STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF STATE Opportunities FOR New Enterprises Including Manufacturing, Mercantile, Professional and Miscellaneous Business Pursuits IN THE State of Washington Compiled and Issued by the STATE BUREAU OF STATISTICS AND IMMIGRATION I. M. HOWELL, Sec. of State, Ex-Officio Commissioner H. F. GILES, Deputy Commissioner OLYMPIA, WASH. : FRANK M. LAMBORN PUBLIC PRINTER IIP® ft V*w"v mm:, 4 . \ . . - . ■ \ . . v *4+* , * J, r ' ' ' f t S. / > . ' . _ * y * * . . ; • . <* *&'■ \ * . ' V, ' ? % ,v ]RI» . $- "> A * ">* ^ ' •» I* • >STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF STATE FOR New Enterprises Including Manufacturing, Mercantile, Professional and Miscellaneous Business Pursuits IN THE State of Washington Compiled and Issued by the STATE BUREAU OF STATISTICS AND IMMIGRATION I. M. HOWELL, Sec. of State, H. F. GILES, Ex-Officio Commissioner Deputy Commissioner OLYMPIA, WASH. : FRANK M. LAMBORN PUBLIC PRINTERINTRODUCTION. GENERAL CONDITIONS. The following pages represent the first effort on the part of the State of Washington to offer in compact form information regarding the openings for new industrial and business enterprises in the various communities. No agricultural, mining, or fishing pursuits are enumerated as they have been discussed in other publications. Opportunities to engage in successful farming abound in every part of the state; the mountainous regions are full of undeveloped mining prospects, and the waterfront regions show thousands of men working at some branch of the fishing industry. Publications setting forth the advantages for entering into these include “Dairying, Poultry and Stock Raising’5 and “The Homeseekers5 Guide to the State of Washington,55 copies of which will be forwarded upon request to those desiring them. PURPOSE OF PUBLICATION. The main object of this pamphlet is to mention the cities, towns and villages that have made requests for new manufacturing or business enterprises of any sort. Opportunities for professional men in some branches are also enumerated, although no emphasis was laid upon such lines when gathering the information so that the lists given probably represent only a few of the places where such openings could be found. LIST NOT EXHAUSTIVE. It is not to be supposed that the lists given are exhaustive in any branch as it would be practically impossible for this bureau to make such a careful survey of the entire field that it could safely assert that no other chances exist. This would be true both for the number of places wanting new enterprises and for the number of new enterprises requested by any particular town. The same can be said also regarding the certainty of all places mentioned to offer ideal locations for the industries requested, for thorough investigation of each case would have con-In the State of Washington 3 stituted a stupendous task for this bureau or any other agency. On the other hand such a procedure was unnecessary as it was realized at the outset that no party would surely go to the extent of investing money without careful personal investigation. This publication, therefore, is in the nature of a guide or suggestion to the investor rather than absolute and unquestionable information. Combined with the ordinary care usually exerted in hunting down chances to engage in one’s favorite vocation, the ideas given will probably be helpful. NEIGHBORING TOWNS. In studying these lists it will be seen that sometimes a number of places not far apart are asking for the same enterprise. It is not always possible that such an enterprise could be supported at once in every place. Such requests, however, coming from different towns in the same locality, offer evidence that at least one such industry is needed somewhere in one of the towns of the neighborhood. The establishment of it in one place might obviate the need of it in one or more others. It should also be stated that in considering any of the enterprises enumerated, practically none of the places have any industries at present corresponding to the ones requested. Wherever the contrarv is the case, that fact is noted on the same %/ * page. MANUFACTURING. Considering the rapid increase of our population, the quantity and variety of our raw material, the abundance and easy means of transportation, and the cheapness of water and steam power, it is a wonder that our manufacturing is not greater and more varied. Nevertheless, a change is taking place as the opportunities for success become more evident. The value of our manufacturing products in 1899 was only $70,831,000. Yet in ten years it had grown to $220,746,000, an increase of 211.6 per cent, which was larger than any other state producing $18,000,000 worth in 1899. Development is still taking place, so that our annual manufacturing product now would probably amount to approximately $300,000,000.4 Opportunities for New Enterprises Altogether 716 different requests for enterprises are made, 387 of which are for manufacturing plants representing almost every line conceivable. Among the most prominent are those relating to the fruit, dairying, and lumber industries. Pertaining to the first, there are 79 fruit and vegetable canneries asked for, 6 cider and vinegar plants, 18 box factories, 11 plants for fruit preserving, and 1 for manufacturing fruit syrup. Relating to dairying, there are 53 creameries requested, 11 cheese factories, and 16 condenseries. Belonging to lumbering 40 saw mills, 13 shingle mills and 4 planing mills are wanted. These requests are not remarkable when it is known that the three industries mentioned are three of the leading ones of the state. In lumber manufacture it leads all other states in the Union, the total yearly output amounting to about four billion feet, while its fruit product runs toward $15,000,000 yearly. The total value of the vegetable product is unknown, but nearly every farming locality produces in profusion all vegetables common to a temperate zone. Where so much fruit and vegetables are raised and the acreage is continually increasing, it must stand to reason that, although vast quantities are shipped, still there would be large amounts going to waste unless canneries and miscellaneous plants for various by-products were supplied. DAIRYING CHANCES GOOD. Washington is considered one of the best dairying states in the Union, not so much on account of the quantity which it now produces as in the adaptability of every part for carrying on the industry. To be sure millions of dollars worth of dairy mJ products are shipped in yearly; but that is partially because our cities have grown faster than the country has developed, and also because in some localities easier and larger profits have been secured from other lines. In whatever loealitv it has made headway, there are required creameries and condenseries. At the present time there are in the state 199 creameries, and 13 condenseries. Inconvenient some of these may be for certain lo-calities; hence the request made for others.In the State of Washington 5 OTHER MANUFACTURING PLANTS. Twenty-one flouring mills are asked for, chiefly by towns located in the big wheat raising sections. Wheat is the biggest product of Washington lands, the annual production running close up to the fifty-million bushel mark. Other important plants requested are 16 brick and tile plants to utilize the great deposits of clay that underlie the many regions, 7 salmon canneries, 7 clam canneries, and 7 wood pulp factories. MISCELLANEOUS. For mercantile pursuits 100 requests are made. They include 34 general stores, 19 drug stores and 10 meat markets. Ten of the drug stores requested are for drug store and physician combined, leaving 9 requests for drug stores alone. There seem also demands for 40 hotels besides a number of resorts, sanitariums and apartment houses; 22 blacksmith shops, 13 banks, and 5 newspapers are also requested, while the remainder are made up of various neighborhood industries. POPULATION. Many of the mercantile and miscellaneous industries enumerated are needed on account of the rapid growth of the state’s population and especially because small settlements are everywhere springing up with the development of the farming communities. The day has gone when the farmer is willing to travel many miles in order to buy the groceries that can be carried by a neighboring store. It should be remembered that this state led all others in percentage of population increase during the decade from 1900 to 1910. From all appearances a parallel increase is still taking place, for although the census report for 1910 credits the state with 1,141,990, the latest estimates by the U. S. Bureau of the Census, July 1, 1914, gives 1,407,865. In the tabulated description, two population figures are sometimes given for each town requesting new industries, one the 1910 Census report, if the town was incorporated at that time, and the other a local estimate made by some authoritative6 Opportunities for New Enterprises person in each community. For this latter figure no responsibility can be assumed by this Bureau. It is given as the best evidence obtainable, other than actual count, of the population in those towns at the present time. With the general rapid growth of the whole state, it is more than likely that ea ch of these vicinities would be getting a share of the increase. RURAL POPULATION. It may appear that the population of any certain place is very small and will cause one to wonder how the industry requested could be maintained. A plausible explanation would be that there is often a large rural population in the immediate vicinity that helps in the support of the town’s industries. Particularly is this true of the usual mercantile establishments and the small neighborhood industries such as blacksmith shops, laundries, etc. Another explanation is that although certain villages are small and comparatively insignificant at present, the chances for immediate growth are splendid. For instance, the little town of Manson with a population of about 150, asks for a hardware, a drug store, a general store, and cannery. Six thousand acres of rich irrigated land, however, tributary to the town and just coming into bearing, will soon be enough to support a population of as many people. Careful investigation will reveal similar conditions in other localities. RAW MATERIAL AND POWER. On the other hand many manufacturing industries reckon for their success not the population but the plentifulness of raw material, power to run the plant, and transportation facilities. Whether these suffice or not can easily be found out in each case. The tabulated descriptions beginning on page 9 show the general means of transportation, while the kind of raw material available is evident from the resources mentioned. The presence of water power in each instance can not be told in this pamphlet. Yet the state as a whole, on account of its many mountain streams, ranks among the first in total amount unharnessed. Figures given out by the Department ofIn the State of Washington 7 Engineering of the University of Washington estimate the maximum available water power, not including the Snake River, as 13,125,000 H. P. if generated regardless of cost. CAPITAL. Just how much capital is required to start an enterprise, naturally depends on a number of conditions of which the prospective investor would be the best judge. The man who understands a particular line of business will have his own ideas of what it costs to engage in his own sphere of activity where conditions are normal. The figures given in the list are valuable only as an estimate by some responsible person living in the locality in which the starting of an enterprise is contemplated. The capital required for starting a banking corporation is fixed by law. No private banks are permissible; present private banks being required to incorporate before June 1, 1915. The minimum capital required is as follows, proportioned according to the population of the city, town or community, excepting that trust companies may organize in cities having less than 25,000 inhabitants for $50,000.00 capital, and in cities of less than 10,000 for $25,000.00 capital. MINIMUM CAPITAL FOR BANKS. Population Minimum Capital Less than 1,000 ................................ $10,000.00 1.000- 2,000 .............................. 15,000.00 2.000- 3,000 .............................. 20,000.00 3.000- 5,000 .............................. 25,000.00 5.000-10,000 ............................. 30,000.00 10.000-25,000 ............................. 50,000.00 25.000-50,000 ............................. 75,000.00 Over 50,000 .................................... 100,000.00 BONUSES. Although there are undoubtedly some places where bonuses would be gladly put up by the citizens for the aid of new enterprises, no pains were taken to discover them. It is believed that the chances for success will usually be found good enough without help of that nature. Two offers of considerable importance are $40,000 by Centralia for starting a hotel, and five free8 Opportunities for New Enterprises factory sites and other special inducements by Renton to any bona fide manufacturers. METROPOLITAN CENTERS. No effort has been made to even enumerate the needs of the largest cities. Their growth is so rapid and the advantages so varied that chances can be found to start almost any enterprise consistent with the natural resources or conditions surrounding them. Every day presents opportunities either to start new industries or to take over businesses already established, for in metropolitan centers the usual motives that prompt men to desire changes or to retire from business altogether are more prevalent than in the smaller communities. Especially is this true of Seattle, Spokane, and Tacoma, whose combined population and value of manufactures are about 40 per cent of the entire state. Anyone desiring further information regarding these cities should write to R. H. Matti-son, Secretary of Publicity Industrial Bureau, Chamber of Commerce, Seattle; Otto A. Case, Secretary Commercial Club, Seattle; T. H. Martin, Secretary of Chamber of Commerce, Tacoma; G. C. Corbaley, Secretary of Chamber of Commerce, Spokane. Letter should contain a statement of experience, financial backing, etc. Other cities, for which it would be difficult to mention all enterprises, are Everett and Bellingham, fourth and fifth cities in size in the state; also Walla Walla, Aberdeen, North Yakima, Vancouver, and Hoquiam. A letter addressed to their Chambers of Commerce or commercial bodies would bring further information regarding their opportunities. FURTHER INQUIRY SOLICITED. The Bureau solicits inquiries from those thinking of entering into business anywhere in the state and will be glad to advance more information regarding any community, or to assist in finding it. It is hoped that this publication will be helpful both to the investor and to the communities asking for any enterprise by being the means of bringing capital into the locality needing the business mentioned.In the State of Washington 9 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF CITIES, TOWNS AND VILLAGES ASKING FOR NEW ENTERPRISES AND A TABULATED DESCRIPTION OF EACH This table should be used as a reference only, and in connection with the list of enterprises requested, as given in the next table (pages 16 to 23 inc.). Further information regarding each place can be obtained by writing to the secretary of the commercial body, if it has one, or to the postmaster where no such organization is maintained. Form of address would be: Secretary Commercial Organization, Renton, Washington. ABBREVIATIONS AND SIGNS A star (*) placed after name of postoffice indicates the existence of a commercial body. Those without a star have no such organization. RESOURCES Alfalfa Alf. Metropolitan Met Berries Br. Mining .Mg. Cement Ce. Mountainous . Mts. Clams Cl. Oats o Clay Cy. Oysters . .Ov. Dairy D. Potatoes Po Farming Fm. Stock S Fish Fi. Timber .Tim. Granite Gr. Wheat W Hay H. Vegetables .Veg. Limestone Ls. TRANSPORTATION Railroads Bellingham Northern . . . Bn. Railroads Oregon & Washington.... . . . O-W. Camas Prairie . . .Cam. Port Townsend Southern. . . .PTS. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul.M. Puget Sound Electric PSE. Spokane, Portland & Seattle.. SPS. Columbia & Puget Sound ....CPS. Spokane & Inland Empire SIE. Great Northern GN. Tacoma Eastern TE. Idaho & Washington . .. .I-W. Steamers Logging Railroads . ..L. Ry. Lake Steamers .Lk. Str. Northern Pacific NP. Ocean Steamships SS. North Coast NC. Puget Sound Steamers. ... .Sd. Str. North Yakima & Valley. . . . .NYV. River Steamers .... Str.10 Opportunities for New Enterprises POSTOFFICE Aberdeen* COUNTY Adna. . .. Adrian. . Alameda Albion. . Alder... Algona*. Allyn. . . Almira*. Amber. . Amboy. . Anatone. Anglin. . Bacon.......... Bangor......... Battle Ground Bay City....... Beach.......... Bedal.......... Bellingham*. . Chehalis Lewis .. . Grant ... Douglas . Whitman Pierce . . King Mason .. . Lincoln . Spokane . Clarke . .. Asotin . .. Okanogan Grant Kitsap Belmont........ Benge.......... Berlin......... Beverly*....... Bluestem.... Bothell*....... Bowr........... Bridgeport*. . Brinnon........ Brush Prairie Burley*........ Burlington*. . Clarke ... Chehalis . Whatcom Snohomish Whatcom . Whitman Adams . King ... Grant .. Lincoln . King . . . Skagit . . Douglas Jefferson Clarke . Kitsap . Skagit . . POPULATION Census 1910 13,660 Local Estimate 18,000 200 75 40 350 300 800 368 475 100 50 200 500 24,298 200 300 125 500 30 35,000 125 75 599 431 1,302 300 100 1,000 125 450 150 35 300 1,500 Resources and Industries Tim., D., Fm., Fi. D. Fr. Fm. W. Fm., Tim. Fr., Veg. Tim., Fr. W. Fm., D. D. W., Fr., D. Fr., D., Fm. Fr., Veg. Tim., Fr., Fi. D., Tim. Tim. Fm. Tim., Fm. Met. W., Veg. W. Ce., Tim. Fr., W. W. Fm., Tim. D., Fm. Fr. Tim., Fm. D. D., Fm. D., Fr.,Veg. Calispell. . Camas*. . . Carrollton Cashmere*. Castlerock* Cathlamet* Center....... Centerville. Centralia*. Pend Oreille..;........................ D., Fm. Charleston* Chelan* Chesaw*. . . Chester. ... Chewrelah*. Chinook*. . . Clarke 1,125 2,200 Fm. Cowrlitz 125 Tim. Chelan 625 1,000 Fr. Cowrlitz 998 1,000 Fr., D., Tim. Wahkiakum . 352 : 500 Tim. Jefferson .... 255 D, Fm Klickitat .... 250 W. Fr Lewris 7,311 12,000 : D., Tim., Fm. Kitsap 1,062 1,700 Fm. Chelan 682 800 Fr. Okanogan . .. 150 D„ W„ Mg. Spokane 100 Fm Cy Stevens 823 1,200 D„ Mg., Cy. Pacific Fi. Transpor- tation NP., O-W., M., SS. NP. NP., GN. Highway O-W. TE. M., PSE. Sd. Str. NP. SPS. Highway Highway Highway NP. Sd. Str. NP. NP. Sd. Str. Highway NP., GN., M., PSE. SIE. SPS. GN. M. GN. NP. GN. Str. Sd. Str. NP. Sd. Str. GN. Highway SPS., Str. NP., GN., O-W., Str. GN. NP., GN., O-W. NP. Highwray SPS. NP., GN., M., O-W. Sd. Str. GN. Highway O-W. GN. Str.In the State of Washington 11 POSTOFFICE Chopaka... Clarkston*. Classic. . .. Clearwater. Cloverland. Clyde....... Colton....... Cornet. Coupeville* Cowiche. . . Covada.... Coyle........ Crosby.... Curtis....... Custer....... Dayton*.... Deer Harbor Deepcreek.. Denison.... Des Moines* Dishman. . . Douglas. . .. Dryad........ Dungeness. . Duvall*.... Eatonville* Eldon Fairfield*. Fairmount Fall City. . .. Farmington* Florence.... Fragaria. . .. Frances....... Frankfort. . . Freeland Garfield* Gig Harbor Glacier. . .. Glendale. . . Gold Bar*. . COUNTY POPULATION i Resources and Industries Transpor- tation Census 1910 Local Estimate Okanogan . .. 12 Fm. GN. Asotin ...... 1,257 1,500 Fr., Fm. Cam. Island 50 Fm. Sd. Str. Jefferson .... 150 Fr., D., Fi. Highway Asotin 100 W. Highway Walla Walla. . Fr., W. NP. Whitman .... 393 400 W., Fr. NP. Island 25 Fm., Tim. Sd. Str. Island 310 450 D., Fr.,Veg. Sd. Str. Yakima D., Fr. NYV. Ferry Jefferson .... 100 Cl. Sd. Str. Kitsap D., Tim. Sd. Str. Lewis 40 D. Highway Whatcom .... 400 Fm. GN. Columbia .... 2,389 2,700 W., Fr. GN., M. San Juan .... 200 Fr., Fm., Sd. Str. Tim. Spokane Fm. NP Spokane 100 Fr., Po. GN. King 500 Tim., Fm. Sd. Str. Spokane 100 Fr. SIE. Douglas 150 W. GN. Lewis 500 D., Tim. NP. Clallam 200 D., Veg. Sd Str King 400 D. GN., M. King 200 Fm. CPS. Pierce 754 1,025 Cy., Tim., TE. Fr. Snohomish . . 200 Tim., Fm. NP. Kitsap 100 D., Fm., H. Sd. Str. Pierce 200 Tim. TE. Mason 50 Tim. Sd. Str. Pierce 50 D. Sd. Str. Clarke 150 D., Tim. Highway Snohomish ... 32,048 Met. All Rys. Spokane 308 500 Fr. O-W. Jefferson .... 100 Fi., Fm., M. Tim. Kins: Fm. NP. Whitman .... 489 760 Fr., W. NP., O-W. Snohomish . . • •••••• 150 D., Fr. GN. Kitsap 500 Fr., Br. Sd. Str. Pacific 300 D NP Pacific Fi., Tim. Str. Island 200 D., Fr.,Veg. Sd. Str. Whitman .... 932 1,000 W., Fr., D. NP., O-W., SIE. Pierce 700 D. Sd. Str. Whatcom .... • •••••• 100 Tim. BN. Island 100 Fm Sd Str Snohomish . . • •••••• 700 D., Tim. 1 GN.12 Opportunities for New Enterprises POSTOFFICE COUNTY POPULATION Census 1910 Local Estimate Goldendale* Klickitat .... 1,203 1,500 90 650 Govan Grandview* Lincoln Yakima Granger* Yakima 453 500 Grassmere Skagit 2,500 500 Grays River Wahkiakum . Greenbank Island 100 Grotto Kins: 25 Hansville Kitsap Harvey Stevens 300 Harwood Yakima 400 Heisson Clarke 60 Hillyard* Hobart Spokane Kins; 3,276 3,500 Hoquiam* Chehalis 8,171 11,500 300 Huntsville Columbia .... Index Snohomish 417 634 628 500 lone* Issaquah* Pend Oreille.. Kins: 500 1,500 200 Johnson Whitman .... Kelso* Cowlitz 2,039 2,500 Kent* King 1,908 3,000 Kiona Benton 100 Kirkland* King 532 2,000 800 200 La Conner* Lakeview Skagit Pierce 603 Lakewood Snohomish . . Langley* Island 400 35 Laurier Ferrv Lawrence Lebam Whatcom .... Pacific 200 Leland Jefferson .... , 150 Lilliwaup Mason 50 100 832 100 Lincoln Lincoln Lind* Adams 831 Lindberg Lewis Lucas Klickitat Lynden Klickitat .... 200 1,500 Lyle* Whatcom .... 1,148 Resources and Industries Fr., W. D., W., Po. Fr., D. W., Fr., D., Alf. Fr., Veg., Tim. Tim., Fr. Cl., Fm., Tim. Cy., Fm. Fm. Fm. Fr., Po. Tim., Fm. Fr., Fm. D. Tim., D., Fm., Fi. W. Gr., Mts. Tim., Ls. D., Fm. W. D., Fr.,Tim. D., Fr., Fm. Fr., Fm. Fm., Cy. D., Fm. D., Tim., Fm. Tim. Fm. Tim., D., Fr. Tim., Fr., Fm. Fm. W., Fr. W. Tim., Fm. W., Tim. D., Tim. Transpor- tation SPS. NP. NP., 0-W. NP. GN. Highway Sd. Str. 0-W. Sd. Str. Highway Highway NP. GN. CPS. NP., 0-W., M., SS. NP., 0-W. GN. 1-W. NP. NP. NP., GN., 0-W., Str. NP., GN., 0-W., M. NP. NP., Lk. Str. Sd. Str. NP., GN., 0-W. Highway Sd. Str. GN. NP. NP. M. Sd. Str. GN. NP., M. TE. Highway SPS., Str. BN.In the State of W ashmgt on 13 POSTOFFICE McMillin......... McMurray......... Malott........... Manson........... Maplecreek*... Maple Falls.... Marble........... Marcellus........ Marysville....... Mayfield......... Mead............. Medical Lake*. Menlo............ Meridan.......... Monroe*.......... Montesano*.. .. Mossyrock*.... Mount Hope..., Mount Pleasant Nellita.......... Newport*......... Northbend*.... North Yakima*, Oak Harbor*... Odessa*.......... Offut............ Okanogan*.... Olympia.......... Orchards......... Orting*.......... Oso.............. Otis Orchards.. Outlook*.......... Oysterville...... Pacific.......... Park............. Parkwater........ Pasco*........... Pateros*......... Pearson.......... Pe Ell*.......... Penrith.......... Peola............ COUNTY Pierce Skagit .. . Okanogan Chelan ... Chelan ... Whatcom Stevens . . Adams ... Snohomish Lewis Spokane . Spokane . Pacific ... Pierce Snohomish Chehalis . Lewis . Spokane Clarke . POPULATION Census 1910 1,239 1,730 1,552 2,488 Kitsap ......... Pend Oreille.. King ........... Yakima ......... Island .. Lincoln . Thurston Okanogan Thurston Clarke Pierce ... Snohomish Spokane . Yakima .., Pacific . . . King Whatcom Spokane Franklin Okanogan Kitsap .. Lewis Pend Oreille.. Garfield ......... Local Estimate 100 700 150 400 100 50 1.500 50 250 2,800 500 200 2.500 3,000 120 300 1,199 299 14,082 885 611 6,996 799 413 2,083 838 90 1,800 600 17,500 300 1,000 650 10,000 300 1,100 300 350 200 115 500 50 200 4,000 300 150 1,400 50 Resources and Industries Tim., Fr. D., Fr. Fr. Fr., Veg. D., Fr. Tim., Fm. D. W. D., Fr., Tim. D., Fr. Fr., Po. Fm., Gr. Fr., Veg. Fr., Fm. Fr., Cy., Tim. Tim., D., Fm. Fr., Fm. Po., Alf. D. Fi., Tim., Fr. D., Tim., Cy. Fr., Fm., Tim. Fr., Veg., Fm. Fr., Fm. W. Fm. Fr., D., Tim., Fm., D., Oy. Fr., Fm. Tim., Fr. Tim., Fm. Fr. Fr., W. Oy., Cl. D., Fr. Tim. Fr., Fm. W., D., Alf. Fm., S. Fr., Fm., Tim. D., Fm., Tim. D. W., Fm. Transpor- tation NP. NP. GN. Highway Str. BN. GN. M. GN. O.-W. GN. NP. NP. Sd. Str. GN., M. NP., M., O-W. Highway SIE. SPS. Sd. Str. GN., I-W. NP., M. NP., NC., 0-W.,NYV. Sd. Str. GN. M. GN. NP., PTS., O-W., Sd. Str. Highway NP. NP. NP. NP. O-W. and Beach O-W., M. NP., GN. NP. NP., SPS. GN., Str. Sd. Str. NP. GN. Highway14 Opportunities for New Enterprises POSTOFFICE COUNTY i POPULATION Resources and Industries Transpor- tation Census 1910 Local Estimate Peshastin Chelan 100 Fr., W. GN Plaza Spokane 125 D., Fm. NP. Point Roberts. . . . Whatcom .... 350 Fi. Sd. Str. Port Columbia.... Douglas W. Str. Porter Chehalis .... 150 Fr., Fm., NP. Tim. Port Orchard*.... Kitsap 682 1,200 D., Fm. Sd. Str. Port Townsend*. . Jefferson .... 4,181 5,000 D„ Fr., M., Sd. Tim., Fi. Str., SS. Poulsbo Kitsap 364 600 Fr., Veg. Sd. Str. Prosser* Benton 1.298 1,600 Fr., Veg. NP., O-W. Quilcene* Jefferson .... 600 Fr., Fm., M., Sd. Fi., Tim., Str. Oy. Rainier Thurston .... 250 Fm., Tim. GN., O-W. Ralston Adams 125 w. M. Raymond* Pacific 2,450 6,000 D., Tim , NP. Fi. Renton* King 2,740 5,000 Mg., Cy. All Rys., Lk. Str. Richland* Benton 300 Fr., Veg. Highway Ringold Franklin .... W. Str Riverside* Okanogan . .. 300 D., W. GN. Rogersburg Asotin 25 S., Mg. Str. Rosalia* Whitman .... 767 1,200 Fr., W. NP., M., SIE. Samish Skagit 200 D., Fm. GN. Satsop Chehalis • •••••• 300 D., Tim. NP. Schrag Adams 50 W. NP. Seabold Kitsap Fm., Tim. Sd. Str. Seattle* King 237,194 325,000 Met. All Rvs & SS. Sequim* Clallam 500 D Fr Fm Sd Str Shine Jefferson Highwray Silcott Asotin Fr. Cam., Str. Silverdale Kitsap D., Fm. Sd. Str. Skykomish King 238 300 Ce., Tim., GN. Gr. South Cle Elum. . . Kittitas 450 Fm., Mg. M. South Prairie Pierce 264 300 Tim., D. NP. Spangle* Spokane 299 475 Fm. NP. Spirit Stevens Fm Tim GN Spokane* Spokane 104,402 125,657 Met. All Rys. Starbuck. Columbia .... 761 800 W., Fm. O-W. Startup Snohomish ... • •••••• 250 D., Mg. GN. Stratford Grant 60 Fr., Veg. GN. Sultan Snohomish 576 1,000 Fr., Tim., GN. Cy. Sum as* Whatcom .... 902 2,000 D., Tim. NP., BN. Sunnyside* Yakima 1,379 1,500 Fr., Alf. NP. Sylvan Pierce 160 Fr., Fm. Sd. Str. Tacoma* Pierce 83,783 103,418 Met. All Rys. & SS. Telford Lincoln 6 Fm NP Thatcher San Juan .... Fm. aX A • Sd. Str.In the State of Washington 15 — \ POSTOFFICE Tieton............... Tiger................ Timber Valley. . .. Tolt*_____ Touchet. Tracyton Triton. . . Troutlake Turn Turn Twin...... Unfried. . . Union City Vader*.............. Lewis Vancouver* Van Zandt Vashon. . . Vaughn... Waitsburg*. . Walla Walla* Wanicut. Warden* Wauconda.......... Waukon............ Waverly*.......... Wenatchee*........ West Sound........ West Tacoma. .. . White Swan........ Wilcox........... Wildwood.......... Wilson Creek* Winesap........... Winslow........... Wheeler........... Woodinville Woodland*. COUNTY i POPULATION Resources and Industries Transpor- tation Census 1910 Local Estimate Y akima Fr., D Tim. D., Fr., Tim. Fr., D. Highway I-W. SPS. Pend Oreille.. Klickitat .... • •••••« 75 100 King 1,000 500 250 GN., M. O-W. Sd. Str. Walla Walla.. Kitsap • •••••• W., D., Alf. Fr., Fm. Jefferson .... 84 D., Fr., Tim. Fr., Fm. Highway NP. Spokane 1,000 250 Stevens Fr., D. Highway Sd. Str. Clallam 30 Tim.,S.,Cy. W., D. Garfield 200 Highway Sd. Str. Mason 100 Lewis 800 Tim., Cy. D., S. NP., GN., O-W. GN. Stevens 400 Spokane 500 Fr., Veg. Diversified Tim. Fr., Veg. Fr., Tim. SIE. Clarke Whatcom .... Kins: 9,300 10,000 25 1,500 400 NP., GN., O-W., M., SPS., Str. NP. Sd. Str. Pierce Sd. Str. Walla Walla.. Walla Walla.. Okanogan . .. Grant 1,237 19,364 1,500 20,200 100 250 W., D., Fr. W., Fr., Veg. Tim. W., Fr., Veg. Fm. NP., O-W. NP., O-W. Highway NP., M. Highway GN. Okanogan . .. Lincoln 65 W., Fm. Spokane Chelan San Juan .... 318 4,050 400 5,500 200 Fm. Fr. D., Fm. O-W. GN. Sd. Str. Pierce Street car Yakima 150 D., Fr. W. Highway Highway L. Ry. GN. GN., Str. Whitman .... Lewis Tim. Grant Chelan 405 650 175 W. Fr., Tim. Kitsap 300 D., Fr. Sd. Str. NP. Grant 47 Fr., Veg., W. Fr., Veg., D. D., Fr. Fm. King NP. Cowlitz Clarke 384 435 400 550 NP., GN., O-W. NP. King 200 Fr., Veg., D. Sd. Str. i i 16 Opportunities for New Enterprises LIST OF NEW ENTERPRISES REQUESTED AND THE NAMES OF CITIES, TOWNS AND VILLAGES ASKING FOR THEM In arranging these lists, four main headings are used: Manufacturing Plants ..............Pages 16 to 20 Mercantile Pursuits ...............Pages 20 to 21 Professional Callings .............Pages 21 to 22 Miscellaneous .....................Pages 22 to 23 Sub-headings under each of these are arranged alphabetically and the names of places desiring any particular enterprise are also arranged alphabetically, under each industry named. “Manufacturing Plants” is employed in the broad sense, and takes in everything that is usually grouped under that heading by the U. S. Census Bureau, including such plants as canneries, bakeries, creameries, etc. Under “Mercantile Pursuits” are included all enterprises that have to do with buying and selling. Everything else, excepting professional callings, will be found under “Miscellaneous.” MANUFACTURING PLANTS Minimum Minimum Industry and Postoffice. Capital Industry and Postoffice. Capital Required. Required. Alfalfa Mills Brick and Ti|e pasco .............. Charleston ......... Touchet ............ $5,000.00 Chester ............ $25,000.00 Granger ............ 10,000.00 Chewelah ........... 25,000.00 Eatonville ......... 100,000.00 Automobile Fairfield .......... 2,000.00 Seattle ............ Grotto.............. Automobile Tires Kirkland ........... 2,000.00 Kirkland ........... 50,000.00 Monroe ............. 3,000.00 Newport ............ Bakery Orting ............. 10,000.00 Algona ............. 250.00 Pasco Almira ............. Raymond ............ 10,000.00 Bothell ............ 1,000.00 Spokane ............ 20,000.00 South Cle Elum... Sultan ............. Spangle ............ Twin Barrel ^ ader ............. 20,000.00 Fairmount .......... 2,000.00 Box Camas .............. Beet Sugar Chester ............ Deepcreek .......... 50,000.00 Duvall ............. 5,000.00 Boat Builder Eatonville ......... Triton ............. Gold Bar ...........In the State of Washington 17 Minimum Industry and Postoffice. Capital Required. Box—Cont. Hillyard ............ 15,000.00 Kelso ............... Lyle ................ Malott .............. Mead ................ 3,000.00 Newport ............. Northbend............ 1,500.00 Port Townsend . . . Poulsbo ............. 5,000.00 Prosser ............. Vaughn .............. Winesap ............. Woodinville ......... Broom Woodinville ......... Cannery, Clams Bangor .............. 1,000.00 Coyle ............... 2,000.00 Fairmount ........... 5,000.00 Greenbank ........... 5,000.00 Hoquiam ............. Nellita ............. 1,000.00 Oysterville ......... 10,000.00 Cannery, Fruit and Vegetable (See also Fruit Evaporator) Adrian .............. 2,000.00 Algona .............. 3,000.00 Allyn ............... Bangor .............. 1,000.00 Bothell ............. Bridgeford .......... 7,500.00 Burlington .......... 15,000.00 Castle Rock.......... 5,000.00 Chinook ............. Clearwater .......... 5,000.00 Coupeville .......... 2,500.00 Cowiche .......... 1,000.00 Dayton .............. Deer Harbor ......... f Denison ............. • Dishman ............. 50,000.00 Dungeness ........... 15,000.00 Fall City ........... Florence ............ 15,000.00 Freeland ............ 2,500.00 Garfield ............ 5,000.00 Goldendale .......... 20,000.00 Grandview ........... Granger ............. 10,000.00 Grays River ......... 1,000.00 Harwood ............. Kelso ............... Kent ................ 2,500.00 La Conner ........... 10,000.00 Lebam ............... Lincoln ............. 5,000.00 McMillin ............ 3,000.00 McMurray ............ Minimum Industry and Postoffice. Capital Cannery, Fruit and Required. Vegetable—Cont. Manson .............. Maplecreek........... Marysville .......... Mayfield ............ Menlo ............... Meridan ............. 500.00 Monroe .............. 3,000.00 Mossy Rock .......... Nellita ............. 1,000.00 Northbend............ 1,500.00 North Yakima .... 5,000.00 Oak Harbor .......... 3,000.00 Pacific ............. 10,000.00 Pearson ............. Port Columbia........ 5,000.00 Porter .............. Port Townsend. . . . Poulsbo ............. 1,500.00 Prosser ............. 7,500.00 Quilcene . .......... 1,000.00 Richland ............ 5,000.00 Rosalia ............. Seabold ............. Sequim .............. 3,000.00 Shine ............... Spokane ............. 5,000.00 Stratford ........... Sultan .............. Sylvan ........................... 1,000.00 Thatcher ............ Tieton ........................... 3,000.00 Timber Valley........ 500.00 Tolt ............................. 2,000.00 Tracyton ............ Triton .............. Turn Turn ........................ 1,000.00 Valleyford ........... Vashon .............. Waitsburg ........... Walla Walla ......... 20,000.00 Wenatchee ........................ 20,000.00 Wheeler ............. Winslow .......................... 1,000.00 Woodinville ......... Woodland ......................... 10,000.00 Zenith .............. Cannery, Salmon Bangor ........................... 1,000.00 Chinook .......................... 2,000.00 Clearwater .......... Frankfort ........... Hoquiam ............. La Conner ........................ 10,000.00 Nellita .......................... 1,000.00 Cereal Products Spokane .......................... 15,000.00 Cement Works Berlin ...............1,000,000.00 Skykomish ............1,000,000.0018 Opportunities for Nero Enterprises Minimum Minimum Industry and Postoffice. Capital Industry and Post office. Capital Cider, Vinegar and Required. Required. Creamery—Cont. By-products Works Freeland 2,000.00 Adrian Garfield 5,000.00 Cashmere 12,000.00 Gig Harbor 2,000.00 Denison Gold Bar 5,000.00 Farmington 2,000.00 Govan Otis Orchards .... Grandview Wenatchee 2,500.00 Granger 5,000.00 Cheese Hobart 1,500.00 Amboy 2,500.00 La Conner 10,000.00 Anglin 1,500.00 Langley 2,500.00 Brush Prairie .... Lebam Calispell McMurray 2,000.00 Chesaw 2,000.00 Maplecreek Etna 3,000.00 Marble Florence Marysville Lakewood Mayfield Mayfield Mount Pleasant.... 2,000.00 Orting 3,000.00 Newport 8,000.00 Satsop 3,000.00 Pe Ell 2,000.00 Cloaks and Suits Penrith Spokane 15,000.00 Plaza Condenseries Poulsbo 2,500.00 Bow Riverside Brush Prairie Satsop 3,000.00 Castle Rock 10,000.00 Silverdale Duvall 15,000.00 Timber Valley 1,000.00 Earlington 25,000.00 Tolt Elgin Touchet 2,500.00 Frances Triton Kelso Turn Turn 1,000.00 Olympia Unfried 10,000.00 Pacific 15,000.00 Valley Raymond 30,000.00 Waitsburg 2,000.00 Sequim 25,000.00 West Sound 8,000.00 Sumas 15,000.00 White Swan 1,000.00 Tolt Woodinville West Sound 8,000.00 Excelsior Woodland Orting 5.000.00 Cooperage and Staves Tolt Aberdeen 30,000.00 F• rf i I i 7(*r Creamery Adna 2,000.00 1 C 1 L 1 1 1 a. 1 Coyld 5,000.00 Amboy 2,500.00 Feed Mill Anatone La Conner Anglin 1,500.00 Flouring Mills Battle Ground 2,500.00 Albion 10,000.00 Chesaw 2,000.00 Anatone Chewelah 10,000.00 Battle Ground .... 3,000.00 Chinook 2,000.00 Belmont Clearwater Centerville 25,000.00 Cowiche Chesaw Crosby 2,000.00 Clarkston Curtis 5,000.00 Cloverland 35,000.00 Earlington 25,000.00 Ephrata Eglon Granger 15,000.00 Elgin Huntsville Etna 3,000.00 Lincoln 10,000.00 Frances Lyle 10,000.00194718 Minimum Industry and Postoffice. Capital Required. Flouring Mills—Cont. Pasco ................ Ralston .............. 20,000.00 Riverside ............ Rosalia .............. 30,000.00 Touchet .............. 10,000.00 Warden ............... Wheeler .............. Wilson Creek.......... 20,000.00 Fruit Syrup Clarkston ............ 2,000.00 Fruit Evaporator Chelan ............... 2,000.00 Dishman .............. 10,000.00 Farmington ........... Granger .............. 10,000.00 Harwood .............. Mead ................. 1,000.00 North Yakima .... 1,500.00 Porter ............... Waitsburg............. Walla Walla........... 50,000.00 Fruit Preserving North Yakima .... 5,000.00 Furniture Edgecomb ............. 2,000.00 Hoquiam .............. Monroe ............... 10,000.00 Olympia............... Raymond .............. 25,000.00 Glass Seattle .............. Glove (Canvas) Sunnyside ............ 2,500.00 Hats, Caps, Suspenders, U nderwear Spokane ................ 15,000.00 I ce Bridgeport ........... 10,000.00 Kent ................. 3,000.00 La Conner ............ 5,000.00 Riverside ............ Knitting Woodinville .......... Lime Works lone ................. 10,000.00 Milk Products Burlington ........... 5,000.00 Mill (Alfalfa Meal) Granger .............. 10,000.00 Mill (Feed) La Conner............. 10,000.00 Moulding Pe Ell ............... 2,000.00 Paper Mill (Straw) Walla WTalla.......... 50,000.00 Pickle Dayton ............... Grassmere ............ 1,500.00 Washington 19 Minimum Industry and Postoffice. Capital Planing Mill Required. Battle Ground 6,000.00 Kelso Lebam Pasco Refrigerator Plant Aberdeen 50,000.00 n< Rolling Mill 1 Seattle ' Sash and Door I Earlington 25,000.00 Eatonville Hoquiam 20,000.00 Issaquah Monroe 10,000.00 Offut Olympia y t Pasco » ‘ Saw Mill h ■ i> Alder 50,000.00 Allyn > r Anglin > * I •> > :* > Bangor 2,000.00 > * Bay City > * 5 t • * > Berlin 4,000.00 > > > Bothell 10,000.00 •> v Carrollton Cathlamet > J > * * V y i Deer Harbor > > Des Moines 10,000.00 j * i Elbe 50,000.00 » i » J > } ► * > Etna 10,000.00 '* > . ’ i r* Fairmount 15,000.00 » > . 9 ) ) i V i Frankfort > .» • * Freeland » J > # 3 > Grays River 5,000.00 ‘ * Greenbank 5,000.00 » i Hoquiam 75,000.00 V J > t » i Tone 5,000.00 )>.**> > ! 1 Lebam s * > » It > > Lindberg 2,000.00 3 3 > * 1 < » Lyle 1 ) ii » * 1 McMillin Marysville 5,000.00 it Newport t Olympia Orting 10,000.00 • Park Poulsbo 5,000.00 Satsop 10,000.00 Skykomish 50,000.00 South Prairie Timber Valley 2,000.00 Triton Vader 50,000.00 Van Zandt 3,000,00 Wanicut 2,000.00 Wildwood Winesap 20 Opportunities for New Enterprises t K « < V C ( < < <. < K K t < < C < < H M * < < < i c * < c ( < ( ( Industry and Postoffice. Minimum Capital Industry and Postoffice. Shingle Mill Required. Tannery Bangor . 2,000.00 Spokane Bay City Textile Brinnon 2,000.00 Seattle Crosby 5,000.00 T urpentine Des Moines 8,000.00 Orting Elbe . *50,000.00 Vinegar (See also Cider Eldon Vinegar, etc.) Glacier . 15,000.00 Wood Pulp (Paper) Hoquiam . 10,000.00 Eatonville lone 5,000.00 Hoquiam Olympia Montesano Skykomish . *50,000.00 Olympia Twin Orting Shoes Rainier Spokane . 15,000.00 Tiger Smelter Woodworking Chesaw Aberdeen Chewelah . 100,000.00 Cornet Startup . 25,000.00 Granger Starch (Potato) Heisson Denison Langley Govan Port Townsend... . Mead 5,000.00 Rainier Mount Hope Raymond Olympia Woolen Mill Steel Mill Aberdeen Earlington . 50,000.00 Offut Minimum Capital Required. 3.000.00 5.000.00 5,000.00 MERCANTILE PURSUITS Commission House (Fruit and Produce) Camas .............. Hillyard ........... 10,000.00 Department Store Pasco .............. Port Townsend... Drug Store Amber .............. Benge ............. Beverly* .......... Bow* ............... Colton* ........... Custer* ........... Douglas* .......... Fairfield* ......... Garfield ........... Malott* ........... Manson ............ Outlook* .......... Peola Rogersburg ......... 2,000.00 Satsop* ............ South Cle Elum.. Spangle ........... Touchet ........... Waukon* ........... Dry Goods Store, etc. Pateros ............ Pe Ell............... Rainier ............ 8,000.00 3.000.00 1.000.00 35,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 800.00 2,500.00 3.000.00 1.000.00 2,000.00 500.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 Farm Machinery Distributer Camas ................ Warden ............... Flour and Feed Store Battle Ground .... 3,000.00 Pateros .............. 1,000.00 Fuel Dealer Parkwater ............ 500.00 Furniture and Hardware Battle Ground .... 3,000.00 Bow .................. Chelan ............... 3,000.00 Custer ............... 3,000.00 Govan ................ Manson ............... 5,000.00 Pateros .............. 4,000.00 Peola ................ Plaza ................ 5,000.00 General Store Alameda .............. 10,000.00 Amber ................ 5,000.00 Anglin ............... 2,500.00 Bacon ................ 2,000.00 * Physician and drug store combined.In the State of Washington 21 Industry and Postoffice. General Store—Cont. Burlington ....... Center ........... Centerville ...... Chopaka .......... Clarkston ........ Classic .......... Fairmount ........ Glendale ......... Hansville ........ Harvey ........... Laurier .......... Lilliwaup......... Lind ............. Lyle ............. Malott ........... Manson ........... Marcellus ........ Meridan .......... Orchards ......... Peola ............ Ralston .......... Ringold .......... Spirit ........... Telford .......... Troutlake ........ Wanicut .......... Waverly .......... Wenatchee* .... Wilcox ........... Winesap .......... Minimum Capital Required. 15.000.00 2,000.00 20.000.00 5.000.00 300.00 5.000.00 2.000.00 8,000.00 500.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 8,000.00 10,000.00 1,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 1,000.00 3.000.00 1.000.00 1,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 Industry and Postoffice. Harness Shop—Cont. Pasco ................ ValleyJ .............. Wilcox ............... Harness Shop Camasf . Lincoln . 1,500.00 Jewelry Store Wilson Creek Lumber Yard Bluestem ............ Edgecomb ............ Meat Market Beverly ............. Bluestem ............ Bridgeport........... Custer............... Lakewood ............ Lincoln ............. Odessa .............. Parkwater............ Peshastin ........... Rogersburg........... South Cle Elum. . . Touchet ............. Men's Furnishings, Dry Goods and Shoes Pateros ............. South Cle Elum... Produce Store Pateros ............. Warden .............. Shoe Store Kirkland ............ Pasco ............... Tailor (Custom) Tolt................. Attorneys-at-Law Bridgeport . Duvall ....... Granger La Conner . . Marysville . . Orting ....... Parkwater . . Warden Dentist Fairfield ..... Farmington . Gold Bar Kiona ......... Lind .......... Mossy Rock . Port Orchard Sequim......... Wilson Creek Physicians Allyn ......... PROFESSIONAL CALLINGS Physicians—Cont. ...... Benge........ ...... Beverly* .. .. ...... Bow* ........ ...... Bridgeport .. ...... Burlington .. ...... Chesaw ...... ...... Colton* ..... ...... Custer* ..... Douglas* . . . ...... Fairfield* . . . ...... Grays River ...... Greenbank .. ...... Huntsville . . ...... Lind ........ ...... Lyle ........ Malott* .... Manson .... Orchards ... Outlook* . . . Plaza ........ Minimum Capital Required. 2,000.00 1,000.00 3.000.00 1.000.00 3.000.00 1.000.00 1,000.00 5.000.00 1.000.00 2,000.00 500.00 8,000.00 3,000.00 800.00 2,500.00 2,000.00 * Physician and drug- store combined. $ and shoes. t Harness store.22 Opportunities for New Enterprises Industry and Postoffice. Physicians—Cont. Rogersburg......... Satsop* ............ Starbuck ......... Sylvan . .......... Tieton ............. Minimum Capital Required. 500.00 Industry and Postoffice. Physicians—Cont. Vaughn ........... Waukon* .......... Veterinarian Tieton . MISCELLANEOUS Apartment Houses Cashmere 7,000.00 Automobile Garage and Repairs Shop Charleston .......... Granger ............. Parkwater............ Ralston ............. Sequim .............. Triton............... Waitsburg............ Wilson Creek......... Bank Adrian .............. Bluestem ............ Lincoln ............. Orchards ............ Peshastin ........... Rainier ............. Ralston ............. Satsop .............. Schrag .............. South Cle Elum... Valley .............. Wilson Creek......... Woodinville ......... Barber Shop Anglin .............. Beverly ............. Harwood ............. Parkwater............ Quilcene ............ Boiler Shop Quilcene ............ Blacksmith Anglin .............. Belmont ............. Bluestem ............ Chester ............. Edgecomb ............ Eglon ............... Etna ................ Johnson ............. Lakeview ............ Lawrence ............ Lincoln ............. Malott .............. Marcellus ........... Menlo ............... Mossy Rock........... 500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 25.000.00 10.000.00 10,000.00 15.000.00 10.000.00 200.00 500.00 200.00 500.00 2,000.00 300.00 500.00 1,000.00 300.00 1,000.00 Blacksmiths—Cont. Mount Pleasant . . Otis Orchards .. . Parkwater.......... Schrag ............ Silcott ........... Troutlake ......... Wauconda........... Wilcox ............ Cold Storage Belmont ........... Cashmere .......... Chinook ........... Granger ........... Grassmere.......... Olympia*............ Richland .......... Electric Plant Chewelah .......... Coupeville ........ Mayfield .......... South Cle Elum.. Engraving Plant Walla Walla ....... Foundry and Machine Shop Bothell ........... Cornet ............ Peola ............. Wenatchee ......... Fruit Nursery Shine ............. Grain Elevator Centerville ....... Johnson ........... Riverside .......... Granite Quarry Index ............. Medical Lake Skykomish ......... Green House Fragaria .......... Hall, Public Beverly ........... Harwood ............ Hotels Adna .............. Anglin ............ Beach ............. Belmont ........... Bothell............ * Physician and drug store combined. * Wholesale grocery and combined. Minim um Capital Required. 1,500.00 500.00 500.00 200.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 5.000.00 15.000.00 75.000.00 3.000.00 5.000.00 50.000.00 5.000.00 5,000.00 5.000.00 2.000.00 5,000.00 12,000.00 25,000.00 5,000.00 50,000.00 3,000.00 1,500.00 4,000.00 25,000.00 cold storageBE SURE YOUR TICKETS READ ONE WAY THROUGH THE te of Washing WHEN VISITING THE Panama-Pacific International AND THE Panama-California Expositions 1915 SPEND A WEEK IN WASHINGTON "THE EVERGREEN STATE” Where flowers bloom out of doors the year ’round Where scenery vies with the whole world Where sun-stroke never claims a victim Where blizzards and cyclones are unknown Where thunder is seldom heard Where summer nights are cool and invigoratingUniversity of Washington Library Date Due - mT % ——■■■ - I . .. - •8 91 1QQ 7 tj 8K ll w ; • Jan ], 3 IS }„ Re" u