CITY OF SEATTLE ENGINEER’S DEPARTMENT CEDAR RIVER WATER SUPPLY Swan Lake Dams Plans, Proposals, Specifications and ContractCITY OF SEATTLE ENGINEER’S DEPARTMENT CEDAR RIVER WATER SUPPLY Swan Lake Dams Proposals, Specifications and Contract SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 19 2 0CITY OF SEATTLE ENGINEER’S DEPARTMENT CEDAR RIVER WATER SUPPLY Swan Lake Dams Proposals, Specifications and Contract A. H. Dimock, M. Am. Soc. C. E., City Engineer. T. H. Carver, M. Am. Soc. C. E., Water Supply Engineer. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 19 2 0FOREWORD The City of Seattle proposes to make certain additions to and extensions of its existing Cedar River Water Supply System. An Impounding Reservoir will be constructed at Swan Lake; the elevation of the water being raised about twenty feet and the flow from the existing Cedar River Pipe Lines being diverted into the basin. The Impounding Reservoir will be connected with the existing Cedar River Pipe Lines and the stored water delivered to the various reservoirs in the City. It is also proposed to increase the capacity of the supply pipes by constructing a third line to Volunteer Park, where the reservoir capacity will be increased by the building of a second basin. The work to be contracted for under these specifications includes the construction of two earth dams at Swan Lake. sfe These Plans and Specifications were prepared by the City Engineer of the City of Seattle, and were presented to the Board of Public Works at a session held October 15th, 1920, were duly approved and were ordered placed on file in the office of the Secretary of said Board. The official advertisement was thereupon ordered to be printed in the official paper, beginning November 16th, 1920.6 Cedar River Water Supply official advertisement NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS: Swan Lake Dams. Sealed proposals Avill be received by the Board of Public Works, of the City of Seattle, up to 10 o’clock A. M., Friday, December 3rd, 1920, in Room 234, County-Citv Building, for the construction of two earth dams at Swan Lake. The said work is authorized by Ordinance No. 37520 as amended by Ordinance No. 37622, 37660, 38506 and -10634. Each bid must be accompanied by money, a satisfactory surety company bond approved by the Mayor and City Comptroller as to sufficiency and the Corporation Counsel as to form, or a certified check payable to the order of the City Comptroller of the City of Seattle for a sum not less than five (5) per cent of the total amount of the bid, and no bid will be considered unless so accompanied. Special attention of bidders is called to the State Law and City Charter regarding the number of hours constituting a day’s work and minimum wage scale. The Board of Public Works reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Proposals must be endorsed on envelope: “Bid for Swan Lake Dams.” By order of the Board of Public Works. C. B. Bagley, Secretary. Date of first publication in The Daily Journal of Commerce, Seattle, November 16th, 1920.Swan Lake Dams 7 ORDINANCE no. 40634 AN ORDINANCE relating to and providing for additions and betterments to, and extensions of, the existing water supply system of the City of Seattle, and amending Ordinance No. 37520, entitled: “An Ordinance providing for additions and betterments to or extensions of, the existing water supply system of the City of Seattle, and specifying and adopting a plan or system therefor, declaring the estimated cost thereof as nearly as may be, providing for the issuance and sale of interest bearing coupon bonds to pay therefor, and for the creation of a special fund into which shall be paid certain revenues of such water supply system to pay the principal and interest of such bonds, and providing for the terms and conditions of said bonds and for their sale,” approved July 13th, 1917, as amended by Ordinances Numbered 37622, approved August 13th, 1917; 37660, approved August 30, 1917, and 38506, approved June 4th, 1918. Be It Ordained by the City of Seattle as follows: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 37520, entitled: ‘‘An ordinance providing for additions and betterments to or extensions of the existing water suply system of the City of Seattle, and specifying and adopting a plan or system therefor, declaring the estimated cost thereof as nearly as may be, providing for the issuance and sale of interest bearing coupon bonds to pay therefor, and for the creation of a special fund into which shall be paid certain revenues of such water supply system to pay the principal and interest of such bonds, and providing for the terms and conditions of said bonds and for their sale,” approved July 13th, 1917, as amended by Ordinances Numbered 37622, approved August 13th, 1917; 37660, approved August 30, 1917, and 38506, approved June 4th, 1918, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 1. That the increased consumption of water in the City of Seattle, and the necessity of insuring the safety and security of the supply of water to the City, requires the construction of certain additions and betterments to, and extensions of, the existing water supply system now furnishing the City with water; and that the gross revenues to be derived from the said system, including the additions and betterments thereto, and extensions thereof, herein provided for, at the rates charged and to be charged upon the entire system, will, in the judgment of the City Council and corporate authorities of the City, be sufficient to meet all expenses of operation and maintenance, including the operation and maintenance of the proposed additions, betterments and extensions; and to provide all proportions or parts of revenues previously pledged to funds for the payment of bonds, warrants and other indebtedness, with the interest thereon; and to permit the setting aside into a special fund out of the gross revenues of the entire system amounts sufficient to pay the interest on the bonds hereby authorized to be issued, as such interest becomes due and payable, and to pay and redeem all of such bonds at maturity. Section 2. That the City of Seattle hereby specifies and adopts the plan or system hereinafter set forth for making the additions and betterments to and extensions of the existing water suply system of said city, to-wit: The City of Seattle shall construct an impounding reservoir, having a capacity of not less than four billion (4,000,000,000) gallons of water, at Swan Lake in Township Twenty-two (22) and Township Twenty-three (23) North, Range Five (5) East, W. M., and Township Twenty-two (22) and Township Twenty-three (23) North, Range Six (6) East, W. M., together with the necessary dams, inlets, overflows, diverting conduits and appurtenant works; a conduit having a capacity to deliver not less than one hundred fifty million (150,000,000) gallons of water daily leading from Swan Lake to a point in the northwest one-quarter (NW1^) of Section Twenty-seven (27), Township Twenty-three (23) North, Range Five (5) East, W. M.; an intake tower at the upper or intake end of the above said conduit; the necessary screening and controlling works at the lower or discharge end of the above said conduit in the northwest one-quarter (NW1^) of Section Twenty-seven (27), Township Twenty-three (23) North, Range Five (5) East, W. M.; two pipe lines connecting the above said screening and controlling works with the existing pipe lines at a point in the northwest one-quarter (NW1^) of Section Twenty-seven8 Cedar River Wateb Supply (27), Township Twenty-three (23) North, Range .Five (5) East, W. M.; a conduit having a capacity to deliver not less than fifty million (50,000,000) gallons of water daily leading from the above said screening and controlling works to Volunteer Park Reservoir in the City of Seattle; a controlling water tower or standpipe at or near the intersection of Beacon Avenue and Moore Street in the City of Seattle; an enlargement of and addition to the Volunteer Park Reservoir in the City of Seattle by the addition of a second basin thereto of sufficient size to increase the total storage capacity to approximately sixty million (60,000,000) gallons and including as a part of the said additions, betterments and extensions, the acquisition of all lands, rights of way, rights, privileges and other property necessary for the proper construction, maintenance and operation of the proposed additions, betterments and extensions, and for protecting and insuring the purity of the waters to be stored in the proposed impounding reservoir at Swan Lake; the acquisition of the necessary lands for a site for an intermediate service distributing reservoir and for a low service distributing reservoir in Section Tliirty-one (31), Township Twenty-four (24) North, Range Four (4) East, W. M., in the City of Seattle; the acquisition of a right of way for a pipe line leading from the intersection of Beacon Avenue and Moore Street in the City of Seattle, to the above said reservoir site in Section Thirty-one (31), Township Twenty-four (24) North, Range Four (4) East, W. M. That the estimated cost of the plan or system herein described is declared as near as may be to be the sum of Six Million ($6,000,000.00) Dollars. Section 3. That, in order to carry out the plan or system specified and adopted in Section Two of the ordinance, the City of Seattle shall issue and sell its negotiable bonds in an amount not exceeding Six Million ($6,000,000.00) Dollars, which said bonds shall be issued in such amounts, and from time to time, as the City Council may by resolution direct, and shall bear the date of their issue. Each installment of said bonds as issued from time to time shall constitute and be designated as a series, followed by a distinctive numeral, from one up, in the order of the issuance of said installments. The bonds of each series shall be numbered from one up consecutively, and shall mature lowest numbers first, in equal amounts, annually, commencing six years and ending twenty years after the date of the bonds of said series. The City of Seattle reserves the right to redeem all or any of the unmatured bonds herein authorized six (6) years from the respective dates thereof, or on any interest payment date thereafter: provided thirty (30) days previous notice of such intended redemption shall have been mailed to the holder of said bonds if registered, or, if not registered, shall have been filed at the places of payment provided in said bonds; and interest on any bonds so noticed for redemption shall cease on the date named, and the coupons representing interest subsequently to accrue shall be void. Said bonds shall be in denominations of not less than One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars, nor more than One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars, as the City Council may by resolution determine; and shall bear interest not exceeding six (6) per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, for which interest coupons shall be attached to and be a part of said bonds. Both principal and interest on said bonds shall be payable in gold coin of the United States, of the present standard of weight and fineness, at the place therein designated. Said bonds shall be an obligation only against the special fund created and established in Section Four of this ordinance. Section 4. That there be, and hereby is, created and established a special fund to be called “Cedar River Water Supply Fund of Seattle, 1920,” which fund is to be drawn upon for the sole purpose of paying the principal and interest of said bonds. From and after the date of such bonds, and so long thereafter as obligations are outstanding against such fund, the City Treasurer of said City of Seattle shall set aside and pay into such fund from time to time, not less than thirty (30) days prior to the respective dates on which interest, or principal and interest, of said bonds shall become due and payable, certain fixed amounts out of the gross revenues of the entire water supply system of the Cit}^ of Seattle now belonging to, or which may hereafter belong to, said City, including the additions, betterments and extensions herein provided for, equivalent to the amount of interest, or principal and interest, as the case may be, so falling due upon any and all bonds issued hereunder, and then outstanding; and the said revenues are hereby pledged to such payments of interest and principal, which shall constitute a charge upon such rev-Swan Lake Dams 9 enues prior and superior to all other charges whatsoever, including charges for maintenance and operation, save and except the charges upon such revenues heretofore created for the payment of principal and interest of One Million, Eight Thousand ($1,008,000) Dollars Cedar River Water Supply Bonds, Series No. 2, and Seventy-five Thousand ($75,000) Dollars Cedar River Water Supply Bonds, Series No. 3; and save and except the charges upon such revenues sufficient to pay warrants drawn upon the Water Fund of the City of Seattle, issued prior to the taking effect of this ordinance. The City Treasurer is hereby directed to make payment of the said bonds and coupons herein authorized as the same fall due from the moneys in said Cedar River Water Supply Fund of Seattle, 1920, and from no other sources. The payment of such bonds and coupons as they fall due is hereby declared to be the only charge which has been made upon such fund, or which will ever be made thereon, until all of such bonds and the interest thereon shall have been fully paid. The City of Seattle hereby binds itself not to sell, lease or in any manner dispose of, the water supply system now belonging to it, or which may hereafter belong to it, including the additions, betterments and extensions herein provided for, until all obligations outstanding against, or payable from, the special fund hereby created shall have been paid in full; or, in case it shall sell or dispose of the same before such payment, not to make any such sale or disposition without then or theretofore providing that from the proceeds of such sale or disposition, after the payment of all prior charges, there shall be placed in such special fund a sum sufficient in amount to discharge, and to be used for no other purpose than the discharge of, principal and interest of all bonds issued hereunder and then remaining unpaid; and not in any event to sell or dispose of such water suply system or substantial part thereof, for a sum less than enough to discharge and pay the bonds herein authorized, and the interest thereon. The City of Seattle further binds itself to establish and maintain such rates of charges for water as will provide sufficient revenues to permit the payment of said sums into such special fund, which the City has pledged to be set aside for the payment of principal and interest, as herein provided to be applied to the payment of the principal and interest of the bonds herein authorized, until such bonds shall have been paid in full; and in addition thereto, all costs of operation and maintenance for which any revenues of such system have heretofore been pledged. Section 5. The form of said bonds and coupons shall be substantially as follows: No.................. $.............. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING THE CITY OF SEATTLE SEATTLE WATER EXTENSION BOND, 1920 SERIES NO............................. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the City of Seattle, in the County of King, State of Washington, is justly indebted, and for value received hereby promises to pay to the bearer, or if registered, to the registered holder hereof, on the first day of ......................................, 19....the principal sum of................................. Dollars ($.................), with interest thereon at the rate of ............ per cent (.........) per annum, payable semi-annually on the first days of........................ and ................. in each year, upon the presentation and surrender of the annexed interest coupons. Both principal and interest of this bond are payable in gold coin of the United States of America, of the present standard of weight and fineness, at the City Treasurer’s office in the City of Seattle, or at the Washington Fiscal Agency in New York City, at the option of the holder, solely out of the special fund of the City of Seattle known as “Cedar River Water Supply Fund of Seattle, 1920,” which fund can be used for no other purpose than the payment of principal and interest on the issue of bonds of which this is one. The said10 Cedab River Water Supply fund has been created, and the said issue of bonds authorized, by Ordinance No. 37520, approved July 13th, 1917, as amended by Ordinances Numbered 37622, approved August 13th, 1917; 37660, approved August 30th, 1917; 38506, approved June 4th, 1918; and ........................, approved ........................................., 1920, which ordinance provides for semi-annual payments into the said fund from the gross revenues of the entire water supply system of the City of Seattle, including any additions or betterments to, and extensions of, said system which may be hereafter acquired, of sufficient funds to meet the principal and interest of this issue of bonds as they fall due. The City of Seattle hereby covenants with the holder of this bond that it will keep and perform all the covenants and promises in the said ordinance contained, to be by it kept and performed. The City of Seattle does hereby irrevocably obligate and bind itself to pay from such gross revenues into said special fund, thirty (30) days prior to the respective dates upon which interest, or principal and interest, of the bonds of this issue shall become due, a sum equal to the amounts of such interest, or such principal and interest, as the case may be, even though the balance of such gross revenues then remaining, after the payment from such revenues of the amount or proportional part thereof previously pledged to funds for the payment of other obligation may be insufficient to pay the cost of maintaining and operating said system, and said additions, betterments and extensions. The City of Seattle further binds itself to establish and maintain rates for water service which shall provide sufficient revenues to permit the payment into such special fund of the said sums which the City has pledged to be set aside for the payment of interest, and principal and interest, as provided in such ordinance to be applied to the payment of principal and interest of the bonds authorized by said ordinance, until such bonds have been paid in full. This bond is one of an issue of bonds not exceeding Six Million ($6,000,000) Dollars, issued or to be issued by the City of Seattle under the authority of its Charter, and the laws and constitution of Washington, and in particular Chapter 150 of the Laws of Washington, 1909, as amended, for the purpose of providing funds for additions and betterments to, and extensions of the existing water supply system of said City; and this bond has been issued in full compliance with the said charter, laws and constitution. This bond is subject to registration as to principal, or as to both principal and interest, in accordance with the provisions endorsed thereon. The City of Seattle reserves the right to redeem all of any unmatured bonds of this series six (6) years from the respective dates thereof, or on any interest payment date thereafter; provided thirty (30) days previous notice of such intended redemption shall have been mailed to the holder hereof, if registered, and, if not registered, shall have been filed at the place of payment herein provided, and interest upon any bond so noticed for redemption shall cease on the date named, and the coupons representing interest subsequently to accrue shall be void. It is hereby certified and recited that all acts, conditions and things required to be done precedent to, and in, the issuance of this bond have happened, been done and performed, as required by law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said The City of Seattle, by authority of its City Council, has caused this bond to be sealed with its seal, signed by its Mayor, and attested by its City Comptroller and ex-Officio City Clerk, and has caused the coupons annexed hereto to be signed with a facsimile of the signature of said officers, all as of the................... ................. day of ................................., 19..... Attest: .............................................. Mayor. City Comptroller and ex-Officio City Clerk.Swan Lake Dams (FORM OF COUPON) No............. On .........................................., 19..., The City of Seattle, Washington, will pay to bearer, at the office of the City Treasurer of the City of Seattle, or at the Washington Fiscal Agency in New York City, ............................... Dollars ($...................), in gold coin, solely from the special fund known as “Cedar River Water Supply Fund of Seattle, 1920,” said sum being six (6) months interest due that date on Seattle Water Extension Bond, 1920, Series No................... of The City of Seattle, dated... ............................ and numbered ........................................ Attest: ........................................... Mayor. City Comptroller and ex-Officio City Clerk. Section 6. That the said bonds shall be signed by the Mayor and attested by the City Comptroller and ex-Officio City Clerk, under the seal of the City, and each of said coupons shall be signed with a facsimile of the signatures of said officers; that on the reverse side of each bond shall be printed suitable forms for the registration of principal or of principal and interest, of the said bonds. Section 7. That the proceeds derived from the sale of the bonds herein authorized shall be placed in a fund which is hereby created and designated the “Cedar River Water Extension Utility Bond Fund, 1917,” and said proceeds shall be used solely to pay the cost and expense of the construction of the additions, betterments and extensions as herein specified and adopted. Section 8. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage and approval, if approved by the Mayor; otherwise it shall take effect at the time it shall become a law under the provisions of the City Charter. Passed the City Council the 8th day of March, 1920, and signed by me in open session in authentication of its passage this 8th day of March, 1920. W. D. LANE, President of the City Council Approved by me this 10th dav of March, 1920. C. B. FITZGERALD, Mayor Filed by me this 10th day of March, 1920. Attest: H. W. CARROLL, City Comptroller and Ex-Officio City Clerk. (Seal) By E. M. STREET, Deputy Clerk. Date of first publication in The Daily Journal of Commerce, Seattle, March 15, 1920.SPECIFICATIONS Proposal and Contract —for— Swan Lake Dams As Provided by Ordinance No. 37520. Amended by Ordinances No. 37622, No. 37660, No. 38506 and No. 40634. EXAMINED AND APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS of the City of Seattle, Washington, ................................, 1920. Chairman. Attest: Secretary.14 Cedar River Water Supply instructions to bidders Sealed proposals for the construction of Swan Lake Dams, Cedar River Water Supply, with necessary appurtenances, endorsed with the title of the work and the name of the bidder, will be received at the office of the Board of Public Works until 10 o’clock A. M., December 3rd, 1920. The said Board will proceed without unnecessary delay to award the contract for the above work to the lowest and best bidder, with adequate security, the right being reserved to reject any or all bids. Bidders must submit tenders for constructing both the “Dam at Outlet” and the “Dam at Inlet” but they may, at their option, bid on the construction of either of the dams as Hydraulic Fill or as Rolled Embankments. The Board of Public Works reserves the right of determining the method by which the dams shall be constructed after the bids are opened. Permission will not be given for the withdrawal, modification or explanation of any bid or proposal. The Board of Public Works is by the City Charter prohibited from entering into any contract for the doing of any work or labor, or the furnishing of any skill or material, with any person who. within two years prior thereto, shall have made default in the payment of any just claim for any work or labor performed, or for any skill or material furnished pursuant to any such contract with such party, or with any person who, within two years prior thereto, shall have made default in the payment of any just claim for any work or labor performed, or for any skill or material furnished pursuant to any such contract with such party, or with anv person who, within two years prior thereto, shall have assigned, abandoned, surrendered or failed to complete anv such contract, except as herein authorized, or who shall have failed to comply with any of the provisions of the City Charter relating to public works. Bidders are notified to thoroughly examine these specifications, the plans, the form of proposals and form of contract ; if there be any doubt or obscurity as to the meaning of anv part of the same, before making their proposals, intending bidders should ask the City Engineer for any explanation. If, after proposals are delivered to the Board of Public Works, anv difference of opinion shall arise as to the true intent and mpanin? of any part of these specifications or of the plans for this improvement, the decision of the City "Engineer shall be final and conclusive, and binding to all parties. Bidders are warned that nil bids which are defieierit in any of thp following requirements will be rejected as informal: (a^ All bids for this imnrovoment must bp madp upon the printed blanks provided thorpfor bv the Board of Public Works. (b) No bid will be received if detached from the form of contract with which it is bound, nor must anv of the accompanying papprs be detaehed therefrom: hut the entire naekasre must he unbroken and in jjood order, and enclosed in a sealed envelope when thp bid is dppositpd. Tntendiner bidders should ask for the form of contract upon the basis of which thpv desire to make proposals and the successful bidder will he required to enter into the eontraet whieh is attaehpd to his proposal for this improvpmpnt. fc') Bids must bp madp on pverv item noted on the blanks for proposals nrovided for this improvement. The price must be stated, both in words and figures. in the respective eolumns provided for the same on said blanks. (d) All bids shall be accompanied bv a certified check pavahle to the order of the City Comptroller, or a suretv bond for a snm of not less than five per cent (5%) of thp amount of the bid. and no bid shall be eonsidpred unlpss accompanied by such eheek orSwan Lake Dams 15 surety bond, and, if the contract be let, all checks or surety bonds shall be returned to the bidders, except that of the successful bidder, which shall be retained until a contract be entered into for making this improvement between the bidder and the City, in accordance with such bid. If the said bidder fails to enter into such contract in accordance with his bid within ten days from the date on which he is notified that he is the successful bidder, the said check and the amount thereof shall be forfeited to the City, or, if a surety bond accompanied the bid, the necessary legal steps will be taken by the City to recover an amount equal to five per cent (5%) of the amount of the bid. Before such contracts between the successful bidder and the City shall be valid and binding against the City of Seattle, the Contractor shall enter into a .joint and several bond with the City of Seattle, for the use of said City, and also for the use of all persons who may perform or cause to be performed any work or labor or furnish or cause to be furnished any skill, labor or materials in the execution of such contract, which bond shall be in the amount fixed by the Board of Public Works, but not less than twenty-five per cent (25%) of the contract price agreed to be paid for the performance of such contract.16 Cedar River Water Supply BILL OF MATERIAL These quantities are approximate and will be used as a means of comparing bids on a uniform basis. DAM AT OUTLET Clearing and Grubbing Dam Site Clearing and Grubbing Borrow Pits Surface Stripping Dam Site Surface Stripping Borrow Pits Hydraulic Fill or Rolled Embankment Trench Excavation Tunnel Filling Filling Test Pits Concrete Blocking Laying 30 inch Cast Iron Pipe Thirty inch Valve Chamber Rip Rap Concrete Slope Lining Lumber DAM AT INLET Clearing and Grubbing Dam Site Clearing and Grubbing Borrow Pits Surface Stripping Dam Site Surface Stripping Borrow Pits Hydraulic Fill or Rolled Embankment Trench Excavation Filling Test Pits Concrete Blocking Laying 20 inch Cast Iron Pipe Rip Rap Concrete Slope Lining Lumber 2 Acres 2 Acres 6.000 Cu. Yds. 4.000 Cu. Yds. 24,400 Cu. Yds. 1,200 Cu. Yds. 200 Cu. Yds. 100 Cu. Yds. 50 Cu. Yds. 180 Lin. Ft. 1 Only 200 Cu. Yds. 650 Cu. Yds. 2 M. Ft, B. M. 1 Acre 1 Acre 2,600 Cu. Yds. 2.000 Cu. Yds. 10,500 Cu. Yds. 300 Cu. Yds. 50 Cu. Yds. 25 Cu. Yds. 150 Lin. Ft. 100 Cu. Yds. 300 Cu. Yds. 1 M. Ft. B. M.Swan Lake Dams 17 PROPOSAL Seattle, Washington, ........................... To the Board of Public Works of the City of Seattle: The undersigned certif.......that.................... ha......... personally and carefully examined the ordinances, plans, specifications, advertisement, general clauses, proposal and contract for the construction of Swan Lake Dams, that .................. full understand........ the manner in which payment is proposed to be made for the cost of said construction, and, having made the necessary examinations, hereby propose........... to furnish all material and to perform all labor which may be essential and necessary or which may be required, to complete said work within the time fixed, in accordance with said plans and specifications, and upon the terms and conditions provided in said ordinances, specifications, contract, etc.. •• , at the following prices, to-wit:DAM AT OUTLET—HYDRAULIC FILL ITEMS Written Amount. Bidder Must Write in Words “Dollars” and “Cents” DOLLARS Clearing and Grubbing Dam Site Per Acre Clearing and Grubbing Borrow Pits Per Acre Surface Stripping Dam Site Per Cu. Yd. Surface Stripping Borrow Pits Per Cu. Yd. Hydraulic Fill Embankment Per Cu. Yd. Trench Excavation Per , Cu. Yd. Tunnel Filling Per Cu. Yd. Filling Test Pits Per Cu. Yd. Concrete Blocking Per Ou. Yd. Laying 30 Inch Cast Iron Pipe Per Lin. Ft. Thirty Inch Valve Chamber Each Rip Rap Per Cu. Yd. Concrete Slope Lining Per Cu. Yd. Lumber Per M. Ft. Cedar River Water SupplyDAM AT OUTLET—ROLLED EMBANKMENT. ITEMS Written Amount. Bidder Must Write in Words ‘ ‘ Dollars ’ ’ and ‘ ‘ Cents ’ ’ DOLLARS Clearing and Grubbing Dam Site Per Acre Clearing and Grubbing Borrow Pits Per Acre Surface Stripping Dam Site Per Cu. Yd. Surface Stripping Borrow Pits Per Cu. Yd. Rolled Embankment Per Cu. Yd. Trench Excavation Per Cu. Yd. Tunnel Filling Per Cu. Yd. Filling Test Pits Per Cu. Yd. Concrete Blocking Per Cu. Yd. Laying 30 Inch Cast Iron Pipe Per Lin. Ft. Thirty Inch Valve Chamber Each Rip Rap Per Cu. Yd. Concrete Slope Lining Per Cu. Yd. Lumber Per M. Ft. Swan Lake DamsDAM AT INLET—HYDRAULIC FILL ITEMS Written Amount. Bidder Must Write in Words “Dollars” and “Cents” DOLLARS Clearing and Grubbing Dam Site Per Acre Cleai g and Grubbing Borrow Pits Per Acre Sur < Stripping Dam Site Per Cu. Yd. Surface Stripping Borrow Pits Per Cu. Yd. Hydraulic Fill Embankment Per Cu. Yd. Trench Excavation Per Cu. Yd. Filling Test Pits Per Cu. Yd. Concrete Blocking Per Cu. Yd. Laying 20 Inch Cast Iron Pipe Per Lin. Ft. Rip Rap Per Cu. Yd. Concrete Slope Lining Per Cu. Yd. Lumber Per M. Ft. Cedar River Water SupplyDAM AT INLET—ROLLED EMBANKMENT ITEMS Written Amount. Bidder Must Write in Words “Dollars” and “Cents” DOLLARS Clearing and Grubbing Dam Site Per Acre Clearing and Grubbing Borrow Pits Per Acre Surface Stripping Dam Site Per Cu. Yd. Surface Stripping Borrow Pits Per Cu. Yd. Rolled Embankment Per Cu. Yd. Trench Excavation Per Cu. Yd. Filling Test Pits Per Cu. Yd. Concrete Blocking Per Cu. Yd. Laying 20 Inch Cast Iron Pipe Per Lin. Ft. Rip Rap Per Cu. Yd. Concrete Slope Lining Per Cu. Yd. Lumber Per M. Ft. Address Contractor. Tel. No - By Swan Lake Dams22 Cedar River Water Supply contract This Contract, made this of ......................., A. D. 1920, by and between the City of Seattle, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Washington, party of the first part, and ................................. part.... of the second part, WITNESSETH: Section 1. That the said part..... of the second part agree...... to construct the Swan Lake Dams, as ordered by Ordinance No. 37520, amended by Ordinance No. 37622, Ordinance No. 37660. Ordinance No. 38506, and Ordinance No. 40634, in all respects in accordance with the plans now on file in the office of the City Engineer of said City and in accordance with plans, specifications and stipulations hereto attached which, by express reference thereto, are hereby made a part hereof. Said construction shall be done under the superintendence of the City Engineer and shall be subject to acceptance and approval by the Board of Public Works of said City, and the same shall be completed within the time fixed in the annexed specifications and stipulations under the penalty therein provided. Said part..... of the second part shall furnish all skill, labor and material required for the complete performance of this contract and shall produce a complete and finished structure. Section 2. That said party of the first part shall pay to said part....... of the second part for said construction at the following rates, to-wit:DAM AT OUTLET ITEMS WRITTEN AMOUNT DOLLARS Clearing and Grubbing Dam Site Per Acre Clearing and Grubbing Borrow Pits Per Acre Surface Stripping Dam Site Per Cu. Yd. Surface Stripping Borrow Pits Per Cu. Yd. Hydraulic Fill Embankment Per Cu. Yd. Rolled Fill Embankment Per Cu. Yd. Trench Excavation Per Cu. Yd. Tunnel Filling Per Cu. Yd. Filling Test Pits Per Cu. Yd. Concrete Blocking Per Cu. Yd. Laying 30 Inch Cast Iron Pipe Per Lin. Ft. Thirty Inch Valve Chamber Each Rip Rap Per Cu. Yd. Concrete Slope Lining Per Cu. Yd. Lumber Per M. Ft. tsD CO Swan Lake Damsto DAM AT INLET ITEMS WRITTEN AMOUNT DOLLARS Clearing and Grubbing Dam Site Per Acre Clearing and Grubbing Borrow Pits Per Acre Surface Stripping Dam Site Per Cu. Yd. Surface Stripping Borrow Pits Per Cu. Yd. Hydraulic Fill Embankment Per Cu. Yd. Rolled Fill Embankment Per Cu. Yd. Trench Excavation Per Cu. Yd. Filling Test Pits Per Cu. Yd. Concrete Blocking Per Cu. Yd. Laying 20 Inch Cast Iron Pipe Per Lin. Ft. Rip Rap Per Cu. Yd. Concrete Slope Lining Per Cu. Yd. Lumber Per M. Ft, Cedar River Water SupplySwan Lake Dams 25 Section 3. That all payments shall be made by warrants drawn on the Cedar River Water Extension Utility Bond Fund, 1917, and not otherwise, and the part.................. of the second part agree...... to look solely to said funds for the payment of said construction. Section 4. That the City Engineer or Board of Public Works shall have the right to diminish, increase or eliminate any of the items given in the approximate list of quantities furnished by the City Engineer either before or after commencement of the work and such changes shall not constitute a claim for loss of anticipated profits. Section 5. That during the time allowed in the contract for the completion of the work and oil or about the 25th day of the month following the issuance of the estimate by the City Engineer, the Comptroller shall deliver to the Contractor a warrant in an amount equal to seventy per cent (70%) of such estimate, and the balance of said contract price, being thirty per cent (30%) of such estimate, shall be retained for a period of thirty days after the final completion of the construction, and no construction shall be deemed completed until the Board of Public Works shall have filed with the City Comptroller a statement signed by a majority of them, declaring the same to have been completed. But neither said statement nor any acceptance of said work by the Board shall prevent the City from thereafter making claim for uncompleted or defective work if the same is discovered within two (2) years from the completion and acceptance of the work. No payment shall be issued to the Contractor in any event for any part of said thirty per cent (30%) reserve until the City Engineer shall certify to the City Comptroller that the thirty (30) days since the completion of the w'ork have elapsed, and that no uncompleted or defective work has been discovered for which the City makes claim. Should the Contractor default or fail to proceed with the work as directed by the City Engineer, or should any other cause for such action arise, of which the City Engineer shall be the judge, the City Engineer shall have the right to stop payment upon any monthly estimate previously made. Such stop order shall suspend any and all assignments of said fund, and the City shall have first claim to said fund or any portion thereof, for the liquidation of its damages sustained through default of the Contractor or for any other cause whatsoever. Section 6. That in case no lien is claimed against said thirty per cent (30%) so reserved during said thirty (30) days, and no uncompleted or defective work shall have been discovered and reported by the City Engineer during said time, then the thirty per cent (30%) required to be held as a reserve to protect laborers and material men, shall, at the expiration of said thirty (30) days be paid to the Contractor in warrants. In case notice of such liens is given the City during said period, by or on behalf of any persons claiming such lien, or in case the City Engineer shall report any claim of the City by reason of uncompleted or defective work, then the amount of all liens so claimed shall be reserved by the City until final determination of such lien claims, and the cost of perfecting such uncompleted or defective wrork shall be retained until such uncompleted or defective work shall have been perfected or arranged to the satisfaction of the Board of Public Works. Whenever any claim for damages, not exceeding One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), is filed with the City Comptroller, for which the Contractor is liable under this contract, the City Comptroller shall retain, in addition to the percentage reserved as otherwise herein provided, the amount of such claim from the first moneys due and payable to said Contractor until such claims or any suits thereon are determined and satisfied; provided, that this provision shall be held and construed to be concurrent and additional to, and not a limitation upon, any and all provisions of this contract and the specifications and stipulations thereof. Section 7. That this contract is made and entered into with reference to the Charter and Ordinances of said City as amended and now in force and the laws of the State of Washington; and the provisions of said Charter and Ordinances relating to the subject matter of this contract are hereby made a part hereof; with the same effect as if said provisions were herein incorporated and expressly set forth. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said party of the first part has caused these presents to be signed by the Chairman of the Board of Public Works and to be attested by the Secretary26 Cedab River Water Supply of said Board, and said part...... of the second part ha....... hereunto set ............. hand..... the day and year first above written. THE CITY OP SEATTLE, By.....-.............................. Chairman Board of Public Works. Attest: Secretary Board of Public Works. ..............................................(Seal) ..............................................(Seal) ..............................................(Seal)Swan Lake Dams 27 MATERIALS INSPECTION. The inspector representing the City Engineer shall have free entry, at all times while work on the contract is being performed, to all parts of any mill, shop or factory where material herein specified is being produced. The Contractor shall afford the inspector, free of cost, all reasonable facilities to satisfy him that the material is being furnished in accordance with these specifications. Tests will be made at the place of manufacture prior to shipment whenever practicable, and will be so conducted as not to interfere unnecessarily with the operation of the works. The City of Seattle shall have the right to make chemical and physical tests of materials in tlu laboratory of the City Engineer’s Department in Seattle, and to reject material, either finished or unfinished, which does not conform to the specifications. Any material which shows injurious defects subsequent to its acceptance at the place of manufacture will be rejected. CEMENT. The cement shall be a true Portland cement, of the best quality, dry and free from lumps and all foreign matter. It shall be a brand known to the City Engineer to possess the proper qualifications and uniformity for the work intended. It shall be packed at the place of manufacture in canvas sacks, each plainly marked with the manufacturer’s brand. It shall be delivered on the work, in the original package and in good condition, in advance of its use, in such quantity as to afford the City Engineer ample time and opportunity to conduct tests. t (a) Volume of Barrel. For the purposes of measurement in proportioning concrete, three hundred and seventy-six (376) pounds net of cement shall be considered to be one barrel. < (b) Tests. Cement shall be subject to the following requirements: At least eighty-five per cent (85%) shall pass a No. 200 screen and not less than ninety-four per cent (94%) shall pass a No. 100 screen. Briquettes made of one (1) part cement, three (3) parts standard Ottawa sand by weight, after one (1) day in moist air and six (6) days in clear water, shall show a tensile strength of not less than two hundred and fifty (250) pounds per square inch, and after one (1) day in moist air and twenty-seven (27) days’ immersion in water, not less than three hundred fifty (350) pounds per square inch. Pats about three (3) or four (4) inches in diameter, and about one-half (i/^) inch thick in the center and tapering to a thin edge, will be made from neat cement paste of normal consistency, and placed upon a clean glass plate about four (4) inches square. These pats will be kept in a moist atmosphere for twenty-four (24) hours and then exposed in an atmosphere of steam above boiling water in a loosely closed vessel for five (5) hours, at the expiration of which time they shall be firm and hard and show no signs of cracking, distortion or disintegration. Cement which does not meet the above requirements will be rejected. In addition to the tests hereinabove specified, all cement shall be subject to such other tests as may be necessary to determine whether it possesses the proper qualifications for use on this contract. Should any objectionable qualities be found at any time in any cement used, or offered for use, or should any cement fail to produce good concrete or mortar, its use will be prohibited, regardless of the fact that it may have satisfactorily passed the above tests. AGGREGATE. Aggregate for mixing concrete shall be sand and gravel secured from deposits which consist of fragments of sound hard rock only. Material which contains soft pebbles or grains, or which will disintegrate on exposure to the air or which, is stained with iron rust, will be rejected. It shall be washed until clean and free from soft particles, lumps of28 Cedab River Water Supply clay, vegetable loam, and all other organic matter. Aggregate shall be separated by screening into sand, or fine aggregate and gravel, or coarse aggregate, as follows: Sand, or fine aggregate, shall be composed of grains varying uniformly in size from fine to coarse, not less than twenty per cent (20%) nor more than forty (40%) shall pass a No. 30 screen, one hundred per cent (100%) shall pass a No. 4 screen. For sand to be used in making mortar, one hundred per cent (100%) shall pass a No. 6 screen. Gravel, or coarse aggregate, shall be composed of grains and pebbles varying in size from those which will just pass a two and one-half inch (2Y^') mesh screen and be retained on a two-inch (2") mesh screen, to those which will just pass a one-fourtli inch (%") mesh screen and be retained on a No. 4 screen. CONCRETE. Concrete shall be composed of one part, by volume, of cement to a total of eight parts by volume of sand and gravel, each measured separately. The City Engineer will make frequent mechanical analyses of the aggregate furnished by the Contractor and the proportions of sand and gravel will be varied from time to time as may be necessary to produce concrete of the greatest possible density. For example—one part cement, three parts of sand and five parts of gravel; or one part cement, two and one-half parts of sand and five and one-half parts of gravel, etc. In proportioning concrete mixtures, a barrel of cement, weighing not less than three hundred seventy-six pounds (376 lbs.) net, will be taken as measuring three and one-half cubic feet. Concrete shall be mixed in “batch” mixers of a type approved by the City Engineer. The use of so-called “continuous,” “gravity” or “pneumatic” mixers will not be approved. The mixing shall be in batches of the sizes directed, and shall be thorough and continued for not less than one (1) minute and until every particle of coarse aggregate is covered with a mortar of cement and fine aggregate. The materials to be mixed shall be separately measured, before being placed in the mixer, in boxes of proper size to secure the desired proportions, or by some method which will secure exact results. Measuring devices which depend for their operation upon the flow of materials from hoppers, or other approximate methods will not be allowed. Clean water shall be used in mixing concrete; it shall be introduced into the mixer in such quantity only as is necessary to thoroughly hydrate the cement and to produce a mass of quaking consistency, and such that the concrete produced shall be dense and impervious. Means shall be provided to measure and control the amount of water which is used in each batch of concrete, the measuring device to be so constructed that the amount of water used may be readily changed, if necessary, during the progress of the work. FORMS. The Contractor shall provide and maintain in good condition all necessary forms, molds and centers for shaping concrete. Forms and centers shall be true to the required shapes and sizes, strong enough to withstand all operations incidental to placing the concrete, water tight, and the faces against which the concrete is to be placed shall be satisfactorily smooth and clean. The lumber used in forms for exposed faces shall be seasoned stock. To obtain tightness caulking with oakum, or other suitable material, may be required, for which the Contractor shall provide suitable tools and materials. PLACING CONCRETE. \ Concrete shall be deposited in place in batches of suitable sizes for the various parts of the work. It shall be transported from the mixing plant to the work and deposited before initial set has taken place. Care shall be taken to transport and deposit concrete in such a manner as not to cause segregation of the aggregates. Concrete shall be so poured into and about the forms as to completely fill them. It shall be carefully and thoroughly spaded and rammed into place and all air and surplus water removed. Concrete shall be so deposited as to maintain a nearly level surface and prevent flowing along the forms. Care shall be used to prevent the formation of laitance and where it does form, it shall be removed before further depositing of concrete.Swan Lake Dams 29 DAM CONSTRUCTION LOCATION. The construction of two dams is included in these specifications and contract. A dam shall be built across Little Soos Creek, the outlet of Swan Lake, in the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 11, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian. A second dam shall be built across a small stream which enters the east side of Swan Lake and will be located in the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 1, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian. The exact location of each of the proposed dams is shown on the detail plans. They will be referred to in the specifications and contract and on the detail plans as “Dam at Outlet,” and “Dam at Inlet,” respectively. TYPES OF CONSTRUCTION. The dams shall be constructed as earthen embankments. Specifications follow, and bids will be received, for constructing the dams by hydraulic methods and by depositing the earth from cars, wTagons, or scrapers, spreading and rolling. The Dam at Outlet will consist of three disconnected embankments and will have a total length on the crest of about 1,280 feet, The Dam Inlet will be a single embankment about 480 feet long. Sections giving dimensions, slopes and other details of the embankments are shown on the plans. CLEARING AND GRUBBING. The entire areas covered by the embankments forming the dams and of the borrow pits from which earth for the construction of the dams is secured shall be cleared and grubbed. Clearing and grubbing dam sites shall consist of removing and burning all trees, stumps, roots, logs, brush and other debris to a depth of two feet below the surface of the stripped areas upon which the dams are to be built. Clearing and grubbing borrow pits shall consist of removing and burning all trees, stumps, roots, logs, brush and other debris from the surface of the borrow pits. Clearing and grubbing will be paid for at the rate bid therefor per acre, the prices bid shall include the cost of furnishing all tools, powder, and labor and executing the work as specified, the amount of clearing and grubbing paid for will be the actual number of acres cleared and grubbed in dam sites and borrow pits, respectively. EARTHWORK. Earthwork shall include all excavations and embankments, pits and trenches. Grade and slope stakes will be set by the City Engineer for the guidance of the Contractor as may be necessary during the progress of the work and all excavations and embankments, pits and trenches shall be carefully and accurately made in accordance therewith. Excavations shall be kept carefully drained, trenches and pits shall be securely timbered when necessary and the slipping and erosion of slopes beyond the finished surfaces shall be prevented. The Contractor will be required to maintain the earth embankments of the dams during the period of his contract and all damage caused by erosion of slopes, and settling of trenches and embankments shall be repaired and made good before his final release, as provided in the contract. (a) Surface Stripping. Surface soil and all earth which contains vegetable or other perishable matter and all soft or obiectionable material shall be removed from the dam sites and from the borrow pits, and deposited in spoil banks where ordered by the City Engineer. Soil removed from dam sites shall, in jreneral. be deposited within the area to be flooded bv the "waters of the lake. No dam shall be built on an unstripped area and no surface soil shall be used in the construction of the embankments. Surface stripping will be paid for at the rate bid therefor per cubic yard, the prices bid shall include furnishing all tools, powder and labor necesary to remove the surface soil and deposit it in spoil banks, as specified. The amount of surface stripping paid for30 Cedar River Water Supply will be the actual number of cubic yards of surface soil removed from dam sites and borrow pits and deposited in spoil banks, measurements being made in cut only. (b) Cut Off Trench. A cut off trench shall be excavated on the center line of the dams; its dimensions are shown on the detail plans. The cut off trench shall be excavated to a depth of about three feet in the solid hardpan and shall be refilled with impervious material which shall be solidly rolled if the dam is constructed as a rolled embankment, or filled with selected fine material as specified for the center pool if the dam is constructed by hydraulic methods. Special care shall be taken to compact the earth on the edges of the cut off trench and to secure close contact with the hardpan sides and to prevent the percolation of water through or along the filled trench. The cut off trench has been excavated through the alluvial deposit at the Dam at Inlet and refilled with clay, as noted on the plans, and this construction is not included as a part of this contract. Payment will be made for excavating the cut off trench at the rate bid for “Trench Excavation” per cubic yard. The amount of excavation so paid for will be the actual number of cubic yards of earth excavated from the trench, measurement being made in cut only. The price bid shall include the cost of excavating the trench through any material which may be encountered, and the final disposal of the material excavated, but shall not include refilling the trench, which will be included in the quantities estimated as Rolled Embankment, or as Hydraulic Fill Embankment. (c) Rolled Embankments. Borrow pits shall be opened adjacent to and south of the Dam at Outlet and north of the Dam at Inlet. The dams shall be constructed of the material locally known as “hardpan,” and no earth containing vegetable or other perishable material shall be used. Earth from the cut off trench shown on the plans may be used in the rolled embankment if of proper quality. All rocks and stones which are large enough to prevent the proper spreading or compacting of the earth shall be removed. The earth shall be spread in layers of not more than six inches thickness and each layer shall be thoroughly compacted by rolling with a roller which shall be equal in effectiveness to a standard twelve-ton steam road roller having a grooved front roll. The roller shall be passed not less than four times over the entire area of each six-inch layer of earth and rolling shall be continued until the layer is thoroughly compacted. No earth shall be dumped in or upon mud and all soft and muddy earth shall be removed. Rolled Embankments will be paid for at the rate bid therefor per cubic yard. The price bid shall include excavating the material in the borrow pits, transporting and depositing in the embankments, spreading and rolling, draining and maintaining excavations and embankments, all powder, timbering, labor, supervision, tools and appliances, and executing the work as specified. The number of cubic yards of earth paid for as Rolled Embankment will be the actual number of cubic yards of earth excavated from the borrow pits and deposited and rolled to form the permanent dams. Measurements for estimating the amount of earth so deposited will be made in cut only, and no allowance will be made for shrinkage due to rolling and compacting. (d) Hydraulic Fill Embankment. Earth for the construction of the Dam at Outlet shall be secured from borrow pits opened on the hill above the east end of the dam, for the Dam at Inlet a borrow pit shall be opened on the hill south and west of the south end of the dam. The dams shall be constructed of the material locally known as “hardpan” with such a mixture of sand and clay as may be necessary to produce the densest and most stable structures, and no earth containing vegetable or other perishable material shall be used. The dams shall be constructed by the “center pool” method, the coarser particles of earth being deposited on the slopes of the embankmets in ridges between which the center pool containing the water and “fines” shall be maintained. Provision shall be made to drain the water from the center pool and to maintain such a mixture of earth and water therein as the City Engineer may direct. The City Engineer will make determinations of the size of soil grains in the borrow pits and in the center pool of the dams and the Contractor will be required to borrow from those portions of the pits which will produce material of proper grade for building the slopes and cores of the dams and to maintainSwan Lake Dams 31 the center pool of such dimensions as may be necessary to produce impervious cores in the dams. Great care shall be taken to prevent the segregation of the material into layers of varying sizes of soil particles and the material in the center pool shall be spaded and kneaded, if necessary, in order to prevent such segregation and to maintain a uniform mixture. The flumes, or pipes, which carry the sluiced earth from the borrow pits to the dams, shall be carried along each side of the dams and provision shall be made for introducing the sluiced earth into the center pool of the dam under construction on either or both sides and at any point on the flume or pipe line. The Contractor shall conduct the sluiced earth into the center pool in a uniform and systematic manner and so as to produce an embankment of uniform structure. The accumulation of stones and clods or chunks of earth in piles at the point of discharge from the flumes and pipe lines shall be prevented. Hydraulic Fill Embankment will be paid for at the rate bid therefor per cubic yard. The price bid shall include excavating the material in the borrow pits, transporting and depositing the material in the embankments, all powder, timbering, labor, supervision, pipes, flumes, tools and appliances, all electric current and water and executing the work as specified. The number of cubic yards of earth paid for as Hydraulic Fill Embankment will be the actual number of cubic yards of earth sluiced from the borrow pits and deposited in the permanent dams. Measurements for the purposes of estimating the amount of earth so deposited will be made in cut only, and no allowance will be made for shrink- age due to the water settling and compacting of the earth. USE OF WATER AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. Water for sluicing at the Dam at Outlet shall be pumped from Swan Lake, for sluicing at the Dam at Intake water may be pumped from Swan Lake or from the Cedar River Pipe Lines which cross the south end of the dam site. If water is taken from the pipe lines the Contractor will be required to erect a tank, or excavate a pit, into which the water will flow and to which his pump connections shall be connected; pumping directly from the pipe lines will not be permitted. Water taken from the Cedar River Pipe Lines for sluicing will be charged to the Contractor at the rate of $30.00 per million gallons. Electrical energy will be furnished the Contractor for operating pumps for sluicing from the power lines which pass Swan Lake. Transformers will be placed near the site of the Dam at Intake and a transmission line will be extended to the Dam at Outlet. Current will be furnished in any amount from 300 to 400 kilowatts, and will be charged to the Contractor at the rate of one cent per kilowatt hour. In comparing bids on con- structing the dams by hydraulic methods with bids for their construction by spreading and rolling the cost of constructing the transmission line to the Dam at Outlet will be estimated to be $5,000.00. RIP RAP. All stones or rocks which are developed in the borrow pits opened for the construction of the dams, and which are suitable for the purpose, shall be placed on the water surface of the dams as rip rap. The quantity of material which will be available for this purpose is not possible of determination in advance and rip rap shall be placed only in such quantity as may be secured from the borrow pits without making special excavations therefor. Rip rap shall be twelve inches in thickness. The Contractor will not be required to place the separate stones by hand, but the rip rap shall be trimmed approximately to surface. » Rip rap will be paid for at the rate bid therefor per cubic yard in place, the price bid shall include transporting the stones from the borrow pits and placing them on the slopes of the dams as specified. The amount of rip rap paid for will be the actual number of cubic yards placed on the slopes of the dams. CONCRETE SLOPE LINING. The water slopes of the dams which are not covered by rip rap shall be protected by a concrete lining. It shall be five inches thick and shall be laid in slabs which shall be in general twelve feet square, except where modified to conform to the shape of the slope.32 Cedar River Water Supply The slopes of the embankments upon which the lining is laid shall be trimmed accurately to surface and all loose material removed therefrom. The Contractor shall set forms or headers for shaping the concrete slabs; they shall be formed of dry surfaced lumber, set true to line and grade and firmly secured in place. To prevent adhesion of the concrete the surfaces of the forms against which concrete is placed shall be cleaned and oiled each time they are used. The concrete shall be deposited on the surface prepared for it and spread with shovels so as to entirely fill the forms, great care being taken not to segregate the mixture. It shall be thoroughly spaded to the full depth of the slab, thoroughly tamped with iron tampers, and all gravel pockets and porous spots or edges filled. The concrete shall be spaded back from the face of the forms for a width of not less than one-half of an inch and to the full depth of the slab, the space thus formed shall be filled full of Portland cement mortar, the concrete and mortar shall then be spaded and tamped and the edges of the concrete slabs shall be true and free of gravel pockets 011 the removal of the forms. The concrete shall be kept constantly wet for a period of thirty days after laying. Freshly finished surfaces shall be covered to prevent injury from rain or freezing until they are sufficiently hard to be safe from injury. Payment will be made for concrete slope lining at the rate bid therefor per cubic yard in place as specified. The price bid shall include furnishing all cement, sand, gravel, water and other material, furnishing, placing and removing forms, trimming and surfacing slopes and removing soft material, mixing, depositing, spreading, tamping, finishing, wetting and protecting concrete, and all labor, tools and equipment necessary. The amount of concrete slope lining paid for will be the actual number of cubic yards of concrete placed in accordance with the specifications. Computations for determining the volume of concrete will be made as though the concrete slope lining were of the exact specified thickness and no allowances will be made for concrete deposited to fill areas excavated be: low grade unless such excavation below grade was ordered by the City Engineer. OUTLET PIPES. A thirty inch cast iron pipe shall be laid under the Dam at Outlet and a twenty inch cast iron pipe under the Dam at Inlet. The pipes shall be laid in trenches excavated in the solid hardpan foundations of the dams, and shall be entirely encased in concrete which shall be tamped into the trench so as to completely enclose the pipe and cover it not less than six inches. A gate valve shall be placed on each pipe; the thirty inch valve shall be protected with a brick valve chamber, and the twenty inch valve with a wood valve box. Cast iron pipe shall be laid and jointed in full accordance with the Standard Specifications of the City of Seattle, approved by the Board of Public Works, May 9, 1919. The City of Seattle will furnish all cast iron pipe, valves, castings, lead, oakum, gaskets and bolts necessary to lay the outlet pipes and will deliver the same to the Contractor at the Water Department shops at Sixth Avenue South and Lander Street. The Contractor shall transport the cast iron pipe, valves and other material to the site of the work and install it as specified. No material for the construction of valve chambers will be furnished by the City of Seattle but shall be supplied by the Contractor at his own cost and expense. The installation of these outlet pipes will be paid for at the rate bid for “Laying Cast Iron Pipe” per linear foot, the price bid shall include transporting the pipe, valves and other material to the dam site, laying, jointing and caulking the pipes and fittings and setting the gate valves. Trenching will be. paid for at the rate bid for “Trench Excavation” per cubic yard. The valve chamber will be paid for fit the rate bid therefor complete in place, the price bid to include furnishing all brick, concrete, cast iron covers and other material and building the chamber as specified. The wood valve box will be paid for at the rate bid for “Lumber” per thousand feet B. M. Concrete deposited about the pipes will be paid for at the rate bid for “Concrete Blocking” per cubic yard, the price bid shall include furnishing all cement, sand, gravel and other material and placing the concrete as specified. The amounts to be paid for will be the actual number of linear feet of pipe laid, measurement being made from the extreme ends of the pipes after they are laid, including all special castings and valves, the actual number of cubic yards of 6arth excavated from the trenches, the actual number of cubic yards of concrete deposited about the pipes, and the actual number of valve chambers built.Swan Lake Dams FILLING DRAINAGE TUNNEL. A tunnel about one hundred and seventy feet long has been driven into the hill at the east end of the Dam at Outlet. The Contractor shall remove all timbering from the portal cut leading to this tunnel and shall slope the sides thereof until all broken or loose material has been removed, he shall also remove all planks from the floor of the tunnel. The tunnel shall be filled with earth sluiced into it through Test Pit Number 122, which is shown on the plans. Free drainage shall be allowed at the lower end of the tunnel through the portal cut during the process of sluicing and it shall be filled completely full of the sluiced earth. Test Pit Number 118 shall also be filled with sluiced earth. Test Pit Number 115 shall be filled with sand and gravel to serve as a drain for the water in the hill above the dam. Earth sluiced into the tunnel shall be secured from the hardpan deposits located above and east of Test Pit Number 122. A screen, or grizzly, having meshes of such size that all pebbles and clods of earth more than one-half inch in diameter will be rejected shall be placed over the entrance to the test pit and all sluiced material which enters the tunnel shall be passed through it, Earth removed from the portal cut will be paid for as “Trench Excavation,” as elsewhere specified. Payment will be made for filling the Drainage Tunnel at the rate bid for “Tunnel Filling,” per cubic yard. The price bid shall include excavating the material and sluicing it into place as specified, all powder, labor, supervision, pipes, flumes, tools and appliances, all electric current or other power for operating pumps and execiiting the work as specified. The number of cubic yards of earth paid for as Tunnel Filling will be the actual number of cubic yards of earth sluiced from the borrow pits for this purpose, measurements being made in cut only and no deduction will be made for earth rejected by the screens. FILLING TEST PITS. The existing test pits on the dam sites shall be filled with earth before the dams are built. The pits shall be pumped out and the timber lagging removed, they shall then be filled with earth, of the same quality as that used in the construction of the dams, which shall be thoroughly tamped in layers of not more than four inches thickness. Payment will be made for “Filling Test Pits” at the rate bid therefor per cubic yard. The amount of filling paid for will be the actual number of cubic yards of earth placed in the pits and tamped as specified. The price bid shall include removing all water, lagging and debris from the test pits, hauling the earth from the borrow pits, depositing and tamping.?,4 Cedak Rrvru Water Supply GENERAL CLAUSES 1. TIME OP COMMENCING AND COMPLETING THE CONTRACT. The work herein specified and contracted to be done, shall be commenced within fifteen days after written notice from the City Engineer, and shall be carried on uninterruptedly thereafter with sucli force as will secure its completion on or before one hundred and twenty (120) days thereafter. 2. DAMAGE AND PREMIUM. If the Contractor shall fail to complete the work herein specified and contracted to be done within the time above specified, the sum of twenty dollars ($20.00) per day will be deducted from the money payable under this contract, as liquidated damages, for each and every day thereafter until such completion. If the Contractor completes the work before the date above set forth, he will be paid twenty dollars ($20.00) a day, as premium for each and every day between the date of completion and the date above set forth for completion. 3. BIDDERS TO EXAMINE LOCATION OF WORK. Bidders shall examine the location of the proposed reservoir and judge for themselves of the nature of the work to be done and the character of the earth to be excavated. 4. PROPOSALS BASED ON BILL OF MATERIAL. Contractors shall base their proposals on the basis of the quantities given in the bill of material, but as these quantities are only approximate, and not guaranteed to be correct, and intended only as a basis for the comparison of bids, payment will be made only for the actual amount of work done and material furnished, whether it be more or less than estimated amounts. 5. CONTRACT—WHEN TO TAKE EFFECT. The contract for this improvement shall not take effect or be in force until the approval of the Contractor’s bond by the Mayor and the City Comptroller, and until the same shall be filed with the City Comptroller as required by law. 6. EMPLOYMENT OF SKILLED LABOR. Where, in the opinion of the City Engineer, the employment of skilled laborers is necessary for the successful discharge of the work to be done under this contract, then only such persons as have had experience in and can show themselves to be skilled in their particular lines of work shall be employed by the Contractor, and whenever the City Engineer shall decide that any person whosoever, employed on any portion of the work, is incompetent, or unskillful, disrespectful, disobedient, disorderly, or in any way detrimental to the interest of the City, then such person shall be discharged by the Contractor, and not be again employed upon any portion of the work during its construction. When possible, residents of the City of Seattle are in all cases to have preference as employees upon the work. 7. METHODS AND APPLIANCES. The Contractor shall use such methods and appliances in performing the different classes of the work embraced in this contract as will, in the opinion of the City Engineer, secure the best progress and results obtainable, and whenever the City Engineer notifies the Contractor, in writing, that the appliances used and the methods adopted for the performance of the work are not suitable for obtainining the best results possible for the completion of the work, then the Contractor shall immediately provide such tools and appliances and adopt such methods for the performance of the work as are satisfactory to the City Engineer; but the failure of the City Engineer to notify the Contractor that the before mentioned appliances and methods are unsuitable shall not relieve the Contractor in any way from his obligation to secure the quality of work set forth in these specifications.Swan Lake Dams 8. ORDER OF EXECUTION OF CONTRACT. The Contractor shall begin work at such points as the City Engineer may direct, and shall comply with his directions as to the order of time in which the different parts of the work shall be done. 9. CONTRACTOR TO MAINTAIN GUARDS. The Contractor shall at all times properly protect the work at such points as may be dangerous to the public. The Contractor shall, during the performance of the work, take all other necessary precautions and place all proper guards necessary for the prevention of accidents, and shall indemnify and save harmless the City and the Board of Public Works, its officers and agents, from all damages and costs to which they may be put by reason of injury to the person or property of another resulting from neglect or carelessness in the performance of the work or in guarding same, or from any improper materials, implements or appliances used in its construction, or by or 011 account of any act or any omission of the Contractor or his agents. The Contractor shall save harmless and indemnify the City from every claim or demand which may be made by reason of any injury to person or property sustained by the Contractor or any person, firm or corporation, employed directly or indirectly by him upon or in connection with this work, however caused; and by reason of any injury to person or property sustained by any person, firm or corporation caused by any act, neglect, default or omission of the Contractor, or of any person, firm or corporation, directly or indirectly employed by him or in connection with his work whether the said injury or damage occur upon or adjacent to the work. The Contractor, at his own cost, expense and risk, shall defend any and all actions, suits or other legal proceedings that may be brought or instituted against the City on any such claim or demand, and shall pay or satisfy any judgment that may be rendered against the City in any such action, suit or legal proceeding, or result thereof. 10. SITE OF WORK TO BE CLEANED UP. Whenever any portion of the work is completed, as herein specified, the Contractor shall dispose of all surplus materials and rubbish, as designated by the City Engineer; also remove all implements and plants from the site of the work and leave the finished portion in a neat and presentable condition. 11. PROTECTION TO WORK AND PROPERTY. The Contractor shall, at his own expense, shore up, protect and make good, as may be necessary, all buildings, walls, fences, or other property injured, or likely to be injured during the progress of the work, and shall be held responsible for all damage to neighboring property, streets, or improvements, resulting from his neglect to exercise proper precautions in the prosecution of the work. 12. DAMAGE TO EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS. All damage done to existing improvements during the progress of the work, through fault or negligence of the Contractor, shall be repaired by the Contractor under the direction of the City Engineer. Materials for such repairs shall conform to the requirements of these specifications. If upon being ordered, the Contractor fails to furnish the necessary labor and materials for such repairs, the City Engineer may cause said necessary labor and materials to be furnished by other parties, and the cost thereof shall be deducted from any moneys which may be or become due and payable to the Contractor by reason of work performed or materials furnished for any part of this improvement. No payment to the Contractor will be made for this work. 13. PROTECTION TO PUBLIC UTILITIES. The Contractor shall support and protect by timbers or otherwise, all water or sewer pipes, conduits, poles, wires or other apparatus owned by the City of Seattle, which may be in any way affected by the work and do everything necessary to support, sustain and protect the same, over, along or across said work. In case any of said water or sewer pipes, wires.3G Cedar River Water Supply poles or apparatus should be damaged, they shall be repaired by the authorities having control of same, and the expenses of such repairs will be charged to the Contractor. The Contractor shall inform himself as to the existence and location of any underground public utilities and protect the same against damage. 14. PROVISION FOR SEWER, WATER AND GAS CONNECTIONS. The City of Seattle reserves the right to construct and reconstruct any sewer or sewers and appurtenances, to lay and adjust any water mains and appurtenances, set poles, or install or adjust any other public utility, and to grant permits to lay gas mains, steam pipes and conduits and other utilities, and to make private connections with sewer, water, gas or steam pipes, at any time during the progress of the work. The Contractor shall not interfere with or place any impediment in the way of any person or persons who may be engaged in doing such work. The Board of Public Works reserves the right to suspend the work on any part of this improvements at any time during the construction of the same, for the purpose above stated. In any such case the Contractor shall not be entitled to any damages, either for the digging up of the street, or for the delay, but he shall be paid for any additional material or for labor furnished by him either at contract rates or such reasonable sum as may be agreed upon. 15. PROVISION FOR WATER COURSES. The Contractor shall provide for the flow of all water courses, sewers or drains, intercepted during the progress of the work, and replace the same in as good condition as he found them or shall make such final provision for them as the City Engineer may direct, The Contractor shall not obstruct the gutter of any street, but shall use all proper measures to provide for the free passage of surface water. 16. MAINTAINING TRAFFIC. The Contractor shall not obstruct travel unnecessarily and shall cause as little inconvenience as possible to the occupants of abutting property and to the general public. 17. USE OF WATER, LIGHT AND POWER. The Contractor shall take out and pay for all permits required by the City. He shall not draw water from any water main until the required permit has been secured. All water, electric light, or power used by the Contractor on this improvement shall be paid for at the current rates and the cost of same shall be included in the prices bid for various items in this improvement. Whenever fills or the back fills in trenches are water settled, the water used shall be taken from the mains or hydrants of the City. The City Water Department, unless a meter is used, will charge the Contractor for water used in settling the earth at the rate of one dollar forty cents ($1.40) for every one hundred cubic yards of earth water settled. The Contractor will be required to furnish all hose and other implements necessary for water settling. The City inspector in charge of the work will be authorized to open and close the hydrants, provided that any damages resulting to the City hydrants while in use for the purpose of water settling will be repaired by the City Water Department and the cost of said repairs will be deducted from the Contractor’s final estimate. The yardage of earth upon which the charge for water shall be made, shall be the total volume of earth in the fill or trench where settling is used, and no deduction of any kind will be made for any effect which ground water or rain water may have upon the settlement of the fill or back fill. 18. CHANGES FROM PLANS. The City Engineer shall have the right to make changes in the location, form, dimensions, grades, alignment, and make any variations in the quantity of the work to be done, as exhibited in the bill of material, and to entirely exclude any of the items of work relating to said quantities at any time, either before the commencement of the work or during the progress, without thereby altering or invalidating any of the prices herein named. Should such action diminish the amount of work that would otherwise be done, no claims shall be madeSwan Lake Dams 37 for damages on the ground of loss of anticipated profits on work so dispensed with ; and should such action be taken after the commencement of any particular piece of work, and result thereby in extra cost to the Contractor, the City Engineer shall estimate the amount to be allowed therefor which he shall consider fair and equitable, and his decision shall be final and conclusive. 19. MEASUREMENTS AND ESTIMATES OF CITY ENGINEER. It is distinctly understood that the measurements and estimates of the City Engineer are to be taken as final and conclusive evidence of the amount of work performed by the Contractor, and shall be taken as the full measure of compensation to be received by the Contractor. The estimate is to be based upon the schedule of prices for labor performed and material furnished under the contract and in accordance with the annexed specifications, and whenever there may be any ambiguity therein, the City Engineer’s instructions shall be considered explanatory and shall be of binding force. For estimating quantities in which the computation of areas by geometric methods would be comparatively laborious, it is stipulated and agreed that the planimeter shall be considered an instrument of precision adapted to the measurement of such areas. 20. CITY ENGINEER TO BE REFEREE. In order to prevent disputes and litigation, the City Engineer shall in all cases be referee to determine the amount, quality, acceptability and fitness of the several kinds of work and materials which are to be paid for under these specifications, and to decide upon all questions which may arise as to the fulfillment of said contract on the part of the Contractor, and his decision and determination shall be final and conclusive. 21. CONDEMNATION OF DEFECTIVE WORK AND MATERIALS. Defective work and material may be condemned by the City Engineer at any time before the final completion of any portion of the work or the release of the thirty per cent (30%) reserve. When any work has been condemned, it shall be immediately torn down by the Contractor and done over again in accordance with the plans and specifications. When defective material has been condemned, it shall be immediately removed from the work to some place designated by the City Engineer where it can be kept under his charge or other- wise be disposed of to his satisfaction. In case the Contractor shall neglect or refuse to replace any rejected work or material after being served with a written notice so to do by the City Engineer, such work or material shall be removed or replaced by the City Engineer at the Contractor’s expense. 22. DEFECTIVE WORK OR MATERIAL, FAILURE TO CONDEMN. Oversight or failure on the part of the City Engineer or any of his authorized agents to immediately condemn or reject faulty or bad work or material shall not be implied or construed as an acceptance of the same, if such faulty work or bad material becomes evident before the final acceptance of the work and the release of the Contractor from his obligations. 23. CONTRACTOR TO BE REPRESENTED ON THE WORK. At all times when the work is in progress, either the Contractor himself or a competent foreman shall be in direct charge of the work. A complete set of plans and specifications shall also be kept upon the work, and any orders given to the foreman or superintendent will be considered as having been given to the Contractor. 24. CLAIMS FOR EXTRAS. If for any reason extra work should be ordered by the City Engineer or the Board of Public Works and a price for such extra work cannot be agreed upon, it shall be paid for at the actual cost of field supervision, labor and material required, with the addition of twelve per cent (12%) to cover profit, use of tools and payments to the State of Washington as required by the AVorkmen’s Compensation Act. No claims for any extras under this contract shall be alowed by the City Engineer or the Board of Public Works unless the same shall38 Cedak River Water Supply have been submitted prior to the final aceptance of the work and the issuance of the final estimate, or unless the same shall have been ordered in writing as herein provided. 25. CLAIMS FOR HINDRANCE OR DELAY. The Contractor shall not be entitled to any claim for damages for any hindrances or delay from any cause whatever, in the progress of the work or any portion thereof; but such hindrances may entitled said Contractor to an extension of time for completing this contract sufficient to compensate for the detention, the same to be determined by the Board of Public Works, provided the City Engineer shall have had notice, in writing, of the cause of detention at the time it occurred. 26. CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY. The Contractor shall custain, without claim against the City, all losses or damages to the work to be done under these specifications, arising from the action of the elements, or from any unforeseen obstruction or encumbrance on the line of the work, which may be encountered in the prosecution of the same. 27. EMERGENCY WORK. All of the work embraced in this contract shall be performed in work days of not more than eight hours (8) each, except in cases of extraordinary emergency; and this contract may be canceled by the Board of Public Works in case such work is not performed in accordance with this provision of the specifications, and no case of extraordinary emergency shall be construed to exist in any case where other labor can be found to take the place of labor which has already been employed for eight (8) hours in any calendar day. 28. RATE OF WAGES FOR LABOR. The Contractor shall pay, or cause to be paid to his employees on the work herein specified, not less than the current rate of wages paid by the City of Seattle for work of like character and in any event not less than two dollars and seventy-five cents ($2.75) per day of eight (8) hours. 29. PAYMENT OF WAGES. The Contractor shall pay the wages of all persons employed on or about said work, and for all other services. He shall pay for all materials purchased therefor, and the City of Seattle may withhold any and all payments under this contract until the provisions of this section have been fully complied with. The City Comptroller will not pay to the Contractor any portion of the amount due on this contract unless at the time of the payment, all claims filed with the City Comptroller for material purchased or labor performed thereon, shall have been fully paid. If at any time during the progress of this improvement it shall appear to the City Comptroller that the Contractor has neglected, refused or failed to pay in cash for any labor performed thereon, and that time checks or other evidences of indebtedness have been issued by such Contractor, then the City Comptroller, upon presentation to him of such time checks or other evidences of indebtedness, shall issue to such labor claimants, a warrant or warrants therefor upon the Cedar River Water Extension Utility Bond Fund, 1917. The City Comptroller shall charge the amount of all warrants so issued against the account of the Contractor for this improvement, and shall deduct the amounts thereof, together with a penalty of ten per cent (10%) thereon, from the next or succeeding payments to be made to said Contractor. Any sum or sums so paid may be deducted from the seventy per cent (70%) to be paid to such Contractor, as provided in this contract, or from any other sum or sums due said Contractor. 30. ASSIGNMENT OR TRANSFER OF CONTRACT. The Contractor shall not assign or transfer this contract without the written consent of the Board of Public Works first obtained, and the sureties of the Contractor’s bond. The Contractor shall not sublet any portion of the work unless authorized to do so by ordinance of the City.Swan Lake Dams 30 31. LIABILITY FOR SUBCONTRACT. No subcontract shall under any circumstances relieve the Contractor of his liabilities oi obligations under this contract, should any subcontractor fail to perforin the work, undertaken by him, in a satisfactory manner and should this provision be violated, the City may at its option, annul and terminate this contract. 32. FORFEITURE OF CONTRACT. If at any time the City Engineer is of the opinion that the work is unnecessarily delayed and will not be finished within the prescribed time, he shall notify the Contractor to that effect in writing. If said Contractor shall not within five (5) days thereafter take such measures as will, in the judgment of the said City Engineer, insure the satisfactory completion of the work, the Board of Public Works may then notify the said Contractor to discontinue all work under the contract for this improvement; and the Contractor shall immediately respect such notice and stop work and cease to have any right to the possession of the grounds. The Board of Public Works may thereupon employ such force as it may deem advisable to complete the wrork and the cost of all labor and materials necessary for such completion shall be paid by the City of Seattle out of moneys then due, or which would have become due the Contractor under and by virtue of the contract for this improvement. In case such expense is less than the sum which wrould have been payable under such contract if the same had been fulfilled by the Contractor, then said Contractor shall be paid the difference, and in case such expense is greater the Contractor shall be liable for and shall pay the amount of such excess to the City. If the Contractor shall abandon or breach said contract or shall fail to comply with any of the provisions of the same, or shall neglect or refuse to comply with the instructions of the City Engineer relative thereto, the Board of Public Works shali have the right to declare said contract breached and forfeited by the Contractor, and to complete or relet the wrork or any part thereof. Such annulment shall not affect the rights of the City to recover damages wThich may arise by reason of such failures, neglect or refusal. In case the City shall proceed with the work following such breach or forfeiture the City shall be entitled to recover all expenses incurred and a sum sufficient to pay the additional cost of the work, and any other or further damages sustained by the City. 33. CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR WORK DONE. The Contractor shall furnish for the prices bid, all skill, labor and materials required for the complete performance of the contract, and shall fully complete the work in accordance with the plans and specifications. He shall be responsible for the entire contract until its completion and acceptance, and shall be liable for any defects which may appear. The fact that an inspector was present during the progress of any construction, does not relieve the Contractor from responsibility for defects discovered after the completion of the work. 34. INJUNCTIONS. If the Contractor, or the City of Seattle, shall be unable to complete any portion or portions of this improvement by reason of court proceedings, enjoining the construction or completion of any portion or portions thereof, and if it shall be deemed impracticable by the City Engineer to construct or complete any other portion or portions thereof, then, and in any such case, the Contractor shall waive any and all claim or claims for damages by reason of such inability to construct such portion or portions of said improvement, and the City Engineer reserves the right to report such improvement completed and file his final estimate thereon as though such improvement had been fully completed, and such Contractor shall accept in full settlement and as a cancellation of his contract, a sum of money for labor performed, and for material furnished, in strict accordance with his bid for such contract, on the basis of the work actually performed or materials and labor actually furnished in said work to the date of stopping thereof. Should the court proceedings allow the work to be resumed prior to the issuance of the notice of completion on said work by the City Engineer then the Contractor, on being so ordered by the City Engineer, shall proceed with the work immediately, carrying out the contract in full, according to all original intents, or modifications40 Cedar River Water Supply of the court, as the case may be, at the prices specified in the contract, and no extra payment shall be allowed said Contractor for change in prices of material or labor or for any other reason whatever. 35. PATENTS, FEES AND ROYALTIES. All fees or royalties for any patented invention, article or arrangement that may be used upon or be in any manner connected with the work or any part thereof, connected with these specifications, shall be included in the prices mentioned in the proposal, and the Contractor shall protect and hold harmless the City against any and all demands for such fees or royalties, and before the final payment is made on the contract, the Contractor shall furnish acceptable proof of a proper and satisfactorily release from all such claims. 36. INSPECTION AND TESTING OF MATERIALS. All material shall be subject to inspection by the City Engineer. He shall select samples of such material and subject the same to such tests as may be necessary to determine whether their qualities conform to the requirements herein specified, and he shall accept or reject the materials in accordance with the results of such tests. Such tests shall be repeated as frequently as may be necessary to insure the rejection of all materials which fail to comply with the provisions of the plans and specifications. All materials rejected by the City Engineer shall be removed from the work and adjacent surroundings, by the Contractor at his own expense, within twenty-four (24) hours after he has been notified of their rejection. If this condition is not strictly complied with, the City Engineer reserves the right to have such rejected materials removed by other parties and the cost of such removal shall be deducted from any moneys which may be or become due and payable to the Contractor. 37. DOCUMENTS ESSENTIAL TO CONTRACT. The following documents are essential portions of the complete contract: The Official Advertisements, Proposals, Maps, Drawings, Plans and Profiles herein referred to and described, these Specifications and General Clauses, City Ordinances, Specific Contract and Contractor’s Bond. 38. BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS DEFINED. Wherever the words “Board of Public Works” are used in this proposal, instructions to bidders, specifications, or in the contract, they shall be and are mutually understood to refer to the Board of Public Works of the City of Seattle, vested by the charter of said City of Seattle with the management, control and construction of all public buildings and public works. 39. CITY ENGINEER DEFINED. Wherever the words “City Engineer” are used in the proposal, instructions to bidders, specifications, or in the contract they shall be and are mutually understood to refer to the City Engineer of the City of Seattle, who is vested by the charter of the said City of Seattle with the construction of the municipal Water Supply System under the direction of the Board of Public Works, or to any of his authorized assistants or inspectors, limited by the particular duties intrusted to them. 40. CONTRACTOR DEFINED. Wherever the word “Contractor” is used, it shall be held to mean the party, firm or corporation with whom the contract is made by the City of Seattle, through and by the Board of Public Works, for the construction of the work, the agent of the Contractor who may be appointed to represent him in the execution of the work, or the legal representative or representatives of the Contractor. The foreman in charge of the work will be held to represent the Contractor during the absence of the latter or his designated agent.INDEX A Advertisement, Official ......................... Aggregate ..............................-........ Approval by Board of Public Works................ B Bidders, Instructions to ........................ Bill of Material................................. Blocking, Concrete............................... Cast Iron Pipe ..... Cement .............. Clearing ............ Concrete ........... Blocking ...... Placing ....... Slope Lining Contract ........... Cut Off Trench .. D ............................................................. 29 ............................................................. 29 ............................................................. 29 ............................................................. 33 E Earthwork .................................................................................. 29 Embankment, Hydraulic Fill.................................................................. 30 Rolled ................................................................................ 30 Electric Current, Use of.................................................................. 31 F Foreword ................................................................................... 5 Forms ...................................................................................... 28 G General Clauses: Assignment or Transfer of Contract.................................................T... 38 Board of Public Works Defined.......................................................... 40 Changes from Plans..................................................................... 36 City Engineer Defined............................................................... 40 City Engineer to be Referee.............’............................................... 37 Claims Against City.................................................................... 38 Claims for Extras...................................................................... 37 Claims for Hindrance and Delay.......................................................... 38 Contractor Defined ..................... ..........................................•... 40 Contractor to be Represented on the Work............................................... 37 Contractor Responsible for Work Done................................................... 39 Contract, Forfeiture of................................................................ 39 Contract, Documents Essential to....................................................... 40 Contract, When to Take Effect.......................................................... 34 Damage and Premium .................................................................... 34 Dams ...................... Location ............. Types of ............. Drainage Tunnel, Filling 32 27 29 28 32 28 31 22 30General Clauses—Continued : Damage to Existing Improvements....................................................... 35 Defective Work and Material, Condemnation of.......................................... 37 Defective Work and Material, Failure to Condemn ...................................... 37 Emergency Work..................................................................... 38 Guards, Contractor to Maintain ......................-................................ 35 Injunctions .......................................................................... 39 Inspection and Testing of Materials................................................... 40 Labor, Employment of Skilled.......................................................... 34 Location of Work, Bidders to Examine.................................................. 34 Measurements and Estimates............................................................ 37 Methods and Appliances................................................................ 34 Order of Execution of Contract........................................................ 35 Patents, Fees and Royalties.................-......................................... 40 Protection to Public Utilities ....................................................... 35 Protection to Work and Property....................................................... 35 Provision for Sewers, Water and Gas Connections ...................................'.. 36 Provision for Water Courses .......................................................... 36 Proposals Based on Bill of Material................................................... 34 Site of Work to be Cleaned Up......................................................... 35 Subcontract, Liability for ........................................................... 39 Time of Commencing and Completing the Contract ....................................... 34 Traffic, Maintenance of .............................................................. 36 Wages, Rate of........................................................................ 38 Wages, Payment of .................................................................... 38 Water, Light and Power, Use of........................................................ 36 Gravel—See Aggregate. Grubbing .................................................................................. 29 I Inspection of Materials ................................................................... 27 M Materials, Specifications for ............................................................. 27 o Outlet Pipes............................................................................... 32 Ordinance 40634 ........................................................................... 7 P Proposal .................................................................................. 17 Pipes, Outlet ............................................................................. 32 R Rip Rap ................................................................................... 31 s Slope Lining, Concrete .................................................................... 31 Surface Stripping.......................................................................... 29 T Test Pits, Filling ........................................................................ 33 Trench Excavation ......................................................................... 30 V Valve Chamber, Brick ...................................................................... 32 Valve Box, Wood ........................................................................... 32 w Water, Use of ............................................................................. 31CITY OF SEATTLE ENGINEER’S DEPARTMENT CEDAR RIVER WATER SUPPLY Swan Lake Dams PLANS SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 19 2 0LIST OF PLANS SHEET 1...............................................VICINITY MAP. SHEET 2...............................................PLANS AND PROFILES. SHEET 3...............................................DETAILS.ENGINEER S DEPARTMENT Cedar River Water Supply SWAN LAKE DAMS Plans & Profiles - /frz>. it oi . ______Ch. im at InJ&t A H DimocK. City Engi T h Carv«r, Water Supply Engi 37520. 37622. 3/660. 38506. 40634 Approved by the Boerd of Pubh Seattle. Waih Ocfob Ana«t.Deta/f ofCr/fo for JO Ot/f/ef Sc £»/<• S Pliw ^-m-v ^-h 4*h 4 f rW-S-t- w /o See Dcfai/ /F/y/rf ! JVrf flefa// of f?/ng and gjSS: Concrete Chamber for 30 /a/re 5ca/e % - / n/p/caf Seen 0/7 of Da/ns Sc a/e /■=£ 4^0? b t} X Co ter Hancf/e Section s4-s4 i* Bottom Vie# of Cover Section 0-3 Deta/'/s of 28 Chamber ft mg & Co r e r /-STecpcS Co/r?f?/eAr Scate t/=/' y„d,W ^J'r Engr Defa/Zs of Cast Iron Ifa/re Box 5cede 3=/' Ordinances 37520. 37622. 37660 38506 4^634 Approved by the Board o» Pub'i^ Works Seattle. Wash. OctbJoe r £9SWAN LAKE DAUS ROLLED EMBANKMENT Bids Received December 3> 1920. ITEM DAM AT OUTLET Clearing Sc Grubbing Dam Site ________ 'Clearing 1 G rubErng- Borrow FitB____________ Surface Stripping Dam Site_________ ___ Surface Stripping Borrow PitB____________ Rolled Embankmente Trench Sxga7ation Tunnel Fillir Filling Test FitB m£_ Concrete Blocking Ikying 30" Cast Iron ripe________ thirty Inch Valve Chamber Rip Rap__________ Concrete Slope Lining Lumber Total DAM AT -INLET Clearing i Grubbing Dam Site_______________ Clearing It Grubbing Borrow Pit8____________ Surface Stripping Dam Site_______________ Surface Stripping Borrow Pits____________ Rolled Fmbankiaents___________ Trench Excavation Filling Test Pits______________ Concrete Blocking Laying 20" Ct-st Iron Pipe______________ Rip Rap Conerete Slope Lining Lumber Total GRAND TOTAL AMOUNT OLYMPIC TION CONSTRUC- COMPANY J. L. SMITH GRANT, SMITH & C OUT ANY COLUCCIO 4c ERICKSON GEO. A. BANDERET GEO. RERICK JAHN (c BRESSI ENGINKHR'S ESTIMATE 2 Acres 500.00 1000.00 350.00 700.00 450.00 900,00 275.00 550.00 500.00 1000.00 630.00 1260.00 500.00 1000.00 300.00 600.00 2 Acres 500.00 1000.00 4 00.00 800.00 ■750.00 1500.00 275.00 550.00 , 500.00 1000.00 630.00 1260.00 250.00 500.00 250.00 500.00 6000 Cu.Yds. 1.00 6000.00 • 58 3480.00 1.00 6000.00 .68 4080.00 .81 4860.00 .98 5880.00 _ .80 4800.00 .75 4500.00 4000 Cu.Yds. 1.00 4000.00 .58 2320.00 1.00 4000.00 .68 2720.00 .81 3240.00 .98 3920.00 .60 2400.00 .75 3000.00 24400 Cu.Yds. .85 20740.00 .85 20740.00 1.25 30500.00 .70 17080.00 .81 19764.00 2.15 52460.00 .88 21472.00 1.00 24400.00 1200 Cu.Yds. 4.00 4300.00 1.30 1560.00 1.25 1500.00 1.75 2100.00 2.00 2400.00 1.68 2016.00 - 2.00 2400.00 1.50 1800.00 200 Cu.Yde. 5.00 1000.00 2.50 500.00 2.50 500.00 .68 136.00 2.00 400.00 2.45 490.00 1.50 300.00 1.50 300.00 100 Cu.Yds . 5.00 500.00 2.50 250.00 1.25 125.00 .68 68.00 1.00 100.00 2.45 245.00 . 1.00 100.00 2.00 200.00 50 Cu.Yds. 16.00 800.00 25.00 125.00 30.00 1500.00 13.00 650.00 20.00 1000.00 16.80 840.00 12.00 600.00 15.00 750.00 180 Lin. Ft. 5.00 900.00 5.00 900.00 10.00 1800.00 3.50 630.00 5.00 900.00 4.20 756.00 3.00 540.00 5.00 900.00 1 Only 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 600.00 600.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 280.00 280.00 .200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200 Cu.Yds . 2.00 400.00 5.00 1000.00 6 .00 1200.00 2.50 500.00 5.00 1000.00 8.00 1600.00 3.00 600.00 10.00 2000.00 650 Cu.Yd6. 15.00 9750.00 35.oo 22750.00 30.00 19500.00 13.00 8450.00 20.00 13000.00 23.25 15112.50 18.50 12025.00 20.00 13000.00 2 MFtBM 60.00 120.00 50.00 100.00 . 75.00 150.00 45.00 90.00 50.00 100.00 56.00 112.00 50.00 100.00 50.00 100.00 51260.00 55^75.00 69775.00 37804.00 48964.00 86231.50 47037.00 52250.00 1 Acre 500.00 500.00 450.00 450.00 *50.00 450.00 300.00 300.00 500.00 500.00 630.00 630.00 500.00 500.00 300.00 300.00 1 Acre 500.00 500.00 450.00 450.00 75o.oo 750.00 300.00 300.00 500.00 500.00 63O.OO 630.0c _25o.oo 250.00 250.00 250.00 2600 Cu.Yds. 1.00 2600.00 .58 1508.00 1.00 2600.00 .70 1820.00 .88 2288.00 .98 2548.00 .80 2080.00 .75 1950.00 2000 Cu.Yds. 1.00 2000.00 .58 1160.00 1.00 2000.00 .70 1400.00 .88 1760.00 .98 1960.00 .60 1200.00 .75 1500.00 IO50O Cu.Yds. .78 8190.00 .85 8925.00 1.25 13125.00 .75 7875.00 .88 9240.00 2.15 22575.00 .88 9240.00 1.00 10500.00 300 Cu.Yds. 4.00 1200.00 . 1.30 390.00 1.25 375.00 1.75 525.00 2.00 600.00 1.68 504.00 2.00 600.00 1.50 450.00 50 Cu.Yds. 5.00 250.00 2.50 125.00 1.25 62.50 .70 35.00 1.00 50.00 2.45 122.50 1.00 50.00 2.00 100.00 2? Cu.Yds . 16.00 400.00 30.00 750.00 30.00 750.00 13.00 325.00 20.00 500.00 16.80 420.00 12.00 300.00 15.00 375*SQ 150 Lin.Ft. 5.00 750.00 4.00 600.00 8.00 1200.00 2.50 375.00 4.00 600.00 4.00 600.00 3.00 450.00 4.00 600.00 100 Cu.Yds. 2.00 • 200.00 5.00 500.00 6.00 600.00 2.50 250.00 4.00 400.00 8.00 800.00 3.00 300.00 10.00 1000.00 KjJ O O Cu.Yds. 15.00 4500.00 35.00 10500.00 30.00 9000.00 13.00 3900.00 20.00 6000.00 23.25 6975.00 18.50 5550.00 20.00 6000.00 1 UFtBU 60.00 60.00 50.00 ^.00 75.oo 75.00 45 .00 45.00 50.00 50.00 56.oo 16,02 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 21150.00 25408.00 30987.50 17150.00 22488.00 37820.50 20570.00 23075.0c 72410.00 - 80883.00 100762.50 54954.00 71452.00 124052.oc 67607.00 75325.0C hydraulic fill embankment Bide Received December 3. 1920. ITEMS AMOUNT OLYMPIC TION CONSTRUC- COMPANY COLUCCIO 4 ERICKSON GEO. RKRICK HARRINGTON-PETERS COMPANY PUGET SOUND BRIDGE & DREDGING COMPANY DAM AT OUTLET Clearing ic Grubbing Dam Site 2 Acres 500.00 1000.00 225.00 55o.oo 630.00 1260.00 500.00 1000.00 150.00 700^00 Clearing & Grubbing Borrow Pits 2 Acres 500.00 1000.00 275.00 .68 55o.oo 630.00 1260.00 500.00 .70 .70 .80 1000.00 350.00 .40 700.00 iurlace Stripping Dam Site 6000 Cu.Yds. 1.00 6000.00 4080.00 .98 5880.00 3920.00 24888.00 4200.00 2400.00 Surface Stripping Borrow Pits 4000 Cu.Yds. 1.00 4000.00 .68 2720.00 17080.00 2100.00 .98 1.02 2800.00 19520.00 3600.00 800.00 500.00 1000.00 .40 .94 2.00 1600.00 22936.00 2400 .00 Hydraulic Fill Embankment 24400 Cu.Yde. .85 20740.00 .70 1.75 .68 .68 Trench Excavation 1200 Cu.Yds. 4 .00 4800.00 - 1.68 2016.00 490.00 245.00 840.00 756.00 280.00 3 .00 Tunnel Filling Filling Test Pite 200 100 Cu.YdB. Cu.Yds . 5.00 5.00 1000.00 500.00 136.00 68.00 2.45 2.45 4.00 5.00 20.00 2.5 0 • 30 22.00 500.00 30.00 1100.00 Concrete Blocking 50 Cu.Yds. 16.00 800.00 13.00 3.50 200.00 650.00 630.00 200.00 16.80 Laying Jo" Cast Iron Pipe Thirty Inch Valve Chamber l80 1 Lin.Ft. On ly 5.00 250.00 900.00 250.00 4.20 280,00 6.00 400.00 1080.00 400.00 2.50 150.00 450.00 150.00 Pip Rap 200 Cu.Yds. 2.00 400.00 2.50 500.00 8.00 1600.00 6.00 1200.00 5.00 1000.00 C one re t e Slope Lininp 650 Cu.Yds. 15.00 9750.00 13.00 8450.00 23*25 56.00 15112.50 112.00 16.00 10400.00 25.00 16250.00 Lumber 2 M Ft B M 60.00 120.00 ■ .. 90*. qo 100.00 200.00 60.00 120.00 Total 51260.00 37804.00 58659.50 47700.00 50336.00 DAM AT INLET Clearing & Grubbing Dam Site 1 Acre 500.00 500.00 300.00 300.00 630.00 630.00 500.00 500.00 350.00 350.00 Clearing £c Grubbing Borrow Pite Surface Stripping Dam Site 1 2600 Acre Cu .Yds. 500.00 1.00 500.00 2600.00 300.00 • 70 300.00 1820.00 630.00 .98 630.00 2548.00 500.00 • 70 500.00 1820.00 350.00 .40 350.00 1040.00 Surface Stripping Borrow Pits 2000 Cu.Yds. 1.00 2000.00 • 70 1400.00 .98 1960.00 • .70 1400.00 .40 800.00 Hydraulic Fill Embankment 10500 Cu.Yds. .78 8190.00 .75 7875.00 1.02 10710.00 .90 94 50 . 00 .70 7350.00 Trench Excavation Filling Test Pits 300 Cu.Yde. 50 Cu.Yde. 4.00 5.00 1200.00 250.00 1.75 .70 525.00 35.00 1.68 2.45 504.00 122.50 3.00 5.00 900.00 250.00 2.00 .30 600.00 15.00 Concrete Blocking 25 Cu.Yds . 16.00 400.00 13.00 325.00 16.80 420.00 20.00 500.00 20.00 500.00 laying 20" Cast Iron Pipe 150 Lin.Ft. 5.00 750.00 2.50 375.oo__ 4.00 600.00 5.00 750.00 1.75 262.50 Rip Rap Concrete Slope Lining 100 300 Cu.Yds. Cu.Yds. 2.00 15.00 200.00 4500.00 2.50 13.00 250.00 3900.00 , 8.00 23.25 800.00 6975.00 6.00 16.00 600.00 4800.00 2.00 22.00 200.00 6600.00 Lumber 1 MFtBM 60.00 60.00 4?.00 45.00 56.00 56.00 100.00 100.00 60.00 60.00 Total 21150.00 17150.00 25955.50 21570.00 18127.50 GRAND TOTAL 72410.00 54954.00 84615.00 69270.00 68463.00 aaa ACnnn /in < natal lat ion of *SWAN LAKE DAKS ROLLED embankment Bids' Received December 3. 1920. ITEM LAM AT OUTLET Clearing i Grubbing Lam Site _______ ____ Clearing 1 Grutib’i’ng" Borrow Pits___________ Surface Stripping Lam Site_______________ Surface Stripping Borrow Pits___________ Rolled Embankments Trench Excavation Tunnel Filling Filling Test Pits___________ Concrete Blocking Ikying 30* Cast Iron Pipe___________ Thirty Inch Valve Chamber Rip Rap Cone rete lope Lining Lumber Total LAM AT - INLET Clearing k Grubbing Lam Site______________ Clearing & Grubbing Borrow Pits___________ Surface Stripping Lam Site______________ Surface Stripping Borrow Pits___________ Rolled Embankments___________ Trench Excavation Filling Test Pits_____________ Concrete Blocking Laying 20" Cast Iron Pipe_____________ Rip Rap Concrete Slope Lining Lumber Total GRAND TOTAL AMOUNT 2 2 6000 ♦ 000 24400 1200 200 100 50 180 1 • 200 650 2 Acres Acres Cu.Yds, Cu.Yds. Cu.Yds. Cu.Yds. Cu.Yds. Cu.Yds . Cy.Yds. Lin.Ft. Only Cu.Yds. Cu.Yds. MFtBM OLYMPIC CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 1 1 2600 2000 10500 300 50 2? 150 100 300 1 Acre Acre Cu.Yds. Cu.Yds. Cu.Yds. Cu.Yds. Cu.Yds . Cu.Yds. Lin.Ft. Cu.Yds. Cu.Yds. MFtBM 500.00 500.00 1.00 1.00 .85 4.00 5.00 5.00 16.00 5.00 250.00 2.00 15.00 60.00 1000.00 1000.00 6000.00 4000.00 207^-0 .00 4800.00 1000.00 500.00 800.00 900.00 250.00 400.00 9750.00 120.00 J. L. SMITH 51260.00 500.00 500.00 1.00 1.00 • 78 4.00 5.00 16.00 5.00 2.00 15.00 60.00 500.00 500.00 2600.00 2000.00 8190.00 1200.00 250.00 400.00 750.00 200.00 4500.00 60.00 21150.00 72410.00 350.00 4 00.00 • 58 .58 .85 1.30 2.50 2.50 25.00 5.00 250.00 5.00 35.00 50.00 700.00 800.00 3480.00 2320.00 20740.00 1560.00 500.00 250.00 125.00 900.00 250.00 1000.00 22750.00 100.00 ♦50.00 ■750.00 L.00 1.00 1.25 1.25 2.50 1.25 30.00 10.00 600.00 6.00 30.00 u. 7StQp 55^75.00 450.00 450.00 .58 .58 .85 1.30 2.5? 30.00 4.00 5.00 35.00 50.00 450.00 450.00 1508.00 1160.00 8925.00 390.00 125.00 750.00 600.001 500.00 10500.00 5o«M 25408.00 80883.00 GRANT, SMITH Sc COMPANY 900.0 CL. 1500.00 6000.00 4000.00 30500.00 1500.00 500.00 125.00 1500.00 1800.00 600.00 1200.00 19500.00 150.00 COLUCCIO 4 ERICKSON 69775.00 414.00 750.00 1.00 1.00 1.25 1.25 _ U2S 30.00 8.00 6.00 30.00 . 75t°P 450.00 750.00 2600.00 2000.00 13125.00 375.00 62.50 750.00 1200.00 600.00 9000.00 ____75,00, 30987.50 100762.50 275.00 275.00 .68 .68 .70 1.75 .68 .68 13.00 3.50 200.00 2.50 13.00 45.00 550.00 550.00 4080.00 2720.00 17080.00 2100.00 136.00 68.00 650.00 630.00 200.00 500.00 8450.00 90.00 37804.00 300.00 300.00 .70 .70 .75 1.75 .70 13.00 2.50 2.50 13.00 45.00 300.00 300.00 1820.00 1400.00 7875.00 525.00 35.00 325.00 375.00 250.00 3900.00 45.00 17150.00 54954.00 OSO. A. BANDERET 500.00 500.00 .81 .81 .81 2.00 2.00 1.00 20.00 5.00 200.00 5.00 20.00 50.00 1000.00 1000.00 4860.00 3240.00 19764.00 2400.00 400.00 100.00 1000.00 900.00 200.00 1000.00 13000.00 100.00 GEO. RERICK 630.00 630.00 .98 .98 2.15 1.68 2.45 2.45 16.80 4.20 280.00 8.00 23.25 56.00 48964.00 500.00 500.00 .88 .88 .88 2.00 1.00 20.00 4.00 4.00 20.00 50.00 500.00 500.00 2288.00 1760.00 9240.00 600.00 50.00 500.00 600.00 400.00 6000.00 50.00 22488.00 71452.00 1260.00 1260.00 5880.00 3920.00 52460.00 2016.00 490.00 245.00 840.00 756.00 280.00 1600.00 15112.50 112.00 86231.50 630.00 630.00 .98 .98 2.15 1.68 2.45 16.80 4.00 8.00 23.25 56.00 630.00 630.00 2548.00 1960.00 22575.00 504.00 122.50 420.00 600.00 800.00 6975.00 56.00 37820.50 124052.00 JAHN tc BRES8I 500.00 250.00 .80 .60 .88 2.00 1.50 1.00 _ 12.00 3.00 _200.00 3.00 18.50 50.00 1000.00 500.00 4800.00 2400.00 21472.00 2400.00 300.00 100.00 600.00 540.00 200.00 600.00 12025.00 100.00 47037.00 .500.00 250.00 .80 .60 .88 2.00 1.00 12.00 3.00 3.00 18.50 5°tSQ 500.00 250.00 2080.00 1200.00 9240.00 600.00 50.00 300.00 450.00 300.00 5550.00 ____50*00 20570.00 67607,00 ENGINB-R’S ESTIMATE 300.00 250.00 .75 .75 1.00 1.50 1.50 2.00 15.00 5.00 200.00 10.00 20.00 50.00 600.00 500.00 4500.00 3000.00 24400.00 1800.00 300.00 200.00 750.00 900.00 200.00 2000.00 13000.00 100.00^- 52250.00 300.00 250.00 .75 .75 1.00 1.50 2.00 15.00 4.00 10.00 20.00 5°xQ°. 300.00 250.00 1950.00 1500.00 10500.00 450.00 100.00 375*00. 600.00 1000.00 6000.00 _____10*00 23075.00 75325.00ni iji o nu. r.iuD/UN jviicj* * Bide Received December 3» 1920. ITEMS DAM AT OUTLET Clearing it Grubbing Dam Site Clearing it Grubbing Borrow Pits____________ Suriace Stripping Dam Site_______________ Surface Stripping Borrow Pits____________ Hydraulic Fill Embankment Trench Excavation Tunnel Filling Filling Test Pite___________ Concrete Blocking Laying ^0" Cast Iron Pipe___________ Thirty Inch Valve Chamber ______ Pip Rap Conerete Slope Lining Lumber AMOUNT ____2 2 6000 4000 244 00 1200 200 100 50 lBO 1 200 650 2 Acres Acres Cu.Yds Cu.Yde, Cu.Yde. Cu.Yds, Cu.Yds, Cu.Yde Cu.Yds Lin.Ft. Only Cu.Yds, Cu.Yds. M Ft B OLYMPIC CONSTRUCTION COMPANY . 5oo.oo 500.00 1.00 1.00 .85 4 .00 5.00 5.00 16.00 5.00 250.00 2.00 15.00 60.00 1000.00 1000.00 6000.00 4000.00 207*0.00 4800.00 1000.00 500.00 800.00 900.00 250.00 400.00 9750.00 120.00 COLUCCIO 4 ERICKSON 27^.00 275.00 .68 .68 .70 1.75 .68 .68 13.00 3.50 200.00 2.50 13.00 55_0.00 550.00 4080.00 2720.00 17080.00 2100.0.0 136.00 68.00 650.00 630.00 200.00 500.00 8450.00 ____20100. GEO. RKRICK 630.00 630.00 .98 .98 1.02 1.68 2.45 2.45 16.80 4 .20 280,00 8.00 23-25 56.00 1260.00 1260.00 5880.00 3920.00 24888.00 2016.00 490.00 245.00 840.00 756.00 280.00 1600.00 15112.50 112.00 HARRINGTON-PETERS COMPANY 500.00 1000.00 ^0.0 Q 500.00 .70 .70 .80 3.00 4.00 5.00 20.00 6.00 400.00 6.00 16.00 100.00 1000.00 4200.00 2800.00 19520.00 3600.00 800.00 500.00 1000.00 1080.00 400.00 1200.00 10400.00 200.00 PUGET SOUND BRIDGE & DREDGING COMPANY 350.00 .40 .40 • 94 2.00 2.5 0 .30 22.00 2.50 150.00 5.00 25.00 60.00 . 7Q0, .00 700 .00 . 2400 .00 1600 .00 22936 .00 240.0 .00 500, .00 30, .00 1100 .00 450, .00 150, .00 1000, .00 16250, .00 120, ,00 Total 51260.00 37804.00 58659.50 4770O.OO 50336.00 DAM AT INLET Clearing ic Grubbing Dam Site_______________ Clearing Sc Grubbing Borrow Pite____________ Surface Stripping Pair. Site ____________ Surface Stripping Borrow Pits____________ Hydraulic Fill Embankment_____________ Trench Excavation Filling Test Pits______________ Concrete Blocking laying 20" Cast Iron Pipe______________ Rip Rap Concrete Slope Lining__________ Lumber 1 1 2600 2000 10500 300 50 25 150 100 300 1 Acre Acre Cu.Yds. Cu.Yds. Cu.YdB, Cu.Yde. Cu.Yde, Cu.Yds , Lin.Ft, Cu.Yds, Cu.YdB. MFtBM 500.00 500.00 300.00 500.00 500.00 300.00 1.00 2600.00 .70 1.00 2000.00 .70 .78 8190.00 .75 4.00 1200.00 1.75 5.00 250.00 •70 16.00 400.00 13.00 5.00 750.00 2.50 2.00 200.00 2.50 15.00 4500.00 13.00 60.00 60.00 300.00 300.00 1820.00 1400.00 7875.00 525.00 35.00 325.00 375.00 250.00 3900.00 ___4^.00 630.00 630.00 500.00 500.00 350.00 350.00 630.00 630.00 500.00 500.00 350.00 350.00 .98 2548.00 • 70 1820.00 .40 1040.00 .98 1960.00 .70 1400.00 .40 800.00 1.02 10710.00 .90 9450.00 .70 7350.00 1.68 504.00 3.00 900.00 2.00 600.00 2.45 122.50 5.00 250.00 .30 15.00 16.80 420.00 20.00 500.00 20.00 500.00 O O 600.00 5.00 750.00 1.75 262.50 8.00 800.00 6.00 600.00 2.00 200.00 23.25 6975.00 16.00 4800.00 22.00 6600.00 56.00 56.00 100.00 100.00 60.00 60.00 Total 21150.00 17150.00 25955.50 GRAND TOTAL 72410.00 54954.00 84615.00 21570.00 18127.50 69270.00 68463.00 Add $5000.00 for installation of ^** T 4 o n/Vioro oVinflm t.bllfl ! M-SWAN LAKE DAMS ROLLED EMBANKMENT Bids Received December 3. 1920. ITEM DAM AT OUTLET Clearing 1 Grubbing Dam Site _______ Clearing 4 GruEEIng Borrow Tita___________ Surface Stripping Dam Site______________ Surface Stripping Borrow Pits___________ Rolled Embankments Trench Excavation Tunnel Filling Filling Test Tits____________ Concrete Blocking Laying 30" Cast Iron Pise___________ Thirty Inch Valve Chamber Rip Rap Concrete Slope Lining Lumber Total DAM AT -INLET Clearing i Grubbing Dam Site______________ Clearing It. Grubbing Borrow Pits____________ Surface Stripping Dam Site_______________ Surface stripping Borrcv? Pits___________ Rolled Embankment b___________ Trench Excavation Filling Test Pits_____________ Concrete Blocking Laying 20" Cast Iron Pipe_____________ Rip Rap Concrete Slope Lining Lumber Total GRAND TOTAL AMOUNT 2 2 6000 4000 24400 1200 200 100 50 l8o 1 200 650 2 Acres Acres Cu.Yds, Cu.Yds. Cu.Yds. Cu.Yds. Cu.Yds. Cu.Yds . Cu.Yds . Lin.Ft. Only Cu.Yds. Cu.Yds. HFtBM OLYMPIC CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 1 1 2600 2000 10500 300 50 25 150 100 300 1 Ac re Acre Cu.Yds. Cu.Yds. Cu.Yds. Cu.Yde. Cu.Yds. Cu.Yds . Lin.Ft. Cu.Yds. Cu.Yds. MFtBU 500.00 500.00 1.00 1.00 .85 4.00 5.00 5.00 16.00 5.00 250.00 2.00 15.00 60.00 1000.00 1000.00 6000.00 4000.00 20740.00 4300.00 1000.00 500.00 800.00 900.00 250.00 400.00 9750.00 120.00 51260.00 500.00 500.00 1.00 1.00 .78 4.00 5.00 16.00 5.00 2.00 15.00 60.00 500.00 500.00 2600.00 2000.00 8190.0c 1200.00 250.00 400.00 750.00 200.00 4500.00 __60.00 21150.00 72410.00 J. L. SMITH 350.00 4 00.00 .58 .58 .85 1.30 2.50 2.50 25.00 5.00 250.00 5.00 35.00 50.00 700.00 800.00 3480.00 2320.00 20740.00 1560.00 500.00 250.00 125.00 900.00 250.00 1000.00 22750.00 100.00 450.00 750.00 1.00 1.00 1.25 1.25 2.50 1.25 30.00 10.00 600.00 6.00 30.00 4. 75x00. 55475.00 450.00 450.00 .58 .58 .85 1.30 2.50 30.00 4.00 5.00 450.00 450.00 1508.00 1160.00 8925.00 390.00 125.00 750.00 600.00 500.00 35.00 10500.00 50.00 5Q.QQ 25408.00 80883.00 GRANT, SMITH & COMPANY 900,00 1500.00 6000.00 4000.00 30500.00 1500.00 500.00 125.00 1500.00 1800.00 600.00 1200.00 19500.00 150.00 69775.00 *55.00 75o.oo 1.00 1.00 1.25 1.25 1.25 30.00 8.00 6.00 30.00 - 75.00 450.00 750.00 2600.00 2000.00 13125.00 375.00 62.50 750.00 1200.00 600.00 9000.00 ____Zi^oo. 30987.50 100762.50 COLUCCIO 4 ERICKSON 275.00 275.00 .68 .68 .70 1.75 .68 .68 13.00 3.50 200.00 2.50 13.00 45.00 550.00 550.00 4080.00 2720.00 17080.00 2100.00 136.00 68.00 650.00 630.00 200.00 500.00 8450.00 90.00 37804.00 300.00 300.00 .70 .70 .75 1.75 .70 13.00 2.50 2.50 13.00 45.00 300.00 300.00 1820.00 1400.00 7875.00 525.00 35.00 325.00 375.00 250.00 3900.00 45.00 17150.00 54954.00 GEO. A. BANDERET 500.00 500.00 .81 .81 .81 2.00 2.00 1.00 20.00 5.00 200.00 5.00 20.00 50 .00 1000.00 1000.00 4860.00 3240.00 19764.00 2400.00 400.00 100.00 1000.00 900.00 200.00 1000.00 13000.00 100.00 GEO. RERICK 48964.00 500.00 500.00 .88 .88 .88 2.00 1.00 20.00 4.00 4.00 20.00 50.00 500.00 500.00 2288.00 1760.00 9240.00 600.00 50.00 500.00 600.00 400.00 6000.00 50.00 22488.00 71452.00 630.00 630.00 .98 .98 2.15 1.68 2.45 2.45 16.80 4.20 280.00 8.00 23.25 56.00 1260.00 1260.00 5880.00 3920.00 52460.00 2016.00 490.00 245.00 840.00 756.00 280.00 1600.00 15112.50 112.00 86231.50 630.00 63O.OO .98 .98 2.15 1.68 2.45 16.80 4.00 8.00 23.25 56.00 630.00 630.0c 2548.00 1960.00 22575.00 504.00 122.50 420.00 600.00 800.00 6975.00 ____56.00 37820.50 124052.00 JAHN (c BRESSI 500.00 250.00 .80 .60 .88 2.00 1.50 1.00 12.00 3.00 200.00 3.00 18.50 50.00 1000.00 500.00 4800.00 2400.00 21472.00 2400.00 300.00 100.00 600.00 540.00 200.00 600.00 12025.00 100.00 47037.00 500.00 250.00 .80 .60 .88 2.00 1.00 12.00 3.00 3.00 18.50 50.00 500.00 250.00 2080.00 1200.00 9240.00 600.00 50.00 300.00 450.00 300.00 5550.00 50.00 20570.00 67607.00 ENGINWR'S ESTIMATE 300.00 250.00 .75 .75 1.00 1.50 1.50 2.00 15.00 5.00 200.00 10.00 20.00 -Jo 19P- 600.00 500.00 4500.00 3000.00 244 00.00 1800.00 300.00 200.00 750.00 900.00 200.00 2000.00 13000.00 100.00 52250.00 300.00 250.00 .75 .75 1.00 1.50 2.00 15.00 4.00 10.00 20.00 50.00 300.00 250.00 1950.00 1500.00 10500.00 450.00 100.QQ 375*00 600.00 1000.00 6000.00 ____50.00 23075.00 75325.00V LUlj r.JUBJiHIVttEiil i Bide Received December 3> 1920. I TPMS DAM AT OUTLET Clearing k Grubbing Site Clearing & Grubbing Borrow Pits___________ Suriace Stripping Dam Site_______________ Surface Stripping Borrow Pits___________ Hydraulic Fill Embankment_____________ Trench Excavation Tunnel Filling_________ Filling Test Pits______________ Concrete Blocking Laying 3°" Cast Iron Pipe_____________ Thirty Inch Valve Chamber________ Rip Rap Conerete Slope Lining Lumber AMOUNT ____2 2 6000 4000 244 uO 1200 200 100 50 180 1 200 6^0 2 Acres Ac res Cu.Yds Cu.Yds, Cu.Yde. Cu.Yds. Cu.Yde. Cu.Yds Cu.Yds Lin.Ft. Only Cu.Yds. Cu.Yds. 11 Ft B OLYMPIC CONSTRUCTION COMPANY _100.00 500.00 1.00 1.00 .85 4 .00 5.00 5.00 16.00 5.00 250.00 2.00 15.00 60.00 1000.00 1000.00 6000.00 4000.00 20740.00 4800.00 1000.00 500.00 800.00 900.00 250.00 400.00 9750.00 120.00 COLUCCIO Sc ERICKSON 2Z5-00 275.00 .68 .68 • 70 1.75 .68 .68 13.00 3.50 200.00 2.50 13.00 45.oo 550.00 550.00 4080.00 2720.00 17080.00 2100.0.0 136.00 68.00 650.00 630.00 200.00 500.00 8450.00 _____ GEO. RKRICK 630.00 630.00 .98 .98 1.02 1.68 2.45 2.45 16.80 4 .20 280.00 8.00 23-25 56.00 1260.00 1260.00 5880.00 3920.00 24-888.00 2016.00 490.00 245.00 840.00 756.00 280.00 1600.00 15112.50 112.00 HARRINGTON-PETERS COMPANY 500.00 1000.00 500.00 .70 .70 .80 3.00 4.00 5.00 20.00 6.00 400.00 6.00 16.00 100.00 1000.00 4200.00 2800.00 19520.00 3600.00 800.00 500.00 1000.00 1080.00 400.00 1200.00 10400.00 200.00 PUGET SOUND BRIDGE & DREDGINC COMPANY 150.00 350.00 .40 .40 .9* 2.00 2.50 .30 22.00 2.50 150.00 5.00 25.00 60.00 ZQQ^OO 700.00 2400.00 1600.00 22936.00 24Q0.00 500.00 30.00 1100.00 450.00 150.00 1000.00 16250.00 120.00 Total 51260.00 37804.00 58659.50 47700.00 50336.00 DAM AT INLET Clearing Sc Grubbing Dam Site______________ Clearing Sc Grubbing Borrow Pits___________ Surface Stripping Dam Site Surface Stripping Borrow Pits Hydraulic Fill Embankment____________ Trench Excavation Filling Test Pits_____________ Concrete Blocking laying 20" Cast Iron Pipe_____________ Rip Rap Concrete Slope Lininr__________ Lumber 1 1 2600 2000 10500 100 50 „25 150 100 300 1 Acre Acre Cu.Yds. Cu.Yds, Cu.Yde, Cu.Yds. Cu.Yde, Cu.Yde, Lin.Ft Cu.Yds, Cu.Yds. MFtBM 500.00 500.00 1.00 1.00 .78 4.00 5.00 16.00 5.00 2.00 15.00 60.00 500.00 500.00 2600.00 2000.00 8190.00 1200.00 250.00 400.00 750.00 200.00 4500.00 60.00 300.00 300.00 .70 .70 .75 1.75 .70 13.00 '2.50 2.50 13.00 45.00 300.00 300.00 1820.00 1400.00 7875.00 525.00 35.00 325.00 375.00 250.00_ 3900.00 ___45.00 630.00 630.00 .98 .98 630.00 630.00 2548.00 1960.00 1.02 10710.00 1.68 504.00 2.45 16.80 4.00 8.00 23.25 .00 122.50 420.00 600.00 800.00 6975.00 56.00 Total 21150.00 17150.00 25955.50 GRAND TOTAL 72410.00 54954.00 84615.00 500.00 500.00 .70 . .70 .90 3.00 5.00 20.00 5.00 6.00 16.00 100.00 500.00 500.00 1820.00 1400.00 9^50.00 900.00 250.00 500.00 750.00 600.00 4800.00 100.00 350.00 350.00 .40 .40 .70 2.00 .30 20.00 1.75 2.00 22.00 60.00 350.00 350.00 1040.00 800.00 7350.00 600.00 15.00 500.00 262.50 200.00 6600.00 60.00 21570.00 18127.50 69270.00 68463.00 Add $5000.00 for installation of Pnwer T.ine whpre nhnwn thus: #ITOTJCE TO COlTTEiCTORS — Swan XiRke Dams. Sealed proposals will be received by the Board of Public Works of the City of Seattle up to 10 o’clock a. m. Friday, ! December 3, 1920, in room No. 234 Coun-| ty-City Building-, for the construction of two earth dams at Swan Lake, in accordance with approved plans and specifica-tions'now on file in the office of the Citv Engineer, sixth floor, County-City Building. and as authorized by Ordinances Nos. 37520, 37622, 37660, 38506 and 40,-634. The amount of surety bond that the successful bidder will be required to file with the City Comptroller on these dams will be 25 per cent of the amount of contract price. Each bid must he accompanied by mnnev, a satisfactory surety company i id bond anproved by the Mayor and Pity Comptroller as to sufficiency and the Corporation Counsel as to form, or a certified check payable to the order of the Citv Comptroller of the City of Seattle for a sum not less than five (5) per cent of the tr tal amount of bid, and no bid will be considered unless so accompanied. Special attention of bidders is called to the State Law and Pity Charter regarding- the number of hours constituting a day’s work and minimum wage scale. The Board of Public Works reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Proposals must be endorsed on envelope: “Bid for Swan Lake dams.” By order of the Board of Public Works. C. B. BAGLEY, Secretary. Date of first publication in the Daily Journal of Commerce, Seattle, November 15, 1920. (C-1061)TO START SWAN LAKE DAMS ON! FIRST OF YEAR Calls For Bids to Be Made As Soon As Plans Are Approved Will Be Followed By Con-j struction of 12,000 ! Foot Tunnel Following the approval of the Board of Public Works of the plans for the two proposed earth dams at Swan Lake, necessary to hold the waters of this huge impounding basin, Assistant Supt. of Water John Lamb, reports that bids on this work will likely be called about the first of the year. Following the completion of these dams the building of the 12.000 feet of eight foot concrete tunnel from the outlet of Swan Lake to the building housing the controlling works, gates and screens at Molasses Creek will be undertaken. Plans for this portion of the work have been completed, as well as plans for the controlling works structure, a concrete building 80x80 feet in size. Eventually four large pipes will lead from the controlling works to the city. The two 60-inch wood stave pipes now serving the city will ter- minate at the Molasses Creek controlling works and pipe line No. 3, a 66-inch steel pipe will be added. Provision for the future connection of another 66-inch steel line will be made. This scheme will then involve the 8-foot concrete tunnel 12,000 feet in length, which will bring the water from the big Swan Lake impounding basin to the controlling works and from this unit four main lines will lead to Seattle. Should trouble occur along any of these lines the load could be transferred to other lines, and no interruption to service- be felt as would now be the case should one of the present lines give way. The condition of the bond market is all that has prevented the start of work on the new pipe line, but it is now thought that by the time the new dams are completed bids on the pipe, tunnel work, construction of the controlling works and building and other work necessary to safeguard the city’s water supply may be called. The building of the new pipe line is figured to cost $3,000,000.University of Washington Library Date Due p' ji!M Q TCjiQ^j I J UW 2 0 1SS3 RFTD JUN 2 2 1983 RETJ) SEP 09 ‘97 2 WEE L_ SIFZ( SEP ' 2 ]Qg7 RFTTt I :l~! u TC 424 W2 S32 1920