L 2.29 B64 UNION WAGE SCALES BOOK AND JOB PRINTING TRADES 1945 LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON SEATTLE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICSz WAGE ANALYSIS BRANCH WAGE PROBLEMS DIVISION PHILIP ARNOW, CHIEFU. S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics Wage Analysis Branch May 20, 1946 Union Scales of Wages and. Hours for Book and Job Printing Trades Workers by Trades and Cities, July 1, 1946 and July I-, 1944 uftvosnow' Preface Union rates of wages per hour and hours per week in effect *n,July 1, 1945 and July 1, 1944, are listed by trade for book and job printing in tno following taolo, for each of the 75 cities included in the annual union wage survey. Since there are no union rates in effect foi’ some trades in a few cities, some of the trade classifications lack a full listing of cities. Sometimes there are two or more union rates for the same occupations in one city. This may be attributed to two or more unions having different scales, to one union having different agreements with different employers because of various qualifications or conditions, or to both these situations, ’.'/hero more than one union rate is in effect all are listed in the following tables, the letters A, B, C, etc., being used to designate the different agreements or quotations. The sequence of the letters is in no way intended to indicate the relative importance of the quotations or agreements so designated. The wage scales provided in the agroaments arc frequently speed fied on a daily or weekly basis. Por comparability these rates have been converted to an hourly basis. An appendix to this table includes approximate wage increases negotiated between the date of the survey and Hay 15, 1946, Data for thi appendix were obtained from newspapers, union reports, trade journals and other publications. This material cannot be considered as completely authentic and is meant only to give an indication of the trend of negotiations in these cities since July 1, 1945. The basic data for these listings were collected by field representatives o.f the Bureau of Labor Statistics who called on up J on, officials in 75 cities and obtained wage rates specified in union agreements in effect on July 1, 1945. These data. arc issued to supplement the annual report based on union* wage scales in the printing trades dated July 1, 1945. The Union Wage Scale Studies are prepared in the Wage Analysis Branch of the Bureau of Labor Statistics under the immediate direction of DoneJ-d H. Gerrish. IB 46-2911z *»TABLE — Union Scales of Wages aid Hours in the BOOK A?TD JOB Printing Trades in Selected Cities, July 1, 19^5 and July 1, 1944 BII City and classification Atlanta, Ga< ............... . Baltimore, r'd.: Bindery operators, hand or machine ................. Banders and examiners Wrappers, packers, strippers of all cut work, sealers, out-setters, boxers ....... Binghamton, N. Y.: Folders, machine helpers, pasting machine operators, hand pasters .............. Cloth cutters, wrapping and jacketing, building in .... Layout for sewers, head band and liner machine wrapping and jacketing, packers, round and back feeder, casing-in feeder, book repairing............. Machine helpers, packers, gathering, sewers, pasting machine, helpers, joggers ............. Birmingham, Ala......... Boston, Mass.: Commercial ........... City library bindery . Buffalo, N. Y„ ......... Butte, Mont*.•........... Charleston, >L* Va. : Table work only ...... Table and machine work Charlotte, N. C......... Chicago, Ill-: Gathering, -collating, flat wire stitching, covering, thread sewing ..........• ♦ • Paging and numbering........ Feeding automatic stitchers; feeding, folding or ruling machine s;. blankbook sewing-machine operators; rotary oerforating machine Cincinnati, Ohio DERY WOMEN : July 1. July 1, 1944 : Rate Hours Rate Hours : per hour per week per hour per week ho. 650 40 ^0.520 40 : .575 40 .575 40 .500 40 .500 40 .450 40 .4-50 : 1|O : .650 40 .650 40 : .700 40 .700 • .600 40 .600 40 : .550 40 • 550 40 : .510 40 .500 40 : .650 ' 4o .650 40 : .690 4o .690 40 : .575 40 • 575 40 : .693 40 .675 40 : .604- 4o .604 40 : 646 4o .646 40 : .450 40 .450 40 : <725 40 .725 40 : .712 40 .712 40 • . 638 40 • .666 40 ! .631 4o . 606 4oTABLE --.Union Scales of Wages and Hours in the BOOK AND JOB Printing Trades in Selected Cities, July 1, 1945 and' July 1> 1944 _____________3INDERY VI( City and Classification • • • • • o Cleveland, Ohio? Machine work .Hand work .... Columbus;, Ohio .. Dayton, Ohio: Blankbook ,Ruling feeders, envelope folders ...... Wrapping, stitchers, hand numbering . ......... ... :Collating and perforating Denver, Colo................; Foreladies .............• Des Moines, Iowa . ........... Detroit, Mich. : Agreement A/ ; Jourpeywomen ........... No. 1 key girls ......... , No. 2 key girls ........ Floop supervisors ....... Agreement B: - No. i key girls ......... • /No. 2 key girls ....... Journey women ..........; Grand Rapids, Mich. :.......; Houston, Texas; .............: Foreladies ......... Indianapolis, • Ind. .:......< Jacksonville, Fla.. .:........ Kansas City, Mo. ............. Fore la dies . <........... Little Rock, Ark.. . ......... Los Angeles, Calif. ’......... Louisville> Ky................ Memphi s, Tenn.............’ * * Mi1wauke e,t Wi s. ........... Minneapolis, Minn.: Agreement A ............... Agreement b .. Agreement C .. Envelopo ..... Carbon Folders July 1, . ,1. t || | 1945 July 1 , 1944 Rate Hours Rate Hour s ser hour ’ per week .‘per hour per week $0,675 : 40 ' . :• $0,660 40 • 61‘5 : 40 : .600 40 '.660 : • 40 , : • ■' .660 40 .650,,: . . 40 : .600 " '■/’IQ .600 40 .600- 40 .650 : 40 , . .650 40 .680 40 ... .680 ‘ 40 .627 : 40 .627 40 .702 : 40 .702 • 40 .630 : 40 . .630 I : 40 .750; 40 .650 • 40 . .850; : . 40. . . .800 40 .800: ' 40 .750 40 1.100' : 40 1.000 40 .850 : 40 . .750 °40 .800 : 40 . ,.700 40- .750 : 40 .650 40 ..600 : 40 . ..600 - ...40 .600.' : 40 .600 r ' ' 'do .625', : ' 40 . ..625 . t ' : 40 .680 ; 40 . ...680'- • 40 .550 : 40 • 550 40 , .650 ’ : 40 .650 40 .725 40 .725 40 ..600 ‘ ‘ ‘ 40 . .525 40 .650 ‘ ' 40 .650 40 .550 ’ : 40 .525 40 .600 : 40 .600 40 .600 .: ' 40 . .515 40 •575 5: 40 ' ' .. .575 .! • 40 .600 40 a.-.570 . 40 .520 40 .520 ; 40 .550 >. 40 ... .550 40 .660 40 . .630... 40ABLE --.Union Scales and Y/agos and Hours in the BOOR AND JOB Printing Trades in Soloctod Ci Lias, July 1, 1915 and July 1, 19-—continued • , v - ■ BiNLERY-WOMEN - continued .. . City and classification July 1, 1945 July I, 1944 •Rate -per hour - Hours ■ per week Rate per hour •• Hours per week LO. 550. .550 .663 .550-.5-75 , ’. 700 .500. 40 40 ’ ■ 40 4-0 ’ 40 40 • 40 60 40 * 40 40 .. t . 40.. . . 60' 40 00,525 ,550 ,‘663’ . 475 . . .575 ■ .700, ,600 Nashv ilio,.. Tonn •: 'Bindery woman:. .. Agreement A ...... Agroemont B ...... Newark, N. J........, ... Auxiliary workers .. New Haven, Conn. ...... Foreladies ....... New Orleans, La. ...... New York,'N, Y.: Agreement A: Hand collators, hand stitchers'or sewers, goner al edit ion workers, sewing-machine operatorsr p a r 1 ng - ma c h I n e op e r a t o r s. hand folders, drop roil, or point folding machine feeders, hand .pastors, hand gatherers or covcrors .. ............. Pasting-machine operat- . ors, stuhoers,' strippers; wire stitcher .operators,: inserters, guardors ... Gathering machine fillers -in ................. Box girls on fo'lding machines J,.. .’........ ♦ : Book examiners '.and wrappers ....... Agreement 3. Indexing, paging or numbering machine' (foot or power) operators; r ul ing ma ch inc’ f e e do r s ; gathering’ machine op-e r at or s $ ■ ’f la t ’ and . saddle stitchers; hand-folders, punching or drilling-machine operators; perforating, pasting, dr sewing ma c h1ne op e r a tors; f1at and mail "'wrappers; • ■ hand-book - sewer'p hand'' covcrors; full-hound wire stitchers 775 \ . . 40 . .775 : - * • 40 . i • * • r 680 • ; 40 .680 ■ 40 630 : 40 : .630 40' » • v' ♦♦ 635 ' . . 40 . . : .635 • ■ 40 ► 585 ' : 40 . ,.585 40- ' * 6 S3. 40.....-.668 . • •. • • t.? » *■ — ~ • y 0 TABLE -“.Union Scales aI'BD JOB Print Jul v .nuc Q. Cities- and classification July 1, 1915 July 1-, 1911 Rato per hour Hours per week Ra to per hour hours p X v U HX NowyYork, N. Y. -continued: Pamphlet and magazine binders . .. ........... ... Edition (hand’ cover) binders , porf orating-machine operators ............... Stripping and pasting machine feeders Ok1ahoma C i ty, Ofc1a . Foreladios ....... Philadelphia, Pa. : Rate A ...........' Rato B .......... Pittsburgh, Pa. .... Foreladios Portland, Ore. Richmond, Va. 4 0 0 0 Rat O Xi B Rate Supervisor, wrapping and inserting ............ inspector or assistant supervisor Rochester,? N. Y. . Foreladios . .’. . St, Louis ,' Mo . ... St. Paul, Minn. i. Envoi ope • wor-k ♦ San Ahtonip, Texas S an Franc Is co, Calif’ Scranton, Pa. . Seattle, Eash. .. South Be n d, Ind. Spokane, Eash. . . Floorladi.es.. . Toledo, Ohio .... Ea shing t on., D. C . E ichit a, Ifpns as . York, Pa. \ . Youngstown., Ohio $0 ,c PP .COG 10 “Jo. 688 ; 10 • 688 10' • • 688 : 10 .688 ■ io ' ‘ e .'688 : 10 .600 10 ‘ .'600 * : 10 .700 ' 10 .700 ‘ : 10 .700 ' 10 o .630 : 10 .650 10 .580 : 10 .595 10 .595 : 10 .695 10 • 5 e o * 10 .713 10 .713 ■ : 10 •525 10 .525 : 10 .550 , 10 . 550 ; 10 ,*600 , 10 • 525 : 10 .575 " , 10 ' .525 ? 10 .600 . ’ 10 .600 : > 10 .*660 ’ ' ’ 10 .660 : ' 10 .610 ' 10 .610 10 .’575 ' io , .575 : . 10 .550 10 .550 : 10 .’580 10 ’.510 ; 10 .788 ' 10 .788 : 10 .575 * ’ 10 ' .575 : 10 .805 10 .805 • 10 • 550 10 • 5 50 : 10 • 630 10 .630 : ■ 10 .680 10 .680 : 10 .650 10 .575 : a o ,650 ' 10 .6.05 : 10 .600 * - 10. . 5’25 : 10 .550 , 10' . • .550 : 10 .568 ? 10 • o e 0 » 10 BOOKBINDERS Atlanta, Ga......... ...........: Baltimore,* Md. ................; Cl. 110 : 1.050 • : ♦ a-0 v » ^l*to5 10 : 1.050TAELS .July.l, 1915 July 1, 194- C ity and classification' Binghamton, U. Y.: 'Building InY, , Board cutter ............... Smasher ..................... Folding machine assistant, stockman......... Sheet stock cutter .......... Casing in operator ......... Stamping .... Head, band and lining ; machine operator .......... Rounds. and back operator . . . . Folding machine operator .•. Hand operators and stain •.. Casemaking operators ....... Birmingham, Aid.......... Boston, Mass.: Commercial ................. City library bindery, rulers Buffalo, _U. Y.................. Butte, Mont........ Foremen .................. . . . Charleston, Y. Ya......... Charlotte, H. C............ Chicago, ■Ill.: . .. . Agreement A: ' : Commercial: Forwarders, finishers, paper-cutter operators, automatic stretching-machine' operators, gathering-machine operators, combination gathering and stitching-machine operators. Hast inserting machine-operators. Howe trimmers . .... .a , Combination cutter and. 1 folding machine ....... Men in-charge- of stock and cutting machines; operators of c omhin-ation gathering, stitching,and covering .... machines .............. Au tomatic foIdIng-machine operators 1 machine ...... 2 machine ........... e machines ........ 5 'Rato Hours Ra t e Hours per hour per week per hour per v;eek 40.700 ' 40 ' TO.700 40 ' .920 40 .920 40 .930 40 .930 .. 40 .980 40 ' .980 40 1.110 40 1.110 40 '1.150 ' 40 1.150 40 ’1.250 40’ 1.250 , 40 "1.205 40 1.205 - 40 1.239 ' 40 1.239 40 1.435 40 1.435 40 ■ "1.134' 40 ' 1.134 40 1.175 40 1.175 40 ''1.035 40 1.025 40 1.220 40 1,175 40 1.220 40 1.175 4-0 1.100 40 • 1.100 40 1 • 2 4 0 40 1.200 • 40 •1.340'“ ■' 40 1.300 40 1.294 40 _L • y 40 .900 40 : .900 40 1.313 40 - 1.313 40 1.42-1 40 1.421 40 1,358 40 ■ . • .• 1.358 40 1.276 40 1.276 40 idh oo a-i'-e idi! ooJuly 1, 1915 July 1, 1941 City and classification Rate per hour Hours per week Rate per hour Hours per" week Chicago, Ill* - continued: Agreement A: - continued : Edition binding: : Automatic stitching- : machine operators .. . .. s Book trimmers Men-In-charge of stock : and cutting machines Combination cutter and : folding-machine open- ; ators •. • . . ........ . .... Gat he ring-ma chi no op or- : ators ..: Forwarders, finishers, : case-mak ers, o dg e • : gilders, • marblors, : steam rounders and : backers, head stock- : cutters, stampers . Casing-in (setting squar-: ce) casing-in machine : operators, gluing and pasting machine oper- : ators, cutting machine : Paper cutter operators . Automatic folding-machine: operators : 1 machine 2 machines 3 machines ......... 0 : Case helpers, pasters, : smashers, sawyers, tip-; ping for gilders, book : repairers, general work: Automatic glucing-nachine: operators, book press- : ers, glueing for?’ ; machines Stampors-in charge of one: or more machines ; Agreement B: Paper rulers . ..... . ..... : '$1,513 ’ 1,313 1.358 1.421 1,313’ 1.288 1.253 1 _ 7 1 7 1.276 1.339 1.1-14 1.163 1-.35G 1.375 40 40 40 40 40 ’ 40 40 40 40 40 40 ^0 40 40 40 $1,313 1.313 1.358 1 1.313 40 40 40 40 40 1.263 40 1.253 : 40 1.313 : 40 1.276 ; 40 1.359 : 40 1.41a : 40 1.242 : 40 1.163 : 40 1.556 : 40 1.325 : 40 July 1, 1915 ’ July 1 , 1911 City and classification - - «. « <, • • e © » • • « • .990 : 40 .990 40 - Nov;ark, N. J.: Agreement A: » Hand sheet straightoners nnfl p riiir» Io ■ 1T* ft 3 »o<>» 1.100 40' 1.100 a-O Bookbinders, Hi-Die cut* ter'a, . nonpre cIs ion oper- ators on cutting machines. under 65 inch knife, I- • C1ev o1and fo1dIng-machine operators (with one f e e do r) ...... 1.211 : 10 1 .211 40 Non-precision operators on cutting machine 65 inch to 71 inch'knife, blank- ♦ ■ book forwarders, assist- ant stampers "‘and finishers 1.225 • ‘ 40 J.225 , 40 Non-precision operators oh » cutting machine 7.5 ir .knif : ■ • and over, precision oper- ators 65 inch to 74 inch '* knife, stampers and * ■ Z • • finishers ■ * • • • . • . . • • . . • • • 1.250 ': 40 1.250 a0 3-knife trimmers, folding machine operators (comb- i np r 1 nn P mi teens tic) .... 1.256 : 40 1 • 256 40 Precision cutters 75-inch knife and over •„ I • 515 : 40 1.515 - 40 Rulers, on ^*ooam automat- ip mn r>hI nra ............... 1 • 5 40 40 1.340 40 Agroemont B: ! Stampers and embossers c a so ma k e r s, .paper ... c u t ters, casing in,'and stock cutters ........ 1.240 : 40 : 1.160 40City and clas sif ication New Haven, Conn. ..............: New Orleans, La. ..............: Nev; York, N. Y. : : Agreement A: : Head stampers : Extra finishers Gilders ............... : Stampers, general refer- • once book binders .......: Head sheetmen, folding- : machine operators, book : trimmers; power rounders : and backers; head band- : ing and lining-machino : operators, stock cutters,: casemaking machine oper- : ators, casing-in machine : operators; extra forward-: ers extra finishers’ ass-: istants; circuit workers;: gathering; stitching, and* covering machine oper? : ators; sheet and plate : cutters ............... : Gathering-machine oper- : ators; book trimmers : (flat or turntable);hand : rounders and' backers; head banders and. liners; • hand case and. stretcher : makers; hand casers-in; : book repairers; edge col-: orers; sprinkling and : general all-around work- : ers; assistant operators : on gathering,stitching, : and covering machines; sheet cutters. . . ........ : Paper rulers’: : First Class ............: Second class ........ . ..: Assistant sheetmen or : heads of stock; smash- : ing-machine operators; : builders-in........... ... : Nipping-machine operat- ; ors .. . . ...... . . . : hand gluers-up, board : cutter’s, pas tors-off : July 1, 1945 July 1, 1944 Rate 3cr hour Hours per week Rate per hour Hours per week $1,100 40 $1.100 40 1.100 40 1.100 40 1.580 ■ 40 1.580 40 1.505 40 1.505 40 1.480 40 1.480 40 1.450 40 1.430 40 1.580 40 1.380 40 1.530 40 1.330 40 1.250 40 1.250 40 1,200 40 1.200 40 1.268 40 1.268 40 1.218 40 : 1.218 40 1.155 ' 40 1.155 40City and classification July 1, 1915 July 1, 1911 Rate per hour Hours per week Ratu per hour Hours per week Hew York, N. Yr. - continued: Agreement A: continued Loaders-up for folding machine, C1 eve 1 and. — mac Ini no operators (single machine over one fold o ........ . BO.968 10 CO.968 .940 40 Hoad gold layers ........ .940 10 40 Casing-in machino feeders ................ . 913 • 40 .913 10 Gold layers .... i ....... . Agreement B: .835 10 .885 10 Operators of continuous and bracket trimmers .. C ont inuous t r immors 1.362 10 s 1.362 10 (tumbler type) ......... Operators of combination Ka s t ins e r t ing and 1.387 10 1.337 10 s t itching ma chine s; Dayt on 5 -knif c machino s; gathering, stitching and covering machine^ folding machi nos ....... 1.336 1.316 10 10 1.336 1.316 10 10 Electric automatic spacer Operators of ..duplex trim- mo rs or combination gathering and stitching machines 1.292 10 1.292 10. Blankbook binders, opor- ators of flat machines, die machines, band cut- ting machines, gathering machines, stitch- ing and covering machines 1.292 - 1.269 : 10 • 10 1.292 1.269 . 40 10 Manifold table workers .. Assistant operators of combination folding and jogging machines ...... Agreement C : . 1.110 ■ 10 ’i;iio 10 Pressmen on automatic « * feed, pressing machines Finishing machine opor- 1.600 • 10 • - 1.600 10 ators 1.550 . 1.050 ‘.',.0 10 1.550 ’ 1.050 10 10 Feodors .. Layers-up ......... . .675 ’40 « • • * .675 • 10 Stitching-ma cnine feeders *40 * 10-• .650 .600 10 ■ 10 General helpers ......... .600 Box boys ................ .625- - 10- - : .625’> 10City and classification ; July 1, o 1945 July 1, 1944 J Ra to Jper hour Hours per week Rate per hour Hour s per week Oklahoma City, Okla. • .: $1,100 40 &1.100 40 Foremen .: 1.225 40 1.225 40 Philadelphia, Pa. o : 1.140 40 1.140 40- Pittsburgh, Pa . .: 1.120 ’ 40 . 1.120 40 Foremen .: 1.245 40 1.245 40 Portland, Oregon ............ Richmond, Va.: 1.288 40 . 1.288 40 St am ning Operators, gathering, .: 1.150 . 40 1.100 ■ 40 casing etc Lining-up, machine adjust- .: 1.000 • 40- •1.000 s - • 40 ment and repair .: 1.050 40 1.050 40 Stock keeper ............. .: 1.125 40 1.125 40 Cutting machine operators .: 1.263 40 Rochester, KT. Y .: 1.200 40 1.200 40 Foremen 1.320 . 40 1.320 '40 o t« Lou j_s, Mo. 1.260 40 1.260 ■ 40 Rulers and finishers .: 1.280 40 1.280 40 St. Paul, Minn. J . .: 1.145 40 1.145 40 Envelopes .: 1.025 40 1.025 40 San Antonio, Texas .: 1.100 4-0 1.000 40 Foremen 1.250 40 1.125 40 San Francisco,•Calif. Scranton, pa. . : 1.456 40 1.456 ’ 40 Machine worker's . : 1.175 40 1.175. ■ ' 40 Bench workers 40 1.125 40 Seattle, Lash. . .. .r 1.438 40 1.438 10 South Bend, Ind. " .: 1.150 40 1.150 40 Spokane, «l • «■ j o 5 1.200 • -1-0 40 • - .* $1,150 1.200 ‘ 1.250 •40 ■ 1.250 1.275 ‘a-0 1.275 1.215 «a-0 1.215 . 1.220 4-0 1.175 1.265 40 1.265 40 40 40 eO 40 40 40TABLE --.Union Scales of Byes and Hours in the BOOK AND JOB Printing Trades in Selected Cities, July 1,’1915' and July 1, 1911 - continued OOLPQS1TORS, HAND - continued City and classification July 1, 1915 July 1, 1911 Ra to per hour Hours per week *Pf." -i-p 4. u'Ly per hour Hours per’"week Butts, Mont. ....... ... ....... Cl. 350 40 01,310 10 Charleston, S. C. Agro Giro nt A .............. 1.125- ■ 10 1.125 10 Agreement 3 .............. 1.250- 40 ■ 1.250 40 Charleston, B. Va 1.595 40 1.395 10 Charlotte, N. C. ............. 1.200- 10 - 1.100 10 Chicago, Ill. ................ 1.545 1-0 1.515 40 Enmlish t ext-C z ©cho s10 V ak publication 1.545 O 1.515 10 Sweeusn text . .1 ......... . 1.545 40 ■ 1.150 40 Cincinnati, Ohio ............. 1.588 10 ■ 1.550 40 Cleveland, Ohio 1.415 ■ 37i 1.351 37-g ' Columbus, Ohio ............... 1.410 ■ 10 ■ 1.375 40 Dallas, Texas ................ 1.205 10 ■1.125 . 40 Davenport, Iowa (SeO Rock Island) x Dayton, Ohio 1.580 ' 10 ■ 0 G? 77 Q X • uuo 40 Magazine . .10 410 ' -40 1.415 40 Register:' Agreement A : .... . ..... . 1.580 40 1.363 40 Agreement B 1.380 - ■ • 40 1.380 40 Denver, Colo . .... 1. 1.301 • • ■ 40 1.279• 40 Dos Moines, Iowa ............. 1.280 40 1.280 10 Detroit, Mich.: ... Agreement A .............. 1.565 . -• IO-■ 1.175 10 Agreement 3 . 1.310 ■ • 40 - 1.550 10 Duluth,-Minn. ................ 1.000 . . 40 . 1.000 ■10 El Paso, Texas 1.320 37J • 1.320. c'.'B Erie, Pa. 1.215 ■ • ■ 40 1,200 10 Grand Rapids, Mich; .......... 1.150 40 1.150. 10 Houston, Texas 1.295 10 1.295. 40 Indianapolis, Ind.' ........... 1.343 10 . 1.323 40 Jackson, Miss. ............... .950 10 .950 . . . 40 Jacksonville, Fla.’ 1,290- 10 1,125 40 Kansas City, Ho. . ■. . 1.336 10 • 1..290 40 Little Rock; Ark. ............ ■ 1,090 10 1 • 090 40 Los Angelos, Calif 1.365' 40 1.285 7 /w B:V Louisville, Ky. .............. ■1.-200 - ■ 40 1.200 40 uadis on, Bis ® 1.200 40 1.200 40 Manchester, N. E. ............ .875 40 .875 40 Memphis, Tonn. ..r........... . 1.100. 40 . 1.-1Q0. . , W ■ ' / ' Milwaukee, Bis. 1.285 40 . 1.26.0 . •10 Minne ap01 i s , Minn.: » Agreement A 1.200 • 40 • . 1.135 40 Agreement 3 .............. 1.220 40 1.2 2 0 10 Mobile , Ala. .................. 1.130 40 . . .1.130 1-0 Moline, Ill. (see -Rock Island Ill* district ). • , r--.UNION SCALES 0? PACES ALL NOTES IN HE LOOK AND JOB Printing Trades in Selected Cities, July 1, 194.5 and July 1, 1944 - continued City and classification * • July 1, 1945 Rato . 'per hour Na-shv-ille, Term, ........ Newark, N. J, ;............ Now Hav on, C onh.......... Magazine , ............ New Orleans, La............ New York, N, Y»‘ .......... English-Hungarian text German text* .......... Hebrew'text’........... Italian text ...i...... Norfolk, Va. .. .*......... Oklahoma City, Okl Omaha,-Nobr. ..... Peoria, Ill'. .. . . , Phi 1 a do Iphi-a, Pa. Phoenix, Ariz • .‘. . . Pittsburgh,-Pa. 1.. Portland, Maine • ••••• * • • • ® © • O < • ♦ • * • • • • • • • o e • » k Portland, Oregon-............... Providence, -R. I.-: : Agreement A Agro emont B Reading,■Pc Richmond,'Va. .. Rochester, N. Y. Rock Island (Ill,') district St. Louis , ......... St. Paul, Minn. ........... .4 ’: Salt Lake City, Utah........ San Antonio, Texas San Francisco, Calif......./. ’ Scranton, Pa.- . .. .*...- Seattle, Lash. . South Bend, Ind. Spokane, Lash. . Springfield, Mass. Tampa,-Fla. ...... Toledo, Ohio ; Agreement °A ... Agreement B ... Washington, D, C, Wichita, Kansas Worcester, Mass. York, Pa, ....... Youngstown, Ohio • •«««• o • •••«©,» • •••©• eo« » 9 • t • • « 9 • • 9 ♦ • • • • • • » • • • . . • . • • ^1 • 10 o 1.-510-1,-175 1.275 1 .‘150 1.560 1,200 1.560 1.560 1,331 1.050 1.220 1.190 1.250 1.350 1.200 1.380 .875 1 • edo 1.150 1.150 1.150 1.150 1.250 1.323 1.340 1.22© 1.150 1.150 1,463 1.350 i ere. -a e TOO 1.210-1.150-1,100 1, .L oO :l,380‘ -1.580-1.457 • 1, j_ 5 0 <900 - 1 •Oo5 -"1 O o JL < L3 E >45 July 1, 194-4 Hour- s Rate ’ Hour s or wee per hour 'per -week • 40 CNios • 40 40 ,1.435 • TO ' 40 1.125 : " 40 40 .1,225 : 40 ‘ '4Q 1,12-5 : 40 . 40 1..560 : 40 40 .1,200 : 40 40 1,560 : : 4-0 ' • 40 1,560 : 4-0 40 1.356 : 40 , 40 1,050 : 40 40 1,220 : 40 40 1.1.90 :• 40 40 X.25-G : 4-0 40 J. , O 55 ' : 4-0 40 1,240 ; 40 4-0 1.380. : 40 ’ 40 . ,875 ■ < - 40 ' 40 .1,288 : 40 40 1,150 : 4-0 40 1.050 : -40 40 . 1..125 : 40 , 5- o. 1 .TOO •: 40 40 1,. 250 : 40 40 1.250 . : 40 ‘ 40 ' .1.340- : ■ 40 .1,220 ; 40 ‘40 1.150 : 40 40 .1.150 : 40 ‘40 1.463 ■ : 40 4-0 ' 1.513 : 40 40 1.4.38 : 40 40 ’ 1.210 : 40 40 1.150 : 4-0 40 1.100 : 40 ' 40 1.150 : 40 40 ' 1,380 . • : 40 E-0^ 1.300. : 40 GU:. U i p 1.368 : 3 7 J- 40 1.150 : 40 40' ’ .900 • • : 40 40 ' 1.035 : 40 40 1.250 : 40--.Union Scales of Iagos and Hoars, in the BOOK AMD JOB Printing Trades in Selected Cities, . July 1, 1915 and July 1, 1911 - continued ELEG TIP TEPEES City and classification July 1, 1945 <• : July 1 , . Rabat per hour Hours per we ek • p Ra t e 6 er hour ' Hour s per week Atlanta, ust. Cl.215 40 -9 • • • • Cl.215 40 Rn 1 t.t mere - ' lid . ............... lrI75 • • '40 • • T.T.75 . eO P t rm t n c*h am Ala. ............. - 1,341 ' • 40 ' ' ‘P • 1.344 '40 Boston, Hass. . • s ‘ 1‘, 250' . 40 Finishers and’ moldcrs ...... 1.500 " • • 40 4 Pranebmen ......... ... ..... . 1,500 ■ • 20' • i 123.5' 40 Puff a1e. K , Y , .............. •» 1.530 - 40 ♦ 1.330 40 G b t e a e e ill. 1.775 ■' • « • 40- ’1.725 .' . 40 G1 netnnatt f Obio ............. 1.413 • - 40 » * e » • 1.-118- r * • «1S"’ Cleveland/. Obi e 1,525 • 40' -’1.475 •40-' Gel umhnn ’ Obi e ............... 1.410 • -40 I * me 1.295 40 Pa lias Tex a a ........ 1.295 ' • • 40" ' * • * 40 Davenport, Iowa (see Hock - • - i * Island, (III.) district) i Pavten- Obi e ................. 1.450 ■ • ■ 40 • ' 1.150 40 Denver Gel e . ................ 1.320 - • 40 • 9 'l.’3'20 ' 40 Do s Mo me £>, low a. 1.375 • * -40 ’ * * •* * • ' '1.375 40 Detroit Mich. ......... 7 .6-1 0 • - -40 ' ‘1.575 tcO __ „ ■ _ . * I. Q00 • *40 > ■.- • 1,000 1 40. Grand Rapids, MIeh.: ' 40 TP t e 1 a b e r a r~ n d m e 1 e e r s ..... 1.200 ■ 1 • IOC • • 40' ’r.ooo Branchmen ‘ • ■ 40' •. • • • r.ioo 40. ■ Houston, Texas .1 • 1.506 ■ 40 •. ‘ ' l'.3'06 ' 40 Tndt a nn.no! t a . Tnd . 1.370 - 40 l‘.370‘ 40 ' Kan sa » Gt ty, Mo, .............. 1 .375 * • * 40' ' ' I ’ ' 1.375' ' 40 Pea An mice 0; 1 t f . . 1.300 • ’ 40 l“.300 40 . Memphis, Tenn. 1.175 - • ' 40 . ■ ■i;i75 40 , 1,430 1.380 ' '1)380 1.380 40 Minneapolis, Minn! ♦ •• ’40 ‘ • 40 . . Moline, Til. (see‘Rock Island) ■ .. • 1.150 ■ . Hasbvt11c. ’Torn . ............. 1.150 ‘ • '40 40 Hewark, N• J. 1.850 • • • ’40 ‘ '11850 t 40 KTomr I-Triveas P.nrrn - ............. : 1,37*5 1..400 • • • ’40 ' '1,375 40 Hew Onl e a n a' Pa . ...... •' ’ - *4Q ’ ‘l’.300 40 Hew York, H. Y. .............. • 1.350 ’ ' ’ ‘40 . . ... ’ ’ '1.850' 40 Okl apema Gt'ty Okl a , ......... • 1.221 * • • 40' • ' ’ Id 125 40 Omaha , Hebr . . 1.310 • ' 40' • e ' ‘ 1.310 -* -. r'lO- “ Peert a Til". . • 1.370 -• 40 1.370 40 Ph 11 del nbt a . Pa . ; 7.700 ; • 40‘ ‘ ‘ 1.650 : ■ 40 Pittsburgh, Pa . 1.250 • ' ’ 40" • ' ' 1.250, : , 40 Portland, Ore• . 1,41© ’ ' ' 40 * » 1.110 40 Providence,*R, I.: ' ' ♦ O Finishers and moldcrs .... 1 • 50© : ‘ ‘ 40 X ' 1.250 .40 Branchmen : 1.300 : ' 40 J 1.225 : 40City and Classification Richmond, Va.j Mol dors ................... Finishers . .. ...... Rock Island (Ill.) district . Molino shop ............... St. Louis, Mo. .............. St. Paul, Minn. ............. Salt Lake City, Utah ........ San Francisco, Calif........ Scranton, Pa . . ....... Seattle, Washington ......... South Bend, Ina. ....... Springfi o1a, Mas s...... Toledo, Ohio . .......... . Washington, D. C. ....... L or cost o r, Ma s s • ■ F i n i s.h o r s and mo J do r s Branchmon ..... York, Pa................. July 1, 1945- July 1, 1944 Rate per hour Honrs per week Ra t o per hc-ur Hour s per week (jI.oSo 40 n.iso io" 1.273 40 1.100 40 1.300 40 1.300. " ■ 40 1.280 40 1.280 '40 1.437' 40 ■1.350 • 40 1.330' 40 1.330 40 ' 1.150 40 . ■ ■ 1-.113 '40 1.525 40 1.475 40 . 1.236 40 1.236- 40 1.473 . 35. . 1.407 35 1.360 40 1.200 ' *40...'' 1.415 40 1.350 ' -40 1.250 .40 • . 1.250 ■ ' 40 1.580 3.8 . 1.580 38 ' 1.300s 40 • 1.250 40 1.300s 40 1.225 ' ' ' 40 ’ '1.290 k 40 1.220 40 MACHIKE 0PLEATOUS Atlanta, Ga. Baltimore'., Md. Binghamton, K. Y. . . Machinis t-operators Birmingham, Ala. ...... Boston, Mass.;. Lynotypo operators Monotype operators Buffalo, N. Y*. ....... Machinist-operators Butte, Mont.: . • .* Ma chinis t-operators Charleston, S. C. : Agreement A ........ Agreement B ....... Charleston, W. Va. .., Charlotte, N. c. ..... Chicago, 111. ......... Czechoslovak .text.,. Swcaxsn toxr C inc inn at i, Ohi o ..... Cleveland, Ohio ...... Cclumhus, Ohio ....... Balias, Texas ......... Cl.235 . 40 Cl. 150 1.200 40 1.200 1.275 40 1.275 ‘ 1.275 , ■ 40 1.275 1.215 • 40 1.215 1.260 ' 40 1.215 1.220 . 40 1,175 * 1.370 . 40 ' 1.370 1.420 . 40 1.420 1.413 40 1.3 73 ' 1.125 ' • 40 • 1.125*. 1.250 40 “'1.250 1.395 40. •' 1.395 1.200 •40 •1.100 1.580 ■'40 ■ 1.580 1.868 32 . 1.868' 1.580 40 1.485 1.333 ■ '40 ' .‘.1.550 1.464 •37|- 1.403• . 1.410 40 1.375'' . 1.330 40 1.250, ‘ 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 >0 40 40 40 40 40 , 40 ■ 40 . 40 . ' 40 , 40 aTABLE --.Union Scales of D'ages and Hours in the BOOK AND JOB Printing Trades in Selected Cities, July 1, 1915 and July 1, 1944 -continued MACHINE OPERATORS - continued . July 1, 194 5 ; July 1, 1944 •City and classification o 0 • Rate • Hours Rate ; hours Jp or hour * per week • 9 per hour *pc r week Davenport, Iowa (See Rock 0 Island, (Ell.) district) : : • Dayton, Onio . . <. . . . . , . ........ : ^1.330 40 $1,338 : 40 Iviagazme 1.415 40 1.415 : 40 Register: : Agreement A 1.3S0 40 1.363 : 40 Agreement B : 1.380 40 ■1.380 : 40 Denver, Colo . : 1.304 40 1.279 r 40 ■ Machinist-operators* 1.379 p 40' 1.354 : 40 Dcs Moines, Iowa 1.280 40 1.280 : - 4-0 Detroit, Mich.: : Agreement A : 1 • 565 40 L.475 : 40 • Caster operators 1.565 40 1,245 : 40 Agreement B ...... . . . . . .... : 1.610 40 1.550’ •: ■ 40 Duluth, Minn.; 1.000 : 40 1.000' : 40 El Paso, Texas : —i rz o 1 9 U 6 \J : 37j ' r.320 : 37 s- Eric, Pa.: • Machinist-operators : 1.245 40 1.200 ’ 40- Grand Rapids, Mich. 1.150 40 1.150 40 Houston, Texas . . ....... . ..... : 1.295 40 ' 1.295 : 40 Machinist-operators .......: 1.558 40 I.'358 ' : ’ 40 ■ Indianapolis, Ipd. : 1.3 43 40 1.323 : 40- Jackson, Miss. .950 40 .950 : 40 Jacksonville, Fla . : 1.290 40 1.125- : 40 Kansas City, Mo.: : • Machinist-operators 1,335 ♦ ; 40 1.335 : -40 Little Rock, Ark. ; 1.090 ■40 ■ 1.090 <: • 40 Machinist-operators 1.165 40 1.165 • : - 40 Los Angeles, Calif. : 1.365 '40 ■ 1.285 : ■ 40 Louisville, Ky, 1.200 © 40 1.200 «: 40 Madison, els # 1.200 40 1.200 : : - 40 Machinist-operators 1.250 40 • 1.250 : 40 Manchester, N. H, .......... . . : .875 40 • 875 : 40 Memphis, T'enn. 1.100 • 40 1.100 > : - 40 . Milwaukee, Lis. 1.285 1-0 1.260 : 40 Minneapolis, Minn.: • <> ......... : 1.220 40 1.220 : - <40 Machinist-operators 1.295 40 1.295 : 40 Monotype key-hoard oper- m : ■ ators or castermen: : : - *: Agreement A : 1.220 40 1.220 : 40 Agreement;B : 1.220 J 40 1i!35 : ■ 40 Mobile, Ala. 1.130 40 1.130 •: 40 Machinist operators 1.180 40 1-.180 : 40 - Moline, Ill, (See Rocklsland : i ’ * • (Ill.) district) • - Nashville, Tenn-. : : ■ : Machinist-operators 1.193 • / n •a.- O • 1-.193 : 40 Newark, N. J» 1.510 ’ 40 1.435--: 40-City and classification Now Haven, Conn............... Magazine ........ . . Now Orleans, La................ Machinist-operators ....... New York, N. Y................. English-Hungarian text ... Corman text ........... . . . . Hebrew text ............... Italian text ............. Norfolk, Va.................... Oklahoma City, Okla. .......... Machinist-operators ....... Omaha, Nebr• ................. Peoria, Ill. .................. Machinist-operators ...... Philadelphia, Pa. ...... Phoenix, Ariz................. Machinist-operat or s ..... Pitts burgh, Pa................ Portland, Maine ............... Portland, Oregon .............. Providence, R. I. ;........... Reading, ' Pa. . ........ . . . Machinist-operators . . . . Richmond, Va. . ............ Rochester, N. Y. ; ,..... ... Rock Island (111.) district: Machinist-operators .... Sr . Louis, Mo. ...........‘. St. Paul, Minn.............. Machinist-operators .... Salt Lake City, Utah ....... San Antonio, Texas ...... .. San Francisco, Calif....... Machinist-operators .. .. Scranton, Pa. .............. Machinist-operators . .. . Seattle, Washington:. Machinist-operators .... South Bend, Ind............. Spokane, Lash.; Machinist-operators .*. . . Springfield, Mass......... . . Tampa, Fla.................. July 1, 3.915 July 1, 1911 Rate Hour- s Rate Hour per hour per week per hour poi5 wo n.i75 40 S,1.125 40 1.275 40 1.225 40 1.150 40 1.125 40 1.200 40 1.175 40 1. 560 40 1.560 440 1.200 40 1.200 40 1.560 40 1.560 40 2.000 36 2.000 36 1.3G1 40 1.356 40 1.050 40 1.050 40 1.283 40 1.220 40 1.283 • 40 1.283 40 1.190 • 40 1.190 40 1.250 40 1.250 40 1.3G0 40 1.300 40 1.350 40 1.350 40 1.290 40 1.240 40 1 • 360 40 1.310 40 1.380 40 1.380 40 .675 40 .375 40 1.350 40 1.350 40 1.150 ^-0 1.150 Uo 1.130 40 ‘ ' • 1.155 40 1.230 40' 1.205 40 1.150 40 1,100 40 1.250 40 ’ 1.250 40 ■ L.373 40 1.300 40 1.370 40 ' 1.370 40 1.220 40 1.220 40 1.295 40 1.295 ’ 40 1.150 40 • 1.150 40 ' 1-.150 . 40 1.150 40 I.L63 40 1.463 40 1.525 40 ' 1.525 40 1.3 50 40 1.313 : 40 1.425 40 1,383 40 1.479 35 1.479 35 1.210 . . 40 1-.210 40 1.220 40 ! 1.220 40 1.100 40 : 1.100 40 1.150 40 1.150 40City.and classification Toledo, Ohio: Agreement A ........... Agreement B' .......... Washington, D.’o. ....... Wichita, Kansas ......... Worcester, Mass. ......... York, Pa. ............... Youngstown, Ohio ........ Machinist-operators . July 1, 1945 July 1, 1944 Rate per hour Hours per week Ra to per hour Hours per week vl.580 40 Al .380 • 40 .1.380 . 40 • • 1.300 ■ 40 1.457 ■ 37| 1.368 1.150 . 40 ■ • • 1-.150 40 .900 40 .900 40 1.035 - 40. - 1.035 40 1.318, 40 ••1.275 40 1.393 , 40 - 1.350 40 MACHINE TENDERS (MACHINISTS) Atlanta, (la. ......... Baltimore, Md. , Birmingham, Ala. ............. Boston, Mass.: Linotype . . ."........ Monotype .................. Buffalo, N. Y. ............r.. Charleston, W.-Va. ............ Chicago, Ill. ................ Cincinnati, Ohio . ............ Cleveland, Ohio ............. . . Columbus,' Ohio ............... Dayton, Ohio Magazine ........... Register: Agreement A ...... Agreement B ............. Denver, Colo. ................ Dos Moines, Iowa ............. Detroit, Mich.:' Agreement A ............. Agreement"B ........... I . Indianapolis,' lAd. ........... Los Angeles, Calif ........... Louisville, ly. . Milwaukee,? Wis . . Minneapolis, Minn. .......... Newark, N.' J. New Haven, Conn.’ ............. Magazine ....... f1.235, • 40 yi .150 40 1.200 . ■40 : ’1.200 40 1.215 - 40 1.215 ’ 40 1.260 40 • -1.215 ' 40 1.220 . • 40 1.175 - 40 1.460 . -40 1.460 40 1.395 . . . . 40 • < • -1.395 •• ' 40 1.580 40 1.580 40 1.388 40 1.350 40 1.464, - 37i ■ • -1.403 ' 37- 1..4-10 - - . • • 40 1.375 40 1..380- . - •40- • ■ - ' -1-.338 • 40 L.415 . 40* ■ • ’ 1-.415 40 1^380' . 40 1.363 40 1..380 40 ±’•380 40 1-304 40 • 1.279 40 1.280 . • 40 1.280 40 1*. 565 . - •40••■ ' 1.475 '■ 40 1.610-. - 40* •: 1.550 ' 40 1 • 3 4.3 . < - - 40 1.323 40 1.365 . • - . 40 - • li283 ’ 40 1.200 ..,40 ■ 1.200 40 1.285 40 • 1.260 40 1..220 . . - -40 1.22’0 40 1.510 40 • ■ ’4L.-435 '■ 40' 1.175 40 1.T25 ' 40 1.4-00 40 1.350 40"MACHINE - TINDERS (MACHINISTS.)-continued'_____' July I, 1945 July 1, 19-14 Git y and c1a s s if i c at i on Rato Hour'- s Rate Hours per hour per week per hour per week Nov; York, N. Y.; $1,560 1 to 4 machines ........... §1.560 40 40 5 to 8 machines ........... 1.600' 40 1.600 40 9 to 12 machines .......... 1.650 40 1.650 40 15 machines or'over ........ 1.700 40 1.700 . 40 Philadelphia, Pa. 1.450 40 1.450 40 Pittsburgh, Pa. .............. 1.380 40 1.330 40 Portland, Oregon . 1.350 40 1.350 40 Richmond,' Va. 1.150 40 1.100 40 Rochester, N. Y. 1.250 40 1.250 40 St. Louis, Mo. . . . ; 1.370 40 1.370 40 St. Paul, Minn, 1.220 40 ■ 1.220 ‘ 40 Springfield, Mass. ........... 1.175 40 1.175 40 Washington, D....C, ............ 1.457 3?i- 1.368 37-| MAILERS Birmington,- Ala-. ............ Buffalo, N.- X. ............... Chicago, Ill. ................ Cincinnati,. Ohio ............. Cleveland, Ohio : Agreement A ....... Agreement 3 ............... Columbus, Ohio ...... Dallas, Texas ................ Dayton, Ohio : Conoral ................... Mailers-machine.operators • Denver, Colo................... Dos Moines,.Iowa ............. Detroit, Mich. ............... Indianapolis, Ind. ........... Los Angeles, Calif. .......... Louisville, ..Ky. ............. Milwaukee, Wis . .............. Minneapolis, Minn. ........... Nashville, Term. ............. Female .................... New York, N., Y. .............. Stampers ......... Machine operators ......... Oklahoma City, Okla. ......... Peoria, 111. ................. Foremen ............ Philado1phi a, Pa.: Agreement .A ............... Agreement B ............... r>l. 070 40 $1,050 . 40 1.000 40' .900 40 1.310 40 1.275 40 1.203 40 '1.194 40' 1. 405 36-2/; 5 1.405 36-2/3 1.294' 40 1.294 40 1.000 i-0 1.000 40 .900 40 - - 1.010 40' 1.010 40 1.060 40 1.060 40 1.280- 40 1.280 40 1.135 40 ’ 1.125 40 1.363 ‘ 40 ' ’ ' 1.333 40 1.193 40 1.193 40 1.294 40 1.294 • 40 1.050 1 ’ '40 ' ' 1.050- 40. 1.201 40 1.153 40 1.078 '40' ’ " 1.078 40 .900 ' 40 .900 40 .700 40 .700 40 1.2T6 ' 40 ' r.i 98 -.40 1.273 ‘ -40, ' 1.261 - . 40 1.341 ' ’ 40" ' 1.323 40 1.098 ’ 40 ' 1.044 4-0 .925 40 ' .'925 40 1.125 40 .1.125 40 1.067 40 ' 1.033 40 1.063 • 40 ' 1.025 40City and Classification July 1, 1945 July ] ., 1944 Rate per hour Hours per week Rato per hour Hours per week Philadelphia, Pa.:- continued Agro emo nt C $1,025 1 .250 1.150 1.076 40 40 $1,025 1.250 40 Portland,' Ore • . 40 St. Louis, Mo e.0 1.123 4-0 St• Paul, Minn• 40 JO - 1.078 40 San Francisco, Cal if . , , 1.220 .775 1.220 4-0 Scranton, Pa. 40 .775 40 Seattle, Wash . . . . 1.393 1.224 35 1.393 *1 OO ’ JL • 4.5 ‘x 35 Toledo, Ohio 37/ 37 J Washington, B. C 1.150 40 1.150 40 PHOTO.ENGRAVERS Atlanta, Ga................. ... Baltimore ,' Md...... Birmingham, Ala. . ........... . Boston,•Mass. ................ Buffalo, N. Y................ , . . Charlotte, U. C.............. Chicago, Ill......-............ Rotogravure ............ . . . . Cincinnati, Ohio ............. Cleveland, Ohio: Agreement A ............... Agreement B ............... Agreement C- (rotogravure) • Columbus, Ohio ............... Rotogravure ............... Balias, Texas ................ Bavenoort, Iowa. (See Rock Island Ill.) Bay ton, Ohio .............. . .. . Denver, Colo.......... Bos Moines, Iowa .......... . . , . Detroit, .Mich......... Rotogravure ............... Duluth, Minn• ................ Houston, Texas ................ Indianapolis , Ind......... Kansas City, Mo. ............. Los Angelos, Calif. .......... Louisville, Ky. ........ Gravure .................. . Madison, WIs. ............. . . . . Mane hosier, K. H........... $1•581 40 $1,500 1.633 37/ 1.633 1.438 40 1.375 1.680 37/ 1.600 1 > 467 37/ - 1.467 1.500 40 1.500 1.693 : 37/ 1.693 1.367 3 7 A 1.867 1.587 37/ 1.537 I .736 37/ 1.640 1.653 37/ 1.653 1.901 36-1/3■ 1.901 1.707 37/ 1.600 1.500 ' 40 1.500 1.500 40 1.250 1.600 37/ 1.600 1.43Q 40 1.360 1.638 40 1.530 1.600 37/ 1.600 1.725 40' 1.725 1.433 40 ‘1.138 1.550 40 ' 1.550 1.667 37/ 1 • 600 1.625 40 1.500 1.438 ' 40 1 1.438 1.430 40 ’ 1.43C 1.560 40 ‘ ' ' 1.500 1.600 37/ 1.547 1.200 ’ 37/ 1.200 40 37/ 40 37/ 37/ 40 37 J 37/ 37/ 37/ 37> 56-1/3 37/ 40 40 37/ 40 40 37/ 40 40 40 37/ 40 40 40 4.0 37/ 37/ PHOTOEN CRAVE RS-c ont inue d 1 July 1, 1945 • July 1, 1944 City and classification : Rate iper hour • Hours • •per week* • « Rate ■ • per hour • Hours per week Memphis, Tenn. ............... ’ $1,375 o • : 40 : $1,375 : , o ■ Milwaukee, Vj is • .............. : 1.600 : 33-1/2: 1.547 : 37-1/2 Minneapolis, Minn. ........... : 1.145 : 40 : 1.425 : 40 Moline, ill. (Soe Rock Island,: Ill. District) : 40 ’ : 35 * • ' 1.375 : 1.914 : 40 -z IE tW v J Nashville, Tenn. : 1.500 2.000 Newark, N. J. ...... OOQOOOOOOoJ ,New Haven, .Conn. . . . ........ o • 0 1.375 40 , ’: 1.375 : 40 New Orleans, La. ... ........ C O * 1.438 40 1.375 : 40 New York, N. Y. .... ........ 9 2.029 35 -L © S' he O o 35 Gravure ......... ........ 2.171 35 2.086 : 35 Norfolk, Va.. ........ 0.0... a. O 1 .'500 40 ‘ 1.375 : 40 Oklahoma City, Okla. • © • 9 9 • 9 O Z 1.580 40 : ‘1.500 : 40 Omaha, Nohr. ....... 30099999 • 1.500 : 40 1.300 : 40 Peoria, Ill. ....... 00909009 • 1.375 40 : 1.373. : 40 Phi1adelphia, Pa. .. 09090090 • 1.760 40 : 1.760 : 40 Pit tsburgh, Pa. .,.. 1.687 37-1 /2: "1.660 : 37-1/2 Portland, Oregon ... 9 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 1.575' * 40 ' : 1.575 : 40 Providence, R. 1. .» oeoooooo O . : 1-.600 37“1/2: 1.533 .: 37-1/2 Richmond, Va. ...... O9999999 O • 1.438 40 : 1.438 40 Rochester, N, Y. ... ........ 1,600 37t1/2: 1.600 : 37-1/2 Rock Island (Ill.) district • 1.500 40 ; 1.400. : 40 Moline shop: 5-Ci to ZY • ©99999CO • oo rooeo • © o 1.500 • 40 : 1.500 : 40 Rate B ........ 00000999 © u 1.500 40 : 1.250 : 40 St. LQpis, Mo. ..... ........ a © 9 1.600 37 1/2= 1.547 : 37 1/2 St. Paul, Minn. .... a * * 1.445 40 : 1.425 : 40 Gravure ........ 00090009 • . : 1.500 40 : 1.460 : 40 San Antonio,. Texas . 9099 0 999 9 9 9 1.625 40 . 1.375 : : 40 San Francisco, Calif 0 9 0 0 0 9 9 a . : 1.547 37-1/2: 1.547 : 37-1/2 Scranton, Pa. ....... ........ 9 Z 1.375 40 • 1.375 40 Seattle, Lash. ..... a 9 2 1.650 40 : 1.613 : 40 South -Bond, .Ind. . . . ........ O Z 1 a 450 ' 40 : - ; — Springfield, Mass. . a •: 1.450 39 : 1•450 : 39 Toledo, Ohio ....... 99900000 o e « 1.533 ' 37-1/2: X • O O u z 37-1/2 Washington, D. C. .. 09990000 a •: 1.733 37-1/2: 1.680 : 37-1/2 Wichita, Kansas .... ........ 1.388 40 1.388 : 40 Worcester, Mass. ... 90900009 9 Z 1.375 40 ' : 1.375 : 40 Youngstown, Ohio ... • . : 1.600 37-1/2: 1.533 : 37-1/2 PRESS ASSISTANTS' AND FEEDERS Atlanta, Ga.; 9 • Feeders and assistant * 9 feeders ....... • 9909900 O • e $0,740 40 $0,655 : 40 BaltImore, Md.: o 9 Platen or small a1 atomatic J 9 presses ....... 00000909 e .700 : 40 : .700 : 40City and classification ' July' 1, 1945 . - July 1, 1944 .Rate per. .hour Hours . per week « Hours r week . Rato - per hour :pe , d Baltimore, Md. - continued' "Cylinder presses1, ovp.r'51 §0.950 . , .975 inches .... -.dadl a ♦. h* -r> o o 5^0.950 : .975 : ’• 40 40 Two color cylinder* presses Binghamton, -N..Y. * .-• ■. Agreement n, platen presses. ................ , 6 0 0 4 0 • ' ‘ ’.600 •: . 6 00 40 Agreement 3, female ...... Agreement C, cylinder , 8 00 40. 40 eresees , .• • .830 * 40 40 • ’ .805 ♦ : •-' .650.-: .40 40-u Birmingham, Ala.. . Boston, Mass.* •• . ' ’ Assistants on i two-color .550 • press, 1 perfecting press « 1 ■ ' «• 4 • , (2-shoet o.r -2 pile feeding machines-) - or 1 two- color offset'press ...... 1.120 ’ ' 40 . 1.120. : • 40 Assistants or single press-o s , c r o as f'o e ding . p re s s o c, under o5 inches•and pile . . feeding, presses^ cylind-' „ • .a or gross assistants,, bant'd ' 1.060, ' o V.4 1.06Q : 4-0 . Jeb .press fodders ......... Buffalo-p No y; . * ' Cylinder and job-cylinder .670. ;\40 .670 •: 40 prb-ss ass,is tanks ........ '1.015'- < ' ‘40. . . - 1.015. . : ' 40 . Two color press assistants i.065 • 40 . . 1.065 . " 40 . Rotary wob press assistant's 1.090 • '40 . 1.090 :• > 40. Platen press assistants <.. '.315 • '40 . . .815 { ' 40- a Butte, Mont.: , ■ i ■ .. ’ • 754 4d .730 40 CyLinder press foedors (after 18 months) ....... Chicago, Ill.: Assistants on 1 or 2 roll rotary-presses, assistants on single deck tubular . rotary presses, assistants on 10-color webb perfecting presses . Assistants on 2-dcck -o.r rotary machines using 1 or 2 rolls with insert ’ attachments ...... . xi.ssistants' on McKee ,4-color pre s so s o.r ■ she's t ing machines, on clayborn .,.4...©r 5 color prospes," s.jcond and third'assistants', on web 1.336 1 .0-06" .0 so- •1.556 1.506- 40 40TAI --.Union Scales of and Hours in the- BOOK AKD JOB Printing Trades in Selected Cities, Jury 1, 1945 and July 1, 194-4—continued PRESS ASSI3.TAUTS APR FLKBERS- c ont inuo< City and classification Chicago, Ill.-continued; 1--c elor press e s , and JJ.PH. with double attcchuonts kssisvant's £>n single cyl- inder presses, 25'by 38 Indies and larger* on coupon pressesfeeders or hand — f o cl I'o 1 ding ma chine„ assistants on 2 automatic hlehle Unit presses 29 by 41 Inched; assistants in charge of varnishing machines Assistants on 2 color presses; feeders and operators of hand-fed folding, ma chi nl, s assist an t s on rotarg presses, automatic or sheet-fed rotary pr sees, Cox-Duplos and, C-css Comet presses, UH,, . pressos wIth single' attachments ................. Assistants on stock cutters (flat machines) Assistant operators of snoef--fod folding, machines 1 mushine ............. 1 machines ......... ■ 5 mdchinos ............ Assistants on 2-color Harrls or'LIchle press e s, 22 by 30 inches-, feeders on hand-fed cylinder ^presses; assistants on 2' ■Pony hiehlo pressed. .... Feeders -on hand-fed Colt's ’ •armory or Universal' press Platen press feeders Cin$innat i, Ohio: Rest arv p r e s s’-e s : x’irst ‘assistants ....... . Second assistants Helpers *and automatic machine tenders ......... Assistants on large 2-color* cylinder presses ........ Cylinder press assistants Job press feodors ......... Folding machine operators . Provers on engravers’proofs July 1, 1945 J u± y 1, 19 Rato Hour s Ra to Ho or hour per wool per hour per 1.319 ■j:0 f1.319 40 1., 256 40 1.256 40 1.281 '1.281 '■ 40 l'.29-i 40 1.294 40 1.281 40 . 1.281 40 1.344 . . 40 1.344. 40 1.419 ■40 . 1.419 40 .889, , 40 ■ . .889 40 .864 40 .864 40 .851 40 .851 40 1.140 40 1.106: 40 1.090 40 1.056 40 1.053 ’ ' ■ 40 1.019 40 1...Q53 • 40 1.019 40 1.. 015 40 .981 40 .728 40 .094 40 1.090 40 1.056 40 1.140 40 1.106 40City and classification July 1, 1315 July 1, 1944 A a co per Hour Hours cor week Ra te per hour Hours per week Cleveland, Ohio : Feodors on specialty work after 30 days ............. 81.125 40 01.OSO 40 Gvllnder cross feeders ..... 1.113 37? 1 .067 3 7 J- Platen cross feeders . . t ft 9ft f 1 v e>7p- " .85? 374 Assistants on 2-color per- footing and I single-color rotogravure crosses ....... 1 .lz‘3 37u 1 097 -7m assistants on Harris-Clay- 1 a bourne multicolor presses . ,1.175 37f 1.129 37:‘> Columbus, Ohio ................ 1 . i / 0 aO 1 070 Dallas, Texas ................. . 800 40 ft 00 lev / O Rotary hole, rs .800 /•.Q 700 he <7 / o Davenport, Iov:a (See Rock island (III.) district.) ... .800 40 .700 40 Dayton, Ohio: Cylinder press feeders .*... 1.C50 ■ 40 1.000 40 Two-color cylinder piess . f 0 0 do rs ................... 1 .1 00 40 I pap ■A P Job press feeders . . . - ' .800 40 .750 40 Parchment (after 1 ymr) ... .925 40 .925 40 fax paper (after 1 year) ... - .980 40 • 980 40 Press assistants and ft.odors haganine: ass i s t an ts-mu11 i c olor * . (after 1 year) ■1.200 -<0 ‘ ' 1 cop Assistants front end men (after 1 v^ar) .. 1.1 so 4-0 i nap / p Assistants he Keo and 'xvJ C l ay b ourn (af t e r 1 year) 1.125 4-0 1.125 40 Assistants Cottrc 11'-Rot- ■ ary (af te r 1 . y o ar ). ... 1.100 ' 40 1.100 40 assistants and ’white roiF men 64 pp. Goss ....... 1.075 40 n p a Assistant and white roll- 40 men, Miohll-,Hiller ana Scott (after 2 years) . 1.050 40 1 • 050 40 A s ad s t a»n t s p u r f e c t ing ■ ... iecKee 38 ppjRotary .... 1.025' ■' io: 1.025 40 As sIs tant s Scott Fly presses , (a f ter 2 y e a r s). • .975 40 .975 1-0 Assistants and white roll -me n- Pa 11 e rn c 1 ano - <- ers (after 2 years) ... ' *.900 40 .900 40-TABLE --.Union Seal- ED ocares of JO3 frintin; ages and Honr s in -the LOOK Trades -in S-eh-cLd Citaec, tury r, La no and July 1, 13-.I ...-cent mu City and classification Denver, Colo.: ; Road.y-p.pint comet cylinder .: press assistants Cylinder press assistants . Platen press feeders ......... Dos Moines, lov/a: ; Rotary, color add offset . ■: press1 as sis taiits w........: Cylinder press and folder : assistants Platen press assistants . ...: Platen press feeders ........: Detroit, Rich.: « Cylinder press assistants : ( 2 color)single color and: Job cylinder; all sizes Job cylinder, assistants ..; Platen press assis bants . ..: Rotary press assistants Grand Rapids, Mich'. : Cylinder cross feeders Houston, Texas: Cylinder assistants ...... 2-color press assistants . Indianapolis, Ind.l Rotary press assistants .. Cylinder press assistants Job press assistants ..... Rotary cylinder assistants (Bread wrapper printing , Jacksonville, Fla.: • Cylinder press ’assistants , Platon press, assistants . ., Kansas City, Mo.: ’ Rotary press assistants . Cylinder press assistants . Platon press assistants ... Little Rock, Ark.:' Cylinder5 press feeders .... Pla ten press fob dors ...... Los Angeles,- Calif*. : -J - - — J- 4. kO • o o o • Platen press feeders ....... Louisville, Ky.: Press assistants and feeders Agreement A: Cylinder press assistants Goss rotary ’prc s‘s ass 1st- July 1 , 19 35 July 1, 1911 Rato Hours Rate Lours per hour per wee' per hour." per week ■ v Cl-. 015 10 •Suns - 10' .. . .973 - ■ 10 .973" 1.0 . •'.625 ' 10 - .625 • 10- . 1.030 ■ • 10 - •1.030 40 1.020 10 1.020 10 .810 10 .310 10 .700 • 10 ■ . 79o ' e- 1.180 10 1.120 -■ 30 • ' 1.000 • ■ 30 .910 10 .880 10 •320-- ■ 10 1.200 10- 1.110 ■ 10 ,900 V ■ 10 • .900" . 10 - • 830 10 .830* - 10 ■ .893 10 • 895 : 10 1.191 go- - < 1.113 10 ' 1.157 ■ 10 ■ 1.08 9- ■ > 10 .618 ■ io- ; .570 40 ■ .850 40 . -.850 40 .3*30 • 10 .550 ' 40 .350 . 10 .150 aO 1.035 ‘X y 1.055 40 1.030 10 1.050 •' 40 .825 < 10 .825 40 .675 ■ ;.o .675 10 . 375 10 .175 40 1.050 • 10 .970 40' .900 10 .820 40 • 350 10 .850 40 1.175 io ; ' 'I.T75 40 City and classification Lohisville, Ey.:-continued Agreement A: - continued Cottrell rotary assistants Cut-out and overlay man .. Female assistants ........ Agreement B: 1 . cylinder single color- . . 1 two color press ........ 1 or 2 job automatic cylinder press assistants 1 platen hand fed press assistant ..*............. 2 jplaten automatic^ fdd press assistants ......... Agreement C: Automatic press as-sistante: Platen press assistants ... Memphis, Torn.: Cylinder press feeders: Men ................ ’Tomon ........... Platen feeders (women) ... Milwaukee, Lis.: Cylinder and rotary press feeders .................. Job cylinder press assistants ............... Platen press feeders ....... Paper joggers or straight- eners ................ Minneapolis, Minn.: Cylinder press feeders ... . . Kelly A or Miehle vertical . press assistants ......... Platen press feeders......... Envelope: Feeders for cutting and scoring presses, ....... 3tokos or Hapr i s, job press feedeps ......... 'Platen press feeders ... Moline, Ill. (See Reck Island (Ill.) district), Nashville, Tern.: Cylinder press feeders: Agreement A: Male Female ................. Agreement B: ............ July 1, Rato per .hour t O 0 e S O 0 “1.125 .600 .745 .808 .795 .619 .656 .600 . 550 .800 • 6 IB .570 1.034 • 75-1 .7 di .980 ^85-0 .690 .765 .575 .600 .750 .650 .925 1 945 July 1, Hours Rate per week per Iiour 40 JO.850 40 1.125 • 40 • .eoo 40 ,'7-15 ■ 40 • .Be8 - 40 0795 40 ■ - .619 40 .656 • 40 .600 • • 40 .550 40 •.BOO • 40 .610 40 .570 40 1.060 - » 40 .750 • 4-0 • .680 ■ - 40 .750 40 . 980 e.0 .850- • 40 .690 40 .765 •10 .575 d- V .600 -10 .750 40 .650 . 40 .925 1944 Hour s per wee 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 -10 40 40 40 40 4-0 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 4 0TAIL!'. --.Union. Scales of Kayos and Honrs in the BOOK AND JOB Printing Trades in SoTccte'd Cities, July 1, 1915 and July 1, 1944-continuod putoss aaatat?. urn /.'ip irc: nr.pg _ c on y inuc c City .and classification July 1, 19 /. r uO July 1 , 19 14 Hours Hours Hate Rate per hour-’pc r wucl per hour per week Newark, NA J. : - Assistants on 1 three-color Sterling, pre ss ........... Assistants on 1 two-color plo300 ’-10 1 ’ ' 01.300 40 press over 70 inches, 1 two-color with three color attachment, 1 special Kidder press ............ 1.275 40 1.275 .40 Assistants on two-color -• prc_ss> £1 Duplex hob press . 1.250 40. 1.A250 • 40 Assistants on cylinder, off- set and automatic rotary presses .................. 1,200 • 40 40 1.200 ,900 40 40 Platen press assistants .... ,900 : Seal press assistant ....... .800 : 40 . 800 40 New Haven, Conn, t : Cylinder press feeders:....-. , A 5 0 ° o o • •emu ,800 ,850 '40 ■10 . Magazine ...... o. , QOO 2-color press assistants: * Magazine.............. .950 • 8 5 0 : . ’ a • 9.00 ,825.* 40 " uq Offset, press assistants . • A_- J •10 Ne w Orleans, la . : J-.V Platen press feeders ....... ,doc • : ■ 4-0.' ’ ,538 10 New York, N. Y.: Assistants on automatic or i hand-fed platen . . , , pre s s c s ; Michie -ver ti cle . presses; Miller Hi-speed presses; Kelly A,3, Clipper, automatic jobber, Kelly C or Kelly No. 1 presses; Harris 1 or 2- * o • - color presses, 15 tv 18 ■ > inches;', Harris offset . presses, and including 22x3 ; W e b e ndo rf o r s ; Multi-color presses, and C * * anc r cylinder presses „ „ Assistant or utility man bn Q O £7 o <-/ ,O u- • * ■ *o * 40 ■ o900 •10 hob presses^ cylinder, over 42 inches;, second assistants on McKee press- ’ • : ..... es and off set presses, 35, x 45 or larger Assistant on Miehlo auto- K238 • : . , 40- - . 1 c 21o 40; ma t i c p o ny•p res se s. Ko11y 2 presses ^Babcock' auto- ma t i c p r o s s,M i11e r maj o r Simplex presses wPremier.* --.Union Scales AND JOB Printin'- Trades nd Hours in the BOOL S.-I.,-CtO'*1 0 an. o 1. J. July 1, 19 io and July 1, 19-^ -conlinuod PRESS ASSISTANTS xeD> FELD..JtS-co 'tmu.ed July 1, 1915 ■ July 1, 19-9, City and classification Rato Hour 5 Ra t e sHours per hour per week per hour per week Now York, N. Y. -continued: . A.F. presses,Miehlo No.ll presses, shOet-feed rC’t-ary and double 3hovt-food T’nt'.fiTv T’iT‘i • s 9 -p. 81*263 10 gl.238 10 Assistant on Miller 2-color major Simplex; Miehlo 2-’ color No. -il or 16 press; First assistant on small McKee process presses; largo'2-color floor bod press; 2-color Cottroll rotary presses not over 12 inches; 5-color Cottrell presses not over 61 inches; second assistants and perfecting oresscs ............. 1.288 10 1.263 10 Assistants on 2-color IB inch Cottroll presses, 5-color 1-2 inch Cottrell P presses .................. 1.313 10 , ,1.283. 10 Assistants on 2-color 59 inches Cottrell presses, . 2-color Rotary presses -over 59 inches 1.338 10 1 • e 15 10 First assistants on 5-color 61 inches Cottroll’ pres see, 5 -_cpXokL 272 nC cittre IX ; pr e s s e s.. 1 • 350 10 1.325 10 Oklahoma City, Okla.: Cylinder press feeders Operating automatic platen *738 . 10 : .733 10 feeders .675 .525 i- 0 10 .675 .625 10 10 jlaton press feeders ...... . Omaha, Nebr.: Cylinder and rotary press assistants ............... .900 , 10 .900 10 P.,oria, Ill.: Platen press feeders ....... .800 10 .800 10 Philadelphia, Pa.: Shoot-feed rotary press ... r assistants or roll-feed rotary helpers (rollmon) ... 1-color cylinder press 1.160 eO 1.130 10 feeders ................... 1.120 .930 o o 1.090 . 9 00 o o vy! N? Junior feeders ............. Rotary press feeders (Lax paper printing) .920 10 1 *890 10 McKee Press ................ 1.160 10 1.130 10~~ •Union Scales of Lagos and Hour AMD-JOB Printing Trades in July 1. 19L5 ancL July 1, •t)' > PRESS in the LOOK Citie s, 19 e 1 - c o n t1 nue 1 . PLACE ’ .8 - c out i nue d uity and classification ( . Phoenix, Ariz.: Cylinder press assistants Platan press assistants .. Pittsburgh, Pa.- 2-color offset press helpers , 2-color cylinder press helpers ...... Cyl indor pre s s ho 1 pr s , male • Platon press feeders, male Cylinder press helpers, female . .. . . . . . . .\ . Platen press feeders, female .................. Portland, hainc: Cylinder pres.s feeders , Portland, Oregon:. Cylinder press assis tan ts Platen press feeder ....... Pr o v 1 de n c o , R. 1.. : Automatic or hand-fed press Assistants: Cylinder, 2-color rotary-offset, o r, au to ma tic job cylinder presses . ... Reading, Pa.: Cylinder press assistants . Piaten press assistants ... Richmond, Va.: Agreement A: 2-col or and perfect or : press assistants ....... Single cylinder;press ' -assistants, ............. Job press assistants and (feeders ) ............... Agreement B: Gravure Rotary press assistants ................ Agreement C: (Bag - print-irg,) .......... Rochester, N. Y. Agroament A: Cylinder presss assistants Automatic piaten press • assistants ... ............ a Duplex press assistants o Platen press hand feeders ♦ u kJ IJ . TAP . C July-. 1, 1915 Rate Hours per hour -per- we 31.030 10 O n Q ’ .~X • c- < o eu 1.130 10 lil-10 10 A- • 95*8 10 .853 ■ 1C • 800 10 1.010 10 . 860 10 .800 10 . ,775 ',0' • .550 io ; . .. 1.200 1-0 ■ .550 e-0 • 970 ' 10 .958 \ 10 • 888 : 10 a793 : 10tab: --.Union Scales of Ua; ,.-s and Hour z-UD JOB Printing TraeEs in Gel July 1, lO‘_5 and Pul City and classification Rochester, N. Y.~ (Continued) : Ague orient B» Vortical press assistants . Platen hand press feeders . Rock Island (Ill.) district: Cylinder press assistants ... Rotary press, 1st and 2nd assistants ....... ........ . Rotary press 3rd assistant .. St. Louis, ho.: Rotary web ru'oss assistants . Assistants on cylinder press- es larger than 27 by 41 inches ..................... Assistants on special presses/; 27 x 4-1 Inches ............ , ; assistants on small cylinder* : or automatic presses ....... : Platen feeders ........ St. Paul, Li inn.: Commercial: : Cylinder press feeders .... : Platen press feeders ......: Novelty: : Cylinder press assistants . : or feeders Platen press or Carver : press feeders ...... . .... : Gravure: Ualto press feeders Perfection, web, or 4—color: press feeders ........... . . . : Envelope: : Stokes and Harris job press; feeders . ... . ......... . . . . e ; Platen press feeders .......... Salt Lake City, Utah : : Cylinder press feeders .......: eSan Antonio, Texas.; : Cylinder press feeders . .....: Platen press feeders ... ..: San Francisco, Calif.: ; Cylinder press assistants ...: Platen.'press assistants .....: Scranton, Pa.: : Cylinder press assistants ...: 2-color or perfecting presses; Platen press assistants ...; in the ?300K tod ll .o. -contixiw. ,y _ 1 PRESS A5EIST.ET IS ARD FEEDERS-continued Pule 1, 1944 • Ra.t.e per hour hour s per week Rat e per hour Hours per week po.070 40 $0,970 3:U .730 40 .700 30 1.045 40 1.045 40 1.210 ■IO 1.210 40 1.045 40 1.0 35 40 1.240 40 1.240 ■30 1.070 40 1.070 -30 1.030 40 n .OoO 30 .890 40 .890 40 .640 '20 .640 30 .970 40 .970 ■Jj .670 -23 .670 40 y. Q y 3:0 .970 40 .735 40 .720 •30 .735 40 .720 ' 40 .985 40 .070 e n A Ue . 575 3.0 .575 ' ■30 • 6 0 0 3 0 • 6 00 40 .825 ■20 .32 5 40 .600 40 . 4 0 0 40 .400 40 . 4 00 3:0 3 .113 40 1.118 40 . 888 40 • 888 40 1.024 40 1.003 40 1.065 40 1.040 40 .790 43 .730 40City ano. class if Ic-at Ion July 1, 1915 July 1, 1941 Rate per hour hours per- week mate per hour hoars per week Seattle, Eash.: - Cylinder press fodders ...... 81.Oto , 10 , 81,095 EsU Platen press feeders ........ ‘..934 • 10 ,934 / o South Bond, Ind,: * Cylinder and offset press assistants , .920 lb o920 40 Spokane} Eash,: Cylinder ’ press feeders ..... ,885 'A s885 40 S p r i ngf ie 1 d„ hass . : Cylinder press assistants . . ,750 10 .700 40 Toledo, Ohio • . 1.015 s 0 .975' 40 Vi a s hi ng ton, D. C . : 5-color EcRoo press assist- ants ....................... 1.266 < Q 1,266 40 4-color hcEoe press assistants; T/op.ho press assistants, 1 assistant, to 2 presses . / un 0 . : 1,141 , .*1,141 . 40 Assistants on-wEo-color presses v;ith color attachments ..................... 1 .103 10 1‘103 40 Assistants on Perimeter press, 2-color press,lU.P.h press . . i .... , . 1 0 o o 10 1.053 40 Senior offset"and web press ass is tant s . , 1.028 ,753 1-0 10 1.028 ,753 •• 5-A-' o o Junior press assistants . ... V i Ichita, Kan s a s; Cylinder press assistants . . .910 - 10 .866' 40 ’ Platen press assistants . York, Pa. s . .714 ,860 10 10 ,709 ,850 40 A' 0 Porfcctor’ press assistants 0 ,910 10 .900 40 Youngstown, Ohio: < 1 Feeders oGOO 10 -,U. : • 550 40 CYLINDER PRESSEEN a. 11 an u a, 0 a. . Cylinder pressmen .......... Eaned paper pro’s smen ....... 81.150 1,200 40 $1.045 1.150 40 40 Ba11Imor e, Md, ‘ email autpmatic* 31 Inch and under ....... a.......... 1 TOO •JO 1,100 ■40 Single color cylinder over i. o 1 V o 31 Inches ................. 1,200 • ' 40 1.200 • 40 '2-color cylinder presses ... •1,275 ■ ■JO • 1.275 • 40 Offset presses -through 17 < Inches ............. 1,100 40 1.100 40TABLE --.Union S AhD JOB coles e4' Lagos and Honrs in the HOOK Printing Traces in S „l«. ctee Gitn.s , July i, 19 15 and July 1, I jL1-c entinun d C YL T HLE R f RE 3 8E E K - e o n t1, r. u e cl City and classification Baltimore, lid.-continued J Over 17 inches thru 21 inches ......... Over 21 inches thru. 0 O © 0 inches ................ Over"12 inches .......... Binghamton, H. Y.: Agreement A: Cylinder presses .......... . Job automatic cylinder press; 1 two-2 Hi-Speed presses .............. . . . . Agreement B: Cylinder or automatic job presses ............... Agreement C: .............. Birmingham, Ala.; agreement A ................ Coupon presses, Earris rotary presses ......... nut emat i c j ob cy 1inder press,.? s ............ .agreement B: Ro tary pr esses; in charge .............. First position ........ Tension men ............ agreement C; (Hex paper printin’:) ..... Boston, hass.; 1 perfecting color pressy cylinder presses, 25 x 58 inches or larger; 1 two sheet-food rotary press .. 1 cylinder press, over ■ 65 inches, 1 single color-offset or job cylinder press under 65 inches with 2M pile feeders. Buffalo, N. Y.: Job cylinder or photo offset presses ... 2-color presses Rot ary"web pr ess hul 13. c o 1 or pr s s Color comics ... he n i n - c ha r g o Butte, Font. ..... Foremen July 1, 1915 Jul. 1 , 1911 Rate hours Rate Lou: or hour •pci’ v»ooj pel- hour per Cl.200 : Y0 Cl.200 10 1.275 : 10 1.275 10 1.100 : 1-0 1 . IOC- 10 1.075 10 1.075 10 s 1.025 10 1.025 10 1.000 10 1.000 1-0 1.175 10 1.150 10 1.000 10 1.000 10 1.075 •X 1.075 10 .910 10 .910 10 1 . a 50 10 1 • 150 10 1 • e Ce •rO 1.250 nO 1.175 10 1.175 1-0 1.200 10 1.200 10 1.520 10 1.520 ; 10 1.270 10 1.270 • •10 1 ■ 265 10 1.265 ; 10 1.590 10 1.59C : 10 l.-H? 10 1.115 : 10 1.515 -.0 1.515 ; 10 1.291 10 1.291 : 10 1.119 10 1.119 ; 10 x • e 5 10 1.223 ; 10 ‘1 ':\RP 10 1.518 : 10 TabLa July 1, 1 915 July 1, 1911 City and classier cltron Rate per hour Hour s per week. Rato per hour Hours per week Chft’l esten *7. Vs $1,258 .1. A8 10 61.238 10" ' Tc p.FflUPT! ................. 10 1.138 10 ; Automatic job presses, cy-1 nr, den nneeses ........... 1.175 10 1.175 1-0 Charlotte, N. C. . . 1.095 ' 10 1.095 10 Chicago, Ill.: Second position when run- ning tandon or e-press b e d; 2 - c o 1 o r a u t ora a t i c Karris presses; 2-color Ku.lt 1-color ticket press- es; any 2 of following : prosse s in c ombino t i on : : Automatic press, Harris single cross, Kiiohlo ' : horizontal press, hiehle : vertical press, killer : Simplex press, Osterlind press, Stokes and Smith : press; 2 presses up do : 16 by 65 inches, 5 patent : inside blanket presses; • 1 press with Upham attachments; 1 double cy- : Under perfecting press® r 1 press ever 25 by 56 inches and not ever'5 5 job : crosses; 2 automatic : presses; 1 double cylinder:-flat bed 2-color press. Foremen, 5 to 6 presses or ? 2 cylinder and job presses: 1 Cox Duplex,...,oe Duplex, : Goss flat-bod, Cox-O-tyoo,: or press of similar type; : process or label work, 3 : or more'colors; 1 cylinder': press with Upham attach- < ment running process or : label work 5 of 1 colors .: 1C-col or perfecting crosses:: First position Second position R o t a r y c r o s s e s : : Shoet-or-web-feed rotary press,' 70 inches or more m 1 four-color cross' .1 fiv...-color press 75 a-0 1 • A O U 00 10. 1.575 10 1.563 : 10 1.538 :. 10 2.000 : 10 j .975 : 10 1.825 : 10 1.800 : 10 1. SCO 1.875 aO n 1.775 1.35.0 10 1-0City and classification Chicago, Ill.:-continued : 1 Moisei press 1 tubular press, I or 2 : units : Second pressmen, 3 or 1 : uni ts : 1 thirty-two page 2-unit : press ..... o : 1 sixty-four page, 2 or l : unit press; 1 eignty page,: 2 unit press 1-eolor 1-unit press, 1 ninety-six’page 2-or 1-unit press, 1 eno hundred : and twenty-eight page ; unit press; First pressmen Second pres-smen 1 one-hundred and ninety- : two-page Hovel Hews, : unit press: : First pressmen .......... Second pressmen 1-two-color, sheet-feed : press ......... . . .......; 1-three-color-sheet-feed in +• thd IF J July 1, 1915 July 1, >or hour PC;P WO>1. per hour $1.700 ' 10 Cl.675 1.650 l‘0 1.625 1.550 1 ' •10. 1.525 1 .600 10 1.575 1.750 •.10 1.725 1.750 10 1.725 1.600 10 1.575 1.800 10 1.775 1.650 10 1.625 1.625 10 1.600 1911 Hour s per Ve^ek 10 10 10 eO 10 10 10 press ...................: 1-four-color-sheet-fcod : prods . .......... : 1 fivo-color-she^t-fced • : press ........... Ro'togravure ...... Pressmen-in-charge, re- : istermen ............ . . : Bread-wrapper printing: : Kidddr or similar ~ : 1 two-c olor pre s s ♦.. : 1 three-color press*.:. 1 four-color press .. Cincinnati, Ohio: ’ : ■Cylinder presses: ; 1 or*2 single-color presses: oyer 19 x 25 Inches; 1 ' single color press 65 inches or over, one 2-color: over 19 by 25 inches 3-or-‘4-bag presses One 2-co.lor flat-bed. press : over 25 x 38 inches ........ 1.675 1.750 1.825 1.119 1.585 1.538 1. o6c< 1.600 1.259 1.271 1.303 10 10 10 37ft 37ft 40 10 10 10 . 10 10. - 1.650 .1.725 1.800 1.119 1.585 ’I.513 1.538 1.575 1.225 1.238 1.2 6 5 10 eO 10 10 10 37| 37y 10 10 10 10 10 10City and classification CCincinnati .Ohio- c ontinucd Automatic jj'ob'presses, cy- linder p r o s s e s : 1 Kelly, Miohle Hi-Speed or Goudy up to 19 x 25 inches . ... ..... oo o . 0. 2 Moisei or Kidder presses, 3 Harris envelope machines... ............... 2 presses up to 19 x 25 inches ................... 1 press up to 19 x 25 inches, 1 single-color ; press under'25 x 38 inches; with 2 or 3’platcn presses; Rotary and web presses: ; 1 wob press, single or ; double shout-feed Oith stitcher or pastor : attached One 3-or-4—Color rotary : press ......... .....I... v ; Special rotary presses . Over 4-color rotary roll : or ■ hand: fed. C1 ovoland, 0hIon » Offset presses over 22 x 29 : inches ° Somi-cretary pressos e ; Harr i s, Claybcum mul 11 - c o 1 or-: presses ; Offset presses up to 22 x : 29 inches ............ o 0 o o . « 1 single-color rotogravure : press, journeymen on multi-: \color pressas ........ 0 Cylinder pressmen on spec- : laity work ‘(after 30 days) : Columbus, Ohio Rotary presses (wax paper : printing ) Dallas, Texas: Rotary prosses- ° journeymen oil presses . . . : Rotary pressmen : Automatic or 2-color " : presses c ............ 0 o » Davenport, Iowa (See Rock island (ill.) district) : July 1, £ 1945 July I 1 aw Rato Hour s ” Ra t e Hours per hour per week ’per hour per week Cl.028 40 : • : AO.994 40 1*090 40 : 1.056 40 1,128 40 : 1.094 40 • 1,259 ’ 40- - 1,225 40 1,334 40 1,300 40 1 „ 409 40 1.375 40 1*365 • 4:0 1,331 40 1.259 • 40 1.225 40 lo503 40 1 • 469 40 1 e-478 1*431 37| 3?i 1.432 ■ 1.385 37i 37 J 1X-90 37-1- I-. 444 37 J 1.368 ' 3'/-g- 1.322 37| 1.436 37-J- 1.390 37s 1,-375 40 1,300 40 lo'380 • • 40 -1*300 40 1*380 40 1.205 40 1.-200 ■ 40 1,139 40 l«250 ’ 40 1,250 : 40 lolOO \ 40 1.100 : 40--.Union Scales of Rages and Hours in the BOOK AUD JOB Printing; Traces in i.,1 ct: 0 glat a, s , July 1, 1915 and July I, 190 coni anno a CYLINDER. PRESS*J9H-c ont1miyc^_ _________ City and classification i.D ay t on, 0h i o; Cylinder or automatic job presses .................. 2-color presses ........... Presses over 22 x. 28 inches Rotary pressmen ............ Fiat-bod pressmen .......... Rotary Kidder presses (parchment printing) ..... Rotary web presses(wan printing) ................. Rotary web presses, magazine: 2 Kelly presses .......... Scott offset presses, reel delivery ................ Fly delivery .............. Harris offset presses .... Viobcndorfor presses ...... 2-color Iiiehle or Killer pre ss.es ................. Cot ire11 pres ses: 96 pages ................. 80 or 32 pages .......... Goss presses: 192 pages-men-in-charge ; 61 page double 2-color . 192 pages, 2nd pressmen . 32 page 2-color and black and white ........ licKee presses ...... 18 - p a g j p e r f o c t i ng presses ................ ■Jhen running .-color second pressmen ...... 5-c o1or C1aybourn, small KcKee presses . multicolor presses .. . . Ken-In-charge ...... Denver, Colo. Foremen ................... Dos Koines, Iowa; Claybourn, Ki-Spced, Cottrell, Rotary, and Scott Rotary presses ........... Small cylinder presses .... Cylinder pressmen .......... July 1, 19': 5 July 1, Re. to Hour- s Rat e Hours per hour ... _ _ „ _. .. -,1m J.* iu p,.r hour pur wee U-350 10 §1.500 10 1.12 o 10 1.575 10 1.375 10 •I .3 25 10 1.313 10 1.513 10 ■ 1.213 10 1.213 10 1.225 10 1.225 10 1.500 10 1.300 10 1.500 10 1.300 10 1.275 •10 1.275 10 1.175 ’ p 1.175 10- 1.175 10 1.175 10 1.275 10 1.275 10 1.375 10 1.375 10 1.525 10 1.525 10 1.175 10 1.175 10 1.0 CO 10 1.600 10 1.125 10 1.125 10 1.550 10 1.550 10 1.500 10 1.5.00 10 1.650 10 1.650 10 1.500 10 1.500 10 1.525 ■ 10 1.525 10 1.500 -10 1.500 .10 1.6 5 0 ■ 10 1.650 1-0 1.250 10 • 1.250 ,-0 1.375 ■J 0' 1.375 10 1.290 • 10 1.290 10 1.190 io- • : ’ 1.190 10 i .230 ■ 10 1.230 10 * City and classification Detroit, Mich.; Gy 1 i-nder Pro s smen • Rotary prossos ....... Cylinder Presses (two-color, single color joo cy 1 iilder all Duluth, Linn. ..... El Paso, Texas Erie, Pa. ......... Grand Rapids, Rich. Houston, Texas .... Foremen. ........ 2 - c o i o r press mo n Indianapolis, End. Ro t a r-y pres cme n Offset pre ssmen Rotary presses per printing) Jacksonville, Fla , ana sizes) (hi rap- ad-; no cylIndor press Kansas City, Foremen . 1 cylinder and 1 automatic platen press, 2 cylinder presses, 1 two-color press; 1 pre s s wIth Upham at to ch-ment, 1 cylinder and 1 or 2 hand-fed platen presses, 1 double-e nde r press- or 1 offset Cylindor Pr ess men: I two-color cylinder press over 12 inches-, or 1 single roil rotary press . 1 double roil rotary press Little Rock, nr*k. ... Foremen .......... Los Angelos, Calif.- . Foremen .......... Flat-bed web* press Louisville, Ky.•; ng re emont A•* Ua.SS 1 two-color flat-bo! Job automatic cylinder presses;. 1 Kelly B or 1 Kelly by 22 inches, 1 Kelly To. 1, 1» Liehle vertical, 1 Miller Ki-Sp^ed 1 Miller Limplcx ....... duly Jul Rate nr hour Ko ups per wmk Rate per hour hours per eaf J?l . 555 10 Cl. '195 / p *1.180 10 1.120 10 1.050 10 1.050 10 1.101 10 1.101 10 1.100 • 10 1.100 10 *1.100 ■ 10 1.100 10 1.130 10 1.150 10 1.275 10 1.275 10 *1.255 •JO 1.255 ■10 1.518 '10 1.250 10 1. Ila '10 1.316 10 1.313 10 1.250 ■10 1.225 10 1.225 a-0 1.000 10 1.000 ■10 1 • a 6 o -.0 1.265 10 1.110 ' 10 1.110 aO 1.03 o’ 10 ' ' ' 1.335 ■10 *1.355 10 ' 1.355 10 1.330 10 1.380- 10 ’1. eOO ■ ■ 10 ' 1.000 10 1.100 10 1.100 10 1.275’ ’ 10' 1.135 10 1.3 50 aO 1.270 10 1.313 TO 1,253- 10 1.178 • 10 1.178 ‘ * aO 4 1.089 : 'h • „ U 1.089 xC 171A3LE City and classification July 1, 19‘.c5 July Z 19- Hour s per week Rate per hour Hour s p«„r vasch x :a. co p.-r hour Louisville, ley,:-continued Agreement A:-continued 1 Kelly No. 2, 1 Michie horizontal, 1 killer Major Simplex El.1-9 10 Zd .'U9 ‘•-0 Rotary crosses : 1 Kidder or Harris press . 1.089 10 1.089 10 Agreement B: .automatic job presses ..... Agreement C: .935 10 .930 10 Rotogravure: Journeymen g. 1,200 10 . 1.200 10 Assistant foremen ....... 1.500 -'0 1.500 1.350 10 10 Pressmon-in-charge * 1,350 .<0 ’ Cylinder Press: Mon-in-charge, 2-single color flat-bed presses, 1 two color flat-bod press or 5 color t Ciaybourn rotary ..... 1 single color flat-bod 1,250 10 ' 1.250 - 1:0 or killer Major ....... Rotary presses: 1,075 10 : 1.07 o 10 Man-in-charge Goss 2 or i-col ex- or Gobs - comic 1-color .... C-ottx/'cll and .Hoc 1.525 10 , " m . 6 o 5 10 ere s s o s . 1.375 . ,900 . ,850 1C 10 • 10 1.375 .900 . 850 10 10 ' 10 Manchester, N. H» Automatic -presses Memphis, Tonn,«: ....... ♦ ..... . . , 1.050 ',0 1.050 : 10 Foremen • ,. , 1,175 10 1.175 10 Cylinder 2--color press over 25 x 28 inches , 1.080 10 1,080 10 Offset presses °. 17 x 22 inches .......... 1,050 10 1,050 10 20 x 26 inches to 22 x 51 incho s •. ......... . ...... .1.075 10 1.075 10 Over 22 x 54- inches ..... 1.100 10 1,100 10 2-color 1.160 10 1,150 10 Milwaukee, his.: Cylinder and rotary presses 1,285 10 1,260 1C Double-roll rotary presses, any press that prints 3 or more colors . 1,354 1-0 1.330 10 Cox Duplex or Goss flat-bed 1.381 1-0 1,360 10--.Union Seales of Mages and hours in the BOOK All JOB Plantin '- Trades in Sol cir. d. nd:rn Jul- City and. classification Minneapolis, Minn.: Mon-in-charge of 4 cylinder presses ................... Men-In-charge of 3 cylinder presses; 2-colpr double enders dr single-roll rotary presses ............... 1 or 2 single cylinder presses, 1'Kelly A or Michie vertical press, 1 single ^cylinder and I platen press Enve1op o printing: Stokes or Karris presses . . Combination job presses and compositors ............... Job cylinder presses . . . a . . . Rotary presses, . . . . . ... Special, presses ............ eith small wolo-fod presses • 2-cylinder tissue' presses .. Mobile, Ala. ... .t. ... .1 ........ . Moline, ill. (See Rock Island (Ill.) district) Na s hv i11e, Tenn.: Men-in-charge ............... Kelly presses, 2 tension presses .................... Newark, N.-J.: Cylinder presses:. 1 thr.ee-color Sterling .... 1 two-color,, over 70 inches 1 single color with bronzing attachments over 68 inches .................... 1 special Kidder, Prudential . 4-color Kidder (wax paper printing) ......... 1 . Cylinder and job presses: 1 or 2 job. cylinder presses with automatic-feeder; 1 job .cylinder press with aut omati c-fe odor.and 1 automatic-feed platen presSy 1 joe cylinder-press with : automatic-fcoder and 2 hand: -fed platen presses; 1 or 2: single cylinder-presses not: over 68 inches; 1 Duplex web press lit. _~c..4 Barer -continue d 1915 and Jul CBhiBBMR 111 July 1, 19t Rale'' hour s Ra ce Lours per hour per weal per hour per week <,1.350 40 ‘ gl .350' •40 1.320 ■10 1.320 40 ' • 1.220 . ,.O 1.220 40 1,050 • <-Q 1.050 40 1.125 40 1.125 40 1.110 . .. 40 ’ 1.070 40 1.230. . 2,0 1.190 40 1 , 2 5 0 • . •;d 1.220 40 1.170 40 1.130- 40- • • 98 0> 40 • 880 •40 1.05Q 40 1.050' 40 1.150 / .u U 1.1* 00- 40 1,263 40 1.150 40 1.063 40 1.013 40 1.57-5 40 1.575 40 1.561 40 I • 563 40 1.513 40 1.513 40 1.513 40 1.513 4 0 1.400 ♦ B.0 1.400 •40 > ’ * 4 « 1.463 40 : 1 • 463 40City and classification July 1, 1215 July 1 j q 4 / • Ra to per hour' Hours per week Rate per hour1 Hours per week Newark, N. J. -continued: C y 1 i n de r p r e s s e s - c o n t i nu e d 1 two-color Harris pnss, 15 x IS inches ...... Bi .375 10 61.375 10 Seal pressmen .............. 1.125 1.250 1.175 10 1.125 10 Bag pressmen 10 1.250' 10 Now Haven, Conn.: Cylinder presses, Biehle vertical and horizontal automatic job cylinder presses ................... 10 1.125 10 Barazine • 1 .225 to 1 .'3 75 10 Biehle verticlo and horizontal oresses .......... J .175 10 1 .125 10 2-color presses 1.300 1.1 50 aO 1.250 10 Bow Or"! cans , La . BQ 1.185 10 Foremen ....... 1.275 ' 10 1.250 '1.250 1.125 l.'OQO 10 10 Offset presses- over 22 inches ...... 1.275 1.150 i.ecs 10 Combination cylinder and olaten crosses •'’0 1-0 New York, N. Y.: Cylinder and sheet-fed rot ary pre s se s : 1 cylinder press over 68 inches; 1 or-8 cylinder presses not over 68 inches 1 poster press 28 x 11 inches or over; 1 label press (close register work} 1 perfecting, press . . ' 10 • 10 2 Cylinder presses, both on color register work; 1 t w o - c o 1 o r f 1 a t - b e d p r e s s ; p o moment p r ov e r s c n cylinder or color work; 1 press with bronzing machine 1.030 10 10 1.630 1.008 1 two-color Karris 26 x 31 1 two-color flat-bed press e o -•„0 over 70 inches 1.053 1.353 /IO 1 sheet-fed rotary press z-±v with color attachments . . 1.050 10 1.630 10 BcKeo process presses 1.698 10 1.698 10 1 five-color Cottrell press 50 x 72 inches . ..► 1.836 10 1.836 10 --.Union Scales of Uages and Lours in the LOOK AND JOB Printing Trades in Selected Cities, July 1, 1945 and July 1, 194^--continued CYLINDER PRESSEEP-continued City and classification July 1, 1945 July 1 , 1944 Ra te per hour Hours per week Ra te per hour Hours per week New "York, N.Y.-continued: Automatic unit cylinder presses: Single color-, presses : Klohle. vorticlo; Killer ‘ 4 , Hi-Speed; Kelly ^,B,C, or Kelly automatic job- » M ber .................... 91•563 40 Z-0 Kiehle horizontal, Killer Simplex, Kelly No. 1 - presses, Eyrris 1C 1-.630 40 1.630 Kiehle automatic pony; e Kiehle Ko. .4,2,3, or 4 roller; Kiehle No. 41; •• Killer Major Simplex; h Kelly No. 2; Bobcock- 3/5, i/3 or No. 5 auto- - matic; Premier No. GF . . 1.630 40 1.630 40 Two-color presses; Miehle horizontal tend- y • em or Karr Ms H. K. ..... 1 • S3 0 40 1.630 40 faiehle No. -ii, 2-color; Killer 2-color Simples . 1.6.76 40 . 1.676 40 Ueb presses: Second men .............. 1.563 . 40 z'-0 Brakemon or Jonsion men on presses 1.563 43 1 .563 . 40 Single-roll presses: 46 inches or under ..... 1.698 40 1.698 40 Over 46 inches ......... 1.7,44 10 1.744 40 Double roll presses-men- In-charge: . 46 Inches or under ..... 1.698 . . 40 1-.098 40 Over 46 inches ......... 1.744 . 40 1.740 40 3 or 4-color or process presses 46 inches (men- in-charm) . 1 70S 1 .7/.a AQ 3 or 4-color or process presses over 46 inches (men-In-charge) 1.796 0 1 .796 aq Cox Duplex*, presses ..... 1.698 , . 40. 1 .608 40 hultl-tickef presses ... 1.563 ■1-0 1.563 40 0ombmation presses : 1 cylinder ano. 1 or 2 hand-fed plater^ 1 cyl- inder and 1 automatic platen,1 cylinder and 1 • automatic job cylinder ■ 1.563 40 ! 1.563 ! 4-0TAP J_L_, City and classification a a — - July 1 , 1915 3x&y i, ice Ra to per ho ur ’ hours •per va,ek Ra to p..,r hour H pme errs V7O ok Oklahoma City, Okla.: Foremen (over 1 journeymen). • -1 o / p . -j. * .ce-'.-i 10 ,-1.218 10 Foremen (no journeymen) . , . . 1.088 : 10 1.088 10 Pressmen (under for mien) . . . 1. 300 : 10 1.000 10 Foremen 1 Kelly press ...... 1.233 . ■ ,-y 1.238 10 Ot'tp ha TJrU n* - ......... : 1,150 ': ■ 10 . - 1.150 1:0 Pc. epic 711. ...... ............ 1.20C : ' ‘.,0 .1 . cOO -•10 Fcpop1 on .................... 1.390 : 10 ■ l.k90 - 10 Color printing ............. J. * .0 Ot? : 10- • 1.236 10 1.;» •} n _ (->, p p rr c .............. 1.151 c •, ' 1.151 -.11 Ph i1a do 1ph ia, Pa*: J. . Presses, 68 inches or under 1,350 • : 1.320 10 Pressmen on 2-color work ... I.eQQ 10 • .. --11.370 10 Rotary presses (wax< paper UP i P t ° p rr ) 1.320 : 1C : 1.290 lee Rotary presses: • Sheet-feed: - c-color 70 -inches or - *>. ♦ « under ano. FcKoe pre spas . 1.550 : 1-0 • 1’. 520 - L-0 U.P.F. presses with auto- matic attachments ....... 1,1-25 - '• -10 * 1,395 1-0 Roll-fed 1.510 a eO 0 , 180 10 Ji tney nr-es-s as .......... 1,100 : 10 1.370 1-0 Second pirns emen, color pI’G S 3 J 5 • • • ••♦$♦ 1.1-10 :■ - 10 - -1.380 ■10 Phoenix, ri.riz , ................ i .290 : 10 1 .210 uO Pittsburah, Pa , : • Cylinder or combination web and cylinder. cresses ..... 1.330 ;■ - -10 1,3 3 0 -10 2-celor press,,s .......... I'.mlG :■ • 1.0 1,115 10 Offset presses, 2-~eolor .. 1.680 : ’' -,0 1.G80 10- Portland, Paine ......... .875 • / .0 ,875 1-0 p oi ■ L-1 a n a, Or • • • », • • • 1,288 -•••KJ 1.2c8 10 0f f set amis s. s 1,333 ■ • • u* ' ■ 1.338 10 Foremen: 2 presses or less ...... 1 ,851 : 10 : 1,551 --0 3 or more presses ...... 1.113 : • 10 1.113 10 Providence, R, I.: 2-color. presses, 16 x 01 inches rotary roll-feed ! presses ........... ...... 1 ,550 10 1.3-50 1-0 2-color presses, 23 x 38 ” 1. eoO • 10 1,250 10 Chandler and Price; Little Giant 12 x 18 inches^ Killer-Hi-Speed, 13 x 20 : inchesLiable Vertiele or Kelly n, 13-1 x 20 inches’ Kelly Clipper 11 x 20-g" inches; ATP or Kelly E, - »• IJuly 1, 19.:-5 July 1, 1911 City and classification Fours per week Rato per hour Hours nor nock ( Providence, R. I.. :-continued ATT ■ or Kelly E-contm.uod 17 x 22 inches; Killer’ Simplex 20 x 26 inches; hiohlo'horizontal 22 x 28 inches; Miehie Pony, 22:y x 31 inches; Kelly No. 2, 21 x 35 inches ............. Automatic job 'cylinder presses ................... Reading, Fa. : ................ e „ a Foremen , Assistant foremen ........... Richmond, Va.: Agreement A: Perfector or 2-color... presses .................. Platemen ................. Platomen and cylinder presses, 1-color presses . agreement B: Gravure rotary" pressmen . . . Agreement C: (hag printing )'....... Rochestor, N. Y.:’ ' Agreement A: Duplex presses ............ Cylinder presses; Kelly No. 1 or 2 presses; 2 Kelly z-x or B presses; 2 vertlcle presses .................... 1 Kelly C press .......... 1 Kelly A or B or'1 vert- iclc press .............. Agreement B,................. Vertical presses ......... Rock island (Ill.) district .... Cylinder foremen or rotary pressmen-in-charge ..... St. Louis, Mo.: 1 four or five-color press .... ...t ...... o ... . Single or 2-roll rotary presses . One 2-color Clayhourn press: rotogravure press, sheet-fed, double"cylinder perfecting pmss . Qx•1GO . 10 11.100 10 3.. 075 10 1. GOO 10 1.09 5 10 1.070 U 1,355 10 1.510 10 1.195 • -0 1.170 a 9 1.175 10 1.175 ' 10 1.150 10 1.150 af 'i 1.050 iO 1.050 10 1.163 e o 'J 1.163 10 .950 . 10' .950 1-0 1.100 10 1.100 10 1.250 . 10 1.250 10 1.290 10 •1.200 ■10 1.150 /Q 1.150 10 1.250 ’ 'h fx ex 1 .-250 • 10 1.150 10 1 • 150 10 1.265 . "x J 1.265 10 1.130 •10 1.130 10 1.180 10 1.180 10 1. 150 10 1.150 10 1.3 IQ . 10 •1*310 10t TA anc --.Union Scales of U..yes aKT JOT Printing Trades i July. 1, 10 05 and CYLITTER PRES SEEK-c no m s :: Sol.: cl Jul ■’ n the ' OQK XC ,x L* ,i.x- S y 10 .. - cent inu. ontinued City and classification Louis, Lio-continued Second pressinn on 5-color presses or 2-roll rotary p r e s s s ; i t w o -col o r p r-, p s • 2 automatic pres-S'. s oven 19 x 25 inches; 2 cylinder 25 x 38 inches but under G8 inenos; 1 press 68 inches or larger ..... 1 automatic press 17 x 22 inches to 19 x 25 inches and two platen presses .. One automatic press less than 17 x 22 inches and 3 platen presses .......... Two cylinder 2< x 56 . inches or loss; 1 cylinder press 25 x 38 inches, but unde r 68 inches. ...... ........... . One press 2i x 36. inches or less . C o upo n pres ses : 12-inch presses. ........ 28-inch pressos ........ Paul, Linn. : Commercial: 2-color presses^, double endor presses 1 or 2 single cylinder pre ss e s; 3 cy1inder presses on imprinting; 1 single cylinder and 1 platen press; any of the following presses; Kelly, hiohle, vorticle dr horizontal Killer Ki'-^peed or any 2 of the following Karris ImprInt or B, hiohle <,^1 • e e e 1.270 1.250 1.210 1.160 1.1.80 1.130 1.310 10 .6 0 ;U ‘x:U lO 01.330 1.270 1.250 1.210. 1.160 1.180 1.13:0. 1.2S5 uO lu 16 10 10 .10 presses : Kelly A vorticle Gravure: 1-color presses ........ P c r feet i o h d o ub 1 e - e nd e r; w o b double-e ndor presses ................ aaite presses, Harris presses ............... 1. 2 2 0 el 1,205 .. 10 A- HO , . 10. . 1.395 / - -AO 285 10 1.270 10 220 'x 1.205 10taels; < City and classification ---—--------------—,,---- St. Paul, Finn. -continued: RoveIty: 2 color, double ondor prc-p^ ---------------- 1 or 2 single cylinder presses; 1 cylinder and platen press; any 1 of following: Kelly, Miehle verticle, '.Simplex horizontal, Killer Hi-Speed .. Envelop ok Stokes or Harris- presses’ Utah . .4 ...... . Foremen .................... San Antonio, Texas ............ San Francisco, Calif.: Cy1ind e r'o r manif old pres ses Foremen of cylinder or manifold presses; flat-bed web • ■ presses .................. Rotary magazine presses': First position ........... Second position......., Scranton, Pa. : 2-color presses ...... f 1 or' 2 presses ..... Seattle, f ash. . ....... South Send, Ind.: 2-color. presses .......... 2 cy1i nde r pry ss cs inches. ........... Offset prussofs 17 x inches,through 22 inches ........... automatic J31 1/ U S S O S y under 40 Spokane, hash..... Foremen '..... Springfield, Mays. ........ Rotary roll-feed presses Toledo, Ohio .............. Lashing t on, D. C.: 1 five-color rotary Cottrelt McKeo prosy ............... 1 U.P.h. rotary press, 1' offset press over 42 inches • ........ Salt Lake Cit over' 40* job cylinder I cy 1 incter pre s s inches ..... July 1, 1915 July 1, 1911 Rate per hour Hour s por a e,k Rate per hour Houi p o r w e c 41.33*5 ■ 40 ■V1 • oe 5 io 1.235 40 1.235 40 1.050 40 1.050 4o l.l'OO ■ - -40 • 1.100 40 1.150 40 . _ 3.150 40 1.000 40 ,90b 40 1.456 ' 40 . 1.456 40 ' 1.531 40 . 1.531 * 4-0 1.606 40 1 • 606 40 - 1.456 - .10 1.456 40 1.390 40 1.353 40 l;290: 4 0 1.253 ‘ '-40 lii-38 ■ . . 40 f?3 ' •40 ' 1.320- 40 1:320 40 1*. 2 5 0- ■io’, 1.260 40 1.350 40 J .350 40 1.210' Jq .. i 1.210 40 1.150- ■ 40. . . 1.150 40 1.265- 40 l”. 265 ’ 5x0 1 1 O a x • J_ «3 40 . 1.050* 40 1.123 • 40 1.050 '■ 40 ’1.290 - -id , 1.250 40 •1.814 40 , . ; 1.814 40 '1.448- • / A • di;V 1.448 40 9:TAELE 6‘ity and classification July 1, 1915 July 1, 1911 Rate per hour Hours par weak Ha' to per hour Hours per we -k Washington, D. C-continued’ > 1 Perfoctor press, 1 two- color press Jl.383 10 eg! • vOj -10 Job automatic cylinder oressos: 1 or 2 Michie verticlo presses, any cylinder press 20”or under, 1 or 2 Kelly job presses, 1 offset press 21 inches or under, 1 or 2 Miller Ei-Ope-d presses 1.283 10 . 1.283 10 Wichita, Kans. ................ 1.157 ‘ •aO 1.103 10 York, Pa.: Cylinder and ‘automatic job cylinder p^css-.s 1.130 10 ’ 1.120 40 Pov-f O P. t £")'»■' ’S. P. o S' . . . . 1 .1 80 ••'0 i .170 40 Youngs town,Ohio 1.2Z& 10 1.2.X 1 0 Rotary web Drosses 1.263 0 1.225 40 PLATER PHI: SO MEH Atlanta, Gd • . • ..’. ll '1 50 -■0 '. 1 or’ a ■ IO Balt imorc, Md. ....... ' 1 .'OdO 10 ’ 1.2-00 10 Binghamton, N. Y.: Agreement a: nutomotic Dress;s ........ .875 ' rQ .875 10 Hand-fed presses' ......... .825 10 .825 40 Agreement E: Automatic job presses .... .83 0 . 10 . 805 -10 Birmingham, Ala .810 ' 10 .810 . 10 Boston, Mass.: 2 automatic presses ........ 1.166 10 1.166 10 Hand-fed presses ....... ». .. 1.100 - } 1.100- • r.Q buffalo, U. Y. . 1.x10 ’ 3 .110 r 0 But te ; Mont • . .. .' 1.127 ' ’ -.0 j .087 •*-0 Charlo s t on, W. Va. Automatic presses ........... J .1 05 ' •‘-0 10 Cil£L2/l 0 u t O • C • ••••••••• ooo*o q a e ‘ ,'Q • 92 5 10 Chicago, Ill. Job presses: 1 to 3 presses 1 * 5 (1) 40 1 .275. no 4 presses, hand-fed ....... J .'325 10 1 .3 <0:0 10 5 press...s, hand-fed ....... i • 3 63 1.338 -IQ 6 presses, hand-fed 1 .100x ' -4-0 J .375 O-C Proofers on I-job and power '. A proof presses 1.175 10 1.450 •10TABLE --♦Union Seal s of ;.a?vs and Loons in bn M90X AMD JOE Printing Trades in Selectee Crtiss, July 1, 1915 a. me July 1, 1; .1 -conon'iUvi PLaIMM PRE8SMEM-continued City, and classification C inc innat i, Onio 1 or- 2 presses 3 presses . a. presses ♦ 5 presses . Columbus, Ohio Dallas, Texas Dayton, Ohio 1 or 2 job presses 3 job presses .... 4 or 5' job presses Denver, Colo.: - 1 press: Hand-fed ... Machine-fed 2 presses: Hand-fed ..> Machine-fed' 3 presses: Hand-fed ... Machine-fed Dos Mol no s , Io w a Detroit, Mich. . Duluth, Minn. .. El Paso, Texas •. Erie, Pa. ...... Grand Rapids, Mich Houston, Texas:.• 1 or 2 presses 3 p rs s o s ..... Indianapolis, Ind, 1 or 2 presses 3 presses 5 presses Jacksonville, Fla. 1 or 2 presses 3 cr presses Mans a s Ci ty, Mo.: 1 or 2 presses 3 press e s ..... 4 presses 5 presses Little Rock, Ark. Los Angeles, Calif Foremen ....... • o • • • e • • • • • • July 1, 1945 July TO 41 Rato er hour Hours per neck Rate per- hour Hou p.,i’ a Cl.GOO •10 40.909 4-0 1.040 10 1.006 - 40 1.00 o •MO 1.031 ■10 1.090 10 ' 1.056 40 1.360- 1 40 1.500 10 .800 aO .800 . 40 1.150 -,0 1.100 ‘10 '1.250 40 " ' 1.200 40 1.550 ,10 1 • 3 0 0 ‘MO i • 006 40 1.000 40 1.056 ■ . aO 1.056 •10 1 • e a 40' : r.044 -10 1.094 40 ' 1 • 09 a 4-0 1.108 " aO 1.108" 40 1.158 • IO' - 1.158 40 1.120 40 '’1.120 aO 1.250' 40 1.1901 ■10 ’ .775’ ' ' ' aO ' .775 -10 1.101' ' 40 1.101 40 I.GOO ’ '..AD ■ l.ooo - -10 * 900 . ■» » •10 • 900 40 ' ,380' ■ aO .880 •10 ,955 40 • 9 5 5 40 1.182 10 1.114 40 1.235 40 1,168 10 1.318 40 1.250 40 .800 •10 .800 40 .875- 40 .875 40 1.185' ■•10 ’ 1.185 40 1.220 ' . -10 1.220' 40 1.240 40 1.210 40 -3 < % f-J ■ , X t / V . -10 . 1.275 10 1 • 000 40 1.000 40 1.200 10 1 • ’ 20 40 1.275 •10 1.195 40TALpE --.Union Scales of faros and. Hour's In the P-OOE AND JOS Frinting Trades in Selected Od.U. .3, July 1, 1915 '.> 40 1,200 .1 gh •-C 1.140 - ■ -xO ,.1.090 - 40 1.255 . 10 1.255 40 ,801 ■ 40 ,800 4-0 1.108 . 4-0 1.168 40 1.251 / a J.: <-■’ 1.231 40 .j. «.* o e - j -00 , d.lLO ' A-0 1..-075 40 J.. 000 40 1.025 40 . I,.u25 ’ 40 1.050 40. 1.050 o y - 1.035 •^o 1.010 40 .985 co . .960 40 .825 40 .825 40 1.250 ..1 1.250 40 1.150 -10 1.150 40 1.150 40 1.150 40 1,020 40 1.020 40 1.155 •10 1.155 a r\ 1.080 40 1.080 40 1.180 •1-0 1.180 4 0 l/ Includes MOline and P-ock Island, Ill. asd Davenport, Iowa City and classification July 1, 1945 July 1, 193.x Rato per hour Flours per' week Ra to per hour Fours per meek St. Paul, IO inn.: * ' r. Commercial: 2 eres s e s ................. jO.979 40 j0.973 40 Novelty: 2 platen or 2 Carver pr ,ss- os .985 0 0 .970 0-0 Klen-in-charge of none than < 4 platen or -4 Carver presso.3 1.220 40 1.205 ‘a: Envoionej 2 crosses * . 9e’O 40 .900 / ’ j""- Salt Lake City, Utah .......... 1.100 1.109 .< h ■' San Antonio, Texas . .750 /;p .750 4-0 San Franciscq, Calif. ......... 1.381 40 1.381 5,0 Foremen . 3 .456 '1C' 1.456 40 Sc rant on, Pa • • 1.024 ee 3 .003- 40 So o f td o ’Os sit. . 1.354 •’0 p 'Z '7 / /■ S outh Bond. Ind• (HonJ-fed presses) 1. SCO 40 1.050 40 ' Toledo, Ohio 3 or 2 crosses 1,165 op 1.125 •10 3 cr < s so s 1.215 / •'') ■ 1.3 75 40 Fashinyton, D. C.: 2 automatic presses . :■ 1.195 40 1.195 40 1 or 2 hand-fed and auto- matic cresses 3 ,155 40 ' 1.133 • '0 1, 2, or 3 hand-fed presses 1.058 2/ •2/ .295 .075 .215 .170 .206 .245 .183 .192 .325 .140 .150 : J : Bookbinders_.icontlcp: : Houston, Tex. ...... ; $0,250 : Kansas City, Mo. ... : .155 j Los Angeles, Calif. : , .235 : Newark, N. J........ :2/ .260-.325 : New York, N, Y. .... : .106 : Philadelphia, Pa, .. : .210 : Portland, Ore....... s2/ .275 : St. Louis, Mo. ..... : .150 : St. Paul, Minn. .... : .155 ; San Francisco, Calif. : .169 ; Spokane, Wash....... ; .050 : Washington, D. C. ., j ,100 Blectrotyners Detroit-, Mich. ..... : Grand Rapids, Mich. : St. Louis, Mo, ..... : San Francisco, Calif. : Photoengravers Baltimore, Md, .. Louisville, Ky, . Milwaukee, Wis. , Minneapolls, Minn St. Louis, Mo, ». St. Paul, Minn. . Washington, D. C. milers : Chicago, Ill........ s Pressmen : Atlanta, Ga........ : Baltimore, Md. ..... • .203 .175 .113 .056 .135 .160 .120 .095 .096 .095 .157 .125 .295 .100 l/ The Information contained in this list was compiled largely from newspapers union and trade journals and other publications. Data were compiled for only a limited number of cities. 2/ Workweek also reduced, •- •• > •’- 2 - WAGE INCREASES NEGOTIATED BETWEEN JULY 1, 1945 AND LAY 15, 1946 • BOOK AND JOB PRINTING Trade and city - 0 © • Approximate:: amount of- ?: increase ;: per hour :x Trade and 'city Approximate ‘amount- of increase per hour Pressmen (cont’d.) • • ; J 0 0 0 0 0 Pressmen (cont’d.) Binghamton, N. Y • • • 0 $0 .055 O 0 San Antonio, Tex. $0,100 Birmingham, Ala. ....... • •- • £ . .100 0 0 Platen presses .. .250 Boston, Afess; ............. 0 • « 2 .ISO 9 0 0 0 ,8cranton,. Pa. ...,...... .075 - , Platen presses O • • 5 .150 0 « South Bend, ind,.. ...... .150; Buffalo,. N. Y. • • • .150 0 0 $pokaneWash., ....... .050 C har,le s ton, W. Va.. ....... 0. 0 • ■ .262 0 «. 0 0 Washington.,. D., C .. ... .140 Platen press.es. ....... .133 . ? York, Pa. .......... .020 Chicago,. Ill,- 000 •- .150 • f Cincinnati,. Ohio ........... 0 0 0 0 . .191 * 0 Typographers Cleveland, Ohio ......... .205 e ©‘ Atlanta, Ga • .290 Dallas, Tex. ............ . .180 0 0 Baltimore, MG. ...... .100 : Dayton, Ohio ........,... 0 0 0 • .205 t ' * • 0 0 0 Birmingham, Ala.. ...... . .183 Platen press.e.s. ......... • © 0 .150 0 0 Boston, Mans., ...., .205 Denver, .Colo, .............. 0 00 .035 Buffalo, N. Y. .165 Des Moines, Iowa ....... . J so Butte, Mont. ....... ■ .088 Platen cresses © .125 0 © Charleston, W. Va. . .105 Detroit,. Mich © .050 • a Chicago< Ill. ....... 2/ .270 Grand Rapids^ Mich.' ..... • 0 0 .075 0 • C inc innati, Ohi 0. ..... .206 Houston,. Texas .. .050 0 © Cleveland, Ohio .... .200 Indianapolis,; Ind. ..... o. .050 e © Columbus, Ohio ...... .190' . . Kansas City, .Mo 0 0 0 ; .165 0 • Dayton., Ohio. ., .180, Little Rock, Ark. ...... 0 0 0 a .100 0 0 Des Moin.ee , .130 Los Angeles, .Calif.,. • 0 .245 •s X Detroit, Mich.. , .260 Platen presses, ....... .220 Indianapolis, Ind. . ,120 Louisville, Ky.............. .100 0 0 Kansas City, Mo. ... .165 Memphis,. Tenn • .050 0 0 Los Angeles,. Calif,. . . , " .235 Nashville, Tenn. © .030 • e Madison, Wis. .064 Newark, N. J.-- .............. © - , .175 0 e Manchester., N. H, ... .175 New Haven, Conn., • 0 .050 0 e 0 0 Memphis,. .Tenn. ...... .050 New Orleans, :La. ....... 0 0 0 0 .050 0 • Nashville, Tenn. ..... .145 New York, N. Y. ........ 0 0 0 .210 O • New York,, N. Y. ..... 2/ .210- Oklahoma. City, Okla.. ... 000 .070 0 0 . Philadelphia,. Pa... ,. 2/ .250 . Philadelphia, Pa. ...... 0 » 0 .250 0 O .Pittsburg.,. P.a.„........ 2/ .168 Platen presses ...... 0 0 0 0 .230 0 9 Milwaukee,,. Win. ..... . .215 Providence, R. I. ....... 0 0 0 0 .025. 9 » 0 • Phoenix:,, Aria.. .100: ■ . Rochester, N. Y., ....... 0 0 0 s .123 0 0 .Providence.,. R.. I,., ... .100 Rock Island (Ill.^/district 0 0 .060. O 4» St. Louis, Mo. ..... .150 St. Louis, Mo 0 .150 « n St. Paul, Minn. .... .055 St. Pa ul, Minn .120 • • San Franc!sen„ Calif. .200 Platen presses 0* 0 0 .105 • 0 0 0 Scranton, Pa .075 3/ Includes Rock Island and Moline, Ill, and Davenport, Iowa.WAGE INCREASES NEGOTIATED BETWEEN JULY 1, 1945 AND MAY 15, 1946 BOOK AND JOB PRINTING Trade and city s Approximate ; amount of : increase , s per hour o Typographers s Seattle, Wash........................: $0,419 Spokane, Wash. .................... : .050 Tampa, Fla» ....................... s .170 Toledo, Ohio ....................... s .120 Washington, D. C. .................. s .072 York, Fa. ....................... ? .125 . t 8 'I > X* <■iI