ANTHROPOLOGICAL PAPERS OF ' THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OP NATURAL HISTORY VOL. XXIII, PART I RACIAL TYPES IN THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS ' BY LOUIS R. SULLIVAN NEW YORK PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES 1918 American Museum of Natural History. PUBLICATIONS IN ANTHROPOLOGY. In 1906 the present series of Anthropological Papers was authorized by the Trustees of the Museum to record the results of research conducted by the Depart¬ ment of Anthropology. The series comprises octavo volumes of about 350 pages each, issued in parts at irregular intervals. Previous to 1906 articles devoted to anthropological subjects appeared as occasional papers in the Bulletin and also in the Memoir series of the Museum. A complete list of these publication with prices will be furnished when requested. All communications should be addressed to the Librarian of the Museum. The recent issues are as follows: — Volume XII. I.String-figures from the Patomana Indians of British Guiana. By Frank E. Lutz. Pp. 1-14, and 12 text figures. 1912. Price $.25. II.Prehistoric Bronze in South America. By Charles W. Mead. Pp. 15-52, and 4 text figures. 1915. Price, $.25. III. Peruvian Textiles. By M. D. C. Crawford. Pp. 52-104, and 23 text figures. 1915. Price, $.50. IV. Peruvian Fabrics. By M. D. C. Crawford. Pp. 405-191, and 40 text figures. 1916. Price, $1.00. V. Conventionalized Figures in Ancient Peruvian Art. By Charles W. Mead. Pp. 193-217, Plates I-VIII. 1916. Price, $.25. VI. (In preparation.) Volume XIII. I.Social Life and Ceremonial Bundles of the Menomini Indians. By Alan- son Skinner. Pp. 1-165, and 30 text figures. 1913. Price, $1.50. II.Associations and Ceremonies of the Menomini Indians. By Alanson Skinner. Pp. 167-215, and 2 text figures. 1915. Price, $.40. III.Folklore of the Menomini Indians. By Alanson Skinner and John V. Satterlee. Pp. 217-546. 1915. Price, $1.60. Volume XIV. I.The Stefdnsson-Anderson Arctic Expedition of the American Museum: Preliminary Ethnological Report. By Vilhjdlmur Stef&nsson. Pp. 1-395, 94 text figures, and 2 maps. 1914. Price, $3.50. II.Harpoons and Darts in the Stefansson Collection. By Clark Wissler. Pp. 397-443, and 44 text figures. 1916. Price, $.50. III.(In preparation). Volume XV. I.Pueblo Ruins of the Galisteo Basin, New Mexico. By N. C. Nelson. Pp. 1 -124, Plates 1-4, 13 text figures, 1 map, and 7 plans. 1914. Price, $.75. II.(In preparation.) Volume XVI. I. The Sun Dance of the Crow Indians. By Robert H. Lowie. Pp. 1-50, and ll text figures. 1915. Price, $.50. II. The Sun Dance and Other Ceremonies of the Oglala Division of the Teton-Dakota. By J. R. Walker. Pp. 51-221. 1917. Price, $1.50. III. The Sun Dance of the Blackfoot Indians. By Clark Wissler. Pp. 223- 270, and 1 text figure. 1918. Price, $.50. IV. (In preparation.) (Continued on Sd p. of cover.) ANTHROPOLOGICAL PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. XXIII, PART I RACIAL TYPES IN THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS LOUIS R. SULLIVAN NEW YORK PIJBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES 1918 RACIAL TYPES IN THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. By Louis R. Sullivan. PREFACE. This review is the result of studies made for the purpose of installing a somatological exhibit in the Philippine Hall of the American Museum of Natural History. No new or original data are presented. The purpose of the paper is to bring together the scattered observations of numerous observers in an attempt to indicate the racial affinities of the inhabitants of the Philippine Islands. While an interpretation which is believed to be consistent with the data is offered, the aim has been to present the data in a form that will enable the reader to draw independent conclusions. Throughout the study I have enjoyed the constant cooperation of Dr. A. L. Kroeber. I wish to acknowledge his helpful assistance in matters of svnonymy, nomenclature, and location of tribes. Map 2 in this review is based on a similar map shortly to appear in Dr. Kroeber’s Peoples of the Philippines to be published by this Museum. The text figures and maps were drawn by Mr. S. Ichikawa and are based on Museum labels. March, 1918. Louis R. Sullivan. CONTENTS. Page. PREFACE 3 THE LITERATURE 7 THE PROBLEM 1° THE METHOD 12 GEOGRAPHY AND POPULATION 13 THE MATERIAL 15 I. Christian Groups 15 II. Pagan Groups 23 III. Mohammedan Groups 28 IV. Negrito Groups 29 HAIR. SKIN, AND EYES 31 STATURE 31 CEPHALIC INDEX 34 NASAL INDEX 36 BODY WEIGHT AND INDEX OF ARM REACH 38 CORRELATION S 40 GENERAL DISCUSSION 43 Related Types in Malaysia ........ 47 SUMMARY 54 BIBLIOGRAPHY 57 ILLUSTRATION^ Text Figures. 1. Stature in the Philippine Islands 32 2. The Cephalic Index in the Philippine Islands 34 3. The Nasal Index in the Philippine Islands ...... 36 4. Correlation of the Cephalic and Nasal Indices 41 5. Graphic Correlation of Stature, Cephalic and Nasal Indices for Miscel¬ laneous Types ........... 42 6. Graphic Correlation of Stature, Cephalic and Nasal Indices for Philippine Types 61 Maps. 1. Philippine Islands — Provinces and Districts 13 2. Philippine Islands — Ethnic Groups 61 5 1918.] Sullivan, Philippine Racial Types. THE LITERATURE. Anthropometric investigations in the Philippine Islands may be said to have been begun by Doctor J. Montano in 1885. Montano1 made extended studies in the southern half of Luzon and in some of the other islands in the southern part of the Archipelago. His researches were thor¬ oughly scientific and compare very favorably with those of modern workers. In many localities he measured only a few individual, yet it seems certain that future research will not materially affect his conclusions. Montano recognized three racial types: — I. II. Negrito Negrito of Bataan Mamanua-Mindanao Negrito Atas of Luzon Malay Plus Chinese Bikol Tagalog Bisaya Plus Arabian and Indonesian III. Indonesian Samal (Isamal) Bagobo Guianga Atas Tagakaolo Tagbanua Manobo Mandaya Bilaan Sulu Moro Kalagan In addition to his observations on the living, Montana reported on the skeletal material collected and the results of microscopic research on the hair. 1 Montano. 8 Anthropological Papers American Museum of Natural History. [Vol. XXIII, Blumentritt’s 1 numerous papers on the Philippines did much to clear up ethnographic confusion, as did also those of Meyer2 and Shadenberg.3 Numerous verbal and photographic descriptions have appeared by many authors. First among these should be mentioned those of Dean C. Wor¬ cester 4 and Meyer5. More general discussions may be found in the works of Deniker6 and Keane7. The craniology of the Philippines has been dealt with by Virchow,8 Schadenberg,9 and Koeze10. The conclusions of Koeze agree in the main with those of Montano and Blumentritt. Perhaps the most extensive series of measurements on the living are those of Folkmar .1! In his Album of Philippine Types are the averages of the measurements on fairly large series of individual representing nearly the whole of the Christian population on the Islands. In 1904 Heed12 recorded the measurements on the Negrito of Zambales. In the same year Savage Landor13 made a complete survey of the Islands, but his anthropometric data are of a peculiar character, not comparable with that of other observers. In 1905 Jenks14 published averages for the Bontok Igorot and in 1906 Kroeber15 measured individuals from the same locality. In a series of publications from 1908 to 1913 Bean16 has contributed much valuable data on the natives of Luzon. Much of his later work is devoted to a scheme for determining racial affinities. Bean recognizes the following types: — Adriatic (related to Adriatic of Deniker) Primitive (similar to primitive of Hagen and others) B. B. B, (big-cerebellumed, box-headed Bavarians of Ranke) Alpine Iberian (Mediterranean) North European (very few on Islands) Cro-Magnon Australoid 1 Blumentritt, (a), (b), reviewed by Brinton. 2 Meyer, (a). 3 Meyer and Schadenberg. 4 Worcester, (a), (b), (c), (d). 5 Meyer, (c). 6 Deniker. 7 Keane, (a), (b). 8 Virchow. 9 Schadenberg, (a). 10 Koeze. u Folkmar. 12 Reed. 43 Savage Landor. 14 Jenks. 16 Kroeber. 18 Bean, (a), (b), (c), (d). 1918.] Sullivan, Philippine Racial Ty pes. 9 Each of these types presents one or more modified tvpes and there are numerous blends. There is also a type represented by one individual designated as Homo Philippinensis, a relative of Homo Heidelbcrgensis. Of these types Bean says: — This scheme is utilized in the segregation of Filipino types, and although an artificial division of the people is affected thereby, the groups segregated not only pro ve to be true types, but may even be designated as species of man.1 One recognizes in this work an attempt to analyze the composition of the various racial types of man, yet the results are far from convincing. As to the source of these heretofore rather unexpected types Bean makes the following explanation: — There have been waves and waves of migration which have apparently come from the south, and each succeeding wave finds the drift of the preceding one and in receding leaves its own, sometimes penetrating farther than its predecessor, some¬ times falling short and retiring before having reached the remaining portions of the previous waves. Three crescents might be placed across the archipelago to repre¬ sent the three European migrations.2 The crest of the first wave is represented by the Ilongot, the second by the Kalinga and Bontok Igorot, and the third by the Sulu. The Mohammedan wave advanced farther northward, but receded to Sulu when the Spaniards came. The three modified Iberian forms are evidence for three European migrations. The first came from Europe direct, the second by way of India, and the third from northern Africa and Arabia (Mohammedans of history). In this review we shall deal only with Bean’s original data. Barrows3 published measurements on the Negrito of Palawan, Surigao, and Bataan and also on the wild tribes of Luzon and Palawan. Nine years of residence and travel in the Philippines have convinced him that there is little evidence for an Indonesian theory and that racial diversity can be accounted for by Negrito and Malay intermixture. Barrows strengthens his convictions by data on the nasal index and index of arm reach. The advantages of close contact with the natives for many years cannot be denied; yet, when one considers the great gap between the conclusions of Bean and Barrows it is clear that the personal element must be left out of consideration and the concrete data taken at their face value. In 1909 Christie4 published measurements of a group of Subanun from 1 Bean, (c), 24. 2 Bean, (d), 460. 3 Barrows, (a), (b). 4 Christie. 10 Anthropological Papers American Museum of Natural History. [Vol. XXIII Mindanao. In his The Wild Tribes of Davao District, Mindanao, Cole 1 gives averages on several heretofore little-known groups. The same author promises more detailed measurements on these people as well as on some of the tribes of northern Luzon. Taylor2 published the average stature of thirty-six Bontok Igorot, but the remaining measurements have not come to notice. The most recent publication on the Philippines is the Population of the Philippine Islands in 1916 by Beyer.3 In addition to the valuable statistics on the population there is a very convenient alphabetical summary of the ethnic groups. A brief statement is made of the culture and physical type of each group. The following racial types are promised: — Short Mongol Tall Mongol Primitive Australoid Negrito Papuan Indonesian Ainu Tall Caucasic Malav blend Numerous Chinese, Japanese, Spaniards, Americans. The author admits that these are rather unusual types and will, doubtless, produce convincing statistics in a promised forthcoming volume. THE PROBLEM. The Philippine problem is a part of the much larger Malay problem. All through Malaysia we find an apparent stratification of the population. In the interior of the various islands, we find tribes variously called “ wild ”, “pagan ”, or “head hunters Surrounding these on all sides are the more civilized tribes designated as “civilized” or “Christian.” These people, for the most part, live near the coast of the Islands. Mingling with these peoples, we have the Mohammedan peoples known as “historic Malay s” or “ Moros ”. This stratification is further complicated in some instances, notably the Philippine Islands, by the presence of a fourth element, the pygmy Negrito, who usually occupy the mountain wilds. This peculiar grouping has given rise to several theories as to the probable origin and affinities of the various groups. Confining our attention to the 1 Cole, (c). 2 Taylor. 3 Beyer. 1918.] Sullivan, Philippine Racial Types. ll Philippines, the most generally accepted explanation is that of Blumentritt.1 The Negrito were, probably, the first inhabitants of the Islands. We had, in turn, two prehistoric Malay invasions. The first Malay invasion, probably from Borneo, drove the Negrito inland and the newcomers in¬ habited the coast. The second invasion, also prehistoric, drove the people of the first invasion inland. This resulted in a threefold stratification. Montano 2 and Meyer3 recognized these three groups, but called the first invaders Indonesian and the second Malay. In the sixteenth century we have the arrival of the Spaniards who were followed and, perhaps, preceded by the Chinese and others.4 For the most part, this classification of the population into three types has persisted, nominally at least. There has been some little disagreement in defining the two non-Negrito types and in the classification of the indi¬ vidual tribes or ethnic groups. Deniker5 and Keane6 accept it with modifications. Since the year 1900 much new data have been collected and two new tendencies have appeared. Bean,7 and very recently, Beyer,8 have greatly increased the number of racial types represented on the Islands. Barrows,9 on the other hand, has been inclined to discount the idea of multiplieity of types altogether and believes that, apart from the true Negrito, we have representatives of only one racial type and various blends with Negrito. The existence of the Negrito, as a distinct racial type, is admitted by all. The problem remains to determine whether or not there is any justification in assuming more than one other racial type in the Islands. Ultimately comes the problem deciding the affinities of the inhabitants of the Philippine Islands to the inhabitants of the neighboring islands and the Malay Penin¬ sula, and to mankind in general. This review will be restricted, for the most part, to the first problem. 1 Blumentritt, (a), (b) and reviews of same by Brinton. 2 Montano. 3 Meyer, (d). 4 Keane, (a). 6Deniker. 6 Keane, (a), (b). 7 Bean, (a), (b), (c), (d). 8 Beyer. 9 Barrows, (b). 12 Anthropological Papers American Museuvi of Natural History. [Yol. XXIII, THE METHOD. The data at hand are sufficiently representative of the entire population of the Philippines to make some sort of a preliminary summary justifiable. The various observers have differed in their choice of measurements, yet in nearly every case we have data on stature, head form, and form of the nose. Our comparison will then be limited principally to these three char¬ acter. However, we have enough data on the index of arm reach to make comparison possible. In a few instances, the absolute measurements may be used as a check, but for the most part, only the indices are given. It is to be regretted that the dimensions of the face were not recorded in more instances. With the exception of a very few smaller series we have only the averages given. For this reason, we shall treat each series as an individual. Some of the observations are for only a very few individuals, yet the records of the different workers overlap sufficiently to permit us to judge fairly accurately the characters of each group considered. In the same way we can determine the comparability of the observations of two, and in some instances three, observers. For convenience, we shall refer to the ethnic groups under the headings of Christian, Pagan, Mohammedan, and Negrito. Such a classification is obviously inconsistent, for the Negrito are Pagan. Yet, it seemed best to segregate them as a distinct group. Nominally, this subdivision is on the basis of religion, yet it is probably as truly a cultural classification. The Christians are the civilized coast peoples and the Pagans are the wild inland tribes. In culture, the Mohammedans probably stand nearer to the Chris¬ tians and the Negrito nearer to the Pagans. The statistics on the popula¬ tion, the geographic distribution, and the cultural characterization of each group are taken almost directly from Bever.1 Beyer does not claim the accuracy for his census that the figures would imply, yet it is probably safe to say that it is the most accurate that has yet appeared and the most detailed for the ground it covers. Works on craniometry will be used only as a check. The opinions and general impressions of the different observers will, for the most part, be disregarded and all conclusions will be based on the recorded measurements. Throughout this review, “race” is used in the sense of one of the larger 1 Beyer. Antheop. Pap. A. M. N. H. Vot. XXIII, Map 1. Philippine Islands — Provinces and Districts. 1. Ilokos Norte 8. Nueva Vizcaya 21. Ambos Camarines 27. Occidental Negros 2. Mountain 9. Tayabas 22. Albay 28. Oriental Negros (a) Apayao 9'. Marinduque Sub-province 22'. Catanduanes Sub-province Bohol (b) Kalinga 10. Pangasinan 23. Sorsogon 29. Surigao (c) Bontok ll. Nueva Ecija 23'. Masbate Sub-province 30. Misamis (d) Lepanto 12. ZambaleSj Mindoro 31. Department of Moro (e) Amburayan 13. Tarlak Samar (a) Lanao (f) Ifugao 14. Pampanga Palawan (b) Davao (g) Benguet 15. Bulakan 24. Antique (c) Zamboanga 1 Districts 3. Cagayan 16. Bataan 25. Capiz (d) Cotabato 4. Ilokos Sur 17. Bizal 25'. Romblon Sub-province (e) Sulu 5. Abra 18. Cavite 26. Iloilo 32. Agusan 6. 7. Isabela La Union 19. 20. La Laguna Batangas Leyte Cebu (a) Butuan ) „ , (b) BukidnonfSub-provmces 1918.] Sullivan, Philippine Racial Ty pes. 13 groups of mankind and refers to the three or four main divisions: Mongoloid, Negroid, Caucasian, and Australoid. Racial type is used to designate one of the smaller and more concrete groups of mankind and is equivalent to sub-race. Any group differing from a racial type in a very few characters only will be designated as a local type. GEOGRAPHY AND POPULATION. The Philippine Islands lie southeast of Asia, nearly south of Japan and north of Borneo and Celebes. Geographically, they belong to the same group of islands as Borneo, Sumatra, Java, etc. and are a part of Asia rather than Oceania. They are, for the most part, of volcanic origin and are structurally connected with Borneo and Celebes by three isthmuses which are partly submerged. These three isthmuses enclose the Sulu and Celebes seas. Geologists agree that the Philippine Islands have probably been separated from Borneo and Malaysia since some time in the middle or upper Miocene.1 The Archipelago consists of 3,141 islands and has a total area of 115,026 square miles. The interior of most of the islands is mountainous. The principal mountain ranges run north and south as do also the larger islands. The interior of the islands is heavily forested. The population is, in a great measure, distributed along the seaboard, in the great valley of Luzon, in the valley of the Cagayan River, in the valley of the Rio Grande de Mindanao in Mindanao, and in the valleys of smaller streams. The most densely populated areas are in Ilokos Norte, Uokos Sur, La Union, Pangasinan, Cagayan, Zambales, Bulakan, Rizal, Laguna, Batangas, Ambos Camarines, Albay and Sorsogon in Luzon, the coast of Samar, Leyte, Panay, Negros, Bohol, northern Mindanao, and nearly all of Cebu. This also represents the range of the Christian peoples. A wide strip in the eastern part of northern Luzon and another in eastern Zambales have a population of less than five persons to the square mile and are inhabited by the Negrito. The same relative density (or sparsity) of population is found in Palawan, the interior of Mindoro, and the greater part of Mindanao. In the latter islands the inhabitants are mainly pagan or wild tribes. The total population at the end of the year 1915 is given as 9,503,271.2 1 (Census 1903). 2 Beyer. 14 Anthropological Papers American Museum of Natural History. [Yol. XXIII, Of these there were: — 8,413,347 Christians 700,000 Pagan (35,926) Negrito 315,980 Mohammedan 73,366 inhabitants of the Philippine Islands are foreign bora. Of these two-thirds were Chinese and one-sixth were Asiatics or other nationalities. 500,000 native born inhabitants, or 5.26% of the total population, have Chinese blood. 200,000 native born inhabitants, or 2.1% of the total population have Spanish or other European blood. 1918.] Sullivan, Philippine Racial Types. 15 THE MATERIAL. I. Christian Groups. There were 8,413,347 Christians, or civilized people, on the Islands distributed in eight principal ethnic groups. These groups will be considered approximately from north to south. Iloko 1 (llocano): 988, 841; third largest Philippine group. Distribution: Ilokos Norte, Ilokos Sur, La Union; also in Cagayan, Isabela, Apayao, Pangasinan, Zambales, Tarlak, and Nueva Ecija in Luzon. I.2 Iloko of Ilokos Norte — Folkmar.3 37 Males Stature 1593 Head length 180 Arm reach 1657 Head width 151 Cephalic index 84.4 Nasal height 55 Nasal index 73.1 Nasal width 40 Index of arm reach 103.44 Weight 51 Iloko of Ilokos Sur — Folkmar. 59 Males Stature 1596 Head length 177 Arm reach 1671 Head width 150 Cephalic index 85.1 Nasal height 53 Nasal index 72.9 Nasal width 39 Index of arm reach 104.7 Weight 51, Iloko of La Union — Folkmar. 31 Males Stature 1590 Head length 176 Arm reach 1664 Head width 151 Cephalic index 85.7 Nasal height 50 Nasal index 78.6 Nasal width 39 Index of arm reach 104.6 Weight 51 1 Statistics on population and distribution are taken from Beyer. kg. kg. 2 Numbers refer to approximate location on map 2 and are consistently used through the text to refer to these specific groups. 3 Folkmar. 4 Calculated from average stature and average arm reach. 16 Anthropological Papers American Museum of Natural History. [Vol. XXIII, 4. Iloko of Ilokos Norte and Sur and La Union — Bean.1 48 Males Stature 1615 Head length 182 Cephalic index 83.5 Head width 152 Nasal index 81.8 Nasal height 43 Nasal width 36.5 Iloko of Pangasinan — Folkmar. 34 Males Stature 1621 Head length 178 Arm reach 1687 Head width 150 Cephalic index 84.3 Nasal height 52 Nasal index 76.5 Nasal width 40 Weight 52.7 6. Iloko of Tarlak — Folkmar. 8 Males Stature 1614 Head length 179 Arm reach 1686 Head width 152 Cephalic index 84.7 Nasal height 50 Nasal index 83.6 Nasal width 42 Index of arm reach 104.0 Weight 53.3 Iloko of Zambales •— Folkmar. 24 Males Stature 1609 Head length 178 Arm reach 1675 Head width 150 Cephalic index 84.4 Nasal height 51 Nasal index 77.5 Nasal width 39 Index of arm reach 104 Weight 53.6 Cagayan (Ibanag): 156,134; seventh largest group. Distribution; Cagayan Valley in the provinces of Cagayan and Isabela, Luzon. 8. Cagayan of Cagayan —* Folkmar. 10 Males Stature 1637 Head length 184 Arm reach 1691 Head width 149 Cephalic index 80.8 Nasal height 50 Nasal index 81.1 Nasal width 41 Index of arm reach 103.3 Weight 52.9 Cagayan of Isabela — Folkmar. 5 Males Stature 1594 Head length 184 Arm reach 1645 Head width 149 Cephalic index 80.9 Nasal height 51 Nasal index 78.9 Nasal width 41 Index of arm reach 103.2 Weight 58.9 i Bean, (b). 1918.] Sullivan, Philippine Racial Types. 17 Pangasinan: 381,493; fifth largest group on the Islands. Distribution: chiefly in Pangasinan, a few are found in the neighboring prov¬ inces of Tarlak, Nueva Ecija, and La Union, Luzon. 10. Pangasinan of Pangasinan — Folkmar. 40 Males Stature 1629. Head length 181 Arm reach 1683 Head width 152 Cephalic index 84.2 Nasal height 54 Nasal index 73.5 Nasal width 40 Index of arm reach 103.3 Weight Pampangan: 337,184; sixth largest group on the Islands. Distribution: Pampanga and part of Tarlak, Luzon. ll. Pampangan of Pampanga — Folkmar. 62 Males 52.9 Stature 1620 Head length 182 Arm reach 1658 Head width 142 Cephalic index 80.7 Nasal height 52 Nasal index 76.2 Nasal width 40 Index of arm reach 102.4 Weight 53.6 kg. Sambal: 56,146. Distribution: Province of Zambales and a portion of western Pangasinan. 12. Sambal of Zambales — Folkmar. 17 Males Stature 1607 Head length 179 Arm reach 1673 Head width 148 Cephalic index 82.7 Nasal height 51 Nasal index 79.6 Nasal width 41 Index of arm reach 104.1 Weight 54.9 Tagalog: 1,789,049; second largest Philippine group. Distribution: Provinces of Tayabas, Batangas, Cavite, Laguna, Rizal, Manila City, Bataan, Bulakan, and Nueva Ecija; a few in northern Camarines, Tarlak, and southern Zambales, Luzon. In addition to Luzon, the island of Marinduque is wholly Tagalog, Masbate is partly so, and the coastal region of the northern two-thirds of Mindoro. 13. Tagalog of Nueva Ecija and Nueva Vizcaya — Bean. 17 Males Stature 1661 Head length 183 Cephalic index 83.6 Head width 153 Nasal index 80.0 Nasal height 48 Nasal width 39 Anthropological Paper s American Museum of Natural History. [Vol. XXIII 14. Tagalog of Nueva Ecija — Folkmar. 26 Males Stature 1610 Head length 180 Arm reach 1668 Head width 150 Cephalic index 83.3 Nasal height 50 Nasal index 80.4 Nasal width 40 Index of arm reach 103.6 . Weight 52. alog of Zambales — Bean. 9 Males Stature 1651 Head length 183 Cephalic index 84.1 Head width 156 Nasal index 79.6 Nasal height 48 Nasal width 38 ilog of Pangasinan - - Bean. 18 Males Stature 1610 Head length 181 Cephalic index 84.7 Head width * 153. Nasal index 85.0 Nasal height 45 Nasal width 38 17. Tagalog of Pampanga — Bean. 22 Males Stature 1635 Head length 185 Cephalic index •81.3 Head width 150 Nasal index 87.6 Nasal height 44 Nasal width 38 18. Tagalog of Bulakan — Folkmar. 22 Males Stature 1597 Head length 180 Arm reach 1654 Head width 153 Cephalic index 84.7 Nasal height 50 Nasal index 82.0 Nasal width 41 Index of arm reach 104.0 Weight 54.5 alog of Bulakan - — Bean. 26 Males Stature 1636 Head length 181 Cephalic index 84.2 Head width 152 Nasal index 83.2 Nasal height 45 Nasal width 37 alog of Tayabas — Folkmar. 28 Males Stature 1579 Head length 180 Arm reach 1645 Head width 148 Cephalic index 82.3 Nasal height 52 Nasal index 76.0 Nasal width 40 Index of arm reach 104.2 Weight 50.7 1918.] Sullivan, Philippine Racial Ty pes. 21. Tagalog of Tayabas — Bean. 15 Males Stature 1606 Head length 180 Cephalic index 83.3 Head width 150 Nasal index 83.3 Nasal height 46 Nasal width 38 22. Tagalog of Rizal — Folkmar. 25 Males Stature 1579 Head length 184 Arm reach 1645 Head width 149 Cephalic index 81.2 Nasal height 51 Nasal index 80.5 Nasal width 41 Index of arm reach 104.2 Weight 53.4 23. Tagalog of Rizal — Bean. 31 Males Stature 1628 Head length 181 Cephalic index 83.4 Head width 151 Nasal index 83.2 Nasal height 44.7 Nasal width 37.2 24. Tagalog of Manila — Bean. 40 Males Stature 1638 Head length 181 Cephalic index 82.3 Head width 149 Nasal index 83.8 Nasal height 43.9 Nasal width 36.9 25. Tagalog of Cavite — Folkmar. 20 Males Stature 1592 Head length 180 Arm reach 1645 Head width 149 Cephalic index 83.3 Nasal height 51 Nasal index 78.3 Nasal width 40 Index of arm reach 103.3 Weight 52.3 26. Tagalog of Cavite — Bean. 10 Males Stature 1667 Head length 185 Cephalic index 82.9 Head width 154 Nasal index 81.0 Nasal height 46.4 Nasal width 37.6 27. Tagalog of La Laguna — - Folkmar. 20 Males Stature 1600 Head length 179 Arm reach 1632 Head width 149 Cephalic index 83.0 Nasal height 50 Nasal index 81.9 Nasal width 41 Index of arm reach 102.0 Weight 54.9 19 20 Anthropological Papers American Museum of Natural Hisiory. [Vol. XXIII, 28. Tagalog of La Laguna — Bean 14 Males Stature 1626 Head length 182 Cephalic index 81.3 Head width 148 Nasal index 84.3 Nasal height 43.9 Nasal width 37.0 29. Tagalog of Batanga — Bean. 12 Males Stature 1642 Head length 182 Cephalic index 83.7 Head width 152 Nasal index 79.8 Nasal height 47 Nasal width 38 30. Tagalog of Batanga — Folkmar. 28 Males Stature 1611 Head length 180 Arm reach 1668 Head width 150 Cephalic index 82.0 Nasal height 51 Nasal index 79.7 Nasal width 41 Index of arm reach 103.5 Weight 53.2 31. Tagalog? — Cainta, Rizal — Bean and Planta.1 38 Males Stature 1609 Head length 184 Cephalic index 80.4 Head width 147 Facial index 85.7 Nasal height 48 Nasal index 82.8 Nasal width 39 Facial height 115 Ear height 61 Facial width 134 32. Tagalog? — Taytay, Rizal — Bean and Planta.2 181 Males Stature 1595 Head length 183.0 Cephalic index 81.8 Head width 149.6 Facial index 81.3 Nasal height 47.1 Nasal index 85.2 Nasal width 40.0 Facial height 112.0 Ear height 61.5 Facial width 137.7 Bikol: 685,309; fourth largest Philippine group. Distribution: Ambos Camarines, Albay and Sorsogon on Luzon and the islands of Catanduanes and Masbate. 33. Bikol of Ambos Camarines — Folkmar. 18 Males Stature 1585 Head length 184 Arm reach 1663 Head width 151 Cephalic index 81.6 Nasal height 51 Nasal index 81.5 Nasal width 41 Index of arm reach 104.9 Weight 53.3 i Bean and Planta, (b). 2 Bean and Planta, (a). Sullivan, Philippine Racial Ty pes. Bikol of Sorsogon — Folkmar. 32 Males Stature 1595 Head length 178 Arm reach 1658 Head width 151 Cephalic index 84.7 Nasal height 50 Nasal index 80.4 Nasal width 41 Index of arm reach 104.0 Weight 53.4 Bikol of Albay — Folkmar. ll Males Stature 1583 Head length 181 Arm reach 1672 Head width 148 Cephalic index 82.2 Nasal height 48 Nasal index 86.1 Nasal width 42 Index of arm reach 105.7 Weight 56.6 Bikol of Camarines, Albay, Sorsogon, etc.— Bean. 14 Males Stature 1632 Head length 182 Cephalic index 83.5 Head width 152 Nasal index 86.3 Nasal height 45 Nasal width 39 Bisaya: 3,977,210; largest group in the islands. Distribution: Samar, Leyte, Cebu, Negros, Bohol, Panay, and the remaining smaller Bisayan Islands; coast region of southern Mindoro, coast of Palawan; and the north and east coasts of Mindanao. 37. Bisaya of Romblon Island — Folkmar. 3 Males Stature 1622 Head length 180 Arm reach 1706 Head width 146 Cephalic index 80.9 Nasal height 53 Nasal index 75.0 Nasal width 40 Index of arm reach 105.2 Weight 56.6 Bisaya of Masbate Island — Folkmar. 7 Males Stature 1588 Head length 179 Arm reach 1633 Head width 154 Cephalic index 86.3 Nasal height 48 Nasal index 84.4 Nasal width 40 Index of arm reach 102.2 Weight 53.3 Bisaya of Capiz Province, Panay Island — Folkmar. 27 Males Stature 1590 Head length 181 Arm reach 1683 Head width 150 Cephalic index 83.0 Nasal height 49 Nasal index 85.0 Nasal width 42 Index of arm reach 105.9 Weight 53.2 Anthropological Papers American Museum of Natural Hlstory. [Vol. XXIII 40. Bisaya of Iloilo Province, Panay Island — Folkmar. 40 Males Stature 1586 Head length 180 Arm reach 1661 Head width 149 Cephalic index 83.1 Nasal height 49 Nasal index 84.1 Nasal width 41 Index of arm reach 104.7 Weight 51.0 Bisaya of Samar Island - — Folknyir. 31 Males Stature 1558 Head length 176 Arm reach 1639 Head breadth 150 Cephalic index 85.5 Nasal height 48 Nasal index 81.9 Nasal width 40 Index of arm reach 105.2 Weight 49.8 Bisaya of Leyte Island - — Folkmar. 46 Males Stature 1583 Head length 180 Arm reach 1648 Head width 152 Cephalic index 85.3 Nasal height 51 Nasal index 78.6 Nasal width 40 Index of arm reach 104.1 Weight 51.6 Bisaya of Cebu Island — - Folkmar. 32 Males Stature 1599 Head length 181 Arm reach 1666 Head width 152 Cephalic index 83.7 Nasal height 48 Nasal index 79.6 Nasal width 38 Index of arm reach 104.2 Weight 52.3 Bisaya of Oriental Negros — Folkmar. 15 Males Stature 1607 Head length # 180 Arm reach 1681 Head width ' 153 Cephalic index 84.9 Nasal height 51 Nasal index 80.9 Nasal width 41 Index of arm reach 104.6 Weight 56.5 45. Bisaya of Occidental Negros — Folkmar. 10 Males Stature 1554 Head length 182 Arm reach 1618 Head width 150 Cephalic index 82.7 Nasal height 50 Nasal index 81.9 Nasal width 41 Index of arm reach 104.1 Weight 49.0 1918.] Sullivan, Philippine Racial Types. 46. Bisaya of Bohol Island — Folkmar. 16 Males Stature 1594 Head length 178 Arm reach 1676 Head width 151 Cephalic index 84.7 Nasal height 49 Nasal index 80.5 Nasal width 40 Index of arm reach 105.1 Weight 48.2 Bisaya of Surigao Province, Mindanao — Folkmar. 21 Males Stature 1594 Head length 178 Arm reach 1660 Head width 152 Cephalic index 85.8 Nasal height 49 Nasal index 83.3 Nasal width 41 Index of arm reach 104.1 Weight 48.2 Bisaya of Misamis, Mindanao — Folkmar. ll Males Stature 1612 Head length 179 Arm reach 1692 Head width 153 Cephalic index 85.5 Nasal height 51 Nasal index 82.6 Nasal width 42 Index of arm reach 104.9 Weight 56.3 23 There are no data for the following minor Christian groups recognized by Beyer: — Ivatan: 6,392; GaddangA: 21,240; Kalamian: 11,350; Isinai: 2,647; Dumagat: 352; Batanes Islands. Nueva Vizcaya and Isabela, Luzon. Kalamianes and Ivuyo Islands near Palawan. 3 towns in Nueva Vizcaya, Luzon. Ivalawat Islands. II. Pagan Groups. There are 700,000 pagan or uncivilized people in the Philippines. We shall consider first the Luzon groups. The wild tribes inhabit the interior of Luzon and in earlier literature are referred to as Igorot. Of these groups we have no data on the following: — Apayao: 23,000; Apayao, Ilokos Norte, and Cagayan. Ivalinga: 67,450; Kalinga, Apayao, and Cagayan. Tinggian: 27,648; Abra and neighboring provinces. Gaddang B: 12,480; Kalinga and Isabela. 24 Anthropological Papers American Museum of Natural History. [Vol. XXIII, Bontok (Igorot); 63,258. Distribution: sub-province of Bontok and neighboring provinces. 49. Bontok of Bontok — Kroeber.1 18 Males Stature 1550 Head length 186 Arm reach 1572 Head width 146 Cephalic index 78.4 Face height 110 Nasal index 99.8 Face width 135 Facial index 81.0 Nasal height 41 Index of arm reach 101.6 Nasal width 40 Bontok of Lepanto — Bean.2 14 Males Stature 1586 Head length 188 Cephalic index 77.1 Head width 145 Nasal index 97.6 Face height 108 Facial index 78.8 Face width 137 Nasal height 41 Nasal width 40 Ear height 57.2 51. Bontok of Bontok — Jenks.3 14 Males Stature 1602 Head length 192 . Cephalic index 79.1 Head width 152 Nasal index 79.2 Nasal length 52.6 Nasal width 42.6 Kankanai (Igorot): 47,887 Distribution: Northern third of Benguet and part of Lepanto and Amburayan. 52. Kankanai of northern Benguet — Barrows.4 10 Males Stature 1505.7 Cephalic index 81.6 Nasal index 88.7 Nabaloi (Igorot, Inibaloi, Ibalois): 13,421. Distribution: Southern Benguet and neighboring provinces. 53. Nabaloi of Agno Valley, Benguet —• Bean.5 22 Males Stature 1536 Head length 186.0 Cephalic index 78.5 Head width 146.0 Facial index 80.4 Nasal height 40.0 Nasal index 95.0 Nasal width 38.0 Face height 107 Ear height 56.7 Face width 133 1 Kroeber, 2 Bean, (a). 3 Jenks. 4 Barrows, (b). 3 Bean, (a). 1918.] Sullivan, Philippine Racial Types. 54. Nabaloi of West Benguet — Bean. 46 Males Stature 1549 Head length 189 Cephalic index 77.8 Head width 147 Facial index 79.0 Nasal height 43 Nasal index 88.4 Nasal width 38 Face height 109 Ear height 59.3 Face width 138 Nabaloi of Baguio, Benguet — Bean. 22 Males Stature 1491 Head length 186 Cephalic index 78.5 Head width 146 Facial index 80.4 Nasal height 40 Nasal index 95.0 Nasal width 38 Facial height 107 Ear height 56.7 Facial width 133 56.Nabaloi of Kayapa, Benguet — Barrows. 7 Males Stature 1543 Arm reach 1590 Cephalic index 79.2 Nasal index 101.0 Index of arm reach 103. 25 57.Nabaloi of Southern Benguet — Barrows. 12 Males Stature 1563.4 Cephalic index 76.2 Nasal index 92.1 Ifugao: 132,500; largest non-Christian group. Distribution: mostly in Ifugao; few in neighboring provinces. 58.Ifugao of Benawi — Barrows. 10 Males Stature 1552 Cephalic index 76.9 Nasal index 101.9 Ilongot: 6,150. Distribution: mostly in Nueva Vizcaya about headwaters of the Cagayan River. 59. Ilongot of Nueva Vizcaya — Barrows. 4 Males Stature 1540 Cephalic index 83.3 Nasal index 86 60. Ilongot of Pantabangan, Nueva Ecija — Barrows. 12 Males Stature 1563 Cephalic index 82.5 Nasal index 89.2 Mangyan: 12,250; interior of Mindoro Island. No data. 26 Anthropological Papers American Museum of Natural History. [Vol.JXXIII, Unclassified: 46,015. There are five main groups of Mountain people variously called “Non-Negroid,” “Semi-Negroid,” “Hill people,” “remontados,, scattered throughout the Archipelago. In the earlier census, they have been called “Bukidnon.” Bukidnon is now restricted to a group living in Mindanao. The others are distributed as follows:— (a) Mountains of Central Luzon (4,316). (b) Southern Luzon (4,600) Katabangan. (c) Central part of Samar (1,420). (d) Central part of Negros (19,258). (e) Central part of Panay (16,421). On Map 2 these groups are designated as “Hill People Of these groups we have data on the following only:— 61.Katabangan? of Camarines Sur — Montano. 2 Males Stature 1550 Cephalic index 81.3 Nasal index 93.9 Manobo: 39,600. Distribution: Agusan River Valley, Mindanao. 62. Manobo of Davao, Mindanao — Montano. 3 Males Stature 1616 Cephalic index 77.9 Nasal index 93.5 63. Manobo of Agusan, Mindanao — Montano. • 5 Males Stature 1518 Cephalic index 82.5 Nasal index 93.4 Subanun: 31,450 exclusive of numerous Christians and Mohammedans. Distribution: The interior of the whole Zamboanga Peninsula, Mindanao. 64.Subanun of Zamboanga (coast), Mindanao — Christie. 20 Males Stature 1608 Head length 177.0 Cephalic index 82.6 Head width 147.4 Nasal index 74.8 Nasal height 52.6 Nasal width 39.9 Tagakaolo: 7,100. Distribution: Interior of Saragani Peninsula and west coast of the Gulf of Davao, Mindanao. 65.Tagakaolo of Davao, Mindanao — Cole.1 27 Males Stature 1574 Cephalic index 81.5 65'. Tagakaolo of Davao. 1 Cole, (c). 1918.] Sullivan, Philippine Racial Ty pes. 2 Nasal index 85.5 Montano measured two men:— Stature 1594 Cephalic index 80.8 Kulaman: 3,600 Distribution: Saragani Peninsula, Mindanao. 66. Ivulaman of Davao, Mindanao —• Cole. 27 Males Stature 1583 Cephalic index 78.1 Mandaya: 25,000. Distribution: east and north of Davao Gulf, Mindanao. 67. Mandaya of Davao, Mindanao — Cole. 15 Males Stature 1539 Cephalic index 84.6 Nasal index 90.8 67'. Montano measured two men:— Stature 1578 Cephalic index 81.3 Bilaan: 10,400. Distribution: Davao and Cotabato, Mindanao. 68. Bilaan of Davao, Mindanao — Cole. 38 Males Stature 1547 Cephalic index 80.4 68'. Montano measured 3 females and 4 young males. They have an average nasal index of about 90. Bagobo: 9,350. Distribution: Northwest coast of Davao Gulf, Mindanao. 69. Bagobo of Davao, Mindanao — Cole. 33 Males Stature 1586 Cephalic index f8.8 69'. 1 Male (Montano) Stature 1538 Cephalic index 81.4 Nasal index 77.8 4 Male Guingas (Bagobo?) — Montano. Stature 1630 Cephalic index 80.7 Nasal index 79.7 Tagbanua: 19,460 Distribution: Mountainous interior of Palawan. 70.Tagbanua of Palawan — Barrows. 5 Males. Stature 1550 Cephalic index 81.0 1 Male (Montano) Stature 1565 Cephalic index 80 Nasal index 93.4 Nasal index 93.0 28 Anthropological Papers American Museum of Natural History. [Yol. XXIII, Atd: 7,500 Distribution: Davao province, Mindanao. 71.Atd of Davao, Mindanao — Montano. 1 Male — adult. Stature 1688 Cephalic index 82.2 Nasal index 78.4 We have no data on the following groups:— Tirurai: 7,150; Cotabato, Mindanao. Bukidnon: 48,500; Bukidnon, Mindanao. Manguangan: 2,500; central Mindanao. III. Mohammedan Groups. There are about 315,980 Mohammedans. For the most part, they are called “Moros.” A few of the groups have more specific names. They are all in the southern part of the Archipelago in and around Mindanao. 72.Kalagan of Davao Gulf, Mindanao — Montano. 1 Male Stature 166 Cephalic index 79.5 Nasal index 102.5 73. Isamal (Samal) of Samal Island, Mindanao — Montano. 2 Males Stature 1579 Cephalic index 81.9 Nasal index 80.4 74. Moro of Davao, Mindanao — Montano. 5 Males Stature 1573 Cephalic index 81.9 Nasal index 84.6 75. Moro of Cotabato, Mindanao — Folkmar. 2 Males Stature 1599 Cephalic index 80.9 Nasal index 81.7 76.Moro of Zamboanga, Mindanao — Folkmar. 6 Males Stature 1613 Cephalic index 80.8 Nasal index 81.0 Arm reach 1696 Index of arm reach 105.1 Weight 48.9 77.Moro of Basilan Island — Folkmar. 2 Males Stature 1556 Cephalic index 83.6 Nasal index 85.1 78.Moro of Sulu Island — Folkmar. 10 Males Stature 1596 Head length 180 Arm reach 1645 Head width 150 Cephalic index 83.1 Nasal height 50 Nasal index 83.2 Nasal width 42 Index of arm reach 103.1 Weight 51.4 1918.] Sullivan, Philippine Racial Types. 29 79. Sulu of Sulu Island — Montano. 6 Males Stature 1526 Index of arm reach 103.8 Cephalic index 84.7 Nasal index 86.6 We have used the names given by the observer in every case but the following specific names are substituted for “Moro” by Beyer.1 Samal; 78,700; Sulu Archipelago. Lanao; 58,350; Lanao — Mindanao. Yakan; 7,290; Basilan Islands. Palawan; 1,940; Southern Palawan. Magindanao; 79,850; Cotabato, Mindanao. Sanggil; 2,450; South coast of Mindanao. Sulu; 87,400; Jolo Island, etc. IV. Negrito Groups. According to Beyer2 there are seven principal groups of Negrito. The total number is approximately 35,926. They are distributed as follows: — (a) Apayao swamp region, Apayao and Cagayan; 4,500. (b) Ilokos Mountains mostly in Ilokos; 415. (c) Zambales Mountains, Zambales, Bataan, etc.; 9,186. (d) East Luzon Mountains from Cape Engano to Lucena, Tayabas; 12,500. (e) South Luzon Mountains, Tayabas, Camarines and Albay; 4,800. (f) “Bataks” of Palawan; 675. (g) “Mamanua” of Surigao — Mindanao; 3,850. Smaller groups are mixed with some of the “hill tribes” on other islands. We have the following data: — 80. Negrito of Bataan, Luzon — Montano. 18 Males Stature 1485 Index of arm reach 105.3 Cephalic index 84.7 Nasal index 94.7 81. Negrito (Aeta) of Zambales, Luzon — Reed.3 31 Males (27 females also measured) Stature 1463 Head length 177.5 Cephalic index 82.2 Head width 147.0 Nasal index 106.0 Nasal height 40.5 Nasal width 42.8 One female had a nasal index of 140. 1 Beyer. 2 Beyer. 3 Reed. Anthropological Papers American Museum of Natural Hisiory. [Vol. XXIII, 82. Negrito of Bataan, Luzon — Barrows. 9 Males Stature 1454 Cephalic index 82.3 Nasal index 83. Negrito (Mamanua) of Surigao, Mindanao — Barrows. 3 Males Stature 1590 Cephalic index 84 Nasal index 84. Negrito (Batak) of Palawan — Barrows 4 Males Stature 1500 Cephalic index 81 Nasal index (According to Beyer the Bataks are Papuan?) 85. Negrito-Metis of Albay — Montano. 5 Males Cephalic index 85.8 93.7 103 97 Stature 1504 Nasal index 92.7 1918.] Sullivan, Philippine Racial Types. 31 HAIR, SKIN, AND EYES. In only a comparatively few instances do we have statistical records of skin color, hair form, and eye color. Montano and Kroeber have recorded skin color according to Broca’s color scale. Cole has evidently made careful studies of this character, but has not yet published detailed information. However, there are not sufficient data on these characters at the present time to make them of any value in a minute comparative study. The hair is almost uniformly black. The Negrito range from curly to woolly hair. The other inhabitants of the islands have straight or wavy hair. One gathers the impression that straight hair is most common, but that wavy hair frequently occurs in all groups, though more frequently in some of the pagan tribes of northern Luzon, Mindanao, and Palawan. As to skin color, about all there can be said is that the Negrito vary from dark brown to black and that the other natives show varying shades of brown. The shades most frequently reported are numbers 21 and 37 of Broca’s standard scale. Kroeber’s Bontok were between 25 and 31 of Broca’s scale. Montano recorded numbers 40 and 47 in several instances. The Bikol are the only Christians for whom we have records and they are reported as being most frequently of the shade of number 21 of Broca. Some of the pagan people are described as being of a very light shade. Caucasian affinities are claimed for some. The eye color is reported as varying from a medium to a very dark brown. The eyes of the Negrito are wide open. The eyes of many of the other natives suggest the Mongol eye. The Mongoloid fold is reported to be as frequent as fifty or sixty percent in some cases among the Christian people. It is also found among the pagan and Mohammedan people. Jenks noted it among the Bontok and Christie among the Subanun. Other observers claim it to be of rare occurrence among the pagan tribes of Luzon. Although the statement cannot be made with certainty, it seems that the Mongoloid eye fold and obliquely placed eye slits are more frequent among the Christians than among the pagan people, at least in Luzon. STATURE. Stature is very frequently looked upon as the direct expression of econo¬ mic well-being or the reverse. Within certain limits this is undoubtedly true, yet it has not been sufficiently demonstrated that stature is propor- 32 Anthropological Papers American Museum of Natural History. [Vol. XXIII, tionately more variable than certain other accepted characters descriptive of racial types. If we analyze the curve expressing the stature of mankind we do not find a random distribution, but notice that the main curve is com¬ posed roughly of a series of minor curves. The average and roughly the mode of the composite curve is at the 165 centimeter space, or five feet five inches. The stature for the Negroid groups presents two curves with one mode at 152 and 153 centimeters and another at 167 centimeters approximately. The Asiatic Mongols range above and below 160 and 161 centimeters. The mode for Europeans is approximately 165 centimeters and the curve for American Indians is almost a duplication of the curve for Europeans. However, stature like all other anthropometric characters, is valuable only when we have the seriation, variability, and average of a fairly large series of observations. In only a few instances have observations been made on a very large number of Philippine natives, yet the uniformity of the averages of different observers convinces us that the data at hand may be regarded as expressing approximately the range of stature on the Islands. For convenience in reviewing the range of this character, we have placed each ethnic group together with its geographic location and a symbol to designate whether it is Christian, Pagan, Mohammedan, or Negrito, opposite the number expressing the average stature in Fig. 1. This allows us to consider at one time the anthropometric, geographical, and ethnic relationships of the different groups. The grouping represents roughly the range and curve of stature in the Philippine Islands. The first observation of significance is that the averages for nearly every group on the Islands fall below 165 centimeters, or the average stature of mankind. The bulk of the population of the Philippine Islands belongs to the shorter group of men. The range is from 145 to 167 centimeters, or 23 centimeters. The curve is asymmetrical. The Negrito, for the most part, do not fall within the main curve. Omitting the Negrito from our con¬ sideration, we still have a major and a minor mode, the first between 159 and 161 centimeters and a second at 155 centimeters. The Christian groups are the taller and are at the top, the Negrito are the shortest and are at the bottom of the scale, and the Pagan groups are intermediate between the two. The Mohammedan groups are scattered throughout the range of the Christian and Pagan groups. If we analyze the curve in greater detail we get the seriations and averages shown in the following table. We see that the averages of three of the classes, Christian, Pagan, and Negrito, correspond fairly well with the major and minor modes and there is another at 150 centimeters for the Negrito. It seems then, that to a certain extent, stature is associated with the classification adopted for analysis. FEET 5f5k CM 167 166 165 164 163 162 Tagalog Cavite (B) Kalagart Davao (M) Tagalog Zambales (B) Cagayan Cagayan (F) Pangasinan Pangasinan (F) Bagobo Davao (M) Tagalog Nueva Vizcaya (B) AVERAGE STATURE OF MAN STATURE Philippine. Islands Tagalog Pampanga (B) Tagalog Rizal (B) Manobo Davao (M) Tagalog Bulakan (B) Tagalog Laguna(B) lloko Pangasinan (F) Tagalog Manila (B) Bikol S. E. Luzon (B) Pampangan Pampanga (F) Tagalog Batanga (B) Bisaya Romblon Is. (F) 161 Subanun Zamboanga (Ch) A> Moro Zamboanga (F) lloko N. W. Luzon (B) lloko Tarlak (F) lloko Zambales (F) Sambal Zambales (F) Tagalog Nueva Ecija (F) Tagalog Pangasinan (B) . Tagalog Tayabas(B) Tagalog Batanga (F) Bisaya Orient. Negros (F) Bisaya Misamis (F) 5f3i> 160 Bontok Bontok (J) Moro Cotabato (F) Moro Joio Is. (F) lloko llokos Sur (F) Tagalog Bulakan (F) Tagalog Laguna (F) Tagalog Cainta-Rizal (B) Tagalog Taytay-Rizal (B) Bikol Sorsogon (F) Bisaya Cebu (F) 159 Bontok Lepanto (B) 158 ^ Mandaya Davao (M) 4k. Bagobo Davao (C) Negrito Surigao (Ba) lloko llokos Norte (F) lloko La Union (F) Cagayan Isabela (F) Tagalog Cavite (F) Bisaya Masbate (F) Bisaya Capiz (F) Bisaya Iloilo (F) r Kulaman ^ Davao (C) 157 Tagakaolo Davao (C> 156 r Tagbanua Palawan (M) -V Moro Davao(M) Isamal r Samal (M) ^ Tagalog Tayabas(F) Tagalog Rizal (F) Bikol Ambos Cam. (F) Bikol Albay (F) Bisaya Leyte (F) iL 5f1i 155 ^ Bontok ^ Bontok (K) Nabaloi S. BenguetlBaL. Ilongot (Ba) Pantabangan ■V Nabaloi W. Benguet (B) 154 Nabaloi Agno Valley (B) 153 Sulu Jolo Is. (M) Nabaloi Kayapa (Ba) ^ Ifugao Benawi (Ba) Ilongot Nueva Vizcaya (Ba) Moro ^ Basilan Is. (F) ik Bila-an Davao (C) ik. Mandaya Davao (C) Bisaya Samar (F) Tagbanua " Palawan (Ba) Katabangan ? ^ Camarines Sur (M) A Bisaya Occ. Negros (F) legend: Christian Pagan 152 Manobo Agusan (M) 7 ^ ^ L 151 Kankanay ^N. Benguet (Ba) 4f11i> 150 Negrito Palawan (Ba) 149 Nabaloi Baguio (B) 148 Negrito Bataan (M) Mohammedan Negrito Negrito-metis Albay (M) 147 146 4f9k 145 Negrito Zambales (R) Negrito Bataan (Ba) OBSERVERS (F)-Folkmar (B) - Bean (Ba)-Barrows (Ch)-Christie (K)-Kroeber (J)-Jenks (M)-Montano (R)-Reed Bisaya Bohol (F) Bisaya Surigao (F) Pig. 1. Stature in the Philippine Islands. 1918.] Sullivan y Philippine Racial Ty pes. . 33 Average Stature Christian Pagan Mohammedan Negrito Total 167 1 1 166 1 1 2 165 1 1 164 5 5 163 4 4 162 3 2 5 161 10 1 1 12 160 7 1 2 10 159 9 2 0 1 12 158 5 2 1 8 157 0 1 1 2 156 1 3 1 5 155 1 6 7 154 4 4 153 0 1 1 152 1 1 151 1 1 150 0 2 2 149 1 1 148 1 1 147 0 146 1 1 145 1 1 Averages: 160.5 156.0 159.0 150.0 158.5 For some of the Christian groups, we have data by several observers from several provinces. Let us consider the distribution of stature among these groups in greater detail. Seriation of Stature: Christians. Pan* Pam- Tagalog Cagayan gasinan panga Bisaya iioko Bikol Sambal Total 167 1 1 166 1 1 165 1 1 164 4 1 5 163 2 1 'I 4 162 0 1 1 1 0 3 161 4 2 3 0 1 10 160 4 1 1 1 7 159 1 1 5 2 0 9 158 2 1 2 5 157 0 0 156 1 1 155 1 1 Averages: 162 161.5 163 162 159 160.5 160 161 160 A 34 Anthropological Papers American Museum of Natural History. [Vol. XXIII, The Tagalog varv from 158 to 167 eentimeters and are apparently taller than the more southern Christian groups, the Bisaya and the Bikol. The Pangasinan and the Pampanga are also tall, while the Sambal, the Iloko, and the Cagayan are about the average. It remains to determine whether they are divergent in more than one character. CEPHALIC INDEX. Head form, as expressed by the cephalic index, is recorded for nearly all of the groups measured. There is one great source of error in this observation which should be taken into account. Artificial deformation of the head has been prevalent in the Philippine Islands at one time or another as the crania, described by Koeze,1 testify. Among the crania col¬ lected in eaves, several show the fronto-occipital deformation and others an occipital flattening. No specific reference to the practice has been noted, yet some of the photographs of Folkmar suggest an occipital flattening. Only recently Ten Kate2 has called attention to the practice of moulding the head of the new-born child in Java. The effect of the process is to shorten the head in the antero-posterior direction. Hose and McDougall3 have recorded the practice of occipital flattening in Borneo. In view of these facts, more attention should be paid to the detection of such deformations. Failure to do so will seriously affect any statistical treatment of the cephalic index. In Fig. 2, we have placed the respective ethnic groups above the number expressing the average cephalic index for the group. We shall regard the cephalic index as a purely descriptive character. Long and short head will be used with reference to conditions in the Philippine Islands and not as synonyms of brachyeephaly and dolichocephalv. The difference between an average of 78 and one of 80 will be regarded as significant as a difference between an average of 80 and an average of 82. Our curve is by no means symmetrical. The mode (81-82) is approxi¬ mately the median (81), but nearly three times as many cases fall to right * as to the left of 81. The tendency of the group as a whole is toward short- headedness and nearly two-thirds of the cases fall within the limits of brachy¬ eephaly. The Negrito and all of the Christian groups, except one, have an index of 81 or above. The Mohammedan range from 79 to 85. The Pagan groups show two modes, one at 78 and another at SI, but on the whole, 1 Koeze. 2 Ten Kate, (a). 3 Hose and McDougall. CEPHALIC INDEX Philippine Islands Bisaya Romblon Is. (F) Bikol Albay (R OBSERVERS (F)-Folkmar Tagalog Laguna(B) Bikol Ambos Cam. (F) (B) - Bean (Ba) - Barrows Tagalog Rizal (F) Tagalog Taytay-Rizal (B) Bisaya Occ. Negros (F) Bisaya Cebu (F) (Ch)-Christie (K) - Kroeber " legend: Christian Pagan Tagalog Pampanga (F) Tagalog Batanga (F) Bisaya Iloilo (F) Bikol S. E. Luzon (B) (J)-Jenks (M)-Montano i L i 7 S S^ Pampangan Pampanga (F) Tagalog Manila (B) Bisaya Capiz (F) Tagalog Batanga (B) Bisaya Bohol (R (R) - Reed Cagayan Cagayan (R Tagalog Tayabas (F) Tagalog Laguna (F) Tagalog Bulakan (B) Bisaya Orient. Negros (F) Mohammedan Negrito Cagayan Isabela (F) Negrito Bataan (Ba) Tagalog Cavite (B) Tagalog Zambales Bisaya Leyte (F) Negrito Palawan (Ba) Negrito Zambales (R) Tagalog Cavite (F) Tagalog Nueva Vizcaya (B) Bikol Sorsogon (F) Moro s. Cotabato (F) > 7 Isamal ^ v Samal (M) > Tagalog Rizal (B) Pampangan Pampangn (F) Tagalog Bulakan (R Manobo Davao (M) . Moro ^Zamboanga (F), Moro Davao(M) . Tagalog Tayabas(B) lloko Zambales (R Tagalog Pangasinan (B) Bisaya Misamis (F) r Kulaman ^ Davao (C) L. A ; r Katabangan ^ Camarines Sur (M)^ Manobo t Agusan (M) Tagalog Nueva Vizcaya (F) lloko Pangasinan (F) lloko ; Tarlak (F) Bisaya Surigao (F) r Nabaloi ^ k Baguio (B) A ^ Kalagan N v Davao (M) y • r Tagbanua ^ Palawan (Ba) k. A f Ata . Davao (M) k A Sam bal Zambales (F) lloko N. W. Luzon (B) lloko llokos Sur (R Bisaya Samar (F) Nabaloi ? k W. Benguet (B) A * Bagobo ^ k Davao (C) A Tagalog Cainta-Rizal (B) r Tagakaolo ^ k Davao (M) ^ r Tagakaolo ^ i Davao (C) „ / Moro N v Jolo Is. (F) . V / lloko llokos Norte (F) Negrito Bataan (M) Bisaya Masbate (R _ r „ Ifugao ^ . Benawi (Ba) A t A Nabaloi ^ k Agno Valley (B) ^ Bontok ^ Bontok (J) ^ r Tagbanua ^ Palawan (M) k A r Bagobo ^ Davao (M) k. A r llongot ^ Pantabangan(Ba) k i r Subanun 1 Mindanao (Ch) k A Negrito Surigao (Ba) ' Sulu > Jolo Is. (M) lloko La Union (F) r Nabaloi 1 JS. Benguet (Ba) j r Bontok ^ L Lepanto (B) A r Bontok ^ t Bontok (K) L A r Nabaloi ^ . Kayapa (Ba) k A r Bila-an ^ Davao (C k A V Mandaya ^ Davao (M) k. A r Kankanay ^ N. Benguet (Ba) k ^ r llongot ^ Nueva Vizcaya (Ba) k A / Moro 'V Basilan Is. (F) v ✓ ^ Mandaya ^ Davao (C) k A Negrito-metis Albay (M) — 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 Dolichocephalic ^——— Mesocephalic J ^ Brachycephalic Fig. 2. The Cephalic Index in the Philippine Islands. 1918.] Sullivan, Philippine Racial Ty pes. 35 are longer-headed than the other groups. The relationships of the various groups are more clearly seen in the following seriation: — Cephalic Index Christian Pagan 76 1 77 2 78 6 79 3 80 1 2 81 7 5 82 6 5 83 10 2 84 ll 0 85 8 1 86 5 — — Averages: 83.5 80.0 Mohammedan Negrito Total 1 2 6 1 4 0 3 2 1 15 2 2 15 1 0 13 1 1 13 1 1 ll 1 6 — — 82.0 83.3 82.2 The differences are small, yet the conditions are similar to those we found for stature. There is a certain amount of overlapping, yet the overlapping is by the Pagan groups. This may seem an arbitrary statement of the case, yet a comparison of the data on stature and the cephalic index seems to warrant this interpretation. The Christian peoples are less variable in both of these characters. Below is the seriation of the cephalic index among the various Christian groups: — Cephalic Index 80 Tagalog 1 Caga¬ yan Pan- gasinan Pam¬ panga 81 3 2 1 82 4 83 6 84 4 1 85 2 86 Averages : 83 81 84 81 Bisaya Iloko Bikol Sambal Total 1 1 7 2 6 3 1 10 1 4 1 ll 3 2 1 • 8 4 1 5 84.4 84.5 83.2 83 83.5 Among the Christians, the Cagayan and the Pampanga have the longest and the Bisaya and the Iloko the shortest heads. Again, there is a fairly large difference between the average of the Tagalog and the Bisaya. In this character we have one of the principal objections to the explana¬ tion advanced by Barrows 1 to account for certain wild tribes, the Kankanai, Nabaloi, Ifugao, Ilongot, etc., as being a mixture of Malay and Negrito elements. The head of the wild tribes is almost invariably longer than the head of the Christian Malay and the Negrito of the same region. Of the i Barrows, (b). 36 Anthropological Papers American Museum of Natural History. [Vol. XXIII, sixty Negrito crania described by Koeze,1 90 percent are brachycephalic. It is difficult to understand how a cross between two short-headed groups would result in a long head. Of the several groups proposed by Barrows, the Ilongot are the only ones whose characters would, in any measure, justify this assumption. In the one instance where we have definite data on the intermixture of Negrito and Bisavan, the Negrito-metis of Montano, the cephalic index is very high, 86.0. NASAL INDEX. There are several serious objections to the nasal index as an expression of the proportions of the nose. In the first place, the measurements of both dimensions are very small and any error of observation seriously affects the average. Also, there is apparently no uniformity on the part of different observers in determining the upper limits of the nose. The point corresponding to the nasion is very vaguely defined and hard to find in some instances. The width of the nose is taken at the widest point on the alae by some observers and at the point where the nose joins the face by others. It will be readily seen that very slight differences in technique would appreciably affect the results. Consequently, we can make only a very general comparison of this character. A case in question is at hand. Groups of individual, described as Bontok Igorot, have been measured by Jenks, Bean, and Kroeber. Bean records an average nasal index of 97.6, Kroeber one of 99.8, and Jenks an average of 79.2. It is very difficult to determine how much of the difference is in the individual measured and how much in the technique. It may be partly both. Barrows 2 quotes Topinard to the effect that the nasal index is: — .. . perhaps the most exact character for classifying raees, all white races being lepto- rhinian, the yellow mesorhinian, and the black or negro races platyrhinian. Indeed, the presence of a markedly platyrhinian type of nose may almost be taken as clear proof of negro derivation. In a loose sense, this is undoubtedly true, but we can by no means accept it as a law. It assumes the whole question at issue. The question as to whether or not the broad nose is necessarily always a Negroid characteristic is one of the big stumbling blocks in a universally satisfactory classification of the Australian natives and some of the inhabitants of southern Asia. At present, it is better to regard the nasal index, together with other anthro¬ pometric characters, as descriptive data, and decide racial affinities on a totality of the characters recorded. i Koeze. 2 Barrows, (b), 360. OBSERVERS (F)-Folkmar (S) -Bean (Ba)- Barrows (Ch)-Christie (K)-Kroeber (J)-Jenks (M)-Montano (R)-Reed CD -O cy¬ cl. ra E ? (D t Q.™ H- E O TO 1A « li- >>-' (0 3 u) n tn,¥ 9 o O (0 (D Dl Ol m (0 <o (0 Ol 01 m W * >> S’ CD *; ra St > _ ra o .<2 i: CO O CO W _ E — O W 8z CD w o n £ < « o - E CD a W) <0 C <0 fc CO OT 2 >» o m id w oi co ^ ra (C c Ol 3 m cu aS as — S’c .*> as w — m ° dic: ■O S. O o C -d o c as w m Ol — o « r—^ D C CD o m — XI E <0 W d _ra E S as -® CO E m h s m _co Ol w o as as c Ol 3 as oi 1— as r ^ ™ O < S k A 's? 's 7 S 7 's o5 JO — O o oi ns as > CO ns D -2 ns — Era 'S E — ns CO A\^25.£ Mesorhine NASAL INDEX Philippine Islands legend: C 7 ^ ^ 7. Christian Pagan Mohammedan Negrito ra Sr ra ,y </> Q. CD ra o >-<> 2 > ^—sr-^i E- o c 2 « oi ^Zk.^IL. A ~*7~ ot S ns o- H £ T—1 "ra ro 03 ? O XI O) ns — ra — a ‘V CO k A r~ r—'wr—i yen ra — m O as ns (D ra a sj 5 o c 5 ra £ 2ra a Jk ik ^ eS o > r—^ "ro 5 S If O) > (D ra (D CL k A mr— CD (D n S ra § ^c3 k it xk O) (D a> co Z * o£ ra o ■o '5 ra oi 2 ra CO k j r—^ ra $ Z ra Tr' 03 o p—^ C 2 as — oi o o tr ra cd D) £ P CD O CD (D CT Z CT CD O JD Z E Chamaerhine • Hyperchamaerhine- Fig. 3. The Nasal Index in the Philippine Islands. 1918.] Sullivan, Philippine Racial Types. 37 Again in Fig. 3,1 have placed each group above the numbers expressing the nasal index of that group. This presents also an asymmetrical curve. Even after removing the Negrito, the mode, (81-84), is far removed from the median (90). There is a minor mode at 93. The range of the entire group for this character is 34. Below we have summarized the seriation in groups of 5. Nasal Index Christian Pagan Mohammedan Negrito Total 70-74 3 3 75-79 10 4 14 80-84 29 0 4 33 85-89 6 5 3 14 90-94 8 2 10 95-99 3 2 5 100-104 3 1 1 5 105-109 1 1 Averages: 81.0 90.5 86.0 98 85 Again, we find the Christian groups clustering about one side of the curve confined to less than half the range for the entire groups. Each of the major groups presents a fairly definite curve. The Christians present an average of 81.0, the Pagans an average of 90.5, and the Negrito an average of 98.0. The Mohammedans present an average of 86.0, slightly above the average for the entire group and intermediate between the Christians and Pagans. The range of this index among the Christian groups is best shown by the following seriation: — Nasal Caga¬ Pan- Pam- Index Tagalog yan gasinan pangan Bisaya Iloko Bikol Sambal Total 73 2 2 74 1 1 75 1 1 76 1 1 2 77 1 1 78 1 1 2 79 1 1 1 1 4 80 4 1 1 1 7 81 2 1 2 5 82 2 2 1 1 6 83 5 2 7 84 1 2 1 4 85 2 1 3 86 2 2 87 0 88 1 1 Averages: 81.8 80.0 74.0 76.0 81.6 80.0 83.5 80.0 81.0 38 Anthropological Papers American Museum of Natural History. [Vol. XXIII, On the whole, there is more or less uniformity in the nasal index among the Christian groups. The average for the greater number of the groups deviates only slightly from the average for the entire group. The Pan- gasinan and Pampangan diverge most and have the smallest nasal index. BODY WEIGHT AND INDEX OF ARM REACH. The data furnished by Folkmar 1 on weight are the more interesting because this character is so rarely reported on. His observation were mainly on the Christian groups. Groups Average Stature Average Weight (3)2 Bikol 158 #6 54.4 (12) Bisaya 159.0 52.0 (7) Tagalog 160.0 53.0 (5) Iloko 160.0 52.9 (D Sambal 161.0 54.9 (2) Cagayan 161.5 55.9 (D. Pampangan 162.0 53.6 (D Pangasinan 163.0 52.9 In general, the taller groups are heavier. There are a few exceptions in instances where only one provincial group is reported on. Stature and body weight are seriated below. Kilograms No. of Cases. Centiraeters No. of Case? 48 2 155 1 49 1 156 1 50 1 157 0 51 2 158 5 52 8 159 9 53 7 160 5 54 3 161 6 55 2 162 2 56 3 163 1 57 2 164 1 58 • 0 165 0 59 1 166 1 Average: 53 kg. Average: 160 cm. 1 Folkmar. 2 Numbers in ( ) refer to number of provincial groups included. 1918.] Sullivan, Philippine Racial Ty pes. 39 Considered as one group they are slightly lighter than certain other groups of similar stature for whom we have data. Stature Weight Observer Trumai (S. A. Indian) 160 58.2 Ranke Polish Jews 161 55.0 Elkind Sundanese 159 51.5 Kohlbrugge Anamite 159 51.3 Bonifacy It is questionable in how far this character is comparable, since Folkmar’s subject s were conviets. Barrows1 has placed emphasis on the value of the arm reach index in determining racial affinities. Speaking of the Negrito he says: — In every individual the extreme reach of the arms (Grande envergure) exceeded the stature. In men the excess varied from 30 mm. to 139 mm. and in the women from 23 mm. to 102 mm. This measurement shows the Negritos to have unusually long arms. In yellow races the arm-reach is about equal to the stature and in the white race it is usually a little above. I think we may take this excessive reach of arms to be a truly Negrito character. This generalization is then used to support his explanation of the origin of the Nabaloi, Kankanai, Ifugao, and Ilongot. But this statement holds true only as a broad generalization. Excessive reach of arms as expressed by the index of arm reach does not necessarily express long arms. In some instances, it rather expresses wide shoulders. Barrows’s argument may be met in two ways; first, by showing that racial types unquestionably non- negroid have a very high index of arm reach and secondly, by showing that certain of these pagap tribes showing other “ Negrito-like characters” do not have a high index of arm reach. The range of the average of this index is approximately from 99 to 109. The following partial list taken from Martin 2 will give some idea of its value as a test for Negroid intermixture. Belgians 104.8 Trumai (Indian) 105.3 French 106.0 Aueto (Indian) 106.1 Bella Coola (Indian) 106.2 Lithuanians 106.6 Esths 108.0 Examination of the more complete table shows many more divergent cases. If we note the range of this index, as calculated from the average stature 1 Barrows, (b), 359. 2 Martin, (b). 40 Anthropological Papers American Museum of Natural History. [Vol. XXIII, and average arm reach recorded by Folkmar for the Christian groups, we see that it represents nearly the whole range of the index. In the majority of instances, the arm reach is considerably greater than stature. On the other hand, the eighteen male Bontok Igorot measured by Kroeber1 have an average arm reach index of 101.6, yet their nasal index, 99.8, is decidedly “Negroid”. In the measurements recorded by Barrows the average index of arm reach would approximate very closely 103. CORRELATIONS. We have seen in the preceding tables (Figs. 1, 2, 3) that the respective curves for stature, proportions of the head, and proportions of the nose were asymmetrical. The Christian groups constituted the main curves and various other groups tended to cluster at the extremities. It now remains to determine whether or not these minor curves were made up of the same groups in each instance or, in other words, to determine whether a given group varied appreciably from the mean in one character or in several characters. In Fig. 4 we have the correlation of the cephalic and nasal indices. If we bisect the correlation graph horizontally and vertically by a dotted line, we have four minor graphs representing equal portions of the range of these two indices. Section A would contain all groups with a nasal index above 90 and a cephalic index below 82; Section B would contain all groups with a corresponding range of nasal index and a cephalic index above 80; Section C would contain all groups with a nasal index below 91 and a cephalic index below 82; and in Section D we have all groups with a cephalic index of 81 and above, and a nasal index below 91. A glance at the graph (Fig. 4) shows us that all the Christian groups except number 31 (Tagalog of Cainta, Rizal) are within Section D as are also all the Mohammedan groups, except number 72. All of the Negrito groups are in Section B. In Section A, with the exception of number 72 (Kalagan) we have only Pagan groups. Near the border lines of Section A, we have six other Pagan groups, 63, 52, 60, 65, 68, and 54. Of the other Pagan groups number 51 (the Bontok of Bontok — Jenks) is isolated and numbers 69, 64, and 71 (the Bagobo, the Subanun, and Ata) stand interspersed among the Christian groups. In Section C, all of the groups are near the borders of Sections A and D except * Kroeber. 1918.] Sullivan, Philippine Racial Types. 41 number 51, the Bontok of Jenks. The variability of the Christian groups covers nearly the entire range of Section D. Of those Christian groups for which we have measurements from several provinces, there is no tendency for one group to segregate in any one part of the section. The various groups overlap. Another point of interest is that besides a few Pagan groups which stand intermediate between the Negrito and Christians in these two 108 107 106 A i r i ! /6h B 105 104 103 i i i 1 102 101 100 H ra 72; Ml —j— 1 i 1 99 98 97 US —) 1 JA 96 95 94 12 12 Ml 1 I m\ /&£\ A 93 92 . JJ _ 90 89 88 m M c ID, 1 HSlj W\ 1 ! 17 m m mi D A 87 86 85 ■ i i i i £3 35 ^ 32 & (591 39 36 16 84 83 82 31 [28 ,,i® 24 33 40 i® 21 23 27 45 19 4 6 18 38 47 48 44 81 80 79 m IP 82 i9 30 @ 26 12 14 43 13 29 15 44 46 34 42 3 78 77 76 i i !n ED 20 25 7 5 75 74 73 137 1 1 EB 10 I 2 0 76 77 78 79 80 8|l . i . 82 83 84 85 86 Fig. 4. Correlation of the Cephalic and Nasal Indices. characters, there is another cluster of twelve or more groups in Section A wThich stand distinctly apart from both of these. The relationship of the various groups may be shown by means of another diagram. We have data on stature, cephalic index, and nasal index for nearly every group. If we draw three lines of equal length representing 42 Anthropological Papers American Museum of Natural History. [Vol. XXIII, the range of these three characters, calibrate them at convenient intervals representing specific units of these measurements arid indices, and place the ends in juxtaposition, we have a triangular correlation graph similar in principle to the rectangular graph used by Thompson 1 for craniometrical observations. When we connect the points on the three lines representing the stature, cephalic index, and nasal index of a given group, we obtain a second triangle within the first. Variability of the indices and measure¬ ments produce marked changes in the size, proportions of the sides, and orientation of the inner triangles. Fig. 5 shows the form of triangle pre- sented by several racial types. In Fig. 6 we have represented, by means of similar graphs, stature, cephalic index, and nasal index for all those Philippine groups on which we have measurements. This enables us to review the entire data at a glance. The numbers and symbols correspond to those used elsewhere in the text. The first forty-eight triangles representing the Christian population are very similar. The base is towards the top and the sides tend to be equal. But numbers 49 to 58 representing the Pagan groups of Luzon present an entirely different form with a different orientation. Again, number 51 (Bontok of Jenks) is entirely different and numbers 59 and 60 (the Ilongot) present an intermediate form. Numbers 61, 62, and 63 approach the form presented by Numbers 49 to 58; number 64 is similar to the first group; numbers 65 to 70 are similar to numbers 49 to 58; numbers 71 and 73 to 79 are like the first group; while number 72 resembles numbers 49 to 58. Numbers 80 to 85, representing the Negrito, present a distinctive form of triangle. The triangle is much larger than those representing any of the other groups. Roughly then, we have three forms of triangles. The similarities may be summarized as follows: — Type I Nos. 1 to 48 “ 64 « 71 “ 73 to 79 Type II Nos. 49 to 58 “ 61 to 63 “ 65 to 70 “ 59 to 60? Type III Nos. 80 to 85. Total number 57 of groups 20 6 i Thompson. STATURE NEGRO (Africa) STATURE AUSTRALIAN STATURE AINU (JAPAN) STATURE POLYNESIAN CTahiti) NEGRITO (ANDAMANESE IS) STATURE BONTOK (Philippine is) STATURE TAGALOG (Philippine Is) STATURE PANGASfNAN (Philippine Is.) 148 158 168 178 STATURE NEGRITO (phiupp/ne IS.) Pig. 5. Graphic Correlation of Stature, Cephalic and Nasal Indices of Miscellaneous Types. 1918.] Sullivan, Philippine Racial Types. 43 GENERAL DISCUSSION. Our eonclusions should not be confused with our method. Throughout our review we have grouped the population of the Philippines into four groups: Christian, Pagan, Mohammedan, and Negrito, without any con¬ sideration of racial affinities, except in the case of the Negrito. Our pur¬ pose was twofold: in the first place, it afforded a convenient method of dealing rapidly with a fairly large series of observations, and in the second, it served as a basis for subdividing the population in our test for homogeneity or heterogeneity of racial type. We did not expect to find that there was any real correlation between Christianity, Mohammedanism, or Paganism and racial type. Assuming, however, that there were several racial types on the Archipelago, we should not expect to find them equally distributed among the three religious, or cultural groups. We would expect a certain association between physical types and culture groups to the extent that one group might contain a greater number of individual representing one physical type and a lesser number of another. But so far as method is concerned, we might obtain similar results by geographical subdivision. If, on the other hand, there was a homogeneity of racial types on the Islands, our subdivision should have shown very similar averages for stature, head form, and nose form. Ali our eonclusions will be drawn directly from the data reviewed, and consequently will be far from conclusive. On several groups we have no observations and on many the observations are meager. More extended studies on several groups would, probably, considerably alter our conclu¬ sion. Then, too, we are dealing wholly with averages. The final con¬ clusion on racial affinities in the Philippines must be based on more detailed and extensive studies. Finally, our characterization of racial types will de- fine these types as they were at the time the observations were made with no speculation as to their original characteristics. The data at hand would seem to indicate that the bulk of the population of the Philippine Islands may be included in three racial types each of which presents certain distinctive characteristics. These types may be char- acterized as follows: — I. Malay. Affinities: distinctly Mongoloid. Hair: straight black. Skin: varying shades of brown. 44 Anthropological Papers American Museum of Natural History. [Vol. XXIII, II. III. Eyes: dark brown; Mongoloid fold common. Head: very short; cephalic index 81 and above. Nose: relatively narrow; nasal index below 88. Stature: tallest groups on the islands; average about 160 cm. Represented by:— Iloko Pangasinan Tagalog Bikol Bisaya Sambal Pampanga Cagayan Subanun Ata Isamal Moro of Davao Moro of Cotabato Moro of Zamboanga Moro of Basilan Island Moro and Sulu of Jolo Island Bagobo? Indonesian. Affinities: less Mongoloid than the Malay type. Hair: straight and wavy black or dark brown. Skin: varying shades of brown. Eyes: dark brown, Mongoloid fold less common than among Malay. Head: longest on islands; cephalic index mostly below 82. Nose: short and wide; nasal index above 87. Stature: short, but taller than Negrito; average about 156 cm. Represented by:—• Bontok (Igorot) Kankanai (Igorot) Nabaloi (Igorot) Ifugao Manobo Bilaan Tagbanua Kalagan Mandaya Katabangan Kulaman? Ilongot? Bagobo? Negrito. Affinities: Negroid. Hair: woolly, kinky, black. Skin: very dark brown. Eyes: dark brown, wide open. Head: short; cephalic index above 81. Nose: short, low and wide; nasal index above 93. Stature: very short; average 150 cm. Represented by:— Negrito of Zambales. Negrito of Bataan. Negrito (Batak) of Palawan. Negrito (Mamanua) of Surigao. The nature of the data do not warrant further subdivision into local groups. Future research may indeed alter the above scheme somewhat, yet it does not seem likely that it will alter the fact that, apart from the Negrito and Malay types, we have still a third type which we have chosen 1918.] Sullivan, Philippine Racial Ty pes. 45 to call Indonesian. The name Indonesian has been retained, although our definition of the type and classification of groups does not correspond to that of Montano,1 Deniker2 or Keane,3 differing from each in several details. It might also be added that the three authors quoted above are not in agree¬ ment, one with the others. It remains then to determine whether or not we are justified in regarding these groups as distinct racial types. The first and third types as defined need no justification. All observers are agreed that we have, in the Philip¬ pines, a group which we have called Malay although some prefer to call it “ Malayan ” or “ Proto-Malay.” These two latter names have been avoided for the reason that they are frequently used to designate an earlier Malay or Mongoloid element and also at times as synonyms of Indonesian. For the present, it seems best to use a non-committal name. All anthropologists are also agreed on the presence of a distinct Negrito type. The second type, or Indonesian, alone needs explanation. It has been suggested that it may represent a very thoroughly fused Negrito and Malay stock. It differs from the Malay in having a longer head, slightly wavy hair, less Mongoloid eyes and in being shorter in stature. On the other hand it is taller than the Negrito, has a longer head, the hair is not woolly or kinky. However, it should be mentioned here that one of Martin’s4 most important conclusions in his recent survey of the whole Malay problem is that the Semang (Negrito) is differentiated from the Sakai by characters of hair alone and not by cranial proportions or skin color. But,5 even if we were to interpret this to mean that there was a possibility of the Sakai representing a type intermediate between the Malay and the Semang, it would not help us to solve the Philippine problem as such. The Negrito of the Philippines do differ from the Indonesians in head form as well as in hair form and stature. Again we have no certain evidence for a thorough fusion of types. In the light of our present knowledge of heredity, there are no grounds for assuming that two racial types would ever become completely fused in the sense of forming a new race. It most certainly is a possibility, but at the present time cannot be regarded as a probability. The population of the various groups has been recorded in some detail. It would seem that the relative size of two groups would be a rather im¬ portant consideration in discussing the probable effect of one group on * Montano. 2 Deniker. 3 Keane, (a), (b). 4 Martin, (a). 6 As suggested by Barrows, (b). 46 Anthropological Papers American Museum of Natural History, [Yol. XXIII, another. We have seen that the Malay type made up the greater part of the population, about nine-tenths of the total. Next in order of size, we have the Indonesian and lastly, the Negrito. The Negrito are almost a negligible quantity. The census actually reeords nearly twice as many foreign-born Chinese as Negrito. Of course, one cannot judge the past by the present, yet it seems fair to assume that for some few eenturies, at least, some such relative ratio has held between the various groups. On the basis of numbers alone we should be justified in assuming that the Chinese and other foreign-born had exerted as much influence on the Malay and In¬ donesian ty pes within recent times as did the Negrito. Again, on the basis of numbers alone, we should expect the Malay and Indonesian types to produce more effect on the Negrito than the reverse. Again, this statement may seem to contradict itself, yet such an interpretation seems justifiable. In the United States we have the various European racial types as well as the Negroes and Indians. The two latter types are in the minority. It is probably safe to say that the European types have affected the Negro and Indian types to a greater degree than have these latter the European types. This introduces another factor which should be considered in stating the effect of one racial type or even local type upon another. There are usually certain prejudices or social barriers which interfere with, even if they do not wholly prevent, equal reciprocity in such matters. Such factors do not necessarily prevent intermarriage, but usually result in those intermarrying living more often among one group than the other. Naturally, the results of such a practice would be to produce a greater apparent change of type in the first group. No implication of anything of the sort is revealed in the writings on the Philippines. Very frequently references are made to Negrito living among the Malay and Indonesian peoples. Yet, they are always overwhelmingly in the minority. That the Negrito, as well as the Chinese, have had a marked effect on the popula¬ tion of the Philippines, especially in some localities, no one would doubt, but at the present it seems extremely doubtful that they can be used as an explanation of the racial diversity of many groups. The conclusive solution of this problem cannot be obtained from mere averages. It would necessi- tate a very thorough study of the suspected groups and involve a correlation of the various characters. Another possibility is that the Indonesian type might represent a local type separated from the Malay stock on the spot. This also may be re- garded as within the range of possibility. Yet it hardly seems necessary to postulate such an hypothesis when we have a similar type occurring nearby. Let us now consider the distribution of types in other parts of the Malay Archipelago. 1918.] Sullivan, Philippine Racial Types. 47 Related Types in Malaysia. It is not our purpose to review in detail the anthropometric data for the en¬ tire Malaysian Archipelago. In fact, so far as the present data permit, this has already been done by specialists in the several separate parts of the region. We shall simply summarize the conclusions of the later contributors and pre¬ sent some comparative data in an endeavor to show the racial affinities of the inhabitants of the Philippines. Borneo. Considering the data in geographical order we turn first to Borneo. In a brief note in “The Pagan Tribes of Borneo,” A. C. Haddon1 has very conveniently summarized the results of the anthropometric observation of the Cambridge Expedition to Sarawak and those of A. W. Niewenhuis in Netherlands Borneo. Dr. Haddon finds evidence of a short-headed group which he prefers to call Proto-Malayan in origin and a long-headed group which he terms Indonesian in origin. Hose and McDougall2 have con- tributed a wealth of valuable material and Dr. Hose has made a detailed classification of the peoples of Sarawak. In the same year Garrett3 con- tributed some valuable data on the peoples of Borneo and Java. Below is a summary of the same characters which we employed in reviewing the peoples of the Philippines. The hair is black or very dark brown in color. The skin and eyes are varying shades of brown. Only the averages of the men are given. Borneo. No. of Cephalic Nasal Cases > Group Hair Skin 2 Eyes 3 Stature Index Index 6 Orang Balik Papan4 straight 4-5-6 2-3 1535 83.5 87.6 6 Orang Bulongan 4 straight ornvavy 4-5-6 2-3 1577 86.1 84.5 7 Milanau 5 (8) « 6-14-12 Mongol fold present 1562 84.2 83.0 14 Sibuyan5 “ — — 1543 83.1 81.8 5 Sabop5 12-17 — 1540 75.3 83.3 42 Land Dayak (Klementan 5) « 25 1577 78.4 86.3 8 Long Iviput5 a 14-12-17 trace of fold 1565 80.6 92.5 1 Haddon. 2 Hose and McDougall. 3 Garrett. 4 Garrett. 6 Hose and McDougall. 6 Head deformation noted. 7 Numbers refer to von Luschan’s standard color scale. 3 Numbers refer to Martin’s standards. 48 Anthropological Papers American Museum of Natural Hisiory. [Vol. XXIII, No. of Cases Group 8 Long Pokun 3 10 Lerong3 33 Banjerese4 19 Punan3^ 56 Iban (Sea Dayaks)3 26 Kenyah3 Hair straight or wavy u (i a u Skin 1 Eyes 2 12-17 trace of fold 12-14-6 4-5-6 2-3 14-12-17 slightly oblique 6-14-17 fold in 20% 6-16-14 trace of fold Cephalic Nasal Stature Index Index 1590 76.9 88.2 1520 78.5 86. 1569 81.5 88. 1550 80.9 88.1 1585 83.0 93.9 1608 79.9 92.7 43 Kayan3 26 Ulu A}rars (Dayaks): 14 Punan3 7 Maloh3 12 Barawan3 16 Malang3 21 Kayan3 4 Murut3 7 Kalabit3 “ brown “ light brown « « wavy 17 straight 14-12-17 or wavy wavy 12-14-17 « 14-17 “ 12-14 a 12-14 no fold 1570 81.1 — 1551 74.7 — 1569 81.3 — — 1585 76.8 97.4 trace of 1540 77.8 89.1 fold dark 1535 76.9 88.2 brown “ 1550 79.8 91.6 « 1590 77.5 99.0 “ 1565 78.5 91.5 Again, for purposes of analysis, let us treat the groups as individuals and seriate the results on stature, the cephalic index, and the nasal index. Stature Groups Cephalic Groups Nasal Groups Index Index 152 cm. 1 75 2 82 1 153 0 76 0 83 2 154 5 77 4 84 1 155 3 78 4 85 0 156 3 79 1 86 2 157 3 80 2 87 0 158 3 81 4 88 5 159 3 82 1 89 1 160 0 83 2 90 0 161 1 84 2 91 0 85 0 92 3 86 1 93 1 94 1 95 0 96 0 97 1 98 0 99 1 1 Numbers refer to von Luschan’s standard color scale. 2 Numbers refer to Martin’s standards. 3 Hose and McDougall. 4 Garrett. 6 Head deformation noted. O Crt 1918.] Sullivan, Philippine Racial Types. 49 The groups represented are all of short stature, longer headed in the main than the inhabitants of the Philippines and there is a tendency for the nasal index to be high. Diligent search has revealed no Negrito element in Borneo. There are said to be great numbers of people from China and India and other parts of the mainland as well as from the rest of the Archi¬ pelago. According to the above table, we have again a long head corre- lated with a broad nose and short stature. There are also combinations of short and long heads with a lower nasal index. Celebes Islands. Our knowledge of the natives of Celebes is based chiefly on the researches of Fritz and Paul Sarasin.1 Garrett’s 2 observations include a few Bugi while Ten Kate3 has published on the Bugi and Macassar. Some of the measurements are listed below:— No. of Cases Group Hair Skin Eyes Stature Cephalic Index Nasal Index 24 Bugi and Macassar4 straight wavy 30-44 Broca 1623 82.1 85.97 6 Bugi5 straight wavy 4-5-6 2-3 1544 83.4 87.5 9 Bugi6 — — 1568 87.0 86.0 12 Macassar6 — — — 1615 86.2 84.4 12 Toala4 curly 29-30 Broca 1575 80.4 99.57 5 Tomuna (Muna)4 curly u 1576 84.5 102.47 ll Tokea4 curly h 1570 83.2 99.87 10 Toradja4 straight wavy a 1598 81.3 97.87 6 Tomekongka4 straight wavy 30-34 Broca 1569 81.8 90.07 As a whole, the groups are slightly taller than those of Borneo. Sarasin8 distinguished three types: a Toala type including the Toala, the Tokea, and the Tomuna; a Toradja type including the Toradja, the Bugi, the Macassar, and the Tomekanga; and the Minahasser. In the Toala group 1 Sarasins. 2 Garrett. 3 Ten Kate, (a). 4 Sarasins. 6 Garrett. • Ten Kate, (a). 7 Sarasins calculated the nasal index from photographs. 8 Sarasins. 50 Anthropological Papers American Museum of Natural History. [Yol. XXIII, it seems we have a type different from any so far described and resembling the Sakai or Senoi and certain other types which we shall discuss later. This group is distinguished chiefly by the predominance of wavy or curly hair. The following types of hair form are quoted from Sarasin 1:— Flachwelliges Low waves 3.7% Hochwelliges Deep waves 70.4% Engwellig-lockiges Closely curled 25.9% All of the other peoples have straight or slightly wavy hair. Yet, even among the straight-haired groups, we have the tendency towards a long head and a broad nose. The Bugi and Macassar have the shortest heads, narrowest noses, and higher stature. The group with curly hair will be referred to again. It should be stated here that no Negrito or Papuan groups have been encountered on Celebes. Java. In Java we shall present only the observations of Hagen,2 Kohlbrugge,3 and Garrett4 which may be taken as representative. No. of Cases Group Hair Skin Eyes Stature Cephalic Index Nasal Index 17 Javanese4 straight 4-5 2-3 1570 85.0 85.7 56 Javanese2 u 21 Broca Mongol fold 52% 1617 84.4 83.0 37 Sundanese 4 u 4-5-6 2-3-4 1591 85.5 86.9 17 Sundanese 2 u 21 Broca Mongol fold 53% 1588 86.5 81.8 105 Tenggerese 3 wavy 32-33 Broca — 1600 79.7 100.4 10 Madurese (Madura2) straight 21 Broca Mongol fold 33% 1581 85.0 77.0 7 Batavian Malay4 « 4-5 3 1634 85.5 86.2 The stature is still low, yet, as a whole, the groups are slightly taller than the groups of Borneo and more like those of Celebes. We are also struck by the decided short-headedness of nearly every group. On the whole, the nasal index is also much lower. Yet, there is one exception — the Tenggerese mountaineers exhibit a longer head and a short broad nose. The hair also is wavy. In stature they are nearly as great as the other groups. 1 Sarasins. 2 Hagen, (b). 3 Kohlbrugge. 4 Garrett. 1918.] Sullivan, Philippine Racial Ty pes. 51 Here we may also mention a recent publication of Kleiweg de Zwaan1 on the inhabitants of the Island of Nias near Sumatra. Some 1300 indi- viduals were studied and measured. The mean stature was approximately 154.7, cephalic index 80.7, and nasal index 78.0. In an analysis and cor¬ relation of the measurements, it was found that the shorter individuals had lower cephalic indices and higher nasal indices. This is not the natural correlation we should expect according to our knowledge of growth. It is to be hoped that more extensive studies of this nature will be made in other parts of the Archipelago. Sumatra. Again, in Sumatra, Hagen2 has contributed the greater part of the available data. His observations follow:—■ No. of Group Hair Skin Eyes Stature Cephalic Nasal Gases Index Index 40 Batak2 straight 21 Broca Mongol 1599 80.3 88.5 wavy fold 43% 23 Delimalayan 3 straight 21 Broca Mongol fold 80% 1622 82.3 81.0 18 Menangkabau 2 a a Mongol fold 43% 1599 80.1 81.0 20 Orang Kubu 3 1587 78.5 89.0 The Batak and Orang Kubu have the higher nasal indices and longer heads. Hagen3 distinguished two ty pes among each of these groups, a long-headed group and a short-headed group. Malay Peninsula. In the Malay Peninsula we have had a score of workers. Of these we shall consider only the more recent contributions by Annandale and Robin¬ son,4 Skeat,5 Duckworth,6 Martin,7 and Skeat and Blagden.8 These works furnish an extensive bibliography and discussion of the whole Malay prob¬ lem. Racial affinities in Malay have been rather obscure and may still be con- 1 Kleiweg de Zwaan. 2 Hagen, (b). 3 Hagen, (c). 4 Annandale and Robinson. 6 Skeat. 9 Duckworth, (a). 1 Martin, (a). • Skeat and Blagden. 52 Anthropological Papers American Museum of Natural History. [Vol. XXIII, (Mixed race with primitive sidered uncertain, but the recent works of Martin and Skeat have thrown considerable light on the matter. Martin’s conclusions may be summarized in the following classification. I.Ulotrichi, or Woolly-haired group. 1. Semang (Mendi or Menik) in the west of northern Perak and in Kedah. 2. Pangan in the east of Kelantan and Patani. II.Cymotrichi, or Wavy-haired group. Senoi (or Sakai) in southern and eastern Perak and in northwestern Pahang. III.Lissotrichi, or Smooth-haired group. Malay base.) Blandas 1 . , ~ . Besisi m sou^ern Selangor. Mantra in Rembau and Malacca. Jakun in Johore. Skeat’s 1 conclusions, based upon his own observations and to some extent on the conclusions of Martin, are very similar. His classification is more committal on the third group, which he calls the Jakun group, and subdivides as follows:— 1. Tribes of Semang origin: Kenaboi? and Udai? 2. Tribes of Sakai origin: Blandas and Berembuns? 3. Jakun or Malayan aborigines: (a) Orang Bukit (Land or Hill Jakun) (b) Orang Laut (Sea Jakun) Data from representative tribes are presented approximately in the same order as the above classification presents these tribes:— 1. 2. 3. 4. Malay No. of Cases Tribes Hair 5 Semang (Perak)2 woolly 20 Semang (Perak)3 « 9 Sakai (Jehehr) 3 wavy or eurly 10 Sakai (Po-Klo)3 a 18 Senoi I (S. W. Perak)2 wavy 7 Senoi II (Tapah)2 « Peninsula. Skin Stature Cephalic Index Nasal Index 28-29-43 1549 77.9 83.5 Broca — 1520 77.9 97.0 1542 77.6 95.4 1545 78.1 95.7 28-29-43 1547 80.0 85.8 27-22 Broca u 1495 76.4 84.7 * Skeat. 2 Martin, (a). 3 Annandale and Robinson. 1918.] Sullivan, Philippine Racial Types. 53 No. of Cases Tribes Hair Skin Stature Cephalic Index Nasal Index 9 Senoi III (West Perak)1 wavy 1548 77.2 85.2 6 Eastern Senoi1 u Broca 1543 77.6 83.3 34 Sakai (Mai Darat)2 (( — 1565 79.5 88.0 13 Orang Belanus 3 straight or wavy — 1562 77.7 81.5 8 Mantra (Negri Sembilan)1 « « 1485 78.8 76.8 10 Blandas (Selangor)1 a u 1543 77.1 76.6 14 Besisi1 a u 1533 82.4 78.9 15 Orang Laut Islam 2 straight yellowish brown 1602 83.7 86.9 36 Malay (South Perak)2 u u 1594 82.3 80.9 135 Malay (East Coast)2 u « 1597 82.7 82.6 The Semang is a pygmy negroid type usually classified with the Negrito of the Philippines and the inhabitants of the Andaman Islands. The head of the Semang is slightly longer than that of the other two groups mentioned. Apart from the Negrito, Martin has established as a separate type the wavy or eurly-haired Senoi or Sakai. A comparison of the measurements of Martin and Annandale and Robinson suggests that there is a difference in the technique in the nasal measurements. The Sakai of Annandale have long heads and a short broad nose. The Senoi of Martin have a long head and a slightly narrower nose. Martin sees in them certain resemblances to the Yeddah of Ceylon and the Toala of the Celebes. Skeat has suggested the following tentative classification:— I.Negrito: Andamanese Philippine Negrito Semang or Pangan African Pygmy II.Dravido-Australian: Vedda of Ceylon Tamil Australian4 Sakai or Senoi III.Malayan: Jakun Malay 1 Martin, (a). 2 Annandale and Robinson. 3 Knocker. 4 This assumes the Australian Blacks to be non-homogeneous and refers to the Dravidian type. 54 Anthropological Paper s American Museum of Natural History. [Vol. XXIII, These eonclusions complieate matters somewhat. They raise the ques¬ tion as to whether or not we are dealing with four, rather than three, types. Are the Sakai or Senoi and related groups — the Vedda, Toala, and Aus¬ tralian— the same as the type which we have regarded as Indonesian? It seems doubtful, at least it is difficult to read Vedda, Tamil, or Australian affinities into the Bontok, Kankanai, Nabaloi and other Philippine tribes which we have called Indonesian. Martin, Sarasin, and others prefer to refer to this group as a pre-Dravidian type and regard them as the true aborigines of the Archipelago. In summarizing the findings of somatological investigations in Malaysia the following facts should be borne in mind and the eonclusions weighted accordingly. While we have data on a great number of widely distributed tribes there are many less accessible tribes that have not yet been studied. In the great major i ty of instances we have observation on only a very small number of individual from each tribe. In even a greater number of cases, we have only averages recorded. Differenees in technique may lead to a faulty interpretation in specific cases. Yet the nature of the data, as a whole, permits of some tentative eonclusions which, perhaps, should be regarded as propositions awaiting confirmation or the reverse. SUMMARY. Turning first to the Philippines we found that aside from the possible influence of Chinese, Japanese, European, and other foreign elements, there was evidence for the existence of three fairly distinct racial types: Negrito, Indonesian, and Malay. The Negrito type we found again in the Malay Peninsula and in the Andamanese Islands. The two non-negroid types, Indonesian and Malay, we found in Borneo, Celebes, Java, Sumatra, and possibly in the Malay Peninsula. Besides these three types, there was found evidence of another type in the Sakai or Senoi of the Malay Peninsula and in the Toala of Celebes. This last type is regarded by investigators, who have studied them on the peninsula, as the true aboriginal inhabitants of the Archipelago. The data so far as published do not reveal the presence of this pre-Dravidian type in the Philippines, at least in any significant numbers or as a distinct group. Racial affinities in the Malay Archipelago may be summarized in the following order. As a basis we have a pre-Dravidian element in the Sakai, Senoi, Toala, Vedda of . Ceylon and Tamil; second, a scattered Negrito 1918.] Sullivan, Philippine Racial Ty pes. oo group in the Negrito of the Philippines, Semang and Pangan of the Malay Peninsula, and the Andamanese Negrito; third, an Indonesian type repre- sented by the Bontok, Nabaloi, Kankanai, Ifugao, etc., of the Philippine Islands, the Ulu Ay ars (Dayak), Murut, Kalabit, Kay an, Maloh, etc., of Borneo, the Tenggerese of Java, Toradja and Tomekongka of the Celebes, the Batak and the Kubu of Sumatra, and possibly some of the mixed tribes of the Malay Peninsula; and finally, a fourth type in the Malay people who, for the most part, inhabit the coast regions of the various islands and Malay Peninsula. No one would claim that the racial relationships in the Archipelago were as simple as the above summary might suggest or that any one of the tribes mentioned was purely the representative of one racial type. Assum¬ ing these racial types to exist we can only say that a given tribe listed as Malay, Indonesian, etc., is predominatingly of that type. Individual of a different racial type may also be present and in some instances in sufficient numbers to obscure the racial affinities of the tribe. For the same reason, it is impossible at present to give a more accurate definition of the various types. As to the broader affinities of these four types, there is some room for differences of opinion. As a working basis, it is probably better to treat each group separately for the present. But the ultimate purpose of anthro- pology is to trace the phylogenetic relationships of the various racial types of man. The real difhculties lie in defining the larger subdivisions or primary races. Obviously, a classification of mankind which will satisfy a majority of anthropologists cannot be made until we have gained a more thorough knowledge of racial types and have learned how to weight the various criteria. If we accept tentatively a classification of mankind into four main branches: Mongoloid, Negroid, European, and Australian, the affinities of the various groups to one another may be more clearly stated. It has been suggested that the first type, Sakai or pre-Dravidian, is related to the Australian type. In view of the fact that we know so little of the Australian aborigines, it is, perhaps, better to regard this as a sug¬ gestion. Specialists have linked the Negrito with the Papuan and African pygmies in the Negroid division of mankind. As to the Indonesian type, I believe the totality of its characters suggest Mongoloid affinities, although less pronounced than those of the Malay. At least it seems fair to say that its Caucasian characteristics are in the minority and remain to be demon- strated. The Malay type shows a majority of undoubted Mongoloid char¬ acteristics. Finally, in regard to the theories of migration accounting for the appar¬ ent stratification of the population in the Philippines, it should be stated 56 Anthropological Papers American Museum of Natural History. [Vol. XXIII, that such a problem cannot be definitely solved from anthropometric data. That we can account for the population of the Islands by two or three migra- tions of relatively pure racial types seems hardly probable. In our consid¬ eration of the geographical relationship of the Philippines we saw that these islands were connected by three partly submerged isthmuses with Borneo and Celebes and in turn closely linked with Java, Sumatra, and the main¬ land of Asia. Similar racial types were found in these Islands. Groups representing the three main types in varying degrees of purity and inter¬ mixture have probably entered the islands by different routes and at widely separated time intervals. That such an explanation is the more plausible is undoubtedly true, especially for those groups which we have called Malay. It seems fairly certain that the Malay type represents a more or less contin¬ uous influx extending over a long period of time. The present apparent stratification of the population in the Philippine Islands and elsewhere in the Malay Archipelago may be the direct reflection of the great predomi¬ nance in numbers of the Malay type. 1918.] Sullivan, Philippine Racial Ty pes. 57 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Annandale, N., and Robinson, H. C. Some Preliminary Results of an Expedition to the Malay Peninsula (Journal of the Anthropo¬ logical Institute, vol. 32, London, 1902). Barrows, D. P. (a) The Ilongot or Ibilao of Luzon (Popular Science Monthly, vol. 77, 1910). (b)The Negrito and Allied Types in the Philippines (American Anthropologist, N. S., vol. 12, no. 3, 1910). Bean, Robert Bennett, (a) The Benguet Igorots. A Somatologic Study of the Live Folk of Benguet and Lepanto-Bontoc (The Philippine Journal of Science, vol. 3A, no. 6, Manila, 1908). (b) Filipino Types: Manila Students. An Attempt to Classify the Littoral Population of Luzon and Adjacent Islands (The Philippine Journal of Science, vol. 4A, no. 4, Manila, 1909). (c) Filipino Types: Found in Malecon Morgue (The Philippine Journal of Science, vol. 4A, no. 4, Manila, 1909). (d) The Racial Anatomy of the Philippine Islanders. Philadelphia, 1910. (e) Types among the Inland Tribes of Luzon and Min- dinao (The Philippine Journal of Science, vol. 8D, no. 6, Manila, 1913). Bean, Robert Bennett, and Planta, F. S. (a) Filipino Types: Racial Anatomy in Taytay (The Philippine Journal of Science, vol. 4A, no. 5, Manila, 1909). (b) The Men of Cainta (The Philippine Journal of Science, vol. 6A, no. 1, Manila, 1911). Beyer, H. Otley. Population of the Philippine Islands in 1916 (Philippine Edu¬ cation Co. Inc., Manila, 1917). Blagden, C. O. See Skeat, W. W., and Blagden, C. O. Blumentritt, Ferdinand, (a) Vademecum etnografico de Filipinas (Boletin de la Sociedad Geografica de Madrid, vol. 32, Madrid, 1890). (b) Alphabetisches Verzeichnis der eingeborenen Stamme der Philippinen und der von ihnen ge- sprochenen Sprachen (Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft fur Erdkunde zu Berlin, vol. 25, Berlin, 1890). Brinton, Daniel G. Professor Blumentritt’s Studies of the Philippines (American Anthropologist, N. S., vol. 1, no. 1, 1899). Cole, Fay Cooper, (a) The Tinggian (The Philippine Journal of Science, vol. 3A, no. 4, Manila, 1908). (b) The Bagobos of Davao Gulf (The Philippine Journal of Science, vol. 6A, no. 3, Manila, 1911). 58 Anthropological Papers American Museum of Natural History. [Vol. XXIII, (c) The Wild Tribes of Davao District, Mindinao (Publica- tions, Field Museum*of Natural History, Anthropo¬ logical Series, no. 12, Chicago, 1913). Christie, E. B. The Subanuns of Sindangan Bay (Ethnological Publications, Manila Bureau of Science, vol. 6, part 1, Manila, 1909). Deniker, J. The Races of Man. London, 1910. Duckworth, W. L. H. (a) Results of Skeat’s Expedition to the Malay Peninsula (Journal of the Anthropological Institute, vol. 32, London, 1902). (b) See Skeat, W. W., and Blagden, C. O. Folkmar, D. Album of Philippine Types (Philippine Exposition Board, 1904). Garrett, T. R. H. The Natives of the Eastern Portion of Borneo and Java (Journal of the Anthropological Institute, vol. 44, London, 1912). Haddon, A. C. See Hose, C., and McDougall, Wm. Hagen, B. (a) Anthropologische Studien aus Insulinde (Veroffentliehungen durch die Konigliche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 1890). (b) Anthropologischer Atlas Ostasiatischer und Melanesischer Volker. Wiesbaden, 1898. (c) Die Orang Kubu auf Sumatra (Veroffentliehungen aus dem Stad- tischen Volker Museum, Frankfurt am Main, 1908). Hamy, E. T. Les Races Malaiques et Amerieaines (L’Anthropologie, vol. 7, Paris, 1896). Hose, C., and McDougall, Wm. The Pagan Tribes of Borneo. 2 vols. London, 1912. Jenks, A. E. The Bontoc Igorot (Publications, Ethnological Survey, Manila, 1905.) Keane, A. H. (a) Man: Past and Present. Cambridge, 1900. (b) Ethnology. Cambridge, 1901. Kleiweg de Zwaan, J. P. Anthropologische Untersuchungen liber die Niasser. 3 vols. Haag, 1914. Knocker, F. W. The Aborigines of Sungei Ujong (Journal of the Anthropological Institute, vol. 37, London, 1907). Koeze, G. A. Crania Ethnica Philippinica, ein Beitrag zur Anthropologie der Philippinen. Haarlem, 1901 to 1904. Kohlbrugge, J. H. F. L’Anthropologie de Tenggerois Indonesiens-montagnards de Java (L’Anthropologie, vol. ll, Paris, 1898). Kroeber, A. L. Measurements of Igorotes (American Anthropologist, N. S. vol. 8, no. 1, 1906). Landor, A. Henry Savage. The Gems of the East. New York and London, 1904. Martin, Rudolf, (a) Die Inlandstamme der Malayischen Halbinsel, Wissen- schaftliche Ergebnisse einer Reise durch die Verein- igten Malayischen Staaten. Jena, 1905. (b) Lehrbuch der Anthropologie; in systematischer Darstellung mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der anthropolo- gischen Methoden. Jena, 1914. McDougall, Wm. See Hose, C. and McDougall, Wm. Meyer, A. (a) Die Philippen, II Negritos (Publicationen aus dem Konigliehen 1918.] Sullivan, Philippine Racial Ty pes. 59 Ethnographischen Museum zu Dresden, vol. 9, Dresden, 1893. (b) The Distribution of the Negritos in the Philippine Islands and Elsewhere. Dresden, 1899. (c) Album of Philippine Types. 1904. Meyer, A., and Schadenberg, A. Die Philippinen, I Nord Luzon (Publicationen aus dem Koniglichen Ethnographischen Museum zu Dresden, vol. 8, Dresden, 1890). Montano, J. Rapport sur une Mission aux Iles Philippines et en Malaisie, 1879- 1881 (Archives des Missions Scientifiques et Litte- raires, third series, vol. ll, Paris, 1885). Moszkowskie, M. Ueber zwei nieht-malayische Stamme von Ost-Sumatra (Zeit- schrift fur Ethnologie, vol. 40, 1908). Planta, F. S. See Bean, Robert Bennett, and Planta, F. S. Reed, Wm. A, Negritos of the Zambales (Publications, Ethnological Survey, vol. 2, part 1, Manila, 1904.) Robinson, H. C. See Annandale, N., and Robinson, H. C. Sarasin, Fritz and Paul, (a) Die Weddas von Ceylon und die Sie Umgebenden Volkershaften. 2 vols. Wiesbaden, 1893. (b) Materialen zur Naturgeschichte der Insel Celebes (Funfter Band, Anthropologie, part 2, von F. Sarasin, Wiesbaden, 1906). Schadenberg, A. Die Bewohner von Sud-Mindanao und der Insel Samal (Zeit- schrift fur Ethnologie, vol. 17, 1885). Schadenberg, A. See Meyer, A. Skeat, W. W. The Wild Tribes of the Malay Peninsula (Annual Report, Smith¬ sonian Institution, 1902, Washington, 1903). Skeat, W. W., and Blagden, C. O. Pagan Races of the Malay Peninsula. 2 vols. London, 1906. Taylor, L. T. An Account of some Bontoc Igorots (Report, British Association for the Advancement of Science, London, 1912). Ten Kate, H. (a) Melanges Anthropologiques (L’Anthropologie, vol. 26, Paris, 1915). (b) Melanges Anthropologiques (L’Anthropologie, vol. 27, Paris, 1916). Thompson, Arthur. The Use of Diagrams for Craniometrical Purposes (Man, vol. 2, article 95, London, 1902). United States Bureau of Census. Census of the Philippine Islands, 1903. 4 vols. Washington, 1905. Virchow, R. Ueber Negrito und Igorroten-Schadel von den Philippenen (Zeit- schriftfiir Ethnologie, vol. 15, 1883). Worcester, Dean C. (a) The Philippine Islands and their People. New York, 1898. (b) The Non-Christian Tribes of Northern Luzon (The Philippine Journal of Science, vol. 1, no. 8, Manila, 1906). (c) Head-Hunters of Northern Luzon (National Geographic Magazine, vol. 23, no. 9, Washington, 1912). (d) The Non-Christian Peoples of the Philippine Islands National Geographic Magazine, vol. 24, no. ll, Washington, 1913). 60 Anthropological Papers American Museum of Natural History. [Vol. XXIII, Ethnic Groups The numbers in this list are the same as used on Map 2 and Fig. 6, Christian O 1. Iloko — Ilokos Norte (F) 2. Iloko — Ilokos Sur (F) 3. Iloko — La Union (F) 4. Iloko — N. W. Luzon (B) 5. Iloko — Pangasinan (F) 6. Iloko — Tarlak (F) 7. Iloko — Zambales (F) 8. Cagayan — Cagayan (F) 9. Cagayan — Isabela (F) 10. Pangasinan — Pangasinan (F) 11. Pampangan — Pampanga (F) 12. Sambal — Zambales (F) 13. Tagalog — Nueva Vizcaya (B) 14. Tagalog—Nueva Ecija (F) 15. Tagalog — Zambales (B) 16. Tagalog — Pangasinan (B) 17. Tagalog — Pampanga (B) 18. Tagalog — Bulakan (F) 19. Tagalog — Bulakan (B) 20. Tagalog-—Tayabas (F) 21. Tagalog — Tayabas (B) 22. Tagalog — Rizal (F) 23. Tagalog—Rizal (B) 24. Tagalog — Manila (B) 25. Tagalog — Cavite (F) 26. Tagalog — Cavite (B) 27. Tagalog — La Laguna (F) 28. Tagalog — La Laguna (B) 29. Tagalog — Batangas (B) 30. Tagalog — Batangas (F) 31. Tagalog — Cainta-Rizal (B) 32. Tagalog —- Taytay-Rizal (B) 33. Bikol — Ambos Camarines (F) 34. Bikol — Sorsogon (F) 35. Bikol — Albay (F) 36. Bikol — S. E. Luzon (B) 37. Bisaya — Romblon I. (F) 38. Bisaya — Masbate (F) 39. Bisaya — Capiz (F) 40. Bisaya — Iloilo (F) 41. Bisaya — Samar (F) 42. Bisaya — Leyte (F) 43. Bisaya—Cebu (F) 44. Bisaya — Oriental Negros (F) 45. Bisaya — Occidental Negros (F) 46. Bisaya -— Bohol (F) 47. Bisaya — Surigao (F) 48. Bisaya — Misamis (F) Pagan □ 49. Bontok — Bontok (Iv) 50. Bontok — Lepanto (B) 51. Bontok — Bontok (J) 52. Ivankanai — N. Benguet (Ba) 53. Nabaloi — Agno Valley (B) 54. Nabaloi — W. Benguet (B) 55. Nabaloi — Baguio (B) 56. Nabaloi — Ivayapa (Ba) 57. Nabaloi — S. Benguet (Ba) 58. Ifugao — Benawi (Ba) 59. Ilongot — Nueva Vizcaya (Ba) 60. Ilongot — Pantabangan (Ba) 61. Ivatabangan — Camarines Sur (M) 62. Manobo — Davao (M) 63. Manobo — Agusan (M) 64. Subanun — Zamboanga (Ch) 65. Tagakaolo — Davao (C) 65'. Tagakaolo -— Davao (M) 66. Ivulaman — Davao (C) 67. Mandaya —Davao (C) 67'. Mandaya — Davao (M) 68. Bilaan — Davao (C) 68'. Bilaan — Davao (M) 69. Bagobo — Davao (C) 69'. Bagobo — Davao (M) 70. Tagbanua — Palawan (Ba) 71. Ata — Davao (M) Mohammedan O 72. Ivalagan-—Davao (M) 73. Isamal — Samal I. (M) 74. Moro — Davao (M) 75. Moro — Cotabato (F) 76. Moro — Zamboanga (F) 77. Moro — Basilan I. (F) Anthrop. Pap. A. M. N. H. Vol. XXIII. Map 2. Philippine Islands — Ethnic Groups. Boundaries of Provinces. Boundaries of Ethnic Groups. The numbers on this map indicate the position of the ethnic groups iisted on p. 60 and also correspond to the numbers used in the text. The location of the various groups is approximate. 148 158 168 178 STATURE Numbers In Symbols Refer To Corresponding Number In Text O CHRISTIAN Q MOHAMMEDAN □ PAGAN Fig. 6. Graphic Correlation of Stature, Cephalic and Nasal Indices for Philippine Types. 1918.] Sullivan, Philippine Racial Ty pes. 61 78. Moro — Jolo I. (F) 79. Sulu — Jolo I. (M) Negrito A 80. Negrito — Bataan (M) 81. Negrito — Zambales (R) 82. Negrito — Bataan (Ba) 83. Mamanua — Surigao (Ba) 84. Batak — Palawan (Ba) 85. Negrito — metis — Albay (M) Observers B = Bean Ba = Barrows C - Cole Ch = Christie F = Folkmar J = Jenks K = Ivroeber M = Montano R = Reed {Continued, from 2d p. of cover.) Volume XVII. I.Riding Gear of the North American Indians. By Clark Wissler. Pp, 1-38, and 27 text figures. 1915. Price, $.50. II.Costumes of the Plains Indians. By Clark Wissler, Pp. 41-91, and 28 text figures. 1915. Price, $.50. III. Structural Basis to the Decoration of Costumes among the Plains Indians. By Clark Wissler. Pp. 93-114, and 12 text figures. 1916. . Price, $.25. IV. Basketry of the Papago and Pima. By Mary Lois Kissell. Pp. 115-264, and 81 text figures. 1916. Price, $1.50. V.(In preparation.) Volume XVIII, I.Zuni Potsherds. By A. L. Kroeber. Pp. 1-37, and 2 text figures. 1916. Price, $.30. II.Zuni Kin and Clan. By A. L. Kroeber. Pp. 39-204, 3 text figures, and 9 maps. 1917. Price, $1.50. III. An Outline for a Chronology of Zuni Ruins. By Leslie Spier. Pp. 207- 331, and 18 text figures. 1917. Price, $1.00. IV. Notes on Some Little Colorado Ruins. By Leslie Spier. Pp. 333-362, and 5 text figures. 1918. Price, $.70. Volume XIX. I.The Whale House of the Chilkat. By George T. Emmons. Pp. 1-33. Plates I-IV, and 6 text figures. 1916. Price, $1.00. II.(In preparation.) Volume XX. I. Tales of Yukaghir, Lamut, and Russianized Natives of Eastern Siberia. By Waldemar Bogoras. Pp. 1-148. 1918. Price, $1.50. II. (In preparation.) Volume XXI. I. Notes on the Social Organization and Customs of the Mandan, Hidatsa, and Crow Indians. By Robert H. Lowie. Pp. 1-99. 1917. Price, $1.00. II. (In preparation.) Volume XXII. > I. Contributions to the Archaeology of Mammoth Cave and Vicinity, Ken¬ tucky. By N. C. Nelson. Pp. 1-73, and 18 text figures. 1917. Price, $.75. II. Chronology in Florida. By N. C. Nelson. Pp. 75-103, and 7 text figures. 1918. Price, $.25. III.(In preparation.) Volume XXIII. I. Racial Types in the Philippine Islands. By Louis R. Sullivan. Pp. 1-61, 6 text figures, and 2 maps. 1918. Price, $.75. II. (In preparation.) The Cosmos Press. Cambridge. Massachusetts