—----------—lO-tsGEES ?AL STATt H VOLUME I. CEUUEE, VOE. ILLUME II.POBKST, TIMBER, AND TREE LAWS OR THE STATE OE WASHINGTONTMOHANDUM The Statutes oontained in this Com- pilation of the Borest and Timber Laws of the State of Washington have been gathered from: Remington and Ballinger’s Annotated Codes and Statutes of Washington, 1910, 2 Volumes, viz: Volume I., Codes of Proce- dure; Volume XI., General Statutes. (Wash) EMINGTON AND BALL INGER’S ANNOTATED CODES AND STATUTES or WASHINGTON IN TWO VOLUMES (Cite Hem. and Bal. Code) Showing all Statutes In Eoroe, Including the Extraordinary Session Laws of 1909 By HON. RICHARD A. B/LLINGER AND HON. ARTHUR REMINGTON VOLUME I. CODES OE PROCEDURE. 3 Preface. This work revises "Ballinger^ Annotated Codes and Statutes of the ®tate of Washing- ton,1* published in 1897< The added laws em- brace acts passed at six regular biennial sessions of the legislature, 1899 to 1909, inclusive, and the extraordinary sessions of the years 1901 and 1909, as well as a few earlier enactments that have been discovered to be in force* The new annotations cover the decisions reported in Washington Reports, volumes 16 to 52, inclusive* The Codes of Procedure (Civil, Probate, Justice and Criminal) in the first volume follow the ©±der of arrangement of the earlier work; except that ******* Modern methods, and the vast increase in general legislation, require an alphabeti- cal axrangexaent for the general statutes em- braced in the seoond volume. ****** (Wssh) -4 Judge Ballinger*s invaluable histori- cal references at the end of each seotion A are preserved and the same system adopted for the subsequent enactments, except that the Ballinger Code numbers appear in paren- theses immediately after the current code seotion numbers, an asterisk indicating a later enactment or amendment* His cross- references have also been adapted, ampli- fied, and the system extended to the new en- actments* It has been deemed advisable to print in the form of an appendix, with a separate index immediately following, all the old criminal laws governing prosecutions for orisies committed prior to June 9, 1909* ~i111 inm ■■I imnamwiinttw Bor convenience in reference the consecutive numbering of sections has been carried through this appendix. The tables of seo- tional cross references to earlier compila- tions and session laws hardly need (Wash) -5-♦ references to earlier compilations and session laws hardly need explanation. The table® for the session laws include only the acts passed since the publication of Ballinger’s Code. ABTHOT KFfOTGTOM. Olympia, ^ash., January, 1910. (Task) 6INDEX BOARD ON FOREST CO-ffilSSIONERS: Duties of....................§§5276-52.,7. BOARD or GEOLOGICAL SURVEY.........§§5396-5402. BOARD Ol1 STATE LAND COMMISSIONERS....., §6605, 6606, 6614, 6616, et seq. BOARD (STATE) TO PROMOTE UNIEORMITY OE DEOISLATION...............§§6943-6950. BOOM COMPANIES....................§§7106-7109, 7110-7126. BOOMS............................§§2656,2658, 2659,2833,2834,2840, 2957,6773,7106-7126. BRANDS (AND MARKS).. BUREAU OE LABOR..... BUREAU OE STATISTICS ...§§1181,2594, 2595,2941,7091- 7097,7101-7105. §6553. ...........34 (Art.II, State Const.), §8960. -7CAPITOL BUILDING LANDS §§6697-6702, 6827. CEMETERIES: Injury to trees in.........§§2914,3651. CHUTES.......................§§7106-7109. CITIES: Powers of Council to regulate- Sale and measurement of wood, lumber, etc...............§7612. Planting of shade trees......§§7621 7685,7731.’ CLEARING LANDS: Per domestic use..................§6825. COAT, MINES: Timber for use as props.....•••••§7394. COLLEGE (STATE OP WASHINGTON)...........§§4333, 4335,4336* 4347, 5047. COMMISSIONER OP LABOR...................§6553. 0 COHmSSIONBR OP STATISTICS............. .§8960* COMMISSIONERS: Board of Forest..............§§5276-5287 Board of State Land..........§§6605,6606, 6614,6616, et se^. 8-"COE tra "TREES: Seaoval of, or Injury to..........§2656. COEPOEATIONS: Transportation of wood and lui»'ber.................§§3677,7106- 7109,7110-7126. CRUISES (PT/TR); Fx-cfficio fire wardens..........e DISTRICTS (LTORRR)......................§7070. EDUCATIONAL IlTSTlTUTIOKSj Facilities for study of matters related to forestry..........<..€4333 4335,4336*4^4/’ 5047,6992. WWS; ' •Spark arresters on........§§2524,5285. ENTOMOLOGY,.....................§§3069-3139, 4336. EXPERIMENT STATION. .........§§4333,4347, 5047. -9-PAIR State............................§3002. Southwest Washington.♦...........§3013* PIKES: Burning brush, etc..........§§2522,2523, 5283,5284. Permits for burning brush,etc.....§2522. Pailure to extinguish.............§2523. i Pailure to respond to lawful sum- mons to aid in ext inguisning... §2523. Operating engines without spark arresters.........§ §2524,5285. Railroads must use spark ar- resters on engines.......§§2524,5285. Liabilities, in general, for causing fires.............§§5141-5149. Pire force and fire regula- tions...................... §§5276-5287. Small fires permissible............§5287. PM-FARDOT Ann PORPSTPR (STATE).......§5276- 6287. PLUO8.........................§§7106-7109. "PORPST ACT« §§5276-5287FOREST COMMISSIOHERS (STATE BOARD OR): Duties of....................§§5276-5287. RCREST BAH0EB8: Ex-offio io game wardens.....$§5325,5326. ECREST RESERVES: Runris from.........§§3890-l/2, 9C26-1/2. FORESTER (STATE RIRR-XAROTSI AND)........§5275- § 5287 ROMS EROW ROREST RESERVES.........§§3890-l/2, 9026-1/2. GAVE EAEDEWS: Forest Rangers, sx-offioio.........§5325, §5326. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY.................§§5396-5402. GRAVEYARDS: Injury to trees in...........§§2914,3651. HARBOR ARRAS: Leasing for dooming purposes......§6776. -11HORTICULTURE......................§§3069-3139, 4336. IIWIAU AILOTTTWTS: T briber on.......................§8780. INIUSTRIAL PURSUITS. .............4 §3002,3013, 4335,6553. IJTSECT PESTS.....................I§3069-3139 , 4336. LALOR: Bureau of..........................§6553. Commissioner of....................§6553. LEASES: Of State lands...............§§6673,6776. Of Harbor ureas....................§6776. Of ineral lands..............§§6785,6787. 1 emcvai. oi timber, under leases.................. §6825. LEGISLATION, STATE BOARD TO PROMOTE WIEORMITY OE.. . ............i§69 48-5950. -12LIENS Of Mechanics and Materialmen....§§1129 1143 Of Employees.................§§1149-1153. Upon logs and other timber........§§1162- 1181,1190a. Eor Stwtpage.................§§1164,1167. Of Boom Companies..................§7123. LOGGING (LOGS AND)................§§2033,2834, 6831,7070-7126. LOGS A'\T LOGGING ...§§2333,2834, 6831,7070-7126. IWfflS ft® S’LINGLI! ’TSIGHING.. LTOIB-ffi DISTRICTS..................... ...§§7080-7090, 8676-8631. .........§7070. MARKS AND BRANDS MINERAL laws..., MORPHOLOGY..... ...§§1101,2594, 2595,2841,7091- 7097,7101-7105. §§6785,6787. §4336.1MTX01UL TOKESTS ’Vfids frea........§§2890-1/2, 9026-1/2. NATURAL RESOURCES................§34 (Art. IX, State Const.),§§3002, 3013, 5396-5402,6992, 8960. HOTICRS (POSTED).................§§2656,2665. OBSTRUCTIW LOGGING-’"AYS...........§§943,3293. PRE UTS: for setting 1'ires.................§2522. PERSONALTY: S band Inf? t irob er , when assessed as...................§9095. OV LWOSB, ATC...............§§2656,2834, 2957,2958. (See also ’’Boo.tp.” and ’’Boom Companies.*) -14-RAILROADS: Spark wjcresters on engines. . . . §2524, 5285. Weighing lumber, etc. . . . §§7080-7090, * 8676-3681.’ RAINIER NATIONAL PARK..............§6854-1/2. RANGERS (EOREST): Ex-offieio game wardens. .... .§5325, 5326. REDEMPTION PERIOD: Use of timber on lands,during. . . §601. REPEAL OR CERTAIN STATUTES: Doubt relative to. . . .§§2300,2301,2304 (See also "Explanatory Note" immedi- ately preceding §2301), §2697. RESERVES (EOREST): Minds from............§§3890-1/2,9026-1/2. RIGHTS QE WAY: Timber along................§§5689,6832, 6848-6852. ROADS: Timber may be taken for.............§5689, 6832,6849. Logging roads. §§7106-7109. -15- (Vzash)SAWURT, ETC.: Wot to he oast into certain streams...................... §5200. SCALING TIMBER...................§§7071-7079. SCHOOL OE SCIENCE.....................§4333. SHADS AND ORNAMENTAL TREES.............§§2659, 5619-5622. SHINGLE'S (WEIGHING).............§§7080-7090, 8676-8681. SOUTHWEST WASHINGTON EAIR...............§3013. SHARK ARRESTERS...................§§2524,5285. SPUR TRACKS: To lumber yards....................§8667. STANDING TIMBER; When assessed as "Personalty..§9095. STATE BOARD OR EOREST COMMISSIONERS: Duties of...................§§5276-5287. STATE HOARD TO PROMOTE IWIEOFMITY OE LEGISLATION........§§6S id-6950. -16 STATE COLLEGE OS' WASHINGTON...........§§4333, 4347,5047. STATE CRUISERS: Ex-officio fire wardens...........§5282. STATE EAIR................................§3002. STATE EIBE-WAKDEN AND IDRESTER...§§5276-5287. (See, also, State Land Commissioners. §§6605,6606,6614,6616, et seq. ) STATE GEOLOGIST..........................§5398. STATE LAND COMMISSIONERS (BOARD OR)..................§§6605,6806, 6614,6616, et seq. STATE LANDS: Inspection, appraisement, sale, and use of limber on........§3 (Art. XVI, State Const.) §§6644,6645,6646,6648, 6661,6667,6669,6670, 6673,6692,6697-6702, 6823-6827. State College lands, inspection and sale of timber on.....§§6655,6660. Trespass on.................§§6823-6827* STATISTICS.......................§34 (Art. II, Stace Const.), §§6553,8960. SURVEYS-BY THE UNITED STATES.....§§6855-6858* -17TAXATION • Standing timber, when assessed as "Personalty."...............§9095. Exemption from.....................§9098. Eorms for listing; showing "T imber lands. **............§9128. SBANSPORTATIQW OE TOOL AND LUMBER: Corporations for. ................§§3677, 7106-7109. 7110-7126. TREES; Corner trees.......................§2953. Ornamental and shade.........§§2914,3651 7621,7685, 7731.’ TRESPASS, TWER: On lands of another..........§§939, 940. 2659,2665,2826- 2830,2954. On public lands..............§§6823-6827. Within o emeteries...........§§2914,3651. On corner trees....................§2953 « ............................................... UNIFORMITY OE LEGISLATION, STATE BOARD TO PROMOTE............§§6948-6950.IP’TTXfc rTATTf aTOWGXCM, rVHVT'V: Cvot-exalUn »tfch £tate Bourd of 0#clog icaX furv©y...,........C $ 4CX, iniVT^rXTY of wirnm tuaW « Of,.**........ . . ,....., . „ «w*w «»»ww WATOFtfft {IFXrah •‘ -U t h« Ctt. SX?6~$£3*L W/*?F or TJWFH: J)ux in - f: r ed or * 1 on $s or U« u e e x . (TXJMBXjR, mWF, FTC. )* ,, ., ,§?CaC* ?090t xo?f>aeaxMemo It may be well to include Sec. 34 (Art. II. of the State Constitution), since the Commis- sioner of Statistics is required, by the provisions of Sec. 8960, to report upon the '’Natural He- sources’* of the Statej which in- clude forests. CONSTITUTION OP TOT STATE OP WASHINGTON. Article II. LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT. § 34, Bureau of Statistics? Agriculture and Immigration. — There shall be established in the office of the secre- tary of state a bureau of statistics, agri- culture, and immigration, under such regu- lations as the legislature may provide. aSee Section 8960, p. hereof. (Wash) -20-CONSTITUTION 0? THE STATE OE WASHINGTON Article XVI. SCHOOL AND GRANTED LANDS. § - * Limitations Sales. Jo more than one-fourth of the land granted to the state for educational purposes shall be sold prior to January first, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, and not more than one-half prior to January first, nineteen hundred and five: Provided, That nothing herein shall be so construed as to prevent the state from selling the timber or stone off of any of the state lands in such manner and on such terms as may be prescribed by law: and pro- vided aurther, xhat no sale of timber lands shall be valid unless the full value of such lands is paid or secured to the state. (Wash) -21§ 6ul. [Sale ox Property under Bbfceoution and Bedemption.l restraining Waste During Bademp- tion Per lode Until the expiration of the time allowed for redemption the court may restrain the com- mission of waste on the property. But it is not waste for the person in possession of the property at the time of the sale or entitled to possession afterwards during the period allowed for redemption to continue tto use it in the same manner in which it was previously used, or to use it in the ordinary course of husbandry, or to make the necessary repairs of buildings there- on, or to use wood or timber on the property therefor, or for the repairs of fences, or for fuel in his family while he occupies the property. [L. *99, p. 93, $14,] Fash) 23 § 939^ (5656.) Trespass for Cutting Trees, X~;«aas3SSSK3BSaE5dScaxaKSSffifcas3SSsI4sS.'S,-,S- XSX3K3J ’ •henever any person shall cut down, girdle, or otherwise injure or carry off any tree, timber, or shrub on the land of another person, or on the street or high* way in fron of any person’s house, village, town, or city lot, or cultivated ground, or on the cowon or public grounds of any village, town, or city, or on the street or highway in front thereof, without la ful authority, in any action by such person, village, town or city, against the person committing the trespass, or any of them, if judgment be given for the plaintiff, it shall be given for treble the amount of damages claimed or assessed therefor, as the case may be. [l. *69, p. 143, §556; Cd. *81, §602; 2. H.C., §661.3 fee infra? §2822, 2823, offense of trespass on Inclosed and uninclosed lands. (Wash) - 24«§ 940. (5657.) Casual or Involuntary Trespass. Damages. If upon trial of suoh notion it shall appear that the trespass was casual or in- voluntary, or that the defendant had probable cause to believe that the land on which such trespass was committed was his own, or that of the person in whoso service or by whose direction the act was done, of that such tree or timber was taken from uninclosed woodlands, for the purpose of repairing any public high- way or bridge upon the land, or adjoining it, judgment shall only be given for single damages. [1. '69, p. 143, §957; Cd. '31, §603; 2H.C. , §662.] (Wash) -25C 943, (5660, 'i Actionable Nuisances, Defined, »-< 4o,«»c4jkA^r■»-<>> nnnmafcita The obstruction of any highway, or the closing of the channel of any stream used for boating or rafting logs, lumber, or timber, * * * is a nuisance, and the subject of an action for damages and other and further relief. [Cf, L, ’54, p, 207, §405; L. ’59, p, 144, §559; Cd. ’81, §605; 2 H. C. , §664.] Mote,^Sections 944, 945 amd 946 con- tain provisions respecting the matters of "Who Maintain Action,’’ and "Warrant for Abatement of Nuisance," and "Stay of Warrant " in such cases, ’ (W?sh)Title VIII. - Chapter III. LCTS 01? MECHANICS .AND MA.TBRIADTO. [The matter of liens of Mater ialmen and others is covered by the provisions of this chapter, embracing Sections 1129-1148. See Rem. and Bal. Code.] (Wash-I Title VIII, - Chapter IV. LOTS GT F3MTO. I 114'% (50l9#) Laborer’s Lien on Property, Tfr&nQhises , eto♦ Every person performing labor for any * * * * suwm ill, dumb er or t imb er o ompany, shal1 have u prior lien on the franohise, earn ings, and on all the real and personal property of said per s on, company or c or p or at ion s, wh ioh is used in the operation of its business, to the extent of the moneys due him from such person, company or corporation, operating said franchise or business, for labor performed within six months next preceding the filing of his claim. therefor, is hereinafter provided and no mortgage, deed of t?ust or conveyance B shall defeat or take precedence over said lien. [L. »97, p. 55, (Wash) -28-I 1150. (5920.) Notice oT Lien. 1151. (5921.) Service of Notice. 1152. (5922. ) Ior ©closure of Lien 1153. (5923.) : How Claims are to he Paid Toy receiver or Assignee, k — LPor the text of these four Sections and references thereto, see Ben*, and Bal. Code.] I (Was a) -29-Title VIII. - Chapter VII. LIENS UPON LOGS AND OTHER TIMBER. § 1162. (5930.*) Wo may Have Liens. Every person performing labor upon, or who shall assist in obtaining or securing saw-logs, spars, piles, cordwood, shingle bolts, or other timber, and the owner or owners of any tugboat, or towboat, which shall tow or assist in towing, from one place to another within this state, and saw-logs, spars, piles, ccrdwoed, shingle bolts, or other timber, and the owner or owners of any team or any logging engine, which shall haul or assist in hauling from one place to another within this state, ar.y saw-logs, spars, piles, cord wood, shingle bolts, or other titer, and the owner or owners of any logging or other raAlroaw over which saw-logs, spars, piles, (Wash) 50'oordwood, shingle bcite, or other timber amii be transported nru delivered, shall have a lien upon the e&m for the work or Xubor done upon, or In obtaining or swuring, or for services rendered in towing, trans- porting, hauling, or driving, Uo partiouXar saw-Xoga, spara, oordweod, sshingle bolts, or other timber in said el&im or ikn d^s* ©oribed, whether suoh work, labor or am^ioes W'i.0 (tone, rendered or per formed at tie instance of ib owner of the »w or hint agent* The OOok in a logging « unp $hall be regarded m a person who assists in obtaining or aoour- [f. M? P* X'-1 "|X» ♦ « *•••'•» P« o-H-, 5 tj Ta# <• XI 7; 5.3|, U ’79, p. Iff, |£$ Cd. MX, 1 >1671: p. 428, §1* M Mb, <„ 17b, UJ •boo irt.fra, ^1110a, this? Chapter n> ^lio.fbXe to Xions on farm <relucts. -il~ (Wsh)5 1163. (5951.) Lien on Lumber-Lumber Defined. Every person performing work or '! ab cr or assisting in manufactaring saw- logs and other timber into lumber and shingles, has a lien upon such lumber while the same remains at the mill where it was manufactured, or in the possession or under the control of the manufacturer, whether such work or labor was done at the instance of the owner of such logs or his agent or any contr^c tor or subcontractor of such owner. The term lumber, as used in this chapter, shall be held and be construed to mean all logs or other timber sawed or split for use, including beams, Joists, planks, boards, shingles, laths staves, (Wash) 32-hoops, -mu awy anUio of nature/ or deser lotion ’^mu f&<jtur<>d from r« [ex. ’??, ;• :• n, \<i Od. ’ U, USM2| x H.c. , W-| ♦ •u,;> j^# y, ~„ »UM, ;e 4i-a, ,;J Any person who shall permit another to go upon his timber land and out there- on saw-logs, spars, piles or othet timber, has a lien upon the same for the price agreed to be paid for such privilege, or for the price such privilege would be rea- sonably worth in case there was no express agreement fixing the prioe. p. 217, §5; Cd. '81, §1943; I. '93, p. 429, §3.] [Cf. L. '77, 1 H,Ca j §168X$ (Wash) 34- § 1165. (5933.) Preferred. Liens. The liens provided for in this chapter are preferred liens and are prior to any other liens, and no sale or transfer of any saw- logs, spars, piles or other timber or manu- factured lumber or shingles shall divest the lien thereon as herein provided, and as between > liens provided for in this chapter those for work and labor shall be preferred: Provided, that as between liens for work and labor claimed by several laborers on the same logs or lot of logs the olaha or claims for work or labor done or performed on the identical logs proceeded against to the extent that said logs can be identified, shall be preferred as against the general claim of lien for work and labor recog nixed and provided for in this chapter. fof. L. >77, p. 217, §6; Cd. >81, §1944; 1 H.C. , §1682; L. >93, p. 429, §4.] (Wash) 35- $ —Ito. (3»34,j ..MaUtatlon of mine; Lien for LabQ£. > The person rendering the service of [or] doing the work or labor named in sections 1162 and 1163 of this chapter is only entitled to the liens as provided herein for services, work or labor fvr the period of eight calendar months, or any part thereof next preceding the filing of the claim, as provided in section 1169 of this chapter. [Of. L. *7?, p. £17, §?; ea. <81, §1945; 1 H.C., §1633; L. <93, p. 429, §5.] "section 1169“ substituted for “section 8" of the act of 1893, while “section 7M r£l!68 infra] was evidently intended. L ’ » (Wash) -36§ 1167. (5955,) for Ltumiage* Limitation of Tiling Lien The person granting the privilege mentioned in seotion 1164 of this chapter is only enti- tled to the lien as provided therein for savv- logs, spars, piles and other tiirfber out during the eight months next preceding the filing of the claim, as herein provided in the next suc- ceeding seotion of this chapter. [Cf. L. ‘77f p. 217, §3; Ci. '31, §1946; 1 H.C. , §1684; L. '93, p. 429, §6.] (Wash) -375 1168. (5936.) Piling of Clafrn for Leber > etc. I § 1169, (5937.) Filing of Claim lor Sttopage. § or cling Claim. [Kor the test of these three Sections and references thereto, see Rem and Bal. Code.] (Wash) 38- H# Xien i-xevW»j4 for in thi» ehu? ter binds?; -my $&w**Xog$t sperMy piles or other timber, or busbar and shingles* .for a long* <r period than eight oaXendnr mirths after the eXai® as herein provided has b«mn filed, unless a civil antion eomeneed in a i r o t ear ci our t, 1 th in that t li&e, t o e n for n % the ©ame: ’bcovided, however, that in •mieh $ivil action &o oowianeed should fer my aause other than the mrU», be twnsuiUd or dismissed, Uien the XUm shall acntinus for the tespni of one enlendar mntte, it the said sight iwnths hav<a expired, tc permit the ijom^fto^nt of another action thereon, shinh shall be as effective in prolonging the lien a® if it had been entered during the tens (Wa®h)of eight months hereinbefore stated. CCf. b. '77 p. i.18, §!£.; i. '79, p, 100, 55; Cd. '31, §1950; 1 H.C. , §1688; L. '93 1. 431, JlCj (Wash) -40-? A?-7...L"94P..» 1 >7u 11 c n edur e, * 1173, ($941,*) Sheriff as Receiver, * s^^: ,sz ^S^-^^^SS^^mtSSS^:S!!^S!SSSSX^3S^»&'"-'SZ^-££S^3SS^JSS!!iZiS£iSSiSS^S22^Z I § 1174, (5942,) Answer of Defendants SsKK^S* (Bor the text of these three Sections, and references thereto, see Rem, and Rai, Code,] (Wash) 41I § 13.^5* (5943«) Enforcement of Lien Against Wide or Par t. jB8En>SSSSr«a>a». - uk. wi-Mfuo-. TSBB• Any person who shall bring a civil action to enforce the lion herein provided for, or any person having a lion as herein provided for, who shall be made a party to any civil notion* F has the right bo demand that such lien be enforced against the whole or any part of the savc-lcgs, spars, piles or other timber or manu- factured lumber or shingles upon which he has performed labor or which he has assisted in securing or obtaining, or which he has cut on his timber land during the eight months next preceding the filing of his lien, for all his labor upon or for all his assistance in obtain ing or securing said logs , spars, piles or other timber, or in manufacturing said lumber or shingles during the vhole or any part of the -42'eiglit months mentioned in section 1168, or for timber out during the whole or any part of the eight months above mentioned. And where proceedings are commenced against any lot of saw-logs, spars, piles or other timber or lumber or shingles as herein provided, and some of the lienors claim liens against the specific logs, sp?ws, piles or other timber or lumber or shingles proceeded against, and others against the same generally, to secure their claim for work and labor, the priority of the liens shall be determined as herein- before provided, [Cf. t,. »77> p. 218> §14. Cd. *81, §1952; § 14.] 1 H.C;, §1690; I*. *93, p. 432, See note to §1172 supra. ’’Section 1168» substituted for’’section 7" of the act of 1393, while “tection^” [$13 66 supra] war evidently Intended. * (Wash) -43-I 1175. (5914.) Errora not to Tnya.ll- date Lien. <hen, [Por the text of this Section, and references thereto, see Pern. and Bal. Code J (W^s i) •44“I § 117 7. , (45.) InnooentJ^jrdn?ar ty. Wxo is« It shall he conclusively presumed by the court that a party purchasing the property liened upon within thirty days given herein to claimants wherein to file their liens, is not an innocent third party, nor that he has 'become a bona .fide owner of the property liened upon, unless it | shall appear that he has paid full value for the said property, and has seen that the purchase money of uhe said property has been applied to the payment of such "bona fide claims as are en- titled to liens upon the said property under the provisions of this chapter, .according to the priorities herein established. [l. ’93, p, 433, §16.] I •• 45 —» I 1178, (5946,*) Joinder- Cos.tg,, § 1179, (5947, ) Jud&acnt» 3£n~ foromnent of. I § 1180. 15948,) .Sale as Personalty, [for the text of these three sections, and references thereto, see Heia. ana Bal, Code,J I (Wash) 46> § 1181« (5949») Damages for Mo lining or * - —■»"»* WJW » r»^-. >**«,*- ^««r. ■*£*•*> Itemov in& larks, Q^£*o ov er able V/hen. Any person who shall eloign, injure or destroy, or who shall render difficult, un- certain or impossible of identification any saw-logs, spars, piles, shingles or other timber upon which there is a lien as herein provided, without the express consent of the person entitled to such lien shall he liable to the lienholder for the damages to the amount secured by his lien, and it being shown to the court in the civil action to enforce said lien, it shall be the duty of the court to enter a personal judgment for the amount in such ac- tion against the said person, provided he be a party to such action, or the damages .may be recovered by a civil action against such person. [Of. L. '77, p. 219, §18; Cd. '81, §1950; 1 H. C. , §1694; L. '93, p. 434, §20.] (TFaeh) 47§ 1190a. (5984.) Provisions Extended to SLSsacatES -=Afc» =■'^BSEaKSsaasasss:.--.s.- t aasaasaasaa'ig-gg-^g; ffarm Laborers. ,\ All rights secured to the holders of iiens upon logs, under the provisions of achapter VII, shall inure to the benefit of those holding liens under the provisions of this chapter, and the said lienholders hereunder, shall have the same right to have their liens recorded, the same right of foreclosure, of joinder of parties, of judgment over against the person primarily liable, and against any person who shall injure or impair their lien or any of their rights, as above secured to the holders of liens upon logs under said chapter Vii. [Cd. '81, §1978.3 "This chapter” in the Code of 1881 included chapters IX, XIXI and XIV of this Title; but this section relates only to chapter IX. aP. $£) hereof. (Wash) -48-V&" o feck ions i 3d | t,c b<» c. nvern«n6FTT those 3t.11 ,nd 13C-4, with the nctes thereto, re "he ure merely placed here temper jt iiy, &» ►L*ltia’ the Ci'fs& ii<^ t •» on. iss loner’s nt to tc fec- doubt ln to‘ 11 on T3? i as to Xhc x 01 &£j» *- • certain • tatutes, and, is©, the • ■ ;rent inoons istenoy between feet lone end &.3il, pointed ou t ty khe T^usnmI ©■» i oner , are doubtless matters -fthich r. ?. \ houglas, Secretary of the Washington ftate Commission on '■•’rest legislation wishes to have brought to his attention. r v n Explanatory Note. (in regard to certain following sections) The note which follows Feet ion 2304 in the Hem. and Hal. Code shows that a doubt exists as to the effect of the schedule in that section shoving acts repealed; and since that section with the note thereto, and also ) Sections 2300 and 2301 and the notes thereto* are frequently referred to in reference notes to certain other sections, containing provi- sions in regard to timber, it has been thought well to place in this compilation, temporarily, copies of said sections and notes, as a matter of ready reference, for the use of those exam- ining the compilation. Said sections and notes thereto are not to be printed. ) £C See, also, in the Preface, the Code Com- missioners explanation in regard to the Acts plaoed in the Appendix. - 49- (wash)§ ^SOC^^^^b^CohStrUe^a^Conti^^t^n^Of^ fformer Acts. The provisions of this act, in so far as they are substantially the same as existing statutes, shall be construed as continuations thereof and not as new enactments. [ L. *09, p< 902, §48.] See next section, apparently inconsistent with this section. § 2301," Act as Measure of Law. Ko statute, law or rule is con, ihued in force because it is consistent with the provisions of this act on the same subject; but in all oases provided for by this act, all statutes, laws and rules heretofore in force in this state, whether consistent or not wf i the provisions of this act, unless expressly continued in force by it, See Explanatory Note on preceding page hereof -50-•09, p. 902, are repealed and abrogated, [L, §49 .J See aupra, §2300, consistent statutes con- strued as continuations of earlier acts. See infra. §2304, all acts or parts of acts inconsistent herewith, repealed. Much that is "provided for by this act on the saxe subject * was already covered by special regislution of a purely regulative nature enforced by and imposing fines and penalties for misdemeanors or offenses cre- mated. In view of the restricted title of this act, and of the inconsistency between this and other sections, it seems that a reasonable construction of this section would limit its application strictly to the provis- ions embraced in the old Penal Code. Accord- ingly, all special legislation imposing regu- lative fines and penalties for misdemeanors or offenses created are retained as concurrent or additional remedies not included within the title of this act. There are a number of sections of the old Penal Code not "Provided for by this act on the same subject" and not inconsistent with any provisions of this act, the repeal of which, accordingly, depends entirely upon the schedule of repealed acts in §2304, infra. In view of the fact that these sections are not mentioned in the title and that many other sections of the old Penal Code are not men- tioned, repealed, or affected, these sections may be still in force. Proa a cuxsofy inepee- tion, it would seen that the following sections (Wash) 51repealed by the schedule in 5^301 might not be "provided for by thiss act on the same sub* jeet," or ineenais&ent with any provisions of thi*? aet, vi&.: w? cr acts no? wm fcf ok mr FWW: [Mon© © . is named in the teueh upon subject® covered by thia Compila- tion, ] ****<**»« #•*««. fee, also, |§ * • * W5-WB30, * * smt . , > • - ...£S&U&xyfiii» Mi actfe or parts of acts enumerated in the following eeheduie, and all acts, and parts of acts in conflict with the provisions hereof are hereby repealed. 1 fee Explanatory Note on p-ape preceding, feet ion 13OC hereof, a eh) *51*$©&adul© of /©te Be^e&led. Ballinger’• Annotated Codes and Statutes ef Wshingtun, sections 3435, 3486, 37661 4072, 4376, 6724, 6727 to 6736, inclusive; 6773 to 6776 inclusive; 6S66, ©90S, 010 to 6916, in* ciu^iv^j ei:. 5 to ©917, inclusive; 6345; 7055 to 7071, inclusive; 7073 to 7033, inclusive; 7034 to 7101, inclusive; 7103 to 7116, inclu- sive; 7113 to ?i;e, inclusive; 7.128 to 7132, inclusive; 7136 to 7142, inclusive; 7144, 7145, 7146a,7147, 7164, 7156, 7166, 7160, 7166 to 7166, inclusive; 7175, 7176, 7135 to 7231, in* elusive; 7233 to 7256, inclusive; 7269, 7260, 7261, 7264, 7166, 7266, 7263, 7269, 7175 to 7186, inclusive; 723 , 7293 to 7226, inclusive; 7; t, 7301, IndiuuM; 7M0t, 7:}f 6 , 7610 U 7317, inclusive; 7322, 7323, 7314, 7334 to 7343, inclusive; ?<Ci, 7405, 7135 to 7440, in- due iVa; Osn»s$ ©f ‘v^e.ningt«n, 1901, chapter© 17, 25, 34, 10, 69, 145, 154; 53of ^ishington, 1903, chapter* 5, 13, 14, 45, 51, 62, 55, 56, 112, 123, 113, 131, section 1; of ^asiington, 1105, chapters 24, 33, 42, 49, 77, 93, 153, 179; Laws of Washington, 1907, chapters 35, 3v, 103, 123, 146, 155, 169, 170. [L. *09 p. 906, $52.] This title embrace© chapter 149, laws of 1909, commonly called the “Penal Cede of 1909.” -Although it is not a complete penal code, it embraces mote than a were definition of ’’Crimes and $u&lshmeito.“ The title of the act is: *^n act relating to crimes and punishments, and the rights and custody of persons accused or convicted of or i. e, and repealing certain acts.” In view of the general nature of the title of this act, a doubt exists as to the effect of this schedule of acts repealed. Accordingly, in so far as the repealed acts seem not to con- flict with other provisions of this act, or not clearly embraced in the title of this act, they are di retained. rue former conflicting laws defining crimes and punishment are retained in the ,appendix r} rais schedule of acts repealed will, therefore, be found herein, in the order named in this section, Mid the following sec- tions of this compilation: 2983, 3200, 3201, 5561, 9317, 1967, 1970 to 1979 inclusive: 2722 to 2725, inclusive; 2078, 2117, 2119 to 2125, tp& tee p. • hereof, also Preface. ash) / -54-> 2119 to 2135, inclusive; 2131 to 2133, in- elusive; 2157, 2726 to 2762, inclusive; 276 to 2779, inclusive; 2784 to 2791, inclusive 2792 to 2806, inclusive; 2816 to 2820, inclusive; 2828, 2830, 2831, 2832, 2843 to 2845, inclusive; 2894, inclusive; 2896 to 2924, 2925. 2926 to 2947, inclusive; 2948, 2949 to sive; 2933 to 2956, inclusive; 2957, 2958, 2960 to 2967, inclusive; 2969, 2970, 2971, 2972 to 2981, inclusive; 2982 to 2989, inclusive; 2888, 2840, 2793, 2841, 2740, 2829, 2990, 2792, 2801, 2842; 2780 to 2783, inelusive; 2931 2807 t o' 2815, i. no lus i ve ; 2821 to 2827, inclusive; 2833, 2834, 2835, 2836, 2846 , 2847 , 2851 to inclusive; 2923, 5922 2927, 2928, 2929 2930, 2936 2952. tnclu- 2970, 2837, 2838, 2839, 2902. 2903 2191, 2192, 2757, 3672, 2932, 2917 2935, 3896 3897, 5933 2850, 6570 8548 to 8554, inclusive 298 § 2729, 2848, 2959, 2991, 6571, 2968, 2193; 2155. 2799 This list includes all of the schedule except chapter 179, Laws of 1905, which was held void in Leonard v. Bass indale, 46 Wash. 301. A number of the above sections ought to he repealed are part of the Criminal Code of Pro- cedure, Title XxXl; and many other sections of that title are embraced within, impliedly pealed by, or inconsistent with, various sections of this act. Title XCXI is, however, retained in its entirety, because of the doubt as to whether the general clause in the title of this act, "rights and custody of persons accused or con- victed of crime,” is sufficient to authorise 55’> amendments or implied repeals of the Criminal Code of Procedure; especially as to this act does not purport to cover procedure, or to he a coxae plete act on the "rights and custody** of accused persons. The above schedule of repealed acts does not include all of the old Penal Code nor all the later penal enactments: See note to §2397. infra. The above schedule of repealed acts braces a number of sections of the old Penal Code which are not covered by, nor in conflict or inconsistent with, any of the provisions of i his act: See note to §2301, sgpra, for acts not "provided for by this act on the same subject." > (Wash) 56'Jvsry person ww, within a country where there is a deputy fire warden, shall turn any wood or brush between the 1st day of June and the 1st day of October in each year, without first obtaining a permit thereto from such deputy lire warden, or ^ho, in setting, guard- ing or extinguishing any fire in such wood or brush, shall willfully or negligently fail to observe any precaution prescribed by such deputy fire warden, snail be guilty of a mis* d e me an or : Pi ov id e d, that nothing herein con- turned shall prevent any person fror. burning any legs, stumps, drift or brush heaps in small quantities isolated from other inflammable ma- terial under personal supervision and suoh (Wash) 57-» other at. fe guard as shall prevent such fixes from spreading. [l». ’09, p. 974, §270j See infra, §§5283 in closed season. See infra, §5144 prair ie fir e. See infra, §5286 ex r ester ♦ See infra, §5146 ice. See infra, §5145 or fishing. See infra, $514? produce. 5284, forest fires maliciously setting engined wihout spark kindling without ni&l- kindling while hunting setting to lumber and > *5S (Wash)§ 2523* Negligent Pires, Shrery person who shall willfully or negligently set, or fail to oar ©fully guard or extinguish any fire, whether on his own land or the land of another, whereby the timber or property of another shall be en- dangered, or who shall fail to respond to any lawful summons to aid in guarding or extinguish- ing any fire, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor« [I, '09, p. 974, 5271.] Cofijai* .inn. Code, 54997; W.X.P.C., §413. fee, also, §§5144, 5145, 5284, infra. fee infra, §6074, ne^ligenoe of fire marshalI I § 2524«, Operating Danggpous gngine» Pverj’ person who snail operate or permit to he operated in dangerous proxi;: ita to any brush, grass or other inflammable material, any engine or boiler which, is not e^uipx„ed with a odern spark-arrester, in good condition, □hall to ;d. .t of a misdemeanor. [L. *09, lor former laws, see infra, §5285. (Wash) -60-§ 2594, _ Removing Lawful Brands Every person who shall willfully deface, obliterate, remove or alter any mark or brand placed by or with the authority of the owner thereof on any shingle bolt, log or stick of timber, * * * shall be punished by im- prisonment in the state penitentiary for not more than five years, or by imprisonment in the county jail for not wore than one year, or by a fine of not more than one thousand dol- lars, or by both fine and imprisonment, [l. *09 p. 994, §342.) Compare Jinn. Code, §5065. Pvery person who, in any county, shall place upon any property, any brand or mark in the likeness or similitude of another brandcr mark filed with the county auditor of suoh county by the owner thereof as a brand or mark for the designation or identification of a like kina of property, shall— (1.) If acne with intent to confuse or commingle such property with, or to appropriate to his own use, the property of such other own- er, be guilty of a felony, and be punished by imprisonment in the state penitentiary for not more than five years, or by imprisonment in the county jail for nob wore than one year, or by a fine of not wore than one thousand dollars, cr by both fine and imprisonment. (2.) If done without such intent, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. [L, ’09, p. 995, §343.] sh) 62-Kmo* Since the State of Washington contains National forests, it way he well to include subdivisions 15 and 16, relating to the removal of posted notices# I § 2®$®* .Injuring Public Utilities, >wpwg>"iimiiiii; M>iwiw«roiwwwnoiiaawM—wwlwwm —in «I»H 'i BVery person who shall willfully or maliciously remove, damage or destroy: ***** ******* (4.) A tree, rock, post or other monument erected or marked for the purpose of desig- nating a point on the boundary of the state, of a country, city, town or a farm, tract or lot of land, or any mark or inscription there- on; or, ************ (15,) A sign or notice erected or posted by any officer under lawful authority, or by the owner or occupant of the premises where posted; or, (Wash) -63-> (16.) A legal notice or other legal paper posteu in compliance with the requirements of any statute of this state, or under the di- rection or order of a court; and, Every person— (17.) Wo shall moor any vessel, scow, barge, raft or boom to any bridge or to any buoy or beacon lawfully in any waters within this state; or, » * * * * « ****#*»♦ Snail be guilty \ of a misdemeanor. Qb. *09 p. 1016, §404.] Compare Unn. Code, §5130; tf.Y.P.C., §639. See infra, §^6624-6827, injury to public lands. 1'or former laws, see infra; §2333, willful injury to bridges, etc. §2914, willful injury to cemetery. §2953. willful injury to guideboards, monuments, etc. ’ §2954, willful injury to public property. §2957, mooring vessel or boom of logs to br idges. §2956, mooring vessel to buoys or beacons. (Tasn) -64-> § £658. Interfering zvith M, Pe3ervoirt etc. ifvery person who shall willfully or maliciously displace, remove, injure or de- stroy any pier, boom, or da® lawfully erected or maintained upon, in or aoross any water in this state, or any dam or reservoir lawfully maintained for impounding water; or hoist any gate in or about such dam or reservoir, shall he guilty of a gross misdemeanor. [L. *09, p. 1018, § 4C6j Compare Uinn, Code, $5131. For former laws, see §§♦ * * 2840. I (Wash) -65-§ 2659, Injury to property, Every person who sxiall willfully— (1.) Cut down, destroy or injure any wood, timber, grain, grass or crop, standing or growing, or which has been cut down and is lying upon the lands of another, or of the state; or, (2.) Cut down, girdle or otherwise injure a fruit, shade or ornamental tree standing on the land of another or of the state, or in any road or street; or, (3.) Pig, take or carry away v/ithout lawful authority or consent, from any lot or land in any city, or town, or from any lands induced within the limits of a street or avenue in such city or town, any earth, soil or stone; or, Wash) 66-(4«) Writer without the consent of the owner or occupant, any orchard, garden or vineyard, with intent to take, injure or destroy anything there grown or growing; or, (5.) Cut down, destroy or in any way injure any shrub, tree, vine or garften produce grown or growing within any such orchard, garden or vineyard, or any framework or erec- tion therein; or, (13.) Injure, destroy or tamper with any rope, line, cable or chain with which any vessel, * * "boom, * * * shall be anchored or mo ur ed, * * * cr , (14.) Place upon or affix to any real property or any * * * tree, * * * * • ash) 67thereupon, without the consent of thhe owner thereof, any word, character or device designed to advertise any article, business, profession, exhibition, matter or event; or, «*««***# «««* Shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. jl«. *09, p. 1019, §407J Compare inn. Cede, §5133: XY.P.C. , §640. former laws, see infra, §§2826-2828, 2330, 2843. Other property, see §2842. * » * # * See infra, §6622, injury to trees in high- way. See infra, §§6824-£ -j27, injury to public lands. (Wash.) -68-Section 2665 - Doubtful. It may be $©11 to include Sec- tion 2665, since it applies in case© of disregard of warning no- tices |osted on National forests in the State of Washington. § £66ft» Trespass upon Land of Another. Warning* Brery person wno snail land of another with intent annoy the owner or occupant to com dt any unlawful act, or fully go or remain upon any go upon the to vex or thereof, or shall will- land after having been warned by the owner thereof not to trespass thereon, shall he guilty of a misdemeanor• or occupant Every owner or other occupant of any land shall be deemed to have given a suf- ficient warning against trespassing, within the meaning cf this section, who shall post in a conspicuous manner on each side thereof, upon or near the boundary, at intervals of not wore than seven hundred feet, si^ns leg- ibly printed cr painted in the English lan- guage, warning persons not to trespass. {Wash) -6<?An entryman on land under the laws of the United States shall he deemed an owner within the meaning o ‘ this section. [L. ‘09, p. 1021, §413.J £or former laws, see infra, §§2822-2825. See infra, §§6824-6827, trespass on state lands. (Wash)'Memo This note to Section 2697 is not to he printed* It fs merely placed here tern porarily, for the information of those examining tnis compilation »»****«» At- id A *) fnfi ‘1 i r- V. - . , i Ac fd 'U / A . i 4 All of the existing provisions of the old Criminal Code relating to crimes and punishments, as well as the 1-'ter penal enactments, which Aire not ex* pressly repealed toy 3.9091 are retained in this compilation; tout this chapter embraces only part of such en€ actnents, most of which are placed under soecififc subjects. See the following sections: 3257; 5144 to 5149, inclusive; 3289, 3265, 3123, 3340, 5232, 6284, 6285, 5315, 5318, 5317, 6566, 8293, 8294, 8385; 5342 to 5344, inclusive; 5354, 5353, 5352, 5356, 5358, 5357, 5372, 5358-1/2, 5326, 5355; 5336 to 5338, inclusive; 5380 to 5383 inclusive; 6208, 5195; 5197 to 5207, inclus- ive; 5188, 5189, 8717; 3284 to 3288, inclus- ive; 4958 to 4971, inclusive. (Wash) 71-iuemo Pee the explanation of this Ap- pendix wsade the Code Cow is si oner in his Preface (included in this com- pilation.) See, also, Sections 2300, 2301 and 2304 and the Code Commissioner 1 s notes thereto. (Pp>; -^hereof.) APPPUBIJ oyrorsjs A1W POT1SBOTTS XJWRP WFP XAWF (governing offenses o omitted prior to ♦Tune 9, 1909*) «w mibM «•*£« 4 r.Willfully Bemoving Trees, etc« t from An other 1 s Land, If any person shall willfully cut down, Append ix. destroy, or injure any standing or growing trees upon the lands of another, or shall will- fully take or rewove from any suoh lands any timber or wood previously sut or severed from the same, * * * such person, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by im- prisonment in the county Jail not less than one month nor more than one year , or by fine not less than fifty nor more than one thousand do! lars. [1. '90, j>. 126, §5; 2H.P.C,, §74.] As to repeal of this section, see (2304, and note. Present law, see §2659, supra, partly covers this section. See note to §2701. f^asn4appendix. § £327* (7141.) Willfully Taking ^cuit, etc,, fro;r. Another *s Land. If any person shall willfully enter upon the garden, orchard, cr other improved land of another, or in his possession, with intent to cut, take, carry away, destroy, or injure the trees, grain, grass, hay, fruit or vegetable products there growing and being, such person, upon conviction thereof, shall he punished by imprisonment in the county jail not less than one nor more than six months, or by fine not less than five nor more than fifty dollars. '90, p. 125, §3; 2 H.P.C. , §75. 1 As to repeal of this section, see 52304, and note. Present law, see §2659, supra, partly covers this section. See note to §2301. 74-Ap j end ix. § 2828, (7141,) Injuring Trees______or Streets or Highways. Svery person who sixsll out down, girdle, destroy, or injure any tree, timber, or shrub on the street or highway in front of any person’s house, village, town, or city lot, or on the commons or public grounds of any village, town, or city, or on the street or highway in front thereof, without lawful authority, shall be guilty of a mis- demeanor, and upon conviction thereof snail be punished by a fine of not nore than fifty dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail not more than twenty days, or by both such fine and imprisonments. [$• '91, p. 122, *11; 2H.P.C. , §77.] As to repeal of this section, see §2304, and note. Present law, see §2659, supra, partly covers this section. See note to §2d0l. -75-§ Injuring Trees and Shrubs in Putlie Places. Appendix. Whoever uigs up, cuts down, girdles, defaces, cr otherwise injures or mars any tree or shrub on any public highway, bicy- cle path, park or any public grounds used as a place of public resort, unless the same is deemed an obstruction by the road supervisor or person lawfully in charge of such highway, bicycle path, park or public grounds and removed under his or their direction, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and be finad in any sum not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars and the costs of prose- oution. [L. 'Cl, p. 301, §1.J 4s to repeal of this section, see §13, 04, and note. Present laws §^2656, 2651, par tlyg covers this seotion. Pee note to §2301, (Wash) -76-I £330, (7145,) Malicious Injury to Appendix. If any person shall maliciously or wantonly out down, destroy, or injure any bush, shrub, .fruit, or other tree not his own, standing or growing for fruit, orna- ment, or other useful purpose, or shall willfully break the glass in or deface any building not his own, or shall willfully break down or destroy any fence or hedge belonging to or inclosing land not his on, or shall willfully throw down, or open and leave down or open, any bars, gate or fence, or hedge belonging to or inclosing land not hi« own, or shall maliciously or wantonly sever from the land of another any produce thereof, suoh person, upon conviction thereof shall be punished by imprisonment in the (Wash) -77-county Jail not less than three months nor more that one year , or by fine not less than ten dollars nor more than five hundred dollars* [ L» *90, p* 127, §10; 2 H.P.C., $73.] As to repeal of this section, see §2304, and note* Present law, §2659 ; supra, partly covers this section. See note to §2301® See §2703, supra, robbing sluice- boxes, etc. (Tas. J5 (715%* Tillful Injury to Tcidgea. Ap^enu ix. fvery person who snail wilffulfy anti maliciously out, break, injure, or destroy any bridge, mill dam, oanai, flume, aqueduct, reservoir, or other structure erected to create nydraulio power, or to conduct water for mining or agricultural purposes, or to conduct water for the pur- pose of floating or carrying therein logs, timber, eartn, or sand , or any embankment necessary to the su-e, or either of them, or snail willfully or nalioiously make, or cause to be nade, any aperture in such da®, canal, flume, aqueduct, r eservo ir, embank- ment, or structure, with intent to injure or destroy the same, shall, on conviction thereof, be fined in any sum not more than (Tash) 79one thousand ficli.if. , or he imprisoned in the penitentiary at hard labor not more chan two years, or both suoh fine and im* prisonment. [Cf. L. *62, p. 30, §1; Cd., ‘31, §842; L. *91, p. 228, §1; 2 H.P.C. , §86.] As to repeal of this section, see $2304, and note. Present laws, §^2656, 2658, supra, parti; covers this section. (Wash) -80-§ 2854, (7155,) hxllcious Injury to Vessels, Logs, etc. If any person maliciously cut away, Appendix, let loose, injure, or destroy any boom or raft of wood, logs, or lumber, or any boat or vessel fastened to any place, of which he is not the owner or legal possessor, he shall be £ unished by fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, and imprisonment in the county jail not ore than one year, and shall also forfeit to the use of the person so injured double the amount of damages by him thereby sustained, to be recovered in an action at law. [Cd. ’31, §343; 2 H.P.C., §86.] As to repeal of this section, see § 1504. and note. Compare §2658. This section seems only partly covered by the act of 1909. See note to §2301, supr a. ’ (Wash)§ 2340, Unlawful to Injure Booms, ■■nil SiiiMWMi'iiwirriiwTTSrfflri' iJliilii ttii'«i 'iiir'miifci i tail i n ■ji'ii'i Iffffw'li' BB3BBB3B Any person who shall willfully and Append ix, maliciously break, out away, injure or destroy any boom lawfully established and being in any of the waters of this state, or make any out or break in the same with intent to destroy the same, shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and on conviction thereof shall be punished by imprisonment in the state penitentoaty for any term not exceeding five years, [l, >01, p. 22, §1.J As to repeal of this section, see §2304, and note. Present law, see ,2658, supra. (^ash) 82-Appendix. § 28-4l< Unlawful to Destroy Marks and ‘‘^iTti,r*MM‘tj-T>arT-"i-:Li«»iiiar»'iOTwi--rnriw'i wnrin lirnrj m~'iri- rii'~ni nir~rr'~r—r~~~ Mur'-1 tt"“'• *“T" “ii‘ UK—rrlfflrisr Brands on, L,o^s« Every person who shall out out, alter or destroy any mark or Brand rnde or caused to have Been made By the owner upon any log, spar, pile, Boom stick, shingle Bolt or other timber of value lying or Being in any of the waters of this state, or upon the Beach or Bank adjacent to such waters, without the consent of the owner thereof, shall, on conviction, Be punished By a fine of not more than one hundred dollars, or By imprisonment in the county jadl, of not more than six months or By Both such fine and imprisonment. [ L. ’Cl, p. 40, §1. j As to repeal of this section, see §2304, and note. Present law, see §2594, supr a. {Wash) 63-Appendix. § 2314. (7249. )Willful Injury to Cemetery. Every person who shall willfully disfigure, injure, or remove any * * * tree, or shrubbery around or within any cemetery, * * * he shall, upon ©on* viction thereof, he imprisoned in the county jail not exceeding six months, and he fined in any sun not exceeding five hundred dollars, or shall he fined only, [l. '54; p. 9?, §120; Cd. '31, §952; 2 H.P.C. , §209.] As to repeal of this seotion, see §2304, and note. Present law, see §2656 supra, Fee laws of 1657, p. 28, §4, although omitted xn Code of 1881, believed to cover same matter as tnis seotion. i (Wsh) 84’§ 2953» (7298,) Willful Injuryto Qui&*w b0?*r^IB» ^sonuments^ etc. Ap;. endix. If any person shall willfully break down, injure, remove, or destroy any monu- ment merected or used for the purpose of designating’, the boundary of any town, tract, or parcel of land, or any tree marked for that purpose, * * * suon person, upon, conviction thereof, shall he punished by imprisonment in the county jail not less than txiree months nor more than one year, or by fine not less than ten dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, [Cf. L. ’54 p. 86, §62; Cd„ ’81, §927; I*. 190, p. 127, Ill; £ H.P.C. , §228.] As to repeal of this section, see §23C4, and note. Present law, see §2656, supra. (Wash) -85Appendix. Public Propj Any person who smll willfully or maliciously out, curve, otherwise deface, ox injure any * * * grounds or trees, ‘belonging to the publio, or any in- corpora tea cnar itable, r eligious, or scientific institution, shall, on con- vlotion thereof, Toe fined in any sum not greater than five hundred dollars nor less than ten dollars, f Cf• Cd. ’31, ,845 L, '91, p. 128, §31; 2H.P.C,, §229,] As to repeal of this section, see £2304, end note. Present law, see £2656 supra. (Wash) 86§ 2957* (7305* Vaporing 9£ Boom or Log to Bridge. Appendix* Every person who shall moor or chain any steamer, sloop, sco'#, or other vessel, or raft, or Loom of |ogs to the piling, piers, abutments, or other supports of any hridge within t his state, shall, on con- viction thereof, he fined in any sum not exceeding tores hundred dollars nor less than fifty dollars* [L. '77, i>. 205, 53; Cd* ’81, |928; 2 H.P.C., §224.] As to repeal §2304, and note, supra.* of this section, see Present law, $2656, (Wash) -67-Append ix. § 2 s} 5 3, (7506<) Mooring Vessel to Buoys -MM*. ■ ‘irragwift -t---*•* TtrnrwcitiBtmjirwtjjnBwwnrjfrwtf»•“wj .^-Trra». loaMwaaWMMO gr Beacon. Any person or persons who shall moor any * * * raft, or part of raft, to any buoy or beacon placed in the navigable waters of this state, or in any bay, river, or arm of the sea border ing upon this state by authority of the United States lighthouse board, or shall in any manner hang on with any * * * raft, or par t of a raft to any such buoy or beacon * * * shall, for every such offense, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof before any court of competent jurisdiction shall be punished by a fine not less than one hundred nor more than two hundred dollars, or by im- prisonment in the oounty jail not less (Wash)than one ox more than six months, or by both suoh fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court. One-half of all fines under this seotion shall he paid by the court to the informer, and the other half shall be paid into the common school fund of the county in which the offense shall be committed. [L. *75, p. 119, §al, 2; Cd. ‘Si, §§1208, 1209; 2 H.P.C. , §225.] As to repeal of this section, see §2304, and note. Present lam*, see §2656, supra. Obstructing B'a-v igation: See §8293, infra.iMtratw /jw kui *W*AT® c* c r f A r r *■ TUT T F Of ^Attxwaww {Cite fM and >&1« Code) «,**« Showing all Statutes In Fcroe^ Including the P&W&urdin&ry Session Xaw» of XdOd a»«wno<na By BPS. BICHAT® A BATAISS’VI AHB BOS. /PTTOF KSMISWOS «tt «»«*««» VOLVO TI. SHWtt btatothb WWWMemo Seco 3002 - Doubtful It may be well to include Sections 3002 and 3013, since •’in- dustrial pursuits” and industrial produots include "forestry" and "timber products," § 3002* (3381**) State Shir, Objects, It is the object &nd purpose of this institution to promote and further the ad- vancement of all agricultural, ***** horticultural, ****** an& industrial pursuits in this state, and for the carry- ing out of tnis objeot, the management shall provided £or an annual fair of exhibition by the institution upon the fair grounds owned by this state near the city of North Yakima, of all the industrial products of this state; said annual fair to be held pon such dates as may be fixed by the state fair commission, not earlier than the third Monday of September nor later than tie second Monday of October otf each ear, and. which fair shall continue for at least six days, [l„ ’93, p. 445, §2; I., '03, p, f,r., §1,] (Wash) —91—Memo 8eo« 3013 - - Doubtful It may be well to include Fees. 3C02 and 3013, since "industrial pur- suite" and "industrial products" in- clude "1 or es tr y " and *t imber pr oduc ts, " 5 3013. LSeutftwest was ..mg ton Pair.l 'Slw*"'mS"" ■■■J.I ' "i — ini—iii ■Hili • am r--i nrri—-rn--r- mr Pur p os e—L ocation. It shall be the object and purpose of this institution to promote and fur- ther the advancement of all agricultural, * * * horticultural, * * * and in- dustrial pursuits in this state and par- ticularly southwest 7, shington, and for this object the manage rent shall provide an annual fair or exhibit ion,by the in- stitution between and within three miles of the cities of Centraliaand Chehalis, of all the industrial products of this state and especially of southwest Wash- ington, commencing in the month of Sep- tember of each year after the passage of this act, and continuing for at least five days after the day of its commence- ment. [L. 109, p. 857, §2.] (wash) -92'[Title XVI. AGEICUITORE.1 Chapter VIII. HORTICULTURE [This chapter, which embraces Sections 3069-3159, contains provisions, in general, respecting the matter of Horticulture, Bor the full text of the chapter, see Bern, and Bal. Code, Certain of these sections, containing the most important of the provisions on the subject, follows:J 5 5075, State Commissioner of Horticulture, Powers and luties. Said state commissioner of horticulture shall have power, and it shall he his duty: Wsh)(a) To exercise a general supervisory and directory control over the horticultural interests of the state; #«»«»«** ****** (il Grant licenses to nurserymen, tree dealers and their solicitors, agent® and sales- men, and suspend or revoke such licenses as herein provided; (j) Furnish to state inspectors lists of license® nurserymen and tree dealers doing ■business in tue state, and of agents and sales- men or nursery stock in his and adjoining dis- triote; (k) Approve the bonds of state horticul- tural inspectors and of nurserymen and tree dealers as herein provided; and, (l) Perform such other duties as may he prescribed by la^4 (h. *09, p. 497, §7.] -94-5 30.80* Duties of District Inspectors District horticultural inspectors shall have power, and it shall “be their duty: (a) To enforce the provisions of all laws relating- to horticulture, within their respective districts; (h) To arrange for and hold institutes and ^meetings of horticulturists for the dis- cussion of nor ticultural subjects and the dissemination of information as to horticul- tural questions, and for the demonstrations of methods of preventing the diseases of or pests injurious to horticultural plants and fruits, and of curing and removing the same; (c) To inspect orchards, nurseries, nursety stock, fruit, horticultural products, supplies, packing-house®, warehouses and other places where fruit is packed, stored (Wash) v5or shipped; also vines, ornamental shrubs and bushes, as well as other trees and property, for the purpose of ascertaining whether the sas;e is infected with any dis- ease or pests injurious to fruit trees or fruit, and of taking steps to disinfect the same and prevent the spread thereof; and, for that purpose, shall nave free access to orchards, nurseries, packing-houses, storage-houses and any other place at all times; (a) To require the disinfection of all trees, orna ental shrubbery, orchards, nurse- ries or nursery stock, fruit packing-houses or other places infected with any pests, fungi or uisease injurious to the horticultural in- dustry of the state of Washington; (e) Inspect and examine orchards, fruit, nursery stock and other horticultural plants and products at the request of the owner thereof for the existence of any disease or pest thereof, SFash) -d6-and report to the applicant the result of suoh investigation and prescribe proper remedies therefor; (f) Prevent the shipping and sale of infected fruit, except for canning, preserv- ing or jellying or the waking of cider or manufacture of other by-products within the state of Washington, and under such rules and regulations as may be established by the State commissioner of horticulture, and the delivery, sale, planting and shipping of infected nursery stock, trees, and other horticultural produots and supplies, by notifying the owner thereof or the person having the sac's© in oharge, and requiring the proper disinfection of the same; (g) To disixifeot, or cause to be disin- fected, orchards, nursery stock, trees, fruit ana other horticultural products and supplies, in case the owner or person having the same in charge, shall not do so after notice; and, in case the trees, fruits, etc., which cannot -97- (Wsh^be properly disinfected, to destroy the same, or cause same to be destroyed; (h) To sort and repack, or cause to be sorted and repacked, infected fruit, if the owner thereof, or the person having the same in charge shall not do so after notice; ( i) Prevent the introduction and spread of diseases cf or pests injurious to fruit trees and hor ticultural plants, fruit and other products, and to prescribe and specify the means and methods to be employed for the disinfection of trees, fruit and horticultu- ral products; (j) To issue certificates of inspection to nurser/men and tree dealers on stock in- spected; and (k) furnish to the board of county com- missioners of each county, wholly or partially /ithir. their respective districts, an estimate of expenses for eacn year. [h. *09, p. 499,§12.; (Wash) 93119743 § Xnegectors^ not,to..|^ot| as Ko district horticultural inspector shall act as agent or solicitor for the sale or distribution of any nursery stock or hor tioultuxal products or re cow end any nursery to prospective purchasers of fruit trees, or act as agent foi supplies or machinery for use in orchards or engage in the purchase or sale of fruits or horticultural troduota from any orcha . uis own. [L. ’OV, p. 500, §15.] (W.sh) § 3083. l;o person, fir n or corporation shall en- gage in, continue in, or carry on the business of selling or dealing in nursery stock, fruit trees, or ornamental shrubbery or solicit pur- chasers of nursery stock, fruit trees or orna- mental shrubbery within this state, or engage in the business of importing into this state for sale cr distribution, nursery stock, fruit trees or ornamental shrubbery either as ovmer thereof, or as agent of such owner, without first obtaining a license to carry on and con- duct such business in this state, [l. ’09, p. 501, §15.]§ 3090*..,.,r T?epr esentationr-Penalty, /ny person who shall falsely represent that he is agent or representative of any tree dealer, nurseryman or dealer in fruit trees or horticultural plants, or ornamental shrubbery shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum of not less than fifty dol- lars ( 5C) , nor more than one hundred dollars ( IOC), together jvith the cost of prosecution, and shall be committed to the county jail until such fine and costs are paid. [L. *09, p. 504, (WrlSh) -1015 3091, Pests and SiseaseaLUjis infect ion— Destrnotion o-t infected Stock. It shall be the duty of each person w.ltnin the state of Washington owning prem- ises on which there is or shall be growing or grovm any nursery stock, fruit trees, shade trees, ornamental shrubbery or other horticultural plants, or the owner of any nursery stock, fruit trees, shade trees, ornamental shrub- ery or horticultural plants situated upon rre?ises leased or occupied by him or the owner of any nursery stock, fruit trees, shade trees, ornamental shrubbery or horticultural plants situated or being at any place within the state of Washington, for the sale or delivery to any person, firm or corporation to take, adopt, and use all method® and means provided by law or prescribed by the state commissioner of horticulture for the pre- vention of pests or diseases to which such (Wash) -10£-nux sery ?tooKj fruit trees, shade trees, ornamental shrubbery or horticultural plants may be subject, and keep the came in a healtnful condition and free from disease and pests; and in event it is found that such nursery stock, fruit trees, shade trees, ornamental shrubbery or horticultural plants at any time are infected with any disease or pests to which the same may be subject, to promptly take and use such methods as may be prescribed by law or by the state commis- sioner oi horticulture to disinfect tne same, and in event such nursery stood , fruit trees, shade trees, ornamental shrubbery and horti- cultural plants cannot be disinfected to promptly destroy the same. fL. ’Cm, p# 504, §23.] fetsii) -103- Stored Stock—Q^ner to Disinfect— Destruotioru If, after inspection, as provided in the two preceding sections, the district horticultural inspector shall ascertain that any nursery stock, fruit trees, shade trees, ornamental shrubbery or horticultu- ral plants, oi’ any fruit or horticultural products, or any place where such fruit or horticultural products is kept for sale ox is being prepared for shipment or is stored is infected with any diseases or pests de- clared by the state commissioner of horti- culture to be injurious to the horticultu- ral Industrie© of the state, said district horticultural inspector shall notify the owner or person having possession or charge of such nursery stock, fruit trees, shade trees, ornamental shrubbery, horticultural plants, fruit, horticultural produots or places of storage, sale or preparation for (Wash) 104-market, in writing, requiring the dis in- fect icr of any or all thereof which is capable of disinfection, and the destruc- tion of suoh as is incapable of proper disinfection, subject to the provisions hereof relative to the sale, disposition and use of infected fruit, and shall fi& the time in said notice within whdoh the same shall be so disinfected, or destroyed, as the ease may be, and such owner or per- son having the same in charge shall pro- ceed to disinfect or destroy such stock, trees or products, as tne case my be, in the manner required by law and in the man* ner prescribed by the state commissioner of horticulture, ana within the time specified in said notice. [L. ’C9, p. 506, $28. (^ash) 1055 3098. Inspeotor^may of Owner, Big infect at Cost In the event of the failure of the owner or person in charge of such stock, trees or products to separate or ale infect or destroy the sawe, as in the last pre- ceding section provided, and within the time specified in saiu notice, the dis- trict horticultural inspector snail have the right to enter upon the premises and per form the acts herein provided for, or cause the same to be performed, at the ex- pense of the owner or person so having charge of such stock trees or products, and shall have the right to destroy all stock or products which are infected so that they cannot be properly disinfected. [L. »0u, p. 50?, §30.j (^ash) 106§ 3099, Recovery of Cost of Inspection~ Lien, In event of a is infection of any orchard, fruit trees, ornamental trees, shruTos, vires, horticultural plants, or other plants, fruits, horticultural products or otxier property by the district hortioultural inspector, or any person under his direction or orders, the costs thereof shall he charged agaixist the owner pf such stock and the premises upon which the same ray be growing, for the costs cf such disinfection, or the destruction of the property which cannot be properly disin- fected, which charge may be recovered in an action at law in the name of the state of Washington upon the relation of the district horticultural inspector against the owner or person having charge of such property, and shall also constitute a lien against the said -1C7' (Wash)property and the premises upon which the same xi ay he growing, which lien my he en- forced in any court of comjetent jurisdic- tion, and the bringing of an action at law to recover costs shall not be deemed to be, and shall not constitute, a waiver of such rigiit of lien. [l. '03, j„ 507, §31. j ^ash) -1085 3100, Penalty for failure to Disinfect. Any person failing to disinfect or de- stroy any nursery stock, shade trees, orna- mental sorubbery, fruit, horticultural prod- ucts or disinfect the prewises upon which the same may he situated, as herein provided, with- in tue time specified after notice from the district horticultural inspector of the dis- trict wherein the same is situated shall he deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con- viction thereof snail be fined in any sum not less taan fifty dollars nor more than two hun- dred and fifty dollars, and shall be imprisoned in tne county jail until such fine is paid, [l, 'Ot, p. 508, §32.] Wasn) ICg-§ 3110» "Infeetion" flefined. Txie term "infection" as used in this chapter shall mean the finding of any nursery stock, fruit trees, or horticultural produets or supplies used in connection with horticul- tural products to 'be affected Toy any one of the species of infection and disease or pest specified and described by the state cemis- sionar of horticulture, as provided in sec- tion 30t>2. [L. 'C,, p. 512, §42.] (Wash) -110-§ 3125. (7173.) fraudulent Sale of fruit or Ornamental Trees. Any person oixopersons who shall mis- represent, deceive or defraud any person or persons in the sale of any fruit, shade or ornamental tree or trees, or any vine, shrub, plant, bulb or root, by substitut- ing inferior or different varieties, or who shall falsely rexresent the name, age or class of any suoh fruit, shade or orna- r ental tree or trees, or any vine, shrub, plant, bulb, root, garden or field seeds, shall be guilty or a misdemeanor, and on conviction be fined not less than ten dol- lars nor more than two hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail not less tnan. thirty days nor more than six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment, and shall be liable to the party ur parties dam- aged or injured thereby in treble the amount of all damages sustained, to be recovered in any court having jurisdiction thereof* ft. *95, p. 196, §1.] $&sh) -111-§ Certificate of Inspection. The several district horticultural inspectors shall, upon the inspection of any nursery stock, trees, or plants, issue and deliver to the owner or person in change thereof a certificate of inspection, over his signature showing date of inspection, and condition of such stock, trees or plants. [L. ’OS, p. 515, §56.] (Wash) 112-In event of the shipment into the stnte of Washington from a point without said state, of any nursery stock, fruit trees, horticultural plants, shade trees, ornamental shrubbery, bushes or vines, by any person, firm or corporation not licensed as herein provided, the purchaser or the per- son receiving shipment of such trees, stocks, plants, ornamental shrubbery or vines, shall have the same inspected in the same manner as is required upon the delivery o< stock sold and delivered by licensed nurserymen or tree dealers, and shall pay as inspector’s fee ten penteenc of the invoice price, the mini- mum fee to be fifty cents: Provided, that nurs eryrnen or tree dealers, licensed under the provisions of this act to do business in this state, shall not be required to pay the in- spector’s fees provided for in this section* (Wash) -113Tax Levy, It shall foe the duty of the board of county commissioners at the time of making the regular annual tax levy in each year to include and levy a tax upon the taxable property of such county in such an amount as they snail find will produce funds suf- xicient to meet the estimated expense for horticultural purposes i or t^e ensuing year, ••*io tax ehall foe known as a "horticultural tax.*1, and which - rail be levied and collected tuo sa.-.e as other general taxes j and upon the collection of suid tax, the same ^hall foe turned over to the state treasurer for the "benefit of the "district horticultural fund" -jnd to be credited to the horticultural dis- txiot, or districts, within which said county is included, [I. *09, y. 517, §64. ] (Wash) 114-| Analysis of Spraying Compuands— Duty of State Chemist, It shall he the duty of the chemist of the state agricultural experiment station to correctly analyze, without extra compensation and without extra charge to the state, other than the necessary expenses, all substances and compounds used or offered for sale for spraying frees and plants, that the state commissioner of horticulture may send for analysis, and report to him without unnec- essary delay the result of any analysis so madej any such chemist shall assist him in proseouting violations of the law by giving testimony, expert or otherwise, [l. *01, p. 20, S5.J (wash) -115-§ 3651. ProhAbited—Penalty, ■Any person who * * * shall willfully destroy, out, break or injure any tree, shrub or plant within the limits of a cemetery shall he deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall upon conviction thereof before any court of competent jurisdiction be punished by a fins of not less than five dollars noX nore than five hundred dollars, and imprisonment in the county jail for a term not less than one nor more than thirty days, according to the nature and aggravation of the offense and such offend- er shall also be liable in an action of tres- pass in tne name of said association [Cemetery association], to pay all such damages as have been occasioned by his unlawful act or acts, which wrong, when recovered shall be applied to the reparation ana restoration of the prop- erty destroyed or injured as above. [L. *99, P. 4?, §?.] LSh) 116-[Title XXV. CCEPOBATIOXS.J Chapter I. SHGAMI RATIOS AND MAMAGK3OTT OTOT | 5677. (4250.2 0* - -|°r ^an2zea~Cend it ions. and L jab iditips. Corporations for manufacturing, **** or * * * * * * tor the transportation of wood and lumber, ****** .may he formed according to the provisions of this chapter; such corporations and the members thereof being subject to all the conditions and liabilities herein imposed, and to none others: » » * « • [Cf. L. '66, p. 5'?, §1; L. '67, p. 137, §1; L. '6t, p. 330, §1; L. '7.5, p. 398, §1; Cd. '31, §2421; 1. •86, p. 84, §1; L. '31, p. 214, § 1; 1 H.C. §1497; L. '95, 338, §1.J [for the full text of tide Chapter, see Beni. and 75al. Code. | (Wash) -117I 3890-1/2* Funds from Forest Reserve®— Mg-Tni fiwi>mi..miiT|- -mwiH'i -Kir M-T.MW4W r ORB* —<Sg»vvz-Wfc!&ZSnlBt504>-: ■ -4*tf ft fc*jjBBi iWTTiWWrt<|ffli CftJ Cn WB8» Expenditures, for Schoolsand Roads, County commissioners of the respective counties to which the money [received from the federal government from forest reserves] is distributed are hereby authorized and di- rected to expend said money for the benefit of the public schools and public roads there- of, and not otherwise* fc, ’07, p* 406, §2*] Duty of state treasurer to distribute such money to the counties within the forest reserves: Fee infra, §9026a [ §9026-1/2? .' rash) -118-Memo. It may he well to include a part of Seo. 4333. since it pro- vides for instruction in the “natural sciences" connected with agriculture, and other industrial pursuits; and also parts of Secs. 4335 and 4336, since they lay stress upon the practical study of mor- phology and physiology of plants, Entomology, eto. § 4333. ( 2512. * ) [ State College of Washing- ton^ ^stablishffientJurpose<»Admiss ion of Students. The State College, Experiment Station and School of Science of the state of Wash- ington, as heretofore located at Pullman, Whitman county, ***** shall he * * * * devoted to practical instructions * * * * and natural sciences connected therewith, as well as a thorough course of instruction in all branches of learning upon agricultural and other in- dustrial pursuits* in agriculture, „[L> i09j 243( §1, at. L. '91, p. 334, §§1, 2; 1H.C. , §§ 960, 961; L. '97, p. 430, §190,] (Wash) 119§ 4335, (2514» ) Courses of Instruction, The course of instruction of said college shall embrace ***** animal and vegetable anatomy and physiology, * * * * entomology, ***** rural and household economy, horticulture, ***** and such other courses of instruction as shall be prescribed by the board of regents. One of the objects of said college shall be to train teachers of physical science, and thereby further the application of the principles of physical science to industrial pursuits; to collect information as to schemes to tech- nical instruction adopted in other parts of the United States and in foreign countries, and to hold farmers’ institutes at suoh times and places and under such regulations as the board of regents may determine: ******* [1. '09, p. 244, §3. Cf. 1. '91, p. 334, §3; 1 H.C., §962; L. >97, p. 431, §192.] -120- (Wash)§ 4536, (2515, ) Laboratories and Depart- ments of Instruction- * * * * * * * The hoard of regents ***** shall providedin connection with said college the following laboratories: One physical labora- tory or more, ***** Said board of re- gents shall establish a department of said college to be designated as the department of agriculture, and in connection therewith shall provide instruction in the following subjects—First: Physics, with special ap- plication of its principles to agriculture, Second: Chemistry, with special application of its principles to agriculture. Third: Morphology and physiology of plants, with special reference to the commonly grown crops and their fungus enemies. Pourth Morphology and physiology of the lower forms of animal life, with special reference to insect pests, ***** Eaid board of regents shall [Wash) 121-establish an agricultural experiment station in connection with the department of agricul- ture of said college, appoint its officers and prescribe such regulations for its manage- ment as it may deem expedient* Said board of regents may establish other departments of said college, and providedcourses of instruc- tion therein, *hen those are, in its judgment, required for the better carrying out of the object of the college* TL* '09, p* 244, §4* Cf* L. ’90, p. 263, §8; 1 H.C*, §963; L* ’97, P. 431, 4193.] Mete.—Section 4346 provides for the op- eration and conduct of the agricultural expe- riment station here colors established at Puyal’ lup, Washington* L* ’99, p. 132, §1. Wash) -122-§ Acquisition of Lands for Experi- mental Purposes, The hoard of regents of the State Col- lege of Washington is hereby authorised and empowered to acquire by lease or gift, any tract or tracts of land, which, in its judg- ment, are necessary for experimental or demon- strational purposes, or for otherwise carry- ing out the purposes or work of the college as defined by law, and to pay for the same out of the maintenance fund of the college: * * * * • [ii, '09, j>. 015, 11.] See See infra, §504?, disposition of infra, §6655, sale of lands* lands* (Wash) -123Sec. 504?. Memo. It /ray be well to include Sec. 5047 in connection with Secs® 4333, 4335, 43365. § 5047. Disposition of Lands for Scientific School—Vested in Begents. {BKg^^sja^BssssbssaKfflHsffisssssssssssssSffissfsssassi The hoard of regents of the Agricultural College, Experiment Station and School of Science of the state of Washington is hereby authorised and directed to select and set aside for the purposes hereinafter described four full sections of land in lots of not less than forty acres each from the lands granted to the state of Washington for the establish- ment and maintenance of a scientific school and belonging to the Agricultural College and School of Science. The entire management, control and power of disposition of said four sections of land be and hereby are vested in the board of regents of the Agricultural Col- lege, Experiment Station and School of Science and subject to the provisions of this act. fL. >01, p. 170, §1.] "This act" refers to this and the next section. -124- (Wah)Title XXXIV. PIPES ************* 5 5141, (313S,) Damages for Negligently Per’ fitting Eire to Spread, If any person shall for any lawful pur- pose kindle a fire upon his own land, h© shall do it at such time and in such manner, and shall take such care of it to prevent it from spreading and doing damage to other persons’ property, as a prudent and careful man would do, and if he fail so to d® he shall he liable in an action to any person suffering damage thereby to the full amount of such damage, [L, '77, p. 300, §3; Cd. >81, §1226.] (Wash) 125 § 5142. (3139.) Lumbermen, When Liable for Kindling iires. Persons engaged in driving lumber upon any waters or streams of this state may kindle fires when necessary for the purposes in which they are engaged, but shall be bound to use the utmost caution to prevent the same from spreading and oing damage; and if they fail so to do, they shall be subjeot to all the liabilities and penalties of this act in the same manner as if the privilege granted by this ection had not been allowed. [l. >77 P> 300, §5; Cd. >81, §1228j "This act® includes this chapter* except §§5144, 5149. ’ (Wsh) -126§ 5143. (3139a,) Common-law Bights not Abrogated, The common-law right to an action for damages done by fires, is not taken away or diminished by this act, but it may be pur- sued notwithstanding the fines and penalties set forth in sections 514b and 5146; but any person availing himself of the provisions of section 5141 shall be barred of his action at common law for the damages so sued for and notaction snail be brought at common law for kindling fires in the manner described in the last section; but if any such fires shall spread and do damage, the person who kindled the same an. any person present and concerned in driving such lumber, by whose act or neglect such fire is suffered to spread and do damage, shall be liable in an action on the case for the amount of damages thereby sustained. fh. *77, p. 300, §6; Cd* *81, §1229.] "This act": See note to last section. Sections 5145, 5146, are amendments. See L. ’91, pp. 122, 123, §§15. 14; see repealing clause to L. ’91, p. 133, §46, which saves the foregoing three sections of the L. ’77, p.3OO. 127-§ 5144. (7148,) Maliciously Setting Pire to Prairie and Other Grounds. IT any person shall maliciously or wan- tonly set on fire any prairie or other grounds ocher than his own or those of which he is in the lawful possession, or shall willfully or negligently permit or suffer the fire to pass from his own grounds or premises to the injury of another, such person, upon conviction there- of, shall he punished hy imprisonment in the oounty jail not less than three months nor more than one year, or fcy fine not less than fifty nor more than five hundred dollars. TCf. Cd. ’81, §847; I. 'UO, p. 1£7, §£; 2 jj. P. C. , §ei. ] This and . the following sections of this chapter wer;.. in the old Penal Code and were not repealed fcy the act of 1909. See §2697, supra. ’ See supra, §2522, setting without permit of fire warden. £ee infra, §5283, pern.its. 128-S 5145, (7149,) Kindling ffire with Intent to Injure Another’s Property. If any person shall maliciously, with intent to injure any other person, by him- silf or any other person, kindle a fire on his own land or the land of another person, and by means of such fire the buildings, fences, crops, or other personal property or wooded timber lands of any other person shall be destroyed or injured, he shall, on conviction, be punished by a fine not less than twnety dollars nor more than one thou- sand dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail not less than three months nor more than twelve months, according to the aggravation of the offense. [L. ’77, p# 300, §2; Co. ’81, §1225; L. '91, p. 122, §13; 2 H.P.C., §32.1 See note to last section. See supra, §2533, refusing to extinguish. Compare §5141 et seq., damages for suffer- ing fire to spread. Fash) 129-$ 5146. (7150.) Kindling Tire on Another’s * wr-—iwwnwtii- imwwiniin'Wrr- &and Without Malice. If any person shall, without malice, kindle a lire, in any field, pasture, inclo- sure, forest, prairie, or timber land, not his own, without the consent of tne owner, and the saiee shall spread and do damage to any build- ings, fences, or ops, o or d wood, bark, or other personal property, not his own, or to any wood or timber land, not his own, he shall, on con- vict ion, be punished by a fine of not less than ten nor more than five hundred dollars, and costs, according to the aggravation of the of- fense^p and shall stand committed till the fine and costs are paid. tcf. L. ’??, p. 300, §1; Cd. ’81, §1224; L. ’91, p. 123, $14; 2H.P.C., §83.] See note to last section. See supra, §2523, penalty for negligently setting. (Wash) 130§ 5147, (7175.) Setting Pire to Lumber% Produce, etc, J’very person who shall willfully and maliciously set fire to any pile or parcel of hoards, timber, piles, or other lumber, cord wo cd, ricks, stacks, or shocks of grain, hay, or other vegetable products, or vegeta- ble products severed from the soil not in ricks stacks, or shocks, or any standing grass or grain, or other cultivated vegetable products of the soil, shall, upon conviction thereof, be imprisoned in the county jail not wore than one year nor less than one month, and be fined in any sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, lx. '54, p. 83, §41; Cd. ’81, §824; 2 H. P. C. , §41.] See note to §5144, See supra, §2734 et seq., arson generally. (Wash)5 5148* (7152,, ) Kindling fftCe on Another *3 Land Thile Hunting, etc* Any person who shall enter upon the lands of another person for the purposes of hunting or fishing, and shall, by the use of firearms, or other means, kindle any fire thereon, shall be punished by a fine not less than ten nor more than five hundred dollars, if suoh fire be kindled without malice; if such fire be kindled maliciously, and with intent to in- jure any other person, such offender shall be punished by a fine not less than twenty nor more than one thousand dollars, or by imprison- ment in the county jail not less than three months nor more than twelve months* [Cf. I. '77, p. 30C, §4; Cd. 181, §1227; 1. '91, p. 123, §15; 2 H. P. C., §84,1 ;Wash) 132-§ 5149. (7153.) Destruotion_o£^gjgl^ Any person or person© who shall vs ill- fully anu deliberately set fire to any wooded county or forest belonging to this state or the United States, within this state, or to any place from which fire ©mill to© ocwruni- oated to any such wooded county or forest, or who shall accidentally set fire to any such /coded county or forest, or to any place fro which fire shall toe communicated to any such wooded county or forest, ana sb til not extin- guish the same or use every effort to that end, or who shall build any fire for lawful pur- poses or otherwise in or near any such wooded county or forest, and through carelessness or neglect shall permit said fire to extend to and burr; uch wooded county or forest, shall toe dee a misdemeanor, and on conviction before a court of competent ju- risdiction shall toe punished toy fine not (Wash) 133'Breeding one thousand dollars or imprison- ment not exceeding one year, or by both suoh fine and imprisonment: Provided, that nothing herein contained shall apply to any person who in good faith shall set a back fire to pre- vent the extension of a fire already burning* All fines collected under this section shall be paid into the county treasury for the bene- fit of the common school fund of the county in which they are collected* [L* ’91, p* 126, 5l; 2 H. P. C. , 584a.] See supra, §2522, setting without permit of fire-warden. See note to |2825, disposition of fines. See bote to §5144* See infra, |5283, permits* (Wash) 134-§ (,?386») Casting Sawdust, etc., in Streams, It snail not toe lawful for the proprietor of any sawmill in this state, or any employee therein, or any other person, to oast sawdust, planer shavings, or other lumber waste made toy any lumber manufacturing concern, or suffer or permit such sawdust, shavings, or other lumber waste to toe thrown or discharged in any manner, into the Columbia River and its tributaries, and all other streams and lakes in this state where fish resort to spawn, and any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this seotion shall toe deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon oonvioation thereof shall toe fined in a sum not less than one hundred dollars nor wore than two hundred and fifty dollars, [L. *90, p. 108, §9; 2 H, P. C., §282.] Fee note to §5194, supra. rSaid note reads as follows: "This and the following sections were part of the old Penal Code, not repealed toy the act of 1909," (Wash) 135Title XXXVI, FORESTS AND POREST PIRES Penalties for setting fires; See "Pires, ” | 5141 ©t seq. ««♦♦♦##****»•* Catfa, •-'e_ijtinaa, eto. There is hereby created a board to be known as the state board of forest comm is sioners, consisting of the state land com- missioner whose term of office shall be, extensive with his term as state land com missioner, and four electors of the state of Washington to be appointed by the gover nor, whose term of office shall be four year from* the date of appointment: Provided, how- ever, that two of the first appointees under (Wash) 136the term of this act shall hold office for only two years, and thereupon the gov- ernor shall appoint the successors of such two-yefir appointees for the term of four years. Tach of tne members of said hoard shall take and subscribe an oath or affirma- tion before some officer authorized by law to administer the same to faithfully per- form the duties of said office. The mem- bers of said board shall receive no compen- sation whatever for the performance of their duties. The secretary of state shall pro- vide suitable quarters for the use of said board and the state fire-warden and forester in the state capitol building. The said board shall meet at the call of the governor as soon as convenient after their appoint- ment at the state capital, and shall organ- ize by the election of a chairman. A majority of the members of said board shall constitute a quorum. Said board shall meet at the state sh) 137-capital* er any other convenient place withir; the abate nt any other Um afc the call cf the etainan, and the chairman is hereby directed to calx a Meeting thereof whenever re^ueeted in writing tc dc* by three cr ;nore jsem'bers cf eaid board* Ft*. •06, ;,. 3iC, U.] cr former laws rtuealed by ftb, ; 313* $14* eee L. *C3* x}.* &0e»d<B> XaSh)< * duperyiaioDr-Kegulatire-* Fax den and ?or ee ter-Oeput les» '»'"'«*■WWW" I'll IWW ■ **»!' —i »TM——M—WWW>fc» The state board of forest com is s ton- ers shall supervise all matters of state forest protection as provided for in this act; it shall have full power to appoint a state fire-warden and forester, deputy fire-wardens and forest rangers; to rake such rules and regulations for the preven- tion, control and suppression of forest fires as issdeemed necessary; to regulate and control the official acts of the state fire-warden ana forester, deputy fire-ward- ens and forest rangers, and have power to remove at will any of these officials; it shall be the duty of said board to collect information regarding the timber lands owned by the state through investigation made by the state fire-warden and forester, deputy fire-wardens and forest rangers, regarding Wash) -159-the condition of the timber-lands belonging to the state, reporting any damage caused by forest fires and any illegal cutting or trespassing upon state timber and report promptly such information to the state land commissioners* [l* ’05, p. 321, §2.] •This act" embraces this Title* (Wash) -140-£ 527 3« Pire-warden and Forester-Salary and .Expenses« The state hoard of forest commissioners sir li appoint a state fire-warden and forester at an annual salary of two thousand dollars { -2,000) payable monthly out of the state treasury in the same manner as the salary of other state officials are paid; he shall also be entitled to all office, traveling and other necessary expenses incurred by him under the authority of the state board of forest com- missioners, while in the actual performance of his duties. /II expenses so incurred shall be submitted in full detail to the state board of forest commissioners for examination, and if approved and allowed by said board shall be presented to the state auditor, who shall, if found correct, draw his warrant upbn the state treasurer for the amount so allowed, and the ^Wash) 141state treasurer is hereby authorized to pay said amount due out of any moneys in tne treasury appropriated for this pur- pose. [l. '05, p. 321, §3; L. *07, p, 439, §1.] (^’ash) -142'§ Same-»Power s and Duties, The state fire-warden and forester shall act as secretary of the state hoard of forest commissioners and shall have di- rect charge and supervision of the forest fire service of the state subject to the direction, rules and regulations of the state hoard of forest commissioners. The term ’’forest fire service” as used in this act shall he held to include all deputy fire-wardens, forest rangers and help es- pecially employed for fighting forest fires. In times of emergency or unusual danger, the state fire-warden and forester is empowered to mass the forest fire service of the state where their nrsseno^ -143 ^ash)and investigate the origin of all forest fires, vigorously prosecute all vialators of this act, prepare and print for public distribution an abstract of the forest and fire laws of Washington, together with such rules and regulations as may be for simulated by the state board of forest commissioners • He sfxi.il annually notify the oounty clerk in each county where deputy fire-wardens or forest rangers are appointed giving the r .roes of appointments so made, He shall furnish notices printed in large letters on clotn calling attention to the danger from forest fires and to the penalties for the violation of this act; such notices to be posted .in conspicuous places by the deputy fire-vardens or forest rangers in all timber districts along roads and trails, streams and lakes frequented by tourists, nunters and fishermen, and in other visited regions. He snail, subject to tne approval (Wash) -144-cl tile state board of forest cost ission— crs, prepar© all necessary printed forms for txxe use f deputy fire-wardens in con- nection with the granting of applications for permits to burn, for the appointment of rangers, any and ail forms or blanks required or desirable, and shall supply each deputy fire-warden with such forms and blanks. It shall be the duty of the state fire-warden and forester to audit and carefully inspect all bills of salary and expenses incurred by the deputy fare* wardens, and all bills authorized by the deputy fire-wardens for the suppression, checking or control of forest fires, and to determine what amounts are justly due and should be paid. When so determined .tie shill present a statement thereof for each county, accompanied by the original bills to the state auditor, wno shall audit the same, . nd if found correct, the state auditor shall draw his warrants on the state (Wash) -145treasurer in payment thereof, and the state treasurer is hereby authorised to pay said warrants out of any money in the treasury appropriated for suoh purposes. The state fire*warden and forester shall become famil- iar with the location and area of all state timber and cut-over lends and prepare maps of each of the timbered counties showing the state lands therein and supply such maps to each deputy fire-warden and in all ways that are practicable and feasible pro- tect such lands from the ravages of fire and the illegal cutting of timber, reporting from time to time direct to the state land commis- sioner such information as may be of benefit to the state in the care and protection of its timber. It shall ne his duty to insti- tute inquiry into the extent, kind, value and condition of the timber lands of the state; the amou of acres ana value of timber that is cut and removed each year; the extent to which tim- ber lands are bei&g destroyed by fires, and Fash) 146also examine into the production, quantity and quality of second growth timber and shall not later than the first day of December, of each year make a written report to the state board of forest commissioners upon all such facts as found by him, together with detailed information as to the work of the forest fire service of the state. The state fire-warden and forester shall nave power to temporarily suspend any deputy fire-warden or forest ranger wno may be incompetent or unwilling to dis- charge properly the duties of his office and to appoint his successor temporarily until his action shall be passed on by the state board of forest com- issloners. [b. ’05, p. 3£2, §4.j "This act** embraces this Title, Wash) -147-§ 5230* fejuty vrardens-/.ppointroent, Co sensation ana Duties. Said board of forest commissioners shall have power to appoint within any county in this state where thereiis tim- ber requiring protection a deputy fire- warden for ail or any portion of the period from June tne 1st to October the 1st, of each year. Such deputy fire- warden shall received a compensation of four dollars a day for the time actually employed; he shall make his headquarters at the county seat of the county he repre- sents and, be equipped with suitable office quarters in the county courthouse by the county commissioners. The board of county commissioners of any county in which there has been no deputy fire-warden appointed may request the state board of forest (Wasn) -148-commissioners to appoint a deputy fire- warden, and said board may, if in their judgment the necessity exists, appoint a deputy fire-warden for such oounty. Tne authority of county fire-wardens re- specting the controlling or suppressing of forest fires, summoning help or mak- ing arrests for the violation of this act may extend to any adjacent county or to any part of the state in times of great fire danger. The salaries and necessary expenses of all deputy fire- wardens, together with all expenses in- curred for help and assistance in forest fire protection, snail he borne in the proportion of two-thirds by the state and one-third by the county in which the service was given and the expense in- curred for forest fire protection. All accounts of the deputy fire-warden,[deputy fire-wardens?] shall be submitted to the state fire-warden and forester as well as all bills for forest fire protection Fash) 149-authorized by the deputy fire-wardens, and 'ahen such bills are approved and paid as provided for in section 5279, the amount of one-third of all such outlays in each county will be due and payable on demand from each of such counties into the state treasury and credited to the fund appro- priated by this act. All deputy fire- wardens shall render reports to the state fire-war oensand forester on such blanks or forms or in such manner and at such times as may be ordered, giving a sumsary of how employed, the area of country visited, ex- penses incurred and such other information as may be called for by the state fire- warden and forester. [L. ‘05, p. 323, §5.] ’’This act" embraces this Title. As to the appointment of deputies for a county, see note to §5323, infra. ash)§ ft 281.^ Duties of Deputy—Refusal to Help, a Misdemeanor. Each deputy fire-warden snail Toe at all timers under the direction and control of the state fire-warden and forester, and shall perform such duties at such times and places as he may direct. It shall be their duty to post over the forest areas notices of warning giving the date of the closed season as provided for in section 5283 and copies cf all such laws and rules as they may be directed to post by the state fire- warden and forester. They shall investi- gate all fires and report dll of a secious or threatening character to the state fire- warden immediately by telegraph. They shall patrol their districts; visit all parts of roads and trails and frequented plaoes and camps as far as possible, warn campers or other users of fire, see that all locomo- tives and engines are provided with spark- arresters in accordance with law; extinguish Wash) -151-small or smoldering fires, impress or employ help to stop conflagrations; see that all laws for the protection of forests are en- forced and arrest and cause to he prosecuted all offenders. Any person refusing to render assistance when called upon by any deputy fire- warden or rangers shall he guilty of a mis- demeanor and shall he punished by a fine not exceeding twenty-five (.25) dollars, or im- prisonment in the county jail not exceeding tnirty (30) days. Any person who shall will- fully or needlessly deface, destroy or remove any warning placard or notice posfebd under the requirements of this act shall he guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine not to exceed one hundred ( 100) dollars for eaoh offense, or by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding tnirty (30) days. [l. *05, pe 324, .] "This act" embraces this Title. -152- Wsh)§ 5262. State Cruisers Ex-officio Wardens— Arrest for Violation of Act. Ail state land cruisers shall be ex- officio forest rangers and timber cruisers and others in the employ of corporations or individuals ma> at the discretion of the state fire-warden and forester be appointed forest rangers and vested with their duties and powers, but they shall receive no com- pensation for their services; the state fire- warden and forester, deputy fire-wardens, forest rangers, and all police officers are hereby empowered to make arrests without warrant of persons violating this act* [l. *05, p.'325, §7.] "This act” embraces this Title. r -153-5 3283. Closed Season for Burning :To person shall burn any slashing, chopping, wood-land or “brush-land within any county in this state in which there is a deputy fire-warden 'between the first day of June and the first day of October in each year, which, period is hereby desig- nated as the closed season, without first obtaining permission in writing from the deputy fire-warden of such county; and any person who shall violate this provision shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred (>100) dollar's, or be imprisoned in the county jail not exceeding thirty (30) days. Such per- il ission for burning shall be given only upon compliance with such rules and regula- tions as the state board of forest commis- sioners shall prescribe. When any person ash) -154shall have obtained permission from a deputy fire-warden to burn any slashing, made for the purpose of clearing land, the deputy fire-warden, may, at his discretion, furnisn him with a an to supervise and con- trol the burning who shall represent and act for such deputy fire-warden and shall have all the powers and authority of the deputy fire-warden while engaged in such service, including the right to revoke such permit if in his opinion the burning authorized will endanger any valuable timber or other proper- ty. Such man shall serve only [until] suoh time as the party burning may be able to keep the fire under control hiroself. The deputy fire-warden shall also be authorized and empowered to employ a sufficient number of men to extinguish or prevent the spread- ing of any fires which may be in danger of destroying any valuable timber or other lands [fach?J in this state. Such man so employed and also the representative of the deputy fire-warden ^ash) -155-supervising and burning shall be entitled to a. compensation of twenty-five cents per dour for each hour’s actual service, and the deputy fire-warden shall issue a cer- tifieate to each man so employed showing the number of aours worked by him and the amounts due to him, upon which after ap- proval by the fire-warden and for- ester the man shall be entitled to receive payment fro the st ite in th© manner pro- vided for in section 5279* [h. ’05, p. 325 $8.] Fash) -156-§ 5234. Penalty for Negligence- Disposition of Kines. Bi^S=S2£X3SSa53ES5SS35SSasaSSaSSSJ55 Any person who shall on any land within this state set and leave any fire that shall spread and damage or destroy property of any kind not his own shall be punished Toy a fine of not less than te a nor more than five hundred dollars. If such fire be set or left maliciously, whether on his own or another’s land with intent to destroy property not his own, he shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty nor more than one thou- sand dollars, or imprisonment of not less than one month nor more than one year, or [and? ] by both such fine or imprisonment, and shall be liable for all such damages in a civil suit. Ml fines collected under this act shall be paid into the county treasury. This section shall not apply (Wash) -157to hack fires reasonably set for the saving of life and property. During the closed season any person who shall kindle a fire on land not his own in or dangerously near any forest and leave same unclenched or who shall he a party thereto, or who shall by throwing away any lighted cigar, matches or by use of firearms or in any other manner start a fire upon forest lands not his own and leave sate un^uen^hed shall upon convic- tion be fined not less than ten dollars nor mere than one hundred dollars or be imprisoned in the county jail not exceeding two months. [L. ’C5, p. 326, i#9.] "This act" embraces this Title. See supra, §5149, penalty for setting out forest fire. (Wash) “158-§ 5285. Spark-arresting Dev ices—Penalty It snail be unlawful for any person, company or corporation to operate any spark- emitting locomotive, logging or farm engine or boiler in this state at any time during the months of June to October, inclusive, or for any person to operate any logging or otiier engine or boiler in the immediate vicinity of any forest slashing, chopping, wcou-Iand or brush-land during the closed season without such locomotive or engine is provided with and uses a safe and suitable device for arresting sparks. Any person, company or corporation who shall fail to provide ano use such spark-arresters during the periods herein mentioned shall upon con- viction pay a fine for each engine or looomo tive for each day so operated without suoh spark-arrester of not less than ten nor more (Wash) 159-than fifty dollars, and shall he pro- hibited from further use of such loco- motive and engine in such months or sea- son until such spark-arrester is provided and used therewith. Pines from this source shall he paid into the cutfent expense fund of the county treasury. Deputy fire-ward- ens and forest rangers shall report any lack of sufficient spark-arresters to tne prose- cutor^ attorney of their county and the s^rperior court of that county where suit is first instituted shall have jurisdiction of the offense. [L. '05, p. 326, §10; Cf. L. '03, p. 208, §11J (Wash) 160-§ 5*^6* fluty, of Prosecuting Attorney and Magistrate. Whenever an arrest shall have been made for a violation of any of the pro- visions of this act or whenever informa- tion of suoh violation shall have been lodged with him, the prosecuting attorney of the county in which the criminal act was committed snail prosecute the offend- er or offenders with all diligence and energy. If such prosecuting attorney slia.ll fail to comply with the provisions of taisesection he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty dollars nor wore than live hundred dollars and by im- prisonment of not less than thirty days nor more than one year. The penalties of this section shall apply to any magistrate [Wash) -161-with propei authority who refuses or neglects to cause the arrest and prose- cution of any person or persons when com plaint under oath of violations of any provisions of this act has been lodged With him. [L. 'OS, p. 327, §11.] "This act" embraces this Title, (^ash) -162-§ Sniali Permissible. Nothing in this act shall be con- strued to prevent any person owning lands, or person or persons employed by him, from •burnig logs, stumps, drift or brush heaps when such are burned in small quantities isolated from other inflammable material under personal supervision and such other safeguards as shall prevent such fires from spreading. [L. ’03, p. 208, §12; L. ’05, p. 327, §12.] ’’This act” embraces this Title. (Wash) -163[Title XXXVIII. C-A'E,] Chanter I. STATE GA1E-WARDEN AND DEPUTIES (Sections 5318-5326 make provision for a State Game warden and Deputies, and pre- scribe the duties of such officers. Two of these sections, viz: Sections 5325 and 5326 provide that forest rangers appointed by the United States government shall be ex-officio game wardens, with authority to make arrests, without warrant. These two section© are as follows:] § Oft • 0 ?f rden--Cer- Jj ’ AA?'.:' -(.'fUro Game-- -• • o sp- out ions. It is hereby made the duty of every game-warden so appointed, and every sheriff, deputy sheriff, constable, city marshall and -164-police officer, within their respective jurisdictions in the state of Washington, to enforce all the provisions of this act, and all laws for the protection of game birds and animals, fish and song birds, and such sheriffs, deputy sheriffs, con- stables, city marshall®, police officer®, or any forest rangers appointed by the United States government, and each of them, by virtue of their election and appointment, are hereby created and constituted ex officio game-wardens for their respective jurisdic- tions, and they and each of them, and each and every game-warden so appointed, under the provisions of section 5323, surra, shall have authority, and it shall be their duty to inspect all depots, warehouses, cold- storage rooms, storerooms, hotels, res- taurants, markets and all packages or boxes, held either for storage or shipment, which they shall have reason to believe contain (Wash) -165-evidence of the infraction of any of the provisions of this act. And if, upon in- quiry said officer discover® evidence suf- ficient in his judgment to secure a convic- tion of the offender, or shall hove good cause to believe that sufficient evidence exists to justify the same, he shall at once institute proceedings to punish the alleged offenders. [L. ’97, p. 87, §20; L. ’01, p. 281, §7.] ’’This act” covers more than this chapter. § 5326. (7366.*) Authority of harden and Other Officers to lake Arrests. Any game-warden appointed under the provisions of this chapter, any sheriff, deputy sheriff, city marshall, constable or police officer, forest ranger, may, with- out warrant, arrest any person by him found (Vatah) -166-violating any of the provisions of this chapter, or any other act or acts here- after enacted and enforced, at any time for the protection of game, fish and song birds, and take such person or persons before a justice of the peace or munici- pal judge having jurisdiction, v-ho shall proceed without delay to hear, try and dftermine the matter, and give and enter judgment according to the allegations and proof. All such actions shall be brought in the name of the state of Washington and shall be nrosecuted by the prosecuting at- torney of the respective counties. [L. *97, p. 88, §22; L. ’01, p. 282, §8.] (Wash) -167I emo. Since the Board of Geological Survey is charged with "The prep aration of special reports v/ith necessary inustration® and maps which shall embrace both the gen eral and detailed description of the * * * na tural x-esourceg of the stateappears adv^ si Is to include Section b396 et eeq. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY »«*♦♦**♦*♦******* § 5396. Board of. Geological purvey—Of Whom Composed—State Geologi st. There is hereby established a state geological survey of the state of Washing- ton, which shall be under the direction of the board of geological survey of the stote of Washington, which is hereby established, composed of the governor, the lieutenant- governor, the state treasurer, the president of the University of ’Washington, and the pres- ident of the Washington Agricultural College and School of Science, who shall serve with- out compensation, but shall be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred in the performance (Wash) 168of their official duties, and the said hoard shall have general charge of the survey, and shall appoint as superintend- ent of the survey a geologist of estab- lished reputation, to be known a© the state geologist, and upon his nomination such as- sistants and employees as the said board may deem necessary and the said board shall also determine the compensation of all per- sons employed by the survey, and may remove them at will, [L. ’01, p. 334, §1.] Former laws on this subject: See Bal. Code, §§172-183 (L. ’90, p. 647), and 3145- 3150 (L. ’90, p. 249). (Wash) -169§ 5397. Objects of Survey. The said survey shall have for it© ob.j ect: ***** * * * * (2) An examination and classification of the ©oils, and the study of their adaptability to particular crops, ******* (4) An examination and report unon the occurrence of different road building ma- terial. (5) An examination of the physi- cal features of the state with reference to their practical bearing upon the occu- pation© of the people. (6) The prepara- tion of special geological and economic maps to illustrate the resources of the state. (7) The preparation of special re- ports with necessary illustration© and maps, which shall embrace both the general and de- tailed description of the geology and natural (Wash) -170resources of the state. (8) The consider- ation of such other kindred scientific and economic questions as in the judgment of the hoard shall he deemed of value to the people of the state. [L. »O1, p. 334, §2.] See infra, §5907, survey for road huild ing material. (Wash) 171§ 5396* Report to Legislature. The board shall cause to be prepared a report to the legislature before each reg- ular meeting of the same, showing the prog- ress and condition of the survey, together with such other information as they may deem necessary and useful or as the legis- lature may require. [L. ’01, n. 336, §3.] § 5399. Printin^ and J)i stribution of 'geoorts. ***** ***** ***** ***** § 5400. Materials Collected, Distribution of Awn^^ Schools. ***** ***** ***** ***** (Wash) -172§ 5401.__Qrganiz at i on—. eetings—Co-opera- tion with United States Geological Survey. The hoard of geological purvey shall meet for organization within thirty days after the passage of this act. The regu- lar meetings of the hoard shall he on the first ednesday in April and the first ednesday in ovemher of etch year. The said hoard of geological survey is hereby authorized to make provisions for topo- graphic, ****** surveys of the state of Washington in co-operation with the United States geological survey in such manner as in the opinion of the said hoard will be of the greatest benefit to the agricultural, industrial * * * * requirements of the state of Washington: Provided, that the director of the United States geological survey shall agree to ex pend oxi the part of the United States unon (Wash) -173said surveys a sum equal to that expended by the said board. [L. ’01, p. 336, §6; L. ’03, p. 331, §1.] "Act” refers to the preceding sections of this Title. § 54Q2« Survey to Complete^: ap and Invest!- gate~j ater In order to complete the topographic map of the state of Washington, and * * * * * * the hoard of geological survey is hereby authorized and directed to enter into such agreements with the director of the United States geological survey as will insure that the said surveys and investiga- tions he carried on in the most economical manner, and that the maps and data he avail- able for the use of the public as quickly as possible. [L, *09, p. 885, §1.] i Wash) -174-§ 5619. Shade Trees—»Right to Plant on Highways. Any person or company wishing to plant and cultivate shade or ornamental trees on the public highways of the state of Washing- ton may lawfully do so by planting the same in the said highways at a distance not great- er than ten (10) feet from the lines divid- ing the land owned by them from the said highways when the said roads have a legal width of sixty (60) feet or more and at a distance not greater than eight (8) feet from said dividing lines when said roads have a- legal width of less than sixty (60) feet: Provided, that such trees shall not be lawfully planted where the entire width of the road is required for public use by reason of heavy cuts, fills, slopes or grades. [h. ’Ob, p. 221, §1.] -175-§ 5620, Hedge Fences Along Highways. It shall he lawful for any person or company to plant hedge fences on the line dividing their property from public highways and to use temporarily a strip of said highway not exceeding eight (8) feet in v/idth for the protection and cul- tivation of such hedges and to maintain temporary fences within said strip for a period not exceeding four (4) years after the said hedges have been planted. [L. ’03 p. 222, §2.] § 5621. Projection by Supervisors. It is hereby directed to be the duty of road supervisors and overseers to pro- tect trees and hedges now growing or which may be hereafter planted in the public high ways of the state when such trees and hedge (V ash) -176pre located in conformity with the pro- visions of this act. [L. ’03, p. 222, §3.] "Act" refers to §§5619-5622. § 5622.__Injury 0 3? Destruc ti. on—Penal ty. V/illful injury to or destruction of shade or ornamental trees or hedges in or along the line of any public highway in the state of Washington is hereby declared to he a misdemeanor and the perpetrators of such injury shall be liable for each tree so in- jured or destroyed, to a fine not less than five dollars ($5) nor more than fifty dollars (§•50) or to imprisonment in the county jail for not more than sixty (60) days or to both such fine and imprisonment. [L. ’03, p. 222, §4«] ( ash) -177-§ 5689 . (_385_7). [Turnpike Hoads, ] Right of Way may be Secured, How. The county commissioners may autho- rize the commissioners by them appointed * * * * * to obtain by grant or take propositions for the purchase from the own ers of land over which the road will pass, the right of way, and to take timber and other materials necessary to the construc- tion and repair of the same. [L. ’90, p. 613, §3; I H. C., §2034.] bote.--Section 5690 -provides for con- demnation proceedings when said commission ers and the owners fail to agree as to the amount of compensation, etc. (Mfash) -178-I.'emo • It may be well to include thia much of Sec. 6555, since lumbering and other forest op erations are among the "Indus tries of the state." S 6553. Duties of ConunlaBureau, of Labor. ***** It shall also be the duty of officers and employees of the bu- reau to collect, assort, arrange and pre- sent in biennial reports to the legisla- ture, on or before the first Monday in January, statistical details relating to all departments of labor in the state; * * * * * and to such other matters relating to * * * * * the permanent prosperity of the respective industries of the state as the bureau may be able to gather. ***** [L. ’01, p. 132, §2.] ('(.ash) -179-§ 6605. ( 2130. * ) Board pf ftate Land Com- mi ssioners,^ row Constituted, The commissioner of public lands, the state fire warden and forester end the mem- bers of the state board tax commissioners shall constitute the board of state land commissioners and shall have all cowers and perform all duties with reference to the selection, appraisement and sale or lease of school, granted or other lands, except capital building lands, the estab- lishment of harbor lines and lease of har- bor area which are now or may hereafter be vested in or required of the board of state land commissioners, the board of appraisers or the harbor line commission. And said board of state 1 and commissioners shal 1 be and serve as the commission and the board of appraisers mentioned in section one of (Wash) 180article fifteen and section two of article sixteen of the state constitution. [L. ’97, p. 229, §1; L. ’07, p. 290, §1; L. ’09, p. 757, §1.) The act of 1909 amended the original section of the act of 1897, without notice of its -prior amendment by the act of 1907. See infra, §6774, powers over harbor areas. See infra, §6829, appraisement of dam- ages from overflowing state lands. See infra, §§6831, 6832, rights of way over state lands. § 6606. (2186.) Present Boprd juccessor of Old. The state hoard of land commissioners shall, from the date of the assumption of its official duties, possess and exercise over all the lands and areas of the state all the authority, power and functions and perform the duties which the present hoard of state land commissioners now possess, and is hereby constituted its successor, and all the provisions of law /applicable (hash) -181to said hoard, not inconsistent with the provisions of this act, are hereby made applicable to the board created by this act, [Cf. L. *95, p. 565, § 89; L. ’97, p. 258, §56.] For former laws on the subject of tide and shore lands, see L. ’90, pp. 431-437; L. *93, op. 386-402; L. ’95, pp. 527-571. wThis act” refers to chapter 89 of the Laws of 1897, §§1-70, and the acts amenda- tory thereof, found in this title. See infra, §6781, successors of board to exercise same powers. § 6614. (2195.) Trespasseg--hand Litjga- tion--Luty of Board as to. Said board of land commissioners be and it is hereby directed and empowered to investigate all trespasses on and damage to state lands, and prosecute the same under the lav/; that said board shall also appear before the United States land offices in all cases involving the validity of the selec- tions of any of the state’s granted or school ( ash) -182-lands, and shall he authorized and empow- ered to summon witnesses and pay necessary witness fees and clerical hire in such con- tested cases. [L. *95, p. 569, §99; L. *97, p. 261, §64.] See §6824, infra. § 6616. App eals to Superior Court. Any person who is an applicant to pur- chase or lease any of the state’s granted, tide, shore, arid or oyster lands or harbor areas, or to purchase any timber, stone, fallen timber, hay, gravel or other valuable materials situate on any of the public lands of the state, and any person whose property rights or interests will be affected by such sale or lease, who may deem himself aggrieved by any order or decision of the board of state land commissioners concerning the same, shall have the right to appeal from such order or decision to the superior court of the state (Wash) 183of Washington for the county in which such lands, harbor areas or materials are situate. Said hoard of state land commissioners shall forthwith give notice in writing to all par- ties who have appeared in such proceeding of its order or decision. [L. ’01, p. 98, §1. Cf. L. ’95, p. 561, §82; L. ’97, p. 254, §52.] Gee infra, §6749, appeal from appraise- ment of tide lands. See infra, §6751, appeal as to preference right to nurchase tide lands. See infra, §6638, appeals from right of way apprai sement»• Bote.--Since the State Fire Warden and Forester is a member of the .Board of Stete Land Commissioners, reference is me.de to Title LI., Chapters I and II of Rem. and Bal. Code, which embrace Sections 6605-6622, covering the following subjects: Chapter I.—BOARD OF STATE LAND COIBIS SIGNERS. 6605. Board of state land commissioners, how constituted. 6606. Present board successor of old. 6607. Records of board, etc. 6608. Rules and regulations. 6609. Report to legislature on management of lands. (Wa sh) -1846610. Board may accept lands by gift, etc., on behalf of state. 6611. Board empowered to issue subpoenas, etc., and compel attendance. 6612. Board’s power of review—Correction of errors. 6613. Verted rights confirmed, when. 6614. Trespasses—Land litigation—Duty of board as to. 6615. Duties of attorney general. Chapter II.—APPEALS FROM BOARD OF STATE LA D CO: : ISSIOLERS. 6616. Appeals to superior court. 6617. Lotice of appeal. 6618. Appeal bond. 6619. Transcript. 6620. Trial de novo. 6621. Appeal to supreme court. 6622. Record certified to board. See, also, Sections 6648, 6650, 6667, 6774, 6780, 6781, 6829, 6831, 6832 and 6834 of said code. (WaMh) -185§ 6644. (2136.) [Landa of the State.] Duties of In8pectors--SurveysJ, etc. Said state land inspectors shall, im- mediately upon their appointment under the direction of the commissioner of public lands, inspect such unsurveyed lands or townships as the board may designate, with a view of determining whether it is desir- able to have them reserved for the selection of lands to complete the grant of public lands to the state. They shall report the result of their inspection without delay, showing approximately the number of acres arable, vhe amount, quality, character and value of timber, the nearest practicable route for removing the same, the number of settlers in the township and the value of the improvements. ***** [j,, 195, p. 532, §§13, 14; L. »97, p. 231, §7.] See supra, §5282, state cruisers to be ex officio forest rangers. (hash) 186-S 6645, (2137«) Inspector1s Bond—Oath, The state land inspectors, before en- tering upon their duties, shall each enter into a bond unto the state of Washington, in the penal sum of five thousand dollars, conditioned, to well and faithfully perform their duties as such, to be approved by the commissioner of public lands, and shall take and subscribe an oath before some officer authorized to administer oaths, according to the laws of the state, in substance as follows:-- X, AB, do solemnly swear that 1 will well and truly perform the duties of land inspector for the state of Washington, in the selection, inspection and appraisement of the lands granted thereto, to the best of my knowledge and ability; and further that I will not communicate to any person not a member of the board, or commission, Wash) -187or the commissioner of public lands, any information in relation to location, char- acter and value of the public lands examin- ed by me, or disclose to anyone anything in relation to such public lands except to such board or commission or commissioner of pub- lic lands; that I will, when directed, per- sonally and carefully examine each parcel or tract of land to be listed by me, and make an appraisement and value of the same and the timber thereon; that I am not nor will I become interested directly or indi- rectly in the sale or purchase of said lands, and that 1 will report every material fact connected with said lands directly to the board of state land commissioners, to enable it to determine the situation, value and character of the timber thereon and the lands selected by me; in investigating, appraising, or in the prosecution of any trespass, I do solemnly swear that I will act according to the best of my knowledge and ability, and will Wash) -188protect the interests of the state of Washington. Upon filing such bond and affidavit the inspector may he authorized and com- missioned by said commissioner of public land® to view, select and appraise lands as hereinafter provided for. [Cf. L. ’95, p. 530. §9; L. ’97, p. 232, §8.] (Vi? ash) -189-§ 6646. (2136.) Inspectors* Duties and Reports. The said commissioner of public lands may instruct the said state land inspector to view and examine the said lands subject to selection by the smallest legal subdivi- sions of forty acres each, and shall class- ify such lands into grazing, farming and timbered lands, and estimate the value of each tract so viewed; said state land in-* Spector shall also in timbered lands esti- mate the amount and value of the standing timber thereon and the value thereof after the timber is removed; be shall make a re- port thereof to the commissioner of public lands as amply and expeditiously as possible on blank lists to be furnished by said com- missioner of public lands for that purpose; that said report shall be mads under oath, to the effect that the inspector has -190personally examined the tracts mentioned in each forty acres thereof, that said report and appraisement is made from such personal examination and is to the best of affiant’s knowledge and belief true and cor- rect, and that the lands are not occupied by any bona fide settler. They shall also separately appraise all valuable material thereon, improvements, etc. [Cf. L. ’95, p. 530, §10; L. ’97, p, 233, §9.] ote.--Section 6647 provides for class- ifying the lands so appraised and reported upon. Sash) -191§ 6646. ( 2140.) ^J'enal ty for BIaclo sing Information, If any state land inspector knowingly or willfully shall make a false oath con- cerning the appraisement on said lands, or knowingly, or willfully divulge anything, or give any information in regard to such land other than to the hoard of state land commissioners, or commissioner of public lands, he shall forthwith be removed from office and be deemed guilty of perjury and subject to the penalties thereof, and it shall be and is hereby made the duty of the board of state land commissioners, or the commissioner of public lands, to prose cute him therefor. [L. ’95, n. 531, §12; L. ’97, p. 234, §10-1/2.] Bee supra, §2851, perjury defined. Jash) -192SSS5* state Co 11 cg e I.an d s—Ann ual h e - port to Board of Regents. It shall he the duty of the state land commissioner to make a report to the hoard of regents of the a ricultural college and school of science on or before the first londay in April, 1899, and on or before the first londay in April of each succeeding year, which said report shall contain a complete detailed statement: *«•*»*****#♦* (3) Of the investment of all moneys received from the sale or lease of agricul- tural college land, or from the sale of tim- ber, * * » * * from said lands, which report shall describe fully the stocks, bonds or other securities in which said moneys shall have been invested, specifying the .issuer or issuers, the rate of interest, the time to run, and the face or par value of said stocks, (Wash) -193bonds or other securities, and a like re- port of the disposition of all moneys re- ceived from the sale or lease of lands set apart for the scientific school and from the sale of timber, ***** from said lands: ***** [x,, ’99, p. 12, §1.] See supra, J5047, disposition of cer- tain state college lands. j 6660, Duties of Board of J.Qg^nt s-«jn- .tion--Report to Legislature, To tne end that the endowment of the agricultural college and school of science may be conserved and increased it shall be the duty of the board of regents of the said college and school of science at as early a date as practicable to inspect or cause to be inspected the lands set apart for the >Vash) 194use and support of the agricultural college and school of science, and to gather or cause to be gathered such information rela- tive to the character, condition and true value of said lands as may be conducive to a wise and advantageous disposition of the same, and to collect and distribute such information as shall facilitate the sale or lease of such lands, as provided by law, and to furnish such information to the land com- missioner when called for: * * -* * * [L. ’99, p. 15, §3.] (hash) -195§ 6661« (2141,*) [Granted lands proi sement and Sal e—Flats, Any person or company may make vritten application to the commissioner of public lands for the appraisement and sale of any lands belonging to the state, • * * * When, in the opinion of the commissioner of public lands, or the board of state land commissioners, a sufficient number of ap- plications have been received for the ap- praisement and sale of lands in any county or locality, the commissioner of public lands shall cause such land® so applied for to be inspected and classified by one or more state land inspectors, or by one or more members of the board of state land commissioners, as to its character, topog- raphy, agricultural and grazing qualities, timber, ***** an^ full report thereof to be made to the commissioner of (’/ash) -196public lands, together with the inspector’s judgment as to its present and prospective value, which said report, together with all other information affecting the same, shall thereupon he considered by the hoard of state land commissioners and a price per acre fixed for each lot, block, subdivision or tract pro- posed to he sold in one parcel, which shall not he less than ten dollars per acre for lands granted for educational purposes: Provided, that ***** and in no ease shall any state or public lands, or timber or other materials thereon be sold unless within ninety days prior to the date fixed for the sale the same shall have been appraised by the hoard of state land commis- sioners, ***** [jJ# 109^ 788, §2. Cf. L. ’95, p. 533, §17, and p, 534, §18; L. >97, p. 835, 11; L. ’03, p. 103, §1; L. ’07, p. 751, §8.] See infra, §6693, former appraisals void. (Wash) -197S 6667, (2142,*) Sale of Timber--Appraise- -gand Improvement©. When application is made for the pur- chase of timber, fallen timber, stone, gravel or other valuable materials situated upon public lands of the state, except cap- ital building lands, the same inspection shall be had as upon an application for the appraisement and sale of lands, ho timber, fallen timber, stone, gravel or other valu- able materials shall be sold for less than the appraised value thereof; and such tim- ber, fallen timber, stone, gravel or other valuable material© may be sold separate from the land when, in the judgment of the board, it is for the best interests of the state to sell the same, except when the estimated amount of timber shall exceed one million feet to the quarter section, in which case the timber shall be sold separate from the land: Provided, that whenever any public (Wash) -196land© except capitol building lands shall lie within the limits of any watershed from or through which is derived the water supply of any city or town in this state and sold city or town shall desire to pur* chase or condemn the same it may do so, and in case of purchase it shall have the right to buy said land with the timber, fallen timber, stone, gravel or other valu- able materials with the land and v/ithout a separate appraisement thereof. Wen such timber, fallen timber, stone, gravel or other valuable materials are sold separate from the land, the full purchase price thereof shall be paid in cash: Provided, that in all cases where timber, fallen tim- ber, stone, gravel or other valuable mate- rials ore sold separate from the land the sale shall revert to the state if not re- moved from the land within five years from the date of purchase thereof, except that in all cases when the purchaser is acting (Wash) *199in good faith and endeavoring to remove such timber, fallen timber, stone, gravel or other valuable materials, the commission- er of public lands may extend the time for re moval thereof for any further period not exceeding five years upon payment to the state of a sum to be fixed by the commis- sioner of public lands not less titan one dollar nor more than two dollars per acre per annum. And the commissioner of pub- lic land© shall certify and pay to' the state treasurer all sums received for such exten- sions and the same shall be credited to the fund to which was credited the original pur- chase price of the materials so sold. In every appraisement under this act, the board of state land commissioners shall separately appraise all improvements placed upon any land of the state and found on such land at the time of appraisement of the land, and ©hall also appraise all damages and waste committed or suffered upon said land by the ( fash) -200-cutting or removal of timber, stone, gravel or other valuable materials by the oerson or oersons owning such im- provements or their assignors and the damages so found shall be deducted from the appraised value of the improvements and the balance, after deducting such damages and waste, shall be the value of the improvements upon the land, and every such appraisement shall be recorded in the proceedings of the board of state land com- missioners: Provided, that this section shall not be considered as affecting the right of the state to receive the full value of the land, * * * * * * [The portion omitted relates to the matter of improve- ments upon the land,] .For the purpose of determining the value and character of land, timber, fallen timber, stone, gravel or other valuable materials or improvements, the com- missioner of public lands or the board of state land commissioners way compel the at- tendance of witnesses by subpoena, (Wash) 201-at such place as the commissioner or the hoard way designate, and examine such wit- nesses under oath as to the value and char acter of such lands, materials or improve- ments and waste or damage thereto, v/hen timber or other valuable materials have been sold separate from the land and have actually been removed therefrom, then such lands may be sold for a sum which, added v to the price received for the timber or other valuable materials, will not be less than ten dollars per acre. All sales of timber upon state land shall be made sub- ject to the right, power and authority of the board of state land commissioners to prescribe rules and regulations governing the manner of removal of the timber with a view to the protection of the nonmerchant- able timber against destruction or injury by fire or from other causes; and any such rules or regulations shall be binding upon the purchase^' of the timber and his succes sors in interest and shall be enforced by Wa sh) -202the cojimissioner of public lands. When the merchantable timber has been sold and actually removed from any land, the board of state land commissioners may classify the land and such portions thereof as may be found moot suitable for reforestation may, by order of the board, be reserved from any future sale and when once so re- served shall not thereafter be subject to sale or other disposition. The commissioner of public lands shall certify to the state fire warden and forester all such reserves so made and thereupon it shall be the duty of the state fire warden and forester to protect &ueh land and the remaining timber from fire and to reforest the same. (L. ’09, p. 760, §3. Cf. I. ’95, p. 536, §23; L. ’97, p. 236, §12; I. ’99, p. 252, §1; 1. ’01, p. 308, §1; L. ’07, p. 752, §6.] “This act”: Bee note to §6606. [Said note states that: “This act” refers to chap- ter 89 of the Laws of 1897, §§1-70, and the acts amendatory thereof, found in this title.] (Wash) 203-§ 6669. Time for Reiaoval of Timber Extended, All persons, firms, or corporations who, prior to Larch 18, 1901, purchased from the state of Washington timber on state, school, or granted lands, and who have not already removed the timber there- from, shall have a period of ten years from 1 arch 18, 1901, in which to remove the timber from such lands. [I. *05, p. 77, §1.] (Wash) -204$ 6670. Time for Removal of Timber— • itwwfwii1 »w»1 '■ "-»■»•••1 .TBrOTTTax>r«ai«g.T,!-.~~’flBM .1. ma Extension• In all cases where timber on state land is or ha® been sold in manner now provided by lav/, the purchaser shall be allowed a period of five year© from the date of the sale within which to remove the timber: Provided, that the commis- sioner of public lands shall have the same authority as now provided by lew, upon a showing of good faith, to extend the time within which such timber may be removed for a further period of not to exceed two years. [L. ’07, p. 747, §1.] ( ash) -2065 ,9• Lea 9e © -*.[Public ""* Procedure. All leases of state tide land®, and. the sales of all tide and shore lands of whatever class, except when sold to per- son© having the preference right of pur- chase, and timber and materials of state, school, and granted lands, and harbor areas or mineral lands where, under exist- ing law, the same can be sold, shall be made in the same manner, under the same notice, and at the same time and place, as provided in the preceding section. [L. ’07, p. 315, §2.] ^Tor Section 6672, see Rein, and Bal. Code. Wash) -206emo . It may be well to include Sec.6692, since it allows the assignee the privilege of clear ing the land. C. 6692. [lands of the State.] Hights of Assignee. ***** ho lessee or assignee of any lease of state lands leased as scab or pasture lands shall “be permitted, to use the same for any other purpose than that expressed in the lease: Provided, said lessee or his resigns may he permitted to clear, plow and cultivate all or any part thereof upon surrendering the said lease and requesting the commissioner of public lands to issue an agricultural lease in lieu there- of; upon the payment of the fixed rental under the appraisement of said land the com- missioner shall issue a new lease for the unexpired term thereof, [b. ’03, p. 116, 58.3 (wash) -2C?§ ^Building Lands All lands granted to the state by the federal government for the purpose of erect- ing public buildings at the state capitol [capital?] shall be known and designated as MCapitol building lands.** Ione of such lands, nor the timber or other materials thereon, shall hereafter be sold without the consent of the state capitol commission and only in the manner as herein provided. [L. ’09, p. 125, §2.] \ 6698. Appraisement and Sale—Procedure. The state capitol commission shall cause said lands to be appraised and prepare an ab- stract or record of all the capitol building lands with such maps and other data as may be deemed necessary to properly show in detail and by legal subdivision the location thereof, and of the timber and other materials thereon, (V»ash) -208and the character and value thereof. The commission shall seek proposals by adver- tising in the public press or otherwise, within or without the state, for the sale of such land in tracts not to exceed one hundred and sixty acres in extent, and re- advertise and reseek other and new propos- als or bids as often as said commission shall deem necessary, and may sell any such lands at public auction, with a view of ob- taining the full market value of said lands, announcing the times, terms and particulars of sale as is now provided for sale of other state lands: Provided, that the commission may sell the tii ber or other materials sepa- rate from the land, and said commission shall fix the time in which such timber or other materials shall be removed from the land, and may provide that the purchaser of timber or other materials separate from the land shall not be limited as to the time of removal Wash) 209-thereof upon payment to the state for the use of such lands upon which such timber or other materials are situated of an an- nual rental to he fixed by the comission at or before the time of sale. [L. ’09, p. 125, §3.] h? sh) -210§ 6699♦ Regulation The commission shall ?iake necessary rules under which proposals or bids for the purchase cf land, timber or other materials shall he received, and shall fix the terms of the sale thereof: * * * * * And provided further, that the purchase price of all timber or other materials when sold separate from the land shall be paid in cash at the time and sale: And provided further, that in case of the sale, on deferred payments, of any tract of land, where the timber thereon constitutes its principal source of value, all unpaid installments of the purchase price shall be paid before any timber is removed therefrom. [I. »O9, p. 126, §4.] ( 'ash) -211/‘7; /--.ie. /..t MjS£j| (:• ut-h r^eer'^•<• Plans for C/..vo i t o 1 _Kui 1 din,•;. All sales shall take place at the state capital and the proceeds of such sale of lands, or the timber or other materials, shall be paid into the capitol building fund to be used: ***** [Kor pro- visions relative to the use of the proceeds, see Section 6700 in Hem. and Bal. Code.] (L. ’09, p. 126, §5.] (Wash) 212-§ 6701, Conveyanceg, laetnner of. Upon performance ‘by the purchaser of all such conditions as shall have been fixed by the commission for the sale of any such lands or the timber or other materials there on, conveyances shall issue therefor in the same manner as now provided by law for the conveyance by the state of other granted lands or the timber or other materials thereon, [L. ’09, p. 127, $6.] -213§ 67C)2. C ommiflsjon--A8si - - The commission may employ such cruisers, * * * * * or other assistants as may he necessary for the host interests of the state in carrying out the provisions of this act, and all expenses incurred hy the commission, and all claims against the capitol building fund shall he paid hy order of the commission upon vouchers signed hy the chairman and sec- re; ary thereof, out of the appropriation here- inafter made. (1. >09, p. 127, §7.] "Act" refers to §§6696-6703. fash) -214§ 6776._Leasing of Harbor Areas for Boom- The commissioner of public lands is hereby authorised to lease any harbor areas and lands of the state of Washington, to any persons or corporations, whether the same be reserved from lease or sale by any existing acts or not, for booming purposes; excepting lands and harbor areas within the limits of any incorporated city or town and within two miles therefrom for a period not exceeding five years: Providing, however, that no lease shall be granted for any oyster re- serve containing oysters in merchantable quantities and further that the commissioner of public lands shall have power to prescribe rules and regulations for the use of any lands so leased, and to declare a forfeiture for any violation of such rules and regulations. [L. ’07, p. 575, §1.] ( ) 215-J 6785« (2215,) [Leasing I. ineral_ Lands• ] . ecessary Timber Privilegee. The lessee may cut and use the timber found upon said premise© [mineral claim© upon state land] for fuel and construction of buildings, required in the operation of any mine or mines on the premises; also the timber necessary for drains, tramways and supports for such mine or mines, and for no other ruroose. [I. ’97, p. 293, §4*] ( ash) -216§ 6767. (2217.*) [mineral lands.— Lessee’s Ri;ht to Contraet--Porm. ******** [This Section, in prescribing the form of the Contract in such cases, specifies the following, as one of the terms of the lease:] with the right, during the existence of this lease, to cut and use the timber found upon said premises for fuel, and so far also as may he necessary for the construction of building® required in the operation of any mine or mines, on the premises hereby leased, as also the timber necessary for drains, trrm ways and supports for such mine or mines: * * * * [L. ’97, p. 294, §6; L. ’99, p. 337, §1.] "This act” refers to this chapter. /ash.) -217Title LI Chapter XX. TRESPASS ON PUBLIC LANDS § 6623. (2197.) .Removing Valuable .aterials Penalty. Any person, firm, corporation or asso- ciation cutting or removing, or causing to he cut or removed, any timber growing or be- ing upon the state, school or granted lands, or manufacturing the same into logs, holts, shingles, lumber or other articles for domes tic use or commerce, shall he liable to the state cf Washington in treble the value of the timber or other articles so cut or re- moved, to be recovered in a civil ction; and moreover, shall forfeit all interest in and to the article into which said timber is manufactured. [L. ’9b, p. 570, §101; L. ’97 p. 261, §66.] Compare §6824, infra. See supra, §6614, prosecution of tres- passers. (Wash) -218-§ 6824 ♦ (2168«*) Penalty for Injuries to Public lands. If any person shall cut down, destroy, injure, or cause to he cut down, destroyed or injured, any timber standing, growing or felled upon any of the lands of the state of Washington before deed shall have been issued by the state therefor as provided by law, or shall take or remove or cause to be taken or removed fro® any such lands, any timber, wood, clay, sand or other mate- rial or substance thereon, or shall dig, quarry, take or remove any mineral (except by contract with the state), earth or stone from such lands, or shall cause to be dug, quarried, taken or removed any mineral (ex- cept by contract with the state), earth or stone fro; such lands, or shall otherwise injure, deface or damage, or shall cause Waah) -219to Toe injured, defaced or damaged any such lands, he shall he deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor. [L. ’99, p. 47, §1. Cf. L. ’95, p. 549, §51; L. ’97, p. 247, § 38.] This section repeals hy implication §2193, 1 Hill’s Code (L. ’90, p. 124, §1), and §51, L. ’95, p. 549. Compare §6823, supra. See supra, §2659, suhd. 1, injury to trees on state land. See supra, §6614, duty to prosecute. (Wash) —220 —§ 6826, Timber fogJPQMestic Pse—C1 e: ring, Nothing in this act shall he so construed as to prevent any person who shall lease said lands or hold the same under contract with the state for the purchase thereof, and occupy the same for the purpose of a home, from cutting such timber as may he necessary for donxestic use or to clear land for actual cultivation: Provided, that such lessee or contractor may sell such timber so cut in good faith for the purpose of clearing such land for cultivation: Provided further, however, that before any tim- ber may be sold by any such lessee or contract- or he must first obtain the vnritten consent of the commissioner of public lands of the state of Washington to such sale; otherwise such lessee or contractor shall not have the benefit of the provisions of this section, [L. ’99, p. 48, §2.] «ActM refers to .,§6824-6826, Wash) -221§ 6826* Penalties for Violations* Any person or person© violating the provision© of this act ©hall he guilty of a mi©demeanor, and unon conviction thereof he punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five dollar© nor more than one thou ©and dollar©, or by imprisonment in the county jail of the county in which such conviction was had, for a time not less than one month and not more than one year, or by both fine and imprisonment. [L. •99, p. 48, §3.] "Acte1* refers to 36824-6826, Ifash) 222§ 6837* (2252.) Injury to Capitol Grant Lands--Penalty, If any person shall cut dovm, destroy or injure any tree standing or growing upon any of the lands granted to the state of Washington, for erecting public buildings at the capital of said state before patent shall have been issued by the state there- for as herein provided, or shall take or re- move from any such lands any timber or wood, or shall dig, quarry, take or remove any mineral, earth or stone from such lands, such person, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by iraprisonment in the county jail not less than one month nor more than one year; or by fine not less than fifty nor more than one thousand dollars, or both: Provided, that nothing in this section shall be so construed, so as to prevent any purchaser (Wash) 223-who shall purchase said land for purposes of a home from cutting such timber as may be necessary for domestic use, or to clear land for actual cultivation. [L. ’93, p. 188, §10.] ’’This section” substituted for Hthis act,” the balance of which is now obsolete. See notes to §6824. Wash) 224. 6831.. ( 2164%), • Any person, corporation or association engaged in the business of logging shall have a right of way over public lands when neces- sary, for the our^ose of hauling or remov- ing timber from other lands, but permission shall be first obtained in writing from the board cf state land co miissi oners: Provided, that all timber on said right of way shall be appraised, and before permission is grant- ed, shall he paid for in cash by the person, corporation or association desiring the right of way. [I. ’95, p. 547, §45; L. ’97, p. 246, £34.] (Wash)§ Public A°aA Kight of Way. Rights of way may he granted hy the hoard of state land commissioners over public lands to any county or city desir- ing to construct a public road across the same: ***** Provided further, that all timber on said right of way shall be appraised and paid for in cash by the said county or city. [L. ’95, p. 547, §46; L. ’97, p. 246, §35.] Wash) -226RIGHTS OF WAX’ OVER PUBLIC LANDS [Sections 6848-6852 contain provisions, in general, regarding right of way over pub- lic lands of the State of Washington, granted to municipal corporations, electric light, power, or street railway companies, associa- tions or individuals, constructing or propos- ing to construct any ditch, flume or pipe- line or transmission line for the purpose of generating or transmitting electricity for light, heat or power, (haws, 1909, pp. 654- 656). Among the privileges so granted, is the right to cut timber along the right of way, to the following extent:] §6849. ^Procedure to Obtain Right _of Way - - Width. ********* The land within ©aid right of way shall be limited to an amount necessary for the construction (Wash) 227-of said ditch, flume, pipe-line or trans- mission line sufficient for the purpose re- quired, together with sufficient land on either side thereof for ingress and egress to maintain and repair the same and shall include the right to cut all standing tim- ber within a radius of two hundred feet on either side of said ditch, flume, oipe-line or transmission line, which shall he dangerous to the operation and maintenance of the same. [L. ’09, p. 65&, §2.] (Wash) 228National Park. •.Section 6854-1/2 ie included on account of the Renier National Park being embraced within the limits of the Ranier ) ntional forest. It should be borne in i ind, how- e n r, t i&t • e national l ark is, by law, under the exclusive control of ■ Secret * Exclusive jurisdiction shall be, and the same is hereby ceded to the United States over and within all the territory that is now or may hereafter be included in that tract of land in the state of Washington, set aside for the purposes of a national park, and known as the Rainer National Park; saving, however, to the said state, the right to serve civil or criminal process within the limits of the a- foresaid park, in suits or prosecutions for or on account of rights acquired, obligations incurred or crimes committed in said state, but outside of said park; and saving further to the said state the right to tax persons and corporations, their franchises and prop- erty on the lands included in said park: Provided, however, this jurisdiction shall ish) 229-not vest until the United States? through, the -proper officer, notifies the governor of this state that they assume police or military jurisdiction over said park. [I »O1, p. 192, JlJ -230j erao. It may be well to include Sections 6855, 6856, 6857, 6858 since they cover the matter of National forest Surveys. § 6865* (2112.) Right of United States Surveyors to Enter upon Premises. - =37=s=KSs=Kx- ^Kx-saBs-sS^-sssaseEstr-jrjssss^siasssaas Any person employed in the execution of any survey authorized by the Congress of the bnited States may enter upon any land within this state for the purpose of explor- ing, triangulating, leveling, surveying, and of doing any work which may be necessary to carry out the object of existing laws, and may establish permanent station marks, and erect the necessary signals and temporary observations, doing no unnecessary injury thereby. [Cf. h. ’58, p. 24, §1; L. ’69, p. 413, £1; L. ’88, p. 214, §1; 1 H. C., §2950.) 5 (£3-3.3^) ^rocJ?/^n ere Such Survgxor^...Damage• If the parties interested cannot agree unon the amount to be paid as damages causedthereby, either of them may petition the superior court of the county in which the land so entered upon ie situated, v.hioh court shall appoint a time for a hearing as soon as may be, and order at least four- teen days* notice to be given to all parties interested, and with or without a view of the premises, as the court may determine, hear the parties and their witnesses, and assess the damages, if any there be. [Cf. I. ’58, p. 24, §2; L. ’69, p. 413, ,21 L. ’88, p. 214, $2; 1 h. C., §2961.] See Const., Art. I, §16, and notes. 5 C857^_£gl4,) .5;' •, Re- covery of. The person or persons so entering upon land may tender to the injured party damages therefor, and in case of appeal or application Wash) 232-to said superior court the damages fully assessed do not exceed the amount so ten- dered, the person so entering shall re- cover costs, otherwise the prevailing oarty shall recover costs. [L. *58, p. 24, §4. Cf. L. *69, p. 414, §4; ’88, p. 214, §s; 1 i . C., §2952.] The ‘‘appeal” referred to has no ap- plication to present organization of courts. 5 885ft., ( 2115.) Costs It the Same asjow Allowed by L-zw. The costs to be allowed in such cases shell be the same as and governed by the fees and costs in said court as now allowed by law. (Cf. b. *69, p. 414, • &; 1. ’88, p. 214, j4; 1 h. C., §2983.] -233[Title LII. LEGISLATURE.] Chapter VIII. STATE BOARD TO PROLOTE UUE0R1.ITY OP LEGISLATION § 69• Governor to Appointr and Pi11 Vacancies. Within thirty days after this act takes effect the governor shall appoint three suit- able persons and they and their successors are hereby constituted ”A board of commissioners for the promotion of uniformity of legislation in the United States.” Any vacancy in said board shall be filled by appointment by the governor. [L. ’05, p. ill, §l.] 5 3949. Duty of Board. seaswssa^j^^EssSisssssssxsscsEsssw/jEssss It shall be the duty of said board to examine * * * * * an^ other subjects upon which uniformity of legislation in the Wash) -234-various states and territories of the union is desirable, but which are out- side of the jurisdiction of the Congress of the United States; to confer upon these matters with the commissioners ap- pointed by other states and territories for the same purpose; to consider and draft uniform laws to be submitted for approval and adoption by the several states; and generally to devise and re- commend such other and further course of action as shall accomplish the purposes of this act. [L. ’05, p. Ill, §2.] § Records of Board. The said board of commissioners shall keep a record of all its transactions, and shell, at each biennial session of the legis- lature, and nay rt any other time, make a re- port of its doings and of its recommendations to the legislature. (L. »05, p. Ill, §3.] (Wash) -235r emo. Lection 6992 provides for exhibits at the uaeusa showing the natural resources of the State; which include forest pro ducts. 6992* State ugewyi at University. The museum of the University of Jash- ington is hereby constituted the state museum as a depository for the preservation and exhibition of documents and objects pos- sessing an historical value, of materials illustrating the fauna, flora, * * * * * and natural resources of the state, and for all documents and objects whose preservation will be of velue to the student of history and the natural sciences. [L. ’99, p. 40, §1.] h)[Title LV. LOGS AND LOGGING.] Chapter I STATE LOG-SCALER § ?O7O. (3103.Lumber Listr ic tst jbtta) - lishment of. That there he established within this state two districts for the survey and mea- surement of logs, and that counties of What- com, Skagit, San Juan, Island, Snohomish, King, Pierce, Nason, Levis, Skamania, Clarke, Cowlitz, Wahkiakum, Pacific, Chehalis, Thurs- ton, Kitsap, Jefferson and Clallam shall con- stitute district number one, and tl at Seattle, Washington, shall be the -nrincipal olace of buisness of district number one; and that the counties [of] Okanogan, Stevens, Spokane, Lincoln, Douglas, Kittitas, Yakima, Franklin, Adams, whitman, Garfield, Asotin, Columbia, (Wash) -23?Walla Walla and Klickitat shall constitute district number two, and. that Spokane, Wash- ington, shall be the principal ulace of busi- ness for district number two. [L. ’97, p. 98, §1.] Compare L. *63, pp. 489, 490; L. ’69, pp. 391-394, survey nd measurement of logs. For former laws on the subject of this chapter, see L. ’79, pp. 107-110; Cd. ’81, pp. 2639-2652; L. ’83, pp. 106-108, and 1 Hill’s Code, §§2345-2357, and amendments of ’93, p. 83, and ’95, p. 127. This charter appears to repeal by implication the sections of Hili’® Code above referred to; hence they are omitted. See infra, §7110 et sea., boom companies. See infra, §7080 et sop., lumber and shingle weighers. (Wash) -238§ ?2£sJ Appointmep' cal er• There shall he hiennally appointed hy the governor, with the advice and consent of the senate, a state log-scaler for each of the districts aforesaid, who shall he a citizen of the district for which he is ap- pointed at the time of his appointment, end he shall enter upon the discharge of the duties of his office on the third ionday in April next succeeding his appointment, and shall hold his office tvro years, and until his successor is appointed, confirmed and qualified: Provided, that it shall he the duty of the st-te log-scaler whose term of office has expired to wise the scale hills, and record them in the hooks of the state log-scaler’s office, within thii’ty days of the day he vacates his office, of all logs scaled hy him or deputies prior to the time he surrendered the same to his successor, and fash) -P.39-for that purpose he shell have access to the hooks of the office for a period of thirty days; and ell hills so made and recorded shall have the same validity as if made and recorded during his term of office. Bach of said state log-scalers shall have ? seal of office, and shall have engraved thereon the arm® of the state of Washington, and the v-ords ttState Log Scaler, ___ District,” and in eaid blank space shall he inserted the number of hi® district. [L. *27, p. 99, §2.] -240§ 7072« (3105.) Oath and Bond. Each state log-scaler shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, take an oath before some person qualified to administer oaths, that he will faith- fully discharge the duties of his office, and also to execute a bond to the county in which he holds his office with five or more sufficient sureties, to be approved by the county commissioners of such county, in the penal sum of two thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful discharge of his duties as state log-scaler, and for the delivery over to his successor of all bills, bonds, certificates and papers and other ef- fects appertaining to his said office. The bond and oath of office shall be recorded in the office of the county auditor of the county where such office is kept; and when there is fa sh) -241a failure to comply vith the conditions of such bond, any person feeling himself aggrieved may eoiuraence an action thereon before any court having jurisdiction, and a recovery thereon (by one) shall not ren- der the bond void, but the same may be prosecuted from time to time until the Thole penalty is recovered, [L, ’97, p, 99, §3.] l'(Wash) 242-§ 7073. (3106.) May Appoint Deputies The state log-scaler may appoint any number of deputies necessary to transact the business of his district, with power to remove any of them at his pleasure, and it shall be the duty of such state log-scaler to appoint at least one deputy for a county, who shall thereafter be and reside in such county, upon a petition being presented to him by two or more master loggers showing that active operations are being carried on in the logging business by two or more master loggers in ouch county. [L. ’97, p. 100, §4.] 243-3 7074, (3107.) Shall Scale, Lops, When and How, The state log-scaler, by himself or hie deputy, -t the request of the owner of any logs or timber, or any sheriff, coroner or constable who has replevied, attached or levied on any logs or timber, or any person who has a written order from the owner for the delivery of any logs or timber, to forth with repair to any part of his district and survey such logs or timber, and, upon com- pleting such survey, to melee out a true and correct scale bill thereof, stating the per- son by whom, the time when and place where such logs or timber was scaled, at whose re- quest and to whom scaled, if to anyone, and the scale mark placed thereon; the number of logs, and, when requested by the owner or any other person controlling the same, the number of pieces of logs or timber, together (Wash) -244with the mark or marks thereon, and the number of feet therein contained, and shall sign the same; and thereupon he shall re- cord such bill in the books of his office, and, upon being paid his fees for such services, he shall deliver the original bill to the person for whom the logs or timber is sealed, if any; if not, then to the person requesting the survey* ho state log-scaler, or deputy scaler, shall in per- son survey ny logs or timber owned wholly or in part by himself, but either may sur- vey any such logs or timber owned wholly or in part by the other: Provided, that where logs which have been cut in any lumber dis- trict in this state have been run out of said district, it shall be lawful for the state log-scaler of the district in which said logs were cut, when requested so to do as above provided, to scale said logs by himself or deputy. The said scalers and their deputies shall, in surveying or measuring logs, make Wash) -24bsuch allowance for hollow, rotten and croked logs as would reduce and make them equal to good, sound and straight merchant- able logs, and in surveying shall throw off all rotten, shaky or wany stuff, and make the same equal to good merchantable 3 r. And the figures showing such survey shall, at the time of making the same, be entered by the scaler in passbooks keut for the pur- pose, which books shall bo preserved and filed by the state log-scaler in his office for the inspection of all persons interested therein. The scale rule known as brew’s rule is hereby adopted as the only rule for the survey of logs in this state. [1. ’97, p. 100, §5.] [Wash)§ 7075, (3108,) Objection to Scaler/3 Seal e-^Rescale • Any person considering any scale of the state log-scaler or any of his depu- ties incorrect, whether he he the oimer or the purchaser of the logs so scaled, may contest said scale hy serving on the state log-scaler of the district in which said logs were scaled a copy of a notice of his intention to contest such a scale and fil- ing the original of such notice with the clerk of the court in the county in which said logs are situated, said notice to con- tain a statement of hy whom and where the logs were cut, the mark thereon, the num- ber thereof, when and where they were scal- ed and the amount of such sale, and where the logs ere situated, and when and hy whom moved from where they were originally scaled, if moved at all, and the clerk ( ash) -247shall enter the same as an action entitled naming the party giving the notice as plaintiff, and the state log-scaler ' s de- fendant, three days after the serving and filing of said notice, unon the application of either party, the judge of the superior court of said county, shall in open court or at chambers appoint two disinterested see.I-rs to rescale said logs. Each of said persons so appointed shall forthwith scale said logs, and if they do not a. ;ree as to the quantity of lumber in said logs, then they shall be deemed to agree upon the sum of the smallest amount found by either of them plus one-half the difference between his and the other’s scale, whereupon they shall make out a scale bill, as in this chapter provided, also stating thereon, the amount of lumber each found to be contained in said boom, and the amount of fees due each, and sign and file the same v/ith the same clerk of said court, and they shall each be entitled to receive for such services the fees allowed ( lash) -248-by this act for such cervices, and in event of there being a difference of more than ten oer cent betxveen the original scale of said logs by the state log-scaler and the amount agreed uron by the parties appointed to rescale said logs, then the court shall give judgment against the state log-scaler for all costs of such proceedings, includ- ing the cost of rescaling said logs, and order the state log-scaler to correct the books of his office, so that they shall show said logs to contain the amount ascer- tained by the rescale of 8?id logs. In the event of there not being more than ten per cent difference between the scale of said logs, then judgment shall be entered against the plaintiff for the cost of the proceeding, including the fees of the persons appointed to rescale said logs. In the event of the judgment of such proceedings being against the state log-scaler, the person paying for the original scale of said logs shall be en- titled to recover from said state log-scaler -249or his bondsmen the amount he may have paid for such original scale end if he shall not have paid for such scale, then the state log- scalei' shall not be entitled to recover the same• [L ♦ ’97, p, 101, § 6»] ( ash) 250§ 7076, (glOgjJ,_Duty to Scale When not Requested in Certain Cages, It shall he the duty of the state log- scaler, or his deputy, to scale all lots or booms of logs containing fifty thousand feet or more, which may be offered for sale, wheth- er requested to do so or not, if the same has not been scaled, and it shall also be the duty of the owner or purchaser of any logs to noti- fy the state log-scaler of any logs in his pos- session that have not been scaled, and any per- son or association of persons who shall sell or remove any such logs from the state, that have been cut in the state before the same shall have been scaled, shall be liable to the state log-scaler for one-half the value of such logs, so sold or removed from the state without having been scaled, which sum shall be recovered by the state log-scaler in a civil ao tion, Mid v'-en so recovered, one-half thereof, shall be paid by the state log-scaler into the general school fund. [L. ’97, p. 102, §7.) (Wash) -251$ ) Scaler* s Pees, Lien for. The Fee® of the state log-scaler shall he: Por surveying, scale marking, making scale hills and recording the same and post- ing in the ledger, three and a half cents per thousand feet for all logs and timber required to he surveyed; twenty per cent of the aforesaid fees shall he paid hy the state log-scaler, at least every three months into the general fund of the state treasury, for recording any log mark, fifty cents; for making and certifying a copy of any matter which may he on record in his office, or for making duplicate scale hills, ten cerxt^ per folio, and fifty cents for each certificate thereon; for recording any instrument in writing authorized to he recorded in his of- fice, other than scale hills, ten cents per folio, payable when such instrument is pre- sented for record and before it is recorded, .and no such instrument shall he deemed re-corded until it is entered upon the index to the records And for the purpose of se- curing to the state log- scaler the payment of his fees, whether the same are for sur- veying, making scale bills, or recording the same, or for any or all such services, such state log-scaler shall have a lien upon all such logs or timber surveyed and marked by him for the amount due for his services there- on, and may retain such lien y affixing the scale bill of such logs or timber and notify the same on the record of his office, before the delivery thereof, a true statement of the mount due him thereon, and. that he claims a lien thereon for such amount and costs of col- lection; and any person who shall purchase, sell or remove said logs from the state shall be liable to the state log-scaler for the pay- ment of said fees, and at any time that he may deem himself in danger of losing such lien, he may take possession of sufficient quantity of such logs to cover the amount of his lien and the costs of recovery, and if his bill is not Wash) -253paid within thirty days, after notice of [to] the owner or person in possession or in charge of said logs, then the state log- scaler may sell at public auction enough of such logs or timber to pay the amount due him, with the costs of collection, first giv- ing ten days1 notice of such sale by posting up five written notices thereof, one in his office, and one in each of the four most pub- lic places in the town or city where the sale is to be made, and at such sale the state log- scaler may become the purchaser. The sale may be made by the sheriff or any constable of the county. The only costs of collection allowed shall be ten per cent on the amount payable to the state log-scaler. [L. *97, p. 103, §8.] Wash) -254§ (5111.) Books in Office of Log- seal er, The hooks of record in the stf te log- scaler’s office shall he,--First: A hook in which shall he recorded the scale hills of all logs, timber and lumber surveyed hy the state log-scaler; Second: A hook to he kept in ledger form, in which shall he posted end recorded as soon as any logs or timber is surveyed, separately and under their respective marks, all the logs and timber of each particular mark surveyed, together with the date of scale, the number of logs and the number of pieces of timber, for whom scaled, if to any- one, and the number of feet; which hook shall he kept posted up so that it will show the matter above stated concerning each mark of logs scaled during each month. And the state log-scaler shall ,-ke and deliver to any per- son demanding the same a certified transcript V/a sh) -255of said record, as to mark or marks of logs or timber, upon being paid ten cents per folio, and the sum of fifty cents for his certificate of the same; and an index of the names and marks contained in each of said hooks shall also be kept. Any hooks of the description before named, which have been kept in the office of the state log-scaler and which belong to said office, are here- by declared to be the records of said of- fice, and to have and be of the same va- lidity, force and effect as if the same had been kept by express authority of law. All the books of record hereinbefore men- tioned and authorized to be kept in the of- fice of any state log-scaler are hereby de- clared to be public records, and of as high degree of evidence as the original instru- ment therein recorded, and shall, in all courts and Places in this state, be taken and held prima facie evidence of the mat- ters therein stated, and such books shall sh) 25 bnot toe recovered from the state log-scaler’s office, tout any paper purporting to toe a copy of any matter or thing of record in such office, certified under the hand of the state log-scaler or his deputy to toe a correct tran- script from the records in such office, shall, in all courts of this state, toe received and read as priina facie evidence of the matters and things in such record contained and of the matters therein stated. [L. ’97, p. 104, §S.] (Wash) 25?i 7C79. (j!12.) j;eport_tp Governor. The state log-scaler shall make a report of the total number of feet of logs which he has surveyed in his dis- trict for the year ending the last day of October, before the last day of I ovem her of each year, to the governor of the state. [L. ’97, p. 105, §10.] 258Chapter II LUMBER AUD SHINGLE WEIGHERS § 7080. (3115.) State eighers, How Appointed. It shall be the duty of the governor to appoint state weighers, to weigh ell shingles and lumber to be shipped beyond the limits of this estate. That there shall be one weigher appointed for each of the transcontinental railroads running into this state, and that the office of said weighers shall commence when this act goes into effect. That the term of office of said weighers shall be for the period of four years. [L. »95, p. 380, §1.] ih) 259-§ 7081. (3116.) Weighers, Removal _of. The governor shall have the power, and it is hereby made his duty, unon re- ceiving a petition in writing from five manufacturers of shingles or lumber, com- plaining of the wrongful acts of any of said weighers or their deputies, to in- vestigate such charges and in his discre- tion to remove such weigher and to ap- point a successor for such weigher. (I. •95, p. 381, 2.] -26. -5 7oegr. (fo*? * L ^puty t Opth and_ Bond. Each weigher and each deputy shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, take and subscribe an oath that he will faithfully discharge the duties of his office to the best of hie knowl- edge and ability. Each weigher shall ex- ecute to the state of Washington a bond with two or more sureties, to be approved by the secretary of state, in the sum of three thousand dollars, conditioned that he and his deputies will faithfully per- form their duties as lumber and shingle weighers, and if said lumber and shingle weighers or his deputy shall fail to keep the conditions of said bond, then the per- son aggrieved by his or their wrongful act shall have a right of action against said weigher and the sureties on said bond, and I Wash) 261they shall he liable on said bond for any judgment recovered in guch action to the amount of the penalty of such bond. The oath and bond shall be filed with the sec- retary of state. [L. *95, p. 381, §3.] -262-; 2 • ( 2118. ' ail roads to € s1 It shall be the duty of each of said railroads to construct scales capable of weighing cars loaded with lumber or shin- gles shipped from that portion of Washing- ton west of the Cascade mountains at some point on their respective lines and within the limits of this state for the purpose of weighing said lumber and shingles; and that it shall be the duty of each of said rail- road® doing business east of the Cascade mountains to maintain scales on the east side of the mountains and within the limits of this state for the purpose of weighing lumber and shingles manufactured on each wide of said mountains. [L. ’95, p. 381, §4.] Gee, also, next nectlcm. <ash) 263§ 7084, Railroads to Provide jScales— Freight eights. All railroad companies operating any railroad or any part thereof within the limit a of this state are required to pro- vide scales and weigh at some common point or pointe within this state all cars loaded with lumber, shingles or any other forest products destined for shipment to any and all points within the limits of the state, and also car load shipments of said co.. ■mod- ities to any and all points outside of the limits of this state, .Also that charges for freight on said commodities be based on the weights determined by the weighing stations within the limits of this state. Also that all bills of lading of railroads operating within the limits of this state specify said provision. [I. ’01, p. 300, §1.] 264§ 7065, (5119,) Deputies. ISach weigher shall have the right to appoint one or more deputy weighers. [L. *95, p. 382, §5.] § •, 13120,) eigher, Duty of. All lumber and shingles to he shipped beyond the limits of this state by railroad shall first he weighed hy said weigher or his deputy at the place where said scales are located. [L. *95, p. 382, §6.] 265-§ *) Jiail roads to Acc ept Weight s—P enalty. If any lumber or shingles shall be shipped 'beyond the limits of this state by any railroad co/io any before being weigh- ed by said weigher or hi© deputy, ©aid rail- road shall be co polled to accept the weight named in the affidavit (if there be any af- fidavit) attached to the bill of lading, and in all cases where there is no such affidavit attached, said cars of shingles or lumber shall be weighed by said weigher in every instance; any failure to comply with the above require- ments shall be adjudged a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall, for each offense, be fined in any sum not less than five hundred dollar© nor more than two thousand dollars* [1* ’95, p. 382, §7.] -266S 7088. _(3122.J „to Contaiji, Wat. Upon weighing said shingles or lumber, the weigher or his deputy shall make out a hill, stating therein the names of the con- signor and the consignee, the destination of said car of shingles or lumber and the place fro Lch said car was hilled, the name of the railroad owning such car and the number of said car, together with the number of shingles or amount of lumber said to be con- tained in such car, and the total weight of shingles or lumber contained therein. He ©hall enter upon the books of hie office, to be provided by him and kept for that pur- pose, a correct copy of said bill, pnd shall mail or deliver to the consignee two correct copies of said bill, and to the agent of the railroad over which ©aid car is shipped one ash) 267correct copy of said bill, with the cer- tificates thereto attached, that it is a true and correct bill, which bill so cer- tified shall be presumptive evidence of the facts therein contained, [L. ’95, p, 382, §8.] Wash) -268§ 7089 • (312.5.; I'eea. Each weigher or his deputy shall re- ceive and collect from the railroad by which said lumber or shingles were received, the sum of fifty cents a car for each and every car of lumber or shingles weighed by him. [I. '95, p. 382, §9.] When any cars shall have been weighed, as herein designated, the said weight shall constitute the bases by which the weight of said lumber or shingles shall be determined. [I. ’95, p. 382, §10.] f ash) 269-Chapter III UJRKIN6 AO DRIVING. 5 «_ £5128.) ^Icgs g?l Ti;rl?er Put Afloat must be . arked. Every person or copartnership who shall put any logs or timber into any river, or its branches or tributaries, small lake or its tributaries, bayou, marsh, or ditch in this state, for the purpose of rafting or float- ing the same to any place for manufacture or sale, shall have some mark or marks, pre- viously selected by him or them, inpressed in a conspicuous place upon the end or sur- face of each log or stick of timber so put into any of said waters. [L. *90, p. 110, §1; 1 H. C., §2388.) fee infra, §7110 et seq., boom companies. 270-5 7Q92* (3129•)__rks to he Recorded-- otice. Before any such mark or marks shall be used, it shall he the duty of such -person or copartnership to cause a diagram and written description of the same, certified and signed hy the owner or owners thereof, to he record- ed in the office of the auditor of each county through which such logs or timber shall he floated for manufacture or sale, and also to give notice in writing to each log running or booming company doing business on any wa- ters on which the logs or timber are float- ed, of such mark. The diagram and written description, to be recorded as aforesaid, must be different from any diagram and de- scription already recorded in said office claimed by any other party. For recording and indexing the diagram and certificate aforesaid, the auditor shall be entitled to demand and receive a fee of twenty-five cents. [I. *90, p. 110, §2; 1 H. C., §2359.] (Wah) -271 7093. (31jO .) Audi t o t o he cord . ark g, .etc^»f ees * It shall he the duty of any such auditor to record, in a hook to he kept for that pur- post, all arks and descriptions of arks fur- nished to him for that purpose, which are dif- ferent fro.) any other ark or description there recorded, which hook shall he, at all reason- able ours, open to the inspection and exami- nation of any person requiring it; and each of said auditors shall he entitled to receive for his fees, for each mark and description, recorded, twenty-five cents, to be paid in advance by the part; having the same recorded. [L. ’90, p. Ill, 3; 1 C., §2360.] ( ,'ash) -27 2§ 7094. (3131.) arks--3 resumption ' ' ..JWJBfJtiTSr:' -------- -■-—; ei.f-y— Arising from. Any log® or timber having any such recorded mark or marks impressed thereon shall he presumed to belong to the p; rty or parties in whose name said mark or marks shall have been recorded. [I. ’90, p. 111, 54; 1 H. C., §2361.] § • (3132.) ? 'i r.r ■* to .tmrr. Effect of. Svery person or copartnership who shall negleet to have his or their mark or marks recorded, as required in section 7092, shall he debarred from all the benefits arising from the due recording of such mark or marks and the vendee or assignee of any such logs or timber shall be subject to the some regu- lations and restrictions. [L. ’90, p. Ill, §5; 1 n. C., §2362.] 273-§ ?PPP-.s- -t sssJes** P en al tyfor 1:aki jig. If any person shall falsely make, forge, or counterfeit such mark, nd use the same in marking logs or timber, knowing the same to be the mark of another person, and with intent to defraud, hall be guilty of felony, and shall be punished by imprlsonment at hard labor in the state prison not to exceed five years, or by fine of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than two thousand dollars. [L. ’90, p. Ill, 56; 1 n. C., §2365.] See, also, §2595, supra. (Wash) -274§ __Alteration of ark or Brand—? enal ty for • If any person, corporation, or partner- ship shall willfully and knowingly, or by gross carelessness, alter or deface, oblit- erate or destroy, any of such brands or marks hereinbefore provided for, or shall request or order the same to be altered, defaced, ob- literated, or destroyed, and the same is al- tered, defaced, obliterated, or destroyed in pursuance of said request or order, said per- son, corporation, or partnership so altering, destroying, obliterating, or defacing such brands or marks, or requesting or ordering the same to be done, and it appearing the same was done in pursuance of said order or request, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than two hundred dollars and not more than five thousand dollars. [L. •90, p. Ill, 7; 1 II. G., §2564.] See, also, >2594, supra. *¥ash) 275a§ 7099. , (3136.) Improvements for Logging may I- ad e i o n St re ams. It shall he lawful for any person or company interested in logging to make such improvements on any stream used for logging within the state of Washington as may he necessary to carry on said logging business; that such improvements may consist in clear- ing out obstructions and straightening the channel by cutting across sand or gravel bars and that side darns and sheer booms may he used in making such improvements. [L. ’91, p. 207, §1; 1 H. C., §2368.] See supra, ,5200, casting sawdust in streams, penalty. aIt is observed that Rem. and Bal. Code, in numbering these successive Sections, omits the number ”7098. (3135).” 276-§ 7100. (3137.) Right of Owners to 5’ence Ac r o s spire aing • Owner® of land or their agents shall have the right to fence across all unmean dered streams at any tine when such str are not used for a public highway, or making a fence that will not be an tion. (1. '91, p. 207, §3; 1 II. C., Section 2 of this act was vet the governor.§ 7101« Unlawful to Take Up...Branded . Logj-- Record of Brand, It shall be unlawful for any corporation except boom companies who are compelled to catch and hold log®, soars, piles, boom sticks shingle bolts, -nd other timber of value, or any person, or persons, to take up, and it shall be unlawful for any corporation, per- son or persons to sell, dispose of, or ap- propriate to its, his or their own use, any saw-logs, hewn or other tinber of value found on the bank or banks of, or adrift on any bay, harbor, river, stream, bayou, marsh, ditch or other waters in this state that shall be marked with any mark, or brand, without permission of the owner thereof or hi© agent: Provided, the person or persons claiming such mark or brand shall have had a description and diagram thereof recorded in the office of the auditor of any county in this state as provided by law, and knowledge •tfash) -278of the ownership of all such timber for the purpose of this act shall be conclusively presumed upon proof that said timber was properly marked, and that the description and diagram of marks had been theretofore duly recorded as aforesaid. [L. *01, p. 262, §1; L. *60, p. 300, §1; L. *63, p. 444, §1; Cd. *81, §3248.] Por former laws repealed by act of 1901, see al. Code, §§3135, 3291, 3292, 3293, 3294, 3295, 7126, and 7127. See L. *83, p. 60, g§l, 2, special act applying to Whatcom and Snohomish counties, and L. *86, p. 117, §1, adding Skagit and Island counties. Special act in L. *79, p. 38, §§1-4, relating to Snake Kiver. ’•Act” in this section refers to §§ 7101-7105. -279§ 7102, Unlawful to Buy, When Fraudulently ? arked. It shall he unlawful for any person knowingly to purchase from anyone taking up any saw-logs, spars, piles, boom sticks, shingle holts, hewn or other timber of value found adrift on any hay, harbor, river, stream, bayou, marsh, ditch or other waters in this state, that shall he marked with any mark or brand without permission of the owner thereof or his agent. [L. ’01, p. 263, §2.] Wash)§ 7103* Penalty. Any person or persons violating any of the provisions of the two preceding sections shall he deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor, r-nd on conviction thereof shall he fined in any sum not exceeding three hundred ($300) dollars. [L. ’01, p. 263, §3.] Wash) -281§ 7X04. Owner may Enter and Take— Penalty for Obstruction• The owner of any such log, spar, pile, boom stick, shingle bolt or other timber of value who has a mark or brand recorded, as provided by law, or who claims ownership of or the right to possession of such log®, spars, piles, or other timber, by, through, or under a person having such recorded mark or brand may at any time lawfully, by himself or his agent enter in a peaceable manner into or up- on any mill or mill boom, or raft of logs, spars, piles or other timber on any of the vo- ters of thio state, in search of any such log, soar, pile, booxp stick, shingle bolt or other timber, which he may have lost, and retake the same; and any person who shall willfully prevent or obstruct such search when ouch search is being made in good faith, or pre- vent the retaking of such log, spar, pile, (hash) 282-boom stick, shingle holt or other timber, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred, dol- lars. (L. ’01, p. 263, i'4.] § ? 10fir :rongfully Taking up jxanlej Jpo.%g • Any person or persons, or corporation who shall take up or cause to be taken up and manufactured into lumber or shingles, any saw-log, piling, shingle bolt, or other ti her of another, as provided in this act, whic i saw-log, oiling, shingle bolt, or other timber, s sail have been previously branded with the mark or marks of the owner or owners thereof, end the diagram and de- scription of which shall have theretofore ( /ash) 28 3-been duly recorded in the auditor’s office of any county in this state as hereinbefore provided, without the permission or request of said owner, shall forfeit to the owner of said timber ten times the value thereof to be recovered in an action at law; and every em- ployee or agent of the person, persons or corporation who shall aid or assist in tric- ing up such timber, or who shall aid or as- sist in such manufacture, shall be .jointly or severally liable with his principal for such penalty. [L. ’01, p. 264, §5.] *ActH in this section refers to . §7101-7105. Wash) —284 —Chapter IV TOLL LOGGING ROADS. 5 Incorporation and Property Bights. Any two or more persons may incorporate a company, having for its principal object the construction, maintenance and operation of logging roads, chutes, flu les and artifi- cial watercourse©, or waterways and other ways, 'or the transportation of logs and other timber products. Such corporation shall, have power to acquire, hold, use and transfer all ^uch real and personal prop- erty as shall he reasonably necessary for carrying on the business of such corpora- tiou. [L. '06, p. 161, §1.] ’.i'ash) 285§ 7107. Power to Construct and Operate Logging Roads,. etc. Such corporation shall have power to build, construct, maintain and operate log- ging roads, whether skid roi?ds, railroads or any other kind, also chutes, flumes and artificial watercourses, waterways and other ways, for the transportation of logs or any other timber products, together with all necessary yarding grounds, rollways and landings. [I. ’05, p. 161, §2.]§ Duty of Carrier--Tollg, Bight to Charge, ?nd Lien for. After any such logging road, way, chute, flume or artificial watercourse or other im- provements shall have been constructed, such company shall transport all timber products offered to it for carriage as its means of transportation are adapted to carry, 'nd such company shall have the right to charge rea- sonable tolls for the use thereof, which tolls shall be uniform, having due regard to the por tion or length of any such logging road, way, chute, flume, or artificial watercourse or other improvements used by any person. Such company shall have a lien for the amount of its reasonable tolls and charges upon any and all logs or other timber products transported by it over its logging road, way, chute, flume oi’ artificial watercourse, lotice of such lien shall be filed, and the same shall be en- forced, in the same manner as is now or may hereafter be provided fox* the filing and en- forcement of liens on logs by boom companies. [L. *0b, p. 162, §3.) (hash) 287§ *7109* Hight of Eminent pomain. Such companies shall be deemed quasi public companies and common carriers, and any such company shall have the right of eminent domain and shall have the right to appropriate and condemn lands and property for its use. Such right of condemn&tion and of eminent domain shall he exercised in the same manner as is now, or may here- after he, provided by law for the condemna- tion of property by ordinary railroad cor- porations exercising the right of eminent domain: Provided, that the right of eminent domain shall not he exercised by any such corporation with respect to any residence. And provided further, that any property ac- quired by ^.uch corporation under the provi- sions of this chapter by the exercise of the right of eminent domain shall be used -288exclusively for the purposes of this chap- ter; and whenever the use of such property as herein contemplated shall cease for the period of one year, the property shall re- vert to the original owner, his heirs or assigns. Nothing in this chapter shall he construed to authorise the taking or damag- ing of any power plant constructed or being constructed for the creation or utilisation of water power. [I. ’05, p. 162, ?4»] sh) -289-Chapter \r BOOM COMPANIES. 5 > .1.4 3? 8.«). „ Appropriation of Property by Corporations^Qrganiged to Build Booms, Any corporation heretofore or hereafter organised in the state of Washington for the purpose of catching,, booming, sorting, raft- ing, and holding logs, lumber, or other tim- ber products, shall have power to acquire, hold, use, and transfer all such real and personal property or estate, by lease or purchase, as shall be necessary for carry- ing on the business of said corporation. If such corporation shall not be able to agree with persons owning land, shore rights, or other property sought to be appropriated, as to the amount of compensation to be paid therefor, the compensation therefor may be /ash) -290-assessed and determined and the appropria- tion made in the manner provided by law for the appropriation of private property by railways: Provided, that any property ac- quired under the provisions of this chapter by the exercise of the right of eminent do- main shall be used exclusively for the pur- poses of this chapter, and whenever the use of said property as herein contemplated shall cease for a period of one year, the same shall revert to the original owner, his heirs or assigns, upon the repayment of the original cost of same. [1. *90, p. 470, §1; 1 h. C,, §1590.] See infra, §§7119-7126, which appear to be a supplemental act not intended to abrogate the provisions of this act. See notes to §§7119, 7123.§ 7111« (4579,*) To_.File Plat or Survey of Property Sought tobe Appropriated• Any corporation hereafter organised for the purpose mentioned in the last pre- ceding section, shall within ninety days after its articles of incorporation have been filed, proceed to file in the office of the secretary of state a plat or survey of so much of the shore lines of the waters of the state and lands contiguous thereto as are proposed to be appropriated for said purpose by said corporation. Any corpora- tion heretofore organised in the territory of Washington for any of the purposes ex- pressed in the last preceding section, shall file such plat within ninety days efter the passage of this act. Such plat shall be made from the records of the United States in the surveyor general’s office of this state, or by competent surveyor, subsequent to actual survey. Such corporation may from time to -292time whenever it desires to extend its operations to portions of streams not em- braced in its original plat, or to other streams tributary to the stream or streams described in such original plat, or any portion of such streams, or in any manner to change, modify or correct its original plat, file additional plats or surveys in the office of the secretary of state, of so much of the shore lines of the waters of the state and lands contiguous thereto as are proposed to be appropriated for said purposes by said corporation, and whenever by reason of floods or otherwise, the chan- nel of any stream shall be so changed as to put such stream beyond the limits of said original plat, or any supplemental or addi- tional plat filed pursuant to the provisions of this section, such corporation may file in the office of the secretary of state ad- ditional plats or surveys showing the change (Wash) -293-in said channel ' nd so much of the shore lines of the waters of the state and lands contiguous thereto as are proposed to he appropriated for said purposes by said cor- poration which shall vest it with the same right® that it acquired by the filing of said original plat. [L. ’90, p. 470, §2; 1 . C., §1591; L. ’07, p. 76, §1.] "This act" reiers to ,,57110-7118. Wash) -294§ 7112* (4360.) Boom Structure®, Power to Build,_ etc. Such corporations shall have power and are hereby authorised, in any of the waters of this state or the dividing waters there- of, to construct, maintain and use all nec- essary sheer or receiving ho oris, dolphins, piers, piles or other structure necessary or convenient for carrying on the business of such corporations Provided, that such boom or booms, sheer booms or receiving booms shall be so constructed as to allow the free pas- sage between any of such booms and the oppo- site snore for all boats, vessels or steam crafts of any kind whatsoever, or for ordinary purposes of navigation. [L. ’90, p. 471, §3; 1 H. C., §1592.] Gee notes to §7110, supra. See supra, §2656, malicious injury to boom. See supra, §6776, lease of tide lands for booming purposes. -295- (Wash)J 7113. (4381.) Coll option o <ls— Duty of Corporation—Lien. After such works shell have been con- structed, such corporation shall catch, hold and assort the logs and timber products of all persons requesting such service, upon the same terms and without discrimination; and shall have the right, in consideration of the con- venience and security afforded to the public in the handling of logs and timber products, to charge and collect tolls on all logs or other timber products caught within their works and upon the order or request of the owner or owners thereof, and there assorted, boomed or rafted; said tolls shall not exceed seventy-five cents per thousand feet on logs, spars or other large timber, and reasonable rates on all other timber products: Provided, that it shall be the duty of any corporation operating a boom at the mouth of any river, to catch and hold, assort, boom and raft all logs -296and timber products, except such as may be already in charge of its owner or his agents, without request of the owner or owners, and shall have the right to charge and collect tolls not to exceed seventy- five cents per thousand feet for such service. The araount of logs or timber is to be board measure, to be ascertained by the usual legal method of scaling; and such corporation shall have a lien upon the logs and timber products for the driving, float- ing, booming, sorting and rafting thereof, and the right to enforce such liens in any manner provided or that may be provided by law for the enforcement of liens upon per- sonal property. Such corporation shall, as soon as practicable, deliver logs or other timber products caught within their booms, sorted and rafted ready for tewing, to the owner or owners thereof, nd if required to hold such property for more than thirty days shall have the right to charge a reasonable rate for such storage for the period of ex- cess. [L. ’90, p. 471, §4; 1 . 0., §1593.] ( /ash) -297It shall be the duty of all said boom corporations, in assorting, to separate the logs, lumber, or other timber product©, into separate booms ready for towing, ©o that log© or other timber product© ©ball go to the mill or plaoe intended for use ox* storage, in one or more booms: Provided, that in case more than one boom be located on or in the same river or its tributaries, the corporation owning the upper boom or works ©hall pass, free of charge, all saw logs ox* other timber products consigned to the lower boom or booms. [L. ’90, p. 472, §5; 1 h. C., §1694.] (Wash) -298§ 7115. (4383,) Record of Assorted Rafts to be Kept, and to Show What. It shall be the duty of every corpora- tion organized and transacting business under the provisions of this chapter to keep, in the office of its secretary, open to public inspection, a book or books in which shall be truly recorded the facts, so far as known, regarding each and every raft by it assorted. Such record shall specify-- 1. Names of owners; 2. Harks or brands; 3. Number of logs in each boom; 4. Number of feet in boom; 5. Name of steamer receiving possession; 6. Late of departure from boom. [L. ’90, p. 472, §6; 1 H. C., §1595.] 299- 3 7116. _(434Sj , Liability for Logg^of hO^o^ |. c^leCbt cjtC • Corporations organised in accordance with the provisions of this act shall he liable to the owner or owners of logs or other timber products for all loss of dam- age resultant from neglect, carelessness, or unnecessary delay on the part of ser- vants of such corporations: Provided, that loss caused by fire and ice, which cannot be reasonably guarded against, shall not be construed as resultant upon neglect or carelessness* on the part of the corporation. [L. 'SO, p. 472, §7; 1 H. C., §1596.] "This act" refers to 5§711O-7118. (wash) -30C5 7jA7* (4385.) Additional biaMIity_for Neglect to Assort and Deliver Logs. In addition to such damages as are herein provided for, any corporation willfully neg- lecting to assort and deliver such logs and timber products according to the provisions of this act, it shall he liable to a fine not exceeding twenty per centum of the value of such property which it shall have failed to deliver, but no such corporation shall be liable to such damages or penalty if said owner or owners of such logs or timber prod- ucts shall have failed to furnish the neces- sary boom sticks and chains to raft the sane. x [L. ’90, p. 472, §8; 1 H. C., §1597.] "This act" refers to §§7110-7113. Wash) 301-§ y7ll&* (4366.)_ futile Highways and Cor- noralions, ^hat Declared to he. All meandered rivers, meandered sloughs, and navigable waters in this state shall be deemed as public highway®, and said corpora- tions shall be declared public corporations for the purpose of this act; and the improve* ment of such streaias, sloughs, and waters ©hall be deemed and declared a public use end benefit, [L. »9C , p. 473, §9} 1 H. C., §1598.) wThxs act1' refers to the preceding sec- tions of this chapter. -3025 711g« ll?' w Organized, and rowers of• Any corporation having for its object, in whole or in oart, the clearing out and improvement of rivers and streams in this state, and for the purpose of driving, sort- ing, holding and delivering logs and other timber products thereon, may be organized under the laws of this state, and in accord- ance with the provisions of Chanter I, of Title XXV of this code, end such corporations shall have all powers and be subject to all the liabilities and duties therein raentioned. [L. *95, p. 128, §1.] Reference to this code substituted for reference to Hill’s Code. See notes to §7110, supra. See sunra, §7070 et aeq., scaling and measuring logs. See supra, §7091 et seq., marking and driving logs. See notes to §943, as to when action of becomes a nuisance. Wash)t 7120. (4388,) Power to Acquire Property-- Eminent Domain. Such corporation shall have power to acquire, hold, use and transfer all such real and personal property or estate, "by lease or purchase, as shall he necessary for carrying on the "business of said cor- poration. If such corporation shall not be able to agree with persons owning land, short rights or other property sought to be appropriated, as to the amount of com- pensation to be paid therefor, the compen- sation therefor may he assessed and deter- mined and the appropriation thereof be made in the manner provided by law for the appro- priation of private property in chapter 5 of title 6 (§921 et seq.): Provided, that any property acquired under the provisions of this act for the purposes herein mentioned by the exercise of the right of eminent domain shall be used exclusively for the purposes (Wash) -304 —aforesaid; and whenever the use of said property acquired by the right of eminent domain, as herein contemplated, ©hall cease for a period of one year, the same shall revert to the original owner, hi© heirs or assigns. [I. »95, p. 129, §2.] ’’Act** in this section refers to ‘ 7119-7126.§ • (4389.♦) Plats of ■ V/hen Piled. I Any corporation organized for the pur- poses mentioned in section 7119 shall, within ninety days after its articles of incorpora- tion shall have been filed, proceed to file in the office of the secretary of state a plat of survey of so much of the shore lines of the waters of the state or of any of the rivers or streams thereof and lands contig- uous thereto e.s are proposed to he appropri- ated for such purposes by said corporation. Such nlat shall he made from the records of the United States in the office of the sur- veyor general of this state, or by a compe- tent surveyor, after actual survey, from the notes thereof, and wherever such appropria- tion is .made upon unsurveyed lands, then by an actual survey made by a competent surveyor. (Wash) -306- ■Such corporation may from time to time whenever it desires to extend its opera- tion© to portions of stream© not embraced in its original plat, or to other streams tributary to the stream or streams describ- ed in such original plat, or any portion of such streams, file additional plats in the office of the secretary of state, and when- ever by reason of floods or otherwise, the channel of any stream shall be so changed as to put such stream© beyond the limits of said original plat, or any supplemental or additional plat filed pursuant to the provi- sions of this section, such corporation may file in the office of the secretary of state supplemental plats showing the change in said channel which ©hall vest it with the same rights that it acquired by the filing of said original plat. [L. ’95, p. 129, §3; I. *05, p. 232, ,1.3 -307 § 7122. (4390.*) General^Powers “ Abutting Owners may Remonstrate« Such corporation shall have power and is hereby authorized in any of the rivers and streams of this state, or the dividing waters thereof, to remove jams, roots, snags and rocks, improve and straighten the chan- nel, build wing dams and sheer booms, con- struct dams and gates, or otherwise, for the purpose of storing water with which to pro- duce artificial freshets and for the purpose of holding logs and other timber products and in all ways to improve such streams and rivers for the purposes herein mentioned and contem- plated. Provided, that no such wing dam, sheer boom, dam with gate or otherwise, shall be so constructed, maintained or used as to in any manner obstruct or impede the outlet of such stream: And provided further, that if any such wing dam, sheer boom, dam with gate or otherwise shall be so constructed, maintained (Wash) 308- or used as to interfere with the use for any purpose of the waters of any stream so dam [dammed] or used, or any of its tributaries, or in any manner to injure or damage any lands adjacent to such stream or its tributaries, compensation for such interference with the use of such water and for any such injury or damage shall be first assessed and determined and the appropriation thereof may be made by the exercise of the power of eminent domain in the manner provided in section 7120: Pro- vided, however, that whenever the owners of more than one-half of the land lying alongside or abutting on any stream affected by the tide, proposed to be improved according to this act, shall file with the board of county commis- sioners of the county in which said river is situated a remonstrance against any improve- ments of so much of the stream as is affected by the tide, it shall then be unlawful for any corporation to take the land or any slough within the territory owned by any such remon- strancers: Provided, that such remonstrance (Wash) -309shall be filed with said board within fifteen days from the filing of said plat, nothing in this act shall be construed to authorize the taking or damaging of any power plant con- structed or being constructed for the creation or utilization of water power. [L. *95, p. 129, §4; L. ’97, p. 39, §1; L. *05, p. 108, §1.] ’’Act’1: See note to 7110, 7120, supra. (Wash)- 310712?. (4391.*) Rights of Owners of Y imb cr 6 ~-iens • After such corporation shall have entered upon its duties, which shall "be within three months of the filing of its maps of location, such corporation shall come in streams theretofore navigable, upon the request of the owners, and in case of logs and other timber products being com ingled, or lying in such a posi- tion as to obstruct or impede the drive, wit out such request: . Provided, that when a navigable stream upon which it was not previously practicable to float logs or other timber products is improved b clear- ing out rocks, straightening the channel, or the construction of wing dams and sheers by the corporation having a charter thereon and thereby aiding and assisting the float- ing of logs and other timber products, a corporation shall be entitled to driving (Waah) -311charges on all such logs or other timber products placed in said stream without re- quest to drive the same, and in streams not navigable before such imp3*0vements were made, without request, sluice, sack and drive all logs and other timber prod- ucts of suitable length that may be placed in the beds of the stream improved as afore- said, or that may be delivered into its ponds, and shall handle all such logs and other tim- ber products of all persons upon the same terms, without distrimination as to time of sluicing, sacking and driving such logs, or other timber products, and shall be entitled to charge and collect reasonable and uniform tolls for such services and improvements, on all logs and other timber products so handled, or sheered out of sloughs or off of bars by means of such improvements; such tolls shall not exceed one dollar per thousand feet, board measure, on logs, spars, or other large timber, and reasonable compensation on all -312-other ti aber products, for the use of such improvements, and for sluicing, sacking end driving the same, such charges to be fixed by the board of trustees of such corporation in proportion to t ie distance such timber is to be driven and the number of dame through which the same is necessarily sluiced or sheered, and in case any such corporation shall be engaged in the booming end rafting of logs and other timber so sluiced, sacked and driven, an additional sum not t exceed sixty cents p«r thousand feet for logs, spars and other large timber, and reasonable com- pensation on all other timber products may be charged for booming and rafting the same; the amount of such logs and other products is to be determined by the usual method of scaling, and such corporation shall have a lien upon all logs and other timber products handled for sluicing, sacking ano. driving, and for booming and rafting the same, to be -313enforced i any manner now or hereafter provided by law for the enforcement of liens for labor on logs. [.r . ’95, r. 130, <6; L. ’01, p. 295, §1; I. ’09, p. 816, §1.) See notes to 7113, eupra. fash) -314-5 .7.124._j_4392.) hams^jss. Any corporation acting under and in accordance with the provisions of this act shall he liable to the owner or owners of logs or other timber products for all loss or damage resulting front neglect, careless ness or unnecessary delay on the part of such corporation or its a ents. [I. *95, P. 131, §6.] "Act" refers to >7119-7126. (Waa'n) -3155 7125, en lights to~ Cease Should any corporation neglect, for the period of eight months after improv- ing an. stream or river, to operate its darns, or to otherwise perform its duties as herein provided, then all ri hts herein conferred to such, corporation® upon such streams or rivers, 02 portions thereof, shall cease. [L. *95, p. 131, {*?.] (Wash) -316-11%^* _J£394.)_ too? Conoa~;iie3, i_■ gvfc,g of. Duly organized boom companies at present operating upon any of the streams or rivers of this state may file amended articles of incorporation to embrace the provisions of thio act, and, for the p rnose of time lim- itations : entioned in this act, the tine of filing such amended articles of incorporations shall be deemed to be the time of organiza- tion thereof, but failure to comply with the provisions of this act shall work forfeiture of the rights of such corporations only so far as the same are subjoined under the oro- visions of this paragraph. [1. *95, p. 131, §6- ] "Act*’ refers to §7119-7126. (Wash) -3177594. (3178^_____[ C o al_ine bJ_Owner to furnish ’imbei’. The owner, agent, or operator of any coal mine shall keen g sufficient supply of timber at any such nine where the same is required for use as props, ©< that the workmen may at all times be able to proper- ly secure the said workings from caving in, it shell be the duty of the ovrer, agent, or operator to fend down into the •, ine all such props when required, the same to be de- livered at t>.~ entrance of the working place. [I. 'SR, p. 41, 17; I. '91, p. 158, 10; 1 H. C., *2233.] (Wash.) -318-i emo. In Sec.7612 and the four Sections iin ecliately following, the ci tv chart ers are in the nature of General Laws All charters to individual cities are omitted, as being in the nature of Special legislation. S 7612. I e c o j i? i q. .9 e w£r 8 of Council h urn era ted. The city council of such city shall have rower and authority: #*♦**»#****♦ 42. Weighing of -uel: To regulate the sale of coal and wood in such city, and may appoint a measurer of wood and weigher of coal for the city, and define his duties, and ? ay prescribe his terra of office, and the fees he shall receive for his services: Provided, that such fees shall in all cases he paid by the parties requiring such service. «#«•**#****** LL. ’07, p. 634, 29.] ( Wash) -319§ 7621. J Second. Class C iti e g. ] Street Improvements. The city council are hereby authorized and empowered to order any work authorized by this chapter [Chap. XI. of Title LX.] to be done upon the streets, alleys, avenues, highways and public places of such city. The expense or cost of improving and repairing streets, sidewalks, alley®, squares or other public highways and places within the city, * * • * ♦ and planting, setting out and cultivating of shade trees therein, * * * * * shall be assessed as follows: * * * * * [For detailed statement as to manner of sue assessment, see Rem. and Bal. Code.] [L. »O7, p. 645, 38.] (Wash) -320S 7686- (938.) (Third Class Cities.I Oener? .!. Jowa• The city council of such city shall have power — * ♦ * * * # * * * * * ♦ 4, * * ♦ # * * to cause to he planted, oet out and cultivated shade trees therein; A *******♦#<< '90, J>. 183, -.11?j I,. >91, p. S9Ei S3; 1 H. C., §636; . >93, p. ioS, g.j Wash) -321-5 7731. (1011.) [r^rth (^.ass G ejwr a 1. Powers . The council of said town shall have power — ###♦♦******»****** £.♦*•»*#*»****** cause to he planted, set out and cultivated shade trees therein, ********* ****»#»*****♦*»**** [X • *90, p* 301, § 154 j 1 K. C •, §673; L. '95, , . 50, §1.] ifash) 322-J 829 3. (7303) Obstructing avigation. Every person who shall in any manner obstruct the navigable portion or channel of any bay, harbor, or river o stream within or bordering upon this state, navi- gable and generally used for ***** or for the floating down of logs, cordwood, fencing posts, or rails, shall, on convic- tion thereof, be fined in any sum not exceed- ing three hundred dollars: Provided, that the placing of any mill dam or boon: across a stream used for floating saw-logs, cordwood, fencing- poets, or rails shall not be construed to 1 e an obstruction to the navi- gation of such stream, if the same shall be so constructed as to allow the passage of boats, ear-logs, cordwood, fencing posts, or rails without unreasonable delay. [Cf. 1 ■. ’ 54, p. 94, §104; Cd. '81, §919; ' . '88, p. 190, §1; 2 ' . r. C., §226.] Sec supra, 2656, obstructing waters, nenrlty. *«*****••«*•**» navigable * X # * dee supra, 7122, boom company not to obstruct. ( Jo sh) -323V 1 **£67 • _£Pracks —11- it as to judpent Domain. Any railroad corporation organized under the laws of this state or of any other state, and authorized to do ‘business in this state and owing or operating a railway .in this state, >a; construct, ain- tain and operate nubile spur tracks, from its railroad or any branch thereof, to and uoon t e ; rounds of any till, 5 “ * * * * * lu her-yard,* * * * * with all sidetracks storage trade, uyes, turnouts, a id connec- tions necessary or convenient to the use of the same; and such, company may acquire by purchase or condemnation, in the manner provided by the laws of this state for the acquisition of real estate for railway pur- poses, all necessar; rights of wa.y for such spur tracks, sidewalks, storage tracks, wye turnouts and connections; said spur when (Wash) -324constructed to be a public spur for the use of all industries located or there- after located tiereon: Provided, that the right to acquire by conde ination herein granted shall not be exercised over un- improved lands for a greater distance than five miles, or over improved lands for a greater ci stance than one .die, or over lands within the limits of a municipal corporation for a, greater distance than one-fourth of a lie; Provided further, that this section shall not be construed as limiting the rights ,ranted under the operation of section 8662, supra, x’elating to the construction of branch lines. [L. ’07, p. 616, 51.] ( dash) -325All railroad companies operating as common carriers within the limit© of this state, shall hereafter req tired t pro- vide scales, and weigh at junction or at some common point within this state all cars loaded v.dth lumber, shingles or other fo est products for shipment, [? . *05, p. 240, <1.) y hg77, Cha-£pes^'fpw Sased« All charges for freight on said commod- ities, except where error is apparent, shall he bo see on the weight© determined by the weighing stations within the limits of this state, a; d all bills of lading of railroad companies operating withir the limits of this state shell specify there nrovisions: Provided, (hash)this act shall not apply to switching charges or to the handling of logs where the charge is hy the car or hy the t ousand. feet, [L. «9B, p. 240, ;2.] “This actr’ embraces ; <,8676-8661. State, lent of heiyht--Shipper*s Count Any railroad ernprny’s employee acting as weigher shall upon request of any shipper give hi i a staten ent showing gross and net wei #it of any shipment hy him. Sworn count and ’'eight of shipper «h -ill he presumptive evi once of rue el :ht her< rror in rail* road weights is §2.] See supra, shingl es. See supra, accept cd. See supra, on weight. (hash) apparent. [L. *05, p. 241, 57083, weighing lumber end .7087, what weights to he J7084, lumber freights based -327' * Ci 7 9..c. rr. r s . ei ghed~ fen erat eljf. All cars shall he weighed on the scales separately, and not attached to other cars, snd at a r,andetill. [I . 6, p. 241, C4.] v Q6QPT' enal ty f or Vi ol at 1 on. In case of violation of the revision© of this act by any railroad company, it shall pay a penalty of twenty dollars ($20) for every car it shall neglect tc weigh and bill within the state as above provided, to he re- covered from such company in action where there is any agent of such railroad company who may he served with process, and the pen- alties recovered under this act shall he paid into the county treasury in sue' county where action is taken, [I. *0h, p, 241, 5.] "This act« embrace© §8676-8681. (Wash) -328§ eft-~ p~ , ftontract_ Regarding Weights, Vhen. ^xsshbsss Nothing contained, in t; is bill shall interfere with the right of the shipper and carrier to enter into a private con- tract regarding weights when it is imprac- ticable to wei h. [L. ’05, p. 241, 6.] ’’This hill”: 3^8676-8681. Wash) -329-5 8780. Indians may Sell Stone, imher, etc. , J roni Lane . Any Indian who owns within this state any land or real estate allotted to him by the government of the I nited States may with the consent of Congress, either special or general, sell and convey by deed wade, ex- ecuted and acknowledged before any officer authorized to take acknowledgments to deeds within this state, any stone, mineral, pe- troleum or timber contained on said lend or the fee thereof and such conveyance shall have the same effect as a deed of any other person or persons with this state; it being the intention of this section to remove from Indians residing in this state all existing disabilities relating to alienation of their real as ate. [I. ’99, o. 15S, 1.] (Wash) -330ei'n o. It may he veil to include Section 8960, since it requires a report upon the "natural re- sources” of the StaTe"; which in eludes the forests. S 8960. [Bureau o f Stati ati c s, ]_Prenara- tion ,ui_ e--ort— utics of ureau. a?he commissioner of statistics is here- by directed to prepare for ini ediate publica- tion, fro the reports of the county assessors, cha hers oi commerce, boards of trade and other authentic sources, a comprehensive renort, set- ting forth the geography, topography, climate, natural and artificial resources of Washing- ton, its inland waters and adjacent seas, a knowledge of which would tend to invite indus- trious, enterprising, intelligent people to rewove hither. It shall be the duty at all times o‘f the bureau hereby established to promptly answer all proper inquiries relative to the state of Washington received by mail or otherwise fro intending immigrants. [L. ♦95, p. 168, U.] Mote.—Sections 8961 and 8962 contain provisions regarding the matters of "Power to obtain Statistics," and "Information Con- fidential." See em. and al. Code. «& See Section 34, p. 2.0 hereof. (Wash) 331Distribution to Counties -SS2SSa««=SC5»3^^ The state treasurer is hereby directed to turn over to the treasurers of the respec- tive counties within the forest reserves, the amount of loney belonging to such county, re- ceived from the federal government from such forest reserves, in accordance with an act of Congress, removed February 1, 1905. Where the reserve is situated in more than one county the money shall be distributed in nrouortion to the area of the respective counties inter- ested, and to thr.t end the state treasurer is hereby authorised and required to obtain the necessary information to enable him tc make the i et-1 hut io? on sue basis, [b. ’07, p. 406, Such money to be expended by the county commissioners for the benefit of the nubile schools nn< nubile roads: See surra, •3890a. [I389C -l/2?.] (hr sh) -332§ 9095 . Qtandin , li/iber—Personality S=£sxssrxst^rrsss'z.-- -~v-^.--T5=^^3=sscS=»S3Kasas»»saBSSSSlS!»r.-iq:;:.-=rfJs Standing timber owned separately from the ovnership of the land upon which the scute may stand or be grov ing, for the purposes of assessment anr taxation ©hall be considered and is hereby declared to be personal prop- erty . [j . ’97, p. 2C 6, 1?.] (VZash) -OO6*9096. ^Mjgker an ' daw-1;-?,xer€ --SSS* Lumber and saw-logs shall be assessed and taxed in the county me assessment dis- trict mhere the sane may he situated on the first day of > arch of the assess ent year. [3. ’07, p. 206, c.3 (Wash) - m*;f *) nxsaaptiops. All property described, in this section, to the extent herein limited, shall be exempt from taxation, that is to say: **********«**< Second, All property, whether real or perso ol, belonging exclusively to any school district, county municipal corporation, the state or to the United States. ***#***♦*»♦♦»* lifth. All fruit trees, except nursery stock : nr 'orest Ire; s e-.rtif icially grown. Sixth. All slips, vessels and boats in actual construction an. all materials espe- cially designee and set apart for the con- struction of any such ship, vessel or boat (fa ph) 33b-ir of bull di in wit in this state, shall be exempt from taxation. * •» # X * * * * * « tL. »03, ■p. 279, 1. Cf. ’93, p. 325, > 5; L. ’ 95 > p. 5 9, ; 2; • ’97 , 1. 13b, CL • , > L. ’99, p. 265, . *- » I. ’01 , p. 367, 1.] * # * ♦ * # # * # » * « * ubdivioicno , , 7, md £ of ;,ra of 1797, corresponding to subdivisions 7, 6 and 7, suprs , were declared unconstiti Lionel in State ex rel . Chamberlain v. Daniel, 17 .ash. Ill, ricr to t.b' adoption of the third amend- ment to the Constitution authorizing the ex- emption of subdivision 7.. ■ t ; anti/;; , Forms for Ii sting. SX/Z^^SSSBSX’-SSSSr*. £ [This section requires that the auditor of state shall prepare and furnish county auditors with suitable blank forms of detail and assessment lists or schedules to "be used by toe assessors for the listing rod assess- ment and equalization of property, which forms provide for a. description of far i lands, show- ing, among other matters, the number of acres of "Timber lands, ,r r-nd full cash value of each tract of land assessed*] Wash) -337-S34S2> W27f , 0