• AP t r. DS 485 B57 S55 1893 L A BRIEF HISTORY OF TIODEI GAYA_ MATH, DISTRICT GAYA. COMPILED BY 11.A.I RAM ANITGRAH NARAYAN SINGH BAHADUR, DEPUTY MAGISTRATE AND DEPUTY COLLECTOR. UNDER THE ORDERS OF G. &. GRIERSON, ESQ., MAGISTRATE-COLLECTOR, GAYA. DISTRICT. 1892. Calcutta; PRINTED AT THE BENGAL SECRETARIAT PRESS. 1893. The following is a list of Mahanths of Bodh Gaya FROM 1590 A.D. TO 1892 A.D. 1Vlahanth Ghamandi 11 Mahanth Chaitanya Gir. Il lifahanth Mahadeva Gir. Nahanth 1.46.111G-ir. 11 Mahanth Keshava Gir. 11 Mahanth Raghava G-ir. lE Mahatnh Ramhit Gir. 11 Mahanth Balak Gir. Mahanth Shiva Gir, 11 Mahanth Bhaipat Gir. Mahanth Hem Nargyan Gir. fl Mahanth Krishna Dayal Gir. A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE BODH GAYA MATH. THE Bodh GayA Math is an ancient Monastery of the Hindu SannyAsis, styled Girs, who belong to one of the ten orders of Sankara Achdrya's Sivite school. It traces its origin back to the middle of the sixteenth century of the Christian era. It is said that as early as Ilidgh of the Fasli year 997 (corresponding with 1590 A.D.), one Gosain Ghamandi Gir, a holy devotee of this order, while on a pilgrimage tour, became so very fond of the sylvan solitude of the neighbourhood of the place where the Math now stands, that he selected it as the place of his religious devotion, and subsequently built' a small monastery there for the accommodation of the itinerant members of his order. He was the first mahanth, and the founder of the monastery. He was succeeded by his disciple, Chaitanya Gir, in 1022 Fasli (corresponding with 1615 A.D.). Mahanth Chaitanya Gir was much renowned for his learning and austere piety, and speint his time in worship and religious devotion. He died in 1059 Fasli, and his remains were interred in the enclosures of the great Buddhist temple, and a small temple was built thereon. Mahanth Chaitanya Gir was succeeded by his disciple, Mahanth Mahadeva Gir, who led a very pious and austere life. He worshipped Anna Parnd Devi for several years, and his dnuni (place of worship) and samddhi (tomb) of pucka masonry work stands in front of the Mahcibotlhi temple, where also a temple was built by him in honour of his Ishta, (tutelary) goddess Anna 13171o.nci. The tradition is that the goddess Anna Pzirnd Wevi was so much gratified that she presented him a katord (cup) for distribution of grain, with the cishirbeici (blessing) that if the mahanths of the Astlign would continue freely distributing saddbarat (alms) out of this katord, they would never be in want. It is said to hold exactly enough to satisfy the appetite of whoever receives its contents, be he man or woman, child or adult. This talismanic cup is still in the monastery, and grain is doled out daily with it. It was under the auspices of this goddess, the presenter of the inexhaustible cup, that he was enabled to build the large monastic building, the present Math of Bodh Gay-A, which is situated on the bank of LilAjan river (another name for the sacred Phalgu), in the midst of a garden extending over an area of about 52 bighas, and surrounded by a high masonry wall. He also founded an alms house, which has been much extended by the later mahanths, where rice and pulse are daily distributed to three to five hundred persons up to the present time. He died in 1089 Fasli (corresponding with 1682 A.D.), and was succeeded by his disciple, Lal Gir. Mahanth Lai Gir is said to have been much favoured by the Emperor of Delhi, and the villages of 3.1astipur and /14..radih, in which the Buddhistic Mand-bodhi temple is situated, were made over to him by a Royal firman. A jagir of six villages was presented to the Math by Wazirul-Murailik Qamaruddin Khan. He was followed by his disciple, Keshava Gir, who was so well known for his piety and devotion that before he ascended the Mahanthi Gaddi of Bodh Gaya, and in the lifetime of his guru, he got a present of Antarin and other villages from Emperor Farukh Siyar of Delhi, and in the Royal firman ( 2 ) no was styled as Faqir Kcinzil 2va Haq Parast (a monk who had reached the highest degree of talismanic powers and of the merit of holy orders). He was succeeded by Mahanth Raghava G-ir in 1155 Fasli (corresponding with 1748 A.D.), who was followed by Mahanth RAm.hit Gir in 1176 Fasli (corresponding with 1769 A.D.). Mahanth Ram.hit Gir contributed greatly to increase the wealth and prosperity of the Math. He obtained lahirgj lands and villages from the Maharajas of Tikari and Ichak. He died in the holy city of Benares, and his dharam samddhi (tomb) was built by his successor in the Bodh Gaya sanicidki (family burial-ground). He was followed by his disciple, Mahanth Balak Gir, in 1213 Fasli (corresponding with 1806), who obtained a few villages from Maharaja Rdrasingh. of Jaspur, and was succeeded by his disciple, Shiva Gir, in 1227 Fasli (corresponding with 1820). Mahanth Shiva Gir, who was equally noted for his personal beauty, generous heart, and religious devotion, and who made no less than 1,400 chelds (disciples), brought the condition, of the Math and its properties to a most flourishing condition. It is said that in his time some of the Math properties were resumed under Regulation II of 1819 and Regulation III of 1828, and that they were all released after due enquiry being held. The illahanth, it is said, was thus also acknowledged as Mahanth of Bodh Gaya by the British Government. After his death in 1253 Fasli (corresponding with 1846 A.D.), his disciples, following the custom which had been prevalent in the Math since the very beginning, selected Bhaipat G-ir, one of their own body, as the Mahanth of Bodh Gaya. Mahanth Bhaipat Gir was at the helm of affairs for 21 years. He is said to have distinguished himself for his conspicuous loyalty by helping the English Government in the dark days of the Indian Sepoy Mutiny. He died in 1274 Fasli (corresponding with 1867 A.D.), and after him his disciple, Hem Narayan. Gir, succeeded to the Mahanthi Gadi of Bodh Gaya. Mahanth Hem NarAyan Gir was a great Sanskrit scholar, and collected a large library of original Sanskrit manuscripts. He built a large house at Benares at a cost of about fifty thousand rupees for the benefit of those. gosains of his order who wished to pass the last days of their life in the holy city of Kashi (Benares). He also built many temples in his zamindaries, and established a dharamscild and excavated a tank at Zinclapur on the HazdribAgla road. This Mahanth rendered valuable assistance to the Government during the famine of 1873-74, and in recognition of his services he was presented with a Certificate of Honour in the name of the Queen-Empress of India on the 1st January 1877, the day of the proclamation of the title of Empress of India. He was known to be one of the most influential and respectable zamindars of the district, and was held in great reverence by the entire native community. The Government of India, as a mark of personal distinction, exempted him from his attendance in the civil courts under Government orders, dated the 22nd February 1876. He was very religiously inclined, and spent a great portion of his time in worship and religious devotion. In 1882 he went out on a Wrath jcitrci) pilgrimage, with the intention of passing the remainder of his days in mere austerity. He therefore executed a registered deed of gift (hibbd) on the 25th of August 1882, in favour of his disciple (cheld) Krishna Dayal Gir, who was more familiarly called Brahmach6rji on account of his pious habits, He stated in this deed that as, in consequence of his old age, be wished to retire from the worldly life, he desired to abdicate his mahanthship in favour of any of his disciples who would be the most eligible, and as a panchAyat consisting of five of the most respectable gosains of the Math had unanimously selected Krishna Dayal Gir as the fittest amongst the disciples, he, agreeing with the panches, appointed him as his successor, and made an absolute and free gift of all his properties in favour of the said Krishna Dayal Gir. Krishna Dayal Gir thus obtained possession of all the properties appertaining to the Math, and reigned as mahanth de facto for nearly four months. During this short period be showed good capacity for work, and ruled over the Math in a very liberal spirit. He also contributed Rs. 2,500 towards the expenses of repairs of the Mahabodhi temple. However, Mahanth [Tem Narayan. Gir, who had set out on pilgrimage, returned again to Bodh Gaya" and, at the most earnest solicitation of his disciples and other gosains, consented to take up the onerous and responsible duties of ( 3 ) the mahanthi of the Math once again. A registered deed of relinquishment (bdzicisima) was therefore executed by Krishna Dayal Gir on the 22nd December, 1882, who most gladly and cheerfully gave up and abandoned all the right and title he had derived under the above described deed of gift (hibbd) in favour of his guru and donor. During his lifetime Mahanth Hem Narayan Gir thus once more assumed the management of the estate, and managed it with great prudence. Mahanth Hem Narayan Gir died at Benares on the 12th Paus, corresponding with the 27th December, 1891. His dharma samddhi (temple) is built in the Bodh Gaya sanzddhi (the family burial-ground). The Mahanth, as well as his disciples Wields) are pledged to a lifelong celibacy, and, according to the time-honoured custom of the Math and the rule of their order, when a disciple of the Math dies his properties, moveable or immoveable, revert to the monastery. Succession to the mahanthship of Bodh Gaya is governed according to custom. When a mahanth dies, all disciples nominate five gosains of their own Math as parches or arbitrators to select a worthy and fit successor to the gaddi out of their own body; and all the disciples abide by the decision of the panchayat so constituted. Accordingly, a panchndnzah was executed on the 13th of Magh 1299 Fasli, corresponding with 1892 A.D., by all the disciples of the late mahanth, by which they empowered gosains Bishun Dhari Gir, Raghubar Sahay Gir, Ramkaran. Gir, Mohan Gir, and Jai Rdm Gir, to elect a mahanth for the Bodh Gay6 gaddi out of their own body, and all these five gosains gave their written and unanimous verdict in favour of the same Krishna Dayal in whose favour the late mahanth had made a gift. Mahanth Krishna Daydl Gir was considered. most eligible, being the most learned, the most pious, the most religious, and the most capable of all his fellow disciples. The formal ceremony of ascending the ancient and holy gaddi of the Math was performed with great eclat on the 2Ist Magh 1299 Fasli, corresponding with the 4,th. of February, 1892, on which day, after the usual plUcis, bored and. sacrifices, the present mahanth, Krishna Dapil Gir, was declared Mahanth of Bodh Gaya in the presence of the principal officials and other residents of the district of Gaya. When the new mahanth was formally installed on the gaddi as the Mahanth of Bodh Gaya, all the numerous disciples presented him each with a sheet in token of their acceptance of his supremacy. This concluded the ceremony of installation. Mahanth Krishna Dayal Gir is the 12th mahanth of Bodh Gaya.). His present income, which is derived from presents offered to the great Mahabadhi temple, personal presents made by disciples to him and to the holy shrines in the Math, and the landed property, amounts to upwards of a lakh of rupees a year. The expenses of the monastery under head saddbarat, or daily alms-giving, feeding the gosains, or members of the fraternity of all the subordinate maths, and the expenses on occasion of the principal festivals, such as Dasahra, Tilsankrdnti and others, are said to be on a grand scale. Among other items of expenditure the one under bhdndcgra is noteworthy. Some time after the death of a mahanth and. subsequent to election of a new mahanth, a grand feast is given, to which as many members of the fraternity throughout India as can possibly be asked to join, are invited. They are fed on very richly and highly spiced cakes called " mai pud." This feast, it is said, costs nearly a lakh of rupees. The assets of the estate are always in a very solvent state owing to good management. One peculiar feature in the management of the domestic and foreign affairs of the estate is that all the posts in and outside the monastery are reserved for the members of the order. All persons employed,—from the grass-cut to the highest priest, or biggest village agent,—are gosains of Sivite school, disciples of His Holiness the Mahanth of Bodh Gaya,. The present occupant of the gaddi, Mahanth Krishna Dayal Gir, is a young man of very pious habits. He has shewn great application for business, and seems to have the affairs of the monastery well in. hand. He has shewn good public spirit and liberality in the right direction by subscribing Rs. 5,000 to the "Grierson Well and Public Gardens Fund," and seems to possess the entire confidence of the members of his order, by whom and the native community (both Hindus and Musalmans) he is held in high esteem and regard. English translations of the sanads or royal grants form appendices to this report. A statement shelving the details of property held by the Math is also enclosed. ( 4) Sanad granted under the seal of His Majesty Muhammad Shah Padshah Gazi. Muhammad Shah Padshah Gazi• Era 6th Muhammad Shall Seal- of Nasrat Jang Itmadu'd-daulah Wazir al Mumalik Qamaru'd-din Khan, Khan. Bahadur. Seal of Muhammad Shah Padshah Gazi. (In Togra character.) BE it known to all present and future gumashtas and mutsaddis of pargana Sherghati, Sarkar and SUN. Bihar, that according to the order of His Majesty the King of all lands and time, Khalifi of strict justice and means of preservation and comfort to all beings (may God preserve him), who is the minister of the God of Gods, on whom is the special mercy of the Almighty Father, and who is the sole means of livelihood to the whole world, the root of all laws and regulations, and tho preserver of the throne of the kholafat, written on the 21st day of Zigad in the 9th year of his Jalus (accession), mauza Bagula and Dharahra khurd, are granted to Lal Gir Sannyasi as ma clad mash, without any restriction of names and divisions from the middle of b2, iail, You all, in obedience to this order, should leave the said mamas in his possession, without making anychange or alteration therein, and you should in no way be overcome by any kind of temptation, and should in all respect look upon the order as just and right, so that all the produce of the said property be used by him for Ms own livelihood and that of the itinerant faqirs ; for which act of benevolence, he should ever pray for the stability of the wealth (of HiK Majesty). You all should not take notice of other properties belonging to the grantee. You all should take great care in carrying out this order. Written this day, the 1st day of Rabiulawal in the 9th year of the August 'Talus (accession). Sanad granted under the seal of Iris Majesty Muhammad Shah Padshah Gazi. kahammail Shah Padshah Gazi, Era 6th Muhammad Shahi. Seal of I\Ta-srat Jang Itmadu'd-daulah Wazir al Murualik Qamaru'd-dfn Khan, Khan Bahadur. Seal of Muhammad Shah Padshah Gazi. (In Togra character.) ) BE it known to all present and future gumashtas and mutsaddis of pargana Maher, Sarkar and Sag. Bihar, that according to the order of His Majesty the King of all lands and time, and Khalifa of strict Justice and means of preservation and comfort to all beings (may God preserve him), who is the minister of the God of Gods, on whom is the special mercy of the Almighty Father, who is the root of all the laws and regulations of . the world, and who is the preserver of the throne of kholalat, written on the 27th of Zigad in the 9th year of his Jalils, that mauzas Iffast;pur, Tarachh, are conferred upon Lai Gir Sann.yasi as madacl mash without any restriction of names and divisions from the middle of bijiail, and as it is herewith prescribed. You all should, in obedience to the order, leave the said mauzas in his possession without making any change or alteration thereon, and should in no way be overcome by any kind of temptation, and should in all respect look upon the order as just and right, so that all the produce of the said property be used by him for his own livelihood and that of the itinerant faqirs ; for which act of benevolence he should always pray for the stability of the wealth (of his Majesty). You all should not take notice of other properties belonging to the grantee. You all should take great care in carrying out the above orders. Written on the llth day of Rabiulawal in the 9th year of the August Jahls. Sanad granted under the seal of His Majesty Emperor Farukh Siyar. Seal of the Emperor Muhammad Farukh Siyar Padshah Gad, BE it known to all the present and future mutsaddis of pargana Chainpur, Sarkar Rohtas and Subj, Bihar, that as Gosain .Keshava Gir Sannyasi, the perfect righteous devotee, passes 5 his days entirely in devotion and has no property to maintain himself, it is herewith prescribed that from the beginning of the Fasil Rharif of 1124 Fasli, the whole of mauza Antarid, tappa .Wagbdnsi, towards lifohardhar in taluka Anibal in the said pargana, and the whole of the waste jungle therein are conferred upon the said devotee for his maintenance. According to this parwana you all should leave the said mauza in his possession, and should not demand any revenue or ablvab or badaddri appertaining to the said village, so that in every year and every fasil he, with other devotees, may appropriate the produce of the said property; for which act of benevolence he may ever pray for the stability of the wealth of his Majesty, who remains under the care of the Almighty Father, and who is his 1Chalifa. You all therefore should take great care in carrying out orders mentioned above. Written on the 15th day of Ziciad in the 5th year of the August Jaltis, Sanad granted under the seal of Jfirza Mnhaminad Akbar Shah Padshdh, son of Hth Majesty the Emperor 'A'lam Shah Padshah Gazj. 1190. Seal of Mirza Muhammad Akbar Shah Bah6,dur Bin Hazrat Shah ‘Allam Badshah Gazi. BE it known to the present and future ,mils of pargana Maher, Sarkar and Siib6. Bihar, that Mahanth Ramhit Gir states that mauza Mastipur and others in the said pargana have been conferred upon him under the Royal farman as maclad mash, and that the said farman has been lost. Now he earnestly prays for a parwana az claltar kihtis sharif prohibiting every person from interfering with the said property. Accordingly all of you are herewith directed that in obedience to this order, you should leave the above-named property as usual in the possession of the applicant ; that you should not in any way interfere with it, so that the applicant may appropriate its produce to his own use and may ever pray, and that you all should be very mindful of the above order. Written on this day the 3rd day of Shawal in the 30th year of Jaltis moala. Attested copy of the Sanad granted to Gosain Lal air. CHAS nAmah under the orders of His Majesty the King, dated the 18th day of Ziciad, 1118 Fasli, corresponding with the 4th year of His Majesty's hills, is as follows :— Be it known to all the present and future guraashtas of mauza Mahabodh Min Amal, pargana Maher, Sarkar and Sibi Bihar, that as chak Mastipur appertaining to the said mauza was granted to the righteous Gosain Lal Gir as maclad mash by the former rulers, it is herewith granted khaircit in the name of God to Gosain Lal Gir, and that you are all directed not to interfere in any way with the said chak. You should be very .careful in carrying out the above order. Sanad granted by Chaudhri Birsahi, zaminclar of pargana Sanaut and others, Sarkar and Bihar. Seal of Chaucihri Birti hi., 1184. I AM Chaud.hri Birsahi, zamindar of parganas Sanaut and others, Sarkar and S.Gba Bihar. "Whereas mauza ffastipur asnla, pargana Maher, comprising 750 bighas measured by pakk a Id swa, with jalkar, bankar, and tank, &e., in mahal Bodh Gaya was conferred upon Gosain Lal Gir Sannyasi as khairat by the former zamindars, I also allow the above-named property as shira prit to the said Gosain to meet the expenses of sadabarat. That the said Gosain is required to bring the property under cultivation, and appropriate the produce every year and every crop to his own use, and ever pray. Everybody is warned not to interfere with the property. The Hindus to consider its produce as beef and Muhammadans as hararn. Dated the 4th clay of Solar corresponding with Fasli year 1138. Sanad granted by Raja Tirbhuan Zamindar of pargana Sanaut and others, Sarkcir and &ibd Bihar, Seal of Tirbhuan Singh. (SC1.) TIRBHUA-N SINGH, I AM Tirbhuan Singh, zarnindar of pargana &maul and others, Sarkar and Saha Bihar. Whereas mauza 111as t our anda, pargana Maher, comprising 750 bighas of land measured by pakka biswa with jalkar, bcfnkar and tank, &c., in mahal Bodh Gaya was conferred upon Gosain Lal Gir Sannyasi as k.hairat by the former zamindars, I also allow the said property to the above-named Gosain Gir as shiva prU to meet the expenses of sadabarat. That the said Gosain is required to bring the property under cultivation, and to appropriate the produce every year and every crop to his own use, and ever pray. Everybody is warned not to interfere with the property. The Hindus are to consider its produce as beef and Muhammadans as haraln. Dated the 5th Rabiulawal corresponding with 1139 Fasli. Sanad granted by the Diwdn in favour of Gosain. La? Gir. (Sd.) DfwAN SAHfB. BE it known to present and future gumAshtas of Mahabodh Min Am61, pargana, Maher, Saba Bihar, that chak Mastipur, which is attached to the said mauza, was from before given to Gosain Lad G-ir in khairat (charity), I also do allow the same to be given in the name of God. It is therefore hereby ordered that nobody shall interfere with it; and all shall obey as is. hereby ordered. ' ( y) Written on the 18th Ziqad 1118 FasLi, corresponding with the 4th year of the Jalas. (Illegible.) J. C. DICK, g. SiTertntendent. ITLAINAMAH to Mahanth Shiva Gir, holder of mauza.. Gogapur, Mohamda alias Bhagwan-pur, Salaia, Bhanwarbar, Partappur, Gojra, Sagasot, Harha Harhi, Ranasagar, Babhni, Sakhwara uz Rakba Dhondhwa, Bagula, Dharhara, Darbar Telaia and Pesra, in pargana Sherghati and Maher, -and Dhanawan uz Rakbe, Jamra Jatia, called Gulni, in pargana Pahra, Zila Bihar, is as follows :— That letter No. 74, dated the 15th March, 1841, from Mr. Currie, Secretary to the Board of Revenue, in connection with the release of tenures of Asthan Math Bodh Gaya belonging to Mahanth Shiva Gir, addressed. to the Commissioner of Revenue, has been received. Translation of the letter of Mr. Currie, Secretary to the Sadar Board of Revenue, is as follows :— " In reply to your letter No. 1768, dated the 6th Tanuary, in connection with papers herewith annexed, regarding a certain lakhira..j tenure in the akhara. of Sannyasis at Bodh Gaya which were confiscated by the Deputy Collector of Maas Mahal, Zila Bihar, I am directed by the Hon'ble Members of the Sadar Board of Revenue to forward a copy of the Government order No. 260, dated the 23rd March, for your information and guidance." Translation of the letter of His Honour the Governor of Bengal. " His 'Honour the Governor directs that, with regard to the waguzaskt of all the tenures of the akhar6 of Sannyasis at Bodh Gaya mentioned in the 7th paragraph of the letter of the Hou'ble Member of Sadar Board of Revenue, they be informed as follows :—That the jama of every mauza, which is in aggregate Rs. 1,807, be omitted from the rent-roll. On enquiry made in the sarishta and on referring to the registers of khas mahal and the lists received from the office of the Commissioner of Revenue, and the Khasi Deputy Collector, all of which are collected, regarding the tenure belonging to Asthan Math Bodh Gaya, it appears that no list containing the area of lands and dates of their confiscation has been received from the Board in accordance with which orders regarding the release are to be issued, so that this office may not be held responsible for it, it is thought proper that a letter in English be sent to the Hon'ble Board asking to forward a list of the villages belonging to the akhara of Sannyasis at Bodh Gaya, and which are liable to be released. On the receipt of the list referred to above, orders will be issued in due course. For the present the collection of rents of the mahals under settlement be stopped. If Mahanth Shiva Gir executes and files an ikrarnamah to the effect that he will realize all the sums due from persons holding these mahals, equal to the mustijri jama, and no claim shall rest with the Government in connection thereof, and that he will draw from the Government Treasury only the sum equal to what he realizes from the mustajirs, then there shall be no objection to the allowing of these properties to remain in the possession of Mahanth Shiva Gir. But let this also be known that, in case the Government were not to accord its sanction regarding any village from among the villages contained in this list, then that mahal would be taken off from the possession of Mahanth Shiva Gir. Accordingly it is ordered— That a copy of this rubkari be sent to Munshi Azimucldin Hussain, Khan Bah6.dur, Deputy Collector, directing him not to realize the revenue from these, whether summarily or permanently settled villages, which are in the possession of Mahanth Shiva Gir, and also directing him to submit a statement in English and Persian showing the realization of rent of these villages from the date of their being taken in the Maas mahal, either by sir or settlement, in the forms in which previously a statement for a few of the released villages was submitted. A copy thereof with certain alterations is sent herewith, so that on the receipt of the list from the Board of Revenue, it may be submitted to the special auditors. That as soon as Mahanth Shiva Gir files the ardindrnah referred. to above, orders regarding possession over these villages and those under settlement, and also those which are in the possession of others shall be issued. That an itlainamalb containing all the above facts be issued to Mahanth Shiva Gir. That the parwanas of release in the forms prescribed by the Board of Revenue will be issued on receipt of the list applied for. As the villages Babhni and Sakhwara have, under the Board's sanction, been entered in the Collectorate rent-roll, a copy of this rubkari be sent to the Collector of Bihar with the request that he shall not realize the revenue of these villages until further orders of the Board of Revenue. That as the fees of the villages referred to above have not been settled, a copy of this rubkari be sent to Ray Makhan Lal Bahadur, Deputy Collector, directing him not to (8 ) interfere with the completion of the settlement of those villages. Accordingly you have been informed of the facts referred to above. The 10th day of May, 1841, corresponding with 5th Jeth 1248 Fasli, PARSAD, RIAZUDDIN AHMAD, Munshi. (God forgive Um.) Iffuharrir, lifunshikhana, Zila Bihdr. Sanad of Release. BE it known to the present and future mutsaddis, karpardazes, zamindars, talukdars, mustajirs of land measuring 80b. 16k. 11(1h. 8(1h. Gulni, Jarari Jatia, known as uini, which is in the possession of Mahanth Shiva Gir, in pargana Pahra, Zila Bihar, that the above laud was resumed under Regulations II of 1819 and III of 1828 by the Government from the possession of Mahanth Shiva Giri, by order of the .has Deputy Collector, Zila Bihar, dated 17th January, 1840. That from 17th July, 1840, corresponding with 3rd Sravan of 1247 Fasli, it being held liable to revenue, was surveyed under Regulation VII of 1822, under the superintendence of Babu Tigra Narayan Singh, Deputy Collector, Bahadur, appointed for the purpose under Regulation IX of 1833. That on the 26th January, 1841 land measuring 115b. Ha. was permanently settled with Mahanth Shiva Gir, at an annual rental of Rs. 34-0-11. This settlement was to take effect from the beginning of year 1248 Fasli. That Mr. Currie, Secretary to the Board of Revenue's letter No. 74 of 15th March, 1841, with a copy of Government of Bengal's order No. 260, dated 23rd February idem, directing the release of the tenures of the Akhara of Sannyasis at Bodh Gaya, to the address of the Commissioner of Revenue, was received. That the Commissioner's orders regarding the release of the said tenure, together with others contained in the list prepared by. the Khas Deputy Collector Balffilur have been received in this office. Accordingly, as directed by the higher authorities, the tenure in the possession of the Mahanth Shiva Gir has been released in the possession of the said Mahanth. That all of you are directed to release these tenures in the possession of the Mahanth Shiva Gir, and not to raise objection of any sort. That the said Mahanth should appropriate as usual the produce of these tenures towards the performance of noble works, such as sadabarat alms, &c., and to pour blessings on the Government. The 11th day of October, 1841, corresponding with 11th Assin 2nd 1249 Fasli. &noel of release. SYED ABDUL ‘GHA.NI, 1834. J. C. DICK, Off g. Sarishladar. ( Seal of the Offg. Superintendent. Court of Khas Mah6A, Zila Bihar. The contents of this waguzasht is the same as that of the waguzasht of mauza Gulni, metatis mutenths. Kitabi bigha. Khas Inaba] register No. Pargana. Name of ithibal. Date of resumption. Measured bigha. Name of occupant. Date of Government, order. Date on which this sanad was issued. Portinn of Jam-ri Jatia, known as Guliti. 17th January, 1840. 80 6 11 8 Mahant Shiva Gir. 23rd February, 1841, No. 260. 11th October, 1841. 2811 Pabra, SYED ABDUL GHANI, C. DICK, Oily. Sarishtadar. Offg. Superintendent. Kitabi bigha. Iihas register co, Pargana. Name of niahal. Date of resumption. Measured bigha. Name of occupant. Date of Government order, Date on which this sanad was issued. 1427 Sherghati Bhanwar bar 23rd June, 1836 300 0 0 0 420 18 5 10 Mahanth Shiva Gir. 23rd February. 1541, N-. 260. 11th October, 1841. The contents of this waguzasht is the same as that of the waguzasht of mauza rniztatis mutan&s. ( 9 ) Sanad of release. 1834. Seal of the Court of Khas Mahal, Zila Bihar, J. C. DICK, Oft. Superintendent. SYED ABDUL GHANI, Oh. Sarishtadar. 1834. Seal of the Court of Khas Mahal, Zila Bihar. J. C. DICK, Offg. Superintendent. SYED ABDUL GITANI, Offg. Sarishiadar. Sanad of release. Pargana. Date of resumption. Name of mahal. Name of occupant. Measured bigha. Kitabi highs, 930 0 0 0 Mahanth Shiva Gir. Darbar Taliaia 1st June, 1840 and Peers. 2918 Date of Government order. 23rd February, 1841, No. 260. Date on which this sanad is issued. 11th October, 1841. Sherghati Khasi mahal register No. The contents of this waguzasht is the same as that of the waguzasht of mauza G-ulni, onutatis mutandis. Khis Pargana. Name of Date of resumpticm. mahal mahal. register No. 2962 Sherghati Ram Sagar 3rd September, 1839. Measured highs. Name of occupant. Date of Government order. Date on which this sanad was iesued. Kitnbi bigha. 71 0 0 0 Ms hanth Shiva Gir. 23rd February, 1841, No. 260. 11th October 1840. J. C. DICK, Offg. Superintendent. SYED ABDUL GHANI, 0,ffg. Sarisktadar. Sherghfiti 2938 The contents. of this waguzasht is the same as that of the waguzasht of mauza Gulni mutatis mutandis. Sanad of release. Name of mah al. Date of resumption. Measured highs.. Name of occupant. Date of Government order. Date on which this sanad was issued. Kitabi highs. Khas mahal register No. Pargana. Bagula and Dharhara. 8th June, 1840 676 0 0 0 Mahanth Shiva Gir. 23rd February, 1841, No. 260. 11th October, 1841. ( 10 ) Sanad of release. SYED ABDUL GHANI, J. C. DICE, Ogg. Sarislitadar. Ofig. Superintendent. 'Chas mahal register No. Pargana. Date of resumption. Measured bigha. Name of occupant. Date of Government order. Date on which this snuad was issued. Name of Kitabi 2092 Sherghitti Harha Harhi 21st August, 1837. 101 0 0 0 135 8 1 1 Mahantb Shiva Gir. 23rd February, 1841, No. 260. 11th October, 1841. The contents of this waguzasht is the same as that of the waguzasht of mauza Gulni, mutatis miutandisi. Sanad of release. SYED ABDT5L GHANI, J. C. DICK, Offg Sarishtadar. Ogg. Superintendent. Name of mahal. Date of resumption. Measured bigha. Name of occupant, Date of Government order. Date on which this sanad was issued. 'Chas mahal resister Pargana. Kitabi highs. Sherghati Sagasote 14th June, 183 Mahanth Shiva Gir. 23rd February, 1841, No. 260. 31th October, 1841. 2018 500 0 0 0 629 19 17 0 The contents of this waguzasht is the same as that of the waguzasht of mauza Gulni, mututis mutandis. Sanad of release. SYED ABDUL GHANI, 1834. J. C. DICIC, Offg. Sarishladar. Seal of the Offg. Superintendent. Court of Maks Mahal, Zila Bihar. Mitts mahal register 0. Kitabi bigha. Name of mahal, Date of resumption. Measured highs. Name of occupant. Date of Government order. Date on which this sanad was issued. Pargana. 747 Maher Sakhwara 1st September, 1834. 400 0 0 0 413 6 10 3 1511ahanth Shiva Gir. 23rd February, 1841, No. 260. 11th October, 1841, No. 260. The contents of this waguzasht is the same as that of the waguzasht of mauza Gulni, mutatis mutandis. Sanad of release. SYED ABDUL GHANI, j. C. Dic-K, may. Sarishtadar. Off g. Superintendent. Silas Pargana. Name Date of Kitabi Measured Name of occupant. Date of Date on which this sanad was mahal of mahal, resumption. bigha. bigha. Government ' issued. rester order. ^. let September, 200 0 0 0 1834. ahanth Shiva 23rd February, Gir. 1841, No. 260. 747 Maher ... Babhui I•• 137 5 14 8 10 11th October, 1841. The contents of this waguzasht is the same as that of the waguzasht of mauza Gulni, mutatis mutandis. SGnad of release. SYED ABDUL GlIANI, 1834. 3. C. DICK, Sarishtadar. Seal of the Qffg. Superintendent. Court of Khas Mahal Zila Bihar. Name of mahal. Date of resumption. Measured bigha. same of occupant. Date of Government order. Date on which this sanad was issued. Khas mahal register .110. Pargana. Kitabi bigha. 1495 Sherghati Gogapur • • 30th July, 1836 201 0 0 0 596 0 2 2 Mahanth Shiva Gir. 23rd February, 1841, No. 260. 11th October, 1841. The contents of this waguzasht is the same as that of the. waguzasht of mauza mutatis mutandis. Sanad of release. SYED ABDUL GRANT, 1834. 3. C. DICK, Offg. Sarishtadar. Seal of the Offy. Superintendent. Court of Khas Mahal, Zila Bihkr. Khas mahal. register No. Name of mulal. Date of resumption. Measured bigha. Name of. occupant. Date of Government order. Date on which this sanad was issued. Pargana. Kitabi bigha . 2115 Maher ... Portion of Dhond hwa. 7th September, 1837. 121 0 0 0 86 18 2 10 Mahanth Shiva Gir. 23rd February, 1843', No. 260. 11th October. 1841. The contents of this waguzasht is the same as that of the waguzasht of mauza tnutatis mutandis.  ( 12 ) Sanad of release. SYED ABDUL GHANI, J. C. DICK, Ogg. Sarishtadar. Offg. Superintendent. Khas mahal register No. Kitabi bigha, Name of mahal. Date of resumption. Measured Name of occupant. Date of Government order. Date on which this sanad was issued. Pargana. 2019 Sherghati Partappur 14th June, 1837 80 0 0 0 526 0 0 0 Mahanth Shiva Gir. 23rd February, 1811, No. 260. 11th October, 1841. The contents of this waguzasht is the same as that of the waguzasht of mauza Gulni, inUtatis mutandis. Sanad of release. SYED ABDUL GHSNI, Qffg. Sarishiadar. J. C. DICK, Offg. Superintendene. Khas mahal register No. Pargana. Name of mahal. Date of resumption. Measured bigha. Name of occupant. Date of Government order. Date on which this sanad was issued, Kitabi bigha. 1494 Sh erghati Us Mohorn- moda, alias Bhagwanpur, 30th July, 1836 100 0 0 0 139 9 8 0 Mahanth Shiva Gir. 23rd February, 1841, No. 260. 11th October, 1841. The contents of this waguzasht is the same as that of the waguzasht of mauza mutatis mittandis. Sanad of release. SYED ABDUL GHANI, Off g. Sarishtadar. 1834. J. C. Dicx, Seal of the Qffg. Superintendent. Court of Khas Mahal, Zila Bihar. Kitabi bigha. Measured bigha. 225 0 0 0 203 2 13 0 Khas nmandl register Pargana. Name of Date of resumption. No. 2021 Sherghati Salitia ... 14th June, 1837 occupant. Name of Government Date of order. Mahanth Shiva 23rd February, Gir. 1841, No. 260. Date on which this sanad was issued. 11th October, 1841. The contents of this waguzasht is the same as that of the waguzasht of mauza Gulni, in utatis mutandis. ( 13 ) Sanad of release. The contents of this waguzasht is the same as that of the waguzasht of mauza Gulni, inutatis mutandis. By the orders of the Collector and _Magistrate of Gayri District. Seal of the Collector of Gaya. KEMBL E. The righteous Mahanth Hem Narayan Gir, may God preserve you ! Your petition on the subject of repair of roads :at different places in your zamindari at your expense having been put up in the presence of your mukhtars, it is learnt that as you have repaired_ them at your expense for the use of the public, and do not deem it proper tc recover the expenses from the Government I, on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen-Empress, may prosperity remain with Her, convey to you an expression of thanks for this act of benevolence, and hope that during your time such like benevolent works will be executed. The 24th day of September 1880. Written by Nand Kishor La/. 1834. Seal of the Court of Maas Mahal, Zila Bihar. J. C. DICK, Offg. Superintendent. SYED ABDUL GHANI, Offg. Sarishtadar. Measured bigha. Name of occupant. Kitabi bigha. Dhandwan 562 12 3 10 Mahant Shiva ir. 23rd February, 1841, No. 260. 11th October, 1841. 2194 Pahra . 22nd January,1 615 0 0 0 1833. 1834. Seal of the Court of lihas Mahal, Zila Bihar. J. C. Dicic, Oj7g. Superintendent, SYEp ABDUL GHANI, Offg. Sarishtadar. 200 0 0 0 123 4 17 10 ' The contents of this waguzasht is the same as that of the waguzasht of mauza Gulni, tnutatis mutandis. Sanad of release. 2017 Fergana. Shergbati. Name of mahal. Gojra Date of resumption. 14th June, 1837 Measured bigha. Name of occupant. Mahant Shiva Gir. Date of Government order. 23rd February, 1841, No. 260. Date on which this sanad was issued. 11th October, 1841. Sitabi bigha. ••• Khas mahal register No. Pargana. Name Date of resumption. of mahal. Date of Government order. Date on which this sanad was issued. Khas rnahAl register No. ( 14 ) GEORGE MARTENS, Superintendent. Proceedings of the Court of the Superintendent of Kh6s Mahkl, Zila Shahabad, dated the 2nd day of April, 1841, corresponding with the 26th day of Ohait 1248 Fasli, Friday. PRESENT : George Martens, Esq., Superintentent of Khas Mahal, Shahabad. Read Secretary to the Government of Bengal's letter No. 207, dated. 23rd February, 1841, on the subject of the release of mahal Antaria, pargana Chainpur. Under direction contained in the Secretary to the Government of Bengal's No. 639, dated 17th April, 1839, the above mahal having been permanently settled at an annual rental of Rs. 267-15-8, were entered in the Collectorate Tauzi, and as the necessary steps regarding the release are to be taken in Collector's Court, it is ORDERED That a copy of the proceeding, with a copy of the letter above referred to, be forwarded to the Collector of this district, with the request that he will take the necessary steps to release the mahal. ORDERED That parwanas to the record-keepers and tauzi navis directing them to strike off the • mahal from the tauzi, and also a parwana to the tahsili muharrir directing him not to realize the revenue, be issued. The 12th April, 1841. J. SANDYS, Collector. RAM NARAYAN SINGH, Org. .alb Sarishtadar. No. 630, dated Calcutta, the 22nd February, 187G. From—R. L. MANGLES, ESQ., OfEg. Secy. to the Govt. of Bengal, Judicial Dept., To—The Registrar, High Court. I Am directed to state, for the information of the Hon'ble Judges, that the Lieutenant-Governor has been pleased to grant to the Mahanth Hem Narayan Gir, of Bodh Gaya, the privilege of exemption from personal attendance in the Civil Courts under the provisions of section 22, Act VIII of 1859. 2. The requisite notification will be published in the Calcutta Gazette. No. 631, dated Calcutta, the 26th February, 1876. Memo. by—J. CRAWFORD, ESQ., Under-Secy. to the Govt. of Bengal, Judi. Dept. COPY forwarded to the Commissioner of Patna Division, for information. No. 428R., dated Bankipore, the 26th February, 1876. Memo. by—BABu D. G. BANERJ1, Personal Assistant to Commissioner. COPY forwarded to the Collector of Gaya for information, and communication to the Mahanth. No. 1501, dated Gay6, the 29th February, 1876. Memo. by—H. G. SHARP, ESQ., Deputy Collector, for Collector. COPY forwarded to Mahanth Hem Narayan Gir, of Bodh Gaya, for information. BY command of His Excellency the Viceroy and Governor-General this certificate is presented in the name of Her Most Gracious Majesty Victoria, Empress of India, to Mahanth Hem N arayan Gir of Bodh Gaya, in the district of Gaya, in recognition of his liberality during the scarcity and the invaluable assistance he has given to the authorities when called upon. The 1st Januar, 1877. RICHARD TEMPLE. ( 15 ) Certificate presented to Mahanth Hem Narayan Gir of Bodh Gaya, district Gay6, in the name of the Empress of India. The 1st January, 1877. No. 3440, dated Calcutta, the 19th July, 1880. From—H. M. KISCH, ESQ., Under-Secy. to the Government of Bengal, Judicial, Political, and. Appointment Departments, To—The Commissioner of the Patna Division. I AM directed to forward for your information the accompanying copy of a notification, dated the 19th of July, 1880, containing the names of landholders and members of Municipal Committees in Lower Bengal of approved loyalty and good position, who not being otherwise exempted from the prohibitions and directions contained in sections 13 to 16 of the Indian Arms Act, 1878, are now exempted under clause 10 of paragraph (one) I of the Notification of the Government of India in the Home Department, No. 518, dated the 6th March, 1879, from the operations of all prohibitions and directions contained in those sections of the Act, other than those referring to common articles desigued for torpedo service, war rockets, and machinery for the manufacture of arms and ammunition. 2. The Lieutenant-Governor requests that a copy of the notification may be forwarded to each District and Subdivisional Magistrate in your Division, and that the necessary communication may be made to those gentlemen in your Division whose names are entered in the :dotification. No. 220J.Cir., dated Bankipore, the 2nd August, 1880. Memo. by—BABu D. G. BANERJI, Personal Assistant to Commissioner. COPY, together with an extract from the list, forwarded to the Magistrate of Gaya for information, and communication to the person concerned. No. 1739Cir., dated Gaya, the 9th August, 1880. Memo. by—E. BARTON, ESQ., Offg. Magistrate. Gory forwarded to Mahanth Hem Narayan Gir, of Bodh Gaya, for information. NOTIFICATION. POLICE, Dated Calcutta, the 19th July, 1880. UNDER. paragraph I, clause 10 of the Notification of the Government of India in the Home Department, dated the 10th March, 1879, His Excellency the Governor-General in Council has been pleased to exempt all landholders and members of Municipal Committees of approved loyalty and good position from the operation of all prohibitions and directions contained. in sections 13, 14, 15, and 16 of the Indian Arms Act, 1878, other than those referring to common articles designed for torpedo service, war rockets, and machinery for the manufacture of arms and ammunition. In accordance with the provisions of clause 10 of paragraph I of the aforesaid notification, the following list of landholders and members of Municipal Committees of approved. loyalty and good position not otherwise exempted from the prohibitions and directions contained in sections 13 to 16 of the Arms Act, 1878, is hereby issued by the Lieutenant-Governor. Extract from a list of landholders and members of Municipal Committees, exempted from the prohibition against going armed, and possessing arms without licenses. District. Name. Quali fl cation. Landholder. Mahant Hem Narayan. Gir, Bodh Gaya-• e• ••. •40 Gaya ( 16 ) No. 621, dated Calcutta, the 25th March, 1881. To —MAHANT ITEM NARAYAN GIR, of Bodh From—HoltAcE A. CocKERELL, ESQ., Secretary to the Government of Bengal, Judicial, Political and Appointment Departments, I AM directed by the Lieutenant-Governor to convey to you an expression of his thanks for the assistance offered by you in connection with the preservation works which are being executed in the old temple at Bodh Gaya. Copy of a memorandum recorded by H. R. H. Prince Dainrong, Siam. I DESIRE to put on record my warm appreciation of the courteous and hospitable reception given to me by Mahant Krishna Dayal Gir on the occasion of my visit to Bor.Ih. Gaya, But, however acceptable are such acts of personal courtesy and good feeling, the great interest and pleasure of my visit has been the sight of a place and of its surroundings which are held in reverence and honour by every Buddhist, as well as by many who by profession are not Buddhists, and the evidence which I have seen on all sides that, in the hands of their present guardians, all is being done that care and devotion can do to preserve and hand down to future generations these priceless monuments of the history and of the religion of so many millions of the human race. DAMRONG, Prince of Siam. List of immoveable property belonging to the Math of Bodh Gaya, District Ger yd. I Serial nun Road and public works ceases. Gross rental. Districts. Pargana. Name of property. Sadar jams. Dk cess. REMARKS, 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 81 53 36 37 3S 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 52 53 5-5 56 57 54 59 Gaya ••• Do. Do. .•• Do. ... Shahabad.... Gaya Do. Do. •.1 Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do, Do. Do. Do. Do. Do, Do. Do. Do, Do. Do. Do. ••• Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. ••• • •• Do. Do. Do. Do. Do, De, Do. DI. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. ••• Do. ..• ••• ••• ••• 0•• ••• ••• ••• • •• • •• ••• ••• • •• Maher •14 Do. ••. Shergluiti Ditto Chainpur Sherghdti Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Sanaut •... Pachrukhi... Maher ... Do. Do. Ito. Do. Do. Po. Do. ••• Do. ••• 1)o. ••• ••• Do. ••• Do. Do. 1,1 ••• ••• Rs. P. ••• ••• Rs. A. P. ••• •• • • •• Rs. A. P, I •• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• • • • ••I ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• 111 ••• ••• • • • • •• Rs. A. P. 900 4 6 230 15 0 231 8 0 315 0 0 45 0 0 75 0 0 148 0 0 67 3 9 76 0 3 14) 11 6 325 0 0 355 15 88 4 3 2u7 0 3 52 7 0 348 13 9 2,5 7 0 152 4 3 122 8 0 43 0 0 43 4 3 16 10 9 33 2 3 48 7 0 27 15 3 43 0 0 75 0 0 15 1 6 226 10 9 33 9 0 9 13 6 8 6 6 6 0 0 5 8 0 15 0 0 21 0 0 17 0 0 63 0 0 51 12 3 38 12 0 35 0 0 36 0 0 30 7 0 71 0 0 7510 0 235 3 0 451 14 3 75 0 0 131 0 0 16 0 0 100 0 ) 19 0 0 50 0 0 51 0 0 131 11 0 41 0 0 16 0 0 25 0 0 No fixed income. Lakhiraj. Di:to. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto, Ditto. Ditt Ditto. The great Mahthodhi temple, together with tank, the peepiil tree, and of the holy shrines and spots within its ambit, situated in mauza Mastipur Taraoih. Masai Dur ant Taradih ••• ... Mauza Ram Sagar Bagula ... ... •• ••• Dharahra Khurd ... JP Ataria .•• ••• Ram Sagar „, .- IP Ilardaspur ... ••• ••• ••• $., Savasot ... ••• 21 Gojra -. .42 1.4 Harlin Harhi ... ... ,, Mohammad a aZias Bhagwanpur 21 Bhan war liar .. .., ... •• Gogapur ... -. •• Shahbiizpur ... •.. •• Pertappur ,.. — „ Salaia, ••• ••• ,.. •• Rajan .•• 17 Ram Sagar Peers .., ••• PI „ Tolaia ,,, „ liharagpur (half) .., ,, (Jhak Thawai •• .•• At azi in niatiza Sonhathy ••• „ Pandea, inaduza. Pandea -• Chak Pandea. Khan:ars .., ... ,.. ArHzi iiiraj Chak in manes Rondwa ... •• Dumri Duinra, Nowaclih in mauza Chuabar. Arazi Path,,k 1:liak in mauza Sinduar... •• Jaina..r.ar in mauza Qhog,wa ... •• Budi in iiiauza Wari .., ..... „ Darbar ••• ••• ••• ••• ••I ••• ••• ... . •• Pandea Khairat in ina,nzaPandea •• Majhar in ',aura Chuabar ... i, Bakara in maim, Rondwa ... •• Duhobar in mann. Duhobar ... 12 Maitza Majhar in mauza Majhar 11 Joribigha in mauza Khz.iira ... •• .- - lluqars.,bda ... ... ... 32 Sa.leiiipur... ... ••• °kik Sawai in mauza Amaioot ... Araz:. Gangi in ma.tiza. Ghogsva ... ... •• Natha in mauza N ... ... Ketiari in taluka Pankerdih Malahri. Arazi Ramdhan Bigha in mauza Dharampur. DPNVI'i in mauza Khaira ... .. Deo,tharpur with the tank at Tekari and Arazi Lao. „ Gazipur ,„ .•• ••• Mauza Babhni .. _. ... •• S9khwara , - ... .. -. Arazi Birabandli in mauza Mankosi ... •• De, dharpur Ghoghwa ... IP Kitrurndih in mauza Antia ... •• Bari liagh with Alath Maltang,i and in maura, Ac., Bakror. •• Girclhari high in mauza, Bakror Of PrOrM, ghat in Marin .13andhua. •• Ainawan iii inauza •1 in, wan. .. IP 31MI:lbOdh it manes Mallabodh Dliondhwa Li manes Dhondhwa 13agoitar in mauza Dharamour„, PP liadhuram Bigha in mauza Mora. ( 17 ) Serial number Road and public works ceases. Pauzi num- ber. Badar jams,. Gross rental. Parma. Districts. Name of property. Dik oess. B.,133LA.RKS. Rs. A. P. f Ks. A. P., A. P. Its. A. P. Arazi Dahria bigha with Math, &c., in manse Mababodh. Arazi in several plot in mauza Mocha-rim Katorwa Ratanpura in mahil Ladu. Maher Gaya 60 • 5 0 • • • B. K. D. DH. • 75 14 0 0 ... 35 0 0 0 ... 87 10 0 0 • 65 0 0 0 ... 62 7 0 0 60 3 0 0 ,., 58 16 2 0 66 0 0 0 ... 15 0 0 0 1st plot measuring 2nd „ ,, 3rd „ TP 4th „ 77 5th „ PP 6th „ 97 7th „ 77 8th „ ,, 9th „ 11 1 Do, ••• 61 0. 664 0 0 • • • • • • • • 525 10 2 0 Do. •• Pahra Sberghati Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Soorajpur Bardiha Dhanawan 62 Do. 63 Do. 64 Do. 65 Do. 66 Do. 67 Do. 68 Do. 69 Do. 7e Do. an Do. 72 Do. 73 Do. 74 Do. 75 Do. 76 Do. 77 Do. 78 Do. 79 Do. 80 Do. Si Do. 82 Do. 83 Do. 84 Do. 85 Do. 86 Do. 87 Do. 88 Do. 89 Do. 90 Do. 91 Do. 92 Do. 93 Do. 94 Do. 95 Do. 96 Do. 97 Do. 98 Do. 99 Do. 100 Do. 101 Do. 102 1.ba. 103 Do. 104 Do. 105 Do. 106 Do. 107 Do. 108 Do. 109 Do. 110 Do. 111 Do. 112 Do. 113 Do. 114 Do. 115 Do. 116 Do. 16 8 0 621 2 0 125 0 0 600 0 0 301 0 0 168 0 0 63 0 0 300 0 0 781 0 0 292 3 3 230 4 9 1,158 6 0 663 15 0 232 15 6 131 0 01 407 0 0 440 8 3 38 15 6 173 4 6 178 6 0 152 10 9 ••• *i34 4706 4104 4624 4.416 4764 4568 4814 4674 4672 4521. 4452 4374 4674 4730 4581 4711 4508 4674 4674 • • • •• • • • • • ••• ••• Rondwa 4 annas • •• • 44-.0 0 187 12 0 150 8 0 60 10 0 26 4 0 156 12 0 236 13 0 609 9 0 78 0 0 211 4 0 380 12 0 •• 609 9 0 93 9 0 236 13 0 21 5 0 74 14 0 609 9 0 609 9 0 603 9 0 609 9 0 609 9 0 95 0 0 609 9 0 609 9 0 11. 15 0 12 15 0 18 3 0 5 15 0 12 8 0 135 9 0 130 0 0 15 0 0 • • • Nizamat. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. • •• . ••• ••. Manse Siuduar, 10 annas 8 pi ft... .- ,, Manse Math Bumair .„ -. 71 Ledhi ••• ••. ••• 99 Ifdai Khop ••. ••• .4 ,, LThaialNarajzahra .., P •.. •.. ••• — ••• P. 19 Mans& Bigha Palehar .., • • I Pathra alias Pa6hal Garh ••• Mauza Dadoobarma . ••• ••• ,, Bela Mardiha, ... ,, Hasanpur in manse Pindra ••• IP Chatur& Khap ,, ..• •.• — Saracla, 10 minas share ... 12 KurmawSu •• Sahno •• — JP . ,.. .•. CRboasuiri5, Bigha .4.. r. /,— — . 4 ,, Bija ... ••. all • •• ••• • • • • • • ••• •if ••• ••• • • I • • • • • • ••• ••• • ••• • • • • • I ••• • • • • •• r • • • •• ••• ••• • • I ••• • • • 1.. • •• ••• ••• Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto 4674 4674 4674 4.520 4671 4674 4587 4687 4727 4548 Kubalat Pindra ... ..• Suraundha ... .... ... Kalaua... ••• ••• Da-khin Khap ... Palehat Pindra and others - Kurnmdita, 6 annas 4 pies , .. — Jhajh .•• ••• ••• ••• Suggi —.•• ••• •., Bundabigha, half •in mauza Jhalor. Gambhira. Let Binda, 4 annas... Turi Kalan ..,.. .„ -. Turi Khurd „ ••• MMaaiikkPDuriha ... •., ••• ••• .•• ••• Ratra .- .. .. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto, Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. 300 0 0 24413 0 33 0 0 246 14 0 109 2 3 501 0 0 55 0 0 36 7 6 33 0 0 38 0 0 •44 17 9 71 77 97 /•• • •• • •• ••• • I ••• • • • ••• ••• • •• ••• • • • • • • • • • ••• • • • ••. •• • ••• Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Maher Do. Do. 4432 3228 3289 3159 85 0 380 9 339 11 200 0 3,-.P1 0 1,014 0 24 1 9 11 89 2 90 2 229 6 6-5 0 12,222 8 1,516 720 • • • 0 3 7 0 0 0 6 3 6 0 0 0 6 5 9 2 3 65 0 0 551 0 0 217 0 0 2255 40 00 180 4 3 64 5 3 565 0 0 45 0 0 I 0 3 0 9 0 ••• 91 77 91 13 37 11 75 13 77 17 71 /7 39 77 72 23 79 13 13 77 ••• • • • ••• ••4 • •• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• Gopal Kera, ••, ••• •.. Goat alias Dail& ... Piprahi .. ... ••• Lalpur ••• ••• Madar • • 4 •• • jamuni — .. Paharpur— .. .- Danariehatti Gohra Bharay ... . .. Ghanto • ••• Baraila Let Dunari ..Kala'n Bagahi Khurd ... Rajaandha. • ... ... •4I Raja Bigha, 4 annas share Parsawan ... ••• ••• Neotapur ... ... .1 Jagarnathpur •. ••• .... Chakmian bigha in mauza jar-garnathpur. Poe Khas — ... .. Zindapur 13z Rakha Diawan•., ••• Dumri Kahn alias Raghopur ,.. • • • •• ••• ••• • I ..1 ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• •• • •• • • • • • • ••• ••• • • 1. • • • ••• I • • ••• ••• • • • • • • •• • •• •• • ••• • • ••• •• ..1 • •fi ••• • • I ••• •• ••• •• Do. Do. Do. Do. Haveli Bihar Ditto Maher Do. Do. Do. Do. Pahr4 Maher Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Patna Do. Gaya Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 12.1 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 1,055 0 133 12 75 0 319 7 4,200 0 500 0 1,737 0 49 0 36 0 125 0 61 0 7,249 7 81 0 49 0 1,36!13 257 14 35 0 165 0 2,616 12 151 0 642 0 79 15 245 0 429 6 293 7 101 0 ••• ••4 • • • • • • 77 • • • •. 1,834 3 0 137 12 0 ••• 247 634 ••• • • • •• • 7 1 • • • ,, Salempur Deokali ... . „ Pandaria in mahal Ladu ... Arazi Pandaria in mahal Laths.- „ Kulbaura ... ... — PI Antis, Pandaria ••• ” Dhoodhwa ••• ••, ••• Manse Kendua Ithiriawan ... 0. Arazi Paranpur in mahal Am awan Jsgarnathpur in Aniawan •. Pidasin ,, ••• •• — „ Mocharitn known as Sripur „ Bhanadina ... — ,, Teora in mahal Ladu khas ••• Matas, Ladu khas .., ... ••4 IP Genre, half ... ... — , Antis, 7 annas share •. Arazi Chao ... ,.. .. ••. „ Makhdumpur .., ••. Mania 11 tja, Bigha Dhnba ... „ 8ohjana ... ,.. ... ... Arazi Dumri in mauza Budhaul Gortor-wa in Ladu. Manse Budhaul Gortorwa in mauza Ladu Arazi Jarhari .., — •.• 27 Gariawan ... — „ Mocharirn ... ... ••• Mania Rajbar Parsowni ... ••• — Arazi Bagwanpur ... ... .. „ Rampur ... ' ... ••• Mania Diawan .•• ••• 7/ Khaira . • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 9 0 6 6 0 Mukarari Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto, Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. • • • ••• • • • • • • 4 •• • •• • • • • • • •• • • ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • ••• •• • •• ••• ••• ••• •• • •• ••• ••• •• • ••• ••• • • ••• •• • • • • • • •• • • • • • • ••• •• 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. ••• •• • ••• 610 0 0 161 0 0 41 0 0 41 3 0 ],270 0 0 105 8 0 230 14 9 1,856 10 6 59 2 6 ••• ••• ••• ••• • • • ••• ••• ••• ••• • •• •• • ••• ••• ••1 ••• ••• • •• • • • ••• •• • ••• • • • • • • • • • • ••• ( 18 ) Serial number. Tauzi ber. Road and public works cesses. Districts. Pargana. Name of property. Sadar jama. D (1,k c es s, Gross rental. REMARKS. 152 Gaya .•• 153 Do. 154 Do. .•. 355 Raz iim.bagh. 156 Ditto 157 Ditto 156 Ditto 159 Ditto 160 Ditto 161 Ditto 162 Ditto 163 ....•• 164 1(55 •• • i• 167 165 . ..... 160 ....•• 270 •—•• 171 172 173 174 175 Snrguja 176 177 178 179 360 ...••• 181 .. • 182 163 184 135 188 187 Surguja 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 395 ... 196 Snrguja. 397 1)010 196 Ditto 199 Ditto ... 200 Ditto 201 Sliallabad 202 Hat rtiril~agla 203 Patna 204 G aya 2tiT 2 13 207 208 2o9 210 , 211 ••• , • 212 Maher Do. Do. Dant gar and 'Mai... Ditto Ditto Ditto ••• Ditto Ditto ••• Ditto ••• Ditto ••• ••• ..• Clttai ••• Surguja and Jaspur Surguja and Jaspur 1. 1. • • Surg uj a and Jaspur Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto ••• Cllainpur Toth Patna, •.• Sherghati Maki or PahrSa Slierghdti ..... Pahra. Slither Arazi Pipra in mania 31a,khdumpur .. Manza, Tutnia ... ... ... ... Arazi Mora ttatnara, alias Gaugabigha Mania Kirani — .., — ••. 72 1)hGb0 ••• • • I 11 Tetaria — ,, Slierpur ..• .... ,, Sonbarsa 1.• Amin ••• ••• ••• 2 3 li hn gwanpur ... r•• 11 ,, Simaria ... 9.. C-'osaindih •.• 77 73 Banka — •.. ••. ,, Bfilgara .„ ..„ ,„ ,.. Narcha Khairat half, and mauza Narcha Kalan. ,, Dariapur, mania Guri, Khariat Narelia half. Mania Lalkishnn clink, Ichak — „ Banian land, Selodhar ... • „ Banian bandh ... ,, Pachinahla ... ••• ra. taut._ Ai:a zi CA.111,,attg ••• .., ... in mania Chatra Ma:Liza Sa.if pur „ ... ••• Khajuri ••• ... LT dar Sahi — Jamathi ••• ••• ••• Alauza, Umko Bakaspur •.. „.. Chainpur ••• .• ,, 1\r, unera, ...,., ,, :, Sirkotanga ... — „,„ ••• Soni ••• Dips. Dih III ii, 71 ••• .„ 75 Largi •• ,5 ... 77 Jabra, — ••• 17 ASiiiisitialli 100 • • • Bata •., ••. Chhichhli ••• Bodi•••• 23 • • • Deanna Bajur Suta ••• 5, Souctina S Mau to ... 17 Bodi 23 Sanwahi 5, ••• alora 22 ••• 55 Korja ••• Sari ails . • . Joari •.• Damodar ..• •.. Arazi Lohanipur with arazi Hoghalpa ra. Mania Akhay khap ••• ••, ,, Shiva Rajpur, 8 arenas „. Arazi 21 high-is in mania Mocharim „ Bhojo Bight „, ..• „ Elam Dulara Mauna ehak Gobaria ..• ••• Bhat Bighit I.Tz Rakba, Sa,tia Jamdi, known as Gulni Bodil Giiyd 65k bungalow ••• RS. A. P.' Rs. A. 2.1 Rs. A. P. 125 0 0 275 0 0 13 8 0 51 10 0 175 0 0 33 0 0 52 0 0 175 0 0 217 1 0 96 12 0 110 6 9 401 0 0 241 0 0 74 6 0 412 6 0 407 7 9 150 10 0 151 0 0 45 0 0 67 0 6 41 1) 0 7 7 0 275 0 0 407 0 0 167 0 0 46 0 0 235 0 0 41 0 0 61 0 0 61 0 0 61 0 0 30 0 0 176 0 0 48 0 0 160 0 0 126 0 0 82 0 0 11 0 0 125 0 0 105 0 0 125 0 0 50 0 0 33 0 0 170 0 0 10 0 0 32 0 0 401 0 0 101 0 101 0 0 (301 0 0 175 0 0 37 0 0 38 15 6 250 0 0 125 0 0 75 0 0 65 0 0 115 0 0 125 0 0 290 0 8 0 0 • • • • •• • .* •• • • • •• • ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• 4403 ••• Rs. A. P. • • . • • • • •• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• 20-3 0 ..1 ••• ••• ••• •1• ••• • I•• ••• ••• • •• ••• ••• ••• ••• • ••• ••1 ••• ••• ••• •• 1 ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• •• ••• ••• • • • • •• ..• 1.. Mukarari. Bit, o. Ditto. Lakhi' Dia Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto, Ditto. Ditto. Lhkhirrij. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Nizatuat. rdikhiraj. Jagir. R. D. Bp.-Reg. No. 1834J— 528 —16 3 .'3. 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