YOUR PATH-PEACE AND SECURITY You, the American woman, carry brave new responsibilities-to your family, your community, your country, and the world in which you hope to see your children live happily and prosper. For it is you who control the purse strings. You control the spending of almost 80 cents of the family dollar. You inherit over 70 percent of the money and property left by Americans, and 80 percent of the life insur­ance. You own a majority of the stock of the Nation's industrial corporations. Yours is the larger share of the responsibility for keeping America economically sound. Women can't know enough about handling money. That is doubly true in times like these. WHY IT DEPENDS ON YOU Our national economy can be only as sound and secure as the average American family. An economically insecure America, crippled by a depression, could not hope to keep the peace that has already cost so much in human life, time, and money. To prevent another war will take all the wisdom and patient . work that men and women of good will can muster. We can­not secure and enforce peace unless we are strong. The Nation's production of wealth today is far greater than before the war. More Americans are sharing in it. From it can come continuing prosperity if we manage well. Good management starts with the woman, the family buyer. If the average woman han­dies money wisely, our economy will get along all right because in the end women control most of it. Despite the high cost of living, American women are adding to our Bond savings. Of the 45 billion dollars worth of U. S. Savings Bonds now owned by individuals, a woman's name is on about 30 billion dollars worth. That is a lot of Savings Bonds, hut it isn't enough. Savings of this kind are the best antidepression insurance you can take out. And antiwar insurance, too. An economically sound America is the cornerstone of any world organization for peace. Widespread holding of U. S. Savings Bonds by individual Americans, particularly by women, is a foun• dation stone of a sound and strong economy, as it is of family security. FROM A PERSONAL POINT OF VIEW If you are earning your money (and 50 percent more women do today than did so before the war), put some of it away regularly in U. S. Savings Bonds. If you are a homemaker, advise the earners in your fam• ily to do the same-to save regularly, auto­matically through the Payroll Savings Plan where they work, or the Bond-a-Month Plan where they bank. When you join the hundreds of thousands of women, the millions of families who regu­larly add to their savings in Bonds, you not only contribute to national strength and world peace; you help your family and yourself to a steadier, safer and happier future. YOU ARE TELLING YOUR MONEY WHERE TO GO INSTEAD OF ASKING IT WHERE IT WENT. You are plotting your lifeline as far as humanly possible to do so, and preparing in advance for what may come, good or had. Most of what comes in our Land of Opportu­nity is pretty good; the long-time saver is ready to make the best of it. Regular automatic allotment of a percent• age of income to Savings Bonds-before it has a chance to reach your pocket and become outgo-that's the secret for saving. U. S. Savings Bonds are the best-paying riskless investment for your savings in the world. E Bonds pay $4 at maturity for each $3 you invest, You can get your money when you need it, without delay. Meanwhile, you don't have to worry about what your invest• ment is worth, whether it is going up or down in the market, In Savings Bonds it is always going up. Its cash value at any time is stated right there on the hack of the Bond. Here's a tailor-made savings schedule that can he altered to fit any member of your family. THROUGH WEEKLY PAY-ROLL SAVINGS SAVE EACH WEEK $1.25 2.50 3.75 7.50 12.50 15.00 18.75 AND VDU WILL HAVE IN 1 YEAR IN 5YEARS IN 10 YEARS $65.00 130.00 195.00 390.00 650.00 780.00 975.00 $334.11 668.97 1,004.20 2,009.02 3,348.95 4,018.67 5,024.24 $719.11 1,440.84 2,163.45 4,329.02 7,217.20 8,660.42 10,828.74 ON A BOND-A-MONTH BASIS INVEST AND YOU WILL HAVE EACH MONTH IN In 1 In S years In 10 yearsyear SERIES E $225 $1,159.44 $18.75 $2,498.94 450 2,319.00 37.50 4,998.00 900 4,638.00 9,996.00 75.00 1,800 9,276.00 19,992.00 150.00 3,600 18,552.00 39,984.00 300.00 How much money do you need? These tables tell you how fast you can save it. 16-53975-1 MAPPING YOUR SECURITY ... Be as thrifty as you can in family buying­thrift is synonymous with vigor and growth. Put every dollar you can spare into Savings Bonds regularly. Plan your thrift with a purpose. Budget for a new home, the farm you've wanted to own, more educational advantages, and for that inevitable post• earning period-old age. As a member of a church or a woman's organization, as a leader in your neighbor• hood or community, advise others to save regularly. See that the U. S. Savings Bonds Program is an integral part of the program of the patriotic, civic, educational, church, business or professional organization to which you belong. Spread the good word on Savings Bonds in your organization's publications. Include Savings Bonds material in mailings to members. (The Director of the U. S. Savings Bonds Division in your State will supply materials.) Use your influence with the local press to emphasize the significance to the world of a strong American economy, and to our country of the economically strong individual-the secure family. Encourage the Savings Bonds Program in your schools. Children bought 80 million U. S. Savings Stamps the last school year and re­ceived sound training in the handling and saving of their money. YOUR STAKE IN YOUR COUNTRY ..• No matter how much or little you possess of the money and property in this country, you share equally with 142 million Americans the priceless privilege of being an American, living in the most fortunate land on earth. Be proud of its past; have faith in its future. Work and save to make it better by making your part of it better. Help keep it prosper­ous and at peace, and we can make the coming years richer than all the 171 since the United States of America was first conceived in liberty and its people dedicated to the p ursuit of happiness. The best is yet to come if we work together for the future. IF YOU WANT ADDITIONAL INFORMATION-IF YOU WANT SAVINGS BONDS MA­TERIALS-WRITE TO T H E DIRECTOR, WOMEN'S SEC­TION, U. S. SAVINGS BONDS DIVISION , TREASURY DE­PARTMENT, WASHINGTON 25, D. C. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 3 9352 07776032 0 * U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFlCE 16-53975-1 SBD-130 UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON LIBRARIES