STATE OF WASHINGTON Compiled by L. H. DARWIN Game Warden and State Fish Commissioner BELLINGHAM, WASH. Olympia, M. Lamborn Public Printer 1913 Laws Relating to Game and Game Fish SK 355 W3 1913 1913STATE OF WASHINGTON Laws Relating to Game and Game Fish 1913 A compilation of all the laws relating to game and game fish of the State of Washington, including those passed by the 1913 session of the Legislature; and the constructions placed thereon by the opinions which have been rendered by the Attorney General of the State up to and including November 18, 1913; also citations of Supreme Court decisions thereon. Included is a brief digest of the game laws for quick information. ________________________ ------------------------ Compiled by L. H. DARWIN Chief Game Warden and State Fish Commissioner BELLINGHAM, WASH. ________________________ INDEXED GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS DIVISION JAN 02 1985 U. OF WASH. LIBRARIES BRIEF DIGEST OF THE GAME LAWS OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON 1913 IT IS LAWFUL—OPEN SEASONS. Deer—Okanogan county (male only)—September 1st to October Blst, both dates inclusive. Balance of state, October 1st to November 30th, both dates inclusive. On islands only during month of October. Limit—Okanogan county, one per season; balance of state, two per season. Unlawful to kill spotted fawn. Mountain Sheep and Mountain Goat—-October 1st to November 30th, both dates inclusive. Limit, one (1) per season. Upland Birds—Native Pheasant—Unlawful to take or kill in counties of Whatcom, Skagit, Snohomish, King, Pierce, San Juan and Island counties. Chinese Pheasant—Kittitas county and Yakima county, October 1st to October 15th, both dates inclusive; Asotin county, closed until October 1st, 1915; other counties east of west borders of Okanogan, Chelan, Kittitas, Yakima and Klickitat counties, September 15th to October 31st, both dates inclusive. Balance of state, October 1st to November 30th, both dates inclusive. English, Golden, Mongolian, Silver, Black Neck or Japanese Pheasants—October 1st to November 30th, both dates inclusive. Ruffled Grouse (Native Pheasant)—Kittitas and Yakima counties closed until October 1st, 1915; other counties east of west borders of Okanogan, Chelan, Kittitas, Yakima and Klickitat counties, September 15th to October 31st, both dates inclusive; Whatcom, Skagit, Snohomish, King, Pierce, San Juan and Island counties, no open season. Balance of state, October 1st to November 30th, both dates inclusive.4 State of Washington Sage Grouse—Unlawful to kill or take; no open season. Blue Grouse—West of the summit of the Cascade Mountains, September 16th to 30th, inclusive. Balance of state, September 1st to November 30th, both dates inclusive. Prairie Chicken—Kittitas and Yakima counties closed until October 1st, 1915; other counties east of west borders of Okanogan, Chelan, Kittitas, Yakima and Klickitat counties, September 15th to October 31st, both dates inclusive. Balance of state, October 1st to November 30th, both dates inclusive. Quail (All Species)—All counties except Spokane county lying east of western borders of Okanogan, Chelan, Kittitas, Yakima and Klickitat counties, including Okanogan county, closed until October 1st, 1915; other counties, October 1st to November 30th, both dates inclusive. California Mountain Quail—May be taken in Kittitas and Yakima counties in the month of September. Partridge—All species closed in Okanogan county until October 1st, 1915. Hungarian Partridge—Closed entire state until October 1st, 1920; and Scaly Partridge—Closed in Kittitas and Yakima counties until October 1st, 1915; otherwise season is open October 1st to November 30th, both dates inclusive. Pigeon, Band-Tailed—Unlawful to take or kill; no open season. Imported Birds Not Named Above, the Shooting of Which Is Not Given as Unlawful Elsewhere—Okanogan county closed until October 1st, 1915. Balance of state, October 1st to November 30th, both dates inclusive. There is no open season for sage grouse (sage hen) and wood duck or band-tailed pigeon. Limit—Quail, ten per day, any and all kinds; other upland birds, five per day, any and all kinds. If quail areGame and Game Fish Laws 5 * included in the bag, bag must not exceed ten upland birds, or five other than quail. Weekly limit, twenty-five upland birds. Ducks, Geese and Brant—October 1st to January 15th, both dates inclusive. (Under the Federal Law.) Shore Birds, Black Breasted and Golden Plover, Greater and Lesser Yellow Legs, Wilton or Jack Snipe—October 1st to January 15th, both dates inclusive. (Under the Federal Law.) Limit—Twenty (20) per week, any and all kinds. The week begins at midnight on Wednesday night. Duck, Wood (aix sponsa)—Unlawful to take or kill; no open season. Trout—All varieties except bull or Dolly Varden trout, May 1st to December 31st, both dates inclusive. Bass, Bullhead and Perch—July 15th to April 30th of the following year, both dates inclusive. Pickerel and Pike—All counties of the state, May 1st to December 31st, both dates inclusive. Croppie, Bullhead and Sunfish—July 15th to April 30th of the following year, both dates inclusive. Limits, Size, Number, Etc.—Trout and bass, none under six inches. Not more than fifty (50) game fish or twenty (20) pounds and one (1) fish per day, and not more than thirty (30) pounds and one (1) fish during the calendar week. For Salmon and Shell Fish Laws, refer to the proper authorities. GAME LICENSES. Residents of State—County license good only in county where issued, $1.00. State license, good in any part of state, $5.00. These licenses are good for both hunting and fishing. County license good for fishing on either bank of stream which forms boundary between two counties.6 State of Washington Non-Residents of State—County license, fishing only, $2.00. State license, good for both hunting and fishing in any part of the state, $10.00. County license is good for fishing on either bank of a stream which forms boundary between two counties. A fishing license is not needed by women or minors under sixteen (16) years of age who are residents of state. Hunting and fishing licenses expire on the 1st of March following date of issue. All Aliens who have not legally declared their intention to become citizens must secure license to carry firearms before hunting “or fishing license will be issued.” Cost of this license, $15.00. License must be carried by the person when hunting and fishing. The making of false statements on application blanks for license is punishable as a misdemeanor. IT IS UNLAWFUL » To hunt or fish without first having secured a license. To have in possession in closed season game animals, game birds or game fish without a permit. To shoot deer in any river, lake or body of salt water, or to run deer with dogs. To molest game animals or game or other birds on any island in fresh water lake surrounded by navigable fresh water and of greater area than 500 acres. This does not apply when the above are held for breeding purposes. To hunt wild animals on or within one mile of shores of Lake Washington. To molest game birds, deer, or discharge a rifle in certain parts of Pierce county. This does not apply to shooting galleries or military bodies engaged in target practice or military duties.Game and Game Fish Lams 7 To use any sink box or sink boat, sneak boat or gun not fired from the shoulder, or to build any blind in the waters in the state for the purpose of hunting wild ducks, geese or other water fowl, or to disturb them between sunset and sunrise. To use any trap, snare, set gun, artificial light, etc., for hunting game birds and game animals or game fish, except decoys or blinds for ducks, geese and brant. To shoot any duck, geese or brant or any shore bird from power boat. To sell, buy or ship for profit any protected game birds, animals or fish or song birds. Game animals, birds or fish may be shipped within the state provided proper affidavit is furnished that game is not shipped for profit. Non-residents of state may take game fish out of the state for their personal use not to exceed fifty fish or twenty pounds and one fish, caught by them. Each package must be marked with name of consignor and consignee and exact contents. To hold any game taken outside the state when the season is closed in Washington or that has been unlawfully taken outside of the state. To hunt or have in possession elk, moose, caribou, fawn or beaver. To fish for game fish except with hook and line. To fish except for carp with net, etc., in Lake river or any slough of the Columbia river in Clarke county. To use net, etc., above tide water. To fish within 400 feet of a fishway or dam. To put poison, lumber waste or any other matter deleterious to fish in any body of water. This includes medicated bait, etc. To kill seagulls or any non-game birds. (See Federal Laws.) STATE BOUNTIES. Cougar, $20.00; Lynx, Wildcat, $5.00; Coyote, $1.00.I • . I ■ • / -} GAME AND GAME FISH LAWS ••■*■■■» | : ■ t. '' : ■ 1 r- 1913 1. County Game Commission. . , , A county. game commission is hereby created, the said game commission to consist of three residents pf each county, and there shall be a county game commission for each county in this state. (Sec. 1, Chap. 120, La^s .1913.) 2. Chief Game Warden and Chief Deputy Game Warden— Duties and Powers. There shall be appointed by the Governor a Chief Game Warden, who shall reside west of the Cascade Mountains, and a Chief Deputy Game Warden, who shall reside east of the Cascade Mountains. The Chief Game Warden and Chief Deputy Game Warden shall each receive not to exceed the sum of eighteen hundred dollars ($1,800.00) per year and their necessary traveling expenses while engaged in their official duties, to be paid out of the money received from the state game and fishing licenses to be collected under the provisions of the laws of this state, pro-vided there are sufficient funds received into the state game fund hereafter created with which to make such payments. Traveling expenses shall be first paid, and if there is not sufficient money to pay the full salaries hereby provided for, the funds in said fund shall be paid pro rata to the said Chief Game Warden and Chief Deputy Game Warden. The county game commission shall be appointed on the recommendation of the board of county commissioners of each county, and the appointment of such commissioners for all counties west of the Cascade Mountains shall be made by the Chief Game Warden, and the appointment of all game commissioners east of the Cascade Mountains shall be made by the Chief Deputy Game Warden. The said appointments shall be made10 State of Washington upon the recommendation of the county commissioners, but in case the county commissioners fail to recommend such county game commissioners for appointment upon the request of said State Game Wardens within ten days after written notice so to do, then and in that case the Chief Game Warden may appoint in counties west of the Cascade Mountains, and the Chief Deputy Game Warden may appoint for counties east of the Cascade Mountains. The game commission for each county shall appoint a county warden. Each county warden shall receive a salary of not less than twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per month, nor more than one hundred and twenty-five dollars ($125.00) per month, the amount of which shall be fixed by the county game commission of each county, and shall be paid solely out of the money received from county game licenses and fines, and no salary shall be fixed by said commission in excess of the amounts of the receipts herein provided for. The county [State! Game Warden and the Chief Deputy Game Warden shall have general supervision and control of the county game wardens and county deputy wardens, and may transfer them on official business from one county to another whenever in their judgment it is advisable so to do. (Sec. 2, Chap. 120, Laws 1913.) County game commissioners hold office during pleasure of Chief or Chief Deputy Game Warden who appointed them. County game commission are not entitled to compensation for their services or to necessary traveling expenses in performance of the duties of their office, but have the authority to employ a clerk or a county official as clerk, if his duties are not incompatible with duties of his particular office, but cannot appoint one of their number clerk of the commission and pay him salary for his services. When county game wardens are transferred from one county to another the county fund of the county benefited should be used to defray his expenses.— (Opinion Attorney General, Sept. 4, 1913.) Chief Deputy Game Warden shall be in a sense subordinate to the Chief Game Warden, and therefore vouchers of Chief Deputy Game Warden, for salary and other expenses of his district, should be approved by Chief Game Warden. Chief Game Warden must pass upon and approve vouchers for expenditures in connection with the administration of the office of Chief or Chief Deputy Game Warden.— (Opinion Attorney General, No. 360, 1913.)Game and Game Fish Laws 11 3. County Game Warden—Duties. It shall be the duty of each county warden to make a report annually to the State Game Warden, or the Chief Deputy Game Warden, in whose jurisdiction he may reside, and the Chief Deputy Game Warden shall make a report annually to the Chief Game Warden, and the Chief Game Warden shall biennially make a report to the Governor of the state, which said report shall contain all the information concerning the acts of the county game wardens, and all such other acts connected with the enforcement of the game laws as may come to his notice. The Chief Game Warden and the Chief Deputy Game Warden, the game commissions and the county wardens shall have jurisdiction to enforce all of the laws of the state relating to game birds, game animals and game fish. The county game commission shall have an office in the office of the county commissioners at the county seat. (Sec. 3, Chap. 120, Law^s 1913.) County game warden may not be member of county game commission. County commissioners have no authority to expend any money remaining in the game protection fund at the time the Game Code went into effect, and same should be expended by the game commission in accordance with the Game Code, and county commissioners should turn oyer the equipment such as launches, et cetera, for use in game protection to county game commission. Claims for salaries and expenses incurred under the provisions of the Game Code, should be audited and allowed as other claims against the county, and county commissioners cannot transfer any part of game fund to other funds of the county or expend it for purposes other than provided in Game Code.— (Opinion Attorney General, Sept. 4, 1913.) 4. County Game Commission—Duties. Said county game commission shall enforce the laws of the state within their respective counties involving the protection and propagation of all game birds, game animals, game fish and harmless birds and animals. Said county game commission shall have charge of: 1. The propagation and preservation of such varieties of game and game fish as it shall deem to be of public value.12 State of Washington 2. The collection and diffusion of such statistics and information as shall be germane to the purpose of this act. 3. The construction, control and management of all county game and game fish hatcheries, including the control of grounds owned or leased for such purposes: Pro- vided, That whenever any county game commission desires to establish a game fish hatchery it shall be the duty of the State Fish Commissioner to supervise the erection of such hatchery and the planting of any fish fry taken from such hatchery: And provided further, That no person in the State of Washington shall plant any fish or fish fry in any of the bodies of water in the State of Washington without the written consent of the State Fish Commissioner. 4. The receiving from the United States Commissioner or other person, and the gathering, purchase and distribution to the waters of this state of all game fish, spawn or fry. 5. The taking of game fish from the public waters of the state for propagation and stocking of other waters therein. 6. The seizure and disposition of all game birds, game animals and game fish, either taken, killed, transported or possessed contrary to law, and of all dogs, guns, seines, nets, boats, lights, or other instrumentalities unlawfully used or held with intent to use in pursuing, taking, attempting to take, concealing or disposing of the same. 7. The county game commission in their respective counties shall have the power and authority by giving notice thereof by publication for three successive weeks in a newspaper published at the county seat of such county, describing such lands to be set aside as a game preserve, to set aside certain parts or portions of their respective counties as game preserves wherein no game bird or game animal or game fish can be caught or killed within the boundaries thereof, for such time and so long as they mayGame and Game Fish Laws 13 see fit and proper: Providing, however, That no game preserve or preserves so set aside by said county game commission shall consist of more than three (3) townships in any one county. (Sec. 4, Chap. 120, Laws 1913.) This section furnishes authority to lease or purchase sites. County game commission has authority to purchase motorcycle, automobile or other conveyance, for use of county game warden. This section does not conflict with Sec. 4, Chap. 90, Laws 1911, giving county commissioners the right to establish game preserves for a period of two years.— (Opinion Attorney General, Sept. 4, 1913.) 5. Island, Lake Washington and Pierce County Game Preserves^—-Hunting Thereon. The board of county commissioners of any county within this state may establish game reserves on any island within the borders of their respective counties, upon petition of two-thirds of the freeholders of any such island and upon the presentation of a petition signed by two-thirds of the resident freeholders of any island to the board of county commissioners of the county in which said island is situated. It shall be the duty of such board of county commissioners to designate a day upon which said petition shall be heard and to post notices to this effect in at least three conspicuous places on such island; said notices shall be posted at least ten days prior to such hearing. It may be the privilege of any resident on such island to appear at such hearing and defend or oppose the granting of said petition. It shall be the duty of the board of county commissioners to pass upon such petition within ten days after the said hearing, and if it appears to them that the said petition is the wish of two-thirds of the freeholders of the said island, it shall be their duty to make an order and have same entered in the official record of the board establishing said island as a game reserve. (Rem. & Bal. Code, Sec. 5330; Sec. 1, p. 247, Laws 1905.) A game law extending to but five counties is not unconstitutional in granting special privileges.—Hayes v. Territory, 2 Wash. T. 286; 5 Pac. 927.)14 State of Washington 6. Publication of Order—Hunting Prohibited. A copy of the order of the board of county commissioners establishing any island as a game reserve shall immediately after such order is made be published three times in at least two newspapers of general circulation in the county, and every person thereafter who shall injure, take, kill or destroy or have in his possession except for breeding purposes, sell or offer for sale any deer, blue grouse, ruffled grouse, sharp-tailed grouse, American pheasants, Mongolian pheasants, golden pheasants, bob white quail or California quail taken from said reserve shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (Sec. 2, p. 247, Laws 1905; 2 Rem. & Bal. Code, Sec. 5331.) 7. Penalty for Violations. Every person convicted of a violation of any of the provisions of this act shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars ($10) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100), and in default of payment of fine imposed shall be imprisoned in the county jail of the county wherein the offense was committed until such fine shall have been paid at the rate of one day for each two dollars ($2) of fine imposed. (Sec. 1, p. 248, Laws 1905; 2 Rem. & Bal. Code, Sec. 5332.) 8. County Game Commission—Report. Said county game commission shall on or before December 1st of each year submit to the county auditor a detailed report of their actions, including the amount of money received from all sources, and inventory of all game, fish, guns, dogs, seines, nets and other property seized and sold or destroyed, with the names of the purchasers and the amount received, and an itemized statement of their disbursements. The books and vouchers of said county game commission shall be subject to examination by the public examiner at all times. (Sec. 5, Chap. 120, Laws 1913.)Game and Game Fish Laws 15 9. Game Commission May Appoint and Employ Deputies. The county game commission may appoint and employ a sufficient number of deputy game wardens and office assistants as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this chapter, and fix their periods of service and compensation. (Sec. 6, Chap. 120, Laws 1913.) 10. State Game Warden, Game Commissions and County Game Wardens—Execution of Writs. The State Game Wardens, the county game commission and county game warden and all deputy game wardens appointed by them, shall have full power and authority to serve and execute all warrants and process of the law issued by the courts in enforcing the provisions of this act, or any other law of this state relating to the preservation and propagation of game and game fish, in the same manner as any constable or sheriff may serve and execute the same; and for the purpose of enforcing any game laws of this state they may call to their aid any sheriff, deputy sheriff, constable or police officer, or any other person, and it shall be the duty of all sheriffs, deputy sheriffs, constables or police officers and other persons, when so called upon, to enforce and aid in enforcing any game laws of this state. The State Game Wardens, the county game commission, the county game warden and deputy game warden shall have the power to arrest without a warrant any person or persons found in the act of violating any law enacted for the purpose of protecting or propagating game or game fish. (Sec. 7, Chap. 120, Laws 1913.) 11. Bonds. All appointees shall give bonds to be approved by the county game commission and said bonds filed in the office of the county auditor, conditioned for the faithful discharge of their respective duties as follows: Each regular deputy (county) game warden, one thousand dollars ($1,000). (Sec. 8, Chap. 120, Laws 1913.)16 State of Washington 12. Terms Defined—Agency No Excuse. , The words “sell” and “sale” as used shall be construed as meaning a sale or offer to sell or having in possession with intent to sell, use or dispose of the same contrary to law. The word “person” shall be deemed to include partnership, associations and corporations, and no violation of any of the provisions of the game law shall be excused for the reason that the prohibited act was done as the agent or employe of another, or that it was committed by or through an agent or employe of the person charged. The word ‘“possession” shall be deemed to include both actual and constructive possession as well as control of the article referred to. The terms “waters of the state” shall be held to include all the boundary waters of the state, and the laws of this state shall be deemed to extend and be in force and effect over, upon and in all waters thereof. The terms “any part thereof” or “the parts thereof” whenever used shall be deemed to include the hides, horns and hoofs of any animal so referred to, and the plumage and skin and every other part of any bird so referred to. The term “fur-bearing animals” shall not be deemed to include deer, elk, moose, caribou, mountain goat, mountain sheep or gray squirrel. (Sec. 9, Chap. 120, Laws 1913.) 13. Inspection of Hotels, Etc. The State Game Wardens or any member of the county game commission, the county game warden or any deputy game warden, may at his discretion, from time to time, inspect hotels, restaurants, cold storage houses or plants and ice houses commonly used in storii;g meats, game or fish for private parties, including all buildings used for a like purpose, for the purpose of determining whether game or game fish are kept therein in violation of the laws of this state. Any person in possession or control, or in charge of any hotel, restaurant, storage plant or building referred to, or any part thereof, who refuses or fails to permit the State Game Wardens, the county game warden.Game and Game Fish Laws 17 or any deputy game wardens to enter any such building, or any part thereof, or any receptacle therein, for the purpose of making such inspection, is guilty of a gross misdemeanor. (Sec. 10, Chap. 120, Laws 1913.) 14. Searches—Possession Evidence of Violation. Any game wardens, any sheriff, deputy sheriff, constable or police officer, shall have power to search without warrant any person and examine any conveyance, vehicle, game bag, game basket, game coat, or other receptacle for game or game fish, and all cold storage rooms, warehouses, markets, taverns and boarding houses, resaurants, eating houses, clubs, saloons and other places where game or game fish may be kept or sold, and to search and examine all packages or boxes which he has reason to believe contain evidence of the infraction of the laws of this state, for the protection of wild fowl, trout or other game fish, game, game birds and song birds, and if upon diligent inquiry he can discover evidence sufficient in his judgment to secure the conviction of the alleged offenders, or shall have cause to believe that sufficient evidence exists to justify the same, he shall at once institute proceedings to punish the alleged offenders, and hindrance or interference with such search and examination shall be prima facie evidence of the violation of the laws by the party or parties who hinder or interfere with such search or examination. Any of the persons above mentioned may at any time seize and take possession of any and all game, wild fowl, game fish, game birds, song birds or trout which has been caught, taken or killed at any time, in any manner, or for any purpose, or had in possession or under control or which have been shipped, contrary to the laws of this state. The search and seizure provided for in this act may be made without warrants. (Sec. 2, Chap. 90, Laws 1911.) 15. Penalty. Any person violating any of the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (Sec. 6, Chap. 90, Laws 1911.)18 State of Washington 16. Contraband Game—Seizure and Search. Any game bird, game animal, game fish or any part thereof, caught, killed, shipped or had in possession or under control, contrary to the laws of this state, is hereby declared to be contraband. The State Game Wardens, the county game commission, the county game warden, or any deputy game warden, sheriffs and their deputies, constables and police officers, shall seize and take possession of any and all game birds, game animals or game fish, or any parts thereof, which have been caught, taken or had in possession or under control or shipped contrary to any of the laws of this state. Any court having jurisdiction shall, upon complaint showing probable cause for believing that any game bird, game animal, game fish, or any part thereof, caught, taken, killed or had in possession, or under control by any person, or shipped or transported contrary to the laws of the state, is concealed or illegally kept in any building, car or receptacle, issue a search warrant and cause a search to be made in any such place for any game birds, game animals, game fish or any part thereof, and may cause any building, inclosure or car to be entered and any apartment, chest, box, locker, crate, basket, package or other receptacle, whatsoever kind or description, to be broken, opened and the contents thereof examined. All such officers taking or seizing any such game birds, game animals, game fish or any part thereof, shall at once report all the facts attending the same to the county commission. (Sec. 11, Chap. 120, Laws 1913.) 17. Contraband Device. All nets, seines, lanterns, snares, devices, contrivances and materials while in use or had and maintained for the purpose of catching, taking or killing, or attracting or deceiving any game bird, game animal or game fish contrary to any of the laws of this state, within this state, or upon or within the boundary thereof, including fish houses, in-closures or other sheltering structures or appliances erectedGame and Game Fish Laws 19 or maintained in any waters or on the shores of any lake, pond or stream is hereby declared to be a public nuisance. The State Game Wardens, the county game commission and their deputies, sheriffs and their deputies, constables and police officers, shall, without warrant or process, take, seize, abate or destroy any and all of the same while being used, had or maintained for such purpose, and no liability shall be incurred therefor to any person. (Sec. 12, Chap. 120, Law 1913.) An ordinary gun used in an ordinary manner is not subject to confiscation when found in the possession of one who has violated the provisions of the Game Code.— (Opinion Attorney General, Sept. 4, 1913.) 18. Witnesses. In any prosecution under the laws of this state a participant in the violation thereof may testify as a witness against any other person violating the same, without incriminating himself in so doing. The evidence so given shall not be used in any criminal proceedings against such witness. (Sec. 13, Chap. 120, Laws 1913.) 19. Exchange Specimens. The State Game Wardens or the county commission may secure by purchase or otherwise, or by exchange, specimens of game birds, game animals or game fish with the game commission or game wardens of other counties and states for propagating purposes and not otherwise, and may also grant permission under the seal of said commission to any accredited representative of any incorporated society of natural history to collect for scientific purposes only, nests, eggs, game birds, game animals, or game fish protected by the laws of this state. Such specimens shall not be sold or transferred. (Sec. 14, Chap. 120, Laws 1913.) No fee can be charged for permit to collect nests, eggs, et cetera. This section relates to game birds, game animals and game fish, and therefore does not conflict with Chap. 134, Laws 1903, relating to wild birds.— (Opinion Attorney General, Sept. 4, 1913.)20 State of Washington 20. Disposition of Fines. All fines collected and bonds forfeited under any of the game laws of this state shall be paid into the county treasury of the county wherein the conviction was had and placed to the credit of the county game fund, to be used only for the protection and propagation of game birds, game fish and game animals. (Sec. 15, Chap. 120, Laws 1913.) 21. Disposition of Other Moneys. All moneys collected by the county game commission upon licenses issued by it, including moneys received for fines and other sources, shall be paid into the county treasury and credited to the game fund, and be used for the purpose of propagating and enforcing the game laws of this state within their respective counties. (Sec. 16, Chap. 120, Laws 1913.) 22. Rewards. Every person, other than a regular salaried game warden or peace officer, entering a complaint that any of the provisions of this act are violated and a conviction thereon is secured, shall be entitled to one-half of the fine imposed and collected by the court in such action: Provided, That said reward to the informer shall not exceed the sum of twenty-five dollars ($25.00). (Sec. 17, Chap. 120, Laws 1913.) 23. Obstructing Commissions. No person shall obstruct the State Game Warden, the county game commission or any county game warden, or deputy game warden, while engaged in gathering game fish spawn; nor shall any person place in any stream or river any logs or other debris at any time when said State Game Wardens, county game commission and their employes are gathering spawn, or about to gather spawn, or catch fish for that purpose in any such stream or river or body of water: Provided, This does not apply to logs or shingleGame and Game Fish Laws 21 bolts for commercial purposes. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. The State Game Wardens, or the county game commission, may institute a civil action in the name of the State of Washington to recover from any person or persons obstructing them in the performance of their duties, or who shall place such debris in such stream to the damages resulting therefrom, in addition thereto may in such action enjoin such party or parties from doing the acts prohibited. (Sec. 18, Chap. 120, Laws 1913.) 24. Oath. The State Game Wardens, the county game commission, county game warden and any deputy game warden is hereby authorized to administer oaths, and may require any statement to them or him in application for licenses, or in any report submitted to them or him in any manner connected with the discharge of their duties, to be made under oath. Any person failing or refusing to make any such statement under oath or falsely making an oath shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (Sec. 19, Chap. 120, Laws 1913.) 25. Penalty for Resisting Commission and Wardens. Any person who shall resist or obstruct the State Game Wardens, the county game commission, county game warden or deputy game wardens, or other peace officers of this state in the discharge of their duties while enforcing the game laws, shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor. (Sec. 20, Chap. 120, Laws 1913.) 26. Game Property of State. No person shall at any time or in any manner acquire any property in or subject to his dominion or control any of the game birds, game animals or game fish, or any parts thereof of the game birds, game animals or game fish herein mentioned, but they shall always and under all circumstances be and remain the property of the state; except,22 State of Washington that by killing, catching or taking the same in the manner and for the purposes herein authorized and during the periods when the killing is not herein prohibited, the same may be used by any person at the time, in the manner and for the purposes herein expressly authorized; and whenever any person kills, catches, injures, takes, ships or has in his possession, or under control, any of the game birds, game animals or game fish, or any parts thereof, mentioned in this chapter, at a time or in a manner prohibited by this chapter, such persons shall thereby forfeit and lose all right to the use and possession of such game bird, game animal, or game fish, or any parts thereof, and the state shall be entitled to the sole possession thereof: Provided, That the State Wardens or the game commission of each county shall grant permission to persons to have in their possession and allow the sale and shipping of game birds or game animals for propagation only. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (Sec. 21, Chap. 120, Laws 1913.) No fee for issuance of permit may be charged or bond required of the persons to whom such permit is issued, but reasonable conditions may be imposed regulating the manner in which permits may be issued.— (Opinion Attorney General, Sept. 4, 1913.) Private owner may possess, kill and sell deer or other animals which have been lawfully secured and domesticated, in fact, even in closed season.— (Opinions Attorney General, p. 438, 1905-6.) 27. Nest and Eggs. No person shall at any time take or have in his possession or under control, break or destroy or in any manner interfere with any nest or the eggs of the kinds of birds, the killing of which is at any or all times prohibited. Any person guilty of violating this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (Sec. 22, Chap. 120, Laws 1913.) 28. Hunting or Chasing Deer With Dogs, or Shooting or Killing Same While in Rivers, Lakes or Salt Water. Any person who shall at any time shoot or kill in any manner a deer when such deer is in any river or lake or body of salt water,, or shall hunt or chase deer with dogs,Game and Game Fish Laws 23 shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished as hereinafter provided. (Sec0 23, Chap. 120, Laws 1913.) 29. Deer on Islands—Open Season. It shall be lawful during the month of October of each year to hunt for, take and kill deer on any island in the State of Washington: Provided, It shall be unlawful to hunt for or kill any deer on said islands with dog or dogs, and any person knowingly permitting any dog or dogs owned by him to pursue deer on said islands shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars ($25) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100) : Provided further, That this section shall not apply to any islands where game preserves have been established. (Sec. 2, p. 515, Laws 1909; Rem. & Bal. Code, Sec. 5335; Laws 1907, Chap. 222, Sec. 2.) Hunting on islands in month of November prohibited.—(Opinions Attorney General, 1908-9, p. 115.) This act is still in force.— (Opinion Attorney General, Oct. 7, 1913.) 30. Hunting on Certain Islands Prohibited. Every person who shall on any island in the State of Washington located in any fresh water lake, surrounded by navigable fresh water, and having an area exceeding five hundred acres, injure, take, kill or destroy, or have in their possession except for breeding purposes, sell, or offer for sale, any elk, deer, black, gray or fox squirrels, blue grouse, ruffled grouse, sharp-tailed grouse, wild pigeons, prairie chickens, American pheasants, Mongolian pheasants, golden pheasants, bob white quail, California quail, or wood cock, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (Sec. 1, p. 332, Laws 1895; Rem. & Bal. Code, Sec. 5336.) 31. Penalty for Violating Last Section. Every person convicted of a violation of any of the provisions of the last two preceding sections shall be pun-ished by fine of not less than fifty dollars ($50) nor more24 State of Washington than one hundred dollars ($100), and in default of payment of fine imposed, shall be imprisoned in the county jail of the county wherein the offense was committed until such fine shall have been paid at the rate of one day for each two dollars ($2.00) of fine imposed. All money collected from fines for the violation of the provisions of the last preceding section shall be paid into the general fund of the county for the benefit of the public schools in said county. (Sec. 3, p. 333, Laws 1895; Rem. & Bal. Code, Sec. 5338.) 32. Lake Washington—Molesting Any Wild Birds Upon. It shall be unlawful to fire any gun, or kill, shoot, entrap, ensnare, maim, or destroy any wild birds at any season of the year upon the waters of Lake Washington or within one mile of its shores, and any person who shall kill, shoot, entrap, ensnare, destroy or maim any wild birds at any season of the year upon the waters of Lake Washington, or within one mile of the shores of said lake, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished as hereinafter provided. (Sec. 1, p. 98, Laws 1909; Rem. & Bal. Code, Sec. 5339.) 33. Penalty Therefor. Any person violating any of the provisions of the preceding section shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to a fine of not less than ten dollars ($10) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100), together with the costs of prosecution, or imprisonment in the county jail where the offense is committed for not less than five days nor more than thirty days, or by such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court. (Sec. 2, p. 98, Laws 1909; Rem. & Bal. Code, Sec. 5340.) 34. Scientists Excepted. The last two preceding sections shall not apply to any person holding a certificate giving the right to take birds, their nests or eggs for scientific purposes, as now providedGame and Game Fish Laws 25 by law. (Sec. 3, p. 98, Laws 1909; Rem. & Bal. Code, Sec. 5341.) 35. Protection of Game Birds, Etc., in Certain Territory-Discharging Firearms Prohibited — Disposition of Fines Collected. That chapter 84 of the Session Laws of 1911 be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Any per- son who shall hunt, take, kill, trap, snare, maim, destroy or molest any game bird, water fowls, shore birds or deer at any season of the year in that part of Pierce county, Washington, bounded by the waters of Puget Sound and Commencement Bay, and a line beginning where the line between townships 19 and 20 north, intersects the easterly shore of Puget Sound, and running thence east to the corner common to sections 3 and 4, township 19 north, range 3 east, and sections 33 and 34, township 20 north, range 3 east; thence due north to the shore of Commencement Bay, or upon the waters of Steilacoom Lake, Gravelly Lake, American Lake, Sequalitchew Lake or the islands therein, or within one mile of the shores of any of said lakes, or upon any part of sections 1, 2, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28, township 19 north, range 2 east; sections 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, 29 and 30, in township 19 north, range 3 east, and section 34, and the south half of section 27, in township 20 north, range 3 east, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor: Provided, That this act shall not apply to persons holding certificates giving the right to take birds, their nests or eggs, for scientific purposes, as now provided by law. Any person who shall discharge any rifle within the above described territory shall be guilty of a misdemeanor: Provided, That this section shall not apply to peace officers, officers or enlisted men in the United States army, and the officers and enlisted men in the National Guard of Washington, or any other state, while engaged in the perform-ance of their respective duties as such officers or enlisted26 State of Washington men: And provided further, That this section shall not apply to public or private shooting galleries or rifle ranges. All fines collected under the provisions of this act shall be turned over to the county treasurer and by him placed in the game protection fund. (Laws 1913, Chap. 122, p. 66.) 36. Unlawful to Discharge Rifle in Above Territory. Any person who shall discharge any rifle within the above described territory shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor: Provided, That this section shall not apply to peace officers, officers and enlisted men in the United States army and the officers and enlisted men in the National Guard of Washington, or any other state, while engaged in the performance of their respective duties as such officers or enlisted men: Provided further, That this section shall not apply to public or private shooting galleries or rifle ranges. (Sec. 2, Chap. 84, Laws 1911.) 37. Use of Sneak Boats, Misdemeanor—“Sneak Boat” De fined. That section 5358 of Remington & Ballinger’s Annotated Codes and Statutes of Washington, relating to the method of killing water fowl, and defining the term “sneak boat,” be, and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: Section 5358. Every person who shall use any sink box or sink boat or sneak boat for the purpose of shooting wild ducks, geese, swan or other water fowl, or who shall use any battery, swivel or pivot gun, or any gun other than one to be held in the hands and fired from the shoulder, at any time, for the purpose of shooting wild ducks, geese, swan, brant or other water fowl; or who shall build any structure in any of the waters of this state for the purpose of shooting therefrom wild ducks, geese, swan, or other water fowl; or who shall at any time between one-half hour after sunset and one-half hour before sunrise fire off any gun or build any fire or flash any light, or burn any powder or other inflammable substance upon the shores ofGame and Game Fish Laws n any feeding grounds frequented by wild ducks, geese, swan or other water fowl, with intent thereby to shoot, kill, injure, destroy or disturb any of such water fowl, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished as hereinafter provided. The term “sneak boat” as * used in this act shall be deemed to mean any boat, skiff, steam or gasoline launch, or floating battery, except an ordinary open rowboat or canoe propelled by hand with side oars, such oars to be not less than five (5) feet in length and one oar to be used on each side of the boat or canoe. All occupants of such boat or canoe to be in an upright position so that at all times they shall be visible from the waist up while in pursuit of such ducks, geese, brant or other water fowl. (Laws 1913, Chap. 33, p. 90.) 38. Penalty. Every person convicted of any of the misdemeanors defined in the foregoing section shall be punished by fine of not less than ten dollars ($10) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100), together with the costs of the prosecution in such action, and in default of the payment of said fine shall be imprisoned in the county jail one day for each two dollars ($2.00) of such fine. (Sec. 18, p. 86, Laws 1897; Rem. & Bal. Code, Sec. 5358%.) 39. Trap or Insnare. It shall be unlawful at any time (for any person) to set, lay, prepare, or have in his possession, any trap, snare, artificial light, net, bird line, swivel gun or set gun, or any contrivances whatever for the purpose of catching, taking, or killing any of the game animals, or game birds in this state, except that decoys and blinds may be used in hunting wild ducks, geese or brant. Any person violating any of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, (Sec. 24, Chap. 120, Laws 1913.)28 State of Washington 40. Grouse, Pheasant, Quail, Etc. Every person who shall within the State of Washington hunt, pursue, take, kill, injure, destroy or possess any ruffled grouse, Hungarian partridge, prairie chicken, sage hen, Chinese, English, golden, Mongolian, silver, black neck or Japanese pheasants, or any species of quail or any species of imported upland game birds, between the first day of December and the first day of October of the following year shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished as hereinafter provided: Pro- vided, That it shall be unlawful for any person to pursue, take or kill in the State of Washington, any Hungarian partridge prior to the first day of October, 1920: And pro- vided further, That in all counties of the State of Washington lying east of the western boundary of the counties of Okanogan, Chelan, Kittitas, Yakima and Klickitat, it shall be unlawful to hunt, pursue, take, kill, injure, destroy or possess any Chinese, native pheasant, prairie chicken or turtle dove between the first day of November and the fifteenth day of September of the following year: And it is further provided, That it shall be unlawful to kill or have in possession any quail between the last day of November and the first day of October of the following year: And provided further, That it shall be unlawful to kill or have in possession any blue grouse between the first day of December and the first day of September of the following year: Provided further, That in all counties except Spokane county lying east of the western boundary of the counties of Okanogan, Chelan, Kitsap, (Kittitas) Yakima and Klickitat, it shall be unlawful to hunt, pursue or kill or have in possession any species of quail until the first day of October, 1915: Provided further, That in the coun- ties of Kittitas and Yakima it shall be unlawful to kill or have in possession any Western prairie chicken, Eastern prairie chicken, native pheasant, Hungarian partridge, bob white quail, California valley quail, scaly partridge orGame and Game Fish Laws 29 sage hen until the first day of October, 1915: Provided, That in the counties of Kittitas and Yakima it shall be lawful to hunt, take, pursue, kill or have in possession California mountain quail during the month of September of any year: Provided further, That in the counties of Kittitas and Yakima it shall be unlawful to hunt, take, pursue, kill or have in possession, Chinese pheasants, except from the first day of October to the fifteenth day of October of any year: Provided further, That in the coun- ties of Kittitas and Yakima it shall be unlawful to kill or have in possession any native pheasants or ruffled grouse until the first day of October, 1915: Provided, That in all the counties lying east of the western boundary of Okanogan, Chelan, Kittitas, Yakima and Klickitat it shall be unlawful to hunt, take, pursue, or kill or have in possession any blue grouse between the first day of December and the first day of September of any year: Provided, That in the county of Asotin it shall be unlawful to hunt, kill, or have in possession any Chinese pheasants until October first, 1915: Provided, That in the county of Okanogan it shall be unlawful to hunt, pursue, take, kill, injure or destroy any species of partridge, sage hen, quail or any imported game bird until the first day of October, 1915: Provided, however, That in all counties of the state lying west of the summit of the Cascade Mountains, blue grouse may be killed during the last fifteen days of the month of September. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor: And provided further, That it shall be unlawful after the passage of this act for any person to take or kill within the State of Washington any sage grouse, commonly known as sage hen; any band-tailed pigeon, commonly known as wild pigeon, or any wood duck (aix sponsa); and in the counties of Whatcom, Skagit, Snohomish, King, Pierce, San Juan and Island, to take any ruffled grouse, commonlyso State of Washington known as native pheasant. (Sec. 25, Chap. 120, Laws 1913.) In all counties west of summit of Cascade Mountains blue grouse may be killed only during last fifteen days of the month of September.— (Opinion Attorney General, Aug. 19, 1913.) 41. Bag Limit. Every person who shall, during the season when it is lawful to hunt the same, kill more than five prairie chickens, grouse, partridge, Hungarian partridge, native pheasants, Chinese, English, golden, Mongolian, silver, black neck or Japanese pheasant, or more than ten quail or any or all kinds in any one day, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor: Provided, That no person shall in any one day kill more than five of the game birds mentioned in this section, it being the the intention thereof to limit the bags of one day to five birds, no matter how many varieties of these protected upland birds are included in the bag: Pro- vided further, That ten quail may be killed in one day during the season when it is lawful to hunt the same, but the limit of upland game birds, if quail are included in the same, for one day shall never exceed ten upland birds, but in no event more than five of the above-named birds other than quail, and the limit of bag for one week shall never exceed twenty-five upland birds. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (Sec. 26, Chap. 120, Laws 1913.) 42. Ducks, Geese, Brant and Swans—Limited to Counties. Every person who shall within the State of Washington hunt, pursue, take, kill, injure, destroy or possess any geese, brant, mallard duck, canvasback duck, widgeon, spoon-bill, gray duck, sprig-tail or any game duck, whether mentioned or named herein, or any snipe, curlew, plover, rail, or any surf or shore game birds, between the first day of February and the first day of October of the same year, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor: Provided, That in the counties of Oknogan, Ferry, Stevens, Douglas, Grant, Lin-Game and Game Fish Laws 21 coin, Spokane, Adams and Whitman it shall be unlawful to kill geese, brant, or any species of game duck and curlew, plover, rail, or any species of surf or shore game bird between the first day of February and the fifteenth day of September of the same year: Provided, That it shall be unlawful to kill or have in possession at any time any species of swan. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (Sec. 27, Chap. 120, Laws 1913.) 43. Bag Limit. Every person who shall in the State of Washington during the season when it is lawful to hunt the same, kill more than twenty (20) ducks, geese or brant in any one week shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, it being the intention hereof to limit bags in any one week to twenty (20) of the above mentioned birds, no matter how many varieties of those birds are included in said bag; and for the purposes of this act the week shall be deemed to begin at midnight on Wednesday night, and any person violating the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (Sec. 28, Chap. 120, Laws 1913.) 44. How Killed. Provided, That the above mentioned birds shall not be fired at from any gasoline or naptha (naphtha) launch, steam launch or other boat propelled otherwise than by hand. (Sec. 6, p. 96, Laws 1903.) Apparently still in force. 45. Possession Limited—Sale Prohibited. Every person, company, club, partnership, firm, or corporation, boarding house keeper, hotel keeper, restaurant keeper, market keeper or cold storage plant, their owners, proprietors, officers, managers, agents or servants, who shall offer for sale or for market or barter for, or exchange or keep in their possession any time of the year, any deer, moose, caribou, antelope, mountain sheep, or mountain goat32 State of Washington of any kind, or the various kinds of quail, or the various kinds of Chinese, English or Mongolian pheasants, grouse, native pheasants, ptarmigan, partridge, Hungarian partridge, prairie chicken, sage hen, or any kind of wild duck, goose, brant, rail, plover, or game or game shore birds, or any portion of the meats of the said animals or birds, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Possession by the above named persons or corporations of any of the animals or game birds mentioned or named herein, or any of the meats of the same, shall be presumptive evidence that said animals or birds or the meats of the same was unlawfully taken by the person having possession of the same, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished as hereinafter provided: Provided, That any person may have in his possession, or in cold storage, for his own use only, the number and kind of birds and animals permitted to be taken by this act, during the time when the same may be taken, provided the same were taken by the person so having them in his possession or obtained by gift for his use only, or otherwise taken as provided in the previous section of this act. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (Sec. 29, Chap. 120, Laws 1913.) 46. Saie of Game. It shall be unlawful for any person at any time to sell or offer for sale any of the game birds, game animals, or song birds, protected by the laws of the State of Washington. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (Sec. 30, Chap. 120, Laws 1913. See Sec. 203 for shipping or carrying.) Grouse, pheasants, quail and similar birds may lawfully be domesticated and sold in open market, since fowl or birds which have become domesticated and have lost their power to get away, are private property and are not considered game.— (Opinions Attorney General, pp. 297 and 438, 1905-6.) Importation of song birds might be a violation of larceny law. 3 Fed St., Annotated, 151.— (Opinions Attorney General, p. 77, 1911-12.)Game and Game Fish Laws 83 47. Game Taken Outside of State, Unlawful to Have in Possession. Every person who shall at any time have in his possession or under control within this state, any game birds, game animals, or game fish, or any part thereof, which has been caught, taken or killed outside of this state at a time when it is unlawful to have in possession or under control such game birds, game animals or game fish, or parts thereof, if caught, taken or killed in this state, or which has been unlawfully taken or killed outside of this state, or unlawfully shipped therefrom into this state, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (Sec. 31, Chap. 120, Laws 1913.) It is unlawful to sell or possess any trout or game fish in this state imported from foreign jurisdiction during the time it would be unlawful to possess such trout or game fish if caught or taken within the state.— (Opinions Attorney General, p. 77, 1911-12.) 48. Possession Unlawful. It shall be unlawful to have in possession or under control by any person, any game bird, game animals, or game fish, or any parts thereof, the killing of which is at any time prohibited; the same shall be prima facie evidence that it was the property of this state at the time it was caught, taken or killed, and that it was caught, taken or killed in this state when the killing, taking or possession thereof is by this chapter declared to be unlawful, that such taking or killing occurred during the closed season. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. (Sec. 32, Chap. 120, Laws 1913.) 49. Imported Game Birds—Unlawful to Hunt. Whenever any imported species of game birds shall have been liberated in any county in this state by the county commissioners, such commissioners shall give notice thereof by publication for three successive weeks in a newspaper published at the county seat of such county, and thereafter it shall be unlawful to hunt, take, kill or molest any of such imported birds within such county for34 State of Washington three years after the date of the first publication of said notice. (Sec. 5, Chap. 90, Laws 1911.) County game warden has no power to abrogate acts of commission.— (See opinion Attorney General.) 50. Penalty. Any person violating any of the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (Sec. 6, Chap. 90, Laws 1911.) 51. Unlawful to Hunt Geese, Brant or Other Water Fowl on Columbia or Snake Rivers. It shall be unlawful to hunt, pursue, catch, or kill any of the geese, brant, or other water fowl upon the Columbia or Snake rivers within this state or within one-half mile of the shores throughout the following named counties: Klickitat, Walla Walla, Franklin, Yakima, Kittitas, Douglas, Columbia, Garfield and Whitman counties. (Sec. 8, p. 352, Laws 1905; Rem. & Bal. Code, Sec. 5363%.) 52. Penalty. Any one violating any of the provisions of this act for which a penalty is not hereinbefore provided shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars ($10) nor more than fifty dollars ($50), or imprisonment in the county jail for not less than ten (10) days nor more than thirty (30) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. (Sec. 13, p. 353, Laws 1905; Rem. & Bal. Code, Sec. 5363y2.) 53. Deer, Elk, Moose, Mountain Goat and Mountain Sheep —Limit May Ship—When May Be Killed. No person shall, within the State of Washington, hunt, catch, take, kill, ship, convey or cause to be shipped or transported by common or private carrier, to any person, either within or without the state, purchase, expose for sale, have in possession, with intent to sell, sell to any person, or have in possession, or under control, at any time, any elk, moose, caribou, deer, fawn, mountain sheep orGame and Game Fish Laws 85 mountain goat, or any part thereof, including the hide, horns or hoofs, except as herein provided: Provided, That deer, mountain sheep and mountain goat may be killed between October first and December first of the same year, and any deer, mountain goat and mountain sheep, or any part thereof, may be had in possesison by any person during the said time, but no person shall kill, or have in possession during said time, more than two deer, nor more than one mountain goat or mountain sheep, or parts thereof: Provided, That in the county of Okanogan every per- son who shall at any time between the first day of November and the first day of September of the following year, hunt, pursue, take, kill, injure, destroy or possess any deer, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor: And provided further, That every person who shall within the county of Okanogan during the season when it is lawful to kill the same, take or kill more than one deer, or shall kill any female deer, or spotted fawn, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor: And provided further, That any person who is lawfully in pos-session of any deer, mountain goat or mountain sheep, or any part thereof, may ship, or cause to be shipped in the manner provided for by this chapter, but not otherwise. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor: And provided further, That after the year 1925 male antlered moose and elk may be killed between October first and fifteenth of the same year, and any such male elk or moose or part thereof may be had in possession by any person during the time aforesaid; but no person shall kill or have in possession during said time more than one male antlered elk or moose or part thereof: And provided further, That when any deer, mountain goat, mountain sheep or any parts thereof are lawfully in possession of any person as provided for in this chapter, such person may continue in possession of the same for five days after the time herein limited for the killing of said animal: And provided further, That no86 State of Washington cow, female elk or moose can be killed or had in possession at any time. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a gross misdemeanor. (Sec. 33, Chap. 120, Laws 1913.) 54. Killing for Hides Prohibited. Every person who shall within the State of Washington at any time, take, kill or destroy any deer, moose, elk, caribou, antelope, mountain sheep or goat for the skin, hide or horns of such animals, or who shall kill any of said animals unless the carcass thereof is used or preserved for food, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars ($10) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100), together with the costs of the prosecution in such action, and in default of the payment of said fine shall be imprisoned in the county jail one day for each two dollars of such fine. (Laws 1897, Sec. 6, p. 83, and Sec. 18, p. 86; Rem. & Bal. Code, Sec. 5352, and part of Sec. 5358%.) 55. Game Fund. There is hereby established a fund to be known as the state game fund, which shall consist of all moneys received for state hunting and game fish licenses, and all such other sums as the legislature may from time to time appropriate and set aside for the purposes provided for in this act. Said state game fund shall also consist of ten per cent of all moneys received by the county officers for county hunting and game fish licenses, and from fines and costs which shall be paid into the state treasury, and constitute a part of said state game fund, said payments to be made quarterly on the last day of each quarter of the year, beginning on the first day of March. Such state game fund shall be used for the payment of the salaries and expenses of the State Game Wardens provided for by this act, and their necessary traveling and office expenses, and for propagation, protection, introduction, purchase and distribution of anyGame and Game Fish Laws 37 game animals, birds or fishes. Ninety per cent of all moneys received in any county from the sale of county hunting and game fish licenses, and from fines and costs, shall be expended in the said county from which the same are collected, and shall be so spent in the payment of salaries and expenses of the county game wardens or special deputies appointed in said county by the county game commission, and for the protection, introduction, propagation and purchase of animals, birds and game fishes in said county, and in the enforcement of the game and game fish laws within said county from which said moneys are received. All payments made under the provisons of this act shall be by warrant in the usual manner and shall be audited by the state and county officers in the same manner as other claims against the State of Washington and the various counties are audited. (Sec. 34, Chap. 120, Laws 1913.) The term “expenses” includes such as must reasonably be incurred in the performance of the duties of county game warden or his special deputies. “Costs” here relate only to such specific costs as are collected by game officers in pursuance of their duties and do not relate to ordinary court costs taxed in criminal actions.— (Opinion Attorney General, Sept. 4, 1913.) 56. License—Unlawful to Hunt or Fish Without—Non-Residents. It shall be unlawful for any person to hunt, pursue, catch, kill or take any of the game animals, game birds or game fish protected by the laws of this state during the season when it is lawful to hunt, pursue, take or kill the same without such person having procured before the time of such hunting, pursuing, catching or killing, a hunting or fishing license therefor duly issued to him by the county or state authorities. Licenses provided for in this act will be issued by the county auditors of the respective counties and shall be as follows: (a) A resident of this state may obtain a hunting and fishing license by paying the county auditor the sum of one38 State of Washington dollar ($1.00), which shall entitle the holder thereof to hunt or fish within the county where such license is issued until the first day of March next following the date of its issuance, at any time when it is otherwise lawful to hunt or fish. (b) Any person who is a resident of this state may obtain from any county auditor a state hunting and fishing license by the payment of five dollars ($5.00), which license shall entitle the holder thereof to hunt and fish in any part of the state until the first day of March next following the date of its issuance, whenever it is otherwise lawful to hunt or fish within said state. (c) A non-resident of the State of Washington may obtain a hunting and fishing license by paying to the county auditor the sum of ten dollars ($10.00), which shall entitle the holder thereof to hunt and fish in any county in the state up to and including the first day of March next following the date of its issuance, when it would otherwise be lawful to hunt or fish in said county. (d) Provided, however, That a county fishing license shall entitle the holder thereof to fish on either side of any stream or river when the said stream or river shall constitute the boundary between two counties. (e) The county auditor shall, upon application and payment of two dollars, issue to any non-resident of this state a license to take, catch or kill any game fish in any lawful manner within the county where the license is issued, whenever it is lawful to take, kill or catch any game fish. This section gives non-residents right to fish only.— (Opinion Attorney General, May 26, 1913.) But affords no protection for a violation of the law requiring aliens to obtain a license to carry firearms. They must secure permit as provided by Chap. 52, Laws 1911.— (Opinion Attorney General, June 20, 1913.) (f) Licenses issued under the provisions of this act shall be non-transferable, and any person hunting or fishing shall, upon demand of any warden or deputy warden,Game and Game Fish Laws 29 exhibit his license, and a failure or refusal to exhibit such license shall be prima facie evidence that such person has no license. (g) Any person hunting or fishing without having obtained the license herein provided for, or doing any other act which by this act is declared to be unlawful, in cases where no other specific penalty is provided, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Provisions of Chap. 120, Laws 1913, do not apply over lands in the state held by the United States for military sites, forts, magazines, arsenals, docks, navy yards, naval stations. A soldier residing within a United States Military Reservation, who maintains his legal residence at any place within the state, desiring to hunt in a county outside the reservation, should have a state or county license, under the laws, Chap. 120’, 1913. One who maintains a legal residence outside the state, wishing to hunt in a county outside of the United States Military Reservation, should have a state or county license as aforesaid. A soldier hunting within a military reservation is not required to have a license. There is no closed season within a United States Military Reservation.— (Opinion Attorney General, Aug. 13, 1913.) (h) Provided, however, That nothing in this act shall prevent any woman or minor under the age of sixteen (16) years, who is an actual resident of this state, from fishing at any time when it is otherwise lawful to fish. (Sec. 35, Chap. 120, Laws 1913.) Indians required to procure a license to hunt or fish without bounds of reservation.— (Opinion Attorney General, Oct. 23, 1913.) License necessary to hunt or fish for game fish in waters of Puget Sound within the boundary of the state.— (Opinion Attorney General, June 20, 1913.) No game fish in salt water.— (Opinion State Fish Commission.) May take food fish for self and family at any time without a license and may use nets in taking same in any fresh waters of the state, but license must be obtained from Fish Commisisoner to operate said nets.— (Opinion Attorney General, Sept. 8, 1913.) (c) Licenses expire on dates stated herein. (e) License expires same time with license issued under subdivision (c).—Opinion Attorney General, May 5, 1913.) 57. Application for License. In applying for any license under this act the applicant shall make a written application which shall describe the applicant as to age, weight, height and complexion, and the license issued shall contain the said description as contained in said application, and in all cases other than that40 State of Washington of a non-resident the application shall be accompanied by a statement to the effect that he is a resident of the State of Washington, his place of residence, and any person who falsely states that he is a resident of the State of Washington when he is not such, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (Sec. 38, Chap. 120, Laws 1913.) Chap. 120, Laws 1913, repeals all former laws relating to licenses. Necessary to obtain new license subsequent to taking effect of said laws.— (Opinion Attorney General, May 5, 1913.) Fishing license only may be issued to non-resident aliens; an auditor may not write on license “No authority to hunt,” or other words of similar effect.— (Opinion Attorney General, May 26, 1913.) Lighthousekeeper or other person not guilty of any offense against laws of state by hunting on government reservation without having first obtained a license.— (Opinions Attorney General, p. 314, 190-3-4.) Consent of state to the purchase of land within its boundaries for government purposes, essential under the Constitution, to the transfer to the general government, of political jurisdiction and dominion. Where lands are acquired in the state by the United States Government without such consent, the possession of the United States, unless political jurisdiction is ceded to them in some other way, is similar to that of the original proprietor.— (Opinions Attorney General, p. 161, 1905-6. U. S. vs. Bateman, 34 Fed. 86 ; Sharon vs. Hill, 24 Fed. 726. See Laws 1891, p. 459.) Indians may dig and traffic in clams among themselves within the reservation when it would be unlawful to have clams in possession outside of reservation.— (Opinions Attorney General, p. 79, 1905-6.) 58. License to Aliens to Carry Firearms Not License to Hunt. It shall be unlawful for any person who is not a citizen of the United States or who has not declared his intention to become a citizen of the United States, to carry or have in his possession at any time any shotgun, rifle or other firearm, without first having obtained a license from the State Auditor, and said license is not to be issued by the State Auditor except upon the certificate of the consul domiciled in the State of Washington and representing the country of such alien, that he is a responsible person, and upon the payment for said license of the sum of fifteen dollars ($15); nothing in this section contained shall be construed to allow aliens to hunt or fish in this state without first having obtained a regular hunting or fishing license. Any personGame and Game Fish Laws 41 violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (Chap. 52, Laws 1911.) License to carry firearms not a license to hunt, and a hunting license not a license to carry firearms. Duty of county auditor to issue license to aliens to hunt or fish without inquiry as to right to carry firearms.— (Opinion Attorney General, May 26, and June 20, 1913.) Duty of county auditor to issue license to hunt or fish to resident aliens without inquiry as to their right to carry firearms.— (Opinion Attorney General, June 20, 1913.) 59. Sale Prohibited—-Unlawful to Ship or Carry. Any person who takes or kills or has in his possession with intent to sell, sells, offers or exposes for sale, ships by common carrier, conveys or causes to be conveyed, has in his possession with intent to ship or to convey in any manner to any point within or without the state, any game animals, game birds or game fish, or any part thereof, including the hides and horns, or any person who buys any such game animals, game birds or game fishes, or part thereof, in violation of any of the provisions of this chapter, or any common carrier, or agent thereof, who ships or aids or abets in shipping any such game animals, game birds or game fish, or any part thereof, or have possession of same with intent to ship or transport, or convey to any point either within or without the state, shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor. (Sec. 37, Chap. 120, Laws 1913. See Sec. 190 for unlawfully selling game.) 60. Artificial Lights—Hunting With. Any person who hunts for any of the protected game animals, game birds or game fishes, with a jack light or other artificial light of any class, kind or description, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (Sec. 38, Chap. 120, Laws 1913.) 61. Export or Import—Carriers—Lawful When. Every steamboat company, railroad company, express company, or common carrier, their officers, agents and servants, and every other person who shall transfer or carry from one point to another within the state, or take42 State of Washington out of the state, or who shall receive for the purpose of transferring from this state any of the wild game birds, game animals, game or game fish enumerated in this act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor: Provided, That nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent any steamboat company, express company, railroad or other common carrier, their officers, agents and servants, from receiving any of the game birds, game animals or game fish enumerated in this act, from transferring them from one point to another point within this state when said game birds, game animals or game fish are accompanied by an affidavit in duplicate by the shipper that the same is not shipped for sale or profit; said affidavit may be furnished if- necessary at destination. Such affidavit shall describe said game animals, game birds and game fish, and shall be attached to said shipment while in transit from one point to another or furnished at its destination, and the duplicate must be sent to the game commission or game warden of said county. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (Sec. 39, Chap. 120, Laws 1913.) 62. Shipment of Game Birds From San Juan and Island Counties. Any person or persons, or corporation, who shall take away, ship or transport from the islands comprised within the limits of the boundaries of either San Juan or Island county, in the State of Washington, any quail or bob white or any Chinese, English, golden, Reeves, Mongolian, silver, black-neck or Japanese pheasants, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction of any violation of the provisions of this act shall be punished by fine of not less than ten dollars ($10) or more than one hundred dollars ($100) for each offense, or imprisonment in the county jail for a period of not less than thirty days, nor more than six months, or by both fine and imprisonment in the discretionGame and Game Fish Laws 43 of the court. (Sec. 1, p. 644, Laws 1909; Rem. & Bal. Code, Sec. 5374.) This section still in force.— (Opinion Attorney General, Oct. 14, 1913.) 63. Each Shipment Separate Offense. , Each bird so shipped, taken away or transported from said islands as aforesaid shall constitute a separate offense under this act. (Sec. 2, p. 644, Laws 1909; Rem. & Bal. Code, Sec. 5375.) 64. Not Applicable to Breeders. The provisions of this act shall not apply to any person or persons or corporation who may be engaged or shall hereafter be engaged in the business of propagation, raising or breeding any of the aforesaid described birds; or any of the said birds which may have been propagated, bred and raised in captivity for commercial or domestic purposes. (Sec. 3, p. 644, Laws 1909; Rem. & Bal. Code* Sec. 5376.) 65. Applies to Wild Game Birds Only. This act only applies and is intended to apply to wild game birds, such as have been described herein. (Sec. 4, p. 645, Laws 1909; Rem. & Bal. Code, Sec. 5377.) 66. Sale of Game Fish or Game Permitted When Propa- gated. It shall be lawful for the owner of any game bird, game fish or game animal who has propagated the same, or purchased the same from persons who have propagated them, to sell or dispose of by gift for propagation purposes only, and to ship the same at any season of the year. (Sec. 1, p. 702, Laws 1909; Rem. & Bal. Code, Sec. 5378.) 67. Beavers. No person shall in any manner hunt for, trap, take, catch or kill any beaver in this state, or have in his possession, alive or dead, any beaver or any part thereof. Any44 State of Washington person who violates the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (Sec. 40, Chap. 120, Laws 1913.) 68. Game Fish—When May Be Taken. No person shall catch, take, kill or have in his possession or have under control, for any purpose whatever, except as hereinafter provided, any game fish hereinafter mentioned within the periods mentioned, to-wit: Any variety of trout, except Dolly Varden, or any bull trout, or any variety of pike, between the 31st day of December and the first day of May following, or any black, gray or Oswego bass, croppie, perch, bullhead or sunfish between the first day of May and the 15th day of July of the same year. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (Sec. 41, Chap. 120, Laws 1913.) This section repeals Chap. 50, Laws 1911, prohibiting fishing for black bass in Silver Lake in Cowlitz County. See Sec. 81.— (Opinion Attorney General, June 14, 1913.) Cannot have in possession game fish imported from foreign jurisdiction during time it is unlawful to possess said fish if caught or taken within this state.— (Opinions Attorney General, p. 77, 1911-12.) 69. Stocked Streams—Unlawful to Fish Therein. Whenever any lake or stream shall have been stocked or planted with game fish under the laws of the State of Washington, the county commissioners shall give notice thereof by publication for three successive weeks in a newspaper published at the county seat of the county in which such lake or stream is situated, it shall be unlawful for any person to take or fish for, or take fish of any species whatever, in the waters of the lake or stream so stocked or planted, for two years after the first publication of such notice. (Sec. 4, Chap. 90, Laws 1911.) 70. Penalty. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (Sec. 6, Chap. 90, Laws 1911.)Game and Game Fish Laws 45 71s Limit of Catch. No person shall catch, take, kill or have in his possession more than fifty game fish in any one day, nor more than twenty pounds and one game fish in any one day, nor more than thirty pounds and one game fish in any one calendar week, nor in any other manner than by angling for them with hook and line held in the hand or attached to a rod so held, and no person shall have in his possesison any game fish caught, taken or killed in any of the waters of this state, except as provided in this chapter. Any person violating this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (Sec. 42, Chap. 120, Laws 1913.) 72. Number Which May Be Caught. It shall be unlawful for any person to take, capture, catch or kill more than twenty pounds of trout, bass or perch in any one day, and no person shall have in his or her possession at any time more than thirty pounds of such trout, bass or perch which may have been caught in the waters in the following section described. (Sec. 4, p. 579, Laws 1909; Rem. & Bal. Code, Sec. 5390.) This section is repealed.— (Opinion Attorney General, June 14, 1913.) 73. Closed Season Trout, Bass, Pickerel, Perch and Pike in Counties Lying East of Western Boundary of Okanogan, Chelan, Kittitas, Klickitat and Yakima. It shall be unlawful for any person in the State of Washington in any of the counties lying east of the western boundary of the counties of Okanogan, Chelan, Kittitas, Yakima and Klickitat to take, capture or kill in any of the lakes, or streams therein, or have in their possession after the same have been so unlawfully taken, any trout, bass, perch, pickerel or pike between the first day of November and the first day of May of the following year. (Sec. 1, p, 578, Laws 1909; Rem. & BaL Code, Sec. 5388. Other closed seasons see Secs. 219-222.) This section, defining the open season for certain game fish, is repealed so far as trout are concerned, by Sec. 41 of Game Code.—• (Laws 1913, Chap. 120 ; Opinion Attorney General, 1913.)46 State of Washington 74. Penalty. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not less than ten dollars ($10) nor more than two hundred dollars ($200), together with the costs of the prosecution of such action, and in default of the payment of any fine imposed under this act shall be imprisoned in the county jail one day for each two dollars of such fine. (Sec. 5, p. 579, Laws 1909; Rem. & Bal. Code, Sec. 5391.) 75. Does Not Apply to Garfield and Columbia Counties. Provided, That this act shall not apply to Garfield and Columbia counties. (Sec. 7, p. 579, Laws 1909; Rem. & Bal. Code, Sec. 5392.) 76. Penalty. Any person violating the provisions of this last section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars ($25) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100). (Sec. 2, p. 54, Laws 1903; Rem. & Bal. Code, Sec. 5394.) 77. Protection of Fish in Lake River and Sloughs in Clarke County—Bag Limit. Every person, firm or corporation who shall fish for or catch fish excepting carp with any net, seine, trap, set net or similar appliance in Lake river or any of the sloughs of the Columbia river in Clarke county, Washington, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Every person who shall with hook and line, commonly called angling, catch more than twelve black bass or more than fifty croppie in one day in any of the waters described in section 1 of this act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (Laws 1913, Chap. 125, p. 385.) Sec. 1 refers to Chap. 125, Laws 1913.Game and Game Fish Laws 47 78. Silver Lake, Cowlitz County—Season—How Caught— Number. Every person who shall—* 1. Fish for or catch black bass or perch in the waters of Silver lake, in Cowlitz county, between the fifteenth day of April and the fifteenth day of June in any year, or 2. Fish for or catch black bass or perch in the waters of such lake at any time, except with hook and line, or 3. Catch more than twelve black bass or twenty-five perch in the waters of such lake in any one day, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (Chap. 50, Laws 1911.) This chapter repealed, in opinion Attorney General, June 14, 1913. 79. Fish—Sale Prohibited—Private Hatcheries Excepted. No person shall have in his possession for sale or with intent to sell, expose or offer for sale, or sell to any person, any trout or other game fish at any time, or ship or cause to be shipped or have in possession with intent to ship to any person, either wTithin or without the state, any such game fish, or have any such game fish in his possession during the season for taking the same: Provided, That nothing in this act shall be construed to be in conflict with the provisions of sections 5171-5182, inclusive, of Remington & Ballinger’s Annotated Codes and Statutes of Washington. Any person violating this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (Sec. 43, Chap. 120r Laws 1913.) Hotels or restaurants not required to procure a license before it can serve trout or game fish taken from regular licensed private hatcheries.— (Opinion Attorney General, No. 425, 1913.) Right to sell game fish prohibited.— (Opinion Attorney General, Oct. 15, 1913.) Not an offense to offer for sale, sell, catch, receive, have or transport salmon fish in possession taken from waters lying wholly within Indian reservation.— (Opinions Attorney General, p. 45, 1903-4.) 80. Size of Trout. No person shall at any time catch, take, kill or have in his possession or under his control any trout or bass of any variety whatever which are less than six inches in48 State of Washington length. Any person catching such game fish shall at once return the same to the water from whence they are taken with as little injury as possible. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (Sec. 44, Chap. 120, Laws 1913.) 81. Fish—Possession of by Non-Residents. No person shall ship, have in his possession with intent to ship or cause to be shipped beyond the borders of this state, any fish of the kind mentioned in this chapter: Provided further, That any non-resident of this state who is desirous of taking any fish beyond its boundaries for his personal use may carry with him on the same train or conveyance not to exceed fifty fish, nor more than twenty pounds and one fish caught by him: Provided further, That all boxes, bags or packages of any description used in the shipping or taking game fish out of the state shall be plainly marked with the name and address of the consignor and consignee, and with the description and contents of the package. Any person who violates this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (Sec. 45, Chap. 120, Laws 1913.) 82. Nets, Devices—Public Nuisances. Nets of any description being used in any of the fresh waters of this state above tide water are hereby declared and are a public nuisance, and it shall be the duty of all county game commissioners, game wardens and their deputies, police officers and constables, without warrant or process, to take, seize, abet and destroy any and all of the same. Any person using the same shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The game wardens and their deputies, sheriffs and their deputies, police officers and constables shall seize any and all nets and seines when illegally used and all game fish taken therewith and at once report the seizure to the county game commission or game warden. EveryGame and Game Fish Laws 49 person aiding or abetting the use of any such nets or devices contrary to provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (Sec. 46, Chap. 120, Laws 1913.) Nets may be used for taking of salmon or food fish under Rem. & Bal. Code, Sec. 5183.— (Opinion Attorney General, 1913.) 83. Fish Ways and Dams. No person shall catch, take or kill in any stream within four hundred feet of any fishway or dam or have in his possession, or under his control, any game fish as caught, taken or killed. Any person who violates any of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (Sec. 47, Chap. 120, Laws 1913.) 84. Fish Commissioner May Take Game Fish. It shall be lawful at all times for the State Fish Commissioner, the general superintendent of state fish hatcheries and assistants, to take trout and other game fish by means of hook and line or nets at any place within one mile of any state fish hatchery operated for the propagation of salmon: And provided, That the provisions of this section shall also apply to superintendents of salmon hatcheries operated by the United States Bureau of Fisheries in this state. (Sec. 3, p. 646, Laws 1909; 2 Rem. & Bal. Code, Sec. 5387.) 85. Explosives—Poison—Medicated Bait, Etc. No person shall lay, set, use or prepare any drug, poison, lime, medicated bait, nets, fish berries, dynamite or other explosives, or any other deleterious substance whatever, or lay, stretch or place any tip-up, snare or net or trout line, or any wire string, rope or cable of any kind, class or description, in any of the waters of this state, with intent thereby to catch, take or kill any game fish. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (Sec. 48, Chap. 120, Laws 1913.) 86. Providing Fish Ways. Any person owning, erecting, managing or controlling any dam or other obstruction across any river, creek or50 State of Washington stream within the state, or forming the boundary lines of this state, shall construct in connection with such dam, durable fishways, in such manner and in such shape and size that the free passage of game fish inhabiting such waters may not be obstructed. Such fishways shall be maintained in good condition and kept in good repair by the person so owning, controlling, managing, operating or using such dam or obstruction. If any person fails to construct or keep in good repair, durable and efficient fishways, as herein provided for, within a period of ten days after notice, the county game commission may construct or repair the same and the cost thereof may be recovered from the owner or any persons managing or being in control thereof in a civil action brought in the name of the State of Washington. Any moneys so received shall be credited to the game protection fund. All fishways heretofore or hereafter erected in any dam or obstruction across any of the streams of this state shall at all times be under the supervision of the county game commission. Any person who violates any of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (Sec. 49, Chap. 120, Laws 1913.) 87. Casting Sawdust in Rivers and Streams. Every person who shall cast or discharge or permit to be cast or discharged into any waters of this state any sawdust, planer shavings or other lumber waste, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (Sec. 50, Chap. 120, Laws 1913.) 88. Birds Other Than Game Birds. It shall be unlawful for any person in this state, or upon or about any of the waters or shores of this state, to take, injure or kill, or endeavor to take, injure or kill, any seagull of any kind or species. (Sec. 169, 2 H. P. C.; Sec. 1, p. 29, Laws 1891; 2 Rem. & Bal. Code, Sec. 5342.) 89. Penalty. Any person violating any of the provisions of the last section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and uponGame and Game Fish Laws 51 conviction thereof shall be punished by fine of not less than five dollars ($5) nor more than twenty-five dollars ($25), and in default of payment of the fine imposed shall be imprisoned in the county jail for the period of one day for each two dollars of the fine so imposed. (Sec. 170, 2 H. P. C.; Sec. 2, p. 29, Laws 1891; 2 Rem. & Bal. Code, Sec. 5343.) 90. Jurisdiction of Courts. Police justices or other magistrates of incorporated cities or towns, and justices of the peace (not excluding the jurisdiction of other courts), shall have jurisdiction over all proceedings under the last two sections. (Sec. 171, 2 H. P. C.; Sec. 3, p. 29, Laws 1891; 2 Rem. & Bal. Code, Sec. 5344.) 91. Possession of Birds Unlawful—What Are Game Birds. No person shall, within the State of Washington, kill or catch, or have in his or her possession, living or dead, any wild bird other than a game bird, or purchase, offer or expose for sale, transport or ship within or without the state, any such wild bird after it has been killed or caught, except as permitted by this act. No part of the skin, plumage or body of any wild bird protected by this section shall be sold or had in possession for sale. For the purposes of this act the following only shall be considered game birds: Anatridae, commonly known as swans; geese, brants and river and sea ducks; the rallidae, commonly known as rails; coots, mud hens and gallinules; the limicolae, commonly known as shore birds; plovers, surf birds, snipe, sandpipers, tatlers and curlews; the gallinae, commonly known as grouse, prairie chickens, pheasants, partridges and quail. (Sec. 1, p. 256, Laws 1903; Sec. 16, p. 86, Cf. Laws 1897; Bal. Code, Sec. 7360; 2 Rem. & Bal. Code, Sec. 5345.) 92. Destruction of Nests and Eggs. No person shall, within the State of Washington, take or needlessly destroy the nest or the eggs of any wild bird52 State of Washington other than a game bird, or have such nest or eggs in his or her possession, except as permitted by this act. (Sec. 2, p. 257, Laws 1903; Sec. 17, p. 86, Cf. Laws 1897; Bal. Code, 7361; 2 Rem. & Bal. Code, Sec. 5346.) 93. Violations—Penalties. Any person who violates any of the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be liable to a fine of not less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense, and an additional fine of one dollar for each bird, living or dead, or part of bird or nest, or set of eggs or part thereof, possessed in violation of this act, together with the costs of prosecution in such action, or to imprisonment for thirty days in the county jail, or both, at the discretion of the court. All fines collected under the provisions of this act shall be turned over to the treasurer of the county in which such action is brought, and by him placed in the game protection fund. (Sec. 3, p. 257, Laws 1903; 2 Rem. & Bal. Code, Sec. 5347.) 94. Exceptions as to Certain Persons. The preceding sections shall not apply to any person holding a certificate giving the right to take birds, their nests or eggs for scientific purposes, as provided for in the next section. (Sec. 4, p. 257, Laws 1903; 2 Rem. & Bal. Code, Sec. 5348.) 95. Certificates for Scientific Purposes—How Obtained. Certificates shall be granted by the State Game Warden or by any incorporated society of natural history in the state, through such persons or officers as said society may designate to any properly accredited person of the age of fifteen years or upward, permitting the holders thereof to collect birds, their nests or eggs, for strictly scientific purposes only. In order to obtain such certificate the applicant for the same must present to the person or persons having the power to grant such certificate, written testimony from two well-known scientific men, certifyingGame and Game Fish Laws 53 to the good character and fitness of said applicant to be entrusted with such privilege, must pay to said persons or officers one dollar, to defray the necessary expenses attending the granting of such certificates, and must file with said person or officers a properly executed bond in the sum of two hundred dollars ($200), signed by two responsible citizens of the state as sureties. On proof that the holder of such a certificate has killed any bird, or taken the nest or eggs of any bird, for other than scientific purposes, this bond shall be forfeited to the state, and the certificate becomes void, and he shall be further subject for each such offense to the penalties provided therefor in section 3 of this act. (Sec. 5, p. 257, Laws 1903; 2 Rem, & Bal. Code, Sec. 5349.) 96. Birds Destroying Fruit or Grain Not Included. The English or European hawk sparrow, jays, magpies and chicken hawks are not included among the birds protected by this act, and the provisions of this act shall not apply to any person who shall kill any bird, on his own enclosed premises while such bird is destroying fruit or grain. (Sec. 7, p. 258, Laws 1903; 2 Rem. & Bal. Code, Sec. 5351.) BOUNTIES FOR CERTAIN ANIMALS—BY STATE. 97. Bounties on Cougar, Wildcat, Lynx, Coyote and Tim- ber Wolf. Any person who shall kill any cougar, lynx, wildcat, coyote or timber wolf in the State of Washington shall be entitled to a bounty therefor as follows: For each cougar, twenty dollars ($20); for each lynx or wildcat, five dollars ($5); for each coyote, one dollar ($1); and for each timber wolf, fifteen dollars ($15). (Sec. 1, p. 689, Laws 1909; 2 Rem. & Bal. Code, Sec. 3593. County bounties, see Secs, 242-247.)54 State of Washington 98. Evidence of Killing—Scalps, Upon the production to the county auditor of any county of the entire hide or pelt and right foreleg to the knee joint intact of any cougar, lynx, wildcat, coyote or timber wolf, killed in such county, each of which hides or pelts shall show two ears, eye holes, skin to tip of nose and right foreleg, to the knee joint intact, the county auditor shail require satisfactory proof that such animal was killed in such county. When the county auditor is satisfied that such animal was killed in this county, he shall cut from such hide or pelt the bone of the right foreleg to the knee as aforesaid, which shall be burned in the presence of such auditor and one other county official, who shall certify to the date and place of such burning. (Sec. 2, p. 689, Laws 1909; Sec. 2, p. 122, Cf. Laws 1905; 2 Rem. & Cal. Code, Sec. 3594.) 99. Fraud—Penalty. Any person or persons obtaining or attempting to obtain said bounty on the hide or pelt of any cougar, wildcat, lynx, coyote or timber wolf, killed more than thirty days prior to obtaining or attempting to obtain said bounty, or that was killed outside of the boundaries of the county in which the same was offered, or make any other false or fraudulent representation for the purpose of obtaining such bounty, shall be guilty of a felony and upon conviction thereof shall be imprisoned in the state penitentiary for a period of time not to exceed five years, or shall be punished by a fine of not less than five hundred dollars ($500) nor more than five thousand dollars ($5,000), or by both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court. (Sec. 3, p. 689, Laws 1909; Sec. 2, p. 122, Cf. Laws 1905; 2 Rem. & Bal. Code, Sec. 3595.) 100. State to Credit County for Bounties Paid. The amount paid by any county for scalps under this act shall be credited to it by the State Auditor upon theGame and Game Fish Laws 55 receipt by the State Auditor of a sworn statement by the county auditor as to the amount of warrants issued under the provisions of this act in said county, which statement shall be rendered to the State Auditor by each county quarterly, and the State Auditor shall make a charge against the general fund of the state for any such credits: Provided, That the credits herein provided for shall not exceed twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) for each biennial period. (Sec. 4, p. 24, Laws 1905; Sec. 4, p. 690, Laws 1909; 2 Rem. & Bal. Code, Sec. 3596. This act refers to Secs. 248-251.) 101. Seals and Sea Lions—Amount of Bounty. There shall be paid a bounty in the sum of one dollar for the killing of each common seal (phoca vitulina) and the sum of two dollars and fifty cents for the killing of each sea lion, when killed within the waters of the State of Washington, or within the waters of the Pacific ocean within one marine league of the Washington shore: Pro- vided, however, That no more than twenty-five hundred dollars shall be paid in any year as bounty under the provisions of this act. (Sec. 1, p. 344, Laws 1903; 2 Rem. & Bal. Code, Sec. 3597. This act refers to Secs. 251-255, inclusive.) 102. Affidavit of Kiling. Any person killing or causing to be killed within the waters of the State of Washington, or within the Pacific ocean within one marine league of the Washington shore, any common seal (phoca vitulina), or any sea lion, shall scalp or cause to be scalped said seal or sea lion, and shall take the scalp to the Fish Commissioner of the State of Washington, or any deputy, and shall make an affidavit that the animal from which the scalp was taken was killed within the State of Washington, or in the Pacific ocean within one marine league of the Washington shore, together56 State of Washington' with the date of killing, ‘ which said affidavit shall be in the following form: State of Washington, County of.............................. ss. I, (A. B.), being first duly sworn, on oath depose and say: that I killed (in case the party making the affidavit did not kill, then he must include herein that he saw killed, and here insert the the kind killed and the place and time when killed) said animals, within the State of Washington, or (if in the waters of the Pacific ocean) within one marine league of the Washington shore, and that the scalp or scalps, which are here presented, are the identical scalps taken from said animals, and which animals were killed within the year 19. ... Signed................................ Subscribed and sworn to before me of ......................19_____ Fish Commissioner of the State of Washington. That thereupon said Fish Commissioner, or his deputy, shall immediately investigate the truth of said affidavit and all allegations therein, and shall be authorized to demand additional evidence, and the Fish Commissioner and any deputy appointed by him is hereby authorized to administer oaths and take the affidavit hereinbefore provided. (Sec. 2, p. 345, Laws 1903; 2 Rem. & Bal. Code, Sec. 3598.) 103. Surrender of Scalps—Certificate—Scalps to Be Destroyed. The party killing said animals and presenting said affidavit mentioned in the preceding section shall be required to deliver all scalps to the Fish Commissioner, or the deputy taking the affidavit. Thereupon the Fish Commissioner, upon being satisfied the party making the affidavit actually killed, or caused to be killed, the number of animals named in his affidavit, and the scalps presented are in number identical with the number and kind stated in the affidavit, and all delivered to the Fish Commissioner, shall issue a cer-Game and Game Fish Laws 57 tificate in duplicate, which shall be in the following form: State of Washington, County of.................., ss. No....... This is to certify, that............................has satisfactorily proved to me that he killed.......................... within the waters of the State of Washington, and is entitled to receive from the State Treasurer the sum of.... ...............therefor. Fish Commissioner of the State of Washington. Provided, That in case the affidavit and scalps herein provided are presented to a deputy fish commissioner, the deputy shall investigate the statements contained in said affidavit, and he shall forward the said affidavit, together with his report in writing thereon, to the Fish Commissioner, and the Fish Commissioner shall thereupon investigate the same, and if satisfied of the truth of said affidavit, shall issue the certificate hereinbefore mentioned, but the deputy fish commissioner shall not destroy the scalps delivered to him until the Fish Commissioner issues the certificate. No deputy shall be permitted to issue any certificate hereunder. Each certificate and duplicate shall be correctly and consecutively numbered, the original shall be delivered to the party making the affidavit, and the duplicate shall be numbered the same as the original and shall be immediately forwarded to the State Auditor to be filed in his office. The party receiving such (such) certificate, or his assigns, or order, upon presentation of such certificate to the State Auditor, shall be entitled to be paid the amount thereof, and the State Auditor, upon such certificate being presented to him, shall compare the same with the duplicate thereof, and if found in all respects correct shall issue a warrant for the amount thereof. The Fish Commissioner shall immediately after issuing the certificate hereinbefore mentioned destroy all scalps presented, but shall preserve and keep of record all affidavits, and shall keep a correct record of the number and58 State of Washington amount of each certificate issued in a book provided for that purpose, and when the total amount of certificates issued shall equal the amount of twenty-five hundred dollars ($2,500) in any one year, no more certificates shall be issued for that year, and no further bounty shall be paid for that year. (Sec. 3, p. 345, Laws 1903; 2 Rem. & Bal. Code, Sec. 3599.) 104. Scalp—What Is. A scalp, referred to in this act, shall consist of both ears of the seal or sea lion, connected by a strip of skin that grew between them, at least two inches wide, intact. (Sec. 4, p. 347, Laws 1903; 2 Rem. & Bal. Code, Sec. 3600. This act refers to Secs. 251-255, inclusive.) 105. Defining Offense. The killing of any single bird, animal or fish protected by the laws of this state shall constitute a separate offense. (Sec. 51, Chap. 120, Laws 1913.) 106. Attempted Violations. Any attempt to violate any of the provisions of any section of this chapter shall be deemed a violation of such provision, and any person attempting to violate any of the provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, unless otherwise designated as a gross misdemeanor. (The provisions of this chapter refer only to Sec. 52, Session Laws 1913.) 107. Repealing and Saving Clause. Sections 5323, 5327, 5328, 5333, 5337, 5354, 5356, 5361, 5362, 5363, 5364, 5365, 5367, 5371, 5372, 5379, 5380, 5384, 5385 and 5389 of Remington & Ballinger’s Annotated Codes and Statutes of Washington, and all other acts or parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter are hereby repealed: Provided, If any section of this act should be declared unconstitutional, it shall not affect any other section or part of section thereof. (Passed the House March 3, 1913. Passed the Senate March 7;, 1913. Approved by the Governor March 19, 1913. Sec. 53, Chap. 120, Laws 1913.)INDEX TO SUBJECTS. GAME WARDENS. Sec. Page Chief Game Warden, duties and powers 2 9 County Game Warden, duties and powers 3 11 County Game Warden, execution of writs 10 15 Deputy County Game Warden, bond. . 11 15 Searches—Possession evidence of violation 14 17 State Game Warden, execution of writs 10 15 COUNTY GAME COMMISSION. Collection and diffusion of statistics par. 2 4 12 Construction and control of fish hatcheries par. 3 4 12 County Game Commission . . 1 9 County Game Commission, duties 4 11 County Game Commission, report of 8 14 County Game Commission, powers 9 15 County Game Commission, execution of writs 10 15 Enforce laws of state and county par. 1 4 11 Seizure and disposition of game birds, etc par. 6 4 12 Set aside certain parts of counties as game pre- serves par. 7 4 12 GAME LAWS OTHER THAN RELATING TO FISH. Attempted violations 106 58 Beavers, killing prohibited 67 43 Birds—bag limit 43 31 Birds, how may be killed. 44 31 Birds, possession limited to own use 45 31 Birds, sale prohibited 45 31 Birds, sale of song birds prohibited 46 32 Birds, unlawful to ship or carry 59 41 Bounties—(see BOUNTIES BY STATE). Birds, molesting on Lake Washington 32 24 Birds, on certain islands, hunting prohibited 30 23 Birds, property of state 26 21 Birds, contraband, when 16 18 Birds, other than game birds unlawful to kill 88 50 Birds, what are game birds 91 51 Birds, destroying fruit or grain not included 96 53 Birds, when may be taken, grouse, pheasant, quail, etc. 40 2860 Index to Subjects Sec. Page Birds, when may be taken, limited to all counties except Spokane, lying east of western boundaries of Okanogan county, etc...................................... 4'0 28 Birds, game, unlawful to hunt................................. 49 33 Birds, unlawful to hunt, take or pursue, penalty........ 40 28 Birds, taken outside of state unlawful to have........... 47 33 Birds, game shipping from San Juan and Island counties prohibited ............................................. 62 42 Birds, game, shipping from San Juan and Island counties, separate offense for each shipment..................... 62 42 Birds, breeders of quail, pheasants, etc...................... 64 43 Birds, hunting on certain islands prohibited.................. 30 23 Birds, applies to wild game birds only........................ 65 43 Birds, game, sale of prohibited............................... 35 25 Deer or caribou, etc., when may be killed................... 53 34 Deer or caribou, may ship, when............................. 53 34 Deer or caribou, hunting on certain islands prohibited 30 23 Deer or caribou, may be had in possession, number of. 53 34 Deer or caribou, limited to Okanogan county................. 53 34 Deer, moose, elk, caribou, antelope, goats, killing for hides prohibited ......................................... 54 36 Deer or caribou, etc., killing of, penalty.................. 53 34 Deer on islands, hunting of ................................ 29 23 Deer or caribou, penalty for hunting on certain islands 31 23 Deer on islands, open season, October....................... 29 23 Deer on islands, hunting on certain islands prohibited 30 23 Deer, etc., penalty for violating............................. 31 23 Deer or caribou, etc., property of state.................... 26 21 Deer or caribou, etc., when contraband...................... 16 18 Device, contraband, nets, seines, lanterns, etc............... 17 18 Ducks, snipe, swan, plover, killing prohibited ............... 42 30 Ducks, snipe, swan, plover, etc., limited as to counties (swan excepted)......................................... 42 30 Ducks, geese, brant, etc., bag limit..................... 43 31 Ducks, geese, brant, etc., shall be hunted, how............ 44 31 Ducks, geese, brant, or other water fowl, unlawful to hunt on Columbia or Snake rivers in certain counties ........................................................* 51 34 Ducks, geese, brant, etc., penalty for unlawful hunting on Columbia or Snake rivers.................... 52 34 Ducks, geese, brant, etc., sale unlawful.................. 46 32 Ducks, geese, brant, shipping or carrying unlawful... 59 41 Ducks, geese, brant, etc., taken outside state, unlawful to have in possession..................................... 47 33 Ducks, geese, brant, etc., possession unlawful................ 58 40Index to Subjects 61 Sec. Page Dogs, use of prohibited.................................. 28 22 Ducks, geese or brant, sneak boats, sink boxes, etc., prohibited .............................................. 37 26 Exportation of game birds, animals and fish, prohibited 61 41 English or hawk sparrow, jays or magpies not within protection of laws....................................... 96 53 Establishment of game preserves in Pierce county............. 5 13 Ensnaring and trapping, prohibited........................... 39 27 Elk, killing prohibited. .................................... 53 34 Fire-arms, discharge of, prohibited.......................... 35 25 Fire hunting, trapping and ensnaring, prohibited............. 39 27 Fines, disposition of.................................... 20 20 (Same) .............................................. 21 20 Fund, state ................................................. 55 36 Female elk or moose, killing or having in possession. 53 34 Game, property of state...................................... 26 21 Game, taken from state, prohibited...........................47,61 33,41 Game preserves, Island, Lake Washington, and Pierce counties................................................. 5 13 Game preserves, publication of order creating................ 6 14 penalty for violations............................... 7 14 Game, sale of prohibited.....................................45-46 31-32 Game birds, sale of prohibited.,............................. 35 25 Game, contraband, seizure ................................... 16 18 Game, possession presumptive evidence of guilt............... 48 33 Game fund, state use of................................. 55 36 Game birds, imported, unlawful to hunt................. 49 33 Game taken outside of state, possession unlawful........ 47 33 Geese, brant and other water fowl, bag limit............ 43 31 (Same) . ............................................ 44 31 Grouse, pheasants, etc., when may be taken................... 40 28 Game may be shipped within state, when....................... 61 41 Geese, brant, and other water fowl, hunting prohibited on Columbia and Snake rivers............................. 51 34 Grouse, partridge, prairie chicken, etc., killing prohibited, when .............................................. 40 28 Grouse, pheasant and quail, etc., may be killed.............. 40 28 Grouse, pheasnnt and quail, etc., may be killed in certain counties, when......................................... 40 28 Grouse, pheasant and quail, bag limit ....................... 41 30 Hides, killing for, prohibited........................... 54 36 Hunting on certain islands, prohibited. . ............... 30 23 penalty for violating last section................... 31 23 Hunting prohibited on island game preserves.................. 34 2462 Index to Subjects Sec. Page Hunting on Lake Washington, prohibited....................... 32 24 Hotels, restaurants, etc., inspection........................ 13 16 Inspection of hotels, restaurants, etc................... 13 16 Justice of the peace, jurisdiction........................... 90 51 Jurisdiction—Courts ......................................... 90 51 Lights, hunting with......................................... 60 41 License, for hunting......................................... 56 37 License, unlawful to hunt or fish without................. 56 37 License, penalty for hunting without......................... 56 37 License, unnecessary for women and children.................. 56 37 License, application for .................................... 57 39 License to aliens to carry fire-arms......................... 58 40 License, non-residents ...................................... 56 37 Moneys, disposition of....................................... 21 20 Nets, devices, public nuisances.............................. 82 48 Non-residents may take fish beyond state for personal use, when ............................................... 81 48 Nests, destroying or removing eggs from, prohibited. 27 22 Nest robbery may be permitted for scientific purposes. 94 52 Obstructing commission ...................................... 23 20 Oath, State, County and Deputy Game Wardens may administer .............................................. 24 21 Offense ..................................................... 105 58 Pheasants and other birds, killing prohibited, when... 40 28 Possession of game animals and game birds.................... 48 33 Possession of game animals and game birds for use only, when permitted .......................................... 45 31 Partridge, Hungarian, unlawful to kill....................... 40 28 Partridge, California ....................................... 40 28 Repealing and saving clause.................................. 107 58 Resisting commission, etc.................................... 25 21 Rewards, who entitled to for complaint....................... 22 20 Sneak boats—use of, misdemeanor—definition................... 37 26 Sale of game birds or animals unlawful....................... 46 32 Searches—possession evidence of violation.................... 14 17 Shipping of game birds from San Juan or Island counties, prohibited ............................................ 62 42 Each shipment separate offense............................... 63 43 Not applicable to breeders................................... 64 43 Song birds, selling of prohibited............................ 46 32 Sale of game birds, fish or animals permitted for propagation purposes only....................................... 66 43 Sawdust, casting in rivers and streams....................... 87 50 penalty ............................................. 89 50Index to Subjects 63 Sec. Page Sales and possession of game and game birds and game fish prohibited ........................................ 59 41 Scientific purposes, certificate for........................ 95 52 Terms defined—agency no excuse.............................. 12 16 Unlawful to discharge rifle in Pierce county preserve 36 26 Violation—misdemeanor ...................................... 15 17 WILD BIRDS OTHER THAN GAME BIRDS. Killing or possession of, prohibited........................ 91 51 Destruction of nests and eggs, prohibited................... 92 51 Penalty relating to above................................... 93 52 Penalty, scientific purposes exception...................... 94 52 Scientific purposes, certificate for..................... 95 52 Scientists excepted ........................................ 94 52 Sale of song birds prohibited............................... 46 32 Penalty relating to above................................... 89 50 Wild birds other than game birds, what are.................. 91 51 Seagulls, protection of..................................... 88 50 Specimens, exchange ........................................ 19 19 Searches .................................................... 14 17 Testimony, who may testify.................................. 18 19 GAME LAWS RELATING TO THE TAKING OF FISH. Bass, perch, bull head, when unlawful to take............... 68 44 Bass and croppies—bag limit in Clarke county................ 77 46 Bass or perch in waters of Silver Lake in Cowlitz county ................................................. 78 47 Bass or perch in waters of Silver Lake in Cowlitz county, number that may be taken........................ 78 47 Bass or perch in waters of Silver Lake in Cowlitz county may be taken only with hook and line............. 78 47 Bass, perch, pickerel to be taken only with hook and line ................................................... 78 47 Bass, perch, pickerel and pike, closed season certain counties ............................................... 73 45 Bass, perch, etc., number may be taken...................... 71 45 (Same) .............................................. 72 45 Citizenship, how determined—(see General Fish Laws). Citizenship, certificate of, fee for—(see General Fish Laws). Corrupting waters containing fish........................... 87 50 Explosives, use of prohibited............................... 85 49 Fish, protection of in Clarke county........................ 77 46 Fish taken beyond boundaries of state for personal use, number .................................................. 81 48 Fish, sale of prohibited except for propagation purposes 66 4364 Sec. Page Fishways, to be provided.................................... 86 49 Fishways, taking fish near, unlawful........................ 83 49 (Same) ............................................. 84 49 Game fish, possession unlawful ............................. 48 33 Game fish, taken outside state, unlawful to have in possession ............................................. 47 33 Game fish, sale prohibited, except.......................... 79 47 Game fish, when may be taken................................ 68 44 Game fish, number may be taken.............................. 71 45 (Same) ............................................. 72 45 Game fish, in counties lying east of western boundary of Okanogan, when may be taken (does not apply to Garfield and Columbia counties)...................... 75 46 Trout, minimum size to be taken.......................... 80 47 Trout, penalty ............................................. 76 46 Trout, sale prohibited...................................... 79 47 Witnesses, may be without incrimination..................... 18 19 BOUNTIES FOR CERTAIN ANIMALS BY STATE. By State ................................................... 97 53 Evidence of killing, scalps................................. 98 54 Fraud—Penalty .............................................. 99 54 State to credit county for bounties paid.................... 100 54 Seals and sea lions, amount of bounty....................... 101 55 Affidavit of killing........................................ 102 55 Surrender of scalps, certificate, scalps to be destroyed. . 103 56 Scalp, what is.............................................. 104 58 SK '' • V <9 ' Washington (State) 355 Laws relating to game W3 and game fisK ... 1913 SK 355 W3 1913 SuzzALLo/Allen General Stacks