T 3 7. ?/a, X hi 9 (P GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS UNIV. OF WASH. LIBRARIES JUL 0 3 2014 U.S. DEPOS1TORY COPY IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES, SHOWING NUMBER, NATIONALITY, SEX, AGE, OCCUPATION, DESTINATION, ETC., FROM 1820 to 1903. [From the Summary of Commerce and Finance for June, 1903.] Treasury Department, Bureau of Statistics. O. P. AUSTIN, Chief of Bureau. Univ. of Washington Libraries G ON T E nsr T s. IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED S TATE S. Page. Statistics of immigration into the United States 4335 Number of alien passengers arrived in the United States from 1820 to 1867, and of immigrants only during the years 1868 to 1903. 4336 Nationally of immigrants 4337 Immigration into the United States from principal European countries, by decennial periods, from 1821 to 1900 4338 Immigration into the United States from England, Ireland, Germany, Norway and Sweden, Italy, Russia, and Austria-Hungary from 1820 to 1903 4338 Immigration into the United States by decennial periods, 1821 to 1900, and from 1901 to 1903 4339 Emigration from Europe 4339 Arrivals, by nationalties, of alien passengers, 1820 to 1868, and arrivals of immigrants only, 1869 to 1903, from eleven principal countries 4340 Local distribution of immigration into the United States . 4341 Total foreign-born ‘ population of each State and Territory, in decennial periods, from 1850 to 1900, and the percentage which it formed of the total population 4342 Proportion of population of foreign parentage 4342 Population, general nativity, and parentage, by States and Territories, 1900 , 4343 Foreign-born population of twenty-nine principal cities of the United States, in decennial periods, from 1870 to 1900, and percentage which it formed of the total population 4344 Total population and persons of foreign parentage in twenty-nine cities, 1900 _ 4344 GENERAL IMMIGRATION T AB LES. Number of alien passengers arrived in the United States in each year from 1820 to June 30, 1868, inclusive 4345 Number of immigrants, classified by nationality and sex, arrived in the United States from 1869 to 1903, inclusive 4347 Statement showing, by ages, the number of passengers arrived in the United States during each year from 1820 to 1867, and of immigrants only from 1868 to 1872; and by nationalities and ages the number of immigrants arrived during each year from 1873 to 1898 ‘ 4358 Number and sex of alien passengers and of immigrants, respectively, arrived in the United States from July 1, 1857, to June 30, 1903, by quarter years 4362 Number of passengers arrived in the principal and all other customs districts from foreign countries, distinguishing United States citizens returning, nonimmigrant aliens, and immigrants, respectively, from 1856 to 1903 4363 Number of passengers departed from the seaports of the United States for foreign countries, etc., from 1868 to 1902 4364 Proportion of the sexes of immigrants from principal countries arrived in the United States during the years 1891 to 1898 4365 Number of immigrants arrived in the United States from 1893 to 1903, by age and sex, number debarred, and number of illiterates over 14 and 16 years of age - 4365 Statement showing, by customs districts, the total number of alien passengers arrived in the United States from 1823 to 1855, and of immigrants only from 1856 to 1902. 4366 Immigration into the United States from selected countries during 1896, 1897, and 1898, classified by age, sex, and illiteracy; also the number debarred, with the cause therefor 4368 Immigration into the United States during the years 1899 to 1902, by race, classified by sex, age, and illiteracy; also the number debarred, with the cause therefor -• 4370 Territories organized after 1850 4374 Nativities of the foreign-born population and the totals of native and foreign-born population in each State and Territory of the United States in 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, 1890, and 1900 * 4374 Nativities of the foreign-born population of the principal cities of the United States in 1870, 1880, 1890, and 1900 4399 Statement showing, by occupations, the total number of passengers arrived in the United States during each year from 1820 to 1867, inclusive, and of immigrants only from 1868 to 1902, inclusive - 4406 Statement showing the principal occupations of the immigrants of the several nationalities arrived in the United States during each year ending June 30, from 1875 to 1898, inclusive 4412 Statement showing the principal occupations and races of immigrants into the United States during the years 1899, 1900, 1901, and 1902 4424 Principal occupation and destination of immigrants arrived in the United States during the years ending June 30, 1899, 1900, 1901, and 1902 4428 Principal races and their occupations of immigrants arrived at the ports of the United States and Canada during the years ending June 30, 1899, 1900, 1901, and 1902 - 4432 Number of Chinese arrived in the United States from 1820 to 1867, and of Chinese immigrants only from 1868 to 1903 4439 Movement of Chinese into and from the United States for various years - - 4439 Immigrants or passengers arrived at or departed from the Hawaiian Islands from 1887 to 1900 - 4440 m IV CONTENTS, Page. Number of emigrants from the various countries of Europe from 1870 to latest available date.. 4440 Nationality and destination of emigrants from principal European countries from 1891 to latest available date 4441 Immigration and emigration of Argentina and Uruguay from 1890 to 1900 .• 4442 Immigration into Brazil during the years 1889 to 1896 4442 Immigration into Argentina during ’the years 1857 to 1899 4443 Number of immigrants arrived in Canada, Brazil, Argentine Republic, Uruguay^and Australia from 1820 to 1902 4443 Immigration and emigration of British Australasia, by colonies, from 1888 to 1899, inclusive 4444 Number and nationality of declared settlers arrived in Canada from 1898 to 1901, and per cent from the United States 4444 IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. Immigration into the United States in the fiscal year ending June 30, 1903, is larger than in any preceding year in the history of the country. The total number of immigrants arriving during the year, as reported by the Bureau of Immigration, was 857,046, against 648,743 in the fiscal year 1902, and 788,992 in 1882, the year in which the highest record was made prior to that of the year just ended. The Bureau of Statistics has from time to time published detailed statements of the immigration into the United States from the earliest available date, presenting the figures in a series of tables showing the countries supplying the large additions thus made to the population of the United States, the sexes, ages, and as far as practicable the occupations of the people thus coming to our shores, their destination, where stated, and their final destination, as indicated by the census reports, which state also the number of foreign-born population in the various States and great cities at the census years from 1850 down to date. The fact that the immigration of the year just ended exceeds in number that of any preceding year, and that a marked change is apparent in the relative share of the various countries in supplying these immigrants, seems to justify a re-presentation of these tables at the present time, bringing them down to date, and with the addition of certain other data now available. Statistics of immigration were collected by the Department of State from 1820 to 1874, by the Bureau of Statistics from 1867 to 1895, and since 1895 exclusively by the Commissioner-General of Immigration; also for several years prior to 1896. The statistics, therefore, have been duplicated for a portion of the period both by the Bureau of Statistics and Department of State and by the Bureau of Statistics and the Commissioner-General of Immigration; but the figures of immigration as collected by the Bureau of Statistics, so long as it collected the data in regard to immigration, have been used to the exclusion of those prepared by the other offices named. Therefore, if comparison is made with the figures prepared by the Department of State and Commissioner-General of Immigration, some differences will be found. Other data in regard to our foreign-born population have been derived from the census. Statistics are also presented of the emigration from foreign countries to the United States, etc. Those showing the number of passengers or immigrants arrived, their sexes, ages, and stated occupations, are compiled from the recurring publications of the Bureau of Statistics and of the Bureau of Immigration; those showing the population of the various States and cities are from the census publications made at decennial years from 1850 to date; those showing the emigration from foreign countries for a long term of years, and the share of that emigration destined for the United States and other countries, are from the publications of foreign governments. The fact that these statements, covering a long term of years, originate in recurring publications both at home and abroad seems to justify their collection and presentation in this connected form at this time, when the immigration into the United States is larger than in any earlier year of its history. The total recorded immigration into the United States since the organization of the Government is, in round numbers, 20 million persons. The number of foreign-born persons now residing in the United States is more than 10 millions, and the number of persons of foreign parentage exceeds 26 millions. The total recorded arrivals of immigrants during the year just ended is 857,046, and, as already indicated, exceeds the figures for any preceding year. Even these figures, however, are incomplete. Owing to the great difficulty in obtaining accurate statements of the immigrants from the contiguous countries of Canada and Mexico, no statistics of immigration into the United States of citizens of those countries are gathered by the Bureau of Immigration. The constant ebb and flow of persons entering and leaving the United States from and to Mexico and Canada, at the numerous points where such movements can be conveniently made, and the movements across the border at' points where only an imaginary line marks the boundary between the two countries, renders accurate statements on this subject extremely difficult, if not impossible, and the Bureau of Immigration in its annual report for 1902 states that “the immigrants do not include arrivals from the neighboring countries of Mexico and Canada except such as come from abroad through ports in these countries for the avowed purpose of entering the United States. ” The fact, however, that the census of 1900 shows the presence of 1,183,225 persons in the United States born in Canada and 103,445 persons born in Mexico shows that the number of arrivals from those countries, proper to be considered as immigrants, must be large. Indeed, Canada ranked third as the birthplace of the foreign-born population in the United States in 1900, Germany being first, with a total of 2,669,164; Ireland second, with 1,619,469, and Canada third, with 1,183,255. A statement presented to the Canadian Parliament in 1890 by Mr. Charlton expressed the opinion that more than half of the immigrants arriving in Canada ultimately reached the United States. This opinion seems to be justified, in part at least, by the fact that the immigration into Canada from 1820 to 1900 aggregated fully 3 million persons, while the total population of Canada of both native and foreign birth in 1901 was but 5,371,315. STATISTICS OF IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. Prior to 1820 no records of immigration were kept. Samuel Blodget, a statistician of more than ordinary research and ability, who wrote on this subject in 1806, when the facts in regard to the immigration of that period were fresh in the minds of those having opportunity to study the subject, expressed the opinion that the immigration during the period from 1784 to 1794 did not average more 4335 4336 IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. [June, than 4,000 per annum. Seybert’s Statistical Annals estimates the arrival of immigrants from 1794 to 1810 at an average of 6,000 per year. From 1810 to 1816 the relations between the United States and Great Britain caused a cessation of immigration. In 1817, however, peace having been concluded, the tide of immigration resumed with greater force than ever, and in that year the total number of immigrants arriving was estimated at over 20,000. This wTas thought to be an enormous number, a number so large as to indicate a necessity for legislation to regulate the transportation of immigrants and prevent overcrowding of the ships on which they made the voyage to the United States. The act of March 2, 1819, contained a clause which provided for the enumeration of the immigrants on their arrival, and that the statement should also include certain other data as to age, sex, place of birth, occupation, etc. This law became the basis of the information which now exists regarding the immigration into the United States from that time forward; it went into effect in 1819, and the first official record made by it is therefore from the year ending September 30, 1820. The act required the collectors of customs to report to the Secretary of State the information which it authorized them to collect. The best estimates of the total immigration into the United States prior to the beginning of the official count puts the total number of arrivals at not to exceed 250,000- in the entire period between 1776 and 1820. The record for 1820, the first year under the act, gave a total of 8,385 “alien passengers” arrived. This figure, therefore, included not only immigrants, but other aliens arriving. Prior to 1856 all alien passengers arriving were included in the single statement, while subsequent to that time the arrivals were so classified as to show immigrants exclusively. It should therefore be understood that all statements of “immigration” prior to 1856 included all alien passengers arriving. Subsequent to that date the totals of all arrivals are immigrants only, but the statements of arrivals by countries continue to include all alien passengers until 1867. Beginning with 1868, all statements of arrivals, whether totals or those by countries, ports, sex, and occupation, relate to immigrants only. During the five years following 1820 the increase in arrivals was not rapid, the total for 1825 being but 10,199. During the next five years, however, the increase wras greater, the figures for 1830 being 23,332. During the next decade the increase was more rapid, the total for 1840 being 84,066. In 1842 the total for the first time crossed the 100,000 line, being for that year 104,565. Even this total, however, was soon passed, the figures for 1846 being 154,416; those of 1847, 234,968; those of 1850, 310,004. The tide of immigration continued to rise until 1854, in which year it reached a total of 427,833. In the very next year, however (1855), the total dropped to 200,877, and by 1859 had fallen to 121,282. A large proportion of this decrease is apparently due to financial and business depression and, in the later years of the decade, the prospect of war. In the year ending June 30, 1862, the year in which actual hostilities began, arrivals of immigrants dropped to 91,985; from that date to 1865, the year in which hostilities ceased, the total ranged from 176,000 to 248,000 per annum, but in 1866 increased to 318,568, rangiqg upward from that date, until in 1873 it reached 459,803. With the financial depression which followed that year, the number again decreased until 1878, when it was but 138*,469; with the return of business activity the totals again moved upward, until the year 1882 showed a total of 788,992, being the largest number of arrivals of immigrants in any year of the country’s history except that for the fiscal year 1903. From 1883 forward the immigration averaged about 450,000 persons. annually, until the business depression of 1893-94, when immigration fell to 285,631 in 1894, ranging almost constantly below 300,000 until 1899. In that year, 1899, the total was 311,715; in 1900, 448,572; in 1901, 487,918; in 1902, 648,743, and in 1903, 857,046, thus exceeding by nearly 10 per cent the total of any preceding year in the history of the country. That the marked variations in the movement of immigration into the country are due largely to conditions of prosperity and business activity is the expressed opinion of students of this subject who gave testimony before the Industrial Commission in 1899. Upon this subject the report of the commission, summarizing the information of those testifying before it, says: “ The most influential factor in immigration is the prosperity of the country. The highest number coming to this country in one year was in the exceptionally prosperous year 1882, when it reached 789,000, after which it declined, and again in 1892 reached 623,084. The immigrants in 1874, immediately following the panic, were only 313,000, and declined from 459,000 of the preceding year.” Number of Alien Passengers Arrived in the United States in Each Year from 1820 to 1867, inclusive, and of Immigrants ONLY DURING E ACH YEAR FROM 1868 TO 1903, INCLUSIVE. [From Annual Reports of Commissioner-General of Immigration after 1895.] [Note.—The years in this table from 1820 to 1831 and from 1843 to 1850, inclusive, are those ending September 30; 1833 to 1842 and 1851 to 1867, those ending December 31, and 1868 to 1903, those ending June 30.] YEARS. 1820 .... 1821...» 1822 .... 1823.... 1824 .... 1825 .... 1826 .... 1827 .... 1828 .... 1829 .... 1830 .... 1831.... 1832 a... 1833 .... 1834.... 1835 .... 1836 .... 1837 .... 1838 .... 1839 1810 1841.... Number. YEARS. Number. 8,385 1842 104,565 9,127 1843 & 52,498 6,911 1844 78,615 6,354 1845 ,.. 114,371 7,912 1846 154,416 10,199 1847 234,968 10,837 1848 226,527 18,875 1849 297,024 27,382 1850 c 369,980 22,520 1851 379,466 23,322 1852 371,603 22,633 1853 ' 368,645 CO,482 1854 427,833 58,640 1855 200,877 65,365 1856 200,436 45,374 1857 251,306 • 76,242 1858 123,126 79,310 1859 121,282 38,914 1860 153,640 68,069 1861 91,918 84,066 1862 91,985 80,289 1863 176,282 . YEARS. Number. 1864 .w 193,418 1 248,120 318,568 315,722 1886 1865 1887 1866 1888 1867 1889 1868 d 138,840 352,768 1890 1869 .’ 1891 1870 387,203 1892 1871 321,350 404,806 459,803 313,339 227,498 1893 1872 1894 1873 ‘. .. 18°5 1874 1896 1875 1897 1876 169,986 141,857 1898 1877 1899 1878 138,469 177,826 ; 457,257 669,431 788,992 603.322 518; 592 _ 395,346 1900 1879 1901 1880 1902 1881 1903 1882 1883 1884 : 1885 YEARS. Number. 334,203 490,109 646,889 444,427 455,302 560,319 623,084 502.917 314,467 279,948 343,267 230,832 229,299 311,715 448,572 487.918 648,743 857,046 -a Fifteen months ending December 31. & Nine months ending September 30. c Fifteen months ending December 31. d Six months ending June 30. 1903.]. IMMIGKATION INTO THE UNITED STATES, 4337 NATIONALITY OF IMMIGRANTS, Until recent years the countries of northwestern Europe have furnished the very large proportion of the immigrants coming into the United States. In the decade 1821-1830 the total number of alien passengers arriving in the United States was 143,439, and of this number 50,724 were from Ireland, 22,167 from England and Wales, 8,497 from France, 6,761 from Germany, and 3,226 from Switzerland.’ In the next decade the movement toward the United States from Germany greatly increased. The total number of alien passengers arriving in the decade 1831-1840 was 599,125, and of this number 152,454 were from Germany, while in the preceding decade Germany had furnished only 6,761 of the total. Ireland also contributed largely to the immigration of the decade ending with 1840, the total being 207,381, against 50,724 in the preceding decade. Next in numbers, after Ireland and Germany, for the decade ending with 1840, were the arrivals from England, 73,143, and from France, 45/575. In the decade ending with the year 1850 the total number of arrivals was 1,713,251, and of this number 780,719 were from Ireland, 434,626 from Germany, 263,332 from England, 77,262 from France, and 3,712 from Scotland. Of the 1,713,251 arrivals in the decade ending with 1850, 1,597,502 were from Europe. • In the decade ending with 1860 the total number of arrivals was 2,598,214, of which number 2,452,657 were from Europe. In that decade, for the first time, Germany exceeded Ireland in the number of its contributions to the population of the United States, the total arrivals from Germany being 951,667; from Ireland, 914,119; England, 385,643; France, 76,358, and Scotland, 38,33i. In that decade the movement of immigration from China toward the United States began, the total number of arrivals from China being 41,397, against only 35 persons in the preceding decade. In the decade ending with 1870 (the decade including the war period), the total number of arrivals was 2,314,824, which was slightly below that of the preceding decade. Of this total of 2,314,824, Europe furnished 2,064,407, and Germany far more than any other country. The total from Germany in the decade was 787,468, against 568,128 from England, 435,778 from Ireland, 109,298 from Norway and Sweden, 35,984 from France, and 38,768 from Scotland. It will be observed by a study of the table showing these figures of immigration by decades, presented herewith, that the arrivals from Ireland during the decade ending with 1870 fell off more than one-half as compared with the decade ending with 1860, while there was also a decrease of about 20 per cent in the arrivals from Ger¬ many compared with the preceding decade, but a very large increase in the arrivals from Norway and Sweden, the totals for Norway and Sweden in the decade ending with 1870 being 109,298, against. 20,931 in the preceding decade. The decade ending with 1880 showed a slight increase over the decades ending with 1870 and 1860, the total for the decade being 2,812,191, against 2,314,824 in the decade ending with 1870, and 2,598,214 in the decade ending with 1860. All of the figures of the decade ending with 1880 are those of immigrants, the distinction between alien passengers and immigrants having been made, as already indicated, in the preceding decade. Of the total of 2,812,191 immigrants arriving in the decade ending with 1880, 2,261,904 were from Europe. Germany continued to contribute the largest number, the total from Germany for the decade being 718,182; from England, 460,479; Ireland, 436,871; Norway and Sweden, 211,245; Scotland, 87,564, and France, 72,206. In this decade the total immigration from China reached 123,201, against 64,301 in the decade ending with 1870, 41,397 in the decade ending with 1860, and 35 perscns in the decade ending with 1850, The decade ending with 1890 shows the largest total of immigrants arrived of any decade in the history of the country, the total for that decade being 5,246,613, or nearly double that of any preceding decade, while for the decade ending with the year 1900 the total is 3,844,359. Of this total of 5,246,613 arriving in the decade ending with 1890, 4,721,602 were from Europe. Germany continued to be the largest factor in the supplying of immigrants to the United States in that decade, the total from Germany being 1,452,970, or more than one-fourth of the total; from England, 657,488; Ireland, 655,482; Norway and Sweden, 568,362; Austria-Hungary, 353,719; Italy, 307,309; Eussia, including Poland, 265,088, and Scotland, 149,869. It will be observed that important changes appear in the large items forming the totals for the decade ending with 1890. Italy, Austria-Hungary, and Russia had, in preceding decades, supplied so small a proportion of the arrivals as to attract little attention. The number of immigrants from Italy was less than 2,000 in the decade ending with 1850, less than 10,000 in the decade ending with 1860, less than 12,000 in the decade ending with 1870, and less than 60,000 in the decade ending with 1880, while in the decade ending with 1890 the number had increased to 307,309. From Austria-Hungary the number of arrivals in the decade ending with 1870 was less than 8,000, and in the decade ending with 1880 was 73,000, while in the decade ending with 1890 the number was 353,719. From Russia, including Poland, the number of arrivals in the decade ending with 1870 was less than 5,000, in the decade ending with 1880, 52,000,. and in the decade ending with 1890, 265,088. Norway and Sweden made their largest record in the decade ending with 1890, the total from those countries having grown from 14,000 in the decade ending with 1850 to 21,000 in the decade ending with 1860, 109,000 in the decade ending with 1870, 211,000 in the decade ending with 1880, and 568,362 in the decade ending with 1890. From China the total number of arrivals for the decade ending with 1890 fell to 61,711, as against 123,201 in the preceding decade, this drop in numbers being due to legislation in the early part of the decade excluding Chinese immigrants. In the decade ending with 1900 the total number of arrivals of immigrants was 3,844,359. Of this number 3,700,960 were from Europe. A noticeable feature of the record of the decade ending with 1890, comparing it with preceding decades, is a marked reduction in the number of arrivals from Germany, Ireland, England, Scotland, and Norway and Sweden and a marked increase in the number of arrivals from Italy, Austria-Hungary, and Russia. The arrivals from Germany during the decade ending with 1900 aggregated only 543,922, against 1,452,970 in the preceding decade. The arrivals from England aggregated only 282,304, against 657,488 in the preceding decade. Those from Ireland aggregated 403,496, against 655,482 in the preceding decade. Those from Scotland aggregated 60,053, against 149,869 in the preceding decade. Those from Norway and Sweden aggregated 325,943, against 568,362 in the preceding decade. Those from France aggregated 36,006, against 50,464 in the preceding decade. Those from Denmark aggregated 52,670, against 88,132 in the preceding decade. Those from Switzerland aggregated 33,149, against 81,988 in the preceding decade. In all of these countries the figures for the decade ending with 1900, it will be observed, were much below those of the preceding decade. In the case of three other European countries, however—Italy, Austria-Hungary, and Russia—there was a marked increase in the decade ending with 1900 as compared with any other decennial period. 4338 IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. [June, From Italy the arrivals in the decade ending with 1900 aggregated 665,668, against 307,309 in the decade ending with 1890, 55,759 in the decade ending wTith 1880, and 11,728 in the decade ending with 1870. From Austria-Hungary the number of arrivals in the decade ending with 1900 aggregated 597,047, against 353,719 in the preceding decade, 72,969 in the decade ending with 1880, and 7,800 in the decade ending with 1870. From Eussia and Poland the arrivals in the decade ending with 1900 aggregated 588,866, against 265,088 in the decade ending with 1890, 52,254 in the decade ending with 1880, and 4,536 in the decade ending with 1870. The change in the relative share which these principal countries of Europe have supplied of the immigration into the United States during the period since the records of immigration began is indicated more readily by the following table, which shows the total number of arrivals from Germany, Ireland, England, Norway and Sweden combined, Italy, Austria-Hungary, and Eussia for the decades ending with 1830, 1840, 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, 1890, and 1900. . Immigration into the United States from Principal European Countries, by Decennial Periods, from 1821 to 1900. \ 1821 to 1830 1831 to 1840 1841 to 1850 1851 to 1860 1861 to 1870 1871 to 1880 1881 to 1890 1891 to 1900 DECADES. France. England. Ireland. Scotland. Germany. Norway and Sweden. Italy, Russia and Poland. Austria- Hungary. 8,497 45,575 77,262 76,358 35,984 72,206 50,464 36,000 22,167 73,143 263,332 385,643 568,128 460,479 657,488 282,304 50,724 207,381 780,719 914,119 435,778 436,871 655,482 403,496 2,912 2,667 3,712 38,331 38,768 87,564 149,869 60,053 6,761 152,454 434,626 951,667 787,468 718,182 1,452,970 543,922 91 1,201 13,903 20,931 109,298 211,245 568.362 325,943 408 2,253 1,870 9,231 11,728 55,759 307,309 655,668 91 646 656 1,621 4,536 52,254 265,088 588,866 7,800 72,969 353,719 597,047 A study of the above table indicates a marked change in the movement of immigration from these countries into the United States during the period under consideration, and especially in recent years. From France the immigration has never been large. It reached its highest total during the decades ending with 1850, 1860, and 1880, and has fallen very rapidly since 1880. From England the decades; ending wTith 1870, 1880, and 1890, respectively, show the largest figures of arrivals, the total for the decade ending wdth 1900 being less than half that for the preceding decade. From Ireland .the highest total was for the decades ending with 1850 and 1860, respectively. From Germany the decades ending with 1860, 1870, 1880, and 1890 show large totals, that ending wdth 1890, however, being by far the greatest, while that ending with 1900 shows a total of but a little more than one-third of that for the decade ending with 1890. From Norway and Sweden the largest number of arrivals was during the decade ending with 1890. From Italy, Eussia, and Austria-Hungary the movements differ materially from the countries already named. The total number of immigrants arriving from the three latter countries during the decade ending with 1890 exceeded that for the preceding half century, while the decade ending with 1900 more than doubled the number of arrivals for the decade ending with 1890 in the case of Italy and Eussia, and nearly doubled the total in the case of Austria-Hungary. This change in the relative share w~hich these principal countries supply of the total immigration into the United States in recent years is more clearly indicated by the following table, which shows the total number of arrivals from England, Ireland, Germany, Norway and Sweden, Italy, Eussia, and Austria-Hungary, respectively, from 1880 to 1903: Immigration into the United States from England, Ireland, Germany, Norway and Sweden, Italy, Eussia, and Austria- Hungary from 1880 to 1903. . YEARS. England. Ireland. Germany. Norway and Sweden. Italy. Russia. Austria- Hungary. 59,454 71,603 84,638 59,081 12,354 7,191 17,267 65,177 72,342 210,485 72,465 15,401 10,655 27,935 82,394 76,432 250,630 93,708 32,160 21,590 29,150 63,140 81,486 194,786 61,675 31,792 11,920 27,625 55,918 63,344 179,676 43,526 16,510 17,226 36,571 47,332 51,795 124,443 34,604 13,642 17,158 27,309 49,767 49,617 84,403 40,510 21,315 17,800 28,680 73,855 68,370 106,865 59,095 47,622 30,766 40,265 82,574 73,513 109,717 72,962 51,558 33,487 45,811 68,503 65,557 99,538 48,805 25,307 33,916 34,174 57,020 53,024 92,427 41,002 52,003 35,598 56,199 53,600 55,706 113,554 49,448 76,055 47,426 71,042 49,770 55,467 130,758 57,709 62,137 84,393 80,136 46,501 49,233 96,361 54,156 72,916 43,828 59,633 29,579 33,904 59,386 27,475 43,966 38,094 37,505 23,443 46,304 32,173 22,942 35,427 35,907 33,401 19,492 40,262 31,885 30,032 68,060 51,445 65,103 9,974 28,421 22,533 19,004 59,431 25,816 33,031 9,877 25,128 17,111 17,336 58,613 29,828 39,797 10,897 35,607 17,476 19,502 77,419 60,982 62,491 9,951 35,730 18,507 28,225 100,135 90,787 114,847 13,488 30,404 21,651 25,680 135,996 85,257 113,390 13,575 29,138 28,304 48,378 178,375 107,347 171,989 26,219 35,300 40,086 70,489 230,622 136,093 206,011 In a wrord, it may be said that 20 millions of people, speaking in round numbers, have come into the United States as immigrants since the formation of the Government, and of that number, still speaking in round numbers, 18 millions have come from Europe. Of the 18 millions from Europe over 7 millions were from the United Kingdom, about 4 millions of these being from Ireland and 2f millions from England; over 5 millions were from Germany, and nearly a million and a half each were from Norway and Sweden, Austria- Hungary, Italy, and Eussia, including Poland. 1903.] IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. 4839 The following table shows the total immigration into the United States hy decennial periods from 1820 to 1900, and from 1900 to 1903, and the annual average during these periods i Immigration into the United States by Decennial Periods, 1821 to 1900, and from 1901 to 1903, \ PERIODS. Number. Annual average. 1789 to 1820 (estimated) 250,000 143,439 599,125 1,713,251 2,598,214 2,314,824 2,812,191 5,246,613 3,844,420 1,993,707 1821 to 1830 (decade) 14,343 59,912 171,325 259,821 231,482 281,219 524,661 384,442 664,569 1831 to 1840 1841 to 1850 1851 to 1860 1861 to 1870 ... 1871 to 1880 1881 to 1890 1891 to 1900 1901 to 1903 (three years) EMIGRATION FROM EUROPE. Comparing the immigration into the United States with the emigration from Europe, and considering the period from 1870 to the present time, for which period statistics of European emigrants are available, it may be said, speaking in round terms, that Europe has lost about 20 millions of people by emigration since 1870, and that nearly 14 millions, or practically two-tbirds of that number, have ultimately become residents of the United States. During recent years, of the emigration from the United Kingdom, about 66 per cent was destined for the United States; of that from Sweden and Norway, about 97 per cent removed to the United States; of that from Austria-Hungary, about 95 per cent in recent years; of that from Germany, from 85 to 90 per cent, and of that from Italy, from 40 to 52 per cent came to the United States. Tables showing the emigration from the leading countries of Europe and their destination, and the per cent to the United States, from 1891 to 1900, are printed on another page of this work. The following table shows the arrivals, by nationalities and decades, of alien passengers and immigrants (alien passengers included prior to 1868 and immigrants only after that date) from 1820 to 1902: Arrivals, by Nationalities and by Decades, of Alien Passengers and Immigrants (Alien Passengers from October 1, 1820, to December 31, 1867, and Immigrants from January 1, 1868, to June 30, 1902). COUNTRIES OF LAST PER¬ MANENT RESIDENCE. 1821 to 183 1831 to 1840 1841 to 1850 1851 to Dec. 31, 1860 Jan. 1, 1861 to June 30, 1870 FISCAL YEARS. Total 1821 to 1902 Per cent of total. 1871 to 1880 1881 to 1890 1891 to 1895 1896 to 1900 Per cent of total. 1901 and 1902 Per cent of total. Aiistrm-TTnnepaxy 7,800 72,969 353,719 281,778 315,269 20.16 285,379 25. ll 1,316,914 6.46 Belgium 27 22 5,074 4,738 6,734 7,221 20,177 15,049 5,013 .32 4,156 .37 68,211 .33 Denmark 169 1,063 539 3,749 17,094 31,771 88,132 39,856 12,814 .82 9,315 .82 204,502 1.00 France 8,497 45,575 77,262 76,358 35,984 72,206 50,464 26,013 9,993 .63 6,267 .55 408,619 2.00 Germany 6,761 152,454 434,626 951,667 787,468 718,182 1,452,970 436,410 107,512 6.87 49,955 4.39 5,098,005 24 98 Italy 408 2,253 1,870 9,231 11,728 55,759 307,309 292,010 363,658 23.25 314,371 27.66 1,358,597 6.66 Netherlands 1,078 1,412 8,251 10,789 9,102 16,541 53,701 25,812 6,004 .88 4,633 .41 137,323 .67 Norway and Sweden 91 1,201 • 13,903 20,931 109,298 211,245 568,362 211,844 114,099 7.30 83,957 7.39 1,334,931 6.54 Russia and Poland 91 646 656 1,621 4,536 52,254 265,088 320,426 268,440 17.17 192,604 16.95 1,106,362 5.42 Spain and Portugal 2,622 2,954 2,759 10,353 8,493 9,893 6,535 14,972 14,761 .94 11,039 .96 84,381 .42 Switzerland 3,226 4,821 4,644 25,011 23,286 28,293 81,988 25,555 7,594 .50 4,545 .40 208,963 1.02 United Kingdom: England a. 22,167 73,143 263,332 385,643 568,128 460,479 657,488 216,850 65,454 4.19 27,253 2.40 2,739,937 13.43 Scotland 2,912 2,667 3,712 38,331 38,768 87,564 149,869 49,374 10,679 .68 4,630 .41 388,506 1.90 Ireland 50,724 207,381 780,719 914,119 435,778 436,871 655,482 242,282 161,214 10.31 59,699 5.25 3,944,269 19.33 Total United Kingdom. 75,803 283,191 1,047,763 1,338,093 1,042,674 984,914 1,462,839 508,506 237,347 15.18 91,582 8.06 7,072,712 34.66 All other countries of Europe. 43 96 155 . 116 210 656 10,318 17,430 22,795 1.46 30,502 2.68 82,321 .40 Total Europe 98,816 495,688 1,597,502* 2,452,657 2,064,407 2,261,904 4,721,602 2,215,661 1,485,299 94.98 1,088,305 95.75 18,481,841 90.56 British North America.. 2,277 13,624 41,723 59,309 153,871 383,269 392,802 2,631 .17 1,176 .10 1,050,'682 5.16 Mexico A 4,817 6,599 3,271 3,078 2,191 5,362 1,913 lc) 746 .05 1,056 .09 29,033 .14 Central America 105 44 368 . 449 96 210 462 952 231 .01 455 .04 3,372 .02 South America- 531 856 3,579 1,224 1,396 928 2,304 2,723 336 .02 540 .05 14,417 .07 West Indies 3,834 12,301 13,528 10,660 9,043 13,957 29,042 14,313 20,294 1.30 7,887 .70 134,859 .66 Total America 11,564 33,424 62,469 74,720 166,597 403,726 426,523 17,988 24,238 1.55 11,114 .98 1,232,363 6.05 T al a -n /I a nf Fh a A t.l a T) t.1 P 352 103 337 3,090 3,446 10,056 15,798 2,524 35,706 | .17 China 2 8 35 41,397 64,301 123,201 61,711 • 13,384 9,782 .63 4,108 .36 317,929 1.56 All other Asia 8 40 47 61 308 622 6,669 21,451 42,199 2.70 31,756 2.79 103,161 .50 Total Asia 10 48 82 41,458 64,609 123,823 68,380 34,835 51,981 3.33 35,864 3.15 421,090 | 2.06 Africa 16 52 55 210 312 229 437 1,084 187 .01 210 .02 2,792 .01 Islands of the Pacific 2 9 29 158 221 10,913 12,574 8,281 1 , All other countries and 1 1,980 .13 1,168 .10 234,885 1.15 ' islands 32,679 69,801 52,777 25,921 15,232 1,540 1,299 301 J Aggregate 143,439 599,125 1,713,251 2,598,214 2,314,824 2,812,191 5,246,613 2,280,674 1,563,685 100.00 1,136,661 100.00 20,408,677 100.00 a Includes Wales and Great Britain not specified. & Immigrants from British North America are not included. c Immigrants from Mexico are not included. 4340 IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. [June, The table 'which follows shows the immigration from the principal sources in each year from 1820 down to date. The countries here enumerated supply about 90 per cent of the total immigration into the United States, and the table therefore gives, in a single page, the record of the immigration movement into the United States from its principal sources from the earliest date for which the figures are available down to date. The figures prior to 1868 include all “ alien passengers” arriving, as immigrants were not stated separately from other arriving aliens prior to that date; subsequent to that date the figures are those of immigrants only. Arrivals. by Nationalities, of Alien Passengees, 1820 to 1868, and Arrivals of Immigrants or~Y, 1869 to 1903, from Eleven Principal Countries. [NotE.—The years in this table from. 1820 to 1831 and from 1843 to 1850, inclusive, are those ending September 30; 1833 to 1842 and 1851 to 1867, those ending December 31; and 1868 to 1903, those ending June 30.] YEAR. England. Scotland. Ireland. France. Germany. ’ Norway.« Sweden. Russia (except Poland). Hungary. Other Austria (except Poland). Italy. 1 ft 20 1,782 268 3,614 371 968 3 14 80 1821 1 036 293 1,518 370 383- 12 7 62 UW! 198 2,267 351 • 148 10 ^ 10 35 1 851 180 l'908 460 183 1 7 33 LS21 713 257 2,345 377 230 9 7 45 1 1,002 113 4,888 515 450 4 10 75 1,459 230 5,408 545 511 16 4 57 1X97 - . 2,521 9,766 1,280 432 13 19 35 1X9X _ 2,735 1,041 12,488 2,843 1,851 10 7 84 1899 . ... 2,149 I 111 7,415 582 597 13 : 1 23 1830 733 29 2,721 1,174 1,976 3 3 9 ixxi 251 226 5,772 2,038 2,413 ; 13 1 ! 28 1832 b 944 158 12' 436 5, 361 10,194 313 52 3 1S 2 2 2,966 1,921 8,648 4,682 6,988 16 159 1,699 182 I 1,129 'llG 24,474 2,989 17,686 42 15 1(4 1835 468 63 20' 927 2,696 8,311 31 9 61 1836 . .. 420 106 30,578 4,443 20,707 57 2 ' 115 1837 896 14 28'508 5,074 23,740 290 19 36 1838 157 48 12,645 : 8,675 11,683 60 13 86 1839 62 28' 963 7,198 21,028 324 7 84 1810 818 21 39'430 7,419 29,704 55 37 1841 147 35 37'772 5,006 15,291 195 i 174 179 1842 1,743 24 51'342 4,504 20,370 553 28 100 1813 c 3,517 41 19' 670 3,346 14,441 1,748 6 117 1841 . 1,357 23 33,490 3,155 20,731 1,311 13 141 1845 1,710 868 44,821 7,663 34,355 928 1 137 1816 2,854 305 51,752 10,583 57,561 1,916 248 151 18 >7 ' 3,476 337 105,536 20,040 74,281 1,307 5 164 1818 4,455 659 112,934 7,743 58,465 903 1 241 1819 6,036 1,060 159,398 5,841 60,235 3,473 44 209 18'n 5,276 627 133,806 8,009 63,182 15,714 1,363 31 373 1850 d. • 1,521 233 30,108 1,372 206 58 1851 5,306 966 221,253 20,126 72,482 2,424 1 447 1812 - 30,007 8,148 159,548 6,763 ' 145,918 4,103 2 351 1853 28,867 6,006 162,649 10,770 141,946 3,364 3 555 1854 48,901 4,605 101,606 13,317 215,009 3,531 2 1,263 1855 i. 38,871 5,275 49,627 6,044 71,918 821 13 1,052 1856 ... 25,904 3,297 54,349 7,246 71,028 1,157 9 1, t)\iO 1857 27,804 4,182 54,361 : 2,397 91,781 1,712 25 1,007 1,358 .. .. ' 14,638 1,946 26,873 3,155 45,310 2,430 246 1,240 1859 13,826 2,293 35,236 2,579 41,784 1,091 91 932 1260 ..... 13,001 1.613 48,637 3,961 54,491 298 65 1,019 1861... ; 8,970 767 23,797 : 2,326 31,661 • 616 34 2 49 811 1.869 10,947 657 23,351 3,142 27,529 892 79 17 94 566 1863 . . 24,065 1,940 55,916 1,838 33,162 1,627 77 28 57 547 1864 â–  26,096 . 3,476 63,523 3,128 57,276 2,249 256 40 190 600 1865 15,038 3,037 29,772 3,583 83,424 6,109 183 822 100 924 18/K) 3,559 1,038 36,690 6,855 115,892 12,633 287 45 48 1,382' 1867 36,972 7,582 72,879 5,237 133,426 7,055 205 25 667 1,624 1 e. 24,127 (f) 32,068 1,989 55,831 ll,166 141 891 1869... 35,673 7,751 40,786 3,879 131,042 16,068 24,224 343 4 i, 495 1,489 1870... 60,957 12,521 56,996 4,009 118,225 13,216 13,443 907 1 4,424 2,891 1871... 56,530 11,984 57,439 3,138 82,554 9,418 10,699 673 3 4,884 2,816 1872... 69,764 13,916 68, 732 : 9,317 141,109 11,421 13,464 994 228 4,182 4, ISO 1873... 74,801 13,841 77,344 14,798 149,671 16,247 14,303 1,560 1,347 5,765 8,757 1874... 50,905 10,429 53,707 9,644 87,291 10,384 5,712 3,960 962 7,888 7,666 1875... ; 40,130 7,310 37,957 8,321 47,769 6,093 5,573 7,982 776 6,882 3,631 1876... . . 24,373 4,582 19,575 8,004 31,937 5,173 5,603 4,765 630 5,646 3,015 1877... _ 19,161 4,135 14,569 5,856 29,298 4,588 4,991 6,579 373 5,023 8,195 1878... 18,405 8,502 15,932 4,159 29,313 4,759 5.390 3,037 646 4,504 4,344 1879... ...j 24,183 5,225 20,013 4,655 34,602 7,345 ll', 001 4,434 G32 5,331 5, r'Si 2880 59,454 12,640 71,603 4,314 84,638 19,895 89,186 4,854 4,363 12,904 12,354 1881... 65,177 15,168 72,342 5,227 210,485 22,705 49,760 4,865 6,826 ; 2\’l09 15,401 1882... . 82,394 18.937 76,432 6,004 250,630 29,101 64,607 16,321 8,929 20,221 32,159 1883... __ 63,140 ll,859 .81,486 4,821 194,786 23,398 38,277 9,186 - ll,240 ' 16,385 81,792 1884... 55,918 . 9,060 63,344 3,608 179,676 : 16,974 26,552 11,854 14,798 21,773 16,510 1885.... 47,332 ' 9,226 51,795 8,495 124,443 12,356 22,248 16,603 9,383 17,926 13,642 1886... 49,767 12,126 49,619 3,318 84,403 12,759 27,751 17,309 12.420 16,260 21,315 1887... 72,855 18,699 68,370 5,034 106,865 16,269 42,836 28,944 15,256 25,009 47,622 18S8... 82,574 24,457 73,513 6,454 109,717 18,264 54,698 31,256 15,800 30,011 51,558 1889... • 68,503 18,296 65,557 5,918 99,538 13,390 35,415 31,889 10,967 23,207 25,307 1890... 57,020 12,041 53,024 6,585 92,427 11,370 29,632 33,147 22,062 34,137 52,003 1891... 53,600 12,557 55,706 6,770 113,554 12,568 36,880 42,145 28,366 42,676 76,055 1892... 49,770 11,520 55,467 6,521 130,758 14,462 43,247 79,294 37,236 42,900 62,137 1893... 46,501 12,155 49,233 5,359 96,361 16,079 38,077 37,177 23,501 86,132 72, A6 189*1... 29,579 7,254 33,904 3,662 59,386 8,867 18,608 35,694 14,397 23,108 43,967 3895... 31,948 5,888 47,972 3,702 36,351 7,373 15,683 32,053 15,206 18,256 36,961 1896... 19,492 3,483 40,262 2,463 31,885 8,855 21,177 45,137 30,898 84,205 68,060 1897... 9,974 1,883 28,421 2,107 22,533 : 5,842 13,162 22,750 15.025 18,006 59,431 1898... 9,877 1,797 25,128 1,990 17,111 4,938 12,398 27,221 16,659 S £ co 58,613 1899 345,123 1,694 17,476 6,705 12,797 ft CO, 982 62,491 77,419 1900... 9,951 1,792 : 35,730 1,739 18,507 0,575 18,650 ft 90,787 114,847 100,135 1901... 12,214 2,070 , SO,561 3,150 21,651 12,248 23,331 ft 85,257 113,390 135,996 1902.*.. 13,575 2,560 ; 29,138 ; 3,117 , 28,304 17,484 : 30,894 ft 107,347 â– 171,889 178,375 1903... 26,219 6,153 35,300 5,578 ’ 40,086 24,461 46,028 ft 136,093 206,011 230,622 alncluded Sweden until 1869. b Fifteen months ending December 31. c Nine months ending September 30. d Three months ending December 31, e Six months ending June 30. / Included in England, g Total United Kingdom. h Including Finland. / 1903.] IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. 4841 LOCAL DISTRIBUTION OF IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. * One of the qnestions asked of immigrants on their arrival is their intended destination; and while the statements thus obtained furnish some general information as to their prospective destination, their movements after landing are so much affected by unforeseen circumstances that the census statements of nationally of the population of the various States and cities present a much better picture of the final distribution of the persons coming into the country than could possibly be had from the statements immigrants might make on landing. In an attempt to study the question of final distribution, therefore, the statements of the census are necessarily utilized, though the statements of intended destination, as given to the officers of the Immigration Bureau, are also published on another page of this work. The census statements of fofeign-born population in the various States and principal cities of the country are presented herewith in condensed form. They show that the total foreign-born population in the United States in the census year 1850 was 2} millions; in 1860, a little over 4 millions; in 1870, 5J millions; in 1880, 6} millions; in 1890, 9} millions, and in 1900,10,341,276. In 1850 the foreign-born persons formed ll per cent of the total population of the United States; in 1860, 15 per cent; in 1870, 14.4 per cent; in 1880, 13.3 per cent; in 1890, 14.8 per cent, and in 1900, 13.6 per cent. From this it will appear that, although immigration in recent years has been large, the increase in immigration has not quite kept pace with the increase in native population, the percentage which the foreign-born population bears to the total population having been, in 1900,13.6 per cent, against 14.8 per cent in 1890,14.4 per cent in 1870, and 15 per cent in 1860. To determine the distribution, however, the statements of foreign-born population in each State must be examined.. The census of 1900 shows the total foreign-born population in the United States in that year as 10,356,644; of this number 4,762,796 were located in what the census designates as the “North Atlantic Division,” which consists of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. In the group of States which it terms the “ North Central Division” were located 4,158,474 persons of foreign birth; this North Central Division includes the States of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Kansas. Thus, of; the 10,356,644 persons of foreign birth in the United States in 1900, 8,921,270, or 86 per cent of the total, were located in that section of the country lying north of the Ohio River and east of the Rocky Mountains. Tracing the various nationalities to their destinations, it may be said that 62 per cent of those from Austria-Hungary were located in the North Atlantic Division, which-includes practically the New England and Middle States, and 25 per cent in the North Central Division. Of the Bohemians, only 14 per cent were located in the North Atlantic Division and 76 per cent in the North Central Division. Of the French Canadians, 77 per cent wTere located in the North Atlantic Division and 20 per cent in the North Central Division, while of the Canadian immigrants of English extraction 44 per cent w~ere located in the North Atlantic Division and 44 per cent in the North Central Division. Of the natives of England in the United States, 52 per cent were located in the North Atlantic Division and 31 per cent in the North Central Division. Of those of German birth in the United States, 33 per cent were located in the North Atlantic Division and 55 per cent in the North Central Division. Of the Hungarians, 73 per cent were located in the North Atlantic Division and 23 per cent in the North Central Division. Of the natives of Ireland, 67 per cent were located in the North Atlantic Division and 22 per cent in the North Central Division. Of the Italians, 73 per cent were located in the North Atlantic Division and ll per cent in the North Central Division. Of the Russians, 66 per cent were located in the North Atlantic Division and 25 per cent in the North Central Division. Taking up the States and considering their respective share of foreign-born population and the percentage which this element in their population bears to their total population, it may be said that New York has a larger proportion of foreign-born persons than any other State in the Union. In 1850 its foreign-born population was 651,801 persons; in 1860, 998,640; in 1870,1,138,353; in 1880,1,211,379; in 1890, 1,571,050, and in 1900, 1,900,425. The percentage which the foreign-born population formed of the total population of New York State wras, in 1850, 21.1 per cent; 1860, 25.7 per cent; 1870, 25.9 per cent; 1880, 23.8 per cent; 1890, 26.2 per cent, and 1900, 26.1 per cent. Thus the proportion which the foreign-born population formed of the total population of New York State has slightly increased decade by decade since 1850, the earliest date for which data on this subject are obtainable. Next in rank after New York State, with reference to the large proportion of foreign-born population, is Pennsylvania, with a total foreign-born population of 985,250 in 1900. In 1850 the total foreign-born population wTas 294,871; in 1860, 430,505; in 1870, 545,309; in 1880, 587,829; in 1890, 845,720, and in 1900, 985,250. The percentage which the foreign-born population forms of the total population of Pennsylvania was, in 1850, 12.7 per cent; in 1860, 14.8 per cent; in 1870, 15.5 per cent; in 1880, 13.7 per cent; in 1890, 16.1 per cent, and in 1900, 15.6 per cent. Next in rank of total foreign-born population' is Illinois. Its foreign-born population amounted, in 1850, to 110,593; in 1860, to 324,643; in 1870, to 515,198; in 1880, to 583,576; in 1890, to 842,347, and in 1900, to 966,747. The percentage wThich the foreign-born population formed of the total population of Illinois was, in 1850, 13 per cent; in 1860, 18.9 per cent; in 1870, 20.3 per cent; in 1880, 18.9 per cent; in 1890, 22 per cent, and in 1900, 20.1 per cent. Next in rank of total foreign-born population is Massachusetts, which had, in 1850, 160,909 residents of foreign birth; in 1860, 260,114; in 1870, 353,319; in 1880, 443,491; in 1890, 657,137, and in 1900, 846,324. The percentage which the foreign-born population formed of the total population of Massachusetts was, in 1850, 16.2 per cent; in 1860, 21.1 per cent; in 1870, 24.2 per cent; in 1880, 24.8 per cent; in 1890, 29.3 per cent, and in 1900, 30.2 per cent. The States in which the foreign-born population formed in 1900 the iargest percentage of the total population are, North Dakota, • in which the foreign-born population formed 35.4 per cent of the total; Rhode Island, 31.4 per cent; Massachusetts, 30.2 per cent; Minnesota, 28.9 per cent; Montana, 27.6 per cent; Connecticut, 26.2 per cent; New York, 26.1 per cent; Wisconsin, 24.9 per cent; California, 24.7 per cent; Nevada, 23.8 per cent; New Jersey, 22.9 per cent; Michigan, 22.4 per cent; South Dakota, 22 per cent; â– Washington, 21.5 per cent, and Illinois, 20.1 per cent, with the remaining States falling below 20 per cent. The States having the smallest percentage of foreign-born population are the Southern States, Georgia having a foreign-born popu¬ lation of six-tenths of 1 per cent; South Carolina, four-tenths of 1 per cent, and North Carolina, two-tenths of 1 per cent. No. 12 3 4842 IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES [June, The table which follows shows the foreign-born population of each State and Territory at decennial years from 1850 to 1900, and the per cent which it formed of the total population. Total Foreign-born Population of each State and Territory in Decennial Periods from 1850 to 1900, and the Percentage WHICH IT FORMED OF THE TOTAL POPULATION. [Note.—For similar statement with reference to cities, see page 4344.]. [From reports of the Census.] STATES AND TERRITORIES. total foreign-born population. PAR CENT OF FOREIGN-BORN POPULATION. 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1850 1800 1870 1880 1890 1900 Alabama Arizona 7,638 12, $52 9,962 5,809 5,026 209,831 6,599 113,639 4,815 9,136 16,254 4,967 ll,127 7,885 515,198 141,474 9,734 16,049 10,350 292,874 39,790 129,992 51,795 9,468 17,122 9,909 10,564 9,974 583,576 144,178 14,777 18,795 14,264 366,309 83,990 183,601 172,516 13,161 18,770 22,932 12,137 17,456 842,347 1.46,205 14,592 24,233 14,289 367,240 91,155 238,210 f a 113,091 i & 88,508 13,810 20,119 23,832 12,403 24,604 966,747 142,121 4,858 305,920 126,685 50,249 52,903 93,330 93,934 846,324 541,653 505,318 7,981 216,379 67,067 177,347 10,093 88,107 431,884 13,625 1,900,425 «» 4,492 458,734 15,680 65,748 985,250 134,519 5,528 17.746 179,357 53,777 44.747 19,461 111,364 22,451 515,971 17,415 1.78 2.33 1.00 60.51 1.04 37.46 16.58 21.20 33.91 7.30 12.31 2.65 .94 52.53 20.28 8.41 0.77 39.68 1.29 83.87 20.54 28.86 38.29 6.46 9.62 3.67 .69 30.60 18.96 7.29 0.99 31.54 1.28 30 82 20.38 24.61 33.72 7.81 8.13 5.86 .66 20.77 22.02 6.67 0.80 19.7 1.1 24.7 16.9 26.2 f a 35.4 \ &22.0 7.5 7.2 4.5 .6 15.2 20.1 5.6 1.2 13.7 8.6 2.3 3.8 13.4 7.9 30.2 22.4 28.9 .5 7.0 27.6 16.6 23.8 21.4 22.9 7.0 26.1 .2 11.0 3.9 15.9 . 15.6 •31.4 .4 .9 5.9 19.4 13.0 1.0 21.5 2.3 24.9 18.8 Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Dakota Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Idaho 1,628 22,358 37,473 5,211 4,967 2,757 5,907 3,741 148,528 2,666 80,696 1,774 9,165 12,484 3,309 11,671 i. 66 24.14 10.10 ^ 5.84 10.35 5.73 1.13 1.15 38.56 7.78 17.54 36.68 8.30 17.37 4.21 1.96 Illinois Indiana Indian Territory 110,593 54,426 324,643 118,184 13.00 5.51 18.96 8.75 Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana 21,232 29,189 66,413 31,456 53,288 160,909 54,852 2,048 4,958 72,474 106,081 12,691 59,799 81,029 37,453 77,536 260,114 149,092 58,728 8,558. 160,541 204,692 48,392 63,398 61,827 48,881 83,412 353,319 268,010 160,697 11,191 222,267 7,979 30,748 18,801 29,611 188,943 5,620 1,138,353 3,029 372,493 261,650 110,086 59,517 54,146 58,883 82,806 443,491 388,508 267,676 9,209 211,578 ll,521 97,414 25, 653 46,294 221,700 8,051 1,211,379 3,742 '394,943 324,069 147,838 59,356 49,747 78,961 94,296 657,137 543,880 467,356 7,952 234,869 43,096 202,542 14,706 72,340 328,975 11,259 1,571,050 3,702 459,293 2,740 57,317 845,720 106,305 6,270 20,029 152,956 53,064 44,088 18,374 90,005 18,883 519,199 14,913 ll. 05 3.78 24.33 5.39 10.82 16.18 13.79 33.70 1.67 12.19 15.72 11.84 6.43 21.53 5.96 12.93 21.13 19.90 34.14 2.41 15.04 17.1.5 13.28 4.80 8.50 7.80 10.68 24.25 22.64 36.55 1.35 12.92 38.73 25.00 44.23 9.28 20.85 6.11 25.97 .28 13.98 16.11 11.05 3.61 5.76 9.07 8.86 24.88 23.74 34.28 .81 9.76 29.49 21.53 41.24 13.31 19.60 6.74 23.85 .27 12.35 16.94 10.36 3.19 4.44 11.95 9.05 29.35 25.97 35.90 .62 8.77 32.64 19.13 32.18 19.21 22.77 7.35 26.19 .23 12.50 4.42 18.25 16.08 30.77 .55 1.14 6.84 25.51 13.28 1.11 25.79 2.48 30.78 24.44 Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina Ohio Oklahoma 13,571 58,364 2,063 651,801 2,524 218,5F> 6,351 2,064 20,938 122,790 6,723 998,640 3,299 328,254 4.27 11.93 3.35 21.04 .43 11.03 22.03 30.10 6.42 18.27 7.19 25.73 .50 14.03 Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia 1,159 294,871 23,111 8,662 5,740 16,774 1,990 32,831 22,394 5,122 430,505 37,394 9,986 21,226 43,422 12,754 32,743 35,058 3,144 11,600 545,309 55,396 8,074 19,316 62,411 30,702 47,155 13,754 5,024 17,091 364,499 3,513 30,503 587,829 73.993 7,686 16,702 114,616 43.994 40,959 14,696 15,803 18,265 405,425 5,850 8.72 12.75 15.66 3.05 .75 10.86 17.53 10.45 2.36 9.76 14.82 21.41 3.31 2.54 10.30 31.69 10.39 3.17 27.12 12.76 15.48 25.52 1.14 1.54 7.62 35.37 14.27 1.12 20.91 3.86 34.56 38.60 17.42 13.73 26.73 .77 1.08 7.20 30.55 12.33 .97 21.06 2.95 30.83 27.85 Wisconsin Wyoming 106,695 276,927 34.93 35.69 Total United States 2,210,839 4,136,175 5,567,229 6,679,943 9,249,547 10,341,276 11.06 15.04 14.44 13.32 14.77 13.6 a North Dakota. & South Dakota. PROPORTION OF POPULATION OF FOREIGN PARENTAGE. The census report of 1900 says: “An inquiry was made at the census of 1850 as to the nativity of each person enumerated, meaning thereby the State, Territory, or country of birth. At the census of 1870 this inquiry was extended to include the number of those having fathers and mothers of foreign birth, respectively. * * * By persons of foreign parentage is meant all persons, whether of native or foreign birth, who have one or both parents foreign born. On this basis there are 26,198,939 persons of foreign parentage in 1900, or 34.3 per cent of the entire population enumerated. * * * More than one-half of the entire population in the North Atlantic Division in 1900 is made up of persons of foreign parentage, but the proportions represented by this element in the several States and Territories comprising this division vary materially. While persons of foreign parentage in ’the division as a whole constitute 51.1 per cent of the total population, this element in Rhode Island constitutes 64.2 per cent and in Massachusetts 62.3 per cent of the total population. There is also a very large proportion of persons of foreign parentage in New York, or 59.4 per cent, and in Connecticut, 57.3 per cent. * * * More than seven-tenths of the population of Wisconsin and more than three-fifths of that of South Dakota are composed of persons of foreign parentage, while in Michigan and Illinois this element represents more than one-half of the total population. * * * In many of the principal cities of the country there is a very large element of foreign parentage, owing to the concentration in cities of a considerable proportion of the entire foreign population, both of birth and extraction. * * * Persons of foreign parentage comprise from three-fourths to more than four-fifths of the total population of very many of the principal cities in 1900, the largest proportions being found in Fall River, Woonsocket, Holyoke, Lawrence, Milwaukee, and Hoboken, in the order 1903.] IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES 4343 named. More than three-fourths of the population of New York and Chicago is made up of persons of foreign parentage, Chicago having the larger proportion, or 77.4 per cent, as against 76.9 per cent for New York City. Boston has very neatly as large a proportion of foreign parentage, or 72.2 per cent, while in St. Louis this element constitutes 61 per cent of its entire population.” The following tables, condensed from the census tables on this subject, show the share which foreign-born persons, natives of foreign parentage, and natives of native parentage, respectively, formed of the population of the various States and principal cities of the country in 1900. Population, General Nativity, and Parentage, by States and Territories, 1900. [From reports of Twelfth. Census.] STATES AND TERRI¬ TORIES. Total popu¬ lation. NATIVE PARENTAGE. FOREIGN PARENTAGE. Total. Native born. Foreign born. Total. Native born. Foreign born. Number. Per cent of popu¬ lation. Number. Per cent of popu¬ lation. Number. Per cent of popu¬ lation. Number. Per cent of popu¬ lation. Number. Per cent of popu¬ lation. Number. Per cent of popu¬ lation. The United States a 76,303,387 50,104,448 65.7 50,095,539 65.7 8,909 0.0 26,198,939 34.3 15,687,322 20.6 510,511,617 13.7 Alabama 1,828,697 1,783,110 97.5 1,783,088 97.5 22 0.0 45,587 2.5 30,156 1.6 15,431 0.9 Alaska 63,592 45,846 72.1 45,835 72.1 ll 0.0 17,746 27.9 4,215 6.7 13,531 21.2 Arizona 122,931 72,623 59.1 72,618 • 59.1 5 0.0 50,308 40.9 25,678 20.9 24,630 20.0 Arkansas 1,311,564 1,264,097 96.4 1,264,057 96.4 40 0.0 47,467 3.6 32,726 2.5 4,741 1.1 California 1,485,053 669,560 45.1 669,117 45.1 443 0.0 815,493 54.9 441,794 29.8 373,699 25.1 Colorado 539,700 321,264 59.5 • 321,079 59.5 185 0.0 218,436 40.5 127,236 23.5 91,200 17.0 Connecticut 908,420 387,528 42.7 387,451 42.7 77 0.0 520,892 57.3 282,245 31.1 238,647 26.2 Delaware 184,735 148,660 80.5 148,650 80.5 10 0.0 36,075 19.5 22,219 12.0 13,856 7.5 District of Columbia 278,718 220,347 79.1 220,278 79.1 69 0.0 58,371 20.9 37,939 13.6 20,432 7.3 Florida 528,542 477,172 90.3 477,123 90.3 49 0.0 51,370 9.7 24,044 4.5 27,326 5.2 Georgia....' 2,216,331 2,178,236 98.3 2,178,197 98.3 39 0.0 38,095 1.7 24,913 1.1 13,182 0.6 Hawaii 154,001 38,110 24.7 38,081 24.7 29 0.0 115,891 75.3 16,223 * 10.5 99,668 64.8 Idaho 161,772 94,321 58.3 94,290 58.3 31 0.0 67,451 41.7 42,754 26.4 24,697 15.3 Illinois 4,821,550 2,355,174 48.8 2,354,771 48.8 403 0.0 2,466,376 .51.2 1,498,473 31.1 967,903 20.1 Indiana 2,516,462 2,009,727 79.9 2,009,542 79.9 185 0.0 506,735 20.1 364,447 14.5 142,288 5.6 Indian Territory 392,060 376,131 95.9 376,121 95.9 10 0.0 15,929 4.1 10,247 2.6 5,682 1.5 Iowa 2,231,853 1,274,311 57.1 1,273,911 57.1 400 0.0 957,542 42.9 651,817 29.2 305,725 13.7 Kansas 1,470,495 1,067,393 72.6 1,067,253 72.6 140 0.0 403,102 27.4 276,087 18,8 127,015 8.6 Kentucky 2,117,174 1,957,917 91.2 1,957,864 91.2 53 0.0 189,257 8.8 138,763 6.5 50,494 2.3 Louisiana 1,381,625 1,217,965 88.2 1,217,873 88.2 92 0.0 163,660 11.8 107,797 7.8 55,863 4.0 Maine 694,466 494,732 71.2 494,568 71.2 164 0.0 199,734 28.8 106,209 15.3 93,525 13.5 Maryland 1,188,044 914,317 77.0 914,263 77.0 54 0.0 273,727 23.0 179,231 15.1 94? 496 7.9 Massachusetts 2,805,346 1,058,765 37.7 1,058,494 37.7 271 0.0 1,746,581 62.3 897,386 32.0 849,195 30.3 Michigan 2,420,982 1,047.527 43.3 1,045,283 43.2 2,244 0.1 1,3/3,45o 56.7 831,653 34.4 541,802 22.3 Minnesota 1,751,394 439;375 25.1 439,077 25.1 298 0.0 1,312,019 74.9 806,321 46.1 505,698 28.8 Mississippi 1,551,270 1,522,824 98.2 1,522,818 98.2 6 0.0 28,446 1.8 19,508 1.2 8,938 0.6 Missouri 3,106,665 2,365,609 76.1 2,365,429 76.1 180 0.0 741,056 23.9 524,194 16.9 216,862 7.0 Montana 243,329 103,937 42.7 103,848 42.7 89 0.0 139,392 57.3 70,973 29.2 68,449 28.1 Nebraska 1,066,300 562,964 52.8 562,861 52.8 103 0.0 503,336 47.2 325,885 30.6 177,451 16.6 Nevada 42,335 20,458 48.3 20,439 48.3 19 0.0 21,877 51.7 ll,713 27.6 10,164 24.1 New Hampshire 411,588 243,264 59.1 243,205 59.1 59 0.0 168,324 40.9 80,216 19.5 88,108 21.4 New Jersey 1,883,669 894,691 47.5 894,563 47.5 128 0.0 . 988,978 52.5 556,294 29.5 432,684 23.0 New Mexico 195,310 163,671 83.8 163,639 83.8 32 0.0 31,639 16.2 17,917 9.2 13,722 7.0 New York 7,268,894 2,949,102 40.6 2,948,123 40.6 979 0.0 4,319,792 59.4 2,415,845 33.3 1,903,947 26.1 North Carolina 1,893,810 1,880,774 99.3 1,880,764 99.3 10 0.0 13,036 0.7 8,398 0.4 4,638 0.3 North Dakota 319,146 71,733 22.5 71,657 22.5 76 0.0 247,413 77.5 133,311 41.8 114,102 35.7 Ohio i 4,157,545 2,746,861 66.1 2,746,591 66.1 270 0.0 1,410,684 33.9 950,864 22.9 459,820 11.0 Oklahoma 398,331 344,311 86.4 344,275 86.4 36 0.0 54,020 13.6 38,015 9.5 16,005 4.1 Oregon 413,536 261,917 63.3 261,840 63.3 77 0.0 151,619 36.7 84,596 20.5 67,023 16.2 Pen nsvl vania 6,302,115 3,885,386 61.7 3,885,107 61.7 279 0.0 2,416,729 38.3 1,430,028 22.7 986,701 15.6 Rhode* Island 428,556 153,413 35.8 153,362 35.8 51 0.0 275,143 64.2 140,292 32.8 134,851 31.4 South Carolina 1,340,316 1,322,688 98.7 1,322,673 98.7 15 0.0 17,628 1.3 11,670 0.9 5,958 0.4 South Dakota 401,570 156,187 38.9 156,090 38.9 97 0.0 245,383 61.1 156,194 38.9 89,189 22.2 Tennessee 2,020,616 1,961,584 97.1 1,961,554 97.1 30 0.0 59,032 2.9 40,964 2.0 18,068 0.9 Texas 3,048,710 2,577,137 84.5 2,576,881 84.5 256 0.0 471,573 15.5 289,326 9.5 182,247 6.0 Utah 276,749 107,276 38.8 107,232 38.8 44 0.0 169,473 61.2 115,635 41.8 53,838 19.4 Vermont 343,641 226,297 65.9 226,140 65.9 157 0.0 117,344 34.1 72,696 21.1 44,648 13.0 Virginia i 1,854,184 1,801,920 97.2 1,801,872 97.2 48 0.0 52,264 2.8 32,574 1.8 19,690 1.0 Washington 518,103 276,715 53.4 276,604 53.4 111 0.0 241,388 46.6 129,111 24.9 112,277 21.7 West Virginia 958,800 887,412 92.6 887,392 92.6 20 0.0 71,388 7.4 48,873 5.1 22,515 2.3 Wisconsin 2,069,042 596,715 28.8 596,330 28.8 385 0.0 1,472,327 71.2 956,303 46.3 516,024 24.9 Wyoming 92,531 50,538 54.6 50,525 54.6 13 0.0 41,993 45.4 24,487 26.5 17,506 18.9 aincludes 91,2i9 persons in the military and naval service of the United States (including civilian employees, etc.) stationed abroad, not credited to any State or Territory. b includes all colored persons of foreign parentage. It is in the cities that the largest percentage of foreign-born population is found. New York City had, in 1900, a total foreign-born population of 1,270,080, and this formed 36.9 per cent of the total population in that year. In 1890, before the extension of the boundary lines of New York City to include Brooklyn and other adjacent sections, the foreign-born population formed 42.2 per cent of the total population. In Chicago the foreign-born population numbered in 1900, 587,112, and formed 34.5 per cent of the total population. Taking the other cities in their relative rank of percentage of foreign-born population, it may be said that foreign-born persons formed 35.1 per cent of the total population of Boston in 1900, 34.1 per cent of the total population of San Francisco in the same ye«r, 33.8 per cent of the total population of Detroit, 32.6 per cent of the total population of Cleveland, 31.2 per cent of the total population of Milwaukee, and 30.1 per cent of the total ponulation of Minneapolis. . 4844 IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. [June, 1903.] The table which follows shows the total foreign-born population of certain principal citiesateach decennial period from 1870 to 1900, and the per cent which it formpd of the total population. Foreign-born Population op Twenty-nine Principal Cities op the United States in Decennial Periods prom 1870 to 1900, and Percentage which it pormed op the Total Population. [From reports of the Census.] CITIES. TOTAL FOREIGN-BORN POPULATION. PER CENT OF FOREIGN-BORN POPULATION. 1870 1880 1890 1900 1870 1880 1890 1800 New York, N. Y 418,084 478,670 639,943 1,270,080 44.48 39.66 42.23 36.95 Chicago, Ill 144,557 204,859 450,666 587,112 48.35 J 40.71 40.97 34.51 Philadelphia, Pa 183,624 204,335 269,480 : 295,340 27.24 . 24.12 25.74 22.83 Poston, Mass 87,896 , 114,796 158,172 197,129 35.12 31.64 35.31 35.15 Cleveland. Ohio 38,815 59,409 97,095 124,631 41.81 37.10 37.92 32.65 San Francisco, Cal „ . 73,719 104,244 126,811 116,885 49.32 44.56 42.41 34.10 St. Louis, Mo 112,249 105,013 114,876 111,356 36.11 29.96 25.43 19.36 Buffalo, N, Y 46,237 51,268 89,485 104,252 39.28 33.05 35.00 29.58 Detroit, Mich Milwaukee. Wis. ......... 35,381 33,773 27,822 45,645 46,073 44,605 81,709 79,576 96,503 88,991 84,878 44.46 47.27 39.23 39.86 39.69 38.92 33.78 31.19 Pittsburg, Pa - 73,289 55,571 32.32 28.52 30.71 26.39 Newark, N. J.. f. 35,884 40,330 71,363 ; 34.16 29.54 30.56 29.00 Baltimore, Md 56,484 56,136 69,003 68,600 21.13 16.89 15.88 13.48 Minneapolis, Minn 4,453 15,013 60,558 61,021 34.08 32.02 36.76 30.10 Jersey City, N. J 31,835 39,258 53,358 58,424 38.57 32.52 32.73 28.30 Cincinnati, Ohio 79,612 71,659 71,408 57,961 36.82 28.09 * 24.05 17.78 Providence, R. I 17,177 28,075 40,364 55,855 24.93 26.77 30.54 31.81 St. Paul, Minn 8,687 15,075 53,177 46,819 43.37 36.35 39.94 28.71 Rochester, N. Y 21,184 26,622 39,775 40,748 33.96 29.79 29.71 25.06 Denver, Colo 1,138 8,705 25,464 25,301 23.91 24.43 23.86 18.90 New Orleans, La 48,475 41,157 34,369 30,325 25.32 19.04 14.20 10.56 Omaha, Nebr 6,320 9,930 35,039 23,552 39.29 32.54 24.95 22.97 Louisville, Kv 25,668 23,156 23,510 21,427 25.48 18.71 14.59 10.47 Washington, D. C. 13,757 7,679 14,242 18,770 20,858 20,119 12.60 9.67 - 9.25* 7.22 Kansas, Citv, Mo • 9,301 18,410 23.80 16.67 15.72 11.24 Albany, N. Y 22,207 23,765 22,293 17,718 31.99 26.19 23.48 18.82 Indianapolis, Ind Brooklvn, N. Y 10,657 144,718 12,610 177,694 14,487 261,700 26,135 17,122 (a) 30,216 22.09 36.54 16.80 31.36 13.74 32.46 10.12 Allegheny, Pa 15,308 19,437 28.73 24.70 24.82 23.26 alncluded in New York in 1800. Total Population and Persons op Foreign Parentage in Twenty-nine Principal Cities op the United States, 1900. [From reports of Twelfth Census.] CITIES. Total population. NATIVE PARENTAGE. FOREIGN PARENTAGE. Number. Per cent of total popula¬ tion. Total. Native born. Foreign born. Number. Percent of total popula¬ tion. Number. Per cent of total popula¬ tion. Number. Per cent of total popula¬ tion. New York, N. Y * 3,437,202 793,245 23.1 2,643,957 76.9 1,373,877 40.0 1,270,080 36.9 Chicago, Ill 1,698,575 383,268 22.6 1,315,307 77.4 728,195 42.9 587,112 34.5 Philadelphia, Pa 1,293,697 583,497 45.1 710,200 54.9 414,860 32.1 295,340 22.8 St. Louis, Mo 575,238 224,461 39.0 350,777 61.0 239,421 i 41.6 111,356 19.4 Boston, Mass 560,892 155,893 27,8 404,999 72.2 207,870 37.1 197,129 35.1 Baltimore, Md — 508,957 314,734 €1.8 194,223 38.2 125,623 24.7 68,600 13.5 Cleveland, Ohio - 381,768 93,277 24.4 288,491 75.6 163,860 42.9 124,631 32.7 Buffalo, N. Y 352,387 92,202 26.2 260,185 • 73.8 155,933 44.2 104,252 29.6 San Francisco, Cal 342.782 84,998 24.8 257,784 75.2 140,899 41.1 116,885 34.1 Cincinnati, Ohio 325,902 128,006 39.3 197,896 60.7 139,935 42.9 57,961 17.8 Pittsburg, Pa - --- 321,616 116,369 36.2 205,247 63.8 120,369 37.4 84,878 26.4 New Orleans, La 287,104 179,094 62.4 108,010 37.6 77,685 27.1 30,325 10.5 Detroit, Mich 285,704 64,423 22.5 221,281 77.5 124,778 43.7 96,503 • 33.8 Milwaukee, Wis 285,315 49,426 17.3 235,889 82.7 146,898 51.5 • 88,991 31.2 Washington, D. C 278,718 220,347 79.1 58,371 20.9 38,252 13.7 20,119 7.2 Newark, N. J 246,070 78,120 31.7 167,950 68.3 96,587 39.3 71,363 29.0 Jersey City, N. J ’ 206,433 60,786 29.4 145,647 70.6 87,223 42.3 58,424 28.3 Louisville, Ky 204,731 127,478 62.3 77,253 37.7 55,826 27.3 21,427 10.4 Minneapolis, Minn 202,718 62,766 31.0 139,952 69.0 78,931 38.9 61,021 30.1 Providence. R. I - 175,597 58,759 33.5 116,838 66.5 60,983 34.7 55,855 31.8 St. Paul, Minn 163,065 44,622 27.4 118,443 72.6 71,624 43.9 46,819 28.7 Allegheny, Pa 129,896 * 50,997 39.3 78,899 60.7 48,683 37.5 30,216 23.2 Worcester, Mass... — •118,421 38,337 32.4 80,084 67.6 42,432 35.8 37,652 31.8 Paterson, N. J 105,171 25,073 23.8 80,098 76.2 41,307 39.3 38,791 36.9 Fall River. Mass - 104,863 14,619 13.9 90,244 86.1 40,202 38.4 50,042 47.7 Scranton, Pa 102,026 27,819 27.3 74,207 72.7 45,234 44.3 28,973 28.4 Lowell. Mass 94,969 20,974 22.1 73,995 77.9 33,021 34.8 40,974 43.1 68,513 30,824 45.0 37,689 55.0 19,947 29.1 17,742 25.9 Salt Lake City, Utah 53,531 18,379 34.3 35,152 65.7 22,411 41.9 12,741 23.8 GE3STER-A.il, IMMIGRA.TIOIST TAJBRES. The table which follows shows (1) the total number of alien passengers# arriving in the United States, by countries, from 1820 to June 30, 1868, and (2) the total number of immigrants arriving from each country from 1869 to 1903. These tables are complemental, and furnish a continuous statement from 1820 to 1903, but are separately stated by reason of the fact that prior to 1868 the figures are simply the totals without reference to sex, while subsequent to that date, the sex as well as the nationality of immigrants is stated. The table on page 4347 shows in continuous columns the total number of such arrivals from each of the principal countries in each year from 1820 to 1903, and gives an opportunity to study the relative increase or decrease in the contributions which the principal countries have made to the population of the United States from 1820 to date. Number op Alien Passengers Arrived in the United States in Each Year from 1820 to June 30, 1868, inclusive. [Note.—The years in this table from 1820 to 1831 and from 1843 to 1850, inclusive, are those ending September 30; 1833 to 1842 and 1851 to 1867, those ending December 31.] YEARS. AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. Belgium. Den¬ mark. France. Ger- . many. Greece. ITALY. Malta. Nether¬ lands. Norway. Poland. Hungary. Other Austria (except Poland). Conti¬ nental. Sicily and Sardinia. 1820 1 20 371 968 25 5 49 3 5 1821 2 12 370 383 62 1 . 56 12 1 1822 10 18 351 148 32 3 51 10 3 1823 2 6 460 183 32 1 1 19 1 3 1824 i 1 ll 377 230 5 41 4 40 9 4 1825 i 1 14 515 450 58 17 1 37 ; 4 1 182fi 2 10 545 511 4 50 7 176 16 1827 7 15 1,280 432 35 1 215 13 1 1828 2 50 2,843 1,851 7 30 4 263 10 1 1829 17 582 597 1 16 • 7 169 13 1830 16 1,174 1,976 3 8 1 22 3 2 18.21 1 23 2,038 2,413 28 175 13 1832 a 21 5,361 10,194 1 2 1 2 205 313 34 1833 173 4,682 6,988 1 1,693 6 5 39 16 1 1834 3 24 2,989 17,686 103 2 87 42 54 1835 1 37 2,696 8,311 7 56 4 124 31 54 1835 416 4,443 â– 20,707 28 107 8 2 301 57 53 1837' 109 5,074 23,740 5 36 312 290 81 1838 14 52 3,675 ll,683 4 82 4 1 - 27 60 41 1839 1 56 7,198 21,028 76 8 30 85 324 46 1840 2 152 7,419 29,704 3 28 9 57 55 5 1841 106 31 5,006 15,291 .166 13 66 214 195 15 1842 44 35 4,504 20,370 1 93 7 1 330 553 10 1843 & 135 29 3,346 14,441 4 108 9 5 330 1,748 17 1844 : 165 25 3,155 20,731 3 79 62 3 184 1,311 36 1845 541 54 7,663 34,355 2 63 74 791 928 6 1846 43 114 10,583 57,561 3 88 63 4 979 1,916 4 1847 1,473 13 20,040 74,281 160 4 2,631 1,307 8 1848 *897 210 7,743 58,465 1 219 22 918 903 1849 590 8 5,841 60,235 208 1 1,190 3,473 4 1850 1,055 10 8,009 63,182 2 360 13 576 1,363 3 1850 c 25 10 1,372 15,714 46 12 108 206 2 1851 14 20,126 72,482 423 24 352 2,424 10 1852 8 3 6,763 145,918 10 297 54 1,719 4,103 110 1853 87 32 10,770 141,946 12 267 288 600 3,364 33 1854 266 691 13,317 215,009 1 984 279 2 1,534 3,531 ' 208 1855 1,506 528 6,044 71,918 1,024 • 28 2,588 821 462 1850 • 1,982 173 7,246 71,028 2 962 403 1,395 1,157 20 1857 627 1,035 2,397 91,781 4 632 375 1,775 1,712 124 1858 184 232 3,155 45,310 889 351 2 185 2,430 9 1859 25 499 2,579 41,784 1 764 168 290 1,091 106 1860 53 542 3,961 54,491 1 770 249 1 351 298 82 1861 2 49 153 234 2,326 81,661 1* 764 47 3 283 616 48 1802 17 94 169 1,658 3,142 27,529 5 541 25 432 892 63 1803 28 57 301 1,492 1,838 33,162 4 537 10 416 1,627 94 1804 40 190 389 712 3,128 57,276 5 597 3 708 2,249 165 1865 322 100 741 1,149 3,583 83,424 . 7 919 5 2 779 6,109 528 1866 45 48 1,254 1,862 6,855 115,892 10 1,287 95 3 1,716 12,633 412 1807 25 667 789 1,436 5,237 133,426 10 1,612 12 2,223 7,055 310 1«Q8 d 14 819 1,989 55,831 345 11,166 a Fifteen months ending December 31. e Three months ending December 31. 6 Nine months ending September 30. <2 Six months ending June 30. a Immigrants after 1856. 4345 4346 IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. [June, Number op Alien Passengers Arrived in the United States in Each Year prom 1820 to June 30, 1868, inclusive—Continued. YEARS. Portugal. Russia (except Poland). Spain. Switzer¬ land. Turkey in Europe. England. Scotland. Ireland. Wales. Notspec- ified.a TOTAL EUROPE. British North America. Mexico. 1820 35 14 139 31 1 1,782 268 3,614 360 7,691 209 1 1821... 18 7 191 93 1,036 293 1,518 ll 1,870 5,935 184 4 1S22 28 10 152 110' 4 856 198 2,267 13 154 4,418 204 5 1823 24 7 220 47 2 851 180 1,908 69 4,016 167 35 1824 13 7 . 359 253 2 713 257 2,345 33 261 4,965 155 110 1825 13 10 273 166 1,002 113 4,888 ll 969 8,543 314 68 1826 16 4 436 245 2 1,459 230 5,408 6 624* 9,753 223 106 1827 7 19 414 297 1 2,521 460 9,766 1,205 16,719 165 127 1828 14 7 209 1,592 6 2,735 1,041 12,488 17 1,559 24,729 267 1,089 1829.....'. 9 1 202 314 1 2,149 111 7,415 3 916 12,523 409 2,290 1830 3 3 21 109 2 733 29 2,72 L 7 384 7,217 189 983 1831 1 37 63 251 226 5,772 131 1,867 13,039 176 692 1832 b 5 52 106 129 944 158 12,436 4,229 34,193 608 .827 1833 633 159 516 634 1 2,966 1,921 8,648 29 29, 111 1,194 779 1834 44 15 107 1,389 1 1,129 110 24,474 1 9,250 57,510 1,020 885 1835 29 9 183 548 468 63 20,927 16 8,423 41,987 1,193 1,032 1836 29 2 180 445 3 420 106 30,578 2 12,578 70,465 2,814 798 1837 34 19 230 383 896 14 28,508 6 ll,302 71,039 1,279 627 1838 24 13 202 123 157 48 12,645 5,215 34,070 1,476 211 1839 ' 19 7 428 607 1 62 23,963 10,209 64,148 1,926 353 1840 12’ 136 500 1 318 21 39,430 ' 2,274 80,126 1,938 395 1841 7 174 215 751 6 147 35 37,772 55 15,951 76,216 1,816 352 1842 15 28 122 483 2 1,743 24 51,342 38 20,200 99,946 2,078 403 1843 c . 32 6 145 553 5 3,517 41 19,670 4,872 49,013 1,502 398 1844 16 13 270 839 10 1,357 23 33,490 3 12,970 74,745 2,711 197 1845 14 1 304 471 3 1,710 368 44,821 ll 17,121 109,301 3,195 498 1846 2 248 73 698 4 2,854 305 51,752 147 18,874 146,315 3,855 222 1847 5 5 158 192 2 3,476 337 105,536 145 19,344 229,117 3,827 62 1848 67 1 164 319 3 4,455 659 112,934 348 29,697 218,025 6,473 24 1849 26 44 329 13 9 6,036 1,060 159,398 272 47,764 286,501 6,890 518 1850 366 31 325 146 13 5,276 627 133,806 49 35,727 250,939 7,796 498 ] 850 d 104 179 2 1,521 233 30,198 193 7,459 57,384 1,580 99 1851 50 1 435 427 2 5,306 966 221,253 211 45,004 369,510 7,438 181 1852 68 2 391 2,788 3 30,007 8,148 159,548 741 1,803 362,484 6,352 72 1853 95 3 1,091 2,748 15 28,867 6,006 162,649 222 2,481 361,576 5,424 162 1854 72 2 1,433 7,953 7 48,901 4,605 101,606 ' 816 - 4,325 405,542 6,891 446 1855 205 13 951 4,433 9 38,871 5,275 49,627 1,176 2,250 187,729 7,761 420 1856 128 9 786 1,780 5 25,904 3,297 54,349 1,126 14,331 186,083 6,493 741 1857 92 25 714 2,080 ll 27,804 4,182 54,361 769 25,724 216,224 5,670 133 1858 177 246 1,282 1,056 17 14,638 1,946 26,873 316 12,056 111,354 4,603 429 1859 46 91 1,283 833 10 13,828 2,293 35,216 332 9,712 110,949 4,163 265 1860 122 65 932 913 4 13,001 1,613 48,637 610 14,513 141,209 4,514 229 1861 47 34 448 1,007 5 8,970 767 23,797 461 9,477 81,200 2,069 218 1862 72 79 348 643 ll 10,947 657 23,351 536 12,499 83,710 3,275 142 1863 86 77 500 690 16 24,065 1,940 55,916 705 40,172 163,733 3,464 96 1864 240 256 917 1,396 ll 26,096 3,476 63,523 628 23,228 185,233 3,636 99 1865 365 183 692 2,889 14 15,038 3,037 29,772 146 64,244 214,048 21,586 193 1866 344 287 718 3,823 18 3,559 1,038 36,690 23 90,304 278,916 32,150 239 1867 126 205 904 4,168 26 36,972 7,582 72,879 143 7,944 283,751 23,379 292 1868 e 174 141 884 1,945 4 CO CO 32,068 CO 24,127 130,090 2,785 129 1820. 1821. 1822. 1823. 1824. 1825. 1826. 1827. 1828. 1829. 1830. 1831. 1833., 1834., 1835., 1836., 1837. 1838., 1839. 1840., 1841. 1842., 1843 c 1844., 1845., 1816. 1847. 1848., 1849. 1850. 1850 a 1851. 1852. 1853. 1854. 1855. 1856. 1857 1858. 1859., 1860. 1861. 1862. 1863. 1864., 1865., 1866., 1867. YEARS. Cent. Am. States. West Indies. South America. TOTAL N. AND S. AMERICA. I 2 164 ll 387 107 8 303 3 159 7 378 160 20 382 L 10 259 25 559 8 389 67 846 12 427 63 831 7 227 54 580 5 652 77 2,090 3,299 2,296 2,194 2,871 3,282 I 10 517 73 1 50 937 137 3 1,281 42 v 6 1,256 1,264 791 174 18 27 t... 9 74 2,779 3,312 4,936 3,628 2,990 3,617 3,815 3,429 3,994 2,854 3,740 5,035 5,525 5,231 4 938 145 1,178 1,627 1,231 146 4 91 s 72 I 1,289 49 > 1,446 1,042 1,410 880 36 219 > 1 102 \c 12 62 t 771 61 21 1,241 1,351 80 5 92 21 1,251 1,338 1,073 2,903 268 70 ; 4 150 7,989 1 233 190 8,904 I 71 2,462 91 13,730 2,038 Id 96 1,929 1,232 59 9,703 7,695 6,030 39 406 38 24 1,036 887 136 8,533 9,260 9,058 6,811 1 191 303 1,337 184 2 923 83 ! ll 647 131 5,821 5,466 6,343 2,763 4,175 4,147 4,607 22,778 33,582 24,715 3,415 I 4 879 155 I 8 1,384 208 21 358 97 27 585 146 2 491 94 t 2 718 152 851 148 4 895 294 \ 3 817 224 419 82 China. India. Japan. Asia, not specified. TOTAL ASIA. Liberia. Africa, not specified. TOTAL AFRICA. GRAND TOTAL. 1 1 3 5 1 1 8,385 2 2 9,127 1 1 6,911 6,354 1 1 7,912 1 1 i 1 10,199 1 1 10,837 1 1 4 4 18,875 3 3 6 6 27,382 1 1 2 1 1 22,520 2 2 23,322 1 1 2 2 22,633 4 4 2 2 60,482 3 3 1 1 58,640 6 6 1 1 65,365 8 8 1 17 14 14 45,374 4 4 6 6 76,242 ll ll 2 2 79.340 1 1 10 10 38' 914 8 10 68,069 1 1 6 6 84,066 2 1 3 14 14 80,289 4 2 1 7 3 3 104,565 3 2 6 ll 6 6 52,496 3 1 2 6 5 9 14 78,615 6 6 4 4 114,371 7 4 ll 1 1 154,416 4 8 12 234,968 6 2 8 10 10 226,527 3 8 ll 3 3 297,024 3 4 7 310,004 59,976 2 2 S 3 379,466 4 4 371,603 42 5 47 8 8 368,645 13,100 13,100 427,833 3,526 6 8 3,540 14 14 200,877 4,733 13 1 4,747 6 6 200,436 5,944 1 5,945 2 23 25 251,306 5,128 5 5,133 4 13 17 123,126 3,457 2 2 3,461 1 10 ll 121,282 5,467 5 4 5,476 12 114 126 153,640 7,518 6 1 3 7,528 6 41 47 91,918 3,633 5 2 3,640 12 12 91,985 7,214 1 1 . 7,216 1 2 3 176,282 2,975 6 1 2,982 37 37 193,418 2,942 5 2,947 10 39 49 248,120 2,385 17 7 2 2,411 33 33 318,568 3,863 2 67 29 3,961 25 25 315,722 5,157 14 5,171 3 3 138,840 a United Kingdom. & 15 months to Dec. 31. c 9 months to Sept. 30. d 3 months to Dec. 31. e 6 months to June 30. / Included in United Kingdom, not specified. 1903.] IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES 4347 Number of Immigrants, Classified by Nationality and Sex, A drived in the United States from 1869 to 1903, inclusive. EUROPE. AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. 1869 . 1870 . 1871 . 1872 . 1873 . 1874 . 1875 . .1876 . 1877 . 1878 . 1879 . 1880 . 1881 . 1882 . 1883 . 1884 . 1885 . 1888 . 1887 . 1888 . 1889 . 1890 . 1891 . 1892 . 1893 . 1894 . 1895 . 1896 . 1897 . 1898 . 1899« 1900 . 1901 . 1902 . 1203 . YEAR ENDING JUNE 30— Bohemia. Males. Females. Total. Hungary. Males. Females. Total, Other Austria (except Poland). Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total, ✓ 3,565 2,879 4,338 3,212 2,220 2,454 2,209 1,608 2,351 6,297 4,620 2,938 1,263 767 1,232 947 1,187 3,037 2,583 3,901 3,140 2,094 1,125 1,918 1,477 2,154 5,461 3,913 2,610 1,273 840 1,477 1,007 1,291 6,602 5,462 8,239 6,352 4,314 4,579 4,127 3,085 4,505 11,758 8.535 5,548 2.536 1,607 2,709 1,954 2,478 4 1 1 170 715 597 477 410 232 375 366 2,964 4,554 6,753 8,907 11,239 6,254 9,361 10,721 11,999 7,866 16,589 20,560 27,463 17,161 9,434 10,062 21,322 8, 698 9,557 2 58 632 365 299 220 141 271 266 1,399 2,272 2,176 2,333 3,559 8,129 3,059 4,535 3,801 3.101 5,473 7,806 9,773 6,340 4,963 5,144 9,576 6,327 7.102 4 1 3 228 1,347 962 776 630 373 646 632 4,363 6,826 8,929 11,240 14,798 9,383 12,420 15,256 15,800 10,967 22,062 28,366 37,236 23,501 14,397 15,206 30,898 15,025 16,659 863 2,340 2,556 2,295 3,098 4,285 3,652 3,074 2,757 2,550 3,025 7,283 11,745 8,372 7,028 8,804 7,229 7,973 13,723 18,018 13,416 21,077 21,966 24,036 21,183 12,823 10,170 20,571 9,128 12,342 632 2,084 2,328 1,887 2,667 3,603 3,230 2,572 2,266 1,954 2,306 5,621 9,364 5,247 3,895 4,730 4,345 3,973 6,707 7,866 6,706 8,555 8,952 10,331 9,401 7,749 6,479 10,925 6,924 8,318 80,193 78,725 127,136 147,984 34,654 34,665 44,853 68,027 I,495 4,424 4,884 •4,182 5,765 7,888 6,882 5,646 5,023 4,504 5,331 12,904 21,109 13,619 10,923 13,534 II,574 ll,946 20,430 25,884 20,122 29,632 30,918 34,367 30,584 20,572 16,649 31,496 16,052 20,660 6 62,491 & 114,847 & 113,390 6171,989 6206,011 1,122 800 718 284 523 251 481 257 763 413 556 261 475 140 418 97 379 109 231 123 320 192 784 448 1,186 580 892 539 957 493 1,059 517 1,007 646 845 455 1,670 883 2,050 1,165 1,639 923 1,719 952 2,041 996 2,835 1,468 2,583 1,508 1,230 798 1,004 586 793 468 490 270 425 270 778 418. 1,040 539 1,759 818 2,308 1,152 1,922 1,002 774 738 1,176 817 615 515 488 354 512 1,232 1,766 1,431 1,450 1.576 1,653 1,300 2,553 3,215 2,562 2,671 3,037 4,303 4,091 2,028 1,590 1,261 760 695 1,101 1,196 1,579 2.577 3,460 EUROPE—Continued. 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 YEAR ENDING JUNE 30- DENMARK. Males. Females. FRANCE. Total. Males. Females. GERMANY. Total. Males. Females. Total. 2,397 2,519 1,347 2,534 3,326 1,824 1,563 967 1,073 1,308 2,244 4,466 5.874 7,517 6,228 5,509 3,541 3.875 5,448 5,649 5,301 5,713 6,455 6,317 5,054 3,068 2,324 1,749 1,212 1,204 1,252 1,564 668 1,156 1,605 1,258 1,093 580 622 797 1,230 2,110 3,243 4,101 4,091 3,693 2,559 2,350 3,076 3,313 3,398 3,653 4,204 4,276 3,725 2,513 1,920 1,418 873 742 1,906 2,148 3,681 4,554 1,020 1,507 1,979 2,604 3,649 2, 4,083 2, 2,015 1, 3.690 6, 4,931 9, 3,082 5, 2,656 5, 1,547 5, 1,695 3, 2,105 2, 3,474 2, 6,576 2, 9,117 3, ll,618 3, 10,319 3, 9,202 2, 6,100 2, 6,225 2, 8,524 3, 8,962 4, 8,699 3, 9,366 3, 10,659 4, 10,593 3, 8,779 3, 5,581 2, 4,244 2, 3,167 1, 2,085 1, 1,946 1, 2.690 2,926 1, 3,655 1, 5,660 2, 7,158 3, 532 1,348 693 1,316 993 1,145 061 3,256 500 5,298 856 3,788 378 2,943 317 2,687 839 2,017 589 1,570 954 1,701 802 1,512 455 1,772 893 2,111 247 1,574 293 1,315 271 1,224 169 1,149 212 1,822 354 2,100 789 2,129 863 2,722 087 2,683 951 2,570 253 2,106 112 1,650 067 1,635 381 1,082 209 898 233 757 084 655 996 1,154 007 1,110 513 2,065 3,879 4,009 3,138 9.317 14,798 9,644 8,321 8,004 5,856 4,159 4,655 4,314 5,227 6,004 4,821 3,608 3,495 3.318 5,034 6,454 5,918 6,585 6,770 6,521 5,359 3,662 3,702 2,463 2,107 1,990 1,694 1,739 3,150 3,117 5,578 77,438 77,688 47,775 83,418 86,411 49,554 27,576 18,673 17,732 18,019 21,578 62,743 128,399 148,466 111,778 103,663 68,426 46,738 61,097 61,924 54,876 50,923 63,406 72,538 54,394 33,199 19,042 16,942 11,899 9,105 10,737 12,673 18,018 24,861 53,604 47,537 34,779 57,691 63,260 37,737 20,193 13,264 11,566 11,294 13,024 31,895 82,086 102,164 83,008 76,013 56,017 37,665 45,768 47,793 44,662 41,504 50,148 58,220 41,967 26,187 17,309 14,943 10,634 8,006 7,770 8,978 10,286 15,225 131,042 118,225 82,554 141,109 149,671 87,291 47,769 31,937 29,298 29,313 34,602 84,638 210,485 250,630 194,786 179,676 124,443 84,403 106,865 109,717 99,538 92,427 113,554 130,758 96,361 59,386 36,351 31,885 22,533 17,111 17,476 18,507 21,651 28,304 40,086 GIBRALTAR. Males. Females. Total. 1 1 4 3 7 2 4 6 3 2 5 3 3 9 1 10 6 3 9 1 1 i 1 8 6 14 4 1 5 7 7 3 4 7 , 2 6 8 3 9 12 10 8 18 5 8 13 5 4 9 8 5 13 2 2 4 2 3 5 5 5 a Male and female not stated. 6 Total Austria-Hungary. 4348 IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. [June, Number of Immigrants, Classified by Nationally and Sex, Arrived in the United States from 1869 to 1903, inclusive—Continued. EUROPE—Continued. YEAR ENDING JUNE 30— GREECE. MALTA. Continental. Sicily and Sardinia. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. 18f,q 7 1 8 1,075 413 1,488 1 1 1870 90 2 22 2,132 759 2,891 1871 10 1 ll 2,062 743 2,805 10 1 ll 1872 ll 1 12 3,139 1,005 4,144 32 14 46 7 1 8 1873 21 2 23 6,851 1,864 8,715 27 15 42 4 4 1874 3 36 6,088 1,508 7,596 52 18 70 3 2 5 1875 19 6 25 2,775 795 3,570 37 24 61 2 4 6 1876 17 2 19 2,263 647 2,910 49 56 105 7 7 1877 19 5 24 2,285 858 8,143 36 16 . 52 4 1 5 1878 16 16 3,016 1,115 4,131 110 ' 103 213 2 2 1879 18 8 21 4,231 1,528 5,759 21 ll 32 3 g 1880 19 4 23 8,677 3,650 12,327 18 9 27 1 1 1881 ; 17 2 19 ll,571 3,816 15,387 8 6 14 1 1 1882 125 1 126 27,422 4,655 32,077 66 16 82 2 1 3 1883 58 28,217 3,567 81,784 5 3 8 1884 34 3 87 12, 624 3,849 16,473 83 4 37 1 1 1885 .... 154 18 172 9,828 3,771 13,599 36 7 43 1 3 4 1886 95 9 104 15,327 5,968 21,295 13 7 20 4 3 7 1887 305 8 313 37,389 10,143 47,532 53 37 90 1 1 1888 768 14 782 41,857 9,218 51,075 349 134 483 3 3 1889 149 9 158 17,921 6,927 24,848 352 107 459 1890 464 60 524 40,717 11,082 51,799 135 69 204 1 1 1891 1,040 65 1,105 58,274 14,430 72,704 2,501 850 3,351 6 6 1892 . â–  591 24 615 45,421 13,739 59,160 2,014 963 2,977 1 1 1893 1,099 32 1,131 56,527 14,618 71,145 1,230 541 1,771 5 5 1894 1,312 39 1,351 83,140 10,827 a 43,967 10 3 13 1895 574 31 605 26,890 10,047 36,937 19 5 24 5 5 }RQ0 2,124 51 2,175 51,067 16,993 a 68,060 1897 ’546 25 571 41,446 17,985 a 59,431 1808 2,246 93 2,339 40,248 18,365 a 58,613 1899 2,333 a 77,419 1900 3,634 137 3,.771 76,088 24,047 a 100,135 1001 5’ 742 168 5.910 100,306 29,690 a 135,996 190? . _ 7’ 867 237 8* 104 145’732 32,643 a 178,375 1903 13,634 456 14.090 186,966 43,656 a 230,622 EUROPE—Continued. YEAR ENDING JUNE 30— NETHERLANDS. NORWAY. POLAND. j PORTUGAL, Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. 1869 : ' 739 395 1,134 9,147 6,921 16,068 138 46 184 44 43 87 1870 663 403 1,066 8,003 5,213 13,216 140 . 83 223 175 80 255 3871 697 296 993 6,179 3,239 9,418 328 207 535 142 148 290 1872 i; 185 724 1,909 6,840 4,581 ll,421 1,158 489 1,647 321 95 416 1873 . ... 2,282 1,529 3,811 9, S28 6,319 16,247 2,224 1,114 3,338 21 3 24 1874 ; 1,409 1,035 1 2,444 6,766 3,618 10,384 1,078 717 1,795 39 21 60 3875 750 487 1,237 3,726 2,267 6,093 586 398 984 512 251 763 1876 - 560 295 855 3,404 1,769 5,173 568 357 925 239 232 471 1877 391 200 591 2, 950 1,638 4,588 382 151 â–  533 959 - 332 1,291 1878 - 392 216 608 3,034 1,725 ' 4,759 362 185 547 455 205 660 1879 467 286 753 4,695 2,650 7,345 335 154 489 300 92 892 1880 1,932 1,408 3,340 13,165 6,730 19,895 1,442 735 2,177 164 96 26) 1881 : 5,086 3,511 8,597 14,511 8,194 22,705 3,595 2,019 5, 614 95 76 171 1882 ‘ 5,620 3,897 9,517 17,929 ll,172 29,101 3,419 1,253 4,672 26 16 42 1883 3,122 2,127 5,249 13,799 . 9,599 23,398 1,465 546 2, 011 146 30 176 2,569 1,629 4,198 9,986 , , 6,988 16,974 3,384 1,152 4,536 411 290 701 1885 1,649 1,040 2,689 7,054 I 1 5,302 12,356 2,139 946 3,085 292 148 440 1886 1,492 822 2,314 7,890 1 i 4,869 12,759 2,852 1,087 3,939 173 65 238 1887 2,708 1,798 4,506 10,523 5,746 16,269 4,150 1,978 6,128 70 40 110 1888 3,487 2,358 5,845 I } 11,888 . 6,376 .18,264 4,133 1,693 5,826 14 9 23 1889 - 3,794 2,666 6,460 7,572 5,818 13,390 3,191 1,731 4,922 34 23 57 1W 0 2,655 1,671 4,326 6,601 4,769 11,370 7,613 3,460 11,073 109 49 15S 1891 3,184 2,022 5,206 7,644 * 4,924 12,568 18,064 9,433 27,497 513 405 91S 1892 4,377 2,883 7,260 8,936 5,526 14,462 22,141 ll,158 • -83,299 1,717 1,111 2,828 1393 4,966 3,148 8,114 9,800 6,279 16,079 8,120 5,544 13,664 2,498 1,461 8,959 1894 ‘ 1,778 1,106 2,884 5,193 3,674 8,867 947 605 - 1,552 1,090 981 2,071 1895 1,490 858 2,348 â– , 4,401 2,972 . 7,373 58S 432 1,020 260 • 329 589 1896 929 654 1,583 5,581 3,274 8,855 409 282 691 1,410 1,356 2,766 1897 - 558 332 890 3,535 2,307 5,842 2,654 1,511 4,165 • 962 912 1,874 .500 267 767 3,007 1,931 4,938 2,998 1,728 4,726 857 860 1,717 1899 1,029 G, 705 2,054 1900 1,116 - 619 1,735 6,456 . 3,119 9,575 , 2,389 • 1,845 4,234 1901 1,617 732 2,349 7,899 4,349 12,248 2,231 1,934 4,165 1Q09 1,474 813 2,287 12,348 5,136 17,484 - 3,123 2,184 5,307 1903 2,499 1,499 3,998 16,249 8,212 24,461 5,829 3,478 9.307 a Total Italy, /903.] •IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES, 4349 Number of Immigrants, Classified by Nationality and Sex, Arrived in the United States from 1869 to 1903, inclusive—Continued. EUROPE—Continued. YEAR, ENDING JUNE 30— ROUMANIA. RUSSIA. \ SPAIN. Russia (except Poland). Finland. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. 1869 228 115 343 749 374 1,123 1870 550 357 907 487 176 663 1871 394 279 673 423 135 558 1872 632 362 994 16 8 24 435 160 595 1873 • 955 605 1,560 68 6 74 409 132 541 1874 2,601 1,359 3,960 91 22 113 388 97 485 1875 i 4,371 3,611 7,982 13 2 15 467 134 601 1876 i 2,769 1,996 4,765 7 3 10 406 112 518 1877 ... . j- • 3,825 2,754 6,579 13 7 20 489 176 665 1878 i 1 1,752 1,285 3,037 â–  5 6 ll 350 107 457 1879 . I. _ i _ 2,480 1,954 4,434 17 2 19 352 105 457 1880 8 3 ll 3,266 1,588 4,854 144 16 160 305 84 389 1881 19 ll 30 3,114 1,751 4,865 133 43 176 386 98 484 1882 44 21 65 ll,154 5,167 16,321 â– 485- 112 597 293 85 378 1883 37 40 77 5,476 3,710 9,186 549 174 723 205 57 262 1884 331 107 238 8,137 3,717 11,854 538 297 835 236 64 300 1885 449 854 803 10,103 6,500 16,603 377 178 555 271 79 350 1886 314 180 494 11,207 6,102 17,309 348 143 491 261 83 344 1887 1,087 958 2,015 18,541 10,403 28,944 1,529 293 1,822 341 95 436 1888 683 503 1,186 20,575 10,681 31,256 1,850 381 2,231 411 115 526 1889 443 450 893 20,088 11,801 31,889 1,573 454 2,027 411 115 526 1890 260 257 517 21,097 12,050 33,147 1,666 785 2,451 619 194 813 1891 : 472 485 957 26,879 15,266 42,145 3,747 1,534 5,281 690 215 905 1892 514 464 978 47,482 31,812 79,294 3,527 1,572 5,099 790 216 1,006 1893 446 324 770 23,281 13,896 37,177 4,563 2,088 6,651 763 224 987 1894 ... 431 375 ' 806 19,400 16,294 35,694 1,416 984 2,400 617 203 820 1895 307 200 507 18,198 13,855 32,053 1,309 1,128 2,437 636 253 889 1896 453 332 785 28,428 16,699 45,137 3,725 2,583 6,308 293 58 351 1897 413 378 791 12,436 10,314 22,750 1,458 1,608 3,066 407 41 448 1898 519 381 900 15,730 11,491 27,221 1,374 1,233 2,607 511 66 577 1899 1,606 a 60,982 385 1900 ! i 3,760 2,699 6,459 59,951 30,836 a 90,787 280 75 355 1901 i ! 3,981 3,174 7,155 54,070 31,187 a 85,257 508 84 592 1902 i 8,656 3,540 7,196 71,864 35,483 a 107,347 869 106 975 1903 1 5,313 3,997 9,310 92,935 43,158 a 136,093 1,733 347 2,080 1 EUROPE—Continued. VP AT? P\mT\TP TfTXTT? Qfi SWEDEN. SWITZERLAND. TURKEY IN EUROPE. UNITED KINGDOM. IjjiAiv liiJNL/JLJNvjt JUlNili Ou— Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. England. Males. Females. Total. 1869 15,663 8,561 24,224 2,373 1,277 3,650 14 4 18 22,952 12,721 35,673 1870 8,306 . 6,803 5,137 3,896 13,443 10,699 2,002 1,399 1,073 870 3,075 6 6 38,106 34,412 22,851 22,118 60,957 56,530 1871 2,269 19 4 28 1872 8,510 4,954 13,464 2,312 1,338 3,650 16 4 20 42,496 27,268 69,764 1873 8,656 5,647 14,303 1,943 1,164 3,107 39 14 53 45,024 29,777 74,801 1874 3,318 2,394 5,712 1,845 1,248 3,093 47 15 62 29,921 20,984 50,905 1875 3,274 2,299 5,573 1,127 687 1,814 25 2 27 24,497 15,633 40,130 1876 3,479 2,124 5,603 1,047 502 1,549 29 9 38 14,949 12,045 9,424 24,373 1877 2,919 2,072 4,991 1,193 493 1,686 21 ll 32 7,116 19,161 1878 3,272 2,118 3,688 5,390 1,236 572 1,808 20 9 29 11,448 6,957 18,405 1879 7,313 ll,001 2,167 994 3,161 22 7 29 15,476 8,707 21,793 24,183 1880 26,862 12,324 39,186 4,212 1,944 6,156 18 6 24 37,661 59,454 1881 31,317 18,443 49,760 7,499 3,794 11,293 54 18 72 40,401 51,575 24,776 30,819 65,177 1882 41,335 23', 272 64,607 7,047 3,797 10,844 52 17 69 82,394 1883 22,916 15,459 15,361 38,277 8,165 4,586 12,751 52 34 86 38,174 24,966 22,505 63,140 55,918 1884 11,093 9,757 26,552 5,835 3,551 2,215 9,386 138 12 150 33,413 1885 12,491 22,248 3,680 5,895 110 28 138 28,083 30,913 19,249 18,854 47,332 1886 17,019 10,732 27,751 2,902 1,903 4,805 132 44 176 49,767 1887 27,359 15,477 42,836 3,283 1,931 5,214 157 49 206 45,979 26,876 72,855 1888 34,762 19,936 54,698 5,040 2,697 7,737 161 46 207 50,941 31,633 82,574 1889 19,919 15,496 35,415 4,525 2,545 7,070 202 50 252 41,549 26,954 68,503 57,020 1890 16,532 13,100 29,632 • 4,406 2,587 6,993 171 35 206 34,245 32,279 22,775 21,321 1891 21,746 15,134 36,880 4,275 2,536 6,811 224 41 265 53,600 1892 25,104 18,143 43,247 4,675 2,733 7,408 162 65 227 30,111 19,659 49,770 1893 - 21,695 16,382 38,077 3,179 2,116 5,295 433 122 555 27,663 18,838 46,501 3894 9,456 9,152 18,608 2,069 1,348 3,417 187 84 271 17,066 12,513 29,579 31,948 1895 7,656 8,027 15,683 1,543 1,081 2,624 146 55 201 18,905 13,043 1896 10,968 10,-209 21,177 1,401 903 2,304 118 51 169 ll, 178 8,314 19,492 1897, 6,231 6,931 13,162 975 591 1,566 110 42 152 5,998 5,913 3,976 3,934 9,974 1898 1899 5,442 6,956 12,398 12,797 18,650 824 422 1,246 1,326 1,152 139 37 176 80 9,877 6 45,123 9,951 12,214 1900 : 10,262 8,388 763 389 268 17 285 5,945 4,006 1901 - 12,875 10,456 23,331 . 1,572 629 2,201 341 46 387 7,336 4,878 5,468 1902: 19,424 11,470 ' 30,894 1,656 688 2,344 157 30 187 8,107 13,575 ‘ 26,219 1903 29,808 16,220 46,028 2,796 1,187 3,983 1,453 76 1,529 15,593 10,626 No. 12 4 a Including Finland. 6 Total United Kingdom. 4350 IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. [June, Number of Immigrants, Classified by Nationality and Sex, Arriyed in the United States from 1869 to 1903, inclusive—Continued. EUROPE—Continued. united kingdom—continued. YEAR ENDING JUNE 30— Scotland. Ireland. Wales. Not specified. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. 1869 4,915 2,836 7,751 22,708 18,078 40,786 460 200 660 23,379 16,975 40,354 1870 7,605 4,916 12,521 31,414 25,582 56,996 574 437 1,011 17,084 12,104 29,188 1871 7,087 4,897 ll,984 30,939 26,500 57,439 517 382 899 9,128 6,914 16,042 1872 7,940 5,976 13,916 36,548 32,184 68,732 685 529 1,214 12 6 18 1873 8,254 5,587 13,841 40,993 36,351 77,344 518 322 840 12 6 18 1874 6,301 4,128 10,429 27,047 26,660 53,707 392 273 665 ll ll 22 1875 4,473 2,837 7,310 18,029 19,928 37,957 270 179 449 15 1 16 1876 2,989 1,593 4,582 8,938 10,637 19,575 199 125 324 6 6 12 1877 2,843 1,292 4,135 6,819 7,750 14,569 169 112 281 1 3 4 1878 2,145 1,357 3,502 7,203 8,729 15,932 145 98 243 1879 3,443 1,782 5,225 9,635 10,378 20,013 351 192 543 2 2 4 1880 8,072 4,568 12,640 38,151 33,452 71,603 730 443 1,173 4 2 6 1881 9,503 5,665 15,168 37,387 34,955 72,342 650 377 1,027 4 4 1882 12,108 6,829 18,937 40,980 35,452 76,432 1,097 559 1,656 3 1 4 1883 7,007 4,852 11,859 41,495 39,991 81,486 987 610 1,597 7 3 10 18S4 5,294 3,766 9,060 31,280 32,064 • 63,344 508 393 901 51 20 71 1S85 5,617 3,609 9,226 25,187 26,608 51,795 668 459 1,127 ll 17 28 18S6 7,584 4,542 12,126 24,425 25,194 49,619 ^614 413 1.027 6 3 9 1887 12,133 6,566 18,699 35,449 32,921 68,370 1,211 609 1,820 3 1 4 3888 15,475 8,982 24,457 38,459 35,064 73,513 1,037 617 1,654 5 2 7 1889 * 10,698 7,598 18,296 33,223 32,334 65,557 732 449 1,181 8 4 12 1890 6,833 5,208 12,041 26,344 26,680 53,024 384 266 650 12 7 19 1891 7,318 5,239 12,557 27,936 27,770 55,706 278 146 424 18 6 24 1892 6,708 4,812 ll,520 27,275 28,192 55,467 473 284 757 1893 7,302 4,853 12,155 23,868 25,365 49,233 767 430 1,197 1894 4,028 3,226 7,254 14,787 19,117 33,904 712 422 1,134 1895 3,193 2,695 5,888 20,293 27,679 47,972 1,152 764 1,916 1896 2,000 1,483 3,483 17,625 22,637 • 40,262 915 666 1,581 4 5 9 1897 1,054 829 1,883 11,549 16,872 25,421 839 331 870 18 7 25 1898 1,100 697 1,797 9,952 15,176 25,128 758 461 1,219 1 1 1899 6 1900 1,083 709 1,792 16,672 19,058 35,730 433 331 764 2 2 1901 1,237 833 2,070 12,894 17,667 30,561 411 290 701 7 ll 18 1902 1,582 978 2,560 12,936 16,202 29,138 471 292 763 36 1 37 1903 3,963 2,190 6,153 15,956 19,344 35,300 835 440 1,275 3 2 5 YEAR ENDING JUNE 30— EUROPE—Continued. NORTH AMERICA. GREENLAND, ICELAND, FAROE ISLANDS. AZORES. TOTAL EUROPE. BRITISH NORTH AMERICAN POSSESSIONS. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. 1869 258 162 420 189,205 126,758 315,963 ll,885 9,232 21,117 1870 i. 275 167 442 196,501 132,125 328,626 22,723 17,688 40,411 1871 368 229 597 155,112 110,033 265,145 27,156 19,926 47,082 1872 635 255 890 207,893 144,262 352,155 20,946 19,230 40,176 1873 786 375 1,161 232,830 164,711 397,541 20,446 17,425 37,871 1874 1,093 458 1,551 151,198 111,585 262,783 21,749 ll, 211 32,960 1875 150 150 749 427 1,176 104,991 77,970 182,961 16,152 7,899 24,051 1876 8 3 ll 506 300 806 71,307 49,613 120,920 15,272 7,199 22,471 1877 31 31 766 306 1,072 64,178 42,017 106,195 15,235 6,881 22,116 1878 87 21 108 430 242 672 60,552 41,060 101,612 15,387 10,181 25,568 1879 135 72 207 616 3 66 982 82,567 51,692 134,259 17,996 13,272 31,268 1880 : 244 152 396 331 217 548 216,476 132,215 348,691 63,139 36,567 99,706 1881 40 20 60 708 336 1,044 321,316 207,229 528,545 74,902 50,489 125,391 1882 19 9 28 890 504 1,394 401,156 247,030 648,186 56,087 42,208 98,295 1883 27 9 36 902 495 1,397 313,835 208,752 522,587 40,257 29,984 70,241 1884 144 110 254 814 412 1,226 267,928 185,758 453,686 37,604 22,980 60,584 1885 7 4 ll 1,031 553 1,584 201,178 151,905 353,083 22,564 15,727 38,291 1886 27 18 45 648 308 956 197,429 132,100 329,529 (a) (a) 1887 65 61 126 799 451 1,250 301,463 181,366 482,829 W • a) 1888 5 5 1,117 485 1,602 339,233 198,898 538,131 (a) (a) 1889 2 2 4 1,253 714 1,967 256,139 178,651 434,790 (a) (a) 1890 6 7 13 1,560 882 2,442 274,670 171,010 445,680 (a) (aj 1891 8 ll 19 1,330 751 2,081 343,246 202,839 546,085 (a) (a) 1892 , 4 1 5 593 184 777 374,378 234,094 608,472 (a) (a) 1893 1 13 12 25 59 55 114 304,844 183,988 488,832 (a) (a) 1894 2 7 9 189 191 280 176,966 126,184 303,150 (a) (a) 1895 3 6 9 380 447 827 153,394 117,829 271,223 (a) (a) IRftfi 202,628 126,439 329,067 196 77 273' 1897 124,472 91,925 216,397 180 110 290 1898 127,202 90,584 217,786 294 56 350 1899 . 297,349 1 322 190ft 283,900 140,800 424,700 311 85 396 1901 _ 316,160 153,077 469,237 • 352 188 540 1902 444,665 174,403 619,068 463 173 636 1903 580,484 234,023 814,507 728 300 1,028 a Immigrants from tiie British North American Possessions not included since July 1, 1885. 1903.] IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES, 4351 Number of Immigrants, Classified by Nationally and Sex, Arrived in the United States from 1869 to 1903, inclusive—Continued. NORTH AMERICA—Continued. YEAR ENDING JUNE 80— i MEXICO. BRITISH HONDURAS. CENTRAL AMERICAN STATES. BERMUDA. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. 1869 225 95 320 3 3 3 3 1870 358 105 463 31 2 33 3 3 1871 336 66 402 2 2 4 39 43 82 1872 487 82 569 7 1 8 19 9 28 1873 483 123 606 31 7 38 15 5 20 1874 311 75 386 6 2 8 10 2 - 12 37 15 52 1875 481 129 610 4 4 10 1 ll 33 9 42 1876 * 466 165 631 2 i 3 6 6 12 25 6 31 1877 349 96 445 1 1 6 6 13 7 20 1878 376 89 465 10 10 . 33 7 40 6 8 14 1879 457 99 556 8 1 9 ll 7 18 1880 405 87 492 21 6 27 14 3 17 5 6 ll 1881 247 78 325 9 8 17 ll 1 12 27 15 42 1882 292 74 366 4 1 5 8 . 7 15 61 5 66 1888 • 377 92 469 3 3 6 6 24 6 30 1884 290 140 430 13 13 7 3 10 25 4 29 1885 238 85 323 1 1 20 3 23 36 8 44 1886 (a) (a) 2 1 3 23 6 29 13 1 14 1887 (a) (a) 4 4 13 6 19 5 5 1888 (a) (a) 64 13 67 12 3 15 1889 (a) (a) 3 4 7 63 19 81 19 2 21 1890 (a) (a) 4 1 5 110 32 142 107 71 178 227 1891 (a) (a) 4 3 7 185 93 278 134 93 1892 (a) (a) 14 7 21 194 76 270 95 71 166 1893 (a) (a) 8 7 15 142 84 226 17 1 18 1894 (a) (a) 4 3 7 44 15 59 14 6 20 1895 a) (a) 4 4 55 10 65 24 14 38 1896 ) 64 ' 86 150 4 1 5 6 12 1897 42 49 91 1 1 5 5 1898 39 68 107 2 2 5 5 1899 161 6159 1900 137 100 237 622 20 42 1901 215 132 347 &101 49 150 1902 531 178 709 6208 97 305 1903 416 112 528 6477 199 676 NORTH AMERICA—Continued. YEAR ENDING JUNE 30— . WEST INDIES. Antigua. Bahamas. Barbados. Cuba. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. 1869 3 1 4 1,235 848 622 1,857 1,233 703 1870 5 3 8 385 1871 136 97 233 14 18 32 466 237 1872 226 155 381 25 12 37 504 281 785 1873 1 1 179 150 329 14 7 21 684 278 962 1874 1 2 3 232 217 449 16 7 23 650 330 980 1875 1 1 197 253 450 21 29 50 667 510 1,177 703 1876 1 1 293 230 523 24 18 42 423 280 1877 236 183 419 15 17 32 517 300 817 1878 178 198 376 7 7 389 126 515 1879 2 2 88 60 148 17 12 29 586 244 830 1880 2 3 5 252 210 462 8 4 12 543 206 749 1881 1 1 162 168 330 12 ll 23 906 289 1,195 677 1882 13 1 14 198 225 423 17 12 29 491 186 1883 3 3 6 137 113 250 12 6 18 397 85 482 1884 3 2 5 321 290 611 3 3 1,038 435 1,473 1,674 2,026 1885 3 5 8 314 345 659 12 15 27 1,175 499 1886 3 ' 2 5 22 26 48 3 2 5 1,524 502 1887 1 2 3 14 2 16 9 7 16 2,691 943 3,634 1888 - 3 2 5 73 26 99 13 13 26 2,994 1,049 4,043 1889 1 1 7 7 14 36 20 56 3,011 1,486 1,903 735 1,170 657 4,181 1890 6 6 12 16 ll 27 62 38 100 2,143 1891 5 3 8 23 23 46 30 17 47 709 2,612 1,051 1892 3 3 102 57 159 39 16 55 316 1893 10 1 ll 178 173 351 36 28 64 1,747 716 2,4(& 1894 5 1 6 45 62 97 26 29 55 1,009 267 1,276 1895 6 9 15 26 10 36 31 17 48 1,994 598 2,592 6,077 1896 3,638 1,968 2,439 1897 1,585 880 3,553 997 1,877 1899 1900 1Q01 1Q92 1903 . a immigrants from Mexico not includ ed since July 1,1885. & Includes British Honduras. 4352 ' IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. [Jot®, Number of Immigrants, Classified by Nationality and Sex, Arrived* in the United States from 1869 to 1903, inclusive—Continued. NORTH AMERICA—Continued. west Indies—continued. YEifR ENDING HJNE 30- Curasao. Males. Females. Total. Haiti. Males. Females. Total, Jamaica. Males. Females. Total, Porto Rico. Males. Females. Total. 1869 . 1870 . 1871 . '1872 . 1873 . 1874. 1875 . 1876 . 1877 . 1878 . 1879 . 1880 . 1881 . 1882 . 1883 . 1884 . 1885 . 1886 . 1887 . 1888 . 1889 . 1890 . 1891 . 1892 . 1893 . 1894 . 1895 . 1896 . 1897 . 1898 . 1899 . 1900 . 1901 . 1902 . 1903 . 5 1 14 9 22 12 18 13 18 10 9 14 18 22 9 15 ll 24 14 31 44 60 52 80 32 104 66 19 24 I 24 14 43 18 34 27 41 18 87 19 • 42 40 10 20 22 52 23 47 80 111 112 129 65 176 111 10 9 17 45 29 26 20 22 14 17 6 26 30 10 ll 33 9 9 23 59 24 31 59 57 47 29 18 NORTH AMERICA—Continued. west Indies—continued. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903. YEAR ENDING JUNE 30— St. Croix. Males. Females. Total. St. Thomas. Males. . Females. Trinidad. Total West Indies.® Total. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. 7 1 5 1 .......... 4 1 ; 3 18 ; 2 2 3 . 3 .1 4 4 3 14 8 3 6 1 2 1 1 4 3 2 15 5 16 26 . 17 9. 3 1 4 3 3 1 IQ 13 1 4 4 5 1 2 .2. 2 1 .3 2 2 4. 5 4 9 .10 ... 10 5 1 , .6 14 1 15 10 2 12 6 4 .10. 7 17 . .24 1,462 1,181 749 837 1,067 1,109 958 809 848 644 753 . 892 1,164 . .810 .644 1,430 1,564 1,927 3,447 3,428 3,422 .2,052 2,592. 1,222 .2,153 .1,382 2,495 4,091 .2,261. 1,142 771 498 420 485 567 668 832 573 542 375 370 .459 516. 481 259 778 . 913 807 1,429 1,452 1,501 1,018 1,314 .. 545. .. 1,006. . . 6QQ . . 9 46 .2,737 .1,840. ...982 3,197 2,090 3,397 5,743 . 1,459 1,086 1,314 2,427 2,233 1.679 1.169 1,322 1,634 1,777 1,790 1,382 1,390 1,019 1.123 1,351 1.680 1,291 903 2,208 2,477 2,734 4,876 4,880 4,923 3,070 3,906 1,767 3,159 1,982 3,441 6,828 4,101 2.124 2,585 4,656 3,176 4,711 8.170 a Includes 8,594 from islands not specified, of which 5,014 were males and 3,580 females. 1903.] IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES, 4353 Number of Immigrants, Classified by Nationality and Sex, Arrived in the United States from 1869 to 1903, inclusive—Continued. SOUTH AMERICA. YEAR ENDING JUNE 30— ARGENTINA. BRAZIL. . CHILE. COLOMBIA. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. ‘ Total. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. 1S69 ll 7 18 1 1 1 1 1870 13 13 2 2 1 1 1871 9 7 16 ll 3 14 4 4 5 3 8 1872 6 5 ll 17 4 21 5 5 5 5 1873 9 1 10 29 1 30 18 18 37 10 47 1874 2 1 3 32 7 39 12 2 14 30 1 31 1875 4 3 7 21 21 8 2 10 17 13 30 1876 2 2 28 5 33 ll 9 20 20 4 24 1877 5 1 6 17 3 20 6 9 15 7 5 12 1878 2 1 3 7 3 10 1 2 3 8 6 14 1879 ll 7 18 1 1 21 3 21 1880 6 1 7 14 4 18 1 1 5 2 1881 1 1 2 13 5 18 1 2 3 32 6 38 1882 5 4 9 15 8 23 1 1 4 4 8 1883 14 3 17 1 1 - 2 9 2 ll 1884 6 6 15 13 28 1 1 3 2 5 1885 8 1 9 8 1 9 1 1 2 2 1886 4 4 15 6 21 4 4 142 44 186 1887 4 4 33 8 21 5 5 212 96 308 1888 5 4 9 9 4 13 10 3 13 262 77 339 1889 10 4 14 23 - 8 31 8 5 13 253 53 306 1890 r ' 13 2 15 26 9 35 15 6 21 192 50 242 1891 16 5 21 35 22 67 34 ll 45 251 114 365 1892 44 15 59 56 23 79 35 19 54 248 88 336 1893 74 41 115 53 27 80 33 ll 44 179 43 • 222 1894 70 46 116 38 17 55 10 1 ll 122 45 167 1895 15 3 18 31 18 49 8 5 13 141 19 160 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 SOUTH AMERICA—Continued. YTEAR ENDING JUNE 30^- ECUADOR. GUIANA. PERU. VENEZUELA. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. 1869 1 1 2 3 1 1 4 1 5 1870 6 4 10 1 1 1871 3 2 5 9 1 10 19 5 24 1872 1 1 9 17 26 19 19 10 1 ll 1873 1 1 19 4 23 15 3 18 15 2 17 1874 1 1 5 3 8 12 12 18 3 21 1875 1 1 8 1 9 8 2 10 19 3 22 1876 1 1 4 1 5 10 1 ll 46 5 51 1877 1 1 2 2 7 4 ll 14 1 15 1878 6 6 22 9 31 ll 1 12 1879 i 1 1 1 1 4 5 12 4 16 1880' . 3 1 4 26 8 34 1881 2 i 3 6 I i 3 9 3 3 24 4 28 1882 1 1 5 5 10 5 1 6 15 4 19 1883 10 4 14 14 12 26 1884 . 2 1 1 4 6 1 1 ll 6 17 J 88.6 2 2 3 4 7 ll 3 14 1886 2 2 4 9 8 17 1887 2 2 1 1 18 2 20 1888 . 1 i 2 8 8 8 2 10 29 12 41 188Q 5 i 6 7 1 8 20 12 32 1890 13 6 19 8 8 20 5 25 57 15 72 1891 12 2 14 16 3 19 36 18 54 52 20 72 1892 22 5 27 22 4 26 28 20 48 33 8 41 1893 20 9 29 6 4 10 21 12 33 50 13 63 1894 2 1 3 4 4 8 ll 7 18 35 13 48 1895 4 2 6 1 1 2 12 5 17 55 17 72 1895 1897 f 1898 L. i 1899 -- i . f 1QH0 i 1901 i 1902 - i > 1903 ! i ‘ i '**’( 4354 IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES [June, Number of Immigrants, Classified by Nationality and Sex, Arriyed in the United States from 1869 to 1903, inclusive—Continued. YEAR ENDING JUNE 30— SOUTH AMERICA—Continued. TOTAL NORTH AND SOUTH AMERICA. ASIA. NOT SPECIFIED. TOTAL SOUTH AMERICA. ARABIA. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. 1869 45 17 62 64 27 91 13,642 10,125 23,767 1870 36 6 42 59 10 69 24,355 18,303 42,658 1871 ll 4 15 71 25 96 28,353 20,482 48,835 1872 3 3 75 27 102 22,371 19,834 42,205 1873 2 2 145 21 166 22,187 18,148 40,335 1874 9 6 15 121 23 144 23,343 ll,996 35,339 1875 19 3 22 105 27 132 17,743 8,897 26,640 1876 8 1 9 130 26 156 16,710 7,976 24,686 9 9 1877 4 1 5 61 26 87 16,512 7,553 24,065 4 4 1878 8 1 9 65 23 88 16,521 10,683 27,204 1 1 1879 3 3 50 19 69 19,275 13,768 33,043 1880 9 8 17 64 24 88 64,540 37,152 101,692 1 1 1881 4 2 6 86 24 110 76,446 51,131 127,577 3 5 8 1882 10 4 14 61 30 91 57,323 42,806 100,129 6 6 1883 7 7 55 22 77 41,366- 30,363 71,729 8 3 ll 1884 1 1 40 25 65 39,409 23,930 63,339 69 3 72 1885 35 9 44 24,458 16,745 41,203 14 1 15 1886 4 6 10 180 66 246 a 2,145 881 3,026 21 21 1887 4 1 5 259 107 366 a 3,728 1,542 5,270 2 2 1888 4 1 5 336 104 440 a 3,830 1,572 5,402 40 ll 51 1889 ll 6 17 337 90 427 a 3,843 1,616 5,459 189 27 216 1890 1 1 345 93 438 a 2,618 1,215 3,833 184 42 226 1891 15 2 17 467 197 664 a 3,382 ’ 1,700 5,082 259 93 352 1892... 7 3 10 495 185 680 a 2,020 884 .2,904 151 40 191 1893 14 14 450 160 610 a 2,770 1,258 4,028 49 17 66 1894 ; 89 4,316 21 5 26 1895 1.... 6 5 297 134 431 a 1,752 766 2,518 9 2 ll 1896 1 1 267 71 338 2,844 1,045 3,889 1897 28 7 35 4,389 2,914 7,303 1898 28 21 49 2,517 2,020 4,537 1899 30 9 39 1,510 1,117 2,627 1900 94 30 124 3,761 1,694 5,455 1901 150 53 203 2,908 1,508 4,416 1902 235 102 337 4,834 1,864 6,698 1903 405 184 589 7,769 3,222 10,991 ASIA—Continued. YEAR ENDING JUNE 30— ARMENIA. CHINA. INDIA. JAPAN. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total: Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. 1869 ll,900 974 12,874 1 2 3 53 10 63 1870 14,624 1,116 15,740 19 6 24 46 2 48 1871 6,786 349 7,135 8 6 14 77 1 78 1872 7,605 183 7,788 7 5 12 17 17 1873 19,403 889 20,292 12 3 15 9 9 1874 2 2 13,533 243 13,776 9 8 17 18 3 21 1875 1 1 16,055 382 16,437 13 6 19 3 3 1876 3 3 22,521 260 22,781 14 ll 25 4 4 1877 1 1 10,518 76 10,594 8 9 17 4 3 7 1878 1 1 8,641 351 8,992 6 2 8 2 2 1879 9,264 340 9,604 6 9 15 3 1 4 1880 1 1 5,732 70 5,802 12 9 21 4 4 1881 12 3 15 ll,815 75 ll,890 25 8 33 ll ll 1882 7 4 ll 39,463 116 39,579 6 4 10 5 5 1883 14 5 ' 19 7,987 44 8,031 4 5 9 19 8 27 1884 ll 4 15 241 38 279 9 3 12 19 1 20 1885 35 4 39 12 10 22 27 7 34 42 7 49 1886 19 19 25 15 40 10 7 17 160 34 194 1887 119 2 121 8 2 10 20 12 32 218 ll 229 1888 38 1 39 21 5 26 15 6 20 366 38 404 1889 86 10 96 90 28 118 50 9 59 558 82 640 1890 553 45 598 1,401 315 1,716 34 9 43 601 90 691 1891 753 59 812 2,608 228 2,836 33 9 42 1,023 113 1,136 1892 1,034 35 1,069 2,501 227 2,728 29 4 33 1,457 41 1,498 1893 540 12 552 2,660 168 2,828 29 8 37 1,573 75 1,648 1894 211 32 243 3,805 213 4,018 29 5 34 1,638 101 1,739 1895 200 33 233 913 61 974 48 8 56 451 38 489 1896 1,382 59 1,441 1,007 103 1,110 1897 - - 3,334 29 3,363 1,420 106 1,526 1898 2,061 10 2,071 2,115 115 2,230 1899 1,660 17 2,844 1900 1,235 12 1,247 8 1 9 12,265 370 12,635 1901 2,417 42 2,459 20 2 22 4,902 367 5,269 1902 1,596 53 1,649 87 6 93 10,414 3,856 14,270 1903 2,167 42 2,209 79 15 94 15,909 4,059 19,968 armmigrants from the British North American Possessions and Mexico not included since July 1,1885. 1903.] IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES 4355 Number of Immigrants, Classified by Nationally and Sex, Arriyed in the United States from 1869 to 1903, inclusive—Continued. ASIA—Continued. YEAR ENDING JUNE 30— PERSIA. TURKEY IN ASIA. NOT SPECIFIED. TOTAL ASIA. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. 1869 2 2 4 3 7 11,960 989 12,949 1870 10 3 13 14,699 1,126 15,825 1871 3 1 4 2 2 4 5 5 6,881 359 7,240 1872 6 2 8 7,635 190 7,825 1873 3 3 4 2 6 19,431 894 20,325 1874.. 5 1 6 2 4 6 8 2 10 13,577 261 13,838 1875 2 1 3 1 1 34 1 35 16,109 390 16,499 1876 1 1 5 3 . 8 60 52 112 22,617 326 22,943 1877 2 2 3 3 9 3 12 10,549 91 10,640 1878 4 3 7 3 3 8,657 357 9,014 1879 19 12 31 4 2 6 9,296 364 9,660 1880 1 3 4 6 6 5,757 82 5,839 1881 2 1 3 5 5 13 4 17 11,886 96 11,982 1882 1 1 16 1 17 39,504 125 39,629 1883 . 1 1 14 1 15 8,047 66 8,113 1884 88 24 112 437 73 510 1885 6 1 7 26 6 32 162 36 198 188S 14 1 15 ll ll 260 57 317 1887 1 1 184 24 208 ll 1 12 563 52 615 1888 2 2 230 43 273 19 9 28 731 112 843 1889 3 3 499 94 593 1,475 250 1,725 1890 10 4 14 841 285 1,126 23 ll 34 3,647 801 4,448 1891 12 12 1,774 714 2,488 6,462 1,216 7,678 1892 14 14 2,135 1,037 3,172 5 2 7 7,326 1,386 8,712 1893 30 2 32 1,233 596 1,829 4 3 7 6,118 881 6,999 1894 12 12 824 395 1,219 17 14 31 6,557 , 765 7,322 1895 ll ll 1,535 791 2,326 13 10 23 3,180 943 4,123 1896 2,915 1,224 4,139 60 14 74 5,364 1,400 6,764 1897 3,203 1,529 4,732 40 1 41 7,997 1,665 9,662 1898 2,651 1,624 4,275 51 10 61 6,878 1,759 8,637 1899 4,436 15 8,972 1900 2,528 1,434 3,962 88 5 93 16,124 1,822 17,946 1901 .* 4,070 1,712 5,782 58 3 61 ll, 467 2,126 13,593 1902 4.209 2,018 6,223 33 3 36 16,339 5,932 22,271 1903 5,114 2,004 7,118 507 70 577 23,776 6,190 29,966 AFRICA. YEAR ENDING JUNE 30— ALGERIA. EGYPT. LIBERIA. SOUTH AFRICA. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. 1869 3 1 4 ll 3 14 18 17 35 1870 15 5 20 1871 3 3 2 2 1872 4 4 2 1 3 7 14 21 2 2 1878 1 1 2 5 1 6 6 2 8 1874 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 2 1875 5 3 8 10 7 17 2 1 3 1876 * 12 2 14 4 1 5 5 9 14 2 1 3 1877 1 1 1 1 1878 1 1 5 2 7 1879 2 2 1 1 1 1 1880 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 s 18S1 2 5 7 6 2 8 1882 ll 4 15 3 1 4 1 1 1 2 3 1883 4 4 23 18 41 1 1 1 1 1884 3 2 5 1 1 1886 1 1 2 14 14 2 2 2 1 3 18.80 1 1 31 5 36 2 2 4 1 1 1887 2 2 5 6 1 1 1 2 3 ]888 ll 5 16 5 6 2 2 4 1889 4 4 8 27 6 33 1890 ll ll 9 2 ll 5 3 8 5 2 7 1891 28 5 33 31 9 40 1 1 2 o 1892 14 14 28 13 4 » 17 4 1 6 3 1 4 1898 4 1 5 25 6 31 1 1 5 2 7 1894 5 5 17 9 26 4 4 1896 16 8 24 3 2 5 18Q6 1897 1898 1899 1900 ]Q01 1Q09! 1903 4356 IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES, [June, Number of Immigrants, Classified by Nationally and Sex, Arrived in the United States from 1869 to 1903, inclusive—Continued. AFRICA—Continued. OCEANIA. YEAR ENDING JUNE 30— NOT SPECIFIED. TOTAL'AFRICA. AUSTRALIA. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. IRAQ 15 4 19 47 25 72 1870 ll ll 26 5 31 14 14 28 1871 ll 5 19 19 5 24 ll 4 15 2 1 3 1872 9 2 ll 24 17 41 1,957 219 2,176 165 38 203 1873 10 2 12 22 6 28 990 140 1,130 194 41 235 1874 35 16 51 39 19 58 781 174 955 140 14 154 1875 21 5 26 38 16 54 878 219 1,097 146 17 163 1876.. 37 16 53 60 29 89 976 229 â–  1,205 98 9 107 1877 8 6 14 10 6 16 764 144 908 2 2 1878 .. 6 4 10 12 6 18 506 98 604 1879 6 2 8 10 2 12 704 108 812 3 3 1880 • 8 3 ll 14 4 18 799 154 953 1881 13 5 18 21 12 33 985 202 1,187 2 2 1882 23 14 37 39 21 60 740 136 876 3 2 5 1883 ll 9 20 36 31 67 428 126 554 112 80 192 1884 39 14 53 43 16 59 838 163 501 295 103 398 1885 .• 66 25 91 85 27 112 302 143 445 163 67 230 1886 45 35 80 79 43 122 357 161 518 384 . 220 604 1887 25 4 29 34 6 40 393 134 527 442 302 744 1888. 33 7 -40 51 14 65 485 208 693 1,001 680 1,681 1889 118 28 146 149 38 187 646 350 996 702 461 1,163 1890 58 17 75 88 24 112 479 213 692 293 151 444 1891 21 6 27 82 21 103 499 273 772 321 171 492 1892 221 76 297 255 96 351 666 311 977 1,065 496 1,561 1863 212 71 283 246 81 327 809 333 1,142 1,007 498 1,505 1894 117 56 173 143 65 208 502 256 758 305 156 461 1895 99 39 138 118 49 167 244 105 349 121 40 161 1896 15 6 21 59 28 87 9 14 23 1RQ7 24 13 37 65 74 139 29 26 55 1RQ8 38 10 48 115 38 153 26 14 40 18QQ 51 456 256 1900 29 1 30 a 161 53 214 42 25 67 1901 154. 19 173 a 232 93 325 4 2 6 1Q02 32 5 37 a 231 153 384 loos _ 121 55 176 796 354 1,150 1 OCEANIA- -Continued. UUUJNTKIiUS ISUT STATED. .t>UxCiN Al oejA* YEAR ENDING JUNE 30— NEW ZEALAND. ALL OTHER. Males. Females. Total. Males.- Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. IRAQ . ll 6 17 ' 1 §70 ... 3 5 8 14 13 27 1§71 2 1 3 29 27 56 19 10 29 1§79 ... 4 4 29 4 33 20 23 43 72 49 121 1373 2 3 5 44 44 15 7 22 77 61 138 1874 1 4 5 66 13 79 35 3 38 45 45 90 l«7:i 1 6 7 1 1 15 6 21 28 27 55 1«7A 7 6 13 ll 12 23 1877 3 1 4 3 3 6 12 9 21 1 §78 2 2 2 2 â– 7 6 13 l«7q 1 1 4 1 5 23 8 31 1RRO 1 1 3 . 3 33 27 60 1«S1 1 1 1 1 15 2 17 56 30 86 1889 2 2 4 2 6 45 54 99 1383 1 1 2 3 5 36 38 74 1884 1 1 8 4 12 50 36 86 1335 _ 3 1 4 1 3 4 30 37 67 1886 3 1 4 9 1 10 9 9 18 29 26 55 1887 1 1 3 7 10 3 7 10 28 35 63 1RR« ' 4 4 9 9 3 1 4 32 25 57 1889 2 2 4 29 4 33 8 7 15 31 24 55 1890 6 1 7 17 7 24 6 6 12 29 21 50 1891 4 1 5 23 9 32 3 4 7 37 26 63 i sq9 ; ........ 8 3 ll 10 2 12 53 31 84 1 OOQ 4 3 7 ll ll 36 30 66 1 QCH _ ... 3 10 13 19 18 37 i qqe; ..... 6 6 ll 1 1 17 7 24 2 2 7 GQ7 ...... 3 2 5 1898 ................... 6 2 8 1899 ................... 98 1900 - 123 24 147 8 • 5 13 1901 - 129 38 167 1 1 1099 ...... 170 12 182 91 3 94 -f QfiO 181 50 231 19 6 25 a Includes New Zealand. 1903.] IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATUS, 4357 Number of Immigrants, Classified by Nationally and Sex, Arrived in the United States from 1869 to 1903, inclusive—Continued. RECAPITULATION. YEAR ENDING JUNE 30- EUROPE. AMERICA. ASIA. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. TotaL Males. Females. Total. 1869 189,205 126,758 315,963 13,642 io, 125 23,767 ll,960 989 12,949 1870 196,501 - 132,125 328,626 24,355 18,303 42,658 14,699 1,126 15,825 1871.. 155,112 110,033 265,145 28,353 20,482 48,835 6,881 359 7,240 1872 207,893 144,262 352,155 22,371 19,834 42,205 7,635 190 7,825 1873 232,830 164,711 397,541 , 22,187 18,148 â–  40,335 19,431 894 20,325 1874 151.198 111,585 262,783 23,343 11,996 35,339 13,577 261 13,838 1875 104,991 77,970 182,961 17,743 8,897 26,640 16,109 390 16,499 1876 71,307 49,613 120,920 16,710 ' 7,976 24,686 22,617 326 22,943 64,178 42,017 106,195 16,512 7,553 24,065 10,549 91 10,610 1878 60,552 41,060 101,612 16,521 - 10,683 27,204 8,657 357 9,014 1879 82,567 51,692 134,259 19,275 13,768 33,043 9,296 364 9,660 1880.. 216,476 132,215 348,691 64,540 37,152 101,692 127,577 5,757 82 5,839 1881 321,316 207,229 528,545 76,446 51,131 11,886 96 ll,982 1882 401,156 247,030 648,186 522,587 57,323 42,806 100,129 39,504 8,047 125 39,629 1883 313,835 208,752 41,366 SO, 363 71,729 66 8,113 1884 267,928 185,758 453,686 39,409 23,930 63,339 437 73 510 1885 201,178 151,905 353,083 24,458 16,745 41,203 162 36 198 1886 197,429 132,100 329,529 a 2,145 881 3,026 * 260 57 317 1887 301,463 181,366 482,829 a 3,728 1,542 5,270 563 52 615 1888 339,233 198,898 538,131 a 3,830 1,572 5,402 731 112 843 1889 256,139 178,651 434,790 a 3,843 1,616 5, 459 1.475 250 1,725 1890 274,670 171,010 445,680 a 2,618 1,215 3,833 3; 647 801 4,448 1891...: 343,246 202,839 546,085 a 3,382 1,700 5,082 6,462 7,326 1,216 7,678 1892 374,378 234,094 603,472 a 2,020 884 2,904 1,386 8,712 1893 304,844 183,988 488,832 2,770 • 1,258 4,028 6,118 881 6,999 1894 176,966 126,184 303,150 1,752 766 2,518 6,557 765 7,322 1895 153,394 117,829 271,223 2,844 1,045 3,889 3,180 943 4,123 1896 202,628 126,439 329,067 4,389 2,914 7,303 5,364 7,997- 1,400 6,764 1897 124,472 91,925 216,397 2,517 2,020 1,117 4,537 1,665 9,662 1898 1899 127,202 90,584 217,786 297,349 424,700 1,510 2,627 4,316 5,455 6,878 1,759 8,637 8,972 17,946 1900 283, 900 140,800 3,761 1,694 16,124 1,822 316,160 153,077 469,237 â– 2,908 1,508 4,416 6,698 ll,467 2,126 13,593 1902 444,665 174,403 619,068 4,834 1,864 16,339 5,932 22,271 1903 : 580,484 234,023 814,507 7,769 3,222 10,991 23,776 6,190 29,966 RECAPITULATION—Continued. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881.. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894., 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900 1901. 1902., 1903. YEAR ENDING JUNE 30— OCEANIA. AFRICA. i ! TOTJ 1 Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. Males. 47 25 72 214,865 17 19 86 26 5 31 235,612 15 6 21 19 5 24 190,428 2,155 ' ’ 261 2,416 24 17 41 240,170 1,230 988 184 1,414 1,193 1,268 1,312 914 22 6 28 275,792 . ,205 39 19 58 189,225 139,950 1,026 1,074 769 242 38 16 54 238 60 29 89 111,786 145 10 6 16 92,033 508 98 606 12 6 18 86,259 111,882 707 109 816 10 2 12 800 154 954 14 4 18 287,623 989 202 1,191 21 12 33 410,729 747 142 889 39 21 60 498-, 814 541 206 747 36 31 67 363,863 634 266 900 43 16 59 308,509 468 211 679 85 27 112 226,382 753 383 1,136 1,282 2,387 79 43 122 200,704 839 443 34 6 i 40 306,658 1,495 1,379 795 892 51 14 65 345,375 817 2,196 1,167 149 38 187 263,024 372 88 24 112 281,853 847 454 1,301 82 21 103 354,059 1,749 1,831 810 812 2,561 255 96 351 385,781 834 2,665 246 81 327 315,845 422 1,232 143 65 - 208 186,247 371 151 522 118 49 167 159,924 70 42 112 15 6 21 212,466 97 102 199 24 13 37 133,107 147 54 201 38 10 48 135,775 810 51 326 102 428 29 1 30 304,148 365 133 498 154 19 173 331,055 408 167 575 32 5 37 466,369 977 404 1,381 121 55 176 613,146 TOTAL IMMIGRANTS. Females. 137,903 151,591 130,922 164,636 181, on 124,114 87,548 58,200 49,824 52,210 65,944 169,634 258,702 290,178 239,459 210,083 168,964 133,499 .183,451 201,514 181,403 173,449 206,260 237,303 187,072 128,220 120,024 130,801 95,725 93,524 144,424 156,863 182,374 243,900 Total. 352,768 387,203 321,350 404,806 459,803 313,339 227,498 169,986 141,857 138,469 177,826 457,257 669,431 788,992 603,322 • 518,592 395,346 a 334,203 a 490,109 a 546,889 a 444,427 ® 455,302 a 560,319 a 623,084 a 502,917 a 314,467 a 279,948 343,267 230,832 229,299 311,715 448,572 487,918 • 648,743 857,046 a Immigrants from the British North American Possessions and Mexico not included since July 1,1885. No. 12 5 4358 [June, IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. NATION ALITIES AND AGES OF IM MI GRANTS. Statement showing, by Ages, the Total Number of Passengers Arrived in the United States during each year from 1820 to 1867, and of Immigrants only from 1868 to 1872, inclusive; and by Nationalities and Ages the Number of Immigrants Arrived during each year from 1873 to 1898, inclusive. [Note.—The years in this table from 1820 to 1832 and from 1843 to 1850, inclusive, are those ending September 30; 1833 to 1842 and 1851 to 1866, those ending December 31; and 1867 to 1872, those ending June 30.] BY AGES, 1820-1872. 1820.. 1821.. 1822.. 1823.. 1824.. 1825.. 1826.. 1827.. 1828.. 1829.. 1830.. 1831.. 1832.. 1832 a 1833.. 1834.. 1835.. 1836.. 1837.. J .. 1839.. 1840.. 1841.. 1842.. 1S43 b 1844.. 1845.. 1846.. Under 15 From 15 to 40 Over 40 Not stated. Total. YEARS. Under 15 From 15 to 40 Over 40 Not stated. Total. 1,313 6,064 1,518 1,416 10,311 1847 57,161 156,627 20,800 4,894 239,482 170 7,047 1,396 3,031 ll,644 1848 53,213 151,148 23,066 2,056 229,483 51 5,430 956 2,112 8,549 1849 : 67,331 200,899 30,679 774 299,683 17 5,314 984 1,950 8,265 1850 62,543 181,468 26,085 45,238 315,334 94 6,550 1,106 1,877 9,627 1850 a 13,825 43,609 7,621 425 65,570 1,825 9,392 1,151 490 12,858 1851 89,241 274,359 44,072 1,156 408,828 2,261 10,025 1,281 341 13,908 1852 90,274 246,076 43,394 17,599 397,343 3,905 14,089 2,148 1,635 21,777 1853 87,331 267,876 44,558 1,217 400,982 8,117 18,397 3,036 634 30,184 1854 100,013 312,301 47,377 783 460,474 3,686 ll,803 1,764 7,460 24,513 1855 53,045 151,440 25,155 836 230,476 2,878 6,347 1,173 14,439 24,837 1856...: 42,732 141,986 19,905 19,873 224,496 7,040 13,598 1,863 1,379 23,880 1857 50,548 177,093 22,808 21,533 271,982 16,485 31,069 4,273 2,524 54,351 1858 25,914 102,921 15,545 526 144,906 1,946 3,774 425 1,158 7,303 1859.... 24,670 114,110 16,115 614 155,509 17,425 35,002 4,855 2,643 59,925 1860.. 28,620 133,919 16,795 357 179,691 15,383 42,811 6,818 2,936 67,948 1861 18,878 81,515 11,221 1,088 112,702 10,635 32,412 5,431 238 48,716 1862 20,641 80,725 12,888 209 114,463 16,665 54,738 8,141 1,428 80,972 1863 37,433 142,009 20,108 261 •199,811 16,014 54,312 8,421 6,212 84,959 1864 41,912 151,711 27,778 134 221,535 8,822 28,713 5,748 1,876 45,159 1865 46,524 175,501 32,190 33,184 287,399 15,167 51,063 7,201 1,235 74,665 1866 a 27, 011 112,692 18,034 28,155 185,892 21,727 62,461 7,556 463 92,207 1867 * 65,335 236,017 40,810 342,162 19,732 58,864 8,590 619 87,805 1868 57,637 188,359 36,193 382,189 25,516 74,499 9,709 1,256 110,980 1869 79,803 232,397 40,568 352,768 14,930 34,606 5,197 1,796 56,529 1870 89,129 250,965 47,109 387,203 19,913 54,745 8,655 1,451 84,764 1871 71,148 210,366 39,836 321,350 26,182 79,448 12,059 2,207 119,896 1872 90,510 263,213 51,083 404,806 36,878 103,263 17,160 1,348 158,649 a Three months ending December 31. b Nine months ending September 30. c Six months ending June 30. BY NATIONAEITIES AND AGES, 1873-1898. AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. YEAR ENDING JUNE 30— HUNGARY. OTHER AUSTRIA. Under 15 From 15 to 40 Over 40 Total. Under 15 From 15 to 40 Over 40 Total. Under 15 From 15 to 40 Over 40 Total. 1873 373 801 173 1,347 962 . 1,774 3,234 4,007 3,804 757 5,765 7,888 6,882 5,646 5,023 4,504 5,331 206 857 113 1,176 817 1874 251 585 126 2,672 1,209 943 170 537 110 1875 238 434 104 776 2,135 70 474 71 615 1 £76 127 437 66 630 1,788 1,590 3,052 806 58 382 75 515 1877 94 238 41 373 2,713 720 44 380 64 488 1878 174 405 67 646 1,317 2,550 637. 89 206 59 354 1879 172 400 60 632 1,588 3,012 731 103 345 64 512 1880 1,020 2,896 4,401 447 4,363 3,887 7,473 11,843 1,544 2,538 12,904 312 770 150 1,232 1,766 1881 ' -- 1,681 1,466 1,660 2,168 1,822 1,679 744 6,826 6,728 21,109 20,221 16,385 21,773 17,926 16,260 434 1,132 858 200 1882 6,483 980 8,929 5,693 12,049 2,479 401 172 1,431 1,450 1,576 1,653 1,300 2,553 3,215 -|K83 _ 8,208 11,060 6,778 1,372 11,240 4,449 9,911 2,025 2,646 2,216 349 893 208 1884 1,570 783 14,798 5,644 4,818 13,483 10,892 377 936 263 1885 9,383 475 957 221 1886 9,483 1,258 12,420 3,559 10,847 . 1,854 300 816 184 1887 2,379 11,502 1,375 15,256 5,069 17,403 2,537 25,009 705 1,510 1,957 1,539 1,646 338 1888 1,622 12,954 1,224 15,800 4,308 22,956 16,088 2,747 30,011 933 325 1889 1,609 2,699 8,141 1,217 10,967 4,436 2,683 23,207 650 373 2,562 1890 ■’ 16,625 2,738 22,062 5,316 24,437 4,384 34,137 679 346 2,671 3,037 1891 3,018 22,048 3,300 28,366 6,828 30,705 5,143 42,676 42,900 651 2,042 3,395 3,215 1,558 1,276 344 1892 2,616 1,532 32,108 20,870 2,512 1,099 37,236 5,170 34,977 2,753 689 219 4,303 4,091 2,028 1,590 1,261 760 695 1893 23,501 3,491 31,008 18,960 1,633 36,132 701 175 1RQ4. 1,423 1,421 12,256 718 14,397 3,350 798 23,108 18,256 371 99 1895 13,173 612 15,206 • 2,085 15,542 627 244 70 1896 3,367 24,540 2,991 30,898 4,683 26,328 3,194 34,205 258 816 187 ]«Q7 2,216 2,472 11,448 1,361 15,025 3,560 12,653 1,793 18,006 121 524 115 18Q8 12,619 1,568 16,659 3,839 16,973 2,326 23,138 127 . 440 128 I 1903.] IMMIGE ATIOH INTO THE UNITED STATES 4359 i Statement showing the Total Number of Alien Passengers Arrived in the United States, etc.—Continued. BY NATKOTAEITIEg AND AGES, 1873-1898-Continued. YEAR ENDING JUNE SO— DENMARK. FRANCE. GERMANY. Under 15 From 15 to 40 Over 40 Total. Under 15 From 15 to 40 Over 40 Total. Under 15 From 15 to 40 Over 40 Total. 187S 968 3,400 563 4,931 2,379 9,591 2,828 14,798 38,157 92,161 19,353 149,C71 1874 744 1,931 407 3,082 1,410 6,234 1,999 9,643 21,582 52,340 13,369 87,291 1875 641 1,638 377 2,656 989 6,158 1,174 8,321 10,985 29,934 6,850 47,769 1876 325 1,030 192 1,547 679 6,307 1,016 8,002 6,702 20,699 4,536 31,967 1877 327 1,165 203 1,695 647 4,380 829 5,858 6,244 19,099 3,955 29,298 1878 490 1,325 290 2,105 588 3,042 529 4,159 6,283 19,023 4,007 29, 313 1879 724 2,356 394 3,474 669 3,142 844 4,655 7,236 23,209 4,157 84,602 1880 1,348 4,675 553 6,576 714 2,946 653 4,313 18,793 57,236 8,609 84, C38 1881 2,185 6,164 768 9,1L7 847 3,631 749 5,227 58,781 131,211 20, 493 210,4.v5 1882 2,458 8,113 1,047 11,618 £62 4,172 869 6,003 70,591 153,079 26,960 250,630 1883 2,327 6,911 1,081 10,319 705 3,412 704 4,821 53,621 118,962 22,203 194,786 1884 2,167 6,140 895 9,202 485 2,625 498 3,608 49,267 109,317 21,092 179,676 18S5 1,354 4,114 632 6,100 423 2,497 573 3,493 34,054 74,841 15,548 124,443 1886 1,097 4,562 566 6,225 476 2,392 450 3,318 21,012 53,186 10,205 84,403 1887 1,415 6,455 654 8,524 742 3,582 710 5,034 26,226 68,027 12,612 106,865 1888 .; 1,253 7,024 685 8,962 867 4,831 756 6,454 25,139 74,126 10,452 109,717 1889 1,569 6,419 711 8,699 1,028 4,027 863 5,918 25,232 62,731 ll,575 99,538 1890 1,657 6,897 812 9,366 939 4,491 1,155 6,585 23,011 58,522 10,894 92,427 1891 1,803 8,158 698 10,659 897 4,922 951 6,770 26,322 75,677 ll,555 113,554 1892 1,268 8,956 369 10,593 632 5,524 365 6,521 26,120 95,140 9,498 130,753 1893 1,058 7,564 157 8,779 377 4,767 214 5,358 16,158 75,680 4,523 96,361 1894 663 4,838 80 5,581 260 3 252 150 3,662 9,674 47,303 2,409 59,3'6 1895 ' 431 3,737 76 4,244 282 3^ 251 169 3,702 5,071 29,716 1,564 36,351 1896 438 2,434 295 3,167 351 1,770 342 2,463 6,551 22,307 3,027 81,8S5 1897 220 1,681 184 2,085 254 1,493 360 2,107 3,998 15,875 2,660 22,533 1898 224 1,539 183 1,946 227 1,447 316 1,990 8,000 12,016 2,096 17,111 YEAR ENDING JUNE 30— Under 15 ITA From 15 to 40 LY. Over 40 Total. 1873 1,475 5,902 1,380 8,757 1874 1,052 5,406 1,208 7,666 1875 579 2,527 525 3,631 1876 477 2,136 402 3,015 1877 569 2,195 431 3,195 1878 866 2,871 607 4,344 1879 1,045 3,901 845 5,791 1880 2,545 7,982 1,827 12,354 1881 2,676 10,614 2,111 15,401 | 1882 2,930 24,457 4,772 32,159 j 1883 2,528 24,441 4,823 31,792 J 1884 2,846 11,443 • 2,216 16,510 ! 1885 2,744 9,254 1,644 13,642 1886 3,732 14,839 2,744 21,315 1887 7,444 33,356 6,822 47,622 1888 8,398 34,247 8,913 51,558 1889 5,006 16,237 4,064 25,307 1890 8,759 33,582 9,662 52,003 1891 10,253 â–  54,243 ll,559 76,055 1892 6,874 48,821 6,442 62,137 1893 5,377 61,618 5,921 72,916 1894 4,343 36,634 2,990 43,967 1895 4,185 30,624 2,152 36,961 1896 10,545 47,506 10,009 68,060 1897 ll, 710 38,107 9,614 59,431 1898 11,935 37,650 9,028 58,613 NETHERLANDS. NORWAY. Under From Over rTrHo1 ' Under From Over rT/'\f ol 15 15 to 40 40 lOlUl. 15 15 to 40 40 1,291 1,937 583 3,811 3,846 7,583 4,818 16,247 â–  856 1,224 364 2,444 • 1,749 5,444 3,191 10,384 351 712 174 1,237 1,216 4,212 665 6,093 220 464 171 855 798 3,838 537 5.173 120 359 112 591 838 3,321 429 4,588 142 336 130 608 1,079 3,114 566 4,759 223 375 155 753 1,462 5,212 671 7,345 1,231 1,611 498 3,340 3,781 14,857 1,257 19,895 3,097 4,324 1,176 8,597 5,299 15,793 1,613 22,705 3,260 4,870 . 1,387 9,517 6,775 19,653 2,673 29,101 1,790 2,752 707 5,249 6,367 14,275 2,756 23,398 1,376 2,201 621 4,198 4,361 10,899 1,914 16,974 842 1,458 389 2,689 2,836 8,258 1,262 12,356 669 1,301 344 2,314 2,590 8, 655 1,514 12,759 1,461 2,474 571 4,506 2,656 12,202 1,411 16,269 1,589 3,799 457 5,845 2,127 14,856 1,281 18,264 2,400 . 3,175 885 6,460 2,402 9,766 1,222 13,390 1,275 2,455 596 4,326 2,083 8,291 996 ll,370 1,359 3,292 555 5,206 1,711 9,928 929 12,568 1,669 5,240 351 7,260 1,631 12,182 649 14,462 1,829 6,034 251 8,114 1,370 14,116 593 16,079 578 2,206 100 2,884 1,000 7,555 312 8,867 466 1,807 75 2,348 765 6,329 279 7,373 431 929 223 1,583 1,037 6,942 876 8,855 211 550 129 890 579 4,675 588 5,842 197 452 118 767 507 3,928 503 4,938 YEAR ENDING JUNE 30— PORTUGAL. . ! RUSSIA (INCLUDING POLAND). SPAIN. Under 15 From 15 to 40 Over 40 Total. Under 15 From 15 to 40 Over 40 Total. : Under 15 From 15 to 40 Over 40 Total. 1873 3 17 4 24 1,447 2,955 570 4,972 65 403 73 x 541 1874 12 39 9 60 1,794 3,020 1,054 5,868 75 329 81 485 1875 116 548 99 763 3,838 3,993 1,150 8,981 72 408 121 601 1876 41 362 68 471 2,117 2,786 797 - 5,700 73 330 115 518 1877 119 1,113 59 1,291 2,624 3,608 900 7,132 75 439 151 665 1878 62 577 21 660 1,156 1,991 448 3,595 41 314 102 457 1879 . 43 312 37 392 1,912 2,391 639 4,942 54 314 89 457 1880 48 178 34 260 1,887 4,563 741 7,191 41 279 69 389 1881 ....: 34 108 29 171 2,922 6,646 1,087 10,655 59 346 79 484 1882 3 30 9 42 5,170 14,686 1,734 21,590 26 283 69 378 1883 8 161 7 176 3,180 7,674 1,066 11,920 24 190 48 262 1884 91 530 80 701 3,750 11,781 1,694 17,225 31 233 36 300 1885 44 331 65 440 5,674 12,662 1,907 20,243 36 262 52 350 18S6 - 21 199 18 238 5,404 14,370 1,965 21,739 46 245 53 344 1887 10 78 22 110 8,929 24,577 3,388 36,894 64 314 58 436 1888 3 17 3 23 8,714 27,186 3,413 39,313 42 430 54 526 1889 3 49 5 57 10,071 24,859 3,908 38,838 62 377 87 526 1890 12 133 13 158 11,613 30,313 4,745 46,671 110 552 151 813 1891 179 607 132 • 918 16,827 51,520 6,576 74,923 85 699 121 905 1892 304 2,279 245 2,828 23,308 86,893 7,491 117,692 55 905 46 1,006 1893 430 3,262 267 3,959 9,585 45,037 2,870 57,492 ll 685 291 987 1894 217 1,744 110 2,071 9,866 28,196 1,584 39,646 33 760 '27 820 1895 89 427 73 589 7,791 26,209 1,510 35,510 14 848 27 889 1896 699 1,648 419 2,766 10,845 37,290 4,001 52,136 22 267 62 351 1897 479 1,141 254 1,874 7,572 19,741 2,668 29,981 24 320 . 104 448 1898 416 1,084 217 1,717 8,422 22,932 3. 200 34,554 38 415 124 577 4360 IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. [June, Statement showing the Total Number op Alien Passengers Arrtyed in the United Status, etc.—Continued. BY NATIOjSTAEITIES AND AGE S, 1873-1898—Continued. YEAR ENDING JUNE 30— SWEDEN. SWITZERLAND. UNITED KINGDOM. ENGLAND. Under 15 From 15 to 40 Over 40 Total. Under 15 From 15 to 40 Over 40 Total. Under 15 From 15 to 40 Over 40 Total. 1873 3,082 8,988 2,233 14,303 624 2,142 341 3,107 17,323 47,327 10,151 74,801 1874 1,421 3,543 748 5,712 632 2,030 431 3,093 11,343 31,846 7,716 50,905 1875 1,260 3,526 787 5,573 344 1,232 238 1,814 8,382 25,888 5,860 40,130 1876 1,169 3,733 701 5,603 231 1,110 208 1,549 4,428 16,164 3,781 24,373 1877 1,078 3,275 638 4,991 310 1,169 207 1,686 3,172 12,680 3,309 19,161 1878 1,057 3,675 658 5,390 290 1,310 208 1,808 3,449 ll,829 3,127 18.405 1879 1,915 7,935 1,151 11,001 588 ' 2,175 398 3,161 4,586 15,908 3,689 24', 183 1880 6,488 29,400 3,298 39,186 1,309 4,193 654 6,156 13,464 39,691 6,299 59,454 1881 9,702 36,092 3,966 49,760 2,635 ‘ 7,564 1,094 11,293 16,403 41,361 7,413 65,177 1882 ll, 786 47,100 5,721 64,607 2,365 7,301 1,178 10,844 20,359 53,106 8,929 82,394 1883 8,757 25,553 3,967 38,277 3,179 8,117 1,455 12,751 16,345 40,404 6,391 63,140 1.S84 5,662 18,166 2,724 26,552 2,271 5,998 1,117 9,3S6 14,308 35,517 6,093 55,918 1885 4,512 15; 488. 2; 248 22,248 1,246 3,914 735 5,895 11,618 29,993 5,721 47,332 1886 4,189 21,213 2,349 27,751 950 3,307 548 4,805 10,173 33,784 5,810 49,767 1887 5,892 33,739 3,205 42,836 1,004 3,627 583 5,214 15,747 49,247 7,861 72,855 1888 6,044 45,223 3,431 54,698 1,013 6,065 659 7,737 18,787 54,670 9,117 82,574 1889 5,769 26,599 3,047 35,415 1,214 5,105 751 7,070 16,103 44,048 8,352 68,503 1890 4,645 22,788 2,199 29,632 1,296 4,979 718 6,993 11,472 38,173 7,375 57,020 1891 5,399 28,975 2,506 86,880 924 5,304 *583 6,811 9,558 37,195 6,847 53,600 1892 4,544 36,198 2,505 43,247 766 6,291 351 7,408 6,943 39,227 3,600 49,770 1893 3,505 33,059 1,513 38,077 455 4,715 125 5,295 5,992 38,201 2,308 46,501 1894 2,080 15,951 577 18,608 245 3,117 55 3,417 3,700 24,397 1,482 29,579 1895 1,555 13,636 492 15,683 210 2,351 63 2,624 4,103 25,698 2,147 31,948 1896 2,353 17,294 1,530 21,177 282 1,786 236 2,304 3,870 12,677 2,945 19,492 1897 1,220 10,923 1,019 13,162 168 1,223 175 1,566 1,777 6,581 1,616 9,974 1898 ..; 1,042 10,412 944 12,398 118 1,011 117 1,246 1,588 6,679 1,610 9,877 UNITED KINGDOM—continued. YEAR ENDING JUNE 30— SCOTLAND. IRELAND. WALES. Under From Over TVk+al Under From Over Total Under From Over Tn fal 15 15 to 40 40 A Oval* 15 15 to 40 40 0 a . 15 15 to 40 40 AU tcil* 1873 2,995 8,319 2,527 13,841 13,686 56,596 7,162 77,344 262 509 69 840 1874 2,177 6,178 2,074 10,429 9,587 38,991 5,129 53,707 209 375 81 665 1875 1,572 4,446 1,292 7,310 15,733 26,965 4,259 37,957 105 271 73 449 1876 823 2,930 829 4,582 2,881 14,376 2,318 19,575 69 216 39 324 1877 565 2,835 735 4,135 2,041 10,562 1,966 14,569 83 161 37 281 1878 629 2,131 742 3,502 1,954 11,961 2,017 15,932 69 125 49 243 1879 1,027 3,395 803 5,225 . 2,683 15,265 2,065 20,013 110 354 79 543 1880 2,778 8,564 1,298 12,640 8,996 57,907 4,700 71,603 332 732 109 1,173 1881 3,733 9,867 1,568 15,168 9,965' 57,817 4,560 72,342 261 663 103 1,027 1882 4,475 12,646 1,816 18,937 10,701 61,287 4,444 76,432 439 1,121 96 1,656 1883 3,275 7,322 1,262 11,859 15,371 59,681 6,434 81,486 475 974 148 1,597 1884 2,547 5,573 940 9,060 ll,549 46,065 5,730 63,344 302 519 80 901 1885 2,281 5,952 * 993 9,226 7,734 39,751 4,310 59,795 346 643 138 1,127 1886 2,608 8,168 1,350 12,126 6,419 39,369 3,831 49,619 234 694 99 1,027 1887 4,197 12,603 1,899 18,699 7,892 55,665 4,813 68,370 359 1,311 150 1,820 1888 5,618 16,291 2,548 24,457 8,576 59,882 5,055 73,513 385 1,166 103 1,654 1889 4,799 ll,541 1,956 18,296 7,883 52,778 4,896 65,557 331 743 107 1,181 1890 2,659 7,856 1,526 12,041 6,218 42.794 4,012 53,024 181 405 64 650 1891 2,302 8,905 1,350 12,557 5,390 46;695 3,621 55,706 883 290 51 424 1892 1,603 9,303 614 ll,520 3,683 49,266 2,518 55,467 884 645 28 757 1893 1,301 10,476 378 12,155 2,781 44,523 1,929 49,233 162 997 38 1,147 1894 1,044 5,939 271 - 7,254 1,792 30,998 1,114 33,904 188 905 41 1,134 1895 718 4,865 305 5,888 2,520 43,657 1,795 47,972 267 1,570 79 1,916 1896 677 2,257 549 3,483 2,766 34,645 2,851 40,262 441 960 180 1,581 1897 365 1,239 279 1,883 1,543 25,105 1,773 . 28,421 193 560 117 870 1898 284 1,211 302 1,797 1,292 22,289 1,547 25,128 321 760 138 1,219 UNITED KINGDOM—continued. YEAR. ENDING JUNE 30— NOT SPECIFIED. TOTAL. Under From Over rp/\+o 1 Under From Over T/y+ciI Under From Over TVvfal 15 15 to 40 40 AOull. 15 15 to 40 40 AO till. 15 15 to 40 40 AO tell. 1873 5 12 17 34,171 112,763 19,909 166,843 123 983 142 1,248 1874 7 12 3 22 23,323 77,402 15,003 115,728 189 1,311 160 1,660 1875 ll 4 15 16,792 57,581 11,488 85,861 158 1,071 159 1,388 1876 1 9 2 12 8,202 83,695 6,969 48,866 98 696 99 • 893 1877 3 1 4 5,861 26,241 6,048 38,150 127 1 909 137 1,173 1878 6,101 26,046 5,935 38,082 79 640 109 828 1879 1 2 3 8,407 34,924 6,636 49,967 175 880 189 1,244 3880 2 4 6 25,572 106,898 . 12,406 144,876 248 620 150 1,018 1881 4 4 30,362 109,712 13,644 153,718 179 940 112 1,231 3882 3 1 4 35,974 128,163 15,286 179,423 238 1,289 • 166 1,693 1883 4 6 10 35,470 108,387 14,235 158,092 279 1,211 179 1,669 1884 48 22 1 71 28,754 87,696 12,844 129,294 333 1,402 178 1,913 1885 ll 14 3 28 21,990 76,353 11,165 109,508 513 1,915 286 2,714 1886 3 6 9 19,437 82,021 ll,090 112,548 295 1,345 150 1,790 1887 4 4 28,195 118,830 14,723 161,748 916 2,575 462 3,953 1SS8 5 5 33,366 132,014 16,823 182,203 583 2,880 342 3,805 1889 2 7 3 12 29,118 109,117 15,314 153,549 659 2,309 319 3,287 1890 2 17 19 20,532 89,245 12,977 122,754 677 2,687 348 3,712 1891 6 18 24 17,339 93,103 ll,869 122,311 722 3,286 438 4,446 3 XQ9. 12,313 98,441 6,760 117,514 294 2,213 100 2,607 1893 10,236 94,197 4,653 109,086 230 2,231 144 2,605 3 891 6,724 62,239 2,908 71,871 . 264 2,428 145 2, S37 1895 7,608 75,790 4,326 87,724 322 1,696 150 2,168 1896 6 3 9 7,760 50,542 6,525 64,827 401 2,455 273 3,129 1897 2 18 5 25 3,880 33,503 3,790 41,173 290 1,059 165 • 1,514 1898 1 1 3,485 30,940 3,597 38,022 580 2,520 315 3,415 1903.] IMMIGBATION INTO THE UNITED ST ATE S 4361 Statement showing the Total Number of Alien Passengers Arriyed in the United States, etc.—Continued. BY XATIOXABITIES ANTI) AGES, 1873-1898—Continued. YEAR ENDING JUNE 30- TOTAL EUROPE. BRITISH NORTH AMERICAN POSSESSIONS. CENTRAL AMERICA. Under 15 From 15 to 40 Over 40 Total. Under 15 From 15 to 40 Over 40 Total. Under 15 From 15 to 40 Over 40. Total.' 1873 89,984 253,717 53,840 397,541 11,627 . 15,118 11,126 27,871 .. 8 26 4 38 1874 • 57,932 165,382 39,469 262,783 3,837 19,729 9,394 32,960 3 9 2 14 1875 39,784 118,252 24,925 182,961 2,167 19,078 2,806 24,051 15 15 1876 23,105 81,057 16,758 120,920 2,203 17,587 2,681 22,471 4 9 2 15 1877 20,667 70,604 14,924 106,195 2,010 18,099 2,007 22,116 7 7 1878 . 19i 814 67,425 14,373 101,612 3,266 19,157 3,145 25,568' 3 34 13 50 1879 26,316 90,883 17,060 134,259 7,039 21,520 2,709 31,268 6 3 9 1880 69', 224 246,577 32,890 348,691 17,034 73,873 8,799 99,706 7 26 ll 44 1881 127,621 350,521 50 403 528,545 24,557 90,718 10,116 125,391 21 8 29 1882 ; 150,098 432,586 65,502 648,186 18,976 69,331 9,988 98,295 5 10 5 20 1883 124;693 341,058 56,836 522,587 18,575 40,032 ll, 634 70,241 7 2 9 1884 109;383 293,915 50,388 453,686 13,479 38,665 8,440 60,584 14 9 23 1885 83,383 229,974 39,726 353,083 8,737 24,983 4,571 38,291 1 19 4 24 1886 65,456 228,781 35,292 329,529 (a) (a) (a) (a) 32 32 1887 93;107 340,251 49,471 482,829 (a) (a) (a) (a) 2 15 6 23 1888 96,001 390,565 51,565 538,131 (a) (a) <« (a) 6 50 ll 67 1889 91,228 296,538 47,024 434,790 (a) (a) (a) (a) 16 62 10 88 1890 85,303 307,643 52,734 445,680 (a) (a) (a (a) 20 90 37 147 1891 94,317 394,509 57,259 546,085 (a) («) (a) (a) 54 178 53 285 1892 88,253 479,563 40,656 608,472 (a) (a) V) (a) 39 233 19 ’ 291 1893 56,345 408,058 24,429 488,832 (a) <«) (a) (a) 51 173 17 241 1894 41,091 248,997 13,062 303,150 (a) (a) (a) (a) 6 55 5 66 1895 32,539 226,417 12,267 271,223 (a) (a) W (a) 2 66 ll 69 1896 50,023 244,854 34,190 329,067 41 189 43 273 4 ll 2 17 1897 36,502 154,916 24,979 216,397 81 155 54 290 6 6 1898 36;629 156,377 24,780 217,786 21 272 57 350 1 6 1 7 MEXICO. WEST INDIES. SOUTH AMERICA. YEAR ENDING JUNE 30— Under From Over rPrv+al Under From Over Under From Over Tn+ol 15 15 to 40 40 lOlUl. 15 15 to 40 40 JLOl&l. 15 15 to 40 40 JL OIcll* 1873 . 72 i 447 87 • 606 247 1,100 290 1,637 ll 129 23 163 1874 26 1 307 53 386 345 1,144 288 1, 111 ll 108 25 144 1875 77 478 55 610 398 1,061 331 1,790 18 96 18 132 1876 87 483 61 631 257 911 214 1,382 22 113 21 156 1877 47 350 48 445 273 855 262 1,390 15 59 13 87 1878 53 338 74 465 206 630 183 1,019 4 66 18 88 1879 54 436 66 556 216 696 211 1,123 16 48 5 69 1880 45 380 67 492 220 914 217 1,351 25 49 14 88 18S1 41 245 39 325 294 1,117 269 1,680 14 85 ll • 110 1882 41 265 60 366 244 827 220 1,291 16 69 6 91 1883 44 356 69 469 121 624 158 903 17 55 5 77 1884 46 318 66 430 417 1,396 395 2,208 15 42 8 65 1885 29 246 48 323 564 1,483 430 2,477 3 38 3 44 1886 (&) (6) (b) (&) 493 1,820 421 2,734 29 193 24 246 lc87 (») (b) b) (b) • 906 3,403 567 4,876 37 286 43 366 1888 (6) - (b) (b) (&) 830 3,457 593 4,880 30 323 87 440 1889 . (*)â–  (*) (&) (&) 849 3,506 568 4,923 •38 335 54 427 1890 (b) (b) (â– b) (*) 533 2,107 430 3,070 39 319 80 438 1891 . (*) (b) (b) (& 688 2,813 405 3,906 55 517 92 664 1892 <*) (b) (6) (*) 238 1,306 223 1,767 43 590 47 680 1893 (*) (b) (6) h 511 2,356 310 3,177 39 548 23 610 1894 (b) (b) h) lb) 237 1,426 319 1,982 24 386 21 431 1895 (*) (b) (&) (*) 420 2,622 437 3,479 15 298 25 338 1896 35 99 16 150 1,754 3,892 1,182 6,828 6 26 3 35 1897 15 58 18 91 918 2,222 961 4,101 ' 12 35 2 49 1898 24 64 19 197 522 1,180 422 2,124 17 17 5 39 CHINA. ALL OTHER ASIA; AFRICA. YEAR ENDING JUNE 30— Under From Over nVktol Under From Over Total Under From Over 15 15 to 40 40 loiai. 15 15 to 40 40 15 15 to 40 40 IOtal. 1873 2,431 16,573 1,288 20,292 14 21 7 42 7 18 . 3 28 1874 1,212 12,026 538 13,776 6 47 9 62 3 49 6 58 1875 - 1,598 14,486 353 16,437 6 49 13 68 13 31 10 54 1876 1,962 20,327 492 22,781 58 80 24 162 6 66 17 89 1877 609 9,600 385 10,594 15 26 6 46 5 10 1 16 1878 854 7,783 355 8,992 8 14 22 4 8 6 18 1879 - 807 8,434 363 9,604 9 36 ll 56 3 7 2 12 1880 447 5,034 321 5,802 9 26 2 37 3 12 3 18 1881 - 756 10,691 443 ll, 890 12 70 10 92 7 24 2 33 1882 1,477 36,729 1,373 39,579 8 38 4 50 7 47 ; 6 60 1883 256 7,559 216 8,031 â–  7 69 6 82 18 43 6 67 1884 17 242 20 279 31 177 23 231 2 54 3 59 1885 4 16 2 22 14 153 9 176 ' ll 80 21 112 1886 9 24 7 40 9 262 6 277 15 94 13 122 1887 10 10 28 556 21 605 4 29 7 40 ]X88 26 26 48 719 50 817 10 47 8 65 1889 - 12' 104 2 118 96 1,403 108 1,607 15 158 14 187 1890 103 1,453 160 1,716 178 2,371 183 . 2,732 10 88 14 112 1891 90 2,400 346 2,836 452 4,142 248 4,842 13 87 3 103 1892 53 2,183 492 2,728 185 5,535 264 5,984 46 272 33 351 1893 57 2,215 556 2,828 88 3,910 173 4,171 25 279 23 327 1894 62 3,316 840 4,018 159 3,003 142 3,304 36 154 18 208 1895 23 716 235 974 ' 206 2,869 74 3,149 12 145 10 167 1896 57 1,221 163 1,441 789 4,131 403 5,323 4 16 1 21 1897 52 2,893 418 3,363 971 4,763 565 6,299 8 25 4 37 1898 - 15 1,793 262 2,071 985 5,026 555 6,566 10 36 2 48 almmigrants from the British North American possessions are not included in retuxns since July 1, 1885. b Immigrants from Mexico are not included in returns since July 1, 1885. 4362 IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES, [June, Statement showing the Total Number of Alien Passengers Arrived in the United States, etc.—Continued. BY XATIONABITIES AND AGE S, 1873-1898—Continued. YEAR ENDING JUNE 30— OCEANIA. ALL OTHER COUNTRIES, AND SEA. BORN AT TOTAL.® Under 15 From 15 to 40 Over 40 Total. Under 15 From 15 to 40 Over 40 Total. Under 15 From 15 to 40 Over 40 Total. 1873 271 1,123 1,039 191 1,585 1,379 104,672 288,272 66,859 459,803 1874 203 137 63,578 44,254 27,875 23,754 24,285 34,554 87,154 153,480 171,021 199,840 154, 621 49,921 28,623 313,339 227,498 1875 193 1,075 1,101 756 112 1,380 1,379 961 1876 171 107 121,734 100,366 20,377 169,9^6 141,857 1877 113 92 17,737 18,246 20,541 42,441 61,456 1878 73 483 79 635 95,938 138,469 1879 94 665 111 870 122,731 327,662 454,495 540,677 390,406 177,826 3880 140 771 117 1,028 1,336 1,054 856 457,257 1881 178 1,003 775 155 669,431 788,992 1882 149 130 77,294 69,051 59,458. 44,915 35,897 1883 134 603 119 143,865 123,562 92,880 66,188 94,278 97,287 92,534 86,404 95,879 89,167 57,342 41,755 33,289 52,741 38,627 603,322 518,592 395,346 1884 172 749 106 1,027 794 335,5/2 257,551 232,118 345,575 396,990 303,835 315,054 405,843 491,839. 419,701 258,162 233,543 254,519 1885 134 559 101 1886 177 912 134 1,223 1,360 2,463 2,287 1,407 1,598 2,811 66 334,203 490,109 1887 194 1,025 1,803 1,729 141 50,256 52,612 . 48,058 53,844 58,597 42,078 25,824 14,550 13,116 1888 ' I 362 298 546,889 1889 1 280 278 444,427 455,302 560,319 623,084 1890 ' 1 218 983 206 1891 210 1,197 2,157 191 1892 310 344 1893 210 2,162 293 2,665 1,232 66 502,917 314,467 1894 94 997 141 37 37 1895 48 417 57 522 24 24 279,948 1896 28 80 4 112 36,007 27,024 343,267 1897 68 108 23 199 . 165,181 164,905 230,832 229,299 1898 43 135 23 201 38,267 26,127 1 a Ineludes, for 1894,19 from Miquelon, of which. 13 were from 15 to 40 and 6 under 15 yeara of age, and 20 from Bermuda, of which 3 were under 15,15 were from 15 to 40, and 2 over 40 years of age. Number and Sex of Alien Passengers and of Immigrants, respectively, Arrived in the United States during each Quarter Year from July 1, 1857, to June 30, 1903, inclusive. ALIEN PASSENGERS. YEAR ENDING JUNE 30— QUARTER ENDING— TOTAL FOR YEAR. September 30. December 31. March 31. June 30. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864....; 1865 1866 1867 35,796 45,067 23,910 16,075 23,496 12,890 18,832 31,548 34,476 51,290 53,983 25,911 33,691 17,254 12,366 18,877 8,782 13,703 21,478 24,226 34,151 35,350 61,707 78,758 41,164 28.441 42,373 21,672 32,535 53,026 58,702 85.441 89,333 30,819 33,106 16,344 18,449 21,847 5,840 10,422 23,659 21,524 46,061 36,155 25,897 27,319 12,859 15,188 18,355 4,107 8,465 18,084 16,847 33,315 25,323 56,716 60,425 29,203 33,637- 40,202 9,947 18,887 41,743 38,371 79,376 61,478 14,427 8,127 7,789 8,744 7,170 5,193 8,650 13,250 12,302 30,529 23,340 7,149 4,297 3,964 3,936 3,984 2,430 3,887 7,039 5,932 13,210 10,732 21,576 12,424 ll,753 12,680 ll,154 7,623 12,537 20,289 18,234 43,739 34,072 53,615 24,652 27,185 34,450 29,004 18,368 42,001 45,114 39,788 77,108 71,248 36,932 15,683 20,266 23,935 20,144 14,573 26,965 30,942 25,244 46,913 46,973 90,547 40,335 47,451 58,385 49,148 32,941 68,966 76,056 65,032 124,021 118,221 134,657 110,952 75,228 77,718 81,517 42,291 79,905 113,571 108,090 204,988 184,726 95,889 80,990 54,343 55,425 61,360 29,892 53,020 77,543 72,249 127,589 118,378 230,546 191,942 129,571 133,143 142,877 72,183 132,925 191,114 180,339 332,577 303,104 IMMIGRANTS. 1868 48,252 53,401 63,868 33,321 37,302 42,125 81,573 90,703 105,993 98,300 35,320 33,946 43,810 26,447 25,656 61,776 59,602 76,938 53,624 78,653 89,227 69,640 21,044 10,044 12,569 ll,654 31,088 36,356 65,555 42,197 107,752 170,180 214,865 235,612 112,009 282,189 1869 23,787 103,731 62,376 166,107 137,903 352,768 1870 33,128 26,836 38,490 101,098 64,684 165,782 151,591 130,922 164,636 387,203 321,350 1871 57,158 41,142 29,730 23,894 34,292 17,172 8,874 26,046 86,368 57,012 143,380 190,428 1872 56,827 68,576 60,630 43,558 33,292 27,256 42,032 52,207 98,859 120,783 103,558 74,095 52,710 44,361 50,729 89,565 27,348 19,502 30,896 32,004 15,913 15,397 8,299 46,809 108,086 124,483 72,399 180,485 202,392 112,309 78,735 61,039 240,170 275,792 189,225 404,806 459,803 313,339 227,498 169,986 141,857 1873 33,498 30,075 47,401 77,909 42,812 184,011 124,114 1874 42,928 19,533 19,822 27,832 28,090 24,541 69,497 1875 30,537 19,418 19,230 12,104 46,578 8,268 49,222 29,513 139,950 111,786 92,033 86,259 111,882 287,623 ' 87,548 58,200 1876 31,696 18,532 6,009 40,370 20,669 1877 17,314 14,387 44,570 35,983 16,802 10,488 27,290 13,247 4,667 17,914 34,728 36,418 17,355 52,083 57,219 80,847 242,661 49,824 52,210 65,944 169,634 258,702 1878 21,596 14,694 9,833 24,527 31,174 13,551 7,189 20,740 21,735 20,801 138,469 177,826 457,257 669,431 1879 25,515 42,446 95,420 18,555 27,343 63,494 71,182 44,070 19,163 12,011 28,837 • 15,113 6,622 20,795 52,091 28,756 1880 69,789 49,357 78,194 125,529 45,818 66,613 150,002 92,659 1881... 158,014 175,330 74,548 50,981 50,367 79,686 22,590 72,957 190,394 121,637 312,031 410,729 498,814 363,863 1882 104,148 94,834 73,812 59,746 43,660 60,589 72,329 64,754 56,620 97,336 66,051 62,393 48,588 45,406 34,729 159,729 114,639 33,897 22,654 21,269 113,583 69,588 217,644 122,706 101,550 340,350J 257,594 207,940 165,892 151,016 224,492 248,767 290,178 239,459 788,992 603,322 518,592 395,346 334,203 490,109 1883 66,667 161,501 132,362 46,934 156,044 123,082 1884 58,550 64.954 42.955 110,360 77,684 46,661 67,930 84,858 308,509 226,382 200,704 210,083 168,964 133,499 1885 48,734 38,487 108,480 28,800 29,856 14,490 43,290 94,881 71,011 1886... 82,147 105,702 126,408 117,744 32,257 64,763 58,391 26,698 58,955 12,229 19,267 42,085 94,931 56,085 1887 45,113 54,079 52,990 47,197 39,321 94,084 100,202 86,996 46,564 65,831 71,512 144,742 163,324 113,598 79,750 85,443 71,390 306,658 345,375 263,024 183,451 201,514 181,403 173,449 206,260 237,303 187,072 127,615 1888 41,811 39,849 51,331 20,181 546,889 444,427 1889 47,147 37,525 17,174 54,699 184,988 1890 103,817 121,144 144,516 50,525 37,906 88,431 47,093 63,465 70,245 17,968 65,061 127,615 70,378 197,993 240,780 257,386 240,402 281,853 354,059 455,802 560,319 623,084 502,917 311,605 1891 69,272 51,872 63,640 53,681 64,622 46,201 110, 823 122,383 24,107 87,572 156,700 84,080 1892 80,876 69,520 69,631 29,971 47,220 32,006 68,351 54,032 28,554 24,723 98,799 166,309 162,030 91,077 385,781 315,845 183,990 157,270 212,466 1893 123,201 122,108 60,242 90,834 60,650 37,378 30,296 67,674 46,917 71,640 78,372 1894 52,477 32,290 29,012 40,552 25,968 58,258 25,284 23,451 13,067 11,987 38,351 56,785 74,836 36,103 48>123 45,388 92,888 122,959 1895 30,271 28,485 57,497 74,998 46,958 50,079 35,438 118,866 130,801 95,725 276,136 343,267 230,832 229,233 1896 . 43,714 34,446 36,445 7,253 43,698 88,249 133,637 87,891 83,186 148,835 184,679 1897 28,644 23,980 32,994 32,222 43,862 41,641 57,709 24,497 22,461 24,615 10,718 35,333 53,989 33,902 135,107 135,735 227,090 304,148 331,055 1898 25,085 49,065 72,870 78,356 26,172 43,661 59,973 23,907 32,925 32,122 45,039 14,781 46,903 63,145 52,356 98,514 130,297 30,830 93,498 134,346 144,424 1899 39,876 46,234 61,808 76,586 18,106 50,321 361,436 448,572 487,918 1900 36,557 96,530 67,644 21,363 89,007 54,382 1901 105,670 54,204 38,566 92,770 68,766 19,914 26,597 88,680 146,277 54,521 200,798 278,168 156,863 1902 68,802 110,443 78,625 111,509 44,027 122,652 110,883 137,480 170,784 208,059 70,109 466,369 182,374 243,900 648,743 857,046 1903 96,850 154,559 57,573 169,082 136,620 34,164 268,167 94,454 362,621 613,146 1903. J IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. 4363 Numbers of Passengers Arrived in the Principal and all, other Customs Districts from Foreign Countries, Distinguishing United States Citizens Returning, Nonimmigrant Aliens, and Immigrants, respectively, from 1856 to 1903. [Note.—The years in this table from 185/> to 1865, inclusive, are those ending December 31; from 1866 to 1903, those ending June 30.] [Note.—Prepared by the Commissioner of Immigration after 1895.] [Arrivals from British North American Possessions and Mexico are not included after July 1,1885.] BOSTON AND CHARLESTOWN, MASS. NEW YORK, N. Y. YEARS. United States citizens return¬ ing. Non¬ immi¬ grant aliens. Immi¬ grants. Total passen¬ gers arrived. United States citizens return¬ ing. Non¬ immi¬ grant aliens. Immi¬ grants. Total passen¬ gers arrived. United Scates citizens return¬ ing. Non¬ immi¬ grant aliens. Immi¬ grants. Total passen¬ gers arrived. United States citizens return¬ ing. Non¬ immi¬ grant aliens. Immi¬ grants. Total passen¬ gers arrived. 1856 2,309 2,347 14,353 19,009 17,954 140,757 158,711 1,456 41 6,933 8,430 2 5 6,105 6,112 1857 1,995 2, il8 13,331 17,444 16,467 77 188,243 204,787 346 39 5,275 5,660 126 30 8,923 9,079 1858 1,960 2,301 5,086 9,347 15,794 85,848 101,642 297 30 2,264 2,591 290 6 3,690 3,986 1859 2,066 1,815 8,498 12,379 26,821 86,449 113,270 473 2 3,311 3,786 216 3,546 3,762 1860 2.066 1,952 8,807 12,825 20,104 111,461 131,565 450 22 3,426 3,898 223 6,709 6,932 1861 1,743 1,' 113 4,365 7,221 17'747 70,063 87,810 273 1,634 1,907 205 3,725 3,930 1862 1,913 1,767 2,356 6,036 19'081 78,395 97,476 492 3 1,434 1,929 137 4 2,237 2,378 1863...-. 1,666 7,217 8,883 20,942 151,956 172,898 175 3,688 3,863 102 2 1,070 1,174 1864 2,154 6,347 8,501 25, 256 174,434 199,690 222 4,240 4,462 49 2 2,917 2,968 1865 2,758 10,007 12,765 35,549 190,372 225,921 20 1,560 1,580 145 1 4,457 4,603 1866 a 934 1,062 4,534 6,530 15,534 120,099 135,633 1,892 1,892 103 80 3,937 4,120 1867 2,908 2,535 11,483 16,926 32,810 240,030 272,840 2,580 2,580 408 102 10,035 10,545 1868 2,881 2,181 12,529 17,591 32,109 235,553 267,662 180 15 826 1,021 514 29 9,740 10,283 1869 1,625 2,078 23,294 26,997 17,777 2,442 2o3,/d4 273,973 314 58 1,061 1,433 633 62 11,202 ll,897 1870 2,034 1,642 33,028 36,704 22,178 2,659 256,354 281,191 140 33 1,016 1,189 850 46 ll,527 12,423 1871 2,082 1,481 27,024 .30,587 19,553 3,052 206,205 228,810 165 15 348 528 670 52 9,956 10,678 1872 1,846 1,430 26,909 30,185 24,828 3,681 283,226 311,735 338 16 154 508 798 30 15,979 16,807 1873 1,753 1,689 31,676 35,118 27,591 2,899 307,334 337,824 178 19 1,108 1,305 788 48 17,897 18,733 1874 2,342 1,468 24,225 28,035 31,294 4, C05 194,144 229,443 935 16 5,649 6,600 834 95 9,831 10,760 1875 2,419 1,839 17,645 21,903 29,795 3,505 130,994 164,294 2,182 54 9,929 12,165 878 48 6,055 6,981 1876 2,509 1,615 9,711 13,835 28,761 5,455 82,373 116,589 2,187 306 7,812 10,305 904 46 5,093 6,043 1877 2,129 1,720 7,8S7 11,736 24,299 5,618 72,942 102,859 2,158 71 6,154 8,383 628 121 3,923 4,672 1878 2,196 1,438 8,756 12,390 25,706 5,193 72,163 103,062 2,297 21 5,289 7,607 608 96 3,612 4,316 1879.. 2,383 992 10,364 13,739 36,458 6,249 99,224 141,931 2,691 637 8,266 ll,594 602 151 4,713 5,466 1880 2,552 1,130 34,062 37,744 31,313 6,842 263,726 301,881 1,692 39 21,727 23,458 540 113 17,394 18,047 1881 2,621 1,899 41,018 45,538 31,173 8,235 400,871 440,279 1,750 13 34,865 36,628 593 218 40,017 40,828 1882 2,169 1,969 58,186 62,324 34,197 8,529 502,171 ' 544,897 1,900 7 36,284 38,191 525 156 41,739 42,420 1883 5,710 3,442 48,188 57,340 44,295 19,503 406,697 470,495 1,960 44 24,808 26,812 443 138 35,690 36,271 1884 9,572 3,283 35,036 47,891 47,860 22,700 354,702 425,262 1,368 44 18,981 20,393 870 121 35,507 36,498 1885 6,603 2,367 25,660 34,630 51,514 22,974 287,223 361,711 2,309 46 22,482 24,837 659 153 15,928 16,740 1886 7,565 270 25,046 32,881 50,412 15,267 266,370 332,049 2,917 41 20,822 23,780 862 61 13,500 14,423 1887 4,267 323 36,209 40,799 56,261 14,671 376,005 446,937 3,033 56 31,048 34,137 1,264 70 36,098 37,432 1888 3,756 515 44,873 49,144 57,759 14,845 418,423 491,027 1,928 91 37,325 39,344 1,123 105 33,297 34,525 1889 3,630 274 35,198 89,102 61,000 15,094 338,784 414,878 1,280 77 28,100 29,457 1,096 104 29,704 30,904 1890 4,540 221 29,813 34,574 73,727 12,581 364,086 450,394 1,541 85 22,658 24,284 1,284 63 27,178 28,525 1891 4,913 285 30,951 36,149 72,694 12,067 448,403 533,164 1,806 162 26,152 28,120 1,172 129 40,694 41,995 1892 4,586 142 32,343 37,071 76,200 15,165 489,810 581,175' 1,506 146 31,102 32,754 1,326 164 55,''820 57,310 1893 3,361 29,583 32,944 76,384 33,070 404,337 253,586 513,791 1,863 878 28,906 31,647 942 95 26,183 27,220 1894 2,687 17,558 20,245 54,714 27,452 335,752 1,624 257 19,861 21,744 807 79 13,425 14,311 1895 4,025 197 20,472 24,694 83,737 16,944 219,006 319,687 4,144 397 25,862 30,403 1,038 67 7,081 8,186 1896& 21,846 263,709 24,977 13,374 1897 5 13,333 180,556 10,930 6,215 1898 4,791 264 12,271 17,326 76,470 15,060 178,748 270,278 2,207 330 8,360 10,897 941 88 10,735 ll,764 1899 7,443 397 19,227 27,067 72,880 19,016 242,573 334,469 1,614 234 9,971 11,819 800 42 14,652 15,494 1900 8,821 246 15,754 24,821 95,537 21,745 341,712 458,994 2,665 322 16,134 19,121 1,045 81 27,564 28,690 1901 11,723 96 25,616 37,435 127,044 22,933 388,931 538,908 3,279 209 13,236 16,724 866 89 17,216 18,171 1902 12,173 • 1,450 39,465 53,088 110,636 22,287 493,262 626,185 4,003 449 17,175 21,627 1,185 158 39,679 41,022 1903 62,838 631,885 27,760 55,802 PHILADELPHIA, PA. BATIMORE, MD. 1856 . 1857. 1858 . 1859 . 1860 . 1861. 1862 . 1863 . 1854. 1865 . 1866« 1857 . 1868. 1869 . 1870 . 1871 . 1872 . 1873 . 1874 . 1875 . 1876 . 1877 . 1878 . 1879 . 1880 . 1881. 3.882. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. ALL OTHER PORTS. YEARS. United States citizens return¬ ing. Nonim¬ migrant aliens. Immi¬ grants. Total passen¬ gers arrived. United States citizens return¬ ing. Nonim¬ migrant aliens. Immi¬ grants. Total passen¬ gers arrived. 5,664 6,655 5,797 4,253 5,664 6,655 5,797 2,339 1,742 3,439 4,650 1,786 1,673 1,034 22,045 26,170 r 24,518 27,933 * 16,816 12,559 21,289 ) 1 4,254 5,817 642 17,851 ) 5,817 7,879 3,963 7,403 3,185 3,330 1,232 4,062 3,208 1,207 972 14,017 18,432 13 7,892 3,963 7,403 3,185 3,330 1,532 4,062 9,635 15,468 17,974 10,496 814 2,058 622 3,844 852 1,045 2,519 5,522 644 1,688 3,190 t 434 219 2,072 2,725 807 657 37,727 39,191 36,185 \a 300 1,561 2,724 31,900 7 2,992 1,440 30,777 35.209 2i;956 * 955 92 8,588 13,490 15,949 3,421 3,582 14,953 1 1,901 2,025 1,403 805 77 4,526 5,589 49,967 60,082 ) 6,638 19,789 ll,337 69,329 68,846 87,304 122 8,971 10,359 20,917 15,116 18,286 16,537 105,172 615 ll,779 22,872 20,441 12,400 68,179 101,020 1,144 1,726 2,396 811 16,290 7,872 80,871 105,033 [ 904 17,746 21,124 10,599 13,228 8,122 64,374 83,095 442 11,246 44,589 69,063 2,682 3,182 2,589 3,573 2,865 927 24,080 27,689 15,167 ll,754 13,620 10,957 ll,656 40,917 63,530 730 11,255 8,542 9,253 7,153 12,432 8,893 14,598 38,733 62,224 5 '.. 623 8,030 ll,510 39,487 59,027 ) 794 9,144 10,563 45,186 64,893 914 10,932 10,773 17,037 112,199 140,009 4,043 4,347 764 17,239 7,665 14,041 138,787 160,493 } 1,024 32,668 38,039 9,178 15,431 116,933 141,542 TOTAL UNITED STATES. United States citizens return¬ ing. 24,060 20,676 21,780 34,227 26,051 20,782 22,475 23,529 28,115 39,279 18,132 39,118 40,060 26,776 33,865 43,662 49,056 47,744 47,730 50,898 48,000 41,484 41,671 55,256 50,269 48,549 52,872 Nonim¬ migrant aliens. 4,179 3,937 3,371 2,459 3,181 2,098 2,819 1,690 221 658 4,166 4,077 5,899 10,306 15,717 21,259 18,172 13,338 14,610 17,134 20,005 23,162 19, 307 20,128 26,939 25,732 27,280 Immi¬ grants. 195.857 246,945 119,501 118,616 150,237 89,724 89,007 174,524 193,395 247,453 163,594 298,967 282,189 352,768 387,203 321,350 404,806 459,803 313,339 227,498 169,986 141.857 138,469 177,826 457,257 669,431 788,992 Total passen¬ gers arrived. 224,096 271,558 144,652 155,302 179,469 112,604 114,301 199,743 221,531 287,390 185,892 342,162 328,148 389,850 436,785 386,271 472,034 520,885 375,679 295,530 237,'991 206,503 199,447 253,210 534,465 743,712 869,144 a Six months ending June 30. b No data as to United States and nonimmigrant aliens returning. 4864 IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES, [June, Number of Passengers Arrived in the Principal and all other Customs Districts from Foreign Countries, etc.—Continued. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. ALL OTHER PO RTS. TOTAL UNITED STATES. YEARS. United States citizens return¬ ing. Nonim¬ migrant aliens. Immi- grants. Total passen¬ gers arrived. United States citizens return¬ ing. Nonim¬ migrant aliens. Immi- grants. Total ’ passen¬ gers arrived. United States citizens return¬ ing. Nonim¬ migrant aliens. Immi- grants. Total passen¬ gers. arrived. 1883 4,841 10,164 ll,112 4,048 8,191 1,735 . 17,080 16,966 20,166 9,121 18,030 24,078 14,170 79,058 70,602 102,349 67,283 41,910 603,322 712,515 1884 5,067 7,936 4,704 9,959 98,591 88,928 41,971 518,592 649,491 1885 - 1,118 7,646 2,241 40,546 72,370 97,251 86,380 42,412 395,846 535, C 09 1886 a ll,654 1,428 17,786 ll,329 4,610 18,180 23,720 334,203 444.303 1887 613,343 c14,851 d ll,319 3,128 3,163 2,988 2,890 2,294 4,020 2,775 3,033 1,499 7,726 2,935 3,127 3,606 19,089 20,561 11,838 14,691 1,088 1,852 1,701 4,427 18,117 92,347 22,929 490,109 605,385 1888 5,600 4,969 21,992 7,440 95,529 20,621 546,889 663,039 1889 17,479 8,233 1,383 944 81,241 20,845 444,427 546,513 1890 1,234 5,479 . 7,657 88,017 21,123 18,697 455,302 564,442 1891 1,620 1,505 1,821 5,332 6,425 10,115 1,389 575 5,486 7,450 89,220 560,319 668,236 1892 10,918 1,270 1,551 6,446 9,267 92,307 21,269 623,084 736,660 1893 5,383 10,094 1,268 2,642 5,932 9,842 6,054 . 90,678 40,750 502,917 634,354 1894 1,355 5,743 9,392 1,912 1,084 835 3,058 66,663 32,940 314,467 414,070 1895 2,540 1,871 1,-840 6,251 1,895 3,037 5,767 100,673 21,201 279,948 401,822 I RQft e 1,411 . ll,160 13,979 16,911 20,526 343,267 IRQ7 e 1,629 230,832 1898 3,461 4,196 ' 4,240 1,793 2,274 4,766 7,528 5,732 3,527 1,355 26,104 93,6C2 21,062 229,299 343,897 1899 1,841 10,803 8,263 30,144 95,196 22,885 311.715 429,796 1900 1,170 5,165 10,575 8,169 1,865 42,243 52,277 120,477 25,429 448,572 594,478 1901 2,147 1,102 1,512 3,655 6,904 11,991 5,628 39,264 56,883 157,050 30,057 30,092 487,918 675,025 1902 1,986 5,271 8,769 12,075 4,236 53,891 70,202 142,058 648,743 857,046 820,893 ig03 7,256 71,505 a Includes 7,704 Chinese retnrning. & Ineludes 11,162 Chinese returning. c Includes 12,816 Chinese returning. d Inclndes 9,062 Chinese returning. e No data as to United States citizens and nonimmigrant aliens returning. Number of Passengers Departed from the Seaports of the United States for Foreign Countries, etc., during each Year ending June 30, from 1868 to 1902, inclusive. [Note.—The statistics in this table are procured through the courtesy of owners and agents of vessels, and not hy law. There are no data for 1898 and 1897.] CABIN PASSENGERS. PASSENGERS OTHER THAN-CABIN. YEAR ENDING JUNE 30— Adults. Children. Total. Adults. Children. Total. lotai passen¬ gers de¬ parted. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. . Total. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. 1868 19,087 9,206 28,293 2,368 1,856 4,224 32,517 22,197 8,526 30,723 1,777 (a) 2,452 1,405 3,182 33,905 66,422 1869 - (a) 21,130 22,414 (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) 33,598 (a) (a) .(«) (a) (a) 36,971 70,569 1870 .! 8,501 29,631 2,393 1,536 3,929 33,560 31,905 8,735 40,640 1,388 3,840 44,480 78,040 1871 — - 10,058 32,472 2,529 2,146 4,675 37,147 29,896 ll, 104 41,000 2,755 1,993 4,748 45,748 82,895 1872 ... 23,376 31,404 11,032 34,408 3,047 2,493 5,540 39,948 27,227 9,677 36,904 4,013 2,455 2,117 6,468 43,372 83,320 1873 16,037 47,441 2,462 2,238 4,700. 52,141 42,060 15,146 57,206 2,349 4,466 61,672 113,813 1874 30,543 30,888 13,315 43,858 3,059 2,216 5,275 49,133 53,160 19,640 72,800 93,537 5,473 4,251 9,724 82,524 131,657 1875 13,769 44,657 2,750 2,290 5,040 49,697 67,581 25,956 7,303 5,536 12,839 106,376 156,073 1876 29,979 33,879 35,228 33,257 12,499 42,478 2,247 1,725 3,972 46,450 53,297 20,090 73,387 5,235 4,087 9,322 82,709 129,159 1877 13,916 47,795 2,764 2,034 4,798 52,593 49,659 17,536 67,195 4,985 3,683 8,668 75,863 128,456 1878 14,371 49,599 3,188 2,390 5,578 55,177 40,813 13,547 54,360 3,835 2,805 6, 640 61,000 116,177 1879 13,284 46,541 2,737 2,162 4,899 51,440 33,947 10,528 44,475 3,597 2,576 6,173 50,648 102,083 1880. ' 34,612 14,483 49,095 3,430 2,809 5,739 54,834 28,805 8,337 37,142 2,334 1,753 4,087 41,229 96,063 1881 34,417 42,455 47,688 53,620 56,314 15,819 50,236 3,149 2,643 5,792 56,028 33,860 10,063 43,923 2,390 1,761 4,151 48,074 104,102 1882 â–  - 18,318 21,583 22,699 60,773 4,882 3,201 8,083 68,856 45,458 11,808 57,266 3,684 1,993 5,677 62,943 131,789 1883 69,271 5,084 3,891 8,975 78,246 84,723 53,662 15,998 69,660 5,126 3,172 8,298 77,958 156,204 1884 76,319 4,879 3,525 8,404 68,882 21,063 89,945 6,988 4,109 11,097 101,042 153,466 185,765 1885 22,941 79,255 4,792 3,801 8,593 87,848 103,962 78,468 33,574 137,536 9,188 6,742 15,930 241,314 1886 58,888 57,652 21,675 80,563 4,625 3,490 8,115 88,678 23,682 102,150 6,735 3,730 10,465 112,615 201,283- 1887 24,912 26,807 82,564 4,757 4,130 8,887 91,451 67,146 24,914 92,060 5,677 4,709 10,386 102,446 193,897 1888 * 62,036 88,843 5,045 3,090 8,135 96,978 77,755 26,788 104,543 6,221 3,470 9,691 114,234 211,212 1889 63,437 66,130 65,056 61,763 27,628 30,359 91,065 4,945 3,892 8,837 99,902 95,723 31,016 126,739 7,479 5,437 12,916 139,655 239,557 1890 96,489 5,297 4,099 9,396 105,885 83,110 32,914 116,024 8,698 7,532 16,230 132,254 238,139 1891 32,692 97,748 5,604 5,717 3,756 9,360 107,108 89,034 35,092 124,126 9,268 6,004 15,272 139,398 246.506 1892 33,966 95,729 3,706 9,423 105,152 96,834 38,602 135, 436 9,999 5,969 15,968 151,404 256,556 1893 57,904 27,995 • 85,899 5,503 3,727 9,230 12,456 95,129 88,315 33,384 121,699 8,352 5,444 13,796 135,495 230;664 1894 70,864 64,887 54,533 76,106 38,611 38,366 31,130 109,475 7,622 4,834 121,931 112,941 52,794 165,735 15,798 9,307 25,105 190,840 216,665 312,771 1895 ; 103,253 5,828 3,812 9,640 112,893 94,554 123,845 64,951 188,796 17/257 10,612 5,789 27,869 329,558 1898 85,663 5,111 3,780 8,891 11,042 78,621 36,446 115,067 10,001 15,790 130,857 225,411 1899 41,099 117,205 138,137 6,418 4,624 128,247 78,061 78,230 34,417 112,478 8,836 13,906 6,447 15,283 127,761 256,008 1900 87,041 51,096 10,315 7,433 17,758 155,895 148,555 36,268 114,498 9,095 23,001 137,499 293,404 1901 84,847 91,308 49,736 134,583 7,646 6,326 13,972 96,795 42,350 139,145 10,968 8,042 19,010 158,155 306,710 1902 53,770 145,078 7,757 5,277 13,034 158,112 99,966 48,359 148,325 12,067 8,256 20,323 168,648 326,760 a Not separately stated. 1903.]' 4365 IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. Proportion of the Sexes of Immigrants from Principal Countries Arrived in the United States during the Years 1891 to 1898. COUNTRIES OF LAST PERMANENT RESI¬ DENCE. 1891 1892 Males. Per cent. Females. Per cent. Total. Males. Per cent. Females. Per cent. Total. Germany 63,406 55.84 50,148 44.16 113,554 72,538 55.47 58,220 44.53 130,758 Russia (except Poland) 30,626 64.58 ' 16,800 35.42 47,426 51,009 60.44 33,384 39.56 84,393 Italy 60,775 79.91 15,280 20.09 76,055 47,435 76.34 14,702 23.66 62,137 Sweden and Norway 29,390 59.44 20,058 40.56 49,448 34,040 58.99 • 23,669: 41.01 57,709 Ireland. 27,936 50.15 27,770 49.85 55,706 27,275 49.17 28,192 50.83 55,467 England 32,279 60.22 21,321 39.78 53,600 30, 111 60.50 19,659 39.50 49,770 Austria (including Bohemia) ' 28,263 66.23 14,413 33.77 42,676 28,656 66.80 ' 14,244 33.20 42,900 Hungary 20,560 72.55 7,806 27.45 28,366 27,463 73.-75 9,773 26.25 37,236 Poland 18,064 65.70 9,433 34.30 27,497 22,141 66.49 ll,158 33.51 33,299 Scotland 7,318 58.28 5,239 41.72 12,557 6,708 58.23 4,812 41.77 11,520 1893 1894 Germany 54,394 56.43 41,967 43.57 96,361 33,199 55.91 26,187 44.09 • 59,386 Russia (except Poland) 23,281 62.62 13,896 37.38 37,177 19,400 54.33 16,294 45.67 35,694 Italv 57,757 79.21 15,159 20.79 72,916 33,140 75.38 10,826 24.62 43,966 Sweden and Norway 31,495 58. ll 22,661 41.89 54,156 14,649 53.31 12,826 46.69 27,475 Ireland 23,868 48.51 25,365 51.49 49,233 14,787 43.62 19,117 56.38 33,904 England 28,430 59.60 19,268 40.40 47,698 17,066 57.70 12,513 42.30 29,579 Austria (including Bohemia) 24,121 66.76 12,011 32.24 36,132 14,086 60.96 9,022 39.04 23,108 Hungary 17,161 73.02 6,340 27.98 23,501 9,434 65.53 4,963 34.47 14,397 Poland 8,120 59.43 5,544 40.57 13,664 947 61.02 605 38.98 1,552 Scotland 7,302 60.07 4,853 39.93 12,155 4,028 55.53 3,226 44.47 7,254 1895 1896 Germany Russia (except Poland) Italy Sweden and Norway Ireland England Austria (including Bohemia) Hungary Poland Scotland 19,042 52.38 17,309 47.62 36,351 16,942 53.13 14,943 46.87 31,885 18,198 56.77 13,855 43.23 32,053 28,438 62.99 16,699 37.01 45,137 26,890 72.80 10,047 27.20 36,937 51,067 75.00 16,993 25.00 68,060 12,057 52.29 10,999 47.71 23,056 16,549 55.10 13,483 44.90 80,032 20,293 42.32 27,679 57.68 47,972 17,625 42.88 22,637 57.12 40,262 18,905 59.17 13,043 40.83 31,948 11,178 57.35 8,314 42.65 19,492 10,937 59.98 7,319 40.02 18,256 21,803 63.74 12,402 36.26 34,205 10,062 66.17 5,144 33.83 15,206 21,322 69.01 9,576 30.99 30,898 588 57.65 432 42.35 1,020 409 59.19 282 40.81 691 3,193 54.23 2,695 45.77 5,888 2,000 57.42 1,483 42.58 3,483 1897 1898 Germany . Russia (except Poland) Italy .T Sweden and Norway Ireland England Austria (including Bohemia) .. Hungary ; Poland Scot] and 11,899 52.81 10,634 47.19 22,533 9,105 53.15 8,006 46.85 17.111 12,436 54.66 10,314 45.34 22,750 15,730 57.79 ll, 491 42.21 - 27,221 41,446 69.74 17,985 30.26 59,431 40,248 68.66 18,365 31.34 58,613 9,766 51.38 9,238 48.62 19,004 8,449 48.73 8,887 51.27 17,336 ll,549 40.64 16,872 59.36 28,421 9,952 39.61 15,176 60.39 25,128 5,998 60.14 3,976 39.86 9,974 5,943 60.17 3,934 39.83 9,877 10,075 55.95 7,931 44.05 18,006 13,529 58.46 9,609 41.54 23,138 8,698 57.88 6,327 42.12 15,025 9,557 57.32 7,102 42.68 16,659 2,654 63.72 1,511 36.28 4,165 2,998 63.44 1,728 36.56 4,726 1,054 55.97 829 44.03 1,883 1,100 61.21 697 38.79 1,797 Number of Immigrants Arrived in the United States from 1893 to 1903, their Age and Sex; Number Debarred, with the Cause therefor; also Illiteracy of those over 14 and 16 Years of Age. [From reports of Commissioner-General of Immigration.] YEARS. IMMIGRANTS ARRIVED. AGES.a DEBARRED. ILLITERACY, 14 YEARS AND OVER.5 Males. Females. Total. Under 14 14 to 45 45 and oyer. Idiots. In¬ sane. Pau- pers. Dis¬ eased. Con- victs. Con¬ tract la- borers. Assist- ed. Re- turned ini year. Total. Can not read. Can not write. Can neither read nor write. 4 466’369 613 146 182 374 648,743 857,046 74,063 539,254 35,426 7 27 3,944 709 9 275 465 5,436 2,917 162,188 X . . ion^ 243’ 900 xyuo 1 a For the years 1893 and 1894 the age limits -were under 15,15 and under 40, 40 and over. b For the years 1893 and 1894 the figures are for persons over 16 years. c Not specified. No. 12—6 4366 IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES, [June, Statement Showing, by Customs Districts, the Total Number of . Passengers Arriyed in the United PASSENGERS ARRIVEP. 1823 . 1824. 1825 . 1826 . 1827 . 1828 . 1829. 1830 . 1831 . 1832 a 1833 . 1834 . 1835. 1836 . 1837. 1838. 1839. 1840. 1841. 1842 . 1843 & 1844 . 1845 . 1846 . 1847 . 1848 . 1849 . 1850 c 1851. 1852 . 1853 . 1854 . 1855 . YEAR. New York, N. Y. Boston and Charles¬ town, Mass. Philadel¬ phia, Pa. Baltimore, Md. New Orleans, La. 4,247 4,889 7,662 6,908 12,602 19,860 14,814 13,748 10,737 35,246 39,440 46,053 32,715 58,617 51,676 24,935 47,688 60,609 55,885 74,014 38,930 59,762 76,514 98,863 145,830 160,994 213,736 221,713 294,445 303,153 294,818 327,976 161,490 672 737 858 1,170 1,858 1,496 1,595 1,520 1,417 3,344 3,240 2,931 3,168 3,258 3,673 2,070 3,046 5,361 8,634 8,021 3,654 6,355 10,281 13,998 20,745 22,102 29,490 31,503 25,187 21.831 25.832 27,483 17,735 .463 1,273 1,363 2,275 3,556 3,500 1,468 1,890 3,808 4,747 4,216 4,170 1,705 2,507 4,194 2,159 3,949 4,079 3,016 3,369 2,297 4,886 5,767 7,236 14,777 9,824 15,511 13,713 18,556 17,959 19,211 15,032 7,581 562 610 1,365 1,434 1,706 1,951 1,691 3,943 3,711 9,979 4,619 6,913 3,566 6,129 6,632 5,234 6,081 7,271 4,511 5,310 2,953 5,006 7,031 9,337 12,018 7,091 8,072 9,227 8,589 14,148 11,368 13,154 6,830 1,058 1,014 429 1,100 1,341 1,958 3,044 2,287 3,191 4,397 4,785 4,035 3,552 4,966 8,683 7,434 10,306 11,085 10,700 12,922 6,055 3,899 15,537 22,148 34,803 19,299 25,209 51,069 52,011 32,302 43,028 51,169 20,388 San Francisco, Cal. Charles¬ ton, S. C. Galveston, Tex. Key West, Fla. Mobile, Ala. New Bedford, Mass. 402 9 158 447 13 325 96 341 12 349 231 152 107 23 231 76 214 46 89 . 16 280 27 328 49 38 393 275 26 477 158 22 545 62 16 224 38 30 204 39 25 169 47 22 38 100 13 330 58 45 309 83 51 408 354 90 30 164 3,873 188 66 336 622 79 76 1,008 439 75 172 31 43,615 1,617 1,306 185 728 156 1,811 1,208 81 344 53 1,517 2,600 70 299 64 1,069 2,081 93 209 64 14,487 1,133 3,058 242 191 82 4,750 772 2,048 219 166 201 IMMIGRANTS arrived. 382 1,562 145 66 1 402 591 145 190 3 384 484 312 62 9 350 679 142 284 117 94 1,258 175 259 6 51 1 125 60 128 128 199 427 21 185 112 15 96 190 1,294 187 75 125 1,845 141 15 331 709 476 76 127 1,204 1,009 70 29 732 684 122 5 763 924 186 52 1,133 1,114 160 572 1,272 179 33 135 1,279 364 . 60 983 214 ll 53 963 402 2 623 183 18 S20 841 4 7 996 274 2 1,278 1,441 501 5 1,351 1,011 445 4 1,535 690 496 3 1,958 2,029 435 964 2,289 ' 3 512 1 560 2,427 372 7 462 4,596 1 500 79 4,436 825 2 40 4,545 678 4 22 2,482 947 2 65 3,301 866 26 1,138 1 678 ... 10 2,593 1 242 15 1 1,236 9 180 2,650 328 6,790 209 934 4,190 347 1,134 2,363 175 902 2,529 54 1,160 4,374 342 568 2,918 637 1,091 4,069 326 1856.. 1857.. 1858 .. 1859 .. 1860.. 1861.. 1862 .. 1863.. 1864 .. 1865 .. 1866 d 1867 .. 1868.. 1869 .. 1870 .. .1871.. 1872 .. 1873 .. 1874.. 1875 .. 1876 .. 1877 .. 1878 .. 1879 .. 1880 .. 1881.. 1882 .. 1883.. 1884.. 1885.. 1886 .. 1887.. 1888.. 1889 .. 1890 .. 1891.. 1892 .. 1893 .. 1894.. 1895.. 1896 .. 1897 .. 1898 .. 1899 .. 1900 .. 1901.. 1902 .. 140,757 188,243 85,848 86,449 111,461 70,063 -78,395 151,956 174,434 190,372 120,099 240,030 235,553 253,754 256,354 206,205 283,226 307,334 194,144 130,994 82,373 72,942 72,163 99,224 263,726 400,871 502,171 406,697 354,702 287,223 266,370 376,005 418,423 338,784 364,086 448,403 489,810 404,337 252,586 219,006 263,709 180,556 178,748 242,573 341,712 388,931 493,262 14,353 13,331 5,086 8,498 8,807 4,365 2,356 7,217 6,347 10,007 4,534 11,483 12,529 23,294 37,028 27,024 26,909 37,676 24,225 17,645 9,711 7,887 8,756 10,364 34,062 41,018 58,186 48,188 35,036 25,660 25,046 36,209 44,873 35,198 29,813 30,951 32,343 29,583 17,558 20,472 21,846 13,333 12,271 19,227 15,754 25,616 39,465 6,933 5,275 2,264 3,311 3,426 1,634 1,434 3,688 4,240 1,560 1,892 2,580 826 1,061 1,016 348 154 1,108 5,649 9,929 7,812 6,154 5,289 8,266 21,727 34,865 36,284 24,808 18,981 22,482 20,822 31,048 37,325 28,100 22,658 26,152 31,102 28,906 19.861 25.862 24,977 10,930 8,360 9,971 16,134 13,236 17,175 6,105 8.923 3,690 3,546 6,709 3,725 2,237 1,070 2,917 4,457 3,937 10,035 9,740 11,202 11,527 9,956 15,979 17,897 9,831 6,055 •5,093 3.923 3,612 4,713 17,934 40,017 41,739 35,690 35,507 15,928 13,500 36,098 33,297 29,704 27,178 40,694 55,820 26,183 13,425 7,081 13,374 6,215 10,735 14,652 27,564 17,216 39,679 18,758 21,299 11,466 8,545 10,663 727 3,572 1,856 4,884 3,772 3,424 4,784 4,181 6,005 6,304 4,915 2,132 1,669 1,801 2.449 1,834 2,663 3,284 3,142 1,707 4,093 2,325 1,648 2,031 2.962 3,706 3,878 3.963 3,817 3,053 1,214 . 1,808 1,575 1,453 1,739 1,717 1,548 3.449 4,411 5,664 6.655 5,797 4.253 5,817 - 7,879 3,963 7,399 3,185 3,330 1,232 4,062 8,588 13,490 15,949 8,971 10,359 20,917 15,116 18,286 24,080 11,255 8,542 9.253 7,153 12,432 32,668 8,191 1,735 1,118 1,428 1,726 •2,935 3,127 3,606 5,332 6,425 5,383 6,743 1,840 1,411 1,629 2,274 • 4,766 6,165 3.655 5,271 a Fifteen months ending December 31. & Nine months ending September 30. c Fifteen months ending December 31. d Six months. Note 1.—The years in this table from 1823 to 1831 and from 1843 to 1849, inclusive, are those ending September 30; 1833 to 1842 and 1851 to 1865, those ending December 31; and 1866 to 1903, those ending June 30. 1903.] IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. 4367 States during each Year from 1823 to 1855, and of Immigrants only from 1856 to 1902, inclusive. PASSEINGERS AEI1IVED. New Haven, Conn. Norfolk and Ports¬ mouth, Ya. Oregon, Oreg. Pensa¬ cola, Fla. Portland and Fal¬ mouth, Me. Provi¬ dence, R. I. Puget Sound, Wash. St. Marks, Fla. Savan¬ nah, Ga. Will¬ amette, Oreg. All other districts. Total. United States citizens. Alien passen- gers. YEAR. 69 70 13 27 26 647 8,265 1,911 6,354 1823. 32 132 55 12 20 695 9,627 1,715 7,912 1824! 93 92 38 160 23 315 12,858 2,659 10,199 1825. 58 116 112 23 17 274 13,908 3,071 10,837 1826. 19 127 27 4 184 21,777 2,902 18,875 1827. 96 974 30,184 2,802 27,382 1828. 31 242 53 29 1,315 24,513 1,993 22,520 1829. 45 523 122 607 24,837 1,515 23,322 1830. 33 552 18 283 23,880 1,247 22,633 1831. 98 191 34 27 3,284 61,654 1,172 60,482 1832.a 75 187 35 27 3,041 59,925 • 1,285 58,640 1833. 65 200 89 64 , 3,323 67,948 2,583 65,365 1834. 79 33 33 6 3,552 48,716 3,342 45,374 1835. 49 163 2,027 47 2,794 80,972 4,730 76,242 1836. 42 146 89 90 9,010 84,959 5,619 79,340 1837. 33 32 45 36 2,524 45,159 6,245 38,914 1838. 29 ll 56 30 2,847 74,666 6,597 68,069 1839. 49 247 40 19 3,155 92,207 8,141 84,066 1840. 46 25 85 41 4,594 87,805 7,516 80,289 1841. 54 8 696 56 6,292 110,980 6,415 104,565 1842. 34 2 22 2,431 56,529 4,033 52,496 1843.b 58 10 s 25 133 4,197 84,764 6,149 78,615 1844. 10 122 133 4,058 119,896 5,525 114,371 1845. 31 123 71 5,960 158,649 4,233 154,416 1846. 660 1,115 55 ll 5,177 ‘ 239,482 4,514 234,968 1847. 385 2,638 67 37 5,883 229,483 2,956 226,527 1848. 349 2,260 71 209 3,051 299,683 2,659 297,024 1849. 17 2,556 142 371 2,986 380,904 10,924 369,980 1850. o 2,424 70 510 3,539 408,828 29,362 379,466 1831. 1,142 36 397 1,825 397,343 25,740 371,603 1852. 208 ll 517 80 â–  42 2,351 400,982 32,337 368,645 1853. 12 1,857 61 4,537 460,474 32,641 427,833 1854. 3 321 66 7,906 230,476 29,599 200,877 1855. IMMIGRANTS AREIVED. 12 153 45 921 195,857 1856. 223 603 148 914 246,945 1857. 143 37 3,919 119,501 1858. 137 67 2,238 118,616 1859. 1,047 79 436 150,237 1860. 1,211 18 50 89,724 1861. 267 29 141 89,007 1862. 2,791 27 126 174,524 1863. 16 1,082 16 332 193,195 . 1864. 10 54 3,590 23 15 30,145 247,453 1865. 2 76 3,408 26,447 163,591 - 1866. d 7 382 3,806 28 ll 19,913 298,967 . 1867. 4 81 4,319 69 21 15 4,546 282,189 1868. 6 978 4,026 13 23 4 39,901 352,768 1869. 2 1,575 33 3,435 8 27 10 57,045 â–  387,203 - 1870. 4 71 534 3 4,219 15 5 34 58,213 321,350 1871. 13 664 1,073 5,385 ll 14 53,136 404,806 1872. 5 . 1,190 1,877 • 9 4,524 133 34 64,336 459,803 . 1873. 2 507 547 7 2,477 7 3 53,886 313,339 1874. 5 582 1,633 2 1 38,423 227,498 1875. 10 915 13 1,283 401 14 7 35,348 169,986 â–  1876. 6 1,126 13 977 29 34,315 141,857 1877. 1 1,785 9 27 6 35,022 138,469 1878. 2 2,209 42 1 18 40,221 177,826 1879. 9 691 53 4 20 108,474 457,257 1880. 3 1,427 16 15 3 4 132,254 669,431 1881. 14 7,368 13 2,006 1 1,174 101,414 788,992 1882. 20 1,220 19 1,845 5 2,153 70,054 603,322 1883. 13 26 1,716 2 1 1 62,354 518,592 1884. 16 39 866 35,921 395,346 1885. 20 12 13 1,658 36 15 275 334,203 1886. 8 16 1,076 3 7 316 490,109 1887. 2 3 3 160 34 1,532 546,889 1888. 7 4 481 1 55 444,427 1889. 6 9 531 1 1 80 455,302 1890. 10 379 3 123 75 560,319 1891. 1 2 13 1,436 48 7 320 99 623,084 1892. 250 1,907 4 186 279 502,917 1893. 1 5 134 1,113 314 72 314,467 1894. 3 613 55 203 279,948 e 5,988 1895. 361 78 16 334,346 e 5,921 1896. 423 141 35 220,186 e 10,646 1897. 502 133 128 218,562 e 10,737 1898. 412 982 77 297,862 e 13,853 1899. 3,419 7,440 738 / 22 425,372 e 23,200 1900. 2,955 52 1,658 33 fl, 774 462,698 e 25,220 1901. 1,634 57 2,231 78 G 10,795 619,544 c29,199 1902. e Through Canada. S Honolulu, Hawaii. g Honolulu, Hawaii, 9,870; San Juan, P. R., 792. Note 2.—The number of immigrants in 1869 was corrected, from latei data, from 352,569 to 352,768; but as this correction could not be made in tables other than by nationalities, it has not been carried into this table. - - - - - • 4368- IMMIGRATIOX INTO THE UNITED S TATE S. [June, Immigration into the United States from Selected Countries during the Years 1896, 1897, and 1898, [From reports of Commissioner-General of Immigration.] COUNTRY. SEX. Total. AGES. Male. Female. Under 15 Per cent of total. 15 to 40 Per cent of total. 40 and over. Per cent of total. Austria-Hungary * i 1896.. 43,125 21,978 65,103 8,050 12.36 50,868 78.14 6,185 9.50 1897.. 18,773 14,258 33,031 5,776 17.49 24,101 72.96 3,154 9.55 1898.. 23,086 16,711 39,797 6,311 15.86 29,592 74.36 3,894 9.78 Belgium 1896.. 793 468 1,261 258 20.46 816 64.71 187 14.83 1897.. 490 270 760 121 15.92 524 68.95 115 15.13 1898.. 425 270 695 127 18.27 440 63.31 128 18.42 Denmark ...1 1896.. 1,749 1,418 3,167 438 13.83 2,434 - 76.86 295 9.31 1897.. 1,212 873 2,085 220 10.55 1,681 80.63 184 8.82 1898.. 1,204 742 1,946 224 11.51 1,539 79.09 183 9.40 France 1896.. 1,381 1,082 2,463 351 14.25 1,770 71.87 342 13.88 1897.. 1,209 898 2,107 254 12.05 1,493 70.86 360 17.09 1898.. 1,233 757 1,990 227 11.40 1,447 72.72 316 15.88 Germany 1896.. 16,942 14,943 31,885 6,551 20.55 22,307 69.96 3,027 9.49 1897.. ll,899 10,634 22,533 3,998 17.74 15,875 70.46 2,660 ll. 80 1898.. 9,105 8,006 17, 111 3,000 17.53 12,016 70.22 2,096 12.25 Greece 1896.. 2,124 51 2,175 191 8.78 1,841 84.64 143 6.58 1897.. 546 25 571 48 8.41 477 83.54 46 8.05 1898.. 2,246 93 2,339 293 12.53 1,892 80.89 154 6.58 51,067 16,993 68,060 10,545 15.49 47,506 69.80 10,009 14.71 1897.. 41,446 17,985 59,431 ll,710 19.70 38,107 64.12 9,614 16.18 1898.. 40,248 18,365 58,613 11,935 20.36 37,650 64.24 9,028 15.40 Netherlands 1896.. 929 654 1,583 431 27.23 929 58.68 223 14.09 1897.. 558 332 890 211 23.71 550 61.80 129 14.49 1898.. 500 267 767 197 25.69 452 58.93 118 15.38 Portugal 1896.. 1,410 1,356 2,766 699 25.27 1,648 59.58 419 15.15 1897.. 962 912 1,874 479 25.56 1,141 60.89 254 13.55 1898.. 857 860 1,717 416 24.23 1,084 63.13 217 12.64 Roumania 1896.. 453 332 785 181 23.06 500 63.69 104 13.25 1897.. .413 378 791 218 27.56 470 59.42 103 13.02 1898.. 519 381 900 257 28.56 501 55.66 142 15.78 Russia (including Finland and Poland) 1896.. 32,572 19,564 52,136 10,845 20.80 37,290 71.53 4,001 7.67 1897.. 16,548 13,433 29,981 7,572 25.25 19,741 65.85 2,668 8.90 1898.. 20,102 14,452 34,554 8,422 24.37 22,932 66.37 3,200 9.25 Spain 1896.. 293 58 351 22 6.27 267 76.07 62 17.66 1897.. 407 41 448 24 5.36 320 71.43 104 23.21 1898.. 511 66 577 38 6.59 415 71.92 124 21.49 Sweden and Norway 1896.. 16,549 13,483 30,032 3,390 11.29 24,236 80.70 ' 2,406 8.01 1897.. 9,766 9,238 19,004 1,799 9.47 15,598 82.08 1,607 8.45 1898.. 8,449 8,887 - 17,336 1,549 8.93 14,340 82.72 1,447 8.35 Switzerland 1896.. 1,401 903 2,304 282 12.24 1,786 77.52 236 10.24 1897.. 975 591 1,566 168 10.73 1,223 78.10 175 ll. 17 1S98.. 824 422 1,246 118 9.47 1,011 81.14 117 9.39 United Kingdom 1896.. 31,718 • 33,100 64,818 7,754 11.96 50,539 77.97 6,525 10.07 1897.. 19,140 22,008 41,148 3,878 9.42 33,485 81.38 3,785 9.20 1898.. 17,753 20,26S 38,021 3,485 9.17 30,939 81.37 3,597 9.46 Other Europe 1896.. 122 56 178 35 19.66 117 65.74 26 14.60 1897.. 128 49 177 26 14.69 130 73.45 21 11.86 1898.. 140 37 177 30 16.95 128 72.32 19 10.73 Mexico .' 1896.. 64 86 150 35 23.33 99 66.00 16 10.67 1897.. 42 49 91 15 16.48 58 63.74 18 19.78 1898.. 39 68 107 24 22.43 64 59.81 19 17.76 Central America 1896.. 10 7 17 4 23.53 ll 64.71 2 11.76 1897.. 6 6 6 100.00 1898.. 5 2 7 1 14.28 5 71.44 1 14.28 British North America 1896.. 196 77 273 41 15.02 189 69.23 43 15.75 1897.. 180 110 290 81 27.93 155 53.45 54 18.62 1898.. 294 56 350 21 6.00 272 77.71 57 16.29 West Indies 1896.. 4,091 2,737 6,828 1,754 25.69 3,892 57.00 1,182 17.31 1S97.. 2,261 1,840 4,101 918 22.39 2,222 54,18 961 23.43 1898.. 1,142 '982 2,124 522 24.58 1,180 55.55 422 19.87 Turkey in Asia (Arabia and Syria) 1896.. 2,915 1,224 4,139 757 38.29 3,062 73.98 320 7.73 1887.. 3,203 1,529 4,732 949 20.06 3,305 69.84 478 10.10 1898.. 2,651 1,624 4,275 947 22.15 2,918 68.26 410 9.59 China 1896.. 1,382 59 1,441 57 3.95 1,221 84.74 163 11.31 1897.. 3,334 29 3,363 52 1.55 2,893 86.02 418 12.43 1898.. 2,061 10 2,071 15 .72 1,793 86.58 263 12.70 Japan 1896.. 1,007 103 1,110 29 2.61 1,015 91.44 66 5.95 1897.. 1,420 106 1,526 21 1.38 1,424 93.31 81 5.31 1898.. 2,115 115 2,230 28 1.26 2,068 92.73 134 6.01 Other Asia and Oceania 1896.. 130 56 186 31 16.67 134 72.04 21 11.29 1897.. 137 103 240 69 28.75 142 59.17 29 12.08 1898.. 198 64 2(52 53 20.23 175 66.79 34 12.98 Other countries (South America and Africa) 1896.. 43 13 56 10 17.86 42 75.00 4 7.14 1897.. 52 34 86 20 23.25 60 69.77 6 6.98 1898.. 68 19 87 28 32.18 ‘ 53 59.77 7 8.05 Total 1896.. 212,466 130,801 343,267 52,741 15.36 254,519 74.15 36,007 10.49 1897.. 135,107 95,725 230,832 38,627 16.73 165,181 71.56 27,024 11.71 1898.. . 135,775 93,524 229,299 38,267 16.69 164,905 71.92 26,127 11.39 4869 1903.J â–  IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. Classified by Sex, Age, and Illiteracy; also the Number Debarred, with the Cause therefor. [From reports of Commissioner-General of Immigration.] DEBARRED. Returned in one year after landing. ILLITERACY, 14 YE ARS AND OYER. COUNTRY. Idiots. Insane. Panpers. Diseased. Convicts. Assisted. Contract laborers. Total. Can not write. Can neither read nor write. 1 299 268 568 14 1,730 23,973 . .1896—Austria-Hungary. 208 99 307 24 82 7,726 ..1897 276 36 131 443 20 291 8,165 ..1898 6 2 8 1 144 . .1896—Belgium. 8 2 10 1 93 ..1897 12 1 5 18 1 2 74 ..1898 1 1 2 2 24 . .1896—Denmark. 2 2 3 1 8 ..1897 7 1 8 2 2 ..1898 14 2 16 9 8 95 . .1896—France. 15 1 16 2 1 78 ..1897 1 28 1 30 5 5 69 -.1898 4 74 35 113 26 37 713 .. 1896—Germany. 1 1 161 i 1 18 183 48 18 311 ..1897 4 93 15 1 13 126 31 10 98 ..1898 18 8 26 1 3 517 ..1896—Greece. 2 8 10 1 67 ..1897 29 2 22 53 4 2 406 ..1898 977 282 1,259 ll 25 31,374 ..1896—Italy. 405 137 542 35 527 23,781 ..1897 1 1,026 107 1 185 1,320 31 122 24,432 ..1898 1 48 . .1896—Netherlands. ll 8 19 1 2 14 ..1897 4 1 5 2 2 16 ..1898 E 3 17 1,589 ..1896—Portugal. 7 7 3 55 745 ..1897 - 6 6 4 17 771 ..1898 5 1 6 2 125 . .1896—Roumania. 2 2 ' 8 109 ..1897 3 1 4 3 1 96 ..1898 1 300 119 420 26 1,958 13,431 . .1896—Russia (including.Finland and Poland). 1 144 30 175 30 247 5,890 ..1897 1 1 257 52 6 42 359 19 610 5,533 ..1898 4 4 19 33 ..1896—Spain. 1 1 2 28 ..1897 2 12 14 1 5 64 ..1898 28 6 34 13 109 203 .•-1896—Sweden and Norway.- • ll 2 13 15 53 118 ..1897 20 1 1 1 23 5 50 38 ..1898 2 5 7 3 16 ..1896—Switzerland. 2 1 3 9 1 14 ..1897 1 1 4 4 ..1898 4 210 43 257 131 291 3,488 ..1896—United Kingdom. 4 180 3 17 204 84 157 2,015 ..1897 3 217 20 8 248 64 132 1,255 ..1898 8 8 4 . 40 ..1896—Other Europe. 2 1 3 10 ..1897 3 3 1 19 ..1898 23 23 ..1896—Mexico.- - - • • 1 6 6 ..1897 1 22 22 ..1898 I 1 1 .. 1896—Central America. 1 ..1897 ..1898 4 4 1 16 ..1896—British North America. 3 3 2 13 ..1897 7 7 2 6 ..1898 1 18 1 20 578 587 . .1896—West Indies. 20 1 21 354 360 ..1897 33 90 109 ..1898 34 1 35 2 12 1,566 ^ 1896—Turkey in Asia (Arabia and Syria). 74 2 76 1 8 1,541 ..1897 185 20 3 208 1 24 1,729 ..1898 182 65 . .1896—China. I i 17 10 ..1897 i 1 2 ..1898 [ 2 2 4 60 56 ..1896—Japan. 1 19 29 ..1897 14 72 5 91 22 127 ..1898 1 1 4 5 ..1896—Other Asia and Oceania. 12 12 16 22 ..1897 24 1 1 26 2 2 10 ..1898 4 4 4 ..1896—Other countries (South America and Africa), 7 1 8 3 19 ..1897 4 4 1 12 ..1898 1 10 2,010 2 776 2,799 *238 5,066 78,130 ..1896—Total. 1 6 1,277 1 1 3 328 1,617 263 1,572 43,008 ..1897 1 12 2,261 258 2 79 417 3,030 199 1,416 43,057 ..1898 [June, 4370 IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. Immigration into the United States during the Years 1899 to 1902, inclusive, by Eace, SEX. AGES. RACE African (black) Arabian Armenian Australian Austrian Central American Bulgarian, Servian, and Montenegrin... Bohemian and Moravian Chinese Croatian and Slavonian Cuban Dalmatian, Bosnian, and Herzegovinian Dutch and Flemish East Indian English Eskimo Finnish Filipino French German Greek Hawaiian Hebrew Hungarian, w Irish . Total. Male. Female. Under 14 Per cent of total. 14 to 45 Per cent of total. 45 and over. Per cent of total. ..1899.. 220 192 412 70 16.99 296 71.85 46 11.16 1900.. 414 300 714 162 22.69 500 70.03 52 7.28 1901.. 299 295 594 120 20.20 416 70.03 58 9.77 1902.. ..1899.. 492 340 882 163 19.59 595 71.52 74 8.89 1900.. 1901.. ll ll ll 100.00 1902.. ..1899.. 471 203 674 119 17.66 513 76.11 42 6.23 1900.. 748 234 982 110 11.20 837 85.23 35 3.57 1901.. 1,364 491 1,855 . 242 13.05 1,534 82.70 79 4.25 1902.. 946 205 1,151 115 10.00 978 84.96 58 5.04 39 26 66 15 22.73 47 71.21 4 6.06 1900.. 1901.. * 1902.. ..1899.. 87 32 119 22 18.48 85 71,43 12 10.09 1900.. 1901.. 1902;. ..1899.. 88 20 58 ll 18.96 45 77.59 2 3.45 1900.. 1901.. 1902.. .1899.. . 85 9 94 5 5.32 86 91.49 3 3.19 19C0.. 200 4 204 1 .49 197 96.57 6 2.94 1901.. 499 112 611 54 8.84 540 88.38 17 2.78 1902.. 1,202 89 1,291 30 2.32 1.218 94.35 43 3.33 .1899.. 1,262 1,264 2,526 547 21.65 1,742 68.97 237 9.38 1900.. 1,562 1,498 3,060 593 19.38 2,228 72.81 239 7.81 1901.. 1,943 1,823 3,766 757 20.10 2,663 4,177 70.71 346 9.19 1902.. 3,278 2,312 5,590 1,025 18.34 - 74.72 388 6.94 1,627 ll 1,638 10 .61 1,574 96.09 54 3.30 1900.. 1,241 9 1,250 6 .48 1,183 94.64 61 4.88 1901.. 2,413 1,587 39 2,452 56 2.28 2,309 94.16 87 3.56 1902.. 44 1,631 29 1.78 1,506 92.34 96 5.88 7,266 1,366 8,632 398 4.61 7,869 91.16 365 4.23 1900.. 14,934 2,250 17,184 667 3.88 15,819 92.06 698 4.06 1901.. 15,492 2,436 3,136 17,928 745 4.15 16,576 92.46 607 3.39 1902.. 27,097 30,233 989 3.27 27,870 92.19 1,374 4.54 1,074 300 1,374 183 13.32 970 70.60 221 16.08 1900.. 1,763 915 2,678 599 22.37 1,767 65.98 312 11.65 1901.. 1,019 603 1,622 360 22.19 . 1,085 66.89 177 10.92 1902.. 1,693 730 2,423 485 20.02 1,740 71.81 198 8.17 ..1899.. 297 70 367 17 4.63 340 92.64 * 10 2.73 1900.. 637 38 675 37 5.48 613 90.81 25 3.71 1901.. 630 102 732 40 5.46 664 90.71 28 3.83 1902.. 895 109 1,004 45 4.49 895 89.14 64 6.37 1,226 634 1,860 425 22.85 1,284 69.03 151 8.12 1900.. 1,765 937 2,702 704 26.06 1,768 65.43 230 8.51 1901.. 2,149 2,745 1,150 3,299 769 23.31 2,232 67.65 298 9.04 1902.. 1,372 4,117 956 23.22 2,856 69.37 305 7.41 12 3 15 14 93.33 1 7.67 1900.. 8 1 9 9 100.00 1901.. 18 2 20 i 5.00 19 95.00 1902.. 82 2 84 3 3.57 80 95.23 1 1.20 6,707 6,710 4,005 10,712 1,492 , 13.93 7,962 74.33 1,258 11.74 1900.. 4,187 10,897 1,659 15.23 8,067 74.03 1,171 10.74 1901.. 8,041 8,967 5,447 13,488 2,105 15.61 9,702 71.93 1,681 12.46 1902.. 5,975 14,942 2,367 15.84 10,835 72.53 1,740 11.63 1900.. 1901.. 1902.. 10 13 23 4 17.39 15 65.22 4 17.39 3,942 2,155 6,097 586 9.61 5,299 86.92 212 3.47 1900.. 8,000 4,612 12,612 1,393 11.04 10,799 85.63 420 3.33 1901.. 6,458 3,541 9,999 1,099 10.99 8,557 85.58 343 3.43 1902.. 9,585 4,283 13,868 1,289 9.29 12,209 88.04 370 2.67 1900.. 9 9 5 55.56 22.46 4 44.44 1901.. 105 ' 33 138 31 104 75.37 3 2.17 1902.. 120 120 2,278 4 3.33 11.46 114 95.00 2 1.67 8.96 1,428 850 261 1,813 79.58 204 1900.. 1,311 784 2,095 234 11.17 1,672 79.81 189 9.02 1901.. 2,526 1,510 4,036 *432 10.70 3,253 80.60 351 8.70 1902.. 2,608 1,514 4,122 573 13.90 3,227 78.29 322 7.81 14,742 11,890 26,632 5,290 19.87 19,227 72.20 2,114 7.93 1900.. 17,284 12,398 29,682 5,638 18.99 21,868 73.68 2,176 ' 7.33 1901.. 20,214 14,528 34,742 6,490 18.68 25,706 73.99 2,546 7.33 1902.. 32,813 18,873 51,686 9,582 18.54 38,703 74.88 3,401 6.58 2,263 3,655 132 2,395 314 13.11 2,017 84.22 64 2.67 1900.. 118 3,773 388 10.28 3,296 87.36 89 2.36 1901.. 5,754 165 5,919 506 8.55 - 5,238 88.49 175 2.96 1902.. 7,854 261 8,115 687 8.46 7,227 89.06 201 2.48 78 80 158 32 20.25 100 63.29 26 16.46 1900.. 41 26 67 14 20.90 53 79.10 1901.. 3 2 5 5 100.00 1902.. 21,153 16,262 37,415 8,987 24.02 26,019 69.54 2,409 6.44 1900.. 36,330 24,434 60,764 13,092 21.55 44,239 72.80 3,433 5.65 1901.. 32,345 25,753 58,098 14,731 25.35 39,830 68.56 3,537 6.09 1902.. 32,737 24,951 57,688 15,312 26.54 38,937 67.50 3,439 5.96 1900.. 567 233 800 107 13.38 674 84.25. 19 2.37 13 720 18 625 32 345 1 1QO Q CQ OQ G1 Q GO AQ 1,243 1,232 1900.. 16* 674 18*933 35*607 J-j Ioj 1,382 o. Do 3.88 32,993 92.66 o* o4 3.46 1901.. 12,807 17,597 30,404 1,347 4.43 27,821 91.51 1,236 4.06 1902.. 12,727 16,274 29,001 1,183 4.08 26,651 91.90 1,167 4.02 a During the period covered by this statement 13 women were debarred, charged with having been brought into the United States for immoral purpose, of which number 3 were Chinese, 3 Cubans, 6 Japanese, and 1 Spanish. 1903.] IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. 4371 Classified by Sex, Age, and Illiteracy; also the Number Debarbed, with the Cause therefor. DEBARRED/* Returned in one year after landing. ILLITERACY, 14 YEARS AND OYER. RACE. Idiots. Insane. Paupers. Diseased. Conyicts. Assisted. Contract laborers. Total. Can not write. Can neither read nor write. 3 5 8 1 6 98 ..1899—African (black). 1 19 3 23 1 ll 121 ..1900 16 5 21 1 i 13 167 ..1901 1 55 1 57 2 10 132 ..1902 1899—Arabian. ..1900 2 2 6 ..1901 ..1902 ,25 , 4 1 30 105 ..1899—Armenian. , 10 ll 1 22 1 4 209 ..1900 14 7 21 1 2 344 ..1901 1 10 6 1 18 1 2 232 ..1902 .. 1899—Australian. ..1900 ..1901 ..1902 1 17 .. 1899—Austrian. ..1900 ..1901 ..1902 ..1899—Central American. ..1900 . .1901 ..1902 1 8 9 12 ..1899—Bulgarian, Servian, and Montenegrin. 7 6 13 1 72 ..1900 70 70 4 208 ..1901 14 4 18 4 470 ..1902 6 3 9 7 60 . .1899—Bohemian and Moravian. 1 4 2 1 8 1 75 ..1900 8 1 9 3 6 39 ..1901 6 6 6 6 68 ..1902 70 70 2 . .1899—Chinese. 2 2 2 17 ..1900 42 42 87 17 125 39 ..1901 1 1 68 ..1902 67 6 60 133 34 2,120 ..1899—Croatian and Slavonian. 1 130 2 71 204 1 25 6,149 ..1900 53 1 8 62 2 41 6,773 ..1901 1 85 21 25 132 8 33 12,322 ..1902 1 1 2 5 4 26 . .1899—Cuban. 1 2 3 9 2 ll 131 ..1900 1 6 1 1 9 1 16 103 ..1901 9 1 10 15 141 ..1902 1 1 1 101 ..1899—Dalmatian, Bosnian, and Herzegovinian. 3 3 2 210 ..1900 2 2 202 ..1901 3 3 1 343 ..1902 18 1 1 20 1 7 127 ..1899—Dutch and Flemish. 9 * 1 10 ll 179 ..1900 16 5 1 22 10 189 ..1901 37 1 1 39 5 4 236 ..1902 ..1899—East Indian. 1 ..1900 1 1 5 ..1901 4 ..1902 2 128 1 2 133 32 32 128 ..1899—English. 1 132 2 13 148 38 27 163 ..1900 1 3 93 5 2 104 28 47 161 ..1901 122 4 ll 137 25 58 182 ..1902 ..1899—Eskimo. ..1900 ..1901 ..1902 14 3 17 2 5 62 ..1899—Finnish. 2 12 20 34 7 100 203 ..1900 16 10 26 7 34 163 ..1901 1 9 28 1 39 7 33 145 ..1902 . .1899—Filipino. 2 ..1900 9 17 26 ..1901 1 1 2 30 ..1902 1 32 1 34 2 2 69 ..1899—French. 20 1 2 23 2 2 72 ..1900 13 1 1 15 4 8 132 ..1901 27 2 2 31 4 4 167 ..1902 3 173 ll 2 28 217 24 60 640 ..1899—German. 3 164 16 33 216 22 50 1,348 ..1900 120 12 3 6 141 26 67 1,100 ..1901 2 6 284 67 1 21 381 56 108 2,183 ..1902 71 9 8 88 4 26 461 ..1899—Greek. 63 9 4 76 2 2 578 ..1900 70 10 2 82 2 3 1,398 ..1901 67 12 1 80 2 5 2,224 ..1902 1 . .1899—Hawaiian. 1 ..1900 ..1901 ..1902 2 441 53 23 519 41 127 5,637 ..1899—Hebrew. 1 2 444 114 18 579 54 291 10,607 ..1900 2 2 243 49 1 9 306 69 135 10,119 ..1901 1 1 228 107 1 2 340 61 187 11,921 ..1902 2 2 1 35 . .1899—Hungarian. ..1900 4 71 4 1 1 81 49 • 87 1,158 . .1899—Irish. 7 62 12 2 2 85 28 81 3,040 ..1900 4 73 ll 2 90 59 72 867 ..1901 ' ' i 4 79 7 5 98 49 86 995 ..1902 4372 ’ IMMIGRATION" INTO THE UNITED STATES.- [Jdne, Immigration into the United Status during the Years 1899 to 1902, inclusive, by Eace, Classified ’ RACE. SEX. Total. AGES. Male. Female. Under 14 Per cent of total. 14 to 45 Per cent of total. 45 and over. Per cent of total. Italian (northern) ; 1899.. 9,746 3,345 13,091 1,466 11.20 10,810 . 82.58 815 6.22 1900.. 13,540 3,776 17,316 1,574 9.09 14,822 85.60 920 5.31 1901.. 17,852 4,251 22,103 1,830 8.28 19,156 86.67 1,117 ' 5.05 1902.. 22,425 5,195 27,620 2,215 8.02 24,029 87.00 1,376 4.98 Italian (southern) 1899.. 45,587 20,052 65,639 12,373 18.85 47,148 71.83 6,118 9.32 1900.. 63,684 20,662 84,346 12,532 14.86 65,213 77.32 6,601 . 7.82 1901.. 90,395 25,309 115,704 15,794 13.65 90,317 78.06 9,593 8.29 1902.. 124,536 28,379 152,915 16,954 11.08 123,745 80.93 12,216 7.99 Japanese 1899.. 3,171 224 3,395 31 .91 3,295 97.06 69 2.03 1900.. . 12,260 368 12,628 32 .25 ' 12,439 98.50 157 1.25 1901.. 4,887 362 5,249 53 1.01 5,079 96.76 117 2.23 1902.. 10,589 ' 3,866 14,455 630 4.36 13,685 94.67 140 ' .97 Korean * 1899.. 22 ’ 22 17 77.27 5 22.73 1900.. 71 71 63 88.73 8 11.27 1901.. 46 1 47 1 2.13 43 91.49 3 6.38 1902.. • 26 2 28 1 3.57 23 82.14 - 4 14.29 Lithuanian ' 1899.. 5,291 1,567 6,858 448 6.53 6,276 91.52 134 1.95 1900.. 7,683 2,628 10,311 790 7.66 9,347 90.65 174 1.69 1901.. 6,499 2,316 8,815 712 8.08 7,986 90.59 117 1.33 1902.. 8,576 3,053 ll,629 949 8.16 10,479 90. ll 201 1.73 Magyar 1899.. 3,060 1,840 4,900 485 9.90 4,210 85.92 205 4.18 1900.. 10,207 3,570 13,777 1,018 7.39 12,167 88.31 592 4.30 1901.. 9,627 3,684 13,311 1,108 8.32 ll,620 87.30 583 4.38 1902.. 18,348 5,262 23,610 1,447 6.13 21,166 89.65 997 4.22 Mexican 1899.. 80 83 163 .27 16.56 117 71.79 19 11.65 1900.. 154 107 261 55 21.07 175 67.05 31 11.88 1901.. 217 133 350 42 12.00 278 79.14 31 8.86 1902.. 532 183 715 84 11.75 597 83.50 34 4.75 10 4 14 14 100.00 1900.. 92 20 112 7 6.25 101 90.18 4 3.57 1901.. 20 4 24 1 4.17 21 87.50 2 8.33 1902 29 ll 40 7 17.50 33 82.50 Polish 1899!! 18,191 10,275 28,466 3,355 ll! 78 24,343 85.52 768 2.70 1900.. 32,152 14,786 46,938 4,597 9.79 41,136 87.64 1,205 2.57 1901.. 29,581 14,036 43,617 4,520 10.36 37,904 86.90 1,193 2.74 1902.. 50,368 19,252 69,620 5,989 8.60 61,886 88.89 1,745 2.51 Portuguese .1899.. 1,101 995 2,096 477 22.76 1,487 70.94 132 6.30 1900.. 2,386 1,855 4,241 1,105 26.06 2,778 65.50 358 8.44 1901.. 2,240 1,936 4,176 1,030 24.66 2,774 66.43 372 8.91 1902.. 3,117 2,192 5,309 1,439 27.11 3,410 64.23 460 8.66 Roumanian 1899.. 90 6 96 1 1.04 88 91.67 7 7.29 1900.. 374 24 • 398 8 2.01 371 93.22 19 4.77 1901.. 704 57 761 23 3.02 684 89.88 54 7.10 â–  1902.. 1,904 129 2,033 39 1.92 1,876 92.28 118 5.80 Russian 1899.. 1,261 - 513 1,774 282 15.89 1,428 80.50 64 3.61 1900.. 886 314 1,200 245 . 20.42 918 76.50 37 3.08 1901.. 474 196 670 147 21.94 495 73.88 28 4.18 1902.. 1,225 326 1,551 235 15.15 1,260 81.24 56 3.61 Ruthenian (Russniak) 1899.. 872 528 1,400 119 8.50 1,246 89.00 85 2.50 1900.. 1,942 890 2,832 216 7.63 2,540 89.69 76 2.68 • 1901.. 3,903 1,385 5,288 252 4.76 4,850 91.72 186 3.52 1902.. 5,836 1,697 7,533 300 3.98 6,996 92.87 237 3.15 Scandinavian (Norwegians, Danes, andSwedes) 1899.. 12,747 10,502 23,249 1,901 8.18 19,976 85.92 1,372 5.90 1900.. 19,530 13,422 32,952 2,422 7.35 28,860 87.58 1,670 5.07 1901.. 23,503 16,774 40,277 3,185 7.91 34,796 86.39 2,296 5.70 1902.. 36,431 19,349 55,780 4,349 7.80 48,768 87.43 2,663 4.77 Scotch 1899.. 1,057. 695 1,752 257 14.67 1,283 73.23 212 12.10 1900.. 1,065 692 1,757 284 , 16.17 1,289 73.36 184 10.47 1901.. 1,202 802 2,004 311 15.52 1,482 73.95 211 10.53 1902.. 1,497 935 2,432 379 15.58 1,765 72.58 288 11.84 Slovak 1899.. 10.324 5,514 15,838 1,544 9.75 13,769 86.94 525 3.31 1900.. 21i 235 8,008 29,243 2,159 7.38 26,243 89.74 841 2.88 1901.. 21,227 8,116 29,343 2,582 8.80 25,756 87.77 1,005 3.43 1902.. 27,197 9,737 36,934 3,005 8.14 32,727 88.61 1,202 3.25 Smith American r 1899 42 10 52 13 25.00 39 75.00 Spanish .1899.. 899 97 996 26 . 2! 61 877 88.05 93 9.34 1900.. 964 147 1,111 61 5.49 917 82.54 133 11.97 1901.. 1,072 130 1,202 105 8.73 1,020 84.86 77 6.41 1902.. 1,758 196 1,954 105 5.37 1,697 86.85 152 7.78 Spanish-American 1900.. 83 14 97 ' 10 10.31 83 85.57 4 4.12 1901.. 200 76 276 49 17.75 210 76.09 17 6.16 1902.. 353 143 ’ 496 82 16.53 381 76.82 33 6.65 Swiss ; 1899.. 1901.. 1 1 1 100.00 Syrian 1899.. 2,446 1,262 3,708 731 19.71 2,799 75.49 178 4.80 1900.. 1,813 1,107 2,920 599 20.51 2,200 75.35 121 . 4.14 1901.. 2,729 1,335 4,064 798 19.63 3,080 75.79 186 4.58 1902.. 3,337 1,645 4,982 842 16.90 3,974 79.77 166 3.33 Transylvanian (Siebenburger) 1899.. 4 4 3 75.00 1 25.00 Turkish 1899.. 26 2 28 2 7.14 26 92.86 1900.. 174 10 184 16 8.70 167 90.76 1 .54 1901.. 123 13 136 8 5.88 125 91.91 3 2.21 1902.. 151 14 . 165 ll 6.67 146 88.48 8 4.85 Welsh 1899.. 853 506 1,359 350 25.75 925 68.07 84 6.18 1900.. 455 307 762 196 25.72 510 ‘ 66.93 56 7.35 1901.. 391 283 674 113 16.76 485 71.96 76 11.28 1902.. 468 292 760 142 18.69 553 72.76 65 8.55 West Indian 1899.. 90 54 144 15 10.42 117 81.25 12 8.33 1900.. 56 22 78 4 5.13 72 92.31 2 2.56 1901.. 62 -20 82 9 10.98 72 87.80 1 1.22 1902.. 92 45 137 17 12.41 103 75.18 17 12.41 Not specified .1899.. 3 1 4 4 100.00 1900.. 56 17 73 10 13.70 59 80.82 4 5.48 1902.. 146 1 147 5 3.40 137 93.20 5 3.40 Total 1899.. 195,277 116,438 311,715 43,983 14.11 248,187 79.62 19,545 6.27 1900.. 304,148 144,424 448,572 54,624 12.18 370,382 82.57 23,566 5.25 1901.. 331,055 156,863 • 487,918 62,562 . 12.82 396,516 81.27 28,840 5.91 1902.. 466,369 182,374 648,743 74,063 11.42 539,254 83.12 35,426 5.46 1903.] IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. 4373 by Sex, Age, and Illiteracy; also the Number Debarred, with the Cause therefor—Continued. Returned in one year after landing. ILLITEK YEARS A] Can not write. ACY, 14 ND OYER. Can neither read nor write. RACE. 1 8 1,320 ..1899—Italian (northern). 3 59 1,804 ..1900 1 77 3,122 ..1901 1 107 3,556 ..1902 39 23 30,463 ..1899—Italian (southern). 25 86 39,150 ..1900 52 540 58,493 ..1901 116 120 76,529 ..1902 25 160 . .1899—Japanese. 96 620 503 ..1900 2 53 293 ..1901 163 ..1902 ..1899—Korean. 10 6 ..1900 1 ..1901 ..1902 32 2,048 . .1899—Lithuanian. 1 44 2,979 ..1900 4 402 3,635 ..1901 612 5,169 ..1902 1 ! ll 466 ..1899—Magyar. 4 24 2,124 ..1900 18 53 859 ..1901 15 50 2,895 ..1902 7 ..1899—Mexican. 10 79 ..1900 68 ..1901 2 138 ..1902 ..1899—Pacific Islander. 53 ..1900 2 3 ..1901 5 ..1902 17 342 7,52 i . .1899—Polish. 14 388 13,010 ..1900 22 931 13,739 ..1901 30 1,183 23,272 ..1902 1 5 1,057 . .1899—Portuguese. 2 6 1,875 ..1900 2 123 1,884 ..1901 8 25 2,745 ..1902 17 .. 1899—Roumanian. 96 ..1900 3 274 ..1901 1 563 ..1902 1' 4 198 ..1899—Russian. 4 15 259 ..1900 3 166 ..1901 6 8 443 ..1902 546 ..1899—Ruthenian (Russniak). 1 12 1,270 ..1900 45 2,634 ..1901 52 3,557 ..1902 8 80 55 .. 1899—Scandinavian (Norwegians, Danes, and Swedes). 21 106 165 ..1900 18 92 196 ..1901 21 55 207 ..1902 2 6 16 ..1899—Scotch. 1 5 26 ..1900 4 5 15 ..1901 12 2 23 ..1902 4 44 3,913 . .1899—Slovak. 7 88 7,475 ..1900 13 132 8,0S6 ..1901 20 125 8,663 ..1902 2 1 ..1899—South American. 1 59 ..1899—Spanish. 2 53 ..1900 2 150 ..1901 6 176 ..1902 2 29 . .1900—Spanish-American. 41 ..1901 33 ..1902 . .1899—Swiss. ..1901 1 1,673 ..1899—Syrian. 6 1,293 ..1900 3 9 1,825 ..1901 I 3 6 2,107 ..1902 1 . .1899—Transylvanian (Siebenburger). ! 3 ..1899—Turkish. 1 125 i ..1900 61 ..1901 52 ..1902 13 33 ..1899—Welsh. 1 3 19 ..1900 5 18 ..1901 10 23 ..1902 7 27 . .1899—West Indian. 3 3 1 ..1900 1 10 ..1901 3 5 ..1902 .. 1899—N ot specified. 5 ..1900 i 1 ..1902 263 1,022 60,446 ..1899—Total. 356 2,097 93,576 ..1900 363 3,058 117,587 ..1901 465 2,917 162,188 ..1902 • DEBARRED. Idiots. Insane. Paupers. 59 98 51 51 957 1,011 1,292 2,049 40 135 158 69 13 41 14 29 23 69 40 116 2 4 5 9 4 2 120 172 98 162 5 26 7 30 3 10 2 17 14 3 9 3 8 23 35 16 23 45 58 17 38 15 15 59 130 77 112 169 71 82 86 . 2,599 2,974 2,798 3,944 Diseased. 21 33 50 140 1 2 125 48 28 76 348 393 309 709 Conyicts. Assisted. Contract laborers. 32 54 9 ll 258 168 67 100 91 261 125 49 64 Total. 9v 162 70 78 1,301 1,215 1,397 2,235 148 442 319 150 21 73 21 60 25 79 42 136 2 4 5 10 66 4 2 205 252 151 308 6 28 7 35 3 10 6 27 21 o 2 19 8 12 23 39 35 36 58 80 19 39 15 18 163 190 99 140 741 833 327 275 1 298 120 117 167 3,798 4,246 3,516 4,974 No. 12 7 4374 IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. [June, TERRITORIES ORGANIZED AFTER 1850. In the tables which follow it will be noticed that statistics for the earlier periods can not be given for all the States. In 1850 California was admitted to the Union as the thirty-first State, and the remainder of the previously unorganized Mexican cession was organized as the Territories of Utah and New Mexico; there was still the Indian country remaining unorganized. For the unorganized territory no census data is available, and in several instances it is not possible to quote statistics for the areas which, by the subdivision of former territories, subsequently formed the new States and Territories. The following statement shows the status at the census of 1850 and the following censuses until statistics are available of the several States for which complete statistics are not shown in the tables below: Arizona.—Organized as a Territory in 1863; in 1850 and 1860 included in New Mexico. Colorado.—Organized as a Territory in 1861; in 1850 a part was in Utah and New Mexico and part in the unorganized Indian country. Dakota.—Organized as a Territory in 1861; in 1889 admitted to the Union as two States. Part included in Minnesota in 1850 and part in the Indian country. Idaho.—Organized as Territory in 1863; in 1860 a part of Washington and in 1850 of Oregon. Indian Territory.—Organized as Territory in 1854. Kansas.—Organized as a Territory in 1854; in 1850 in the Indian country. Montana.—Organized as a Territory in 1864; in 1860 in Washington and Ne¬ braska, and in 1850 in Oregon and the Indian country. Nebraska.—Organized as a Territory in 1854; in 1850 in the Indian country. Nevada.—Organized as a Territory in 1861; in 1850 in Utah and New Mexico. Oklahoma.—Organized as a Territory in 1890; in 1860,1870, and 1880 a part of Indian Territory, and in 1850 in the unorganized Indian country. Washington.—Organized as a Territory in 1853; in 1850 in Oregon. Weit Virginia.—Organized as a State in 1863; previously a part of Virginia. Wyoming.—Organized as a Territory in 1868; in 1860 contained in Utah, Wash¬ ington, and Nebraska, and in 1850 in Utah, Oregon, and the Indian country. Nativities of the Foreign-born Population and the totals of Native and Foreign-born Population in each State and Territory of the United States in 1850, 1880, 1870, 1880, 1890, and 1900—Continued. [From reports of the Census.] ALABAMA. ARIZONA. NATIVITIES. 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1870 1880 1890 1900 Europe: Austria-Hungary— Bohemia 29 39 25 31 2 7 3 16 Hungary 24 60 150 332 6 14 9 22 Other Austria (except Poland).... 33 124 99 121 202 341 24 53 105 298 Total Austria-Hqngarv 33 124 152 220 377 704 32 74 117 336 R pl gin m 4 19 10 10 31 45 5 14 17 , 33 Dpnmaik 18 92 80 69 71 96 19 131 180 199 Fi n 1 an d 28 32 Fra np. e _ .... 503 859 594 442 592 539 69 276 296 253 Germany including Luxemburg 1,113 7 2,477 2,482 ll 3,247 8 3,946 55 3,640 129 379 1,110 1,188 1,248 10 Grepee 9 1 4 7 Ttaly 90 214 118 114 322 862 12 104 207 ' 699 Netherlands 1 26 14 27 26 42 ll 14 17 . 23 Norway 3 51 51 24 47 159 7 45 59 123 Poland 94 . 38 . 47 54 133 ll 43 13 22 Por In o-a.l 39 6 17 13 8 8 15 19 18 BmiTnfmia. - 16 1 Russia (except Poland) 10 20 36 44 274 468 5 25 53 107 Spain 163 157 98 89 52 59 4 18 21 51 Sweden 51 155 105 119 294 488 7 106 168 342 Switzerland 113 138 168 173 169 200 23 117 144 199 Turkey 1 1 1 1 66 6 29 United Kingdom— England and Wales 1,008 584 1,185 696 1,080 458 1,004 426 3,332 1,391 2,604 ll 2,653 1,223 1,792 137 765 1,202 318 1,697 399 Scotland 54 250 Ireland 3,639 5,664 5 3,893 22 2,966 ll 495 1,296 1,171 1,159 Net specified 1 Total United Kingdom 5,231 7,550 5,453 4,407 7,338 5,668 686 2,312 2,691 3,255 Countries not specified 36 25 60 113 33 3 4 3 Total Europe British Possessions in North America Mexico Central America. • 7,380 12,028 9,423 9,114 13,769 13,383 1,271 142~ 4,348 4,417 5?T 9,330 { i 26 2 5,201 6,983 49 39 3 } 28 2 239 17 2 41 3 5 183 13 271 26 1 55 39 27 6 620 34 4 \ 69 20 3 706 43 23 f 55 \ 79 51 1 732 ll, 534 ll } 14 33 2 1,269 14,172 25 { A 24 4 West Indies—Cuba Other South America At] an ti e i si a 0 d s n ot speei fied f 22 1 4I } : 1 Asia and Oceania: A nstra.lifl, .......... 1 5 7 35 16 4 31 38 58 China. 2 1 ll 42 54 21 1,626 1 199 1,296 In d1'a 6 7 18 7 8 3 8 Jflpan 1 3 6 3 3 284 Hawaiian Islands 3 1 3 8 3 3 Pacific islands, not specified 2 7 6 6 37 Countries not specified 5 3 3 61 52 4 3 ‘ 15 Total Asia and Oceania 3 8 16 34 166 141 37 1,674 1 1,252 1,698 Africa- ..â– * 18 5 244 149 69 77 3 I 10 14 Countries not specified 116 4 6 5 7 1 1 Born at sea- 4 12 18 26 11 1 c 26 Total foreign-born population 7,638 12,352 9,962 9,734 14,777 14,592 5,809 16,049 18,795 24,233 Conn tri es na.tivity unknown 1,109 645 Total native population 420,032 516,124 987,030 1,252,771 1,498,240 1,814,105 3,849 24,39i 40,825 98,698 Total population a 428,779 a529,121 996,992 1,262,505 1,513,017 1,828,697 9,658 40,440 | 59,620 122,931 Per cent of foreign-born population 1.78 2.33 1.00 TrT r&r 7so" 60.51 39.68 31.54 19.70 a Slaves not included. 1903.] IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. 4375 Nativities of the Foreign-born Population and the totals of Native and Territory of the United States in 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, Foreign-born Population in each State and 1890, and 1900—Continued. NATIVITIES. Europe: Austria-Hungary— Bohemia Hungary Other Austria (except Poland). Total Austria-Hungary., Belgium « Denmark Finland France Germany, including Luxemburg . Greece Italy. Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Roumania Russia (except Poland) Spain..' Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom— England and Wales. Scotland Ireland Not specified Total United Kingdom. Countries not specified. Total Europe British Possessions in North America. Mexico Central America West Indies—Cuba Other South America Atlantic islands, not specified Asia and Oceania: Australia China , India Japan Hawaiian Islands Pacific islands, not specified. Countries not specified Total Asia and Oceania . Africa Countries not specified. Born at sea Total foreign-born population . Countries nativity unknown Total native population Total population Per cent of foreign-born population. 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 77 540 207 71 514 792 1,461 1,628 824 160,345 al62,797 1.00 34 34 . 235 1,109 65 17 4 5 4 3 25 64 68 58 106 232 9 I 55 ' 237 1,568 1 30 71 19 32 1 24 3 135 104 385 131 1,312 1,836 8 3,420 154 6 1 145 3,741 710 319,884 «324,335 550 156 1,428 28 2,162 369 3,632 3 132 66 33 191 2 77 6 211 240 97 35 185 317 29 125 428 6,227 1 187 87 60 277 7 608 4 1,275 229 2,432 1 1,699 430 2,021 1 3,937 I 4,151 4,520 342 14 1 9 4 3 85 9,336 787 20 2 13 8 10 1 121 5 143 17 13 5,026 10,350 479,445 792,175 484,471 802,525 1.04 1.29 136 947 27 2 25 18 2 117 25 33 14,264 1,113,915 1,128,179 1.28 281 97 451 829 14 135 3 387 5,977 6 576 69 54 315 3 276 7 355 679 1 1,507 342 1,345 3,194 21 1,093 68 14 9 13 15 1 116 14,289 1,297*275 1,311,564 1.10 CALIFORNIA. 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 87 1,546 3,084 9 229 63 124 109 48 220 162 177 3,232 883 2,452 727 727 299 1,328 8,462 20,919 93 2,987 439 715 730 1,459 260 470 1,405 1,714 13 13,489 3,670 33,147 103 6,567 50,409 90 102 1,078 • 1,270 291 1,837 8,068. 29,712 97 4,660 452 1,000 804 2,508 540 405 1,944 2,927 17 19,216 4,949 54,421 75 78,661 12,529 834 6,454 39 64 877 660 319 117 1,096 65 400 22,358 629 69,610 92,597 24.14 33 92,462 5,437 9,150 100 304 2,250 121 896 34,935 •138 196 346 36,511 12 181 146,528 1,363 232,103 379,994 38.56 .63 135,256 10,660 9,339 124 45 350 1,956 944 1,593 48,826 63 33 279 93 66 50,943 48 24 142 209,831 *350,*416 560,247 37.46 239 216 1,948 2,403 243 369 3,687 4,299 504 799 5,356 6,659 1,092 3,748 9,550 42,629 170 7,537 694 1,765 1,026 4,705 1,013 572 4,209 5,308 36 26,577 6,465 62,962 55 96,059 136 182,652 18,889 8,648 188 182 528 1,797 3,359 663 7,764 ll.855 6li496 259 15,495 760 3,702 914 9,859 3,140 836 10,923 9,743 202 37,317 9,299 63,138 46 109,800 194 251,904 26,028 7,164 309 670 1,366 2,5S7 785 9,040 2,763 12,256 72,491 372 22,777 1,015 5,060 1,320 12,068 73 3,42 L 896 14,549 10,974 649 37,695 9,467 44,476 91,638 59 268,865 29,818 8,086 481 93 372 1,137 3,515 2,055 73,548 155 133 295 173 16 1,905 71,066 202 1,224 674 622 164 76,375 I 75,857 86 170 292,874 571,820 864,694 33.87 2,269 40,262 263 10,264 794 235 54,087 139 â–  8 277 168 260 358 366,309 367,240 I*ii7,*8i3 841,821 | 1,208,130 | 1,485,053 30.32 j 24.70 a Staves not included, 4378 IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES.: [June, . Nativities op the Foreign-born Population and the totals op Native and Foreign-born Population in each State and Territory of the United States in 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, 1890, and 1900—Continued. NATIYITIES. Europe: Austria-Hungary— Bohemia Hungary Other Austria (except Poland). . Total Austria-Hungary. Belgium Denmark Finland France Germany, including Luxemburg. Greece Italy Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Roumania Russia (except Poland) Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom— England and Wales. Scotland Ireland Not specified Total United Kingdom. Countries not specified . Total Europe British Possessions in North America. Mexico Central America West Indies—Cuba Other South America Atlantic islands not specified Asia and Oceania Australia China India Japan Hawaiian Islands Pacific islands, not specified. Countries not specified Total Asia and Oceania. Africa.... Countries not specified . Born at sea Total foreign-born population. Nativity unknown Total native population Total population Per cent of foreign-born population. COLORADO. 1860 1870 1880 1800 1900 103 667 390 120 624 1 * 1,135 10 1,951 684 25 2,666 297 31,314 34,277 7.78 68 209 1,456 10 5 180 140 1,523 188 1,685 1 3,397 5,675 753 129 16 6,599 *33,*265’ 39,864 16.58 91 49 453 593 212 359 2,700 3,271 49 507 825 7,021 5 335 115 354 154 12 278 35 2,172 551 3 10,009 1,673 8,263 2 19,947 19 32,975 5,785 186 1 12 30 42 6 64 601 26 1 6 705 13 35 39,790 154,537 194,327 20.54 136 1,650 1,328 15,154 27 3,882 192 893 272 28 1,306 50 9,659 1,255 14 16,488 4,339 12,352 1 33,180 82 72,379 9,142 607 3 57 42 12 101 1,447 29 13 2 20 30 1,642 330 574 6,024 6,928 170 2,050 844 1,162 14,615 37 6,818 260 1,149 620 28 35 2,938 41 10,765 1,479 33 15,530 4,069 10,132 29,731 9 79,712 9,797 274 156 26 45 53 126 581 44 51 36 106 944 24 82 83,990 328,208 412,198 20.38 91,155 *448*545 539,700 16.9 CONNECTICUT. 1850 20 20 321 1,713 1 H) 19 1 5,202 1,916 26,689 33,807 1860 172 1870 95 30 154 279 1880 124 76 287 487 549 8,353 6 70 70 22 73 265 46 12 42 275 36 116 821 12,443 4 117 99 72 83 49 34 27 323 492 4 76 428 1,079 15,655 1 879 122 168 225 165 65 47 2,086 680 4 9,051 2,546 55,445 50 13,289 3,238 70,630 67,092 87,157 15,860 4,157 70,638 28 90,683 1890 1900 177 1,146 1,187 2,510 165 1,474 2,048 28,178 5 5,285 121 523 1,504 230 3,027 45 10,021 21,201 5,992 77,880 3 105,076 36,077 970 4 192 35 66 37,473 794 332,525 370,792 10.1 33 77,178 102,189 3,145 7 3 207 44 92 80,696 582 378,869 460,147 17.54 10,861 5 3 44 147 43 194 107 113,639 *423,si.5 537,454 21.2 15 112,865 16,444 10 ll 35 161 47 79 35 134 24 9 32 18 1 253 14 129,992 492,708 39 161,298 21,231 12 10 200 65 183 86 298 48 22 13 15 33 515 493 5,692 5,330 11,515 209 2,249 442 2,427 31,893 121 19,105 153 709 10,698 568' 247 11,404 -104 . 16,164 1,499 226 22,219 6,175 70,994 99,388 14 209,135 27,045 22 .383 79 188 46 87 94 569 34 25 ll 286 1,019 29 56 121 183,601 238,210 562,657 i 670,210 622,700 j 746,258 t 908,420 20.86 24.61 26.2 1903.] IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. 4377 Nativities of the Foeeign-boen Population and the totals of Native and Foeeign-boen Population in each State and Teeeitoey of the United States in 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, 1890, and 1900—Continued. DAKOTA.® DELAWAEE. NATIVITIES. 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 Europe: i Austria-Hungary— Bohemia 153 1,337 64 3,617 513 1,445 2,320 421 1 2 3 4 Hungary 3 1,327 1,131 3 1 114 86 Other Austria (except Poland).... 171 131 . 975 926 8 22 49 117 327 1,532 5,105 3,903 3,667 12 25 166 207 1 41 241 154 126 1 2 1 5 9 Denmark 115 1,447 7,229 3,953 651 5,038 1,175 1 5 8 36 41 • 43 Finland 23 France 56 57 272 553 251 262 73 133 127 138 183 148 Germany, including Luxemburg 22 563 6,032 27,266 11,585 17,991 371 1,263 1,142 . 1,179 2,469 2,406 1 1 1 3 2 1 12 i 4 71 290 700 360 4 5 43 459 1,122 69 Netherlands 8 140 1,716 317 1,566 19,788 5 3 - 16 10 12 Norway 129 1,179 3 13,245 219 45,030 513 30,206 1,054 1 6 14 49 Poland • 472 5 4 8 337 1,527 2 Portugal . 4 12 2 1 1 1 Bourn an i a, 353 40 ll -Russia (except Poland) 1 4 6,493 26 16,496 21 14,979 6 12,365 3 1 2 3 9 197 380 Spain 3 1 1 3 2 4 4 Sweden 380 3,177 386 13,329 827 8,419 8,647 585 2 8 9 71 246 3C2 Switzerland 1 . 33 374 22 34 33 48 52 59 Turkey 6 26 104 48 2 5 2 United Kingdom— England and Wales 35 251 2,516 940 9,223 3,056 1,800 4,411 1,153 3,298 969 1,611 200 1,464 1,484 285 1,964 432 1,549 Scotland 23 77 • 3,367 7,741 14 155 229 341 Ireland. 42 . 888 4,104 2,670 3,513 5,832 5,907 5,791 6,121 16 5,044 Not specified 2 1 Total United Kingdom*.... i........ 100 1,218 7,560 20,345 7,526 8,862 4,637 7,643 7,600 7,561 8,533 6,934 Crvnn tri es not, specified _ _ 2 10 227 8 30 2 1 8 1 51 1 Total Europe 310 3,898 40,662 139,227 84,544 81,030 5,114 9,101 | 8,969 | 9,140 12,733 | 13,360 British Possessions in North America 1,458 1 906 10,678 32,538 28,166 7,044 21 39 112 246 309 298 Mexico 6 17 25 1 13 3 1 3 2 Central America 2 4 8 13 2 4 W est Indies—Cuba ...... 2 40 } 20 \ 2 } 25 13 f 17 19 } 30 I 9 Other 1 14 J 4 8 1 10 8 f 24 South America 6 7 16 3 8 3 5 ' 8 3 5 10 Atlantic islands not specified 55 ll 1 2 1 1 1 Asia and Oceania: Australia. 1 28 57 15 22 5 1 ll 18 13 nhina . _ 237 230 31 150 2 38 51 India, - 1 7 19 7 8 4 1 japan __ 1 148 1 1 Hawaiian Tsla.nds 4 3 5 Pacific isla.ndSjTiot specified 207 5 5 2 1 1 Conntries not specified 4 22 54 . 101 2 6 5 ll Tntal Asia, and Oceania. 2 281 538 260 287 7 9 27 57 82 A frica. 4 ll 4 8 10 5 15 14 7 Ceuntri^Q nof. apeoi fi ed . 1 13 ll 35 4 Born at- sea- - - 35 125 87 84 4 8 7 13 Total foreign-born population 1,774 4,815 51,795 172,516 113,091 88,508 5,211 63 9,165 201 9,136 9,468 13,161 13,810 Nativity unknown Total native population... ............ 3,063 9,366 83,382 339,011 206,055 313,062 83,968 101,052 115,879 137,140 155,332 170,925 Total population.................... 4,837 14,181 135,177 511,527 319,146 401,570 b 89,242 & 110,418 125,015 146,608 168,493 184,735 Per cent of foreign-born population....... 36.68 33.91 38.29 33.72 35.4 22.0 5.84 8.3 7.3 6.46 7.81 7.5 a Dakota Territory until 1890; the first column of figures under 1900 are those for North Dakota; those in the second column are for South Dakota. b Slaves not included. 4878 IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. [June, Nativities of the Foreign-born Population and the totals of Native and Foreign-born Population in each State and Territory of the United States in 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, 1890, and 1900—Continued. NATIVITIES. DISTRICT OP COLUMBIA. 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 Europe: Austria-Hungary— Bohemia Hungary . Other Austria (except Poland). 32 10 41 130 12 48 187 12 Total Austria-Hungary. 32 81 126 181 247 12 22 57 Belgium Denmark Finland .. France Germany, including Luxemburg., Greece Italy Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Roumania Russia (except Poland) Spain i Sweden Switzerland Turkey 80 1,415 160 3,222 2 97 12 1 30 2 233 4,921 4 182 23 5 49 9 293 5,055 5 244 71 19 116 13 385 5,778 5 467 32 70 65 9 22 37 22 175 1 67 35 51 196 9 244 44 128 211 7 32 88 14 389 5,857 34 930 42 101 132 6 2 807 31 234 244 39 41 13 259 28 105 67 324 17 141 466 3 75 7 ll 25 13 126 597 3 56 7 16 20 18 221 984 7 77 19 79 26 41 275 1,855 36 408 42 179 26 35 32 91 231 43 122 389 529 135 ll United Kingdom— England and Wales. Scotland Ireland Not specified 702 142 2,373 1,058 258 7,258 1,451 352 8,218 1,704 495 7,840 1 2,197 578 7,224 2 2,381 574 6,220 311 182 878 326 189 827 3 Total United Kingdom., Countries not specified... Total Europe 3,217 8,574 10,021 10,040 10,001 9,175 1,371 1,345 4,882 British Possessions in North America . Mexico Central America West Indies—Cuba Other South America Atlantic islands, not specified Asia and Oceania: Australia China India Japan Hawaiian Islands Pacific islands, not specified . Countries not specified Total Asia and Oceania . Africa Countries not specified. Born at sea Total foreign-born population. Nativity unknown Total native population 4,967 77 42,956 Total population Per cent of foreign-born population., a 48,000 10.35 10 13 6 25 12,344 15,835 16,413 17,748 18,411 290 17 3 ll 42 13 452 12 3 22 84 34 6 18 12,484 312 59,099 16,254 ii.5,446 a 71,895 131,700 17.37 12.31 71 16 17,122 177,624 9.62 655 24 16 102 34 3 906 38 32 43 91 49 6 599 3 19 417 12 ll 154 493 18,770 *2ii,*622 20,119 *258,’599* 2,757 58 45,320 230,392 278,718 a 48,135 8.13 7.2 5.73 ll 919 4 22 17 3,309 1,213 74,157 a 78,679 4.21 405 144 737 25 889 216 652 8 1,311 1,765 23 2,333 174 41 7 1,155 1,101 12 35 446 44 5 2,170 2,793 32 291 13 70 78 12 4,967 *iS2,’781 9,909 259,584 187,748 269,493 2.65 3.67 2,810 570 1,056 ll 4,447 87 8,809 1,151 99 9 12,282 218 83 26 105 36 15 8 18 ll 50 12 22,932 368,490 391,422 5.86 20 37 91 148 18 204 42 262 1,812 98 1,707 52 235 22 37 115 220 1,084 561 113 14 2,400 434 797 3,631 32 10,407 1,202 84 28 6,744 4,910 58 109 17 118 24 1 55 223 27 18 22 23,832 *504,716 528,542 4-5 a Staves not included. 1903.] IMMIGBATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. 4379 Natiyities of the Foreign-born Population and the totals of Native and Foreign-born Population in each State and Territory of the United States in 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, 1890, and 1900—Continued. GEORGIA. IDAHO. 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1870 1880 1890 1900 23 33 35 23 1 5 ll 81 42 55 62 166 4 13 9 37 13 28 34 71 101 203 26 18 130 294 13 ,28 99 159 198 392 31 36 150 412 41 21 21 31 31 25 5 ll 41 42 24 21 42 53 61 88 88 586 1,241 1,626 10 292 177 283 312 295 306 249 144 142 178 194 972 2,444 2,761 2,956 3,680 3,407 599 751 1,940 2,978 1 17 12 49 191 5 1 4 9 33 48 50 82 159 218 ll 35 509 779 ll 27 42 36 29 38 9 10 23 50 6 13 14 23 88 155 61 . 276 741 1,173 103 88 62 38 169 12 17 15 46 5 12 13 6 14 12 10 10 20 35 ( 36 1 8 ll 32 33 282 1,232 10 17 113 124 13 35 39 44 65 65 4 3 18 77 ll 37 35 138 191 204 91 323 1,524 2,822 38 62 103 107 178 180 52 225 528 1,017 1 3 3 21 2 . 8 692 1,178 1,149 1,196 1,693 . 1,579 875 2,235 3,908 4,675 367 431 420 395 619 417 114 253 643 796 3,202 6,586 5,093 39 4,148 21 3,374 2,293 986 9 981 9 1,917 1,633 . i 4,261 8,195 6,701 5,760 5,686 4,289 1,984 3,478 6,468 s .7,104 21 22 81 94 41 ; 3 1 3 5,615 ll,378 10,374 9,881 11,152 11,022 | 3,119 5,922 13,515 18,792 108 178 247 348 609 759 334 584 1,791 2,923 8 7 9 13 18 14 46 50 30 28 5 2 16 2 2 2 } 95 78 / 32 t 86 33 77 } 119 / 58 t 99 } • { 1 } 7 { t 8 3 9 16 32 37 ll 10 6 6 2 19 5 71 1 8 3 3 6 ll 14 16 3 9 24 24 5 4 24 82 184 4,268 3,366 2 2,018 1,411 ll 10 9 12 2 5 1 1 1 1,305 1 2 2 17 2 .2 1 1 7 1 16 24 2 6 1 2 13 93 2 2 17 2 15 23 50 122 313 4,291 3,379 2,064 2,786 13 10 319 129 57 50 14 16 20 58 15 9 1 5 . 8 15 9 21 3 4 18 29 5,907 ll,671 11,127 10,564 12,137 12,403 7,885 9,974 17,456 24,604 517 518,079 304 583,113 1,172,982 1,531,616 1,825,216 2,203,928 7,114 22,636 66,929 137,168 . a 524,503 a 595,088 1,184,109 1,542,180 1,837,353 2,216,331 14,999 32,610 84,385 161,772 1.13 1.96 .94 .69 .66 .6 52.53 30.60 20.77 15.2 NATIYITIES. Europe: Austria-Hungary— Bohemia Hungary Other Austria (except Poland). Total Austria-Hungary. Belgium Denmark Finland . France Germany, including Luxemburg. Greece Italy Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal â–  Boumania Russia (except Polan’d) Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom— England and Wales. Scotland Ireland '... Not specified Total United Kingdom. Countries not specified... Total Europe British Possessions in North America. Mexico Central America West Indies—Cuba Other South America Atlantic Islands, not specified Asia and Oceania: Australia China India Japan Hawaiian Islands Pacific islands, not specified. Countries not specified Total Asia and Oceania . Africa Countries not specified. Born at sea Total foreign-born population . Natiyity unknown Total native population Total population Per cent of foreign-born population. a Slaves not included, 4380 IMMIGRATION INTO THE- UNITED . STATES, [June, Nativities of the Foreign-born Population and the totals of Native and Foreign-born Population in each State and Territory of the United States in 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, 1890, and 1900—Continued. NATIVITIES. Europe: Austria-Hungary— Bohemia Hungary Other Austria (except Poland). Total Austria-Hungary.. Belgium Denmark Finland France Germany, including Luxemburg. Greece Italy Netherlands... Norway Poland* Portugal Rou mania Russia (except Poland) Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom— England and Wales. Scotland Ireland Not specified Total United Kingdom. Countries not specified Total Europe. British Possessions in North America . Mexico Central America West Indies—Cuba Other South America Atlantic islands, not specified Asia and Oceania: Australia China India Japan Hawaiian Islands Pacific Islands, not specified. Countries not specified 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 65 65 3,396 38,446 4 43 220 2,415 42 70 1,123 1,635 19,200 4,661 27,786 2,106 2,106 536 712 9,493 '128,698 224 1,416 4,891 341 395 134 20 6,470 5,748 1 43,273 10,540 87,573 669 51,647 142,055 99,259 10,669 30 Total Asia~and Oceania . Africa Countries not specified. Born art sea Total foreign-born population . Nativity unknown Total native population Total population Per cent of foreign-born population. 90 303,330 20,132 27 24 155 23 453 12 ll 495 110,593 3,946 736,931 851,470 13.00 27 84 19 396 324,643 3,955 1,383,353 1,711,951 18.96 7,350 420 2,099 9,869 1,071 3,711 13,408 691 2,608 16,707 26,627 3,126 8,087 37,840 1,464 6,029 10,911 204,511 14 761 4,180 ll, 880 1,696 76 306 50 29,979 8,980 13 8,524 237,396 71 1,764 5,012 16.970 6,962 424 1,276 243 42,415 8,881 110 57,017 15,737 120,162 44 60,012 15,645 117,343 202 192,960 193,202 219,611 2,601 12,044 8,540 338,661. 254 â–  8,035 8,762 30,339 28,878 255 8,407 152 86,514 8,115 52 74,611 20,465 124,498 37 38 | 162 481,006 | 547,612 32,550 73 32 154 45 782 124 8 27 255 36 24 241 515,198 2,024*693” 2,539,891 20.28 34,043 67 8 69 167 83 471 208 299 85 10 39 43 35 719 57 280 583,576 2,494,295 3,077,871 18.96 836 799,896 i,525 143 31 278 170 272 326 778 121 24 25 53 152 1900 38,570 6,734 18,212 63,516 4,394 15,686 859 7,787 332,590 1,570 23,523 21,916 29,979 67,949 200 312 28,707 227 99,147 9,033 286 68,754 20,021 114,563 203,338 158 911,177 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 17 2,279 29,324 6 3 16 724 351 351 92 109 6,176 66,354 2. 421 450 38 91 . 4 101 13 329 3,813 141 36 443 306 77 511 894 462 315 6,363 78,158 95 873 123 523 13 61 21 2,180 4,287 3 5,719 1,341 12,787 19,847 50,595 156 163 110 218 181 362 412 1,462 133 102 70 577 1,479 78 34 441 842,347 2,984,004" 3,826,351 22.02 2,756 131 162 736 966,747 3,854*803‘ 4,821,550 20.1 52,335 1,878 3J 4 108 54,426 2,598 931,392 988,416 6.51 9,530 2,093 24,495 21 10,501 . 2,507 28,698 560 36,139 42,266 503 583 4,473 80,886 2 198 1,868 182 917 39 320 24 3,121 3,695 166 12,020 2,731 25,741 16 288 436 544 1,268 733 718 3,297 84,925 16 . 468 1,157 285 3,114 25 576 20 4,512 3,478 526 1,379 2,089 3,994 2,576 783 109 2,984 73,564 82 1,327 1,678 384 6,067 4 64 1,215 75 4,673 3,472 74 12,084 2,948 20,819 4 40,508 35,855 268 | 42 189 253 114,751 | 136,405 138,068 140,703 3,166 19 4,765 - 17 5 10 31 â–  16 6 34 4 155 118,184 1,710 1,230,534 1,350,428 8.75 141,474 1,539*163 1,680,637 8.41 5,569 28 12 ll 41 34 5 4,954 39 13 32 17 61 91 12 25 ' 5 , 15 33 210 | 242 12,957 2,8D5 16,306 32,068 71 135,264 5,931 43 7 12 24 23 7 61 201 18 6 15 202 503 ll *i.89* 144,178 1,834,123 1,978,301 7.29 17 14 172 146,205 27 45 232 142,121 2,046,199 2,374*§ii 2,192,404 | 2,516,462 6.67 I 5; 6 4381 1903.] IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. Nativities of the Foreign-born Population 'and the totals of Native and Foreign-born Population in each State and Territory of the United States in 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, 1800, and 1900—Continued. NATIVITIES. Europe: Austria-Hungary— Bohemia Hungary Other Austria (except Poland)... Total Austria-Hungary... Belgium Denmark Finland France Germany, including Luxemburg .... Greece '. Italy Netherlands Norway Poland i Portugal Roumania Russsia (except Poland) Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom— England and Wales Scotland Ireland i Not specified Total United Kingdom Countries not specified Total Europe British Fossessions in North America .... Mexico - Central America West Indies—Cuba Other South America Atlantic islands, not specified Asia and Oceania: Australia China India Japan Hawaiian Islands Pacific islands, not specified Countries not specified Total Asia and Oceania Africa - Countries not specified Born at sea - Total foreign-born population Nativity unknown Total native population Total population - Per cent of foreign-born population INDIAN TERRI- TORY. IOWA. KANSAS. 1900 1850 1860 1870 • 1880 “ 1890 1900 - 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 24 20 203 6,766 134 2,691 10,554 244 1,473 10,928 213 1,715 10,809 453 2,309 105 38 448 2,468 291 1,285 3,022 721 2,884 3,039 650 3,517 13 2,709 87 247 13 2,709 9,591 12,271 12,856 13,571 87 ‘j 591 4,044 | 6,127 7,206 43 83 2 210 842 573 12 31 199 1 3 200 6 88 03 3 i 4 19 91 661 650 2,827 357 6,901 3-84 15,519 491 17,102 47 1,905 123,867 38 1,198 9,388 . 25,634 751 2 . 84 , 1,998 21 29,875 4,342 93 . 52 70 199 503 432 1,838 808 3,136 985 2,914 44 2,012 39,560 17 987 875 1,477 751 20 81 11,019 39 15,144 3,337 37 382 7,240 1 1 f 1,108 : I 361 2,421 35,846 1 30 2,615 5,688 100 3 3,130 67,506* 1 54 4,513 17,556 178 3 2,675 91,372 • 4 122 4,743 21,586 403 22 2,327 128,199 1 . 399 7,941 27,078 453 : 7 507 4,231 1,274 12,878 7 55 300 588 169 4 1,821 28,344 2,236 46,455 4 616 872 1,786 394 15 18 45 . 223 . 69 . 167 749 1,358 1,200 17 i 8 i ! 41 1 1 231 1 175 â–  40 13 1,455 2,519 2 96 27 10,796 3,937 5 535 38 17,559 4,58.7 26 782 189 30,276 4,310 12 13 3 122 260 1 56 4 4,954 1,328 4 8,032 24 11,207 2,668 8 9,801 39 17,096 3,820 5 954 404 397 4,137 712 4,885 12,435 2,-895 28,072 23 18,627 5,248 40,124 1,443 25,550 6,885 44,061 91 29,806 7,701 87,353 : 23 24,118 6,425 28,321 1,563 , 377 3,888 7 . 7,182 ; 1,531 ; 10,940 270 16,260 3,788 14,993 ll 20,568 5,546 15,870 6 15,288 4,219 ll,516 1,755 9,734 43,425 • 65,442 76,587 74,883 . 58,864 5,835 19,923 35,052 | 41,990 | 31,023 4. 1 3 I 12 133 230 30 125 | 68 | 61 | 17 4,323 | 19,319 | 97,632 | 186,324 .239,921 305,846 . 289,281 11,661 42,837 | 97,029 | 135,261 | 117,545 380 64 1 1 10 1 ! 1,756 | 15 | 8,313 6 17,907 14 4 f 13 \ 76 29 â–  2 21,097 18 5 59 79 â– 40 18 17,465 41 16 ; } 91 26 7 15,687 29 14 f 12 ( 60 27 ll 986 14 5,324 . 63 1 / 2 \ 20 8 ll I 12,536 58 53 21 41 45 12 11,874 68 10 | 59 62 18 1 8,538 71 4 J 8 \ 29 64 . 9 H 60 10 }. » 9 3 27 . 2 13 3 96 3 13 5 2 117 37 40 2 14 1 7 13 112 79 40 6 8 20 36 . .. in; 102 42 40 75 35 32 96 113 59 3 3 25 27 82 38 31 2 9 ll 2 2 4 3 4 2 7 2 10 24 21 127 12 45 35 2 84 6 69 • 2 50 , 153 230 ; 301 414 8 58 , 155 326 210 2 9 i; 17 53 100 17 24 1 251 28 42 315 : 18 21 29 34 29 1 130 22 20 165 124 7 175 102 4,858 21,232 362 170,620 106,081 1,498 567,334 204,692 261,650 324,069 305,920 ' 12,691 942 93,571 48,392 110,086 147,838 126,685 387,202 989,328 1,362,965 1,587,827 1,925,933 316,007 886,010 : 1,279,258 1,343,810 392,060 192,214 674,913 1,194,020 1,624,615 1,911,896 2,231,853 ; a 107,204 364,399 996,096 1,427,096 1,470,495 1.2 11.05 15.72 .17,15 16.11 ' 16.94 1 13. V’ 11.84 ' 13/28" 11.05 " 10.36 8.6 No. 12 8 a Staves not included. [June, 4382 BMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. Nativities of the Foreign-born Population and the totals of Native and Foreign-born Population in each State and Territory of the United States in 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, 1890, and 1900—Continued. KENTUCKY. LOUISIANA. NATIVITIES. 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 Europe: Austria-Hungary— Bohemia 40 43 58 52 23 24 14 30 Hungary 107 47 67 146 29 40 66 148 Other Austria (except Poland).... 12 116 146 142 314 475 156 399 435 275 571 765 Total Austria-Hungary 12 116 293 232 439 673 156 399 487 339 651 943 Belgium 27 46 100 105 97 77 115 299 220 193 275 315 Denmark 7 44 53 73 92 77 288 309 291 285 232 216 Finland 6 73 France 1,116 2,096 2,057 30,327 1,512 1,168 983 ll,552 14,938 24,215 12,341 18,934 9,992 8,437 14,627 44 6,500 11,841 Germany, including Luxemburg 13i 805 1 27,111 30,433 3 32,621 4 27,559 17,887 23 17,486 Greece. T. ~ 6 24 18 49 39 84 Italv 144 235 325 370 707 679 924 1,279 262 1,889 232 2,527 170 7,767 17,431 78 Netherlands 38 154 270 262 335 136 112 76 Norway 18 10 16 21 320 34 64 63 76 78 136 189 Poland 75 109 124 176 668 196 198 164 100 168 Portugal 5 4 3 . 2 10 1 157 145 125 141 112 94 Roumania 22 16 Russia (except Poland) 70 38 28 63 390 1,076 65 84 165 158 345 692 Spain 21 22 16 16 31 21 1,417 249 1,806 193 1,130 358 987 889 583 Sweden 20 43 112 95 184 222 270 328 359 Switzerland 279 753 1,147 2 3,130 1,892 13 1,929 17 723 878 873 674 521 523 Turkey 3 9 48 3 9 9 16 290 United Kingdom— England and Wales 2,976 683 4,923 1,111 4,520 1,019 21,642 4,494 982 4,542 1,010 3,593 793 3,598 1,196 24,266 4,086 1,051 2,925 814 2,653 659 2,555 465 2,194 399 Scotland Ireland 9,466 22,249 18,256 5 13,926 9,874 28,207 1 17,068 12 13,807 8 9,236 6,436 Not specified __ - 2 20 1 Total United Kingdom 13,125 38,285 27,201 23,737 19,478 14,260 . 29,060 33,345 20,819 17,127 12,257 9,029 Conn tri os not specified 35 47 73 384 82 68 22 132 270 | 33 Total Europe 28,688 59,070 62,112 58,262 57,941 48,546 62,840 78,500 58,218 50,771 47,083 | 49,462 British Possessions in North America Mexico 275 42 618 34 1,082 31 1,070 22 1,173 28 1,208 19 499 405 830 320 714 409 726 424 762 404 1,034 4S8 Central America 1 1 2 3 7 56 3 } 1,337 27 1,154 8 18 100 159 West Indies—Cuba _ } 41 34 f 10 6 } 25 f 15 I 994 669 | 648 78 / 319 Other { 29 18 I 13 i 748 568 \ 224 South America 2 7 7 5 12 7 15 24 40 49 112 Atlantic, islands, not specified 8 5 4 34 7 14 27 7 Asia and Oceania: Australia. 9 14 24 27 57 6 13 77 36 50 China 8 8 15 27 46 33 10 79 449 334 554 Tndia 16 25 10 13 19 15 18 Japan 1 3 9 19 12 Hawaiian Tslands __ __ 3 5 1 2 15 6 Pacific islands, not specified 1 2 2 2 2 45 15 73 ll Countries not specified 3 10 25 6 17 160 17 73 27 13 9 301 Total Asia and Oceania 3 28 50 68 99 278 51 91 179 597 492 946 Africa 4 5 13 10 10 24 90 49 427 270 82 66 Countries not specified 133 2 35 2 16 1,173 37 12 12 Born a t sea. 27 45 54 63 46 40 59 74 Total foreign-born population 29,189 1,354 740,881 59,799 63,398 59,517 59,356 50,249 66,413 619 81,029 7,207 61,827 54,146 49,747 52,903 Nntivitv unknown 545 Total native population 869,857 1,257,613 1,589,173 1,799,279 2,096,925 205,921 288,040 665,088 885,800 1,068,840 1,328,722 Total population a 771,424 a 930,201 1,321,011 1,648,690 1,858,635 2,147,174 a 272,953 a 376,276 726,915 939,946 1,118,587 1,381,625 Per cent of foreign-born population 3.78 6.43 4.80 3.61 3.19 2.3 24.33 21.53 8.50 5.76 4.44 3.8 a Slaves not included. 1903.] IMMIGEATIOJST INTO THE UNITED STATES. 4*383 Nativities of the Foeeign-boen Poptlation and the totals of Native and Foeeign-boen Population in each State and Teeeitoey of the United States in 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, 1890, and 1900—Continued. MAINE. MARYLAND. NATIVITIES. 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 Europe: Austria-Hungary— Bohemia . 1 1 3 16 789 1,169 1,554 207 2,813 323 Hungary 6 16 29 46 71 Other Austria (except Poland).... 3 3 10 19 58 165 16 122 266 401 1,388. 1,756 Total Austria-Hungary 3 3 ll 26 77 210 16 | 122 1,101 1,641 3,149 4,892 Belgium . 2 6 ll 14 21 23 5 30 41 44 60 40 47 59 142 273 696 886 35 67 107 128 130 1<7 Finland 179 28 France 143 120 137 128 441 180 507 599 649 620 623 534 Germany, including Luxemburg 317 381 508 688 1,104 2 1,356 7 27,124 43,762 47,045 4 45,492 3 52,442 44,992 95 4 3 1 2 16 20 49 48 90 253 1,334 22 82 229 210 477 1,416 122 2,449 220 N etherlands 12 16 26 16 16 106 376 236 362 Norway 12 27 58 99 311 509 10 7 18 108 164 246 Poland 8 6 24 54 443 66 145 642 1,797 27 3,681 20 Portugal 58 64 72 62 70 .53 29 24 28 29 Bou mania 26 Russia (except Poland) 2 9 18 54 420 1,021 29 23 15 50 213 4,258 53 11,301 34 Spain 18 27 42 32 53 18 17 49 70 Sweden 55 74 91 988 1,704 29 1,935 45 57 48 100 177 305 347 Switzerland ;.... ll 13 9 31 68 177 297 338 300 320 Turkev 4 4 9 9 3 84 ll 1 4 4 9 21 United Kingdom— England and Wales 2,009 532 2,765 759 3,929 998 3,999 1,397 13,421 5 7,491 2,285 11,444 10 4,992 . 2,127 10,159 3,727 1,093 19,557 4,936 1,583 5,849 2,432 23,630 6,155 2,645 6,351 2,323 18,735 1 5,973 2,128 Scotland Ireland 13,871 15,290 37 15,745 24,872 21,865 . 13 13,8’4 Not, specifi ed 77 1 Total United Kingdom 16,412 18,851 20,672 18,822 21,230 17,278 24,377 31,391 31,988 30,678 27,410 21,975 Countries not specified 12 22 20 28 i 10 14 44 94 120 i 82 Total Fn rope . „ 17,116 19,727 21,845 21,377 26,512 25,604 52,468 76,947 82,116 81,120 92,401 91,4S0 British Possessions in North America Mexico 14,181 2 17,540 5 26,788 4 37,114 52,076 8 67,077 3 215 8 333 9 644 19 988 20 1,020 . 22 1,230 20 Central America. 1 8 15 } 92 4 3 1 22 } 263 46 W est Indies—Cuba } 61 107 / 17 41 / 17 } 279 176 / 174 129 f 1C2 Other { * 62 86 I 62 { 210 209 \ 2C4 South America 31 19 32 35 22 15 ' 52 33 66 118 99 65 Atlantic islands, not specified 5 3 29 17 27 12 44 30 43 27 Asia and Oceania: Australia 27 27 25 14 2 32 44 31 50 China 3 3 4 23 76 102 1 5 6 ll 205 492 Xprjift _ _ 12 22 . 22 19 ll 9 18 J a pa n _ 4 10 5 7 9 HfWyaiian Island s 1 10 8 4 2 1 ll 3 Pqeific islands not, specified _ 1 28 10 6 3 9 29 12 Conn tri es not specified 5 7 6 6 9 282 2 12 19 7 16 17 Total Asia and Oceania 9 21 57 110 148 433 5 20 60 98 300 598 Africa 5 8 14 5 ll 8 10 5 20 28 22 26 Countrms not specified __ 51 20 9 22 251 1 9 18 18 Born at sea - 42 86 60 58 47 65 86 114 To^al foreign-born population 31,456 584 37,453 48,881 58,883 78,961 93,330 53,288 77,536 83,412 82,806 94,296 93,934 "Mativitv nnVnmvTi _ . 137 - 462 533 Total nat.iye population 551,129 590,689 578,034 590,053 582,125 601,136 438,916 521,791 697,482 852,137 948,094 1,094,110 Total population.................... 583,169 628,279 626,915 648,936 661,086 694,466 a 492,666 a 599,860 780,894 934,943 1,042,390 1,188,044 Per cent of foreign-born population 5.39 5.96 7.80 9.07 11.95 13.4 10.82 12.93 10.68 8.86 9.05 7.9 aSlaves not included. 4384 IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. [June, Nativities of the Foreign-born Population and the totals of Native" and Foreign-born Population in each State and Territory of the United States in 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, 1890, and 1900—Continued. NATIVITIES. Europe: Austria-Hungary— Bohemia Hungary Other Austria (except Poland).... Total Austria-Hungary. Belgium Denmark Finland France .... Germany, including Luxemburg . Greece Italy.. Netherlands '. Norway Poland Portugal.... Roumania Russia (except Poland) Spain Sweden’. Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom— England and Wales . Scotland Ireland Not specified Total United Kingdom. Countries not specified... Total Europe British Possessions in North America . Mexico Central America West Indies—Cuba Other South America Atlantic islands, not specified Asia and Oceania: Australia China India Japan Hawaiian Islands Pacific islands, not specified. Countries not specified Total Asia and Oceania . Africa Countries not specified. Born at sea Total foreign-born population . Nativity unknown Total native population Total population Per cent of foreign-born population. MASSACHUSETTS. 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 10 10 36 1S1 805 4,417 23 197 138 69 290 38 .178 253 72 14 16,899 4,469 115,917 123 123 110 14 255 38 213 1,280 9,838 25 440 351 171 81 61 145 685 335 16 104 267 1,629 13,077 24 454 480 302 272 735 154 179 1,386 491 50 24,168 6,855 185,434 294 34,675 9,003 216,120 80 137,285 I 216,751 | 259,878 279 82 308 219 576 2,212 16,885 41 2,116 586 639 681 1,161 462 211 4,756 604 102 581 389 1,148 2,118 295 1,512 3,273 28,040 59 8,066 609 2,519 3,341 3,051 7,325 304 18,624 1,052 310 48,136 12,507 226,700 89 77,927 21,909 259,902 113 287,432 i 359,851 810 , 926 3,955 5,691 510 2,470 5,104 3,905 31,401 1,843 28,785 993 3,335 21,503 13,453 128 26,963 239 32,192 1,277 2,896 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 84,026 24,832 249,916 21 112 13 945 10,260 1 14 2,542 110 25 . 10 16 118 2 10,747 2,361 13,430 358,274 |i 26,538 660 597 192 2,446 3S,127 5 87 6,335 440 112 7 68 ll 266 1,269 1,179 144 795 2,118 1,789 193 1,025 2,311 637 3,639 3,007 6,587 | 832 1,354 3,121 64,143 3 110 12,559 1,516 974 31 194 34 2,406 2,116 17 . 979 3,513 3,203 89,535 4 555 17,177 3,520 5,421 18 1,560 39 9,412 2,474 15 2,232 • 6,335 5,182 135,563 10 3,088 29,410 7,795 15,669 26 11,889 61 27,366 2,562 10 26,091 5,705' 30,049 ll 35, C09 8,552 42,013 26 44,032 10,731 43,413 64 61,856 86,200 98,240 | 107,290 | 84,202 56,123 12,068 39,065 34 82 144,006 | 231,623 15,862 32 7 303 84 27,069 21 326 168 433 122 27 466 65 17 128 251 126 97 160,909 3,539 830,066 ,994,514 16.18 260,114 1,666 969,286 1,231,066 21.13 171 i 134 | 106 280,032 ] 319,486 ! 440,455 70,055 20 7 128 279 152 1,944 82 115 58 12 53 49 108 477 99 23 103 353,319 i‘i04,*032 1,457,351 24.25 119,302 21 27 ! 158 1 676 / 220 2,424 107 314 231 27 99 68 54 124 153 207,601 94 61 i, 103 252 212 1,124 206 65 104 123 319 2,153 153 12 280 443,491 1,339,594 1,783,085 24.8 657,137 1,581,806 2,238,943 15 293,169 41 230 108 985 275 4,432 264 2,681 151 .78 94 2,140 5,408 139 209 351 846,324 1,959*022" 2,805,346 29.35 30.2 14,008 4 54,852 1,211 341,591 397,654 13.79 36,482 ll 149,092 1,532 598,489 749,113 19.90 221 53 177,949 238,725 89,590 25 13 115 16 13 90 . . 148,866 34 • 27 19 107 64 22 .106 163 378 37 2 160 268,010 *916*049' 1,184,059. 22.64 17 *249 388,508 116 I 181,416 89 14 138 75 27 2,160 835 6,049 9,044 2,647 6,390 18,910 2,590 125,191 134 6,178 ' 30,406 7,582 28,286 10 ll 4,138 61 26,956 2,617 101 44,677 10,343 29,182 60 361,191 | 355,514 184,398 56 103 21 108 62 17 122 140 70 39 7 24 475 9 .409 543,880 1,248,429 1,550,009 1,879,329 124 245 83 14 27 219 712 52 54 556 541,653 1,636,937 |2,093,889 j 2,420,982 23.74 25.97 22.4 1903.] IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES# 4885 Natiyities of the Foreign-born Population and the totals of Native and Foreign-born Population in each State and Territory of the United States in 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, 1890, and 1900—Continued. nativities. Europe: Austria-Hungary— Bohemia Hungary Other Austria (except Poland). Total Austria-Hungary. Belgium Denmark Finland France Germany, including Luxemburg. Greece Italy Netherlands Norway Poland • Portugal Roumania Russia (except Poland) Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom— England and Wales. Scotland Ireland Not specified Total United Kingdom., Countries not specified Total Europe British Possessions in North America. Mexico Central America West Indies—Cuba Other South America Atlantic islands, not specified Asia and Oceania: Australia China India Japan Hawaiian Islands . Pacific islands, not specified . Countries not specified Total Asia and Oceania . Africa Countries not specified. Born at sea Total foreign-born population. Nativity unknown Total native population. Total population Per cent of foreign-born population. MINNESOTA. 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 29 146 86 39 271 896 860 94 170 867 17,540 47 391 8,425 127 59 2 3,178 1,085 '3,884 1,079 12,831 4 17,798 627 50,647 1,417 8,023 2 2,048 22 4,007 . 6,077 33.70 42 48 58,728 78 113,217 172,023 2,166 209 2,647 5,022 7,759 356 2,607 10,722 9,655 1,256 5,168 16,079 622 1,910 1,743 42,537 40 1,855 35,940 246 109 5 20,987 2,162 ll 615 6,071 1,351 69,541 124 1,581 62,521 2,218 2 2,272 19 39,176 2,828 10 910 14,133 1,869 117,625 14 828 1,796 101,169 7,503 22 7,233 36 99,913 3,745 45 143,781 16, 79 160,697 *279,' 009 439,706 34.14 36.55 9,598 2,964 25,942 47 38,551 37 237,639 29,631 - 6 10 6 32 29 10 152 14 147 267,676 513,097 780,773 34.28 16,200 5,315 28, 011 15 49,541 11,147 2,182 8,872 22,201 957 16,299 10,727 1,449 117,437 75 2,222 2,717 104,895 ll,361 8 483 5,907 150 115,476 3,258 125 MISSISSIPPI. 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 16 13,310 4,810 22,428 40,548 428 422,889 43,580 31 6 61 62 18 111 106 71 3 3 30 57 381 -30 53 245 467,356 *834*470' 1,301,826 35.90 29 456,324 47,578 24 • 22 22 42 39 24 81 153 50 58 25 340 707 39 140 357 505,318 1,246*676 1,751,394 28.9 16 440 1,135 121 8 8 603 317 1,928 2,848 41 571 .,967 2 114 39 15 87 3 26 49 21 138 1 865 385 3,893 1 5,144 10 193 630 2,962 8 147 35 78 78 3 21 78 970 266 2 12 14 126 152 507 2,556 6 260 .27 56 79 6 76 99 302 144 1 6 41 144 440 2,285 9 425 25 54 74 5 120 61 305 111 1,113 434 3,359 4,906 1,059 303 2,753 5 4,120 905 203 1,865 3 2,976 4,718 6 110 81 1,339 184 4 4,958 576 291,114 «295,648 1.67 8,558 5,063 341,053 «354,674 2.41 25 134 10,516 5,635 375 32 4 21 31 50 125 17 10 ll,191 *83.6,*731 827,922 1.35 ,309 39 3 ll 37 14 72 12 9,209 1,122,388 1,131,597 .81 122 7,316 345 31 ll 7 106 13 1 132 7,952 1,281.,* 648* 1,289,600 13 40 246 299 24 86 • 28 365 1,927 22 845 41 74 90 4 23 414 76 303 83 28 828 196 1,264 2,288 73 7,093 420 48 25 10 35 ll 1 15 206 1 289 36 2 ll 7,981 1*543*289 1,551,270 .62 I .5 a Staves not included, 4386 IMMIGEATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. [June, Natiyities of the Foeeign-boen Population and the totals of Native and Foeeign-boen Population in each State and Teeeitoey of the United States in 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, 1890, and 1900—Continued. NATIVITIES. Europe: Austria-Hungary— Bohemia Hungary Other Austria (except Poland). Total Austria-Hungary Belgium.. Denmark Finland France Germany, including Luxemburg., Greece Italy Netherlands Norway . Poland Portugal Roumania Russia (except Poland) Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom— England and Wales. Scotland Ireland Not specified Total United Kingdom. Countries not specified... Total Europe 1850 2,138 45,049 125 189 155 ll 29 46 37 984 7 5,555 1,049 14,734 21,338 British Possessions in North America. Mexico Central America West Indies—Cuba Other South America Atlantic islands, not specified Asia and Oceania: Australia China India Japan Hawaiian islands Pacific islands, not specified . Countries not specified Total Asia and Oceania . Africa Countries not specified. Born at sea Total foreign-bom population. Nativity unknown Total native population Total population Per cent of foreign-bom population . 70,292 1,053 94 7 954 72,474 1,322 520,826 a 594,622 12.19 1860 3,132 3,132 311 464 5,283 85,355 9 603 769 146 339 28 72 52 239 4,585 3 1870 3,517 599 1,493 5,609 536 665 6,293 113,618 2 936 1,167 297 619 21 140 55 2,302 6,597 4 10,314 2,021 43,464 114 65,913 15,838 3,283 54,983 37 74,141 77 I 215 157,380 213,217 2,814 75 1 137 21 6 160,541 2,940 903,600 al, 067,081 15.04 8,448 90 7 ' 37 98 37 15 132 37 18 131 222,267 "i,*499,*028 1,721,295 12.92 1880 3,342 354 1,655 5,351 505 970 4,642 107,007 18 1,074 1,122 373 801 16 340 135 3 174 6,064 22 1880 3,255 582 2,660 6,497 1,3 4,175 125,516 16 2,416 740 526 1,651 38 2,414 78 5,602 6,765 58 1900 3,453 902 4,458 8,813 864 1,510 65 3,288 109,294 66 4,345 812 530 3,680 16 115 6,672 61 5,692 6,819 88 17,564 3,641 48,898 44 70,147 20,510 4,601 40,966 27 66,104 233 i, 685 85 ll 58 109 66 9 232 224,927 8,525 130 19 148 90 14 17,279 3,878 31,832 76 205,795 8,616 162 99 47 101 123 10 108 106 41 65 17 19 17 373 38 151 211,578 1,956,802 2,168,380 9.76 106 425 85 6 10 23 58 713 29 9 265 234,869 2,*444,*31.5 2,679,184 8.77 144 442 ll 25 339 994 39 63 330 216,379 *2*896*286 3,106,665 7.0 1870 1880 25 I 193 1,238 3 34 18 88 55 2 141 97 889 208 1,635 4,801 1,172 31 1 1,943 1,945 7,979 ’i2,*6i6* 20,595 38.73 20 190 161 1,725 3 64 24 174 32 6 25 9 280 171 1,495 324 2,408 2 4,229 8 7,216 1890 98 48 939 1,085 64 683 * 478 5,611 'll 734 103 1,957 93 25 719 6 3,771 468 9 7,199 1,588 6,648 1 15,436 16 31,269 2,481 28 1 2 4 4 10 1,756 5 1,773 9 11,521 27,638 39,159 29.49 9,040 49 13 1900 47 2,564 13 7 1 19 5 2,656 43,096 *89*063* 132,159 32.64 177 274 3,575 4,026 145 1,041 2,103 539 7,169 20 2,199 316 3,354 213 34 28 394 20 5,346 796 157 9,012 2,422 9,436 20,870 9 48,779 13,826 47 4 9 9 23 5 1,675 17 2,427 26 23 4,261 16 28 60 67,067 *176*262 243,329 27.6 a Staves not included. 1903. J IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. 4387 Natiyittes oi? the Foreign-born Population and the totals op Native and Foreign-born Population in each State and Territory op the United States in 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, 1890, and 1900—Continued. NATIVITIES. Europe: Austria-Hungary— Bohemia Hungary Other Austria (except Poland). Total Austria-Hungary. Belgium Denmark Finland France Germany, including Luxemburg., Greece 'Italy Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Boumania Russia (except Poland) Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom— England and Wales. Scotland Ireland Not specified Total United Kingdom. Countries not specified. Total Europe British Possessions in North America . Mexico Central America West Indies—Cuba Other South America Atlantic islands, not specified Asia and Oceania: Australia China India Japan Hawaiian islands Pacific islands, not specified . Countries not specified Total Asia and Oceania . Africa Countries not specified. Born at sea Total foreign-born population . Nativitv unknown Total native population Total population Per cent of foreign-born population., 1860 ll ll 12 150 151 1,731 20 27 103 13 1 70 228 1,599 283 1', 431 2 3,315 5,853 438 18 6,351 34 22,441 a 28,826 22.03 1870 1,770 73 299 2,142 15 1,129 340 10,954 44 180 506 57 27 3 2,352 593 1 1880 8,858 189 2,346 11,393 208 4,511 749 31,383 3 62 753 2,010 1,128 7 3,281 ll 10,164 1,579 13 3,823 792 4,.999 2 9,616 27 27,986 2,635 ll 51 30,748 *92,’245 a 122,993 25.00 8,831 2,230 10,133 19 21,213 33 88,501 1,622 14 12 6 29 15 17 122 ll 65 97,414 354,988 452,402 21.53 1890 16,803 449 4,032 21,284 262 14,345 1,256 72,769 10 717 1,149 3,632 2,332 14 5,454 26 28,364 2,542 31 1900 16,138 461 3,893 20,492 272 12,531 37 876 65,666 23 752 885 2,883 3,094 6 24 8,083 182 24,693 2,340 . 55 15,654 3,839 15,963 10,679 2,773 ll,127 35,456 143 189,786 12,105 34 1 29 43 17 24,579 33 167,506 9,049 27 5 5 26 25 7 74 216 42 8 3 18 29 59 190 20 • 9 15 210 390 202,542 *856*368 503 20 18 156 177,347 *888*953' 1,066,300 1676 1860 12 12 52 442 315 98 651 1,064 1,700 208 85 2,064 65 4,728 6,857 30.10 1870 7 3 157 167 28 208 414 2,181 5 199 44 80 50 104 48 15 217 247 4 2,850 630 5,035 10 8,525 12,537 1880 15 15 162 192 25 350 393 2,216 6 1,560 21 119 64 207 41 32 317 709 5 1890 ll 6 135 152 12 332 226 1,563 7 1,129 4 69 39 197 39 97 314 429 2 4,461 671 5,191 15 10,338 22 16,617 2,365 226 7 6 19 83 45 75 3,146 3,245 19 238 ll 18,801 *23*690’ 42,491 44.23 3,147 220 18 3 24 73 13 } »{ 81 5,402 12 3 8 6 5,513 20 25,653 36,613 62,266 41.24 2,361 360 2,646 5,367 9,987 1,662 121 1 39 2,792 8 3 2 12 1 2,857 ll 14,706 31,055 45,761 32.18 1900 5 3 96 104 339 51 303 1,179 4 1,296 3 50 25 176 27 178 278 344 1 1,295 247 1,425 2,967 7,336 1,052 98 10 1 1 26 £0 23 1,279 2 228 10 1 1,543 13 10,093 aSlaves not included. 4388 IMMIGRATION. INTO THE UNITED. STATUS. Nativities of the Fobeign-born Population and the totals of Native and Foreign-born Population in each State and Territory of the United States in 1850,1860, 1870,1880, 1890, and' 1900—Continued. NEW HAMPSHIRE. NEW JERSEY. NATIVITIES. 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 ! 1850 ! 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 Europe: Austria-Hungary— Bohemia 4 10 3 ll 271 429 306 1,063 Hungary 3 19 84 85 272 3,417 4,641 14,913 Other Austria (except Boland).... 1 21 9 44 96 201 20 506 686 864 14,728 Total Austria-Hungary.............. 1 21 16 54 118 296 20 506 1,042 1,565 8,364 30,704 Belgium 1 5 7 25 43 109- 191 255 645 1,197 Denmark 3 3 ll 30 64 75 28 175 510 1,264 2,991 3,899 367 Finland 321 France 69 103 60 98 222 211 942 2,408 33,266 2 3,130 54,008 12 3,739 64,963 12 4,714 106,189 27 5,543 Germany, including Luxemburg 149 391 436 789 1,631 2,006 44 10,743 4 119,630 115 Greece..*.7 1 1 Italy 18 9 32 312 947 31 109 257 1,547 4,281 229 12,989 7,924 1,317 3,615 20 41,865 10,261 N eth erlands 1 8 5 ll 10 21 357 1,328 65 2,944 90 Norway 2 5 55 79 251 295 4 2,296 Poland 1 2 ll 30 864 120 279 748 14,357 62 Portugal 8 8 12 19 25 29 16 14 37 23 â– Ron mania 1 478 Russia (except Poland) 2 7 188 ' 722 22 38 90 301 5,320 145 19,745 145 Spain 8 15 7 • 17 8 5 23 36 71 114 Sweden 12 20 42 131 1,210 62 2,032 96 34 88 554 1,622 3,040 50 4,159 4,158 71 7,337 Switzerland 9 12 ll 27 204 1,144 6 2,061 22 6,570 Turkey ..... 1 9 12 22 65 636 United Kingdom— England and Wales 1,480 ' 2,305 741 2,706 892 3,518 1,102 13,052 ll 4,838 5,168 2,019 11,543 2,263 31,092 16,223 3,556 62,006 27,418 5,710 86,784 397 32,148 44,847 13,163 46,623 14,211 94,844 Scotland 467 1,906 7,633 Ireland 8,811 12,737 2 12,190 107 14,890 13,547 93,079 22 101,059 7 N of, speci fied 4 1 Total United Kingdom.............. 10,758 15,785 15,895 17,683 21,638 20,734 44,898 81,786 120,309 132,882 159,076 155,678 Oountries not specified i. 2 4 1 2 14 33 77 266 37 Total Europe 11,020 16,394 16,573 19,010 25,799 ; 28,791 57,369 121,214 185,640 216,712 321,990 420,922 British Possessions in North America ..... Mexico 2,501 5 4,468 j 6 12,955 1 27,142 3 46,321 9 58,967 3 581 23 1,144 27 2,474 46 3,536 65 : 4,698 66 7,132 55 Cientra.l America 1 48 4 3 2 2 ll 18 43 1 576 156 West Indies—Cuba } 17 14 f 5 4 } 19 f 9 \ 265 278 / 109 t 255 118 146 f 240 Other i ll 7 { 12 375 { 573 South America n ll 9 13 12 9 27 39 157 211 266 Atlantic islands, not specified............. 2 8 ll 4 15 5 53 71 89 Asia and Oceania: Australia 4: 14 16 13 9 7 40 80 112 175 China 2 5 20 74 104 4 3 30 196 - 657 1,344 94 67 India 7 6 17 6 40 131 100 Japan 8 1 ll 10 31 Hawaiian Island s 3 18 4 3 2 1 2 36 6 Pacific islands, not specified 1 ! 5 6 8 8 1 16 31 23 Countries not specified 4 10 ; 2 2 14 73 10 34 34 16 59 248 Total Asia and Oceania 7 35 32 52 134 201 14 53 158 485 996 1,951 Africa 3 4 ; 4 3 - 6 • ' 8 J 17 13 29 41 159 Kb Coirntries not specified 7 4 1 4 76 66 5 12 21 150 Born at sea.... ll 12 21 24 .86 112 144 244 Total foreign-born population 13,571 178 20,938 110 ' 29,611 46,294 72,340 88,107 58,364 122,790 761 188,943 221,700 328,975 431,884 Na tivity unknown 528 Total native population................... 304,227 305,025 : 288,689 300,697 304,190 323,481 430,441 548,466 717,153 909,416 1,115,958 1,451,7S5 Total population.................... 317,976 326,073 ; 318,300 346,991 376,530 411,588 a 489,333 a 672,017 906,096 1,131,116 1,444,933 1,883,669 Per cent of foreign-born population 4.27 6,42 9.28 13.31 19.21 21.4 11.93 18.27 20.85 19.60 22.77 1 22.9 a Slaves not included. 1903.] IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. 4389 NaTIYITIES OF THE FoEEIGN-BOEN POPULATION AND THE TOTALS OF NATIVE AND POEEIGX-BOEN POPULATION IN EACH STATE AND Teeeitoey of the United States in 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, 1890, and 1900—Continued. NEW MEXICO. NEW YORK. NATIYITIES. Europe: Austria-Hungary— Bohemia Hungary Other Austria (except Poland) Total Austria-Hungary Belgium Denmark . Finland France . Germany, including Luxemburg... Greece Italy Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal.. Roumania Russia (except Poland) Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom— England and Wales Scotland Ireland Not specified Total United Kingdom Countries not specified Total Europe British Possessions in North America.. Mexico Central America West Indies—Cuba Other •South America Atlantic islands, not specified Asia and Oceania: Australia China India Japan Hawaiian Islands Pacific islands, not specified Countries not specified Total Asia and Oceania Africa Countries not specified Born at sea Total foreign-born population ... Nativity unknown Total native population Total population Per cent of f oreign-born population 1850 26 229 1860 1870 1880 1890 8 9 172 1900 15 41 852 16 | 85 189 I 408 108 564 1 ll 6 2 13 5 15 124 582 167 730 284 1,415 1 355 46 42 24 14 73 23 149 122 1 25 57 29 298 1,865 1 661 99 33 55 6 2 99 27 244 123 13 44 29 292 365 147 49 827 1 1,024 129 36 543 367 110 795 708 | 1,272 1,380 436 966 1850 1,073 427 692 2,782 | 2,192 12 652 38 1,365 2,063 223 50,261 61,547 1,810 | 1,574 | 2,493 76 4,815 125 3,913 1 280 5,173 5,614 681 4,504 1 16 10 2 12 369 . 7 4 413 * L 6,723 150 86,643 93,516 3.35 7.19 5,620 “86*254 91,874 6.11 8,051 111,514 119,565 11,259 142,334 153,593 6.74 7.35 5,745 764 6,649 13 5 4 9 1 12 314 6 9 397 13,625 *i8i,*685 195,310 168 401 429 12,515 120,609 833 2,917 392 194 617 461 753 1,850 12 1860 2,438 2,438 860 1,196 21,826 253,8L4 35 1,910 5,354 539 2,296 353 1870 2,071 709 3,928 6,708 984 1,701 22,302 317,188 60 3,592 6,426 975 4,061 237 1,013 809 1,678 6,166 39 92,402 23,418 343,111 458,931 601,082 47,200 83 29 1,067 179 34 114,009 27,641 498,072 131 639,853 86 940,265 55,273 116 55 1,957 312 96 1,473 818 5,522 7,916 71 117,928 27,282. 528,806 90 1880 8,748 4,440 6,530 19,718 1890 9,129 15,598 33,145 57,872 1800 16,347 37,168 78,491 132,006 1,288 3,145 20,321 356,440 94 15,113 8,399 2,185 11,999 295 5,438 1,216 11,164 10,721 180 123,585 28,066 499,445 263 674,106 651,359 124 1,054,264 79,042 127 49 1,824 1,303 442 112 36 ll 206 140 398 80 1,941 651,801 j 998,640 6,297 j 4,096 2,439,296 2,877,999 213 177 102 9 27 6 105 639 377 1,119,452 84,182 237 65 2,227 1,734 754 146 341 1,015 310 32 97 96 81 1,972 1,342 6,238 20,443 498,667 413 64,141 8,366 8,602 22,718 284 58,466 1,603 28,430 ll,557 427 1,787 8,746 4,048 20,008 480,101 1,573 182,248 9,414 12,601 69,755 362 10,549 165,610 1,614 42,708 13,678 1,915 152,168 35,332 483,375 362 142,989 33,862 425,553 671,237 602,404 5,147 1,465,953 93,193 330 237 4,065 921 496 683 3,135 349 209 45 112 358 4,891 92 166 293 1,138,353 1,211,379 3,244,406 3,097,394 3,880,735 |4,382,759 21.04 25.73 25.97 156 *454' 3,871,492 4,426,803 299 80 585 1,571,050 5,082,871 |5,997,853 [ 7,268,894 286 1,761,413 117,535 353 1,046 2,195 4,241 1,130 461 706 6,880 403 392 113 1,744 473 339 1,001 1,900,425 5,368,469 23.85 26.19 26.1 No. 12 9 4390 IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATE S [June, Nativities of the Foreign-born Population and the totals of Native and Foreign-born Population in each State and Territory of the United States in 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, 1890, and 1900—Continued. NATIVITIES. NORTH CAROLINA. 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 Europe: Austria-Hungary— Bohemia Hungary Other Austria (except Poland). Total Austria-Hungary 10 29 1,317 1,429 234 3,699 6,232 1,477 1,681 11,009 5,431 5,115 19 28 29 39 1,317 5,362 9,390 21,555 Belgium Denmark Finland France..- Germany (including Luxemburg) , Greece Italy Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Roumania Russia (except Poland) Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey 43 363 44 755 United Kingdom— England and Wales. Scotland Ireland Not specified 401 1,012 567 Total United Kingdom., Countries not specified Total Europe 2,439 British Possessions in North America. Mexico Central America West Indies—Cuba Other South America Atlantic islands, not specified ,. Asia and Oceania: Australia China India Japan Hawaiian Islands Pacific islands, not specified. Countries not specified Total Asia and Oceania. 749 637 889 2,275 3,212 Africa Countries not specified. Born at sea Total foreign-born population . Nativity unknown Total native population 2,524 217 577,750 Total population Per cent of foreign-born population., a 580,491 0.43 3,299 192 658,072 a 661,563 0.50 54 904 2 19 13 5 8 12 59 950 1 42 23 10 18 12 55 1,077 1 28 7 13 9 ll 16 36 3 95 1,191 14 201 17 21 45 8 6 253 6 68 77 16 103 53 519 164 639 284 754 642 870 956 7,375 112,022 189 348 18 12,870 166,893 5 616 1,756 19 326 9 12,781, 183,226 4 564 2,018 64 526 22 10,136 193,081 22 1,064 2,455 178 2,039 38 7,171 235,696 59 3,857 1,514 511 5,937 86 84 28 55 3,291 1 452 38 117 11,078 5 181 31 252 12,727 610 81 1,186 ll,989 101 4,576 61 2,742 11,070 77 500 420 677 4 750 408 611 5 905 381 451 1,774 1,737 25 13 2,791 3,130 3,233 171 2 425 1 7 ll 45 21 3 355 8 2 28 7 8 35 42 32 24 40 3,029 3,742 1,068,332 1,396,008 8,702 1,614,245 1,071,361 1,399,750 1,617,947 0.28 0.27 0.23 924 320 371 31,509 5,232 51,562 41,065 6,535 76,826 148 49,500 7,819 82,674 35 55,318 8,946 78,927 76 63,852 10,275 70,127 80 1,615 88,303 124,574 140,028 143,267 144,334 20 61 3,747 211,906 320,819 480 4 2 9 28 12 1 5,880 26 12 86 41 7,082 31 1 102 33 14 3 110 165 10 105 7 544 4,492 1,889,* 33.8' 218,512 4,359 1,757,556 328,254 4,440 2,006,817 1,893,810 1,980,427 2,339,511 0.2 11.03 14.03 64 452 350 358,781 377,485 441,422 12, S 41 9 13 121 38 2 16,146 43 10 43 191 91 206 135 157 45 3 45 ll 32 145 428 24 46 285 260 372,493 2,292,* 767 394,943 2,803,119 2,665,260 3,198,062 13.9 12.35 16,515 65 23 128 112 ll 15,131 16,463 ll, 575 43,169 600 1,468 2,814 5,604 204,225 213 ll,321 1,719 639 16,822 117 100 8,203 44 3,951 12,007 164 56,226 9,327 55,018 120,571 85 433,836 22,767 53 89 32 122 79 18 168 211 68 26 6 19 119 146 348 67 28 20 457 617 1,066 60 ll 329 89 53 530 459,293 3,21.3,’023 458,734 3*698*811 3,672,316 4,157,545 12.50 ll a Staves not included. 1903.] IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES, 4391 Natiyities of the Foreign-born Population and the totals of Native and Foreign-born Population in each State and Tereitory of the United States in 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, 1890, and 1900—Continued. NATIYITIES. Europe: Austria-Hungary— Bohemia „ Hungary Other Austria (except Poland). Total Austria-Hungary. Belgium Denmark Finland France Germany (including Luxemburg) . Greece Italy Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Eoumania Russia (except Poland) Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey OKLAHOMA. 1830 259 22 56 337 82 739 1 ll 6 36 4 1 57 1 138 54 1800 1,168 158 485 1,811 54 226 300 5,117 3 28 73 118 156 9 1 2,649 16 494 361 37 United Kingdom— England and Wales. Scotland Ireland Not specified 309 118 329 1,215 333 987 Total United Kingdom. Counfnes not specified... Total Europe 756 2,535 3 I ll 2,268 | 13,999 British Possessions in North America. Mexico Central America West Indies—Cuba Other South America Atlantic islands, not specified Asia and Oceania: Australia China India Japan Hawaiian Islands Pacific islands, not specified . Countries not specified 420 ll 1 2 1 1,427 70 1 1 7 7 2 Total Asia and Oceania . Africa Countries not specified. Born at sea Total foreign-born population . Nativity unknown Total native population Total population . Per cent of foreign-born population . 30 131 2,740 59,094 61,834 4.42 15,680 382,651 398,331 3.9 1850 45 156 1860 17 1870 17 | 97 1880 109 36 317 1890 79 73 664 198 1,061 308 1,875 67 5 205 160 216 106 • 196 722 217 1,266 5 518 2,210 1,410 394 1,967 3,771 95 385 514 5,051 86 167 127 574 92 59 379 19 983 730 261 1,288 842 12,479 78 589 244 2,271 96 115 2,583 24 3,774 2,083 4 1900 3,061 1,129 3,659 64 7,913 6,042 2,242 4,891 ll 13,186 750 293 1 52 57 1,159 143 11,992 13,294 8.72 3,867 I 663 26 55 425 56 1,187 51 1 5 31 23 4 40 3,327 536 5,122 295 47,048 52,465 3,396 21 11,600 79,323 90,923 9.76 12.76 57 i 66 17,702 40,799 3,019 40 8 5 25 42 10 6,460 49 300 9,472 12 2 16 3 2 9,607 145 9,465 20 29 32 106 30 9,827 39 30,503 144,265 174,768 20 45 57,317 256,450 313,767 18.25 231 156 1,280 298 1,663 2,331 775 13,316 95 1,014 324 2,789 313 142 24 1,753 56 4,555 2,677 29 6,064 2,283 4,210 12,557 ll 45,802 7,508 53 9 4 27 33 ll 138 9,367 38 2,522 115 21 12,201 ll 8 81 65,748 *347,*788 413,536 15.9 4392 IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES, [June, Natiyities of the Foreign-born Population and the totals of Native and Foreign-born Population in each State and Territory of the United States in 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, 1890, and 1900—Continued. PENNSYLVANIA. RHODE ISLAND. NATIYITIES. 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1850 1860 1870 1880. 1890 1800 Europe: Austria-Hungary— 580 1,058 1,168 2,317 2,031 24,901 21,038 3,368 47,393 19 , 29 14 41 144 5 5 19 69 Other Austria (except Poland).... 49 783 1,536 67,492 1 ll 19 28 177 578 49 783 2,260 â–  4,543 47,970 118,253 1 ll .43 62 210 688 126 218 399 552 3,149 2,010 4,132 2 2 6 20 147 383 97 234 5G1 945 2,531 , 15 10 24 55 154 268 988 132 4,083 79,005 8,302 8,695 7,949 168,543 31 '9,033 230,535 9,158 212,492 465 80 123 167 312 460 679 137,461 4 ^ 160^ 218 14 235 804 1,201 2 1,967 7 3,200 16 4,300 84 81 4 172 625 784 2,794 1,068 381 24,662 652 66,655 637 25 33 58 313 2,468 44 ' 8,972 69 Netherlands 257 766 819 12 14 45 51 Norway ... 27 83 115 2,238 25,191 131 1,393 76,358 124 . 25 38 22 56 285 342 Poland _ 215 777 3,790 175 5 13 , 97 182 1,862 Portugal 34 90 89 58 , 86 146 210 833 2.545 110 Pnnmania. 1,259 50,959 . 189 T?nsain, (oxce.pt, Poland) 139 250 229 1,040 168 17,315 216 1 6 13 25 682 2,429 23 Spain 101 147 146 14 . 8 12 65 17 Sweden 133 448 2,266 5,765 13 7,575 6,343 63 19,346 6,149 166 24,130 6,707 551 17 33 106 776 3,392 133 6,072 Switzerland 914 4,404 8 8 37 74; 122 166 Turkey 1 1 7 j 63 284 United Kingdom— England and Wales 46,968 7,292 : 59,647 10,137 201,939 14 97,298 16,846 235,798 237 109,549 20,735 163,390 32,081 150,284 30,386 205,909 4,502 988 6,375 1,517 25,285 9,347 1,948 12,667 3,039 21,095 4,984 23,088 5,455 35,501 Scotland Irela nd 151,723 236,505 76 243,836 56 15,944 31,534 35,281 3 38,920 Not, specified 155 12 1 Total United Kingdom ! 205,983 | 271,737 350,179 366,865 439,363 386,579 21,434 : |‘ 33,177 42,984 50,990 65,011 64,044 Countries not specified 1 65 1 168 211 1,079 292 9 5 1 19 . 38" 4 Total Europe - 291,129 425,840 j 533,497 573,036 829,286 963,852 1 21,928 34,400 44,922 | 55,154 77,335 93,456 British Possessions in North'America ^Texico 2,500 42 3,484 60 10,022 86 12,376 95 12,171 114 14,760 110 i, 024 2,830 10,242 2 18,306 2 27,934 8 39,277 4 Central America 4 4 6 29 57 199 21 } 57 10 9 } 119 17 West Indies—Cuba } 666 709 f 379 335 } 1,047 f 421 73 f 38’ 35 r 16 Other { 514 582 { 729 { 29 109 { 169 South America 83 78 111 236 271 235 4 23 13 23 32 47 Atlantic isiands not, specified 27 46 41 78 67 24 81 185 547 320 Asia and Oceania: Anstraiia, ....... 55 122 242 440 484 • 2 13 ll 23 47 China, 1 21 32 182 1,208 140 1,840 99 2 40 75 344 TnrHn * 87 93 13 30 29 22 T a ruin . 1 _ 1 17 45 53 4 8 14 Hawaiian Islands 3 4 i 7 26 8 8 5 4 4 5 Pacific islands not, specified 4 1 33 66 53 4 2 46 33 13 Countries not, specified 42 59 63 49 195 1,277 1 15 3 3 59 432 Total Asia and Oceania ...... 46 143 313 642 2,102 3,806 9 28 35 138 232 872 Africa 40 26 44 71 117 170 9 14 22 ll 25 123 Countries not specified 361 134 58 81 241 52 2 38 164 Born at spa 233 386 396 660 h 20 28 54 Total foreign-born population Nativity unknown 294,871 2,296 2,014,619 430,505 2,427 2,473,283 545,309 587,829 845,720 985,250 23,111 135 37,394 86 55,396 73,993 106,305 134,519 Total native population 2,976,642 3,695,062 4,412,294 5,316,865 124,299 137,140 161,957 202,538 239,201 294,037 Total population 2,311,786 2,906,215 3,521,951 4,282,891 5,258,014 6,302,115 147,545 174,620 217,353 276,531 345,506 . 428,556 Per cent of foreign-born population 12.75 14.82 15.48 13.73 16.08 15.6 15.66 21.41 25.52 26.73 30.77 I i 31.4 1903.] IMMIGRATION' INTO THE UNITED STATES, 4393 Nativities of the Foreign-born Population and the totals of Native and Foreign-born Population in each State and Territory of the United States in 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, 1890, and 1900—Continued. NATIVITIES. SOUTH CAROLINA. TENNESSEE. 1850 1860 1870 1880 1880 1900 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 Europe: Austria-Hungary— Bohemia 1 6 10 31 18 , 46 ll 13 75 14 19 77 37 87 112 30 123 111 13 257 180 16 296 284 Hungary Other Austria (except Poland) Total Austria-Hungary Belgium Denmark Finland ll 54 10 75 ll 54 17 95 99 110 10 75 236 264 450 596 24 5 38 10 50 9 60 1 ll 36 10 55 9 84 2,075 62 180 6 49 103 6 6 316 15 65 36 4 4 8 18 32 19 88 12 98 21 92 26 117 16 332 4,569 38 1,222 52 141 322 4 927 14 337 1,004 34 France Germany, including Luxemburg Greece Italy Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Roumania 274 2,224 1 59 9 7 14 219 2,893 59 25 4 142 15 143 2,754 63 32 66 8 131 2,846 23 84 16 5 128 5 138 2,502 37 106 7 23 63. 7 245 1,200 2 61 57 2 439 3,794 3 379 50 14 97 14 662 4,543 4 483 100 37 221 5 523 3,991 8 443 66 25 212 4 490 5,369 8 788 47 41 182 4 Russia (except Poland) Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey 19 30 29 18 19 34 -38 33- 31 30 ' 61 45 1 29 48 63 73 2 178 25 60 47 1 9 3 8 266 44 4 32 666 1 74 12 349 802 4 • 70 19 251 1,026 18 463 17 332 1,027 6 United Kingdom— England and Wales Scotland Ireland * Not, specified 937 651 4,051 768 502 4,906 1 632 310 3,262 2 680 354 2,626 4 601 293 1,665 3 482 239 1,131 723 327 2,640 2,087 577 12,498 3 2,399 555 8,048 6 2,258 516 5,975 18 3,472 704 5,016 5 2,507 544 3,3 /2 Total United Kingdom.- Countries not specified Total Europe British Possessions in North America Mexico A m evi pji. 5,633 6,177 4,206 3,664 2,562 1,852 I 3,690 15,165 11,008 8,767 9,197 6,423 | 22 36 10 44 ii i' 37 36 67 | 158 61 8,352 | 9,777 7,553 7,291 5,946 5,054 5,565 20,764 18,583 15,864 | 18,692 16,242 57 4 86 1 77 2 1 / 73 I 51 2 13 141 1 1 20 57 19 1 159 2 2 1 56 24 5 204 2 9 r 14 { 1 6 76 12 I 387 ll 1 29 9 2 587 17 545 17 7 ll 24 27 2 1 1,020 35 12 } 35 57 7 1,015 29 35 r 21 I 25 26 5 West Indies—Cuba Other South America Atlantic islands, not specified Asia and Oceania: -Australia | 177 8 93 7 1 } 20 { 16 21 1 43 6 4 5 14 2 1 61 14 1 2 7 4 4 9 31 29 26 24 1 16 19 54 13 4 2 8 n 18 66 9 4 China T'prjiflr â–  i 1 3 23 5 Japan ................................. Hawaiian T®! a p* d s T _ _ 1 2 3 1 1 ll Pacific islands, not specified Countries not specified Total Asia and Oceania Africa Countries not- Fpppifierl _ _ 4 1 10 1 9 • 1 6 2 76 3 4 9 140 5 14 63 27 35 154 3 16 19 136 m 246 9 50 7 232 123 30 4 7 27 6 5 59* 5 2 51 2 15 39 34 3 23 37 16 19 Born at spa 7 5 30 Total foreign-born population XTQ+iTrifv nnVnown 8,662 48 274,813 9,986 72 291,244 8,074 7,686 6,270 5,528 5,740 1,759 755,655 21,226 855 812,001 19,316 16,702 20,029 17,746 Total native population Total population Per cent of foreign-born population—... 697,532 987,891 1,144,879 1,334,788 1,239,204 1,525,657 1,747,489 2,002,870 a283,523 o301,802 705,606 | 995,577 11,151,149 1,340,316 . a763,154 j «834,082 1,258,520 jl, 542,359 1,767,518 2,020,616 3.05 3.31 •1.14 j .77 | .55 .4 .75 2.54 1.54 1.08 1.14 .9 a Staves not included. 4394 IMMIGEATION INTO THE UNITED STATES, [June, Nativities of the Foreign-born Population, and the totals of Native and Foreign-born Population in each State and Territory of the United States in 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, 1890, and 1900—Continued. NATIVITIES. TEXAS. UTAH. 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 Europe: Austria-Hungary— 781 2,669 3,215 9,204 3 3 8 13 Hungary 46 104 228 593 1 7 23 33 Other Austria (except Poland).... ll 730 1,748 3,474 8,758 6,870 3 51 4 22 109 240 Total Austria-Hungary ll 730 2,575 6,247 12,201 16,667 | 3 51 8 32 140 | 286 8 30 73 109 216 244 2 5 13 29 Denmark 49 150 159 489 649 1,089 2 1,824 4,957 7,791 9,023 9,132 113 734 France 647 1,883 2,232 2,653 2,730 2,025 13 21 63 129 205 2.0 Germany, including Luxemburg •8,266 19,823 23,985 35,362 48,846 48,311 56 107 358 890 2,121 2,3C2 Greece 2 21 37 145 169 1 2 3 3 Italy 41 69 186 539 2,107 3,942 1 59 74 138 347 1,052 N eth erl an ds 14 76 54 228 130 262 12 122 141 254 523 Norway 105 326 403 880 1,313 1,356 32 159 613 1,214 1,854 2,128 Poland 783 448 995 1,591 3,348 2 ll 16 20 65 Portugal 5 10 23 74 89 62 1 2 4 26 8 Roumania 45 1 Russia (except Poland) 10 42 62 279 977 2,259 1 13 54 . 290 119 Spain 62 59 150 240 259 280 1 5 2 76 12 8 Sweden. 48 153 364 1,293 2,806 4,388 1 196 1,790 3,750 5,986 7,025 Switzerland 134 453 599 1,203 1,711 1,709 1 78 509 1,040 1,336 1,469 Turkey 3 3 12 53 216 . 86 2 18 United Kingdom— England and Wales 1,019 1,743 2,092 6,749 9,762 8,526 1,181 8,029 17,856 22,044 23,286 21,020 Scotland 261 524 621 1,659 2,172 1,952 232 1,228 2,391 3,201 3,474 3,143 Ireland 1,403 3,480 4,031 8,103 8,201 6,173 106 278 502 1,321 2,045 1,516 Not specified _ .27 18 26 2 5 23 13 6 Total United Kingdom 2,683 5,774 6,762 16,537 20,137 • 16,651 1,519 9,540 20,772 26,579 28,811 25,679 Countries not specified 1 45 41 255 782 142 2 8 22 20 8 Total Europe 12,083 30,411 38,140 67,432 96,742 103,278 1,630 12,057 29,305 41,970 50,463 50,879 British Possessions in North America 137 458 597 2,472 2,866 2,949 338 647 687 1,036 1,222 1,331 Mexico 4,459 12,443 23,020 43,161 51,559 71,062 7 12 8 17 19 41 Central America. - 3 5 7 14 52 59 1 5 19 West Indies—Cuba | 22 49 / 30 71 r 79 i 9 / 92 } 9 J 1 Other i 82 154 | 262 \ 164 r 2 I 3 7 I 5 firm t,h A m eri ca, 1 6 38 103 163 84 3 12 15 7 Atlflnth*. isla.nds riot, specified 8 9 13 33 18 40 8 2 Asia and Oceania: Australia, 22 ll 61 100 105 10 74 133 118 161 China . 1 20 147 695 767 i 1 446 502 808 544 T nd i a, 5 47 72 49 17 15 23 Japan - - .... 1 3 16 5 419 Ha,wa,iian Tslands 5 2 2 9 3 10 30 156 Pacific i si an d s not, specified 65 7 26 33 7 78 149 Conn tri os not, speeifip.d 7 8 571 60 371 ie 1 12 8 Total Asia and Oceania 5 31 111 843 959 1,341 i ll 546 690 1,192 1,304 Africa - ... 4 6 335 274 201 92 17 128 106 77 97 Countrip,s not, specified ........... 60 5 5 8 59 12 10 1 1 15 Born p t ?ea _ 37 79 111 172 21 23 53 76 Total foreign-borp. population 16,774 43,422 62,411 114,616 152,956 179,357 1,990 12,754 30,702 43,994 53,064 53,777 Nativity nr'Vno\yn _ 604 592 9 44 Total native population 137,053 377,635 756,168 1,477,133 j 2,082,567 2,869,353 9,355 27,446 56,084 99,969 | 154,841 | 222,972 . Total population a 154,431 a 421,649 818,579 1,591,749 | 2,235,523 3,048,710 a ll,354 a 40,244 86,786 | 143,963 j 207,905 | 276,749 Per cent of foreign-born population 10.86 10.30 7.62 | 7.20. 6.84 5.90 17.53 31.69 j 35.37 30.55 25.51 19.4 o Staves not included, 1903.] IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. 4395 Natiyities of the Foreign-born Population and the totals of Native and Foreign* born Population in each State and Territory of the United States in 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, 1890, and 1900—Continued. natiyities. Europe: Austria-Hungary— Bohemia Hungary Other Austria (except Poland). Total Austria-Hungary. Belgium Denmark Finland France Germany, including Luxemburg . Greece Italy Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Roumania Russia (except Poland) Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom— England and Wales. Scotland Ireland Not specified Total United Kingdom. Countries not specified... Total Europe British Possessions in North America. Mexico Cental America West Indies—Cuba Other South America Atlantic islands, not specified Asia and Oceania: Australia China India Japan Hawaiian Islands Pacific islands, not specified . Countries not specified Total Asia and Oceania. Africa Countries not specified. Born at sea Total foreign-bom population. Nativity unknown Total native population ' Total population Per cent of foreign-born population . VERMONT. 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 40 224 1,603 1,045 15,377 18,025 14,470 ll 23 32,831 323 280,966 314,120 10.45 71 218 93 370 1 17 20 34 1 9 2,016 1,078 13,480 42 16,616 16,942 2,511 1,240 14,080 36 17,867 18,532 15,776 1 32,743 92 282,263 315,098 10. S 28,544 5 17 47,155 *283*396 330,551 14.27 14 138 396 1 30 10 10 5 4 2,767 1,006 ll,657 4 15,434 16,233 104 .27 128 237 392 175 877 1 445 17 38 59 30 153 13 870 70 ll 4,477 1,730 9,810 1 16,018 18,952 24,620 4 31 3 7 10 7 25 13 40,959 291,327 332,286 12.33 25,004 10 1 14 7 5 59 44,088 *288*334 332,422 18 225 53 171 882 3 2,154 20 54 . 369 53 377 53 1,020 98 22 3,503 2,049 7,453 13,005 18,975 25,540 3 3 5 10 4 2 1 118 167 44,747 298*894 343,641 13.28 13.0 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 15 321 5,547 51 3,171 947 11,643 15,761 21,988 235 4 1 72 7 74 74 41 570 10,438 7 263 81 8 40 33 14 27 57 267 1 99 127 6 r 23 369 4,050 4 162 231 17 42 28 39 27 30 148 1 60 289 3,760 7 281 125 29 59 22 39 34 49 174 25 4,688 1,386 16,501 32 22,607 16 34,553 2,057 705 5,191 2 2,916 893 4,835 6 7,955 | 8,650 | 9,267 73 448 109 630 22 108 331 4,362 18 1,219 68 102 67 47 407 36 215 200 10 3,642 1,034 4,578 13 389 4 12 19 22,394 585 926,154 35,058 311 1,070,084 a 949,133 al,105,453 2.36 3.17 327 13 20 51 13,790 585 10 14 18 73 23 5 68 17,177 780 25 3 88 52 16 13,754 1,211,409 1,225,163 1.12 14,696 1,497,869 1,512,565 206 16 ll 18,374 1,637,606 1,655,980 .97 1.11 271 607 259 1,137 19 128 36 316 4,506 59 781 72 123 147 29 15 1,242 35 218 229 79 3,692 1,162 3,534 8,388 47 17,606 1,130 18 23 14 93 29 8 27 238 24 12 10 150 24 21 34 19,461 ’i *834,* 723 1,854,184 a staves not included. 4396' IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES, [June, Nativities op the Foreign-born Population'and the totals of Native and Foreign-born Population in each State and Territory of the United States in 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, 1890, and 1900—Continued. , NATIVITIES. WASHINGTON. . WEST VIRGINIA. 1860 1870 1880 1880 1900 1870 1880 1880 1900 Europe: Austria-Hungary— Bohemia 2 53 239 396 1 34 6 27 Hungary 2 5 104 222 5 39 236 810 Other Austria (except Poland) 17 19 106 1,110 : 2,343 59 62 221 1,025 Total Austria-Hungary 17 23 . 154 1,453 2,961 65 135 463 1,862 Belgium ' 7 ll .35 313 340 21 8 36 79 Denmark 27 84 296 2,807 3,626 21 38 44 60 Finland 2,732 6 France. 70 113 245 1,046 : 1,065 223 230 213 298 Germany, including Luxemburg 555 646 2,225 15,415 16,725 6,232 7,030 7,292 6,537 Greece 2 1 9 47 : 65 4 108 Italy ll 24 71 1,408 2,124 34 48 632 2,921 Netherlands 13 25 53 227 632 174 19 22 22 Norway 22 104 580 8,334 9,891 1 3 7 19 Poland ll 25 37 209 : 506 4 18 69 633 Portugal 3 6 26 110 137 Boumania 19 1 Russia (except Poland) 9 21 205 2,118 2,462 ll 19 126 721 Spain 3 9 10 45 : 54 1 3 3 5 Sweden 33 159 648 10,272 12,737 5 21 72 132 Switzerland 34 50 174* 1,324 1,825 325 810 610 696 Turkey : 1 6 65 8 4 20 United Kingdom.— England and Wales 430 835 1,846 ll,530 ll,990 2,132 2,420 3,098 3,104 Scotland 192 309 628 3,514 3,623 746 622 914 855 Ireland 1,217 1,047 2,243 7,799 7,262 6,832 6,459 4,799 â–  3,342 Not specified __ 10 4 3 2 Total United Kingdom 1,849 | 2,191 4,721 | | 22,846 22,875 i 9,710 ; | 9,503 i 8,811 7,301 Countries not specified 2 : 1 4 1 8 | 1 53 j 24 | 20 , i 17 i ( 12. 23 Total Europe 2,668 | 3,4S6 | 9,508 | 68,038 80,865 i 16,847 17,910 | 18,420 21,444 British Possessions in North America 407 1,121 2,857 17,412 20,284 207 295 374 711 Mexico ^ 16 13 19 81 73 1 6 7 Gen tra.1 A m eri ca _ _ 4 3 2 10 37 27 W est, ‘Tu d i es—Cu ha, _ 1 e r i 6 } 65 f 13 1 } 10 f 1 Other } • 5 I 9 27 { 54 4 . 6 I H South America 6 18 39 93 109 4 . 3 8 6 Atlantic islands, not specified 1 3 4 17 22 6 6 2 Asia and Oceania: Australia 8 37 75 237 262 ll 5 7 21 China, __ 1 236 3,166 3,275 3,462 9 23 • 47 Tndia, _ 3 24 50 1 6 3 3 J' a pa n 1 377 5,769 Hawaiian Islands __ 20 63 63 129 1 Pacific, islands not, specified . 1 9 13 114 106 2 3 Oonntrie.s not, specified 6 3 14 51 1 1 148 Total Asia and Oceania 36 348 | | 3,321 | 1 4,170 i 9,700 14 25 34 219 Africa 1 7 5 28 . 52 2 2 7 . 2 Co'Qn tri o,s P of. specified _ . _ _ 12 33 1 1 2 Born at sea 1 5 15 79 122 12 16 17 19 Total foreign-born population 3,144' 5,024 15,803 90,005 111,364 17,091 18,265 18,883 22,451 Nativitv unknown. ................................ 32 Total native population ! 8,418 18,931 59,313 259,385 406,739 424,923 600,192 743,911 936,349 Total population 11,594 23,955 75,116 349,390 518,103 442,014 618,457 | 762,794 958,S00 Per cent of foreign-born population 27.12 20.91 21.06 25.79 21.5 3.86 2.95 2.48 | 2.3 1903.] IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. 4B97 Nativities of the Foreign-born Population and the totals of Native and Foreign-born Population in each State and Territory of the United Status in 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, 1890, and 1900—Continued. WISCONSIN. WYOMING. NATIVITIES. 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1870 1880 1890 1900 Europe: Austria-Hungary— Bohemia 10,570 . 13,848 ll, 999 14,145 8 10 31 58 Hungary 237 447 486 1,123 9 7 17 287 Other Austria (except Poland).... 61 7,081 4,486 4,601 4,856 ' 7,319 25 23 232 1,046 Total Austria-Hungary.. 61 7,081 15,293 18,896 • 17,341 22,587 42 40 280 [ 1,391 Belgium 45 4,647 4,804 5,267 . 4,567 4,412 5 7 . . 19 29 Denmark ,146 1,150 5,212 8,797 13,885 16,171 54 188 680 884 Finland 2,198 1,220 France 775 2,634 2,704 2,412 2,009 1,637 57 61 . 127 183 Germany, including Luxemburg 38,064 116,798 163,907 186,560 260,144 243,257 652 806 2,037. 2,147 Greece 1 4 13 19 i . . 63 1 1 1 230 Italy 10 113 104 253 1,123 . 2,172 9 15 259 781 Netherlands 1*157 4,906 5,990 5,698 â–  6,252 i .6,496 5 16 17 18 Norway 8,651 21,442 • 40,046 49,349 65,696 61,575 . 28 74 345 378 Poland 417 1,290 5,263 17,660 31,789 17 14 18 79 Portugal 4 12 9 13 . 15 ... 6 1 1 7 12 Bourn ania 53 2 Russia (except Poland) 71 95 102 312 2,279 4,243 5 19 794 90 Spain 4 27 13 21 23 . .. 26 4 3 8 5 Sweden 88 673 2,799 8,138 20,157 26,196 109 249 . 1,357 1,727 Switzerland 1,244 4,722 6,069 6,283 7,181 7,666 60 49 106 199 Turkey 2 29 4 :146 1 3 7 United Kingdom— England and Wales 23,271 36,997 34,742 â– ' 30; 268 27,925 21,351 . .614 1,234 3,680 2,989 Scotland 3,527 6,902 6,590 5,770 1 5,494 4,569 260 432 1,380 1,253 Ireland 21,043 49,961 48,479 . ,41; m 33,306 .. 23,544 1,102 1,093 1,900 1,591 Not specified __ 24 190 112 - 5 1 1 Total United Kingdom 47,841 93,884 90,001 78,057 | 66,730 â–  . â–  49,464 .. . 1,976 2,760 I 6,961 â–  5,833 florin tri es not specified 18 21 151 | 98 I 73 3 1 7' ! 1 40 r • Total Europe 98,162 258,619 338,370 375,512 | 485,183 , | 480,230 3,026 4,309 , | . 13,030 | 15,208 British Possessions in North America ..... 8,277 18,146 25,666 28,965 33,163 33,951 329 542 1,314 1,248 Mexico 9 18 47 30 20 499 4 : 40 23 58 Central America ll 15 10 16 1 1 West Indies—Cuba f 22 30 } 52 f 52 1 I s f Other 1 20 53 I 41 ' 62 { 27 3 6 r 8 1 8 South America 6 13 42 37 . 36 57 1 4 i 2 A f l an ti c. i si an d s n ot speo.i fi ed 9 27 19 10 3 i Asia and Oceania: Australia 27 44 228 77 108 2 6 15 15 ; China 1 60 136 203 143 913 474 424 Tndia 8 23 26 . 24 3 9 8 Japan ... 10 9 5 397 Hawaiian Tslands .. 1 1 5 30 8 6 3 Pacific islands, not specified 4 3 76 27 13 1 1 2 10 Countries not specified 17 28 5 7 45 173 2 8 2 Total Asia and Oceania 18 61 65 434 1 | 328 . 526 148 929 511 1 856 Africa. 1 3 19 29 33 36 7 9 9 r!rvnT)x'r'PC! nnf. f^ppeified 191 5 39 1 43 4 Born at sea 188 284 354 524 2 9 15 21 Total foreign-born population 106,695 276,927 364,499 405,425 519,199 515,971 3,513 5,850 14,913 17,415 Nefiyity Tmlrnrwyn _ . 784 1,178 w Total natiye population 197,912 497,776 690,171 ^ 910,072 1,167,681 1,553,071 5,605 14,939 45,792 75,116 Total population 305,391 775,881 1,054,670 1,315,497 1,686,880 2,069,042 . 9,118 20,789 60,705 92,531 Per cent of foreign-born population 34.93 35.69 34.56 -30.83 30.78 24.9 38.60 27.85 24.44 - 18.8 No. 12 10 4398 IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATE S. [June, Nativities of the Foreign-born Population and the totals of Native and Foreign-born Population in each State and Territory of the United States in 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, 1890, and 1900—Continued. TOTAL UNITED STATES. NATIVITIES. Europe: Austria-Hungary— Bohemia Hungary... Other Austria (except Poland) Total Austria-Hungary Belgium Denmark ‘ Finland France Germany, including Luxemburg.. Greece Italy.. Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Boumania Russia (except Poland) Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom— England and Wales Scotland Ireland Not specified Total United Kingdom Countries not specified Total Europe British Possessions in North America.. Mexico Central America West Indies—Cuba. Other South America Atlantic islands, not specified Asia and Oceania: Australia China... India J apan Hawaiian Islands Pacific islands, not specified Countries not specified Total Asia and Oceania Africa Countries not specified Born at sea Total foreign-born population... Nativity unknown Total native population Total population Per cent of foreign-born population 1850 946 946 1,313 1,838 54,069 583,774 86 3,679 9,848 12,678 1,274 1,414 3,113 3,559 13,358 106 308,543 70,550 ♦ 961,719 1,340,802 2,031,867 147,711 13,317 141 5,772 1,543 758 588 377 1,723 551 8,214 2,210,839 39,154 17,737,578 a 19,987,571 11.06 1860 25,061 25,061 •9,072 9,962 109,870 1,276,075 328 ll,677 28,281 43,995 7,293 4,116 3,160 4,244 18,625 53,327 128 477,455 108,518 1,611,304 1,802 2,199,079 1,403 3,805,701 249,970 27,466 233 7,353 { 3,263 1 1,361 1,419 35,565 435 286 1,231 38,936 526 1,366 4,136,175 49,265 23,304,121 a 27,489,561 15.04 1870 1880 40,289 3,737 30,508 74,534 12,553 30,107 116,402 1,696,335 390 17,157 46,802 114,246 14,436 4,542 4,644 3,764 97,332 75,153 302 85,361 ll,526 38,663 135,550 15,535 64,196 106,971 1,979,578 776 44,230 58,090 181,729 48,557 ' 8,138 35,722 5,121 194,337 88,62] 1,205 625,457 140,835 1,855,827 4,122 745,978 170,136 1,854,571 1,484 2,626,241 2,772,169 1,678 3,786 | 4,936,618 5,744,311 493,464 42,435 301 .5,319 6,251 3,565 4,434 717,157 68,399 707 6,917 9,484 4,566 7,641 3,118 4,906 63,042 104,468 586 1,707 73 401 584 1,147 326 806 864 1,054 68,593 114,489 2,657 954 2,638 5,567,229 32,991,142 38,558,371 14.44 .2,204 4*068 6,679,943 43,*475*840' 50,155,783 13.32 1890 118,106 62,435 123,271 303,812 22,639 132,543 113,174 2,787,776 1,887 182,580 81,828 322,665 147,440 15,996 182,644 6,185 478,041 1C4,069 1,839 1,008,220 242,231 1,871,509 951 3,122,911 12,579 8,020,608 uou,»oo 77,853 1,192 23,256 { 5,006 1 9,739 5,984 106,688 2,143 2,292 1,304 2,065 2,260 122,736 2,207 479 5,533 9,249,547 53,372,703 62,622,250 14.77 1900 156,891 145,714 275,907 578,512 29,757 153,807 62,6^5 104,191 2,666,449 8,5] 5 484,027 104,131 336,388 383,407 30,608 15,032 423,726 7,050 572,014 115,593 9,910 934,099 233,524 1,615,459 2,783,082 2,251 8,871,895 1,179,807 103,393 3,897 ll,081 14,354 4,733 9,768 6,807 81,534 2,031 24,788 •2,013 ll, 895 129,068 2,538 2,546 8,196 10,341,276 65,653,299 75,994,575 13.6 a Slaves not included. 4399 1903.] IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. FOREIGN-BORN POPULATION OF PRINCIPAL CITIES. Natiyities of the Foreign-born Population of the Principal Cities of the United States in 1870, 1880, 1890, and 1900. [From reports of the Census.] NATIYITIES. Europe: Austria-Hungary— Bohemia Hungary Other Austria (except Poland) Total Austria-Hungary.. Belgium Denmark Finland France Germany (including Lux¬ emburg) Greece Italy Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal , Roumania Russia (except Poland) Spain Sweden Switzerland. Turkey United Kingdom— England and Wales.... Scotland Ireland Not specified Total United Kingdom.. Countriesnot specified Total Europe British Possessions in North America Countries south of the United States: Mexico South America and Cen¬ tral American States West Indies—Cuba Other Total Asia and Oceania: China India Japan « All other Total Africa All other islands and ports.— Born at sea Total foreign-born popu¬ lation Total native population . Total population Per cent of foreign-born popu¬ lation - NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO, ILL. PHILADELPHIA, PA. BROOKLYN, N. Y.O 1870 1880 1890 1900 1870 1880 1890 1900 1870 1880 1890 1900 1870 1880 1880 1,487 8,093 8,099 15,055 6,277 ll, 887 25,105 36,362 101 215 189 270 91 130. 143 521 4,101 12,222 31,516 159 300 1,818 4,946 52 192 1,354 2,785 70 81 663 2,737 4,743 27,193 71,427 704 1,356 6,043 ll,815 519 686 2,003 5,154 321 628 1,493 4,745 [ 16,937 47,514 117,998 7,140 13,543 32,966 53,123 672 1,093 3,546 8,209 482 839 . 2,299 325 556 626 1,221 392 484- 801 1,160 117 191 ' 365 378 142 167 193 682 1,096 1,495 5,621 1,243 2,556 • 7,087 10,166 192 354 704 934 384 . 814 1,839 3,733 416 103 ' 8,265 9,910 10,535 14,755 1,418 1,590 2,502 2,989 2,479 2,588 2,550 2,521 1,894 1,936 2,402 151,235 163,588 210,743 322,386 52,353 75,563 161,141 171,072 50,756 55,787 74,975 71,330 36,786 55,453 94,813 43 69 263 1,309 10 27 245 1,493 9 14 31 176 6 9 38 2,794 12,223 39,951 145,433 552 1,357 5,685 16,008 516 1,656 6,799 17,830 225 1,188 9,563 1,237 1,860 1,384 2,608 1,640 2,045 5,420 18,555 390 505 260 258 774 988 627 372 893 1,575 11,387 6,374 9,783 21,835 22,011 53 195 1,500 692 301 .. 874 4,873 2,393 9,020 6,759 32,873 1,205 5,536 24,086 59,713 146 577 2,189 7,554 209 501 1,887 92 66 76 277 6 34 37 21 42 76 39 29 54 125 93 10,499 287 1,036 1,151 4,551 48,790 155,201 118 921 7,683 24,178 94 276 7,879 28,951 73 209 3,397 453 669 887 1,491 22 61 120 138 107 103 136 107 229 379 526 1,558 3,194 7,069 28,320 6,154 12,930 43,032 48,836 225 613 1,626 2,143 1,105 2,848 9,325 2,178 4,545 4,953 8,371 1,226 1,459 2,262 3,251 1,791 1,916 1,710 1,707 667 969 1,402 38 77 266 1,401 3 14 25 180 6 33 93 197 16 21 37 25,026 30,593 36,872 70,522 10,592 13,767 29,950 31,126 22,535 26,995 39,861 37,785 19,382 20,749 27,003 7,562 8,683 11,242 19,836 4,197 4,152 9,217 10,347 4,175 5,696 8,772 8,479 4,099 4,682 7,417 201,999 198,595 190,418 275,102 39,988 44,411 70,028 73,912 96,698 101,808 110,935 98,427 73,985 78,814 84,738 7 64 192 1 23 44 17 23 25 9 46 92 234,594 237,935 238,724 365,460 i 54,800 62,374 109,212 115,385 123,408 134,522 159,593 144,691 97,475 104,291 119,250 30 108 3,664 223 1 3 28 628 | 115 61 80 523 130 16 70 377 412,185 467,297 j 625,274 1,230,567 134,659 190,305 424,767 549,097 181,064 200,579 264,518 | 288,976 140,838 171,681 252,941 4,419 7,004 8,398 21,926 i 9,648 13,914 24,297 34,779 1,488 2,354 2,584 3,283 2,806 4,363 5,897 64 132 155 282 9 24 64 102 46 49 49 63 22 36 63 231 444 605 1,915 12 47 95 262 53 144 137 137 98 155 299 } 1,783 2,458 2,202 f 2,011 \ 3,856 | 59 78 167 f 87 \ 139 | 741 784 853 f 348 \ 575 } 725 1,022 1,237 2,078 3,034 2,962 8,064 80 149 326 590 840 977 • 1,039 1,123 . .845 . 1,213 1,599 115 747 2,048 6,080 2 258 584 1,179 17 87 785' 1,122 18 123 600 250 97 49 4 20 85 311 2 7 80 1 ll 19 19 1 1 79 120 353 703 1,409 73 157 441 662 99 , 178 286 366 108 209 238 239 | ! 1,120 2,836 8,050 75 417 1,032 2,018 117 276 1,090 1,556 127 . 333 917 50 | 87 154 357 10 | 33 90 18 29 59 82 13 24 59 87 35 184 669 31 8 50 223 49 16 77 143 62 30 227 36 93 * 135 447 54 48 161 315 48 104 113 177 27 50 60 419,094 478,670 639,943 1,270,080 144,557 204,859 450,666 587,112 183,624 204,335 269,480 295,340 144,718 177,694 261,700 523,198 727,629 875,358 2,167,122 154,420 298,326 649,184 1,111,463 490,398 642,835 777,484 998,357 251,381 388,969 544,643 942,292 1,206,299 1,515,301 3,437,202 298,977 503,185 1,099,850 1,698,575 674,022 847,170 1,046,964 1,293,697 396,099 566,663 I 806,343 44.48 39.66 42.23 36.95 48.35 . 40.71 40.97 34.51 27.24 24.12 1 25.74 22.83 36.54 31.36 32.46 alncluded in New York in 1900. 4400 IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. [June, Natiyities of the Foreign-born Population of the Peincipal Cities of the United States in 1870, 1880, 1890, and 1900—Continued. NATIYITIES. Europe: Austria-Hungary— Bohemia Hungary Other Austria (except Poland) Total Austria-Hungary... Belgium Denmark Finland France Germany, including Lux¬ emburg Greece Italy Netherlands Norway Poland '. Portugal Roumania Russia (except Poland) .... Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom— . England and Wales .... Scotland Ireland Not specified Total United Kingdom... Countries not. specified Total Europe British Possessions- in North America Countries south of the United States: i Mexico South America and Cen¬ tral American States West Indies—Cuba Other Total Asia and Oceania— China India Japan All other Total Africa All other islands and ports. Born at sea Total foreign-born popu¬ lation Total native population.. Total population Per cent of foreign-bom popu¬ lation ST. LOUIS, MO. BOSTON, MASS, BALTIMORE, MD. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 1870 1880 1890 1900 1870 1880 1890 1900 1870 1880 1890 1900 1870 1880 1890 1900 2,652 2,456 2,301 2,590 â–  44 72 104 93 766 1,129 1,368 2,321 43 149 82 197 126 173 253 561. 2 38 188 330 40 47 163 155 61 128 167 315 751 755 1,586, 2,563 , 124 111 391 1,115 215 286 1,221 1,356 476 765 1,263 1,841 3,529 3,384 4,140 5,714 170 - 221 683 1,538 1,021 1,462 .2,752 3,832 580 1,042 1,512 2,353 • 254 217 175 216 31 58 128 221 29 19 34 25 139 175 225 291 178 300 285 390 76 196 353 675 75 79 81 107 593 1,032 1,785 2,171 30 221 16 935 2,788 2,138 1,717 1,462 615 795 875 1,003 437 415 424 369 3,547 4,160 4,663 . 4,870 59,040 54,951 66,032 58,783 5,608 7,402 10,368 10,524 35,276 34,054 40,713 33,209 13,602 19,946 26,429 35,207 2 8 8 38 13 24 29 281 2 3 ll 89 27 64 113 199 786 879 1,295 2,227 ‘ 264 1,277 4,718 13,738 146 385 824 2,042 1,622 2,491 5,212 7,508 643 588 355 368 332 ' 402 ‘ 363 ‘ 391 144 233 73 98 1 190 292 • - 207 244 59 109 134 172 1 ‘ 137 236 861 1,145 13 92 139 188 390 751 1,396 2,172 300 389 - 875 2,857. • 164 - 437 - 954 3,832 127 577 935 2,8li 517 646 501 786 14 ll 21 6 469 597 891 882 17 17 16 12 199 345 448 530 80 68 26 51 86 136 1,538 ' 4,785 102 â–  345 4,305 14,995 37 179 4,057 10,493 281 540 1,064 1,511 45 58 45 32 90 92 149 85 33 53 40 23 119 188 220 235 284 551 876 1,116 *" 647 1,450 3,413 5,541 72 136 213 236 780 1,737 3,594 5,248 2,902 2,385 1,209 2,752 ! 201 245 424 400 169 214 196 186 775 1,145 1,696 2,085 2 7 48 42 7 17 57 600 2 1 8 12 7 10 41 120 5,514 6,453 6,769 6,038 6,090 9,219 13,759 13,482 2,226 2,372 3,186 2,933 5,419 7,795 10,185 9,342 1,202 1,309 1,370 1,264 1,795 2,662 4,490 4,473 525 591 666 594 1,687 2,243 3,181 3,000 32,239 28,536 24,270 19,421 56,900 64,793 71,441 70,147 15,223 14,238 13,389 9,690 25,864 30,72L 30,718 15,963 6 ll 22 2 55 > 18 77 10 28 13 34 38,961 36,309 32,431 26,723 64,787 -76,729 89,708 88,102 | 18,051 17,211 17,241 13,217 32,998 40,772 44,118 28,305 101 * 78 101 17 13 60 52 20 55 65 4 6 | 52 63 20 109,974 102,498 112,288 107,810 73,726 90,583 118,331 144,242 j 55,671 55,185 67,822 66,995 56,372 ; | 75,388 ! 93,287 94,843 2,008 2,091 2,008 '2,490 13,818 23,156 38,294 50,282 301 450 521 680 2,367 3,860 4,371 5,199 31 46 62 76 6 5 42 13 9 12 ll 12 1,220 . 1,438 1,452 1,459 22 38 57 101 37 93 91 141 41 94 89 84 462 552 - 499 568 } 94 104 82 f 23 1 71 } 189 271 390 f 32 \ 424 | 337 253 198 f 49 t 176 J- 235 283 352 / 23 \ 167 147 188 201 271 232 369 523 610 387 359 298 321 1,917 2,273 2,303 2,217 1 71 177 304 8 133 497 1,065 2 8 190 426 11,729 21,213 24,613 10,762 16 45 13 65 1 4 5 4 10 36 3 4 4 8 65 621 1,852 57 76 101 261 74 184 215 397 3 39 52 34 1,059 1,286 1,429 1,184 58 147 279 585 87 321 722 1,543 5 50 246 477 12,796 22,564 26,663 13,863 15 16 16 19 42 45 48 50 13 22 16 19 25~ 35~ 52 59 2 5 3 49 66 284” 184* 291~ 34 29 48 33 167 54 68 595 45 68 81 132 15 38 70 . Ill 33 41 52 75 75 •70 67 109 112,249 105,013 114,876 111,356 87,986 114,796 158,172 197,129 56,484 56,136 69,003 68,600 73,719 104,244 126,811 116,885 198,615 245,505 336,894 463,882 162,540 248,043 290,305 363,763 210,870 276,177 365,436 440,357 75,754 129,715 172,186 225,897 310,864 350,518 451,770 575,238 250,526 362,839 448,477 560,892 267,354 332,313 434,439 508,957 149,473 233,959 298,997 342,782 36. ll 29.96 25.43 19.36 35.12 31.64 35.31 35.15 21.13 16.89 15.88 13.48 49.32 44.56 42.41 34.10 4 . 1903.] IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES MQ1 Natiyities of the Foeeign-boen Population of the Principal Cities of the United States in 1870, 1880, 1890, and 1900—Continued. NATIYITIES. Europe: Austria-Hungary— Bohemia Hungary Other Austria (except Poland) Total Austria-Hungary... Belgium.. Denmark Finland France Germany, including Lux¬ emburg Greece Italy Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Roumania Russia (except Poland) .... Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom— England and Wales Scotland Ireland... Not specified Total United Kingdom... Countries not specified Total Europe British Possessions in North America Countries south of the United States: Mexico South America and Central American States West Indies—Cuba Other Total Asia and Oceania: China India Japan All other Total Africa All other islands and ports Born at sea Total foreign-bom popu¬ lation Total native population.. Total population Per cent of foreign-born popu¬ lation CINCINNATI, OHIO. CLEVELAND, OHIO. BUFFALO, N. Y. NEW ORLEANS, LA. 1S70 1880 1890 1900 1870 1880 1890 1900 1870 1880 1890 1900 1870 1880 1890 1900 123 146 28 94 786 5,433 10,287 13,599 46 67 15 39 18 13 9 17 37 106 120 208 97 867 3,210 9,558 6 24 80 215 14 37 25 68 554 449 389 * 654 2,155 258 2,533 4,630 135 202 1,036 776 254 198 268 391 714 701 537 956 3,038 6,558 16,030 27,787 187 293 1,131 1,030 286 248 302 | 476 46 29 22 • 38 . 16 75 35 26 37 41 26 22 134 100 85 77 61 51. 41 49 49 84 251. 373 34 66 128 . ' 148 182 179 . 115 92 1 79 15 5 2,093 1,471 £90 748 339 434 423 485 2,232 1,004 975 791 8,845 6,882 5,710 4,428 49,462 46,176 49,416 38,220 15,856 23,184 39,897 40,653 22,269 25,575 42,668 36,724 35,239 13,949 ll,338 8,733 3 6 19 53 1 9 12 42 1 4 6 46 42 31 32 48 399 432 738 917 35 -110 635 3,065 50 186 1,832 5,669 1,571 1,995 3,622 5,866 751 676 360 369 495 : 830 685 804 287 315 257 311 186 118 59 47 6 12 9 12 6 . 37 129 • 249 53 79 132 185 37 47 63 95 167 216 227 471 77 532 2,848 . 8,592 135 723 8,879 18,830 128 72 . 36 55 1 4 4 1 3 5 , 8 19 23 20 23 86 75 66 50 4 39 4 9 80 210 978 1,976 35 66 .1,482 3,607 56 114 610 1,199 111 76 146 439 10 16 16 6 2 20 10 > 9 13 16 23 20 960 797 693 456 39 54 99 111 26 180 . : 464 1,000 49 180 515 743 175 124 163 170 995 884 587 657 704 732 903 1,288 612 617 501 590 668 452 328 314 1 15 14 6 2 1 25 41 9 7 13 9 8 7 107 4,033 3,465 3,278 2,441 4,818 8,588 12,268 12,111 3,657 4,414 7,197 7,061 2,090 1,833 1,624 1,297 787 659 621 461 668 1,474, > 2,060 2,179 996' 1,169 1,625 1,868 568 426 270 218 18,624 15,077 12,323 9,114 9,964 11,958 13,512 13,120 11,264 10,310 11,664 ll,292 14,693 ll,708 7,923 5,398 3 1 1 2 38 4 16 48 10 3 23,447 19,202 .16,223 | 12,016 15,452 22,058 27,844 27, 410 15,917 15,909 20,534 20,221 17,361 13,970 9,817 6,913 3 123 79 ! 5 | 20 10 | 26 12 1 " 13 394 3 -22 ! â–  72 178 1 9 78,278 70,278 70,259 | 56,616 36,153 54,923 | 91,704 115,569 41,952 | 45,167 78,638 86,587 46,042 | 39,195 32,760 | 28,389 1,193 1,182 945 1,031 2,634 4,331 5,157 8,611 4,174 6,021 10,610 17,242 399 368 346 395 15 10 15 18 6 3 8 9 3 10 8 295 292 298 • . 299 8 18 20 48 3 8 59 34 3 3 ll 19 35 35 143 161 j- 32 42 26 { 23 I 8 17 18 f 17 \ 42 | 20 23 35 { 28 } 1,529 991 528 f 270 \ 187 55 70 61 96 12 28 85 102 23 29 56 63 1,859 1,318 969 917 4 42 24 17 26 38 94 2 5 49 99 24 80 152 418 15 6 23 10 19 1 . 4 8 8 1 5 6 40 63 84 10 81 125 13 9 48 93 33 56 57 90 30 82 87 125 10 51 123 237 15 14 105 212 57 141 209 529 6 5 5 ll 3 4 18 1 2 ; 23 26 86 101 23 27 3 9 1 12 54 2 17 60 * 5 8 45 6 6 23 39 20 48 47 33 50 70 6 19 20 77 12 30 45 77 26 28 79,612 71,659 •71,408 57,961 267,941 38,815 59,409 100,737 97,095 124,631 46,237 51,268 103,866 89,485 104,252 48,475 41,157 .34,369 30,325 136,627 183,480 225,500 54,014 164,258 257,137 71,477 166,179 248,135 142,943 174,933 207,670 256,779 216,239 255,139 296,908 325,902 92,829 160,146 261,353 381,768 117,714 155,134 255,664 352,387 191,418 216,090 242,039 287,104 36.82 28.09 24.05 17.78 41.81 37.10 37.92 32.65 39.28 33.05 35.00 29.58 25.32 19.04 i 14.20 10.56 4402 IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. [June, NATIVITIES OF THE FOREIGN:BORN POPULATION OF THE PRINCIPAL ClTIES OF THE UNITED STATES IN 1870, 1880, 1890, AND 1900—ContillUed# NATIVITIES. Europe: Austria-Hungary— Bohemia Hungary Other Austria (except Poland) Total A ustria-Hungary... Belgium Denmark Finland ; France Germany, including Lux¬ emburg Greece . â– Italy Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal ' Roumania Russia (except Poland) .... Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom— England and.Wales Scotland Ireland Not specified Total United Kingdom... Countries not specified Total Europe British Possessions in North America Countries south of the United States: Mexico South America and Cen¬ tral American States West Indies—Cuba Other Total Asia and Oceania: China India Japan All other Total * Africa All other islands and ports Born at sea Total foreign-born popu¬ lation '. Total native population.. Total population Per cent of foreign-born popu¬ lation PITTSBURG, PA. WASHINGTON, D. C. DETROIT, MICH. MILWAUKEE, WIS. 1870 1880 1890 1900 1870 188.0 1890 1900 1870 1880 1890 1900 1870 1880 1890 1900 49 101 95 75 9 12 10 12 537 557 513 612 1,435 1,537 1,460 1,719 ll 69 794 2,124 43 26 41 48 53 64 112 91 43 70 197 381 117 194 1,196 3,553 26 .59 130 187 161 128 658 471 574 950 928 1,616 177 . 364 2,085 5,752 78 97 181 247 751 749 1,283 1,174 2,052 2,557 2,585 3,716 9 38 85 48 8 19 24 32 233 240 411 671 79 25 23 37 9 8 37 38 26 35 72 88 19 71 162 231 116 229 341 514 7 14 4 29 348 688 660 573 193 253 385 389 760 721 804 589 189 213 206 263 8,703 15,962 25,364 21,223 4,134 4,154 5,778 5,857 12,647 17,374 35,489 32,030 22,608 31,552 54,797 53,878 1 7 12 70 1 5 5 34 1 1 4 18 1 17 26 74 248 1,899 5,709 175 234 467 930 35 127 338 905 10 87 137 726 127 110 122 62 22 63 32 42 310 275 327 397 693 707 705 606 2 15 31 63 .2 14 70 101 15 27 77 75 523 1,025 1,821 1,702 48 351 2,750 ll,184 45 106 65 132 285 1,771 5,351 13,631 325 1,790 9,222 17,033 1 5 8 12 9 6 5 2 1 1 2 4 141 2 ll 35 33 254 2,279 4,107 18 57 244 807 89 77 669 1,332 29 77 ' 548 1,135 5 9 10 7 33 ; 30 44 31 3 8 13 14 1 1 5 8 28 115 656 1,072 22 44 128 234 19 55 196 267 90 179 320 ' 659 332 550 450 544 146 163 211 244 462 421 402 491 346 414 584 . 653 1 30 2°. 1 . 7 7 39 1 3 7 1 5 66 3,874 7,123 12,661 11,441 1,258 1,455 2,197 2,381 3,330 4,271 7,252 6,448 1,637 1,872 2,751 2,441 584 1,058 â–  2,137 2,264 299- 436 - 578 574 1,637 1,783 2,459 2,496 423 479 686 667 13,119 17,110 21,106 18,620 6,948 6,448 #7,224 6,220 6,970 6,775 7,447 6,412 3,784 3,659 3,436 2,653 1 2 5. 1 2 9 1 2 5 17,578 25,293 35,909 32,325 8,505 8,340 10,001 9,175 ll,937 12,838 17,159 | 15,356 5,846 6,015 6,873 | | 5,761 10 23 | « 1 7 10 6 25 | 1 7 1! 14 ! 13 8 27 25 j ! l 27,485 44,036. 72,432 [ 82,.952 13,427 13,639 17,748 i 18,411 27,568 | 34,769 j 62,706 | 67,213 32,909 44,905 78,211 86,852 291 479 630 1,073 239 393 655 906 7,724 10,754 18,791 28,944 799 973 1,249 1,904 4 7 6 5 12 9 24 38 1 6 9 8 4 4 7 6 6 12 12 21 8 32 50 81 5 17 17 56 8 ll 12 24 } 11 5 13 { 20 | 38 95 102 f 43 I 91 } 42 32 51 { 39 } 8 15 - 9 { 21 24 31 50 58 136 176 253 48 55 77 105 20 30 28 51 28 96 147 1 24 95 417 ll 10 9 2 18 20 8 12 19 5 4 2 9 18 ll 4 2 1 4 22 '59 576 12 20 . 41 48 17 29 . i 66 104 9 129 16 65 4 50 159 733 13 53 154 488 17 ‘ 40 80 134 9 132 34 90 1 3 10 ll 6 8 21 26 1 2 5 7 6 1 1 8 1 2 15 3 2 4 14 1 5 26 3 3 3 9 19 13 25 44 ll ll 12 21 23 24 45 74 27 29 50 77 27,822 44,605 73,289 84,878 13,757 14,242 18,770 20,119 35,381 45,645 81,709 96,503 33,773 46,073 79,576 88,991 58,254 111,784 165,328 236,738 95,442 133,051 184,208 258,599 44,196 70,695 124,167 189,201 37,667 69,514 124,892 196,324 86,076 156,389 238,617 321,616 109,199 147,293 202,978 278,718 79,577 116,340 205,876 285,704 71,440 115,587 204,468 285,315 32.32 28.52 30.71 26.39 12.60 9.67 9.25 7.22 44.46 39.23 39.69 33.78 47.27 39.86 38.92 31.19 1903.] IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. 4403 Nativities of the Foreign-born Population of the Principal Cities of the United States in 1870, 1880, 1890, and 1900—Continued. LOUISVILLE, KT. NATIVITIES. Europe: Austr i a-Hungar y— Bohemia Hungary Other Austria (except Poland) Total Austria-Hungary... Belgium Denmark Finland France Germany, including Lux¬ emburg Greece Italy Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Koumania Russia (except Poland) ... Spain.. Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom— England and Wales . Scotland » Ireland Not specified Total United Kingdom.. Countries not specified Total Europe British Possessions in North America Countries south of the United States: Mexieo South America and Cen- • tral American States West Indies—Cuba Other Total. Asia and Oceania: China . India.. Japan . All other. Total. Africa. All other islands and ports Born, at sea Total foreign-born popu¬ lation Total native population. Total population Per cent of foreign-born popu¬ lation 10.47 4404 IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. [Jura, Nativities of the Foreign-born Population of the Principal Cities of the United Status in 1870, 1880, 1890, and 1900—Continued. OMAHA, NEBR.a ROCHESTER, N. Y. . ST. PAUL, MINN. & KANSAS CITY, MG. PROVIDENCE, R. I. NATIVITIES. - 1890 1900 1870 1880 1890 1900 1880 1890 1900 1870 1880 1890 1900 1870 1880 1890 ; 1900 Europe: Austria-Hungary— Bohemia 2,675 2,170 7 15 6 6 701 1,279 1,343 9 16 90 62 5 20 10 33 Hungary 136 253 3 4 38 32 25 410 659 70 22 141 118 2 3 13 35 Other Austria (ex* cept Poland) 834 504 39 58 91 171 230 734 1,488 44 37 282 375 5 23 114 423 TotalAustria-Hungary 3,645 2,927 49 77 135 209 956 2,423 ; | 3,490 123 75 | 513 555 12 46 137 491 Belgium 23 20 4 8 20 73 15 71 40 21 32 104 90 1 ll 19 64 Denmark 4,242 2,430 8 7 156 46 51 218 1,445 1,206 51 21 77 . 294 241 6 20 65 ' 109 Finland 4 22 14 244 • 147 475 471 364 307 109 355 289 111 133 301 264 72 151 159 244 Germany, including Luxemburg 8,287 5,524 14 7,759 ll, 019 17,331 o 15,688 18 5,036 16,273 5 12,992 16 1,884 2,212 6,109 3 4,816 16 592 1,108 5 1,627 6 2,257 20 Greece 5 1 2 Italy 536 449 • 16 51 516 1,278- 927 26* 317 529 15 611 1,034 44 27 175 1,519 21 6,256 42 WN ether lands 125 68 510 780 967 79 155 122 26 34 36 20 25 "Norway 624 312 15 16 78 32 664 3,521 1,015 1 2,900 1,241 48 56 119 100 18 43 163 228 Poland -526 595 71 71 438 1,106 1 245 15 25 184 334 10 63 97 769 Portugal 4 1 2 1 1. 2 2 105 112 489 1,110 88 Roumania 17 2 52 20 Russia (except Poland) . 613 997 36 124 1,085 1,777 44 654 987 9 28 543 941 10 12 617 1,996 Spain. 10 2 3 7 9 6 2 5 7 2 2 13 6 5 20 5 ll Sweden • 6,265 208 3,968 190 20 24 129 109 1,897 185 11,787 581 9,852 492 600 578 1,956 334 1,869 233 25 191 1,389 55 2,775 71 Switzerland .... 440 475 464 478 160 110 34 63 Turkey 13 20 1 3 . 4 6 39 1 1 3 7 4 55 182 United Kingdom— England and Wales. 2,574 1,594 2,561 2,737 5,069 3,968 728 2,629 2,075 747 : 1,061 2,525 1,972 2,453 5,076 8,200 9,721 Scotland 892 574 428 470 718 J 663 179 840 673 180 269 614 512 575 1,198 16,939 3 1,749 19,040 1,914 Ireland 4,067 2,164 6,078 4 6,136 48 6,484 3 5,599 3,013 37 6,040 4,892 2,869 3,526 2 4,626 3,507 12,085 '18,686 Not specified_ ! Total United Kingdom 7,533 4,332 9,071 9,391 12,274 10,230 | 3,957 9,509 | 7,640 3,796 4,858 7,765 5,991 15,113 23,216 28,989 30,321 Countries not specified.. 22 2 12 4 i i | 56 1 2 1 1 81 6 1 7 26 2 1 i Total Europe.......... 32,925 22,023 18,479 22,687 33,862 32,300 13,435 | 48,179 j 41,947 6,832 | 8,246 | 18,941 16,591 16,053 25,272 | 35,388 i | 47,050 British Possessions in North 1 ( America..... .... 1,952 1,270 2,658 3,884 5,818 8,299 j 1,610 ^ 4,828 ; 4,572 824 934 1,584 1,549 1,050 2,508 4,487 7,732 Countries south of the United States: Mexico 4 5 2 4 2 8 4 5 6 15 24 1 1 5 3 South America and Cen¬ tral American States.. 7 4 2 3 5 8 10 15 13 2 2 9 31 8 ll . 21 29 W est Indies—Cuba } 9 f 2 f 2 1 n 15 f 3 1 n . 18 f 7 } 17 69 54 f 6 Other i 9 J 9 7 4 i 9 r 2 I 7 r 7 7 I 8 { 117 Total 20 20 ll ! 12 13 i 1 21 12 38 27 14 15 42 70 26 81 80 155 Asia and Oceania: China 91 94 1 7 ll 12 8 37 30 25 197 89 28 49 238 Tndia _ [ 6 7 13 4 12 Japan 2 2 3 2 6 64 2 3 1 3 All other 31 101 8 13 18 35 5 61 114 6 9 51 62 13 29 89 255 Total 124 203 9 20 29 57 13 ioo i 163 6 98 250 158 13 57 139 508 A f ri ca. ...... 3~ 10~ 4~ 6~ T 6~ 10~ n 1 2* 3~ 4 7 7 14 111 i 1 All other islands and ports.. Born at, sea ..... 2 8 5 4 20 31 8 • 72 10 ll 19 136 239 17 275 24 13 18 22 15 29 34 4 18 28 2 6 28 27 9 14 Total foreign-born population 35,039 23,552 21,184 26,622 39,775 40,748 15,075 53,177 46,819 7,679 9,301 20,858 18,410 17,177 28,075 40,364 55,855 Total native popula¬ tion 105,413 79,003 41,202 62,744 94,121 121,860 26,398 79,979 116,246 24,581 46,484 111,858 145,342 51,727 76,782 91,782 119,742 Total population ...... i 140,452 102,555 62,386 89,366 133,896 162,608 41,473 133,156 163,065 32,260 55,785 132,716 163,752 68,904 1104,857 132,146 i 175,597 Per cent of foreign-bom population ................ 24.95 22.97 33.96 29.79 29.71 25.06 36.35 39.94 28.71 23.80 16.67 15.72 11.24 24.93 26.77 30.54 31.81 a In 1870 the total population of Omaha was 16,083, of which 9,763 were native born and 6,320 foreign horn, the per cent of foreign horn being 39.29. In 1880 the total population was 30,518, of which 20,588 were native born and 9,930 were foreign born, the per cent of foreign born being 32.54. bln 1870 the population of St. Paul was 20,030, of which 11,343 were native born and 8,687 foreign born, the per cent of foreign born being 43.37. / 1903.] IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES, 4405 Natiyities of the Foreign-born Population of the Principal Cities of the United States in 1870, 1880, 1890, and 1900—Continued. NATIVITIES. DENVER, COLO. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. ALLEGHENY, PA. ALBANY, N. Y.' 1870 18S0 1890 1900 1870 1880 1890 1900 1870 1880 1890 1900 1870 1880 18S0 1800 Europe: Austria-Hungary— Bohemia 26 63 89 4 19 9 17 324 411 560 757 24 20 6 4 Hungary 9 108 179 6 32 38 56 138 5 7 312 560 v 5 19 26 32 Other Austria (except Poland) 94 311 379 14 66 • 255 109 219 390 3,929 36 51 57 106 Total Austria-Hungary... 129 482 647 24 89 . 131 410 438 637 1,262 5,246 65 90 89 142 Belgium 5 31 29 4 3 9 4 6 15 12 10 17 16 14 13 Denmark 122 470 573 95 114 130 200 6 23 ll 15 • 8 10 18 21 Finland , 34 5 3 France 250 414 324 237 268 229 230 619 490 425 359 150 149 122 107 Germany, including Lux¬ emburg 2,1C0 3 5,374 24 5,115 5,286 6,073 1 7,893 3 8,632 29 7,665 9,238 13,283 6 12,026 36 5,200 6,682 1 7,606 2 5,904 7 Greece 23 Italy 86 608 999 18 50 112 282 10 19 136 786 28 77 300 557 Netherlands . 30 73 30 42 30 53 7 8 14 8 378 356 324 289 Norway 78 297 344 5 9 9 18 1 1 21 9 4 4 3 12 Poland 43 52 286 34 81 62 322 7 32 90 703 22 61 .177 353 Portugal 2 8 12 2 1 1 1 Roumania 22 8 4 Russia (except Poland) .... 66 477 1,338 15 3 110 140 338 o 2 65 531 7 9 479 740 Spain 10 17 2 2 2 1 4 2 3 2 9 1 5 1 Sweden 455 3,622 3,376 54 86 80 125 19 48 103 186 10 26 55 65 Switzerland 133 352 364 210 243 185 272 547 604 416 488 88 93 49 64 Turkey 8 3 3 6 2 4 4 2 6 6 21 United Kingdom— England and Wales.... 1,565 321 3,722 3,724 1,033 3,485 739 994 1,011 348 1,195 429 1,188 570 2,238 704 3,094 1,265 5,537 2,975 1,183 5,070 1,601 427 1,893 572 1,738 495 1,391 395 Scotland 1,339 4,216 258 317 Ireland 1,922 1 3,321 .3,660 3,547 3,765 4,034 5, 111 13,276 35 12,575 12 9,812 6,612 Not specified 1 Total United Kingdom... 3,809 9,277 8,242 4,318 4,971 4,906 5,389 5,792 8,054 9,896 9,228 15,339 15,052 12,045 8,398 Countries not specified ..... | 3 22 1 4 29 2 3 5 1 3 6 1 12 13 1 5 Total Europe | 7,324 21,600 21,820 10,323 12,148 13,950 16,322 15,129 19,178 | 25,751 29,652 21,328 22,645 21,307 | 16,702 British Possessions in North America 1,070 2,672 2,868 305 412 473 673 166 223 322 465 849 1,069 911 911 Countries south of the United States: Mexico 7 38 19 4 5 7 6 1 4 ^ 2' 3 South America and Central American States 13 15 26 108 6 14 5 6 1 6 8 3 5 1 2 West Indies—Cuba 1 f 12 \ 24 } 3 f f 3 } 9 ll 14 J 4 Other > 9 1 6 I 6 J. 6 5 5 â– I A j j I 4 I 4 Total | . 29 79 163 12 20 18 18 7 6 15 18. 12 18 18 10 Asia and Oceania: China 236 1,002 298 13 12 29 4 4 19 28 1 5 17 ll Tndia ll 6 6 Japan 1 10 20 1 1 1 All other 27 61 67 5 5 26 46 9 . 16 13 2 13 23 52 Total 264 1,073 396 5 18 38 76 4 14 35 47 3 18 41 69 A f ri ca ... 4 9 7 2 1 2 2 1 4 3 3 All other islands and ports 1 7 30 2 1 9 r 1~ 5 — 3~ 8 Ropn at, sea, 13 24 17 8 ll 6 22 1 15 12 25 12 14 13 15 Total foreign-born popu¬ lation 1,138 3,621 8,705 25,464 81,249 25,301 108,558 10,657 12,610 62,446 14,487 90,949 17,122 15,308 37,872 19,437 26,135 79,152 30,216 99,680 22,207 23,765 66,993 22,293 17,718 76,433 Total native population.. 26,924 â–  37,587 152,042 59,245 47,215 72,630 Total population 4,759 35,629 106,713 133,859 48,244 75,056 105,436 169,164 53,180 78,682 105,287 129,896 69,422 90,758 94,923 94,151 Per cent of foreign-born popu¬ lation 23.91 24.43 23.86 18.90 22.09 16.80. 13.74 10.12 28.73 24.70 24.82 23.26 31.99 26.19 23.48 13.82 No. 12—11 4406 IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES, [June, OCCUPATIONS OF IMMIGRANTS. Statement showing, by Occupations, the Total Number of Passengers Arriyed in the United States during each Year from 1820 to 1867, inclusive, and of Immigrants only from 1868 to 1902, inclusive. [Note.—The years in this table from 1820 to 1831 and from 1843 to 1850, inclusive, are those ending September 30; 1833 to 1842 and 1851 to 1866, those ending December 31; and 1867 to 1902, those ending June 30.] OCCUPATIONS. 1820 1821 1822 1823 1821 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 a 1833 PROFESSIONAL. Actors 2 20 6 10 15 14 2 56 31 20 7 23 13 6 Artists 9 9 5 13 3 9 15 18 26 14 18 18 17 78 Clergymen 24 38 31 24 34 37 25 42 70 54 36 35 30 27 Lawyers 6 20 23 27 25 29 25 26 31 15 17 15 28 27 Musician s 2 20 9 3 9 9 17 26 28 14 3 10 28 9 Physicians and surgeons. 43 62 56 73 70 87 92 65 112 96 49 73 44 297 Teachers 19 35 21 29 31 19 14 29 33 39 6 9 16 15 Total professional 105 204 151 179 187 204 190 262 331 252 136 183 176 459 SKILLED. 46 61 30 29 26 36 57 60 140 76 22 46 298 100 Butch ers 36 34 20 16 25 28 33 18 61 44 14 ll 159 178 C!a hi n etm a k ers Cn.rpen t,ers an d j oi n ers _ _ Clerks 63 114 74 85 88 51 75 86 106 108 32 65 56 18 Clrvrvpers _ _ Dressmnkers Engineers 12 7 16 5 20 24 14 30 33 28 37 8 35 41 Hard en ers Glflzi ers _ J Trnnworkers .Tew el ers Lock smith s Machinist,s __ Mariners 336 477 536 455 436 527 555 486 468 408 311 461 864 1,872 624 Masons 27 38 35 26 29 38 48 130 162. 178 82 60 437 Mechanics, not specified .... 269 420 283 389 289 376 593 1,056 38 1,334 35 854 942 1,241 4,655 84 4,130 2 Mill ers 7 15 14 ll ll ll 17 38 2 17 M i n ers 4 2 1 3 5 2 17 31 50 141 85 18 61 75 Painters 17 21 9 14 16 9 14 47 44 31 10 10 39 209 Pl aster ers Pin m ber,s Printers 5 12 15 14 15 7 27 21 34 21 8 34 178 203 Saddlers and harnessma.kers Seamstresses 35 15 29 15 28 36 69 38 107 40 1 7 9 19 Shipwright**5 tt Shoemakers 62 101 71 46 57 49 132 170 267 111 43 125 634 829 Spinners : 90 107 146 85 121 162 •366 648 766 384 98 166 2,037 3,429 ^tters . __ Ta i 1 ers 63 80 90 59 54 44 77 139 206 127 44 82 719 1,066 Tann ers and eurriers Tinners............................. Tobaeer* mannfa.eturers. Wateh and clock mnkers Weayers Wheel wrighf.s All other, not specified 18 29 28 16 If 16 35 58 55 26 14 32 68 5 Total skilled 1,090 1,533 1,397 1,268 1,237 1,416 2,129 3,056 3,868 2,579 1,745 2,383 10,333 12,800 MISCELLANEOUS. A°-ents and fac.tors • Bankers Cooks Farm ers ..... 874 i, 249 834 800 918 1,647 1,382 2,071 2,542 1,264 1,424 2,685 8,502 6,618 Grocers Uotel keepers ... Labnrers ..... 334 453 414 338 381 650 716 1,761 2,076 2,628 2,328 1,885 720 928 3,323 5,424 4,109 4,913 82 Merchants, dealers ................. 933 1,441 94 1,431 20 1,427 6 1,926 13 1,841 1,943 70 2,661 1,427 22 2,368 gerva nt.s .... ....... 139 69 136 421 337 115 56 Shenherds .................... All other net, specified Total miscellaneous 2,280 6,836 3,237 6,670 2,699 2,571 4,247 3,238 4,965 4,207 7,031 4,111 7,478 6,044 12,415 7,919 18,066 6,147 3,593 19,363 6,096 15,218 17,305 15,722 Not stated .......... 4,302 15,535 33,840 30,944 Without occupation ................ jfcm, 10,311 ll,644 8,549 8,265 9,627 12,858 13,908 21,777 30,184 24,513 24,837 23,880 61,654 59,925 a Fifteen months ending December 31. 1903.] IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES, 4407 TATEMENT SHOWING, BY OCCUPATIONS, THE TOTAL NuAIBER OF PASSENGERS ArRIVED IN THE UNITED STATES DURING EACH YEAR FROM 1820 to 1867, inclusive, and of Immigrants only from 1868 to 1902, inclusive—Continued. OCCUPATIONS. 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 a 1844 1845 1846 1847 PROFESSIONAL. Actors i 6 105 94 13 33 110 2 58 130 13 40 145 ll 56 145 40 35 179 8 105 151 1 56 153 13 101 179 36 42 154 3 111 164 14 200 210 Artists 69 121 39 96 Clergymen Editors and journalists Engravers ..' Lawyers 60 62 173 74 16 202 27 6 229 32 26 258 61 3 237 76 1 255 61 4 191 62 7 208 89 40 257 84 33 184 91 46 215 80 ll 189 102 8 189 73 4 184 Musicians Physicians and snrgeons Sculptors T Teach ers ei 39 20 16 23. 54 14 10 94 67 110 30 15 18 All other, not specified Total professional 561 487 472 522 459 584 481 541 744 578 755 542 592 703 SKILLED. Acconntants, etc Bakers 117 3 4 1 1 2 6 4 Barbers and hairdressers . Blacksmith s Brewers Butchers 82 1 1 29 7 2 10 1 Cabinetmakers Carpenters and joiners Clerks 182 171 73 124 173 208 73 86 101 18 78 57 107 56 Cooper3 -. Dressmakers Engineers 60 61 14 19 13 20 40 30 48 26 40 53 53 c 5 Gardeners Glaziers Ironworkers .lewelers 1 Locksmith s - 1 â–  Machinists Mari ner s 484 314 3,642 78 132 105 727 722 275 734 570 795 810 2 9,842 1 12 766 517 738 462 488 6 12,068 2 48 2 â–  409 Mason s Mechanics, not specified 4,776 3 2 4 7,838 1 7,296 1 2 4,643 1 14 8,887 1 23 9,474 1 41 2 13,121 2 38 2 5,155 8,502 1 16 9,836 24,567 1 13 Millers Min ars 3 22 1 Paint.crs Plastcrcrs _. Pl nm hers _ Print ars __ 50 3 2 2 3 2 2 Raddlers and hnrnessmakars Seamstresses 228 216 210 223 88 312 360 228 463 361 88 103 21 194 Rh i p wri gh ts Rhoamn.kars 373 938 1 7 i 1 3 17 7 1 1 6 275 13 298 Spinners __ 2 3 115 Rtnnecntters - _ Tailors __ 317 7 21 37 1 2 ll 3 10 ll Tann ars an (i c.nrriers - Tinners Tobacco mannfactnrars W^ta/h nnd clock makars W^ayers Wh aal wri ch ts other not. specified 88 23 5 52 13 9 13 126 503 Total skilled 7,190 6,005 8,879 8,483 5,675 10,026 10,811 11,111 14,553 6,093 9,476 10,857 13,250 25,895 MISCELLANEOUS. Agants find fac.tors Bankers............................. Cooks............................... Farm ars 7,160 6,117 8,770 10,835 6,667 12,410 18,476 12,343 12,966 8,031 9,831 19,349 27,944 43,594 Grocers ............................. JJotel kaapars Lahore rs 2,874 3,021 1,236 2,897 3,875 599 8,749 3,379 39 9,095 3,893 120 3,684 4,005 42 7,870 5,692 99 9,640 5,311 183 li, 423 5,267 923 15,951 4,976 1,264 5,346 3,226 413 9,725 3,960 1,174 16,552 5,049 2,492 18,193 4,189 3,349 35,869 4,218 3,198 At arch an ts d aal ars Reryants pppphards _ __ Al] ofhar not spoc.ifiad Tatnl m i scal lan eon s 14,291 45,906 13,488 28,736 20,937 50,684 23,943 52,011 14,398 24,627 26,071 37,985 33,610 47,305 29,956 46,197 35,157 60,526 17,016 32,842 24,690 49,843 43,442 65,055 53,675 91,132 86,879 126,005 fCot sta ted Without occupation T otal 67,948 48,716 80,972 84,959 45,159 74,666 92,207 87,805 110,980 56,529 84,764 119,896 158,649 239,482 a Nine months ending September 30. 4408 IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES, [June,- Statement showing, by Occupations, the Total Number of Passengers Arrived in the United States during each Year from 1820 to 1867, inclusive,- and of Immigrants only from 1868 to 1902, inclusive—Continued. OCCUPATIONS. 1848 1849 1850 1851a 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 ‘ 1857 1858 1859 1800 .1861 PROFESSIONAL. Actors 7 13 98 5 37 13 30 4 44 V 33 54 27 5 Artists 210 200 136 208 134 173 67 54 37 69 45 97 80 18 Clergymen 96 172 72 158 107 . 133 139 149 118 173 132 157 . 183 213 Editors and journalists 2 Engravers..' 1 Lawyers 25 178 30 123 19 93 135 224 90 78 113 166 116 106 Musicians 26 10 50 49 17 25 54 44 15 31 115 45 108 43 PhTsicians and surgeons 138 238 236 360 263 238 237 247 163 147 178 253 221 212 Seulptors .7 1 Teachers 15 161 296 40 27 17 54 32 35 28 46 86 • 57 25 All other, not specified 42 Total professional 517 • 972 918 938 572 722 699 780 462 570 662 858 792 i | 668 SKILLED. Acconntants, etc 1 Bakers 1 13 41 Q 21 23 19 51 74 46 104 28 Barbers and hairdressers 4 Blacksmith s 22 Brewers ll 8 14 44 20 26 4 19 54 22 38 38 58 27 Cabin etmakers 2 Carpenter3 and joiners 472 Clerks 42 263 203 161 131 154 158 242 135 271 259 194 200 120 Coopers 19 Dressmakers 20 9 Engineers 66 142 136 128 91 274 213 144 105 72 165 118 132 98 Garden ers.... 4 Glaziers Ironworkers 3 Jewel era 4 Locksmiths . Machinists 25 Mariners . 352 625 1,089 6 955 1,037 983 1,260 ll 1,156 18 906 990 1,109 68 826 1,007 59 734 Masons 1 6 21 ll 10 . 16 40 22 Mechanics, not specified 23,347 29,564 23,378 8 31,614 37 24,120 7 16,661 49 31,470 53 14,997 9,805 73 18,074 26 11,995 13,092 37 13,033 48 7,022 29 Millers 15 67 39 Miners 127 509 937 2,615 6 1,300 1,837 6 2,155 ll 232 6,136 J 1 5,660 31 4,254 31 9,510 15 3,834 29 2,337 ll Painters 4 16 Plasterers Plnmbers Printers 3 1 2 1 4 34 12 21 19 8 14 12 Paddle.rsand haruessmakers 1 Seamstresses 85 187 320 35o 156 216 183 201 215 258 261 230 273 40 phi p wri eh t,s I Shoemakers 2 8 19 27 25 89 157 45 22 86 117 141 156 383 ppirmer.a 205 305 91 58 104 91 296 181 1,255 189 80 114 141 44 Stonecuttera Tailors 1 5 16 42 63 101 108 28 25 108 156 137 204 41 Tanriers and curriers Tirmera Tobacco mnnnfactnrers 17 Watch and clock ma.kera 2 W en. vers "\V h p.e 1 wri gh ts 4 AU other, not specified 574 383 134 191 122 299 364 60 24 187 77 62 50 52 Total skilled 24,705 32,021 26,369 36,297 27,176 20,806 36,468 17,463 18,797 26,062 18,742 24,628 19,342 11,601 MISCELLANEOUS. A gents a nd fn.ctors Rft'nkers , 7 Onk<3 ru-,- - 25 ll, 668 Farmers 31,670 39,675 42,873 59,095 58,023 56,322 87,188 34,693 24,722 34,702 20,506 16,323 21,742 Grocers 96 Hotel keeperTs . . _ _ 1 T ahorers 46,223 3,407 4,433 62,179 3,508 46,640 101,976 75,267 83,022 82,373 42,580 14,759 2,598 87,019 43,249 12,114 1,322 22,317 10,217 1,142 21,696 12,495 31,268 19,413 7,579 739 M erph a ii t s d ca l era 6,400 3,203 14,983 11,502 942 12,782 15,173 11,101 1,748 11,207 1,415 Servants 3,671 3,733 3,938 3,357 ; 1,281 Shepherds .......................... All OthAr pof specified - 145 Total miscellaneous........... 85,733 118,528 109,033 157,657 99,116 188,931 179,787 257,376 145,734 223,861 156,064 223,390 188,091 235,216 94,630 117,603 74,590 130,647 91,387 54,182 51,795 1 78,228 65,632 | 93,925 39,673 59,379 . 1,381 Not stated _ 153,963 71,320 Without occupation T ! Total .... 229,483 299,683 315,334 474,398 397,343 400,982 460,474 230,476 224,496 271,982 144,906 155,509 179,691 | | 112,702 a Fifteen months ending December 81, 1903.] 4409 IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. Statement showing, by Occupations, the Total Number of Passengers Arrived in the United States during each Year from 1820 to 1867, inclusive, and of Immigrants only from 1868 to 1902, inclusive—Continued. OCCUPATIONS. PROFESSIONAL. Actors * Artists Clergymen Editors and journalists Engravers Lawyers Musicians Physicians and snrgeons Sculptors Teachers All other, not specified Total professional SKILLED. Accountants, etc Bakers .. Barbersand hairdressers Blacksmiths Brewers Butchers Cabinetmakers Carpenters and joiners Clerks Coopers Dressmakers Engineers Gardeners Glaziers Ironworkers Jewelera - Locksmiths Machinists ... Mariners Masons . Mechanics, not specified Millers Miners Painters Plasterers Plumbers Printers Saddlers and harnessmakers Seamstresses Shipwrights Shoemakers Spinners Stonecutters Tailors Tanners and curriers Tinners Tobacco manufaeturers Watch and clock: makers Weavers Wheelwrights All other, not specified Total skilled.. MISCELLANEOUS. Agents and factors Bankers.. Cooks F&rmers Grocers Hotel keepers Laborers Merchants, dealers Servants Shepherd s All other, not specified Total miscellaneous Not stated Without occupation . 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 , 17 . 15 20 18 47 47 49 3 4 47 56 39 93 111 85 370 328 595 651 672 577 376 190 - 144 -"79 111 157 105 274 231 258 374 453 477 365 299 ‘ 295 273 316 • 334 " ‘ 445 366 2 3 1 3 4 5 2 3 3 12 - • 19 16 21 9 1 4 1 1 1 3 2 45 â–  96 133 54 89 108 156 132 249 359 367 108 46 77 120 114 97 126 14 10 12 10 21 30 13 108 289 210 " 435 " 559 572 500 235 280 308 395 508 548 235 400 233 200 209 182 159 233 2 2 4 1 4 27 21 22 28 19 16 29 59 142 90 25 181 493 1,118 • 303 370 482 378 31 89 28 39 54 47 20 284 245 | | 121 245 1,101 374 481 788 1,173 1,120 1,743 2,242 2,288 1,398 1,700 1,831 2,247 1,905 2,980 2,476 2,425 2 1 2 5 3 8 1 46 . 50 154 183 620 647 1,003 966 1,031 7S3 870 990 481 1,088 ' 1,398 1,030 730 ' 5 14 17 17 28 21 10 17 21 74 - 200 228 192 240 28 36 24 66 134 190 152 1,328 2,378 1,524 2,229 • 1,894 1,461 1,267 6 3 13 28 40 35 13 247 362 164 481 544 743 374 194 403 545 842 840 940 770 645 727 356 967 1,346 979 . 582 2 2 5 9 25 36 ll 3 6 26 101 122 99 145 162 89 90 253 873 601 414 2,299 4,764 3,250 - 6,170 6,406 4,354 3,383 653 1,275 1,573 2,773 2,726 2,954 1,476 1,651 1,611 1,719 2,159 2,324 1,547 1,414 ll 18 24 21 41 54 23 46 ' 101 308 510 601 356 431 31 65 14 12 31 17 5 46 21 230 241 216 97 95 86 100 142 . 187 22 285 551 348 822 719 696 558 8 15 ll 14 26 46 18 43 51 223 619 538 371 399 4 1 4 2 3 2 48 92 80 91 59 2 14 22 6 ll 13 3 15 10 90 459 1,482 671 550 2 4 5 5 13 27 9 171 409 164 394 243 217 291 4 4 5 17 41 46 22 15 15 83 320 297 237 200 5 42 ll 31 12 472 358' 268 475 1,624 2,081 2,106 2,518 2,717 3,088 2,269 1,219 1,421 1,039 • 1,403 - 1,862 1,934 2,056 19 26 34 75 132 217 98 1,390 2,190 1,508 ' 3,264 4,293 4,478 2,650 6,691 14,175 13,931 19,764 23,206 25,266 19,379 12,783 8,061 12,497 4,143 2,242 899 471 21 5 24 '40 54 57 46 46 258 234 622 573 419 243 1,731 4,314 6,093 7,631 8,010 7,709 5,646 „ 6,005 4,763 4,293 6,689 5,716 4,926 4,055 3 27 29 43 66 75 39 369 753 347 963 1,055 564 585 1 5 3 2 1 * 151 204 49 1 3 1 4 2 7 57 183 285 158 103 22 15 19 20 44 42 13 110 180 160 269 317 284 397 5 7 15 ll 18 30 23 30 167 109 314 354 405 233 151 282 626 292 342 294 214 295 522 495 673 350 414 464 2 3 6 6 2 2 1 9 340 518 314 1,503 539 85 73 148 209 272 275 175 1,106 1,557 909 2,140 2,411 1,639 1.265 5 34 21 8 7 4 30 15 •10 - 40 175 270 170 '192 2 5 7 8 9 12 12 20 122 127 389 529 298 644 66 75 147 366 ‘ 322 334 205 1,124 1,703 1,169 2,186 2,393 1,397 1,463 5 8 12 8 18 17 12 16 112 92 163 144 142 146 4 2 1 9 8 10 15 26 62 . 193 327 341 278 28 19 21 34 68 84 33 151 228 162 419 675 544 713 9 5 1 7 2 2 234 158 154 52 317 108 135 128 122 95 771 1,178 429 952 1,357 892 776 5 5 4 12 31 43 35 25 29 60 333 235 109 94 56 71 90 130 178 200 123 171 383 587 1,893 3,849 3,219 4,765 11,986 24,155 26,542 36,522 41,091 44,097 32,197 33,345 35,698 33,577 44,967 48,792 38,700 33,803 6 9 36 1 37 29 92 119 107 59 5 6 9 20 18 15 32 21 23 16 2 5 10 19 22 8 8 73 48 139 293 215 284 9,265 12,348 13,837 20,012 30,302 32,626 23,046 28,102 35,656 27,042 38,159 36,983 28,775 16,447 100 59 3 2 2 300 198 161 1 1 4 4 14 9 17 26 40 129 104 56 80 17,752 46,198 48,041 45,247- 58,629 57,419 59,151 88,649 84,577 65,936 85,934 104,423 65,895 46,877 7,768 7,483 9,464 12,617 15,796 14,666 8,511 8,819 7,074 5,484 6,935 7,038 5,259 4,706 3,683 9,103 15,623 9,231 S, 883 7,715 6,561 10,265 14,261 13,814 ll,108 16,259 12,427 10,579 1 1 6 7 ll 6 35 23 28 109 231 129 69 338 202 238 348 501 484 283 374 771 890 1,370 2,942 3,959 5,261 38,829 75,444 87,217 87,654 114,168 112,983 97,611 136,270 142,500 113,311 143,975 168,724 117,041 84,546 62 855 14 250 105,992 160,145 110,917 ll,023 1,528 805 190,645 18,482 10,045 5 84^ 789 664 1,435 91,539 .171,771 149,455 180,648 16,529 153,733 203,914 114,463 199,811 221,535 287,399 359,957 342,162 282,189 352,468 387,203 321,350 404,806 Total. 4410 IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. [June, Statement showing, by Occupations, the Total Number of Passengers Arriyed in the United States during each Year from 1820 to 1867, inclusive, and of Immigrants only from 1868 to 1902, inclusive—Continued. OCCUPATIONS. 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 PROFESSIONAL. Actors 88 " 148 51 41 22 116 55 189 38 94 73 173 233 105 Artists 146 92 81 144 189 340 217 143 142 126 165 202 198 363 Clergymen 417 373 319 320 269 387 418 309 231 259 269 274 408 338 Editors and journalists ... 42 66 13 21 32 81 61 23 21 25 32 38 66 44 Engravers 106 97 26 61 28 140 82 60 75 57 49 102 109 130 Lawyers 76 66 37 39 46 70 102 83 47 53 92 123 221 132 Musicians 421 320 396 341 399 430 543 334 555 377 367 689 599 595 Physicians and snrgeons 209 146 111 141 223 177 308 150 160 176 165 190 327 214 Sculptors 29 43 19 43 59 96 132 119 133 96 84 150 55 70 Teachers 801 185 199 203 • 211 348 479 454 445 408 353 406 383 374 All other, not specified 565 349 258 285 295 627 595 586 437 426 429 536 761 450 Total professional. 2,400 1,885 1,510 1,639 1,773 2,812 2,992 2,450 2,284 2,097 2,078 2,882 3,360 2,815 SKILLED. Acconntants, etc 89 109 97 105 184 256 182 156 162 113 129 163 296 158 Bakers 640 507 464 636 1,377 2,264 2,453 2,331 1,971 1,465 1,209 1,569 1,737 1,768 Barhers and hairdressers 156 142 113 141 248 409 478 554 495 371 355 487 635 567 Blacksmiths 816 787 673 911 2,311 3,986 4,099 2,804 2,508 1,819 1,420 2,280 2,577 2,185 Brewers 284 241 350 286 617 956 955 885 984 609 382 643 627 595 Butchers 521 489 645 710 1,138 1,998 â–  2,269 2,102 2,059 1,391 1,190 1,689 '1,869 1,600 Cabinetmakers 114 109 173 358 1,574 1,882 731 118 109 92 114 124 173 143 Carpenters and joiners 2,631 1,730 1,876 2,759 8,234 11,481 ll,900 8,652 3,387 7,216 4,392 3,678 5,295 5,663 4,373 Clerks 1,385 1,253 1.340 1,724 2,860 3,189 3,412 3,518 3,413 3,027 3,314 3,760 4,005 Coopers 325 265 '287 147 453 544 478 540 353 188 . 158 208 420 247 Dressmakers 218 229 179 287 338 398 667 686 609 421 363 479 764 915 Engineers 562 515 355 630 1,329 1,216 1,299 1,079 962 770 798 1,241 1,525 1,240 Gardeners 421 331 239 260 377 957 917 981 887 599 523 613 952 901 Glaziers 57 78 41 31 82 244 190 209 142 111 118 184 165 166 Ironworkers 384 268 79 153 528 438 419 309 354 291 413 848 1,201 ‘ 465 Jewelers 160 174 117 125 272 317 295 200 189 165 154 177 225 186 Locksmiths 192 202 349 141 198 642 840 1,230 967 554 389 393 248 76 Machinists 261 292 • 284 208 592 641 375 191 232 366 202 234 399 285 Mariners 1,224 1,329 871 905 1,458 1,589 1,911 1,844 1,742 1,477 1,803 2,708 2,532 1,898 Masons 1,713 1,303 642 871 2,033 3,203 4,279 2,959 2,562 1,893 1,835 2,774 4,223 2,735 Mechanics, not specified 404 268 343 786 3,309 4,109 4,325 4,156 2,534 2,019 1,886 2,432 3,066 2,391 Millers 197 186 163 206 442 842 1,027 876 839 570 439 511 596 542 Miners . 2,237 1,670 1,578 2,588 6,086 5,204 6,485 4,743 3,794 2,940 3,481 5,945 6,264 5,505 Painters 440 386 252 450 838 1,342 1,422 1,197 1,306 929 774 1,232 1,664 1,327 Plasterers 436 110 21 40 90 329 284 163 173 99 203 241 502 182 Plumbers 98 67 21 42 143 185 238 231 172 163 180 308 347 505 Printers 152 151 86 165 208 371 569 399 357 321 251 291 490 442 Saddlers and harnessmakers 136 73 135 126 249 441 529 470 474 285 265 318 427 324 Seamstresses 287 236 365 166 379 685 475 628 567 517 438 583 453 296 Shipwrights 103 399 170 108 571 238 155 90 94 86 17 45 43 23 Shoemakers 898 680 777 1,119 1,849 3,967 4,366 3,203 2,931 2,150 1,681 2,397 2,499 2,065 Spinners 110 72 83 95 210 405 2,431 3,589 2,646 1,000 293 353 366 324 Stonecutters 279 529 158 113 328 •433 551 470 481 341 323 501 542 313 Tailors 969 668 815 1,062 2,134 3,106 3,748 3,235 3,317 2,228 2.682 3,769 3,495 3,809 Tanners and cnrriers 108 161 78 100 171 272 313 336 202 151 '128 164 165 118 Tinners 215 156 91 105 157 402 346 347 568 323 192 219 304 297 Tobacco manufacturer 384 425 317 478 515 1,684 1,045 675 1,506 1,360 1,160 2,157 2,281 2,332 Watch and clock makers 158 159 113 149 269 344 443 404 364 306 307 357 349 289 Weavers 454 354 292 515 1,499 1,689 1,643 1,679 1,389 1,006 989 1,472 1,455 1,293 Wheelwrights 94 109 23 30 144 275 239 291 229 130 107 116 164 136 All other, not specified 3,889 3,793 1,476 1,581 4,135 3,524 3,881 . 4,106 3,097 2,393 2,466 3,569 4,522 3,436 Total skilled 24,200 21,006 16,531 21,362 | 49,929 66,457 72,664 62,505 55,061 39,817 36,522 52,403 1 59,985 50,457 MISCELLANEOUS. Agents and factors 70 46 34 66 52 122 159 123 136 135 139 172 237 320 Bankers 29 36 24 28 13 33 56 12 18 60 24 39 68 48 Cooks 231 157 241 226 220 450 539 434 271 312 314 466 962 505 Earmers 14,536 13,188 14,843 19,907 47,204 58,028 61,888 39,048 42,050 27,585 20,600 30,932 29,335 28,962 Grocers 187 215 119 104 240 293 368 362 246 236 232 272 392 412 Hotel keepers 158 131 81 143 103 157 144 334 769 416 109 131 53 71 Laborcrs 38,847 25,482 26,656 36,897 105,012 147,816 209,605 136,071 106,478 83,068 86,853 140,938 170,273 111, 809 Merchants, dealers 4,519 4,239 4,217 4,861 7,508 8,766 9,375 7,449 6,522 5,870 5,733 7,418 6,847 6,508 Servants 6,493 5,158 6,157 6,804 18,580 19,342 23,010 27,988 24,249 20,213 20,198 27,510 27,310 30,220 Shepherds 31 38 44 34 60 486 312 214 190 81 49 44 67 46 All other, not specified 7,174 6,960 5,390 3,983 9,117 8,999 5,045 4,014 3,266 3,736 3,400 2,829 4,100 3,493 Total miscellaneous 72,275 55,650 57,806 73,053 188,109 244,492 310,501 216,049 184,195 141,702 137,651 210,751 239,644 182,394 1903.] IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. 4411 Statement showing, by Occupations, the Total Number of Passengers Arrived in the United States during each Year from 1820 to 1867, inclusive, and of Immigrants only from 1868 to 1902, inclusive—Continued. OCCUPATIONS. 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 PROFESSIONAL. Actors 169 249 142 177 96 68 29 245 54 90 103 177 170 Artis ts 271 327 213 281 95 138 113 53 59 Clergymen 491 564 409 241 211 239 148 110 153 181 172 251 225 Editors and journalists 57 89 56 42 28 30 19 20 12 15 13 41 64 Engravers 105 190 155 120 64 59 41 47 43 Laivyers 158 200 101 65 43 23 50 46 37 47 27 44 47 Musicians 578 485 631 342 395 331 246 223 324 385 406 Physicians and surgeons 261 255 161 124 123 107 146 94 81 97 73 100 116 Sculptors 109 68 80 187 167 133 133 89 136 178 193 315 290 Teachers 484 512 392 318 270 409 399 262 288 322 344 390 402 All other, not specified 543 572 480 414 299 334 915 520 261 1,042 1,143 962 1,217 Total professional 3,236 3,431 2,674 2,600 . 1,738 1,935 2,324 1,732 1,347 1,972 2,392 2,665 2,937 SKILLED. Accountants, etc 152 164 68 92 81 98 87 52 47 Bakers 1 1,727 1,867 1,762 1,617 1,153 993 1,679 1,309 1,469 1,760 2,352 2,192 2,392 Barhers and hairdressers 585 775 651 540 558 630 1,375 1,146 1,032 1,360 1,478 1,883 2,256 Blacksmiths 1,792 2,305 2,104 2,073 1,554 1,226 1,393 1,137 1,152 1,641 2,321 2,613 3,274 Brewers 458 438 468 390 259 222 273 179 150 183 144 164 220 Butchers 1,452 1,800 1,696 1,576 1,176 1,021 1,440 1,027 1,074 1,244 1,650 1,541 1,940 Cabinetmakers 70 148 76 98 62 101 243 162 173 Carpenters and ioiners 3,776 5,244 4,897 4,691 2,934 2,570 3,676 2,503 2,904 4,343 6,702 6,508 8,895 Clerks 3,653 3,725 3,271 3,201 2,222 2,630 2,186 1,747 2,031 2,376 2,769 3,108 3,721 Coopers 243 223 162 104 119 64 175 156 113 Dressmaker 1,131 1,565 1,521 1,371 1,665 1,318 1,200 777 706 Engin e era 1,105 1,322 945 1,412 907 823 710 419 416 Garden ers 768 809 683 762 569 625 599 461 416 433 753 625 720 Glaziers 114 155 115 " 67 52 36 240 106 117 Ironworkers 455 406 297 563 311 343 461 200 138 174 293 352 746 Jewel ers 219 277 380 266 253 150 127 175 168 217 . 293 323 348 Locksmiths 60 51 55 74 61 41 626 384 371 394 713 807 1,416 Machinists 274 473 889 1,117 623 716 534 322 287 327 421 553 698 Mariners 2,185 2,335 2,656 2,168 2,170 2,714 4,335 2,831 2,635 3,641 4,810 4,695 6,465 Masons. 2,349 2,863 2,047 2,166 1,383 1,133 1,782 1,644 1,371 1,915 2,868 3,414 4,691 Mechanics, not specified 2,227 2,072 1,174 391 221 321 1,021 428 299 467 654 800 1,109 Millers 474 537 501 395 327 204 491 304 248 423 498 499 662 Miners 3,745 4,486 5,343 4,474 2,505 1,728 2,698 1,743 1,604 2,026 2,822 3,629 4,920 Painters 1,146 1,311 1,277 1,051 695 758 1,051 723 741 974 1,362 1,499 1,731 Plasterers 178 150 59 67 184 81 106 83 95 71 121 116 102 Plumbers 265 31 47 46 30 40 117 99 70 115 95 114 129 Printers 367 328 302 335 180 259 284 173 145 189 227 280 325 Saddl ers and harnessmakers 261 332 290 209 199 145 266 160 163 219 265 280 367 Seamstresses 145 168 166 72 125 102 1,035 733 972 2,618 3,029 4,232 4,542 Shipwrights 28 34 ll 35 17 ll 30 21 13 31 24 25 40 Shoemaker 2,232 3,037 3,067 3,075 2,284 2,162 3,952 3,325 3,229 4,276 5,260 5,451 6,402 Rpi n n prs _ _ 273 148 278 319 128 172 583 269 114 Stonecntters 290 283 414 763 478 326 442 398 362 435 669 915 1,489 Tailors 3,879 5,864 5,334 3,808 3,184 2,867 4,021 3,454 3,826 5,833 9,899 9,609 10,369 Tanner3 and cnrriers 140 163 120 78 102 115 252 130 176 346 827 599 584 Tinners 202 300 275 242 168 188 397 240 326 385 633 691 992 Tobacco manufacturer 1,169 1,873 691 1,667 905 1,011 1,041 592 380 333 377 450 460 Watch and clock makers 290 313 392 340 212 ’ 198 278 172 226 231 299 384 382 Weavers 1,154 al,559 1,590 2,249 1,251 1,062 1,957 1,091 1,182 1,535 1,602 1,890 2,048 Wheelwrights 99 105 52 39 41 49 113 55 89 113 163 149 298 All other, not specified 3,408 4,912 4,094 3,628 2,568 3,294 • 3,531 2,231 2,115 3,393 5,050 4,113 5,035 Total skilled 44,540 54,951 50,220 47,631 33,926 32,547 .46,807 33,161 33,145 44,021 61,443 64,503 79,768 MISCELLANEOUS. Agents and factors 547 394 176 186 115 152 264 146 110 97 101 89 115 Bankers 64 59 39 34 14 14 9 4 5 20 15 17 18 541 528 822 416 729 775 1.202 943 836 Farmers 29,296 36,398 31,563 26,779 16,452 11,001 29,251 22,560 16,243 21,316 37,382 57,788 88,730 CrftPPT’s 426 265 436 406 192 244 527 1,160 1,188 Hotel keepers 58 122 50 42 84 89 106 197 184 157 122 147 140 Laborer V. 139,365 167,290 176,499 126,377 59,575 54,372 91,262 46,198 52,531 92,019 163,508 161,938 242,679 Merchants, dealers 6,707 10,500 9,134 8,486 7,534 4,752 5,268 5,652 4,472 5,394 5,429 6,589 7,242 Servants 28,625 32,596 38,969 36,043 28,763 30,346 38,926 23,739 23,656 34,120 40,311 42,027 69,913 ft .o-nVi q 52 75 78 56 44 26 41 18 38 All other, not specified 6,075 5,075 3,547 2,515 2,685 3,008 4,084 3,698 4,975 3,220 2,928 3,469 4,042 Total miscellaneous 211,756 253,302 261,313 201,340 116,187 104,779 170,940 104,315 104,238 156,343 249,796 272,064 412,879 alncludes silk w.eavers. 4412 EMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. [June, Statement showing the Principal Occupations op the Immigrants op the Several Nationalities PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS AND NATIONALITIES. 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 • 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 Principal professional occupations. Clergymen: Belgium 7 6 4 3 4 1 2 6 2 5 5 7 France 52 43 44 53 63 18 - 69 54 28 19 12 10 Germany 58 133 102 69 50 37 45 47 54 47 59 47 England . 77 51 66 49 48 71 65 117 60 55 70 93 Scotland... 14 23 8 14 14 19 33 18 8 17 13 13 Ireland 69 79 61 65 88 70 61 69 63 38 42 40 Italy 9 7 8 12 10 1 13 16 4 ll 6 7 Sweden and Norway 5 13 7 2 10 8 6 17 6 7 13 Russia and Poland 3 1 6 3 6 1 5 2 5 2 8 10 British North America 51 30 33 19 19 25 44 47 38 17 16 , (a) Other countries 21 31 34 30 18 16 42 36 30 14 21 29 Total 366 417 373 319 320 269 387 " 418 309 231 259 269 Musicians: Austria-Hungary ' 27 16 12 33 ll 66. 24 93 20 68 29 19 Denmark 4 . 2 1 . 2 2 5 2 0 6 4 France 79 20 41 ll 5 2 9 ll 7 2 7 3 Germany .• 159 151 110 187 124 150 233 236 172 306 233 194 Italy 129 135 100 104 134 42 93 129 64 105 43 77 Russia and Poland 4 1 4 3 4 3 3 13 3 7 17 10 Spain 6 2 1 4 1 3 1 Sweden and Norway 30 18 8 7 4 17 5 7 6 4 5 4 Switzerland 2 4 2 5 5 13 6 8 5 2 2 United Kingdom 33 47 16 27 19 52 27 34 37 41 28 44 British North America 17 8 1 4 18 47 3 4 2 2 1 (a) Other countries 18 15 21 18 14 13 ll 7 12 6 8 13 Total 500 421 320 396 341 399 430 543 334 555 ‘ 377 367 Physicians and surgeons: Austria-Hungary 5 14 4 8 6 7 6 3 3 5 7 6 Denmark 2 4 2 1 5 1 5 France 14 18 .7 7 12 13 9 20 9 8 ll 5 Germany 43 53 28 23 30 71 46 61 49 43 28 43 1 2 1 4 4 10 g 5 < 6 5 4 Netherlands i 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 Sweden and Norway 2 1 3 1 5 1 7 7 8 6 6 Switzerland 2 9 2 1 5 6 8 7 5 10 6 4 United Kingdom 60 58 42 28 45 64 53 69 39 52 54 56 British North America 57 24 24 13 10 31 14 • 38 20 13 35 (a) West Indies ..* 14 4 5 4 4 4 9 4 2 2 3 16 Other countries 30 25 29 19 27 15 18 85 8 12 18 19 Total 233 209 146 111 141 223 177 308 150 160 176 165 Teachers: Austria-Hungary 5 9 5 1 7 30 12 8 20 16 16 20 Denmark 1 4 3 3 4 2 g 5 13 ll 5 France 47 98 32 21 43 6 36 46 19 23 35 18 Germany 98 69 61 45 44 65 117 197 216 174 153 114 Italy 2 5 3 4 17 5 7 14 16 9 12 Netherlands 1 3 3 6 1 6 7 5 Russia and Poland 6 G 12 5 6 6 17 2 15 17 22 Sweden and Norway 20 5 1 3 2 1 5 9 15 21 ll 16 Switzerland 4 ll 5 7 18 6 32 25 26 17 21 12 United Kingdom 85 86 36 40 53 53 73 108 87 101 106 118 British North America 100 3 16 67 14 22 53 42 39 18 ll (a) Other countries 10 9 9 4 9 10 6 10 25 ll ll Total 378 301 185 199 203 ll 348 479 454 445 408 353 Principal skilled occupations. Bakers: Austria-Hungary 18 20 15 • 21 34 56 65 64 56 72 48 55 Belgium 4 2 1 3 5 g 2 ll 10 9 13 Denmark 6 3 2 5 8 21 30 25 24 24 ll 13 France 58 93 48 33 31 23 39 41 52 44 44 28 Germany 309 230 233 211 329 734 1,464 1,576 1,529 1,320 902 632 Italy 20 12 12 ll 14 17 40 63 61 30 19 38 Netherlands 9 1 2 4 4 ll 8 26 27 15 26 12 Russia and Poland 6 6 6 9 7 8 10 44 12 20 ' 28 40 Sweden and Norway 20 87 15 48 33 102 53 116 92 43 25 52 Switzerland * 9 9 12 ll 21 46 180 131 124 110 71 42 United Kingdom 174 127 94 50 78 233 290 315 316 241 256 264 British North America 92 31 46 38 26 91 41 13 6 10 3 («) Other countries 5 19 22 22 48 30 36 37 21 32 23 20 Total 730 640 507 464 636 1,377 2,264 2,453 2,331 1,971 1,465 1,209 Blacksmiths: Austria-Hungary 40 35 22 41 36 118 147 113 92 85 94 83 Belgium .- 1 i 3 2 2 2 4 9 10 G Denmark 15 14 7 21 36 58 74 80 88 84 58 80 France 15 8 45 44 14 7 16 25 7 20 18 13 Germany 204 180 235 171 253 745 1,810 1,729 1,255 1,207 874 552 Italy 10 15 13 8 13 7 33 67 80 33 19 36 Netherlands 5 6 1 2 7 12 38 22 34 19 5 Russia and Poland 8 4 13 7 14 22 27 47 20 54 64 90 Sweden and Norway • 70 48 30 43 103 289 356 282 211 120 78 123 United Kingdom 275 285 177 147 243 590 556 475 501 419 367 365 British North America 389 202 209 165 130 374 789 1,109 383 346 176 (a) Other countries 35 18 35 26 64 92 164 132 141 97 42 67 Total 1,267 816 787 673 911 | 2,311 | 3,986 4,099 2,804 2,508 1,819 1,420 Butchers: Austria-Hungary 43 23 29 40 35 54 92 80 40 86 68 73 Belgium 4 1 2 3 2 1 1 4 1 6 1 1 4 8 1 1 8 3 8 a Immigrants from the British North American Possessions not included. 4413 19C3.J IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. Arrived in the United States doting each Year ending June SO, from 1875 to 1898, inclusive. 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS AND N ATION alities . Principal professional occupations. Clergymen: 12 ll 9 12 4 ll ll 3 Belgium 9 32 19 31 81 33 29 23 61 2 Prance. 41 45 48 57 76 36 27 27 24 2 12 Germany. 63 129 101 161 160 163 79 48 66 35 49 England. 15 88 23 26 19 18 12 ll 5 10 4 Scotland. 65 58 70 78 -96 78 40 30 16 5 15 Ireland. 4 7 2 18 34 17 7 6 7 ll 14 Italy. 10 12 13 19 18 8 13 18 21 4 12 Sweden and Norway. 6 27 5 9 13 9 4 2 4 8 7 Russia and Poland. . («) («) . (a) (a) (a) (a) .(«) (a) (a) (a) 1 British North America. 49 49 48 80 63 36 30 35 32 35 37 Other countries. 274 408 338 491 564 409 241 211 239 •110 153 Total. Musicians: 56 47 49 67 62 66 64 14 24 26 18 Austria-Hungary. 7 9 10 17 5 4 5 4 4 5 1 Denmark. 9 56 ' 16 14 12 14 4 4 1 1 3 France. 460 328 358 229 169 172 390 180 188 54 49 Germany. 73 57 53 106 50 96 41 50 46 84 74 Italy. 12 ll 22 18 29 58 16 18 23 22 32 Russia and Poland. 2 2 4 4 1 1 2 1 Spain. 10 13 5 7 4 3 13 6 31 2 6 Sweden and Norway. 3 *8 4 4 5 4 15 2 3 Switzerland. 46 51 60 84 54 45 68 52 61 34 24 United Kingdom. («) (a) («) 113 144 217 253 253 252 171 156 England 188 119 117 87 103 168 136 156 129 144 146 171 Scotland 49 114 29 21 : 27 25 27 37 42 25 30 51 Ireland 102 54 29 27 45 40 37 33 48 37 75 51 Italy 26 16 27 ! 10 26 33 136 190 253 .166 85 134 Netherlands 18 9 13 4 4 5 : 12 9 15 . 15 14 7 pr»rtn crn 1 _ _ 247 32 143 4 54 18 19 ll 14 10 13 Spain 12 12 8 2 6 2 ll 3 3 4 3 * 7 Sweden and Norway 124 113 64 114 70 162 237 351 479 431 369 627 British North America 658 215 429 261 283 609 549 624 352 113 174 (a) West Indies 109 192 147 99 34 159 66 94 64 219 164 139 Azores, and Cape Verde Islands 76 58 96 53 54 22- 8 ll 33 120 61 198 Other countries 93 75 25 58 44 14 27 47 42 72 74 53 Total i.. 2,056 ; 1,224 1,329 871 • 905 1,458 1,589 1,911 1,844 1,742 1,477 1,803 Masons: Austria-Hungary 63 39 38- 48 30 59 76 72 77 72 41 52 Belgium 6 1 2 1 5 5 5 5 ll 13 12 Denmark 14 5 6 6N 14 23 35 65 33 35 37 32 France 133 20 ! 87 9 14 13 29 10 37 15 24 8 Germany 630 133 i - 223. 168 160 431 1,334 1,603 1,204 1,062 577 377 Italy 114 ^ 42 19 17 30 29 97 228 246 162 96 173 Netherlands 4 1 2 5 1 4 19 20 9 10 13 5 a Immigrants from the British North American Possessions not included. 4417 1903.} • IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. Arrived in the United States during each Year ending June 30, from 1875 to 1898, inclusive—Continued. 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS AND NATIONALITIES. Principal skilled occupations—Continued. 17 27 14 7 6 5 ll 10 14 ll 2 Mechanics, not specified—Continued. Switzerland. (a),5 w» <*>» (a)40 («) 57 (a) 42 (a). (“>o (a) 2 (°) ,n 40 2 British North America Other countries. 22 2,432 3,066 2,391 2,227 2,072 1,174 391 221 321 428 299 Total. 595 150 109 738 1,008 1,261 154 492 125 63 136 132 Miners: Austri a-Hungary. Belgium. France. 172 286 104 85 56 206 99 30 42 20 152 266 183 92 182 80 76 129 32 86 59 518 270 254 327 258 286 383 339 79 61 50 Germany. England. Scotland. 2,346 2,598 2,478 1,194 1,068 212 1,295 269 1,469 535 1,037 229 890 653 533 793 li 365 251 752 194 127 58 71 258 270 153 124 171 195 98 126 74 96 Ireland. 426 347 767 874 1,201 61 1,200 731 387 326 573 517 Italy. Russia and Poland. 127 99 94 V 123 218 181 6 18 20 22 431 496 339 242 233 260 137 19 24 22 33 Sweden and Norway. Switzerland. 27 39 93 72 23 («) 60 19 (a) 130 7 13 («) 24 1 4 4 (a) 100 (0)97 (a) 62 (a) 151 (a) 62 (tV (Ct) 14 8 British North America. 59 Other countries. 5,945 6,264 5,505 3,745 4,486 5,343 4,474 2,505 1,728 1,743 1,604 Total. 155 232 149 233 297 245 290 292 209 216 328 Shoemakers: Austria-Hungary. Belgium. Denmark. 19 15 6 6 ll 16 5 4 5 6 5 50 58 60 52 58 50 80 49 18 22 17 19 60 31 31 26 18 ' 16 12 7 12 10 France. 832 997 770 666 744 719 629 437 255 209 146 Germany. England. Scotland. 189 280 171 138 148 129 128 88 150 68 58 44 77 59 28 39 29 34 23 12 10 2 102 155 123 79 93 89 99 74 139 59 51 Ireland. 453 162 294 468 797 842 1,110 25 768 732 1,723 5 1,557 4 Italy. 10 40 ll ll 15 25 10 5 Netherlands. 283 169 206 330 565 632 338 285 369 595 713 Russia and Poland. 150 . 188 108 75 131 154 160 102 68 77 76 Sweden and Norway. 39 34 55 42 22 23 19 14 12 5 4 Switzerland. <«) 2o (a) 4 (a) 59 (0)65 (a)8X («) 116 («) co 83 (a) 146 (a) 289 1 British North America. 207 Asia and Oceania. 27 28 12 14 26 15 26 43 35 29 50 Other countries. 2,397 2,499 2,065 2,232 3,037 3,067 3,075 2,284 2,162 3,325 3,229 Total. 16 33 23 . 49 63 41 52 14 2 ll 13 17 Gardeners: Austria-Hungary. Belgium. 3 2 3 2 5 9 10 28 7 8 3 26 17 24 41 42 26 19 28 15 14 Denmark. 20 40 55 33 21 16 18 289 13 16 17 15 France. 221 309 321 276 265 210 160 125 130 102 Germany. 12 23 13 53 69 29 46 25 49 72 78 Italy. 8 6 9 14 19 19 22 22 21 ll 3 Netherlands. 7 24 24 15 26 35 24 3 6 7 ll Russia and Poland. 23 22 27 16 20 21 15 25 26 19 27 Sweden and Norway. 24 30 21 16 17 12 12 14 12 17 8 Switzerland. 250 431 356 239 249 235 218 238 302 142 122 United Kingdom. (<,) 3 W15 («) 2» (a)X4 ‘“’IS (°) on 30 (a) 28 (a)S4 («) 22 (a)i0 1 British North America. 15 Other countries. 613 952 | | • 901 768 809 683 | 762 569 625 . 461 416 Total. 4 8 5 3 7 15 10 7 27 26 20 Machintsts: Austria-Hungary. 5 s 5 1 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 Belgium. s 2 4 6 10 13 1 9 27 9 15 Denmark. 1 5 3 3 1 4 7 5 4 9 1 France. 39 78 30 23 33 68 65 50 36 38 36 Germany. 15 21 32 26 67 98 124 39 36 38 60 Sweden and Norway. 6 3 1 9 3 8 2 4 ll 12 Switzerland. 138 225 176 (a) 29 173 308 578 («) 108 846 479 .543 135 82 United Kingdom. (<*) 23 W54 («) 39 (a) 37 (0,53 (a) 28 («) 38 WB4 2 British North America. 58 Other countries. 234 399 | | 285 274 ' 473 889 1,117 623 716 322 287 Total. 100 67 6 97 108 84 233 98 337 481 206 224 191 182 222 Mariners:' Austria-Hungary, 119 19 109 14 47 33 49 47 38 35 Denmark. 12 30 193 280 64 35 21 7 ll 8 4 France. 133 182 63 43 94 15 4 216 177 244 70 157 106 46 77 102 81 105 Germany. 277 231 175 121 148 304 118 120 England. 91 45 49 27 25 35 17 19 Scotland. 53 75 56 72 36 34 40 79 42 40 Ireland. 101 111 19 157 250 332 202 470 349 799 1,000 21 Italy. Netherlands. 66 1 39 . 1 25 . 25 14 13 18 22 2 10 208 75 Portugal. 12 1,456 (a) 403 53 77 22 1,221 6 10 599 («) 209 107 109 9 545 20 917 15 1,086 16 871 25 18 18 Spain. 669 («) 108 93 122 • 1,239 (a)n, 93 1,048 757 Sweden and Norway. (a) 101 12 136 («) 251 104 186 (a) 65 (a) 100 (“) 37 2 191 (a) 104 38 British North America. 51 West Indies. 165 201 2 74 Azores, and Cape Verde Isiands. Other countries. 251 147 146 150 2,708 2,532 | I 1,898 2,185 2,335 2,656 2,168 2,170 2,714 2,831 • 2,635 Total. 60 g 116 28 101 50 721 189 21 56 10 51 29 431 220 15 82 13 46 22 404 397 5 135 14 55 13 385 649 ll 129 9 162 66 44 94 87 Masons: Austri a-Hungary. 13 13 2 2 2 Belgium. 79 23 409 356 10 41 47 31 28 16 7 Denmark. 17 13 9 12 7 8 France. 364 323 254 154 154 91 Germany. 583 7 915 596 415 1,095 3 885 Italy. 22 5 3 2 Netherlands. [June, 4418 IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. '/ Statement showing the Principal Occupations of the Immigrants of the Several Nationalities PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS AND NATIONALITIES. 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 Principal skilled occupations—Continued. Masons—Continued. Russia and Poland 18 47 5 2 4 13 â–  26 5 19 . 35 20 Sweden and Norway 223 77 78 37 47 149 217 150 109 65 33 96 Switzerland 14 5 ll 19 9 33 100 166 72 30 32 21 United Kingdom 907 565 256 228 390 994 984 1,624 1,013 784 710 1,036 British North America 480 762 574 86 149 284 259 369 133 292 270 (a) Other countries 39 16 2 21 24 5 35 41 16 5 12 3 Total 2,650 1,713 1,303 642 871 2,033 3,203 4,279 . 2,959 2,562 1,893 1,835 Tailors: Austria-Hungary 140 96 47 67 86 251 298 196 216 354 185 315 Belgium 7 5 2 3 4 5 14 1 9 9 9 10 Denmark 4 6 6 5 13 25 29 43 42 32 28 33 France 98 47 44 20 26 26 44 38 33 38 35 19 Germany 497 295 215 231 295 695 1,374 1,935 1,797 1,506 855 729 England’ 233 128 87 98 142 262 233 254 216 223 202 201 Scotland 28 20 14 13 23 28 36 39 ' 53 43 41 61 Ireland 123 68 40 41 75 125 103 120 124 121 101 68 Italy 44 26 16 19 45 54 156 303 207 148 117 213 Netherlands 8 12 6 4 2 7 22 54 26 18 18 13 Russia and Poland 74 73 59 122 83 238 208 335 131 531 419 762 Sweden and Norway 79 71 36 " 50 82 203 236 206 202 122 119 177 Switzerland 17 16 ll 12 37 53 103 94 99 73 34 32 British North America 102 66 66 99 105 132 197 110 50 - 67 23 (a) Other countries 9 40 19 31 44 30 53 20 30 32 42 49 Total 1,463 969 668 815 1,062 2,134 3,106 3,748 3,235 3,317 2,228 2,682 Tobacco manufacturers and dealers: Belgium 4 3 15 3 ll 6 ll 18 14 13 Germany 199 124 95 156 75 263 810 539 270 395 197 118 Russia and Poland 22 8 6 5 5 2 25 74 19 58 63 79 United Kingdom 51 19 18 17 12 13 45 29 38 77 33 44 Cuba 234 128 163 75 345 187 715 330 292 891 1,006 857 Other West Indies 2 1 8 12 3 10 4 5 9 18 Other countries 201 102 127 56 38 38 75 57 41 62 38 31 Total 713 384 425 317 478 515 1,684 1,045 675 1,506 1,360 1,160 Weavers: Austria-Hungary 76 37 26 29 33 60 81 65 105 49 41 24 France 18 7 16 7 6 15 47 63 57 24 26 16 Germany 188 124 113 90 130 377 682 631 726 497 249 157 England 247 162 98 107 236 690 491 404 426 553 409 488 Scotland 60 38 26 23 39 165 185 110 58 50 79 137 Ireland 71 42 30 17 28 82 81 300 96 113 122 84 Greece Italy 3 5 3 1 2 15 15 15 29 15 22 36 Russia, and Poland 6 3 1 3 g 4 1 15 9 13 Switzerland 7 4 7 3 22 61 58 28 64 28 27 16 Other countries 100 35 32 15 18 31 40 23 117 45 22 18 Total . 776 454 354 292 515 1,499 1,689 1,643 1,679 1,389 1,006 989 Principal miscellaneous occupations. Farmers: - Austria-Hungary 464 383 430 393 460 1,009 1,203 1,823 1,231 1,407 1,013 943 Belgium 29 20 19 30 60 106 251 172 166 191 113 113 Denmark 274 213 238 463 715 1,099 1,041 1,405 1,280 1,451 810 841 France 305 321 374 192 279 274 613 712 458 380 372 287 Germany 5,050 3,492 3,101 3,255 4,105 9,432 19,529 23,593 16,961 18,735 11,125 7,679 England 1,539 1,410 1,206 990 1,136 2,678 2,475 2,917 2,031 1,907 1,442 1,832 Scotland 423 216 221 283 305 606 659 887 425 356 344 486 Ireland 985 514 524 586 634 2,397 1,651 1,603 1,929 1,527 1,456 1,668 Greece 31 - 3 Italy : 234 249 244 452 505 1,552 1,812 3,849 3,052 2,140 1,145 2,019 Netherlands i 142 83 24 51 87 624 1,370 911 570 572 391 403 Russia and Poland 1,005 614 1,063 486 738 456 490 730 269 477 874 697 Spain and Portugal 9 18 13 156 10 10 5 138 164 103 48 Sweden and Norway 971 1,650 1,223 1,296 1,959 7,012 6,574 6,500 3,339 2,807 1,766 2,751 Switzerland 312 253 248 278 593 1,160 2,027 2,204 2,060 1,464 1,004 661 British North America 4,162 4,940 4,066 5,656 7,915 18,291 18,086 14,340 4,998 8,351 5,449 (a) Asia 291 21 8 40 61 8 ' 3 45 29 22 West Indies 33 26 16 29 25 48 34 7 23 35 54 34 Azores 74 13 70 78 260 88 78 43 21 2 70 73 Other countries 145 100 100 129 121 311 117 156 94 36 29 43 Total 16,447 14,536 13,188 14,843 19,907 47,204 58,028 61,888 39,048 42,050 27,585 20,600 Laborees: Austria-Hungary— Bohemia 920 955 1,576 1,220 883 Hungary 84 96 55 61 50 1,376 2,673 4,650 6,874 8,769 4,362 7,371 Other Austria 769 676 636 630 741 1,909 3,318 2,741 2,964 4,581 3,839 i 424 Belgium 61 37 68 17 69 137 231 113 128 216 218 186 . Denmark 409 218 276 307 743 1,690 2,261 2,863 1,992 1,303 1,003 1,409 France 1,117 452 408 444 326 442 581 426 541 337 452 470 Germany 4,881 2,816 2,550 3,226 4,554 12,202 36,050 36,104 25,586 25,761 18,486 12,453 England 6,974 2,839 2,705 2,484 4,258 12,936 14,054 20,649 12,482 11,453 10,167 11,292 Scotland 565 301 189 243 321 1,331 2,017 2,197 1,710 1,111 1,383 1,547 Ireland 9,900 4,305 3,184 3,987 5,572 25,296 26,070 27,816 26,835 19,704 16,411 16,544 Grepoe 1 10 2 5 12 2 60 25 7 60 66 Italy 1,354 880 884 1,374 2,172 3,911 5,809 15,631 19,236 5,714 4,539 • 7,270 Netherlands 140 92 90 65 62 215 972 1,229 722 444 294 229 Poland.'. 200 163 122 154 112 791 1,715 2,103 916 2,007 1,236 1,706 Portugal 2 4 ' 65 131 47 42 7 208 155 68 Ron m am a 7 27 109 93 Russia, except Poland 642 318 335 198 237 982 1,178 5,389 2,534 4,113 3,809 4,613 Spain 45 34 44 14 29 19 64 62 25 28 77 33 Sweden and Norway 2,075 1,701 1,468 2,133 5,707 18,900 22,217 34,291 17,640 11,713 9,970 14, T69 Switzerland 222 95 200 214 337 481 621 442 1,021 769 661 569 a Immigrants from the British North American Possessions not included. 190.1.] IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. 4419 Aeeived in the United States during each Yeae ending June 30, feom 1875 to 1898, inclusive—Continued. 1887 1888 1889 1880 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895] 1896 1897 1898 PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS AND NATIONALITIES. Principal skilled occupations—Continued. Masons—Continued. 58 89 68 72 96 80 56 23 22 25 29 Russia and Poland. * 162 291 152 133 497 136 134 57 35 16 25 Sweden and Norway. 30 27 62 30 32 31 21 26 ll 7 5 Switzerland. 1,549 2,554 1,618 1,094 918 613 444 289 392 124 129 United Kingdom. («) A («) W „ (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) («) 5 British North America. 80 36 27 51 58 37 16 14 15 101 96 Other countries. 2,774 4,223 2,735 2,349 2,863 2,047 2,166 1,383 1,133 1,644 1,371 Total. Tailors: 509 409 338 577 681 413 543 535 432 427 679 Austria-Hungary. ll 12 ll 10 22 . 16 ll 7 12 6 2 Belgium. 61 45 60 36 65 43 17 29 25 20 ll Denmark. 31 48 42 51 42 47 22 13 26 16 12 France. 979 1,190 952 854 1,172 913 820 529 331 260 203 Germany. 350 300 394 287 324 227 230 158 300 101 85 England. 85 153 154 103 56 50 61 36 52 22 6 Scotland. 83 87 140 81 84 79 91 104 175 61 51 Ireland. 219 139 169 347 462 447 459 â–  448 329 1,162 869 Italy. ll 15 18 20 12 21 20 7 22 3 4 Netherlands. 1,086 770 1,240 1,260 2,651 2,759 1,225 1,084 937 1,106 1,589 Russia and Poland. 240 238 191- 143 198 208 194 125 138 102 98 Sweden and Norway. 37 29 47 35 13 27 16 18 7 7 8 Switzerland. (a) (a) (a) («) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) 1 British North America. 67 60 53 75 82 84 99 91 81 161 208 Other countries. 3,769 3,495 3,809 3,879 5,864 5,334 3,808 3,184 2,867 3,454 3,826 Total. Tobacco manufacturers and dealers: 30 12 28 39 32 72 36 8 36 ll 14 Belgium. 142 85 108 95 76 62 61 28 44 30 22 Germany. 143 55 32 48 126 118 48 38 53 98 124 Russia and Poland. 64 42 27 19 19 19 25 24 55 21 22 United Kingdom. 1,711 1,971 2,070 908 1,495 360 1,446 769 762 378 116 Cuba. 19 6 20 15 18 18 6 9 4 4 2 Other West Indies. 48 110 47 45 107 42 45 29 57 50 80 Other countries. 2,157 2,281 2,332 1,169 1,873 691 1,667 905 1,011 592 380 Total. We a vers: 30 45 17 42 60 34 38 33 19 35 61 Austria-Hungary. 48 15 18 22 22 23 25 21 14 18 36 France. 245 210 180 153 229 205 208 138 98 110 121 Germany. 683 789 760 578 858 832 1,355 690 641 378 338 England. 155 242 174 134 169 202 250 125 74 57 67 Scotland. 93 295 92 86 83 117 180 139 123 104 64 Ireland. 12 15 1 2 5 2 Greece. 150 7 7 40 44 35 71 50 22 201 314 Italy. 17 14 18 59 58 85 26 23 22 63 63 Russia and Poland. 26 - 18 4 8 6 7 7 ll 1 15 20 Switzerland. 25 20 23 20 30 50 74 20 45 105 96 Other countries. 1,472 1,455 1,293 1,154 1,559 1,590 2,249 1,251 1,061 1,091 1,182 Total. Principal miscellaneous occupations. Farmers: 2,222 2,087 2,127 2,913 5,394 2,649 3,452 1,691 1,325 1,582 2,252 Austria-Hungary. 165 203 239 198 184 365 309 158 97 101 104 Belgium. 1,298 886 1,324 1,281 1,492 1,328 634 404 276 331 269 Denmark. 612 793 942 569 578 468 355 278 163 239 325 France. . 9,637 8,691 8,950 8,469 10,888 9,773 6,199 3,415 1,886 1,835 1,230 Germany. 2,285 2,541 2,003 2,475 1,325 1,247 1,111 737 806 355 309 England. 646 638 475 401 304 261 202 158 123 48 49 Scotland. 1,878 2,332 2,166 1,525 1,559 1,883 1,990 1,507 1,650 1,229 1,194 Ireland. 4 39 18 26 272 168 442 483 156 175 817 Greece. . 5,617 1,632 2,495 4,441 5,403 3,364 3,200 3,241 1,828 12,796 5,336 Italy. 732 632 892 667 533 703 833 349 137 151 156 Netherlands. 1,283 1,369 1,903 2,223 2,894 3,744 2,799 1,164 486 411 772 Russia and Poland. 61 69 57 49 63 45 105 78 20 119 196 Spain and Portugal. 3,484 5,658 3,191 2,162 3,203 3,085 3,398 1,127 1,058 1,506 1,187 Sweden and Norway. 749 1,426 1,755 1,487 1,500 1,393 611 603 348 361 242 Switzerland. (a) (a) (a) (a) :c«) . («) (a) . («) («) 5 36 British North America. 22 119 216 166 583 884 923 896 427 1,142 1,662 Asia. 54 53 80 41 37 38 70 26 73 142 74 West Indies. 42 122 76 102 66 64 14 60 85 Azores. 141 45 53 101 116 101 132 77 57 32 33 Other countries. 30,932 29,335 28,962 29,296 36,398 31,563 26,779 16,452 11,001 22,560 16,243 Total. Laborers: Austria-Hungary— 818 1,002 675 1,203 2,577 1,644 879 216 76 53 105 Bohemia. 7,639 9,154 6,145 12,891 14,816 18,736 10,868 6,023 7,306 6,580 6,519 Hungary. 6,711 11,714 7,347 13,613 12,080 13,937 11,326 5,812 4,378 4,251 6,285 Other Austria. 369 447 486 468 721 799 442 131 74 66 50 Belgium. 1,910 2,517 1,661 2,165 1,958 1,716 1,291 494 454 309 293 Denmark. 589 658 601 777 786 658 288 145 139 96 68 France. 19,093 20,416 15,621 15,131 18,134 21,159 12,791 6,088 2,929 2,028 1,354 Germany. 18,360 16,784 12,802 10,666 8,944 5,281 3,337 1,390 2,030 763 734 England. 2,254 2,502 1,751 1,231 1,328 907 616 238 243 138 111 Scotland. 24,654 24,798 22,015 18,194 18,966 17,537 12,689 6,794 8,191 5,743 6,350 Ireland. 195 575 59 294 521 214 267 69 39 249 Greece. 19,661 32,231 9,715 27,180 39,282 29,479 34,688 16,521 13,201 13,167 17,375 Italy. 585 1,026 1,003 590 935 1,247 1,251 325. 380 112 69 Netherlands. 2,628 1,190 2,056 5,037 10,305 13,704 3,685 256 150 1,212 1,863 Poland. 4 20 64 298 1,364 1,818 422 124 325 364 Portugal. 384 341 134 79 158 125 58 44 42 61 43 Roumania. 9,419 13,276 10,605 11,356 14,626 22,586 12,632 7,439 9,084 5,191 5,161 Russia, except PolasA 34 41 14 102 86 80 31 54 40 102 107 Spain. 23,642 28,024 15,740 14,629 16,521 20,255 14,545 5,847 4,742 4,653 4,178 Sweden and Norway, 683 1,485 972 1,022 838 1,561 603 207 142 146 150 Switzerland. 4420 IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. [June, Statement showing the Principal Occupations of the Immigrants of the Several Nationalities PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS AND NATIONALITIES. 1875 1876 . 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 t 1886 Principal miscellaneous occupation^—Con. Laborers—Continued. Other Europe .. - 6 1 10 3 5 113 43 73 42 47 25 29 British North America 892 923 1,242 2,275 1,816 16,338 15,677 12,201 5,042 5,517 3,449 (a) Mexico 163 133 69 58 74 33 17 18 41 50 25 (a) China 15,287 21,902 10,281 8,286 8,984 5,530 ll, 466 38,701 7,801 Other Asia . 25 36 1 5 3 3 ll 68 41 38 Africa ... . 9 2 1 5 10 16 1 14 30 Central and £outh America 1 6 3 2 17 5 3 5 ‘ 6 12 74 West Indies ^ 28 27 20 26 30 40 12 21 9 32 51 57 Azores 651 391 • 455 276 453 258 570 724 802 648 846 361 Other islands of the Atlantic. 3 4 1 1 1 20 22 40 18 18 7 Australia 250 340 180 109 106 123 129 47 62 67 30 Hawaiian Islands 121 55 30 188 â–  69 232 All other countries 1 Total 46,887 38,847 25,482 26,656 36,897 105,012 147,816 ! [209,-605 136,071 ! 106,478 83,068 86,853 Merchants, dealers: Austria-Hungary 218 242 178 220 230 618 668 405 397 457 387 399 Belgium 30 23 25 15 16 31 88 28 42 27 35 24 Denmark 26 17 21 23 34 61 49 54 89 69 59 54 France . 316 293 245 207 342 316 340 405 247 183 157 125 Germany 1,850 1,744 1,647 1,698 1,834 2,631 3,768 3,885 3,466 2,530 2,315 1,956 England' 894 895 s 561 625 â–  913 1,020 1,217 723 643 658 821 Scotland 237 202 173 210 277 304 432 449 262 161 150 260 Ireland... 186 191 182 165 ' 183 315 311 309 238 193 176 210 Greece 7 4 5 4 4 1 4 3 2 3 ll 1 Italy 78 84 108 100 133 164 204 189 168 184 197 143 Netherlands 17 22 10 29 28 42 87 79 41 69 42 61 Russia and Poland 121 111 160 141 154 509 394 797 399 696 582 912 Spa|n and Portugal 1 166 141 177 180 152 158 85 84 59 56 43 75 Sweden and Norway 19 : 36 27 23 46 111 125 113 120 100 86 113 Switzerland 92 115 92 99 150 184 260 213 238 130 89 92 Other Europe .. i 10 ’ 13 3 5 1 69 19 22 10 55 112 31 British North America 142 135 180 318 417 807 669 852 676 569 539 (a) Mexico 45 35 37 47 37 38 22 44 44 49 ’ 35 (a) China 3 8 2 5 3 8 38 73 226 14 Other Asia 5 5 4 1 3 5 7 12 17 19 50 37 Central and South America 26 32 17 39 24 18 26 21 15 ll 13 41 West Indies 159 114 134 101 112 184 85 74 55 45 75 321 Azores and other islands of Atlantic.. i 7 9 5 3 2 23 10 9 ‘6 7 7 2 Oceania 51 48 40 28 52 134 73 59 40 43 40 Other countries ! 1 2 3 1 3 9 1 Total 4,706 4,519 4,239 4,217 4,861 7,508 8,766 9,375 7,449 6,522 5,870 5,733 Servants: Austria-Hungary— Bohemia (&) e (&) (&) (&) (&) (&) (&) 34 51 79 77 74 Hungary 5 6 3 1 17 35 95 47 101 92 172 Other Austria . _ 68 47 49 22 38 43 237 93 136 169 132 263 Belgium 12 18 4 7 10 27 19 15 20 19 19 27 Denmark 92 38 49 65 119 252 307 824 833 417 362 459 France 283 244 150 137 149 99 161 151 131 135 113 120 Germany 928 634 414 459 470 969 2.157 2,634 3,357 2,944 2,132 2,128 England 1,994 863 528 565 770 1,948 R752 â– 2,021 2,464 2,77S . 2,500 2,400 Scotland 363 238 144 170 207 671 734 993 1,001 846 709 946 Ireland: 5,265 2,791 1,942 2,150 2,578 10,211 7,976 8,857 12,203 10,001 9,026 8,739 Italv 109 93 105 84 111 113 436 -450 334 267 115 363 Netherlands 34 9 2 1 4 4 25 22 29 45 30 22 Russia and Poland 39 87 64 23 24 54 202 266 172 144 167 334 Spain and Portugal 16 39 25 38 12 ll 12 8 8 166 62 33 Sweden and Norway... 544 505 360 415 817 1,810 2,761 3,355 2,957 2,735 2,309 3,720 Switzerland 66 44 45 44 52 82 136 252 295 249 150 151 Other Europe 4 3 3 1 1 1 6 1 1 2 10 3 British North America 606 661 1,166 1,857 1,038 2,196 2,199 2,562 3,506 2,807 1,755 (a) Mexico 7 8 3 5 6 1 3 1 4 1 (a) Central America 1 4 1 1 South America 5 5 3 1 3 3 2 3 1 West Indies 35 78 25 27 27 15 18 24 23 28 14 23 Azores and other islands of Atlantic .. 99 66 68 77 364 48 149 335 412 309 436 183 Asia 7 14 1 6 3 7 12 13 1 3 27 Other countries 3 1 3 1 1 1 x 2 7 Total 10,579 6,493 5,158 6,157 6,804 18,580 19,342 23,010 27,988 24,249 20,213 20,198 RECAPITULATION. Total professional: Austria-Hungary 64 61 39 63 40 144 60 145 102 109 83 74 Belgium 22 20 17 ll 10 9 9 27 ' 17 30 26 29 Denmark 16 16 26 6 16 10 33 30 27 . 30 31 23 France 346 468 283 ' 156 242 97 268 199 223 107 129 82 Germany 528 584 416 456 • 383 455 880 885 857 876 751 554 England 428 359 362 218 267 316 470 543 414 383 396 528 Scotland....- 131 101 69 39 47 59 93 100 55 61 72 111 Ireland 129 136 89 ,102 127 135 130 134 139 113 116 129 Italy 166 170 195 145 213 148 292 - 324 201 223 156 205 Netherlands . 14 ll 18 16 13 8 10 14 15 15 25 29 Russia and Poland 22 23 42 18 27 15 23 69 30 37 62 67 Spain and Portugal 15 48 27 13 18 43 13 18 7 8 7 12 Sweden and Norway 62 . 48 66 21 29 54 67 60 87 59 62 69 Switzerland 16 41 ' 28 30 51 ' 43 141 124 94 - 80 64 46 Other Europe .• 4 5 18 6 2 19 1 3 6 3 5 4 British North America • 349 235 113 133 85 179 240 192 140 73 78 fa) Mexico ; 16 8 9 14 7 2 5 7 4 6 v ) la) West Indies 41 21 25 28 17 9 21 18 • 9 9 8 • â–  39 Central and South America 9 18 5 6 6 5 12 6 5 10 Asia and Oceania 45 23 â–  36 28 38 20 43 105 8 54 17 57 Other countries and islands 3 4 2 1 1 3 1 2 4 5 3 5 Total 2,426 2,400 | 1,885 1,510 1,639 1,773 2,812 2,992 2,450 2,284 2,097 2,078 * Immigrants from the British North American Possessions and Mexico not ineluded. blncluded in Other Austria. 1903.] 4421 IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. Akkived in the United States during- each Year ending June 30, from 1875 to 1898, inclusive—Continued. 1887 1888 1889 1830 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1S9G 1897 1898 PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS AND NATIONALITIES. Principal miscellaneous occupations—Con. Laborers—Continued. 71 90 66 61 44 160 358 1 3 20 10 Other Europe. w (a) («) (a) (a) («) fa) (a) M 18 26 British North America. (a) (a) («) (a) («) (a) (a) (a) (a) 3 5 Mexico. 92 233 China. 142 170 403 1,086 1,806 1,700 992 318 138 619 612 Other Asia. ll 7 33 1 42 32 6 13 7 2 Africa. 92 105 129 57 128 90 70 60 24 4 3 Central and South America. 26 72 17 ll 54 19 12 26 6 378 196 West Indies. 645 811 940 1,113 946 463 13 76 243 Azores. 19 6 2 Other islands of the Atlantic. 94 146 304 146 186 256 291 194 91 1 10 Australia. 225 672 489 165 193 790 797 161 61 5 5 Hawaiian Islands. 9 13 6 23 1 All other countries. 140,938 170,273 111,809 139,365 167,290 176,499 126,377 59,575 54,372 46,198 52,531 Total. Merchants, dealers: 647 514 448 315 545 464 497 335 357 •525 522 Austria-Hungary. 53 50 46 38 51 29 36 16 28 8 3 Belgium. 64 85 65 42 74 41 57 32 45 8 15 Denmark. 194 184 169 258 385 260 219 84 117 49 54 Erance. 1,952 1,913 1,894 1,414 1,932 2,025 2,336 1,265 1,332 730 572 Germany. 1,086 1,143 1,056 1,214 1,716 929 617 344 392 128 110 England. 373 351 272 254 257 163 129 98 64 25 15 Scotland. 248 328 276 229 275 187 157 167 136 75 53 Ireland. 65 31 7 8 16 68 56 13 72 266 Greece. 241 123 169 122 285 213 244 228 235 361 315 Italy.. 103 100 103 , 129 125 93 111 55 73 8 13 Netherlands. 1,194 747 892 377 1,195 1,270 746 529 403 706 820 Russia and Poland. 76 -68 123 210 215 100 - 130 108 73 100 94 Spain and Portugal. 195 224 105 85 87 49 111 59 52 57 37 Sweden and Norway. 122 125 71 98 115 98 36 48 48 22 13 Switzerland. 81 64 70 52 82 30 154 34 55 77 73 Other Europe. (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) 10 8 British North America. (a) (a) W (a) (a) \a) (V (a) (a) 8 2 Mexico. 4 25 89 1,221 2,530 2,384 2,457 3,607 829 1,988 783 China. 133 108 162 123 244 341 236 280 307 489 546 Other Asia. 51 108 72 148 131 83 78 28 78 6 5 Central and South America. 469 480 351 275 153 196 51 99 104 192 141 West Indies. 7 7 8 36 24 Azores and other island3 of Atlantic 58 63 57 51 57 62 74 54 9 4 5 Oceania. 2 6 3 8 4 49 10 8 2 4 7 Other countries. 7,418 6,847 6,508 6,707 10,500 9,134 8,486 7,534 4,752 5,652 4,472 Total. Servants: Austria-Hungary— 58 149 126 171 299 195 262 266 218 188 273 Bohemia. 316 214 227 529 1,014 1,588 859 795 458 531 599 Hungary. 393 543 375 693 814 1,376 1,032 1,190 757 491 886 Other Austria. 23 53 64 41 44 109 111 51 39 13 10 Belgium. 462 337 621 568 648 633 649 692 511 405 366 Denmark. 152 203 295 471 368 242 141 162 139 126 60 France. 3,532 3,841 3,809 3,414 4,134 6,047 4,792 3,713 2,259 995 797 Germany. 3,070 3,467 3,400 3,071 3,128 2,894 3,008 2,076 2,401 863 818 England. 1,342 1,436 1,490 1,058 1,045 865 '• 874 686 599 j 1 166 149 Scotland. 11,390 8,995 11,490 10,113 10,847 12,404 12,075 10,202 15,801 ll,730 11,268 Ireland. 597 232 1,137 1,186 1,505 1,292 865 640 588 830 774 Italy. 52 186 179 124 110 127 224 90 100 20 17 Netherlands. 747 1,061 1,137 1,382 1,995 3,070 1,677 1,682 1,485 1,153 1,093 Russia and Poland. 9 18 25 59 199 311 699 646 260 382 421 Spain and Portugal. 4,638 5,991 4,896 4,802 5,468 6,965 8,274 5,391 4,313 5,474 5,829 Sweden and Norway. 200 206 392 389 316 472 267 219 191 158 105 Switzerland. 107 29 - 29 9 38 51 14 16 15 21 21 Other Europe. (a) (a) («) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) • 3 6 British North America. (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) 8 Mexico. } 2 * 3 ' ^ 8 V } 5 2 1 1 Central America. 4 8 6 8 6 1 6 4 10 2 South America. 24 52 68 60 64 62 80 17 24 7 West Indies. 332 290 422 456 465 68 24 158 145 Azores and other islands of Atlantic. 60 1 25 18 85 140 • 87 34 33 173 139 Asia. 6 2 3 2 494 47 26 231 6 6 7 Other countries. 27,510 27,310 30,220 28,625 j 32,596 38,969 36,043 28,763 30,346 23,739 23,656 Total. RECAPITULATION. Total professional: 137 126 113 161 _ 191 118 135 53 80 82 85 Austria-Hungary. 36 42 51 38 17 29 ll 28 20 15 3 Belgium. 37 61 47 54 45 16 17 22 25 18 12 Denmark. 141 199 175 250 348 187 154 98 163 62 33 France. 838 779 675 602 700 521 752 410 439 220 164 Germany. 655 1,032 762 964 929 738 595 322 494 265 201 England. 138 246 209 191 132 121 115 63 65 29 27 Scotland. 156 201 222 184 228 170 143 159 148 100 104 Ireland. 307 136 137 259 225 232 269 206 191 241 260 Italy. 32 24 33 40 52 17 31 25 29 9 2 Netherlands. 73 112 80 89 70 229 69 72 59 107 103 Russia and Poland. 8 9 18 30 38 13 8 17 6 ll 19 Spain and Portugal. 81 127 90 82 80 56 83 55 101 65 54 Sweden and Norway. 68 61 53 73 60 43 30 28 35 21 18 Switzerland. 17 8 13 13 20 5 12 7 3 37 25 Other Europe. (<*) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) 12 19 British North America. (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) M (a) (a) 4 Mexico. 88 K 104 65 ' 45 51 ' 26 21 19 ' 19 83 90 West Indies. 13 22 23 42 52 45 24 24 13 2 Central and South America. 56 66 44 115 94 92 92 126 41 353 122 Asia and Oceania. 1 5 5 4 16 39 4 2 Other countries and islands. 2,882 3,360 2,815 3,236 3,431 2,674 2,600 1,738 1,935 & 2,324 1,732 1,347 Total. No. 12 13 4422 IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES, [June, Statement showing the Principal Occupations op the Immigrants of the Several Nationalities RECAPITULATION—Continued. PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS AND NATIONALITIES. 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 ' 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 â–  1886 Total skilled: Austria-Hungary— Bohemia ' (&>00 88 (&) â„¢ 69 (&) 52 (>) 86 W84 (&) 375 (&) 298 346 406 505 385 376 Hungary 237 260 470 226 598 Other Austria 918 613 438 521 553 1,060 138 1,401 219 1,219 181 1,208 1,109 269 772 1,012 264 Belgium 164 164 173 61 68 274 254 Denmark 401 232 177 184 275 532 731 967 1,046 861 613 . 745 France 1,956 2,000 4,351 1,702 4,261 697 876 628 886 943 943 ’ 830 794 658 6'605 4,177 3,187 690 4,665 4,768 1,516 1,210 5 10,877 10,584 24,030 9,526 3,382 2,692 7 26,527 25,190 9,634 2,343 22,125 12,990 8,125 1,994 2,895 25 9,295 England.... 8; 093 1,690 4,951 1,246 3; 335 1,266 ll, 545 4,659 4,485 9,615 8,355 Scotland 3,260 3,204 2 1,885 4,170 6 2,186 Ireland 2,593 5 li 662 2 1,326 923 5,090 3,186 7 Greece 2 4 26 10 Italy 492 437 304 322 437 513 1,502 332 2,653 591 2,630. - 1,776 282 1,391 250 2,003 112 96 47 69 54 139 259 189 606 429 593 299 351 800 684 1,454 32 556 1,392 146 1,451 115 2,046 Spain and Portugal 461 260 774 151 150 97 80 81 74 Sweden and Norway 1,922 214 1,454 ' 287 981 1,180 355 1,781 591 4,368 1,122 23 4,171' 2,588 13 4,688 2,241 21 4,144 2,244 5 2,900 2,126 1,046 76 " 2,750 Switzerland . 315 1,563 740 27 27 22 13 16 33 76 British North America 6,093 131 4,485 164 4,038 151 2,642 171 2,697 242 11,037 191 12,214 8,580 5,077 222 3,270 129 2,443 118 (a) Mexico 144 163 (a) West Indies 514 496 435 342 484 518 916 563 451 1,268 ll 1,370 1,259 30 22 10 26 2 20 16 10 14 8 32 452 481 411 309 462 400 560 407 334 256 238 387 1 4 2 3 1 2 1 5 1 2 Other countries and islands 235 268 193 . 120 74 41 64 124 83 185 111 282 33,803 24,200 21,006 16,531 21,362 49,929 66,457 72,664 62,505 55,061 39,817 36,522 Total miscellaneous: Austria-Hungary— (&) 217 (&) 221 (&) 115 (&) 182 (&) 187 (&) 1,967 3,079 (b) 1,347 5,199 4,298 1,473 - 7,277 4,052 374 2,199 9,445 1,692 â–  4,768 4,794 400 1,254 Hungary 3,231 â–  7,917 Other Austria 1,481 1,336 204 1,282 174 1,175 100 1,449 181 5,154 564 5,752 465 5,569 Belgium 152 319 344 365 Denmark ... 819 545 626 913 1,630 1,335 ll,666 3,125 1,315 26,120 3,751 1,913 5,200 1,932 67,432 4,270 1,545 51,282 3,292 2,271 2,794 ' 2,984 14,033 12,194 2,666 9,572 6,951 1,182 1,600 8,674 5,754 919 1,511 1,200 1,264 35,143 1,165 9,700 5,102 ' 984 63,002 51,638 17,587 2,632 24,916 England 7,395 1,287 19,106 20,474 4,134 36,386 7 27,772 4,922 38,867 95 18,551 3,630 41,565 15,611 17,324 Scotland _ _ 1,773 16,692 10 3,193 2,734 3,470 Ireland .......j............ 8,116 9 6,073 16 7,196 9,306 10 38,560 13 31,746 15 27,452 96 27,613 Greece 6 27 67 Italy 1,828 360 1,415 224 1,485 150 2,055 181 2,969 186 5,820 908 8,459 2,478 4,045 251 20,361 2,263 9,673 180 23,146 1,384 4,565 8,492 1,145 7,934 637 6,314 784 9,992 Netherlands 739 Russia and Poland 2,047 271 1,738 264 1,988 388 1,024 490 1,338 379 2,852 267 7,453 453 9,136 Spain and Portugal 245 277 Sweden and Norway 3,792 719 4,559 553 3,697 674 4,006 702 8,689 1,197 16 29,016 1,987 291 32,216 3,270 75 44,457 3,297 58 24,187 3,831 68 17,426 2,761 170 14,219 21,462 Switzerland 2,019 280 1,579 Other Europe _ 29 31 24 67 210 British North America 7,290 277 9,003 222 10,230 150 12,779 151 12,986 181 43,438 118 42,004 66 31,934 108 14,827 17,571 123 11,817 92 (a) Mexico 120 (°) West, Undies 423 312 301 305 237 326 217 243 203 280 295 488 Central and South America... 56 58 34 64 31 53 45 36 32 29 35 144 Asia and Oceania 16,142 ll 22,559 ll 10,641 8,676 1 9,293 2 5,812 11,916 39,319 15 8,116 24 661 309 504 Africa 5 â–  7 9 1 26 40 Other eonntries and islands. 946 524 650 436 1,103 417 825 1,149 1,255 994 1,381 626 Total 84,516 72,275 55", 650 57,806 73,053 188,109 244,492 310,501 216,049 184,195 141,702 137,651 No OCCUPATION OR OCCUPATION NOT stated (mainly children and women): Austria-Hungary— Bohemia (&) 449 (&) 330 (&) 200 (&) 373 (&) 348 (&) 1,978 8,664 766 (*>) 3,286 4,902 3,480 3,561 3,687 5,489 4,869 4,262 2,674 TTnnerary 4,371 3,892 5,314 642 Other Austria 4,441 277 3,646 127 3,270 124 2,750 182 3,302 253 14,505 7,977 879 5,599 785 6,624 812 5,956 Belgium 974 973 Denmark 1,420 3,035 26,603 754 866 1,002 1,795 14,980 10,141 1,789 7,711 1,553 2,202 2,909 2,273 47,186 30,624 6,128 29,707 6 4,602 2,160 122,573 35,738 5,421 2,930 4,976 2,108 5,019 1,471 3,185 2,658 Era nee 2,868 17,430 2,271 15,947 9,995 1,881 1,308 75,559 1,413 Germany 17,888 155,786 44,194 9,256 117,457 36,148 5,831 34,692 33 105,037 49,638 England 19,880 3,716 18,543 9 12,348 12,301 2,375 29,305 4,482 24,355 24,506 Scotland 2,053 9,661 7,559 33,134 5 4,426 21,332 51 5,341 19,709 Ireland 7,081 5 9,370 32,946 27,315 Greece 8 3 6 4 16 30 Italy. - 1,084 888 1,159 376 1,609 342 2,140 500 5,846 2,285 3,524 242 5,148 5,777 8,821 6,649 5,815 3,591 6,769 6,019 2,756 5,781 9,115 N e th erlands 751 524 1,630 11,277 215 1,357 Russia and Poland 6,306 • 617 3,509 417 4,509 767 2,254 3,226 5,903 311 10,394 190 7,862 210 10,490 219 Spain and Portugal 463 302 105 Sweden and Norway 5,890 865 4,715 4,835 669 4,942 721 7,847 1,322 32 25,643 3,004 143 36,011 5,294 44,503 33,257 6,582 123 23,141 4,982 444 18,197 16,229 Switzerland 668 5,182 90 2,766 2,440 Other Europe :.. 39 100 35 162 79 595 440 British North America 10,318 186 8,748 237 7,735 335 10,014 129 15,500 126 45,052 181 70,933 110 57,589 95 50,197 120 39,670 174 23,953 (a) (a) 948 Mexico 107 West Indies 812 553 629 344 338 498 527 467 240 651 804 Central and South America 52 73 45 42 59 54 66 65 34 43 25 92 Asia and Oceania 1,128 21 1,193 23 468 676 . 705 561 652 688 402 439 213 505 Africa 10 8 7 ll 16 14 28 6 17 12 Other countries and islands 226 215 283 177 59 101 . 208 214 104 130 305 143 Born at sea 55 23 21 13 31 60 c 99 99 74 86 67 55 Total 106,723 71,111 63,316 62,622 81,772 217,446 355,670 402,835 322,318 277,052 211,730 157,952 Totals: Professional 2,426 2,400 1,885 21,006 1,510 16,531 1,639 21,362 1,773 49,929 188,109 217,446 2,812 66,457 244,492 2,992 2,450 2,284 2,097 2,078 Skilled 33,803 84,546 24,200 72,275 72,664 62,505 55,061 39,817 36,522 Miscellaneous 55,650 57,806 62,622 73,053 310,501 402,835 216,049 184,195 141,702 211,730 137,651 157,952 No occupation and occupation not stated. 106,723 71,111 63,316 81,772 355,670 322,318 277,052 Total 227,498 169,986 141,857 138,469 177,826 457,257 669,431 788,992 603,322 518,592 395,346 334,203 a Immigrants from the British North American Possessions and Mexico not included. b Included in other Austria. c of these, 13 picked up at sea. 1903.] EVIMIGEATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. 4423 Arrived in the United States during each Year ending June 30, from 1875 to 1898, inclusive—Continued. RECAPITULATION—Continued. 1S87 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 351 191 114 268 848 598 370 260 187 249 328 717 627 297 1,093 1,816 1,469 855 472 364 678 992 1,772 1,831 1,485 2,071 2,302 2,129 2,079 1,797 1,515 1,827 2,546 526 625 418 484 419 512 663 387 387 245 161 1,038 1,111 968 1,030 1,233 815 740 . 727 564 417 372 057 1,633 1,191 1,100 1,062 850 671 675 491 480 493 11,219 12,829 10,926 10,332 11,629 9,992 9,541 6,710 4,453 4,304 3,517 ll,948 15,356 13,221 10,320 10,109 9,803 10,146 6,262 8,157 3,498 3,057 5,894 7,818 4,690 2,761 2,840 2,399 3, 011 1,541 1,454 582 513 2,959 3,600 3,395 2,524 2,399 2,340 2,605 2,488 3,519 2,074 1,764 ll 27 31 40 46 33 97 143 71 134 386 2,928 1,561 2,322 3,059 5,692 5,110 5,790 4,517 3,547 8,948 8,420 261 406 276 314 336 294 402 247 333 119 115 3,529 2,984 3,290 3,400 , 6,746 7,420 3,559 2,994 2,734 4,483 6,361 106 136 107 80 259 414 116 135 53 396 264 4,789 5,413 3,522 2,677 3,440 3,696 3,962 2,543 2,703 2,361 2,001 790 822 921 752 656 550 442 440 297 315 271 217 119 61 71 508 272 94 107 119 196 252 <«) («) <«) (a) 1890 1895 2 1886 1891 1887 1892 Note.—By act of Congress approved October 1,1883, all Chinese laborers are prohibited from entering the United States. Arrivals and Departures, by Ports, op Registered Chinese Laborers for the Fiscal Years 1901 and 1902. PORTS. 1901 1902 PORTS. 1901 1902 Departed. Returned. Departed. Returned. Departed. Returned. Departed. Returned. A ctrtri ci Orf>of _ _ 3 1 10 4 Port Townsend, Wash 339 245 275 361 â– RnfFaln "NT V 8 8 17 9 Richford, Vt 93 60 49 88 Fl Toy 2 2 1 San Diego, Cal 5 8 2 15 *\T/-*tTr Wmlr "W V 1 San Francisco, Cal 1,287 849 886 1,510 AT-t o rro ro FqIIg "NT V 1 St. Albans, Vt 2 1 1 Pembina, N. Dak T)i rtiJ.nv,vi AT V 54 281 20 115 64 182 57 267 Honolulu, Hawaii 655 967 567 175 Portland, Oreg 5 4 1 7 Total 2,735 2,280 2,054 2,495 [June, 4440 IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. - Immigrants or Passengers Arrived at and Departed from the Hawaiian Islands from January 1, 1887, to June 14, 190G. ' ARRIVALS. YEARS. FOREIGNER3. CHINESE. JAPANESE. PORTUGUESE. Total. Males. Fe- males. Chil¬ dren. Total. Males. Fe- males. Chil¬ dren. Total. Males. Fe- males. Chil¬ dren. Total. Males. Fe- males. Chil¬ dren. Total. IMMIGRANTS. 1887.. 135 40 , 25 200 1,439 44 63 1,546 1,155 291 7 1,453 29 14 8 51 3,250 1888 68 39 53 160 1,464 37 25 1,526 2,797 613 3 3,413 163 131 139 433 5,532 1889 2 2 6 10 383 32 24 439 ' 2,558 542 4 3,104 43 26 49 118 3,671 1890 3 1 1 5 426 117 111 654 8,087 737 5 3,829- 65 23 '27 115 4,603 1891 929 . 178 279 1,386 4,498 1,535 8 6,041 50 23 36 109 7,536 1892 1,525 127 150 1,802 3,050 453 9 3, 512 45 22 87 154 5,403 1893 836 95 50 981 3, 673 901 6 4,580 54 20 37 111 5,672 PASSENGERS. 1894 1,577 773 248 2,598 1,271 138 50 1,459 3,327 328 35 3,690 186 ' 79 102 367 8,114 1895 977 536 165 1,678 2,519 131 84 2,734 2,324 503 46 2,873 372 148 •285 805 8,090 1896 1,298 772 220 2,290 4,998 142 140 5,280 5,175 1,076 71 6,322 89 25 28 92 13,984 1897 1,703 952 347 3,002 4,086 212 183 4,481 2,859 749 68 3,676 88 70 62 220 11,379 1898 2,856 1,345 414 4,615 2,551 362 187 3,100 7,460 1,774 200 9,434 39 - 24 17 80 17,229 1899 (a) (a) (a) (a) 803 81 92 975 20,558 4,922 623 26,103 3,249 1,842 556 & 5,647 32,725 1900 c : (a) (a) ia) («) (a) (a) (a) 303 (a) (a) (a) 6,017 («) (°) (a) 1,570 7,890 departur.es. IMMIGRANTS. 1887 85 17 15 117 1,397 1,407 33 64 1,494 1,529 1,498 62 20 13 95 163 110 241 514 2,220 1888 41 81 423 86 49 563 245 176 377 798 2,890 1889 1,354 1,419 43 101 377 67 23 467 101 72 175 348 2,313 1890 125 29 22 176 52 96 1,567 146 27 2 175 54 31 68 153 2,071 1891 1,865 1,012 1,030 29 88 1,982 1,148 683 178 17 878 73 34 .70 177 3,037 1892 . 48 88 1,966 343 55 2,364 2,339 164 112 315 591 4,103 1893 58 147 1,235 1,893 418 28 117 66 169 352 3,926 PASSENGERS. 1894 1,116 1,066 599 222 1,937 1,729 2,026 2,307 3,164 1,018 988 71 179 1,268 1,729 496 16 2,241 1,727 13 5 13 31 5,477 1895 494 169 • 36 112 1,136 1,589 1,614 1,784 1,514 644 1,333 378 16 24 12 8 44 4,636 1896 1,134 1,303 1,969 667 225 1,322 1,389 1,532 1,330 (a) 84 183 2,423 602 80 3,105 48 37 52 137 6,857 1897 777 227 74 151 1,906 455 113 2,474 51 26 32 109 6,504 1898 919 276 76 176 .1,600 . 329 264 2,193 68 43 61 172 7,313 1899 60 124 2,074 - (a) 417 289 2,780 983 2,887 1,433 449 & 4,769 9,063 1900 c (a) (a) (a) («) («) («) (a) (a) (a) (a) («) 1,621 3,248 a Not given. & All other. c January 1 to June 14. Number of Emigrants from the Various Countries of Europe each Year from 1870 to Latest Available Date. [From the British Statistical Abstract of Foreign Countries and other official sources.] YEARS. Austria- Hungary. 1870... 1871... 1872... 1873... 1874... 1875... 1876... 1877... 1878... 1879... 1880... 1881... 1882.., 1883... 1884... 1885.., 1888.., 1887.., 1888... 1889.. 1890.. 1891.. 1892.. 1893.. 1894.. 1895.. 1896.. 1897.. 1898.. 1899.. 1900.. 1901.. 1902 d c 5,873 c10,012 c 9,259 c 5,877 c 5,395 c 5,429 29,051 35,977 35,756 34,509 34.793 34,511 45,808 44,394 48,567 55.794 81,407 74,947 65,544 25,566 66,101 70,083 38,067 55,007 99,300 94,611 136,432 170,000 Belgium. 7,326 13,171 ll,040 7,981 8,217 10,157 13,124 11,847 14,325 14,234 15,064 15.860 15,257 15,208 13.993 13,236 17,029 17,528 23,041 23,190 21,675 18.994 22,532 22,117 18,302 18,617 19,762 21,830 22.860 22,957 25,064 19,710 Den¬ mark. 3,525 3,906 6,893 7,200 3,319 2,073 1,581 1,877 2,972 3,103 5.658 7,985 ll,614 8,375 6,807 4,346 6,263 8,801 8.659 8,967 10,298 10,382 10,422 9,150 4,105 3,607 2,876 2,260 2,340 2,799 3,570 4,657 7,000 France. 4,600 5,947 15,829 8,414 7,163 .4,401 2,190 2,116 2,316 3,634 4,612 4,456 4,858 4,011 6,100 6,063 7,314 ll,170 23,339 31,354 20,560 6,217 6,528 5,586 Ger¬ many. Italy. 128,347 108,433 47,623 32,262 29,626 22,903 25,616 35,812 116,947 220,798 203,459 173,574 149,065 110,119 83,225 104,787 103,951 96,070 97,103 120,089 116,339 87,677 40,964 â–  37,498 33,824 24,631 22,221 24,323 22,309 22,073 32,098 22,392 22,698 23,901 39,827 35,677 43,725 67,632 68,416 58,049 77,029 85,355 127,748 195,993 113,093 104,733 189,746 116,642 142,269 114,566 187,908 197,554 174,545 139,187 145,440 171,735 288,947 350,000 Nether- lands.a 8,528 11.747 12.748 14,659 9,790 . 2,403 2,783 4,654 8,060 10,421 12,658 10,100 7,304 4,855 3,729 2,146 2,024 5,018 4,628 9,111 3,526 32,109 28,327 39,260 15,138 15,919 12,787 9,036 D, 119 20,296 34,794 34,343 Nor¬ way. 14,830 12,276 13,865 10,352 4,601 4,048 4,355 3.206 4,863 7,608 20,212 25,976 28,804 22,167 14,776 13,981 15,158 20,741 21,452 12,642 10,991 13,341 17,049 18,778 5,642 6.207 6,679 4,669 4,859 6,699 10,931 12,745 20,300 UNITED KINGDOM.& !Portu- gal. Spain. Sweden. Switzer¬ land. England. Scotland. Ireland. Total United Kingdom. 20,003 17,450 15,915 3,494 3,852 4,899 105,293 102,452 22,935 19,232 19,541 74,283 71,067 72,763 202,511 192,751 210,494 17,284 118,190 12,989 13,580 4,957 123,343 21,310 83,692 228,345 14,835 7,791 2,672 116,490 20,286 60,496 197,272 15,440 9,727 1,772 84,540 14,686 41,449 140,675 ll,035 9,418 1,741 73,396 10,097 25,976 109,469 11,057 7,610 1,691 63,711 8,653 22,831 95,195 9,926 9,032 2,608 72,323 11,087 29,492 112,902 13,208 17,637 4,288 104,275 18,703 41,296 164,274 12,597 42,109 7,255 111,845 22,056 93,641 227,542 14,637 45,992 10,935 139,976 26,826 76,200 243,002 18,272 50,178 10,896 162,992 32,242 84, *J2 279,866 19,251 47,386 31,605 12,758 183,236 31,139 105, 743 320,118 17,518 39,575 23,560 8,975 147,660 21,953 72,566 242,179 13,153 37,638 23,493 6,928 126,260 21,367 60,017 207,644 13,738 58,326 32,889 5,803 146,301 25,323 61,276 232,900 16,521 63,259 50,786 6,801 . 168,221 34,365 78,901 281,487 23,632 70,880 50,323 7,432 170,822 35,873 73,233 279,928 121,461 33,363 7,445 163,518 25,354 64,923 253,795 28,945 65,860 34,212 6,693 139,979 20,653 57,484 218,116 33,234 68,037 38,318 7,516 137,881 22,190 58,436 218,507 20,772 66,406 41,275 7,835 133,815 23,325 52,902 210,042 30,093 76,526 37,501 6,177 134,045 . 22,637 52,132 208,814 29,009 81,189 9,678 3,849 99,590 14,432 42,008 156,030 44,419 121,166 15,104 4,268 112,538 18,294 54,349 185,181 27,625 166,269 15,175 3,330 102,837 16,866 ' 42,222 161,925 21,369 73,535 10,314 2,508 94,658 16,124 35,678 146,460 140,644 23,280 59,543 8,683 2,288 90,679 15,570 34,395 17,541 53,862 12,028 2,493 87,400 16,072 42,890 146,362 20,861 63,020 16,434 3,816 102,448 111,585 137,381 20,472 45,905 168,825 56,901 21,000 34,000 3,921 4,707 20,920 26,277 39,210 42,252 171,715 205,910 a Dutch nationality only to 1890, afterwards all other nationalities. & For countries out of Euiope. c Austria only. d Preliminary figure3. Note.—So far as can be ascertained no other government attempts to show, as does the United States, immigrants proper—that is to say, persons intending to make this country their home for a longer or shorter period—separately from tourists or temporary sojourners. The British statistics of emigration, while confining the term “ emigrants” to citizens of the United Kingdom departing, and excluding foreigners passing through the country and embarking from British ports, include British and Irish cabin passengers intending to return. The so-called “emigrants” from other countries doubtless include persons intending to return after a temporary sojourn abroad. 1903.] IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES, 4441 Nationality and Destination of Emigrants from Principal European Countries during the Years 1891 to Latest Available Date. NATIONALLY AND DESTINATION. 1891 1892' 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1801 FROM AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. North America 70,711 4,246 263 6,187 69,926 574 552 3,895 61,074 2,088 1,078 1,304 22,965 754 440 1,407 50,951 10,511 549 4,090 45,327 ll,389 220 13,147 32,876 a 3,166 1,485 540 52,282 a 1,060 605 1,060 94,083 a 2,336 658 2,223 91,768 178 131 2,534 Brazil Argentina Other countries Total 81,407 74,947 ’ 65,544 25,566 66,101 70,083 38,067 55,007 99,300 94,611 Per cent to North America 86.87 93.36 - 93.17 89.83 77.00 64.68 86.36 95.05 * 94.76 96.99 FROM DENMARK. United States 9,781 326 179 73 23 9,763 500 77 62 20 8,551 434 99 35 31 3,719 224 63 31 68 3,287 111 121 34 54 2,479 81 157 47 112 1,963 47 104 48 98 2,073 101 54 49 63 2,611 78 55 18 37 3,253 150 89 17 61 Canada Central and South America Australia Other countries Total 10,382 10,422 9,150 ' 4,105 3,607 2,876 2,260 2,340 2, 799 3,570 Per cent to United States • 94.21 93.67 93.45 | 90. 59 91.13 86.19 86.86 88.59 93.28 91.12 FROM GERMANY. United States 105,433 976 3,710 961 438 599 97 & 7,875 103,332 1,577 779 1,077 376 476 120 & 8,602 73,184 6,136 1,169 1,058 261 586 146 & 5,137 35,902 1,490 1,288 1,148 225 760 151 32,503 1,100 1,405 1,259 211 886 134 29,007 634 1,001 1,518 174 1,346 144 20,346 539 936 1,226 324 1,115 145 17,272 208 785 1,094 163 1,092 223 19,200 126 877 973 141 548 178 1,626 19,703 144 364 330 196 183 1 1,388 19,912 ll 402 271 217 55 6 1,199 Canada Brazil Other parts of America Australia Africa Asia European countries Total 120,089 116,339 87,677 40,964 37,498 33,824 24,631 20,837 23,669 22,309 22,073 Per cent to United States 87.79 88.82 83.47 87.64 86.68 85.76 82.60 82.93 81.12 88.32 90.21 : FROM ITALY. United States and Canada 44,522 2,036 108,414 896 27,542 3,062 2,131 1,143 43,164 1,342 36,448 734 28,542 3,577 2,317 518 50,147 1,088 45,324 657 36,212 4,871 3,119 851 32,473 1,204 41,628 192 34,383 1,579 2,390 717 38,634 1,688 98,090 461 43,484 1,562 3,063 926 53,883 1,816 76,665 669 58,004 1,961 3,227 1,329 47,139 1,783 80,984 770 39,538 1,080 2,457 794 56,703 1,025 38,659 2G0 36,793 1,753 3,251 743 64,177 1,267 26, 574 408 46,648 860 4,566 940 89,400 2,523 27,438 409 42,720 3,137 5,204 904 Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, and Central America. Brazil Chile, Peru, and Bolivia Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay Other parts of America 1 North Africa All other Total 189,746 116,642 142,269 114,566 187,908 197,554 174,545 139,187 145,440 171,735 Per cent to United States and Canada 23.46 37.00 35.25 28.34 20.56 27.28 27.01 40.74 44.14 52.05 FROM NETHERLANDS. North America 31,718 28,037 39,260 15,128 15,819 12,611 51 125 8,729 183 124 13,478 568 73 19,765 54 87 390 33,571 1,216 7 South America Africa 391 290 10 100 Other countries Total 32,109 28,327 39,260 15,138 15,919 12,787 9,036 14,119 20,296 34,794 Per cent to North America 98.81 98.98 100.00 100.00 99.37 98.62 96.60 95.45 97.38 96.49 FROM PORTUGAL. America 31,654 1 1,574 5 19,573 10 1,189 28,829 6 1,252 6 27,592 42,561 2 1,239 617 26,461 3 1,145 16 19,809 3 1,541 16 21,422 4 1,854 15,874 1 1,533 133 18,908 5 1,928 20 Asia Africa 1,402. 15 Oceania Total 33,234 20,772 30,093 29,009 44,419 27,625 21,369 23,280 17,541 | 20,861 Per cent to America 95.24 94.22 95.81 95.12 95.82 95.79 92.70 92.02 90.50 90.64 | FROM NORWAY. United States 13,249 79 5 8 16,814 223 6 6 18,690 75 6 7 . 5,591 22 2 27 6,153 6 3 45 6,584 22 10 63 4,580 3 2 84 4,805 13 6 35 6,466 51 •148 34 10,655 112 â–  99 65 Canada : A ustralia, Other countries Total: 13,341 17,049 18,778 5,642 • 6,207 6,679 4,669 4,859 6,699 10,931 Per cent to United States 99.31 98.62 99.52 99.09 99.13 98.58 98.09 98.89 | 96.65 97.48 FROM SWEDEN. United States 36,134 31 1,996 26 106 25 40,990 113 17 27 85 43 37,321 51 36 21 51 24 9,529 25 36 29 48 ll 14,982 20 25 41 18 18 14,874 37 68 99 42 55 10,109 39 50 76 28 12 8,534 35 23 49 24 18 11,842 33 20 38 84 ll Canada South America Africa Australasia Other countries Total 38,318 41,275 ~~ 37,504 9,678 15,104 15,175 10,314 8,683 | 12,028 1 Per cent to United States ^ | 94.80 99.31 99.54 93.46 99.19 98.01 98.01 93.28 | 98.45 FROM SPAIN. North A merica. 1,290 25,800 15,489 g 1,929 21,003 2,523 1,255 31,995 9,760 ll 1,684 19,073 2,628 1,120 32,509 19,130 996 32,025 12,881 2 1,985 20,139 13,161 952 81,078 19,511 4 1,578 15,727 2,316 ll 94,240 25,083 16 28,592 19,689 6 4,190 18,196 . 2,846 Central America Pon th A m eri ea. _ _ Australia Asia 2,661 17,931 3,175 24,681 19,205 3,049 A f ri c,a. Other countries (European) Total 68,037 66,406 76,526 81,189 121,166. 166,269 . 73,535 Pei cent to North America 1.89 1.89 1.46 1.22 . .79 a To South America. b Countries of destination not distinguished; embarked at French and other than German ports. 4442 IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES, [June, Nationality and Destination of Emigrants from Principal European Countries during the Years 1891 to Latest Available Date—Continued. NATIONALITY AND DESTINATION. 1801 1802 1803 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 FROM SWITZERLAND. North America . .... Central America South America Australia Asia 6,936 8 500 47 8 17 7,342 16 438 20 9 10 5,689 2 447 21 3 15 3,306 7 496 17 3 20 3,708 3 512 13 3 29 2,789 2 499 9 3 28 2,152 6 307 7 3 83 1,993 2 243 16 1 33 2,168 3 266 9 10 37 3,388 2 339. 16 21 50 Africa Total Per cent to North America FROM UNITED KINGDOM.** English Scotch Irish United States British North America Australasia Africa Other places Total Per cent to United States EMIGRANTS FROM GERMAN PORTS OTHER THAN GERMAN. United States Other America Africa Asia 7,516 7,835 6,177 3,849 4,268 3,330 2,508 2,288 2,493 3,816 92.28 93.71 92.10 85.89 86.88 83.75 85.80 87. ll 86.96 88.78 137,881 22,190 58,436 133,815 23,325 52,902 134,045 22,637 52,132 99,590 14,432 42,008 112,538 18,294 54,349 102,837 16,866 42,222 94,658 16,124 35,678 90,679 15,570 34,395 87,400 16,072 42,890 1 102,448 20,472 45,905 [ 111,585 29,920 39,210 156,395 21,578 19,547 9,090 11,897 150,039 23,254 15,950 9,891 10,908 148,949 24,732 ll,203 13,097 10,833 104,001 17,459 10,917 13,177 10,476 126,502 16,622 10, 567 20,234 11,256 98,921 15,267 10,354 24,594 12,789 85,324 15,571 12,061 21,109 12,395 80,494 17,640 10,693 19,756 12,061 92,482 16,410 11.467 14; 432 ll,571 102,797 18,443 14,922 20,815 11,848 104,195 15,757 15,350 23,143 13,270 218,507 210,042 208,814 156,030 185,181 161,925 146,460 140,644 146,362 168,825 171,715 71.57 71.45 71.34 66.66 68.31 61.10 58.24 57.25 31.71 60.90 60.68 174,664 20,371 553 118 374 144,448 6,149 445 • 63 307 93,438 4,450 150 59 191 49,321 2,754 499 75 111 87,918 5,612 1,361 63 120 84,149 9,722 1,678 94 160 55,698 7,542 785 102 292 74,679 7,674 844 87 521 105,151 8,723 649 23 44 16,054 2 133,124 7,422 481 147,972 5,644 593 1 68 12,348 Australia United Kingdom 19,064 3 Other Europe Total Per cent to United States 196,080 151,412 98,288 52,760 95,074 95,803 64,419 83,805 130,646 160,129 166,626 90.09 95.41 95.06 93.48 92.48 87.84 86.46 89.12 80.48 83.13 88.82 a See note on page 4440. Immigration and Emigration of Argentina and Uruguay during the Years 1890 to 1900, inclusive. DESTINATION AND NATIONALITY. 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 INTO ARGENTINA. Direct by sea from— Austria-Hungary Belgium France Germany Italy Spain Switzerland United Kingdom Other countries Other immigration Total Emigration INTO URUGUAY. Direct by sea from— Austria-Hungary Brazil France . Germany Italy Portugal Spain Switzerland United Kingdom Other countries Total Emigration 1,918 762 17,104 1,271 39,122 13,560 959 1,108 2,011 54,486 263 241 2,015 832 15,511 4,290 352 272 3,590 23,831 552 146 2,115 785 27,850 5,650 364 224 2,287 * 33,321 685 233 2,612 748 37,977 7,100 546 273 1,893 32,353 440 248 2,107 971 37,699 8,122 516 385 4,232 25,951 549 211 2,448 1,067 41,203 11,288 465 329 3,666 19,762 963v 318 3,486 1,039 75,204 18,051 679 429 2,504 32,532 1,768 207 2,835 987 44,678 18,316 ' 390 562 3,325 32,165 593 149 2,449 779 39,135 18,716 261 632 4,416 28,060 950 139 2,473 732 53,295 19,798 343 477 6,235 26,641 2,024 117 3,160 760 52,143 20,383 355 421 5,488 32,185 132,301 52,097 73,294 84,420 80,671 80,988 135,205 105,143 95,190 111, 083 117,036 82,981 81,932 43,853 48,794 41,399 36,820 45,921 57,457 53,536 62,241 55,417 182 901 976 213 12,873 86 4,606 43 369 3,868 116 973 736 262 4,559 118 1,945 53 189 2,965 155 923 555 271 4,966 76 2,097 27 201 2,600 85 671 348 222 2,894 64 1,585 40 494 3,140 323 2,305 460 244 4,255 63 2,031 32 216 1,946 66 382 542 153 3,557 41 2,116 62 256 1,983 168 583 388 228 5,046 56 2,501 61 199 1,270 102 672 483 287 3,651 41 2,552 73 225 1,054 87 673 814 338 2,894 35 3,339 78 342 867 71 426 697 290 3,219 57 3,110 95 283 758 126 685 451 290 3,211 119 2,815 32 252 911 24,117 ll,916 11,871 9,543 ll,875 9,158- 10,505 9,140 9,467 9,006 8,892 19,852 19,809 8,827 6,339 6,016 6,387 5,918 6,779 6,411 5,830 | 6,705 Immigration into Brazil during the Years 1889 to 1895, inclusive. NATIONALITY. 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1—r A n stri fl-TTnn gary 550 2,246 4,244 1,921 574 2,737 616 798 10,108 286 602 2,844 575 309 Germany 1,903 36,124 15,240 9,012 51 4,812 31,275 25,174 12,008 254 5,285 132,326 800 1,368 790 973 55,049 58,552 28,986 34,872 17,041 5,986 21 97,344 36,055 Portugal 32,349 17,797 10,471 58 22,146 198 30,998 40 17,641 93 Switzerland Upit-pf! Finerlnm 76 192 1,959 16,231 67 100 91 28 Oth Pr r.nuntries 1,603 28,295 878 3,882 292 6,996 Total ...... ... ......... 65,161 107,100 216,659 86,269 127,279 60.200 169,524 1903.] IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. Immigration into Argentina during the Years 1857 to 1899. 4443 YEARS. Italian. Spanish. French. English. Austrian. Swiss. German. Belgian. Other. Total. 1857 3,021 854 276 98 82 68 74 17 461 â–  4,951 2,976 784 193 112 75 74 61 21 362 4,655 1859 3,009 802 251 149 69 77 43 30 305 4,738 1860 3,349 930 385 159 71 67 62 27 606 5,656 4,809 7S6 148 127 54 85 57 44 193 6,301 4,902 934 203 141 73 92 72 39 260 6,716 7,836 1,092 397 164 87 109 83 51 589 10,408 8,422 1,608 426 219 67 124 97 61 658 ll,682 1865 7,697 1,981 513 213 89 138 117 56 963 ll,767 1866 9,212 2,074 609 418 94 164 122 68 935 13,696 1867... 7,221 3,186 991 526 71 187 185 44 814 13,225 1868... 18,937 3,834 1,223 744 92 210 215 86 578 25,919 1869. 21,419 3,744 1,465 892 121 386 202 43 686 28,958 1870 23,161 3,388 2,396 453 67 499 148 27 819 30,898 1871 8,170 2,554 1,988 694 50 435 155 22 558 14,626 1872 14,769 4,411 4,602 968 62 623 269 38 466 26,208 1873^ 26,878 9,185 7,431 1,612 187 1,628 793 145 523 48,382 1874 . 23,904 8,272 5,654 1,036 156 679 392 48 533 40,674 1875 9,130 4,036 2,633 1,288 93 376 354 38 584 18,532 1876 6,950 3,463 2,064 834 136 373 231 74 407 14,532 1877 7,556 2,700 1,996 808 57 340 303 83 832 14,675 1878 • 13,514 3,371 2,025 789 901 533 380 75 2,036 23,624 1879 22,774 3,422 2,149 783 1,760 717 490 78 544 32,717 1880 18,516 3,112 2,175 588 879 581 445 57 290 26,643 1881 20,506 3,444 3,612 1,149 490 635 591 140 864 31,431 1882 29,587 3,520 3,382 826 672 943 1,128 183 800 41,041 37,043 . 5,023 4,286 891 1,056 1,293 1,388 283 1,209 52,472 1884 31,983 6,832 4,731 1,021 1,329 1,359 1,261 175 932 49,623 63,501 4,314 4,752 1,104 1,982 . 1,094 1,546 973 1,352 80,618 43,328 9,895 4,662 1,682 1,015 1,284 1,131 479 i 2,179 65,655 1887 67,139 15,618 7,036 1,038 2,498 1,420 1,333 839 1,977 98,898 1888 - 74,929 25,485 17,105 1,426 2,333 1,479 1,536 3,301 2,677 130,271 88,647 71,151 27,173 5,967 4,225 1,571 2,599 8,666 8,745 218,744 39,122 13,560 17,104 1,108 1,918 959 1,271 762 2,011 77,815 15,511 4,290 2,915 272 263 352 832 241 3,590 28,266 27,850 5,650 2,115 224 552 364 785 146 2,287 39,973 1893 37,977 7,100 2,612 273 685 546 748 233 1,893 52,067 1894 37,699 8,122 2,107 385 440 516 971 248 4,232 54,720 1895 41,203 11,288 2,448 329 549 465 1,067 211 3,666 61,226 1896 . 75,204 18,051 3,486 429 963 679 1,039 318 2,504 102,673 1897 , 44,678 18,316 2,835 562 1,768 390 987 207 3,235 72,978 39,135 18,716 2,449 632 593 261 779 149 4,416 67,130 53,295 19,798 2,473 477 950 343 732 139 6,235 84,442 Total, forty-three years 1,146,407 340,696 ,159,476 33,610 29,674 24,518 27,074 18,965 69,806 1,850,226 Number of Immigrants Arriyed in Canada, Brazil, Argentine Republic, Uruguay, and Australasia, each Year, from 1820 to 1902, INCLUSIVE. [From official data.] YEARS. Canada. Brazil. Argen¬ tine Republic. Uruguay. 1R90 17,921 12,955 16,013 ll,355 8,774 8,741 12,818 12,648 12,084 13,307 30,574 58,067 66,339 28,808 40,060 15,573 34,226 29,884 4,577 12,658 32,293 38,164 54,123 23,518 22,924 31,803 43,838 117,032 32,387 41,682 33,554 43,252 37,821 36,998 50,684 21,134 20,011 25,209 10,607 7,657 10,322 14,690 189.1 1899 1893 1894 1 895 1826 1827 ] 898 189Q 1830 1831 1839 1833 1834 1835 613 3,146 2,583 5,424 1,163 2,475 7,860 9,874 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 185() n. 1851 1859 1853 1854 1855 11,597 13,800 14,194 18,252 19,695 14,915 12,747 1856 1857 4,951 4,758 4,735 5,656 6,301 '1858 _ 11859 ll 860 1861 Austral¬ asia. 485 903 715 1,056 2,016 1,242 1,561 3,733 4,093 2,800 1,860 3,124 5,054 14,021 15,786 15,850 32,625 8,534 3,478 2,229 830 2,347 5,837 25.555 33.945 16.555 22,320 89,076 63,266 88,144 55,428 46,475 63,427 40.945 32,073 24,742 24,504 YEARS. Canada. Brazil. Argen¬ tine Republic. Uruguay. 1862 17,738 12,666 6,716 1863 21,169 7,434 10,408 1864 14,868 7,600 ll 682 1865 18,623 5,952 ll,767 1866 16,653 7,281 13,696 ' 9,326 1867 21,094 10,032 17,046 17,356 1868 25,404 8,355 29,234 16,892 1869 34,973 9,527 37,934 20,435 1870 24,706 4,556 39,967 21,148 1871 27,773 6,275 20,930 17,912 1872 36,578 17,745 37,037 11,516 1873 50,050 13,932 76,332 24,339 1874 39,373 19,942 68,277 13,759 1875 27,382 11,001 42,066 5,298 1876 25,633 30,567 30,965 5,570 1877 27,082 29,029 36,325 6,160 1878 29,807 22,423 42,958 9,464 1879 40,492 22,189 55,155 10,829 1880 38,505 29,729 41,651 9,203 1881 47,991 ll,054 47,484 8,336 1882 112,458 27,197 51,503 10,116 1883 133,624 28,670 63,243 11,086 1884 103,824 20,087 77,805 11,954 1885 79,169 30,135 108,722 15,679 1886 69,152 25,741 93,116 12,291 1887 84,526 54,990 120,842 12,867 1888 88,766 131,745 155,632 16,581 1889 91,600 65,161 218,744 27,349 1890 75,067 107,100 132,301 24,117 1891 82,165 216,659 â–º 52,097 ll,916 1892 (*) 86,269 73,294 , 11,871 1893 (& 127,279 84,420 9,543 1894 &) 60,200 80,.671 18,875 1895 &) 169,524 80,988 9,158 1896 (&) • (5) 135,205 10,505 1897 (») (& 105,143 9,140 1898 31,900 (&) 95,190 9,467 1899 44,543 (&) 111,083 9,006 1900 44,697 (&) 117,036 8,892 1901 49,149 (& (&) 1902 67,379 (*) (*) W Austral¬ asia. 42,781 55,620 41,592 40,117 24,670 14,610 12,982 15,042 18,395 69,350 80,280 93,815 137,886 134,091 131,805 139,798 139,011 150,942 157,128 167,692 172,086 233,551 234,423 235,614 254,239 238,981 291,992 268,741 276,245 267,247 255,648 266,671 315,599 323,412 359,346 363,019 373,903 288,073 270,534 a Fifteen month s ending December 31; calendar years thereafter. & No data. 4444 IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES. [June, 1903.] Immigration and Emigration of British Australasia, by Colonies, during the Ye ars 1888 to 1899, inclusive. YEARS. VICTORIA. NEW SOUTH WALES. QUEENSLAND. SOUTHERN AUSTRALIA. WESTERN AUSTRALIA. TASMANIA. NEW ZEALAND. TOTAL. EXCESS OF IMMI- GRANTS. Immi- grants. Emi- grants. Immi- grants. Emi- grants. Immi- grants. Emi- grants. Itnmi- grants. Emi- grants. Immi- grants. Emi- grants. Immi¬ grant ts. Emi- grants. Immi- grants. Emi- grants. Immi- grants. Emi- grants. 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 102,032 84,582 79, 777 62,448 62,951 74,047 84,261 81,199 84,872 90,847 94,436 60,229 68.418 63,820 53,172 69,214 80,460 90,110 88,886 99.419 97,301 98,225 60,176 60,782 67,516 69,919 62,197 66,909 75,588 76,051 62.633 67,016 75,526 77.634 54,901 56,178 55,855 54,979 56,244 62,827 70,426 70,811 66,730 64,495 1 70,161 70,220 34,864 35,606 33,005 28,082 23,611 22,007 25,247 30,066 •27,723 19,615 34,243 39,916 23,059 24,680 26,656 26,512 22,281 19,704 21,070 24,393 24,466 15,760 28,110 33,590 60,850 46,086 47,835 58,706 57,583 50,556 62,399 65,944 92,591 96,827 94,060 66,739 46,727 48,849 58,300 52.677 45,816 62,285 66.677 94,620 98,037 92,306 1,598 2,850 3,567 6,346 7,440 8,928 25,858 29,523 55,215 49,387 32,709 20,278 2,794 2,272 1,996 2,661 2,968 3,705 9,892 ll,129 19,266. 26,787 28, 756 20,225 18,866 23,443 29,517 27,315 23,744 18,089 17,009 18,767 19,076 20,735 24,074 24,959 17,936 20,771 27,070 21,-233 24,407 18,649 15, 786 17,168 15,419 16,697 19,323 20,805 13,606 15,392 15,028 14,431 18,122 26,135 25,237 21,862 17,236 18,592 18,855 18,506 22,781 15,178 16,810 17,629 13,164 15,723 22,984 20,967 15,764 15,840 16,159 16,619 291,992 268,741 276,245 267,247 255,648 266,671 315,599 323,412 359,346 363,019 373,903 248,439 234,224 241,056 234,486 240,955 246,884 292,553 300,031 335, 684 334,917 353,040 43,553 34,517 35,189 32, 761 14,693 19,787' 23,046 23,381 23,662 28,102 20,863 Number and Nationality of Declared Settlers Arrived in Canada during the Years 1898, 1899, 1900, and 1901, inclusive, and PER CENT FROM THE UNITED STATES. [From Statesman’s Yearbook, 1903.] NATIONALITY. 1898 1899 1900 1901 NATIONALITY. 1898 1899 1900 1901 United States English Irish Scotch 9,119 9,475 733 1,400 5,509 563 724 11,945 8,576 1,337 747 6,700 780 1,526 15,500 8,184 765 1,411 6,593 705 2,380 17,987 9,401 933 1,476 4,702 984 1,750 French and Belgian Other nationalities * Total 545 3,832 413 12,519 483 8,676 492 ll, 424 31,900 44,543 44,697 | 49,149 Galiciens Per cent from United States German Scandinavian 28.59 26.82 34. 67 36.63