’ onkos 48 He is like a man which built Chee ee sore aT ‘ be ae i an house, and digged deep, and OOMOUYTL OLKLAY, OS eckawe Kal eBaduve, i | 9] dati 9 rock », s Sis \ Z, e laid the foundation on a rock. Kad €Onke epeXuov emt THY TéTpaV | | | | | ee! And when the flood arose, the : ; 72 ¢ stream beat vehemently upon 7Anupupas de VEVOMEVIS, mpooeppngev 4 / / \ > 7 eee house, and couldnot shake 6 qorapos TH olkia exeivy, KAL OUK Lr YUE : for it was founded upon a Neo 5 als ide G Xf \ sy Se 49 But he that heareth, G@/\€VOQl AuTHnY TEVEMEALWTO Yap E7rt : . { e \ / \ and doeth not, is like a man TY meTpay. og 6 O€ akovoas Kal pi that without a foundation built : 77 € . @ oiKO o- an houseupontheearth:against “ ounjoas opowds cor avOpe Oe 5 which the stream did beat ve- pnoavre olkiay emt THY yay Xepis Gc pe- hemently, and immediately it ri iG ha j wee LOUx 27 mpoaeppr 7 6 mora Os, Kal fell, and the ruin of that house 2 fe f c Is Ee ? was great. evdews € Coo Kat eyeveTo TO pnypa TS olkias ekelyns peya. 7. Now when he had ended qs. Evel Oe emAnpace qTayvra Ta pn- all his sayings in the audience ¢ ~ . \ > \ “a = > of the people, he entered into #@T@ avurou els Tas aKkoas TOU Aaov Elo- Capernaum. ? Anda certain nev eis Karrepvaoup. r EKUTOVTAPXOU centurion’s servant, who was 7 dear unto him, was sick and Oe eae Gov Ros KaKOS eee npedhe ready to die. 3 And when he Tehevray, 6 os HY avTG ao EVTL{LOS. dxovcas f heard of Jesus, he sent unto §@ TEpl TOU ‘Ingod, “dméorethe mpos av- him the elders of the Jews, 5 beseeching him that he would TOY mpeoBurepous Tay lov aor, €paTav come and heal his servant. GUT OD, | OTrws eMay diacaon TOV ee a S b = c+KATA AOYKAN. 157% ¢ ~ 4 ¢ be /, \ aprov. 4 of O€ mapayevopevoe Tpos TOY A > , "Incovy mapexadouv avrov oovdalas, 7 > 2 ff heyovTes® "Ore déids eat @ Tapeget ~ ~~ » ¢ a A rouro’ * dyara yap To €Ovos nay, Kal \ > , Ca riy ovuvayoyny avTOS GKOOOHNTEY NLW, ~ / > o 6 *O dé “Incous €TOPEVETO ouy avTots. By \ > a > \ arr H6y d€ adrov ov pakpay amexovTos a \ IN ¢ amd Ths oiklas, emepipe mpos avToy oO , > n ry? éxardyrapyos pidous, heyov avTa’ Kv- , > \ er pre, p21) gKUAXov’ ov yap Ett tKavos Lva ’ , sf \ > \ ind thy oreyny pov etaehOns* 1 duo ovde ’ \ > / , We) ae IAA \ euauTov n&iaca mpos ae eGew" adda , nr eié Adyo, Kal taOjoeTar 6 Tals pov. 8 \ \ es ae , > ¢ \ > Kal yap e€y@ dvOpemos elje v0 e&ou- » > ciay tacocdpevos, exov Um €pLauTov ? : ; oTpari@ras, kal eyo TOUT@” Tlopev@nrt, \ , : No a OF \ Kal mopeverar’ Kal GAA@’ ~Epxou, Kat a ‘ \ a , z : e , épxera’ kal TG SovdA@ prov’ Hotnoov is n > , a ToUTO, Kal rovet. 9° Akovoas dé TavTa ? A , 6 Incovs eOavpacey adtdy' Kal oTpa- 5 > “A cad dels TH axodovOodyte aiTG OxA@ etire" , 6 an = Aéyo bpiv, obdé ev TS “Iopand roaavtny , e , miotw edpov. | Kal vroarpée waves ¢ t 5. e of meupOevtes cis TOY oikoy ebpov Tov > ~ a dobevooyta Soddov bytatvovra. ll qh eve 3d yea Ces 4 > , al éyéveto ev * 7H EENS,” ETOPEvETO , he els mow Kadoupevny Naty" kal ouvero- tf 5 ~ pevovto avT@ oi paOnrat adrod » ixavor” se ey 7 2 ¢ V5 = Kal OxAos ohvs. ws O€ Hyyce TH , A oe TUAQ THS TOdEws, Kal (dod, eEeKoulcero \ cA \ A eS reOynkas, vids movoyevi)s TH pNTpl avTov, \ o a? a kat avtn © ynoa’ Kal dyXos THs TOAEwS € \ eet \ DN 3 NP UNGN > \ ixavos “Hy” guy aitn. ° Kat lOwy avTny ¢ Ko > x ce 6 sno> Fon \ 6 Kupios eomAayxvicOn em avn, Kat x Sn M? eX a 14 ‘ z etmev avtn’ Mn xAate. Kat mpooed- Ge eo za ms ¢ \ 4 & ov mato THs copov' oi Oe Baataovtes x H NES éotnoay’ Kal eime’ Neavioke, col Neyo, > fe 0 15 \ > 4 cf ‘\ eyeponrt. Kat dvexdOucev 6 vexpos, \ i rc » nw kal jp&ato Nadciv’ Kal €OwKeyv avTov TH Nae, Sin 4 \ yi pntptavrov. ® edaBe dé PdBos* wavras,” \ 20 I - Ss A , d kal €dd£aoy Tov Gedy, AeyovTes* “Ort Luxe VII. 16. 4 And when they came to Je- sus, they besought him instant- ly, saying, that he was worthy for whom he should do this. 5 For he loveth our nation, and he hath built us a synagogue. 6 Then Jesus went with them. And when he was now not far from the house, the centurion sent friends to him, saying unto him, Lord, trouble not thyself: for Iam not worthy that thou shouldest enter under my roof. 7 Wherefore neither thought I myself worthy to come unto thee: but say in a word, and my servant shall be healed. 8 For Ialso ama man set under authority, having under me soldiers: and I say unto one, Go, and he goeth: and to ano- ther, Come, and he cometh: and to my servant, Do this, and he doeth it. 9 When Jesus heard these things, he mar- velled at him, and turned him about, and said unto the people that followed him, I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel. !9 And they that were sent, returning to the house, found the servant whole that had been sick. 11 And it came to pass the day after, that he went into a city called Nain: and many of his disciples went with him, and much people. !? Now when he came nigh to the gate of the city, behold, there was a dead man carried out, the only son of his mother, and she was a widow: and much people of the city was with her. ! And when the Lord saw her, he had compassion on her, and said unto her, Weep not. /4 And he came and touched the ¢ bier (and they that bare him, stood still.) And he said, Young man, I say unto thee, Arise. © And he that was dead, sat up, and began to speak: and he de- livered him to his mother. 16 And there came a fear on all, and they glorified God, aw rw Kb 7S. n> c St. add nv, d St. & Bz om. = : =e @ Rec. ararTa; * Or, coffia.Bure VII. 17. saying, that a great prophet is risen up among us, and that ¢ God hath visited his people. 17 And this rumour of him went forth throughout all Ju- dza, and throughout all the region round about. 18 And the disciples of John shewed him of all these things. 19 And John calling unto him two of his disciples, sent them to Jesus, saying, Art thou he that should come, or look we for another ? 20 When the men were come unto him, they said, John Baptist hath sent us unto thee, saying, Art thou he that should come, or look we for another? 2! And in that same hour he cured many of their infirmities and plagues, and of evil spirits, and unto many that were blind, he gave sight. Then Jesus answering, said unto them, Go your way, and tell John what things ye have seen and heard, how that the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, to the poor the gospel is preached. 23 And blessed is he whosoever shall not be offended in me. 24 And when the messengers of John were departed, he be- gan to speak unto the people concerning John: What went ye out into the wilderness for to see? eEeAndvVOare” idetv; dvOpwmov ev padakois iparious nuprecevoy 3 idov, of ev iuaticpa eév- Odf@ Kai tpupn wmdpxovrTes ev Tots Baowrelots eiciv. *© dda Tt » e£ehnv- Bare” ideiv 5 Tmpopytny; val, Neyo vp, Kat meploodrepoy mpopnrov. 27 Otrds €OTL TeEpl ov yeypanrac’ *Idov, eye droarehho TOY ayyedov pov po Tpog wou Gov, Os KATATKEevdcet THY 60d wou epmpooOev cou. Aéyo yap vpiv, pei(@v ev yevyntois yuvark@v VD ters eXnd\Aare.KATA AOYKAN. a a” * roopnTns” "Ieadvvov » rod BamticTou , > a oddels eotiv. 6 Sé puxpdrepos ev TH Ba- a a / > ~ >? gitela Tov Geod pei{wy avToUv €oTt. 29 XN : 5 c \ 2. , \ ¢ r 5 Kal Tas 6 Nads akovaas Kal Ol TEA@VAL > / \ \ 6 2 \ edicalacav Tov Gedy BantiaGevtes TO , > / S 30 c 6e @ es Barricpa Imavvou ot d€ Papicator \ ¢ \ \ vr ~ Se a 76 / Kal of vopxol THY BovAny Tov Ocou 7Ge- \ 4 ¢ > rnoay eis Eavtovs, pi) Barrio Oevres UT nn > \ > avrov. 3} °” rin obv 6polmow Tovs ar- a an 4 \ / Opamous THs yeveds TavTNS; Kal TIVE ; f Opotol elt maLolots TOs év dyopa Kabnpevors, kai Tpoapavovoty , > , aNAnAows, Kal eyourw’ Hvdncapey cr , > , itv, Kal ovk @pxnoacbe eOpnynoapuer Ce x > > f: 33 2 / 6 \ ily, Kat ovK ekhavoate. * eAnAvGe yap / ladys 6 Bantiotns pyte “ aprov“ éobiay pyre ° oivov" Tivav, Kat heyeTe’ > , ¢ a Aaupduov éxe. * eAndvOev 6 vios Tov avdpwrov ecbioy kal river, kal heyere’ 1) \ 2 6 , \ > / ov, wOpwmos ayos Kal olvotroTns, Cr A a > fpitos TeA@var” Kat dapTodar. 2A , ¢ , > \ n / C4 wy eduxa@On 7 copia ard TOY TEKV@Y AUTNS 7 n 36 "Hpora O€¢ tis airoy Tay Papicalor, a / > > wa payn pet avrov" Kat eiaedOav eis \ ed. a / > / Thy olkiay TOD Papicaiov avexdiOn. 37 Worl A \ > -~ /, a Kai idov, yur €v tH mode, 1TIS Av ™ Guapt@dos, emtyvodaa" ort avaket- Tat €v TH OiKia TOU Papicoaiov, Kowicaca , adaBaorpov pupov, \ A , au > = / ” Tapa Tous 7d0as” avTov KAalovea, 1/p- 4 \ ~ C €aro Bpexew tovs mddas avTov Tots , \ n \ A ~~ dakpuot, Kal Tais OpiEl rhs Kehadrs a , avtns e€és“arce, Kal Karepiret Tovs 70- das adrov, Kal HAeupe TO pvpo. dé 6 Bapiraios 6 Kadk€oas avroy eEtmey ae. a , t e >> , ev EauT@, heywv’ OdTos, et nv TpopyTns, , éyiveckev ay Tis Kal motann 7 urn, nris Gmrerat avTov' drt dwaptwdds ~ a , Kal oTaga ' oTic@ Nuce3) 2 a Ss 40 Kal amoxpilels 6 “Ingots eire mpos Luxe VII. 40. of women, there is not agreater prophet than John the Baptist : but he that is least in the king- dom of God, is greater than he. 29 And all the people that heard him, and the publicans, justified God, being baptized with the baptism of John. 30 But the Pharisees and Jaw- yers 2rejected the counsel of God & against themselves, be- ing not baptized of him. 3! And the Lord said, Whereunto then shall I liken the men of this generation ? and to what are they like? 3% They are like unto children sitting in the marketplace, and calling one to another, and saying, We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced: we have mourned to you, and ye have not wept. 33 For John the Baptist came, neither eating bread, nor drink- ing wine, and ye say, He hath a devil. 34 The Son cf man is come, eating, and drinking, and ye say, Behold a_ gluttonous man, anda winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners. * But wisdom is justified of all her children. 36 And one of the Pharisees desired him that he would eat with him. And he went into the Pharisee’s house, and sat down to meat. 3’? And behold, a woman in the city which was a sinner, when she knew that Je- sus sat at meat in the Phari- see’s house, brought an alabas- ter box of ointment, °5 and stood at his feet behind him, weeping, and began to wash his feet with tears, and did wipe them with the hairs of her head, and kissed his feet, and anointed them with the oint- ment. 3°? Now when the Phari- see which had bidden him, saw it, he spake within himself, say- ing, This man, if he were a prophet, would have known who, and what manner of wo- man this is that toucheth him: for she is a sinner. 40 And Jesus answering, said a— b— C Ree. add Ere de o Kupcos. > eo —» ft Rec TeAwrwr Ptrcos. B—> h © apuaprwros* B Or, frustrated. Or, within themselves i Rec. waca - 70d avr, oriva.Luxe VII. 41. 160 EYATTEAION i : ne > Le, »~ , , - c | unto him, Simon, I have some- QUTOY 2LUOV, EX@ TOL TL El7retv. O a what to say unto thee. And he , 3a 41 4 ah saith, Master, say on. 41 There pnt Awddoxahe, aes we ee | was a certain creditor, which PeAerat noay Oaveroth tim 6 ett . / Nice had two debtors: the one owed apere Snvdpia mevraxdota, 6 Oé ETEPO || five hundred pence, and the s ORS ie. a5e” adcalk other fifty. 42 And when they 7€YT)KoOVTA. fl) €XOVT@Y Sere) : > ~ > 4 > , , had nothing to pay, he frankly a7rodovvat, apeporepous exXxapltoaro. Ti\\ forgave them both. Tell me OUUs GumGuee » cinta f wNElov auToy LAN therefore, which of them will 5 q eee vee ol DY ¢ 2 4 ae love him most? 42 Simon an- THCEL ; Amoxpibets d€ 6 Zio El7rey | swered, and said, I suppose, ‘YrokapSdvea bre 6 TO mAEiov exapi: | that he to whom he forgave ¢ cs: es Ay most. And he said unto him, @aTo. O O€ elzrey auto’ Opbds eKpWas't ? as ° : EAN \ \ 5 Chou hast rightly judged. 4 Kal oTpapels mpdos thy yuvatka “ And he turned to the wo- 7G Sipav en BNémecs TavuTny THF man, and said unto Simon, = ies ae NAG > \ 7 Y “ Seest thou this woman? I en- YTS Son) ae TOUS TOT SOR tered into thine house, thou vowp emt rods médas pov ovK €Smxas') gavest meno water for my feet: _ 7 WS is Ods Aenece ; ‘ avuTN O€ TOLS OakpuvaoLl ESpe but she hath washed my feet “" 77) ©§ See. oe weep oo Hoe with tears, and wiped them with ToO0as, Kal Tals Opr&i auTNs eSéuake. oars 3 Pan Ar , / > 7% 3 o a > alfa the hairs of her head. 45 ‘I hou 45 pirnpa prot OUK eO@Kas auTn Oe, ap 1 gavest me no kiss: but thiswo- - 1%) > ENG once N ey man, since the time I came in, 7S €loNAGov,” ov OveduTreE Kata \OUGG) . \ 2 > / \ , pan ae ae i. pea feet. [ov Tous modas. 1 ehal@ THY Kearny { ® Mine head with oil thou didst Ey ee a 7. s s Ph z not anoint: but this woman ae Cup Ncmy ase cea b€ OD ee nreupe hath anointed my feet with oint- ° {Lou TOUS TOOas. * of Xaply, eyo OLR ment. 47 Wherefore, I say unto ihe, ee j a ‘ rik ore, Tsay aAPE@vTal al duaptiat attns ai moAXad. | thee, her sins, which are Many. i Se ine @ AN : ] 1 ies, ; areforgiven,forshelovedmuch: °T! )yamnoe ToAU @ de odtyov adierat, |i but to whom little is forgiven, oAtyov dyara. 48 Herre Oe aQuTn* "Adé-| the same loveth little. 48 And oe ce es 49 or g 4 he said unto her, Thy sins are o TAL DOU at apapi bat. . a np avrg ; forgiven. 49 And they that sat ol OVVAVAKELLEVOL deyey ev eauTols’ Tis at meat with him, began to say .7_/. > a + aes ‘ aCe ee Tho is thie VUTOS EOTLY OS Kal AuapTtias adinguy :)| within themselves, Who is this 50 a \ © \ BA a ne P ue “2 that forgiveth sins also? 50 And ” Ede O€ mpds thy yuvaixa’ ‘H wloris he said to the woman, Thy faith COU CETWKE Ce’ Topevov els eipnuny. hath saved thee, go in peace. 2 EN MOLY, > = é2 \ | 8. Kai eyevero ev TO KabeEns, kat 8. And it came to passafter- avros Siddeve Kata mow Kah K@pNy, ward, that he went throughout oe \ f MY: 5 s : K ) ) a = every city and village preach- TRE OGY ee evayyeAucpevos Ds Ba ing, and shewing the glad tid- olAelay TOU Geceou: Kat Ol OwdeKa Guy . ~ ie é > n 5) cr a x ings of the kingdom of God: avT@, “ Kat yuvaikés tives al noav and the twelve were with him, : Z An : a 2 and certain women which had TeOeparrevpevau Se UT, TOY Pay - io ta \ > nr , , een cot evil spirits and Kal agGeveroy* Mapta 7 kaXoupevn May- infirmities, Mary called Mag- Seer f £2 N 36 f J é y oT = dalene out of whom went seven Sahn I ap aS Caryudvea eee efeAn dv 2 3 : Sect , \ r N devils, 3 and Joanna the wife of El, 3 kal Ioavva yuvn Xoula eT LT pO= « > ~ e , \ , o Chuza, Herod’s steward, and soy Hpadov, kal Sovodvva, kai eTEpar Susanna, and Many others VE ae , £02. ee pee which ministered unto him of 70AAalL, airuves Sunkdvouy QuTOls * aro 1 . ca ¢ Cr their substance. TOV UTapydvT@y atrais. ad b > > ¢ Rea add rng xeparne. d Bz. ~ econrABey, So ry + TOUS Todas prov wi. Rec. & Gb. anry RS ceKATA AOYKAN. 161 Luxe VIII. 16. ~ ‘ n 4 Sudytos 5¢ dyAou TohAov, KaLT@Y — & And when much people Ne ea? > J \ > \ were gathered together, an : EV@ OS QUTOV 8 ee ’ KOR mohw Ei Chop SHO H BP Se ,° were come to him out of every etme Oia mapaBoAns® BéqdGev 6 orel- city, he spake by a parable: ° A x a / ¢ A, \ Bers ae 3 pav TOV ometpal TOV omdpoy avTou Kat Sower went out to sow his seed: 5 A Pi Ao ee We . and as he sowed, some fell by Ey TQ) O7TTELPEW auToy, 0 pev SPSS maps the way side, and it was trodden Ti OOOV, Kal xarenaTnOn, Kal Ta TeTELWa down, and the fowls of the air Sanat? ce “pa ev avTo 6 devoured it. §® And some fell noU quant Bars ‘ y s ; : “~ upon a rock, and as soon as it ov emecey eml THY TETPAV, KAL cbuev yas sprung up, it withered 2 ZA. ee ee Rena 7 \ away, because it lacked mois- 2énpavon, Sua To py Exel ikpada. * Kal PO; eSB 40 : 3 Pa eX ae > 06 ture. 7 And some fell among eTEpov Gmegey evs PeO@ TOY sana) ®Y, thorns, and the thorns sprang r ay , ‘t z ‘ a Kal cuppreloat ai axavOat amemvigay up with it, and chokedit. 8 And 7 8 Ge eps ae i VAY. other fell on good ground, and Ga : Kae Srcpey oT Ge lv Yl" sprang up, and bare fruit an THY ayaény, Kal cpuev EeTOiINTE KAPTFOV hundredfold. And when he a / > ! A Ly inoe sy] éxarovramAaclova. Tavta heyov eDavet® said these things, he cried, He that hath ears to hear, let him A a KQl €TE- c x 3 > , > , O €x@y @Ta AKOVELY AKOVETO. : Hone > / \ > \ ¢ > . ° . . 2 Emnpotoyv O€ aUTOY OL padnrat av- 2 Andhis disciples asked him, saying, What might this para- a b 7 a ? A € fQ \ Tov, » heyovTE Tis ein 7» mapaBorr i 3 Bene : ne 10 ey ‘ $3 : 2 ag po = ] ble be? 10 And he said, Unto QUT) 3 O Sé cimev’ ‘Ypty dedoTaryy@- you it is given to know the , ~ , ~ A . « yal Ta pvoTNpLa ths Baoretas TOU Oeou" mysteries of the kingdom of God: but to others in parables, r \ r > / rn 4 , rots dé Aourrois &v mapaBolats, ee Bhe- that seeing, they might not see, , 459 qrovres pu) PAETOCL, Kal GkovovTes j17) and hearing, they might not cunacw. | gore 8é abrn 1) mapaBodn’ understand. |! Now the parable z : a es vhs’! is this: The seed is the word of 6 OTOpos EOTLY O Adyos Tod Oeov" ~“ Ol God. Those by the way side, be mapa TH 6doyv elaow ol GKOUVOVTES’ are they that hear: then cometh Si < NGBOn oN ot _._ the devil, and taketh away the SLE. EOXSEU nO Lae UNOS pg atpet TOY word out of their hearts, lest Neyov amo TIS kapdlas avTav, wa pr they should believe, and be muateooavtes cobacw. } of dé emi THs saved... They on the rock, 5 Ree ee, : 7° are they which when they hear, TETPAS, OL OTAV AKOVT@OL, PETA KAPAS receive the word with joy ; and Séxovrat Tov Abyov, Kal ovras pi(ay opx wbese Bale no Tas which for a ” a \ \ ; . while believe, and in time of SOEs SE pos Karpor Loe CUOuae Kal temptation fall away. !4 And EV KALP@ TELPATLOV aploravrat. M4 +$ that which fell among thorns, Se eis ras GxavOas qrecov, OvTOL cig. ae they, which when they haye Be oe i . heard, go forth, and are choked OL GKOUVGGVTES, KAL UTO PEPLLV@Y Kal with cares and riches, and plea- movTouKal 7Sovev Tod Biovmopevopevor PITTS of this life, and bring no eee in oirat eee reherho Nia fruit to perfection. !° But that z Be ME a OMe TOO: ea 1G on the good ground, are they, TO Oc EV ™ Kay yi}, OVTOL EioLY which in an honest and gaod oirwves év Kapdia Kani} kal ayadn, aKov- pee t having heard the word, : a ues ul? keep it, and bring forth fruit gavres, TOV Adyov KaTEXoUTt, KaL Kap- with patience. Topopovcw ev UTO|LOV]) ; 16 No man when he hath 16 -@enere De NG Oni éapas PN ner lighted a candle, covereth it fea s pie xX : : ee with a vessel, or putteth it un- AUTOV WKEVEL, 1) UTOKATH KALWNS Ti@now" der a bed: but setteth it on a a Rec. exe. > 12A ERs Luxe VIII. 17. 162 EYATTEAION candlestick, that they which ar’ emt Avxvias enurinow, iva oie enter in, may see the light. E rE 17 0 OL ee 0 POs. Ou 17 For nothing is secret, that elomrop Cele p e Pe = shall not be made manifest : yap EOTL Kpumrov, 0 ov pavepoy yeni f neither any thing hid, that shall OeTQaL’ ove amroKpupoy, 6 Oo ov porenoe| 2 not be known, and come abroad. 2r6 2 18 Take heed therefore how ye 7@! Kal eis pavepoy | eae "8B ETT ETC hear: for whosoever hath, to ody Tas aKOvETE * Os yap ay EYN, do-§ C him shall be given ; and whoso- Ojoeray aire: aL OS ay ey On Kay Al ever hath not, from him shall be taken, even that which he Ooxket ¢ EXEL, GpOhoera d aw avrov. *seemeth to have. 19 Tlapeyévovro 8é os auTov 19 Then came to him his mo- ap Y TN p 7 BI f ther and his brethren, and could ap. Kal ot dde \pot avrov, Kat ovat not come at him for the press. nObvavro cuvTuyety avT@ Ota TOV dxAov fn 20 And it was told him dy cer- 90 ie 3 tain which said, Thy mother kal anny, are, heydvrev * ‘Hi and thy brethren ‘stand without, ENT NP gov Kal ol ddeApol TOU éornka 5 desiring to see thee. 21 And ow é&a, idety oe Géovres. ‘—o dc he answered and said unto them, My mother and my brethren dmoxpubeis ele m™pos abrovs* Mnrne. are these which hear the word jLov Kat adehpot ee OUTOL clo, ol TOL 4 Ot. Noyoy TOU Qeov akovovres Kal TTOLOUVTES a or . | 2 Now it came to pass on a * Kat eyevero ev pa TOV THE POY, { certain day, that he went into a : 5 : zs dite aL = ship, with his disciples: and he kal avros eveBn eis aotoy Kal ol Be said unto them, Let us go over Onr al avrov, Kal tire mpos avuTous * unto the other side of the lake, AreOojtey cis TO mépay 77s Ais. Karl lr and they launched forth. 2% But 6 >» Se as they sailed, he fell asleep, avnx noav. * ° mredvT@p de avray arpv-} and there came down a storm Toe. Kat KareBn hatha dyéwou} of wind on the lake, and they ie were filled with water, and were cis THY Aipony, Kal ouvernpovyro, Kat } in jeopardy. 24 And they came exwvOuvevoy. mpooehOdyres de Ome | : to him, and awoke him, saying, yetpay avrov, Aéyovtes * “Emordra, | i Master, master, we per ish. AE g dé bere | Then he arose, and rebuked the emorara, amro SUS a. “O Oe eyep Els} wind, and the raging of the wa- emeTipnoe TO dvEepe Kal TO Krvdout TOU § ter: and they ceased, and there | was a calm. 2% And he said voaros* Kal enavoarro, Kat eyEvero Yes unto them, Where is your faith? Anyn. > eime O€ adtois' Tov eoruy 7 And they being afraid wonder- 7/746 DOV ; BoBnOevtes Se eOatpacay, } ed, saying one to another, What Z i manner of man is this ? for he eyovres mpos adAnovs" Tis apa obrds b commandeth even the winds and water, and they obey him. eorly, OTL Kal Tots dvepLots mr raooel | at TO voart, Kal Uraxovoucw QUTO 5 5 26 “Kal karemhevoay els oe X@pay 26 And they arrived at the b a Tov” Tadapnv Tis €oTly °avrimépa country of the Gadarenes, which 6 Pi OV," 4 Seo pO is over against Galilee. 27 And T™s Paht\aias. 7 e€ehOdvr de auTe when he went forth to land, emt thy ynyv, Sane oev avTe ap TUS | there met him out of the city 7 yi ? n a np a certain man which had devils eK THs TOEws, os cixe dc ‘tpovia EK | long time, and ware no clothes, Xpovev ikavay, Kal iparvoy OUK < evedu- it | | | a Gb. om. 0 D> Tepacnrwr. © SS avrerepa, = Or, thinketh that he bath,KATA AOYKAN. 163 > a” > 2 Sdokero, Kal €v Olkia OUK ELEVEY, avr 2» TOlsS UT % iSdy dé tov In- éy Tos pynpaow. idov In a 1¢é ~ govy, Kal avakpagas, MPOTETETEY AUT, a 3 . V3 \ / kal dovi) peyahy etme’ Tl wot Kal oot, « A a aie t . @Ingod,’ vie > Tov Oeov ” Tov any hope , ! 2 Séopai cov, py pe Bacavions. | (Ila- piyyyetde yap TO mvEeUpaTe TO axabapt@ r ~ > / a e&enbciy amd Tod avOpwrov. moNXots > \ \ yap xpdvors oVINpTAaKEL AUTOY, KAL 5 a CN? \ ts x eOecpeiro dAvoeot Kat TEOaLS pudac- 2c 7 \ \ adpuevos, Kal Ouappnocey Ta Seopa ~ 2) A > , AAawvero U1rd TOU aljovos els TAS EpT|- \ > nous.) * emnparnoe de avroy 6 In- n > x Ti < gous, héyov’ Ti oo €oriv ovopa; O \ > , 2 ef / \ dé cime’ Aeyedv’ Gre Saydvia tohha 3 a % > , 31 NC ; AN uw elonbev eis avtdv. *' kal © mapekahet ¢ & > \ airoy wa pn emitadgy avtois eis THY 7 > a a&Buvocov amedOetv. 82 Hy dé exet ayeAn Xolpav ikavay Bockopevay vy TO Oper Kal MapeKahouy adrov wva emirpewyy avtots eis €xelvous 3 - Nes , > - 33 > eioeN bciy. kal enérpevey avrois. * e&ed- Adyra Sé ta Sarpdvia ard Tov ayOpamov 4 eigpdOov” eis Tovs Xolpous’ Kal ap- pnow 9 ayn KaTa TOU Kpnuvod eis A , wh > / 34 id , Ty Alwwny, Kal amemviyn. iddvtes dé of Bdckovtes TO °yeyovds” epvyor, \ £4 > , > \ / N > cat!” amnyyetAay eis Thy TOAW Kal Eis rous aypous. *» é&ndOov de ietv TO yeyovds* kal 7\Oov mpos tov ‘Incody, kai edpov KaOnpevoy roy dvOpwrov ap’ ob Ta Oarpova e€eAndvOet, iwaricpevoy Kal cappovovvta, mapa Tous md0as Tov aii aa \ > nO 36 > 4 ON naov’ Kat epoBnOnoay. * annyyeav \ r ~~ , d€ adrots kal” of iddvTes, THs EToON "6 Satpovicbeis.” 37 Kal noe eee \ a al np@tncay avroy day TO TA7- dos ths meptyapov tay Tadapnvay 2 vn ox ¢ ~ amehOciy am avtay, tt PéBo peyaro , Pa cuvelxovro’ autos de euBas eis TO mAoLOY umeatpewev. * edéero b€ adrod 6 av) p : to O€ avTov 6 avijp, Luxe VIII. 38. neither abode in any house, but in the tombs. 28 When he saw Jesus, he cried out, and fell down before him, and with a loud voice said, What have | to do with thee, Jesus, thou son of God most high? I beseech thee torment me not. +9 (For he had commanded the unclean spirit to come out of the man: for oftentimes it had caught him, and he was kept bound with chains, and in fetters: and he brake the bands, and was driven of the devil into the wilderness.) 3° And Jesus asked him, saying, What is thy name ? And he said, Legion: because many devils were entered into him. 3! And they besought him, that he would not com- mand them to go out into the eep. 52 And there was there an herd of many swine feeding on the mountain: and they be- sought him that he would suffer them to enter into them: and he suffered them. °* Then went the deyils out of the man, and entered into the swine: and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the lake, and were choked. °4 When they that fed them saw what was done, they fled, and went, and told it in the city, and in the country. °° Then they went out to see what was done, and came to Jesus, and found the man, out of whom the devils were departed, sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed, and in his right mind: and they were afraid. °6 They also which saw it, told them by what means he that was possessed of the devils, was healed. 37 Then the whole multitude of the country of the Gadarenes round about, besought him to depart from them, for they were taken with great fear: and he went up into the ship, and re- turned back again. 35 Now the > € SS rapexadovy. f Rec. add amreAQovres. d <> —, Rec. & Gb. econArber, 5 > bh i e Rec, yeyeynpevor -Luxe VIII. 39. man, out of whom the devils were departed, besought him that he might be with him: but Jesus sent him away, saying, 39 Return to thine own house, and shew how great things God hath done unto thee. And he went his way, and published throughout the whole city how great things Jesus had done unto him. 40 And it came to pass, that when Jesus was returned, the people gladly received him: for they were all waiting for him. 41 And behold, there came a man named Jairus, and he was aruler of the synagogue, and he fell down at Jesus’ feet, and besought him that he would come into his house: 4? for he had one only daughter about twelve years of age, and she lay adying. (But as he went the people thronged him. 43 And a woman having an issue of blood twelve years, which had spent all her living upon physicians, neither could be healed of any, ‘44 came behind him, and touched the border of his garment: and immediately her issue of blood stanched. 4° And Jesus said, Who touched me? When all denied, aes and they that were with him, said, Master, the ae throng thee, and press thee, and sayest thou, Who touchedme? 46 And Je- sus said, Somebody hath touch- ed me: for I perceive that virtue is gone out of me. 47 And when 4 the woman saw that she was not hid, she came trembling, and falling down before him, she declared unto him before all the people, for what cause she had touched him, and how she was healed immediately. 48 Andhe said unto her, Daugh- ter, be of good comfort, thy faith hath made thee whole, go in peace.) 49 While he yet spake, there cometh one from the ruler of the synagogue’s house, saying 164 EYATTEAION } ap’ ot eEedndvOee ta Sada, eva’ ouv are. eee dé avrov *6 Th cous,” héyov" ” “Yadorpepe eis Tol oikdy gov, Kal Oupyoo oca erroing' OL O Ocvs. Kat ar i Ge, Kae? oAnv 77 ier mokw Knpvooay Goa éroincey avTch 6 ‘Ingovs. 40 °Eyévero O€ €v TO UtoaTpeWar TO|) "Incovy, amedeEato a’toy 6 byhos* Hoa} yap TavTes mpoodokavres avtov. * Kalix idov, i Oev cnp © dvopa ‘Idetpos, Ka avros apxov 7s owayayis UTNPXE) KaL TET OV mapa Tous 7100as Tov Ingov} i agency ie eloedGety eis TOV oikoi}: avrov" oe * Ort Guyarnp povoyerns 7) ‘ avT@ as €rav O@deKa, Kat auTn are. Ounokev. eV d€ TO vmrdyew avTov o} OyAou CUVETTVLYOY _avrov. 3 Kal yur otoa év ptoe aiparo; amo érav Sadexa, res bp larpois” “ pooh avahovaca ddov Toy Biov ovK taxvcet um ovdevos OeparrevOnva, * mpoced-} Govoa omic dev, inparo TOU Kpaomedor ‘ TOU ipatiov avrov" kal rapaypnpia EoTah 7 pvots TOU aiparos autns. © Kal elrenb 6 ‘Ingods * Tis 6 éNrapevds HOU 5 "Ap-k Coe La dé mayTOV, elev O Tlérpos} Kal ob © per” abrov" *"Emorara, ot dy: \ hot ouvéyovoci oe Kal dr o8diBovce| Kal Aeyets* Tis 6 ayrdprevds jou 5 |}} LOWE se Inoovs* eirev* “Hubard pory Tis" eyo 3 eyvav Ovvapy eEdbovoai : ar eyod. ldovca bé 4 yurr Ore oval ehade, TpeE epovra WrOe, Kal T pooTrerovea) aura, Ov np airiay yWato abrov amiy-\\ yerrev! QvT@” evamov es TOU Aaod, | Kal Os idn Tapaxpnpa. 6 de eiren | aur’ g Sapcet," Ovyarep, 9 7, mloTlg GoUl: OETWKE OE" _TOpevov eis eipnyny. a2 re avrov Aahovyros, € epxeral TI$ |i Tapa Tov apxicuvaywyov. Aéyav aura’ b Ree. exe carpove. © Gb. cur aurw. c2 Sates. fet E>.KATA AOYKAN. 165 Luxe IX. 7. to him, Thy daughter is dead, "Ore reOynkev 7) Ouyatnp cov" py) TKUAXE \ : 30 §Q §é “Incod ae trouble not the Master. °° But roy biddoKahov. ee ey ngous 4~ when Jesus heard it, he an- kovoas, amekpiOn auto, héyor* M7) swered him, saying, Fear not, ~ , , . , believe only, and she shall be " t wr O€eTal. we aa poBov BeuOy SS as a fl -' 4 made whole. 5! And when he 61 aE) Adv” dé els THY OLKLAV, OVK UP7]~ came into the house, he suffered c £ ‘ - i ue 2 KEV eioedOew ovdeva, él i) Ilerpov Kal no man to go Im, save Peter, hoe RB aN EN es and James, and John, and the l@avyny kat TdxaBor, KE nGY TORS father and the mother of the TS matoos Kal THY pyntepa. 52 ¢xNatov maiden. % And all wept, and de bi \ exénrTOVTO aQurny 6: Oe bewailed her: but he said, S TL UaSS) eae Ce ne, lone a Weep not, she is not dead, but ete’ Mi) KAateTe* OK dméOavev, GAXG sleepeth. ®3 And they laughed r a , 7 = = oT a =} Rageooel. * Kal KaTeyehov avrov, €t- him to scorn, knowing that she , ¢ Sae7. Bc eke hace was dead. - 94 And he put them Odres OTL ameOavey. auTos O€ ~ €K- aj) ont, and took her by the \ »” / Nua , an : ealled ting. Maid Baroy to mavras, Kal” Kparngas 77s hand, and called, saying, Maid, \ Dope ett réveou' “Hai arise. 55 And her spirit came Epos Geos: earn’, Eye Ore ag S$) again, and she arose straight- eyelpou. Ba Kat emecTpEWe TO TVEUpLA way: and he commanded to a a B , a " 56 - HI. QUuTHS; Kal avecTy Tapaxpnua Kal 6ue- give her meat. = ule her pa Soe a fe a 56 .,,\ rents were astonished: but he Tragev QvuT]) Sobjyat aye. ; K@L charged them that they should e&eoTnoay ol yovets avuTns" 6 Oe Tap- tell no man what was done. / cr \ > Le \ iyyyetdev adrois pndevt eimety TO YE- / yovos. ‘ A . 9. Suykadeoduevos O€ Tous ddSexa 9. Then he called his twelve a », r 7 one loa Seg ee ee 4 yabntas avrov", axey abrots Siva disciples togetier, and Bae we , SN ee \ i . them power and authority over Kal e€ovolay em TavTa TA Satpdvia, Kal all devils, and to cure diseases. 7 9 \ , -. € sae vogous Oepamevery® ~ Kat aréoretney 2 And he sent them to preacn a AN Be : ‘y B Nels ~ the kingdom of God, and to heal qeToUs AT DuOO cll! By Goes olay TEU the sick. ® And he said unto @ceov, Kal iaoGar Tous © daoGevovyras. them, Take nothing for your s , \ Sy 7 Mov ; . _ ttcay eiire mpos TARGA Mndéev aipere journey, neither staves, nor > Ne oN , fU4ON ee , serip, neither bread, neither els THY 6dov, pte —papoov, piT€ 77)- money, neither have two coats , 2 , > , , . eK eee av. unte GpToV TE ADYyUPLOV, purjTE Bplece. * And whatsoever house p ce ei ie a, fe PY REE ee it ye enter into, there abide, and ava Ovo xiTa@vas EXEL. ; es S > a a ; Kees Kal aS: 7” GY thence depart. ° And whoso- OlKLay eloeAOnre, EKEL PLEVETE, KAL éxetGev ever will not receive you, when 1-7 Qe a\ Vo 76 7 y © ity c e&épyerbe. ® Kai door ay pn § OeEavrau" oe go out of that city, shake SA ; ete A , ,. off the very dust from your feet, ULGS, e&€pXOpevor amo TNS TOKEMS E€KEL- fora testimony against them. ys, Kai Tov KoviopToy amd TeY Today 6 And they departed, and went through the towns, preaching ¢ a b) L— > , Sie Choy eee OTe: els poapTuploy €7 the gospel, and healing every auToUs. BEepxopevoe de OuypyovTo where. X kara Tas Kopas, evayyeArCduevor Kal 4 A Oepamevovres TavTaxov. 7”*Hrovge O€ “Hpwdns 6 TETPAPXNS 7 Now Herod the tetrarch

twelve, and said unto him, Send the multitude away, that they may go into the towns and country round about, and lodge, and get victuals: for we are here in a desert place. 13 But he said unto them, Give ye them to eat. Andtheysaid, Wehave no more but five loaves and two fishes, except we should go and buy meat for all this peo- ple. !4 For they were about five thousand men. And he said to his disciples, Make them sit down by fifties in a company. 15 And they did so, and made them all sit down. '!6§ Thenhe took the five loaves and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed them, and brake, and gave to the disciples to set before the multitude. 17 And they did eat, and were all filled. And there was taken up of fragments that remained to them, twelve baskets. 18 And it came to pass, ashe was alone praying, his disciples 166 EYATTEAION o > t See 2 a. So ale Ort Iwavyns eynyepTat EK veKp@Y’ “ UT | TWeY de,"Ore “HXtas epayy: Dov de, || "Ore mpopntns eis TOY dpxatov dveorn. Pear einey 7 “Hpadns: ‘Toavyny eye drexepahioa tis O€ €oTL OvTOS, mepl 00 €y® dkovw Tovatita ; Kat e(nret idety avrov. Kat vroorpeyavres OL amdaToXot duynoavTo avTe doa emoinoay® Kal TapahaBav avrovs, vmrexapnoe KaT idiav » eis rémov Epnuoy méhews Kadov- , ul FR car 7 L pevns “ BnOcaida. ot O€ OxAOL yvov= Tes NKoNovOnoay aitra* Kal SeEdpevos auTovs, eAdXet avTois mrepl THs Bactrei- as ToU Qeov, Kal ToOvs ypelay ExovTas Geparetas ‘aro. 2 Vel Os npepa ijp&aro Khivew" ™poo- ehOdvres Oe of dadexa elroy avT@* “Amdhugov TOY dxAoy, t wa ° dared Odvres” els TAS KUKA® kopas kal Tous dypovs KaTAT wo, kal evpoow eTLOLTLG LOY” OTe @OE EV EpnE® TOT® EOE. 13 Rize de Tmpos avrous” Adre avrois opts da- yew. Oi be eimov’ OvK elo mp m)etov i) TéevTe GpToe Kal 4 ix Ques dv0,” el pyre mopevOevTes Huets ayopdca@per eis Tay- Ta Tov Aady TovTOY Bpwpara. 4 (7"Hoeay yap aoel avdpes TevTakirxirtou’ ) Eire d€ mpos Tovs paOnras avrov* KarakXi- vate avTovs kKAtcias ava TevTnKoyTa. 15 \ > , 7 \ > 4 r Kat emoinoayv outa, Kat aveK ean : amayras. “18 AaBayv b€ tols mévTe ap- Tous Kat Tovs Ovo ixOvas, avaBhewas eis TOV ovpavov, evAdynoev avTovs, Kal KaTekNace, Kat €di0ov Tots pabnrais 4 a a 17? \ a mapatiOevat TH Oyo. Kat édayov Kal exoptacOnoay mavtes* Kal 4pOn TO TEplooevoay avrois KKagpATaY, Kopwot dadeka. 18 \ ee ) ~ a Def Kat eyevero €v TO Elval avTov Tpooevxouevoy KkaTaudvas, ovvncapy 4 Ree. add v aS) €tg TOTOY EPNUOV.™ ets TOALY KaXOULEVNY d Ree. dvo tyres. CO. Gb. ropevOerses, © Bz. avav-es ly eas a Go r | | | }KATA AOYKAN. 167 LuKE IX. 30. re Ol I: Kal é OT yrov vith him: and he asked QL ETN P OTT O€V AVTOVS were Wl ‘ au? oi payrat . wae : ono Si them, saying, Whom say the Tuva, pe EYOUT | xX people that I am? 19 They heya" padi Oe eival - 90; de arroKpievTes eirrov’ w= answering, said, John the Bap- : -HXlav. tist: but some say, Elias: and \ hoe er \ z x € avyny Roy. Bapaorny a\hou Ot 2 , others say, that one of the old &ror Se, OTe mpopyTns TLS TOV GAXSES prophets is risen again 20 He 0 20 > \ enter ‘Yuet said unto them, But whom say ee Oe , Bune de ae a us S: ye that I am? Peter answer- de TIva HE heyeTe ELVA ORD els O€ ing, said, The Christ of God. 6 Tlérpos etme’ Toy Xpiorov Tov Ocov. 2! Andhestraitly charged them, Q1 ¢ +2 t ae AONYVYELAE and commanded them to tell 0 be SIE UATOS: gurers % pnyy, no man that thing, 2? saying, pnoevt ®eimely. TOUTO, ~~ <@Y Ort The Son of man must suffer an ic 7 a ‘ AAC _ many things, and be rejected of viov rod avOpamov ToAAa 7a y things, reject DaiiroU f the elders, and chief priests, ‘a \ > eS oN a ew, Kal dmodoxipac Ojyae Gag T@V ond scribes, and be slain, and , fs . . mpeoBuTEepov Kal apXLepe@y Kal YPaph~ be raised the third day. , Nae. = \ a / paTe@y, Kat amoxravOnvat, Kal TH TPLT? ¢ / b > a uM npepa eyepOivat. : 3 23 "Beye O¢ mpds mayras* Et tis %3 And he said to them all, Ae ak © 2) dciy, & J Asst If any man will come after me, EEL OLE HOU” EAUEI, aTrapYy TAG. an let him deny himself, and take S \ d Nis). z \ \ ¢ “ . yi EQUTOV, © KAL APAT@ TOV oTavpoy avTOVv, Up his cross daily, and follow me. 24 For whosoever willsave e 4 Nt) , Q4 8 \ x €LT Ol. 0 Gp / roy Kogwov ovov, éavTov de amoheca ro eH f 26 8 wee $ shall be ashamed of me, and of i) Cnprobets | ds yap av enaraxvv Gj) my words, of him shall the Son / on ¢ o = je Kal ToUs Epos Adyous, TOUTaY O Vios af men be pshamed, ¥ peo he Sey 5 , ¢ shall come in his own glory, rau avOparov ena xwvOnoerat, OT@Y and in his Father's, and of the >On ev th d6En adTOU Kal TOU Tarpos holy angels. * But I tell you ve oe 3 f 2 Z f h, there b : na \ Kal TOV dylov Gyyehov. 27 héyo de 2 a truth, there e some stand- enna 2 ae viet tae here, which shall not taste ULW AANT@S, ELOL TLVES TOV Oe ' é€oTw- of death, till they see the king- ee, Sicveu ” Bava dom of God TOV,’ ol ov py ®yevT@yTaL” CavaTou, . 7 x Sy a a gas dy Wact tHy Bacretay TOU Ocov. 28 Er 4 6 \ A A r / iz Eyevero Oe pera tous hoyous TOUR 0 : ne ee apahapény sar dave after these seaye fc ¢ 5 “ é 3 Ss y- eTpoy Kat Imayyny Kal IdkwBor, ings, he took Peter, and John, aes > Ne 1 & 29 \ aveBn els TO CPOs mpocevgao Oar. Kal and James, and went up into 37 > nA i ys eyeveTo EV TO mpooevxer Oat adroy, To 2 mountain to pray: * and as és a ae Eas . , he prayed, the fashion of his oe os uA TAOAaTov auTovu eTEPOV, Kal O countenance was altered, and uM ki OU Y iuaticuds adrod Aevkds eLagrpdmray. fis raiment was white and glis- 30 3 ON NF 7 7 » tering. °° And behold, tl kal idov, a - ich ti MOS (RAL WOON, Opes duo ouvehahovy oe talked with him two men, which TO, OlTWes HOA Moons kai ‘HAtas* were Moses and Elias, 3! who 2 ~——. Gh: Aevecr. 3 XY ayacrnvat ¢ Gb. ep yecdar apyncacbw. d+ e Rec. &Gb add Kad’ peepay Gh, S Rec, sotnro-wy. & Rec. yevoovrar. h Rec. add roy, ScOr, thingsee Luxe IX. 31. appeared in glory, and spake 3 ot his decease, which he should accomplish at Jerusalem. 32 But Peter, and they that were with him, were heavy with sleep: and when they were awake, they saw his glory, and the two men that stood with him. 53 And it came to pass, as they departed from him, Peter > said unto Jesus, Master, He TS good for us to be here, and let us make three tabernacles, one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for E lias: not knowing what hesaid. 34 While he thus spake, there came a cloud, and over- shadowed them, and they fe: ed, as they entered into ‘hi cloud. 35 And there came a voice out of the cloud, saying, This is my beloved Son, hear him. %6 And when the voice was past, Jesus was found alone, and they kept it close, and told no man in those days any of those things which they had seen. 37 And it came to pass, that on the next day, when they were come down from the hill, much people met him. 38 And behold, a man of the company cried out, saying, Master, I be- seech thee look upon my son, for he is mine only child. 39 And lo, a spirit taketh him, and he suddenly crieth out, and it tear- eth him that he foameth again, and bruising him, hardly de- parteth from him. 40 And I besought thy disciples to cast him out, and they could not. 41 And Jesus answering, said, O faithless, and perverse genera- tion, how long shall I be with you, and suffer you ? bring thy son hither. 42 And as he was yet a coming, the deyil threw him down, and tare him: and &® Rec. Maree ura, 168 EYATTEAION 1 of opderres € ev O6&n edeyov TY e000» avrov, ny euehAe mAnpodv ev ‘Iepov- oahnp. oO Oe Tlérpos Kal of ody atT@ Hoay PeBapnpevor Urve Svaypryopararres dé efdov THY Sdéay avrov, Kat Tous dvo aySpas Tos ouvecT@tas avT@. 88 Kal eyevero ev TO Svaxopiver Oat avrous ar avTOU, eizrev 6 Ilérpos ™pos TOV ‘Ingovy ‘Emtordra, Kanoy ear npas Ode elvat’ Kal ToUO @pev oKnvas: TPElsy play ool, Kal * pay Mocet,” kat piav HXia* pn lows 0 eye. He adra OS ero ENe: yorros, eyevero vepedn Kal ererkiavey auTovs* epoByOnoav de ey ne exeivous ele Bel eis THY vepedny. * Kal povi) eYEVETO eK THs vepedys, Neo Ov- TOS eo 6 vids pov O ” ayamnrds:“ aurou dkovete. *° Kat ev TO yever Oat THY povny, evpedy ° "Incois pdvos. Kal avrol ertynoay, Kal Bioiba) @ amnyyet- Aay ev exeivais Tals nucpats ovdey dy Ewpakagty. om ‘Eyevero de é ev 77 ens 1 [LE pa, Ka- Teh Odytov aUT@Y a7rd TOD Gpous, ourny- TOY avT@ oxhos mohvs. * Kat idod, aynp ard TOU bxXoU aveBonoe, eyou" Aiddoane, déopat gon, *emriBheypas ” emt tov vidy jrov, OTL povoyerns €or! pou 9 kal idov, mvedpa hapPBaver av- TOY, Kat eSaibyns Kpacer, Kal onapdooet abrov pera adpov, kal poyis droxepet ar avToo, ovyTpiBoyv avrov. of Uka) edenOny Tay padnray gov, iva ° €kBa- ROG “ avtTo, Kal ovK ndurnOncay. ’ArroxptBeis d€ 6 “Inoots eimev’ FO yevea amuoros Kal Sveor paper, ews mTOTE Eqomat mpos upas, kal aveSopat vp@v ; mpoodyaye roy vidvy cov ode.” OTB be T™pooEepXopEvou avTou, eppn&ev avrov 70 Saysdvioy Kat ouveorrépaker- boo sche Vnise Cia d Rec. excBreWor. ® Rec. exBadrAwaorr, f Rec. wie roy viov aor, — wide,KATA AOYKAN. 169 Luxe IX. 53. Jesus rebuked the unclean ? , Nees ie im 4 = 6 Incovs T@ TVEVPATL TO Se he e <2 7 4 i ee spirit, and healed the child, and axaapT@, Kat lagaTo TON eS 43 5 delivered him again to his fa- orédaKey GUTOY TO TATPL adrov 3 é&e- ther. “3 And they were fi mhnooovTo dé wavres em 7 LL amazed at the mighty power : f of God: drntt TOU Oeov. ee Ldvrev de davpaldvT@y émt macw but while they wondered a Sey ube? es . every one at all things which ois *emolnoevy =O Ingous, Sune EOS Jesus did, he said unto his dis- TOUS pabyras auTou * 44 Oécbe UpLELS cn 44 Let these are ae a eee Gian \ , ‘ . ¢ down into your ears: for the CLSaT Oy CHG un@y TOUS hoyous ROUTOUS 4 Son of aie shall be delivered ap vios TOU avOpomou pednet wep Os into the hands of men. *# But SiSoo Gar els xelpas aOparey. 45 Of Oc they understood not this saying, sy Ren a \ 3 and it was hid from them, that Nyvoouv TO pypa TOUTO, Kae aye mo pOh Ss they perceived it not: and they KaNvpLpLevov amr aTov, Wa PN aicOwv- feared to ask him of that say- z ee - rat avTo: Kai edoBovvto epaTnadt Ing. a GL , abrov Tepl TOU pN_aTOS TOUTOU. 46 WionOe Oe Suadoyiop.os €v avrots,. » {* Thenitheré arose fe \ Ri od , yen 47 6 Ne ing among them, which of them Eas TLS oy eel pelCov Ones _ 9 ©€ should be greatest. 47 And Je- Ingots idav Tov Svadoyropov TS Kap- sus perceiving the thought of i NGG ! 2 their heart, took a child, and a LOLOU, €OT7]- us " dias Betas oe popes tae a8 i _ Set him by him, 48 and said un- oey AUTO TAD EAUTO, Kal elev AVTOLS’ to them, Whosoever shall re- ° Os eay SéEnrat TovTO Td TaLOLoy émi 7@. celve this child’ in iy 2 7 ’ 2 ee : , a ont receiveth me: and whosoever OUOK EE: pov, EEE exenas Kat gS €aY shall receive me, receiveth him ewe SeEnrat, OexeTa TOV GroaretAavTa that sent me: for he that is apse s 2 Zs ¢ ~ Jeast among you all, the same pe. 0 Yap pLKpoTepos €V TaoW UBW +1) be creat Cases) 2 cx iD 5 g . vmapx@y ouTos “EoTal MEeyas- 49 "Arroxpibels Oe 6 "ladvyns etmev’ * And John answered, and 5) t / oD ’ sail é r, we saw ast- Emiordta, eidopev Twa em TO OVOMATL said, Master, we: say One (a5 Hee: a pe Ses Tl ing out devils in thy name, and gov exBdadAovTa Oatpovia Kal ekwAv- we forbad him, because he fol- E a > es : capey avToy, OTL OvK Gxodovdel ped, loweth Rok ws ae 6° And Cn BUEteAY en \ ae an Jesus said unto him, Forbid TOV en se Ot ene pO quran o 27> him not: for he that is not gous’ Mz) Kwdvete’ Os yap OUK €eoTt against us, is for us. ee: 6 ¢ ‘ nr © kad vay, uTEp ipav” eotiy. 51 2 7. Oe 3 6 Xr “a 6 yeveTo O€ EV TH TUPMANPOVO UAL A ¢ 4 an A : ras nucpas THs avadnYews avror, xa). 5! And it came to pass, when adres To TOdTwTOV anaes yee ~ the time was come that he a p et roe EOTNPLEE TOU should be received up, he sted- mopever Oat €lS lepovoahnp. 52 eq) a7re- fastly set his face to go to Je- > A o vale 52 se 2S o oreunev wyyéous T™po pow @7rou avurov’ rusalem, | and sent messengers ; be a 3 Z before his face, and they went Kat TOpEV BUTES €lO7) UOY els K@pny and entered into a village of s ¢ oor } : SapaperT@y, Gore eToacat aita. Kal pe Sag ae eke ready se ONY > \ ¢/ \ 7 or him. 53 And they did not OUK €0€ eet ee ass eEayro GUT Ons one 79, TE POR GTO’ receive him, because his face QUTOU HY TOPEVOHEVOY ELS Iepovoadnp. was as though he would go to e ee eae Cae anes eyanet- aGb. exo. b= Cowes, 4 Rec. & Gb. add za Gb. => @ Rec. xad’ nuwy, vrep nuwyAan ee Luxe IX. 54. 170 EYATTEAION . aA? Jerusalem. 54 And when his 54 (Sdpyres 8 of pabnral avrov ldkaBos disciples, James and John saw : kal “lwdyyns etrrov: Kupte, behets €trrw- | this, they said, Lord, wilt thou Z i} A A See A > A ~ |I that we command fire to come pev TvUp karaBrvau a7vro. TOV OUPGVOU, Kat down from heaven, and con- ¢dyghaoar avTovs, *@s Kal ’HAXlas érol- sume them, even as Elias did ? 55 Ss eee aes °> But he turned, and rebuked 79€3 ~ 2rpaeis de emeriunoey GRRE them, and said, Ye know not » Kal eirev' Ov« olSare ofov TVEVJLATOS What manner spirit ye are 3 Cae, Mh LE d, 2 aS 56 For the San Beaten igh (ORNL EES Peo Kat emopevOnoay eis not come to destroy men’s lives, ETEPAY KOUNV. + > \ > a but to save them. And they 57 a Eyévero SL! TOpevomevav avTov, went to another village. 5 nee ‘ ye 87 And it came to pass that ©” Ti 00@ eimé Tis mpds abrdy Axo- iS ¢/ aN > / as they we Perey aan hovOnoc@ coe brrov dy amepxn, © KUpte.” tain man said unto him, 40rd, 53 Wee Sree 5 aie cp Na I will follow thee whithersoever Kav etrey ue 2 Inoous : At aho- thou goest. 58 And Jesussaid mekes wdeovs exovot, Kal Ta mTeTEWa unto him, Foxes have holes, 755 oupavod KaTacknvacets’ 6 O€ vids and birds of the air have nests, aS i SS ster ge . but the Son of man hath not TOU avOparrou OUK EVEL TOU THY Kepa- s. . @ ¢ \ / oo o where to lay hishead. 59 And Any KAivy. 59 Eire Oe mpos ETEDOV" he said unto another, Follow Alcon ‘0 S OnQceet re. K¢ 0/ me: but he said, Lord, suffer ‘/*KO pose HOG MS EUS UBC SS Tee me first to go and bury my fa- Tpeyrdv poe ameNOdvre mpatov Oava ther. 6 Jesus said unto Joy inay, AN Z, 60 We A ire oate S Let the dead bury their dead: 7°” TO7spa prov. “ Eine d€ avr@ 4 but go thou and preach the Ingovs" Ades TOUS VEKpous Oawrau TOUS cj 51 a Zo \ kingdom of God. 6! And ano- éqyr@y veKpous* av. O€ ameAGov Ouay- ther also said, Lord, I will Warn Goce: ~ A Rn aD follow thee: but let me first go YEAAE THY Baotdeiay Tov Qeod. Eire bid them farewell, which are Oé xq) & * > Axoroubs HOLE ber ee eee ae € Kal ETEPOS KOAOUUn TW Gol, KUPLE at home at my house. 62 And ~ Sey) s 2 1 ¢ Jesus said unto him, No man OPE be emiTpeypov at arroragéao Gat having put his hand to the Tots els Toy oikoy pov. © Bizre 8é mpos plough, and looking back, is fit avrov 6 “Incgods’ Ovbe}s é : for the kingdom of God. a ¢ NS > aS dels emiBahoy me X€lpa avTOU Em apoTpoy, Kai BA€twy eis \ > / 2 Ta omlow, eVOerds €or eis THY Bact / “~ “A Aetay Tov Qcod. \ ‘ “A > 4 4 10. After these things, the 10. Mera &€ ratdra avederEev 6 Kuptos é, N fees. , Lord appointed other seventy Kal €TEPOUS €BdopnKovra, kal améoretnev also, and sent them two and avrovs dva &¢ \ , Ga two before his face, into every GUTOUS ava ree ape HPO Omow Gupeus a ghd plate, whither he him- els Tagay TOW Kat TéTrov ob emeAev self would come. 2? Therefore ,2-\. 2, 2 ad \ : aUuTOS EpxeE s & said he unto them, The harvest , > z Px oat Nye ae ae truly is great, but the labour. @vUTovs" O fev Geptopos moNvs, of O€ ar an ‘ 7 ee tee 3 / > , 3 7 > = ers are few ; pray ye therefore epyarat oALyou denOnre OUV Fou Kupiov the Lord of the harvest, that he 6 ty, h-2pO Nine: oie would send forth labourers into Bee eo Oey GTEC exBa 7} €pyatas a nee your Waves €lS TOV Oepio prov autov. 3 umdyere idov, ehold, send you forth a evicdy G Z ine. xd > s lambs among wolves. 4 Carry 7 Creo neNNG we os ORES ooo neither purse ner scrip, nor AvKor. kn Baoragere Baavrvop, i) : = s NaC , e Z shoes, and salute no man by Tpay, pnd€e virodnpara’ Kat pndéva Kara @ ey bistieal ccrey ad-eore vuecs. © Rec, add ‘O yap teog Tov avOpwro amoXrcar, aANa owoa, SS Ker e wy faa xX = g a v ove MAO Wuyas avOowrwy SOs h Rec. exParrAg.KATA AOYKAN. 171 rhv Oddy adomdonobe. ® eis iv © av oi- t a4 “ a , : > klav *cicépynobe,’ mpatov eyete’ Er- v a 2 pyvyn TO olK@ TOUTO. Ps ») Kal eay 7 2 ~ c/ ey > f > , > S exet ©” vids elpyyns, emavamravoeTat eT > \ ¢ °. / ¢ ~ 5 3. N / > > aitov 4 elpnyn tpav' ei Oe pnye, ep ¢ ~ > 7 n ~ ids dvakcdpyer. 7 ev airy Se TH oikia / 3 pévere, eoiovres Kai TivovTes Ta Tap Resa a: I & / ~ A avtav: dws yap 6 epydtns Tov proGov ¢ ~ > x abrov éort’ put) peraBalvere €& oikias eis oikiay. A > 3 , 8 Kaleis Viv 8 dv” rodw eivepxnade, \ / ~ , kat Séxovrar buas, ecOiere Ta Tapati- / cs / \ Géweva tpiv, * Kal Geparevete Tous ev > a > o \ , > CGY: airh doGeveis, kal Neyete avtois’ Hy- SLb Ie Cen C7 , ~ x yixev eh vuas 7) Baowteta Tov Ccov. 10 > A & 3\ / e > / a \ cis i & dy wodw © eicepxnabe,” Kal \ / ¢ in 1¢ / a \ pr SéxovTar tpas, e€eAOdvtes els Tas wn y+ mAarelas AUTNS, Elmare 1. Kal roy Ko- , © r - yioptov Tov KohAnGevta nyty eK TIS Todos Dav aTropaccdpeba vpiv’ wAqY TOOTO YWOCKETE, OTL HyylKEV * ep vpas” ¢ / a ~ 12 7 ol ¢ cr 9 Bacideia Tod Oeov. ™ Ey &° vpiy, ce Pe 4 > Ore Soddpors ev TH Nmepa Exeivy aVveEKTO- », x\ a / repov Coral, i) TH) WONEL EKELY}). 13 Ovat ool, Xopativ, ovat oot, BnOcaida’ ore St... 4 \ ac > / € , el ev Tup@ Kal [wave eyevovTo at Ouva- Cc / x‘ > pers ai yevduevar ev vp, Taha ay eV , ~ / OEKK@ Kal o7r08 KAOnpevar peTevONnTay. 14 LS , & \ nt > , mryv Tipe Kal Sieve avexrorepov », - 3\ rc \ Zorat éy TH Kploel, 7) Upiy. 1S Kal Ov, ¢ a n~ ~ ¢ Karepvaovjs, 1) €@s TOU oupavov vWo- a o od (a ¢ Ocioa, €as ddov KaraBiBacbnon. "° 6 rr ~ > 7 c 2: ~ aKovor bay euov aKover’ Kal 6 aderav ¢ r > \ > oe ¢c \ > ‘\ 10 x 10 Duds eye aOeret 6 Oe Eee aleTwv ave- Tel TOV GTrooTEiNavTa LE. 4 4 7 ‘Yéorpeway Sé of eBdopnkovta - , a, \ \ pera xapas, éyovtes’ Kupte, Kat Ta , ¢ cr > a SZ , Saypdva Vrordocerat NW EV TH OVO- a \ > a > , part cov. |8 Eine de avrots, Ede@pouv na > \ > = > Tov Satavay ws aorpamny ek Tov oupa- A / oF 7 \ yoo mecévra. © idod, did@pe vu THY ¥ Rec, add de, Luxe X. 19. the way. 5 And into what- soever house ye enter, first say, Peace be to this house. © And if the son of peace be there, your peace shall rest upon it: if not, it shall turn to you a- gain. 7 And in the same house remain, eating and drinking such things as they give: for the labourer is worthy of his hire. Go not from house to house. 8 And into whatsoever city ye enter, and they receive you, eat such things as are set be- fore you: 9% and heal the sick that are therein, and say unto them, The kingdom of God is come nigh unto you. 1° But into whatsoever city ye enter, and they receive you not, go your ways out into the streets of the same, and say, !! Even the very dust of your city which cleayeth on us, we do wipe off against you: notwithstanding, be ye sure of this, that the king- dom of God is come nigh unto you. 1/2 But I say unto you, that it shall be more tolerable in that day for Sodom, than for that city. 35 Woe unto thee Chorazin, woe unto thee Beth- saida: for if the mighty works had been done in Tyre and Sidon, which have been done in you, they had a great while ago repented, sitting in sack- cloth and ashes. /4 But it shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the judgment, than for you. !5 And thou Capernaum, which art exalted to heaven, shalt be thrust down to hell. 16 He that heareth you, heareth me: and he that despiseth you, despiseth me: and he that de- spiseth me, despiseth him that sent me. 17 And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject un- to us through thy name. 8 And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. !9 Behold, I give unto a evteAOnres b Rec. add perv. ¢ Bz. & Elz. add o. dw nvayv. oe DS exccedGnre. f Gb. omLuxe X. 20. 172 EYATTEAION 3 , n~ ~ 3 / y+ A you power to tread on serpents e£ovg lay TOU TATELY ETFAVY@ opewy Kal j vars a \ , and scorpions, and over all the CkopTioy, Kal ext Ttacay Thy Svyapwwy power of the enemy: and no- é n~ > 6 a \ NN ¢ a *| A a iO thing shall by any means hurt TOU €yOpov" Kat ovdéy OLS ee Oe » . . « Z, “9 > you 2) Notwithstanding in xnon.” 20 any EY TOUT® fn xXAaipere, this rejoice not, that the SDInlts) cpa an ee ay GmOTGouerun are subject unto you: but rather re Bs desl Ce ae gee rejoice, because your names are XQLPETE VE = OTL TO OVOMATA UUL@Y eypa- .y 7 7 j nr > cr written in heaven. on éy Tols ovpavois. ‘ inte 9) 9° Cys ~ + > , a *1 Tn that hour Jesus rejoiced cee elty/ QUT} 7) Opa nya\\tdoato TO in spirit, and said, I thank thee, , CD a Naas me % O father, Lord of heaven and 7/&UH@TL O Inoovs, ELT SY, Cone af / / , ~ > ~ earth, that thou hast hid these Noyovpal cot, matep, Kupte Tov ovpavod + 7 1 77 . “~ n ~ > things from the wise and pru- KAL TIS Ynys, Ort amexpuwas TAUTAa aro dent, and hast revealed them A \ Be oD. , unto babes: even so father, for TOP@V Kal TUVET@Y, Kal ameKdduwas 50 eccemed good in thy sight. avtd yymious’ val, 6 TaTHP, OTL OUTS 22 All things are delivered to >» - > s+ 4: 22¢ \ > VEVE € . me of my father: and no man ©Y€YETO EUoKia eumrpoobey wou Kat é \ \ \ \ > mall, knoweth who the son is, but the oTpaels Wpos Tovs pabnras ElTTE father: and who the father iss) Til d Noe AD A avTa Ol T7APEOO UTTO TOU TAaTPOS but the son, and he to whom Be Bae 7 p . \ SQN: , vara / > ¢ the son will reveal him. ov’ Kal ovoEls yiwooket Tis eoTL 6 C\ > \ , \ Y, > ¢ vlos, el Ln O TaTHNP’ Kal TLS EOTLY O \ > Nice. CN See A 4 MATH, €b ft) O ViOS, Kat @ eay BovAnrat > 7 6 vids amokahuyat. %3 And he turned him unto 23 Kg} oTpadels mpos tovs pa@nras his disciples, and said private- > 07 re ; as \ ly, Blessed are the eyes which K@T itay eure” ~Maxaptot a opOarpot see the things that ye see. of BAémovtes A BXérere. eyo yap 4 ohn © a ¢ A a a For I tell you, that many Uply, Ort ToAAOL Tpopynrat kat Bactreis prophets, and kings have de- ,/,.? BCs ty v5 sired to see those things which n0ehnoay idew a upets Bhemere, kal ovK yesee;andhavenotseen them: ciSop* Kai Gxodca axkovere, Kal ovK and to hear those things which ,, ye hear, and have not heard ROUGGU: them ” Kat idov, vourkés tis dvéorn- éx- 29 And behold, a certain law- 1 ue i Xe 3 - Add ip Xr yer stood up, and tempted him, Dep ad BUT OY Ke ee ieee ke 3 Saying, Master, what shall I do TL Tmolnagas Cony QL@VLOV KAnpovounow 3 to inherit eternal life? 26 He 26 “O 6€ etme Tpos abrov’ °Ey re YOR@ said unto him, What iswritten , ~ Res , fs eo 7c in the law ? how readest thou ? ae Ye VAG 7 TOS OE VEU GEES: ? oO Pome he answering, said, §é amroxpiOeis elev" Ayarnoes Kv- Thou shalt love the Lord thy \ s 2 ty a 7 God with all thy heart, ang P40” TOY Cecoy. gov, && ts TS Kap Otas with all thy soul, and with all Ov, Kal e& OANS TIS Woyns GOV, KQi €& . © 7y : ¢ ~ / 3A 7 ~ thy strength, and with all thy oAns THs iaxvos cou, Kal € oAns Ts mind, and thy neighbour as thy- , : Wen 7 ¢ self. 28 And he said unto him, Slavolas Gov" Kat Toy mAnoiov cov ws Thou hast answered right: this geauroyp. 23 Eire 6€ attra’ "Onbas do, and thou shalt live. > 1 : ~ / \ or atrexpiOns TOUTO TOLEL, KAL (non. o ¢ \ , ~ > *)°O d€ Gédav Stxaody éaurdy elTre > a Zz And mpos tov “Inaodvv’ Kal tis dori Lou *9 But he willing to justify himself, said unto Jesus, * Bz. & Elz. adexnoes b Ree. add wadrror. ¢ Bz. & Elzi&-Gboom: a Ree. rapsda0y wor,KATA AOYKAN. 73 LuKE X. 41. , ¢c x oN * . 2 mrnoiov; *° ‘YaokaBay Se 6 “Incovs who is my neighbour? 30 And > oof ; = a Agen eirey AvOparés Tus xaréBavev aro Jesus answering, said, A certain : : oe = x ‘“ man went down from Jerusa- lepovcadnp ets lepiyo, Kat AnoTAaLS lem to Jericho, and fell among , A WN) 4 ijeve ip -j 7 Eplemecey, Ol Kal EKOVT-AVTES avuToy, Kal yd seni SP Eee ee of \ > Go Sue EZ aiment, and wounded him, mayyas emGevTes annOor, apevtes and departed, leaving him half nutOavn TUyXavovTa. 31 kara ouykupiay dead. *! And by chance there Bet ieneus TEs karéBawwey ey ter 1000 came down a certain priest that <<, [ECS a ee none ; a P way, and when he saw him, he exetvyn, Kal iO@y avToy dvtumapndOev. passed by on the other side. ¢ , \ \ oh Noe dlik j rj ; 32 OMLCL@s Oe Kal Aevitns, “yEVOMLEVOS KaTa ie Ee Levite, when ‘ : LUN ANd A Sea place, came and TOV TOTOV, e\Gov" Kal iO@v avTiiTap- looked on him, and passed by oe s , . Qs mde. * Sapyapeirns de tis 6dev@y OM the other side. % But a > Oe Di eo + 230 a tN ee certain Samaritan as he jour- PAE pee ee €oMAQY~- neyed, came where he was; xvic On. Kal mpooehGav KaTEOnoe 7c and when he saw him, he had fs Sia eN 2, Z > . compassion on him, *4 and Tpa / i d p CERES ee, ANS OF eatoy Kat ent to him, and bound up his oivoyv" emiBiBacas O€ aUTOV El TO 1OLov wounds, pouring in oil and wine, y a UN > a and set him on his own beast Seas Ronse me oe oa mavdoxétor, ane brought him to an inn, and ee aCe 27] auTou. KGL errE 71) took cave of him. % Andon avpioy ” e€eOav,” éxBadrdy Svo Snvdapra the morrow when he departed, 70 a Noi >’ ~. he took out two pence, and gave ROOK. ae mavSoxély a Suey QUT® them to the host, and said unto Eve eAnOntre avTov’ Kal O TL AY TPOT- him, Take care of him, and UZ : SEN > > ’ | } lest - ; oe aa eS Bamanioys, eyo ev 7G erarcpyertal ree ree al repay pe ee? ool. thee. 5 36 Tice od feo nG Ov °or f ae Tis ody TOUT@Y TGV TpLav “TANTLOY 36 Which now of these three, ~ y , sey 2 ran eK 72 A} O Soket wou” yeyovevar TOV EULTETOVTOS ELS ee tou ae aan ac (ie 37 Soe ce ,_ unto him that fell among the Rous Agaras 5 : 0 de Soe O row ~ thieves ? 37 And he said, He - 5 : : gas TO €Aeos PET QUTOV. Eizev 2 ody" that shewed mercy on him. > 6 > a , \ \ , X} q1 7 x avt@ 6 Incovs’ Ilopevov, Kat ov Trolet Then said Jesus unto him, Go, ae and do thou likewise. Opolws. > 4 a £ 38 °Byévero O€ ev TO mopever Oar av- \ \ > \ > oon > t Ls Tous, Kal adros elon Gey Els BO a 38 ‘Now it came to pass,-as yuvn O€ TLS OvdpaTe Madp6a tredearo they went, that he entered into avrov eis TOV OLKOV auris. 39 eq} THOE a certain village: anda certain es : F al a woman named Martha, receiv- Av adeAdi) Kadoupevn Mapia, 7) Kat TA- ed him into her Howser: oe And / / a > . e pakafioaca qapa Tovs md0as TOU In- she had a sister called Mary, ~ or SANS Dee eas 3S which also sat at Jesus’ feet, gov nkove TOY oyoy avuTOU. 7 O€ and heard his word: 4° but Mdp6a trepteomaro mepl TONY Suako- Martha was cumbered about ’ 2 cs NA, 4 aes much serving, and came to him i ) t z 5°) ’ ney Dee Oe SUF Kupte, ou pene and said, Lord, dost thou not cor Gre 7 adeAH prov pévyv pe KaTE- care that my sister hath left ~ > a of ‘eYrV i Nure Siakovelv; elmée ody aiTH wa por Me 1 Serre alone? bid her rX6 41 >? Q py ABE Le therefore that she help me. ouvayTe apnrat. Arroxpwels S€ €l- 41 And Jesus answered, and a “A / ¢ . rev ait 6 “Incovs’ Mapéa, Madp6a, saidunto her, Martha, Martha, Pa a arn ee Ba 2 > ies © Rec. does coe ANCLOY. d Gb. — (¢eLuxe X. 42. 174 EYAITEAION thou art careful, and troubled pepyuvds kal rupBdcy Tept mohAd* about many things: 42 but one 42 évos 0€ €ote xpela. Mapia dé chy | thing is needful, and Mar \ > 4 eo > > hath chosen that good part, aya0zy pepida e&ehé€aro, nTls ovK adat- which shall not be taken away pedn reTat ar auTns. from her. Niet, 2 a oy I 18 ? 11. And it came to pass, that : 11. Kar 50 Te BMGL CREO EY, as he was praying in a certain TOT@ TWL TPOTEVKOMEVOY, WS €TavOaTC, © a a7: a a > os x > Pipa place, when he ceased, one of eure Tis TOY abnTey avTod mpds adrdoy his disciples said unto him, , yes tee , Lord, teach us to pray, as John Kupte, dida€ov nas TpoTevxeo Oat, Ka- eee ‘ 3 c \ \ also taught his disciples. 2And Q¢ ¢q} ‘Iwavyns édidage rods padnras he said unto them, When ye -. 2 re NS sore 10, Pray, say, Our Father which QUTOU. “m€ O€ AUTOLS TOY, HEP OOe * 4 n n~ art in PEAR malomed be thy euynabe, héeyere* Ildrep * NOV O Ey hame, Thy kingdom come, T ay ~ > Alger , Vs Uj will be done as in heaven, so in 724 SIGHS : ayao Ont ie pala 2 earth. ° Give us «day by day wou’ €AOérw 7 BacideLa cov’ yevn- 7 - PIRI , oe \ our daily bread. 4 And forgive Onre rd Gednpd OV, ws ev oupaye, Kat us Our sins: for we also for- ,/. . eg Bey i ve give every one that is indebted CETUS YUS hy, POES Ua TOY, Tee . / r , to us. And lead us not into oygoy didou nly TO Ka npepay" 4 kal temptation, but deliver us from» Coin Viieae , Caen \ \ ner apes NeW Tas auapTias NuaY, Kal yap > wal) , 7] Ves) / Ce. autot “ apieper" rravrt ddetRovre Hype A , A I Kal pn eioevéyxns tas eis Tetpacpoye’. ‘ : And he said unto them, ° Ka) ede mpos avtous Tis && dpuav Nhich of you shall have a ¢ r \ i \ 2 en friend, and shall go unto him £S€4 piror, Kat POR SUC ER GL BpRs auTov af midnight, and say unto him, @€OOvUKTIoV, Kal Elin avT@’ Dire, xp7- Friend, lend me three loaves. gy jroe Tpels aprous, ® emer0n idos 6 For a friend of mine fin his f uv ; 36 6N A r Bue journey is come to me, and I [Ow HAQP EY EVETOREE 000U mpos HS Gt . . . ~~ a > eS a ee to set beforehim, ovK EX@ O mapabnow avuT@* 7 KQAKELVOS and he trom within shall an- » > ee ONE , swer and say, Trouble me net evobey arroxptOeis etry My jsoe KOmous the door is now shut, and my mdpexe’ On 7 Oupa KéxAevorat, Kal Th i a) ar 77 7 s > a \ children are with me in bed: I pala fou ple EMOv eis THY kKolTny cannot rise and give thee. 8] , , a NG > ‘oe OUnuy Say unto you, Though he will €/0lv" ov Ouvapat avacras Sodval cot. not rise, and give him, because 8 Aeyo Dpiv, El Kal ov Odce QUuTO he is his friend: yet because of > \ bic eS So a his importunity, he will rise POO TES. Ghis HO Suge UU pi Oks and give him as many as he Oudye tiv dvaidecay adrod, eyepOeis da- needeth. 9 And I say unto you, at ; 9 ease aie a : O€L QUTM OCOwY v él. ay@ VULy Ask, and it shall be given you: ¢ vy xpng kay be , ; 2 SEN - Caan re seek, and ye shall find: knock, eyo QITELTE, Kal OoOnoerat UMLy Gye < = si cas ce , and it shall be opened unto you. TELTE, KAL EVDNOETE KpOveTte, Kal avol- 10 For every one that asketh, |» Cine ig os \ 5 ine receiveth: and he that seeketh, Y7O€TAL vuty. mas yap 0 altapy CR findeth: and to him that knock- Baver’ Kai 6 (nrev evpioken kal T@ eth, it shall be opened. , , KpovovtTt avovynoerat. 11 Je F ee ee A If a son shall ask bread of tl Ria (Oc e&" tuayv roy Tarépa any of you that is a father, will , , ee oy Ney 7 > , he give him a stone ? Or ifhe @7NGEL O vios apToyv, 1) AiGov ETLO@OEL 2 . Daan \ > A , ask a fish, will he for a fish QUTO ; h ne Kal ix Gov, [Ln avth ixOvos a Gb. om, b Gb, cov n Baovrera, © Gb. om. dw apctouey, t © Rec. add adda fpucar uUAaS aro Tov wovnoov, BS =. Reco &iGb- ou = Rao ere Or, for the day. § Or, out of his w LY.KATA AOYKAN. 175 5 / ait; i) Kal ay airn- a ’ Shoes aVT@ TKOPTLOY ; roy s ¢ , 3 cf ody tpeis movnpol vmapxovTes oidare * Sparta ayaba" Siddvat ToIs TE- / < ¢ ‘ ¢ 1¢ qog@ paAAov 0 TaTNp O € £ ee ef te § wa dy.ov Tos al- g h oO shy emidacet \ > on @ov, fT) ET! d KVOLS UPLOV, y ovpavod Sacer mVEU P TOUTW aUTOY } > \ 4 Kal qv exBadAov Sayovioy, Kal > 4 \ n~ aro Ay Kapdv’ eyevEeTo dé, Tov Satipo- \ ylov e&edOdvros, ehahnoev 6 Koos’ Kal > ‘\ £ > COavpe.cay oi Oxo. 15 tives Oe €€ av- rav Erov’ “Ev BeedeBovd P dpxovre" 6 / > / \ , T@Y OaLjpLovLeVv exBadrer TA Sarpovia. cr >? 16 "Erepor Sé meipacovres oneloy Tap adrod e(yrouy €& ovpavov. autos Oe eidds adray Ta Savonmara eimev avTois” aca Bacidcla ef éavrjy Stapept- obcioa épnpotrat’ Kal otKos emt olKoV, , 18 > \ Na a ao ¢ mimrer. 18 ci O€ Kal 6 Satavas ep €av- \ / a , ¢ rov Stepepicbn, mas oTabycerat 7) Ba- cidela adrov; Ort hEeyere, EV Bee CeBovr > aN as } , 19 > NIN exBddrew pe Ta Sayudvia. €i Oe eyo ey BeeACeBovd exBddAw Ta Satona, ot CENTS 6 > / > / 4 An viol buay év rive exBaddovor; Ota TOUTO Kpital Upav avTol €vovTat. 0 «i d€ ev , ~ f / SakTUA@ Oeov exBarrw ra Oatpovia, U 2 a a dpa éhbacey ep ipas 1) Bacwdeia TOU Geov. 21 ’0 en) \ , ray 6 ioxupos Kadwomhiopevos / a puddoon THY EavToU avAny, év eipnvy >? a € \ €OTl TA UMAPXOVTA AUTOU™ 22 érav O€ O 4 ~ icyupdrepos avrov emeOav viknon av- \ a > = TOV, THY TavoTAlay avTOv aipEl, ep 7 3 / ~ / ‘i émerrolOet, kal Ta oKVAG adToU diadidw- ISS \ 3 3:79 = a7 = a oly. oO #7) @V PET €Lou KQ@T €{OU 2 . Nae \ , Ses ~ €OTL Kal O Ovvyay@ = ; 7) yy. V PET €Ou oKOp miCel. 24 Oray rd axdbaprov mvedua eEENOn dird Tod dvOparrov, Siépxerat Ov avvdpav rorav, (yrovy avdravow' Kal pi7 €vpt- oxoy Néyer” “Yroorpéipo cis Toy otkdv a Ree, ayaa douwara. b il judges. ~w Luxe XI. 24. ive him a serpent? | Or if e shall ask an egg, will he ffer him a scorpion? }8 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your chil- ren: how much more shall our heavenly Father give the oly Spirit to them that ask im? 14 And he was casting out a devil, and it was dumb. And it came to pass, when the devil was gone out, the dumb spake: and the people wondered. io But ome of them said, He casteth out devils through Beelzebub the chief of the devils. !@ And other tempting him, sought of him a sign from heaven. !” But he knowing their thoughts, said unto them, Every kingdom di- vided against itself, is brought t o desolation: and a house di- vided against a house, falleth. 8 If Satan also be divided against himself, how shall his kingdom stand? Because ye say that I cast out devils through Beelzebub. 19 Andif I by Beel- zebub cast out devils, by whom do your sons cast them out ? therefore shall they be your 20 But if I with the finger of God cast out devils, no doubt the kingdom of God is come upon you. 21 When a strong man armed keepeth his palace, his goods are in peace: 22 but when a stronger than he shall come up- on him, and overcome him, he taketh from him all his armour wherein he trusted, and divid- eth his spoils. 2° He that is not with me, is against me: and he that gathereth not with me, scattereth. 24 When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest: and finding none, he saith, I will return unto my house Tw apyoTt,Tin eae” Luxe XI. 25. 176 EYAITEAION whence I came out. % And pou 6Oev eEnhOov’ * kal é-dObv ebpiok han when he cometh, he findeth it / \ Zs 26 , i s ane lt KEKOO LN WE S 10 Swept and garnished, 26 Then pe PROPEL RGU a re Boe ‘ eg goeth he, and taketh to him TOPEVETAL KAL mTapaapl aVEL ETTA ETED | vi aries Ra ee : i x seven other spirits more wicked TVEVLATA ToYNpPOTEpa EaUTOD, Kal * ig} than himself, and they enter in, 46 Dp Aan Nee t and dwell there, and the last S CouLG pan ORCL: ekel ee Yrs TUR ee of that man is worse than ED XaTA TOU avOparrov EKELVOU YELPOVi ic the first. 27 And it came to pass _- / ie Z, s 2 a Nee . TOV TO@TMY. Eyeveto O€ ev Tm AEs as he spake these things, a cer- Be ; = Us ; P t tain woman of the company yelv avuToy Tavta, emapaga Tis yuyi: if) 7] a] A ~ S > lifted up her voice, and said haovnv €k rod 6xAou elev atte’ Ma} unto him, Blessed is the womb powe ie ot Z 2 i. that bare thee, and the paps Kapia KOE Lg 7 Paordoaca go _Ka\po . ‘ \ ¢ 3 2 \ > \ ch oo a PaOTOL OUsS eOn\acas. g Auros 0€ etzre)s 1e Said, Yea, rather blessec ~ 1 crate \ sin are they that hear the word of Mevourye PaKaptot Ol Our eS oy dé-) God, and keep it. yov Tov Geov Kai puAdooovres QUTOD. |, 29 oy, 9 a \ y > / : And when the people were 29 Téy Oe oyhov ema porCopevan |i gatnered thick together, he be- ee DN Scene \ ¢ } Gan to say, This is an evil gene- npEaro See . H ee coat TOV ES ration, they seek a sign, and ¢g7,° OnMELOV Emlenrel, Kal OnN[LELOY OV there shall no sign be given it, , a eG - > a but the sign of Jonas the pro- Oonoerat CUT CUAy TO OTESCOY, lova : a f 4 L phet: 30 for as Jonas was a © Tov mpopytov.” * Kabas yap €yevero oe Tt: ie a > 3 ss a fe 7 aE ie See Ne e0 ll “Lovds onpcioy role “Niveviraisy Aram aL 2 c aa + \ ey INT). t a a generation. 3! The queen of €OTQL Kal 6 Vids TOD avOparrou TH YEVEg ji . . 10 . / / / > / the south shall rise up in the raurn. *! Bacidtooa vorov eyepOnoerat \: judgment with the men of this es / \ a Oa a generation, and condemn them: Saal UO EL ETE co, Py is Yo | for she came from the utmost vEAS TAVTNS, KAL KATAKPLVEL AUTOUS’ OTL he l ar “ > ) a A A > A Eee Bere mee oe nOev ex Tav Tepdray ™s yns axovoa } : iL . ae \ Le a Ness: Neen om hold, a greater than Solomon is TV Coplay Zohopavos, Kal tOov, mhetov 32 om x Tse : a a 36 2 + here. %? The men of Nineve Zohouavos Ode. avSpes 4 Nwvevirar” shall rise up in y judgment with ; , Dis Nis this generation, and shall con- ee eC OuTaL tes dp) Bee. ESE Tes cenit: for they peed aty yeveas TavTns, Kal KaTaKpLvovolW auTnY preaching of Jonas, and behold, % s > \ / > a a greater than Jonas ishere. 07! ey cs a ee Rolle: lwva, | 33 : s aA Kal LOOV, TAELOV Lw@va @de. No man when he hath By eee eae i re al lighted a candle, putteth it in Ovdels Oé Auxvov dapas eis Kpumrrov a secret place, neither undera _/ SN NSC EN 4 2 2a ’ = yp bushel, but on a candlestick, TiOnow, oude ato Tov p0dto » add “Te that they which come in may TiV Avyviay, wa Ol eloTOpEevopmeEvoat TO || » lin 34 7. io RT Gae, NZ 3 f = ae ig ent eee: ot heyyos Breracw. 4 § huxvos Tod ne body is the eye: therefore ; Po eo. ye «tities when thine eye is single, thy ToLATOS cory O opGahpds cov" at whole body also is full of light: 8 ody” 6 opbahpos @ov amAovs 7s Kal but when thine eye is evil, thy GNop To oa WOo0 porevdy éorw era body also is full of darkness. i : a nuke heed therefore, that Sé movnpds 7, Kal rd cad cov cKO- the light which is in thee, be rewoy. OKOTEL Ody pu) ro pas ro not darkness. 36 If thy whole |, \ s Bites B62 ina as body therefore be full of light, €Y OOL OKOTOS €EOTLY. €l OUVY TO G@- having no part dark, the whole ud cou 6dov Porewov, pn exov Ti pépos See RISER AKC LS, 8 © edOovra, b Gb. om, © Gb.om, d ~—. Rec & Gb. Neveve. © Gb. xpuxrny f6—. Rec. & Gb. om. g—KATA AOYKAN. Lee cKxorewov, éota. wrewdy Gdov, ws drav 6 AUxvos TH doTpanH PoTicy cE. 37 Ey 6€ TO hadjoat, para avTov dapioaids tis Srws dpiornon map av~ To’ eicehGav dé averecev. 6 Oe Sapiraios iday eOavpacer Ort ov Tpa- roy (Bantigéy mpd Tod apiorov. * etre Sé 6 Kipibs mpos avréy' Nov vpeis ol Dapicator Td eEwOey Tod mornpiou Kat rou mivakxos kabapicere’ To Oe eowbev ipav yéper dprayyjs Kat sovnpias. 0 adpoves, ovx 6 moijoas TO eLaber Kal To éowbev éroince; * mdqv Ta evovta Sdte édenpoovyny’ kat idod, mayra Kabapa viv €or. 2° ANN oval ipiy trois bapicaiors, Ort dmodeKatovTe TO OVOT}L0Y Kal TO myavoy Kal wav Ndxavoy, Kal Tapep- xeobe thy Kpiow Kal THY ayarny Tod Gcov! *ravra” Cet Toujoat, KaKElva p7) apievat. * oval ipiv Trois Bapicaios, Ort aya are THY TpwToKabedpiay ev Tals Re; eras guvaywyats, Kal ToUs domacpovs €v Tals ayopais. * oval dpiv, ” ypappareis Kat Papioaior, vroxpiral,” tt eaTe os Ta punueta ta adnha, kal oi” dvOpwro ol TepimarouTes eave ovK olOact?. * "Amoxpilels O€ Tis TOV vouuKOY é- yet avTd: AWdoxake, ratra héyov Kal npas vBpi¢es. “8 ‘O dé etme’ Kal tp Tois voptKots oval, Ott dopricere Tovs dvOparous opria OvoBaorakta, Kat avrol evi Tay OakTUheY buoy ov Tpoc- Wavere Trois hopriou. oval ipiv, ore oikodopetre Ta puynueta Tov Tpopnrar, ot O€ marépes uudy dméxreway adrovs. 48 7 a \ > - apa PapTupeEtte Kal ouvEevooKEire TOLS ed Epyots TGV TaTépav tuav' rt adrol pep dm éxreway avrovs, tueis S€ oixodopeire _aerey Ta pynpeta.” 9 81a rodro Kal n copia Tov Ocod cine’ ArrooTenNS eis Luxe XI. 49. shall be full of light, as when the bright shining of a candle doth give thee light. 37 And ashe spake, a certain Pharisee besought him to dine with him: and he went in, and sat down to meat. °8 And when the Pharisee saw it, he mar- velled that he had not first washed before dinner. °9 And the Lord said unto him, Now do ye Pharisees make clean the outside of the cup and the plat- ter: but your inward part is full of ravening and wickedness. 40 Ye fools, did not he that made that which is without, make that which is within also ? 41 But rather give alms of such things as you have: and behold, all things are clean unto you. 42 But woe unto you Phari- sees: for ye tithe mint and rue, and all manner of herbs, and pass over judgment, and the love of God: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone. 43 Woe unto you Pharisees: for ye love the up- permost seats in the syna- gogues,and greetings in the mare kets. 44 Woe unto you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites: for ye are as graves which appear not, and the men that walk over them, are not aware of them, 45 Then answered one of the lawyers, and said unto him, Master, thus saying, thou re- proachest us also. 46 And he said, Woe unto you also ye lawyers: for ye lade men with burdens grievous to be borne, and ye yourselves touch not the burdens with one of your fin- gers. ‘47 Woe unto you: for ye build the sepulchres of the prophets, and your fathers kill- them. 48 Truly ye bear witness that ye allow the deeds of yourfathers: for they indeed killed them, and ye build their sepulchres. 49 Therefore also said the wisdom of God, I will c—> 13 42 travra de, b Gb. om. d3 * Or, as you are able,an igen TTT armen Luxer XI. 50. EYATTEAION > \ A \ > , ‘ send them prophets and apos- auTous mpopnras Kal amooToAous, Kal tles, and some of them they 2 Sea Ce a Nee / : shall slay and persecute: °° that €& UlgeY OT EY OOg e oe exdiaSovow the blood of all the prophets, wa ex(ntnOn TO ALLA TAVTOY TOV which was shed from the foun- a ee 5 1TTC : TOODNT@YV TO EKXVYOMEVOY ATO KATAO- dation of the world, may be NS em > x ie a ae required of this generation, 4’7$ ROG hos ano mel ye les ae the ee of Abel Be 51 dard Tov aiwatros APed ews TOU alpa- the blood of Zacharias, which G Ae Z -\ perished between the altar and TOS: Zaxaptov ole arrohopevou peTagy the temple: verily I say unto TOV OucvactTypLov Kal TOU OLKOU’ val, Ae- you, it shall be required of this 4 Guiv, ex(nt Ohocerat amo THs yeveas generation. °? Woe unto you CS faa eae ~ - SE yi lawyers : for ye have taken away TQAUTNS. ; ovat Up TOLS VOHLLKOLS, OTL 2, Cr ~ / > \ the ae of Eee: ye en- #paTe THY KAElOa THS YY@TEwS* AUTOL tered not in yourselves, and _>a_?_/ Wes Sif 35 ; Gemiliatwvercieaterine ai;aye ouk clon) ere, KQL TOUS ELDEPXO[LEVOUS «hindered. EK@AUVO-ATE:- 53 ea is tn re , \ > A A 83 And ashe said these things §3- P A¢yoytos S€ atTod TadTa mpos unto them, the scribes andthe 5, 3 ee A UE Pharisees began to urge him G@UTOUS, npEavtTo Ol ypappaTtets Kat Ot - a > 4 \ > vehemently, and to provoke Papicatou Sets EvexeElV, Kal aTFOTTO- him to speak of many things: |, 6 3 mA de ht, Baie 2) 64 Jaying wait for him, and fe TY a at ae. 5 GLOYS : yy seeking to catch something out OpevovTes avTov, © (nrovvtes” On- a oer os ~ A od of his mouth, that they might pejgai tu €k TOU OTOpaTOS avurov, ! wa accuse him. ; ae KaTNYOPHO@OW AVTOV. 12. In the mean time, when 12. Ey ols emiouvax Gero @y TOV pu- there were gathered together 1s a ie ¢ - an innumerable multitude of Rie ee aes 0x OER MOTE ae people, insomuch that they a\AnXous, np&aro eyew TpOs TOUS La- trode one upon another, he be- Onras avrov mpeToy" Ilpooexere EavTois gan to say unto hissaiseiples ses. , a , Sea first of all, Beware ye of the @7077S Cupns TOV Papicaiay, HTLS EOTLW leaven of the Pharisees, which is vmrdKpLcts. 2 ovdey Oe ouykekahup.- hypocrisy. 2 For there is no- thing covered, that shall not be 4 > \ a > > / \ LEVOV EDTLY, O OVK amoxadupOnoerat, Kal | . . e > t revealed, neither hid, that shall KPUTITOD, ov yvao Onoerat. 3 av@ av > o TS ° a f > > Nout not be known. Therefore, Ggq ép Th OKoTiAa ElmaTe, EV TO dott whatsoever ye have spoken in , , . ~~ 5 , shall be proclaimed upon the ia Ren OPE OM: e : housetops. Aéyo d€ vpiy Tots didots pov" py 4 And I say unto you my poBnOnre amo Tov ® GTOKTEVOYT@Y TO friends, Be not afraid of them ~~ \ A A Sa that kill the body, and after 7®H@, Kal BSTASTaUnG fg EXOUT OUT that, have no more that they pioadrepoy TL Tolnaal. umobelEw Oe can do. ® But I will forewarn <,,7,, -/ a pt \ \ you whom you shall fear: Fear ee Pee poBy One poBnOnre RON BETS him, which after he hath killed, TO @7TOKTELVAL eEouctay €xovta euBahew hath power to cast into hell, ef¢ cy yéevvav’ val, Néywo vpiv, TOUTOP yea, I say unto you, Fear him. , 6 Poa , 6 Are not five sparrows sold for poBnOnre. OUXL TEVTE otpovOia TO= . r , 4 A > na two farthings, and not one of Aeirat dooapiwy dvo, Kal ev e& avTav | a Gb. stonAOare. b ® Kar np£avrrto. (Fa 4 d Rec. add wae. es i § Rec. arroxrervovTwre * Or, forbad.KATA AOYKAN. 179 Luxe XII. 19. them is forgotten before God? > ay > 4 Ie A evoy €ywmLtoy TOU ( ous ee emihehy oH i = ba- 7 But even the very hairs of @cov; @ adda kal at Tpixes TIS KEPE™ your head are all numbered: a > / > rs 7 yr . djs UL@V Tag al nplOpnvrat. pn ovy fear nabethersioreia ts pore n 4 a ‘ ‘more value than many spar- / poBeicbe * mohhav atpovbiay dSuae- Mr® peTe. E . SAL . en mn 8 A Soko- ® Also:lisay unto you, Who- , Beye ge ge iN S A f : soever shall confess me before PUWHES €Mol eum poo ev Tone pe men, him shall the Son of sae : a > / ¢ a - Rees x = cal 6 vids TOU avOpwrrou Gpodoynaet €V also confess batbres the OE 9) eth 2 2 b = ary < 2 é ; ee eumpoo dev cor ayyehov oe Ocou me before men, shall be denied 9 6 Oe apynrapevos pe EV@OTLOY TOV before the angels of God. pane ? y 5 / 2yG >, whosoever shall speak a wore J ETAL EVWMTLOVY TOV , E } : dybpomoy mete none: . «a. 3. - against the Son of man, It shall ayyehov Tov Qeceov. Kal Tas OS ce be forgiven him: but unto him na > , ae ddyov els TOV VLOV TOU avOpeamou, age- that blasphemeth against the r >: wey OC Eig TO HYLOV Tyev- Holy Ghost, it shall not be for- Onoerat aut ® oD : ee et a, given. |! And when they bring pa a Braodnpnoarte OUK apeOnoeTat. you unto the synagogues, and ll ¢ 2 épwow vas emt Tas unto magistrates, and powers, wee be mporPep \ Ee A 2¢ take ye no thought how or cuvayoyas Kal Tas Coxe Ts < oN what thing ye shall answer, or clas, py PEpPLLVATE TOS 7 TL amoXoyn- What ye shall say: 12 for the ; Re edo! lg Nao Holy Ghost shall teach you in ono, 7) eS ea, yop @Y‘0! the same hour, what ye ought : Lyedpa duddéer pas ev avty TY PY, @ to say. Set elmety. 13 Hine O€ Mr@ €K TOU OxYAOU’ 13 sae Une Ce res, AULD YS xX 3 And one of the company AwWdoKane, «ie TO dEAPO rov pe- said unto him, Master, speak : ‘ ‘ to my brother, that he divide I 6 ae ies THV KANpOVO fay o my rot er, tha 1e€ al Bea. ae epee SOU . ] 7P ie * theinheritauce withme. !4 And 14 “O O€ elev avT@* AvOpere, Tis pe he said unto him, Man, who ze : =. : >4? made me a judge, or a divider (KAGTHY eplaoTnv EDP a judge, Rar UTS 8 we 7 \ i E pe : Tes ef over you? } And he said un- y UBAS 5 Eire d€ mpos avrous PQ@T€ to them, Take heed and be- eat duddover be aro.” THis" meoveElas” ware of covetousness : for a man’s life consisteth not in the of > > lal , A ¢ A Cle OU Te: 7 BOTS he plies Cor) abundance of the things which avTOU €oTLY EK TOY UTAPXOVT@V avTOV. he possesseth, eal ss : 16 Bire 5é€ mapaBorjy mpos avtous, * And he spake a parable xe BN Ogarou iv er ovuloU ee unto them, saying, The ground i Sie ee Chen ae 2 : of a certain rich man brought popnoev n Xopa’ kat SveAoyiero forth plentifully. 1” And he Le a 7 , 4 a > sy 7 7 -Q YI éy €avT@, Aeywv’ Ti woujow, OTL OUK thought within himself, saying, »” 5 ; \ , _ What shall I do, because I =) COSA ouvdE@ TOVsS KAPTOVS }40V; have no room where to bestow 8 Kq) efe* Tovro momow’ Kkabeh@ my fruits? ' And he said, Ne 3 , \ , > This will I do, I will pull down pou eos arrobnkas, ct petCovas otkobo- my barns, and build greater, pno@, Kat ouvaéo ekel TavTa Ta °ye- and there will I bestow all my , tu eS ; “19 \ fruits, and my goods. 1% And yee aes foe. Pet a dyala pov da I will say a oe soul, Soul, CP@ 77] voxn pov’ Vuxn, EXELS TOAKAG thou hast much goods laid up > \ Si Z . ayala KEl[eva ELS ETN mo\Aa’ avarravov, for many years, take thine ease, Sarre | X= b & raons © Bz. & Elz. yevynparasTip wats Luxe XII. 20. eat, drink, andbe merry. 2° But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night «thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be which thou hast provided ? 2! So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich towards God. 22 And he said unto his dis- ciples, Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life what ye shall eat, neither for the body what ye shall put on. 23 The life is more than meat, and the body is more than raiment. 24 Consider the ravens, for they neither sow nor reap, which neither have storehouse nor barn, and God feedeth them: how much more are ye better than the fowls? 25 And which of you with taking thought can add to his stature one cubit? 76 If ye then be not able to do that thing which is least, why take ye thought for the rest? 2? Consider the lilies how they grow, they toil not ; they spin not: and yet I say unto you, that Solomon in all his glory, was not arrayed like one of these. 25 If then God so clothe the grass, which is to day in the field, and to morrow is cast into the oven: how much more will he clothe you, O ye of little faith ? 29 And seek not ye what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, Rneither be ye of doubtful mind. 29 Forall these things do the nations of the world seek after: and your Father know- eth that ye have need of these things. 3! But rather seek ye the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added unto you. 52 Fear not, little flock, for it is your F ‘ather’s good pleasure to give you the king- dom. 33 Sell that ye have, and give alms: provide yourselves bags which wax not old, a trea- sure in the heavens that faileth not, whereno thief approacheth, neither moth corrupteth. *4 For 180 EYATTEAION pays, Tle, edppaivov. oe Eire dé av= T@ 0 Oeds’ * “Adpov,” TavTy 77 vurri TY puxny oou amauTovoLy amo cov" a dé 7 NTOLLAT As, rive eoraL § @ OUras 6 OnoavpiCwy éavT@, Kal ag eis Ocov TAOUTOV. Hime O€ Tpos TOUS padnras avrov" Aa TovUTo bpiv eyo, pa) pepyrvare v7 wux7 ° Upay," Ti paynte pndée TO TO- part, Ti evdvanabe. * “7” uxt) meidy EOTL THS Tpopns; Kal TO cepa TOD €y- Ovparos. 4 kaTavonoarte TOUS Kopakas, OTL OU ometpovow, ovde GepiCovawy’* ols OUK €oTe TapLeLoy ovdé amoOnkn, Kal 6 Geds Tpeher advtovs* TéT@ paddoy t Upets Svaepere Tov TeTewav; » Tis Oe é vpay pepepva@y Ovvatat mpooGewat emt TY nAtKiay avTOU m™XUY eva 5 26 ei ov ovTE ehdxeoroy dvvagGe, Th mepl TOV our @v pepluvare 5 aise karavonoate Ta Kpiva, TOS avdveu’ o ov KOTFLA, OVE wn dee eyo bet bpiy, oude Sohopar € ev mao7 TH O0&p auTovU mepueBadero as ev TOUTOV. 38 i O€ TOV Xoprov VTO AYP@ THpLEpov ovTa, Kal avptoy els KriBavov BadAcpe- vov, 6 O¢€ds ovTasS audevyvaol, TOT@ peadXov Upas, OhiyoTLaroL 5 22 Kat vpets Pl (nretre Ti Perey 7 Th inte Kal py perewpiceade, * TavTa yap TayTa Ta eon TOU Ko HOU emUCnret vpav S€ 6 matnp oidev Ort xpugere TOU- tov: 3} may Gyreive THY Baouheiay drov Geod,” Kal Taura ° gayTa’ Tpoorte- Onoerae t Up. Pn poBou, TO ptk pov TotmyLoy" OTe unto him immediately. 37 Bless- evdews avoiforw avTo. 4 pakaplol OL ed are those servants, whom the 5 CEL So €XGav 6 KU ‘- lord when he cometh, shall find t. obs €AGawy 6 KUpLos Eu- lord w: .s dovhot meee see NC p « ~ watching: verily, I say unto PUGcee ye yopoUrTas, Spry Gye CEAYS you, that he shall gird himself, > a ‘ Ore mepi(@oerar Kal avakAwel aUTOUS, and make them to sit down to \ \ , Sere 33 ‘ meat, and will come forth and 5 L , on — mapehOav Svaxovnoe cues ae serve them. 38 And if he shall » nr / - \ > eav €On ev TH devrepa cbuAaky, Kal €V come in the second watch, or Soeah rNakn crG Lev U come in the third watch, and akn eAGn, Kal Eup OVT@ 7 De pu H ¢ ‘I ~ ME I ah find them so, blessed are those peakaplot erow * ot SovAot EKELVOL. sokieitase SoiAnidavbsie Limi . me ¢ > c = : *9 rotro S€ ywaokeTe, OTL EL dev 6 = = the oot e > , t ef € f i house ha chow yné €p- : oikodeomrns Diges eRe . khemrns t o mene et > gn. ouy yweode CTOLLOCS. OTL OPLLO” do- ready also: for the Son of man c ~ ’ ~* ie! KElTe, 6 vlOs TOU avOparou EPXETAL. cometh at an hour when ye 41 > Ja Sg a : Kdpue, think not. : : Eure be eer pos up’, 41 Then Peter said unto him, Des ULES any pipe Nails eo cae aa thou io —, Els, 7) KAL TPOS TavTas 5 irre O€ 6 ble unto us, or even to allt au nie a ; Ng wee ec Nae / 42 And the Lord said, Who Kupvos Tis apa = EOL EROS OOS then is that faithful and wise eal dpdvipos,” Ov KaTagTHTEL O KUpLos steward, whom his lord shall Pease ae i ee a , >, make ruler over his houshold v, Tov OLOdvat ev : : : 2 Ss Ocparetas be vs b ; . to give them their portion of Kalp@ TO OLTOMET PLOY 5 fakaplos O meat indueseason? 43 Bless- SovAos ekeivos, Ov EAOav 6 KUpLOs avToU ed is that servant, whom his ee ER of 44 Onn lord when he cometh, shall find SERIES’ eee eo OUTS. ~~ AANI@S so doing. 44 Of a truth, I say eyo UPL, OTL ETL TAGL TOLS UTAPKOVOLY ae you, anit wd rey © = , > s 5 3A \ Tf £ 5 avrov Kataornce: adrév. * éay dé etry Dim tuler over all that hehath, % 2 mee? ; = - at 45 But and if that servant say 6 OovAos eEkelvos ev TH Kapdia avTOv" in his heart, My lord delayeth , » . . = Xpovices 6 Kuplos jou epxerOau * Kaj his coming; and shall begin to 5 é , \ “5 . beat the menservants, and apcytal TunmTety Tovs Taloas Kat TAS maidens, and to eat and drink, maidioxas, eve Te Kal mivew Kal je- and to be drunken: 46 the lord , et AG de cea oe ~ , of that servant will come ina dvoKxeobat €lL 6 KupLos TOU Oo mba ne ok ng EOP REPLOS ATU, é vAov day when he looketh not for EKELVOU €Y LENG 7) OU m™poo- oka, Kat €y him, and at an hour when he is Opa 7 ov ywooker* Kal dixoropunoer not aware, and will «cut him Bees Nae , oe ; ~ in sunder, and will appoint him QuTOV, Kal TO MEpOS AUTOV META TMY his portion with the unbe- ? , / ° amiotayv Onoes. lievers. a a— b wo hpovipos. Or, cut him off,Luxe XII. 47. 182 EYATTEAION , a A \ 47 And that servant which “7 "Exeivos O€ 6 dovAos 6 yous TO knew his lord’s will, and pre- a / € a \ A4€ ei 5 ; c Q@ TOU KUPLOUV EAUTOV, Kal €TOL-= pared not himself, neither did Behnyt f . p 5 % COR according to his will, shall be paoas pnde mouoas Tpos TO VeAT|HA : eo n , / \ \ aoe oe aay sae avrov, Sapnoerar Todas" 48 6 O€ py 8 But he that knew not, an \ , . 7 a , did commit things worthy of Vues» DOr oes de agua mANyOr, Sapn- EIDE shall be beaten with geTat OAlyas. TavTL O€ @ €060n Todv, ew stripes. For unto whomso- \ , 2 ama, Vine : fi es aQvuT KQ@L eyer much is given, of him shall TOV CytnOnoeras cae 3 UrOU a 2 be much required: and to whom TmupeGevTo TONV, TEPLOTOTEPOV ALTO OU- men have committed much, of gyy avuTov. him they will ask the more. 49 IIdp 3rO VE sua aS = 49 J am come to send fire on ee up 7) : Ov Bal Ely ~ ELS vie YY ca , ” E the earth, and what will I, if kauTe bédo@ et 70 avnpGn ; 50 Barrio pa it be already kindled? °° But Si vo Barra Ojvat Gt wan Ga Oe [have a baptism to be bap- ~~ x i ii nea e Uvex tized with, and how am I Pal ews OU Teco Oy ; OOKELTE OTL a straitened till it be accom- ¢joy7 Z dou a I % pastors ELONnYNU TAPEYEVO V OUVat EV T 7 plished? 5! Suppose ye that lam Tal Ne P ye hy > § a v9 e come to give peace on earth? OUX!4, AEyY@ CR. a 7 OlapEeplo poy. eas, i : Be , > afc ey ou; ey pachaties di- °* €goyras yap amo Tov vuy TeEVTE eV vision. 52 Forfromhenceforth _» aN , ee DN \ there shall be five in one house OED See OuapepepLoyievors TpeEls Shit dvot, divided, three against two, and KQL Ovo emt TplLol. 2 Suapepio Onoera two against three. °3 The fa- Nome ce NONE 2 Doak I, i vee 5 TAT € Vi@, KAL VLOS ETL TTATPL = ther shall be divided against the lee p ver wr) j a ie pe son, and the son against yfather: 77P emt Ouyarpt, Kal DEY aT) 2 SE ¥ mother against the daughter, mevOepa emt THY yup.pny QuTns, Kat and the daughter against ymo- |) 2k ony Ae cna ther: mother in law against her eee aa eed Seay oS: . daughter in law, andy daughter Edeye O€ KAL TOLS oxAos :. O7ay in law against her mother in law. inre Ty veedny GvatexA\ova-av aro 54 And he said also to the i Soe 5 oy s people, When ye see a cloud Ovo per, evdews EeyeTE OpuBpos ep- rise out of BETS sue ete xeTar* Kat yiverat ora. °° Kat 6ray way ye say, There cometh a", ; , Rg ’ Puometscandico: iteisi; Sqdud VOTO mVEOVTA, Neveriey: Oru kavo@y when ye see y south windblow, egTat* Kal YLVETAL. ° UTOKpLTal, TO yesay, There will be heat, and it , ES o. Kay TOD sOUpAvOU os cometh to pass. °° Ye hypocrites, TpOuToy ua} ® vas é a - ups HOU DE ye can discern ¥ face of the sky, dare Sokipacew" TOV O€ Kaupoy TOUTOV and of the earth: but how is it q@> ov Soxipacere : that ye do not discern this time? 57 T/ Oe Nai ac a > r \ Bf Veasand, why.even! of | i Oe Kal ap aur av ov KpiveTe TO yourselves judge ye not what is OlKatov 5 58. ws yap vTayels pPEeTa TOU right ? 53 When thou goest with dvridixoy oou ae dipxovra oo Th 680 thine adversary to the magis- .\ Z ‘i : , Mee gh ete trate, as thou art in y way, give dos epyaolay ann\dax Oat atl QuTOU~ diligence ¥ thou mayest be deli- yy ‘ . . , MOTE KATAOV O€ WPOS TOV KPLTNHYV vered from him, lest he hale thee pn e , pal ss a P 1s to the judge, & the judge deliver K@t 0 KptTT/S oe mapa Ore TPQKTGMs © . ec o ~ ¢ , a fee Ki ft thee to j officer,and j officercast Kal 0 TPAKTMP TE e Baty eis udaknp. thee into prison. »” I tell thee, 59 Ne yomEGe. Ov \ eEOns Oeiber eo thou shaltnot departthence, till , ey ee ol ; 2) a Us s thou hast paid ¥ very last mite. OU KAL TO €OXATOV emTOV aTroO@s. 13 There were present at that eye Ilapyjoav dé tives ev auT@ TO as em b © orov. © Rec. BadAg. * Or, pained.KATA AOYKAN. 183 rn > r 3 ~ \ rn Kap@ amayyehdovTes aUT@ Tepl TOY t A a , y+ Tadwvaiev, av TO aipa IlAaros emee n al mz a \ > weTa TOV Outlay avTa@y. ~ Kat aTroKpt- = > ae a ¢ dels 6 Inoois etmev avtots’ Aoxere, ort cr © \ \ oi Tadwdaio. ottot dpaptr@dol mapa / > 7 a7 mavras Tovs LadtAalous eyevovTo, OTL a SN , Ch rar: rowdra memovOacw 3 * ovxl, eyo vy ~ y c , GAN ea [11) ETAVONTE, TAVTES WTAUTMS i 5 ve \ > dmodeiabe. * i) exetvor of Oexa Kal O- \ DP sfdyaad. a ¢ Di > aS S KT, Ep ods EMETEV O TUPYOS EV TM 2t- : E oa, Kal ameKTewey avTous, Soxeire, eo , ) 7 \ é Ort obrot derAeTar EYEVOYTO Tapa Tay- A > ras avOpwmous ToUs KaToLKouyTas € t / TEN x , Ca ore IX [epovoadnp ; odxl, Neyo vpiv" ah? an / > ey put) peTavonre, TavTES Omol@s aTo- Neto Ge. , \ re 6 "Eheye O€ TavTny Thy mapaBodny pe > x = ¢ A Suxny eixé Tes ev TO aumeA@ve avTov , > fe n Naw. meuteupevny’ Kal WAGE * (nTa@v KapTrOY’ r e > \ \ év aith, Kal ovx edpev. ’ eime S€ mpos > \ , 4 x roy aumedoupydv' ‘Ido0v, Tpia ern EpXo~ 6 > 6 rn \ par (yT@y Kapmov Ev TH TUK] TAVT], KAL » ie / ody evpicke éxkoYyoy adtny’ ivati Kal ~ r ¢ > tiv ynv Katapyet; § ‘O de amoxpileis Neyer alta’ Kupte, apes avTHY Kal TOUTO > \ To ros, €ws OTov oKaWw TEpl avTny, \ t eee wt 9k \ / kat Baddow Pkémpia” * Ky pev Toon , > \ , S \ > xaprroy’ ei O€ pyye, eis TO peAdoy ek- , Kovreis auTNY. 10 *Hy de duddoKoy ev pid TOY TVVA- A > on / . ll \ iO \ yeoyay ev tois caBBace Kal lOOv, > nn / yun i mvedpa €xovca acGevetas ETH > 4 O€ka Kal OKT@®’ Kal NY CUyKUTTOVGA, Kal py Ouvayevn avakuiat eis TO Tav- / 2 an tenes. 1 (dav O€ adriy 6 Incovs mpoo- epavnoe, Kal etrev avtn* Tvvat, aro- hAvoa THs acGeveias gov. © Kat ex€Onkev avTH Tas XElpas’ KaL Tapaxypy- > , a 2 1 ¢ \ / pa avapbadn, kat edd§ace Tov Oey. : > 4 -Aroxpibeis 5é 6 apxiovvaywyos, na / 6 dyavaktay 67t TO caBBdrw eGeparevoev c Lt Luxe XIII. 14. season, some that told him of. the Galilzans, whose blood Pi- late had mingled with their sacrifices. ? And Jesus answer- ing, said unto them, Suppose ye that these Galileans were sin- ners above all the Galileans, because they suffered such things ? 3Itell you, Nay: but except ye repent, ye Shall all likewise perish. 4 Or those eighteen, upon whom the tower in Siloam fell, and slew them, think ye that they were ¢sin- ners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem? ° I tell you, Nay ; but except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. 6 He spake also this parable, A certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and he came and sought fruit thereon, and found none. 7 Then said he unto the dresser of his vine- yard, Behold, these three years I come seeking fruit on this fig tree, and find none: cut it down, why cumbereth it the ground ? And he answering, said unto him, Lord, let it alone this year also, till I shall dig about it, and dung it: 9 and if it bear fruit, well: andif not, then after that, thou shalt cut it down. 10 And he was teaching in one of the synagogues on the sab- bath. !! And behold, there was a woman which had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bowed together, and could in no wise lift up herself. 12 And when Jesus saw her, he called her to him, and said. unto her, Woman, thou art loosed from thy infirmity. |! And he laid his hands on her, and immedi- ately she was made straight, and glorified God. 14 And the ruler of the syna- gogue answered with indigna- tion, because that Jesus had. healed on the sabbath day, and a Rec, xaprrov Unzwr. b Bz. compar, p * Or, debtors.4 = ae: Luxe XIII. 15. said unto the people, There are six days in which men ought to work: in them therefore come -and be healed, and not on the sabbath day. © The Lord then answered him, and said, Thou hypocrite, doth not each one of you on the sabbath loose his ox or his ass from the stall, and lead him away to watering ? 16 And ought not this woman being a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan hath -bound, lo these eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the sabbath day ? !7 And when he had said these things, all his adversaries were ashamed: and all the peo- ple rejoiced for all the glorious ‘things that were done by him. 18 Then said he, Unto what is the kingdom of God like? and whereunto shall I resemble it ? 19 It is like a grain of mus- tard seed, which a man took, and cast into his garden, and it grew, and waxed a great tree: and the fowls of the air lodged in the branches of it. 20 And again he said, Where- unto shall I liken the kingdom of God? #1 It is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened. 22 And he went through the cities and villages, teaching and journeying towards Jerusalem. 23 Then said one unto him, Lord, are there few that be saved? And hesaid unto them, 5 24 Strive to enter in at thestrait — gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able, 25 When once the master. of the house is risen up, and hath shut to the door, and ye begin to stand without, and to knock at the door, saying, Lord, Lord, open unto us, and 184 EYATTEAION 6 ‘Ingods, edeye TO Oxo “EE Tpeepat clalv, ev ais det epydter Oar ev Tav- Tals ovy EPXOMEVOL Geparrever Oe, Kal pi) TH npEPS TOU caSParov. ve CAdre- KptOn ovv avT@® 6 Kuptos, Kal eimev" a “Yrroxpural,” ¢ €KAOTOS Upov T@ oasa- T@ ov veu TOY Bovy auTou 7 Toy Ovov amo Ts paryns, Kat dmayayov moricer; 16 TavTny be, Guyarepa "ABpaap ovcay, nv €Onoev 6 Satavas, idov, déxa Kal oxTo a+ > » = > \ a io eT], OUK ede AvGnvat amd Tov Seapov TOUTOU TH T)JLEPA TOU caSBarov ; 7 Kat ravra AEeyovTos avroo, KAT] OXUVOYTO TAVYTES OL AVTLKEiMEVOL AUTO’ Kal TAS 6 cA a, Jie = cS > , dxAoS-€xaipey emt act Tots evddEots TOLS YyLvopLEevots Um aUTOU. 18 "ENdeye O€& Tine dpoia early 9 Ba- giteia TOU Geod; Kal Tint 6pot@cw avtny; \ duoia eal KoKK@ ovdtTrews, a ‘\ + a 3 ~ dv AaBay avOpwrmos EBadey eis KyTrov éavrov' kal ni€noe, Kul €yeveto eis devdpov ” peya,” Kal ra Terewa TOU ov- payov KaTecknvwoey ev Tos KAaOoLS auTov. 20 ¢"Tlahw eimre’ Ti 6powow THY , a“ “A 5 21 ¢ , > \ 4 Bacirelay Tov Geov; 7 dpoia eoti Cv- a ~ \ D5 7, > Bn, hv AaBovoa yur evexpuryey eis ahevpov cata Tpia, ews ov elvpoby oXov. a Kat dverropevero Kara médews Kat Kopas, biddoKor, Kal 7ropelay qroLoupe- vos €is _lepovcahnp. *3 Hime bé Tus auT@’ Kupee, él i dAtyot of To COpevor ; ; ‘O de eize Tm pos avrous" 1 “Ayoviterbe cicehOciv Sua THs oTevns s owed \ , Ch a ? mvAns’” Ort TodAOL, A€yo vey, CyTN- covow eloe\Ociv, Kai ovK ioyvoovow. 25 2 Po eA ? ie 8 , \ ap ov ay eyepOn 6 oikodeamorns, Kal > , A t \ doy, + arrok\eton THY Ovpav, Kai dpénobe ew éoTavat Kal Kpovewy THY Ovpav, éyor- 4 , ~ tes’ Kupte, kupte, avorEoy piv’ kat d a w—. Rec. & Gb. ‘Yzoxpira. bo © Rec. & Gb. add Ka: Gb. 3 4d ~ —. Gb. Oupas.KATA AOYKAN. 185 drroxpiGels €pet bp" Ovk oda das, nébev ete? © rérte dp£eaGe eye” ‘Epayopev evamoy wou Kal eloper, Kal ev Tais mharetars Teav edidagas. 7 Kal epet Aeyo Op, ovK oida opas, mrdGey ¢ core’ amdaTnTe am €wou mavres aot” epyarat Ts dodikias. ™ exet €orar 0 khavd jis Kal 6 Bpvypos TOY éddvrav, Otay onobe ‘ABpadp Kal *Ioadk kal ‘Taxa8 Kal javTas TOUS mpo- gyras ev TH Baotdrela Tov cov, UPAS be exBahhopevous €&o" * Kal ngovow dro avatrok@v kat Suvcpev, Kai © aro” Boppa kal vdrov' kal dvakhiO@noovrat ev tH Baoweia Tod Ged. * Kai idod, elo €oxaTou ol €vovTal Mp@ToL, Kai clot Tp@Tot ot evovrat ErXaroL. 31 °Ey avtn TH ° Nuepa’ mpoonhOov TUES Papicaior, heyovtes ata’ “E- EedOe kal TopEvou evtevdev, OTe “Hpadns Oéher oe aroxreivaus ~* Kal eimey av- toils’ IlopevOevres eimate TH ada@reke tautn Idov, ekBadAw Sadia kat id- Gels EMLTEAD OTLEpoy Kal avpiov, Kal 7H tpitn Tehevovpat. may bei pe onpepov kal apuov Kal TH €Xomevn Tro- peveoOar Ott ovK evdeXerat mpopnryy atroheo Oat €E@ “Iepovcahnp. ** ‘Tepov- cadnp, ‘lepovoadi, 7) amoKxrelvovea Tous mpodnyras, Kal AuBoBorovoa Tous dreorahpevous m™pos auriy, mooakis nOednoa emuovva£au Ta TEKVAa cov, ov Tpotrov opyes Tip eaurijs vooolay wvmo aes TTEpvyas, kal ovx 70eAnoare, 35 [S00, apierar tp 6 oikos bpavs , Cheyo de” oy, OTL ov pn pe tOnTe Eas ay nEN> ore elyre’ Evdoynpevos 6 EpxOmevos ev ovdpare Kupiov. 14. Kat eyeveTo ev T® €hOcivy avrov els otxdy TLVOS TOV dpxsvrov TOV Pape- galov caBBdr@ payeiv ciptov, Kat avTol nr a Luxe XIV. 1. he shall answer, and say unto you, I know you not whence you are: 26then shall ye begin to say, We have eaten and drunk in thy presence, and thou hast taught in our streets. 27 But he shall say, I tell you, I know you not w hence you are; depart from me all ye workers of ini- quity. 28 There shall be weep- ing and gnashing of teeth, when yeshallsee Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, and you yourselves thrust out. 29 And they shall come from the east, and from the west, and from the north, and from the south, and shall sit down in the king- dom of God. 3° And behold, there are last, which shall be first ; and there are first, which shall be last. 31 The same day there came certain of the Pharisees, saying unto him, Get thee out, and depart hence; for Herod will kill thee. 32 And he said unto them, Go ye and tell that fox, behold, I cast out devils, and I do cures to day and to morrow, and the third day I shall be perfected. %3 Nevertheless, I must walk to day and to mor- row, and the day following: for it cannot be that a prophet perish out of Jerusalem. *4 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee; how often would I have gather- ed thy -children together, as a hen doth gather her brood under her wings, and ye would not ? 35 Behold, your house is left un- to you desolate. And yerily I say unto you, ye shall not see me, until the time come when ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord. 14. And it came to pass, as he went into the house of one of the chief Pharisees to eat bread on the sabbath day, that as bss © ope. d Rec. add ép7nuos. © Rec, auny bs Asyw.on EN I ert TR SR RE Luxe XIV. 2. they watched him. * And be- hold, there was a certain man before him, which had the dropsy. 2 And Jesus answering, spake unto the lawyers and Pharisees, saying, Is it lawful to heal on the sabbath day ? 4 And they held their peace. And he took him, and healed him, and let him go, ® and an- swered them, saying, Which of you shall have an ass or an 0X fallen into a pit, and will not straightway pull him out on the sabbath day ? § Andthey could not answer him again to these things. 7 And he put forth a parable to those which were bidden, when he marked how they chose out the chief rooms, saying un- to them, 8 When thou art bidden of any man to a wedding, sit not down in the highest room: lest a more honourable man than thou be bidden of him, 9 and he that bade thee and him, come, and say to thee, Give this man place: and thou begin with shame to take the lowest room. 1° But when thou art bidden, go and sit down in the lowest room, that when he that bade thee cometh, he may say unto thee, Friend, go up higher: then shalt thou have worship in the presence of them that sit at meat with thee. il For whosoever exalteth him- self, shall be abased: and he that humbleth himself, shall be exalted. {2 Then said he also to him that bade him, When thou makest a dinner or a supper, call not thy friends, nor thy brethren, neither thy kinsmen, nor thy rich neighbours, lest they also bid thee again, and a recompence be made _ thee. 13° But when thou makest a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind, !4 and thou shalt be blessed, for they cannot recompense thee: for thou shalt be recompensed at the resur- rection of the just. 186 EYATTEAION 7 ) irév. 2 Kat Sous }TAY TAPATNPOV[LEVOL GUTOY. ~ Kal b dvOpamss tis Av VOpeTiKos eumpooley avrov' 3 Kal dmoxpibeis 6 “Inoots etme TOs TOUS VO[LKOUS kat Bapicaiovs, Neée- you! Ei éeot. TS caBBdro Geparrevew; 4 Of S€ jotyacay. Kat emdaBopevos idoaro adrov, kal amwéAvoe. * Kal * aro- |i kptels” mpos avtovs eime’ Twos UL@Y | b vids” 4 Bods ets péap eumecetrat, Kat | obk ev0éws dvaomdcet avToY ev TH BE pa tov caBBarov ; 6 Kat ove toxvoay |i dvratrokplOnvat avT@ mpos TavUTa. 7"ENeye dé mpos Tovs KekAnpevous } mapaBonny, eméexav Tas TAS TP@TOKAL= | cias~ e£ehéyorto, héyov mpds adrous" | 8 "Orayv KdnOns brs Twos eis yapous, |} pn KatakdiOns eis TY T P@TOKNLC LAY" || unmore évtidtepds cou 7} KEKAN|LEVOS | im adrov: ® Kal €XOav 6 ce Kat avToy | kadéoas épei cou Ads ToUT@ TOmov" Kal | rére dpén per alaxvyns Tov €oxarov| rérov Karéyew. 1 ddX Gray KAN ORs, | mopevbets © dvdrece” eis TOV EaXaTOY | rorov’ wa, Oray €AOn 6 KEKANKOS CE, ; ae en elrn cou Bide, TpocavaByGs avarepoy" rére eoTat co Sofa ev@mioy T@Y TUVa- vaxeyrevov got. | dru mas 6 twWyOv eav- Tov tarewwOnoera’ Kal Oo Tamewav} éauTov todnoerat. 12 "Beye O€ Kal TO KeKAnKOTL avTOY "Oray rows apiorov 7 Seimvoy, pn Po- ver rovs idovs cov, pyde Tovs adeh~ gots cov, Ipndé Tos cvyyevets cou,’ | nde yetrovas mAovoious’ pymore Kath avrol oe avTiKahécwot, Kal yevnTal oot! dvrardSopa. % adX ray roujs doxny, kdder TT@YOvS, avamTNpous, X@AOVS, TU-| drotvs’ ™ Kal pakdpios €on’ OTe ovk éxovow avraroSotval cou avramodo-| Onoerat yap oor vy TH avacTacE TOP| duxalov. Talore b w—. Rec. & Gb. ovos. ¢ Rec. avarecov, Gb avamrscar. a>rT KATA AOYKAN. 187 Luxe XIV. 27. 1b ?Axovoas dé Tls TOY CUVaVvaKElpLe- 15 And when one of them that s S >: Maxapto ds sat at meat with him, heard Wey pa LEE Cee ee <5 > these things, he said unto him, dyerat *dprov" ev Ti BactArela TOV Blessed is he that shall eat 1 re) 6S Sop 3° “AvOowmds bread in the kingdom of God. Qeou. O de cumev iid d 16 Then said he unto him, A / a 7 \ > / Tis ETOINTE Oeimvov peya, Kal €KAANECE certain man made a great sup- £ o < ] eth s mo\nouvs’ Kat Gréoretve TOY SovAoy per, and bade many: and ee eh ~ 8 y Irae eS -_ sent his servant at supper time, auTou T)) eRe GOU Beer Cute oe to say to them that were bid- J ¢ By o ‘ KEKANMEVOLS™ Epxeode, OTL 70n ETOLLA den, Come, for all things on > , 18) Kia) Foe aN ~. now ready. }8 And they all ° 7, avTo a7ro tas 2 7 oa MS ; a IPS K Es with one consent began to make mapaireicGat TayTEs. O TP@TOS ELTEV excuse: the first said unto him, > pe > \ > / \ a > /, . 5 rice fo a 1 auT@" Ayypov nyopaga, Kal EX@ avay- Ihave bought a piece of ground, 3) \ Get \ 2 dety QUTOD: eh aces and J must needs go and see ay ee ee et . oe eae Spots Of, it: I pray thee have me ex- exe pe TrapyTnpevov. Kat etepos cused. 1 And asin can * f ae f \ have bought five yoke of oxen, ; yoopaca WEVTE, Kal 5 : elmre Levy) Boay nyop ce nag 2 and I go to prove them: I pray TOPEVOMAL Sokysacat avuTa@’ €NP@T® OE, thee have me excused. 20 And 3 , 9 \o¢ > eae = - iw ce 7 “ EXE ple TAPNTNLEVOY. 20 Kal ETEPOS ELITE another said, I have married a moe or Ard a OG wife: and therefore I cannot Bevel SESS Kal Ola ee he eee come. 2! So that servant came, eGciv. ** Kai mapayevopevos 0 SovAos and shewed his lord these Beccivos” amnryyeuke TO -Kupl@ avroo ‘ings: cos annyy Te Pp a TavTa. > \ ¢ > , x Tore dpyta Geis oO olkodeaTroTNs €l7r€ Then the master of the house To OovA®@ auUTOU’ "EE Oe TAXEWS eig being angry, said to his servant, t \ soy, Na a \ . Go out quickly into the streets Tas TAaTElas Kal pupas TNS TOAEWS, KQL and lanes ofthe city,and bring in TOUS TT@XOVS Kal avamrnpous Kal xXodovs hither the poor, and the maim- => 9° r > g © 3 7 : Kat Tup ous eiodyaye &0e. 7 Kat eimev Ge: and the halt, and the blind Se 5 i ae 2 And the servant said, Lord, 6 dovdos" Kupte, yeyovev ws erreragas, it is done as thou hast command- Kai ert TOmos e€oTl. * Kat ebreyv 6 ku- ed, and yet there is room, *8 And \ Np ONGIr FREDO ei . the lord said unto the servant, eos. Bes no? PUROY f ie € els TAS Go ont into the highways and ¢ dd0Us Kat ppaypovs, Kal avaykacov elo- hedges, and compel them to ne pod ee we : 24> 7 come in, that my house may be edbeiv, wa yep O OLKOS OV. eyo filled. 24 For I say unto you, A ¢ C a > \ na > a > , yap vy, OTL ovoels TOV avOpav €KeElLY@Y that none of those men which 4 / , ~ 7 7 ac P TOV KEKANMEVOY yevTETAL MoU TOU Oei- ais bidden, shall taste of my er. TVOU. Or , \ an + *5 Suverropevovto Oe avT@ OxXAoL TOA- Pe \ \ eS \ > Le vo) A Kat otpapets Sr Tips oa 25 And there went great mul- Et Tus epxeTat Tpos pe, Kal ov poet titudes with him: and he turn- \ Le £ a NaN f \ ed, and said unto them, 76 If an TOY TATEPA EAUTOV, KAL TY PYHTEPA, KAL i ENG et atte y A r eee CR . + aes e,and hate not his THY yuvaltka, Kal Ta TEKVA, Kal TOVS U- father, and mother, and wife, deAdods, Kal Tas adehpas, ére O€ Kat andchildren, and brethren, and NO ie. a \ > a’ ' sisters, yea and his own life T Vv a : aa “ HY caUurou puxny, ov duvaral pou pa also, he cannot be my disciple. \ SS 2 \ e > € Onrns evar. 7 Kai doris ov Baordger * And whosoever doth not bear & OW aptoroy =Luxsr XIV. 28. his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple. 23 For which of you intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it ? 29 Lest haply after he hath laid the foundation, and is not able to finish it, all that behold it, > begin to mock him, 2° saying, This man began to build, and was not able to finish. 31 Or what king going to make War against another king, sit- teth not down first, and consult- eth whether he be able with ten thousand,to meet him that com- eth against him with twent thousand? 32 Or else, while the other is yet a great way off, he sendeth an ambassage, and desireth conditions of peace. 33 So likewise, whosoever he be of you, that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disci- ple. %4Salt is good: butif the salt have lost his savour, where- with shall it be seasoned ? 35 It is neither fit for the land, nor yet for the dunghill: but men cast it out. He that hath ears to hear, let him hear. 15 Then drew near unto him all the publicans and sinners, for to hear him. 2? And the Pha. risees and scribes murmured, saying, This man receiveth sin- ners, and eateth with them. 3 And he spake this parable unto them, saying, 4 What man of you having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it ? 5 And when he hath found it, he layeth it on his shoulders, vejoic- ing. © And when he cometh home, he calleth together his friends, and neighbours, saying unto them, Rejoice with me, for a Rec, ta pos. W ra ecg, 188 EYATTEAION| TOV oraupoy avTov, Kal epxerat dno, HOv, ov dvvatai pov ctv padnrns. * ri} yap. €&t LOY, Gedo tripyor oixodopjod ) ovxi TpOrov eae toe Wnpi et ae da ' many, ei €xeL * eis” amaprir poy ; ow k pnmore Oevros avTov Gepe)vov, Kal pui\ loxvovros EKTENETAL, Tmayres of Gea)» pouvtes apEovrat epmraicery auT@, *° heli yovtes* “Ore obros 6 divOpamos npE&ar } oixodopeiy, Kal ovK iaxvoev exreheodu, | 1H Tis Baowevs TOpEvomeEVOS ou} Barely € ETEp@ Baowel eis mOAEuov, ovx | kabioas T p@Toy Povdeverau ei OvvaTo) eoTLy ev O€ka xthedowy amavrncat 74) pera eikoot XAradey € EpKopev@ er aw hs TOV 5 2 ci S€ pnye, ere adrov Oppo} avTos, mpeoBetav dmoareihas para T mpos elpnuny. 33 ovtws otv Tas &é> Dpeav os OUK dmoTadcoETa, Tact TOU EQUTOU UmapXovow, ov Ovvatat pov civa padnrns. " Kadov TO dAas* éay b€ Tr adXas pepavO), ev Time dptrvOnoerat 2 otre eis ys ovTE eis Komptay evbe: Tov cor” efo Baddovow auto. 6 €xa@ih @TA GKOVELY AKOVETO. 15. *Hoav dé eyyifovres ate mdv- TEs ol TEeA@Vat Kal ot dprapT@dol, a akoveti) avrov. * Kal Sveyoyyucoy ol /Papicaio kal ol ypaupartets, Néyovtes’ “Ore obro;| ayaptoous mpoaOexeTal, Kal ovver bie) avTots. 9 Eire 5€ pos abrovs tH TrapaBoAnr |: TavTnY, eyor * = irc dvOporos eé |: vpov eX@v exaTOY mpoBara, Kal davon é| oas ep €& avr ov, ov Karanetmet TA €V-| vevnKovTaevvea €v TH Epnu@, Kal 70" peverat emt TO amrohwos, eos eUpy ard 5 sr fueat _eupav exittOnow € eml TOUS | @pous €avTov xaipav, * Kai edOav els) Tov otkor, ovyKahet Tovs idovs xal| Tous yelrovas, héywy adrois’ SuyxapnreKATA AOYKAN. 189 pot, OTL Kal , mopevdeis exoh On € Evi TOV Tour ov 7S. Xepas exelvs * Kal emreplarev avroy els TOUS dypovs avrov Bockew xoipovs. kal Emre Ovpet yep Gal THY KOLNLAY AUTOU ATO T@Y KEpaTiwy oY HaOtov oi xotpor Kai evdels edidov sa wre. 7 Kis éavrov O€ eAOwv cime* Ider po Brot TOU manos pou TEplLo-o EVOVTLY dipta, eyo de? be" ip adh van 5 ; avacras Topevoropa T™pos Tov marepa pou, Kat €pa avr @" Ilarep, jpaprov els TOY ovpavoy Kal evarudy cou 9°” ovKéTt Fos. & cv e ‘ , eit G&tos KAnOAva vids Tou" Toinodov c oc a pe os eva Tov picbiwy cov. * Kal LuxE XV. 20. I have found my sheep which was lost. 7 I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no re- pentance. 8 RKither what woman haying ten pieces of silver, if she lose one piece, doth not light a can- dle, and sweep the house, and sees diligently till she find it ? 9 And when she hath found it, she calleth her friends and her neighbours together, saying, Re- joice with me, for I have found the piece which I had lost. 10 Likewise I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God, over one sin- ner that repenteth. 11 And he said, A certain man had two sons: !* and the young- er of them said to his father, Father, give me the portion of goods that falleth to me. And he divided unto them his living. 13 And not many days after, the younger son gathered all to- gether, and took his journey into a far country, and there wasted his substance with riot- ous living. |! And when he had spent all, there arose a mighty famine in that land, and he began to be in want. !° And he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country, and he sent him into his fields to feed swine. 16 And he would fain have filled his belly with the husks that the swine did eat: and no man gave unto him. 17 And when he came to him- self, he said, How many hired servants of my father’s have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger? '5 I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him,Father, I have sinned against heaven and be- fore thee. 19 And am no more worthy to be called thy son: make me as one of thy hired servants. °° And he arose and a coyrpa. D Rec. om. wie. © Rec. add war.BoKEx Ve 2k. came to his father. But when a he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and had com- passion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him. 2! And the son said unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in thy sight, and am no more worthy to be called thy son. 2 But the father said to his servants, Bring forth the best robe, and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand, and > shoes on his feet. 23 And bring hither the fatted calf, and kill it, and let us eat and be merry. 24 For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found. And they began to be merry. 25 Now his elder son was in the field, and as he came and drew nigh to the house, he heard musick and dancing, 26 and he called one of the servants, and ? asked what these things meant. 27 And he said unto him, Thy brother is come, and thy father hath killed the fatted calf, be- cause he hath received him safe and sound. 28 And he was an- gry, and would not go in: there- fore came his father out, and in- treatedhim. 29 And he answer- ing said to his father, Lo, these many years do J serve thee, nei- ther transgressed I at any time thy commandment,and yet thou never gavest me a kid, that I might make merry with my friends: 29 but as soon as this thy son was come, which hath de- voured thy living with harlots, thou hast killed for him the fat- ted calf. 3! And he said unto him, Son, thou art ever with me, and allthat Ihave is thine. 3? It was meet that we should make merry, and be glad: for this thy brother was dead, and is alive again: and was lost, and is found. 16. And he said also unto his 190 EYATTEAION | avaoras ihOe mos TOY marepa EQUTOU| ere O€ avrov peaxpay CreXOVTOS, cide \/ avroy 6 marnp aurov, Kall comayxvic Or, k Kal Opapay emeTTEw EV ETL TOV Tpaxnro, bi avrov, Kal karepilnoe avtov. 7 eink dé aia 6 vids’ Ildrep, nuaptov eis To} ovpavoy Kal evarudy cov, *Kat” ovKEeT) eit dEvos KANOAvar vids cov. * Bir d€ 6 TaTNp apes rovs Sovous avTov “Egeveykare » Ty ; orohny THY TPaTHY | Kal evduoare avror, Kal OdoTe Saxrohio , els THY xElpa avTOv, Kal Umodnuara «i ) Tous modas" 3 kal eveyKayTes TOY pOoXO | p TOY OLTEVTOV Ovoare, Kal payorres ev ae ppavO dev" 4 Ore oorosé vids Lou pEkpe f nv, Kat ave(noe’ ° Kal” drodkwdas 47y, |: kat evpéOn. Kat #p€avto evppaiver Oar} 5 "Hy O€ 6 vids avtod 6 mpecBvTepo} ev ayp@ Kal ws epxdpevos Hyytoe TIP oikia, KOUVTE ouppevias kal yopar'|’ Kal mporkaherduevos € éva TaY TAld@ eruvOdvero Ti ein tavra. ” 6 Of elev GTO" “Ore 6 ) adedpos mov nket = Kal eOucev 6 6 marnp jou TOV poo xoy TO) OLTEVTOY, OTL VyLaivovTa avroy aTrehaBey 3 ‘Opyio®n de, Kal ovK HOchev eloen bev. 6 ouv marnp avtov e€eAOwv ma} pekaet avroy. #6 Oe _aroxpets elm TO marpl* "Ido, rocadta €rn SovAeve| ool, kal ovdérore evTOAnY Gov Tapnr Oov, Kal emo ovderrore CSwkas Epipor|i iva peta TOV hilwy pov eippavOas' %° Gre d€ 6 vids Tou ovTOS 6 KaTapaya)| cou TOV ‘Biov preva Topvev mrOev, eOvoa) auTe@ TOV pooxov TOV ourevTov. shiOwg b elev auto * Texvor, ov TayTOTE pet) euov el, Kal TayTa Ta eye od €or! = evppavOnvar dé kai Xapnvar Eder, 6 Ort || dehpos cov ovTos veKpos jv, Kal avecn:| oe*! Kat’ ‘ arohohas ® g 10" kat ebpeOn, | 16. ”Eneye O€ Kal mpds Tods pabnra } e747 d+ € St. add aviov fs sSKATA AOYKAN. auTou : eixey otkov6}.0y * aurov. duon €TL oLKOVO}LELY. eavT@ 6 olkoydpos* Kuptos JLou aarpetrat THY oikovopiay ar * €yov 5 oROTTELY OUK igXva, emaurewy * eyvov Th TOUT, wa, oray perarrabo rs oikovopias, deEav- aioxvvopat. Tal BE eis TOUS OlKOUS quran. > Kat mpooKaher auevos eva €KACTOY TOY xpewperderav Tov Kuplov EavTov, Tdcov ocpeihets TO ‘O Oe cirey * Barous ehatov. Kal eimev avt@* Ae Eau jou TO ypappa, kal kabioas TaXews 7 "Ferreira ETEP® 5 ele’ Su O€ wocov dpetrers ; * O O€ etre" “Exarov Kopous girov. Kat heyet aur@: Aé&at oov TO ypdupa, Kal ypavpov o oy- Sonkovra. 8 Kal emnverey 6 Kuptos TOY ppoviwas OTL Ol Viol TOU aidvos TOUTOU Ppovearepor umep Tous vious TOU do- Tos €is THY yevedy THY EQUTOY Elot. 2 Kayo bp Neyo" Toujeare éavTois spekous:€ €K TOU papova TIS adixias, | iva, SeEovrau buas eis TAS 0 moos ev ehaxt- Kal 0 €v TOMA® GOeKds el ovy Ev TO adie papove TLOTOL OVK eyeverOe, TO ddnOivov Tis kal el €v T@ adho- tpi mioTol ovk éyeverbe, 70 vperepov ovdels oikerns dv- varat Svol Kuptos Sovdevew" 7) yap TOY Eva [LLONTEL, Kal TOY eTEpOY ayaTCEL” eheye TO mpere Kupio jeou 5 ypayroy TEVTNKOVTA. otKov6 L0V 7™s aduxias, OTL emolnoey” oray » ékXimn,’ > / 10 aiw@viouvs oKyyas. \ > ~ OTM Kal EV TOAAD TloTOSs €OTL. > 7 a \ > ehaxloT@ adiKos Kal ev 3 éotw. aS: , 12 UPL TLOTEVOEL; Tis Up dacer ; 3 3 191 “AvOpomds Tus my TAovatos, Os Kal ovTos dteBANOn auto as Sacxopmivov Ta brapxovTa 2 kal povnoas avToV Elev avr@* Ti TovTo aKOU@ rept cov; drd8os TOV hé-you THS oixovopias on “ov yap * Eire be ev Ti TOUT ®, OTL O Baroy Luxe XVI. 13. disciples, There was a certain rich man which had a steward, and the same was accused unto him ek he had wasted his goods. 2 And he called him, and aa unto him, How is it that I hear this of thee ? give an account of thy stewardship: for thou mayest be no longer steward. 3 Then the steward said within himself, What shall I do, for my lord taketh away from me the stewardship? I can- not dig, to beg I am ashamed. 4 Lam resolv ed what to do, that when I am put out of the stew- ardship, they may receive me into their houses. 5 So he called every one of his lord’s debtors unto him, and said unto the first, How much owest thou unto my lord ? 6 Andhe said, An hundred mea- sures of oil. And hesaid unto him, Take thy bill, Bngsiae ee quickly, and write fifty. 7 Then said he to another, And how much owest thou ? And he said, Anhundred measures of wheat. And he said unto him, Take thy bill and write fourscore. 8 And the lord commended the unjust steward, because he had done wisely: for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light. 9 And Isay unto you, Make to yourselves friends of the *mam- mon of unrighteousness, that when ye fail, they may receive you into everlasting habitations. 10 He that is faithful in that which is least, is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least, is unjust also in much. ll Tf therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous &mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches ? 12 Andif ye have not been faith- ful in that which is another man’s, who shall give you that which is your own? 13 Noser- vant can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one, and a> b w— Ree. & Gb. exAurnre- a 3 Or, riches, B Or, riches.NR nea Luxe XVI. 14. love the other: or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other: yecannot serve God and mammon. 14 And the Pharisees also who were covetous, heard all these things: and they derided him. 15 Andhesaid untothem, Yeare they whichjustify yourselves be- fore men, but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed amongst men, is abo- Mination in the sight of God. 16 The law and ¥ prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it. 17 Andit is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than one tittle of the law to fail. 18 Whosoever putteth away his wife, and mar- rieth another, committeth adul- tery: and whosoever marrieth her that is put away from her husband, committeth adultery. 19 There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in pur- ple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day. 20 And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate full of sores, 7! and desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man’s table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores. 27And it came to pass that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham’s bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried. 28 And in hell he lift up his eves being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom: 24 and he cried, and said, Fa- ther Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue, for I am tormented in this flame. 192 EYATTEAION | | 7) vos avOeferat, Kal TOU éTépov KaTa- |r ppovice. ov SuvvacGe Oe@ Sovdcveu |; Kal Hapova. ang | Hkovoy 6€ tTavta mdyTa Kat oll) Dapioator pirdpyupor Umapxovres, Kalb e€evxtnpicoy avtov. © Kai eimev a=) Tots’ ‘Ypets eore of Stkaodyres Eavrovs|\\s €V@TLOV TOV avOparrey, 6 oe Geos Yeh yOoKEL Tas Kapdias twav* OTL TO EV a=) Oparots vyndov Bodeduypa € EV@TLOV TOU |: @cov *”. % 6 vopos Kau ol mporpiyrat) éws Iwdvyou' amo Tote 7 Baoieia Tod) Oceod evayyedicera, Kal mas eis adrnys Buagerau. V7 EVKOT@TEPOY 6€ €or! TOL ovpavoy kat THY yay mapeh Ge, 7} TOU \o vopov pilav Kepaiay mecetv. '8 sas é) amohvay Thy yuvaika avTov Kal yapyav érépay potyever’ kal » mas” 6 drrokeAvx}:: evn © amo avdpos “ yapav pouxever. < 19 *AvOpwros O€ Tes HY mhovotos, Katy, evediduaketo moppupay Kal Buocoovs): evppawdjievos Kad npeepay AapTp@s. | 20 Traxos O€ Tus ny Ovepare Ad¢aposs): Os €BeBAnTo mpos Toy mUABVA avrou! AK@LEVOS. al na emBupav Xopray | oOnva a amo TOV Wixlov TOV TUTTOVTOY |: amo. THS Tpame (ns TOU TAovatov* aANG) a Kal ot Kuves EpXOprevoe améheryov Tal eAkn avrov. ™ éyeveto Oé drroBavein| TOV TT@XOV, Kal amrevexOnvat avToy Ud) Tav ayyehov ets Tov KéATrop 4” "ABpadp dmedave O€ Kal 6 movouos, kat erady.| 3 kal ev T@ Gdn € emapas Tovs dpOapovs| avrov, Umapxeov ev Bacdyors, Opa Tov|: “ABpady atro paxpdber, Kal Ad¢apov ev TOUS Ko\rrous QUuTOU. *4 Kal avros povncas elire* Hdrep | ‘ABpaap, ehenooy BE; Kal Tmepypov Ad=': Capor, ¢ wa Ban TO dkpov Tov Saxrvdoy | avrov vdaros, Kal Karawogn Ty yrAao-' & Rec. add eazer. gay pov* Ott dduvapar ev TH proyae bit co d Ree, add rov.KATA AOYKAN. 193 & > Nad , - nf raitn. ™ Hime de “ASpadau’ Texvov, : Sri amen a” ra ayaa pynoOnte OT. amehaes Ta ay a 5 \ / ¢ / cou ev TH Co Tov, Kal Adfapos opolws a ey a“ Pp ra kaka’ vuv de ° dde mapakaheirat, a \ > \ a ov d¢ ddvvaca. * Kal emt mace ToU- Neen Nees as ‘ § Tous, meTAEd NU@V Kal YOY KATA peya € s “ eoTnpikral, OTws ol GehovTes SraSyvae a \ , C yep ” m™pos upas, Py) OvvevTat, pnde x con a of exeiOev mpos nas Ovamepoowy. s > A 5 , o 7 Kime Oc “Epwr@ ovv oe, warep, wa aN A / mepys avrdy els TOV OLKOY TOU TaTpOS » ti > I 4 é cd pov, * exw yap mevre adehous’ ows cr ed \ \ > \ Ovapaprupytar avTots, Wa pr Kal aUTOL Zhou els Tov TOmoy TovTOY THs Ba- . , a“) / & ay gavou' ® Aeyerait@ ABpaapu’ Exovor / > /, Macéa kal ro’s mpodytas’ akovoat@- a S Deca , cay aitav. * ‘O Oe eimev' Ovyi, TaTEp > J . > > ak: > \ ~ ABpady add eay Tis amo veKpay To- an / pevOn mpos avtovs, petavoncovow. > a , A 3! Eire b€ air@ Ei Macews kai Tov na 7 > TpoPpnTav ovK akoVouTLW, OvOE, EY TLS eK VEeKP@V avacTh, TeLTOnoovTat. i > 17. Kime O€ mpos rovs waOnras’ “Av- evdextoy eott Tov’ pip ehGeiv TA OKA pn eAOew Ta oKdY- t > @ 3, 9 r Oada’ ovat de Ov ot Epxera. * AvowTEEt > a , , aUT@ et © pvhos GyiKds” Tepikerrat rept \ / > ~ I 3. TOV Tpaynoy avTov, Kal EppiTTat eis \ / No 9 mv Oddraccay, 7) wa oKavdarion eva an an 7 4 TOY [iKp@v ToUT@V. * mpoéxeTE Eav- f IN f §e” Cnn, Os go NEE CD Tois. eay ' Oe” apaptn § els ce” 6 aded- / > / C6 os gov, emitiynooy ata kal eav / y+ 2 a ‘ petavonon, apes avTa. * kal Edy emrdkis n~ ¢ , , 5 \ / THs nuepas" duaptny” eis vé, Kal EmTaKis ~ ¢ 4 4 ; / Ts nwepas emotpewyn'” Neyov' Me- an > an Tavyo®, apnoers aura. eS ne ® Kat eimoy of aréatoda rd Kupia [Ipéabes nuiy wi 6 Pr ef poobes nw motu. Eure de / Z ee: , Kupuos’ Ec etyere miotiv, ws KOKKOY oL- hy > / \ rn vamews, eheyere dy TH ovKapiv@ TaUTN’ ‘ ! \ , m - Expi(@Onri, Kat gurevOnre év T Oa- / 5 VEie , a Macon’ kal imjkovoey dy bir. : i On Luxe XVII. 6. 25 But Abraham said, Son, re- member that thou in thy life- time receivedst thy good things, & likewise Lazarus evil things, but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented. 26 And be- sides all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed, so that they which would pass from hence to you, cannot, nei- ther can they pass to us, that would come from thence. 27 Then he said, I pray thee therefore father, thou wouldest send him to my father’s house: 28 for ] have five brethren, that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment. “9 Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets, let them hear them. 39 And he said, Nay, fa- ther Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent. 3! And he said un- to him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead. 17. Then said he unto the disciples, It is impossible but that offences will come, but woe unto him through whom they come. ? It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones. 3 Take heed to yourselves: if thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him, and if he re- pent, forgive him. 4 And if he trespass against thee seven times in a day, and seven times in a day turn again to thee, saying, I repent, thou shalt for- give him. 5 And the apostles said unto the Lord, Increase our faith. 6 And the Lord said, If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye might say unto this sycamine tree, Be thou plucked up by the root, and be thou planted in the sea, andit should obey you. b t a Rec, add cv, Be © Rec. evrevdev. ho SS ayaorns Ys 14 SV —. Rec. & Gb. of eid > a Elz. om. 1 Rec. add ec we, © S AGog pwvAcwosLuxe XVII. 7. 7 But which of you having a servant plowing, or feeding cat- tle, will say unto him by and by when he is come from the field, Go and sit down to meat ? 5 and will not rather say unto him, Make ready wherewith I may sup, and gird thyself, and serve me, till 1 have eaten and drunken: and afterward thou shalt eat and drink. ¥% Doth he thank that servant, because he did the things that were commanded him? I trow not. 10 So likewise ye, when yeshall have done all those things which are commanded you, say, We are unprofitable servants: we have done that which was our duty to do. il And it came to pass, as he went to Jerusalem, that he passed through the midst On I Samaria and Galilee. And as he entered intoa ae vil- lage, there met him ten men that were lepers, which stood afar off. '% And they lifted up their voices, and said, Jesus Master have mercy on us. '4 And when he saw them, he said unto them, Go shew your- selves unto the priests. Andit came to pass, that as they went, they were cleansed. 15 And one of them when he saw that he was healed, turned back, and with a loud voice glorified God, !6 and fell down on his face at his feet, giving him thanks: and he was a Sa- maritan. !7 And Jesus answer- ing, said, Were there not ten cleansed, but where are the nine? !8 There are not found that returned to give glory to God, save this stranger. !9 And he said unto him, Arise, go thy , way, thy faith hath made thee whole. 20 And when he was demand- ed of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them, and said, The kingdom of God cometh not @ with observation. 7! Nei- wit 194 EYATTEAION 7 Tis d€ €€ tay SoddAov eyoy apo- a A / A > 66 TPLOVTA 1) TOLLALYOVYTA, OS €LOEN OVTL |} €k TOU aypov epet evOews’ TlapeA Pay avarecat’ ® ANN ody epet ait@: “Erol- pacoy Tl Oeutynow, Kal TepiCmodpevos Stakdver prot, ews Pay Kal Ti’ Kal peta Tata pdayeca Kal mieca ov; Mi xdapw. €yer TH OovA@ eExkeiv@, OTe eroinge Ta SvatayOevta*”; ov Soke. 10 Ta OvataxOevra vpiy, eyere’ “Ore Oov- Aot axpetot eopev™ Ore” 0 @deihopev Toujoae TemrounKapey. ut Kal eyeveTo ev TO Topever Oat av- TOV els ‘Tepouradnp, Kal avtos OunpxeTo bua pEecou Zaprapeias kat TadtAaias. 2 Kal elo epXopevov avTov els TIVa KO- env, annvtncay atta dexa empot ayOpes, ot éotnoay moppebev’ | Kal aurol pw pavny,. Aeyounes: "Inoov, eTLO TATA, ehenooy nas. * Kal idov elev avTots* Tlopevdevres emdelare €auTovs Tos lepevor. Kal eyévero ev TO Umayel avrovs, exabapio Oncav. 1S Eis O€ €& auTay, id@y dtu ian, uméatpeve, peta avns peyadns Oo- Ed¢wv tov Sedv' ' Kal emecev emt mpocwmoy mapa TOUS m08as avTou, eUXapLoT@y avTe* Kal avtos HV Zapia- peitns. 7 drroxpiels dé 6 “Incovs etrrev" Ovxi ot S€xa exabapicOncay ; ob dé evvea Tov; '8 ovy eupeOnoay moor pe- waves dovvat ddEay TO Oc, el BN 6 adRoyerns ovros 5 2 Kal elrev QUT @ ’"AvagTas Tropevou" 1) TiCTLS TOU TETOKE oe. au “Emeporndets d€ trod tay Papi- , a calwyv, OTE EPXETAL 1 Bactheta TOU | o rn oo , / OUT@ Kal ULELS, OTAY TOLNONTE TAVTA VV } we NAD = Ocov, amexpiOn avrots, Kat eurev’ OUK | epxetat 7) Bactdeia TOV Ceod weTa Ta- patnpnoews’ *! ovd€ epovow" ‘1dov Ode, a Ree. add aurw b —> * Or, with outward shew.KATA AOYKAN. 195 a\ > \ > . , ¢ A n, Wovd exet’ iSod yap, 7 Bacdeia Tov Geou eVTOS pay eoTly. 2 Eire de mpos Tous pabnras” “Edev- woyrae MLEPAl, OTE emOupnoere play TOV mLepa@v TOU viovd TOD avOparov ie, 9 ca 5 Kal OUK oper de. =) go epovow Up" Idov &de, 77,” iSod exer” EN amenOnre, \ 94 pinde Subere 2 Gomep yap 7 dorpam) 7 Gorpanrovea €K THS ur ovpavoy eis TY, ur oupavov Aapurret, ouT@s éoTat >” 6 vids TOU avOparou Ev TH NEPA ALTOD. 25 ~ \ ~ Dee\ : \ : ~ mpatov dé Set av’roy ro\Aa Tadeiy, \ > a SaeN A a Kal amrodokiuacOnvar amd TIS yeveas pacOjvar dnd ths TQUTNS. 20K 6a Kal kabas eyevero ev Tals npLepars _- Née, OUT@S €OTAL Kal ev Tals NMEpaLs TOU viov Tov avOparov. 7 ijoOvov, emwvov, eyaLour, eLeyapiCovro, aype ns nuepas elanhOe Nae eis tiv KiS@rTov" Kal nAOev 6 karaxhuopos, Kal amahevev o 2 admavras. *8 Opolw@s Kal @s eyeveTo ev n~ ¢ 4, Tats nuepats Awt* obvov, erwvov, nyd- pagov, em@dovy, epurevor, @KOoe LADY, 79 9 Oe Ne Ac dd 7 O€ nPEpa e&7 OT amd So open, eBpe&e mUp kat Geiov ar ovpavov, Kal aT @hecev dmavras' * xata 4 ravta” €oTar 7 nuepa 6 vids Tov avOpwmov amrokaNvmrerTat. oh > , cal C ? aA ~~ SX * VEv exeivn TH NEG, OS eaTal emt TOU dadparos, Kal Ta OKEUN GUTOU EV TI] oiKia, pay karaBaro a dpat auTa’ Kal 6 ev TO yp Opol@s en) emuoTpepar@ eis Ta OTiTo. _punpovevere ™S yuvarkos , hor, © os eay Gyton TY Wuxny au- ~ nn 4 > \ a \ Tov Tdcal, dmoecet avTHY’ Kal Os eay F, aTroheon aur, ooyornoer aumy “e eyo vp" TaUTy 7, YUKTL EDOVTAL Ovo emt «hums [usipe > ‘ers. mapadn pon - 35 oeTal, Kal 6 ETE00S ads ‘On wer au. > Svo C7 Zrovrar GdnOovoa emt 7d aitd* ang , , \ iG ce pia tapadnpenoetat, Kat 7 eTepa a = bRec. add xa. © Rec, add rov. 4Gb. ravrd. & Rec. addo Luxe XVII. 35. ther shall they say, Lo here, or lo there: for behold, the king- dom of God is @ within you. 22 And he said unto the dis- ciples, The days will come, when ye shall desire to see one of the days of the Son of man, and ye shall not see it. 23 And they shall say to you, See here, or see there: go not after them, nor follow them. *4 For as the lightning that lighteneth out of the one part under heaven, shin- eth unto the other part under heaven: so shall also the Son of man be in his day. % But first must he suffer many things, and be rejected of this gene- ration. 26 And as it was in the days of Noe: so shall it be also in the ‘days of the Son of man. 27 They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark: and the flood came, and destroyed them all. 25 Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot, they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded: 79 but the same day that Lot went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and de- stroyed them all: 39 even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed. 31 In that day he which shall be upon the housetop, and his stuff in the house, Jet him not come down to take it away: and he that is in the field, let him likewise not return back. 32 Re- member Lot’s wife. °3 Who- soever shall seek to save his life, shall lose it, and whosoever shall lose his life, shall preserve it. 34] tell you, in that night there shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken, the other shall be left. 3° Two women shall be grinding to- gether; the one shall be taken, . £ St. & Bz.om.=3 % Or,among youAP TD IRR NRT AT Luxe XVII. 36. and the other left. 36 Two men shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. %7 And they answered, and said unto him, Where, Lord ? And he said unto them, Where- soever the body is, thither will the eagles be gathered together. 18 And he spake a parable unto them, to tis end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint, *saying, There was in a city a judge, which feared not God neither regarded man. 3 And there was a widow in that city, and she came unto him, saying, BYeLBe me of mine ad- versary: ‘and he would not for awhile. Butafterward he said Within himself, Though I fear not God, nor regard man, 4 yet because this widow troubleth me, I will avenge her, lest by 5 her continual coming,she weary me. 6 And the Lord said, Hear what the unjust judge saith. 7 And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them? $8 JI tell you that he will avenge them speed- ily. Nevertheless, when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth ? 9 And he spake this parable unto certain which trusted in themselves @ that they were righteous, and despised other: 10 [wo men went up into the temple to pray, the one a Pha- risee, and the other a publican. 1! The Pharisee stood and pray- ed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, un- just, adulterers, or even as this publican. !2] fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I 196 EYATTEAION debi rerau. 3 4 Sto oovrar ev TO a- yp@’ ots mapahnpencerat, Kal 6 ETEPOS apeOnrera.” a Kai aroxpievres Ne- your aUuT@" Tov, Kupte 5 ; (O O€ eimen avrots’ “Orou TO Cpa, eket Tvvay6n- COVTaL Ot deETOl. 18. "Edeye Oe Kal mapaBodxy avrois mpos TO Oety mayTore T pooevxeo Oar, Kat a EKKAKELD, eyou" Kpurys Tis mV €V TLL TOAEL, TOY Gedv #7) poBovpevos, Kal avOperov By EVT PET OMEVOS. 3 ynpa dé >” Hy ev TH TOE exeivyn, Kal HPXETO mpos avTov, heyovta’ “Exdiknody pe amo Tou avtWikov pov. * Kal ovK ° nO€- Anoey * “emt xpovoy" pera O€ TavTa eiey ev €avi@’ Ei Kai Tov Qcov ou oe Upat, Kal ivOparov OUK evTpeTrop.ae’ Oudye TO mapexew roe KOmrov TY ule pay TAUTHY, exduKy oe abrir, iva pn eis Tedos Epyopern 4 vT@magy ” pe. 6 Eire 5€ 6 Kipios’ ‘Axovoare ti 6 Kpitis THs adukias héeyer* * 6 Oe eds ov pi) Too THY EKOLKNTW TaV Ekhe- KT@Y aUTOU TaY BowvTwY pos avTOoY npepas Kal vUKTOS, Kal pakpoOupey ex QUTOLS $ eyo tpiv, OTe Tonos THY exOiknaw avtay év Taxet. TAY 6 vids tov avOpwmov ehOav apa evpnoe. THY TlOTW ETL THS YS 9 Eire dé &xal” mpds tivas Tovs Te- mo.Odtas ef) éavtots Ott elot OikaLos, Kal eee Tous oirovs, THY usigsie Sohjy ravrny 0 "AvOperrot Sve aveBnoay els TO tepoy mpooevésacbar’ 6 Ets Papicatios, Kal 6 eTepos TeA@vNs. ll c > 6 \ \ ¢ z XN: 0 Papicaios oTalers Mpos eavToy A , c \ > a Tavta TpoonuvyxeTo’ O Geos, evxapioTe GOL, OTL OK Eiul Homep of Aouzrol TOY avOparray, & dprayes, GOLKOL, prolxol, 7 Kal @s ovTos 6 TeAw@yns. * mnorev@ Otis Tov oaParov, draseann TavTa oca “St. & Gb. om. v.36. > Elz. add res a CX nOertev. FIvroTIasy & > Or, as being righteous.KATA AOYKAN. 197 Huxe VIM: 25. A : aN , kr@par. 1 Kal 6 tedwvns paxpdder possess. 13 And the publican : S : : : Kare bok Oehev aude TOUS dpOadpods standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto > A > \ pare! ss 2 31, els TOY OUpavoy emrapat ANN éruTTev heaven: but smote upon his > A A , : : 2 ie” rd oTHOos avTod, Aéyov" “O Ocds, breast, saying, God be merciful PN do Once ioe TO une BENG 143 Wi to measinner. !4 1 tell you, : EOC), Oe le = ap Gee oye this man went down to his house ULL, KATE obdros OedtKal@mevos eis justified rather than the other: : Aes f that exalteth I \ > ¢ as bas ee Mae or every one that exalteth him- TOV OLKOV QUTOU yap €KEelvos. OT : Beg eet ye ae ley oP by On self, shall be abased: and he that Tas 0 UW@V €aUTOY TATELYWUNTETAL O humbleth himself, shall be ex- r ¢ , < dé rarewav éavroy vipwOnoerar. alted. 15 , \ > x \ \ a ~ . > TIpowedepor O€ avT@ kal Ta Bpedn, _' Andthey brought unto him ao rn © inf: ‘ r iva avtav amtnrau iOdvTes d€ of pabn- also infants, that he would ee s Be ee 16 touch them: but when his dis- Tal EmMETLUNOAY AUTOLS. - ¢ Ne? ~ i oe 6 Oe Anoous ciples saw it,they rebuked them. TpooKaNeoapevos avuTa Elev" Agere Buk Jesus called them unto \ ie r \ . him, and said, Suffer little chil- ec ; 3 < Ta mardia | epxer Oat apes PSS eat pal dren to come unto me, and for- K@AVETE QUTA* TOV yap TOLOUT@Y EOTLV bid them not: for of such is the ¢ , ~ ~ 7 z] 17 Terilv 7 Baowdera Tov Oecov. 7 Gunv Néyw Kingdom of (God. vena oe wie 5 e se f say unto you, Whoscever shall ULL, OS EAV [27) O€Enrat THV Baowretay not receive the kingdom of God ~ A , 5 . = % s Tov Oeov ws Tatoioy, OU 1 cia eAOn eis as a little child, shall in no wise aorny : enter therein. A > , , li - 18 Kal emnpwtno€ Tis avTov Gpyev, 1 And a certain ruler asked é ; s > s , s him, saying, Good Master, what héevav: AwWacKade ayade, Ti Tolnoa SE Te OO at uaa y ae yad ? 19 ba oe Gs - shall I do to inherit eternal Cony AL@VLOV KANPOVOLNT® ; 9 Hire Oe life? 19 And Jesus said unto aUTO 6 “Incovs” Te pe Aeyets ayadoy ; him, Why callest thou me good? 2523 ae ee ¢ , ‘99 _,\. none is good save one, that is QuoEls ayatos, €l £1) ELS, O Geos. TAS God. 20 Thou knowest the >? \ > \ , \ . evToA\as oloas" M7 polyevons” RY qo- commandments, Do not commit , og Ale fin adultery, Do not kill, Do not fe L ) = J) oe ec CE khewns Ea Vv vdopc petal steal, Do not bear false witness, ons: tTiua Toy TmaTepa gov Kal TV Honour thy father and thy mo- , 7 > a 2 : pnréepa © gov.” 21 ‘OQ §é eiwe? Tavtra ther. 2! And he said, All these Z sea Cd > , , have I kept from my youth up. en eu aapny oie }40U. 22 Now when Jesus heard these 2 -Axotoas Sé ravta 6 ‘Inaovs eizmey things, he said unto him, Yet ian ” , : s c lackest thou one thing: sell all LE Ere €v oot einer’ wavta ooa that thou hast, and distribute 2, \ / <> \ EXELS ToANTOY, Kat Ouados TT@YOLS, KAL unto the poor, and thou shalt fers Onoavpoy ev ovpavd" Kat Sevpo, have treasure in heaven, and > , 93 < Lee. a come, follow me. % And when dxodovber prot. 73 “O d€ akovoas TAaUTA he heard this, he was very sor- Dies > \ : a 4 mepidvtros eyeveTo’ nv ‘yap aAovotos rowful, for he was very rich. alae 24 And when J that 24 >? \ Sa A en a , nd when Jesus saw a [Say Séadrov 6 “Incovs repikuTOv 46 Gas very sorrowful, he yevomevov eure’ Iles SucKdAws of Ta said, How hardly shall they J, x > fi > \ that have riches, enter into es ELDEAEVTOVTAL Els THY d ? aie PK ee cn oe the kingdom of God? * For : , A A 9° > , / Baotelav Tov Geov. ny EVKOT@TEPOV YAP it is easier for a camel to . Za 5 i, , : e _ €oTl, KanNov dud Tpupadcas d bapidos” 80 through a needle’s eye, a = b Rec. n exeéevos QE ~) BeXovngeSS ae Luxe XVIII. 26. than forarich man to enter into eloeGeip, ? 26 And the kingdom of God. they that heard it, said, Who then can be saved? 27 Andhe said, The things which are im- possible with men, are possible with God *8 Then Peter said, Lo, we have left all, and followed thee. *2 And he said unto them, Ve- rily, [say unto you, there is no man that hath left house, or pa- rents, or brethren, or wife, or children, for the kingdom of God’s sake, 39 who shall not re- ceive manifold more in this pre- sent time, and inthe world to come life everlasting. $1 Then he took unto him the twelve, and said unto them, Be- hold, we go up to Jerusalem, and all things that are written by the prophets concerning the Son of man, shall be accom- plished. °? For heshall be de- livered unto the Gentiles, and shall be mocked, and spitefully entreated, and spitted on: 33 and they shall scourge him, and put him to death, and the third day he shall rise again. 24 And they understood none of these things: and this saying was hid from them, neither knew they the things which were spoken. %5 And it came to pass, that as he was come nigh unto Jeri- cho, a certain blind man sat by the way side, begging, 36 and hearing the multitude pass by, he asked what it meant. 37 And they told him that Jesus of Nazareth passeth by. °3 And he cried, saying, Jésus thou son of David, have mercy on me. 39 And they which went before, rebuked him, that he should hold his peace: but he cried so much the more, Thou son of David, have mercy on me. 40 And Jesus stood and com- manded him to be brought unto him: and when he was come near, he asked him, 4! saying, Ww hat wilt thou that I shall do unto thee? And he said, Lord, 198 EYATTEAION movotoy eis THY Bact\elay TOU Ocov ele Oeiv. 76 Eimov 6€ of akovravres: Kal tis dvvara oadnvan ; 7 *O O€ etme’ Ta ddvvata Tapa avOpa- qos OuvaTa €ortt mapa TO Oco. 8 Hime O¢ 6 Tlerpos 150d, npLets *agnKapey 7 TmavTa, Kav" ‘oho hoapey ToL. 22. Ox0e elev avrois® “Apay eyo upiy, OTU ovveis € EOTLW os apikey oikiay, i) yoveis, 7 adeddpovs, i) yuvaika, i) TE Ka, eveey TNS Baowrelas Tov Oeov, * 6 ov pa) amohaBy mo amhaciova ev TO Kaup@ TOUT®, Kal €v TO aide TO €pxo- Leva Cory ai@vioy. ar TapahaBov O€ Tovs badexa, elire mpos avtovs’ “1dov, avaBaivopey eis ‘Ie- pooohupa, Kal Teheo Onoerat Taya Ta YEYPappeva dua Tov mpopnray ro via" Tov avOpamov. 3 mapadobnoerat yap Tois €Oveci, Kal Sumatyernenee Kal UBpurdnceral, Kal cpatua Onoerat, 33 kal parTiy@cayres dmroKrevovow auroy * Kal TH nHEpa T™! Tpirn dvagTnoerat. or Kat auTol ovdey TovTwY ournKay, Kal mY TO pyya TOUTO KekpUpLevOv dw avT@y, Kal ovK eyivwokoy Ta )e- e/PHED a ‘Eyevero dé ev td eyyitew adrov eis ‘Teptyo, TUPprds TLS exaOnro Tapa Thv Oddy mpocatev> *© dxovoas be oxhou_ Ovaropevomevon, emuvOdvero, TL ety 7 Touto. * amnyyehay, d€ ad’r@: “Ore "Inaovs 6 Na¢wpatos MapEpXerar. 38 kal eBonce, eyo" ‘Inood, vie Aavid, eden- oy He: 32 Kal ol mpoayovres ETETULOV avT@ Wa owwmnon’ avtos &é TOAAG {ua Aov expa¢ev' Yie Aavid, éhénody pe. 40 Srabeis dé 6 "Inoos exeNevoev auToy ax Onva mpos aura" eyyioavros d€ at'rou em poTn Tey GUTOVs. heyor" Ti go Odes TOWMNT® ; 0 Oé elme aD adertes ta ida, b Bz. wept tov mov.KATA AOYKAN. Kupue, va dvaBhevo. #2 Kal 6 Inoovs oe > Lavoe hg df cot , ELEY AUT@ AvaBreyov" 7 miaTLs cou : : awn A ay céowke oe. * Kali mapaxypnua ave- Breve, kal nxohovGe avT@ Oogafwv Tov Gcdv" Kal Tas 6 Nads lOwy EJwKEy avoy T@ Oca. L t r 5 , ¢ 19. Kal eioeAOov Sunpxeto thy ‘le- ty" 2 Kal iSov, dvnp dvdpate Kahov- E x ‘co 2. \ I > \ le >) , prevos Zakxatos, Kal autos nV apXiTEA@- ce > , 9 es yns, Kal obTos HY TAOVGLOS’ * Kal «CnTEL 3A 4 > A iSeiv Tov “Incodv, Tis €oTL, Kal OUK > 4 > \ =x. Sk e ~ € , ndvvaro amd TOU bxAov, OTL TH HALKLG pixpos Av. 4 Kal mpodpapey €umpooOev 7 yf av,” iva ion avToy" sf > ZG ’ Noa aveBn emt * cuKOpwpat a > > , \ bru?” exelyns Hucddr€ SrépyerOar. ° Kai c a SN \ , > ( , | e as nhGev emt TOY TOTO, avaBewas 0 5) A > > , Inoods eidev addy, kai ele Tpos auTov’ a , , , Zakxaie, omevoas KaTaBnOu' onpepov > d f \ > ee) a cn aN yap €v TO OiK@ Gov Set pe pelval. ® Kai , £ ae omevoas Karen, Kal vmedéEaTo avTov Xaipov. 7 K A iO0 co 8 / & Kat iSdvres Gmavtes Sreyoyyvcov, héyovres’ “OTe Tapa dpapToro avdpt elondOe karadica. * Sradeis de Zak~ a > -if > \ A xaios «ime mpos Tov Kupvoy" 1dov, Ta a , Huton TOY VrapxXovT@y pov, KUpLE, cr cr \ ed diSwpe Tols TTwXOLS’ Kal Et TWOS TL > / > / eouxopav7Tnaa, aroblo@pe TeTpAaT 9 TP \ \ Oa. « c 2 ~~. Eime S€ mpos avrov 6 ‘Ingovs’ Ore vod if , > , ONLEPOV TOTNPLA TO OUK@ TOUTS €YEVETO, > > xaGort Kai avTos vies ABpadp eoTu. 10 3 \ Ce GN ~ 6 / A AOE yap 6 vids TOU avUpaTrov (ytjoae A col A > , Kal C@oat TO aToAw)Nés. P1.22:) s \ > i mn a Axouvéytav S€ avTay TavTa, Tpod- \ > i. 7, 8 \ \ ? A Gels etme mapaBodny, Ola TO eyyus 7 \ \ r adroyv evar ‘lepovoadnp, kat doKew ¢ - c abrovs Ore mapaxpnya pedreu 7) Baot- Nela TOU Qeov avapaiver Oar" > 4 ctv. “AvOpwonds Tis evyevns emropevOn els Yopay pakpay, haBeivy Eavt@ Baor- , « , ‘ Nelav, Kal UmooTpeyat. 13 kadéeoas O€ a S—. Gb. cuKopoprar. Luxr XIX. 138. that J may receive my sight. 42 And Jesus said unto him, Re- ceive thy sight, thy faith hath saved thee. 45 And immediately he received his sight, and fol- lowed him, glorifying God: and all the people when they saw it, gave praise unto God. 19. And Jesus entered, and passed through Jericho. + And behold, there was a man named Zaccheus, which was the chief among the publicans, and he was rich. 3 And he sought to see Jesus who he was, and could not for the press, because he was little of stature. * And he ran before, and climbed up into a sycomore tree to see him, for he was to pass that way. > And when Jesus came to the place, he looked up and saw him, and said unto him, Zaccheus, make haste, and come down, for to day I must abide at thy house. 6 And he made haste, and came down, and received him Joy- fully. 7 And when they saw it, they all murmured, saying, That he was gone to be guest with a man that is a sinner. ® And Zaccheus stood, and said unto the Lord, Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor, and if I have taken any thing from any man by false accusation, I restore him four- fold. 9% And Jesus said unto him, This day is salvation come to this house, forsomuch as he also is the son of Abraham. !For the Sonof man is come to seek, and to saye that which was lost. 11 And as they heard these things, he added, and spake a parable, because he was nigh to Jerusalem, and because they thought that the kingdom of God should immediately ap- pear. 2 He said therefore, A certain nobleman went into a far country, to receive for him- self a kingdom, and to return. 13 And he called his ten servants, b Rec. add 6d’.Dive) XG 200 EYAITEAION | 3 , , e ~ ZO > - Oé, i} and delivered them ten pounds, dé€xa SovAovs €AUTOU, EOWKEV QUTOLS O€KAa and said unto them, Occupy a oa \ yrous: TL Ss : Be waren. “ELD, KQL €lTTE TPOS AvTOUS aya till Lcome. 4 But his citizens H”7S> p i! Oe = / a. 2% “ess hated him, and sent a message revoao Ge EWS : EXON AG: eG > > a» TONLTAL AUTOU EMLOOVY GAUTOV, KAL a7re- after him, saying, We will not have this man to reign over us. / a= / Si aes ae i eae oreway mpecBeiay omigw avrov, é- And it came to pass, that 5 > al ~ a when he was returned, having Ore Ou Oehoprev GOCEOr Baothetoat received the kingdom, then he eq’ 7uG9. = r na?) ~ eA commanded these servants to 15 Kg} eyeveTo ev TH erravenbely adrov be called unto him, to whom he ¢ \ / \ a had given the money, that he AaBdvra tiv Bactdelay, Kal eime povn- might know how much every oD Ewer ett man had gained by trading. ‘6 Then came the first, saying, Lord, thy pound hath gained ten pounds. !7 And he said unto him, Well, thou good ser- vant: because thou hast been faithful in a very little, have thou authority over ten cities. 'S And the second came, saying, Lord, thy pound hath gained five pounds. !9 And he said likewise to him, Be thou also over five cities. 2 And ano- ther came, saying, Lord, be- hold, here is thy pound which { have kept laidup ina napkin: *! for I feared thee, because thou art an austere man: thou takest up that thou layedst not down, and reapest that thou didst not sow. 2 And he saith unto him, Out of thine own mouth will I judge thee, thou wicked servant: thou knewest that I was an austere man, taking up that I laid not down, and reaping that I did not sow. 23 Wherefore then gavest not thou my money into the bank, that at my com- ing I might have required mine own with usury? 24 And he said unto them that stood by, Take from him the pound, and give it to him that hath ten pounds. 25 And they said unto him, Lord, he hath ten pounds. *6 For I say unto you, That unto every one which hath, shall be given, and from him that hath not, even that he hath shall be taken away from him. 27 But those mine enemies which would not that I should reign over a a A c a A , 4 c Onvat auT®@ TOUS OSovAous TOUTOUS, OLS t y+ \ > , a > / / 8 cOwke TO apyuptov, iva ye tis Ti dte- , \ ¢ mpayparevoato. 1° mapeyevero dé 6 an s 0 ¢ n~ mpetos, Aéyov' Kupte, 7 wva cov mpoc- 7 cS 7; \ Zz eipyaoato Seca pvas. ™ Kal etrev ~ > A eo > avT@’ Ev, ayabe SotXe: bre év ehaxlor@ muoTOS eyevou, to Ot eEouciay eye emdva , > ¢ , déxa rédcov. 1 Kai AAOev 6 OevTEpos, héeyouv' Kupte, 7 pva oov emoince mévte > Oy fi > \ pvas. 9 Rime dé kcal TouT@ Kai ov ywou emdya révte Tédewv. » Kal o > , Z , 5 \ c eTEpos HAGE, heyov Kupue, (Sov, 7 an 7 pva ov, nv eixoy amrokeyevny ev / 21 > 4 ‘ oo covdapio. epoBovpny yap oe, drt > 2 aA > avOperros avoTnpos et: aupets O OUK a+ \ / a > + eOnkas, Kal Oepifers 6 ovk omet- pas. 72 Neyer » Se” avT@ Ek Tov ordpards a ~ / Gov Kplv@ oe, movnpe Sodde. Hers Ort By 7 ey® avOpwros avotnpds cit, aipwov 6 > + X\ / A > y+ - ovk €Onxa, Kal Oepifwv 5 ovk eoTrerpa + , °3 kal Suati ovK ES@xKas TO apyupiov jou > N c A a / \ > XA NB \ emt “tnv’ tTpatre fay, kal eyo chav ody TOK dy empaga avtd; * Kal rots Tap- eoTaow etmev' “Apate amr avTod THY pvav, kai Odte TO Tas Seka pvas Eyovre. 25 areN > Stas , ” Ag Kat _ etzroy au7T@’ Kupie, exer Seka pyas. ~~ Aéyo yap piv, ére mavri T@® ExovTe SoOnoera’ awd S€é Tod pn) » Y, > ~ EXOVTOS, Kal 0 €yeL apOnoerar ar avrov. 9 , ‘ A *T adv Tors exOpovs jou ekelvous, Tods \ , , ~ ee. > pn Oednoavras pe Bacidedoa én ad- Sip gi. b> _2 ae SSKATA AOYKAN. 201 Xv ee ~ A , rovs, aydyete Oe, kal karaopagare v , 9 : a Zumpoabev prov. * Kat elT@yv TavTa, > , », > eqopeveTo eumrpoober, avaBaivay «is TepoodAvpa. , ¢ 3 29 Kal eyeveto os ayyirev ets Bn6- \ , pay) kai BynOaviav, mpos Td dpos TO , y an > , 7 an KaNovpevoyv eAaav, ameoTede Ovo TOY a ~ 2 , c uadnrav avtov, * eimav’ “Yrdyere eis , eK YD THY KATEVAVTL KOENY EV 7) ELOTFOPEVOPLEVOL ¢ , n , > a > \ evpnoete T@AOY Sedepevoy eh Ov ovdets 7 > , tmamote avUparov exabice vcavtes adrov ayayere. *! Kal édv Tus bas €po- nr , ao r r ta* Avari AveTE; OUT@S EpelTE AUTO 7 oP A » Or. 6 Kupuos avtov xpetay Exel. 39 >, > , 32 "Ame Odvtes O€ ol amecTadpeEvot a . Se ee evpov KaOa@s elev avTo.s. 33 \udvT@Y a 5 > , Sé adrav Tov ma@Aov, elroy ot KuUptot > ~ \ > ae , , \ a avTov mpos avrous’ Tt AveTe TOY T@AOV 3 34 NENG SO se ame ees f Oi S€ eizrov’ “O Kupios autov xpetay 4 35 NaS, DieeN \ \ EXEL. Kal #yayov avtov mpos Tov > ~ 22¢ n Incovv' Kal emippiyavtes Eavtay Ta iwatia el Toy modov, ereBiSacav TOV "Incoov. * mopevopevov O€ avTov, UIre- ad > qn oTpovyvey Ta imdtia avT@y ev TH 050. “ a \ a 37 Eyyitovtos S¢ avtov Sn mpos TH A y n > an karaBdce. TOD dpovs TaY ehaLov, ijp- Eavro dmay tO mAnOos Tay pabnt@v yalpovtes aivety Tov Ocoy Pov7 peyady na © > ; ¢ / Tept Tacay &y eidov Suvapewv, * de- , > yovtes’ EvAoynpevos 6 epxopevos Bact- , / > > a Neds ev dvdpari Kupiov' etpnvn ev ovpave, eee kai dd€a év tiotos. “ Kat tuves A ~ / S: Tay Capicaiay amd Tod oxAov etmoy > / r mpos avrov' Aidacxane, eruripnooy Tots pabnrais cov. * Kal droxpudels evmev ~ r cd , e adrois’ Aeyo tpiv, Ort, €ay OUTOL TLM- mnowow, oi AtOor Kexpafovrat. 4l Week a ioc \ aX Kal ws yyyloev, Lowy THY TOAL, » Ds Sas toe Om 2@) > ékAavoev eT UTI, eyou “Ore €t / > a € , éyvas Kal ov, Kalye Ev TH TNMEPG TOV , \ \ Se, i A \ ravTn, Ta mMpos elpnyny gov’ vuv de Luxsr XIX. 42. them, bring hither, and slay them before me. 23 And when - he had thus spoken, he went be- fore,ascending up to Jerusalem. 29 And it came to pass when he was come nigh to Bethphage and Bethany, at the mount called the mount of Olives, he sent two of his disciples, ° say- ing, Go ye into the village over against you, in the which at your entering ye shall find a colt tied, whereon yet never man sat: loose him, and bring him hither. 3! And if any man ask you, Why do ye loose him ? thus shall ye say unto him, Be- cause the Lord hath need of him. 32 And they that were sent, went their way, and found even as he had said unto them. 33 And as they were loosing the colt, the owners thereof said unto them, Why loose ye the colt? 34 And they said, The Lord hath need of him. * And they brought him to Jesus: and they cast their garments upon the colt, and they set Jesus thereon. %°6 And as he went, they spread their clothes in the way. 37 And when he was come nigh even now at the descent of the mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice, for all the mighty works that they hadseen, *> say- ing, Blessed be the King that cometh in the name of the Lord, peace in heaven, and glory in the highest. 39 And some of the Pharisees from among the multitude said unto him, Mas- ter, rebuke thy disciples. #9 And he answered, and said unto them, I tell you, that if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out. 41 And when he was come near, he beheld the city and wept over it, 42 saying, If thou hadst known, even thou, at least in this thy day, the things which belong unto thy peace ! but nowLuxe XIX. 43. they are hid from thine eyes. 43 For the days shall come upon thee, that thine enemies shall cast a trench about thee, and compass thee round, and keep thee in on every side, 44 and shall lay thee even with the ground, and thy children within thee: and they shall not leave in thee one stone upon another, because thou knewest not the time of thy visitation. 49 And he went into the tem- ple, and began to cast out them that sold therein, and them that bought, 46 saying unto them, It is written, My house is the house of prayer: but ye have made it a den of thieves. 47 And he taught daily in the temple. But the chief priests and the scribes, and the chief of the people sought to destroy him, 48 and could not find what they might do: for all the peo- ple “were very attentive to hear him. 20. And it came to pass, that on one of those days, as he taught the people in thetemple, and preached the gospel, the chief priests and the scribes came upon him, with the elders, * and spake unto him, saying, Tell us, by what authority doest thou these things ? or who is he that gave thee this authority ? % And he answered, and said unto them, I will also ask you one thing, and answer me. 4 The baptism of John, was it from heaven, or of men? 5 And they reasoned with themselves, saying, If we shall say, Freni heaven, he will say, Why then believed ye him not? © But and if we say, Of men, all the people will stone us: for they be persuaded that John was a prophet. 7 And they answered, that they could net tell whence wi was. 8 And Jesus said unto them, Neither tell I you by what authority I do these things. —> — a> bo rod a dw tépscs. aa=y fs 2 202 EYATTEAION expuBn amd dpOaipav *oaour” * Sri) cd ic 7 > / A f2 \ & ovo nME Pat €7t O€, KAL TEPLOANOVCLY A f \ ot ex@pot cov Xdpakd ool, Kal wepiKu- | A , , / Kh@oovol oe, Kal cuvéEovol oe TayTO-|* 44 \ > = , \ \ , Oev, * Kal eOadiotol oe Kal Ta TeKval 3: , > Via gov ev gol, kal ovk adnoovow ev coll / aanN / a > > me > a \ Aldo emt Mido avO ay odk eyvws Tov KaLpOY THS EMLaKOTS Tov. *® Kal eicedOay cis 76 tepdv, Haro > , ; mn ekBadew Tovs mwdovvras Cas , > aol , Kal ayopagoyras,” *° Néywy avtois’ Té- pamrat’ “O oikés pou oikos mpocevyns VE BK X | r 3 , cot’ vets O€ aiToy emomjoaTe omn- | Aaov AnoTev. 47 aN > Q , \ > e , ‘ Kat nv didaoKoy To Kad NEpay > a a a c EV T@ lepa' ol O€ apxtepets Kal of ypap.- c > / > , \ pateis e(ntouy avToy amoAéoa, Kal ot Tp@To. Tov Aaov’ 48 \ , / c A \ ae > TO TL TOLMNTwWOW, O Kads yap amas e&e- , ~ > 4 KPEM“ATO QUTOU aKovaY. ’ 7 > “~ ~ ¢ cat 20. Kai eyévero ev pd tev tpepav ce , “ ‘ 5 a \ Xr \ exelv@v, Ol0daKOVTOS avTOU TOY Nady rn nn 4 > 7 ev T@ lep@ Kal evayyeAtCopevov, emeé- Z : : oTnoay of “ dpxvepeis” Kal of ypaupareis rn s ‘ \ 3 guy Tots mpecBurépors, * Kal elroy m™pos , a \ Can > , avrov, éyovtes’ Eimé iv, év To. > , ~ 6 \ , > c eEovoia Tatra Tovis, 7 tis eotw 6 4 i 7 > Sovs oot THY e€ovoiay TavTny; 3 Arro- \ \ 3 \ > Te Oa , kpileis d€ ete pos adtovs’ "Epwornow a > o Mi y Upas Kaya ° eva" Néyov, Kal elraré joe’ iC b > > ~ EV aUT@ | - iA 1 o Kal ovx EUpLOKOV | \ 4 A 7) TS. > , Dye > FRc SN To Banricpa “lwavvov e& ovpavou ny, \ LP - > , 5 7) €€ avOpararv; ° Oi de cuvehoyicayto , 7 > uu mpos €avTovs, éyovtes’ “Ort cay eirw- hae. fe > Zn > a LS FSO, > pev’ E€ ovpavov, epet’ Acari ! ody” odk > , ee >= ” emlorevoate avT@; ° “Kay de etroper’ a , a \ EE avOpareay, was 6 Nads KaradiOdoet ¢ a , > > NMas’ TeTELTpEVvos yap eoTw “lwavyny , S) oy, > / mpopnrny evar. * Kat amexp(Onoay pi) sa > ~ > elOevae 7dOev. ® Kai 6 "Inoods eirey ad- Tois’ Ovde ey@ Neyo tyiv ev mola eé- = me to 2 eae ee ovdla TAaUTa TOL. Or, hanged on him, | |KATA AOYKAN. 203 Luks XX. 20. : "Hpéato de mpos roy Aaov heyew 9 Then began he to speak to \ aaNet , - *\yQowmos *” the people this parable: A cer- THY mapafso ay nes ag i POT >, tain man planted a vineyard, epurevoev apmeova, Kal e&eOoTo QUTOV and let it forth to husbandmen, eo So ss z i and went into a far country for TEONUNOE OVOUS LKQa- : ’ es eran On i : XP \ . long time. | And at the VOUS. KGL €V KALD@ ATETTELAE 7POS season, he sent a servant to the TOUS yewpyous dovAor, iva amo TOU husbandmen, that they should ead 9 XG NG Goran oe him of the fruit of the vine- Kap7ov TOU ene muOs ; eee ve yard, but the husbandmen beat \ . . de yeopyoe OeipavTes QUTOV E€EATIEOTEL- him, and sent him away empty. f 11 \ ‘6 ae 1l And again he sent another . L moO0aECETO TE al . hay ROY io ‘ ee i 5 ; py servant, and they beat him also, ETEPOV SovAov" ot O€ KaKELVOY OELPGYTES and entreated him shamefully, ~ , , : Kal aTlpacavTes é€aréaretbay Kevoy. and sent him away empty. s 12 And again he sent the third, ees Der ae ee ce mpooebero mepvyat F PUCePy: Ol snd they wounded him also, \ ’ a , 4 dé Kal TOUTOY TpavpaTLaavTEs e&¢Ba- and cast him out. ov. 13 Wire Oé 6 Kuptos TOD aumed@vos’ —_)° Then said the lord of the nf , A £ 2K 4 >. vineyard, What shall I do? I Tt TOOT e a TEpYyoO BOY a por nor will send my beloved son: it ayamnToy’ laws TOUTOV idovTes €V- may be they will reverence him TpamnoovTat. 4 -[3gvres dS avTov of When they see him. 4 But \ re \ ¢ . when the husbandmen saw him, VEORVOE OuehoyiCovTo MpOsS €AVTOUS, they reasoned among them- heyoures® Oités €oTv 6 KAN povojos” selves, saying, This is the heir, © Scdre,” dmrokretvapev aQuTov oe fav come, let us kill him, that the S ee 7 15 OES inheritance may be our’s. & So yeynTat 1 KAnpovopid. Kat €kpPa- they cast ee 098 af the Se 4 ay) AS Ee oKCAUO >” yard, and killed him. That RODE AEBOH, 650 as dpmeh@vos, se therefore shall the lord of the , > > ce c , kreway. TL OvY TOLGEL AUTOLS O KUPLOS yineyard do unto thent? !* He TOU GpTENGVOS 5 16 Eh evoerat Kal amro- Shall come and destroy these husbandmen, and shall give the , \ \ , \ ’ Aeoet TOUS PcOr yous TOUTOUS, Kal Oacet vineyard to others. Tov aumeA@va Ghiots. > , ri Oe > < \ = : Akcovaavres dé etrov' M1) yévouro. And when they heard it, they 7 ‘0 6é eupdeyas adrois eure’ Ti ovy said, God forbid. 17 And he be- > \ / Pans\ 10 « held them, and said, What is Come TO Vey Pap pLevov mOuN AtGov OV this then that is written, The > , 5 ~ @ . * amreOokipacay ol oiKOOOMOovYTES, ovTos stone which the builders reject- ed, the same is become the head > , 5 \ , 18 - ¢ eyevnOn €i € y : > : 2 sonnee yer is k pahiy youias 5 ~~ was © of the corner? !8 Whosoever eOOy €% €KELVOY TOV AiGov covuvO@Xa- shall fall upon that stone, shall Me Ef! 7A eK , , ene DY « . “nay cbnoera ep dy © dy meon, ArKunoeL ve Pe eaih Paes Seo adrov 19 Kai ect as a ye ae it shall fall, it will grind bim to ee BOS poe Of ¢ RXEEP EE powder. !9 And the chief priests Kal Ol ypapparels emBadely em avToy and the scribes the same hour \ eS > Dee cf Nu) > sought to lay hands on him, and Tas yelpas eV aut? 3n- E ; Je é x Pi S ; UCT me ONes Me epopn they feared the people: for they noay Tov adv eyvwoay yap oTl Tpos perceived that he had spoken > A \ > is are 79] > auTous THY mapaBodny TAavTHV ire. this parable against them. 20: aN , ed : Kav eee paar ce GméaTev\ay 20 And they watched him, and \ . . : eykaderovs, UIT OKPLVOLEVOUS éavtous sent forth spies, which should A c—> a Rec, add res. besLuxe XX. 21. feign themselves just men, that they might take hold of his words, that so they might de- liver him unto the power andau- thority of the governor. 2! And they asked him, saying, Master, we know that thou sayest and teachest rightly, neither ac- ceptest thou the person of any, but teachest the way of God truly. *2 Is it lawful for us to give tribute unto Cesar, or no ? “3 But he perceived their crafti- ness, and said unto them, Why tempt ye me? 24 Shew mea penny: whose image and super- scription hath it ? They answer- ed, and said, Ceesar’s. % And he said unto them, Render there- fore unto Cesar the things which be Cesar’s, and unto God the things which be God’s. 26 And they could not take hold of his words before the people, and they marvelled at his answer, and held their peace. 27 Then came to him certain of the Sadducees (which deny that there is any resurrection) and they asked him, *8 saying, Master, Moses wrote unto us, If any man’s brother die, having a wife, and he die without chil- dren, that his brother should take his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother. 29 There were therefore seven brethren, and the first took a wife, and died without children. 3° And the second took her to wife, and he died childless. 3! And the third took her, and in like manner the seven also. And they left no children, and died. 32 Last of all the woman died also. $3 Therefore in the resurrection, whose wife of them is she? for seven had her to wife. 34 And Jesus answering, said unto them, The children of this world, marry, and are given in marriage: °> but they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world, and the re- 204 EYAITEAION } , 3 a >’ / > | dixalovs etvat, va émiAdBavra avro) ~ ~ > | Aoyou, els TO Tapadovvat avTov TH apx rn ~ ¢ Kat TH e&ovoia TOU nyeudvos. 7 Kalk > fh & > \ / ms 4 ennpeatnoay avrov, eyovres' Adah / Y > 5 / k okae, olOapev ore dpOas Aeyets Kale didckets, Kal ov apBdvers T POo@TroV |k GAN em adnOeias thy 6ddv Tod Geo!) iC IY Lk r / , OwWdoKes. * eLeorw july Kaicape pd} a vn I. 293 7 / & 2 pov Oovva, 7 ov; Karavonoas 6} An Sy vHe aUT@V THY Tavoupyiayv, Eime TmpOs adi} a , 4 bore ie Tous’ * Ti pe mreipacere ; deiEare |} pot Snvaptoy’ rivos exer eikdéva Kai ere) ypadny ; “AmoxpiOévtes S€é eirov' Kai: 25 ¢ \ a > a > s capos. O d€ elev adtois >Amddoril Tou Ta Kaicapos Kaicapt, Kat re} ms a i ~ 26 17... > yy Tov Geou TO Geo. Kat ovk toxvoail > n Cae, emthaBécOar avTrov pnuatos évaytiosk Tov Aaov: kal Oavpdoaytes emt TH atro-k Kploel avTov, éolynoap. *7 TIpooedOdvres S€ tives Tay Sad-| / > Sovkalwy, of avtiNéyovtes dvdotact by, eat, emnpatnoay avrov, * déyorres'h , ~ e a AwWackare, Moos éypavev jyiv, dp > A > / y+ a Tivos adeAos arrobavn exov yuvaika,\: \ @ a 2 / a , c Kal oUTos atexvos amoGayn, iva haBn 6 > A > a \ moe A. & adeAgos abrovd tiv yuvaika, kat e€avas| , , = x Aall oTNon oTEeppa TH adEAPO avTov. | 9 > > a t 29 énTa ovV adeAdot Aoav’ kal 6 TP@= |: Tos NaBov yuvaixa dréOavey ttrexvos* |; 30 cL. ¥ cM \ Ae || kal eAaBev 6 Sevrepos thy yuvatka, | Kat otros améOavev drexvos' * gal 6) / as > 4 iS ¢ id \ \ ¢ Tpitos ehaBev a’tny’ aocavras dé Kal of | ¢ \ d > , a“ SES. / | emTa © ov Katedurov Texva,” Kal améba-| ea a” e Nef 4 ih 3 le | voy votepov © de" ‘ravrev" arébave | NaS f BR. - > > , PA Kat) yurn. * ev TH oby dvacracet, Ti- | > a , , A] vOS aUT@Y yiveTaL yuyn; ot yap énra)} y+ A cad EO XOY avTHY yuvaika. ef Kar amroxptOels eirev adtois 6 "In- | gous’ Of viol Tod aldvos TovTOU yapodot | kat exyapiiokovrar’ * of Se Kata&.wbev- | TES TOU ala@vos éeKElvou TUXEW Kal THS | ass b Rec. exctec¥are. ov “a~eALTOV TExva d Elz. add vac. © \ nat o devrepog Kat o rpiTog eXas_ev avrny* woauTws de Kat oc era as t— Or, of a truth.x e 7 205 Lure XXI. 4. y ovTe ya- surrection from the dead, nei- foes i 5G ee Ane ee oe nor are given 1D oes ER ORLOKOUES , UES 1oP: marriage. °6 Neither can they y €Tl duvayTau’ iodyyerou yap die any more ; forthey are equal x aN S 2 oD rels ‘ © > l eiol TOU @eou, TS ava- unto the angels, and are the ; c\ 2 37 fr, Oe evel children of God, being the chil- oTATEas VLOL OVTES. OTL OS eyelpovTat dren of the resurrection. 37 Now / > \ i” . ot yeKpOl, kat Moons eEpnVvuoey emt THS that the dead are raised, even Be ¢ re Kupuov TOV cody Moses shewed at the bush, when ane OS ‘ SY ap ; oe ne calleth the Lord, the God of *ABpaan Kat TOV Ocdy Ioaak Kal TOV £ braham, and the Godof Isaac, 2 a 3 > Jacob. % For Ocov lakoe. ind the God of Jaco Ke 38 e \ 6 \ > y+ 3 cos O€ OUK EOTL VE } | RO es : : \ , - heisnota God of the dead, but aka (@vTov qmavTes yap avT@ of the living ; for all liye unto of the KATA AOYKAN. a > a Byaoraceos TS EK VEKPO pouoW amo0avel cit, Kal vio A / Kpov, x ¢ f / co . a9 7. se foow. * ArroxplOevTes SZ cwes Tov tim, © Then certain A doKaNe aNG scribes answerlhg, said, Master, LAG KOE. A@S thou hast well said. 40 And , > ypappareay eimoy' A 40 O?Kéere Se ETOAP@Y ETEPOTAY after that, they durst not ask 3 €l7as- him any question at all. > \ > £, avrov ovdey. By \ \ > GEE i~ , 41 Wine Oe mpos avTOUs Ilws deyouot 41 And he said unto them, roy Xpuorov viov avis * civaus.. = Kat no say they, tha Ge pie >_\ x , > / 2" vid’s son? = ANE avid him- guns Aavid heyet eV Bibh pahpov self saith in the book of Psalms, Eimev 6 Kuptos T@ KUuplL@ pou" KdGouv The Lorp said to my Lord, Sit > eon Die OF x a \ 7yic ‘ 43 tj ek SeEtav 1L0U, 43 Zao av O@ TOUS €x- thou on my right hand, till 1 io z make thine enemies thy foot- Siov Tav Today Tov. stool. #4 David therefore call- eth him, Lord, how is he then his son ? , ¢ pots cou UToro 4 Se > , a 4 Aavid ovy KupLoy abroyv KaNel, Kal rn < ~ > TOS VLOS AUTOU EOTLY 5 Aer 7 \ ~ ~ x . . 49 > AxovovTos O€ qayvTos TOU Aaov, 45 Then in the audience of all > “ rg Ce AD Z the people, he said unto his dis- cire Tois wabnrais avrov' *” ITpoceXETE cintes, 16 eee ey mts ss P EX ciples, ~2 Beware of the scribes, dnd Tay ypappateov TOV GedXdvT@v which desire to walk in long a > - \ , - « , . 7 cj - mepumarety ev oTONals, Kal cpidovyte@y Tobe and love greetings in the Rag Seo Be enG : vs markets, and the highest seats i } i yope US5 Rok RPO in the synagogues, and the chief kabedpias ev Tals guvaywyals, Kal Tp@- rooms at feasts: 47 which de- . s ps 7 ¢ 7 . +} 70? =O © Ar PoK\Gias Ev. TOUS Selrrvous’ 47 3 cares vour widows’ houses, and for a 3 ; ie s ss shew make long prayers: the oOlovct ee ene y Tas gira TOY. XnNpoev, Kat same shallreceive greater dam- Tpopaces paKpa MPoTEVXOVTAl GDTOL, wees 4 Aywpovrat TEpioo OTEpoy Kpiua. ‘ C , \ 5 21. AvaBrewas Oe eide Tous Bad- \ a ¢ 4 Novras Ta SHpa avray eis TO yatopu- _ 21. And he looked up, and , , > ‘ rie ne ing »] \dkuov mArovcious’ 7 Eide é Kal” ae TCD eee aha - f : a _ gifts into the treasury. ? Andhe Tuva xnpav Geyixpey Gaddoveay €Kel saw also a certain poor widow, dbo Newt’ Kal ELITE" Ahn bas heyo CASHING in thither two mites. ry ace Bo, : ee vo And he said, Of a truth, I say He ’ ell Rr ETO Xh quay] Aevov unto you, that this poor widow TavTeV éBahev" dmavtes yap OOTOL EK hat cant De they all. i. , can oF for all these have of thei TOU TEpLOTEVvOYTO T i nett 7 8G p a Ss oO €Bahov cis abundance cast in unto the of- @pa TOU €0U, QUT) Oe ek Tov ferings of God, but she of her “~- b- a2Tne seen T ume XX 5: 206 EYATTEAION | : ¢ , C20 ce A , A penury hath cast in all the VOTEDNILATOS GUTNS aTrayvTa Toy Bio oy living that she had. elyey ¢Bane. ° And as some spake of the . 3 ‘ ee # temple, how it was adorned Kat rivey heydvtav TEDL TOV LEpov, with goodly stones, and gifts, 7, A(Oors xadors Kah avaOnuact KeK6- he said, 6 us for these things pe Gras 4g = » of which ye behold, the days will OP@7TQL, e.7re QUTA A CEMPELTE, EAEU ie \ : is 1 zs ¢ s > ©. > > 67 ih come, in the which there shall goyrat NLEPat EV ALS OUK ace NOETAL|| not be left one stone upon an- 5 AiGos emi iw, bs od KatanvOneerat. || other, that shall not be thrown 2 t? > > / AN > \ 4 5 down. 7 And they asked him, ‘ Emnpatnoay de auTov, AEeyorTes At-i} saying, Master, but when shall > ~ 7 \ , : : OdcKane, TOTE OvV Ta’TA €OTALS KGL TL these things be ? and what sign A a o A 4 will there be, when these things TO ONMELOY, OTAV peAAAH TQAUTA yiveo Oat 31k ¢ \ > Z A = i shall come to pass? § Andhe ® Q O€ efre: BNémere Hn tmravnOnre |t said, Take heed that ye be not TOANOL yap €Xevoovrat ext TH bvouarll deceived: for many shall come i Ven i he i : 5 4 x 7 > , > Pe Lo in my name, saying, I am pov, NEeyovTes Ort eyo elu Kar’ O v “7 ] >, A > ~ > , Christ, and the time draweth Katpos WYYLKE. pL OvV TopevOnre oricw near: go ye not therefore after =, /_ 9. Ae y them. 9% But when ye shall QUTOV. oTav O€ akovoNTeE ToNeous e 3 ce Si > , A ¥ QA - hear of wars, and commotions, Kat akatacTaclas, pe) mronOnre det benot terrified: forthese things , A 2 As, AE OLE. taust first come to pass, but the ye ee ae. eo Ses a ous end is not by and by. 1° Then evG€ws Td Tédos. Tore eXeyev av-= a7 h Nati she ie =) , »” yy eo 4 said he unto them, Nation shall TOLS EyepOncerat €Ovos el eOvos, Kat rise against nation, & kingdom eagle : Ul ; against kingdom : !! and great Bactreia ent PaotNeiay : OClLOMLOL TE earthquakes shall be in divers peyanor KaTa TOTovs Ka Atyot Kat places, and famines, & pestilen- NZ, , , \ rn ces: and fearful sights and great Aotpot EO OoVTat, PpoByrpa TE KAt ONLELA | : Sue) > A , »” signs shall there be from heaven. q7 ovpavou peyana €O0TQL. A \ / s, 5 A : a IIpo O€ ToUT@Y TAVT@YV emuSanXov- ! But before all these, they ¥3 Dp con \ ~ Seo \ shall lay their hands on you, Oe Sie Ges cus eel ees QUT @Y, eee and persecute you, delivering Ovo@Eovct, Tapac.ovres els Ouvaywyas you up to the Synagogues, and Kat d Nake > fs 2S = : 4 P 5 at VAAKa ayoMevovu €7TL into prisons, being brought be- ‘ se ) a VC S soe Baotkets fore kings and rulers for my Kat nyepovas, E€VEKEY TOU OVOLLATOS ov. ’ Ke a = > f. A r name’s sake. 13 And it shall aroBnoerae Sé tiv eis peapruptoy" turn to you for a testimony. 14 bee SAD \ Sf cnn \ ‘4 Settle it therefore in your cove Ouv els Tas Kapolas Um@Y, jun a a iz = > eS a 15 > \ \ hearts, not to meditate before Tpopreheray atrohoynOnvat ey@ yap what ye shall answer. 15 For [| Sdca 6 iv oréua Kah codpiay a Oo Sue will give you a mouth and wis- ; pH ; fe Pl a ast ae 7 s ul dom, which all your adversaries VnoovTal ayreitety * ovde avTloTnvat / ~ oo shall not be able to gainsay, nor resist. !6 And ye shall be ¢ > / “ TTAVTES OL QVTLKELILEVOL Up. ES Tapa- & én 6 Oe \ C: \ , XN > betrayed both by parents and OOUNTeaUe Oe Kal Ud yovewy Kal d- brethren, and kinsfolks and SeAPay Kal ovyyevav Kat ditev" kat friends, and some of you shall , If ¢ ne 17 \ »~ they cause to he put to death. Bavarocovow €§ Ce ee ‘ eveo Oe 7 And ye shall be hated of all Mloovumevot uTro travtT@y Oia TO ovopLa men for my name’s sake. 18 But —7 18 \ \ > a a Caen OU Kal there shall not a hair of your B Opié Sone Kepahijs CR head perish. 19 In your pa- 0 tience possess ye your souls. b > A 2 rv 19 > PPLE. Cee ~ U BY amoAnTra. “ev Th vropovn tuav , na KTnoacde” Tas Wuyas iparv. a Gb. 7. b OW nern08cOeKATA AOYKAN. 207 Luxe XXI. 33. 20 And when ye Shall see 20 ’Oray Se iOnre KUKNOULEYNY vTO ay \ a ae Gore Jerusalem compassed with ar- oTpaToTEOay BYY. : EOC: hs fee mies, then know that the deso- yore OTe PyryeKev n epnpoats auTns- labion there = nigh. ae Shs cee? a let them which are in Judea, Eeore OF e727) Tovdarg peuyeroony flee to the mountains, and let pec@ avTns €K- them which are in the midst of it, depart out, and let not them , 92 ¢ , that are in the countries, enter 2 aoe Ore mucpae thereinto. 22 For these be the exOLK TE@S aural etal, TOV aadno Onvat days of vengeance, that all , \ Z O32 NE NS -_ things which are written may ee a VC aman ~ OU oe wen be fulfilled. 23 But woe unto ey yaoTpl exoucals Kal TALS O@ndagoveas them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those > > / o ¢ , a + 1 a ee pees pes SHS Soe yep days, for there shall he great avayk) peyahy emt TS YS kal opy!] distress in the land, and wrath To haw TOUT@. 24 eal TeTOVYTaL OTO- upon this people. 24 And they : ‘ ; shall fall by the edge of the , \ ° lg Tr noovTat Rot ene ee aixpahon wo 1g , sword, and shall be led away els TmayTa Ta eOvn* Kal lepovoadnp. captive into all nations, and Je- , 3 na 3} oe Soe oe Zorat TaToUpEyn imo €OvaV, AXpt a7\n- rusalem shall be trodden down 8 m ebuG of the Gentiles, until the times poevadt Karpot EUV OU: of the Gentiles be fulfilled. x on «\ \ a 5 23 Kal €oTat onpera ey nAl@ Kal o€- And there shall be signs a 1 the sun, and in the moon, , \ 7 \ SEN a ir t « ANYN Kat a@oTpots, Kal ent TS YS ona in the stars, and upon the \ ) ~ > > / > 4 “a OvUVOX) eOvayv ev amropta, “nxovons earth distress of nations, with 9 ritw Gardoons Kal cddov. dmowuyovrey perplexity, the sea and the ar Oat SEA 1 \ Snes waves roaring, 76 men’s hearts Gu poTey a0 poBov Katy Tp Og ORGS failing them for fear, and for TOV ETEPXOMEVOV T)) olKoupLevy at yap looking after those things which , n > a , ‘ in > @:% : fi Suvdpers TOV OUpavay canevonoovTat. tn. coming on the earth ; for 97 en Z : me een the powers of heaven shall be _ KQt TOTE dvoyTat Tov vioy TOU ay- shaken. 77 And then shall they Oparrov €py6jLevov ev vepehy peTa Sy- see the Son of man coming in ; Nee Fhe Sage: cig TA OPN’ Kal ol eV > in , xopeiracay’ Kal of ev Tals YoOpats [7] ¢ ’ / >) > cicepxeoParay els QUT ; VASE ine. Bie , a cloud with power and great vopos ee ole 70 Ans: OX OMSL OT glory. 28 And when these \ sree : O€ TOUT@Y yiveo Gat, avakuwaTe Kal things begin to come to pass, Ji? \ Niece en Pee then look up, and lift up your emdoare Tas Kepadds tar’ Lote ey- a D es p p B Y~ heads, for your redemption / ¢ > , ¢€ n yicer ) amoduTpacts VHLOV. draweth nigh. 29 Kal etre mapaSodiy avrots® "TSere 29 Andhe spake to them a \ a / , o . THY oUKHY Kal TavTa Ta Oevopa. 30 Gray Parable, Behold the fig tree, ~ 23 \é Se and all the trees, °° when they mpopa @olw 701, 8? €TOVTES ap €aU- now shoot forth, ye see and - , a 2 > , = “ ; TOV YWOOKETE OTL #0 eyyus TO b€pos know of your own selves, that eee 31 27 te ere AS summer is now nigh at hand. Ee oe KGt URES Ora LONNTE 31 So likewise ye, when ye see TAUTA YlVOMEVA, YikWWOKETE OTL EVYUS these things come to pass, know > ¢ A a 6 7 oe ~ : eoTW 7 Baci\eia TOU Oe. 32 aun ye that the kingdom of God is wv al Seaaes ee On § , nigh at hand. 32 Verily I say EyY@ UPL, OTL OV p41) TAPEATT) 7) yeved unto you, this generation shall a v7 3 } airy €ws ay mayta yevnTat, 33 6 ovpavos ae pase te till ape ful- Nene a , ¢ \ , ed. eaven and earth Kat 7) 1) mapehevoovTat, OL dé Adyot shall pass away, but my words > A , pou ov fn Tapeh act. shall not pass away. a Rec. wAnpwOnvat. b Rec. add er. Cc wo—. Gb. nous.Luxe XXI. 34. 208 EYATTEAION *4 And take heed to your- ** TIpogéyere Oe €avrois, pnrore | selves, lest at any time your a a Vago ¢ , > 2 hearts be overcharged with Papndaow UMey a Kapdiat eh Ke surfeiting, and drunkenness, 4A Kat peOy Kal pepipvars BiwrcKais, and cares of this life, and so xq} aipviduos ed? tuas emuoth TH-EpQ | that day come upon you una- 5, | 35 oc \ \ se ay wares. 35 For asa snare shall ees os Tayls yap CTC UG ET oe ; . y ; it ee en all oo teas ae em TavTas TOUS KaGnpeEvous eT! TpdTo- | on the face of the whole earth. , A 66. 5 ~ > °6 Watch ye therefore, and pray TTOY, Bao] s SUES RIS: OY PEC Our always, ¥ ye may be accounted €v mayTl Kkaip@ Sedpevol, wa Katakio-= . < ~ ae A a ~ , worthy to escape all these things Onre exuyely Tatra ravra Ta pehXovtra that shall come to pass, and to — / 6 \ x ” x stand before the Son of man. YVEeoGat, kat oraGnvar cHmpooUev Tov *’ And in the day time he viov rov avOparov. was teaching in the temple, and 37 ye Doe See 2 5 lepine at night he went out, andabode |, © on IED GS Sr) To Sp? a in the mount that is called the Odokwyv' ras Od€ vuKras eS€pxXomevos Tv, 38 € > ° if mount of Olives. And all ninitero eis TO Gpos TO Kkadovpevoy the people came early in the Dac 38 z been 4 Ail morning to him in the temple, €AQL@Y. Kat 77as O Ados wp pce . . nan 4a mi ~ for to hear him. mpos avrov ev TO lep@ dkovew avrod. 22. Now the feast of unlea- DOF ary bené ena d F Li hie CCE OG €OPTH TMY ACUML@Y vened bread drew nigh, which cy my & ; 1 p 7 oy ¢ i z is called the passover. ? And 1] \€YOMEvN TOK OL e(yTouy om . : : r c = a I the chief priests and scribes apXLepels Kat Ol ypammaTeis, TO Tas | sought how they might killhim; > % Des Fin i sae T yeas \ \ for they feared the people. eon Uae. Oop oaae VERE nom * Then entered Satan into Ju. Aady. ° eianhOe Se ¥” Satavas eis Iov- aie 7 Rae ; , > das surnamed Iscariot, being Sav Tov ET LKGNOUJLEVOY Ioxapiorny, of the number of the twelve. ,, : ee EL ‘i a5 < 4 And he went his way, and OVT@ €k TOU aprO iow Teav Swdeka Kal 3 es : > + > A communed with y chief priests aaehM@av cuvedadnoe ToIs apxlepevor and captains, how he might Ra TGe A Oishi Tro qos saneOe aos betray him unto them. 5 And *@4 Ome Tay OLS: rr Cr > / \ they were glad, and covenanted pao@ avtois. * Kat €Xapnoay, Kat ovy- Iv. j 6 Z a > , a to give him money. © Andhe {Gepyro airo apyuptov Sovvars © Kal proinised, & sought opportuni- t + ¢ / ‘ ef > ‘ a ty to betray him unto them @in eEapohoynoe, Kal €CNTEL EUKaLPiayY TOU : S . a DEEN > mee op a the absence of the multitude. mapadovvat auTOV avTols arep oxAov. 7 Then came the day of un- 7 TON Ge Nets A 16 a leavened bread, when the pass- pie CS 7 eee gees e COU er over must be killed. § Andhe €de: Qvec@at TO Tacxa’ ° Kal améeoTetNe : > > © a] A 2 > sent Peter and John, saying, Tletpov kat Iwavyny, ei@v' Tlopevbév- Go and prepare us the pass- i ; cus \ ; ¢ , over, that we may eat. 9 And TES €TOLMUGOATE NULY TO TaTyXa, Lva pa- they said unto him, Where wilt Ye. 9 Of S€ elroy attra* Tov Géreus thou that we prepare? 10 And ¢ , 45-20 °@ 456 tS Seen he said unto them, Behold, SOT OU cS elirey avTots when ye are entered into the “Idov, elveAOdvT@y vyav eis Thy mod, city, there shall a man meet , cea 2 “ you, bearing a pitcher of wa. 7UVQVTT VEL op avOperos Kepaptop ter, follow him into the house UOaros Baord¢wv* dxodovbnoare avT@ , 7 ll > \ y @ 5 Zz z where he entereth in. And ¢¢ THY OlKiay ov elomropevetat’ 1 Kah ye shall say unto the goodman ,° - A aikod / n Se , of the house, The Master saith €P€/TE T@ OLKOOEOTFOTH THS OlKias* Ae- unto thee, Where is the guest- yer got 6 OuOdoKados: Ilo’ eat ro a Rec. Bapvv9wacy b Rec. add o. * Or, without tumuit.KATA AOYKAN. 209 karahupa, Omouv TO maoxa peta Tov abyray ov Daye 3 Kakeivos vp Belfer : ee peya EOTP@ILEVOY * exet eroysdcate. | ‘AmeAOdvtes Oe eupov Kkadas elpnKxey avtois, Kal nrot- \ / pacay T0 Tdoxa. 4 Kal 6re eyeveto 7 pa, ayerrece, kal ol Owdexa amdarohot GUY avT@. 1 Kal elie m™pos avrous* "EmOvpia emeBounoa TOUTO TO Tagxa Payeiy peO UHOr, mp0 TOU pe mabey? 1° eyo yap bp, OTL OUKETL OU pa) ayo e& avrou, eas OTov tAnpwOn ev TH Paothia TOU Ocov. Kat Oekapevos ToTnpLoy, €U- yapiotnoas cine’ AdBere TOUTO, Kat Ovapepioare é éaur Oise aa eyo yap bp, ore ov pun) mle amo TOD yevvnpearos ™s dpmehov, ews OTou 7) BactAcla TOU Ceod €hOn. 12 eas AaBaoy aproy, evxaplornoas exhace, Kal €O@KeV avrois, heyov" Tovrd €OTL TO THpd jLov, TO Umep Upa@y 6.d0- fevov* TOUTO ToOLEITE Els Ty ey ava- punoty. 0 ‘QoatTws Kai TO mornpLov pera TO Seumvijcat, eyor' Tovro ro Tory pLov, ” Kavyi) OuabiiKn e EV TO aipart pov, TO vmep opev EKXUVOMEVOV. 2 T1Ajy (ov, 7 7 Xelp TOD mapadeddvros He per’ €HOU_ eml TS Tpame cys. 22 Kal 0 ev los TOU avOpemou Topeverat KaTa To apiopevoy* Ty ovat TO avOpara eKEiVa, dv ov mapadidorat, 3 Kal avrol mpsavro orudrety pos EauTovs, TO Tis dpa ely €& aUT@Y 6 TOUTO péA- Av mpdccew. a ‘Evyévero oe kal prroverkia € eV aU- Tols, TO Tis avTay Soxel eivat pelo. 6 Oe crev avtois’ Of PBaowheis TOV baw Kupuevovow avrar, Kat ot e&ov- meaCovres avray evepyérat kaXovyrat. » Upeis d€ ovy OUTS’ GAN 6 pelCoy Luxe XXII. 2 where I shall eat the passover with my disciples ? 2 And he shall shew you a large upper room furnished, there make ready. 15 And they went, and found as he had said unto them, and they made ready the passover. 14 And when the hour was come, he sat down, & the twelve apostles with him. ' And he said unto them, ¢ With: desire have desired to eat this pass- over with you before I suffer. i6 For I say unto you, I will not any more eat thereof, until it be fulfilled in the kingdom of God. ' And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and said, Take this, and divide it aniong yourselves. '8 For I say unto vou, I will not drink of the fruit of the vine, until the king- dom of God shall come. chamber 19 And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake if, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you, this do in remembrance of me. 74 Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you. 21 But behold, the hand of him that betrayeth me, is with me on the table. 22 And truly the Son of man goeth as it was determined, but woe un- to that man by whom he is betrayed. %3 And they began to enquire among themselves, which of them it was that should do this thing. 24 And there was also a strife among them, which of them should be accounted the great- est. 2 And he said unto them, The kings of the Gentiles ex- ercise lordship over them, and they that exercise authority upon them, are called benefac- tors, 26 But ye shall not be so; but he that is greatest among a Rec. avwyeorv. » Lhave heartily desired.BuKE + + lls 27. you, let him be as the younger, and he that is chief, as he that doth serve. 27 For whether is greater, he that sitteth at meat, or he that serveth? Is not he that sitteth at meat ? but I am among you as he that serveth. 28 Ye are they which have con- tinued with me in my tempta- tions. 29 And I appoint unto you a kingdom, as my Father hath appointed unto me, 2° that ye may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel. 31 And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath de- sired ¢o have you, that he may sift you as wheat: 3% but Ihave prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not; and when thou art con- verted, strengthen thy brethren. 83 And he said unto him, Lord, I am ready to go with thee both into prison, and to death. 34And he said, [ tell thee Peter, the cock shall not crow this day, be- fore that thou shalt thrice deny that thou knowest me. > And he said unto them, When I sent you without purse, and scrip, and shoes, lacked ye any thing? And they said, No thing. °6 Then said he unto them, But now he that hath a purse, let him take it, and like- wise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his gar- ment, and buy one. *7 For I say unto you, that this that is written,must yet be accomplish- ed in me, And he was reckoned among the transgressors: for the things concerning me have an end. 35 And they said, Lord, behold, here are two swords. And he said unto them, It is enough, 39 And he came out, and went, as he was wont, to the mount of Olives, and his disciples also 210 EYATTEAION ev opi yever do é @s 6 vearepos* Kal 6) Tyoupevos as 6 Ovakovar. 7 ris yap|p peiCan, 6 dYAKELHEVOS, nO Stakover ; a ovxL 6 dyakeipevos ; eyo O€ eit ey pe- > To Upey as 6 Ovaxovav. 78 Upeets be» €OTE Ob Ovaprepev]KOTES per’ €pov ev § Tols Tmetpac pots jeour = Kayo Suari- - Geum vpiv, Kabos dueBero [ot O marnp \ pov, Baowrelay, *° wa eodinre Kal Ti-|! unre emi THs Tpamé(ns pov ev TH Ba- ’ oudela pov, Kal *kabiona be” ert Epovay, | Kplwovtes Tas Oodexa Pudas Tov “Io-} pana. | 3l Eire O€ 6 Kuptos’ Tipor, Zipov, ih iSod, 6 Zaravas e&nTn caro vas, TOU owidoa ws Tov ottov’ ™ eye de edenOny k mepl Gov, va py ekAelTn 7 TioTLs Cou | Kal ov mote emtaoTpéevyas oTnplEov Tous} adeApovs cov. ‘O b€ eirev atta") Kupte, pera cov erouids eipe kal els os ; puhakiy kat eis Oavarov mopever Oat. | O de ele" Aéyo oot, Ter TPE, Ov pry} povycet onpepov GNEKTwp, Tp 7) Tpish dmapynon py) eidevar ple. 3 Kai eimev avtois’ “Ore dréoretha ) upas arep Barayriov Kal mpas Kal | vmodn par @V, [LN TLYOS VOTEpNTATE 5 > OU O€ eimrov’ Ovdevds. * 36 Hizey ovv avrots” ‘ ‘AMG yov 6 EX@V Padayrioy apata, | Opolws Kal THpav* Kal O pn EX@V TO=) AnodtTw TO ipdtioy avtod, Kal ayopa-" gdT@ paxatpav. * héyo yap vply, oTuP beri” rovTo TO yeypappevoy et Tehe-| cOnvac ev epol, To’ Kal pera vO MOV ehoyia@n Kat yap Ta mept €{ou tehos) ever. 8 OF O€ elroy" Kupte, idov, pd- : Xarpac ®de Ovo. “O Oe etmev avTois* r ‘Ikavov €oTt. | 9° Kal efehOav eropevOn Kata rO| ZOos els rd pos Tay Eady" HKOAOvON=|} cay O€ at’T@ Kal of pa@nrai avtod | a Gb. cadicecde. boKATA AOYKAN. 10 yevouevos S€ emt TOU TOTO, eirev avrois* IlpoaevxeaGe p27) eioeA Get eis 41 Kal aitds ameomacbn Gr aitav aoel dibov Body, Kal Geis Ta yovara mpoonvxero, eo heyou" Ua- TEP, el Bovhet TapeveyKely TO TOTT pLov TovTO am €“ov' mAnY yy TO OeAnpa pov, TELpag LOV. GANG TO oOY yever Ou. 43 "0b0n de ava ayyedos an oupa- Kal yevdpevos éy dyovia, exTeveoTepov TmpoonvxeTo. éyeveo S€ 6 Lopes avTov wcel OpopBor aiwatos KataBaivovtes emt THY yay: kal dvaoras amo THs TPOTEVXNS, eh- “4 ey , EUPEV aUTOUS ~ > hi Jee 44 VOU EVLOXU@V avuTopv. 45 \ \ \ 6 NS eh Gay mpos Tovs wabnras 4: > ~ B Kolme@pevous amo ths umns, > > nt / , > , elev avtois’ Ti kaGevdete ; avactayTes , 7 ’ / > mpoaevyeobe, iva pi) eloedOnre ets Tret- acp.ov. / A a > A 47 "Ere d€ avtov adovvtos, idov, 2 AGC, , > 4 © a OxAos, Kal 6 Aeyopevos ‘Iovdas ets Tay / 2, dadeka, mponpxeTo ?avtouvs,” Kat Hyyioe 6 O€ “In- ~ rad > 4 , gous eirev avT@* ‘Iovda, piAnpare Tov ~ > / > vidy Tov avOparrou Trapadidas ; * 1ddv- \ > Tes O€ OL TEpl aUTOY TO EDOpeEVOY ElmoY > a , / 3 auto" Kupte, et maragopey ev paxyaipa; 50 Kal > / ic ¢ eer \ L ematagey els Tis E& avT@Y TOY a a > > + dovAoy Tov apytepéws, Kal adeidev ad- > amroxpiOeis Oe Cas. a Ey ed 5 oa , rN 0 Inaous eirev’ Eate ews Tovtov. Kai / A SL ~ aydwevos TOU @tiov avtod, idcaro a? A an ae 48 T@ Inoov dirnoa avtov. TOU TO ovs TO OeEvov. *} > , QuTOV. p Dy \ > a * Eire S€ 6 Inoods mpos rods ma- , r payevomevous em avroy dpytepets Kal \ A ~ , OTpatnyous Tov lepod kal mpeaBure- ae JN / pous* Qs emt Anorny e€ehndvOate pera a / s 4 paxapav kat Eviov; © Kab? nuépay ei Wht ¢ nr > an € an > ovTos fou pel wudy ey TH lepa, ovK > ? ahr 7 ¢ val > ¢ a Ngo Gc se / avuTn UL@Y €OTLY 1) @pa, Kal 1) e€ovgla I¢ , \ > Ae: > eeTeivaTe Tas NeElpas ew ep 211 , €. 46 Luxs XXII. 53: followed him. 49 And when he was at the place, he said unto them, Pray, that ye enter not into temptation. 4! And he was withdrawn from them about a stone’s cast, and kneeled down, and prayed, 4 saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless, not my will, but thine be done. 43 And there appeared an angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him. 44 And be- ing in an agony, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground. 45 And when he rose up from prayer, and was come to his disciples, he found them sleep- ing for sorrow, 46 and said unto them, Why sleep ye? Rise, and pray, lest ye enter into temp- tation. , Kal 47 And while he yet spake, behold, a multitude, and he that was called Judas, one of the twelve, went before them, and drew near unto Jesus, to kiss him. 48 But Jesus said un- to him, Judas, betrayest thou the Son of man with a kiss ? 49 When they which were about him, saw what would follow, they said unto him, Lord, shall we smite with the sword? 5°And one of them smote the servant of the.high priest, and cut off his right ear. 5! And Jesus an- swered, and said, Suffer ye thus far. And he touched his ear, and healed him. 52 Then Jesus said unto the chief priests, and captains of the temple, and the elders which were come to him, Be ye come out as against a thief, with swords and staves ? 53 When | was daily with you in the tem- ple, ye stretched forth no hands against me: but this is your hour, and the power of dark- a Elz, add avrow b Rec. autwr,Luxe XXII. 54. ness. 54 Then took they him, and led him, and brought him into the high priest’s house, and Peter followed afar off. 55 And when they had kindled a fire in the midst of the hall, and were set down together, Peter sat down among them. 56 But a certain maid beheld him as he sat by the fire, and earnestly looked upon him, and said, This man was also with him. 97 And he denied him, say- ing, Woman, I know him not. 68 And after a little while ano- ther saw him, and said, Thou art also of them. And Peter said, Man, I am not. 59 And about the space of one hour after, another confidently af- firmed, saying, Of a truth this fellow also was with him; for he is a Galilean. ®9 And Peter said, Man, I know not what thou sayest. And immediately while he yet spake, the cock crew. 61 And the Lord turned, and looked upon Peter; and Peter remembered the word of the Lord, how hehad said unto him, Before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice. 62 And Peter went out, and wept bitterly. 63 And the men that held Jesus, mocked him,and smote , him. © And when they had blindfolded him, they struck him on the face, and asked him, saying, Prophesy, who is it that smote thee ? 6 And many other things blasphemously spake they against him. 66 And as soon as it was day, the elders of the people, and the chief priests and the scribes came together. and led him into their council, saying, ®7 Art thou the Christ? tell us. And he suid unto them, If I tell you, you will not believe. 68 And if I also ask you, you will not answer me, nor let me go. 69 Hereafter 212 EYATTEAION TOU OKOTOUS. BONN aioe be avTov mY XyOV, Kal elonyayov 4 avrov” eis Tov OiKoy TOU apXLEpeas. ‘O de Ilérpos nKorovder paxpobey. 5 Gyavrav Oe mip €v peo@ THS avANs, kal ovyxabioayvToy avTayv, exaOnTo 6 Ilerpos EV [LEO@ AUTAY. 56 idovaa Oe 54 auToy madic xn TLS KaOnpevov Tpos TO 4} Kai pos, Kal arevicaca ur elie ovros ouy avT@ ny. ‘O de 7 Tpynoare > avroy,” ‘eyo Tovar, OUK o0l0a auTov. 8 Kay pera Bpaxd erepos id@y avTovt ep Kal ov €& avroy et. ‘O dé Tlerpos elirey’ “AvOpore, OUK elpil. oTdons @oel apas pas, a@\Xos tis Oi- oxupicero, heyov" En arn bet as Kal ovros per avTou ny Kal yep. Takthaids eat. © Hire O€ 6 Tlerpos" “AvOpore, ovK olda 0 heyets. Kat mapaxprpa, rt AadovrTos avTov, epavncey © ” GheKT@p* 61 Kai oTpahets 6 6 Kuptos evePewe TO Ilerp@* Kat Umepyy oy 6 Herpos TOU Adyou tod Kupiov, as eimev avrg: ‘Ort, wply adéxropa havicat, a amapyngy pe tpis. © Kat efehOay c&m 16 Ie- Tpos’ exdavoe TuKpOs. 63 Kat of avdpes ot ouvexorTes © roy Incoty“" éveralov atta, deportes: 64 kal mepixadviaytes avTov, eruTToOV ~ N: > , > avUTOU TO TPST TOY, Kal emmpOT@Y av- | TOV, eyoures® IIpopyrevoor, Tis €OTL | 6 gaigas ce; “© Kat erepa, moN\ha y Brachynpovyres Eeyor eis avrdv. 66 \ € 3 4 ¢ , , \ Kai os éyévero nuépa, ovvnx On 70 mpeaBuréeptov Tov Naov, apxtepeis TE 6 , kal ypappartets, Kal avnyayov avroy eis To guvedpiov favraey,” Neyovres’ 7% Wi \ Ore IG xX \ SGN Cae Ec be ov et 6 Xpuoros, etme nuiv. Eure Oe avtots* “Eay tyiv elo, ov pa moTev= ante © cay O€ Kal Epon O@, ov ET) 3 6n 69 > a7roKpt NTE Ol, 7 dToNvONTE. amo Ae bia ¢ Rec. add o. d Gb. om. eS avrtoy, f ~ —. Rec. & Gb. savtwr, 59 Kal d:a-}KATA AOYKAN. 213 Tov voy éoTat 6 vids TOU avOpe@rov Ka- Onuevos kK Oekiav ™s Ouvapiews | TOU Gcod. ™ Eimov S€ mavtes* Sv odv et 6 vids tov Geod; ‘O be mpos ore eon’ ‘Y pets Aeyere, ore eyo Cunt dé etzov" Te eTL xpetay eXopev ae, plas; avtol yap nKkovoauey amd Tov oTOparos avTov. 23. Kat dvacrav day 76 An O08 ad- TOV, *Hyayov” avroy émt Toy IIuaTov. 7 np&avro Oe Katnyopety avTOU,A€yovTeEs Tourov evpopiey Siarrpeporra TO €bvos, Kal KoAVovta Kaicaps pdpovs dvdovat, ae €auTov Xpucrov Baciréa eivat. ‘O O€ Ilidros emnpwtnoev avrov, é- you" St el 6 Barvheds Tav lovdaiay ; ‘O d€ amoxpibeis adta en 30 Aeyets. 220: 0¢ Tiehdros ele mpos Tous ap- xeepets Kal TOUS OxAovuS" Ovdey evploke airuoy ev TO dvOpara rouT@. * Oi de eT LO XUOV, Aéyovres "Ore avaceiet TOV Naoy, OuddoKov Ka odns THs lovdaias, ap&apevos aro ths Tadwaias €ws Ode. ® Iludros b€ axovoas Tadt\alav enn- nee el 5 6 avOparros Dadidaids € €OTL 7 Kat emtyvous OTL €K TS eoucias “Hpadov eorly, averrepapev auToy ™pos ‘Hpadyy, ¢ ovra Kal auroy ev ‘Tepooohv- pots ev TavTals Tais mpEpaes. 6 O€ “Hpodns id@y Tov ‘Incovy €xapn, diay" TM yap Poa e& ixavov idety avon, Oud TO akoveww > godda” mept avTou* Kal ArmiCe Te onpetov idely t un avroo yivo- on pevor. : emnpara de avrov ev Adyous ixavots* avros de ovdev drrexpivaro avu- TO. os elorikeumay d€ ot dpxvepets kal ol Ups ar sis, evTOVas KarTiyopouvres auToU. " efovernoas d€ adrov 6 ‘Hpo- os avy Tois orparetpacw avuTov, Kal praigas, mepiBarav aitov éabnta a, averreuyev avrov T@ Iluaro. Lure XX 11. shall the Son of man sit on the right hand of the power of God. 70 Then said they all, Art thou then the son of God? And he said unto them, Ye say that I am. 7! And they said, What need we any further witness ? for we ourselves have heard of his own mouth. 23. And the whole multi- tude of them arose, and led him unto Pilate. ? And they began to accuse him, saying, We found this fellow pervert- ing the nation, and forbidding to give tribute to Cesar, say- ing, that he himself is Christ a king. 3 And Pilate asked him, saying, Art thou the King of the Jews? And he answered oe and said, Thou sayest it. 4 Then said Pilate to the chief priests, and to the people, I find no fault in this man. 9° And they were the more fierce, say- ing, He stirreth up the people, teaching throughout all Jewry, beginning from Galilee to this place. § When Pilate heard of Galilee, he asked whether the man were a Galilzan. 7 And as soon as he knew that he belonged unto Herod’s ju- risdiction, hesent him to Herod, who himself also was at Jeru- salem at that time. 5 And when Herod saw Jesus, he was ex- ceeding glad, for he was desir- ous to see him of a long season, because he had heard many things of him, and he hoped to have seen some miracle done by him. % Then he questioned with him in many words, but he answered him nothing. 19 And the chief priests and scribes stood, and vehemently accused him. !! And Herod with his men of war set him at nought, and mocked him, and array- ed him in a gorgeous robe, and sent him again to Pilate. a Rec, nyayev. b= >ay a a Luxe XXIII. 12. 214 EYATTEAION 12 And the same day Pilate and ” éyévovro dé dirot 0 Te TlAdros Kal | ] de friends to- 4 Hart were ade tends - §Hpétys ev ath Tf dpa per’ AM enmity between themselves. A@v™ mpovmnpXov yap ev €xOpa ovres |) 1 And Pilat f ey m™pos éauTovs. n ilate, when he hac 13 called together the chief priests, Tldros 6¢ ovyKkaherdpevos Tous } and the rulers, and the people, dpxvepeis Kal TOUS apxovras Kal TOV Kt 14 said unto them, Ye have 14 ail ao Os avuToU Ilpocn- brought this man unto me, as y cime ap Ss s* P 4 | one that perverteth the people, veyKaTe peo TOV a6 pomov TOUTOY, as 2 and behold, I having examined droarpepovra TOV adv’ Kal idov, yo i him before you, have found no 2 | fault in this man, touching those EVOTLOV UPLOV dvaxpivas OUOEV evpoy | things whereof ye accuse him. év TO davOpame TOUT @ aiTLoy, Ov KaTn-| : 1b N n No, nor yet Herod: for Isent Vepeine Mee iaser SAU Gabe Hpa- you to him, and lo, nothing worthy of death is done unto Ons" * ® dverrepapa yap vpas mpos GUT OV,” | him. 16 [ will therefore chas- qj iSov, ovdev a&.ov Gavarov €orl me I tise him, and release him. !” For 16 5 of necessity he must release one ” mpaypevoy avT@. madevoas ovy au- { unto them at the feast. TOV aToAVGO. 17 b? Avaykny be XY { > 7; r amoNvely avTols KATA €opTi) yy eva.” > 18 And they cried out all at 18 Avexpagav d€ mapardn Gel, Reyovacs once, saying, Away with this Alpe TOUTOV, amhugov Oe nw C roy” man, and release unto us Ba- 19 ; rabbas, !9 who for a certain se- Bapafi Bay" dotts ny dia ordow Twa dition made in the city, and for yevomevny ev ™ mOhet ee povoy Pe) murder, was cast into prison. 2 Yi aN 20 Pilate therefore willing to B npevos cis pu any. * ° wahw ody 6} release Jesus, spake again to TlAGdros TIpODEPaYT|TE, Gérav a amTo\voat them :2! but they cried, saying tov Incovv: 2 of be é ene b\dvour. ANevovEll Crucify him, crucify him. 7 >And } ? 2 a PS hesaid untothemthethirdtime, TES” Sravporor, oTavporoy auTov. 0} : Why, what evil hath he done ? Oe Tptrov elITe _T™pos avrous’ De yap Ka- | ' I have found no cause of death 50 6 in him, I will therefore chastise KOV erroinoey ovTos; OUOEV auTLov avarou | him, and let him go. *% And eUpov ev auTa” madevoras ovy avTov} they were instant with loud G_o)\ig@ 23° Oi de eréKewro povais | voices, requiring that he might : be crucified: and the voices of preyahats, airoupevou auTov oravpob- f them, and of the chief priests pay Kal Karo X VOY ai povat avT@v Kau} prevailed. #4 And Pilate *gave _ ~ 24 sentence that it should be as 7®” dpxvepecov. 0 € Hshdros € eTrEKpLE | wey required, 7 ene nS re- yever Oat TO airnpa auTav. * amedvoe| eased unto them, him that for a4 , sedition and murder was cast be ‘ Tov bua oraow Kal povov BeBXy- | into prison, whom they had de- M€VOV ELS THY pudakny, OV 7TOVYTO™ TOP | sired, but he delivered Jesus to §¢ "lyoovy TapeowKeE to GeXnuaTL av- their will. nd t Hag . = Nee 3S: } 26 And as they led him away, 6 Kal os amnyayov avuToy, emidaBos | they laid hold upon one Simon { f Ye OMe EVOL DL @vOs TWO Ku - a Cyrenian, coming out of the ie Les : Dea pS £PXG country, and on him they laid pevou ar aypov, ere Onkay avT@ TOV the cross, that he might bear it oTaupoy, pepew OmugGev TOU Inaod.| | & OO overeuWe yap avroy mpos nase be c— d Rec. add avrois. © Rec. add tov | © Or, assented.KATA AOYKAN. 215 af nKorovber d€ avTa@ mohv mi8os TOU nao, KaL YVALKaY, a al * kat” EKOT:TOVTO Kal eOpnvow avrov. : 8 orpapels de mpos avTas 0 ‘Inaovs ele” Ouyarepes ‘Te- povoahnp, Te) khalere er ee my ep eauras kNalete Kal Emr Ta Teva Dpav. 9 @re tov, Epxovrat npepae ev als epouot, Makdpeat ai oretpat, Kal Kou tat al ovK eyevin Tay, Kal plagTol ot ovK eOnhacay. 30 r6r€ apEovrar heyew Tols opeot" Tlecere ep nas" Kal Tots Bouvois" Kahvyare 7 [Las ay Ort, ci ev TO vype Evh@ Taidta Towvaw, Ev TO Enpo TL EVNT AL 3 SMH yovro be xalerepot dvo, ,KaKOUpY/ OL, oo are dvaupe On ya. 3 Kal Ore amnA- Gov € emt TOY TOmov TOV Kaoupevov Kpa- lov, €KEL eoratporay avror, kal Tous Kakoupyovs; © ov pev ex deEvav, Ov Se €& dpiorepav. 446 SéInaovs oe Iarep, des avtois’ ov yap oidace Ti ToLover. Avapepi(opevor Oe Ta india avrou, €Badov Kdjpov. * Kal eloTH KEL 6 Aaos OD cepa prov dé Kal of apyov- Tes > oouy avrois,” heyoures” “AN)ous Evaoe, TooET@ EavTOY, EL OUTOS EOTLY 6 Xptoros, 6 TOU Oeou ExheKTOs. 36 Rve- maxfov dé aiT@ Kal ot oTparLarar, ™poo- EpXopevor Kal ‘O£os mpoapepovres avT@, 37 Kal Aeyoures" Ei ov ef 0 Baotdevs TOV *Tovdalov, cacov weavTov. 6 “Hy de Kat emvypapn yeypappern er ate ypdppacw “ENA uixois Kal ‘Pepaixois Kal “EBpaixois" Oirds €or 6 Bacidevs tov lovdaiwv. 39 Bis O€ Tov Kpepacdevray Kakoup- you eBhacpnpet avuToy, heyov' Ei ov et 6 Xptotos, cacov weauTov Ka npas. a *Amroxpieis de 6 erepos emeTipa aire, eyor" Ovde Posy « ov TOV Ocor, OTL ev TG avT@ Kpipare ei; “1 Kal jweis prev as bo Luxe XXIII. 41. after Jesus. 27 And there fol- lowed him a great company of people, and of women, which also bewailed and lamented him. 28 But Jesus turning unto them, said, Daughters of “Jer u- salem, weep not for me, but weep ‘for yourselves, and for your children. 2 For behold, the days are coming, in the which they shall say, Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bare, and the paps which never gave suck. 39 Then shall they begin to say to the mountains, Fall on us, and to the hills, Cover us. 3! For if they do these things in a green tree, what shall be done in the dry? 32 And there were also two other malefactors led with him, to be put to death. *3 And when they were come to the place which is called ¢ Calvary, there é they crucified him, and the ma- lefactors, one on the right hand, and the other on the left. 34Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do: and they parted his raiment, and cast lots. °° And the peo- ple stood beholding, and the rulers also with them derided him, saying, He saved others, let him save himself, if he be Christ,the chosen of God. ®®And the soldiers also mocked him, coming to him, and offering him vinegar, 37 and saying, If thou be the king of the Jews, save thyself. 38 And a superscription also was written over him in letters of Greek, and Latin, and Hebrew, THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS. 39 And one of the malefac- tors, which were hanged, railed on him, saying, If thou beChrist, save thyself and us. 4° But the other answering, rebuked him, saying, Dost not thou fear God, seeing thou art in the same con- demnation ? 4! And we indeed * Or, the place of a scull.Luxr XXIII. 42. justly ; for we receive the due reward of our deeds, but this man hath done nothing amiss. 42 And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou com- est into thy kingdom. 43 And Jesus said unto him, Verily, I say unto thee, to day shalt thou be with me in paradise. 44 And it was about the sixth hour, and there was a darkness over all the cearth, until the ninth hour. 45 And the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst. 46 And when Jesus had cried , with a loud voice, he said, Fa- ther, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost. 47 Now when the centurion saw what was done, he glorified God, saying, Certainly this was a righteous man. 48 And all the people that came together to that sight, beholding the things which were done, smote their breasts, and returned. 49 And all his acquaintance, and women that followed him from Galilee, stood afar off, behold- ing these things. the 50 And behold, there was a man named Joseph, a counsel- lor, and he was a good man, & ajust. 5! (The same had not consented to the counsel and deed of them) he was of Ari- matheea, acity of the Jews (who also himself waited for the kingdom of God.) °? This man went unto Pilate, and begged the body of Jesus. 53 And he took it down, and wrapped it in linen, and laid it in a sepul- chre that was hewn in stone, wherein never man before was laid. 54 And that day was the preparation, and the sabbath drew on. 55 And the women also which came with him from Galilee, followed after, and beheld the 216 EYATTEAION duxatws’ dEva yep ev empagapey amro- Nee ottos O€ ovdey MroTroy émpaée. * Kat edeye T@ Inoov Miz contri pov, Kupte, orav edOns ev ™ Bactheia cov. * Kal elmev avT@ 6 ‘Tnoovs" Amy. héyw col, oNEpov peT E“ov Eon EV TO mapadeio@. 44 Hy 82 doel pa EKTN kal oKOTOS eyeveTo ep ohny THY ys eas epas evvatns. © Kal eoxoricOy 6 Tos, kal ecxiaOn TO kaTamérag pa TOU vaov pe cov’ * Kat povncas povn peyahn 6 Sngods etme’ Ildrep, els yelpas oov * rapa@n ropa” TO Tvevpa prov. Kat Tava elmav ef emvevoen. 47 "TSav O€ 6 Exar ovrapXos TO yevo- peevov eddEace Tov Qecor, heyou “Ovras 6 avOporos obtos Sikatos jv. % Kat mayres ot cupmapayevonevor dxAot eT TY Gewpiay TAUTNY, Gewpodrres Ta Ye~ vomeva, TUmTovtes PéavT@y” Ta orn On meat pepor. 4 elgrnkewoay d€ mavtTes Ol yvaorol avTou 0 paxpdber, Kal yuvaikes at cuvaxohovOn carat avT@ amo THs TadwAalas, opOcat Tavta. Kai idov, avnp ovdpart ‘loon, Bovkcurys UTAPXOV, avip ayabos Kat Oixavos, ° 1 (otros ovK ay ovyKaratebet- pevos Tn BovdAn Kat TH mpager avuTay, ) dro "Apipabaias TOAEWS TOV ‘Toudaion, Cés Kal mpooedeXeTo kal avTos” THI Baotret elav TOU cou, £2 ovros mpooe Bay T@ Tluar@ AT TATO TO capa Tov “In- cod. 53 Kal Kabehov avTo everuEev avTd owvddyt, Kal eOnkev avTo ev pupae Aakevta, ob ovK my ovderr@ ovdels Kel- 54 d plevos. Kal” népa ny tapackeun, A , fa > kal caBBarov erépocke. = , A xa KataxoAovénoaca b€ * Kat” yu- 5 a > c > vaikes, aiTiwes Hoav cuveAnduOviat av- a 3 ~ / > 7 A To ek THs Tadudaias, €Geacavto ro Q@ OW rapariOeuae Dist Y SD og woocede ETO. dase = — a joa eos Or, land,KATA AOYKAN. Qh cr NaC 3 ‘6 A a > a pvnpetov, Kal as ereOn TO T@pa avTov. HN \ a , Babéos MAOov emi TO pynpa, PEepovoat @ nrolmacay apa@para, “kai TwWes ovV > rn “ 2 e é \ ri6 > avtais.” ? etpov d€ Tov AiGov arroKeKu- hiopevov amd Tov pyneiov, * Kai eio- ehOovoar ovX evpoy TO Gapa TOU > i , Pn Kupiov ‘Incov. Kal eyeveTo EV TO a / SamopetaGar avtas mepl TouTov, Kal id N b 2 8 bu Wiice, / > a > iSov, » dvSpes Ovo” emeotnoay avrats ev > / , egOnoeow aoTpanrovoas. > eupdoBav dé yevopevov avTOV, Kal KAWwovdey TO mpdawrov eis THY ynY, ELITOV TOS auras" Ti (yretre Tov (OvTa peta TOV vEeKpar ; § > + a > > > , 6 . , ovk €or @de, GAN TyEpOn’ pynoOnte ¢ SNes con ” + > ~ os éAdAnoev vpiv, ere Ov ev TH Tade- hala, 7 Aéyavs “Ore det Tov vlOv TOU > UZ > > a > avOporrov mapadoOjvar ets xelpas av- : 3 Oparav dpapToAar, Kal oTavpoOnvat, kal TH TpiTn NMEpa avacTHyat. Soa 2 ee : a ¢ , > Kat éuynoOnoav TOY pnpatev av- Tov’ * Kal UroaTpeyacat amo TOU pyN- ; : f pelov, amnyyei\ay TadTa mavTa_ Tots éySexa Kat mac Tots © ourois. |? Hy de” 9 Maydadnvi) Mapia kat “lodvva Kal Mapia ‘lakwBov, kat at owrat ou av- Zz A LA > rais, Vat’ éheyov mpos Tovs atroaToAous radta. ! cal edynoay evomvoy avtev A rn >? &oel Anpos Ta pnuata a’Tov, Kal nTI- a 9 , crovv avrais. 6 dé Ilérpos avaoras eOpapey ETL TO prvnpetoy, Kal tapakuyyas Bdérter ta Oda Keipeva pdva’ Kal > ~ A if A 4 A amn\Oe mpos éavTov Cavpatwv TO ye- ovos. \ ‘ , es 13 Kal idov, dvo €& avTav naav To- Pevopevot Ev AUTH TH) mepa eis K@pNv ¢ amréxovoay oradious é€nkovta amo ‘le- povoadi, 7 ovopa "Eppaovs’ ™ kat Lucerx x1V. 14. sepulchre, and how his body was laid. 96 And they returned, and prepared spices and oint- ments, and rested the sabbath day, according to the com- mandment. 24. Now upon the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they came unto the sepulchre, bringing the spices which they had prepared, and certain others with them. ? And they found the stone rolled away from the sepulchre. ? And they entered in, and found not the body of the Lord Jesus. 4 And it came to pass, as they were much perplexed there- about, behold, two men stood by them in shining garments. 5 And as they were atraid, and bowed down their faces to the earth, they said unto them, Why seek ye @ the living among the dead? & He is not here, but is risen: remember how he spake unto you when he was yet in Galilee, 7 saying, The Son of mau must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again. 8 And they remembered his words, 9 and returned from the sepulchre, and told all these things unto the eleven, and to all the rest. 1° It was Mary Magdalene, and Joanna, and Mary the mother of James, ard other women that were with them, which told these things unto the apostles. !! And their words seemed to them as idle tales, and they believed them not. !2 Then arose Peter, and ran unto the sepulchre, and stooping down, he beheld the linen clothes laid by themselves, and departed, wondering in himself at that which was come to pass. 13 And behold, two of them went that same day to a vil- lage calied Emmaus, which was from Jerusalem about three- score furlongs. !4 And they a— bv Rec. duo aréoes Cm —. Rec. & Gb. Aorrrors. Nay Gar— ortrors. * Or, him that liveth. dieLuxe XXIV. 15. talked together of all these things which had happened. 18 And it came to pass, that while they communed together, and reasoned, Jesus himself drew near, and went with them. 16 But their eyes were holden, that they should not know him. 17 And he said unto them, What manner of communications are these that ye have one to an- other as ye walk, and are sad? 18 And the one of them,whose name was Cleopas, answering, said unto him, Art thou only a stranger in Jerusalem, and hast not known the things which are come to pass there in these days ? !9 And he said unto them, What things? And they said unto him, Concerning Jesus of Nazareth, which was a prophet, mighty in deed and word before God, and all the people. 29 And how the chief priests and our rulers delivered him to be con- demned to death, and have cru- cified him. 7?! But we trusted that it had been he,which should have redeemed Israel: and be- side all this, to day is the third day since these things were done. 22 Yea, and certain wo- men also of our company made us astonished, which were early at the sepulchre: 7? and when they found not his body, they came, saying, that they had also seen a vision of angels, which said that he was alive. 24 And certain of them which were with us, went to the se- pulchre, and found it even so as the women had said, but him they saw not. 25 Then he said unto them, O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken: 26 ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into his glory ? 27 And beginning at Moses, and all the prophets, he expounded 218 EYATTEAION avTot opirovy 7 T™pos addndous TEpl Tav- TOY TOV oupBeBnKorey | TOUT@Y. Kae eyevero | Ev TO opthety avrous kal ou¢n- TEL, kal avros 0 ‘Ingovs eyyloas ouve- mopevero avrois’ 1 of Oe 6pOarpot ; - abrav eKPaTOvVTO TOU eM, emuyvavat aurov. ™ etme O€ T™ pos avtovs’ Tives ot Adyot obTot, ods avTiBadeTE Tpds ah- Anhovs TepuTarovyTes, Kal EOTE TKU- Oparrot ; : aS “Arroxpe eis O€ 6 eis, @ ovopa Kedras, cme T™pos avrov: Sv pdvos mapoukers * “Tepovoahip, Kal ovK eyvos Ta myErr ev aury ev Tals npéepacs | TAVTALS ; ; 19 Kal eirev avtrots’ Iota; Of dé elroy are’ Ta wept ‘Inoov TOU Nes Cwpatov, os eyevero avip mpopntns, Ouvaros ev EPpy? Kat Ady@ evayt toy TOU Geod kal mavros Tov Naot’ 7° draws Te maped@kay aurov ol apXvepets Kal ot dpxovres nav eis Kpiva Oavatov, Kat eravpacay airéy) 2 nuts dé nAmi- Couev OTe avTés eoTLy 6 pehhov v- Tpova dar Tov’ Iopann. aha ye avy mace TOUTOLS Tpirny TavTny npepav ayet on- HEpOV, ap ot TavTa eYEVETO. 22 GhAa Kat yuvaixés Tues €& npav efeoroay mpas, yev6 evan opOpsar € em TO pynpecov™ 73 kal pi) evpovoat 70 ropa avTOU, NA- Ov, heyourat Kal onraciay dyyehov Ewpakévat, ol Néyovow avroyv Gy. ™ Kat ann Oov TIVES TOY ou nly emt TO pevnpetor, Kal eb pov oUT@ Kadas Kal at yuvaikes etmov’ auTov d€ ovK Tore unvorgey avTay Tov vou, TOU opened he their understanding, g@uyévar Tas ypapas: 46 Kal eirrev av- that they might understand the TOLeOF: OOF a 1. Di ea OOF scriptures, 48 and said unto Ss & yep TT Al, Kee @s them, Thus it is written, and €0eu” waGety roy Xproroy, Kal dvaorivat thus it behoved Christ to suf- 47 €k VER @vV ™ Te iT 7, € a, Kal Kn- fer, and to rise from the dead p a] P 2) 7p Pg 7 the third day: 47 and that re- puxOjvar € Emr TO ovopare avtou pera- pentance and remission of sins poray Kal dperw dprapri@y els wavra should be preached in his name, me 2a 7 rf among all nations, beginning Se dp&djevov amo Oe Cees at Jerusalem. 48 And ye are vpeis d€ € Ws papTupes TOUT av. * Kab witnesses of these things. 49And id : LOov, €yw amooTeAA behold, I send the promise of a ee) amoarehho Thy emayyediy my Father upon you: but tarry TOU marpos ee ep Upas” UMEls de Dee ye in the city of Jerusalem, Oioare € ey TH wohet c ‘Tepovoadnp,” € éas until ye be endued with power momen tion ov cvdvanode Svvapuy ef trpous. | 2: “Esyyaye be avrous Teco Eos ELS 50 And he led them out as Br@aviay Kal émdpas Tas Xetpas avrov, far as to Bethany, and he lift DAG 51 : Jo evdloynoev avTovs. Kal éyeveTo ev up his hands, and blessed them. a - y 5! And it came to pass, while TO oy auto aurous, OueoTn a am he blessed them, he was parted aura, © Kal avepépero eis TOY ovpavdy.” from them, and carried up into 52 Heaven 8 and they worship- Kal avrolt mporKuyngarres auton,’ ped him, and returned to Jeru- Umeorpeway Eis ‘Tepovoah jy pera Xapas salem, with great joy: 3 and 1X 53 eya at La were continually in the tem- leg oe i . no Ovamravros ev T@ ple, praising and blessing God. lep@, aivovvtes Kal evoyourTes TOV Amen. Geopv. &” EYATTEAION KATA ITQANNHN, N the beginning was the « ¢ , > Word, and ¥ Word was with PLN a apxn nY 0 Aoyos, Kal oe Adyos 1p , God, and the Word was God. T™pos TOV Gcov, Kal Geds nV 6 hoyos. _ bo © Gb. om, d es o> & Rec. add annyKATA IQANNHN. Joun I. 19. ) PS > > > n \ \ ‘ - . - 2 obTos ny €v apxXN Mpos Toy Gedy. 2 The same was in the begin- 3 / > > ~ > / mavra Ov aurov EYEVETO, avTou eyevero ode eV, re) _yeyouev: Kal X@pis ning with God. 3 All things » were made by him, and with- €Y out him was notany thing made avT@ (a7) 7 Ms Kal 7) on) j ny TO pes T@V that was made. 4 In him was avé OT OY > Kal TO @S ey TH oKOTIA 2 HI life, and the life was the light of men. © And the light shineth paiver, Kal 1) OKOTiA AUTO OU xaréAaBev. in darkness, and the darkness 6 “EyeveTo avOparos acne es mapa Ocov, OVOHLA AUT@ ‘Toavins. 4 compr ehended it not. 6 ‘There was aman sent from ov- God, whose name was John. TOS nGev eis peaprupiay, wa paprupnon 7 The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, TEpl TOU ards, | Wa TAVTES TLOTEVT OO’ that all men through him might bv avtov. ® ovK Hy ekelvos TO Ps, GAN’ believe. §% He was not that iva paprupnon TEpl TOU pares. Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light. 9°Hy ro Pas ro anbwdy, é 0 pori¢er 9 That was the true Light, wavTa @vOpearov, €PXOMEvOV els TOV KO- 10 which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. 1° He Por: ev TO KOT LO 1 Kal 0 KOO pos was in the world, and the world by avrou eyeveT TO, Kal Oo KOO [LOS avroy Wasmade by him, and the world ll OUK EYYO. els Ta iia nO, Kal ol iOtoe avTov ov mapéedaBor. + D0tN y > - ¢ , ehaBov avTov, €OMKEY aUTOLS eSovoiay knew him not. !! He came unto his own, & his own received him dcot O€ not. 12 But as many as received him, to them gave he “power to become the sons of God, even TeKva Ocov yever Bau, Tots TLoTEvOUT to them that believe on his Els TO ovoma avtov’ 8 otovK ef aipLaT @y, mame: '8 which were born, > Qs 6. Wee Ne 6 not of blood, nor of the will of ouve ex Jed Senos TApKos, ovde €k the flesh, nor of the will of man, Anparos dyOpos, aAN €k Ocov every} but of God. | And the Word Onoay. ae Kal 0 Aoyos caps EVEVETO, Kal was made flesh, and dwelt a- mong us (and we beheld his eKYVOrEy ev mut Kal eGcacaueba glory, the glory as of the only 1 ’ y> ; Ty bdgay QuTOv, Oo§ay OS jrovoryevous mapa Tatpos,) TAnpyns XdptTos Kal ahy- elas. 1 *Iadvyns papTupet i mept avTov, > Kekpaye ) eyo" Obros fv Ov etror, peaieey /4OU eth after me, is preferred before Ndi) > & Kay’ ék me, for he was before me. oTrlo@ pou EPXOPEVOS, € (LTT yeyouen" OTL TP@TOS pou 7Y. 3) begotten of the Father) full of grace and truth. \ - . . Kat 15 John bare witness of him, ee) and cried, saying, This was he of whom | spake, He that com- 16 And of his fulness haye all TOU mAnpewaros avTov npets mavres we received, and grace for eAdBopev Kal xapy avrtt Xaperos* W 6ru grace. 17 For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth 6 vouwos Sua Macews €ddén, 1 xapis cay Oe Naess Conceh (ke 1 adj Oeva Ova ‘Tyoou Xprorou eyevero. man hath seen God at any time: is Oey ovdets EwpaKe TOTOTE 6 HOUGs the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he yerns | vids,” 0 Ov els TOV KOATrov TOU hath declared him. TATPOS, exelvos eyynoaro. Y Kal ary €oTlW 7 paprupia TOU 19 And this is the record of Twdvvov, ore ameatetday ot Lovdator e& Sie na eS en 2 ee a Gb. ore. ba John, when the Jewssent priests * Or, the right, or, privilege.BORIS, ae Joun I. '20. and Levites from Jerusalem, to ask him, Who art thou ? 79 And he confessed, and denied not: but confessed, I am not the Christ. 2! And they asked him, What then ? Art thou Elias 7 And he saith, I am not. Art thou ¢that prophet? And he answered, No. 2 Then said they unto him, Who art thou, that we may give an answer to them that sent us ? What sayest thou of thyself? 23 He said, am the voice of one crying in the wilderness: Make straight the way of the Lord, as said the prophet Esaias. And they which were sent, were of the Pharisees. 2 And they asked him, and said unto him, Why baptizest thou then, if thou be not that Christ, nor Elias, neither that prophet ? 26 John answered them, saying, I baptize with water, but there standeth one among you, whom ye know not, 27 he it is, who coming after me, is preferred before me, whose shoes latchet ] am not worthy to unloose. 23 These things were done in Bethabara beyond Jordan, where John was baptizing. 2) The next day, John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which #& taketh away the sin of the world. 30 This is he of whom I said, After me cometh aman, which is preferred before me: for he was before me. 31 And I knew him not: but that he should be made mani- fest to Israel, therefore am come baptizing with water. 32 And John bare record say- ing, I saw the Spirit descending from heaven, like a dove, and it abode upon him. % And I kpew him not: but he that sent me to baptize with water, the same said unto me, Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit de- mY DD? EYATITEAION ‘Iepooohvpey lepeis Kal Acuiras, iva 20 ris ei; ~ Kal epoTnaT@oL avroy" opohoyncre, Kal OUK npynoaro: Kal @[0- Aoynoey “Oru oUK eipl eyo é Xpvoros. 4h Kat npotnoay avToy’ Té ou ; *HAlas el ov; 3 Kai Reyeu’ Ovk eipi. “O mpopn- Tas el ov; Kat an expiOn’ Ov. 7? Etzoy ovv avT@’ Tis ely wa amroKpow Odpev TOls meppacw mpas” Ti eyes Tept TEavTON ; Bec “Edn” ‘Eye povy Boev- Tos ev TH Epnpo Ev@uvate Tay 60ov Kupiov’ Kabas €lITEV ‘Hoatlas 0 T po- pnrns. 4 Kat ot deo rah pevor noay EK TOY Dapicaioy’ 2 KGL nporn cay aurov, Kat elTrov avT@* Ti ovv Parrigecs, el ov OUK €L 6 Xpuords, OUTE "HiXias, OUTE O Tpo- pnrys' 6 > AmexpiOn avrois 6 ‘loavyns eyov, ‘Eyo Barriga ev vOaTL’ pecos de v pov EOTIIKEY, oy Dpets ovK oldaTe’ 7 adrds ECT” O oTio@ prov EpXSpevos, a os epmpoo dev pou yeyovev™ ou eyo" ovK epi d&los Wa AVTw avTOD TOP iudvra tod vmodnpatos. ~ Tatra ev 4 BrnOavia” eyévero mépay Tov ‘lopdavov, érou HY lwavyns Banri¢ar. aT emauplov Bheret Ex EpXOpevov pos avrov, Kal eye” ‘We 6 apes TOU Qeov, 6 atpov THY Gpapriay Tov Koapov. *9 ovrdés eat TEpl Ov eyw elrov’ “Orricw pou epxerau anp, Os ep- mpoo bev pov yeyover, OTL mparos jou nV. Kayo ovK Oe avtév' GAN wa pavepob7 T@ ‘Iopard, dia Todt HOov eye ev Te ” $date Banrifav. * Kai euaptupnoey ladvyns héyav' “Ore Te- Geapa TO Tvevpa kataBatvov Sas” me~ prorepay e& ovpavon, Kal epenvey en avtov. °° Kaya ovK ew autév? adn 6 mepnvas He | Pamrigey € ev voart, € EKELVOS pot eimev, “Ed oy dy tdns TO Ivedpa \ > ~ TOV Ingouy 2Gb,om. © Gb.om,. ¢e =O tee. * Or, a prophet. Or, ~ B7GaBapa. © Rec. add o Iwavyns. f+ § Rec. woes. B bearethKATA IQANNHN. 223 r \ / by) > \ 2 , kataBaivoy Kal pevoy €7% GUTOV, OUTOS > 7 , eorw 6 Bantifov ev IIvevpare ayo. 4 , ¢ 34 Kdya@ Ewpaka, Kal pe“apTUpHKA OTL obTés eat 6 vids TOU Oeou. 35 Ty eau they eloTnKer 0 la- 1 emavplov Tay ELoTN al an > ~ , duns, Kal ek Tey panT@v avToOU dvo. 8 nal euBderas TO Ijgov mepuTa- A + > A a roovtt, eye’ “Ide 0 apvos TOU Oeov. > > “A 7 37 Kal jKovgay avrov ol dvo padn- ~ > 4 ~ ral AadovvTos, Kal NKoNovenoay TO "Incov. > aA 38 Srpadels dé 6 "Inaods, Kal deaca- pevos avTous axodovbovvras, Aéyet av- trois’ 39 Ti (yreire; Oi O€ etmov avTo" ‘PaBBi, (5 AeyeTar Eppnvevopevoy, Ou- / n~ / d / > cr SdoKane,) mov pevers; *? Neyer avtots . a 3 "EpyeoOe Kal * were.” "HAOoy Kat eiSov rod pever’ Kal Tap avT@ cpevvay Tiy Hpepay ekelyny' dpa?” jy as de- carn. *! Ay Avdpeas 6 adehos Zipavos / © n nr / Tlérpov, eis ek ray Ovo Tay akoveayTwy mapa “ladvvov, Kal axodovdnadytev avT@. ~ evplokes ovTOS mpaTOS TOV adehpov Toy tdiov Vipeva, Kat Aeyet aire: Evpyxayev tov © Meooiar,” (6 z t P17] fe ; au a 9 ae €oTe preOeppnvevdmevor, Xpiords’) 43 kal Hyayev avroy mpos TOV “Incovy. > of e/4 > es ae: n as < \ a enPreyras | aug ¢ Ingovs eure Zu et Sipeov 6 vids lava’ od KhnOnon Kynpas’ a 4 s (6 €punveverat Ilerpos.) rn , > s c L r 44 Tp emavprov nOcAnoey |” e&edOetv els tiv TadtAalav’ Kat evpioxer Pidur- \ / > ~ ot? ~ Ma mov, Kal heyet auT@ 0 Inaous” Ako- , = 3 \ hovder por. * “Hy dé 6 Pidumos amo BnOcaida, ex THs Toews "Avdpéou Kat Ilérpov. * evpioxes Pidummos tov Na- Oavanr, Kat héyer ad’t@* “Ov eypawe Re ge, eae a Moons €v TO vou Kal of mpopyrat, ¢ , > ~ ~ evpyxapev, Inoovy Tov vidv rov ‘lwonp > f sy a rov amo " Na¢aped.” “7 Kai eirev avt@ if > \Qy Nadavand’ °Ex "Na¢aped"’ dSvvarai re Joun I. 47. scending, and remaining on him, the same is he which baptizeth with the Holy Ghost. *4 And Isaw, and bare record, that this is the son of God. 35 Again the next day after, John stood, and two of his dis- ciples. 36 And looking upon Jesus as he walked, he saith, Behold the Lamb of God. 37 And the two disciples heard him speak, and they followed Jesus. 38 Then Jesus turned, and saw them following, and saith unto them, What seek ye? 39 They said unto him, Rabbi, (which is to say being inter- preted, Master) where a dwell- est thou? 4° He saith unto them, Come and see. They came and saw where he dwelt, and abode with him that day: for it was about the tenth hour. 4! One of the two which heard John speak, and followed him, was Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother. 42 He first findeth his own brother Simon, and saith unto him, We have found the Messias, which is, being interpreted, & the Christ. 4° And he brought him to Jesus. And when Jesus beheld him, he said, Thou art Simon the son of Jona, thou shalt be called Cephas, which is by interpreta- tion, y A stone. 44 The day following, Jesus would go forth into Galilee, and findeth Philip, and saith unto him, Follow me. * Now Philip was of Bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Peter. 46 Philip findeth Nathanael, and saith unto him, We have found him of whom Moses, in thelaw, and the prophets did write, Jesus of Nazareth the son of Joseph. 47 And Nathanael said unto him, Can there any good thing come a oWecde. » Rec. add de. C®Meciav, 4 Rec. add o. * Or, abidest. & Rec. & Gb. om, h Rec, S Nafaper. bis. € Rec. add de. f Rec. add o Iyngovs. B Or, the anointed. Y Or, PeterIRR, Joun I. 48. out of Nazareth? Philip saith unto him, Come and see. 48 Jesus saw Nathanael com- ing to him, and saith of him, Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile. 49 Na- thanael saith unto him, Whence knowest thou me? Jesus an- swered, and said unto him, Before that Philip called thee, # when thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee. 50 Na- thanael answered, and saith unto him, Rabbi, thou art the son of God, thou art the King of Israel. “51 Jesus answered, and said unto him, Because J °® said unto thee, I saw thee under ¢ the fig tree, believest thou ? thou shalt see greater things than these. °2 And he saith unto him, Verily, verily I say unto you, Hereafter ye shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending, and descend- ing upon the Son of man. 2. And the third day there was a Marriage in Cana of Ga- lilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. * And both Jesus was called, a and his disciples, to the marriage. 3 And when they wanted wine, the mother of Jesus saith unto him, They have no wine. 4 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee ? mine hour is not yet come. ° His mother saith unto the servants, Whatsoever he saith unto you, doit. & And there were set there six water- pots of stone, after the manner of the purifying of the Jews, containing two or three firkins apiece. 7 Jesus saith unto them, Fill the waterpots with water. And they filled them up to the brim. 8 Andhe saith unto them, Draw out now, and bear unto the governor of the feast. And they bare it. 9 When the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and knew not whence it was, (but the 224 EYATTEAION ayaboy iva; Aéyeu avT@ @ihimros - | “Epxou Kai ie. 28 Bide 16 avtov’ “Ide adnGas “Iopanhirys, ev @ OdAos ovK gate. =*? Aéyet auT@ Naba- aN T1dGev pe yuvorkels § "Arrexpiby “Inoovs Kat etmev abr @" IIpo. TOU GE Didurmoy Povi og, OVTa UO THY ovKnY elOOy ve. © AmexpiOn Naavanh Kal Neyer atT@* ‘PaBsi, Gu el 6 vids TOU Sco, ov et 6 Paotheds TOU ‘Iopann. “AmexpiOn ‘Ingovs kat elirev avT@* “Ore €imov cou Eidév oe ee THIS OUTS: TLOTEVELS 3 peifo Tovrey > Onn.” isa ever auTe" Apa cyeny heyeo Upiy, car apre" oweabe TOV oupavoy avewyora, Kal Tous ayyéhous Tov Geov avaj3aivoyras Kal KatraBaivoyvtas emt TOV viov TOU avOporov. 2 Kai ™ nyse spa TH TpiTn yapios eye- vero ev Kava tis Padiiaias, Kal nv 7 pnTNp TOU "Inood exet. 7 ex On Oe Kal O Anoods Kal ob pabyrat avroo els TOY yapov. 3 kal dorepnoavros owov, Neyer 1) Patnp TOU ‘Ingod 7 mpos avtév’ Oivoy OUK EXouol. Aeyet avuTn 6 ‘Inoovs" Tt enol kal ool, yuvar; ovmw Kee 7 4 ¢ / n r @pa pov. > Aeyet 7) ENTNP avrov TOLS Ovakdvors’ “O re dy heyy tpir, moujoar €. "Hoav O€ éxet bSplas AiOwar éF kei- evar kata TOY Kafapiopoyv Tay ‘lov- ~ - \ Odiov, xapovoa ava petpytas dvo 7} Tpets. 7 / > os C3). BN , “ Aeyer autots o Inoovs' Vepioare tas vOpias Vdaros. Kai éyépicay atras Yo ey, 8 \ / >; ome, Nn ews Gv. © Kat heyet avtois’ “AvTAnoarte a , a / vuv, Kat Péepere TO apxirpixhive. Kai mveykay. @s be eyevoato 6 apxerpt- khwos TO VOwp oivoy yeyernpevov, (kat OUK 7O€L moGev €oTiy ol Oe OvaKovoe & Rec, add o, b Ree. oes. on ‘Ingovs Tov Naéavarr €pXOpevov Tpos avroY, Kal Neyer meptKATA IOANNHN. 225 qoevray ot nyTAnkores TO VO@p" ) pave TOV vuppiov 6 6 apxirpikduos, * Kal de- yet autre’ Ilas avOparros TP@Tov Tov KaNov oivov TiOnot, Kal oray pedro Gaon, TOTE TOV e\doow GU TETHPNKAS TOY KaNov oivoy éws aptt. “ Tavrny erroi- noe THY apxXiV TY onpEel@y 6 “Inoovs ev Kava tis Tadidaias, Kai epavépaoe Tyv Sd€av avrov’ Kal émiotevoay eis avTov ot paGnrai avrov. Mera rotvto xatéBn cis Kazep- \ > A \ , > aN \ ¢ yaovpL, AUTOS Kal 7) PLNTNP AUTOV, Kal ot adedpol avrov, kal of padnrai avrov* KL €KEL eweway ov mohhas muEpas. as’ Kav eyyes mY TO Taocxa TOY ‘lov- daiav, Kal dveBn eis ‘lepoodhupa 6 6 ‘In- cous. ™ kai ebpev ev TO iep@ TOUS mohovvras Béas Kal mpoBara Kal Trepi- OTEpas, Kal Tous Keppatioras KaOnpe- vous. Kal mowjoas ppayeAdoy ek oXoLvior, jmavTas e&Ba aNev €K TOU lepou, Ta Te mpdBara Kai Tous Boas: Kal T@V Ko\NvBiotaev e&€xee TO KEppa, Kal Tas Tpamécas avéeotpee. 7° kal Tots Tas meptoTepas mohovow eimrey" “Apare Travta evrevdev’ py movetre TOV OlKoY TOU TATPOS {LOU OLKOY eproptov. My ‘E- pono Onoay be ot padnrat avrod, OTe yeypappevov eativ’ “O pos Tov oikov gov *xatapdayerai” pe. a8 “AmexplOnoay ovyv ot “Toudator Kal cirrov avT@’ Tt onpretoy SecKvuers Hi, OTL TaUTA ToLels 5 19 “ArrexpiOn Doe ‘In- gous Kal elmey auTots” Aveare TOV vaov TOUTOY, Kal ev Tploly nuepats eyEp@ avtév. ™ Eizov ot ot lovdatou Teo- capdKovra Kal e& ereow pxodoun dn 6 vaos ovros, Kal ov é€y TpLoly npLepaus eyepets avrov; 7 "Ekeivos dé deve mept TOU VaOU TOU TapaTos avrov. * dre ouy myepOn ek eK veKpav, enynoOnoay ot a Rec. xarepayes 16 Joun II. 22. servants which drew the water knew) the governor of the feast called the bridegroom, !° and saith unto him, Every man at the beginning doth set forth good wine, and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse: but thou hast kept the good wine until now. !! This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and mani- fested forth his glory, and his disciples believed on him. 12 After this he went down to Capernaum, he and his mother, and his brethren, and his disci- ples, and they continued there not many days. 2 13 And the Jews passover was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem 4 and found in the temple those that sold oxen, and sheep, and doves, and the changers of money, Sitting. ° And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep and the oxen, and poured out the changers’money, and overthrew the tables, '® and said unto them that sold doves Take these things hence, make not my Father’s house an house of merchandise. !7 And his dis- ciples remembered that it was written, The zeal of thine house hath eaten me up. 18 Then answered the Jews, and said unto him, What sign shewest thou unto us, seeing that thou doest these things? 19 Jesus answered, and said un- to them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up. 79 Then said the Jews, Forty and six years was this temple in building, and wilt thou rear it up in three days ? 21 But he spake of the temple of his body. 22 When therefore he was risen from the dead, his bson ST RR TTT TT Jorn Li. 23; disciples remembered that he had said this unto them: and they believed the scripture, and the word which Jesus had said. 23 Now when he was in Je- rusalem at the passover, in the feast day, many believed in his name, when they saw the mira- cles which he did. 24 But Jesus did not commit himself unto them, because he knew all men, 25 and needed not that any should testify of man: for he knew what was in man. 3. There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews: ? the same came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him. 3 Jesus answered, and said unto him, Verily, verily I say unto thee, Except a man be born @again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. 4 Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old ? can he enter the se- cond time into his mother’s womb, and be born ? 5 Jesus answered, Verily, ve- rily I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. ® That which is born of the flesh, is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit, is spirit. 7 Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born Sagain. 8 The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit. 226 EYATTEAION 6 \ > mg eh, a“ a ale \ pa nTat avuTOv OTL TOUTO eAeye Kat emlatevoay TH ypapn, Kai T@ hoy@ @ eimev 6 Ingots. BRO sOg ny ev ” Trois” ‘Iepowohuprous eV TO maoXA, ev ™ EOpTy mohNol emi- orevoay eis TO ovopa avrov, Gewpovrres avTov Ta onpeia a. émoie.. * avros de 6 ‘Inoovs ouK emlaTevey E€AvTOV avrois, La 70 avrov yoo ke mavras" 2 kal OTL Ov xpelay eiyey wa Tis paprupnon mept TOU avOparrov" autos yap éyiva@oKe Ti nv ev TO avOpor@. 3. Hy de dvOpemos eK TOV Pape- Talor, Nixddnpos ovopa avTe, apxeu Tov lovdalov. ? ovTos moe mpos °av- Tov” vukros, Kal eimev atT@* ‘PaBBi, olOapev ore aro Qeov edi udas dida- oKxados’ ovdels yap. TAUTA TH onpeta Svvara TOLElyy a ov TroLels, €av pi) 7 6 cds peT avTov. sg ‘AsrexpiOn d 6” *Incovs kat elev atTo’ “Apr auny deve Gol, eay py Tes ev Of avober, ov Ovvatat idety tiv Baotdetay TOU Geov. 4 Aéyer mpos avTov 6 Nexodnpos® Hos Suvarat avOparos yevynOnvat yEpav ov; py Svvarat eis THY KolAiay THS pNTpPOS avtov Sevrepov ciaehOeiy Kal yevyn- Ova 5 "ArrekpiOn © 6 ” Incods* “Apny apnv eyo cou, cay pn Tis yevunOyn €& VdaTos °) \ , > , > a } kal IIvevparos, ov Ouvata eioed Get eis THv Baothelay ToU Geov. © TO yeyevyn- [eVvOV €K 77s OapKos, cap €oTl Kal TO yeyevynprevov €K TOU IIvevparos, TVEDLA €oTl. 7 un Oavpaons ote eimov cou Act vpas yevnOnvar avober. & ro Tvev pa Orrou Oeder mrvet, Kal THY paory avTov akovels, GAN ovk oltdas wéGev & EPXETAL Kal 1OU Umayel’ oUTws é€oTl Tas 6 YeE- yevunevos ex Tov Iyvevparos. §® Ree. add avrois. b Rec. om. rors. © Rec. rov Incovr. die & Or, from above. € Gb. om. “ Or, from above.KATA IQANNHN. 227 9 *ArrexpiOn Nixddypos Kal elev av- to’ Iles dvvatat TavTa yever Gat § “10 ‘ArrexpiOy a”Ingovs Kai elev av- TH" BV et 6 dudadoKahos Too Topair, Kal TavTa ov yyookels 5 1 Quy ayny heyo 0, OTL O olOapey hahouper, Kal 0 é@- pakapey peaprupovpey” Kal THY papruptay Lav ov AapBavere. a2 el Ta emiyeta eumrov dpiv, Kal ov MOTEVETE, TOS, eay elmo vply Ta cmoupavid, TLOTEVTETE } ag Kal oudels dyaj3_BnKev eis TOV ovpavoy, el pa) 6 €K TOU ovpavov KaraBas, 6 vios TOU avOporov >6 dy eV TO ovpave”* 14 kal Kadas Moons whbace Toy Opi ev T) EPNE®s OUT@S vypoOnvar det TOY vlov Tov gue aeIOU, 1b Wa was 6 TLCTEVOY eis avrov © p11) Grohyrat, adn” EX Cary aiayvov. ' ovte yap yarn vey 6 Ocos TOY KOO}LOY, @oTe TOV vioy avTOU TOV povoyert edaxer, wa Tas 6 TLOTEVOY eis QUTOV 21) amohyrat, ann eX Cany al@viov. 7 ov yap aurea rethey. 6 evs TOV voy AUTOU cis. TOV KOT HOY, iva Kpivn roy Kéopov, GAN iva c@by 6 Kdopos Ov See auTov. As ‘0 TUT TEVOY eis avToY Ov Kpiverau” 6 be pa moTEvoOV 78m KeKpUuTat, OTL pn TETLOTEUKEY Els TO ovope 7 TOU jrovoryevous viov Tou Gecov. 1 avrn de cor 1 Kplots, ore TO pes ehnudev els TOV KOO HOV, Kal nyannoay ot avO parrot pahdov TO TKOTOS, 7) TO pos 1 yap movnpa avuTaev Ta epya. 20" ras Yap | 6 avhan mparooy, pLLoret TO pes, kal OvK epxeTau mpos TO dos, wa pny eheyx OF Ta epye, avrov" Gy Oe TOLOY Tv adynOeay, Epxerau mpos 70 pos, iva pavepobn avrov Ta epya, OTe ev Oc@ EoTW eipyaopeva. 22 Mera TavTa nhOev 6 ‘Ingovs Kau OL padnrat avrov «is THY ‘Toudaiay yay kal exet SuérpiBe per adt@y Kat a Rec. add o. bo (Oy BE4 Jonn III, 22. 9 Nicodemus answered, and said unto him, How can these things be ? 10 Jesus answered, and said unto him, Art thou a master of Israel, and knowest not these things? 1! Verily, verily I say unto thee, We speak that we do know, and testify that we have seen; and ye receive not our witness. 12 If I have told you earthly things, and ye be- lieve not: how shall ye believe if I tell you of heayenly things ? 13 And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven. 14 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness: even so must the Son of man be lifted up: 3 that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish, but have eternal life. 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son: that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world: but that the world through him might be saved. 18 Fe that believeth on him, is not condemned: but he that believeth not, is condemne1 already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten son of God. 1! And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 2° For every one that doeth evil, hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be ¢ re- proved. 2! But he that doeth truth, cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made mani- fest, that they are wrought in od. 22 After these things, came Jesus and his disciples into the land of Judea, and there he tarried with them, and ? Or, discovered.Joun III. 23. baptized. 2° And John also was baptizing in Anon, near to Salim, because there was much water there: and they came,and were baptized. 24 For John was not yet cast into prison. 25 Then there arose a ques- tion between some of John’s disciples and the Jews, about purifying. 26 And they came unto John, and said unto him, Rabbi, he that was with thee beyond Jordan, to whom thou barest witness, behold, the same baptizeth, and all men come to him. *7 John answered, and said, A man can 4 receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven. 23 Ye yourselves bear me witness, that I[ said, I am not the Christ, but that I am sent before him. 29 He that hath the bride, is the bride- groom: but the friend of the bridegroom, which standeth and heareth him, rejoiceth greatly because of the bride- groom’s voice: this my joy there- fore is fulfilled. 30 He must increase, but I must decrease. 31 He that cometh from above, is above all: he that is of the earth, is earthly, and speaketh of the earth: he that cometh from heayen is above all: 32 and what he hath seen and heard, that he testifieth, and no man receiveth his testimony: °3he that hath received his testi- mony, hath set to his seal, that God is true. 34 For he whom God hath sent, speaketh the words of God: for God giveth not the Spirit by measure wnto him. %> The Father loveth the Son, and hath given all things into his hand. 36 He that believeth on the Son, hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son, shall not see life: but the wrath of God abideth on him. 228 EYATTEAION > . eBarricev. ny O€ kal “Imavyns Ba- / > DEN > \ ~ \ ad TTiC@y ev Aivay eyyus Tov Zaheiu, OTL vdaTa TOAAG HY eKet Kal Tapeyivoyro Kal eBanrivovro. 4 oviTr@ yep nv Be- yazan els TY pudakyy 0 “‘Loavyns. > “Eyevero ouv Cimots €K TOY pad "Tw@avvov pera *Tovdatov” Tepl ie 26 \ >»rG \ \ 2 Kadapicpou Kat Gov mpos Tov ‘Tw- os" > € \ any Kat eirov atte: ‘PaBBi, os mY peTa Gov wépay Tov ‘lopdavov, @ ov 4 @ / pepaptupynKkas, ie ovtos Bamri¢er, Kal Tavres EpxXovTat Tpos avTov. 27 a 16 > / \ > i > AmexpiGn Iwavyns Kat etrev' Ov Svvara avOperos NapBdvew ovdey, ea pn 2} SeSopevov QUT@ €K TOU ovpavov. e avrol Upets pro papTupeite ore elrov* OvKk ceil eyo 6 Xpiaros, GN Gre aze- TOV 4 NY 27 > , DLP IR oTahpevos Ele er poo Oey €KELYOU. O wy \ , y > Lise ec \ EXOY THY yup pny, vUptos eoTlv" 6 O€ feel Aa 7 ¢ ¢ \ \ pitos tod vuudiov, 6 éaoTnKas Kal , ~ na \ dKovey avrod, Xapa Xaipet Ova THY pe ovny TOU vuudiov. avTn ouv 7 xXapa 7 eH) meTANnpaTat. °° exetvoy Set avéavew, epe O€ ehatTovcbat. 31 ¢ 2/ > , > / / O aabev EPXOMEVOS, ETaVO Tray- Tov EoTiv. 6 OV €K T™HS YS) eK 77s vis eOTL, Kal €k Ts yns adet* 6 eK TOU / ovpavou epxopevos, ” erdy@ mavTov A a eT i,@ Kalo ewpake Kal KOUGE, “Tov- To" paptupet* Kal TY paprupiay avrou ovdels hap Saver. 36 haBawy adtov thy Haptuptay, exppayirer OTe 6 OE€ds adnOns cory. 4 Ov yap améoretney 6 cds, TA pyuata Tov cov haret* ov yap eK peéTpov Oldwaw * 6 Ceds” Td IIvevpa. 26 marnp ayarg TOV vioy, Kal TayvTa dedaxen € ev 7H xetpl aUTOv. 35 6 muctev@y els TOY vlov, Exel Cory ai@viov' 6 Oe amreBov TO vid, OUK Oyperat Cony, adN 1) dpyn Tov Ocov © wever” em avtoy. a Rec. © Iovdarwy, b= ¢ or d es a : ae & OW pevec Or, take unto himself.KATA IOANNHN. 229 4. ‘Os obv éyvw 6 Kupios, 6rt HKovcay oi apioaiou' “Orr “Inoovs meiovas pa- Onras mwovet Kal Bamricer 7 “Iwavyns* 2 (kairovye Incovs avros ovK eBdrri¢ev, GAN of pabynral abrod’) 3 apne thy ‘Tovdaiav, Kal amndOe *arddw” eis ry Tadtiaiay. * eer d€ avrov dvépxecOar Ova THs Sapapeias. epxeTar ovy eis Tod THs Sapapelas heyopuerny » Sv- ap,” mnotov TOU Xeptou © ob” eOwKev Taka ‘loon T@ via avTod. © ny de EKEL TNY1) TOU lakoB. 6 ody "Inoovs KEKOTFLAKWS EK TIS ddouropias exabe Cero oUT@s éml TH mY. opa iy ooel ekT?). is "Epxerat yun €K 7S Zapapetas avTAnoat Vdwp. Neyer at7n 6 “Incovs* Aés prow metv. | ® (OL yap padnrat av- TOU dmednvGeuoay eis THY TOW, iva eo ayopdo ace. Me 2 Reyer ovY avT@ 1) -yurn 7 Zapapetris” Ios ov “Lovdaios @y map euov metv aireis, ovons yu- vaikos Dapapeitioos ; (Ov yap ovyxpav- tat lovdator pe ee eee i0 amexpi8n "Incotvs Kal etmev avTn* E Sets THY O@pedy Tov Ceod, Kal Tis corw 0 Aeyeou ool" Ads [eou mel, ov ay Tos av- TOV, Kal edexev a ay vou vdep Cav. * Aé- ye avT@ 7) youn” Kupte, ovTe dvTAnpa EXELSs Kal TO peap eati Babu mdGev ouv exels TO VOwp TO Cav ; ra ov pretCav et TOU marpos HOY. ‘Taxes, Os eOokey nuiy TO Gpeap, Kat avTos €& SN Se kG ne See auTov émle, Kal of viol avTov, Kal Ta Opéeppara QUTOD ; a4 ‘Arrexpibn * ““Ingovs Kal elmey av- Ty Ilas 6 tivey ek Tov voaros TOUTOU; uyoer mah" ut DS Ovay mln EK Tov vdaros, ov eye Oar ure, ov Hy) dubjnon els TOV ai@ya: ahha 70 voep 0 Ooo avTO, yeunoerat EV AUT@ my voaros GdNopévov eis wy ai@vioy. Joun LY. 14. 4, When therefore the Lord knew how the Pharisees had heard that Jesus made and bap- tized more disciples than John, 2 (though Jesus himself bap- tized not, but his disciples: ) 3 he left Judea, and departed again into Galilee. 4 And he must needs go through Sama- ria. °° Then cometh he to a city of Samaria, which is called Sychar, near to the parcel of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph. © Now Jacob’s well was there. Jesus there- fore being wearied with his journey, sat thus on the well: and it was about the sixth hour. 7 There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water: Jesus saith unto her, Give me to drink. 8 For his disciples were gone away unto the city to buy meat. 9% Then saith the wo- man of Samaria unto him, How is it that thou, being a Jew, askest drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria ? for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans. 10 Jesus answer- ed, and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink ; thou would- est have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water. !! The woman saith unto him, Sir, thou hast nothing to draw with, and the well is deep: from whence then hast thou that living water ? |? Art thou greater than our father Jacob, which gave us the well, and drank thereof himself, and his children, and his cattle P 13 Jesus answered, and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this water, shall thirst again: 14 but whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him, shall never thirst : but the wa- ter that I shall give him, shall be in him a well of water spring- ing up into everlasting life. a— b Bz. & Elz. Zeyxap. ¢ Rec o. d Rec. add o.15 The woman saith unto him, Sir, give me this water, that I thirst not, neither come hither 16 Jesus saith unto her, Go, a) Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no hus- 18 for thou hast had five husbands, and he whom thou in that saidst thou truly. woman saith unto him, perceive that thou art a pro- 20 Our fathers worship- 4 ped in this mountain, J , that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to wor- 21 Jesus saith unto her, Wo- cometh when ye shall neither Jerusalem, worship the Father. we know what we wor- r salvation is of the 23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true wor- shippers shall worship the Fa- ther in spirit, and in truth: for rit, and they that worship him, must worship him in spirit, and unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he wiil tell us that speak unto thee, am he. 27 And upon this came his dis- ciples, and marvelled that he or, Why talkest thou 28 The woman then left her waterpot, and went her way into the city, and saith to the men, 29 Come, see a man,which 230 EYATTEAION Aeyet Tpos avrov 7 youn Kupue, dds roe TOUTO TO VOMP, Wa pn sia, penode epXopeat evOade avT\ev. ug Aéyeu avTn Oo Inoovs’ "Ymraye, po- yn oov TOV avopa TOU, kat eAGe evOdde. 7 > AmexpiOn n yuvi) Kal eirev’ OvK exo avopa. Aéyet avTn 6 ‘Ingovs’ Kal@s eimas* 7 + “Ore avOpa ovK xo’ |8 qevre yap w- dpas € exes’ Kal voy ov exelss OUK €oTL cov av7ip" TOUTO adn Ges etpnkas. 79 Ae I yee avT@ 7 yon Kupve, Gewpd OTL 9 mporpyrns el ov. Oot TarEpes pov ev 47@ Opel TOUT" MpoweKvyy Tay * Kal upets heyere, OTL eV ‘Iepocohvpots € eoTly 6 TOmos, Oro Set TpooKuyE. 91 A&é Daas 5°I aie by / eyet adry 6 Ingous vyat, Ti orevody [L0l,” OTL EpNeTau dpa, Ore ore EV TO opel TOUT@ OvTE ev ‘Teporohvpors 22 mporKynoere TO marpl. 22 Duels TpOC- KUVELTE 0 OUK oiSare’ Tpeis mpookvvov- yey 0 olOapev’ OTe 7 caTnpia EK TOV 23 Iovbalwv eotiv. ™ adX épxerar dpa Kal vov éotw, OTE of adnOwoi Tpockr- , 5 yyral TpooKUYNTOVGL TO TaTpl Ev TvEv- pate Kal adnOeia’ Kal yap 6 maTnp ovovtous (nTet TOUs TpoTKYOUVTasS av- rove TIvevpa 6 Ocds" Kal Tos mpoo- KUYOUYTAS avror, ey Y MVE HAT. Kal adn Beta det Mpookuvey. > Acyes avT@ 1 yun’ Oida 6tt © Mecoias” epxerat’ (6 deyo- — Lie ¢ of ener pevos Xpiords*) oray €AOn €ketvos, dyayyenet 7 npeiy wayTa. 26 > , ’ Aéyer avtn 6 ‘Inoots" Ey@ €ipt, jae 6 Kad@y got. 7 Kai emt rovt@ AAOov ¢ \ > > \ d 2 , £ wa &,; of pabnral avrov, Kat 4 eBavpacov” dre peta yuvatkos edddev’ ovdels pevTot <) Sern - a ory! ° > I A etme’ Ti Cyrets; 7° Ti Aadels per auras; 28 °? S > \ 58 / CEs ¢ Adjkev ovv thy vdpiay avTns 7 \ \ > a 2, \ / X yur, Kat amnOev eis thy modu, Kal 4 cr ~ héyet Tois avOparos’ 9 Acdre, Were 15 Nu Dw Teoreve por, yuvar, SS Meciase d Rec, sGavuacar.KATA JQOANNEN. 231 Joun IV. 43. a 7 ou ¢ , dvOpwrov, ds eimé jcou wayTa doa erotn- told me all things that ever 1 , 2 c ‘prene + : oa’ pyre obtés ear 6 Xpiorés : 30 "Ké- ete ot this the Christ ? ay bay Vie a \ Xe ey ) en they went out of the nAGoyv €K TNS TOAEWS, KAL 7PXOVTO city, and came unto him. A > / Tpos avTov. 31 > ie Wet DN : peep Ey > de TO peragu Np@T@Y avToy 31 In the mean while his dis- \ , ¢ \ s i ~ ; a. of padyrat, Réyorres’ PaBBl, pdye- oho smug es OR < Nye Ss > fre 4 a By, : . O oe See EROS Bye Bpacw €X® them, I have meat to eat that payety, Ty vpets OVvK oldare. *8”ENeyoy ye know not of. 33 Therefore > : \ \ > t 3 , said the disciples one to ano- Oo AANA nl I He Oe peadyrat aoe a o ves Myrts ther, Hath any man brought NVEYKEV AUT@ payelv ; Aevyet autos him ought to eat? %4 Jesus > a > a oe ee a . 6 *Incots' “Euoy Bpapa eotw, wa sain nate then a eae is, c nl 4 a” , , J at sen Oe TO Oehnpa TOU TepapavTos M€, me, and to finish his work. , ~ Ne, rn > an Kal TEAEL@OW AVTOU TO EPyor. 3 ovy a Say nobeyes hae are ie a s c/ d-4=4 le , , ‘7 four months, and then comet CIAe es Aeyere, OTe ert TET PUL SS harvest, behold, Isay unto €OTL, KAL O Gepiopos EPXETAL 5 idov, e- you, Lift up your eyes, and Gi es 32 Men \ © ~ look on the fields: for they are V2 Dae SCR ETE TOUS opGahpous UP@Y, nite already to harvest. 3>And kai Oedoaode Tas Xopas, OTe Neva he that reapeth receiveth wages, elol Tpos bepic pov 70 36 f eq)” 6 and gathereth fruit unto life bea! Aspen s \ L eternal: that both he that sow- epitav BES We apBavet, Kat CORY eth, and he that reapeth, may kap7roy €ls Cony aimyioy* wa Kal O rejoice together. #7 And herein / es Gj Nee i is that saying true: One soweth ee. OOU Roa eee a Oepicov. and another reapeth. 38 J sent ev yap TOUT® O oyos €OTL-O ahn- you to reap that, whereon ye \ \ 7 . - Owds, Ore Gddos éoTw 6 oTreipwy, Kai bestowed no labour: other men or € / SRE SiN es laboured, and ye are entered aos 6 Gepicov. éy® améoTENG into their labours. ipas Oepitew 6 ody tpels KekomudKare® dow KekoTridKaol, Kal wpets eis TOV a ti KoTrov avTav eioeAnAvVOaTe. 39 Ex O€ ris WOAEws eKelyns TOAKOL 89 And many of the Samari- SE} 5 Sha = im tans of that city believed onhim, Tug aue ay €lg QUTOV T@Y ZApapElT ov, for the saying of the woman, / oe \ . . Ova TOV Adyoy TNS yuvaLKOS papTUpoV- which testified, He told me all S400) cord vmépra Coa erolmnoa that ever I did. 4° So when the oe ze eg [Aha es Ce 704- Samaritans were come unto Qs ody ANov mpos avroy of Zapa- him, they besought him that he a eae 3 > > . would tarry with them, and he Bet gts Derr ee ae ee abode tere two days. "41 And KQL EMLELVEV EKEL Ovo npepas. Kal ToA- many more believed, because Tas / / \ \ / - . h@ Thelovs émlorevoay ua Toy hoyoy OF Nie wonder and sae We 49 6m eo . unto the woman, Now we be- gore’ ; a Be deeee ee eAeyov ; Ore lieve, not because of thy saying, oukete 1a THY ONY Aadtav TLOTEVOMED © for we have heard him our- Deg Na 2 s Ny, eel. ?_ selves, and know that this is in- lL OLOaMEV OTL , : : meee aly Ce? en v6 Hey OTF deed the Christ, the Saviour of OUTOS €EOTLY anOas O O@TNP TOV KO- the world. opov, "6 Xpiorés.” a 7 {s es 3 Mera dé Tas Svo jpepas e&nOev 43 Now after two days he a Rec. add ovv. ba Cw@ Tons, d— e Rec, reTpapnvov., £/Gbeom. ‘si-> b=Sraeeen eames Joun IV. 44. departed thence, and went into Galilee: 44 for Jesus himself testified, that a prophet hath no honour in his own country. 45 Then when he was come into Galilee, the Galileeans received him, having seen all the things that he did at Jerusalem at the feast: for they also went unto the feast. ae, 46 So Jesus came again into Cana of Galilee, where he made the water wine. And there was a certain «nobleman, whose son | was sick atCapernaum. 47 When he heard that Jesus was come out of Judea into Galilee, he went unto him, and besought him that he would come down, and heal his son: for he was at the point of death. 48 Then said Jesus unto him, Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe. 49 The nobleman saith unto him, Sir, come down ere my child die. 5° Jesus saith un- to him, Go thy way, thy son liveth. And the man believed the word that Jesus had spoken unto him, and he went his way. 51 And as he was now going flown, his servants met him, and told him, saying, Thy son liveth. 52 Then enquired he of them the hour when he began to amend: and they said unto him, Yesterday at the seventh hour j the fever left him. 5% So the father knew that it was at the same hour, in the which Jesus said unto him, Thy son liveth, and himself believ ed, and his whole house. 44 This is again the second miracle that Jesus did, when he was come out of Judea into Galilee. 5. After this there was a feast of the Jews, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. 2 Now there is at Jerusalem by the sheep & market, a pool, which is a — b Rec. add o. © Rec. add o Ingous. h Bz. om, i= 232 EYATTEAION exeiOev, * Kal dnnree K eis TH TadvAat- oy, abros yap ° ““Inoovs EapTv- pnoer, OTL Bpopnrys € ey TH idva marptou Tuy OUK exet. » STE ouy Oey eis THY Tahthaiay, edeEavTo auroy ob Tadsdator, TayTa EwpaKores a emoinoey ev Tepo- Todvpors ev TH €0pTy kat avTol yap nAOov eis THY eopriy. 26 “HA Oev ovy ©” many “6 ‘Inoovs" eis TY Kava 7s TadtAaias, 6 O7rov e€Tol- noe TO vdop oivov. Kal ay tis Baowwt- KOs, ov 6 vios nodever ev Karrepvaovp. 47 otros dkoucas OTe Inoovs Het ek THS “Tovdatas els THY Taki\aiav, amndbe pos avrov, Kal npora aurov wa Kata- Bn Kal idonrat avTou TOV vidy" pedre yap aro8vnokeww. ‘8 cirev ody 6 ‘Ingots m™pos aurov" *Eay pa) ines Kal Tépara tonre, ov py) ToT evonTE. #9 Aéyeu mpos avTov 6 Bacwdexds ° Kuvpue, Karan A mply amoGavety TO TatOlov pou. ee Aeyet aUT® 6 ‘Ingods * Tlopevov ° 6 vids oou Gin Bane emloTevoey 6 awbporos TO hoy @ clirey avt@ 16” "Incovs, Kat emopevero. » 780, dé avTou karaPatvov- TOS, ot Sone avuTou dnnurnoay avTe, Kal amrmpyyevhay heyoures” “Ore 6 mais cov (7. ‘EnvGero ovy map auT@y Ty @pay ev 7 Kopporepov eaxe’ Kal €lTrov auto" "Ore 8 & xGes" epee eBddpqy adinker auroy 0 muperos. *"Eyva | ovy 0 marnp, 6re bey” exeivy TH &p4, ev 7) €lTrev auT@ 6 ‘Ingovs" "Ore 6 vids oov (7 Kat EMLOTEVTEV AUTOS Kal 7) OlKia avTOD on. °4 rovTo maw Sevrepov onpetoy erroin- oev 6 Ingots, éhOwy ex tis lovdatas eis Thy Vadidatav. 5. Mera ravra ay EopTy) Tov “lov- daiwy, kal aveBr | 6" ‘Ingods eis ‘lepoos- Avpa. 7 €or O€ €v Tots ‘Iepooodvpors emt th mpoBariky KoduuBnOpa, d Rec. & Gb. om. €—> # © —, Rec. & Gb. om. 3 81080. ° Or, courtier, or, ruler. Or, gate.KATA IQANNHN. 233 Joun V. 15. émideyouevn “EBpaiort BynOecda, mévre called in the Hebrew tongue Ne 30> , Z Bethesda, having five porches. TEOGS SNOUT SD, OUT CLSORATSRS ED 3 In these lay a great multitude mAnOos *mohu" TaV GobevovvT@y, TU- of impotent folk, of blind, halt, a a a be EN g \_ withered, waiting for the mov- pray; Xohov, ENpor, REKOEXOPEVOY une ing of the water. 4 For an an- TOU VOaTOS KIVnOW. ayyedos yap KaTd ge) went down at a certain sea- , os / . kaipov KaTeBawev ev TI) KodupB7Opa, son into the pool, and troubled eae: the water: whosoever then first Need Ne, x 5 ~ Kae ete Pas ae vdap a0 ovy TPOTOS after the troubling of the water euBas peta THY TapaxnY TOV UYOarTos, stepped in, was made whole of @ , ! = j p iyujs éylveTo, @ Snmore KaTELYETO VO- whatsoever disease he had. / onpate.” > 3 o £: : 5 Hy dé tis dvOpwmos eket Tpdxovra § And a certain man was CKal” bxrdo ern exov €&V TH Gobeveia. there, which had an infirmity gee me Ny z a : ) ©" thirty and eight years. © When rovtov day 6 “Inaovs KaTAKELMEVOV, Jesus saw him lie, and lene 2, / »~ B Kal yvous ott mohvv Hn xpdvoy Exet, that he had been now a long ne a OC) CoN A Aah time in that case, he saith unto eyel auT@ eAets vylns YEvEer > him, Wilt thou be made whole ? ‘i g i ee Oe epee 7 ; mat AmexpiOn auT@ O agvEV@V UpLe, The impotent man answered / 2 ¢) 2 1 i 7 7 dvOpwmov ovK ExX@, iva 6rav tapaxOn him, Sir, | have no man when eas Ge a . ate the water is troubled, to put TO vo@p, “Barn” pe Els THY KoA\vpL27)- me into the pool: but while I Opay" év @ O€ epxXopar ey, addos ™po am coming, another steppeth en Let Se eS oT down before me. § Jesus saith HOU KaraBaivet. A SYS! que o Te unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, gous’ ° Eyetpe,’ apov Tov KpaBBarov and walk. 9 And immediately \ s 9 See > » the man was made whole, and : EWS €YEe- : , TON: Ke HE PEAT EL Kat evdec $ Me took up his bed, and walked: vero wyujs 6 avOpwmos, Kal pe TOY and on the same day was the ‘ STOO a 4 Ay sabbath KpaBpBatoy avTov, Kal mepieTaTel. 7)Y : and ¢ , dé cdBBaroy ev exeivy TH NPEPA: f > > 2 10 ”E)eyov ovv of Iovdaioe TO Tebe- 4 be EI PE) Eee 0 The Jews therefore said PLUS 2aSParov on Ons eeort unto him that was cured, It is cot Gpat Tov KpaBBarov. Amexpi@n the sabbath day, it is not law- r / a a > ; 7 ano O Tromoas pe oyti, €KELVOS LOL ful for thee to carry thy bed. > ok \ py , . 11 He answered them, He that ElTTEV ‘ pov Tok KpaBBarov GOs Kae made me whole, the same said c : A TEplLTAaTel. s Hpwtncay f ody” avTov’ unto is ens up thy bed, and D > © 2» Ce! . walk. !2 Then asked they him, as Soa 2 avOparos e EULOGY Ol’ What man is that which said Apov tov KpaBBardv cov, Kat TepiTa- unto thee, Take up thy bed, and € Lo / 213 7 « rer; 3 ‘O dé § labels” ovK yoel TLS ETT” walk ? !9 And he that was heal- tL ed, wist not who it was: for iC; \ > ~ 1-7 a a 0 yap Inoovs ESEVEUTEY, oxhov OUTOS: Jesus had conveyed himself 2 rc 7 \ a : . s ey T@® TOTO. 14 werd TAaVTA EVPLOKEL ONYs Fee muloes bee in See ce - > ae Ne that place. terward Jesus CUE Or, 0 Ingous oe T@ LEP, Re STEEN findeth him in the temple, and auT@" Ide vyins yeyovas®’ pnkeTl apap said unto him, Behold, thou art ad c 4 . } . = rave, wa 7) xElpov h got te’ yevnrat. made whole : sin no more, lest 15 Ard 5 Ab of r a worse thing come unto thee. mnGev 0 avUpwrros, Kat avnyyel\€ 15 The man departed, and told Trois “lovdaious, ote “Incovs eoTw 6 the Jews that it was Jesus zs b 3 exdeyouevwy ad voonmare, ver. 4. ¢ Rec. om. g h f— £ & acbevor. Bz. & Elz. te got. Or, froin the multitade that was. Rec. BadAp. e Rec. & Gb, evyecpae.x Joun V. 16. 234 EYAITEAION iF which had made him whole. goujoas avTov vyin. ' Kai da Tovro | j 16 A - a - I | fig therefore did’the Sere) 2S fakay Tov "Inaovy of “lovdaior, * Kab | i persecute Jesus, and sought to ,;, ee 5 Te B H slay him, because he had done eCTouy QUTOV QTOKTEWAL, OTL TATA’ ee things on the sabbath é7role, éy caBBare. ig ay A | 17 But Jesus answered them, 0 de ‘Ingous amexpivaro avrois* | My Father worketh hitherto, ‘O Tarnp oe eas Gort epydatera, Kay@ , 18 a and Iwork. 18 ‘Therefore the epyaCopat. 8 Aid TotvTo ov padhoy [e, Jews sought the more to kill ‘ him, not only because he had e(iyroup avrov ot “lovdatot ATOKTELVAL, We broken the sabbath, but said 87, 9% pdvov eve TO odsParov, ahha i also, that God was his Father, aN 2 e i t making himself equal with Kal marepa Lovoy eheye TOV Gedy, toov | d | | God. EAUTOV TOL@V TO Oco. LZ S$ wre re ike il) '9 Then answered Jesus,and 19 ’ Amrexpivaro ou 6 ‘Ingovs Kal el Vine, said unto them, Verily, verily aN rE j I say unto you, The Son can 7€V avtois’ */ pny _apny oe opin, ov do nothing of himself, but what Ovvarar 6 6 VlOs TroLety ap €auTov ovden, } he seeth “the Father do: for ie ; 7 é oO | : what things soever he doeth, eay Ben a Phen Tov Tar “pe oC vyra’ | these also ‘doeth the Son like- a yap ay ERI OS TOU, Tavra Kal 6 vios wise. 20 For the Father loveth d : 6poiws moet’ *9 6 yap wat thet TOY the Son, and sheweth him all B mer 1p g han things that himself doeth: and viov, Kal Mayra belntion avTe a avros i he will shew him greater works Tovet" kal petCova TOUT@Y Seier aura than these, that ye may marvel. 21 i 21 For as the Father raiseth up Epyay, wa dpeis Gavpdcnre. GoTrep the dead, and quickeneth them: yap 6 marNp evelpet TOUS veKpovs kal ee wee Son sguickeheth (serge oure Kal 6 vlos ous Beret whom he will. 22 For the Fa- | ther judgeth no man: but hath (@o7rovet. = oude yap O marip Kpivet committed all judgment unto ovodeva, adda THY Kplow Tacav bedaxe the Son: 23 that all men should 23 ¢ i t j id honour the Son, even as they TO vig" wa mayres c pO poe viov, honour the Father. He that Kabds TYLOTe TOV marépa. 0 BN TULOoV honoureth not the Son, honour- 2 TOV vi ov TLULa TO atépa Tov Tréu- eth not the Father which hath ov ov,” Pe a Le sent him. varra ary. ' *4 Verily, verily I say unto 4 "App any eyo oly, ore 6 TOV you, He that heareth my word, ye a and believeth on him that sent N0Yov pLov aKover, Kal muorevoy eke me, hath everlasting life, and meppavrt fe Exel Cony ai@yiov" Kal eis shall not come into condemna- ( : € tion: but is passed from death Kplow ovK EPXETAL, ahha cae ‘An kev unto life. °5 Verily, verily I ek TOU Gavdrov els THY Conv ayy say unto you, The hour iscom- 3 v Nevo 0 iv, ott @ era @pa Kat ing, and now is, when the dead py y fe €PX f shall hear the voice of the son vov ecOTW, OTE Of vexpol akovoovrat THs ot hops ee they that hear, davis TOU ViOU TOU Gcov, Kal ol dkov- Shall live. 26 For as the Fa- 26 ther hath life in himself: so Gaur es (yrovrat. Somep yap 6 marnp hath he given to the Son to Exel Cony é €V EauTo, OUT@S CO@KE Kal TO hee i > i have life in himself: and vio Cony € EXE ev EavT@" 27 Kal ébov- hath given him authority to execute judgment also, because olay éOwKey avT@ kat Kplow TOLELY, OTL ; he is the Son of man. %8 Mar- vids avOpearov éeari. un Oavpatere ee a a Gb. om,- KATA JQANNHN. 235 Touro’ Oru épyerat dpa, ev 7) Tavtes ob €v Tols pevnyctous dKovooyrat 77s. davis avrov, 9 kal exmopevoovTal, ol Ta ayaba Tmomoarvres, eis avacracy Cons" ot Oe ta avira mpagarres, eis ayvagracy Kpiveas. ev aU Svvapiae eyo movely ar epavTou ouder. Kabas aKOve, Kpive" Kal 1 plows 1 eq) dukata éoriv’ 6te ov Cyto TO Oehnpa TO oe adda TO OéAnpa TOU meprpayrds pre *”, ot ay, ey@ papTupe@ Tepl epavTou, 7 paprupia pou OUK €oTW adn Ons. % ah- dos cor 0 peaprupev mept €[L00, Kal oida OTL ahn Ons €oTw 1) paptupia jy peaprupet mepl ejuou. dpets ameorah- KATE TpOos Hoary; Kat pepapropnke TH adnOeia’ ** eye dé ov Tapa avOperrou TH peapTuptay AapBave, adda Tavra eyo t iva Dyes oobnre. 35 exelvos Wy 6 hvyvos 6 Kalduevos Kal paivor, UpEls be nOehnoare » dyaduabiivau" mpos @pav EV TO port avTov. * eye de exo THY paprupiay peil@ TOU “T@avvov" Ta yap epya a €OwkEe Hoe 6 marnp wa TEELOOW avra, avuTa Ta epya ad ey@ TOU, pLap- TUPEL TEpt epuou OTe 6 TaTnp pee amré- atadke’ * kal 6 mepyas pie Tarp, av- TOs pewaprupnke mepl epou. ovTe pony avTou axnkoare TOTOTE, ovTE e€ldos av- TOU Eapakare. 33 Kal TOV Adyov avrov OUK €XETE pevovTa ev bp, Ott Ov aTreé- orevhey EKELYOS, TOUT@ pels OV T= OTEVETE. 2 “Epevvare Tas ypapas, OTe Dpets Soxeire ev avrais Cony ai@yvoy EXE, kat éxelval eiow at paptupovoat Trept ep0d" 40 kat ov Oedere edOety mpos HE, wa Cony ¢ éxynte. * dd&av mapa avOpa- Tov ov AapBave 2aNN eyvoka Dyas, OTL THY dydrny Tov Geov OvK exeTe ev éavrois. * eyo eAndvOa ev TO Ovopate a Rec. add 7rarpos. b Rec. ayaAAcac@nvar, Joun V. 43. vel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, 79 and shall come forth, they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life, and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation. 30 T can of mine own self do nothing: as [hear, I judge: and my judgment is just, because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father, which hath sent me. 31 ]f | bear witness of myself, my witness is not true. 32 There is another that beareth witness of me, and I know that the witness which he witnesseth of me, is true. 33 Ye sent unto John, and he bare witness unto the truth. 34 But I receive not testimony from man: but these things I say, that ye might be saved. 3° He was a burning and a shining light: and ye were willing for a season to rejoice in hislight. °6 But I have great- er witness than that of John: for the works which the Father hath given me to finish, the same works that I do, bear wit- ness of me, that the Father hath sent me. 37 And the Father himself which hath sent me, hath borne witness of me. Ye have neither heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape. 38 And ye have not his word abiding in you: for whom he hath sent, him ye believe not. 39 Search the scriptures, for in them ye think ye have eternal life, and they are they which testify of me. 49 And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life. 4!I receive not honour from men. *# But I know you, that ye have not the love of Godin you. 4% 1am come inJoun V. 44. my Father’s name, and ye re- ceive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive. 44 How can ye be- lieve, which receive honour one of another, and seek not the honour that cometh from God only? 4> Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father: there is one that accuseth you, even Moses, in whom ye trust ? 46 For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for he wrote of me. 47 But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my words ? 6. After these things Jesus went over the sea of Galilee, which is the sea of Tiberias: 2 and a great multitude fol- lowed him, because they saw his miracles which he did on them that were diseased. 3 And Jesus went up into a mountain, and there he sat with his disci- ples. 4 And the passover, a feast of the Jews, was nigh. © When Jesus then lifted up his eyes, and saw a great company come unto him, he saith unto Philip, Whence shall we buy bread, that these may eat? 6& (And this he said to prove him: for he himself knew what he would do) 7 Philip answered him, Two hundred pennyworth of bread is not sufficient for them, that 8 every one of them may take a little. 8 One of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, saith unto him, ¥ There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves, and two small fishes: but what are they among so many ? !9 And Jesus said, Make the men sit down. Now there was much grass in the place. So the men sat down, in num- ber about five thousand. ! And Jesus took the loaves, and when 236 EYATTEAION ” , A > 4 4 TOU maTpos pov, Kal ov AapBavere pre’ cay GAXos €AON ev ne ovopare TO wie, exetvov An Weobe. * ras Sivacde Upets TLoTEvoAL, Dicey 1 Tapa dddihay | Aap Bdvovres, Kal THY Od€ay Ge mapa f Bay 80%) TOU pdvou Ocov ov Cyretre; * KELTE ore eyo KaTnyopnoe Upay pos TOV marépa éoTw Oo iC Ta aeey DLO, Maons, eis Oy Deis imixare. * el yap ema revere Moon, ETLOTEVETE av Som a J : Sy TEpl yap €MLov ekElvos eypavev. 7 ei O€ |} TOls EKElYOU ypdupacly ov TLOTEVETE, £ ees any ; TOS TOLS ELMOLS PNLAGL TLOTEVCETE § 6. Mera ravta amndbev 6 “Inaoovs Tepav THS Gardoons THs Takudaias ws TiBepiados* 7 Kal mKohov et auT@ o- xAos mohvs, OTL Ewpay * errolet eml Tov acbevovyvTmr. * avnrbe d€ eis TO opos 0 “Incovs, Kal oes €kd- Onro peta Tay pabnradyv avrov. * hv de eyyvs TO TaTXa 1) EopTH THY Iovdaiwr. 5 emapas ovy 6 ‘Inoous TOUS opOahpovs, Kal Gear dpevos 6 OTL ToAUS OxAos € EPXETAL ™pos ano Reyer mos TOV Didurrov" TIddev » ayopacwpey” aprous, wa pa- yoou ovTOL ; ° (Todo de eeye TrEl- ib Ta Ones a pacey avtov* avtos yap 7de TL éuedre > TOLely. ) 7°’ AmexpiOn avT@ Didursros" Avako- olwy Onvaplov ¢ aprou OUK apkKovow av- Tols, wa ekagTos auray Bpaxv Te AaB. 8 Aéye auT@ eis eK TOY pabnr@y avrov, ‘Avopéas 6 ‘dderdos Dipwvos Herpoug ‘Eore marddpioy Sev” Bde, 10" exer TEVTE aprous kp.Bivous Kal Si owapia’ a\ka ravta Ti eotw eis TOTOUTOUS 5 10 Hime *.0e1.6 Ingots" Tlounoare rovs dvOpamous a avamecew. "Hy Oe Xopros Tos EV TO TOT. dvereroy Fotv” of dypes TOV api psy é @oel MEVTAKLO XtALOL, edaBe d€ Tovs aprous 6 “Inaovs, Kab 92 a Rec, add avrov, b Ree. & Gb. ayopacousy o> d x os, eae £3 -> <>KATA IOANNHN. 237 evxaproTnoas SueSeoxe * Trois pabnrais, ol be padnrai” TOs dvaiKelprevoes” Opotes kal €k TOY d\api@y dcov jOehov. 2 os be even a Oyoay, heyet Tos padnrais aurov' Suvayayere Ta TEepiocevocavTa cdo para, iva a) TL amohnrat. 13 Suv- nyayov ovy, Kal eyepuoray adeka KO- pivous Kaopdreav €K TOV TEVTE aproy Tav KpiOivev, a emepiccevoe Tots Pe- Bpaxcow. 14 Of oty avOpeorrot iddvres 6 oO emoinoe onpeetov 0 ‘Ingovs, eheyor" “Ort ovTés eoruy adnbas 6 6 mpopyrys 6 6 EpXopevos eis TOV KOO[OV. "Ingots vty yvous ore pedovow epxer Oar Kal apace abror, wa roToow avuTov Baovhea, dvexopnoe maw" eis TO dpos adTos ; poles. ‘Qs be owia eYEVETO, KareBnoay ot pabnrat avrou emt THY Gahacoay, YW Kal epBavres els TO motor, ipxovro mépav TS Gahacons els Karrepyaovp.. Kal 0KO- Tia 700 eyeyovel, Kal oe hy hvser T™pos avrovs 6 “Incots, *® 7 re Oddaoca aye peyadou TMVEOVTOS Ouyyetpero. » ehnhaxdres ovv ws otadlous elkoct- TEVTE 7} TpiaKovTa, Gewpovor TOV ‘Inoovy mepurarouvTa emt 77s Gadoons, Kal eyyus TOU eee yevopevov Kal epo- BnOnoav. 6 Oe Aeyet avrots* “Ey epee" pn drofeinde 21 "HGehov otv Nae avTov els TO motov, Kal evdews TO motov eyévero emi THs yas eis TV omyiyov. i emavptoy 6 dxAos 6 €OTHKMS Tmepav Ts Oahacons, ideov 6 OTL mAovapvov G@AXO OvVK my eEKEL €b pa, ev © éxetvo eis 0 eveBnaay ot padynrat auTOv,” Kal OTL Ov ouveron re ToLs padnrats avtov 6 ‘In- gous eis TO “ mAovaptoy,” GX pdvot ot pabnrai avtod amndOov' * (adda Oe Joun VI. 23. he had given thanks, he distri- buted to the disciples, and the disciples to them that were set down, and likewise of the fishes, as much as they would. !2 When they were filled, he said unto his disciples, Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost. 13 Therefore they gathered them together, and filled twelve baskets with the fragments of the five barley loaves, which remained over and above, unto them that had eaten. 14 Then those men, when they had seen the miracle that Jesus did, said, This is of a truth that prophet that should come into the world. 1 When Jesus therefore perceived that they would come and take him by force, to make him a king, he departed again into a moun- tain, himself alone. 16 And when even was now come, his disciples went down unto thesea, !7 and entered into a ship, and went over the sea towards Capernaum: and it was now dark, and Jesus was not come tothem. 18 And the sea arose, by reason of a great wind that blew. }!9 So when they had rowed about five and twenty, or thirty furlongs, they see Jesus walking on the sea, and drawing nigh unto the ship: and they were afraid. 29 But he saith unto them, It is I, be not afraid. 2! Then they wil- lingly received him into the ship, and immediately the ship was at the land whither they went. 22 The day following, when the people which stood on the other side of the sea, saw that there was none other boat there, save that one whereinto his dis- ciples were entered, and that Jesus went not with his disci- ples into the boat, but that his disciples were gone away alone: 23 howbeit there came other ae. be=s: c Gb. om. d Gb. wAotoreJoun VI. 24. 238 EYATTEAION boats from Tiberias, nigh unto 7\Ge mAorapia €x TiBepiddos eyyvs TOU the place where they did eat _/ ¢/ 7 Ny a> OV apTo €UX a= bread, after that the Lord had 7270U O7F0U epayov ae ue ee Ee ye given thanks: *4 when the peo- ploTnoavrTos Tov Kupiov ) OTE OV ple therefore saw that Jesus -? was not there, neither his disci- and came to Capernaum, seek- >” qirol eis Ta mAOia, Kal AAOoy eis Ka-) ing for J . ; oe S ~ \ eS Becenat; CoUS- mepvaovp, (nrovvtes Tov Incovv. bys > / = 25 And when they had found ~~ Kai eUpOvTEs avToY Tépay THs Oa- him on the other side of the Adoons, eimov ait: “PaBBi, wore Ode sea, they said unto him, Rabbi, 7 Pog 10 Ore Gir a When camest thou hither ? Yeyovas ; ; Amexp1 UL ORO SO ae 5 \ 5 Z cr 26 yesus eed them, and Kal €l7rey’ Apny apyny eyo UBLW, GE said, Verily, verily I say unto ns > / 3/ a 52 you, Ye seek me, not because TSUN LS; oe Cit ewere oe eee arr ye saw the miracles, but be- oTe epayere €K TOV GPTMY Kal EXOPTa= cause ye did eat of the loaves, 6 2. Pee 6 Sh dl es \ : : ee OOnTe. epyaceaGe THY WOW THY and were filled. 27 «Labour , AS i, PY ae fale 7 Bp ] not for the meat which perish- 70 upevny, a : a uP Bpocw THY : / > , ¢ eX eth, but for that meat which peevovoayv €ls Conv al@vVLoY, ny O vlOsS endureth unto everlasting life, Se Hey NC 5 eo oe which the Son of man shall give 79U ay POT ov Up Se ie xe YEP Oo unto you: for him hath God the mar eoPpaytcev 0 Geds. ** EKizoy : a: : 1p oe Beer cco: 7 ten Gad 63 gode aici TOL@pLeEv, va epya= they unto him, What shall we p pievs Ry t Ny, a ~ > / y do, that we might work the (@peOa Ta Epya Tov Geo ; 79 AmexpiOn | > 99g = > ~ > ral ~ works of God? 9 Jesus an- ¢ ¢ ” Ingovs kal eimev avtois* Tovré swered, and said unto them ’ > \ »~ ~ ~ ad , This is the work.of God, that €OTL TO epyov TOU Oeceou, wa TLOTEVONTE ye believe on him whom he eis Ov dméareuWev exeivos. * EKizoy oop hath sent. 30 They said there- > ~ Pe a \ - ¢ : eee : J El fore unto him, What sien shew. 2UT® Ti ovv motets ov OnjLElov, wa BTA \ , / I) 4, est thou then, that we may see, LO@pev KQL TLOTEVO@LEV GOL 5 TL epya- and believe thee? what dost ¢- 31 ,; Z LLY TO LG et : ; OLTATEPES NHUM@Y TO LaVVa EMayoy thou work ? 3! Our fathers did &7 LON Sa P 6 JP > ie Pe Y a eat manna in the desert, as it os 77) €PNM@, KACWS EOTL Te OEE . . > ~ > =~ wy to! 1s written, He gave them bread Aptov €K TOV OUpayvou €O@KEV avuTols from heaven to eat. - Payetv. 9 5 > Sn > ies \ ** Elev ‘ovv" abrois 6 Incovs Any * Then Jesus said unto dunpy eyo tpiy, od Moons déSaxev them, Verily, verily I say unto vp Tov aprov é€k Tov opavod* GAN 6 you, Moses gave you not that VM , pP 3 x on cag 3 bread from heaven, but my maTnp pov Oidoow viv roy dprov ék Father giveth you the true 799 ovpavov Tov ddnbivdy. 83 6 yap cp- bread from heaven. 33 For the x Aas ee: Te i > bread of God ishe which com- TOS TOU ©eov eoTly 6 kataBalvey ék 7 ey —_ > “ \ A A n eth down from heaven, and rou oupavou, kal Cony OWods TO Kdopa. giveth life unto the world. 34 Te open \ ite Ree ,* “4 Then said they unto him, TY Epos uno? - ae ee Lord, evermore give us this TOTE dos LLY TOV APTOY TOUTOV. Eire bread. 35 And Jesus said unto e Le ino Gi eo fea ¢ = 2s nD €° auTo i Eva them, I am the bread of life: oe OES 7 ON ET Ca 2 = ae (ey , , he that cometh to me, shall @PTOSs THs Cans O EPXOMEVOS TPOS pe, never hunger: and he that be- od uty wewdaon’ Kab 6 micTEbay Es ee, a> b Rec add «at, c 3 di = = exes * Or, Work not. qd > ~ > yy f elev 6 Oydos Ott “Inaods ovK eoTwi) 2 a > \ c \ > a Dee, ples, they also took shipping, «Ket ovde of paOnral avrov, évéBncay | is pb | , | | |KATA IOANNHN. 239 ov By bain, TT @TTOTE. an elroy py OTe Kal eopdkare pe, Kal ov Te orevere. 37 cay 0 dibaci pou 6 TATIp, m™pos EBE n&eu* Kal TOV €pXOjLevov mpos & fhe OU jun) exBaho efo° 38 6rt KataBe- Bnka €k TOU ovpavod, ovy Wa TOLd Td GedXnuwa TO €ov, GAAG TO OeAnpa Tov meuwavtos pe. * rovto S€ €ote TO Gednua Tod TEeprbavrds pe* warTpos,” wa mav 0 dedaxe [Lol, en dmrohero ef avrov, GANG a dvaorTn oe avo ev 7H ErXaTH nye- eG 49 rovTo » yap” eoTe TO Ochna TOU * méunpavrds pc,” va. mas 0 Gewpav TOV viov kal TLOTEVOY ets avrov, eX? Cony aiov.oy, kal avacTno@ avToy é€y® TH coxary NE pa. “Ey dyyucov ovy ot “Toudatou mepl avTov, ort elev" ‘Eyo Ell O apros 6 kataBas €k Tov ovpavov' © Kal édeyov" Ovx ovrds eoTU Ingovs 6 vios ‘To- on, ov Tipets oiapiey TOV Tarepa kal my HITEpA 5 Tas ody Eyer TobTOS" “Ort €K TOU ovpavov karaBeBnKa; aoe a mexpiOn TO. Ingovs Kal time, carols My) yoyyvéere pet GdAnrov. “4 ovdeis Suvarat ehOciv mpds jie, Edy pr) 6 TaTHp 6 méurpas pe EAkvoN adTov, Kal eyw dyaoT oe avroy | éy” 7 eoxary npepa. 4 earl Yeypapipeevov ev TOLS mpopnraus: Kai eoouma! mayres Ovdaxtol &” Geov. Ilas >” 6 ‘dxovev" mapa tod marpds kal pabov, épxetat mpds pe’ * odx Ore TOV TaTepa TLS E@pakev" Ei fT] 6 OV Ta- pa Tov Geov, odTos E@pake Td TaTEpa. 7° Aunv apny eyo vp, 6 TirTEV@Y eis EES Exel Cony aiaviov. “8 eya ips 6 apTos 7s Cons. A Ol marepes bpav epayov TO pavva ey ™ EMBO, Kal a7eé- Gayo" 50 otrdés €oTw 6 apros 6 €K TOU oupayov xaraBaiver, wa Tis ef avrou Joun VI. 51. lieveth on me, shall never thirst. 36 But I said unto you, That ye also have seen me, and believe not. 37 All that) the Father giveth me, shall come to me ; and him that cometh to me. i will in no wise cast out. 38 For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me. 39 And this is the Father’s will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me, I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day. 40 And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life : and I will raise him up at the last day. 41 The Jews then murmured at him, because he said, I am the bread which came down from heaven. 4? And they said, Is not this Jesus the son of Jo- seph, whose father and mother we know? how is it then that ‘he saith, J came down from heaven ? 43 Jesus therefore an- swered, and said unto them, Murmur not among yourselves. 44 No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me, draw him: and [I will raise him up at the last day. 49 Jt is written in the prophets, And they shall be all taught of God. Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father, cometh unto me, 46 not that any man hath seen the Father ; save he which is of God, he hath seen the Father. 47 Verily, verily I say unto you, He that believeth on me, hath everlasting life. #8 Iam that bread of life. 49 Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, and are dead. 50 This is the bread which cometh down from _ heaven, that a man may eat thereof, > : 51 a payn Kal pA) atro@ayn. Ds eyo eit 6 and not die. ®! [ am the living t ‘ . Gb. om. b Rec, ds. © rarpos pov, d—> e Rec. add ovy. f Rec. om. § Rec. add row h Ree. add ovr. i ©—. Rec. & Gb. axovoas.ae ae JOuN’ Vii 52. bread, which came down from heaven. If any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give, is my flesh, which J will give for the life of the world. 52 The Jews therefore strove amongst themselves, saying, How can this man giveus his flesh to eat ? 53 Then Jesussaid unto them, Verily, verily I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you. 5! Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. 55 For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. °6 He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my bleod, dwelleth in me, and I in him. 457 As the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father: so, he that eateth me, even he shall live by me. °S This is that bread which came down from heaven: not as your fathers did eat manna, and are dead: he that eateth of this bread, shall live for ever. °9 These things said he inthe synagogue, as he taught in Ca- pernaum. 6? Many therefore of his disciples, when they had heard this, said, Thisis an hard Saying, who can hear it? 61 When Jesus knew in himself, that his disciples murmured at it, he said unto them, Doth this offend you ? 6 What and if ye shall see the Son of man ascend up where he was before? §& It is the spirit that quickeneth, the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. 6! But there are some of you 240 EYATTEAION ~ “A “a / e aptos 6 Cav, 6 eK TOU ovpavod KaraBas 4 ~ y / Edy Tis Payn €K TOUTOU TOU apTov, (y-) na 2 Vad i wera eis TOY ai@va. Kal 6 Gptos Oé by) See N t ¢ / > \ as > v8 eyo Ooow, 7 Taps pov ect, *Hy €ya, \ ~ A / oe docw” Urep THs TOU Kdapov Cans. ¢ > > , cy 52 ’"Eudayovro ovv mpos a\AnAous of r , a / i } ‘Tovdatoe Aéyovres’ Ils Ovvarat otros” r A / tae the Fi S nyty Sodvar THY GdpKa hayew; * Hirev > a > Desire ? \ > \ 4 ovv avtots 6 “Incous' “Apny auny eyo cr \ 4 ~ Ca Uply, €ay pin aynre THY OapKa TOU Viod A / > ~ \ fe Tov avOpwrov, Kal inte avToU TO aipa, Y, oe ¢ / OUK €xeTe Cony ev Eavtois. ** 6 Tpayor 4 ‘ / \ cc lou THY OapKa, Kal Tivey jou TO apa, 2 i} ° > / exet (anv aiovioy, Kal eyo avactnow a > / ¢ 4 Roc, A avrov » ev” rh eoxarn nuepa. © 4 yap if fn c in 06 HM > a \ cap& Lov ©adnOas” eote Bodots, Kat A CZ. c IX 66 TS / 56 ¢ TO aia pov “adnOa@s” eatt mdats. © 6 / \ \ / Tp@yeov ov THY Gdpka, Kal Tive@y pov e 4 > > > => TO awa, ev Eol pever, Kaya év auto. 5 4 4 ~~ \ ” Kados améorethé pe 6 Cav tarp, Kay® (@ did Tov warépa’ Kal 6 TPw@yav x 7 > 4 e pe, Kaxeivos 4 (noerac” bv ene. obrds a > A cot 6 dptos 6 €k TOU ovpavod KaTa- id 7 > \ + ¢ es ~ a Bas" ov Kaas epayov oi rarepes °ipav TO payvva,” Kat améOavoy* 6 Tpoyeov ~n J , > ToUTov Tov aptov §& (yoerat” eis Tov alova. = a > a , °° Tatra eirev ev cuvaywyy OWdoKav r , > 7 ev Karrepvaovp. © aoddol obv dxov- n an > aA a oavtes €K TY pabnTay avTod eiroy* @ , , ZKAnpds eativ odTos 6 Aéyos: tis Siva= > “A > Zz S 61 JAN ‘ ge) TAL QUTOV AKOVELY $ Eidws O€ 6 In- ~ 5 a“ cd , gous ev €avTd, Ort yoyyvouvor epi Zz \ > a > nr ToUTOV of paOnral avrou, eirev avTois* A n , > > Tovro vyas oxavdarife; © edy ody A Age, Oewpnre rov vidv tov dvOparov dva- , Ul > Bawovra Grou jy TO mpdtepov; ® 76 a , > ~ ¢ TvEvpa EOTL TO CworroLovY, 1) Gaupé OdK > Xr om OE . NP eZ, 65) Neo , aperet ovdev' ra pnuata & eyed " \edd- PH: Col ~ , > A 4 Anka” vply, mvedpa eo Kal (an €or. 64 > > 9 A > ¢ a a > adn eiow €& tov twes ot od a> b Rec. & Gb. om. SSD arnOng bis, h- dw Un nocee. Cl res ~~. — Ree. & Gh. Aado. f Gb. om. 8S Enere.KATA IOANNHN. 24] Joun VII. 7. , y] 3 A moTevovow. “Foe yap e€ dpyis 6 "In- that believe not. For Jesus gous, Tives cio of pen TlaTevovtes, Kay Knew from the beginning, who res é i a they were that believed not, Tls ETL O Tapadocewr adrov. and who should betray him. 65 K \ EN z J X a JA A 65 a ‘ % al eAeye '@ TOUTO ELOnKa ULL, ° And he said, Therefore said 7 > , oS yr. oe aubee uracil ONGeiv mpos Le, Cap I unto you, that no man can ao 5 Sond es a , come unto me, except it were 1) 7} O€0OMEVvoy avT@ EK Tov WATPOS given unto him of my Father. SLOUe > / \ > a a 66 °EK Tovrov moNXo} amnAOov T&v 66 From that time many of a ae 9 > i isei > a pa@nraev avrod eis Ta OTia@, Kal ovkére his disciples went back, and es ; 67 3 > - Walked no more with him. MET QUTOU TEPLETTATOUY. ELEY SOUMO SMihen said ears unto the "Inaovs TOLs OwdeKa’ M7 Kat upets Oedere twelve, Will ye also go away ? ” aird Sf 8 Then Simon Peter answered umayety 5 : gpeK pe ) ee Medel! him, Lord, to whom shall we Tlerpos* Kupte, Tpos Tia amrehevo-bpe- go ? thou hast the words of eter- Rie a ae ” 69 ) nal life. 69 And we believe and TA CWS AlwYLOU Eve 6a PILara Cons u oe Kat ore Subes tat thou art that NLELS TETMLOTEVRAMEV, Kai EVYY@KAMEV OTL Christ, the son of the living ov Eel 6 ©Xpioros 6 vids” ToD Qeop’”, God. 7 Jesus answered them, uN 0 Tae BET Se OR Have not I chosen you twelve, Mmekpivn avrois ~ o Inoous us and one of youisadeyil? 7! He > N ¢ “A \ / 5 , wis . Ey@ uLas TOUS SadeKa eEeheEauny, Kal spake of Judas Iscariot the son a DIGGUNGS epee 7 BOVE of Simon: for he it was that aS BO ; Se ao . se? : Y€ should betray him, being one d€ rov “lotdav Ztuovos “Iokapt@tny* of the twelve. obros yap juedXev adrov Tapad.ddvat, eis dy” ex tov Sddexa. He Kay 8 wera TavTa TEPLETTATEL 6 7. After these things, Jesus T OAS FETE NDNG HE OD yp OED walked in Galilee: for he would ; NOES. SY gel Nt oe oe YOP NUENEY not walk in Jewry, because the ev TH lovdaia mepurareiv, bre €(ntouy Jews sought to kill him, > 5 > cr avrov of Jovdaiou drroxretvat. > ras > / ?°Hy O¢ eyyds 9 Eoptiy rév “lovdalev rp > \ > A 7 oknvornyia. 3 ciroy obv TpOs auTov ot adedol advrod: MeraBnGc evredbev, 2 Now the Jews feast of ta- te > ND Sail cr \ ¢ bernacles was at hand. 3 His Kal vumaye ets THY lovdatay, tva Kal ot brethren therefore said unto padnrai oov Gewmpnowor Ta epya OU nun, mehart hence, and go into 4 as SANS s 2 = Juda, that thy disciples also 2 Toes ovdels WR oe ae Te may see the works that thou TOLEL, KQL Cnret QvuTOS cy TappHoLg Eivat. doest. 4 For there is no man ie : , a ayers et Tavra troveis, havépwooy ceavroy Te that doeth any thing in secret, , 5 SEIN 552 DANE at and he himself seeketh to be KOO. Ovde yap ol ove pot ago! known openly: if thoudo these EMLOTEVOY els avutrov. § Neyer h ogy” avu- things,shew thyself to the world. Zl em fe <@ Niasgyek ok A 27 5 For neither did his brethren Oe. Ingovs : Se CEOS, OUT® nelieve in him. . 6 Then Jesus TApEeoriy* 6 O€ Kalpos 0 UMETEPOS Tav- said unto them, My time is not fae? ie 7 od Ov 5 xo- yet come: but your time is - ‘ OV OvvaTat oO KO- j ns Se pees TAN ey > y» alway ready. 7 The world can- OOS LLOELY UMaS* EE de PLOEL, OTL EYM not hate you, but me it hateth, an “~ Y, > “A * “2 : HapTup® Tept avrov, drt Ta Epya avrovd because | testify of it, that the a= b Reo, add ovy, ©, —Gb. ayos. 4 Rec. add. rov cease o> f= £ Reo: & Gb wepisrrares o Ingovs peta ravto. has it) /Joun VII. 8. works thereof are evil. 8 Go ye up unto this feast: I go not up yet unto this feast, for my time is not yet full come. 2 When he had said these words unto them, he abode still in Galilee. 10 But when his bre- thren were gone up, then went he also up unto the feast, not openly, but as it were in secret. 11 Then the Jews sought him at the feast, and said, Where is he? 12 And there was much murmuring among the people, concerning him: for some said, He is a good man: others said, Nay, but he deceiveth the peo- ple. '3 Howbeit, no man spake openly of him, for fear of the Jews. 14 Now about the midst of the feast, Jesus went up into the temple, and taught. 1° And the Jews marvelled, saying, How knoweth this man ¢ letters, having never learned ? 16 Jesus answered them, My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me. 17 If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whe- ther I speak of myself. '8 He that speaketh of pe seek- eth his own glory: but he that seeketh his glory that sent him, the same is true, and no un- righteousness is in him. !9 Did not Moses give you the law, and yeé none of you keepeth the law? Why go ye about to kill me? 2° The people an- swered, and said, Thou hast a devil: who goeth about to kill thee ? 21 Jesus answered, and said unto them, I have done one work, and ye all marvel. 22 Moses therefore gave unto you circumcision (not because it is of Moses, but of the fa- thers) and ye on the sabbath day circumcise aman. 73 Ifa 242 EYATTEAION r > Tovnpa €or. vets avaBnre els THY ¢ \ a / ALA SN De 32. t €optyy *ravtny'” eyo ” ovkK” avaBaiva od t els THY E€opTHy TaUTHY, OTL 6 KaLpOs 6 euos ova memAnpara. % Tavra®” SN a:3 rn + Wes a rT i x , eim@yv “avtots, euewev’ ev TH Vadtdaa. 10 os O€ dveBy cay ol adedoot auTov, TOTE Kal AUTOS aveBn eis THY EOPTHV, OV pavepas, ANN @s eV KpuTT@. 4 Of ody “Iovdator e(ijrouy avrov ev TH €opTh, Kal éXeyov’ Ilov éotuy ekel- vos § ae Sau yoyyuopos mohvs Trept avTov ny ev Tots dxyAols. ob pev Edeyov" a ‘Ort ayaOés éorw* dou ® ” edeyov" OU’ adda mAaVG Tdv 6ydov. *® Oddels 7 a0 / > / \ > ~ \ fevTOL Tappnola edadet wept avTov, dia \ , ~ y 7 Tov PdBoyv tay ‘lovdaiar. 14 oaET Oe ~ c a Zz, > , On O€ THS EOPTHS HETOVONS, avE- Bn 6 “Inaots eis TO iepov, Kal €OlOacke. aL KGa eOavpacov of “Iovdatou Aeyoures® Ilas gums ypappara oide, HN pepabhy- K@S } ‘Amrexpin § ot" avtots 6 “In- aovs Kat elev’ “H ery diay) ovK eotiv > \ tANG oN 7 , 7G S07, eu, aha Tov TepyavTos pe. €ay tis Oehn TO OeAnpa aviTov Tovey, yrva- OeTaL mepl Ts ddaxijs, TOTEPOV EK TOU Geov COTW, i) eyo ar epauTov Aad@. 8 6 ad éavtov adG 5 ad éavtov Nadav, Ty o&av THY lOvay (yret* 6 O€ Gyrav thy OdEav Tov mepvpavros avroy, ovros adn Ons €oTl, kal aduKia ev avT@ ovk eaTw. ov Moons d "AmexpiOn &6” "Incots Kal etme > 7 a a > avrois’ “Ev épyov emoinod, Kal Travres Oavpagere™ 22 Oud TOUTO" Moons dedo- Key Opty THY mepiropy y* (ovx ¢ OTe €k TOU Mactos €oTlv, GAN eK TOY Tmarepeov ) kal ev caBBare Tepuréepyere @Oporoy. a> bRec. ovrw ¢ Rec. add de. d ™ avuTog euecverv. e Rec. add és, aS — Rec. & Gb. om. £—> Or, leas ning.KATA IOANNHN. 3 243 > el Teplrouny apBdaver avOparos ey 7 4 n~ caBBare, iva jar AvOn 6 vdpos Macéas, ’ \ a o x €“ol yoAaTe Ore GAOV avOpaTov vyin \ 9. » Ab > emoinoa ev gaBBdtra; 74 7) Kpivete > kar ovr, adda Ty Sixaiay Kpiow / Kplvarte. 23 7/ EXeyov ovy Ties ek TOV ‘Tepoco- Dr en > Nee, > a EN upit@y* Ovy otrds €otiy Ov (nTrovotw > a 9 amoxtewat; *° Kai” ie ae / Tappnaia AaXet, Kat ovdév avT@ NEyoucr. unTrore > x > 5 a adnOas éyvacay oi apyovtes, dtt obTés c > r 7 ~ Boru? 6 Xpusrés3> 77sdAN& nodray 10 54 > / ‘é ¢ \ ms \ ov olvapev TOGEv Eativ’ 6 Sé Xpioros Stay s+ EPXNTAL, ovdels yiwwodoKe T6bEV early. 28 » : er Ae ad : Expagev oty ev T@ iepa diSdoKev c L a) ~ \ s rr? \ a \ 0 Inoovs kai heyov" Kaye otdate, Kal + ~ oWare 1d0ev cipi* Kal dx euavrod od , /, > », / eAndvOa, GAN eorw adnOwo0s 6 wéuryas a ¢ i > old . LE, OV UMLELS OUK OLOaTE f i 29 ery dy ¢ > yo °” oda > \ eh > > —~ 2, > “oe QUTOY, OTL Tap QUTOU ELL, KaKelvos B€ > 4 2 > - amectevey. 9 ?EGnrouy > > \ OUVY QUTOV , o \ 1) \ > ‘3 » HS 29 \ TlLagat Kal OVOELS ETTEMaAEY ET AUTOY f \ a ov » > 4 TY XELPA, OTL OVTT@ EeANAE autrov.: 3 det 7 @pa moN\Aol O€ ek TOU dxAov eéri- > 2 \ 7 BG, c OTevoay cis avTov, Kai €heyov’ “Ore 6 r », /, ti / Xpiotos drav €dOn, A pnre” mrelova 5 , / onpeta ° tovT@y” Tromoet > / ETOLNCED § 32 7 @VY OUTOS ~ ar of Hkxoveay ot Papicaiot Tot oxou a “~ > / yoyyvgovros rept avtov tadra: Kal aré- oretAay ot Bapicaion Kal oi apyuepets / 7 > vanperas, iva Tidowow avrov. 6 “Inoots’ "Ett pixpov xpdvov re eT a OUV 33 cirrey rn \ \ ped tuaov cis, Kal tmdyo m™pos Tov , / \ > meprpavta pe. ** (nrnoeré jue, Kal ov ° > > \ ¢ a > EUPNOETE Kal Orrov Eil eyo, tpeis ov Ovvac Ge edGeiv. = > > C2 35 Eizrov ovv of “lov- Oatou mpos €auvtovs’ Ilov obtos peAAet ¢ c -~ > TopeverOa, Ott mpets ovx EUPNTOpLEV an c avuTov ; p71 eis THY OtaoTopay Ta “E)- Anvev péedeu’ -opever Gar, kat diddoKewv Joun VII. 35. man on the sabbath day receive circumcision, «that the law of Moses should not be broken ; are ye angry at me, because I have made a man every whit whole on the sabbath day ? 24 Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righte- ous judgment. 75 Then said some of them of Jerusalem, Is not this he, whom they seek to kill > 26 But lo, he speaketh boldly, and they Say nothing unto him: Do the rulers know indeed that this is the very Christ? 27 Howbeit we know this man whence he is: but when Christ cometh, no man knoweth whence he is. 2S Then cried Jesus in the temple as he taught, saying, Ye both know me, and ye know whence I am, and I am not come of myself, but he that sent me, is true, whom ye know not. 79 But I know him, for I am from him, and he hath sent me. 0 Then they sought to take him: but no man laid hands on him, because his hour was not yet come. 3! And many of the people believed on him, and said, When Christ cometh, will he do more miracles than these which this man hath done ? 32 The Pharisees heard that the people murmured such things concerning him: and the Pharisees and the chief priests sent officers to take him. 33 Then said Jesus unto them, Yet a little while am I with you, and then [ go unto him that sent me. 34 Ye shall seek me, and shall not find me: and where I am, thither ye cannot come. * Then said the Jews among themselves, Whither will he go, that we shall not find him ? will he go unto the dis- persed among the 4 Gentiles, a > b Rec. add aA79ws. ¢ Rec. add ds. da Or, without breaking the law of Moses. Ne o F Rec. add antotce 8 Or, Greeks.Joun VII. 36. & teach the Gentiles? 36 What manner of saying is this that he said, Ye shall seek me, and shall not find me ? and where I am, thither ye cannot come ? 37 In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood, and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. 33 He that believ- eth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. %9 (But this spake he of the Spirit which they that believe on him, should receive. For the Holy Ghost was not yet given, because that Jesus was not yet glorified.) 40 Many of the people therefore, when they heard this saying, said, Of a truth this is the pro- phet. 4! Others said, This is the Christ. But some said, > Shall Christ come out of Gali- lee? 42 Hath not the scripture c said, That Christ cometh of the seed of David, and out of the town of Bethlehem, where David was? #43 So there was a division among the people because of him. 44 And some of them would have taken him, but no man laid hands on him. 45 Then came the officers to the chief priests and Pharisees, and they said unto them, Why have ye not brought him? 46 The officers answered, Never man spake like this man. 47 Then answered them the Pharisees, Are ye also deceiv- ed? 43 Have any of the rulers, or of the Pharisees believed on him? 49 But this people who knoweth not the law, are curs- ed. °9 Nicodemus saith unto them, (he that came to Jesus by night, being one of them,) 5 51 Doth our law judge any man before it hear him, and know 244 EYATTEAION , < TOUS “EM qa § 38 tis eat ovTOS O Adyos 6 dy etme: Zntnoeré pe, Kal ovx etpnoere Kal’ “Orrou eipl eye, vpets ov Ovvacbe eOeiv ; 37 "Ky O€ TH eoxary nLepa TH peyahn THs E€opTHs eloTH KEL 6 “Inoovs, Kat expage heyor' ’Eav tis Ouba, epyéo9a mpos ple Kal mero" 33 6 mig TeEv@Y els Efe, Kabas elrrev 7 ypapn, TOTGJLOL EK THs Kollas avToU pevoovow vdatos (eavros. *° Tovro O€ ele Tepl TOU Tyevparos ou epedov AapPavewy ol MLGTEVOVTES ELS ne ovTea yap ny IIvevpa * pee OTL “Incovs « ovdEeTr@ edoEao On. ne ouy €K TOU OxAov dKovoayres Tov oyor, eheyow Otrés cot ddndas 6 mpopnrns. *AAXot eheyou" Otirds cor 0 Xpwords. *ANAot © de" € eAeyov" M1) yap €k 7S TadsAaias 0 Xpioros EpXETaL 3 2 ovxl 7 ypahn clmev, OTL EK TOU omepparos Aavid, Kal amo By Oden, TS ome Omrou HV Aavid, 0 Xpworos EPXETAL 5 #3 Sxlopa ouv ev TO OXAD eyeveTo de avtov. ** Tuves de iKOchov e& avray Tuao-at avrov, an ovdels emreBahev em avToy Tas Xetpas. 45 °H) Gor ovp ot Umrnperat mpos TOUS apxvepets Kal Dapicatovs" Kal elmov avtots eketvow’ Atari ovK nyayere QUuTOov; % -AmexpiOnaay oi imnperar’ Ovderore ovTws eAdAnoey GvOpwros, 4 as otros 6 dvOpamos.” 7 >AmexpiOnoay ody av- Tots of Papicaiows Mn kai vpets me- mAavna Ge 5 pL) TLS eK TOY apYovT@Y emiaTevoev eis avTov, 7) €K TY Papi- caiwy; * aX 6 bxdXos otros 6 py ywooKor TOV VOJLOY, emiKaraparot eioe. 20 Aéyeu Nuxddnpos mpos _airovs, 6 €\- Gay VUKTOS mpos avror, ets ov ef avTov' ‘ Mi) 6 vépos nuay Kpiver Toy dvOpe- TOV, Edy fl) AKOVoH Tap avTov © mpd- Cire. a> e@ © TrpwTer.KATA IQANNHN. 245 TE ov uM at lan , ae 52 =A 16 pov, Kat yye@ Ti movet; ™ AmrexpiOncay Kal euroyv avt@ M1 cal ov ek ths Ta- / SS , / v AtAaias ef; epevynooy kal ide, bre TT po- , > A , > > , @ytns ek THs Vadwdalas ovk eytyeprat. 53° a 17.) > , o > \ Kat emopevOn éxaoros eis tov Sy ¢ ~ > ~ \ 3 , OlKov autov. 8. Inaovs dé eTropevOn > MT? an > ee DO. N , ELS TO Opos THY EXaL@Y" * OpOpov Oe Ta- Aw tapeyevero eis TO iepov, Kal tas 6 Aads HpxeTo pds abrdv? Kal Kablicas ») / > , 3 y+ \ ¢ edidackev advtovs. * dyovcr dé of ypap.- parets Kal ot Papicator >” yuvaika ¢ ert” s , poLxela KaTEnpmeryy, Kal orncaytes auTiy ev péco, heyouow attra: A:- / a i ¢ \ , . > OdcKkare, arn 4 yur) Karen pn érav- , , 5 > \ “~ /, Topape frouyevouern. ° ev oe TO vOpe Moons nuiv eveteiNato tas ToravTas d \idavew*” od ody ri heyers © rept tN ae 6 ~ \ + 4 & QUTNS ; Tovro d€ eheyov meipacovres oa Fe ,’ avrov, wa éxywou * Katynyopiay Kat” A A , ~ avTov. 6 O€ “Incods Kdtw Kivbas, TO , wy > \ oe a ¢ ae OakTUA@ eypahen cis THY yHv as O€ , ~, , ETEMEVOY EpwTavtes aditov, davakiwas > , e a ele Tpos avtovs’ ‘O avapaptnros UL@V, ~ \ / > > > an 7 Tpetos tov NiGov er avtH Badéro. , » > 8 Kal maw xdto Kiwas eypadev eis A . , Ty ynv. ° ot dé, dxovoartes, Kal bd ~ , > > , Ths ovuvednoews edeyydopevor, e&np- ec ve > a xovto eis KaO cis, apEdpevor awd Tov o an \ mpeoButépav ews TY eaxdTaY* Kal > ~ \ ¢ \ KatehetPOn pdvos 6 Inaods, kal 7 yuv7 = > , A > ev €0@ * ovca.” avaxivras dé 6 "In- f ; ee Tous, Kat pndeva Ocacdpevos TAHY THs > na , ~ - yuvaikos, eimev avTn "Tuvat,” mov eiow Cr 4 > , EKElVoL Of KaTIyoOpol wou; ovdels ce , SX > \ katexpwev; 4 “H 8€ eimev’ Ovdels, , > \ se oA <3 mnt Onde Kupte. Eire O€ avtn 6 "Incovs voe vr \ 7 Ey@® OE KaTaKpivw* Topevou Kal pyKert Gpaprave. > > = > cr , 1% Tlakw odv 6 Inaots adrois éAd- 4 > , > \ na ~ Ange héyov’ “Eye cips to hos Tod Joun VIII. 12. what he doeth? 52 They an- swered, and said unto him, Art thou also of Galilee 2 Search, and look: for out of Galilee ariseth no prophet. 53 And every man went unto his own house. 8. Jesus went unto the mount of Olives: 2and early in the morning he came again into the temple, and all the people came unto him, and e sat down, and taught them. 3 And the scribes and Phari- sees brought unto him a wo- man taken in adultery, and when they had set her in the midst, 4 they say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act. 5 Now Moses in the law com- manded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou ? 6 This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground as though he heard them not. 7 So when they con- tinued asking him, he lift up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. § And again, he stooped down, and wrote on the ground. 9 And they which heard it, be- ing convicted by their own con- science, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst. 10 When Jesus had lift up himself, and saw pone but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee ? 1! She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I con- demn. thee: go, and sin no more. 12 Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the a = Ka exropevdy ad cap 8, IL. uxxert auaprave. b Rec. & Gb. add xpos avrov. © Rec. & Gh. \ > A Koo}Lov" 6 akohovday EHol, OU pn TE- purarn cet eV TH} OKOTIG, GAN eeu TO pas TIS Cons. 13 Kirov ovy avt@ ot Dapirator’ Sv meplt ceavrov paprupets” a paptupia gov ovK €oTw adn Ons. * ’AmexpiOn ” Ingovs Kal elev avrots Kay eye paprupe Tept epeauTov, ahnOns eoTl 1 paprupia pov" ort otda moev HrOov, Kal Tov UTaya* vets Oe OvK > » a Neg Le, oldare 1dev epxouat, “7” wou vTaya. 15 {uels KATA THY OAapKa KpiveTE’ eyo ov Kplvm ovdeva. Kal eav Kpivw O€ Je N ¢ , (Fi) A > GZ 3 es ¢ €yd, 4 Kpiows n Eun adnOns eat’ OTL / > ° \ > > 3 XN \ ¢ 4 [ovos OvK e€ipl, GAN ey@ Kal 6 TEprpas pe marip. 7 kal ev TO voum O€ TO o 4 UpeTEp@ yeypanrau’ Ore Ovo avOpe- mov ” poaprupia ahn Ons ect. 8 Ey ELL O paprupaey mept €avuTov, Kal pap- mupeb Tept €HOU 6 mepvas pee marnp. 19 7 Eneyov otvy avT@* lov €or 6 marnp Ov; *AmexpiOn ° “"Inaovs’ Ore cue olOaTe, OUTE TOY TaTépa prov’ Et > , / Ege HOELTE, Kal TOY TaTeEpa pov 7OELTE >/ 20 ans \ Cue NaN cZ a. Tavra ta pypata €\a noe €v TO yacopurakig, OuddoKewv ev TO iep@* Kal ovdels emlacev avToy, O6Tt ovm@ eAndvOet 7 @pa avrov. l > > s > eS qc) ANT Ghl Eimey ovy aA avtois* 6 Incovs , ‘ , r "Ey traye, Kal (nTNoeTe Me, Kal Ev TH / ¢ ca > ws ¢ , \ duaptia vey amobavetabe* Omrou eya 4 ~ 7 Umayo, vpets ov Suvacbe ehOciv. *”ENe- > a , A yov ovv ot “lovdaior’ Myre amoxrevet ¢ \ e / < ov > \ ¢ , €auToy, OTL eye’ “Orrov eyw vUTaye, 5 , > val 5 ipets ov Ovvacbe ehOciv; 7 Kat etmev avrois’ “Ypets €k TOY KATW EOTE, EyY@ EK Tay dvw eipi’ vets EK TOU Kd poU TOU- TOU €OTE, EY@ OUK eit EK TOU KOTHOV , ) > > A / routov. “4 eimoy ovy tiv éte amoa- veloOe ev Tals dpaptiats vpev’ E€ay 4 ¢ yap py miotevonte OTL ey@ Eibput, amo@aveioOe ev tals dpaprias vor. a Rec. wate Db Rec. add o. © Rec. add o Inaovs. qdKATA IQANNHN. 247 5 / 2s rn 5) r 2 EXeyov otv auT@* Sv ris ef; * Kai’ > i > a ¢ elev avtois 6 Incods’ Ty apyny 6 Te \ 1 XG CED °6 \»~ Neve a Kal NANG viv. TOAAG EX@ Tepl Dav n \ , ; > > ¢ / Nadety Kal Kpiver* AXN 6 Tewryas pe > , > > A > adnOns €or, Kaya & #Kovca Tap av- ~ ~ 7 5 Tov, tavta » Neyw” eis Tov KOG LOY. a > 4 a 7 OvK éyvacay ért roy TaTepa avrots + eAeyer. 9 \> > n > A 7 8 Eimev ody avrots 6 Inoovs' “Oray ic , \ CN A > t , vYoonte Tov vidv Tod avOpdmov, rére / a % ? a yooerGe ort eye cit’ Kal a €/LAUTOU ~ \ , TOL ovdev, GANA Kabws eSiSaké pe 6 , > na 29 Ve f, TATNP Lov, TAVTA AGA®. 79 Kal é Tmepvas > ~ > > ~ 7 PE, MET E00 EoTLY* OvK apHKé pee pLd- A oe > na voy ° 6 maTip,” OT éy® Ta apecta avuTe MOL@ WAYTOTE. g r a“ > A ~ °° Tatra aitod Nadodvtos modo} > , , ? , 31 >/ > c eTlOTEVOAV Els AUTO. Eneyev ovy 6 > ~ \ ~ Inoovs mpos tods memtorevKoras aUuT@ > > 5 a lovdatous' “Eady tpets pelynte ev TO n~ > ~ >) ~ Aoyw TO Eud, ahnOds panrai pov eae, > \ , 2 kal yvooecbe Ty adneav, Kal 7 é > ~ ahyGea ehevOcpace buds. % "Amrekpi- a 4 > Onoay aite* Srépya ABpadp ecper, / , a Kal ovdevi SedovdevKapev TdTOoTE’ ToS A 4 . a > zo: , ov heyers’ “Ore EhevOepor yernoec be ; a4, , D sry cn ai. \ Amexpi@n avrois 6 Ingovs* Apnv dunv eyo dbpiv, dt. was 6 Torey THY dy.aptiav, Sovdés éote * THs daprias.” oo S = > s > > pes, > 6 0€ dovdos ov péver ev TH olkia eis TOV al@va* 6 vids péver eis Tov alova. 36 av x ¢ c\ c ca ? 6 , y+ eay OvV O vLos upas ehevbepaun, dv- > 4 »~+ 37 > vA Tos €hevdepor eoeobe. otda Ore > > rn / omeppa “ABpadu eore’ GdXa Cyretré H€ Gmrokreivat, OTL 6 Aoyos 6 éuds ov r r A Xopet ev imiv. * eye 0 émpaka Tapa va an c SY a T@ Tarpt © ov,” hake’ Kal vets ody 6 ‘ewpdkate” mapa to marpl & bpav,” 5 > / A > motetre. *° "AmrexpiOnoay kat eimoy av- T@° “O ratip nav ABpadu éort . / > 1p. Te > ote ie 7 ~ Aeyet avtois 0 Incovs’ Ei téxva tov . as b & Aadw. Gur? ds oe Joun VIII. 39. 27> Then said they unto him, Who art thou ? And Jesus saith unto them, Even the same that I said unto you from the be- ginning. 26 ] have many things to say, and to judge of you: but he that sent me is true, and | speak to the world, those things which I have heard of him. *7 They understood not that he spake to them of the Father. 8 Then said Jesus unto them, When ye have lifted up the Son of man, then shall ye know that 1 am he, and that I do nothing of myself: but as my Father hath taught me, I speak these things. 29 And he that sent me, is with me: the Father hath not left me alone: for J do always those things that please him. 30 As he spake those words, many believedon him. 3! Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed. 32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. °3 They answered him, We be Abraham’s seed,and were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free ? 34 Jesus answered them, Ve- rily, verily I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin, is the servant of sin. 35 And the servant abideth not in the house for ever: but the Son abideth ever. °6 If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. 37 I know that ye are Abraham’s seed, but ye seek to kill me, because my word hath no place in you. 38 I speak that which Ihave seen with my Father: and ye do that which ye have seen with your father. 39 They answered, and said un- to him, Abraham is our father. Jesus saith unto them, If ye fw NKOUTATE, SesJoun VIII. 40. were Abraham’s children, ye would do the works of Abra- ham. 40 But now ye seek to kill me, aman that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham. 41 Ye do the deeds of your fa- ther. Then said they to him, We be not born of fornication, we have one Father, even God. 42 Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me, for I proceeded forth, and came from God: neither came I of myself, but he sent me. 43 Why do ye not under- stand my speech ? even because ye cannot hear my word. 44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do: he was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. 45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not. 46 Which of you con- vinceth me of sin? Andif I say the truth, why do ye not be- lieve me ? 47 He that is of God, heareth God’s words: ye there- fore hear them not, because ye are not of God. 48 Then answered the Jews, and said unto him, Say we not well that thou art a Samaritan, and hast a devil? 49 Jesus an- swered, I have not adevil: but I honour my Father, and yedo dishonour me. 59 And I seek not mine own glory, there is one that seeketh and judgeth. 5t Verily, verily Isay unto you, If aman keep my saying, he shall never see death. 52 Then said the Jews unto him, Now we know that thou hast a devil. Abraham is dead, &® Gb. ecre, b Rec, add avy, ¢ > d 248 EYATTEAION BS \ A ey \ "ABpadp * ire,” Ta epya tov "ABpadp rn n \ ~ 4 > eroueite >”, * yoy dé Cyretré pe aro- cr a aA A > 4 : ¢ co KTetvat, dvOpwrov os THY dAnOeray dpi d\ 2, a ae AehdAnka, nv Kovga Tapa Tov Ocovd ~ / ¢ Lom) tovto ABpaay ovK eroinoev. 41 tpets rn 4 a Cc ~ a TOLELTE TA Epya TOU TATPOS Upa@Y. Evmov . > o ~ > “ovr” avt@* “Hyets €k mopveias ov ye- o , A / yevunpeda’ eva matepa exopev, Tov Oedv. 42 > d/ > o Cee) age . Ce Eimev autots 0 Inaovs’ Ei o Bee > a \ ase Ocds TaTnp vay nv, nyawate ay eye ~ A a \ 7 ey@ yap €k Tov Geod e&HAOov Kal FKo* > \ \ > > 3 ~ > / tA > ovde yap am éuavrov €AnAvGa, GAA cr \ exeivds pe atrearetde. * Suvari THv Aa-~ 3 7 Atay THY EunY ov ywaokeTEes OTL OU > Ovvacbe dxovety Tov Néyov Tov éeudy. 44 © a > e LL; \ a) 6 ov upeis ex © TOU’ maTpos Tov OiaBddou core, kal Tas emiOvuias tod marpds tpav Oédete Toretv. ekeivos avOpwmo- > > A me KTOVOS HY am apxns, Kal ev TH aAnOeia > Y ere. > y+ > , > OUX €OTHKEY" OTL OUK eoTW aAnOeLa ev > lod cd 6 A ~ > 4 avT@. oTav Aady TO Weddos, ek TeV N7 o 7 , > \ \ ¢ \Oiov adet? Ste Wevotns earl kal 6 \ > cay 45 > A Sa A 3 nO TaTHp avTOo eyo Oe ore THY GAnOevav , , fa rn eyo, ov miateveré por. * ris C& Suey Y®, DN vd Nee , : 2, oN, eheyxet pe mepl dyaptias; et*” adn- rn , Gevav Evo, Swati vets od mateveTe n a Ce, pot; *” 6 dy ex Tov Oeov Ta pnuara ~ ~ 7 A ~ TOU Geov dkover’ Sid TovTO ueis ovK / ~ an GKOVETE, OTL EK TOV QEOd OK eaTé. > ee %S ArexpiOncav&” of “Iovdaiot Kal 3 DAS > A , ¢ r elroy auT@ Ou Kahas Aeyopuev Tels, Ss \ / oTL Zapapeitns et av, Kat Satpdvoy > ~ >? exeus; 9 “AmexpiOn “Incots’ ’Eya dat- pOvLoy OUK Exo, GANA TIL@ TOY maTépa pov, Kal Yweis aTimacere pre. 9 eye dé > ~ \ O66 i Za ¢ a ov (yT@ thy Oday pov’ eoTw 6 Cyrdv \ , SN 3h AN , A Kat Kpivav. *) duny apy déyo bpir, a7 \ hy \ > , , eay Tis TOY NOyor TOY Euoyv THpHON, Od~ > \ , wn varov ov wn Oewpnon eis Tov aidva. 5 > 5 n > r ~ °2 Elmov ovv avT@ ot “lovdatou' Nov > ao eyvokawev OTe Saudyvioy eyeus. °A- Rec. add ovr. © Rec. om. £ Rec. add ds. g Rec, add ovyKATA IQANNHN, 249 \ Qe 7 Ne A \ \ Bpadp aréOave kai of mpopynrat, kat od , > x Neyets* "Edy tis rov hoyov pov tTnpnon, \ i ~ ov py *-yevonrar” bavdrou ” e?s rov ado- eS \ \ , > a \ va. M7 ov peifoy ef TOU TraTpos ¢ nn > > / npav ABpuaw, doris améOave; Kat ol mpoparar amrédavov' tiva ceavroy “qTrotels 3 4? > ~ 3: A > 4" ArexpiOn Incods: Edy eyo doEdla ewaurov, 7 dda prov ovdev eat? éoriw 6 matTnp pou 6 Soédtwy pe, dy UpLets r 4 ere, \ ds Pee Le. 55 \ eyeTe’ Ort Gcds “nydy” éeore Kal > > r Dg ARs LON \ 2! IZA OUK eyy@KaTe auToy’ éya Oé oida adrév > fp ¢ > Kal eay elm Ore ovK olda avrov, A a Cc A 4 a > > €Gopvat opotos vay, WevoTns’ aA oida avroyv, Kal rov AGyov abrod tynps. 56 >? \ € \ Cennr > ni / ABpaap 6 maTHp bwdv tyaddAtdcaro 4 , > wa On Thy nuépav thy eunv* Kal ede iN > , 57 5; > (9) 5 5 Kat €ydapn. Eimrov ovy ot “Iovdaior mpos avrov’ Tevrnkovra TN OUTrM eXELS, kat ABpadp édpakas ; 58 S > + mh) “ar? ‘ DN Etrev avrois 6 Incods: "Api duny Xr , Cees N AN \ / 6 > I eyo uulv, mply “ABpaau yevér Oat, éyd 5 59 Oe > WV) a aN elt. °“~ Hpoav ovv Aidous va Badwow 228.2 > TEED ~ sy) , \N Of em avtov’ Inaovs dé expvBn, Kat eEnr- A ~ 4 Oey ek Tov iepod, © dieAOav Sid Lew ou n “a oa 7 a auTéy Kat tmaprjyev ‘ otras. 9. Kai mapdyov cide dvOpwmov tv- an > > pdAov ek yevetns. ? kal nootnoay adrov ¢ \ > ~ , 4-6 \ 4 ot paOnrai airovd Néyovtes: ‘Pal, ris 2 x r > ~ ° WPapTev, OvTOS 7) of yoveis adrod, iva \ oo. (6 gt 21 a Tupnros yevundn; 2 AmexplOn 8” Incods = a > Outre otros myaptev ove of yovets av- ~ lod A »~ & Tov ad’ wa dhavepoOy ta épya Tov A n an , \ Ocod ev ait@* * eu Set epyalerOar Ta ~ o Claas, épya Tov meppavtds pe ews nuécpa N , eoTiv’ épyerat vo&, ote ovdels Svvatat 3 / ’ mae 5 A epyageo Oa. ° dray ev TA Kdopo 0, Pads ~ ~ > \ a eit TOU Kdcpov. © Tadta einay, é- , \ > A MTVOE Xapal, Kal emoinae mNNOV eK TOU wi A JAN TTVT MATOS, Kal emeXpLoE TOV THADY emt aA A \ rovs opOarpovs "rot rup od,” 7 Kai JOHN XG 77 and the prophets: and thou Sayest, If a man keep my say- ing, he shall never taste of death. 53 Art thou greater than our father Abraham, which is ead ? and the prophets are dead: whom makest thou thy- self ? 54 Jesus answered, If I hon- our myself, my honour is no- thing: it is my Father that honoureth me, of whom ye Say, that he is your God: 55 yet ye have not known him, but I know him: and if Ishould say, I know him not, I shall be a liar like unto you: but I know him, and keep his saying. °6 Your father Abraham re- Joiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad. 57 Then said the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham ? 58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am. 59 Then took they up stones to cast at him: but Jesus hid him- self, and went out of the tem- ple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by. 9. And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth. 2 And his dis- ciples asked him, saying, Mas- ter, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind? 3 Jesus answered, Nei- ther hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made mani- fest in him. 4 I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night com- eth when no man can work. ® As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world. 6 When he had thus spoken, he spat on the ground, and made clay of the spittle, and he «anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay, 7 and said & Rec. yevosrac. bo © Rec. addian. & Rec. add o. h—> d .—Ree.& Gb. vuwr. € Gb. om. f St. ovrw. Or, spread the clay upon the eyes of the blind man,Joun IX. 8. unto him, Go wash in the pool of Siloam (which is by interpre- tation, Sent.) He went his way therefore, and washed, and came seeing. 8 The neighbours therefore, and they which before had seen him, that he was blind, said, Is not this he that sat and begged ? 2 Some said, This is he: others said, He is like him: but he said, I am he. 10 Therefore said they unto him, How were thine eyes opened? 1! He an- swered and said, A man that is called Jesus, made clay, and anointed mine eyes, and said unto me, Go to the pool of Si- loam, and wash: and I went and washed, and I received sight. 42 Then said they unto him, Where ishe? He said, I know not. 13 They brought to the Pha- risees him that aforetime was blind. 14 Andit was the sabbath day when Jesus made the clay, and opened his eyes. 1! Then > again the Pharisees also asked him how he had received his sight. He said unto them, He put clay upon mine eyes, and I washed, and do see. !6 There- fore said some of the Pharisees, This man is not of God, be- cause he keepeth not the sab- bath day. Others said, How can a man that is a sinner, do such miracles ? And there was a di- vision among them. 17 They say unto the blind man again, What sayest thou of him, that he hath opened thine eyes? Hesaid, He is a prophet. 18 But the Jews did not believe concerning him, that he had been blind, and received his sight, until they called the pa- rents of him that had received his sight. 19 And they asked 250 HYATTEAION elrev ait@’ "Ymraye vipat els THY Kohup- BryOpavy Tov Siradp" (6 eppnveverat, dmrearahpevos-) annOev ovy Kal evi- Waro, kal ne Preroy. 8 Oi ody yetroves: co ol Gewpowvres avToV TO mporepov ore * mpooairns” nV, eheyor" Kal TpPooaray ; 9 ”“AXoe eheyov'" “Ort obrds éotw’ “Addo d€* “Ore 6poLos auT@ €oTLy. ‘Exetvos edeyev" “Ore eyo eit. ue “EXeyoy ouy auT@’ IIlas dve@- xOnoay ° gov’ ot dpbartoi Hin Arrexpi- On é€ketvos Kat elev" “AvOpeoros Aeyo- pevos "Inaovs mov ETON, Kal eme- Xpere jLou Tous os Kal €lmré prot’ "Yraye eis © THY kohup Bn Opay TOU SArAoap,” Kal vila. “Amedwv de kat vipapevos, aveBrela. ™ Hirov ot atvT@* Tov eorw exetvos; Aéyer* OvK ota. Ag “Ayouow avrov Tpos 70ue Papi- galous, Tov mote tuprdgy. 4 ny be odSBaror, 6Te TOY mmdov emoin wey 6 Ingovs, Kal dve@Sev avrov TOUS opbak~ pous. © mddu ovy npotev avTov Kat ot Papicaion, wos aveBrewev. 6 O€ etrrey aurois” TInAov erreOnké ‘ou el Tous dpOadpovs,” Kal evippapiny, Kal Prero. ug “ENeyov ovUY €K TOY dapioaioy TUES” Otros 6 avOpomos OUK €or mapa TOU Gecod, Ore TO CABBarov ov Typet. “AAXoL ear" Ilés dvvatrac aOporos cap - Ta@dos Tovavra onpeia movety; Kat oxt- opa ny ev avrots. M7 Aeyouow TO TUPAO mahw* Sv Tt Aeyets mepl avrod, OTL iivouté gov Tovs opOarpovs ; “O dé elmev "Ort mpon- mes eotiv, 8 Ovdx ériorevoay ody ot *Tovdator epi avtov, OTe TupAOs HY Kal aveBrevev, ews tov ehorvnaay rovs yovets avTov Tov avaBdeWavros, ) Kal @ Rec. rupros. b Bz. & Elz. co. © Gb, roy BtdAwap,. d Rec. sre tous ofarpovs pov. Ovx OUTOS EaTLY O KaOnpievos SRR pepe So See =KATA IOANNHN. 251 NpoeTnaay adrovs héyovtes’ Odrds €orw 0 vids Upav, dy Opes _Neyere OTL TU- Ome eyevyn On 3 mos our apte Prerret ; 3 © “AmrexptOnoav avrots ot yoveis: avuTou Kal etrrov” Otdaper 4 OTL oUTOS eoTW 6 vids NuUa@V, Kal OTL Tuphos ever Oy * "1 rs S€ viv Bremer, ovk olOapmev’ 7) Tis qvoieev avtov Tovs 6POarpors, tpets ovK oidapey” avros Mexiay exer’ auToy Ep@Tnoate, avTos mepl auTov hadnoet. 22 Tavra elroy ol yovels avTov, OTL epoBotvtro tovs “lovdaious’ 700 yap owveredewro ot “Iovdaton, wa €ay TLs auTov Opodoynoy Xpiorov, dmocwayo- yos yeunrat. 73 Oia TovTO ol yoveis avrou elmo’ “Ore nAtkiay €xet, adrov EPOTHOATE. 4 °-Eqdovnoay oby ex Sevtépou Tov avOpwamov ds Av TudAds, Kal elroy av- 7 * Ads ddfav TH Gew’ Tpets oiOaprey ore 6 avOparos ovTos dpaprodds ETL. © *AmexpiOn * oby “ €KELVOS kal elmev® Ei dpaprohds coTW, ovk oda’ €v oida, OTL Tupnos QV, apre Prere. 26 Kizov dé avT@ manu" Ti emoino€é cor; Tas 7voisE wou TOUS Opbarpovs 3 7° Aqre- ? Kpt@n avtois’ Kirov tiv 70N> Kal ovK nKovaate’ Tl madw Oedere akovety ; pn) Kal tpets Oédere avtod pabnral yeve- cba; * >Enoddpnoav >” adrov, Kal eimov’ Sv et paOnris éxelvou' nets Oe TOU Macéas éopev paOnral. 7° mets oldapev ott Moon Aehadykey 6 Geds’ TovUToy O€ OUK owWapey mobev € eorly. 30 ‘AmrexpiOn 6 abporos kal etrey avrois’ "Ey yap TOUT@ Gavpacrov cor, OTL Upels OUK oiSate méOer eon Kal dve@£&e Lov TOUS OpBarpovs. * \ ofBapey woe” ore GpapT@r@y 6 Geos OUK akovel' aN éay Tis GcoreBijs 7 > Kal TO eAnpa 32 ~ avtou Toln, TOUTOU AKOUEL. €K TOU Joun 1X. 32 them, saying, Is this your son, who ye say was born blind ? how then doth he now see? 20 His parents answered them, & said We know that this is our son, and that he was born blind: “I but by what means he now seeth, we know not, or who hath opened his eyes we know not: he is of age, ask him, he shall speak for himself, > 22 These words spake his parents, because they feared the Jews: for the Jews had agreed already, that if any man did confess that he was Christ, he should be put out of the syna- gogue. 23 Therefore said his parents, He is of age, ask him. 24 Then again called they the man that was blind, and said unto him, Give God the praise, we know that this man is a sin- ner. 2 He answered, and said, Whether he be a sinner or no, I know not: one thing I know, that whereas I was blind, now Isee. 26 Then said they to him again, What did he to thee? how opened he thine eyes? 7 He answered them, I have told you already, and ye did not hear: wherefore would you hear it again ? will ye also be his disciples? 28 Then they reviled him, and said, Thou art his disciple, but we are Moses’ disciples. 29 We know that God spake unto Moses: as for this fellow, we know not from whence he is. 30 The man answered, and said unto them, Why herein is a marvellous thing, that ye know not from whence he is, and yet he hath opened mine eyes. 3! Now we know that God heareth not sinners: but if any man be a worshipper of God, and doeth his will, him he hear- eth. 32 Since the world began a = b Rec. add ovr. = =,Joun IX. 33. was it not heard that any man opened the eyes of one that was born blind: 33 if this man were not of God, he could do nothing. 34 They answered, and said unto him, Thou wast altogether born in sins, and dost thou il teach us? And they «cast him out. \ 35 Jesus heard that they had p cast him out; and whenhe had found him, he said unto him, { Dost thou believe on the son | of God? 36 He answered and il said, Who is he, Lord, that I \ might believe on him? 37 And lee, Jesus said unto him, Thou hast ‘ both seen him, and it is he that talketh with thee. 38 And he i said, Lord, I believe: and he worshipped him. 39 And Jesus said, For judgment I am come into this world, that they which fi’ see not, might see, and that they which see, might be made i blind. 40 And some of the Phari- ' sees which were with him, heard these words, and said unto him, Are we blind also? 41 Jesus said unto them, If ye were blind, ye should have no sin: but now ye say, We see, therefore your sin remaineth. 10. Verily, verily I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief, and a rob- ber. 2? But he that entereth in by the door, is the shep- herd of the sheep. 3 To him the porter openeth, and the sheep hear his voice, and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out. 4 And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for if they know his voice. 5 Anda stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him, for they See s 2 = © avOpwrov, b Rec. om. Bp ake Sof SO dave. ¢ = -a Or, excommunicated him. 252, EYAITEAION SA > > , a + 4 > aL@vos OvK NKovGOn, OTL HvoLE€ Tis 6- n / > poarpovs tupdod yeyevunpevov. * ef = = = 2Q7 LL nv ovtos mapa Geod, ovK nOvvato a >Q7 31 3 , \ 3 Tovey OVOEV. AmekpiO@noay Kal eto ~ /, \ > / avTa’ ?Evy duaptias od eyevyn Ons o c \ \ , (oe eS Ne aw Odos, Kai ov diddoKets Huds; Kal é&é- Badov abrov ¢o. =, > A y 227 *” “Hrovoev 6 “Incovs bre e&éBanov yt > Ea avtov €&w* Kal ebpov adToy, etmrey avuT@* A a“ SU morevers eis Tov vidv TOD * Qeod 4 3 ¥ x *° ArexpiOn éxeivos kal etre » Kal” rig , f 4 , > €OTl, KUple, Wa TLoTEVTW Els QUTOY 5 3 13 i BB > s = , 37 Fume ° de” avT® 6 Incods: Kal éb- pakas avtoy, kal 6 haddv peta ood, > 7 , > 38 c \»~7 i. / EKELVOS EOTLV. O d€ ey’ Ttoreva, Kupte’ kal rpooextynoev avrT@. . * ‘Kau > > “A > elev 6 Ingots’ Eis Kpipa eye els TOV 4, “~ > ad c A / KoopHov tovtoyv nov, iva ot py Bré- 4 SS iS 4 movtes Brétrwot, Kat of BNémovtes Tv- prot yevovrat. 0 4 Kai” #eovcav ex Trav Dapicaiwy “~ > a mp TaUTa of OvTEs peT avTOv, Kal etroV 3 ieee, \ Noae A , > auT@’ Mn xai nets tupdol oper; | Rirev avrois 6 Incovs: Ei Tuo Are, 3 / a . y i OUK ay elyerTe auaptiav’ voy de heyere ¢ / : € e > Mine. , ¢ nr Ore Brérropev" 7) © ody apapria vey peeves’ 10. duny dpny heyo vpiv, 6 pr cirepxdpevos Oia THs Ovpas els thy ad- \ an Anv Tv TpoBdrwv, ara avaBaivey > a , ahaxdbev, exeivos Kdértns eat Kal , \ ms Anotns’ 7 6 8€ eicepyduevos Sid TS 4, , ~ Gupas, tmouuny éeote Tov mpoBarwv. , : TouT@ 0 Oupwpds avoiyet, Kat ta , a a A , mpdoBata ths porns abtod axover, Kal \ tO / f ou >? By; Ta wa mpdBara 'Kadet” Kar ovopa, \ > , > , 4 o NZ. 7 A Kat e&dyet avra. Skat” ovav Ta y+ Lola mpdBara exBddn, eumpoobev ad- rn 4 \ T@Y TopeveTat’ kal Ta mpdBata adv- a > c co >/ \ \ T® axohovbet, Ore oiSace Thy Paviy 3 ~ 5 > , \ > \ > QUTOU. ahdotpia dé od pr dko- , > , Aovonowow, adda hevéovra am uad-KATA IQANNHN. 253 eae > / = > v \ TOU" OTL OVK OOagL Toy GdKoTpiar Tiy , dovny. 6 ees \ , S) > c Tavrnv thy mapotmiay etrev adrois , ~ va ~, 6 Inoovs* éxeivor Sé odk %yvwcay riva > A SNe A > pe nv a eXddev avtots. 7 eirev ody rddw > =~ > ~ > 4 avtois 6 ‘Ingots’ "Auny aunv déyo c = a a UULLY, OTL Ey@ eit n Opa TOV TpoBatav. javtes Goo. * TPO €f100 mAGov, ” Kré- ’ \ \ ae > > > a+ mTat elot Kal AnoTal” GAN ovK Heovo-ay avT@y Ta TpdBara. ° eyo eit n Ovpa’ > > ~ oe > / Ov €“ov €av tis eicédOn, codnoerat, “ , Kal elgedevoerar Kal é&ehevoerat, Kal A / , » vouny evpnoe. | 6 KNémTNs odk Ep- , \ 7 ys A , A XeTae et pon Wa KEW Kal Ovan Kal > 7 . >. A > a A ~ amoheon* eyo nOov wa Conv éxaor, kal tepicody éxoow. | eyed eis 6 Tony 6 Kadds* 6 trouny 6 KadOS TIP Wuxi avrod ridnow imep tov mpoSd- 9 x tov 6 pwiaOwrds Sé, Kal ovk dp A re > ’ \ \ / oA TONY, OU OVK elot Ta TpdBaTa tdza, nr > Gewpet Tov Nikov épxdpevov, Kal apingt , Ta mpdoBara, Kal gevyer* Kat 6 dixos A apmacer avra, Kal oxoprite. ra ™po- 13 b ¢ \ \ 4 Me ch Bara. 0 O€ prcOwrds devye,” dre / > wy \ puaOards €ort, kal ov pédet avT® Trepl TOY TpoBaTav. \ MVEy® cit 6 mouuy 6 Kadds* Kab c \ YwWooKo TA Ed, Kal ywooKopar bd TOV euav, ° Kadas ywooker pe 6 Ta- , \ \ THP, KAYO ywookw Tov TatTépa’ Kal Thy an / Wouxny pov TiOnu trep Tay mpoBdror. y a > 7 6 kal G\Aa mpdBara €X@, A OVK EoTLW ~ a 4 > cr 4 r EK THS avAnS TavTns’ KaKewa pe Sei Qn ~ ~ > , . ayayetv, kal THs Pwvis pov akovcovce , / e / Kat yevnoerat pia Toipyn, cis mouuny. ~ , > a cd > \ Sia ToUTo 6 matTnp pe ayarG, bru eye / \ , a tA Xr Vd TiOnue Thy \ruxnv pov, wa warw AdBo li > A > > > a“ avtnv. *8 ovdeis aiper aitiy am eyod, >? ? > A 4, > A > > > = aXN eyo tiOnut aitny am éyavtod. < na > A \ > eSovoiay exw Oeivar avtiy, Kai e&ov- Ta , , olay €xym mahiv AaBew advtny’ ravTny Joun X. 18. know not the voice of stran- gers. 6 This parable spake Jesus unto them: but they understood not what things they were which he spake unto them. 7 Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep. 8 All that ever came before me, are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear them. 9 I am the door; by meif any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. !0 The thief cometh not, but for to steal and to kill, and to destroy: lam come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abun- dantly. 111 am the good shep- herd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. !2But he that is an hireling and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth: and the wolf catcheth them, and scattereth the sheep. 'S The hireling fleeth, because he is an hireling, and careth not for the sheep. 14] am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine. 1/5 As the Fa- ther knoweth me, even so know I the Father: and I lay down my life for the sheep. 16 And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, amd one shepherd. 17 Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life that I might take it again. !8 Noman taketh it from me, but I lay it down of my- self: I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take a Gb. AGov po euov. b => =>Joun X. 19. it again. This commandment have I received of my Father. 19 There was a division there- fore again among the Jews for these sayings. 2? And many of them said, He hath a devil, and is mad, why hear ye him? 21 Others said, These are not the words of him that hath a devil. Can a devil open the eyes of the blind ? 22 And it was at Jerusalem the feast of the dedication, and it was winter. %3 And Jesus walked in the temple in Solo- mon’s porch. 24 Then came the Jews round about him, and said unto him, How long dost thou make us to doubt ? If thou be the Christ, tell us plainly. 2° Jesus an- swered them, I told you, and ye believed not: the works that I do in my Father’s name, they bear witness of me. 26 But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you. 27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. 283 And I give unto them eternal life,and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. 29 My Father which gave them me, is greater than all: and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand. 3° J and my Father are one. 31 Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him. 32 Je- sus answered them, Many good works have I shewed you from my Father; for which of those works do ye stone me ? 33 The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not, but for blasphemy, and because that thou, being a man, makest 254 EYATTEAION Tv evToAnY €daBov Tapa Tov TaTpos\ piov. 19 Sylopa *ovv" wdadw eyéevero 1: Tots Iovdaiors dua Tovs Adyous ToUTOUS } ° EXeyov O€ modXol €€ adray' Aarpdvior | éxer Kal paiverac’ Tl avrou dxovere F 21 ”A)Nou éAeyou" Tavra TA para ovA\ cote SatpoviCopevou' p47) Sayudveoy Ovva- § Tar TUpAay 6pOahpovs avoiyery ; 22 "Eyevero O€ Ta eykaina ev? rots} ‘Tepocohvpots, CKal” yeyov nv 8 Kap Tepiearet 6 “Incovs ev TO iep@ ev TH oToa “ SoAopevos.” 4 -ExvkAo@oay ovy avrov of lovdaton, | Kal €heyov atta’ “Eas more thy Wuynrl nwaU atpers 5 el ov €l 6 Xpworos, elma new mappynoia. » ‘Arex pi6n avrots Gi ‘Ingovs" Etroy on, Kal ov TLOTEvETE } Ta epya d eye TOL® ev TO Svopare TOU marpos HOU; TavTa peaptupet rept ejLou" 5 8 GAN wpeis ov TLOTEVETE ov fae EOTE > ék TOY mpoParav TOV eHov. © kadars | eiov viv,” 77 Ta mpoBara Ta eua THs Pavns pov aKovel, Kayo yLVOTK avTA,E Kal ako\ovdovcl pou 8 Kayo Cony aia- | yoy Oidcome auTots* Kal ov 1 dmddovrau es TOV aiava, Kal ovx dpmaces Tes avra}) eK THs xeupds prov. ™ 6 marnp pou} Os O d Rec, rov : a : DorAopwvros. e> £3 Or, hold us in suspense,poe ITOANNHN. 255 * ’AmexpiOn avrois 0 ‘Inoovs: Ovk ore VEY Pap pevov ev TO vON@ vpav: ‘Ey@ eta, Geoi € EOTE 5 3 Ei ékeivovus eime Ge- ous, mpos ous 6 ogee TOU Ocov € eyevero, (kat ov Ovvarat Audjvae y n ypapn’) *© dy 0 marnp nytace Kal dméaretiey els TOV KOO por, vpets Aeyere: ‘Ore Pracdnpets, OTL elmo, vlog TOU Qeov eis; 7 ef ov TOL Ta epya Tov marpds HOU, Pa Te orevere plot es el O€ TOL, Kay EL0l fui morTevyre, Tots epyors morevoare wa yare kal Gh Ome v ORT: OTe ev éeuot 6 TaTnp, Kayo ev *auT@." oo E¢nrovy oby mdAw adroy mdcat Kal e&m)\Oev ex Ts XEupos avTav. *° Kal arn Oe maduy mépay TOU “Iopddvov, eis TOY TOTOV OTou HY ‘Toavuns TO mp@rov Bamri€ev’ Kat Epervey exet. *! Kal mon- dot AAOov ™pos auroy, Kal Ede you" “Ort ‘Touvyns Hey onpEtov eTroinoey ovdey" mavra Sé doa elmey ‘T@dvyys Tept Tov- TOU, ay Oi, 7 NY 2 Kal émiotevoay ToA- Rol eet eis auTov. ll. *Hy 0€ tis dodevaev Ad¢apos amo By Gavias, € eK TNS Kkouns Maptas Kal Map@as_ THs adeAdns aris. Gy Oe Mapia 7 dhetyara TOV Kuptov HLpP®, Kal expagara tous mddas avTov Tats BprEty Gums; ns 6 dehpos Ad¢apos noGever.) * améoretAay ovv at adehpal mpos avtov Néyouta’ Kupue, te dv pidreis avdevet. * *Axovoas 5€ 6 “Ingots eimev’ Atrn " do deveva OUK €OTL TPOS Gavaroy, GNX Umrep TS O0éns TOU cot, wa So€acb7 6 vids TOU Ocov dv aurns. : “Hydra dé 6 “Incovs tiv MdpOay kai ry adeAdiy avTns Kal Tov Ad ¢apor. @s ouV ij- Kovoev Ort aoOevet, TOTE pey Euewwey ev @ ny TOT@ Ovo 7pL€pas. 7 Sreira pera TOUTO héyet Tots patnraiss * ‘Ayapev els JOHN XO 7. thyself God. 34 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? 35 [f he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken: 36 say ye of him, whom the Fa- ther hath sanctified and sent into the world, Thou blasphem- est ; because I said, Iam the son “of God? 37 ]f 1 do not the works of my Father, believe me not. 38 But if I do, though ye believe not me, believe the works: that ye may know and believe that the Father is in me, and I in him. 39 Therefore they sought again to take him: but he es- caped out of their hand, 40 and Went away again beyond Jor- dan, into the place where Jehn at first baptized: and there he abode. 4! And many resorted unto him, and said, John did no mir acle: but all ‘things that John eee of this man, were true. And many believed on him ee 1. Now a certain man was sick, named Lazarus of Beth- any, the town of Mary, and her sister Martha. 2? (It was that Mary which anointed the Lord with ointment, and wiped his feet with her hair, whose bro- therLazarus was sick.) 3 There- fore his sisters sent unto him, saying, Lord, behold, he whom thou lovest, is sick. 4 When Jesus heard that, he said, This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the son of God might be glorified thereby. ° Now Jesus loved Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus. § When he had heard therefore that he was sick, he abode two days still in the same place where he was. 7 Then after that, saith he to his disciples, Let us go into aN Te Tarp.Joun XI. 8. Judea again. § His disciples say unto him, Master, the Jews of Jate sought to stone thee, and goest thou thither again ? 9 Jesus answered, Are there not twelve hours in the day ? If any man walk in the day, he stumbleth not, because he seeth the light of this world. 19 But if a man walk in the night, he stumbleth, because there is no light in him. ll These things said he, and after that, he saith unto them, Our friend Lazarus sleepeth, but I go, that I may awake him out of sleep. !2 Thensaid his disciples, Lord, if he sleep, he shall do well. 13 Howbeit Jesus spake of his death: but they thought that he had spo- ken of taking of rest in sleep. 14 Then said Jesus unto them plainly, Lazarus is dead: !5 and I am glad for your sakes, that I was not there (to the intent ye may believe:) nevertheless, {7 let us go unto him. !6 Then said Thomas, which is called Didy- mus, unto his fellowdisciples, Let us also go, that we may die with him. 17 Then when Jesus came, he found that he had lain in the grave four days already. !8( Now Bethany was nigh unto Jeru- salem, about fifteen furlongs off:) '9 and many of the Jews came to Martha, and Mary, to comfort them concerning their brother. *°9 Then Martha, as soon as she heard that Jesus was coming, went and met him: but Mary sat still in the house. 21 Then said Martha unto Je- sus, Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died. 22 But I know, that even now, whatsoever thou wilt ask of Goud, God will give it thee. 23 Jesus saith unto her, Thy 256 EYATTEAION Thy ‘lovdaiay madw. of padnrat’ Ekels' 79 _ ArexpiOn ane ‘Ingots’ Ovxe SodeKd elow apa 77s nHEpas ; Edy TLS mepurarh ev TH TPLEP A ov TpooKOnTel, OTL TO Pas TOU KOT HOU ToUTOU PBrereu* 10 cay O€ Tis Tepimarn Ev TH vuKTI, Ig od \ Lou > + > Fr TE ets OTL TO pas OUK €OTLY EV auto. 8 Aéyouow avTe@ W Tatra elmre, Kal pera TOUTO heyet { ‘PaBBi, vov e(yrouy we Ni- | Gacat ot “lovdaiot, Kai madi vmrayers | { r 1 avuTois* Ad{apos 6 0 piros 7 7) L@Y KeKolpin- ' Tau’ dda Tropevopar iva eLuTviow au- Toy, Eiroy ovy ot paOnral avtov* Kupue, ei Kexoipnrat, cwOnoera. © Ei- i , \ re ~~ \ ~ , pnkew O€ 6 ‘Ingots mept tov Oavarov | ae > ane VON o \ a avTov" €KelvoL Oe eOogay OTe Tepl THS KOU TEoS Tov Umvov eye. iM Tore E oby €lmev avtots 6 ‘Ingovs mappynoia’ Aafapos ameBave’ Kal Xaipeo dv byuas, iva TLOTEVONTE, OTL OUK env éket" adr ayopev mpos avtov. 3° Eirev oty Ga- pas, O heyopevos Aidupos, TOls OUppLa- Onrais* “Ayope Kal nels, va amoOd- Boe per avrov. “EN av oy 6 ‘Inoovs etpev avrov Tréeooapas dibepas 718 exovra ev TO pumpeci@. 7 8 ny O€ n Bravia eyyvs TOV ‘Tepooohtpoy, OS amo oTadleyv Sexa- mevre’ 19 Kal mohXot €k TOY ‘Tovdatey ehnAvBevoay mpos Tas rept Map@av Kal Mapiay, ¢ iva mapapwOycavrat avutas mepl TOU adeApov avuTov. a ovuyv Mapé@a « @s KOU EV ote >” ‘Inoots & EpXerat, UTnvTn- oev auT@" | Mapia oe ev TO olka exade- (ero. 21 eirey ody nue ‘ Mdp6a mpos TOV ‘Inoooy’ Kopue, ei 7S ae 6 adeddds pov ovK ay CereOynker.” aa Kal vov oda Ort 60a dy aitnon Tov Gedy, dacet oo. 6 Geds. *3 Aéyer avty 6 Inaovs’ Avacrnoerat @ Rec. add o. b Rec. d ~ axe9avev. add o. © Gb. om.KATA LOANNHN. DST Joun XI.38. c > , 9 7 > an 6 ddehpos gov. * Aéyer avT@ Map@a° brother shall rise again. 24 Mar- > ¢ > , a eat : 4 a Oda Ott dvagrncerat, ev TH avaotacer ‘a saith unto him, I know that a > aD , ¢ , 25 > Die eV T ETXATH HEPA. Eivev avr 6 « he shall rise again in the resur- rection at the last day. 25 Jesus > A one , : : Incovs’ ‘Ey ei[ut 7 avaoracis Kal 7 said unto her, I am the resur- LSet. , > > \ XN > , Con O TLOTEV@Y ELS €Me, Kay amrobavy, Ci - 26 ]OETAL rection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were Xs ~ ~ \ , a Kal mas oO Cov KQl TloTEV@y dead, yet shall he live. 26 And > > \ > \ > / > \ SA 7 od iw 2 1 > els €f1e, ov par) amodyn eis Tov aiova. whosoever liveth, and believeth 4 “ an mwiarevets TovTO; Aé€yer atta: Na) 3 ry: ‘ eres in me, shall never die. Believest thou this? 27 She saith unto ¢ KUpLe* eyo TEeTIoTEVKA, OTL ov ef 6 him, Yea Lord, I believe that Xptotos, 6 vids Tov Oeod, 6 eis Tov KOO [LOY EpxXopevos. € \ ~ . a Dae *8 Kal radra eirovea amndOe, Kat > , / \ > \ € i" a epavnoe Mapiay tyv adeddiy avtjs she went her way, and calied thou art the Christ the son of God, which should come into the world. 23 And when she had so said ? > ~ , q ay r Clc YY > 7 ~ 7] AdOpa, eiwotca “O didacKados rdpeote Mary her sister secretly, saying, \ r 2 > / 2, kat ovet oe. *9 “Exeivn os over, > / \ \ » } = eVelpeTat TAXU Kal EpxeTat Tpods avTdy. heard that, she arose quickly, 2 NeP NGA GOen Or - > \_ and came unto him. 39 Now ovm@ Oe eAnhuder 6 “Incovs eis tiv 30 The Master is come, and call- eth for thee. 29 As soon as she Jesus was not yet come into the , > EsaN > a / a ¢ / K@pnvV GAN VY EV TQ TOT@ OTFOV UTNY- town, but was in that place 2 L tL Thoev avt@ 7 Mapéa. * Ne Cp > Dai Sy > 5 Saal, Oalol OL OVTES HET GuTNS EV TI) OLKLA Aes ees Ren, 31 The OL obv “Iov- Where Martha met him. 3! The Jews then which were with her in the house, aud comforted Kal TapapvOovpevot QUTNY, LO6yTES THY her, when they saw Mary that Mapiay ort tayéws avéatn Kal e&n er, > , Dua / ; nKohovOnoav avtn, * héyovtes*” oY Or she rose up hastily, and went out, followed her, saying, She goeth unto the graye, to weep > \ A 7 , ae re, 2-7 Then Mary w: umayes els TO pynjeetov, va kNavon exer. there. “* Then when Mary was 32 >? ~ 3 LS > \ ade Ingous, iSovca avrov, émecev ~ / > va he m700as avTov,” NéEyovca ait@ Kupre, come where Jesus was, and saw ¢ > ’ c > o/ > © : > H. ovy Mapa @S nd Gev O7FOU ny O him, she fell down at his feet, b Eig Tovs Saying unto him, Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died. el ns OE, OrK AV ameGave pov 6 dded- os. ¢ a a) o Sea , 33 *Ingovs oby ws cidev atti Kai- 33 When Jesus therefore saw \ Ni /, > Cone} 5 ie 2 SUG QV, Kal TOUS ouven Govras QuT) Iov- her weeping, and the sores , 2 Z ~_ _/_ ~weeping which came with her datous kKAaLovras, eveSpLuncaro TO mvev- NECPIns > > / = ¢ \ pearl, Kal erdpakey eavTov, he groaned in the spirit, and \ ? 9 . 4 kal ele awas troubled, 24 and said, A / > , >) anne T} . or r 91 1 2 iS Tlov reGelxare autor ; Aeyouow avuT@ Where have ye laid him ? They Kupue, €pxou kai de. * “ESdxpucev 6 say unto him, Lord, come, and see. °° Jesus wept. %6 Then ‘Ingots. 2 eheyou ovy of lovdatou “Ide said the Jews, Behold, how he mas eider avtdv. * Tues d€ €€ adtaey loved him. 7 And some of them said, Could not this man, oS; > 2 Ss ‘ eiov’ OvK noOvvato otTos 6 avoi€as which opened the eyes of the rovs oPOadpovs Tov tudAov, moujnoar lind, have caused that even this man should not have died ? c/ @ \ 5 / e 38 > ~ y L wa Kal ovUTos P71 amobavn ; © Inaovs 3s Jesus therefore again groan- > 4 , > lad . . . ee ouv Wad ELS PLLOsLEVOS EV EaqUTO, ing in himself, cometh to the a & So%ayres, b Gb, avrou ecg tovg rodas 18 @ Gr. he troubled himseit.Joun XI. 39. grave. It was a cave, and a stone lay uponit. 99 Jesus said, Take ye away the stone. Mar- tha, the sister of him that was dead, saith unto him, Lord, by this time he stinketh : for he hath been dead four days. ® Jesus saith unto her, Said I not unto thee, that if thou wouldest believe, thou should- est see y glory of God ? 4! Then they took away the stone from the place where the dead was laid. And Jesus lifted up his eyes, and said, Father, I thank thee, that thou hast heard me. 42 And I knew that thou hear- est me always: but because of the people which stand by, I said it, that they may believe that thou hast sent me. 43 And when he thus had spoken, he cried with a loud voice, Laza- rus, come forth. +4 And he that was dead, came forth, bound hand and foot with graveclothes: and his face was bound about with anapkin. Jesus saith un- to them, Loose him, and let him go. 4 Then many of the Jews which came to Mary, and had seen the things which Jesus did, believed on him. 4° But some of them went their ways to the Pharisees, and told them what things Jesus had done. 7 Then gathered the chief priests and the Pharisees a council, and said, What do we ? for this man doeth many mira- cles. 48 Jf we let him thus alone, all men will believe on him, and y Romans shall come, and take away both our place and nation. #2 And one of them named Caiaphas, being the high priest that same year, said unto them, Ye know nothing at all, 50 nor consider that it is ex- pedient for us, that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation perish not. 5! And this spake he not of himself: but being high priest 9 Neyer 6 “Incods" 258 EYATTEAION EPXETAL els TO peunpetov. ny be oni Navov, Kat Hidos eMEKELTO eT avuTa@. “Apare Tov didov. Aéyet atta 7 aden Tod * reOynKdros” Map@a° Kupre, 45n 6¢eu" rerapraios ydp 3 €OTL. 40 Aéyet ath 6 Tyoods: OvK e€imdp Ool, OTL ea Meorevons, ' Say TOU Qeov ; *"Hpay ouy TOV hidov 6 O€” Inoovs pe Tous opOahpovs we, Kal etme Ildrep, evxaptored oot OTL nKovods pov. 4 TOTE LOU GKOvELS” aha Ova TOY Oxo TOV TEpleoTara elTrov, va TLoTEvT@OL OTL OU pe dméorethas. 43 Kal radra ETOP, porn eye expavyace’ Ad¢ape, devpo eo" ana eEn Oey 6 0 tebvy- KOS, OedepLevos Tovs 700as Kal Tas XEl- pas Keipias, Kal 7 owes avTou covdapio meprededeTo. heyet avtois 6 “Incovs’ Avoare avrov, Kal apere t umdyelv. * TIoAXol otv ek Tov “lovdatey of eOdvtes mpds THY Mapiay, kat Oeacd- a2 / 3 diay, > > Pevot a emrongey © Oe Els Au=- cZ4 . tov. © rwes b€ €€ ab’rav carn Bov mpos E Tous Papicaious, Kal elroy avtois a erroinaev 6 Ingots. 47 Paprrator guvedptov, Kal edeyov' Th TOLOULED 5 OTL ovros 6 avOpwrros To\ha onueta mover. 8 ay apapev avroy os / , ’ > / OT, TavTEs TLTTEVTOVTW eis avTdy" kal eXevoovrat oi "Pepraios Kal dpodow TL@QV Kal TOY TOmoY Kal TO eOvos. a Bis dé Tes e& avray Katadas, dpxvepevs @v TOU EVLAUTOD EKELVOU, ELEY AUTOLS" “Ypeis ovK oloare ouder” Bo ovde A duadoyiverde,” ore Tuppeper nye, wa ets wOparos aroavn vrép Tov haod, Kat py Gdov Td “av0s amdhnrat. a Touro de ap’ €au- TOU OUK Elev, AANA Gpytepeds Ov Tov @ SS rereAsuTNKOros. Ds ovp. ® Rec. add o © Rec. add ov nv o re8yynKwWs KELULEVOS d Gb. om. Incovs. SD AoycLerGe, open" THY Od | . \ n t t it i\ eyo Sé nOew OTe map- | \ € > \ e « f > . \ ls Zuvnyayov ovy ot apxvepeis Kal ot |KATA IQANNHN. 259 > a ou) , ° EVLAUTOU EkElvov, Tmpoedytevcey Eri Pe AA CM 2. a“ 2 , ¢ \ emedAev “6° Inoovs anobynckeww tmép nA 2 9 aes tou édvous, Kal ovy UmEep Tov é- ¢ eter, 3 4 ~ Ovous povov GAN iva kal Ta TéKva Tod un ; Qcov ra dueckopmicpeva ouvaydyn «is a 35.59; > a , ev. °° am’ éxeiyns oby Ths Muépas cuve- 4 7 Bovdevaarro iva drokteivocw aditév. ? ~ > , > *t “Incods obv ovkeért rappnota TE ple- / > col > / > \ 5 ~ maret ev Tols Lovdators, adda amnAGev > =~ >} \ , > \ ~ exeidev els THY XOpay eyyls Ths epnpor, > as Ne , ~ cis “Eqdbpatw eyouevny wédw, Kaket V7 A _ cee OveTpiBe pera TY paOnrv abrod. * jy > \ an € eyyUs TO Tacxa TOY "lovdalwv' Kal > i \ > c / > a aveBnoay ToNXot eis ‘lepooddupa ek THs / ~ a , X@pas Tpo Tov Taya, va ayvic@ouw Ze re / 3 > ~ eavtous. °° e(yrouy ovv Tov Incody, Kal eA 2 g39: / > roy XS a ¢ eheyov per’ G\And@y ey TO lepd éorn- / ic \/ Spies Cass ON ae > ay 57 Kores’ Ti doxet tiv, OTe ov pr) €AGy . \ ic 7 y 57 A 8 / 6 \ 3 aN els THY EopTHY 3 eO@Keroay O€ Kal > ~ cr ol apxtepets Kal of Bapicaior evtodyy, ¢) as, ~ ~ > 7, o Wa €aY TLS YY@ TOD ETL, -LNVUGH, OTS TUT @oW avToOV. 12. ‘O ovy “Incots mpd é& LEP @v “A / > > / c > TOU Tagxa nOev eis BynOaviav, dmov nv Ad(apos 0 teOynkas, ov ifyeipev ex ve- Kp@v. * eroinaay ovv aite Seimvor eke, kat 7) Mapa Ounxdver’ 6 Sé Ad¢apos eis jy Tov » dvakemevav ody" aito. > A ? > “H otv Mapia X\aBotca Airpay pv- sues , 2, pov vapoov TLaTLKNs ToAUTiLOU, Frere ae. a Die 7, r Tous 1das Tov “Incod, kal e&€nake Tails a > ~ ¢ OpiEw aitns rods mddas adtod 7 Se ) / > A > An ~ , oikia emAnpoOn eK THs Cops TOU pv 7 > © im A pou. * Neyer ovy eis kx TeV pabnrey ~ / ¢ avtov, lovdas Sipwvos *Iokaptatns, oO / pelov avtov mapadiddvac’ Acari a , , TOUTO TO pUpoV OVK EmpaOn TPLakocioy Onvapiay, kai €666n mraxois; © Eine O€ TOUTO, OvY OTL TEpl TOV TTAYaY »” > a > DG) 7 By \ EmeNev AUT@, GAN’ OTe KAETTNS HY, Kal > \ TO yA@oodKopmoy €ixe, Kal Ta BadAdpeva Joun XII. 6. that year, he prophesied that Jesus should die for that na- tion: >? andnot for that nation only, but that also he should gather together in one, the chil- dren of God that were scattered abroad. °3 Then from that day forth, they took counsel toge- ther for to put him to death. 54 Jesus therefore walked no more openly among the Jews: but went thence unto a country near to the wilderness, into a city called Ephraim, and there continued with his disciples. 55 And the Jews’ passover was nigh at hand, and many went out of the country up to Jeru- salem before the passover to purify themselves. 5&6 Then sought they for Jesus, and spake among themselves, as they stood in the temple, What think ye, that he will not come to the feast ? 57 Now both the chief priests and the Pharisees had given a commandment, that if any man knew where he were, he should shew it, that they might take him. 12. Then Jesus, six days be- fore the passover, came to Be- thany,whereLazarus was,which had been dead, whom he raised from the dead. 2 There they made him a supper, and Martha served: but Lazarus was one of them that sat at the table with him. 3 Then took Mary a pound of ointment, of spikenard, very costly, and anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with her hair: and the house was filled with the odour of the ointment. 4 Then saith one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son, which should be- tray him, > Why was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence, and given to the poor ? 8 ‘This he said, not that he cared for the poor: but because he was a thief, and had the hag, and bare what was put therein. a Gb. om Db Ree. TUVAVAKELLEVY WV,Joun X11: 7. 260 burying hath she kept this. always. ii | ae therefore knew that he was | eae there: and they came, not for I | | | | | | } | he had raised from the dead. also to death, |! because that by reason of him many of the 12 On the next day, much | people that were come to the sus was coming to Jerusalem, '3 took branches of palm trees, the King of Israel that cometh a young ass, sat thereon, as it is written, 19 Fear not, daughter of Sion, behold, thy King com- ' eth, sitting on an ass’s colt. 16 These things understood not 15 remembered they that these things were written of him, and unto him. 17 The people therefore that uy Lazarus out of his grave, and record. '8 For this cause the VEKP@V* people also met him, for that they heard that he had done selves, Perceive ye how ye pre- > 20 And there were certain 20 7 Greeks among them, that came up to worship at the feast: 2l\ the same came therefore to ™ €opTi’ 7 74 7 > > n~ was with him, when he called PET avTov, a eli his disciples at the first: but 77@AOV oOvov. 7 > a J > ~ n O > 7 when Jesus was glorified, then oj padnrat aUTOU TO 7 P@Tov GAN OTE > ans c a ~ / > / edo€dcOn 0 “Inaovs, Tore epynoOnoay . ec ~ > ’ > > na 7 that they had done these things o7t TavTa HY ET avuTa) Yeypappeva, Kal ~ > / > ~ TQaUTa ETOInNT AY AUTO. L 7 , > C2 cee Epaptupet ovy 0 6xAos Oo ay \ aC » , tov Aa¢apov epavncer 2 ~ / \ + > \ > : raised him from the dead, bare €K TOU PYNMELOV, Kal NYELPEY AUTOV EK d a OTL /, > 4, 5 For the poor always ye have OU TETNPNKEV AUTO. 1 r ° . > a 32548 \ with you: but me ye have not qqpyrore ¢yere pel’ EavTav, ee S€ ov / » . | | TAYTOTE ENETE. | 9 “ > 2 9 7 oe ae \ Deen > Much people of the Jews Eyva@ ovy oxdos molkus ex TOY Tov- Oai@y OTe éxet €or’ Kai HAOov ov Oia : \ zy ae 4 IAN. a \ A iN / \ Jesus’ sake only, but that they TOY Inoovy pLovoy, a va Kat Toy /\a- { f A 4 ; ey A ” > A , might see Lazarus also, whom Capo LOMOLY, Ov Hyepey €K veKpOv. Mme eens EYATTEAION e > > co ~ Yi 7 Then said Jesus, Let ‘her €Gaora¢ev. 7 eirev ovv 0 Incovs* “Ades alone, against the day of my avTny’ eis THY NpEepay TOU evradiag pov \ 8 rovs TTwXOUS yap 10 2, r , Oe Gea), c a \ '9 But the chief priests consult- eBovAevoayTo Oe ol apyxtepets, Wa Kal oS? i | . / > , | ed, that they might put Lazarus roy Ad¢apov damoktelvwow™ *) OTL TOAAOL > ~ a / dt avtov umnyoy tadv ‘lovdaiwy, Kat 3 / ~ Jews went away and believed ewioTtevoy eis Tov ’Incour. ‘ oO > 7 a \ Cin on Jesus. 2TH émavpiov dxdos TONVs Oo EAOaY ’ 4 e/ eis THY EOPTHY, AKOVOaYTES OTL EpYeETat feast, when they heard that Je- 26” "Ingots els ‘IepoodAupa, | ehaGov \ he an * \ IAA > Ta Baia Toy Powikwy, Kat €&nOoy eis bi = a > c f and went forth to meet him, UTaVTNoW avuTa, Kat expacov" Qoavyva, © 1 +6 7 7 c > > and cried, Hosanna, Blessed is edoynuevos b 5” ep opmevos ev ovdpatt t CK , c » Ne, a iT nv in the name of the Lord. !4And AUPLOU, O Baowdevs ” Tov opann. as 3 “ : ¢ A > Jesus, when he had found a 4 Kupwy dé'6 “Incovs dvapiov, exabioev > 2 / > / em avTo, Kaas ere ‘yeypaypevov’ \ A , , > € M7 doBov, Ovyatep Biav" idov, o , » / > Baowevs cov epyxetat, Ka@nwevos emt Seen \ > x 16 Tatra dé ovK eyvacay a 18 \ a NG, ate ok Ova TOUTO KQL UTNVTNOEV 21 this miracle. 19 The Pharisees Tre7rounKeval TO ON[LELOV. . 7 r 3 e r f therefore said among them- Gajo, efroy mpos €avTous* Oewpeire Gre Sages. OF Ay ST 4 a SaN auT@ oO OxAos, OTL }KOVUOQY TOUTO QUTOY 19 of ody Papi- ; € 5 > x os > § Lica 78 ¢ , Sch vail nothing ? behold, the world OUK ape €lLTE OVOEV 4, LOE O KOT MOS OTF L- is gone after him. To avTov amn\ Gev. / o > a Hoay d€ tives “EXAnves €k TOY > ef bi > avaBawovT@y, Wa Tpookvynow@o.w Ev otTou ovy mpoonrOoy Bi- a Gb. om. Nos © ~ Kypiou Bacidevs. dw ore. e€ Rec. nxovce.KATA TQANNHN. 261 , ey a A Aimt@ TO ard BynOcaida rs Tadwdalas, <5 ’ S , Kal nNp@T@Y avtov héyovtes’ Kipue, Gé- VM ’ r \ > A iO - io Aa opev Tov Incovy idetv. Epxera r , n~ > , Pidimmos Kal déyer TO “Avdpéa kal 4 > , mahwv “Avdpéas kat Pidummos héyovor Pe a ? es TO Inaov. ™ 6 S€ Incods dmexpivato g na > Bu ¢ / eo Le cl avtois eyo “Ehndudev 7 Spa iva a ~ , ©. dofacO7 6 vids rod avOparov. * apn >? , cr A apynv Neyo piv, edv jay) 6 KKKOS TOD / ~ OiTOU TETwy eis THY ynyv amoOdyn, aiTos povos pever* eay S€ amobdyn, moddvy 4 95 os Kapmov pepe. © 6 pire ty Wuyi ¢ ~ 5 4 5 aUTOU aTroNegeL avTHY* Kal 6 piowy THY A n~ na Woxny abrod év 7 Kéop@ TovT@, €is L \ aes BE > / 36 d\ @nyv aiovov dvdakee avtny. 6 ety > \ > $ > ] , nn \ enol Ovakovn Tis, euol akoAovdeirw* Kal Omrov eiul eye, exe Kal 6 Sidkovos 6 eds lZ 2 lee 2, Uy, > \ a , eoTa *" eay TLs Emol Ovakovy7, TLuNnoeEL Se } i tho faa) auToy 6 TraTnp. 9 ~ , *T Nov 7 Wuxn pou terdpakrau' Kal fc , iB m / Tl elmo 5 Ildrep, cody pe ek THS Spas , > eo > tauTns’ adda Ota TodTO HAGoy eis THY ] ef 4 28 4 l¢ / @pav TavTny. Ilarep, Od£acdv: cov TO Ovoma. “Hddev oty hwvn ek tov > LNG \ > / \ / ovpavov" Kat e¢dd€aca, xal mddw 5 lof 29 « > 9 \ Cae \ \ o€aco. O ovyv oxXos 0 EoTws Kai 4 s / dkovoas €Aeye Bpovtiy yeyovevar. ad- / / a Not Eheyov’ “Ayyedos atta heAdAnkev. 30 >A. (6 5 °l ~ es - Ov Ov mekpt6n 0 Inaovs Kat eimev*? OV Ou fe , > a EE AUTH 7) Paviy yeyovev, AAdA OL bas. 5 x x , 5! pov plots €atl Tov Kdopov » TovTou"” a ~ , > vuy 6 UpY@v Tov KéGpov TovTOU €KBAN- @noera Ew * Kaya eav iWradd ex ~ n * ’ A > TIS yns, Tavtas EAkvow pos EpauTov. 5 ~ TA i *° Touro Oe eeye, onuaivev moi@ Ga- 4 vaT@ Hpehdev atrobvnckely. S42 / Seay kf apie o ae Arexpi6n avT@ 6 oxAos Hyeis NKOUGALEV EK TOU VOpoV, OTL 6 Xpiatos an \ a \ 7 pever eis TOY ai@va’ Kal mas ov heEyeLs, = a Awe) ©ére” Oct Uw@Onvar Toy vidy Tov ay- a OX a Mpamov; Tis €atw ovTOS 6 vlds TOU Jount ll, 34% Philip which was of Bethsaida of Galilee, and desired him, saying, Sir, we would see Jesus. *2 Philip cometh and telleth Andrew: and again Andrew and Philip told Jesus. 23 And Jesus answered them, saying, The hour is come, that the Son of man should be glorified. 24 Ve- rily, verily, lsay unto you, Ex- cept acorn of wheat fall into the ground, and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit. 25 He that loveth his life, shall lose it: and he that hateth his life in this world, shall keep it unto life eternal. 26 1fany man serve me, let him follow me, and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, him will my Father honour. 27 Now is my soul troubled; and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour, but for: this cause came I unto this hour. *S Father, glorify thy name. Then came there a voice from heaven, saying, I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again. 2? The people therefore that stood by, and heard it, said, that it thundered: others said, An angel spake to him. 20 Je- sus answered, and said, This yoice came not because of me, but for your sakes. 3! Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out. °* And I,if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw ail men unto me. 33( This he said, signifying what death he should die.) 34 The people answered him, We have heard out of the law, that Christ abideth for ever: and how sayest thou, The Son of man must be lifted up ? who a iitec, add Kae, a >= CESJoun XII: 3d. 262 EYATTEAION as S eS in is this Son of man? % Then dvOpdmov; * Eirev ody avrois 6 Ingous: Jesus said unto them, Yet a 7 \ , \ ee a ae : aa : 2 0 Da EV ULL little while is the light with you: Er eRD ey ROUSE. ty p . = Ue walk while ye have the light, «OTL. MWeplmarelTe EWS TO Pas EXETE, * nr \ ¢ lest darkness come upon you: wa pen oKoTla upas KkaTadapn* Kal @ for he that walketh in darkness, - > an } > ex. 700 knoweth not whither he goeth. THC PT sae TT) KOT D Our Clo ev 36 While ve have light, believe u7rayet. 36 ews TO pas EXETE, TLOTEVETE in the light, that ye may be the _? SOs 7 cen \ s children of light. hese things oye oe: we EE Pperos A yernobe. spake Jesus, and departed, and Lavra eAahnoey O Inocous, Kal ame Oav did hide himself from them. expvuBn Cr avuTav. 37 But though he had doneso *” Tooadra dé avrov onpeta Tremou- many miracles before them, yézo¢ €umpocbev avTav OUK €mloTEVOY yet they believed not inhim: , og OF 38. 0 SOE id c “ 38 that the saying of Esaias the €4S avuToyv* wa O oyos Hoatov Tou prophet might be fulfilled, which ; reo tore: ) he spake, Lord, who hath be- mpopnrou npooi), oe ers : Kopi) lieved our report? andto whom T!S €TlLOTEVOE TH CICOT: T)fLG is = GE o hath the arm of the Lord been Bpaxlov Kupiov TiVe amexadhupén 5 heveslera 89 Therefore they 39 Ai rodro ovK OvYUaYTO TLOTEVELY could not believe, because that ,, ; 4 : é 40 cree Esaias said again, 4° He hath OT¢ qmaAw elmrevy Hoatas* Tervu- blinded their eyes, and harden- prwkev avTayv TOUS dpOahpovs, KAL Tre- ed their heart, that they should ' es \ / ¢ \ not see with theireyes, norun- 7@P@KEey AVTwWY TTY Kapotay * wa py derstand with their heart, and iS@oau Tols dpbadpors, Kal yvonT@ct TH I be converted, and I should heal Si \ n Wb Wl them. ‘4! These things said pep Be e eTLTTPAPOOt, Kee es Visaias, when he saw his glory, @vTovs. 41 Tatra eimev Hoatas, ore and spake of him. 4? Never- ¢7§¢ ry ddéav adrovd, Kal eAadAnoe TrEpt | theless, among the chief rulers 5, ~ 42 -¢ oie Re aS also, many believed on him; @UTOV’ =~" OM@s MEVTOL Kal €K T@Y Ap- but because of the Pharisees ydytwy mohdol émioTevoay els auToV' they did not confess him, lest a Ore vee j ow they should be put out of the es re Tyee apt ee OUX ORS OF synagogue. 43 For they loved youv, lva p1) ATOCVUVAYWYOL YEVOVTAL. | the praise of men, more than 43 nyannoay yap oy ddfav Tay avOpe- ; the praise of God. n ff Gee a Aaa Tov paddov rep thy So§av Tov Oeov. 44 44 Ingots 8€ expaée Kal eimev’ “O} Jesus cried, and said, He al Ss P 5 < that believeth on me, believeth wuoTEV@Y Els ELLe, OU TWLOTEVEL els ELLE, | not on me, but onhimthatsent 2)? ¢-}. -) L 4 - 45 \S me. 4% And he that seeth me, adr oe te meprpavra pre 1 o Cea seeth him that sent me. 46 | p@v epe, Oewpet TOY méppavra pe. *° ey@! am come a light into the world, pas els TOY KOO LOY ehndvda iva Tas 0| that whosoever believeth on , SB A or ; \ q me, should not abide in dark- M4OTEV@Y ELS EME, EV TI OKOTLA [47] PELY I]. | ness. oe if any man hear *7 xal €ay Tis frou aKovoN TOY pNnLaTav| my words, and believe not, I c,,\ ,,\ , i, EN , Sa judge him not; for I came not aoe eel BLOB GT» a ee ee Ge to judge the world, but tosave OU Yap nrOov wa Kplya TOV KOOMOY,| the world. 48 He that reject- G\\’ va c@ow TOV KOT MOV 48 6 ae-| eth me, and receiveth not my ~. 3 \y \ \ , es Nee gO 4 words, hath one that judgeth TOY EME KQl pf) AapBavev Ta pypara him: the word that I have pou, €yeu TOV KpivoyTa auTov* 6 Adyos 2 Rec. usd’ vuwy, b sS tagouat. Cx wat py pvdAakg. W kat Prdakp.KATA IOQANNHN. 263 ov ehahnoa, EKELVOS Kp avuTov ev TH erXary neepa. * dru eya €& é epauTov ovK ehadjoa: an 6 mepnras. He TAT, avuTdés Lot evTOAgY CO@KE, TL Elm Kal Ti hadjnow* 50 Kat oida OTe 7 EVTONT Qvrou Con al@vids eoTiy. & ovy add cy@, Kados eipnké por 6 matip, otra Aare. 13. Hpo de Ts EOPTHS TOU maoxa, cidas 6 6 “Incovs ore eAmuden “ . avr ou 7 epa, iva pera ex TOU KOO Mov TOUTOU mpos Toy marépa, ayannoas Tous idtous TOUS ev TO KOOKO, eis TENOS TF ny canoer avrovs. 2 kai Seimvou yevopievou, TOU OvaBdrov 70n B BePAnkdros eis THY Kap- diav »’Iotvda Zipavos loxapiérou, iva auroy mapao@,” * eldas ° 6 ‘Inoovs," OTL TavTa dédaxev QUT® 6 TaTNp eis TAS XEtpas, Kal OTt amo Ocod eé\Oe kal ™pos TOV Gedy umdyet, * €yeipera EK Tov Oeimvov, Kal TiOno Ta iwaria, Kal haBoy evrioy dueCaoe € éautév* ° eira Barner vdop els TOV yenTnpa, Kal mp&aro yirrew Tous mdédas Toy paOnrayv, Kal ek dooeiy TO AevTio 6 o mY dteCwopevos. "Epxerar oov mpos Zipova Tlerpoy Kal “Reyer QUT@ exelvos" Kupue, ov pov VinTELs TOUS m8as § 7 “AmrexpiOn ” In- cous Kal eirey avT@’ “O eyo TOL, av els oldas aprt, yyaon O¢ pera TauTa. > Aéye atra@ Ilerpos" Ov my) vivlns Tous moOas pov eis TOV aidva. "AmexpiOn av- TO O ‘Ingovs* “Eav pen vivro O€, OUK Exes pepos per emov. 9 Aeyet avuT@ Sipov Tlerpos’ Kupue, pu p47) TOUS méddas Lov povoy, aha Kal Tas _ Xelpas Kal THY Kean. » Aeyet awre 0 ‘Ingovs: ‘O AeAoupevos ov Xpetav exer °7) Tovs 10- das” virac@a, add’ €ort Kabapos 6dos* Kal vpets KaOapol eore, GAN ovx! Tav- tes. | "Héee yap Tov mapadiddvra d JOHN OLDE. spoken, the same shall judge him in ‘the last day. 49 For I have not spoken of myself; but the Father which sent me, he gave me a commandment what 1 should say, and what I should speak. 95° And I know that his commandment is life everlast- ing: whatsoever I speak there- fore, even as the Father said unto me, so J speak. 13. Now before the feast of the passover, when Jesus knew that his hour was come, that he should depart out of this world unto the Father, having loved his own which were in the world, he loved them unto the end. 2% And supper being ended (the devil having now put into the heart of Judas Is- cariot Simon’s son to betray him.) 3 Jesus knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he was come from code and went to God: 4 he riseth from supper, and laid aside his garments, and took a towel, and girded himself. 5 After that, he pour- eth water into a bason, and began to wash the disciples’ feet, and to wipe them with the towel wherewith he was girded. 6 Then cometh he to Simon Peter: and Peter saith unto him, Lord, dost thou wash my feet ? 7 Jesus answered, and said unto him, What I do, thou knowest not now: but thou shalt know hereafter. 5 Peter saith unto him, Thou shalt never wash my feet. Jesus answered him, If I wash thee not, thou hast no part with me. 2 Simon Peter saith unto him, Lord, not my feet only, but also my hands, and my head. !° Je- sus saith to him, He that is washed, needeth not, save to wash his feet, but is clean every whit: and ve are clean, but not all. !! For he knew who should a@® 7nrOsv. bd wa rapadw avtoy Iovdas Supwvos Ioxapiwrns. c3Z eles e->QOHN: <1 Whe 12. betray him, therefore said he, Ye are not all clean. 12 So after he had washed their feet, and. had taken his garments, and was set down again, he said unto them, Know ye what I have done to you? 13 Ye callme Master and Lord, and ye say well: for so I am. ‘4 If I then your Lord and Master have washed your feet, ye also ought to wash one an- other’s feet. 15 For J have given you an example, that ye should do, as I have done to you. !6 Verily, verily I say unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord, neither he that is sent, greater than he that sent him. 1” If ye know these things, happy are yeif ye do them. !§ I speak not of you all, I know whom J have chosen: but that the scripture may be fulfilled, He that eateth bread with me, hath lifted up his heel against me. !92 Now I tell you before it come, that when it is come to pass, ye may believe that [am he. 2° Verily, verily I say unto you, He that receiv- eth whomsoever I send, receiv- eth me: and he that receiveth me, receiveth him that sent me. 21 When Jesus had thus said, he was troubled in spirit, and testified, and said, Verily, ve- rily I say unto you, that one of you shaJl betray me. 2? Then the disciples looked one on another, doubting of whom he spake. 23 Now there was lean- ing on Jesus’ bosom one of his disciples, whom Jesus loved. +4 Simon Peter therefore beck- oned to him, that he should ask who it should be of whom he spake. *° He then lying on Je- sus’ breast, saith unto him, Lord, _ who is it ? 26 Jesus answered, He it is to whom I ‘shail give a sop, when I have dipped it. And 264 EYATTEAION avtév' Sia TovtTo eimev’ Ody) mavres| KaOapoi €oTe. 2 "Ore ovv evive Tos 7ddas avTay, } Kal €haBe Ta iuatia avTod, avaTec ay} madw, etrey avtois’ TVuvooxere Ti me-\ TONKA UpLIy 5 vpets Paveite pe “O) OvddoKades, Kal 6 KUpLos * kat Ka@s | Aeyere, ett yap. * ei ow eyo eva) UL@Y TOUS 700as, 6 KUptos Kal 6 Oud- okaNos, Kal vpets Oe aAnAov vi- | TTEW TOUS w00as. ° undderypa yap) €daxa Up, wa kabars é ey emoinoa UPL, | Kal Upeis Toure, 16 Guny apap Aeyoo | Upiy, ovK €are SovAos pelCwv TOU kupiov 5 QUTOU, OUOE andarohos petCov TOU TEep- Yavros aurov. 7 ei ravra olOare, pa- : Kaplol eore eay TOUTE QAUTA. is ov TEPl TAVT@OY ULV eyo €y® oda ovs } efeheEauny’ aXn’ wa, 7 ypapy man pod ‘O Tpwyov per €}LOv TOV aprov, ; > | emijpey er Ee THY mrEpy vay aurov. | AT apre eyo opi po TOU yer - veoOat, wa Ora yeunrat, TLOTEVTTE | Ort eyo ei. 9 dur aun eyo t Up, | 6 hapPavov € eay Tia euro, ewe ap- > Raver 6 O€ ewe auBdver, apBaver | TOV mepwparrd He. Tavra elmav 0 ‘Incods erapax On | TO mevpart, Kal eHapTupnae | Kal €tirev" | Auiy apny Neyo vpiy, Ore eis eG t UPL@DV | Tapadaet ‘He. 22 PXerov 2 ody” els addndous ol pabnral, a dr opouprevou mepl ms Aeyet. > hy be dvakeijevos els | x” TOV pant ev avuTov ev TO Koha ( TOU ‘Inaod, ov nya 6 Inoods* a8 vevet ouv ToUT@ Siprov Ilerpos mubéc Oat Tis | ay ety mept ov Neyer. 7 Cerner ov" de eKEivos eT TO orn Gos Tov ‘Inoov, Neyer | avT@* Kupte, Tis €oTww 3 26 ’ Arroxpiverat 6 ‘Inaods ° "Exeivds €OTL o ey@ Baas TO Vropiov €TrL= ATS b Rec. om. € Navareawy, “Or, From hencef rth. 8 Or, morsel.¢ KATA IQANNHN. 265 Saca’ Kal en Sdrpas TO Popioy, did@ow ‘lovda Zipeovos ” loxapt@rn. 7 Kal pera TO popior, TOTE ctonOev els €Kelvov 6 Saravas. Aeyer ovy atT@ 6 “Incovs: *O TOLets, roinoov TaXLOV. 28 Touro 0€ ovdeis € eyvo TOY dvaKetpevor mpos Th cimey aiT@. 9 TIVES yap eOdKour, €rrel "0 pooodxopov elyev 6 Togs: OTL Reyet avT@ 6 ‘Inooos ° ‘Ayopacov ay xpstav EXOMED els THY €opTHy" 7) Tots mT@xors wa tL Od. * NaBav ouy TO Weopion ¢ éxeivos, evbéws e&nOev* nv Oe vué. 31 Ore 7” cEndOe, Néeyer 6 “Inaods* Nop edoeaoOn 6 vids TOU pene Kal 6 Gcds edosarbn ¢ ev avT@. * ei 6 eds edogdoOn € ev wre, Kal 0 eee Deedee, avrov év EavuT@, Kal evOus Sogaret av- TO. 33 rexvia, Tt puxpov ped UP@v elf. (nTncere He, kat Kaas eumroy TOUS ‘Toudatous: * ‘Ort 6rrov | ‘Umayo EY ®,' ‘ Upets ov Ouvacbe ed Gein, Kat Dpiy eyo ¢ apre. 34 eyroAny Kauny Oida@pe Viv, wa aya- mate a\Andovs’ Kabas nyatnoa bas, wa, Kal Upeets dyanare addr ous. 3 ey TOUT@ yyorovrat mayres OTe eptol pa- Onrai €oTe, eay ayamny exnte ev ah- Na Note: P Aéyet aUuTe Sipeov Tlerpos" Kupe, TOU Umayets } ; ’ArrexpiOn avT@ O ‘Tnoovs" “Orrou Uraye, ov Ovvacai plot vuy ako- hovOn rat’ vorepov de dxohovOnaets pio. 37 A€yer ata ©’ ‘ Tlerpos* Kupee, duart ov Suvapyal wou akohovdn oat ome THY Voxny pov UTEP OU Giro. ’Arrexpl- On avT@ oO ‘Inoous Thy woxny ou UTEP epou noes ; apr ayuny heya Tol, ov pen) dhexroop pavycer ws 00 amapynon pe Tpls. 14. Mh Taparceo Oa t ULOV 7 Kapdia" muorevete eis Tov Oedy, Kal els epe JOHN EXEVA1. when he had dipped the sop, he gave it to Judas Iscariot the son of Simon. 27 And after the sop, Satan entered into him, Then said Jesus unto him,T hat thou doest, do quickly. 28 Now no man at the table knew, for what intent he spake this unto him. % For some of them thought, because Judas had the bag, that Jesus had said unto him, Buy those things that we have need of against the feast: or that he should give some- thing to the poor. 39 He then having received the sop, went immediately out: and it was night. 31 Therefore when he was gone out, Jesus said, Now is the Son of man glorified: and God is glorified in him. 2% If God be glorified in him, God shall also glorify him in himself, and shall straightway glorify him. 83 Little children, yet a little while I am with you. Ye shall seek me, and as J said un- to the Jews, Whither I go, ye cannot come: so now I say to you. 34 A new commandment I give unto you, Thatye love one another, as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. 39 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. 36 Simon Peter said unto him, Lord, whither goest thou? Je- sus answered him, Whither I go, thou canst not follow me now: but thou shalt follow me afterwards. 3’ Peter said unto him, Lord, why cannot | follow thee now? I will lay down my life for thy sake. 35 Jesus an- swered him, Wilt thou lay down thy life for mysake ? Ve- rily, verily I say unto thee, The cock shall not crow, till thou hast denied me thrice. 14. Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, a Bz. & Elz. add ovr. b Gb, eyw vrayw © Rec. add o.Joun XIV. 2. believe also in me. 2 In my Father’s house are many man- sions ; if it were not so, I would have told you: I go to prepare a place for you. 2 And if I go and prepare a place for you, will come again, and receive you unto myself, that where I am, there ye may be also. 4 And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know. ° Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest: and how can we know the way ? §& Jesus saith unto him, lam the way,and the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me. 7 If yehad known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him. 8 Philip saith unto him, Lord, shew us the Father, and it suf- ficeth us. 9% Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip ? he that hath seen me, hath seen the Father, and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father? ~ 19 Believest thou not that Iam in the Fa ther, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you, I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works. !! Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works’ sake. 12 Verily, verily I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do, shall he do also, and greater works than these shall he do, because Igo unto my Father. 13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. !4 If yeshall ask any thing in my name, I will do it. 15 If ye love me, keep my commandments. 16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, 266 EYATCEAION morevete. * ey TH OiKia TOU marpos pou poval modhat ciow" ef dé Hs eurov ay Upy Tmopevopat eTOUpaoat TOTOV tpiy. ° Kal eay TropevOa Kat Eromaow ULL TOmov, Twahyy epxopau Kal mrapahnyopat vpas Tpos epauroy" wa Grou ctu eyo, Kal vpets NTE. Kal Omou eyo vTayw olOate, Kal THY OOov olOaTe. : Aeyet ave Oapas’ Kupee, OUK ol- Oaprey Tov virayels’ Kal TOS Suvapeba THY OO0v etOeval ; Aeéyeu aur 6 “In- gous’ “Eyo eipe 7) o00s Kal 7 “ddnbeva Kat 7 Con’ marepa, ei uy Ov epov. 4 ei eyvmxelre He, Kal TOY TaTEpa frou eyY@KELTE Gy" Kal aw apt. ywwoKeTe avToy, Kal éo- ws / > / PEE QuTovV. cS Aeyeu wre Bidurmos" pKarpie detEor | np TOY TAaTEpa, Kal apKEt npely. 9 Aéyet avT@ 6 ‘Incovs' Tocovrov ypdvov pel VL@Y ipl, Kal OUK eyv@kas pre PidumTeE; 6 E@pakas EME, EWPAKE TOV marepa’ Kal TOS OV Aeyeus” Acigovy) ew TOV 7 Tarepa ; ; 10 ov morevets OTL eyo ev TO TAT pry Kal 6 TaTHp ev e€ol €oTL; TA pNuata a ey® AadG tpiv, dw eyavTov ov hada 6 O€ TaTHp O Ev Efol jLevov, a’TOS TroLEL Ta epya. *) muoreveré pou Ori ey@ ev T@® TaTpl, Kal 6 matTHp ev ewol*” ef é pn, Ova Ta epya avTa muoreverée » por.” ae ayuny dyuny eyo Up, 0 TLOTEVOY els eue, TA epya a eyo TOL®, KdKeivos qroln- Tel, Kal peiCova rourey moumoes’ OTL eya mpos TOY marépa * pou" mopevojuat. kal 6 Te ay aimjonre ev TO ovdpari Hou, TOUTO moujoo" iva SofacG) 6 6 marnp ev TO vid. 14. €ay Tt aitnonte €v TO ovopati pov, eyo TOUT. 13 "Edy dyararé pe, Tas evrodds Tas ewas Thpnoate. *° Kal ey@ epwtnow Tov mTareépa, Kal GdAov tapdkAnrov Sacet a Elz, add Be ws > eqTev. bo (Wine ovoels EPNETAL 7 pos TOD |KATA IOANNEN. 267 vpiv, wa pevyn peO vpav eis TOv aidva, 7 76 IIvedpa ris adnGelas, 6 6 Kéopos ov Svvarat AaBeiv, 6Te ov Oewpet avro, ovde yorker avro. tpets Oe ywwaoxere aur, OTL map! opiy pevel, Kal ev vp éorat. '8 ovK apna tpas dppavous” EPXOpaL 7 mpos pas. eR puuxpov Kal 6 KOo}Los pe ovKeTt Gewpet, dpeis d€ Jew- petre pe or eyo (@, Kal vets (noeobe. 20 ev exelvy TH THEPS yaorerde t dpeis OTL eyo. EV TO rarpt Hou; Kal dpets ev €uol, Kayo ev viv. *! 6 EXOD ' Tas €vTO- has joou Kal Tnpav auras, exes eoTW 0 aya ov pe 6 0€ ayar ov [e, dyamn- Onoerat UTO TOU marpos pov’ Kal eyo ayamnoe avrTov, Kal eucavicw avTa spawn, 2 Aéyes ait@ “Iovdas, (ovx 6 ‘loKa- prarns)° Kipre, KOU Tho yeyovey OTL np pedheus epcpavicey ceavToy, Kal ovxt TO KOO BO § By Amrexpi@n °’ ““Tnoovs kal elev avt@’ “Edy tus ayaa jee, TOV éyov pov THPNTEL, Kal 6 Tarp pon ayamnoet aurov, Kal mpos auroy ehev- pce: Kal provyy map” avT@ Trooper. O pa) dyan ov HES TOUS Aéyous pov ov Tnpet KaL O Adyos Ov GKOUVETE, OUK EOTLY eos, ANG TOU mepapayT os jue marpos. 2 Tavra heAGANKa vp map Up pevov" 26 6 dé mapaKkdnT 0s, TO Tvevpa TO ay.oy, O meprper 0 0 tarp €y TO OVd- pare pou, €KELVvos tpas duda&er maya, Kal Uropyncer vpas mayra a elroy opiy. af: etpnyny | acpin put Upeiy, eipnyny THY Eun Oidaprt upty" ov Kabas 6 6 KOO LOS didaow, eyo Sid@pe tur. py raparaeo Oo t Upov 1 kapoia, pn de Seckudtw 78 nKovgare OTL eyo elroy Up” ‘Yrayo Kal Epxopat m™pos tpas. el ayyamare Je, exapnre ay ore T0- page mpos TOV marepa GTt 6 marnp § wou" pelC@v prov €or 29 Kal voy elpnka Joun XIV. 29. that he may abide with you for ever, 1% even the Spirit of tr uth, whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him, for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. 1S J will not leave you ¢ com- fortless, I will come to you. 19 Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more: but ye see me, because I live, ye shall live also. 79 At that day ye shall know, that I am inmy Father, and you in me, and | in you. 7! He that hath my com- mandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and | will love him, and will manifest myself to him. 22 Judas saith unto him, not Iscariot, Lord, how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us, and not unto the world ? 23 Jesus answered, and said un- to him, If aman love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him,and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. 7 He that loveth me not, keepeth not my sayings, and the werd which you hear, is not mine, but the Fa- ther’s which sent me. 2% These things have I spo- ken unto you, being yet present with you. 76 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom y Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your re- membrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. 27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you, not as the world giveth, givel unto you: let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. *5 Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye w ould rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my F ather is great- er than I. 29 And now I have a Rec. re. b Rec. add o. ¢ Rec. ore currov’ MMopsvopat. a * Or, orphans,Joun XIV. 30. told you before it come to pass, that when it is come to pass, ve might believe. 8° Hereafter T will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me. 3! But that the world may know that I love the Father: and as the Father gave me commandment, even so | do: Arise, let us go hence. 15. I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. 2 Every branch in me that beareth not fruit, he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit. ° Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you. 4 Abide inme, and I in you: as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, ex- cept it abide in the vine: no more can ye, except ye abide inme. ° Fam the vine, yeare the branches: he that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for 2 without me ye can do no- thing. 6 If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered, and men eather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned. 7 If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. § Herein ismy Fa- ther glorified, that ye bear much fruit, so shall ye be my disciples. 9 As the Father hath loved me, so have J loved you: continue ye in my love. 0 If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love, even as I have kept my Father’s com- mandments, and abide in his love. ll These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might Temain in you, and that your Joy might be full. 12 This is 268 EYATTEAION Up mpl yeveo Oar’ iva oray yéevnrat, motevonte. * ovKeTt ToAAA adnow pe? tpov’ EpxeTau yap 0 TOU Kéopov *” apyov, Kal ev ejLol OUK Exel ovdev" ON Ti wa We O KOGpLOS, OTL ayare TOV marEpa, Kal Kaos everethard prot O TATHP, OUTO TOL. eyelperOe, Hyapev evtevbev. 15. "Eya ei 7 Gprredos 7 aAnOuw7, Kal 6 marnp pou | 6 yewpyos €o7t. * mav Khnpa € ev epol ra pepov KapTov, apes auto’ Kal may TO Kap7roy Pepor, Ka@ai- ee aUTO, iva mAelova Kaprov péepn. 3 70n vpets KaBapot ¢ EOE) Ova TOY Adyoy ov Aeharnka upp. peivare ev €0ol, Kay® €v vpiy. Kabas TO hj pea ov Ovva- Tae Kapmov pepe ap €aUTOU, €ay pay pevy ev ™ apreho, oUT@s ovde Upets, eay jin ev ELol petvnre. 2 eyo elpue 7 Gparehos, t Upets Ta hnpara. 6 pevey ev E/L0L, Kayo EV QUTO, ovTos pepe KapTrov Todvy’ 6Tt Ywpls Ewov ov SvvacGe rroreiy ovdev. 6 "Rap ra TLs prelyn ev epol, €BA7 On €E@ ws TO KAnMA, Kal eEnpavOn, Kal guvayovow Pavta” kat eis “ro : mp BadXovor, kat Katetau. @ eay _Heivyte ev Hol, Kal Ta prpard pou ev Upely petvy, 0 e€ay Oehnre ¢ aitnoeabe,” kal yevnoerat Upiv. 8 ev rovta@ edoédoOn 6 oe pov, wa KapToy modo Pepyte: Kal °yevn- oeoGe” épol paGyrat. ° Kabas 7 nyannoe pe 6 marnp, Kayo nyannoa vpas® pei vate €v TH ayary TH) €[L7)- cay Tas evTohds Lov ™pNoNTE, peveire ev 7H yarn pov" Kadus € ey® Tas evrohas TOU mar pos pov TETHPHKA, Kal Lev@ avTod ev Th ayarn. tt Tavra Nal cart URW, iva 7 xapa 1) €[L1) ev Up "pet, Kal 7 Xapa L@Y mAnpobn. ™“ avtn éorl 7 éevtoAy 7 @ Rec. add tovrove b OW avro. c Ww. Rec a .& Gb. om. dw aitnoacde, f Or, severed from me. © NX yernce. 7KATA IOANNHN. 269 Eun, wa ayanare adAnrous, Kabas nya- moa vas. | peiCova ravtns ayarny ovdels Exet, iva Tis THY Wuyi abrod Gn umep Ta pidwy avrov. jpeis piror [20u €oTe, Edy TOUTE boa ey évTédXo- pat vty. ® obKere pas Neyo Sovdovs, Ort 6 SovAos ovK oide Ti TroLEt adtod 6 Kuptos* buas S€ eipnka didous, ore méy- Ta @ HKovca Tapa Tov TaTpos j10v, eyvopioa ipiv' © ody dpeis pe e&eré- faoGe, aX eye eEeheEduny vas, Kal cOnka bas, va vpets tmaynre Kat kap- mov Pepnre, Kal 0 Kapmos buay peévn’ Seger kee ‘ fe ee wa OTL ay aitnonte TOY TaTépa ey TO ovomati pov, O@ viv. ™ radra évré\- Aopae Yuiv, wa dyaware a\djdovs. 'S Bi 6 Kéopos tuas PLOEL, YLvM@OKETE od > a a , OTL Ee TP @Toyv UL@V PEPLLOT KEY. el 19 ~ EK TOD KdoMOU TE, 6 KOopos dy 70 idtoy > r iva Nar) a) / > > \ epider’ ore O€ ek TOU KéapoVv OvK €oTEe, > > > \ > / ¢ = > EN / av ey@ e€eeEduny byas ek Tod Ké- o10v, Ola TOTO pugel Vas 6 KdopOS. 20 uvnmovevere TOU hoyou ob éya etzov vpy* Ovk gate Oovdos peiC@v Tod KU- / < aN > > \ > / & \ ¢ a plov avrov. el eue ediwEav, Kal pas a > eZ duwovow* ei Tov Adyov jou érnpnaar, 7 / ¢ > \ Kal TOY UETEpOY THpnaovaly. * GAA ~ / ¢ ~~ \ \ TavTa wdyTa Tocovow * viv” dia TO ay / od > 7 X 4 / OVOMA [10U, OTL OUK OLdact TOY TEpVaYTd 25 pe. 22 el py Gov Kat Ehddnoa avrois, c , > > S “A \ / dpaptiay ovk etxov’ voy dé mpdpacw » ~ / ¢ ~ OUK €xXOoVoL TEpl THS dpaptias avTdv. 23 «Of pL, cad 4 O eme puoay, Kal TOY TaTépa pov 24 > Sy \ > , > > €l Ta epya #7) €TOlLNOa EV AuU- a / / Tots, @ ovdEls @ANos TreTrolnkey, djrapTiav > ~ N OUK eiyoy' voy O€ Kal €wpdKact, Kal Meutonkact Kal ee Kal TOY TaTEpa pov °° GAN iva TANPw@OH 6 Adyos 6 yeypap- : vy T@ VO UT@Y’ “OTe emion- HEvos ev TO VOU avTay plon cay pre Owpedy. 26 “Oray d€ €XOn 6 mapakAnrTos, by Joun XV. 26. my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. 18 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. 14 Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever Icommand you. !5 Henceforth I call you not servants, for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth, but I haye called you friends: for all things that I have heard of my Father, I have made known unto you. 16 Ye have not chosen me, but I haye chosen you, and ordained you, that you should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you. 17 These things Icommand you, “that ye love one another. 1S If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before ithated you. 1! If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. 20 Re- member the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than the lord: if they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you: if they have kept my saying, they will keep your’s also. 2! But all these things will they do unto you for my name’s sake, because they know not him that sent me. 22 If T[hadnot come, and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no 2 cloke for their sin. 23 Hethat hateth me, hateth my Father also. 24 If I had not done among them the works which none other man did, they had not had sin: but now have they both seen, and hated both me and my Father. % But this cometh to pass, that the word might be fulfilled that is writ- ten in their law, They hated me without a cause. 26 But when the Comforter &O ecg vag * Or, excuse1 | | | JOuUN EX V. 2%. 270 EYATTEAION x 3288 , Cc \ A \ A is come, whom I will sendunto ey@ mepayo uUply Tapa TOU TATPOS, TA ve ae 32 a a ra \ a you from the Father, even the Ilvedpa THs adnOeias, 0 mapa Tou ma- Spirit of truth, which proceed- R ‘ , aes , eth from the Father, he shall Tpos CUAL SU 4) Cane prapr uproar testify of me. 27 And ye also grep euov' 7 Kal Upels O€ PapTupElTE, shall bear witness, because ye ¢ ee es 3). ye Ne) ‘ : } €. have been with me from the One: CTS. ee pees on Ae aes \ beginning. 16. Tavra NeAaAnka vply, wa p27, Ty inc 4s A 2 > , 16. These things have Ispo- GxaySaduoOyTe. * amocuvaywyous TOL ken unto you, that ye should Bey ye a S et not be offended. 2 They shall Tovow vpas’ add EpxeTat wpa, wa nas put you out of thesynagogues: 6 qrroxreivas upas, O0€) NaTpetay Tpod- yea, the time cometh, that who- / RaeS 5 ee, Romoan soever killeth you, will think pepewy OP be LL : Lee that he doeth God service. guy“ “, OTL OUK EyY@oay TOV TATEPC 3 j ry > a C And these things will they do G2§¢ ewe. * adda TavTa AeAGAnKa Up unto you, because they have ,, 3 on ee , 5 not known-the Father, norme. lva OTQV EAOn 1 @pPa, PYNLOVEUTTE AU: . g = ¢ > r ~ WON Clg 4 But these things have I told 7p, dru yw elroy Upiv’ TavTa Oe UBU you, that when the time shall we 2 a 5 > c/ g Cis 957 come, ye may remember that €S es. OOK St Ove ee lies OE DY 7 pPNY I told you of them. And these ? yuv Oe umay@ Tpos TOV TEeprpavTe things I said not unto you at \ 9b wey oe ee 3 a Q : pais : ( € e* Ilo the beginning, because I was Pee opaeroiee tiey poe fe : with you. ® Butnow Igo my Umayels 5 GAN OTe TavTa heAGANKE way to him that sent me, and 7,7 HU NF Se se ’ i oe UPLLVY 7 UT TWETANP@MKEY VL@Y TI) none of you asketh me, Whither i ay, ] a Ip ie ” goest thou? §® But because I ROO Lars a re ; ? have a ese things ante you, 7 ANA ey@ THY adnGevav eyo vw sorrow hath filled your heart. , cm Se De Lee dy 7 Nevertheless, I tell youthe OUPPEpEL pe ee sya are Oa. eG truth, It is expedient for you yap “eyo py aTéhOw, 6 TapaKAnTo awav: for i 1 > > 7 c ae +N \ that [ go away: for if I go not gtx éhevoeTae TMpOS Upas’ EaV O€ 70 away, the Comforter will not ba ; ae Nh Sea) ees come unto you: but if I depart, PEVU®, Tepa QUTOV TPOS LVLAS Ka a . 2 > > las > 7 \ / I will send him unto you. * And eAGayv eKEevos eey&eu TOV KOO POV TEp when he is come, he will “re- « , an SeStean a eaeTten prove the world of sin, and of EOS ss 4 Thee : URC oe Se 4 het righteousness, and of judgment. KplLOEws. TEPl ApLapTLas HEV, OTL O 9 i sus hey sJiev s > s2v \ 7 Seca) believe rigrevouc eis ee 1° wept OuKatcoovyyn not onme. !9 Of righteousness, ..) ¢ ; : re Be Fees because I go to my Father, and O€, O74 Tpos TOV TATEPA ~ LOU UTAyG we \ , TEP ye see me no more. ul Of judg- KAL OUKETL Oewpetre pe ' 11 Teph 6 ment, because the prince of this L cr © ci im es , world is judged. KPLOEWS, OTL O APXOV TOU KOO {LOU TOU 12 | have yet many things to TOU KEKPLTQL. 7 ‘ 9 OF \ y+ 4 G5 > say unto you, but ye cannot 12 "Rr. wmoAAa EX@ eye py, an bear them now: !8 howbeit, >» a» , A eye when he the Spirit of truth is oy duvacbe Baoracew Oe ; na é come, he will guide you into all €AOn EKELVOS, TO IIveupa TS adnGeia: . . - © rz / cat 5 \ / truth: for he shall not speak of ddnynoe ipas* eis Tacay THY adn Oeray’ himself: but whatsoever he — , ! a Sarre S st gem shall hear, that shall he speak, 0 yap Aadyoe ad eavrov, aX oo A Ss ~ 4 3 , , \ \ > and he mu shew you things to ap akovon adyoet, Kal Ta epx open come. He shall glorify me, 5; ea 14 a ato EG for he shall receive of mine, OVO yy S et UH ; EKELVOS RES o€ace and shall shew it unto you. oT EK TOU EMOU Anwerat, Kal avayyeX n ER a a Rec. add vyev bw—. Rec. & Gb. om Cre d \ ev Ty aAnGELa Tacy Or, convince.15 KATA IOQANNHN. 271 Joun XVI. 26. ce ULV. Tavra ooa EXEL 6 marnp, ena 5 All things that the Father > \ €ott’ Oia TOvTO elroy, epic coo cHoo hath, are mine: therefore said * Aap Paver,” Kal avayyenet t up. i that he shall take of mine, ® w= and shall shew itunto you. 16 4 Kpov Kal ov Gewpetre He, Kal mdaAuwyp little while, and ye shall not see pukpov Kal operde pic, Port © Tpos TOV marepa. 17 > Etmov ovv ex tov padyray aUvTovU me: and again a little while, Umay@ and ye shall see me: because I go to the Father. 7 Then said some of his dis- ciples among themselves, What mpos a\dnAovs* Ti €ort Tovto 6 Neyer is this that he saith unto us, A \ Tputy* Muxpov Kal ov Gewpetré He, Ka, little while, and ye shall not see mad puKpov Kal oper Ge BS} Kai, “Ort aaa me: and again, a little while, ye shall see me: and, Be- eEy@ t umayeo m™pos Tov marépa ; 18”) €- cause I go to the Father? yov ovv’ Tovto ri eoTw 0 déyet, TO » They said therefore, What is this that he saith, A little a/ [uKpOV 3 OUK otapey Ti Aadet. 19 Eyvo while ? we cannot tell what he 1 ody” 6 ‘Ingovs 6 ort 7Oeov aurov ép@- saith. TaV, Kal elirev auTots* Hlept TouTou (- TELTE per’ adAnrov, Ort elroy" Kat ov Oewpetré pe, Kal manu 19 Now Jesus knew that they were desirous to ask him, and said unto them, Do ye en- Mexpov quire among yourselv es of that ] said, A little while, and ye [ALK pov shall not see me: and again; a or Kal ower Ge peese 370 apny apenv eyo little while and ye shall see ? 20 7 ilv uply, OTL KNavO-ETE kal Epnuncere t DILELS, ES Verily, verily I say e a7 unto you, That. ye shall weep 60 0€ KOG LoS Xapyoeras: tpets € and lament, but the world shall hurrnOjoec Ge, ann’ ” horn voy eis nel and ye shall be sorrow- 21 Xapay yernoerae. 21 ) yerm) éray TIKT), but your sorrow shall be ee into joy. 7! A woman, Aumny € EXEL, OTL nrGev 1 ) opa aris. oray when sheis in travail, hath sor- Oe vevunon TO maw0tov, OUKETL pevnwovever row, because her hour is come: but as soon as she is delivered Ts Odiipews, Sud THY Xapay, OTL ever of the child, she remembereth v7 On avOporos els TOY KOO OY. vpets ouy Aumny pev yoy €XeTE 22 eq} no more the anguish, for joy ~ that a man is born into the 7a us world. And ye now there- de orpomat vpas, Kal xapnoerae Dev 1 fore Hee sorrow: but I will see kapoia, Kal Thy Xapay Lov ovoels aiper 23. Kal ep EKELVI) a) ap DLO, you again, and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man mHEPa taketh from you. %3 And in ewe uk _€periere ovden. dpuayy apy that day ye shall ask me no- thing: Verily, verily I say unto Aeyo Uy, ore ooa av aitnonre Tov T7a~ you, W ateocuen ye shall ask répa ep TO ovopart pov, daceL opiy. the Father in my name, he will as ews apre ovK yTHnoare ovdey ~ give it you. 74 Hitherto have ev re ye asked nothing in my name: ee pou" atreire, kal AjWeoGe, iva ask, and ye shall receive, that 7) Xxapa Upav 7) memAnpapern. Cen * Tatra ev mapoyniaes } Aehanka up" EpXerat opa TE ovKETt ev mapoyrtars time cometh when I shall no Ladjnoe b ULV, aa mappyoia mept TO 7 \ > on NO Al gs 26 TaTpos avayyeh@ vp. your joy may be full. 25 These things have I spoken unto you in “proverbs: the > More speak unto you in 4 pro- ~ verbs, but I shall shew you ev exelyn cl plainly of the Father. 26 At that F LLE, 2 5 Ovo i Ge: lay ye Shall ask in my name: 7 7 Gc Kal Gay jy J nMEpa EV TO OVOLa L Jou al Hoeo @ Rec. Anverac b— C Rec, addeyw. 4 Gb. B Or, parables. Omen ae SRecs adduannye * Or, parables.we — ® Joun XVI. 27. and I say not unto you that I will pray the Father for you: 27 for the Father himself loveth you, because ye have loved me, and have believed that I came out from God. 28 I came forth from the Father, and am come into the world: again, I leave the world, and go to the Fa- ther. 29 His disciples said unto him, 7 Lo, now speakest thou plainly, and speakest no “proverb. 30 Now are we sure that thou knowest all things, and needest not that any man should ask thee: by this we believe that thou camest forth from God. 31 Jesus answered them, Do ye now believe? 32 Behold, the hour cometh, yea is now come, that ye shall bescattered, every man to his own,and shall leave me alone: and yet I am not alone, because the Father is with me. 33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace, in the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer, I have over- come the world. These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come, glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee. ? As thou hast given him power over all flesh, “that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him. 3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent. 41 have glorified thee onthe earth: I have finish- ed the work which thou gavest me to do. 5 Andnow O Father, 2 elorify thou me, with thine own self, with the glory which I had with thee before the world was. 6 J haye manifested thy name unto the men which thou gavest me out of the world: thine they were; and thou gavest them me; and they have kept thy word. 7 Now they have known Die EYATTEAION ov Aey@ vp OTL eyo epaTnoe TOY Tra- TeEpa mept Upav" zt auros yap 6 maTnp purer bpas, Ort Upeets eee mrepudnxare, | Kal TemloTEvKaTE OTL eyo mapa TOV || cov ef7) Gov. efi Oov 7 mapa TOU TaTpos, Kal eApvéa eis TOV Koo pov TaN apinpe Tov Koo poy, Kal Tropevopat T™pos TOV marepa, ee Aeyouow avT@ ol padyrat avrov" “Ide, vov Tappnola harets, Kal mapouiay . ovdepuiay Reyets. 50 OU otaprey OTL oiOas mayra, kal ov xpetav EXELS wa ris oe EpaTa. ev TOUT@ re OTL aTr0 cov ef bes. al AmexpiOn avrois 6 32 28 23 “Ingovs" "Apte mi LOMEUETES (O00, €p= a yeTai Opa Kat * voy A ehidvder, Wa |; a oKxopma bre, eKaoTos els Ta iva, Kal ep peovov ante Kal OUK €lj1l pdvos, 6re | 6 TaTNHp per eyov eOTt. 3 radra e= | Addnka upir, iva ev 2 elpnyny EXNTE.| eV TO KOOL Ohinpey ® EXETE’ “ aa dap- | GELTE, eyo veviknka TOV KOO LO. 17. Tatra é€Aadnoev oO ‘Ingous, Kal ern pe Tous opOarpovs auTov eis TOV Ov-| pavoy, Kal ele’ Ilarep, ey uber 7 | opa dd€acdy wou Toy oe wa Kat" 6} vids mou ogaon oe > kabdos €0wkas | avuT@ eSougtay maons TapKos, iva wav jh SéSaKas avr, Soon avrots Cony ai@=| yiov. 3 avr be eoTl 1) al@vios Com, | iva ywerKadt oe TOV pdvov adn Owvor | cor, oe ov ameorevhas ‘Incouy Xpt-| oTOV. 4 eyo oe edogaca eT THS yns” TO} epyov ereNelmoa 0 SeBaKds jou iva} Touow’ > Kal voV dofaodv pe ov, Ta-| TEP, T mapa TEAUTO, Tm b0En 7 7 etxov T™po 708 Tov Kéo}LOV Eval mapa col. ° "Edavepood cov TO ovopa Tots av- perros, ovs dedaxas pou ex TOU KO- o}L0v" gol noay, Kal €pol avrovs dedwxkas* Kal Tov Adyov wou TeTnpHKact. 4 vov! b Bz. & Elz. e£ers. Cc PB Or, his own home. 2 Or; parabie.KATA IOANNHN, 273 a og , ¢ / L eyyoxay ort mavta ooa Oédaxds fou, A <— 2) 7 c Tapa gov eoti* ore TA pyuara a / 4 4 > vad Oedaxds prot, SéSaxa adrois: kal adro\ a \ »~ > ~ ¢ \ ehaBov, Kal éyveoay ahnéas, ore Tapa ALES gw sas gov e€hOoy, kat emictevoay bri ob [Le > wa > a na ameotethas. ° eyo mepl attay épera: ~ 2 a > OU mepl TOU Kdcpov épwrd, dAd Tepl & 4 7 / 3 ey OedwKds prot, Gte coi eict. © xq} Ta €ua TdvTa od éotl, Kai Ta od Eua* \ t - 3 > a ll \ Sie Kal deddEacpa ev adrois. " Kal odkér S ar eae elit EV TH KOo}LM, Kal OOTOL éy TO K6~ ° \ Nv > \ 4 + , TH elo, Kal eyo Mos Te EpXopat. md- 7 2 TEP Ayle, THONTOY avTOvs ev TO vdmarTi D te 1p" , ch ike a Ee gov, *@" dedwkds pot, iva dow ey, Ka- ¢ ~ 7 > > a > das jets. © dre funy per adraov »éy a / 4 EN S757 > \ > = T KOTMM, €yo eTNnpouy adtovs ev TA FASS. , a aA , , 2 , ovopart cou’ ovs dedwKds por epiraka, N' > \ > > cod > , > \ < kat ovdels €€ avtdy drwdero, ei pi) 6 cy a > , a ¢ A vios TS am@detas, va 7 ypadn) 7hy- n « a \ 2. N podn. ™ vov Se mpds oe epxouat, Kal A ~ 5 a 4 TavTa haKG Ev TO Kéopo, Wa éxwor \ \ Dae , 5 TY Xapay TY epny wemAnpwpény ev aurots. 14 “Ey d€daxa adrois roy Aoyov cov, > \ 7 > Kal 6 Koop0s euionoey aitovs, bru odK ~ > \ > 2 \ elo ek TOU KdopOV, KABdS ey@ ovK Ei! a 5 > > na of 2 eK TOU Kdopov. © ovK epwTS iva dpns ~ 4 3 77 4 auTovs €k TOU Kdomov, GAN iva tnpHons ~ ~ 3 aN , avrous €k TOU Toynpov. 18 ex rod KéopLoU A > OvUK elo, Kaas ey ek TOD KOopLOv OdK > n > / eit. ! dyiacov adtods ev tHuddnOcla > f. , > “gov” 6 Adyos 6 Gods adyOed ete. > \ 4 8 Kaos ee améoreihas eis Tov Kdopor, \ > o Kay@ amréotetha avrovs eis Tov Kbapov a > A / > \ 9 kal Urep avT@v eyo dyidto €savrdy, > ¢ 4, > > iva Kal avrol @ow nytacpévoe ev aXn- Geia. 20 > \ ? ee) a , Ov wept tovray d€ EpwT@ dvor, n a \ adda Kal mepl ray Ymortevdvtwr” Oia “~ ~ > 3 Li a7 / TOU Néyou avTay eis ee’ 7) Wa mavtes 3 \ / > > A > A ev @o KaOds ov, TdTEp, ev euol, Kayo Joun XVII. 21. that all things whatsoever thou hast given me, are of thee. 8 For I have given unto them the words which thou gayest me, and they have received them, and have known surely that I came out from thee, and they have believed that thou didst send me. 9] pray for them, I pray not for the world: but for them which thou hast given me, for they are thine. 10 And all mine are thine, and thine are mine: and I am glorified in them. “ And now Iam nomore in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name, those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are. 12 While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest me, I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition: that the scripture might be fulfilled. 'S And now come I to thee, and these things I speak in the world, that they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves. 14 J have given them thy word, and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. 151 pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou should- est keep them from the evil. 16 They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. 17 Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. 18 As thou hast sent me into the world: even so have I also sent them into the world. !8 And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be ¢sanc- tified through the truth. 20 Neither pray I for these alone; but for them also which shall believe on me through their word: ?! that they all may be one, as thou Father art in a Rec. ous. bo c= 19 d Rec. mictevoovrwy, “ Or, truly sanctified.Joun XVII. 22. me, and I in thee, that they also may be one inus: that y world 7% may believe that thou hast sent me. ?2 And the glory which thou gavest me, I have given them: that they may be one, eyen as we are one: 73 I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one, and that y world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me. 24 Father, I will that they also whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am, that they may behold my glory which thou hast given me: for thou lovedst me before the founda- tion of ¥ world. 25 Orighteous Father, ¥ world hath not known thee, but I have known thee, and these have known that thou hast sent me. 26 And I have declared unto them thy name, and will declare it: that y love wherewith thou hast loved me, may be in them, and [| in them. 18. When Jesus had spoken these words, he went forth with his disciples over the brook Ce- dron, where was a garden, into the which he entered and his disciples. 2 And Judas also which betrayed him, knew the place: for Jesus ofttimes re- sorted thither with his disciples. 3 Judas then having received a band of men, and officers from the chief priests and Pharisees, cometh thither with lanterns and torches, and weapons. 4 Jesus therefore knowing all things that should come upon him, went forth, and said unto them, Whom seek ye? © They answered him, Jesus of Naza- reth. Jesus saith unto them, I am he. And Judas also which betrayed him, stood with them. 6 As soon then as he had said unto them, I am he, they went backward, & fell to the ground. 7 Then asked he them again, Whom seek ye? And they said, Jesus of Nazareth. 8 Jesus an- EYATTEAION a > ° a ev" aow 274 ev gol, iva Kal avrol ev np iva © KOo}LOS morTevoy OTL Ov pe amré- aretAas. * Kai eyo ry ddEav 7 i dedw- Kas je0L, dedoKa abrois, wa aow ev; Kadas 7 npets ey EOP” 3 eya ev avTots, kal ov ev epol, wa ot TeTehev@pevor cis ev, ? Kal” wa yuorky 0 Koo Hos OTL ov pe dréorethas, kal nyamnoas avTous, Kabas ewe nyarnoas. #4 Ildrep, ous bedaxas ; (0b, Gero & iva orrou elpul €Y@, Kdketvou oot per ep0u" iva Gempdou THY dogay TH eps Wy eOmkKas Hol, OTL nyannoas }L€ pO Kara Bons KOo}LOU. re marep Oikave, Kal 6 Koopos OE OUK eyo, eyo d€ oe eyvar, Kal ovToL eyvacay, ore ov pe dmeorethas" 6 kal eyvapiod avrois TO ovopa OU, Kal yopire iva 7 aya, ny nyannods pe, ev avrots 7), Kaye €y avtots. 18. Tatra eimav 6 “‘Inoods e& Oe oy nots pabyrais auTou vmeépay TOU XE pdppov © Tov Kedpoy," Grou ay KNTOS, els ov sceey avros Kal of pabnrat avrov. 7 7de dé Kat “lovdas, 6 mapa- O1d0vs abror, TOV Tomo" ore ToANakes | cunx9n 6 0 ‘Ingovs eKel pera 7 TOV pabn- Tay avTov. * 6 ovY "Tovdas AaBoy THY oreipay, Kal €k TOV apxLepewy Kal Pa- pioaloy omnperas epxerau EKEL JLETO pavev Kal Nayarddov Kal émhov. : ‘Inoods ovp eidas mavTa Ta €pxo- preva. em autor, efehOav elmev avrois" Tiva (nteire; ® “Amexpi@noay atta: "Incoty tov Nafwpaiov. Aéyet avrois | 6 Inoovs" "Eyo eit. (Elornker de Kat | ‘Iovdas 6 mapadidovs avrov per’ av Tov.) § &s ov elirev avrois" "Ort eyo | eit pee eis Ta Omiow, Kal Emecov Xapiat. 7 wad obv avbrovs ennpatnoe® | Tiva (nreite; Oi O€ etrov" io, TOV. Nafwpaiov. 8 *Amexpién * 6" “Inaods 5] bo ¢ Rec. trwy Kedpwr. d Gb. om.KATA IQANNHN. 275 Eirov tiv, bre eye elut. ef ody eye (yreire, adere rovtous umayew. 9 "Iva TAnpoOn 6 Adyos dv eimev? “Ore ods Oedwkds por, ove amodeca &€ adrov ovodeva, ” Sipov ody Ilérpos exer paxatpay, elhkuoey adtiy, Kal érauce Tov TOD ap- Xtepews SovAov, kal dméxowvev adtov Td atioy 70 de&idy. jy b€ dvopa TO dovr® Madyos. ™ eimev obv 6 “Inoots 7 Té- Tp@ Bade thy wdxatpay*” eis tv On- Ky. TO moTnpLoy 0 deOwKEé pot 6 maTIp, OU [1 Tio avTo; 2 ‘H ovy omeipa kal 6 yidlapyos Kal ot vmnperar Tav “lovSaiwy ouvedaBoy tov “Incody, cat €Snoav airov, * Kai amnyayoy avroy mpos “Avyay mparov' nv yap mevOepos Tod Kaiada, os jv apxvepeds Tov evauTod ékeivov. ! fy bé Kaiapas 6 cupBovdreveas rots “Iovdai- ols, OTe ouueper Eva GyvOpwroy » azo- hecOar" irép Tov Aaod. ® ’Heodovder 6€ 76 “Inaod Sipeov Ilérpos, kai °6” Gos padnrns. 6 dé pabnris eketvos fy yyooros T@ apxtepet, kat ovvecondde TH Inood eis THy avAny Tov apxtepews’ 1° 6 Oe Ilérpos ciotyKes mpos TH Gupa e&a. €EndOev ody 6 pabn- TNS 6 A\Xos Os HY yyooros TO apxtepEl, kal cine TH Ovpwpa@, Kal cionyaye Tov Tlérpov. ” Neyer ody 7 madicxn 7 Ov- pepos t@ Ilérp@* Mn kal od &k Tov panrav et Tov avOpwmov TovTov; Aé- yet exevos’ OvK eipi. '8 KiorjKescay O€ of OovAoL Kat of Umnpérar avOpaK.ay TETOLNKOTES, OTL WuxXos TV, Kal €Oeppai- vovto’ ny O€ peT avtay 6 Ilérpos eatas kal Geppadpevos. 19 °O ovy apxtepeds Npatnoe TOV In- Gouv Tept Tay padntay avrov, kal rept Ts Oidaxns avtod. ™ dmrexpiOn aire 6 Joun XVIII. 20. swered, I have told you that I am he: if therefore ye seek me, let these go their way: 9 that the saying might be fulfilled which he spake, Of them which thou gavest me, have 1 lost none. 10 Then Simon Peter having asword, drew it, andsmotethe high priest’s servant, and cut off his right ear: the servant’s name was Malchus. 11 Then said Jesus unto Peter, Put up thy sword into the sheath: the cup which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink it ? 12 Then the band and the captain, and officers of theJews, took Jesus, and bound him, 13 and led him away to Annas first, (for he was father in law to Caiaphas) which was the high priest that same year. «!4 Now Caiaphas was he which gave counsel to the Jews, that it was expedient that one man should die for the people. 15 And Simon Peter followed Jesus, and so did another dis- ciple: that disciple was known unto the high priest, and went in with Jesus into the palace of the high priest. '6 But Peter stood at the door without. Then went out that other disciple, which was known unto the high priest, and spake unto her that kept the door, and brought in Peter. '7 Then saith the damsel that kept the door unto Peter, Art not thou also one of this man’s disciples ? He saith, Iam not. '!8 And the servants and officers stood there, who had made a fire of coals, (for it was cold) and they warmed them- selves: and Peter stood with them, and warmed himself. 19 The high priest then asked Jesus of his disciples, and of his doctrine. 2% Jesus answered a Ree, add cov. b ww avofarssy. the high priest. c 3 * And Annas sent Christ bound unto Caiaphas,Joun XVIII. 21. him, | spake openly to the world, I ever taught in the sy- nagogue, and in the temple, whither the Jews always resort, and in secret have I said no- thing. 2! Why askest thou me? ask them which heard me, what I have said unto them: behold, they know what I said. 2? And when he had thus spoken, one of the officers which stood by, ~ struck Jesus « with the palm of his hand, saying, Answerest thou the high priest so? 23 Jje- sus answered him, If I have spoken evil, bear witness of the evil: but if well, why smitest thou me? ?4 Now Annas had sent him bound unto-Caiaphas the high priest. 25 And Simon Peter stood and warmed himself: they said therefore unto him, Art not thou also one of his disciples? He denied it, and said, I am not. 26 One of the servants of the high priest (being his kinsman whose ear Peter cut off) saith, Did not I see thee in the gar- den with him? 27 Peter then denied again, and immediately the cock crew. 28 Then led they Jesus from Caiaphas unto fthe hall of judgment: and it was early, aud they themselves went not into the judgment hall, lest they should be defiled: but that they might eat the passover. 29 Pi- late then went out unto them, and said, What accusation bring you against this man ? 39 They answered, and said unto him, If he were not a malefactor, we would not have delivered him up unto thee. 3! Then said Pi- late unto them, Take ye him, and judge him according to your law. ‘he Jews therefore said unto him, It is not lawful for us to put any man to death: 32 that the saying of Jesus might be fulfilled, which he spake, signifying what death heshould die. "Ingots" EYATTEAION “Eye mappnola edahnoa TO KOTO” eyo mayrore edtBaza ey ** ov- yayoyf Kal ey T@ LEp@, Grou > qravroTe” ot lovdator cvvepxovTat, Kal ev KpUTTTE ehdhnoa ovdev. aL ris Jue erepords. emep@Tn gov Tous axnkodras, Th | ehagag abrois" ie obrot oiaow a etmoy eyo. 2 Tatra O€ avrov elrovros, eis TOV UnnpeT@v MapEeTTHKaS edexe par Lope TO joey. ny, Ovres dmroxpivy TO apxvepel ; 3° AtrexplOn avT@ Oo "Incods" Ei Kakos ehdhnoa, peaptupnooy Tept Tov Kakov’ et O€ Kaas, Ti pe Sépets ; 44’ Améoredev ©” auTov 0 “Avyas Oede- pevov mpos Kaiapav TOV dpxveped. oo" Ely Oe Sipov Ilerpos EOT@S Kat Geppauvopevos® elroy ouy aura’ My) Kai OU €K TOV pabnr av avTov et} ; "Hpvhaaro exetvos, kal eimev’ OvK eipt. 7° Aé€yeu eis ek TOY dovAwy TOU dpxlepeas, ouy- yeviys ov ov ameKovpe Tlerpos TO @riov" OvUK €y@ oe eidov € ev TO a per” av- Tov; *! Id\wy ovv npynoato ‘6’ Terpos, — cidews aNEKT@pP epavnoer. *& “Ayouow © ovy” Tov ‘Inoovy amro TOU Kaidpa els TO Tparropuoy" HY de ‘mpoia: Kal avrol ovk elondOoy «is 0 mMparr@puov, iva py pravOaow, GAN wa paywaot TO maoxa. » e&n dev ouv 6 TlcAaros mpos avutous, Kal etme’ Tiva katnyoptay epee KaTa TOU wOparou TOUTOU } 5 Dy ’AmexpiOnoay Kal elroy ebro Ei pry nv ovros KakomOLos, ovK ay Got maped@kapev avtov. *! Etrrey ouy abrois 6 Iludros: AdBere avrov wpets, kat KaTa TOY VOMOY Du@v KplvaTe avTOr. Eizrov ody avt@ oi “lovdatou “Hyiy ovK éfeotw amoxteivat ovdevat * “Iva 6 Adyos TOU ‘Ingod mAnpobn, ov elze onpaivey Toiw Oavar@ ijedNev atrobyn- oKeE. 276 a Rec. add rp. Gh. trom. b w.—Bz. & Elz. rarvrtoOev Gb. ravtes. ? Or, with a rod. © Bz. & Elz. add ovy. dis ee B Or, Pilate’s house.KATA ITOANNHN. 277 by es > 8 EionhOev ody els rd Tpar@ptoy £ c 4 \ d , \ > mahw 6 Idros, cai epavyce tov In- GOUY, Kal elev avT@ SV ef 6 Baoireds nn > a Tov lovdaioy; * ’AmeKpibn auTe 6 > ~ > > a A Inoovs’ Ad éavrod ov rovro Aeyets, \ on 5s Ni >? ~“ i 35 > 7) GdXot Got eiroy Trepl epod ; Atre- 4 r KptOn 6 Tudaros: Myre eyo “lovdaids eit; TO COvos TO aby Kab of apxvepeis “XxX / > Iie he) } 4 36 2 TmapeOwkay we emoi Ti emoinoas; 35° A- meKpiOn * 6” "Incovs: ‘H Bacudela 1) Ef OUK OTL EK TOU KdapoU ToOvTOU' EL ek ~ he > TOU KOopov ToUTOU Ty 7 BaowdeLa 7 un, , > ol Umnperat dy of enol nywvitovro, iva ~ ~~ > ~ #1) TapadoOS Tots “Jovdalous: viv dé 7 Baotdeia 7 eur) ovk eotw évredder. 7 Bimev ovy avT@® 6 Iliudros: Ovxody > , A Baoirevs ei ov; “Amexpién 6 *Incots: Su héyeis, Ore Baotdeds Elie Ey. ey@ els TOUTO yeyevynuat, Kal eis TOUTO édn- 7 7 na Avéa eis roy Kécpor, iva Haptupno® TH > , a Cia > A > , ahnOcia. mas 6 dv ex ths adnbelas, > / ~ An 38 , > a akovet Lov THS Havas. Aeyet avT@ 6 IlWdros Ti éotw ad7nOea; Kai rovro cimay, maw e&ndOe mpds \ > / \ / > ase > \ Tous “lovdaiovs, Kal Aeyet avtots Ey ovdeplay aitiay evpicke ev avT@. * gor 5 7 ¢ rn 4 de ovvnbera tpiy, va eva bpiv arohicw n > ~ > ev T@ TaTXxa’ Bovdecbe ody Up aTro- Zi . \ 4 nan > / Avow tov PBaciiea tev “Iovdaiav; 40 ? , > 2X , rv , Expavyacay otyv maw tavtes, hé- youtes’ Mn Tovror, a\\a Tov BapapBar* na , Hy 6€ 6 BapaBBas Anorns. 19. Tore oy €haBey 6 Tlitdros roy "Inoovy, kal euaotiyace. ? kal oi oTpa- ~ / 7 > a TL@T aL TAEEaVTES OTEPavoy €& axavOdy, ~ a a ‘\ < / emeOnkay avtou Th Kepady, Kat ipdriov moppupovy mepreBadoy avrov. * Ka A \ Aes , A éheyov" Xaipe, 6 Bacirevs Tov lovdaiwy a c J, Kal €didovy avT@ pariopara. an », /, PEE Oey ” ovv" raw €&w 6 Widdros, 7 a of / ¢ a > \ kal Neyer adtois “Ide ayo tpiv adrov ~- Joun XIX. 4. 33 Then Pilate entered into the judgment hall again, and called Jesus, and said unto him, Art thou the King of the Jews ? $4 Jesus answered him, Sayest thou this thing of thyself? or did others tell it thee of me ? 5 Pilate answered,Am Ia Jew? Thine own nation, and the chief priests have delivered thee un- to me: what hast thou done ? 36 Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my king- dom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence. 37 Pilate there- fore said unto him, Art thou a king then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that Iam aking. Yo this end was J born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth: every one that is of the truth heareth my voice, 8 Pilate saith unto him, What is truth ? And when he had said this, he went out again unto theJews, and saith unto them, I find in him no fault at all. 39 But ye have a custom that I should release unto you one at the passover: will ye therefore that I release unto you the King of the Jews? 4 Then cried they all again, saying, Not this man, but Barabbas. Now Barabbas was a robber. 19. Then Pilate therefore took Jesus, and scourged him. * And the soldiers platted a crown of thorns, and put it on his head, and they put on him a purple robe, 3 and said, Hail King of the Jews: and they smote him with their hands. 4 Pilate therefore went forth again, and saith unto them, a Gb. om. b Gb, om.Joun XIX. 5. 278 EYATTEAION 4 ie I fa ed vat 7 3 a / Behold, bring him forth to you, EEO, Wa YYOTE OTL EV aura ovdeptap he ay k 7 f eo > > that ye may know that I find girlay etploKo. 5 CEEnN Oey ou O Iy- no fault in him. °° Then came Aer x Ne ay y Jesus forth, wearing the crown OJOUS EEO, popar Toy aKxavOvoy orepa- > a 7, . ms / ‘ of thorns, and the purple robe: yoy, Kal TO Topiupouy iparioy.) Kal And Pilate saith unto them, / Fea TNE ON CPO 679 Behold the man. 6 When the heyet autots’ Ide 0 av Poros. rs ° « a ay ss > > a \ © KC chief priests therefore and offi- ody el0oy aUTOY Ol apXLEpEls KAL OL UTN= wo j r 7 , , / < / cers saw him, they cried out, peTat, expavyacay heyovtes* Zravpo@- saying, Crucify him, crucify ; sue foae hay , Be him. Pilate saith unto them, OV, oTavpwoov *avroy. Aeyet avrots Take ye him, and crucify him : 6 IluAaros* AdBere auTov UMELS KQL for I find no fault in him. 7 The / ReOEN +8 > cay > Jews answered him, We have OE ee we yap or CU oy a law, and by our law Be Oe avUT@ alriay. / ArrexpiOnoav avT@ Ol to die, because he made himsel TOWN aIOE “Hyets v6 [Lov yopev Kal KaTO the son of God Zz : \ / ¢ co > , ? = o TOV VOJLOV NM@Y opethet amroOavelv, OTL éavtoy vidv >” Qeod eroincey. @ When Pilate therefore °% “Ore ody fKovoey 6 IIAdros ToUToy . ae 7A a , XN heard that saying, he was the Tov héyor, pad)ov epo8nOn, 9 nat more afraid, 9 and went again , .~ 5 ‘ ; : A into the judgment hall, and cion Oey els TO TPALTWPLoy TAA, Kal . / a ~ , a 7, saith unto Jesus, Whence art heyet TO "Incov* Ildéev «i ov; ‘Oo be thou? But Jesus gave him no > eae Agok g > »” >A answer. 10 Then saith Pilate Inoovs amokptoly OUK eO@keV oui unto him, Speakest thou not 19 \éyer Covv” avT@ 6 Iliharos* *Epot ln rae a > a > , 2 unto mez knowest thou not, 6% hades; ovK oldas Ore eEovoiay EX that I have power to crucify = ; eae eee 5 thee, and have powertorelease OTAVPWOAL OF, Kal e€ovolay EX@ aTro~ thee ? !! Jesus answered, Thou \ggai ce; i ’AmrexplOn d 5% "Inoods’ couldest have no power at all oO? > 3 , > Sertl £3 against me, except it were given ue euxS> eEovatay OVOELLAY KAT pe , > , » biee oe above: penal he ef py nv oor Sedopévoy avabev* Oud that delivered me unto thee, - ¢ ; \ ea Ren ahs conter sin’ ToUTO 6 mrapadvoous pe Gol peltfova UpLapTlav EXEL. > = , , 12 And from thenceforth Pi- 12 "EK TOUTOU e(nret 6 TiuAdros amro- late sought to release him: but \figar adrdv. of dé "Iovdator expacov the Jews cried out, saying, If thou let this man go, thou art / a , I héyovres’ "Edy rovrov dmohvons, OvK | not Czxsar’s friend: whosoever e¢ ~idos TOU Kaicapos. mas 6 Bacthea | aketh himself a ki 2aketl a 2 - a maketh himselfaking,speaketh e éqy7hy” gory, avTiéyet TO Katoapt. | against Cesar. !3 When Pilate 2 § c > s 2 , a therefore heard that saying, he /° ‘O ody IluAdros dxovaas ‘rovrov Tov | brought Jesus forth, and sat \gyoy,” 7 2 ie y t 0 i d vy,” nyayev €&@ Tov Inoovy, Kat down in the judgment seat, in > Y) : RAM && t 7 > 25 a place that is called the Pave- EKAULOEV ETL © TOU Pnparos, els TOTOP . , / - \ A ment, but in the Hebrew, Gab- Neyduevov ArOdorpwrov, “EBpaioti de batha. | And it was the pre- TaSBaba* 14 (Av dé mapacKeun a paration of the passover, and ~ "/ site Si gah Sp CO ae about the sixth hour: and he maoxa, "Spa be woet” ‘exry*”) Kal he- saith unto the Jews, Behold Rou Satots: ” ‘ OGnTTay : E ; et Tots Iovdaios* "Ide 6 BaotAevs Voy. your King. '!5 But they cried ie t gw , : {38 B > Sie , out, Away with him, away with Oi de expavyaoav Apoy, apov, oTau= him, crucify him. Pilate saith pewooy avrdév. Aeyer avtois 6 Tluaros* a Rec. om. b Bz. & Elz. add row. SS d Gb. om. &@ Rec. avrov. f ~& tev Aoywy TovTwy, = h SS wpa nv as. i SS tpt.KATA IOANNHN. 279 A , aA Tov Baortea tudv cravpdow; Are- , ¢ > A 5 KptOnoay oi apxsepets’ OdK exopuev Ba- Z > \ > oirea ef jan Kaioapa. 1 Toére ody TapeO@Key avtoy avrots, iva cTavpw67. is a 2, “mapedaBov O€ Tov “Incovy kal LF yayov.” \ a Kat Baordfey rov oTaupoy avrod, IEA r e£ip Oev eis Tov Neydpevoy Kpaviov réror, \ fi oe ee: Os eyerat ‘“EBpaiori Toryoda: 38 érrou > A A avTOv eaTavpwcay, Kal per’ adrod aA- / 3 ~ ~ Aous Ovo évrevOev Kal evtedOev, recov \ ~ d€ roy "Incowy. a 99 “Eypawre Sé kal ritdov 6 TiAdtos, \» A me Kat €Onkey ext Tod oravpov" fv Se ye- Z . Tt x € Tt S c ypapzpevoy’ “Ingovs 6 Nafwpaios 6 Ba- \ a 9 ~ > otAevs TOV lovdalwy. *° Todroy ody Tov , \\ > / nw 7 / Tithoy ToAKol aveyvecay rév lovdaiwy, ¢ 3 \ > a co oTLEeyyus nV °6 TOTOS THS TOAEwS,” Oro” > . a 5 exraupobn 6 ‘Incovs' Kal hy -yeypap- Le ¢ oo NaS Na G o / pevoy EBpaiori, EdAnuoti, Popaiori. Le a cae * eheyoy obv TO TliAdr@ oi dpxtepeis TOY > a lovdatwy’ Mn ypdde “O Bacideds ray > / ~ 3 > o 3 o > 6 > Iovdaiwyv* aN bru ekeivos eine’ Ba- , > me , 29 > / odeus elt Tov lovdalay. * > Amexpibn ad , 6 Tidaros: “O yéypada, yéypada. * Oi > = ¢ , ovv OTpaTL@TaL, OTE eoTA’pwaay TOY > ~ a+ \ c / > ~ \ Inoovv, ehaBov ta iwatia avtov, (Kat eroingay Téccapa péepn, EKAOT@® OTPA- TLOTN pLepos,) Kal Tov yiT@va. AY Oé 6 NS A IE 3 an a+ ¢ \ XLT@Y appaos, eK TY dvobev vpayros dv ddov. * eizoyv ody mpos adAnXovs’ My oxicopey adrov, adda Adyopey ~ » d ¢ \ Tepi avTov, Tivos €ora “Iva 7 ypadn TAnpoOn 7 heyovca’ Atepepicayto Ta imaTiad Lov €avTols, Kal emt Tov ipa- ’ x, a c , TlojLov prov €Bahoyv KAnpov. Oi pev oUv OTpaTLO@Tal Tav’Ta éemoincay. > Kiotnkxecay O€ mapa TO oravpo A ~ A ¢ > Tov “Incov 7 pntnp avrov, Kal 7 aded- an ~ / ¢ ~ gy THs pyTpos avtov, Mapia 7 Tov a i ae dadnvy KAwra, kat Mapia n Maydadnvn. a Joun XIX. 25. unto them, Shall I crucify your King? The chief priests an- swered, We have no king but Cesar. 16 Then delivered he him therefore unto them to be crucified: and they took Jesus, and led him away. 17 And he bearing his cross, went forth into a place called the place of a skull, which is calledin the Hebrew, Golgotha; 18 where they crucified him, and two other with him, on either side one, and Jesus in the midst. 19 And Pilate wrote a title, and put it on the cross. And the writing was, JESUS OF NA- ZARETH, THE KING OF THE JEWS. 2° This title then read many of the Jews: for the place where Jesus was crucified, was nigh to the city, and it was written in Hebrew, and Greek, and Latin. 2?! Then said the chief priests of the Jews to Pi- late, Write not, The King of the Jews: but that he said, I am King of the Jews. 22 Pi- late answered, What I have written, I have written. 22 Then the soldiers, when they had crucified Jesus, took his gar- ments, (and made four parts, to every soldier a part) and also his coat: now the coat was with- out seam, « woven from the top throughout. 24 They said there- fore among themselves, Let not us rend it, but cast lots for it, whose it shall be: that the scripture might be fulfilled, which saith, They parted my raiment among them, and for my vesture they did cast lots. These things therefore the soldiers did. 25 Now there stood by the cross of Jesus, his mother, and his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of & Cleophas, and Mary > Rec, axnyayov. @ — TlapedaBor ad nyayov © Rec. ts woAews 9 tom0s. ~ Or, wrought. B Or, Ciopas.Joun XIX. 26. EYATTEAION Magdalene. 26 When Jesus 7° Incods oty idwv TY prepa, kal TOV therefore saw his mother, and rE apect@ta ov ara eyet the disciple standing by, whom peadnrny iB p o ne 2 ‘ ye he loved, he saith unto hismo. 7 pyTp: avrou: Vwuyar, *t0ov” o vics ther, Woman. behold thy son. Tov. 7 Kira heyet TO padyrn” "Bot, 27 Then saith he to the disciple, i K Kel “ &oad Behold thy mother. And from 7 ene gov. Kat am ¢€ ts 7s P that hour that disciple took her édaev P 0 pant TIS avTny” eis TA iva. unopbissommn nome: : 23 Mera rovto °eidws’ 6 Incods, ore After this, Jesus knowing a; that all things were now ac- Mavra Hon TeTeAcoTal, iva TeheL@OA n complished, that the scripture a héver’ Aubo. 79 Sxedos ovv michepeftdialled, sath lthmst: 2 pn, dey ye 5S ac 29 Now there was set a vessel, €KELTO o&ous peoroy’ ot Oe, mAnoavTes full of vinegar: and they filled oroyyov ogous, Kal VTOOTO mepLOevres, a spunge with vinegar, and put 30 Ore ieiponthyscoo: edi put ito his mpoonveyKay avTou TO oropare OT mouth. 2 When Jesus there- ovy €aBe TO fos 6 O ‘Iyooos, eime’ Te- fore had received the vinegar, ¢é\egrau* Kal KAivas THY Kepadny, Ta- he said, It is finished, and he 25 " ? ue bowed his head, and gave up PE&O@KE TO mvevpa. Genoa ees ‘ 31- Of ovy "Toudaior, | iva pn pein emt The Jews therefore, be- cause it was the preparation, TOU oraupou Ta Lo opara ev TO caBBare, that the bodies should not re- eel ey ny: Gi yap peyarn 7 main upon the cross on the sab- npEpa o exeivou” Too caBBarov" i nporn- bath day (for that sabbath day was an high day) besought Pi- Tay tov IluAdrov, va KaTEaAy@ou avuToV late that their legs might be 7a oxéAn, Kal dpbecw. ™ 7dOov ovv broken, and'that.they might be « ~ \ AVEeS , taken away. 32 Then came the OL OTPATLOTAL, KAL-TOU [EV TP @TOU Kae . 7: \ \ ~ f ~ soldiers, and brake the legs of Téaéay Ta okKeAn Kat Tov dANov TOU the first, and eee ace cvoravpoberros auto" 33 ert Oe TOV was crucified with him. °3 But when they came to Jesus, and "Incovy eh Oovres, Os eloov aUTOV 7n0n saw that he was dead already, reOyyxdra, ov KaTéakay avTov Ta TKEAN’ they brake not his legs. 34 But 34 aN \ner a ING > one of the soldiers with a spear oe CUS TOY Oe ee OYXN aus pierced his side, and forthwith TOU THY mevpay evvée, Kal evOvus e&n\Oev came thereout blood and water. aipa Ra) ddep. 25 And he that saw it,bare ” Kal 6 éwpaxos HepapripyKe, Kal : record, and his recerd is true, anu abrov €oTLy 7 paprupia, Kd~ and he knoweth that he saith true, that’ ye ‘might believe: Kelvos oldev OTL adnOn Neyet, wa © Kau” \ 2 e , y : . lal , - 36 For these things were done, Upets TLOTEVONTE. 36 eVEVETO yap TQAUTQ, that the scripture should be ” c \ aie e ~ > fulfilled, A bone of him shall %% 7 ypapy mhypoOh Ocrouy (as not be broken. 97 And again ort pipyoerar favrov.” 7 Kai mad another scripture saith, They é7épq a Nayeio) Ov omen tera shall look on him whom they De ae on iy v s pierced. ebekev THOU \ ~ > 33 Mera © Oe" Tavra NpOTHgE roy Il- 5 i 88 And after this, Joseph of )groy ) 6” ‘Loong | 6” amo ‘Apipadatas, | Arimathea (being a disciple of d, Jesus, but secretly for fear of (Sv pa nms ToU "Ingod, KeKpU}LLEVOS the Jews) besought Pilate that O¢ d1a Tov PdBov rev “Iovdaiey,) wa aoo—. Gb. cde. b Rec. avurny o pabyrns. © oO ido. d Elz. exscyn. e Rec. — C arn’ avrov. Cs =< i- ?KATA IQANNHN. 281 LA \ a -) A. Cues) ee apy TO THpua Tov Incod* Kal érérpeev 6 IlAdros. 7AGev ody Kal Npe TO TOpa a? BR > Tov Inood. * Ade b€ Kai Nixddnos, 2 ~ (6 €hOay mpds roy Incody vuKrds 75 a Ze: mpartov,) epav piywa opvpyns kai iN f aS I: / ¢ s 40 7” adons * as” hitpas éxartov. eA\aBSov > an war. “a ov TO Gapa Tod “Incod, Kal edynoav avto ” év” 66ovios peTa TOY apopdrar, Kalws €O0s éati trois “Iovdaicus évra- 4 4] > \ 2 a , a piace. yy O€ ev TO TOr@, Orrov coTavpoOn, Kiros, Kal é&v TO KnT@ pynetov Kawvov, €v @ ovdémw oddels 7 iS a > éreOn. © kei ody Sia Thy mapacKeuyy Tov lovdaiwy, drt eyyvs ny TO pynpetoy, €Onkay Tov “Incoor. 20. Ti d€ wud Tév caBBatwy Mapia ¢ \ + ~ / y+ 7 Maydarnvn epxerat pot, oKxorias eri ovons, cis TO pynpetov. Kal BAérer Tov > ~ AlGov nppevoy ek Tod pynueiov. ? rpéxer ovy kal Epxerar mpos Siwwva Iérpov ‘ A \ a A a > / Kat ™pos Tov GAXov paOntHy oy epider 6 "Ingots, Kal Neyer adrois* *Hpay tov a Li KUploy €K TOU pnpElov, Kal OdK OlSapeEV ~a »~ > s se ANG oy ¢ qmov €Onkav avrov. E&éndOev ody 6 \ Ilerpos kal 6 Gos pabntijs, Kat ip- XovTo eis TO pynpetov. 4% \ c , c a, Ne of Erpexoy d€ of Ovo épov’ Kat 6 ad- ~ 7 Los pabntns mpoedpapye TaXLoy Tov Ie- > an > \ zs Tpov, Kat NAGe Tp@Tos eis TO pyyetov, / > / ® kal mapaxvyas Bréret keipeva Ta 606- via’ ov pevrot eiondOev. © epyerat ovv J i. x . Siveav Ilerpos axohovOdv aire, Kal n - \ ”~ \ eiondGev eis TO pynpetov, Kal Oewpet Ta / a 6Gova Keipeva, * Kal TO cGovdaptoy O An A ~ > iw 56 Ry emt THs Kepadhs avrov, ov pera TOY \ \ > OOoviwy Keipevov, GAA xapls evTeT- > 3 Avypevoy eis eva Térov. ® TdT ovy cic- a A c 2 \ n\@e kat 6 Gddos pabyntis 6 eGov ES cr \ By \ Tp@Tos eis TO pynuEiov, Kal Eide, Kal / \ 2) ériotevcey’ ° ovder@ yap 1oeocay cr > 3 na THY ypadiyy, OTe Set avTov eK vEeKpav Jonun XX. 9. he might take away the body of Jesus, and Pilate gave him leave: he came therefore, and took the body of Jesus. 39 And there came also Nicodemus, which at the first came to Jesus by night, and brought a mix- ture of myrrh and aloes, about an hundred pound weighé. 40 Then took they the body of Jesus, and wound it in linen clothes, with the spices, as the manner of the Jews is to bury: 41 now in the place where he was crucified, there was a gar- den, and in the garden a new sepulchre, wherein was never man yet laid. 42 There laid they Jesus therefore, because of the Jews’ preparation day, for the sepulchre was nigh at hand. 20. The first day of the week, cometh Mary Magdalene early when it was yet dark, unto the sepulchre, and seeth the stone taken away from the sepulchre. ? Then she runneth and cometh to Simon Peter, and to the other’ disciple whom Jesus loved, and saith unto them, They have taken away the Lord out of the Sepulchre, and we know not where they have laid him. 3 Peter therefore went forth, and that other disciple, and came to the sepulchre. 4 So they ran both together, and the other disciple did out- run Peter, and came first to the sepulchre. % And he stooping down and looking in, saw the linen clothes lying, yet went he notin. §& Then cometh Simon Peter following him, and went into the sepulchre, and seeth the linen clothes lie, 7 and the napkin that was about his head, not lying with the linen clothes, but wrapped together ina place by itself. 8 Then went in also that other disciple which came first to the sepulchre, and he saw, and believed. ° For as yet they knew not the scripture, that he must rise again from @ Rec. acer, b w— Rec. & Gb. om.Joun XX. 10. ie, the dead. 10 Then the disciples went away again unto their own home. 11 But Mary stood without at the sepulchre, weeping: and as i \ she wept, she stooped down, fe A and looked into the sepulchre, 12 and seeth two angels in white, sitting, the one at the head, and | the other at the feet, where the body of Jesus had lain: !3 and it they say unto her, Woman, why f weepest thou? She saith unto them, Because they have taken away my Lord, and I know not } ; where they have laid him. i 14 And when she had thus said, \ she turned herself back, and saw Jesus standing, and knew } not that it was Jesus. 15 Jesus saith unto her, Wo- i man, why weepest thou ? whom f seekest thou? She supposing him to be the gardener, saith | unto him, Sir, if thou have borne him hence, tell me where thou hast laid him, and I will take him away. '!6 Jesus saith unto her, Mary. She turned herself, and saith unto him, Rabboni, which is to say, Mas- ter. 17 Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not: for Jam not yet i ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Fa- ther, and your Father, and to my God, and your God. !8 Mary if Magdalene came and told the disciples that she had seen the Lord, and that he had spoken these things unto her. 129 Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were ' shut, where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus, and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you. 2° And when he had so said, he shewed unto them his hands and his side. Then were the disciples glad, when they saw the Lord. 282 EYATTEAION dvacrava. °° drmpdOov ovv mahw mpos éavrovs of pabnral. ll Mapla 8¢ eiornKes mpos * TO pyy- peiov’ Kdalovoa &&o. as ovv e€k\ate, mapékurbev eis TO pynpietov, Kal Oewpet dvo ayyedous ev hevKots xabeCopevous, va mpos Th Kepadyj, Kal Eva mpos Tots rociv, omov &ketto TO THpa TOV Ingov. 13 kal héyovow adTh €keivot" Tuva, Te kates; Aéyer adtoiss “Ore jpav TOV OD ~ yx Kupidy pov, Kal ovk oi0a mou éOnxav A ~ > /A airév. >” Tadra eimotca eotpapy > \ 2) t \ >. \ ali a eis Ta Orlow, Kal Oewpet Tov Inooup a ey ¢ ey ? A éotara’ Kal ovk det OTe © 0" Inaous > €OTL. 5 , n > a iD , 15 Reyer avity 6 Inoovs: Tuvat, Tt / / rc > / ~ Kates; Tiva (yteis; “Exeivn doxovca o ¢€ , 3 A > ae , OTL O KNTroUpes EOTL, AEyel AUT@ Kupte, , \ > 4 > A > 4 ~ ik €l OU eBacracas auTOV, €l7E [Ol TOV || if y+ > a / IZOnkas avTov,” Kayo avTOV apa. 16 Aé- el AUTH O "Incovs" Mapia. =rpadetoa | exeivn heyer atta °EBpaiori™” *PaB- Bovvi, (0 Néyera, OiOdoKare.) 7 Neyer D5 Si 452, ie , vA EY avTn 6 Inoovs' Mn pov amtov, ovT@ | yap avaB Ag mopevou b€ mpds Tovs adehPous’ pov, Kat ere avtois’ "AvaBaivw mpos Tov matépa pov Kal Tarépa wav, Kal Ocov a } pov Kat Gedy tpav. *” ; Epxetat Mapia 4 Maydadnvi arayyeANovea Tots pabn- Tals, OTL Ewpake TOY KUpLOV, Kal TavTa | elev QUTH. > £y , wa , 19 Ovons ody dwrias, TH NuEpa Ekeivy n~ a val / \ a ~ Th wa Tav caBBarwv, Kal Tay Ovpsy | > " Kekhecopévav, Omov joav of pabyrat ec , n > f cuvnypevot,’ dia tov PoBov trav Llov- , > ez): ON Ne 7 3 A Saiwv, 7AOev 6 “Incovs Kai Earn eis TO , A , ~ uecov, Kal Aeyer adrots* Elpyyn vpiv. 20 Kal rovro cima edeEev avtots Tas Xeipas kal THY wAEUpay avTOD. ExapnoaY ovv of pabdnral iddytes Tov KUpLoV. AGDb. re pynwerp. D Rec.add Kar. © Gb. om, 4 Rec.avroy e@nxa;. © O— Rec.& Gb. om f e 2 >KATA IOANNHN. 283 etmev ovv adrots 6 “Incods mdhu* Eipnyn vpiv. xabos daméotadké pe TaTHp, Kayo Tem vuas. * Kal rodro eimay evepvanoe Kal héyet adrois’ Ad- Bere IIvetpa dyov. * av tweyv apnre Tas duwaptias, apievrar avtois: dy tivepy a } Kparynre, Kexparnyra. *4 Oapas dé eis ee tov dSéddexa 6 Aeydpevos Aidupos, ovk Ay per atta ore HOev 6 “Incods. 7 Zdeyou ody aUuTe ot GAdot pabnrai? “Ewpdkapev rov Kv- ptov. “O O€ eimey adrois’ “Edv py ido ev Tals xepoly avtov roy TiToy Tay fAr@v, Kal Baw Tov Sdktuddy pov eis TOY TUTOY Tav wv, Kal Baro Thy Xetpa jrov eis THY TAEUPAaY avTOU, Ov par} J TLOTEVTO. °° Kal weO nucpas oxrd madw joay €7@ of paOnral adrov, Kal Owopas per avTav' epxeta 6 “Incods, tay Oupdv Kekheiopevov, Kal €oTn els TO pecov Kai eirev’ Kipynyn tuiv. * Eira Néyer TO Oopa Pepe rov Saxtuddy cov de, Kal ide Tas xelpds pov" Kal pépe THY a ; xElpa Tov, Kal Pare els THY whevpay pov Kal pn yivou amoros, ada TLOTOs. *8 2 Kat" amexpiOn »” Oapas, Kal etirev avta “O Kupids prov kai 6 Oeds pov. 3 Aéyeu avT@ 6 “Inoovs' “Ort émpaxds [Le memioTevKas” feakaplot oi pun) LOdv- TES, Kal WioTEvoayTes. 39 Tlo\Aa pev otv Kat Ga onpeta emoinoev 6 Incovs evamov Tay pabntav avrov, a OvK ort yeypappeva ey TO BiBria rovr@. *' ravra dé YEYPAT TAL, wa muatevonte Ore *”’Incovs eoTly 6 Xpiaros 6 vids TOU Ceov, Kal wa Th arevovtes (any exnte ev TH Ovopartt avTOv. 21. Mera tadra ehavépwoey éavToy maw 6 Incovs Tots paOnrats emt THs 21 On Joun X XI}. 21 Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you. 22 And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost. 23 Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them, and whose soeyer sins ye retain, they are retained. 74 But Thomas one of the twelve, called Didymus, was not with them when Jesus came. *5 The other disciples therefore said unto him, We haye seen the Lord. But he said unto them, Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe. 26 And after eight days, again his disciples were within, and Thomas with them: thencame Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, Peace be unto you. 27 Then saith he to Thomas, Reach hi- ther thy finger, and behold my hands, and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side, and be not faithless, but believing. 28 And Thomas an- swered, and said unto him, My Lord, and my God. 2 Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, be- cause thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed. $0 And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book: 3! but these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ the son of God, and that believing ye might have life through his name. 21. After these things Jesus shewed himself again to the disciples at the sea of Tiberias, b Ree, add o. a Gb. om. © Rec, add Qwua, d Ree. add o.i} bit Joun XXI. 2. 284 EYATTEAION and on this wise shewed he Oahaoons ris TiBepiddos’ epavepace himself. 2 There were toge- §¢ oirws. ? joa 6pov Sipov Ilérpos, ther Simon Peter, and Thomas . ee , / \ called Didymus, and Nathanael Kat Owpas 0 heydpevos Atdupos, Kat of Cana in Galilee, and the Na@ava7A 6 aro Kava tns TadtAaias, sons of Zebedee, and two other a , , x 3 a of'His'disciples.’3' Simon Peter Kai of rou ZeBeSalov, Kat GAAot EK TOV saith unto them, I go a fishing. pabnT@v avTov dvo. 3 Neyer adrois Bi- They say unto him, We also go s = Ward ¢ f Z ; dAreverv. A€youow with thee. They went forth pov Herpos ; ye 5 eee. pe add cutered inte shipimme: auTO’ “Hpyoyeca Kat 7ilets oUy “COU 1 - ; A ‘ > ~ diately, and that night they "K&y) oy kat a éyéBnoav” els TO qr NOLOV caught nothing. Dy OR Ae) Se a ie! oe on eee evOvs,” Kal ev ekelvy TH VUKTL enlacay ovodev. - fe ip =} 4 But when the moming was 4 TIpwias S€ #On ‘yevouevns orn 6 now come, Jesus stood on the "Inaovs Cele” tov aiytadov" ov pevrot shore: but the disciples knew ,, Es we 5 es not that it was Jesus. °® Then nOeroay Ol padnrat OTL Inoovs €OTL. Jesus saith unto them, ¢ Chil- 5 \gyer ody avrois 6 Incovs’ Ta.dia, dren, have ye any meat? They , ; » ei? A 0 answered him, No. & And he M7) T# Tpoopaylov EXETE § a TEKPLON— said unto them, Cast the net cay auto’ Ov. © ‘SO dé etrev avTois on the right side of the ship, / > \ Nua 4 ~ r \ and ye shall fmd. They cast Bahere els Ta befua pEpn TOU qNoLou To therefore, and now they were OLKTUOY, Kal EUPNOETE- EBandov OvY, . an 7 not able to draw it, for the xq} odKére adTdO éAKDGaL toxVoGY amo multitude of fishes. 7 There- eG we 2G TNE ae fore that disciple whom Jesus TOV TANUOUS T@Y LK U@Y. eyel OVY O é r é > ~t loved, saith unto Peter, It is pants ekelvos OV nyara 6 “Incovs | the Lord. Now when Simon 75 q1é75@° ‘O Kipids €oTt. Sipov ovv Peter heard that it was the _«, Be : Be a iP 5 Lord, he girt his fisher’s coat Iletpos, akovoas oT 0 Kuplos €07t, TOV unto him, (for he was naked) 2 8b 8 ! Ae \ Li6 : i 4 emevOuTnY OLEC@oDaTO NY ya VILVOS and did cast himself into the ae 7 eG > 1 A Y bg ae Men Geaeninelctier disciples Kat. eaNev eauroy “els 71]) ahacoay. _ e . € \ or \ rs i came in a little ship (for they 8 of S€ GAAoe padnrat TH TAorapio | were not far from land, but as >> boy" ( ON > ec 3. Ar eel it were two hundred cubits) 7/\70¥ \Ov Ne oe Hoe ae THs | dragging the net with fishes. | yys, GAN os amd mnxav SiaKooiwr,) 4 r 4 aupovres TO OikTUOY THY ixOverv. 9 As =00n then as they were 9° ‘Qs ody améBnoay eis THY nv, Bre- | come to land, they saw a fire > \ , ory a7 ; of coals there, and fish laid TCO avOpaxiay Ketrevny nue oyaptoy | thereon, and bread. 19 Jesus €77LKELJLEVOV, Kat apTov. deyet auTots } saith unto them, Bring of the 6 "Inaovs’ "Evéyxare aro Tov évraploy q fish, which yehavenowcaught. - 5 , A MN? , , , 11 Simon Peter went up, and ®Y €7lagaTe vu. AveBn Sipov Ie-} A A / > A -~ drew the net to land full of rpos, Kat elAkuce TO OixkTvov emt THs) great fishes, an hundred and , = \ a AY, aN ¢ ‘ fifty and three: and for all VS aoe OF xX vo ey ae eK ; there were so many, yet was 7TEVTNKOVTATPLWY’ KAL TODTOVT@Y OVTWY, © . 12 not the net broken. Jesus ovx exxiaOn To Sixkrvov. Aéyer ad-} saith unto them, Come, and ewe. ak a > , sal dine. And none of the disciples TOlS O Inoovs’ Aeute aptoTnoare. Ov-)}) . y \ \ > vod 4 durst ask him, Who art thou? Oels d€ éerdApa Tey pabnTrav e€eracat | Ss a Rec. ave@noav. 1 < cc Wen. “Or; Sirse & r |KATA IOANNHN. 285 > De A , Me Q7 oe cera: , , autov’ Su Tis el; elOdres Ott 6 Kuptos Joun XXI. 23. “ knowing that it was the Lord. > ‘ > > Be 13 ; €or. 18 epxerat > ody” 6 Inoods, kal”. Jesus then cometh, and tak- Aap Paver rov dprov kal SiSwow adrois Kal TO 6Wadptov dpolas. eth bread, and giveth them, » and fish likewise. | This is now TOUTO 0 the third time § Jesus shewed : FE i aa Sagres oe : Talrouscdhare Gane Ieeocs Ee Wine ese f to his disciples, after y p podn 6 In pad Tals avTov, eyepOels eK vEeKDov. o » €yEp 0} he was risen from the dead. 15 So when they had dined, Ore ody nplotnoay, Neyer TO S(- Jesus saith to Simon Peter, s, > a , > A Heve Ietp@ 6 “Incots' Sivwv “leva, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me more than these ? He > an rn , s a : 5 = ayamras je TELOY TOUT@Y ; Aeyer avuTe@: saith unto him, Yea, Lord, thou Nat, xupue? ot oidas Ort PAG oe , a >) / Aeyet avT@' Béoke ra dpvia pov. 18 Aé- tc Knowest that I love thee. He Saith unto him, Feed my lambs. '6 He saith to him again y second A ? , > a j aus A a . Maye yet ate TwaANw devrepov" Sipov lwva, time, Simon son of Jonas, lovest > a 4 > Wis \ , 5 adyamas me; Meyer avt@ Nal, Kupte thou me? He saith unto him, Yea Lord,thou knowest y Ilove av oldas ért Pro oe, Aéyeu QUT @" thee. He saith unto him, Feed 17 a Tloiwawe ra mpoBard pov. VW Aéyeu p aneey: He said unto him the third time, Simon son Sin A ? i , > a f a Rene koe TALnOUA, Siva. lavas Pideis: of Jonas, lovest thos nies > , , ¢ x an . Ae . : He; Edumné@n 6 Tletpos, ore eimev aUuTa@ Peter was grieved, because he A / re r A ? > 5 TO Tptrov’ Dideis pe; Kat elirey auT@ said unto him the third time, Lovest thou me? Andhe said Kupue, GU wayra oidas’ ov YWOTKELS unto him, Lord, thou knowest 7 an na > an OTL Puro ce. Aéyet avTa 6 Inoovs’ all things, thou knowest that I love thee. Jesus saith unto Booke ta mpdBard pov. 8 aur apny him, Feed my sheep. 18 Verily, eyo aot, bre nS vewtepos, eCavuves Verily I say unto thee, When A X / ad a TEAVTOV, Kal TepleTraTets OTrOU HOEXes* thou wast young, thou girdedst thyself, and walkedst whither éray Oe ynpaons, EKTEVELS TUS xXElpas thou wouldest : but when thou Vel / \ oA a gov, Kat G\Xos oe Cwoet, Kal olcet OrrouU shalt be old, thou shalt stretch forth thy hands, and another ov Oedes. ' Todro dé etre, cnuaivey shall gird thee, and carry thee mol@ Oavaro So€dce roy Cedy. Kai at ists N . , Dosis > , TovTo eimwv heyer a’te *Axodovder joe. , , * °"Emotpaels O€ 6 Wérpos Bdéree a > , > A tov panty, dv nydwa 6 "Inoods, dkohovOovvra, bs Kat dvérecey ev TO A a Ni ae Oeimv@ emt TO or7nOos adtod Kal etre 4 Kupte, tis €otw 6 mapadiwdovs oe; 21 a IAN e fh NE los A o Tovtoy iOwy 6 Tlérpos héyer TS "In a a On , Sica wov Kupte, odros dé ti; ™ Neyer adr ~ / , a 6 "Inoods’ ’Edy avtov Oého pevew eas Ap. > Zi Epxopat, TL mpds we; OV akoAovOeL joL. s an > @ > \ *°EEnOev ody 6 Adyos obros eis Tovs > A iv ¢ \ > a ») 2) adedovs, Ort 6 padntHs éxeivos ovK d- > Se eae Ga a moOynoker’ Kal ovK Eirev av’T@ 6 Invods, whither thou wouldest not. iS This spake he, signifying by what death he should glorify God. And whenhe had spoken this, he saith unto him, Follow me. 20 Then Peter turning about, seeth the disciple whom Jesus loved, following, which also leaned on his breast at supper, and said, Lord, which is he that betrayeth thee? 2! Peter see- ing him, saith to Jesus, Lord, and what shall this man do? 2» Jesus saith unto him, If 1 will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? follow thou me. 23 Then went this saying abroad among the bre- thren, that that disciple should not die: yet Jesus said not unto a Bz. Xpcoros. 0 Gb. om.Joun XXI. 24. 286 TIPAZEIS TON him, He shall not die: but, If I dru ovK amobynoker’ adr" "Edy avtov will that he tarry till Icome, 4/ l c x / ; what is that to thee ? edo pevely EWS epxopal, TL TMpos 24 This is the disciple which @€ 5 testifieth of these things, and 24 Ofrds €oTL 6 padnriys 6 paptupav wrote these things, and we know . y x , Ss g that his testimony istrue. 2° And TEPt ORO: ee ypapas Ee Kon TA C there are also many: ao oloapey OTL adnOns ect papTupla things which Jesus did, the > - 25 % \ \ oF . oo which if they should be written GON core Oe Ko aha mohha COE every one, I suppose that even ETOLNOEV O Ingous, aTiva €ayv ypapyras the world itself could not con- pq ev, ovde avTov oipat TOV Kb pov tain the books that should be ee ; Ja. 2! written, Amen. xXopnoa Ta ypapopeva BuBrLa. TPA EIS TON ATOSTOAQN. r#\H1E former treatise have I JON ev I P@TOV Adyov erroino any made, O Theophilus, of all Trept aevroy By Gcddire, oe iparo that Jesus began both to do ., iB S s . 3 7 and teach, 2? until the day in 0 Ingovs Trolely TE KGL duddoKew, * axpl which he was taken up, after fo uépas evTerhdpevos TOLS atoaToNots | that he through the Holy Ghost \ / / aT EeNGE > had given commandments unto Ova IIvevparos aytou, ous Ege €faT0O, av- Ee apostles, whom he had ednpGn. 3 ois Kal TapeoTnoeEV €avTov chosen. To whom also he ¢- NEpoN e au > es shewed himself alive after his (avra [eee Be mabety autor, BY. mohots passion, by many infallible TeKUNpLols, dv npepOy TecoapaKovTa proofs, being seen of them forty OmTavopevos avrots, Kal eyou Ta Tept days, and speaking of the _. : L a a 4 \ things pertaining to the king- 777$ Baovdetas ROU Geov. Kal ouya~ dom of God: 4 and “being \uCdpevos b” rapnyyerdev autos, azo assembled together with them, oT Ne \ iC 6 2 he commanded them that they PO P0, COU XOOPS oF ats a ae should not depart from Jerusa- PlwEevely TV emrayyediav TOU TATPOS, HV Y 7} Ay * Tc 2, , 4 ad > / \ lem, but wait for the promise KOVOaTE ou’ 5 Ort laavyns pev eBa- , of the Father, which, saith he, ye have heard of me. * For John aricev Voatt, tpers S€ BarricOnaedde > truly baptized with water, but éy IIvevpare ayio, ov pera TroAAas Tav-|} ye shall be baptized with y Holy cy Ghost, not many days hence. TAS NUEPAS. 6 When they therefore were © Oi pev ovy ouvenOovTes €TNPOTOY | come together, they asked of aurov heyovres” Kupte, el ev TO xpove L , > A ah TouT@ amokabirtavets THY Baciheiay TO} him, saying, Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again ykingdom I to Israel? 7 And he said unto Iopana ; 7 Fire be mpos avtovs’ Ovyx them, It is not for you to know ¢ nt > 6 , xv \ the times or the seasons, which U4@” EOTL yv@val Xpovous 7 Kalpous the Father hath pat in hisown ods 6 marnp ¢Oero evry iia efoucia.) a Rec. add ayny. b Bz. add. per autay. 2 Or, eating together with them.ATIOSTOAQON. 287 8 ava Ampere dvvapuy, eve O6yros TOU dylou Tvevparos ep vas, Kal ever Oe po paprupes ev TE ‘Tepovoadiyy Kat €v mao} ™ lovdaia Kai Sapapela So ews erXarov THs yis- 9 Kal ravra eiray, Prendvrey avr @v emp On, Kal vepehn uTehaBer auroy amo TOV opbarpav ara. Kal @S aTe- vicovres 7 noay eis TOY ovpaVoY, Tropevo- }Evou avrov, Kat idov aOpes dvo map- eLoTnKeroray avrois ev ecOnre eva, uy ot Kal ei7rov" “Avdpes TadvXaion, Th eoTHKaTE euBemrovres els TOY ovpavdr ; otros 6 ‘Ingots 6 6 avahnpOcis ap tev eis TOV ovpavdv, OUTwSs ddeborerar by Tpomov eOcdraode avToY Tropevdpevoy els TOV OUpavon. B Tore Umeorpevray els ‘lepovaadiy aro Gpous TOU Ka\oupevou €datdvos, 6 cor eyyvs ‘Tepoveadnp, oaBPBarov exov dor. Kal OTE elon) or, ave- Bnoay eis TO Umep@ov od jAoay KaTa- pevovres, 6 TE Hlerpos Kat “Idkwos Kat ‘Io@dvyns Kat >Avdpéas, Diduvmos Kal Sapas, BapOodopatos Kal Maréaios, ‘TdkwSos “ANatov Kal Zipov 6 0 Znhoris; kal *Iovdas ‘TaxaBov. 1 otrot mavres noay ee Es opoOupadoy TH TPOTEvN i} “kal TH benoer,” ovuv yuvasi, Kal Mapiq TH pnTpt tov “Incov, Kat > oy" Tots ded gots avrov. sab ev. Tats npepats TavTals ava- oras Ilerpos ev peo@ TOV * pabnray" elev" (ay Te dxAos ovoparey: em TO aUTO ws EKaTOY €iKoCL’ ) “Avdpes adeh oi, edee mn pwobjvat THY ypapny Sravrny," ny mpoctire TO Iveta TO dyov dua ordparos Aavid, repli “lotda rod yevoievou odnyou TOLS ovdhaBovor TOV ‘Ingovy" 7 6rt Karn plOunpevos 7 nv Pep” np, Kal €haye TOY KAApoY THs StaKovias Acts I. 17. aN er. 8 But ye shall receive * power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you, and ye shall be witnesses unto me, both in Jerusalem, and in all Judeea, and in Samaria,. and unto the uttermost part of the ee And when he had spoken ae things, while they beheld, he was taken up, anda cloud received him out of theirsight. 10 And while they looked sted- fastly toward heaven, as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel, 'l which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven ? this same Je- sus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come, in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven. 12 Then returned they unto Jerusalem, from the mount called Olivet, which is from Jerusalem a sabbath day’s jour- ney. 1/3 And when they were come in, they went up into an upper room, where abode both Peter and James, and John, and Andrew, Philip, and Tho- mas, Bartholomew, and Mat- thew, James the son of Alpheeus, and Simon Zelotes, and Judas the brother of James. 14 These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women, and Mary the mo- ther of Jesus, and with his brethren. 15 And in those days Peter stood up in the midst of the disciples, and said, (the num- ber of names together were about an hundred and twenty) 16 Men and brethren, this scrip- ture must needs have been ful- filled, which the Holy Ghost by the mouth of David spake be- fore concerning Judas, which was guide to them that took Jesus. !7 For he was numbered with us, and had obtained part aGb.om. b> ccwadsApwv. A—- e& Rec. ary, ~ Or, the power of the Holy Ghost coming upon you.Acts I. 18. of this ministry. 18 Now this man purchased a field with the reward of iniquity, and falling headlong, he burst asunder in the midst, and all his bowels gushed out. !9 Andit was known unto all the dwellers at Jeru- salem, insomuch as that field is called in their proper tongue, Aceldama, that isto say, The field of blood. 2° For it is written in the book of Psalms, Let his habitation be desolate, and let no man dwell therein: and his ¢ bishoprick let another take. 2! Wherefore of these men which have companied with us all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among us, 22 Beginning from the baptism of John, unto that same day that he was taken up from us, must one be ordained to be a witness with us of his resurrection. 23 And they appointed two, Joseph called Barsabas, who was surnamed Justus, and Mat- thias. °! And they prayed, and said, Thou Lord, which knowest the hearts of all men, shew whether of these two thou hast chosen, * that he may take part of this ministry and apostleship, from which Judas by transgression fell, that he might go to his own place. 26 And they gave forth their lots, and the lot fell upon Mat- thias, and he was numbered with the eleven apostles. 2. And when the day of Pen- tecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. * And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. 3% And there appeared unto them cloven tongues, like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. 4 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak 288 TIPAZEIS TON ia) > f ravtns. 18 obros pev oby €xTnoaro aA an ‘ yoptoy éx*” picOov ths advkias, kat 4 ‘ mpnvins yevomevos eAAKNOE peTOS, Kal > > eas éexvbn mavta Ta oTAdyXVAa aVvTOV 19 (kal yyoordoy eyeveTo Tact TOLS Ka- roukovow ‘lepovoadnp, Sore KAynOnvat r 6 , 4 2. To xwpiov exetvo TH tia SuadexT@ av- n Laine, / tov “AkeNSapa, TovT €oTL XewpLoy a ss 20 , \ > / r aiparos’ ) yeypamTat yap ev BiBrw@ la =? > “ ahpav: TevnOnta 1 emavdus avtov », 2, an > > on) ZpnjLos, Kal pul) ETH O KATOLK@Y EV AUTH 7 a a kal Thy émucxomy avrov aot erepos. = > Ps Cua > 21 Aci ovy Tay ovvehOdvT@y nul ay- an @ > \ Spay ev mavti xpdve év @ elonhOe Kat 716A > > ¢ ~ ¢ 4 > ~ cEnrOev ed) nuas o Kuptos Inoous, ic na ? 22 apEdpuevos amo TOV Barrioparos lw- , o A C7, rs > , > 4? dvvou €as THs Npepas js aveAnpOn ap pov, paptupa THs avarTdoEews aVTOU ih \ r o 7 yeverOar ody npiy eva TOUTMY. 23 \ + NZ ? \ A Kat éotnoay S00, “laonp Tov ka- x ¢ 4 > a Novprevov BapoaPay, Os emekAOn ‘lov- / \ Saint: oros, Kal MarOiav. ** kat mpowevEapevot 2) a , cirov' Sv, Kupre xapdtoyyaora tay- > / b a IF 4 3 4 Tov, avadecéov ” oy e&eAeEw EK TOUT@Y trav Sto &va” ™ RaBety Tov © KAnpov" A , > a I¢ ths Svakovias TavTns Kal arooToAns, €& re 4 a ° fis mapeBn “lovdas, mopevOnvar eis Tov /, \ a 26 rr \ éO Ny réroy Tov Wuov. 7° Kai €dwkav KAnpous avTav, kal érrecev 6 KAHpos ert MarGiay, \ / \ nn a kal ovykxareynpicbn peta Tov evdeka aTrooTo\ov. a “a \ 2. Kai év t& ovpmdnpovoOar THY | mépav THS TEVTNKOOTHS, Hoav amayres | ¢ \ > \ \ > / \ > , GpoOupaddy emi TO avTO. “~ Kal EyEvETO \e 2 > a“ > CN Eioo a divw €k TOU ov'pavod Hos Somep PEpo- | / ~ / N=) 4 or yevns mvons Balas, kal emAnpaoev Ohoy > 2 > , : Tov otkoy o8 aay Kabnpevor’ * Kat EJ > a , a SpOnoay avrois SiapeprCopevar yhoo= , 2, gat doe mupds’ exdbice Te ep eva EKAOTOV AUTOY, kal éemd\noOnoav G- | 4 c x a TAVTES IIvevpatros aylov, Kat np&avto | b St. & Elz. ex € OO to7rov. 3 Rec. add rov. rovtay Tw dvo eva ov eFeXekw.— Bz e. r T. 5. ov Eva sEer. Or, office, ur, chargeAIIOSTOAQN. 289 Acts IL. 17. r ¢ , , \ A . aXeiv eTEpats yAoooats, Kadas rd with other tongues, as the Spirit “A >’ , > CoS IIvevpa €didou abtots anopbéyyec Oar. &4ve them utterance, se \ > c \ Hoay dé ev : Tepovoadnu KaTOl- 5 And there were dwelling at a a 3, > =~ > Kouvtes lovdator avdpes evdAaBeis amd Jerusalem Jews, devout men, weed a CoN \ > , out of every nation under hea- TaVTOS EUVOUS T@Y UTO TOY oUpaVdr. ven. © Now ewhen this was ‘\ ~ n , s . ag ° yevouerns dé ths davis TaVTNS, DuY- noised abroad, the multitude A B , ee : : NCE a T)ijGos ay ouvextOn* Ory Caime together, and were & con- eo ae et 2 founded, because that every ]KOUOV Els EKATTOS TH idta draheKtra Aa- man heard them speak in his Lowrey atrav. 7 e&icravro Sé*” kal Own language. 7 And they were Aad x § \ AN , all amazed, and marvelled, say- € aupacor, ae SORES PEP OS act AOUS” ing one to another, Behold, are Ovx (ov mdvres ob Toi cia of NaXodyTES ioe all these which speak, Gali- ge § \ A CA , ‘ans? § And how hear we Dadv\ator es PAGE GOS LESUS: PERQU OMEN every man in our own tongue, ekaotos ty Oia Siadexr@ tuav ev 7 wherein we were bom? Par- 2 , ~ 1 Ce eyevynOnuev, 9 Tlap@or kat M7Soe Kai thians, and Medes, and Elam- aus oe PR ce ites, and the dwellers in Meso- EAapira., Kal ol KaToLKouVTEs THY Me- potamia, and in Judea, and , , \ = S : : corrorauav, Lovdaiav re kal Kamrado- eae, in Pontus, ang , , Nee Ne goa 10 , sia, rygia, and Pamphy- Kiay, Tlovrov Kal ee Agvay, Ppvytay lia, in Egypt, and in the parts Te kat TauduAlav, Atyumroy kal ra of Libya, about Cyrene, and f a 4 es Me Waal , Strangers of Rome, Jews and epyn THs AiGSuns THs Kata Kupnyny, Kat 5 ae As pr 5 18 ) a 2 s dL, 2 proselytes, 11 Cretes, and Ara- Ol €7TL N)LOUVTES i @Lalol, Tou Qlol TE bians, we do hear them speak , q a A ay — , = Kal T™poonArvrot, 1k Kpjres Kar ApaBes, In our tongues the wonderful es, Wanton oe ree s_ works of God. !2 And they were Ueopopsy a Se UEOK GUGOY rags PETE ail amazed, and were in doubt, pas ykwooas Ta peyadela Tod cov; saying one to another. Me 128 > ISOS Nees \ f meaneth this ? !3 Others mock- 3 E&ior GUE oe BOGE) Kat OunmSpovr, ing said, These men are full of addos mpos Gddov Réyovtes' Ti dv new wine. / A > e 13 ¢ be b 6 GéXot TovTo eivat; Ertepou dé © dta- li 7 , XAevagovtes” edeyor’ “Ore yevKous , ,’ / MEMEOT@LEVOL Elirt. ? \ lat a 14 SraGels dé Iletpos ovy rots evdexa, ’ a \ \ ¢ ~ \ > 7 expe THY Povnv avrov, Kal amepbey- 14 But Peter standing up ox > r \ c . . . Eato avrois’ “Avdpes IovOatot, Kal of with the eleven, lifted up his ~ c Nog ~ voice, and said unto them, Ye KQTOLKOUVYTES Iepovoadn ATAVTES,TOUTO | of Judea, and all ye that ln » \ 5 Luly yuoortoy €aT@, Kai évwticacbe TX dwell at Jerusalem, be this Sy ‘ Ta AT Seer Cnn known unto you, and hearken : 1 ELS UTrO- 1, ee reo a oe Yep pee : e to my words: !> for these are AapBavere, OUT OL peOvovow €oTl’ YAP not drunken, as ye suppose, see- i l NS NUE > 16 Grro UTO ing it is but the third hour of a TPIT Ss NuEepas AAG TOUTS ing it is > third h ae Ds p ae oe e Nae a , the day. !6 But this is that €OTL TO Elpnuevov Ota TOU mpopyrov which was ;spoken bortne cme Ls », > r , Tenn’ 7 Kat €arat év tais €@XATALS phet Joel, 17 And it shall come Sane Z : N 3 ren y to pass in the last days (sait E U : Sone THESIS» deyer OO com See CEO. moe God)I will pour out of my Spirit IIlvevparos ov eml Tagay Oapka, KQl ypon all flesh: and your sons \ C: na \ ¢ mpopytevoovoty of viol tua@v Kat ai and your daughters shall 8 Rec. & Gb, add ravres. Gh. > b Rec. yAevatorrtes. * Gr. when this yoice was made. B Or, troubled in mind. 20Acts EL. 18. 290 UPAZEIS TON 4 ‘\ , ¢ nr prophesy, and your young men Ouyarépes tpav’ Kat Ol VEAVIOKOL UPLOV shall see visions, and your old §,/4 2 Nee a ‘ Opagels OWOVTAL, KAL OL TMPEDPVUTEPOL men shall dream dreams: !8 and oP ue < : v Pees IP p P on my servants, and on my UH@V EVUTTVLOLS evuTrvtag Ono ovTa. . ss 4 > handmaidens, I wiil pour out 18 kaiye éri trovs SovAous pou Kal emt in those days of my Spirit, and _ SOON 1 GER LG OUL 2ceuGle they shall prophesy: 9 and 1 74S COvAas POU EL nS pos will shew wonders in heaven exye® amo Tou IIlvevpatos pov, Kal Tpo- above, and signs in the earth / 19 1 Od Z 2 ; €U L. Kal O@O@ TEpaTa EV beneath: blood, and fire, and pnt ; Beer . A Bees Sie a vapour of smoke. 20 The sun T® OUpave@ ava, Kal ONMELa ETL THs: YS 7 . = © = > / ~ shall be turned into darkness, KATO, ala Kal mup Kal arpida KQTrvov. and the moon into blood, before 99 « a Pee > , that great and notable day of a 7) vos peraotpapnoeral ee the Lord come. 2! And it shall kal 7 aeAnvn els alpa, Tp ° 1) ehOew come to pass, that whosoever _\ Coe i \ oN . al shall call on the name of the ae eee Kuptou elle gee vee ~ Lord, shall be saved. emipavi. Kal €OTQAL, TAS OS AV €77 l= / KaNEoHTaL TO ovopa Kupiov, owOnoerat. | S ral , 22 Ye men of Israel, hear ™”Aydpes “IopanAirat, akovcate TOUS these words, Jesus of Nazareth, eG , er A pancrvaNl Coo a a man approved of God among Oe OOOO apa you, by miracles, wonders, and avopa amo TOU Geouv drrobedevyLevov Ets) signs, which God did by him jug duvdpect kal Tépact Kal onpelots, | meine midst of yOu, aS. Ye ya 4. 7 RRC eee es : yourselves also know : 23 him, ols ETFTOLNOE Ou auToOv O ©e0s eV HEO@ i being delivered by the determi- fudv, kaOas © Kat” avrol oldate, * Tov-| nate counsel and foreknowledge mie , Ae \ / 3 of God, ye have taken, and by 79% 727 Opler Bov 2 Kal Tp OVO Ona wicked hands, have crucified, Tov Qeou éxdoTov 4 AaBdvres,” Ova © xEu- | and slain: 24 whom God hath ,7,” 2.2 , f 2 | raised up, having loosed the er dydpov mpoonngavres avethare pains of death: because it was ~ 0” 0 Ocos aveoT7I CE, hvoas Tas @divas| not possible that he should be rop 8 Gaydrou,” KaOdTe ovK HY Ovvaror)) holden of it. 2 For David we) x Np ICE pe Seer DG as speaketh concerning him, I patel: Ql QUTOY UIT aAUTOU. Aavio } tj > > / , | foresaw the Lord always before yap Neyet €lS GQUTOV" Ipoapepny TOU my face, for he is on my right Ko toy evomrigy [LOU Suara re ¢ 2 | hand, that I should not be pe s fe eS m OSE Er eR moved. 26 Therefore did my deEt@v pov €oTlW, Wa fp oanevOa't - “A101 « 9 A | heart rejoice, and my tongue 26 §,4 todro evppavOn 7 Kapdia pov, |s was glad: moreover also, my > , ¢ in ; ey ‘ly flesh'shall rest in hope} 2? ‘bes Kat nyaddudcato 7) yA@Toa pov" ETL Oek ° Neon , 2 cause thou wilt not leave my kal 7 oap& pov KaTacKnvaTeL em eAmide } soul in hell, neither wilt thou 97 « 3). r \ , OTL OUK eykaraheiets THY Wouxnv pork suffer thine Holy One to see , f 28 h 18 W Bd \ 8 \ od , | corruption. 28 Thou hast made €lg “ @O00U, OV0E OWTELS TOY OTLOY TOK known to me the ways of life, ?S¢7 Dy DOE AT. , cQ A : ie, (OELY OL opayv. “° eyy@ | thou shalt make me full of joy iv apé p B ee PEO Slee ddods| with thy countenance. Cons TAnp@cers pe evppoovyns perc} TOU TPOTWTOV GOV. 29 “Avdpes adeAhol, eSdv eimeiy perch 29 Dk = a ‘Men and brethren, *let qappnoias mpos tpas mept Tov Tarpl-| me freely speak unto you of 7 : ae Sand SS ees 4] the patriarch David, that he is CPKEY avlO, OTL KAL ETEAEUTNTE Kain . : , \ \ “~ > “A both dead and buried, and his eran, Kal TO pPYna avTOU ECTLY EI SS yecpos. f Rec, avecdXere. EO adov. h © gény | Or, I may, 8 Reo. tvumvea, b= os d ae ee aATIOSTOAQN. 291 Aerts diay, C2 yo a ¢ , ?, , e oy : LL axpe TS NMEPUS TaUTNS. 40 mpopn- sepulchre is with us unto this T™s ovv tmrdpyov, Kal eldds Ste Spxq@ “AY: * therefore being a pro- 2) 5 De: ae 5 oe. x phet, and knowing that God had @KOTEV AUT@ O GEds, EK Kap70U TNS sworn with an oath to him, that > , ~ / 7 ic 7 © Or OoPvos advrov * 7d Kata gadpka dvagrn- Of the fruit of his loins, accord- \ XK ey Gi BEN ~ Ing to the flesh, he would raise pig eo “ PLOeeY? ke eUrae emt ae up Christ, to sit on his throne: Opdveu aQuTou, S Tpotwoay ehadnoe mept *! he seeing this before, spake a > > yr a / - ] a j TS avaoTadgEws TOU Xptorov, ore od oe aplaesy te chion of Mane ; eae . Se ae that 1s Soul was not left in KatehetpOn” °n vrvyi) adrod’ els aOov hell, neither his flesh did see d ovde” 7 oa E avuTovu e€ide diapbopdy. corruption. 3? ‘This Jesus hath 32 A yr a ac God raised up, whereof we all TOUTOV HOY OLY QVEOTHOEY 0 VEOS, are witnesses. 33 Therefore be- eo , + , eae Pige : ov Travres NPElS Eopey japTupes. 33 TH ing by the right hand of God deka Gan ToD C@e«cod iw Ge} Ther exalted, and having received of ; é ; rates 2 Sr ee] cn € the Father the promise of the emTmayyeNiay TOU aytou Tvevparos AaBay Holy Ghost, he hath shed forth ma a a > ] shi 7 Tapa Tov marpos, e&éyee TodTo 6 & poy” this, which’ ye now eeeg. aud coe , e oe Bhs , hear. 34 For David is not as- Get} Bremere Kal dkovere. ov Y@P cended into the heavens, but he x as > \ > 4 , \ - . k 5 Aavid aveBn Els TOUS OvVpavovs, heyet Oe Saith himself, The Lorp said ee EF: Ce a / . unto my Lord, Sit thou on mv Sees mane Kuptos ee LCOS OUe vane hand, ® until I make thy K 10 2 8 a aq cne \ 66 \ iC 3 36 cs QUOU EK e&la@y juou €@S ay Uw Tous foes thy footstool. There- > , ~ ~ . C eraa exOpovs cov trrordduov Tov roSSv Gov. fore let all the house of Israel 36> a 5 ; Be know assuredly, that God hath Aodahds OUVV YlYMOKET@ TAS OLKOS made that same Jesus, whom > \ os Z > 7 aU Wei - Iopand, |! dre Kal Kuptoy avToyv Kat Seahave) cuucified, both Lord A an rist. Xpirrov” 6 Geds eroince rodroy roy > ~ A r , Inoouy oy wes eoravpocare. oF > , an * : 37 *Axovcavtes Se Katevuynoay ty | *’ Now when they heard this, Sf rs \ SIRE ‘\ they were pricked in their oe > EER Oes: BEM TPOs voy. SEP Ou KU heart, and said unto Peter, and f n Tous Aourovs arroaréXovs’ Ti Wolnoopey, to the rest of the ee y rethr what shall we avdpes aded@ot ; ad brethren, wha Batlerpode x SonertnosomiMes “oe TPOs O€ E*)N Tpos auvTovs G Then Peter said unto them, , 7 -, ay Tavonoate, Kal BanticOnte €Kxactos Repent, and be baptized every aa 59 mea? > ax ~ one of you inthe nameof Jesus UI €7l T@ OvOLaTt Ingo POON, Christ, for the remission of sins, 3 > rn . ° els apeow dpaptiay’ Kal An WeoGe Tnv aud ye shall receive the gift of ; See Gah J 39 «,~, the Holy Ghost. 39 For the Sapeay yee ay HOU Ivevparos. sree promise is unto you, and to 4 ~ 3 ~ yap €oTLy 7 emayyeNia Kal TOLS TEKVOLS your children, and to all that rice tora cover A é afar off, even as many as UL@Y, Kal TAGL TOLS Els faKpaVv, O~ovs are a ? He P , , rs p Cea: the Lord our God shall eall. av TporKkaheonrat Kupwos 6 Geds nuay. 40 And with many other words / o : : - 2 ‘Erépots Te Adyots TAEloat & Ovepap- did e testify ene a: t, eave , a \ , s : / ing, Save yourselves from this PE REre Kat mapeKdhet eyo : Zante untoward generation. amo TNS yeveas THS OKOALAS TQUTNS. ah 41 CaS oN Z ” amobckd 41 Then they that gladly re- aTro0e&ape- : ) ) ae ieee poe A aaa , f in , ceived his word, were baptized: you Tov Adyov avTov eBanticOnoav’ Kal ana the Same itiay, (Horebn are a 3 / \ . m™pooeTeOncay ™] npeepa ekelyn Woxat added unto them about three 8 Gb. om. Dw ovre eyxatederhOn. © Gb. om. d wovrre. € Gb. om. f St. ore war KUpLoy “at Xpicrov avrov~—Bz. & Elz. ore xuptov xac Xpioroy avroy. & & dteuapruparon. HeesActs II. 42. 292 TIPAZEIS TON > thousand souls. 42 And they doel tpicxidua. “ noav de mpooKap- continued stedfastly in the apos- = = Nes a > in : - 6TEMOUYT: 10a TOV ATOCTOAWY tles’ doctrine and fellowship, SPS ue a) 6 ? Xx” = ; B: OH - and in breaking of bread, and Kal T7 KOLV@ULG Kat 7) KAGG@EL TOU ap- j . - 4° Poa y a ns > / ‘ in prayers. #2 And fear came zoy Kal rais mpocevyais. “ eyevero Oe upon every soul: and many , ae 58 rE s wonders and signs were done 74077 Woxn po OSs ROR TS men ane by the apostles. ‘44 And all kat oneta Ou. TOV ATOTTOA@Y €YLVETO. that believed were together, 44 qéyreg S€ of TuTTEVOVTES noav emt TO and had all things common, , , ees < oe Con 45 And sold their possessions @UTO, K@L €lyoV aTravTa KOLVa, Kat TA Eee or S / , and goods, and parted them to xara Kai Tas Umapsets emlmTpacKoy, all men, as every man had need. 18 , a Ad > 46 And they continuing daily K% ‘ LepepLcov auTa Tact, KaGoTt ay TLS with one aces in the eniples Xperav Elxe 46 nad npepav TE mpooKap- and breaking bread ¢ from “ ¢ tee AC Re a house to house, did eat their TEP OUTS dpoBvpadoy SD iD iee kA@v meat with gladness and single- TES TE KAT OLKOY ApPTOY, peTeAapPavoy ness of heart, 47 praising God, + S 2 sVOAALE Y adedd : ? sae ? obns ev aya\\tacet KaL ADEAOTHTL and having favour with all the P en Y ? 7 people. And the Lord added kapolas, : . ~ / \ ¢ / ¢ \ to the chugs daily such as €yovTes xaply Tpos éAov Tov Aadv. 6 OE should be saved. , . a. 8, owls De Ayes Kuptos mpooerTiOet TOUS OW Comevous kal? ¢ fy ~ > / npEepay TH exKAN OL. 50 3. Now Peter and sehn wen 3. Emt TO avTo 0€ Iletpos Kat Iwayv- up together into the temple at De, ie > A ee ee Wr the hour of prayer, being the Hans: aveBawov Seen: pee el ae opr , mith hour. <2 And a ‘certain 77S MPOOEVXyS TY evvanny. Kat TLS? « © - 1 2 A man lame from his mother’s avijp xodos ex KotAlas untpos avrovll womb was earried, whom they -_% > Fi eee 16 @ laid daily at the gate of the umapXov eBaoraceTo’ -oy eTLUovy Kav | . . * 4 \ \ 4 a € a \ temple which is called Beauti- NMEpav T™pos THY éupay TOU LEpOU THY K ful. to ask alms of them that Nevoucinv ae Alaplecnou laine réenuael ear cuhe temple eine: “oy OR Te ey oe ; Poa seeing Peter and John aboutto Guyny Tapa T@Y ELD TOPEVOMEV@Y ELS TO) gointo the temple, asked an [endy. 3 Os day Ilerpov Kat “l@avyny | alms. 4 And Peter fastening % oes é SAO Be See bis eyes upon him, with John, peANovTas ELOLEVAL ELS TO lepOV, NPoTay 1 5 > , on > / ‘ said, Look on us. ® And he é\enpoovyny *aBeww"" 4 arevioas Oe} gave heed unto them, expecting The > >A eee ae > oe to receive something of them. ETP OSes Sea UR ae oD CUE cumg BAewoy eis nas. O O€ emetxey av-)) Tos, TpocOoKa@y TL Tap avtav aPeiv. 6 a ‘\ 4 . > , \ ; Etre 6€ Ilerpos’ Apyuptov kat Xpu- 6 Then Petersaid, Silver and gioy ovy Umapyet por’ Oo Oe €X@, TOUTO| gold have I none, but such as J Sid > PAT 7 oe have, give I thee: Inthe name TiODAOEO HLT AEH OL ON: HO OUST of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, o@Touv TOU Na€wpatov, eyerpat Kal TEpt-} rise up and walk. 7 And he s Tia , Die = at : ; Ti took him by the right hand, and TEES S Kav micas rer OY WS Oeguas F lifted him up: andimmediately X€lpos nyEelpe’ TApAaXpHpa de EOTEPE@- | his feet and ancle bones recelv- Onoav avtov at Bacets Kal Ta opupa i ed strength. ® Andheleaping g a Ar ” \ 1 up, stood, and walked, and he Soa OLS ObNC Cui oe Tie pion | entered with them into the kat eiamjAGe ouy autos Els TO LEpoN} ee ye a ? Or, at home. 47 ‘aivoovres Tov Cedy KatATIOSTOAQN. 293 TEeplTaTa@v Kat d\d6pevos Kal aivey roy Geov. * kal ecidev airov mas 6 dads jTepimatouvta Kal aivodyta Tov Oecdy' ° emeyivaokdy Te adtoy Ort obTos nv 6 mpos THY Ehenuwoovyny KaOnjevos eri Th ‘Qpaia tidy Tod iepod" Kal emAnoOnoay auSous Kal ekaotdcews ert TO ovpBe- Bnxdre atro. "' Kparodvtos 5é * abrod” roy Tlérpov Kat “ladvyny, ovvédpase mpds adrovs mas 6 Nads emt TH oTOa TH KaNovpEvy ZoAouwavos, €kOauBor. ” iay dé Ilerpos dmekpivaro mpos Tov Nady" “Av6pes *Io- pandira, ri Oavpdtere ent rtovro, 7) piv ri drevi€ere, ds idia Suvdper } evoeBela memounkdot Tov TEplTrarely avtév; 3 6 Geds ’ABpadp kal "Ioadk Kal ‘laxoB, 6 Gcds Tév marépav jpdr, cddgace tov maida avrod “Incovy bv upets ? wev” rapedaxare, Kal npynoacde “avrov” kata wpdcwmov Iddrov, Kpi- vavTos e€keivou arrohvew. 4 tpeis d€ Tov dy.ov kat dixaroy npynoacbe, Kat nTH- gaobe avdpa dovea yapiobnvar ipir, * roy dé apynyov ths Cans amexreivate: Ov 6 Oeds ifyeipev ek vexpv, ob *pets paptupes eopev. 1 Kal emi rH micre TOU dvéuaros avTov, TovToY by Oewpetre Kal olOare, eorepéwoe TO Svoma avTod' Kal 1 mloris 7 Ov adrod edwxey aiTa THY ONoKAnpiay TavTny arévayTe TayT@Y UMOV. Y Kal viv, ddeddot, oiSa ru kara a- yvo.ay empaéarte, Somrep Kal ot dpxovtes upav 18 6 dé Geds a mpoxatnyyene Oia oTdpatos TavTay Tay TpopynTav tavTod malew Tov Xpiorov,” emAnpwcev ovTa. 9 petavonoate ovv Kat emotpéWare, els TO eEarerbOjvat tev Tas djaprias, draws dv EhOwor Karpol dvaWvEews amd mpoownou Tov Kupiov, ** Kal aroarethy a Ree, rov cadevros ywAov, b Rec. om. Cc d w wabeev tov Xpeosroy autov Acts IIT. 20. temple, walking, and leaping, and praising God. 9 And all the people saw him walking, and praising God. 10 And they knew that it was he which sat for alms at the Beautiful gate of the temple: and they were filled with wonder and amaze- ment at that which had hap- pened unto him. 11 And as the lame man which was healed, held Peter and John, all the people ran toge- ther unto them in the porch, that is called Solomon’s, greatly wondering. 12 And when Peter sawit, he answered unto the people, Ye men of Israel, why marvel ye at this ? or why look ye so earnestly on us, as though by our own power or holiness we had made this man to walk ? 1S The God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob, the God of our fathers hath glorified his Son Jesus, whom ye delivered up, and denied him in the pre- sence of Pilate, when he was determined to let himgo. 4 But ye denied the Holy One, and the Just, and desired a mur- derer to be granted unto you, 19 and killed «the Prince of life, whom God hath raised from the dead, whereof we are wit- nesses. !6 And his name through faith in his name hath made this man strong, whom ye see and know: yea, the faith which is by him, hath given him this perfect soundness in the pre- sence of youall. 17 And now brethren, I wot that through ignorance ye did it, as did also vourrulers. !§ But those things which God before had shewed by the mouth of all his prophets, that Christ should suffer, he hath so fulfilled. 19 Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord. 2 And * Or, AuthorActs III. 21. 294 TIPAZEIS TON . ws , r >, an he shall send JesusChrist,which Tov % 7pOKEYELpLoe évov’ wut Inoovy bef s preached unto you \ 2 as \ dé£ac8 BELONG, Was DACA. yous Sy Set ovpavoy pev OeEac Gat 21 Whom the heaven must re- Xpioror, oy Pp M g ceive, until the times of restitu- tion of all things, which God @y éXadnoev 6 Ccds Ota OTOpaTos hath spoken by the MONI OF Pp ie le Rak Rat Ul all his holy prophets since the VY/4@V Gun mpopyT ov oF TBO world began. aad Moons pev © * pos TOUS TTATE= 22 For Moses truly said unto e® na, Z CH se? 2 prt qev? OTL oMntnyv vv avagTn= the fathers, A prophet shall the pegs ee E & ly en 4 is 3 7 Lord your God raise up unto ot Kuptos 0 Qecds UP@Y EK TOV adehpav : oy es Dee, a / you of your brethren, like unto ULOY, os epee avrTou GKovaec be KaTCL me; him shall ye hear in all p ¢ Q Nae \ co things whatsoever he shall say 7@V74 Ce ORT OD POS Ups unto yal 3 And it sha come 23 eorat O€, Twaca uxn, TLS av pn to pass, that every soul whic Doses A , Jeg! a will not hear that prophet, shall CROU OTE TON mpopntov Sew egoho be destroyed from among the OpevOnoerar €K TOU AQOU. Kal TavrTes people. “4 Yeaand allthe pro- §€ oi mpopyrar dd Sapovnd Kat Tov phets from Samuel, and those beéh a >» 4 ce , that follow after, as many as K@ €§)S, OTOL EAG x1 as kaGe KaTnyyei~ have spoken,have likewise fore- Nay” Tas Npepas TavTas. ~ vpeELs h égre told of these days. 7 Ye are GtLULn ROWE: op BE ee ae Sian the children of the prophets, ; U hp. 7 zs 1 EUS and of the covenant which’ God 7s OueGeTo 6 Oeos Tpos Tovs TaTEpas made with our fathers, saying ~.,¢ NC N22 Lig. NG Gi ee ) av. Aeyorv moos ASpaay- Kat * ev unto Abraham, And in thy seed Tienes Y i pos Bp M Or shall all the kindreds of the T® OMEeppaTle GOV evevdoynUnoovrat ae 6 ; ~ Seen aes > 26 far earth be blessed. 76 Unto you qacat ai TaTplat THS YS. g Yu first, God having raised up his a « Ce > , \ 78 Son Jesus, sent him to bless BP OTe Os oS CL ACTAOES OM Tae a you, in turning away every one avtou *", dméoteiney avTov evAoyourta | See ie Bye Ee os " a ‘ a : of you from his iniquities. bpas, ey TO dmrootpepew exagrov amo E Dy i aixpe xpovev QTroKaTagTagEw@s TAVYTOV, b rn TOV : i TOY TOVNPL@V ULOV. 4. And as they spake unto , s Dees A Va the people, the priests and the +. Aahouvte@y Oe RTOY TPas Tan ; 2 captain of the temple, and the aov, EemeaTHOCY AUTOLS OL LEPELS Kat 010 Sadducees came uponthem, *be- grparnyos TOU Lepov Kal ot Saddovkaior, ing grieved that they taught the 9» , Nee ; 3 : people, and preached through ~ Svarrovovpevor Ova TO S.ddoKEly aUTOUS » Jesus the resurrection from the roy \aov, Kal Katayyedew €v T@ *Inaov i dead. 3 And they laid hands BES et ce Lis Nek, VERDE ees cea on them, and put them in hold 4 Qa ous 1 oe isp OY As + unto the next day: for it was €77€ aNov avTois Tas YELpas, KAL €GevTo |i tide. 4 Howbei t : now eventide. 4 Howbeit,many ¢? Pa oh a ae a) Z 1 : 3 ? Els TNONGL ELS THY AUPLOY’ NY yap COTTEPa } of them which heard the word, ,, 1pn X 2 P. . HEY: te P believed, and the number of 70n: qro\Nolt O€ TOY AKOVOAYT@Y TOY © U0 > / I A > , G.2~ the men was about five thou- \dyov emloTevoay’ Kat éyevnOn 6 aprOuos » Sana. a > an c \ , , : ( T y thuade ; 5 And it came to pass on oe iy Spay Ogee xX : 6 S TEXTE * the morrow, that their rulers, Evyeveto O€ emt THY AUpPLoV cvvax6n- , 2 A wean 5 nr a 4 ’ and elders, and scribes, © and pq, avr@v Tovs Gpxovtas Kal TpeoBute- > Annas the high priest, and Ca- \ oe Mey oT ee iaphas, and John, and Alexan- POUS oo POPE EEE ELS} HEPOUO Ns \ , oe / der, and as many as were of © kal “Avyvay Tov apxXLeped Kal Kaiagpav { ee a a Rec. 1poxexnpvypwFvorve D Rec, ravrwy aytov w— © raytwy Twy ayiwy, Gres ad Gb. Mavons } © Rec. add yap. 3 6 Rec. axpoxarnyyerAav. h Rec. ecre veor. i Rec.om. k Rec. add Inqgouw, | Ls roy. m Sev. * Or, milerATIOSTOAQN. 295 Rai’ Todveny Kal ‘AdeEavdpor, Kal OcoL joav eK yevous dpxtepariKod. 7 Kal oTnoavres avrovs ev *" were, emuvOa- vovTo" ‘Ey old Ouvdpet i) Ev TOlw ovdpare ETOLNT ATE TOUTO DMELs 5 Si Tére Ilerpos hyo ets IIvevparos & dyiou, elmre TpOs avTovs" “Apxovtes TOU aod Kal mpeoBvrepor TOU ‘Iopana, 2el nyecis onpepov avaxpw6pe6a eT _evepyeoia avOparrov doevovs, € €V TIVE otros oeow- ora’ 1 _ywoaroy EOTO maow pw Kal TavTi TO haw "Topan, OTL EV TO dvdpare Tyoov Xporod Tou Na¢apaiou, é ov tpels eoraupooare, oy 6 Gcos TYELpEV eK VEKPOY, ev TOUT@ ovTos Tapert Key EvoTLoY Uuay vyins. 1 obrds eoTw 6 Aidos 6 eovdern dels bp pov TOV 4 plea dopourray, 9 6 yev6pievos eis Kecpba- Any yovias. e * kat OvK eorw ev ado ovdert 7 1) cornpia’’ ' oUTE yap ovopd EOTLy erepoy UO Tov ovpavov TO Sedopevoy ev avOparros, ev @ Set coadnvar 7 mpas. 8 _Gewpodyres “6é THY Tov Iletpou Tmappnoiav Kal ‘Todvvov, Kal Karaha36~ pevoe OTL avOparrot aypdpparol NE s me ea : U € Ei Otkacoy Whether it be right in the sight Gevres Epes a HOES eee Sage ae of God, to hearken unto you €OTLY Ev@nmLOY TOU Ocov, UU@Y aKOvELV more than unto God, judge ye. wahdov 7) TOU GEov, Kpivare. 20 ov dv- 20 For we cannot but speak * , 6 R 5 roNeee 9 OES the things which we have seen YE a Vee eS ans oR Ge KOU- and heard. 2! So when they had capeyv, p71 Nake. 21 Oi de Tpooa- further threatened them, they s Ds aN il let them go, finding nothing how methnoapevoe amehuray CITY pydey | they might punish them, be- €UpLOKOVTES TO Ts KOAGT@VTAL AUTOUS, cause of the people: for allmen 6,4 roy Nady" OTe TavTES edd€aoyv Tov | glorified God for that which ion jie 50 en eS was done. 22 For the man was Ocoy emt TH YEYOVOTL ET@Y yap HY , 2 Bove pay peats pit on whom gAeuvav TecoapakoyTa Oo avOpeamos this miracle of healing was 27> a DE a! \ - a a eewcd ep oy eyeyovel TO ONPELOY TOUTO TNS AINE Paiaionieaia a iaoews. or , > 23 °Aqodubevres S€ HAAGov pds TOUS 2 i ; 3 And being let go, they went ?§{ous, kal amnyyetAay doa mpos avTous & to their own company, and re- « > a Nia aC 8B , > ported all that the chief priests 0 GPX€PEtS Kat Ol TPEOPUTEPOL ELTOV. » * € \ , ¢ \ = and elders had said unto them. 24 OL Oe QAKOUVOQYTES, 6p.0bupadov npav t 24 And when they heard that, eviy mpos Tov Ocdy, Kal eimoy’ Aé-% they lift up their voice to God ] BD : aoe », : 2 ; with one accord, andsaid, Lord, O@7/0TA, QUO cos 0 Tolmaas TOY ovpayoy i thou art God which hast made xg} ryy yy Kal THY Oddacoay Kal wapvrTa & heaven and earth,andthesea, , ,; AEA on kcaraule xm “s and all that in them is, 22 who 7@ €Y QUTOLS, O Ova oOTOMAaTOS Aavt > / ’ / c / > by the mouth of thy servant b” gaidés cov eimav’? “Ivati ebpvagav | David hast said, Why did the 26 Dero eer’ 1 296 heathen rage, and the people © Pap GL oot Sy ea Rove ans i imagine vain things? °*6 The peoTnoay Ot Bacudrets THS ys, Kal ol} kings of the earth stood up, qoyovres cuvnxOnoay émt TO avTO KATA) and the rulers were gathered ES \ a 2 oe together against the Lord, and TOU Kuptov, Kal KQTQ TOU Xpiorov au='|5 een S ee ‘ 7 a 27 / 32983 / pire a a is o : ot TOU: 7 SumxOnoav yap éw adnOeias } of a truth against thy holy «> - _¥- Gis its NG EN Ne child Jesus, whom thou hast ©” 72 mole eabath Ce ayy maida } anointed, both Herod, and gov, Incovy, ov exploas, Hpodns Te kath Pontius Pilate, with the Gen- T]4y7,0¢ TluAdtos, avy éOveo. Kal Aaots | tiles, and the people of Israel , . 28 2 2 ‘ : 4 were gathered together, °° for Iopana, ““ TOlnaal ood 7H KELP DOV Kalk ~ = Aye € , , 7 9 to do whatsoever thy hand and 1 Bovdn GOV TpowpLoeE yever Oat. 29 nail thy counsel determined before ~, | Ki ¥ Se veaATe 2 eae tobe done. 22 And now Lord, Te VUV, Pee oe cae Tas amrel ast behold their threatenings, and auT@y, Kal dds tots SovAots wou peTay re S € ¢ 2¢ / - / grant unto thy servants, that mappnoias dons Nadely Tov héyor cou, with all boldness they may 3) ' are. ee : : 5 speak thy word, °° by stretch- Evy TW TIV KELPA DOV EKTELVELY OE ELS 7 ~ i ‘ al. } - , ing forth thine hand to heal: Yaguy, kal onpeia Kal répara yiveoOai and that signs and wonders may \ en), PA ecets , be done by the name of thy 61a TOU ovyoLaTOS TOU ayLoU maidds cork holy child Jesus. "Incov. =y ‘aaammaniea a Bz, add Ivevyare ayew. b Rec, add rov, ¢ St. & Elz. om. ©ape 297 * Kat den Berrear auTov erahevOn 6 TOTFOS EV @ TOA OUI y}LEvot, Kal emhy- o@noav dmayres Tyevpatos dyiou, Kal ehahour Tov Adyov TOU Geod pera Tap- pygtas. 2 Tod de why Oous TOV TuoTevodyT@v yy 1 kapdia kal 7 uxt) pias Kal ovde els TL TOY imapyorvTav auT@ edeyev idvov civat, GAN jv adtois Gmavta xowd. * Kal peydnn dvvaper dmedidouv TO pap- TUpLoy of amdaToXot Tis avacracews Tou Kupiou ‘Inood, xXapts Te peyahn 7 ny emt mayras avrous. 34 ovde yap evens TLS Unnpxev ev avrois® OvoL yap KTHTOpeEs X@piov 7 olKidy ornpxov, mo\ovyres eepoy Tas Tiwas TOY muTpackopEvor, * Kal eridouy mapa Tovs 1é68as TeV arro- oTohav. duedidoro d€ éxdoT@, Kaddre ay Tus Xpetay eiXev. Se toons" de, 6 erehn Geis BapvaBas UTO TOY droordhon, (6 €ort pedeppn- veudjLevoy, vids mapakhjoeos, ) Aevirns, Kumpuos TO) evel, or Umdpxovros avTa aypov, madjoas 7 RveyKE TO XPHua, Kal eOnke mapa ToUs 7d0as TOY amoorohov. 5. ’Avnp 5¢ tis Avavias dvopati, abv Lameipn TH yuvatki avtov, éemadnoe KTHa, * Kal evordpicato amo Tis TYuTs, guveOvias Kal THs yuvaikds ” adtod, “ Kal eveyKkas pepos Te Tapa Tovs médas TOV aTooTOA@y COnkxev. > eine O€ Ileé- > / / > , ¢ tpos’ “Avavia, duati em\npwoev 6 Sa- Tavas TIy Kapdliav cov, Wevoacbal ce 70 Ilvedpa To dyiov, Kai voodicacba aro THS TYLNS TOU Ywpiov; * ovyt pEvoy ool eeve, Kal mpabey ev tH on €Eovoia OTMPXE § Ti Ort edou ev TH Kcapdia gou TO mpaypa 1 TOUTO ous epevoo avOpa- mous, aha TO co. “AKovey Oe Os *Avavias Tous ae TOUTOUS, TET OV eferuée’ kal eyévero PdoBos péeyas ent Acts V. 5. 31 And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together, and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness. 32 And the multitude of them that believed, were of one heart, and of one soul: neither said any of them, that ought of the things which he possessed, was his own, but they had all things common. 33 And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great grace was upon them ‘all. 34 Neither was there any among them that lacked: for as many as were possessors of lands, or houses, sold them, and brought the prices of the things that were sold, % and laid them down at the apostles? feet: and distribution was made unto every man according as he had need. *6 And Joses, who by the apostles was surnamed Barna- bas (which is, being interpret- ed, The son of consolation) a Levite, and of the country of Cyprus, 7 having land, sold it, and brought the money, and laid it at the apostles’ feet. 5. But a certain man named Ananias, with Sapphira his wife, sold a possession, * and kept back part of the price, his wife also being privy to it, and brought a certain part, and laid it at the apostles’ feet. 3 But Peter said, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart ¢ to lie to the Holy Ghost, and to keep back part of the price of the land? #4 Whiles it remained, was it not thine own ? and after it was sold, was it not in thine own power ? why hast thou con- ceived this thing in thine heart ? thou hast not lied unto men, but unto God. © And Ananias hearing these words, fell down, and gave up the ghost: and great fear came on all them @ Bz. © lwonPe Db =z © Rec. > © Or, to deceive.Acts V. 6. that heard these things. & And the young men arose, wound him up, and carried him out, and buried him. 7 And it was about the space of three hours after, when his wife, not knowing what was done, came in. 5 And Peter answered unto her, Tell me whether ye sold the land for so much. And she said, Yea, for so much. 9 Then Peter said unto her, How is it that ye have agreed together, to tempt the Spirit of the Lord ? behold, the feet of them which have buried thy husband, are at the door, and shall carry thee out. !° Then fell she down straightway at his feet, and yielded up the ghost: and the young men came in, and foundher dead, and carry- ing her forth, buried her by her husband. |! And great fear came uponall y church, & upon as many as heard these things. 12 And by the hands of the apostles, were many signs and wonders wrought among the people. (And they were all with one accord in Solomon’s porch. 13 And of the rest durst no man join himself to them: but the people magnified them. !4 And believers were the more added to the Lord, multitudes both of men and women.) !° Insomuch that they brought forth the sick < into the streets, and laid them on beds and couches, that at the least the shadow of Peter passing by, might overshadow some of them. '6 There came also a multitude owt of the cities round about unto Jerusa- lem, bringing sick folks, and them which were vexed with unclean spirits: and they were healed every one. 17 Then the high priest rose up, and all they that were with him, (which is the sect of the Sadducees) and were filled with f indignation, }§ and laid their hands on the apostles, and put them in the common prison. !9 But the angel of the 298 TIPAZEIS TON , \ > s a a MGs 2 TavTas TOVS AKOVOYTAS “© TAUTA. aya- / \ ¢ / 4 > ordyres O€ of vewTepor TuvedTEhay av- \ NO , ey Tov, Kal e&eveyxavtes COarpay. 4 5 , 7Eyévero O€ as pay Tprav OiaoTn- pa, Kal 1) yuvy avToU pr) eldvia TO yeyo- \ > om 8 > Ma} Oe 3 =~ € vos elondGev. & amekpiGn Oe avTn oO / 4 , Ilerpos’ Eis pot, el TOTOUTOU TO X@pLoV / > 7, améSoabe; ‘H dé eime’ Nai tocovrtov. > 4 , 7 9°O Se Ilérpos etme mpos avtny’ Te OTL acuveparvnOn vbw meipaoa TO IIvevpa |; Kupiov; idov, ot modes ToYV OapayTov nr \ > / roy dyOpa wov, em TH dupa, Kat e€ol- covoci oe. 1° "Emece O€ mapaxpnpa |i \ \ / > ~ A > / Tapa Tovs mOdas aUTOU, Kal e&eusev. eigerGdvres O€ of veaviokot etpov avTny \ \ > 4 / \ vexpay, Kal eGeveyKavTes eOawav mpos |i A ay ¢ a if aN > 4 sf Tov (wopa avuTns. ~ Kal eyeveTo poBos / Serf eda Ch \ > / \ 33s f péyas ef 6Anv Thy exkkAnolay, Kal eT |) mdvras TOvs akKoVOYTaS TAUTA. 12 \ \ a an ~ > , Awa 5¢ Tay xeipav TOY amooTOhoy | Dee”, 7 - \ s > a na eyiveTo” onpela Kal TEpaTa EV TE had ae Ni. € \ ed 2 ToNAG’ Kal Hoav OpoOvpadoy amavrTes ev | Ti oTOa Soropavos. Trev de Aowroy | ovdels erdApa Ko\AacOa avTois, aAnr | €weydduvey avtous Oo rads 14 (uadAop | S€ mpocetibevto murtevovtes TO Kupia, | TANOn avSpav Te kal yuvarkOv" ) S OoTe b kara Tas TAaTElas expépew'Tovs aaGe- vets, Kal TUOévan emt ° KAWaY" Kal KpaB- } er , : Barwv, wa epxopevov Iertpou Kav 7} ok emiokiaon TWLavTav. *° TVYNPXETO } \ \ \ A rm , / Sé Kal rd wAnOos Tav TEpLg TOAEwY | dk Ac \ , > a. ii eis” ‘Iepovoadnp, pepovTes ao Oevets } kal dxAoupEevous vTO TVEVLAT@V AKa~ | 7 Gaprav, oirwes eOcparrevovTo GmavTes. | 17 \ Soca \ \ , Avaotas S€ 6 apxtepevs Kal Trap } Tes of avY a’T@, 1) OvGA aipeois TOV | Saddovkaiov, érrAncOnoav (prov, '® Kat} éméBanrov Tas xelpas © atT@v" emt Tovs |} GmooréXovs, Kal €Oevto avtovs ev TNPN- | 5 ia. 19 &yyeros S€ Kupiov 61a | cet Snpocia. dyyedos de Kuptou ota : a => BLS b St. eyevero. © KAtvapewry, WN me C= = Or, in every street. B Or, envy.ATIOSTOAQN. 299 THs VUKTOS HvotEe Tas Gvpas ™s cbv\a- KNS, eEayayov Te avtovs eire’ * TIo- pever dc, Kal orade evTES Aaheire eV TO iep@ T@ ha@ Tavta Ta pyiata THs (ans rabrns. 4 Akovartes Oe elon dOov t UTrO TOV opOpov eis TO tepov, Kat edidackov. mapayevdpevos dé 6 dpxvepeds Kal ol TUY AVTO, TvveKahecay TO ovedptov Kal Tacayv THY yepovetay TOV ViOv ‘Topanr: Kal dméorethay els TO Seopwrnploy, a- XOnvat adrovs. 2 Ot 06% omnperat Mapayevopevor ov evpov avrovs ev TH udakn’ avaorpe- Ya wres de annyyethar, 3 Néyovres’ “Ort TO pe Seo Hornproy eUpopiev Keke ie vov ev Taon dopaheia, Kal Tovs pudakas “éaT@tas Tpd TaV Oupav' avotEavres de, ow ovdéva evpopev. 4 ‘Os 8 JKoveav ToVs Adyous ToUTOUS 6 TE Lepeds Kal 6 oTpaTnyos TOD, lepov Kal ob apXte- pets, Sunmdpovy 7 mepl avra@v, Tl ay yevouro TovTo. * Tapayev6jLevos O€ Tus anny- ryeuNev avrois?” * ‘Ort idov ot copes ovs eOeobe ev 77 pudaky, eioiy ev TO iep@ €oTa@tes Kal dwarKovres rov adv. °° Tore dmehOav 6 otpatnyos ov TOLS UMNPETALS, Hyayev avTOvS, OV peTa Bias, epoBovvro yap Tov adv, wa pu) ANGacbdow. ~ ayaydvtes S€ avrovs EoTnoay ev TO TuvEedpig’ Kal emNpoTNTEV avtovs 6 dpxtepevs, 24 heyor' © QU" ra- payyedia mapnyyethaper v up pn dvda- oKelYy ert TO ovdpare TOUT®@ 3 Kal iOov mem \npokare ray ‘Tepovoahip TIS | dida- x78 par, Kal Bovrcode emayayew ep as TO aia Tov dvOperov TOUTOU. a “ArroxptBels dé 6 Tlérpos kai oi amdoronor elTrov" See dei Oc@ pGhAov 7) 7 wOparots. 39 6 Ocds Tey Ta- TEPOV TLOY iyyerpev ‘Inovy, ov tpets Suexerpicacbe Kpeuacavtes emt Evdov" a @ Ree. add ef. b Ree. add Asyor. Acts V. 30. Lord by night opened the prison doors, and brought them forth, and said, 20 Go, stand and speak in the temple to the people all the words of this life. 2% And when they heard that, they en- tered into the temple. early in the morning, and taught: but the high priest came, and they that were with him, and called the council together, and all the senate of the children of Israel, and sent to the prison to have them brought. 22 But when the officers came, and found them not in the pri- son, they returned, and told, *3 saying, The prison truly found we shut with all safety, and the keepers standing without before the doors, but when we had opened, we found no man with- in. %4 Now when the high priest, and the captain of the temple, and the chief priests heard these things, they doubted of them whereunto this would grow. 2 Then came one, and told them, saying, Behold, the men whom ye put in prison, are standing in the temple, and teaching the people. 26 Then went the captain with the officers, and brought them without violence: (for they feared the people, lest they should have been stoned.) 27 And when they had brought them, they set them before the council, and the high priest asked them, 28 saying, Did not we straitly command you, that you should not teach in this name? and behold, ye have filled Jerusalem with your doc- trine, and intend to bring this man’s blood upon us. 29 Then Peter, and the other apostles answered, and said, We ought to obey God rather than men. 30 The God of our fa- thers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree.a nm Acts V. 31. 300 TIPAZEIS TON . aS ¢ \ > \ X n 31 Him hath God exalted with 31 roproy 6 Geds apxnyoy Kal GwTnpa me . a i 5s ~ A ~ , his right hand fo Ge a Prince& a tyhage 77 de£a avrov, Oovvar peTavovay Saviour, for to give repentance 7} > A Cae si pe Sige tolsrael, and forgiveness ofsins. T® Iopan Kal Gperw apapTLor. k 32 And we are his witnesses of nets EO LEV 4quToU papTupEs TOV py- these things, and so is also the ; , Se Leb b Se” 7a ; eupLa € TO Holy Ghost, whom God hath pou Og Kot te ue fee = given to them that obey him. aytov, 0 CO@KEV 0 OEos TOLS mevOapxov- oly auT@. é . 2: , \ 33 When they heard that,they 3 Oi dé axovoavrTes OvemplovTo, Kal were cut to the heart,and took 2 , > = eee 34 2 A a QUTOUS. avactTas counsel to slay them. *4 Then eBouhevovro avehew u S = os stood there up one inthecoun- O€ Tls EY T@ cuvedpia Papioatos, ovo- a] aricee © , , cil, a Pharisee, named Gama- yar, TapaduA, vowodwackaos TLLLOS liel, a doctor of law, had in \ Nae > x E B reputation among all the peo- 7@V74 TNT EKEAEVOEV fo he ple, aud commande le put the © 7u” rods 4 dmoardAous’ Tomoal, ~? €lmrE apostles forth a little space, \ > fina. Of > - 5 : : : Y 35 and said unto them, Ye men ue TAPS QUaeUs a Avdpes = Iopa Vira, of Israel, take heed to your- 7POO€EXETE E€QUTOLS ETL TOLS avOpwrots selves, what ye intend to do as zoyzors Ti peAdeTE Tpacoelw. 38 apd touching these men. °° For be= = ; eee Sion Sa fore these days rose up Theudas, yap TOUT@Y TMV 1 [LEPOV AVEOT)) OQevoas, 5 . es / > , ¢ \ ce boasting himself to be some- Neyav elval TVA EAUTOV, @ © a pow eKOA- body, to whom a number of Ne ep bus oh aie ‘ ioe men, about four hundred, join- 4 a dd one pesay poy QEt TET PAKOOE ed themselves: who was slain, OS avnpeOn, Kal TTAaVTES OGOL emreiOovTo . © © ¢ ; rn s , > 7 , and all, as many as « obeyed giro, SuehvOnoay Kal eyévovTo eis ovdev. him,were scattered,and brought 37k Ea ze Sie ee en to nought. 37 After this man peTa TOUTOV AVEOT) lovdas 6 Take- rose up Judas of Galilee,inthe )atos ey Tals 7 épais THs amoypa ns days of the taxing, and drew oa ee t< I Gas ue Piss away much people after him: eae ont) oS Ot Oes Rao}, Ot One he also perished, and all, even TOU’ KaKEeLVOS AM@AETO, KAL TAVTES OTOL as many as obeyed him, were 2_-/ Die 0 385 28 dispersed. 3 And now I say emetBovTo auT@ Suecxopria naar. hae unto you, Refrain from these T@ VUV eyo UPLLY, ATOOTHTE ATO TOV men, and let them alone: forif’ qy@pamav ToUT@Y, Kal® €daare” avTOUS" this counsel or this work be of « a, ee Oo Ane : ne eo men, it will come to nought. OTL cay 7) €€ aVUpwT@Y 1) BovAn * avTn 39 But if it be of God, ye can- 7) TO € U dv6r - 33 ¢j u ) 30d, ye can- 77 TO EPyov TOVTO, KATAAV noeTat el not overthrow it, lest haply ye §2 g¢ Qeov éativ, ov | dvvacGe" karta- | ; be found eyen to fight against & “~ k >, NW. , XN / God. Adoa. * avTo,” pynmoTEe Kal Jeopaxot eupeOnrte. 40 And to him they agreed: 40 *Ereig @noay O€ avTo Kal ™poo- and when they had called the eee : 5 iy Sei apostles, and beaten them, they K@ STO een TOUS aTrooTOAOUS, OELPaV- commanded that they should es mapnyyethav pT) adety emt TO not speak in the name of Jesus, 3),4,,q71 rov Inco, Kal eacé\ug-aua@uTou and let them go. 4! And they i ] ’ z CAV aAUTOUSS is € \ > > s > ? departed from the presence of * of pev ovy €T OPEVOVTO Xalpovtes aTro |: . i “PIOIC] « ry , ~ , ¢ a the council, rejoicing that they Tpow@Tov TOU ouvedpiou, act imep Tonk were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name. . . . » n~ / c > al ad daily in the temple, and in *® qacay Te nepav ev TQ iep@ Kat k j—. Gb. avrous. l Ree, add avutov. * Or, believed. Sat LAs é »6 2 An . 42 And OVOLATOS KaTn Eto noav aTLLag nvat | azz bo ec —» 4d w arOpwrovs. © SS mpocexAOn. {+ BOS agers. h — 1 ®& duvnorode,AILOSTOAQN. 301 3 > = > > , , KaT OlKOY OUK eEmavoyto OiddoKoVTESs \ > , > ~ \ r kat evayyeArCopuevor “Incovv tov Xpu- oroy. 2 A - ¢ , 6. “Ev 0€ rats juégpas tavrais mAn- , ~ an - Ouvovreyv Tov padntav, eyévero yoy- \ a c a yuopos tay E)Anuotey mpos rtovs c 3} , a7 a n E8paiovs, é7e tmapeOewpotvto év i , A ~ € A i Ovakovia TH KaOnwepwy ai ynpar abtor. a / \ , mpookaheoapevoe S€ of Sddexa TO TANOos Tdv padnray, cirov' OdK apecrov > nan cor Teas, Karahetyayras tov édyov Tov Ocov, Staxovety tpaméfas. * em- , > a / fe a oxevrao be otv, adehpol, dvdSpas eé iar / ¢ /, , Haptupoupevous emra, mAnpers Tvevpa- Tos *dyiov" Kal copias, ots Karacrn- gopev" emi THs xpsias Tavtns’ * Hyeis \ a 5 \ lod , ~ be 7] Mpooevxy Kat 7H Ovaxovia Tov AOyou mpooKapTepynaoper. ° Kat ypecev 6 Adyos evwrtov TavTbs ZN , 5 \ 2é 4 , TOU mAnOovs’ Kat e&eheEavro Srépavor, "yo , aopa mAnpyn Tiotews Kal Ivevmaros dylov, kal Burov, Kat Lpdyopov cat Nexavopa, kat Tivwva kai Iappevay, \ 7 / , 7 , Kat NixdAaov mpoondvrov *Avtioyéa, ® ovs eornoay evwmioy Tay drooTOA@y" kat mpocevEapevor eréeOnkay avrots Tas XEtpas. 7 Kal 6 Aéyos rod Ocod niEave, kal em\nOvveto 6 apiOuos Tav pabyntray ev c \ / , 2/ lepovoaAnun opddpa, modus Te OxAos TOV Lepewy UTNKOVOY TH TICTEL. , , a \ 8 Srepavos de mAnpns *Xaperos” Kal / ’ , Ps duvawews eTroleL TEpaTa Kal onNpEla pe- yaa ev TH haw. 9 avéectncay Sé TwWes T@Y EK THS TvVaywyns THS eyouevns > AtBeptivey, Kat Kupnvaiwy kai °Ade- < , ra r \ Eavdpewv, Kal Tov amo Kidikias Kal A a \ *Acias, cu(nrovytes TO Srepavea 10 Kal ~ a Z XN aN OvK toXVOY avTioTHyal TH copia Kal TO , e > aN ll , ¢ / r mvevpate @ eAadet. Tote vmeBadov > > a avOpas eyovtas’ "Ort axnkdapey avTou Acrseyv Iy.11. every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ. 6. And in those days when the number of the disciples was multiplied, there arose a mur- muring of the Grecians against the Hebrews, because their widows were neglected in the daily ministration. 2 Then the twelve called the multitude of the disciples unto them, and said, It is not reason that we should leave the word of God, and serve tables. 3 Wherefore brethren, look ye out among you seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost, and wis- dom, whom we may appoint over this business. 4 But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word. 5 And the saying pleased the whole multitude: and they chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Ghost, and Philip. and Prochorus, and Nicancr, and Timon, and Parmenas, and Nicolas a proselyte of Antioch. 6 Whom they set before the apostles: and when they had prayed, they laid their hands on them. 7 And the word of God in- creased, and the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusa- lem greatly, and a great com- pany of the priests were obe- dient to the faith. 8 And Stephen full of faith and power, did great wonders and miracles among the people. 9 Then there arose certain of the synagogue, which is called the synagogue of the Liber- tines, and Cyrenians, and Alex- andrians, and of them of Cili- cia, and of Asia, disputing with Stephen. !° And they were not able to resist the wisdom and the spirit by which he spake. ll Then they suborned men which said, We have heard him @ Go. om, U jiz, Kater Hower. © Rec. wegrews.Acts VI. 12. speak blasphemous words a- gainst Moses, and against God. 12 And they stirred up the people, and the elders, and the scribes, and came upon him, and caught him, and brought him to the council, }* and set up false witnesses, which said, This man ceaseth not to speak blasphemous words against this holy place, and the law. !4 For we have heard him say, that this Jesus of Nazareth shall destroy this place, and shall change the 2 customs which Moses delivered us. !° And all that sat in the council, looking stedfastly on him, saw his face as it had been the face of an angel. 7. Then said the high priest, Are these things so? ? And he said, Men, brethren, & fathers, hearken: The God of glory appeared unto our father Abraham, when he was in Me- sopotamia, before he dwelt in Charran, * and said unto him, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and come into the land which I shall shew thee. 4 Then came he out of the land of the Chaldeeans, and dwelt in Charran: and from thence, when his father was dead, heremoved him into this land wherein ye now dwell. 5 And he gave him none in- heritance in it, no not so much as to set his foot on: yet he promised that he would give it to him for a possession, and to his seed after him, when as yet he had no child. 6 And God spake on this wise, That his seed should sojourn in a strange land, and that they should bring them into bondage, and entreat them evil four hun- dred years. 7 And the nation to whom they shall be in bon- dage, will I judge, said God: and after that shall they come forth, and serve me in this 302 TIPAZEIS TON a C27: 5 - Aadodvros pyuata Bhacdnpya evs* Mav- ony” Kal Tov Geov. 1 / / s r \ \ \ Suvexivnady te Tov haoy kat TOUS A os. \ mpeaBuTepous Kal TOUS ypapparels, Kal / > \ \N ww emloTavTes TUVNpTagay avTOY, kal 1ya- 4 s »y f yov eis TO ovvedptoy" 13 gornody TE p a , ne > fa) pdptupas wpevdeis Neyovtas’ O avpo- e , cs M4 oe mos obTos ov Tmaveras pnpara>” ado A ~ / x C Kata Tod rTémov Tov aylove” Kal TOV > ~ 4 a vépov. 14 axnkdapev yap avTov hEeyovros "Oru Incovs 6 Na{wpatos ovTos KaTa- , \ , a Sa , \ Avocet TOV Témov ToUTOY, Kal ddAGEee TA 2 , Ge Ge 5 aN €0n a mapédwkey nuly Movons. 1 Kal Grevioayres els adrov dmavtes of Kabe- A / OQ \ Cievor ev TS TuvEdpio, elSov TO ™poo- ~ \ > e@moy avTOU OoEl Mpdc@Toy ayyedov. > Nee > Asa 2G 4 “ 7. Eire O€ 6 apxuepevs’ Et “apa ~ o » ¢ » ay ravta ovtws exer; 70 0€ En’ Avopes, > \ \ 4 > , ¢ \ adeAol Kal TaTEpEs, AKOVTATE. O Oeds “a , / fou ¢ n > ris SdEns SPOn Te Tarpt nov ABpaap 2, a 3x OVTL EV TH Mecororapia, mply 7) kaTot- A > r a ¢ Ss Kjoa avroy ev Xappay, 3 Kal eime \ > Lie gt OT: = > n na mpos avtov' “E€ehOe €x THs yns ov ’ ~ A Kal €k THS ovyyevetas Tov, Kat Jevpo e: NL pers / 8 / 4 sf els ynyv nv av oot elEa. Tore, 1G \ > a / , ebay ex yns Kaddalov, Kkar@xnoev ry ie r r év Xappdv" kakeiOey petra TO amoOavew , ~ , roy maTépa avTov, peT@KLcEV avToY Els ~ , , a cr nA THY yy TavTny eis NY UjLELS VUY KaTOL- keire’ © Kal ovK COwKEY aUT@ KANpovo- > = > A piav év arti, ovdé Byya odds: Kal pea: : emnyyetdato avT@ Sovvat eis KaTaTXETLY rn , ~ 2 aiTny, kal TO oTEppaTe avTod peT av- 5 , TOV, OVK OVTOS AUT@ TEKVOU. > A ov qd 6 ’"EddAnoe O€ ovT@s 6 Geds* “Ore » 4 > ~ n ZoTat TO OTEppa avTov TdpoLKoy EV Yi > / XN , > A aN GAdoTpia, Kat Sovkwgovow avTO kat Kakooouow, érn tetpakdota. * Kat 7d Zévos, @ eav Sovreto@or, KPWe ya, eimev 6 Geds* Kal peta Tatra e&eev- , / > n GovTat, Kat NaTpEVTOVTL [LOL EV TO TOTO @ Ree. Mwanry, 2 Reece add Br\achnya. © Rec. add rovrov. d 3 € Sets ty ynv. * Or, rites,AITOSTOAQN. 303 touT@. ® Kai edeoxey aur Sab Kny Te- prropns” Kal ovT@s eyervyyce Tov Icadk, Kal mepverepey auToY TH PEG TH bydép: kat 6 “IoadKk roy ‘Taxa, kat 6 “laxw8 Tous da@dexa 7 marpidpxas. 9 Kai of marprdpxae (ni@oavtes TOV ‘Toon arréSovro eis Aiyuirroy: Kal my 6 Geos per aurou, 10 Kat * e€eihero” avrov ek Tracey TOV Oty €@ov avrov, Kat EO@KEY AUTO Xap Kal copiay é evayTiov Papae Bacihews Alyunrov, Kal Kareorn- oev avroy ayobpevov en Atyurroy Kal OXov Tov SHH avrov. | AOE dé Aupos ep GAny ? THY ynv Aiyvrrov’ Kal Xa- vaay, Kal Ohinves peyahn* Kal ovx eU- plo-Kov Xoprdcpara of manep ss par. 2 dkovaas O€ ‘lakoB dvra °oira ev Aiyurr@, “ e€améoreiie Tovs tarépas nav Tparov" 3 kal ev TO OevTep@ dveyvepto6n ‘Toop TOLS dedopois av- Tov, Kal pavepov eyeveTo TS Papaw 76 yévos TOU ‘loon. 8 dwoorethas de Joonp peTekaheoaro TOY marépa avuTou VTakaB” Kal macay THY owyyeveray®* . ev Wuxais éBdopunxovra wevte. kareBn be” Laka els Atyurrop, Kal erehevrn vey avros kal of marepes par" © kal pe- Tere Onoay eis "Sue ps” kal ereOnoay € ev TO pT pare, EQ - avn caro ‘ABpaap TUS dpyuplov Tapa TOY viY “Epypop Tov » Suyeu.” 7 Kaas Oe ayycev 6 xpdvos THs emayyeXlas, is ‘ @pooey “ 6 Ocds TH “ABpaay., nv&noev 6 dads kal en Oiv8n év Alyunre’ AS axpus ov dveoTy Ba- aureus & e€Tepos, Os ovK WOEL TOY ‘loonp. 19 otros Katacopicdpevos TO yévos 7- POV, €KAKWOE TOUS TATEpas HUY, TOU movely exOera ta Bpedhy atta@y, eis TO py tooyorsio@an 20° ky @ KaLlp@ eyevun On * Movons,” Kal Aerts VII. 20. place. 8 And he gave him the covenant of circumcision: and so Abraham begat Isaac, and circumcised him ‘the eighth day: and Isaac begat Jacob, and Ja- cob begat the twelve patri- archs, 9 And the patriarchs moved with enyy, sold Joseph into Egypt: but God was with him, 10 and delivered him out of al! his afflictions, and gave him fa- vour and wisdom in the sight of Pharaoh king of Egypt: and he made him governor over Egyptand all hishouse. 11 Now there came a dearth over all the land of Egypt, and Chanaan, and great affliction, and our fathers found no sustenance. 2 But when Jacob heard that there was corn in Egypt, he sent out our fathers first. !8 And at the second time Joseph was made known to his brethren, and Joseph’s kindred was made known unto Pharaoh. 14 Then sent Joseph, and called his fa- ther Jacob to him, and all his kindred, threescore and fifteen souls. 15 So Jacob went down into Egypt, and died, he and our fathers, 16 and were carried over into Sychem, and laid in the sepulchre that Abraham bought for a sum of money of the sons of Emmor the father of Sychem. 17 But when the time of the promise drew nigh, which God had sworn to Abraham, the people grew and multiplied in Egypt, 38 till another king arose, which knew not Joseph. 19 The same dealt subtilly with our kindred, and evil entreated our fathers, so that they cast out their young children, to the end they might not live. 20 In which time Moses was @ Gb. e€ecdkaton. DP Wry Avyumrov, © outa erg AcyuTtor. d—» € Rec. add avrov. f Bz. Beyen. tu Rec. o. h Bz. Scyepe 1 S wpodroynsev. k Rec. Mwong.Acts VII. 2. 304 TIPAZEIS TON e 4 > , rn r aaa a born, and was #exceeding fair, ny daTelos TO Oc@’ Os avetpadn unvas and nourisied up in his father’s oe a a eee Ol > house three months: ?! and upets Beep Poe oe seedy ae Se when he was cast out, Pharaoh’s Oévra b€ avroy, avEeLNETO. AUTOV 7 Ou- . / >) daughter took him up, and yaTnp Papaw, Kal aveOpeparo QUTOV nourished him for her ownson. ¢ a ara iby 22g’ vermapNegane MOD 22 And Moses was learmed inall €@UT) €¢S VLOV. Kal eTraloevOn ~ Wi@U- ne wisdom of the Egyptians, ons” Taon codia Aiyuntiov’ nv Oe a Wa S 2, ¢ Nemes pmushaya Words ane ST yas ev Adyous Kai “ev” Epyots ° av- in deeds. %) And when he was A ee eee i La full forty years old, it came in- TOU" 43 @s O€ em\npouTo avuT@ TEO~ 1 © 71Ql ] ~ > / \ A to his heart to visit his brethren capakovraeTns xpovos, aveBn emt THY the children of Israel. 24 And ; Rae p oR seeing one of them suffer wrong, KapOlav QUTOU emurkeao Oat TOUS GOEA-= he defended him, and avenged povs avuTov Tovs vious "Iopann. 24 Kal him that was oppressed, and 3,7 35 , 2 EO MICan smote the Egyptian: 2 for he ee me EROU ME OYEY Teed : supposed his brethren would e7rolnoev eKOLKN OLY TQ KATATTOVOULEV®, > 2 7 © a / 95 > , \ have understood, how that God mardéas ae Aiyvrruov. 25 évoprce be by his hand would deliver them, ; ‘ { H of ge ea 2 put they understood not. cuvievat Tovs adeA:bous avTov, OTL O a swaed Ocds Oa yeipds avToU Oidwal avTots caTnplay’ ot Oe ov ovviKay. 26 And the next day he shew- 26 TH £§e” emlovucn 7LEpa apen av- ed himself unto them as they - , \¢g y Mj eas strove, and would have set them mgs. ee ee ae ori oes Hee at one again, saying, Sirs, ye €lS elpnvnv, elm@v" " Avopes, adeh ot - 7 7 ry = > x , are brethren, why do ye wrong gre tyets’ tari” aduketre aAAnXovs ; one to another ? 27 Buthe that 9- ¢ SS SiS \ ich Saar i did his neighbour wrong, thrust O 0€ AOLK@Y TOY TANTLOY, ATwWOATO : . y > \ ° , , 4 2/ him away, saying, Who made qurov, elma’ Tis oe kKaTeoTnOEY ap- thee a ruler anda judge over ey ea \ op Bers eens 6 Mee Gr wrlt tuonaiillammemasa Mor eC OR ae an ee thou diddest the Egyptian yes- aveAeiv pre oV Oedexs, Ov TpdTov avetdes 2 298) : \ Set, 99 / Nef o terday ? Then fled Moses at xGes Tov Aiytirrtov; 29 Eduye de '!Mat- this saying, and was a stranger “*~ , 5 ake , ee. , in the land of Madian, where 97S €Y T® oyo TOUT®@, Kal EVYEVETO TA- ; > a , he begat two sons. potkos ev Y7 Madudp, ov eyevynoev \ 2; viovs Ovo. 30 30 meeN , DOA t And when forty years were Kat TAnpwbevt@y eTWV TETOAPa- expired, there appeared to him 21 Dee a J aot : 3 : a a 7, in the wilderness of mount Sina, Ove. Z a pOn nee 4 2) edie Tee ope un angel of the Lord ina flame 2a @yyedos “ Kupiov" ev 'pdoyt mupos re in ¢ 31 W I Q/ \ co a8 , of fire in a bush. #! When Mo- Barov. 316 §é ™Mavons’ ideov eOavpate” ses saw it, he wondered at the \ « . , Ms en sight: and as he drew near to TO OpaLa’ TMpoTEpKOLEvov d€ auTov ka- behold it, the voice of the Lord TAVvona al, eVyEVETO pevr Kuptou ° mpos came unto him, *?saying,lam ,>,/,.” 32 Pad § Ged a , PieiconinniNeHaiiersatiaGod’ oe ees ee ae of Abraham, and the God of aov, 6 Ocds "ABpadp kal 6 Geds ‘Ioadk Isaac, and the God of Jacob. kai 6 eds IaxkwB. “Evrpopos be yevo- Yhen Moses trembled, and P Ren go ag ome a durst not behold. 83 Then said M€¥OS Mavons ovk eTOApa KaTavono at. the Lord to him, Put off thy % eiqe S€ at’t@ 6 Kvpios* Avdoov To Rec. add arrow, DCh.orerdaro. © Rec. Moons. AD eC Rec. frre. £ Wcuryd\rAaccev. LS Avdper adtAPoe etTs tvaTte i Rec. Moons. ke 1 os rupe droyos m Rec. Mwons n Reo, s@anuace, oS p Rec. Mwons. = Or, fair to God.AITOSTOAQN. 305 Urdonua Tov Today gov" 6 yap Toros ev ® €oTNKas, y ayia €otiv. * i8ay ei0ov THY KdK@OLY TOD Naod Lov TOU ev Altyumt@, Kai Tov OTEVAY{LOV AVTOY 7- kovoa’ kai kateBny cEeXéo Gat avtovs’ Kat vuv O€Upo, aTOOTEA Ce Els Atyurrop. °° Tovroy rov Movony ov npynoavro elmévtes’ Tis oe KaTEOTHOEY UpyovTa Kat Oukaotny; Tovtov 6 Oeds apxovra kal NuTperny dméareidev * ey’ XELpl ay- yedov Tov bbOevros avuT@ ev TH Baro. obtos eEnyayey adrovs, Touoas Té- para Kat onpeta ev yy > Aiyimr@” Kal 2 epvdpa Garacoy, ist ev TH EpnLe eT TeToapdKorta. ovTds eoTW O Movons 6 eimav Tois viois “Iopanh Upodnryy tpiv avacryce © Kupuos” 6 Ocos “” ek ray adeAPav tudv os ene “avTov axovoec be.” 8 Otrdés eotw 6 yevopevos ev TH exkAnola év TH €pyu@ peta Tod ayyedou Tov Nadovyros aiT@ ev TS Spe Swa Kal TOY TaTépwy Tpar, ds ed€EaTo Myra Cavra dotvar npiv. © & obk nO\noay vmnKoor yeverOar of Tarepes Hpudv, ANN’ amacarvto, Kal éorpadnoay rais kap- Olas avta@v eis Aiyurrov, “© eimdvres T® “Aapoy* Tloincoy nyuivy Oeods of TpoTropevoorrat nuay’ 6 yap! Mavons” ovTos, Os eEnyayev Nuas ek yns Alyurrou, oUK oldamev Ti yéeyovey atta: © Kal > / > a ¢ , > , ELOT XOTFOINT AY EV Tals NMEpats eKeLvals, kal avnyayov Ovciay T@ €lO@A®, Kal evppalvovto €y Tols epyows THY Yelpav aurav. © gorpewe S€ 6 Ccds, kal Ta- peOwkev avtovs atpevew TH oTpaTia TOU oOvpavod' Kabws yéypamrat ev BiBrw Tov mpopyntay’ Mn opaya Kal Guotas ; ; x MpoonveyKarTe pot eT] TEeTTapdKovra €v T™ €pn@, oikos Iopand; * Kal ave- AaBete THY oKnviy TOU Modoy, Kat Td Acts VII. 43. shoes from thy feet: for the place where thou standest, is holy ground. 34 I have seen, I have seen the affliction of my people which is in Egypt, and have heard their groaning, and am come down to deliver them: and now come, I will send thee into Egypt. %> This Moses whom they re- fused, saying, Who made thee a ruler and a judge? the same did God send to be a ruler and a deliverer, by the hands of the angel which appeared to him in the bush. °6 He brought them out, after that he had shewed wonders and signs in the land of Egypt, and in the Red sea, and in the wilderness forty years. 37 This is that Moses which said unto the children of Israel, A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren, ¢ like unto me: him shall ye hear. 38 This is he that was in the church in the wilderness with the angel, which spake to him in the mount Sina, and with our fathers: who received the lively oracles, to give unto us. 39 To whom our fathers would not obey, but thrust him from them, and in their hearts turned back again into Egypt, 4° saying un- to Aaron, Make us gods to go before us. For as for this Moses, which brought us out of the land of Egypt, we wot not what is become of him. 4! And they made a calf in those days, and offered sacrifice unto the idol, and rejoiced in the works of their own hands. 42 Then God turned, and gave them up to worship the host of heaven, as it is written in the book of the prophets, O ye house of Israel, have ye offered to me slain beasts, and sacrifices, by the space of forty years in the wil- derness? #3 Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and awouv. b Rec. Acynrrov. ce = 4d Rec. add vywr, 21 e@— f Mwongse 7% Or, as myselt,Acts VII. 44. 306 TIPAHEIS TON iy aA A Zt A nq ¢ A } \ the star of your god Remphan, daTpov Tov Geod vp@y * Peyday,” Tous r ich Vv ‘ “Oye , A , a > firures which ye made, to Wor- rious ovs EemolNoaTe TMpodKUVEW Av- ship them: and I will carry you me . LUN ae away beyond Babylon. TOLS’ KAL METOLKL@ Upas ETFEKELVA Bafvu- A@VOS. 44 Our fathers had the taber- ree NST oni TOU paptupiou Ay b ey” nacle of witness in the wilder- 5 / fe Ook CRG Lande ness, as he had appointed, ae S TARP AS Wy TM Mss 2) ePuA®> is speaking unto Moses, that he Overagaro 6 Aakoy TO °Ma@von, Toinoat c z } © 1 A , A / 5 A should make it according to avrny Kare. TOV TUTFOY OV Ewpdaxel’ 45 ny the fashion that he had seen. ges : ¢ , 45 Which also our fathers that Kal elonyayov SradeEapevor OL TATEPES aot . - } a va ~ Qn 4 a came after, brought in with puay pera “Inoov ey TH KATATXETEL TOV Jesus into the possession of the Areas co tN wages / Gentiles, whom God drave out £ RO aye efooey ORAgeS amo TB POOO Ree before the face of our fathers, TOY TATEP@V NU@V, EWS TOY NULENWY unto the days of David, 46 who rN, 46 3 e s oe! a Here / @mLov TOV found favour before God, and Aavto « os Cue Xap eu FEED a desired to find a tabernacle for ©cov, Kal NTNTATO EUPELY OKNVOUA TH 4 i PN 47 > a o> r > the God of Jacob. 7 But Solo- Geo laxwf. 47 Loopav Oe @KOOOPNTEV mon built him an house. 48 How- >‘, > 28 Boe af Coie > beit the most High dwelleth not @UT®@ DUR OU: a ouxX Oo v\LaTos eV in temples made with hands, as XELPOTFOLNTOLS git KQTOLKEL, Kabws 6 7 po- saith the prophet, 49 heaven is pyr » Carer 49£Q odoave Ana toe my throne, and earth is my } Kae ee Ae Pp gs i P OSs footstool: what house will ye 7) de Yi) UTOTOOLOV TOV TOO@Y fLov" ToLov 1 at 7 i) . a. 5 , 4 7 , build me, saith the Lord? or g?xopy olkoOopnoere pol § héyet Kuptos’ what is the place of my rest? 4 / / A Ss 50 Hath not my hand made all ] THs TOTOS THs KaTaTavoEM@S LOU 4 : « ¢ ~ these things ? 60 odyl m XElp pou emoLnoE TATA TAvTas r - : : 51 , \ D , dt Ye'stiffnecked and uncir- SKAnpoTpaynrol, KAL ATEPLTHNTOL cumcisedin heart, and ears, ye ~7 Q/ \ a 3s Cae SN oe Gn aise @ Violy Ghosts KAPOUG KOE, ROU CO TUS. USES CE ii as your fathers did, so do ye. Ilvevpate T@ Ayl@ AVTLMITTETE, WS Ol 52 Which of the prophets have TarEepes UpL@V Kal U[LELS.« 52 riva TOY not your fathers persecuted ? ro Se Nee ¢ , al and they have slain them which mpodnt ov OU eOL@gav Ol TATEPES UNV s | shewed before of the coming of KAL QTEKTELVAV. TOUS mpokarayyethavTas the Just One, of whom ye have ep) rig ercvoews TOD SKaiov, ov VU been now the betrayers and . ' 5 . m aie murderers: ®? who have re- UP€lS mpoddTat KQL covets yeyerna be: ceived the law bythe disposition 53 ofrives ehaBere TOV v6 [Lov eis duatrayas | of angels, and haye not keptit. >» Se Ne . ayyéh@v, Kal ovK epvdagare. va ~ 54 When they heard these 54 Akovovres O€ TaUTA, Suempiovr a; things, they were cut to the cas kapdlats avT@y, Kat €Bpuxov TOUS heart, and they gnashedon him »>9 Me Se oa ee \ r with their teeth. % But he QOQVTGS €7h QuToy. UT AP XOV de TAN- being full of tas Holy Bests ps TIvevpatos aytov, ateviaas €l§ TOV! looked up stedfastly into hea- ,? \ ON Lé a N42 a ven, and P the glory of God, QUREHO Ms: ELOE Ovgav Ocov, Kat Tyg ous) and Jesus standing on the right €«0T@T@ EK deELav Tov Geov, 56 Kal elev hand of God, 5 and said, Be- "I§od, Oewp& Tovs otpavovs avEe@ypLe- hold, I see the heavens opened, aN oN €\ ~ ' Son a and the Son of manstanding on YOUS) KQLTOV VLOV TOU av@pwmou EK de Eta | che right hand of God. égta@ta TOU Geov. a ~& Pepare b= © Rec, Mwog d tec. add vaors | | |ATIOSTOAQN. 307 7 Kpad€tavtes Se peovn peyady, ovvé- OXOV Ta Ora avray, kal Spunoav OjL0- Oupaddv er adrév' * xa} exBanovres €E@ THS TddEws, eALOoBdrour. Kar of Haptupes améGevto ra iwatia avurey mapa tovs mddas veaviov Kaoupevov Zavdou, * Kat €AvOoBdrouv roy 2reda- vOV, eTLKAAOUpEVOY Kal NéyovTa’ Kupee ‘Incod, deEar TO mvevpa pov. © Gele de ra ydvara, éxpake hart peyadn: Ki- ple, BN aTHons adrois ry apaptiay TavTnv. Kat rovro eimdy exouun On. 8. Savdos de jy cvvevdokay TH avatpe- re oe aUTOU. “Eyevero &€ év éxelvn rh npEpa Siw- yos méeyas ert tHv exkdnolay THY év ‘lepocodvpous’ mavtes re Oveomapnoay KaTa Tas Yopas THs “lovdalas Kab Zapa- péias, wAHVY TeV arocTéAwy. 2 GuveKd- peoay Se rov Srépavoy dvSpes eddraBeis, \ > , \ 4 2 2 > - Kal eTolMoavTo KoTreTOy péyay er avTa. ° Satdos S€ €Aupaivero THY eKkAnolay, KaTa TOUS OiKoUS ElaTopEevspeEvos, TLPoY Te Wopas kal yuvaixas mapediSou eis pudakny. * Oi pev obv Scacmapévres dun) Bor, evayyertCopevoe Tov Aoyov. * Sidunmros de KaTeAOay cis wédw THs Sapapetas, eknpuooey adtois roy Xpiorov. © T™poo- eixov TE ot dyAoL TOIS Aeyomevors bd Tov Didinrov 6pobvpador, év T@ Akovely avTovs kal Bhérew Ta onpeia & erolet. “ To\Aay yap tov éxdvrey TVEVpLATA axalapra, Bodvra hava peyddy e&np- XETO" ToAKot O€ mapadedvpevor kal yo- hot OeparevOnoav. ® kai éyévero xapa peyarn ev TH moNeEL exeivy. ° “Ainp 6 Tis dvdpatt Sipev mpot- TNPXEV EV TH TONEL pLayevov Kal Lot Oy TO €Ovos THs Sapapetas, héywv etval twa eautor peyav’ | & mpocetxov *mdyres” t Acts VIE 10. 5? Then they cried out with a loud voice, and stopped their ears, andran upon him with one accord, 68 and cast him out of the city, and stoned him: and the witnesses laid down their clothes at a young man’s feet, whose name was Saul. 59 And they stoned Stephen, calling upon God, and saying, Lord Jesus receive my spirit. 60 And he kneeled down, and cried with a loud voice, Lord lay not this sin to theircharge. And when he had said this, he fel] asleep. 8. And Saul was consenting unto his death. And at that time there was a great persecution against the church which was at Je- rusalem, and they were all scattered abroad throughout the regions of Judea, and Sa- maria, except the apostles. ? And devout men carried Ste- phen to his burial, and made great lamentation over him. ° As for Saul, he made havock of the church, entering into every house, and haling men and women, committed them to prison. 4 Therefore they that were scattered abroad, went every Where preaching the word. 5 Then Philip went down to the city of Samaria, & preach- ed Christ unto them. 6 And the people with one accord gave heed unto those things which Philip spake, hearing 2nd see- ing the miracles which he did. 7 For unclean spirits, crying with loud voice, came out of many that were possessed with them : and many taken with palsies, and that were lame, were healed. § And there was great joy in that city. ® But there was a certain man called Simon, which be- foretime in the same city used sorcery, and bewitched the peo- ple of Samaria, giving out that himself was some great one. 10 To whom they all gave heed a——— oe Acts VIII. 11. 308 TPAZEIS TON > A ~ oa 4 , < from the least to the greatest, u7T70 pLLKpPOU EWS weyadou, eyovTes saying, This man is the great OQfrd¢> earl 1 Svvauts rou OQeov 7 power of God. 1! And to him , eG ee 1 ~ they had regard, because that KaNOUpLEYN peyaadn. poo of long time he had bewitched Oe AUTO, éua TO ikav@ xpovo Tals pa- them with sorceries. }2 But ae , ea 12y fear Ne when they believed Philip yee EGEOTAKEVAL CEO ; preaching the things concerning emioTevoay T@ Pirin evayyeAtCopev@ the kingdom of God, and the b _(” Tepl THS Bacudeias Tov Qeov Kal name of Jesus Christ, they were ete Soy) a me , baptized, both men and women. TOU OvOLATOS ¢”Ingou XpraTou, eBantl- 13 Then Simon himself believed (oyTo dvdpes TE Kal yuvaikes. 13 6 Oe also: and when he was baptized, 5, RS Som Woo? \ he continued with Philip, and Ziu@Y KAL AUTOS EMLOTEVTE, KAL Barre wondered, beholding the mira- oGets ny TpoTKapTEp@v TO BidinTo. cles and signs which were done. dewpav reat Suvdpiecs Kal onpeta © we- yara' yivopeva” e€loTarto. : 14 Now when the apostles lt A noigavres O€ of ev lepoooAupots which were at Jerusalem, heard gadéaTOAOL, Or. O€OEKTAL n Sapapeca TOV that Samaria had received the ; a a 52, \ > word of God, they sent unto Aoyoy me” Qeou, dreorethav eS oy them Peter and John. ' Who rovs Tov Ilerpov kat Iwavyny © olTiveEs when they were come down, caTaBavres mpoonvéarTo Tept autor, prayed for them that they might | ; = a 16.f ore receive the Holy Ghost. '6(For O77 @S AaBacr IIvevpa aytov. OUTa as yet he was fallen upon none yap Hy em ovdevl avTOV emumETTT@KOS, of them: only they were bap- / Se BeB ' Guns > tas tized in the name of the Lord Bove é Bel aoe Te er Jesus.) !7 Then laid they their ovopa TOU Kuptovu Inoov. 7 OTE ETFE- hands on them, and they re- _/ \ ~ Bs re a No Nees : , TiOov avrovs, Kat ehap.- ceived the Holy Ghost. riGouv Tas POs ee 2 b Bavov IIvevpa aytov. ee \ / \ 2 18 g°1Sdy" Sé 6 Sipov, ote diva TIS ct . , 5 n r > 7 18 And when Simon saw that emlOeme@s TOV XELp@v TaV aTrOCTOA@Y | ¢ a vins « / a , through laying on of the apos- §/Sarar Tb Lvedpa TO dylov, TpoonveyKEV tles’ hands, the Holy Ghostwas ,_ .~ , 19 >2 ‘ , ee given, he offered them money, @UTOLS XpnHaTa, eyov Aote Kapot ; See Sia oe % < / a e ha a 19 saying, Give me also this zy e€ovolay TauTnVv, wa o héay” em0a power, that on whomsoever I lay hands, he may receive the Holy Ghost. ras xelpas, AawBavy Tvevpa dytov. ‘ Z g > r f 20 But Peter said 2 [érpos 6€ etme mpds avrdv' TO apyv- | i 7) y nic , ” > > 1 ¢ unto him, Thy money perish pidy wou ouy oo Ely Els amT@Nelav, OTL} with thee, because thou hast thought that the gift of God THY Sw@peav Tov Qeovd evopioas dua Xp} 21 Thou hast neither part nor lot in this matter, for thy heart : ; é ioe : 2 . a a x a i is not right in the sight of God. Kapola WOU OUK €OTLY evGeta * ev@mLov 22 Repent therefore of this thy - a , > SaiNe aN eeleddess.gandsptay) Gods if Tov Oecou. peTavonaoyv ovvy amo TIS , , a perhaps the thought of thine Kaklias gov TauTNS, Kat OenOntt TOU! i heart may be forgiven thee. * Geo," et dpa apeOnoerat cot 1) emrivoua 23 For I perceive that thou art —~ Sf 93 >? \ x in the gall of bitterness, and in 77S Kapotas gov. els yap) XKOA}Y Th the bond of iniquity. a Rec. om. bs f SS ovdeTTo. © Rec. add rov. e = d Rec. onucca wat duvamecs peyaras yrvouerac, § Rec. Geacapevos. h St. av. kc i Gb. evavre ~ Kupcove 24 Then seh \ , 8 10 , c Tot + Kplas KaLOvVVYOEO MOV a LKLaS op@ OE OVTA, | © 71 r a 2 may be purchased with money. waTov xracbar. 2: ovK €oTL GOL pepts } ovdé KANDOS EV TO ACY TOUT@. 7 yap} np : Y¢ p- 1 Yap}AITOSTOAQN. 309 Acts VIII. 35. > >) , : i = Amroxpiels dé 6 Sipov etre’ AenOnre answered Simon, and said,Pray SF A SG REN as ae \ \ / o/ e to the Lord for me, that none UMELS UIFED ELLOU Tov Kuptov, omas Y 2 2 B = coe B > eee 2 " 3 AP ce. Of these things which ye have pn dev ee On €7 EME wy €lONKAaTE. spoken, come upon me. = > , \ *° Of péev odv dtapaprupapevor Kal NA , t 25 7 a hadnoavtes Tov Adyov Tod Kuplov, timé- . % And they, when they had ae ‘ testified and preached the word I Ai, moNr ' oTpevrav els tepovoaAnu, tmokhas Te of the Lord, returned to Jeru- wn C5 > / Kopas TOV Zapapetav ev’yyyedicayro. salem, and preached the gospel 26 27 Se , > aX \, Jn many villages of the Sama- Ayyedos b€ Kupiou €hddnoe TPOS vitane Z > , 4 Didurmov, héyov' Avagrn& Kai ropev- > \ 26 ‘ . ov KaTa peonpBplav, emi THY Oddy THY And the angel of the Lord ; Sec. xa > spake unto Philip, saying, Arise, KataBaivovcay QTrO lepovoa 1 €lS and go toward the south, unto Tagav’ avrn €oTl Epnuos. 27 Kat the way that goeth down from > Nee , NINE one >Q/ Jerusalem unto Gaza, which is ; 0 avaotas emopevOn: Kat idod, avnpAtOiow aecert. 27 And he aeesemenn EvVOUYOS duvdatns Kavdakns * rhs” Ba- went: and behold, a man of y 20,2 Oras 3 37 ON , Ethiopia, an eunuch of great oioons AlOrrav, os ue Se AEGON authority under Candace queen ™TS yatns avtas, Os enrvGer 7POOKU- of the Ethiopians, who had the /, 9 > 7 . e . = VNTwY Els ‘Tepovoradhp, 28 nv te vrro- Charge of all her treasure, and ; \ , SEAN ee had come to Jerusalem for to oTpePov Kal KaOnjevos €7t TOU eS worship, 28 was returning, and An > , Biases = fe 3 a > avuTov, Kal QVEYWOOKE TOV Tpopnrny sitting in his chariot, readEsaias c fe I rophet. Hoaiav. Hie biOphet 9 > A a * Eire 6€ 76 Ivedpa T® DiditTre IpdcehOe kat KoddyOnre TO dppare 4 \ \ , GOUT m2? IIpoodpapoy S€ 6 Bidurmos 29 Then the Spirit said unto HKOUGTEY AVTOD avaylwaoKovros Tov mpo- Philip, Go near, and join thy- ; Saar Ns, ok aS Aad self to this chariot. 30 And Phi- pyrny Le ee a. : Rays Die lip ran thither to him, and heard VOOKELS A CVAYLVOCOKELS 5 O 0€ elie: him read the prophet Esaias, a Nee 2 aN s co and said, Understandest thou 2 V nN TLS OOn- > Ilos ER ay Ouvaiuny éd ea pes oy what thou readest ? 3! And he ynon we; Ilapexadece te rov ®idurmov said, How can I, except some a Dan, A c < avaBavra Kabica avy abto. 2 7 &e man should guide me? Andhe \ a Ree ta ese ey desired Philip, that he would TEPLOKN) ais ypapis nv ESD PA GISAY come up, and sit with him. > ov / . . 7 yy avty’ Qs mpoBatov ent odayiy a lee of the sscriniates 27 NEaie > \ > , a / which he read, wast Is, He was Xn, Kat eS Cie S. ee Ce Gaon led asa sheep to the slaughter, TOS QUTOV apevos, OUT@S OUK avolyel TO and like a lamb dumb before s Weaaviy, Chere i yTOD the shearer, so opened he not auTou. €V TH TaTELYWOEL aUTOV th ober a eas yn a ye , his mouth: 33 in his humilia- 7) Kkplots avtov pn, thy i< YSVEGy tion) his judementi was) talon a / 2 SeN % : aQUuTOU Tis Ouynoerat ; OTL AlLPETAL aro away: and who shall declare a Reie S HEE ROTO Gane his generation? for his life is ™ms ys 1) Con ie OR DIV ELS , taken from the earth. 34 And O Evvovyos TO Dirtinre eve’ A€omat the eunuch answered Philip, Nerney ¢ f Ke p- and said, I pray thee, of whom EVEL TOU- ? De C0: Re TON pops ue ,_. speaketh the prophet this ? of TO, TEPl EAUTOU, 1) TEPL ETEPOU TLVOS; himself, or of some other man ? 5 \ , eae an ous Bo "Avoi~as Sé 6 ®idurmos 7d oTopna * Then Philip opened his > as: ‘ = ee > a Acts VIII. 36. 310 TPAZEIS TON i “A at > o ~ . mouth, and began at the same avrov, Kal dp&apevos amo Ts ypapns ne ix an a > scripture, and preached unto rayr7¢, einyyediaaro avT@ tov In- I | him Jesus. a 36 And as they went on their govuv. Ba E , \ A \ > way, they came unto a certain 48 “Og de eropevovTo Kara THY 600Y, NA- } i water; and the eunuch said, 6 x cs Na id C2 en a : See, here is water, what doth ov emt TL VOM@pP” Kal now oO EVvVOUXOS i 1 Pet ee to be baptized? “ldovvdwp? 7 K@AVEL [LE BanricOnva;*” | 37 And Philip said, If thou be- Lif lievest with all thine heart, i Q i , thou mayest. Andhe answered, if +] ie ‘ . 38 \ Syne ~ \ c} A \ i and said, I believe that Jesus Kal exeXevoe OTHVAL TO dpa’ Kat i Christ is the Son of God. 33 And a > ; iu > \ in ie ¢ ' he commanded the chariot to KateBnoay apPorepot els TO VOWP, O TE sane sul ane they vis Pome ®i\urmos Kal O EvvOUXOS* Kal eBamrt- oth into the water, both Philip, a 39 ¢ oy ) a i and the eunuch, and he bap- pa CO One be dveBnoay ch me” \ tized him. 39 And when they voatos, Ilvevpa Kvupiov npmage TOV ' heer f ata 5 > , were come up out of the water, @/\umrov" Kal ovK €lOEV avToyv OUKETL O the Spirit of the Lord Caught 95. en > , \ ¥ saa cheek away Philip, that the eunuch €VYOUXOS, ETOPEVETO YAP THY OOOYV AUTOV saw him no more: & he went on Xaipov. 40 @idumos O€ evpedn eis his way rejoicing. #9 But Philip we ae \ 25 se ea in NLC : was found at Azotus: and pass- “| oro KGL : ve pelt yh = ea) y¥E ‘sete ing through he preached in ally Tas qTONELS TATAS, EWS TOV eAGety avTOV cities, till he came to Cesarea. ¢jo Katcdpecav 1 9g. And Saul, yet breathing : iP x Se 5 5 e | out threatenings and slaughter 9. O de SavAos €Tl €EMTVEOY aIretANS acaAIns Pela me : \ > \ A rr against the disciples of ¥ Lord, Kal dovou els TOUS padnras Tov Kuptov, / went unto y high priest, * and de- 68 i) - oe! i : sired of him letters to Damascus, PONS : On re CP KES 2 TIO ae to ¥synagogues, yifhefoundany wap avTOU émuotoAas els AapwaoKoy of this way, whether they were \ \ \ er >t : Rue oe 1 ) 5) ) hi men or women, he might bring TAOS OS of REYES EOS aay TUS them bound unto Jerusalem, €UP?) Ts 6dev OVvTas avdpas TE Kal < S j sy - , t 3 And as he journeyed he yuvatkas, dedepevous ayayn eis ‘Tepov- came near Damascus, and sud- x / denly there shined round about TAAT Hh. 5 _ & By \ a , Sia: ) ew him a light from heaven. 4 And Ev Oe TQ) rropever Oat, EVEVETO QUTOV he fell to the earth, and heard 2,,./¢ a e Ne Gea! 3 : eee a 2 7, K@) - a voice saying unto him, Saul, ayy (ety 7a Aapag ne kal eSaupyns BS Saul,why persecutest thou me ? pmotpayev avuTOV pas amo TOU OVPavoU 5 A na ©] 7 - 0 \ \ S25N \ a 5 And he said, Who art thou 4 Kal mecoy emt THY YNY> KOUOE povipy Lord 2 And the Lord said, I Ne ee eS , am Jesus whom thou persecut- ’ eyougay avT@ AQUA =.0UN TL pe ° . . , > / ~/ ay r est: it is hard for thee to kiek OL@KELS 3 5 Rime O€° Tis et, Kupte; ‘Oo against the pricks. ° And he Se b Koss ee S| Chine Tae trembling and astonished, said, 4 : Pp 5; pk eae He O° ug | Lord, what wilt thou have me OV GU OL@KELS. c6 GhAa avaotn Ot KQi| a7 r ~ . a1 oy] > \ \ , ? to do? And the Lord saidunto ¢e{ge)Ge eis THY TOAW, Kal hadnOnoetat him, Arise, and go into the city, Ae A 5 7 Co ane 2 and it shall be told thee what cou 4 rt” oe et Tote. Oi de avdpes thou must do. 7 And the men OL guVvOdEvOVTES avuT@ eloTNKELoay e ey- t which journeyed with him, stood Wi \ ~ p se Szual speechless, hearing a voice, but USOE, GEQUONTES eae 18 VHS» pre) OES seeing no man, 3 And Saul 6¢€ GewpovrTes. ; nyepOn dé 6 Savdos Eu meorevers ©€ oAns TNS xapotas, sbeaTLV. Inaovy Xproroyv. bees © Rec. cxAnpov cot pos KEVTOS Kvpve, TL LE Oererg Trorngar; Kae o Kupeos mpos atom e & evsot. a Rec. add 3/7 Eure ds 0 Pirirros Amroxpibecs 68 eLTrs Jlugtevw Toy veov TOV @sov evvar TOV Raxriferv, 6 Tpepwy ze Kar GauBwry d © ots. e.me® | ,AIIOZTOAOQON. 311 aro THs yas avewmypevan dé TOY opdah- POY QUTOV, OVdEVa Bhere, Xetpay@yovy- a Oe avrov elonyayov eis Aapackor. Kal nv nuepas Tpets pn Bder@v, Kal aie Ce OvOE €mLev. "Hy O€ tus pabnyry 7s ev Aapack ovdpare ‘Avavias, Kal etre mpos avrov 6 Kupuos € ey opdpare: Avavia. ‘O O€ eimev" "dou é eyo, Kupte. 4 ‘O d€ Kupuos 7 mpos auroy: "Avacras eh emt Ty pupny THY kahoupeyny Ev@etay, Kat ()- Thoov ev oikia Iovda Savdov dvdpmate, Tapoea. idov yap mpooevxerae, 2 kal elev €v opapare avopa 6 ovopare *"Avaviay civehOdvra Kat embevta ato xeEIpa, ores avaBheyrp. 1 ’AmexpiOn OekA “Avayias" Kvpte, aknkoa amo moAhOy mepl TOU aydpos TOUTOU, 60a Kaka é- womoe Tots wyious cou ey ‘Tepoveradnp “kal be exer eEovclay mapa Tay ap- xepewy, Sjnoar mayras Tovs emiKaNov- fevous TO dvoud ov. ' Hime dé mpos avtoy 6 Kupios* Tlopevov, ote oKevos ekhoyns jLor eaTly ovTOS, TOU Bacracar TO dvopa jrov ev@moy eOvev Kal Ba- onéav, viav te Iopanr. ' eyo yap UmodelE@ avT@, Goa Cet a’Toy UTEP TOU ovouarés pou mabetvy. 7 °AmndOe O€ Avavias kal cian Oev eis THY oiKiay, Kal emOels em adtoy Tas xelpas, ete’ Saovd adeAde, 6 Kupuos ameotarké pe, >’ Inoous” 6 dpOeis cor ev TH 60@ 7) HpxXov, Otws avaBheyrys . - ; ees 18. Wea kat wAno Ons Ilvevpatos ayiov. Kat evdéms amemecov amd Tay opGapav avTov @oel AeTrides, aveBAEWEe TE °rra- paxpnua,” Kat avaoras €BanticOn. kal NaBav Tpopyy evicxuoer. "Eyevero d€ 4” wera tay ev Aawacke pabnray nucpas twas? * Kal evdews > a 5 See: \ ey Tals ovuvaywyatls €KNPVOOE TOV Acts LX. 20, arose from the earth, and when his eyes were opened, he saw no man: but they led him by the hand, and brought him into Damascus. 9 And he was three days without sight, and neither did eat, nor drink. 10 And there was a certain disciple at Damascus, named Ananias, and to him said the Lord ina vision, Ananias. And he said, Behold, I am here, Lord. And the 7 ord said un- to him, Arise, and go into the street, which is c med od Straight, and enquire in the house of Ju- das, for one called Saul of Tar- sus: for behold, he prayeth, '2 and hath seen in a vision a Man named Ananias, coming in, and putting his hand on him, that he might receive his sight. 13° Then “Ananias answered, Lord, J have heard by many of this man, how much eyil he hath done to thy saints at Je- rusalem: 14 and here he hath authority from the chief priests, to bind all that call on thy name. 1 But the Lord said unto him, Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gen- tiles, and kings, and the chil- dren of Israel. 16 For IJ will shew him how great things he must suffer for my name’s sake. 17 And Ananias went his way, and entered into the house, and putting his hands on him, said, Brother Saul, the Lord (even Jesus that appeared unto thee in the way as thou camest) hath sent me, that thou mightest re- ceive thy sight, and be filled with the Holy Ghost. 18 And immediately there fell from his eyes as it had been scales, and he received sight forthwith, and arose, and was baptized. 19 And when he had received meat, he was strengthened. Then was Saul certain days with the disciples which were at Damascus. *9 And straight- way he preached Christ in the a Rec. add o b= ¢ Gb om. ad Rec. add o Zavdos,Acts IX. synagogues, that he is the son of God. 2! But all that heard 2 him, were amazed, and said, Is not this he that destroyed them which called on this name in Jerusalem, and came hither for that intent that he might bring them bound unto the chief priests ? 22 But Saul increased the more in strength, and con- founded the Jews which dwelt at Damascus, proving that this is very Christ. 23 And after that many days were fulfilled, the Jews took counsel to kill him. 24 But their laying await was known of Saul: and they watch- ed the gates day and night to kill him. 2° Then the disciples took him by night, and let him down by the wall in a basket. 26 And when Saul was come to Jerusalem, he assayed to join himself to tke disciples, but they were all afraid of him, and believed not that he was a dis- ciple. 2’ But Barnabas took him, and brought him to the apostles, and declared unto them how he had seen the Lord in the way, and that he had spoken to him, and how he had preached boldly at Damascus in the name of Jesus. °?8 And he was with them coming in, and going out at Jerusalem. 23 And he spake boldly in the name of the Lord Jesus, and disputed against the Grecians: but they went about to slay him. °° Which when the bre- thren knew, they brought him down to Cesarea, and senthim forth to Tarsus. 31 Then had the churches rest throughout all Judea, and Ga- lilee, and Samaria, and were edified, and walking in the fear of the Lord, and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost, were mul- tiplied. 312 IIPAZEIS TQN 2 sjonaus OTL ovrds erry vios TOU Ocov. © €&loTavro de mavTes of akovovTes Kal eheyou" Ovx obrds EoTLV O mopOnoas € ev “Tepovoadnp TOUS erika oupevous TO ovopa TOUTO, Kal Bde eis ToUTO eAnv- Geu i wa Sedepevous avtovs ayayn emt TOUS APXLEPELS 5 * Zavdos de padhov eveOUVAHOUTO, Kal TUvEeXE Tous lov- Saiovs Tovs KaToLKoUvTas ev Aaparke, oust Balov ore ourds coTw 6 Xpuords. *3 Gs O€ emnpovvTo Hepat ikaval, our eBovdevaavto of “lovdator avehew av- TOU oe eyvoo On Ge TO Savd@ 7 eme- Bovhy avTa@v Tapern povy TE TAS muAas pepas Te Kal VUKTOS, omras avTov ave~ Awot'=™ AaBdvTes Oe avrov ot pa@nrat VUKTOS, Kabijkay Ova TOU TELYoUS, YaNa- SUT omuptoe. * Tlapayevdpevos dé >” els” ‘Tepovora- Arp, emecparo Ko\Aac Gar Tots paOnrais” Kal mavrTes e:oBodvTo avToy, pH TL- orevovtes Ort €oTt pants. ” BapvaBas Ys emuhaPdpevos auToy, Hyaye mpos TOUS doar hous, Kal Suyynoaro avrois TOS ev TH OO@ ele TOY Kupuoy, Kal OTL ehady- EY AUTO, Kal Tas ev Aapack@ émappn- oudoaro ev TO) ovdpare Tov Inaov. *3 Kat Av per geey sre Kal €k- Topevopevos 4 ‘lepoveah np © Kal @ riences EV TO ovdpare Tov Kv- plov ‘Incov 9 éXddet TE Kal ouvetnret mpos TOUS “EMAquecras® ol O€ emexetpouv avtov aveneiv. © émvyvvres S€é ot adeA- dol katnyayov avTov eis Karrapevay, kat e€arreoretAay _aurov els Tapoor. 31 Aj wey ody exxAynolae ka oAns 77s ‘Tovdaias kal TahtAaias Kal Sapapetas etxov 4 A , ’ ¢ i. a Eyeveto O€ Ilerpoy Stepyopevov Sic 82 And it came to pass, as eS \ \ ¢ , > 5 a mdvton, KOTENGEIEG mpos Tovs aylous Peter passed throughout all ; a i maa \ Quarters, he came down also to TOvs KaToLtKovyTas Avdday eupe O€ ¥ saints, which dwelt at Lydda. 3 a 4 > 29 = a . exel GvOpandy twa Aivéay ovopati, 退 * And there he found a certain Dene Se , EN 38 ; man named Aneas, which had eGov OKT®@ SERGE EEUOT em Kpa | aT®, kept his bed eight years, and os nv mapadedupevos. * Kal etrev avuT@ Was sick of the palsy. 34 And ¢ , Oe? Se y/ > Sa i beter said: unto) him. Anese ; ) : 3 2 o Tlerpos ; Awwea, erat Oe, Ingovs 6 JesusChrist maketh thee whole: Xpiotés’ dvdorn& Kai orpdcoy ceav- arise, and make thy bed. And a , z . 5 WD ae | - 35 T@. Kai evééws aveotn’ *® xal eiSoy he arose immediately. 35 And Lene , r x , all that dwelt at Lydda, and QUTOV TaVTES OL KaTOLKOVYTES AvOdOdaY Saron, saw him, and tumed to 7 > , - \ kat Tov Sdp@va, oirwes emTeoTpe yay emt the Lord. 7 TOY Kupuop. > > 4 > / > 2p 88° Ev Idan d€ tis Av pa@nrpia 6vd- 86 Now there was at Joppa a > veo fi Z certain disciple namedTabitha EVETAL : : ? es , BOR TaBréa, 1 Stepunvevopern héye which by interpretation is called Aopkas QuTH nV mAnpns ayabéy EPY®Y Dorcas: this woman was full of a © 7 Daal, als hic kat €henuocvvay ey eroler 37 eyeveTo §00d works, & almsdeeds, which dé 2 a7 5) a Dei 2 she did. 37 And it came to pass © & BEES Epats Eko ats a NTT EY In those days that she was sick, auTnv amroOavetv' ovoavres S€é adriy and died: whom when they had 4 LG L ish om Me 37 washed, they laid her in an eOnkay DEUIDER DO’ a OY YES be OUgTS upper chamber. %8 And foras- Avddns rH “dra, of paOnral adkovcav- much as Lydda was nigh to a 7 moe, : Tor < Tes Ore Ilérpos early ep avTh,améoreday Joppa, and the disciples had Lon) u \ ey Nos heard that Peter was there, they Ovo cy pas Mpos auToyv, Tapakadouy- sent unto him two men, desir- A a ” San 5 : } TES bn oxynoat OveAGety Ews QUTO@V. ing him that he would not ¢de- : . Z a > hem. % “Avaoras S€ Ilérpos ovvinGev ad- }y to come to t a a , ee > TOLS” OY TapayevopLevoy CAYO OY ELS “=39'T en Petenarosaend wane x ‘ ; oe : TO UmEp@or, KQl TApeaTnaay auT@® 7a- ee poses ae he we come, SS i ‘a 2 4. they brought him into the upper J ’ D . Pere! MPA Khaioveat Kal emderkve chamber: and all the widows Mevat XLT @vas Kal luaTla OO0QaA €TTOLEL stood by him weeping, and =~ > , ) \ sii e ayn i per avTev ovca 7 Aopkas. 40 exGaN@y Shewing the coats and garments \ xe ; ¢ ; \ iy which Dorcas made, while she de €&@ TavTas O Ilerpos, Gels Ta YVATA was with them. 4° But Peter 1 & \ > , \ \ oe 5 . ™poonuvEato* Kal emlaTpewpas ™pos TO put them all forth, and kneeled = Paes T 8 Gea Gi EOe down, and prayed, and turning POEs GuB< Oe eae eel OL , >, _~ him, to the body, said Tabitha, jvoEe TOUS opGadpovs auTns” Kat iOov- arise. And she opened her auc ; Z 7 , 41 , + and when she saw Peter, she VEKAOLOE. Oovs Oe » sh oe OY Herpov, ¢ a , sat up. 4! And he gave her his QUT XElpa, AVETTHOEV aUTHV Povnoas hand, and lifted her up: and 4 7 . Oe TOUS ayiovs Kal TAS Xnpas, TWapeotn- when he had called the saints oan n 42 Ni Seecaye and widows, presented her alive. FS ROTY, (ooav. ATR OY . EYSUSEO 42 And it was known throughout ~ > > Kal’ Odns THs Idmmns, Kal roAXol eri- all Somnagend many pobere Sean , Ao OS 7 OSé in the Lord. And it came to EVETO OE : GENE UCTS TOY Epo eK ey Sap pass, that he tarried many days yHepas tkavas pewat avtoy ev lonmn in Joppa, with one Simon a F n mapa Tit Sipwve Bupoet. tanner. a & Or, be grieved.Acts X. 1. 314 TIPAZEIS TON : , > > r , 10. There was a certain man 10. ’Avip d€ Tus * ny’ ev Katoapera in Cexsarea, called Cornelius,a 3),¢ z LN ¢ ad, 2 : ovopate KopynAvo EKATOVTAPXNS EK centurion of the band called the ie ss Pel 2) > PAT > Italian band, 2? a devout man, OTELpNS THS KaNoupevns Iradckns, €U- . x 71 f \ A \ and one that feared God with oeB1s Kal poBovpevos roy Qedv ouy all his house, which gave much rhe ue! cu em nels A. ax alms to the people, and prayed DOr OLK@ poe en Be ey © €n to God alway. 3 He sawina pooovyas qo\\as TO hag, Kal OedjLEVvOs aie nS j A A > > Cr, vision evidently, about the ninth Top @eou Starravtos’ 3 cidey ev 6pdapare hour of the day, an angel o eee noe ey God coming in to him, and say- pavepas, @oel Wpay EVVATIY TNS NLEPAS, ; oy 7 ~ io” a a \ > ing unto him, Cornelius. ayyehov Tov Oeou eloeAOovTa Tpos au- > > / TOV, Kal El7OVTA AUT" KopyrjAe. 4 And ane he Idoked ou |. 2°SO"O€ drevicas avTe Kat epoBos | him, he was afraid, and said, / Bee he , “7 What is it, Lord ? And he said Veron SUES De con CO a ae unto him, Thy prayers andthine O€ aQUT@)” Al mpooevxal Ov Kal at} ‘ oy 7 ¥ © > / Ae > alms are come Up for a memo- €Nenpwoovval GOV aveBnoay els pynp.o~ rial before God. ? And now aa, £6 Geo8 5 5 as send men to Joppa, and call for Ovyov SLRS TOU €0U. Kal VU ae « / > / > \ , one Simon, whose surname 1S mre pfov €ELS lommnyv avopas, KQL PETA~ Peter. © He lodgeth with one é wae Sinwvasese GNC EE plarpoSs Simon 2 tanner, whose house is i be ee pe Ye a £ of P s by the sea side; he shall tell ~ ovTOS Eevicerat jwapa TWL ZipLove Bup- 7 r > fey > > / if thee what thou oughtest to do. gel, @ eoTW OiKia Tapa 6aracoay*”. 7 And when the angel which 7 «, ‘9s 2, =\4 a 3 sd spake unto Cornelius, was de- Qs oe amy) Gev O ayyedos 6 hadev . > ve + 7 rier: (Se > > v , a ) pe ~ c parted, he called two of his *air@,” povincas dvo Tay olkeT@Y 'av- houshold servants, and a de- eas ! 5 eae vout soldier of them that waited nee ee Oe gr TOY TP onhim continually. 8 And when KapTEPOUVYT@V AUT@, Kal EENYHOALEVOS | > he sclared ; ase ings > > / 2 7 > he had declared all these things qjrojs dmayvrTa, GwréaTelnev avrous / Ty lommny. me \ > , / 9 Ty de emavptoy OSOLTOPOUYTAD | 9 ays . > , | a > , On the morrow as they & exeiywy” Kai TH Toe eyyLCovT@Y, }\ wenton their journey, and drew , 7 y Ba rs ae nigh unto the city, Peter went avepn Ilerpos emt TO dapa Tpogevsea- : up upon the house to pray, ao Oat, mept copay EKTNY. 10 eyeveTOo deli about the sixth hour. !° And ; \ Oe) , Cat: he became very hungry, and FpOua S Kae | Ne eee ee wes would have eaten: but while paokeva{ovTov dé Sexeivarv,’ " ememeen } they made ready, he fell intoa 2,° aicdyp ~ ‘ es SN aa ga eae 1 oe adroyv ¢karaots, | Kal Oe@pet Tork trance, !Jand sawheavenopen- , é 3 ‘ Aan il ed, anda certain vessel descend- OUPAVOY AVEMYLEVOY, Kal KataBatyov" ne j c 1 « © 2) ¢ > , 7 ing unto him, as it had been a OKEVOS TL WS odovny peyadny, Tecoapou | great sheet, knit at the four > Geb ehee on Ad seal adisers and lef down to the 2PXGES 10° EpevoV, KaL KaULEHEVvOY emt ‘ 5 a n > c an earth: |? wherein were all man- T7s ynS" 12 ey ® UIFNPXE TavrTa Ta TeTpa- ik ner of fourfooted beasts of the aoa TAS Vn Hata” OH Jay ere earth, and wild beasts, and g a ] vis. e pee ee ue] creeping things, and fowls of €pmeTa Kal TA TETELVA TOV OUpayod jj chs 13 i te 5 Neagle \ \ > > the air. & And there came a 13 eq} eyeveTo porn pos anrove Ave voice to him, Rise, Peter: kill, ‘i , a ‘ D 1 en and eat. 14 But Peter said; Not 74S, Ilerpe, Ovoov kat paye. C} > acl qu 7TOY a NS é > . LS J, so, Lord; for I have never eaten dé Ilerpos eimre Mndapes, Kvpte OT} Sa i le ia SSA ES aAco—.Gb.om. b— € Tov ExtxaXovjevoy IHertp0v. d Rec. add ovros AaAncer aoe Te oe det ToLeL: © Rec. rw KopynAcyp. £> g9etl0 ~ avrwy, bis. Lb S syeveTo. i Rec. addex’ avrov. ky la mojAITTOSTOAQN. 315 IQ? » = \ x ee , ovderore ehayoy ray Kowbdy i axaéap- 15 \ \ / > Z TOV. Kat @avn madw eék deurépov \ > ay mpos avtov’ “A 6 Geds exabdpice, od \ , a / , pn Koivov. "6 Tovro dé éyévero éml s . Nis > 7 ~ Tpis’ Kal *mdAuw” dvedknhbn TO ocKEdos 3 els TOY OUpavor. AC a 7 Os Se ev avd Sunrdper 6 Ilerpos, yox oy o a >) Tl av Ely TO papa 6 etde, Kal idod, vf / , oe avdpes of admearadpévoe ad TOU Kop- / / \ 2 vydtov, Olepetnoavtes thy oikiay Si- 7 b) na POvos, eméeotnoapy émt Tov TUA@Va’ }8 Kal 7 > pormncavtes eruvOavorto, ei Sivoy 6 > , / > /, /& emtkadovjtevos Ierpos evOade Eeviterat. rov dé Iérpou > SvevOupoupevov" rept TOU Opadpatos, elev ad’Ta@ Td IIvevpa’ "Td \ 2/ 8 c ~ Be / A 20 > ov, avdpes “tpeis” Cnrovai oe * ad- ’ Dy Aa avaoras KaraBnO, Kai Tmopebou ody avrots, pndey Staxpivdpevos’ 4 Sidre” ey@ > 7 / améoradka avrovs. 9 , a / *1 KaraBas dé Ilerpos mpos tovs av- 8 e/ > or) \ > z > aA ~ . pas, elrev’ “LOov, eya eipu Ov Cnretre / ¢ , / > A 7 22, ¢ yi Tis aitia Ov ny mapeote ; Oi de > aN elmov" Kopyndwos éxatovrapyns, avnp 7 \ Otkavos Kal PoBovpevos Tov Gedy, prap- ad “SO oo Tupovpevos TE UO bAOV TOD COyous TaY >? / > / ¢ \ > / lovdaion, expnparia Oy ume ayyehou aylov, petarrenrpacOai oe els Tov oikov ~ ~ is JA . avTOv, Kal dkovoat Pnuata Tapa cod. 23 > , “> > Ni. Meus EtoxaXecdpevos ovy avtous €&évice. na > c Ien A Ty O€ emavpioy ' dvacras” é&nhGe ov nr n > an ~ > \ avtols, Kal TWes TOY AOEAPaY TOY ard . a > > PA 8Idrans ovvnOov ara. 74 > , a > Meer / i emaupioy eionhOov eis tiv Karrdperav > A > \ 0 0€ Kopyndtos nv mpocdoKay avrovs, Be ae ovykaheradpmevos Tous Tvyyevets avTOU / 95 ¢ \ Kal Tous dvaykaiovs didouvs. ™ ws dé Beis’ h aN ees) r6 - \ 1 iL eyeveto "tov" eigedOety Tov Iletpor, ~ 4 \ guvavtTnoas avT@ 6 Kopynhwos, Teco , , hese \ eml Tovs Todas TPOTEKUYNOED. 6 0€ 9, s a9 , é Ilerpos avrov iyyepe héeyouv’ “AvacrnO& > OT \ Kay® avtos advOpwrrds cipe. 7 Kat Vo Kal TH Acts X. 27, any thing that is common or unclean. !§ And the voice spake unto him again the second time, What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common. !6 This was done thrice: and the vessel Was received up again into heaven. 17 Now while Peter doubted in himself what this vision which he had seen, should mean: behold, the men which were sent from Cornelius, had made enquiry forSimon’s house, and stood before the gate, !8 and called, and asked whether Si- mon,which was surnamedPeter, were lodged there. !9 While Peter thought on the vision, the Spirit said unto him, Behola, three men seek thee. 20 Arise therefore, and get thee down, and go with them, doubting nothing: for I have sent them. 21 Then Peter went down to the men, which were sent unto him from Cornelius, and said, Behold, lam he,whom ye seek: what is the cause wherefore ye are come? 2? And they said, Cornelius the centurion, a just man, and one that feareth God, and of good report among all the nation of the Jews, was warned from God by an holy angel, to send for thee into his house, and to hear words of thee. ?3 Then called he them in, and lodged them: And on the morrow Peter went away with them, and cer- tain brethren from Joppa ac- companied him. 4 And the morrow after they entered into Ceesarea. And Cornelius wait- ed for them, and had called to- gether his kinsmen and near friends. *> And as Peter was coming in, Cornelius met him, and fell down at his feet, and worshipped him. 76 But Peter took him up, saying, Stand up, I myself alsoam aman, 27 And BUS: D Rec. evOvpovpevon. ore d ~ —. Gb. ore. KopynAccu mpos auror. t Rec. o Ilérpos. © Rec. add rovy amectradperorvs aro Tov 8 Rec. add rns. h Ree. om.Acts X. 28. TIPAZ EIS TON as he talked with him, he went cuvopuAdv advTo, elondOe, Kat EUpLoKel in, and found many that were cuveAn\vOoras qrONAOUS: come together. 98 2 . 5 IT Sse tas 23 And he said unto them, Ye Edn TE TPOS AVTOVS Ypets eml- know how that it is an unlaw- oracbe os abepurov €oOTLV avopt ful thing for a man that is a > / rane ij s 6 Jew, to keep company or come Iovdaim KoAAagGar 7} MPO CED Oi at unto one of another nation: but adopvre’ Kal €pot 6 Geos ederEe bn- God hath shewed me, that I 97 Ne Na Li > a should not call any man com- deva Kony 1) dxaGaptoy Aeyew avOpe mon or unclean. 29 fherefore 7OV* 29 810 Kal avavTippnT@s 7d Oov came J unto you without gain- yerameppéets. muvOdvomatovy, Tivt MOy@ saying, as soon as I was sent ; j 1 130. eee a c for. lI ask therefore, for what petemepwaode BE; Kat oF Cpe es Los intent ye have sent for me. edn’ Amro TETAPTNS TpLEpas [EXPL TAUTNS 30 And Cornelius said, Four _-_ «# » , Noe Na Oey days ago I was fasting until this ma)S pas Pye VNTTEVOY, Kat THY VU Cs hour, and at the ninth hour I T)v a opav’ TPOTEVXOMEVOS EV TO OLK® prayed in my house, and behold, ov: Kal idov avip €oTn eva@TrLoVv jou a man stood before mein bright °, 5 = g ~ 3] , : clothing, 3! and said, Cornelius, €” ecOnre Nappa, “ Kal pnot Kop- thy prayer is heard, and thine p7Aue, elanxovaOn ov 7 TT POeUXT), Kal alms are had in remembrance _ <« 2 , a 2. Jae in the sight of God. %? Send a er LOG yay GeV SAO OCs oe therefore to Joppa, and call muov Tov Oecouv. 32 creppov ovv els 5] 7 3 més aes , , \ hither Simon, whose surname Idamny, Kal peTakdeo a Siueva oa is Peter; he -is lodged in the: Bs E a , > house of one Simon a tanner, emLKANEtTal Ilerpos OvUTOS Eevicerat eV by the sea side, who when he oikia Sipwvos Bupcéas Tapa 6d\accav" c cometh, shall speak unto thee. pa / eG “33°77 33 Immediately therefore I sent oS Bye yey. ay mo Gor. ya to thee, and thou hast well €auT7s ou emepipa mpos oe Ov TE a c fe ,° N y ~ > / ~ > done, that thou artcome. Now Kai Oo erolnaas Tapayevopevos. VYUV ovv therefore are we all here pre- 5; eg a eee ees sent before God, fo hear all 7@vTES NMELS EVOTLOY tou Geov ma- things that are commanded peo pev akovugalt mwavra Ta T™ POOTETA~ thee of God. , ak a aay peva TOL UTO TOU Ocouv. 9 > yo / \ my 84 Avoitas b€ Ilérpos TO oTdpa el- Sst > > , , a : _ qev' Em adnOetas KaTahapBavoxat, OTe 34 Then Peter opened his >, » NiiierneGI@eOeie. >? mouth, and said, Of a truth I OUK EOTLTPOT@TOANT TNS O EOS a 2 = > Wee , > perceive that Godis no respect- €y 7ravTt éOver 0 PoBoupevos avuTrov Kal G oersons: 3° but in every 2 e , \ || er of persons ut in every enyaCduevos OvkaLoovyny, SexTOs avT@ | > ‘ I nation, he that fearetn him, \ , a > , ~ and worketh righteousness, is €07l- 36 Tov oyov Ov ameoTetNe TOLS } accepted with him. *6 The word yjojfe ’ * 7 - Pe whieh God sert unto the chil- ae Iopand, evayyeduCopevos Ste dren of Israel, preaching peace Ova Inaov Xptorov, OUTOS EOTL TAVT@YV by Jesus Christ (he is Lord of Kvpuos. 37 UpELs oldaTe TO yevo_evov all.) 27 That word (Isay) you $>1q nqa@ Or OTE See know which was published pure a 2 ae teyS OH a apSapevov throughout all Judea, & began a0 71S TadtAaias, peta 70 Barto pa from Galilee, after the baptism 6 exnpu&ev "lodvens’ 38 "Inooov Tov amo which John preached: 33 how ., ¢ v7 ¢ 5 ek 5 ‘ God anointed Jesus of Naza- Nagaper, os €xXplocy avToVv oO Ocos reth with the Holy Ghost, and Tlvevpare dylo Kal Suvapet, ds SiprOev bo © Woo. ad ~ Kupcov. it} ? t t fF i i i tATIOSTOAQN. 317 Acts XT. 2. . “~ ae , . EVEPYETO@Y Kal L@MEVOS TaYTas TOUS Ka- with power, who went about TAaOdvVAaTTEVOMLEVOUS UTO TOU OtaBdrov, Fins good, and healing all that 2 2 gos nie ica Sea ele Oppressed om thettderik OTL 0 Geos Hv wer avdrov' 39 Ka} Pets” for God was with him. 39 And , a > , 2 = , a7, 77 x 6 Maptupes mavtwy ey emoinoey ey Te Ty We are witnesses of all things A age 5 Sai Nol tc , , Which he did both in the land Xepa Tov lovdatwy Kal év lepovoadnu > of the Jews, and in Jerusalem a b Ne > / Dea oP, : 2 ov ° Kal” avetNoy Kpe“acaytes emt SvAov. whom they slew and hanged on 40 ay me ~ ¢ \ , lis k/ a tree, 49 him God raised u TOUTOV 0 O€os Hyeipe TH TpiT Epa 2 Aart es 9 Z oS WY, B si 7 ep 7 bye the third day, and shewed him Kal €Owkev abrov eudava VETO M=NOU iopeninailacers at the people, TavTt TH Na@, GANA pdptver rots Tpo- Hut unto witnesses, chosen be- A t Le us # ea ese fore of God, even to us who did ee ORCL LEVOCS, UTrO OU €OU, Tee eat and drink with him after OLTLVES ovvepayopev Kal @vve7rlopey he rose from the dead. 5k > A > > QUT@, META TO avacTHva ad’tov ek ye- Kp@v. y \ , ¢ C I fu na 2 Kal Tapnyyetev pW KnpveEat 7@ ‘? And he commanded us to a \ , Cs cn ey, preach unto the people, and to Aad, Kae Ocapapropac bar, One AOS testify that it is he which was €OTLY O WPLOLEVOS UITO TOU GeoU KplT1]S ordained of God tobe the Judge y Avan , ATs 43 | i CovT@v Kal vexpov’ 8 rovTw@ mdvres of Of quick and dead. Po him B i Ge : give all the prophets witness, mpopyrat HapTupovoty, apeow QaHaP- that through his name whoso- Tlov aBew Sid Tov dvopatos avTou ever believeth in him, shall re- s \ , > es celve remission of sins. WAVTA TOV TLOTEVOYTA Els AUTOV. fo ~ ~ , \ (74 Kh a ; "Ett Nadodvros Tob Ilerpou ra py- 44 While Peter yet spake x Z : x sae ‘ pata TavTa, émrémece TO IIvevpua ro these words, the Holy Ghost = Ben ; A sg, fell’ on all them which heard aylovy emt TavTas TOUS akovovTas Toy the word. 45 And they of the A6yov. 45 Ka) efeaTnoay OL eK TEPLTOLNS circumcision which believed, Nd A) en “_, were astonished, as many as Tere is ee ee yor Z Syne OTe came with Peter, because that KQl ETL TA eOvn 1) O@®PEA TOU ayltou IIvev- onthe Gentiles also was poured es 2 - 46 7, \ IT@y Out the gift of the Holy Ghost. ees: Se ace Lege vap ele 46 For they heard them speak Aahovytay yAoooas, Kal Beyahuvovtey with tongues, and magnify God. TOV Oedy. TéTE amrexpiOn 6 Ilérpos: Then answered Peter, 47 Can Aone , 78 Ne NY / any man forbid water, that Myre To v @p Ka Uoadt UY AT GUS TUS, these should’ noe be baptized, tov pn BamricOnvat Tovrous, oirtves Td which have received ee ~ Ne 2 s -7) Ghost, as well as we? 48 And Teas to was eAaSov Kades ee he commanded them to be bap- TN PLELS 5 IIpooeraége TE avutous Barri- tized in the name of the Lord. a = a i “om . aw cOnvar ev T® Ovdpate * rod Kupiov. cerciaeeees they him to tarry > - ¢ / . TOTE NN@THGaY avToy eMetval Tuepas / Tlvas. 7 Noe ely ie Fr \ >of _ ll. And the apostles, and Il. Hxovcay de a amdoroXoe eee brethren that were in Judea, adeAot of dvres Kara THY Iovdaiay, Ort heard that the Gentiles had rag Gan €Oun ed€€avro TOV Adyov Tov also received the word of God. ~ 9 Vg 27 , Je 2 And when Peter was come up ©eov. ~ Kal ore aveBn Ilerpos eis lepo- to Jerusalem, they that were of oddupa, OveKpivovto Tpos avrov ot €k the circumcision contended with a Rec. add eoper, b Rec. om. © NY ovrtos. dw Inoov Xpictov.Acts XI. 3. 318 TDPAZEIS TQN . 3 . - : a 3 r /, “6 \ ay 6 him, ° saying, Thou wentest in WeplTOpns, EyOVTES TLTpPOS av pas | f >} is i > » , On \ | tomen uncircumcised, and didst axpoBvatiay €xovTas elon Ges, Kal OUY= eat with them. 3 nee epayes avuTots. > ‘ , IF , i 4 But Peter rehearsed the 4° Ap&apevos Oe 6 Tletpos e£eriOeTo || ‘ 7 i l ~ ao / > x > > matter from the beginning, and auTots xabeEns heyou" 5 Eyo Hany ey expounded it by order unto , Rens ' ) eter them, saying, 5 [ was in the city TONE’ lorry TT pOO EVXOPEVOS> Kal ELOoY eee Tait a Aa > > / d n on of Joppa praying, ana In a ey EKOTAOGEL opapa, KaTaatvoy OKEUOS |e trance I saw a vision, A certain Seu oy ee > ~ay vessel descend, as it had been BE Os oP OUnY HEyaAT™s, ; EGOS BANGS ¢ a great sheet, jet down from Kadveprevnv €K TOU OUPAVOV, Kal Hrdev a Tot, - epOorne 1 ey] > ~ 5 a > I / heaven by four ome and it iix pus éyuov" 6 eis HV Greviaas KAaTEVOOUD, ||} came even to me. Upon the Laue . y a x \2 oxal which when I had fastened Kal ELOOV Ta TeTpamrooa T™S yys Kal Ta P on : Atay Z , \ \ a mine eyes, I considered, and @yp.a Kal TA épmreTa KaL TU TETELVA TOU) saw fourfooted beasts of the 3 Be or Se a) , earth, and wild beasts, and OUD Ov OU: nKOVTAa OE Ports \eyoug nat * . > / A creeping things, and fowls of ol’ Avaoras Iletpe, Gocov Kat paye. ; he air. 7 And Ih ard a voice 22, i Net 7 se / | pagal and [heard a voice, 8 Kizroy dé* Mndapos, Kupte’ o7t 2” KOLWOV |. saying unto me, Arise Reter, se" hate lows Sia Z 2 slay, and eat. 8 But I said, 7) akaGapTov OUOETI OTE elon Oey €ls TO) Not so, Lord: for nothing com- 4 9 > i NA Nii g OTOL [LOU. AmexplOn Oe pot Pay mon or unclean hath at any > . P > a p ] ~ ght ® ‘a time entered into my mouth. ek OevTEpOU EK TOV OUPAVOV A 0 Ges) t c > , A ' 9 But the voice answered me exabapice, ov ay KOLVOU. 10 TovTo Oe again from heaven, What God Pea PG \ aN > so Gull hath cleansed, that call not thou eM : e PeSas oe se Ly AvETT AO OT) common. !9 And this was done dmavra els TOY OvpavoV. a i Sif ¢ TOY 29 WW 1 rN SAtS »£ a o 2) three times: and all were drawn 1l Kal idov, e€avTns Tpets divdpese up again into heaven. Ee : oR eT Ste oy ll And behold, immediately emegTHUoay €Tl THY olKtay €V 4 RNY) SENT OSTS - = alres Fee >) / > r J there were three men already a7reaTaApevol amo Karoapetas T™pos pe) come unto the house where I 12 .> SZ Tigao » Ae > was, sent from Cesarea unto ease TKO ne YSUILES CRUSE ely Ont me. /2 And the spirit bademe TOls, ~ penoev OLAKPLYOPEVOV 7 Gov Ob >] > j bting: \ > \ \ CAs > \ @ 0 with them, nothing dou ting: giy ELol KAL OL é& adekot ovTol, Kay moreover, these Sx brethren 5, , . : 5 ee : accompanied me, and we en- eionGopev Els TOV OLKOY TOU avopos} eas ey F we oo Das Ses ee a 3% bored into the mans house: amnyyetrE Te Tp TOS cide TOD and he shewed us how he EN > Pie) Benes bé had seen an angel in his house, Ved Shit @ ou auTouv oTaevTa KC me stood ang said uate Hine El7OYTA AUT" AmroaTelAov eis “Idn} Send men to Joppa, and ca c/ \ / , \ e oD a for Simon, whose surname 1s ; ] . git HST ech ves ZHOU mag Peters. 4 who shall.tell ;thee <7bUKGhOUMGHOY Ilerpov, os Aadnais words, whereby thou, and all 67 A ae E \ 3 ’ aTa 7poOs O€, €V OLS oobi oO OU KG} thy house shall be saved. Pu p 2 102) f gas 0 OlKOS COU. 15? \ na y La} : op Oc 1 up&acOai pe Aanet| 15 And as I began to speak, Ca Lane GE IEG WMyeohec as c} sa ee the Holy Ghost feil on them, ,, ; sical YEU he TO CHOP. auT Om) as on us at the beginning. @O7EP Kat ep npas €V apxX7)- 6S 16 Then remembered I y word noe NS Re RY da aN ee 3 Jee: vnaGnv Oe TOV pryaTo ) £ the Lord, how that he said, B 7 x ) os Pp Ie = Ghee. Kupto} John indeed baptized with Os, eeyeyv I@avyns peV eBaTrTLe | water: but ye shall be baptized VOaTL, U[LELS de Barris OnoerGe a Rec. add wav. b—a © Rec. add avdpas. d Rec. >ATIOSTOAOQN, 319 Acts XI. 28. , 7 3: > \ 7 : > Hyevpate dyio. “ El ody ti tony dw- with the Holy Ghost. 17 Foras- Ne Dc mente Ne t yup, Much then as God gave them cay €O@kev avTois 6 Qeds os Kal uw : ie oe B : ae é ; 5 Te ~ the like gift as he did unto us, moTevoaoty emt tov Kuptoy Inoovy who believed on the Lord Jesus Xpucrov, eyo a $e” ris Wun, Ouvaros Christ: what was J that I could a ; po ae , Se withstand God ? 18 When they kohdoa Tov Ocor; ' Akxovgavres ee heard these things, they held ~ / - . 7 TavTa novyacay, Kat €dd€afoy Toy their peace, and glorified God, \ ; 2 \ ~ 4 saying, Then hath God also to . Oo ic oe . cor, heyoures . Apaye Kau e iS cOverw the Gentiles granted repentance 0 Ge0s THY [LETAVOLAV EOWKEYV Els Cony. unto life. a y phuAr we oO [Lev OUV Ovaomapevtes amo 7S 19 Now they which were scat- Orttibeas THs yevopmerns em. ” STehava,” tered abroad upon the persecu- 5 4 & @ , Me Kes *_, tion that arose about Stephen, OL OY. ee SSS. ee Sues K@l travelled as far as Phenice, and AvTloxetas, ppndevi Madovvtes TO Adyov Cyprus, and Antioch, preach- 2 aN ; > , 20 > , ing the word to none, but unto os fal eee lovdators. HOY Oe SS: the Jews only. 7? And some of €S auT@y avopes Kumpuot Kat Kupnvaiot, them were men of Cyprus, and oureves © eNOdutes” eis ‘“Avtidyetav, €Ad- Cyrene, which when they were ‘ ee, es come to Antioch, spake unto Aouv mpos Tos “"ENAnvas,” ebayyede- the Grecians, preaching the \ Fils ? os N59) ‘ COprevor TOV Kuptoy Inoovy. 21 kal nv Lord Jesus. 21 And the hand Tapani, se renGits anue ENG pie of the Lord was with them: XEN eee Sis eS) aE a pe and a great number believed, On0s murreveas emeotperey €ml Tov and turned unto the Lord. Kupuov. oa ‘Hrova On Oe 6 Aoyos eis Ta @TA 2 Then tidings of these things a” f > ¢ , \ © ‘7 - > - THs exk\nolas Ths ee lepowoAvpors Tepl came unto y ears of the church, ee Veta ; le which was in Jerusalem: and QUT@Y Kal e€aTreoTethav BapvaBav OveA- they sent forth Barnabas, that os o 24 + ro ” 7 Getv ws 7A vruoyelas. 23 O66 mapayevo- he should go as far as Antioch. Na sins \ / ak Qaes *3 WWho when he came, and had peevos Kat ior TEP NAP ME TOU: IEOU. seen: the grace (of God, was 7 s > exapn, Kal TapeKadet TavTas TH Mpo- glad, and peed oe at Z > 7 Z Rt ik that with purpose o 1eart they Gewet THs Kapdias BD Kupio. would cleave unto the Lord. “ore ny avnp ayados kat mAnpns Tlvev- 24 For he was a good man. and / / \ / - ¢ + Maros Wylou Kal TloTEws. Kal TpoaeTEebn ees the ee soe 2/ Xr ¢ We a K / © : p p = OXAOS LKAVOS T@ KUPt@. added unto the Lord. 2 "EEn Ge O€ Eis Tapoov gO Bapya- 2> Then departed Barnabas Racine A SN 26 a eSiaave to Tarsus, for to seek Saul, ie ee avagnrnoat ee on é Ree p *6 And when he had found him, ‘avrov" Ayayev ® avtov" eis "Avtidyevav. he brought him unto Antioch 4 A > \ oe = < : eyeveEeTo O€ avtovs evtavroy S6Xov ouva- And it came to pass, that a x Seas , . / Br whole year they assembled xXOnvac €V T7) exkAnola, Kal dudagar oxAov themselyes «with the church, r > ikavov, xpnuatioa: Te mparov év *Ay- and taught much people, and D \ OpenX , the disciples were called Christ- TON ELD 7a fae aes Bale RC OUSE = lans first in Antioch. 7 °Ey ravtats b€ rats néepals KaTn\- 27 And in these days, came 22 ENG f Ks a ?¢ prophets from Jerusalem unto €l : : Gov oe NAD ON a ald mpopnrar tS Antioch. 28 And there stood AvtTtoxesav. avacTas Oe ELS e& QAUTOYV up one of them, named Agabus, ovopatt “AyaBos, éonpave Sid Tov and signified by the spirit, that 2 —,.— Bz.om. bw Eredarov. © Rec. eccedAOovres. d Rec. EAAnVisTas. Ona ice gee * Or, inthe church.Acts XI. 29. 320 IIPAZEIS TON , Xr \ a 4 rr y+ there should be great dearth TIvevyatos ujoy ~ meyay fle Ely EO E> throughout all the world: which obat ep édnv Thy oikoupevny” Goa Kan came to pass in the days of , , sue so ss < Claudius Cesar. 29 Then the €YeVETO E7t KAavdiov’”. rev de pa- disciples, every man according @nra@y Kabws NUTOPELTO TLS, a@pioay to his ability, determined to » Si 5 , ; - Pee favonciaantertneMbrerhren © SCOTS avrav eis Suakoviay Tépryar TOUS : A aS , > - 3 which dwelt in Judea. 30 Which KaTolKovoLY ev TH lovdaia adedpois also they did, and sent it to the 30 & eq} érolnoay, GITOOTELNGYTES pos elders by the hands of Barna- 5 5 = ‘ J bas and Saul. ToUs mpecBuTEpous dua yeupos BapvaBa Kal Savdov. 12. Now about that time, 12. Kar éxeivoy dé Tov Kalpov €Tre- Herod the king «stretched forth ¢ D ¢ \ \ Z ; his hands, to vex certain of the Baev Hpodns g Pacthevs ree Xap ae \¢ church. 2 And he killed James KAK@OQL TLVAS T@Y ATO TNS EKKAN OLAS. lk + - 71 ~ > i be Sioa: of John with the 2 Gyeihe O€ IdkwBov Tov adedpoy lw- |) word. dvvov paxaipa. : : s : A . Be pores he ae 3 Kat idmy OTs aperTov eoTL TOS? pleased the Jews, he proceeded > / / - \ further, to take Peter also. Tovdatous, mpooebero ovdhaPetv Ke (Then were the days of un- Ilerpov’ (joay Oe © at” npepar TOV acu- | AV , 4 7 a , > leavened bread.) And when yav") 48» Kal miudoas “Aer onets cpu- he had apprehended him, he ‘ ‘ 7 7 put him in prison, and deliver- akny, Tapadovus TEQTapot TeTpadtols : ed him to four quaternions of OTPATLOTO@V pudaccey avToy, Bovio- f soldiers to keep him, intending \ \ , > - 2 Vale after Easter to bring him forth peouos ee ee OK Ey Oya oe to the people. 5 Peter therefore T@ ag. 2 oOo pev ovv Ilerpos eTnpetto} was kept in prison, but prayer 2 gs a NEN Ny Ove ‘ 7 ee Se iy Nakr 7 EVI was made & without ceasing of eo uhaky) Ta OST) Oe ge eer: vile the church unto God for him. Y4YOMEVN VITO Ts ekkAnotas Tpos TOY)! Gedy Tumep” avrov. 7 Naa > | 6 "Ore dé EuchNev avTov mpodyety O| ‘Hpoddns, tH vuKtl éxelvn Hv 6 Tlerpos| 6 And when Herod would f : ie el Dae, a Bs ie have brought him forth, the KOlu@HEvOS peTagu dvo OTPATLOTOYV, de-5 same night Peter was sleeping Sewe SAU duct SNAKE ; a 5 Ne ping EMEVOS aAVGOEOL OVOL, cu aKes TE TPC} between two soldiers, bound _-+ 6% Du \ y , 7 : with two chains, and the keev- mys VUPAS Cit) Pp OCiaa)y pu aR Ke = m \ + / > / QA ra ’ ers before the door kept the iOov, @yyeAos Kupiov emeotn, Kat Past “7 i © By > a 5 , L i prison. 7 And behold, the angel éhaprpev ev T@ OLKNpLATe mara€kas S€é TH) of the Lord came upon him, . at ; 3 soe and a light shined in the prison : mevpay tov Ilerpov, nyelpey avTolp and he smote Peter on the side, \éy@y" *"Avdora ev TAXEL. Kat e&€recoin andraised himup,saying, Arise >» -~ _.e a > a a 8 xe Upmuickiys Audihisichainsfell CUTQE GANUO EDS Ek TOVAXELL OY: al . /, | off from his hands. § And the Te oO ayyedos T pos AvTOV" £ Tlepi(aoat, is angel said unto him, Gird thy- NGI \ iD 3 pi ah b self, and bind on thy sandals: Ret vrddnoai Ta cavOahua gov. Evoino i and so he did. Andhe saith un- O€ ouvT@. Kal eyet avuT@* TlepiBado p } © ‘ \ > , to him, Cast thy garment about 76 {iuaridy cov, Kal akoNovGer pois thee, and follow me. 9 And he “ 9 \ 3 x > , > ae went out, and followed him, and Kat eEehOwv nkodovbet auT@ KQ | wist not that it was true which ovK nO€l ote annbés €OTL TO yo | BD peyarny...Ntls- b Rec. add Katcapos. © Rec. > d w zepe. € ® Zwcas, * Or, began. B Or, instant and earnest prayer was made.ATIOSTOAQN, 321 \ a) ? XW Lo pevov Oud TOU ayyeXov, eddKer Se opapa Bderew. AtedOdvres Sé mpaotny pudaxyy Kal devrépay, *#AOov emt THY TUAnY Thy n / anpav, tiv pépoveay ets THY TONAL, > r+ iTls avrouarn jvolyOn avrois: Ka e&en- Osvres mponhOov pouny play, Kad eddcas 4 ~ aréatn 6 dyyedos am adtod. © Kal 6 , an ay an Tletpos yevomevos év aura, eime: Nov =) > a or ’ a, . , \ ola GdnOés bre eEarréoret\e Kuptos rov 2 r ¢ a Ne qe? eucl, Au > ayyehov avrov, Kat *e€eikatd” we ék ¢ an Xetpos Hpwdov kai mdons ris poo / ~ ~ n oKLas TOU Aaov Tov lovdalwv. 9 = B Suvidav re AMev emt THY olkiay Mapias tis pytpds lwdyvov rod ért- Kaovpevov Madpkov, od joay fxavol cuynOporopevor Kar TPOOEVXOMEVOL. 13 7 Oe b > Au \ Erb ~ Kpovoavros de ?avrov” rijy Ovpay Tov Tuh@vOS, TmpoonhGe TawwioKn vmakov- Gat, dvduare “Pddn* ™ Kah emiyvovca TY pdovny Tov Ilerpov, dd TS Xapas ovk nvoiEe TOY TuAOva, cic Opapovoa d€ amnyyeirev Exravar rov Tlerpov mpo rou mudevos. ¥ of Se mpds adrny etrov" ao 7m Maun. “H 62 dtioxupitero otras EXEL. ¢ vo ez 2/ > a > ot Oe €Xeyor* ‘O tyyedos adbrod eori. 16 ¢ \ / > ‘ 7 - > / O dé Ilérpos ETEMEVE KPOUM@Y’ ayYOL- > 1 Eavtes b€ eiSov adroy, Kal efeotnoap. Karageicas dé abrots TH XELpl ovyav, - n 7 dunynoato av’rois Tas 6 Kuptos avrov , an a > , eEnyayev ek THs vAakns. etre Oé° > / > , \ ” > Le) Amrayyethate laxaBe Kal trois aded ots nn zi a ravta. Kat e€edOayv erropevOn eis érepov TOTOV. 18 , \ ¢ , x , Tevopevns dé neEepas, nv Tapayos a / li ovK OAiyos ev ToOls oTpaTLMTats, TI apa ¢ Zi > , 19 ¢ 58 Oe > o Ilerpos eyevero. Hpwons O€ em- \ > , Cntnoas avroy Kal pu) ebpdv, dvakpivas > a . tous dvhakas, exedevoev draxOyvar a” > / 3 \ Kal kateAOav dd THs “lovdaias els rip Katodpevay dérpiBev. Acts XII. 19, was done by the angel: but thought he saw a vision. '0 When they were past the first and the second ward, they came unto the iron gate that leadeth unto the city, which opened to them of his own ace cord: and they went out and passed on through one street, and forthwith the angel depart- ed from him. !!And when Peter was come to himself, he said, Now I know of a surety, that the Lord hath sent his angel, and hath delivered me out of the hand of Herod, and from all the expectation of the people of the Jews. 12 And when he had consider- ed the thing, he came to y house of Mary ¥ mother of John whose surname was Mark,where many were gathered together praying. 13 And as Peter knocked at the door of the gate, a damsel came 2to hearken, named Rhoda. 14 And when she knew Peter’s voice, she opened not the gate for gladness, but ran in, and told how Peter stood before the gate. 1S And theysaid unto her, Thou art mad. But she con- stantly affirmed that it was even so. Then said they, It is his angel. 16 But Peter continued knocking: and when they had opened the door, and saw him, they were astonished. 7 But he beckoning unto them with the hand, to hold their peace, declared unto them how the Lord had brought him out of the prison: and he said, Go shew these things unto James, and to the brethren. And he departed, and went into ano- ther place. 18 Now as soon as it was day, there was no small stir among the soldiers, what was become of Peter. 19 And when Herod had sought for him, and found him not, he examined the keepers, and commanded that they should be put to death. And he went down from Judea to Cesarea, and there abode. &@ Rec. efecteton b Rec. rov Herpou. 22 ? Or, to ask who was there.i DLL ILI LE I EE Acts XII. 20. 322 UPAZEIS TON I 20 And Herod @was highly 7° "Hv dé *” Oupopaxyov Tuplots Kal 1 displeased with them of Tyre Be fot Sdv de a \ | 3 ; to OWwoGuUaooY OE TA oay 7 pos | 1 and Sidon: but they came with Sav ise fe : ie Pa) . ie < | one accord to him, and haying QuTOV, Kal TELOAVTES BAaorov ey e7rt . ~ na ~ L, ay | : if made Blastus & the king’s cham- TOU KOLT@VOS TOU. Baotreos, WTOVYTO a berlain their friend, desired > » Sia 10 OF éperbau anti ane | Hel peace, because their country lea ee pig P Peer ne \ was nourished by the king’s yopav amo TS Baovltkns. TakTn O€ | | country. ?!Anduponasetday jycoa 6 ‘“Hpwdns évdvodpevos ecOnTa } Herod arrayed in royal appa- tae 3 ey a es 7 ee rel, sat upon his throne, and Bacidikyy, Kat KaGioas emt TOU Bnpartos, 1 , . \ ~ Wigs made an oration unto them. ¢Onunyoper pos avrovs. 72 6 Oe Onpos i 2? And the people gave ashout, > pe i ead povi Ka) one laveoem i \ saying, It is the voice of agod, Seat cou™ ye fe om We and not ofaman. 2 Andim- ov. * Ilapaypnya dé ematag&ev avrov | toe mediately the angel of the Lord dyyedos Kupiov, av. dv ovK “Saxe oan smote him, because he gave not i pe ay z ; In God the glory, and he was eaten dd&av TO Oca: Kal YEevOMEvos oK@An- | a Lue and gave up the xdSpwrTos, ceiver. gnost. 94 ¢ \ , A A »” \ 24 But the word of Godgrew, , O de Adyos TOU Ocov Save Kal and multiplied. 7 And Barna- em\nOuveto. a2 BapvaBas 6€ Kal SavAosg |} bas and Saul returned from Je- iméorpevrav eg ‘TepovoaNifts mAnpocav- R rusalem,when they had fulfilled : > ; ails their yministry, and took with TES 77)” Suakoviay, cupmrapaaBovTes Kat | / them John, whose surname *[@dyyny TOV émikdnOevra Mapkov. } was Mark. : 13 Ty SZ © Bah zal 13. Now there were in the . oay S es ey AVvTLoXEla ; : \ > a \ church that was a ee KaTa THY OVTAY éxkAnolay mpopnrat Kat | certain prophets and teacners : , cr 1 y yall as Barnabas, and Simeon that bddoxahor, One Bapvafas noe ZupEeoy , was called Niger, and Lucius 0 KaNoupLevos Niyep, Kat Aovktos 0} of Cyrene, and Manaen, which Ky pnyvatos Mavany Fee @dov Tov had been brought up with He- Ca Z F 4 P oN. rod the tetrarch, and Saul. ? As TETPAPKOUV ouvTpopos, kat Dav Os fe they ministered to the Lord, ? NevrovpyouvT@v dé avTav Ta Kuplior and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, oy aon ae. ak The a ay , Separate me Barnabas and ", 108 Lo : she Saul, for the work whereunto aylov" Adoptcare On pou TOV Bap- : e 3 / a ; I have called them. And vaBav Kai © Tov" SadAov ieee epyov & when they had fasted and pray- , ay gee ait ed, and laid their hands on TpookeKAnpat QuTOUS. Tore vnotev- 7 \ / A 3 , them, they sent them away. “gay7Tes Kal TpooevEapevol, KAL emLOEVTES | Tas X€ipas avTois, amehvoay. 4 So they beingsent forth by * Ovrot prey ovv exmenpbevtes UTC! the Holy Ghost, departed unto 755 Tvevparos roo dylov, kari dOov al | Seleucia, and from thence they \ Z unas the et { sailed to Cyprus. 5 And when TV SedNevkKetay, exelOev EG amemAevo-al if : . > \ s 2 IIe they were at Salamis, they eig tyv Kumpov. 5 Kal yevopevot €1? preached the word of God in Saat , ON Ste ! the synagogues of the Jews: and NS eek ayy OR WCOUT NOVEY ia they had also John to their Qeov ev Talis ovvay@yals TOV Iovdatar | Bashers cixoy bé Kat Il@dvyny Umnperny. 6 And when they had gone © AverOdvres S€ *6Any” THY VIGO! is @ Rec. add o Hpwins. © Rec.addtyy. © = dRec.addrs. @ 3 f Rec.om. * Or, bare an} B Gr. that was over the king’s bedchamber, Y Or, charge. hostile mind intending war. 6 Or, Herod’s foster brother.ATIOSTOAQN., 323 2 a axpt Tlapov, ebpdév twa payor yrevdo- , ’ - ® ey a mpopytny lovdaiov, & dvopa Bapinaovs, a ay = , 7 7 Os Hy avy TO avOurat@ Sepyio TlavAo, avOpi cuver@. obtos mpookarecdpevos Bapva8ay kai Savdov, émeCntncev akov- oat Tov Adyov Tov Ceov. § dybicraro r o d€ avtois “Ehvjas, 6 pdyos (otTrw yap / ~ rn peOepunveverat 70 dvopa*avrov"”) (nray , , A dvaotpeyrar tov avOvmatov amd Tis motews. * Saddos O€, (6 kai IadNos,) N 7 ¢ / b NMED: f TAno ets Tvevparos ayiov, » kat” arevi- > oh: A\ 10 p oe eS , owas els avroy eumevy* °Q. aAnpns mavtos Oddov Kal maons pad.oupyias, CON f 3 ‘ / 4 vie OvaBddov, €xOpe dons OuKaLocvns, ov mavon Scaotpépwr ras dove Kupiov \ 2 , ; ll \ a > \ Nie io // Tas evGelas ; Kal viv tdov, xeElp Kuplov emt o€, kal gon tuddos py , \ e/ 2 >) Brerov roy tov axpt Katpod. Ta- paxpnya O€ ememecey er avtoy axdvs kal oxdTos, Kal Tepidyov eCnrer yerpa- ywyous. © zdére day 6 dvOimaros TO yeyovos eriarevoey, exAnToopmevos emt Th Sway Tov Kupiov. 18 “AvaxOevres S€ amd tis Wddov of mept Tov IlavAov, 7AOov eis Llépyny ths , TlapduXias. “laavyns b€ droywpnoas a , ¢c ar avréy, tréatpeev cis lepood\upa. M avrol dé SuedOdvres ad rhs Tépyns, mapeyevovto eis Avtidxeray THs Tuoe- \ \ Olas, kal cicehOdyTes Eis THY CUVaywyry 5 wn > Th npépa tov caBBarer, éxddioay. © werd O€ THY avayvwow Tod vopou Kal n n~ > T@Y TpopnTay, améaTetay ol apxiovy- , a aywyot Tpos avtovs, Néyovtes* “Avdpes 2) > o adedpol, ei eott Adyos ev tiv Tapa- - KAnoews mpos Tov Nady, heyere. 16 > \ x A x , Avaotas 6é IlavAos, kal Katacei- h l, eumev’ “Avdpes I Nt oas Th xELpl, elev’ “Avdpes Iopandtrat, c > , Kat of poBovpevor Tov Gedy, axovcare. ~ ~ > 7. 7 6 Geds Tod Aaovd TovTov * e&eheEaTo 4 a a TOUS TAaTEpas NUaV' Kal TOV Nady VYracev Acts XIII. 17. through the isle unto Paphos, they found a certain sorcerer, a false prophet, a Jew, whose name was Bar-jesus: 7 which was with the deputy of the country Sergius Paulus, a pru- dent man: who called for Bar- nabas and Saul, and desired to hear the word of God. & But Elymas the sorcerer (for so is his name by interpretation) withstood them, seeking to turn away the deputy from the faith. 9 Then Saul (who also is called Paul) filled with ¥ Holy Ghost, set his eyes onhim, 1! and said, O full of all subtilty and all mischief, thou child of the de- vil, thou enemy of all righteous- ness, wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord ? 1! And now behold, the hand of the Lord is upon thee, and thou shalt be blind, not seeing the sun for a season. And immediately there fell on him a mist anda darkness, and he went about, seeking some to lead him by the hand. 12 Then the deputy when he saw what was done, believed, being as- tonished at the doctrine of the Lord. 13 Now when Paul and his company loosed from. Paphos, they came to Perga in Pam- phylia: and John departing from them, returned to Jeru- salem. !4 But when they de- parted from Perga, they came to Antioch in Pisidia, and went into the synagogue on the sab- bath day, and sat down. 15 And after the reading of the lawand the prophets, the rulers of the synagogue sent unto them, say- ing, Ye men and brethren, if ye have any word of exhortation for the people, say on. 16 Then Paul stood up, and beckoning with his hand, said, Men of Israel, and ye that fear God, give audience. 17 The God of this people of Israel chose our fathers, and exalted & Bz. aut» Sa) a WSs: © Rec. add rou d Rec. add Iopand.Acts XIII. 18. 324 TIPAZEIS TON n , > e 3 , \ X the people when they dwelt as ev TH TAPOLKLA EV YY?) AlyuTT®, Kal PETA strangers in the land of Egypt, aytovo 0 Xovu ¢€ NAV AVEV avuTous e and with an high arm brought Pp x oe vn ny us a g he them out of it. 18 And about @UT1S" KaL @S TETTAPAKOVTAETI) XPO~ . 4 > / uM > \ > a > , the time of forty years*suffered poy *erT opopopnoev avuTous eV TH EpTj- he their manners in the wilder- He \ Goan ee Guna ness. 19 And whenhe hadde- H® | ea eh : gS TE Ya stroyed seven nations in the Xavaay, > KATEKANPOVOHNTEY GUTOLS THY land of Chanaan, he divided .7, c 326 20.55. s a OL si UT@V. KL [LETA TAVTA, WS ETEOL their land to them by lot: ile Oe On LS I ; cane a 20 and after that he gave unto TETPAKOO LOLS Kal TEVTY KOVTA, EOWKE them judges, about the space of xpitas gos SamovyA Tov 7 opnrov. four hundred and fifty years ee Karedes NS / 8 \ Cae until Samuel the prophet. b oe A DCEO. OOS SEe Soe 21 And afterward they desired €Owkev aUTOLs 0 Oeos TOY SaovA vioy a king, and God gave unto \ 2 > 7 aR SG 2 MS W, €TN TEO= them Saul the son of Cis, a Kis, aopa nie See a nek man of the tribe of Benjamin, @upakovyTa’ “" Kal peTaoTnoas avTOV, 50 a . ar 2) rc A , by the space of forty years. 7yeypey avTois TOY Aavid «is Baowea, 22 And when he had removed eS , ie Aqui him, he raised up unto them 2 Kal SUine Hap UP OS Up oR QUE David to be their king, to whom TOV TOQU lecoal, da avopa’ KaTa THY Kap- also he gave testimony,andsaid, y/ a , , \ , , I have found David the son of Stay ioe as UES ES Oehnpara Jesse, a man after mine own [LOU. 23 Tourov 0 Geos amo TOU OTEP= heart, which shall fulfil all my Fee NG ye 4 a“ i be a aTos KaT eT a EALAV aye To will. 22 Of this man’s seed hath i . a a: A ay ys Be God, according to his promise, Iopand awtnpa Inoovy, T pOknpu- ° 1 s > , A U & raised unto Israel a Saviour, €aytos Iwavyov mpo mpodwmov 718 Jesus: 24 when John had first 7> .5 Ses B , , acca preached before his coming, Elo ov auTou | amTLoO Ma peTavolas Tay the baptism of repentance to T® haw Icpani. all the people of Israel. 252s See ES ca L \ 25 And as John fulfilled his . , Qs | Oeremhnpov <0). Toavins 10m course, he said, Whom think Spopov, eheye Tuva [LE UIFOVOELTE ELVAL 5 © © > > > A ay > ye that lam? [amnot he. But OUK eipl EY@, avr iOov, EPXETAL PET behold, there cometh one after > \ tS XEN ss - me, whose shoes of his feet I €M&> OURO NTL agtos peer ane AS TOM am not worthy to loose. 2° Men modav Avoa. 76 Avdpes added ol, ULOL and brethren, children of the , > \ WG Fe 7k stock of Abraham, and whoso- Vee Afpaap, Ree At cha UE oBov ever among youfeareth God,to Evol TOV Oecov, vp oO oyos TS TO- | you is y word of this salvation I f 7 ; YP oe VS sent. 27 For they that dwell at Tees ae > aie ee of Ye ki Jerusalem, and their rulers, MO Oe ey SG ORES he ae Ont because they ae him not,nor @pYovTEs AUVT@V, TOUTOY ayvonoavTes, yet the voices of the prophets os \ a a \ vi which are read every sabbath et nes, povas TOr mpopntay Tas Kats day, they have fulfilled them 7@V oaBPatrov avaylw@OKOMEVas, KPt= i omni i 08 Ay , ao in condemning him. And yaytes em\npocav 3 Kal pndepiar | though they found no cause of >, Barc ny ae | death in him, yet desired they alTlLav CAVATOU EUPOVTES, TNO aVTO Tli- Pilate that he should be slain. Natov avaipeOnvat avtov. * ws bé eTe- | 29 And when theyhad fulfilled all t \ Vo one , | y was written of bim, they took Aecay LE he Spe Une YS ROPES aS him down from the tree, & laid KaGehovTes amo TOU EvNov, eOnkay els } & Rec. ~ erporodpopncev. Db Rec. carexAnpodorncev. © CWavutwy, wy ETETL TETPAK, KAL TEVTIKOVT A. eat mera TavTa Edw —> € Ree. nyecpe. ~ Gr. etporopopncer, perhaps for erpopopopncev, bore, or, fed them, as a nurse beareth, or, feedeth her child, Dent.i.3l, according to the LX X., and so Chrysost.AIIOSTOAQN, 325 cr 30 « \ A ey JORGEN > Hunpetov. * 6 O€ Oeds Hyetpev adrov ex Bes OL sO / ye Wks / 7 vekpov’ * 0s wpOn emt nuepas melous Tols ouvavaBacu avT@® amd ths Vane- / ny Aatas eis ‘lepovoadnp, olrwes * poy" ? / p > a“ hs \ , €LOl LapTUpEs aVTOU Tpds TOY hadv. 2 \ ¢ o con > 4 Kat nets vuas evayyedcCoueba THY Mmpos Tovs TatTepas emayyeNlay ye- vouevny, * dre ravtny 6 eds exremn- POKE TOLS TEKVOLS GUT@Y NuLY, avaoTHOUs ‘Incotv’ as Kal ép TO PwWaud ra devtepe” yeypanrar’ Yids pov €l ov, > /, Ey@® onuepov yeyevynnd oe. 4 "Ore dé > / na / avEeoTnTEY GUTOV EK VEKPOY, pNKETL ¢ us >’ \ pedAovra urootpepew eis ScapGopar, oc y a / ouT@s etpnkev’ “OT Show tiv Ta dora a = / Aavid ra miata. *® Awd Kab év ETEP@ Aéyer’ Ob dwcers Tov bordy cov ideiv OiapOopav. © Aavid pev yap idia yeved Unnpetnoas TH Tov C Lo oT a Tarepas avtou, kat ete OcapOopay * dy be ¢ \ EY > 3} / € 0 Geos ifyetpev, od« eide SiahOopav. Tvectoy oty gotm wpiv, dydpes > \ 7 / B 2 ¢ \ Cite 2 adeAol, ére Sua rovrov byiv apecis Gpapti@v Katayyé\Nerar * Kal ard mavtoy dy ovk ndvvnOnre év To vou d 7 a a > 7, c a r Macews” duxarwOnvat, ev TovT@ was 6 mloTevov Sikarodra. * Bérere ody \ > SAGE Chas \ , , > pn ewerOn ed tuas 7d ecipnuévoy ev = Ne Fa SEY € Tols TMpopnrars Idere, of katadpo- vytal, kai Gavpdoate kal ahavicbnre’ OTL €pyov eye épyatopa ev ais 7pL€pars an rts , vpav, ©epyov" d” od pu) TLOTEVONTE, edy Tis exOinynrae bpiv. 2 'Eivrav b€ Sairav, mapexddouv" eis TO peta&v odBBaroy AadnOnvar av- c \ (4 h ~ u 43 r 6 / 6 \ Tots Ta pnuata © Tava. vdetons O€ n ~ > TNS OUvaywyns, nKohovOnaay moot Tay ‘lovdaiwy Kai tev oeBopévey Acts X@lk, 43. him in a sepulchre. 30 But God raised him from ¥ dead: 3! and he was seen many days of them which came up with him from Galilee to Jerusalem, who are his witnesses unto the people. 2 And we declare unto you glad tidings, how that the pro- mise which was made unto the fathers, 33 God hath fulfilled the same unto us their children, in that he hath raised up Jesus again, as it is also written in the second psalm: Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee. 34 And as concerning that he raised him up from the dead, now no more to return to cor- ruption, he said on this wise, I will give you the sure 2mer- cies of David. 35 Wherefore he saith also in another psalm, Thou shalt not suffer thine Holy One to see corruption. °6 For David Safter he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell on sleep, and was laid unto his fathers, and saw corruption: 37 but he whom God raised again, saw no corruption. 8 Be it known unto you there- fore, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins. 89 And by him all that be- lieve, are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses. 40 Beware therefore, lest that come upon you which is spoken of in the prophets, 4! Behold, ye despisers, and wonder, and perish: for I work a work in your days, a work which you shall in no wise believe, though a man declare it unto you. 42 And when the Jews were gone out of the synagogue, the Gentiles besought that these words might be preached to them 7 the next sabbath. 43 Now when the congregation was bro- ken up, many of the Jews, and religious proselytes followed a CO—. Rec. & Gb. om. b WO—.Gb. zpary Yarpo. c Elz om. a Gb. Mavoeas. e+ f~ —. Rec. & Gb. @. § Rec. ex rns cuvaywyns Twyv loudacwy, Tapexarovy ta eOyn. h— “ Gr. ra coxa, holy, or, just things: which word the LXX. both in the place of Isai. ly. 3, and iv many others, ase for that which isin the Heb., mercies. (& Or, will ef God. Or, in the week between, or, in the sabbath between, after he had in his own age served theAcrs XIII. 44. 326 TIPAZEIS TON Paul and Barnabas, who speak- TpOONAUTOY TO Tlavho Kal TO BapvaBar 5 : A » > ing to them, persuaded them to 6/7,ye gpoaAadouvTEs a” eqreOov AUTOUS |) continue in the grace of God. | y a ee, can 44 || 44 And the next sabbath day T poo mevely TI Kap Re TOU SOs 7G) came almost the oe ee C re exopnevar” caBBaro oxedov qTaca e rd oO a a ONG Ui) sae 1) TOALS auynxOn aKovaa Tov Oyo TOU | God. mr 4 Geouv. 45 But when the Sew tay 451 Sdpres Se of "lovdator Tos GxAOVS, the multitudes, they were fille > , , Art) a with envy, and spake against emdyo Ono (nov, Kal dy eRe you TORS) those things which were spoken vmO TOU TlavAov AEYOPEVOLS, aVTLAE= | by Paul, contradicting, and \? BY a 46 > eal A OVTES KQ@L ao OUYTES.- 7a blaspheming. 46 Then Paul and MeV . p? ¢ al cB PP? Barnabas waxed bold, and said, Tag apevol 5é 6 IlavAos Kal 6 BapyaBas) é < r > > - rn It was necessary that the word el7rov" ‘Yuw nv avayKaLov Tr P@TOV AaAyn- of God should first have been Ar eG Dae eon reiOn. ae spoken to you: but seeing ye ee rou VOY Uae 7 put it from you, and judge arwbeicbe adrov, Kal OUK agLous KpLvETe) yourselves unworthy of ever- Equrovs rijs aiwviov CwAs, idov oTpe- lasting life, lo, we turn to the Ieee ao ane | Gentiles. 47 For so hath the popeda els TA €Ovn. OUT@ Yap EVTE-| ° Y ¢ r ys / / S15 Lord commanded us, saying, L cada nu 6 Kupuos’ TéOerka oe Els! have set thee to be a light o a. bua A as 5) 1} the Gentiles, that thou shouldest pas & YO? s mou cud oe els T@THPLAr) be for salvation unto the ends ews eaVaTOU TS yns- of the earth. 48 >? , \ Nie, » iy au aeaiiation’ the’ Gentiles. ,2°5 AxovovTa be Ta edn EXALPOV, KA heard this, they were glad, and edd€a¢ov TOV oyov tov Kuplov, Ka) ' ‘ ¢ > , . glorified the word of the Lord: grigrevaay Ooot Noav TeTaAyMEVOL él} and as many as were ordained . Su 49 § 2 vse to eternal life, believed. 49 And Conv BLOULOL on vepepeTo de. 0 AOYO)! the word of the Lord i pub- tov Kuptou dv odns THS X@pas. a0 2a lished throughout all the re- 9)? - D x 7 al gion. 59 But the Jews stirred de Toudator TAD @TPEUGY Tas oeBopeva up the devout and honourable yuvatkas Tas €vaxnpovas Kal TOU | women, and the chief men_ of Tr POTOUS THs TONEWS, Kal ennyerpa| the city, and raised persecution Rese oN Le, against Paul and Barnabas, and OLWYHOV El TOV IlavAov kat ° Tov Bap| = / \ > / > A > A a | expelled them out of their vaBay, Kal e&€Badov avtovus amo T@| coasts. °! But they shook off «<_» ca bles eke , Ni OpL@y AUTOV. OL O€ EKTLVAEGJLEVOL TO| the dust of their feet against : fi 2 Dee ee them, and came unto Iconium. KovLopToY T@V TOO@Y AUT@Y ET AVTOUS) 54) sees o— oq 2 52 And the disciples were filled 7) Qoy eis "Ixdviov. * ot Oe pabnre with joy, and with the Holy 5 ba Z x a ce pe! Ghost. em\npouvTo Xapus Kal IIlvevpatos aytoi 14. And it came to passin = J 4. "Eyevero O€ &v "Tkovia, KATA T Iconium, that they went both >» \ 0» ae Se Le ‘ together into the synagogue of QUTONSIES ze GUsOUS Sts Ta Guy Ry Ore the Jews, and so spake, that a r@v Iovdalwy, Kal haAjoat OVT@S @O7 1 a ? c , great multitude both of the 7gredqar “lovdSalwy te Kat “EdAnve Jews, and also of the Greeks, ‘ B g aay a 4 iclieved. 2 But the unbeliev- 70AU MA7Oos. ~ ob dé ameiGovvtes oi ing Jews stirred up the Gen- Saiou emnyetpav kal exdkaoay Tas Wve tiles, and made their mindsevil _ ~ 5G . OO MONG OnEE affected against the brethren. 7” € vay Kata Tov adeAPar. * LKay’ 2 Long time therefore abode pev ovv xpovov duerpuyav mappnoiag WE Ge te ee bee ade ee d cw Kupto y a Rec. & Gb. add avras. Gb. > b Rec. eipevetre © Rec, © de epyouera, e— f Rec. add war. osATIOSTOAQN. 327 > A - , nr ~ 4 pevor emt Th Kupie, TO paprupovyte TH hoy@ THs xapiros avTov, *” diddyte onueia Kal Tepata yiverOa dia Tay [IPOD QUuTav. * Eoxio6n de 70 mi Gos THs TOE@S* Kat of pev joay avy mats ‘Tovdaiors, ot de ody Tots arrogrdhats. ° ws Oe eyevero oppy ToY eOvOv Te Kal lovdaiwy ody Tols dpxovow avray, vBpica Kat uOo- Bodjoa avto’s, © oumddvyres Karé- guyov els Tas mdXeLs Ts Avkaovias, Avorpay kat AepBnv, Kal THY TEpix@por, a Rexel noay evayyehuCdprevor. , 8 Kai tis avnp év Avotpos advvaros TOUS mooly exddnr0, xX@Os €k Kotdias pntpos avrov » “, 0s ovderore © mepure- jatnke. 9 obros Jijxove tov IlavAou Aahovyros® os atevicas avT@, kal ideav Ort mloTLW exe TOU cwbjvat, 10 cimre peyaln TH povn? “AvdornO& emt tovs 58) =) / aN d ad M \ modas cou opOds. Kat *7Xato” Kai me- 4 ¢ \ a QZ a plemraret. of O€ byAoe lOdvTes O > , ¢ a > a \ \ emoinaev 6 IlavAos, emnpay thy pavipy Cheon. \ , i ¢ \ avut@y Avkaovictt éyortes* Oi Geot Opotwbevres avOparots KaTeBnoay mpos ¢ ie 12 > 4 \ e NeW. npeas ExaXovuy Te Tov © wey” Bap- ~ c n yaBav, Alia’ rov dé IlavAov, “Eppny, > ¢ , A emelon) autos nv oO Nyoupevos TOV Adyov. 43°50" Se fepeue TOU Ads Tov ovTos m™po Ths ToAEws!”, TaUpous Kal OTEUmaTA emt Tovs muA@vas eveyKas, ovY TOS , \ dxAors HOerhe Ove. ™* axovoarvtes Oe of dmdato\oe BapvaBas kat IlavAos, Svappngarres ra ipatia avraey & e&emn- \ Snoay” eis Tov Ox)or, Kpaovres 5 kal eyovres * “Avdpes, TL TavTa moueire 5 Kal Tels dpovoTradets eopiey bp a Oporot, evayyeAuCoprevor w vpas ard TOU- TOV TOV paratov emLOTPEPELy emt hop coy roy COvra,” Os erroince TOY ovpavoy Acts XIV. 15. they speaking boldly in the Lord, which gave testimony unto the word of his grace, and granted signs and wonders to be done by their hands. 4 But the multitude of the city was divided: and part held with the Jews, and part with the apostles. 5 And when there was an assault made both of the Gentiles, and also of the Jews, with their rulers, to use them despitefully, and to stone them, © they were ware of it, and fled unto Lystraand Derbe, cities of Lycaonia, and unto the region that lieth round about. 7 And there they preached the ospel. 8 And there sat a certain man at Lystra, impotent in his feet, being acripple fromhis mother’s womb, who never had walked. 9 The same heard Paul speak: who stedfastly beholding him, and perceiving that he had faith to be healed, 19 said with a loud voice, Stand upright on thy feet ; and he leaped and walked. 11 And when the people saw what Paul had done, they lifted up their voices, saying in the speech of Lycaonia, The gods are come down to us in the likeness of men. }2 And they called Barnabas Jupiter, and Paul Mercurius, because he was the chief speaker. 13 Then the priest of Jupiter, which was before their city, brought oxen, and garlands un- to the gates, and would have done sacrifice with the people. 14 Which when the apostles, Barnabas and Paul heard of, they rent their clothes, and ran in among the people, erying aut, and saying, Sirs, why do ye these things ? We also are men of like passions with you, and preach unto you, that ye should turn from these va- nities, unto the living God, which made heaven and earth, h & Ge0v Fwrta, ® Rec. add wate b Rec. add vrapyov. c Bz. & Elz. W rspeerevraTnicel. d Rec. 7AXETO. Cd f Rec. add avutwy. g Rec. ecoem7dnoavActs XIV. 16. 328 TPAZEIS TQN and the sea, and all things that Kal THY ‘ynv Kal THY Oddacoay Kat TayTa ave) (herein: 916 Whointimes —\ 2) feoice 1 oce e Z Ta €V AUTOL Os Ev Tals TAaP@ EVaLS past, suffered all nations to walk 6 eee 2 ‘ S ee POX 1p in their own ways. 17 Never- Veveats elame TavTa TA €Oyn mropever Gat theless, he left not himself with- Tals OOOLS avuTav' 17 KaiTovye OUK apap- out witness, in that he did good, ¢ \ 244 2 ea aon air and gave us rain from heaven, EO ‘ COUT ON, apne, Cy e. Omg ners and fruitful seasons, filling our ovpavdOev > vpiv" verous Oudovs Kal Kat- hearts with food and gladness. \ f > a 2 A iT A@Y 18 And with these sayings scarce pos Kapmopopous, CHEE ; wponia restrained they the people, that Kal evuppoourns Tas Kapoias © Uap. es not done sacrifice un- 18 Kal radra AéyovTes, POALS KaTETTAU- 0 em. A , r cay ToUs OxAouUs TOU pn Ovew avrois. 19 And there came thither 19 2A Seca Ae ie \ certain Jews from Antiochand , : TACOS Eaito URLONEE Sake Iconium, who persuaded the IKoviov Iovdaiot, KAL TrELOQVYTES TOUS people, & having stoned Paul, OxAovS, kal ALGdoavtTes TOV Ilavdor, drew him out of the city, sup- ,, see me a, A posing he had been dead. €7Upov Ew THS TOAEWS, VOPLOAVTES AU- 4 5 ah x 9 , \ > 20 Howbeit, as the disciples ¢oy tedvavar. ** KuKA@oaYT@Y dé avrov stood round about him, herose _ ~ bana > \ And > \ up, and came into the city, ToV waonTwV, avagTas €L07) EV €LS THY , TOW. and the next day he departed eat Gan 2 , E>) 4 \ a with Barnabasto Derbe. *!And al TH ET AVpLoOV e&7) 6 OUT, Bap- S; / > , when they had preached the vapa Els AepBnv. 2l evayyeALoapevol gospel to that city, and had 7. 7), d)uwy exeiyny, Kal padnTevoavTeE taught many, they returned a- , ae eee) es le ai . % ain to Lystra,andtoIconium, ‘kavous, umeaTpeway els T v AvotTpav g yy, ? D © inc re a 11)C > 2: and Antioch, »? confirming the «qi “Ikdyiov Kat AvTidxyevay’ 2 émLoTn- souls of the disciples, and ex- , . i Anne horting them to continue in the picovres Tas Wuyas TOV LAONTWY, TA- . a > / an , \ ¢ faith, and that we must through pakahovrTes empevely TH TLOTEL, KAL OTL much tribulation enter into the A WTO LNCtaLa ENGEL kingdom of God. 23 And when de ED Oe iyeov GE nas eee Es they had ordained them elders els 7))V Bactdevav Tov Geov. ~~ HKELpO- i r , r , inevery church, andhad prayed roypqayres Oe avTois mpeaBuTepous Kar. with fasting, they commended , ; ae A them to the Lord, on whom they exkAnolay, T pow eveapevol PETA VIOTEL- se ; mee y : a ; believed. 24 And after they had OV, mapeOevTo avuTous TO Kupia els ov passed throughout Pisidia, they , 24 \ , al TEMLOTEVKELO AY. Kau OueAOOvres THY came to Pamphylia. °> And : = : peel when they had preached the Iucvdiav, 7AOov ets Tappudtay* © kat word in Perga, they went down > q \ s 4 into Attalia, 26 and thence sailed Aahnoavres Oo Ilepy7 ROU NOVOM Kate to Antioch, from whence they Bynoav eis “Arrddetay* KakeOev had been recommended to the @rémAevoay eis “AvTidxelav, Obev noay grace of God, for the work NeSoue a / a aS which they fulfilled. TP AOE OOMEVOLA THREE Tat EN Ocov els 27 And when they were come, TO €pyov 0 emAnpaaar. and had gathered the church 27 Hapayevopevor dé Kal ouvayayovres j together, they rehearsed all , ,j ? C, iS el es that God had done with them, 77” €kkKAnoiay, avnyyélvav oma eT OlngeV . > > a \ ec r and how he had opened the § Oeds peT AUT@Y KAL OTL nvorge Tots | door of faith unto the Gentiles. » , / /, 28 And there they abode long éOveot Ovpay TrioTeEws. 8 SuerpiBov Se time with the disciples. 4” pdvov ovK oAtyov avy Tots pabnrais. 4 SS ayaboupyer. b 3.—Ree. nue. © Rec. nuove d Rec. add ewes, \AITOZTOAQN. 329 15. Kat tives xatehOdvres amd ths lovdaias, eSiSacKov Tovs adeAhovs’ “Orr cay un * trepirepynobe” TH eOer Mav- géws, ov Ovvacbe coOnva. * Tevoperns ovy ordcews > Kal (nrncews” od« odiyns T@ Ilav@ Kal TH BapvaBa rpos airovs, era&ay avaBaivery Tad\ov Kal BapvaBav Kai Tivas GANouvs €& aitoy mpos Tovs dtrooréXovs Kal mpeoPurepous eis ‘le- povoaAnp, wept Tov (ntnwaros Tovrov. ol pev ody mpomeupbertes md THs exknoias, Sinpxovto tv Bowikny Kai Zapaperay, exduyovjevor THY emiaTpo- gny tev Over’ Kal eroiovy yapdy peyahny rac. Trois adeAdois. * mapa- yevopuevor O€ eis “‘Iepovcahip, adiredé- XOnoav bd THs exkdXnolas Kal Tov dTrooTé\wy Kal TOV mpecBuTEepwr, aviyy- yettay te doa 6 Gcds emoince per avt@v. * eEavéotynoay O€ tives TOY ard THS aiperews Tay Papicaiwy memorev- KoTes, Aéyovres’ “Ore Set mepiréuvew auTovs, TapayyédNety Te THpEiv TOY vopov Matcews. ® SuvnxOnoav € of amdaroNor Kal of mpeoBvrepor ide wept Tov Adyou Tov- tov. 4 rohAjs Oe cudntncews yevouervns, avaoras Ilérpos etme mpos avrovs’ ”Av- Opes ddehol, tpeis eriotacbe ore add’ NEPOV apyalwy 6 Oeds ev hiv é&ede- Earo dia Tov oTdpards prov axovoa Ta €Oyn Tov Adyov Tov evayyediov, Kal mloTevoa. * Kal 6 KapdtoyywaTns Ocds euapTupnoev avtois, Sovs avtois TO TIvevpa 70 dy.ov, kabas Kal nuiv’ ® Kat ovdev Suexpive prera&v nav Te Kal av- TOY, TH TioTeL KaOapioas Tas Kapdias avtay. 1 yoy oby Ti meipacere Tov Oedr, emOeitvan Cuyoy emi Tov Tpadxndov Tay padnrav, ov ovre of maTepes NuaY ovTE nuets ioxvoapev Baotraca; | adda Acts XV. 11. 15. And certain men which came down from Judea, taught the brethren, and said, Except ye be circumcised after the manner of Moses, ye cannot be saved. 2 When therefore Paul and Barnabas had no small dis- sension and disputation with them, they determined that Paul and Barnabas, and certain other of them, should go up to Jerusalem unto the apostlesand elders about this question. § And being brought on their way by the church, they passed through Phenice and Samaria, declaring the conversion of the Gentiles: and they caused great joy unto all the brethren. 4 And when they were come to Jerusalem, they were received of the church, and of the apostles, and elders, and they declared all things that God had done with them. ® But there rose up cer- tain of the sect of the Pharisees which believed, saying, That it was needful to circumcise them, and to command them to keep the law of Moses. 6 And the apostles and elders came together for to consider of this matter. 7 And when there had been much disputing, Peter rose up,& said unto them, Men and brethren, ye know how that a good while ago, God made choice among us, that the Gentiles by my mouth should hear the word of the gospel, and believe. 8 And God which knoweth the hearts, bare them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost, even as he did unto us, 9 and put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith. 1% Now there- fore why tempt ye God, to put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples, which neither our fa- thers nor we were able to bear ? & SS WepeTpendrTe. b B.—Ree. «ar cvfqrnaswy.= | Acts XV. 12. 330 TIPAZEIS TQN | me A > a bait 11 But we believe that through Oud rns xdpitos * Tov" Kuptov “Incod °’ the grace of the Lord Jesus , a paid Z Christ, we shall be saved even Leer oobhyat, ka’ ov Tpon eT as they. KQKELVOL. i 5 a \ 12 Then all the multitude 1 "Eolynoe 5é wav TO mAnOos, Kat}: kept silence, and gave audience 7 B s \ q 2¢ Lt 1 k Kat IlavAov e&nyoupen | to Barnabas and Paul, declar- BEC ey apvapa é ‘ ény i vi ing what miracles and wonders V@Y OO0@ ETTOLNOEV O OQceos onpela Kal) / r “) > > - God had wrought among the répara ey Tois ZOveou Ot avT@v- Gentiles by them. 13 \ ear AN a oN > 13 And after they had held Mera d€ TO ovynjoat avTous, aTre- | . > \ ‘ their peace, James answered, KpiOn *Tak@Bos heyov' ” AvOpes adeAPot, | saying, Men and brethren Neankea ee Z 14 \ 2 , j en untome. If Simeon hath CeO lee ‘ ey cEm yn Taraa declared how God at the first Kadas TP@TOV O Oc0s emeakeWaro Aa-| did visit the Gentiles to take Beiy €& eOvav Nady Cent” Te dvdepartl out of them a people for his -« -~> 15 \ , yee el. name. |) And to this agreethe @UTOU Kal TOUT@® GULPaVvovaly Ob : : nr a 4 words of reoriee a is Mdyou TY mpopyTay, Kabws yeypamrat | written, !6 After this I will re- 16 \ Benn Ae) Z SP ai} turn, and will build again the peor ae Avaotpeyro we CuO“ E tabernacle of David, which is Oousjfow thy oknviy Aavid THY menT@- | fallen down: and Iwill build pyfay: Kal Ta KATEgKAppLeva avrns & again the ruins thereof, and! , , wae ; > all will set it up: 17 that the residue GVOLKOOOPNTO, Kal avopGace aQuT)y | : ¢ a > , / of men might seek after the 7 gras dv éx(yrno@ow ol Karadourol) Lord, and all the Gentiles, upon _- Ane Seo \ , : whom my name is called, saith Te rns Bee UE ce TeV the Lord, who doeth all these Ta éOyn, ep ovs émuKéeKAnTaL TO OVOLC|) things. 18 Known unto Godare 2g eye i f a all his works from the begin- fe ee aoe oar ° roe ning of the world. 19 Where- © T@UT@ ~ yvooTa amr QiL@vos. Ato eya} fore my sentence is, that we Kplv@ py Tapevoxety TOLS amo Toll trouble not them, which from buG > Z oa Sn (Oecue among the Gentiles are turned = Rens emiarpepovow BEDE EO EOF to God: 20 but that we write 7° d\Ad éemiotetAat avTots TOU améxeo Oa \y unto them, that they abstain 37—)\ -A, qG 4 Pa NY from pollutions of idols, and we Gag ae es a cldodov Kee from fornication, and from T7S TOpvelas ~ Kat TOV TYLKTOU Kat TOI; things strangled, and from qa{yaro 21 fMaons” va 2 a , : Oo ap €K YEVE@i |i blood. 2! For Moses of old ee Ve ee pan time hath in every city them aha a moAw Tous kKnpvoooVvTa’» . . a » c 7 \ AG pe preach him, being read in auTOV EVEL EV TALS TUVAYWYAls Kata 7a} the synagog é APY ai synagogues every sabbath | 433arop avaylvackKo[evos. y: 22 *So0€ - > AN i oTe E00§€ Toles amoaToAo:s Ka} 22 Then pleased it the apos- 7 Elan a ‘alt tles and aaeie with the Hoe Bx, eae) oun ohn uh exkhy oid) church, to send chosen men of me efapevous avopas e& aQuT@V me pra y . . a tA \ their own company to Anti- e/g “AvTidxyevay ovv T@ IlavAw kat Bap}; och, with Paul and Barnabas: vaBa aT aa Ni es ad 5 B namely, Judas surnamed Bar- oe ee te Cree Eee 2 =P) sabas, and Silas, chief men OGPav, Kal Sitav, avdpas nyoupevoul ? D 9 1Y od among the brethren, * and gy zoig adeAdois’ 7° ypdyavtes Ou wrote letters by them after this \ a ; cakes, \ manner, The apostles and el- X€lPOS aUT@Y rade’ Oi amdotoXot kat ¢| cv > : , a ders, & brethren, sendgreeting mpeoBvrepor § kal ot” ddeAPol, Tols Katt a Rec. om. Db Rec. add Xpecrov. one d Rec, ravra wavra, Tywora ax atwrosg tate Tw Seq) WAVTA TA EPYA AVTOVe» => f Gb. Mavens. g-ATIOZSTOAQN, Ty "Avridyeray Kal Supiav Kal Kode- Kiay adeAdois Tots e& evar, Xatpew. ** emetOr) NkovGapev OTL TIVES €& npev eEeOdvtes erapakay vas Néyors, ava- oKeuadovtes Tas Wuxas UUOY, a heyovres mepireuver Oat Kat Type Tov VO"OV,” ots ov Sueoreikdpeda’ * eSokev piv yevomevo.s dpoOupadoy, » exhefapevous” avSpas mepvae Tpos vas, avy Tois ayannrots nuev BapyaBa Kal Ilavio, 4 wbparots mapadedaxdor Tas spuxas avray UmEep TOU Gyduatos Tov Kupiou mpev "Inaov Xpuorov. zu dreordhKapey ovv “lovSav Kat Siar, kal avrovs Ova Adyou Gmayyedovras Ta aura, °8 “Soe yap TO dyio Tvevpare Kal nut, pndev méov ee eae vply Bapos, mAnv TeV emavayKes °ToUTaY,” ~ améyec Oat etOohobirav Kat atparos Kal TVLKTOD” Kat Tmopvetas® e& ay Svatnpovvtres éav- gauss ev mpdgere. eppoabe. ° Of nev ody drrohudevres ° 7 rOov" eis Avridxevay’ kat cvvayayovres TO TAN O0s, emeOakay Thy emtotoAny. *| dvayvovtes de, exdpnoay eri tH TapakAnoet. * Iov- das ' re” kal Sidas, kal avtol mpopnrat ovtes, Sia Adyou moddov mapeKddecay Tous adedovs, kal émeatnpteav. 8 rroun- cavres O€ xpdvov, amedvOnoay per eipnyns amd Tav adeApay mpos Tovs g droorethayras avtous.” 74 } eo d€7T@ Dida é emurewvar avtov.” * TlavAos O€ Kal BapydBas SuerpiBoy ev “AvTLoxela, Ovddokovtes Kal evayyeAtCopevot, pera Kal éTép@v TOAA@Y, TOY Aéyoyv Tov Ku- iov. 38 Mera d€ Twas npepas etre Iladdos mpos BapvaBSay _Emotpeyavres 67 emioxeipoueta Tous aedpods ** Kata macay modu, €v ais Karnyyethapey Tov Adyov Tov Kupiov, mas €xovor. d Acts XV. 36. unto the brethren, which are of the Gentiles in Antioch, and Syria, and Cilicia. 24 Foras- much as we have heard, that certain which went out from us, have troubled you with words, subverting your souls, saying, Ye must be circumcised, and keep the law, to whom we gave no such commandment: 5 it seemed good unto us, being assembled with one accord, to send chosen men unto you, with our beloved Barnabas and Paul, 26 men that have ha- zarded their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. 27 We have sent therefore Ju- das and Silas, who shall also tell you the same things by mouth. 25 For it seemed good to the Holy Ghost, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things; 29 that ye abstain from meats offered to idols, and from blood, and from things stran- gled, & from fornication: from which if ye keep yourselves, ye shall do well. Fare ye well. 30 So when they were dis- missed, they came to Antioch: and when they had gathered the multitude together, they delivered the epistle. 3! Which when they had read, they re- joiced for the consolation. 82 And Judas and Silas, being prophets also themselves, ex- > horted the brethren with many words, and confirmed them: 33 and after they had tarried there a space, they were let go in peace from the brethren unto the apostles. 34 Notwithstand- ing it pleased Silas to abide there still. 35 Paul also and Barnabas continued in Antioch, teaching and preaching the word of the Lord, with many others also. 36 And some days after, Paul said unto Barnabas, Let us go again and visit our brethren, in every city where we have preached the word of the Lord, and see how they do. a= DWewrekapevars. CI A> CW xatmrAOorv. f Bz. & Elz. de. § Rec. © amogrodors, hs i Ree. add nywr, * Or, exhortation,sf | . a i | | \ Acts XV. 37. 332 TPAZEIS TON / 37 And Barnabas determined to 37 BapvdBas dé * €Bovdevoato” cupma- take with them John,whose sur- 54) qBeiv » Kat "lodvynv” Tov KaNovpLEVOY name was Mark. 38 But Paul ; fT 98 x Sener wo 5 thought not good to take him Mapkoy TladAos 6€ n&iov, TOV amro- 1 / na > \ \ with them ; who departed from grayra dw atT@y amo IlayduAtas, Kat them fromPamphylia,andwent \ 6d Be aan \ Hauer iethemionthe work: 7 Ovvenvoune GuTots ae Py Oey 32 And the contention was so ouprrapadaBew TOUTOV. EYEVETO OUV sharp between them, that they mrapokvo pos, ore arrox@pia Onvat av- departed asunder one from the { alae et ess / other: and so Barnabas took ToUs am aAAnAwy, TOV TE BapvaBav Mark, and sailed unto Cyprus. zrapadkaBdvta Tov Mapkoy éxmAevoal eis Kurpov. 49 And Paul chose Silas, and #9 TIadAos O€ emiAeEdpevos Sikav One, 6A . 4 / an A Fae reas Comoe Trapadodelsing xdprnurou “Seay oxGod. 4! Andhewentthrough Ud Tov adeApav. * SunpxeTo de THV Syria and Cilicia, confirming Sypiay Kat Kitcxlav, émotnpifoy tas the churches. 16. Thencame ; Ay Be 16 , See he to Derbe, and Lystra: and €KKA)OtQS. : RET) OS Cxel SED . : . s§ \ behold, a certain disciple was Byv Kal Avotpay* kat (ov, padntns TLs there, named Timotheus, the >, 2) - 207. Tic eA oO son of a certain woman which HEROREEs pad nai EB OUSCS) VOSS 3 us > \ No a was a Jewess, and believed: *” lovdaias mots, marpos de EAnvos but his father was a Greek: 2 8. 2 a SiN Bae f 6 cS OS ELAPTUPELTO VITO T@Y EV AvoTpots 2 which was well reported of a5 Ie fe B a 3 S AL p by the brethren that were at Kat Ikovia adeAPav. ~ TovTOY nOehnoev . 2 . A A 5 > C Lystra and Iconium. % Him 6 IavAos ody atte e€eAbeiv, kat KaBov would Paul have to go forth , 5 Ve Sua ar leo oae with him, and took, and circum- TISDUSSP EE ON oe TOUS. ou aS cised him, because of the Jews TOUS OVTas EV TOLS TOTFOLS EKELYOLS® 7) O€L- which were in those quarters: Ne \ , ct ea : € for they knew all, that his father vee oP OES Oe ae lee EO ome was a Greek. 4 And as they EhAny UTNPXEV- @Ss de OLETTOPEVOVTO went through the cities, they ras dhets, rapedLOovy avTois puAdooety delivered them the decrees for _ 56 \ / cs ae > to keep, that were ordained of oe Oe ae Kekplieva UTGO TOUS Oe the apostles and elders, which TOOTOA@Y KAL TOV m™peoBuTEpav TOV were at Jerusalem. * And so 2° , 5 Gas a , were the churches established cy Iepovoahnp. CU Se exkhnotat > A a , Ne) , in the faith, and increased in €0TEPEOVYTO T7] TLOTEL, Kal ETTEPLOGEVOY number daily. aa A ap A J OT ea ees via | 6 Now when they had gone — ‘ CaEs ale Ppvytay ae 7M | throughout Phrygia, and the Takarekny Xopay, K@AVOEVTES UTO TOV | region of Galatia, and were Gyiov Hvevparos haknoat Tov Aoyor ev } forbidden of the Holy Ghost to _ + Net 7 2rOé 5 aa ANT preach the word in Asia, “after 7) 71G, " € ULES EEE TU : > “a they were come to Masia they emeipacoy “els” THY BiOuviav rropeveo bau" assayed to go into Bithynia: but Napeoh Fath SaaS \ = f? the Spirit suffered them not. een ae PURO UST Tvevpa Ih 8 And they passing by Mysia, OU. taped Govtes Oe Thy Muouiay, m.. 9 a came down to Troas. 9Anda xqré8ncav eis Tpadda. ° kat opapa | vision appeared to Paul in the es . o an , rer night: There stood a man of 042 77S VUKTOS open TO Tlavho avnp |} S . > \ ¢ n Macedonia, and prayed him, tis Av Makedv EoT@s, Tapakaha@y avTov 8 ~ eBovrETo- b Rec. tov lwavuny.— Iwavyny © ~& Kuptov. d Rec. add tivos. f St. & Elz. > € Rec. xara.AITOZSTOAQN. 333 , 7, kat Neyov' AraBas eis Maxedoviar, , Coa 10 ¢ Oe MY G/ i} a BonOnooy nuiv. ‘Os dé 76 6papa eidev, »fNZ > , > a > \ j evews e(nrnaapev ee Oetv eis Thy Ma- ¢ , KeOoviay, cuuBiBagovres Ott mpooKé~ a a KAntat nas °6 Kupios” evayyehioacGat aurous. , > > A = , 1 "Avax9evres obv atrd Tis TpwdOos, ; i evdudpounoapev eis SapoOpakny, rH Te / © > - / > emovon eis Nedrodw, ™ exeidéy re eis Pitinmovus, Hrs e€ott mpatn rhs pe- a / / , pl0os” ° rs” Makedovias méXts KoA@VLA. > n / nuev O€ ev TavTn TH TONEL StatpiBovres /, va ¢ / vad nuepas tivds' * 7h Te Huépa Tov caB- / a7 a & d aN 4 Barav e&nOopev eEo tis I mddews e E \ Tapa Totapov, ob evouicero mpocevx7) eat, Kat Kabioayres €dadodpev Tats , \ auvehOoveas yuvaéi. | Kai tus yun > , / / / ovopatt Avdia, moppupdmadts modews Ovateipwv, ceSopevn Tov Ocdv, HKovev" Us 3 r ea ; x a] ae ¢ 3, é , ns 0 Kuptos dunvorge thy Kapdiay, mpoo- Exel Tos NaNoupevors bd TOU TlavNov. i Ye , WG > oe as O€ €BarriaOn, Kat 6 oikos avuTns, 4 4 Tapekadeoe A€yovoa Hi kexpixaré pe mloTHY TH Kupi@ eivat, eioehOdvres eis TOY oikdy rou, petvate’ Kal TapeBua- oaro nuas. 16 Ee , Oe 7 ¢ Cr ’ yeveTo O€ TropevopEevay nuadv eis °ryy" mpocevxny, TadioKny Twa exov- es : A Ce cay mvevpa ‘vOavos” aravrncat nuiy, WTls epyaciay ToANy mapetye Tots Ku- ~ & Ti a plots avTis, wavrevopevn. ! abtn kara- C6 Bi ¢ s 4 Kodovnoaca TH Hava kal piv, Expace Aéyouca’ Odrox of dvOpwrror Sovdox Tod ~ a a Qcov Tov vYiorovu eiciv, oirwes Karay- s g ¢ Ben 500 / 18 cn a yedNovow Sniv’ 6ddv cwrnpias. 8 Tov- c / To O€ emote. émt modas tuepas. S1a- ~ , movnOeis d€ 6 Tladdos, kal émiotpéyras, a az - > TO Tvevpate etre’ IlapayyéANw oor év T@ Ovduate “Inoovd Xpicrod, é&eAOetv Di, 3A LBA oA mone ar avtns. Kat e€pOev airy th Spa. 19 >? 66 de ¢ f; aa a Idovres Oe of Kuptoe avTns, Ore Acts XVI. 19. saying, Come over into Mace- donia, and help us. 10 Andafter he had seen the vision, imme- diately we endeavoured to go Into Macedonia, assuredly ga- thering, that theLord had called us for to preach the gospel unto them. 'l Therefore loosing from Troas, we came with a straight course to Samothracia, and the next day to Neapolis: 2 and from thence to Philippi, which is “the chief city of that part of Macedonia, and a colony: and we were in that city abid- ing certain days. 13 And on the sabbath we went out of the city by a river side, where prayer was wont to be made, and we sat down, and spake unto the women which resorted thither. !4 And a certain wo- man named Lydia, a seller of purple, of the city of Thyatira, which worshipped God, heard us: whose heart the Lord opened, that she attended unto the things which were spoken of Paul. 145 And when she was baptized, and her houshold, she besought us, saying, If ye have judged me to be faithful to the Lord, come into my house, and abide there. And she constrained us. 16 And it came to pass, as we went to prayer, a certain damsel possessed with a spirit 4 of di- Vination, met us: which brought her masters much gain by sooth- Saying. !7 The same followed Paul and us, and cried, saying, These men are the servants of the most high God, which shew unto us the way of salvation. 1S And this did she many days: but Paul being grieved, turned and said to the spirit, I com- mand thee in the name of Jesus Christ, to come out of her. And he came out the same hour. 19 And when her masters saw &aWo ees. bD—-» c= d DS wns &€§ ~Y—. Rec, & Gh. om. fw rvdwva. 6 Bz. & Elz. vucs, 2 Or, the first Or, ot Python.Acts XVI. 20. 334 OPAZEIS TON that the hope of their gains was e&nOev 1 éAmis TS épyacias auTa@V, gone, they caught Paul and é7)\aBdpevor TOV TlatvXov kal Tov Sidav, Silas, and drew them into the ,, ¥ ‘ . : mG oa amarketplace, unto the rulers, elAKugay €Ls THY ayopayv emt TOUS ApP- 20 and brought them to thema- yoyras’ 7° Kal TpooayayovTes avuTous gistrates, saying, These men r a > -O% oe being Jews, do exceedingly TOLS OEP Ean VON Cee ee ae ay bias. trouble our city, 2! and teach mot ekTapacoovow Hiway TV TOL, customs which are not lawful >To, Sqio. UmapyoVvTEs” 21 nal KaTayyeA- for us to receive, neither to ob- s PX eS ene ay, serve, being Romans. 2? And Novow €On a ovK eEcoTW Huw Tapa- the multitude rose up together SéyerOar ovde mo.eiv, Pwpaiots ovot. against them, and the magis- 99 \ , cae Oh 32 on trates rent off their clothes, Kat ouverreaty 0 OXKOS KaT GUT@Y, and commanded to beat them. Kat of oTparnyol mepippn&avTes avT@v Zenne Weer theyhadlaidmany +4 fudria, exeAevoy papoicew” 23 coas pes upon them, they cast f ad =e 2 2 them into prison, charging the T€ emLOEVTES AUTOLS mAnyas, éBahov Els jailor to keep them safely. . EL 9) Z 24 Who eo eceied eee PUNT mapeyyetNavmnes ae , dea charge, thrust them into the puadakt, aopahas THpew avTovs’ — Ost inner prison, and made their mapayyeAtav TOLAUTNHV 4 ciAnpos,” éBa- A feat tastanstheyatocks. hev avrovs els THY eowTEepay gudakny, \ \ t oo > , > kai rovs médas avTav nopadioaro els ? To EvAov. 9 And at midnight, Pauland 2% Kara 5€ 7d pecovixriov Iavdos } Silas prayed, and sang praises : ih , ¢ \ unto God: and the prisoners Ko MB as TOTP NOW EOL BHO Toy heard them. 26 And suddenly OGcov’ emNKPOWVTO O€ AUT@V OL O€o pol. f Fs s 9 iv > , / there was a great earthquake, 26 aye de OELT}LOS éyéveTo peyas, | so that the foundations of the ,, x : 5 z prison were shaken: and im- OTE canrevonvar Ta Gewehia TOV Oe- mediately all the doors were gyu@t iov' avewyOnoay Te Tapa HUG opened, and every one’s bands fe a a Dx me ; i i be h were loosed:227 And the keeper % © upat jTaocal, Kal Wav OY Ta O€OLG of the prison awaking out of his aveOn. 47 &umvos Oe yevopmevos 6 Oe=5 sleep, and seeing the prison / Ne eN\ > , vail doors open, he drew out his opopuraé, cor idov GEE GUAS Te sword, and would have killed Gupas THs udakys, TTAaTapEvos pa- hi himself, supposing that the pri- ZweEAAEV € i a y : ALpaVv, €EAAEV EAUTOY AVALPELV, VOMLC@L | soners had been fled. 28 But eee 8 , aes 5 pt Paul cried with a loud voice, exmrepevyeval TOUS OEOMLOUS. epavnce p saying, Do thyself no harm, for S€ ov7 peyadn 0 IlavAos Eeyou'| we are all here. Nea ‘ a peat | Mnoev mpaéns TEavT@ KaKOV" QTaVT€ES 2 yap eopev evOade. 29 3 iv, ‘\ rad 5 , ie 29 Then he called for alight, | Airnoas de para cioennOno€, Ka ane gprang, in, and came trem- evTpojLos yEvOpLevOsS TPOTETIETE TH Ilav:\: bling, and ell down before Paul Noe S30 \ S > and Silas, 39 and brought them o ea aD Biha oy ney Ti POayayoy ay f Sut, and said, Sirs, what must ToUs €£, én Kupuot, te pe O€t movet| é a rn Sy I do to be saved ? *1 And they (ya wba ; 31 Of 8 elmov’ Iicrevoo)} said, Believe on the Lord Jesus » . _\ Ki > age \ Christ, and thou shalt be saved, €TL ey UREOK Inoovy pLoTors KQ) p ‘ ¢ Sa S. » and thy house. 22 And they g@@non ov Kal O OlKOS OU. 32 Ka} ae _ a @® Aahwv * Or, court.ATIOSTOAQN. 335 ehaAnoay aitd Tov Néyov Tod Kupiov, “Kal” maou Tois év TH oikia avrod. 3 Kal AaBav adrovs ev exelyn Th kal Tmapada n T) Opa THs vukros €hovoey ao TOY Try- yov, kat eBanticOn adros Kal of avrov mavtes tapaxpnua’ * ayayayov Te avtovs els Tov oikoy avrod, mapeOnke Tpame av, Kat 7ya\Atdo-atTo mavotkl Tre- TLOTEVKMS TO OO. 2 ‘Hyépas dé yevowerns améotethay ol oTparnyot tos paBdovyous déyov- Tes’ AmréAvoov Tovs avOparrovs ékeivous. 8 “Amnyyeidte b€ 6 SecpopiAak rods Adyous TovTOUs mpds Tov TladNov" “Ort ameora\kacty of oTpatnyol, iva dtroAv- Onre vov ody eEedOdvTes, mopeverde ey cipnyn. 7 ‘O S€ TadAos en mpds avtous’ Acipavres nas Snpooia, dka- Takpirous, avOparous “Pwopatous vmrdp- xXovras, €Badoy eis duAaky, Kal vov apa nuas exBadAovow 3; ov yap’ adda eMOdvres avrol nuas eEayayérooay. 38 "Aynyyethay S€ Trois oTpatnyois ot paBdodyor Ta pypara tadra’ Kal epo- BnOnoav dxovoarres drt ‘Pwpaiol cicr, 39 Kal €AOdvTes Tapekaderay avtovs, kal e€ayaydvtes npatov e&edOciv ris mohews. *° e€ehOdvres O€ éx THs puda- Kys elonOov »arpds” rv Avdiav Kab iOdvres trovs ddeApods, mapexddecav avtovs, kal €€nOov. 17. Avodevoarres S€ rv ’Apimodw kat “Amro\Aoviav, AAOov eis Ceooado- viKnV, Orrov HY 7 Tvaywy) Tov “lov- daiwy. ? Kata O€ Td ciwbds TS Hatro oe ee te ODS : elonAGe mpos avrovs, Kat érl od8Bara tpla OvehéyeTo avrois amd Tov ypapar, > Svavoiyov Kal mapatidépevos, OTe TOY Xpioroy der Tabeiy Kal avactnvat ék VEKP@V, Kal OTL OvTOS eoTLY 6 Xpioros ‘Inoods, by eyo karayyAdo bi. 4 Kai Acts XVII. 4. spake unto him the word of the Lord, and to all that were in his house. 33 And he took them the same hour of the night, and washed their stripes, and was baptized, he and all his, Sstraightway. 34 And when he had brought them into his house, he set meat before them, and rejoiced, believing in God with all his house. 35 And when it was day, the magistrates sent the serjeants, saying, Let those men go. 26And the keeper of the prison told this saying to Paul, The ma- gistrates have sent to let you go: now therefore depart, and go in peace. 37 But Paul said unto them, They haye beaten us openly uncondemned, being Romans, and have cast us into prison, and now do they thrust us out privily ? nay verily, but let them come themselves, and fetch us out. 38 And the ser- jeants told these words unto the magistrates: and they feared when they heard that they were Romans. 39 And they came and besought them, and brought them out, and desired them to depart out of the city. 49 And they went out of the prison, and entered into the house of Lydia, and when they had seen the brethren, they comforted them, and departed. 17. Now when they had pass- ed through Amphipolis, and Apollonia, they came to Thes- salonica, where was a syna- gogue of the Jews. 2 And Paul, as his manner was, went in un- to them, and three sabbath days reasoned with them out of the scriptures, 3 opening and alledging, that Christ must needs have suffered and risen again from the dead: and that this Jesus whom I preach unto you, is Christ. 4 And some of & Gb. cuv. D Rec. © exc.Acts XVII. 5. 336 TPAZEIS TON a > , \ i them believed, and consorted Ties €€ avtay éemetcOnoay, Kat Tpoo- Bi j a} ; < Sy ne i , rn y brat with Paul and Silas: and of exAnpwOnoay TO Hato Kal TO SiXa, the devout Greeksa great mul- ~~ Z RENN Va titude, and of the chief women T®Y TE ceBopevay EAAnv@y TmoAv iI n na ~ iH not a few. TAROos, yuvakav Te TOY TPOT@Y OUK Ai oAlyat. 1 An a X yo EH ed not, moved with envy, took GreQodyres’ ray dyopaiwy Twas avopas art unto them certain lewd fellows ; 7/ y >Sexdovs em ‘ Vie ) € €7l TOU | not, they drew Jason, and cer- tov lagova kat Tivas a0 ous we $ a : = \ EB | ti 5 But the Jews which believe © *IIpooAaBdpevor dé of “ovdaior ot | ) = , a eed. c \ 3 tain brethren untothe rulers of 7oAuTdpxas, Bo@vres’ Ore ot THY Ol- E nee G 3 = \ the city, crying, These that xoyywevny AVACTAT@OAYTES, OUTOL Kal have turned the world upside , 065 , aa CANES down, are come hither also, Sh ave TApeloly, ; ous pele EOEKTAL 7 whom Jason hath Bees ldgv@y' KAl OUTOL TAVTES ATTEVAVTL T@Y |) i and these all do contrary to the , a , , ht decrees of Cesar, saying, that doypareav Karoapos MpaTTOVet, Pace | there is another king, one Jesus. eyovTes ETEPOV ELVAL, Incovy. Era- ( 8 “ | And they troubled the people, pq£ay dé Tov dxAov kal Tous ToALTapxas |, and the rulers of the city, when ', 7, OG ‘A > | t they heard these things. 9 And aKkovoyvyTas TaVUTa Kal aBovtes TO | “ c ‘ \ ay yf) \ a | when they had taken security (xayoy mapa Tou lagovos Kat T@V Aot-= of Jason, and of the other, they _ - oe. ae Tay, ame\voay avTous. ; let them go. 0 Mg ee oes Oi S€ adeApoli evOéws Ova THS | 7 an XN iF VUKTOS e&errepyav tov te IlavAov kat)) \ , , , = od Av y 10 And the brethren immedi- FOU Sthay Se Bepovay OUR ES aCe ately sent away Paul and Silas vomevol, Els THY TUVAYYHV TOV Iovdatay |, ] . 7 = @ > , by night unto Berea: who com- Gayegay, 1! ovrot O€ Hoav EVYEVETTEPOL ing thither, went into the syna- =.“ , , ¢ V7 gozue of the Jews. 1! These TWV €V Oceooadovikn, olTiveEs edeEavTo | ow were more noble than those in toy Adyov pera maons mpoOupias, TO, Thessalonica, in that they re- Osi > , \ \ ceived the word with all readi- KG 4 EP GH aS a: Es Ypapass yt ness of mind, and searched the €l €yOL TAUTA OUT@S. ~~ Toot pev OUD | ~ . ] na > , ~ e scriptures daily, Bene those 2€ qiray émictevoav, Kat TOY E)An-| things were so. Therefore 7 is 2 ; ; vp many of them believed: also VOY ‘yuvalK@Y TOY EVvTXNHOVOY Kal of honourable women which avOpev OUK oALyot. 13 > be eyvaoay OL f were Greeks,and of mennota >» \ A , > n ¢ . few. 13 But when the Jews of 270 TS OeooaXovikns Iovdatot, OTL Kat Thessalonica had knowledge ey TH Bepoia KaTnyyedn imo Tov Iav-| \ that the word of God was \oy § \dyos Tod OEeov, HAOoY KaKeEt preached of Paul at Berea, they Oi iy: epee > vs ce 3 came thither also, and stirred gaNevovrTes TOUS OxAous. evbews O€ | ce ¢ 14 * ~ , VF up the people. !4And thenim- 7ére roy Tato é€areoreiday of aded= mediately the brethren sent \ ; Ge SS , away Paul, to go as it were to Pol mopeverOa ws emt THY Oadaccay’ | thesea:butSilasandTimotheus wréyevov Oé 6 Te Sidas Kal 6 TydGeos | a Rec. ZyAwoarres de 04 arerGovvres Iovdator Kat mpocdaBonevor. Gb. WpocdaBopevor de or Tovdacos> ol O€ radioravres Tov IIavXoyp, ityayov *avrov” éws ’A@nvdv’ Kab da- Bovres evtodjy mpds tov Siray kai Tipdéeor, iva @s taxtota €Owor T™pos rn , /, "Ev 6€ rais “AOnvais éxdexopévov ~ ie avTovs tov TlavAou, Tapwévveto TO ~ ~ > 5 mvEvpa avTOD Ev alTa@ > = , KarelO@Xov ovaay tiv modu. ™ diedé- yeTO fev odv ev TH GUVaywyn Tos n 2 ‘Iovdatous Kal rots oeBopevols, Kat év a ~ an \ TH] ayopG Kara Tacay nuépay mpos Tovs / Tapatvyxavovtas. a > , \ in alta Tov Enkoupetwy kai tov Staikay du- Noodpav cuvéBaddov ate’ Kal tives + 5 , 3\ r ¢ E , eheyov' Ti dy Gédou 6 oTEpLoAGyos e Z ¢ S. mt Z 7, ovtos heyew; Oi d€é> Eévev Satpovier Ooket Katayyeneds etvar' “Sru roy "In- Govv Kal THY avacracw adrois €d eTtAaBdpevol TE AUTO \ 7 , ey Z . Toy “Apewoy mayor ryayov héyovres Avyapeba yvava, ris % Kan avtn 7) ¢ A a , 4 vio ov Nadoupevn didayn ; Covra yap twa eciodépers cis Tas dKxoas Mav’ Bouvhbueba ody yva@vat, °rTi ay” dehot tavra eiva. 4 \ ¢ 3 ~ 4 , TavTes Kat ol emiOnwovytes E€vor eis > \ a > , x Me \ \ ovdev Erepov edxaipovr, 3) heye TL Kal & aKovew Kawédrepov. 2 A A 2 Srabels Sé 6 IadNos ev ETM TOD > , , y a Apetov mayou, edn: "Avdpes ’A@nvaior, 4 ¢ 4 KaTa TavTa ws detowaipoverrépous vpas Oeapd. * Scepydsuevos yap Kal aabewpay Ta oeBdopara UL@Y, ebpov i) , Pek) / Pop @ emeyeyparro Ayvoore Gea. “Ov ody ayvoouytes evoeBetre, at San s Cas OM \ TOUTOV EyY@ KaTayyéAXw viv. *4 6 Ceds / 6 Tomoas Tov Kéopoy Kal mdvTa Td ey > ea RD > ~ \ ~ / avT@, OvUTOs ovpavod Kal ys Kuptos UTapX@Y, OUVK ev XeELpoToLNTOLs vaots a 25 > NEC, \ an f2 , uM KATOLKEL, ~ OUOE UTO YELDaV avOparev al "AOnvator Oe Acts XVII. 25, abode there still. 15 And they that conducted Paul, brought him unto Athens, and receiy- ing a commandment unto Silas and Timotheus, for to come to him with all speed, they de- parted. : 16 Now while Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit was stirred in him, when he Saw the city 2 wholly given to idolatry. 17 Therefore disputed he in the synagogue with the Jews, and with the devout per- sons, and in the market daily with them that met with him. , 18 Then certain philosophers of the Epicureans, and of the Stoicks, encountered him: and some said, What will this ® bab- bler say? other some, He seemeth to be a setter forth of strange gods: because he preach- ed unto them Jesus, and the resurrection. !9 And they took him, and brought him unto yAreopagus, saying, May we know what this new doctrine, whereof thou speakest, is ? 20 For thou bringest certain strange things to our ears: we would know therefore what these things mean. 2! (For all the Athenians and strangers which were there, spent their time in nothing else, but either to tell or to hear some new thing.) 22 Then Paul stood in the midst of 6 Mars’ hill, and said, Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too su- perstitious. 23 For as I passed by, and beheld your « devotions, I found an altar with this in- scription, To THE UNKNOWN Gop. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare Iunto you. 24 God that made the world, and all things there- in, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands: 25 neither is worshipped with men’s handsas though he needed EN twa, tSavOpwrivwy. * Or, full of idols. 5 Or, court of the Areopagites. © Or, gods that you worship.caer Acts XVII. 26. 338 TIPAZEIS TQN : . . > A any thing, secing he giveth Oepameverat Tr poo ebsLevOs TOS, AUTOS } - « na A \ if / to all, life and breath, and all §,Sods araou Cary kal Tony * kal Ta” TAY things, 26and hath made of one Se Ree eel has plood all nations of men, for to T@ ~ en Olnoe TE e& €vos Palysatos Tay 7 5 cn SN a \ dwell on all the face of the ¢@yos avOporray, KATOLKEL ETL TAY TO earth, and hath determined the , A mace ae ac SO eEAS times before appointed, and the Te a TS ws oO s DOO pounds of their habitation: ypevous” Kaipous Kal Tas 6poectas TS 27 ‘ A 7 - Noe that they should seek the parorklas aUT@V’ 27 (ret d roy Ocov, Lord, if haply they might feel , ,, ; ae Ray after him and find him, though €! apaye Wyrapyoesav avrov kat evpoley, / he be not far from every one CKairovye’ ov poakpayv aro €VOS EKATTOU of us. 28 Forin him we live, « ~ « 28 2 en oe en and move, and have our being, 7/#®” ARAN Oy ae i eV, GUA VER SOs as certain also of your own Kal Kwoupeda Kal EOpEev’ @sS Kal TWES poets have said, For we are also _- pasts ees we a pt - Tov ¢ i ionkaow To Haidar. TOY Kad Spas Sromrav” etpnKag v yap Kal yevos oper. 29 Forasmuch then as we are 29 Téyvos ovv UTGPXOVTES Tov Q«cov, the offspring of God, we Ought oF rhe! re ad 2 not to think that the Godhead ORK opetdopey vopicely KE “f de is like unto gold, or silver, or P® 7) ido, xXapaypate TeXYNS KAL EV- . ? , c cy stone graven byart, and man’s Qyyungewas avOpamov, TO Oetoy etvat device. 30 And the times of ¢ 30 ‘ 5 A ; Z this ignorance God winked at, OMOLOV. Tous pley OVY KpOVOUS 77/8 > , ¢ \ ¢ \ ~ but now commandeth all men ayvolas UTE pLoov 6 Geos, Tavuy Tapay- |) every where to repent: 31 be- _ 7 res Ane te =| yenet TOLS QV pommots ST ACL TAVTAXOU cause he hath appointed a day f a1 t ae coe in the which he will judge the PeTavoely” 1 OudTu” ETTNOEV NLEPAV, world in righteousness, by that 2, 7 pednret Kpivewy TH olkoupevny ey man whom he hath ordained, 5 y , 2s B.A oe J whereof he ¢ hath given assur- ukaloguyy, €V avOPL @ WPLOE, TLOTW > : nr / ance unto all men, in that he qapacyav maow, avagTioas avTov €K } hath raised him from the dead. 32 And when they heard of VERDE ci 2? , \ > n the resurrection of the dead, 32 -Axnoucayres O€ aVaTTATW VEKPaV | = ° sen] \ > - \ 5 > some mocked: and others said, of pev éxhevatov* of de etrov’ *AKou-| We will hear thee again of this matter. °° So Paul departed : o A an from among them. 2! Howbeit, ots 6 IladAos e&nOev ek wecou av- certain men clave unto him, _- 34 . ey, Z and believed: among the which TQY 5 tes O€ avopes KoAAnOevres . . j ~ © 7 was Dionysius the Areopagite, avuT@ emioTEvoaV" ev ols Kat Atoyuatos| man nam ari co ’ \ io , and a woman named Damaris, 6 *Apeomayitns, Kal yun ovopatt Aa-| a and others with them. 2 < ee peapis, Kal eTEpol Guy auTols. 18. Mera O€ ravTa xopio eis 6 Ilav-} > nx >? a Q > , i 18. After these things, Paul Aos SE EOE A@nvav dev ers KépwOov departed from Athens, and “ Kal eup@Vv TLVa Iovdatov ovop.aTte Aku:} cath 2 f Z came to Corinth, ? and founda )qy, Tloyriukoy T@ yeVEL, Tpoopara:| certain Jew named Aquila, born 5 ce ae : ; in Pontus, lately come from eAn\vO6ra aro TNS IraXtas, Kal TI pt: u Wey COMES uf iS Italy, with his wife Priscilla, gx.ANay yuvatka avtov, (dua 70 Ouare:| (because that Claudius had ; 5 ' ; commanded all Jews to depart TAXEVAaL KX avouov xopiCeaGat TAaVTa|| from Rome) and came unto rovs Iovdalous €k THs Papns,) mpoonr a oe a ee ee @St.xara. D—- C¢ Rec, © rporerayuevouse d Rec.@ tov Kupiov. © SD Karyée f— 8&8 Tarra hs «adore. a Or, offered faith. : oopeba wou TaN TEpl TOUTOV. 33 KauAITOSTOAQN. 339 Gey abrois’ * Kat dia TO 6pdtexvov eivat, Eweve Tap avrois Kal eipydero’ *7oav yap oxnvorrotol TH Texyynv.” * Sved€eyero O€ Ev TH TUVaywyh KaTa Tay caBBaTor, emevOe Te lovdalous Kat “EdAnvas. * ws de carn) Boy amo THs Maxedovias O TE Sikas Kat 6 TipdGeos, OUVELY ETO TO Pdoy@" 0 Tavhos, Svapaprupdpevos TOUS "Tovdaiors ¢ roy” Xpurrov ‘Inoovy. g ‘Avtiraccopevay bé avrav Kal Phar hnpovvrey, exrivagdpevos TG tud- Tea, eure mpos adrous® To aiwa Upaev ent THY Kepadny bya" kaBapos ey, amd Tov voy eis Ta eOvn Topevoopat. 7 Kal peraBas exelOev nAOev eis oiklav TLVOS ovdpare ‘lovorou, weBomevou TOV Geov, ov 7 oEig Hy gvvouopovca 7) owayoyi). * Kptomos dé 6 apxiourd- yowyos emlorevoe TO Kupio OUY OA TH oiK@ avurov' Kal moAdol TOV Kopwblev dKovovres emlOTEVOV Kal éBamri¢ovro. 9 cire O€ 6 Kuptos Ov 6paparos év vuKri T® Ilavdk@* Mi) Pood, adha Aaner Kal pn Tuomnoys” 10 Oudre eyo ecipe pera gov, Kat ovdels enOnoerat gol TOU ka- K@oal oe’ didtt Nads €ori jor roNds ev TH wodet TavtTn. | -Exdéicé re éviavtov kat pnvas €& dvddoKwy €v adrois Tov Aoyov Tod Ceod. 2 TadXlwvos de ¢ GvOumarevovtos “ TS *Ayatas, Karemreotn ray omoBvpadop ob ‘Ioudator T® avd, kal Hyayov av- TOY emt TO Bipa, 13. Aeyovres: “Ore Tapa Tov vdouov ouros avatreiOet Tovs avOpatrovs veBeo Oat TOV Ocdv. 14 Med- Aovtos de Tov TlavAov a ) avotyew TO oTopa elirev 6 BadXoy ™pos TOUS ‘Tovduious" Ki pey © ody" fy adtknpa TbiTy pad.ovp- ype movnpov,, @ ‘Tovdaior, kata éyoy ay NvEeoXOuny pay" He GEN: 'Cnrnped Le €OTL TeEpl Aoyou Kal OvOLaT@V Kal YOJLOU ACTS TX VLE TS. them. 3 And because he was of the same craft, he abode with them, and wrought (for by their occupation they were tentmak- ers.) + And he reasoned in the synagogue every sabbath, and persuaded the Jews, and the Greeks. 5 And when Silas and Timotheus were come from Macedonia, Paul was pressed in spirit, and testified to the Jews, that Jesus was Christ. 6 And when they opposed themselves, and blasphemed, he shook his raiment, and said unto them, Your blood be upon your own heads, I am clean: from henceforth I will go unto the Gentiles. 7 And he departed thence, and entered into a cer- tain man’s house, namedJustus, one that worshipped God,whose house joined hard to the syna- gogue. 8 And Crispus, the chief ruler of the synagogue, believed on the Lord, with all his house: and many of the Corinthians, hearing, believed, and were baptized. % Then spake the Lord to Paul in the night by a vision, Be not afraid, but speak, and hold not thy peace: ! for Iam with thee, and no man shall set on thee, to hurt thee: for | have much people in this city. 11 And he continued there a year and six months, teaching the word of God among them, 12 And when Gallio was the deputy of Achaia, the Jews made insurrection with one ac- cord against Paul, and brought him to the judgment Seat, 13 saying, This fellow persuad- eth men to worship God con- trary to the law. ‘4 And when Paul was now about to open his mouth, Gallio said unto the Jews, If it were a matter of wrong, or wicked lewdness, O ye Jews, reason would that I should bear with you. 15 But if it be a question of words, and a— bRec.rrevparr, © Bz. ervac ror, daw avGvrarov ovrog, C > fr tntnpatra, ~ Gr. sat thera.Acts XVIII. 16. 340 TIPAZEIS TON names, and of your law, look rod Kal’ vpas, dWeoGe avrol’ KpLris ye to it: for I will be no judge a SO’ eno OIRO BovXo i HEPAL of such matters. 16 And he ay fee 5 oe oe ee Oe eee drave them from the judgment }° Kat amnAaoev avtous amo TOU Bnpa- seat. 17 Then all the Greeks tog, 7 euNaBdpevor S€ madytes ? ol took Sosthenes the chief ruler , Wen Oé \ > F of the synagogue, and beat him EAAnves 200 evny TOV OOOO Oya o + 4, ~ peiate the judgment oa eee yov eTumToOV épumpooUev TOU Bnuaros* Gallio car x Os - » ea ed for none of those ,q) oidéy rovTav T@ T'adNi@ve Epedev. BP A » ¢ , 13-And Paul after this tarried 18 “O d€ IlavAos €rt Tpocpelvas 1pMLE- there yeta goodwhile,andthen qo f \ is adeAdoils a y y as tkavas, TOLS GAOEAMOLS ATOTAGAPLEVOS took his leave of the brethren, e ; = = P ‘ E ie oe and sailed thence into Syria, e€emAet els THY Zuplay, Kal Duy AVT@ ‘ z sae - , . 9 , , \ and with him Priscilla & Aquila: IIpioxidAa kat AkvaAas, KELpapevOs THV hayiug shorn his head in Cen- Ney ik ne \ 3, chrea: for he had avow. !? And ue ue SH EVR S oS ELXE oP: CUNT he came to Ephesus, and left 19 Kkarnvrnoe Oe els Eqdeooyv, KaKelvous 2 . 1 t a > them there: but he himself en- yq7é\iwev avTov' avTos O¢ ciaeA Gay eis tered into the synagogue, and , 5 , Pos , reasoned with theJews. 2° When TV OuVAyoyny, dueAEx On Tots lovdatous. they desired him to tarry longer 20 €pOT@VTOV Sé avr@v émt mAelova time with them, he consented , a 3345, es s mre eer aytieiicniarewell: WO OVOU LEH aLTU p SAU TOUS OUR CY ad 95°5 x rn saying, I must by all means TaN: © awera&aro auTots, €im@v" d Ae keep this feast that cometh, in , \ ¢ \ \ 2 Te Jerusalem; but 1 will return HEE eS yD Oma He Ke tea again unto you, if God will: 7olmoavels lepooo\vupa qa * de: ava- ae he sailed from Ephesus. Kapa mpos Upas, Tov Qeov béovros. 2 And when he had Janded“at 5, \7 9 7 BN Ree) , oP \ Cesarea, and gone up, and Kat avnx On amd THs Epeoou nae saluted the church, he went xared@av eis Karodpesav, avaBas kat downto Antioch. 73 And after > s SCRiCNnGH B > he had spent some time there, OE SH OS sue one nova, KATE ete he departed, and went over all Avt.ioxetay. Bo KGL Tmomoas KpPovov the country of Galatia and Ne CeANGE. Oo 7 6cEN » See x & TWa, € € LEDYOPMEVOS KAUE S THV Phrygia in order, strengthening |, ? o7 ; ale / si 1 all the disciples. if aNarekny Xopav Kal Ppvyvayv, ewLoTH- / , \ / plicav TavTas TOUS padnras. ; 24 Tovdaios O€ tis AmoAAws Gydpatt, 24 And a certain Jew,named > ADS éa eb a , aN NE Apollos, born at Alexandria, an 2 oe pee os TO ae \ ee: eloquent man, and mighty in KaTnvTnOEV ELS Eq@ecov, duvaros @y ev the scriptures, came to Ephesus e es 25 se > Z Sear : ae CLL agats. OUTOS NY KAT €VO 25 This man was instructed in © : ve ? : s7 1X1h 5 \ _~ / A 4 a the way of the Lord, and being 7)” 000v Tov Kuptov, Kat (eov TO Per . sis = , ’ > A fervent in the spirit, he spake gryevpari, edddet Kal edidackev axpiBas and taught diligently the things _\ \ puleuon 2 oo , of the Lord, knowing only the 7 TeEpt TOV uplov, cont raeOe peovoy baptism of John. *6 And he To Bartiop,a Iwavyou oUTOS TE} began to speak boldly in the » 2 Z bas es synagogue: whom when Aquila ip&aro mappynovager ar ev Ty] ouvayoyy- and Priscilla had heard, they @KOVOQVTES d€ avtov AxvAas kat IIpt- took him unto them, and ex- gxuANa, mpooeAdBovto avTov, Kal aKpl- pounded unto him the way of a, TOP ELA Ve fo COLOUR God more perfectly. 27 And Beotepov avuT@ e&e €VTO THY TOV VEOU | when he was disposed to pass 606v. 7” BovAopevov Oe avToU OueA Get a> DD Crumorulapevos ear gexwy’ Uadcy avakapu Ww mpos vas, TOV GEOV GeAovros” a= {> => => a >AITIOSTOAQN. 341 h 4 ¢ els tv “Axyalav, mporpeWadpevor oi rn s > 4 adedhol eéypayray tots paOnrats amrodé- A / EacOa avrov’ Os mapayevdopevos cuv- a , \ eBadero moAv Tots memioteuKdaL OLa a \ Ay ms xapitos’. * evrdves yap Tots lov- 4 , 2 Sailors dvaxarndéeyxero Snuocia, éme- an a o> \ Oetxvds Oia TaY ypapay, elvar Tov Xpioroy “Incovr. , a 2 X 19. “Eyevero O€ €v TH Tov AToAAD = a \ eivat ev KopivO@, MatAov SueAOdvra ra > \ 7 G > a 2 ay - aveTtepika pepn, eOeiv eis "Edecor 9 3 \ Kal evpoy twas paOntas, * etme mpds > 4 > a ed > / autous* Ki Tvevwa dytov ehaBere m- , GANS ao a \ SNE otevoartes; Ot d€ *eimov” pos adtdv ~ ? , "ANN ov0€ ei Iveta dyidy eotw, nKov- cy , , > gapev. 3 Eiré te “arpds adrovs:“ Bis = > = 9 Tt ovv €BanticOnte; Oi dé ciov’ Eis 70 lwdvyov Barricpa. * Kize 8é Tad- Aos* “lwavyns © pev" éBarrice Barrticpa peravolas, TO Kad éyav, cis Tov epy6- HEVOY MET AVTOY Wa TLOTEVT EL, TOUT + > \ d NHS a 5 > €oTy els Toy © Xptorov" Incovy. A- kovoaytes b€ €BarricOnoar cis 76 ovopa tov Kupiov “Incov. © cai émibévtos at- tTuis Tov IlavAov ras yeipas, {Oe TO IIvevpa ro dy.ov ém avrovs, édddovy te yA@ooats kai mpoepyrevov. 7 Aoay dé ol mavres GvSpes aoel Sexadivo. 8 Ei rG \ 8 \ ° \ A ,_ ,BloedGay de cis TH» ouvaywyiy, a a ay / emappnovaceTo, emt pnvas Tpets Siaheyd- pevos Kal TeiGov Ta Tept THs Bactdelas Tov Geov. * as dé twes eoxAnpdvovro > ~ kat neiOouy, Kakodoyodvres Thy dddy > a evettiov Tov mANOous, dmoaras ar ad- n~ > , TOY apapioe TOvs pabnTds, KaO nLepay Ovaheyépuevos ev Th oxXoAn Tupavvov t- vos. rotro dé eyeveto emt érn dvo, ore wavTas TOUS KaToLKouvTas THY ? 2, ~ A x Agiay akoveat Tov Noyov Tod Kupiov®”, J 6 / Vo ll / ovdatous Te Kat “ENAnvas. | duvdpers 2 , TE OU Tas TUYOVGAaS ETole 6 QEds Sid as bey © Gb. om. d Gb. om. Acts XIX. 1f. into Achaia, the brethren wrote, exhorting the disciples to re- ceive him: who, when he was come, helped them much which had believed through grace. *8 For he mightily convinced the Jews, and that publickly, shewing by the scriptures, that Jesus was Christ. 19. And it came to pass, that while Apollos was at Corinth, Paul having passed through the upper coasts, came to Ephesus, and finding certain disciples, * he said unto them, Have ve received the Holy Ghost since ye believed? And they said unto him, We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost. 3 And hesaid unto them, Unto what then were ye baptized ? And theysaid, Unto John’s baptism. 4 Then said Paul, John verily baptized with the baptism of repentance, say- ing unto the people, that they should believe on him which should come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus. ® When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. 6 And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them, and they spake with tongues, and pro- phesied. 7 And all the men were about twelve. 8 And he went into the syna- gogue, and spake boldly forthe Space of three months, disput- ing and persuading the things concerning the kingdom of God. ® But when divers were har- dened, and believed not, but spake evil of that way before the multitude, he departed from them, and separated the disciples, disputing daily in the school of one Tyrannus. 19 And this continued by the space of two years, so that all they which dwelt in Asia, heard the word of the Lord Jesus, both Jews and Greeks. '1 And God wrought special miracles by the © Rec. add Lycov.Acts XIX. 12. 342 TWPAZEIS TON aA a ’ hands of Paul: 12 so that from Ta@py KELPOV IlavAov, 2 Sore Kal emt of = : a ~ : , > his body were brought unto the zo} agOevouvras * émupeper Oar “ aro || sick handkerchiefs or aprons, s . See 4 < 6 and the diseases departed from TOU XpaeTos avuTOuU covoapia 1) OLLLKLY ta, them, and the evil spirits went «al drradvAdooer Gat amr avtay Tas V6- out of them. , , \ Ch gous, Ta TE TVEUpATA TA TOVNPA — EK- , mropevec Oar" ©". 13 Then certain of the vaga- 3 "Ereyelpnoav de Tues 1 ard” TeV bond Jews, exorcists, took upon Y ? Sab 3 a them to call over them which TG PLEO OREN OY é Tou aLwv efopKioT av had evil spirits, the name of dvoudcew émt Tovs €xovTaS TA TYEVPATa the Lord Jesus, saying, Wie Ta TOVNpa TO dvopa TOU Kuptov "Incod, adjure you by Jesus whom Paul Z ja eee eA Ren 2 preacheth. !+ And there were heyovtes’ © Opkifw"” vas tov Inoou seven sons of one Scevaa Jew, Oy 6 IlavAos knpuooe.. 4” Hoay d€ TWES and chief of the priests, which c \ > SET aaa 3 s co ApeoeeeAmdithecvil spint UlOb @Koum Se CPXUSR Es Te answered, and said, Jesus 1 ToUuTO TOLOUVTES. 15 amoKploev Oe TO know, and Paul I know, but ~ \ \ Diss Nea 7 a ? l noo1 who are ye? © And the man mvevpa TO movnpov elie Toy Inoovy in whom the evil spirit was, YUVOTKO, Kal TOY TlavAov ETLOTAPLAL ray ~ Ney, > , r leaped on them, and overcame jes Oe TiVES EOTE | 16 Kat epadAdpmevos them, and prevailed against 5°» soe 5 40 > @ 2 \ them, so that they fled out of ér autTovs 0 avlUpwmos ey @ NY TO that house naked and wounded. qryeupLa 70 Trovnpov, feat” § KaTaKUpLEU- i7 And this was known to all cas’ “avrav hr terete “ise UE the Jews and Greeks also dwell- . ‘ ae KG: ay om oT? ing at Ephesus, and fear fellon yupvous Kal TETPAULLATLO PEVOUS expuyew ‘ © *! ~ ” > / oF ~ 7 them all, and the name of the ¢y rod oiKou ekelvov. ToUTO d€ eyeveTo | Lord Jesus was magnified. ‘ es > , ny 8 And many that believed YYOOTOV mwacw lovdalots Te Kal“ ENAnot | came, and confessed, and shew- Tots KATOLKOUGL THY "Edeoor, Kal eme= | ed their deeds. '% Many also pop > pane ae \ of them which used curious BeOS 20 pS oe ah aes! eS) ‘Kee ' arts, brought their books toge- €LLeyANUVETO TO OVOLA TOU Kuptov In- > “or ~ , a ther and burned them before gov, 18 o\NOL Te TOV WreTLOTEVUKOTOV ‘ all men: and they counted the ,, . P ’ xavtes Tas BiBAovs KaTeKaLoy EVv@TLOD | s \ I, A TAavT@Y Kal ouvepnpioay Tas TLLAs | Seen = | avTav, Kal evpov dapyupiov pupiddas| 2 > 7 s € Co \ /, mévre. % ovtw Kata Kpdros 6 oyos! ~ , 2, 3 rod Kuplov nigave kal toxvev. A aoe ipese eines mere 21 Qo S82 emAnpon TavTa, €OeTo 4! ended, Paul purposed in the a > a , ‘ voit spirit, when he had passed TlavAos ev T@ Lvevpart, dtc Boy TH through Macedonia and Achaia, Makedoviay kat Axatay mopeveo Oat ELS) to go to Jerusalem saying, ‘J du 2 nae Sop Z 7 S2) e€povaal elr@yv OTL fLeTA TO YEVE-| After I have been there, | must i lie e N fi r uy a BaMaciRome. 22iSouhe sent oOa pe ekel, Cet pe Kal Popnpy iOetD | : NT. . °° , a A into Macedonia two of them Arrooretnas O¢ els THY Makedoviai| . 1 ms aw uropEepeTface b Rec. s€epyecOar. © Rec. add am avtwr. ds Kat. e@ Rec. Opxifoper. { — & WY Kataxvplevouy. h @& aporepav.ATIOSTOAQN. 343 dvo TaV StakovowvTey are, Typddeov kal “Epaoroy, avtos eméoxe xpdvoy eis Tv Aciav. # "Eyevero d€ KaTa TOV Katpov €KEL- vov Tapaxos OUK odtyos mept TS 0000. * Anpnrptos yap Tus dvomart, apyupo- KOTrOS, 7 TOL@V VaAoUvS dpyupovs "Apreuidos, mapetxeTo Tots Texvirats epyactav ovK od yyy" 2 0US ouvabpoicas, Kal Tovs Tepl Ta Touatra epyaras, elev” “Avopes, emiotagde 6 ort eK ravrns HS epyacias 1 evropia * pay" core 6 kat Gewpeite Kal dkoveTE ore ov pdvov "Edecou, ada oxedov maons TS *Acias 6 Ilav- os ovTos metoas pereornoey ikavov dxAov, A€yov Ott ovK etal Geol of dia xXelpav yvopevor. * ov pdvoy dé TovTo KivOuvevel Nuly TO pepos els arreheysLov eGeiv, adda Kal TO THS peydAns Oeas "Aprepidos iepoy eis ovdev Noyio Onvat, peAAew Te Kal KaBaupeia Bat TY peyan ewdrnTa aitis, hv OAn 1) “Acia Kal 7 oikoupeyn o€Bera. 28 °Axovoavtes O€ Kal -yevdopevor TAT- pees Oupod, expacoy deyovtes’ MeyaAn 7 Aptepts Ebsotov. 23 Kan exhnoOn 17) TOALs OAn ? THs ouyxuoens apynoay Te Op0Oupaddy eis TO Gear pov, ovvap- macavtes Taiov Kal “Aplotapxoy Ma- keddvas, cuvexOnpous ” TlavAov' * rod dé IlavAouv Bovdopéevov cicedOety els Tov Ojpov, ovK Eloy avTov of pabnrai. 31 tives S€ Kal TOY ‘Agapxov ovres avTa ido, TmepNpayres mpos auror, apexdovy. Ha) Oovvat cauroy eis TO Oearpov. addou pev oty ado Tt expacov* ay yap 7 exkhnola TUyKEXU- pevn, Kal of meious ovK joewray, Tivos évexey ouvedn\uGercay. ** ex S€ Tov dxAov mpocBiBacay “AdeEavSpov, Tpo- Bad\évrev attoy Tey lovdatoy: 6 Oé Acts XIX. 33. that ministered unto him, Ti- motheus and Erastus, but he himself stayed in Asia for a season. 23 And the same time there arose no small stir about that way. 74 For a certain man named Demetrius, a silver- smith,which made silver shrines: for Diana, brought no small gain unto y craftsmen: 2 whom he called together, with the workmen of like occupation, and said, Sirs, ye know that by. this craft we have our wealth. 26 Moreover, ye see and hear, that not alone at Ephesus, but almost throughout all Asia, this Paul hath persuaded and turn- ed away much people, saying, that they be no gods, which are made with hands. 27 So that not only this our craft is in danger to be set at nought: but also that the temple of the great goddess Diana should be despised, and her magnificence should be destroyed, whom all Asia, and the world worship- peth. 28 And when they heard these sayings, they were full of wrath, and cried out, saying, Great is Diana of the Ephesians. 29 And the whole city was filled with confusion, and having caught Gaius and Aristarchus men of Macedonia Paul’s companions in travel, they rushed with one accord into the theatre. °° And when Paul would have entered in unto the people, the disciples suffered him not. 3! And cer- tain of the chief of Asia, which were his friends, sent unto him, desiring him that he would not adventure himself into the theatre. 22 Some therefore cried one thing, and some another: for the assembly was confused, and the more part knew not wherefore they were come to- gether. 33 And they drew Alex- ander out of the multitude, the Jews putting him forward. And aD vpwre b Ree. > © Rec. add roveActs XIX. 34. Alexander beckoned with the hand and would have made his defence unto the people. *4 But when they knew that he was a Jew, all with one voice about the space of two hours cried out, Great is Diana of y Ephesians. 35 And when the townclerk had appeased the people, he said, Ye men of Ephesus, what man is there that knoweth not how that the city of the Ephe- sians is “a worshipper of the great goddess Diana, and of the image which fell down from Jupiter ? 36 Seeing then that these things cannot be spoken against, ye ought to be quiet, and to do nothing rashly. 97 For ye have brought hither these men, which are neither robbers of churches, nor yet blasphem- ers of your goddess: 25 where- fore if Demetrius, and the craftsmen which are with him, have a matter against any man, & the lawis open, and there are deputies, let them implead one another. ° But if ye enquire any thing concerning other mat- ters, it shall be determined in a vlawful assembly. 4° For we are in danger to be called in question for this day’s uproar, there being no cause whereby we may give an account of this concourse. 4! And when he had thus spoken, he dismissed the assembly. 20. And after the uproar was ceased, Paul called unto him the disciples, and embraced them, and departed, for to go into Macedonia. * And when he had gone over those parts, and had given them much ex- hortation, he came mito Greece, 3 and there abode three months: and when the Jews laid wait for him, as he was about to sail into Syria, he purposed to re- turn through Macedonia. 4 And there accompanied him into Asia, Sopater of Berea: and of the Thessalonians, Aristarchus, and Secundus, and Gaius of 344 TIPAZEIZ TQN , nr “AheEavOpos Karavewwas Ty XElpa, 70€- 5 A a , hey drodoyeio Oat TO Ono. “4 *emvyvov- res’ 0€ bru lovdatds eat, Pav eyEevero a , pla ek mavT@y, ws em pas Ovo Kpa¢ov- / 4 > tov’ Meyddn 7 “Aprepis Edeciov. 35 Karaoretaas O€ 6 ypapparevs TOV > f Iq / dxNov, pnoiv’ “Avopes Edéeouot, tis yap eat dvOparos bs ov ywoaoket THY "Edectov modi vewképoy ovoay ts peyadns >” AprépOos kal TOU Avorrerous 5 * > , , 38 Gyayrippytay oby dyT@Y ToUT@Y, O s Kal pndev mpomeres mparrew. *! nyayere > » 7 yap Tovs avdpas TOUTOUS, OUTE Lepoou- Novus ovte BAracdhnpotvras tHv © Geov" de Sa FS uM 38 > s > 4 \ ULO@V. ei prev ovv Anuntptos kal of ody avT@ TexviTaL *€xovor Tpos TWA Néyov,” faydparoe” ayovrat, Kat avOvura- / D z ? 4 > ANA 39 > Tol eiow" eykadeitwoay adAnhots. * et dé re mepi érépav emu(ntetre, ev TH ev- vou@ EKKANT LA émirvOnoerat. * Kai yap kwdvvevomev eykadeia Oat oTaoews Tepl Ths onpepov, pndevos airtov vmapxovTos mept § 00 OuvnodueOa amodovvat” Noyov THs ovatpopys tavtns. © Kai ravra eimov, amTedvae THY EKKANTLAY. 20. Mera S€ 7o mavaoacOat Tov O6- / Co) > \ puBov, mpookaderapevos 0 IlavXos Tovs padnras, kal domacapevos, e&nOe Tro- 1 is TT Soviay. ? dvehOe pevOrvat eis THY Makedoviay. ~ OvehOav dé Ta pépn exetva, Kal Tapakadeoas abrovs Méy@ TOAAG, HAOEv eis THY “EA- Adda. 3 womoas TE pHvas TpEts, Yevo- 4 CS a a > pens avT@ emBovdis vm TaY lovdaiwv pédRovre avayerOa eis THY Zupiay, a oi eyevero yap Tod wmootpepew Oia Makedovias. 4 cuvelmero O€ avT@ axpt A >? , , h ae 1 Ths “Acias Zwnatpos “Ilvppov” Be- povatos. Secoadovixewy O€, "Apiotapxos \ A \ pos 5 \ Kal Sexovvdos, kal Vdios AepBatos Kat A Rec. excyvovrwy,. b Rec. add Osa, f Rec. ayoparot. P Ov, tie BC ov ov duvvnocopeba dovyac. e Rec. wpos teva Aoyoy EYordtys ? Gr. the temple keepere ¢ Or, ordinary, daw NELLY. h Rec. > ¢ Rec. Gecav, court days are kept.AIIOSTOAQN. 345 Tupddeos* “Aciavol dé, Tuxixos kal Tpd- = > ey ¢ n pypos” ®° ovrot mpoehOdvres Epevoy nas ; ev Tpaddu npeeis de eSemevoaper pEeTa TUS npepas TOV dgopey d amo ®.- himrrov, kal Oop mpos avrous cis Tv Tpadda aXpes npEpOv TEVTE, Ov Suerpiyrapey 7 npepas €nTa. "Ey O€ TH pua Tov caBBdTwv, cuv- NyBevav *npov" khagat aprov, 6 IlavAos Sueheyero avrois, pedhoy etevar T errauplov, mapereive Te TOV Adyov HEXpt Hecovuriou’ * qoay de hapmddes i ikavat TO Vrepo@ ov ” jucy” ow HEVOL. ® Kkabipevos dé tis veavias dydpate Evroxos € ert THS Gupidos, katapepdpevos 5 Unve Bader, Ouaheyopevov TOU TlavAou emt melon, KarevexOeis amd TOU Umvou, ETETEY ATO TOU TplOTeyoU KaTw, Kal 7p An veKpos. ie karaBas dé 6 Havdos ETETETEY AUTO, kal oupmepihaBar et elire’ Mn Oopu8cio be 7) yap Wux7 avrov ev oe coTW. a ‘AvaBas O€ Kal kAdoas © aproy" kal yevodpevos, ep ikayoyv TE opudnoas ax pes avyns, ovTas eS) dev. 2 Hyayov dé Tov maida (evra, kal Tap- exhnOnoay ov peTplas. 137 SEljets, 706 mpoehOdvres emt 0 mAotov, avnxOnpev eis tiv “Acgor, eKEL- Gev peAovres avahapBdveww Tov TavAov" OUT@ yap ny Ovateraypéevos, peov av- TOs meCevew. Mt ws Oe oveBarer 7 py eis THY “Acoo, avahaBdvres avroy DA Oopev eis MervAnyyy’ 18 Kaxeidev a amro- hevoarres, TH _emovan KaTnvTnoapey dyTeKpv sa 7H de € /érépa mapeBadouey eis Zdpov" ¢ kat peivaytes 7 Tpwyva- Nio, TH eXopeny’ ‘ PBopev els MiAnroy. a6 © éxpwe” yap. 6 Ilavhos mapamhevorat Tv "Ed@ecor, ores a) yeunrat auT@ XpovorpeSjcat ey tT Agia’ gomevde yep, ei Ouvatoy AY aiTe, THY Huépay Acts XX. 16. Derbe, and Timotheus : and of Asia Tychicus and Trophimus. These going before, tarried forusat Troas: § and we sailed away from Philippi, after the days of unleayened bread, and came unto them to Troas in five days, where we abode seven days. 7 And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow, and continued his speech until mid- night. 5 And there were many lights in the upper chamber where they were gathered to- gether. 9 And there sat ina window a certain young man named Eutychus, being fallen into a deep sleep, and as Paul was long preaching, he sunk down with sleep, and fell down from the third loft, and was taken up dead. 1° And Paul went down, and fell on him, and embracing him, said, Trouble not yoursely es, for his life is in him. 1! When he therefore was come up again, and had broken bread, and eaten, and talked a long while, even till eee of day, so he departed. And they brought the young man alive, and were nota little com- forted. 13 And we went before to ship, and sailed unto Assos, there intending to take in Paul: for so had he appointed, mind- ing himself to go afoot. 44 And Ww hen he met with us at Assos, we took him in, and came to Mitylene. 15 And we sailed thence, and came the next day over against Chios, and the next day we arrived at Samos, and tarried at Trogyllium: and the next day we came to Miletus. 16 For Paul had determined to sail by Ephesus, because he would not spend the time in Asia: for he hasted, if it were See &@ Rec. twy waOnrwy Tove b Rec, noay, ©Wtov aproy, da wry ds Exouevy, © O—,Gb, KexpinserActs XX. 17. 346 TIPAZEIS. TON possible for him, to be at Jeru- 77s mevtnkooTas yeverOar eis ‘Iepood- salem the day of Pentecost. hupa 7 And from Miletus he sent 17 >Aqd O€ TNS Mudnrov meprpas els to. Ephesus, and called tne "Eqdeoor, peTeKANEGATO TOUS m peo BuTe- elders of the church. !§ And ad tee ; 18 < x when they were come to him, pous TS exkAnolas. ws OE TAape- a ey > a € r he said unto them, Ye know »éyoyTo pos AUTOV, ELEY avtots’ Ypets from the first day that Icame 4_, Ae eas ! cae 242 2 into Asia, after what manner I €740TAO €, ATO Tip OS nHEPas, ap nS . , ° \ fe i have been with you at all sea- emeBnv els THY Agtay, Tas PEG UP@V sons, !9 serving the Lord with _\ , s 2 Suny. 19 SovAev all humility of mind, and with * OV TAVTA KXPOVvov CYTE ’ cur rn , many tears, and temptations, T® Kupio peTa Taos Tamelvoppoovyns which befell me by the lying in Naa f ; a aa . ‘ AL TELPAD MOV TOV wait of the Jews: 29 and how I Kae , OaKkpVver | ie REET | kept back nothing that was pro- oupPavT@v pou ev T j you publickly, and from house ~~ _ i Ne ao : ( ~ to house, I testifying both byty Kal Ovdagar vpas Snpocta Kal Kat to the Jews and also to the gixqyc, 7! SuapapTupopevos Tovdatots |; Greeks, repentance towardGod, hs fi Slee ‘ ; Be eee our ord ge. Tevkae WAAWOe amy jelseuay Ocov peta- 7 , sus Christ. youay, Kal mlotw THY els Tov Kuptoy ¢ ~ ° ~ jpav “Inoovv Xprorov. 99 22 And now behold, I go ~~ Kal pov ido ° eye dedepevos” TO | bound in the spirit unto Jeru- Tiyed , eG »? ee VEULATL, TOPEVOLAL Els Iepovaa 1) fs he salem, not knowing the things r , ¥ shall befall me there: 3 save Ta €v QUT CUVAVTNTOVTA 101 pu) LOWS, | that the Holy Ghost witnesseth 28 TAN 6Tt TO Tvevpa TO ctyvov Kata > in every city, saying that bonds yi) 2 ! aN 5 , 10 un We ¢ and afflictions #abideme. 24 But 7° wy OlayapTupeTalL — [Ol eyov, OTt) none of these things move me, Seopa pe Kal Odipers [LEVOUC LD. 24 GAN neither count I my life dear Ee NG eittD a ae \ unto myself, so that I might Oe eee Oye Tone SOUS: EXO Tie finish my course with joy, and Wuxny “pou TuLLay EHAUT@, WS TENELO- the ministry which I have re- gq, roy Spopov you e pera yapas,” coal ceived of the Lord Jesus, to a \ 8 , A oN \ ~ , testify the gospel of the grace 77)¥ OLaxovlay jv eXaBov mapa Tou Kupiou} of God. 2 And now behold, 1 "Ingovd, SuapaptipacGar 7d evayyeAwon |; know that ye all, among whom _-« , SOcne 25 + aye Nae | have gone preaching the king- THS XOPUTOS MOU RI SOU: Kal YU LOOL} dom of God, shall see my face eyo olda, OTL OUKETL oWeo Ge TO TpOT@- no more. 26 Wherefore | take _§ Gate t > e = : 70 € you to record this day, that I ut PSHOU ices TIS y ois dup Cai am pure from the blood of all KNPUTO@V THY Baotde.av Tov Oeov.| men. 27 For I have not shunned 26 §,9 pra TUpouaL viv ev TH one 5 i 0)» to declare unto youallthecoun- « ~~ eae poe \ i CN TP 71h p sel of God. NEPA, OTL Kaapos Ey@ aro TOU ALUaTO)| > ay ravtav. % ov yap vmecrehauny TOI) \ > e > na \ vi? pay avayyetNar vply Tacay THY BovAy | Tov Oecov. 28 Take heed therefore unto 98 ; ae a . yourselves, and to all the flock, Ilpooéxere ovy eavTois Kal Tat) . ~ r , > 2 ¢ . A over the which the Holy Ghost T@ TOLLVL@, EV @ upas TO Ilvedpa T| i ee d= e= £3 © Or, wait for me a Rec. add roAdwy. » Gb. dedepevos sya. © Rec. om. cr > r an | ats emBovAals TOV |) fitable unto you, but have Tov ata © LOS ovoev UmecretNapny I, shewed you, and have taught —.~ , ~ wD ~ TOV cuLPEpovTay, TOU BP) avayyethat 4ATIOSTOAQN. 347 dyvov Gero ETL KOTOUS, Toupatvety THY eke LOD 7 Tou ® Geov,” ip mepverroungaro bua TOU cee rou idiov.” * eya * yap" otda TOUTO,” OTL civehevoovrat pera mY adigiv pov AvKou Bapets eis - 30 upas, i) perdopevor TOU ToULviou Kal e€ tua avTav dvaoTnoovraL avopes Nadovyres Steorpappeva, TOU amoomay Tous pabyras 0 onto avTev. 3k Oud ypn- yopeire, pvqpovevovtes OTL TPLeTiaY wy vuKTa Kal npepay ovK erravoapiny pera Saxptev vovberav eva exagtov. * Kal \ a , ¢ oa en NGw, z Ta voV mapariOcpae vpas, adehpol, TO Oca kal TH ASym THS XapLTOS avToU, TO duvapeve ; errorK Oop oa * a> Kat Sodvar Upiv KAnpovopiay eV Tois myea- opevos macw. * dpyupiov i) xpuvatou 7) imatiopov ovdevds erreOvpnoa’ * avrol Be yev@oKere ore Tas xpetaus pou Kal Tols ovat per €L0u Unnpern ray at XEtpes atta. ® madyra bredetEa Upty, TL oUT@ Koml@vras Oet dyrihapBaver Oat TOV do devowvtov, pvnpovevely Te TOY Noyav TOU Kupiov Eyoov, OTL avTos ere” Ma- kapidy eote " waddov Orddvar" i) Aap Ba- VEL. 35 Kal ratra cima, Geis ra yovara avTov, ovv maow avTots mpoonvégaro. a ikavos de eyevero khav6 pos TAVTOV" Kal emumeodvres em TOV meno TOU IlavAov, kareidouy auTov’ 8 oduve- Hevol padiora & ETL TO Aby@ @ elpnket, OTL OUKETL pedovee TO mpoowmov av- TOU Gewpetv. mpoerepmov O€ avtov eis TO cos ‘Os Se eyevero avax Oat nas sees os oe avray, evdudpopn- cavres 7 Bopev els THY Ka," t™ O¢ esTs els THY “Podov, kakeibev es Tdrapa. * kal ebpdvres motor Sarepay els Powt- Knv,emiBavres avny Onpev.**avapaverres” 2 Acts XXI. 3. hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. 29 For I know this, that after my departing shall griev- ous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. °% Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them. 3! Therefore watch, and remember that by the space of three years, I ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears. °2 And now bre- thren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanc- tified. 33 I have coveted no man’s silver,or gold, or apparel. 34 Yea, you yourselves know, that these hands have minis- tered unto my necessities, and to them that were with me. 39 [have shewed you all things, how that so labouring, ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give, than to receive. 36 And when he had thus spoken, he kneeled down, and prayed with them all. 37 And they all wept sore, and fell on Paul’s neck, and kissed him, 38 sorrowing most of all forthe words which he spake, that they should see his face no more. And they accompanied him un- to the ship. 21. And it came to pass, that after we were gotten from them, and bad launched, we came with a straight course unto Coos, and the day following unto Rhodes, and from thence unto Patara. * And finding a ship sailing over unto Phenicia, we went aboard, and set forth. ao. — Gb. Kuptov. b Rec. & idrov auyatoy. CD Az h Rec, dkdovae paddor. i Rec. Kay, ey ft ® orxotouncar. § Rec. add de. k St, avadavarrreActs XXI. 4. 3 Now when we had discovered Cyprus, we left it on the left hand, and sailed into Syria, and landed at Tyre: for there the ship was to unlade her bur- den. 4 And finding disciples, we tarried there seven days: who said to Paul through the Spirit, that he should not go up to Je- rusalem. 5 And when we had accomplished those days, we departed, and went our way, and they all brought us on our way, with wives and children, till we were out of the city: and we kneeled down on the shore, and prayed. ® And when we had taken our leave one of another, we took ship, and they returned home again. 7 And when we had finished our course from Tyre, we came to Ptolemais, and saluted the brethren, and abode with them one day. 8 And the next day we that were of Paul’s com- pany, departed, and came unto Cesarea, and we entered into the house of Philip the evan- gelist (which was one of the seven) and abode with him. 9 And the same man had four daughters, virgins, which did prophesy. 10 And as we tarried there many days, there came down from Judea a certain prophet, named Agabus. 1! And when he was come unto us, he took Paul’s girdle, and bound his own hands and feet, and said, Thus saith the Holy Ghost, So shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the man that owneth this girdle, and shall deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles. 12 And when we heard these things, both we and they of that place, besought him not to go up to Jerusalem. !3 Then Paul answered, What mean ye to weep and to break mine heart ? for I am ready, not to be bound 348 TIPAZEIS TON \ \ - XN 4 > Xu Sé riv Kumpov, kat karaduroyres avrny 3 cddvupor, emr€open eis Dupiay, kal KaT- 7 - rn > \ nxOnuev «is Tupov' ekeioe yap nv TO TAotoy arro:opTicoprevoy TOV “yomov. X > / 4 kal dveupdvtes TOUS paonTas, emEpel- > ~ ¢ / CG / ee a drov nuepas EmTA’ OLTLWES TO yapev avTov Nepas €7 ‘ 2 IlavAw édeyov Ova Tov Ilvevpatos, py > 4 > a* aN yas Oe dvaBaivew els *‘lepoadAupa.” ° oTe Oe 4 wn Z, \ ¢ Gi éyévero npas e€apticar Tas npepas, eed Odvres erropevdpueba, TT pOTreUTrOVT OY Can aN \ , jas TavTay ov yuvaLgl Kat TeKYOLS a a f nw 7 \ Cas Em THs TOAcwS, Kal OevTEs TA o- vara émi Tov aiyradoy mpoonvéayca.. | 6 Ne GD, 4 > aN > 4 | Kat dorracdevor GAATAous, emeBnpeV 3 A =~ = C \ ¢ 7 eis TO TAotoy, éxeivor O€ UméeaTpelray eis Ta lola. a ~ , 7 “Hyuets O€ roy mrovy SvayucavTes See ae , > Tvpov KatnvTnoapev els IItoXe- | | | amro paida, Kal domacapevoe TOUS adehpovs S , C an €welvapey Nepay play map avrots. ® TH dé émavpiov e&edOdvtes ”” 7 Oopev” eis Kauoapevay’ Kal elaeNOoytes els TOY OLKOV @idlarrov Tov evayyedurrov, a” Syros ek n > Qn 4 Tov érrd, euelvapev Trap avTe. ° rouT@ > 4 4 4 Sé Aoav Ovyatepes mapGevor Tecaapes 4 mpopnrevovedt. ? 4, Ay ¢ an ¢ Li , Emipevovrov S€ nuav nuepas TeEt- ~ , > i > , ous, KaTHAGE Tis aro THS Iovdatas Tpo- of oyrns dvépare “AyaBos" 1 Kat eAdov a 4 A - mpos Has, Kal apas THY Corny Tov iat or On e ¢ AH A an avAov, Snoas * Te avTov" Tas xElpas \ \ / > 5 , 4 \ Kal tous modas etme’ Tdade eyer TO IIlvedpa TO ayvov' Tov ayOpa ov eotw 4 Chun arn, ovr Snoovow ev ‘lepou- cadnu oi “lovdator, Kat Tapad@covot > ° > an 12 c Weed / i els xelpas €Ovav. Qs d€ nkoveapev TavTa, mapekahovpey npets TE Kal ot évrémuot, Tov pa) avaBaive avrov eis | , re ‘\ ~ ‘Tepovoadnp. 8 drexpiOn dé 6 Ilavdos- Ti moveire KNalovres Kal cuvOpuTrovTEes pou THY Kapolay ; eya yap ov povov @ Rec. LepovcaAnp. \ Rec. add ox wept Tov ILavAov. c St. & Bz. mAOov. d Ree. add tov. © Bz. om.—* eavrtou.ATIOSTOAQN. 349 SeOjvat, ava kal drroOaveiy eis ‘lepov- oahnp, eroipes éxo Urep To dvdparos TOU Kuptov ‘Ingov. is ) metBopevou d€ avrov, nouxdoapev eindvtes’ To OXypa Tov Kupiov yever Oo. 1 Mera be Tas nuepas Tavras | * arro- TKevardpevou’ ‘ aveBaivopev eis > ‘Iepovu- cahnp. #38 orn Oov be Kal TOV pabyrov amd Kauoapetas avy np, ayovres map 0 feria Baper, Mvacevi tur Kurpio, apxaio pabnry. 7 Tevowevan O€ 7) TQ eis ‘TepoodAvpa, aopevas ° ebeEavTo” nuas ol adeAdol. 1g TH de emovon elojet 6 IlavAos ovy Tpey mpos *laxwBov, mavres Te mapeye- vOVTO ob mpeaBurepor. . kal doracd- pevos avrovs, éEnyeito Kab ev ExacTov av erolnoev 6 eds ev Tos Overt Sia THs Staxovias abrod. on Oe dxovoravres edd€atov Tov * Kupuov" eiov TE AUTO" Ceapeis aded- ge, wooat pupiddes eicly © “lovdaiwv’ TOV TEMLOTEVKOT@Y’ Kal TaVTES (HAwTAl TOU vouov wmapxover. * KarnynOnoav dé mepl ood, 6Tt aroctaciay SiOdoKels amd *Macéas” rots Kata ta €Ovn * mavras” ‘Tovdaious, eyo BY Tept- TEVELY avTOUS Ta TeKva, pnde Tots eOeou Tepurarety. * » ri obv eat; Tav- Tos Oct tANOos cvvedbeiv’ dKovgorrat yap ore ehnAvbas.” *3 TOUTO ovv Toin- ov 6 ool eyouey" eloly nly _widpes Teroapes EuxnY Exovtes eh éavTav* *4 TovTous mapahaBev ayvio Onre ov auTols, Kal Samayycov er avrois, iva Supnoerrat THY kepadny, Kal yeoov- Tau" mayres éTt op karnxnvrau mepl wou ovdey €oTw, adda oToLXels kal avtos TOY YOpov pudrdocor. + _Tept d€ Tay TETLOTEVKOTOV eOvav nets emeotet\a- pev, Kpiwavtes * undev rowodtov tnpeiv Acts X Xf. 25. only, but also to die at Jeru- salem for the name of the Lord Jesus. 14 And when he would not be persuaded, we ceased, saying, The will of the Lord be done. 15 And after those days we took up our carriages, and went up to Jerusalem. !6 There went with us also certain of the dis- ciples of Caesarea, and brought with them one Mnason of Cy- prus, an old disciple,with whom we should lodge. 17 And when we were come to Jerusalem, the brethren re- ceived us gladly !8 and the day following Paul went in with us unto James, and all the elders were present. !9 And when he had saluted them, he declared particularly what things God had wrought among the Gentiles by his ministry. 20 And when they heard it, they glorified the Lord, and said unto him, Thou seest, bro- ther, how many thousands of Jews there are which believe, and they are all zealous of the law. 21 And they are informed of thee, that thou teachest all the Jews which are among the Gentiles, to forsake Moses, say- ing, that they ought not to cir- cumcise their children, neither to walk after the customs. 22 What is it therefore? the multitude must needs come together: for they will hear that thou art come. 23 Do there- fore this that we say to thee: We have four men which have a vow on them, 74 them take, and purify thyself with them, and be at charges with them, y they may shave their heads: and all may know that those things whereof they were in- formed concerning thee, are nothing, but that thou thyself also. walkest orderly, and keepest the law. 2% As touch- ing the Gentiles which believe, we have written and concluded, that they observe no such thing, a Wemoxevacapevor. UWS Ispocodkvua. © amredeLayro, dGb. cov. € Wey ToL Toutasous. = f Gb. Mwvoews. g-> h \ raytws axovoovrat ore EAnAvOas. i Rec Wyrwoe.Acts XXI. 26. 350 TIPAZEIS TON > A save only that they keep them- avrovs, ef p71)” gpuraooer Oat avurous 7 3 i ri \ Q \ selves from things offered to 7-4 ce ei§mAdOuTov Kal TO aipa * Kal |) idols, and from blood, and from ee : : strangled, and from fornica- MVLKTOY Kal Topyetay. ; 7 9 = A \ tion. 26 Tére 6 IlavAos mapadaBwy Tous 26 Then Paul took the men, ,, 5 eS ; cae sy iscerOue and the next day purifymg @”OP%Ss 72) Pex OPE ie pe oe ; himself with them, entered into ayia Geis elanel Els TO LEPOY, duayyeA- the temple, to signify the ac- \ BENE ae - a : = @OW THY Ep@y TOU complishment of the days of Aov ae CT Me & . TER es purification, until that an offer- GyVlO Mov, EWS OU Tpoonvex On VITEp €VOS ing should be offered for every éxqQgrov avT@V 1 mpoopopa. one of them: EGS Sibu Cul Cem N Coa 27 And when the seven days S OS MCS he CET HSPs were almost ended, the Jews guyreAcio Oat, of amo ths Aotas lov- which were of Asia, when they n / 5a > Ase ea : a; : .. @ saw him in the temple, stirred Saitou Gearapevor CET a ep i lep@s up all the people, and laid auveyeov mayTa TOY dxAop, Kal eméBahoy hands on him, 7 crying out, bras xElpas én avrov,” 28 kpacovtes® Men of Israel, help: This isthe , 5 J A bei <9 man that teacheth all men Ay pes Aopary! ‘Tal, Pon €lTE. OUTOS 7 ¢ (ss = ~ \ every where against the people, égriy 6 GvOpwrros 6 KaTa TOU )aov kal }j and the law, and this place: and ~ ie ey , , slaw, : further brought Greeks also TOU PS ROUSE OS mou BOON, Tee ee into the temple, and hath pol- ° 7avTayou OudadoKoyv’ ete Te Kat EX- i 29 (For , ; luted this holy place. ™ (For \yyas eianyayev els TO Lepoy, Kal KeKOL- they had seen before with him ae ; = 99 3 inthe city, Trophimus an Ephe- Y@KE TOY ayLloyv TOTFOV TOUTOP. ( Hoay sian, whom they supposed that yo apoewpakotes Todhiuov Tov “Eqe- Paul had brought into the tem- ide P oP ~ \ fe ee a pe? : ple.) 3° And all the city was coy Ba TD) 7 et Guy GUT, Oy EVvOpLLCoV moved, and the people ran to- OTL els TO LEpoY ELONYyAyEV O Ilavdos.) 5 aa r oF co 7 gether: and they took Paul, 30 exw On Te 7 TOALS GOAN, Kal eyeveTo and drew him out of the tem- \ i 2 oe Boh ple: and forthwith the doors @vvOpopn Tov Aaov' Kal emlAaPopevoe | x a sf 2 >» & A A were shut. Tov IlavAou, €iAkoy avToy €£@ TOU Lepou \ > / > , c , Kal evOews EKAEL ai Gupa. 31 And as they went about to 3) 0 SSRN oOnoay : ap a kill him, tidings came unto the ZnTOUYT@V O6€ avToy amoxretval, | chief captain of the band, that aveBn pacts TO xXALApX@ ™s oTreipns, {, all Jerusalem was inanuproar. « a tae J : Not eee 32 Who immediately took sol- 074 O17) CMY KEKE €pOVT AAT 8 p diers, and centurions, and nan €EauTNs mapakaBav OTpatimtas Kal if down unto them: and when ¢ s , 59 5 they saw the chief captain and CKOT OUT GEXEUS? karedpapey , 7 | of Paul. Then the chief oTpatiotas, €TAVOAVTO TUTTOVTES TOV | captain came near, and took Tek. Rae Ss 7 sey ON him, and commanded him to **+@UAOV-. TOTE eyyloas O XLALAPXOS)> Bs 3 : > / > a Nee er a be bound with two chains, ée\dBeTo avrov, Kal exedevoe SeOnvat and demanded who he was, G\woeot Ovoiee Kal. emu aye hao and what he had done. 34 And zs ets oi io 1 nS ant some cried one thing, some €l7, Kal TL €OTL TETTOLNKWS. aAou i 2 V7 > ) my, I another, among the multitude: 8 @\)o cu 4 e8dav" ev TO OXAO" pa) | and when he could not know Supt \ a ate S £ a the certainty for the tumult, he OUVGMeEvos de yvoval TO aocanes dua | . re \ , > , a commanded him to be carried toy OdpuBov, exehevorev GyecOar avToy| b Gb, ex’ avroy tas yetpas. CS wavrayn. dw evePwvouyAIIOSTOAQN. 351 Boer NS Cane els m7 mapen Bonny. OTe O€ eyEvETO emt Tous avaBabpovs, ovveBn Baorace- oOau avroy Ud TOY OTpaTL@TaYV dua thy Biay Tov dxydov. * nkodovder yap 16 TARGOS TOU aod * Kpdfoyv'” Alpe avurov, 37 MéANov TE ciaayeo Oat eis THY mrapepBodqy 6 IlavAos Aeyet 7@ xe ae Ei efor! po. eirrey » TL” mpds Ges Oe be en EMquort YWOTKELS 5 3 ovK apa ov el O Atyorruos 0 mpo ToUT@Y Tov mpEp@v dvaorar@oas Kal eEayayay eis THY epnpov TOUS is oxehtous aydpas Tav cikapiov; *° Eire de 6 Ilavdos’ “Ey avOparros pe elu ‘Tovdaios Tapoevs, ths Kedckias ovk donpov Toews TOAiTNS” Seopat de cov, emitpewov jot Aahjoae mpos Tov adv. 0 °Emitpeyravtos S€ avtov, 6 Ilav\os EoTWs em Tov avaBabuay KaTEecELoe TH XElpl TO awd moNXrjs d€ oryns yevope- UNS, mporeporvnce 7 EBpaids dvade- = eee “Avdpes, aehgot Kal Tar Epes, dkovgaré pov tS mpos vpas °vuvi” amoNoyias. 7 "Akovoavtes S€ Oru TH ‘EBpaid. duahexr@ Tpocepaver avTots, paXXov ere nouxiar. Kai cbynow* "Eye ¢ pev! eiput avnp “Iovdaios, ye- yevynpevos eév Tapo@ Ts Keduxias, dvareOpapyuevos Oe €v TH mdAeEL Tavry mapa Tous m00as Dapahud, memadev- pevos KaTa axpiBevay TOU _Tarp@ov vo~ Lou, nrarys t brdpxov TOU Oxo, Kkabos mayTes Uueis eate onjepov’ * Os TavTNY my Oddy ediwka a aXpu Gavarou, Secpevov kal mapad.dovs eis puhaxas aydpas TE Kal yuvaixas, > Os kal 6 apxvepeds paprupet pol, Kal way TO mpeoBurépioy’ map’ @y kal emtorohas deEduevos mpos tovs adedpovs, eis Aapackdy Acts XXII. 5. into the castle. 3° And when he came upon the stairs, so it was that he was borne of the soldiers, for the violence of the people. 36 For the multitude of the people followed after, crying, Away with him. 37 And as Paul was to be led into the castle, he said unto the chief captain, May I speak unto thee? Who said, Canst thou speak Greek ? °5 Art not thou that Egyptian which before these days madest an uproar, and leddest out into the wil- derness four thousand men that were murderers? 39 But Paul said, 1 am a man which am a Jew of Tarsus, a city in Cilicia, a citizen-of no mean city: and I beseech thee suffer me to speak unto the people. 4° And when he had given him licence, Paul stood on the stairs, and beck- oned with the hand unto the people: and when there was made a great silence, he spake unto them intheHebrew tongue, saying. 22. Men, brethren, and fa- thers, hear ye my defence which I make now unto you. ? (And when they heard that he spake in the Hebrew tongue to them, they kept the more silence: and he saith,) ? 1 am verily a man which am a Jew, born in Tarsus a city in Cilicia, yet brought up in this city at the feet of Gama- liel, and taught according to the perfect manner of the law of the fathers, and was zealous towards God, as ye all are this day. ‘4 And I persecuted this way unto the death, binding and delivering into prisons both men and women, ° as also the high priest doth bear me wit- ness, and all the estate of the elders: from whom also I re- ceived letters unto the bre- thren, and went to Damascus, a © xpafoyzes. bo ¢ Rec. vuv. a3 >Acts XXII. 6. to bring them which were there, bound unto Jerusalem, for to be punished. 6 And it came to pass, that as I made my journey, and was come nigh unto Damascus about noon, suddenly there shone from heaven a great light round about me. 7 And I fell unto the ground, and heard a voice saying unto me, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? 8 And I answered, Who art thou, Lord ? And he said unto me, I am Jesus of Nazareth whom thou persecutest. 9 And they that were with me saw in- deed the light, and were afraid ; but they heard not the voice of him that spake to me. 19 And I said, What shall I do, Lord ? And the Lord said unto me, Arise, and go into Damascus, and there it shall be told thee of all things which are appoint- ed for thee to do. 11 And when I could not see for the glory of that light, be- ing led by the hand of them that were with me, I came in- to Damascus. }? And one Ana- nias, a devout man according to the law, having a good report of all the Jews which dwelt there, 13 came unto me, and stood, and said unto me, Bro- ther Saul, receive thy sight. And the same hour I looked up upon him. !* And he said, The God of our fathers hath chosen thee, that thou shouldest know his will, and see that Just One, and shouldest hear the voice of his mouth. 6 For thou shalt be his witness unto all men, of what thou hast seen and heard. 16 And now, why tarriest thou? arise, and be baptized, and wash away thy sins, calling on the name of the Lord. 17 And it came to pass, that when I was come again to Je- rusalem, even while I prayed in the temple, I was ina trance, 18 and saw him saying unto me, 302 IIPAZEIZ TQN eropevdpny, Lay Kal Tovs Ekeioe OVTAS, | Sedeuévous eis ‘Iepovoadnp, wa Tipo= Poa on . “EyEevero Oé por mopevopevp Kat eyylCovre ty Aapack@ mept peonuBptay e&aidyns ek TOU ovpavoU TeolagTpawat bas ikavoy trept ee émecdy TE Eis} ro Caos, kal #rovoa ovis Aeyovons ov. SaovdA, Saovd, ti pe Stoxers ; 8° Ryd O€ drexplOny’ Tis et Kupue; Eire re mpos pe’ “Eya@ eipt "Incovs 6 Nalo-=| patos by ov takers. 9 Of dé ody Epol dvres TO pev Pas eVeacavTo, 4 Kal Eu- | oBor éyévovto’” rv de poviny ovK | #kovoav Tod NadovyTds po. © elroy |, d€°-.Tl trounce Kupee ; ‘O dé Kupuos | ele mpos pe’ > Avaotas Topevou els | Aapackdy* Kakei oor KadnOnoerat TEph | TAaVT@Y OY TETAKTAL TOL TOLNT AL. 11 “QO S€ ovK evéBAerov amo THs O0-) Ens TOU Poros exetvov, Xetpayoyovpevos tt ind Tov cvvdvT@y pot, nAOov eis Aa-) packov. 'Avavias O€ Tis, avijp EvoE-| Bis Kara TOY VOpOY, MapTUPOUpEVOS LTO TdvTav Tey KaTotKovvTay ‘lovdaler,) 13 2)day mpds pe kal emvords ete pot’| Saovr dderPé, avaBreov. Kayo avr7yy Th Spa aveBreya eis avrov. M6 OE} eirev' ‘O Ocds TOY TaTépoV TLV] mpoexetploaré oe yvavat TO Oehnpa av-} Tov, Kat idety Tov Sikaloy, Kat aKovcal| ovay ek TOU oTdpaTos avTOU" 18 om) Zon paptus a’r@ mpos mavtas avOpa- qous, @y €@pakas Kal jkKOVaAS. 16 Kalk vov Ti pédders; dvactas Bamticat Kal} dmé\ovea Tas duaptias cov, emKahe-| odpevos TO dvopa » avTov.” 7 -Ryévero Sé pou troarpevyavte ets ‘Tepovoadi, Kat TPOTEVXOPEVOU 4402! ev TO lep@, yeverOar pe ev exoTacet,| 18 kal idely avTov A€yovTa por Sreveor| a0 > b Rec. rov Kuptow,ATIOSTOAQN. 353 fare Bee, kal ¢edOe ev rayer €& ‘lepovoadnp / \ f Sudrt ov mapadeEovrai wou THY LapTupLay =) > : ae, > mepl €jL0v. 19 Kaya eimov’ Kupte av- e DEE NOI, B, Tol emioTavTal, OTL eyw Aunv DuAaKL Cov \ \ Kal Opa KaTa TAS TUVaywyas TOUS ZS 9 \ o IF cs muorevovtas emt oe’ ” Kat Ore E€ExXEITO > n~ / / TO aipa * Zreavov' Tov paptupos gov, \ Kal autos Hun epertws Kal ovvevdo- kov””, Kal duddoo@y Ta iparia Tey avaipovvray avtdv. * Kat etme mpos - > . »~ \ pe’ Ilopevou, ore ey@ eis €6yn jraxpay e€aTrooTeA® Ce. 92 4 rr \ > a 9 , x Hkovoy 0€ avrov aypt Tovtov TOU a i ¢ a Aoyou, Kal emnpay THY havyy avTay Aeyovres’ Aipe amd THs yns Tov ToLOU- Tov’ ov yao © KaOnkev” avrov hy. 23 / Q\ 2 OA Nae 4 Kpavya(ovrwy d€ abtav, Kal purtovr- TOY Ta iarta, Kal KoviopToy Baddovtay > \ d 4 uM 24 ? / e > \ els TOY ° aépa, ekeAevoev © aUTOV 0 xiAtapxos eioayer Oar” eis THY Tapep- \ & & Bodny, eirov pacriEw averacer Oar ad- 7 > a oY TOV, wa emiyya Ot iv aitiay ovTas > , > a 25 ec A f / uw emepavow avTa. ” as dé ‘rpoérewav > cr nan > nr aUTOY TOLS iLaoLV, Ele TPOS TOY EaTa@TA c / ¢ ayy a , a exatovrapxoy 0 Ilavhos’ Ei avOpwmov c c Y fa ro Papatoy kat akardkpiroy eEeotw tpiv fe 9, id paoticew; *© “Axovoas dé 6 éxardy- > , a Tapxos, mpooe\Oav amnyyeie TO YXU- Z , ee , A Atapyo éeyov’ &" Ti pedders roveiv; 6 \ Py a . a yap avOparos obtros ‘Popaids ett. 27. 187 NEc be ¢ i > > ipocehGwy e 0 yiNlapyos elmey ad- ae , t rn > T@* Aeye pot,"” ov ‘Papyatos ef; ‘O \ + A / 238 > de en Nai. * Amexpi6n re 6 xuNiap- ees \ a Xs Eyw ro\Aov Kehadaiov tiv to- , , > a Auretay TauTny extnoauny. ‘O dé Tladdos 3 \ \ \ / 9 , epy Eya d€ kal yeyevynuar. 2 EdOéws 7 Jed) ~ ouy ameotnoay am avtov of jéhdovTes 4, auroy aver ace. Kal 6 xAiapyos be \ e¢ ct a epoBn On, emyvous ort Papaids éort, 7 > \ Kal ott nv avrov SebeKas. a \ > / Ty dé eratprov Bovddwevos yrovar a— Db Rec. add TY Avatpecet avrov. Gb. o ytX. stoaysc9ar avror. © Rec. xaOnxov. a S ovpavoy. © Rec. avr. 0 yt) f St. & Elz. wooe~sivev, g Rec add Upa.4 Rec ‘ Acts XXII. 30. Make haste, and get thee quick- ly out of Jerusalem: for they will not receive thy testimony concerning me. ! And J said, Lord, they know that I im- prisoned, and beat in every sy- nagogue them that believed on thee. 2° And when the blood of thy martyr Stephen was shed, I also was standing by, end consenting unto his death, and kept the raiment of them that slew him. 2?! And he said unto me, Depart: for I will send thee far hence, unto the Gentiles. 22 And they gave him audi- ence unto this word, and then lifted up their voices, and said, Away with such a fellow from the earth: for it is not fit that he should live. 2° And as they cried out, and cast off their clothes, and threw dust into the air, *4 the chief captain com- manded him to be brought into the castle, and bade that he should be examined by scourg- ing: that he might know where- fore they cried so against him. > And as they bound him with thongs, Paul said unto the cen- turion that stood by, Is it law- ful for you to scourge a man that is a Roman, and uncon- demned ? 26 When the centu- rion heard that, he went and told the chief captain, saying, Take heed what thou doest. for this man isa Roman. 27 Then the chief captain came: & said unto him, Tell me, art thoua Roman? He said, Yea. 25 And the chief captain answered, With a great sum obtained | this freedom. And Paul said, But I was free born. 2 Then Straightway they departed from him which should have «ex. amined him: and the chief cap- tain also was afraid after he knew that he was a Roman, and because he had bound him. 30 On the morrow, because he A. ayecBar. add ec. * Or, tortured him,Acts XXIII. 1. 354 MPAREIS TON e f SD. \ A , . a \ a) would have known jy certainty TO aopanes, ‘TO TL KATHYOPELTAL © Tapa 19 qn > , a+ wherefore he was accused of 76y loydaiwy, edvoev adrov’”, Kal €KE~ the Jews, he loosed him from ‘ tae ‘ 3 a j his bands, and commanded the Aevorev cuvedbety” Tous upxtepets Kat chief priests and all their coun- Iggy” ro ovveOpLov e”+ Kal KaTayayauv cil to appear, and brought Paul _\ Biren > Saae, down, and set him before them. TOV ae oY OT Oe Sie ee 93. And Paul earnestly bee 23. Arevioas dé 6 TlavAos r@ ovvety holding the council, said, Men , > 7 2 NDE S ae and brethren, I have lived in Opie TSH “Avopes adehpot, ve eo all good conscience before God CUVELONTEL ayadn TETOALTEULAL TO Cen until this day. 2 And the high ¢ ‘ ee IG 2 ‘oO 8 a : a0 aypl TavTyNs TIS epas. € ap- priest Ananias commanded XP 1% 7 ; ] ue me = ta them that stood by him, to X4€Pevs Avavias emréTa&e TOLS TAPETT@- sete ie ee an oW avTa, TUnTELY AUTOU TO OTOMG. saith Paul unto him, God shall 3 , € a \ 58 > Bi smite thee, thou whited wall: TOTe ¢ TavAos ets Corea SE for sittest thou to judge me Tumreny oe peAdet 0 eos, TolXE KEKOF + Qw ¢ Z, ‘ / after the law, and commandest yuapeve’ Kab ov Kan Kpivav pe KATO me to be smitten contrary to \ , \ : a , the law ? 4 And they that stood TOY VOPOV, Kat TAPAVOM@YV Kehevels PE = . , ~ > t Ba ee ee os timtecGar; * Oi d€ TapeoTates etrov | high priest ? 5 Then said Paul, pr. 3 , ~ a Wk a Bn I wist not, brethren, that he was duay Tete USP’ Tov cov Aovoopets ; “EDN the high priest: forit is written, TE O IlavAos* OvKk NOEL adeAol, ott Thou shalt not speak evil of 2o7\y Gg Hens L po heagel: EOTLY APXLEPEVS eypamTal ya Ap=-\' the ruler of thy people. PX p e y YP ; ey Pp es ip Yovra TOU aod Gov OUK Epes KAKOS. | “a / | 6 Tyods O€ 6 IladAos bru TO Ev pepos| 6R s Se i OT. 3 ” But when Paul perceived ég7j Zaddovkalor, To O€ eTepoy Pa-| that the one part were Saddu- / »” > in Stent cees, and the other Pharisees, ploalov, expagev Ev TH TDUVEOPLH Av-| . . . 2 X > ‘\ “Ts > ed he cried out in the council,Men Opes adeAot, eyo @apiocaros ELpLL, VLOS | and brethren, I am a Pharisee, ¢ da fe \ oe Dooce C bP the son of a Pharisee: of the ee eens oe : VOOT mE hope and resurrection of the Tews VEKP@YV EY Kplvopat. Tovro Oi « ye Oo j i a , 7 a ile dead, 1am called in question. g3799 NhaXnoayTos, €yEVvETO oTdaots Tah 7 And when he had so said, 2 A a - there arose a dissension between Papicaiwy Kal TV Saddovkatov, Ka) +7 cs 2 > , a cr A the Pharisees and the Sad- ég¢yig6n Td TANOos. ° Saddovkator pei} ducees: and the multitude was | \ Ne No ay 5} divided. 8% For the Sadducees gap SY OURE pay ay GU Py p say that there is no resurrec- ayyedov pyre mvevpa- @aprcatou 6} tion, neither angel, nor spirit: ¢),5 a VP 4 9, ONS k ae OmoAoyovat Ta AUMoTEpa. EVEVETO O}) but the Pharisees confess both. i "4 oD a EP ERE uy To 6| 9 And there arose a great cry: KPQvuy1) peyadn Kat avaoraytes § ¢} and the scribes that were of the ypapparets” TOU poepous TOV apical Is Pharisees’ part arose, & strove, 8 ses Ne - Ode ‘ < | saying, We find no evil in this bE PAX GO SY SURES. : S Cv RROD man: but if a spirit or an angel ploKopev EV TO avOpaTre TOUTG) EL | hath spoken to him, let us not ~ NN oe hie : ; [ L ie fight against God. !° And when eae ea HY Cue fj dyyeos 4 tkere ayose a great dissension, 1? TloAAys de yevoperns oTacews, ett the chief captain fearing lest \q@BnGeis” 6 AL 18 On | S$: 0 tALa os taoTao if Paul should have been pulled Bate «> x > CPX > i ; \ 1 i in pieces of them, commanded QUAOS UIT CU ee EVOE Te OTR the soldiers to go down, and to reuya xKataBay apmacat avToy é| - t a & v7, ) Rec. add aro twy decpwr. © Rec. erOerv. d Rec. odor. e Rec. add avray. Fwapicarwyv. § WX Teves TWY YOUUMATEWY. h Rec, add pn Scopaywusy. 1 WY PoB nersATIOSTOAQN. 355 pecou adtav, dyew re els Thy Tapep- Bodny. Ty S€ emtoven vuxri émords auTe 6 Kupwos eime* Odpoe*”* ds yap Oue- papTupe Ta Tepl euod es ‘Tepoucadip, ovt@ oe Set Kal eis ‘Pouny paptupncat. ™ Tevomévns dé MEpAs, Toucayvres 5 cvotpodyy oi Iovdator,” aveOewdticay EavTous, Aéyovres pre payety pyre Me EWS OU amoKTEivwou Toy TlavAoY: 3 joav dé mrcelovs TegoapaKkovTa oi TAVTHY THY cvVepoclay © qretroinkorTes’ ” '* olrives mpoce Odvtes Tols apxvepedor Kal Tots mpeaBurépors etrov" “AvaOépart aveOewaricapev éavtods, pndevds yev- cao Oat €ws ob droxreivapev Toy IavXov. *® yoy obv ipeis eubavicare T@ XUALapY@ OU TO ouvedpia, dmws 4 avp.ov” avroy Karayayy mpos tuas, ds péddovras Ovaywockery axpiBéarepoy Ta Tepl av- Tov" nueis S€, mpd Tod éeyyicae adroy, ETOWLOL Eopev TOU GvEdely adrdy. 6 *Akovoas 6€ 6 vids tis adeAdjs Havdov 7d evedpor,” Tapayevouevos Kai civehOdv els thy mapepu/orry, annyyeXe TH Tato, 17 m™pookKaheoa- feevos Oc 6 IlavXos eva tev €xaTovTap- Xoav, en’ Tov veaviay todroy amayaye TPos TOV XiNlapyov? yer ydp Te amray- yetda atte. 38 *O peév ody TapadaBay avuTov iyaye mpos roy x'Alapyov, Kal dynow> ‘O Seo pos Tlavdos mpookahe- Pou TAMEVOS ME NPOTHCGE, TOvTOY TOY Veaviay ayayely mpds oe, ExovTa TL Aadjoal cou. 9 EraBdpevos S€ tis xeipds adrod 6 xAlapyos, Kat dvaywpnoas kar idiay exuvGdvero’ Ti €or 6 eyes anayyeidal pot; 7° Kime d€° "Ore of "Iovdaior cuve- Gevro Tov epwtncal ce, dmas aiiptov els TO ovvedpioy Kataydyns tov Tlad- Aov, ws péddovTés Te axpiBéaTepoy Acts XXIII. 20. take him by force from among them, and to bring him into the castle, 1 And the night following, the Lord stood by him, and said, Be of good cheer, Paul: for as thou hast testified of me in Jerusalem, so must thou bear witness also at Rome. 12 And when it was day, cer- tain of the Jews banded to- gether, and bound themselves “under a curse, saying, that they would neither eat nor drink till they had killed Paul. 13 And they were more than forty which had made this conspi- racy. 14 And they came to the chief priests and elders, and said, We have bound ourselves under a great curse, that we will eat nothing until we have slain Paul. 15 Now therefore ye with the council, signify to the chief captain that he bring him down unto you to morrow, as though ye would enquire something more perfectly con- cerning him: and we, or ever he come near, are ready to kill him. 16 And when Paul’s sister’s son heard of their laying in wait, he went and entered into the castle, and told Paul. 1” Then Paul called one of the centu- rions unto him, and said, Bring this young man unto the chief captain: for he hath a certain thing to tellhim. 18 So he took him, and brought him to the chief captain, and said, Paul the prisoner called me unto im, and prayed me to bring this young man unto thee, who hath something to say unto thee. !9 Then the chief cap- tain took him by the hand, and went with him aside privately, and asked him, What is that thou hast to tell me? 20 And he said, The Jews have agreed to desire thee, that thou would- est bring down Paul to morrow into the council, as though they would enquiresomewhat of him @ Rec. add Iavve. b Rec € ~—.Gb. & Bz. & Elz. tny evedpay + Teves Twy Lovdawwy suorpopny. * Or, with an oath of execration. © roinoapevor. d Gb, om.a Acts XXIII. 21. 356 HIPAZEIS TQN \ > -~ i > 4 more perfectly. ?! But do not muvodaveo bat TEPl AUTOV. 21 gu ovy py AS . >t} . an Bie > s \ > \ | thou yield unto them: forthere [eyg@n¢ avrots evedpevovot yap auTov |' lie in waitforhimofthem more ,-, te Ee; ; 5 than forty men, which have €§ @UT@Y dydpes mAelovs Tecoapa- = . : ; cf > , c \ | bound themsely es with an oath, KGVT@, OLTLVES aveOepatioay E€AUTOUS | that they will neither eat nor +» a Zoe Ae Saeenia® BUON 3 drink, till they have killedhim: ee payew pare OE Poe ee aoe and now are they ready, look- auToy’ KaL VUVY €TOLMOL ELOL m™poa0ex0- ing for a promise from thee. Ne 2 ae XL 22 <9 Bt : . EVOL TI QO @oOU ETFAyYEALAY. 22 So the chief captain then let i S: ai Ihe oo o ae vy, K . the young man depart, and Ev Ov xediapxos amweAuge TOY veaviay, E - x : \ > a oad), charged him, See thou tell no Tmapayyethas pyndevt exhahyoat Ort man, that thou hast shewed a ) / , ; T , z these things to me. ravra evepayviras Tpos pe. ; 2) And he called unto him 73 Kal mpooxadeodpevos Ovo Twas two centurions, saying, Make _- € Blivs ‘ > OE , ready two hundred soldiers to eid SO SS Eroipacare go to Cesarea, and horsemen OTpaTLwTas Siaxoglovus, 6mws TOpEvda- = ay e 15y. o ~ , rn threescore and ten, and spear- gyy €ws Karoapeias, Kal lmrqmels éBSo- men two hundred, at the third , «See NES woe hour of the night. 24 And pro- P7]KOvTG, Kat O€e§toAapovs OLAKOTLOUS, vide them beasts, that they may amo Tpitns apas TS vuxros: 2 KTNUN TE set Paul on, and bring him safe edioaorh Oat vv eeu OLO CG Gime ee unto Felix the governor. 2 And * Peo Oe ene cs he wrote aletter after thisman- IlavAov Ovac@o@oe mpos @nAuka Toy ner: 26 Claudius Lysias, unto + oe, 25 ‘| 2 \ s nyewova awas emioToAny Téeple- the most excellent governor Pee pO TOT Felix, sendeth greeting. 2” This a Pi > ee / - / ¢ t } man was taken of the Jewsand Avgias T@ KpaTLOT@ NyEpove Pyke l3 should have beenkilledofthem: |» 7 14,5 ideas rel then came I with an army, and Xatpelye Tov avopa TOVTOY DUAAH~ . . . bs 4 ¢ \ a ’ , \ | rescued him, haying understood pbervra UTTFO TOV Iovdalov, Kal peANovTa IF rasa R an. 28 A > rn C20 A > A \ a | ancayes | HOME nd Gvaipeio Oar vm AUT@Y, emTLOTAaS TV TH when I would have known the 5 Sd ie Ce El cause wherefore they accused OTPATEVLATL eSethopny “ avTOV, pabov ; . . % see / c cr > | him, I brought him forth into §7,1 Popatds eott. 7% BovdAdpevos Oe |b their council. 22 Whom IJ per- ~ aN Dias ee > |: ceived to be accused of ques- VE Ovee Spe ce ee ny : CUERE OUV }s tions of their law, but to have auT@, KaTnyayov QY’TOV ELS TO cuvedptov Ky. nothing laid to his charge wor- Ce Olep as o > , Sy > a 2 avuT ) ) thy of death or of bonds. 30 And Unoy ; On SUpOu eyKahoupevov Tee [ when it was told me, how that CnTnpatav TOU VOJLOV QUTOY, pndev O€ |B } + ny] ry] . y © YE / xX an Sy) the Jews laid wait forthe man, a&vov Gavarov 1 Serpav éykAnpa exov= k I sent straightway to thee, and 30 bel Sé > ve >it gave commandment to his ac- Ta- . penvulEetons O€ [Ol em BovAns Els } . \ 7 a ¢ \ ~ cusers also, to say before thee tov Gvdpa pede évecOar vmo TOV what they had against him. °7,,,8q/ Dap eg , i barca, lovdaiwr, eSauTTs een ra Tmpos o€,| Tapayyeidus Kal TOLs KaTHyopoLs eye t \ \ ~ woe Ta Tpos AVTOY ETL TOV. > &ppado.” \ > ~ A 31 Qi pey ovy oTpaTl@Tat, KaTa TO} 4 > Ts > 31 Then the soldiers, asit was OlaTeTaypevov avTots, avadaBdevtes TOV je po 1 OE es , a A: commanded them, took Paul, TIavAoy, Hyayov Ou TS VUKTOS €lS THD and brought him by night to >A i | 82a eNOS , 27 Antipatris. 32 Onthe morrow, AYTiTaTploa. ~ 77 Oe eTAUPLOY EAT AV=\ 4 c o MW \ > ~ , they left the horsemen to go Tes TOUS LTTTELS © ropever Oat OUY AUT, | | ta | , ~ 9 / Xovcay Tov TUTOY TOUTOY” 26 KyXavéios | le | | } i ay bs © Waren ysobat.ATLOSTOAOQN. 357 umeatpewar eis THY TapenBorny 33 of- tives eloehOdytes els Thy Kavrdpevay, kat avaddvres Ti euro TO NYELOVL, mapéatnoav Kal tov TladXov auto. ** dvayvods 8€*”, Kat ETEPOTHTAS €K Totas emapxias €or, Kat TvObpevos STL amd Kidikias: 35 Ataxovcopai cou, epn’ oray Kat of KaTIVyopol cou Tapayevay- Tat. ’Exehevoé re abrov év T® TpaiTo- pi@ Tov “Howdov pudaccec Oat. 24. Mera dé révte tucpas kateBn 6 apxtepevs ’Avavias HeTa TOY TpedBuTE- Pov kat pyTopos TeptUAXOv TwWds, olrivES evedavicay TO nyepove Kata Tod Iav- Aov. 7 KAyOévros dé adrod, npEaro Katnyopely 6 TéptuANos Aéywv" * Tod- Ans eipyyys tuyxdvovtes bid cod, Kal KaTop§oparay™ yvopevay ta eOver TOUT dua THs ons Tpovolas, wavTn TE Kal Tavraxov, amodeyoucba, Kpdriore OyE, wera wdons evyapiorias. * iva € pn) emt meidv oe eykdrra, TApAakare >? a“ / ¢ a , - va > akovoal oe NuoY OvvTduas TH Of ér- etkeia. ° evpdyTes yap Tov dvSpa Tovroy Rowdy, Kal Kwodyta © ordow" maou Tots ‘IovOaiors Tois Kard Thy olkouperny, mpotooramy te ths Tov Nawpaiov aipecews’ © bs Kal 7d ftepdy emreipace BeBnr\@oa, by Kal exparnoaper, “Kal Kara TOY mer EpOV yO pov Ochi caper Kpwe. ‘ mapehOwy dé Avoias 6 yiXi- apxos peta mods Bias €x TOY Yeipov nev annyaye, ® KeXevoas Tovs KaTy- yopovs avtov epyecOa emi oé” wap ob duynon avros dvaxpivas wept wdv- TOV TOUT@Y Eemiyyeval Ov Huets Katn- e aes Opovpeyv aUTOU. 1 ‘5 SweméBevro" dé Kal ot “Iovdator, packovtes Tavra oUTws exew. 10 °AmexpiOn dé 6 aidos, vedoavros aUT@ Tov nyepovos heya’ “Ex mov v ACTS XXIV, 10. with him, and returned to the castle. 33 Who when they came to Cesarea, and delivered the epistle to the govemor, pre- sented Paul also before him. 34 And when the governor had read the letter, he asked of what province he was. And when he understood that he was of Cilicia: 35 J will hear thee, said he, when thine ac- cusers are also come. And he commanded him to be kept in Terod’s judgment hall. 24. And after five days, A- nanias the high priest descended with the elders, and with a cer- tain orator named Tertullus, who informed the governor against Paul. 2 And when he was called forth, Tertullus be- gan to accuse him, saying, Seeing that by thee we enjoy great quietness, and that very worthy deeds are done unto this nation by thy providence: 3 we accept it always, and in all places, most noble Felix, with all thankfulness. 4 Notwith- standing, that I be not further tedious unto thee, I pray thee, that thou wouldest hear us of thy clemency a few words. 5 For we have found this man a pestilent fellow, and a mover of sedition among all the Jews throughout the world, and a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes. §& Who also hath gone about to profane the tem- ple: whom we took, and would have judged according to our law. 7 But the chief captain Lysias came upon us, and with great violence took him away out of our hands: § commanding his accusers to come unto thee, by examining of whom thyself mayest take knowledge of all these things, whereof we accuse him, 9 And the Jewsalso assented, saying that these things were so. 10 Then Paul, after that the governor hadbeckoned unto him to speak, answered, Forasmuch @ Rec. add o nyexwy. b © dcopOwuatwr. © Rec. Suvedevro. © A oragece. d 6, 7, 8. 3 wae xaza ad ex os,Acts XXIV. 11. as I know that thou hast been of many years a judge unto this nation, I do the more cheer- fully answer for myself: !! be- cause that thou mayest under- stand, that there are yet but twelve days, since I went up to Jerusalem for to worship. (2 And they neither found me in the temple disputing with any man, neither raising up the people, neither in the syna- gogues, nor in the city: 13 yei- ther can they prove the things whereof they now accuse me. 14 But this I confess unto thee, that after the way which they call heresy, so worship I the God of my fathers, believing all things which are written in the law and the prophets, !* and have hope towards God, which they themselves also allow, that there shall be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and unjust. 16 And herein do I ex- ercise myself to have always a conscience void of offence to- ward God, and toward men. 17 Now after many years, I came to bring aims to my na- tion, and offerings: '* where- upon certain Jews from Asia found me purified in the tem- ple, neither with multitude, nor with tumult: 19 who ought to have been here before thee, and object, if they had ought against me. 2° Or else let these same here say, if they have found any evil doing in me, while I stood before the council, 2! except it be for this one voice, that I cried standing among them, Touching the resurrection of the dead Iam called in ques- tion by you this day. 22 And when Felix heard these things, having more per- fect knowledge of that way, he deferred them and said, When Lysias the chief captain shall come down, I will know the ut- termost of your matter. 75 And he commanded a centurion to keep Paul, and to let him have 358 TPAZEIS TON Se + \ ~ yy , érav dvra oe KpiTny TO EOver TOUT A émiorapevos, * evOupdrepov” Ta Tepe €wavrov amoAoyoupar" +1 Suvapevov wou a qd / > / ¢ 4 yuaevar Ort ov melous Elot pot TMEpat bv , bio 8 ee , Sexadvo, ap hs aveBny mpookuyn Tay > ¢ b. 7. 12 \ y+ > rn ic a” 7 lepovoadnp. kal ore ev TH LeP@ etpdv pe mpos Tiva Stadeyopevov 7 . a i 2 ¢ émisbarac’” TowouvTa byNoV, OUTE EV ps RB 5 \ , rais guvaywyais, oUTe KaTa THY TOW" 2) A , Cue 13 ore mapactioa OvvayTar TEpl @V ~ ~ ~ \ pov KaTnyopovcl pov. 4 Gpuodoy@ Oe a ¢ A / rovré col, OTe KaTa THY Oddy vy heyou- o ic , in , ow aipeoty, ovT@ aTpEVo TO TATPO@ Gca, TLOTEUOY TATE TOLS KATA TOY VOLO dxal Tots ev Tois’ mpopnrats yeypap- , loan ™~ » > \ \ aA pévows, © edrida €xwv els Tov Ocoy, TY Kal avTol ovTot Mpoab€xovTal, avacTaglw Z a e a “a , pedrew écecOar °vexp@y,” OuKatov Te \ 10 = A642 / £ Se” 2 \ > a kal adikav’ © éy rouT@ ‘ Oe avTos ATK, ampdckoroy auvelonow &éyew” mpos rov Gedy Kal Tovs dvOparous SiarravTos. V¢ se VN / / Ad érav Sé mieidvav Tapeyevouny ; , 2 éhenocvvas Tromawy eis TO €Ovos [Lov \ Vike 18 > h pee // ly | Kal mpooopas ev “ais” evpov pe| Wyvigpevoy €y TO lep@, ov peTa OxXov | ovdée pera SopvBov. tives ' de" aro THS ’Aclas Iovdator, 1 ods * edeu” emt cov mapeivat Kal KaTyyopely el TL €xoLev mpds pe. * i adrol obrot eimarocay, \” ri edpov ev emol ddiknpa, TTAYTOS [LOU emi rod cuvedplov’ 7 i) mepl pias TavTys ovis, hs ékpaga Extras ev avrois® “Ort mept dvacrdcews vexpOv eye Kpivopat onwepov Up var. 22m? AyeBdrero dé adtovs 6 BALE," dxpiBéorepov And as he reasoned of righte- ousness, temperance, and judg- ment to come, Felix trembled and answered, Go thy way for this time, when I have a conve~ nient season, I will call for thee. *6 He hoped also that money should have been given him of Paul, that he might loose him: wherefore he sent for him the oftener, and communed with him. 27 But after two years, Por- cius Festus came into Felix’ room: and Felix willing to shew the Jews a pleasure, left Paul bound. 25. Now when Festus was come into the province, after three days he ascended from Cesarea to Jerusalem. ? Then the high priest, and the chief of the Jews informed him against Paul, and besought him, % and desired favour against him, that he would send for him to Jeru- salem, laying wait in the way to kill him. ‘¢ But Festus an- swered, that Paul should be kept at Cesarea, and that he himself y ould depart shortly thither. » Let them therefore, said he, which among you are able, go down with me, and accuse this man, if there be any wickedness in him. 6 And when he had tarried among them # more than ten days, he went down unto Ce- sarea, and the next day sitting in the judgment seat, com- manded Paul to be brought. az b Rec. add avrov. f Rec. add de. § Rec. & Gb. add orws Avop avrov. —Gb. S © Rec. & Gb.om. 4 @ pedrovros Kpiparos- € Rec. add ecec@ac. ho oe apyrepets. icv erg Kaccapecay, k Gb. ev vucy dnote duvarore | Bz. add femom axe m Gb.om. n St.& Elz. wAecoug Sexa, Bz.0v.7A.7 be & wAsEtous oxTw 7 dexa. * Or, as some copies read, ne more than eight or ten days.Acts XXV. 7. 7 And when he was come, the Jews which came down from Jerusalem, stood round about, and laid many and grievous complaints against Paul, which they could not prove, ® while he answered for himself, Nei- ther against the law of theJews, neither against the temple, nor yet against Cesar, have I of- fended any thing at all. % But Festus willing to do the Jews a pleasure, answered Paul, and said, Wilt thou go up to Jeru- salem, and there be judged of these things before me ? !° Then said Paul, 1 stand at Cesar’s judgment seat, where | ought to be judged; to the Jews have I done no wrong, as thou very wellknowest. !! For if I bean offender, or have committed any thing worthy of death, refuse not to die: but if there be none of these things whereof these accuse me, no man may deliver me unto them. Iappeal unto Cesar. !2 Then Festus when he had conferred with the council, answered, Hast thou appealed unto Cesar ? unto Czesar shalt thou go. 13 And after certain days, and Bernice, king Agrippa came unto Cesarea, to Festus. the crime laid against 17 Therefore when they were 14 And when they had been there many days, Festus declared Paul’s cause unto the king, saying, There is acertain nan left in bonds by Felix : ‘> about whom when I was at Jerusalem, the chief priests & the elders of the Jews informed me, desiring to have judgment against him. 16 To whom | an- swered, It is not the manner of the Romans to deliver any man to die, before that he which is accused, have the accusers face to face, and have licence to an- swer for himself concerning 360 IIPAZEIS TON , ~ a Fs 6e > “ ax Onvar. mapayevouevou Oe aUTOU, / 9 c 4 mepieaoTnoay *” ol amo ‘lepocoAupav r A ‘\ kataseBnxdres “Lovdator, ToANa Kat Ba- 5 ; ee péa Pairiopara” cepovtes “Kara TOU / a4 a > Ed 2 ie . IlatAov,” ad ovxk toyvoy amodeigar 8 > 4 > ee, Jp: > dmoNoyoupevou avtou' Ort ovre eis a > \ rov vopov Tay “lovdalor, ovTE Els TO r eA lepov, ovTe €is Kaicapa Te 7paptor. a rn , , 9*Q foros Oé Tots “lovdators Oehov ‘ 4 > \ os 4 xdpw Kxatabec Oat, amokpiGets TO Tlavho 9 4 > < / 2 \ etre’ Géders eis ‘Iepocddvpa avaBas, > Cc 3.82) > “a é€xel mept TovTay KpiveOar eT E4005 > ie - a t 10 Pire Sé 6 MavAos’ “Emi tov Byparos , 2 Pon , Katoapos éores eipt, ob pe Set Kpive- > / BI \ > / c x cOar. *lovSalous ovdev nOiknoa, @s Kat \ / > , ol es Seed ey// ov KdAXLOY EeTiyly@oKeEls’ ~ El wey © yap adi kal dévoy Oavarov Témpaxa TL, ov a n > maparrovpa TO amo0avew el O€ ovdev cot &y obrou KaTnyopoval pov, ovders r / pe Ovvarat avTois xapicac@a. Katoapa > A 12 ay ec a em LKANOULAL. Tote 6 ®yoros ovA- , \ n~ / > , adnoas peTa TOU gvpPovdAtov, aTreKpt- 6n* Kaicapa emxéxhyoar ; emi Kaicapa z; Topevon. = c a , a 8 “Hycpav de drayevopevav TWOY, > / ¢ fa A XN = / Aypimmas 6 Bacihevs kal Bepyixn Kat- Zi: > 7 nvtnoay eis Kavodpecay, aomacdpevor —-_- ¢ 7 rov Pnotov. \* ws de wAelovs nuepas dSuérpBov éxet, 6 Bjotos To Bacrhet > / ‘ A A ~ x 4 avébero Ta Kata Tov TlavAoyv eyou" > , 5 Avnp tis €oTl Kataeheippevos vio , , 5 > Oydixos Sécpuos, | wep ob, yevopevov > ¢ / > 1S, pov eis ‘lepogddupa, evepavicay ot = QO’ an apxlepeis Kal ol mpeaBuTepor TaV *Iov- 7 > ~ Saiay, airovpevor Kar’ adtov ° dixny™” 16 rods ods dmexpiOny, OTL OvK EoTLY Zdos “Papatous yapilerOai twa" dv- e / BY porov 8eis at@devay,” mply 7 6 kaTn- , 4, yopovpevos KaTa Tpdcwmoy Exot TOUS Katnyopous, Témov TE amodoylas AaBou mept Tov eykAnpatos. “ ouvehOovTav a add © autor. b Rec, aiTiauara, oe dw ovr. © YS xarabieny. foots. £§ Gb. om.ATTIOSTOAQN, 361 ovv a’tav evOade, dvaBodnv pndepiay Tomadpevos, TH €ENs Kabicas emt Tov Siparos, exeAevoad ax Onvar Tov avdpa’ is mept ob oradevtes ot Kart yopoe ovde- py airtay * eredepov" @y vmevdouy @ >” 1 Grnuata d€ Tuva rept THs Bias Oerowarpovias elyov Tmpds avror, Kat mept Tivos “Inaov reOunKér0s, ov eackey 6 Tlavios ie © airopovpevos dé eye eis my mept °rovrov’ (yrnow, edevov, et Povdouro mopever Gat cis ‘Tepovoadijpu, Kaket Kpiver Oar rept Tov- nay 2! Zod Oe Tad hou eTLKANEO ApLEvOU rnpnOnvar avuroyv eis THY TOU SeBacrod diayvoow, exehevoa T™peto at QuTov, eae ov meno avrov mpos Kaicapa. 2’ Aypirmas de _T™pos Tov noo ee "EBoudéuny kai abros Tov avOpw- mov axovaoa. ‘O Oe Adpiov, dyoiv’ GKOUON aUvTOU. 3° Th obv ématpiov éedAOdvTos Tod ‘Aypinia kal tis Bepvixns peta moANTs davracias, Kai eicehOdvTwy eis TO a- KpoaTnplov, wuv Te TOLS XiAtapxous Kal avdpact Tots Kar e&oynv ovo" Ths TOEwS, Kal kehevoravros Tov ®notov, 4xOn 6 IlatXos. ** kai pnow 6 ®noros’ "Aypinma Bacidev, Kal mdyTes Of OUp- mapdures new aydpes, Gewpeire TOUTOV mepl ov Trav TO mh) Oos Tay lovdaiey EVETUXOV LOL EV TE ‘Tepooohvpors Kal evOade, émiBoevres pin Oetv Chy avrov unkére. * eye dé KaradaBdmevos pndev i a&toy Oavdtov avtoy mempaxéevar, Kal avtov O€ ToOUTOU emixaerapevov TOV 2 > unreasonable, to send a prison- TE MOUTE eop..ov, pen Kat Tas KAT QuU- er, and not withal to signify the 7-55 qitias onpava. crimes laid against him. 96. Then Agrippa said unto 26. “Aypinras de TOs ° Toy IlavAov Paul, Thou art permitted to en’ "Emutpémerat co. *umep” oeavTou speak for thyself. Then Paul stretched forth the hand, and Aeyew. Tore 0 IlavAos amehoyeiro, answered for himself, ekTelvas my Xetpa’ 21 think myself happy, king 7 Tlepi mavtwy QV eykahovpar UTrO Agrippa, because I shall an- swer for myself this day before “Tovdaiey, Baovred “Aypinma, Trynpea thee touching all the things €{LavTOoV peakapLov en hee ped@v on whereof I am accused of the jLepov drrohoyeta ar ® pdduora yor Jews: ° especially, because I ey ne know thee to be expert in all OmyY ovTa O€ mavT@y TOV KaTa customs and questions which ‘Ioudatous ebay Te Kal CytnpaToy. O10 are among the Jews: wherefore I beseech thee to hear me O€opat ‘ "TOV; “paxpodupos axovoal MOUs patiently. iS Tippy pev ou Bloow pou ay eK 4 My manner of life from my amr a 1 EVOJLEV V ev youth, which was at the first VEOTNTOS, THY pxns x f 7 among mine own nation at Je- TO eOvet 200 ev ‘Ieporohvpors, tract rusalem, know all the Jews, mayres OL *Iovdaior, ° TpOyWwoTKOVTES 5 which knew me from the be- 6 Oed ginning, (if they would testify) /€ aolev, (cay EAMOL praptupely,) ore that after the most straitest Kara TH v axpiBeorarny aipeow TS nye sect of our religion, I lived a 6 Pharisee. ® And now I stand, Tépas bpnoxeias tae Papioatos: kat and am judged for the hope of yoy em éAmlou Ts © mpos TOUS marépas the promise made of God unto w AL 7 LV ema eEALaAS EVO ey Ss bro TOU our fathers: 7 unto which pro- 7b YY EI Ue & mise our twelve tribes instantly cov €ornka KpWOfLEvos, els iy TO serving God day and night, hope Sadexadvioy Tov ev EKTEVELA VUKTQ to come: for which hope’s sake, any Main S ricer RCA king Agrippa, I am accused of a HE pay arpeu < 70 the Jews. 8 Why should it be Taps ys eAmloos eykahovpat, Bacthev thought a thing incredible with PAyplirma," iro 8” ‘Tovdaioy. 8 ri: ; you, that God should raise the amLoTov Kpiverat Tap ULL, el 6 Geds dead ? VEKPOUS €YELPEL § 9] verily thought with my- e Rh oY ‘p ; Z5 é self, that 1 ought to do many yo pev ovv edoga EUauT@ pos things contrary to the name of TO ovopa ‘Inoov TOU NaCopatou Oct J Yazareth: 10 whi esus of Nazareth which goa evayTia mpagac’ 10 6 Kal emoinaa thing I also did in Jerusalem, heey” and many of the saints did I eV ‘Iepooohvpors, Kal to\\ous @y shut up in prison, having re- dyioy eyo Sep. puhakats ee ceived authority from the chief x priests, and when they were THY mapa TQ cipxLepewv efovotav as put to death, gaye my voice Bov- dyarpoupevov TE AUT@Y KaTqveyka against them. !! And I punish- 11 ed them oft in every syna- Wipoy. Kal kara Tmaoas Tas oy gogue, and compelled them to ayoyds ToAAakis TLUL@POV auTous, blaspheme, and being exceed- nyayKacoy Braognpew, TEpPLrTas TE ingly mad against them, I per- 207 secuted them even unto strange EH Pa OHLEVOS avtois, €dlwkoy ews kal cities. eis Tas €£@ TOELS. acs amepr. b Rec. ped. aodoy. srt cov onusoov. © Bz. add sidwee ATS & Rec & Gb. xpos Tovg WATECAS.—<“Y EG TOUS TWaTEPAS NUMY, f= 8 Rec. add rar. h- ~ rs Tey. i Rec. >oe 363 "Ev ots * * kal” ‘ Topevd}Levos eis THY aad per eSouotas Kal emiTpomns > THs Tapa” TOY apxtepewy, TpLepas poeons, KaTa Tay o0ov ELOoY, Bacrhed, ovpavdbey Umép thy } Aapmpdrnta Tov ijAtou, mepauyay pe as Kat Tous ou EjLol Topevopevous. mavTav O€ KaTaTrEeg OvT@Y TOV eis a yy, KOUTA povny Nadovoav Tpds pe Kal heyouray" Tn EBpaide duadéxt@, Saova, Saovn, TL pe Ora@xets 3 edpoy gor mpos KevT pa Aakricety. 1 ‘Eye O€ elroy, Tis et Kupte ; ; ‘O d€ eimev, “Evya eius Incovs ov ov ce 16 GAG avacTnO., Kat orn Ot eml Tovs md6das gov" Els TOUTO yap OpOny ool, mpoxerpinag dat oe UINPETHY Kal peomas @y Te elOes OV TE 6pOncopai cot, 7 eEarpoupevds cE ek Tov aod Kal TaY eOvar, eis ods 4 pov oe amooTé\\a, avotgat eee: avTav, ° Tov" émoT pear ard oKOTOUS els pas Kal TS efoucias TOU Sarava emt Tov Qeov, Tov afety avrovs aperw dpaprior, Kal Kjipov ev TOS NYyLacpLe- VOLS, TLOTEL TH ELS ELLE. 19 “Oder, Baorhed ’Aypinra, ovK eyevouny arrests TH ovpavi@ onracia, 20 G\Aa Tois ev Adpacxs mp@rov Kal ‘Teporovpous, eis TaGaY TE THY Konan * ths Iovdaias, Kat tots eOveow, ‘an ny yedrov" peravoeiv, Kal emuoTpE ew emt Tov Oedv, dé&ia HS peravolas epya mpacoovras. 7) €vexa TOUT@Y pre Ob ‘Iovdaio: oudAaBdpevor ev TO iep@, emelp@vTO Suaxerpioac bar. a3 emekouplas ouv TUX@V 77s mapa Tou Ocov, axpu TIS niEpas TavTNS eoTHKa, paprupovprevos pLKpS TE Kal peyar@, ovdev EKTOS NEyov @y TE Ot mpopyrar eAadyoay ped dvray yiveo Oat Kat © Mooys." 23 ¢} maénros 6 Xpuiotés, ef mpotos €& avactdcews y Acts XXVI, 23. 12 Whereupon, as I went to Damascus, with authority and commission from the chief priests: 13 at midday, O king, I saw in the way a light from heaven, above the brightness of the sun, shining round about me, and them which journeyed with me. !4 And when we were all fallen to the earth, I heard a voice speaking unto me, and saying in the Hebrew tongue, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? itis hard for thee to kick against the pricks. '> And I said, Who art thou, Lord? And he said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest. /!° But rise, and stand upon thy feet, for I have appeared unto thee for this purpose, to make thee a minister and a witness, both of these things which thou hast seen, and of those things in the which I will appear unto thee, 17 delivering thee from the peo- ple, and from the Gentiles, un- to whom now I send thee, 18 to open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may re- ceive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me. 19 Whereupon, O king Agrip- pa, I was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision: 2° but shewed first unto them of Da- mascus, and at Jerusalem, and throughout all tke coasts of Judea, and then to the Gen- tiles, that they should repent and turn to God, and do works meet for repentance. 2! For these causes the Jews caught me in the temple, and went about to kill me. 22 Having therefore obtained help of God, I continue unto this day, wit- nessing both tosmall and great, saying none other things than those which the prophets and Moses did say should come; 23 that Christ should suffer, and that he should be the first aS b— © om. CO g Gb. Mauvang. d w—. Gb. sya. @ Bz. was £ St. & Bz. aayyeArAwr.Acts XXVI. 24. that should rise from the dead, and should shew light unto the people, and to the Gentiles. 24 And as he thus spake for himself. Festus said with aloud voice, Paul, thou art beside thyself, much learning doth make thee mad. * But he said, 1 am not mad, most noble Festus, but speak forth the words of truth and soberness. 26 For the king knoweth of these things, before whom also I speak freely: for I am per- suaded, that none of these things are hidden from him, for this thing was not done in a corner. 27 King Agrippa, be- tievest thou the prophets? I know y thoubelievest. *8 Then Agrippasaid unto Paul, Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian. 29 And Paul said, > I would to God, that not only thou, but also all that hear me this day, were both almost, and altogether such as I am, except these bonds. 30 And when he had thus spoken, the king rose up, and the governor, and Bernice, and they that sat withthem. 3! And when they were gone aside, they talked between them- selves, saying, This man doeth nothing worthy of death, or of bonds. %? Then said Agrippa unto Festus, This man might have been set at liberty, if he had not appealed unto Cesar. 27. And when it was deter- «ined, that we should sail into Italy, they delivered Paul, and certain other prisoners, unto one named Julius, a centurion of Augustus’ band. 2 And en- tering into a ship of Adramyt- tium, we launched, meaning to sail by the coasts of Asia, one Aristarchus a Macedonian, Ole s Thessalonica, being with us. 3 And the next day we touched 364 IIPAZEIS TON vexpav pas pedrer KatayyehrAew TO haw Kal Tots €Oveor. 24 Tatra d¢ avtov dmohoyoupevou, 6 Pnaros peyatn th pov epy } Matvn IlavAe* Ta moda oe ypdppara ets praviay TEPLT PEEL. “O de: Ov peat vopat, not, ee @nore, avAN adnGetas Kal cwodpoovvns pnuata d- tropbeyyona. > emiorarat yap tept TouTwy 6 Baoievs, Tpos Ov Kal Tap- pnoaopevos KadX@* AavOavery yap av- Toy TL TOUT@Y Ov TeiBopat ovdEY" Ov yap €oTw ev yovia Tempaypevoy TOUTO. *“7 Tluorevers Baowked “Aypinma rots / ey cd , 293 c Tpopnrats ; olda OTL TLOoTEVELS. O dé “Aypinmas mpos Tov IlavAov * en 3” Ey ohiye pre mreiOers on tan oy yeve- oOat. *°°O dé Ilavies ? eirev"” EvEaiunv dy T® Ge@, Kal ev Odly@ Kal ev °7rOd- Ao" ov pdvov oe, a\X\a Kal avras Tous dxovovras prov onpepov, yever Bat TOLOU= TOUS orrotos Kdy@ €l[l, TAPEKTOS TOV O€OU@Y TOUTMV. 20 “Avert TE O° ' BaovAevs Kal 6 NYELOV, qj TE Bepvikn, Kal ot ovyKabn- pevoe avtots. *! Kal dvax@pyouwres ehddouy pds ahinhous héyovres, * Ort ovdev Oavarou oe z deo pay Tpacoet 6 wOpwros otros. * *Aypinmas bé TO Shore bn’ ‘Amohehva Oat eOuvato 6 divOpamos oUTOS, €l fur) emEKEKANTO Kai- capa. 27. ‘Qs d€ éxpiéy Tod amom\et nas eis THY ‘Irahiar, mapedtOouv TOY TE ilavAoy kat twas éré€povs Secporas exatovTapyn, ovduate lov\i@, omelpns ZeBaortns. emlPavtes Oe moiw A- Q qn > cr nr Opapurrnve, © pedXovres “ mew Tovs Kara THY ‘Agiay térous, avnxOnper, OvTos avy Huty “Aptordpxou Makeddvos Oecooadovikéews. TH Te €répa KaTy= OB, =2 aed =z. = 3S CM peyarty. 4 Reow © Kas ravra €twovTos avTou, avecry oO. & WS pedArovTI.AITOSTOAQN. 365 xOnpev eis Diva‘ pirarOpores TE 6 ‘TovAvos tT Ilaviw xpnodpevos, ereé- TpeWe mpos *rous” didous mropevdévra emlpreAelas TUXELW. 4 kdkeiOev avaxdevres Umemhevrapey THY Korpov, Ova TO TOUS dvewous ewau evavTious. > T6 TE méeharyos TO KaTa THy Kidsxiay kal Tlaydudtay OlvamrAcvcayrTes, KaTn\Oopev eis Mvpa ms Avkias. ° Kadket evpar 6 Exar ovTapXos 7 m\otoy ‘AneSardpivov mov els THY ‘Irahiav, eveBiBacer 1 muas eis avtd. ! év ikavais dé nuepars BpaduTAoodyTes, Kal pores yevouevor Kata THY Kyidoy, py) mpoc- E@VTOS HUGS TOU avéeuov, bremhevoapey Thy Kpnrny kata Sadpovnv: § ports a TE mapaheyopevor auT7y, Comey eis TOTrOV Twa Kadoujevoyv Kadovs Atmevas, @ eyyvs Av modus Aacala. ‘Ikavod O€ ypdvou Ovayevopevon, Kal 2, Ey 3 f a ~ \ \ ovtos HOn emiadadovs Tov mAods, Oct \ \ \ , IN f TO Kal THY VNOTELaY HON mapednhudevat, mapyvet 6 Ilavdos heywv avrots’ 7 x ¢ or “AvSpes, Ge@pe ote peta vBpews Kal a , > , ab sh, MH TOAANS CyLlas ov povoy Tov ” Phopriov a “ , > \ \ nr a Kat Tov mAolov, adda Kal Tay WuxXev an », ~ ¢ nu@y pede éxecOat Tov mrovv. !‘O de “ExatovTapyns’ TO KUBEepynty Kal TO > / a” a a \ vaukAnpe emeiOeTo paddov 7} Tots Ur ~ } ~ s oe cade Tov IlavAouv deyopevors. avevOerTou de TOU ALuEevos VTapYXoVTOS TposS Ta- / ¢ / y+ i: \ paxetuaciay, ot melouvs €Gevto BovAny ~ - > , dvayOnvar ¢ exeiOev,” eirws Svvawvto /, Karayvtnoavres eis Poivika Tapaxetpya- ee, Pee : cat, Ayweva THs Kpntns Sdemovra Kata AiBa Kal °xara” yapov. 13 ¢ , ‘\ , 6 / & Yromvevoavtos Se vdTou, ogavres 78 mpobecews KeKpaTnker'at, apavres l > acoov TapedeyovTo THY. Kpnrny. * wer 2/ ov moAv O€ €Bade Kar avTns GdveEepos \ ¢ , f2O AVS a4 Tupavikds, 6 Kahoupevos * evpokAvdwv. Acts XXVII. 14. at Sidon: And Julius courte- ously entreated Paul, and gave him liberty to go unto his friends to refresh imeelie 4 And when we had launched from thence, wesailed under Cyprus, because the winds were con- trary. ® And when we had sailed over the sea of Cilicia and Pamphylia, we came to Myra a city of Lycia. 6 And there the centurion found a ship of Alexandria sailing into Italy, and he put us therein. 7 And when we had sailed slowly many days, and scarce were come over against Cnidus, the wind not suffering us, we Sailed under ¢ Crete, over against Salmone, 8 and hardly passing it, came unto a place which is called The fair hayens, nigh whereunto was the city of Lasea. 9 Now when much time was spent, and when sailing was now dangerous, because the fast was now already past, Paul admo- nished them, !9 and said unto them, Sirs, I perceive that this voyage will be with & hurt and much damage, not only of the lading and ship, but also of our lives. !! Nevertheless, the cen- turion believed the master and the owner of the ship, more than those things which were spoken by Paul. !2 And be- cause the haven was not com- modious to winter in, the more part advised to depart thence also, if by any means they might attain to Phenice, and there to winter ; which is an haven of Crete, and lieth toward the south west, and north west. 13 And when the south wind blew softly, supposing that they had obtained their purpose, loosing thence, they sailed close by Crete. !4 Butnot long after, there varose against it a tempest- uous wind, called Euroclydon a@ Rec. om. D Rec. Poprov. © Rec. exarovrapyos. f Gb. eupvxArvdwrv. & Ors Candy. d Rec. & Gb «axecdev. e Bz. om, B Or, injury. Y Or, beat.Acts XX VII. 15. 15 And when the ship was caught, and could not bear up into the wind, we let her drive. 16 And running undera certain island, which is called Clauda, we had much work to come by the boat: !7 which when they had taken up, they used helps, undergirding the ship; and fear- ing lest they should fall into the quicksands, strake sail, and so were driven. /8 And being exceedingly tossed with a tem- pest the next day, they lighten- ed the ship: 1% and the third day we cast out with our own hands the tackling of the ship. 20 And when neither sun’ nor stars in many days appeared, and no small tempest lay on us; all hope that we should be saved, was then taken away. 21 But after long abstinence, Paul stood forth in the midst of them, & said, Sirs, ye should have hearkened unto me, and not have loosed from Crete, and to have gained this harm and loss. 2? And now IJ exhort you to be of good cheer: for there shall be no loss of any man’s life among you, butof theship. ,; 23 For there stood by me this night the angel of God, whose [ am, and whom I serve, 24 say- ing, Fear not Paul, thou must be brought before Cesar, and lo, God hath given thee all them j sail with thee. 25> Where- fore, sirs, be of good cheer: for I believe God, that it shall be even as it was toldme. 26 How- beit, we must be cast upon a certain island. 27 But when the fourteenth night was come, as we were driven up and down in Adria about midnight, the shipmen deemed that they drew near to some country: 28 and sounded, and found it twenty fathoms : and when they had gone alittle further, they sounded again, and found it fifteen fathoms. 366 TIPAZEIS TQN ue ouvapmacdevros dé Tov mhotou, Kal pry Ovvapevou avropdakweiy To AVE[LO, eMLOOVTES epepdspcba. * vnoloy O€ Tt drrodpapovres kahovpevoy KAavdny, pd~ hes é loxvoapey mepixparets yeveo Gan 77S oxadns' V7 ny apayres, BonGetass € eXpav- TO, Umrofevyurres TO m)otoy poBovpevot TE pot) els Tay Supt cKTETOOL, xaha- cayvres TO OKEUOS, OUT@S epépovro. 8 cpodpas Oe Xerpatopevoy POV, TH ESS exBodny em OLovyTO® 19 kal TH *play abroxetpes ay OKEUNY TOU motov * €p- pirpapev’” * ® pare d€ nALov, pare doTpev emupawyovT ov emt mAelovas npEpas, NEt- [OVS TE OUK oALyou € eTTUKELMLEVOU, Aowrov TepinpeEtro Tava eAmls Tov caeodat = 21 TIokAAs dé dowrias trapxovons, Tote oTabets 6 Iathos &vy pec@ avTay etmey’ "Eder pev, & avdpes, meOapyxn- oayTds LoL p17 dvayeo Out aro THs Kpn- TNS» Kepojoat TE Ty uBpy TaUTNY Kal THY Cypiav. ™ Kal Ta voY Tapawe vas evOupety" amoBohy yap. wWuxns ovdepia éorat eft ULOV, TAIY TOU motov. °3 rap- éory yap joe 2 ravry TH VUKTU ‘ dtyyehos ToU ©Geod, ov eipl, @ kal Aarpevo, “4 Néyov' Mz dood TatXe, Kaicapi oe Oct mapaotnvar’ Kat idov Kexapiorat oot 6 Ocds TaytTas Tovs TAEOVTAS peTa cov. * Ard evdupeire aySpes” TLOTEVO yap T@ OcG, STL ovUTws eorat Ka@ ov TpOmov hehddyrat p20l. *6 cis ypnoov O€ Twa Set nas exmecety. 7 ‘Os b€ TecoaperkaideKarn VE eyE- vero, Siapepopevav nuav ev TO “Adpia, \ , a A ¢ 4 c KATA pleEGOY THS VUKTOS UmEVdOUY Oi yavTar Tpocdye Tia avTois Xwpay" °8 kal Bodioavres etpoyv dpyvias €tkoot Bpaxd Se Swactncavres, Kat mah BoXicavtes, evpov dpyuias Sexamevre’ a w—. Gb. eppryar. b Reo, TP vuKTe TAVTY.ATIOSTOAQN. 367 2 poBovpevot Te * enres” ” eis” Tpayeis Tomrous * exTreT@per,” ex mpuuyns pipar- TES ayKvpas Tégoapas, NUXOVTO TLEpav yeveo Oa. 3° Tév dé vavtav (yrovvrey puyew €K TOU moiov, Kat xadacavTray Ty oKagny eis THY Garaccar, mpopacer os eK mpepas peddovr@v dyKvpas €K~ Teivety, 3! ciev 6 IlatAos TO €Exarov- Tapxn Kal Tols oTpari@ras” *Eay a) OvUTOL petvoot ev 7 Toi, vpets cadivat ov Ovvac be. * Tore ol oTpa- Tera dmexowyay Ta oxowla THSoKapns, kal etacapv adrny EKTIFEO ELV. 8” Ape O€ ob €weArev Nuepa yiver Oat, mapekaXet 6 Ilavdos drravras perahaBety Tpopns, Aeyou : Teocaperxaidexarny ONMEpov 1épav mpocdoKarres, dovrot OvareXeire, pundev mpooAaBdpevor. * d10 Tapakah@® vyas * peradaBeiy” rpopns” TOUTO yap mpos THS dperépas carnpias vmapxel’ ovdevds yap Duar Opig € €K THS kepahis € drrohetrau. fan ee Eiroy de Tavta, Kat haBay aprov, evyapiornoe TO Oc@ evarioy TavT@y, Kat KAdoas ijpEaro exGiew. *© etOvpor Sé yevdpevor pavres; Kal avrot mpooehaBovro Tpopys 7 nuev O€ ev TO Toi ai Tacavyal, dvaxdovde éBSouixovra eee Koper Oev- tes O€ tpodys, exovdifov Td motor, exBadAdpevot TOV troy els THY Oadac- oar. 39 “Ore O€ Nuepa eyévero, THY yy OUK emeylvwokov’ Ké\mov O€ Twa KaTevdouY €xovra aiytaroy, eis ov ' _BovdevoarTo,” ei § OUvawvto,” ¢£@oat TO TAOLOV. * Kal Tas adykvpas TepieAdytes elwy eis THY O@adaceay, dua avévtes Tas CevKTnpias TOV THSANiwy’ Kal emapavTes TOV apTée- pova TH mveovon KaTeiyov els Tov atytaddy. *! mepurecdvres O€ els Térov Acts X XVII. 41. 29 Then fearing lest we should have fallen upon rocks, they cast four anchors out of the stern, and wished for the day. 30 And as the shipmen were about to flee out of the ship, when they had let down the boat into the sea, under colour as though they would have cast anchors out of the foreship, 3! Paul said to the centurion, and to the soldiers, Except these abide in the ship, ye can- not be saved. 32 Then the soldiers cut off the ropes of the boat, and let her fall off. 33 And while the day was coming on, Paul besought them all to take meat, saying, This day is the fourteenth day that ye have tarried, and continued fasting, having taken nothing. 34 Wherefore, I pray you to take some meat, for this is for your health: for there shall not an hair fall from the head of any of you. 8° And when he had thus spoken, he took bread, and gave thanks to God in pre- sence of them all, and when he had broken it, he began to eat. 36 Then were they all of good cheer, and they also took some meat. 37 And we were in all, in the ship, two hundred, three- score and sixteen souls. °8 And when they had eaten enough, they lightened the ship, and cast out the wheat into the sea. 39 And when it was day, they knew not the land: but they discovered a certain creek, with a shore, into the which they were minded, if it were possi- ble, to thrust in the ship. 40 And when they had ¢ taken up the anchors, they committed themselves unto the sea, and loosed the rudder bands, and hoised up the mainsail to the wind, and made toward shore. 41 And falling into a place aS unrov. DW Seata. ¢ Rec exréicworv. Rec. rpoocrafery. & Rec. recetrac. f > eBoursvovro. a & ~ duvarove Or, cut the anchors, they left them in the sea, &c.SE SEEETaSRaanenel . Acts XX VIL. 42 where two seas met, they ran the ship aground, and the fore- part stuck fast, and remained unmoyeable, but the hinder part was broken with the vio- lence of the waves. 42 And the soldiers’ counsel was to kill the prisoners, lest any of them should swim out, and escape. 43 But the centurion, willing to save Paul, kept them from their purpose, and commanded that they which could swim, should cast themselves first into the sea, and get to land: 44and the rest, some on boards, and some on broken pieces of the ship: and so it came to pass that they escaped all safe to land. 28. And when they were es- caped, then they knew that the island was called Melita. ? And the barbarous people shewed us no littie kindness: for they kindled a fire, and received us every one because of the pre- sent rain, and because of the cold 3 And when Paul had ga- thered a bundle of sticks, and laid them on the fire, there came a viper out of the heat, and fastened on his hand. 4 And when the barbarians saw the venomous beast hang on his hand, they said among them- selves, No doubt this man is a murderer, whom though he hath escaped the sea, yet ven- geance suffereth not to live. 5 And he shook off the beast into the fire, and felt no harm. 6 Howbeit, they looked when he should have swollen, or fallen down dead suddenly: but after they had looked a great while, and saw no harm come to him, they changed their minds, and said that he was a god. 7 In the same quarters were possessions of the chief man of the island, whose name was Publius, who received us, and 368 TIPAZEIS TQN OvGaracoor, er@kethay THY vay’ Kal 7 pev mpopa epetoaca EHELVED ( aoa\evTos, n O€ mpupva e\veTO U0 THS Bias TOY KupaTov. eyeveTo wa TOUS degparas amToKTElvoot, BN ris ekkoAupByoas * Stapvyn.” * 6 82 EKATOVTAPXOS Bouhdpevos Ovag@oat Tov Ilatdov, éxoAvoev avtovs Tov Bovdn- patos, ekeAevoe TE TOUS Ouvajrevous KONG ay dmoppiyayras Tpe@tovs emt Tay yy eSieva, eo kau Tous Aourrovs, ous pev eT caviow, ous O¢€ emt TWOY TOY amo Tov mAolov. Kal ouTas eyEVvETO mavtas StacwOnvar emt THY yhV. 28. Kat duacwbevtes, Tore eméeyvaoay Ort MeXitn 7 vngos Kadetrat. oi dé BapBapo. wapetyov ov ty TUXovTaY pitavOpariay nuiy’ dyva\yavtes yap Tupay, mpoceAaBovTo Tavras Tuas, Ova \ ¢ \ A > an S A \ i Tov veTov Tov éeectata, Kal Ova TO Wvxos. : oa tyaunase oe tov IlavAov ppv- ydvor | ‘ TACOS, | Kal emOevros emt THY Tupay, €xiova Sex” TIS Geppns 4 SueEeh- | 6 > HG Ae u > \ > a ovoa Ka ne TNS XELpos avuTOuv. as O€ etdoy ot BapBapou KpEp.apevor TO Onpiov eK TNS Xetpos auTou, eheyov mpos addy jAous, Tavr ws dovevs cory 6 TOV Oe OTpariorav Bovhy | { avOpamos obros, ov SvacwGerra €K T™mS f dakagans 1 7 Aixn (qv ovk etacev. °“O pev ouv _GTorivag dyLevos” TO Onptov eis | TO Top, emabey ovdev Kakdv. © of Oe TpogeddKay avTov pehey Tripmpacbar ) Kataminre ave vexpdv' emt word dé airav mpocdoKwvrey, Kal Oewpouy- Tov pnoev aroTroy «eis avTOY yLvOpeEVOY, veraBadAdpevor edeyov Gedy ElVQL. 2 \ ie A \ , > c Ep Oe TOLS TTEPL TOV TOTTOV EKELVOY | A , a , a , UT PXE Xoepla TH TP@T@ TS VN COU, Seay: li ao * > 8 % oie Ce VOMATL L077 / LO, os ava ESALEVOS neas & Rec. dcaguyor b add w re. c f Saxo. Iwo —, Rec. & Gb. eXeAMover. Rec. & Gb. avortrvatac. & Ww xadnvaro. +e] QUTOVAIIOSTOAON, 369 ad ¢ , , Tpeis nuepas ditodpdvas eééncer. J 7 \ ; PB , 3 éyévero S€ rov matTepa tov TlomXlouv Tuperols Kai ducevrepia OUVEX Omevoy i , 2 karaxeioOat' mpds bv 6 HatXos eiger- \ dav, Kal TmpooevEapevos, emibels ras Xetpas avt@, idcato airdy. 9 TOUTOU ouv yevouevou, Kal of Nouro) of eXouTEs 2 , > A , , \ doeveias ” TH] YNT@, Tpornpxovro kal eOeparrevovro: Ol Kal TOAXais Tipais > i ¢ ~ , TUN TAY Nias, Kal avayomevors eréebevTo Ta TpOs THY xpelay. ll M \ de > ~ Jaf, é > ET O€ TpELs pHvas aynyOnuev ev , , > a / Toig TapakexerpaKdre ey ry yno@, AhcEavipiva, Tapaonu@ AtooKovpors 9 , ? kal xaraydévres eis Zupakovoas, €zre- / / an pelvapey niuepas Tpeis’ 13 SOey Tepleh~ Odvtes KaTnyTycapey eis “Phyoy, Kal ¢ / , wera play nuépay emlyevopevouv votou + + cy deurepaion mAOomev eis TlotudXovs: of ¢ , > \ / VS eupovTes adeh gods, Tapek\nOnuev ex nr r s aT avTots emtipetva neepas érrd* Kal ov- > A c , y+ 13 > 7 Twos eis THY Pouny FOomev. KaxeiOey c > \ > / \ Ns C na ol adeAhol dkovoavtes Th Tepl Nuon, LEA > > 4 Cee ay Gg e&nOov eis drdvtnow new axpis ’Ar- / / \ 7 ~ a * a mov Popov Kai Tpidv TaBepvav’ ods QA ¢ x > / > > tO@v 6 IlavXos, evyaplotnoas TO Oca, ” J L L ehaSe Oapaos. 9 ¢ , ® "Ore O€ HAOoper ets Popuny, *6 4 / eKaTOVTAapYos TapédwKe TOdS Secpious rn , n A 7 S T) oTpatomeddpyn TO Oe Tavho TT E= Tpamn pevety Kad éavtov, ody TO Pu- Adocovte avrov OTpaTLOTn. " Eyévero §€ perd npepas Tpeis ovyKarecacbat » aitdy” rods dytas TOv \ ‘Tovdaley mparous? cuvehOdvrav de av- Acts XXVIII. 18. lodged us three days courteous. ly. 8 And it came to pass that the father of Publius lay sick of a fever, and of a bloody flux, to whom Paul entered in, and prayed, and laid his hands on him, and healed him. 9 So when this was done, others also which had diseasesin the island, came, and were healed: !0 who also honoured us with many ho- nours, and when we departed, they laded us with such things as were necessary. Ul And after three months we departed in a ship of Alexan- dria, which had wintered in the isle, whose sign was Castor and Pollux. 12 And landing at Sy- racuse we tarried there three days. 13 And from thence we fetched a compass, and came to Rhegium, and after one day the South wind blew, and we came the next day to Puteoli - 14 Where we found brethren, and were desired to tarry with them seven days: and so we went toward Rome. 15 And from thence,when the brethren heard of us, they came to meet us as far as Appii forum, and The three tayerns: whom when Paul saw, he thanked God, and took courage. 16 And when we came to Rome, the centurion delivered he prisoners to the captain of the guard : but Paul was suf. fered to dwell by himself, with a soldier that kept him. 17 And it came to pass, that. after three days, Paul called the chief of the Jews together. and when they were come to- gether, he said unto them, Men TOV, Eheye T™pos avrous’” Avdpesdded ol, and brethren, though I have > \ > \ > / , a a ey@ ovdey evayrioy Togas TO aw Sy committed nothing against the people, or customs of our fa- 5 2 a , , > . 5 Tois €Qeou Tots TATPaots, depos e& thers, vet was I delivered pri- ‘lepoooAvprov mapeOdOnv eis TAS xelpas soner from Jerusalem into the an € e a 18 a > / , TOV Popaioy OLTLVYES QVaKplVvayVTes hands of the Romans. 18 Who when they had examined me, ue €Bo0vd0vTO amondoat, dic 7d pndepiay would have let me go, because a \ exerparn tw TWavdw, = b Rec. tov Mavaov 20Acts XXVIUJ. 19. 370 EMISTOAH Se, , C e 3 3 , 19 2 there was no cause of death in au7lay Gavarov virapxely EV €}L0L- ay- 19 7 a > > me. !9 Butwhen the Jews spake ~yjeydyray O€ TOY lovdalov, nvaykd- against it, I was constrained to a , ; ‘ appeal unto Cesar, not that 1 7Ony émuxartécavGar Kaicapa, ovx ws a a +S 4, “~ had ought to accuse my nation ov cGvous prov EX OV TL KaTNyopno a. of. 2 For this cause therefore 90 Sua , oo aN a have I called for you, to see . JLaaRGe ET GUY TY GeRLay, FApEKa og you, and to speak with you: be- vpas iSeiv Kal mpooAadnoae’ evekev yap eause that for the hope of Is- -7 8! ~ > \ \ ¢ SEF A Iopand uae rael I am bound with this 1S £ mos gov LOPaT iN Maiveat U chain. TAUTNY TEPLKELLAL. 21 And they said unto him, 21 Of de T™pos QUTOV €lmoV" “Hpeis T } 2 ] 7 fe > , nan We neither received letters out offre ypdppara mept oon ebeEdpeba Bree of Judza concerning thee,nel- ~ 3 e 5 ; ther any of the brethren that TS Jovdalas, ovTe TapayEvoLEVvOS Ts ~ , los r / XN / 4 came, shewed or spake any cay ddehpar annyyycvkey 7 ehadnoe Tt harm of thee. 22 But we desire \ a ; 52 2 a dé A to hear of thee what thou think- BERL BORIC EL st LOU PLEY: € TOP est: for as concerning this sect, @OU AKOVGaL a dpovets” Tept pev yap ¢c / e , 7er 1 it 7 a 7 > ° we know that every where it is THs aipérews rauTns yyooroy eat pew spoken against. - es : éTu TavTaXod ayTiAEyETal. 23 Tagapevor O€ avT@ 7] épav, *Kov" 23 And when they had ap- ‘ 5 ate age 5 ae re) 1 - pointed him a day, there came FEROS: avrov eis Thy Eeviay whetoves’ ols . . . . fo A many to him into his lodging, e&eridero StaapTupopevos THY Ba-); A to whom he expounded and en 78 ‘6 se testified the kingdom of God, ae ee oOe se AEA» peEGk OH ie 2 GUTOe persuading them coneerning bra TEPl TOV Ingo, amo TE TOU VO}LOU))! Jesus, both out of the law of ¢ Zo ead See pe nae \) Moses, and out of the prophets, Mameos” KatsnOy Tpopnrav, CTROTT PBR from morning till evening. 24 And some believed the things heyopevots, of S€ nriaToup. > dovppo-| which were spoken, and some cA OA 2 oN, believed not. 2 And when they YOb OG OUTS. MPs e TROUGH VOT O)) agreed not among themselves, €lOvTOS TOU HavAou pypa ev: "Ore Ka) they departed, after that Paul \Go 76 Ilvetpa To aytov edddnce Sich had spoken one word, Well . - = Ee E iy < qc ' spake the Holy Ghost byEsaias Hoatov Tov mpogrtov mpos Tous Ta.) the prophet, unto our fathers, Tépas 1 LOV, 26 heyor" Tlopev@nre T poi 26 saying, Go unto this people, _\ de A , do! 2 Caen and say, Hearing ye shall hear, Fou pS doy, | TOUTGY: Kau on€lTey KO} and shall not understand, and AKOUOETE, Kal ov py OUVYNTE” Kal Bre} seeing ye shall see, and not , SEN > SN ee perceive. 27 For the heart of this TOV TSS Phapere, seat OX par Lore people is waxed gross, and their ~’ eaxuvOn yap 7 Kapota rou hao} ears are dull of hearing, and TOUTOU, Kal TOLS ac Bapéws FKoveay| their eyes have they closed, lest \ to g \ een eer they should see with their eyes, Kal TOUS op aA pous AUTOY EKALLVO AY and hear with ee ears, and [LITOTE 1S@ot ToL dpOarpors, KaL TOL! understand with their heart, ° 1, dreou ee iG a and should be converted, and | OU AGUS OTE Kau TH) nea oe OURO, should heal them. 7 Be it Kat eTLOT PEW CL, Kal tao @pat avTovs known therefore unto you, that 28 : NE Cae a “| the salvation of God is sent » Eup anor ore ae UR, aToTs|| unto the Gentiles, and that they Zoveow ameatadn TO GwTHNPLOY TEP will hear it. 2? And when he Qeov, avrou kai axovoovrar. * © Kep a ee 2 7 ¢ / 24 \ € \ > t 7 ih EWS eoTepas. Kal OL pev éqrelGovTo TOUS) BS 7Adove b = © Gb. Mavcewss 1 Recs ermes © Sib%. guriwot. £ & tagowas 8 =}WPOS PQOMAIOYS. S71 TAUTA AVTOU elmouros, ari ov ot Iov- Saior, moray & EXOVTES Ev EauTOIs ou- yrnow.” 30 "Euewe Oe *” Steriay OAny € ev Ola po Oapare, Kal amedexero jmavras Tous elo mopevopevous mpos avrov, 3 Knpvo- Tov THY Bacwdetay TOU Cea Kat Ot- OdocKoY Ta rept TOU Kupiou ‘Tyoov Xprorov, peTa TaCHs Tappynolas aKw- UT@S. Romans I, 9. had said these words, the Jews departed, and had great rea- soning among themselves. 30 And Paul dwelt two whole years in his own hired house, and received all that came in unto him, ?! preaching the king- dom of God, and teaching those things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ, with all confidence, no man forbidding him. TIAYAOY ENISTOAH ee OF ab we AS © [JAYA0s SovAos Incod Xpicrov, Kh TOs amdaToNos, 9 PO RenBEVOS els evayyéAtoy Gcov, 7 (5 mpoemnyyel- Aaro dua Tey Tpodnray avrov év ypa- ais dyias,) ° rept tov viod avrov, (rov yevowevov ék oméppatos Aavid kara oapKxa, * Tod dpiabevtos viod Ocov ev Ovuvdpet, KaTa TvEetpa dyLoov- uns, €& avactacews vexpav,) “Inocov Xpiorov tov Kupiov nuav, ° (d0 ob ehaBopey Xapw Kal aTOoTOATY eis UraKony morews éy Tact Tous edveow, Umep Tov ovouatos avtov, ° ev ois eore Kal tpels, KAntol “Incod Xpicrov:) 5 7 wact Tots ovow ev ‘Paoun ayarnrots Qeov, KAnTots dylois* yxapis vpiy Kal elpnyn amo Gcod marpos nav Kat Kupiou "Inaod Xpiorov. 8 IIp@rov prev evxapioto 7TH Cew pov Oia Incod Xpicrov irép” mavrov par, OTL 7 TioTls Unay KaTayyedNeTau ev Oho TO KOT BD” paprus yap pov carly 6 Gcds, @ Aarpevo@ ey TO Tvevpart AUL a servant of Jesus Christ, called ¢o be an apos- tle, separated unto the gospel of God, 2 (which he had pro- mised afore by his prophets in the holy scriptures,) ? concern- ing his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh, 4 and < declared to be the son of God, with power, ac- cording to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the ‘dead. 5 By whom we have re- ceived grace and apostleship Ff for obedience to the faith among all nations for his name, 6 among whom are ye also the called of Jesus Christ. 7 To all that be in Rome, beloved of God, called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ. 8 First I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, that your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world. 9 For God is my witness, whom I serve ¥ with my spirit in the ® Rec, add o Ilavdos. b ow wepe. 5 Or, ip my spirit. * Gr. determined. PB Or, to the obedience of faith.Romans I. 10. gospel of his Son, that without ceasing I make mention of you, always in my prayers, !9 mak- ing request, (if by any means now at length I might have a prosperous journey by the will of God) to come unto you. !! For [long to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end you may be esta- blished, !2 that is, that I may be comforted together 2 with you, by the mutual faith both of you and me. 13 Now I would not have you ignorant, brethren, that often- times I purposed to come unto you, (but was let hitherto) that I might have some fruit & among you also, even as among other Gentiles. 1!4 I am debtor both to the Greeks, and to the Bar- barians, both to the wise, and to the unwise. }5 So,as much as in me is, Iam ready to preach the gospel to you that are at Rome also. 16 For Iam not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation, to every one that believeth, to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. 17 For therein is the righteous- ness of God revealed from faith as it is written, The to faith : just shall live by faith. 18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness, and unright- eousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness. !9 Be- cause that which may be known of God, is manifest yin them, for God hath shewed it unto them. 729 For the things of him from the creation of the world, are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead, sso that they are without excuse: 2! be- cause that when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful, but be- came vain in their imaginations, & their foolish heart was dark- ened: 22 professing themselves 372 EMISTOAH > lol ’ , A Cia > ~ pou ev TO evayyeNi@ TOU ViOU aUTOU, @s adltaelaTas pvelay UpaY ToLoUpat, 10 qayroTe emt T@Y TpoTEVX@Y [ov / , Sedpevos, elms On ToTE evod@EnTopat ? na / A ~ > a A év T@ Oehnpate Tov cov, ehOety mpos 5 es a r+ o ipas’ | emurolé yap idety Upas, wa TL peTao@ XapLopa Uply mvevpaTtlKor, eis TO oTnpixOnvat tpas, ™ TovTO OE ~ > ¢ a \ ~ orl, cupmapakAnOnvae ev vpiv Ova THS év GAAnAdols TioTEws Upev TE Kal €[LOU. n 5 val > 13 Qd Oddo O€ bpas adyvoeiv, adeAfot, ed / / > los iN dre moANdkis mpocOeuny e€ect mpos pds, Kal ek@dvOny Gxpt Tov Sevpo, wa 2 riwa.KapToy” oX@ Kal ev upiv, Kadas Kal év Trois Nourois COveow. 14 °ENANOL A / o~ \ > / re kat BapBapo.s, gopois Te Kal avon= Tots oseudeTns eLUL OUm@. 9 KaT €ue mpcOupoy: Kal vpiv Tots ev ‘Papn evayyedioac Oat. 16 > \ ) , \ > / Ov yap eracxvvopat TO evayye- / A > Nov >”, Stvapts yap Oeovd eoTw ets 9 b ‘ / \ ”~ > / TwOTNplay TAVTLTO TLATEVOVTL, lovdaia m te 17 n Te TP@TOV Kal “EAAnuM. OLvKALOT UY ~ ~~ , yap cod ev aitd amoxahumrerar €K mlatews eis mlotiwW, Kabws yeypamTal ; “O d€ Sixatos €K TigTews (noeTaL. 18(;? / \ > \ A Amoxadvmretat yap opyn S«ou > a a qe dr ovpavod ent macay acéBevay Kat 3 , , / vad A > / adukiay avOpaTrav Tey THY adnOevay ev dOucia Kateyovt@v. \ Oudte To yv@oroy Tov Qeod dhavepoy eotw ev avtois’ 6 9 A \ > c > / 20 nat \ Eds yap avTois e:bavepace, (ra yap i > > aA , / fe adpata avTov amr0 KTIOEWS KOTPOV ToLS | 4 / > ¢ 2+ TOL LaGL VOOUHLEVa KaOoparat, 1 Te Qt Sos adrod Svvapis Kal Gevdtns,) eis TO | ren > \ 2 , OT s elvat avTovs avamo\oyntovs. Ouéte / \ \ > c \ > / yvovtes TOV Oeov ovx ws Oeov edd€acay X > , 3 > > , > i nvxaplotnoav, add epatamOnoap ev | Tois OvadoyiopLots aUT@v, Kal eokoTic On | ¢ > , > a by 22 , 1 QOUVVETOS QUT@YV Kapo.a’ dacKovTes a Rec. xap7royv tiva. Db Rec. add rov Xpiorom * Or, in you. B Or, in you. Y Or, to them, Or, that they may be.IIPO> POMAIOYS. 373 Romans II. 1. evar copol euwpdvOnoay, 3 Kal Aa to be wise, they became fools . : ke a 23 : - Eav thy dd€av Tod apOdprov Oeod éy 7 and changed the glory of the 2 . eS : uncorruptible God, into an CpOl@uaTL elkovos POaprov avOparov ; image made like to corruptible : cal a l 50 le man, and to birds, and four- i* KQ@l TTETELY@YV Kal TET PATO @Y Kal €pmre- ? ’ ; a) footed beasts, and creeping 24 Na 2 a eS > \ ¢ things: to Kat TAPE @KEV QvuTOvuUS Oo 24 wherefore God also gave Geds ev tats emOupiats TOV kapov@v them up to uncleanness, through Ses se / mes , 6 the lusts of their own hearts, POTN, ELS axaBapotay, Bie arya cer @ to dishonour their own bodies \ , RS > ¢ a 5 om Ta CMOUATA AUT@Y EV EavTOls’ .*° OlTLVES between themselves: 25 who , - \ > s a a > ] petnANa€ay tHy ddjOevay Tov Ceod ey Changed the truth of God ant 3 ea c \ >» , alie, and worshipped andserved TQ) Wevdet, KQaL eveBacOnoav Kat eda- the creature more than the Cre- a , \ / , ] -C PAY TAY Tpevoay TH KTLGEL Tapa TOy KTicayTa, on uber sablessed for ave o > > \ > \ dA AMen. *Or this cause Oo os oT evAoynros els TOUS at@vas. gave them up unto vile affec- ‘ A « ©: : : : QyuLny. *8 Sua ToUTO TapedwKev auTovs oO tions: for even their women did Nea > , > fe ieee oC \ ; change the natural use into that Geos Els mady aTilas’ atte yap Ondeva nanienits BEAIIStena ican Sue < \ \ a , : auTav petndda€ay Thy puorxyy XP17Wv likewise also the men, leaving i ; S , are ey ee! Dee , the natural use of the woman €ls THY Tapa puow OLOLM@S > TE Kal d a Ae la < > ¢ SE oe) \ a burned in their lust one towards ol appeves adevtes THY (puaotkny Kpnow another, men with men working “33 i; 3 7 > na > ee * . ™s Onreias, eLexavOncay év TH. Ope&er that which is unseemly, and re- an > NAN > ery ie celving in themselves that re- PEO, ase fh ous, Bed OSSy Tn P.O; ok compence of their error which TY aoXnMOOoVYnY KaTepyaduevol, Kal was meet. \ > 7 ‘\ ry n , TY avTiysoOlay iy eev ths m\ayns a 3 ~ > , auTav €y éavtots atrohauBavoyrtes. 28 And even as they did not 9. > / \ <1 pe x = ae Kai xadas ovk eSoxivacay rév Ocdy like @to retain God in then ” UGG ci FEGCORICEy, Con ee knowledge, God gave them over i UP eS EA vOO el, P ., to &a reprobate mind, to do \ = perers.30 backbiters, haters of | , io ¢ . tahadouvs, Oeoaruyets, uBpioras, vmep- Son lespiteinbs moda hoes | , > A > \ ay ers, inventors of ey npavovs, Gracovas, epeuperas See disobedient to parents ; 31 with- OVEVOLY amreiOets QOUVVETOUS, ADvUy- out understanding, covenant- | b ; hout 1 af | 4 7 S ta 4 Mt cers, ¥ without natural af- Oérous, aatdpyous, * daméydovus,’ dve- breakers, y withou ae | , B35 he, , 9 ; ~ tection, implacable,unmercifu ; ; Aenpovas OLTLWES TO OLKAL®UA TOU 32 who knowing the judgment eae “~ 7 A ~ 7. - . cov emuyvdvres, Ste of Ta Tovadra of God,(that they which commit t 2 Bove SN on such things, are worthy of GPOe Gourses agvou er Ot So Xs death) not only do the same, / SY - Hovov auta Trotovaw, a\Aa Kal ouvEU- put 6 have pleasure in them D 7 that do them. aooouvo.. ao : Coxodor aos BP AR Ba Gp 2. Therefore, thou art inex- 2. Avo avaTrohoynros €l, @ avOpare cusable, O man, whosoever thou 5 | ey Z es ¢ \ y ee at judgest: for wherein was 6 Kpivey’ ev @® yap Kplvets Toy art that judgest Ba bw de. © Bz. add xaxeg. d Gb. om. e Bz. om. > = Ox, to acknowledge, 6 Or, a mind void of judgment, Y Or, unsociable. 6 Or, consent with them,Romans IL. 2. 374 EIMNSTOAH 5 oa , - ‘ A thou judgest another, thoucon- €TEpov, geavToy KaTaKplveis’ Ta yap , : ! oy] \ demnest thyself, for thou that aora mpaooels 6 KpWwov. 2 oiOapev dé judgest doest the same things. ‘ ; NOE OTE Voany 2 But we are surethat the judg- OT! TO Kplya Tov OEeov €OTL co aaAt)- . : > \ A \ au ment of God is according to Oevay el TOUS Ta TOLAUTA TPAaTOoVYTAS” truth, against them which com- 3 y 1G Se oO CUO OWE 6 KOWoe mit such things. 3 And thinkest oe 2 c TOUT 5 2s P 4 P 99 thou this, O man, that judgest Tous TA TOLaVTAa TPATTOVTAS KQL TTOLMY them which do such things,and 43-4 6 ee % \ a 2 av OTL VU EKQMEVU TO KPlLUa TOU doest the same, that thou shalt Ae) ae iw - P én s p Bo escape the judgment of God ? Oeceou 5 1 TOU qr ovTOU TNS XPHTTOTHTOS 4 Gr despisest thou the riches qyrov \ rae a n L TN 2 of his Boden! and forbear- se a ous Ce adel uals pres ance, and longsuffering, not OS Re? Oe OLe a knowing that the goodness of ypyoToy TOU ©cou els peTayotay Oe God leadeth thee to repent- dye : ance ? a ge ; ‘ < 5 But after thy hardness, and 5 Kara O€ THY oKANPOTHTa GOV Kat 7 j . L / impenitent heart, treasurest up GweravdnToy KapOtay O@noavpicers weau- unto thyself wrath, against the _~ 5< \ Va cela niet 3 day of wrath, and revelation of a CP Yay ev NPEPG ODS sare pe the righteous judgment of God: Avews * StkavoKptolas TOU Oeov, © Os eee ae eas y re dmodaoet EXdOTM KATA Ta épya avToU* Sige a \ eC \ a > a them, who by patient continu- 7 rots pev Kad UTPOLLOVYY Epyou ayaov, ance in well doing, seek for §$éay kat Tyury kat apOapotay Cyrovor, | glory, and honour, and immor- % so eis me Ne 2¢ > bee tality, eternal life: ® but unto Cony ai@ycov Ole € S eplvetas, . A > ~ \ C / es ve Brae ae Kal amretGovgt prev TN adnéeta, mevOope- do not obey the truth, but obey i ae i b \ A Va unrighteousness, | indignation, fon oe ay, aOuKia, Oupos Cee opy» and ‘wrath, ®tribulation, and ° OAiis Kal oTevoxwpla, ent TaGGe anguish upon every soul of man vyny cv6parTrov cov Katepyato évou that doeth evil, of the Jew first, v x1 : iB 5 : Pile C B \ and also of the 2 Gentile. 19 But TO KQKOV, OVOGLOU TE ah eae, KQlt}| o ‘ \ \ \ glory, honour, and peace, to "E\Anvos’ 1 ddfa de kal Tipy Kal every man that worketh good, Sates ANT TO 2 ato cual ts euvan to the Jew first, and also to the P7) i a Basha) Baas vy @ Gentile. |! Forthereis no re- dv, “lovdaim te mp@Toy Kal EdAnve’ | spect of persons with God. No? yap éoTl mpocwmrodn ia mapa TO} 12 Fur as many as have sinned Geo. ° rs 7 127 \ Sk C4 9A S, without law, shall also perish Ooo yap avopas nbapTOoV, AvOMas| 7} « ous qa. > a / > 7 without law: and as many a8 «qi amohouyTat Kal 6oot ev VOUL@ Nap- have sinned in the law, shall be ae , ize eee judged by the law. 3 (For not TOV; Ova YOLOV KptOnoovTat, (ov y4p\\ the hearers of the law are just. oj akpoatat Tov yopov OiKaLoL Tapa Ta| before God, but the doers of Geo HERO GI Ce en Se the law shall be justified; “for 7€&P» 0 Ol ee aCe ee oi when the Gentiles which have KkatwOnoovrat. 4 6ray yap eOvn TQ [Lr not the law, do by nature the ,/ ey / \ A at a things contained in the law: PELLOF. SOr us puoet AS Claas Te these having not the law, are a OUTOL VOLOV [1 EXOVTES, E€auToLs €L0\| ? ; 15 whi 4 Rees Ao | law unto themselves, which yguos: ! otruves eydelkyuyTat TO Epyor| shew ¥ work of ¥ law written in ss ; ‘ 5 e Siattl their hearts, 7their conscience 70V vyopov ypamtoy ¢«v Tals Kap tats! i ; : ° CA , A a also bearing witness, and their quT@y, ouppapTupovons avUT@V TNS OUY:) 2 add \ xae. Db Gb. opyn war Pupos, Cree * Gr. Greek. B Gr. Greek.|} Or, the conscience witnessing with them.EROS TO” vOn@, Kat Kavxaoae ev G9, 8 kal yuookers TO dehnpa, Kal Boxed fers ra Suapépovra, Katnxov- pevos ex Tov vopov' ' mérordds Te oeautov Odnyov eivar TUPAOY, Ps Tov ev oxotet, 7° madeuvtiy appdvev, d.- SdoKadoy vntiav, €xovTa THy pdppoc.y Ths yuooews kal THs adnOetas ev TO vou = 6 ody dwdaokwy ETepov, o€auTOV ov duddokels; 6 KNPYTT@Y pun KET TELY, khemrets ; 226 Neyov py jotyeve, potyevels ; 6 Pdehuowdopevos Ta cidoda, lepoovneis ; * os ey vOu@ Kavxacat, dua THs mapaBdoews Tov vdsov Tov cody ariysdters; 74 TO yap Ovopa Tod Gcod O: vas Braodynpetrar ev Tots edvect, Kaas yeypanrat. da Tleperop) pev yap a@edet, eav y6jLov pacons: cay dé mapaBatns vd- JLOv 7S; 1 Teptroun ou axpoBuoria yéyovev. 76 eay ovy 7 dxpoBvaria Ta Oikaropara TOU vopou pudacon, ovxl 7 axpoBvatia avTov eis TepuTopny doyt- cbnoera; ™ Kal Kpwet 7 €k pucews dxpoBuoria TOV vOpov Tehovaa oe TOY Ova ypappearos Kal Tepiropns 7 mapaBarny YOLOD ; i 8 od yap 6 ev TO pavepo “Tov- Oaids eoTLy, ovde 7) ev TO pavepo@ ev capki mepiropn 79 aXN’ 6 EV TO KpunT@ ‘Iovdatos, Kal Teper opi} xapdias ev myevpare, ov ypdappate’ ob 6 émal- vos ovk €& avOpamav, a\N é€k Tov Ocov. Romans III. 1. thoughts the mean while ac- cusing, or else excusing one ano- ther: l6in the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ, according to my gospel. 17 Behold, thou art called a Jew, and restest in the law, and makest thy boast of God:!S and knowest his will, and & approv- est the things that are more excellent, being instructed out of the law, !% and art confident that thou thyself art a guide of the blind, a light of them which are in darkness: 29 an instructor of the foolish, a teacher of babes: which hast the form of knowledge and of the truth in the law: 2! thou therefore which teachest another, teachest thou not thyself ? thou that preach- est a man should not steal, dost thou steal ? *? thou that sayest a man should not commit adul- tery, dost thou commit adul- tery ? thou that abhorrest idols, dost thou commit sacrilege ? 23 thou that makest thy boast of the law, through breaking the law dishonourest thou God? 24 For the name of God is blas- phemed among the Gentiles, through you, as it is written: 25 For circumcision verily profiteth if thou keep the law: but if thou be a breaker of the law, thy circumcision is made uncircumcision. 26 Therefore, if the uncircumcision keep the righteousness of the law, shall not his uncircumcision be count- ed for circumcision? 27 and shall not uncircumcision which is by nature, if it fulfil the law, judge thee, who by the letter, and circumcision, dost trans- gress the law? 28 For he is not a Jew, which is one outwar dly, neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: 29 but he is a Jew which is one inwardly, and circumcision is, that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in y letter, whose praise is not of men, but of God. 3. What advantage then hath a Rec. Ide. Dt * Or, between themselves. B Or, triest the things that differ.Romans III. 2. the Jew? or what profit is there of circumcision ? * Much every way: chiefly, because that unto them were committed the oracles of God. ° For what if some did not believe ? shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect? 4 God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar, as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged. » But if our unrighteousness commend the righteousness of God, what shall we say? Is God unrighteous who taketh vengeance ? (I speak as a man) 6 God forbid: for then how shall God judge the world? 7 For if the truth of God hath more abounded through my lie unto his glory? why yet am |] also judged as a sinner? 8 and not rather as we be slanderously reported, and as some aflirm that we say, Let us do evil, that good may come: whose damnation is just. 9 What then? are we better than they ? No in no wise: for we have before 2 proved both Jews, and Gentiles, that they « are all under sin, !° as it is written, There is none righte- ous, no not one: !! there is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. 12 They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable, there is none that doeth good, no not one. !* Their throat is an open sepulchre, with their tongues they have used deceit, the poison of asps is under their lips: 14 whose mouth is full of cursing and bit- terness: 1° their feet are swift to shed blood. 16 Destruction and misery are in their ways: 17 and the way of peace have they not known. '3 There is no fear of God before their eyes. 19. Now we know that sealer things soever the law saith, saith to them who are Sater 376 EMISTOAH iris 7 apéAeva THS TEpLTouNs ; * moNd, KaTa TayTAa TpPOTrOV. Tperoy pey a yap" OTL emuorevOnoay Ta hoywa TOU cov. Seal yap, el nmiornoay TIES 5 py 1) amuoria avigy THY TioTW TOV CeEov KaTapynoet ; pI) yevolro* yweoba Oe 0 cos ands, mas O¢ wbparos Wevorns, kadas yeypanrae’ “Oras ay Crxar@Bys € ev Tols Ndyols TOU, Kal VuKH- ons EV TO Kpive Bai oe. 5 Ei Oe 1 aoukia Tpav Cceov OiKato- ovvny ovviornat, TL Epovpev ; pn GOiKOS 6 Ccds 6 emépov tiv épynv3; (Kara avOpwmov heya’) pu) yevotTo’ emret Tas Kpwet 6 Geds Toy Kdcpov; 7 eb yap 7 adndea Tov Geod ev TO EU@ Wevopatt erepicoevocey eis THY Oday avTov, Ti ett KayY® ws apapT@Ads Kpt- 8 \ \ \ , VOpat } Kai pry (kabas Bacdbnpov- peOa, kal kabws padi tives Nas Neyewy’) Z@ hi \ \ 4 CAG \ TL TOLNOWMMEVY TA Kaka lVva € ) Ta dyaba; ev TO Kpipa evOckdy eoTe. Ti ovv; mpoexopeba 5 ov mayTos: Tponriacaueba yap “Tovdatous Tee Kal ‘"EMAnvas mavras vd dpapriay civat, *xabas yeypanrat’ “Ort ovK €ate Oikatos ovde ets’) ! otk €otw °6” cua, ovK éotw 6 ex(ntav tov Sedov. ™ wayres efexhway, cua NXpEL@Onoay’ ovK eoTt TOL@Y Xpnorornra, OUK €aTLW Ews EVOS. 8 tapos dve@yLevos 6 Adpuyé aurar, Talis yAoooas avT@y edod.oveay’ ids aoridwy umd Ta yeikn avtav’ 4 dv 76 oTdpa apas Kal mixpias yeper. d€ets ol mddes avray exyéat aipa’ 1° oUvT pipe Kal TadauTwpia ev Tats ddols avTav 7 kal 6Odv eipnuns ovK éyvacav. '® ovK cote PdBos Ocov amevavre Tov opOad- @Y avTay. PEO iaper dé ore ora 6 YO}LOS Aeyet, Tois ev TO VOu@ Nadel Wa TAY oTOMa @ om.as b= ® Gr. charged.IIPOS POMAIOYS. 377 ppayi, Kat umdduKos yevnrat mas 0 KOO Mos T Ocp. *9 Sudte & epyov vOHOv ov duxarwOyrerae mara oapé evorroy avrov’ Sua yap vopov emlyveccs ayaptias. *! Nuvi O€ yapis vdpov Sucavoooyn cov mepaveparat, E cemupouHicny Ur TOU YOROU Kal TOY mpopyrar® * OuKat- cow d€ Gcod Sia mictewas "Incod Xpiorov, eis mayras * Kal emt mavras” TOUS muorevovras® ov yap err! Ovacrod’ *S travTes yap M}-apToy, to VoTEpovyTaL THS Oo&ns Tov cod, “ Ouxavodpevou Owpedy TH a’rod xapuTt, Oud THS drro- hutporeas THs ev Xpiote@ “Incod, * ov mpoedero 0 Ocos iaarhptoy dua P rhs" TLTTEMS EV TO AUTOU aipare, els evOerEy THs Suxavorbvys avrou, ova THY mapeow TOY TpoyeyovoT@y SpapTnparey ev Th avoxn Tou cov, mpos evderuy Ts Oixaoovrns aUTOU EV TO VY KALPa, els TO etvat avroyv Olkatoy Kal Ouxacovyta Toy ek wlotews © Incov.” *7 lov ody 1 Kavxnows; e&exNela On. Ova moiov vomov; Tar BOND: ovxl, ae Ova vdpou TLOTEDS. » Aoyi(opueGa “yap, “© Stxacovcda tiorter” avOpar Os xopls gpyav vépov. * 7 “lovdaiewy 6 Geds pdvov; ovyt *” Kat e6vav; vai Kal = ees 2 c \ a eOvav' *° & eqeimep” cis 6 Oeds, Os \ > / \ OLKALWOEL TEPLTOPIY EK TIOTEWS, Kal akxpoBvatiay Oia THs TiaTews. *! vduov ovy KaTapyovpey Oud TIS TiaTEwS 5 pa) yevoito’ adha vopoy " iordpev.” 4, Ti ody epovpey ‘’ ABpadp roy ra- gee np@v evpnKevar” KaTa OApKa ; 25Et yap “ABpaay ef € epyov edtxaroOn, Exel Kavxn pa, av ov mpos Tov Gedy. 8 ri yap 7 ypapn Reyes ; ‘Eriorevoe Se ‘ABpadp To’ Oe@, Kai edoyicOn aiT@ Romans LY. 3. the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become @ guilty before God. 20 Therefore by the deeds of the law, there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin. *! But now the righteousness of God without the law is ma- nifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets. 22 Eyen the righteousness of God, which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all, and upon all them that be- lieve: for there is no difference: *3 for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God, 24 be- ing justified freely by his. grace, throug! h the redemption that is in Jesus Christ : 2° whom God ‘ hath & set forth to bea propiti- ation,through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the y remission of sins, that are past, through the forbearance of God. 26 To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus. 27 Where is boasting then ? It. is excluded. By what law ? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith. %3 Therefore we conclude, that a man is justified by faith, without the deeds of the law. 29 Is he the God of the Jews only? is he not also of the Gentiles? Yes, of the Gentiles also: 99 seeing it is one God which shall justify the circumcision by faith, and uncircumeision through faith. 31 Do we then make ‘void the law through faith ? God forbid: yea, we e establish the law. 4, What shall we say then, y Abraham our father, as per- taining to the flesh, hath found ? 2 For if Abraham were justi- fied by works, he hath whereof to glory, but not before God. 3 For what saith the scripture ? Abraham believed God, and it as?! bom ew ¢ > d Rec. ovr. e& Rec. weoree dexacovabar. f Rec. add be. § © eirep. bh © toravomey. i © evpyxevar ABpaay toy rarepa, (YS rpoTaropa) nuwy. judgment of God. Or, foreurdained. Or, subject to the Or, passing over.Romans I[V.4. was counted unto him for righteousness. * Now to him that worketh, is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt. > But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that jus- tifieth the ungodly ; his faith is counted for righteousness. 6 ven as David also describ- eth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth right- eousness without works: ‘ suy- ing, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, & whose sins are covered. 5 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin. 29 Cometh this blessedness then upon the circumcision ovly, or upon the uncircumcision also? for we say that faith was reck- oned to Abraham for righte- ousness. 10 How was it then reckoned? when he was in ee or in uncircumcision ? Not in circumcision, but in uncircum- cision. ‘!! And he received the sign of circumcision, a seal of the righteousness of the faith, which he hud yet being uncir- cumcised: that he might be the father of all them that believe, though they be not circumcised; that righteousness might be im- puted unto them also: !? and the father of circumcision, to them who are not of the circumcision only, but also walk in the steps of that faith of our father Abra- ham, which he hud being yet uncircumcised. 13 For the promise that he should be the heir of the world, >? was not to Abraham, or to his seed through y law, but through y righteousness of faith. /4 For if they which are of the law be heirs, faith is made void, and the promise made of none ef- fect. 19 Because the law work- eth wrath: for where no law is, there is no transgression. ~ 16 Therefore ié is of faith, that it might be by grace; to the end the promise might be sure to all the seed, not to that only EINMISTOAH els Ouxasoovyny. 4 To de epyatomere 6 peo bos ov Noylerau KaTa Xap, aha Kara 6” opethnpa’ ° 7@ O€ pu epyaco~ HED, muorTevoyTe O€ emt Tov OtxavovvTa TOV aceBn, hoyi¢erar 7) TioTLs avTOU «is g Kaéamep kat Aavid déyes TOY pa- = Kapio mov TOU avOpamou, @ 6 eds Aoyierau Ovkacoouyny xepis epyov" 7 Maxapion dy ae ‘Onoay at dyopiat, Kal ov erexahupnaay ai dpapria. * pa- Kapvos ap @ ov py AoylonTat Kupuos ‘O peakapiopos ovv oUTOS, emt THY TMEpLTOpnY, i) kal emt THY ax poBuoriar 5 Aeyoptev yap OTU ehoyioOn T@ “AGpaapu 1) TrioTLs Els Sixavoovyny- 10 Has ouy ehoyiadn 5 ev TepiTouyy ovr, i) €v akpoBvoTia 3 OUK Ev TE pLTOU), 11 ev axpoBvaria Kal oneLoy éha| Be 7 TEPLTOMNS, oppayida 77s Ovkato- ous 77s TLTTEWS ams ev TH axpoBu- otia’ eis TO eivas avroy TaTEpa mayT ov Tov mioTevovT@y Ov axpoBvorias, els TO hoyia Ojyat kal aQuToLs TY SiKkaroou~ Kat marépa 7 TepiTouns, TOLS OUK eK mepirouns poovov, dAAG Kal TOLS oro. xover Tols ixveot B THs mioTE@s 77s ev TH axpoBvotia’ Tou maTpos Tay “A- ue 8 yap Ova yopou 7 emayyeNa TO ABpadp 7 i) TO omeppare QUTOU, TO hy povdjiov auTov ewvau © " Koo pov, aha dia Stkavocvyns mictews. * ei yap ot KA\npovepot, KEKeEVwWTAL 7 KaTnpynta 1 emayyedia’ > 6 yap yopos opyny Katepyaterau’ ov yap” ovK €oTt VOMOS, ovde mapaBaois. 6 Sud ToUTO ek TioTEws, Wa kaTa Xap”, els TO etvat BeBaiay Thy emayyehiay So, [ee TAVTL TO OTEPHLATL, OU TH EK TOV VOJLOU & Rec. add ro. b Ww rng weorews THs ev axpoBvoria Gb. tng ev axpoBvottu Tigrews. Rec. rg sv Ty axpoBvotia TLaTEWwWS. >. udd Tov. d ode.WPOS POMAIOYS. povov, aha kal TO EK mioTews Spee ds €OTL Tarnp Tavrav nav, (Kkadas yeypantav “Ort matépa moAK@y ebvav TéGeika oe,) Katévayts ob émiatevceE Qeov, TOU (worotovvros Tous VEKPOUs, Kal Kahovyros TQ pL) ovra os ovTa. "Os map eAmida em éehrids éri- orevoer, els TO yeverOar avtoy TaTépa TONGY €Ovav, KaTa TO elpnuevor" OUtTws gorat TO oméppa cov’ © Kal py acdevnoas TH riot, * ov" KaTevonoeE TO €avTOU GaOua HON vevexpwpevor, ¢ / ae Gs \ \ ExaTOVTaETNS TOU UmdpX@r, Kal Tv vexpoow THS parpas Sappas" 0 cig Oe THY emayyeNay Tov Qeov ov SvexptOn TH amioTia, GAN sve Ova HCie TH TloTel, dovus oogay TO Gc, t «al mAnpopopy- Geis drt 0 emnyyehrat, Ouvards €or Kal moujoat. ™ Ovo Pat” ehoyicOn ata eis OuKacoovrny. 3 Ovx éeypadn dé dv adrov pédvor, ore edoyiaOn avT@’ 4 ddd Kal Ov npas, ols pede hoyiterOau, TOLS Tl- orevovow emt TOV eyeipayra “Incovy Tov Kuptov nay €k vexpav, ™ , "5 Os Trape- 666n Oia Ta TaparTa@pata Huoy, Kal nyepOn Sud Thy Otkaiwow ner. 5. ce ovv €K TloTEws, €i- pryny © exopev" mpos Tov Qcdyv Sua Tov Kuptou LOY ‘Inoou Xpiorov, 2 8 ob Kal ray Tpooayayny eo XNKAapEY “TH TloTEL” els THY Xap TauTyy ev 7) éorn- Kapev’ kal Kavx@peOa em eAmide THs OdEns TOU Ceov. 5 Ov povov de, adda kal Kkavxopeba ev tats Odiipeow, eiddtes OTe 7 Oris vropoviy Katepyacerat, * 7 dé Uopov7 Soxipyy, 7 S€ Ooxiun eAmida, ° 7 Oe €A- Tis ov KaTaLoxuVve’ OTL N Gyan TOU Gecod exxeéyuTa ev Tals Kapdiats TL@V dia Tlvevpatos dyiov rod SoGevros nui. Romans V. 5. which is of the law, but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all, !7 (as itis written, I have made thee a father of many na- tions) ¢ before him whom he believed, even God who quick- eneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not, as though they were, 18 who against hope, believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations: according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be. 19 And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah’s womb. 2° He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief: but was strong in faith, giving glory to God: *! and being fully persuaded, that what he had promised, he was able also to. perform. *2 And therefore it was imput- ed to him for righteousness. 23 Now it was not written for his sake alone, that it was im- puted to him: 24 but for us also, to whom it shall be im- puted, if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead, 2° who was de- livered for our offences, and was raised again for our justi- fication. 5. Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ. 2 By whom also we have access by faith, into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the elory of God. 3 And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also, know- ing that tribulation worketh patience: 4 and patience, ex- perience: and experience,hope: 5 & hope maketh not ashamed, because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts, by the Holy Ghost, which is given unto a> b —> © Rec, & Gb. eyoper. — d—- * Or, like unto him, HtRomans V. 6. us. § For when we were yet without strength, in due time, Christ died for the ungodly. 7 7 For searcely for a righteous man will one die: yet perad- venture for a good man, some would even dare to die. § But God commendeth his love to- wards us, in that, while we were ver sinners, Christ died for us. 9 Much more then being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him. 10 For if when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God, by the death of his Son: much more being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life. 11 And not only so, but we also joy in God, through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atone- ment. 12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin: and so death passed upon all men, 4 for that all have sinned. '|% For until the Jaw sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there isno law. 14 Neverthe- less, death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the simili- tude of Adam/’s transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come: }!° but not as the offence, so also is the free gift: for if through ¥ offence of one, many be dead: much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man Je- sus Christ, hath abounded unto many. '§ And not as it wasby e one that sinned, so is the gift: for the judgment was by one to condemnation: but the free gift is of many offences unto justi- fication. !7 For ify by one man’s offence, death reigned by one, 380 EMISTOAH 6 ere yap Xpucros dvT@OY NuaV ac Gevor, a” Kara KaLpoy umep doeBav amefave. ” pones yap. vrep Ovkaiov TIS dmroavet- Tal’ UmEp yap TOU ayabov Taxa TLS Kal TOMMG arobavetr’ § owiornoe de THY éavtou ayanny ets npas 6 Oeds, Ort, eTL dpapraday ora 7 [L@v Xpioros imép nuav améBave. * TOAAG ody pan- Aon, OukarwOevtes voy ev TO aipare avrov, cobnospeba de avrov amo THs dpyns. 7° et yap ExOpor ¢ OVTES Karn \a- ynpey TO Oc Sia TOU Oavarov Tov viov avUTOD, TOARG padhov karadhayevres cabnoopeba ev TH. Con avTOU. 1 QU pdvoy dé, adda Kat KauX@pevor ev TO Oe@ Oia TOU Kupiou nav Inoov Xpurrod, dv ob voy thy KatahNayny ehaBopev. 2 Ard TOUTO @omTep Ov évds avOperrou 7 dprapria els TOV KGa Ov ctonhOe, Kal ova 7™s dpaptias 6 Cavenes Kal oUT@S els mayras dvOparous © 6 Gavatos” Sinh- Gev, Ep. o mavres npapToy. 8 axpt yap vOHOV apapria ny ev KOO Be apapria dé ovK édAoyetrar, py OvTOS vopov' 14 AN eBaciievoer 6 Oavatos amd’ Adap HEXpL ‘Maoéos” Kat emt tovs 4 pi” dpaptnoayras emt TO Oporopare 7™s TrapaBdoews Adap, Os eatt TUTOS TOU pedNovros. 15 GAN ovx @S TO mapd- TT Ope, ovUT@ Kal TO Xapiopa. el yap TO TOU €VvOS Tapamreware of mwoAXol are- Gavor, TOO peadoy 7) 7 Xapis TOU Ocou Kal 7) d@pea EV XaplTe Th TOU EVOS aV= Oparou Inoov Xpuorov eis Tous mohhous emEplo Teva. 6 kal ovx as Ov evos “apaprncayros,” TO dapnua TO pev yap Kpiwa e& évos eis KOTAKpUL, TO be Xapiopa €k Tohho@v aval pei Lanta y els Ouxatopa. uy a vyap TO TOU EvOs” Tapart@pate 6 Gavatos €Bacthevoe 1a 6 Gb, add cre. b> c Gb. Mavoews. d—> &@ Ww apaprnwaros. ny. Or, according to the time. f Bz. rw evr. — Wer eves 8 Qr, in whom. Or, by one offence,IPOS POMAIOYS. 381 TOU €vOS, TOAA® Lees ol THY mepio- gelay THS YapiTos Kal “T7s. Swpeas’ THs Otxatoouyns LauBavovres, ev Con Baot- iy evoovey dua Tou evos "Inaod Xptorov. * dpa ovv ws Ov evos mapanTomaros, eis Tavras avOparous eis KaTakpiua’ ouT@ Kal Ov évds OiKkarafiaros, els Tav- Tas dvépeorous eis OlKai@ow Corns. 9% @o7ep yap Sia THs mapakons Tov evos avOparov auaptodol Kateotdbn- Gay ot TOAXOl, ovTw kal Oia THS UTaKoHs Tov evos Oikatot Katactadnoovrat of TOAXOL. 8 Nopos de TmapeonrOev, wa mAeo- vaon TO mapdnrepa’ ov O€ emedvacey 1 dyapria, Umepemepiorevoey 1 Xapes” *l (va _@omTrep eBacihevoey 1 dyaprtia ev T@ Gavdt@, ovTH Kal 7 xapts Bacidevon Sud Otxkacocvyns eis Cary aloviov, Ova “Inood Xptotov Tov Kupiou PL@v. 6. Ti ody pooper 5 > erusevodpe ” TH dpapria, iva 7) Xapts meovacy 3 My) yevouro. olTives arreOavopev wi) Gpapriq, TOs ert Cyropev ev avry i dyvoeire OTL Goat eSarrio Onpev eis Xpiorov ‘Incody, eis Tov Oavaroy avtovd ePanticOnuev; * cvverddnper ody av- T@ Ova TOU Barricparos eis Tov Odvaroy" iva domep nyEp On Xptoros eK _YEKp@V Oud Ts Oogns TOU TaTpOs, ovre® Kat nets eV KALYOTNTL Cons 7 TepiTar NT wpe. ° ef yap ouppuror yeyovapev TO Opola- pare tov Qavarov avTov, GARG Kab 77s dvagraceas eoopeBa TOUTO ywvo- OKOVTES, STL O mahatos Nav Gy Operos ovverravpobn, ¢ wa KkatapynOn TO o@pa 7S dpaprias, Tou _PyKert OovAevety npas TH dpapriq: 126 yap amolavay dedukaiwrat aro THS apaprias. S Ei 0€ ameOavouey oty Xpiord, Romans VI. 8. much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness, shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ. 18 Therefore as < by the offence of one, judgment came upon all men to condemnation: even so ® by the righteousness of one, the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life. 19 For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners: so by the obedience of one, shall many be made righteous. *0 Moreover, ¥ law entered, that the offence mightabound: but where sin abounded, grace did much more abound. 2! That as sin hath reigned unto death ; even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life, by Jesus Christ our Lord, 6. What shall we say then ? Shall we continue in sin: that grace may abound ? 2 God forbid: how shall we y are dead to sin, live any longer therein? ° Know ye not, that so many of us as Y were baptized into JesusChrist, were baptized into his death ? 4 Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death, that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father: even so we also should walk in newness of life. 5 For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death: we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection: § knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that hence- forth we should not serve sin. 7 For he that is dead, is é freed from sin. 8 Now if we be dead with Christ,we believe that we shall a» b O—. Gb. sriperwper. * Or, by one offence. Gr. justified. B Or, by one righteousness. Y Or, are-Romans VI. 9. 382 EDISTOAH also live with him: 9 knowing TLOTEVOPLEY OTL Kat cucnoopey avTa, that Christ being raised from 9 eiSdgres OTL Xpioros eyepOels eK ve- the dead, dieth no more, death a een Z , : : ; hath no more dominion over Kp @v, OUKETL amroOvnoKet Oavaros avu- him. ! For inthathe died, he tod ovkére Kuptevel. ©” 0 yap améGave, died unto sin once: but inthat _~ ¢ ee eA ee 2 ANS G he liveth he liveth unto. God. mp @HGPree OTE ORUEY. epamag 2° QEDS IP Il Likewise reckon ye also (7 T@ Oca, 1 otrw Kal tpets Aoyt- yourselves to be dead indeed & ¢ \ \ Se ag ee unto sin: but alive unto God, Ceobe SaUnOuS RERROUS: MEP , TH CHAN S through Jesus Christ our Lord. Tia, (@vtTas Oe TO Oe@, EV Xpist@ 12 Let not sin reign therefore "Ingov Da in your mortal body, that ye 12 es , cue M5. should obey it in the lusts M7 ovy BactheveTo 7 GHG pm tas eV thereof. 1 Neither yield ye tT OynT@ vay TOPATL, ELS TO UTUKOVELY your members as “instruments ¢ (> .vdv 13 \ Fe ee A, of unrighteousness unto sin: but OUT * pnde REP UTES? . Ms pehn yield yourselves unto God, as Uu@y Omaha adiKias TH apapTig” aha those that are alive from the mapaoTnoare éavrous TO GE@ Qs €K dead, and your members as in- es = RRR ee Cte Mea ac) struments of righteousness unto Y€KP@Vv Ca@vras, Kal 74 pedn UPL@V omha God. 14 For sinshall not have Suxacoovrns a IOeOe oa dpaptia yap dominion over you, for ye are « - 3 24 ewes / > in not under the law, but under UY ou RUBLE QU, YaP.€O7E, UE race. _ VOpLOY, avX vio xapuv. 15 What then? shall we sin, 1 Ti ooy: & dpaptn copev ” Ort OUK because we are not underthe , ee nS ale Sal pale ‘ Jaw, but under grace? God €7MEv UTO VOPOY, aX vmo Xap 5 py forbid. 1 Know ye not, that yéyouro. 18 ovk otdare OTt @ TapLaoTaveTe to whom ye yield yourselves ‘ Se SAAN aces \ Noon servants to obey, his servants @U7OUS ou/ ous ElS UmAKOTV, OOV ot ye are to whom ye obey: whe- €gTe€ @ UmMAKOUETE, TOL dpaptias f cis ther of sin unto death, or of Odyatov,” 7) Umakons eis OcKatocvvny ; obedience unto righteousness ? Vv arcs ee 2 el a a mel ad 17 But God be thanked, that ye “‘ Xapls de TO Oca, (ut iglerts OovAat were the servants of sin: but ye THS duaptias, umnKovaare dé €K Kap- have obeyed from the heartthat 4g, Sa ; , im form of doctrine, & which was Olas els ov mapeOdOnre TUTOV dLdax7s- delivered you. 38 Being then 18 eNevOepwbevTes 6€ aro T™mS apap- made free from sin, ye became _/ ana aS Licey ©) 9) oe the servants of righteousness. 7/75) € OULOBNTE | ‘ FKALOG Unit : ay 19 J speak after the manner of Opamwov eyo Ova THY aoa Gévetap } men, because of the infirmity of THs oapkos ULO@V. QoTrEp yap Tap- your flesh: for as ye have yielded , 2m a Z your members servants to un- eoTyoaTEe Ta peAn UL@Y Sova TH cleanness and to iniquity, unto axabapoia Kal 77 avopia eis THY ave- iniquity : even so now yield» o* a i aS oy al your members servants to right- PLY 9 QUT UY. SF ARO Orn ERS co: BE eousness, unto holiness. *° For UM@V SovAa TH OvKALOG UV €ls ayt- when ye were the servants of acpov. 20) Ge yap SovAot ATE THs sin ye were free yfrom righte- . 4 Se A fe C ousness. 2! What fruit had ye G@HapTLas, eevOepot TE TH OvKaLOg UY. then in those things, whereof 21 riyq ody Ka pTrov ELYETE TOTE, ep ois | ye are now ashamed? forthe ~ , , rN , see end of those things is death. UY emargxvver Oe; TO yap Tehos EKEL ON || 2 But now being made free Odvatos. = vuvi dé ehevOepwbertes amro|| 2 Reo. add ecpvac. b Rec. add re Kuprm nuwv. © Gb. om. d Rec. add ev ratc¢ erOuuracs avtov, @ Gr. arms, or, weapons, B Gr. whereto ye were deliver d. OW auaptnowpLele Y Gr. to righteousness.TIPOS POMAIOYS. 383 wi dpaptias, Sovlwdevtes d€ TH CeG, EXETE TOY KapTroy Up@V eis ean TO O€ TeNos, Cony aioriov. * Ta yap varia THs dpaptias, Oavatos’ TO Oe Xapiopa TOU Ocov, Com ai@vios, ev Xpt- oT@ ‘Ingou T@ Kupi@ ner. a ak ayvoeire, adehpo, (yweckovet yap vopov Kade" ) ¢ ort 6 yo pos Kuptevet TOU avOparrov ep dco xpovoy (3 7 7 yap vravdpos yurn TO CavTe avdpt de- Sera Vom” eav O€ am o8dvn 6 arp, Karnpynrat amo * Tov _vomov" Tov avdpos. ° dpa ovv Cavros TOU avdpos potxaNis Xphparioer, eay yeunrat ae eTE- peo’ eay O€ an moBavy 6 avnp? 2 ehevGepa is eoTly amd TOU vopov, TOU py ElvaL avTny po.xadidOa, yevouevny avdpt €rée- es ¢ 2. ' , AoC c 3 Qare adedqol pov, Kai tpets €Oa- vaT@Onre TO VOU@ OLa TOU THLATOS TOU Xpurrov, eis TO yever Oat Uuas ETEP@ TO eK VEeKp@v eyepOevre, iva kaptopo- pnooper T@ co. > Ore yap HLEV EV TH CTapKi, TA mabnpara TOV GpapTlav Ta Osa TOU vdwou EvnpyetTo ev ToLs péeheow HOV, els TO Kapmopopiaat T® Oavato’ 8 yuri O€ Kat mpynOnpev a amo TOU yopov, ° aroBavovres" eV @ KAT erxopea, OOTE Sovdevew 7 nas eV KAWOTNTL TVEUJLATOS, Kal ov madalornte ypapparos. Ti ody epovpev; 6 vdpmos dpapTia ; HN) yevouro aha THY apaptiav OUK eyvav, Et pay Oude vomov" TY TE yap eT L- Ouuiav ovk 7deuv, et pr) 6 Vopos Eheyev" Ovk emvOupnoes. ® apoppny Oe AaBovea 1 dpaptia dia Ths evroAns KaTeLpyacaTo ev epHol macay emcOupiiav. xapis yap vopou Gpaptia veKpa” 9 eyo Oe efor X@plis vopov wore’ €AOovons be ™mS evToAns, 7 apaptia ave(nrev, eyo Oe atré avo" Kal evpeOn poe 1) €vTOAT) —s. aflz.om. bBz.add aurns. ©¢ Bz. & Elz. aro8avovros. Romans VII. 10. from sin, and become servants to God, ye have your fruit unto holiness, and the end everlast- ing life. 23 For the wages of sin is death: but the gift of God is eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord 7. Know ye not, brethren (for I speak to them that know the law) how that the law hath do- minion over a man, as long as he liveth? 2? For the woman which hath an husband, is bound by the law to her hus- band, so long as he liveth: but if the husband be dead, she is loosed from the law of the hus- band. 3 So then if while her husband liveth, she be married to another man, she shall be called an adulteress: but if her husband be dead, she is free from that law. so that she is no adulteress, though she be married to another man. 4 Wherefore my brethren, ye also are become dead to the law by the body of Christ, that ye should be married to an- other, even to him who is raised from the dead, that we should bring forth fruit unto God, ® for when we were in the flesh, the « motions of sins which were by the law, did work in our mem- bers, to bring forth fruit unto death. § But now we are de- livered from the law, that be- ing dead wherein we were held, that we should serve in newness of spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter. 7 What shall we say then? Is the law sin? God forbid. Nay, I had not known sin, but by the law: for J had not known ylust, except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet. 5 But sin taking occasion by the com- mandment, wrought in me all manner of concupiscence. For without the law sin was dead. 9 For I was alive without the law once, but when the com- mandment came, sin revived, and I died. !® And the com- mandment which was ordained * Gr, passions, 8 Or, being dead to that. Or. concupiscence.Romans VII. 11. to life, I found to be unto death. 11 For sin taking occasion by the commandment, deceived me, & by it slew me. !2 Wherefore the law is holy, and the com- mandment holy, and just, and ood. 13 Was that then which is good, made death unto me? God forbid. But sin, that it might appear sin,working death in me by that which is good: that sin by the commandment might become exceeding sinful. 14 For we know that the law is spiritual : but I am carnal, sold under sin. |! For that which I do, I allow not: for what I would, that do I not, but what I hate, that do I. 16 If then I do that which I would not, I consent unto the law, that it is good. 17 Now then, it is no more I that do it: but sin that dwelleth in me. !§ For I know, that in me (that is, in my flesh) dwelleth no good thing. For to will is present with me: but how to perform that which is good, I find not. !9 For the good that I would, I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do. 20 Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me. 21 [ find then a Jaw, that when I would do good, evil is present with me. 2? For J delight in the law of God, after the in- ward man. 23 But I see ano- ther law in my members, war- ring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin, which is in my members. 24.0 wretched man that I am: who shall deliver me from ® the body of this death ? 2° [ thank God through JesusChrist 384 EMMISTOAH ” els Cony; * avtn” eis Oavarov. 1 7 yap dpaptia apoppay AaBovoa Ova 7s evrodys eEnmarno€ He, Kal Ov aurs cir eKrelvev. 2 Gore 6 pe v6 }L0s aytos, Kal 7) evTony) dyia Kat dikata Kal ayabr. 1S aTo ouv ayaoy Epot ®-yeyoue" 6a- Yaros ; pa yevouro" aha 7 Gpaptia, wa havy dpapria, dua Tov ayabov prot Karepyacopevn Oavaroy, wa yevyrat Ka@ mepBodny dpapTodos 7 dpapria Oud THs evToAjs. ™ oldapey yep OTL O v6}L0s mEvpariKds eoruy" eyo be ° oap- KiVOS” Ell, TEeTpPapEevos UO THY dpap- , 15 A \ , S Tlav. 0 yap KaTepydGouat, ov a , A ywooKkw’ ov yap 0 Ged, * rovTo” > ¢ an ~ r+ mpao ow arn 0 [ulo@, TOUTO ToOLw. 16 ya el O€ O ov Go, TOUTO TOLO, TULPN LL TO VOU OTL Kaos. 7 puvt oe OUKETEL eyo karepydaouat avTo, GAN 7 olkovca ev epol dpapria. 8 oda yap OTL OUK 2 olkel ev e€uol, TOUT EoTW EV TH TapKt pov, ayabov' To yap Oehew mapdkecrai pot, TO O€ Katepyd¢erGar TO Kadoy Sovy evpicxa.” 1 ov yap 6 G€da, Tore ayabdy' ad 6 ov Gedo Kakoy, TOUTO TPAaToe. *0 Ei dé 0 ov Gero feyo,” TOUTO TOL®. OUKETL eyo karepydCopat avTo, GAN 7, oikovoa év esol duaptia. * evpicka dpa Tov vépov T@ OedovTe epot movetr TO KaNOv, OTL €pol TO KAKOY TapakelTal 22 , EN 2 2 ouyndopar yap To yen TOV Qeceor \ \ 7 KATA TOV EO divOperrov: * Brera O¢ ETEPOV v6 pov ev TOLS pedeot pov avTt- oTparevdpevov T@ VOU@ TOU VvodSs pou Kal aixparorifovrd pe TO VOU@ TIS dpaptias T@ OvTe ev Tots pedeot Lov. ee Tadaimepos eyo avOperos: Tis pe pucerat €k TOU GwpaTos TOU Gavadror rourov; ~ &evyapioTa” TO Ge@ duc . : > A x A is , our Lord. So then, with the Inoouv Xpiotov Tov Kuptov TL@V. apc 20 —, Gb. airy. b weyevero. ¢ Rec. capxixos. A> e@ Wov. f 3 § Kaos. * Gr. know. Or, this body of death,TIPOS POMAIOYS. 385 oby adbros ey TO bey vol Oovhevo VOUe Ocov" TH O€ capt, VOC dpaprias. 8. Ovdev apa vov KaTaKplpu Tols ev Xpior@ ‘Ingod™, 2 6 ie yopos TOU TVEULATOS THS Cans ev Xpior@ ‘Ingod ievOcpoce [Le a7F0 TOU YOpov ™Ss apap- Tlas Kal TOU Bavarov. 3 70 yap aduvatoyv TOU vopou, eV @ no ever dua THs TapKos, 0 ©@eds Tov éavTov vidy mepNvas ev eS ‘ Omol@paTL TapKos dpaprias Kal mepl a ipapTias KaTeKpive THY dpapriay ev TH GapKin @ wa TO Oikatopa TOU vdmou ANGBOOrn ev nplv, Tots pa KaTa oapka mepurarovow, aA\a Kara Hvevpa. > Ol yap Kara capKa ovres, Ta THS wapkos Ppovovow" ot O€ Kara Ivetpa, Ta TOU Tvetparos. 6 56 yap Ppovnpa THs TAPKOS, Oavaros* TO de he rov Ilvevparos, Sar Kal etpnyn. “ Oudre TO pdvnua THs capKos, ex Opa cis Nee 7 = Gedy TH yap vop@ Tov cov ovx orro- Tagoetat, ovde yap Svvara’ 8 ot Sé ev gapki dvTes, Ged apécar ov Sv- vayTat. 9 *Ypets O€ ovK éore ev capkl, GAN ev IIvevpart, etmep Ivetpa Ccov oixet ev vp. ef O€ Tus Ilvevpa Xpiorov ovK EXEL, OUTOS OVK eoTLv avTov. 1° ef dé Xpuoros ev vl, TO pevy TOpa veKpov dv dpapriay, TO O€ mvevpa Con Oia dtxacoovvnv. © ei dé ro Tlvedpua tod eyeipavtos “Incoty é€k vexpay oiket év vp, 6 eyeipas Tov Xpiotoyv ek vexpav (womomce: Kal TA OynTa copaTa por, dua > rd evotkovy avrov Ilvetpa” ev Up. 2 Apa otv, ddeddol, dpewera é- Gey OU TH TapKl, TOU KaTa GapKa Chv. 13 ef yap Kata cdpka (te, peAdeTe dmobynoKkew” et O€ IIvevpare Tas mae Romans VIII. 13. mind J myself serve the law of God: but with the flesh, the law of sin. 8. There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. 2 For the law of the Spirit of life, in Christ Jesus, hath made me free from the law of sin and death. 3 For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son, in the likeness of sinful flesh, and «for sin condemned sin in the flesh: 4 that the righteous- ness of the law might be ful- filled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. * For they that are after the flesh, do mind the things of the flesh: but they that are after the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. § For & to be carnally minded, is death: but yto be spiritually minded, is life and peace: ‘ beeause sthe carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. § So then they that are in the flesh, cannot please God. 9 But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. !° And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin: but the Spirit is life, because of righteousness. 1! But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead, dwell in you: he that raised up Christ from the dead, shall also quick- en your mortal bodies, « by his Spirit that dwelleth in you. 12 Therefore brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh. !8 For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do a Rec. add wn xara capKa TepiTatrovoty, ardra Kara Ivevpea. b Bz. & Elz. row svocxovyvros avrov Tvevparos. © Or, by a sacrifice for sin. B Gr. the mina of the flesh. Y Gr. the minding of the Spirit. Gr, the minding of the flesh, 26 « Or, because of his Spirit.Romans VIII. 14. mortify the deeds of the body, * ye shall live. !4 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are thesons of God. } For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear: but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Ab- ba, Father. 16 The Spirit it- self beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God. ' And if children, then heirs, heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ: if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified toge- ther. 18 For I reckon, that the suf- ferings of this present time, are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. 19 For the ear- nest expectation of the creature, waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. 2° For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath sub- jected the samein hope: 2! be- cause the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption, into the glorious liberty of the children of Ged. 22 For we know that the whole creation groaneth, and travaileth in pain together until now. 7% And not only they, but ourselves also which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adop- tion, to wit, the redemption of our body. 24 For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen, is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for? > But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it. 26 Likewise y Spirit also help- eth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings, which cannot be ut- tered. 27 And he that search- eth the hearts, knoweth what 386 TOU caparos ” ENISTOAH y doo yap TIvevpare ee ayovrat, OUTOL elou viol Oecou. Bere mvevpa Sovdetas a eis Popov, ann edaBere Tyevpa viodectas, ey @ kpavopev’ “ABBa o marnp. 16 avro TO Tyevpa ouppaprupel x) meu pare TPLOV, OTL eo pev Tekva Qeov. 7 i dé TeKva, Kal Khn povd0t" KANPOVOpLOL [EV Ocou, ovyKANpovdjLoL Oe CULTIATXOLEV, eV. Xpuorov ° elrep iva kat ovvdo€acba- is Aoyifopat yap OTL OUK agua Ta madnuata Tov yoy KaLpod mpos THY peddoueray dogav amoxahup Ova eis nas. 7 yap dmroxapadokta 77s KTL= ’ Oavarovre, (oeobe. | ou yap éAd- | gews THY amoKdduw TOY vidy TOU |) Gecou dmexOeXerau. 20 TH yap prarad- THTL 7 KTLOLS UTETAYN, (ovx €KOUG-G, isi a\a bua Toy bmoragavra,) 21 er éX=|h miu, 6 ort Kal arn 7 KTLOLS _ehevbepoOry- l Tera amo THs Sovdeias THs plopas eis ff THY ehevdepiay 7s dogns TOY TEKVOV | = owaprey yap OTL mara 7 1 TOU Ceceov. KTLoLs ovoTevacer Kal ouveodiver axpu TOU yov" 2390 p.ovov be, aX Kal avrot THY amapxny TOU Tvevparos EXOVTES, |! Kal ets avTOL ev EavTOLS orevaCoper, x viobeciay _amendexGpevot, THY amroNv= | Tpw@OW TOV oaparos NL@V. TH yap } edmids €o@Onpev. ells Oe Brerropevn, t OUK €oTLW ehmis’ Kat eAmicet 3 d€ 0 6 Te Peres Tis, Tie ov BvdeEro-\ prev, eAmiCoper, ‘be Umopovns ameKde- xopeOa. ©, 26 “Ocavras Oe Kal TO IIvevpa ouvay- \ Tats aoGeveiats” pov I TuNapBaverar ° TO yap Ti “mporevgapeba" Kado bet, OUK oidaper, GAN auto TO IIvevpa Urrepey-| TUYX VEL da AnTows* omep nav" orevaypots a\a-'5 7 6 O€ epevvay Tas kapdias, R &@ Crs cCapKos. b Wry acbevera. © > mpoceveousda. d+ a Or, every creature.IIPOS POMAIOYS. 387 5) , \ , A , e olde Ti TO Hpdynua Tov Tvetparos, Gre A Kata Qcov evrvyydver Urép aylov. ay \ + a *8 Oidamev S€ bre Tois dyanou roy a > cr coy mavra ouvepyet eis ayabbv, rots y a \ sf r > oe Kata mpd0eow KAnrots ovow. 9 bre A 7 ous Tpoeyva, Kal Mpo@pioe TUUMOPHovs TNS ELKOVOS TOU Viov avTod, Els TO EivaL JAAN , > o > - QUTOV TP@TOTOKOY Ev TOANOLS aeAGois* A , 30 ods de TPOMPLae, TOVTOUS Kal é€Ka- e - , Aeoe’ kal ods é€xddece, TovTovs Kal . ’ > , edtkaiwoev’ ods dé ediKaiwce, TovTOUS kal e0d€ace. 1 / a 2 ~ \ > 9 «¢ Tu ovv epovpev mpos ratTa; et 6 A ic A ¢< a , nC) a SD Ocos urep nay, tis Ka? nuay; * ds ye may NNT Cas > Se f > JG \ ToU LOlov viod OvK edetoaTto, GX UITEp ¢ ~ / nw NOY TayvT@av mapédwKey aditov, Tos > A Ni \ ~ ~ \ / ¢ a OUXL Kal GUY aUT@ TA TaVTA Huy ya- ee 33 / By 7 ee Xx, ploerat ; Tis €yKaAé€ovet KaTa €k- a ZN \ ¢ Q Pee 34 / NexT@yv Geod; Ceds 6 dixarov TLS r > 0 Katakpivey; Xpiotos 6 amobavear, na N a NG 7, 3 6 \ a b Na padov d€ *kal” éeyepbeis, ds Kal aa > ~ “~ ~ a \ > cot ev OeEia Tov Ceodv, ds Kal éy- ¢ n 5 ¢ ~ TvyxXaver UTEp Nay * Tis Huds yo- pioet and THs dydans Tod Xpictod; 6XL BD / a 8 \ xX iris, i) oTevoxwpia, 7) Stoypos, 7) \ / 3 3 Ayos, i} yupvdrns, 7) KivSuvos, 7) dyat- 36 Ni 7 5 og Cc a” uM pa 3 Kadas yéypamrau “Ore © évexey A , 7 \ ¢ 4 gov OavarovpeOa Sdnv tiv npépay: , c an ehoylaOnuev Os mpdBata oayis.) 7 CANN ev rovTos Taow trepriKdpev n~ ¢ cat 4 O1ad TOU ayamnoavtos jas. * rére- : 3 \ opat yap ott ovre Odvaros ove Cor, ove Gyyeot, ove dpxal, ‘ovTe Ever THTAa , ovre weAXovTa, ovre Suvapets,” * ore A EY , a» , cE vWapa ote Baos, ovre Tus KTIoLs ETE- ¢ an , > \ a pa Ouvynoetar nas xwpica amd THs “a n ~ > aS: ayarns Tov Oeov, THs ev XpioTe@ “In- ~ nn , ¢ nan gov T® Kupia nuov. 7 3 ~ > 9. “AdnGevay eyo ev Xpiote, ov / A“ Wevdouar, cuppaptupovons jor THs , I > , cu CTVVELONTEDS fou EV Tvevpart ay!@, Romans IX. 1. is the mind of the Spirit, 2 be- cause he maketh intercession for the saints, according to the will of God. 28 And we know j all things work together for good, to them that love God, to them who are ¥ called according to his purpose. *9 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the first- born amongst many brethren. 30 Moreover, whom he did pre- destinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified. 51 What shail we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us ? 3? He j spared not his own Son, but de- livered him up for us all: how shall he not with him also freely give us all things ? 33 Whoshall lay any thing to the charge of God’s elect ? It is God that jus- tifieth: °4 who is he that con- demneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us. 35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or fa- mine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? 36 (As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long, we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.) 37 Nay in all these things we are more than conquerors, through him that loved us. 83 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor an- gels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 nor height, nor depth, nor any other crea- ture, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. 9. I say the truth in Christ, I lie not, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy ane bo © Rec. evexa. d Ree. ovre duvapecs, ovre a SVSOTWTG OUTE “EAAOYTA. Or, that.i Hi Romans IX. 2. Ghost, ? that I have great heaviness, and continual sorrow in my heart. * For I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ, for my brethren my kinsmen according to the flesh: 4 who are Israelites: to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the & cove- nants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises: ° whose are the fathers, and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came, who is over all, God blessed for ever, Amen. 6 Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel which areof Israel: 7 neither because they are the seed of Abraham are they all children: but, In Jsaac shall thy seed be called. 8 That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed. % For this is the word of promise, At this time will Icome, & Sarah shall haveason. !°Andnotonly this, but when Rebecca also had con- ceived by one, even by our fa- ther Isaac, 1! (for the children being not yet born, neither hav- ing done any good or evil, that y purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth.) 12 It was said unto her, The yelder shall serve the 4 younger. 13 Asit is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have J hated. 14 What shall we say then ? is there unrighteousness with God? God forbid. 15 For he saith to Moses, I willhave mercy on whom I willhave mercy, and [ will have compassion onwhom I] will have compassion. 16 So then it is not of him y willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy. !7 For yscripture saith unto Pharaoh, Even for thissame purpose have , [ raised thee up, y I might shew my power in thee,andy my name 388 EVMSTOAH OTL AUTTN pol EaTL peyadn, Ea abide ||, euros odunn TH Kapdia prov * Conta |. xopny” “yap > avTos ey@ avadena elvau || amo TOU Xpiorov,) UTED TOV aedpav | jov, TOY ouyyevev pov KaTa _oapKa’ olrives elo ‘Iopanhirat, é ov 7 viobe- ||; gia kai 7 Oda, Kal ai SuaOnKa Kai 7 vosobecla, Kal 1) haTpela Kal ai emay- yehar, > @y ot TATEPES, Kal e& ov 0 Xpuoros TO Kata capKa, 6 ov emt may- Tov Geds evAoynros eis Tovs alavas. my apiny. © Ody oloy Oé Ore exméemTaxev 6 N6yos || TOU OGcov. ov yap mayres ol c& ‘Iopanh, ouToL ‘Iopanh’ 7 2 i ove OTL clot omeppa "ABpaap, mavres TEKVA, aA ev “IoadK » kAnOnoeral cor oréppa. * TovT éoTLy, ov Ta TEKVA THS GapKos, TavTa TEKVG = ae \ \ , A 3 , Tov Qeou' adda Ta TEKva Tis ETayyeALas |} Noyi€era cis omeppa. 9 emayyeNlas | yap 6 Adyos otros’ Kara roy Karpov }; TOUTOV ENeVT Opal, Kal €OTaL TH Zappa le vids. 1 Ov podvov dé, GdAa Kal “Pe- | (2X > \ a BEexKa €& Ev05 Kola exovoa, Ioadk Tov TATPOS NOY" pnrro yap eres! TOV, poe mpagavroy Tl ayalon 7) 7) © Ka- KOV,. (wa Kar’ exhoyiy “mpddecrs TOU cod” pévn, ovk €& Epyov, GdN €k TOU a 12 I ees. DUNO, c KaNovyTos, ) eppndn avtn “Ort o , , Fae / a 13 pelCay OovAevoet TO AAT OOM Ka- | > das yéyparta’ Tov ‘lakwB nyarnoa, | > A tov O€ ‘Hoav euionoa. Ti otv Epoupeen § pn aockia mapa | TQ O€@; [4 yevouro. 48 TO yap | * Motion’ Reyer’ “Eden oe 6 ov av eed Kal | oikTeipnow@ Oy dy oiKTElpa. ° "Apa | ovv ov tov OédovTos, ovdeé TOU TPE- > \ “a > ~ ~ xovtos, ada Tov edeovyTos Oeov. Mn 2 . nae an a eyet yap 1 ypahn te Papaw ~ / Ort eis avTo TovTo eEnyerpd ce, OTT@s | > / > XN A 7 / evOeiE@pat ev Gol THY Ovvaply pov, aN FN YOUNV. bo avadena €tvae AuTosg FEYW, * Or, separated. Or, testaments. Cw davrov. 4 Rec.7ov Ocov wpobecis. & Rec. Moon. Or, greater. Or, lesser.TIPO> POMAIOYS. 389 \ a ~ A yw 4 > Kat Ooms diayyehh Td dvoud pov év , a a 18 7 > a / maon TH Yn. Apa ovv, ov Gédet, o~ A 4 eect’ Oy O€ Oder, oKANpvvEL. > o > LS, , 9 °Epeis ody pout Th ere Méeuerar 3 ~ BY \ u B AN T > Ov Bo > Gé Ace oo uae Gen00 vis aye. aS > amKe 3 ~ °Mevovvye,” ® avOpwre, od Tis ef 6 avTamoKpidpevos TO Oc@ ; pI) pel TO TAdo HATS TAdCarTL Th pe > / of, 21 x > ~ 1¢ eTOLNOAS OUTS ; H ovk €yer €€ov- olay 6 Kepapevs TOU mNNOd, €k TOU avTod s a Q > Pupdparos moujoar 0 pev eis ryuyy ~ a \ > > , 99 5 \ Zs okevos, 0 Oe eis atiuiav; ™ i dé OAwy ¢ A > / & \ > A, \ 0 Geos evoeiEacOar tiv dpyny, Kal yropioa TO Svvaroy avrod, nVEyKEY ev TOMAR paxpoOupia oKe’n dpyns KaTnp- / , 9 ad Tiopeva els dr@Aevay’ * Kal va yvo- pion Tov mAodrov Tis SdEns abrod émt LN a7, é Lif okevn EA€ous, a Tpontoiwacer eis SéEav; \ a 4 ods Kal exdecer mas, (ov povoy : a MEELIS e& “lovdaiwv, ada kal &f cOvav') as Noto nc \ / = Z \ > kat ev T@ Qone deyet’ KaXéow rov ov > Aacy prov, Nady jou’ Kal THY ovk jya- > , 9 », mpernv, nyarnuernv. * Kal éorat, ev TO TOTM 08 EppnOn adrois: Od C a , ads pou wtypels, exet_ kAnOnoovrat “~ n Pr: c of \ viol Oceov avros. s0" Tic aids. O06 , ¢ \ NT MSV 2 \ iy c Kpa¢er vmep tov “lopand: "Edy 7 6 a an ¢ / apiOuos tov vidv “IopayA os 4 dp- Bos THs Oaddoons, TO KaTdheywpa 9 4 > awOnoera’ * déyov yap ouvredoy / "; Kal ouvrépver ev Oixaiocvyy’ OTe Mbyov 4 / > 7 > \ OUVTETHNMEVOY Tromoe. Kupios emt “A a co] / ™ms yns. ~ Kal kxados mpoetpnxev he > , ‘Hoatas’ Ei jut) Kiptos SaBawd éyxaré- - s x Lurev nuiy oméppa, as Sddoua dv / 2 ¢ \ ¢ / eyernOnuev, Kal ws Tduoppa dy wpoww- Onpev. ee Sin Tt ovv €povupev; ore eOyn Ta py 7 rz Si@kovra Sixacoovyny, KatéAaBe OiKaro- 4 \ > / i cuvny, Sikacocvyny dé thy ek TicTEws Fy 3} "Iopand dé Svakwy vopoy dukaoovvns, Romans IX. 31, might be declared throughout all yearth. 18Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will, he hardeneth. 19 Thou wilt say then unto me; Why doth he yet find fault ? For who hath resisted his will 2 20 Nay but O man, who art thou that ¢@ repliest against God ? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me_ thus ? “1 Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump, to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour ? 22 What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make _ his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath @ fitted to destruction: 23 and that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory ? 24 Even us whom he hath called, not of the Jews only, but also of the Gentiles. 25 As he saith also in Osee, I will call them my people, which were not my people: and her, beloved, which was not beloy- ed. °6 And it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye are not my people, there shall they be called the children of the living God. *7 Esaias also crieth con- cerning Israel, Though the num. ber of the children of Israel be as the sand of y sea, a remnant shall be saved. 28 For he will finish y the work, and cut it short in righteousness: because a short work will the Lord make upon the earth. 29 And as Esaias said before, Except the Lord of Sabaoth had left us a seed, we had been as Sodoma, and been made like unto Gomorrha. 80 What shall we say then ? That the Gentiles which follow- ed not after righteousness, have attained to righteousness, even y righteousness which is of faith: 31 but Israel which followed a Elz. om. b> @ Or, answerest again, or, disputest with God? Or, the account P Or, made up.Romans IX. 32. after the law of righteousness, hath not attained to the law of righteousness. 32 Wherefore ? Because they sought i/, not by faith, but as it were by y works of the law : for they stumbled at that stumblingstone, % as it is written, Behold, I lay in Siona stumblingstone, and rock of of- fence: and whosoever believeth on him, shall not be “ashamed. 10. Brethren, my heart’s de- sire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved. 2 For I bear them record, that they have a zeal of God, but not aceording to knowledge. 3% For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteous- ness, have not submitted them- selves unto the righteousness of God. 4 For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth. 5 For Moses describeth the righteousness which is of the law, That the man which doeth those things shall live by them. 6 But the righteousness which is of faith, speaketh on this wise: Say not in thine heart, Who shall ascend into heaven ? that is to bring Christ down from above. 7 Or, Who shall descend into the deep? that is to bring up Christ again from the dead. 8 But what saithit ? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart, that is the word of faith which we preach, 9 that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart, that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. !9For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. !! For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him, shall not be ashamed. 12 For there is no difference 390 ENISTOAH eis vdpLov *dixatoovyns” OUK epbace 5 32 Quari; OTL ovK ek mloTews, ANN as ef épyav ? yopou'” mpooexoyray © yap“ TO iO@ Tov T POT KOHLATOS, 3 kabas yeypamrae’ "Id0v rtOn pt ev Stay ido TPOTKLMATOS, Kal meTpay oxavdddov: kal “nas” 6 mLoTEev@y é% avT@ ov KaTaroxuvOnoerat. 10. “Adeddbot, os pe evdokia 7™s Enis kapdias, Kau ai denous 1 mpos Tov Ocov umep fairey" 8" eis cwTnpiay. 2 paptup® yap avrois OTL (7Aov cov EXOUTW, a\N ov. Kar EMLYV@OLW. 3 ayvoovrres yap aye Tov Oeceov Suxacogvyny, Kat THY (Olav 'Oukaoowyny” (yrotvres ornoa, ™ Sixatoovvy TOU Gcov ovy Umeraynoay. 4 réhos yap VO!OV Xpioros els Ouxatocvvny mart TQ TLOTEVOVTL. “5 ‘Movons ” yap ypager THY Ouxato- | | corny THY €K TOU YOpov’ “Ore 6 mouoas | auTa avOporos, Cyoerau ev avrois. 6 | de eK TioTEws dukarogvyn ovT@ eyeu’ My) etrns ev TH KapOia cov’ Tis avaBn- > Ae » geTat eis TOV ae pe TOUT €OTL =i Xpiorov Karayayely" 7 4 Tis kara- Bnoera eis THY aBvaocor ; TOUT €oTt Xpuorov eK veKp@v dvayayety. 8 aha TL Eyer; "Eyyus gov TO pia EOTLY, ev TO ordpart wou Kal ev 7 xapdia gov’ TOUT €oTL TO pha TIS TioTEws O Knpvowopey” 9 Ore eay opohoynons ev TO oropart cov Kupuoy ‘Ingovy, Kat moTevons ev TH KapOdia cov OTL 6 Oeos avrov iyyepey ek vexpav, o@Onon’ 10 (kapdla yap muoreverar eis SuKato- auyny, ordpare O€ dpodoyetrae eis oarnpiay.) x Aeyer yap _ 1 ypapy Ilas 6 muctevov em atT@ ov Karat- oxvvOnoera. Ovydp ear Svatod? ‘lovdatov Te < > — — aes DS ost dis ce f Rec. rov Iopanr. a § Rec. add seriv. Or, confounded. hGb.om. i Rec. Mwong.ITPOS POMAIOYS. 391 kat “EAAnvos’ 6 yap avuros Kuptos TaVT@Y, TAOUTaY Eig TaVTAS TOUS ém- kahoupevous auroy" 13 Tlas yap ds av emtkahéontat TO dvoua Kupiov, cw6n- oeral, 14 TOs ody émtxadécovrat eis by ovK emlotevoay 3; Tas O€ TidTEvTOVoLW Ov OUK HkKOVoaY 3 Tas O€ dkovTovct yapls knpvocovtos; mas dé Knpugovow, €ay Ha) amootahk@or; Kabws yeyparrau’ ‘Os epaion ob Tb Oes Tay evayyedtto- fevov eipnynv, Tay evayyediCopevov bTar ayaba. "ANN ov mravtes UTN- kovoay TO evayyeNio” ‘Hoaias yap eye’ Kupte, tis emtorevoe TH aKon nay; (dpa 9 7 miatis €& axons, 7 Se akon o.a phearos Gcov.) 38 adda eyo" My OUK Kovo-aY 5 juevovvye ets macay THY yay cE Bev 6 pooyyos av~ TOY, Kal els Ta Tépata THs oikouperns Ta pneata avtav. ? adda Aéyo? My ”’Io- pana ovk €yva’; Tp@tos “Maions’ heyeu’ ‘Ey® tapa(nloow vpuas em ovK eOvet, emi €Over aovvéer@ rapopyta tpas. 7° “H- caias d€ dmotrohpua Kai Aéyer’ EvpeOnv TOls Ee pur) CNTOVGLY, Euparis eyevduny Tols €4é pry emepwat@ot. 7 IIpos dé Tov “Iopand Neyer’ “OAny thy nuepav e€eméTaga Tas yYElpas pov mpos Aaoy amevOovvra Kal dyTi€eyorTa. 11. Aéyw otv My aracato 6 Ocds Tov Nady avTOv; pt) yEevolTo’ Kal yap ey® “IopanXitns eli, ek oméppatos "ABpaau, pudns Beviawiv. * ovK aro- caro 6 Geds roy adv avtov, dy Mpoeyva. 7) ovK oldate ev ’Hiia Ti Reyer 7 7 ypagn ; 5 ws SvEna/ Rac TO Oe@ KaTad TOU ‘Topana ; S00, 25 Kuptesy gous mpoprras jou amekteway, ©xat” Ta OvotacTnpia cov karecKayay" Kaye imedeipOny pdvos, Kat Cnrovow Hv x, 3) between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all, is rich unto all, that call upon him. 13 For whosoever shall call up- on the name of the Lord, shall be saved. RoMANns 14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed ? and how shall they believe in him, of whom they have not heard ? and how shall they hear without a preacher ? '5 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written: How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things! !6 But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Hsaias saith, Lord, who hath believed ¢ our F re- port ? 17 So then, faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. /§ But I say, Have they not heard? Yes verily, their sound went into all the earth, and their words un- to the ends of the world. !9 But I say, did not Israel know ? First Moses saith, { will pro- voke you to jealousy by them that are no people, and by a foolish nation I will anger you. 20 But Esaias is very bold, and saith, I was found of them that sought me not: I was made ma- nifest unto them, that asked not after me. 2! But to Israel he saith, All day long I have stretched forth my hands unto a disobedient and gainsaying people. 11. I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid. For I also am an Is- raelite of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin. 2 God hath not cast away his people which he foreknew. Wot ye not what the scripture saith of Elias? how he maketh inter- cession to God against Israel, saying, 3 Lord, they have killed thy prophets, and digged down thine altars,and J am left alone, ast b Rec. ov ayy Icpanr. ¢ Rec. Mwons ? Or, preaching. 8 Gr, the hearmg of us. d Rec, add Aevwr. exRomans XI. 4. and they seek my life. 4 But what saith the answer of God unto him? I have reserved to myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to the imuge of Baal. ® Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace. © And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace, otherwise work is no morework. 7 What then ? Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for, but y election hath obtain- edit, andthe rest were 2 blind- ed, 8 according as it is written, God hath given them the spirit of & slumber: eyes y they should not see, and ears y they should not hear unto this day. 9% And David saith, Let their table be made asnare, and atrap, anda stumblingblock,&arecompence unto them. !° Let their eyes be darkened, y they may not see, & bow down their back alway. 11 [ say then; MHave they stumbled that they should fall ? God forbid. But rather through their fall, salvation is come un- to the Gentiles, for to provoke them to jealousy. !2 Now if the fall of them be the riches of the world, and the 7 diminishing of them, the riches of y Gentiles: how much more their fulness ? 13 For I speak to you Gentiles, } inasmuch as I am the apostle of the Gentiles, I magnify mine office: l4if by any means I may provoke to emulation them which are my flesh, and might save some of them. | For if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world: what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead ? 16 For if the firstfruit be holy, the lump is also holy: and if y root be holy, so are y branches. 17 And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou being a wild olive tree wert graffed in é amongst them, and with them 392 EMISTOAH Wuyny pov. 4° AAG Ti deyet avT@ O Xpnwariop.os 5 Karé)umov eHauT@ eT TA- KuoxuAious _aopas, olrwes OUK exap- yay you ™ Baad. ° Ovres ovy Kat Evy TO yoy Kalp@ Aetpypa Kar exhoyny Xaperos yeyover. | el O€ Napitt, ovkere e& épywyv emel 1 Xapls ovKETL yiveraL aD 7 Ti obv3 6 emucnret Iopanh, ? ToUTO" ouk eméruxev, 7 O€ €kAoy?) emETUXEY ot O€ Aormrot eropaOnoay, 8 (xadas ye ypanrac’ "Ed@xey avtois 6 Ge0s 7 VEU pe Karavugeos, opbahpovs TOU pa) Bre- rely, Kal ora TOU pn aKovElyY’) EWS TIS onmepov nyLepas. ? Kal © Aaio" Neyeu’ Dern Ore 7 7 TpameCa avray eis mayida Kal els Onpav, Kat els oKaydadoy Kat eis avramddopa avtois’ 7 oKoriaOn- Tocav of bpOadpoi avTay Tov pi] BXérrewv, Kal TOY VOTOY a’T@y StaTrayTos ovykaprpor. 2 Aeyo oop" M1) émraicay, ia é- TMoL; pi yevouro" ahha TO avTay Tapanreapare 7 carnpia Tots “eOveow, ets TO mrapatnhoo au avtous. ™ ei dé TO Tapanrepa avTéy movUTOS KOgpLOV, Kal TO 7TTnMa avT@Y TAOUTOS eOvay, Bo padov TO TANPopa QUuTOY : 5 Uy yap eyo trois éOveow ed’ Goov pev ele eyo €Ovav damdarohos, Tv Ssaxoviay prov Oo€dto, et mas eda fLou il wapKa, Kal T@ow Twas e& avTav. el yap " amoBoX:) aQuT@y karahhayi) Koo pov, tis 1 Tpdc- Rais, el pr) Cor) ek VEKPOY 5 : Ce Oe. 7 drrapx7) dyta, Kal TO pvpapa kal ci » pita ayia, Kal ot kdddor. @ ef S€ Twes TeY KdAddey e€exidoOnoav, ov O€ ayptedatos oy évexeytpicOns ev avTois, Kal ovyKot- yovos THs pi(ns Kal THs mLdTNTOS Tis 4 Rec. add ec de s& epywry ovxert EOTL Yapts” ESL TO EPYOV OVKETL ETTEY EPyOVe b Rec. rovrov. Gb. Acud. * Or hardened, B Or remorse. Y Or, decay, or, loss, 6 Or, for them.IIPO> oe 393 eAalas eyevov, | Say KaTakavyo TOV Khddev* ei O€ KaTaKavxaoat, ov ov THY picay Paord¢ets, GQ qe pita = oe: Ae epeis ouv* “E€exAdaOnoav *” kador, wa eyo eykevTpicda@. 7 Kadds: ™ dmurrig efexAagOnoay, ov O€ TH TicTeL EoTN Kas. pa) vynroppover, adha poBov: shad yap 6 cds aoe kara puow K\adwv ovk eeicaro, » un mas’ ovdé ooo * petoerau” *'1de ouy Xpnorornra: Kal amroropiay Ocov* emt pev Tous Beans “ amroto- peta * “emt O€ oé, © Xpnorornra,’ ‘ eay \ emypeivys ™ xXpnotornte’ eet kat ov EKKO ON). *° kdkeivou O€, €ay pul) em- pretvooe TH amorria, eyxevtpirOncovrar Ouvaros yap eoTw 0 Ocds Tahu eyKev- j Tploat avtovs. * ei yap od ek THs kara dvow é&exdmns aypiehaiou, Kal Tapa piow evexevtpic Ons eis KaAALE- atovy, moo@ paddoy otror of Kata guow, eykevtpic Onoovrau Ty dla ehaia. ; 7° Ov yap Geo v upas ayvoc, adeh- pot, TO pvornpvoy TOUTO, iva py) nTE Trap’ EauTots Ppdvysot, 6 ore Topaccs aro HEepous TO ‘Iopai yeyovev, aypis ob TO mypapa Tav eOvav eiceAOn ~* Kai oUT® Tas ‘Topayd cobncerat, Kabas yeypamrae’ "H&er €k Say 6 pudjevos, Kal amoarpeyyer dcveBelas dro “laka/3° 7 Kal avTn avtois 7 map euou Ovadnkn, oray apehopar Tas dpaptias avrov. 8 Kara pev 5“ 76 evayyeduov, ex pot Ov upas’ Kata O€ Ti exoyiy, ayannrot Ova TOUS TaTepas. ” auerapednra yap Ta Xapiopara Kas 7) KAnoes TOU cov. 0 @oTeEp yap | ‘Kal” vets more nTret~ Onoare TO Oe@, vov Oe mrenOnre 7 TOUT@Y ein ® gt ovT@ Kal ovToL vov nreiOnoay TO wperépw edéer, iva Romans XI. 31. partakest of the root and fat- ness of the olive tree: !5 boast not against the branches: but if thou boast, thou bearest not the root, but the root thee. 19 Thou wilt say then, The branches were broken off, that I might be graffed in. 29 Well: because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou standest by faith. Be not highminded, but fear. *! For if Godspared not the natural branches, tuke heed lest he also spare not thee. *2 Behold therefore the good- ness and severity of God: on them which fell, severity ; but towards thee, goodness, if thou continue in his goodness: other- wise thou also shalt be cut off. 23 And they also,if they abide not ee unbelief, shall be graffed : for Godis able to graff them in again. 24 For if ‘thou wert cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature, and wert graff: ed contrary to nature into a good olive tree: how much more shall these which be the natural branches, be graffed into their own olive tree ? 25 For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery (lest ye should be wise in your own conceits) that «blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles become in. 26 And so all Israel shall be saved, as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob. 2 For this is my covenant unto them, when 1 shall take away their sins. *8 As concerning the gospel, they are enemies “for your sake: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the fathers’ sakes. 9 For y gifts and call- ing of God are yuniont repent- ance. 30 For as ye in times past have not believed God, yet have now obtained mercy through their unbelief: 3! even so have these also now not y be- lieved, that through your mercy a Rec. add Wor. DD © Ree. pecanrar. d \ arorouta. § Pz, add ovy. h Gb. om, Or, hardness. &X ypnororns. ! Rec. cae execyoe 8 Or, obs yed, Y Or, obeyed.Romans XI. 32. they also may obtain mercy. 32 For God hath «concluded them all in unbelief, that he might have mercy upon all. 33 © the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and know- ledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out! 34 For who hath known the mind of the Lord, or who hath been his counsellor ? *° or who hath first given to him, and it shall be recompensed unto him again ? 36 Por of him, and through him, and to him are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen. 12. I beseech you therefore brethren, by ¥ mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your rea- sonable service. ? And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the re- newing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, }4 that acceptable and perfect will of God. 3 For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think 8 soberly,according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith. 4 For as we have many members in one body, @ and all HCE IONS have not the same otlice: °so we _ being many are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another. § Having then gifts, differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy ac- cording to the proportion of faith. 7Or ministry, lel us wait, on our ministering : or he that teacheth, on teaching: § or he that exhorteth, on exhortation: he that ygiveth, let him do it Swith simplicity: he that ruleth, with diligence : he that sheweth mercy, with cheerfulness. 394 EMISTOAH Kal auTot chen Por. ouveKetoe yap 6 Gcds Tovs mavras eis ameiOeay, wa Tous mdavras €enon. 33 °Q BdOos mAovTov Kal codias Kat yorens Gcov. ws avekepevynta Ta Kpiwara avrov, Kat dveEixviag rot ai 60ol aurov. 34 Tis yap eyo vouv Ku- pees 7 Tis ovpSuvdos aurou eYEVETO 5 n Tis mpoedwxey avuT@, Kal avramro- Sobnrerat avTe ; eo Ome e& avTov Kal bv avrov Kal els auTov Ta mayra auTe 7 Od&a els Tovs aidvas. any. 12 Tapaxare ouv wvpas, adedpol, Ova Tey olkTEpHOY | Tov Qcov, TapaoTn- rat Ta copara Upav Ouotay ¢acar, ayiav, evapeoroy TO Oo, THY NoyeKny atpetay Upev" 2" Kat pn * cvoxnma- tiferOe TH aia TOUT@, aa _peva- poppovade” mH avakalv@oet TOU voos > tua,” eis TO Soxtpacew Upas, TL 70 Ona Tov Gcod TO ayaboy kai eva- peoroy kal TéeLov. 3 Aéya yap Gua THs Xaperos 77s Oobeians jot, mayrt T@ OVTL EV tp, pn) umepppovety map 6 det Pppovew, aha ppove eis TO cwppovey, ExdoT@ ws 6 Ocds eHEpLoe per poy TlioTews. * Ka- Gamep yap ev Evi T@pLaTL pedn moh éxomev, Ta Oe peAn mavTa ov THY avtny éxer mpakw* °° ovTa@s ot ToAXot év coma eopev ev Xpiota, 6 Sé Kal? eis GAAnA@y péedn, €xovtes O€ xa- plopata Kata thy xapw thy dobetoay np Scapopa’ etre mpodnteiayv, Kata Tv avadoyiay THs tiotews’ * etre Stakoviay, év TH Svaxovia’ etre 6 Ou- Sdokwv, év TH SiOackaria’ 8 “etre” 6 Tmapakah@v, €v TH 32 / c mapakAnoer” 0 \ > ¢ , ¢ oe perad.oovs, ev amAdtynTL’ 6 mpot- oTdpevos, ev omovdn* 6 Edeay, eV iNapornte. aS cuoynparilecbat... 8 Gr. to sobriety. petapoppovdeac. Y bat c= Or, imparteth. * Or, shut them all up together, 5 Or, liberally,TIPO POMAIOYS. 395 9 c > / 3 / > H ayarn avumoxpitos. amogotu- youvres TO Troynpoy, KOoAA@pevoL TH > a 10 n / > > Lhe ayade a pradepia ets addy hous iddoropyou’ tH TY aAnAovsS mponyoupevot’ | rH orrovdn pr OKYN- pol, TO TvevpaTe Ceovtes, TO * Kupio” SovAevovres' ™ rH eAmride xalportes, Ty Odie tropevovres, TH Mpocevyy TmpooKaptepovvres’ } rats xpelas Tay adyioy Kowwevovytes, THY tidokeviay du@kovtes’ 1 evdoyetre Tovs Oi@Kkoy- Tas vas’ evAoyelre, Kal pi) KaTapacée. © yalpew peta yapdvt@y, Kal Kaley \ / 16 \ > \ > >? pera KAaLovTov. TO avTo els ad- Andous dpovovyres' pry Ta vWnra Ppovovytes, adAa Tots TaTrewots ocuv- arrayopevot. \ / / > ce ce Mn yiveoObe hpdvipor map €éavTois. 7 undevi Kakov avtt KaKkod amrob.OdvTes’ Tpovoovpevol KAAG Evamloy TaYT@Y aV- Oparev et Suvarov, 76 €€ tudr, pera / > ae , iz me , \ Tavrayv avOparev eipnvevovtes. 19 un €avTovs €KOLKOUYTES, ayamnTol, ada Odte rémoy TH Opyn* yéypantar yap’ > \ > / > \ > 4 / Epot exdiknors, €y@ avraTrodaow, Neyer , 202 \ Dee. > Cee 6 / Kuptos. Eav ° ovv" tewa o €yOpos cov, Wouile avtdv' eay Supa, Tore avtéy’ TovTo yap ToL@y, avOpakas Trupos ~ 9 Twpevoets emi THY Kepadyy avtov. 7 p17 ViK@ UTd TOU KaKOU, a\Aa Vika Ev TO aya0@ TO Kakév. 13. Ilaca Wouyn efovcias vmrep- exovoas Uroraccéabw. ov yap eotuy > fn 7 > \ c > Aa =e ¢ Oe > efovola el un © amo Oeov™ at Oe ov- a’ ¢ \ e/ =~ 7 > / oar*”, wd °” Ocovd TeraypEevar eloiv. 2 @oTe 6 avTitacodpevos TH e&ovcia, Th Tov Geov diatayn avOeatnKev* ot ‘ o 4 d€ avOeaTnKorTes, EavTOis Kpijza AnYyor- 3 ¢ \ ay > > \ , ta. * oi yap apyxovtes ovK elat PdBos ‘ray ayaday épywv, adda Tov Kakav.” Romans XIII. 3. 9 Let love be without dis- simulation : abhor that which is evil, cleave to that which is good. 10 Bekindly affectioned one to another ¢ with brotherly love, in honour preferring one another. !! Not slothful in busi- ness: fervent in spirit, serving the Lord. |? Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continu- ing instant in prayer. 1% Dis- tributing to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality. 14 Bless them which persecute you, bless, andcursenot. !5 Re- joice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep. 16 Be of the same mind one to- wards another. Mind not high things, but & condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own con- ceits. 17 Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men. IS If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men. 19 Dearly be- loved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Ven- geance is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord. 2° Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him: if he thirst, give him drink. For in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head. 2! Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good. 13. Letevery soul be subject unto y higher powers: for there is no power but of God. The powers that be, are Y ordained of God. 2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth ¥ ordinance of God: and they that resist,shallreceive to them- selves damnation. 3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then 2w— St. & Gb. Kaipy. aya0@ epyw, adda rw xaxw. ~ Or, in the love of the brethren, Or, ordered, om. © CS uTo. d Rec. add efovciac. €Rec.add tov. fwrw Or, be contented with mean things.Romans XIII. 4. not be afraid of the power ? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same. 4 For he is the minister of God to thee for good: but if thou do that which is evil, be afraid: for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. 5 Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake. 6 For, for this cause pay you tri- bute also: for they are God’s ministers,attending one upon this very thing. 7 Render therefore to all their dues, tri- bute to whom tribute is due, custom to whom custom, fear to whom fear, honour to whom honour. 8 Owe no manany thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled y law. 9 For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false wit- ness, Thou shalt not covet: & if there be any other command- ment,it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thy- self. !OLove worketh no ill to his neighbour, therefore love is the fulfilling of the law. 11 And that, knowing the time ¥ now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our sal- vation nearer than when we be- lieved. !2 Thenight is far spent, y day is at hand: let as there- fore cast off the works of dark- ness, and let us put on the ar- mour of light. '8 Let us walk @honestly as in the day, not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying. 14 But put ye onthe Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof. 14. Him that is weak in the faith receive you, but Snot to 396 EIMSTOAH Gehets dé py poBeto bar THY efou- clay; TO ayabov mole, Kal e&eLs em aLvov €& abrns" 4 Geov yap ee ae €oTl oot els TO ayaboy. eav O¢ Kakov Tons, poBov" ov yap eiky ss pax aupay open Ocov yep OvaKovos eat, éxdtxos *els Opynv’ TH TO Kako ; Mpa oovre. > aA dvaykn “irordocer Oat, £400 jLovoy | dua ra 6pyiv, GAAG kat Ova THY auvelonow. °° dua TovTe yap Kat :o- pous TENELTE. Aevroupyol yap Oecov elou, els avTo TOUTO TpooKaprepouvres. 7 amddote ov maot Tas Opetdas’ TO Tov Popov, TOY Popov" T® TO TEOS, TO Tehos: TO TOV PpdBoy Tov door" TO THY TLLNY, THY TLV - ‘8 Mndevt_ pndev opethere, ei a) TO “adAnhous ayaray’” 6 yap ayan Gy TOV eTEpOV, yOpov men Poke. 9 56 yap: Ov pouxevores, ou povevoets, ov KAeé- ets, eCAOUK emOupnoers, kal el TLS érepa e€vToN}, €Y TOUT@ TO eye dvakepahavovrat, ev ro" Avannoets TOV myo lov cov @s éavroy. i ayaTn TO my otoy KaKOV OUK epyd- ¢erau’ mypopa ovy you 7 aya. dL Kat TOUTO, cidres TOV KaLpOV, OTL pa m}as On e& brrvou eyepOnvar: (voy yap ey yUTEpoy LOY i) ceTnpia, i) OTE eTLTTEVTAMED” 12 vvE& mpoe- KoWer, 7 de npeepa iyyexev") aTro0a- peda ovv Ta epya TOU GKOTOUS, kal evduoapeba Ta Oma TOU Poros. TLGs ev EPL, evoxnpoves TepiTarn Tape, pu) K@fL0L$ kal peOas, pur) KolTas Kal acehyetats, Hn Epio0e kal (pro M GAN evouoagbe Tov Kvpuoy ‘Invovy Xpioror, Kal THs gapkos mpdvoray jun Tovetode eis emvOupias. 14. Tov 0€ doGevotyta tH Tiore 2 bo Ato vroraccecbe, © Ree, add ov Wevdouaprupycecs. = Or, decently. C Elz. wporacoec@at. d Rec. ayarayv addnroue. Or, not to judge Azs dvubtful thoughts.IIPOS PQOMAIOYS. 397 mpooapBave de, pa) eis Ovakpiorets Ova- hoyopar. 2 ds pev miorever payeiv mavra, 6 Oe ao devev Aaxyava ecbiet. 6 ecbiwyv, Tov en ecOiovta pn e&ov- Geveiro Kal 0 41) erOior, Tov eg Olona yt) KpwveT@" 6 Ocds yap avTov Tpoce- AaBero. * ov Tris ef 6 Kpivev adno- TpLov oikernv; TO iim KUpl@ oTHKEL i) minres” oradncerat d€* *Ouvaros A cot" 6 Ocos ornoar avon, “Os pev Kpivet npeepay map nHEpay, os be Kpivet Tacay niLepar’ exagros ev TO idiep vot mypopopeta ba. 6 bpo- » veov THY nILEpay, Kupi ppovet’ > Kai 6 pn ppovav TY NLEpay, Kupi ou ppovet.” © Kal” 6 colon, Kupio eo Glen, evyaploTet yap TO Oc@* Kal 6 py eodior, Kupio OUK éoOlet, Kal eUXa- plotei TH Oeg. 7 ovdels yap nav EQUT@ Gh, Kal ovdels EavT@ arobunoket. 8 edy Te yap Caper, TO Kupioo Caper" eadv TE drobvnoKeopev, T@ Ku upto atro- OvnoKopev. éav te odv (amen, edy TE aToOyvnokwpev, Tov Kupiov ecpev. : eis TOUTO yap Xpuoros dat” améOave © Kal enoev,” t wa Kal veKpay Kal Cov- TOV Kuplevon. 10 30 O€ ri Kpivers Tov adeApdv cov; ) Kat ov Tl eSovdevets TOV adeh pov wov; mavTes yap mapaornodueda TO Pyare Tou ‘Xpucrov.” yeyparrat yap’ Za eyo, heyet Kuptos’ OTL €fL0l Kdprper Tay yovu, Kal waca yoooa efopodoynoerat T@ Ged. ™ “Apa ovy EKAOTOS NU@V Trepl EauToU Adyoy OaeL T@ Oecd). “13 Myxére ouv adAndovs Kplvopey * G\Xa TovTo Kpware (panei TO py ridevat Tee eae ee TO AEAPO 77 7 oKay- Sadov. * ot6a Kal memeuo wa ev Ku- pl@ “Inco, drt ovdev Kowoy bv Favrov"’ Romans XIV. 14. doubtful disputations. 2 For one believeth that he may eat allthings: another who is weak, eateth herbs. 3 Let not him that eateth, despise him that eateth not: and let not him which eateth not, judge him that eateth. For God hath received him. 4 Who art thou y judgest another man’s servant ? to his own master he standeth or fall- eth; yeahe shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand. > One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteem- eth every day alike. Let every man be @ fully persuaded in his own mind. © He that Sregard- eth a day, regardeth it unto the Lord ; and he that regardeth not the day, to the Lord he doth not regard it. He that eateth, eateth to the Lord, for he giveth God thanks: and he that eateth not, to the Lord he eateth not, and giveth God thanks. 7 For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself. § For whether we live, we live unto y Lord: and whe- ther we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live there- fore or die, we are the Lord’s. 9 For to this end Christ both died, and rose, and revived, that he might be Lord both of the dead and living. 10 But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought thy brother ? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ. 1! For it is written, As J live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, andevery tongue shall con- fess to God. 1” So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God. 13 Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but judge this rather, that no man put astumblingblock, or an 0Cc- casion to fall in his brother’s way. 14] know, and am per- suaded by the Lord Jesus, that there is nothing vy unclean of a~duvates yap, b> CRec.om, 4B = Or; fully assured. © Rec. nae avectn xat avetnoev. foeGecov. §£ Rec. cavrov, Or, observeth. Y Gr. common,Romans XIV. 15. itself: but to him y esteemeth any thing to be 2 unclean, to him it is unclean. 19 But if thy bro- ther be grieved with thy meat: now walkest thou not @chari- tably. Destroy not him with thy meat, for whom Christ died. 16 Let not then your good be evil spoken of. !7 For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink ; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. 18 For he that in these things serveth Christ, is acceptable to God, and approved of men. 19 Let us therefore follow after y things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another. 2° For meat, de- stroy not the work of God: all things indeed are pure; but it is evil for that man who eateth with offence. 7! Jt is good nei- ther to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor any thing whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak. +2 Hast thou faith ? have it to 22 thyself before God. Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth. 23 And he that ydoubteth, is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith: for what- soever is not of faith, is sin. 15. We then that are strong, ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves. ? Let every one of us please his neighbour for his good to edification. ? For even Christ pleased not himself, but as it is written, The reproaches of them that reproached thee, fellon me. ‘4 For whatsoever things were written aforetime, were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might nave hope. 5 Now the God of 398 ENISTOAH el pa) TO oyiComevep TL KoWOY €ivat, exelv@ kowov' © ei de” dua Ppopa 6 ddedpds gov Aumetrat, OUKETL KATA dey mepumarets. Ha) TO Bpopart jou €kelvoy am odAve, umrep ov Xpuoros ame@ave. 1a fa) Pracdnpeto bo ouy UL@V TO ayabov. 7 ov yap ¢oTw 7 Bacwrela Tov Geov Bpaous kat wdors, > \ 7 \ 2) / \ \ 3 a\ha Orxavoovyn kal elpnvn Kal xapa ev TIvevparte 1s ¢ , 4 8 Dn , fa O yap ev Provrots” Oovdevy TO Xpior@, EVapEOTOS ne O Key 8 i 23 6 6e vov é€avToyv ev @ OoKkiacer. € Ovakpuopevos, eay payny KATAKEKpUTal, ore OUK €K mores” mav O€ 0 OUK €K miorews, dpaptia erriv.” "Odeidopey Se tpets of Suvatoi Ta aoGeynuata TY advydtay BacTa- a , Oc (ew, Kal pot) EauTois apéoKey* 7 Exa- otos °” nua@y T@ TAncloy aperKEeT@ , eis TO ayabdy mpds oikodopny. 3 Kai yap 6 Xptotos ody EavTa Fpecey, > \ \ 4 a € ‘sy XN adda, Kabos yeyparrat’ Oi dverdiopot TOV overduCduvT@y we, emem eg ov em ee. * "Oca yap paca aay eis THY Tee TEpay dvdacKaniay ! mpoeypagn * iva Ova THS Vmopovns Kal § d.a” THs mapa- , 5 n \ > / KAnoews TOY ypapav ty eEAmida EX@ILEV. 6 d€ Geds THs Umopovns Y a Wyap. bS—. Gb. tour we cs § ©—. Rec. & Gb. om. © Gr. common, putteth a difference between meats. d Gb. add cap. xvi. 25—27. e€ Rec. add yap. f ~ eypagn. 8 Gr. according to charity. Or, discerneth, andPOS POMAIOYS. 399 \ im , , Gon \ SEN Kat THs TapakAnoews Son buiy TO adTo a > a 7 EN \ > Ppoveiy ev addAndows Kara Xptorov “In- govv’ © iva duobupaddy ev évi oTopate do€dlnte Tov Ocdy Kal Tatepa Tov Ku- plov muav “Incov Xpicrod. 7 Sid ™poo- AapBaveobe dddndovs, Kabds Kal 6 Xpt- BI 7] ’ \ Xr fy R ¢ a Die 6 LG ~ oros TpocehaBeTo*vuas’ eis SéEav Qcod. Aeyo dé,” © Incody” Xpiorov , ~ “A ¢ \ Oudkovoy yeyevno Oa TEpiTouns wmrep > / ~ > \ fQ a \ adnfeias Geov, cis TO BeBardoar Tas emayyeNlas Tay matepav' % ra dé a7 ¢ \ > 7 / A \ €Ovn imep édéovs So€dcar roy coy, KaOos yéyparrat’ Aut rovro €Sop10\0- yoopat cou ev Ovecr, Kat T@ Ovdpari cov Wadd. Kal wddw heyer’ Ev- PpavOnre, COvn, werd Too Aaovd abrod. ror na, \ Ie / Kai madw" Aiveire rov Kuptov wavra Ta €9yn, Kal emawéoate adroy mares Ses ; z : ot Aaoi. © Kal wdduw ‘Hoaias Neyer’ > ¢ Cre WS \ NG > Eora n pifa rov “leccal, cal 6 dvi- 4 + > a > > > cad a7 oTapevos apxewy cOvav, mr avr@ edn eATrLovcy. O d€ Geds THs éAridos ~ ~ / TAnpooa tas wdons Xapas kat €ipn- 45 / Vs €V TO To TEvEL, Eis TO TEplLo eve ¢ ~ > a > / > , ? umas ev TH eAmidr, ev Suvduer Tved- jlatos dyiov. Ilerrecopae Se, adehoi jrov, Kal autos é€y® epi tpav, ére Kai abvro) Zz 7 peoTol eote ayaboovyns, TeTANP@pe- vol Taons yvoocews, Suvduevor Kal 4 adAndous” vovdereiy. ToAunpore- \ a < cas > ~ \ > A pov Oe eypaa spiy, adehdoi, amd /, ~ \ HEpous, os éravapiyynoKoy vpas, Oud THY xapw thy Sobcicay flo UO TOU A > \ Gc0d, © cis TO etval pe Aevroupyoy ~ ~ >} \ ay < Inoov Xpurrov els Ta eOvn, lepoupyoup- Ta TO evayyehuoy Tov Oeod, iva yévnrat 1) Tpoopopa trav eOvav evmpdadekTos, 7 4 ¢ a », Nytacpevn ev Uvetpare ayia. “ éyw > n°? ~ A \ ovv Kavynow ev Xpict@ Ingov ra mpos © roy” Gedy" Romans XV. 17. patience and consolation grant you to be likeminded one to- ward another, “according to Christ Jesus: 6} ye may with onemindand one mouth glorify od, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. 7 Where- fore receive ye one another, as Christ also received us, to the glory of God. 8 Now I say, that Jesus Christ Was a minister of the circumci- sion for the truth of God, to con- firm the promises made unto y fathers: 9 and that the Gentiles might glorify God for his mercy, as it is written, For this cause I will confess to thee among the Gentiles, & sing unto thy name. 10 And again he saith, Rejoice ye Gentiles with his people. ll And again, Praise the Lord all ye Gentiles, andlaud himall ye people. !2 And again Esaias saith, There shall be a root of Jesse, and he that shall rise to reign over the Gentiles, in him shall the Gentiles trust. 13 Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope through the power of the Holy Ghost. 14 And I myself also am per- suaded of you, my brethren, y ve also are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge, able also to admonish one another. 13Nevertheless, brethren, I have written the more boldly unto you, in some sort, as putting you in mind, because of the grace y is given to me of God, !6 that I should be the minister of Je- sus Christ to the Gentiles, mi- nistering the gospel of God, that the 4 offering up of the Gentiles might be acceptable,being sanc- tified by the Holy Ghost. 17 | have therefore whereof I may glory through Jesus Christ, in those things which pertain to God. SINE! 8 Rec. nuas. bw yap. Cio @ wadrors. B Or, sacrificing, © Rec. ome * Or, after the example of.Romans XV. 18. 18 For I will not dare to speak of any of those things, which Christ hath not wrought by me, to make the Gentiles obedient, by word and deed, 19 through mighty signs and wonders, by the power of the Spirit of God, so that from Jerusalem and round about unto Illyricum, I have fully preached the gospel of Christ. 2° Yea, so have I strived to preach the gospel, not where Christ was named, lest I should build upon another man’s foundation: 2! but as itis writ- ten, To whom he was not spoken of, they shall see: and they that have not heard, shall under- stand. 22 For which cause also I have been «much hindered from com- ing to you. 25 But now having no more place in these parts, and having a great desire these many years to come unto you: 24 whensoever I take my jour- ney into Spain, I will come to you: for I trust to see you in my journey, and to be brought on my way thitherward by you, if first I be somewhat filled & with your company. > Butuow I go unto Jerusalem, to minister un- to the saints. 26 For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia, to make a certain con- tribution for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem. 27 It hath pleased them verily, and their debtors they are. For if y Gentiles have been made par- takers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister unto them in carnal things. 28 When therefore I have per- formed this,and have sealed to them this fruit, I will come by you into Spain. ?? And I am sure that when I come unto you, I shall come in the fulness of ¥ blessing of the gospel of Christ. 30 Now I beseech you, bre- thren, for y Lord Jesus Christ’s sake, and for the love of the Spirit, that ye strive together with me, in your prayers to God 400 EIMSTOAH 13 Ouryvap ToApH Oe Raney Te Ov ov KaTeipyacaro Xpioros bv EMOv, cis UTaKOnY cOvav, hoy@ Kal EPY®, 1 ey Ouvaplet onpeton Kat Teparay, ev Ouvd- pet Ilvevparos * aylou* @oTE pe aro ‘Iepovoadip. Kal KUKA@ pEXpL Tov I\- AUpLKOv rrem\npokévat TO evayyéhuoy Tov Xpictov' ~ ovT@ be pedoripov- prevoy evayyehiCeo Oat, 00x OTOU @YO- paoOn Xpioros, wa pr ex adddrptov Oewedoy OLKOOOL® * 71 aida, Kaos yeypamrac Ois ovK aonyyey rept avTov, O\yovTal’ Kal ol OUK dknkoact, cuynoovet. #2 Ayo Kal eVEKOTTOUNY Ta TOAAG TOU eh Getv mpos vpas- 23 yuri Oeé pnKere Tomov é€xoyv ev Tots kKipace TOUTOLS, emiumobiay O€ €xwv Tov ehOeiy mpos tpas amr Tohhov erav, 74 as €ay 70- pevopar eis THY Zraviay,” " ehrrivo oe OvaTropevdjLevos dedeanOar vpas, Kal up wav mporreupOnvar eket, €ay Ua Tp@Tov amo pépous euTVAnTOG@. ™ yuvi dé Tropevopar eis ‘lepovoadnp, Stakovey TOLS dyiors. a6 evdoKn aay yap. Make- Sovia Kal ‘Axata kowevlay Twa Tou cacOa eis Tos mT@yoUs TOY dyiwv tay ev ‘lepovoadny’ * evddxnoay yap, Kal opederar avta@y eiow. et yap Tots 2 > aes ‘ TvevpaTiKois avT@Y ekoWonTaY Ta eOyn, opethouce | Kal ev Tots apKiKois Aetroupynoat avrois. 8 TovtTo ovy eniteheoas, Kal oppayroapevos auTots TOV Kaproy TOUTOV, amehevoomat bu ipa eis THY Sraviav. * otda dé Gre epxomevos mpos vas, ev mAnp@pare evdoylas 1” Xpiorov eAevoomat. Ilapakad® O€ tyas, adeAdot, dua Tov Kupiov nav “Incov Xpiorov, Kat dia THs ayamns Tov Ivevpatos, cvvayo- vioagOai pot €v Tals Tpocevxats vTEp & Beov" EvayyFALo TOV. a Rec. Bayou. b Rec. a add eXevoouar rpos vuas. Or, many ways, or, oftentimes. d Rec, add rev with you. © Rec. add yap. B Gr.IIPOS POMAIOYS. 40] Romans XVI, 12: A < a > A EjL00 mpos Tov Ocdy? 3 tha pvoc0e amd Hy oe ol He psy Be de- = Z 2 ao a } Hvered from them that «do not Tov ameOovvtwy éy TN Tovdaia, Kat ee: i pos . believe in Judea, and that my “ia n Ovakovia foun éis lepovoahnp Service which I have for Jeru- evrpdoadexros yevntat Tots aytous * tya salem, may be accepted of the > a» Neen \ , Saints: 32 that I may come unto €Y xapa EOw mpos unas dua OeAnpwaros you with joy by the will of God, Geov, Kal ouvavarravowpat vp.” ane may ae! Ds ee: Bey AQ \ Woes \ s Vow the God of peace e 2 0 Oe Ocds THS Elpyyns meTa TdyTwY Tigi youd: Agree vey. Sauny. y GiNiaice = (2 . 16. I commend unto you : € uply DoiPny ry ) nto | 3 16 Zuvlornpt 5 ie did il 7 Phebe our sister, which is a adehpny )KWY, Ovcay OLaKovoy ais Servant of the church which is exkAnoias ™s €v Keyypeais’ ? tyq at Cenchrea: ? that ye receive aN / > a, Ee her in the Lord as becometh avTnv mpoodeEnobe év Kupi@ d&ias ee ‘ re »/~ 5 @ Saints, and that ye assist her TOV AYLOV, Kal WapaoTHnTEe avuTn Ev @ in whatsoever business she hath a ee , , c l yap need of you: forshe hath been QY vVELeY 707 WpayuaTte Kal ya ; ee MO) xpucy Re ue 5 , Be B a succourer of Many, and of aUTn TpooTatis toAN@Y eyevnOn, Kal myself also. avTOv euod. > , Na) , 3 Acrdcacbe 'TIpiockay” Ka) Akvhay 3 Greet Priscilla and Aquila, : na? a ; ; : TOUS TvUVEpyous rou ev Xptor@ “Ingod: my helpers in Christ Jesus: 4 or ces A aves . 4 (who have for my life laid i (otrwves pee mais ASpuxis ou ee down their own necks: unto ie a : SUUT@Y TpaynNov vmeOnkav, ots odk va noe ae roe ee, DEAN ae \ Nan but alsoa the churche €y@ [vos evyaploT@, GANA Ka} TAaC-al Gerttiles j 2 Le See Cire. , a > me \ \ es toners % at EkKAno ial T@YV eOvey ) 5 Kal TY the church ¥ is in their house. > a < 7 ] 7 ®) KAT Oikov adtoy exkhy olay. domdcacbe Salute my wellbelor ed Epene- 2 ey, \ > , fe tus, who is the firstfruits of Enraiveroy TOV pee TOU. foe OSEOTEY Koya ante Christ. © Greet aTrapyn ™s 8 Acias” Eis Xpiorov. Mary, who bestowed much la- > , ¢ . 7 c rO- aoracacGe Mapidp, rts mohAg POUr on us. 7 Salute Andro : ; Hole 5 3 nicus and Junia my kinsmen, €KOTTLaGEY ” Eis jas. 4 aoTmacacbe and my fellowprisoners, who 4 > , A a . "Avdpdvixov Kal lovviay rods Ovyyevets are of note among the apostles, < a oy 7 Who also were in Christ before HOU kal Guvatypmaddrous Hou" olrwves ino, rc \ elow emlonuot ev trois amoaTénots, of kal 70 euou yeyovacw ev Xplore. > > > 8 *Aomdoacbe AprNiav réy aya- r / > mT ov fkou €v Kupia. 2 aomdoacbe 8 Greet Amplias my beloved OvpBavov rbv cuvepyoy ¥ ov ev Xpior@, inthe Lord. 9 Salute Urbane spi ; eS ey, 1 ie 4° our helper in Christ, and Sta- al Sra Y ayamnroyv a0 1 B ; Kal eo ae TT O% Rous OTe ahve my beloved. 10 Salute x : : 2 : oaoGe AmehAny TOV Odkioy ev Xptore. SURG es in Christ. 5 > n>? , we . 1 > = comacaabe tobs ex ray AptoroBovnov. ibbOnS ene > ¢ / A a aoTmacaa be Hpadiova TOY Ovyyeyn Herodion my kinsman. Greet \ a Ov. aonrdcacbe tods ex roy Nap- ae that be ee , \ + > = , 12 > , oO arcissus, which are in the KLO@OU, TOUS oyTas ey Kupio. aoTA- Tord. 12 Sahate Tryphena and ; mh 7 a mn os . ‘cacbe Tpvdatvay Kal Tpudécay Tas Tryphosa, who labour in the > 731; Se SE ae eS ed Saver = Gb. atzn. f Rec, TiptoniXrav. § Rec. wo Ayatas, h~® seg ruag. & Or, are disobedient, 8 Or, friends. Y Or, friends — 25Romans XVI. 13. 402 EISTOAH IIPO2 Lord. Salute the beloved Per- xorumoas ev Ku io. aomacacbe Ilep- sis, which laboured muchinthe g/§ \ > . cf AAC 2 P , 1s Th - Lord. }3 Salute Rufus chosen ON o ei eT Hie ‘i eS ay se ee in the Lord, and his mother miacey ev Kuplo.- aoTacacGe Povov and mine. Tov ekrekTov ev Kupl@, Kal THY pNTEpa auTov Kal €fL0U. 14 Salute Asyncritus, Phle- M4 A grdcacbe “AoVYKpLTOY; @he- gon, Hermas, Patrobas, Hermes, ¢ = Li ¢ 2 \ and the brethren which are 1 s Eppar, Tarposav, Bee Kot Tous GUY auUTOLS ade ous. aoma- with them. 1! Salute Philolo- gus and Julia, Nereus, and his gage Bidddoyov kat "Touniav, Nypea sister, and Olympas, and all the ed > \ Sn \> a saints which are with them. Kat T)V adehpny avuTov, Kal Odvprray, > : \ \ \ > a / 16 Salute one another with an Kal TOUS guy autos mayTas aylous. g f / myrtcgretins oS gerdgaode Dinos 3 BO ne dyi@. aomagovrat unas a eKKAN oO Lat aqacat” ToD Xpiorov. 17 Now I beseech you, bre- 7 Tlapaxah® dé vpas, adedpot, TKO- las Kal Ta thren, mark them which cause a \ \ 5 divisions and offences, contrary TS GOUS ewe UxGe te ns to the doctrine atic ye have okavoaka, Tapa THY Sidayny NY VvpELS | learned, and avoid them. Hote 24 ~ ‘ \ 20 r || they that are such, serve not epadere, He Kat exKwaiie ony our Lord JesusChrist, but their @UTOY- ol yap ToLoUTOL T@ Kvpto | ¢ a los , ‘ own belly, and by good words yuay Xpist@” ov Sovrevovow, adda and fair speeches deceive the; on ce a xe : en hearts of the simple. 1! For TH EAVT@Y KOLAL Kat OL 77S XPNE TE : : ‘ C your obedience is come abroad Royias Kal evAoyias é€amaTaou Tas} unto all men. Iam glad there- pqndias TOV OROKOL 19 £ s Suan fore on your behalf: but yet, ~ p iS te ; ee ny, P lie m | would have you wise unto vmrakon els TayTas a iKETO" XALP@ OVE that which is good, and ¢ simple Cay! ep jpiv’ bw de pas copovs| concerning evil. 7° (And they qo axe 7? > sab 2 , Suk God of peace shall # bruise Sa- prev eLval Els TO ayagov, akepatous ‘f ’ , ce \ a ZS els TO KAKO. 20 6 dé Geos THS ELPNYT!| tan under your feet shortly. gurTpiyer TOV Satavay Urb Tous 7004 | ipayv ev TAXEL- The grace of our Lord Jesus ‘H yapis tov Kupiou OV Inco} Christ be with you. Amen. Xpiorov nel? pave“ | 21 ‘Timotheus my workfel- 21 > AgadCovrat Upas Tipddeos 6 our} ere ere | une Epyos OU; kay Aovxios Kal lace@y Kc} salute you. Swoimarpos ot TUYYEVELS OV. 22 | Tertius who wrote this 2 -Agrdtomar vas eyo Tépttos aug ede te ee awpas THY ema TONY ev Kupig. y >} , ~ - c , the Er aeanuret) saluceth you a Aomaterat Res _Niatos 3 ¢ ge Erastus the chamberlain ofthe OU Kal 77]S éxkAnolas Ans. aomacer | CO aie you, and Quartus jas ”Epaotos 6 olkovdpos THS TONEG % The grace of our Lord kai Kovaptos 0 adeApos. Jesus Christ be with you all. 24 SH xapes TOU Kuptov POV Ing) c— de} b Rec. Kuprm nuoy Ingov Xprorm. © Kupto XproT@ NLWVe @ Or, harmless. 6 Or, tread. a Rec. om, e Bz. & Elz.add apy.KOPINOIOYS A. 403 = \ s Xptorod pera advrey Uuov. auny. Amen. 25 Now to him that is 4 3 ~ \ ’ a < rar : ra s A ae Oe duvapévas buas ornpi€a of Power to stablish you ac- ee, ers t So 8; cording to my gospel, and the Re TO evayye)uidy OU Kat TO Knpuypa Preaching of Jesus Christ, ac- Inoov Xptorod, Kata aroxauy rw pevu- Cording to the revel&tion of the , , ee , mystery, which was kept secret TTHPLoV Xpovois al@viois OEOlynpevov, 5 ‘ nae : since the world began: 26 but ” Pavepaberros Se yur, Oud Te ypadhév now is made manifest, and by z oe \ SAO Ue? the scriptures of the prophets TPODYTLK@Y, K v 3 P pn a ee ae ey) gee BeeuLou according to the command. Gcouv, €ls UiTaKonY TLOTEWS Els TraYTa Ment of the everlasting God, Ta eOvn yropicbévros: 27 pdve cop made known to all nations for Grae or 7 aX he Ue dg * the obedience of faith, 27 to ee D) : tgs Lo PloToOU,” w* n Od€a God, only wise, be glory through €l$ TOUS Al@vas’ auny. Jesus Christ, for ever, Amen. 1 Cortnrurans J. 7. IIAYAOY ETISTOAH IPOS KOPINeEIOYS IIPOTH. [TAYAOS °kAnTos” améoronXos "Incov PAUL called to bea a ‘ } A . Xpiorov, 5 Ova Ochnparos Ocov, eae will of God, and Sosthenes our Saoerns 6 aded os, T ekkAnoia brother, 2 unto the church of EN A A 9 t ahi : rT Tov Qeov TH ovon ey Kopivéa, nyta- God which is at Corinth, tothem : pet Be 7m ey y are sanctified in Christ Jesus, OMEVOLS ev XpioT@ Inood, K\yToLs dyious, Called ¢o desaints, with all that a cr > , \ a - e CVV TaCL TOLs ETLKAAOUPEVOLS TO ovop.a M every place call upon ¥ name 5 ay con 7 pO 5 ey OF Jesus Christ our Lord, both eae Coe. oe Meets ery s” their’s and our’s, 3 Grace be TQVTL TOT®, QUT@Y TE Kal ]}/@V" “~ Ya- unto you, and peace from God s s ; : : pes vpiy Kal eipnyn amd Oeoo Tarpos Jonas eee rome the Lord NL@v Kal Kupiov “Inood XpioTov. * Evyapioré T® Oe@ frou mdvrore iS ar) TH 7 D ut) ‘41 thank my God always on ULO@Y, ETL T aptTt Tov Geov + J J ee. lie eae ED i) x Pe ) ~, § «#~ your behalf, for the grace of dodeion Ce Xpiore Inoov °T! God which is given you b > > ok ey > ia Cy ey tmavtt emdouticOnte ev auT@, ev Jesus Christ, 5 that in every Ny, \ ; , \, thing ye are enriched by him, 6 6 Ss y J BTL Aoye ee LO DEO Ces, (kaders in all utterance, and in al} TO papTupLoy Tov Xpirrov «BeBawOn knowledge: 6 even as the Aor da aia ed ta Gar testimony of Christ was con- voTepeto Gat * 2 BY. ee ). See wees fea eae ; firmed in you. 7 So that ye €V pndevt XapPlo part, amrexdeyopevous come behind in no gift: wait- a rn > Ais . THY aTroKaduWuwy Tod Kupiov judy Incod ing for the “coming of our n apostle of Jesus Christ, through the « Gb. transponit vss, 25, 26, 27, ad calcem Cap. xiv, b Bz. om. cms * Gr revelation,ENMISTOAH TPO n a 8 do Kat BeBarmcer Vas EwS pepa TOV 1 Corinruians I. 8. 404 Lord Jesus Christ, § who shall Xpiorrov" / > a ¢ also confirm you unto the end, +2\ous dveyk\nrous éy ™ 1 that ye may be blameless in the 5 Eo ables = Seng o day of our Lord Jesus Christ. Kupiov Lov Ingov Xpiorov. = TLaTOS : ; e , > t 9 God is faithful by whom ye 6 Qecos, dC of ekAnOnTE els KoLW@ULAaY were called unto the fellowship AN Gen ee 2 eX ron peo of his Son Jesus Christ our TOMS GE OY nge iy Lord. Kuptov 7p@v. n A ¢ n~ SN; ‘ X 10 Now I beseech you bre- a Tlapakad® de vupas, ade pot, d1a s n ~ ¢ an > A thren by the name of our Lord 79h dvb Laos TOU Kupiov 7A @V Inaovd Jesus Christ, that ye all speak Ney \ NONE , the same thing, and that there XploTou, iva TO auto heynTe TAVTES, sete & \ > > (1 a) , 5 \ be no divisions among you: Kal pn 7 & ULL oxXlopara, NTE Oe put that ye be perfectly joined pee ep ae Pee vat be BS together in the same mind, and Ko De ie : yey es t s in the same judgment. ll Forit T7 QUT} yvopy- eOnhoOn yap pol hath been declared unto me of Tepr Dav, adedpot [L0U, ‘ao TOY you, my brethren, by them .,, , fie ar eS DC ean ee OLD Z which are of the house of Chloe, XAons, OTL EpLoes EV UPLLY elot eyo x . \ ~ ¢ a a s ¥ there are contentions among dé TovTo, OT! EKATTOS upav eye’ "Ey you. |? Now this I say, that 4 9?) TTavAou ENS ON be eae every one of you saith, [am of HEY Cie Bus ous Gy. OIOS: = TIOAA®@, EY Paul, and I of Apollos, and dé Knpa, ey® dé Xprotov. 1 of Cephas, and [ of Christ. 13 1 Z Ny Bie a meet ty. i € 2 13 Is Christ divided? was , Ley perrar o Xpioros oe) TlavAos Paul crucified for you ? or were eotavpabn UTEP UP@Y, 7] ELS TO ovopa ye baptized in jy name of Paul? TIlavAov ée38arricé mes i eeva LOTO 14 | thank God that baptized 2 Geae Sé 7 pO ae Xap 3 none of you, but Crispus and ae oo OTL OVDEVA VLWV eBanTLo as el Gaius: 15 lest any should say, 27) Kplomoy kat Latov’ 15 (va pn TUS that 1 had baptized in mine e{ry G7. els TO €}LOY dvoua eBanrtica ownname. 16 And I baptized 4, y : % i : I nes also the houshold of Stephanas: eBanTioca de Kal TOV Srepava OLKOY" NT 7 she - 3) if 2/ i. besides, I know not whether I Nourdy ovK oida el tia GAdov €Ba- baptized any other. TTLOA. 7 0} yao améoterde pe X LoTOS 17 For Christ sent me not to ; MS ee , P p ed baptize, but to preach the gos- Bamricey, and evayyerifer Gat OUK €V pel:not with wisdom of Swords, copia hoyov, iva py Kevan 0 orTaupos Jest the cross of Christ should ~ X a 18. § aye SOCAN c a be made of none effect. !8 For TOY SPLOAnQuac’ ° OYOS MEP OVnOe the preaching of the cross is to @Tavpou TOLs MEY ATOAAUPLEVOLS PLOpla them that perish, foolishness: é-7} Iw Z Ce f Sa? eG E y UL but unto us which are saved, it ots TANS de cagone! a. TB ae Suvaps is the power of God. 1° For it OGecov €oTL. yeypamrat yap" ATroX@ See erties =o S \ a a , is written, I will destroy the ry copiay Tay Topo”, Kal THY TUVETL wisdom of the wise, and will _- BaD eah 20 ~ a bring to nothing the under- TOY TUVETOV AVETIO®. Ilov copes § : me Re e a , An \ an standing of y prudent. 20 Where 7FOU YVPaLLaTeEvs 5 TOv oudntyntns TOV is .he wise 2 whereis the scribe? q? Gyo TOUTOU ; ovyl e€uopavev 6 Gcd where is the disputer of this , - ; aes x ; BOP : world? hath not God made 77)V codiay Tov KOGpOU * TOUTOU 5 ic © wt i 7 » 9 > > - = ~ foplise ¥ wisdom of this world? 21 emelon yap ev TH codia Tov OQeov For after that,in the wisdom >, » Mad 5 feet , , of God, the world by wisdom OUK €yv¥@ 0 KoTpOS OLA TNS coptas TOV ¢ Knew not God, it pleased God Qedy, evddKnTEV O cds Sid THS poplas Me 4 r a : as Gr schisms. B Or, speech. >KOPINOIOYS A. 405 ~ , a \ , TOU K)) PUYRaTOS OwWoOQaL TOUS TioTEU- ovTas. 22 airovor, Kal “EhAnves codiav (nrovow* 24 a , s *3 tets dé KnpvoooLev Xpiorov eorav- popevov, “lovdalors joey oKavdadov, by» M \ Bane 24 > > \ - eOveor” Sé wwpiay autois S€ rots a > , \ o KAntots “Iovdalors te kat EAnot Xpiorov Ocod Stvapmwy Kal Geod codiar. 5 Ore TO H@pov Tod Qeov Topatepov TOV avOparev eati? Kal Td dobeves ~ “A a Zi Tov Qeov loxupdrepoy rev avOparrav €oTl. 6. Béere yap thy KMjow ULV, adehpol, Ste ov modXol codot Kara / > \ Xd \ > \ @apka, ov todAol dvuvarol, ov modXo} val 7 ~ evyeveiss 7 aG\X\a Ta Popa TOU KdojLov ‘ / oe e€edcEaro 6 Cecds, Wa Tods copovs Kataoxvyyn Kal Ta aoGevin rod KOo Lou , o , \ eEeheEato 6 Ccds, va KaTaLoO XUN TA loxupa 8 xal ra ayevn TOO Kéopov kai ta eLovdevnpéva e&ed€Lato 6 Ocds, » te 7 °“ ra pn dvra, iva ta bvra Katapynon’ , a \ *° Gres py Kavynontar aca oapé bet, d ~ a 30 > > ~ Oe evwmov *rov Oeod. e€ atvtov dé ¢ ~ >? > r -)? “ a ? 4 vpets core ev Xpiat@ Inaod, ds eyernOn col ~ 7 nuiv copia dd Ceod, Otkatoovvn Te , 7 Kat dytacpos Kal arohvtpaais’ *! iva, a < , > Kaos yéeypanra’ ‘O KavX@mevos, ev Kupi@ xavydo bo. a 9 > \ re A ¢ A iO r A 2. Kayo «Adav Tpos upas, adeAMol, > > , XN n\Oov ov Ka@ strepoyny Adyou 7 coplas Katayyé\Nov vp TO * wap- ~ ~ > A Y, , TUplov’ tod Ceod. 2? ov yap €kpia , - \ > a ‘re eidevar” ev tpi, ei Len “Inoody ~ 4 Xplorov, Kat rTovtoy eoravpwpévoy. 3 \ ai \ > > / \ > / A Kal eyo ev agdeveia kai €v PdBo kal a ¢ ~ - EY TPOU® TOARO eyevduny mpds wpas A , , * kal 6 Néyos pov Kal TO KnNpvypd jLov > o>? > f x , “a IAN’ > ovK Fev TreOois coias Abyous,” GAN ev / o amodei&et Uvevpratos kat Suvdpews: ® iva > \ > - x Ered) kat “IovSator *onpeia” 1 Cortnrutrans II, 5. by the foolishness of preaching, to save them that believe. *2 For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wis- dom. 23 But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews astum- blingblock, and unto y Greeks, foolishness: 24 but unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ, the power of God, and the wisdom of God. *> Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men: and the Weakness of God is stronger than men, 26 For ye see your calling, brethren, how y not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble are called. 27 But God hath chosen y foolish things of the world, to confound the wise: and God hath chosen the weak things of the world, to confound § things which are mighty: 28 and base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are, 29 that no flesh should glory in his presence. 30 But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctifi- cation, and redemption: 3! that according as it is written, He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord. 2. And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with ex- cellency of speech, or of wis- dom, declaring unto you the testimony of God. 2 For I de- termined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified. 3 And I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling. + And my speech, & my preach- ing was not with @ enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit, and of power: ® that your faith 4 Rec.onusiov. » Rec. EAAnot. © Rec. & Gb. add kat.—Gb. 3 4 Rec. avrov. 0 pvotrnpeov. f Rec, -ov eccevaerse. § Rec. ev weoig avOpwrirns goptag Aoyors, W ey weiGoe codzas. Or, persuasible.1 Corryrurans II. 6. 406 ELISTOAH IIPO2 . . , ¢ A Qe SE. , 2 ! shouldnot «stand inthe wisdom 7 mlaTLs UMa@Y }47) 7) EY copia avOporav, of men, but in the power of Ge eV Suvdpet Ocov. God. 6 / \ a > 5 , . 6 Howbeit we speak wisdom Sopiay de Aadovpey ev Tots TeNetous” among them that are perfect: gopiay dé ov TOV alwvos TOUTOV, ovode yet not ¥ wisdom ofthis world, ~~) 3. Avian , 2 nor of the princes of this world, TOV CP NOVY, oe CLOnes Loe On that come to nought: 7 but we KATAPYOULEVOV" a\\a Aadoupev 49¢ou speak the wisdom of God ina ty’ éy ULvoTnOlL@ Thy GIrOKEKDULL- mystery, even the hidden wis- copiay . eee NPS 2 7 : KP i dom which Godordainedbefore MEVHY, 1Y TpPU@pLoEV O Ocvus JT PORGOY / i c é a \ the world, unto our glory. qimyay eis SdEav NOV, 8 fy ovdets 3 Which none of the princes of _~ 3 y A nan ney Coli this world knew: for had they 7” CN ee eS known it, they would not have Key" €L yap eyvaoay, OUK @y TOV Kv- ae « : ry. 9 ze crucified ¥ Lord of glory. ® But pov THs dd&ns eoTaUpaoay 9 adda as it is written, Eye hath not ‘ x i . seen, nor ear heard, neither kaos yeypamtat’ A opahpos OUK } « 2 > » Sea y have entered into the heart of ¢{§¢, kal oUs OUK NKOUCE, Kal emt Kapotay man, the things which Godhath , Ane > 7 A CMe c prepared for them that love av pr our aveBn, AO TCO &@ him. !° But God hath revealed Qeos TOLS ayaTr@ow auTov’ 10 Hyw them unto us by his Spirit: for y. 2 / ¢ \ \ a , the Spirit searcheth all things, de prea vey C Geos Ova Tou Ilveu yea, the deep things of God. paTos avtov’” to yap Ilvevpa mavTa il For what man knoweth the epevva Kal Ta Badn TOU QEov.- Ml sis things of a man, save the spirit ze Are ‘ Se of man which is in him? even Y@P oldevy avOpwmay Ta TOU avOpaTmou, . is ’ \ \ n~ ~ > / \ 3 so the things of God knoweth e¢ un TO TYEULa TOU avOpwmov TO «Vv no man, but the Spirit of Godse >-f -. ¢ \ \ a = One QUTG); OUVT@ KaL TA TOV ®ceou oavodEts c oN u > \ \ ~ a a oidev,” et put) TO LIvevpa Tov Ocov. 12 Now we have received, not 12 “Hyets dé. ov ro Ilvedpa tov KO- the spirit of the world, but the NSS > e ER B CoD spirit which is of God, that we pe ehaBoper, ahha me Tvevpa TOMGIC might know the things that are TOU Oeceov, wa ELO@pLEV Ta UFO TOU OeEou freely given to us of God. yqnig evra npiv' ** a@ kal Aadovpev, 13 Which things also we speak, “, 5 Ss i ; not in the words which man’s ovuk ev O.OakrTots avOparmivns cogias wisdom teacheth, but which the oyoats, GQXN év didakTots TIvevparos”, Holy Ghost teacheth, compar- _ Rs ; ing spiritual things with spirl- TS gaa ta UA gt OU/y KPLOUes Ss tual. 4 But the natural man ! yuyexos b€ ayvOpwros ov dexeTat Ta receiveth not the things of the = / ~ a, , \ sc y : rou Llvevpatos Tov Oeov @ Spirit of God, for they are fOOl= #9 uas fae S ; : He Ri yep ishness unto him: neither can @UT@ €OTL, KAL OV Ovvatar yyoval, oTt he know them, because they are TVEULATLK@S avakplveTat. 15 6 Sé mvev- spiritually discerned. But he \ > / ay , Sere that is spiritual, &judgeth all peoTen ee Be eb) 1UAOS things, yet he himselfisyjudged 6€ Um ovdevos avakplveTat. 16 Tis yap of no man. !6 For who hath 7 ~ 1 a , > known the mind of the Lord oyee nou Kuptou, os oupBiBacer aCe that he 5may instruet him? TOV, TPELS de vouy Xpiotou EXOMEDV. 7 }. i 5 SF AN > > But we have the mind of Christ. oF Kayo,” adedpot, Our novynOnv 3. And I, brethren, could not Noe Bee nee OA aE speak unto you as unto spiri- aAnoal ULW @s TVEU HL ODULOESS a Qs tual, but as unto carnal, even as § GAPKLKOLS,” Qs yn lols ev XploTo. c biz eweyroxsv. 4 Rec, add ayov. & > f Rec. Kat syw. § Gb. gapxivois. r. be. B Or, discerneth. Y Or, discerned. 6 Gr. shall. a Rec. copiav Orov. “CGKOPINSOIOYS A. 407 6 , ~ > ~ * yada duds émdtica, *” od Bpepa: a \ > , > > b > \4 wa ~ ovTw yap eduvacbe, aX ” ovde’ Ere viv OvwvacGe* 3 etx yap °oapkiKxol” éore. ¢ \ > Cc ES > Vey. d \ omov ‘yap ev uuiv (ydos Kal épis 4 Kal duyooracia,” ovxt oapKikol éore, Kal Kata avOpemoy mepumateire; * Srav \ 4 > N 4 >? , “ yap Neyn tis’ Ey pév eis Tatdov Ye 7 > \ > i: e > \ eTepos Oe “Ey@ “Amo\X@* odyt cap- KLKOL €GTE ; ° Tis ovv éote * IavAos, ris dé’ A- TOMA@s ;" 1” Suakovoe Oc Sy émiored- \ ¢ , c c yr ft y+ . Gare, Kat EKdoT@ ws 6 Kupuios Okey > \ > / : > \ > 4, eyo eputevoa, “AtohAws eémdricey, > 2 xe \ V¢ ‘a Z ef a ¢ ar 6 Beds nvEavev @oTE- OUTE 6 , > / a ¢ & > > putevov eoti TL, ove 6 moritwy, adr 6 avEdvev cds. * 6 durevav S€ Kal 6 ToTi(ay éy eiow' €xactos b€ Toy Ul cov pucOdy AnWerae Kard Tov tzov Komov. *% Ocov yap éeopev ouvepyot * ~ ~ , Oecov yewpytov, Geov oixodopun ecre. \ t A A \ © Kara thy xapw tod Ocod tiv So- Ocioay por, os codds dpycréxroy 7 , By, \ > ~ Geweduov réOerka, GAdos. dé €TFOLKOOO MEL” exagtos O€ Bderér@ Tas érotKoSopel. 4 " Oeweduoy yap Gdrov oddeis Stvara a / > Oeivat Tapa Tov Kelwevor, 6s eotw > ~B7y z }2 > SZ > Inaovus Xptoros. €l O€ TLS ETTOL- koOopet emi tov Oepedtov } rodroy,’ , , Xpvaov, apyvpov, AiGous Typious, EvAa, Xoptov, kaddpnv, éxdotou To épyov 7 ¢ \ ¢ ¢ pavepov yevnoerat’ 7 yap népa Sn- , \ A@oer’ OTe ev Tupt amoKahinretat’ Kal EKagTOU TO Epyov Omoldy eoTL, TO Tip Ooxipdoet. ™ ei Tivos Td Epyov ' pevei,” oF / 0 vn r 15 yA 0 em@Koddunoe, puro Oov AnYrerat El » , , TWos TO Epyov KaTakanoeTar, CyutwOn- / oa A oeTa’ autos d€ g@OnoeTat, ovTw de ws Ova tupds. ~ > 18 OvK« oidare Ore vads Ocov eore, A ~ A Sn 2D Cn kat TO IIvedppa tov Ocov oiket ev vpiv; 1 Corinrutans III. 16. unto babes in Christ. 2 1 have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were not able ¢o dear it, neither vet now are ye able. 3 For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and ¢ divisions, are ye not car- nal, and walk &as men ? 4 For while one saith, I am of Paul, and another, I am of Apollos, are ye not carnal ? 5 Who then is Paul ? and who is Apollos? but ministers by whom ye believed, even as the Lord gave to every man. 6 I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. 7 So then, neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he y water- eth: but God that giveth the increase. § Now he that plant- eth, and he that watereth, are one: & every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour. 9 For we are la- bourers together with God, ye are God’s yhusbandry, ye are God’s building. 10 According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise masterbuilder I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon. !! For other founda- tion can no man lay, than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. 12 Now if any man build upon this foundation, gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble: 13 every man’s work shall be: made manifest. For the day shall declare it, because it 6 shall berevealed by fire, and the fire shall try every man’s work of what sort it is. !4 If any man’s work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. !° If-any man’s work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be Saved: yet so, as by fire. 16 Know yenot that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spi- rit of God dwelleth in you ? @ Rec. add xac. D Rec. ovte. CD CapKivor. Dre ArrodAws, tis ds Havaos. f Rec. add aAX’ 7. & Rec. add o. i Rec. weve. * Or, factions. B é Gr. is revealed, Gr. according to man. Or, tillages1 CorinturAns III. 17. “Tf any man 2 defile y temple of God, him shall God destroy: for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are. !8 Let no man deceive himself: if any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, ¥ he may be wise. !9 For the wisdom of this world is fool- ishness with God: for it is writ- ten, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness. 29 And again, The Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain. 21 Therefore let no man glory in men, for all things are your’s. 22 Whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to come, all are your’s. 23 And ye are Christ’s, and Christ is God’s. 4 Let a manso account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of y mysteries of God. 2 Moreover, it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful. > But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged of you, or of man’s Ajudgment: yea, I judge not mine own self. 4 For I know no- thing by myself,:yet am I not hereby justified: but he that judgeth me is ¥ Lord. 5 There- fore judge nothing before the time, until the: Lord come, who both will bring to light the hid- den things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and'then shall every man have praise of God. 6 And these things, brethren, I have in a figure transferred to myself, and to Apollos, for your sakes: that ye might learn in us not to think of men, above that which is written, that no one of you be puffed up for one against another. 7 For whoy maketh thee to differ from another? and what hast thou that thou didst not receive ? now if thou didst receive it, why dost thou glory as if thou hadst not re- ceived it ? 408 EMISTOAH IIPOz A A / W ef tis TOV vadvy Tov Ocod Pbeipe., Po A fm x Pdepet *rovroy” 6 Qeds* 6 yap vaos ~ nn a 4 > Tov Ocod dys Eat, olTWEes EeoTE A S37, vpets. 18 pndels éavtov eEaratdrw’ et 5 7 a Cause 2 a Tis Ooket codos elvat Ev vply, Ev TO rr , a 4 ai@yi TOUT@® papods yeverOw, Wa yevnrat copés. % 7 yap copia Tov Kdopovu eggs he taney TOUTOU pwpla Tapa TO Oe@ eoTL Me PGR AUC , ypamrra yap’ ‘O dpacodpevos rovs n Oy 8 copovs ev TH Tavoupylia avTa@y Kal A mad Kvpios yweoKke tovs dtadoye~ an rn / ° \ / Tpovs TOV GoP@y, OTL Elot paTatoL. > > , 21 "Oore pyndels Kavydow ev avOpa- a > oO oA Tos’ TavrTa yap wav ect, ™ etre ~ as a Ilavdos, eire “Atroh\Nos, etre Knyas, fo , 7 elre KOopos, elre (a1) etre Oavaros, etre nan / ¢ ~ eveoT@ta eire péAdovra’ TavTa vpav Péeorw” 3 jueis b€ Xpiorod’ - Xpu- oTos O¢, Geov. a ~ / 4. OUTws nuas oyiCécbw avOperTos, / ~ > / @s vmnpetas Xpictovd Kal oikovdpovs / ~ i aA \ \ pvoTnpiov Oeov. 0 0€ Aowrov, Cy- cr r 7 TELTAL EV TOLS OiKOVOpOLS, Wa TLOTOS TLS ¢ a 3 > \ N y) > , , > eupeOn. epol O€ eis EAdYLOTOY EoTLY a < i > ¢ a > an aN ¢ A > wa vp vay avakpia, 7 UTO avOpw- , > mivns nuepas' ad ovdé é€pavrov ~ i: dvakpivo. * ovdev yap euavte ovvo.da, > > > 2: 7 / 4 ¢ \ aX ovK ev TovT@ dedixaiwpar? 6 Se avakpivav pe, Kupids eotw. * adore A“ o \ 4 P1) TpO Katpov TL Kpivere, €ws av EXOn / e t A 6 Kuptos, os kat porioe Ta KpumTa TOU oKoTous, Kal pavepwoer Tas Bovdas TOV Kapodtov" Kal TéTE 6 Emavos yevnoerat EKATT@ aro TOU Oeod. ° Tatra dé, adeAdol, PeTETXNMATLCOA > > \ \ 2. \ IC: a a els euavtov Kat AmoA\@ Ov vpas, iva SRE a , ev nly pabnre TO pn Umep 0 yeypamrat ~ 7 ce A ppovev, wa pr eis rep Tod évds hu- g.ovoe Kata Tov érépov. 7 Tis yap ce f , \~ a > ya > \ Ovakpiver; Ti dé Exets 6 ovK eAaBes; et O€ \ EN , > ¢ \ Xr r A Kal eAaBes, TL Kavyacat ws py AaBwr ; 4M autoy, be Or: destroy. B Gr. day. Y Gr, distinguisheth thee?KOPINOIOYS A. 409 1 Corinrutans V, J, sf We Hén KeKOpeo 1evot eore, nOn emAou- 8 Now ye are full, now ye are f \ oi Seam eo & : } Tich, ye haye reigned as A that God hath set forth us the OTUs o Geos Has TOUS atroaTéXous apostles last, as it were appoint- > , /, > 7 €XATOus aTrédevEey Sg emOavarious, ed to death. For we are made ¢ ae > 0 = s } 2*spectacle unto the world,and Ont é SAT OU SUSI Ea Bee SOSH a Kat to angels, and to men, 10 We ayyéhous Kal avOperats. NKELS fe@pot are fools for Christ’s sake, but , x ee . 4 2 € are wise in Christ. We are l eis O€ ovijoe ey Y se Xptoroy, is es Pp ght : 2 weak, but yeare strong: ye are Xpior@ Nees aodeveis, vues dé ¢- honourable, but we are despis- * tuers & ners O€ & ll By this present TEP OU SUHELS VOOkOL, nucis Se drinor. ed. “ven unto this prese ee is 4 é : uF \ a f hour we both hunger and thirst, ee THs apTe Beas. oe pn PO HSYs and arenaked, and are buffeted, kat Owrdpev, Kal YUPVITEVvoMEY, Kal and have no certain dwelling- s yo} = 12 } place, !2and labour, working Kohapilspeda, ey OUR, Se with our own hands: being re- Koml@pev epyaComevor rats idiats XEPT viled, we bless: being perse- Aowopovpevon, evoyovpev' Otoxduevor, cuted, we suffer it: 13 being 2 eons Is x , ” defamed, we intreat: we are VENOMECA p ardnuovpevor, wapa- made as the filth of the world, ~ / aN 4 : Kahovpev" ds Tepixkabdappara Too KOO LOU aud are the offscouring of all > z s y Y 2 things unto this ay. eyevnOnwev TQAVT@Y TeEpl a EWS apTt. Phen : ve Te See ¢ P wae ne '1 T write not these things to Ouk SVT PETTY UpLaS ypapa ees Shame you, but as my beloved , \ a 3 Ss ann Os TEKVA [Lov ayarnra © vouOeT@.” sons I warn you. 15 For though 5 \ , 5 Ms you have ten thousand instruct- : say SP PERO USE Tee SYOY QS PIES ers in Christ, yet have ye not ev Xpiord, aN od ToAXOds 7arepas" many fathers: for in Christ Je- 2 s BY a nN y , ‘ Thave begotten you through ? TOU eEvay- sus A eaneraa ou a on ae ) SRLS en oes Ma the gospel. !6 Wherefore | be- yeXiou SY Upas eyevunoa. TapaKar@ seech you, be ye followers of > Cas 7 / Ovy veas, MiunTal pou yiveo be. me. 17 fe we ie ae ig y - 56 ¢ 17 For this cause have | sent Ava TovTo emrepya OU ety Tipo SOM; OS contolyau Timotheus, who is m , > \ =; . ~ . €oTe TEKVOV [LOU AyamnTOY Kal TLOTOY €V beloved ee in the , Ae cen 5 , \ Sd0v Lord, who sha bring you into OUS {Lou ) ; ; Kupta, eas Ease aap snd remembrance of my ways which Tas ey Xpiore, Kadas TOYTAXOU OTA, wesc, Christ, as I teach every s 13° Nr) / : % ISN exkAnoia OudoKw. 38 &¢ PN €pxXopevov where in ee on y Nena 5 Oy ene - some are puffed up as thoug dé Mov Tpos unas ehuvaorw noayv TWes would not come to you. 19 But , gn = ‘ 19 eAevoopar dé TAXEWS TPOS VMAS, cay a cnet you hoa if ¢ s , \ J » TOy the Lord wi and wi now, v , : Q Kvpuos Oehnon, Kee ge Out Ou ae not the speech of them which Adyov TOV TEPVTL@O[LEvOY, aha TY are puffed up. but the power. fe oe OL AN o> 5 , 20 For the kingdom of God is not Ouvapuy a ale sy Ady 7 oe in pera but in power. 2! What Tov Qeov, ad ev Ouvdper. ut OS will ye ? shall Icome unto you ay A ¢ & » Aete; éy pada @de Tpos vas, 7) ev with a rod, or in love, and in Bie er 4 d z ° the spirit of meekness > ST TVEUN Cae is poor TOS » ; 5. It is reported commonly, 5. "Odkas dxoverat CY UUW TOPVELA, that there is fornication among ry Oe e€ t ication, as is kal tocavtn mopveta, NTlS OVOE EV TOLs you, and such fornication, Pe ace LN) bvoPnuwovpevoc, © vovberwy, * Gr. theatre.EMISTOAH IIPO0z2 OoTE yuvaikd Twa TOU 7a- 1] Cortntuians V. 2. 410 not so muchas named amongst over’, the Gentiles, that one should 8 ae me aA NES ae L : : Kal UMELS TEPVTL@[LEVOL have his father’s wife. 7 And ye ees oe ie li .. pr face are puffed up, and have not €OTe, Kat ovxXt padoy emevOnoate, Wa rather mourned, that he that b p47 ” eK égou Suav oO To &pyov hath done this deed, might be P Ue , ie ie 48 Ip \ , \ fe u taken away from among you. Or OS ye Hee EP os 3 For I verily as absent in body, am@v T@ TopaTl, TAPOV dé TO TvEU- but present in spirit, have 2 s ¢ \ X ¢ i OUT «judged already, as though | ae On eK ER os We gon ; a were present, concerning him TOUTO KaTEpyaoapEeVvoVv, ev T@ OVO- that hath so done this deed 4in “ d CF eee FX a , att Tou Kuptou @v \ynoou LOTOU the name of our Lord Jesus i dé ee le A ee: fe yk Christ, when ye are gathered ovuvax EVT@V UL@Y KET TOU €[L0U ee ee and my semis § patos, avy TH) Suvaper TOU Kuptou power o our Lord. Jesus Christ, « -), > ey: A 5 A 5 to deliver such @ one unto LO Ingov Xprorov, : rrapadouvat Satan for the destruction of the TOV TOLOUTOY T® DZarava els OA€O pov TS flesh, that 7 spirit may be saved \ a, \ = One a Ear gapkos, wa TO TVEVLa Tw ev T in the day of the Lord Jesus. < p Fs eS re 7) 2] 6 Your glorying is not.good: HEPA TOU Kupiov Inoov. know ye not that a little leaven 6 OY Kady TO KAUN} DPOV. OUK leaveneth the whole lump ? 18 ¢/ \ ob ay \ , 7 Purge out therefore the oid Cfars ie: Pepe Eid 0 ee ue pupapa leaven, that ye may be anew © Cupot 5 7 éxxadapare *" THY jTahaav lump, as ye are unleavened. ’ Ge , , a es 2 aide : € a Ts For even Christ our passoyer Ais Cupny, ee BEE ae pupap , Kabers a: sacrificed for us. % Therefore a¢upou Kat yap TO TATXA NwY ° UTEP Jet us keep 7 the feast, not with pay” h érv0n 4 Xpwords. 8 ore éop- old leaven, neither with thelea- —, Ng , Naa | ven of malice and wickedness : TAC@ILED, Alaa a Cupy ee ae tal - ey er with the unleavened bread Cupn Kaklas Kal qjovnptas, aNd €V atu- of sincerity and truth. ? / No? p 9 | wrote unto you in an epis- De ae kat adyGetas. ue tle, not to company with forni- Eypava UW EV TI) eTLoTOAN, py, 10 Y ‘ t @ * Gators: ge Wet NOk altogether gvvavaplyvva bat mopvots 10 ial” ot with y fornicators of this world, ; s Bey ? or with the covetous, or extor- ae TOUS mo pvos ee KOO LOU TO } : . : 3 r re eer x Dif tioners, or with idolaters 5 for 7) TOLS qT NEOVEKTALS, k 7) i dpragt, 7H €L:) then must ye needs go out of the S@oAAT aver learek 3cpeire ee > ‘| world. 1! But now I havewrit- —, P ie ni q e Yue 7 ten unto you,not to keep com- KOO [LOU ee Get. VUVL de eypay| © j < j Coa \ ’ pany, if any man that is called Guiy poy cuvavapiyvue Gat, édy Tis adeN| > a brother be a fornicator, or ee ; 5 a j covetous, or an idolater, or a dos ovopaCopevos He TOPVOS, 1) TEOVE | railer. ora drunkard, or an eX- KT » clOw@AOAG * old i} ; ! ns, 1) €lowAoAarpns, 1) AO opos, tortioner: with such aone, no, g A ¢ : n , 5| not to eat. 12For what have | peOvgos, 1) dpmag TQ TOLOUT@ (ie to do to judge them also that cuvecbiew. © ti yap pot Leal” Tov. are without ? do not ye judge ~ i ; os Aes Cane them that are within? is But ef cee a OUT ome “or Cees a: them ¥ are without, God judg- YETE3 tous O€ €&@ oO OcOs = Kplvel eth. ‘Therefore put away from ™ W530 26 Fae TO ‘ 2—E Anal among yourselves that wicked Be ce TOY One €& ie: - person. < . ¢ ~ a ~ 6. Dare any of you, having a 6. Todpa Tis up@v, mpaypwa Xa a Rec. add ovopaterat. b Rec. eFapOg. © S mpakus. d= eocdoro. f Rec. addovv. & bh Bz. & Elz. 60v0n, i i var. 1-3 m Reo. xptver. v0 Rec. add © war © Ow .— Gb. eFapa @ Or, determined. B Or, is slain. Y Or, holyday.KOPINOIOYS A. 4]1 1 Corinturans VI. 14. ™pos Tov €rEpor, KptveoOau emt Toy matter against another, go to a7 NP AN - 2a.” law before the unjust, aud not V, Kal oO TOV Aylov I Su aoe oe 2 Me 1 > , : ge ley » are ye avagtol €aTe NPL [OTA eAaytoroy ) unworthy to judge the smallest > oT a7 > ~~ 2 3 ovk olSare Ort ayyedous Kpivovper ; ee 3 aes Tyee i ee \ \ >, Shall judge angels ? how muc more things that pertain to this pqte ye Buoreka ; Brorika HEU MOUY senigtelthitied tHaUiertain (ate KplTnpla Eady EXNTE, TOUS eEovbevnpévous life? 4 Tf then ye have judg- > a , , mgd egg cv TH exkhnoia, Tovrous KabiCere. this lito eGUlth cut RESO \ > \ con s o x IIpos EVT POTTY UpLLY eyo. es are least esteemed in y chureh. A > \ ON 5 bE ouk -éyy” ap piv coos © obOe eis,” os a 5 J peal to vou shame. Is , a ea , = T07S0; y there 1s not a wise man uvycerat : Oraxpiva Cae ec Ok ve amongst you? nonotone that adeApod avrov; *® adda adeh os era shall be able to judge between a y \ A JEAN TEs, i 2 6 ee adeApod KplVETal, Kat TovUTO emt ami- ae Nene PRORieveniep S a \ SS ce a 1 47 ~ : > 8 OT@Vv; ‘ 710n fev ovv OAwS NTTHUA”” before the unbelievers ? 7 Now a 71 ih, » PAG 1 - ‘- upiv €orly, Ott Kpivara exere ped éav- Se ae areal a , SAN a > cr 5 y among you, because yegotolaw eo. dvare ouxe padhov oe Ovart one with another: Why do ye not OvXt waddrov aroatepetabe ; @\Xa@ rather take wrong ? why do ye - > “ Ne 102 os , not rather suffer yoursely upets adlkeire Kal amooTepetre, Kal PO sentient ° Nay nee ~ > , a > A e/ S aJ €ravTa’ adeA ors. 2 7) OUK oloare Ort wrong and defraud, and that ~ , > 4 y . 9ST aodixot Geod Bacirelav” od kAnpovopn- rat (HMA MEG eh g us s n OOUCL , inherit the kingdom of God ? 4 3 : Mn mAavacbe: ore TOpvol, OUTE : Be not ey neither , 2 \ By ornicators, nor ido aters, nor > a . KOl, OUTE APOEVOKOITAL, 1 OUTE kAerrat, abusers of themselves with man- 2) 2) 4 > , 71 10 - lev, . ovTe mAEoveKTaL, ovTE peOvcot, ov oi- kind, 1° nor thieves, nor covet- > E ref Gees ous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, Sopot, OUX apTrayes, aor €lady QEOV yoy extortioners, shall inherit o / Fou" kKAnpovouncovor. } = Kal tavra the kingdom of God. And Brie ON C5 , XX, Such were some of you: but ye eres: Ghee aha amehovoag Ge, adha are washed, but ye are sancti- nytacOnre, adr eOtKat@Onre, ev T@ OVO- fied, but ye are justified in the Scere > = ‘2 name of the Lord Jesus, and oO Kal €V T@ ae ; 2 pare Tov Kuptou | Ine 0 * by the Spirit of our God. Uvevpare OU Ocov eee. : 12 All things are lawful unto & Ilavra Boe e€eoTwy, add’ ov TAVTQA me, but all things are not 2ex- Ye U 2 ONG On dient: all things are lawful ESECTLVY, AAN OVK PE 1ing TuPeper BE {LOL g ae 13 _\ forme, but I willnot be brought eyo eSovotac Onoopat vivo Tlvos. T@ ander ¥ power of any. 13 Meats na ¢ , rad Bpopnara TH kowNia, Kal 7 KoUALa Tots for the belly, and the belly for ! ake de e \ \ , Kay meats: but God shall destroy Bpopacw* 6 Me. BUTTE ISG Oy Str e andl theme Now ¥ body ravTa Karapynoe. TO € THua ov TH is not for fornication, but. for sTOpvela, aAX\a T@ Kupio, kal 6 Kvptos the Lord: and the Lord for the val * Rec ‘ wa body. 14 And God hath both T®) O@parTu 6 d€ Geds Kal roy Kv- raised up the Lord, and will ») a 24 na \ A = = : ploy iyerpe, kai "nuwas” e&eyepet Sua THs also raise up us by his own @ Rec. om Pb Rec. earcv. c+ d Ree add ey. € SS trovro. f Rec. BacirXecay Oeov, g-> h Elz, vyag, Koa Or, profitable.412 EMISTOAH IIPOz 15 , c ~ 15 , 10 a \ power. 15 Know ye not that Ovuvapews QuTouU. OUK OLOATE OTL TA i a t A > _ your bodies are the members codpara bev pern Xpuorov eoTly $ of Christ ? shall I then take 5, Se bs 5 , § members of Christ, andmake apas Ovy Ta pedn Tov XplaTou, TolLnT® them the members of an har- m 2 SPATE lot ? God forbid. CCR ale pedn 2 be! Ve & rOX , 0 16 What, know ye not that he H guk OLO OTS Ore KOKKON ET OS which is joined to an harlot, is r7 mdpyn, ev TOA ECT; (“Eoovrat yap, one body? for two (saith he) foo. oc ar oe , , eee O O€ shall be one flesh. !7 But he that gyno, ot duo cts OaDKS pide ) os is joined unto the Lord, is one KOAA@pLEVOS T@ Kupt@ ey TVEVPLA EOTL. spirit. 18 Flee fornication:every 18 , \ J Ae ee : ae eEvyeTe THY TOPVELAV. TAV ALaApTH La sin that a man doeth, is without 4 p a ; 1 oo B Sean i p Ws the body: but he that commit- 9 €aY 7701707) av POTMOSs SITES Gor oes teth fornication, sinneth against patos é€oTti* 6 O€ TOPVEV@Y, ELS TO LOLOV his own body. !9 What, know c , 19 on yy ¢/ ye not that your body is y tem- TO LONER RTS: UAT ORK oware Ore ple of the Holy Ghost which is “TO T@Ua VL@Y VaOS TOU EV UPLY aylou in you, which ye have of God, JTyeyuards earu, ov éxeTe amo Geou, and ye are not your own ? 20 For : , Wee 20 2 eA ye are bought with a price: KQL OUK €OTE EQAUTOYV , nyopae 7S . . ~ / \ \ \ therefore glorify God in your yap tins’ Sofdaare 61) Tov Qeov ev body, and in your spirit, which * ~ ' coe ne hy TQ TOMATL UL@Y - are God’s. mitt fay . ' 7. Ilept dé @v éeypdwaré pot, Kado Pp YP. b | 1 Corrnturans VI. 15. 7. Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me, It is avOpore yuvatkos wn Gmrec Oat’ 2 Sia good foraman nottotoucha ../, ¢ . r wee z woman. 2Nevertheless, to avoid de Tas TOpvelas €KAOTOS THY €EQAUTOU | fomnicatiany! Toa \ a Nes likewise also the wife unto the YR (ny avopt. 7] E URN. TOR. idiov husband. + The wife hath not o@patos ovK e€ovord¢et, add © aynp- power of her own body, but the guoiws de kal 6 avnp TOU iOlov G@partos | husband: and likewise alsothe ‘, ar ; Ste so aes husband hath not power of his OUX e€ovard Cet, aes i. Wal. . Py ar Fr > ea 3 2 own body, but the wife. ® De- a7rooTepetTe a\AnAous, €6 pnts av eK} fraud you not one the »ther, ex- po GUAEADeIKaUOOU “a 4 gyoAdonres cept it be with consent for a 7UMY OU TE OSE ee Xone OTT es | time, } ye may give yourselves © T7) TMPOOEVX}), Kal TaNw €ml TO AUTO to fasting and prayer,and come f7-.” 7 ; : CG al Bohr ree a glee? Te, Wa qeipacyn u“as oO ZaTava together again, y Satan tempt Wi aes M1) , f &n B § you not for your incontinency. dva THY akpaglay UULOY. . . . ~ \ , A , _® But I speak this by permis- 6 Totro d€ Neyw KaTa oVYyyVOLNY, sion, and not of commandment. > > 9 Ee hT DGN ay teny OER 7 For I would y all men were oN KET, STE: : © @ i oR aS even asI myself:but everyman avOpwmrous elvat ws Kal ewavToy" ar 1 i x o oy, » s a hath his proper giftof God, one gxqgros iOuov " exer xapiopa"” ek Ocod, after this manner, and another 4 : iS x ee 82 x after that. 8 I say therefore to OS MEY OUTWS, OS d€ ovTa@s. eyo Oe : e A Say, - , the unmarried and widows, It rows ayapo.s Kal Tats xnpats, KaAOp | is good for them if they abide > - jv 2 , ¢ a ot even as l. 9 But if they cannot avuTOols €ayv PELY@OLV @Ss Kayo. €l . 5 x > , / contain, let them marry: for it 6€ ovK €yKkpaTevoyTal, yaynoaTwoay’ b Rec. add cat ev T@ TrevuaTe VwY, aTLVa eoTt TOV Os0v. © Rec. ofaecAojevny e Rec. add tp vnoreca Kat. Rec. cuvep veces. i Rec, add sarc. a2 OW Ta cwpata. EUvOLaY. Ree. cyodatnrs. h Rec. yapicua eyesee eo ene Se KOPINOIOYS A. 413 Kpelooov yap eore *yapnoa” i) qv- povoba. rots S€ yeyaynkéo. ma- > payyeAXw, ovK €y®, GN 6 Kvpuos, es > a yuvatka amo avdpos py xopicOnvar dA \ an , " (eay 8€ Kat X@pioby, wever@ cyapos, x\ a 2 7) T@ avOpt KatadAayntro") Kal avOpa a \ s yuvaika pn adievac. 2 Tois dé Aourois ey héyo, ovx 6 a7 >” > A 3 Kuptos, et tis adedpos yuvaika EXEL a XN - r QTLOTOV, Kal avTn guveuvdoKEl oikeLy > a , ; eT avTov, py apiera airy’ * Kai \ + yun ares exer avdpa amoroy, Kal adtos” cuvevdokel oikety per auTns, Ato) / c > , a 14 Seas \ ¢ Len apietT@ Savor. nylactat yap 6 ap 6 dmoros ey TH yuvatkl, Kal yylacra 1 yun 4 amoros év TO Dee NT: > Ne IN 4 S an > , , avOpe” emret apa Ta TeKva bay axdbapra eort, vov O€ dyad éorw. © ef O€ 6 amotos xepitera, yopilécdw. od , > dedovAwrar 6 ddeAds i) 7 adeAd ev Tois ToLovTois’ ev Oe eipnyyn KéKAnKEV as < , 16 / \ 3) , nas 6 Cds. Tl yap oldas, yuvat, el TOV avOpa Gaels; 7) Ti oidas, avep, él THY yuvatka oooes; ef py Ces, c > Zi G id: 4% “ee EXAOT@ ws Epepioev O “ Kuptos,” exa- OTOV ws KEKANKEV 6 °Oeds,” oUTH TepL- mateirm’ Kal oUTws év Tals exkAnoias Tmacats Ovardcoopat. 18 ws > d 6 i. A Ilepiretpnpevos tis exhn@n; pn > , emioTrao Ow. ev axpoBvaria tis éxAnOn; ¢ \ 7 py TepitemverOa’ 9 1) mepuropity ovdEV 3 / €oTt, Kal 7) axpoBvatia ovdev eotty, > \ / > 5 ~ 29 a ahda tTHpnoLs evTOA@Y Oeod. * éxacrTos c e , , ev TH KANTEL 7 EKANON, ev TA’TN peveTO. aA / ¢ ie 21 Soddos exAnOns; pn oor peréro GAN’ «i kal Ovvacat ehevdepos yever Oar, as An \ > / paddov xpnoa. 0 yap ev Kupio \ a » / , K\ndeis Oovdos, admehevOepos Kupiov > , ¢ f Nae) 58 rv 6 \ EoTiv* Opmol@s Kat 6 ehevOepos KAnOels, a - ~ 2 Apa dovAds eat Xpicrov. * runs tyyo- ~ > , pac@nre’ pn yiveo Oe Sovha avOparrav. 1 CorintTutans VII. 23. is better to marry than to burn. 10 And unto the married, I com- mand, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband: |! but & if she de- part, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife. 12 But to the rest speak I, not the Lord, If any brother hatha wife that believeth not, and she be pleased to dwell with him, let him not put her away. !3And the woman which hath an hus- band that believeth not, and if he be pleased to dwell with her, let her not leave him. 14 For the unbelieving husband is sancti- fied by the wife, and the unbe- lieving wife is sanctified by the husband ; else were your chil- dren unclean, but now are they holy. !° But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A bro- ther or a sister is not under bondage in such cases : but God hath called us 2 to peace. 16 For what knowest thou, O wife, whether thou shalt save thy hus- band ? or how knowest thou, O man, whether thou shalt save thy wife ? 17 But as God hath distributed to every man, as the Lord hath called every one, so let him walk, and so ordain I in all churches. 1S Is any man called being circumcised ? let him not be- come uncircumcised: Is any called in uncircumcision ? let him not be circumcised. !9 Cir- cumcision is nothing, and un- circumcision is nothing, but the keeping of the commandments of God. 2° Let every man abide in the same calling wherein he was called. 7! Art thou called being a servant? care not for it: but if thou mayest be made free, use it rather. 2? For he that is called in the Lord, being a servant, is the Lord’s & free- man: likewise also he that is called being free, is Christ’s ser- vant. 23 Ye are bought with a price, be not ye the servants of AD yapecv. Bb ovrog. © SY roy avipa. a Rec. Geos. Gr, made free. & Rec. Kupcog. ° Gr. in peaceoe 1 Cortntuians VII. 24 men. 24 Brethren, let every man wherein he is called, therein abide with God. 25 Now concerning virgins, I have no commandment of the Lord: yet I give my judgment as one that hath obtained mercy of the Lord to be faithful. 26 I suppose therefore y this is good for ¥ present @distress, I say, y it is goodfor a man so tobe. *7 Art thou bound unto a wife? seek not to be loosed. Art thou loos- ed from a wife ? seek not a wife. 43 But & ifthou marry, thou hast not sinned, & if a virgin marry, she hath not sinned: neverthe- less, such shall have trouble in the flesh: but I spare you. 29 But this I say, brethren, the time isshort. It remaineth, that both they y have wives, be as though they had none: 39 and they y weep,as though they wept not: and they that rejoice, as though they rejoiced not: and they y buy, as though they pos- sessed not: 3! and they ¥ use this world, as not abusing it: for ¥ fashion of this world passeth away. >? But I would have you without carefulness. Hey is un- married, careth for the things y belong to the Lord, how he may please y Lord: 33 but he that is married, careth for the things y are of the world, how he may please his wife. 34 There is dif- ference also between a wife and a virgin: the unmarried woman careth for the things of theLord, that she may be holy, both in body and in spirit: but she that is married, careth for the things of y world, how she may please her husband. ** Andthis Ispeak for your own profit, not that I may cast a snare upon you, but for that which is comely, and that you may attend upon the Lord without distraction. 36 But if any man think that he behaveth himself uncomely toward his virgin, if she pass the flower of her age, and need so require, let him do what he will, he sinneth not: let them marry. . 414 ETISTOAH IIPO2 Sees? , > \ ) 2 feagtos ev @ €kANOn, adeAgol, ev ‘ x TOUT@ peveT@ Tapa *” Ocq@. 3 a , ‘ 3 Tlept 6€ Tov mapbevwv emitayny Kupiov ovk gy’ yropny dé didwpe ws nArenpevos vmrd Kupiov motos etvat. 6 youll ovv ToUTO Kaoy vmapxew an 7, Sid THY eveaoT@oay avaykny, ore Kahov aoOpane® Td ovtas eiva. 7 dedecat /, fe A / 4 4 > \ yuvaikl 3 pay CnTec AVow. AEAvoat aro a 9: yuvaikos ; py Cyres yuvaika. * cay Oe z od A Necg 8) , Kal YES, OVX TwapTes’ Kal eay yen ¢ / > ¢ a , \ & 1 mapOEvos, ovx juapte’ Odi Oe TH gapxi e£ovow ot towovrou eyo de vpav peldopat. 29 Potro O€ dnt, adedol, >” 6 Kaipos cuverTadpEevos ° eat’ TO NouTrov" iva kat 4o0i” exovTes yuvaikas, ws pn éxovres @ou' * Kal of KAaiovTes, ws p41) KNalovrTes’ Kal of xaipovTes, ws [1 xaipovtes’ Kal of ayopacovres, ws p71) katéyovtes’ #1 Kal of ypopevor® ToUT@ a / “ ¢ A , TO KOoK@,” OS 1 KaTAXpeLevoL. mapayet yap TO OXHMa TOV KdopOU / oo 7 \ ¢ “~ > , TOUTOU. GeXw Se tpas apepipvovs eivat. 6 Gyapos pepyuva ta Tov Kv- , a > 7 a © / ~ 33 c A plov, m@s apéoet TH Kupio 6 Oe Z 6 ~ ~ yapnoas pepiyvad Ta TOU KécpoV, TS apéce rn yuvaiki? ** pepepiorar Skat? ¢ \ ¢ , 7 yuun” Kat n mapOévos' 7 ayapos A “A 7 Sy ’ pepysva Ta Tov Kupiov, wa 7 ayia Kal , , Gepart. kal mvevpate 7 S€ yaunoaca HEpluva Ta TOD Kdo_OV, TAS apecer TO > / 5 “a ~ avdpi. * rodvro d€ mpos TO tyav avTav cupdepov héeyw* ovx iva Bpdyov Ct > >, vply eriBdrw, dAAa Tpds TO eVoyNpOV Nh > , au“ ~ , > kal evmapedpov” to Kupio arept- oT ACTOS. > , > a 38 Ei O€ tis aoxnpovety emt THY Tap- , ¢ a > , Gévoy avTov vopiter, eay 7 vmépaKkpos, \ oY > , , a 4 Kat ovrws opether yiverOar, 6 Oedee , 2. , TOLELT@, OVX GpapTdver’ yapelt@oay. a Rec. add rw. D Ree. add ore. ¢ Rec. & Gh. to Aur. sor. ALIz. om. ©& Rec.rw Kos. rorr. BELEN. KAEN YVVN.W TY yuv., Kae weep. f vo rpyuy. Kac Kaen yurn. g Rec.&Gb.om, bh Rec. evrpocedpoy. * Or neorssicyKOPINOIOYS A. 415 os b€ € EoTHKED * €Spatos” év TH Kapoia, py Exov avaykny, e&ovclay Oé Exel mepl Tov idlov Oehnparos, Kal TOUTO Kekpukey ev Th KapOla avrov, Tou Thpew Ty EQUTOU Tape aor, KAAS TroLel. 8 dare cal 6 exyapitwv"” Kaas Totet’ °Kat 6 wn yapiCwy,” Kpetoooy TOLEl. 39 Tu déderat a“ep doov Xpavov (7 6 aup advtns’ éay be Kou OH 6 aynp °avtis,” ehevOepa eoTiy o Genes yapnOnvar, povoy ev Kupio. ° pa Kapl@repa Oe €OTL €av OUT@ Helv, KaTa THY enny yropny dox® O€ kayo IIvevpa Geov € EXEL. 8. Ifepi d€ rév eidwAodvTwr, otda- HEV, (ore mares yoow EXouev. 1 peers hvorot, 7 S€ ayamn oixodopmel. 2 el '8€” tus Ooxet eidevae Tr, ovdéra opdev" eyake Kabos det yavar’ Suet dé Tes ayaa Tov Ocov, ovTos eyvoorat vm’ avrov.) Tept THs Bpoceas ouv TOY eldadobiror, oiapev OTL oudey e cidoov € ev KONO, | Kal OTe ovdeis Ocos " €repos” ei preis. * Kal ep, clrep cial Aeydpevor Geol, etre ev ovpay@, Eire emt HS (do7ep ciah, deol moARol, Kal KUptot moN}ot') 6 GXN pty cis Ocds 6 Tarp, e€ ob ra mayra, Kal mets els avrov" kal cis Kupvos ‘Ingovs Xpworos, oy ov Ta mavra, Kal nets Ot avrov. 7 aN ovk év maou Nyv@ous Twes b€ TH Kovvednoes” Tov eiO@Aou ews apre @s €l0@AdOurov eobiovor, Kal cuveidnots adToy aabevrs ova pouverau. : Bpapa dé 7 npas ov 'rapiotno” Te Oca" ovTE yap eay payoper, meplo- gevopev” ovTE Edy 7) payoper, v= atepoupeba, % Brérete S€ pntos 7 37 1 CortntTutAns VIII. 9. 37 Nevertheless, he that stand- eth stedfast in his heart, having no necessity, but hath power over his own will, and hath so decreed in his heart that he will keep his virgin, doeth well. 38So then he that giveth her in mar- riage, doeth well: but he that giveth her not in marriage, doeth better. 39 The wife is bound by the law as long as her husband liy- eth: but if her husband be dead, she is at liberty to be married to whom she will, only in the Lord. 40 But she is happier if she so abide, after my judg- ment: and I think also that I have the Spirit of God. 8. Now as touching things of- fered unto idols, we know that we all have knowledge. Know- ledge puffeth up: but charity edifieth. 2 And if any man think that he knoweth any thing, he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know. 3 But if any man love God, the same is known of him. 4 As concerning therefore the eating of those things that are offered in sacrifice unto idols, we know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is none other God but one. © For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth (as there be gods many, and lords many:) ®but to us there is but one God, y Father, of whom are all things, and we 2in him, and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him. 7 Howbeit there is not in every man that know- ledge: for some with conscience of the idol unto this hour, eat it as a thing offered unto an idol, & their conscience being weak, is defiled. 8 But meat commendeth us not to God: for neither if we eat, 8 are we the better: neither if we eat not, y are we y worse. 9 But take heed lest by any a i Rec. add 77. > DY yaurfor. © Rec. o de pan sxyapurctwr. d Rec. add vouw, k © ovyndecg. 1% rapacrncer. ° Or, for him. B Or, have we the more, Y Or, have we the ‘ess. ers dhmeans, this @liberty of your’s become a stumblingblock to them that are weak. 10 For if any man see thee which hast knowledge, sit at meat in the idol’s temple : shall not the con- science of him which is weak, be femboldened to eat those things which are offered to idols ? 'l and through thy know- ledge shall the weak brother perish, for whom Christ died ? !2 But when ye sin so against the brethren, and wound their weak conscience,ye sin against Christ. 13 Wherefore if meat make my brother to offend, I will eat no flesh while the world standeth, lest I make my brother to of- fend. Am I not an apostle? am I not free? have I not seen Jesus Christ our Lord? arenot you my work inthe Lord? 2 If I be not an apostle unto others, yet doubtless I amto you: for the seal of mine apostleship are ye in the Lord. 3 Mine answer to them that do examine me. is this: 4 Have we not power to eat and to drink? 5 have we not power to lead about a sister a wife as well as other apostles, and as the brethren of the Lord, and Cephas? © or I only and Barnabas, have not we power to forbear working ? * Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges ? who plantetha vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof ? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock ? 8 Say I these things as a man ? or saith not the law the same also ? 9 Vor itis written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn: doth God take care for oxen ? 10 or saith he it altogether for our sakes ? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written : that he that ploweth, should plow in hope : and that he that thresh- eth in hope, should be partaker 1 Corintuians VIII. 10. 416 EWISTOAH TIPOS eLovola v UL@V AUTH TporKoppea yeunrat Tols *doGevovow.” 04 yap Tis ton oe, Tov EXovTa yea, ev edahel@ KaTaKetpLevor, ovXl 7 ouveldnots avTov ao devous ovros oikodopnOnoerat eis TO ta elOwddbura éoOliev, ™ Kat dro- Retrar 6 ao devav abencos Mert” TH on yore, Ov ov Xpuoros ar-éBaver ; 2 otta Oé dwapravoyres eis Tous adehovs, Kal Tvmrrovres avrov THY ouvetOnow do Gevovcar, eis Xpiorov dapravere. % 8.dmep ei Spopa oKay- Sahiger TOV adedpsy pou, ov pn payo Kpéa els Tov ai@va, wa ju) Tov adeAddy Lov oxavdahion. Ws VOVK ett heb Oepos 5 3 OUK ett dm daTonos 5” ovxl ‘Ingovv Xpurrov TOV Kupwov 7 HOY Ewpaka ; ov TO €pyov pou vpeis egte ev Kupio ; el adXous OUK etut amdaronos, adhd Ye Upv Elyse” q yap oppayis TNS Enis amoaronis t upeis core ev Kupio. é ” a) dmohoyia Tots ee dvakpivovow avTn eoti’ oy ovK EXomEY eEovolay payetv Kal meiv ; ° Bn OUK EXOM!EY. efouciay adeddiy yuvatka mepuayety, @s Kal of Aourol amdaronot, Kal ol ergot Tov Kupiov, Kal Knpas ; ; i) povos eyo Kal BapvaBas OUK €xo- pev e€ovoiay TOU p pen) epyateo Bar; : “ Tis oTparevera idlous ovreviors TOTE 5 Tis purever dpmehdva, kat eK TOU KapTov QUTOU OvK eo Otet 5 i) Tis moupaiver Tolpyny, Kal €K TOU yahakros TS Tolpyns ovK oe $ uy Kara avOporov TavTa Aah@; “7) ovxt Kal 6 vdpos TavTa ever 5” eey yap T® °“Ma- géws” vou@ yeyparrar: Ov pipores Boy dhodyra. My, Tov Bo@y pedet TO Geo ; Doe OL: needs Taras deyet 3 8 npeas yap eypadn, 6 ore em eAmrids d:petnet 6 dpoTpi@y apotpiay, Kal 6 ddoap b wer. © Rec. € Gb. Mavoews. BS acbeveoiy. TauTa@ ov Asyes. © Ovw espe arroaroros 3 ovr etre ee Os Or, power. d Sn Kat oO vopos Y Or, woman. 005 s edinentKOPIN@IOYS A. 417 "én ehrride Tov peréyew.” ej TLets Sty Ta TVEVBATIKG comelpapen, peya ei MpELs vpov Ta capkixa Oepicopev; } ei Gy- Aot THs bpaev eLoucias’ METEYOUCLY, Ov PGAXov Hueis; aGAN odK expnoapueba TH e€ovoia Tavtn* adAAd mdvra oreyoper, wa pn eyxomhy Twa Sdpev TO ebay-ye- Wee Xpistoa ce 3 OtK oidare drt of rad lepa €pya- COpevor ex TOD iepod écOiovew" oi TO Gvovacrnpio °mpocedpevortes,’ T@ Ov- cLaoTnpia ouppepicovras; © obra Kah 6 Kupwos dcérage trois 7d evayyéAvov KatayyéAhovow, é€k Tod evayyeX (ou ey 15 "Eyo O€ 40d KExpnyrat ovdevi” Tov- Tav’ ovuK éypawa S€ tatra, va bro yevnrat év €uol* Kadov yap jor paddov arobavetv, i) TO Kabynwd frov iva tes kevoon. 1° éay yap evayyeAiCopat, eo ; es z UK EOTL {LOL KavXNUA’ avayKn yap jLoL emiKelTat’ oval © yap” pot eoTiv, €ay a7 evayyeAifapa. 7 ej yap éxav rovTo Tpacow, puicbdv ey €i dé ak@v, oi- kovoplay trerictevpat. 8 ris ody [ot coTly 6 puoOds; iva evayyeduCouevos adatravey Oncw TO evayyéeAuov row 2 sf ; 2 Xpiorov,” eis TO pay karaxpnoac bat ™ efoucia pov éy T@ evayyeNnio. 9 “EhevOepos yap ov &k mavrep, macw é€navtiv dotkaca, twa rods mActovas Kepdnow? » Kal eyevounv Tois “lovdaiots os ‘Tovdaios, iva “Iov- Oalovs Kepdnow* rots br VOMOV @s umd véuov, & (U1) dv adrds bd vopoy, )” wa Tovs tnd vopov KepOnow: 7! rois avouos &s édvopos, (yn Sv avopos c Oe,” GAN EvvojLos ' Xpiore,” ) iva “xepOnow” dydpous’ 2 eyevOuny Tots dobeveow as dobens, va rods dabe- vets KepOnow. Tois maou yéyova | rd” 1 Corinturans [X. 22. of his hope. ! Jf we have sown unto you spiritual things, is it a great thing if we shall reap your carnal things ? !2 if others be partakers of this power over you, are not we rather ? Nevertheless, we have not used this power: but suffer all things, lest we should hinder the gospel of Christ. 'S Do ye not know that they which minister about holy things, ¢live of the things of the temple ? and they which vait at the altar, are partakers with the altar? M4 Eyen go hath the Lord ordained, that they which preach the gospel, should live of the gospel. '5 But I have used none of these things. Neither have | written these things, that it should be so done unto me: for it were better for me to die, than that any man should make my glorying void. 16 For though ] preach the gospel, I have no- thing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me, yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel. !7 Forif I do this thing willingly, Ihave a reward: but if against my will, a dispensa- tion of the gospel is committed unto me. !8 What ismy reward nen? Verily that when I preach the gospel, I may make the gospel of Christ without charge, that I abuse not my power in the gospel. '9 For though J be free from all men, yet have { made myself servant unto all, that 1 might gain the more. 29 And unto the Jews, I becameasa Jew. that | might gain the Jews: to them that are under the law, as under the law, that I might gain them that are under the law: 2! to them that are without law, as without law (being not without law to God, but under the law to Christ,) ¥ Imight gain them that are without law. 22 To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that + *Reo. rng eXredos avrov wereyetyv, ex eXaids. b Rec. s€ovarac vuav. CS rapeipsuovtes, a Ree. ovder exencauny. € Rec. de. £2 g Reccom. he Gcov iS Xprotov. k ~ esodarvw Toug, 1-5 Or, feel, 281 Corrnrutans [X. 23. 418 ENISTOAH IPOS , a , \ t 93 2 = I might by all means save eS Wa TAVTMS TLYAS OWTG). TOU- some. 73 Andthis I do forthe ~,” §¢ a \ \ > a cf ta TO eEvayyeALtoy, wa gospel’s sake, that I might be bé mod 6 vy, ? partaker thereof with you. PayKoviies auToU yevopa. 2° 24 Know ye not that they +4 OvK otdare, ore ol ev oTadio ) T pe= which run ina race, run all : PED, € py uw. él: O€ but one receiveth the prize ? ROUGE mavTes pev TIPEX OUCH: $ So run, that ye may obtain. AapBaver TO BpaBetoy 5 oUT@ TPEXETS, 25 And every man that striveth fyq katahaBnre. 29 mas be 6 d-yove- for the mastery, is temperate in all things: now they do ié to COpevOs, TayTa eykpateverat’ EKELVOL obtain a corruptible crown, but pev | ovv wa POaprov ore pavoy AaBoow, wean incorruptible. 26 I there- 26 fore so run, not as uncertainly: nyecis Oe apGaprov. eyo Toluy ovT@ so fight I, not as one that beat- TPEXO os ovk GdNAws’ OUT@ TUKTEVO, 2 eth the air: 27 but I keep Os OUK aépa Spay" 27 GAN » Ur@= under my body, and bring it ce) into subjection: lest that by mateo” ou TO Tapa Kat © dov aywoye,” any means w hen I have preach- paras GAAOoLS Knpv&as, autos aOOKLpLOS ed to others, I myself should be Bye ah a castaway. Y eae . ? TaN a oes - ie 10. Moreover brethren, I 10. Ov Oérdo ¢ yap" vpas wyvoety, r, } ¢ 7 . would not that ye should be adedpol, OTL ob Marepes LOY WAaVTES ignorant, how y all our fathers were under the cloud, and all UTrO TV vepedny noay, Kal WaVTES bua A sea hae 2, passed through the sea: * and Ts ahacons dup Oov, Kal mwavres eis were all baptized unto Moses eM 3 x in the cloud, and in the sea: TOV ovony’ vee amtioayTo €v TH vepe 2) 3 and did all eat the same spi- Kal ev ™7 Gahacon, 3 Kal mayTes TO ritual meat: 4 and did all drink eo y 4a) as the same spiritual drink: (for avo Ppopa TVEVHATLKOY € epayov, Kae they drank of y spiritual Rock TAVTES TO auto T Opa TVEU[LUTUKOV €IrLOV" that ¢ followed them: and Y (émwvov ya ék TVEVLATLKNS akoNovbov- B 7 Rock was Christ) ® but with Se Xx many of them God was not well 975 meTpas’ 7 O€ meTpa TY O pods. ) Dlesed fot they were over- ° GAN ovK ev TOls TAELOoW auTa@y €v- thrown in the wilderness. poydeniess Odxnoev 0 6 eds" KateaTpoeOnoay yup ev a) foals 88 a | Tavra € TUTFOL Q@y evev oav 6 Now these things were four Jé ue ney 4 examples, to y intent we should cis TO py) eivau npas emtOupntas KaKor, | a a. Nes evil things, as KaO@s Kaketvor emeOvpnoav. 4 pn de | they also lusted. 7 Neither be fe (dln lord. awwenevebine tof SC ae! yiverOe, Kabws TLWES av- them, as itis written, The peo- TOV’ WS eae ’"Exadicev 6 ads | ple sat down to eat and drink, payew Kal muely, Kal aveoTnoay matte. | and rose up to play. 5 Neither g let us commit fornication, as Moe TOpVveva/Ler, kaos TWES aura | some of them committed, and em dpvevoay, KCL Toe ev pea mHLEpa | fell in one day three and twenty axeolsoel LOE Se thousand. Neither let us tempt i Py SAG, Se ° pn = exmretpd Christ, as some of them also Comey TOV *Xpiorov, Kadas " Kal” TLVES tempted, and were destroyed of qyr@p Emel pao ay, Kal UmoO TOV opewy serpents. !9 Neither murmur , ye, as some of them also mur- aTr@NoyTo. 9 nde yoyyveere, Kalas mured, and were destroyed of | cal” rives aUTO@V eyoyyvoay, Kal aTro< aw rayra. boo vroriafw. ¢ St.dovrAayayw. d Rec. de. & Rec. Mwanv. fr worep. § © Kuptor . a . f . 3 =; Or, went with them. 8 Gr. our figures.KOPINOIOYS A. 419 Chey Meas a A Aovto vd Tod oAoGpevtovd. " radra the destroyer. 11 Now all these \ , , , } « O€ mdvrta tvrot guveBatvoy eéxeivors: things happened unto them for ey de \ dees es > a “ensamples: and they are writ- eypagn € 7 POs vou Souay HL@V, ELS OVS ten for our admonition, upon a 7 OO - z . Ta TEAN TOY aio@vey katnvtnoev. * &Gre whom ube ens pene wonldare © Aus. ¢ , , \ , come. !* Wherefore, let him Y OoKkay ee Prerérw fae EOE , that thinketh he standeth, take Tletpaguds tuas ovdk etAndev ei heed lest he fall. Nee? f ; \ \ Q 13 There he ati p21) avOparuvos muatos Oe G Gebs, ds a There hath no temptation se ae ee a ¢ . a gq, taken you, but suchas isScom- OUK €aoel vas Tetpac Onvat urep 0 Ov- mon to man. but God is faith- > , a na 7 7 y vaobe, adda romoe oy TO Tetpagu@ ful, who will not suffer you to Kae aap ’Ba Gar Oe 6 woe = be tempted above that you are ui Ow, TOV OvVacEat UTE able: but will with the tempta- VEYKELV. tion also make a way to escape, ING > , , that ye may be able to bear it. LOTTE =e = SV Ps ETE EOL Gene pevyere '4 Wherefore my dearly beloy- amo THs be x Pre Isay. '6The cup of blessing Der Loy ais €U yes: O EVAOYOULEYV, which we bless, is it not the OUXL KOLYMYLA TOU aiatos TOU Xptotov communion ofyblacd of Christ? > SOR) a a Dan the bread which we break, is GOO TOY POLE OY, Kh@pev, Boxe Soe 2” itenott thes communiontos the Via TOV O@ULaTOS TOU Xptiorov €oTw ; body of Christ? !7 For we being ov 2 yy a as ‘ raecaies SOs < > 7 Gru eis apTos, ev o@pa ot modAdot Many are one bread, and one > aoe. i 3 ee body: for we are all partakers €OMEV’ OL Yap TaVTES EK TOU EVOs @PTOU of that one bread. 18 Behold , SN, > ie 3 . e a LETEXOMED. 18 Brérere Tov Iopand Israel after the flesh: are not \ ; : Do ENeE eae) my \ they which eat of the Sacrifices, KaTG OUPKa* OVX ot EoOiovtes Tas bv- partakers of the altar ? 19 What ¢ \ a“ . . Tlas, KoWevot Tov Avovactnpiou eici; say I then? that the idol is any s > / ” > 7 2 . « thi + TL oov cbnpe ; ae CLO NOV GL eOTU ; thing ? oF that which is offered eID a : Cae 20 >) > Msacrifice to idols is any thing? ) OTL ElOm@AdOUTOY TI €or; * aAN 20 But I say that ¥ things which cd a 4 , ¢ <. : nari © i ore “a Over ta eOyn, Satpoviors Over,” $ Gentiles sacrifice, they sacri- Ree Re eA Nous \_ fice to devils, and not to God: Kat OU Ocg: OU bho de ORS, VOUS and I would not that ye should Tay Oatmovieay yivecOa. * od SivacGe have fellowship with devils. , , r \ , *l Ye cannot drink the cup of D € enky cea Kuptc 5 ; ue noe TOTO PLOY the Lord, and the cup of deyils: atiLoviay = ov dvvacle Tpame(ys Ku- ye cannot be partakers of the , , , , da ” ¢ C plov [eTeyvey Kal Tpamre(ns datpoviay. Lord stable, and of the table of 39° 4 Nas Ses 4 o\e oe. devils: cao we provoke the 7) Tapacn lee. Oe SUP LOVE! s (ONSte Pra io jealousy ? are we / aN « OXvUpoTeEpoe AUTOU €O MeV 5 stronger than he ? 9 4, > 23 ] « WwW 23 Tidvra 2” efeoTuy, GAN ov mdyra 2 All things are lawful for Das , eu xe ae od me, butall things are not expe- ouppeper TavTa . Eger, aX OV dient: all things are lawful for / > ” 2 \ ¢ = . “ mayTa oikodopet. *4 undels rd éavtoo ae but all nines edify noe , > Nese \ An Gus fv 25 ~,, -4 Let noman seek his own: but (yreire, aha TOP OCNE TEP OU as , »/-9Y every man another’s wealth. TO ev pakeAX@ tTadovpevoy eqOiere, 25 Whatsoever is sold in’ the / \ A / . © Pat pndev avaxpivoytes bid THY ouvelOnoy* Shambles, that eat, asking no 26 Ea , CieN OK We question for conscience sake. Tou yap Kuptov 1 Y1] Kat TO TANP@LaA 26 Vor the earth is the Lord’s, 1 Corinrurans X, 26, QuTns. and the fulness thereof. = a 4 Rec. add tua, \) ee © Wa Bvovor, darpoveorg Avover. d Ree. add [Oie & Ree, add aoc. f Rec. add exacros, * Or, types. 8 Or, moderate.420 ENISTOAH IIPO2 27 Tf any of them that believe 27 22 8é” tus Kader vpas TQV aTi- not, bid you to a feast, and ye grey, Kai Oédere TmopeverOar, Tay TO be disposed to go, whatsoever ao Co ua BN 3 is set before you, eat, asking no mapariepevov Up. ea Glee, pn dev ava- questo for conscience sake. KplovTes Ova THY ocuvelOnow. 73 ay S But if any mansay unto you, a7 ek ora ee / La Sh This is offered in sacrifice unto be aes OE Lai) Touro = cid@Adburov idols, eat not for his sake that «a7Tl [7] ea OieTE, Ou eKELvOY TOY pPyyu- shewed it, and for conscience Gayrq Kal THY cuvetonow.” 29 guvel- sake. The earth is the Lord’s, z | eG 1 one See and the fulness thereof. 7? Con- onow de eyo, ovxXl THY €AUTOV, ahha science Isay,not thine own, but ry Tov ETEpOU. ivatl yap 1 édevOepia of the other’s: for why is my li- / CaN TN of : berty judged of another man’s frou KpLyETal UTO ANKNS: “CUVELON GES: conscience? 2°For, if | by *grace Soe oe ey@ XapiTe [ETEX@ TL Biac- be a partaker, why am I evil a Ses ce Ls ‘ a spoken of, for that for which I Oupenye WGP On, s eye : SUNG RE give thanks ? 3! Whether there- cire ov €OOlETE, ELTE TLVETE, ELTE TL fore ye eat or drink, or whatso- 7roveite, TaVTA els Sd£ayv Geov Trovette. ever ye do, do all to the slory 32 > / a G ob. . Toubae of God. 32 Give none offence, am poo KoT ol YLVETUe, Kat oquoatots neither to the Jews, nor to the Kal "EhAnoe KAU ™ exkAnola Tou Qeou" pee nor to the churchof 33 kqQa¢ Kaya mavra TacW apecK@ Xod: 33evenasIpleaseallmen , S lee iS , eG in all things, not seeking mine [47] (Toy TO €MAUTOU cuuepov, aha own profit, but the profit of 7§ r@y moAA@y, iva C@O@CL. Alin put- many, that they may be saved. , re \ See 11. Beye followers of me, even MTL POV yiveoOe, Ka$os Kayo Xpt- as I also am of Christ. OTOU. 2 Now [ praise you, brethren, 2 -Erawva de upas, ade pol, OTL that you remember me in all ravTa [Lov éuvnobe ral xabos 7a é= things, and keep the 7 ordi- a8 Be ee: 7 eee . p nances, as I delivered them to daKa Up, TAS mapaddcets KATEKXETE. you. 3 But I would have you 3 @gX@ Oe upas cidéval, OTL mavrTos know, that the head of every > VG \ ew Lage a man is Christ: and the head of avOpos 0 kepann O Xpioros CO Tb Kee eonene ¥ man, and the head ahi) Oe YUVALKOS, 6 avnp’ Kespadr) dé of Christ is God. 4 Every man y a 4f f a praying or prophesying, having AP UoMONs 0 Ocos. ; mgs GHAR Ti POO Ue his head covered, dishonoureth YOMEVOS 7) Tpopnrevay, KaTa Keadns his head. ® But every woman eX@V KATALT YUVEL THY kepadyy auTou. that prayeth or prophesieth 5% BS s \ s x with her head uncovered, dis- maca OE yuvn T POOEVKOLEVT) 1) Tpo- honoureth her head: for that is pnrevovoa GKATAKAAUTIT@ TH kepany, even all one as if she were = , \ ys ¢ mee ad shaven. 6 Forif the woman be Raa LOX TS Tye Kepa ee eaUaNs ; ey not covered, let her also be yap €oTl KaL TO GUTO TN e€upnuery. shorn: but if it be ashame for 6 ¢} yap ov KATAKQAUTTETAL yun Kat a woman to be shorn or shaven, ped Sw > \ n \ Ketpac do" El. OC ato Xpov Yvvalke TO let her be covered. / ‘\ 5 4 keipaca i) Evpac Oat, katakadunreo Ga. Fe \ \ \ > > / 7 For a man indeed ought not Avnp poevy yap OvK opetAer KaTa- Sa yas , \ \ to cover his head, forasmuch as Kadumreo Gat THY Kean, ELKOV KQL | he is the image and glory of 56 eae. cad : SN Sé£ God: but the womanis the glory 6a SOG EOD YUEN ed Oca} ms = , of the man. 8 For the man is not avdpos éorw: ° ov yap €oTly avnp EK | Ee 1] CoRINTHIANS XX. 27. Yo a— D > cEpobuTor. ¢ Rec, add Tov yap Kuptov 7 yn Kat TO TANPWUA AUTNS. d Rec. add 4s @ Or, thanksgiving. Gr. Greeks Y Or, traditions.KOPINOIOYS A. 42] 1 CorintHians XI. 23. re \ > \ Aiea) > ~ yvvatkos, aha yuvn €& avdpds" 9 Kal of the woman: but the woman \ > , rn a c Tay ge ne yap ovK éextic On avnp Oud Ty yuvaixa, of the man. ’ Neither was the We 4 se a Nat Na en UA. se man created for the woman: ; QANAG Yyuvn Ola TOY av pa ‘a TOVTO but the woman for the man. } opeiner 7 yurn e€ovciay eXeLy ert TS 10 For this cause ought } woman ' nso \ are OX 11 es to have ¢ power on her head, KePadns Ola Tovs ayyedous. TAT” pecause of the angels. !! Never. s J, \ > > . . - ' “ovTe yuvn xeapis avdpds oi're ayn theless, neither is the man with- .) ‘ 4 ) r ts 2 : a j . yepls yuvatkos ae Kupia 1 dbomep out the woman, neither the A - woes aS \t - . ‘*. Woman without the man in the yap 1 yuvn €K Tov avSpos, OUT@ Kt O Lord. 2 For as the woman is of 2a x f « : 7 ; 5 « > avnp Oud TS YUVALKOs, Ta O€ wavra ex theman: evenso is the man also ' zs x by the woman; but all things TOU Qeou. of God “ > 5 - / ? « : : . . 1 B°Ey tyiv abtois Kpwate* mpetoyv '3 Judge in yourselves, is it en a > , - ~ comely that a woman pray un €OTl yuvaika akataka\untov TO Oca eons ace Tern ae 4 \N 4 QA 7 > \ ¢ x 3 - mpomweuyeoUar; | 1*' 4h ovde Sadan ee even nite Gele eee you, s s ic. a cd DN \ dN « if « ay ave . sir 7 vows OiddoKer bas, ore aynp ev eay ‘hat if a man have long hair, it a > / D5 5 15 . ga, is ashame unto him ? |) But if t pores ATLLLA AUT@ EOTL; : yUPy O€ a woman have long hair, it isa > a , > ~ 5 o , é . . cay Kowa, Od&a QvT7) €OTW 5, OTL 1) KOM open to her: for her hair is given i > Se G QZ 1er for a 6 covering. avtt mepiBodaiov bédorar®”. : SOvERINS . 16 Hi Sé tis SoKet Pidrdveckos etvar, '6 But if any man seem to be fe Cis > ZW aa > \ a SENOS , unto you, J praise you not, that ; Y@, OTL OUK lg TO KpELTTOV, AAX els TO you come together not for the NTTOV ouvepyer Ge. 18 TP@Tov prey yap better, but for the worse. '§ For q gene as De fe) x be first of all when ye come toge- ee uae eee Sy . Pads HOLD ther in the church, J hear that AKOV@® OXlOMaTa EV VELLY uTapXely, Kat there be divisions among you, Z ios 19 a \ } and I partly believe it. 19 For eee. et : De vee of det ep Kat there must be also éheresies aipeoels ev vl Eval, LWA OL Odor among you, that they which are pavepot yevovrTat ep Uy. approved may be made mani- | 9 ; > Claes 5) aN . fest among you. “0 Suvepyouevav ovv tuav emt TO AN ( ; 5 ca Nee a is ; “0 When ye come together it \ ~ r \ a ee 2 ia QUTO, OUK €OTL Kuptakov Oetmrvoy payewy therefore into one place, ¢ thisis hi ee \ Nee fe not to eat yLord’ssupper. *! For 7 L €LTTVO O- . resent Se NOS: : yee oo 0 OY é oN Ee Fi P . In eating, every one taketh be- Nap Baver vy T (aye, KAL OS MEV fore other, his own supper : and aS Se ‘ Pe AIC LKL one is hungry, and another is Teva, Os O€ peOver. 1) yap olKlas one is hungry, ¢ es > be Sia? OE Fe ] u I . » drunken. 22 What, have ye not ee oe SUSENTO; ECC LEUUNCALITLVELY 5 1] sh oaccs th eat ammitoninn in ? i ™s €kKAnolas Tov Qeov Karadpovetre, or despise ye the church of God, ‘ 4 ou éxovras: Th and shame *them that have ae see OX ETE : = ae Xx ao not ? What shall I say to you ? | UMLY ELT@ 5 ETTALYEOW UKaS €V TOUT® 5 shall I praise you in this? I \ poet es ise you not. Wa. prey h Nahi cm \ , DEA nee 23 For I have received of the ~ Eyo yap mapeaBov amo Tou Ku- ford that which also I deliver- , a Z C24 ¢/ Cerne mm 7 | i; plov, 0 Kat wapéS@xa vpiv, ort 6 Kupvos ed unto you, That the Lora i. a — ra &@ Rec. ovre avnp ywpes yuvacxog, ovte yuvn ywpig avdpos. DIZ Co d Ree. & Gb. add aurp. Gb. 3 | © NY rapayysAXrAw ove exacvwrv. tec. add rp. © That is, a covering, in sign that she is under the power of her husband. 8 Or, veil. Y Or, schisms. ° Or, svets. e Or, ye cannot eal : Y Or, them that are poor.: . 1 Corintuians XI. 24. 422, EDISTOAH IIPOS Jesus, j same night in which he "Inaovs ev TH yukti 7 mapediooro, €Aa- was betrayed,took bread: 74 and 2) D4 Eee f 2 when he had given thanks, he Bev Cpa i MECC exhage, brake it, and said, Take, eat, Kal €i7€ a” Touro ov €OTL TO THUA TO this is my body, whichis broken §7ép tay KAdpEvov’ TOUTO moveire Els Or WONS WHS CO Gnd Wome Ny Oe oR < , \ prance of me. 2 Afterthesame ™7¥ €H7)Y avapvnoly. QoravTws Kal manner ett took the eup TO qoTnpLoy, peTa TO Oeemvnwat, heyov" when he had supped, saying, ~ \ , ¢ \ , > This cup is the new testament Touro 70 Tem PLOY 7 KGET SvabnKn oe in my blood: this do ye, as oft OTL EV T@ EU al.atTl TOUTO TOLELTE, as ye drink it, inremembrance gadxis dy mivyre, eis THY epny ava- of me. 26 For as often as ye eat 26 < , Vi NE One, \ this bread, and drink this cup, H”70'V- Ooakis yap av ea Oinre TOV £ ye do shew the Lord’s death Gptoy ToUTOV; Kal TO mroTHpLov ”” mivnTe, Le ee tov Odvarov tod Kuptov KaTayyeANeTe, 2/ ig Hy. cs ay pis ov €AOn. 27 W herefore, whosoever shall 27 “Oote ds av eo bin TOV aprov4 u 7 eat this bread, and drink this ) a ; oe ‘ 5 cup of the Lord unworthily, 742) TO TOTNHPLOV TOU Kuptovu avakios, shall be guilty of the body and 2yoyos €oTat TOU gToparos Kal °TOU’ blood of the Lord. *8Butleta = ea 28 8 , Se eerie himselt and so OHaTOs TOV KKuplov. Joxyatero c let him eat of that bread, and GvOpwmos éavTov, Kal ovuT@S €K TOU 27 ‘ Oa f / 2 , a / drink of that cup. 29 For he that dprov éabuéera, Rare @a00 motnplov eateth and drinketh unworthily, 5 ag tricacent Sey ee eateth and drinketh ydamna- 7LVET@” “~" O YA ecGiwy Kal TLV tion to himself, not discerning f dvakios,” Kplya éavto €o Gilet Kal ¥ Lord’s body. #° For this cause __, \ 1 vo Sen B tuany are weak & sickly among TLVEL, p27) Ovakplyv@v TO THEA TOV Ku- you, and many sleep. 9! For if plov. 30 $id. TOUTO eV Upy qTONAOL we would judge ourselves, we > - We 3/2 s de a agGevets Kal appwoTot, KQL KOLL@VTAL should not be judged. * But lop Gla ate aoe : : when we are judged, we are lKaVOL. el Syap eavTous dveKpivo- ; * ‘ r 3 2 chastened of the Lord, that we bev, ouK av éxpwopea 3 Kpiv1evot should not be condemned with Se eet oy Seng Q ¢ \ the world. 33 Wherefore my Of U70 Kuplov tratoevope One 1) prethren, when ye come toge- gvy T@ KOTH@ KaTakploapev. QOTE, ther to eat, tarry one for ano- 35 rp , ee rere ae \ pa ther. 3! Andif any man hunger, os = ae poe me PX Pez OU ae a : = let him eat at home, that ye ely, ahdndous exdexer be" Cl Dees 5 é bs a 7 , 2 e \ come not together unto §con- Feyyq, ev OlK® ecOieTo” wa py eis demnation. And the rest will I ee pee ‘ ‘ Sees set in order, when I come. Kplua ouvepxnobe. ta Oe€ AolTa, ws ay + / . : a €hO@m, Scata&opar. 12. Now concerning spiritual JOMicp ere a SEX gifts, brethren, I would not ree Cee ne EO CO have you ignorant. ? Ye know dot, ov Gero upas AYVOELV. ~ oloaTeE that ve were Gentiles, carried %_, ig.” % BY \ NH 2) \ ; ; OT TE € € away unto these dumb idols, ,, aes : Ovn 133 apes 72 eoha 7e even as ye were led. * Where- apeova, @s ay iwyeo Oe, aTrayopEevou fore I give you to understand, 3 §,¢ ( CO rOels € . give } : ’ Lo yvaplto UPL, OTL OVOELS EV Ilvev- that no man speaking by the Star ane ie k ayg Spirit of God, calleth Jesus ee oO ne on. Once avavepLa on “4 » > co pv accursed: and that no man Ingovv'” Kal ovdels Ovvarat etme D Rec. & Gb. add rovro. —. Gb. 3 © Rec. adday. 4 Rec. add rovrov g be h Rec. add de. i © —. Rec. & Gb. om. 6 Or, shew ye. Y Or, judgment. ¢ Or, anathema. a Rec. add Aafere, Payers e€ Rec. om. fee k © Avadepa Ingovs. ? Or, for a remembrance. o Or, judgment.KOPINGOIOYS iA; 423 Z > n~ \ > / *“Kuptoy ‘Incovy,” ei py ev Uvedtmare / ayl@. 4 , \ ‘ 3 ‘ \ Atatpéecers O€ Yapiopatwr cio, Td \ > ~ / d€ avro IIvedua’ * Kal Ovatpécets Sta- nt > KovL@y EloL, Kat 6 avTOS Kupuos © Kal Ovaipécers evepynudray ciclv, 56 Oé > \ ~ autos °” cds, 6 evepyav Ta mayra ev fe fea \ / ¢ , Taow. ‘ exaot@ Oe Oidora 7 pavé- : a / / pots Tou Ilvevpatos mpos 70 oupde- pov. ® @ pev yap dua rod IIvevparos didorat Adyos codias, ado dé Aéyos yorews, KaTa TO avTO IIvetpa ® Eré- > i a , p@ 0€ miotis, ev TO avT@® Tvetpare a s / x GX@ O€ xXapicpata iapareyv, ev TO Do / s 10" 2 \ > fy avuT@ Ivevpare aGA@ O€ evepyn- . / BTA cx £ para Ovyauewy, G\dA@ Se mpodnreia, U \ t 7 aA@ Oe Ovaxpices tvevpdrar, ETEP@ ial : de yen yhaocdy, tiddKw dé éppnveta yAoooayv. | gayra &€ tadra EVEpyeEt a ~ ~ / TO €V Kal TO avTo Ivedpa, O.atpovr idia ExdoT@ Kabws Bovderat. > > , an a > ” Kadarep yap TO cpa &y earn, Xe rf a A / \ \ / Kal pen Exe TOAAA, TavTa S€é TA péeAH TOU g@patos ©”, toANa ovra, &y ete g@ua ovT@ Kal 6 Xpiotds. § kal é cad yap ev évi Tlvetpare tpeis mdvres eis vad > f > - ev capa €BanticOnpev, etre lovdaior o * ~ Ui > / etre “EhAnves, etre SovdAor etre edevbe- / “wa =~ pot’ Kat wavres “eis” ev Ivedpa érori- o Onpev. 14 ‘ \ \ a > »~ a Kat yap To g@pa ovK gotw ev , > a c 7 pedos, adda rohAd. } edy ein 6 Trovs’ "Ore ovK elut xelp, ovK elu éx Tod A » > g@uaTos’ ov Tapa TovUTO OvK oT eK es ji - y > Tov g@patos; *° Kal éay etry Td obs" "Or > > \ > 6 Xr NV my > \ > TL OUK elu OPOadpos, ovK eiul ek ~ > \ fed > y+ TOU O@pLaTOS’ OU Tapa TOUTO OK oTLY EK TOU G@patos; ei ddoy TO capa > \ Ars © > / Sef > \ opOarpos, mov 7 axon; ei Gov akon, mov 7 ooppnots; 3 vuvi d€ 6 Ceds / ce a nA r eGero Ta pehn, Ev ExaoToy adTav ev TO 1 Corrntruians XII. 18. can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost. 4 Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. > And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. 6 And there are diver- sities of operations, but it is the same God, which worketh ali in all. 7 But the manifestation of the Spirit, is given to every man to profit withal. 8 For to one is given by the Spirit, the word of wisdom, to another the word of knowledge, by ¥ same Spirit. % To another faith, by the same Spirit: to another ¥ gifts of healing, by the same Spirit: 1° to another ¥ working of miracles, to another prophe- cy, to another discerning of spirits, to another divers kinds of tongues, to another the inter- pretation of tongues. !! Butall these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will. !2 For as the body is one, and hath many members,and all the members of that one body, be- ing many, are one body: so also 7s Christ. 13 For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or “Gentiles, whether we be bond or free: and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. '4 For the body is not one member, but many. !° If the foot shall say, Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body: is it therefore not of the body ? !%and if the ear shall say, Because I am not the eye, 1 am not of the body: is it there- fore not of the body ? !7 If the whole body were an eye, where were the hearing ? If the whole were hearing, where were the smelling ? !8 But now hath God set the members, every one ot them in the body, as it hath AS Keptos Incovg. b Rec. add sare © Rec. & Gb, add rou evo.— Gb. dom. “Gr. Greeks.i members, XE 19. pleased him. !9 Andifthey were all one member, where were the ' body ? 2°But now are they many yet but one body. 2! And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee: nor again, the head to the feet, I have no need of you. 1 CoRINTHIANS 22 Nay, much more those members of the body, which seem to be more feeble, are ne- cessary. 73 And those members of the body, which we think to be less honourable, upon these we bestow more abundant ho- tis nour, and our uncomely parts have more abundant comeli- ness. 24 For our comely purts have no need: but God hath tempered the body together, having given more abundant honour to that part which lack- ed: % that there should be no 8 schism in the body: but that the members should have the same care one for another. 26 And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it: or one member be ho- noured, all the members rejoice with it. 27 Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in par- ticular. “3 And God hath set some in ¢ y church, first apostles, second- arily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps in govern- ments, ¥ diversities of tongues. 22 Are all apostles ? are all pro- phets ? are all teachers ? are all 6 workers of miracles? 2° have all the gifts of healing ? do all speak with tongues ? do all in- terpret ? 31 But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way. 13. Thongh I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am be- come as sounding brass or a 424 EDMSTOAH IIPO2 Topare, kabos nOeAnoey. el O€ HY Ta wayTa eV jehos, Tou TO Tapa ; 20 yoy dé moda pev peAn, Ev O€ capa. 21 ov Svvarar*” 6” opOah pos elmrey TH xeupu Xpetay wou OUK EXO" yy mah ” keady Tots moot Xpelay vpey ovK € @. "ANAG TOAAG pahdAov Ta Goxouvra ae TOU oeparos daoGeverrepa uTap- Xe, dvayKaid cote 7 Kal a Ooxouprey dryorepa eivat TOU THsLATOS, TOUTOLS TYaY mepoworepay mepuriOe pen" Kal Ta aoxnpova L@V eboxnpoourny Te- percorepay eXeu *4 ca O€ evoxnpova T[L@V “OU Xpetay exe. ahX 6 Geos TUVEKEpATeE TO OOp"a, TO vorepourTe Or Tmeplooorepay Sovs Tysnv, * wa Ha) 7 oxXiopa ev TO TOpATL, a\\a TO aUTO Umep dijpov HEplpYaTL Ta pehy’ a6 Kal ETE TATXEL ev pedos, oupmaaxet jTayra Ta peda ElTE oe eta ev pehos, ovyxaiper mavTa Ta edn. * 7 bpeis dé €oTe cama Xprotov, Kal pédn ek pe- pous. *8 Kal ots pev eOero 6 Ocds ev TH exkAnola 7 p@rov aTrooTOAous, Sevrepoy mpopnras, Tpiroy didackdhovs, emeura Suvdpecs, €lTa Xapiopara iapdatev, av- ens KuBepynoets, yevn yoooer. 9 pn) Taytes amdoroXot § 3 pI) TavtTes mpopyrar; py mavtes OlOaoKador 5 py) TAVvTEs Suvdpers 5 py) TavtTes Xaplopata €xovoty lapate@y ; py wavTes yhooous ahovor; pr) TavTes OLEep- , LLNVEVOVOL 5 Zndovte Oe KpeitTova* Kal oOov vply Oeikyupt. 13. ’Eay Tats yAoooats TOY avOpa- mov | AAA® Kat TOY ayyedov, dyamny O€ pn) EX, yeyova xarkos 7; NX@V i) Kup Ba- 30 \ Ta as €TL xXapiopara Ta ka umepBodny b Rec. om. z a Rec. add de. Ur, put on. 8 Or, division. Y Or, kinds. 6 Or, powers.KOPINOIOYS A. 425 ov dhaha¢or. 2 Kal ea EX@ mpopn- relay, Kal €iO@ Ta puornpla TAVTA Kal macav THY ywoouw, Kal cay €y@ Tacay THY niotw, &oTe bon peOvoTavery, ee Oe pe) EX®, 4 ovdev” eur. 3 Kal eay popioo" wavTa Td Umapxovrd Lov, Kal eay mapas TO oop pov iva KavOnowpat, ayamny O€ pu) Exo, ovdéy opehovpat. ‘H aya paxpobupet, Xpyoreve- Ta 7 ayarn ov (yhot 1) ayamn ov Tmepmepeverat, ou vovovra, 5 ovK doxnpovel, ov (ytet Ta Eauris, ov Trap- oguverat, ov Noyi€erat TO KAKOV, ® ov Xalper emt rH adikia, ovyxatpet de TH ahnOeia, ’ qavTa oreyel, TavTa T- OTEVEL, wavta edricet, EVEL. > “H dyarn ovSémote exminre. etre de mpodnreiat, karapynOnoovt au’ €lTe yA@ooa, Tavcovrau’ etre naire KaT- apynOnoerac. 9 €k pepous “yap" ye VOOKOMLEV, KAL EK HEpous mpopnrevopiey” 10 oray dé €\Gn TO TéAeLov, 4 Tore ‘TO eK pe ‘pous KkarapynOycerar. ab UNTLOS, ws vi|TLos eAd\ovy, OS vNTrLOS eppdvovn, @s vijrtos ehoyeCouny OTE de yeyoue aynp, KaTnpynka Ta TOU ynitov. Breropev “yap” apte Ov exomTpou ev aiviypart, TOTe O€ Tpdcw- Tov Tpos TPSTwTOY’ ApTL Y\YM@OKW EK pepous, Tore O€ emvyvacopa Kabas Kal emeyvaoOnv. 1S Nuvi O€ pever riatis, eAris, ayarn, Ta Tpla ravta’ pei(ay O€ TovT@Y 7 ayatn. 14. Avoxere thy ayanny’ (ndovte dé Ta mvevpatiKa, paddAov O€ wa Tpo- dytevnte. 7 6 yap hadov ydaoon, ovKk avOpamots Nadet GAG TO VEG ovdels yap akovet, mvevpate Oe adet TAVTA viTro0-= OTE 7} Pyny ns XIV. tinkling cymbal. 2 And though [have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge: and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and haye no charity, Iam nothing. 3 And though T bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing. 1 CorRINTHIA 4 Charity suffereth long, and is kind: charity envieth not: charity « vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, ° doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, © rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth Zin the truth: 7 beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. 8 Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease ; whe- ther there be knowledge, #é shall vanish away. 9 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. ‘0 But when that which is per- fect is come, then that which is in part, shall be done away. 1! When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I ythought asa child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. !? For now we see through a glass, édarkly: but then face to face: now I know in part, but then shall [ know even as also [am known. 13 And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three, but the greatest of these is charity. 14. Follow after charity, and desire spiritual gifts, but rather that ye may prophesy. ? Forhe that speaketh in an wrknown tongue, speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man «un- derstandeth him:howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries. © odes 0 =e > FS 6 Gr. in a riddle. b Bz. & Elz. Vapefw. Vv a St. over, Or, reasoned Or, isnot rash. (£ Or, with the trath, e Gr, heareth.3 But he that prophesieth, speaketh unto men to edifica- tion, and exhortation, and com- fort. 4 He that speaketh in an unknown tongue, edifieth him- self: but he that Deora eae edifieth the church. ° I would that ye all spake with tongues, but rather that ye prophesied : for greater is he y prophesieth, than he y speaketh with tongues, except he interpr et, that the church may receive edifying. 6 Now brethren, if I come un- to you speaking with tongues, what shall I profit you, except I shall speak to you either by revelation, or by knowledge, or by prophesyi ing, or by doctrine ? 7 And eyen things without life giving sound, whether pipe or harp, except they give a dis- tinction in the “sounds, how shall it be known what is piped or harped ? § Forif the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle?» So likewise you,except ye utter by the tongue words Beasy to be understood, how shall it be known what is spok- en ? for ye shall speak into the air. 10 There are, it may be, so many kinds of voices in y world, é&cnone of themarewithoutsigni- fication. !! Therefore if I] know not the meaning of the voice, I shall be unto him y speaketh, a barbarian, and he that speaketh shall be a barbarian unto me. 12 Bven so ye, forasmuch as ye are zealous 7 of spiritual gifts, seek y ye may excel to the edi- fying ‘of the church. !3 Where- fore let him } y speaketh in an wn- known tongue, pray thathe may interpret. 1/4 For if I pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit prayeth, but my understand- ing is unfruitful. 1 What is it then ? I will pray with y spirit, and will pray with understand- ing also: J will sing with the spirit, and J will sing with y un- derstanding also. 16 Else, when thou shalt bless with the spirit, how shall he y¥ occupieth y room ] CorINTHIANS XLV. 3. 426 EDMISTOAH TIPOz puotnpia’ * 6 oe mpopnrevar, avOpa- mous adet oixodopny, Kal mapakAnow Kal tmapapv0iav. 6 Madkav yhooon, €avrov oikodopet’ 6 S€ mpodnrevar, exo tay olkodopet. © Oédw de mayras upas hahely yAwoooats, paddoy dé wa mpognrevnre peiloy yap o ™popn- Tevov 7 O Aahoy yocoass, exTos et Bn lag iva 1) ekKAnG La OiKoOopny i Nov) de, adeAol, eay eb m™pos upas yhoocats . har@y, TL vpas apedn- ow, €ay pa) DpLly Aahnow nev dmroka- owet, 7 i ev Yoel, 7) € ev mpodnreia, 7 ev Sudaxy 57 ; opos Ta apuya povny O.ddvra, elre avAds, elre KtOdpa, cay SvactoAny rois POdyyors pI) *O@,” Tas yuooOnoe- ae TO avhovpevoy 7 TO KiOapiCopevor 3 Kal yap eay adn ov povay cadmyé . Tis mapagKevacerat eis mOhEepov § oUT@ Kal vpets Ova THS yhooons eqy pr) evonpuov Adyov Sate, Tas yyooOn- cerTat TO Aadovpevoy ; eaeabe yap ets dépa Aahodrres. 1g TooavTa, et TUXOL, yevn povay eoTy ev KOO HD, Kal ovdev avtev" a&povoyv' 1 éay ovy pr €i0d tiv Suva HS pavns, €copar TO AadovvTe BapBapos’ Kai 6 Aad@y, Ev epol BapBapos. 2 Ovrw@ kal bpets, evel (nd@rat EOTE TVEULATOY, mpos THY otkodopny TS exkAnotas (nreire va Teplocevnre. 13 Sudrep 6 Aah@y yAwoon, mpocev- x60bm wa Sieppnvedn. “ €av yap TPOTEVX [LAL yAooon, TO mvEtpa Lou Tpooevxeral, 6 O€ vous pov axapnds €oTL. 15 ti ovv eoTL Mpowevgopat TO TYEUPLATL, mpooevfopau O€ Kal TO vot Vahor TO mvevpart, War@ d€ kat To" ‘vol. 16 errel ea evhoynons Ir@” _TVELBATL, 6 avam\npov Tov Témov TOU tdi@TOV amr dbo. bo ¢ Elz.om, as * Or, tunes. 8 Gr. significant. Y Gr. of spirits.KOPINOIOYS A. 427 TOs €pel TO awry emi TH ON EvxapLoTia, emelOn Ti Aéyers ovK olde; ov pev yap Kak@s evyapioreis, AN 6 ETEpos ovK otkoOopetra. ‘S evxapioTe Te Gco*", TavTav Wuav paddoy >yoo- cas” arov' %% aAN ev éexkAnoia Gehw mevte Noyous Oia Tod vods pov" Aadjoa, iva cal GAdovs KaTHXNTe, 7) LLupious Adyous ev yhooon. “AdeAdol, un madia yiveoGe tats @peciv’ ada TH kakia vyridéere, tais O€ dpeot redevor yiverOe. * ev TO vOua yeypamrav "Ort ev ErepoyAao- ToLs, Kat ev xetheow ETEPULS, Aahnow T@® Aa@ TOUT, Kal ovd ovT@S eloaKou- govrat pov, A€yer Kupuos. “Qore al yA@ooa els onpetov pene ov Tots TLOTEVOVTLY, GAA Tos amloToLs’ 7 OE mpopnreia, ov Tots amiarots, aA Tots TLTTEVOUC LY. 3 "Kav obv cvvedOn 1 exkAnoia ody €ml TO AUTO, Kal TaVTES yhoooats Aa- hoow, civeMOwor O€ Wr@rat 7 i) amrLoTOL, OUK €povow OTe palverbe ; 2a ecu Oe mavres mpognTevoow, cio hn O€ TIS aruaros i) iduarns, eheyxerat ume Tav- TOV, avakpiverat wmo TavTav, * %” re KpumTTa THs kapOtas avuTou pe avepa yi- veTal’ Kal OUT@ TETOY ETL TPCT @TOV, TPOOKUVINTEL TO eo, amrayyeAN@v OTL 6 Gebs oyTws ev viv EoTt. °6 Ti ovy €oTLY, adeApot ; oTay our- epxna be, Exaoros UL@V Wahpov EXEL; dudaynv EXEL yoocay EXEL amroka- Aupw EXEL, eae Exel’ mavra | pos oixodopny © yer Oo.” 7 elre yAooon Tis Aaket, kata Ovo 7 TO TAELOTOY TELS, ue ava pepos” Kal €is Ovepynveverao. 8 cay O€ p17) a Sveppn- VEUTI}S, ovyare ev exkAnota’ é€auT@ Oe hadeiro Kal TO Ceo. * mpoyrat &- a Rec, add pov. bMWyAwoop., © WY TH VoL pov, a d Rec. add Kat ovro. Gr. perfect, or, of a ripe age. 1 CorinTuIaAns XLV. 29. ofy unlearned, say Amen at thy giving of thanks, seeing he un- derstandeth not what thou say- est ? 7 For thou verily givest thanks well: but the other is not edified. 18] thank my God, I speak with tongues more than you all. 1/9 Yet in the church I had rather speak five words with my understanding, that dy my voice | might teach others also, than ten thousand words In an wnknown tongue. -0 Brethren, be not children in understanding: howbeit, in malice be ye children, but in understanding be men. 2! In the law it is written, With men of other tongues, and other lips will I speak unto this people: and vee for all that will they not hear me, saith the Lord. 22 Wherefore tongues are for a sign, not to them that believe, but to them that believe not: but prophesying serveth not for them that believe not, but for them which believe. 23 Tf therefore the whole church be come together into some place, and all speak with tongues,and there come in those that are unlearned, or unbe- lievers, will they not say that yeare mad? ?! But if all pro- phesy, and there come in one ¥ believeth not, or one unlearned: he is conv inced of all, he is judg- ed of all. 25 And thus are the secrets of his heart made mani- fest, and so falling down on his face, he will worship God, & re- port y God is in you of a truth. 26 How is it then brethren ? when ye come together, every one of you hath a psalm, hath a doctrine, hath a tongue, hath a revelation, hath an interpre- tation :let all things be done un- to edifying. 27 If any man speak in anunknown tongue, let it be by two, or at the most by three, and that by course, and let one interpret. 28 Butif there be no interpreter, let him keep silence in the church, and let him speak to himself, and to God. 29 Let & Rec. yevscOw.the prophets speak two or three, and let y other judge. °° If any thing be revealed to another y sitteth by, let the first hold his peace. *! For ye may all pro- vhesy one by one, that all may learn, & all may be comforted. 32 And spirits of the prophets are subject to y prophets. ** For God is not the author of «con- fusion, but of peace, as in all churches of ¥ saints. 34 Let your women keep silence in y churches, for it is not per- mitted unto them to speak; but they ure commanded to be un- der obedience: as also saith the law. 3° And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it isa shame for women to speak in y church. 36 What? came the word of God out from you? or came it unto you only ? 37 Tf any man think himself to bea prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge, that ¥ things y I write unto vou, are the com- mandments of the Lord. 28 But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant. °2 Wherefore bre- thren, covet to prophesy, & for- bid not to speak with tongues. 40 Let all things be done de- cently, and in order. 15. Moreover brethren, I de- clare unto you the gospel which { preached unto you, which also you have received, and wherein ye stand. *” By which also ye are saved, if ve 8keep in me- mory 7¥what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. ° For I delivered unto you first of all, that which I also re- ceived, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scrip- tures: 4and that he was buried, and that he rose again the third By ace ording to the scriptures. ° And y he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve. 6 And that he was seen of above five hun- dred brethren at once: of whom 1Corintruians XIV.30. 428 EDMSTOAH IIPO2 Sé dvo 4 Tpeis adelrwoay, Kat of dAdor Scaxpwéraoay’ * cay Oe a\N@ drroxahupey Kadnpeve, © 6 mparos ouyare. ' Ouvacde yap Kka@ eva TAVTES mpogpyrevery, | (va TAVTES pavda~ yoo, Kai Tavres TapakadayTa’ * Kal “qyevpmata” mpopntray mpopytats vmro- tacoera’ * ov ydp eat axatacTa- cias 6 Geds, AAW eipnyns. ‘Os ev wdoats Tats é€KKAnoias TeV dyiov, ** ai yuvaixes Pupav" ev Tats exh otaes ovyarocay’ ov yap ° emure- Tparra.” avrats Aahew, aX vmrotac- ceoOar, Kaas Kat 6 vopos eye. * Et dé ri pabeiy Oehovew, ev oikm Tovs idtous dvOpas eTEep@TaTwOAaY aloxXpov yap ete “yuvarElv” ev exxdAnoia Nadetv. 3 7 ad vpav 6 Aéyos TOU Oeod e&Hd- Gey ; 7) eis Uuas pedvous KATNVTNO ED 5 0 res Ooket mpoonrns eivat 7) TVEUPATLKOS, € ETLYLV@TKETO a ypapa piv, ore ©” Kuptov eioly evtodai* 8 ef S€ Tis dyvoel, dyvoeirwa. “° Sore, adeh- got, (rovre TO mpodyrevey, Kai Td Laheiv yKoooats pn Kadvere. * wayTa "Se" evoxnudveas kat Kara Taéw yi- veo Oo. 15. Pyopite de vty, ade pol, TO evaryyehuov O eunyyehuoapny opiy, 0 Kat mapehasere, ev @ Kal earn KATE, dv ot Kal caterbe, Tive héy@ evny- yedioduny viv ei KaTexeTE, EKTOS el aes ; pn elkn emioTevoare. 3 TlapéSoxa yap Uy EV TP@TOLS, O Kal mapehaBor, éte Xprotos ameGavey UTED TOY ApapTLoy Pua@v, KaTa Tas ypapas’ * kal ore eran, Kal Ort ey yeprae TH) TpLTN NMEépa Kata Tas ypapds" > Kal Ore open Koa, eira Tots Ow@dexka. eretta @dOn emave mTevTakogtots adeA ots Pcs e& Gv ot mdelovs bo a OO rvevna, b= CN emcrpeT® ~ Gr, tumult, ov, unquietness, eTar, dW yuvacee. & Rec. add rov. f Rec. 8 Or, hold fast. Y Gr. by what speech.KOPINOIOYS A. 429 pevovoly ews pti, Tiwes S€ Kal ekoLpn- Onoav. 7 éreira Ohbn “laxkwBe, cira TOlS aTooTONOLS TAaCW. 8 "Ecxarov O€ TavT@V, *eoTEpEl TO’ ExTpopatl, BPOn Kapol. eyo yap eit 0 €AdYLoTOS TOY aToTTOAwY, Os OUK eit ikavos KadetcOat amdoTodos, dudTt eOlwEa Thy exkAnoliavy Tod OCeod. xXdpitt S€ CGeod eipe 6 eipt, Kai 7 xXdpis avTOU 7) Els Ewe Ov Kern) eyevnOn, ahXa TEPLTTOTEpOV avT@V mavT@v €KO- Tiaga’ OUK eye be, arn 7 xapes TOU Ocov 7 ovy €[20b. ut cire ovy ey, ire €KELVOL, OUT Knpvodopev, Kal OUT@S eTLOTEVT ATE. Ei 6€ Xpioros knpvooerat, OTL eK veKpav EYNYEPTALs TOS Aeyouot TwWEs ev wuly, OTL avadoracts vEKp@v OUK cot; ei d€ avactacis veKpa@yv ovK €ati, ovde Xpiotos eynyeprae ™ ei de Xpuoros OUK eyIYepTat, KEVOV apa ? Kau’ TO Knpuypa nav, Kevyn Oe” Kal 7 TIGTLS ULOV. euptoxopeba Oe Kal wWevdoudptupes Tod Geod, OTe euaptv- pnoamey KaTa TOD Oecov OTe Hyetpe TOV Xpioror, Ov OUK iFyeupev, eElTEp dpa vexpol OUK eyetpovras Bs i yap VEeKpol OUK eyelpovrat, ovde Xpuoros eyiyeprar 7 ef O€ Xpioros ovK eynyepTal, paraia 1) TioTLIS Upav’ ETL EOTE EV Tals Guap- 4 Tias ULOV" dpa Kat ot KournOevtes ev Xpior@, am@hovro. io ats Gpiany Con TAUTN NATLKOTES eopev ev XptoT@ povoy, eeewvdTepo. TavT@Y avOpaTray ELEY. 20 Nuvi dé Xpurros eynyepTar €K VEKDQ@V, amapxn TOV KeKkoupnwevon ©” : a emeo yap Ov avOparov 6 Gavaros, Kar Ov avOperov avadoTacis veKpav. 2 @oTep yap ev TO “Adap TavTEs amobynokovcl, OUT@ Kal ev TO XproT@ 1 CorintTHIAns X V. 22. the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep. 7After that, he was seen of James, then of all ¥ apostles. 8 And last of all he was seen of me also, as of 2 one born out of due time. 9 For I am ¥ least of the apostles, that am not meet to be called an apostle because I persecuted the church of God. 0 But by the grace of God Tam what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me, was not in vain: but I laboured more abundantly than they all, yet not I, but ¥ grace of God which was with me: |! therefore, whe- ther it were I or they, so we preach, and so ye believed. 12 Now if Christ be preached that he rose from the dead, how say some among you, that there is no resurrection of the dead ? 13 But if there be no resurrec- tion of the dead, then is Christ not risen. '4 And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain: 15 vea, and we are found false witnesses of God, because we have testified of God, that he raised up Christ: whom he rais- ed not up, if so be that the dead rise not. '6 For if the dead rise not, then is not Christ raised, 17 And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain, ye are yet in your sins. 18 Then they also whicha ire fallen asleep in Christ, are perished. !9 If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable. 20 But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the first- fruits of them that slept. ?! For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. 2? For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall LS aareped Tw. b w—. Rec. & Gb. om. Css d Rec. add eyevero. * Or, an abortiveall be made alive. 23 But every man in his own order. Christ the firstfruits, afterward they that are Christ’s, at his com- ing. 24 Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God even the Father, when he shall have put down all rule, and all au- thority and power. * For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet. 26 The last enemy fhué shall be de- stroyed, is death. 27 For he hath put all things under his feet ; but when he saith All things are put under him, it is mani- fest that he is excepted which did put all things under him. 28 And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all. 29 Blse what shall they do, which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all, why are they then baptized for the dead ? 30 And why stand we in jeopardy every hour ? %! I pro- test by-% your rejoicing which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily. 3? If after the man- ner of men I have fought with beasts at Ephesus, what advan- tageth it me, if the dead rise not ? let us eat and drink, for to morrow we die. 23 Be not de- ceived: evil communications corrupt good manners. ?4Awake to righteousness, and sin not: for some have not y knowledge of God, I speak this to your shame. 35 But some man will say, How are the dead raised up ? and with what body do they come ? 36 Thou fool, that which thou sowest, is not quickened except it die. 37 And that which thou sowest, thou sowest not that body that shall be, but bare grain, it may chance of wheat, or of some other grain. °8 But 1 Cor1INTHIANS XV. 23. 430 ELMNSTOAH IIPOS , bn B82 TOVEES C@oroin TOURS E€KAOTOS de €v TH iio aly eee amrapxn Xpe- oTOs, mera of *rov" Xpiorow ev TH Tapovotg avrov" ot ELT RO TEehos, oray * ‘rrapad~ ” THY Baothetav TO) Cc@ Kat marpl, oray KaTapynon Tacav apxay Kal Tacay efovolay Kal dtvapu ° et yap avroy Bacrhevew, axpes ob Cay” 07 mavras Tovs €xOpous Ur0 TOUS ies avtov. ~ égyaros €xOpos Kar- apyetrat 6 Oavaros’ ™ Tlavra yap vmeragev urd Tovs mé0as avTov’ OTay dé ely OTe twavta broreraktrat, OnAoy Ort extos Tov wmota~ayros ai’T@ Ta mavta’ * Gray S€ vmoTrayn avT@ Ta ; ; yc ce eee ; mavTa, Tore Kal a’TOS 6 vids UTOTAYN- cera TO vmordgavre avT@ Ta Tara, iva 7) 6 Ocds Ta mayra ev Tacw. 2 ‘Emel Tl Touqovely ot Bamreco- HEvoL UTEP TOV VEKPaY, Ei GAS VEKpOL ovK eyelpovTat; Ti Kal BamTiGovTa: UTEP lavray 5” Tl Kal nets KivOuvevoper Tacay pay 3 KkaQ niepav aTro- OynoKe, vy) THY *bmerepay” Kavxnow, iy EXO ev Xpior@ ‘Inood to Kupio OV. O28 el Kate divOpwmov €Onpio- paynoa ev Edéoca, Ti por TO oedos, €l VEKPOL OUK eyelpovyTat ; payopey Kat Ti@pev, atproy yap amobunoKopev- 33 uy) mAavac be POeipovory On ! xpn- ora” opuriae KaKGL die S* exyT pare u- ; } Kaiws, Kal p71) Gmaptavete’ ayvwotay yap cov tTwes ExovoL mpos evTpomny vp Neyo. 35 PANN epet tis’ lds eyeipovrar ol veKpol; molm S€ c@mare EpxovTat ; 36 ”Adpov, ov 6 oreipets, ov Cwororet- Tat, eay pr amoOavyn * kal 0 omreipets, oU TO Capa TO yeynoopevoyv o7reipets, GAA yupvoyv KOKKOY, El TUXOL, TiToU Twos Tov Nowrav’ * 6 dSé Ceds atta bs rapatido, ¢ 3 a ~ Some read, our. a Rec. om d Rec. twy VEKPWY. © St. \ nuetepav. f Rec rypnce. B Or, to speak after the manner of men.KOPINOIOYS A. 43] didaor gGua Kabws 7OéAnoe, Kal éxd- OTM TOY OTEpuaToy *7Td" iSiov copa. 39 > oe Nee ¢ See , _ > \ ov Taca oapé, n avtTn cap& dda \ , L Gn pev >” dvOpamev, adn dé Soapé” =~ / KTHV@Y, GAAy O€ ixOvov, GAAn O€ TTN- vov. Kal capara emoupavia, Kal , > , > Dag Cr eA: \ ¢ a T@pata emyea’ a\N EérEepa pev 7 Tov eoupaviov Oda, érepa O€ 7 Tov ém- yetov. 41 GAn Sdéa Frlov, Kal adAn do€a oednvns, Kat addy ddéa doré- pov’ dotmnp yap dorépos Suapéepe ev O6€n. 42 o NEG? a a OvT® kai n avdoracts Tey vexpav. ometperas ev pOopa, eyeiperac ev a- péapcia * omeiperae év aryia, &yet- petat ev Od&n° omreiperas ev ao Oeveia, eyelperae ev Ouvdmwer. omeiperau Tapa Wuyxikdy, eyeiperar copa tvev- HaTikov. €oTe Tapa Wryikoy, Kal fore a 5 7 4 capa” mvevmarikdy. ©” otra Kal ye- ypanrat: “Evyeveto 6 mpatos dvOpwros *Add > \ C a ¢ + ap eis Wuxyy (acav' 6 écyaros NA AN > s ~ 46> > Adap eis tmvevpua Cworoody. and ov mpOTov TO TvevpariKdy, aNAd TO Wuxixov, ereira TO Tvevpatikoy. @ 6 mpatos avOpwros ek ys, xoikds* 6 & y, 2 6 es rte Wo O& > evtepos avOpamos, © 6 Kupios” €& ov- pavov. * oios 6 xoikds, ToLodTor Kal ol YotKot’ Kat olos 6 éroupavios, ToLov- Tol Kal of emoupanor’ * Kai Kabas epoperaper Thy eixdva Tov yoikod, ho- pecomev kal THY eikdva TOU emoupaviov. *° rovto O€ dys, adeAdol, bre oapé kal aiva Bacielay Ocod KANpovounoar > , > Asis .¢: A \ > ov duvayrat, ovde 7 POopa tiv apOap- olay KAnpovopel. ; 51 2 \ , cen , te Idov puornpiov vuty eyo: ardv- , \ TES pev Ov KoULNOnodpeOa* aadvres Oe” > , 52) 2 Des, > ¢ a ah\aynobpeba, eV ATOM®, EV pi > “~ > Ars Pa / 5 opGarpor, ev TH ETXATY oahmuyyt cah- Tigel yap, Kal OL veKpot eyepOnoovrat 1 Corrnturans XV. 52. God giveth it a body as it hath pleased him, and to every seed his own body. 89 All flesh is not the same flesh, but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds. 49 There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is ano- ther. 4! There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory. 42 So also is the resurrection of the dead, it is sown in corrup- tion, it is raised in incorruption. ‘3 Tt is sown in dishonour, it is raised in glory: it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power: 44 it is sown a natural body, it is raiseda spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there isa spiritual body. 44 And so it is written: The first man Adam was made a living soul, the last Adam was made a quickening spirit. 4° Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual: but that which is natural, and afterward that ewhich is spiritual. 47 The first man is of ¥ earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven. 48Asis the earthy, such are they that are earthy, and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly. 49 And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the hea- venly. °° Now this I say, bre- thren, that flesh and blood can- not inherit the kingdom of God: neither doth corruption inherit incorruption. 51 Behold, I shew you a mys- tery: we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, ° in amoment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump, (for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised a= Db Rec. addcap¥. c> d- er f wayres ev (Ss. wey ovy) sotunGnoousda® ov mavres be.incorruptible, and we shall be changed.) °? For this corrupti- ble must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. 54 So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying y is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. 5° O death, where is thy sting ? O ¢grave, where is thy victory? °§ The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin isthe law. °7 But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory, through our Lord Jesus Christ. °8 Therefore my Bi loved brethren, be ye stedfas unmoveable, always erotics in the work of the Lord, foras- much as you know that your Jabour is not in vain in the Lord. 16. Now concerning the col- lection for the saints, as I have given order to the churches of Galatia, even so do ye. ? Upon the first day of the week, let every one of you Jay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come. 3 And when I come,whomsoever you shall ap- prove by your letters, them will I send to bring your # liberality unto Jerusalem. 4 And if it be meet that I go also, they shall go with me. 5 Now I will come unto you, when I shall pass through Ma- cedonia: for do pass through Macedonia. ® And it may be that I will te yea, and win- ter with you, that ye may bring me on my journey, whitherso- ever Igo. 7 For I will not see you now by the way, but I trust to tarry a while with you, ifthe Lord permit. 8 But I will tarry at Ephesus until Pente- cost. % Fora great door and 1 Corinruians XV. 53. 432 EMISTOAH IIPO2 apGapro., Kal mets adhaynodopeOa. 3 det yap TO pbaprov Touro evOuU- cacba apbapciay, Kai To OxyTov ToUTO evdvcac Oa abavaciay. 4 "Orav Oe TO plaprov TOUTO €vOU- onrat apOapciay, Kat 70 Ounrov TOUTO evovontat abavaciar, TOTE yevnrerae 6 oyos 6 YEYPULpEVOS” Karemd9n 6 6a- UO eis vixos. °° Tlov gan Gavare, TO *KEVT POV 5” Trou TOU; aon, TO! *viKOS 5" 56 To O€ KevTpov Tov Oavdrov, 7) duap- Tia’ q de Ovvapis 7 TNS dpaprias, 6 vO pos" 7 r@ Oe Oc@ Xapes TO SvddvTe Hpty TO vikos Oia Tov Kupiov nav ‘Ingou Xpt- aTou. °° wate, adehpot pou ayamnrol, ESpator yiverOe, apeTakivnToL, TEpio- cevovtes ev TS Epy@ Tov Kuptov mav- TOTE, etdores OTL O KOTFOS UU@Y OK €OTL KEVOS EV Kupig. 16. Tlept de THs ? Aoylas THs els TOUS ayious, OOTEP dveraga Tats exkhyotats THs PaXarias, oUT@ Kal Uplets mounoare. Kara piiay bgaBBdatev” éxacTos pay Tap EauT@ Tiber a, OnoavpiCar ¢ O Tt ay evod@rar’ iva pry Orav ew, TOTE do- yia ywevra. * drav de Tapayevopat, ovs eq OoKipaonre ov eTLITONOY, TOUTOUS mepNron amreveyKely THY xapey Up@v eis ‘Tepovoadnp 4 cay Oe Ff aéwov Tov Kaye mropeverOat, avy epmol TOpEevTOvTat. 5 "Endevoopar d€ mpos upas, érav MakeOoviay SiehGin" (Maxedoviay yap Ovepxopar ) © apos vpas dé TUXOY Ta- papeva, 7) Kal Tapax edge, iva dpets ple mpomrenynre ov eu Topevopat. 7 ov Aw yap tas dpte ev mapdd@ idetv" eAmife °yap” ypdvov Tia emetvat mpos vpas, eav o Kuptos * émerpemn.” eryseva O€ ev Edéow ews THs Tev- tmkooTns’ ° Ovpa yap por avewye ®& Bz, wevrpov & vixog contrario ordi ne. b waafBarov. © Rec. de d S&S exitpevp. * Or, hell. 8 Gr. gift.KOPINOIOYS A. 433 1Corinrutans XVI. 24. 2 . peyaddn Kat éevepyys, Kat QYTLKEijEVOL effectual is opened unto me, TOKAOL and there are many adversaries. 0 "Edy S€ €On Tiyd0eos, Brémrere Now if Timotheus come, 7 > 58 , Neen ae NaNO See that he may be with you ud apo OS) YSUNEEL TE POS VES WOU YOR) without four torane worketh epyov Kupiov epyacerar @S Kal €yq@. the work of the Lord,as I also 4 > , A ll « a Mun tls ody adroy eLovdevnon* mpo- 4. |! Let no man therefore , ie 7 Y zy 6 despise him: but conduct him memware Oe avroy ev elpnyn, wa eOn forth in peace, that he may /, > , A > \ \ a 7 TWOOS fe EKOE Oat YAP QUTOY META T@y come unto me: for JI look for aR ie Koo E him with the brethren. aedpar. 12 Ilept 6¢€ “AmoA\N® Tov adeAdpor, 12 As touching our brother OL aN > \ ¢ 6 Apollos, I greatly desired him me a SRE so a oe ee S ; 2 to come unto you with the TPOS ULaS ETA TOMY adeaApav: Kal 7ray- brethren, but his will was not 3H Lt or ah 2) «77. at alito come at thistime: but 7 - : coe. JURE Ochna Une go eh6n, eeu he will come when he shall have aera O€ 6Tay EUKaLpy07. convenient time. 13 e oi Sa ae 13 Watch ye, stand fast in Tpnyopeire, OTNKETE EV TH TLOTEL, en tt vous ea nCae aaa A 14 , e faith, quit you like men: avopicerde, KpaTatovae. TOUTE he strong.) aieb alll our tpav ev dyarn ywecbo. things be done with charity. 15 EEN Ge > Belk ° I beseech you, brethren, Hapaxaho be vas, deh pot: ge (ye know the house of Stepha- dare THY OLlKLaV Srepava, OTL €07TW nas, that it is the firstfruits of amapxn ths’ Ayaias, kal els Suaxoviay Achaia, and that they have De Ahy es Saee ¢ eG , addicted themselves to the mi- TOLS aylots eTa&ay EauTous ; Wa KQl nistry of the saints,) !6 that ve ¢ a ¢ / rn nt wie v upels uToTaconaGe Tots ToLoUTOLS, Kat Submit yourselves unto such, Siena ~ \ a and to every one that helpeth qT. € . 7 aint 7) ovvepyouvre kat KOTL@UTL. withitetandilaboureth ‘ Xaipw O€ emi rH mapovola 2re- 7 Tam glad of the coming hava Kat Bovprovvarou Kal “Ayaixod, of Stephanas, and Fortunatus, 7 ee ee , a 5 Ne and Achaicus: for that which OTL TO Up@Y voTepnpa OUTOL avETANPO= was lacking on your part, they 4 Nae ~ ; ae cay’ ® dveravoay yap rd EMOV TYE LA Hee Se aeee 18 For! they \ Nu age > / > \ fave refreshed my spirit and A J ae oe Clete ci LUMO KETE | OUV) TOUS your’s: therefore acknowledge TOLOUTOUS. ye them that are such. > na a 19 | 20 ‘ 1 19 > Aamdcovrat vas al exkrAnola Ths , \») The churches of Asia sa- DA , Ca ey, \ lute you: Aquila and Priscilla Aotas : aoTacovrat Ups ev Kupi@ 704 salute you much in the Lord, 5 x y Sa : a Akvias Kat IIpiokiA\Xa, ouv ™ Kar. oe the oun ee is in aoe ? a ag) fot, a9 ; nouse. 20 All the brethrer OlKOY avTav exxAnoia’ ™ domdfovra ann yous Roce ange Gane 2h \ , > 2 a oa “oe cs vpas ot ddehbot mavtes. aomdcacbe ther with an holy kiss. > t 3 , EM ahdnhous eV Prnpare dyig. i , 21 The salutation of me Was ; Y 21 O aoT ATMOS TH ELH NEL pL TlavAov' youl with mine own Band De > LEN >? a? ~~? If any man love not the Lor Fi eS OU pret Oy Kuptoy 3 Incovy Jesus Christ, let Rie be aoe r \ Splat, A > / =e, 2 m Xpioroy," ijt avdbewa* Mapdy 46d. — thema Maran-atha. 23ST oe - bee, EN *3 The grace of our Lord apts Tov Kuptov Incovd Xpe- ’ ~ x te RB 24 ie Soe iP , Jesus Christ be with you. OTOU ped UMN UY] YEE] HOU ETA 24 My love be with you all in / Qn na ~ > / : TavT@yv vuov ev Xpigt@ Inoov. » dunv.’ Christ Jesus, Amen. => => a Dis ~ 99434 ENMISTOAH WPoz 9 CormntHIANs L. 1. MAYACY ENMISTOAH MePo> KOPINOIOY2 AEYTEPA. q 3 n~ ~ pave an apostle of Jesus [T[AYA0= aréatonos Ingov Xprotov, Christ by the will of God, Ry CONG Gea ee and Timothy our brother, unto ; Ld CERN ATOS. SOU, OTe ee) the church of God, which is at 6 adeAdos, T EKKANOLA TOV ©cov TN Corinth, with all the saints, G¥5, éy KopivO@, avy Tois a lows Tact which are in all Achaia: ? grace me 1] BS P ae aS - Os 2 , be to youand peace, from God TOLS OVOLY EV oAn T™7 Ayata’ xapts our Father, and from the Lord Up Kal elpnun amo Geov TarTpos Lav Jesus Christ. ee Fi > Ls a kal Kuptov Ingov XploTov. ¢ : = \ A 3Blessed be God, even the 3 BvAoyntos 6 Geos Kal WaT TOU Father of our LordJ Christ / a > ae ‘ “ather ur LordJesusChrist, yx a EN = : : 2 volov nuav Inoov Xptotov, 0 TAT the Father of mercies, and the Kupt u Lone TOG iB ne Ue God of all comfort, 4 who com- T@V OLKTLPHL@Y Kal Ocos Taons Tapa- forteth us in all our tribula- KANTEWS; 0 Tapakah@v nas emt tion, that we may be able to __» = ON: Cn > Laas 6 comfort them which are in any ’ QO Ty} 2 wpe NOY: ES i EO ae trouble, by the comfort, where- nas Tapakadew TOUS €V TAC} Odrivec, with we ourselves are comforted Maas UG 2 - a en : f K - of God. 5 For as the sufferings Oud TS mapakhno eas us eS ahoupie of Christ abound in us, so our Ga avTol vio TOV Geov' ote Kadws consolation also aboundeth by TEpLoOoEvel TA mabnpara TOU Xpiorou Christ. 6 And whether we be > « - ¢ Sa cro0 a afflicted, if is for your consola- €4S MGS; OUT @ ee RLOn Oe Peps : ; : : \ mn tion eee Sea mich ae Oevel KAL 7 mapakhynots NP@V. 6 cire effectual in the enduring of the 9) s as ee Ca nies , same sufferings, which we also de OdBopeOa, Use gue UN ON mapakhy suffer: or whether we be com- Tews Kal OWTNPLAS, THS EVEPYOULEVNS forted, it és for your consola- gy irojtovyy TOV avrav rabnudray oy Kal tion, and salvation. 7 And our <« - pe econ nee ee hope of you is stedfast, knowing, T]JLELS TAT X OPEV Kal 7) eAmis nav SePata cel c \ ¢ a e > / ¢ \ that as you are par takers of the UTEP UL@YV E€LTE mapakahovpeda UTEP sufferings, so shall ye be alsoof _= NY jet (ge the consolation. oS: UOR wer ek NOEWS al Cae 7 ELOOTES OTL WOoTEp KOLV@VOL EOTE TOV / a7 \ a / mabnpaTov, OUTG@ KQL TNS TapakAnoews. 8 > ~ . 6 Z)\ & ~ > c 10 r 8 For we would not, brethren, Ou yap VeAopev UpLas AYVOELY, AOEA- have you ignorant of our trouble \ 0 Sma! ahs ONL LG a rey 0 ; Ola 4 UIE TNS ivews NU@V TNS YE- which came to us in Asia, that ? 2 le A 7 > M7 >A IP ¢ aS > we were pressed ont of mea- yous s : Ti EEY: Sha Gl] OMe Le 1S sure, above strength, insomuch umepBodny eBapnOnpev umTrep OvuvapLy, ee es ae ae ee ee iG EV vTOLOVD TWMY AUTUV TabyjaTov, @y KAL UES bd w—. St. & Elz. ts evepyouHern: neat 7 EdTris numy BrBaca uIrEep TNS VLwYV TapaKANTEWS Kat owrTnpias” VITEP TNS ULwWY TAPAKANTEWS, TNS EVEPYOUMEVTIS EY VTOMOVy TAY «7 edris Nuwy BeBara vTEp vuwy') CHrep. AS a Rec. om. wag youev ete qmapaxadouusda, uirep UVLO. Gb. & Bz. ecre Tapaxadoupeda, aurwy WaOnuatayv, wy KAL NUELS Tac youev (Ka ® Or, is wrought.KOPINOIOYS B. 435 2 Corinrutans I. 20. ec 3 ~ ¢e a \ A a ; : @OTE eEatropynOnvat aS Kal Tou chy: that we despaired even of life. ; > \ > NS in \ > : IR 7 ne 9 GdAXa auTot ev éavurois TO ardoxpija But we had the «sentence of aOhek 5 ; as ‘ death in ourselves, that we Tov Cavatou EOXIKAMEV, Wa 1) T€TOL- should not trust in ourselves, Oores @ Ley ep EaUTOLS, GAN ért re but in God which raiseth the Sepnaeevel, oe \ yoe 10 « dead. 10 Who delivered us from eae T@ €yetpovre ay ep ouS « ~* so great a death, and doth deli- €K THALKOUTOU Oavarov €PPvOaTo nas, ver: in whom we trust that he j \ CZ, > A 5) / / ry] 7 jrey ee ee ieee mle t Kat pvetal, ets ov nAmixapev bre Kal Will yet deliver us: yousalso 5 Eg 11 5 . helping together by prayer for | €TL PUVOETAL, COUVUTOUPYOUYT@Y Kal us, that for the gift bestowed ; rn ¢ ¢ a an , oe 7 . = } ULOV UTEP Udy TH Oenoet, (va é€k woA- Won us by the means of many NM - , News ce , \ persons, thanks may be given ;] av TPOTMTOY TO Els Nuas XAPlo pa dua by many on our behalf, ates) a > fe \ € a x! * TOoAA@Y evxapiotnOyn UITEP NLLOV. "HA yap kabynois jpaev atrn earl, For ourrejoicing is this, the : , es : o4 « .~ testimony of our conscience, TO PapTuploy THs ovveEL YOEOS NUOYV, that in simplicity and godly sin- co > , \ > , ~ eee . . OTL EV GmAOTNTL Kal elAtKpiveEla Ocov, Coa, not with fleshly wisdom, > > Ly aN oe 7 ut by the grace of God, we (ovK ae One CEPR arr ea pens have had our conversation in Oeceov) AvEgTPAPHMEV EV Ta) KOGL@, 7€- the world, and more abundant- ‘ / \ ¢ a = i \ , 7 layre 13 Woyrw yy} piocoréepws De pos Das. 13 oh yap ly to you-wards. !3 For we write : ita) & a 3 en a a , none other things unto you, than 1 ahha ypapomey vpv, Ar 7] &@ avayly@- what you read or acknowledge, a | x‘ > , > fe \ oF ee if RD a SVT OKETE, 7) Kal ETLYLVMOKETE, eAtriCo Oe & I trust you shall acknowledge ¢/ s Nea @ a > , 6 even to the end. !4 As also you yl es es ee UE ue Oe €> have acknowledged us in part, : Kadws Kat ETEYVOTE HLAS aTrO Hepovus, that we are vour rejoicing, even Ud TN , a , ) 5 . : Se 4 15 Kau TAUTN TH TeToLOnces €Bovd6- a And in this confidence I was Na Ae s cr minded to come unto you before, rete os yee NY a ee 2G Eee you might have a second OeuTépay Xap exnre* kat Ou duav benefit: 1 and to pass by you r Ui , \ , 7 1< © 1 : A b Sted Bei eis MakeOoviar, Kal aad. into Macedonia, and to come Dea , > ~ ge , again out of Macedonia unto avo Makedovias é\Geiv TPOs UMass KAL you, and of you to be brought di mt a > ea eee vp ULOV TpoTren~pOrnvar els THY Tov- on my way toward Judea. Na 17 ~ iS GoorE Moot 7 When I therefore was thus ee TovTO ovpy © Bou) ee pe minded, did I use lightness ? or f - / > , : e apa 7 ehappla éxpnoduny ; 7] @ Bov- the things that J puEoeon I Dee eee Z Nev g purpose according to the flesh, 1 OvAEVOLaL, iva 3 Ble see one as Ee \ a = that with me there should be i] TAP €MOL TO Val val, Kal TO Ov OV; yea yea, and nay nay ? ‘ \ eo c / IS Tluotés 8€ 6 Geos, ort 6 Adyos Aba CN \ es) > a» uw \ \ ; ° - i NL@Y O TPOs vuas ovK “ore” val Kal e But as soa ae) our 2, Ga < \ ) @Qeovu vios A cous y word toward you, was no yea ag g 722 ee Sac i! ,. andnay. !% For the sonof God r ce 2 on ~ a Xptoros O €V UpLLY Oe 1 fL@OV Knpvx Geis, Jesus Christ, who was preached a a \om s 7 12 (Ov €wod Kat Sudovavod kal TioGéou,) among you by us, even by me, Sh OL \ wea} \ ao > and Silvanus and Timotheus, OUK EYEVETO Vat Kat ov, adda val €v a= Was not yea, and nay, but in a Do ye ¥o2 20g LO € fat him, was yea. 2° For all the | T@ yeyovev ogat yap emayyeXiat : } a A es Sg ae bow arenOrer. © w—. Rec. & Gb. Bowdevopevos, d wo —. Rec. & Gb. EYEVETO = Or, answer, B Or, grace. ay Or, Preaching.2 CorINTHIANS 1. 21. 436 EDISTOAH IIPO2 promises of God in him are yea, @<00, ev avT@ ro val, *kal €v avT@ “ £6 and in him Amen, unto the glory Gpunyy, ni EO mpos Sdéav Sv ior. of God by us. 2! Now he which 97 © qs 4 eS ges am No le ee stablisheth us with you,inChrist, 6 Oe BeBaroy TT EOS Nae ULES SES Xpu- an hath anointed us, is God, OTOV, KQL xploas np-as, Ocdss ™ 0 kal 2 who hath also sealed us, and , con Nae i given the earnest of the Spirit oppayrrapevos ieee US, GOP Gis in our hearts. paBava tov Ilvevparos ev Tats Kapo.ats 23 Moreover, I call God fora nu@v. yecord upon my soul, that to Bo a ne ; S OCauIe spare you | came not as yet unto a ye e. PepnUes DOr SOY BAKO, Corinth. 24 Not for that wehave Aovpae emt THY EMV uxny, OTe etdo- dominion over your faith, but jeyoo vpav ovKerte MAOOY «is KépuvOov" are helpers of your joy: for by 54 9 « b oa i , faith yestand. 2. But I deter- ** OUX OTL KUPLEVOMEY ULOY TNS TLOTEMS, mined this with myself, that I GAA ouvepyot eo pev ™s Xapas ULOV, would not come againtoyouin —- | \ ' es me Os dé heaviness. 2 For if I make you Ty yap TOREY EOTIROTS ae ERPS € sorry, who is he then that mak- €p.auT@ TOUTO, TO P) manu » ev Autry eth me glad, but the same which Naas A BD, ri ai he DES Oke NR = is made sorry by me. And I Ei eS ehOey aa ofe ag AuT@ wrote this same unto you, lest UMGS, Kal Tis “eoTl O evppaivay B€; when I came, I should have ¢j p21) 6 uTrovpevos e& EMOU 5 3 Kal sorrow from them of whom I » dics a SENG | tc A ought to rejoice, having confi- eypayya UMLY RROUTO QuTO, Wa 1) eh- dence in you all, that my joy is Boov homnv exo ap @y €0€L pe Xaipew* the joy of you all. * For out of Ae 3a J chee tar el cg ean much affliction and anguish of ae SO a eS UMGSs OTe aa heart, I wrote unto you with xapa TAVT@Y UVLWV EOTLY. 4 €k yap many tears, not thar youshould 7o)Ars Od\iibews Kal ouvoxns Kapolas be grieved, but that ye might ,, Can \ in f , > know the love which I have eypawa UW dua TOAA@Y Sakpvor, ovuX more abundantly unto you. wa humnOnre, a\k\a THY ayanny wa 5 But if any have caused grief, = Ne / 3 odes he hath not grieved me, but in Oe Exe Teplice OTE AGS StS URLOS: . part: that I may not overcharge oF Bin Oe. TUS AEAUTINKEY, OUK EME you all. © Sufficient to such a )\ e\imnKey aAXN ao épous, wa i man isthis? punishment, which ,— ~ 1K oe ame i hy aa et was inflicted of many.? So that em (Bap@ TAVTAS UpPAs. tKavoy T® contrariwise, ye ought rather TOLOUT@ 1) emuT Lula avuTn 1 vTro TOV to forgive him, and comfort him, Svcd bee Pare > Ee aX lest perhaps, such a one should ee DORs Ogu LOVIN CF be swallowed up with overmuch Upas yapicac Gat Kal Tapakade al, p1- sorrow. © My boretore I beseech Gao 7 TepLooorEepa umn KataTroG7 9 you, y you would confirm yow? Bre 8 : ¢ eh aes ee love towards him. 9 Forto this TOLOUTOS. 610 Tapakah@ Upas KUP@- end also did I write, j I might ga. eis abrov dyanny. * eis TOUTO yap know the proof of you, whether soy, ¢ z \ eae ye be obedient in all things. Kal eypaa, wa yv@ THY SOKLLNY VLOV, 10To whom ye forgive any el els mavTa UmNKOOL OTE. 9 @ dé Te thing, I forgive also: for ie) h Ne ahs ‘ \ MeN Ga forgave any thing, to whom I xapicer be, Re a ee yep ao ee g forgave it, for your sakes for- KEYaplopal, €l TL KeXaplo pal, Ou UPLGS, gave lit, & in y person of Christ, éy poo ore Xpicrov We iva p21) “Leon Il Jest Satan should get an ad- yee pe 2 eK vantage of us: for we are not vexTnO@bev Umro TOU ZaTava* ov yap ignorant of his devices. avTov Ta vonmaTa ayvoovpey. se ie Di ee a OW dco was 6c" aurov, b Rec. edO.ev AUTD Wp. Vw = & —> ist e Rec. eb Te KEXAPLT UAL, wp Or, censure. 6 Or, in the sight.KOPINGIOYS B. ABV 2 Corintutans III. 7. 12 > \ \ > \ , € EdOav dé eis tiv Tpedda e’s ré 12 Furthermore when I came > , A > ~ , . ° } evayyedov Tod Xpiorov, kal Ovpas pot 10 Troas, to preachChrist’s gos- > , ; 3 13 . pel, and a door was Opened unto ave@yperns ev Kupig, OUVK €OXNKA me of the Lord, !3 1 had no rest sn ; x Pe Fie QVECLY TO TVEVLATL jLov, TO pn) eupety In My spirit, because I found G Ne , rs Vee hot Titus my brother, but tak- a Tiroy Oy adeh pov Bo adha a70~ ing my leave of them, I went Ta€amevos avuToLs, e&n\ Gov etg Make- from thence into Macedonia. / Soviav. 14 A \ a , a , T@ 0€ Oc¢d xaprs 7 TavTore 14 Now thanks be unto God, 4 ¢ ~ n~ r aA 7 © 2 7 OprapBevorre nas €V TO Xpiora, Kay Which always causeth us to tri- es \ a , s cue eS umph in Christ, and maketh ae ls eS EDGES, IE Pave- manifest y savour of his know- POUYTL OL Nu@Y ev TaVYTt TOTO, 15 ote ledge by usin every place. !5For NMoraron «toda éoudy <6 ~ 3 ig Weare unto God, a sweet savour P ; peg cue» ar Qe@ a TOS at Christ, in them ¥ are saved, F@Lopevors Kal ev Tos amroAAupevots’ and in them that perish. 16 To ] © \ > \ , > , y . av ® ots Mev, oon Oavatov eis Odvaroy" sine One Ee coe savaur 70k Rae NY 5 ee 5 , K , death unto death; and to the Ols O€, wo Cans els (anv. Kal 7 POS other, the savour of life unto Tatra Tis ikavos $ Le ov) yap Eo pev os pies ang ons sufficient for eo 4 La , \ s these things ? 17 For we arenot el TO ) T ue e coe Nol, Kamm)evovres : a dyor as many which ¢ corrupt ¥ word Tov Geov, GAN ws €& eiAtkpiveias, GAN’ of God: but as of sincerity, but ic > A A A Jc j i Pa ws €k Qeov, Karevaorioy” ° rod” Geod, 38 of God, in the sight of God 3. Se a s speak we in Christ. ev XptaT@ Nadovpev. ¢ ’ , / ¢ A ° . 3. ApxdueOa wadw €éavrods Tvvt= 3. Dowe begin again to com- , \ \ , , ~ 9 ~ - ordveuy ; d i) uw yu) xpyCoper, &s TiVes, mend ourselves : _or need we, se ; ne \ € ~ a 32 assome others, epistles of com- OVOTATLKMY EeTLGTOA@Y 7 pos uas, 7 €E mendation to you, or letters of ULV © GuaTaTiKo@y Mae 7 ETLOTOAT) commendation from you fae Cen re Ae 5 34 , > ~ . are our epistle written in our eeu ope Sons, So cen Tals hearts, known and read of all KapOlats Lov, YV@CKOMEVH Kat avayt- men. % Forasmuch as ye are 4 ¢ , > , ] 7 2 YOOKOMEYN vUTO TaVYT@V avOper@y* Manifestly declared to be the 3 i 3 Sa MS , epistle of Christ ministered by pavepovpevor bre ore emtoTOXN us, written not with ink, but r ~ a YC ie Xe oe Xpirrov daxovnbcioa bp NOV, eyye- With the Spirit of the living Z > LS SNAG Ee God, not in tables of stone, but PAE ou He ee o UEUHOTL in fleshy tables of theremin Gcov (avtos, ovK éy Tra&l ALOivacs, 2: \ >? ma / , anha €v wraki Kapdias oapkivats. 4 / \ / y+ \ Tlevroi@now Se ToLlauTny Evouev Oa TOU Xpiorov m™pos Tov Oeoy 4 ovx 4 And such trust have we / : es DEO! << Uae “ through Christ to God-ward: OTL ikavol eopev adh éavtTay OY'OG- 5 not that we are sufficient of / ¢ Ly - SS a > > ¢ < , - . . oat tT, ws €& éavraev, adr 7) ‘Kavorns ourselves to think any thing as NILGD Ce TOO Ocov' © & xa} hea a of ourselves: but our sufficiency Ih OES gu coe a s f Eo , 2 of God: ®who also hath made nuas Ovakdvous Kawvis OuaOyxns, ov us able ministers of the new ae , 2 \ \ yp testament, not of theletter, but aULatTo ahAa ved aTo TO a soe 2 ae yp le = he Sy ie 2 . re of the spirit: for ¥ letter killeth, YPGaRLA amTroKTELvel, TO O€ TVEVLA put + spirit 6 giveth life. 7 But a , A , . . sive aoe Cworotet. 7 ef b€ 4 Suakovia rov Oavdrou if the ministration of death re ee Se AVX Aor. LY Katrevaryte. © 3 4 St.& Elz. e—> fw amoxrerst. % Or, deal deceitfully with. B Or, quickenethRTT ARNE, SUSI han 9 Corrturans IIL. 8. 438 EMISTOAH IIPOS > > P > written, and engraveninstones, €V ypap par, EVTETUT OPEV dey was glorious, so that y children é OF dove dv- of Israel could not stedfastly AiBors, eyevn On ev 60 En pn behold the face of Moses, for vaoOae dreviods rods vious “Iopanh the glory of his countenance, els TO poo @mov ” Moticeos,” Oud THY which Bong was to be done away: © how shall not the mi- Od€av TOU TPOT@ITOVv aUTOU, THY SY nistration of y spirit, be rather youpevny” S TOs ovxe paddov 7 n Ota- Oo) a- glorious ? For if the ministra Kovla ae Tyevparos Zorat ey ddEn § tion of condemnation be glory, much more doth the ministra- el yap 1 Suakovia TS Karakpioews ¢ tion of righteousness exceed in dd€a, TOKAD pad)ov Tepir weve i glory. 10 For even that which 5 10 \ was made glorious, had no glory Suaxovia as duxavoovyns ev d0&n. Kat in this respect by reason op the yap “ou ‘ deddEaorat TO dedofacpevoy glory that excelleth. |! For if that which is done away, was ev TOUT® TO HEEL, re TS UIE p)- glorious, much more that which Baddovons d6dEys. 1 al yup TO KaT- remaineth is glorious. apyoupevov duce OSENS, TOAA@ pahAcy TO pevov ev Od€. (2 Seeing then that we have 2 "Exovres oov TouavTyy eAmrioa, such hope, we use great % plain- POR £ Oa’ 13 : ness of speech. /!3 And not as QM] Tapp mod Xpape Kal Ov Moses, which put a vail over xa@amep ¢ Mavons" er iGet cahuppa eT his face, that the children of 74 mpoc@moy EAUTOU, mpos TO py aTeEvi- Israel could not stedfastly look to the end of that which is at TOUS VLoUs ‘Topanh els TO TEAOS TOU abolished 5 lt but their minds KaTapyoupLevov™ 4 UNS em@pady) TUL were blinded: for until this day remaineth the same vail un- von ea WUT OY. | axpe yap TS onpepov taken away, in the reading of °npe pas” TO avTo KaAupLpea eTrl TN the old testament: which vail Is dvayvoret Ts Tahaas Suadnans [LEVEL, done away in Gans: 1d But / fc . ev en unto this da ,W hen Moses py GVAKANUTT O[LEVOY, O TEL ev XpuoT@ is read, the ae is upon their Karapyetrat. 15 G\N ws onpepoy heart. 16 Nevertheless, when 2 eel tunattortie. 1; een ae yviKa dvaywooKerarSMavors, ‘KGNU PL vail shall be takenaway. !? Now em THY Kapdlay QUT@V KELTAL’ 16 nvika h Le t Spi é > the Lord is that Spirit, and 9 dy emoTpeW?] m™pos, Kuptoy, mepeai~ where the Spirit of the Lord 17 is, there is liberty. 18 But we pelTat TO Kahuppa. 7 6 d€ Kupsos 0 all, with open face beholding ae eoruy" ov O€ TO Ivevpa Ku- as in a glass the glory of the ean 18 Lord, are changed into the piov, Texel” «ev epia. pets de same image, from glory to glo- TAaVTES dvaxeKka up Lev mporon@ Ti ry, even as &by the Spirit of bday kay tous ae C6 Oe Tarn p aTomTT pL opevot, THY ary elKOVa perapoppoupeba a aro do&ys eis Od€ay, KaOamep amo Kupiov Ilvev- Paros. 4, Therefore, seeing we have 4. Awa tTovTO EXOVTES Ty Stakoviay this ministry, as we have re- TAUTHY, Kadas nrenOnuev, OVK EKKAKOU- ceived mercy we faint not: 2 but have renounced the hid- M&”s 7 adn ameurdpea Ta kpumra ™78 den things of y dishonesty, not aiaxvyns, p41) TEPlTATOUVTES ey Oye = Db Rec. Masses. © Rec. ovde. Rec. Mwons. @ Y©—. Rec. & Gb.om. f 'G beore! miRGceMcionG a * Or, bo'dness. P Or, of the Lord the Spirit. Y Gr. shameKOPINGIOYS B. 439 ! SSN A , A yia, pndé SoAodvres Tov oyov Tov ~e3 \ a a ; Ocov, ahha rh havepaoer Tis adynOelas TWULOT@VTES EAaUTOUS TPS TAaGaY GUV- / > , ; x a elOnow avOparav evamiov Tod Ceod. 3 au) Oe \ ~ , \ Et 0€ kat €ore kexaduppeévoy Td > f c an > r > , evayyeALov Udy, ev TOIS amroAAupevos > \ , > 2 i EOTL KeKaAvpypevoy' + ey ois 6 Reds a dA , > , &: TOU aiwvos TovTou eTUpAwOE TA VON- n~ > , a . > 4 HaTa TMV aTioT@Y, Els TO fA) a’ydoat ad \ \ A > / ~ ‘" Tov Petirpov tov evayyeNiov rhs sf ~ Pe ~ o > > ~ ddEns Tod Xplorov, Os eat eikwv TOD ~ 5 > \ / Ocov. ° ov yap éavrovs Knpvooopey, > \ = \ > A >? c \ ad\a Xpiorov “Incoby Kuptoy* €autovs 8e 8 , ¢ an INGA YE | “a 6 a ¢ de, OovAous Uwdy dia Inoodv. OTL O \ ¢ > \ 2 , joan , Ocos 0 eimwy ex aKdtous Pas aura, a >, > er Q/ o S a os eAapvpev ey Tals Kapdlas nar, are : ee TPOS PoTLOMOY THs yvooews THs dd€ns b A Au > ; > A x ’TOU Oeov” Ev Tpocam@ Incov Xpr- TOU. as Q\ a > 7 "Eyopev dé rov Onoavpoy rovroy ev > 7 , o ¢ ¢ ; \ OoTpAKivols OKEvEegL, Wa 7 UITEpBodz) THs Ovvawews 7 TOU Ocod, Kal ur && c ~ > , 2 > NOV" ev Travtt OAtBdpuevor, AAN ov , 7 >: > OTEVOXMPOUKLEVOL’ aTropovmeEvoL, GAR > +74 , is 9 d / > > OUK €§aTropovpevot Ov@kdpevor, adr > ) OUK eyKaTaheimouevor’ KataBaddopevot, > > > > \ 7 ze 10 4 \ aX ovk a7roANvpevot TAVTOTE THY , a i> A a / vexpoow tov °" Inood ev TO coHpate fiad, o ¢ A a? a TeptPepovTes, wa Kat n (wr Tov Incod > ~ , ¢ an , ~ > evT@ CopaTe nuayv havepoby. © del ¢ > c a > , yap nets ot Cavtes, els Odvarov Trapa- 4, : \ > ~ ad \ £ = \ iddpeOa Ora “Incodv, va kal 4 Car a my ee - tov Inoou davepw@y ev th Ovnrh capKi ¢ NIL@V. |b teh 4 c : a Qore 6 4” Oavaros év piv evep- a ¢ ‘\ A > ¢ cad 13 a ‘\ yetrar, 7 O€ Con ev vp. €xovtes O€ A ~ , TO aUTO TYEvpLA THs TicTEws, KATA TO , >? / \ Bs 4 yeypappevoyv' Emtorevoa, 610 é\dAn- c os , \ \ ga’ Kal nucis muotevomev, O1d Kal rn ni A ia 14 iO , ao ¢ > , \ aNovpev elO0Tes OTL O €yelpas TOV , > ~ Me a > Ay Kuptov {noovuv, kat nuas °dia “Incod’ prov *{nooby, Kai 1 2 Corinrurans LY. 14, walking in craftiness, nor hand- ling y word of God deceitfully, but by manifestation of the truth, commending ourselves to every man’s conscience, in the sight of God. 5 But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: + in whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. 5 For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord, and ourselves your servants for Jesus’ sake. 6 For God who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts,to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God, in the face of Jesus Christ. 7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the ex- cellency of the power may be of God, and not of us. 8 We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed ; we are perplexed, but ¢ not in despair, » persecut- ed, but not forsaken; east down, but not destroyed. 10 Always bearing about in the body, the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body. 'l For we which live, are alway delivered unto death for Jesus’ sake, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh. 12 So then death worketh in us, but life in you. 13 We hav- ing the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have | spoken: we also believe, and therefore speak. !4 Knowing that he which raised up the Lord Jesus, shall raise up us 2 Rec. add avrocg. b> avurov. © Rec. add Knpcon. 4 Or, not altogether without help, or, nieans d Rec. add MeV. 8 cuv Iyaov.2 CortnTHIAns LV. 15. 440 EMISTOAH IIPOS 5 A also by Jesus, and shall present eyepel, Kal TapacTnoel ou by. 1b rq us with you. /!° For all things OL r < 2 u vuuas wa apis mA€o- are for your sakes, that the yap mayTa PES ” x P abundant grace might, through vaoara, ova Tov mevovev THY evxXape- the thanksgiving of many, re- griqy Treplawevon els THY Od€ayv Tov dound to the glory of God. a Geou. 16 For which cause we faint wo Awo OUK EKKAKOUPLEV" GN’ ef Kal 6 not, but though our outward Gel ir a ee: tadOeiperar, GAN man perish, yet the inward man eo 7 NB@V wbperos 0 ape PEGE a is renewed day by day. !7 For 0 eo wbey dvaKawourar Epa Kal nPEPG- our light affliction, whichisbut 17 76 yap mapauTixa ehadpov TS for a moment, worketh for us > a far more exceeding and eter- O\ipewos 7 mpL@v Ka? imepBodny els baloeht iw lor, 'S while we UmepBohny | al@vLov Papos Od&ns KaTEp- ook not at the things which are 18 seen, but at the things which yacerat 7 mpl, pay oKoTFOUYT oY LOY are not seen: for the things Ta Prerropeva, aka Ta py Prem preva which are seen, are temporal, +4 yap Preropeva, mporKalpa’ Ta O€ but the things which are not , 5 is seen, are eternal. 5. For we 7) Pderropeva, aiovia. . oF Oey know, that if our earthly house yap, OTL eay 7 emlyetos Ov OLKLa TOD of this tabernacle were dis- oj ‘KORGNUOD. 8 : , 7 “ > vor being clothed we shall not be ciye Kal 4 ee AS aa ou aan le ‘ found naked. 4 For, we that EUPeUNO Gee Kat yap ot aks eV are in this tabernacle, do groan 5 SAS 2 TO KN ve? “OTEVA OMEV Sa ov EVOU Ce being burdened, not for that +, oi io f ROOK p we would be unclothed, but @ ov Gehopev éxdicacbas, aAN emevOu- clothed upon, that mortality gagOa, wa Katawo0y7 TO Ovnrov vTo might be swallowed up of life. : Gis (os. / ¢ ca 3 ‘O 0€ kee py aa es npas els 5 Now hey hath wrought us quro TOUTO, ©Ge0s, 6 “kai” dovs npeiv for the selfsame thing, is God, 35 I 6 Aan who also hath given unto us the TOV appa 22e TOU vEvparos. ap earnest of the Spirit. 6 There- povvTes ouv TAVTOTE, Kal €lOOTES OTL fore we are always confident a Nate VTES eV part, eKOnLovpe knowing that whilst we are at evdn wow :. ™@ ee 1h ia 4 home in the body, we are ab- amo TOU Kuptov" ‘ (ova TOTES yap sent from the Lord. 7 (For qepurarovpev, ov dia eidovs’) ° Oap- we walk by faith, not bysight.) « % ede.” \ »5 ~ DO) 8 We are confident, I say, and POURS od Key eur OKOUMEV Hae ov willing rather to be absent from exOnpnoat Ek TOU T@LaTOS, Kat evon- the body, and to be present 9 . ‘ . , . ) * L with the Lord. 9 Wherefore pnoat mpos Tov Kuptov 610 an we “labour, that whether. pre- pidroripoupeda, €lTE evOnpourres, €iTe sent or absent, we may be ac- exon OUYTES evd EOOr auT@ eivat. a 1 of hi 10 Be 2 e cepted of him. For we must 39 én all appear before the judgment TOUS yap mayTas npeas pavepo vat seat of Christ, that every one dei €umpoc bev Tov Bnatos Tov Xpiorou, ew a exdvoapevo,. » Bz. add rovre. © St. evecdn. d= — Bz. ée. e — % Or, endeavonr.KOPINOIOYS B. 441 wa koplonta éxacros ta Sia Tod TapaTos, mpos *a" empagey, etre dyabdr, etre Kakop. 1 Eidéres ody rov poBov rot Kupiov, aOpearous reiOoper, Oc@ de medhave- paeda. edrrif@ S€ kal év tats ouve.on- cEeow wav mepavepocba. ! op “yap” maw éavrovs ouvioTavopey vp, Aa ahoppny SiOdvres Uply Kav- So ee eae \ XnHaTOs uTEp nuav, wa exnte pos TOUS EV TpoTaT@ KavywpEevoUs, Kal ov kapoia. 1% etre yap é&€ornper, Gee" ETE owppovovper, vpiv. 2° a..yap ayann Tov Xpicrov OUVEXEL HULA, KpL- vavtas TovTo, Ori ei” Eis UTep TavT@V anéOavev, dpa of mdvres dméOavor" ° Kal Umép mayTov améOavev, iva oi Cavres punkére éavrois Caow, dda TO UTEp avtay awobavevte Kai eyepOevte. "Qore jets ard Tod voy ovdéva olWanev Kata odpka’ et O€ Kar eyvo- Kapev Kata oapka Xptoroy, GAAG voy OvKETL ywookopev. “ Sore el tis &p XpioT@, Katyn KTiows’ Ta apxaia rap- yAOev, iSovd yéyove Kawa : 18 e Ta TayTa. \ \ / > ~ A ~ Ta O€ mavTa ek TOU Qeod, TOD KaTad- Aakavros Huds éauT@ Oia! Incov” Xpiorov, kat ddvros juty tHv Staxoviay a Ne 19,50. 9 oa THs KaTraAXayis @S OTL Ocds Hv ev XploT@® Kdogpov KaTa\\dooer EQUT@, Hn oytCopevos adrots Ta TapanT@pata Z : Dac auT@v, Kat Oewevos ev Hiv roy Aoyoy THs Kata\Xayis. 20 ¢ s A > , E \umep Xptorov ovy peo Bevoper, @s TOU Geod mapakadodytos bv Huey" OeducOa wrép Xpiorod, Katah\aynre ~ ae 21 \ a \ , mo, Oc@:...- 70. Baye vovTa c . / : ¢€ A ¢ r ¢c Y Pp , FB?) v apuaptiay, uTEp nudy duwapriay eroincer, a vod , / ~ > wa nets yiw@peda Sukacocivn Ocov ev QUTO. n A A \ A 6. Suvepyourres O€ Kal mapakadodpey 2 Bz. o. boo Parrov. C= de yi es fist £2 > Y Gr. put in us. 2 CorintutiAns VI. 1. may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad. 1l Knowing therefore the ter- ror of the Lord, we persuade men ; but we are made manifest unto God, and I trust also, are made manifest in your con- sciences. !2 For we commend not ourselves again unto you, but give you occasion to glory on our behalf, y you may have Somewhat to answer them, which glory @in appearance, and not in heart. 13 For whether we be besides ourselves, it is to God: or whether we be sober, it is for your cause. !4 For the love of Christ constraineth us, because we thus judge: that if one died for all, then were all dead: 15and that he died for all, that they which live, should not henceforth live unto them- selves, but unto him which died for them, and rose again. 16 Wherefore henceforth know we no man, after the flesh: yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now hence- forth know we him no more. '7 Therefore if any man de in Christ, & he is a new creature: old things are past away, behold, all things are become new. !8 And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation, !9 to wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not im- puting their trespasses unto them, & hath vy committed unto us the word of reconciliation. 20 Now then we are ambassa- dors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us; we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye re- conciled to God. 2! For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. 6. We then, as workers * Gr. inthe face. & Or, lethim he.2 Corrntrurans VI. 2 together with him, beseech you also, yye receive not ¥ grace of God in vain. ? (For he saith, I have heard thee in a time ac- cepted, and in the day of salva- tion have I succoured thee: behold, now is ¥ accepted time, behold, now is the day of salva- tion.) ? Giving no offence in any thing, that the ministry be not blamed: 4 but in all things “ap- proving ourselves, as the minis- ters of God, in much patience, in afflictions, in necessities, in distresses, ® in stripes, in impri- sonments, &in tumults, in la- pours, in watchings, in fastings, 6 by pureness, by knowledge, by longsuffering, by kindness, by y Holy Ghost, by love unfeign- ed, 7 by the word of truth, by the power of God, by y armour of righteousness, on the right hand, and on the left, 5 by ho- nour and dishonour, by evil re- port & goodreport, as deceivers and yet true: ¥as unknown, and yet well known: as dying, and behold, we live: as chastened, and not killed: !° as sorrowful, yet alway rejoicing: as poor, yet making many rich: as hay- ing nothing, and yet possessing all things. 110 ye Corinthians, our mouth is open unto you, our heart is enlarged. 12 Ye are not strait- ened inus, but ye are straitened in your own bowels. !3 Now for a recompence in the same, (I speak as unto my children) be ye also enlarged. 14 Be ye not unequally yoked / together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteous- ness with unrighteousness ? and what communion hath light with darkness? 15 and what concord hath Christ with Be- lial 2 or what part hath he y be- lieveth, with an infidel ? '® and what agreement hath y temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God, 442 EISTOAH IIPOz wile xapw Tov Oeov deEac Oa pas. 2 (Neyer yap" Karp EKT@ emnxovod gov, Kal ev npepa cornpias éBonOnoa cor idov voy KaLpos serpea ae idov yov wEepa coTnpias” ) $ pn depiay ev pndevt Ot OovTes mpookonyy, iva a popunOn 7 Ovakovia" 4 GN ev marti TWWLOTOYTES | EauTOUS os cov OvaKovot, ev UTOMOVT) TohAn, €V Odipeow, ev dvayKats, ev orevoxopiars, ° ev mayyais, ev puda- Kats, ev dxaraoracias, ev KOTrOLS, €Y dypunviats, ev ynoretass, S &y ayvo- THTL, €V yyooet, ev paxpodupia, ev Xpnororntt, ev Tvevpare ayia, ev wyann avurokpit@, @ ev hoy adnOetas, ev Ouvdper Ocov, dua TOY omhov THs OL- KaLooUUNS TOV deEvov Kal AploTEep@y, 8 Sua O6Ens Kat drupsias, Ova Svodnpias Kal evbnpias® as mavot, Kal ahn Geis" 9 O&¢ ayvoovpevol, Kal emlywocKopeEvor os amroOynoKovTeEs, Kal idov C@pev" Cos TaWevdpevol, Kat my Bavarovpevor 10 as AumoupLevol, det O€ yalpovtes® os TTOXOl, moAAous O€ 7 mouriCovTes® &s pndev eyovtes, Kal mayra Kare- >) py els KevoV XovTes. eS or ope LV avewye Tpos UES, | Kopiv@.o1, 7 Kapdia 7 LOY memaruyTar 2 ov orevoxopeto be ev uty, oTEVO- xepeiabe be ev TOLs OTAaYXVOLS vey" 8 hy O€ adriy dyryuc Olav, (@s TEKVoOLS | éeyo,) mAaTUYONTE Kal bpeis. i My yiveo be erepocuyourres dri) oro’ Tis yap peTOX) Sukatoovyy Kal| avopia; * rls dé” Kowwvia pott mpos ckdTOS § e ris dé cunpavnors XpioT@ mpos >BeAlap ;” iH Tis Epis TLOTO pera) amiatov; '® tis de cuykardbecis yaa Ocov pera elO@AaY 5 vpets yap yaos| cod cote CHvtos, Kaas eElrrev O Ocala AW HTS. b Bz. & Elz. BeAcad. a ’ : . Gr. commending. B Or, in tassings to and fro.KOPINOIOYS B. 443 "Ort evorxnow ev avrois, Kal eur epuratn- ow Kal €gojtat avT@v Geds, Kat avrol egovrat prow ) ads. Avo e&eAGere ex peerou auT@v Kal apopiabyre, heyet Kupuos, Kat axa@dprov pa) dmtecbe’ Kayo eto de Sopra vas. 8 kai’ "Eoopat uml els marepa a, Kal vpets ~oecGE por els viovs Kal Ouya (TEpas, heyet Kupws mayvtoxpatap. 7. Tavras ovv éxyovtes Tus emayyeNias, dyannrol, Kadapiooper Ewurous aro mavTos pokvopou wapKos Kal TVEUMATOS, ETLTENOVYTES AylaavUnY ev Pope Ocov. ~ Xepnoare nuas’ ovdeva nouknoa- pev, ovdeva epOcipamev, ovd€éva ere- overt h Taper. S00 mpos KardaKpiow eyo" mpoeipnka yep OTL ev Tals Kap- ee cee EaTeE Els TO oovarroOc avety Kal ougny. *rodAn por tappnola mpos vas, SONA {LOL KAVXNOLS VIEP V@v* TemTAN- popat TH TapakAno el, UTEpTEpLOTEvOpmaL T) Xapa emt maon TH Odie Hudy. eKat yap eA OovTwy np@v els Make- Go oviay, ov vdeptay € ET XIKEY aveow 1 caps NOV, GAN ev travtt OALBdspevor' ZEobev paxat, €owbev PdBor. © aX 6 wapaka- A@y TOvs TaTrELVOUS TapeKahEeceV TLAS 6 Oeds ev TH mapovaia Titov’ 7 ov povov de ev TH mapouotd avTov, ada Kat ev ™ mapaxhnoet 7 mapexdn On ep vty, dvayyehhov 7 mpl THY Upe@V emi Ono, TOY UpoY aduppoy, TOY vpay (nov UTEP cov, @ore pe paddov Xaphvat. 3 40T ei kal €huTnoa vas €y TH emtaoToAN, ov peTapeAouat, et Kal perepehopny” Phe. 7 TO yap Cray Sent TeNig CRED. cl Kal mpos &pay, eAunnoey vpas. * yuv Xat- p@, ovx OTe eAuTNONTE, GAN Ore EAvTN- Onre eis perdvotay’ eXuTNHONTE yap KaTa iva ev pendevi (nprwOnre ef np@v. 7 yap KATA Ceov umn preTavoway els 2 CorintTurans VII. 10. as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them, and I will be their God, and ‘they shall be my people. 17 Where- fore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the un- clean thing, and I will receive you, !8 and will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith ¥ y Lord Almighty. 7. Having there- fore these promises (dearly be- loved) let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. 2 Receive us, we have wrong- ed no man, we have corrupted no man, we have defrauded no man. 3 [ speak not this to con- demn yow: for I have said be- fore, that you are in our hearts to die & live with you. 4 Great is my boldness of speech toward you, great is my glorying of you, I am filled with comfort, Iam exceeding joyful in all our tri- bulation. > For when we were come into Macedonia, our flesh had no rest, but we were troubled on every side; without were fightings, within were fears. 6 Nevertheless, God that com- forteth those that are cast down, comforted us by the coming of Titus. 7 Andnot by his coming only, but by the consolation wherewith he was comforted in you, when he told us your ear- nest desire,your mourning, your fervent mind toward me, so that I rejoiced ¥ more. $8 For though I made you sorry with a letter, I do not repent, though I did repent: for I perceive that the same epistle hath made you sorry, though it were but fora season. 9 Now I rejoice, not that ye were made sorry, but that ye sorrowed to repentance: for ye were made sorry @ after a godly manner, that ye might receive damage by usin nothing. !9 For godly sorrow worketh repent- a Or, according to God.ance to salvation not to be re- pented of, but the sorrow of the world worketh death. !! For be- hold this selfsame thing that ye sorrowed after a godly sort, what carefulness it wrought in you, yea, what clearing of your- selves, yea, what indignation, yea what fear, yea what vehe- ment desire, yea what zeal, yea what revenge ; in all things ye have approved yourselves to be clear in this matter.!2 Where- fore though I wrote unto you, I did ié not for his cause that had done the wrong, nor for his cause that suffered wrong, but that our care for you in y sight of God might appear unto you. 13 Therefore we were com- forted in your comfort, yea and exceedingly the more joyed we for the joy of Titus, because his spirit was refreshed by you all. '4 For if Ihave boasted any thing to him of you, I am not ashamed; but as we spake all things to you in truth, even so our boasting which I made be- fore Titus, is found a truth. 15 And his “inward affection is more abundant toward you, whilst he remembereth the obe- dience of you all, how with fear & trembling you received him. 16 J rejoice therefore that Ihave confidence in you in all things. 8. Moreover, brethren, we do you to wit of the grace of God bestowed on the churches of Macedonia, “how that in a great trial of affliction, Y abundance of their joy, and their deep po- verty, abounded unto the riches of their liberality. 3 For to their power (I bear record) yea, and beyond their power they were willing of themselves: 4 praying us with much intreaty, that we would receive the gift, and take upon us the fellowship of the ministering to the saints. > And this they did, not as we hoped, but first gave their own selves 2 CorintTHIANS VII. 11. 444 ENISTOAH IIPOS carnpiay dyrerapehnrov Katepyacerat’ 7 O€ TOU kdoprow umn Oavarov Karep= | yacerau. 1 (80d yap avTdo TovTo TO} 6n a SS ox W , Kata Ocoy hum nvat *vpas,” moony | KaTELpyaoaro bply orrovdir, a\Xa aro- » oyiay, GAa ayavaktnow, adda poor, G\Aa emurdOnow, adda prov, adr ’ 1 ’ ’ / > XN EKOLKNOLY 5 ev TayTl TWETTHOATE Eau- } Tovs cyvous eivar “ev” T@ mpaypeart. | 12 apa ei Kal €ypawa t up, ovX ElveKeV | TOU aduKnoayros, ovde ElvEKEY TOU dOL- | KnBevros ann civekev TOU pavepobivas THY. omovdyy © np@v THY UTEP UL@V" Tpos } Upas_ev@mLoy TOV Geor. 13 Aa Tovro TrapakekhnicOa € emt TH} mapakhnoe. vay’ Tepircotépws Oe) paddov exapnev emt TH xXapa Titov, OTL avamémavTal TO TVEVLA aUTOU aro) na . o + ~ TAVT@Y VL@V OTL EL TL AUT@ UTEP} Cin / > , oki, a 2 UL@V KEKAVYNUAL, OV KaTNTXVYENY’ aX c / > > / > / Canal @s TavTa ev adn Geta ehahnoapey UPL, | oUT@ Kal 7 KavynoLs nL@Y ” emt Titov, | adn eva eyevnOn ™ Kal Ta onhayxva 3 avTov TepiamoTepws eis Upds EoTLV, | GVAPLLLYNOKOLEVOU THY TAVTOY VLOUI Umakony, os peta PdBou Kal Tpdpov } > / £ > / / d/ ¢ > edeEaoGe autor. xaip@ OTe evi TavTl Oapp® ev vp. 8. Tvapifoper O€ tyiv, adedpot, THY I , A A s > a xapw Tov Geov thy Sedopevny ev Tats} exkAnotas mes I MakeOovias' 7 dru ev} ¢ / TOAAH OoKun Orixpeas 7 TEepltooetay THs yapas avTa@y Kal 7 Kata Babovs} TT@OXELA AUTOV ETEpioaEvoEY Els TOV I mAovTov THS amAOTHTOS aUTOV" OTL / vad kata Ovvapwy, papTupe, Kal vmep Ov- vapuy avaiperor, * pera mons Tra) , a pakdnoews Sedpevol nuay, THY Xapwy Kal THY Kolwa@viay THs OLtakovias THs els | \ € 4 e/ 5 \ > \ > Tous dylous Kal ov Kaas nr-) , > ’ © \ + a Tigapev, ad €avTovs eEOwkay TP@TOY | d @—> b> C St uswy tT. ve nuwry. Bz. & Elz. add ovy. & Rec. add éeFac@ar nuas. % Gr. bowels. |KOPINOIOYS B. 445 T® Kupio, kai jiv dia GeAnparos Gcov' * els 76 Tapakaheoa meas Tirov, va Kados mpoevnp£aro, OUT@ kat emiteheon, is buds Kal Thy Xap eer ANN domep ev TravrTt Tepiowevere, TioteL, Kal oye, Kal wore, Kal maon onovd), Kal TH eS DpaOy ev piv ayarn, wa Kal ey raury ™ Xapere Tre- percent 8 od Kar’ emitayiy eyo, ¢ ahha ova {TIS eTEpeov omoudns, Kal TO ™Ss *Uperépas” aydmns yn ovoy Ooxyud- Gov: 9 yworkere yap Ty Xap TOU Kupiov nay ‘Inoov Xpiorov, OTL de upas ENTOXEUTE, movovos av, wa Upsets ™ exeivou TT@Xela mAournonre. 0 kat yopny ev TOUT@ Oidcpie" TOUTO yap vpely oumPepet, oirives ov povor TO Tounoat, aha Kat 70 Oedew T poevnp- Eaode amo mépvow © yyl 8€ Kai TO Too ae emtreheare, OTs Kabarep 1 mpodupia TOU Oehew, OUT@ Kal TO eT L- Tehecat ex Tov éxew. ™ ef yap 1) Tpo- Oupia mpoxeurat, kaOo eay éyn Dries” eum pda Sekros, ov kaOo ovk gy. 8 o yap iva @rors a aeots, Up de Ohifes: arn’ e& iodrnTos, ev T@ voy Kaup@ TO UL@V mepiooevpa eis TO EKELVOY VOTE- pnua, 4 wva Kat TO ekelvav mepiooevja yevynTal eis TO UULav vorépnua’ OT@s yevnra irorns, > Kadas yeypamrae’ ‘O 70 modd, ovK émdedvace’ Kai 6 TO OALyov, ovK narrovnce. > Xdpis S€ rH OCG 1H Odvte"” rhv aurny orrovdNy Umep Up@v ev TH Kapola af M éru ty pev mapakhyow eu Tirov' €0€EaTO, omovdadrepos d€ undpxar, av0aiperos eT) \0e mpos pas. 18 Guve- méeprpapey Oé per’ avtov Tov adehdor, ov 0 emauvos ev TO evayyehicp Oud g TATa@Y TOV eKKAN LOY" 19 ov pLovoy Cw. Rec. & G a Elz. nuerepas. b= 2 Corinturans VIII. 19. to the Lord, and unto us, by the will of God. 6 Insomuch that we desired Titus, that as he had begun, so he would also finish in you, the same grace also. 7 Therefore (as ye abound in every thing, in faith, and utter- ance, and knowledge, and in all diligence, and in your love to us) see that ye abound in this grace also. 8] speak not by commandment, but by occasion of the forwardness of others, and to prove y sincerity of your love. 9For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich. ‘lo And herein [ give my advice, for this is expedient for you, who have begun before, not only to do, but also to be aforward a year ago. 1! Now therefore perform the doing of it, that as there was areadiness to will, so there may be a per- formance also out of that which you have. !¥or if there be first a willing mind, it is accepted according to that a man hath, and not according to that he hath not. !8 For J mean not that other men be eased, & you bur- dened: 14 but by an equality: that now at this time your abun- dance may bea supply for their want, that their abundance also may be « supply for your want, that there may be equality, 15 as it is written, He that had ga- thered mue h, had nothing over, and he that had gathered little, had no lack. 16 But thanks be to God which put the same earnest care into the heart of Titus for you. 17For indeed he accepted the exhort- ation, but being more forward, of his own accord he w ent unto you. 18 And we have sent with him the brother, whose praise is in the gospel, throughout all the churches. 19 And not that b, dedovre. ° Gr. willing,2 Corinruians VIII.20. 446 only, but who was also chosen of the churches to travel with us with this ¢ grace which is ad- ministered by us to the glory of the same Lord, and declaration of your ready mind. 2° Avoid- ing this, that no man should blame us in this abundance which is administered by us. 21 Providing for honest things, not only in the sight of the Lord, but in the sight of men. 22 And we have sent with them our brother, whom we have oftentimes proved diligent in many things, but now much more diligent, upon the great confidence which £1 have in you. 28Whether any do enquire of Titus; he is my partner and fellowhelper concerning you: or our brethren be enquired of they are the messengers of the churches, and ¥ glory of Christ. 24 Wherefore shew ye to them, and before the churches, the proof of your love, and of our boasting on your behalf. 9. For as touching the minis- tering to the saints, it is super- fluous for me to write to you. 2 For 1 know the forwardness of your mind, for which I boast of you to them of Macedonia, that Achaia was ready a year ago, and your zeal hath provoked very many. ° Yet have f sent the brethren, lest our boasting of you should be in vain in this behalf, that as J said, ye may be ready. 4 Lest haply if they of Macedonia come with me, and find you unprepared, we (that we say not, you) shouldbe ashamed in this same confident boasting. 5 Therefore I thought it necessary to exhort the bre- thren, that they would go before unto you, and make up before- hand your ¥ bounty, é where- of ye had notice before, that EIMSTOAH IIPOS dé, adda kat xetporovn Geis ure Toy EKKANT LOY ouvexdn Mos nav, *ovv" TH xapete Taury el Suakovoupery up NOV, mpos THY > avrov" TOU | Kupiou 00- Eay, Kal mpoOupiay nave” “0 oTed- Adpevor TOUTO, [LN Tes Tpas popnonrar ev TH cadpornre TaUTN TH Oraeoran a op paw" a “ mpovoovpev” © yap” Kaha ov pLovoy évaruov Kupiov, dada kat €V@TLOV avOparrav. 22 OUvETTEPA rajLev O€ avTois TOV adedpoy nudy, Ov €doKt- pacapey éy moots TOAAGKLS OTOU- Oaioyv dyra, vuvi de mohv orrovdadTepor, remoubhoet TOAH 7H eis Upas. > €lre UITEP Tirov, KOLU@VOS Epos Kal eis vas ouvepyos’ €ire ddehpol 7 par, dmrdarohoe EKKANTLOV, doga > Xpuorov. as THY ouv evderEw 7s ayarns LOD, kal LOY KAUYNTE@S dmep Dav, eis avTovs Ev- deiEacbe, *’ cis mpdc@moy TOY EKKAN- Lav. 9. Tlept pev yap ws Svaxovias THs els TOUS wyious TepLoooy fot €oTl TO ypapew Upw. > oida “yap THY 7 po- Gupta % ULOV, iy, vmrep UL@V KaVX @MaL $ Maxeddow, OTL "Axata mapeTKevagraL amo mEpvou’ Kal 6 €& vpev Cndos npeOuoe TOUS mhetovas. Tous adehpovs, iva pn TO Kauxnpia TE@v TO omep UNO KevoO EV TO MEPEL TOUT®. OPEVOL HITE epol Maxeddves, Kal eUpwow pas amapackevdorous, KaraoxuvOapev N- c emepra Oe | f wa Kavos éheyor, Taper keva- ¢ 4 untos cay ehOwae ov | pets, (wa pny eyopev tpeis,) ev 7H | trooracet ravuTn®". nyneapny mapakaher a Tous adehpous, iva mpoeh Goo eis Uuas, Kal mpokarap- dvaryKaiov ouv TIOW@OL THY k , Gan , ¢ / > the same might be ready,asa oytav UL@Y TAUTHVY €ETOLLNY etvat, ane. D> C¢ Rec. Nvuovr. AXN—. Rec. & Gh. roovoovpevor. & Rec. om. f£St. & Elz. add was, & Rec. add rns kavynoeos. h SS rpoernyyeAuryny. * Or; gift. Or, he hath- zr. blessing 6 Or, which hath been so much spoken of before. harpoxatnyyeApevny ev |KOPINOIOYS B. 447 2 CoRINTHIANS X. 2. ouT@s ws evAoylav, Kal p1) *os” mA€Eo- matter of bounty, and not of / covetousness. vegiay. a , 4 fs . 6 Todro dé, 6 omelpov cheOouevws, 6 But this I say, He which Z ‘ Were is soweth sparingly, shall reap at Gepioer’ Kai 6 orelpewr § : Ont 9) Se Peidonevos - a es , 14 2 sparingly: and he which sow- em evdoylats, em evoyiats Kat Oepioet. eth ountifully, shall reap o m = Je 5 : Nea ; : 7 &eactos Kabas Tpoapetrar TH Kapoia bountifully. 7 Every man ac- ss 1 e She sodas \. cording as he purposeth in his UEC METIS EE eas f Hapa heart, so leé him give; not Oorny ayaTra o OGecos. Ouvaros O€ 6 grudgingly, or of necessity: for \ a t es ?o God loveth a cheerful giver. api Eeplogevoat Els : Osos cy x fe a pee an » ® And God is able to make all upas, wa ev TaVTL WAVYTOTE TATAY AU- grace abound towards you, that y > os Taye. ry ici Tapkelay €xovTES, TEpLacevyTe eis wav Ye always having all sufficiency »” au: 9 6c Z . in all things, may abound to EP YOR CY ECON, EGOS. YVEYPATTAL” every good work, % (as it is Eoxopmicey, EOWKE TOLS TEVHNOLW 7 Ot- written: He hath dispersed 4 ~ , > SA - . iw > Kaloouvn avTov pve eis Tov al@va. abroad: he hath Eivensto he 10 © AD Z , x , poor: his righteousness remain- O de ETLXOPHNYOV OTEPUA T@ OTTEL- eth for ever. 10 Now he that La i A b " inisteretl d to the sower IOVTL, KAL ANTOY Els DOWaLY > yop gel, Ministereth see : , f \ i 6 Me \ Bp , x ye ‘ both minister bread for your a ake i, VES Gey Gero peY, UM@Y, KL food, and multiply your seed av&énoeu Ta “yeynuata’ THs Ovkaroavns sown, and increase the fruits of Gea el \ s >. your righteousness) !! being UL® ev TavTt tmAoutiCémevo yOu en : HOU 5 ; a ae oe (ope t aes enriched in every thing to all Tacav am\érnra, nTLS KaTepyacerau Ou bountifulness, which causeth L@U evxapltotiav Tt Oco © br 1 through us thanksgiving toGod. 5 , ~ y pee , > |For the administration of this OU eel Ses SORRY tas aes UV service, not only supplieth the Jovoy €OoTL TpocavarAnpovoa Ta voTe- want of the saints, but is abun- J Bee ah 2 \ \ y_ dant also by many thanksgiy- ONMATA TOY MYL GAAG Kal qe =f yeoman ye 8 PnEes \ u oye ; ha k ea PLOOEY ings unto God, !% whiles by the ovoa Oa TONN@Y EUVYAPLOTLOY T@ Oca" experiment of this ministration, A A an , ore ney otiewp . ~ ® Oud THs dokiuns THs Staxovias tavtns they glorify God for your pro- 5 bac 5 Oes NON an ee ~ fessed subjection unto the gos- g GSOUTES BOY ; eOy ome ELE UT Omeyz) pel of Christ, and for your TNS om“oAoyias UL@V ELS TO evayyéAov liberal distribution unto them, x Bs a : S id Tov Xpiorov, kat dmAdryte THs Kotv@- 224 Unto all men: |! and by , 5 SEEN Na ? 14 , their prayer for you, which long Vlas ELS GAUTOUS Kal Els TavTas, KQ@l after you for the exceeding avray Oenoe Urép tay, emioOovvray grace of God in you. Thanks SOC ON toe ; ; ~ be unto God for his unspeak- vpas Ova THY UTEpBadAoveay Yap TOD ape gift e NID ECA AN 15 / d NW a sn % €0U ep UL. Xapis “de T@ Oc@ > \ an > , > nA na . a ae ae Saped. XG __10: Now I Paul myself be- ee tes . ie ae Os eR OKENG seech you, by the meekness and upas Ova TNS WPAOTHTOS Kal eETLELKELAaS geutleness of Christ, who @in > a N f S presence am base among you Pon Xpiorou, us goed DAG OTTO EY, but being absent, am bold to- TATELWOS EV VILLY, aATra@Y Oe Gappa €ls ward you: *but I beseech you, c - 7 A vas 2 d€opar O€, TO pA) Tapov dap- that I may not be bold when J en a , 2 i am present, with y confidence pyaar TH memoOnoer, 7) AoyiCopat TOA= wherewith | think to be bold Lnoa él Twas Tovs AoytCopevous Gs against some, which & think ot a Ree. worep, b Rec. Kopnyngar «.wANPvvar t.0n.v K.av€noai. ¢ Rec. yevynuara. dz Or, in outward appearance, Or, reckon.2 CoRINTHIANS X. 3. us as if we walked according to the flesh. 3° For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: 4 (for the wea- pons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty ¢through God to the pulling down ‘of strong holds.) * Casting down 8 imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ: § and having in a rea- diness to revenge all disobedi- ence, when your obedience is fulfilled 7 Do } ye look on things after the outward appearance? If any man trust to himself, that he is Christ’s, let him of himself think this again, that as he is Christ’s,even so are weChrist’s. 5 For though I should boast somewhat more of ourauthority (which the Lord hath given us for edification, and not for your destruction) I should not be ashamed: 9 that I may not seem as if | would terrify you by let- ters. 10 For his letters (say they) are weighty and power ful, but Ais bodily presence is w eak, and his speech contemptible. ll Let such a one think this: that such as weare in word by letters, when we are absent, such will we be also in deed when we are present. 12 For we dare not make our- selves of the number, or com- pare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by them- selyes, and comparing them- selves amongst themselves, yare not wise. 1}3 But we will not boast of things without our measure, but according to the measure of y érule, which God hath distributed to us, a mea- sure to reach even unto you. 14 For we stretch not ourselves beyond our measure as though we reached not unto you, for we are come as far as to you also, in preaching the gospel of 448 EISTOAH IIPO2 @s Kara oapKa mepimarovyras. sey ‘ capKt yap mepimarouvres, ov kata odpka orparevojreOa" 4 Ga yap omha T™mS oTparetas np@y ov oapkiKa, adda duvara TO O€@ mpos Ka@aipeoty oxv- poudrar’) a hoyiopovs kaBarpovyres Kal may vasa emarpopevov KaTa THS yoreas TOU cov, Kal aixpaheriCovres Tay vonpa ets THY UmaKony TOU Xpirrov. 6 kal ev Eroipyp EXOVTES EKOLKT OAL Tacay TapaKory, érav mAnp@bn vpev 7 Umakon. 7 Ta kara 7 pdowmov Premere 5 el Tis TETTOLOEY EAUT@ Xpuoroo | ewat, TOUTO hoyuler Ow mah ag’ /EQurou, ote KaGas auros Xpuorov, ouT@ Kal mpets®”. : dy Te yap Kal Tmepro wore pov Tt kav- XNT ep mepl TNS efoucias Lav, hs eO@Key O _Kupuos 1) [Ly els oixodopy, Kal OvK els kadaiperw UHOY, OUK ai oxOnropar. 2 aia pa dd&@ as ay expoBew vpas Oud TOY €emioTOA@Y’ 10 O70 1G pev emoToNal, dno,” Bapetac kal ioxupal’ n Oe mapovola TOU TW- pearos aa bevijs, Kal 6 Aéyos eEoubevn- pevos. | rovro NoyileoOw 6 ToLovTos, e OL, > > / Q? > a OTL OLOL EOMEV TO hoy@ Ot ETLO TONY | | oD, A SE dmdvtTes, TOLOUTOL Kal mapdyTes TO), »~ F epy@. ie otavévTwy, dAAad avrol ey éavTots EauTovs peTpouvTes, Kal ouyxplwovTes €AUTOUS eauTots, 8.5 poets O€” ovyt els. Ta aperpa “KavxnoO- pea,” ada Kara TO METPOV TOV KaYdVOS ov epepuoey npeiy 6 cds Herpou, ecbu- Keo Ou a axpe Kal Upev. M ov yap OS HN epuxvoupevor eis vpas Umepekrelvopey EauTous’ aXe yap Kal UMOv epdaca- pevy ev TO evayyeNi@ Tov Xpiorov’ a Rec. add Xpscrov. b Bz.pacr. & d—» % Or, to God. 8 Or, reasonings. Y Or, understand it not. Or, line. Ov yap, TORMOpeEv eyKpivau a Ovy- P Kpwat EauTous TLOL TOV €auTous OvVt=* 5 is © ov GuYLOUGLY. n= |KOPINGOIOYS B. 449 2 CoRINTHIANS XI. 10. > : . 8 ovK els Ta apeTpa KAVX @[LEVOL ev GA Christ. 5 Not boasting of things \ a Aorplows Kdmrois, edmida Oe ExovTes, > iy / ¢ a av€avomerns TNS TLOTEMS UL@V, without our measure, that is, of > ¢« - Othermen’s labours, but having €V UMW hone, when your faith is in- w~ > peyaduvOnvat Kara Tov Kavova T]L@V els creased, that we shall be «en- / TEPLOTELAV, larged by you, according to our > \ ¢ 4 < ~ els TA UMEPEKELWA UHOY 116 abundantly. 16 To preach / . . evayyeioac Oat, OUK eV addorpl@ kKa- the gospel in the regions beyond / > Neate, , 6 yovi €lg TA ETOLMA KAVKNHNTAGUAL. 17 ‘Q you, and not to boast in ano- ther man’s line of things made > / L . e de KAVY@[LEVOS, ev Kupio Kavyac be ready to our hand. 17 But he n~ u“ '8 OU yap 6 éauroy *cumorar, exeivos that glorieth, let him glory in ¥ Lord. !8 For, not he ¥y commend- > , > >? a ¢ abe i co7Tl OdKtpLos, adX’ ov 6 Kupwos ove eth himself is approved, but oTnow. whom the Lord commendeth. 11. "Odedov ” aveiyer Oe” pou“ pixpoy — 11. Would to God you could bear with me a little in my AD] , SH, \ NEE e?, , Tipp pogeu7) ahha noe avexeo Oe HOU. folly, and indeed ybear with a nro yap upas Geou Cr’ npHooa- me. 2? For I am jealous over pny yap vas évi avdpi mapdevoy ayrny you with godly jealousy, for I haye espoused you to one hus- ~ a Cy 3 ~ TapagTnoa To XpioT@ poBovpa band, that I may present you as S. gi 2 > , B ieee Aye 3 dé pyres os 6 ous Evav e&nmatTnoev a chaste virgin to Christ. 3 But ee €y tT Tavoupyia avrod, 4 ovta ” dbapn P? serpent beguiled Eve through I fear lest by any means, as the \ E ¢ na 3) \ > ¢ / . . : TA VONMATA UU@Y amo TNS amoTnTos his subtilty, so your minds na >} \ r / 4 ’ \ N ¢ THs Els TOV Xpiorov. el PEev yap Oo should be corrupted from the simplicity y is in Christ. 4 For > / SA > aA , a epxopevos Gov “Ingoty knpvooer dy if he that cometh preacheth OUK exnpvéaper, 7 mvedp.a ETEPOV ap- another Jesus whom we have Savete 0 ovK éhdBere, i) evayyédcov eTepov 0 ovK edckacbe, Kaos xeobe.” not preached, or if ye receive , , another spirit, which ye have © avel- not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him. A a > AoyiGouar yap pnd€ev VOTEPNKevat > For, I suppose, I was not a TOV UTEP Niav amogTé\ov. © e€ iOiarns TH Neyo, GAN ov TH YU@oeL* i O€ Kal Whit behind the very chiefest apostles. © But though I be rude in speech, yet not in knowledge: > > > 1 7 nan aN’ ev mavti havepabevtes év macy but we have been throughly > ©. a v6 6 / > / els upas. * 7) awaptiay eroinoa, éuav- made manifest among you in all things. 7 Have I committed \ 4 oe ¢ - ¢ ~ ad Tov Tarevev wa vets VYwOyre, Ort an offence in abasing myself, Sepedy TO Tov Qeov evayyé) cov evny- y you might be exalted, because I have preached to you the gos- / ¢ x A 8 a > / yehioduny vp; a@hdas exkAnolas pel of God freely ?' 8 | robbed eovAnoa, haBav ovraviov m™pos THY other churches, taking wages of ¢ a a Upav OLakoviay’ kat mapav mpds buas them to do you service. 9 And when I was present with you, Atari: \ > s kal voTepneis, ov Karevdpknoa ovdevds* and wanted, I was chargeable \ \ ¢ / . 9 Ge yap vorépnud jLov mpocaverrAn- to no man: for that which was pacar oi ddeAdoi eAOdvres amd ; lacking to me, ¥ brethren which Make- came from Macedonia supplied, / > A a : . Oovias’) Kal €y Tmayri aBapn vp eu“auToy and in all things I have kept eTnpnoa kal TnpHTe. © for adnGeva myself from being burdensome to you, and so will I keep Nese 9, > \ ed ¢€ ’ ¢ Xpiorov ev emo, ore 1 KavxXno1ts avrn myself. 1 As thetruth of Christ aS guricravwy, b Elz nuecverbe, C Bz. & Elz. cw Or, magnified in you. 8 Or, + HeKpoy Te 7S appocvyns, A—> e Rec. a nvery eas, ule, r, you do bear with me, 303 CorintHians XI.11. 450 EDISTOAH IIPOS , UW > Teo Nes), 5 , isin me, @no manshallstopme ov *@paynaerau els Epe EV TOLS KAipaot dts : . a a fe > a of this boasting in the regions of THs "Ayaias. 11 dvari; OTL OUK dyar@ Achaia. !! Wherefore ? because .‘° ~ % : ee “i : I love you not ? God knoweth. upas 5 90 Oecos OLOEV a Of TROLS Kat . © / ¢ > Qn 12 But what I do, that I will do, TT OLN TQ, wa exkoro Ty apoppny TOV that I may cut off occasion from Gexé ico SP ep Be aanra them which desire occasion, that = OURO a ead TE ae X ? wherein they glory, they may evpeOaor Kadws Kat NPELS. pewoune even AS WG: Oi yap rovovTor WevdarrdaToAo1, Forsuch ure false apostles, , , 5 ’ 3 deceitful workers, transforming €pyaTat OALOL, PETATXNMAaTLCOpevor Els themselves into the apostles of gapogréAous Xpicrov" 14 nai ov » 6av- Christ. 11 And no marvel, for Fa ge eS \ Ss as Satan himself is transformed PAO TEC es BUT OS veP Q CEONES, poe into an angel of light. 5 There- ‘oxXnpariceTat Els ayyehov Poros ov |) fore it is no great thing if his peya ovp ei Kai ot Oudkovol AUTOU pLeTa= ministers also be transformed 3 _ ; : as the ministers of righteous- oxnpariCovrat @s OLaKOVOL OuKaLOTUYNS;, ness, whose end shall beaccord- ©y ro TENOS €OTAL KaTa TA épya avTOV. ing to their works. 16 / / oy He) iy cay again, Let no man > Lladw Acyo, pay tis je OOfn appova | ; : : : 5 3 think me a fools if otherwise, eivau’ el Oe pnye, Kav ws appova 6é- yet as a fool receive me, that ¢ , to ae N , 1 , 4 I may boast myself a little. Eaode fee ay HEP OP ie KAUN 17 That which I speak, I speak pat. 7 0 AAA, ov had@ Kata Kupuoy, | : 4 = 4 na r it not after the Lor d, but asit GAN? os ev. appoavyy, ey ravTn TH | were foolishly inthis confidence ; ; ~ pos 18:2 x of boasting. !8 Seeingthat many UTOOTACGEL TNS KAVXNTEWS. ET EL TIOA~ . . \ nn \ A / > glory after the flesh, I willglory Aol Kavy@vTat KaTa THY Gapka, Kay@ | also. 19 For ye suffer fools glad- P , ; 19 592 AAeueeoe ly, seeing ye yourselves are wise. ON OO ee OS. P ot Oi, 20 Wor ye suffer if a man bring T@Y appovey, Ppovipot OVTES” ave- } ; : . : / i . 7 you into bondage, if a man de- xeoGe yap, el Tis vas KaTadovAol, €l | your you, if a man take of you, ; 7 ; a ' if a man exalt himself, if aman TS KateoOler, €l TLS Lap Bavet, €l TLS & . % > , By, Cae > , smite you on the face. emraipeTal, €l Tls VMAS ELS MPOT TOV } - - depet. I speak as concerning re- 21 oe, , eis eh proach, as though we had been Kara arTlhlay eyo, WS OTL NHELS } weak: howbeit, whereinsoever nobevnoapey™ ev @ © Gy Tis TOApAG, (ev | any is bold, I speak foolishly, > , , ‘ Ee 92 <¢ 1 am bold also. 22 Are they He- appoovyn Aeyo,) TOAP@ Kayo. Es} 3 oes, > > Pe ge, > , > brews? soam I: Are they Israel- Bpatot elov; Kayo IopanAitat elor; i ? . . , > ame sans Rayos Momeppe SAB pal nieclouy sais they ministers of Christ? I 23 Sidxovor Xpiorod ear; (mapadhpovar | speak as a fool, 1 am more: in ado, ) UTrep eyo" ey KOmrous TEpLoOoorTe- H labours more abundant: in > i a ¢ On 3 stripes above measure: in pri- POS yale umepBa : CES eV | gi yee pore deaths @uAakais TeploooTepws, EV Gavarots | Ont, 2 the Jews five times , 24.75 ND , , received I forty stripes save one. moNQakts. (oro lovdaiey 7 25 Thrice was I beaten with TeToOapakovTa Tapa [LLayv edaBor, Tpls 7 ° } 3D o rods, once was I stoned: thrice eppaBdic@nv, dra edtOacOny, Tpis I suffered shipwreck: a night 3; ; ; > a A anda day I have been in the £¥@vaynoa, vuxOnpepov CUT? Bub@ | > : . : , 9 / / deep. 26 In journeying often,in grerroinka’) *° ddouropiats mo\Xakts* 2St.adpayicstar, BO Oavua. © Rec. pexpoy rt Kayw. ° Gr. this boasting shall not be stopped in me } Or, suffer.KOPINOIOYS B. 45] 2 Corinrurans XII. 6. , a QZ ~ : ° . Kivduvols Troranay, Kwdbvous AnoTGv, perils of waters, in perils of rob: , 2 s , A) a rs j aT , Kuvduvous €k yévous, Kwddvors e& eOvarv, peneeth pas Py ie ae ane / > , , > > , wa > perus Yoy¥e 2ea) 1en, KiyOvvots ie TONEL, KiOvvots ws €PNLA, in perils in the city, in perils in KuOvvors ev Oaddoon, Kivdvvors ey Wevd- the nilderness, in perils in he , De , \ , Sea, In perils among false re- «sD een > s adedors ; ok KOTO, ae pOXAe, thren, */ in weariness and pain- €v aypumyiats troANakis, év Atu@ Kat fulness, in watchings often, in / > , , > , hunger and thirst, in fastings diet, €v vnoreiats moANdKus, ey We gu. a eer > aSEng v es i} = 5 : ae v X often, in cold and nakedness. Kat yup.vornre XOPlS TOV TAPEKTOS, 28 Besides those things that are ¢ > , , ¢ 9507 C , ¢ >] © thie > ) emiovetacis pov 7 Ka NeEpay, 1) without, that w hich cometh x ERA a upon me daily, the care of all PERS THOT OUSROY SEALY s , the churches. - TNs on r x 2 ie % ~ Tus ac bevet, Kal OUK agbeva@ 5 TLS 29 Who is weak, and Iam not > > a“ 7 iF 7 } a © oxavdadi¢erat, Kal ovK €y® Tupovpuar; Weak ? who is offended, and I . had Sina oe , burn not? 3°If I must needs et EOE; Me co BS as eh SUSIOS glory, I will glory of the things fLov Kavynoona. *! 6 Geds Kal 7ATHpP which concern mine infirmities. ~ 7 Cn) ~ x7 eS sla = v¢ or , tov Kupiou nuay Incod Xpicrod oidev, °' The God and Bathe oi our a J : 5 c ile : > Lord Jesus Christ, which is O @y EevAoyNToOs Els TOS Gl@vas, OTL OV blessed for evermore, knoweth 29 ~ > , So =; o> Qe c Wevdoua. * ey Aanacka 6 eOvapxns ¥ Lilie not. 32m Damascus the a , = ae $ , \, Sovernor under Aretas the king, Apeta Tov Bacu EQS eppouper TY keptthe city“with a garrison, de- a ; , ie — . Aapacknvey modu, midoat Le OeXwy"” sirous to apprehend me. 33 And 33 \ \ / 2 , ? ‘_ through a window in a basket w - gt Gua Gupidos Se GORNS 7) exahd was I let down, by the wall, and aOnv Ota Tov Telxyous, Kal e£esbuyov Tas escaped his hands. eS Se XeElpas avuTou. 2 = a c aU > é : . 12. KavyaoOar ¢Sdei,” od oupPEper 12. It isnot expedient for me, , > > / \ 2S “4 S joe ehevoopuar yap els omtacias Kal doubtless, to glory, I will come s , oy Gi to visions and revelations of the amoxaduwets Kupiov. oui 9 > ey] > x = \ i “ Oida av Oparrov €V XpioTt@ pO ?T knew a man in Christ a. Z : 7 2 : bove fourteen years ago, whe- eTay Oexatecodpwy" (elre ev Gamat, a é 5 go, ; e f ( t > ther in the body, I cannot tell, t a Z , or whether out of the body, I olda’* 6 Geds older’) aptayevta Tov cannot tell, God knoweth: such ~ Cae G > ~ 3 ) aone, caught up to the third BOLOUTOY £@s BER UEOY CoP ALOU, 5 aL heaven. 3 And I knew such a oiba TOV TOLOUTOYV avOpwtrov" (etre €VY man (whether in the body, or / a , > © TOMaTL, ElTE EKTOS TOU TaHLATOS, OvK CUt of the body, 2 cannot tell, 5 > c/ ¢ , >» God knoweth. How that he 8 eZ c \ c =) 4 : Z ol0a’ 0 Geos oldev oTt EST €¢S was caught up into paradise, and > . Tov mapddecoy, Kal ijKkovcey appnra heard unspeakable words, which C7 a 2e\ wopeta Aadry- it is not flawful for a man to PyHaTa, a ovkK e€0ov avoper« UR anters oa. RG \ ~ , , TOU KavynooLal : Cae nae Oe ee , x7) aff \ 5 Of such a one will I glory, UITEp de SAUTE OU AO Us KAUXT OOMAL EL (27) vetiofmyself Lawill. not glory, r aA \ : : ° a ‘4s . x ey Tals agGeveias pov. 8 cay yap but in mine infirmities. 6 For , , 6 > » #_ though I would desire to glory, dadjnow OOS: dy Ov Scout @~ J shall not be a fool: for I will pov adndevav yap épa deidouar say ¥ truth. But now I forbear, Ey > \ ~ , > ovK oida’ etre exTos Tod T@LATOS, OUK aus a © Ree & Gb 3n. a Add ot the Damascenes. B Or, possible.2 CornInTHIANS XII. 7. 452 EHISTOAH TIPOS Jest any man should think of me be, BN TLS eis eee Aoylonrat omep above that which he seeth me GKOVEL TL €& EOD. to be, or that he heareth of me: 0 pene eS) i 7 cE € oe 7 and lest Ishould be exalted 7 Kat TH UmepPo 7 TOV amoka uipeov | | | above measure through yabun- {yq BY Vmrepaipapat, €006n pee oKohow vil e ti here | dance of the revelations, t ri cape, dyychos Sarav iva pe KO- | | ii was given to me a thorn in the 8 | flesh, the messenger of Satan to Aagi (yn, *wa ra Umepaipepar. UTrEp { buffet me, lest I should be ex- ma MeenaRaccnnedsare. SIRORtIS © TOUTOU Tpis Tov Kogton mapekdheoa, i bl thing I besought y Lord thrice, wa amrooTn an epou Kal elpnKé pow | i co it might depart from me. eepect oo 7 Xapes pou’ 7 yap dvvapis 9Andhe said unto me, My grace 0 x "HS eee is sufficient for thee: for my ® pou" ev aoOeveia TE evourat. ALS | strength is made perfect in ovy paddoy kauxn ropa ev Tats do be- | Neca Most gladly Oss velats jLov iva eMLTKNVOOT er eye n os ore will J rather glory in my 4 10 infirmities, that the power of Ovvapus TOU Xpiorov. 610 EvVOOK® ev Christ may rest upon me. ao beveiats, ev UBpec, ev avdyKas, ep I 10 Therefore J take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in ne- Srarypois, ev OTEvOX@piats, UIFEP Xpt- cessities, in persecutions, in dis- oToU: OTray yap aobeva, TOTE Ovvaros : tresses for Christ’s sake: for [eRen) ia when I am weak, then am I oe Pe < - } strong. Téyova appare” ~ UpeEls ve ay 11 J am become a fool in glo- Gare evan a aepethov up vpov $ ie rying, ye have compelled me. : Y yee For I ought to have been com- ouviotag Gat’ ovdev yap. borepnra Tov mended of you: for in nothing Umrep lav amroTTONOY, Ei Kal ovoev eipe. am I behind the very chiefest 19 ‘i apostles, though I be nothing. Ta pev onpeta TOU amoordXov Rare : ’ 12 Truly the signs of an apostle yao On ev vp ev Taon Umropovi, ev | were wrought among you in all onpelors KOL TEpact Kah Suvdpect. patience, in signs and wonders, 45 j fi and mighty deeds. !3 For what ~ Th yap EOTLY, oO arrnOnre Uirep Tas ‘ ‘ is it wherein ye were inferior Nourds exkAno las, el pi) OTL AUTOS EY® | to other churches, except it be bd that I myself was not burden- ov karevapknoa ULOY 3 ’ Xapioar e Oe some to you? forgive me this ae aouKklav TavTHY. wrong. d ; i : : : oO /@ | 14 Behold, the third time I "I6ou Tptrov TOUTO" éT (peas exo co i am ready to come to you, and I éNOetv mpos vas, Kat ov karavapKno® t will not Deis caR ete Tels vo" ou yap (nT @ Ta UMOV, GAN’ Ups. | for I seek not your’s, but you: . for the Aerator ctchtaal to lay ov yap opel el Ta TEKVA TOLS yovevou } up for the parents, but the pa- Onoaupicery, arn ot yovets TOLS TEKYOLS" rents for the children. 5 AndI 15 ak Oe Ouora Sarravnaoe Kat exOa- \ will very gladly spend and be iy } zi it spent for you, though the more mayn On copar Umep TOV Wuxev par" abundantly I love you, the less : el Kal TEplLoooTEpw vuas ayarey, | ' I be loved. @ > Be ‘P : ts o Mt NTTOV ayaTroudat. : . >/ \ 16 But be it so: I did not bur- 16 "Egto be, ey@ ov kateBapnoa é den you: nevertheless being IAN? Ing vuas, a Ura oy Tmavou Oo JA® | crafty, I caught you with guile. nee px PYG: 8 7 Pid I make a gain of you by vpas eAaBov; * ‘un Twa ey dméoranka © any of them, whomI sent unto gpds was, Ov adrov emeovextnoa | HI a= b—- © Rec. add xavywpevos. d Rec. om. * Gr. your souls.KOPINOIOYS B. 453 ¢ a , vpas; |® mapexddeca Tirov, kab cup- améeoreina TOV aerpdv' punts emdeo- vexTnoev vmas Tiros; od T® QuT@ TVEUMATL TeplemaTnoauey 3 od Tois ae aUuTOls tyveot 5 9 Tlddw Soxetre ore Umiy arooyov- pea; *Katevomiov" tod Ceod ep Xpt- oT@ Aadovpev rade mdyvra, ayarnrol, UTep THs vay oikodopis. 7 poPov- par yap, unmas éhOdv ody olovs Odo cUp@ vas, Kaya evpeO@ wtyiy otov od Oehete? untras epets, CHAor, Ovpol, epiGeiar, KaradaXual, Widupicpol, dv- ol@ces, axatactacia’ 7 fn wad ehOdvra pe Tarewaon we” 6 Oeds pov Mpos Vas, Kal mevOnow ToAAOds TOY TponpapTnKoTay, Kai 1) peTavonodvT@y emt TH dxabapoia kal Topveia Kal doed- yela, 7) €mpakar. 3. Tpirov rovto épxouar mpos vpas. emt ordpatos dSvo PapTupey Kal TpLOy oTabnoerat ray phua. ? Tpoeipnka Kal Tpoh€yw, (@s Tapav) Td devrepov, (kal amov viv) °” rots TponmapTnkKoct, Kal Tois Aowrots acu, drt cay COw eis TH TaXwy, ov deiaopuae 3 ert doxiury (n- TELTE TOU ev esol NadodvTOS Xpiorov, (Os eis buds ov« doOevel, AX Suvater ev tiv * Kal yap e/ eatavpabn e& doOeveias, Ga CH ek duvapews Oceod" Kat yap 4” jets acbevodpey ev auto, GANG Cyodpeba ody auT@ ek Suvapews Qeov eis vas’) »* éavrovs TELPACETE EL €oTe €y TH TiaTeL, EavTovs Ooxiuacere. i) OVK emvywookere éavrovs, Ort Inocovs Xpioros ev viv cot; ei pyre dddKi- pol eore. ° °Edmige dé dre yadoecbe br TLets OUK €opeyv dddKipor. © evxyoua” Oé wpos Tov Oedv, py Totpoar bas KaKoy pndev ody iva tpeis Sdxysor havduer, 2 Corinturans XIII. 7. you? I8] desired Titus, and with him I sent a brother: did Titus make a gain of you ? walked we not in the same Spirit ? walked we not in the same steps ? 19 Again, think you that we excuse ourselves unto you ? we speak before God in Christ: but we doall things, dearly beloved, for your edifying. 20 For I fear lest when I come, I shall not find you such as I would, and that I shall be found unto you such as ye would not, lest there be debates, envyings, wraths, strifes, backbitings, whisper- ings, swellings, tumults, 2! and lest when I come again, my God will humble me among you, and that I shall bewail many which have sinned already, and have not repented of the uncleanness, and fornication, and lascivious- ness which they have commit- ted. 13. This is the third time I am coming to you: in the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established. 2 I told you before, and foretell you as if I were present the second time, and being absent, now I write to them which here- tofore have sinned, and to all other, that if I come again I will not spare: %since ye seek a proof of Christ speaking in me, which to you-ward is not weak, but is mighty in you. 4 For though he was crucified through weakness, yet he liveth by the power of God: for we also are weak 2in him, but we shall live with him by the power of God toward you. © Examine vour- selves, whether ye be inj faith: prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates ? 6 But I trust that ye shall know that we are not repro- bates. 7 Now I pray to God, that ye dono evil, not that weshould appear approved, but that ye 2D KaTavavee. b Rec. & Gb. om, ¢ Rec. add ypadw. = Or, with him, d Bz. & Elz. add xac, 8D Ev1 Opes.9 Corin THIANs XIII. 8. should do that which is honest, though we be as reprobates. 8 For we can do nothing against » For we are glad when we are Mies aud ye are strong: eer econ. 10m heretore I write these things being absent, lest being present | shoulduse sharp- , according to the power which the Lord hath given me to edification, and not to de- comfort, be of one mind, live in peace, and the God of love and peace shall be with you. 12 Greet one another with an 13 All the saints salute you. 14 The grace of the Lord Jesus i and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen. 454 EVMISTOAH avN iva tpets TO KaNOY ToLATE, TwEts d€ ws addxupLoL open. 5 ov yap duvd- pO TL KaTa ms ahnOetas, ann Umep TS aAnOeias. ” Xaipopev yap oray nyeets doGevaper, Upets de duvarot are: Trouto *6é” kal cuxopeba, THY poy karapTiow. MOUd. TOUTO TavTa arov ypape, wa map@y pn diroT Opes xpr- a Kata THY e€ovclav ay. EOM@KE LOL 6 Kuptos eis oikodopyy, Kal oUK eis KaO- aipeou. 1 Aourov, adeAdol, yalpere, Kar- aptiter0e, mapaxadeiobe, TO avTo povetre, cipyvevere” Kal O Cecds THs ayamns Kal elpnyns €arat ped? par. 2 goracacbe ahAndous ev dyio gu- Anpatt. dondgovrar wvpas ot dy.ot ; Tayres. ‘H ydpis tod Kupiov “Inood Xpr- gTov, Kal 7 aydmn TOU Ocov, Kal 7 Kowavia Tov dylou Llvevpatos pera TavT@Y ULa@v.?” NAYAOY ENISTOAH MOO! ahi Asad ets Lae an apostle, not of neither by man, but by Jesus Christ, and God t , who raised him from , “and all the brethren which are with me, unto the churches of Galatia: < you and peace, from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ, 4 who ieee ee for our sins, [[AYA0= amdaronos, (ov« am avOpa- mov, ovde Ov avOpemrov, ada Oa "Incov Xpisrov, Kat Qeov matpos Tov eyeipavtos avroy eK veKp@v,) 7 Kal ot ouy efol mavtes adehol, Tals eKKAn-= aias THs Tadarias' 3 yxapis vpiv Kat eipnvn amd Oeod marpos, Kal Kupiou ere ‘Incov Xpiotov, * tov Sdvtos EauTov Cmrepl” Tov dpapriay HOY, areeens evil world, aeeueaiy OTs efeAnTat nas EK TOD EVETT@TOS b Rec. add apn. © Rec. uspTIPOS TAAATAS. 455 Sa A a A al@vos Tovnpov, KaTa TO dednpa TOU cov Kal marpos HOV, @ 7 dd&a els TOUS ala@vas TOV aiovey. auny. s Oavpace OTL OUT@ TAXEws perari- OecGe amd tod Kadécavtos tpas ev / A o Xapitt *Xpuicrov,” eis erepov evayye- Avov’ 4 6 ovK eotw adXo, ei pH TivEes ’ ~ , Eloy OL TapaocovTes Upas, Kal BeovTes beTaoupeypat TO evayye\tov TOU Xpe- atov. ® adda kal éay npeets i) ayyedos e& ovpavod evayyedi(nrar upp map O evnyyeAirdpueda bp, dvdbepa EOTO. » @s Tpoetpnkaper, Kal dpte mah Ae- yo, el Tis tas evayyeAi€erar map 6 mapehaBere, avabepa goto. ° dpre \ > , , aX \ /, v yap avOparous meiOm 7) Tov Gedy; 7} (nT® avOparos apeckew; ei yap” ere avOparro.s rpeorkov, Xptotov Sovdos ovK av Huny. 1 Tvapifo °dé” tpiv, adedpol, Td > / \ 2 \ iC > > ~~ evayyehtoy TO evayyedicOev tm Epod, Ort OUK €oTt KaTa avOpwmoyv’ ™ ovdE \ > \ \ > / > yap ey@ Tapa avOpwrmov mapéAaBov av- \ a» 2 /, > \ > > TO, ovTe edudayOnv, adda Ov a7roKa- 7 ~ r ~ hivrews “Inoov Xpucrov. NKOVG-ATE yap THY €uny avaotpopyy mote ev TO > - na ad > ¢ \ A/ lovdaicuea, ott Ka vrepBodrny €dio- Kov THY eKKAnolay TOU Geod, Kal Eemdp- Oovv adtnv' 4 Kat mpoexorrov ev TO ? - Ct ¢ \ \ , lovdaicpa vmep mohAovs ovynALKLO- > ~ , , Tas €Y T@ YevEl [OUV, TEPLaGOTEPwS \ & Be ge 2 E ~ p (nd@Tns UTapyav TOY TaTpLK@Y [Bou mapaddcewy. Pe tOre be evdoxnoev “0 Oceds” 6 apopioas pe €k KotXlas pENTpOs pov, Kal Kaheoas Ova Ts Xaperos avrov, 16 Grro- od Kaduwat Tov vidy avrou ev efol, wa evayyehiCopar avTov €yv Tots eOveoy" evdews ov mpocavebeuny capkl Kal at- part, 7 ovd€ avndOoy «is ‘lepood\upa \ A \ > a“ = / > > mpos TOUS pO EfL00 amoaTdAous, GAA d GALATIANS I. 17. to the will of God, and our Fa- ther, >to whom ée glory for ever and ever, Amen. 6 J marvel, } you are so soon removed ou him, that ealled you into the grace of Christ,unto another gospel: 7 which is not another ; but there besome that trouble you, and would pervert y gospel of Christ. 8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you, than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. 9 As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you, than that ye have received, let him be accursed. !9 For do I now persuade men, or God ? or do I seek to please men ? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ. 11 But I certify you, brethren, y the gospel which wa as preached of me, is not afterman. !2 For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught 7@, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ. 13 For ye have heard of my.con- versation in time past, in the Jews’ religion, how that beyond measure I persecuted y church of God, and wasted it: and profited in the Jews’ religion, above many my ¢ equals in mine own nation, being more exceed- ingly zealous of the traditions of my fathers. 15 But when it pleased God; who separated me from my mother’s womb, and called me by his grace, !®to reveal his Son in me, that I might preach him among the heathen, imme- diately I conferred not with flesh and blood: !7 neither went I up to Jerusalem, to them which were apostles before me, ae, bys CO yap. Te * Gr. equals in years.GALATIANS I. 18. but I went into Arabia, and re- turned again unto Damascus. 18 Then after three years, I awent up to Jerusalem to see Peter, and abode with him fif- teen days. 19 But other of the apostles saw I none, save James the Lord’s brother. 2° Now the things which I write unto you, behold, before God I lie not. *l Afterwards I came into the regions of Syria and Cilicia, 2 and was unknown by face unto the churches of Judea, which were in Christ. 23 But they had heard only, That he which persecuted us in times past, now preacheth the faith, which once he destroyed. 24And 23 they glorified God in me. 2. Then fourteen years after, I went up again toJerusalem with Barnabas, and took Titus with me also. 2And I went up by revelation, and communicated unto them that gospel, which I preach among the Gentiles, but # privately to them which were of reputation, lest by any means ] should run, or had run in vain. ° But neither Titus, who was with me, being a Greek, was compelled to be circum- cised: 4 and y because of false brethren unawares brought in, who came in privily to spy out our liberty, which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage. 5 To whom we gave place by sub- jection, no not for an hour, that > the truth of the gospel might continue with you. 6 But of these, who seemed to be somewhat, (whatsoever they were, it maketh no matter to me, God accepteth no man’s person,) for they who seemed to be somewhat, in conference added nothing to me. 7But con- trariwise, when they saw that the gospel of y uncireumcision was committed unto me, as the gospel of the circumcision was unto Peter: § (for he ¥ wrought effectually in Peter to the apos- tleship of the circumcision, the 456 EMMSTOAH amnOov eis "ApaBiay, Kat mahw wvre- otpewa eis Aapackov. 2 aa > 18 "Eqeita peta €Tn Tpla avndOoy «is : x 5 pee ‘Tepoodhupa ioropnaat Kynar,” Kai ere perv TpOs aVTOY nuepas Sexamevre® qy eTepov d€ TOy amoaToOA@y OvK ELOY, e Ha *TdkwBov TOV adeh pov TOU Kupiov. a oe ypahe upiv, Sov ev@mloy TOU - ért ov Yrevdopat. if 7 5. > A AL a“ Emeira ndOov eis Ta KNipata THs ~ » \ Supias Kai THs KuAckias* nunv OE a Cr 3 ayVOOUPEVOS TO TPOToN@ Tals eKKAn- cias ths ‘Iovdaias tats ev Xpiote* povov O€ akovovres Hoay' “Ort 6 Oto- KV Tas TOTE, Voy evayyeAiCeTaL THY mlotw v more emopOer. ™ Kai eddgéa- Cov év €uol Tov Gedy. 2. "Emevta dia Oexaterodpev érar / > ¢ > ¢ / iw madw aveBny ets lepoodhupa peta Bap- A © 7 vaBa, cuprapadaBoy Kai Titov’ 2 avé- ~ \ >, 4 \ > / ny O€ Kata amoKkadAuyiy, Kai avebéuny avTois TO evayyeAtov 0 KNPVTTH EV Tots Ee) rn rR , eOveot, kat idiay d€ Tois SoKovot, py- ’ A 4 A éO 3 IAN Tos els KEVOY TPEXW 7) EOpapov. * a 2Q\ / ¢ \ > Nine, a > ovde Tiros 6 avy emo, “ENAny dy, nvay- , 67 4 & \ Oe \ KaoOn tTepitpnOnvac. ta O€ ToOvs , , a mapetoaxtous wevdadedAgdous, (oirwes maperonh Gov KaTacKoTnoal THY eNev- Oepiav TOY, iy Exopev ev Xpiore@ sap iva npas ’ karadouhogovew" sD) © ots ovde ’ “ apos @pay elEapev TH Umorayn, wa 1, adn deva Tov €vayyediouv Svapeivy T™pos vas. 6 8 , = , “Amro d€ trav Soxovytwy eivai Tt, OTolol Tore Hoav, ovdEY poL Sraheper (mpocemoy Geos avOparou od hap Bd- vet) €Lol yap ol Soxowvres ovdey T™poo- avebevro, 7 a\Aa Tovvaytioy, iddvres OTL TETLOTEUPAL TO evayyeuoy TS aKpo- Buorias, Kabas Térpos T™S Tmeptropns” 8 (6 yap évepynoas Iérpe els arooro- aw—. Rec. & Gb. Merpoy b Rec. & Gb. xaradovAwowyras. © ee Or, returned. 8 Or severally.WPOS EAAATAS. Anv THs TEplTouns, evNpynoe Kal eyol eis Ta evn’) 9% kal yPuvTes TV Xap Thy Oobeioay pot, *IdKwSos Kat Kngas* Kal ‘ladvyns, of Soxotvtes otvXor elval, deEtas eSwxav enol Kab BapvaBa xowo- vias, va nets » we” eis Te €Ovn, avtot dé els THY Tepitouny: fLOvoy TeV BO Y Se Nn ee TT@ONXOY Wa pYNwovev@pmey, O Kal eo7roOv- 2 A Oaca avTo tTovTo Tomoat. 1 "Ore O€ HAGE © Kynas” eis ’Avtid- Xelav, Kata Tpdcwroy avT@® avtéotny, OTL KaTeyvaopevos Hy. 2 TPO TOV yap eOeiy tiwvas amd “lakdBouv, peTa TeV > rn , = od Ny ¢ , eOvav oauvnobtev’ bre Se nrOov, vre-= orehie Kal apapiley éavroy, poBov- \ > a Mevos TOUS €K TEPLTOUNS. , 2 nn \ ¢ \ guvuTreKpiOncay avt@ Kat of dourol > al Iovdaior, Sorte Kal BapvaBas guy- / an a“ amnxOn aitaev ti broxpicet. “VAN Gre eidov Ore odk opOorro- Oovot mpos thy adnOeay Tod evayye- , > ~ dw nu + / Aiov, eurov TO Knha ep pooOev mavtov’ Et av, ‘lovdaios wrapyor, > ~ lon x > > - ~ e ~ “ eOvixas Gis Kal ovk “Iovdaixds, °ras Noy, > hic > ye sage = Ta €Ovn avayKaters “lovSaitery nLels ei ? > \ > > > a ¢ uoet ‘lovdaior, cat otk €& eOvav dpap- \ 16 idd fs Yad > 6 a Two, 7° eiddtes 'Se” Srt od StxatovraL a > y+ , aX \ \ wOpatos &€ epyav vopov, édy pu) did ~ r A \ ¢ o > mioTews “Incov XploTov, kal npets eis ~ Fi Xpicroy “Incovv ETLOTEVT AME, nw > , oN \ OrkarwOGmuev €k Tictews Xptorov, kat > ovk e€ épyor vomov' § ddr” beg Epyev vopov ov OrxawOnoerar” raca oapé. el O€ (nrodvres Sikarwbqvar éy Xpi- aT@, evpeOnuev Kat avrot duaptodrol, dpa Xpicros duaprias Sdidkovos ; p47) ei yap ad KatéAvoa, Tata mahw otkodop@, mapaBatny ¢uavrov Joumuotdve.” © éya yap did védpov 1) 17 18 “yevouro. / > 4 a cat / | VOL® atréOavoy, wa Ge (joo. n a \ > A > \ TTO cuvecTavpepar’ €@ O€, ovKETL EY, AN Iletpog Kat laxwBos, b Rec. om, Cw —. Rec. & Gh. GALATIANS II. 20. Same was mighty in me towards the Gentiles.) 9 And when James, Cephas and John, who seemed to be pillars, perceived the grace that was given unto me, they gave to me and Bar- nabas the right hands of fellow- ship, that we should go unto the heathen, and they unto the cir- cumcision. !0 Only they would that we should remember the poor, the same which I also was forward to do. '1 But when Peter was come to Antioch, I withstood him to the face, because he was to be blamed. !? For before that cer- tain came from James, he did eat with the Gentiles: but when they were come, he withdrew, and separated himself, fearing them which were of the cireum- cision. 13 And the other Jews dissembled likewise with him, insomuch that Barnabas also was carried away with their dissimulation. 14 But when I saw that they walked not uprightly according to the truth of the gospel, I said unto Peter before them all, If thou, being a Jew, livest after the manner of Gentiles, and not as do the Jews, why compellest thou the Gentiles to live as do the Jews? !5 We who are Jews by nature, and not sinners of the Gentiles, '6 knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, eyen we have be- lieved in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justi- fied. 17 But if while we seek to be justified by Christ, we our- selves also are found sinners, is therefore Christ the minister of sin? God forbid. 18 For if 1 build again the things which I destroyed, I make myself a transgressor. !9 For I through the law, am dead to the law, that I might live unto God. *0T am crucified with Christ. Tlerpos. d w—, Rec. & Gh. Tletpw. © Rec. re Rec. > § SY ore, h Rec. ov dcxarwO. ef epy. vouov. i Rec. ovvcornpcsGALATIANS LL. 213 Nevertheless, I live,yet notI,but Christ liveth in me, and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by tl law, then Christ is dead in vain. 3. O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that you should not obey the truth, fore whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you ? i only would I learn of you, Re- ceived ye the Spirit, works of the law, hearing of faith ? foolish ? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh ? 4have ye suffer- ed ¢so many things in vain ? if it be yet in vain. » He therefore y ministereth to you the Spirit, and worketh miracles among you, doeth he it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith ? 6 Even as Abraham be- lieved God, & it was & account- ed to him for righteousness. 7 Know ye therefore, that they which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham. § the scripture foreseeing that , God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, say- ing, In thee shall all nations be blessed. » So then, they which be of faith, are blessed with faithful Abraham. 10 For as many as are of the works of the law, are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things w hich are written in the book of the law to do them. 1! But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: just shall live by faith. the law is not of faith: man that doeth them, shall live in them. !3 Christ hath redeem- ed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: rN 458 ENISTOAH Cn Oe ev epot Xpiords’ 6 Oe voy 6@ €vy oapkl, ev more (a 7 TOU viov TOU cov, TOU ayarnoavros: pe Kal mapaddyros éauTov urep éuov. *! ovK abet THY xapw TOU @eou tees yap dua vo pov Sixacocvvn, apa Xproros O@pedy amédavev. San0 dyOnT ot Tahara, Tis wpas eBaoKkave*’ 3 ols KaT * 6pBah pods” Inoovs Xpioros mpoeypapn év bp” eorav- papevos. 2 Touro peovov Go pabeiy ap oper e& epyov YOMOv TO Tvevpa eAdBere, 7 1 é& dxons TiaTews; * ovT@s avonrot eoTE } evapEdpevot Tlvevpart, yuv wapet erureRetode 5 4 ToouvTa emradere etki) 5 etye kar eikn. % 6 ody emtxopnyov uply TO Uyeda, Kal evep- yov Ouvapers ev UH, e& € epyav y6,jL0u i ef akons TLOTEDS 5 6 Kadas’ ABpacp exlatevoe TO O€@, Kal EMoyicOn avT@ els Sixavootyny. 7 arg , 2 ¢/ C2 , Tw@oKeTEe Apa OTL OL EK TLOTEDS, | obrol elouy viol ‘ABpadp. *mpoidovea dé 1) ypapy Ort €k TioTews OLKaLoL TA ABpadp’ “Ore ° evevdoynOnoovrar” ev \ / \ a ed ¢ > col mavra ta €Ovn. % “Qore ot eK) / > - \ a n> TiaTews, EVAOyOUYTaL GUY TH TLOT@ > , ABpaap. 0 os \ > + , , A Ooo yap €& épyav yopou Eloi, UIrO Karapay elol’ yeyparrar yap" ds qWOr” emkardparos mas Os OUK €pLpever ev TAaGL TOLS Yeypappevors ev TO eyes Zéyn 6 Oc€ds, mpoevnyyeAioato Te! ) ) NYY ‘ TOU vopon, TOU ToLnoat avuTa. “Ort ; de ev vou@ ovdels Suxavodrat mapa TO) Gea, SpAov' dre ‘O Sikatos €x TLTTEDS | 2 (oera 1 6 Se vdpos ovK EoTw eK / > 3.:¢. , > \ el , TliagTews, GAN ‘O roinoas avta®” (noerat > > o 13 w \ ¢ a > , ev avuTols. Xpioros npas e&nyopacer | eK TS kardpas TOU VOOV, yevopevos | UTEP OV Karapa’ (‘yéyparrat yap’ a Rec. add ry adnOera wn recOecOar. @ Rec. add arvOpwros. b= ce Bz. & Elz. evAoynInaovrate d Rec. om, f SS ore yeypartac. Or, so great. Or, imputed.HPOS TAAATAS. 459 Emxardparos mas 6 Kpepdjievos emt Evhov") “wa eis ta €Ovn 7 evAoyia TOU ‘ABpacu yernrat ev Xpior@ | Ingov, iva Thy emayyeNav tov Ilvevparos \d- Popev dua THs TioTEws. is ‘AdeA ot, KaTa avOperrov eyo, Opas avOpamou KEKUP@LEUNV Seadyxny ovdeis aderet 7) enidiatacoera. ° 7a de "ABpaap eppnOnoav at emayyeNias, kal T@ ore ppar avTou' ov Neyer’ Kal Tots omeppanw, @s él mo\dor, GAN’ ws ef) évds’ Katto ome ppart cou, os €ott Xpiatds. 7 TOUTO de eyo, Siadinkny mpokeky popevny urd TOV Beov “ets Xpiorov" 6 peta ? teTpakdcwa Kal TpLaxovTa etn yeyovws Vd|LOS OVK AKUpot, els TO KaTapynoa THY émayyeXlay. el yap EK VO[LOU 7 KANPOVOJLIA, OVKETL e€ enayyeNlas to Se “ABpadw Ov emayye)tas Kexapioral 0 Ocos. 1 Ti ouv o VO}L08 5 Tay TapaBdcewy Xap CereOn,” (Gxypts ov €dOn Td oTEepua @ emnyyedrat,) d.arayeis oe ayyehav, ev yeipt pecirov. © 6 be precitns évds ovK eat, 6 Sé Oeds eis EOTLY. *1“O ovy vépos KaTa TOY eTayyeAL@V TOU Qeovd; py) yevorro. el yap €dd0n vopos 6 Suvapevos Cworroinoat, ovT@s av ek vopou mY 7 Sixacoovyn’ 2 adha TuvERheLoev 1 yeep Ta mavra UTrO Gpaptiay, wa 7 emayyehia ex mioTews ‘Ingov Xpuorov 6087 Tots TLOTEVOUTL. °3 pd tov Oe ehOety tHy mioTLY, UT vopoy eppoupovpeba ¢ ovyKevopevou 3 eis THY pedNovcay mloTW amoKahv- poiyet “Qore 6 vopos madayaryos 1 L@v yeyovev «is Xplor or, iva ek mioTews dtkatwb@pev’ > ehBovons de THs Ti- GTEWS, OUKETL UTO Taldaywydy EopeEV. a b Rec. ev7 reTp. x. TPLaK. © Rec. © rpocerebn. S te-tament = Or, GALATIANS ITI. 25. it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth ona tree: 4 that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles, through Jesus Christ: that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. 15 Brethren, I speak after the manner of men; though it be but a man’s 2 covenant, yet if it be confirmed, no man disannul- leth, or addeth thereto. '6 Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many, but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ. !7 And this I Say, that the covenant that was confirmed before of God in Christ, the law which was four hundred and thirty years after, cannot disannul, that it should make the promise of none effect. 1S For if the inheritance be of the law, it is no more of pro- mise: but God gave it to Abra- ham by promise. 19 Wherefore then sevveth the law ? It was added because of transgressions, till y seed should come, to whom the promise was made, and it wus ordained by angels in the hand of a media- tor. 2? Now a mediator is not a mediator of one, but God is one. 21 Js the law then against the promises of God ? God forbid: for if there had beena law given which could have given life, ve- rily righteousness should have been by thelaw. 22 But ¥scrip- ture hath concluded all under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe. 7° But be- fore faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith, which should after- wards be revealed. 24 Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring ws unto Christ, that we might be justi- fied by faith. 2 But after that faith is come, we are no longer d Rec. & Gb. ouyxexAeropevos.t GaLaATians III. 26. under a schoolmaster. 76 For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. 27 For as many of you as have been bap- tized into Christ, have put on Christ. nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise. 4. Now I say, That the heir, as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all, 2 but is under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the father. 3 Kyen so we, when we were children, were in bondage under the elements of the world: {but when the fulness of y time was come, God sent forth his Son made of a woman, made under y law, ® to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons. §& And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying Abba, Father. 7 Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but ason; and if ason, then an heir of God through Christ. 8 Howbeit, then when ye knew not God, ye did service unto them which by nature are no gods. 9% But now after that ye have known God, or rather are known of God, how turn ye Sagain to the weak and beg- garly yelements, whereunto ye desire again to be in bondage ? 10 Ye observe days, & months, and times, and years. !! Jam afraid of you, lest I have be- stowed upon you labour in vain. 12 Brethren, I beseech you, be as Lam; for lam as ye are, ye have not injured me at all. “8 There is neither Jew, + 460 EMISTOAH TavTes yap viol Geov é€ote Ova ms TLOTEDS ev XpioT@ Incot' * écot yap «is Xpiorov eBanricOnre, Xpioroy evedvoacbe. 8 ovK gu lovdatos, ovdé EAAny" OUK €vt dovios, ovde ehevdepos" OUK eye apoev Kal Ondv- Tavres yap vpets eis €aTe ev Xpuor@ “‘Tyoou" oe 26 el dé tpets Xpiorov, apa rov ’ABpaap méppa eore, *kal” Kat emayyedtay KAnpovop.ot. 4. Neyo dé, ef doov xpdvoy 6 KAn- povouos vnmids eotw, ovdeyv drapepet / / / Nae. > \ SovAov, KUpLos TavT@Y @Y aAa ume émirpoémous eotl Kal oikovdmous, axpt TS mpobec pias TOU marpos. 3 oUT@ Kal nyeis, OTE mpeV ynTLol, UTO Ta OTOLYELA TOV KdopLOU HUEY OedoVA@= peevou dre O€ HAGE TO TANP@pLA TOU xpovov, efameorethey 6 Oeds Tov vioV avrou, yevdpLevov eK yuvarkos, yevopevoy UTrO vopor, : va ToUs UmTd yopoy e&a- yopaon, va TY viodectay drrohaBeper. OTe O€ €aTE viol, efaméorerhey 6 Geds TO Ilvevpa Tov viov avrov els Tas kap- bi bs a “ tas ° nar, Kpacoy, "ABBa 6 marnp- 7 @oTe ovKeTt ef OovAOS, GAN vids? et d€ vids, Kal KAnpovduos ©Gcov Oia Xpiorov.” "AAG TOTE peyv OUK ElddTES Cedy BK > 28 r 4 vas d \ 4 u 3 eOovAevoate Tois “pn uvoet” ovor| 6 es 9 ~ \ / A a E0ls vuy Oe, yvovtes Oeov, waddov ‘ , c \ ~ a Oe yvaabevtes umo Qeov, TAS ETLOTPE- > ~ ete madw emi Ta acdern Kai TT@XA ~ e / + Pe oToLyela, ois Tadw AywOev Sovdeve OeNeTe 5 nuepas Tapautnpeiobe, Kai A“ , pnvas, Kal Kalpovs, kai eviautous. | do- , Sees , > Bovpae t UMas, pnT@s elk KeKoTrlaka els vpas. , 2 TivesOe as eyo, Ott Kayo os c ™ > \ , ¢ na ie > 4 vpets, ddeAol, Seouat Vuav' ovdev pe > , a \ a7 2 > , nOuknoare. otOate O€ ore St acde- 13 Ye know how through infir- B— bRec.wvuor, ¢ 3 d © —. Gb. duces un * Or, rudiments. & Or, back. Y Or, rudimeutesTIPOS TAAATAS. 461 vevay THs owapkos eunyycduodpny ¢ Opi TO mporepov, M kal Tov *reipaopdy peou TOY” ev TH wapKt Lov OUK eoudern- @are oude eSemrvoare, GAN ws ayyehov Ocov edeEao de fe, OS Xprorov "Inoowv. 19 ris obv »” 6 pakaplo pos VMOV 3 pap- Tup@ yap Up Gre ei Ouvaroy TOUS opdahpovs t pay eSopvgavres av e0a- Kare pot. 1° Sore exOpos tay yéyova AnGevov tpiv ; Znovow vas ov Kad@s, AAA exkheltoa “upas” OéAovow, iva avrovs (nAotvre. Kahov O€ TO (novo Gat ev Kkah@ mayrore, Kal i) pOVOY EV TO mapetvat ple ™pos vpas" 19 Texvia pou, os Taw ddive, axpis ob popphoby Rpiatés ev Dey 2 7) 0edov de Tap- elvat mpos Upas aprt, Kal adhagau THY povny pou, Oru dmropoupae ey Ui. zh Aeyeré pot, ol UT vd mov Geovres eivat, TOY v6pLov OUK axovete; ” yer ypanrat 4p, o7t “ABpadu vo viovs EOXEY’ EVA EK THS rawdionysy, Kal eva ek THs ehevOepas’ 7 AN 6 pev ek Tips madioxns, KaTa odpKka yeyevnrat 6 de €k THs edevdepas, Ova THs emayye- Alas. x4 dtwd é€otiw addAnyopovpeva’ avrat “yap cian 4” dvo Ova Kae’ pia. prev amo dpous Zu, eis OovAelay yeuvaoa, yres eorly “Ayap. Bali yap “Ayap Suwa” &pos écoTl ev th “ApaBia, ov- pinot O€ TH vuv ‘Tepovradnp, Sovdever ‘yap" pera Tay TéeKvwy aUTns. 76 7 de av@ ‘Iepovoadnp, edevdepa eoriv, ATs €oTt pntnp §&” nuev" 7 Teyparra yap’ EidpavOnrt oreipa 7) OU TikTovaa’ py&sov Kat Bdnoov 7 ovK adivovea ort ToAAd Ta TEKVA THS EpT- pov pad)ov 7 7s exovons toy avdpa. Hpets de, adeAdoi, cata “Ioaak, GaLaTians IV. 2 mity of the flesh, I preached the gospel unto youat j first. !4And my temptation which was in my flesh ye despised not, nor reject- ed, but received me as an angel of God, even as Christ Jesus. 15 @ Where is then the blessed- ness you spake of ? for I bear you record, that if it had been possible, ye would have pluck- ed out your own eyes, and have given them to me. 16 Am Ithere- fore become your enemy, be- ee I tell you the truth ? 7 They zealously affect you, a not well: yea, they would exclude f you, that you might affect them. 18 But it is good to be zealously affected alw ays in a good thing, and not only when Iam present with you. 19 My little children, of whom I tra- vail in birth again, until Christ be formed in you: 2° | desire to be present with you now, and to change my yoice, for yJ stand in doubt of you. *! Tell me, ye that desire to be under the law, do ye not hear the law? 22 F or it is writ- ten, that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman. 23 But he who was of the bond- woman, was born after y flesh: but he of the freewoman, was by promise. 24 Which things are an allegory ; for these are the two ° covenants; the one from the mount Sinai, which gender- eth to bondage, which is Agar. *> For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and « answereth to Jerusalem, which now is, and is in bondage with her children. *6 But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all 27 For it is written, Rejoice thou barren that bearest not, break forth and ery thou that travailest not; for the desolate hath many more children than she which hath an husband. 23 Now we, brethren, as Isaac 8 DL Tretpacpoy Tov. WO Tetpagnoyv vuwy, Db Rec. & Gb. add nv .— Gb © Bz & Elz. nas. dRec.addar. &@~70 yap Suva. f Rec. de. g§ Rec. add raytwr. * Or, What was then? 8 Or, us. Y Or, lam perplexed for you. 6 Or, testaments. e Or, is in the same rank with.es GALATIANsS LY. 29. was, are the children of pro- mise. 2? But as then he that was born after the flesh, persecuted him that was bo07n after the Spirit, even so it is now. 39 Ne- vertheless, what saith the scrip- ture ? Cast out the bondwoman and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman., 31 So then, brethren, we are not children of the bondwoman, but of the free. 5. Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entan- gled again with the yoke of bondage. 2 Behold, I Paul say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing. 3 For I testify again to every man that is circumcised, that he isa deb- tor to do the whole law. 4 Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law: ye are fallen from grace. 5For we through the Spirit wait for the hope of righteousness by faith. § For in Jesus Christ, neither circum- cision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision, but faith which worketh by love. 7 Ye did run well; « who did hinder you, that ye should not obey the truth? $8This per- suasion cometh not of him that calleth you. 9 A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump. !° | have confidence in you through the Lord, that you will be none otherwise minded ; but he that troubleth you, shall bear his judgment, whosoever he be. 'lAnd I brethren, if I yet preach circumcision, why do I yet suf- fer persecution ? then is the of- fence of the cross ceased. 1! | would they were even cut off which trouble you. '3 For brethren, ye have been called unto liberty, only wse not liberty for an occasion to ¥ flesh, but by love serve one another. 14 For all the law is fulfilled in as 462 EMMSTOAH erayyehias Teva eopev. © aN oomrep TOTE 0 KaTa oapKa yevynOeis ediwKe TOL Kata Ilvedpa, ovtm Kai voy’ 9 adda Ti Neyer 7 ypadn; “ExBade rhv mae- Olokny Kat Tov viov avTHS, ov yap py k\ypovopnon 6 vidos THs TaLOloKns peTa Tov viov ths €AevOepas. * *”Apa,’ adeAol, ove eopev madiokns Tékva, adda ris » ehevdepas. On ehevdepia, Q °Xpioros nas’ nrevdepwoe, oTnkete’ “ody,” Kal pi) wd- NE Cuyo Oovheias evéxeabe. 2 °ldé eye IlatvAos eyo t UpLLY, OTL eaV Tepiteyna Ge, Xpiords vpas ovdev ape Anjan? jLapTupoprat dé madw tavri dyOpar@ TEPLTEMVOMEVO, ore d:perherns eotly OAov TOV vopop Tomoa. * Kar- mpynOnre amo ° Tou" _Xpiorod, olrives eV VOU@ duxarovo be, THs Xaperos eSere- care’ ® pe is yap Ilvevpare €k tictews edrida 6 Oikavorvyns drrexdexopeba. 6 ey yap XpioT@ ‘Ingoov ovre TEpLToun TL laxvet, ovTe akpoSvaria, dAda mlarts Ov dyamns evepyoupern. ‘Expexere Kaos” ris wpas * évé- Kowe “ 7H adn Geta pe) mweiecba; *& x Fao} OUK €K TOU kahovvros Upas. puKpa Coun ohov TO _Pvpapa CupLot. ey@ meémoba els vpas ev Kuplo, OTL ovdey ado ppovncere: 6 be Tapaco@y vuas Bacrdcet TO Kpij.a, Ootls ay oc i eyo Oe, ddedool, el Tmepuropny eTL KNnpvorw, Tl ert Oraokomar ; dpa kar- npynrat TO okayOadoy Tov oravpov. “ oehov Kat amoxéWovra of avacra- TOUTES vpas. 13 “Yueis yap er ’ ehevdepia exAnOnre, ade pot « pdvov py) Thy edevdepiay els apopuny TH capKl, anne ote THs ayamns Sovdevere aAANAots. 6 yap 10 b Rec. edsvdspas. Tp edevOepia ovv, » Xptoros nuas nArAsvOspwoe, ornxsTe. CW EAE Oepas, TH eAsvOspca, eas Xptotoy nAsvOFpwos, Urnrere ovv, ~ srAsvOepas. H srevbepia nas Xptoroy nArAEvOepwse, orneste. © Gb, way Xproros. Gd Rec.&Gb. om. @ ZS f Ree. avexowe Or, whe did drive you BackeWIPOS TAAATAS. 463 “ , > CN L, oy > mas vomos ev ev Adyw wAnpodtat, ev ~ > , To Ayannoes Tov mAnoloy cov os “geavtov.” ° Ti dé adAndous Sdxvere \' / 7 \ & 7 > oi Kal kateoOlere, Bémere py Ud GAN}- Noy avah@Onre. 7 , a 6 Adyo Oé, IIvevpatt mepurareire, > , Kat emOupiay capkds ov ju) TENEONTE. ¢ r Aa , 7 9 yap capé eriOupet Kara Tod Tved- patos, TO de Ivetua xara tis capkés" a Nh > / > , “ede Nek ravta O€ ?adAndows ayrikerrat,” iva pu) a av , ~ ~ 18 > \ av Gédnre, Tatra srounre. el O€ Uvevpare dyeoGe, ovk eoté Ud vdpovr. C / », ~ 9 avepa dé cate ta epya ris aapKos, drwa éot. °" copveia, axaOapoia, a- oéhyeva, 7° elOwAoXarpeia, pappakeia, ExOpa, epers, GpAror, Ovpol, epidetat, txooTaclat, aipecers, | hOdvor, dd- vou, wéeOar, Kdp0L, Kal TA Guota TovToLs" ; ; 5s . @ Tpodeyw wvyuly, Kaos Kal 7 POELTrOY, 7 ~ / OTL of TA ToLadTa MpdooovTes Bacidelay Sov ov kAnpovopnoovow. 22 ¢ \ Nie A , , > O € kapzros Tod TIvetpards éori / / ayann, xapa, eipnyn, paxpoOvpia, xpn- uTOTHs, dyabwovvn, Tictis, 73 mpadrns, eyKpareia’ KaTa Tay ToLOUT@Y OdK , 25 > ~ / Tats emOvpias. e. C@uev Tvevparn, , \ a 26 \ , Iivevpare kal OT OLX GEV. pe yive@- / , peda Kevddo§or, dAAnhovs mpoKadovpe- yot, aAAndots POovovyres. > A 6. AdeAgdol, cay kal mpoinpOn av- » ¢ ” ; Opwros ey Tut wapanrapart, vpeis of TVEUPLATLKOL KaTapTiCeTe TOY TOLOUTOY ey TVEVLATL TpadTnTos, okOTaY ceavToy A \ \ o >: iAN nv \ HN Kat ov Treipac Ons. aAnrov Ta /, oa > Bapn Baordgere, kal oUTws dvarAnpo- ~ a 3 > \ gate TOY vopov TOU Xpiotov. % ei yap Ooxet tis eivai rt, pndev dv, éavroy Ppevarata’ TO O€ €pyov éavTov Oo- Kiwacér@ ekaoTos, Kal TOTE els EauToV GaLAtTiaAns VI. 4. one word, even in this: Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thy- self. 1° But if ye bite and de- vour one another, take heed ye be not consumed one of another, 16 This I say then, Walk in y Spirit, and ¢ ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. !7 For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. 1S But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law. !9 Now the works of the flesh are mani- fest, which are these, Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasci- viousness, 2% idolatry, witch- craft, hatred, variance, emula- tions, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, 2! enyyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, y they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. *2 Buty fruit of y Spiritis love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gen- tleness, goodness, faith, 23 meek- ness, temperance: against such there is no law. 24 And they that are Christ’s, have crucified the flesh with the 4 affections and lusts. 2° If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. 26 Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another. 6. Brethren, vif a man be overtaken in a fault: ye which are spiritual, restore such a one in the spirit of meekness, considering thyself lest thou also be tempted. ? Bear ye one ano- ther’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. ?For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiy- eth himself. 4 But let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself @ Ree. savor, bitec avrin.adAnA. © Rec. add LoL yea. Or, aithough. * Or, fulfil not. £8 Or, passionsGauatians VI. 5. alone, and not in another. 5 For every man shall bear his own burden. 6 Let him that is taughtin the word, communicate unto him that teacheth, in all good things. 7 Be not deceived, God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shail he also reap. 8 For he that soweth to his flesh, shall of the flesh reap corrup- tion: but he that soweth to the Spirit, shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. 9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. !0As we have there- fore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the houshold of faith. 11 Ye see how large aletter I have written unto you with mine own hand. !2 As many as desire to make a fair shew in the flesh, they constrain you to be circum- cised: only lest they should suf- fer persecution for the cross of @hyist- 22) For neither they themselves who are circum- cised, keep the law, but desire to have you circumcised, that they may glory in your flesh. 14 But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, *by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world. © For in Christ Jesus neither circum- cision availeth any thing nor uncircumcision, but a new crea- ture. 16 And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God. 17 From henceforth let no man trouble me, for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus. 18 Brethren, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ de with your spirit. Amen. 464 EMISTOAH povoy TO Kavxynpa e&el, Kal OK Eis TOY erepov* © €xaaros yap TO toLoy poprior Baordacet. 6 Kowwveitw S€ 6 KaTnXoUpevos TOY hoyov TO KaTHXOUYTL, Ev TaTW ayabors. | HN maya be, cds ov puernpicerae | 0 yap e€ay ometpn avOparros, TOUTO Kal Gepioe’ *® Oreo ometpev eis TV Capka» €avTov, ek THS GapKos Oepioes Oopay: 6 6€ omeipov cis TO Ilvedpa, ex Tod) Ivevparos Oepicer Cary aiayov. ° 70 O€ KaAOY TOLODYTES p21) EKKAK@ [ED * Kat- pe yap idi@ Oepiooper, pn) eKAUOPEVOL. 10 Gpa ovv ws Kaupov EXO}LEV, epyaga- | peOa TO ayaboy mpos mavTas, pahiora O€ mpds TOUS OlkElous THS TlaTEwS. 1 "Tdere mn XiKous Up ypaupbacw eypayra TH epi Xetpl. 7 oot Gehovow eUTporannod €v oapkl, ovTou avaryKa~ Covow upas mepireuver Oat, povoy iva [1] TO oraup@ ToU Xpiorov Ovoxavrat 13 odde yap of *mepirerunpevot” avroL voor guddcoovow" ada ehovow | wpas: meptTepuver Oa, t ve ev Ti bperepa } oapKt KaUXNT@VTAL. * €pol Oe pry ve vOLTO Kkavxaobat el pi) EV TO OTaUPH| TOU Kuptov nav “Ingod Xpiorod ov a ov €pol kdopos eoratporat, Kayo ra KOO HO. ee yap’ Xpior@ "Inood ove” TeplToMn Te * €or,’ ovTe axpoBvoria, } ahha Kaw) krious. 8 Kal ooo TO Kavovt TOUT® ‘oroixnoourw,” eipnyn em | avrovs Kal @deos, Kal emi rov "lopann| Tov Oecov. 17 Tod Nouwrov, Kdmous pot poets! TAPEXET@’ EYH yap TA OTlypaTa Tor &Kuplov” *Incod ev TO oopari por Bacrago. ‘H yadpis Tov Kupiov nav “Incot Xpisrovd pera TOU mvEevpaToOs VMOY, a-|\ deol. any. ~ an —. Rec. & Gb. reorrenvopevor is OTOLYOVTLV. b= ¢w Ours yap. d Bz. om. ge * Or, whereby, © Rec. © coyueteIIPOS E®ESIOYs. 465 Epruesians I, 12. TAYAOY ENISTOAH TP OS EB DESO Ss : ) > / > a“ r A PTAYAOS diéaronos Inood: Xpicroo PAUL an apostle of Jesus \ , a a a Thrj +] ” Ova GeAnwaros Geov, Tols aylots Toig 7 Christ by the will of God, to > eer X Se hares ~ the saints which are at Ephesus, CUuaLy eV Edeo@ KQl TLOTOLS Ey Xpiore and to the faithful in Christ A 9 , a , . . Ingov: 2 Xapis vuiy Kal Blessed be the God and Fa- > \ a r of . aS Sh 3 Evdoynrés 5 cds. Ka} Tari oD) ther of our Lord Jesus Christ, eral Oe en nat , Who hath blessed us with all Kuptou nev Ingov Xptorov, 6 evioyn- spiritual blessings in heavenly ¢ n > 7 ~ a7 v riet. eh Tas Nias ev don evroyla mvevparicy ey “Places in Christ: 4 according a poe Xx fc oe 4 Ae as he hath chosen us in him, FOL: STOUR ay LOLs ee, , BRIO TDs KQG@S hefore the foundation of the y = ze ‘ w eEeheEato nuds ép aUT@ po KaTaBodns world, that we should be holy, Z > Ria gy NAO? and without blame before him KO ayes : : : FHL, eae ib AS SULOUS, Rat CHALOUS in love: 5 having predestinated KATEY@TLOV AUTOU Ev ayaTrn-: ° Tpoopic-as us unto the adoption of chil- npas eis viobeciay dig ‘Inaoo Xpiorod aren by Jesus Christ to himself, . ot . ‘ 5 ; A ,_ according to the good pleasure / cy @ EXOMEY THY aTOAUTpa@CLY did 7 in whom we have redemp- ie np aw © > ~ \ Wet n 7 . ] 7 > A TOU atuaros auTOv, Thy apecw roy tion through his blood, the for- ; \ R i ~ glveness of sins, according to the TAPATT@OUAT@Y, KATA TOV TAoUTOv TNS riches of his grace, 8 wherein Xapiros avtou: 8 ns eT Eplacevoey eis he hath abounded toward us in eo > s 1s \ , all wisdom and prudence: 2hay- Bias Sh TOD, TQDUE KEL ppownoer, ing made known unto us the YY@pLoas nu To MuvoTnplov Tov Oe- mystery of his will, according / € ~ \ \ > ¢ ~ j « . hi NPATOS AUTOU, KATA THY EvdoKiaY aurod, this good pleasure, wie he Ke 5 5 Soe ape _ : had purposed in himself, that nV Tpoebero €V QUT® €lS OLKOVOLLLAY in the dispensation of the ful- TOU mAnpopuatos roy KaLp@v, dvake- ness of times, he might gather Nec a \ , > BG ~ together in one all things in pa Gt OGAG; meee 7g TWAVTa ev a? s ALOT Christ, both which arein & hea- Ta °" é€y Tots OUPQaVOLS Kat TA ETT TNs ven, and which are on earth, ee ll 2 aes iS Sed y even in him: !!in whom also we ys a ae LUE Dy, on ae RG exnpa@On- have obtained an inheritance, HEV, T poopia- Gevres KaTa mpoGecw TOU being predestinated according / ~ \ \ Fs \ 7 e . 1 7 7 - TQ Tayra EVEepyoovros Kata Thy BovAny to y purpose of him who work- a ; Ce oS eth all things after the counsel TOU AeAnparos auTou, omnhe, GLUGL Of his own ly that we c > > y, 1 > a \ . * NMas €éls €mawop °” OdEns aQuTov, Tovs should be to the praise of his en ee se NS ee EAS RRR Y St, om. bo ng. © Rec. add re. ~ exAnOnuev. & Rec. & Gb. add typ —Gb. 2 79, r, things, Gr. the heavensEDMSTOAH 13 Epuesrans I. 13. 466 glory, who first «trusted in Tm pondmuKoTas ev TO Xpiot@’ Christ. '3In whom yealsotrust 4 Ne ee ah Sy NO x eG AKOUVOQaYTES TOV AO OV TNS ed after that ye heard the word § cot oe A ( : a me i Fd of truth, the gospel of your sal- adnGetas, TO Eevayye LOY, THS TwoTHpLAas vation: in whom also after that Up@V") ev @ Kal WitoTEVOAVTES eoppa- ye believed, ye were sealedwith , 6g Be u , a A Na that holy Spirit of promise, YO nS ie i VEunane TS < YY s id which is the earnest of our T@ dyl@, ** Os eoTW appaBav THs KAN- inheritance, until the redemp- s oa > PN a : : , ts amoAuTpoOolW T tion of the purchased posses- Povo coe c Pe La iB a i 1g Gouhinto the praise of his Meplmoin@e@s, els” €malvOY OTT/s dd&ns glory. auToU: 5 ~ , > 19 Aid ToUTO Kay® akovoas THY Kab a > / > ~ \ vpas TLoTW év T Kupi@ Ingov, Kat \ > / \ 2) / \ c / eee chy ayanny THY Els TAaVTAS TOUS AYLOUS, » 15 Wherefore I also, after te ay 7 1 > a eas Y ae I heard of your faith in the CY aU Ot CEUX ROT ee USP, UPOYVs |i Lord Jesus, and love unto all pvelay UL@V TOLOUJLEVOS ETL TMV TPOT- = the saints, '® cease not to give ONY OU: 17 tya 6 Geds cou Ku iov thanks for you, making men- | Xs ie a ENG Z PES tion of you in my prayers, LOY Inoou Xplorou, o TaTnp Ts (7 that the God of our Lord §¢ da Suty Livev i , } af oO S @ UELLV yeuua oomias Kal Jesus Christ the Father of ; én ou aN > > & i p a: aTrOKANUW EWS, ey emlyv@oel AUTOU glory, may give unto you the sou of yo and Eells 8 ehwTiopEvous rovs opbahpovs Tis tion Sin the knowledge of him: a Ne flim OF Sts > Nig N v4 es i 18 the eyes of your understand- ‘KapOias’ Os aise? eidevat ve “SI ing being enlightened: that ye €OTUV 1) eAmls TNS KANnOE@S AVTOV, KL may know what is the hope of Fics D n 56 n 2 his calling, and what the riches oo: : PROMOS eds dogs ae eon of the glory of his inheritance plas QuTov €V TOLLS aylols, Kal Tl TO in the saints. '9and what is the vmepBaddov peyeOos TS Suvapews av- exceeding greatness of his ulin se \ , \ power to us-ward who believe, ae GS TOUS TE LO TeUCTASS KaT@ Tit according to the working yof evepyelay TOU KpaTous TIS LEXVOS AUTOY;# his mighty power: 2° which he 20 A), gyy 2 & oA wrought a Christ when he , Whe Sep Se a ee Pep ey hee P raised him from the dead, @UTOY €K veKp@v" Kal exabioev ev Oc&LG) and set him at his own right avTou ev TOLS emroupaviots, 21 UTEepavea Ws hand in the heavenly places, , hen minion, and every name that 6, 4aCowevou ov povoy ev TO ai@y & is named, not only in this i iS A oes ee “99 world, but also in that which TOUT®, aNAG Kal ev TO pedAovTt Ka) is to come: ?? and hath put qayra iméraéeyv bd Tovs Todas auTov} all things under his feet, and Nees NF \ Cun , earaiinim™ to (belthe shead “Bt 2UTOP eO@ke kehadyy vmEep TavTi) Gree all things to the church, ™ exkAng la, 23 TUS €oTl TO TOL | 23 which is his body, the fulmess (> — —\ \ 7 aCe Naf > Petecacmmcialitanran: CUTCU 7° ainpopa Tov "Ta Taye 2. And you hath he quickened Taot mAnpoupevov 2. Kal vas ovTa) who were dead in trespasses, yexpovs Tots TapanT@pace Kal Tat} and sins, 2 wherein in time past ¢ , 55 2 , ye walked according to the aLapTials, ev als TOTE TEPLETFATT) | course of this world, according gate KaTa Toy al@va TOU KOO OU TOUTON © > EV so) al aa aa is Ge. para Siasesaeielaseeeaeenienee ee \t) ad e Rec. om. * Or, hoped. B Or, for the acknowledgment | a Rec. dcarocag. Y Gr. of the might of his power.WPOS E®ESIOYS. 467 aA > a . KaTa Tov apxovta ths e€ovcias Tod to the prince of the power of 27 al eULLaTOS Toe voy évepyoor- the air, the spirit that now OER OS) me Te Cie me St 5 aad -_ Wworketh in the children of diso- TOS EY TOLS ULoLs THS amretOcias’ 3 Ev ois bedience, Samong whom also Nien ee 4 7 d Z, 2 2 all had our conversation in KQL1ELS TAVTES AVEOTNA €V TOTE ey Wea : z ue , A a pnp Bs times past, in the lusts of our Tals emOumlats aS TEAPKOS’ YOY: TOte geal fulfilling ¢ the desires of n~ / ~ \ \ . OUYTES TAH OedAnpata TS Gapkos kat the flesh, and of the mind, and tay os a Mey ace ioe were by nature the children of ely ieee CETTE a ,. Wrath, even as others: 4 but opyns, @s Kal of Nourol’ Orde Geos God whonanchiaa mercy, for 4 x > > 4 A \ \ ] 2 > , *, ; TAovatos Oy ey ehéet, Oud Thy Tony his great love wherewith he Seay Cae noe GR 5 . loved us, 5 even when we were ayarnyv avrTov ny nyannoey NH-AS, © KQt dead in sins, hath quickened us 2 con > r st Noose 2 dvTas ds VEKPOUS TOLS TaparT@pagt together with Christ, (by grace G SOX a, (vd y ye are saved) © and hath raised owe Cworoinge ac ae Nap Ene us up together, and made ws sit €OTE CETMOLMEVOL’) Kal ovynyelpe, together in heavenly places in a > t > Mh tic Sa " - Kal ouvexabicey ey Tois emoupaviots ey Christ Jesus: 7 that in the ages mS ma 7 oe > F > to come, he might shew the ex- xe I . / } fe s 2 area i PpltoT@® Iinoov wa ev evgnrau €V ceeding riches of his grace, in r .A rn > Z ¢ were S * = TOLS AlWOL TOLS ETTEpYOMEVOLS TOY UTrEp- Bs ees towards us, through a > c a ~hrist Jesus. BadXovta trodTov TNS XapiTos avTov > > > ¢ -. > an Ev XpnotoTntTe ed muas ey Xplore > = Incov. a A / / b 4 8 Tn yap xapiti eore TET WO MEVOL For by grace are ye saved, Nai H, y : \ a > 2¢ through faith, and that not of Gua eS pe OOS Ao POU: gue eS yourselves: i¢ 7s the gift of God: vpL@Y, Geov 70 O@pov’ * ovik €& Epyov, »not of works, lest any man “ , : 10 ene 19 Should boast. 10 For we are his wa TLS KAVYNONTAL. avuTou yap § t. ( > fe 7 eae bé aN y By workmanship, created in Christ SO LEV OLY IUCr STLO: 2 / ‘ " : Inoov emt épyos ayabois, ois mponrot- God hath before 4 ordained, o, “ , lat w yalk in them. Macey 6 cds, wa ev adrois mepurarn- that we should walk in the T@pev. ll Epruesians II. 15. ‘ ; ee A ll Wherefore remember that Ato PUN[LOVEVETE OTL UMLELS TTOTE Ta ye being in time past Gentiles ” > : 7 ar © J €Oyn év capxi, (ot Aeyopevor akpoBvoria in the flesh, who are called Un- ey ON ; Avi \ circumcision by that which is UmO TNS : ne ERRORS €Y OGPKe called the Cireumesion an the ¢ > = = : XeElporroinrov, ) OTL nre ey T@ Kalp@ flesh made by hands, }2 that Saray \ aD Z at that time ye were without ee pes Xpiorou, ann \Rorpecoprevou Christ, being aliens from the Ts Toditelas Tov “Iopand, Kal VOL commonwealth of Israel, and n - ~ ? > ec = . : © TOV Ovabnkav THS emayyeAlas, eArioa strangers from the covenants of L » ea ; B ; . promise, having no hope, and el SEES Kat aCeEol : cy T@ He EO . Without God inthe world. 13 But 3 yuvi dé (7) Xpior@ Ingov, upets ol now in Christ Jesus, ye who , oo» Nie Dien BN ete.» ; 2,, Sometimes were far off, are RODS NOLES Makpay PQS ever Onre *” made nigh by the blood of T@ alate Tov Xpiorov. auTos yap Christ. 14 For he is our peace, » SHAT Se S J Se yho hath made both one, and EOTLY 7 ELONY @Y, 0 TOlNoOas Ta au- W ? é 7 ae a ie z Gh ae hath broken down the middle (porepa Siar Kal TO ER OCTOUNGL, TOU wall of partition between us: a 5 ae : aes paypov Aveas: 15 THY €xOpay Ev TH 'S having abolished in his flesh Ss ves ZG. r, the sills. 8 Or, preparedEruesians II. 16. 468 EMISTOAH the enmity, even the law of capKt avuTou, Tov YO|LOV TOV evTohov ev | commandments contained in or- Ooypact Karapynoas: wa TOUS dto Kron f dinances, for to make in him- self, of twain, one new man, ev EauT@ els eva KaLyOV avOpwrroy, TOL@Y ui so making peace. 16 And that eipn nyny: 8 Kat dmoxaradhaé7 TOUS } he might reconcile both unto a e dud God in one body by the cross, apg oTepous ev evi cepare TO &@ oe : having slain the enmity ¢there- TOU oraupov, amrokreivas THY “Sy Opav ev : 17 by, 17 and came, and preached aig: eat éhOcov ciryyehicaro el- 1 peace to you, which were afar off, and to them that w ere nigh. pnyny Upey TOUS paxpay ‘Kal TOLS” eyyes; (i iS For through him we both 18 ott Ou avrov EX OpeEV THY mpooayayyy I have an access by one Spirit unto the Father. ob du penepe! ev Evi Tlvevpare 7 pos TOV I: Ware 19 Now therefore ye are no 19 "Apa ouv ovKeTt eorTe Eévor KaL | more strangers and foreigners ; / ev’ Ww but fellow-citizens with the TAPOLKOL, | 'adha® OUT C LLnL TOY ayia | saints, and of the houshold of Kat oiKetou TOU Gecov, 20 eT oLKOOOpN- . 20 God, * and are built upon the Qéyreo eg TO Bepehio TOV amoorohay ue foundation of the apostles and oy prophets, Jesus Christ himself Kal mpopnT ar, OVTOS akpoyoviaiov av- bane the chief corner stone, Tou ‘Inaov Xpicrov, 21 ey @ Taca ‘ie lin whom all the building fitly 5 \ framed together, groweth unto olko op) CP Ope! oyoupern, abe eis an holy temple in the Lord: yaoy dyLov ev K Luple, <2 V@ Kal vpeis } 22 in whom you also are builded cvvorxodo cigbe eis KATOLKNTNPLOV aoa together for an habitation of it s 7) np God through the Spirit. €OU eV Tvevpare. 3. Totrov yapw eyo Ilav)os 0) deo ptos TOU Xpurrov ‘Ingou vmep UpLOY | 9 3. For this cause I Paul, the TOV €Ovav" oa tye nKkovaate THY oi- | prisoner of Jesus Christ for you Duo é Se Gentiles, 2 if ye have heard of K pl Ww THs Xaperos amu Deou TS the dispensation of the grace of doGeions pol eis VILAS, OTL Kara} God, which is given me to you- amoxanuwey © -eyyopia On” jLol 70 pvoTn= | ij ward: 3 how that by revelation he made known unto me the PlOV; (xaos mpoeypaya ev Oia, | mystery, (as I] wrote afore in 4 Tpos } duvac de dyayWOOKOVTES | few words, 4 whereby when ye read, ye may understand my yonoa THY ower fee ev 1 TO uoTN- knowledge in the mystery of pio Tov Xpiorov") of erepas yer Christ.) ® Which in other ages pegig od eyvopio Or Tois viols TOV was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now re- dvOparrov, @s yup drrexadvpn TOLS |i vealed unto his holy apostles gyious damoaro\ous avTov Kal Tpopnrats | and prophets by the Spirit, > u 6 20 n 6 that the Gentiles should be €” vevpate’ etvar Ta €Ovy TUYK ES fellowheirs, and of the same povdpa Kat TUTTO LA kal TUPILETOXG body, and partakers of his pro- g mise in Christ, by the gospel : THs emayyeNtas § aro" tal TO XproT@. : 7 whereof I was made a minis- ua TOU evayyeNiov, ou eyevoumt | ter, according to the gift of the 8:¢@xKovos Kara THY Swpeay TS XaGperos | grace of God given unto me, by 9° h Sc the effectual working of his TOU €0U, THY obeioay’ "pot kata TH1i power. evepyevay TS Suvapews avTov" A a wae ecpnyny tors. Ladd’ cate ce Bz. add Avdove. AZ @ Ree. eyywpite. f Rec. add ev ~~ —. Gb. rns do8ecans. * Or, in himself. & Or, a little before.TIPOZ E®ESIOYS. 469 8 °Epot To ehaXlororep@ mavT@v 2” Paviov" 2566n 7 7 Xapts avr, ev Tols eOverw evayyeNicacba Tov dvek- xviaorov movroy Tov Xpiorod, 9 Kat hotica ravras tis 7 Coixovomia” rod puotnptov TOU dmroKeKPUppLEvOU amo TOV aiavev €v T® Oe TH Ta TavTa kKrI- cavri" 10 wa yop yov Tails dpxais Kal Tats e£ovolats é ev Tois €mrou- paviots Oia THs €kkAnolas 7 mToAvTrol- Kidos copia TOU cov, Ml Kara mpdbeouw T@Y aiavav ny emoinoey ev Xpeor@ ‘Inood ™@ Kuplo pay" "evo EXOpED THY Tappnolay Kal Ty mporayoyny ev memoOnoet Ova THS MOTEwS avTov. 13 616 ¢, airovpat pn exkakely ev Tats Oripect (ot Urep UL@Y, ares €oTl Od£a v UHOD. * Tovrou Xap Kapur Ta yovard pou mpos Tov eee ‘Tov Kuptov jj me@v ‘Inoow Xpiorov,” “ss ob Tara TaTpLa ev ovpavois Kal emt vis ovopacerat, ¢ 16 va on op Kata Tov TAOUTOY Ths & dons avrov, Suvdjtet KparacoOnvat Oud TOD Lvevpiaros avTov els Tov éow dy- Operon, Af KaToUKnoa Tov Xpiorov Ova LT HS miorews ev Tals Kapdiaus v VL@OV" 8 ev aydrn €PpuCaprevor Kal TeOepedtw- HEVOL, wa e&iaxvonre karahaBeo Oat ou Tact Tots ayiots, ti TO mAdTos Kal pKOS Kal BdaOos Kal vyros, ™ 2 yvovat Te Thy UirepBahdoveay THS yyaoews ayarny TOU Xpirrov, iva mAnpobnre els Tay TO TANPw-A TOD cov. To be Suvapeve orep mavra Town oat UIrep exrreploood ov airovpeba 7 VOOUHED, | Kara THY Ovvapy THY evep- youpevny ev nuiv, “ade 7 ”), b0ga € ev TH eeajore evX pore’ Inoov, cis maras Tas yeveas *ToU aidvos” TOY aleve. anv. 4. Tapaxah@ ovy vpas eyo 6 Seopuos év Kupio, a&iws Tepiratnoa THs Eruesians LY. 1. 8 Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, y I should preach among the Gentiles the un- searchable riches of Christ. ? and to make all men see, what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world, hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ: 10to the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places, might be known by the church, the manifold wisdom of God, ' according to the eternal pur- pose w hich he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord: 12 in whom we have boldness and access, with confidence, by the aith of him. 13 W herefore I desire that ye faint not at my tribulations for you, which is your glory. 14 For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, !5 of whom the whole family in heaven and earth isnamed, !6 that he would grant you according to ¥ riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might, by his Spirit in the inner man, !7 that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith, y ye being rooted & gr ounded in love, 1s may be able to com- prehend with all saints, what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height: 19 and to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the ful- ness of God. 20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, 2! unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus, throughout all ages, world without end. Amen. 4. I therefore the prisoner eof the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the 3 Rec. add rwy. b-—> ¢ Rec, xorywyta. 4 Rec add éca Incov Xpucrov. ewe 3 t— % Or, in the Lord, —dEruusrans LV. 2. 470 EMISTOAH . ° -, a > , \ , vocation wherewith ye are kAnoews fs eKkAnOnre, + weTa Taons > 2 wi « Vi , \ s \ called, ye ot Or aoe ramewoppoovyns Kal MpaoTnTos, META meekness, with longsuffering, : d 5 VPN ; forbearing one another in love. paxpoOupias, AVEXOMEVOL ANANAWY &M : = 3 Endeavouring to keep the G@yamn, * orrovoatovres THpEely THY unity of the Spirit in the bond <<’, | SVE GLGOS CLA aupeco ie of peace. 4 There is one body, EY OTH ROTOR, re Q ae CS and one Spirit, even as ye are TysS ELpnVNsS. €V OM@UA KAL EV TIvevpa, i - y a > , a eoueaanione hope of yourcall- pqOdo Kai exAnOnre ev pa eAmioe THS ing. 5 One Lord, one faith, one ; a eee See baptism, one Godand Father KAnTE@s Up@V eis Kupuos, pa 7 7 q oS \ \ of all, who is above all,and qigris, ev Bdntiopa’ 6 cig Oeds Kal through alJ, and in you all. \ , cea , Se TATHP TAVTOV, O ETL TAYT@V, Kat Ovd n ogi: cr uM TayT@V, Kal ev TaTW “np. 7 ¢ \ \ ¢ / ¢ x > / ¢ / : f 0 a 7 But unto every one of us is fe Oe ExdoT@ Oe 60 On 1X Pe given grace, according to the KAT@ TO PETPOV ™Ss Sw@peas TOU Xpi- measure of the gift of Christ. groj, 8 Sud Néyer “AvaBds els vipos 3 Wherefore he saith: Whenhe , > Ne u > x / Ce ascended up on high, he led 27/X#@ OREU TED CONS. @OLaV, Kae . . . +» n~ / eeapelvily baviing senaeeave ZSaxe Odpatra Trois avOpwrots. 2. gifts unto men. 9(Nowthathe 9g: 3 7 7 > Nem \ +72, ascended, what isit but that he Oe ae Os ESO TU oc BA?) NOT kal Karey also descended first into the “eis Ta KaTMTEpa “pepN THS YNS; — O 7 e : 10 > lower parts of the earth? 10 He yqraBds, avrdés éott kal 6 avaBas UTep- that descended, isthesamealso , : oe ; eee Arad that ascended up far above all @Y¥@ TaVT@V TwY OVPAVHY, Wa TANP OO?) heavens, that he might 4 fillall rq qrayra. things. \ " 5: , gs-) 1l Kal adros €Sw@ke TOUS pev aTroaTO- 11 And he gave some, apos- se Oe v eas Ee tles: and some, prophets: and hous, TOUS OE mpopnras, Tous € evay- . \ A N some, evangelists: and some, yeAuotas, Tovs dé Tolmevas Kal O.0a- pastors, and teachers: © for | iyous, 2 apds roy KaTapTiopoV TOL the perfecting of the saints, ~~) oe P : Pe Me ; for the work of the ministry, for dytwyv, els €pyov Oiaxovias, els oiKoOopny the edifying of the body of SS) ~ eg 18 a Neer of rov ca@pLaTos TOU XploTov Ey pl KaT- Christ: !% till we all come vin Zz noo L fe , B 3, aN ee a the unity of the faith, and of @VT]T@peEv OL TAVTES Els TI EVOTNTA THS 2 s ; e / a > , A A “ the knowledge of the son of qigrews kal TIS eTLYY@TEWS TOU VION TOL God, unto a perfect man, unto @eace? > 5 ay > , co the measure of the éstature of ORS os oY pe us CLO as eae 14 the fulness of Christ: 4 that we Klas TOU TANP@pLaTos TOU XpLoToU" 4 tc henceforth be no more children, AS Nise s tossed to and fro, and carried eee OEEED VUTELOs khudoviCopevot K@ about with every wind of doc- Mepupepdpevor tmravtt aveu@ THs Oda: trine, by the sleight of men, and okaAlas, Bi rH kuBela eon dvOparav cunning craftiness, whereby ; Ie EN NG bade a they lie in wait to deceive: eV TEV OUP VED SOS THs BELOO CT. 1 15 put «speaking the roth in wdavns’ ' adynOevovtes O€ ev aya love, may grow up into him in 7 >¢/ > San ery chan? | all things which is the head, Cae Oa oe pees Ube eee = ae even Christ: !€from whom the 7 kepaan, 0° Xptotos, e& ov 7a whole body fitly joined together, TO capa cuvappodoyoupevoy Kar oup and compacted by that which ; . , ee x BiBaopevov Sia maons apns TH every joint supplieth, according . . > id > > / > to the effectual working in the em™lyopnylas, KaT Eevepyelav EV PET pC 8 3.—Rece. ver. b WO acyparwrevoas, d Rec. add xpawrov. es fo Cis. * Or, a multitude of captives. B Or, fulfil. Y Or into the unity. 6 Or, agee ¢ Qr, being sincereTPO E®ESIOYS. 47] CERN C4. a , “a \ EY evos eKagTov “peépous,” THY avénow a a > Tov Gapatos movetrat els oikoSopiy €QUTOU ev aydrn. “ a = , % Tovro ody héyo Kal papTupopat > , , a - ev Kupio, pnkéere tpas mepurareiy, 6c \ \ Dy Vu“ cO a KaGws Kat ta ?doura” eOvn wepiraret > A n eV faTaloTnTL TOD vods av’Tay, 18 écko- Tiopevor tH Stavoia, dvtes dmnddo- Tpra@pevor THs Cams ToD Oeod, dua THv Ua > - ayvoiay thy obaav év aitois, did TV / ~ na a Topacw THs Kapdiasav’Tav' 9 olriwes > , ~ annhynkotes éavtods mapédaxav TH 7 2 , agehyeia cis épyaciay axa@apcias Taons ev TAEoveeia. 202. ~ \ 7. 7 > , \ Ypets O€ ovy ovtas eudOere Toy = \ 21 ” BN > , \ Xpiorov, Ely€ avTOv nKovoaTE Kat > > ~ > / , > > £: ev aUT@ €dtdayOnTe, Kabws eotiy adn- ~ ~ 99 ~ dea €v TO “Incod, ™ drobécbat ULLAS, KaTa TV Tporépav avactpopiy, Tov Tadawy avOpamov, Tov POetpopuevov A 94 > Kata Tas émiOupias ths ardrns’ 3 dva- ~ ~ ~ €: a veovo Oat O€ TH mvevpaTe TOD vods Har, 5 ; * kat evdicacba Toy Kawvov avOperoyr, , /, Tov Kara Ocdy krigdévra ev Sixaoctyn Nso.G , ~ > , 95 8 \ > Kal ooLoTnte THs aAnOelas. 0 aTro- , = a N\7 Oépevot TO wWeddos, Nadeire adn eva ~ ¢ ~ a EkaoTos peta TOD wAnoloy avrod’ drt >? A > 7, , eopev aAAnd@y LéAn. 96 > r \ Nae , _ fe Opyi¢eoOe kal py duaprdvere’ 6 WALos pn emidvér@ emt TO Tapopytope UpOv, "© unde” SiSore rérov TO dtaBdro. 28 ¢ z , is an O khkénrev pnkért KNeTTETO, [LGA- 2 \ ov O€ komidrw, epyatopevos rb ayabdy r a , , ”~ Tals xepolv, wa exn peradiddva To Xpetav exovte. = a ay *° Ilas Né-yos campos €k Tov oTOMATOS a > > Ey > UuGY pH exrropevéer Oa, GN et Tis aya- \ A , y or in Bos mpos oixodSouny rhs 4 ypelas,” va do rn , \ \ es xapiv Tois akovovot’ * Kat pr) AvTeEtTeE Be A A ~ > a) ro IIvevpa 1d Gytoy rov Gcod, ev @ e- > , oppayloOnre eis nucpay amoduTpoceas. Eruesrans IV. 30. measure of eyery part, maketh increase of the body, unto the edifying of itself in love. 17 This I say therefore and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk in the vanity of their mind, 'S having the under- standing darkened, being alien- ated from y life of God, through the ignorance that is in them, because of ¥ < blindness of their heart: !9 who being past feeling, have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work al] uncleanness with greediness. 20 But ye have not so learned Christ: ?'if so be that ye have heard him, & have been taught by him, as the truth isin Jesus, *2 that ye put off concerning the former conversation, the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts: 23 and be renewed in the spirit of your mind: ?! and that ye put on that new man, which after God is created in righteousness, and 8true holiness. 25 Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another. *6 Be ye angry and sin not, let not the sun go down upon your wrath: *7 neither give place to the devil. *8 Let him that stole, steal no more: butrather let him labour, working with his hands } thing which is good, that he may have ¥to give to him that needeth. 29 Let no corrupt communica- tion proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good ‘to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. 30 And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. am “sAdUs, be © Rec. & Gb. ywnre. AN roreag. % Y Or, to distribute 6 Or, to edify profitably, Or, hardness. B Or, holiness of truth.Epuestans LV. 31. 31 Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice, ®?and be ye kind one to another, ten- derhearted, forgiving one ano ther, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you. 5. Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children. *% And walk in love, as Christ also hath lov- ed us, and hath given himself for us, an offering and a sacri- fice to God for a sweetsmelling Savour ; 3 but fornication and all un- cleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named amongst you, as becometh saints: 4nei- ther filthiness, nor foolish talk- ing, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks. ® For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor un- clean person, nor covetous man who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ, and of God. 6 Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of ¢ disobedi- ence. 7 Be not ye therefore par- takers with them. 8 For ye were sometimes darkness, put now are ye light inthe Lord walk as children of light, 9 (for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth.) 1° Proving what is ac- ceptable unto the Lord: !land have no fellowship with the un- fruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. !2 For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret. 13 But all things that are 8 reprov ed, are made manifest by the light: for what- soever doth make manifest, is light. 44 Wherefore he saith: Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. 15 See then that ye walk cir- 472 EMISTOAH ah Maca mKpia kat Ovupos Kat opyy Kal Kpavy?) Kal Praopnpia apOnre ap’ pov, ou maon Kakia’ ™ yiveoOe Oé eis addnhous Xpyorol, eVomayxvot, XapeCopevor Eavrois, kabas kal 6 Ocds ev Xpior@ exapioaro 2 Viiv oe ye vee ovy peynral TOU cov, as TeEKVa ayarnra’ Kal mepuraretre ev dyn, Kka0ws Kal 6 Xpioros nyamnoey nas, Kal mapedakev € EQUTOV Umep mpav mpoo- opay kal Ouciay TH Oc@ eis Gop ev@dias. Ilopveia O€ Kai Taca axabapota 7 mAeovesia poe ovopacer Oa ev opin, kabws mpemer ayiows; * Kal atoxpd- TS, Kal pwpodoyia 7) evtpamredia, Ta oUk aynKovTa, a\Aa paddov evxyaptoria. TOUTO yep | Ditore © YVOTKOVTES, OTL was mOpvos, 7) akaOapros, 7} 7) mEOvERTNS, as ery ciOadoharpys, ovK €yel KAn- povopiay a ™ PBacireia TOU Xpirrov Kal Geov. © pndels vas amatdtw Ke- vots Adyous® Oud Tavra yap EpxeTau 1 opyn TOV Ocov emi Tous vious Ts amret- Geias. eu ovv yiveobe TUPPETOXOU avtav. *® nre yap OTE oKOTOS, vuY OE pas ev Kupio’ as TéeKva Poros Tept- maretre 9 (6 yap Kap7os TOU “pares: ev maon ayabwotyyn Kal Sixaroovyy Kal anGei W0 bein oxiuagovtes Ti eoTLy evdper roy TO Kupig. 1 kal py) ovy- KOLV@VELTE TOLS Epyols TOS aKaprroLs TOU (TKOTOUS, paddAoy O€ Kal edeyxeTe’ Beene yap Kpupn ywopeva vr avTa@v aigxpov €oTe Kal heyewy. 13 ta dé mavta eheyXOpeva, t UTrO TOU shwTos pavepourac may yap TO pavepovpevoy Pos eotu 6 \ Xr , . dv “a c 6 ) \ to Neyer’ °"Eyetpe” 6 Kabevdwy kat avadoTa €k TOV vEeKp@V, Kal emupavoes go. 6 Xpiotos. Bhérere ovv THs axpiB@s TepiTra- a2 nu b Rec. ecre. ¢ Rec, Ivevyaros d Rec. Eyecpac, * Or, unbelief. 8 Or, discovered.IIPOS E®ESIOYS. 473 Eruerstans V. 31. es \ < ay > > ¢ A TELTE, (N wS Acodol, aXN os cool, cumspectly, not as fools, but as 16 2 eh \ \ ¢ § wise, 16 redeeming the time. iy c eSaryopatspevor Oe es on me because the days are evil, epee TOVHpal €ELCL. ‘a TOUTO 7 17 Wherefore be ye not unwise, 2/ > \ 7 / $ - yiweobe dchpoves, GANA GuMievTEes Th TO SRAHCAE Ae a will i l “A +, / 18 \ \ ae 0 1e Lord is. And be not derAnwa mu Kupiov. a ca peOv- drunk with wine, wherein is oKeo Ge Om, €Y @ EOTLY AowTIA, AANA excess: but be filled with the S > Z 19 > = Spirit: 19 speaking to your- re TAnpovoGe ev Hvevparu, Aahovvres selves, in psalms, and hymns, €QAUTOLS Wadpots Kat UMVOLS Kal @Oats and spiritual songs, singing and a + \ , > se eee ei Fe a mvevpateKats, adovres kal WrdAdovres év ne ads in y ont Tea an i> > oc A n = , 20 > Cc ne OLOk giving 1anks 7?) Kapoia aus. T® Kupio, nus always for all things unto God, XAPLOTOUVYTES TAYTOTE UTEP TaYT@Y €y and the Father, in the name of Diy aoe, Cc tA 8 a. <7 our Lord Jesus Christ, 21 syub- ) » S ; ’ ovopwart TOU Kuptov eee i cieu Xpe mitting yourselves one to ano- OTOU Ta) Ge@ Kat Tatpi ~ Yaroracco- ther in the fear of God. > / > / ~ A pevot aldnhos ev PdBo » Xptotov:” 2 c A 4 2Q7 DLN al yuvdlkes, Tots idlots avSpaow » Wives, submit yourselves ' Spy as ae : c UTroTracoec Ge, f Apes TO Kupia* ““ oTt unto your own husbands, as un- at By > yO a \ to the Lord. 3 For the husband 1 ee Sone Kea ois AVOUACKOSS “issthesheadl of tie wife, even as @S Kal 0 XptoTos Kebanz Ts €KKAn- Christ is the head of the church: ‘af clas, ©” adréos f éote ooTIp TOU copa- and he is the saviour of the it ee Oks cos ee body. 4 Therefore as ¥ church TOS “ adr WOTEPD 7) exkAnoia U7r0- is subject unto Christ, so let TAOOETAL TO XpioT@, ovtT@ Kal ai yu- the wives de to their own hus- aU a Poe oy et ; > ; bands in every thing. Kalkes Tots ® idlous avOpdow ev rayti. 95 / > ~ \ 5 ” Ot avOpes, dyamare rds yuvvaikas an r A > / EavT@Y, KaAODS Kal 6 Xpiotos nyannoe \ \ \ 4 TY e€kKAnoiay, Kal éavrov TapEeOwKey ¢ > ~ 9 a > \ / s umep aitns’ 78 tva auTnVY ayidon, Ka- na “ nA o 25 < ~ +, 7 ey mwivadc Gapicas TH houtp® tov datos éy ” Husbands, love your wives, AD BI ips t y h .>..\ w €ven as Christ also loved the pneart, ““ wa Tapaotnon avTOS church, and gave himself for it: pt c / Ly 26 ‘ > is tify EAUTO evOoéoy THY EKKAnoiay, fn Exou- 76 that he might sanctify and \ L A Nig Cae? ee = , cleanse 7¢ with the washing of rit aay omtNoyv 7) purida 1) TL T@OV TOLOUTOV, water by the word, 27 that he aie > , 9 lo A 2 2 4 . . z GAN wa 7) aya Kal dws. as OUT@sS Might present it to himself a F > / : Ce 7/8 NN > ces NE 5G glorious church, not having ( A Tr a aos . , - oie opethovow oi avdpes Cy amay TasKEaUS Fe se wrinkle. or any suGh a4 ~ "a c \ c ~ / x T@VY YyuValKasS, @S TA EaAUT@YV OMMaATa. thing: but thatit should be holy a A - Ts ee 28a a 6 ayarav THY EaAUTOU yvvatka, EaUuTOV and without blemish. So ought > Ah) oS , Nee. ~ men to love their wives, as their ayaTra OUVOELS Yap OTE THY EAUTOU own bodies: he that loveth his > > > fe \ an zi neta a oapKa ELionwey, avr exTpedet Kat wife, loveth himself. 29 For no AGN De be 1 6 'Xpigroc’ Man ever yet hated his own ¢ TEL GUT Ys oh ae ROL Ps P oe os flesh: but nourisheth and che- THY €KKAN Olay’ OTL pLeAn €OMEV TOV risheth it, even as the Lord the f aa = : TOU, Church: 3° for we are members UTOU, €K TNS OAPKOS avuTov, Chur ee ee MEOs si ,__s of his body, of his flesh, and of Kal €K T@Y OOTEMY auUTOU. AUT hiss honee. 3 For this cause ‘ei TOUTOU Kataneivper GvOpwros Toy matepa shal] a man leave his father tee € 4 OW 7atc Kapdcarg. b Rec. Ocov. C=> A Rec.addo. e Rec. addwace f3 g— h Rec. auTny, i Rec. Kupcos, —- ‘Erursians V. 382. and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. 32 This is a great mystery: but I speak con- cerning Christ and the church. °3 Nevertheless, let every one of you in particular, so love his wife even as himself, and the wife see that she reverence her husband. 6. Children, obey your pa- rents in the Lord: for this is right. 2 Honour thy father and mother, (which is the first com- mandment with promise, ) * that it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth. 4 And ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. * Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters ac- cording to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ: Snot with eyeservice as menpleasers, but as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart: 7 with good will doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men, 8 knowing that what- soever good thing any man do- eth, the same shall he receive of the Lord, whether he be bond or free. 9 And ye masters, do thesame things unto them, ¢forbearing threatening: knowing thatfyour Master also is in heaven, nei- ther is there respect of persons with him. 10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 1! Put on the whole armour of God, that ve may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. !% For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principali- 474 EMISTOAH aUTOU Kal TY pNTEpa, Kal ™pooKoh- AnOnoerat mpos Tay yuvaiKa QuTovU, Kal egovrau ot Ovo is wapKa péay. 2.1 porn ptov TOUTO peya eoriy’ eyo O€ eyo cis Xpurrov, Kat eis TY exkAy- cia. 8 Ay Kal Upuets ot Kal? eva, EKATTOS THY EaUTOU yuVaika OUTWS aya- TaTw ws éavtov' y O€ yurry wa PoPyTrat TOY ay6pa. 6. Ta TEKVA, UTAKOVETE Tots yovevow vpov * év Kupio *" € ! \ ToUTO yap err! Ot KaLov" * Tia TOV TAaTEpa TOU Kal THY | , > pyntepa’ aris eotly evToAn mpoTn EV | y > , = \ errayyeNia’ wa ev ou yevnrat’ Kal eon peaxpoxpovios emt 77s ys: 4 Kat ol marépes, p27) mapopyicere Ta TeKVa Lav, avn exrpepere avTa ev Tmavoela Kal vovlecia Kupiov. ec ~ , - / > Oi dovAoL, UmaKkovETE TOLs KUpLOLS ( , ‘A > KaTa oapka, peta PdBov Kat TPdpov, EV | dmornre THs KapOlas U@Y, as TO Xpe- | pn Kar dp Gahpodouhetay Os SNE: TOU TO" avOpamaperkot, GAN ws Sovdot t \ Xpiorov, TOLOUVTES 70 dehnpa TOU Geod | ek Wux7s, COs ATO Kupio Kal ovK avOparrous® qd elOdTes OTL 40 eay TL ckaoTos" mounon ayaOoy, TovTo Kopuetrat mapa °” Kupiov, y+ ~ a4 > / eire OovAos, etre ehevOepos. 9 aN ¢ / \ > \ x i Kat ot KUPLOL, TQ QvUTQA TTOLELTE 7 Pos > ElOOTeES | > \ > 7 \ > / 5 avuTous, avievTes THY aTretAny peer’ evvolas SovAEvoTeEs, | \ ¢/ Nf 2S ~ DAN a Z / > > OTL Kal “ULa@Y aUT@Y' O Kupuos coTL eV | ovpavois, Kal mpoo@moAnWia ovkK €oTt Tap auto. 10saIG Aourby, 5 adedpot jou,” evou- vapovode ev Kupio, Kal ev TO Kparee ™S ioxvos aUTOU. a évdtcoaabe THY TavotrAlay Tov Qecov, mpos TO Svvac bat vas pari mpos Tas preOodeias TOU OvaBddou 2 Gri ovK €oTLv nul 7 may mpos aiwa Kal odpka, adda mpods Tas aa bz e St.& Elz. om. * Or, moderating. d OO txaacrosg 0 av, € Rec. add rov. f avr@y cae pov g—> B Some read, both vour, an¢ their Master.IPOS E®SESIOYS. 475 > A \ \ 2 / apxas, mpos tas e€ovolas, mpos Tovs / ~ « Ko@poKpatopas Tov oKdrovs *” rovrov, A \ A Mpos Ta TvEevjLaTLKa THS Trovnpias éy “ > 7 ~ Tos erroupaviots. | Sid rodto avadd- \ a ~ Bete thy mavor\lav Tod cod, Wva dv- ~ > ~ n ~ mOnre avtictivar év TH nEepa TH aN \ / Tmovnpa, Kat amayvTa katepyacduevor oTHVval. ] A > a * Srpre otv mepiCooduevor THY O- “~ c a > > / \ > / civ vuay év adnbeia, cat evdvadpevor \ aA f 5 tov Oapaxa ths Sixaocvvns, © Kal e \ uTodnodpevoe Tovs 7dSag év eTotmacia TOU evayyediov THs ecipnyns: 16 emi a , ~ macw avadaBdvres Tov Oupedy TS Ti- > <> , , oTews, ev @ Ovinoerbe mavra Ta BEAN TOU TovNpOv Ta TeTUpopeva oBécat’ 7 Kal rH Tepikepadaiay Tod g@tnpiou b 8g é aM \ \ / ~ , eEaoGe,” kat tiv payaipay Tod Tyvev- a > ta ~ , Paros, 0 cote pnya Ocov' }8 dia waons n 4 Tpoceuxns Kat denoews Tpowevydpevor > 56 , ev Tavti Kaip@ ev IIvevpart, Kal eis > ~ > a avTo “TovTo” dypumvotytes ev mdon v / Tpookaptepnoet kat Oenoer trepl mav- Tov ToV ayiov, '% Kai dmép €uod, iva d CEL. , > > / A , pot © 0067” Adyos ev avoiéer Tod or6- ,’ 2G / patos pov ev mappyncia, yvepioa rd , a 9 ¢ a puUoTNpLOY TOU evayyeNiov, ™ Ymép ob eZ , a a > mpeoBevw ev ddvoel, wa ev avT@ Tap- ¢ Cos ~ pnoidcwpat, ws det pe KaAjoa. 21 of \ An A ¢ ~ A > Iva O€ eidnre Kal duets Ta Kar / va , ewe, TL Tpdoow, mdvta div yyapicer P \ ci) \ 2 \ \ \ Puxixos 0 ayamntos adeh dios Kal miatos 7 > / 2A ~ \ Kupia’ * € a 7po Cudkovos ev Kupios ™ op mepy L mpos Upas Eis AUTO TOTO, Wa yYOTE Ta Trepl ~ t ¢ a NOY, Kal Tapakadéon Tas KapOlas budv" 23 se - > a Nuoh Kipnyn tots adeXpois kal ayarn > ~ \ peTa Tiotews amd Oeod maTpds kat : : Z Kupiov “Incov Xpucrov. ~ > 24“H xdpis pera Travtav tev aya- , & ~ > ~ Tovrav tov Kuptov nua “Incody Xpt- > , otoy ev apOapaia.®” Epnestans VI. 24. ties, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against ¢« spiritual wick- edness in? high places. 13 Where- fore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and y having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness: !5 and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel] of peace. 16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. !7 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word ot God: !8 praying always with al) prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance, and sup- plication for all saints, 19and for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of ¥ gospel: 20 for which Iam an ambassador éin bonds, that «therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak. 21 But that ye also may know my affairs, and how I do, Ty- chicus a beloved brother, and faithful minister in the Lord, shall make known to you all things. ?2 Whom I have sent unto you for the same purpose, that ye might know our affairs, and that he might comfort your hearts. 23 Peace be to the brethren, and love, with faith from God the Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ. *4 Grace be with all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ ‘in sincerity. % Rec. add rov arcwvos. bD—> e=3 d Rec. do0ern. @ Rec. add aunv. % Or, wicked spirits. 8 Or heavenly. Y Or, vaving overcome all. 6 Or, in a chain. e€ Or, thereof, ¢ Or, with incorruption.Puitieprans I. 1. A Pa CaO a EINMNSTOAH ITPOz TIAYAOY EMZTOAH MPO OIAINIMNHSIOYS. Pee and Timotheus the servants of Jesus Christ, to all the saints in Christ Jesus, , which are at Philippi, with the bishops and deacons: 2? grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ. 3] thank my God upon every ayemembrance of you, talways in every prayer of mine for you all making request, with joy § for your fellowship in the gos- pel from the first day until now ; Sbeing confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you, f will per- form it until the day of Jesus Christ: 7 even as it is meet for me to think this of you all, be- cause ¥ I have youinmy heart, inasmuch as both in my bonds, and in the defence and confirm- ation of the gospel, ye all are épartakers of my grace. % For God is my record, how greatly I long after you all, in y bowels of Jesus Christ. 9 And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge, and in all ejudgment. '° That ye may ¢ approve things that 7 are ex- cellent, that ye may be sincere, and without offence till the day of Christ. !! Being filled with y fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ unto the glory and praise of God. 12 But I would ye should un- [JAYaos Kal Ty.d8eos Govhor "Inoov Xpiorov, Taot Tous dylows ev Xpiorg Inaovd rots otow ev Bidimmos, coy emtokorots Kat Svakdvois’ 7 xdpis vp Kal eipnyn amo OQeov Tarpos nudy Kal Kupiov “Incov Xpiorov. * Evyapiot® TH Oew pov ert macy n i ee ; 3 ; TH pela vpav, * mwayToTe ev Taon Oenoe. prov UTEP TAaYT@Y VUaV peTa xapas THY enow ToLovpevos, 8 ent TH KOWavIa UnaY eis TO EvayyeALoV, amd TPOTNS TEepas Aaxpe Tov vey’ © Te- Todas avTO TOUTO, OTL 6 EvapEdpevos ev vpty epyov ayaov, emurehecer Axpis nuepas “Incod Xpicrov' / Kaas éore dikavoy ewol ToUTO Ppovely vmEep TavT@V tpa@v, Ola TO exe pe ev TH Kapola vpas, ev TE TOLS OEgpols fou Kal ue TH amoXoyia Kal BeBavooes TOU evay- yehiou, TUYKOL@VOUS | poou ™7S Xapiros mayvras vpas ovtas. §% paptus yap pou bear” 6 Oeds, ws éemir0OG mavras vpas ev omAayxvots °Xpiotov “Incov.” Kal tovtTo mpooevyona, wa 7 ayamn wtpav err paddoy Kal padov Tepiooevn ev emuyyoce. Kal taon aig@noe, © cis TO Sokipdcew vpas Ta diapepovra, wa Are eidukpwets kal ampocKorrot eis nuepav Xpiorod, |! qe- mAnp@pevoe TKapmoyv OiKacocvyns Tov" dia “Incod Xpicrodv, eis SdEay kat ematvoyv Geov. 3 _ % Twookev S€ tyuas Bovtropat, —.Rec.& Gb. om. b> C Rec. 8 Or, will finish it. Y Qr, you have me t In. Xptor. 4 Rec. xaprwy duxacosvyns rwv. ™ Or, mention in your heart. 6 Or, partakers with me of grace, ¢ Or, sense. Or, try. 7 Or, differ. | |@IATITMIHSIOYS. 477 >? qi nn adehpoi, Ort ta Kar’ eve paddoyv eis \ mS > / 2 Li Tpoxomny Tov evayyehiov éAnhvOev: ec \ , 8 @aTe Tovs Seopovs feov cbavepouvs év r , > or a , Xpirr@ yeveo Oar ev OA TO pact wpin Kal Tots Xourots maar, Kal TOUS / n n mhelovas Tav adehpav ev Kupio tre- moBoras trois Secpois prov mepirco- 4 a - / \ / Tepws Todpay apdBws Tov Néyor hadetv. 15 Tives prev Kal Ova POdvov kai Epl, NX \ \ > > fi \ r \ tives O€ Kat Ov eddoxiay tov Xpicroy ; : Sie : Knpuocovow. ™“ of pev *eE aydrns, elOdres 6rt eis dtoNoylay TOU evayyediou ketuat’ 1° of de €& épiOeias Tov Xpe- oToYv katayyéh\Novow ovy ayvas, ol- / / b We fi 4 : o 6 x opevoe Oinviy > emiepenv' trois Seapois pov” ® ri yap; mArjy mavri TPOT@, oy / 7 > As r t eire mpoacet eire adnOeia, Xpiotds KatayyéAXeTau’ Kal ev TOUT@ xaipa, 2 \ \ / 19 ay X ¢ ada Kai Xapnoopa.. oda yap ort TOUTO Lot aTroBnaeTat eis GwTnpiay Oia A = ; ; x TS UpaY OenoEws, Kal emiXopyylas TOD , > a “~~ 90 \ \ Ivevparos ‘Incotv Xpicrov, *° Kara tiv oe > amokapadokiav Kai édwiSa prov, Ott &y ovdevi aiaxuvOncomat, GAN ev mdon > ~ Tappnoia, as mavTote, Kal viv peya- r n , / AvyvOnoerar Xpioros ey TO TOMaTl pov, L a/ \ ~ oy \ / etre Ova (wns elite Oia Oavarov. 1 \ \ \ ee cy \ Zh \ Eyuot yap to (nv, “Xpioros,” Kal a , 99 > \ a TO amroaveiv, Kepdos. ™ ei S€ TO Gv > ~ y »” , \ €Y GAPKL, TOUTS jrot KapTos Epyou" Kal TL aipnoopat, ov yvwpita 7 cuve- \ rn / xowar de” ex tradv Svo, Thy éemOvptav 4, ~ \ 7 ae EXO els TO avadioa, Kal oily XpioT@e elval, TOAAM@ yap” waddov KpEeLoooy’ 9, , e x \ > 4 70 O€ éemipéevew | ev” th capkl, avay- an 95 \ = kaidtepov Se vas. * Kal rTodro 2 > AMeger TeTroLO@s olOa, OTL eve kal SoupTrapa- ~ a + , \ c an pEevo’ TacWw viv, els THY VueV TpO- ~ , 26 ad KomY Kat xapav THs TioTEas, wa , c om , > re ox TO KavXNpa Vay Teptacevn ev XpioT@ Puitirrrans I. 26. derstand brethren, that y things which happened unto me, have fallen out rather unto the fur- therance of the gospel. 13 So that my bonds in Christ, are manifest in all &the palace, and vin all other places. 14And many of the brethren in the Lord, waxing confident, by my bonds, are much more bold to speak the word without fear. 15 Some indeed preachChrist, even of envy and strife, and some also of good will. !&6 The one preach Christ of contention, not sincerely, supposing to add affliction to my bonds: 17 but the other of love, knowing that I am set for the defence of the gospel. !8 What then ? notwith- standing every way, whether in pretence, or in truth: Christ is preached, and I therein do re- joice, yea, and will rejoice. 19 For I know that this shall turn to my salvation through your prayer, and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, 2°accord- ing to my earnest expectation, and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed: but that with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life or by death. 21 For to me to liveis Christ, and to die is gain. ?2 But if I live in the flesh, this is the fruit of my labour: yet what I shall choose, I wot not. 23 For I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ, which is far better. 24 Nevertheless, to abide in the flesh, 7s more needful for you. +> And having this confidence, I know that I shall abide and continue with you all, for your furtherance and joy of faith, 26that your rejoicing may be more abundant in Jesus Christ @ Rec. e£ eprOeras.... decrorg prov. Ov de e£ ayarns.. . xFLyae e 3—.St.om. f3 6 xapapero. Or, for Christ. bas eyscpecv. CX yprarov. 4 Rec. yap. B Or, Cesar’s court. Y Or, to all othersPuixreriAns I. 27. for me, by my coming to you again. 27 Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ, that whether I come and see you, or else be absent, I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind, striving together for the faith of the gospel, 25 and in nothing terrified by your adver- saries, which is to them an evi- dent token of perdition: but to you of salvation, and that of God. 29 For unto youit is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake, 3° having the same conflict which ye saw in me, and now hear fo e in me. 2. If there be therefore any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellow- ship of the Spirit, if any bowels, and mercies; ?fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one ac- cord, of one mind. ? Let nothing be done through strife, or vain- glory, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. 4 Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on y things of others. 5Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: 6 who being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: 7 but made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the 2likeness of men. § And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. 9 Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in PN 478 EILNIZTOAH TIPO “I ~ > > ‘\ 8 A a” > a f nooU ev Efol, Ola THS ENS Tapovotas / \ G <= Taw mpos vas. 2 a > , a *7 Movoy a&iws Tov evayyehiov TOU Xpiorod monurever Oe, wa tre eA Oav Kal idov vpas, etre amo, Kove Ta TrEPl UM@V, OTL OTNKETE EV EVE TYEVMATL, a A a , A pua Wuxn cuvabdouytes TH TloTEL TOU evayyediov, = Kat pun mTUpOpeEvoL eV py- an 4 7 > \ Oevi UO TOY ayTikempevav’ ATLs *eoTI > PL, > Xr / b ¢ Nas, 6 \ avrots’ évOevEts amrwAetas, ?vpiv" d€ T@- ~ > ~ 9 a c r Tnplas, Kal TOUTO amd Qeov" * Ort vy A > exapia6n TO vmep Xptorov, ov povoy 70 els auTov TLOTEVELY, GAXa Kat TO \ > Urep auTou a uy 3° roy avrov 3 > X ayava EXOVTES oloy “eidere” Ev €}L0L, Kal voy akovere ev epol. ede a 3 a 2. Et tis ody mapakAnats ev XptoTa, y+ 4 > / as et‘ ru” rapapvOtoy ayanns, €l TLS KOL- / / a e H / xX veovia IIvevparos, et Tis" omdhayxva Kat > 9 OLKTLippLol, * mAnpa@oaTE pov THY Xapay, of A va TO avTo Ppovynre, THY avTHY ayarny 2 , ad S EXOVTES, TUEWUXOL, TO EY CpovovyTeEs: NN Nepal, aX as > pnodev Kata epievay KevodoE&iay, ad- x ad vA > / ¢ 4 Aa TH TaTewvoppoavvn addAndovs 7you- n \ A fevol UTEpexovTas EavTay. yn Ta éavtay exactos ! oKomovvtes,” GANG Kal Ta éTépwy ® exagTos.” Tovto » yap" ' dpoveicOw” ev tpiv a NCD. r Zz 0; a 6 4 > rn © Kal ev Xpiore Inoov, os ev poppy Gecov ) UmapXoV, ovxX dpmaypov nynTaro TO elvar toa Cee, GAN éaurov €Ke- voce, poppny SuONSD AaBov, ev 6potw- pate avOparav yevomuevos’ Kal ox7- / > pare evpeGels ws avOpwrros, eTaTreivarEV /, EAUTOV, yevOmeEvos UTNKoos pexpt Bava- tov, Oayatrov Se otavpov. *% dd kal 6 , cds avTov vrepvWace, Kal €xapicaro ~ 7 n aut@ *” ovopia TO virep Tay _ovopa’ c a ue va ev TO ovopart ‘Inoov may yovu earth, and things under the Kapn emoupavioy Kal emyeloy Kal / n nr earth: !! and that every tongue katayOoviov. ™ kal maga yAéooa a Rec. avrocsy ev earer. bw vuwy Cw —. Rec. & Gb. dere. d wres. e Rec. © teva. f Rec. oxozecre. & Gb. exacroe. lnese iW dpovecre. o k add ro. Or, habit@IAITNITHSIOYS. 479 eEouohoynontar 6 OTL Ss Ingovs Xpr- oTos eis Oo§ay cov *zarpos.” 8 “Qore, dyannrot pov, Kkados qav- TOTE drnKovoare, pr) @s EV TH Tapovoia pou pOvoy, ava yo TOKAD pad)ov ev uy] amrovgia pov, pera pdBou Kat TPOMOV TY é€avT@v carnpiay Karepydacer Ge 326 Gcds” yap eotw 6 évepyav éy Uuiy Kal TO Oeew Kal TO evepyew trép Ths evdoxias. \ qayra Toveire ywpis yoyyuopev Kal Ovahoyiopar, 19 va yernobe Gpepmror Kal akepator, TEKVG Ocov dpepnra c ey peo’ yeveds oKo- Aias Kal OveoTpapperns, € ev ans paivecGe os poornpes € ev KOO LQ, “° Aoyou Cars €MEXOVTES, els KavxT a €pol els TLE pay Xpiorov, o OTL OUK Els KEVOY EOpapoy, OVOE els Kevoy ekoTriaca. WANN ei kal omevOopat emi TH Ovola Kat ecToupyla Tis TicTEwWs VUaY, Yaip@ kal ovyxaipo macw tpi 8 oO & ad- TO Kal Upets Xalpete’ Kal ovyxaipeTE juop. erica dé ev Kupig ‘Inood, Tipodeov TaXEws mrepwyau Up, iva kayo evuxe, yvovs Ta mepl tpaev 7° ovdeva yap eX@ todwuxor, doris ynotos Ta Tepl Vay pepiyuvynoer’ ~) ol mavTEs yap Ta é€avtay (nrovow, ov * ra’ Incov Xpi- orou” ™ iy dé Soxipny avtod yiwe- OKETE, OTL wS TaTpl TEKVOY, TLV Epol edovAevoev cis TO evayyediov. * rovroy pev ouv eATi€a méeprat, ws ay aida Ta Twepl ewe, eLautns’ * memoba Oe ev Kupi@, Ore kal avtds taxéws edev- gopat © 5’ Avaykatoy O€ nynoduny Enadpé- Oiroy Tov ddeAPoy kal ouvepyov Kal cvoTpararny pou, pay O€ amdaTodor, Kal Aevroupyov THS Ypetas pou, mera pos. wuas’ 78 éreidn emumoOay 7) ny Tay- Tas vas, Kal dOnpovay, Sidte nKovoare Puitiprrans II. 2 should confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. 12 Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence; work out your own salvation with fear, and trembling. 13 For it is God which worketh in you, both to will, and to do, of his good pleasure. !4 Do all things without murmurings, and dis- putings: 15 that ye may be blameless and «harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and per- verse nation, among whom & ye Shine as lights in “the world: 16 holding forth the word of life, that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain. 17 Yea, and if I be vy offered upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I joy, and rejoice with you all. 18 For the same cause also do ye joy, and rejoice with me. 196 But I trust in the Lord Jesus, tosend Timotheus shortly unto you, that I also may be of good comfort, when I know your state. 20 For I have no man slikeminded, who will naturally care for your state. 21 For all seek their own, not the things which are Jesus Christ’s. 7? But ye know y proof of him, that as a son with the father, he hath served with me, in the gospel. ** Him therefore I hope to send presently, so soon as I shall see how it will go with me. 24 But I trust in the Lord, that I also myself shall come shortly. 2> Yet I supposed it neces- sary, to send to you Epaphro- ditus my brother & companion in labour, and fellowsoldier, but your messenger, and he that ministered to my wants. 26 For he longed after you all, and was full of heaviness, because that ye had heard that he had 4 Ez.om. DA Geos. C8 pecov. 4 Ree. ra tov Xpearov Inaon © Or, shine ye. Y Gr poured forth. ° Or, Moreover. a 8 e Bz. add xpos vyas. Or, sincere. « Or, so dear unto me-Puturrrians It been sick. 27 For indeed he was sick nigh unto death, but God had mercy on him: and not on him only, but on me also, lest f should have sorrow upon sor- row. *8 J sent him therefore the more carefully, that when ye see him again, ye may rejoice, and that I may be the less sor- rowful. 29 Receive him there- fore in ¥ Lord with all gladness, and «hold such in reputation: 39 because for the work of Christ he was nigh unto death, not regarding his life, to supply your lack of service toward me. 3. Finally, my brethren, re- joice in the Lord. To write the same things to you, to me in- deed is not grievous: but for you it is safe. 2 Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers: beware of the concision. ° For we are the cir- cumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no con- fidence in the flesh. 4 Though I might also have confidence in the flesh. If any other man thinketh that he hath whereof he might trust in the flesh, I more: > circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, the tribe of Benjamin, an Hee brew of y Hebrews, as touching the law, aPharisee:§ concer ning zeal, persecuting the church: touching y righteousness which is in the law, blameless. 7 But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ. 5 Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss, for the excel- lency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom [| have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ, 9 and be found in him, not hay- ing mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith: !9 that I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship & Rec. Aura. b— ¢ Rec. ~w rapaBov oe aR MW —. Rec. & Gb. Bew. Rec. wevorvye. 480 EMISTOAH TIPOS ore nobevnce. * Kal yap nodevnce mapamAno.ov Oavar@’ add’ 6 Oeds adv- TOV NAENTEV, OVK avTOV Oé povoY, GAA Kal eye, iva pry AUTNY El *AUTNY" TXO. *8 grovdaoTeépws ovy emepaya avrov, wa iddvres avtov maddw yapnre, Kay@ adumétepos @. * mpoad Kal THY Kolwoviay Tov Tabnudray av- n~ , 5 / Tov, * ovppoppovpevos” to Oavarw = , , > \ avtov, | eitws Katavtiocw eis THY e€avacracw » tiv ex” VEKP@V. 9 5 2 3\ 2 Odx Gre #dn SdaBov, 7) 70n TeTEe- , a , \ ° \ ff > > Aet@pat’ Stdkw Sé ei Kal katahaBa, ed 2 \ , ¢ \ ey ~ Uf @ kat kareAnOny wd © Xpiorod. 13 2Q \ VegN > \ > fits adeol, eyo euavToy ov AoyiGomat 4 é 14 a \ \ \ \ > , karen pévar ev O€, TA MeV OTiow 5 - : emthavOavouevos, tois dé eumpoober , > \ EMEKTELVOMEVOS, KATA TKOTOV OL@kw@ ert hoe oe : ae f TO BpaBetoy THs dvw KAjoEws Tod Oeod ev Xpior@ “Incod. 15 co > a ~ a i Got ovy TeeLol, TOUTO Ppovapev Ui cr A Kal et Tt érépws dpoveire, Kal TovTO 6 a > a Ocos tyly drokadier. 18 TAY Eis 0 epbacraper, TO aQUT@ oTotxey ¢ Kavove, ‘ TO AUTO poverty. Vy OUMMLUNTAL jhou / > \ \ = \ yweobe, adedol, Kal oKomeire Tovs 7 ~ », , OUT@ TepiTatovVTas, Kabas EXETE TUTFOY ¢ S ~ A npas. '8 oh)oi yap repurarodcw, ods / 7 c - a \ \ / ToAAAKis Eheyov vpiy, viv 6 Kal Kral@v 4 2 ~ ~ ~ hey, Tovs €xOpodvs rod oTaupov Tov Xpiorov, @Y TO TeAos amwdeLa, Ov ¢ A ¢ / \ c / > an - 0 Ocos 7) Kowa, kat 7 Oda ev TH ai- 4 a / A OXY) AVTGY, ot TA emiyea. ppovovrtes. ©, nw a *0 pay ° yap" TO moNrevpa év ovpavots virapxet, €£ 08 Kal ToTHpa ameKkdexo- i, > A 7 \ 21 4 peOa Kupioy “Incody Xptorov, oO PETATXNMATIoOEL TO THpa THs TaTEwWe- a Ss , an geas nuav *” cippoppov Td cadpare tis Od&ns adrod, Kara tiv éevépyevay ~ , ce , “~ Tov Ovvacba avo Kal umoTa€éat €avT@ A 4 ed > f / > x Ta mavta. 4. wate, adeApoi pov aya- \ ? TyTol Kal emimdé@nror, xapa Kal oré- 7 , > , avés pov, ovtw ornkere év Kupia, > / ayarnroi. n \ - 2 &Evodiav’ Tapakar@, kal Suvriynv a r 3 / Tapakah@, TO avTo dpoveiv év Kupio* t ~ / , "yal" epwr@ Kal oe, cvvye yunole, + 7 ? a ovAdapBavov avtais, airiwes ev TO Puiniprians [V. 38. of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death, Nif by any means J might at- tain unto the resurrection of the dead. '? Notas though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus. 18 Brethren, I count not myself to have appre- hended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, 147 press toward the mark, for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus, 15 Let us therefore, as many as be perfect, be thus minded: and if in any thing ye be other- wise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you. 16 Never- theless, whereto we haye al- ready attained, let us walk by the same rule, let us mind the same thing. !7 Brethren, be followers together of me, and mark them which walk so, as ye have us for an ensample. 'S (For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they ave the enemies of the cross of Christ: 19 whose end is de- struction, whose God ts their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.) 2° For our conversation is in heaven, from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ: 2! who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself. 4. Therefore, my bre- thren, dearly beloved & longed for,my joy & crown, so stand fast in the Lord, my dearly beloved. ~]I heseech Euodias, and be- seech Syntyche, that they be of the same mind in the Lord. 3 And I intreat thee also, true yokefellow, help those women aS cuupopprLomevos. e Bz. de. f Rec. add ecg to yevscGar avro. 32 b Rec. & Gb. rwy. c Rec. g St. Evwdiay, d Gb. om. h Rec. xac. Tov Xpicrov Inaov.Puinieprans LY. 4. which laboured with me in y gos- pel, with Clement also, and with other my fellowlabourers, whose names are in the book of life. 4 Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice. » Let your moderation be known un- to all men. The Lord is at hand. 6 Be careful for nothing: but in every thing by prayer & supplication with thanksgiv- ing, let your request be made known unto God. 7And y peace of God which passeth all under- standing, shall keep your ‘hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. 8 Finally, brethren, whatso- ever things are true, whatsoever things wre 2 honest, whatsoever ings are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever xs are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report: if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things: 9 those things which ye have both learned and received, & heard,& seen in me, do: andy God of peace shall be with you. 10 But I rejoiced in the Lord greatly, that now at the last your care of me & hath flourish- ed again, wherein ye were also careful, but ye lacked oppor- tunity. 1! Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. 12 J know both how to be abas- ed, and I know how to abound: every where, and in all things Iam instructed, both to be fuil, & to be hungry, both to abound, and to suffer need. !% I ean do all things through Christ, which strengtheneth me. '4 Notwithstanding, ye have well done, that ye did commu- nicate with my affliction. >Now ye Philippians know also, that in the beginning of the gospel, when I departed from Mace- donia, no church communicated with me, as concerning giving and receiving, but ye only. 16 For eyenin Thessalonica, ye sent once, and again unto my 482 EDMSTOAH IITPO2 > / / / \ evayyehia ocuvnOnody fol, peTa KC KAnpevtos, Kat Tay owmay ouvep yav pov, ay Ta odvdpara ev BiPh fas Kaipere ev Kupio mavrore” Tans oc ; es ‘ e EN@, Xaipere. ° TO ETLELKES ULV YV@ cOnta macw avOparots. 6 Kupuos ey yus. pndev pepyvare, GAN ev Tayi T™ TPOTEVXN Kab ™ deqoet peTa EU Xaprorias ra aitnwara HOY ywopute cbe pos 7 Tov Geov’ ? Kain e cpnyn TO cod, 1 Umepexoura TavTa your, pov pnoee ras kapdias t ULoV Kal TA VoRMaTi vpa@yv ev Xprot@ “Incov. 8 TO ourdv, adeApol, dca €ort chy On, 6oa ceva, ova Sikara, oo cyva, oa mpooprry, Oca evpnpid, € TLS ApeTN Kal et Tis €mavos, TavTa Ao yitere* d kal euadere Kal Trapeda Bere Kat nkovoate Kal eldeTe ev epmol TavTa mpaocere’ Kal 6 eds THs Elpnyy éoTa ped vuav. “Exapny de ev Kupio peyahos Se 70n more aveOddere TO UTEp eo Ppo yew’ ep o kal eppoveire, nKarperod dé 4 ody bre Kad vorepnow heya eyo yap epabor, ev ols eit, avTapKN ewatr 1? goua kan” Tamrewvovo Bat oida Kal TEpLoowevey” ev TavTt Kal €é; Tae pen pat Kal Xopracer Gat Ka Teway, Kal jepuocevery Kal _vorepel oda’ © ravta icxyto ev TO evdvva: poor pre?” IIAnv Karas erroinoate, cvyKowe@ ynoavres pou TH Oder. © otdare & Kal yets, Biduranovolt, OTe ev apxi TOU evayyeNlov, 6te e&nhOov ard Ma Kedovias, ovdepia wou ekKANG La eKoLVa@: unoev eis Néyov Odcews Kai AnWeas, € [An Upets edvot ére kal ev Oeooa Novikn Kat dra€& Kal Sis els THY xpelai 4 Rec. de D Rec. add Xpcorw. a . . . Or venerabiy, B Or, is revivedKOAOSSAEIS. 483 2 , > ed > a“ pot ereuvare. ™ ody Ore ETLENT@® TO , > > > n dopa, aN emityre roy Kapmov Tov 4 > na , mAeovatovta eis Aéyov tparv? 38 aTréyo \ 4 \ 7) / d€ mavra, kal Tepiccedva’ TET ANP@mat, } = / AD / \ > e€apevos Tapa 'Eradpodirov ra Tap c ~ > \ > / , UpOoV, oounY evwdtas, Ovoiay Sexriy, Sy x4 a > 19 ¢ QA / eVapEegTOY T@ Oca. 0 0€ OEds pov . , an / ~ “TAnp@ce” Tracapy Xpelay VuaY KaTa \ A a - r a Tov movrov avTov ev ObEn, ev Xpior@ > ~ 9 lo \ ~ \ ¢ a Ingov. ” 7O dé cd kai TaTpl Hu@y ¢ 4 & 2. \ da ~ ais n O0€a eis Tovs aidvas Trav aidvev. > #: anv. Ea , , e > AonacacGe mavra ayvov év Xpr- ~ > ~ > - fs oT® Incov. adordgoyra vas of ody >? eS > , 9) > / ¢ = ewol adehpoi. ~ domdtovra upas MAaVTES ol Gytot, pddtota Sé of ex TS / Kaioapos oikias. 2 c ~ r , > a *8 SH ydpis row Kupiov >” "Inaov A a a] , Xpiorov peta wdvrav tuav. Cauny.” CoxossrAns I. 5. necessity. 17 Not because I de- Sire a gift: but I desire fruit that may abound to your ac- count. !8 But @I have all, and abound. Iam full, having re- ceived of Epaphroditus ¥ things which were sent from you, an odour of a sweet smell, a sacrifice acceptable, wellpleas- ing to God. !9 But my God shall supply all your need, accord- ing to his riches in glory, by Christ Jesus. 29 Now unto God and our Father de glory for ever and ever. Amen. 21 Salute every saint in Christ Jesus: the brethren which are with me, greet you. 22 All the Saints salute you, chiefly they that are of Cesar’s houshold. 23 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. AYA OY ENTSTOAR ITPO> K.OneO> > Aces. > > A = | JAYAOS amdoroXos Inoov Xpiorovd \ , A Ova GedAnparos Geod, Kal Tiudbeos 6 > = 7 x adeAdos, ? rots ev 4KoXoocais” aylots \ ~~ id c 3 We ell, / Kal TLOTOLS a0eAois ev Xpiota*” ydprs ¢ a 4 > n vply Kal eipnyy dxd Geov marpds c nt nav’, 3 > a = Ale My \ Evuxapiorotpev TO O€@S Kat” rarpt a CA > A ~ s TOU Kupiou nov Inoov Xpiorov, mav- a > tore "qrepl” uuay Tpooevxouevor’ * a- , \ a > A Kovoavres THY TotW buoy éy XpioTa aA > j \ °, / ‘Inoov, Kal tiv ayarny ‘tv’ els TavTas \ c Sf 5 6 \ A aN iO q Tous «ylous, ta thy edmida thy / Cas > as > ax A aTOKEyLerny vuilv ev Tots ovpavois, iv 4 7 C , ~ a / MTponkovoate ev TO NOyw THs ddnOelas Pp AUL an apostle of Jesus Christ, by the will of God, and Timotheus our brother, 2 to the saints and faithful brethren in Christ, which are at Colosse, Grace be unto vou, and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ. 3 We give thanks to God. and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying a'ways for you, 4 since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus, and of the love which ye have to all the saints, ° for the hope which is laid up for you in heaven, whereof ye heard before in the word of the & co 7Anpwcar, ) Rec. & Gb. add nuov. —. Gb. e2 ! Rec. add xae Kuprov Ijcev Xpicrov. §— hwovrep. 1% nv exete. % Or, I have received all. d St. KoAaccats. & Bz. add InoovCotossiaAns I. 6. truth of the gospel, § which is come unto you as ?¢ isin all the world, and bringeth forth fruit, as it doth also in you, since the day ye heard of it, and knew the grace of God in truth, 7 ye also learned of Epaphras our dear fellowservant, who is for you a faithful minister of Christ: 8 who also declared unto us your love in the Spirit. 9 For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled withthe knowledge of his will, in all wisdom and spiritual under- Standing: !9 that ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing inthe knowledge of God: !! strength- ened with all might according to his glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness: !? giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light: 13 who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated ws into the kingdom of his dear Son, !4in whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins: 15 who is the image of the in- visible God, the firstborn of every creature. '6 For by him were all things created that are in heaven, and thatarein earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him. !'7 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist. 18 And he is the head of the AN A eee 484 EIMNISTOAH IIPOS § 6 a“ / | TOU evayyehiou, TOU ac oUnos €l)2 vpas, Kalas Kal ey TavTl TO “Koon Kal eorTu" kapmoopotpevov Kal au Savopevoy,” kadws Kal €y Up, ap 7 7 npEepas nKovoare kal éméyvere Ti Xap Tov Ocov ev adn Geia* 7 Kado ‘ euabere aro ‘Exagpa TOU dyamnro omydowNou NL@V, OS EOTL TLOTOS ume) tiuey” Ovdkovos TOU Xpworov, 8 6 Kal dnhocas nu tiv tuoav ayarny é TVEV[LATE. ° Awd rovro Kal nets ap: ns 7pLEepas & KOVTAWLEY, ov mavdueba umep UO! MPOTEVXOpEVOL, kal airovpevor wa TAN: & podire THY emiyvoaow TOU GeAnparo:) SIS ey ws Q Co we w avroD ev macn copia kal ouvéces o > ao > / mvevpatikn, '° mepuratnoa °&” akios% TOU Kupiov eis Tacay apéoKeray’ ae TayTl Eepy@ ake. Kaptoopourres Ka.) avEavopuevor | TH emlyy@oe TOU Oeov's ey mon Ouvayet Suvaprouprevor KaTay TO Kparos 7s Od€ns avtovd els TacaLt Urropovny Kal _HaxpoOupiay pera Xapas: 2 a evxXaprorouvTes T@® TaTpl T@ ikava-< carte neds eis TY pcpida TOU KAnpoul TOV ayiov ev TO part 13 Os eppuoaro npas eK THS eSoucias ! TOU wKOTOUS, Kat _peTeaTH OEY cls. THD | Baovhetay TOU vlov THS ayamns avrou, | : 4 eve eXopev THY amoditpacw*” > THY | dpeow TOV apapreay’ 3 Gs é€oTWw eikwy Tov Ccovd TovA dopdrov, mpaTdtoKos maons KTiceas’ 16 Ore ev auT@ exrioOn Ta mara, Ta Evi Tots ovpavois kal Ta emt THS YS, Ta) opara Kal Ta /dépara, etre Opdvor, ELTE | KupLornres, elTe apxat, etre eSovoiar’ ; Ta twayvta Ot avrov kal eis avTov é-) Kriotau’ ¥ Kai auros €OTL Tpo TAVTOY, * Kai Ta TavTa Ev aUTO@ OWETTHKE 8 kal aités €orw Kead) Tod} &Sxocum eort. D Rec. om. f Ree. ~\ ees tH excyvwory ¢ Rec. & Gb. add xar.—Gb. BS § Rec. add dca tov atmaros avrov. * Gr. the Son of his love. d Elz. w NLWVe © Rec. add vuag. |§KOAOSSZAEIS. 485 caparos T™Ss exehnotas® os eorw apxt, MPoToroKos eK TOV vEeKp@r, iva yeunrau ev Tacw avros Tporevov’ 19 Ore ev avT@ evddknoe way TO m(npepa KaT- ouKT) Oat, #0 kal Ot avrod amoxarah~ AaEar Ta mavra eis auror, eipnvoromoas Oia Tov aijaros TOU oTaupou avrod, “Ov avrou,’ etre Ta emt THS ys, etre TH ev TOS ovpavois. oe Kats vpas Tore OvTas arn Norpio- prevous Kal exOpovs Ty Svavoia év Tots Epyols ToLs Tovnpots, vuvi O€ drroxari)- Aakev 2 év TO Toate THs wapKos autov§ ua TOU Gavarou, wapaori gat was dylous Kal dj@jious Kal dyeyk\yTous KATEVOTLOY avtov' * etye ETULEVETE TH TLOTEL TeOepehr@frevor Kal edpaion, Kal pn peTaKWwovpevor aro THs eAmidos Tov evayyehiou ov KovoarE, TOU KnpuxOevros ev maon ory" Krioet Th vmod Tov ovpavoy, ob eyevopny eyo Tlavos Ovakovos. at Nov Xaipeo ev Tots mabnpacw*" Urep DPLOY, Kal avravarAnp@ Ta vore- phyara TOV OXivrewy TOU Xpeorov ev 77 oapxi pov UTEP TOD oa toreas avrov, 0 EOTL 77 exkhn ota’ ns eyevOuny ey@ Ovakovos Kata THY olkovopiiay TOU cov Thy OoOeiody pou eis pas, 7hn~ pocat TOV Adyoy TOU Ocov, 26 ea ve PVOTHpLoy TO amroKeKpuppevoy amo TeV adiovey Kal amo TeV yeveay, vuvl O€ epavepoOn Tols aylous avrou" 7 ois nonce 6 Ccds yvopica, tis 6 mhovros 77s Oo&ns Tou pevoTnplov TOUTOU ev ois eOverw, 6 Os €oTL Xpuotos ev wvpiv, 7 eAmis ths OdEns' 7 Ov 77- | peis Karayyédoper, voverovvres TavTa a \ | avOp@rov, Kal 3 , /, OvdacKovres “rravra 7 Md > , , a avOpamov" ev raon copia, wa tapa- 4 > oTncepey Tayra avOpwmoyv TédeLoy ev Coxossrans J. 28. body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that «in all things he might have the preeminence: 19 for it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dw ell, 20 and (Shaving made peace through the blood of his cross) by him to reconcile all things unto himself, by him, J say, whether they be things in ear th, or things in heaven. *l And you that were some- times alienated, and enemies yin your mind by wicked w orks, yet now hath he reconciled, : 22in the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable, and unreprov able in his sight, 23 if ye continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel, which ye have heard, and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven, whereof I Paul am made a minister. 24 Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up that which is behind of the af- flictions of Christ in my flesh, for his body’s sake, which is the church, 75 whereof Iam madea minister, according to the dis- pensation of God, which is given to me for you, éto fulfil the word of God: 26 even the mys- tery which hath been hid from ages, and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints, 27 to whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ ein you, the hope of glory: 28 whom we preach, warning every man, and teach- ing every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect. in Christ Jesus, #)4— b> ¢Rec.add pov. 2-—> ® Or, among all. B Or, wicked works. 6 Or, fully to preach the word of God, making peace. Y Or, by your mind in e Or, amongst you,Conossrans I. 29. 29 Whereunto I also labour, striving according to his work- ing,which worketh in me might- ily. 2. For I would that ye knew what great # conflict I have for you, and for them at Laodicea, and for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh: ? that their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love, and unto all riches of the full as- surance of understanding, to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God, and of the Fa- ther, and of Christ, 34 in whom are hid all the treasures of wis- dom, and knowledge. 4 And this I say, lest any man should beguile you with enticing words. 5 For though I be absent in the flesh, yet am I with you in the spirit, joying and beholding your order, and the stedfastness of your faith in Christ. © As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: 7 rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abound- ing therein with thanksgiving. 8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the vy rudiments of the world, and not after Christ: 9 for in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. 10 And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all princi- pality, and power. !! In whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh, by the circumcision of Christ: !? buried with him in baptism, wherein also you are risen with him through the faith of the opera- tion of God, who hath raised him from the dead. 13 And you 486 ELNSTOAH IIPOS Xpiora@*” 29 eis 0 Kal KOT, dyove- (oprevos Kara ray evepryevay QUTOU THI evepyoupevny eV Epol ev Ovyapet. 2. Cra yep Upas “ELOevat Mixon ¢ ayava eXO| mepl UpL@v Kal Tay ev Aao-« Ouxela, Kal OGoL ovxX Ecopdkact TOP Tpoow@nmoy prov ev capKl, 2 (va Tapa- KAnOa@ow at Kapdiat avTay, >oupBe- Bacbévres’ év ayamn, Kal «is mayra movrov Ts mAnpopopias 7S ouve- owews, eis emi yvaow TOU pvotnpiou TOU cov”, 2 ev @ Elou TavTeEs Ot Onoavpote TNS coppias Kal THs yvorews amoKpu- | ot. * touto Oe eyo, wa py Tis) vpas maparoyiCnrat ev mOavohoyia: | OMeEL yap Kal TH TapKt CITEULy ahha To TvevpaTL ory vty eElpt, Yalpwy Kal Breroy _bpev THY Ta&ly, Kal TO OTE-) peoma 7s eis Xpiorov TioTews tar. 4 6 ws ovv mapehaBere Tov Xpioeror | eee TOV Kvpuor, éy auT@ TrEplTra- 3 reite, @ epptapevor Kal erouxodopov= | pevor év avT@, Kal BeBavovpevor ev THY mioter, Kabas edudaxOnre, mepiooev- ovres *év auth’ ev evxaptoTia. 8 BAémere pn Tis Vas €oTat 6 ovAa-} yoyav dua ths didocodias Kai Kev7s | amdtns, Kata THY Tapadoow TY apy-} Oparav, KaTa TA OTOLXELA TOV KOTLOV,« Kal ov Kata Xpworov" OTL EV avT@) KATOLKEL TAY TO TANP@pAa THS OedTyTOS « cepatikos, ' Kai eore €v AUT@ Te-) TANpa@pevor® 6s eat 7 Kepahy TaoNs | apxis Kal e€oucias’ iy ep @ kal Tre- | prerunOnre Tepiropy) dxerpomounre, el) Ti ameKOUGEL TOU THpaTOS ©” THS TApKOS, § ev TH TEpLTOMN TOU Xpiorov, 12 Guvra- | devres atte ev TO Banticpars’ ev qs: Kal ouvnyepOnte Sia THS TioTEws TIS| evepyelas TOU Oeov Tov eyeipayTos av-| tov ek '” yexpav" Kal Uu“as veKpous \: now v a Rec. add Incov. AapTiwre ec. add rwr. b Reco. cup Bi Bacbevrwr. a d—» e Rec. add ra: } Y Or, elements, © Rec. add xac wratpos xa rov Xptarov. Or, fear, or, care. O 4 whereinKOAOSSAEIS. 487 ovtas * éy” trois TaparTepact Kal rH akpoBvotia tis capKds UL@Y, CuveE- (womoinoey ipas’ ody avuTe@, Yaptodpe- vos °nuiy” rdavta Td TapanT@para’ ™ e€ahetibas 76 Kad? LOY Xeipoypaov Tos Odypacw, b AY brevaytloy 1) [LUV Kal aUTO HpKeV eK TOU PETOU, TPOTHAG- gas av7oT@ oTavpa’ © amekOvo-dj.evos Tas apxas Kat tas €£ovctas, eOevypare- gev ev rappnota, OptapBevoas avtovs ee €V aUT@. °° Mz) oby Tes tpas Kpwvere ev Bpocer 3 > , Ae / ¢ a 3\ / 1) €V TOCEL, 7} EV [LEpEL EopTHs i) vouunvias 7) oaBBdteav Y & éort cKida Tor ped- AovT@yv, TO O€ copa & Xptatov. }8 un- eis tvuds KataBpaBevera Oéddav ey Tarewogpoovvy Kat Opnokeia tay ay- yéhov, & © pn” édpakev éuBarevar, Elk) hvootpevos bd Tod vods TNS TapKos avrov, ' Kal od Kparay thy Kepaadny, e€ ov Tay TO Goma Sid TOY apev Kat ouv0ecHov emxopyyovpevoy Kal cup- BiBaCouevoy, avEe tiv aténow rod Ocov. 0 Ei” dmeOdvere avy 8” Xpior@ azo ‘ ae ae. 3 T@V OTOLXELWY TOU KOC }L0U,TL@s COUTES EV Koop@ Soypari¢erOe; * Mr din, nde yevon, pnd Olynss @ & este mavra ets Oopay th amoypnoet, Kata Ta evTa\pata Kal dvdacKkadias Tov avOpeo- mov ™ Gra éott Néyov pev exovra copias ev €OehoOpnokeia Kal tare.vo- hpocvyyn kal adedia caoparos, ovk ev TY TWL Tpos TANTPOVYY THs oapKos. 3. Ei odv curnyepOnte TH Xpiotd, Ta ava nreire, ov 6 Xpiotds éotwy ev a n~ ~ , \ a de€ia ToD Oeov KaOnpuevos’ Ta avo a \ \ > => < > 4 povetre, un Ta emi THs yns. 3 ameOd- \ ¢ rn 4 vere yap, Kat 7 (won tay Kéexpumrat Coxosstans III.3 being dead in your sins, and the uncircumeision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you alj trespasses, !4 blotting out the handwriting of ordinances, that Was against us, which was con- trary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross: 15 and having spoiled princi- palities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumph. ing over them @ in it. 16 Tet no man therefore judge you Sin meat, or in drink, or yin respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the. sab- bath days: 17 which are a sha- dow of things to come, but the body is of Christ. 18 Let no man ébeguile you of your reward, €in a voluntary humility, and worshipping of angels, intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind: !9 and not holding the Head, from which all the body by joints and bands having nourishment ministered, and knit together, increaseth with the increase of God. 20 Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the rrudi- ments of the world: why, as though living in the world, are ye subject to ordinances ? *! (Touch not, taste not, handle not: *? which all are to perish with the using) after the com- mandments and doctrines of men: 2% which things have in- deed a shew of wisdom in will worship and humility, and »neg- lecting of the body, not in any honour to the satisfying of the flesh. 3. If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God: 2 set your 8affection on things above, not on things on the earth. ° For ye are dead, and your life is as bo—.Rece.& Gb. om. ¢ Rec. vurv. 4 Rec. add rov. * Or, in himself. 6 Or, for eating and drinking. Y Or, in part. e= fRec.addovy. g Rec. add 1@, 6 Or, judge against you + Gr being a voluntary in humility. ¢ Or, elements. 7 Or, punishing, or, not sparing. @ Or, mindCouossrans III. 4. hid with Christin God. 4 When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also ap- pear with him in glory. 5 Mortify therefore your mem- bers which are upon the earth: fornication, uncleanness, inor- dinate affection, evil concupi- scence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: © for which things’ sake, the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience, 7in the which ye also walked some time, when ye lived in them. But now you also put off all these, anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communica- tion out of your mouth. 9 Lie oot one to another, seeing that 9 ye have put off the old man with his deeds: !9 and have put on the new man, which is renew- ed in knowledge, after the image of him that created him, 1 where there is neither Greek, nor Jew, circumcision, nor un- circumcision, Barbarian, Scy- thian, bond, nor free: but Christ is all, and in all. 12 Put on therefore (as the elect of God, holy and beloved) bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering, !3 forbearing one another, and forgiving one ano- ther, if any man havea @quarrel against any: even as Christ for- gave you, so also do ye. '4 And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness. !®And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body: and be ye thankful. 16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wis- dom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs,sing- ing with grace in your hearts to EINMSTOAH IIPOS 4 488 avy T XpioTd ev TO OG’ oray 6 Xpuords pavepob7, 7) 7 Con * nev,” TOTE Kal Umels OUY AUTO meses: ev O0&n. Nekpooare ovy Ta peAn tuoyv Ta eT. THS ys, Topveiav, axadapolay, md- Oos, emtOvpiay Kaki, Kat THY TAEovELay, Wtts €otiy eiOwdoAatpela, © Ov a ép- xXeTa 7) Opyn Tod Ocovd emt Tovs viods tns ameOeias’ 7 ey ols Kal tpeis me- pletratnoaré Tore, OTe e(nre ev» auTois” vuvi O€ amdOecOe kat bets TA TavTa, opynv, Ovpoy, kakiay, Phaognpiar, aie poXoy ia EK TOU OTOpaATOS UUov. pn pevdeode cis a\Andous, drrexOu- apevot TOY Tadaoy avOpwroy avy Tats mpageow avtov, ' Kal evdvodpevor \ 7 \ > / ° > , TOY VEéov, TOY avakayovpevoy eis emt- yv@ow KaT €iKOva TOD KTiCaVTOS avToV" ‘Grou ov éu “EAAnv kat “lovdaios, Tepitoun Kal akpoBuoria, BapBapos, oF SKvdns, Sovdos, ©” €NevOepos’ GAAd “le TayTa Kal €v mat Xpioros. ‘Evdvoagde ovr, os EKNEKTOL TOU cov Gyvoe Kal YATE LEVOL, om\ayxva oikTippod,” Xpnordrnta, tTamewodpo- our, Tmpadtnra, paxpobupiay’ AS (Ges Xopevor addi hor, XapeCopevor EauTols, Edy Tis Tpds TWA exn poppny® kaos Kat 6 Xpioros exapicaro vin, OUT@ Kat tpeis: ) ig emt mace O€ ToOU- To“s THY ayarny, ‘ HrLs” éorl cuvderpos THs TehetdrnT os" > Kal 7 eipnyn TOU g Xpiorov * BpaBevera € ev Tats kapdiats par, eis ny Kal exAnOnte ev Evi copare’ Kal evXapLoroL yiveo Oe. 16 °O Adyos rod Xpiorod EVOLKELTO) EV Up movotas, ev TaoN copia: Ouda- OKOVTES kat vovderourres € EauTous, yar- pots n” duvows Kat dais TVEUpLATLKAls ev xapitt adovtes ev ‘ais KapOdiats* Kal 2 vuwv. Vw tovroie. ce Bz. add b Rec. & Gb. add wat. Kat bis. ads i Rec. fwo. 8 Rec. Osov. Or, complaint. © Rec. orxtippwr. a Tp wapdig. y ) 3 1 / f ¢ tKOAOSSAEIS. 489 Day TO *Oca*" Y Kat way 6 tt ay Toure 2 hoya, 7 ev EPY® mavTa ep ovdpmare ° Kupiov” ‘Inoov, evXapLorour- Tes TO Ow “Kat” warpi Ov avrod. if NG youaixes, vrordamea Oe Tos 44 avdpacw, os auijcev ev Kupig. 19 ol avdpes, dyamare ras vyevaias, Kal p21) muxpaiver Oe mpos auras. 2 Ta téxva, UmaKovere Tols yovevor Kara TavTa’ ToUTO yap ETL evapeoroy = " Kupio. 2h ob TarEepes, Ha). " 7ap- Bayiere! Ta TEKVA LM, Wa pr abv- pOow. 22 Of SovAot, braKkovere Kara Tavta TOL KaTa capKa Kuplous, ur) ev ® “opdar- podovrcia” ws avOpwmdaperkot, ad ev dirhornre Kapotas, PoBovpevor TOV 'Ku- piope., 2 *0" cay mourre, EK Wuxis épya- Ceade, ws TO Kupio Kal ovkK avOperrots’ 24 ciddtes OTL amd Kupiov aroAnwWeo Oe mY ayrarddoow THS KAnpovopias’ Te “yap” Kupio Xpior@ Oovdevere, = ‘Oe” adikdv Kopretrar 6 ndiknoe Kal OUK €oTL TpoTwmoAnWia. 4. of KUptoL, TO OikaLov Kal THY iodrnta Tots Sovhors mapexer Oe, yopovrvres - Kapdtas UpLaY, 9 ovy ‘Ovncipe T@ Onesimus a faithful and beloy- VO i ed brother, who is one of you. TLOT@ Kat ayannT@ GUOS Po, Os cor They shall make known unto €& ULOV* Tara up yv@plovuce Ta you all things which ave done AOE here. : es oS i Es 10 Aristarchus my fellowpri- z0 “Aomaerat upLas Apltorapyxos O soner saluteth you, and Marcus TVVALY[LAA@TOS jLOv, Kal Madpkos 6 ave- sister’s son to Barnabas,(touch- 8 ee Be 2 en Gee ing whom ye received com- Yuos Bapvaj ae mept ov ehdBere evrohds mandments ; if he come unto eqy ENGy mpos UGS, céarbe aurov * you, receive him:) !! and Je- 1) sus, which is called Justus, who are of the circumcision. These ovres EK Tepirouns: OUTOL LOvOL ouvEp- only are my fellowworkers unto 9) Efe ty Bacidelay ToD Ceod, oirwves the kingdom of God, which 13 have been a comfort unto me. eyevnOnoay [HOE mapryyopia. aona- 12 Bpaphras, iw ho is one of vols Cerau vpas ‘Exadpas 0 €& ULOY, dovhos a servant of Christ, salutet r ~ you, Pe aT EOUTILE Forvont: Xpiorov, TAVTOTE GyovLldjLevos umrep ly for you in prayers, that ye UL@Y ev Tals Tpooevyxats, wa OTHTE may stand perfect, and Bcom- 72) ero, Kal og SENG CIS “ €y qavrt plete in all the will of God. = : 'S For I bear him record, that Gednpare Tov Qeouv. * paprupe v8 he hath a great zeal for you, avT@ OTL Exel © zodvv Tovoy" umeEp UBLOY and them that are in Laodi- Mal GCN pbukela Kal asen “lead cea, and them in Hierapolis. @ a fia P 4 Luke the beloved physician, moet. domégerar % upas Aovkas 6 ) aha and Demas greet you. larpos iS dyamnros, ean Anpas. 15 Salute the brethren which ‘Aomdcacbe rods év Aaodixeig 15 are in Laodicea, and Nymphas, ddehpovs, Kal Nuppay Kal THY kar’ and the church which is in his 5 ; ON 16 } house. !6 And when this epistle iKkov avrou EKK notay" ae éray is readamongst you, cause ¥ it avayvor Gy) Tap py 1) €TLOTON), ToLr= be read also in the church of § Gare fya «al ev Th Aaodixewy exknoig Laodiceans: and that ye like- wise read the epistle from L ao- dvayvocG}, Kat THY €K Aaobviketas iva dicea, 7 and say to Archippus, xq} upets avayvare 7 Kat elmare ‘Ap- Take heed to the ministry, Br 5 which thou hast received in the XiaTe" EmE THY Lakovlay ny Tape~ Lord, eo fulfil it. aes e eV Kupig, i va aurny mAnpots. The salutation by the hand 18 ¢ of me Paul. Remember my Oa aoa pos 7H) eel xeupt Iavov. bonds. Grace be with you. pun povevere fou Toy decpav. 1 xapis Amen. C d/ bed vor, an —. Rec. & Gb. YvV@ Ta TEP VLwWY, bow TETANpoOPopnusvor. © Rec. {nAov 7roduy. d Rec. add aun». Os striving. B Or, filled. Kal ‘Ingovs 6 Aeyopevos ° lovoros, ol | ) t : —————— } \ 5 €GCEZSZAAONIKEIS A. 1 TuessaLonrans I. 9. {POD Ob >> A LONIEK E> ENIJZTOAH IIPOTH. [JAY AOS kai Sudovavos Kat Tipddeos, a) ore Ococahouikewy € ev ee Xapes py Kal cipqyn ' “amo Ocov pets TEL Kal Kuptou ‘Incov Xpiorov.” Evyapiorovpev TO O€@ mavTOrTE TEpl TAavT@OV ULOY, pvevay per | arotou- PLEVOL ETL TOV Tpooevxav Tar, © NEUTT@S [LVNLOVELOYTES UL@Y TOD Epyou RAS ak tee, a ; TNS TLOTEWS, KAL TOU KOTIOU T > > r ~ 2 Inoov Xpicrov, €umpo- evayyeAlov ULa@Y OvK le eesanh vpas ev hoy pedvov, adda kal ev Ou- Vapel, Kal ev Ilvevpare ayl®, Kal eV aAnpopopia modhT, kalos olare oiou ever Onprey ev Upiy ou Upuets penal L@V yer Onre Kal TOU Kupiov, OeEdprevor TOV hoyov ev Ohivper mohhy poeta Xapas Eiveodores ae 7 @oTe yeverOar vpas a TLoTEVOVOLY ez TH Maredovla Kal ias Sap UpLov yap ef1)- ae “6 Aédyos TOU Kuptou ov povoy ev ai Makedovia Kal °ev 7 ev twaytl Tor@ 1) TioTts “Span 7 mpos TOV Ocoy een udev, @OTE Py B exe nas’ Nadel Tt. yap mreph mpev dmayyehhovow émrotay héoyopev” mpos vas, P AUL and Silvanus, and Ti- motheus, unto the church of the Thessalonians, which is in God the Father, and in the Lord Jesus Christ: Grace ve unto you, and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ. 2 We give thanks to God al- ways for you all, making men- tion of you in our prayers, 3 remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labour of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father: 4 knowing, brethren @beloved, your election of God. ® For our gospel came not unto you in word only: but also in power, and in the Holy Ghost, and nm much assurance, as ye know what manner of men we were among you for your sake. © And ye became followers of us, and of the Lord, having received y word in much affliction, with joy of the Holy Ghost: 7 so that ye were ensamples to all that believe in Macedonia and Achaia. § Forfrom yousounded out the word of the Lord, not only in Macedonia and Achaia, but also in every place your faith to God-ward is spread abroad, so that we need not to speak any thing. 9% For they themselves shew of us, what manner of entering in we had ~~ —. Rec. & Gb. om. it Or, beloved of God: your election.unto you, and how ye turned to | God from idols, to serve the living, and true God, !9 and to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus which delivered us | from the wrath to come. 2. For yourselves, brethren, tH know our entrance in unto you, Bis that it was not in vain. 2 But even after that we had suffered before, and were shamefully entreated, as ye know, at Phi- lippi, we were bold in our God, to speak unto you the gospel of God with much contention. 3 For our exhortation was not of deceit, nor of uncleanness, nor in guile: 4but as we were allowed of God to be put in trust with the gospel, even so we speak, not as pleasing men, | but God, which trieth our hearts. ®¥For neither at any time used we flattering words, as ye know, noracloke of cove- tousness, God is witness: © nor of men sought we glory, neither of you, nor vet of others, when we might have «been burden- some, as the apostles of Christ. 7But we were gentle among 5 you, j even as a nurse cherisheth her children :8so being affectionate- ly desirous of you, we were will- ing to have imparted unto you, not y gospel of God only,but also our own souls, because ye were dear unto us. 9 For ye remem- i ber, brethren, our labour and travail: for labouring night and HH day, because we would not be chargeable unto any of you, we preached unto you the gospel of God. 1° Ye are witnesses, and God also, how holily, and ; justly, and unblameably we be- haved ourselves among you that believe.!! As you know,how we exhorted and comforted, rf @ Ree om. » Rec, add «at. 1 Tuessatonrans I. 10. a ee © Rec. WO cuscoopevoc. 492 EMISTOAH IIPOS 3 7 A A \ > A a emeoTpeware mpos Tov Oedy amd Trav Ns Gi in a » elO@hov, Oovdevery Oem C@vTt Kal > = 10 \ > 7 E \ CA arnba@, Kal avapevery Tov vioV A an r A aUTOU eK TOY ovpavay, by WYELPEV EK *ra@v" vexpdv, “Incovy, Tov pudsevov ¢ a > ~ ° an ~ > 4 Nas ATO THS Opyns THs épxopevns. 2. Avrot yap oidare, adeol, Thy y ¢ na a o > elcodov nay tiv mpos tas, ote ov \ 7 Ps 2 > \ b7 / Key yeyovev aia ”” rpomabdvres \ 58 6 / 6a 10 > @ oF kat upptoGevres, Kabws otdate, ev Bi > n . Ainmmos, émappnovacdueba ev T® Oca Nae Nadjoa mpos buas Td evayyeALov Tov Oeod ev TOO ayo. 3 7» yap TapakAnots udv ovk ek mAdyns, ovde e€ axaOapaias, ot're ev So: 4 GdAd \ / ¢ \ . a A Kaas Sedoxidopeba td Tod Ccod muoTevOnvar TO evayyéhoy, oUT@ a- Aovpev, ovY os avOpamots apéoKovTes, GAA TH OCG TH OoxipciCovte ras Kap- c. a 5 a) / dias nav. ore yap more €v Aéyo / > / A oA Kohakelas éyevnOnuev, Kabas oidare, yA > / at \ oUTE ev mpopdcer mAeovetias' Oeds / > = f paptus’ ° ovire (nrobytes && dvOpahmav I Se + > 3 e. a + > 2. ogav, ovre adh tuav ovrte aw G\dor, > > ~ (Suvdwevor ev Bdper eivar, ds Xpiorov amdato\ou) 7 add eyevnOnuer HILOL > / ¢ n cy HET UY. anes Qs av tpopos Oddrrn ra é€avris 4 7 6 texva, ® ovTas ° Omerpdomevou” vpav, ed- Sokotpev peradovvar vpiv od #Ovov TO > s ~ “~ > \ XN \ evayyéAtoy Tov Oeov, dAAd Kal Tas ¢ a \ > ¢ 5 eauT@v Wuxas, Ovdre ayamntot nuiv > v7 > TeyernOnre.” 9 jLynLovevere yap, ade pot, TOV KOTrov Tey Kal TOV pdyOov" vuKTOS / \ ¢ be “" kal tpepas épyatspevor, mpds To fa) > ~ n fi emtBapnoat tiva tuay, éxnpv&aper els ¢ “~ / ~ ~ co upas TO evayyéeiov Tod Ceod. 1 Upets / Haptupes kal 6 Ocds, wos dclws Kar / al ad Oukalws Kal ducumtas tiv trois mored- > , ovow eyevnOnuev, ™ Kadamep otdare, ¢ a oS a @S EV EKUTTOY ULOY, OS TaTHp TéKVA dw —. Rec. & Gb. yeyevnade. e Rec, add yap. Gr, used authority, 4 t \ ? \ q \ ‘ \OESSAAONIKEIS A. 493 EaUTOv, mapakahovyres t upas Kat mapa- prdoipevo Kal paprupovpevot, cis TO “qTepimaretw" unas aSios Tov Oeceov TOU kahouvros vpas els THY éavTov Bact\elay Kai dogav. 8 Aid TodTO Kal 7p Lets EUXApLOTOUpeEV TO Oc@ ddiadeinr@s, 6 OTL mapadaporres Abyov & aKo7s Tap nuav tod Q¢codv, édé- ace” ov’ Adyov dvOparrav, aha Kabess eOTLY aibas, Adyov cod, Os a evep- yetrar ev vply TOLS TLOTEVOVGLW. Upeis yap pupnral ever Onre, sag TOV exkhy orev ToU Ocov TeV ovca@y ev TH ‘Tovdaig ev Xpior@ c ‘Inoov, OTL °Ta ara” éemdbere Kar upets UTO TOY iOlwov ouppureTov, Kabos Kai adroi trd TeV ‘Tovdaior, 15 Tay Kal TOY Kuptoy Bag KTELVaYT@Y ‘Inooty Kal tovs %” mpog bn- Tas, Kal °7uas exdloEavror, kal Ge@ pur) apecKovTwy, Kal maou avOpearots € evay- tiwy, 16 kohvovTa@yv nHas Tous eOvect Aadjoae t wa codacw, cig TO avarhn- poca avrey Tas dpaprias TAVTOTE® epoace d€ em avrovs 7 Opy eis TéXos. 7 “Hues Oe, adedool, drroppave- abevres ay Upav mpos KaLpov ®pas, Tpoc@mT@ ov Kapoia, Teplogorepws eomovdacapey TO Tpdcwrmov Lpay ideiy €v TOAAH em Oupic. 1B £816" nOedn- gapyev edOetv T pos vpas, (eyo pev Iavios) Kat adma€ Kat dis, Kal evexoev meas 0 Zaravas. 19 tis yap pO emis 7) Xapa. i) oTeavos KAUXTITEDS 5 su; ovxt Kal Upels, epmpooGey Tow Kuptou nav Inoove 8 Xpuorov" ev TH AVTOU mapovotg; Y pets yap eoTe 7 d0anpay kal) xapa. 3. Ao pnkere oreyovres, evdoknoa- pev KataderpOnvar ev ’AOnvars jrdvot, * kal emeuspapev Tiydbeov Tov adeAdoy nav “kat dSuakovoy tov Oeov” ev TO 1 Tuessatonirans III. and charged every one of you, (as a father doth his children 2) 2 that ye would walk worthy of God, who hath called you unto his kingdom and glory. 13 For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, be- cause when ye received ¥ word of God, which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but (as it is in truth) the word of God, which effect- ually worketh also in you that believe. '4For ye, brethren, became followers of ye hurches of God, which in Judea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews: © who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have ¢ persecuted us: and they please not God, and are contrary to all men: 16 forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles, that they might be saved, to fill up their sins alway: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost. 17 But we, brethren, being taken from you for a short time, in presence, not in heart, en- deavoured the more abundant- ly to see your face with great desire. 18 Wherefore we would have come unto you (even I Paul) once and again: but Satan hindered us. !9 For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of Ff re- joicing ? Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming? 2° For, ye are our glory and joy. 3. Wherefore when we could no longer forbear, we thought it good to be left at Athens alone: and sent Timotheus our brother & minister of God, and our fellowlabourer in the 4 Rec. & Gb. aI b Bz. ovyx ws. £ © bore oS * Or, chased us out. © Rec. tratra. 1 Rec. nat dtaxovov tov Seov Kat cuvepyoy nuwy. Gb. Kat cuvepyov tov Oevv B Or, glorying. d Rec. add cdcous. e St. vpeag.gospel of Christ, to establish you, and to comfort you con- cerning your faith: 3that no man should be moved by these afflictions: for yourselves know that we are appointed there- unto. 4 For verily when we were with you, we told you before, that we should suffer tribula- tion, even as it came to pass and ye know. 5 For this cause when I could no longer forbear, I sent to know your faith, lest by some means the tempter have tempted you, and our la- bour be in vain. 6 But now when Timotheus came from you unto us, and brought us good tidings of your faith and charity, and that ye have good remembrance of us always, desiring greatly to see us, as we also fo see you:? there- fore brethren, we were com- forted over you in all our affliction and distress, by your faith: 8 for now we live, if ye stand fast in the Lord. 9 For what thanks can we render to God again for you, for all the joy wherewith we joy for your sakes before our God, !0 night and day praying ex- ceedingly that we might see your face, and might perfect that which is lacking in your faith ? 1 Now God himself and our Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ ¢direct our way unto you. 12 And the Lord make you to increase, and abound in love one towards another, and towards all men, even as we do towards you: 13 to the end he may stablish your hearts unblameable in ho- liness before God even our Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all his saints. 1 Tuessatontrans III. 3. 494 EIMSTOAH IIPOS |; evayyehio TOU Le, els TO ornpiealy ; Upas kal mapakaderar “vuas mept | ™mS mioTe@s Opa, TO pndeva oaive- : Oa ev rais Odiveou Tavrats*’ (adroi? yap otOare Ort els ToUTO KeipeOa’ * Kalk yep ore Tpos wuas Huey, mpoeheyouen | Up OTL pedopev Ort Bea Oar, Kadars | Kal eyevero Kal oidare’) > Oia Touro Kayo PNKETL oreyor, emeura ets TO! wera | THY ToT wer, HITS Emel | pacey vpas 6 mepacov, Kal €is Kevoy yevaTas 0 Kémos nua. "Aprt dé ehOovros Tipodéov mpos | npeas ap Upav, Kal evayyehioaprevon 5 npeiy my TOT Kal Ty ayarny pay, \ Kal OTL €xeTe pvelay BY ayabny mav- TOTE, emurobowrres 7 flies idetv, Kkadarrep ) Kal nets vpas, “Ota TOUTO mape- - An On prey, aedoot, ep’ vpiy, ETL maoy | Th Cavaykn Kal Oder” nudv, Oia Tips} upav tiotews’ ® Ore vu Capen, Edy | Upeets OTNKNTE ev Kupig. : Tiva yap ° evxaproriay Ovvapeba T@ Qe@ avraro- - Oovvar sept LOY, emt Taon TH Xapa 7. Xaipopey Ov Ups eprpoo ev TOU Beov HOY, 10 yuKTos Kal ne pas Umep ( exmrepirrod Gedprevor eis TO idetv UpO@v TO mpoowmoy, Kal Kkaraprioat Ta UOTE~ pnuatra THs mloTews ULOY ; Auvros O€ 6 CGevds kal TaTHp NUar, Kal 6 Kupvos POV ‘Incovs karevOvvat as O0ov Huayv mpds vpas* 2 Suas oe ‘6 Kupwos” meovacat Kal Tepirwevoat T™) ayamn eis ahdnhous Kal €is mavras, kadarrep Kal pets els vas, cis TO ornpigae Lav Tas KapOlas apepmrrous ev dyroovrn, ep mpoo0ey Tov Geov Kal marpos: LOY, ev 7 Tmapovola TOU Kupiov mypeov ‘Ingod * Xpuorov" peTa TayT@Y TOV dylov auTou. CON f Xptoros, : 13 a> bo—.Gb.urep. ¢ Rec. & Gb. OAcWer war avayxy. d— Cras = Ors guide,OESZSAAONIKEIS A. 495 4. ” Aouroy oby, ade depot, Pores) Upas Kal Tapakadovpev ev Kupio’ Inoov, bf Kabas mapehaere map" Tay TO Tas det v vas mepurare Kal dperkew Be, °" va Tepiaaevyte pahdov : otOar € yap Tivas mapayye) tas Oo Kajev Upely Ova TOU Kupiov ‘Ingov. ToUTO yap. eoTe Géhnpa tod Q—.Rec. & Gh. nuas. & Bz Weyouev. bh i Rec. Oerw. k WY Kotpwpevwr. Or, request. 8 Or, hesees hee 0r; oppress, or, overreach 5 Or, iu the matter. « Or, rejecteth. & Or, of no man.1 Tuessatontans 1V.15. 496 EIIISTOAH IIPOS &§ Be 3 will God bring with him. 1 For "Inaov a&eu ow auTo@. 15 Todt ya f this we say unto you by the Me Y oe Oy@ ‘Kuptov OTL TLEL!\: word of the Lord, that we which vply heyopev ev a f Pe IP | are alive and remain unto the OL Cavres ol TepihetTrOprEevot els THY Tap: 5 7 , ~ > \ / coming of the Lord, shall not 9ygiay tov Kupiov, ov pi pbacwpeis prevent them which are asleep. \ bé of 16 sac yros © Ku. peolgtne word bimceleshan BOUS” KOvAT Oc Tas : oe TOO aan descend from heaven with a plos ev keAevo pare, EV pavy apKayye-|2 shout, with the voice of the > s a Ri ? ), 4 KaTaPnoeTa archangel, and with the trump Rov SOG SH oalmyyt Ocou i baal of God: and the dead in Christ ar oupavou, Kal ol VEKpol ev Xpiorg shall rise first. !7 Then we avaornoovrae TP@TOV, WT Sreuvra pei which are alive, and remain, x shall be caught up together ol (avTes ot Tepes ELT O[LEVOL, apa oul with them in the clouds, tomeet q@utois apraynoopeba ev vepehais els the Wondeam the aire andsso 90.7 ~ rs SZ Na : 2 Al OUT } shall we ever be with the Lord, 727704 Tov Kupiov Claes Tay x / ) e 18 Wherefore, «comfort one 7avTOTeE OUY Kupi@ eodpeba. 18 bores another with these words. mapdkaheire ahAnhous ev Tois Aéyots 3 TOUTOLS. 5. But of the times and the De Ilept 6€ Tay Xpovev KQL TOV KQL- } seasons, brethren, ye have no | « NENG Oo} > elay: Cvcre “Ge need that I write unto you. POs, acs oly ee XP t me ie ya 2 For yourselves know perfectly ypaper ba avrol ‘yap axpiB@s oloate * that the day of the Lord so ore 1) npEpa Kuptou « os eae EV VUKTL > cometh as a thief in the night. 3 3 For when they shall say, ouT@s Epxerau’ oray * “ heyoou’ Ei- | ; / ; / > - Peace and safety: thensudden pyyn kat arpaheca, TOTE aipyidvos avTois | destruction cometh upon them, ar 6) 2.5) as travail upon a woman with epiorarat a . Pos; eorep 7 Oe THY child, and they shallnot escape. ey yaorpt exyouon, Kal ov py) expvuyoow. \ 4 ‘Ypcis oe, adeh pol, OUK €oTEe EVE 4 But ye, brethren, are not OKOTEL, wa 1 npEpa ape as khemrns | in darkness, that that day karahaBn’ > qravres > yap” upels viol | should overtake you as a thief. LD Nope NEC 2 47 on POEs s @TOS € Ka l epa OUK € 5 Ye are all the children of ? es ee : ore ae Pe =" eo RST light, and the children of the VUKTOS ovde oKdTOUS. apa ovyv py \ day : we are not of the night, Kkabevoapev @s Kal of heures aAXa 3 nor of darkness. © Therefore \ , i let us not sleep, as do others: YPNyop@pev Kal YNPoper. ot yap : but let us watch and be sober. kaGevOovres, vuKTOS Rae kal of | 7 For they that sleep, sleep in the mimlne and (they thar pe peOCuokdpevor, VUKTOS peOvovow® ® npets 2 drunken, are drunken in the d€ 7 npLepas ovres, vn paper, evduoduevot J night. § But letus who are of Gapaka miorews Kal ayarns, Kal ies ' the day, be sober, putting on r old 9 the breastplate of faith and pixepa aiay, CINTHLO carnpias: OTe | love, and for an helmet, the ouK éGero npas o Ocds els opynys GAN’ hope of salvation. 9% For God Eis qeaenolnciy Se K hath not appointed us to wrath: - Pp a caTnpias, ee ae ae i but to obtain salvation by our plov TOY ‘Inood Xpiorov, TOU | Lord Jesus Christ, !9 who died 6 , amro avovTo vie Ov, wa €lr - | for us, that whether we wake : Be 7H : us VETS or sleep,we should live together yopaper, EiTE kaevowper, a apa ouv avT@ with him. 11 Wherefore, &com- (yowper. 1 81d mapakaneire addn- 8 Rec. add yap. b Rev. > * Or, exhort. B Or, exhort.OESSAAONIKEIS A. 497 1 \ > ~ fe A oa \ Aovs, Kal olkodometre ets Tov eva, Kabes Kal Trotetre. iS > n \ € a > 2 °Epotauev Oe vpas, adedpoi, > , na > ¢ a elOevat Tovs Komidvras ep UMW, Kal = / Can > = t \ TPolorapmevovs Uuav ev Kupio, Kat vou- ~ Ces Me > Gerovvras tpuas, ™ Kal nyetoOar ad- \ \ > cn > > 4 TOUS UTEp ekTrEepLacoOU éy ayamn, Ova TO Epyov avtay. elpnvevete ev * €avrois.” 14 2 A Ne cag »O r \ mapakadovpuey Sé tpuas, ade ot, vov- Nees / - Gereite Tovs ardxrovs, TapauvOeta Ge A IN / > / 6 am > 6. Tous oAvyo\yuxous, avtéxeobe Tav aobe- vov, pakpoOupeire mpos mayras. 8 ‘Opare fi) TLS Kakov aytl KaKod \ > a > \ Zs \ > \ TWL aTOOM’ GANA TdvToTE TO ayadoy , W > > , \ ; Ouwkere >” cig GXdAOUS Kal es Tavras. , a / © Tdvrore xatpete. ddtadeintas 7 Q \ > a mpooevyerOe. 8 ey rapt EUVYUPLOTELTE’ ~ \ , mS ~ ao gouro ‘yap Oednpa Ocov ev XpioT@ “In- Gov €ls Uuas. re es , *® To Iveta bn aBevvute. * goo- / Neer 1 a 21 / CX dyreias ju) eLovGeveire. Tmavra “Oe / \ , Dp ase oKiudgere’ TO Kado Kateyete. ™ aio y+ > > 4 TavTOs EiOovs Tovnpod amréxyeo Oe. 9* \ ¢ \ =, . , / 8 Avros O€ 6 Geds THS Elpnvns ay.a- Z z 5 ee Oat vpas odoredeis: Kal oAGKAN pov na a ¢ \ \ \ a Uay TO TVEdua Kal 1) Wux7 Kal TO TO QweuTTas ev TH Tapovoia Tov Kuptov 2 a A ee nav “Inoov Xpicrov ThpnOcin. + a- OT0S 6 Kaha@y pas, ds Kal TOLNoel. 25 2 TS , Nee A ” “AdeA ol, mporetyeo be TEpl HL@V. aomdoacbe Tovs adeApovs mayvras , 97 c /& c oy \ ev didnuare ayia. 7 dpxi€w vas rov 26 Tuessanonrans V, 28. fort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do. 12 And we beseech you, bre- thren, to know them which la- our among you, and are over you in the Lord, and admonish you: 18 and to esteem them very highly in love for their work’s sake, and be at peace among yourselves. 14 Now we “exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men. ' See that none render eyil for evil unto any man: but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves and to all men. 16 Rejoice evermore: 17 pray without ceasing: 18 in every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. '9 Quench not § Spirit ; 20 de. spise not prophesyings : 21 prove all things: hold fast that which is good. ?2Abstain from all ap- pearance of eyil. *3 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly: and J pray God your whole spirit, and soul, and body be preserved blame- less unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 24 Faithful is he that ecalleth you, who also will do it. * Brethren, pray for us. *6 Greet all the brethren with an holy kiss. 27 ] y charge you by the Lord, that this epistlé be ~ \ a \ ‘as s , & Kupuoyr, avayyadOnvat THY emtoToAny tead unto all the holy brethren, Baot Trois “ dyiows” adeAqois. 9. / ~ + / ¢ an > ~ Bo. Xapts Tov Kupiov nuay “Inood ~ > ¢ a > Xpicrov ueO vudv.&” aD auras. b Rec. & Gb. add kac er De seas c Rec. > d °8 The grace of our Lord Je- sus Christ be with you, Amen. eee ee eee = €Rec.addauny. % Or, beseech. > P Or, disorderly. Y Or, adjure. aEMISTOAH TIPO2 9 'TuessALonians I. 1. 498 MAYAOY | WeO>s Gb > SAAONIRUI2 & EHNISTOAH AEYTEPA. . . A \ 7 Pp AUL and Silvanus, and Ti- AYAOS kat SiAovavos Kat Tupddeos, > “eh e aS , > r motheus unto the church of TH exkAnola Ccooadovikewy EV GE@ the Thessalonians, in God our eu i eS ye 7g Father, and the Lord Jesus 7@TPt Np@v Kal Kupt@ Inoov XproT@ ees a oi ‘ cr , > A Christ: 2 grace unto you, and 2 xapts UpLly Kal eipnun aro Peov Ta- peace from God our Father, tesaeS, (ania aie) ofou ol Fae ~ and the Lord Jesus Christ. Tpos ee Ke Upton no0U plore. 3 Evyapiorew opethopev TO Gc@ , \ ¢ nr > \ E ve TAVTOTE TEPL UPLWY, ddedpol, Kalas i > ad ¢ / ¢ / 3 Weare bound to thank God a&uov EOTLY, OTL umepuv§avet ) TLOTLS always for you, brethren, as. it ULV, Kal mrcovacet 7) ayarn évos €Kd- is meet, because that your faith 1 aoe 5 i) aN Pa Sel groweth exceedingly, and the peer ee oO ARNT NOUS OCT charity of every one of you all nyas avuTous ev UPLY KavxacOau ev rats towards each other aboundeth: 2, , a Gi aN Bek > 4s0 that we ourselves glory in exkAy oars ae Geov, eae We una all” you in the churches of God, for UH@Y Kal MLOTEWMS EV WACL TOLS Ovwypots 7 . . ne Ct + rn rc e > + your patience and faith in all $ugy Kal tats OAiyeow ats avexeoGe, | your persecutions and tribula- 5‘, 5 Se , , im x tions that ye endure. ® Which evOelypa TNS OLKaLAS KpLoew@s TOV Geov, 5 é . “ > \ ~ ¢ a oo , is a manifest token of theright- els TO KaTaktwOnvar vas TS Baovdetas : eous judgment of God, that ye 455 Oeou Se er aey TOOXETE 6c may be counted worthy of the |, 2p ae P ise z X es : f kingdom of God, for which ye OLKA@LOY Tapa Gea, avramroOouvat TOLs ¢ 6 coel it is ; rn , - X cc also suffer; seeing it 1s a @)\iBovow vpas Odipw, *£ Kat UpLLD |i righteous thing with God tore- A ; or Dears > a compense tribulation to them TOLS Or Bopevots CEO LY ped TPL@V, EV TH) < , «Ws 7 > . = / as > that trouble you: and to you amokanvet TOU Kuptovu *Inoou ar ou- who are troubled, rest with us, A Seas fa 5 , cal when the Lord Jesus shall be payor poe oe ae Ova TCeS aur ee ; revealed from heaven, with ¢ his Sep? proyt TUPOSy OvddvTos EKOLKNOU |! jo ys - Bj : i sre 5 \ > \ > \ mighty angels, * in flaming fire, trois pr) €l0doe Gedy, Kal TOIS p21) UTA-\ taking vengeance on them that 5 Be ; bs ; . s know not God, and that obey KOvovot TO evayyeAl@ TOU Kuptou 7) [4 @4 |) > > - - ? ~ r ae c , not the gospel of our Lord Jesus ’Ingov Xpiorov 9 olrives OlKny TLO-OUV: | Christ, 9 who shall be punished 2 >) SEN ' with everlasting destruction Oy, Oe EE ano Tpoo omg) ~ r \ “a / an from the presence of the Lord, Tov Kupiov, Kat amo TNs Oo&ns TH) and fromthe glory of hispower: ? fr OES 10°92 2 > 7 - ) ) 1 uy 10 when he shall come to be glo- LON gO ey Cre chp . evdoga rified in his saints, and to be oOnvat EV TOLS AYLOLS AUTOV, Kal Gavpa |i . 1 j ¢ ‘ a ) a cr , admired in all them that be- oOnvar ev maot TLS © TLTTEVT AOL, | lieve (because our testimony /# > 0 \ , c nm. Oe among you was believed) in (ore ee Te 7 ae Le POV eg : nw ~ / that day. Upas,) eV TH NPEPS EKELVT)- Ce Se a —> b ~~ —. Rec. & Gb. wupe PAoyos. © Rec. wiorevovoey. 2 Gr. the angels of his power. | 8 Or, yieiding.11 7? a \ Eis O Kat Tpooevyoueba TaVTOTE SESSAAONIKEIS B. 499 2 TueEssatontans II. 1]. 11 Wherefore also we pray mepl vuov, iva vuas akioan ths KAn- always for you, that our God SON Se 5 Cs 2 would 2 count you worthy of GE@s 0 Qeds nuay, Kal TANP@®OH Tacay : this calling, and fulfil all the > , ° », . €UOoKlay ayalwovrns Kal Epyov miatews 00d pleasure of jis goodness, ¢ 2 l : z ~ 2 and ¥ work of fai ri yer: en Suvdjrer 12 éras évdokac bj a dvopa ay work of faith with power that the name of our Lord ~ , Cae} ass A na . ae TOU Kuptov MOY Incov XptoTov ev viv, Jesus Christ may be glorified \ ¢ ~ > > ~ Kal UMels EV AUTO, KaTa THY Xap av ¢€ a = Eee Gceov nuay kat Kuptiovu “Incod Xpio 2 ‘Eporduev Oe upas, adeAgol, ~ , ~ A“ 77S Tapovotas Tov Kupiov juay I r “a \ ¢ > > ae Xpiorov, Kat Huey eTLOUVay@yns €9r 9° tov you, and yein him, according to the grace of our God, and the TOU. Lord Jesus Christ. < \ UTED 2. Now we beseech you, bre- noo thren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, ODE 2k Gee Ns eh j vat * that ye be not soon shaken i aQuToy, €ts TO 1) TaXews GadevOnvar * that ye be no CR ae Cea nN , = , mind, or be troub!ed, neither CHas a0 TOU VYoos, uHTE OpoeiaOar, unre by spirit, nor by word, nor by dud mvevparos, pyre Sid Adyou, pre Ov letter, as from us, as that the > a c Iecl A o , « i is 3 ETLOTOANS ws St 17 L@OV, OS OTL EVEOTNKEV day of Christ is at hand, 3 let no man deceive you by any CExe , A , u , aA 7) KLEPA TOV * Kuptov. 2 1) TLS UpLasS means, for that day shall not 3 , , a 5 7 = eEaratiyon Kata pndeva Tpdtroy’ bru ey Come, except there come a fall- \ +7 é ¢ > , a \ > Hy €A@n 4 Grootacla TPOTOV, KQL atro- Ing away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of Kahupén 6 avOparos T™S apaprias, © Perdition, 4 who opposeth and aie 9 , : exalteth himself above all that vlOs THS aTwNelas, 46 avrikeipevos Kal ¢Xalteth himself : c is called God, or that is wor- , > Umepaipopmevos emt » ravra” Aeydpuevov shipped: so that he as God, \ , / CG eae = = Geor 7 o , vaov Tov Geou ©" kadica, droderkvivta c \ ov 3 \ , €QUTOY OTL EGTL GeEds. 5 > s e »~ s\ \ Ov pynpovevere Str err dy 7 POs shewing himself that he is God. 5 Remember ye not, that when ca ~ / Qn ~ ° Upas, TavTa edeyov vuiv; © Kat voy Td I was yet with you, I told you Z a > > nays 2 ings? §And now ye KaTEYOV olOaTe, eis TO aroxahupénvar these things Auge EEN > = ¢ gh AES 2 _ 7 \ \ QUTOV EV To €QAUTOU Kalp@. TO yap know what 4 withholdeth, that he might be revealed in his 4 > n A > 7 . 7 ‘ ee UOTH PLOY 70n evepyetrat ™s avopias, time. 7 For the mystery of ini , fLOvoy 6 Kare vyraaes / a S 7 f XY apts Ews eK pecov yé- Kal tOTe arroxadupOnoerat 6 untilhe be taken out of the quity doth already work: only he who now letteth, will let, 2 ae ie a TaAve Sy then shall that ayopos, Ov 6 Kuptos Incots’¢dvakdoes” Way. %And th Wicked be revealed, whom the , a c a \ a T@ TVEVMATL TOV oTdpatos auTOV, Kal Lord shall consume with the a ‘ . a M Karapynoet TH emipaveia Tis mapovolas spirit of his mouth, and shall c autou:' 9 ¢ / > ou EOTLY 7) TAPOVTILA KAT destroy with the brightness of his coming: 9 even him whose evepyeay Tod Sarava év maon Ovvaper coming is after the working of \ , NZ Tne 10 ) Satan, with all power and signs, Kal Onpetors Kat Tépact Wevdous, Kai and lying wonders, 1° and with eV ™aon amatn ris ” adsxlas & “ TOls all deceivableness cS gene 1 d we & MY AVA e ess, in them that perish: amohAupevots, av ov THY aydmny Ths eousness, in the p adnOeias odk edeEavto eis TO caOnvat 7 aurovs : a because they received not the love of ¥ truth, that they might Kat Ota rovro » TELTEL “ be saved. !1 And for this cause * Ree. Xprorov. b Bz. ray ro. © Rec, add we Gcor. Gb. add er.— Gb > h ©—. Rec. & Gb. reuWer. a Rec. > & Weaveder. f+ g Rec. & * Or, youchsate. B Or, buldeth.God shall send them strong de- lusion, that they should believe alie: 12 that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in un- righteousness. {3 But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren, beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the be- ginning chosen you to salvation, through sanctification of the Spirit, and belief of the truth, 14 whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ. 15 Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word or our epistle. 16 Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God even our Fa- ther, which hath loved us, and hath given us everlasting con- solation, and good hope through grace, !7comfort your hearts, , and stablish you in every good word and work. 3. Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord 2 may have free course, and be glorified, even as zis with you: 2and that we may be delivered from funreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not faith. 3 But the Lord is faithful, who shal] stablish you,and keep you from eyil. 4 And we have con- fidence in the Lord touching you, that ye both do, and will do ¥ things which we command you. 5 And the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God, and into ythe patient waiting for Christ. 6 Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye with- draw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition w hich 2 Turssatonians II. 12 500 EVISTOAH I1lPOz avutots 6 eds evepryevay mans, els TO morevoat avtovs TO Wevder ™ iva Kpi- Gaou raves Of pu) WlaTEVoayTEs TH ahy- Geia, GAN evdoxnoavres * ev" TH advKia. ag “Hypeis Oe opethopev evxaplorey ™@ Oc@ mayTOTE mept ULOV, Bee. yarn pevou vo Kupiov, ore > etAeTo” upas 0 Geos ar apis cis ca@Tnpiay ev dyar pe IIvevparos kal wlorel ay Geias, 14 eis 6 exaherey vpas Ova TOU evayye- Aiov OV, eis Tmepemoinow Od&ns TOU Kupiov TOY "Inoov Xpiorov. aS “Apa ov, adedgot, OTNKETE, Kal Kparett € TUS mapaddocers as edvOay Onre, eire Ola Adyou eire Ov emLaTonis 7 NL@V. 6 auros oe 6 Kuptos npL@v ‘Ingovs Xpe oTos, Kal °6 cds Kal Tatip” nuar, 6 ayamnoas npas Kal Oovs mapakhnow aiwviay Kal eAmioa ayabny ev Xapere, 7 tapakakéoat tpey Tas Kapoias, Kat otnpiéa *” ev maytt © epyw Kat hoy@” ayabo. 3.16 Aourov, mpocevyedGe, adehpot, mepl LOY; wa 0 Adyos Tov Kupiou TPEXN Kal Sogacnrat Kaos Kal mpos Ups, 2 Kal twa po d@pev amo TaY aromeyv Kal Tovnpaey avOpaTev ov yap TAVTOY 1) TiO TLS. murtos O€ €oTLV 6 Kvptos, 0s otnpiger vas Kai puddgeu amo TOU moynpov. merrolOapey O€ €v Kupio ep pas, OTL a mapayyehhopey Up, kal TroLetTe Kal TOM TETE. 5 6 Oe Kupuos KaTevOuval UpaY TAs kapdtas els Thy aydnny TOU Oeodv, Kai eis bry“ UTopLovyny TOU Xpiorov. 6 TapayyedAopey O€ vpty, adeAol, ev ovdmatt TOU Kupiou nav Incov Xpe- OTOU, orehheo Oat Upas aro mavros adepod ATAKTMS mepuTraTovrTos, Kal py Kata Thy mapadoow iy § mapéhaBor “ a. bw —. Gb. e:Aaro. & w—. Rec. & Gb. Aoye~p Kae Epyo. f Rec. om, P Gr. absurd. © & Ge0¢ 0 rarnp. a Rec. & Gb. add was —. Gb. 3 g Rec. xapedkaBe. Gb.7apedaBocav. % Gr. may run. Y Or, the patience of Christ.OESSAAONIKEIS B. dO1 Tap nav. 7 adro} yap otdate TAs det Pyeto Oat Huds’ Ore odk NTAKTHOapev ev vpiv, § obde Owpeay diptoy e:bayopey mapa Tivos, aN ép KOT@ kal LoyO@ VUKTa Kal nLEpay epyaCopevou, T™pos TO pn) emiBapjoal twa UL@V" OUY OTL OUK €youev e€ovotav, add’ ta €auTovs TUTTO Sapev Uply els TO Miweio Oat Huds. Kal yap bre nuEV Tpds buds, rovro mapnyyed oper Div, Ore et TLs ov Oe epyacer Oat, pnde eobtéra. * Akovomey yap Twas Tepuratobvras ev Opiv aTaKT@S, pen dev eEpyatopévous, ana TeplepyaCouevous. ™ rots dé ToL ovToLs TapayyéedXopev, Kal TapakaXov- pev.* Ota Tov Kupiov ipaev ‘Incot: Xpe- OTOv,” iva peta Novxias epyaCopevot, Tov éauTdv dprov éobioaw. 1 vpets O€, adedgol, pur) ekkaknonte Kaorowobvres, M el O€ Ts ovx bmrakovet T@ AOY@ Hudv dua Ths EMLOTOAHS, TODTOY onpecova Ge° Pci! pn ovvavapuiyvuc be avT@, wa evtpany © Kah by ws €xOpdoy nyeto Ge, GAG vovbereire ds aerpov. 1 airds dé 6 Kupuos ris eionyns Ody tyiv TV elpnyny Svarayros éy travt) © TpOT@.” 6 Kupwos pera rdvrey ULOV. EO doTrac pos TH eu xeLpt Lavnov, 6 €oTt onpeiov ev TAON ETLOTOAN’ OUTw ypado. IS SH Xapis Tov Kuplov nav “Inood Xprorov peta ravre@y vay. 4 duny,” 4X sy Kupew Incov Xptore ozs GEC Or, signify that man by ar NX TOTw, » enistle. 2 Turssatontans III. 18. he received of us. 7 For your- Selves know how ye ought to follow us: for we behaved not ourselves disorderly among you, Sneither did we eat any man’s bread for nought: but wrought with labour and trayail night and day, that we might not be chargeable to any of you. 9 Not because we have not power, but to make ourselves an ensample unto you to follow us. 10 For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat. '! For we hear that there are Some which walk among you disorderly, working not at all, but are busybodies. 12 Now them jy are such, we command, and exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ, that with quietness they work, and eat their own bread, 3 But ye, brethren, «be not weary in well doing. 14 And if any man obey not our word, ® by this epistle note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed, 15 yet. count him not as an enemy, but admonish him as a_ brother. 16 Now the Lord of peace him. self, give you peace always, by all means. The Lord be with you all, 17 The salutation of Paul, with mine own hand, which is the token in every epistle: so I write. 1S The grace of our Lord Je- sus Christ de with you all, Amen. a | y Or, faint not.1 Timotuy L[. 1. WPO2 AUL an apostle of Jesus i Christ by the commandment of God our Saviour, and Lord Jesus Christ which is our hope, 2 unto Timothy my own son in the faith: Grace, mercy, and peace from God our Father, and Jesus Christ our Lord. 3 As I besought thee to abide still at Ephesus when I went into Macedonia, y thou might- j est charge some that they teach no other doctrine, ‘4 neither give heed to fables, and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than *godly edifying which is in faith: so do. > Now the end of the com- mandment is charity, out of a pure heart, and of a good con- science, and of faith unfeigned. 6 From which some @having swerved, have turned aside un- { to vain jiangling, 7 desiring to be teachers of the law, under- standing neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm. 3 But M we know that y law is good, ifa man use it lawfully. % Know- ing this,that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly, and for sinners, for unholy, and profane, for mur- i derers of fathers, and murder- ers of movhers, for manslayers, 10 for whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with man- kind, for menstealers, for liars, fi for perjured persons, and i there be any other thirg that is f contrary to sound doctrine, 'l according to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which was committed to my trust. 502 EINMSTOAH TIPO MAYAOY TIMOGEON | EMISTOAH ITPOTH. [[AYA0= améatonos Inoov Xpiorod, | KaT emitayiy Qeov TwaTHPOS NUBY, | A > IS (Cea TNS EATLOOS NOV, s > / TEKY@ €Y TLOTEL* > ~ ato Qeov Tarpos Kat *Xpiorov Incov" 2-Tipobew yrnoio yA , xyadpts, edeos, Elpnun ~ Ps ~ > A oe , > ney” Kat Xptotov Inoov tov Kupiov | N}LOV. 3 Kados mapekadeod oe Tpoopetvat ev Edeow, mopevopevos eis Maxedoviay, wa wapayyeiAns Til pun éTepodiWacKa- det, pnoe tmpocexe pvdors kat yeveadoylas amepavrous, aitiwes CyTn- Geis Tapexovot paddoy 7 © oikovopiay® OcoveTHy ev TigTEL . (To de Tehos THIS mapayye)ias corly ayamn ek KaSapas Kapdias Kat ouveron- Tews dyabns Kal TioTEws auumoKe aio 6 Gy Ties adoToynoartes, eSerpdmmoav els paraooyiay, 7 OéNovtes elvat vo-~ podiWacKahor, 7) voouvres pte @ de- youcl, pare mepl TIVOV SiaBeBaovyrar * otSapev O€ Ste Kadds 6 vopos, edv Tis AUT@ vopi“@s YpHrat, eiO@s TOUTO, OTe Suxalep VOMLOS OV KEtTaL, dydpows dé Kal dyuTroraKrots, doeBéow Kal dpapTe- hots, avociors Kal BeBnrors, TmaTpad@ars Kal pNTpargats, avSpopésvors, 1 aép-= vols, dpoevoxoirats, aySparrodirrats, evorats, € EMLOPKOLS, Kat €l TL ETEPOV TH vysawoven didacKaNla a dyrixerat, 1 ka- Ta TO EvayyeALov THS Sd&y $ TOU LaKapiov Oecod, 6 emiarevOny Se 4 Rec. Kupiov Incov Xpearov. b= © SD orxodouny. Bz. & Elz. ocxodopray, % Or, not aiming at. x ) 1 Ind. WU emits godly. \ \TIMOSEON A. 503 2 “Kat ( Xap EXO TO evOuvapie- wayri pre 2 Xpior@ Inco ra Kuple % HOY, Ore TioTOv we ‘iyiearo, depevos els dtakoviav, 3 > roy” Fiegoo? ovra Brdopnpov Kal Ov@kryy Kal eBpiorny ar’ nrenOny, OTL ayvoav exoinra ev anioria® i vmepeTredvace dé 7 Xapes TOU Kupiov, U@V pera mTlioTews Kal ayamns 7 77s ev Xpior@” Ingov. Toros 0 Adyos Kai Tacns arodoxijs akwos, OTL Xptoros ’ Incovs MrOev_ eis TOV KOO Lov papers caoa, dv Tpards elt eyo" ® adda dtd TovTO ren ony, va ev epol TpPare evdelEnrat Incods Xpt- oros my Tacay paxpobvulay, pos Umorum oo. TOV pedNOvre@v TLOTEVELY eT avT@ eis Cony aitoviov. ra Oé Bacidet TOV aLavenr, ape bapTa, dopare, Hov@ : * Geo, TY) Kat Od€a els rovs ai@vas Tey alover. any.) 18 Tavr oe THY TapayyeN lay mapari- Oepat Gol, TEKvov Tiuddee, Kara Tas mpoayoioras evi oe mpopnreias, iva paperetn ey avTais TY KaAny oTpa- relay, exov mor Kal ayabiny our- el0 now, Wy twes amwodpevor, mept wi TloTLW evavaryn cay" 20 Op €or "Ypevavos Kal ‘AeEavdpos, ovs mape- daxa 76 Sarava, wa radevGdou py Bracdnpeiv. 2. Tapakahé ouy mparov TAYT@OV Toveto Oat & enoess, Tpooevxas, evrevéets, evyaplorias, Umrep TavTay avOy poTray, ? tmeép Baothéov Kal TdavT@v TOY ev UTEpCxyH dvT@Y, iva TIPE [Lov Kal 7ovxXLov Biov Oudyopev ev mary evoeBeia Kal cepvdrnte. TOUTO yap kahov Kal a7ro~ Oekrov € evemrLov TOU TwTHpos nav Geod, 0S mavras avOpearovus Oedet owOyvat Kal els emiyvaow adnGeias ed Get. > cis yap Oeds, eis Kat pecitns O¢cod 1 Timorny II. 5. 12 And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me: for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry, '3 who was before a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and injurious. Bat I obtained mercy, because I did it igno- rantly, in unbelief. '4 And the grace of our Lord was exceed- ing abundant, with faith, and love, which is in Christ Jesus. 19 This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief. !6 Howbeit, for this cause I obtained mercy, that in me first, Jesus Christ might shew forth all longsuf- fering, for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting. '7 Now ane the King eternal, immortal, invisible, } ‘only wise God, be hangae and glory for ever and ever. Amen. 'S This charge Icommit un- to thee, son Timothy, accord- ing to the prophecies which went before on thee, that thou by them mightest war a good warfare, !9 holding faith, and a good conscience, which some having put away, concerning faith, have made shipwreck. 20 Of whom is Hymeneus and Alexander, whom I have de- livered unto Satan, that they may learn not to blaspheme. 2. I exhort therefore, that first of all, supplications, pray- ers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men: 2 for kings, and for all that are in 8 authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. 3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour, 4 who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. 9° For there ts one God, and one a DOW >To. © Rec. add coPw. = Or, desire. & Or, eminent place,1 Timorny II. 6. mediator between God & men, the man Christ Jesus, § who gave himself aransom for all, 2to be testified in due time. 7 Whereunto I am ordained a preacher, and an apostle (I speak the truth in Christ, and lie not) a teacher of the Gen- tiles in faith and verity. S’I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands without wrath, and doubting. 9% In like manner also, that women adorn them- selves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety, not with ¥ braided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array, !9 but (which becometh women pro- fessing godliness) with good works. 1 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection: 1 but I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in si- lence. 13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve: !4and Adam was not deceived, but the wo- man being deceived was in the transgression: !5 notwithstand- ing she shall be saved in child- bearing, if they continue in faith and charity, and holiness, with sobriety. 8. This is a true saying: Ifa man desire y office of a bishop, he desireth a good work. 2 A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigi- lant, sober, 7 of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach ; 3énot given to wine, no Striker, not greedy of filthy lucre, but patient, not a brawl- er, not covetous; 4one that ruleth well his own house, hay- ing his children in subjection with all gravity. 5 (For ifa man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God P) 6 Not *anovice, lest being lift- ed up with pride, he fall into the condemnation of the devil. a ® Rec. add ev Xplore. bars aroyiopwr, cSt @ Rec, add LN acaypoxepdn. & Or, a tes quarrel and offer wrong, as one 504 EIMSTOAH TIPOS § Kal avOporev, avOpatos Xpioros “In cous, © 6 Oovs éavroy avTidvtpov Ure) 3 TavToV, TO papTupLoy Kaipois iOdious|, 7eis 6 eréOnv eyw Knpv& Kal drdoro: hos: (adnGevay éeyw*”, ov revSopar | d.dacKahos eOvev, év wiaTer Kai aAn: \ Gcia. ° BovAopat otv mpocetyerOat rods avOpas év wayti TOT®@, €Taipovras| Ootous XEipas ywpls dpyns Kal » Siado-¢ yeapou'” * wcavtws Kal Tas yuvaikas| ey KaTAaTTOAR Koopi@, pera aidods Kai’ cappoovns Koopely éavtas, pay er| Teypaow, ) Xpvoe, i) wapyaptras a WLaTLoL@ TroAuTeAei, © Grr 8 T PeTret 2 yuvagiv erayyeddopevars GeooéBeray, ¢ Ov epyay ayabar. Turn év jovyia pavOavéro evi Taon vmotayn. | yuvackl &¢ diddoKery § OUK emiTpém@, ovd€e avdevreiv avopos, « GAN civae ev jovyia. ® ‘“Adap yap } m™p@tos em\aoOn, era Eta. ©! kab) “Addu OUK nratnOn’ 7 O€ yun amatn- + eica ev wapaBace yeyove © gwOn- > cera. dé Oud THs TeKvoyovias, eav | petvoow ev TigTe Kal aydrn Kal ayta- THO heTA TopPpocvyns. 3. Iuaros 6 dyos ef tis emuaKxomns | Opeyerat, KaNov eEpyou emOupet. 7 det | ovv TOV emloKorToV averrinmrov e€ivat, puas yuvatkds dydpa, “ynpadtov,” co- ppova, Kdopuov, dirtc&evov, Sidakrexdv’ ° un Tdpowor, Bn wAnKtny? *” avn ETLELKH, axon, apudpyuvpov’ 4 rod | iOlov otkov KaXos TpoloTapevov, TEKVa ExovrTa ev Urorayn pera Tdons wEpLvo- tTyTos* ° (et O€ Tus Tod idiov oikov TpooTnvat ovK oide, mos é€kKAnolas Ocov emehnoerar;) © pa veopuror, wa pn tupedeis cis xpiua EUTEoH TOU € | -vnPareov. Bz. vnParator, : > : timony. P Or, plaited. Y Or, modest. Or, not ready tu in wine. s Or, one newly come to the faith.TIMOSEON A. 505 O1aBdXov. 7 Set S€ Badrév” Kab pap- Tupiay Kahiy & EXE ard TOV e§ober, wa por) eis dvedicpov eurréan Kal mayioa Tov OraBdrov. p Ataxovous OoaUTas TELvous, By duAdyous, py owe Bee mpooexorras, 17) aicxpoxepdeis, 9 EXovTas TO pvoTn piov THs mloTews ev KaOapa ovvedn- mera j100 Kat ovror Oe Soxipatécbacar ™pPOrov, cira Olakoveirooar, aveyky- ToL OVTES. * Yuratixas OoAUT@S oepas, py BraBchows "ynpanious,” TLoTas 5 ev wact. Ovakovot EoT@oaY julas yuvatKos aOpes, TEKV@V Kah@s mpoi~ oT apevot Kat Tay idiwy otkav. © of yap Kahas 6 Ovaxovnoarres, Babwov €av- Tots Kahov TEpuToLovyTat, Kal To\Ny mapp olay ev Tiote Th ev Xpior@ "Inoov. 1 Tatra cou ypape, ermi¢ov edOeiy m™pos oe TaXvov" 1) gap Oe Bpadvve, wa €idns TOS det ev olk® Ocovd dva- orpeber Gat, nts €or éxkAnota cod (@vTos. STvNos Kal édpaiwpa ™ms aXn- Geias 1° Kai opodoyoupevaas peya €oTl TO THS evoeBelas puornpioy" ° Ocos” epavepaOn €v gapki, €diKaroOn ev IIvevpart, pon ayyedots, exnpvxOn ev eOveow, emlaTevOn Ev KooLe, aveAnpen ev S6er. 4. To dé Ilvevpa putes ) Reyer, OTL ev vorepots KaLpots amootngovral TwWes ms TLOTEDS, TPOTEXOVTES TVEvpACL “mayors” Kal ddackadias Satpovior, ev UrroKpioe Wevdoddyor, KEXQUTN~ placpevev THY iO.av ouvelOnow, ® Ko- eo yap, amexeo Oar Ppopdron, 6 eds Exticeyv els perady yw pera ebyapurrias Tols TLoTois Kal emeyvo- KOOL THY a\nGevav. e OTL Trav KTiO La 1 Timotuy LY. 4. 7 Moreover, he must haveagood report of them which are with- out, lest he fall into reproach, and the snare of the devil. 8 Likewise must the deacons be grave, not doubletongued, not given to much Wine, not greedy of filthy lucre, 9 holding the mystery of the "faith ina pure conscience. '!9 And let these also first be proved ; then let them use the office of a deacon, being fownd blameless. 1 Even so must their wives be grave; not slandenens; sober, faithful i in all things. oe et the deacons be the Arne of one wife, ruling their chil Idren, and their own houses well. 13 For they that have «used the office of a deacon well, purchase to themselves a good degree, and great boldness in the faith, w ne ie 7s in Christ Jesus. These things write I unto ae hoping to come unto thee shortly. '5 But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth. '6 And without contro- versy, great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory. 4. Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to sedu- cing spirits, and doctrines of devils: ? speaking lies in hy- pocrisy, having their conscience seared with a hot iron, 3 for- bidding to marry, and com- manding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe, and know the truth. 4 For every creature my ne D St. yvnpareovs. Bz. vnpadarons. Or, ministered. 8 Or, © Gb. os Wo. stay. a wo rAuIne1 Timotrny IV. of God ts good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with than ksgiving: > for it is sanctified by the word of God, and prayer. § If thou put the brethren in remembrance of these things, thou shalt be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished up in the words of faith, and of good doctrine, whereunto thou hast attained. 7 But refuse profane and old wives fables, and ex- ercise thyself ather unto god- liness. 5% For bodily exercise profiteth little, but godliness is profitable unto All things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come. 9% This is a faith- ful saying, and worthy of all acceptation: 1° for therefore we both labour, and suffer re- proach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe. 1! These things command and teach. '2 Let no man despise Dy youth, but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, i in purity. !% Till lcome, give attendance to read- ing, to exhortation, to doctrine. 14 Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery. lo Meditate upon these things, give thyself wholly to them, that thy profiting may appear Stoall. '6 Take heed unto thy- self, and unto the doctrine continue in them: for in doing this, thou shalt both save thy- self, and them that hear thee. 5. Rebuke not an elder, but intreat him asa father, and the younger men as brethren: 2 the elder women as mothers, the younger as_ sisters with all purity. 3 Honour widows that are widows indeed. + But if any widow haye chil- dren or nephews, let them learn 506 EIIISTOAH IIPOS§ Qeov Kadoy, Kat ovdev amdBAnTor, eT!) evxapiorias hapBavopevoy’ ; ayiagere yap dua Aéyou Geov kal evrevEews. Tavra vroriOepevos Tots adeAoisi Kaos €o0n OvaKovos ‘Tyoou Xproror | evTpepopevos Tois Noyots THS 7 TIOTEDS ( Kal THs Kans OwWacKaXias 7 TapnKo'y ovOnkas. * rovs O€ BeBnrous Ka) ypaaders pudovs TapatTou' , YuHvace oO) ceaurov pos evoreBevay. oi yap” To» patiKn yupvacia mpos oAlyov éatl aperysos” ” de evoeBera Tmpos Taye apedipos €oTly, emayyehiay EXOUT(T Cons 77S. yuv Kal Ts peddovans | TLOTOS O Aoyos Kal Teton amo8ox7 | 1 aStos. cis TovTO yap | “kal” KoTL@LE) > Kal ° dveOiCopeBa,” OTL prikaper eT I Gea (avTt, Gs é€ore TaTIp TAVT@1 4 dvéporar, pahvora TLOTOV. Tapay: ye\Xe Tavra kal Oidacke. E'Mnbeis cov ths vedtntos Kara.e Ppoveita, a\da TUTos yivou TOV OTe Q ev XOY@, Ev avactpopn, ev ayarn, “ €V TIOTEL, 3 as EPXOpAL | TPOTeXE ™ dvayveocey TH mapaxdnoes | Ty OwacKania. pen) apehen TOU el) col Xapicparos, 6 €d60n cou Ova ™po-( pyretas pera emBecews TOY YELpark TOU mpeoPurepiov. : Tavra pedera,§ ev mounts toe: wa gov 7 poor, | pavepa 7) n 4év" raow. emEXE CEauTaS Kal Ty OlOacKadia’ eTripeve autos’? TOUTO yap Tol@Y, Kal geavToV TooeELs | i ee Kal TOUS AKOVOVTAaS Gov. 5. HpeaBurepe pe) emu Ens, anda) manaaner os ASSP VE@TEPOUS, as} adeddous’ 7 mpeoBurepas, os pnre- pas" vewtépas, ws adeAdas, ev Tao7n > Bac. 3 Xn jpas Tip. 7 Tas ovTes Xnpas. * Ed O€ tus xnpa réxvai) exyova EXEL, ) 11 ) ¢ 7 ee EG a—+> YVaywrLour9a, © Rec add ev Tisiiark das & Or, for a little time. 8 Or, in all thingsTIMOGEON A. 507 pavOaveraoay Tparov Tov UWLoyv otkoy evoeBeiy, Kal anor Bas atroOwOdvat Tots mpoyovors* TOUTO oo eoruy® an amrodexrov EV@TLOY TOV Qcod. Woe t ovTos xnpa Kal HE HLOve LEVY) nAtreKkev emt TOV Geoy, Kal Tpoopever Tals denoect a. ais Mpooevxats vuxtos Kal tuepas’ & H He omataheéca, (ca TéOvnke. 7 Kal TavTa mapayyede, wa aver Ann rot @ow. § | Oe Tes Tov idiwyv Kat pa- iota Tov oikelwy ov Tpovoet, Try mor Hpvntat, Kal €or azmlorov po » Xnpa karaheyer Oo a) eNatrov eT@V eSnKovra, yeyovvia évds avdpos yer, 10 ey Epyous KaQots jhaptupoupern, el erekvor poner, el eLevo0dxnoen, el aylov mddas eviwver, el OX Bopevors eTmNPKETEV, EL TraVvTl Epy@ dyabe enn Kohovdnoe. a ve@repas Oe Xnpas mapairov" oTay yap RAT aor peo wat TOU Xpiorov, ape Jehovow, 2 €you- d Gat Kpima, aor THY mporny ToT noéernoay" * dpa dé kal apyat pravOa- > vovot Replica xonevae Tas OiKias’ ov pvov d€ apyal, ddAa kal pvapor Kal meplepyot, AaXdovoat Ta pay O€ovra. = BovAopa ody vew@rTepas yape, TEKYO- yovelv, otkodearorety, pndepiay apop- pny diddvar To AYTIKELLEVD Aowdopias xXapuy. 1 Hon yap TLVES seTpannoay orig TOU Sarava. lor eu TLS mor os A mLorH EXEL X7pas, eTAPKELT@ jaurais, kat pen) Bapetoa 2 exxdnola, t wa Tals ovT@S xnpals emapKeoy]. 7 Oi kates Tpoeat ates mpeaBurepor OurAns Tins agiovebacay, padtara ob KOTL@VTES eV oye Kal OvdacKaXla. 8S éyer yap 7 ypapn Body ddodvra ov Pipacers’ Kat’” Atos 6 epyatns TOU uta Oov avrov. 1 Timotny V. 18. first to shew apiety at home, and to requite their parents: for that is good and acceptable be- fore God. 5 Now she that isa widow indeed, and desolate, trusteth in God, and continueth in supplications and prayers night and day. 6 But she that live eth fin pleasure, is dead While she liveth. 7 And these things give in charge, that they may be blameless. § But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own yhouse, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel. * Let not a widow be étaken into the number, under three- score years old, having been the wife of one man, !” well re- ported of for good works, if she have brought up children, if she have lodged strangers, if she have washed the saints feet, if she have relieved the afflicted, if she have diligently followed every good work. But y young- er widows refuse: for w hen they have begun to wax wanton against Christ, they will marry, '~ having damnation, because they have cast off their first faith. '3 And withal they learn to beidle, wandering about from house to house; & not only idle, but tattlers also, & busybodies, specking things which they ought not. I will therefore y the younger women marry,bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary £to speak reproachfully. 19 For some are already turned aside after Satan. '6Ifany man or wo- man y believeth have widows, let them relieve them,& let not the church be charged, that it may relieve them that are wi- dows indeed. 17 Let y elders that rule well, be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who la- bour in the word and doctrine. 13 For the scripture saith, Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn: and, The labourer is worthy of his reward. a Rec, add xadXov car, b> @ Gr. * Or, kindness. £ Or, delicately. Y Or, kindred. 5 Or, chosen. tor their railing.1 Trmotruy V. 19. 19 Against an elder receive not an accusation, but «before two or three witnesses. 29Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear. ?!I charge thee before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, and the elect angels, that thou observe these things & without preferring one before another, doing nothing by partiality. 22 Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other men’s sins. Keep thyself pure. 23 Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach’s sake, and thine often infir- mities. 24 Some men’s sins are open beforehand, going before to judgment: and some men they fol low after. 25 Likewise also the good works of some are manifest beforehand, and they that are otherwise, cannot be hid. 6. Let as many servants as are under the yoke, count their own masters worthy of all honour, that the name of God, and his doctrine be not blasphemed. * And they that have believing masters, let them not despise them because they are brethren: but rather do them service, be- cause they are 7 faithful and beloved, partakers of the bene- fit: these things teach and exhort. 3 If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness: 4 he is 6 proud. know- ing nothing, but «doting about questions, and strifes of. words whereof cometh enyy, strife, railings, evil surmisings, 5¢ per- verse disputings of men of cor- rupt minds, and destitute of the a Rec. & Gh. add Krprov. —. Gb. 2 “ Or, under. 3 P Or, without prejudice. Or, believing. t Or, gallings one cf another, 508 EIMSTOAH TIPOsK 19 Kara mpeoBurepov KaTmyopiay | mapadexouv, EKTOS él en emt Ovo 7) Tpue } paprupav. 9 rovs duapTavovtas, evc\ Toy TavT@y Eheyxe, Wa Kal of doit} poBoy €yaot. ~ dtayaptupopat évc\\ mov TOU Oeov Kai *” Xpictovd "Inao'y Kal TOV €KNEKT@Y ayyéAov, Wa Tavr\ puddgns Xopis Tpokpijaros, pundie TOL@y KaTa mpeokuoww. " Xeipas TaXEws pnodevi emutide § unde KOLY@VEL cuapriaus a2orpias. ZeauTov dyvov THPEl. 23 pane ) vopomdret, avr ow@ ohive Xp, due Tov oTOuayoy Gou Kal Tas TUKVdS oCe ac Oeveias. ce Two avOporeyv at Gpapria. Tp 4 Onhot clot, mpoayoveat eis Kptow’ TLR O€ Kal emaxohovdovotr. 3 @ocavTas Kal Ta KaNa épya mpodnrd € €or Kal Tih Gros ~ EXOVTA, KpuSnvar ov Ovvara.. 6. "Ocot etow wd Cuyov OovAo, 5 Tovs (OLlous deomdras maons Typy | agtous nycia Oacay, iva pn TO Ovo! tov Ocov kat 7 OwWacKahia BLacdnyyt Tat. * of O€ muxrovs eXouTes Oeordorass pn Katappoveirwcay, ort adehpot elon aha padhov Souhevéeroaar, OTL Tore clot kal dyannrol, ol THs evepyecias avTihapBavdpevor’ tadta SidacKe Kat Tapakanet. BBY, acs erepoidacKanel, Kal pik mpowepxerau vysatvovar ) Adyous Tots Top Kupiou nuav ‘Inoov Xptgtov, Kat Tit Kar evoeBevay OwWacKania, retupa i Tal, penoev eTLOTGJLEVOS, ahha vooais mepl (ntnoers Kal oyomayias, €§ aie yiverat Poovos, ¢ Epis, | Bracdnpia, Ure} votat trovnpal, ° * Ouarraparpy8ai" ve: } pdappevav avOporrav TOV vouy, Kab ameoTEpnpevey ye Tis adnGeias, voprtdu-\ b Rec, ee Gb. Incov Xptcrov. © Rec. rapatcarpiBar. Or, a fool. s Or, sick,TIMOOEON A. 509 TOV mopeo peo eivae THY evoeBetay. re amo TOV TOLOUT@Y.” '"Rote O€ T TmopLo wos peyas 1) edoeBeva pera avrapkeias. 7 ovdev EP eton- peyKapev eis Tov Kdopov, POnAoY” OTL ovde ESEVEYKELV TL Suvapeda EXovTEs dé Siatpopas Kai okemdopara, TOUTOLS dpxerOnodpeba. 9 of Oe Bovddpevor moured, eymimrovow Eis Terao Lov kal mayida Kal erOupiias mo\Xas avon- Tous Kal PraBepas, aitives Budigover Tous avpemous eis oheOpov kal amreo- heav. 1° piga yap TayT@V TOV KAK@V eoTW 1) pidapyupia’ js TLVES opeyo~ evo dremhayn Oyo ay amo THS TIOTE@S, kal €avToUs Teplemetpay ddvYaLs TOA- hats. 1 Sv dé & avOpwre Tov Qeod, Tav’Ta gevye Oloke de Sukavoowrny, EUce- Bevay, mori, ayanny, UIFOLOVI)Y *mpav- mabeav” ™ aywvicov roy Kahoy ayava Tis mioTtews’ emtdaBov THs alwyiov Cans, «is qv 4” exAnOns, Kat @pmoddyn- gas THY Kany Oopodoyiay eveamoy TOAA@Y praptupeyv. * mapayyehho cou evamloy TOU Qeov Tov °CwomoLovvTOs” TQ mayTa, Kal Xpurrov ‘Incov Tov peap- TupnoavTos emt Hoprtey IliAdtov Ty Kady opodoyiav, * tnpnoal oe THY evrohny aomudoy, he, Pexpl THs emepavelas TOU Kupiov OV ‘Ingov Xpiorov, © ty" Katpots tdious Oeiger 0 pakaptos Kal pdvos dOuydotns, 6 Bact- devs TOV Pacthevovray, Kal KUplos TOY KUpLevovT@”, 16 6 pdvos Exon ¢ adavaciar, pas okay ampdoutoy, oy eidev ovdets avOpaTar, ouvde idely dvyarat, @ TL Kal KpaTos ai@yioy. apny. 7 Tots miovaolos ev TO viv aiave mapayye\he, LI) vyhogppovei, pnde nrmexevat emt mwAovTOU ddnAéryTt, GAN 1 Timoruy VI. 17. truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself. 6 But godliness with content- ment is great gain. 7 For we brought nothing into this world, and itis certain we can carry nothing out. § And having food and raiment let us be there- with content. ¥ But they that will be rich, fall into tempta- tion and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. !°For the love of money is the root of all evil, which while some coveted after, they have ¢erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. 11 But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness. 12 Ficht the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, where- unto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses. !% I give thee charge in the sight of God, who quickeneth all things, and before Christ Jesus, who before Pontius Pilate witnesseda good ® confession, !4that thou keep this commandment without spot, unrebukeable, until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ. }© Which in his times he shall shew, who is y blessed, and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords: 16who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light, which no man can approach unto, whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom de honour and power everlasting. Amen. 17 Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not high minded, nor trust in Yun- certain riches, but in the living a eG Or, been seduced. Or, profession, 3 b> cwo—. Rec. & Gb. rpaornra. 4 Rec. add nar. © © Lwoyovouvros. f Bz, ov. Y Gr. uncertainty of riches. 4 1 : iif : { | \, TUM, ib fat.1 Trmoruy VI. 18. God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy, !Sthat they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to _ distribute, «willing to communicate,!9 lay- ing up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life. 20 O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoid- ing profane and vain babblings, & oppositions of science, falsely so called: 2?! which some pro- fessing, have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen. 510 EIMSTOAH TIPOrK eEvT@ OcH *T@ COvTL,” TH Tapéxovi nuty ravra mAovolws’ els amdhavee® 1S ayaboepyeiv, mAovtew ep Epyc\\ Ka\ols, evjreraddrous €lval, KoLVw@YLKO? | 9 amoOnoaupifovras éavrois OepeAui kahov eis TO pedAoy, iva emidAdBwvtih THs Covtws” Cons. 70 °Q Tindbee, tiv 4 rapabnkn puda€éor, ExT ped jzeVOS tas BeBnXoi? Kevopovias, Kal avreoets TIS Wevdc | yupou yyooews’ *! iv TiWEs EeTrayye): Nopevor, TEpt THY TioTwW NnoTdynCa\) ‘H ydpis pera oov.e” HAYA OY IPOs TIMOGEON PSO AB, «AY abpPsAe pee an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, according to the promise of life, which is in Christ Jesus, ? to Timothy my dearly beloved son: grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father, andChrist Jesus our Lord. $1 thank God, whom I serve from my forefathers with pure conscience, that without ceasing I have remembrance of thee in my prayers night and day, igreatly desiring to see thee, being mindful of thy tears, that I may be filled with joy, § when I call to remembrance the un- feigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grand- mother Lois, and thy mother Eunice: and I am persuaded that in thee also. 6 Wherefore I put thee in remembrance, that thou stir up the gift of God which is in thee, a— Db Rec, TQvGiws Tavra, © Ree. atwriov, a Rec. © rapaxaraenxyy. WO Aan Or. sociable. > > A | [AYAOS aroartohos “Inood Xpioto} \ / a > > / Ova OeAnpatos Oeod Kar erayyeNia} a A ) r ~ 2, Bs a\e Cans THs EV Xpiat@ Inoov, * Tiwobecs na / 4, > / ayamnt@ TéKy@’ xadpts, edeos, cipyy | A r ~ > amo Geov marpos kat Xptotou Inco) A r ¢ ~ Tov Kupiov nuav. 3 rl »~ a ~ © , > Xapw exo TO Gea, @ Aarpevo art rn / mpoyovev ev kadapa ouveidyjoe, &} > / x ~ adiddertov €x@ TIy Tepl cov pyElae > a Ne, 7 t Z ev Tals OENTEGL [Lov VUKTOS Kal nuepas | > =~ 5 a , * enurobav ce ideiv, peuvnuevos cork rn / ev a ns TY Oakpvoy, wa yapas TANPwOG t ¢ , a uropynow ‘apBavev" tis ev oo} > , avuToKpirov mloTews, ris evaxnacs 5 > na , a Tp@ToY €y TH paupn cov Awid: Kal a , = , / Q / TH MytTpt oov Evvikyn, mémevocpar O€ Ori) > , Kal €v Gl. 6 2 Ie , / > , A 3 At iy aitiay avapipynoK@ o€ ava-} Comupetv TO Xapiopa TOU Ceod, 6 eatw on e Rec. add aunyv.TIMOGEON B. dll ev got dia Ts emiecew@s TOV Xetpov prov’! ov yap edoxey nuiv 6 cos mevpa detALas, ahd Suvapews Kal ayd- mS Kal cappovcpov. 8 M1) ovv mar xuvOi}s TO papTuptoy TOU Kuptou MOV, nde ewe TOV Sepuoy avTov" aha ovyKakorradnooy TO ebay: yeXlo kara Suvapw cov, * Tov co- wavTos meas Kal Kkaheavros Khyoet ayia, ov Kata Ta epya HOY, aka Kar’ idiay mpodeow Kal “yap Tay doGeicay pei ev Barer) ‘Incovd po Xpovev al@viey, pavepwbeirar be vuy ova THS emipavelas TOV T@THPos Huey “In- gov Xpiorov, KatapynoavTos pev Tov Oavaror, poricavros de Cary eo a- peapaiay Ova Tov evayyedtou, * leis 0 eTeOny eyo Knpv& Kat amdaroNos Kal OwWaoKados edvav' ™ Sv ny airtay Kal TavTa TAT XO, adr’ OUK emara x vvOpLaL oida yap @ memloTEvKa, Kal Wemrelo pat OTL dwvards eore THY 2 mapadnkny® prov pudagau eis exetyyy my aHEpay. ae ‘Yrorirecw EXE vyravdvre ) No- Ov, av map €Hov koucas, ev TioTel Kal ayany Th ev Xpior@ lnooul THY Kady Prapabjeny’ pvda§ov Oud Ilvev- patos aytou TOU EVOLKOUYTOS ev 1pLly. 15 Oidas TodTO, 6rt amectpapnody ple Tavtes of ev TH Acia, dv €oTt Bv- yedhos Kal “Eppoyerns. 18 on eéAeos 0 Kupws ra ‘Ornoupopov ole” OTL mohhdkus jee GUEVUES Kal THY ‘ddvoly pov ovK emnoxvvGn, @ adda yevdopevos ev Paopn, orrovdatore pov e(ntnae pe Kal cbpe 18 (en auT@ 6 Kupws, evpe edeos mapa Kupiov ev ekelyn TH NLEpa’ ) Kal daa ev Edeo@ Ounkdvyce, BéAtLov ov Y@oKELs. gy ob, TEKVOV HOV, evOuvapov ev T Xapite TH ev XpraoT@ Ingov' ? kat 2 Timotrny IL. 2 by the putting on ef my hands. 7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, of love, and of a sound mind. 8 Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of ourLord, nor of me his prisoner, but be thou partaker of the afflictions of the gospel accord- ing to the power of God, 9 who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not accord- ing to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus, before the world began, 10 but is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath abolish- ed death, and hath brought life é& immortality to light, through y gospel: 1! whereunto I am ap- pointed a preacher, & an apos- tle, and a teacher of y Gentiles. 12}or the which cause I also suf. fer these things ; nevertheless, I am not ashamed: for I know whom I] have oynoayTe apéon. eay O€ Kal adOdj\/ Tls, ov otedbavotTrar éay fy vopipase abdnon. © roy Komevra yewpyov oes TpeToy T&Y Kapa perahap Pavey, § voew a Neyo" © Oacer” yap oou 6 Kv-\ plos ouvert ev Tact. 8 Mynpoveve "Incovy Xpiorov éyn- | } : ms ; ; YEepHevov €K veKpGy, €k oméppyaros| oo ¢ AaBid’, Kara TO evayyéhudy prov’ 9 éy @ KkaxoTraba Mexpt Oeopar, ws KQKOUp-= | 2) 5G / A n > / yos' aN’ 6 Aoyos TOU Oeov ov Séderar. 4 0 Oia TodTO mayTa vTomeva Oud Tods|\ ExNEKTOUS, Wa Kal adro) Tw@Tnpias TU- X@ot THs ev Xptote "Inood, pera ddEns | alwviov. muaTOS 6 Nébyos* et yap} cuvarcOavopev, Kat ov(yoopev: 1 ef: viromevopev, Kal oupBacevoopev’ ei) dpvovpeba, KaKeiwos dpmjoerat nyeas * €l ATLOTOUMEY, EKELVOS TLOTOS fLEevEL* sh ay pet Cae ae apynoacOat © yap” éavroy od Sbvara.. “4 Tatra tropuluynoe, Stapaptupo- } Mevos €v@muoy Tov Kupiov pn oyo- + ase. ; om Haxew €ls ovdey ypnoimov, emt KaTa- aTpopy Tey dkovdyvtav. grotdacop @€auTOoOV Odxyoy Tapactnoa. TA Gea, | epyatny aveTraloxvyTor, opOoropodvra Tov Adyov THs adnOcias. 1 ras Se Be- Bndous Kevopavias Tepiictaco* emt TA€loy yap mpokdwovow doePeias, V Kati 6 Aéyos avTov as yayypawa vo- pay e&ev' dy €orw ‘Vpevaos rai PiAnros, ° olives mepl Thy ahnOevay noToynoay, Aeyoures TY avaoracw Hn Veyovevat, ‘ / / Kal avaTpemovat THY TLWeY TloTLY. — do. b.om, Y Or, gangrene, & S—. Rec.&Gb. do. 4 Gb.david. € O~, Rec.&G first, must be partaker of the fruits,TIMOGEON B. 513 c , \ A 19°O pevrot orepeds Oepédtos rov na” rn Geou eornKev, Exar thy odpayida rav- yy 0: A Tv Eyve Kupios rovs oévras QuUTov, f= )9. , 2 > an Kat’ ATooTnTw amo ad.kias Tas 6 6vo~ , NES 15f, a / a 20 > Baga To dvopa Kuptov. Ev pe- yahy d€ oikia otk gore pdvor oKEUN n Nj > na > \ \ / Xpvoa Kat apyupa, adda kat dda > kal doTpdkwva, Kal & pév eis TUNV, a O€ > > € Ny , els atuysiav. * éday ody tis exkadapn 4 » ~ €avTOY aro TOUT@Y, eoTAaL OKEDOS Eis \ ¢ 7 Tiny, nytacwevov, » Kal” e¥ypnoroy > ‘ , > »~ > \ € TO eordry, els Tay Epyov ayaboy nrou- pac pevov. \ \ A > “~ 2 Tas O€ vewrepixds erOupias pedye , \ , > Otaxe S€ Sekavootyny, rictwy, ayarny, / an elpnyny peTa TOV €mikadoupevoy Toy Zz: n~ 9 “ Kuptov" ex ka@apas kapdias. ™ rag Se > Z / Lopas kat araWevTous Cyrnoes mapat- EN > 7 a 9. ~ TOU, elds OTL yevyOot pdyas’ *4 SovNov VS , > a , > Sy, d€ Kupiou ob dei pdyeoOar, GAN roy ewat Tpos mavtas, diSaktikdy, avetixa- Kov, © éy mpadtnte tradevovta rods , , a cr avridtatiOepevous* pnirore d@ avtois 6 Ocos peravoiay eis eriyywow adnbelas, 26 Nis , > a ~ , kal avayvnyacw ex Tis Tod SiaBdrov 7 > ~ maylOos, eCwypypevoe br aitovd eis TO exeivou OeAnua. ~ \ / ed > 3; , 3. Tovro O€ yivwoke, 6tu év eaydrats , / nuepas evotioovta Karpol yxaderol. Se, \ ¢ 2 / egovTat yap ot avOpwmror didavros, / > / ¢ 7 Pirrapyvpo, ddafdves, trepndavor, Pracdhnuo., yovetow arecbeis, axapt- oro, avdotot, * aoropyot, dozrovdot, duaBoror, axparets, avnpepor, agpidya- Oot, * mpoddrat, mporeteis, teruda- pevor, cirndovoe paddov 7) PirdGeor, > yovres poppocw evoeBelas, TY de ; ior ; : VYaLLY AUTHS Npynwevot. Kal ToUvTOUS amor perrou. €K TOUT@Y yap claw oi evOuvovtes eis Tas oikias, Kal “aiypa- Awricovres” ©” yuvarkdpia Tec wpevpeva 2 'l'Imorny III. 6. 19 Nevertheless the founda- tion of God standeth @sure, having the seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, let every one that nameth the name of Christ, depart from iniquity. 20 But in a great house, there are not only vessels of gold, and of silver, but also of wood, and of earth: and some to honour, and some to dishonour. 2! If a man there- fore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto ho- nour, sanctified, and meet for the master’s use, and prepared unto every good work. 22 Flee also youthful lusts : but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart. 23 But foolish and un- learned questions avoid, know- ing that they do gender strifes. 24 And the servant of the Lord must not strive: but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, 8 patient, 25 in meekness in- structing those y oppose them- selves, if God peradyenture will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth. *6 And that they may yrecover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are étaken cap- tive by him at his will. 3. This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2? For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, ° without natural affection, trucebreakers, «false accus- ers, incontinent, fierce, de- spisers of those that are good, 4 traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God, > having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. ® For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden a Rec. Xptorov. b= ¢CBz.Xpicrov. 4 Rec. acyparwrevovres. e Rec.add ra. % Or, steady. P Or, forbearing. Gr. awake. o4 Gr. taken alive. e Or, makebates,.9 Timotrny III. 7. with sins, led away with divers lusts, 7 ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 8 Now as Jannes and Jam- bres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, 2 reprobate concerning the faith. 9 But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest un- to all men, as their’s also was. 10 But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience, !! persecu- tions, afflictions which came un- to me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra, what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me. !? Yea, 3 and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus, shall suffer perse- cution. 13 But evil men and se- ducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. 14 But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned, and hast been assured of, know- ing of whom thou hast learned them. }® And that from a child thou hast known the holy scrip- tures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. 16 All scripture is given by in- spiration of God, and is profita- ble for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be perfect, 7 throughly furnished unto all good works. 4. I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge ¥ quick and the dead at his appearing, and his kingdom: ? preach the word, be instant in season, out of season, reprove, rebuke, ex- hort with all longsuffering and doctrine. % For the time will 514 EMISTOAH IIPO2 dpaptiats, ayopeva emBujiats mouxihats, 2 7 mavTOTE pavOdvoyra, Kat pndéemore eis \\ emlyvaow ah Getas eOeiv Ouvdpeva. 8 “Ov rpdmov Oe * lavyns Kal ‘Lap8pns fi ayreoTnoay Movoet, OUT@S Kal OUTOLG avOtorayTat TH adn Oeia, avOporor Kar~ 9 epOappevor TOV voUY, aOdKupo Trept Typ { TLOTW. GAN ov mpoxoyrouow emi 7 Telov" 1) yap avoua avuTov exon hos ( €oTal TAT, WS Kal N EKELV@V EYEVETO. i ag Oe mapnKohovOnkas pou TH Ol- OackaXla, TH aywyn, TH mpobecet, Th TLOTEL, 7H paxpoOupia, TH ayamn, Th Urropoviy, As rots OroyjLots, Tots mabn- | paow, old [ou €YyEVETO EV 'Avrwoxelg, eve ‘Ixovien, ev Avorpous: olovs Svwypods | mnveyka, Kal €k TayvT@Y pe _Eppucare ; 6 Kupios’ © Kal mares d€ of Oedovres® evoeBas Cyy ev Xpior@ "Incov, O10 On- covra. ™ ovnpol O€ dvOpewmo. kal yonres mpoko\povow em TO XELpoV, TAG- § YOVTES Kal TAAY@pLEVOL. HSU dé peeve ev ots euabes Kal emt-| aTwOns, eidos mapa Tivos éuabes, © Kail 6Tt amd Bpepouvs ta icpa ypapyparay oiSas, Ta Ouvapeva oe copia eis T@-( THplay, dud miotews THs Ev XpioT@ “In- t Pia ov. 6 Taca ypagpn Oedtrvevotos Ka. apedtpos pos OwWacKahiar, mpos ehey- \ Xov, mpos emavépOwour, JTpos Tmadetar | \ Thy ev Oixkatoovvyn’ wa dprvos 7 ¢ ToU Qcov avOpwros, mpos may Epyork > / ayaOoyv eEnpticpevos. / alert A aA s 4. Avawaprupopar*” evwmtoy Tov Qeov. § Ne Di a r a a 7 Kal Incov Xptorov, Tov pedXAovTos( Kpivery Cavtas Kal vexpovs ° kata” TH k > A emipaveray avrov Kal ty Bactdeias ¢ n~ , aUuTOv, Knpv&ov Tov Adyor, eriaTnOl > yo é evKaipws akaipas, eheyEov, eTUTlnToy, fi Tapakddeoor, ev Taon pakpoOupia Kalk d.day7. €oTar yap Kalpos OTE THSh & Rec, add our eyw. D Rec. add rov Kupzov. Or, thou hast been a diligent follower of. © —. Gb, war. * Or, of no judgment. Y Or, pertected.TIMOSEON B. 515 2 Timotuy IV. 17. ¢ , , > > , vytawovons Oudackadias od« avéEovrat, come when they will not endure > \ a < . a\\a Kata * ras idlas emOupias ” €qy- Sound doctrine, but after their cr > , , TOls ETLOMPEVTOVOL SiOacKaAoUS, KYN- \ > / Odpevou TV AKOnY* oO own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having Kal amro pep THs itching ears: 4 and they shall > / \ > A > 7 > \ eAnGetas THY axony arootpeyrovawy, emt \ A , > / d€ tous pvdovs extpamynoovra. turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto \ ~ ov fables. 5 But watch thou in \ a > a 2 © i na ¢ ats a Oe vine ev Tact, KaxoT7dOnoor, ép-yov all things, endure afflictions. do the work of an evangelist, , > a“ \ / TOlLNO OV evayyeNioTov, THY Ovakoviay amake full proof of thy mi- gov mAnpopdpyncov. 8 "Eyo yap 74n omevOopmat, Kal 6 nistry. 6 For I am now ready to be a A , > , Fay © j ba Kalpos THS Ens avadvcews ehéornke. Offered, and the time of mi iL \ > ~ \ \ i, / \ TOV ayeva TOV KaNov YOVLO Lal, TOV departure is athand. 7] have fought a good fight, I have fi- / \ / /, “ : 2 Opdopov TeTEAEKA, THY TloTW TeTHPNKa’ nished my course, I have kept 8 \ > f / ¢ a , Aouror, AT OKELTQL Polo TNS Otkatoov- the faith. 8 Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of , e > , roe & : vns otepavos, dv arodacet jLot 6 Kuptos righteousness, which the Lord > > , to AS , / As +7 Wa « iv ev eketvn TH HpLEpa, 6 Olkatos Kpitns ov the righteous judge shall give \ > \ > \ a : ~ povoy dé enol, a\Ad kat ? rao" Tots > A > Peck, > A 7yaTnkoot THY emLPavetay QUTOUV. 9 Srovdacoy eAGety m™pos pe TAXEWS. 0 Anuds yap pe eykaredurev, dyarnoas me at that day: and not to me only, but unto them also that love his appearing. 9 Do thy diligence to come shortly unto me: !° for Demas hath forsaken me, having loved ~ da \ ? , > . > : TOV vvY al@va, Kal eTropevdn els Gegoa- this present world, and is de- , = , > , m/ a) mis © ie ° Aovikny’ Kpnoxns eis TaXariap, Tiros parted unto Thessalonica : eis Aadpariav: © Crescens to Galatia, Titus unto “~ - / Aovkas €oTt Movos Yalmatia. 1}! Only Luke is x > / os Alain: : pet e400. Madpkoy avadaBav dye pera with me. Take Mark and bring a > G@eauTOv. EgTL yap jor evxpnaTos els him with thee: for he is pro- fitable to me for the ministry. 2 \ Nee, s > > : Ovakoviay. © Tuyekov O€ améotei\a eis 2 And Tychicus have I sent to y J a > , “Edecov. 13 roy “heddynv" ov amrehurrov Ephesus. '!3 The cloke that I left at Troas with Carpus, > 7 x Fish, > / 3 €V Tpadad. Tapa Kapra, EPXOMEVOS when thou comest, bring with DZ , / \ Be fe aX epe, Kal Td BiBria, pahiora Tas Pep- thee, and the books* but es- Bpavas. 4’ AdeEavdpos 6 yadkeds TOMA por Kaka evedcigato’ “amodwcer” atta 6 15 Kuptos KaTa Ta Epya avTov* pecially the parchments. 14 Alexander ¥ coppersmith did me much evil, the Lord reward him according to his a \ S OV Kat works. ' Of whom be thou ov dvAdooou, lap yap av0eaTnKe Tots Ware also, for he hath greatly WpeTepots AOyots: withstood Sour words. 16 At my first answer no man 16 fy TH TPOTH jLou amrodoyia ovoels stood with me, but all men / \ / pot oupmapeyevero, adkdAa TayTes pe forsook me: I pray God that it may not be laid to their charge. eykatéAurov* (un avtois NoytoGein*) 1 Notwithstanding the Lord 7 / ee W 6 6€ Kupids pou mapéotn, Kat evedv- stood with me, and strengthen- ed me, that by me the preach- 4, ad > > “A A , vapLace Pe, lva du €HOU TO KI}/PVYL-A jing might be fully known, and an . \ - s 7 7 ay * . mAnpopopnOn, Kat °axovon” mdavra Ta that all ¥ Gentiles might hear: @ Rec. rap excOvucag rag od écags =b © St. pacdovny. © Or, fulfil: * Ed. 1611 omits and the books. d w—. Rec. & Gb. arotan. e€ axovawol. a P Or, our pireachings.2 Timornuy IV. 18. and I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion. 1!8 And the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and will pre- serve me unto his heavenly kingdom; to whom de glory for ever, and ever. Amen. 19 Salute Prisca and Aquila, and the houshold of Onesi- phorus. 29 Erastus abode at Corinth: but Trophimus have I left at Miletum sick. 2! Do thy diligence to come before winter. Eubulus greeteth thee, and Pudens, and Linus, & Claudia, and al]l the brethren. 22 The Lord Jesus Christ de with thy spirit. Grace be with you. Amen. 516 EVIISTOAH |§ wy NO DUCES, > , , eOun’ Kal eppvaOny ex, oTdparos A€OVTOS © 1S oa Nee / ¢ es > \ Vie Kat” puoeral je 6 Kupios amo trravTo') Be} ~ \ i/ \ { Epyou Tovnpov, kat c@oe eis THY Bay: a Sone oudelay avrov Thy emoupamov’ @ 7 O6&i) ~ nw , / eis TOUS ai@vas TOY ai@vay. anv. > , 9 "Aoraca Ipicxay kai ’“Axvdap & \ Woe) hen 52, 20 7 i Kat Tov Ovnovpdpov otKov. Epaorto ) + rE, > , ewewev ev KopivO@* Tpdduysoy dé ame y an 7 Aurrov ev Midynt@ aobevovvra. 7! e7rov Oagoyv mpd xeyr@vos edOetv. 7, tf ’Aomateral oe EUBovdos, Kat Tovdns | r > kat Aivos, kat KAavdia, kai of ddeAdo TavrTes. 95 , > a 22 “QO Kupwos Incots Xpicros pert TOU mvevpatds cov. »n xdpis pel! Upov.” ct NAYAOY ENISTOAH DG Oe Lon, oh yd. al, Ona eee a servant of God, and an apostle of Jesus Christ, according to the faith of God’s elect, and the acknowledging of the truth which is after god- liness, “in hope of eternal life, which God that cannot lie, promised before the world be- gan: 3? but hath in due times manifested his word through preaching, which is committed unto me according to the com- mandment of God our Saviour: 4 to Titus mine own son after the common faith, Grace, mer- cy, and peace from God the Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour. 5 For this cause left I thee in Crete, that thou shouldest set in order the things that are 6 wanting, and ordain elders in [TAYAO® Sotvdos Gcov, amdcrodos 8} ‘Inco Xpicrov, (kara miotw ékdeEK \ T@V Beovd kat eriyvwow adnOcias TH} kar evoéBevav, 7 em eAmids Con § aioviov, ny emnyyeihato 6 awyevd7 ¥ Ocos Tpo Xpovey aiwviav, * epavépwait d€ Katpots idiots tov Adyov avTod, €i5 Knpuypate 6 emirtevOny eya@ KaT emul Taynv TOV TwTHpos Hudy Ceod’) * Tiras ' ; : \ , yynol@ TEKY@, KATA KOWNY TioTLW | xapis “kai” eipnyn amd Gov tarpos\ kat Kupiov “Incov Xpiorod Tov cwrjpo:> MOV. ° Tovrov xdpw °xareAuréy” ce ab Kpntn, iva ra Netrrovra ‘enriopOaans, f Kal KaTaoTnons Kata moALY TpeaBuTE:3 a+ b— cRec.addauny, Iw—. Rec. & Gb. edeos. e NY aredirov. f Rec. & Gb, exidimpOwog ® @ Or, for. 3 Or, left undone.IiPpOS TITON. 517 6 wv pous; os €y@ col SueraSapny’ eu Tis cory aveyKAyTOS, pas yuvarxos avi, TEVA eXov mora, py ev pera agorias, i) avurrdraxra. / det yep TOV emtoKoTrOV dveykhnrov eivat, os Qeou olkovepov" 7) adOadn, p HN) opyihov, i) presto pn wANKTHY, pn aloxpo- kepon, *® adda peddgevor, pirdyabor, cappova, Sixator, dowry, eyKparn, 2 aT EX OpLEVOV TOU KaTa 7 budaxny TLOTOU Adyou, | iva Ovvaros 7 Kal mapa- xadelv ev TH StOacKkadia TH Vyvavoven, kal Tovs dvTiéyovras edéyyetv. 10 Kict yap moAXol *Kai” avurdra- KTOL paTatoAdyot Kal Ppevarrarar, pa- Aucra of ek mepitouns, | ots det emuaromicenr” olrives ddous otkous ava- TPETOUCL, Oiddoxorres a a BN det, alo xpou Kepdous xapw. ™ etme tis &€ avrav duos avT@y mpodnrns* Kpijres del pevorae, Kaka Onpia, yaorepes dpyat. 19) EL paprupia aurn eorly ahn Ons oe airiay eheyxe avrovs aTOTOHOS, wa vyaivacw ey TH TioTel, * pI T™poo- exovtes ‘lovdaixots pvOors, Kal evTodais wOpatrev SEsonpsPpojievay THY ady~ Gav. © rdvta per" kaBapa Tous kabapois" tois O€ HepLao pevoes Kal amiorots ovdev kadapor, ada peplavrat avT@y Kal 6 vous Kat 7 ouvetdnots. © Gedy Opohoyovow eldevat, Tois Oe epyous dpyovvrat, Podehu«rol ¢ OvTeEs Kal ameeis Kat mpos mav épyov ayabov aOKUoe. 2. Sv dé AaAe & mperet Th vytat- vovon OSacKahig: * mpeoSuras yn- parious ewat, wepvovs, cadpovas, vyaivoyras Th lore, TH ayany, 7 Umopoviy” 3 mpeoBuridas ooavTas ev kaTaornpare lepomperreis, pr) OvaSd- Aous, pu) olve TOAA® Seovd@peévas, Titus TE 3: every city, as | had appointed thee. © If any be blameless, the husband of one wife, having faithful children, not accused of riot, or unruly. 7 For a bishop must be blameless, as the steward of God: not self- willed, notsoon angry,not given to wine, no striker, not given to filthy lucre, 8 but a lover of hospitality, a lover of ¢ good men, sober, just, holy, tempe- rate, 9 holding fast the faith- ful word, Sas he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine, both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers. 10 For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumci- sion: !1 whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre’s sake. !2 One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said: The Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies. 13 This witness is true: where- fore rebuke them sharply that they may be sound in the faith ; 14 not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men that turn from the truth. 15 Unto the pure all things are pure, but unto them that are defiled, and unbelieving, is no- thing pure: but even their mind & conscience is defiled. 16 They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobe- dient, and unto every good work Yreprobate. 2. But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine: ? that the aged men be 4 sober, grave, temperate, sound in ae in charity, in patience. 3 The aged women likewise } they be in behaviour as becom- eth «holiness, not *¢ false accu- sers, not given to much wine, & ——, Bz. om. bo =>. & Or, good things. @ Or, vigilant. e Or, holy women. 8 Or, in teaching. Y Or, void of judgmcut, ¢ Or, makebatesTitus Il. 4. teachers of good things, 4 that they may teach the young wo- men to be > gadpovas, dyvas, *olkovpovs,” aya- r > Gas, rorarcomevas Tots idiots avdpa- os \ ¢ , ~ a ow, Wa pn 6 Aoyos TOU Qeod BAachn- | penrat. 6 \ , ¢ , , Tovs vearépous @oavtTas Tapakane | coppoveiv, 4 mepl mavta oceavTor| TapeXOpevos TUTOY KANOY Epyov, ev T]| didackaria ?adiapOopiay,” cepvotnra,® | “A 7 f 8 \dyov UyiH, dxaTdyvacrov, wa 6 ef) évavtias évTpamn, pndevy Exov TEP) d ¢ 5 4 Xr , 5 vA nav’ eye pavidov. , 9 AovXous idiots Seamdrats Urorda-:| cecOat, ev mac evapearous eivat, p71) 5 As 10 \ ' , > avridéyovtas, © pr vorpiCopevous, ad-| ha riot macav évOerkvupevous ayabnp | oo A a iva THY SiacKaNlay °tHv" TOU TwTHnpO!} * jpav’ Ocod Korpaow ev Tacw. 1 -Erepdvn yap 7 xapis TOU Cov 7 , - 9 , caTnpios macw dvOparo.s, maidev-| nan 7 ‘ ovca nuds, wa dpynodpevor THY ace-| Beav Kat tas Koopikas emOupias | , \ Tes \ > alt coppoves Kal Otkaims Kat evoeBas| (howpev ev TO viv aid, | mpoode:! xXOpevor THY pakaplay edmida Kai ért-| daveray ths OdEns Tov peyadov Ceor| |! a £ a >? - r a Kal o@Tnpos nuayv Inoov Xpiotov | a >, a i 14 Os COwKkey EavTov Umep Nav, WC! ¢ ~ , AuTpOoNTaL as ard Taons avomtas | kat xabapion é€avt@ ady Tepiovoror | \ a a & 15 a / Gr@rnyv Kad@v Epyov. Tavta Adee \ / \ + A / Ka mapakahet, kat EheyxXE peTa aon, emitayns. pnoels wou TepLppovelta. 3. ‘Yrroplipynoke adrovs apxais & Kal! > , rn cLovalas tmordocecOa, mmeapxetv| a > > mpos mav epyov ayaboyv éroipovs eivat| 9 , = > s ay pndeva BrYaodnpety, awaxovs etvat| eTleLKEls, TaGaV EVvOELKYUpLEVOUS Tmpad| TTa mpos mavras avOpatovs. + HyLeI} / \ ¢ ~ > cr yap TOTE KQL TMELS av0nrot, atreiOeis | 4a WY orxoupyovs. Db CaPFoprav. © St. add adBaocray. d Rec. vuwr. g— * Or, wise. B Or, discreet. 7 Or, gainsaying. 6 Or, that bringeth salvation to all men, hath appeared @~w—. Rec. & Gbh.om. f St.vuw>HPOS “TILTON. 519 mhavejrevot, Soudevorres emOupuiars Kal nOovais mrovkidats, ev kakia Kal POdve Ouayovtes, orvyntol, puoovyTes adAn- Aovs. * "Ore 52) ypnordrns Kal 4 didav- Opwria erepavn Tod caTHpos huey Geov, ° ovk €& épyav Tv ev Oikatoavvn ay eromoapev uets, GANG KaTa TOV avrov éheov Ecacev Has, Sud ovtpod madtyyeverias, Kal dvakawaocews Uvev- paros dyiov, ® ob e&éxeev eh amas tovolas, Sua Inootd Xpicrov Tov ca- Typos nuov, * wa Sikawbevtes TH EKELVOU XAapLTL, KANpoVdpor yevaueda Kat é€Amida Cons aiwviov. S$ Tluords 6 Aéyos, Kal mepl TOUT@V Bovdopat oe OraBeBacovcba, iva ppov- ri€wou Kad@v epyov mpotorac Bar ob jTemlioreuKoTes *T@’ Oew@* Tata €oTL bra” Kaa Kal dpehipua Tots avOparots” papas Sé (ytnoes Kal yeveadoyias kal €peis Kal payas voiKas Tepiictaco’ eial yap avadeets Kat pearavo.. 10 ai- peTikoyv avOpwrov peta oo Kal Ocure- pay vovOeciay mapaitov, \ cides Ore e&€oTpanrTat 6 TOLOUTOS, Kai Gwapravet, RN > , Oy AvVTOKATAKpLTOS. 2 "Orav wéeuo “Aprepav mpds ce i Tuyixov, orovdacoyv edOeiy mpds pe eis NuxoroAuy" ekel yap KeKpiKa Trapa- Xetpeacat. As Znvay TOV VOLLKOY kal *AToAA® = oTrovdaiws impomenyou; t va pndev avrots del. * pavOaveraoay d€ Kat ob MPLETEpOL KaN@v epyov mpot- orac da els Tas avaykalas ypelas, wa pay pom aKapTot. ‘Aomagovrat oe Ob per ejuod way- res. daomacat Tovs Pirovvtas Huas ev TicTel. 1) Xapls peTa TavT@Y vpav.©" Rib) | Ds ¢ Rec, add ayny. * Or, pity. B Gr. Trrus hil: 5% deceived, serving divers lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another. 4 But after that the kindness and @ love of God our Saviour toward man appeared, ° not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost, 6 which he shed on us 8 abun- dantly, through Jesus Christ our Saviour: 7 that being justi- fied by his grace, we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life. 8 This isa faithful saying, and these things I will that thou affirm constantly, y they which have believed in God, might be careful to maintain good works: these things are good and pro- fitable unto men. 9% But avoid foolish questions, and genealo- gies, and contentions, and striy- ings about the law; for they are unprofitable andvain. !°A man that is an heretick, after the first and second admonition, re- ject: !! knowing that he that is such, is subverted, and sinneth, being condemned of himself. 12 When I shall send Artemas unto thee, or Tychicus, be dili- gent to come unto me to Nico- polis: for I have determined there to winter. 18 Bring Zenas the lawyer, and Apollos, on their journey diligently, that nothing be wanting unto them. 14 And let our’s also learn to ymaintain good works for ne- cessary uses, that they be not unfruitful, 15 All that are with me salute thee. Greet them that love us in the faith. Grace be with you all. Amen. richly. Y Or, profess honest trades.PHILEMON 1. 520 ETMZTOAH IITAYAOY EMISTOAH IL P.O. Pp AUL a prisoner of Jesus Christ, & Timothy our bro- ther unto Philemon our dearly beloved, and fellowlabourer, * and to our beloved Apphia, & Archippus our fellowsoldier, and to the church in thy house. ° Grace to you, and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ. #1 thank my God, making mention of thee always in my prayers, * hearing of thy love, and faith, which thou hast to- ward the Lord Jesus, and to- ward all saints:® that the com- munication of thy faith may become effectual by ¥ acknow- ledging of every good thing, which is in youin Christ Jesus. 7 For we haye great joy and consolation in thy loye, because the bowels of the saints are refreshed by thee, brother. 8 Wherefore, though I might be much bold in Christ to injoin thee that which is convenient ; 9 yet for love’s sake I rather be- seech thee, being such a one as Paul the aged, and now also a prisoner of Jesus Christ. 10 | beseech thee for my son Onesi- mus, whom I have begotten in my bonds, !! which in time past was to thee unprofitable: but now profitable to thee and to me: !? whom I have sent again: thou therefore receive him. that is mine own bowels. 13 Whom I would have retained with me, that in thy stead he might haye Sco adsAgy. b Rec. o vmir, 0 St.&Bz. 9 yaniv, d eo yov. @ PIAHMONA., , A > A [[AYAOS déop10s Xpicrod *Iyaod, > Zi Kat Tiudbeos 6 dbdeddds, Dirnuovt 7 > ~ \ ~ ¢ na DW ‘ TO ayannT@ Kat Tuvepy@ NLOY, * Kal ee e Ania ™) “ayannrh,” Kal Apxirre T® GuoTpatiary nuav, Kal TH KaT olKov gou exkAnola’ 3 xapis tyiy Kai > 4 > ~ ¢ Cc elpyyn ard Oe0v matpos tuav Kai > ad ~ Kuptov “Incod Xpiorod. > a an a * Etyapioré 7o Oc@ ov, mavtore , 4 ~ PYELay Tou ToLOUpEVOS ETL TOY TpoceEU- a 5 > zo: A / XOv pov, ° akovwv cov Ty adydmny Kal \ / A Y, 7 TY TotW, NY Exes mpds Tov Kipuov > a > Inoovv Kat eis mdvras rods aylous, a ¢ n~ oT@s 7 KolW@via THS TicTeds Cov > \ 7 > evepyns yevntat ev emvyvooer tavros > 6 = =~ Tp Hee ney > 7 \ > ayavou Tou ev *npiv" eis Xptorov "Iy- os 1G Ne, \ ad 7% 7 \ coup. Xapayv" yap “éyowev” rrohdnpy \ vod Kal TapdkAnow em th aydmrn cov, 6rt A - 4 Ta omayxva Tay dyloy dvaréravrat Ova cov, aderpé. \ \ > a Dee: © Awd moAdny ev XpioT@ tappnotav a > / An EX@V EMITATOELY ToL TO avinkov, 9 Sia \ > / an An a THY ayarny wadAov Tapakare* ToLodTos aN ¢ A , \ \ \ ov ws Ilavios mpecBirns, vuri dé Kai , > na a BS déoptos “Inood Xpicrou ' apakadd \ ~ >» a G€ TEP TOV Emov TéKvou, by eyévynoa 5 ee x ev Tols Oecpois °n0v," ‘Ovnotpov, ! rép : ; ; MOTE Gor axpnorov, vuvl dé cor Kaj > \ a 127.4 fee a4 \ €Mol evxpnotoy, ov favéreura’” od \ > oul d€ avroy, Tobr gortt Ta ed omhdayxva, = a > mpoodaBov. by eye eBouhdunv impos > / a EuavtTov Karéxew, tva vmep ood & por = 3 EN exeua cor. g Rec. Stax. wos.IIPO> @IAHMONA. 521 an» a a ms , Ovakovn” ev Tois Seopots Tod evayyeX tov’ \ \ ~ a M xopis d€ tis ons yyopuns ovdev > , a a néedynoa roujoat, wva jut) Os KaTA avay- > oy Knv TO ayady cov 77, G\Nd Kata é- 4 KOUGLOV. 5 , a * Taya yap a todro exopia bn \ 7 , , mpos Spay, iva al@yov avrov amrexns. Me a = © Ovxéri &s SovAov, GAN urép SovAor, > > , adehorv ayamnrov, udduora Euol, Tore de paAAGv coe Kal ev GapKi Kal ev Ku- , Tf > > pio; ! ei ody *pe” eyes Kowavoy, Xr fo oN > ‘ < > , 18 > , mpoohaBov avrov as eye. el O€ TL > x ~ NOLKNOE CE 7) OEiAer, TOTO emo €ANG- 19 aN “ »~ > gees yet. eyo IlavAos eypawa rh eu XElpl, Ey amotice’ twa pn A€ywo coe OTL Kal geauTdy ot mpoooeiners. 20 \ 10 x \ > , > / 2 val, adeAe, eyo cov ovaipny év Kv- f > / > pi@ avaravoov pov Ta omddayxva év = n 9 n A ’Xpior@.” 7! rerobas rh braxon cov »~ / > \ ad XN ¢ \ a 4 eypayd col, elOas dre kal tmép 0 €éyw TomMoess. 2 "Apa O€ Kat éroiuaté jou Eeviay: eXmifo yap Ore dia Tay mpocevydy vpev xapicOnoopar wpiv. 3 © dord- Cerai” oe ‘Erappas 6 cuvarypddwrds pov ey Xpict@ “Incov, *4 Madpkos, "Apiorapyos, Anuds, Aovkas, of cur- / Epyol j.ov. 25 c , = r / ¢ a > ~ H yxapis rou Kupiov ney ‘Incov Xpiorov pera Tov mvevparos vpaev.e” PHILEMON 25. ministered unto me in § bonds of the gospel. 14 But without thy mind would I do nothing, that thy benefit should not be as it were of necessity, but willingly. 1) For perhaps he therefore departed for a season, that thou shouldest receive him for ever: 16 not now as a servant, but above a servant, a brother be- loved, specially to me, but how much more unto thee, both in the flesh, and inthe Lord? 17 If thou count me therefore a part- ner, receive him as myself. !8 If he hath wronged thee, or oweth thee ought, put that on mine account. !9I Paul have written it with mine own hand, I will repay it: albeit I do not say to thee how thou owest unto me, even thine own self besides: 20 yea, brother, let me have joy of thee in the Lord: refresh my bowels in the Lord. 2! Having confidence in thy obedience, I wrote unto thee, knowing that thou wilt also do more than I ay . 22 nm But withal prepare me also a lodging: for I trust that through your prayers I shall be given unto you. 28 There salute thee Epaphras, my fellowpri- soner in Christ Jesus: 24 Mar- cus, Aristarchus, Demas, Lucas, my fellowlabourers. 29 The grace of our Lord Je- sus Christ de with your spirit. Amen. ® Rec. eye. b Rec. Kupiw. c Rec. aorayov7at. d Rec. add ayuny.llesrews f. 1. 522 EIMSTOAH & WAYAOY ETMISTOA EH eo > LOW) who at sundry times, and in divers manners, spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, 2 hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds, 3 who being y brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, Sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high, 4 being made so much better than the angels, ashe hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they. > For unto which of the angels said he at any time, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee? And again, I will be to hima Fa- ther, and he shall be to me a Son. 6 And again, when he bringeth in the firstbegotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God worship him. 7 And of the angels he saith: Who maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire. 8 But unto the Son, he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of zrighteousness is the sceptre o thy kingdom. 9% Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity, therefore God, even thy God hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows. !9 And, Thou Lord in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth: and the heavens are the works of PB head. Oy, [TL OAYMEPOQS kat rodvtpéras maha): 0 Gc0s haAnoas Tols TaTpdow ev Tot | mpopyrats, er *égydrov” Tav Epa TOUT@Y EAdAnoeY Huly ev vid, 7 dv €Onk KAnpovopov TavT@y, (Ov ob Kal TOUS aid vas eroinoey,) * d9 (dy dmavyacpa TH Od€ns kal xapakrnp THs bmoaTAaGEws av 5 TOU, Pepwy TE TA TaVTA TH pHpare TH | Ovvapews avrov,) dv éavrov kabapiops ) ToNoapevos TOY GuapTrav » Hua,” eKd } Oicev ev deEia THs peyatwovrns é) vnrois, * rocotTe@ Kpeitrwy yevdpevo.) Tav ayyeov, 6o@ Siapoporepov trap \ avTovs KekAnpovounkey dvopa. °*Tin yap eiré more Tov dyyedoy | Yids pov et av, eyo onLepov yEeyevunke) g€; kai Tad" “Eyo ecopar aUT@ €l\) Tatepa, Kal avTos e€orat prow els vidy & ° "Oray S€ madw cicaydyn tov mpe@rd-' ToKoY eis THY oikouperny, Néye Ka} ee 4 /, a TpooKUVHTAT@GAY ALT@ Tavres yyeNo } Ocov. * Kal mpds pev rovs dyyedou) / i rn > Reyer’ “O moray rods dyyéXous av- ~ / TOU mvevpaTa, Kal Tovs Neitoupyor: auTov mupos drAdya’ 8 mpos O€ TOI CA ae / ¢ \ > \f viov’ “O Opdvos gov, 6 Oeds, eis Tork .A ~ SA : C77 > , ¢ aL@va TOU al@vos’ pdBdSos evOUrnros 1 ce 130 nn” r / 9 > / | papoos tis Bacwdeias cov. ° nydanoas) , Ouxatoovyny, kal euionoas dvopiav: du ~ » 4 TOUTO Exploe oe, 6 Ceds, 6 Oeds cov, SA > eAatoy dyadX\ldoews Tapa Tovs LETOXOUS | UP > cov. 1° Kat’ Sv nar apxas, Kvpue, rir} ~ > / \ », wn 4 yiv eOcpeXiooas, Kal epya rev XELpar | FR - a Rec. sa yatwr, 2 a S : bey Gr. rightness, or, straightness.IPOS EBPAIOY2. 528 Heprews II.9. > \ > . . gov elo ol oupavot’ 1 qdrolt dmo- thine hands. 1 They shail ~ SS Le iat Nee < perish, but thou remainest:and ALEVE Kal TTAVYTES WS Aovyrat, ov de 0 Ae & 2 . e.~._they all shall wax old as dotha {par Loy maawwOnoovra, Kal @O€EL garment. 12 And as a vesture Li Ni ror a ‘shalt thou fold them up, and iBdratov EALEELs aUTOUS Kal adAayn- she p, TSP, p eA Se ig oN > LN Me) they shall be changed, but thou govrat’ gv Oe O AUTOS El, KAL TA €77) OOU art the same, and thy years ovk ekNelyoudt. shall not fail. a > yf , eyes 13 IIpos Tiva Oe TOV ayyehov ELONKE i But to which of the angels - Kae 2 8 é a, of a Ae said heat any time, Sit on my TOTCH AOU EIS CS i} POU, SOS: CY) YO" right hand until I make thine TOUS exOpous OU UTOTOOLOY TOV qdoO@v enemies thy footstool ? 14 Are 14 SN a Ra NGI \ they not all ministering spirits, 5 ) avrTes Elol AELTOUDYLKA ’ ate i Gau B OeNe ee eS ; : BY sent forth to minister for them, mvevpara, els OvaKoviay amrooTEANOPEVA who shall be heirs of salvation ? dua TOUS pedAovTas K\npovopety Co- 2. Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the / THPLAY 5 ; : things which we have heard, 9. Ata TOvUTO det TEPLOTOTEPAS Nas lest at any time we should ¢let them slip. 2? For if the word 4 o > val / MPOTEX EL. Trois axovo beta, HUTORE aie spoken by angels was stedfast, pappu@pey. > €l yap oO Ou ayyedov and every transgression and , > , 7 / \ ic j 2 -AP ALY } hadnGeis Aoyos eyeveTo BéBauos, Kat ‘isobedience received a just eB Be, \ ee recompence of reward: ° how maga mapaBacts Kal TAPQAKO? eAaBev shall we escape, if we neglect ZyOuKov pic Oarrodoc tar, 3 ras H[LELs so great salvation, which at the ) pevéd One a Nicocay Buen GiauEe first began to be spoken by the Si » es i es oe iS BE ] SS Lord, and was confirmed unto ge@Tnplas; rTLs apxyY NaBovoa AaNet- us by them that heard him, Bhs Z rere ji se eS chat Sia ToD Kupiov, v0 Tey Gxovodv- * God also bearing them wit eR Oe Raine 4 ness, both with signs and won- TOV ELS PAS eBeBarwOn, * ouveTrlpapTV- ders, and with divers miracles, a a a , \ , ane s pouvTos TOU Ocov onpelols TE KAL TEPACL, and @ gifts of the Holy Ghost, \ Sud \ , according to his own will ? K@L TOLKLAaLS OUVVALEOL, Kal IIvevjaros “5 yor unto the angels hath ¢ , r \ \ ¢ A , a 2 > : c aylou PEplLo pols, KATA THY autou bedAnow. he not put in subjection the a aR Se ca ap : ee ‘ 5 Ov yap dyyédots omera€&e Ty aie, woud is come, whereof we , A eR speak. But one in a certain KOUMEVHY TI)V pehdovaay, TEpl Ns Aa- place testified, saying: What is hovpev" 6 SvepwapTvpato dé mov Tis man, that thou art mindful of NZ ae eae cf , him: or the son of man that Sone SOM. OUE POTFOSS OTL ULULVNOK) thou visitest him? 7 Thou > n CON y ad > , ia = avTou* 7 vlos avOparov, OTL EmLOKETITN Madesthim va little lower than > GE > , > , > ay mone : avTov 3 7 nratT@cas aQurTov Bpayv oe the angels, thou crownedst him aes > . ME A jlele ' with glory and honour,and didst map ayyehovs” 00c}) Kal TL} eorepa- set him over the works of thy veoas avtdv,* “ 38 rdyra umeTaéas hands. 8 Thou hast put all ee eit ~ Sa 5 AO IR \ ~ things in subjection under his EO. Se Ov BOC an LUT OU SE YP TP feet. For in that he put all in umoTagar auT@ Ta TavTa, ouvdey apnkev subjection under him, he left Soe , ~ \ », a i © ] . avtTe avuTorakrov’ voy O€ ovT@ OpOpev nothing that is not put under t him. But now we see not yet > ra \ , S , A avuT@ Ta TAVTA UTOTETAYMEVA. 9 Ov all things put under him. 9 But A , > > / > , + ec 7 7 de Spaxu Te Tap ayyedous nratT@pevov ae Jesse whO “a maeee , > A \ \ , A 1 e lower Jan the angels, Prerropev aT OUY; Ova FO maOnpa TOU éfor the suffering of death, Gavatouv Od&n Kat TLYLn eaotepavapevoy, crowned with glory and honour, a Rec. add Kae KareoTNoas avrov emt TA Fpya TMY YEtOWY TOV. @ Gr. run out as leaking vessels. Or, distributions. Y Or, a little while inferior to. 6 Or, by.Hesrews II. 10. 524 ENISTOAHT that he by the grace of God d7@¢ xapite Geov vmep TayrTos yevonris should taste death for every davarov. 10 emperre yap. avTo, Ov ¢ man. 1!° For it became him, 5? Sn i for whom are all things, and by Ta mavra Kat lt ou Ta mavra, ih Ol whom are all things, in bringing yiovs eis dogav a ayayovra, TOV apxnyé \ many sons unto glory, to make i Gru { the captain of their salvation TS gTwoTnplas avTayv dia tra | os perfect through sufferings. TEAEL@O-AL. . 9 e | ll For both he that sanctifi- 1l’O te yap ayia Gov Kal ob aylacé : eth, and they who aresanctified eee , i a et > 5 es : ? i are all of one: for which cause (SN e& Sue as ‘ bu Le pees Of . he is not ashamed to call them emrarayuverat adeApovs avrovs Kadei1 | brethren, saying, I will de- 12 heyou" ‘Amayyeh@ TO ovopa Tov Tou clare thy name unto my bre- y thren, in the midst of ¥ church adedots pov, ey peo@ EKK notas open 1 will I sing praise unto thee. g@ oe. 13 Kat Twa" "Eyo Ecoa } '3 And again, I will put my Lea > Penecin Hine and again, Behold, mem olBas er auto. Kal wadw* *Idoi9 I, and the children which God eyo Kal Ta mraloia a a pot €OwKkev 6 Oeds | hath given me. !4 Forasmuch 14 v4 v Ta Tato.a KeKOW ay Ki then as the children are parta- ‘Emel ob ip 7 i kers of flesh and blood, he also * @apKos Kal aiparos, Kal avros TAPap himself likewise took part of mhyvios peETETXE Tey avray, wa Ou the same, that through death 6 i he might destroy him that had TOU Oavarov Karapynon TOV TO Kparo: ' the power of death, that is, the €xovta Tov Gavarov, TOUT eoT, TOV Oud: } 5 devil: 15 and deliver them, 15 OUTOU 0 019 who through fear of death were Boor, Kal dmrahhdgy TOUT S) oF all their lifetime subject to Pope Gavarov Sia travtos Tov hy é €VOXOI 9 bondage. !6 For verily he took Aoay Oovhetas. 16 of yap Ontov a ayye-? 2 not on him ¢he nature of an- ‘ OV gels: but he took on him the A@Y emt apuPaverat, a a OTEP[LATOS & seed of Abraham. !7 Wherefore ‘ABpadp erthapBaverat. 7 66ev apeinre , in all things it behoved him to | be made like unto his brethren, kata mavTa Tots adeh fois oporw diy that he might be a merciful and UE, iva een poy yevnrat Kal TLOTOS | faithful high priest, in things apxtepevs Ta mpos TOY Ocov, els TOY pertaining to God, to make BEG t recouciliation for the sins of iNaoKeo Oat Tas duaptias Tov aod. | the people. 18 For in that he 18 2, @ yap merovOey avtos TTELpa~= * himself hath suffered, being be} 5% tempted, he is able to succour Tels, Ouvatat Tots TretpaComevors Bon- i them that are tempted. oa. 3. Wherefore holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly call- 3. "O6en, adedot dytot, KAjoews } ing, consider the apostle and eroupaviov HETOXOL, kaTavonoare TOD | high priest of our profession r rn i i ; amore ov Kal apxLepea THs opo oyias Christ Jesus, 2 who was faith- PX p 7 ful to him that ¢ appointed him, nav ‘“Ingoty “ moTov ovTa TO as also Moses was faithfal in mouoayrt aro, @s — “Moons” ev | all his house. 3 For this man ¢ was counted worthy of more ve TO otk@ avrov. * aelovos yap | glory than Moses, inasmuch as ouTos " 86éns” Tapa © Moony" nElorar, he who hath builded the house, Ka@ Ooov aAelova Gel bs € el TOU otkou hath more honour than ¥ y house. we 1 x! 4 For every house is builded 0 KATaoKevdcas avrov" 4 ras “yap otkos NN Ee Nae by some man, but he that built KaTacKevacerat Umr6 TLWOS' 6 Oe = Ta # SS atuatos Kat aapxos. D Rec. add Xpetrov. © Gb. Mwvons. 4 Rec. doEns ovros. © Gb. Mwvany. f -> * Gr_be taketh not hold of angels, but of the seed of Abraham he taketh hold. Gr. made.TpO> EBPAIOY>. 525 nivta KaracKevdoas, O¢ds. 5 Kal aMoons’ ev mLoTOS év OA TO OKO avrov, ws Oeparor, els paptuploy TOY hadyOnoopevor™ 6 Xpurros O€, as vids er) Tov oiKoY avrov, ov" olkos €opev peels eavmrep THY mappyotay kal TO Kavynua THS eAmidos pEXpL Tedous Be- Balay KaTacxyopev. 7 Ai, Kabas héyer To IIvevpa TO dywov' Sypepoy eay THs porns avTov dxotvonre, ° py oKANPLVYTE Tas Kap- dias tpav, as ev TO TapaTLKpag Lo, Kara THY NEepay TOU TELpAT}LOV év TH éonu@, ° ov © ereipacdy p< ou maTEpes jpar, edokipacdy pre,” kal elo Ta Epya pov TecoapaKoyTa ETN" 10 61d mpodw- xOuoa TH yeved 4 exewy,” kat etmov" Aet miavavrar tH Kapdia’ avrot dé ovK éyvacav Tas ddovs Mov" 1 os dpoca éy tH dpyn pov’ Hi eicehevoovrat eis ri kardrravoly pou’ © Bhémere aded- pol, pymore ora ey TUL Vpoy Kapoia Ni , ) ~ a DEN movnpa amiotias, ev TO aTrooTHvaL aro Qcod Cavtos* 3 ddAd mapakadeire éavrovs Ka éxdotny npépav, axpes ob 70 onpiepov Kanetrat, va pry oKANpYVOH ef juav tis” dmarn THs Gpaptias* 4 uéroxou yap ‘rod Xpuorov yeysvapev,” cdymep THY apxiy Tis UmooTdcEws pE- xpi tedous BeBaiay Kardoxoper. 15 "Ry 7G AéeyeoOau' SHuwepov eav THs “~ > a > 4 7, havas adtod axovonte, 1) oKANpUYNTE | ras Kapdlas tpav, os ev TO TapamiKpa- ono. © &Tives” yap akovoavtes Tap- emikpavav; GAN ov mavtes of e&edOov~ res €& Alyirrrov bia "Maoéas.” “ tice d€ mpotwybice TeroupdkovTa ETN}; OV XL Tois duapTnoacw, ay Ta Koda ETecev év tH epnpo; 1 riot S€ dpooe py cigeNevoec Oat eis THY KaTaTaVoW av- Tov, el py Tois ameOnoacr; ' Kal Heprews III. 19. all things is God. 5 And Moses verily was faithful in all his house as a servant, for a testi- mony of those things which were to be spoken after. ® But Christ as a son over his own house, whose house are we, if we hold fast the confidence, and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end. 7 Wherefore as the Holy Ghost saith, To day if ye will hear his voice, 8 harden not your hearts, as in the provoca- tion, in the day of temptation in the wilderness: 9 when your fathers tempted me,proved me, and saw my works forty years. 10 Wherefore I was grieved with that generation, and said, They do alway err in their hearts, & they have not known my ways. !! So J sware in my wrath: ¢they shall not enter into my rest. 12 Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbe- lief, in departing from the living God. 18 But exhort one another daily, while it is called To day, lest any of you be hardened through the de- ceitfulness of sin. !4 For we are made partakers of Christ, if we hold the beginning of our confidence stedfast unto the end. 15 Whilst it is said, To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provocation. 16 For some when they had heard, did rovoke: howbeit not all that came out of Egypt by Moses. 17 But with whom was_ he grieved forty years? was it not with them that had sinned, whose carcases fell in the wilderness ? !8 And to whom sware he that they should not enter into his rest, but to them that believed not? 19 So a Gb. Mwvons. Doros. © CW erecpacay o1 TaTepss vuwy Ev Soxtpacig. t h Gb Mwucews. @ Gr. if they shall enter. f Rec. yeyov. tov Xpic. 6 Rec. Teves. Aas ravry. & Rec. rig e€ vystav.-Heprews LV. 1. we see that they could not enter in, because of unbelief. 4. Let us therefore fear, lest a promise being left ws, of en- tering into his rest, any of you should seem tocome short of it. 2 For unto us was the gospel preached, as wellas untothem: but ¢ the word preached did not profit them, #@not being mixed with faith in them that heard at. 3% For we which have be- lieved do enter into rest, as he said, As I have sworn in my wrath, if they shall enter into my rest, although the works were finished from the founda- tion of the world. 4 For he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise: And God did rest the seventh day from all his works. 5 And in this place again: If they shall enter into my rest. 6 Seeing therefore it re- maineth that some must enter therein, and-they to whom vit was first preached, entered not in because of unbelief : 7 again, he limiteth a certain day, saying in David, To day, after so long a time; as it is said, To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts. 8 For if 5Jesus had given them rest, then would he not after- ward have spoken of another day. 9 There remaineth there- fore a «rest to the people of God. 1° For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his. 11 Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same exam- ple of unbelief. 12 For the word of Godis quick and power- ful, and sharper than any two- 526 EVMSTOAEL > / > Brérropev Ore ovK NOvYHOnoay cicedOe & > / Ov amoriay. n > /, 4. BoBnGdpmev ovv pymore Katane|| , c > Tomerns emayyenias eioehOew els TI¥ ~ na +6 ¢ 7 katamavow avtov, Soxn tis €& vpéls / 9 \ > > voTepnkeva. 7 Kal yap eopev etnyyi( / > rc 2; > 4 Auopevor, Kkabarep Kaxelvor’ GAN ov 4 ~ ~ > / aperAnoey 6 hdyos THs akons ekelvou's 4 lod / ‘ pn * ovyKexpapévos” th TioTeLr TO;} , vy \ axovoacw. 3 eiaepxydpeba yap eis r1," / \ 3 KaTatravol ot mloTevoavtes, Kaos E13 c / - > - c : pynkev’ Qs dora ev TH Gpyn pou’ FE) /, \ / eloehevoovra eis THY KaTaTavolY j101% KalToL TOY Epyav ard KaTaBoAns KOopLO} / la Ae yernbevrwy. * elpnKe yap mov rept THI ce / 7 5 7 \ 7 ¢ \ €B0ouns ovTm' Kal xarémavoey 6 Ged) > nn iC: nn f > a 8 ev TH Nyepa TH EBOOpy amo TavT@Y TOs yy ic A \ > 7, / Epyav avtov' *° Kal ev tovTm mah 5 , , / Ei eigekevoovra eis tv KaTdmavol: prov. > \ > 2. >) 6 *Errel ovv daoNelmeral tivas iced | a > Get. eis avriy, Kal of TpoTepoyv evay | , > SN Qe , yedioGevres ovk elanOov Ov areiOeray La / \ Sas, ¢ La Stef , Tad Twa opifer nuepay’ Snpepor > b f2* aM 7 \ a Pr ev » AaBid’ heywr, eta TooovToy ypé:): y ay , nas voy’ (kaos ° etpnrau”) Snepov eay TH. 4 an ~ 4 Povns avtov akovonte, uu okKANpLYNT I Tas Kapolas ver. Ei yap avrov:) > A s 3 Inoovs Kateravoey, ovK ay wept GAN} > / ~ , eAdAeL peta taita muepas' ° apc > / a an . amoheirerar caBPBaricpos TH ad Tork n , \ Ocov. ™ 6 yap ciceAOwy els Tihv Kara: | mavow avTov, Kal avros KaTémavcele > 4 », “A n amo Téy épywv avTov, oTEp amd Tork Q7/ ¢ , LOL@Y O Geos. /, 5 r t Srovddcwpev oby cicehOciv eds) > / \ 7 r exewny THY KaTaTavow, Wa pi) ev TH| > na c , , A 5 auT@ TLS umTodelypare TEO?N TNS QATTEL-|}} , » rf ~ ~ Oeias. © (Ov yap 6 Xéyos Tod cov, \ > A nr Kal EVEPYNS, KAL TOM®TEPOS UTep Tacav| RN ovyxexepacpmevonus. b Gb. Aauid. they were not united by faith to. Ca Tpoecpnrar. e Or, keeping of a sabbath. * Gr. the word of hearing. £ Or, because |é Y Or, the gospel was first preached. That ts, Joshua, & Or, disubedience,IPOS EBPALOY2. 527 Heprews V. 7. oo 4 . . payatpav diaTopoy, Kal Ovikvoupmevos edged sword, piercing even to 2 = yu ncstre” Kal rveU= the dividing asunder of soul and axpt pEplapou x1 : ee spirit, and of the joints and paros, appav TE KQL LUENOY, Kal KplTl- marrow, and is a discerner of ds evOu noe@Y KAL EVYOL@V Kapolas* the thoughts and intents of the : n Mealy , > Won? heart. '® Neither is there any Kal OUK E€OTL KTLOLS apayns €V@TLOV creature that is not manifest in ajroo mavra S€ yupya Kat reTpaxn- his sight: put all things are / m= 36 wots adTov, 7 eG naked, and opened unto the eyes ee ee oreo? » TPOS OV of him with whom we have to npw o Aoyos. do. 14 7 oe fa pe 4 : Exovres ouv COD SOF aa Ove 14 Seeing then that we have AnvOdra Tous oUpavous, Inooty roy agreat high priest, thatis passed eX < e a SAS y into the heavens, Jesus the son d. KoaT@meV THS OpsoAoylas. ao a ee ere ae ta 5 ie ; ie b ; eS or God, let us hold fast owr pro- "ou yap €XOMEV apXLepea [1] duvapevoy fession. 1 For we have not an oupmabnoa Tais aobeveiats Nav, ” TE- high priest which cannot be NS \ / Gen , touched with the feeling of our TELpag PEVOV de ee USDOL 188) Of0LO- infirmities: but was in all points \ ' : TTA, Xopis apapTias. 16 Tr POTEPX@- tempted like as we are, yet a \ DiS aah a s ~_ without sin. !6 Let us there- onalas T@ 0 peBa pare De Dae ee Ope ue ens fore come boldly unto the throne aplTos, Wa AaBwpmev EXeov, Kal XAPW of grace, that we may obtain GRECO ae grace, ) eUp@pLeV eis EVKALpov BonOevav. mercy,-and find grace to help in » n 8) tee ' time of need. 5d. Tas yep COXESDELS e€ avOparrav 5. For every high priest taken ' , : hapBavopevos, UTEP avOpatev xaOi- from among men, is ordained \ \ \ Nd. s for men in things pertaining to T C6 D E : 5 ae eo TOS moe Some ee mpooPepn God, that he may offer both O@pa TE Kal 6ucias vmep awapTi@y, gifts and _ sacrifices for sins. » oe ; 2 werprorabeiy Suvdpuevos Tots dyvooto. 7 Who.¢can have So nea \ / SPN \ Seok , on the ignorant, and on them Kal TAav@sLEevols, EEL Kal AUTOS mepl- that are out of the way, for that > f. \ \ : . keira acbeveray* 3 kal Ova TAUTNY he himself ae is compenie’ > he! \ ae eg with infirmity. ? And by reason opethet, Kade men. aU Keoe, OURe K@l hereof he ought as for the peo- mepl EAVTOU mpoo Pepety umep apap- ple, so also for himself, to offer Tlov. * Kal ouxX éavt®@ TL apBavee for sins. 4 Andno man taketh \ \ XC du ‘ iy Bas ~ this honour unto himself, but THY TULNV, cE nel ee OUJLEVOS UTFO OU he that is called of God, as was a \ t A : : £ @cod, kabdrep Kat °" “Aap@y. ° ovTa Aaron. ® So also, Christ glo- 1 oe \ > ¢ \ Qs rified not himself, to be made Kal 0 Xpioros oux ‘ erUrTOe eddface YES an high priest: but he that said vnOnvat apXLeped, GAN oO hadnoas Tpos unto him, Thou art my Son, to avrov: Yids jou Ps ov, ey® onpepov day have | begotten thee. © As ; ; a G 6 Wen. ree he saith also in another place, VV EA UESE oe : ae @s Roe ev €TEP® Thou aré a priest for ever after / \ vad NI \ , Aeyeu" Su lepeus Els TOY ALwva Kata THY the order of Melchisedec. 4 rac Medxuoedek. 7°Os éy Tals Huépats THs wapKos av- ae in , linet ; “ ; 7 Who in the days of his rod, Senoers Te Kal ikernplas mpos TOY flesh, when he had offered up / , > \ > . , rc © } c aT Suvdpevoy cwlew avroy ek Oavarou, prayers and supplications, with \ a > a 5 , strong crying and tears, unto peta Kpavyns toxupas Kat OadKpPV@Y him that was able to save him mpooeveykas, Kal eioaxovadels dio THs from death, and was heard, ® in ay b St. \ werecpapevove © WO TEP. d Rec. add o. @ Rec. addo. % Or, can reasonably bear with, B Or, for his piety.Hxerews V. 8. 528 EINISTOAEL. , / \ c\ ay that he feared. ® Though he evAaBeias, *° Kaimep Ov vids, euab) < 7 v 2 x \ wichela neon yeh leaned ae abe ap av émabe tiv vmakony, * Kal Tr} dience, by the things which he Se pean , 7s suffered: 9 and being made per- etwOeis EYEVETO TOLS UITAKOVOVOLY av7}\\ a ») / fect, he became the ace of qacw airtos gaTnplas adiwviov: 1° Tpocs eternal salvation unto all them \ Caan a a) that obey him, !9 called of God ayopevbeis MUTE Oe DOU. Ocou apXLEPeia an high priest after the orderof Kara THY Taku MeAxuoed€x. j . 2 a fe Melchisedec: 11 Tlepi ov modus pw Oo Aoyos Kit 11 of whom we have man ; f ee Anon things to say, and hard to be Ovo eppnvevtos Aeyeuy, ETMEL V@UPOL Yi _ val o \ \ > uttered, seeing ye are dull of yovate rais dxoais. ™ Kai yap ode) hearing. 12 For when for the x > ddd Nor ier al time ye ought to be teachers, ye AOVTES cunt a agka le LEY, XPOug i have need that one teach you qd\uy Xpelav EVeTE TOV OvOdo Kew UL» again which be the first princi- _, A a Nine Oe SE av Novi. a a TOY AOYLG)) ples of the oracles of God, and ae oe Or OK aa PX oS y are become such as have need TOU Qeou’ Kal YEyovate Kpelav EvovTE) of milk, and not of strong meat. yadakrTos, Kal ov oTepeas Tpopn: f 13 For every one that useth 130 Re ; o x milk, zis unskilful in the word © 74S yap oO PERRO NE CRTGSS amet pet ot righteousness : for he is a Aoyou OvKaLocvrns* ynTlos yap €eoTi abe. 14 Butstrong meat be- 44 r J € \ \ a longeth to them that are fof Tehetoy O¢ ORO OEP Tpohn, Te full age, even those who by Oa THY €&lW Ta aio Onrnpia Veyupva) reason7 of use have their senses 4 aes ds Oud Nov mh ; 5 OMEVA EXOVT@Y TPOS OLAKplLaoty KaAov F exercised to discern both good ie X P, fe and evil. Kal KQKOU. : ‘ > LZ \ ~ ~ 6. Therefore leaving §the 6. Aud apevtes TOV THS dpxns TOY principles of the doctrine of X aa Tk THY TEAELOTNTA ge , Christ, let us go on unto per- “PUTTOU CYC r ae Slat a): 4 tal fection, not laying again the poweOa’ pu) maw Oepedtoy KaTaBaArd > foundation of repentance from , ae Bie 2 Spare EVOL METAVOLAS ATO VEKN@YV EPyaV, Ka) dead works, and of faith toward ES ye ee = : : 2 Pp Pye 7 God, ? of the doctrine of bap- 7lOTEWS ETL CeEor, Bantitpav Ou: tisms, and of laying on of hands, §q ns, emiécewas TE YELpOV, dvacTEd: and of resurrection of the dead, x") , = \ x’ ee ees, and of eternal judgment. 3 And ones ie eo OZ neue Pos mame | this will we do, if God permit. ? kal tovto * TOLNTOLEV, €QVTTEP €7FL:| 4 For it is impossible for those s © s 4 Ny \ . who were once enlightened, and peta] 2 Qecos. aduvaroy ae Toe P have tasted of the heavenly amaé poticberras, Yevoamevovs TE THs | gift, and were made partakers 6a eas TH, emoupaVviov Kal ETOYOUS |: ofthe Holy Ghost, 5 and have oy ee Te p Sy o xe j tasted the good word of God, YevnGevtTas Ilvevparos aytou, Kal Ka-% \ , an a , and Perera ve ee MRS to Nov Yevo apevous Geou Ppa, Ovydpers 5 come; ° if they shall fall away, Ey aa 6 ‘ =f to renew them again unto re- 7: pedRovros eee noe TOP Tie pentance: seeing they crucify ovTas, mdAw avaxawiCety eis perdvo.ay, \ to themselves the son of God avactavupovytas éavtots Toy vidv rob afresh, and put him to an open - ‘ r shame, Geov kal mapadevypari¢ovras. a. ~ \ ¢ ~ Dine, DREN ’ For the earth which drink. I) yap 7) mLovoa Tov é abths TOA- eth in the rain that cometh oft Adkis EpXOmevov VETOD, Kat tlkTovca) upon it, & bringeth forth herbs ; oo 5 ay Sn a \ meet for them « by whom it is Boravny evOerov exeivors bt Ovs Kal dressed, receiveth blessing from yewpyetrat, perahapBaver evAoyias amo » AN roncwuev. ~ Gre hath no experience. B Or, perfect. Y Or, of an habit, or, perfeotion. 6 Or, the word of the beginning of Christ. e Or, for.529 rou cov" expepovoa Sé axayOas Kal tpBorous, addKwos Kat Kardpas eyyess fis TO Teos Els KaVoL. ? Temetopeba de rept Dav, ayaTn- rol, Ta Kpeltrova Kal eydpeva owrnplas, ei Kal ovT@ Aadodpev. 1 ov yap adcKoOs Ocds emthaber bat TOU épyov vpar, kat * THs dyarns is evedetEaae eis TO ovop.a avTov, OlakovnaayTes Tos dyto.s kai OlakovovrTes. 1 -EriOupodpev S€ ExagTOy pay THY avTny evdeikyva Oat omovdny mpos THY mnpopoptay THs eAmiOos aypt Teous” 2 Wa pq vabpot yernade, puyntat de TOV Ota mOTE@s Kal paxpo@upias KAn- povopouvreoy Tas eayyeNias. Te yap “ABpaay emayyerhdpevos 0 Qcds, eTrEL kar ovdevos eiXe peelCovos opdoat, @poce kad éavtov, ™ eyo" "H pny eoyav evhoyno@ o€, kal TAnOvv@Y mnOuve ce’ P kal ovTo pakpoPupnoras eMeTUXE Ts emayyehias. ° avOpearot Hey yap KaTa Tov peiCovos opyvovet, Kal maons avrois avTtdoylas tmeépas eis BeBatoow 6 6 OpKos. VW °Ey @ meplo core pov BovAdpevos 6 Ocos emdeiEat TOUS Kn povopots TS emayyedias TO djeraderov 77s Bovdis auTov, epeotr evoey Opk@, '* wa dia dvo Tpayparav dperader TOV, eV ois GOUVATOY WevoacOa Secor, icxupay wapakAnow exopev ol Katapvydvtes Kpatjoa THs mpokeevns eAmidos’ *9 Hy ws dykKupay exouev THS Wuxns aopadn Te Kal Be- Batay, kai cicepyoperny eis TO ETwTEPOY rou Katametacparos, ~ dou mpddpopos imép nuaov eicndOev Incovs, Kata THY raéw MeAxioedex apyiepevs yevopevos Se saeeyn els TOV ai@va. 7. Odtos yap 6 oes Baowevs Sadi, tepevs Tov Oeov > rod" tWicrou, TIPOS EBPAIOYS. a 4 Rec. add rou xorrov. Db Bz. & Elz. om. Hesrews VII. 1. God. 8 But that which beareth thorns and briers, is rejected, and is nigh unto cursing, whose end is to be burned. 9 But beloved, we are per- suaded better things of you, and things that accompany salva- tion, though we thus speak. 10 For God is not unrighteous, to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed to- ward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister. 1! And we desire, that every one of you do shew the same diligence, to the full assurance of hope unto the end: !2that ye be not slothful, but followers of them, who through faith and patience inherit the promises. 13 For when God made promise to Abraham, because he could swear by no greater, he sware by himself, '4 saying, Surely, blessing I will bless thee, and multiplying I will multiply thee. 19 And so after he had patiently endured, he obtained the pro- mise. 16 For men verily swear by the greater, and an oath for confirmation is to them an end of all strife. 17 Wherein God willing more abundantly to shew unto the eirs of promise the immuta- bility of his counsel, «confirmed ié by an oath: !8 that by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong conso- lation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us. !¥ Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul both sure and _ stedfast, and which entereth into that within the veil, 2° whither the fore- runner is for us entered; even Jesus, made an high priest for ever after the order of Mel- chisedec. a 7. For this Melchisedec king of Salem, priest of the most Gr. interposed himself by an oath.Hesrews VII. 2. high God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him: * to whom also Abraham gave a tenth part of all: first being by interpretation King of righte- ousness, andafter that also King of Salem, which is, King of peace. ? Without father, with- out mother, * without descent, having neither beginning of days nor end of life: ‘but made like unto the son of God, abid- eth a priest continually. 4 Now consider how great this man was, unto whom even the patriarch Abraham gave the tenth of the spoils. * And verily they that are of the sons of Levi, who receive the office of y priesthood, have a command- ment to take tithes of the peo- ple according to the law, that is of their brethren, though they come out-of the loins of Abra- ham: ® but he whose # descent is not counted from them, re- ceived tithes.of Abraham, and blessed him that had the pro- mises. 7 And without all con- tradiction, the less is blessed of the better. 8 And here men that die re- ceive tithes: but there he 7e- ceiveth them, of whom it is witnessed that he liveth. 9 And as I may so say, Levi also who receiveth tithes, payed tithes in Abraham. !° For he was yet in the loins of his father when Melchisedec met him. ll If therefore perfection were by the Levitical priesthood (for under it the people received the law) what further need was there,that another priest should rise after the order of Melchi- sedec, and not be called after the order of Aaron? !? For > the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the law. 35 For he of whom these things are spoken, pertaineth to another tribe, of which no man gave 530 ENIZTOAH (6 owarTioas “ABpaap moor pé EPovtt | amo THS Kons TOV Baotheor, Kal evAo-= | yioas avror, 2 @ Kal Oexaryy aro | TAVTOV eHepLoey 'ABpad,) Tp@rov prev | Eppnvevopevos Bacwwevs Sikarorvyns, emeita O€ Kal Bactheds Sahnp, (6 OTL, Bacwrevs eipnyns’) * amarep, aLnT@p, | dyeveahoynros* pyre apNIY TLEpOy, | pyre Cons TENOS EX@U’ apopove/Levos ) d€ TO vig TOU Ocov, ever Lepevs Eis TO) Sunverés. A Ocwpeire d€ mnhikos otros, @ Kal | Oexarny ‘ABpaay COWKEV EK TOY dKpo- Aviary 6 marpidpxns. : Kal Ol pev eK) Tay viav Aevi Tiy iepateiay hauBavor- | Tes, evTohyY Exovow amodekaTovy TOV | Aaov KaTa TOY YOpoY, TOUT €aTL, TOUS } adedpovs Quran, Kaimep e&eAndvOoras } ek THS OouvoOS “ABpaay’ 6 6 O€ pn yer} veahoyoupevos ef autor, dedexdraxe TOV | "ABpaap, kal Tov €xovTa Tas errayyeXlas | evAbynke’ 7 ywpls Oe mans avrTidoyias, | TO €Aarroy v0 TOU KpEiTToVos EvAo-| yelTal. 8 Kal be pev Oexdtas amoOynoKovTes avOpwrot hauBavovow exet Oe, paptu- povpevos Ort Gy. ° Kat, (ws eros eimel), dca ABpadp kat Aevi 6 Oexaras Aap Ba- vov Sedexatara’ 7% ert yap ev THe oopui TOU TaTpos HY, OTE CUYNVTNTEY | auT@ 6 MeAyioedek. "Ei pev ovv redelwors did THs} Asus Aepootvns Ay" (6 aos yap | €7 “~ AUTH vevopobeTnTo’) TLS ETL NPELA kara THY rag Mehxioedex ETE POV aviarao Oat iepéa, ka ov KaTa THY Tag | Aapev Aeyer Oar; ™ * perariBepevns yap | ™S iepwourns, e€ avdaykns Kal vopou| petadeors yivera. ' ep ov yap de-| yerau TavTa, Oui éTepas HETETXNKED, | ap is ovdels °rpocéoynke” TO Ovora- ac auTns. bw Tposer ye. * Gr, without pedigree 8 Or pedigreePOS EBPAIOY2. 531° ormpio’ * mpddnhov yap ére €& lovda gvarérarkev 6 Kvpios near, eis nv Pu- hy *ovdev mepl icowodyys " » Moons “ e\aAnoe- 1b Kal mepicodrepov €rt KaTaon ov eoruy, €L KATE THY 6j.0LoTNTa MeAyucredek dviorarat tepevs ETEpoS, ds ov Kara vopov evrois © oapKiKys” yéyovev, ada cara Sdvapuy Cons dxaradvrou" ¥ “ pap- rupet” yap*"Ore ov lepevs els TOY al@va cara Ty Taéw Medxucedek. IS AGérnois pev yap yiveTal mpoa- youons evrohis, Ova TO avris aoGeves cal dvahenés’ (ovdev yap erehetooey 5 vos), emeroayay? O€ KpelrTovos é)- ridos, 8¢ fs eyyiComev Ta ed. ~ kal kal’ dcov ov yopis dpkapoctas’ * (ol uev yap, Xopis dpxomocias eioly lepeis yeyovores, 0 O€, pera dpk@poclas, Ova tov éyovros mpds avrov' "Quoce Kv- plos Kat ov perapeAnOnoerar’ Sv lepevs eis Tov aiava*kara THY Ta&y MeAyioe- Séx’)’ ? kara Tooovroy Kpeitrovos Ova~ Onkns yeyovev eyyvos ‘Incovs. 3 Kai of pev, mAeloves elu yeyovores fepeis, Oud 7o Oavitm Kkwhver Oar Tapa- neve’ * 6 de, did rd pevety avrov els rov algva, amapaBarov ¢xer THY lepw- au > GOev Kal co ce els TO Tav- rehés Svvarar Tos mpocepxomevous Ov avrov TO Ocd, mavrore (av eis TO ev- ears S TUYXAVELY UTEP AUTAY. 6 Tovodros yap nyiv ' at” empemev apxepevs, Golos, aKaKOS, dpiavTos, KE- Yopiopevos amd Tay duapT@day, Kal bynorepos TOY oupavay yevduevos* *7 Os ovK éyer Kad nuepay avayKny, oorep ol apxlepets, mpdoTepov UmEp TOY idioy dpaptiay Ovolas avapEpery, erel- Ta TOY TOU aov’ TOTO yap ErroinoeV Hesrews VII. 27. attendance at the altar. !4 For it is evident ¥ our Lord sprang out of Juda, of which tribe Moses spake nothing concern- ing priesthood. 15 And it is yet far more evi- dent: for that after the simili- tude of Melchisedec there ariseth another priest, ' who is made not after the law of a carnal commandment, but after the power of an endless life. 17 For he testifieth ; Thou art a priest for ever, after the order of Melchisedec. 18 For there is verily a dis- annulling of the commandment going before, for the weakness and unprofitableness thereof. 19 For the law made nothing perfect, 2 but the bringing in of a better hope did: by the which we draw nigh unto God. *9 And in as much as not without an oath he was made priest, *! (for those priests were made 8 with- out an oath: but this with an oath, by him that said unto him, The Lord sware and will not repent, thou art a priest for ever after the order of Mel- chisedec) 22 by so much was Jesus made a surety of a better testament. 23 And they truly were many priests, because they were not suffered to continue by reason of death. 74 But this man be- cause he continueth ever, hath yan unchangeable priesthood. 25 Wherefore he is able also to save them ‘éto the uttermost, that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them. °6 For such an high priest became us, who is holy, harm- less, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens. 27 Who needeth not daily, as those high priests, to offer up sacrifice, first for his own sins and then for the peo- ple’s: for this he did once, when 2 mepe tepewy ovdev. fo —, Rec. & Gb. om, , but 7 was the bringing in, Y Or, which passeth not from one to another. b Gb. Mavens. © wo —. Gb. capxurns. d ws papruperras. es B Or, without swearing of an oath Or, evermoreHezsrews VII. 28. he offered up himself. 28 For the law maketh men high priests which have infirmity, but the word of the oath which was since the law, museth the Son, who is # consecrated for evermore. 8. Now of the things which we have spoken, ¢/is is the sum: We have such an high priest, who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens: 2a minister f of the sanctuary, and of the true taber- nacle, which the Lord pitched, and not man. 3 For every high priest is or- dained to offer gifts and sacri- fices: wherefore it is of neces- sity y this man have somewhat also to offer. + For if he were on earth, he should not be a priest, seeing that ythere are priests that offer gifts according to the law: °® who serve unto the example and shadow of hea- venly things, as Moses was ad- monished of God when he was about to make the tabernacle. For see (saith he) that thou make all things according to the pattern shewed to thee in the mount. 6 But now hath he ob- tained a more excellent minis- try, by how much also he is the mediator of a better 6 covenant, which was established upon better promises. 7 For if that first covenant had been faultless, then should no place have been sought for the second. with them, he saith, Behold, the days come (saith the Lord) when I will make a new cove- nant with the house of Israel, and the house of Judah. 9 Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers, in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of y land of Egypt, because they continu- ed not in my covenant, & I re- garded them not, saith § y Lord. 10 For this isthe covenant that I will make with ¥ house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord: i 8 8 For finding fault 532 EINISTOAH | $8. 3c / epamaé, EAUTOV avevéykas. O VOLO ) yap avOparrovs Kabiorn rw apxvepets | exovTas agGeveray’ 0 dyos de 7H opkapootas TNS pera. TOV VOMOY, vioY EL) Toy aiava TeTeheL@picvov. 8. Kepahavoy de emi ToOLs Aeyopevous TOLOUTOY EXOpLEV apXLEped, Os exadice;? ev deka TOU Opdvou THS peyaroovyn ev TOUS ovpavois, 2 Tov _dyioy) hecroup: | yos, Kal TS ery 778 arnOwns, 7: emngev 0 Kuptos, * Kal OUK avOparos. 3 Tlas yap dpxvepevs els TO poo Pe: pew bapa Te Kat Ovoias Kabicrarat) dey dvaykatoy exe TL kal ToUTOY | mpogeveykn. * el pev "by" iy eT | yns, ovo’ ay qv lepers, ovT@y °Tai iepewv” Tay mpegs paUTey KaTa TO}) yo pov Ta Sopa, ° (otrwes vrrodelypar Kal OKLG Aarpevovor TOV eroupavieny | kados kexpnudtictar “Maons” peda) emiTenely THY oknYnY “Opa yap pnou © gomoets” TayTa KATA TOY TUTOY TO;) ne got ev T@ Oper) % yuri O Suapoporépas TETEUXE Aevtoupyias, a4 Kal Kpelrrovds éote OraOnkns pecitns) rls emt KpeiTTooL eTayyeALats vevoo') Oernrat. 7 Ei yap 7) mpotn €keivn ny Guep > x , ) a z TTOS, OUK Gv OeuTEepas efnretto Toros peppopevos yap autois eye" "1do0d Le pat epxovrat, } Aeyer Kupwos, Kat our TENETH ETL TOY OLKOY ‘lopanr Kal em} Tov otkov lovda StaOnxny Kany’ * ort kata THY Ovadnkny hv émoinca Tot| TaTpdaoly avTav, €v nuépa emtAaBopevoi| Lou THS XELPOS aUTaV, eSayayety avUTOU: | €K YAS, Atyvrrou' Ort avrol ovUK eve: peway ev TH drab ny [L0v, Kayo npehyor| avTa@v, ever Kvptos. OTL avTn 2! diadnkn Hv Stabnoopat TO otk@’lopan)| peTa Tas nLepas exelvas, Neyer Kvptos| ? an b Rec. & Gb- yap. cD 8 Or, of holy things. d Gb. Mawvons. & Rec. & Gb. ronags. * Gr. perfected. Y Or, they are priests. 6 Or, testament. y PIipOS EBPAIOY2. 533 d.d0us vopous frou els mY Sudvovay av- TOV, kat emt Kapdtas aurav emtypaye abrous" Kal eropial avrois eis Ocdy, Kal avrol €oovTal jot eis Aady. © Kat ov pa) daboow EKA TOS TOV *oNtrny” aurov, Kal ekaoTos TOV adehpov avrou, heyov" Tvad rov Kupuoy" OTL mavres eldnoovcl Hes amo puKpov Pavr@v" ews peyadou avray? ore thews Eropua Tals abuxiars ava, Kal TOV cpapreay airay Kal Tay avouiav avT@v ov Pen pnoO@ ETL. BOK To heyeuv" Kawiv, rae ee Ty mparny" ro O€ madaovpevoy Kal ypackoy, eyyus apayec pov. . Elye pev ody kal 7 mparn © “ Our KAL@|LaTa Aarpeias, TO TE dylov KOO pL- Kove oKnyi) yap karerkevao On, Tporn, ev 1 1] TE Doxvia Kal 7 Tpameca kal 1 Eypadeses TOV aproy" nres Neyerau ayia. * pera be TO Sevrepoy KaTamTre- nao} oKnvy) 7 Aeyopevn ayia dytov, * xpucou Exovra Oupatnpiov, Kal THY KiBw@Tov TIS Suadyns Tepikexahuppevny mayrobey Xpvote, ev 2 orduyos Xpvon exoura TO pavya, Kal q paBdos ‘Aap 7 Paornoaca, Kat al makes THs OLa- dens 5 umepave Oe avtns XepouPi drag’ d0&N, KaraoKatovTa TO iMaorn- prov" Tepl ov ovK €oTL voy heyewv KaTa pepos. eae 8 ; Tovrwy d€ ovT@ KaTETKEVATPLEVOY, eis prey THY MpaTHY oKHVHY OLvaTrayToOS eloiacw oi iepets Tas aTpelas emere- howvres’ 7 eis O€ tHv Oeutépay anak ToU éviavTOU jidvos 6 UpxLEpEvs, Ov xopls aiuaros, 6 mpoopepen vrep €av- ToU Kal T@v Tov aov ayvonuaT@y" 8 rovro OyAovvTos Tov Ilvevpatos Tov dylov, pyro mepavepooba thy Tov dylay odov, ete THS mMpaTns okKNYNS 34 Hesrews IX. 8. I will put my laws into their mind, and write them #im their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people. +! And they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest. 12 ¥or I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I re- member no more. 13 In that he saith, A new co- venunt, he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old, is ready to vanish away. 9. Then verily the first cove- nant had also y ordinances of divine service, and a worldly sanctuary. 7 lor there was a tabernacle made,,¥ first, where- in was the candlestick, and the table, and the shewbread, which is called éthe sanctuary. ? And after the second veil, the taber- nacle which is called the Holiest of all: 4 which had the golden censer, and the ark of the cove- nant overlaid round about with gold, wherein was the golden pot that had manna, & Aaron’s rod that budded, and the tables of the covenant. °® And over it the cherubims of glory shadow- ing the mercyseat; of which we cannot now speak particularly. 6 Now when these things were thus ordained, the priests went always into the first tabernacle, accomplishing } y service of God. 7 But into the second went the high priest alone once every year, not without bluod, which he offered for himself, and for the errors of the people. 8 The Holy Ghost this signifying, that the way into the holiest of all, was not yet made manifest, while as the first tabernacle was # Res. wAnoioy. b— ¢ St. & Elz. add cxnvy. d Rec. & Gb. om. “® Gr, give. B Or, upon. Y Or, ceremonies. 5 Or, holy.Hesrews IX. 9. yet standing: 9 which was a figure for the time then present, in which were offered both gifts and sacrifices, that could not make him that did the service perfect, as pertaining to the conscience, !° which stood only in meats and drinks, and divers washings, and ¢carnal ordinan- ces imposed on them until the time of reformation. 'l But Christ being come an high priest of good things to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this building: 1? neither by the blood of goats and calves: but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, hay- ing obtained eternal redemption fomus. 3 Homie the blood of balls, and of goats, and y ashes of an heifer sprinkling the un- clean, sanctifieth to the purify- ing of the flesh: !4 how much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit, offered himself without #spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works, to serve the living God ? 15 And for this cause he is the mediator of the new testa- ment, that by means of death, for the redemption of the trans- gressions that were under the first testament, they which are called, might receive the pro- mise of eternal inheritance. '6 For where a testament is, there must also of necessity y be the death of the testator. 17 For a testament is of force after men are dead: otherwise it is of no strength at all whilst the testator liveth. 18 Whereupon, neither the first testament was 6 dedicated without blood. '9 For when Moses had spoken every pre- cept to all the people according to the law, he took the blood of calves and of goats, with water and © scarlet wool, and hyssop, and sprinkled both the book O34 ENISTOAH exovons oTacw’ 2 ares: mapaBodn € TOV Kaupoy roy eveotnkdta, Ka’ * 7 dapa te Kal Ovoiae mpoopéEepovTat, b Ouvdpevar KaTa eae TEAEL@ OK Tov Aarpevovta, '? pdvoy emt Bpopac Kal mopact kat Ocadpdpors Bantiopot be “Sikaropara’ oapkos, peXpL KaLpC dtopbacews emiKel Leva. i Xpuoros d€ mapayevopmevos apxu pevs TOY pedovTe@v ayabay, dia Ti peiCovos Kal Teevorepas oKNYNS, C Xetporrouyjrou, (robr gory, ov TavTt THS Krioe@s,) 2 ovde Ov aiwaros TPC you Kat pooxev, Sia d€ Tod ttc aiparos elondGev ebanag eis ig aye aioviay MiTpocw evpaprevos. 13 ef ya TO dia Tavpev Kal Tpdy@y, Kat o7ro0\ Sapdheos parrigovea TOUS KEKOLV@{L yous, ayiacet mpos THY THS capkos K¢ Oapdrnra, * ré0@ pakhov TO atwa TC a a Xptotov, os Ova Ilvetparos alwvic EauTOVY Tpoonveykev Mwpov TO Cec kadapret THY ouvetdn ow a sbpey" aro ve Epey Epyav, €ls TO arp: cvew Oc@ COT Kai dua rovro SuaOnkns Kaw? pecimns ECT, OTTWS Gavarov yevopevon eis aToAUTpaow ToV emt T Tp@t dvaOnkn TapaBdoewy, thy émayyedtc AaBoow of KekAnpevor THs aiwvic khnpovojias. O7rOU yap dcanx BazanoviG avaykn pepe Oar TOU Oradepe you" ’ Suadnxn yap. emt veKpots Be Baia, ewel pntote ioxver bre GH dvabepevos. $"Odev ov8 7 mpatn xwpis aiparc éyxexainotat. |? \adnOeions yap me ons evToAns Kata vopov urd Matoea TaVTL TO ha@, AaBayv 70 aipa TG pO XeV Kal Tpayov, pera vdaros KC eplou KOKKivou Kal Ueo@mov, avTd 1 TO BiBAioy Kal tmayta TOY hady eppar a~w—. Rec. & Gb ov. Pb Rec. add war or, ceremonies. Or, fault. * Or, rite e Or, purple. © —. Rec. & Gb. di:xatwpacr. 1 nur. Y Or, be brought in. 6 Or, purifiedIPOS EBPAIOY2. 535 rice, 29 N€ywv’ Tovro ro aipa _T™Ss Siadnkns fs everetharo mpos Uuas o Qeos" 2 gal ryy oKnyy de Kal mavra a / Loa a ra oKeun THS AetToupylas TP atuaTt c / y2¢7 OMOL@S EppavTlo€. aiare — > 22 Kal oyedov &V mavra Kabapierar xara TOV / >» yOpLOV, Kal xXopis aipmarekXvaolas OU / a iverat Geots. 5 ; 23 > Ayayxn ovv TH pLev umodeltypata = a o , eat Tav ey TOS OUPAVOLs, TOUTOLS xadapice- ; cha’ aita S€ Ta emovpavia KpEiTTooL ducias mapa Tavras. 2 xelporroinra dywa clan\bev 6 Xproros, Gurirura rev adnOway, add’ eis avroy roy ovpavey, viv euavia Ojvat T@ Tpog- dna Tov Qeod wreEp hpav. * ovd iva moANdKts mpoopepy €avTov, SomTEp 0 apxtepevs elorepXerau eis ra dyia kar’ evaurov ev aipate addorTpio’ Zev avrov modAdKis mabew amo KaTa- Bods Kéopov’ viv dé drag ert ouvte- hela TOY alaver, eis adérnow apaptias Sia tas Ovolas abrod mepaveporar. Tal kad cov amdKetrat Tols avOparots dma& anobaveiv, eta O€ TOUTO Kplows” 8 otra “kal” 6 Xpiotds ana& mpoo- TOAAOY avEvEeyKELV djaptias, ek Sevrépov xapis dpaptias bpOncerar Trois avTov amekdexopevors evexOeis elg TO els @Tnplay. 10. Skiay yap e€xov 6 vopos Tay peddovt@v ayabav, OvUK avTny THY cixdva TOV TpaypLaT@V, KaT EeVviavTOY rais aitais Ovaias ds mpoapepovow, eis TO Sunveres ovderore Ovvarat Tovs mpooepyojevous Tehec@orat. * Emel” VK" dy émavoavto mpoodepopevar; dia 70 pndeulav yew ere ovveldnow duap- Tiav ToUs AaTpevovtas, ama Kexabap- pevous' * a\N ev avrais avapynors 40 OU ¢ m $) > ALAPTL@V KaT evlauTov. 24 > \ > OU yap Els yee ET EL Heprews X. 3. and all the people, 2° saying, This is the blood of y testament which God hath injoined unto you. 2! Moreover, he sprinkled with blood both the tabernacle, and all the vessels of ¥ ministry. 22 And almost all things are by the law purged with blood: and without shedding of blood isno remission. 23 It was therefore necessary that the patterns of things in y heavens should be purified with these, but the heavenly things themselves with better sacri- fices thanthese. 24 For Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands, which are the figures of the true, but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us. 25 Nor yet that he should offer himself often, as the high priest entereth into the holy place, every year with blood of others: 26 for then must he often have suffered since the foun- dation of the world: but now once in the end of the world, hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself. 27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: ° so Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many, and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin, unto salvation. 10. For the law having a sha- dow of good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually, make the comers thereunto perfect: 2 for then would they not have ceased to be offered, because that ¥ worshippers once purged, should have had no more con- science of sins ? 3 But inthose sacrifices there is a remem- brance again made of sins every year, a St. & Elz. om, b Bz. & Elz. om, TOff Herprews X. 4. 4 For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats, should take away sinus. 5 Where fore when he cometh into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, but a body hast thou ¢ prepared me: §& in burnt offerings, and sacrifices for sin thou hast had no pleasure: 7 thensaid I, Lo, I come. (In the volume of the book it is written of me) to do thy will, O God. 8 Above when he said, Sacrifice, and offering, and burnt offerings, and offer- ing for sin thou wouldest not, neither hadst pleasure therein, which are offered by the law: ? then said he, Lo, I come to do thy will (O God:) he taketh away the first, that he may establish the second, 10 By the which will weare sanctified, through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. 11 And every priest stand- eth daily ministering and of- fering oftentimes the same sacrifices which can never take away sins. !? But this man after he had offered one sacri- fice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God, 13 from henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool. 14 For by one offer- ing he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified, '8 Whereof the Holy Ghost also is a witness to us: for after y he had said before, 16 This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord: I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them: 17 and their sins and iniquities will I remember no more. 18 Now, where remission of these is, there is no more offer- ing for sin. 19 Having therefore,brethren, as b Rec. add o Geos. c St. SD etpnrevar & Bz add rors eipnyxe 536 EMMSTOAH 4 ’Advvaroy yap aipa tavpov Kail Tpayay apaipely duaptias. * Aw eia-} EpXOpmevos eis TOY Koo poV heyer' Overiar | kal mpoomopay ovk nOcknoas, cGpa Oe | Karnpriow rou" OAOKavT@paTa Kal) mepl djaprias ovK evddxnoas’ ! rére} elroy" *Idov 7 Ke" (ev Kepanio. BiBAtout yeypanra repli euov') Tod moujoas, 0) cos, TO OeAnua cov, 8 “Avorepoy | éeyov' "Ore Ovoiav Kal Tpoopopay Kal} OAokavT@para Kal Tept auaprias OUK | nOehnoas, ovde evOdKnoas, (aiTives KaTa } "roy" VOMOV mpoapepovrat,) 9 Tore | eipnxey’ “160d Ko rov moinoar »” 7d) Ochna Cov. “Avatpel TO Tp@TOY, Wa» TO Sevrepoy gana’ év & Oednpare nyvacpevor expe ©” Sua THs mpooopas | Tov o@patos “” “Incod Xpicrov ep- > amaé. 11 Kat was pev lepevs eoTNke Ka | nuepav etTroupyay, Kal Tas auras TOA= » Rakes 4 Tpoopepav Ouvaias, aires OU- Oerrore Ouvayrat Tepichew dpaprias: * €obros” b€ play umrep Gpapriay Tpoo- | eveyKas Ouciav els TO Ounvexes, eKd- Girev ev Oecua tov Qcov, 8 ro Nouwov exdexXopevos €ws TeOGow oi eXxOpot auroy vmomdd.ov TOY Today avTod. * wa yap mpoopop4a TETEAEL@KEV Els | TO Olnvekes TOUS dyvaCopevous. 15 Maprupet de jp ca TO Tvevpa | zit TO dywov" pera yap TO Tposepn eva 16 Avrn 1 bay 7 ny Sab noopat Tpos | auTOUS feTa TAS TMEpas exeivas, deyet Kuptos, bidods vomous prov emt KapOlas auT@y, Kal emi Tov Ovavoiey adt@v él ypaipe avtovs’ 78" Kai: Tép apaptior auT@Y Kal TOV dvopuay auT@y ov ay punoda é ith? GOmop Oc adbecs TOU- TRY, OUKETL mpoopopa mept djaptias. 19 YEXovTES oUp, aeAgol, Tmappnotiav 4d Ree add rov, ew a add oc, @ —.Rec. & Gb. autos Or, thou hast fitted me.IPOS EBPAIOYS. 537 Heprews X. 33. eis THY eg oOov TOY ayleov ev T@ aipare 2 boldness to enter into the ho- y 20 3 CRI VLOEY TODD liest by the blood of Jesus, *° by ‘Ingov, a ey 7H a new and living way whieh mpoaparov Kal (acay, Oud TOU Sees he hath B consecrated { for us, ; > vel at is to say ovr é€oTl, THS Ga KOS au- through the veil, tha : TAO HATOSy. (rou ~ 7 P his flesh: 2! and having an high Tov) al Kal lepea peyav emt TOV oikoy priest over the house of Go a TOU | Geov, a mporepxopeba pera aiy- * “let us aay near with a true Q 84 \ opopia rome heart in full assurance of faith, wns kapolas ev 7) 1p, f : > having our hearts sprink led sider one another to -provoke VO@ILEV adj ous eis mapo=va pov ayd- unto love, and to good works: 2 not forsaking the assembling aNe@y epyov 1) eyKaTa- g 7/8 Kal K PY qi By a of ourselves together, as the elmovres THY emLovayaynv €avT@Y, manner of some is: but ex- xabas €O0s TLolv, dA TrapakadovyTes’ horting one another, and so \ , a of BX / » _ much the more, as ye see the Kal TOTOUTD OS OOM PAETETE EY Gay approaching. yitovoay THY PE pay. 26 For if we sin wilfully after - 26 ‘Exovclas yap dpapravovTeov nav t that we have received y know- x aBei \ a aXe ledge of y truth, there remain- pera To AaBeiy mY em Lyvoo Ts 7- eth no more sacrifice for sins, Geias, ovKETL TEpt ALapTL@v drroNetmerau 27 but a certain fearful looking bucia: 27 poBepa O€ TLS €xOOX?) Kpi- for of judgment, and fiery in- dignation, which shall devour CEOS, Kal mupos (nos eqdtety peA- the adversaries. 728 He that Aovros TOUS Umevavt ‘ous. 28 ddernoas despised Moses’ law, died wilth- aM : out mercy, under tivo or three Tis vO poy : @oews,” xepis oixrippaev witnesses. 79 Of how much em dvoly TPlLOlL PANPTVGL amroOvnaKeu sorer punishment suppose ye, 9 5 / pe / < =] > . 29 mba SoKelre xetp 0v0S d&t@Onoerat shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot Typ@pias O TOV _vioy Tov Qeov KataTa- y son of God, and hath counted THOUS, Kal TO aijea TH $ Suadhxns KOLVOV the blood of y covenant where- : 6 I with he was sanctified, an un- NyNoapLEvos ev @ si yeao ue Ue 70 Ivev M@ holy thing, & hath done despite TS xXapiros evuBptcas ; 5 3° oidapev yap unto the Spirit of grace ? 9° For A > ao) Os > > ve k 7 i : ‘ i Ane aIniaEDL Epol éxdixnots, eye co know him that hath said, : ee oy i : : Vengeance belongeth unto me, TAaTOOaTa, heyeu Kuptos* Kal Tah’ [ will recompense, saith the 4 rn ~ on . yen} La a) = Kupios kpivet Tov Kady avTod. 7 @o- Lord: and again, The Lord Be 4 ee ~ J - ces shall judge his people. 3! Itis Se y TO eUTEecely Els NKELPAS €0U a fearful thing to fall into the tomas hands of the living God. 32 B : Paar "AvapupnoKeo Be dé ras mpdrepov But call to remembrance the former days, in which after 7LEpas, ev ats peorticbevtes mohAyy ye were illuminated, ye endur- aO\now trepeivare Tubnudroy’ * rov- ed 4 great fight of afflictions : én Aycan es ie ONL 33 partly whilst ye were made PEV, OVELOLOLOLS TE Kal ect a gazingstock both by re- / n~ \ ~ . . OearpiCdwevor’ TOUTO €, KOLV@VYOL T@y proaches and afflictions, and a Gb. Mwvosus, pis: * Or, liberty. 8 Or, new made.£ Fel Heprews X. 34. 538 EDISTOANH . 7 7 , partly whilst ye became com- ovtws dvactpepomevav yen bévres: panions of them that were so 31 \ \ is 26 4 Yi f a at yap TOL ED[LLOLS =O UV - used. 34 For ye had compas- Re os i ‘ S ‘ B x 2 f maby sion of me in my bonds, and Wa@Te, Kal THY ApTaynyv Tay vTapyovTay took joyfully ¥ spoiling of your ULaV pera xapas poo edeéaa be, yee goods, knowing in yourselves /, x Dia - y that ye have in heayena better FO EES ONS OUTS Kpermnoua ; iS < > ae, and an enduring substance. umapéw © ey ovpavols kal fLevovaay. 59 Cast not away therefore y Bogie eNGe Onn G( ) \ De Ny ay therefore your 35 Hn amoBadnre ovv Ti Tappnolav confidence which hath great . / 3 = i recompence of reward. UL@V, TLS EXEL po Oarrodociay pe- °6 For ye have need of pa- yarny. tience, that after ye have done 36 < a \ x t o the will of God ye might re- | ,, Y70#OvNS ‘yap wae Ge) Ue! ceive the promise. 37 For yet TO Jena Tov Qeov TolnoayTes, KOpLt- a little while, and he that shall Gernve NL 37 2%, \ \ i : OnoOUE THY ETAyyeALay. ETL YQ [ALKpov come will come, and will not ol al : UY 5 ey ee Pp : tarry. 38 Now the just shall 270” oogoy o EOXGHEHO® SEL, i ou . . . A ¢ \ live by faith: but if any man ypower. %8 6 Sé Sleatos ek mloreas draw back, my soul shall have ‘¢7 SNC ee Z > > no pleasure in him. 9 But we (noera eae ca Oona UK ee are not of them who draw back Ooket 1 Wuyn [LOU EV QUT@. npets O€ Unto Perdition’: but of them pi, Egpev UmooToAns eis ama) evay, that believe, to the saving of , Vey 5 ; a the soul. aa wlorews eis TEplTOolnoLw Wuynes. - A By \ , > , IV Now faith is the «sub- - J]. "Hg. Oe TloTls, eAmiCopmevay stance of things hoped for, the eee ' ay > BN evidence of things not seen. CZ OTRATES; oT wea es OU - 7 > For by it the elders obtained TOMEVOV. €v TavTH yap e“aptupn6n- a good report. gay ot rperBvbrepor. 3 Through faith we under- 3 ; : a ; ; stand that the worlds were fra- Tliores VOOULEV Katnptio bat TOUS Bags IA GP A > ‘ > med by the word of God, so aigvas pnyatrt Ocov, eis TO pn ex hat- that things which are seen were s ges Berd u s not made of things which do Clpsine ice TOUS Tey OR \ appear. Ilioret mAetova Ovoiay” ABer Tapa + By faith Abel offered unto ei s a a Beer : K € l - God a more excellent sacrifice oo de COVEY: Ee 8 ?» 6 ls SFoR- than Cain, by whichhe obtained TupnOn Ela OlKatos, HMapTupovyTos emt Witness that he was righteous, ro¢¢ dapous avTou Tov Geov' Kal Oe ad- God testifying of his gifts: ~ , Cayo coe Nei and by it he being dead, f yet a came SOE eG ef Eee speaketh. ILiores Evy pereréOn Tov jar idety 5 ai 2 > By ree uoch nie Oars Oavaroy, Kal ovx evpioketo, Sidre peTe= lated, that he should not see 6 Ses oe oe i ‘ a death, and was not found, be- nkev avuTov 0 Geos 7po yap Tns : ofr) cane , As , cause God had translated him: perabécews f airov” pepaptupnrat €Un- for before his translation he , Oe a6 ven Scree had this testimony, that he DEGRA KANE ® XP ES LOSS pleased God. © But without addvvaroy evapeotnoar’ moredoat yap faith it is impossible to please aN s a A ewe him: for he that cometh to God, bet HOM OED XG EH OY, a Ge@, one SOG must believe that he is,andthat kal Tots ex(yrovow avrov porOamodérns he isa ponent iok them that yiverat. Sei contlesscek hime: 7 Tiores atiaGels Noe epi 7 By faith Noah being warned ee ; , p of God of things not seenasyet, roy pnderra Bderopevar, evrafsnbels 4 Rec, decurtg pov. Rec, add ev. ci dQ 70 Breropevoy. e Rec. Aarerrar. f-+ * Or, growd, or, confidence, 8 Or, is yet spoken of.IPOS EBPAIOYS. 539 KaTeoKevare xiBorov els catnplay TOU olKOU avrou" bv is karexpive TOV KO- oHOV, Kal THs KaTa TLOTW duxacocvvns eyevero Khnpovejos. 8 Tlioret kahoupevos ‘ABpaay umn- KOUGEV efehGew els TOV TOToY OY AUEAXE hapSavew eis KAnpovopiay, Kal eS Oe, un emrrapevos mou Epxerau. 9 rioret Trappanrey els mY yay THs emayyeXtas, os adhorpiay, ev oKyvats KaTOLKN OAs pera "Touak Kal ‘Taxa | TOV ovyx\npo- VOML@V 7S emayyeNtas ths avtijs’ ° &e- dexeTo yap THY Tous Bcpedious & exouray TOW, HS Texvirns kal _Onpuoupyos 6 Geds. | micres Kal avr?) Zappa duva- piey eis KaraBohiy omepparos éAape, Kal 7 Tapa Katpov ndextas*”, eel meaTOY nyNoaro rov emayyetddpevov. ™ dio kal ap evos ever now, Kat TavTa VEVEKPO[LEVOD, xabos Ta aorpa Tou ov- pavow TO TANG, Kat ? ws 77’ apupos 7 mapa Td xethos THs Oaddcons 1 ava- piOpnros. 13 Kara miorw améOavov otro. mav- TES, p21) AaSdvres Tas emayyeNias, ad\Aa nippabev autas lddvres,~” kal aoTaca- pevol, Kal Oporoynoayres ore Eevor Kal mapertOnwot elow ent THs yns. '* of yap TotavTa NéeyovTes, enpavitovow ¢ OTL marpida emu(n Tove. '® Kal el jev eKel- vs ep pdvevoy ap ns e&n or, etxov av katpov avaxapyya’ 1° voy de Kpelr - oe, Ps), TOVOS OpeyovTal, TOUT EaTLY, EFOUpayioU’ S10 OVK émaicxUvEeTaL avTovs 6 OE0s, Ocds emikaretc Oat avTav™ nroipace yap avTois TOAW. W Tliores Tpooevnvoxev ‘ABpaap. TOV ‘Toadk TetpaCopevos, Kal TOY jLovoyenn mporepepey 6 Tas emayyeNlas dvadegd- uevos, |% apds ov eharn On” "Ort ev Ioaak kAnOnoetal cou arreppa’ '? o- b Ree. woer, 8 Gr. according to faith. a Rec. add © rrewev © Rec. add wat weioGevres, Heprews XI. 19. 2 moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house, by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith. 8 By faith Abraham when he was called to go out intoa place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed, and he went out, not knowing whi- ther he went. ® By faith he sojourned in the land of pro- mise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of ¥ same promise. !° For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God. !! Through faith also Sara herself received strength to conceive seed, and was delivered of a child when she was past age, because she judged him faithful who had promised. !? Therefore sprang there even of one, and him as good as dead, so many as the stars of the sky in multitude, and as the sand which is by the sea shore innumerable 13 These all died 4 in faith, not haying received ¥ promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and con- fessed that they were strangers and pilgrims ov ¥ earth. '4 For they that say such things, de- clare plainly that they seek a country. ' And truly if they had been mindful of } country, from whence they came out, they might have had opportu- nity to have returned: '!® but now they desire a better coun- try, that is, an heavenly: where- fore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city. 17 By faith Abraham when he was tried, offered up Isaac: and he that had received the pro- mises, offered up his only be- gotten son, '8vof whom it was said, That, in Isaac shall thy seed be called: !9 accounting * Or, being wary. Y Or, to.Hepsrews XI. 20 that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead: from whence also he received him in a figure. 2) By faith Isaac blessed Ja- cob and Esau concerning things to come. 2! By faith Jacob when he was a dying, blessed both the sons of Joseph, and wor- shipped leaning upon the top of his sta 22 By faith, Joseph when he died, made mention of the de- parting of the children of Israel: and gave commandment con- cerning his bones. 23 By faith, Moses when he was born was hid three months of his parents, because they saw he was a proper child, and they were not afraid of the king’s commandment. 74 By faith Mo- ses when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, 2° choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to en- joy the pleasures of sin for a season: -6 esteeming the re- proach 2of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt: for he had respect unto the re- compence of the reward. 77 By faith he forsook Egypt, riot élin ing the wrath of the king: for he endured, as seeing him who is invisible. 28 Through faith he kept the passover, and the sprinkling of blood, lest he that destroyed the firstborn, should touch rue “9 By faith they passed through the Red sea, as by dry land: which the Egyptians assaying to do, were drowned. 30 By faith the walls of Jeri- cho fell down, after they were compassed about seven days. 31 By faith the harlot Rahab perished not with them y that believed not, when she had re- ceived the spies with peace. 3? And what shall I more say ? for the time would fail me to tell of Gedeon, and of Barak, and of Samson, & of Jephthae, of Davidalso & Samuel, and of 540 EWMSTOAH yloadpevos OTL Kal €K VEKP@Y <€yeipew Ouvaros 6 cos, O0ey avTov Kal ev Ta- eae) exomloraro. ° Iliore: rept peAhovreoy evhoynoey *Ioadk Tov lakwB8 «at Tov Hoad. *! ri- ore. lakwB8 amobynokwy EekaoToy TeV viav lwonp etAdynoe’ Kal TpoceEK= ynoEV eT TO Akpoy THS paOov avTov. Ilicres “Ilwonp tedevta@y trepi ths eE00ou TeV vidy ‘Iopand euynpdvevoe, Kal TEPl TOV OOTEMY AUTOU EVvEeTEiNATO. 28 Witenes * Moons” yer Bets expuBy Tpipnvov UTO TOV TATEPOV aurou, OvdTe elOov dorelov TO Tatdiov' Kal ovK edo- BnOnoay ore Ouaraypua TOU Bacthews, 5 LOT Moons ” He yas “yevojevos npynoaro Neyer Oat vids Ouvyatpos Pa- paw, peahhoy edopevos ovyKakou- xeto bau TO haw TOU Geod, 7) mpdaKatpoy Exel dwaprias aré\avow' 7° peifova aw ovTov NYT apLevos TOY » Aiyimrrou" Oncavpay 1 TOV overdo pov Tov Xpiotov" ameBNere yap els THY pwc arodociay. 7 qmiote. KaTeAuTev Atyurroy, p41) po- Pn deis TOV Ouprov TOU Pactheos: TOY ape aéparov ws opav exaprepyce. TIOTEL TeTrOInKe TO maoxa Kal TH mpoaxvow TOU aiparos, iva pa) 6 d)o- Opevov TQ TP@TOTOKA, Oiyn auTa@v. 20 Diones Ove8noay THY _€pudpay Gatacoay ws Oia Enpas’ As weipay NaBovres ot Alyomr LoL Karem dOnoay. 3° Tliores Ta Tein ‘Teptx@ ETTECE, kukAwOevra emt emra nHE pas. 3 Tioret ‘PaaB 7) mopyn ov ouvaTra- eto Tols am eOoact, deSapern rtovs kaTaoxdmous per cipynuns. 2 Kat ri ere eyo ; emeiyet yap jue Sunyovpevor 6 0 xpuvos mept Tedeor, Bapak re kal SapwWov kal "lepbde, “AaB.id" Te Kai Zapound Kal T@Y Tpodn- 2 Gb. Mavons bis. b Reo. w ev Acyurre. Y Or, that were disobedient. © Gb. Aavid. * Or, remembered. 8 Or, for Christ.TEPOS EBPAIOYS. 4] Tov’ *® of dia TloTews KaTNY@vicayTo Bacirelas, 4 /, ol akovoavres TapyTnoarvTo ji) TT POOTe- A > a 9 >, Ojvar avrois Adyov' ™ (ov epepor \ \ , S Se 4 , yap TO SdtacrehAdpevoy Kav Enpiov 6/ “~ + f Z BY Le b aM ty Tov Opovs, AiGoBornOnoera, 21 \ g (. NS Nagar / Kal, ovT@ PoBepoy ny rd Pavraéue- e AL, 6B ae eae Ore, > \ vov, “M@dons’ eter’ “Exods et Kat f EVTPOLLOS’ ) ada mpooeAndrdvOarte / ~ ~ c Zi@y oper, Kal woher Qeov Cvros, ‘Ie- poveadyu eroupavig, Kal jpupidow Fi } ; ; ayyrov, 3 ravnyiper Kal exkAnola > / TpororoKay “aroyeypappevey ev obpa- vois,” Kal Kpit) Oc@ mdyTwv, Kal rveEb- / ©. \ fact Ovkaiwy reTeAetwpévwv, ™ Kal 4 A a OuaOykns véas preoitn "Incod, kal aipate pavtiopov, “Kpeirtov” AadovyTe mapa : a rov” “ABen. eS 5 j ” Bnrerere px) mapautnono be Tov da- Aovrta. ei yap ekeivor ovK epuyov, Tov > \ Wi ox / / em 8” ying MaparTnodpevor xpnpariovra, TOAA®@ wGhAov nueis of Tov ar oupa- m= 9 Ae \ \ vay arootpepdevor, * of 7 avi Thy ~ A“ > / yiy €oddevoe rére, viv dé émnyyedrat, 4 7 e/ F Neh , u > 4 heyou'"Ere atra€ eyo" celow" ov pdvov \ _ > \ \ \ > , 27, os THY ynv, adda Kal TOV ovpavor. ro , / © 2 po A , de "Ere draé, dydoi tév cadevopeveav / a Thy petabeow, ws memrompéevov, wa pelyn Ta ji) caevopeva. *% S10 Ba- gthelay doddevroy mapadapuSdvortes, 7S i , exopev yap, Ov fs ‘dAarpevoper” , a n \ 1, . a \ evapéotas TO Oem pera “aidods Kal > yf, 4 “99 iN \ ¢ \ ¢ - evAaBeias. Kal yap 6 Geos nuoy mvp KaTavaXioKov. , 9 n~ 13. “H diraderdia pevéra. ? TNS oe piroEevias pt) emidavOdverGe- Sia tav- a y , > / Ts yap €\abov tives Eevicavres ayyé- Aovs. 7 piyynckerbe tov Seoplar, Hersrews XIII. 3. '8 For ye are not come unto § mount y might be touched, andy burned with fire, nor unto black- ness, & darkness, and tempest, ' and y sound of a trumpet, and the voice of words, which voice they that heard, intreated § the word should not be spoken to them any more. 20 For they could not endure ¥ which was commanded: And if so much as a beast touch ¥y mountain, it shall bestoned, or thrust through with a dart. ?! And so terrible was y sight, y Moses said, I exceeding- ly fear, & quake. 22 But yeare come unto mount Sion, & unto y city of the living God ¥ heaven- ly Jerusalem, & to an innume- rable company of angels: 23 to y general assembly, & church of ¥ firstborn which are ¢ written in heaven, & to God¥ Judge of all, & to ¥ spirits of just men made perfect: ?4and to Jesus ¥ medi- ator of the new & covenant, and to ¥ blood of sprinkling, § speak- eth better things than y of Abel. * See that ye refuse not him that speaketh: for if they es- caped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more Shall not we escape if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven. 26 Whose voice then shook the earth, but now he hath promised, saying, Yet once more I] shake not the earth only, but also heaven. 27 And this word Yet once more, sig- nifieth the removing of those things that y are shaken, as of things that are made, y those things which cannot be shaken may remain. 28 Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which can- not be moved, ‘let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably, with reverence and godly fear. 2° For our God is a consuming fire. 13. Let brotherly love con- tinue. ? Be not forgetful to en- tertain strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. ° Remember them y aS Lope. b Rec. add n BorArk xatarokevOncerar. © Gb. Mwuans. 4 Rec. ey ovp. amr y- © Rec. x«perrrova. fro. g Rec. add TNS. hw —. Rec. & Gb cero. 1 Aaroevouer. k © evraBecag rar beovs. * Or, enrolled. 8 Or, testament. Y Or, may be shaken. 6 Or, let us hold fastHeprews XIII. 4. are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body. 4 Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled : but whoremongers, and adulterers God will judge. > Let your con- versation be without covetous- ness: and be content with such things as ye have. For he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. © So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me. 7 Remember them which zhave the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God, whose faith follow, con- sidering the end of their con- versation. 8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. 9 Be not carriedabout with divers and strange doc- trines: forit isa good thing that the heart be established with grace, not with meats, which have not profited them that have been occupied therein. 1° We have an altar whereof they have no right to eat, which serve the tabernacle. 1l For the bodies of those beasts, whose blood is brought into the sanctuary by the high priest for sin, are burnt with- out the camp. 12 Wherefore Jesus also, that he might sanc- tify the people with his own blood, suffered without the gate. 13 Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp, bearing his reproach. 14 For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come. lo By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to his name. 16 But to do good, and to com- municate forget not, for witk such sacrifices God is well pleased. 17 Obey them that yhave the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they 44 IAKQOBOY |¥ as gcuvdedepevor’ TOV KAKOVXOUPEVO? ¢ Gs Kal avTol OvTEes EY Tapart. 4 Tiwtos 6 yapos ev Tact, Kat 7 KotTit dpiavros’ mdpyvous “Oe” Kal potyou's eae , 5 > / ¢ / Kpivel 0 Ocds. * apiapyupos 0 Tpd) vi mos” apKovpevor Tots mapovow. auro ) yap elpnkev’ OU pn oe av&, ovd’ ov pik oe eyKataNitra* OTE Gobpeowmalt meas ) eye" Kuptos epot Bones, Ka) ov oBnOncopa Ti tmomoer® por avi Gowmros. 7 Mynpovevere T&Y TYOUPLEVOV Upav | ores eAdAnoay vuly Tov Adyov TorK Gcod’ Sv avabewpovyres thy exkBacus THs avaotpopns, pupetade THY TioTW | 8 *Incovs Xpicros xOes Kat onpepor ¢ avTos, Kal eis Tovs ai@vas. * didayxais} TOuKiAats Kal gevais a) * rapaheper Oe" Kahov yap Napore PeBarov iat THY Kap- C Olav, ov Bpopaciy, ev ois aug Ope Grea ob mepurarnoavres. ° exopter 3 Ovovagrnpior, € e& ov payeww ovK €xougtt |

vouoav dA, ada THY pehdoveay | emi(ntovpev. } ov avTov ovy avaé- > popey Guctay aivecews SvatravTds TO } Oco, TovT EoTL, kapmoy XELAEov Spo- } Aoyovvray TO ovdpare aurov. 18: Tis O¢ evTroulas Kal Kowevias py emiNav Gaver Ge" TovavTats yap Ouciats | evapeoreirau 6 Ocds. “ reidecbe rots } NYOupEvos Dov, Kal vreikere* avrot | aN yap. Db Rec. repideoecde. Or, are the guides. B Gr, confessing to, Y Or, guide.EMISTOAH. 545 James I, 2. \ > ~ ¢ ‘A ~ nn Y9P GaypuTvovow vTrep Tay Wuxer watch for your souls, as they ¢ a ¢ , > , C4 « itv. 2, f UpaY, as Adyov amodacovres* iva peta Ty Oa ey a a a ok ; : d ith joy, and not wi X2Pas TOVTO TOL@CL, Kal Bn otevacovres grief: for that is unprofitable > \ \ ¢ va ~ z a S > . aAdvoutehes yap buiv rodro. 38 mpooev- for you. 18 Pray for us: for 4 6 NG pat 3 0 v . . We trust we have a good con- co: S SPE Te LESTE ee yep. science in all things, willing to OTL KadjV GvveloOnow EXouEV, ev Trace livehonestly. 19 But } beseech A ? > , , : . , KGNGS BeNG TES davaotpéper Oar’ 19 Fre, wou. the rather to do this. that j : = 5 s I may be restored to you the praootepas O€ TapakaX® TovTo TOlno aL, sooner. oe / a ¢ e Wa TaXLoy aroKkatacTabe tiv. 9 c a / © 20 *O d€ Gcds THs Elpyvns, 6 avaya- a0 NO peed OEE coe Nie) a \ s a brought again from y dead our DOP eK BRP OY Tov eee Oy tae Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd Barev tov péeyav ev atuare Sea@nxns of the sheep, through the blood > , c A > a overlactins POY ; aiwviov, Toy Kuptov nuay “Incodr, a aa Le eee Sea 21 ; Ae Gs ea 5 make you perfect in every KaTapTigat upas ev TayTl epya @ya@- good work to do his will, & work. 06, eis TO Tonca Td OéAnua avrov, ing in you that which ‘is well- , ee ee \ > ae pleasing in his sight, through get eV Chey £0 evapec Tor ey OMOM Jesus’ Christeto wont be glory ¢ ~ \ ~ r aN e / avrov, Oia ‘Inood Xpiorod: & 4 Sd€a for ever and ever. Amen. ’ A a , > , els ToUs ai@vas » ray aioverv.’ apn. 4 99 a =~ 4 9° ~ Hapaxahe d€ tas, adeAdot, dvé- And I beseech you bre- 7, ~ s a , . thren, suffer the word of ex- xeode OU Adyou aS TapakAnoews hortation, for I] have written a \ \ 4 , Sa Cr % ta Kat yap Ova Bpaxéwy eméoreda tpiv. letter unto you in few words. a 9: 9° r *3 Tivdokere Tov adeApov Tiuddeov 3 Know ye, that our brother > , aD IN s a Timothy is set at liberty, with Bae ey, pe ob, i FOXY : eae « the saints. They of Italy salute Tas Tovs aylous. aomagovtat UHAS Ol you, > “a > / amo THs “IraNlas. BE ; ¢ A 9r os 7 ‘ a) ET Xapes pera TavT@v UL@Y 25 Grace be with you all. A. Bee hod men. CF auny. LAC OBROY bel yO’ ee 9 TAKQBOS, Gcod xal Kupiov “Inoov J AMESa servant of God, and _ A ~ a / of the Lord Jesus Christ, to { Xpiorov dovAos, Tals dadexa (pu- the twelve tribes which are n rn a a y : | Aats Tals ev T™ dvaomropa, XaLpey. scattered abroad, greeting. n~ £ / © = . Ilacayv Napay nynoaa Ge, ade hoi 2 My brethren, count it all a SD reGousba. b> eo ? Or, testament. B Or, doing. 36James I. 3. joy when ye fall into divers temptations, > knowing ¢his,that the trying of your faith worketh patience, 4 but let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect, and entire, wanting nothing. 5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and up- braideth not: and it shall be given him. ® But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering: for he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea, driven with the wind, and tossed. 7 For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. § A dou- ble minded man is unstable in all his ways. 9 Let the brother of low de- gree, “rejoice in that he is ex- alted: 19 but the rich, in yhe is made low: because as the flower of the grass he shall pass away. 1! }or the sun is no sooner risen with a burning heat, but it wi- thereth the grass; and y flower thereof falleth, and the grace of the fashion of it perisheth: so also shall the rich man fade away in his ways. 12 Blessed is the man that en- dureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them thatlove him. 13 Letno man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempt- ed with @ evil, neither tempteth he any man. !* But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and en- ticed. 16 Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: & sin, whenit is finished, bring- eth forth death 16 Do not err, my beloved brethren. !7 Every good gift, and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from 546 IAKOBOY pou, oray metpacpots mepureonre Tol= Kidots, * -yweokorres OTL TO Soxipuoy Upav THs TloTEws KaTEpyaceraL Umropo- yny* 9 O€ Uropovn epyov tédeLov exeTO, Wa ATE TEhELoL KaL OAGKANpOL, Ev pndevi Aevmdprevor. oH ec Tus UpL@v Nelarerat copias, aiteitm Tapa Tov d.LddyTos Ocov wacw amas, kal pn dvetdiGovros, Kai do6n- CETAL AUTO. aiteitw O€ ev TioTeL, pnOev Svakpur6pevos 6 yap Ovakpwd- prevos €orke KAUVO@VE dahacons ave pe Comev@ Kal prreCopreve. 7 pn yap olég Ow 6 dvOpamos € EKEWOS, 6re Anyrerat TL Tapa TOU Kupiov. 8% app dipuxos, akaTaoTatos €v Tacals Tais Odols av- TOU. 2 Kavyaod d€ 6 ddeAos 6 Tamevds ev TO Upper atrov' 9 6 be m)hovowos €y Th Tamewooet avTOU, OTL ws avGos xdprou mapedevoerat. 1 aveTetre yap WAtos oY TO KaVo@ML, Kal eEnpave TOV XOpTov, Kat TO avOos avrou e&erece, Sana, A ; ee Kal 1) evmpemrela TOU TMpog@moV avTOU amoAeTo* ovTw Kal 6 mAovaLOS ev Tais Topelats avTov papavOnoera.. 2 Makdptos avip os vmopever mret- pacpoy’ dru OdKipos yevdomevos Anvrerau Tov orepavoy THs Cans, ov emnyyetdato 26 Kuptos” Tots dyar@oty autov. | pn- dels mreipaCopevos eyer@” ‘Ore amo >” Gcov meipdgopat' 6 yap Oeds arei- paotés eote KaK@y, Tetpater O€ avros ovdéva. 4 exacros de meipd¢erat, vd THs iOlas emvOupias e€eAKopevos Kal Se- Nealopevos’ eira n emOupia ovdda- Bovoa tikret duaptiav’ 7 O€ dpuaprtia amoteNeobetoa amoxvet Oavatov. 16 M1) mAavacde, adeAoi pov aya- mtot @ aca Odots ayabn, Kai may Swpnpa Tédevoy dvwbev eort, KaraBaivoy b Rec. add * Or, glory. 6 Or, evils. TOU.ENISTOAH. 547 amd TOU TaTpos TOY porer, map. @ ovk &e tmapaddayn, 1 Tpomns arro- oxtacpa. '8 BovhnOets dmexonoev npas hoy adn Betas, eis TO Elval Nas aTrap- y TWA T@Y AUTOU KTUTPATOY. 19 a"Qgre,” adeApoi pou dyamnrol, éoT@ mas avOpamos Taxus €is TO GKOU- cy Bpadds els To AaAnoa, Bpadus eis opyn. ” 6pyn yap avdpos, Sukatoovuny Qeod ov Karepyacerau. 41 810 arroGe- prevou macay pumapiay Kal Tepuo-cetay Kakias, €V mpavryre deEaobe Tov enpu- Tov Adyor, Toy Ouvapevoy gaoar Tas puxas UPL@V. 2 Tiveobe dé mointat Adyou, Kal py yovov axpoaral, mapahoytCopevou €av- rous. ™ Ore et Tus axpoarns Adyou €oTl Kal ov ToLNTHs, OUTOS €oLKey avOpl ka- ‘ : ; a8 : TavoouvTL TO TPOTwTOY THS yEeveTews auTov ev eodnTpe’ ch Karevonoe yap €avTOV Kal ame) ube, Kal evdews erre- haGero Omotos Hv. * 6 O€ Tapakiias cis vouov TedeLvoy TOY THs EevOepias, kal mapapeivas, » ovTos “ ovK dxpoaris emAno porns yevopevos, aa 7 TounTHs Epyov, ovros pakdaplos €v TH Touoet auTov oral. 6 Et tus Soxet OpHoKos civar ©” py yarwayeyav yheooay avtov, adN a- TaT@V KapOiay aUTOU, TOUTOV paTaLos 1) Opnokeia. Opnokeia kabapa Kal a- plavtos mapa 47a" Oc@ Kai warp avry cot, emirkemtecOa opdpavovs Kal xnpas ev tH Oder avTa@y, aomdov EQUTOV TNPELV ATO TOD KOT pOV. "AdeAhol pov, py ev tpocwro- Anias €xete THY TicTw Tov Kupiov may "Incov Xpuorod THS dogns. ? day yap elaeAOn eis THY owayoyny UO amp Xpurodakrihuos € ev eo Ayre Aaparpa, civehOn Se Kal mr@xos ev pumapa c/4 James II. the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither sha- dow of turning. '!§ Of his own will begat he us, with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his crea- tures. 19 Wherefore my beloved bre- thren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath. 20 For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God. 2! Wherefore lay apart all filthiness, and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which isable to save your souls. 22 But be ye doers of y word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. 28 For if any be a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face ina glass: 24 for he beholdeth him- self, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was. * But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his 2 deed. 261f any man among you seem to be religious, & bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart,this man’s religion is vain. 27 Pure religion and un- defiled before God and the Fa- ther, is this, to visit the father- less & widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. 2. My brethren, have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ the Lord of glory, with re- spect of persons. ? For if there come unto your fassembly a man with a gold ring, in goodly apparel, and there come in also a poor man, in vile ao lore, bo © Rec, add ey vuev. eae a Vr, doing. =P Gr, synagogue.Jamus II. 3. raiment: 3 & ye have respect to him jy weareth the gay clothing, and say unto him, Sit thou here 2ina good place: andsay tothe poor, Stand thou there, or sit here under my footstool: 4 are ye not then partial in your- selves, and are become judges of evil thoughts? ® Hearken, my beloved brethren, Hath not God chosen ¥ poor of this world, rich in faith, and heirs of @ the kingdom, which he hath pro- mised to them that love him ? 6 But ye have despised y poor. Do not rich men oppress you, and draw you before the judg- ment seats? 7 Do not they blas- pheme that worthy name, by y which ye arecalled? 8 If ye ful- fil the royal law, according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well. 9% But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law, as transgressors. 10 For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. 11 For yhe that said, Do not commit adultery; said also, Do not kill. Now if thou com- mit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a trans- gressor of the law. 12 So speak ye, and so do, as they that shall be judged by the law of liberty. 13 For he shall have judgment without mercy, that hath shewed no mercy, and mercy érejoiceth against judgment. 4 What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, & have not works ? can faith save him? | If a brother or sister be naked, and destituce of daily food, 16 and one of you say unto them, De- part in peace, be you warmed and filled: notwithstanding ye give them not those things 548 IAKQOBOY | ec Onrt, Kat emiBdeyte emt Tov Po povvta tiv ecOnra THY ammpay, Ka) elmynte*”* Sv Kadov &de KaA@s, Kal To! TTOXO elmynre’ BV oTynOe exet, 7) Kao > HOE” bro TO Umomddidy pou’ * © Kal | ov duexpiOnre ev Eéavrois, Kal éyevecO | Kpital Siadoytopev movnpay; ° dKov:| gate, adehol pov ayamnrol, ovx 6 Ocd), eEeheEaro Tos TT@NXOUS TOU Kio pour” movolovs ey TiaTel, Kal KAnpovdpov| Ths Bactdelas hs emnyyethato Tols aya} Taow avTov; *§ wpets d€ nripdocari| TOV TT@XOV. OvY of mAoVaLOL KaTadu:| vaorevovow wtuev, Kal av’Tol éAKovcu} upas eis Kpitnpia; 4 ovK avrot BAag-} dnuovot TO Kahoyv ovopa TO emexdnOer! ep vas ; ei prevTot vopov TeXEtTE} Paowhekov,kara THY ypapny’ Ayamncets| TOV mAnciov Gov as GeaUTOY’ KAaAas\ motte’ % ef S€ mpoowmoAntreire, | dprapriay epyaceode, eheyxopevoe Ure} ae yoov os mapaBarar. ° “Oorus yap OXoy TOY VO [LOY T™pN- oe, rpstes ct Oe ev evi, yeyoue mavTor EvOXOS. 6 yap €irey’ My [LoLXevorns,| elire kat’ Mn povevons® et O€ ov pot- Xevoels, bovevoets O€, yéyovas mapa- Barns VOMOU. 2 OUr@ Aadeite Kal oUTw sroveiTe,| as Sua pe ehevdeptas He NNaupes kpi-| veo Oat n yap Kplous * dvitews” TQ) fn Trouoavre éheos* '” karakavyarat €eos Kpioews. 1 76 odehos, ddedoot HOU, ea mlioTw heyy Tes EXE, epya O€ p27) XN § pun Svvarat 1 mores c@ocat avTov; 5 gay 80e" adedpos 7 deh _yupvol trapxoot Kal Aeurromevor Oot THs epy- jepou Tpopns, 46 etry d€ Tus avrois e& Deep’ ‘Yrrayere ev eipnyy, Oeppaiverde Kat xoptatec be, un Ore S€ adrots Ta a Recs adWvamrm. 90 =e. Cleat d Ree r, seemly. 8 Or, that. . add rovrou. & \ aveneos. fRec. add car. gi *% Y Or, that daw which said. Or, well, 6 Or, glorieth.ENISTOAH. 549 + emer deta rou TOHLATOS, TL TO opehos ; i ovre Kal 1) mioTLs, eay Hy SEXY Epya,” yexpa eo! kal equTny. Sr aNA” epet ris’ SU mlorw eXeLs, Kayes epya Xo" beigov pe m7 more ou ” xeopis" TOV Epyov °gou,” Kayo deiS@ ool ey epyav pou Ty TloTL “pov.” o TLOTEVELS ore 6 Qcds ets €ore" Kalas rouis’ Kal TA Saipdma TioTEvovEL, Kal ppiocovor. BY Geheus Oe yovat, ® av- Epore Keve, ort 7 TloTLs Xwpis TOV epyav vexpa corw 3 1 -ABpaap 6 marnp mpeav OUK ef epyov eduxarodn, dveveykas oan TOV vloy aurou en TO Guovacrnptoy ; * 2 BNé- meus OTL 7 mores ouypyet Tois epyors avTov, KaL eK TOY epyav 7) mores ere- hewn; 7% Kal emhnpobn n ypapn 7 ” heyovoa* *Emtotevoe Oe ‘ABpaau TO Ged, kal eAoyicOn aiTa@ «is Buxato- ouyny, Kal piros Qcoo ext 19n. :O- pare °” ore eS epyov Seiden fe 0S, Kal OUK €K MLOTEDS povoy » “Quolos O€ Kat ‘PaaB 7 mépyn ovK e& epyav eduxaroén, vrodeEapervn Tous dyyehous, Kal erepa 00@ exBahovca ; OG oomep yap TO copa Xopis TmVvevLaTOS VEeKpOV EOTLY, OUT Kal 7) TloTLS Xwpis ney es TOY Epyov VEKpd EOTL. 3. Mn odXol diddoxador vive Oe, > ; a ¢ Fs ; adehpoi prov, eiOdTes OTe petCoy Kpipa Anwopeda TONAa ‘yap mTatopev dmavres. el Tis ev Ady@ ov TTaleL, ovTos Tehevos avnp, Ovvatos YaXwwayo- ynoa kal OAov TO cGpa. * hide” Tay imtov Tous yadwovs eis TA oTOmaTa Baddomev mpdos TO meiecOa avrovs Np, Kal OAov TO TGpa a’rov peTayo- pev. * idod Kal Ta mAota THALKaUTA dvra, Kal Umd oKANPaY avépwv éav- voueva, jreTayerae vmod eAaylorou ee JAMES IIT, 4. which are needful to the body: ” what doth it profit? !7 Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead being ¢alone. 'S Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith 8 without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works. !9 Thou believest y there is one God, thou doest well: the deyils also believe, and tremble. 29 But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead ? 21 Was not Abraham our fa- ther justified by works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar ? 22 y Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect? 23 And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abra- ham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for right- eousness: and he was called the Friend of God. 2! Ye see then, how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only. 25 Likewise also, was not Ra- hab y harlot justified by works when she had received ¥ mes- sengers, and had sent them out another way? 26 For as the body without ¥ ¥ éspirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also. 3. My brethren, be not many masters, knowing that we shall receive the greater « condemna- tion. 2 For in many things we offend all. If any man offend not in word, the same is a per- fect man, and able also to bridle the whole body. 3 Behold, we put bits in the horses’ mouths, that they may obey us, and we turn about their whole body. 4 Behold also the ships, which though they beso great, and are driven of fierce winds, yet are they turned about with a very 8 Rec epya eyn. b St. & Elz. ex. os d= z ® Rec. add rorvuv. “ Gr. by itself. 8 Some copies read, by thy erat kal a1 Or, Thou seest. & Or, breath. © Or, jadgment. f Rec. tcoov —. & ex fsJames ITI. 5. small helm, whithersoever the governor listeth. ® Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things: behold, how great “a matter a little fire kindleth. © And the tongue isa fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue amongst our mem- bers, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature, and it is set on fire of hell. 7¥or every &kind of beasts, and of birds, and of serpents, and things in the sea, is tamed, and hath been tamed of y man- kind. § But the tongue can no man tame, i¢ is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. 9 There- with bless we God, even the Father: and therewith curse we men, which are made after the similitude of God. !9 Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing: my bre- thren, these things ought not so to be. 1! Doth a fountain send forth at the same éplace sweet water and bitter? /2can the fig tree, my brethren, bear olive berries ? either a vine, figs ? so can no fountain both yield salt water and fresh. 13 Who is a wise man and endued with knowledge amongst you? let him shew out of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom. '4 But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against y truth. 15 This wisdom descendeth not from above, butis earthly, «sen- sual, devilish. 16For where envying and strife is, there is Sconfusion, & every evil work. 17 But the wisdom that is from above, is first pure, then peace- able, gentle, and easy to be in- treated, full of mercy, and good fruits, 7 without partiality, and without hypocrisy. 18 And the 590 TAKQOBOY ( mndaXiov, 670v ay 1 Opp * Tov evOuvoYTC) Bovdnrat. 5 oUrw Kal 7) yA@ooa pil Kpov jehos €oTl, Kal peyahauxet. ida ohtyov Up mdtxny vhqy avanrer’ © Kip 7 yoooa Tip, 6 KOopos THS aOLKia “obras” 7 yoooa KaGlotaTal €V TO)» peheow TPLOV, 7 ee O\ov 7 copa, kal roa » Tpoxor Ts yeverews””, Kal NaI GaeEe UO TT) yeevyns’ 7 Ilaca yap vos Onpiov TE KOE TETELWWOV, epmerav Te Kal evahion, da) pacerar Kal SEO vCU Tee ™m pvoe avOpeartyn’ Ty S€ yA@ooay ovdel} dvvarau dyOporeay Sapdoa akaTa OXETOV KaKOY, peatn Lov Cavan Popes 9 &v avTn evhoyoupey Tov ‘Oe«oy" Kc Tarépa, Kal ey avty karapopeba TOU avOparrous tous Ka Opotoowy G¢co)- yeyoudras” 10 €k TOU avTOU oropare e€epyetar evdoyla Kal Karapa’ ov xpi SBN DO pov, Tavta ovT@ yiver Oa } 1 unre my eK Ts auras ons Bpve: TO YUKU Kal TO TLKPOY 5 2 un Ovvata addeApol pov, ouKn «alas Tojoat, dumehos ctKa; *ovtas” ' ovdeuia many ddvkov Kat” yAuKv Trounoat VOwp. 13 Tis codos Kal emiatnpev ev vy SevEdrw €k THs KaAnS avactpopys T epya avrov ey mpavtnti codias. * «| de CHrov mikpoy exeTe Kal epideray €| TH Kapola vay, fy KaTaKkavxyaobe Kc} WevdeoOe Kata ths adnOeias. } ov eoTw avrn 7 copia ayobey KATEPXOMED GAN emiyevos, WuxeiKn, Satporrwdn: © Grou yap ndos Kat é€pidera, exe! akataotagia Kai may cavAoy mpaypa| 7 O€ dvabev copia mpa@rov pev ayv ETL, ETELTA ELPNVLKI), ET LELKT)S, EUTELONS ae ee ~ a peat eA€ous Kal KapT@v ayabar > t i > advakpitos & kai” avuTokpitos. 18 KapTo a= Dw po yov. © Bz. add nuwy, dw k Y Gr, nature vf wan. 4 Or, hole. é Or, natural. Kupiov. © 3 FGb.ovre arvxov. 8=3 % Or, wood. & Gr. natun ¢ Gr. tumult, or, unquietness. 7 Or, without wranglingENISTOAH. 551 2 2” Sixaroovvns €v eipnyn omelpeTat r a ’ ToIs TroLOUTLY ELPNYNY. , / , 4, ddev modenou kal Paobev" payar ? c 1 ie EV UELW 5 > 3 mS > ~ c a OUK evtevbev, €K TOV 1) 00V@V , a > a DOV TOV OTPATEVOMEVOV ey TOLS ME- eo UPLOV 5 > a x > emOupetre, Kal OUK eXeTE* bovevere kal (ydovTe, Kal ov : ss ; Sivacbe emirvyeiv. pidyeoGe Kal Trohe- ueire, Souk exere,” Ova TO py) airero at vpas® Ss \ > Qt aireire, kal ov AapPavere, , a Se 6 7 > a ES A §core KAK@S alTELoVeE, La €V TALS 7) ovats pe , ipav Samavnonre. \ Si / > BTA i kal poryanides, ovk oldare 4 Movxo éru ©puAta Tov Kdopov, €xOpa TOU Qcod ear; bs dv ody BovdnOn piros civar Tov KOopov, exOpds Tov Oeov / Kablorarat . * vas e/ rn ¢ 1) OoKELTE OTL KEVY@S 7) ypapy Aeyer 5 mpos pOdvov emurodet \ a > ro Ilvevpa 0 KaT@KynoEV EV ply 5 6 weifova Se didaoe xapiv? wo eye’ ‘ ¢ , > , O Gcds Urepnpavols avTiTagoeTal, TA- rewots O€ Sidwor xapLy. avy TO OEa’ A I iE , c kal pevgerar 7 ‘Yqordynre avtiatnte TO OuvaSore, > > a Q , ap vupev’ eyyloate TG Od, Kal eyyret vpiv. Kabupioate yelpas, dapt@dol, Kal dyvioate Kap- \ dias, Siapuxor. 9 , Tahaimw@pnoare Kat , \ 4 € / ¢ - mevOnoate Kal KNavoate 6 yeho@s Lay 4 / cis mévOos peraotpagyre, Kal 7) xapa 2 / els KaTn Peay. 10 ramewa@Onre Ev@TLOV d Au , Nae / con tov Kvuplov, Kal uWooet upas. \ ? ie r > > ll Wf) karaNadeite G\AjA@v, aded- got’ 6 KaTa\ahov adehpov, °Kat” kpivav Tov adehdov auTov, KataNanei yopov, Kal Kpivel vomov > \ , €l de VO}LOV / > > \ / > A Kpiveis, OVK €l TOLNTHS VOLLOU, aAXa KpiTns. 12 < > ¢ , FS els cot 6 vopoberns ‘kal \ a ¢ , a \ > 4 kpirns’ 6 Suvduevos T@oal Kal amro\é- z Ne ra , > A ga. ov £8e" tis et Os Kpivers Tov ut a ETEPOY 5 James IY. 12. fruit of righteousness is sown in peace, of them that make eace. 4. From whence come wars & a fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your 8 lusts, that war in your mem- bers? 2 Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannotobtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not. 3 Ye ask and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your y lusts. 4 Ye adulterers, and adul- eresses, know ye not that the friendship of ¥ world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world, is the enemy of God. ®Do ye think that the scripture saith in vain, the spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth é6to envy ? §& But he giveth more grace, wherefore he saith, God resisteth y proud, but giveth grace unto the hum- ble. 7 Submit yourselves there- fore to God: resist the devil, & he will flee from you. 5 Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you: cleanse your hands ye sinners, and purify your hearts ye double minded. 9 Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to hea- viness. !0 Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, andhe shall lift you up. 11 Speak not evil one of ano~ ther (brethren :) he that speak- eth evil of his brother, and judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of the law, and judgeth the law: but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law, but a judge. }2There is one lawgiver, who is able to save, and to destroy: who art thou that judgest another ? a Rec. add rn. 1 Rec. om, a =B- AAD, h w—. Rec. & Gb. om. © Rec. ove eyere ds. —-. © Kat ovw £yeTs. ae § Rec. om. 0 xpivwy Tov TANTLOVe ="0r; brawlings. 8 Or, pleasuies. Y Or, pleasures. ® v7, envicusly.James IV. 13. 13 Go to now ye that say, To day or to morrow we will go into such a city and continue there a year, and buy, and sell, and get gain: 14 whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow: for what is your life ? “It is even a vapour that ap- peareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. 15 For that ye ought to say, if the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, orthat. '6 But now ye rejoice in your boastings: all such re- Joicing is evil. 17 Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin. 5. Go to now, ye rich men, weep and how! for your mise- ries that shall come upon you. ? Your riches are corrupted, and your garments motheaten: 3 your gold and silveris can- kered, and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire: ye have heaped trea- Sure together for the last days. ! Behold, the hire of the labour- ers which have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth: and the cries of them which have reap- ed, are entered into the ears of the Lord of sabaoth. 5 Yehaye lived in pleasure on the earth, and been wanton: ye have nourished your hearts, as in a day of slaughter: 6 ye have condemned, and killed the just, and he doth not resist you. ” 6 Be patient therefore, bre- thren, unto the coming of the Lord: behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long pa- tience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain. 8 Be ye also patient ; stablish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh. Ue & Bz.&Elz. n b Bz.&Elz. ropevcomeba . . a St. & Gh. roaincwpey. Or For 552 IAKQBOY 3 "Aye viv of déyovres’ Sypepor “kat” avpiov » ropevompeba eis tye THY TORY, Kal ToLnTwpeEY eKEl eviavTOoV eva, kat éumopevoapeba, Kat Kepdr- copev’” 1 vitwes ovK enictacbe TO Ts avptov (mola yap 1 fon tyav; atpis yap °éotw” 7 mpos ddtyov dat- vouevn, emevta O€ apavicopévn’) ™ ayri TOU heyewy vas’ ’Eav 6 Kipios beAjon, Kal (no@pev, Kal 4 romoopev” rovTo 7) exeivo. 18 piv dé kavyaabe év Tais dda- Covelas tpav' maca Kavynows ToLvavTH Tovnpa eotw. eiddtt ody Karov zp een . : Te Tovetv, KAL pu) TOLOvYTL, Guaptia av’Te 3 €OTL. 5. “Aye viv of mrovovo, Kravoare OAohvovTes eri Tals TadauTa@plas bay Tals emepxopevats. 6 mAoUTOS Wav ceonre, kal Ta indria bev ontoBpeta yeyovev’ 3 6 xpvads ipav Kal 6 dip- , \ ec 3A > a > yupos Kkati@ra, Kal 6 tos avrayv eis paptupioy wpiv éorat, Kal payerat Tas Cdpkas Ya ws TIP’ eOnoavupicate ev eaxatas nucpais’ 4+ idod 6 po bos Taev ; A Ones : \ , EpyaT@y TeV aynodyT@y Tas xXwpas tpav, 6 aneotepnpévos ad’ tuav, Kpa- ev" Kat ai Boal rév Oepicdytey eis Ta ota Kupiov SaBaod cicedndtOaow. ° erpupnoare emi ths ys, Kal éomara- Anoare’ eOpeépare tas Kapdias ULOY ws ev iyepa oayns. © Karedicdoare, epovevoate Tov Oikaioy' ovK dvyTiTdo- oeTat vpiy, 7 Maxpobvpncare ovr, adedot, ews Ts Tapovoias tod Kvpiov. idod, 6 yewpyos ekdéxerar Tov Titov Kapmov THS Hs, pakpoOupav ém’ aQvT@, €ws av AaBn vero Tpoiwov Kal ovvipov: § pa- KpoOuunoate Kai typels, otnpigéate tas Kapdlas Uey, Tt y Tapovcia Tov Kv- es plov HyytKe. SSE ee ee + TOLNTOMEY « » . EuTrOpEvTOUEOG. . € W eorac. 2 KEP inCOUFY, itis. 6 Or, Be lone patient. or. suffer with long patience,ENISTOAH. 553 9 My orevacere Kar GAAnAwy, aded- pol, iva pn * KpiOnre’” Lov b6” KpiTns Tpo TOV dupav eornkev. mY Undderypa NdBere, °dSeAGol pov, THs KaxoTraGetas,” kal THS pakpoOumlas, TOUS mpopyras ot éhddnoav TO dvduare Kupiov. 1 dou waxapiCopev rovs *tmopevovtas.” THY Sropoviy 1aB nKovoate, Kal TO TEos Kuplov «tdere, ore © rohkvoTrayyxvos “ éorw £6 Kuptos” kal oikrippov. 2 [Ipd mavrov oe, adeApol pov, py dpvvere pte TOV OUpavor, pte THY yn, pyre GAov Twa OpKOY" 7T@ d€ Voy TO yal, val, Kal TO 0d, OU* iva put) 8 U7rO Kpt- ow" TEoNTE. 13 Kaxomabel tis ev buy; mpowevyxe- obo’ cvOupei Tis; Wadhéro. “ aabevet ris ev tiv; mpooKxadecdcOw Tovs mpeajsurépous 7™s exxnolas, Kat T™poo- evdcbwooay er avTov, adenpavres avrov ehaim ev TO dydpate Tod Kupiov. 1 kal 9 evxT) THS TloTEws TaOEL TOV Kdpvovra, Kal eyeper adtov 6 Kuptos’ kay dpaptias 7 TeTroinKas, apeOnoerat auto. 16 "EEopodoyeicbe adhAndols Ta Tra- panrapara, kal eVyerOe Urep addAnAor, Omws tabare’ todd ioyver Senos &t- kalov evepyoupevn. “HXias avOpwros Av oporoTradys niiv, Kal TpoTEVXH Tpoc- nu€ato Tov pn BpéEat’ Kat ovK €Bpe- fey eml ths yns eviavTovs Tpets Kal unvas €&. Kal wahw mpoonvéaro, Kal 6 ovpavds veTov edwKe, Kal 7 Yn éBAdotnoe TOY KapTOY auUTnNs. 9° AdeAGoOl, cay Tis Ev Upiv TmrAaYNOH amo THs aAnOelas, Kal emiotpeyn Tus aitov, ™ ywaokerw ori 6 emiotpewas dj.apt@ ov ek mAavns 6000 avTov, To- gee Wuxnv ek Oavarov, Kat Kadvyfer m\nOos apapTiarv. James V. 20. 9aGrudge not one against another, brethren, lest ye be condemned: behold, the judge standeth before ¥ door. '¥ Take, my brethren, the prophets, who have spoken in the name of the Lord, for an example of suffer- ing affliction, and of patience. 11 Behold, we count them happy which endure. Ye have heard of the patience of Job, andhave seen the end of the Lord: that the Lord is very pitiful and of tender mercy. 12 But above all things, my brethren, swear not, neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath: but let your yea, be yea, and your nay, nay: lest ye fall into con- demnation. 13 Ts any among you afflicted ? let him pray. Is any merry? let him sing psalms. !4 Is any sick among you ? let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anoint- ing him with oil in the name of the Lord: ' and the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up: and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. 16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for ano- ther, that ye may be healed: the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man ayaileth much. 17 Elias was a man subject te like passions as we are, and he prayed & earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months. !§8 And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and theearth brought forth her fruit. 19 Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him, 2° let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way, shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multi- tude of sins. &® Rec. rataxprOnre. b Rec. om. ¢ Rec, 7. xak. udeX. wp. 4 vTometvavTag, © WO rodvevewAayyxvor f= g St. ecg wrroxorasy, o Or, Groan, or, grieve not. Or, in his. rayer.Re 1 Perer I. 1. 504 TIETPOY ee Oa, eT a ee an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the strangers scat- tered throughout Pontus, Ga- latia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, “elect, according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit unto obedience, and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: Grace unto you and peace be multiplied. 3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his ¢abun- dant mercy, hath begotten us again unto a lively hope, by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4to an inherit- ance SEEN: and unde- filed, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven ffor you, ®> who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salva- tion, ready to be revealed in the last time. ® Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season (if need be) ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations: 7that the trial of your faith being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise, and honour, and glory, at the appearing of Jesus Christ: 8 whom having not seen, ye love, in whom though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable, and full of glory, 9 receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls: 10 of which salvation the pro- phets have enquired, and searched diligently, who pro- phesied of the grace that should come unto you, !! searching ON Pro erie [[ETPos dméatodos ‘Incov Xpiorod| EKNEKTOLS TrapemLOnpLoLs Cvacrropa | Ildvrov, Vadarias, Kammadokias,’ Actas | Kal BOuvlas. KaTa TpOyYaoL coi) marpos, ev adytacna@ Lvevparos, el)|» Umakony Kal pavtio poy atwaros "Incoi)) Xpicrov" xapis viv Kat eipnvn wAH Guydcin- * Evdoyyros 6 Ocds Kal marTp TO1)) Kupiouv 7a “Incod Xpiorov, 6 Kare TO TOAD aUTOU EhEos dvayevynoas *nuas els eAmrida (cay OL avactdacews Inoot Xpigrov ek VEKPOV, eis Khnpovopiar apGaproy Kal dyulayroy Kal audpayroy TeTnpnjeevny ev ovpavots els >upas,"* Tous ev Ouvduet Qcov Ppovpovpevous 8 Ova Tl: > oe ae orews, els ooTnplay éroiuny drroKa- AupOnvar ev Kapa eoxar@” o 4 suid odtyoy é dptt, (el déov earl; vin devres ev moukidous TELAT LOLs ; a TO Coxipioy UpLOY TIS TloTEws|, © woAuTiuoTepov” ypvoiov, TOU amoANv- pevov Oia tupds be Soxipatouevon, eupeb eis em auvov kal TYNY kal Od&ay, ev arroxadvwet Inoov Xpiorov" oa ovUK €iOdTeEs ayanare, els Ov pte pa, Opa@rTes, TLOTEVOVTES oe, ayadh.aa6e» XapG avexhadyjt@ Kal dedoEacperp, KoptCopevoL TO TEAOS THS TioTE@s|, UL@V, cornpiay Wux ev" 10 Tlepi hs cwtnpias eSe(nrnoay kal eEnpevyn aay Tpopyrat ot wept 7S els upas xXapiros mpodnrevaartTes, ue €peu= 8 Biz. vuas. b St. & Elz. nyas. © Rec, modu tipiwrepoy * Gr, much, B Or, for as.EWISTOAH A. 5590 ay 2 , Xx a \ > nn vavres €is Tlva 7) TroLoV KaLpoy e€OnAoU ro ev avrois Ivedpa Xpiotov, mpopap- r , rupdpevoy Ta els Xpicrov maOnpara, a > c > kai Tas peta TadTa Od€as* ~ ols ame- , ¢ > ¢ cr ais aeoy, A Kadvpon ote ovx cavTois, “upiy OE A , cs Sunxdvouy avTa, a viv aynyyedn vpiv dua n , ~ , ray evayyeducapevoy vpas ev" Ivev- / > ~ pare ayi@ anooTaherTt am ovupavov, eis “A 4 & émidupodow ayyehou Tapaxvyyat. : \ > , A 13 Aid dvalwoapevot TAS Govas THS / ¢ ca , / » / Svavolas bar, vnpovres, TeAelws eArrl- gare éml thy pepouerny ply xapw ev droxadiwe. “Incod Xpiotod. ™“ as réxya Urakons, pu) TVTXNwaTLCopevot rais mpdrepov ev TH ayvoig vpLOV eT l- 6 , 15 iAAG 2 \ \ Ne vpias, ddAd Kara Tov KadecavTa tpas Gyov, xkal avrol dy ev macy Ads Fg Apr es 16E Ar , dvaotpopyn ‘yevnOnte OTL “yeypa- e og Cc 7 aoe d \ a , mrau “Ayior SyeverGe,” oTL ey@ ayLos El[ut. \ 2 a 7 Kat ef matépa emixadetobe Tov > / ampoowmo\nmTas Kpivovra KaTa TO © a , ~ éxagtou épyov, ev PdBw Tov THs Tapot- / ¢ n klas tuav xpdvoy avaotpadnte *® ei- / a 3 Sdres 6re ov Oaprois, apyupio 7 / > , nn ypucio, édutp@énre €k Ths paratas ¢ a > A wav avaotpopys marporrapadorou, > a ~ , 19 ANNA Tile alpare ws auvod apapLov \ / r a 9 Kal domiiov Xpiotov’ ™ mpoeyvo- 4 ~ opevov ev mpd KaTaBoAns Kdo}ou, pa- vepabevros S¢ er 1 érydtov" TaV XpoveY Denne: nr 9 ~ /, dv tuas, 7! rovs Ov avtovd muoTevovtas , ~ els Qcby, Tov eyeipavTa avroy EK VEKPOV, \ - ~ / kai Sd£av ait Sdvra, Sore THY TioTLY ¢ na > Upov Kal eAmida eivat els Qcov. 22 nk \ tien ¢ / > Tas Wuyds tay nyyixdres ev ne an a > / e \ , TH umaxon THs adnOetas ° Ova Ivevpa- > ros” eis ditadeAiay avurdKpitov, €K kaapas kapdias addAndous dyannoate ? rr , eKTEVOS” dvayeyevynpevol OUK €K omopas pOaptis, Gddka apOaprov, ova &@ Rec. W nuer. b—> © CO ececde, 1 Peter I. 23. what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the suffer- ings of Christ, and the glory that should follow. '!? Unto whom it was revealed, that not unto themselves, but unto us, they did minister the things which are now reported unto you, by them y have preached the gospel unto you, with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven, which things the angels desire to look into. 13 Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope «to the end, for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ: as obedient children, not fashioning yourselves ac- cording to ¥ former lusts, in your ignorance: !5 but as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of con- versation; !6 because it is writ- ten, Be ye holy, for I am holy. 17 And if ye call on the Fa- ther, who without respect of persons judgeth according to every man’s work, pass the time of your sojourning here in fear: 18 forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain con- versation received by tradition from your fathers; !® but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot, 22 who verily was foreordained before the foun- dation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you: 2! who by bim do believe in God thatraised him up from ¥ dead, and gave him glory, y your faith and hope might bein God. 22 Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through ¥ Spirit, unto unfeign- ed love of the brethren: see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently, 23 being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by d Ww soyarov, ees * Gr. perfectly.1 Prernur I. 24. 556 IIETPOY the word of God which liveth Adyou (@vros Ocovd Kal pévoyros?” | * Oubre maca oapE ds xépros, Ka} and abideth for ever. 24¢ For all flesh 7s as grass, and allthe 56 a ae oa) 5 glory of man as the flower of 7a0a o&a auTns ws avlos yop- grass: the grass withercth, and roy: eEnpavon O XOpTos, Kal TO d= the flower thereof falleth away. g @.DeCaye oe? Sy Bees Sees 2 But the word of the Lord en- 90S “avtov" e€erece TO O€ pHa : or j 5 a dureth for ever: and this isthe Kupiou pever eis Tov ai@va. rodvto Se word which by the gospel is > Ne ie So eC I €OTL TO a TO evayyehia bev eis bas. preached unto you. 2. Where- ao é Pe a TS: Gs Ss fi 2 fore laying aside all malice, 2. amroG€pevot OvY TTaGadY KaKliayv Kai and all guile, and hypocrisies : uf Se f ‘ Le guile, yp » Tavra OoXoy Kal umokploets Kat POdvous and envies, and evil speak- \ , Winnie ee 5 ings, ? as newborn babes desire K@l TaGasS KaTaAaAtas, ~ ws apTlyevYnTa X { \ ( ) the sincere milk of the word, Bpedn, To hoykov Gdodov yaha emurro- | that ye may grow thereby, ?if 7, ¢ > doin > Aa ao so be ye have tasted that the Onoare, ae oy one avénOnre Lord is gracious. owTnpiay, a elmep eyevoacbe Ort Xpnotos 6 Kupuos. 4 To whom coming as unto a ‘ IIpos ov T POT EpyYOpevot, AOov living stone, disallowed indeed (avra, wnO dvOporey yey GiObeOowe of men, but chosen of God, and y ! F eae fais precious, ® ye also as lively M@Opevoy, tTrapa Oe Geo EKAEKTOY, €V- stones, fare built up a spiritual TLLOV, 5 Kal autot @s riot Cavres house, an holy priesthood to —; cag > A ol offer up spiritual sacrifice, ac- C'K00OMELTVE, OLKOS TvyEUpATLKOS, LEepd= ceptable to God byJesus Christ. Teva aytov, aveveykat TVEVLATLKGS 6 Wherefore it i i i / > Z 5 2 W herefore it_is contained in éuclas edmrpoodexrous 7s Ose tO the scripture, Behold, I lay in , ee ze Cee i : Sion a chief corner stone, elect, Inoov Xptorov. - OLOTL TEPLENEL EV precious, and he that believeth ™ ypapn’ "Tdod) TlOnue ey Sta Vidor on him,shall not be confounded. ; Sees oe i 5 ad = appointed. ?But ye are achosen PO nC O TO hoy arevBobvres, generation, aroyal priesthood, €ls O Kal ereOnoay' 9 UMELS be yevos an holy nation, °a peculiar peo- EKNEKTOV GN cs a y 3 } OLAELOV LEpaTev ple, that ye should shew forth ; : B s iu ies eOvos the «praises of him, who hath @YyLov, ads eis TEPLTOLNOLY, OTFwS ee 7 \ > \ > ~ called you out of darkness into tQ¢ aperas eEayyeidnre TOU €K OkOTOUS his marvellous light: 1° which Si eANG 8 . in time past were not a people, Y¥GS_ Ka a ELS TGS) UUM Omon but are now the people of God: avrod das" Ol Tote ov ads, vov which had not obtained mercy, SS Nat se ct ao es ah s a : 7» O€ Aaos Qeov' ot but now have obtained mercy, ~< *@0S ovk nenwevor, viv € eXenbevres. LT ae ‘ noe , 11 Dearly beloved, I beseech Ayannrot, Tapakare @S TaApolKous _ . < \ , / a you as strangers and pilgrims, xq} TapeTLOnjous, amréxer Oat T@Y Oap- “ Se ee ge a B Rec. add evs tov acwya, » Rec. avOpwror. B Or, be ye built, nf Gr, he is an honour, ©=3. 4d Rec. om: e Rec. 6:0 nar. % Or, For that, 6 Or, a purchased people, € Or, virtues. y é C \ENISTOAH A. 557 KUiK@V eTLOumLdy, alties oTparevovrat Kata THs vuxns. % rp avaotpopny Upa@v ev Tos COverw ExovTes KaNy, iva eV @ kaTadadovow ULOY OS KakoTrOLOY, EK TOY KaNOY Epyav émomrevcavres ; cae : dofarwor tov Ocdy ev nucpa ém- okKoTns. 8 “Yrordynre * ody" tmaon avOparivy KTioel, Oud To Kuptov’ etre Baordel, ws vmepexovte: etre nyeHoow, as Ov abrod srepsropévois ets exOlkn OW ”“kakoTrolov, erawov Oé ayaborrov. % Ort ovTws €or TO dednpa Tod Cecod, ayaborrovodyras pipooy THY Tov appo- vov avOporev adyvactar’ @s €dev- Oepor, Kal pr) ds emlkd\uppa exyovres Ts Kakias tHv éedevOepiav, GAN ds dovrAo Geod. 7 advras TULNoOAaTE’ THY dehpdrnta dyarare’ Tov Cedy o- Beto be Tov Bacidéa tipare. 8 Of oikéra, Urotacoépevor ev rayTh PeBo trois Seomdrats, od pdvov tois ayaOois Kal eémeckéow, GAXA Kal Tors aKodsots. 9 rodro yap xapis, et dia cuvelonow O«ovd vmopepet tis Avras, Tacxay adikws’ 7 goto yap KNéos, €f ayaprdvovtes Kal kohadiCopuevoe vrro- Hevetre; add\N ei dyaboro.odytes Kal ; j - és i \ TAC XOVTES UTTOMeEVELTE, TOUTO YapLs Tapa Ge@. ™ eis rodro yap éekdnOnre, ort kai Xpiords emaben vrrép “nua,” “hiv” UToAuTavav troypaupov, iva érako- AovOnonre rois iyverw adrot* ™ d¢ duaptiay ovk exoinoev, ovdé evpébn dddos €v 7H ordpmate adrov' * d¢ Aowdopovsevos ovk avTedorddpet, TAT KX Ov OUK NTreider Tapedidov dé T@® Kpivoytt Oixaiwms’ "4 Os ras dywaprias Hay autos aynveyKey €y TO TopaTL av’TOU emt TO EvAoy, iva Tais dpaptias dro- yevouevor, TH Sixatocvyn Cowper’ ob 1. Penereth, 24: abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul, !2 haying your conversation honest among y Gentiles, that 2 whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may by yous good works which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of visitation. 13 Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake, whether it be to the king, as Supreme, !4 or unto govern- ors, as unto them that are sent by him, for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well. 15 For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men. 16 As free, and not Susing your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, but as ¥ servants of God. !7yHo- nour all men. Love the brother- hood. Fear God. Honour the king. '8 Servants, be subject to your masters with all fear, not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward. !9 For this is thankworthy, if a man for conscience toward God endure grief, suffering wrongfully. *0 or what glory is it, if when ye be buffeted for your faults, ye shall take it patiently: butif when ye do well, and suffer for it, ye take it patiently, this is éacceptable with God. 21 For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered efor us, leaving us an exam- ple, that ye should follow his steps. °? Who did no sin, nei- ther was guile found in his mouth. 28 Who when he was reviled, reviled not again ; when he suffered, he threaten- ed not, but ¢committed himself to him that judgeth righte- ously. 24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body 7on ¥ tree, that we being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness, a b Ree. add wv, © Y—. Elz. & Gb. vpov. 4 St.& Bz. Y Or, Esteem, 4 Or, thank. e Some read, for you. gt MLLeV. ° Or, wherein. B Gr. having. Or, committed his cause. n Or. to.s ] Peter II. 25. by whose stripes ye were healed. 2% For ye were as sheep going astray, but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls. 3. Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own hus- bands, that if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conver- sation of y wives: ? while they behold your chaste Con on coupled with fear: % whose adorning, let it not be that out- ward ador ning, of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel. 4 But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not cor- ruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. 5 For after this manner in the old time, the holy women also who trusted in God adorn- ed themselves, being in subjec- tion unto their own husbands. 6 Even as Sara obeyed Abra- ham, calling him lord, whose 2 daughters ye are as long as ye dow ell, and are not afraid with any amazement. 7 Likewise ye husbands, dwell with them according to know- ledge, giving honour unto the wife as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers be not hindered. 8 Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, B lov e as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous, 9 not ren- dering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise bless- ing, knowing that ye are there- unto called, that ye should in- herit a blessing. ' For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile: !!let him eschew evil and do good, let him seek peace and ensue it. !2 For the eyes of 558 ILETPOY TO pohome Aqyrov” idOnte. ™ Are yap ws mpoBara mavepeva’ GAN emeotpapnre yov emt TOY TroLmeva Kal emloKOTTOV T@V Wuxay Upe@v. 3. ‘Opotas, ai yuydiKes, vroragod- pevae Tos idtors avOpaow, t Wa Kal €t Tes aTELGovaL TO oye, Ova 7™7s TOV YUVALK@V dvarrpopijs 4 avev Aoyov » Kep- nOno@vrau,” 2 emonrevoayres THY eV oBa ceyny dvactpopyy tay. * oy égrw ovx 6 e&a@bev ep hoxis TPLX@V, Kal mepierews Xpuoiov, n evOuTEaSs ipatiov Koopos’ * aAN 6 KpuTTos 77S Kapdtas avOperos, ev TO apeapr TOU mpacos Kal novxtov TVEU[LATOS, O €or 5 oUT@ > EV@ITLOV TOU cod modurenres. yap Tore Kai al é&yvau yuvatkes ai €Amri- Covrar ° emt Tov” Oeor, €KOOOUY €au= Tas, UroTago Opevat Tots (lots avOpaou" 5 ws Zappa UmnKovoe TO “ABpaap, KU= ploy QuTov Kahovoa, ns eye Onre TEKVQ’ ayadorovovoat Kal pr) PoBovpevat wn- depiav mronow. iO; aropes, OpL0l@S, Kara YY@oUw, as do Oeverrep@ okevet T@ YVVALKEL@ amovepovres TLV, as Kal * ovyxdnpowsyiot 4 Xapiros Cans, ets TO py § “eykdrred Bau" Tas Tpooevxas tpav. 8 To O€ redos, mavTes opddpoves, ouptrabeis, diiadeAdo, evorrAayxvot, ‘ rarewoppoves*” ° pr dmodiWdvTes Kakov aytt Kakov, 7) AowWopiay ayrt Aowdopias* rovvaytiov dé evdoyourTes, ® eiddres” Ott eis TOTO ekAnOnTe, wa evhoylay KAnpovopnonre. ‘O yap Gehav Cary ayanay, kal idety nyLépas ayabas, TavoaT@ THY yhoooay avrou amo Kakov, Kal yelAn avTov Tov By Aarjoa Sdrov. | exkAwwatw amo Ka- KOU, Kal momodre a ayads yy" (ytncarea” elpnynv, kal duwEaT@ avTny. ‘ TUVOLKOUYTES 12 a—» DO nepdnOnoovrat. © Wers. dw ouyxkAnpovopots. e Rec. exxorrec@ac. = b St. om. per sphalma. i Rec.& Gb. add oe, f Rec. @iAoPpoves * Gr. children. § Or, loving to the brethrenEDISTOAH A. 559 1 Peter IV. 2. the Lord are over ¥ righteous, 3 Kuplov éme Oval i ora lov emt OLKALOUS, Kal oplahpot oP Cans , de and his ears are open unto their avrod eis Senow aiTav’ mpdowTOY OF prayers: but the face of the Kupiov éml movovyTas Kaxd. Lord is against them do evil 13 Nees hs Suas, eav TOU 13 And who is he that wl He TiSne ag a ~~ harm you, if ye be followers of ayabou * wont at yerna Oe 3 GAX €l that which is good ? !! But and , , . . , Kal TAT XOLTE Sid OuKacocvvny, paxaptot, if ye suffer for righteousness \ ve don \ 8 On Se sake, happy ave ye, and be not roy 0€ poor CUGOU Hy) po a HESS eal) € afraid of their terror, neither be rapaxOnte’ 8 Kuptov O€ toy ” Geov troubled: | but sane the chee 2 iB yi an & Lord God in your hearts, an ALS UL@V. ETOL{LOL J : CAGE a Oe Kapot ESLUHE \ a Ke be ready always to give an an- de ael mpos amoNoylay TavTt T@ l- swer to every man that asketh rn a > ¢ ° te . rouTe wpas oyor mep) THs €y tui you a reason of the hope that is ONE? \ hes \ 5B . in you, with meekness & # fear: eAmidos, META MpavTnTos Kat Popov: 16 haying a good conscience, a . a guvelonow EXOVTES ayabny, wa €Y @ that whereas they speak evil of c a Wt ee ¢ xorrot@v, You as of evildoers, they may Karahahoow Uo! on Ke mo _? be ashamed that falsely accuse carartxvvOaow ol emnpeacovTes VEG your good conversation in WY a EG Da , Christ Ty ayabny ey XploT@ avacTpopny. . Re hovea Zi 5 ae ae : : 7 Kpetrrov yap aya0orouovrras, et For it is better, if the will a ee Ay a s , of God be so, that ye suffer for Gédou” 70 edna Tov Oeov, TATXELY, well doing, than for evil doing. a Sad. \ r \ as é i) KakoTroLouyTas” 8 Gre kat Xpiotos ' For Christ also hath once ¢ é \ ¢ me Orbe! Otel suffered for sins, the just for the ang ure Dr COT TS OS unjust, that he might bring us UTEP AOLK@Y, Wa Nuas Tpodayayy TO to God, being put to death in Ocd. Gavatwbels pev capki, Cworroinbeis the flesh, but quickened by the Sey ; Salt PRG COoTO Spirit. 19 By which also he went de TVEVILATL, > © \ rs > €y @ Kal TOLS €V and preached unto the spirits a , \ af ® . . Be pudakh mvevpace mopevdels exnpugéev, in ee autice comune 90 > , / ¢ o? x / aw were isobec ient, when once 2 dmeOnract BOTS NOTES: dmreSedeXeTo the longsuffering of God waited 7) TOU Oeou paxpoOupia ev njzepats N@e, in the days of Noah, while the , A a , an vay . at = “ha . xarackevafoperns KiBwrov, eis iv OXI- ark was a preparing: wherein are) oR. 5 40 few, that is, eight souls were yat, EOUR €oTly ORT as: uxat teg~@ON- saved by water. 2! The like cay Ot voaros, 21 hs” ral nas ayTi- figure whereunio eye a nt x i , > ,_ doth also now save us, (not the TUTTO ; ; CUR ANY water Barricpa, (ov OaPKOS yutting away of the filth of the 2 / if > / ardects purov, adda ovverdnoews flesh, but the answer of a good ? a ? i a ye = y ayabns emepornia eis Gedy,) 80 dva- Conscience toward God,) by the ; T Xx Beate aes resurrection of Jesus Christ. Gc ieas noov plogvov, OS E€OTLY 22 Whois gone into heaven, and n A ~ \ * . év de£1G Tov Ocod, mopevbels cis ovpa- is on the right hand of God, \ ¢ , Seen , angels, and authorities, and YOY, UMOTAYEVT@Y a E ati Sees Ovo, UOT RY. Be Cure ayyehoy Kal powers being made subject unto eLovolay Kal Ouvajrewy. him. 4, X porto obv mabdvros ! imép 4. Forasmuch then as Christ ea ont: % so ae hath suffered for us in the flesh, ay, oapKl, ae UPLELS THY AVTNY EVYOLAY arm yourselves likewise with ¢ 4 c \ b: oF - 6mAicacbe’ OTe 6 Tabav * éy” oapkl, the same mind: for he that hath , ¢ , 5 \ ,_ suffered in ¥ flesh, hath ceased TETAUTAL GwapTias* sh ag duet te te ie I pi $ ge TO PIKETL from sin: *that he no longer avOparav eémiOvpiats, ada Oednpare should live the rest of his time A cw {ydwrar. DC Xpicroyv. € W xcaradadonarv. d Rec Oerer. © Ccamsbare. f Rec. add + § Rec. awak eedexero h Bz. & Elz. = r= * Gr.upon. 8 Or, reverence *1 Prrer LV. 3. in the flesh, to the lusts of men, but to the will of God. 3 For the time past of our life may suffice us to have wrought the when we walked in lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine, revellings, ban- quetings, and abominable idol- atries. + Wherein they think it Strange, that you run not with them to the same excess of r will of the Gentiles, speaking evil of you: the dead. lot, 5 who shall give account to him that is ready to judge the quick and 6 For, for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live ac- cording to God in the spirit. 7 But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober and watch unto prayer. 8 And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the mal- titude of sins. 9 Use hospitality one to another without grudg- ing. 10 As every man hath re- ceived the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. speak, oracles of God: 11 Tf any man let him speak as the if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth, that God in all things may be glori- fied through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. 2 Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial, which is to try you, as though some Strange thing happened unto you. !3 But rejoice inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s ferings ; shall be revealed, ye may suf- that when his glory be glad also with exceeding joy. 4 If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, HADPY are ye, for the spirit of g glory, and of God resteth upon ‘you: on their part he is evil spoken of, but on your part he is glorified. 560 IITETPOY! Gcov Tov sf midouroy év apart Prdo' x povov. eAn\vOas xpdvos * doxeros yap a py” O Tap) >rov Biov,” TO © ek Anpa” tév Ovay Katepydcacba, zre- Topeumevous ev acedyetats, emeOvpiar | t > oivopAvylats, KasL0L8, Toros, Kal ade | plrous e(O@hoharpetais® 4 evo Sevi | Covrat, pay owt pEeX Ouray vay eis TH) auriy THS agwtias avaxvow, Bacdy | ouvTes" 2 a Ol amoOmcouct Adyov TC eTOiw@s eXoure Kpivat (evras Kal Vet Kpous. | © els TOUTO yap Kal VEKPOt \( eunyyeNic6n, va KprOaor pey KaTOh avOparrovs capki, (@or O€ Kata Cedi/ TVEUPATL. 7 Tlavrey de TO reXos TYY KE. O@:) ppovncare oo Kal vippare els Tas mporeuxas® * po mavre@v Oé€ THY cl: eaurovs ay darny EKTEV EXOVTES, OTL d | dyany yuopev" ue * kahuyer ” prdgevor els _adirovs, avev exagros Kabas An Oos Anapriam ‘yoy: raBek Xapiopa, eis €avTOUS avTO Ovakovodyres, : @s KaNol oikovduo1 mouxthys Xapiros Ocov 1 el TLS Aahet, a os hoya Ocov’ et TLS Ovakovel, & @s ei iaxvos nS Xopnyet 3 0 Ge0s° wa ev Tau o€a¢nrat 6 Geos Sua? Tyood Xpiorov, @ €or 7 Odga Kal > a \ TO KpaTos eis TOUS al@vas Tay alovery. } , Vv. 132. Ayannr Ol, pn Sevier de TH ev bp : Tuporer mpos a Upy 1 it Os E€vou t ULL oupBaivovros* KOLW@VELTE Tots Tou Kpuoral | 8 Kao “ 13 Tabnuact, _Xalpere, wa kal ev TH airo= Kahvwet THs dogns avTov Xapnre cryah- Ai@pevor. 1 el overdiferOe € ev ovdpars Xptotov, prakdpeou’ OTL TO THS ddéns "kai Ouvdpews” Kc al TO TOU Qeov Tivetpa ep Upas avatra vera’ “Kata pev avrous Pracdnpeirat, Kata dé t vas dof acerat.” ~ Bovrnua d 3 —. St. om C€@xadorre. fw h © .— Rec. & Gh. om. i=; yoyy" “ Or, will. T1908, & Bz. & Elz. na@ws.EMISTOAH A. 561 1 Peter V. 9. aor iL yap TLS UL@Y marXeTo as povevs, 15 But let none of you suffer as Ne x o7roto @s dAXo- * Murderer, or as a thief, or as 7 K Sorel 1 rae Sy 7 : an evildoer, or as a busybody Tploemiokorros" 8 ci O€ ws Xpioriavos, in other men’s matters. 16 Yet i er hris- € Ooo bo aero be Tov Qecdy if any man suffer as a C wy one ee g ¢e tian, let him not be ashamed, ev TO * wepet ‘ TOUT@. 1 : 7 Ore 6 kacpos but let him glorify God on this 2, A ~ a . . TOU dptacBat | TO Kpipa avo Tov otxov behalf. 17 For the time is come e ip’ that judgment must begin at Tov Oeov" el de Tparov a LOY, Tt TO the house of God: and if it first Téhos TOY ameourrer T® TOU Oeov begin at us, what shall the end 18 df JAus be of them that obey not the Kal el 6 Olkato OAL - ebayyehig ; > \ : Nie 2 ig x gospel of God? 18 And if the oa cerat, 0 aceBis Kat apapT@)os TOU righteous scarcely be saved, pavetrat 5 19 Sore Kal ot mao XovTes where shall the ungodly and the Ged 8 Sinner appear ? !9 Wherefore, Kara TO Oe Te TOU €0v, os TLOT@ let them that suffer according KTLoTy aparibeobacav TUS uxas to the will of God, commit the > €aurav’ év dyabororig. keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful 3. IIpeoSurepous Tous eV vi mapa- Creator. KQA® O oupmperBurepos Kal peaprus 5. The elders which are X 6 among you I exhort, who am TOV TOV plorou ma neaTov, 0 Kal THs also an elder, and a witness of pehhovons droxahunrec Oat 0&8 Kot- the sufferings of Christ, and also 2 = a partaker of the glory that € € t Y@vos, moueavar TO ev byl v Toto shall be’ revenlede arena vine Tov Ocov, emir korrouvres pay avayka- flock of God ¢which is among aT@s, GAN éxovcios* ai alo pokep- you, taking the oversight ther e- of, not by constraint, but will- dds, d\ia mpodipas: > pnd @s ka- ingly: not for filthy luecre, but TAKUPLEVOVTES TOY KAND@Y, GAA TU7TOL of a ready mind: neither as 3 4 & being lords over God’s herit- LVOMEVOL TOD TrOLLYLOV* l - © 5 qe ine sm Oe eo pave age: but being ensamples to the pobevros TOU apxtroipevos, KOpLLEL- flock. 4And when the chief oOe Tov ajLapavrivoy THs Od&ns ore- Shepherd shall appear, ye shall pavov receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away. > “Opolas, VE@TEPOL, Uroraynte E RSS 5 Likewise ye younger, sub- Burépous’ mavtes dS€ adAndots © vrro- mit yourselves unto the elder: Tao TopevoL, 3 THY yea, all of you be subject one to Tamewopporvyny another, and be clothed with eyxopBaooacbe Ott 6 Geds umepnpavors humility: for God resisteth the avriracoerat, Tamewois be didact xa- proud, a giveth grace to the 6 6 humble. Humble yourselves es TATELya@ NTE ouy ono THY Kpa- therefore under ¥ mighty hand Talay xXelpa TOU Ocou, t iva dpas wpoor of God, that he may exalt you €v Kau 7 in due time, 7 casting all your po macay THY peptuvav Upav care upon him, for he careth emippiyravres € em avroy, Ort adT@ pedec for you. ep! ULOV. * Nyware, yenyopnaare Kos pay OudBodos, « os ot copudpevos, 9 seeking whom he may devour. mepuraret, (Tay Tiva Katarrin* @ 9 Whom resist stedfast in the avtiornre OTEpeEol ™ TlOTEL, eiOdres Ta faith, knowing that the same Be 8 Be sober, be vigilant: be- “6 avTio- cause your adversary the devil, as aroaring lion walketh about, * 1 a . . ’ ass ovouaite DWaurwy. C > 4G Ree. add or, Or, as much as ip 3 0u ts, P Or, overruling. Qn1 Peter Y.10. 562 TIETPOY aPC Oe are accom plisied in avUTa TOV TaOnpatreov TH ev KOT LO UPL@V h your brethren that are in the Le ENO emureheto Bau. 10 But the God of all grace O be Ocos maons Xapiros, 6 Ka= } who hath called us into his \¢gas *xpas” eis Ty ai@vioy aUuTov | eternal glory by Christ Jesus, 5 XK 2 / bé after that ye have suffered a d&ay ev XpioT@ ‘Inood, Oa ae OVS while, make you perfect, sta- Tas, autos Katapticat” ° bpas, d grn- 1 blish, strengthen, settle you. (eu de 6 doer’ 11 avTe | To him be glory and domi- pe oo VOoeL; ES nion for ever and ever. Amen. 7) bdga Kal” To Kparos els TOUS ai@vas } , TOV al@vey. any. 12 By Silvanusa faithful bro- 12 Avg Sidovavod tpiv Tov mLoTov ther unto you, (as I suppose) 2S x SP) One I have written briefly, exhort- @0€ pov, ws oyicopat, b nO) ae ing, and testifying, that this is eypaya, mapakahov Kal eTLLapTUpaY | the true grace of ‘God wherein rey endl @NnGn Hen rou cov els ye stand. !3 The church that is Tau uf) “i ee at Babylon elected, together fv éoTNKaTE. aomacerat Upeas 1” eV with you, saluteth you, and SO BaBudove OUVEKNEKTI); Kal Mapxos a doth Marcus my son. !4 Greet 14 ye one another with a kiss of vids [LOVv. domdcag Ge a@\AnAous ey charity : pudjpare ayanns. Peace be with you all that Eipnyy Upiy maou Tos €V XpioTq ° . f? A gol are in Christ Jesus. Amen. Ingov. * TET POM Pil S POAH AY TER A IMON Peter, a servant and DYMEQN Ilerpos SovAos Kal dndaro:| an apostle of Jesus Christ, ToD. ox Tov Tols iaoTLLo}! to them that have obtained Ros ee v Sao ¥ se He like precious faith with us, np Aaxovot mloTw ev Sixacogvvn TO}! through y righteousness of God, Se np@v Kal TaTnpos "Incoov Xptorou| and our Saviour Jesus Christ. vind bes 2 Grace and peace be multiplied * xapes up kal eipnvy ar a UYOELT é| unto you through y knowledge eTLYVOTEL Tov Qecov, Kal "Ingov TO of nee and of Jesus our Lord, Kupiov ear. according as his divine power hath given unto us all (Qs mayra np TS Oeias Suvdpee ! things j y per tain unto life and avutTou Ta T™pos Con? V Kal evoeBevay Oe) godliness, through ¥ knowledge § O10 @ evns la THS ET VOTES TO of him that hath called us ¢to oe Le ae 56 oy glory and virtue. 4 Wherebyare K@ SRO A) npas va 06 iS kat aperns. given unto us exceeding great 4 8? Ov ta peylora ny Kal Tipll 8 Dz.0vuas. DS car Cs e— 4d Rec. w arnprkat, bevwcat, Gepertwoar.— Gh. 4 Z Gewedioce e—- g§ Rec. add apnve h ® tdig boy wat apsry. o: Ora bysENISTOAH B. 563 emayyehpara dedapyrat, wa bua TOUT@Y yevnoOe Oeias Ko.veovol puceos, arro- puydvres THS ev KOoH@ ev emOupia poopas. kal avro TOUTO be, orrovdny macay TAPELOEVEYKAYTES, emxopnyn- GATE €Y TH TLOTEL VOY THY apeETny, EV dé TH apetn THY yvaouw, © ev Se TH yore my eyKpdretay, ev O€ 77 eykpa- relg THY Umropoviyy, ev O€ TH Urrojov}) my evoeBerav, ' ev O€ TH evoeBeia THY prradedgiay, ev de TH prradeAia try ayarny. ® ravta yap vpiv Umdpxovra Kal TAcovatovra, ouK apyous ovde akap- TOUS Kabiomnow els Ty TOU Kuptov mLOv ‘Inov Xpiorod exiyyoow °° @ : yap BN) mapeore Tavra, Tupnds EOTL, pvamageav, AnOnv haSeov TOU kabapt- ohovU Tay maAat avTOU * dwapTnudToy. 10 610 pahdor, ddehpol, omovdacare BeBaiay tpav tiv KXjow Kal ekNoyy moveioGau Tata yap ToodyTes ov pn mralonte Tote. *!' ctw yap TAOVCIws emtxopnynonoerar vpiv 1 elaodos eis Thy ai@yvLov Pacthetay Tou Kuptov nuav goa aos "Incovd epiogew * Aw? ouK auednow" © del pas” Uro- pun oKeLY mepl TOUT@D, Kaimrep elOdTas, Kal €oTnplypevous ev a) Tapovcn ahy- Geta. a3 dikavoy dé 7 nyovpat, ep doov eijul ey TOUT@ 7 oKIVO ATL, Sueyeipew tas ev uropynoet’ 14 eidas Ore Tax EOTLY 1) drodeats TOU oKnYopaTos piou, kabas kal 6 Kvptos judy "Incods Xpuoros cdpage pot. | grovdacw Oe kal EKA TOTE exe vas peta THY ey eodov, THY TOUT@Y pYN-NY TroLEetobaL. Ob yap Teropiopevors pvdors eGaxohoudycarres € eyvopicapey Uply THY Tov Kupiov judy Incod Xpicrod dv- val Kal tapovolay, GAN endmrat yeunOevres THs ekeivou peyadeldrnTos. 2 Peter I. 16: and precious promises, that by these you might be partakers of the divine nature, having es- caped the corruption that is in the world through lust. 5 And besides this, giving all diligence, add to your faith, virtue; and to virtue, know- ledge ; and to knowledge, tem- perance ; and to temperance, patience ; and to patience, god- liness ; 7 and to godliness, bro- therly kindness ; & to brotherly kindness, charity. § Forif these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren, nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 9% But he that lacketh these things, is blind, and cannot see far off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old sins. !9 Wherefore, the rather, brethren, give dili- gence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall. |! For so an entrance shall be minis- tered unto you abundantly, into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 12 Wherefore I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things, though ye know them, and be stablished in the present truth. 13 Yea, I think it meet, as long as Iam in this tabernacle, to Stir you up, by putting you in remembrance: ' knowing that shortly I must put off this my tabernacle, even as our Lord Jesus Christ hath shewed me. 15 Moreover, I will endeavour, that you may be able after my decease, to have these things always in remembrance. 16 For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eye-witnesses of his majesty. &@ Rec. W apap, b NX padd\nsw ¢ Rec. upas ace. a a2 Perer I. 17. 17For he received fromGod jFa- 7 ther, honour & glory, when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory, This is my beloved Sonin whom Iam well pleased. 18 And this voice which came from heaven we heard, when we were with him in the holy mount. !9 We have also a more sure word of prophecy, whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts: 20 knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation: 7! for the pro- phecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. 2. But there were false pro- phets also among y people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. 2 And many shall follow their 8 pernicious ways, by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of: $and through covetousness shall they with feigned words, make merchan- dise of you, whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slum- m bereth not. 4 For if God spared not the ‘ angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, avd deliver- ed them into chains of dark- ness, to be reserved unto judg- ment: ° and spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the un- godly: ®and turing the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes, condemned them withan overthrow, making them an en- sample unto those that after should live ungodly: 7 and de- 564 ITETPOY 7 NaBov yap mapa Oeov marpos Tony Kal dogay, porns evexOeions avT@ rovao de UTrO 77s. peyahomperrous bdéqs Ourds €oTly 6 vids fou O ayarnros, eis ov eyo evddKnoa. 18 Kat TaUTHY THY peovny mytets nKOvTapeEY ef ovpavou eve- | xOcivay, ovy aUT@ OvTEs EV TO Opes TO Kal €xopev BeBaidrepov TOD | e aylo, TpopyriKoy hoyov" @ Kah@s movetre TpooeXovTEs, (os hUXVe aivovte ev avxpnpe TOT@, EWS OU muEepa Ovavydon, Kal porpépos avarethy), ev Tats Kap- | Olats Upaoy 20 ToUTO Tp@rov yor | OKOVTES, OTe mara mpopyreta ypapns, idlas emudvoews ov yiveTat. ov yap Oednpare avOperov nvexOn TOTE Tpo- | oc pnreia, aX’ umro TIvevparos cytov pepopevor €AdAnoay *” dytor Oeov ay- ape ‘Eyevorro O€ Kal Wevdorpoprrat ev T® ad, ws Kal ev Upiy EDovTat pevdodiddoxaror, olTLives mapeodgovow aipecets dreetas, kab TOY dyopdcarra auTous Seonorny dpyovpevol, emayovres Eavtois Taywiy am@decav’ * Kat ToNot éEaxoovOnaovaw avtay tais Paceh- / Hu > aA ¢ eQ\ a > J yelas,” d¢ ods 7 600s THs adnOetas BraodnunOnoera’ * kai ey mheovekig maorots Noyous vpas epropevoovrat" ols TO Kpiua Exmadar ovK apyet, Kal 7 am@heva avT@v ov vuotacer. 4 1? \ ¢ \ > , ¢c Et yap 6 Gc0s ayyéAwyv apaptn- cavTwy ovK edpeicato, adda cetpais / , , Codou Taprapwoas Trapedaxey els Kpiow “rnpoupevous’” ° Kal apyalou Koopou > > / > > TOT, Tn ovK epeiaato, aAN dydoov N@e diKato- , , f. cuvns KnpuKa epudage, KatakAvopov KOT LO aveBav emdgas® 6 xal modes Soddpav kal Youoppas teppaaas Kara- otTpopn KatTeKpiwev, Umoderypa peAdov= 2 ~ , or Tov aceBew TeGerkws’ ‘Kai Sikacov A@T, a Rec. add a. b Rec. awewderacs. RB Or, lascivious ways, as some copies read. © Rec. rarnpnpevous. “Or, at any lime,EINSTOAH B. 565 Katamovoupevoy td Ts ToY abécpapr ev avehyeia avactpodis, €ppvcaro’ ° (Prepare yap kal axof 6 Sixauos, EYKATOLKOY éy autots, nuepav éé p-Epas Wuxi ScKcalay avopots epyors éBacd- vicev’) 9 ofS Kupios evoeBeis ek Tetpaguwov pvecOa, adixovs de es npepay Kploews kohalopevous rnpeiv" ) padiora dé tos érica wapkos ey emOumia pucacj.od TOpevomevous, Kal kuptoTntos Katadpovodvras. ToApnrai abdaders, dd€as od TPEfLOvoL Pracdnuotvress ™ Soy dyyedor io yvi Kat Ouvdjer peicoves ovres, od hépovcr KaT avToy “mapa Kupie“ PAdodnpov Kptow. odror Oe, as Goya oa pvoka Pyeyevnuéva” cis Gtwow xa} POopay, €v ois dyvoodor Piacdhnpodrres, ev Th POopa airav Katap@apnoovrat, Kopeovpevor pioOoy adixias. Sorry Wyovpevoe thy ep NEPA Tpvpny, oriror Kal w@pot, evtpupavres ev rais °drd- Tats” avTay, TUVEVBYOUVMEVOL iv, 4 6pOarpovs EXOVTES peaTovs fotya- Aios Kal dxararatcrous” apaptias, dedeafovres Wuxas aornpikrovs, kapOtay yeyupvacperny © m)eovegias” EXOVTES, Katapas téxva, xaranurdyres !” pu Ociay ddr, es\arn naar, e€axohov6n- gavtes T7 00@ ToU Badadp Tov Booop, Os pucOov ddikias nyannoev, © eeyEw d€ eoyev idias Tmapavomias’ vmrotuy.oy apavov, ev avOparou porn pbeyEa- Hevoy, ex@dvoe THY TOD mpodynrouv ma- pappoviay. ™ obroi eiot TNyat avvdpo., Skat Ouiydac” td daidarcs eAavyoue- vat, ois 6 Codbos tov oxétous "els aiava’ TETHPNTAL. 8 “Yrépoyka yap paraotntos Pbey- , Se. > > 6 / youevol, Ocheafovow ey emt ULLAL t moms. bE Bz. XK iz. 8 Gb: yeyevineva, © OW ayanatse o> axatanaverou. € Rec, ~~ TAEovetiaig, 1 iiec. add rny. § Rec. repsrac. hes. Or, dominion. B Some read, against thewseives Y Gr. an aduiteress, 2 Perer If. 18. livered just Lot, vexed with the filthy conversation of y wicked: 8 (for that righteous man dwell- ing among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous - soul from day to day, with their unlawful deeds.) 9 The Lord knoweth how to deliver y godly Out of temptations, and to re- ! Serve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished: 10 but chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of un- cleanness, and despise ¢ govern- ment. Presumptuous are they ; self- willed: they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities: !! where- as angels which are greater in power and might, bring not railing accusation & against them before the Lord. 12 But these, as natural brute beasts made to be taken & destroyed : speak evil of the things that 1a they understand not, ard shall utterly perish in their own cor- ruption, !3 and shall receive the i. reward of unrighteousness, as they that count it pleasure to riot in the day time: spots they are and blemishes, sporting themselves with their own de- ceivings, while they feast with you: ‘4hayving eyes full of y adultery and that cannot cease from sin, beguiling unstable souls: an heart they have exer- cised with coyetous practices: \ cursed children: 19 which have forsaken the right Way, and are gone astray, following the way of Balaam the son of Bosor, who | loved the wages of unrighteous- & { ness, !6 but was rebuked for his iniquity : the dumb ass speaking with man’s yoice, forbad the ' madness of ¥ prophet. !7 These are wells without water, clouds 9 that are carried witha tempest, { to whom the mist of darkness | is reserved for ever. 18 For when they speak great swelling words of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the Ba2 Perer IIL. 19. flesh, through much wanton- ness, those that were ¢clean escaped from them who live in error. !9 While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage. 29 For if after they have escaped the pollutions of y world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the lat- ter end is worse with them than the beginning. 7! For it had been better for them not to have known the way of right- eousness, than after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them. 22 But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb: The dog is turned. to his own vomit again, and the sow that was washed, to her wallowing in the mire. 3. This second epistle (be- 1oved) I now write unto you, in both which I stir up your pure minds by way of remem- brance: ? that ye may be mind- ful of the words which were spoken before by the holy pro- phets, and of y commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour: *® knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, 4 and saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. ° For this they willingly are ig- norant of, } by the wor dof God § Vv heavens were of old, andy earth Sstanding out of the water, and in the water, 6 whereby ¥ world that then w as, being ov erflowed with water, perished. 7 But the heavens and the earth which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment, and perdition of ungodly men. 566 ITETPOY 2gapKos, aveAyelas,” Tovs ddiyas” caropuydvras” Tovs ev TAdYN avaoTpeE- popevous* eeudepiar avrois emay- yeAdopevot, aurol Govhou Umapxovres Ts pOopas’ & yap Tes aTTT aL, TOUT® kat SedovA@ra. 2 ef yap drrocpuydures Ta plidopara TOU KOGpLOU EV ETTLYY@CEL Tov Kupiou kal cwrnpos Inoov Xpiorod, Toutots O€ maAw epmakEevTEes NTT@VTAL, yeyovey avtois Ta €ayata xElpova TOV , 9 tos \ ay > kon \ TPOTOY. KpelTTOV yap HY avTots pn eTEYVMKEVAL THY OOOY THS Sixavoovrns, 7 emvyvouow emo peyrat ek THS Tapa- dobeions avrois dytas evrohijs. 2 Up BeBnxe S€ avtots To THs addnOods Tapoyslas’ Kvev emuoTpevras emt TO iOvov e€€paa’ Kai “Ys Aovoapevn, eis KUALo La BopPépov. 3. Tavrny 7n, dyarnrol, devrépav opty YPé apo emLoToNiy, ev ais Oveyeipo UL@V"EV UTopynoel TY ethukpwvn dua- voy, 3 pao Onva TOY Tpoetpnevoov pyearav UTO TOY dylov mpopntay, Kal THS TOV aTooTOA@Y Huay evToANs, TOU TOUTO TpP@Tov yWoOKOVTES, OTL EAEVTOVTAL ET ET YATOU TOY Hepa “ey eptravypovn” eumatkrat, Kata Tas las °émuOupias avtaey" 7 Topeu= opevot, * kat Aeyovres” Ilov €oTw 7 enayyeNia 7s mapovoias QUTOD } ap js yap ot marepes exotpn Onoay, TavTa ovT@ Svapever a apxns KTLOEQS. A AavOaver yap_ auTous TovTo OéXov= Tas, OTL ovpavol noav e€xrahat, Kal yA e& vdaros kal Ov bdaros oweoTaoa, T@® TOU Qeov Adyw, * Sv oy 6 Tore KOo pos voare kcarakhvoGels dm@hero" 7 of O€ vty ovpavol Kat 7 v7 (TO avrov" oye TeOnoaupiopevor clot, mph T= povpevou els nNuepay Kploews Kal aTro- Aelas TOY aceBav avOporer. : : s Kuplov kal o@Tnpos* * Bz.& Elz TapKog Ev aceAyetats CS capKos aneAy ecag. D Recrovrws. € w aropevyovras. 4 Rec. om. © Rev. aur.erd. f Bz.&Elz. rw aurw. St.avrov. * Or, foralittle, or, a while, as some read. 8 Gr. consisting,EIMSTOAH B. 567 Q \ ~ \ , ~ S*Ev b€ rodro ph avbavéra upas, > - /, ¢ / ayamnrol, OTe pia juépa mapa Kuplo (< / , / ws xthia ery, Kai xidua ern Os Hepa / 2 , 2 ~ pia. ° ov Bpaddver 6 Kipuos TIS eTay- , q a am yedias, &s Ties Bpadutnra nyovvrau’ =) d \ end a > ¢ “” 4 \ aka paxpoOvuet *eis Huas,” wy Bov- a / > / > \ / Aopevds tTivas drodécOa, adda mavras els peTdvoray yopnoa. 1 néer S€ 7 ¢ , r , ¢ NE D4 > © neepa Kuptov @s khentns?”, ev 7 ¢ = ol ovpavol portnddv Tapeevoorrat, ol , / aToixeia O€ Kavoovpeva vOncovrar, ~n~ 5 ys , Kal yn kal Ta ev avth épya kaTakar- oeTa. iW or , > , , Pour@y ovv mavt@y \vopéver, Tro- a - ¢ tamous det Umdpyew tas ev ayiats r 9 avaotpopais Kat eioeBeias, 2 ™poo~ ~ ff OokOyras Kal omevdovras Thy Tapovo lay a ~ a ¢ / aed Ts Tov Qeov nuepas, Ov iy ovpavol 7 / cr Tupoumevor AvOnoovrar, Kal @roLyeia , Kavooupeva THKkeTar; 3 Kavods &é ov- pavovs Kal ynv Kawiy Kata TO emdy- yedpa avtov mpocdoKapmer, év ois , cr Otkatocvvn KaroLKel. 14 A \ > \ a ae 5 ae Lo, ayamnrol, Tavta mpocdoKay TES, OTOVOdTATE AoTLAOL Kal © apapnrou” n n~ a 4 \ avT@ evpeOjvar ev eipyyn, Kal TV Tov Kupiov judy paxpobupiay, cwrnpiav nystobe Kados Kai 6 dyarnrds nwev ade os TatQos kara Tiyy avT@ Sobcicay oS r d copiay éypabey wpiv, © os Kal ev a 6 vod > > mTagats Tais emiotoAais, Aada@y ev adv- r , o > Tals mept Tovrev’ ev “ois” éore / C 2 - > , dvovdnta Twa, & of auabeis kal dorh- pixrot otpePAovawy, ws Kal Tas Aourds an > / ypahas, mpos thy idiay attev aro- elay. Wc A > > \ , Ypets ovy, ayannrol, mpoyweo- a A x ~ okovtes chuAdooeoOe, iva pu) TH TOV ‘ > /, adécpov mary cuvaraxévres, exré- a , a“, 327 ante Tov iOlov ornptypov' 38 avédvere A xi , d€ ev xdpite Kal yyaoet TOU Kupiov 2 Perer III, 18: 8 But (beloved) be not ig- norant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. 9 The Lord is not slack concerning his pro- mise (as some men count slack- ness) but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but y all should come to repentance. 10 But the day of the Lord will come asa thief in the night, in the which y heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat,the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burnt up. 1! Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation, and godliness, |? looking for and «hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the hea- vens being on fire shall be dis- solved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat. 13 Ne- vertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens, and anew earth, wherein dwell- eth righteousness. ‘4 Wherefore (beloved) see- ing that ye look for such things, be diligent y ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless. !5 And account that the longsuffering of the Lord is salvation, even as our beloved brother Paul also, ac- cording to the wisdom given unto him, hath written unto you. !6 As also in all his epis- tles, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction. 17 Ye therefore, beloved, see- ing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own Stedfastness. 18 But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of aw be’ vas VY erg vas. b Rec. add ey vexre, © Capwpor. dma. % Or, hasting the coming.1 Joun [. 1. 568 IOQANNOY our Lord and Saviour Jesus nea kal Tari pos Inoov Xpuorov. Christ: to him be glory both vy Kal el épav | now and for ever. Amen. avT@ 7 ee kal yan S mp Pp ai@vos. 2 aunv.” LOANNOY ENIZTOAH TIPQOTH. fN\HAT which was from the 20) "HN ar apxijs, 6 dxnkdaper, 0 éw- beginning, which we have a heard, which we have seen with , pakapev Tots opdahpois LOY, G our eyes, which we have looked eGeacapeba, Kal al XELpeEs LV eWnad- upon, é our hands have handled gay Tepl Tov Aoyou ths Cans: * (Kah of the Word of life. 2(For the pn . 85 p 0 Y ‘ 7) G< 7 ( x life was manifested, & we have n (on epavepo Is Kal EO PORCH e Kal seen it, and bear witness, and uaprupeoper, Kal dmayyéhhopev opiy shew unto you that eternal life which was with the Father, and THY Cony THY ai@vuov, Tes ny Tpos roy was manifested unto us.) 3 That marépa, Kal epavepobn npv’) 6 which we have seen and heard, y Eo aKa eV kal aknkoapev ara eAAOmev declare we unto you, that ye pP fe i be im be also may have fellowship with Ups. iva Kal vets Kotveoviay EXNTE ped us ; and truly our fellowship zs pao’ Kal 7 Kowevia d€ 7 npeTepa pera with the Father, and with his FOU TATOOS Kai WenOEoL Son Jesus Christ. 4 And these ; OT POs RG beg ov avToU things write we unto you, that ee Xptorou" Kal Tavra L ypapo- your joy may be full. pev vpn,’ va 7 xapacvpev" 7 mem\n- papery. a e 6 This then is the message 7° Kal aurn €or Th ayyeria” ny which we have heard of him > AKNKOawLEV aT avTOU Kal avayyé\Xo and declare unto you, that God 0 ne 2 YY Sle is light, and in him is no dark- UW, OTe 6 Ocds pas €OTL, Kal okoria ness at all. SIf we say that we ey aiT@ OUK €oTLY Gubeuias § dav && have fellowship with him, and “oe , >” 2 eee eee eanmneee iat and Topey OTL KOLYMVLaV EXOMEV ET QUTOU, do not the truth. 7 But if we Kal ev TO OKOTEL TEplTraT emer, wWrevd6- walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one Bees Kat ov mrovoupey THY an Oevay* with another, and the blood of €av be ev TO port TepiTrarapev, OS Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth qirds or ev TO Por, KoLv@viay €xo- us from all sin. Ok pev per akan ov, Kal TO aipa ‘Inood Xpirrov TOU VLOD aUTOD kaOapicer 7; npas aro mdons dpaprias. 8 °Ka ay elmo ev OTL aa i 8 If we say that we have no is B priay ouK exo sin, we deceive ourselves, and yes Eavrovs Tavoper, Kal 1 ahnOeva the truth is not inus. 9 If we © €p np ovk éotiv.” 9% édy opohoyepev a as b © nusty. C St. nuwy. d Reo. & emayysria. © Rec. & Gb. ovx eoriv ey nucv.EDISTOAH A. 569 A ¢ , ¢ A Tas auaptias nuev, miotdés éeote Kal a > Ae a \ c dixatos, wa ad npw Tas auaprias, Kal / ¢ ~ > kabapion nas. amo maons dotkias. dv Ey 7 cay elrapey OTL ovX TuapTnKaper, , a Wevorny rovodpev avTov, kal 6 Aédyos > ~ > rn QUTOU OUK éoTw ev Huiy, , ~ , an _ 2. Texvia pov, tatra ypddo vp, ¢ 4 \ 7 / wa 1 apapTnte Kal €dy tis dudprn, 4 + ¢ = Tapak\nrov exouev mpds roy Tarepa, > A = Inoovy Xpiorov Sixarov: kal avTos < , > a ¢ a a iNagpds eore rep) rev AuLapTL@V Udy" > \ a ¢ , Ov Tepl Tov nueTepwv S€ pdvoy, ara \ Nor: ~ Kat Tept Odov Tov KéopoV. 3 Ware) , Kat €y rovt@ ywookopev Ort eyva- > \ > A KaMEev avToY, eay Tas éevToAas advToo = e 4 a+ / TnpOpev. 46 Néyov: "Eyveoxa abrdy' cal A > A > a A Tas evTohas adtov pn Tnpar, Wevorns > A ~ > 7 » €OTL, Kal Ev TOUT@ 7) aAnOea OvK éoTLY" 5 a 2k > > a“ ° os O ay tnph adtod tov Noyov, adn- ~ > 5 ¢ > ~ ~ Gas ev rovT@ ) aydan Tod Ocod Tere- / > , Nelwrar. ey TOUT@® ylv@oKopev OTL ev > ~ > , a , auT@ ecpev. © 6 héywv ev aUT@ preven, > , \ > = opether, Kabas exetvos TEpleTTaTHCE, \ > a oe cad Kal AUTOS OUTwS TreEpuTraTeiy. 7 a aA Nd; > > \ \ YaTNTOL, OVK EevTOANY Katyn 4 - > > A ypape vulv, adN évrodny tradaay, nv ay > > > a ¢ ¢ €lXETE aT apxns’ 7 evToAr) 1) TaXdad 2 a ? , a eoTlv 6 Adyos by nKovaate am apyns.” S mddw evrodny Kawiyy ypape vpiv, 6 > \ a a) €oTw adnbes ev avT@ Kal ep ° viv?” a ¢ / A ~ \ OTL 1) GKoTia Tapdyerat, Kal TO Pas TO > » adnOivov Hn aiver. € s > *s \ a \ \ O Aéeywr ev TS hori etvat, Kal Toy > \ ¢ an . a > ° / adekpoyv atrod picay, év tH oKoria 2 \ vc a TOs pte a \ 10 : EOTIY EWS ptt. 6 ayatrév Tov aded- ov avrov, ev TS hart pévet, Kal oKdv- OaXov ev atte ovk éotw. " 6 &€ puodv \ > Ai aa noeie m3 = / > \ Tov adeAdoy atrod, év TH ckortia oT, aA 5 \ > a Kal €v TH OKOTIA TepiTaTEl, Kal OVK OLDE ~ ¢ , a4 Tov wumdyel, OTe 4 oKoTia éeripavE A 3 \ > ~ Tovs opGahpovs adrod. VJonun ale 1 confess our sins, he is faithful, and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all un- righteousness. 10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us. 2. My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sinnot. And if any mansin, we have an advocate with the Fa- ther, Jesus Christ the righte- ous: and he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for our’s only, but also for the sins of the whole world. 3 And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments. 4 He jy saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and y truth is notinhim. 5 But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God per- fected: hereby know we that we are in him. © He that saith he abideth in him, ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked. 7 Brethren, I write no new commandment unto you, but an old commandment which ye had from the beginning: the old commandment is y word which ye have heard from the begin- ning. 8 Again, anew command- ment I write unto you, which thing is true inhim and in you: because the darkness is past, and the true light now shineth, 9 He that saith he is in the light, and hateth his brother, is in darkness even until now. 10 He that loveth his brother, abideth in the light, and there is none @ occasion of stumbling in him. 1 But he that hateth his brother, is in darkness, and walketh in darkness, and know- eth not whither he goeth, be- cause that darkness hath blind- ed his eyes. 4 Rec. AdsAgou. b> CN nur * Gr. scandal.1 Joun Wl. 12. 12 J write unto you, little children, because your sins are forgiven you for hisname’s sake. 13 [ write unto you, fathers, because ye have known him that is from the beginning. I write unto you, young men, be- cause you have overcome the wicked one. I write unto you, little children, because ye have known the Father. 14] have written unto you, fathers, because ye have known him that is from the beginning. have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong, and the word of God abideth in you, & ye have over- come the wicked one. !5 Love not y world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. !® For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. !7 And the world pass- eth away, and the lust thereof, but he that doeth the will of God, abideth for ever. 18 Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists, whereby we know that itis the last time. 19 They went out from us, but they were not of us: for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have con- tinued with us: but they went out that they might be made manifest, that they were not all of us. 20 But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things. 2! J have not written unto you, because ye know not the truth: but because ye know it, and that no lie is of y truth. 22 Who is a liar, but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father, and ¥ Son. 23 Who- soever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: dut he that aucknowledgeth the Son, hath the Father also. 570 IOQANNOY my Tpdpo pO Tekvia, Ort apeovras } vpiv at dpaprias Ova TO ovopia avrou. ay Tpapo t Opi, TATEPES, OTL eyvaKare ; TOV ar apXis- ypape vpiy, vEaVigKOls OTe VEVURTIKATE TOV Tovnpov. * ypaga* bpiv, mardia, ore eyvaKare TOV marépa. ie "Bypaya t Ups MATEPES, OTL EYVO- Kare TOV aT apxis “Eypayya t Ups YEavloKOl, OTe loxupot ( ETE, Kal 6 Aoyos Tou Qeov ev oie | pevel, Kal VEVIKTIKATE TOY movnpov. * > pay) ayamare TOV KOT POV, pide Ta EV TOP KOT HQ. edy res ayarg TOV KOO MOV, OUK | ear 1 _ayarn TOU marpos €y avTa | 16 Ore Way TO ev 7 KOOL, ” ervOupia) Ts wapkos, Kal 7 emOupia TOV opOah- par, Kal 7) ahaCoveta TOU Biou, OUK eorw i €K TOU Tarpos, GAN €k TOU KOO pou eoTk. | 7 Kal 6 KOT Hos mapayerat, kal 1 €Tl- Oupia Padrov'” 6 S€ rowdy Td Oednpa) Tov Qeod, pever els TOY ai@va. 18 Wadia, é€oydtn dpa eoti* Kail Kalas nKovrare OTL 6 ayTixplaTos Ep- |: Xerau, Kal voy avr ixpLoror moot yer yovacty* oCou yorkopey OTL EDXATT, pa earl. nhs: nLL@V e&1)\ Bor, aX § ouK noav Ze av’ Eb yap oa €€ POY, peprevTikeroray ay ped HOY" aAx | wa puvepabacw ¢ OTL OUVK Elo mavres ef nav. ~ Kal tpets ypiopa exere ach TOU cyiov, kat olOate mavta. 7 ovk\ eypaa Op, OTL OUK otare THY ah: f Gevay, GAN Ort oldate avTny, Kal Grif 7ay \pevdos EK TNS adnOetas OUK €oTL | 22 ris eoTL 6 Yevorns, el Ha) 6 dpvov:| JLevos OTL "Incovs OUK €OTLV O Xpioros |}; Sey chy ee OUTS EOTLY 6 AYTLYPLOTOS, 6 APYOU{AEVOS | \ , Coe ay TOV TaTépa Kat TOV vLOV. 2 4 mas ¢ > / A ey > \ A , dpvovpevos Tov vidv, ovde TOY TaTEpA 2, ~~ A éxeu’ © 6 duodoy@y Tov viov Kal Top} TaTEpa €xXEL.” a eypava. b— ¢ St. & Elz. om.ENISTOAH A. 571 a4 “Ypeis* ou” 0 nkovoare an apX7sy ev Opty peveTo. eay ev opp peivy 0 ar a dpxijs nkovoare, Kal vpeis ev 7 via Kal €v To Tarpl preveire. *5 Kal auTn éor 7 erayycNia, | ip auros emyyel- haro nly, Thy Conv mY aiwriov. * Tav- Ta eypaya ty 1 mepl T@V mavovTov tps. “7 «al vps TO ) Xpiopa 0 ehaBere amr avrov, ev pel pevel, Kal ov Xpetay EXETE | iva Tus dvdaoKn U vas” ad’ as TO » avr" Xpiopa didacKet t upas mepl 7 may- Tov, Kal aAnOes €or, Kal OUK E€oTL pevdos” kal kabas edidakev tpas, © pe- veire’ EV AUTO. °8 Kal viv, TEKVIC, peveTe ev avTe* iva oray pavepofn, € EXopey mappnoiay, kal p47 aloxuyOapev dm avTov, €v TH Tapovola avTov. % *Eay eidnre ore Sikaids eat, ywo- oKere OTe mas 0 ToL@y THY OLKaLOTvYN?, eg auTou yeyevyyrat. 3. Were moramyy ayarny Oedwkev Huty 6 rei iva Tékva Ocod KAnO@mev* Ova TovTO 6 Kdcpos ov ywooke. nuas, OTe ovK eyy@ advtov. ayarnrol, vuy Téxva Oeov éecper, Kal OUT @ epavepoby TL eroueBa otdaper "Oe" Ore éay avepob, OmoLoL avT@ eo opeOa, ore owojreBa avrov Kabas € eOTL. 3 Kal was 6 EXOD 1 Ty eArida Tavrny en avT@, dyviter EavTov, Kabas € exeivos dyvos Combs 34% mas O TOL@V THY apap- \ Tay, Kal TY _avopiay Tout’ Kal dwapria eoTl 7 dvopia. e Kal oldare Sa exeivos epavepabn, é iva Tas dpaprias ° wav “ apy” Kal Gpapria EV AUT@ OK eOTt. a mas 6 ev avuT@ Evan, ovx cpaprdver’ Tas 6 dnapraver, ovx €w- pakev avrov, ovdé eyvakev avrov. 1 Texvia, Endets mavat@ vpas’ 6 TOLOV Ty Oukarootyny, dikaids éort, kadas € exetvos Olkatds eotiv. §& 6 moldy 35 1 Joun III. 8. 24 Let that therefore abide in you which ye have heard from the beginning : if that which ye have heard from the beginning shall remain in you, ye also shall continue in the Son, and in the Father. 2 And this is the promise that he hath promised us, even eternal life. 26 These things have [ written unto you, concerning them that seduce you. 27 But the anointing which ye have received of him, abid- eth in you: and ye need not that any man teach you: but, as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and isno lie: and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in ¢him. 28 And now, little children, abide in him, that when he shall appear, we may have confi- dence, and not be ashamed be- fore him at his coming. 29 If ye know that he is right- eous, ye know that every one which doeth righteousness, is born of him. 3. Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, y we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not: * Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet ap- pear, what we shall be: but we know, that when he shall ap- pear, we Shall be like him: for we Shall see him as he is. 3And every man that hath this hope in him, purifieth him- self, even as he is pure. 4 Who- soever committeth sin, trans- gresseth also the law: "for sin is the transgression of the law. >And ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins, & in him is no sin. § Who- soever abideth in him, sinneth not: whosoever sinneth, hath not seen him, neither known him. 7 Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness, is righteous,even as he is righteous. 5 He that a AS b W avrov. CO pevers, diese 6 = = Orit: B Or, know ye.1 Joun III. 9. committeth sin, is of the devil, for the devil sinneth from the beginning: for this purpose the son of God was manifested, that he might destroy y works of the devil. 9 Whosoever is born of God, doth not commit sin: for his seed remaineth in him, and he cannot sin, because heis bornof God. }° In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not right- eousness, is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother. ll For this is the ¢ message that ye heard from the beginning, that we should love one ano- ther. !2 Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother: and wherefore slew he him ? because his own works were eyil, and his _ brother’s righteous. 18 Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you. l4 We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren: he that loveth not his brother, abideth in death. 14 Whosoever hateth his brother, is a murderer, and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him. 16 Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. }7 But whoso hath this world’s good, and seeth his brother hath need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him; how dwelleth the love of God in him ? }8 My little children, let us not lovein word, neither in tongue, out in deed and in truth. 19 And hereby we know that we are of the truth, and shall 572 IQANNOY » ; = tiv dpaptiay, ek Tov OiaBddouv €oriy | ¢/ Sie a ¢ / c , oTt am apxns 6 SuadBodos dpapravet> els ToUTO ehavepwOn 6 vids Tov OeEov) er , 7 a , 9 a) iva Avon Ta epya TOU StaBddov. * Ta} 6 yeyevnpevos ek Tod CeEov, apapTias a / , A F ov Toll, OTL OTEppa avTOU ev avo) éver’ Kat ov Ovvarat apaptave.y, OT} ; 5 A ~ / > 4 ex Tov Geov yeyevynra. | ev route: davepa eott TA TEKVA TOU OEov Kal TC) Tekva Tov OLaBddov. - A 7 Ilads 6 pn mot@y OrKacocvyny, ovi) a 3 a =~ \ r €or ek TOU Oeov, Kal 6 py ayaTrail \ iO \ ¢ > pi ad os > VIE Tov adeAdboy avTov. OTL aUTN EoTUl ‘ > J A > , A ¢ 1) dyyeAia hy nkoveate am apxns, Ww >? -~ > / = 12 2: Ai fee ayam@pev adAndous ov kabas Kai €K TOU Tovnpov Hy, Kal eodagse TOI : 4 ; adeAdov avtov" Kai xapiy Tivos eopa'| t > ¢ A ' Eev avtov; OTL Ta Epya avTov ToVnpC > A \ A) a > a , qv, Ta O€ TOV adeA*ov avTov Oikaa) A / 13 un Oavpacere, adeAdot * pov,” ef pe) Ts : oetstpas 6 Kéopos. | nueis otdapei) a , n~ ore petaBeBnkapev eK TOU Oavarov El: \ A ao > a \ > 4 THY Conv, OTL dyaT@pmev Tous adeAdous | A > vod / , 6 py ayar@v Tov adeddoy, pever ev Ta) / > ~ Qn Gavara. © mas 6 pucay Tov adehpoi) c “n ’ avtov, avOpwmokrovos eoti* Kal olari' ad m~ > », ore mas avOpwrroKktTévos ovK exer Cori al@yioy éy avT@ pévovcay. ] > , ° "Ey rovT@ eyvoKapey THY aydarny | e > a a - OTL EKELVOS UTEP NL@Y THY \ruUynY avTOIp »~ ee c o~ > ‘ ~ €Onke* Kal Huets OdeiAopey vTép TOI! 10 x a ao \ Ge 17 a i adehhayv tas uxas TiOevat. os O} \ ~ “~ rl av €xn Tov Bloy Tov Kdcpov, Kat Bewpr\ A > ¢ ~ 4 Tov adehoy avtTod ypetay €xovTa, Ka} / \ a A KAelon TA OTAayxXVva avTOU am avToU | n ¢ > , a a , co > TOs ) ayann Tov Oeod pever ev arta’ | 18 / “a \ > ~ rexvia » pov,” py ayaTr@uev eye) 8 ‘\ c nu rv / IAN. d 3 “wa eS unde 7H” yAooon, a ev” Epy@ Kal) > / adneia. > , 9 Kat ev tovT@ © ywaoKopev” Ort ek) “~ > / , », THs a\nOelas eopev, Kat Eumrpoo bev ad- bb > € Ree. om. d Rec. om, a ON yvecourda. Or, commandment.EDISTOAH A. 573 TOU Treloopev Tas Kapoias 7 nHOY: a0 Ore eay KaTayivaoky TOV 1 kapota, OT peiCav éoTw 6 Ocds nis kapdias nper, Kal YWOOKEL mayrd. 2 ayarnrol, ea 1 kapdia mpav HN) Karayweooky LOY, mappyotav €yomey pos TOV cor, 2 kal 0 cay aiT@pev, hawSavopev ‘Tap avrov, Ore Tas evTohas avTOU TNPOUHEY, Kal Ta dpeora evomrLoy avTou moLoupey. 2 Kal avTn erry q evroN} avrov, wa* “mLoTev- oper” TO ovdpare TOU vlov avTOv "Inaov Xpicrod, Kal dyarrOpev adn) hous, Kadws edwkev evTohny mpi. “4 kal o TIPOV Tas evrohas avrov, ev avr@ Level, Kal avros €v avT@. Kat ev TOUT@ yworkopey ort pever ev Tply, €K TOU Tvebparos ov np edaxev. 4. ‘Ayannrol, py TavTt mvevpare TLOTEVETE, ahha Ooxypacere Ta Tvev- vara, el €k TOU Qeov eat’ STL TOAXOL evdonpoxpiirae eEeAnvdacw els TOV kdopov. * ev TovT@ ” yuarkere © TO Ivevpa Tov Ocod” ray mvevpa 0 opohoyet ‘Ingovv Xpurrov ev capkl ehndvObta, €K TOU Oeod €or! 3 Kal may MED pia 0p) Suodoyet ° TOV" Inoowy ° ey oapKt eAnudora” > €K TOU Ocov OUK cote Kal TOUTS ETL TO TOU dytixpiorov, 3 aanoare Ort €pyerat, Kal voy EV TO oui eorly On. * 'Ypeis €K TOU Geod EOTE, Texvia, Kal VEvUKT|KaTE avTovs’ OTL prion € cory oe Opi 0 ev TO KOTP@. ° avTol EK TOU Kogpov elai’ dua TOUTO EK TOU Koopov AaAovot, Kal 6 Kdcpos avToY axovet. © nuets ek TOU Oeod eapev® 6 yweckav TOY Ody, akover nuay’ ds OUK €oTLW eK TOU OEcd, OUK aKoveEL POV. €K TOUTOU yiv@oKopev TO Tvev- pa THs aAnOeias Kat TO TyEdpa THS mans. 1 Joun IV. 6. a assure our hearts before him, 20 For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things. 2! Be. loved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence towards God. ?2And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, be- cause we keep his command- ment, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight. 7 And this is his commandment, That we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave us commandment. 24 Andhe that keepeth his commandments dwelleth in him, and hein him: and hereby we know that he abideth in us, by the Spirit which he hath given us. 4. Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits, whe- ther they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. 2? Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in ¥ flesh, is of God. 3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof you nave heard, thatit should come, and even now already is it in the world. 4 Ye are of God, little chil- dren, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. 5 They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them. §& We are of God: he that knoweth God, heareth us: he that is not of God heareth not us, hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error. AW TioTevwpsY. be ywvwonxeras. © —> 4 Rec, add Xprcrov. ¢ Gb. om. a » Gr. persuade.love. he first loved us. le JOHN Ve 7. 7 Beloved, let us love one another ; for love is of God: and every one that loveth, is born of God and knoweth God. 8 He that loveth not, knoweth not God: for God is love. 9 In this was manifested the love of God towards us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him. 10 Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. 11 Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one ano- ther. 12 No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us. 13 Hereby know we that we dwell in him and he in us, be- cause he hath given us of his Spirit. 14 And we have seen, and do testify, that the Father sent the Son ¢o de the Saviour of the world. 1° Whosoever shall con- fess that Jesus is the son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God. 16 And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love, and he that dwelleth in love, dwelleth in God, and God in him. ' Herein is «our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment, because as he is, so are we in this world. 18 There is no fear in love, but perfect « love casteth out fear : : because fear hath torment: he that feareth, is not made perfect in 19 We love him: because *0 If a man say, I love God, 574 IOANNOY | n > , ; 78 7 Ayamnrol, ayar@pev adAndous’ G:) a a A > 1 ayamrn €K TOU Qeod EoTL, Kal Tras 6 ayc) TOV, EK TOV Qeov yeyevUNTAL, Kal YLUOCK \ es Saxe AD, A > yy ug Tov Geov O PN AYATFOY, OUK EyV@ TC Lee € \ oe, 2 / 9? , Ocoy" ort 0 Geos ayarn eoTLy. ~ Ev TOL T@ epavepoOn 7 ayarn Tov Geo ev np OTL TOY UioY aUTOU TOY fLovOYyEYH arTré| oradkev 6 Geds eis Tov Kéa poy, va (How: py bv aurov. rey TOUT@ eoTly dyam OvxX Ore Tpets yYaTT Tapev Tov Ocdy, ad? OTL avros nyamnoev nas, Kal encoeml TOV viov ore) Alot mept Trev apap | TLOV HOY. © dyarnrol, el OUT@S Ocds nyannoey nea, Kal meets opera) pe ahAndous dyaray. * Ocdv ovdel TOTOTE TeOearau’ eay ayarrGpev adr | Aous, 6 6 Ocds ev mpiy pevel, Kal 1 ayar | avrob TeTehelapievy) € eorw ev np. Sg TOUT@ YYOC Kopev ore EV QUT@ juevopen Kal autos ev nei, OTL €K TOU Ivevparo auTou dedexev 7 1) [LLy. i Kat npets TeOedpeba, Kal papTy povpey OTL O marnp diréoradke TOV ViOi ToTNpa TOU KOO HOU. > Os dy oporo, yien ore ‘Ingovs EOTLV 6 VLOS TOU Ocov | 6 Ocds ev avT@ pevel, Kal @UTOS eV TE Geom. 1° Kai mpeis eyvoxaper Kal Tre: TuoTevKkapev TH aydany ny Exel 6 Oco: ev mp. 6 Ocds cyan eoTl, kal c pevey ev TH dydry, eV TO Oe@ LEVEL Kat 6 Oeds ev atta. ey TOUT@ TETE| etorar 1) 7 aydmn ped? LOY, iva mappn- : clay eX@piey ev ™H neEpa Ts Kpioeos ore Kabas € exeivos €OTL, Kal npets eopie ev TO KOO He tovTa. 8 ho Sos OUK €oTU ev TH aydr, ann ? rerela ayatn ¢&a| PadXee Tov PdBov, ore 6 poBos koAaoe | EXEL” 6 Oe Pokovpevos ov Tereheioral ev ™] ayary. ® Tyets dyarGpev auTOv, Oru ees mparos nyannoe meas. "Edy tis etmn “Ore ayaTv® Tov ® Gr. love with us.EDISTOAH A. 575 Ocdy' Kal Tov adeh poy avuTov pon, pevorns eotiy’ 0 yap pI) ayamrav TOV aided pov avuTov oy Ewpake, TOV Ocoy ov ovX E@PAKE, mas dvvarat ayaa ; al Kal TauTny THY evToay EXOMEV ar avrov, wa 6 aya ov | Tov Qeov, ayana kal TOV adedpov avrov. 5. Ids 6 muorevey Ore "‘Ingovs ear 6 Xpuoros, €k TOV Oeov yeyeruyran’ Kal mas 6 ayaTov Tov yer joayra, ayarra kat TOV yeyevynpevov é& avrov. * &v TOUT yworkopey OTL dryamr@ Lev Ta TeEKVa TOU Geod, oray Tov Gedy dyaro- Levy Kal Tas evrohas avrov *Tnpapev. e avy yap cory 1 aydrn TOU cov, iva Tas evTOAds avTOU Tnpapev" Kal ai evrohal avrTov Baperae ouK cio. * Ore may TO YeyevinpEvO ek TOU Geod, yuKa TOV Koo pov" kal avtn eoTly 7 vixn 1 viKnoara TOV KOT }LOY, TloTLs mpav. > ris coTw 6 VLK@V TOV KOoHOV; el pun) O muotevay ote Incovs eat 06 vids TOU Gcov ; : Oiréds eoTW Oo ay ov vdaros Kal aiparos, "Ingovs ° 0” Xpuords" OUK ey TO ware [LOvOY, GAN ev TO vdaTe Kal TO aipare kal TO Tvedpa €OTL TO peaprupovy, OTL TO TIvetpa €oTlv 1) ay Gea, 4 Ore Tpets elow ol paprupou- Tes 856 Ivetpa, Kal TO Vdap, Kal TO aia’ Kal ol Tpets els TO ev elow. 9 Ei tv peapruplay TOV avOparrav AapBdvoper, 7 paprupia Tov Ocov peeiCov € eoTiy’ ore avuTn corly 7 paprupia Tov Geod, Viv" pepapTupnKe mepl TOU viod avtov. 1 6 morevov els TOV vidy Tov Oeov, exe THY paprupiay ev EavT@’ 0 pa maTevov TO °OcQ, - peborny merroinkey avror, ore ov Te- mOTEVKEY els THY paptupiay, iy. pepap- Tupnkev 6 Oeds mepl Tov viov avToOv. a \ Tower. |) =< © Rec. add ev Tw ovpayvw, o Tatnp, 0 TPELS EV Ect. 8. Kac tpecg evcocy o¢ ppaprupouvTes ev Ty YD. 1 Joun ¥.:,10. and hateth his brother, he is a liar. For he that lov eth not his he hath seen, how can he love God whom he brother whom hath not seen ? 21 And this commandment have we from him, that he who loveth God, love his brother also. 5. Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ, is born of God: and every one that lov- eth him that begat, loveth him also that is begotten of him. 2 By this we e know that we love the children of God, when we love God and keep his com- mandments. 3 For this is the love of God, that we keep his and his com- commandments, mandments are not grievous. 4For whatsoever is born of God, overcometh the world, and this is the victory that over cometh the world, even our faith. Who ishe that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Je- sus is the son of God ? 6 This is he that came by water and biood, even Jesus Christ, not by water only, but by water and blood: and the Spirit that beareth witness, because the Spirit it is is truth. 7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. 5 And there are three that bear wit- the spirit, and the water, and the blood, and these three agree in one. ness in earth, 9 If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater: for this is the witness of God, which he hath testified of his Son. 10 He that believ- eth on the son of God, hath the witness in himself: he that believeth not God, hath made him a liar, because he believeth not the record that God gave of Aoyoo, kat TO ay.ov IIvevpa” Kate ovTor o8 SY ore. WN uw,Tf JOHN Vio 1d: his Son. 1! And this is the re- cord, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. !2 He that hath the Son, hath life; and he that hath not the Son, hath not life. 13 These things have I writ- ten unto you that believe on the name of the son of God, that ye may know, that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the son of God. 1!4 And this is the con- fidence that we have zin him, that if we ask any thing accord- ing to his will, he heareth us. 15 And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him. 16 Tf any man see his brother sin a sin which is not unto death, he shall ask, and he shall give him life for them that sin not unto death. There is asin unto death: I do not say that he shall pray for it. 17 All un- righteousness is sin, and there is a sin not unto death. 18 We know that whosoever is born of God, sinneth not: but he that is begotten of God, keepeth himself, and _ that wicked one toucheth him not. 19 And we know that we are of 49 God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness. 20 And we know that the son of God is come,and hath given us an understanding that we may know him that is true: andwe are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life. 21 Little children, keep your- selves from idols. Amen. 576 IQANNOY } \ a > ‘ e , cd Ni} Kal avTn eoTly paptupia OTL Can | aimvioy €OwKey nuiy 6 Oeds* Kal avTn «| (on €vT@ vid avrod eat. ™ 6 eyo) Tov vioy, exer THY Conv’ 6 py EX@Y TO) uly TOU Qeov, THY Cony ovK EXEL. * Tatra eypayva vp, va elOnT | OTL Cony ® ai@ytov EXETES ol muoTevovTe } eis’ TO Ovopa TOU Viod Tov Oeov. ! Ka}: auTn eoTly 7) Tappynaia jy €xopey mpd | avrov, OTL eay TL airwpeOa Kata Tt} Oedknpa avrov, akover nuav’ © xa) eay oldapey OTL akovEL NU@Y, O ay ai:| Topeba, oldapev Ore Exomey Ta aitnpartc} a nTHKapeyv Tap avTov. © *Eay tis tn Tov adeAPoyv abvror\ dpapravoyra dpapriay en mpos Oavaroy | airnoes, Kat dares avTa Cary, ToL) apaprdvouct LN Tpos Odvarov. earn apaptia mpos Oavarov" ou mepl EKELUNs | heyo wa é€pwatnon. 10] V qaca douKic dpaptia eoti’ Kal e€oTw dpaptia ot mpos Oavarov. 8 Oidapey Ori Tas 6 yeyevynprevos ex) Tou Qeov, ovx duaprdvers GAN ¢ yevynOeis €k TOU GEov, Type EéavTon, | Kal 6 wovnpos ovx dmreTat avrov.| otdapey OTL eK TOV Oeov cope, Kai? 6 Kécpos 6Aos ev TO movnp® KElTaL. UE Kat oldaprev” 6Tt 6 vids Tov Oeot nKElL, Kal O€dwkey nuiy Sidvocav iva) YWorkapey TOV ahn Ody Kal eopey EV TO ahn Owe, Ev T@ via avtov °’Inoou Xpiorg." ourds eat 6 adnOivos Gcds, Kat fy Con” ai@yios. "I Texvia, puda€are Eavrovs ame TOL | cidddeov.§ Bt B Rec. add rors wearevonocy erg TO Ovou@ TOV wLoV Tov BEOv. b Rec. ey. acw. WeorTEeunTe ELS. d Rec. ocdauey de. © © Rec. xacera fw fan. & Rec. add auny. Or, concerning hiaEMMISTOAH B. 577 2 Joun 10. IQANNOY ELL TOA bh AE YE eA ‘OC IIPESBYTEPOS exekrh Kupia, Kal TOLS TEKVOLS aUurs, ous eyo ayaré ev adnOeia, Kal ovK €y@ povos, adda Kal mavres ol eyvaKdres THY aAnOe.ar, 2 Oia Ty aArnOevay thy jevovcav ev myn, Kal pc TOY €oTae els TOY aidva’ 3 ora ped * pay" Xapis, eheos, elpnvy) mapa cov marpos, Kal Tapa B Kupiov" t ‘Inoov Xpicrov Tov viovd Tov TaTpos, ev ahndeia kat aya. 4°Exdpnv Niav ore evpnka EK TOV TEKV@Y TOU TepiTaToUYTas ev ahndeia, Kabas evTOANY eAdBoper Tapa Tov marpos. ® Kal vov cpore oe, Kupia, ovx os evrohny ° ypdpov" roe Kawyyy, ahha ny elyopev am apxis, iva aya- TOpev adAndous. Kal avr eoTy 7 ayarn, va mepumar@prev Kata Tas ey- Todas avTov. avtn éotly 7 évTOAn, kadas nkovoate am apyijs, wa ev aiTh ee "Ort modXol mAdvor 4 eto Bor" els TOV Ko [LoY, of pn opohoyovyres Ingovy Xpuoroy EpXOpevov ev wapKi’ ovTés eoTW 6 mavos kal 6 arixpirros. ® Bdérere Eavrods, iva ju1) * aroha wpev a cipyacdpcba, ada prc Oov m™Anpn drohaBopev.” mas Oo mapaBatvev, Kal p17) peveav ev 77 Oday Tou Xpiorou, Oecov odk eyeu’ 6 pevev ev 7 Owaxi} rod Xpiorod,. ouTOS kal TOV marépa Kat Tov vloy EXEL re Tis Epxerau mpos upas, Kal TavTny my Oudaxny ou Peper, jy AapBavere adrov eis olkiay, HE elder unto the elect lady, and her children, whom I love in the truth: and not I only, but also all they that have known the truth: ? for y truth’s sake which dwelleth in us, and shall be with us for ever: °Grace be with you, mercy, and peace from God the Father, and from:¥ Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father in truth and love. 41 rejoiced greatly, that I found of thy children walking in truth, as we have received a commandment from the Fa- ther. > And now, I beseech thee lady, not as though I wrote a new commandment unto thee: but that which we had from the beginning, that we love one another. § And this is love, that we walk after his eommand- ments. This is the command- ment, that as ye have heard from the beginning, ye should walk in it. 7 For many deceivers are en- tered into the world, who con- fess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver, and an antichrist. 5 Look to yourselves, that we lose not those things which we have *wrought, but that we receive a full reward. 9 Who- soever transgresseth and abid- eth not in y doctrine of Christ, hath not God: he that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and ‘the Son. 10 If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, 2 St. ay a paz CHOSE, yeadw. daw eEn\9ov. © N arorecnre a exp yzoacbe, .. . aroXaf}nra 23 * Or, gained. Some copies read, Which ye have gained, but that ye receive, &c,iH 9. Joun 11. neither bid him, God speed. il For he that biddeth him God speed, is partaker of his evil deeds. 12 Having many things to write unto you, I would not write with paper and ink, but I trust to come unto you, and speak «face to face, that our joy may be full. 13 The children of thy elect sister greet thee. Amen. 578 IOQANNOY Kal Xaipery | avT@ pu eyere’ 6 ya, heyou auT@ Xalpety, KOLV@VEL TOLS Ep) yous avuTov Tous movnpois. 2 TIoAAa eX@v ULL ypapen, ou nBovdnOny Oud xaprov Kal peAavos *ehariCeo yape > €—\eiv” mpos pas, KG Ce impos oTopa Aakjoa, wan yap onuav 7 memAnpwpLenn. 13° A gmateral oe Ta TEKVA THS GdEAPT wou THS ekNeKTHS.” LOANNOY Be ST OA TPA ae HE elder unto the wellbe- loved Gaius, whom I love B in the truth: 2beloved, Ivy wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. ?For I re- joiced greatly when y brethren came and testified of the truth that is in thee, even as thou walkest in the truth. #I have no greater joy, than to hear that my children walk in truth. 5 Beloved, thou doest faith- fully w hatsoever thou doest to the brethren, and to strangers : 6 which have borne witness of thy charity before the church: whom if thou bring forward on their journey after a godly sort, thou shalt do well: 7 because that for his name’s sake they went forth,taking nothing ofthe Gentiles. 5 We therefore ought 8 to receive such, that we might be fellowhelpers to the truth. 9% I wrote unto ¥ church, but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the preeminence among them, receiveth us not. !0Wherefore if ‘Oo IIPESBYTEPOS Taio TO ayarn T@, OV eyo aya ev adn Oeia. renee? mept 7 TavT@Y Evxopal o ae Kal vysaivery, Kadas «vo SovTal wou n Woxn. * exapny ya diay, EpXopevav adeAphay Kat apr povvT@y Gov TH ahnbeia, Kkabas ov € adn Geta mepurarets. 4 peuCorepay TOU T@Y OUK €xw Yapay, Wa akov@ Ta EM Texva ev adnOcia TepimatovrTa. /Ayannre, TLoTOY mouets 8 ed epyaon eis Tous deAods * ‘Kal eis TOU Eévous,” © ot enapTupnody gov. Ti ayary €V@TLOV exkhnotas" oUs Kah® Trounowers mporreppas a&i@s Tov Geou 7 bmep yap Tov ovdparos ” é&nOo, pndev AapBdvovtes amo TeV FEeOvar. nets ovv ddetomey " arrokapBavew TOUS TOLOUTOUS, Wa CUVEpyol ywapeh Tn adnOcia. 9 "Eypawa th éxxdnoia’ adn 6 du orparevav airav Arotpepys ovK emt déyerar nuas. 1 Oca TovTo, cay €X\O@ a Rec. © adda cArifw, b © yevecdac. 3 Bz. & Elz. add avrov. § WX eAyixwy. LW vToAauBaverr, CM vuuwr. d Rec. add aunv. e Wxae tovro Esvous * Gr. mouth to mouth. § Or, truly. Y Or, prayEDISTOAH I. 579 JUDE 4. Uropynoe auTOv Ta epya a Trovel, Adyous I come, I will remember his movnpois Pprvapav 7 pas: Kal [11) GpKov- Hevos eT TOUTOLS, OUTE avros EMLOEXETAL Tous adehpors, Kal Tovs Povdopevous Kahvet, Kal €k THs ex otas exBadnet. 4 ayamnre, Ha) [lov TO KAKOY, aha TO ayabsy. 6 dyaboroidy, ek tov Rect cot 6 *” Kakoroay, OUX €wpake TOY Oecov. ue Anuntpio Pepaprupyrat UTO Tay- TOV, Kal UT auris ™Ss ain gcias Kat nyeeis dé HapTupovper, kal PotSate” ore 7 Haptupia may arn Ons € EOTL. 8 TlohMAa etyov ypapey, aX ov Brw dia ne Kavos Kal KaNduov cou ypaypau’ » Arrigay d€ evOcws idety ce, Kal oTopa mpos oTopa Aahnooper. § > elpnyn cot. domagovrat ve ot pido. domadou rovs idovs kar dvoma. LON A AC Pu ‘TOYAAS “‘Incod Xpurrov eee BENPOs O€ ‘Lax@Sou, Tos ev” Oe@ marpt “inytacpevors” Kal “Incov Xpr- oT TeTnNpnuevors KAnTois* * edeos viv Kal eipnyn Kal ayamn mAnOuv- oa 3° Ayarnrol, macay GTovony ToLlov~ pLevos ypapew Upiy rept ais Kouvns TwTnplas, avayKny exxov ypayyar bply Tapakada@y emayavicer dar The amraké mapadoGeion Tois dyios mioTe. * rap- ecgeOvoay yap tives avOpwmrot, oi Ta- at Tpoyeypapypevor eis TOUTO TO Kpipa, adoeBets, THY TOU Ceov Nua’ XapLY peE- TariGevtes cis doe yevay, Kal TOY pdvoy deeds which he doeth, pra- ting against us with malicious Ww ords: and not content there- with, neither doth he himself receive the brethren, and for- biddeth them that would, and casteth them out of the church. 11 Beloved, follow not y which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good, is of God: but he that doeth evil, hath not seen God. 12 Demetrius hath good report of all men, and of the truth it- self: yea, and we also bear record, and ye know that our record is true. 13] had many things to write, but I will not with ink and pen write unto thee. !4 But I trust I shall shortly see thee, and we shall speak ¢face to face. Peate be to thee. Our friends salute thee. Greet the friends by name. TOAH. UDE tthe servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, to them that are sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ, and called: * mercy unto you, and peace, and love be multiplied. 3 Beloved, when I gaye all diligence to write unto you of y common salvation: it was need- ful for me to write unto you,and exhort you y ye should earnest- ly contend for y faith which was once delivered unto the saints. 4 For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were be- fore of old ordained to this con- demnation, ungodly men, turn- ing y grace of our God into las- civiousness, and denying the a Rec. add és. b & ordag, © Bz. add tw. d & nyarnpevots * Gr. mouth to mouth,JuDE 5. only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. 5] will therefore put you in remembrance, though ye once knew this, how that the Lord haying saved the people out of the land of Egypt afterward destroyed them that believed not. ® And the angels which kept not. their @ first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness, unto the judgment of the great day. 7Kven as Sodom and Gomor- rha, and the cities about them, in like manner giving them- selves over to fornication, and going after Pstrange flesh, are set forth for an example, suf- fering the vengeance of eternal fire. 5 Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, de spise dominion, and speak evil of dignities. 9 Yet Michael the archangel, when contending ° with y devil, he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing ac- cusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee. !° But these speak evil of those things, which they know not: but what they know naturally, as brute beasts, in those things they corrupt them- selves, ll Woe unto them, for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after y error of Balaam, for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Core. 12 These are spots in your feasts of charity, when they feast with you, feeding them- selves without fear: clouds they are without water, carried about of winds, trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots. '3 Raging waves of ¥ sea, foam- ing out their own shame, wan- dering stars, to whom is reserv- ed the blackness of darkness for ever. 14 And Enoch also, ¥ seventh 580 IOYAA / deomdorny A > 4 Xpiarov apvovpevot. ¢ a Ne , b.? Yropynoa O€ vas Bovdopat, ” i- Y ¢ a d fn A o ¢ / 4 ddtas tas admak& Tovro, ore 6 Kupios tA ¢ na > a 2” kat Kuptoy nay “Incovy a 4 Aady ek yns Alyumrov caoas, TO Sev=' A 7 > TEPOV TOUS py) TLoTEVO-AVTAas aT@ECED. s / ayyéNous Te TOUS LN THPNOAVTAS THY | { Cc ~ > \ > A > / ‘ €auT@y apynv, adda amoAurovras TO) tOvov oikntnpiov, eis Kpiow peyadns nypeepas Seasols aidiots vo (dor Te- THPNKEV* @s 2ddopa Kal Topoppa, Kat ai meplt avtas mddeus, TOY OpoLov TovTols TpdToy ekmopyevoacal, Kal > A > / \ ¢ 7 / ame Oovoat OTT LO @ OapKOs eTEpas, 7 po- ' KewTat O€lypa, mupds aiwviov Sixkny UTFEX OUT AL. c / , A e > Opoiws PEevToe Kal OUTOL EVUTTYLA= - (opevor, cdpKa jey paivovot, KupLoTnTa Be aderovot, ddgas de Pracpnpovow. 6 dé Mixand 6 apxdyyedos, ore TO OvaBbhe Svaxpudpevos Oeheyero Tept TOU Mocéws TomarTOos, OUK eTOAUNGE | Kpiow eTEVvEYKEW Pees dAN elrey’ “Exreryn oa got Kuptos. 1° Odrot d€ doa pev ovk oidact BKaodnpotow* oe AS a c \ 2/ an doa Oe votKOs, @s Ta Gdoya Ha, / emloTavTal, ev ToOUTOLS Pdcipovrat. 1 ovat atiuis' 6te TH 606 Tod Kaip emropevOnoay, Kal TH mhavy Tov Bakaap | pro dov eLexvOnoar, Kal TH avTidoyia | TOU Kope am@)ovTo. = One, conn 24 pay omdades, TVEVOXOU[LEVOL, ao- Bws Eavrovs tomaivoyres’ vededa dyv- Oppo, vmTo aveépov “ mapapepopevar’ devdpa POiworwpwa, é axapra, dls arro- Oavovra, éxpiwbévra’ 3 Kipara cypia Gadacons, emadppivovra tas éavTrav aicxuvas' aorepes whavyrat, ois 6 (O= os Tov okérovs eis °” aiéva TETHPNTAbe f IIpoepynrevoe S€ Kal rovros €B- & Rec. add cov, © Rec. add roy. bwedoras, arae et 0 Upc os S. Incovs. CcOadd o.. 4 Rec. meprpepopevas, Or, principality. Gr. other. ev Tats aydrrats |ETISTOAH. 8] Somos ad Addu "Evy, éyav" "180d MAOe Kiros ev *@ylas pupiaciy” av- tov, ™ roca kplow Kard mdvtov, kat Pée€ehéyEar” mdvytas tos doeBeis °avtev" rept ravrev tov épyev 4 dce- Beias” airév &y joéBnoay, Kal rept TavT@y TOY oKANPoY Sv éMdAnoay Kar avTov duaptwdo. doeBeis. © Odrol elo yoyyvoral, peuriuotpot, Kata tds emOugias att@v mopevdpevor*? Kal TO oréua avt@v hadei vrépoyxa, Oavpd- Covres mpdcwma, adenelas xapw. WW “Vues dé, ayarnrol, pynoOnre TOV pnudtey Tév mpoeipnuevay tnd Tov arootéhwy tod Kupiov may “Incod Xpiorov 18 dru €deyov tiv, Ore & ev exxare xpove Z "€oovrat q epiraiKral, Kata Tas €avT@y emOupias Topevdj.evot Tov aceBerov. ) obroi eiow of dmo- SiopiCovres § Eavrovs,” Wuyixol, Tvedpa ee een ete “ Ypets 0€, ayamnrol, Ty dyworary Upav mioTer emotkoSopovrres éavTods, ev IIvevpate ayia mpocevxdpevor, 71 €aurovs év aydmn Ceov typHoare, mpoadexduevoe TO EAEos TOU Kupiov nuav “Inoov Xpiorov, eis Cerny aidvov. = Nkal ods pev édeeire Suakpivdpevor 3 ods dé ev PdBw cacere, ex TOV TUpds apmdCovres,” purodvtes Kal TOY amo THS oapkos €oTiAwpevoy XLT@VA. 74 To@ dé duvaupeva duvdrdEa | tpas” amtaigtous, Kal oTHOAL KATEV@TLOY TIS OdEns avrov dpapous &v ayadhidoet, 8 udvo *” Ce@ cartnpt Huav, | did In- gov Xpictov tov Kupiov nav” dd&a ™ Kal’ peyakwovrn, Kparos Kal e€ovcta, "po TavTos TOU ai@vos,” Kal voy Kal eis mayTas Tovs ai@vas. ayny. JUDE 25. from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord com- eth with ten thousands of his saints, !5to execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them, of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches, , Which ungodly sinners have spoken against him. !6 These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lusts, and their mouth speaketh great swelling words, having men’s persons in admiration because of advantage. 7 But beloved, remember ye the words, which were spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ: 18 how that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts. !9 These be they who separate themselves, sen- sual, having not the Spirit. 20 But ye beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, 21 keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. 22 And of some have compassion, making a dif- erence: *% and others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire: hating even the garment spotted by the flesh. 24 Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, 2 to the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, now and ever. Amen. a Varov of y @ Rec. uvpracey ayrars. Dow edeyFar. © 3 d— e€ Wer eo yartov (rov) ypovov. fC eXevoorTac, : pa es zz .—St.om. h S eae ovg wey edsyyere duaxpevouevoug 23 ous de cwlere ex wupos apwaLovres’ ong de Yat yowevous OE ; i . © avrove, fArcrete ev Gobw, W Kat ovs pev ex Tupos aprravere, diaxpevomevons de, eXseLTs. 1 St aura - = k Rec. add cope. 1 Rec: > => n © —. Rec. & Gb. am.REVELATION I. 1. A ILO Te HE Revelation of Jesus * Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew -unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent anid signi- fied if by his angel unto his servant John, ? wlio bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw. 3 Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand 4 John to the seven churches in Asia, Grace de unto you, and peace, from him which is, and which was, and which is to come, and from the seven spirits which are before his throne: ® and from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth: unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, ® and hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father: to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever, Amen 7 Behold he cometh with clouds, and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him: even so. Amen. 8 f am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. 9 I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tri- bulation, and in the kingdom AIIOKAAYYIS. A ea > "AHOKAAY VIS ‘Inood Xplorov, iy €O@KEY aire 6 Ge0s, dei€ar rots Sovdous aUurToU a et yever Oar ev TAXEL, ' Kal eonpavey dmoorethas Ova TOU ayye- “ ou avrou TO dovre aUuToU ‘Tod, “ os epeapTupnoe TOV Aéd-yov TOU Ocov kal THY peapruptay ‘Ingow Xpiorov, doa * ‘ eide, paKaptos Oo dyayworKer, Kal ol akov- , OVTES TOUS Adyous THs mpopnretas, Kal 1 Tnpovvres Ta ev avTn yeypappeva’ 6) yap Kaupos eyyvs. “Tadvyns Tals enra exkAyoiats Tais ev 7H ‘Acia’ _Xapis Opi Kal eipnyn amo b” 6 dy Kal 6 ny Kal 6 PASH LOS Kal ard TOV énTa mvevpdreov a °eoTw™ evorroy TOU Opdvov avTov* * Kal amo ‘Inood Xpiorov, 6 paptus 6 Toros, 6 Tpw@rdoroKos a” Tey VEKP@Y, Kal 6 apxyov TOY Baoiiéwy 77S. yns- To ° dyamavre” npas, Kal hovoarre neas aro TOV dpapriay TL@v ev T@ aiwatt avtov' °® kal eroinoey npas Bacidetay” iepets TO O€@ kal marpl avrov" avT@ 7) b0ga Kal TO Kpatos eis TOUS aidvas TOV alo@ver. apny. 7 *Idov é epxerau pera T@V VEPENOY, kat operat avTOV 7as opdarpos, Kal oirwes avuTov eSexevTy ray" Kal KoYovrat er avtov maca ai pudal tis yAs. val, auny. "Eyo ele To A Kal TO Qs" » Neyer Kuptos ' 0 Geos” 6 dy kal 6 WY Kai 6 epxSpevos, 6 TavroKpar cp. 9 °Eyo ‘Todvyns, * 6” adehos pay kat 'ouvyKkowevos” ev rh Orie kai ™ ” h7% ® Reo. add re. b Rec. add rov. © = dRec.addex. e€ Rec. ayarnsayre. i Rec. om. apxyn xae teros. hRec.addo. f Rec. Bacirercg wat. & Rec. add k Rec. oxar—,. Bz. wat 0. Loo kotvwyog, ™M Rec, addev zy {ATIOKAAYYIS. 583 REVELATION. [. 2 Bacvheta Kal dropovy ae Ingov X ptorov,” and patience of Jesus Christ, eyev puny ev 77 ynT@ TH Kahovpery) was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, Tldrue@, dea rov Adyov TOU Qeov Kail and for the testimony of Jesus b Oia” ray jeapruptay ‘Ingov °Xpiorov.” Christ. 1! I was in the Spirit 10 on the Lord’s day, and heard > eyevouny ev Tivevpare ev TH KUPlGK behind mea great voice, as of LEP a’ Kal nkKOUCca oTlo@ jLov pay atrampet, |! saying, I am Al- Leyahyy ws oddmeyyos, | Aeyovans .a” pha and Omega, the first and the last: and what thou seest, O Prerets Ypanyoy eis BiBXiov, Kal write in a book, and send it Téeurpov tats ° éxTa” excAnoias £7 unto the seven churches which els : : 2 are in Asia, unto Ephesus, and 7 Edecor, kal els =pvpvayr, Kal eis Ilép- unto Smyrna, and unto Perga- yapoy, Kal els Ovdrepa, Kal €is Dapdes, mos, and unto Thyatira, and Kat eis BiadéAgderav, Kal eis Aaodi- Kéelav. Kal éréar Tpeya Prerewy THY pomp Tis =éAaNew” per €uovd’ Kal emioTpe- : 7 a 2 13 Ff being turned, Isaw seven golden as et0ov € emTa huxvias xpuaas, unto Sardis, and Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea. 2 And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And Kat candlesticks, '? and in the midst ev peo roav » émra’ AvyVLOY 6jLoLov of the seven candlesticks, one en , Z \ vi@ avOparov, evdedSupevoy Todnpn, Kal like unto ¥ Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the TEpleC@opLEvoY TpOs TOs pagToLs CavNy foot, and girt about the paps xXpvonv’ 14 Tpixes Nevkal ' ws” 7 S€ Kebadr avrov Kal ai with a golden girdle. 14 His head, and his hairs were white + \ c €plov evKOY, @S like wool, as white as snow, and xXL@v" Kal ot opOarpot QUTOU OS pr& his eyes were as a flame of fire, 16 15 and his feet like unto fine Ties g \ ¢ , > ZN (C: BIC POS ee m00es SLO OG brass, as if they burned in a XarkoriBdve, @s ev Kapive TeTupe@pe- furnace: and his voice as the vou’ Kal 1 pavn avTov as hovr vdaTav jo\A@v: 16 xeupl dorepas EnTA’ sound of many waters. !§ And he had in his right hand seven ete > a aon ¢ A KQl €X@V EV TI) deLa avuTov stars: and out of his mouth KAL EK TOU oropa~ went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the TOs avrov Cee dtoropos ogra EK- sun shineth in his strength. Topevoplevy * Kal mALos paiver ev ™ duvduee avurTov. 7 Kal ére eidov avror, encom mpos owes aUTOD OS O 17 And when IJ saw him, I fell rovs 10das avTod ws vexpds’ Kat “ €Onke” at his feet as dead: and he laid 14 THy SeEvav avrov > > 2 ‘ / em ELE, heyov m/”. his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not, I am the \ (ars My poBov eyo elas 6 mparos Kal 6 first, and the last. 181 am he ETXATOS, 1S cau 6 Cov" Kal eyevouny that liveth, and was dead: and behold, I am alive for ever- vEeKpos, Kal idov (es elit ets TOUS-ALQUGS os Wh ana er aeatne Rae TOY aiavey DUST x Tas K\Els Tov of hell and of death. 19 Write “ °Bavarou Kal TOU qOov. 19 ypavpor P the things which thou hast seen, ouy” 3 2 and the things which are, and a ides, kal @ elo, kal a pedree yiver Oat the things which shall be here- pera ravta’ ™ 76 porn prov TOV éqra after, 29 the mystery of the am EV Xpeara, Sev XpiorwInoov. b> eB rayaros’ kat. & Rec.om. f Rec. add rats ey Acia. k Kec, ersOnxe. d Rec, add Ey ecut to A Kat 79 Q, o rpwros Kato gw—. Re me eh: edaAnoe. hi i Recewcers 1 Rec. add yerpa2. m Rec. add wor. n Rec. add auny. Rec. adovx.7.dav. P Rec. om.Revevation II, 1. 584 ATIOKAAYYVIS. . 7 eo 7 > A n~ ~ seven stars which thou sawes¢ dorépwv jy eldes emt TS OeEas pou, in my right hand, and the seven \ \ Srra dv vias Tas voas. of golden candlesticks. The seven K%4 T@S € x XP z ¢ We , 2 a « Ni stars are the angels of ¥ seven €7Ta doTEpes, dyyehot TOY émTa EKKAT- | churches: and the seven can- dlesticks which thou sawest, ¢ . ; Neae 2A are the seven churches. SIN ION COL ACEO ie Se a 2. Unto the angel of ¥ church 2 Lo ayyeAm rhs” © ey Eder of Ephesus, write, These things > is s “TY t ¢ es : roy’ Lade Aéyel O KpaTa@v saith he that holdeth the seven exkhnoias ypay ae ; Oe A MY a Kp. No stars in his right hand, who Tous ema dorepas ev TH SeEia avrod, 6 walketh in the midst of the TEpimaTay ev perm ToY emTa AuXWLdY seven golden candlesticks: 2] ° ~ Pee 75 . \ know thy works,and thy labour, T@Y XPvt@yv Ov PATOE Rye Tous Kat ° 7 A and thy patience, and how thou roy xéqroy 4 gov,” Kal THY UTOLOYnY TOU, canst not bear them which are \ ¢ > , s \ \ evil, and thou hast tried them Kae Ome ou. Ouvy Baordoae AOU Kae which say they are apostles, © emELpaoas TOUS Aeyovras €AUTOUS aTrO= Fens Boland Hast found oe Oona! vac’ Kai ovK eiol, Kal ebpes them liars: 3 and hast borne, 5 ‘ me 3 Noe oS and hast patience, and for my @UTOUs Yreudeis, 3 Kal & UTo_oVHY ExXELS name’s sake hast laboured,and xq) é8doragcas did Td dvoud pov, Kal hast not fainted. 4 Neverthe- 5 ; , 4 4 DV z \ ~ less, I have somewhat against SS OT EOG: a Xe Kane 5g OUR thee, because thou hast left thy oTt THY ayatny cov THY TP@OTHV adpikas. first love. 5 Remember there- 5 s > f h 22 We BEN ETTOK a fore from whence thou art fall- PURIOV EVE oUN obey TST g Oss Kae en, and repent, and do the first HETQAVONO OV, Kal Ta TPO@TA Epya TOLno oY works, or else I will come unto ei O€ pn, Epyouat oo. ' rayd,’ Kal Kin- thee quickly, and will remove on PX B > x y c a thy candlestick out of his place, Go lg UNG, COU, 6k OU TOmey GUsa Ss except thou repent. © But this €dy ju) peravonans. © ddd TodTO EXELS, thou hast, that thou hatest « Pe EN 7 fe a eA the deeds of the Nicolaitanes, om TEES, TOMER IE HAO, Nuxohairéy, ¢ which I also hate. Kay@ Plo@. ‘He that hath anear,lethim 7 ‘G EXaV ovs dkovodrw ti rd Tyed- hear what the Spirit saith unto Xx te CRNA - the churches: Tohim thatover. H@ Aeyet Tals €kk HOvaLs. TP RUROUEE cometh will I give to eat of the boca aUTO payety eK TOU EvAov TS tree of life, which is in the Cons, 6 eon HK ri apapasen nd ~ midst of the paradise of God. ele - YAMS TO DAPQEca, moe Ocov * pov. ~ > / a * Kai 16 ayyédo tis ™ ep Spvpyy e ’ r , Ve 7 £ 10 yi s, c a S And unto the angel of the €KK nolas ypavpov Tade Eyel O TPW- church in Smyrna, write, These TOS Kal 6 ETXATOS, os e€yéveto VEKPOS things saith the first and the last, L - 9 O75¢ Ai eA, \a which was dead, and is alive, 9 [ GGL ecnoev b Gs 0.0uU Te. epya es: know thy works,and tribulation, Ty OAiuy Kab THY TTWYXELaY’ (° a\Aa and poverty, but thou art rich, Z Ws \ \ / and I know the blasphemy Tovotos et.) ae TNO. Phacpypiay of them which say they are Pex” r@v Aeydvrwy lovdalous eivas Eav- Jews and are not, but are the TOUS, Kal OvK Eo ly, GAARA cvvaywyn TOU Synagogue of Satan. 10 Fear Saravua 10 4 undey” = ae ee none of those things which thou Grau. : OGY, poBov ad pedrews shalt suffer: behold, the devil Taoyxew* iOov pede * Badrew” °6 did- in ee ee &@ Rec. as exra Avyveae as ecdep. YOO TH. © Rec. Edeor vns. AD amrogroXovg, fee: § Rec, s8acracas, var UTrOLOUNY EYELG, kexunxas. h Rec.exrexrwxas. i 2 —, St.rayec. k Rec. perm © Rec. s%etpacw Tovs PacKovras ecvas at dca TO ovoua HOU KExkOTLaxag, Kat OD Tov wapadecoov. | Rec.om. m Reo.exxAnorag Euvpratwy, n J vo Ree, mAovotog de. P Rec.om. 1% wn =r Rec. & Gb. Barev. s Rec ef vu. 0 sas. a > 2 Nea a) € Xr / c ¢ \ “> Ol@V ELOL Kat at uxviat al e€7 TQ,AITTOKAAYY¥IS. 585 Bodos €& ipav” cis dudakiy, iva Tretpa~ oOnre Kal eere OX “npepav” Seka. yivov turrds axpt Oavdrov, kat Show go Tov aTEpavoy Tis Cans. "“O éyeav obs dkovadre ti Ts TIvevua Aéyer tais éxkAnolas’ 6 wKev od fn) adixnOn ek rod Oavdrov rod deurépov. ” Kal 16 dyyAo ™ms ev Iepyaua exkAnolas yparov" TdSe Reyer 6 eyov THY powpaiay tiv Sicropov THY o&etav- 2. Oda 2c. épya .cou..Kab! s700-KaroL Keis, Omov 6 Opdvos tov Darava, Kat Kparets TO dvopd pov, Kal ovK npvnow THY TicTW jLov, © Kal” ev rais 7L€pars “ev ais’ Avrimas 6 wdprtus pov 6 TLOTOS, Os amextavOn wap’ iptv, rou &6 Satavas Karotkel.” 4 G\N yw Kara cod odtya, Ore Exeis ekel Kparodvras Thy didayny Bakaap, os ' ediSacke “ S7@” Badak Barety oxdvdadov evdamiv tov vidy ‘Iopanr, payeiv SwrdOura kai Topvev- ga. © ovtas éxes Kal od Kpatovvtas ty Siaxnv ” Nixodairey | dpolws.” © peravonooy * ody” et dé py, Epxopat GOl TAXV, Kai TokEeunTw per ad’Ta@r ev TH poupaia Tov ordpards pov. 70 €x@v ods dkovodre ti ro Hvedpua xXav ovs [a Neyer Tals exkAnoias’ TO vikOvre Show avT@'” Tov pavya TOU KeKpUppéevov, Kal dao ata Wijpov devkiy, Kal emi thy Whpov ovoma Kawoy yeypaupévoy, 6 ovdels ™oider” ef uty 6 AapBavov. * Kat 76 dyyed@ tips ev Ovareipors exkAnolas ypawov' Tade déyer 6 vids ToU Ocov, 6 €xwv Tos dPOadpovs atTov ws dAdya tupos, Kal ot mo0es avTov Gmovoe xaAKoAiBave’ 1 Odd cov Tra epya kat” ty ayarny °Kal THY TiotTW, Kal tyv S.akoviay,” Kal thy vmopovny gov, kal Ta é€pya gov, »” ra exyata TAelova Tov Tp@T@v. ™ aN eyo Kata ReEveLATIon II. 20. shall cast some of you into pri- son, that ye may be tried, and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life. 1l He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto y churches. He that over- cometh, shall not be hurt of the second death. 12 And to the angel of the church in Pergamos, write, These things saith he, which hath the sharp sword with two edges: 13 | know thy works, and where thou dwellest,even where Satan’s seat is, and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not de- nied my faith, even in those days, wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwell- eth. !4 But I havea few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the doc- trine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication. !5 So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of ¥ Nicolaitanes, which thing I hate. 16 Repent, or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth. 17 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. Tohim that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth, saving he that receiveth it. 18 And unto the angel of the church in Thyatira,write, These things saith the son of God, who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire, and his feet ae like fine brass: !9 J know thy works, and charity, and service, and faith, and thy patience, & thy works, and the last to de more than the first. 2° Notwithstanding,I have 8 qpepas. D—> cd e Rec. xar.o Ear. fedisaks. & Bz.& Elz. rov. St. ev tw. h Rec.& Gb.add ray. ' Rec.o uicw, k Re>.om. | Rec.add dayeryv azo. m Rec.syyw. n > © Rec.n.t.dcax.x.t.weot. P Rec.add xaeReveratTion II. 21. a few things against thee, be- cause thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to se- duce my servants to commit for- nication, and to eat things sacri- ficed unto idols. ?! And J gave her space to repent of her for- nication, and she repented not. 22 Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her, into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds. 23 And I will kill her children with death, and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works. 24 But unto you I say, and unto the rest in Thya- tira, as many as have not this doctrine, and which have not known the depths of Satan, as they speak, I will put upon you none other burden: but that which ye have already, hold fast 26 And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations: 27 (& he shall rule them with a rod of iron: as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: ) even as I received of my Father. 23 And I will give him ¥ morn- ing star. 29 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. 3. And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write, These things saith he that hath ¥seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars; I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou liy- est, and art dead. 2 Be watch- ful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die: for I have not found thy works perfect before God. 3 Re- member therefore, how thou hast received and heard, and 586 ATIOKAAY VIS cov”, drt -adeis” Thy yuvaika ° cov" ‘ i VleCaBer,” &n A€yovca” éauriy mpopA- a NS tw, ‘kat SiOdoKe Kal mrava Tovs euovs Sovdous, mopvedoa kal § phayeiy | >, , M 2} \ YSN > oa / elOwAdOura. kat €Ow@kKa avTH xpdvor | iva peravonon "Kal ov Oder preravonaat > > ; CiviatS DD id \ {7 IAN Ek TNS TOpVElas auTHs.” ~* Lou!” Badro \ , avn eis KNivny, Kal Tovs poLxevovTas > > a > / / dA A per avtns eis Ohi peyadny, eay pi ee ee petavonowow ex Tav épyov “adris, 3 kal Ta Téxva adtns dmoKTevO ev Oa- na > vaT@" Kal yvaoovra wacat ai éxKAn- glat Ore eyw ei 6 epevvav veppodrs kat kapdias’ kal Ooow tpi éxdor@ A \ a+ ¢ a 24 ¢ a rh 7 E KaTa Ta Epya var. upiv Oe eyo 'rots” Rourois tois év Ovareipors, y », / OgoL ovK ExXovar TY SWaxny TavTHY, m/_¢ > + Naan 7aeyy. A OLTWES OUK Eyvaoay Ta "Babéa” rod arava, (ws Aéeyouvow") OV °Bdadrw” ed” a tpas Go Bapos' * ary 6 eyere Kparnoare, typis ob dv Ew. °° Kal 6 wkav Kal 6 Tnpov axpt Tehous Ta Epya pov, dacw atte e€ov- giay emt rav eOvdy 7 Kal roavet autovs ev paBda aLonpa’ as Ta oKEtn \ \ M7 Ta Kepauika PovyTpiBerat,” ws Kaya ctAnba mapa rod matpds pov * Kal dace aire roy dorépa roy mpwivor. * 6 €xav ots dkovodtw TL Tb IIvevpa Neyer Tals exxAnolas. 3. Kat 16 dyyed ris ev Sdpdeow exkAnolas ypayyov' Tdde héyer 6 EX@V Ta Ténra” mvevpata Tov Qeod Kai Tods emTta aotépas’ Oidd cov Ta eEpya, ore *" Ovopna exes Gre Cis, Kal vexpds eb. * yivov ypnyopev, Kal Sornpicov” ra Roura & ‘éuedNov arroGaveiv” od yap evpnkd cov Ta epya merAnpapéva evd- mov TOU Ocod “pov.” 3 puynudveve ody Tos ethnpas ‘Kat Akovcas, Kab THPEL,” went y 3 tec.eas. © Rec, d Rece.lefaSnr. & Rec.rny Aeyousar. f Rec.dcdacnery cat mwAcvacbar. h Ree. ex TNS WOpvetas aurns, Kav ov werEvoncev. i Rec. add eyw. k Rec. cw autor, N Rec. Ba8n. 9 O—, Rec. & Gh. Baro. Po cvvtptBncerar. 4 St.om, t Rec. pedXer arroAavery fuedreg arrofadAecy. U Rec. om,ATIOKAAYYWIS. 587 \ > Kal jleTavongov. €ay ovy pn ypnyo- , o eheeld s pnons, 7&o *eri oe’ os KhemTns, Kal > \ a , oe. ov pN yv@s Totay @pay HEwo eri ce. 4 b TAN” »* > , > , c/ 2 / a exets OALya dvdpara °” év Sdp- A A Seow, & ove eudduvay Ta imatia avT@v" \ 7, » ~ a Kal TeplTaTnoovet MET EMU ev NevKOIS, a fn ore a&.ol eiow. 5 ¢ an @ ce ° O wkév, obtos mepiBadreira év ¢ , co < ynarios AevKots* Kal ov pur) €€adeithw \ ay > “A 3 ~ , ~ a TO ovopa avTov ex THs BiBXov THs Cans, , “~ / at “6poroynow” 7d bvopa airod evad- TlLov TOU TaTpds pou Kal evotiov TeV > , ~ » > ayyehov avtov. © 6 éywy obs dKov- gato ti TO Iveta déyer tais éxxdn- clas. oF ~ > “~ ‘ Kal 76 ayy@ ths ev brdaderdela > Z x / 5 / 4 G ed exkAnoias ypavrov’ Tdde Neyer 6 dytos, ¢ > \ ¢ »~ \ e LTE: eM 0 adnbivds, 6 eyov tiv “Ke” Tod ‘AaBid,” 6 dvotywr kat ovdels KNElet, KAU / \ > \ > , s 8 DQ 7 Kelet Kal ovdeis avotyer Odd cov \ + . > \ , > , , 7 Ta epya’ ov dedwxa evoridy cov bipay aa , a aveaypevny, Sav” ovdels Sivarat KrEioat 7 ¢ 2, , avTny 6re puxpayv eyers Svvapwv, Kai > > / eTNpNoas Mov TOV Aoyov, Kat ovK npynow \ / A TO dvoud pov. © iOod Sidam ek T™S guvayoyns Tod Sarava Tov heydvrov eavtovs ‘Iovdaious eivat, Kat od« eicly, ie GAA Wevdovrar Sov rouow aitods ° + , > wa yEwor" Kai ‘rpornumoaow" evd- Tov TY TOOGY Gov, Kal yvoouy rt r a 3 / “eyo” nydrnod oe. © Ore érnpnoas a 5 : Tov Néyor THs UmomovAs pov, Kayo ce TNPHT® €k THS Gpas Tod wetpacpod Ths » , \ ~ 5 , pehdovans épxecOat eri tis olkoupévns oAns, Teipdoat Tovs KaTo“KodyTas éml ~ ~ 4 ms yns. ™ '” épxoua rayv° xpdret 2, / 4 & exeus, va pdeis AaBy Tov oréhavdy cou. ~ , > , > 2 “O nka@v, ToT@ avroy oTvXoY ev ~m Pw A ~ Nos > \ TO "vad" ToU Qeov pov, Kal €Ew ov jar) fr oy . \ / 3:9, SEEN \ eSehOn ere’ Kat ypaWe em avroy TO REVELATION III. 12. hold fast, and repent. If there- fore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee. 4 Thou hast a few names even in Sar- dis, which have not defiled their garments, and they shall walk with me in white: for they are worthy. > He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment, and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name be- fore my Father, and before his angels. 6 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. 7 And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write, These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth, and shutteth, and no man open-~ eth; 8I know thy works: be- hold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name. 2Be- hold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, andare not, but do lie: behold, I will make them to come and worship be- fore thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. !° Because thou hast kept the word of m patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. !! Behold, I come quickly, hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. 12 Him that overcometh, will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, andhe shall go no more out: and I will write upon a-» b Ree om. 6 Rec. car. h 7fover. i © rpooxrvyngovory, © Rec. add xa. d Ree. efoporoynoopar. e@ Rec. xrscéa, f Gh. Aan, 1] Rec. add cdov. m Elz. Aap,Revevation III. 13. him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name. !3 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. 14 And unto the angel of the church ¢of the Laodiceans, write, These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God: 15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot, I would thou wert cold or hot. 16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth: !7 because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing: and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked. 18 T counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich, and white rai- ment, y thou mayest be clothed, and that y shame of thy naked- ness do not appear, and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. 19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten, be zealous therefore, and re- pent. 29 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. 21 To him that overcometh, will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as IJ also over- came, and am set down with my Father in his throne. 22 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. 4. After this I looked, and behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard, was as it were 588 ATIOKAAYYVIS. a “~ \ eo. ~ ovopy.a Tov Geov Ov, Kal TO ovopLa TS a E Z eae TOAEwS TOU Oeov pov, THs Kas ‘lepou- | can, *n KataBaivovaa’ €k Tov ovpavod | SY \ A ~ \ Ny, / X amo TOU Geov pov, Kal TO OVOMA JLoU TO. eh, a / Kawvov. 0 €ywV OUS akovodTw TL TO An nr , IIvetpa héyet Tats éxxAnotats. 4 Kal 76 dyyédo@ tis ” ev Aaodukela . , > exkdnolas” ypdyyov" Tade Neyer 6 Apny, , ¢ 6 dptus 6 TLOTOs Kal adnOwos, 7) apx7n THs Kticews TOU Oeov' © Oldd cov Ta yy ¢/ By \ D Ey 13 epya, OTL ote Wuxpos el, ovte Ceords 2 2 3 y 7 opedov uyxpos °7s," 7) Ceards’ 1 otras | 7 \ > \ a d \ a ort xAuapos et, Kal ore *CeacTos ovTeE Wuxpos,” weAXw we ewéoar EK TOD OT6- z yp / te” a patos ov. ote eyes Oru 7 mAovows eit, Kal memAovTnKa, Kal fe) We , yy . \ > > e ovdevos” xpeiayv yw" Kal ovK oidas Ort \ eC , Nona, > \ ov el 6 TaXdaim@pos Kal 86” édeewvos, Kal ™T@XOSs Kal Tupdds Kal yupvds’ > a 8 cupBovreto vor dyopdoat Tap €ou / 7 Xpvolov Tervpwpevoy ex mupos, twa 7 mhoutnons, Kal iudria hevka, iva Tepe a ¢ , n Bahn, kai pn havepoOy 7 aicytvn ths a yupvotntos gov’ Kal KohAovpioy éy- / “ \ > , oe : Xptaat" rovs 6pOarpovs cov, wa Bre- 19 > A iA dA r > / TNS. ey@ Ocous €ay iO, eheyxo See 2 Kat Tadevo’ 'Cpooov" ody Kal pera- 92 vonoov. *° idovd €ornka emi tiv Odpav , ~ a Kal Kpovo’ edy Tis aKovon THs hevis Me). , \ / k \a > Pov, Kal avoigéy thy Oupay, * kat” cioe- 4 Aevoopat mpos avrov, kai Seurrnow > ~ x HET aUTOU Kal avTos per €uod. 9 € a a 21 °O wav, Sooo avT@ Kadicat per > A ~ / c > \ Ih epov ev TH Opdve mov, ws kay eviknoa, kal exd@ioa peta Tov sratpds pov ép la ~ oo » > T@ Opdv aitod. ™ 6 eywy ods dkov- / ~ r care Ti Td Ivetpa héyer tats ékkdn- / clas. \ ~ x. 4. Mera ravra cidov, kai iSov bvpa 12>. 4 a 3 Cn a ave@ypern eV TO ovpave, Kal } horn c / a 7) TpeTn, Hv ikovca ws oddmyyos 2 Bz.& Elz. 7 caraBacver. b Rec, exxAnoras Aaodixewy. C Rec. €u79. d Rec. Wu. ov.fer. C—> fFrordey, & Rec. om. h Rec. eyxypicov, i SS UnAsve. ko —. Rec. & Gb. om, 1 Rec.nvewyynevn. ~ Or, in LacdiceaATIOKAAYWIS. 589 haovons per €HOU, *heyouv"” “Avda ade, kat del@ oor a Set yevéerOar pera Tavra. 2>Kat" evOéws eyevoumy ev Tvetpare’ Kal iSov Opdvos & EKELTO EV T@ oupare, Kal emt Tov Opdvou kadinpevos’ 2 Seat kalnpevos” a4 Gpotos 6 opamer AiO@ idomde § Kave® a kal pus Kuedbev Tod Opdvov "Opotos” Opacet cpapaydive. * kal Kuxhddev TOU Gpdvov Opdvot etko- ous oe Téooapes® Kal emt Tovs Opdvous )” etkoor ” réooapas mpeoPurepous KC 10 - pevous, mepuBeBhypevous ev ipariors Nevkois’ Kai *” emi tas Kehadds avrev orepavous Xpvoovs. 5 kal ék Tov Opdvou exropevovral dotpamal kal ‘ovat kal Bpovrat” Kai émta Naprddes Tupos Katduevat evamoy Tov Opdvou "avrov,” al ciou™ Ta” entra mvevpaTa TOU Gcov' © Kal evariov Tod Opdvov ° ws Oddacoa vadivn, spoia KpvoTdddo. Kal ev feo@ TOU Opdvov Kal KUKAW TOU Opdvou réooapa (Ga yepovta 6pOadpav eumpoobey kal Omicbev. 4 Kal To Cov TO TP@Toy Gpotoy A€ovTl, Kal TO SevTEpov (Gov 6joroy HOOXEs Kal TO TpiTov (@ov eXov TO mpocewroy 3 dyOparrou,” Kal 70 reraprov (dor 6 OjLovov aeT@ Nierojievep.” a Kale’ Ta : reroapa téa, ev Ska’ ev avTav, éxov" ava mrepuyas €& kuKAdber, kai €o@bey ‘yewovow” opPadpar, Kat avdtavoly ovK €xovcw Tuepas Kal yu- KTOs, “Aéyovtes’” “Aytos, dytos, dyos Kuptos 6 Geds 6 ravrokpdrap, 6 Hy Kal 6 dv Kat 6 épxydpevos. *% Kal éray ‘Saocovow" Ta (ea dd&ay Kat TUY Kal eUXapioriay TO Kadnuevp emt TOU 6ps- you, TH (@vTt eis Tous aidvas TOY aio- vov, ) wecovvrat of etkoot “” Téeooapes eas S t Rec. Aeyouca. > % Rec. add wae. h nen add ecdov tous. 1 Rec. add wae. k m oo —. Rec. & Gb. om: n— oO Ree. om. P Rec. ws avOpwrros, © ws av@pwrov. yepovra. U Rec. Aeyov7a, Vv Cougs. : Rec. om. 3s Rec. x2’ eavto exyov —. © «ab’ ev exyov. t Rec. w Ree, add «ae * Gr. they have no rest REveLATION LY. 10. of a trumpet, talking with me, which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter. + And immediately I was in the spirit: and behold, a throne was Set in heaven, and one sat on the throne. 3 And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper, and a sardine stone: and there was a_ rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald. 4 And round about the throne were four and twenty seats, and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white’ raiment, and they had on their heads crowns of gold. ° And out of the throne proceeded light- nings, and thunderings, and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God. §® And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crys- tal: and in the midst of the throne, aud round about the throne, were four beasts full of eyes before and behind. 7 And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle. 8 And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him, and they were full of eyes within, and they ¢rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy,L ord God Almighty, ‘whieh was, and is, and is to come. 9 And when those beasts give glory, and honour, and thanks to him that sat on the throne, who liveth for ever and ever, 10 the four and twenty elders Dies: C= d Rec. add nv. e Rec. capdiivw. £ Bz. & Elz. opora ~ oporws. Rec. add ec yor. Rec. pov. x. Pav. q Rec. werwpev-Revevarion LY. 11. fall down before him that sat on the throne, and worship him that liveth for ever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying, 1! Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory, and honour, and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are, and were created. 5. And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne, a book written within, and on the backside, sealed with seven seals. * And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice ; Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof? 3 And no man in heayen, nor in earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, nei- ther to look thereon. 4 And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open, and to read the book, nei- ther to look thereon. 5 And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof. 6 And I beheld, and lo, in the midst of the throne, and of the four beasts, and in the mids¢ of the elders stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God, sent forth into all the earth. 7 And he came, and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne. 8 And when he had taken the book, the four beasts, and four and twenty elders fell down be- fore the Lamb, haying every one of them harps, and golden oe ee 590 ATIOKAAYYIS. ~ 4 mpecBuTepot evamioy Tod KaOnpevon | Be , ah emt TOU Epdvov, Kal mpooKUYHTOVEL TO | PN an a ay (@yrTt eis TOUS ai@vas TOY aidvey, Kal | a iC a 2, *Gahovot rovs orepavous avraey évertoy | ~ 7 S a tov Opdvov, éeyovres’ 1 "A€sos ef, a \ \ \ Kupte, haBety thy dd€av Kat rHy Tey \ 7 a \ »~ Kat Thy Ovvamw* Ore ov exTioas Ta , \ \ \ sz 4 b2 “ mwayta, Kat Ova TO OeAnua cov Aca Kal exrioOnoay. fe PN > SN Si Q \ Aa 5. Kat etdoyv emt thy deErav Tod Ka- , ~ / Onuevov ent rod Opdvov i8Alov Li yy 6 \ cZé 6 4 Veypappevov ecwCev kal “eEwlev,” Kar- / cr / 9 eoppaytopevoy odpayiow énrd. ? kab 3° 4 elOoy ayyehov ioxupoy Knpvocorra 4éy” an / iS rn / e > MW 2/ > can povn weyady Tis *éorw” d&vos dvoita To BiBXiov, kal N0oa Tas oppayidas ~ >) 7 n~ avtov; ? Kal ovdets ndvvato &v Te > a f 7 U > \ SiN = fo > cs oupay@ ‘ayvw, ovde emt THs yns, ovde UmOKdT@ THs ys, avotéae Td [iBXiov, Oe NE ) 4 noe \ ZN ovde Beret avTo. Kal €y@ e€k\atov or WY oP. > \ af Ss , > ~~ SmoAXa,” ore ovdels GEvos evpéOn avoi- Eat” 7d BiBdiov, ore Brérew adré. ° Kat eis ek Tov mpecButépav Héyet jot’ Mn) KAate* tov eviknoer 6 Néwy 6 1” - z > : ex THs pudjs “lovda, 7 pica * Aas,’ ‘avoiEa” TO BiBdiov, kal ™” ras émra oppayidas avrov. SeKiansetoou.e 2. ev péc@ Tov Opdvov kal TOY Tecodpov (oar, Kal ey pécw s L Tav mpeoButepav, dpviov éxtnkds os 4 2 / eopaypévov, exov Képara énra kal 5bé6 r \ ¢ \ o.7u4 > \ ¢ \ opGahpous emta, ot” eiot ta énta p , a RW ge iN 3 , “ Tyevpata TOU Oeov" Ira dtreoradpeva els maoav thy ynv. 7 Kal 7Oe, Kal a ' ~ A nan “n ethnpe “7d BiBXiov” ex Ths devas rod Kanuevov emt Tov Opdvov. ¢ Ey 2 , 8 Kai 6re dae 76 BiBXlov, Ta Téc- capa (@a Kal ot elkoolréooapes Tr pe= 7 A oButepo erecov evatioy tov apviou, + a / exXovTes exagtTos KiOdpas, Kal iadas ® St. Barrover. b Rec. ercr. Car—. Rec. & Gb. oxicOev. Gd Rec.om. e 3 fo —. Rec. & Gb. om. & S7roAdv. h Rec. add war avayywvat, 4 Rec.add wy. kGb. Aaud. leo avocywov, ™M Rec.add Avda. © Rec. add cat cdov. oW a. P Ree. rov Osov xvevuara, q S arogreAA opsva Tess)ATIOKAAYVIS. 591 Xpvoas yepovoas Cupuaparor, al eiow at mpooevxat Tay ayiov’ * Kat ddov- ow @dny Kany, heyoures’ "Avs el AaBety rd BySriov, Kal avotéat Tas oppayioas aQUuTOU* OTL & opayns, Kal nyopacas TO Ged *7Huas" ev T@® Qiwati gov, €k maons cbudis Kal ~ooons ey Nae Kal edvous" 10 Kea erolnoas ? avtous” To Geo nuav ° Ba- ouheis” Kat tepets* kat 4 Bacwretoovcw’" ent Tis yas. 1 Kal eidoy, cat nKovod horny a ayye- Nov Today © KiKN\@” Tod epevov KaL Tay (@wy Kal TOY mpeoBurépar’ | Kal nV 6 ap.Ouos avTey puptddes pupiadev™ Kal XALdes XAuddov, 2 Ne} youres povn peydan’ “Akov é core TO dpvioy TO eoa- yREvor NaBety ry Svvapw Kal movroy Kal cowpiay Kat ioyvy Kal Tey Kal ddgay Kal evhoyiay. 13 Kat wav Kripa 6 8 éorw" ev TO ovpave, kat Pent tis ys," Kat UoKaT@ THs yrs, Kal éml THs Oadtdocons & éoTt, Kal Ta ev avTots ‘mavra,” ijKovea Aeyorras® To Kabn- HEev@ ert TOU Opovov kat TO dpi ” evoyia Kal 1 TU Kal 7) do€a Kal TO Kpatos eis Tovs ai@vas Tév aiwvey. “ Kai ta téocapa (aa * édeyov” ’A- pny? kal ot” mpecBvrepou emecay, Kal Tpooekvyno-ay m4 rae. a ad K- > , 6. Kat etdov ore AvorEe TO apviov , > cal u ¢ Aa JS A play ek TY “énta” odpayideyv, Kat yKOVoa EVOS EK TY Tecoapay Cowy , t \ y A oy Aeyovtos, ws ° pavn” Bpovrns’ "Epxou p ANG u“ 2 aw \ SY “ \ id 1 oF Kal le. Kai eidoy,” kat idov immos , > > ~ > \ Aeukos, Kal 6 Ka@npevos em * avroy ys I ¢ ~ \ > / > ~ f EXOV TOEov" Kal ed08n awT@ jotepavos, kee eS7)\0e ViK@V, Kal ia yiKnon. 3 Kal ére jvorke § THY oppayida tH devrépay,” kovra tov Oevtépov Cwov S Revertation VI. 8. vials full of odours, which are the prayers of saints. 2 And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood, out of every kin- dred, and tongue, and people, and nation: !¥and hast made us unto our God kings and priests, and we shall reign on the earth. 1 And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels, round about the throne, and the beasts and the elders, and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands, !° saying with aloud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain, to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, & strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing. !8 And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard J, say- Ing, Blessing, honour, glory, and power be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever. 14 And the four beasts said, Amen. And the four and twenty elders fell down and worshipped him that liveth for ever and ever. And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts, saying, Come and see. 2 And I saw, and behold, a white horse, and he that sat on him had a bow, and a crown was given unto him, and he went forth conquering, and to conquer. 3 And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and a—> b Rec. mHas. CW Bacirecav. 4 Rec. Bacrrevoomerv. & Rec. evxrAober. ran om. §—= h Rec.evr TD YU. 1S rayras. & Asyovra. Rec. add ecxoo.treccapes. M Rec. add Ywyre ets tovs acwy es TWY ALwywPy, " Rec. om, © Rec. Pwvns. P > —. Rec. nar Bree. 1 = x Rec.avtw s Rec.r.dsur.cppay. * Or, incenseVI. 4. REVELATION 592 ATIOKAAYYVIS. Ey 4 \ 320 ey see. 4 And there went out Neyovros’ “Epxov™. * Kat e&ndOev dr- 7 ” . o 4 > fa > another horse that was red: and os imqros Tuppos” Kan TO KaOnpevan aa power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the 5 : ; > abrov" e560 aire haBeiv Thy elpnyny earth, and that they should kill ¢ 2,” THs yis; deal’ iva ahXnXovus opd- one another: and there was given unto him a great sword. 5 And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And XN > / > =~ L 4 Eaou Kai €d60n aditod pdyaipa peyann. ° Kal ére pvorke rHy “oppayioa thy Tpltny, iKovea TOV Tpirov Coou héyov- . on f \ 1 UW g K \ id MU \ I beheld, and lo, a black horse: TOS PXOv Kat Loe. at €LOOY, Kat oI / \ / > . and he that sat on him had a 289% tarqrog pehas, Kal 6 KaOnpevos err pair of balances in his hand. 6 And J heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures Hig ee ey QUTOV € 6 a Xav (vyov ev TH xeLtpl avbrod. 7 \ yA \ > a” Kal nkovoa poviy év Heo TOY Teo capav (@wv eyoucay' Xowmé cirov / \ > / ~ of barley for a penny, and Onvapiov, KQL TPEls NOLWLKES KptOns On- Ny 1 a 3 eee nou Hurt not the oll'and ponigu: «Kal TO UeNacoviKal Ov oReD pn} the wine. 7 And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard ¥ voice of the fourth beast say, Come f. k eg . and see. 8 And I looked, and (aou heyovtos > / adunons. 2 Ea - “ Kat ore jvouEe tiv oppayida ry TeTapTHY, Hkovea 'havnv” Tov TETapTou 4 if / "Epxyou ‘kal te.” behold, a pale horse, and his 8 ™ Kq) efSoy,” Kal 2dov immos xXAwpos, name y sat on him was Death, and hell followed with him: ‘ / > / > a / kal 6 Ka@npevos emdvw avrod, ovopa : ~ # / x ad > s a and power was given # unto avr@ 0 dvaros, Kal 6 dns "Kodovber them, over the fourth part of the earth to kill with sword, ° Pie), ed MET GAUTOVU \ 2 > QNE A & / ‘ kal €006n Pair@” eEovcia DaaN ‘ 4 > a > a We) and with hunger, and with 7¢€7t TO TETAPTOV TNS YS, ATOKTELVaL EV 1 ~ vod > death, and with the beasts of poudaia, Kal ev GTS) Kal ev davére, « L L the earth. kal U0 TO Onpiov ts yijs. 9 Ngee?! a \ / Kat ore ifvou€e thy méurrny oppa- », And when he had opened} yida, ciSov troKxdrw Tod Oucvagrnpiov fifth seal, I saw under the altar, \ \ a > Z \ \ the souls of them that were 7S Wuxas To eopaypever dua uO, slain for the word of God, and Noyor Tou Oeov, kal Ova THY BapTupLay for the testimony which they held. 1° And they cried with 10 5 a o rv Fe 4 - ny ELV OV, Kal ekpagéay povn Be- : i N y / ig 7 c y a loud voice, saying, How long, YaAn, eyovtes’ Ews rote, 6 Acororns O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our C0). \ Ss “ S: \ > / A O aytos Kat adnOwos, OU KPLVELS Kat > cr \ e ¢ ~ t > W/ an blood on them that dwell on the exOtkeis TO UA NOV aro Tov Karol : ; ee 3 earth ? 'l And whiterobeswere Kovyt@y ér}i Tisyisse kane €060n” given unto every one of them, y , QUTOL “a w r \ Xr 3 VF \ IDC ‘6 > and it was said untothem, that ™ ce Ore ? sour eae hee ay ce they should rest yet for alittle Tols wa QAVATTAVO@YTAL ETL Xpovov = 3 Season, until their fellow ser- vants also, and their brethren a r 9 ews ¥" *npoaowaor’ kal of civdovXor > an \ c > \ a ~ ¢ / that should be killed as they @UT@Y Kal ol adepol aQUT@Y, Ol ped- were, should be fulfilled. 4 Rec.add xa Bree. b Rec, auTm. ©3—.Rec.aro. d= e Rec, Tp.cfpay, f>— Ree avrw. i Gb. om. k Rec. Asyoucay. 1-» —. Rec. war BrAere. MS D Rev. axorovGer. P Rec. Wavrois. 4 Rec. azron. €.7.7.7. YNSe Z Rec, wAnpwocyrar © TAnpwbwor. x a? / 6 Vac \ > / OVTES “ ATTOKTEVVEO Cat ws KQt QUTOL. «xae BrAere. ¥ 9% auTw r Rec. exoafov. s Rec.addo. tex. wu Rec. edo8ncay v Reo, exacrors, © avroig & KATTO. w Rec. orodar Xsvrae. x Rec. add petkpov. y Rec, add ov a @ Rec aroxrecvecbar. Or, to him.AITIOKAAYYVIS. 593 \ Ss: o = \ a ® Kat eidov bre qvo.ge Thy oppayida Y / , THY ExTnv’ Kal *” TELOMOS peyas eyé- \ ¢ a b / a 7 ase veTO, KaL O HALOS PuEdas eyevero” ds ¢ / » % @aKkos Tpixivos, Kal 7 gehnyn © dn” EYEVETO wS aipma, kal of dorépes Tov ~ 4, > \ ~ ~n oupavod émecay cis THY YHV, OS GUKH , ON Ue A : y “Bader” rods dd\dvOous QUTIS, UT © ave- wou peyaddou” cevoueyn’? | Kal °§” op- \ > , ¢ L / c pavos amexwpiaOn os BiBNiov eciduc- odpevov, Kal Tay dpos Kal vacOs ex TOY a / 5 Tomev attey éexwyidnocav' ™ Kal oi Baothets THs yis, Kat of beyloTaves, Kal o / 7 ot SxiAtapxou Kal of TAovVGLOL,” Kal of "ioxupol,” kal was Soddos Kab ‘Was ” > 7 + ¢ \ > \ / ehevdepos expurpav éavrovs eis Te onn- Nata Kat eis Tas TeTpas TV dpéwy. aS Re heyouat Tots dpe Kal tais wé- a a > > & ~ \ , Tpas* Ilecere eh muds, kat kpvyare nuas aro mpocdrov Tod kaOnwévou emt Tov Opdvov, kal amd rhs opyns Tod ap- eres ; ; fs viov. dru pOev NEPA 1) Leyadn THs > A mn ; iy opyijs avrov, Kal ris Suvara oradnvas ; 7. Kai pera * rotro” efSoy Téocapas ayyéhous éataras én) tds Téooapas yovias Ths ys, Kpatodyras robs Téc- , A A o \ , Tapas avéwous THs yas, a pai) TEN > A A ’ > a avenwos él ths yns, wnre em Ts Oa- Adoons, wnre em ' wav’ devdpor. € \ > » 2/ , 2 Kai eidSov dAdo ayyedov ™avaBai- n~ / 4, vovTa” amd dvatodjs Alou, €xXovTa rn A a - NS, oppayida cod Cavros* Kal expa&e hw- n - / > / vy feya\n Tois técapow dyyédors, © s a > > \ > \ ols 6000 adrois ddiknoas Tip ynv Kal \ 4 3 rE _ \ 10 /, Thv @dd\accar, eyav' Mn adixknonre An / 4 A THY Yv, pate thy bddaccay, PNTe Ta , A / a \ devdpa, dxpis of ” oppayicwperv” rovs A ~ ¢ ~ > \ ~ / dovdous Tod Ocod Huey emi Tov [ETO TOV AUT@v. > “~ > 4 Kal fovea rov apiOuov Tay é- s / ohpayispevov’ °éxaroy TeToapakovra Ruvenation VII. 4. ! And I beheld when he had Opened the sixth seal, and lo, there was a great earth- quake, and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as bleod. 13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her «untime- ly figs when she is shaken of a mighty wind. lM And the heaven departed as a scroll when itis rolled together, and every mountain and _ island were moved out of their places. '5 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens, and in the rocks of the mountains, 16 and said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: 1 for the great day of his wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand ? 7. And after these things, I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, hold. ing the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree. 2 And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea, 3 saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads. 4 And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred a Reo. add tdov. b Rec. eyer. wed. CSt. & Elz.om. 4c farovea. @ Rec Hey. aveu. f Rec. om. 6 Rec, wAov. x. 0. yeA. Ree. dvvaror. i 3 kw—. Ree & Gb. ravra lore. ™ Rec, avuBavra. St. oppaylwpuer. © Rec. pud? 39 * Or, green figs.Revevation VII. 5. and forty and four thousand, of all the tribes of the children of Israel. 5 Of the tribe of Juda were sealed twelve eno usanial Of the tribe of Reuben Vea sealed twelve thousand. the tribe of Gad were ae twelve thousand. § Of the tribe of Aser were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Nep- thalim were sealed twelve thou- sand. Of the tribe of Manasses were sealed twelve thousand. 7 Of the tribe of Simeon were sealed twelve thousand. Ofthe tribe of Levi were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Issa- char were sealed twelve thou- sand. 5 Ofthe tribe of Zabulon were sealed twelve thousand, f the tribe of Joseph were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Benjamin were sealed twelve thousand. 9 After this I beheld, and lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood be- fore the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands: !%and cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God, which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb. 11And all the angels stood round about the throne, and about the elders, and the four beasts, and fell before the throne on their faces, and worshipped God, 12 saying, Amen: Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and th inks- giving, and honour, and power, and might be unto our God for ever and ever, Amen. 13 And one of the elders an- swered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes ? and whence came they ? /4 And I said unto him, 594 ATIOKAAYYVI2. Teroapes” xrduades eoppayerpevor eK Twaons pudys UL@V ‘lopayr ° &€x duds *Iovda, Ted xuArades eo ppayiopevor: €k pudjs “PovSny, 8 xtduddes * exppa- yiopevor’” &K POs Yad, 8 XuAuades * eoppayiopevor” eK unis’ Aonp, 3 xruddes * EoD paryepiezan “ ex pudns NepOaheip, 8 xtAuades * exppaytope- you” €K pudis Mavacon, 3’ xudades ew eoppayiopevou” 7 é« dudns Supewy, [3 Xeduddes | * 2g ppayiopevou” EK pudrs Aevt, Be XALdes a op pay eae €K puis ‘Ioaxap, ¢ 3’ xtruddes * exppa- lo pevor’ ek cpuAns ZaSovhov, (3 xeruades * Ege One eK pudjjs ‘Toon, 18 xududdes *earqbpaytopevor*” €k pudjs Bevapty, 8 xArddes eoppa- Yorpevor. : Mera tadta eidov, Kal idov dyXos } a TODS, ov apiOunoa badrov” ovdels nduvaro, eK mavros edvous Kal phar | Kal ha@y Kal yAwoo@r, EcTaTES EVa- mov TOD Opdvou Kal eve@mLoy TOU apviou, ° repiBeBAnuevous’ oTodas AevKas, Kal 1 hoinkes” ev tals xepoly atray * Kal c Kpagovoe" pavn peyann, Aeyoutes’ ‘se cernpla ‘ra Oca Tpav LIT@ alr emt ® Tov Opdvov" hi’ Kat TO apvig. 1 Kat TAaVTES Ol deyyedou ETTHKETAY KUKA® TOU Epdvov Kal TOV mpeoBurepov Kal TOV { as > / Tecodpav (own, Kal €7EOOV EVWTLOV 6 ‘. i t, “4 ¢ - TOU povov em Ta TPOT@TA QUT@Y, | ~ _ ~ 12 4 Kal mpooekvyyn gay 7 TH Gee, Aeyoures* "Auny’ db evhoyia Kal 7) odéa Kal 7) oom} pia Kal 1 evxaploria Kal 7) Tyr) Kal 7 Ovvapes Kal 7) loxus TO Oecd Nuay eis mous al@vas TOV alover. any. 3 Kal amexpiOn eis ek Tav mpeoBu= a NE - OO ‘ BeBr Tép@v, héywv prow’ ObTor ot Trepi_eCAn= plevoe Tas OTOAAS TAs NevKAUs, Tives cial, \ > \ nr Kal 7d0ev ndOov 3 Kal €ipnka avT@ & Decies > bo t St, om. g rH Oporw. © Rec. epi SeBAnusvor. dw orvixag € Rec. xpatoites » St. add rov Ocov nuwr. > Rec. c wpocar7royr.AJIOKAAYYWVI2. 595 Kupté * pov," od oidas. Kat elmé pot Odroi eiow of epxopevor ex HS OALpews rns peyddys, kal emAvvay Tas oTohas avray, Kal eAevkavay Pavtas” ev TO aiate TOU apvlov. 18 Oud TovTO elo évamiov TOU Opdvov Tov Oeov, Kai da- Tpevovrwy wre mpepas kal vuxros ev T@ va@ avrov’ Kal 6 KaOnpevos eml TOV Gpdvov, oKnveces em avtovs. ' ov mewaoovol ert, ovde Oupynoovow ert, ovoe pi) EON Em aVTOUS 6 HALOS, OvdE nav Kavya’ Ore TO apviov Td ava pecoy TOU Opdvov © rotpavel avTous, Kat ddnynoer” avtovs emt “Cans” mnyas yOarayv, kat €€adeiwver 6 Ocds way Oa- kpvov ex” Tov opOahwav avtav. 8. Kal ore qvoike thy odpayida thy EBddpny, EyEVETO OLY EV TH OvPAVe OS TLLL@pLoV. * Kal cidov tovs émra ayyéAous, ot evomloy TOU Oeov EotHKact, Kal €OdOn- gay avrois érta oadteyyes. * Kal a\dos ayyedos nOe, Kal eoradn emi ! rd Ou- giacTnplov,’ éxov NiBaveriy ypuvcody" Kal €060n aiT@ Oupuduatra moda, wa doon Tais mpocevyxats Toy ayioy may- TaV emt TO OvovagoTHpLoy TO xXpUTodY TO evarLoy TOU Opdvov. * Kai avéBn 6 Kamvos TOY Ovuraatwy Tails Tpocevyais TOV adylov, EK XELPos TOD ayyeAov, EVO- mov Tov Qeov. * kal etAneyv 6 ayyedo Srov’ AiBaveroy, Kal eyepucen TOU Tupos TOU OvotacTypiov, Kal €Barev eis THY yn’ Kal -eyévovto dwval Kal Bpovrat kai dorparral kal cevops. ® Kal of émra ttyyehor ' of“ Zyovres Tas €mTa odATLYyyas, 1 TOlLacay EavTovs, iva gadticact. 7 Kal 6 mpéros €oa\mice, Kal eyevero xdhaa kal mip pepurypéva | ev" atpart, Kal €BAnOy eis THY ynv’ ™Kal Td > a Nae, QUTOV €K kJZ4 Revevation VIII. 7. Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, Fhese are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. !° There- fore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple: and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them. !6 They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more, neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat. 17 For the Lamb, which is in the midst of the throne, shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. 8. And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was si- lence in heaven about the space of half an‘hour. 2 And I saw the seven angels which stood before God, and to them were given seven trump- ets. 3 And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer, and there was given unto him much incense, that he should ¢offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which was be- fore the throne. 4 And ¥ smoke of the incense which came with the prayers of the saints, as- cended up before God, out of the angel’s hand. And the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the altar, and cast it into the earth: and there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earth- quake: § and the seven angels which had the seven trumpets, pre- pared themselves to sound. 7 The first angel sounded, and there followed hail, and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth, and aiRec [> = ; . > Rec.om. b3—. Rec. ctodas avrwy. CX wotparver...odnyec. 4 Rec, fwoas. € Rec. Yaxo fe rou Sucvacrnpiov. g St. & Bz. ro. h st & Bz, avro. 1 Rec. om. k Rec. add ayyéAos. 1 Reo, um m Rec om. s Or, add it to the prayers,VIL: 8. the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up. REVELATION 8 And ysecond angel sounded, and as it were a great moun- tain burning with fire was cast into the sea, and the third part of the sea became blood. 9And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died, and the third part of the ships were destroyed. 10 And the third angel sound- ed, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and up- on the fountains of waters: !!and the name of the star is called Wormwood, and the third part of the waters became worm- wood, and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter. 12And the fourth angel sound- ed, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars,so as the third part of them was darkened: and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise. 13 And I beheld, and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the earth, by rea- son of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels which are yet to sound. 9. And the fifth angel sound- ed, and I saw a star fall from heayen unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. 2 And he open- ed the bottomless pit, and there arose asmoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and the air were darkened, by reason of ¥ smoke of the pit. % And there came 596 ATIOKAAYYVI2. Tpirov TS ‘yns KareKdy,. Kal TO Tpiro Tay Oevdpav Karekdn, Kal Tas XOpTo| xA@pos KaTeKan 8 Kal 6 devrepos dyyshos eCaATLGe a Kal @s Opos preya “mupl” KiLopeEvo eBANOn eis thy Oddaooay’ Kal eyEevEeT TO Tpitov THs Oaracons aipa’ ° Ka > / Zi an ~ améOave TO Tpitov Tay KTicpatay » TOY |: > a / \ a \ ev Tn Oartdoon, Ta €xovTa Wuxas, Ka \ / ~ / c / “a TO Tpitoyv TeV Tolw@y © OvepOadpn. ¢ 10 Kal 6 tpiros dyyedos eoadmice) \ + > = > ~ > \ , Kal E€TMEOEV EK TOV OVNAYOU ao7Tnp peya / < \ \ 2 KQLOMEVOS WS Aaptras, Kat CTE EV em } \ / a 7m \ TO TpiToy TOY ToTAMO@Y, Kal Emi TA)) myas troy” Wdarov. | fo dorépos heyerau 30.3 “Ay bos" Ka tyiverau" TO Tp eH aan vodtov eis ayy Oov, kal modXol "rev" avOpareav aré Oavov ek Tay vOaT@y, Ort emiKpavOnoay 2 Kal 6 réraptos dyyedos eodArice \ No, Kal TO OVOLAC XN > / \ / Ae 1G / \ Kal “emAnyn TO TpiToy Tov NALoV Kal Ti\ / ~ , n Tpitov THs weAnvys Kal TO Tplroy Tai); > , cd a , n adoTEepay, wa oKOTLOOn TO TpiTov avTa@y NFA ¢ , A i / , ~n Kai'n Nuwépa p17) Paivyn TO Tpiroy avris, \ ¢ fa Kal 7 vU& Opoiws. 13 K \ id S57, Seek ke 33. a Kat eldov, Kat HKOVaA Evos * deTOU l , Wo. / 4 METOMEVOU EV LeTOUPaYN ATL, NEyovTO: |) m ras aN < > \ > \ > XN oS gpovn peyadn Oval, ovat, oval ™Toi:|. “A > \ a” ox nm ~ KATOLKOVOLY” ETL THS YHS, EK TOV NolTral|: povav THs calmlyyos TOY TpLaV ayye: Nov TOV peddAOvT@v cadmicew. 9. Kat 6 weumros tyyedos eoadmice Kal eidov aoréepa €K TOU ovpavod Tre: aT@KOTAa €is THY ys Kal €068n aUT@ 1 oes TOU _ppéaros Ts aBvacov, ?™ nvorse TO ppéap ms dBvocou.” Ka | aveBy KamTrvos €K Tou ppearos & @S KaTrVOs|; KAa[LLvOU Kal é€oKotia@n ¢ ° weyaAns,” AN \ ¢ dA > ~ ~ a z NALOS KAL O ANP EK TOV KATVOV TOU Ppea: : Guede ere SD dcvepOapntay. KQTOLKOUPTAS. d Rec. om. i ro rpltov aurng (s. avtwy) un payp® 7 AAD \ > a ~ ices TOS. Kal €K TOU KQaTrYOU e€n\ Oar ; e Rec.om. f Weyevero. & St.om. h Rec.om k Rec. ayyeXov. 1 Ree. werwyevov. Mc rou |: 0 W xatoperns,ATIOKAAYWVI2. 597 dxpides eis THY yiv, kal e650n avrais eLovoia, oS ExovTW efouciay ol oKop- miou THS YS" . kat eppeOn avrais Wva pry aduKnT@oL TOV XOPTOV TIS YNSs ovde ray yA@pov, ovde may devopov, el [uy rods avOpdmous *” oitwes ovK €xXovat civ oppayida » rod Gcov “ eml TOV [be- rorev cavTtav.” ° Kal €066n avtais iva pu) amoKTewoow avtous, GAN iva Bacancbdct pnvas TevTE Kal 6 Ba- cayicpnos avT@v as Bacavicpos oKOp- mov, orav talon avOpwrov. ® kal év Tals nepals ekelvats (ntnoovcw ot iwOpamot Tov Bavaror, kal ‘ov pu” evpn- cova adrdéy’ Kal emOupnocovow ano- Oaveiv, kat peverar ° am avtav o Oa- vaTos.” 7 Kal ra 6powwpara tev axpider duova immots nTouacpevols els TONE LOY, kal éml Tas Kedahas at’ray ws orepavot ‘ypuoot” kal Ta mpdc@ma avTav ws mpdcora avOparearv’ ® Kat elyov Tpixas os Tplyas yuvatkav' Kal ol dddvTes av- Tov Os AedvT@y jcav' % Kal etyov Oopaxas as Oapakas otdnpovs’ Kat 7) govy Tay TrEepuyav avtav ws hori appdtav immav mo\hey TpexdvT@y eis mohepov. 1? Kat €xovow ovpds dpolas okoprrioss, Kal &xevrpa’ Kat’ €v Tats ov- pais avr@y '1 e€ovgia avTay Tov: adu- Knoat” tovs avOpamous pjvas Tevte. WE“ Téyovoa’ ep avtav Baowéa roy adyyehov ths aBvocouv* dvopa atta ‘EGpaiort “ABadday, ™ Kat ev” Tp “EX- Anvikn dvopa exer’ ArroAdvov. 2 “H oval } pia amndOev* idov yovraw” ru Ovo oval pera TavTa. 13 Kal 6 éxros dyyedos eoadmuce, kal qKkovoa Povipy pilav ek TOY TEToapeY Kepdta@v Tov Ova.actnplov TOV xpuvTod n’ ep-~ Revevation. LX. 13. out of the smoke locusts upon the earth, and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power. 4 And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree: but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads. © And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months, and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man. §& And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it, and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them. 7 And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle, and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men. 5 And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions. 9% And they had breast- plates, as it were breastplates of iron, and the sound of their wings was as the sound of cha- riots of many horses running to battle. 1° And they had tails like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails: and their power was to hurt men five months. 1! And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name @ Apollyon. 12 One woe is past, and be- hold therecome two woes more hereafter. 13, And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar, which is before @ Rec. add povous. bo c+ d Rec. ovy. € Rec. o ay. an’ avr. f Rec. © ouoror ypuoy. 8 © Kevrpa ev Tacs ovpacs autwy 7 eLovata avutwy Tov adixnoas. h Rec. & Gb. NVs i Rec. & Gb. «as 7 sfovgia autrwy. k Rec. add «ae ~w—. Rec. & Gb. eyoucry. m SS ev de. D OW spyeras. a That is to say, A destroyer.Reventarion IX. 14. God, 14 Sans to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound et the great river Euphrates. And the four angels were ee which were prepared “for an hour, anda day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men. 16 And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thou- sand: and I heard the number of them. 17 And thus | saw the horses in the vision, and them that sat on them, having breastplates of fire and of jacinth, and brimstone, and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions, and out of their mouths issued fire, and smoke, and brimstone. i8 By these three was the third part of men killed, by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone which issued out of their mouths. 19 For their power is in their mouth, and in their tails for their tails were like unto serpents, and had heads, and with them they do hurt. 20 And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues, yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and _ brass, and stone, and of wood, which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk: 2! neither repented they of their mur- ders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts. 0. AndI saw another mighty ATIOKAAYYIS. TOU EVv@ITLOY TOU On0e 4 a heyovoay" T@ EKTO dyyeh@ ° 6 éx@v" THY oad@rey- ya’ Adoov Tous Tecoapas ayyedous TOUS SeOepevous emt TO TOTAL@ TO peyar@ Evdpdry. Kat eMvOnoay ol Teroapes ayyehou ol HTOULac pevor els THY op Kal npLepav Kal pave Kal evlavToV, Wa drroKretvoot TO Tpiroy 1 TOY avOparay. 16 Kat 0 apiOpos ¢ TOV” orpareupdray 1 rod inmeKov’ Ovo pupiades _pupiddeor: oe ixoura TOV apOuov avtav. kal ovUT@s Eldoy TOUS immous ev TH opacet, Kal TOUS kabnpevous eM aviar, exovras Oapakas mupivous Kal vaxwOivous Kal Gerwdets* Kat al Kepahat 1 TOV immo Os Keahat AedvTor, Kal €K TOV oToparev avT@v exmropeverat mop Kal KamrVvos Kal Geiov. 38 fare” ray TpLov 8 anya" TouT@y ameKTavOnoay TO TpiToy TOY dvOparay, “ex” tod mupos Kal ‘” Tov Kamvou kal *” rou dciou, TOU exmopevo- pevou eK TOV oropareoy avrov. %1n yap efovoia Toy immo" Ev TO ordpart abrey méott, “Kal ev. TALS oupais av- Tav.” al yap ovpal avtay 6povat oe- ow, éxoucar Kedadas, Kat ev avtais aOuKovct. 20 Kal of ourol tev avOparav ot ovk amektavOnoay é€y Tats mAnyats , > na > Tavtals, °ov" perevonoay €K TeV epyav n - ¢ an el ~ TOY XKELD@V QUT@V, Wa py Tpookvyng@at ra Sauda, Kal Pra” eldwda Ta xpvoa Kal Ta apyvpa Kal Ta Yaka kal Ta Ni@iva Kat ra EvAwa, a ovre BAErew Svvatat, oUTE Gkovely, OVTE TEpiTTaTELY” “1 kal ov petevonoay eK TeV dyer avuTay, ovTe ek TOY PappakeL@y avT@r, ovTe €K THS Topvelas avT@Y, oOUTE EK TOV KAEMPAT@OY AUT@V. 10. Kat e?dov 2a\Xov" ayyeXov io-yu= & W XAeyorros. b Rec. os ecye. © Rec.om. 4 corovenran. & Rec. add «ac. fF Ree. vro 8 Rec. om, h coawo. i Rec. add sx. k Rec. addex. 1 Rec. ace yap efoucrac avrwy. m Rec. eros. n Rec. om 0 Rec. ovre. P Rec. om. ca. Or, at.AITIOKAAYYIS., 599 N / > ~ a pov kataBawvovra €k Tov ovpavod, TEpl- f / rv \ ale aN BeBrAnwevov vepedny, Kat *4 ipis em z A ewe TS Kepadys Pavrov,” kai rd mpdc@mor > zy 7 a QUTOU ws 6 HALOS, Kal of des adtTOD Os s 9 2, an oTvAo. mupds’ 7 Kal Céyov" &y ™ Xetpt avrov “BiBNapidioy" avewyevor" \ » A x kat €Onke Tov wdda abvtov Tov deEov > \ e - / \ \ aS. emt “rns Oardcons, Tov dé evovupoy > A ~ ~ aH \ + & “~ €ml THS ys, Kat expa&e devi pe- j } : yan orep éwv puKaTal’ Kal OTe ~ > / c c \ 7. \ \ expa&ev, ehddnoay ai éxrd Bpovrat ras c A , 0 eavtay davas’ * Kai dre €AdAqcay ai ¢ A 3 \ {7 »” , . \ ema Bpovtai'”, éueMov ypdadew' Kal \ nn A , Hkovoa havnv ek Tod oupavov, éyou- ov, z AON co gay8"* Sdpdy.oov & éedddnoay ai ext RQ \ \ \ a di Ppovrat, Kai pu "tadra" ypawrns. Seip teNcs eof a ING ¢ a DEIN Kat 6 ayyedos, dv etdov Egt@ra emt ts Oadacons kal én ths yns, Ape THY = ¢ oO i \ fs A an” 2 5 \ > Xetpa avtou ‘ry Se€tayv” els Tov ov- > an nn ’ pavov, ° Kat @mooev ev T@® Cave eis dA a , a ToUs al@vas Tay alwvev, ds éxeTice TOY > > > a A ovpavoy Kal Ta ev QUT@, Kal THY yy Kal > > ~ / \ > Ta €v avTH, Kal Thy Oadacoay Kal Ta év See, , Ie eZ » Fe \ auTn’ Ort xpovos * ovKéere ora” 7 dANa x ¢ 7 ~ ~ ~ Ev Tals TLEpats THS Pavns Tov EBddépov . j o , bie 1 \ ayyeAov, Oray péeddAn cadri€ew, ' Kal 5 : - a eTeh ea On” TO pvoTHpLoy Tov Oeodv, os eunyyeruce ' , au mpopyras. 8 r \ ¢ A a » b] ~ > Kain heavy nv ijKovca €k Tov ov- “~ , ~~ > > ~ \ pavov, mahi \adovoa per é€uov, Kat ; ; 7 ? Aéeyovoa’ “Yrraye AdBe 7d BiBXapio.oy > , 5 A Ai > TO NVE@yYPEVOV EV TH XELPL ™ TOL’ dyyeNou ~ vs \ a , Xe De N TOU EgT@TOS ETL THS Oaddoons kal ert A a Sey 2/ THS ns. Kat anmAOoy mpos Tov ay- tn a a \ yerov, Aéywv atta, °Sodvai” por Td , \ BiBAapisuoy. Kal Neyer pour AdBe cal an A Katapaye avrd* Kat mkpavet wou Ti ? > 5 / »~ kolAlav, GAN’ ev TO oTdpati cov ~arat yAukd os pers. | Kal €daBov rd \ t S \ a , \ “rous €auTov OovAous TOUS REvELATIon X. 10. angel come down from hea- ven, clothed with a cloud, and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire. 2 And he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth, Sand cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth: and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices. 4 And when the seven thun- ders had uttered their voices. was about to write: and I heard a yoice from heaven, saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not. 5 And the angel which I saw Stand upon the sea, and upon the earth, lifted up his hand to heaven, § and sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that therein are. and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are there- in, that there should be time no longer. 7 But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets. 8 And ¥ voice which I heard from heaven spake unto me again, and said, Go, and take the little book which is openin the hand of the angel which standeth upon y sea, and upon the earth. 9% And I went unto the angel, and said unto him, Give me the little book. And he said unto me, Take it, and eat it up, and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey. '0 And I took the little book a Rec.om. ) Rec.om. ©¢ Rec.ecyer. AVB:BrLov. & Rec. “@Mawvag eavrwy, § Rec.add pote hw anra. i Rec.om. k —. Bz, reXecOnoerar. ™m Rec. rots savrov dovAors rors wpodnracse n Rec. om. © Rec. dog. thy Oadaccav..tnv ynv. f Rec.add ras Rec. ove earacert. 1 Ree. xacredreaOn.REVELATION X. 11. out of the angel’s hand, and BiB ate it up, and it was in my mouth sweet as honey: and as soon as | had eaten it, my belly was bitter. 11 And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings. 1. And there was given me a reed like unto a rod, and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein. ? But ¥ court which is without the temple « jJeave out, and measure it not: for it is given unto the Gentiles, and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months. 3 And F I will give power un- to my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days clothed in sackcloth. 4 These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks, standing be- aot the God of the earth. 5 And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be_ killed. 6 These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as_ they will. 7 And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit, shall make war against them, and shall over- come them, and kill them. 5 And their dead bodies shall tie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called & Bz. & Elz. add xar o ayyeXog EvoTnKes: } > * Rec. w.7r. og. s. Ger. m Ree. om. Or, I will give unty mv two witnessed ‘Ree. Osr(7 bis. & Rec. ex. eEov. eX. r. onp. ATIOKAAYYVIS. Aaptdov ek THs Xetpos Too dyyehov, Kal Karepayov auTo’ Kal qv ev TO oropart jou @s ped, yuku’ Kal OTe epayov auto, emtkpavOn 7 KowAia pov. Kal Reyer pow Act oe wadw mpodn- Tevoat em Aaols Kal L6jee1 Kal yAo@ooats Kat Baoihevor ToAAots. 11. Kat €d66n pou kdapos OjL0L08 papode, >” heyou" a Eyetpat, Kal méeTpHo-OV TOV vaoY TOU Geod, Kal TO Ouowaornptoy, kal Tovs Apo Ry OUy yas ev avT@’ * Kal THY avdny Ty » Faber" TOU vaov €k~ Bade eo, Kal pan) avrny HEeTpnons, ort e0d8n Tois eOveou Kal riy wokw Thy ayiay TaTHTOVTL MIvas TecoapdKoyra 3 Kat da0@ Trois duel peaptuat jiov, Kal mpopyrevoovoty ne es xehias Ova- Koolas EEN kovTa, mepyBeBrnrevor oak- ovTol Eig ai dvo ehaiat, Kal at” Ovo Avyviat ai evwrtoy Tod IKv- ec -~ u § \ TA EOTMTES. Kal ee TLS avrous "OéNev" adixn oat, TUp eKTFOpEvETaL €K TOU ordparos aur@v Kal Kareo Gieu TOUS exOpovs aura" Kal et Tes avrovs eden’ aduKjjoat, ovT@ Set avroy amro- ovr ou & eXovot TOV ovpavoy ovotay meivat,” wa pan) "ver os Bpexn’” S THs mpodnt elas av’tay" Kal Lovolay 2 EXovoLy ent tev Odor, he eye aura eis aia, Kat mard£at ' Oodkus eavy Oednowow, ™ép: Kal 6 ora y redéooan THY papruptay aUTOY, TO Onpiov TO avaBaivoy é€k THs @8bocou Tromrer Myer’ avTev TOE poy,” Kat vuKnoet abr ove, kat dmroKrevet av- °TO mr@pa" avuTay eT Ts Dap: Tohews THS peyaAns, res TVEVILATLK@S 2ddopa kat ee € Rec. om. a Rec. Gcov. © Rec. ectwoas. 1 Rec. ev nuepaic. K Rev avr. 7. 7pog. 9 Rec. to rrwpuara, * Gr. cast out s that they may prophesy.ATIOKAAYYIS, 601 7 e \ 77 - > n Atyuttos, O7ov Kal 6 Kuptos *atrév" €oTAaUp@On. r \ 7 a > 5 n * Kal Brérovew" ée rév dady Kal nn \ n \ > a y Puiav Kal yRoooay Kai ebvaev rd ~ aM > a ¢ / n \ a TT@MA AVT@Y NuEpas TELS Kal TuLcV ne ee eS ROO, Kal Ta TT@MAaTA aUTéY oOvK adjnoovet & > an TeOnvat eis Uavniee. Oo Ray ob igaror s > \ A an KouvTes emt tTns yns ©yaipovow" ém > > Nf ear , a avutots, Kal 'evppavOnoovrau” Kal ddpa a f aN Nea, oe @ Sieurpovow” addndots, 6Te obror of 4 ~ d/ / \ dvo mpopara éBacducav TOUS KaTOL- s es KOUYTAaS ETL THS ns. ll DN. \ \ = ¢ Z. \ Kat pera tas tpeis neéepas Kat od 7 eon > a N 2 }HLOV, TvEvLAa Cons ex TOU Oeod elonA- > > a 4, > Gev ev adtois,” Kat eoTnoay el Tovs 6 ¢ a \ 4 £ 4 iv “a mo0as auTa@y, Kat PoBos péyas ‘erecey > \ \ ~ 4 9 «mt Tovs Gewpotvtas avtovs. © Ka} k » “ \ , 2 ~ > nkKovoay’ Dovnv peyddny ek tod od- A , > a > ; a pavov, Néyovcay avrois: Ava@nre Ode. Re eN a ai Be fe > \ > a Kai aveBnoav eis rop oupavoyv ev TH 7 Nd , > \ C2. aS vepedn, kal Oempnoav adrovs of exOpol Dera ‘ i > , a e TP bos avtav. ™ Kal év éxelyy TH ‘pa’ eyevero ; : ; - TeloMos peyas, Kal ro S€xatov Tis , »~ \ > / TOAEwS errece, Kal amextavOnoay év r > > /‘ > / T@ CELOLO OvOpnata avOparev xdiddes © / \ 2 F Ss. emTa Kal ot NouTol eupoBou €VEVOVTO, L 7Q QE A A A > a Kal eO@kay 00€av TA Oe@ Tov ovpavod. cr Se GULN , aA $m”? \ 4 “A oval 7 OevTepa amndbev* ™” iSod € JN gaG , » Z; 1) OVaL 7 TpiTn Epxerat Tayv. 15 \ cS Xv a > / Kat 6 eBdopos ayyedos éeoddmce, \ > 7 y \ / > a Kat eyevovTa @wvat peyddar ev TO > a7 / a2 , ey yy ovpav@," Néyortes* "Eyévero 7) Bactnela a 5 ~ > / c na \ a TOU KOgpOov, Tov Kupiov nuady, Kal Tov - ~ > L / ; \ Xpltorov avrov, Kat Bacirevoes eis Tods dA ~ ae al@vas TAY alwvwv. 16 rN Coy, 0” 7 15 , Kat ol etkoor ® récoapes rpecBire- > , A a , > A pot ol evamioy Tod Geod KaOjpevor emt c a ~~ > \ \ tous Opdvovs atrayv, erecay emi ra Can \ , n Tpocwra avtay, Kal Tpocekvynoay TO 6 17 4 * > cos 4 Geo, Aeyovtes Evyapiorovper cou, va Revenation XI. 17. Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified. 9 And they of the people, and kindreds, and tongues, and nations, shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves, 10 And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another, because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth. 1! And after three days and an half the Spirit of life from God, entered into them: and they stood upon their feet, and great fear fell upon them which saw them. !2 And they heard a great voice from hea- ven, Saying unto them, Come up hither. And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud, and their enemies beheld them. 13 And the same hour was there a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell, and in the earthquake were slain “of men seyen thousand: and the remnant were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of heaven. 14 The second woe is past, and behold, the third woe cometh quickly. 1) And the seventh angel sounded, and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ, and he shall reign for ever and ever, 16 And the four and twenty elders which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshipped God, 17 saying, We give thee thanks, & Rec. nuwr. b Rec. BAeWovour. © Rec. ta wrwpara. fF % evdpacvorrac. g Kx d Ree. pYnpara. © Rec. yapovary. SS dwaovei. hc avrocg. Rec. ex’ avrovg, 1 SS everrecry. k & neovea. s ae 5 1S nuspg. ™Bz.addxar, ™ Rec. Aeyoucas® Eyevovro ac Buciderar. O Rec.add xat, Gr. names of menRevevation XI. 18. O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come ; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned. 1/8 And the na- tions were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great, and shouldest destroy them which @ destroy the earth. 19 And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament, and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail. 12. And there appeared a great @wonder in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: 2 and she being with child, cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be de- livered. 3 And there appeared ano- ther y wonder in heaven, and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads, and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. 4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born. °® And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne. ® And the woman fled into the wilder- ness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thou- sand, two hundred, and three- score days. 602 ATIOKAAYWI2. , ¢ \ G 4 en \ Kupie 6 Geos 6 TayToKpaT@p, O wy Kat Ca a. 6 4) \ bv y, y 6 Ay”, Ore etAnias THY OvvapLy Tov THY | / \ > x 18 \ \ peyadny, Kat eBaothevoas. Kat Ta | 2 > ¢ > , LO epyicOnoav, Kat nOev n opyn | cov, Kal 6 Kalpos TOY vEeKp@v, KpLOnvat, A \ a Ne: cai Sodvat Tov puaOGoy Tots Oovdots Tou r / r / val Trois mpoprrats, Kal Tois dytous Kal Tots f , / , n cr poBoupevors TO OVOMA Tov, TOLS MLKPOLS Kal Tois peydAots, Kal OvapOetpat TOUS ees StapOeipovras Thy yny- 19 172. > , ¢ \ A ~ na Kat nvotyn 6 vaos Tov Qeou ev TO ovpave, Kal OPOn 7 KiBwTos THs Sva- iparp, cat Spon 7 KBards THs dua Onxns »rov Kupiov” ev T@ va@ avTov" kal éyévovTo aotparat Kat aval Kal | Bpovrat ° kat geiopos” Kat xadaga | peyaan. 12. Kal onpeiov péeya On ev TO Je rT PLOW, a Oe otpava, yun trepyBeBAnpevn Tov 7mAL0V, ¢ / 5 cod ~ Kal ) OeAnvy UTOKAT@ TOY TOOGY avTISs, > a a Dey / kal émlt ths Kepadns advtns atepavos eS ; d : dotépwv Swdexa’ 7 Kai ev yaoTpt €- d 7” Thi Be: , \ xouvoa téxpatev” @divovea, kat Bacav- Le / cr COMEVN TEKELV. 3 Kat &pbOn Grr t ; D Kal @ GAXNo onpeloy ev TO > ~ Pp: a \ , TES SOC & ovpava, kal idov Opdkov peyas Tuppos, o f ; éxov Keadas émTa kal Kepata OeKa" Kal emi Tas Kepadas avrov ©enra dadn- a ¢ \ ~ pata’ Kal 7) ovpa avToU GUpEL TO Tplirov Tav aoTépav TOU ovpayod, Kal %, ~ nn ¢Barev avrovs eis THY ynv. Kai 6 dpa- z ; f a K@Y ETTHKEY EV@TLOY THS yUvaLKOS THS , ~ ad a / pehAovons TeKelv, iva OTay TEKH, TO réxvov avtns Katapayn. ° Kal ereKey Mise a / vid appeva, os redder Tolalve TavTa ra €Ovn év paBd@ ovdynpa’ Kat npmacG SI EY PER DO Goa TO TEKVOY avTnS mpos TOY Oeov Kat 'rpos” Tov Opdvoy avrov. Kal 1) yuvy a , », ed » r ecpuyev eis THY epnuov, Ozrov Exel ® eet” ¢ , > ne ae TOmoy Hrowbacpevoy ard TOU Qeod, wva oe : ; exet Tpehoow advtnvy nuepas xuAlas Stakoolas €€nkovTa. 2 Rec. add cae o ep Yousvos. f Ree. om. § Rec. om. b Rec. avrov. ¢—> 4 St.& Elz. & Gh. cpater™ expakev. & Rec. dcad. ev, : : 5 a 1 Or, corrupt. P Or, sign. Or, sign.ATIOKAAYYIS. 603 7 Kay ud , 3 ne 5 ~ al eyeveto modeuos ev T® ovpave c \ > an A 0 Mcyand kat oi ayyedoe avtod *rod ToAeunoa pera” Tod Opaxovros, Kal 6 , , 5 Opdkoy erodéunoe, kal of ayyehou av- ~ y+ , TOU, Kal OUK touaen,” Gude Tom06 ¢ / > an 2, ~ ~ evpeOn Cartay” ert ev TO oupava. ° Kal >/ , ¢ , c — ¢ - + e > e / / \ \ A apxatos, 0 KadovpeEvos SudBoros, Kal 46” ZuTavas, 6 wAavev rhv olkouseyny édny, 2/ , ’ \ a \ ¢ a+ eBAnOn «is chy YIY, Kat ol ayyedor > a > > ~ af / 10 \ QUTOU fleT avToU €BANOnoar. Kal HKovoa hoviy peyddny & év T@ ovUpava, ’ . ie : ; : Aeyovoray™” “Apri EYEVETO N O@TNPLa Kal ¢ - Naa , ~ mG, A n Ovvapts Kai 1) Baciela TOD Ceod NLOV, C7 ):c , ee a - A Kal 9 e€ovcia Tov Xpiorov avtov: 6r > rc oe , ~ A ‘KaTeBANOn” 6 SxaTnyap” Tov adeApav NL@V, 6 KATNYOP@V AUT@Y evamiov Tod cod nudy nucpas Kal vuerds. gq) avtol eviknoay adbrov Sia TO aia Tov /, “ / dpviov, kal did roy Adyov THs paptupias - > / \ QUuT@Y, Kal OvK nyarnoay thy \ruyny 5 ; Be at hee auT@y dypt Oavdtrov. © dia rodTo €)- / \ > > ~ hpatveobe oi ovpavol Kat of éy adrots oKnvovytes. oval "rH yA kal 7H Oa- ; ae By GESCAN ‘ Aagon,” drt KateBn 6 OtaBodos T™pos n~ 4, \ 7 > \ ce vas eyov Oupudv peyav, e€lOws Ort OALyov Kapov EXEL. 18 r \ of 7 ie € , a 23) nO Kat ore etdev 6 Opdxay bre €Bd1 n n~ > / i \ ~ a eis THY ynv, eOlwke thy yuvaika #rLs ereke TOV appeva. | Kal eOd@ncayv TH ; ; ge any Hho yuvatkt Ovo Trépvyes Tov deToU TOD jee- , 7 , ° \ + > yahou, wa rernrar eis Thy Epnov eis ae } pe Bare Tov TOroyv avris, 'émrou Tpepetar” éxel \ ‘i ad n Kaipov, kal KaLpovs, Kal Hurcu KaLpov, t a >/ 15 amo mpogwmov Tov ofews. © Kal 4, > r ~ / e ~ eBarev 6 ods * ex rob OTOMATOS aUTOU an MOT: ¢ \ Omlo@ Tis yuvatkds” Udap as TOTALLOV, I / fd wa ‘avrny” ToTauopdpntroy troimon. 3 , ¢ 7 nA \ \ © kal eBonOnoev 7 Y) TH yuvackt, Kat x ~ ¢ ~ \ qvorEev 1 yh TO oTdpa auTns, Kal KaT- ae a + ¢ , emle Tov moramoy by éBarev 6 dSpdkav - 4 a Rec. exoreunotay nara, D Rec. coyvoay. CS avru. & Rec. carnyopos. h Rec, rows warocxovar TNY ynVv Kat 7] k Rec. ox. r. YUV. €. Ts. TTOpL. avr. ds Reveration XII. 16. 7 And there was war in hea- ven, Michael and _ his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon fought and_ his angels, 8 and prevailed not, neither was their place found any more in heaven. 9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old Serpent, called the Devil and Satan, which de- ceiveth the whole world: he Was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. 0 And J heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come Salvation, and Strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ : for the accuser of our brethren is cast down. which accused them before our God day and night. 11 And they Overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto the death. !2 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them; Woe to the inha- biters of the earth, and of the sea: for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. 13 And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the wo- man which brought forth the man child. 14 And to the wo- man were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might flee into the wilderness into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent. 15 And the ser- pent cast out of his mouth water as a flood, after the wo- man: that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood, 16 And the earth help- ed the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swal- lowed up the flood which the ———————————————— Eee © Rec.Aey.e.t.ouvp. fw e879. v @adaccay, ico oTrws tTpEpnrac, l Rec. rarrny.RevevaTion XII. 17. dragon cast out of his mouth. i7 And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. 13. And I stood upon the sand of the sea: and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads, and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads, the «name of blasphemy. 2 And the beast which I saw, ws like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dra- gon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. 3 And I saw one of his heads as it were @ wounded to death, and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast 4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power un- to the beast, and they wor- shipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him ? 5 And there was given unto him a mouth, speaking great things, and blasphemies, and power was given unto him 7 to continue forty and two months. 6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwelt in heaven. 7 And it was given him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kin- dreds, and tongues, and na- tions. 5 And all that dwell upon the earth, shall worship him, whose names are not 604 ATIOKAAYYI3. €K TOU orcparos avuTov. “Kal epyicbn 6 Opakav eml TH yuvak, Kal amin Ge mounoae m Ode pov pera TOV oun @v TOU OTE p|LaTos avrijs, TOV Tnpovvray Tas evrohas TOU cov, Kal é€xovT@y THY paprupiay VInoov.” 18 Kat Péoradny” ert TH Gpov TS Oardoons’ 13. Kai eidov ex ae Ga- Nacons Onptov dvaBatvoy, ¢ €yov °Kepara Sexa xal Keahas énta’” Kal emt Tov Keparav avrov O€ka ued para, Kal emt Tas kepahas avtov “dydpara” " PRaogy- pitas. ©? Kal TO Onpioy & elOov 7) ie Spovoy mapdanet, Kal ol 760Es AUTOU ws °apKov,” Kal TO oT Opa aUTOU ws ordpa AeovTos. Kal €Ow@KEY AUT@ O Opdkeoy Ty Ovvapuy auTOv, Kal TOY Opsvov aurov, Kal efou- clay ey idy. saat play Fe” TOV KePah@v avrov Os eopaypjLerny eis Oa- vatoy: Kal 7) ayy Tou Oayvarov avrov eeparev0n, Kal * Oavpacey ohn Yn OTT @ TOU Onpiov. ee KOL mpoeKvynoav ‘To Opaxovrt, OTL eOake THY efovoiav" TO “Onpias kal mpowexvynoay ! “Ta Cn pica. heyovres* Tis 6povos TO Onpie ; "kau, tis ™Ovvarat” moepnoal peT AUTO; eat €668n avTa ordpa Aadovy pe- yara Ra Braodnptas*” Kat €000n avT@ eSovcia °” Proujo au” pnvas TEO- capakovra dvo" © Kal Avoige TO oTOpa avtov eis BAacdnulay mpos Tov Gedy, Brachnunoa TO Gvopa avrov, Kal THY oKnYnY avTOV, “kat” TOUS ev TO OVpAaYe oxnvovvras. * Kal edn avT@ TONE Mov Ks \ Toca peTa TV Gyiwv, Kal viKnoAL avrous’ Kal €0d6n avt@ eEovoia emt nacav dudjy ‘kat Nady” Kai yhoooay kat €Ovos. *® kal tpooxvyncovow * av- Tov” qavtTes ot KaTOLKOUVTES emt Tis yijs, ov ov yeypantat ‘70 dvoma ev TH: Rec. + , »xX Tr. , T a Rec. tov Inaov Xprorov. b Wearadn. ¢ Rec. xed.er.x. xep. dex. Rec. ovoua, & Rec apKtcv fRec.add ecdov. E Rec,om. hSt. eGavuacOnev oAn tn yy. i Rec.tov dpaxoyra oc edwreyv E£Xovc.av. k Rec xé Onpiov. 1Rec.> ms dvvaros. NS PAachnutay’ ~ Brachnua O Elzadd woAeuorv. PZ 4=3 rRec.om. 5 Rec. avtq. t Rec. ra ovouara ev ty BiBAw. a : Or, names, § Gr. slain. Y Or, to make war.ATIOKAAYYVIS, 605 BiBrio” tis Cos rod apviov *ro0" eopaypevov, amd karaBoAns Kécpov. el Tus Eyer ods, axovadro. 1 > El TLS aixpahooiay ouvayet,” eis aiypadwoiay Umdyeu’ el tus ep MaxXaipa amokrevei, Oet adrov ep paxaipa aroxravOnvar dé EOTL 7) Uomo? Kal ) wioTLS TOY aylov. 1 Kat efSov ddXo Onpiov avaBaivov ek 77s yijs, kal elye Képara Svo opota apie, kat €hddet os Opdkav. © zal THY €&ov- giay Tod petov Oypiov macay rove? ? , > x \ Ca \ = \ \ €V@MLOY AUTOU' Kal TroLEel THY yy Kal TOUS “ev avTH KaTotKouvTas’ iva Tpoockvynowdt TO Onpioy ro mparov, od eOeparrevOn 1) mhyyn Tob Gavarov airov’ ™ Kal roves onpeta peyana, “kal mvp Wa €K TOU oOv~ pavov “xataBaivy:" eis thy yay évemeov Tov avOpareav. ! Kal) ava TOUS KaToL- Kovvras eml ths yhs, Od Td onmeia d €0d8n AUTO Toinoas evorrioy Too Onpiov, Aéywov Tots KaToKovow émt TS yns, Tomoat eixdva TO Onpia 6 *exeu” Ty TAnYynY THs wayaipas Kal e(noe. © Kal €006n avt@ Sovvar Tvedpa TH eikdve Tod Onpiov, tva kal Aadnon 7 ~ f €oTl, Kat 6 apiOuos avrov yés’. Rrvewation XIII. 18. written in the book of life of the Lamb, slain from the foundation of the world. 9 If any man have an ear, let him hear: 10 He that leadeth into captivity, shall go into cap- tivity: he that killeth with the sword, must be killed with the sword. Here is the pa- tlence and the faith of the saints. ‘And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. !2 And he exer- ciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them Which dwell therein, to wor- ship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. 'S And he doeth great won- ders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven. on the earth in the sight of men, ‘4 and deceiveth them that dwell on the earth, by the means of those miracles which he had power to doin the sight of the beast, saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast which had the wound by a sword, and did live. 2 And he had power to give “life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast, should be killed. 16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, & to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: !7 and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understand. ing, count the number of the beast: for it is the number of aman, and his number is, Six hundred threescore and six. —< a Rec.om. bec ris(scglacyjeadworar amayer. © Rec.xat 0K, ev sx Tovovpayov. ©Gb.n«araByp. trecye. § Rec. rnv ecxova. h k Rec. twy witwrery. [sz m Rec. add 7. Dn Rec. add aur, 4 Rec.cva nae Tup ToLn KaTaBaivecyu Rec. dwrp ~ ducovary. iY yapaypara tov. “ Gr. breath. 8 Gr. to give.Revevation XIV. 1. 606 Oe 14. And 1 looked, and lo,a 14. Kat €oT KOS em TO 0 os L@V, Kal eT. au- and with him an hundred forty ” ie ’ fa TOU €KATOY regoaupaxovTareo capes Xe and four thousand, having his Father’s name written in their Auddes, exoveat TO ovopa > avrouv, Kal foreheads. 2 And I heard a TO ovopa” TOU mar pos avuTOU Yeypappe- voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as the yoy emt TOY peT@oToV aura. 2 KaL voice of a great thunder: and 1K adaviy ek Tov ovpavov @ I heard the voice of harp- i ee p ] f s povay ers, harping with their harps. VOAT@V ON Kal os peoviy Bpovrns : ueyaans’ ° kal wvny hv HkovTa os 3And they sung as it were a eS 2a i p 1 1 i KiOap@dav KiBapiCovray €y Tals Kl- new song before the throne, aH and before the four beasts, Gapais avuTo@v. Baikal qdovoly as Bony and the elders, and no man : : é Kay EVOTLOV TOU Opdvov, Kal ev@TLOV could learn that song, but the hundred and forty and TOV Tecoapov ow KaL TOV moeoBu- four thousand, which were 7ép@y* Kal ovoELS nOvvaro wabeiv THY redeemed from the earth. poy, ei py) al exarov Tec capakoyTa- These are they which were TEroapes xuAuades, ol 1 YOpacprevoe aro not defiled with women: for 4 4 they are virgins: These are TH s vis: otTol elow ob pera LOS they which follow the Lamb K@y ouK ee mapOevot yap whithersoever he goeth: These clo" ovrol © elaw”" ot axo\oudovvTes TO @were redeemed from among men, being the _ firstfruits cipvl@ Omou ay uTayn oUToL iryopdoOn- unto God, and to the Lamb. gay amo ToV avOparray, arapx7) TO 5 And in their oe was 3 5 found no guile: for they are E@ Kat TO apvig’ Kal €V TO O70 without fault before the throne pate avrav OvxX eupeOn fyevdos” apw- r God. Ps / pot § yap 4 ha a j 7 r CAC 1 su another angel “> “al eLOov ' adhov" ayyedov * meto- fly in the midst of heaven, z : evoy’ ev eEDOUPAVNH[LaTL, EYOVTA eee - having the everlasting gospel, ibe Ee f ne : x y to preach unto them that dwell yehuov alovLoy, ebayyedioat TOUS ' Ka- on the earth, and to every na- Anpevous” el THs YIS> Kal m ert” ’ ray tion, and kindred, and tongue, vA a ei x and people, 7 saying witha loud eOvos kal pe ny kal KO OGY Kat aov, voice, Fear God, and give glory fn heyor" ev porn peyany bon Onre to him, for the hour of his 0 ) ov judgment is come: and wor- Tov cor,’ kal dore aQuT@ bogay, ort ship him that made heaven and ip Oev 1 Gpa THs Kpioews avuTov’ Kal earth, and the sea, and the mpookuynrare TO romoayre TOV oupa- fountains of waters. p yov Kal THY yny Kat Pony" O@ahacoay Kat sana ei miyyes VOAT@Y. And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fal- * Kat adXos ayyehos nKohovdnoe, len, is fallen, that great city, eyo" ’ ‘Erecev emev€ BaBvAov af 7) PE- because she made all nations aN Ay are Sat s - ae : : : 2 VCUNY OTL €K TOU J * TO drink of the wine of the wrath th f. OH Se Oupov of her foraication. TS Tropvetas auTns TT EMOTLKE mayra eOvn. Spee ; C 9 And the third angel follow- 9 Kal ‘ dAXAos ayyedos Tpiros ” KO= a Rec.om. D Rec.om. ¢ Rec. car dwrnv neovaa xiOapwdwy, 4 Rec. add ws. & > f Rec. doAos g— h Rec.add evwreay tov Opovov Tov Orov. i= k Rec. rerwuevov. 1 Rec. cavorxovvrasg. m Rec, om. Nn Rec. AsyovTa. © SO Krptoy. P Rec.om. 4 Rec. add 7 woAcs. YS 8S t Rec. tpitos ayysAos — TpiTos * Gr. were boughtATIOKAAYYVIS. 607 , > r , > n~ AovOnoev avrtois, eyov ev Povn pe- , > e = yadn* Et tis *apookvvel rd Onpiov” Kat \ . , > = \ , THY €lKova avTouv, Kal LauBdver Xapaypa 3 \ “A rc ~ a > a €ML TOV MET@MOV AUTOV, 7) ert TV xXeipa ¢ a \ > \ a " avtov, | Kal abros mierar ex tos olvou TOU Oupov Tov Ocov, Tov KEKEPacLEevou > , > A , A x = GkPaTov ev TH ToTNpLO THs dpyns avrod, \ f , \ kal Bacanodnoera év Tupl Kat Gel@ > a , > ’ > ~ evaTrioy TOY” dyl@y ” ayyéhov, Kal evd- ~ > , r ~ mov Tov apviov' ™ Kai 6 xamvds rob — > ~ > rr Bacanopod aitéy °eis aidvas al@vay > L , u avaBaiver” Kai ovx €Xovow avaravow ¢ / \ ¢ ~ NPEpas Kal VUKTOS OL TpooKUVOdYTES TO / \ \ > > “~ Onpiov Kat thy eixdva QUTOV, Kal el TLS f / A Fi ~ > AauBdver TO xXdpaypa rod ovouaros > ~ QuTov. 9 A c . 4 , ’ EY Ode UTOLOVn TaY dylwov eotiy, 4” ¢ ~ \ > ~ ~ Ol THPOVYTES Tas EvTOAAS TOU BeEod Ka} \ / >? ay £ THY miaTW Incov. ' Kal iKovoa Pw- A > ree ee, a , el, s : vNS EK TOV OUpaYOU, Neyovans Tpavyov f 7 r > Makapuot oi veKpol ot ev Kupio amro- / > > fy 7 / Ovnokovtes ar aptt. Nai, heyet TO e iss } f TIvevpa’ tva avanatvowvra ex tov Kéb- Cre eX / ~ Tov avtav’ tra 6é” Epya avtay daxo- > > a Novdet per avrov. > \ 7 \ > \ , 1f Kai efSov, cat 20d vepedn devi, \ 2 aN \ VF o E o Kal emt THY veeAnv ® kaOnwevoy Suoroy” ae : - : os es via avOparrou, EX@V ETL THS Kehahis ¢ ~ ag ~ \ > ~ auTou orepavoy Xpvoovy, Kal ey rH \ c Oa faa, 2E/ 15 Te oN €Lpl auToU Opemavov 6&0. Kal a\- x » i 4 S 5) ES i a ~ yf hos dyyedos eEnhOev * ee rob vaov, “ r > ig a oN Brea O , Kpatav ev ipavn peyddn’ Td Kal NHLEV@ > \ ~ Eh < Z Ce a oe emt THs vededns’ Tleuyov 76 Opéemavéy / cf > 7 Cid gov, Kal Oépicoy, dre AAOev *” 7 @pa ) A Lo o ¢ , c 6 \ Tov” Oepica, ort eEnpavOn 6 Gepiopods Z 2 Sa oe : ; ays yys. 1° Kar éBanev 6 KaOnwevos > / 4 S “~ > A emt THY vepeAny Td Opémavoy avrov emt \ ~~ ‘ > / ¢ ~ TY ynv, Kal eGepicOn 7 yi. nth ; oe ; e 7 Kal Gos dyyehos eEniOev ex rod eS ay x AS \ > vaoU TOU EY T® Ovpava, Exwv Kal adits / moa é c 18 iS a a dpemavoy o&v. Kal a@hAos étyyedos Revevation XIV. 18. ed them, saying with a loud Voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and re- ceive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, !° the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation, and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone, in the presence of the holy angels, and in the pre- sence of the Lamb: 1! and the smoke of their torment ascend- eth up for ever and ever. And they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of _ his name. ' Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. 13 And I heard a voice from heaven, saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, ¢from henceforth, yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours, and their works do follow them. 14 And I looked, and behold, a white cloud, and upon the cloud one sat like unto the Son of man, having on his head a golden crown, and in his hand a Sharp sickle. !5 And another angel came out of the temple crying with a loud voice to him that sat on the cloud: Thrust in thy sickle and reap, for the time is come for thee to reap, for the haryest of the earth is Syipe. 16 And he that sat on the cloud thrust in his sickle on the earth, and the earth was reaped. 17 And another angel came out of the temple which is in heaven, he also haying a sharp sickle. '8 And another angel A Rec. +t. 4n. mpock. b> ¢ Rec. ava8. &.atw.atw. 4 Rec, add ws, @ Rec. add owe f wre yoo. g Rec. ea@nwevog oporcos, h + i Rec, wey. Pw. Kk Rec. add ao. 1 = © Or, from henceforth saith the Spirit, Yea. Or, dried.came out from the altar, which had power over fire, and cried with a loud ery to him that had the sharp sickle, saying, Thrust in thy sharp sickle, and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth, for her grapes are fully ripe. 19 And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God. 29 And the winepress was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the wine- ress, even unto the horse bridles, by the space of a thou- sand and six hundred fur- longs. 15. And I saw another sign in heaven great and marvel- lous, seven angels having the seven last plagues, for in them is filled up the wrath of God. 2 And I saw as it were a sea of glass, mingled with fire, and them that had gotten the vic- tory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, haying the harps of God. *And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty, just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints. 4 Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name ? for thou only art holy: for all nations shall come and worship before thee, for thy judgments are made ma- nifest. 5 And after that I looked, and behold, the temple of the ta- bernacle of the testimony in heaven was opened: ® and the Revecation XIV. 19. a 2éarOev” ex Tov Ovoraornpiov, Exov éLovolay emt TOU Tupos, kal epavnce } Kpavyy peyady TO ExovTe TO Opemavoy | To 6&0, Aéywv" Leuryov cov 10 dpema-) voy TO 6€v, Kal TpUynaoy Tovs Bdrpvas } bras dpmeAou THS Ys, OTL ° Hkuacay al avtns.” 1 Kat eBadev 6 ityyedos TO Opemavoy avtov eis THY yHY, kal érpvynoe THY Gumeov THS yis, Kal éBarev eis THY Anvoy Tod Ovuod rod a \ 4 M4 TOV peyay. Anvos '€Ewbev” tis Toews, Kat e&HA- Gev aia ek THs Anvov aype TOY XaAL- yov TOY inteov, amd oTadiev xWlov ATIOKAAYYWI2. 9 > 20 kal ématnOn 7 15. Kat eidov GAXo onpetov ev TO ovipayv@ peya Kat Oavpacrov, ayyedous émta, €xovtas mAnyas émTa Tas €axXa- Tas, OTL ev avtats eTeheoOn O Oupos TOU 2 Kal eiSov as Oadaccay tadivny peptypevny mupl, Kal TOUS VLK@YTAS EK tou Onpiov kal €k THs ElKOVOS avTOU Kal €K TOU apLOpod Tov dydpaTos avTOU,| éotatas emt THY Oddaccay THY vadiny, éxovtas KiOdpas Tod Geov. 2 xal adovar THY @diyv" Maicews” Sovdov Tov Oeov,) Kal THY @ONY TOU apviov, NeyovTes’ Me- yara kai Oavpaota Ta epya cov, Kupte 6 ©¢ds 6 TavtoKpatwp’ Sikaa. Ka dot cov, 6 Bactdevs TAI! k / > \ ~ 4 tis ov pn poSnOy “ce, \Kupte,” kat So€don TO dvopa - 30 SAO ee OCS) TORRES Oa aan | povos ™éauos’” OTe “mavta Ta eOvn cf je \ , , ‘ HEovel, Kal mpookuyngovol €vartor ao A , , : gov’ OTt Ta OiKaL@pata cou edavepa:| 5 K \ \ a TQ \o”72 , Sat PETA TAUTG ELOOY, Kal nyvolyr c \ a A ~ O _vaos ‘THs OKNHVNS TOU papTuplov él E 6 kat e&nAOov ot Ente > b St. om. © QO nKpacev nN crapvAn, g Rec. add ex tov yYapayparoy avrov. M W aytosg Fle d corns yns- @ Rec rnv peyadny. f Rec. e&a); Y' i Rec, aywwy —. © atwror, = es © Rec. add céovATTOKAAYYWIS. 609 \ ¢ Ss \ A adyyedor 201" ExovTes Tas emTa myyas, A , / béK Tov vaod,” evOedUpEVOL NivoY kaapdoy ©” Naumpov, Kal Tepie(aopevou Tepl TA an \ d > 6 oTnOn (avas Xpucas. 7 kal & ek Tov , 4, o ¢ \ >? , Tecoapoy (owy EOwke Tois éEmTa dyyé- dots exta giahas xpvoas, yewouras A a a a a a > Tov Oupov tov Oeov tov fayrtos eis ~ a 7 \ > TOvs al@vas TOY aiwver. Kal eye- es ys y ploOn 6 vads Karrvov ek tis Sdéns Tod in A > A, \ Qcod, Kai ex THs Suvawews avtod' Kal > \ > , > 6 ~ > \ A ovdeis NOvvato ciaedOeiy eis Toy vad», a \ \ ~ axpt tekecOGow ai era mAnyal Tov emTa ayyehov. \ as d 4 NX M4 16. Kai yKovTa peyadns porns: “eK TOU vaov,’ eyovons Tois énra 2 Hac / f va} , \ ayyedous’ “Yrrdyere, 'kal” exyéate ras Senta’ Pidhas Tod Oupod tov Ceod eis THY nv. An a > 7 ? Kal arjdOev 6 mpSros, Kal e&€yvec THY Piddnv avrod Meis’ thy ynv Kat eyéveto €dkos Kaxdy Kal Tmovnpov | éri” Tos avOpamous tovs exovras Td xa- paypa tov Onpiov, Kat rovs *mpocku- vovvtas TH eikdvt avTou.” Noe , 17 Toe Kat 6 devrepos ‘ayyedos efeyvee \ ~ s Ty Piadynv avrod eis thy Oddaccay' > 7 ce 5 n kal eyevero aiva as vexpod, kal aca Jom 4. > va > 2 s uxn ™” dméOavev ev 7 Gadaoon. ‘\ 7 , * Kal 6 rpiros »” e€éxee tiv duddny c n~ > \ aUTOU Els TOUS ToTamovs Kal eis Tas \ a , / 2 mys Tov vodrov' Kal eyéevero aina. Noy = , ~ , > kal #eouca Tob ayyédou trav bSdror, Aéyovros: Aixatos ©” ef, 6 dv Kab 6 nV, pr eqe “od a »” 6 ar 0 “eotos, OTe TatTa expuvas’ OTL > Cf \ ~ 2-7 \ aiwa adyiwy K dee tt mpopytay e&éxeay, Kat TWpLa AVTOLS EOwkas Tey’ AELol *” cic, 7 K NiOL sg a , , a qKovea *" rob’ Ovovacrnpiov )é- g \ , , yovtos’ Nat, Kupie 6 Geds 6 TayToKpa- > Top, aAnOival Kai Sikarar ai Kploets cou. 8 Ka} ce / ty 2e7 5 Lo Teraptos ‘” eLéyee TH giadny = eee ESE XES TY Plane RevELATION XVI. 8. seven angels came out of the temple, having ) seven plagues, clothed in pure and white linen, and having their breasts girded with golden girdles. 7 And one of the four beasts gave unto the seven angels, seven golden vials, full of the wrath of God, who liveth for ever and ever. 8 And the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God, and from his power, and no man was able to enter into the temple, till the seven plagues of the seven angels were fulfilled. 16. And [heard a great voice out of the temple, saying to the seven angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth. 2 And the first went, and poure® out his vial upon the earth, and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image. 3 And the second angel pour- ed out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea. 4 And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters, and they became blood. 5 And I heard the angel of the waters say, Thou art righteous, O Lord, which art, and wast, and shalt be, because thou hast judged thus: 6 for they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink: for they are w orthy. 7 And I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and right- eous are thy judgments. * And ¥ fourth angel poured @ Rec. om. b= © Rec. add «ac, d Rec. & Gb. Pwvns peyarns. oS f— g Rec. om been RG erat CO Htre, WU Gbieic MiReo cee ae cee 153 yaa Reo. add Yerne Gb. add — Zane. nN Rec. add ayyeXos. © Rec. add Kus. P Rec, add xa q Ez. & Elz. eco jee r Rec. add yap. s Rec. add addov rx. t Rec. add ayyedos Cee 40Revevtation XVI. 9. out his vial upon the sun, and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire. 9% And men were «scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they re- pented not, to give him glory. 10 And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast, and his kingdom was full of darkness, and they gnaw- ed their tongues for pain, !! and blasphemed the God of heaven, because of their pains, and their sores, and repented not of their deeds. 12 And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great ri- ver Euphrates, and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared. 1% And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. 14 For they are the spirits of devils working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth, and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. 15 Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk na- ked, and they see his shame. 16 And he gathered them to- gether into a place, called in the Hebrew tongue, Arma- geddon. 17 And ¥ seventh angel pour- ed out his vial into the air, and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done. a o—. Rec. & Gb. om. b Rec. add ayyeXog. f Rec.owora Barpayots. § Rec.daruovwr. m Rec. Appaysibwv. © Mayedwy. 1 Rec. 610 ATIOKAAYYIS. ¢ poe \ eo 5 \ 2Q 4 2 Seale abrov emt Tov HAvov’ Kat €d60n avTa | > & Kavpaticat Tovs avOpe@rrovs ev TTupl’ \ f la an 9 nal exavpatiaOnoay of GyOpwro Kadpa | / \ 1% / 4 4 péya, Kat «—Bhaopypnoay ot av@pwrrot” a ~ ~ re L ro dvoj.a TOD Qeod Tov éxovTos eEovatay | > x A \ , éml Tas mAnyas TavTas, Kal ov peTevon- cav dovva avt@ dd€av. 10 Kai 6 wéumrtos >” e&exee thy ia- ¢ LS > \ Ct Any aitov emi roy Opdvoy Tov Onptov' \ > 4 ¢ rr va Kai eyéveto 9 Baotela avTov €oKoT@- 4 \ 2 > , pen kal e“acoavTo tas yAwooas | ¢ vas > Cn / avtayv €K Tov mévov, | Kat éBracgn- - pnoay Tov Oedy Tov ovpavou €K TOY | / ¢ a r ~ n TOV@Y AUT@Y Kal eK TOV EAK@Y AUTOY, X > f n 4, na Kal ov perevonoay ek TY Epywy avTav. 12 K \ CA: el +27 \ , , al O €KTOS e&exee THY Piadny Co ae y “ak avrov émi Tov moTapoy Toy peyay °” Ie! / Nee , YX. es Evppdrny’ kal eEnpavOn ro vdwp avuTov, | ad ¢ moe, c \ - fr , r iva érousacby 7 600s TOY Bagthewy T@Y > \-e? AG a OL 13 \ 3: 2 amo *avaToAay’ ntov. kal e(Oov €K rod oTéparos Tov SpdKovros, Kal eK TOU oréparos Tod Onpiov, Kal €K TOU OTO- a e yaros Tov wWevlompopntor, mvevpata , > / Fa / tpiaakabapta, ‘ws Batpaxou” \“ eiot yap mvevpata *Oatpovior” movovyra a é , Wy > onweira "A exmopeverau’ émt Tovs Ba- cirers *” THs olKoupevns GANS, TUVa- yayelv avrous eis “rov” modenov THs ¢ / 3 / M4 A ~ ~ npepas | ekeluns TS peyadns TOU Ocou roo mavroxpdtopos. ' “Idov €pxopat : : : s Os KNemTNs, pakdpios 6 ypyyopev’ Kal C / - cd \ \ Tnpav Ta iudria avTOUV, Wa pH YULLVOS TepuTrarh, Kal Br€errwor THY agxXnjLoou- a 5 r , yyy avtov. *° Kat ovvnyayey avrous > / c - cis Toy TOmov TOY Kaovpevoy ‘EBpatati ™?A nuayedav. ] Bie ih c we a ns Sar J A , 7 Kai 6 €8dopos *” e&exee thy Hia- x © EO > \a \ 27 ie \ > ENG nv avtov Sent’ Tov aepa’ Kal efnAOE \ p / uM q > a4 Lon r r - ov Pweyady” Paro Tov vaou “Tor nu > a / - ovpavod,’ amd Tov Opdvov, heyouca € Rec. add ayysAos- d Rec, add tov. & © avarodns)| h > —.St.exropevesdar. i Rec.add rng yns wae k Rec.om. |= add ayyedos. ° Rec. Neg. P— AWE. = * Or, burnedATIOKAAYWIS. 611 Teyove. 18 Kq} eyevovto *dorparal Kat povai kat. Bpovral,” Kai oeLopos eyé- VETO peyas, oios odK eyeveto af’ ob ol avOner01 eyévovto éml TS yns, Ty- Atkodtos TELTHLOS OUT péyas. Kaq eyeveto 1 méAus 7) peyarn eis Tpla pépn, kal ai mde. trav eve emecov" Kal BaBvrov 1 pleyan euynoOn evertoy Tov Geov, Sovvar auth TO ToTNpLov Tod ovov Tod Oupod THS Opyns avTov: 29 Kq} Taca vnoos éuye, Kal Opn ovx etpé- Oyoav 7 eal X@Aala peyayn os ra- Aavriaia KatraBaiver ex tod ovpavov emt Tovs avOpdmous Kal eBhacdypnoay ol avOparmor roy Ocov, €k THs mAnyAs THS yahd(ns* Gre feyaln eoriv 7 T™Anyn avtns opddpa. 17. Kat 7dOev eis ee rev entra ayyeé- Nov toy EXOVT@Y Tas éxTa Piadas, kat eMadnoe per éuov, Aeyou’” Acvpo, deiE@ wor TO Kpipa tis mépyns rhs e- yadns, THs KaOnwevns 4 eri rey bddT@y Tov TOAAGY” = UE Ag emdpvevoay of Baowreis ris yas, kal eueOvcOnoay oi Z ve aos ee e KaToikouvtes THY yay €k Tod olvou Tis Topvelas avtns.” 3 Ka} ATNVEYKE [Le Eis Epnuov ev mvevmare: Kad doy yuvaika Ka@nuerny emi Onpiov KOKKWoy, yéwor ovomaTay Bracdnplas, Exov. Kedahas €mTa kal Képara dé€ka. Kal 9 yuvn) tay TepiBeBAnpern moppupodv Kal KoK- KLVOV,” Kal Keypuc@pern & Xpvala ” Kat Aid@ Tii@ Kal Hapyapiras, €yovca " rornpLoy Xpvoovy" ev 7H yeupt auris, yépov BoeAvypatoy, Kat i rg axadapta Ts” topvetas * airings,’ Kat emt 76 PET@OTOY adrHs Ovona -yeypappévov" Mvornpiov, BaBvAdy 7 peyaln, 7 jun- TNP TOV TOpYaY Kal TeV Boehvyparev » ~- Revetation XVII. 6. 'S And there were voices and thunders, and lightnings : and there was a great earthquake, Such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, andso great. !9And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Ba- bylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath. 20 And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found. *1 And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent, and men blasphemed God, because of the plague of the hail: for the plague thereot was exceeding great. 17. And there came one of the seven angels, which had the seven vials, and talked with me, Saying unto me, Come hither, I will shew unto thee the jJudg- ment of the great whore, that sitteth upon many waters: * with whom the kings of the earth have committed fornica- tion, and the inhabiters of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornica- tion. % So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilder- ness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads, and ten lorns. 4 And the woman was arrayed.in purple and scarlet colour, and « decked with gold, and precious stone and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand, full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication. 5 And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABY- LON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF SHARLOTS, AND ABOMINA- a A uN a \ = " yo > Ts yys. *® Kat eidov TY Yyvuvatka TIONS OF THE EARTH. 6 And I pee area ee & Rec. dw. x. Bp. x. actp. b+ © Rec. add pou. dW ex: véatwy ToArAwy, & Rec. e, T.0l.7T. Trop, Ger. 0. kaTo..t. y. f Rec. 7 wepcSeRr muevn TopPvpa Kat KoxKiva. £ Rec. vpvow. h Rec. & Gb. Xpucovy ’ 2 a Wotnpcoy. 1 Rec, anxabaurnra, S775 yns. Gr. gilded. 8 Or, fornications.XVII. saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus : and when I saw her, J wondered with great admi- ration. 7 And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou mar- vel? JI will tell thee the mys- tery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads, and ten horns. 8 The beast that thou sawest, was, and is not, and shall as- cend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition, and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, (whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world) when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. 9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. 10 And there are seven kings, five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come: and when he com- eth, he must continue a short space. 11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition. 12 And the ten horns which thou sawest, are ten kings, whieh have received no king- dom as yet: but receive power as kings one hour, with the beast. REVELATION 13° These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. 14 These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings, and they that are with him, are called, & chosen, and faithful. And he saith unto me, ay ee waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. 16 And 612 ATIOKAAYYVIS. A a a / peOvovoay ek Tod aijaros Toy ayior, Kal €k TOU alipatos TOY papTipay ‘In- cov: Kal eOavpaca, doy avTiy, Oavpa pee 7 Katetreé pot 6 ayyehos Avaré eOav- pacas ; ey@ ool €po TO puorn poy THS yuvarkos, Kal TOU Onptov TOU Baord- CovTos QUT HY, TOU EXOVTOS Tas €nTa specs Kal Ta deka Kepara. @T>” @npiov 6 eldes, NY, Kal OUK €oTl, Kal predee dvaBaivew €K TNS Te \ , > , A aBvooov, Kal els aww etay Urrayew" Kal / “ > ~ Oavpacovrar of KaTotKovyTEs EmL TIS A © / > yns, ay ov yéyparra ro dvopa” emt i Ou Om 2 \ n~ TO BiBrtov THs Cans amo KatraBodjs , Cc Br / W \ 6 a iN Kéopov, © BAerdvra@v" ro Onploy OTe Hy, kal ovK éoTl, “Kal Tapeora.” FOX c ae cy t Cie \ Qe 6 vovs 6 yay cohiay. ai émra 3 \ e ¢ \ ys 7 \ “ee ¢ ‘ kedalal, “eta Opn €lawv, Omov n yuV) / > nw kaOnra. er avtav. ' kal Paotheis ¢ Z , c 4 f émTa elow* ot mevte emecay,'” 6 ets > \ ¢ >A as \ eoTW, 6 GANos ovmw AAGE, Kal Otay eA > / > A = a ll \ Edn, ohtyoy avuTov Oet pewat. Kal TO Onpioy ¢ 0 VY, Kal OUK EOTL, Kal autos oydods EOTL, KaL eK TOY EmTA EOTL, Kal els aT@\ELay UTAYEL. ¢ x , , aA LD , Kal ra O€xa képata a cides, Seka RQ ° Die a / BUA Bacrrels eiow, oltwes Baoidelay ovTw a7 > > a / - eAaBov, ad e€ovclay @s Paces / ed Ser: A ~n~ play @pay NapBavovot peta Tov Oy- , 010U. 13 fe f oo I 4 \ \ Ovrot play S€xovar Wwepnys Kal THY . \ \ > £ / Ovuvapy Kat THY eouciay © *éauTav" TB la Onpia 1 diddacw.” OUTOL peTa TOU apviov Tokepnoovat, Kat TO apyioy vu- , o/ ie , Knoet avtous, 6Tt Kuptos Kuploy €otl kat BaowAevs Baowdeov" Kal ot per au- TOU, KAnTOL Kal €KNEKTOL Kal TLOTOL. Fr rN , m a aA = 1) Kal Neyer pou’ Ta vodara a €ides, e ¢ / / \ Ato) , X ov 7) épyn KaOnrat, Aaol Kal dxAot €iot, 3 \ cé SBUAN NS = 16 \ Ni , kat €6yyn Kat yAoooat Kat Ta O€Ka & Ree, om Db Ree. & Gb. ra ov Lara, f Rec. add vac, § Ree. d Ree. AS avTwy, © Rec. BAsrovtes. ex. KatTvep eativ, © Rec.opnecc. ext, yvo. 1 Rec, duadidwaovgry.ATIOKAAYYWIS. 613 Képara a eides, * Kal” 7d Onpiov, odror pLonoouce Ty TOpyny, kal npnuopwéerny Tomgovew avtiy Kat yupnv, Kat ras gapkas avtis pdyoyrat, Ka auTnY ka- Takavoovow év rupi. 6 yap Geds eOwxer eis Tas Kapdias abray Toinoat THY yvopny avrov, cab mouncar »yyopny piav,” kat Sodvae thy Bacirelay adroy T® Onpio, dype ©teAecOncovrar” “oj Aoyou” Tod Gcod. 'S Kat 4 yun) tw ides, Zorey 1) TOALS 7) MeyaAn, ) €xovoa Bacwdelay em rOv Baovéwr ris vis. 18. Kat petra radra efSov & &dXov” dyyehov KkaraBaivovra ex Tod ovpavov, €xovra €ovolav peyadny Kal 7 yn epatiabn ex THs dd&ys avrov. 7 Kai expagev * ev ioyupa porn,” éyor" "Enecev érece BaBvdwy 7 peydAn, Kal eyeveTo kaTOLKNTNpPLOV Saydvev, Kal pudaky mavtos mvevparos axabaprou, kat dudaky ravtds dépvéov axaaprou Kal peutonuevou' * bru ée tov oivov Tou Gumod ths topvetas aitas wéroke mavra Ta €Oyn, Kal of Bacidels ris vis ueT avTns eTOpveurayv, Kal ob EUTOpOL THS yns ex THs SuVawews Tod oTpHvous auTns ém\ovTnaar. * Kal eovca adAny Poviyy ek rod ovpavov, héyovoay’ §’EE&é\ ere” e& av- THS 6 Lads pov, wa py TVyKOLV@VNnoNnTE Tals duaprias avtys, Kal "ex TOV TAnyev Se Gee \ tf W Foie, 3s , auTns wa py AdBnre” * Gre ' ekoAdy- Onoav” avtns ai duapria. axypt Tod oupavod, Kal éuynudvevoey 6 Oeds Ta aouknara aitns. © dwddore QUTH ws Kal auTn amedaxek”, Kai SimrAdoare avthy OurAG Kata Ta epya aitis: ey T@® TOTNPLM @ Ekepace, KepacaTe aiTh dumAovv. 7 doa éddEacev éauthy kat éotpnviace, Tooodvrov Odre abrA Reventation XVIII. ie the ten horns which thou Sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate, and Naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. 17 For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled. 1S And the woman which thou Sawest, is that great city which reigneth over the kings of the earth. 18. And after these things, I Saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power, and the earth was light- ened with his glory. 2 And he cried mightily with a strong Voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is be- come the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul Spi- rit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird: 3 for all na- tions have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the 2abundance of her delicacies. 4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues: ® for her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniqui- ties. © Reward her even as she rewarded vou, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled, fill to her double. 7 How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow ®@ Rec. ere b Ree. pe. yr. ¢ Rec. rerecOg — ww reXecOucrv, d Rec. ra neata, e Rec.om, f Rec. ev toy, Pwvn peyarp —. Wucyue. g~@ EfeAG«. h Ree tva mw. AaB e.tr.7A avr. : 2 iR : < F a 1 Rec. nxodovdncar. & Rec. add vucv, Or, power.Revenatrion XVIII. give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow. % Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning _and famine, and she shall be utterly burnt with fire, for strong is the Lord God, who judgeth her. 9 And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornica- tion, and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her and la- ment for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning: 10 standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city: for in one hour is thy judgment come. 1l And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her, for no man buyeth their merchandise any more. 12 The merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scar- let, and all 2 thyine wood, and all manner vessels of ivory, and all manner vessels of most pre- cious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble, }% and cin- namon, and odours, and oint- ments, and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and beasts, anc sheep, and horses, and chariots, and & slaves, and souls of men. It And the fruits that thy soul lusted after, are departed from thee, and all things which were dainty, and goodly, are depart- ed from thee, and thou shalt find them no more at all. 15 The -merchants of these things which were made rich by her, shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment, weep- 8. 614 AITOKAAYYVI2. Bacavicpov Kal TevOos’ Orvev TH Kapdia avris eyes’ Kaénpae Bacihtooa, Kal xnpa OUK elpul, Kal mevOos ov p7 a. 5 Aa ToUTO ev ua npLEpa neovow at mAnyat aurns, Gavaros Kal T4evOos Kat Kal €v qupl karaxavOnoerat’ “ kpivas” Aupros* ére taxupos Kuvptos 6 Geos 6 auTny. 9 Kat >«davoovor” ©” Kal Koyovrat er ary ol Pacrrets THs ys, ol per avrns mopvevoavres Kal oTpNVaTayTEs, dray BA€Tw@ot TOY KaTVYOY THS TUpPe@- cews arTns, *9 ard paxpddev ExtnKdres Ola TOV PpoBov TOU Bacamopov auTns, heyovTes" Ovat, oval n Tos 7 7 peyarn BaBuhoy, 7, TONS I) n loxupa, ore 4” a apa nAOEv 7 Kplots cov. Kal of €umopou ths yns °KAalovet kal TrevOovow em avTn, OTL TOY yuo avTay evdeis ayopacer ovKetu ™ ydpov xpuvcov, Kal apyupou, kai Aidov Titov, Kal Hapyapirov, kat ‘Buooivov, Kat Sroppupas," Kal onpiKov, KQL KOKKIVOU’ Kal may Evdov Ovivoy, Kal Tray OKEevos eheparrwor, kal Trav oKevos €k EvAoU TiMLOTATOV, Kal XaArkov, Kal oonpou, Kal pappapou, Kal KLYGpL@fLOY, Deal duomov, Kai Ovuiapata, Kal pvpov, Kal hiBavoy, kat oivov, Kat €Aatov, Kal ce- pidaduy, kal oirov, Kal KTHYN, Kal mpd- Bara, kal inmoyv, Kat pedav, kat couarey, kal Wuxas avOparev. ™ kai 7) oT@pa THs eTLOupias THs \ruxyns cov ann\Oev aro cov, Kal TayTa Ta Nurrapa Kat Ta Naytrpa 'amw@dero” aro cov, kat ovKeTL ov pun “evprnons” avra. 8 Of gumropor TovT@Y of TAOUTHaGAaYTES amr avrns, amd paxpddey otnoovrar O.a tov PoBov tot Bacavicpov avTns, KAal- . Rene + = 4 \ ~ 14 4 ing andwailing, }°© And saying, ovres Kal mevOovrTes, oo Aeyortes* a Rec. xpirvwy. bw —. Rec. & Gb. «Aavoovrar. ¢ Rec. add avrny. d Rec, add ev. &@ Wrdavaond. Kas TévOncovaty. f Rec. Buccov. XY rophpupov. h Rec. om i Rec. axn\Oer, k ws supys. is ecucala eer a, 2 Or, sweet. 8 Or, budies, ZATIOKAAYYIS, Oval, ovat 7 7éAts 7] Heyadn, 7) TepiBe- BrAnuevn Biooowor kai Topupovy Kat KOKKLoy, Kal KexXpucapern* ev" ypucia” Kal AiGo Tyla Kal Hapyapiras’ drt Mla dpa npnuwbn 6 tocodros mrodTOS. 7 ¢ 615 oe ea ee ? , See ‘Kat was KuBepynrns, Kal mas °6 > \ s , “ \ a a eM. TOTOY TAEwY,” Kal vavuTal, Kal OGOL THY Oadacoay epyacovrat, ard paxpddev eoTnoay, Kat expacov, “BNérovres” TOV KamVOV THs TUP@TEWS AUTIS, Né- yovtes’ Tis duwola ry moder TH pbeyany 5 9 Kat €Badov Nouv éml ras kepadas avraeyv, Kal expacov kNalovres Kal mrey- Oovrtes, &" heyovtes’ Oval, odai 1) WON 1) peyddn, ev 7) ewAOUTHGaY TdvTes of €xovres 'ra” woia ép tT) Oadacon ek THS TuysldTHTOS avbThs, Ort Hid =@pa npnwwen. 2 Evdpaivov &ér avuTn’, ovpave, Kal ol dytot "kat of" dmdatoAot Kat of T™po- pirat, ore éxpwev 6 Oeds 76 Kpla vey e& adrijs. *! Kat npev ebs ayyedos isyupos AiPov ws pudov feyav, Kal eBarev eis THY Oaracoay, héyor' ObvTas Oppnuare BAnOnoerar Ba/Zurov 7) beyadn wdXts, Kal ov fr) evpeOn ert. ™ Kai Povi ke- Oap@day Kat povorkdy Kai avAnT@y Kal cadtioTey ov jy axovoOy ev col ért, Kal Tas Texvitns méons TEXYNS OU p21) evpeOy ev col ert, Kat ovr pvrov ov be) akova Oi ev col ert, *3 Kat Pas \vx- vou ov py avn év col ert, Kal pov vupdiou Kat vipdns od ul) axovcbn ev gol éru’ Gru of europot cov Acay of peyloTaves THS yas, Ort ev TH happa- Keia oou erAavnOnoay mayvta Ta bn. 1 kal ev adth ‘atpara’ mpopnra@y kat dylwy evpeOn, Kai TavtTav Tav eoda- ; eee EV@Y ETL THS yns- Ss Oe Mera ee jKovoa' as” paviy REVELATION XIX 1. Alas, alas, that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls :17for in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, Stood afar off, '8 and cried when they saw the smoke of her burning, Saying, What city is like unto this great city 2 ') And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping, and wailing, saying, Alas alas, that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea, by reason of her costliness, for in one hour is she made desolate. 20 Rejoice over her thou hea- ven, and ye holy apostles and prophets, for God hath avenged you on her. *1 And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great mill- Stone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violenceshall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all. 22 And the voice of harpers and musi- cians, and of pipers, and trum- peters, shall be heard no more at all in thee: and no crafts- man, of whatsoever craft he be, snall be found any more in thee : and the sound of a mill- stone shall be heard no more at all in thee: ?%and the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee: and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth: for by thy sorceries were all na- tions deceived. 24 And in her was found the blood of pro- phets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth. 19. And after these things I -—> © Rec. ere twv rAocwy o otros. h Ree. om. R b Rec. yputw. t cw —. Rec. & Gb.om. g¢ Rec. ex’ avrny. i Re @ add © waz 1St.& Bz. om ad Ree. opwrres. e.acua. k Rec. add Kac.XIX. 2. 616 ATIOKAAYYVIS, e / oA all > a > a heard a great voice of much “peyd\nv dyAou moAAov’ ey TO ovpava, people in heaven, saying, Alle- D\aurncasn! "ANAndAovia’ 7 gertnpia luia: Salvation, and glory, and ey cr di eA? Pe A honour, and power unto the K@l7 00&a Kal 7 Ovvapus Tov Qeov Lord our God: *for true and judy: 2 re aAnOiwwat Kat Oikaa af righteous are his judgments, ; ep \ , \ for he hath judged the great KPlOels GUTOU OGL oD Es TAY OREM. THY whore which did corrupt the peyadny, HTLS *ébberpe THY ynV EY TH earth with her fornication, , Chics VEN, Nes eS - and hath avenged the blood TOPE OUTS Kau e€e0iknoe re Ce ae of his servants at her hand. OovAwy avrov €ék & XELPOS QUTNS. ~ Kal yand again they said, Alle- Sevrepov elpnxay’ ’AAAnAovia’ Kal 6 Ka- luia: and her smoke rose \ ons , > \ an 5 up for ever and ever. 4 And TVOS auTys avaBaivet eis TOUS alavas Tay the rue and twenty gloers, aiavev. *kat émecov of TpeoBurepor ot and the four beasts ell =» iw 2 NAN n~ down, and worshipped God &K0Ut"” TET Capes, Kal Ta TéeoTapa (oa, that sat on the throne, say- Kal TpOTEKUYHC AY T@ Oe@ xo) KaOnpevay ing, Amen, Alleluia. 5 And a Cibnow Opdvov 4 héeyovtes: "Auny’ aAXn- voice came out of the throne, eis war Loe , en saying, Praise our God all Aovia. ° Kal devn k éx’ rob Opdvov e&nX- ye his servants, and ye that Je, Néyouca’ Aivetre Irby Ocdv” LGV fear him, both small and ; cus Se Nay 7 ea mavres ol SovAot avrov, Kai of hoovpe- vot avtov ™” of pukpot Kal of peyadou. ® Kat fovea os havi bydov Tod- 6 And I heard as it were the Aov, Kat as horny bddTwy ToAAGY, Kal voice of a great multitude, and Os povny Bpovrev ioxupav n hEeyovres” as the voice of many waters, > es ¢ 3 b : , ¢ and as the voice of mighty AAAnAovia, é6re ¢Bacidevoe Kuptos 6 thunderings, saying, Alleluia: Qed¢ onpav” 6 TAVTOKPaTwp. 7 xXalpo- for the Lord God omnipotent NOE Out 6 se \ reigneth. 7 Let us be glad and Kh ROL ee SOLS a OHEE Te rejoice, and give honour to Oday atr@: Ore AAOev 6 yapos Tov him: for the marriage of the apviou, es 7 youn avrov NToipacey Lamb is come, and his wife - , 8 \ 207A De ; hath made herself ready. 8And €@UTNV. Kal €068n auTn wa Teptanrn- \ to her was granted, that she ray Biaouvov PAapmpov kal Kabapdy'” 7d Should be arrayed in fine linen, _ \ a4 \ , ne Bs clean and white: for the fine VB I rE OLY QU, Th PRO NETS OTR TOU linen is the righteousness of aYLov. 2 Kal Neyer prow Tpawov Ma- saints. 9 And he saith untome, _7% <2 \ 2 ~ 4 = is : 4? KAPLO a Write, Blessed are they which SSP E08 hs CES ER Oeimvoy TOM YEE aCe are called unto the marriage Apviou KekAnuevor. Kai Aeyeu pou’ Ov- > ° ~ ~ supper of the Lamb. And he zoy of Aoyou GAnOtvol cict Tov Ceod. saith unto me, These are the 10 t.\ + e QA true sayings of God. 10 And I Kau émecoy eum poo Gev TOY TOOL e 7. : ey > a A an , fell at his feet to worship him: quTov T POOKVYA OAL avT@* kat Aeyet and he said unto me, See thou Ot. Opa uh: GaVoGNe ‘ A \ do it not: Tam thy fellowser- MO! | “Pp Hy’ oul JUS OREO Chpib KOE vant, and of thy brethren, that T@v adeAhay gou Tay éxdvT@v THY jap- oH} my / ~ > ~ a n , have the testimony of Jesus, Tupiay Tov Incov: TQ OCHO 7 pookuyn- worship God: for the testimony ee es 4 A> ~ 3 of Jesus, is the spirit of pro. TOY" 7 yap Paptupla Tov Ingov eats REVELATION » \ ~ a , phecy. TO TvEvpLA THS Tpodnretas. @ Rec.oy.7or. wey. bRec Asyovros. CS dvvapyis warn dofa. A Rec.add Katn7tum, © Rec.Kupin rw Oem. Bw duePOerps. g Rec. add rp h Rec. add ear, ico Te Opovp. Kwame. lw rweep. M Rec. add xar. DN Elz. Asyovrwy' St. & Ez. AFyevras, © Rec. om P Rec. «a0. %. Aap,ATIOKAAYYIS, 617 1 Kal efdov tov ovpavoy avewy.evov Kal idov tamos Aevkos, eT avrov, Oivds, Kat heer 2 Me , < Kat 0 Ka@npevos / \ Ni Kadovpevos tuords Kal ahy- 2 7 x ev Oukatoovyn Kpivet Kal tro- x > \ a“ of d€ bbOadpol adrod *é¢" DrAOE \ \ > \ \ \ PAo§ updos, Kat emi THY Kearny 3 A , A ” + avrov d.adjnuata moAdd EXOY OvoLa 4 a \ > , VEYPAappLevov 0 ovdets oidey et fur) adrds* \ 7 , cr , skal TrepiBeBAnpevos imarvov BeBaupevoy ° \ ~ / eS aiwart’ Kat” Kadeirae” To dvoua adbrod: e ~ a O Adyos rod Ceod. 7 4 a Aa / Tevpata “Ta” ey To ovpavad nkohovber > ~ 2 > oe r , avT@ ef inrots Nevkois, evOeOupevoL , 2 \ Buvoowov Revedy 4” ka§apov. gat > ~ / ~ , ‘kK TOV oTOMaTOSs avTod éxmopeverar ¢ , e / uv FA a > > 6 popdaia *Sictopos” d€eia, va ev auth . 4 »” \ a ‘taraén” ta €Ovn* kab adrds TouLavet > \ ‘ >) c Ly Av ma, \ > \ avTous ev paBde@ odnpaG Kat adros a n / a A mwaret THY Anvov Tov olvov TOD Ovpod s" ths épyns Tod Geod Tod TaVTOKpa- \ 2, \ \ topos. 1° Kat éyer emi rd iwariov Kal > \ a yy emt TOY pinpdv avTod 7)’ ovopa YEeypap-= ; ; ott Hevov' Baowdev’s Bacitéwy kal Kupuos , Kupiov. 17 r \ 4 Kal ra oTpa- Fis aN 5 i? a Kat eidov 'éva” tyyeNov éardra €v TO HAlw* Kal ek a&e Peavy pe) an 7? Nip” Kat expake povf weyddy, Aéeyov Tact Tots OpVEOLs TOLS TrETOMEVOLS , A e , y ev wecoupaynuare: Aedre * cuvaxOnre’ eis TO Oetrvov ‘16d Heya Tov” Qeod, 18 a / , , \ wa aynre odpKas Baci\éwv, Kat / \ / > ~ Tapkas xihiapyor, Kal odpKas \oxXupay, ; ne 5 Kal oapkas immov Kab tov KaOnuevev a \ , , > 7, eT avT@v, Kal capkas TavT@y, edevOé- m Mu ‘ } WN * Fe pov “te Kat Sovoy, Kal pixpdv re \ , Kal peyddov. 10s rN 3 \ , ‘ \ Kat eidov 7d Onpiov, Kat rods a“ A ~ NX \ f. Baowreis tis ys, Kal Td oTparevpata SS , A Voy / aUuT@v cuvnypeva Toinoat °rov" qWdNe- rs , SN na Oo ov pera TOU ka@nwévou €77l TOU UiTTT OV, ‘\ a / > a Kat pera TOU OTPaTEVLAaATOS QvuTOU. pa DiS xechyrar. ¢ St &Rz. om. (diRec adducts b Gb. om. 1— Rec. rac cuvayecGe. nrw— Rec. & Gh. om & Rec. add war & w —. Rec. & Gb. om. ° ~—. Rec. & Gb. om. Reveration XIX. ] 9. 1 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse, and he that sat upon him was called faithful and true, and in right- eousness he doth judge and make war. !2 His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns, and he had a name written, that no man knew but he himself, 13 And he was clothed with a vesture dipt in blood, and his name is called, The word of God. M4 And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. 15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. 16 And he hath on his vesture, and on his thigh a name writ- ten, KING or KINGS, AND Lorp OF LoRDS. 7 And I saw an angel stand- ing in the sun, and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God: !8 that ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and ¥ flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men both free and bond, both small and great. 19 And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against f Rec. TATAGOT. Rec rov weyadov. m Rec. om.ReveLaATion XIX. 20. was vallod, and with him the false prophet, that Wrought mi; he deceived them that ad re- ceived the mark of the beast, aud them that worshipped hi i These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded fowls were filled with 20. And I saw an angel come key of the bottomless pit, and 2 And he laid hold on the dra- gon that old serpent, which is the devil and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, < cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should must be loosed a little season. 4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: God, and which had not wor- shipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thou- the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finish- This is the first resurrec- 6 Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first re- shall be priests of God, and of 618 ATIOKAAYYVI2. “0 kal enag On TO Onpiov, Kat *6 per avTou™ Yevdorpopnrns: 0 Trouoas Ta onpeca evy@mrLov AUTOU, EV ols exhdvyoe Tous AaPdyras TO Xapaypa TOU Onpior, Kal TOUS mpoaKuvovyTas 7H eikove av- Tov" (@vres eBhnOnoay ot Ovo eis THY ipyny Tov mupos THY Katopevny ev ?” dei. 21 kal of Nourot dmexravOno-ay ev TH poppae TOU KaOnpevov emt TOD inrrou, TH °e&eOovon” ek TOU OTOpaTos avrov' Kal wavTa Ta épvea exoptaaOn- gay eK TOY TAapK@Y avTOv. 20. Kat eidov ayyedov xaraBatvovra eK TOU ovpavov, exovTa THY “Kei” Ts aBuocou, Kal ahvow peyadny emt THY Xelpa avTov. * Kal exparnoe Toy Opa- KOVTa, TOV ogy TOV apxaioy, os eore SidBoNos Kal Saraviis, Kal ednoey avuTov 2 xidua érn, ® Kat €Badey avrov eis Hv 43 , 4 x e/ \ > , aBuocoy, Kai exhewoe *, Kal eoppaye- ees cev eraya avtov, wa pr 'ardava" & ere 7a €Ovn,” aypi teheoOn Ta yidua €Tn’ ‘kal’ pera ravta Oet avToy AvOnvar puLKpov Xpdvov. 4 Kai eidov Opovovs, Kal exabioay er avTovs, Kal Kpijza €O68n avTots* Kal Tas Wuxas TOV meme eKLr HEVOY Oa THY pap- Tuplay ‘Inoov, Kal Ova TOV Adyov TOU cov, Kal elmines ov Tpomekvynoay ‘TO Onpiov,” ovre * rH eixkdu” adrov, Kat ovk €AaBov TO xapaypa emt TO peTo- mov'’, Kal emt THY XElpa avTay" Kal é(noav, Kal eBarihevoay pera TOUS Xpiotov ” Ta” xiua €TN* Pol Oc Aourot TOY VveKpav OUK 2° etnoay . P axe’ " Te- eo 87 Ta feo ern avrn | 7 dvaoracts 1 T porn. jeaxaptos Kal aywos 6 €yor ame péepos ev TH avagTaceEL TH mpory ETL TovT@Y 6 “Oevtepos Oavaros” ovK eyeu eEovolav, AN ~oovtar tepets TOU Oeot _© Rec. sxropevouevp. 4G Rec. xrecda. ¢ St. & Elz. add avroy. l Rec. tw Anorw. k St. & Bz. rny ecxova. 1] Ree. add avrow © Rec. avelnoay P Rec. aw. q Rec. @ay, o dsur.ATIOKAAYYIS, 619 Kal Tou Xptorot, xat Bacidedoovct * eT avrov “ XAra €rn. 7 Kat éray TeAeo Oy ” AvOnoerar 6 Saravas éx ™ms Pudaxis aurov, Kal e€eAevoera TAaviCa TA €Ovn Ta ev rats Téooapot yovias THs Yas, Tov Toy cal roy Mayoy, yew avrovs eis & roy” apOpuos “aitav” &¢ 7) Gpos THs Oa- Adoons. ° Kal aveBnoay ent r6 TAGTOS TS ‘yhs, Kal ° €xvKN@cay ” THY Tape Bodny rédv dylov, Kal Ty mokw Thy nyarnwevny: Kal KateBn tup ' ex Tov ov- pavov § ard Tod Ocod,’” Kai Karepayey avtovs* © Kal § dudBoros 6 wAavev ad- TOUS eBA7 On els THY Aipyny roo Tupos kat Geiov, trou ™ Kai’ 7h Onptov Ka 6 Yrevdo- Tmpopyntns’ Kat BacancOjcovra niepas KAL VUKTOS Eis TODS alavas Tey aiover. " Kat efSov Opdovoy 'weyay Nevkoy,” Kat TOV KaOnwevoy er * avTor,” ob amd mpoo- wmou epuyev 7 Yi, Kat 6 otpavéos, Kai TOTS OVX eupéOn avtois. 3 cal eidSoy TOUS veKpovds, purxpovs Kal peyadous, EOT@Tas evaorioyv Too ' @pdvov,” Kai Bu- Brta™ nvoixyOnoav’” Kat aXXo BiBXtov” nvedy On, 0 €oTL THs Cans" Kat explOnoav ¢ cpentiauas ; 3 x Ol VEKPOL EK TOV yeypaupéevay ev Tois SBrlos, Kata Th épya avrav. 8 \ r »~ Ta XtAa érn, ouvaya- / © ¢ TOAELOV, OY 6 KQL x, ¢ 4 \ A ’ eOwkev 7 Oadacca tovs °vEKPOUS TOUS EV ~ fi , \ a », avTn, Kal 6 Odvatos Kal 6 adns €OwKay n yy 3 , TOUS °veKpous ToUs ev adTois,’Kal explOn- o » e a \ way €xaoTos Kata TA epya avtav. ! kal c , N seuace >/ , > \ 6 Oavaros Kal 6 adns eBAnOnoay eis THY Aiuyny rod Tupos’ ovtos °6 Odvaros , a ¢ / A 6 OevTepds eat” 4 n Alwyn tod mv- , a 15 \ a > ¢ / > r rn pos. Kal €l Tis OUX evpEeOn ev "TH / aM ~ a , 2B nO BiBro" ths Cans yeypapypevos, €B) 70n els THY Nipyny Tov Tupos. Pes NEP \ \ A 21. Kat etdSov ovpavoy Kalvov Kat ny sisva. CO —. Rec. & Gb. i Rec. Aer, ey. a Wyeratauvra. Dw h Ree. om, k Rec. avrov. O Ree sv. aur. vex. his. P Rec. sarcv 0 denrepns Bavaros. * Or, the graye. om. 4Ree.om. e © exvxAtvoay, ] Rec. Ocor. { w—. Rec. & Gb. om. REveLATION XXI. 1. Christ, and shall reigil with him a thousand years. 7 And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, 8 and shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them to- gether to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the Sea. 9 And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the Saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and de- voured them. ! And the devil that deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brim- stone, where the beast and the false prophet aze, and shall be tormented day and night, for ever and ever. "And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on te from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away, and there was found no place for them. 12 And J saw the dead, small and great, stand before God: and the books were open- ed: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. 13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it: and death and «hell de- livered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. 14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire: this is the second death. 15 And whosoever was not found writ- ten in the book of life, was cast into the lake of fire. 21. And I saw a new heaven, f Rec.a.r.0.¢.7.0np m Rec. nvewyOncay. 2 Rec. BiB. ary, TOTy GibdteREVELATION XXI. 2 and a new earth: for the first heayen, and the first earth were passed away, and there was no more sea. * And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. * And I heard a great voice out of heaven, saying, Behold, the ta- bernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. 4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes: and there shall be no more death, neither sor- row, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. 5 And he that sat upon the throne, said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful. 6 And he said unto me, It is done: I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst, of the fountain of the water of life, freely. 7 He that overcometh, shall in- herit all things, and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. 8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abomina- ble, and murderers, and whore- mongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. 9 And there came unto me one of the seven angels, which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb’s wife. !© And he car- ried me away in the spirit to a ° ATIOKAAYYVIS. 620 Kany’ 0 yep TpOros oupavos Kal 1) morn yn * ammdOov,” Kal 7 Oahacoa b OUK €oTlW ETL. kal THY TOW THY aylay ‘TepouoaAnu Kauny eLOov karaBai- vova.ay €K TOU oupavo, amo Tou Qeov “” ToynacwevnY Os vowepny KeKOo nev mY T@ avopt auTns. Kal #KovTa pons peyddys € €K TOU ovpavov, Aeyouons” "Ido 1 oKNy TOU Qeov pera TOV avOparrar, Kal OKNV@OTEL PET AVT@Y" Kat avtol Cade’ avTov €covral, Kal avTos 6 Geds duer avrav gata, “Oeds avtav.” * kat eEanelwer *” may Saxpvov ard Tov op- Gahpav adreyv, Kal 6 Gavatos ovK €orat ere’ ote TevOos, ov'Te Kpavyn, OUTE TOVOS OvUK €oTal ert’ OTL TA TP@TAa amndOov. > Kal elmev 6 xaOnuevos ent &r@ *Idov, Katva TwavTa TroL@. Kat heer” peou” T'payyov" OTL OUTOL Ot AOyou oa Kal dh Oot” eto. Kat eiré pou * Téyove. Eyo eiuc” Tro A kal 70 Q, 1 apxn Kal TO Tehos. eyo TO Supaevre dau@ |‘ avTo" eK THS mmyns Tov vdaTos THs Cans Sapedv. 7 6 wike@y k\npovo- pnoer ™ Tavra,’ ‘ kal ET Opal avT@ Ocds, KAl QUTOS EGTA [LOL O VLOS. 1 rots Oe Sevhois” Kal amicrots ° Kat apaprodois . Kal eBdehuypevots Kal Ppovevor Kal TOp- vous Kal *pappaKois” Kal elOmdoharpats, kal Tact TOLS pevdeor, TO HEpos avrov ev 7H Aiuwn ™ KaLopLevy) Tupl Kal cia, 0 eotiv 46 Oavaros 6 Sevrepos.” ° Kal Gey" eis Sex” rev éxra ay- yehou TOV exovT@Y tas énta diddas Tas yepouras ‘Tay ” Emr TAnyov TOV ETXaT@V, Kal edahyoe eT €"ov, heyov' Acvpo, del co. ™ 7 iy von TOU ap- viov THY yovaixa.” ° Kat dmmnveyKe ple ev TVEvpaTL ET Opos peya Kal Undo», Opoue: s a Rec. rapnAGe. YD Rec. ac ey® Iwavyns ecdov tTnv oA THY ayray, Lepon carnpe L KacvyV, KaTaBatvoucay aro tov O£0v ex TOV OUVpavOV. © Rec. © Rave. d Ree, cor. p. aur. (Vier f Rec. add o Geog & Rec. rov Opovov. h=% i Rec. ad. «. ror. oN} zy Kya) —. © Teyora, at ~ —. Rec. & Gb. aa m Rec. zavra. N Rec. decrAorg dey 9 wO—. Rec. & Gb. om. Pp Rec. pappaxevot. q Rec. devrepog Gavaros. r Rec. add mpog ye, s ~—. Rec. & Gb. om. t— UOrnv yuvacka Tov anysous —. NO THY vuPny, Thr yuvatka Tov apyLovATIOKAAYYIS, 621 Revetation XXI. 20. A »~ , A - A , . . Kal ederEe foe Thy modu ®” THV aylay great and high mountain, and e \ , > a > r ¢ * ei ty Tepovoadip, karaBalvovcay ek TOU ov- orm that great city, the 19 \ a x hh » z 1oly . erusalem, descending out Pavovu aio tov Geov, €XOvoay THY of heaven from God, 1! having Od£av trod Seas 2! & poornp avTns the glory of God: and her light cea rL0 ; eee 5 was like unto a stone most pre- OMoLos ALO@ LO reas OS ALO@ Lage cious ; even like a jasper stone, 4 + (f & » KpvoraAXicvoyrr: 12 ¢ €youca * Tetxyos clear as crystal, 12 and hada Z Ni tc Nas 12% 4“ a wall great and high, and had pes Kat vynhov, aoe TUAGvas twelve gates, and at the gates Owdexa KQl €7L TOLS TUA@OLY a €Aous twelve angels, and names writ- 2 . > = 7 / A s Ai ed + * y . dadexa, Kal ovopata emiyeypappéeva, q ten thereon, which are the 3 3 ; = if eee names of the twelve tribes of €oTt TOY SadeKa Pvday rev vidy Io=- the children of Israel. 13 On , 2? ~ a“ an pan. 13 © amd avaTo\oy, TUA@ves the east three gates, on the eee oF VW. POUR B Den AA north three gates, on the south Fpets ak : mes eo TU, ones three gates, and on the west Tpei.s” * kal amvrO ~VvoTOU, TUAQVES Tpé€ls* three gates. 14 And the wall \ > cont a r > 7 a 7 7 5 - Ray ware dvopav, muOVEs Tpeis. Of the city had twelve founda 14 We Zn By ; sy tions, and in them the names Kal TO TELYOS TNS TONKEwS e€xXov Oepe- of the twelve apostles of the , f pig. > Cr / Atovs Oddexa, Kal 8 er avTav Sadexa Lamb. > a , > ~ ovouata” roy 8dSexa aTrooTt0\@y Tov apviov. 15 And he that talked with 15. anc a 2s amt h »,é. Me, had a golden reed to mea- Kar 6 Aahav eS poten oes leas sure the city, and the gates Tpov kad apov Xpvaovy, wa METPNOD thereof, and the wall thereof. \ \ n ee \ 16 itu li Pi v z THY TOALY, Kal TOUS TUA@VasS auTns, Kar ° And the city lieth foursquare, ‘ S eee 16 Nac s\ , and the length is as large as TO TELYOS auTns. Kat 1) TOAtS TETPA- the breadth: and he measured os ~ 2A . ¢ . a 7 7 7 YOVOS KEtTaL, Kal TO LnKOs avutTns *” ocoy the city with the reed, twelve k NY, ee Did one \ s_ thousand furlongs : the length, REO Th; eS: ot ee es li Y Oe ana the breadth, and the height Aw T@ Kahauw emt |! oradious Oadeka of it are equal. 17 And he s \ a Nea Z } measured the wall thereof. an e 1G aQTOS Kal Ri XArddov ne eS Ket se wha e S hundred, and forty, and four TO uWos QUTNS toa €OTL. Kal ELETCNOE cubits, according to the mea- TO Tetxos avrns éxardy Teco apakoyra sue a man, that is, of the a , > / ¢% angel. Teco apay TNX@V, ETPOV avOpearou, Cee > > 7 €oTW ayyeNov. ee PMNs Ce cay ~ r 18 And the building of the Eun oe el evddpun ous BOY TUS wall of it was of jasper, and QUTNS, Laos’ KaL ” TONS XPUOLOV Ka- the city was pure gold, like Nap Sh ohh 5. 19 0 i” unto clear glass. 19 And the vahe@ Kabapo. Kal ear g Gapor, Coe ee Pe \ foundations of the wall of the OL Oepedcor TOU TELXOUS TNS TONES TaYTI city were garnished with all Z Z € nant . : Aida Tipia KEKOOLLNLEVOL. O Genéduos O manner of precious stones. ~ I - Goo s - The first foundation was Jas- TPO@TOS, laomis’ O Seep os) camperpos per, the second sapphire, the 6 TpiTos, ° yadkndav’” 6 TETAPTOS, OM4d- third a chalcedony, as und wie 20: Ss 4 A jyué: 6 anemerald, 2° the fifth sardo- paydos ; c Te eS capddveg I 2 nyX, the sixth sardius, the se- €KTOS, P capd.os oO eBdopos, XpvcoX- venth chrysolyte, the eighth > / . Y - ' boss 6 dyOoos, Bnpvddos* 6 evvatos, beryl, the ninth a topaz, the > ONS ® Rec. add ryv peyarnv. b Rec. add xac. Cc Rec. eyoucay rs. 4 Ree. eyoucay. & Rec. ax’ avaror iS: ter. —. Rec. & Gb. om. g Ree. ev autos ovojara. h Rec. om, i Ree. add rocovrop Baroy kine 1 St. & Bz. cradiwwy. M Ww opo.oy ay ON capyniwv. P SY capdcov,RevELatTion XXI. 2] tenth a chrysoprasus, the ele- venth a jacinth, the twelfth an amethyst. 2! And the twelve gates were twelve pearls, every several gate was of one pearl, and the street of the city was pure gold, as it were transpa- rent glass. 22 And Isaw no temple there- n: for the Lord God Almighty, and the Lamb, are the temple of it. °3 And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, > and the Lamb is the light thereof. 24 And the nations of them which are saved, shall walk in the light of it: and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour into it. 2 And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day: for there shall be no night there. 26 And they shall bring the glory and honour of the nations into it. 27 And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or mak- eth a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb’s book of life. 22. And he shewed mea pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God, and of the Lamb. ”? In the midst of the street of it, and of either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve man- ner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. % And there shall be no more curse, but the throne of God, and of the Lamb shall be in it, and his servants shall serve him. 4 And they shall see his face, and his name shall be in their foreheads. °% And there shall 622 AIIOKAAYY¥IS. roratiov’ 6 OEeKkaTos, Xxpvadmpacos’ 6 évdéxaros, vakivOos* 6 dwd€eKaTos, ape- Ouaotos. 7 Kat of Owdeka TvA@Yes, Sddexa papyapira’ ava eis exacros Tav TuA@vey ny €& évos papyapitov" Kal 7) mareta THS Theos, Xpuaioy Kkadapov, Os vaos é Scavyns.” 22 Kal vaoy ovk €tOov ev aura’ 0 yap Kvptos 0 cvs 0 MavTOKparep, vaos aris eT Ly Kal TO apviov. 3 KaL 7 Os ou xpetav éxel TOU Mad ovde Tis oe- Anyns, wa paivacw >” ° aura’ 7 yap dd&a” Tov Qeov eparurey aur, Kat 6 Avxvos avTns TO dpytov. Kal “ qre- piuratyoovot Ta e€Ovn Oia Tov Paros avris*” Kal of Bactdeis THs yas Pepovor TY dd€av ° Kal THY TYyny” avTav eis auTnv. ~ Kal of muAOves aorijs ov py Kher bow 7 Tpeepas® vg yap OUK eorat 6 kal olrovct THY, 0o§ay Kal my Tony TOV eOvav ets avTyy. of kal ou pn ele Oy eis avTnY may "KOLWOV, Kat Sgouovy” Bdeduvypa, Kal evdos’ ed pu ot YEYPUppEVOL ev TO BIBAiw THs Cos TOU apviov. 22. Kal erEé por TOTapov Vda- Tos (ans, Aapmpoy ws KpvotadXov, ; : ss 2 ExT OpevdpEvoy eK TOU Gpovov TOU Qecou Kal Tov apyviov. * ev weow THs TAaTElas avTns, Kal TOU moTapov, évTevbev ‘kal evrevder,” Evdov fwns, Tovovy Kaprrovs da@deka, kata pnva *” \éxacrov arrobi- Sovv” Tov Kapmoy avrov’ Kal ra PvAXa tou Evdov eis Oepareiavy trav eOvdv. 3 Kal wav “KataGepa” ovK éarar “ere” kal 6 Opdvos TOU Qeov Kal Tov apviov ev avTn €atau’ Kal of SovAoL avTov Xa- Tpevoovow avTo’ 4 Kat OwWovta TO Cores oe Tpoo@mov avTov, Kal TO Ovoua avrod eTl TOY peTOT@OY avTav. ° Kal VE 2 €KEL. h7 add ev, ¢ & f Rec « b Rec. TWEPLTATNTOUTL. a Rec. é&capavne. ng Rec. add eva. a e.=s k 1 SS arodidoug Exaaros. a Ree h Rec. Ta 20v7n Twy Cwlomevwy sv Tw Pure 1S wae execder. NO exec, arn yap n ¢ g _—. Roe chaue éxacTw, ofa LevOUY Trowwy, add xa@apoyr m Rec xaravadena,ATIOKAAYYIS, 623 Reveration XXII. 15. a ~, », \ > . OUK €oTat *éri-” Kal od xpeta” ©” be no night there, and they 4 \ \ ¢ , a 7 > ne } . io hvxvov Kal dards Alou, dre Kupros 6 Reed no candle, rene light gee Bi (a Oy i \ of the sun, for the Lord God Ocods Porcet eT QUTOUS" Kal Bact- giveth them light, and they 4 s \ dA ~ , « atl F sveY Aevoovoty €lS TOUS Al@Vas TAY al@ywy. Shall reign for ever and ever. 6 K Nt EU) . Oa O of x a i ae uae fol BU UOCURONONOVOL Gea dihe acd unto me, These r ¢ : * tl WlLOTOL Kat adn@tvot* Kat Kuptos oO Sayings are faithful and true. Gees s uw ! ~,, And the Lord God vf the holy s y y G : F Ocos TOY, ie SUL ORO Oe a TP ODI ROV prophets sent his angel to shew ATEeaTELNe TOV ayyedoyv auTov O€l€at unto his servants the things 5 a , c ~ \ a , > hae = yy 7 tois Sovrois abtov & Sei yeverOar éy Which must shortly be done. si Ti ee Bon z ; ” Behold, I come quickly : TAXEL. Kat L0oU Epyopuat Tax. H@~ blessed is he that keepeth the / ¢ a \ , ~ . . . Kaptlos oO THP@vV TOUS Aoyous TS T po- ake of the prophecy of this , , ~ / , ook. PyrEetas Tov BiBrlov TOUTOU. : eS eS / Clee Ss \ 8 And I John saw these y € ) S ; Kat SO Toar aS 2 EaKOU Cee things, and heard them. And Brérev radra” Kad OT€ nKOVGa “Kal when I had heard and seen, + » : Aa 2, . - archi eBrevva, lSrecopy:” Tpockvynoat ELIT po- I fell down, to worship be- Z x MS , be fore the feet of the angel, obey tov Today TOV ayyéedov Tov Oe- which shewed me these things. KVUOVTOS fot tavta. 9° Kat Aeyet fot’ ° Then saith he unto me, See 205 ce iuOOUNC m/f eae A \ thou doit not: for I am thy gn fey] Cue OuKGS oe tHe, ROE fellowservant, and of thy bre- Tav adeAPov cov Tov mpodyntrev, Kal thren the prophets, and of them a , \ A / ha EA A Ars . = TOY TNPOvYT@Y ToS Adyous TOD BiBXlov Which keep the sayings of this , an A , book : worship God. ROUTOUS Ta, Oca TpPooKuvyngor. '0 And he saith unto me, 10 Ke Yel ot’ Mn oppayions Seal not the sayings of the ous Adyous TF oe ~ B prophecy of this book : for the aS ee a ‘ 18 Tpopyreias TO ‘ time is at hand. 1 He that is Ptov rovrou "6 Kalpos eyyus ear. unjust, let him be unjust still: ee s x z) , \ < thich 7 ; ; ks adikar, adinodra CEU Rat and he which is filthy, let hira Be \ c ; pte < be filthy still: and he that is pu7Tapos puTapevonta@ €7TL Kal righteous, let him be righteous ; , : 5 dixatos, P SukaLvocbyny Tomodtw” ere’ still : and he that IS holy, let oy eee ¢ Os aie 12 q” 15,3 him be holy still. 12 And be- KECOELY LOS: Ce ae. eT. ; gu hold, I come quickly, and my EpXOpat GCaXU;: Kat Oo pura Gos MOU eT reward is with me, to give Ane A et £ Nc every man according as_ his €KOVU, amToOOoUVvaL Fi Vy ; yas B a me 8 é oe Soe go eye} work shall be. 13 ] am Alpha QUTOU e€oTAal. * © nS © Q, “6 mpOtos Kal 6 €xXarTos, » apy7 Kal and the end, the first and Wee a ii re cay “ the last. 14 Blessed are they TO TéXos. Makapror Ole 2 TOLOUUTES: that aia his commandments, Tas evTo\ds avTov,” iva €oTaL 7 e€ovala that ney may have right to > ee oe aN WEY ~ oi \ nr. the tree of life: and may enter Coy ree To EvAoy 7S Cars, Bo TOES in through the gates into the mUA@TW elcéAOwow eis TY “MOALY. city. 18 Ron withant are dogs, 1x x5 ; , \ \ \ SHAT eATrAnan. : “ 15 c£a Veo L KUVES Kal of pappaxot Kat of 2nd sorcerers, and whoremon- , Nes; a Noes , gers, and murderers, and ido- TOPYOL Kal Ot Doves Kat 01 ELO@AOAATPAL, Tnters and whosoever loveth Rn A ee \ rs a : Kat Tas “6” diddy Kab rowdy Wevdos. and maketh a lie. On On a Ree, exec’—. Al. b Rec, LPELaY ouK EYOUTL —.~ ony E€ovGL xypecav. Cadd ~~ gdwrog. d Rec.gwriler, e Rec. f@deyec. g Rec.rwy aywy. hb Rec. i Ree.BX; TavTa Kat axouwy, k ~ wat ore ecdoy, execa. ISt. & Bz. execa, m Rec. ald yap, " Rec. ort 0 xatpos—. 0 Katpog yap 9 Rec wy puTwoare. P Rec. écxacwOnrw ere, 4 Rec.add Kae, r—o s Rec. add ecue, t Rec. apyn nat TEAOS, O TEwros Kat 0 ET VaTOs. WoL oc mAUVOVTSS Tay grodkas avrTwy. v Rec. add de. Woy.c RevELATION XXII. 16. 624 ATIOK. 16 J Jesus have sent mine aS *Eyo@ *Inaovs erreppa TO angel, to testify unto you these re cee = ‘ = | things in the churches. Jam Bey fe ee eu ‘ the root and the offspring of exkAnolas’ eyo €lpl 7) pia “ct 2m David, and the bright and yevos bie © AaBie,” 6 aorip 6 @Xrapmposd | morning star. !7 And the Spi- « 0 IP he Thyed A rit and the bride say, Come. ON ey at oS YEU eee And let him that heareth, say, vupcp7) eyouo." C Epxov" “ “Kal "@ Come. And let him that is Gxouey eitdTo, "Epxov.” Kat 6 Oupary| athirst, come. And whosoever ,, , aE ce TE ey ao 8 épyec Oo, 6 Gédwy ‘AaBeTo oe will, let him take the water ot life freely. Cons Spear. a4 A = \ A , ; 18 For I testify unto every. 38 'Maprup@ ey@ TavTt T® AKOVOVTLG | man that heareth the words of TONS NGVOUS TH anne F00 BiBdtog the prophecy of this book, If UY, o js Tpopnyt ee Oak any man shall add unto these TovTov’ €ay Tls lemiOn em avuTa, Emly j ond she i / =) 5) \ \ things, God shall add unto him Once 6 Qeds er avrov Tas mayas rag the plagues, that are written ; ee en; Ps, 5 in this book. 19 And if any Veypappevas ev TH BiPhi@ TovT@ © ale «© ANN C \ / > , “ > \ ra man shall take away from the 19 xa? édy TLS napedn aro TY Aoyau words of the book of this pro- 9, =” B ax} foe es Cs HPEL ee phecy, God shall take away his eeu i eh JAS. a Poe Se, Ue part out of the book of life, P Gehl” 6 Geos TO pepos avToU Ung und out of the holy city, and q,,- é,/ pie e Nis2 oi Se from the things which are writ- FOU Euhou iat Cais, Kae le, ub i] ten in this book. ews TNS aylas, TOV YEYPAPLPEVaV EV | : a L , | 87" BiBAl@ ToUTo. 20 He which testifieth these 70 Aéyes 6 papTupSyv ravta’ Na! things, saith, Surely, I come 2 t LB? Sey Sa eee sos oe ec e Zovonae trayv. Apny’ epxevs —Kupre| quickly. Amen. Even so, come , PXS ae rox pal Px? WUpts Lord Jesus. Inoov. ol 7" 9 , A r uw > a} 21 The grace of our Lord 21 ‘PY xXapis TOV Kuptov u Incov| Jesus Christ be with you all. X lees < gale? ie oe ep” Amen. Xpiorov peTa TAVTOV T@V ay j i} i} ‘| i Oe. F Rec.crSeray b t. 1 Rec. excreOg § opOpeivos. © Rec, a-»b Rec. addzov. © Gb. Aavid. d Rec. Aaurpos Ke li Ree. add «ac, 1 Rec. AapBaverw To. Sup papTvpovpat Yap xpos tavra, wu Kec. om. Rec. adarpy. 9 Rec.om. P Rec. aparpnoet >. BiPrAove rRec add «ag § <‘itec. om. t Rec. raz" apny. Nuc, &p700- u Rec. add yaw. wy. apne —. Al.— ene ps \ , Maca I'pady Ocomvevoros. spy il:UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA LIBRARY The return of this book is due on the date indicated below DUE DUE Usually books are lent out for two weeks, but there are exceptions and the borrower should note carefully the date stamped above. Fines are charged for over- due books at the rate of ten cents a day; for reserved books the rate is twenty-five cents a day. (For de- tailed regulations please see folder on “Ioan of Books.”?) Books must be presented at the desk if re- newal is desired. MICHIE CO