¦V ^; \v^ ; •i -v* v. ' » ' « C li ..^ ,-» .^4 ^, l.\ , _. 1 *, *¦ y JT -/; i4'*«^' YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY PART FIRST. descendants of QUARTERMASTER JOHN PERKINS. THE FAMILY 01' JOHN PERKINS OF IPSWICH, ¦MASSACHUSETTS. COMPLETE IN THREE PARTS. i i i i^ iii i i i PART I. QUARTERMASTER JOHN PERKINS. Part II. DEACON THOJIAS PERKINS. Part III. SERGEANT JACOB PERKINS. BY GEO. A. PERKINS, M.D. Member New England Historic Genealogical Society. SALEM, MASS.. PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR, BY THE SALEM PRESS PUBLISHING AND PRINTING CO. 1889. PREFACE TO THE COMPLETED WORK. The following compilation was commenced nearly twen ty years ago solely for the purpose of tracing out my own descent, without the most remote thought that a line of it would ever meet the public eye, but as my simple origi nal plan was followed out, a large store of facts, bearing on the genealogy of the family generally, was accumu lated ; these were thought by my friends to be too valua ble to be lost, and I was strongly advised to print them for the benefit of other members of the family. To this proposition I replied that these facts were too disjointed to be of any value ; but the request to print was strenu ously repeated and after some months' consideration I con sented to put them in type, confidently relying on the assistance of a friend who was no novice in the field of genealogy. But, alas ! my work was scai'cely commenced when my friend suddenly died, stricken with apoplexy. I had, however, already gone too far to retreat, and I re solved to go on alone, little thinking what a task I had before me. With many discoui-agements, I have continued my work until its completion. Of my success the readers will be the judges. After my resolution to print was formed, I found it nec essary to go over the field from which my materials were to be obtained in a thorough and systematic manner. Though John Perkins resided in Boston during the first two years of his life in New England, yet Essex Count_y , Massa chusetts, may be considered the earliest permanent home (iii) IV PKEFACE. of the family on this side of the ocean, and its records, as found in the Probate Office, Registry of Deeds, and also the files of the County Court, were, accordingly carefully examined from the beginning. The records of births, deaths, and marriages of most of the towns in the county were also consulted. Visits were made to the oldest graveyards, which furnished me with very valual)le data. In the absence of exact dates of births, I found the church records to furnish the time of baptisms, which almost in variably took place within a very few days after the birth. Old Bibles also, which contained family records were con sidered as among the best and most reliable sources of in formation. Where migration to distant parts of the country had taken place my only resource was correspondence ; but my returns from this source were often mingled with tra dition, which is not always reliable. Many families, how ever, have kept a written record extending back for some four or five generations. The result obtained from all these sources is contained in the present volume. In carrying out my work it was thought best to divide it into three parts, both for convenience in compilation and also that the members of each branch might the bet ter avail themselves of the information it contained relat ing to their particular division of the family ; but it has been kept before the readers of these divisions that they were but parts, and that the three were ultimately to be combined in the completed work, such as is the present volume. It may be asked why this book was so long delayed : in answer I will say that to write genealogy rapidly is an im possibility ; a single date may cost days or weeks even of seeking. \ A glance at a single page can convey no sort of an idea of\the labor it cost to produce it. PREFACE. V As to the plan of the work, it will be found exceedingly simple. A number is attached to each person bearing the name of Perkins, and this follows the individual through that part ofthe book in which his or her name is found. It will be seen that these numbers are wanting before the names of the children of daughters, who lose the name of Perkins upon their marriage ; the names of only one -gene ration of their children are given. The compiler trusts his efibrts to bring together in sys tematic order the members of this large family will be kindly received by the several members of it. As it is nearly or quite impossible to avoid errors and omissions in a work of this kind, — no genealogy was ever perfect, — he trusts any errors that may be detected will be kindly pardoned. George A. Perkins. 127 Essex St., Salem, Mass. Oct. 15, 1889. PREFACE. John Perkins of Ipswich, Mass., some of whose descendants' names are here given, came from England to America in the earliest days of the settlement of New England. Tradition in the family says he came from the town of Newent in Gloucestershire : researches made among the records of Newent and toAvns in its immediate neighbor hood, show that there were numerous families of that name living there at the date of the emigration of John Perkins, which took place in 1631. We have not yet succeeded, however, in connecting him with any of these, but we have found enough to render it highly probable that Newent was his place of residence, if not his birthplace ; and to strengthen this probability, we find that some of his grandchildren, sons of his son Jacob, who left Ipswich and settled in Connecticut, called the name of their new settlement Newent, in remembrance of the town in England from which their ancestors came. John Perkins and his family were not the only early settlers of the name that landed upon these shores. The names of six or seven heads of families of the same name are known as having been among very early emigrants to the colonies in the new world, viz. : Rev'' William Perkins, who came first to Boston and was afterward in Weymouth, Ipswich, Gloucester, and at last in Topsfield ; John, first in Boston, then of Ipswich (whose descendants we now (iii) IV PREFACE. give) ; Isaac of Ipswich, Abraham of Hampton, N. H., William of Dover, N. H., Edward of Connecticut, Wil liam of New Jersey, and perhaps a family who settled in Delaware ; besides these there were quite a number of in dividuals of the name who came as passengers from Lon don to Virginia and elsewhere, who are not known to have had families. Of those above named, there are strong reasons to believe that several of them were more or less closely re lated. John and Isaac of Ipswich were perhaps brothers, and Abraham of Hampton, a brother or cousin. It seems highly probable that the Boston family, of which Edmund is the first individual certainly known, were the descend ants of Isaac of Ipswich and his wife Alice, who were there in 1637, and who received grants of land at that time. Traditions in the family point that way. We trust that the researches now making in England by Mr. Henry F. Waters under the auspices of the New England Historic Genealogical Society of Boston, may bring to light the connection between these families. A very natural desire exists in the minds of the mem bers of this family to know the origin of the name, and we give the following as being, without doubt, the facts. Until about the year 1400, surnames were extremely unc9mmon in England, but since that time men were accustomed to add to their Christian names certain termi nals, especially such as would the better distinguish them from their fathers. We find among these that of kin or kins, which Bardsley, a late English writer, thinks has all the significance of our junior, so that we have Wilkins, PREFACE. the son of Will ; Jenkins, the son of James ; Tomkins, the son of Tom ; Pierrekins, the son of Pierre, etc. In the reign of Richard II, Pierre de Morlaix, or Morley, probably a Norman from the town of Morlaix, in France, was high steward of the estates of Hugo Despencer, who was at that time one of the richest and most powerful nobles of England. This Pierre de Morlaix had by his wife, Agnes Taylor, a son Henry, who, on the death of his father, was known as Henry Pierrekin, or Henry the son of Pierre. He succeeded to the stewardship, and had a son John, who iu time became steward and wrote his name John Perkins, and sometimes Perkyns, armiger. This John Perkins, esquire, was Lord of the manor of Madrasfield as well as steward of the Despen- cers, and it is believed that he was the first who bore for his arms, the fesse dancette between six billets. John Perkins, armiger, was living during the reign of Henry VI and held that position of high steward when the heiress of that famous family married the king-making Earl of Warwick. In the numerous transfers of land which he was called upon to make at the time, he sometimes signed his name Perkyns and sometimes Perkins, and some of his descend ants, now living in England, sign themselves Parkyns or Parkins. This coat of arms of the Perkins family was taken from iiii VI PREFACE. a deed of land in Ipswich, Mass., fi-om Dr. John Perkins and wife to John Wainwright of Ipswich, and bears date of 1725, and was of right used by Dr. Perkins and his family, who were then British subjects. This is the same arms as is found upon memorial tablets in churches in England at this day. A few years ago a tombstone bearing the date 1682, was unearthed in Boston, of which we give an engraving. By this it will be seen that the same heraldic device is cut in the corners of the stone, and that the billets are dis posed, three above and three below the fesse, and the pine cones are upon a pendent branch instead of as a crest above the shield, but both are the same, and in some cases are used by the same indi vidual. These arms are upon the tomb of Francis Perkins of Ufton, England, who was born in 1582. Some of the later families used an " Eagle displayed and the fesse in a canton." It may here be stated that one of the descendants of Edmund Perkins of Boston, while in Europe a few years ago, bought (in 1865) a portrait having upon the back this inscription : " II signore Pierrekins de Ufton in Ingle- terre, da mana di Carouci." This portrait is said to bear a strong resemblance to a living member of the Perkins family on this side of the ocean. I^MUNDYSON OF EDMUND ^ lSUSANA PERKINS AGED 4 YEAR % 4M0 ^ 6 DAYS PYED SEPTEMBER »Yl4 A.68X PREFACE . Vll Whoever is desirous of information concerning the arms of the Perkins family, as well as the early history of the individuals bearing the name, will be interested to read an article printed in the Hist. Coll. Essex Institute, Vol. XV. An interesting letter of W. H. Whitmore of Boston, concerning the ancient families of Perldns, living near Newent, England, can be found in the Register of the N. E. Historic Genealogical Soc. of Boston, Vols, xi and xii. The introduction of local historical matter into a book of genealogy certainly needs no apology at this day. During the comparatively few years of our history as a people, many of our earliest records have been lost, and any efforts which will preserve what remain by multiply ing copies are to be commended, and are not out of place when connected with the early lives of our ancestors. It has been an object in these pages to present, where it is possible, some little sketch of the life history of the individuals, in connection with the dry dates of births, marriages and deaths, which are only as the skeleton. It is to be regretted that this cannot always be done, for too often the good deeds of our ancestors sleep with them, while the lives of many are so uneventful that but httle can be said of them, and it is always a rather delicate matter to speak of the deeds of the living. The facts here collated were gathered from various sources, such as the records of the oldest deeds and wills in the county, stones in cemeteries, town records, fam ily bibles, and the memory of aged people as well as from the younger generations. It is not for a moment to be vm PREFACE. supposed that these facts, as here given, are free from many errors and omissions, and the -^viiter will be thank ful to have the former corrected and the latter supplied. No one knows better than he the many omissions which it was not in his power to supply. The family has spread over the whole country, and he has done what he could to collect information from every part of the land. In some cases these efforts have met with hearty responses, in others the letters were either miscarried or were not con sidered of sufficient importance to deserve an answer. Should any person of the name, on looking over these pages, fail to find his or her name in its proper place, the author would thank all such persons to address him through the mail, giving him all the information in their possession, or that they can obtain from reliable sources, with the names of places and dates, and send to him as soon as may be, that additions and corrections may be made in a forthcominor number. I cannot let this opportunity pass without acknowledg ing my obligations and indebtedness to those persons who have so kindly aided me in collecting the materials here put together, and would especially mention my friends and kinsmen, the late Horatio N. Perkins, Esq., of Mel rose, Henry F. Waters, Esq., of Salem, Mr. D. Walter Perkins, of Utica, N. Y., A. T. Perldns, Esq., of Boston, John H. Gould, Esq., of Topsfield, as well as the many others who have kindly furnished me with facts concern ing their families. No. 127 Essex street, Salem, Mass. THE FAMILY OF JOHN PERiaNS OF IPSWICH. BY GEORGE A. PERKINS, M. D. 1 " John Perkins, senior," as he is called on the records, the immigrant ancestor, some of whose descend ants we propose to give below, was probably born, if the traditions of the family are correct, in Newent, Gloucestershire, England, in the year 1590. He was among the earliest emigrants from the mother country, sailing from Bristol, England, Dec. 1, 1630, in the ship Lyon, William Pierce, master, bound for Boston in Amer ica, taking with him his entire family, consisting then of his wife and five children. His fellow passengers were, the afterward famous divine, Rev. Roger Williams, and others ; twenty in all. After a stormy passage of sixty- seven days they arrived at Nantasket, Feb. 5, 1631, and on the 6th came to an anchor before Boston. The fol lowing extract from "Prince's Annals of New England" (Vol. I, p. 341) gives a graphic account of the condition of the colony at the time of their arrival and also of their stormy voyage. "As the winter (1629-30) came on provisions are very scarce (in the Massachusetts Bay) and the people necessi tated to feed on clams and muscles, and ground nuts and acorns ; and these got with much difficulty in the winter season. Upon which people grew much tired and discour aged ; especially when they hear that the governor himself has his last batch of bread in the oven. And many are the fears of the people that Mr. Pierce, who was sent to Ireland for provisions, is either cast away or taken by the pirates. Upon this a day of fasting and prayer to God (1) 2 THE PERKINS FAMILY. for relief is appointed (to be on the sixth of Febru.ary) . But God, who delights to appear in the greatest straits, works marvellously at this time; for on February 5, the very day before the appointed fast, in came the ship Lion, Mr. Williani Pierce master, now arriving at Nantasket, laden with provisions. Upon which joyful occasion the day is changed, and ordered to be kept (on the 22d) as a day of thanksgiving."^ February 8. The governor goes aboard the Lion riding at Long Island ; (next day) the ship comes to an anchor before Boston (to the great joy of the people) where she rides very well, notwithstanding the great drifts of ice. And the provisions are by the governor, distributed to the people proportionable to their necessities." " The Lion^ (had) set sail from Bristol December first, brought about twenty passengers, and had a very stormy passage ; yet through God's mercy all the people came safe except one' of the sailors, who had not far from our shore, in a tempest having helped to take in the sprit- sail, as he was coming down fell into the sea, where after long swimming was drowned, to the great dolour of those in the ship, who beheld so lamentable a spectacle, without being able to help him ; the sea was so high and the ship drove so fast before the wind, though her sails were taken down." For about two years after their arrival in America the Perldns family resided in Boston, where the youno-est child, Lydia, was born, her baptism being recorded upon the parish books of the First Church there, June 3, 1632. 1 This may have been the beginning of that now general custom of keeping Thanksgiving day, which is observed not only in New England but throughout the country. 2 Sometimes written Lyon 3 The Captuin'8 son, Way. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 3 We are not able to determine with certainty just what employed the time of our ancestor during the two years he resided in Boston, but the record shows he was not idle, but engaged in the public business of the colony. The following extract is from the Records of the Gen eral Court, Nov. 7, 1632. " Cap* Traske, Will™ Cheeseboro, M'' Conant and John Perkins are appoincted by the Court to sett downe the bounds betwixt Rocksbury and Dorchestr. Ralfe Sprague is chosen vmpire." Records of Col. Mass. Bay, Vol. 1, p. 102. We also find the following concession made to him by the " General Court," April 3, 1632. " It was ordered that noe pson w'soeuer shall shoote att fowle vpon Pullen Poynte or Noddles Ileland, but that the s"* places shalbe reserved for John Perkins to take fowle w"' netts." Rec. of Col. of Mass. Bay, Vol. 1, p. 103. On the 18th of May, 1631, he took the oath of free man, admitting him to all the civil rights of the colony. He removed from Boston in 1633 to the colony then newly founded by John Winthrop and others at Ipswich. Here he was largely engaged in agriculture, and had several grants of land ; the location of his house was near the river, at the entrance to Jeffries neck, on what is now East street, where he had considerable land granted him. We copy the following from the Ipswich book of Land Grants or "Commoner's" records." 1634. " Given and granted unto John Perkins the elder 40 acres of land, more or less, bounded on the east by Mr. Robert Coles his land, on the south by a small creek, on the west unto ye town side." 1635. Granted Jno. Perkins Sr. 3 acres of upland and 10 of meadow lying toward the head of Chebacco 2 4 THE PERKINS FAMILY. creek, also a little island* called More's point about 50 acres on the south side of ye town river. Also 10 acres on part whereof he hath built an house, having W" Perkins on S. W.— Also 6 acres of meadow and 6 up land joining to the former 10 acres, all 3 lying at east end of the town having W" White's land on N. E. and a highM-ay to Jeffries neck on N. W." 1636. "John Perkins Sr. was granted 40 acres of meadow and upland at Chebacco, which he sold to Thomas Howlet 1637." 1639. "Granted to John Perkins 6 acres planting ground on South side river." Vol. l,p. 174. He Avas a Deputy to the General Court and was among those present at its session holden in Boston May 25, 1636. John Perkins was on the Grand Jury in 1648 and 1652, and his name is also found on trial juries. He was appraiser to the estate // /I /,/*.., i of Sarah Dillingham in 1645, and / his autograph, as such, is here given. "John Perldns, sen., of Ipswich, being above 60 years of age, was freed from ordinary training by the Court in March, 1650."- John Perkins, besides holding town offices and occupying other places of trust, appears to have been one of the lead ing men of Ipswich, and was highly esteemed by his fellow townsmen. He died in 1654 at the age of 64 years. His will (which is of importance as settling the names of his wife and children and some of his grandchildren) and inventory are now on file in the Probate Office in Salem; a copy of each is given below, as also of his * This Island contains by measurement 30 acres, and upon it is now seen the cellar of a house. The Island has been lately (1882) purchased by a namesake and descendant of John Perkins, Sen., — Mr. John Perkins, shoe manufacturer of Ipswich. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 5 autograph which is appended to an agreement with his neighbors concerning the fencing of their land. An in dorsement on the back of this paper read thus : " This Paper Dos signifi y' those prsons y' have land in y® nack are compeled to mack safisant fens acor Ding to y^'' proportions of land."* 15 February, 1635. J^^ ^^^^ " IVill of John Perkins, senior, of Iprwich. 28th of yee flrst m" called March, 1654. I Jolm Perkins the elder of Ipswich being at this tyme sick and weake iu body yet through the mercy and goodness of the Lord retaining my understanding and memory : doe thus dispose of and bequeath my temporall estate as Followeth. First. I do give and bequeath unto my eldest sonn John Perkins a foale of my young msire being now with foale if it please the Lord she foale it well also I give and bequeath to my sonn John's two sonnes John and Abraham to each of them one of my yearling heyfers : also I give and bequeath to my son Thomas Perkins one cow and one heyfer also I give and bequeath to his son John Perkins one ewe & to be delivered for his use at the next shearing time also I doe give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Sargent one cow and an heyfer to be to her and her children after her decease as it raay please ye Lord they may increase, the proffits or increase to be equally de vided amongst the sayde children : also I do give to my daughter Mary Bradbury one cow and one heyfer or a young steere to remain to her and to her children in theyr increase or proffits as it shall please the Lord to bless them and to be equaly devided to ye chil dren: also I doe give and bequeath to my daugliter Lidia Bennitt one cow and one heyfer or steere to be equaly devided to her children in theyr increase or proffits after her decease; I doe also give unto my grandchilde Thomas Bradbury one ewe to be sett apart for his nse at ye next shearing tyme : also I do give and bequeathe unto my sonn Jacob Perkins my dwelling house together with all the out- howseing and all my landes of one kinde and other together with all improvements thereupon to be his in full possession according to a former covenant after the decease of my wyfe and nott before and so to remaine to hira and to his heires forever ; all the rest of my estate * Thie signature resembles that of Quartermaster John Perkins, and may have been his, when younger. 6 THE PERKINS FAMILY. of one kinde and other I do wholy leave my deare wife Judith Perkins apointing and ordaining my sade wyfe the sole Executrix of this my last will and Testament Desiring my sayde wife to dispose of the cattell above mentioned according to her discresion as they shall prove steeres or heyfers, also to dispose of some of the increase of the sheep to ye children of my sonn Thomas and of my three daugh ters at the Discresion of my sayde wife and this I doe ordaine as my Last wUl and Testament subscribed with my own hand this twenty eight day of ye flrst month 1654. Signed in presence of John Perkins. William Bartholmew Thoraas Harris Proved in court held at Ipswich 27 (7) 1654 by the oath of William Bartholmew and Thomas Harris per me Robert Lord, cleric." " An Inventor'y of the Estate of John Perkins Senior deceased. It. the Dwelling house aud barn with outhousing 40. 00. 00 It. Land about the House about eight acres 12. 00. 00 It. More land unbroake up about fourteen acres 21. 00. 00 It. a parcel of Marsh about six at 40' per acre 12. 00. 00 It. a parcel of upland and Marsh being much broken ) 20. 00. 00 about 20 acres at 20' per acre 5 It. 12 acres of improved land 50 per acre. 24. 00. 00 It. one mare with a mare foal at , 25. 00. 00 It. six milch covps at 30. 00. 00 It. four yearling Heyfers and a Steere at 11. 10. 00 Item six ewes at 35. s 10. 10. 00 It. 5 ewe Iambs at 05. 00. 00 It. one yearling weather and two weather lambs 02. 00. 00 It. one young Calf 00. 15. 00 It. one cow at the pasture a sow & 3 piggs all 08. 00. 00 It. one feather bed with bed & furniture 04. 00. 00 It. Coverlid with other small thinges linen most 02. 10. 00 It. left in mony at his decease 10. 00. 00 It. a Cart, plows, a harrow with several goods of) lumber as casks tubbs cheares axes hoes f 05. 00. 00 etc. valuable ^ It. Severall ketles pottes & Dishes in the Kitchin 02. 00. 00 It. his wearing aparell 05. 00. 00 Witnesses & Appraisers 250. 05. 00 WiUiam Bartholmew red in the Court held at Ipswich the John Anable 26 of the (7) 1054. Robert Lord cleric." THE PERKINS FAMILY. 7 The children of John Perkins and wife Judith were : 2 John, b. 1614; d. Dec. 14, 1686. 3 Thomas, b. 1616; d. May 7, 1686. 4 Elizabeth, b. 1618; d. 1700. 5 Mary, b. 1620 ; d. 1700. 6 Jacob, b. 1624 ; d. Jan. 29, 1700. 7 Lydia, b. 1632; d. ab'1672; bapt. 1st Ch., Boston, June 3, 1632. 2 John Perkins, jr. {John^) born in England in 1614, came, with others of the same family, to Boston in New England in 1631, andwith them removed to Ipswich in 1633. The next year he had a grant of land, as appears from the book of land grants of Ipswich. 1634. "Given and granted unto John Perkins, jr., 6 acres of land in equal shares with Thomas Hardy and Francis Jordan lying East and West of him." At this time he was only 20 years of age. The next year he had still further grants, as appears upon the same record. 1635. "John Perkins, jr., was granted 6 acres of planting ground beyond John Manning's house, lying between Francis Jordan on the one side and Thomas Hardy on the other. Also there was granted to him 6 acres of marsh lying upon the brook commonly called "Labor-in-vain," having Mr. Bartholomew's on the one side and the great river on the other. Also a house-lot containing an acre, lying by the river, having Thomas Hardy's and Robert Andrew's house-lot on the southeast side, upon which John Perkins hath built an house and enclosed it with paleing. Also 5 and 40 acres of ground lying beyond great Chebacco river, right against the Ware, bounded by the river on the northwest and by a swamp on the southwest. — There was liberty granted to build a ware which he hath built and is to enjoy the profits for 7 yrs. beginning 1636, for the which he is to sell alewives he there has taken at 5s pr 1000, according 8 THE PERKINS FAMILY. to his agreement with the town expressed in the town book, which 5 and 40 acres and the wares the said John Perkins hath sold to Mr. John Cogswell, his heirs and assigns." 1637. "John Perldns, Jr., is possessed of an Island having on the south side the Chebacco river, on the north an arm ot the same running between the said Island and another Island called Hog Island, bounded east by Che bacco Bay, west by a meeting of many brooks coming out of the marshes." Feb. 1, 1637. He had also a grant of 70 acres of land against his Island beyond Chebacco river, which land he is to relinquish within four years to the town, if called upon to do so. He married Elizabeth about 1635, and entered upon the duties of life with a vigor which made him a desirable citizen of this new settlement. We here give some account of a most important service which he rendered the infant colony, as this is related by Rev. Thomas Cobbet in a paper entitled " New England's Deliverances." He says : " About 5 or 6 yeares after (an intended attack upon "Nahumkeick" by the Indians), in the first planting of Ipswich (as a credible man informs me, namely Quarter master Perkins), the Tarratines or Easterly Indians had a design to cut them off at the first, when they had but between 20 or 30 men, old and young belonging to the place (and that instant most of the men had gone into bay about their occasions, not hearing thereof). It was thus one Robin, a friendly Indian, came to this John Perkins, then a young man then living in a little hut upon his father's island on this side of Jeofrye's Neck, and told him that on such a Thursday morning, early, there would come four Indians to draw him to goe down the Hill to THE PERKINS FAMILY. 9 the water side, to truck with them, which if he did, he and all neare him would be cut off : for their were 40 bur- chen can ones, would lie out of sight, in the brow of the Hill, full of Armed Indians for that purpose : of this he forthwith acquaints Mr. John Winthrop, who then lived there, in a howse near the water, who advised him if such Indians came, to carry it ruggedly toward them, and threaten to shoot them if they would not be gone, and when their backs were turned to strike up the drum he had with him beside his two muskets, and then discharge them ; that those 6 or 8 young men, who were in the marshes hard by a mowing, haveing theyr guns each of them ready charged, by them, might take the Alarme and the Indians would perceive theyr plot was discovered and haste away to sea againe : which was accordingly so acted and tooke like effect : for he told me that presently after he discovered 40 such canowes sheare off from under the Hill and make as fast as they could to sea. And no doubt many godly hearts were lifted up tu heaven for deliverance, both in that deliverance at Salem and this at Ipswich." He opened the first public house in Ipswich, and was chosen as Quartermaster of the military organization of the settlement, a title which he ever after retained. That he was one of the leading men of his day is evident by the frequency with which his name is mentioned in con nection with the varied affairs of the colony. In deeds and other public documents and papers he styles himself, "I, John Perldns Quartermaster and ordinary keeper." We find upon the records of the General Court the foUowing : June 1, 1677. "The account of Quartermaster Perkins being exhibbited to y^ Gennerall Court by Phillip ffowler, being pervsed, the Court finds many ai-ticles too highly 10 THE PERKINS FAMILY. chardged, and doe therefore referr the consideration there of to the coffiittee of the army to examine and passe what they find just and meet to be allowed." May 12, 1675. " Quartermaster John Perkins, sargent Belchar, Henry Bennett with several others petition the Gen' Court for liberty to lay out a new plantation, which the Court allow, provided it be 6 miles square and not more than 10 long, etc., etc., etc." February 16, 1681-2. "Quartermaster John Perkins was one of the first signers of a petition to the King to resist the claims of Robert Mason to a title to lands about Gloucester, Cape Ann and places adjacent." He was engaged in the coast fisheries, and used a part of what is Little Neck for curing his fish as early as 1645. County Records, Vol. VIII, p. 61. His autograph, here given, was taken from a deed of land given to his son Nathaniel. He acquired a large landed property, as numerous purchases and sales of real estate appear upon record. He made no will at his decease, having given to each of his sons a good farm or houselot " in some part of my estates." He also made provision, sometime before his death, for the maintenance and clothing of his wife, if she should outlive him, and also of his youngest son, Thomas, who seems to have been an invalid and incapable of sup porting himself, thus administering upon his own estate. The record of his death and that of his aged companion read upon the Town Records thus : "Ehzabeth, wife to Quart. John Perkins died Sept. 27, 1684." "Quart. John Perldns died Dec'' the 14, 1686." ^-l-f-^^ THE PERKINS FAMILY. 11 His family was quite large, consisting of eight sons and one daughter, and perhaps more. The children of Quart"^ John Perkins and Elizabeth, his wife, were : 8 John, b. 1636; m. Lidia; d. 1659. 9 Abraham, b. 1640; m. Hannah Beamsley; d. 27 Apr., 1722. 10 Jacob, b. 1646; m. 1st, Sarah Wainwright ; 2d, Sarah Kins man; d. Nov. 26, 1719. 11 Luke, b. 1649; m. 1st, Eliz. Jaques; 2d, Sarah ; d. after 1694. 12 Isaac, b. 1650; m. Hannah Knight; d. 1726. 13 Nathaniel, b. 1652; m. Judith . 14 Samuel, b. 1655; m. Hannah West; d. 1700. 15 Thomas. 16 Sarah. 3 Thomas (John^) was born in England in 1616, came to Boston with his father and others of the fam ily in 1631, being at that time a lad of only fifteen years. He* remained there with the family until 1633, when they all removed to Ipswich. Here he was made freeman (the exact date of which is not recorded). At Ipswich he owned Sagamore Hill, a tract of land 170 feet high, surrounded by salt marsh, and having Fox Creek on the east. This hill was probably granted to him by the town. He exchanged this property with his brother John for a house and lot in town. He spent but a few years in Ipswich, removing to the neighboring town of Topsfield. He married there, about 1640, Phebe Gould who was a daughter of Zaccheus Gould of Topsfield. She was born in England in 1620, and was baptized at Hemel Hemp- 'We are under obligations to John H.Gould, Esq., town clerk of Topsfield, for much interesting matter concerning Deacon Thomas Perkins, which he has kindly collected fi-om the ancient records of that town, as well as for import.int information in connection with the numerous descendants of Deacon Perkins, which are to be found upon the town and church record books. This will appear in its proper place. 8 12 THE PERKINS FAMILY. sted, Sept. 20, 1620. On their marriage, her father gave them 150 acres of land. Thomas Perldns was chosen Deacon of the Topsfield Church, succeeding first Decken Howlett ; second Deacon Isaac Cummings. No record of time has yet been found of this choice of the church, but it was probably 1677. He was always known upon the records as "Dea. Thomas Perkins." He was chosen as one of the Selectmen of Topsfield at a town meeting held March 7, 1675-6. Upon the books of the town we find recorded the doings of the Selectmen, which we give as showing the constant supervision the families of our fathers were under. "At a meeting of the Salactmen the 18 of September 1677 in Relation to the law concorning tithing men : we have maed choic of Mr Willyem Perkins sener and Daken Thomus Perkins and Sargent Edman Town and Willyen Niguells as titMng men for Topsffeld Daken Perkins is to in spact thos folowing ffamelis Sargt John Radington, John Willd, John franch, Samuel Howlet, Micall Donell, John Comins, Willyem Howlet, Mr John Brodstret. — Toivn Records." " Decon Perkins" was chosen Selectman at the March meetings for 1656-57. He was chosen Tithingman Sept. 18, 1677, and again in November, 1678, "to inspect ani person ore persons that shall profane the sabath and to proseed against ani that shall be falte as the law directs." Sept. 17, 1680, committee of Deacon Thomas Perkins and others, "these forementioned men are chosen a comiti in the behalfe of the towne to a gree with Mr Danfarth for his continuing here with us at Topsfeild in the work of the ministri and we do farther im power to the comiti to chuse som a mongest themselves or ani other as they shall see meet to goe and speak with the Deputi Govarnor THE PERKINS FAMILY. 13 or ani others that may be found a bought mister Danforth settelment." " At a lawful towne meeting the 22 March, 1680 or 81, the towne granted liberti to the villagers (Boxford) to bi a third part of the galeri to sit in so that to pay pro- porsonabel to the ministri as judged meet by Decon Per kins and others." July 29, 1681. " Deckon Perkins and others are chosen a commitey to discorse with Mr Capen to stay and preach here with us at Topsfield with us a while." March 7, 1681-2. " Deckon Perkins" chosen a Select man. Voted, Oct. 6, 1685. "The Towne manifested by a voate yt they will chose a commitey friendly to treat with Rowley Villagers (Boxford) to see what they will pay towards y® maintnance of or minister by y" yeare." Voted, "Deackon Perkins (& others) is chosen a com mitey to treat with Rowley villagers to see what they wUl give to wards y® maintnance of or minister by y^ yeare and to make return of it to the Towne. Town Records." Deacon Perldns was a farmer by occupation. We find very frequent mention of his name in the purchase and sale of land in Topsfield and the neighboring towns. His farm and homestead joined that of his brother-in-law, Redington, not far from the Newburyport turnpike. He left at his decease quite a large estate to his wife and sons. His will was signed Dec. 11, 1685, and was proved at Boston, Sept. 10, 1686. He died May 7, 1686. His widow outlived him, though the exact date of her death is not knovra. The fac- x-— ?g7 ^ ^ . simile, here given, was taken ^.^i^^^^'^^ '(/ Wf{YnY from his will. Children of Dea. Thomas Perkins and wife Phebe were : 17 John, b. 1641; m. Deborah Browning, Nov. 28, 1666; d. May 19, 1668. 14 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 18 Phebe, b. ab'tl644; m. Joseph Towne, 1665; d. after 1680. 19 Zaccheus, b. ab't 1647; m. Rebecca ab't 1704; d.Dec, 1732. 20 Martha, b. ab't 1649; m. John Lamson, Dec. 17, 1669; d. after 1728. 21 Mary, b. ab't 1651; m. Wm. Howlett, Oct. 27, 1671; d. 1728. 22 Elisha, b. ab't 1656; ra. 1st, Catherine Towne, Feb. 23, 1680; m. 2nd, widow Elizabeth Knight Towne. 23 Judith, b. Jan. 28, 1658; unmarried; d. before 1719. 24 Thomas, b. ab't 1659; m. Sarah Wallis, June 1, 1683; d.l719. 25 Timothy, b. June 6, 1661; m. 1st, Hannah ; 2d, Abigail. 4 EUzabeth (John^) was born in England in 1618. and came to New England in the ship Lion with her par ents in 1 631 . She lived in Ipswich, and probably married her husband, William Sargent,^ there. The date of her marriage is not known. He was born in England in 1602, was one of the first settlers here, and went from Ipswdch to settle in Newbury. He was also among the first to settle in Hampton ; from that place he went to Amesbury, where he made a permanent settlement, and died there in 1677, iu the seventy-fifth year of his age. The time of the death of his wife, Elizabeth, was in 1700. His will was made in 1671. The descendants of William and Elizabeth (Perkins) Sargent are now very numerous. Children of William Sargent and wife Elizabeth were : Thomas, b. June 11, 1643; m. Rachel Barnes; d. 1705-6. William, b. ra. Mary Colby ; d. Mary, b. ra. Philip Chalis ; d. Elizabeth, b. m. Samuel Colby ; d. Sarah, b. 0 In the history of Amesbury by Joseph Merrill, it is stated as believed that Wm. Sargent came to Virginia in l(i08; that while there he married Judith Perkins daughter of John, who died before 1633, leaving him with three daughters. With these he came to Ipswich, Mass., and afterward removed to Amesbury, on its firat settlement, and died there in 1677. This could hardly have been so, as John Per kins mentions no daughter Judith or her children in his will, but does mention "Elizabeth, the wife of Wm. Sargent," and her children. This marriage with Judith rests on tradition, and was probably a mistake, though Mr. Merrill believes hat Wm. Sargent married two sisters, who were daughters of John Perkins. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 15 5 Mary {John^) was born in England in 1620. She came, with others of the family, to America in 1631, and in 1637 she was married at Ipswich to Thomas Bradbury, and removed with him to Salisbury. He died at Salisbury, March 16, 1695. Thomas Bradbury was a representative in 1651 and after. He was recorder of Norfolk Co. ; town clerk of Salisbury, and was captain of a military company. His varied acquirements caused him to be elected to fill many places of honor and trust. He was a man of no mean talents ; some of the records of Sahsbury are in his beautiful hand-writing. Mary (Perkins) Bradbury was one of those unfortunate people who, in the dark days of witchcraft delusion, was among the accused. She was also convicted, but by the efforts of her friends her execution was delayed, the horrid delusion passed away, and she was discharged. The papers connected with her trial, as well as those of the others, who were, some of them, more unfortunate, have been preserved, and are to be seen on the files in the Clerk of Courts Office in Salem, Mass. Her defence in answer to the accusations of her perse cutors, the testimony of her husband with that of Rev. James Allin and John Pike, her ministers, and the united testimonial of over one hundred of her neighbors and towns-people were all of no avail. These papers show her to have been a most estimable, pious and good woman, and should be recorded in her praise. We copy them from the original : " The answer of Mary Bradbury to the charge of witch craft or familiarity with the Devil. — I do plead not guilty. I am wholly innocent of such wickednesss through the goodness of God that hath kept me hitherto. I am the servant of Jesus Christ and have given myself up to him 16 THE PERKINS FAMILY. as my only Lord and Saviour, and to the diligent attend ance upon him in all holy ordinances, in utter contempt and defiance of the Devil & all his works as horrid and detestable ; and have endeavored accordingly to frame my life & conversation according to the rules of his holy word, and in that faith and practice resolve, by the help and assistance of God, to continue to my life's end. For ¦ the truth of what I say as to matter of practice, I humbly refer myself to my brethren and neighbors that know me, and to the searcher of all hearts for the truth & upright ness of my heart therein, human frailties & unavoidable infirmaties excepted, of which I bitterly complain every day. Mary Bradbury." "July 28 : 1692. — Concerning my beloved wife, Mary Bradbury, this is what I have to say : We have been married fifty-five years, and she hath been a loving and faithful wife to me. Unto this day shee hath been won derfully laborious, ^iligent and industrious, in her place and employment about the bringing up of our family (which hath been eleven children of our own and four grandchildren) she was both prudent and provident, of a cheerful spirit, liberal and charitable. She being now very aged and grieved under her afiliction, may not be ableto speak much for herself, not being so free of speech as some others may be. I hope her life and conversation have been such among her neighbours as gives a better ' and more real testimony of her than can be expressed by words. Tho. Bradbury." "Being desired to give my testimony concerning the life and conversation of Mrs. Bradbury of Salisbury among us w"'' is as followeth, viz : I have lived nine years at THE PERKINS FAMILY. 17 Salisbury in the work of the ministry and now four years in the office of a pastour ; to my best notice and obser vation of Mrs. Bradbury she hath lived according to the gospel among us, was a constant attender upon the minis try of y* word ; and all the ordinances of the gospel, full of works of charity and mercy to the sick and poor, neither have I seen or heard anything of her unbecoming the pro fession of the gospel. James Allin." " Having lived many years in Salisbury and been much conversant there, according to my best observation and notice of Mrs. Bradbury must needs affirme to what is above written, and give my oath to it if called thereto. John Pike." July 22 : 1692. " Concerning M.'" Bradburies life and conversation. We the subscribers do testifie that it was such as becometh y" gospel, shee was a louer of y^ ministry in all appear ance and a diligent attender upon Gods holy ordinances being of a curteous and peacable disposition and cariag, neither did any of us (some of whom have lived in y" towne with her fifty yeare) ever heare or know that she ever had any difference or falling oute w"" any of her neighbors, man, woman, or child — but was alwayes readie and willing to doe for them w' lay in her power night and day, though w**" hazard to her health or other danger. — more might be spoken in her coniendation but this for the p''sent." The above was signed by 117 men and women of Salis bury. Mary (Perkins) Bradbury died in Amesbury in 1700, at the age of eighty years. 18 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Children of Thos. and Mary (Perkins) Bradbury were : Wymond, b. Apr. 1, 1637. Judith, b. Oct. 2, 1638. Thomas, b. Jan. 28, 1640. Mary, b. March 17, 1642. Jane, b. May 11, 1645. Jacob, b. June 17, 1647. William, b. Sept. 15, 1649. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 11,, 1651. John. b. Apr. 20, 1654. Ann, b. Apr. 16, 1656. Jabez, b. June 27, 1658. 6 Jacob (John^) was born in England in 1624. He married, first, Elizabeth ;' her father's name is not known. The time of their marriage was probably in 1^48; she died Feb. 12, 1^65, her age being fifty-six years. He afterwards married for a second wife, Damaris Robinson, widow of Nathaniel Robinson, mariner, of Boston. She removed to Boston after the death of Jacob Perldns, and' died there, leaving property by will to sev eral children by her first husband. The date of her death was in 1716, and her age at that time was eighty years. At the time of his marriage with the widow Robinapn he made a promise to support her during her life ; later in life he gave all his property into the possession of his two sons, Jacob and Matthew, on condition that they support both himself and wife during their natural lives. This will appear evident from the following extract from the deed which he gave his sons Matthew and Jacob. t>' 20 March, 1693. I, Sargt. Jacob Perkins, sen. "Having grown old & decrepid and not able to manage my farm, I give the other portions of my land to my ' Possibly the daughter of Matthew Whipple. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 19 two Sons, Jacob and Mathew, provided they support me & my now wife, with whom I made an agreement when we were married," etc., etc. He mentions in his will the portions he had given each of his sons on their marriage. ' He was the youngest son, and by his father's will was to come into possession of his homestead ^ and lands after his mother's death. His lands lay at the eastern part of the town, near the river. He was chosen sergeant of the miUtary company of the town in 1664, and was ever after known as sergeant, or as he wrote it, " Sargent Jacob Perkins, se.," which distinguishes him from two others of the same name. He was a farmer, and his name is often seen upon the records in the purchase and sale of farming lands. He appears also to have taken his share of the duties of a ,0 /7 /or~ /) citizen. We ^ a^q (9fV4-f/o.Co b'^'Pch^ cS'?-i 5 fi9 give this fac^ ^^ ^ simile of his autograph as it is found as foreman of a jury of inquest, held upon the body of a girl who was found drowned. His house was struck by lightning on a Sunday in 1671, " while many people were gathered there to repeat the sermon, when he and- many others were struck down, and had his waistcoat pierced with many small holes, like goose-shot, and was beaten down as if he had been dead for the present." Sergeant Jacob Perldns died in Ipswich, Jan. 27, 1699- 1700, aged seventy-six years. sThe original house, built by the elder John, was destroyed by Are in August, 1668, through the carelessness of a servant, who knocked the ashes from her pipe upon the thatch of an outbuilding. Another house was erected at or near the same spot, which is standing at this day, though in a miserably decayed condition. The well near by has been, and is still called, "Jacob's well." 4 20 THE PERKINS FAMILY. The names and ages of his children, the death of his wife Elizabeth, and of himself, are taken from his family bible, now in the possession of H. N. Perkins, Esq., of Melrose. The children of Sergeant Jacob Perldns, sen., and wife Elizabeth were : 26 Elizabeth, b. Apr. 1, 1649; m. Thomas Borman, Jan. 1, 1667. 27 John, b. July 3, 1652; m. Mary Fisk; d. in 1718; set. 67. 28 Judith, b. July 11, 1655 ; m. Nath. Browne, Dec. 16, 1673. 29 Mary, b. May 14, 1658; m. Thoraas Wells, Jan. 10, 1669. 30 Jacob, b. Aug. 3, 1662; m. 1st, Eliz. Sparks, Dec. 27, 1684; 2d, Sarah Treadwell. 31 Matthew, b. June 23, 1665; m. Esther Burnam. 32 Hannah, b. Oct. 11, 1670. 33 Joseph, b. June 21, 1674; m. Martha Morgan, May 22, 1700. 34 Jabez, b. May 15, 1677 ; m. 1st, Hannah Lathrop, June 30, 1698; 2d, Charity Leonard, in 1722. 7 Lydia (JoJin^) was bom in Boston, and was bap tized June 3, 1632, as is seen upon the records of the First Church there. She married Henry Bennet, a farmer of Ipswich, at what date is not known, but it is supposed in 1651. She is mentioned as "Lydia Bennet" in her father's will. Little is known concerning her husband. His name is sometimes seen in connection with other members of the family. "May 12, 1675. John Perkins, Henry Bennet and others have power to act in matter of Jer. Belcher and others of Ipswich." Rec. Colony of Mass. Bay, Vol. 1, p. 36. Henry Bennet ^ bought a farm of two hundred acres in 1654 of Jonathan Wade, in the southeastern part of Ips wich, where he lived forty years or more. This removed the family to a considerable distance from the old home- ' We are indebted to the research of the late John M. Bradbury, Esq., of Ips wich, for about all that is now known concerning Henry Bennet. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 21 stead, and may account for the infrequent mention of the name in connection with the affairs of the family. Lydia Bennet is supposed to have died about 1672, as Henry Bennet married a second wife not long after that time. She was Mary (Smith) Burr, widow of John Burr, who was her second husband, her first being Philip Call. She was the daughter of Richard Smith, of Shropham, Co. Norfolk, England. She died Jan. 12, 1707-8. He was living Oct. 3, 1707. The names of five of his children are known, all by his first wife, Lydia. They were : Jacob, b. in 1651 ; m. Sarah ; d. March 6, 1685-6. John, b. in 1655 ; killed at Bloody Brook, Sept. 18, 1675. Williara, b. in 1657 ; living in Ipswich In 1685. Henry, b. in 1664 ; m. 1st, Frances Burr ; 2d, Margaret . Thoraas, b. ; m. Elizabeth about 1692; d. in 1700. NOTE. The foregoing Individuals constitute the first two generations ; that is, of John Perkins, sen., and of his sons and daughters. In giving the descendants of the three sons, to whom only the name attaches, it Is proposed to take them in order of their ages. Pakt I, therefore, will be devoted to the descendants of Quarter master John Perkins. Pakt II, to those of Deacon Thomas Perkins. Part III, to those of Sergeant Jacob Perkins. 8 John {John,^ John^) was born in Ipswich about 1636. He married Lydia • — about 1658, and died in 1659. Very little is known concerning him, but after his death his widow applied for administration on his es tate. The Record of the March term of the Court for 1659 gives us the following : 22 THE PERKINS FAMILY. "John Perkins, Jun% dying intestate, this Court grants administration to Lidua Perkins, widow of her late hus band, and further, there being an inventory amounting to £73. 10., and one child new born, the Court doth fur ther order that the widow shall, for the education and bringing up of the child, have the full profit of the whole estate until the child atayne to the age of eighteen years : and then to pay unto her sayd child £14, or at the day of her marriage with her mother's consent, which comes first." We do not learn the name or history of this daughter. An Inventory, on file, gives a list of farm utensils and household goods and furniture, one musket and sword, etc., amounting to £103. 8. 3. The debts of the de ceased were £29. 18. 02., leaving the net sum of £73. 10. 01. for the widow. The only child of John Perkins, jr. , and wife Lidua was : 35 A daughter, b. in 1659. 9 Abraham {John,"^ John'^) was born in Ipswich in 1640. He married Oct. 16, 1661, Hannah, daughter of William and Hannah Beamsley, of Boston. She was born in December, 1643. Abraham Perldns was a man of very considerable en ergy and enterprise, and had the full confidence of his father. He was the oldest son, after the death of his brother John, and acted as his father's attorney in his old age. It is very probable that his father died at his house, as he had made his home there after the death of his wife. He is said to have built the Ipswich meeting-house, which Hammat says he contracted to do "to the turning of the key." He was at one time an innholder, as ap pears from his licenses and from two deeds of land he THE PERKINS FAMILY. 23 had sold, in which he calls himself an " Innholder." Jan. 2, 1698, "I, Abraham Perldns, Innholder, and Hannah my wife," sell to Capt. Daniel Rindge, of Ipswich, carpenter, 2i acres of marsh at Plum Island; March 28, 1700-1, "I, Abraham Perldns, Innholder, and Hannah my wife," sell to Col. John Wainwright, 2 J acres of upland and meadow. He was a representative to the General Court in 1710. He owned and cultivated "Perkins Island," formerly granted to his grandfather, John, sen., and employed his brother Luke to "tend cattle," etc., there, as Luke testifies in a suit between Thomas Borman and Abraham Perkins, that he had lived upon the Island for several years. The death of Abraham Perkins was very sudden, and took place on the 27th of April, 1722, and was the result of an accident, " he being run over by a tumbril which broke many bones across his breast." At that time he was eighty-two years old. Abraham Perkins gave all his property, real and per sonal, to his wife, by his last will, to be disposed of by her to their children at her death. His widow, who died Oct. 16, 1732, at the age of ninety- one years, makes the following bequests in her last will, as follows : she gives the homestead of her late husband to the three children of her son Abraham ; namely, to Joseph, Nathaniel and Abraham ; Abraham to have a double share, that is one-half of the house. These three grandsons were then under age. She mentions her son Stephen, but speaks of her son Abraham as deceased; she speaks also of her loving and dutiful son, Doct. John Perkins, as having had his share already. She gives to Sarah, Hannah and Martha, daughters of my son Beams- ley ; and to Abraham and Sarah, children of my son 24 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Nathaniel ; to Hannah Stanford, daughter of my daughter Hannah, the late wife of Daniel Rindge of Ipswich ; to John and Mary, children of my daughter Martha Brewer, late deceased ; to Joseph and Elizabeth children of my daughter Elizabeth Eveleth, deceased ; to my grandson Samuel Ingalls, son of Martha, my said daughter. Her son Stephen .she appoints to be the executor of her will, which was signed February 1, 1722-3, and proved in Court, October 23, 1732. The sudden death of her husband, it may be supposed, prevented him from making such a will as he desired. His will was made the day before he died. lr\ Q r\ His signature, as here C^iyfVyn.m/^l^&TVilU given, was taken from one A '^ made Nov. 20, 1684. The children of Abraham Perkins and Hannah, his wife, were : 36 Hannah, b. March 7, 1662. 37 Abraliam, b. Aug. 15, 1665. 38 John, b. Feb. 25, 1667. 39 Beamsley, b. Apr. 7, 1673. 40 John, b. Aug. 28, 1676. 41 Stephen, b. in June, 1683. 42 Abraham, b. Dec. 22, 1685. 43 Nathaniel, ^ 44 Martha, V the dates of their births are not known. 45 Elizabeth, J 10 Jacob {John,^ John^) was born in Ipswich, Mass., in 1646. He married first, Sarah Wainwright in 1667, and she died February 3, 1688 ; second, in 1688 or 1689, Sarah Kinsman, who was a daughter of Robert and Mary Kinsman. She was born March 19, 1659. He was known as "Corporal," or "Jacob Perldns, jr.," and is also some times mentioned as "Jacob Perkins the Maltster," and this THE PERKINS FAMILY. 25 was probably his occupation as well as farming. In a depo sition given in 1695, concerning some cattle which had strayed from his brother Abraham's island, he says he was at that time forty-nine years old, and had lived at or near Perkins Island the greater part of his life. His father gave him the use of a farm of one hundred acres in Chebacco Parish (reserving to himself the right to dispose of it at his death) , this being half of a farm which he bought of William Wittred, carpenter, Aug. 8, 1661. This farm Jacob relinquished to his father for one at Sagamore Hill, and upon which he resided the remainder of his life. He in conjunction with his older brother, Abraham , acted as attorney for their father during the latter part of his life ; this trust he afterwards gave up. His father resided with him for awhile after the death of his wife. We find fre quent deeds of land sold by him, with the name of "Sarah" as his wife, which was the name of both of his wives. His family was very large, a great proportion being sons, which fact has kept families of the name numerous in Ipswich. The location of his house is still to be seen at Sagamore Hill. He died in 1719. His sons, Jacob and John, were to be executors of his will, which was made Dec. 13, 1718, and was proved in Court Dec. 14, 1719. The fac-simile was taken from .y ^ , his will, which was made Dec. 13, (]<*-v ifV^-\fr^ 1718. C/ "^ Children of Jacob and Sarah (Wainwright) Perkins were : 46 John, b. Jan. 31, 1668; d. before 1693. 47 Phillis, b. Nov. 28, 1670; m. Thos. Emerson, Nov. 20, 1085. 48 Francis, b. Dec. 18, 1672 ; d. before 1719 ; left w. aud ch. 49 Westly, b. March 13, 1674; d. before 1697. 50 Sarah, b. May 18, 1677; pub. John Leighton, Dec. 4, 1714. 51 Mehitable, b. July 12, 1681 ; m. Jacob Burnham, Nov. 20, 1704. 52 Mary, b. Aug. 2, 1685; pub. Jona. Burnham, March 17, 1710. 53 Elizabeth, b. May 8, 1687. 26 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Children of Jacob and Sarah (Kinsman) Perkins were : 64 Jacob, b. Jan. 3, 1690; pub. 1st, Eliz'h Kinsman, March 6, 1713; 2d, m. Mary Dresser, Dec. 6, 17S3. 55 Eunice, b. March 14, 1691. 56 John, b. Oct. 17, 1693; pub. Elizabeth Endicott, of Boxford, March 15, 1718; m. in Boston, in June, 1718. 57 Robert, b. Oct. 21, 1695; pub. Eliz'h Douton, Oct. 25, 1718. 58 Westly, b. Dec. 3, 1697; pub. Abigail Rindge, Nov. 27, 1725. 59 Joseph, b. Oct. 9, 1699; pub. Eliz'h Fellows, Nov. 2, 1728. 60 Jeremiah, b. Dec. 1, 1701; pub. Joanna Smith, Nov. 7, 1730. 11 Luke {John^ John^) was born in Ipswich in 1649. He married, April 26, 1677, Elizabeth Jaquith, daughter of Henry Jaquith ; it is to be feared that he did not live a very peaceful or happy life with her. She died about 1 690 , after which he married Sarah about 1692. His wife, Sarah, may have outlived him ; the time of the death of neither is certainly known. Luke Perkins was employed during the early part of his life by his father and brother Abraham. He after wards carried on the Inn formerly kept by his father. A part of his life was spent upon his brother Abraham's Island, where he was living in 1695, when he states, in a deposition concerning cattle belonging to his brother Abraham, which had strayed away, that he was forty-six years old at that time. His father made a deed of gift to him of his homestead and other lands, upon certain conditions, which Luke did not fulfil to the satisfaction of his father, and a suit was had, and Luke was obliged, hj the order of the Court, to transfer the property again to his father. An agreement was made by John Perkins, through his two sons, Abraham and Jacob as his attorneys, that, upon Luke's relinquishing all claim to a house and land formerly given him by his father, John, they would convey to him another house and storehouse which stood by the river- THE PERKINS FAMILY. 27 side, and half an acre of land. Abraham also promises to pay a bill of Luke's of £7, to Robert Cook, of Boston, and of £7, to Henry Bennet ; that Luke shall have a bed and rugge. He was to take his pick of five beds that are in the house. Abraham also agrees to pay the maidservant her quarter's wages, and to give Luke a closebodyed coat, and to pay all debts that Luke contracted while keeping his father's house as a house of entertainment. This bargain led to an unfortunate suit in Court, Luke repudiating his agreement. Luke lost his case, and went to jail rather than submit to the order of the Court. He was released after giving bonds in the sum of £1000 not to molest Abraham in the possession of his property. This suit took "place in March, 1687-8*. In 1688-9, he sold to "Thomas Smith, taylor," his house and storehouse for sixty pounds, silver currency of New England. There is no mention of any children born by first wife. Children of Luke and Sarah (-^^ ^) 'Perkins were : 61 John, b. May 14, 1693. 62 Sarah, b. Jan. 22, 1694. 12 Isaac {John^ John^) was born in Ipswich, Mass., about 1650. He married, in 1669, Hannah, daughter of Alexander Knight and his wife Hannah. The widow, Hannah Knight, after the death of her husband, married Robert Whitman, Nov. 9, 1664. This marriage of Isaac with Hannah Knight does not appear upon the record, but is made evident by the fol- fowing abstract : " Isaac Perkins & wife Hannah convey to Richard Kimball land in Ipswich which formerly belonged to her father, Alexander Knight, formerly of Ipswich, Feb. 6, 1716." On the 20 March, 1683-4, his father gave him a deed 28 THE PERKINS FAMILY. of a farm of 100 acres in Chebacco Parish, near to what is now called " the Falls ;" he had been living there before this deed was made. This was half of the farm his father had bought of William Wittred, carpenter, Aug. 8, 1661 ; it was owned by a grandson of Isaac in 1790. He appears to have been a man who was highly re spected by his neighbors, who spoke of him as "Mr. Isaac Perkins, of Chebacco." His name and that of his wife, Hannah, were often attached to deeds of land ; she must have died before his will was signed, as no mention is made of her in that instrument, neither of his oldest son John, or of his heirs, as he had probably died young. His two sons, Abraham and Jacob, were executors of his will, which was made Oct. 26, 1725, and proved Feb. 14, 1725-6. Isaac gave a deed of his farming stock and land in Chebacco to his son Jacob, " in consideration of what duty he is to perform in providing for myself and wife, which he and his heirs stand obliged to perform by a written instru ment," from which it would appear that Isaac and Hannah spent their last days in the family of their son Jacob. ^yp I , The fac-simile, which is '^lifcf^ii^ ^!>Xif\f^^ ^^®i"6 given, was taken from v-/ y an autograph made Sep- ^ tember 8, 1700. Children of Isaac and Hannah (Knight) Perkins were : 63 John, b. July 1, 1670; d. young. 64 Abraham, b. Sept. 15, 1671 ; m. Abigail Dodge. 65 Hannah, b. Jan. 31, 1673; m. Woodward. 66 Isaac, b. May 23, 1676 ; ra. 1st, wid. Mary Pike ; 2d, wid. Lydia Viflan. 67 Jacob, b. Nov. 9, 1678 ; m. 1st, Mary Cogswell, pub. Sept. 8, 1716; 2d, Susanna Butler, widow, m. Feb. 10, 1728. 68 Elizabeth, b. May 29, 1681. 69 Sarah, b. March 28, 1685 ; ra. Marshall. 70 Maiy, b. March 27, 1687; m. Proctor. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 29 13 Nathaniel {John^^ John^) was bom in Ipswich, Mass., about 1652. He married Judith : — in 1684. At this time his father gave him a farm of one hundred acres in Chebacco, adjoining that of his brother Isaac. In early life he "followed the sea," being probably en gaged in fishing, in which business his father and brother Abraham were both interested. After his marriage and the gift of a farm from his father, he appears to have devoted himself to husbandry for a while, but his affairs, evidently, did not prosper, and about 1700 he sold various parcels of his farm. Jan'y 30, 1691. He and wife Judith, sell meadow in Chebacco to John Wise. Feb. 27, 1701. He and wife Judith sell to Abraham Perldns, jr., " 20 acres of salt marsh and upland in Che bacco, being part of said Nathaniel's homestead where he now lives." June 23, 1702. He sells more of his homestead to John Burnham. June 3, 1703. He arid wife Judith sell to Adam Cogs well, jr., yeoman, in consideration of nine score and twelve pounds lawful money, certain tenements and tracts of land in Chebacco, with dwelling houses, barnes, or chard, pasture, etc., etc., which land was bounded by land of Isaac Perkins, by "a black birch tree, a red oak, a grape vine, a heap of rocks, and a cherrie tree." After this sale we lose sight of him entirely. Children of Nathaniel and Judith ( ) Perkins were : 71 Nathaniel, b. March 31, 1685. 72 Jemima, b. June 29, 1686. 14 Samuel (John,^ John ^) was born in Ipswich, Mass. , in 1655. He married in 1677 Hannah, daughtef of Twif- 30 THE PERKINS FAMILY. ford and Hannah West. He was a cordwainer by trade. He served as a soldier in the Narragansett war, for which he received a portion of land at Voluntown, on the eastern border of Connecticut, which land afterward came into possession of his son Ebenezer, who settled upon it, and in 1735 sold it to John Wildes of Topsfield, Mass. His father gave him a deed of land in the town of Ipswich on which he had built a house in 1684 ; this land joined to land given to his brother Luke. In a deed to Luke, his father. Quart' John, says, "and that Sam^ Per kins shall not be disturbed in the possession I have given him, and that he hath built upon." Samuel Perkins died intestate in 1700. His widow, Hannah, was appointed administratrix of his estate, and was also chosen as guardian of his two minor children, John and Elizabeth. The fac-simile, here given, 0Cl/Mk>*.&\ypSr\^i ^^^ taken from a signature made June 19, 1695. Children of Samuel and Hannah (West) Perkins were : 73 Samuel, b. Nov. 26, 1679; d. abroad, date unknown. 74 Ebenezer, b. Feb. 3, 1681; m. 1st, Hannah Safford; 2d, 75 Elizabeth, b. June 13, 1685. 76 John, b. May 12, 1692; d. at Curacoa, W. I. 15 Thomas (John,^ John^). The dates of his birth and death are not known. His father, in a deed of gift to his son Luke, of a very considerable portion of real estate in Ipswich, makes it a condition "that he shall support his mother and brother Thomas, if they should happen to outlive him (John) , during the whole of the remainder of their natural lives." It is to be inferred from the above that Thomas was unable to support himself, being imbecile in body or mind. This mention constitutes all we know of Thomas. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 31 16 Sarah {John,^ John^). The date of her birth is not known. In giving her evidence in a suit against Sergeant Wayte, April 10, 1683, she says: "I, Sarah Perkins, being at my father. Quartermaster John Perkins his house, the last September Court, I see Serg* Wayte," etc., etc. It would be not a httle singular if a family of eight sons should not have, at least, one daughter also, but as the above affidavit contains all the evidence we find that he had a daughter Sarah, this is open to a doubt, as 10 Jacob, son of 2 John, had at the same time a wife Sarah; it is not, therefore, impossible that it was a daughter-in-law who gives this evidence. 36 Hannah (^Abraham.^ John^ John^) was born in Ipswich, Mass., March 7, 1662. She married Daniel Rindge, date not known. He appears on the early records as a carpenter (1698), and later (1713) as a shopkeeper, and was an active and useful man in the affairs of the town. They had only one child, the mother dying a few days after her birth; the date of her death being July 9, 1684. Hannah Perkins, the mother of Hannah Rindge, in her will made in 1722, gives "to Hannah Stanford, daughter of my daughter Hannah, the late wife of Daniel Rindge of Ipswich." The child of Daniel and Hannah (Perkins) Rindge was : Hannah, b. June 30, 1684; m. Stanford. 39 Beamsley {Abraham,^ John,'' John^) was born in Ipswich, Mass., April 7, 1673. He was married in Sep tember, 1698, to Hannah Glazier, who Nathaniel Emerson says was his daughter. She was a widow Glazier when married to Capt. Beamsley Perkins. After this marriage. 32 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Abraham Perldns, the father of Beamsley, commenced a suit against Rev. John Emerson, of Gloucester, who had married them, for performing the marriage ceremony ille gally, inasmuch as they had not before been regularly published. Emerson acknowledged his fault and paid his fine. Beamsley Perkins was a mariner, and was early in hfe the owner and captain of a sloop. In 1716, he com manded the brig Ipswich of 100 tons. At the time of the attack of the British forces upon Port Royal, in 1710, he commanded "Her Majesty's ship Dispatch, friggott," mounting twenty guns. He retained his interest in ship ping until his death, and was always addressed as Capt. Beamsley Perkins. Two small vessels are mentioned upon the inventory of his property, viz. : " 1 skooner valued at £200, a small skooner at £22. — Sea beding £4. Instru ments of navigation 30 shillings." In 1714, he bought of his father, Perkins Island, said in the deed to contain " 100 acres more or less." This Island, with the stage and buildings, was valued at £800, and was probably used for the curing of fish ; a part of this property he resold to his father the same year. He sold a large farm in 1719 to Thomas Choate for £1400. He had sold a large portion of Perkins Island before his death. His will was executed Feb. 5, 1718-19, and proved July 29, 1720. His estate was valued at £1587. He gave all his property to wife, Hannah, during her life, to be distributed "to her children" at her death. His wife, Hannah, was appointed executrix. His death upon the town record reads thus : " Capt. Beamsley Perkins died at his house in Ipswich ye twenty third day of July 1720> being 47 years three mo. and THE PERKINS FAMILY. 33 16 days old." The inscription upon his tombstone makes an error of about two years in his age. He is there stated to be " in ye 45th year of his age." In the disposition of some of his property after his death, his widow and four of her children by her first husband, Glazier, sign a deed, as well as the children of Capt. Beamsley. They sign as " children of Hannah and legatees of said Beamsley." Children of Beamsley and Hannah Perkins were : 77 Sarah, bapt. Aug. 12, 1705. 78 Hannah, b. April 22, 1707. 79 Martha, b. March 3, 1709. 80 Lucy, bapt. Nov. 9, 1712; d. Dec. 3, 1712. 40 John {Abraham,^ John? John^) was born in Ips wich, Mass., Aug. 28, 1676. He received his preliminary education at the Ipswich Grammar School, under the in struction of Mr. Daniel Rogers, son of President Rogers of Harvard College. He entered Harvard College in 1691, and was graduated in 1695. He was married first to Mary M'Farland Dec. 11, 1697; she was the widow of Duncan McFarland of Boston. It is not known when she died; she was living in Boston in 1714, as upon the 6th of August of that year. Dr. John Perldns and his wife Mary, who was administratrix of the estate of her former husband, McFarland, conveys land in Boston, that formerly belonged to him, to Joseph Mayer. Shortly after leaving college, he studied medicine, and began the practice of that profession in his native town. When the ncAV meeting house was built in 1700, he, and the other physicians of Ipswich, Drs. Bridgman and Dean, were each assigned a separate pew, as a marked appreciation of the value of their services. He did not remain long in Ipswich, but removed to Boston, and was in practice there for many years, though he resided at intervals again in Ipswich. 34 THE PERKINS FAMILY. After the death of his first wife, he married Mary Checkley, who was the daughter of Anthony Checkley, of Boston. She was born Oct. 14, 1673. The date oi their marriage is uncertain, but the fact appears evident by a deed of property given to his son Nathaniel, in which the estate of his "father-in-law, Anthony Checkley," is spoken of. In deeds on record for the conveyance of land, he sometimes calls himself a " physician of Ipswich," and sometimes " of Boston." In 1740 he executed a deed of gift to his son Nathaniel of all his property, real and personal, including "all his interest in his grandfather Beamsley's farm at Muddy river, and what interest he may have in the estate of his father-in-law, Anthony Checkley, Esq.," and "excepting only debts due to me from my son-in-law, Joseph Ingra- ham, and my daughter Hannah, and from Joshua Lee." This deed, he states, was given " for love & aflection to my son Nathaniel, and in consideration of an obligation he has laid himself under to provide honourably for his mother during her natural life." No provision is made in this instrument for his own support. No will is to be found, or account of administration of his estate, or any thing by which we can fix the time of his death. The catalogue of Harvard College says his death took place in 1740. Children of John and Mary (McFarland) Perkins were : 81 Hannah, b. June 9, 1699. 82 John, b. Jan. 23, 1700. 83 William, b. June 25, 1702. 84 Nathan, b. ab't 1705. 85 Beamsley, b. April 2, 1710. Children by Mary Checkley were : 86 Nathaniel, b. ab't 1715 ; d. in 1799. 87 Mary, b. ab't 1717; ra. Joseph Ingrahara. 88 Hannah, b. ab't 1720; m. Norton. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 35 41 Stephen {Abraham,^ John? John^^ was born in Ipswich, Mass., in June, 1683, and was published to Mary Eveleth, July 13, 1706. His marriage to her is not found on the records. He was a mariner, and early in life had command of a small vessel engaged in coast and West India trade. He was called Capt. Stephen Perkins. In 1709 he built and commanded the sloop Mary, of 30 tons burthen. After a few years of sea hfe he, apparently, abandoned it, and commenced trading. He is found buy ing and selling real estate, and in the deeds calls himself " shopkeeper." His wife, Mary, died about 1717 ; he mar ried a second time with Margaret Bligh, Sept. 26, 1719 ; she died May 23, 1754. Among the baptisms we find "Mrs. Margaret Perkins was baptized July 21, 1728." His death is recorded as having taken place May 15, 1733. His will was executed April 23, 1733, and ap proved by the court May 29, 1733. In his will he men tions two married daughters and a minor son. He states that he had received £340 on his marriage with his wife Margaret, and returns the same amount to her in his will. His son, Francis, was to receive a watch, and silver-hilted sword and belt, when he should arrive at the age of 21 years. He chose Margaret, his mother, to be his guardian. The will of Margaret, widow of Capt. Stephen Perkins, was made Dec. 22, 1753, and proved May 27, 1754. In it she gives to her cousin, Margaret Daniels, of Salem, and to her cousins, William and Mary Fullerton, of Portsmouth, N. H., and also to Mary Lowden, jr., for her kindness and care of her. William Fullerton, painter, was chosen to be the executor of her will. The children of Capt. Stephen Perldns and Mary were : 89 Mary, bapt. in 1708; m. Thomas Norton, jr., Jan. 28, 1728. 90 Stephen, bapt. May 27, 1711 ; d. young. 91 Elizabeth, bapt. Oct. 18, 1713; m. Elias Lowater, Nov. 10, '31. 92 Francis, bsipt. Jan. 8, 1715 ; pub. Martha Quarles, Oct. 17, 1747, 6 36 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 42 Abraham {Abraham? John? John ^) was born in Ipswich, Mass., Dec. 22, 1685. He married Esther Perldns, being published Jan. 10, 1707-8. She was a daughter of Matthew and Esther (Burnham) Perkins, and was born July 17, 1690. He died Feb. 14, 1718. After his death, his widow, Esther, married Edward Porter, of Boston, afterwards of Salem, being pubhshed April 22, 1721. He died before 1728 ; after which she married her third husband, Dr. Cesar Augustus Harbin, of Ipswich, who may have been of York, Me., as she had land there, which she, perhaps, had from his estate ; by him she had a son William, who died in 1760. She made a will in 1751, in which she mentions her son, Joseph, and daughter, Esther. His (Abraham's) mother, Hannah (Beamsley), mentions sons of her son Abraham, viz.: Joseph, Nathaniel and Abraham. Nothing is known of his occupation. The children of Abraham and Esther Perkins were : 93 Joseph, bapt. Aug. 17, 1712. 94 Nathaniel, bapt. Jan. 3, 1713-14. 95 Abraham, bapt. July 15, 1716. 96 Esther, bapt. about 1717; m. Brown. 43 Nathaniel {Abraham? John? John^) was born in Ipswich, Mass. ; date uncertain. Upon the Probate rec ords it is stated, "Nathaniel Perkins, mariner, deceased. Administration on his estate is granted to his father, Abra ham," Nov. 16, 1713. On examination of the papers on file, the inventory shows only such property as would belong to a mariner, as " Sea-beding," " Instruments of nav igation," and men's clothing, but gives no intimation of his being a married man, or having household property or a family. In 1722, when Hannah, the mother of Nathaniel, died, she gave in her will " to Abraham and Sarah, children of THE PERKINS FAMILY. 37 my son Nathaniel." Upon the town record is found the date of the baptism of Hannah, daughter of Capt. Na thaniel and Esther Perkins, Aug. 26, 1711. Imperfect records leave us in doubt as to time of their marriage, or date of the birth of the children mentioned in the wiU of his mother. The children of Nathaniel and Esther Perkins were : 97 Abraham, b. 98 Sarah, b. 99 Hannah, b. Aug. 26, 1711. 44 Martha {Abraham? John? John'^) was bom in Ipswich, Mass., about 1669. She married John Brewer, jr., of Ipswich, June 3, 1689. He was a son of John, sen., and Mary (Whitmore) Brewer, and was born Oct. 6, 1653. He had married first, Susanna Warner, January, 1674; she died Nov. 20, 1688. He was chosen town clerk of Ipswich, Nov. 27, 1683, and died 1697. His widow, Martha, was administratrix of his estate. After his death she married second, Ingols. The children of John and Martha (Perldns) were : Hannah, )^ -^.^jj ^g^ 1689-90. Martha, ) John, b. in 1692. Mary, b. in 1695. Martha, b. iu June, 1697. The child of Ingols and Martha was : Sarauel, b. 45 Elizabeth {Abraham? John? John^) was born in Ipswich, Mass., about 1679. She married Edward Eve leth, of Ipsw^^ich, Jan. 4, 1704. Children of Edward and EUzabeth (Perkins) Eveleth were : Joseph, b. Elizabeth, b. 38 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 48 Francis { Jacob, ^^ John? John^) was born at Saga more Hill, Ipswich, Mass., Dec. 18, 1672. His wife was Elizabeth Eveleth, daughter of Joseph and Mary Eveleth of Chebacco Parish ; the time of their marriage is unknown. He was a farmer, and died about 1706. After his death, his widow married George Giddings of Gloucester, as we learn from a deed of land given by Jacob, his father, viz. : 10 acres of land in Chebacco Parish, which he had previously bought of his brother Nathaniel. This land he gave to the two sons of Francis, when they shall ar rive at the age of 21 years : if both sons die before that age, then the land was to go to their sister Elizabeth : if all three children die, then the land is to be " for the be hoof and benefit of George Giddings, who is about to marry with Elizabeth, their mother." The deed was signed by Jacob and Sarah (Wainwright) Perldns. Children of Francis and Elizabeth (Eveleth) Perkins were :100 Elizabeth, b. ; m. Jona. Ingerson, of Gloucester, June 14, 1717. 101 Francis, b. ; lost at sea near Isle Sable, Aug. 15, 1716. 102 Benjamin, b. ; m. Mary Robinson, Feb. 17, 1727-8. 51 Mehitable {Jacob?" John? John^) was born in Ipswich, Mass., July 12, 1681. She married Jacob Burnham, Nov. 20, 1704. He was the son of Deacon John Burnham, sen. He was born March 1, 1682, and died March 26, 1773. She died Sept. 6, 1769. Children of Jacob and Mehitable (Perldns) Burnham were : Westly, b. Apr. 26, 1706 ; d. March 28, 1707. Jacob, b. 1708 ; m. Sarah Eveleth, Aug. 19, 1734 ; d. Dec. 26, 1783. Solomon, b. 1709; m. Mehitable Emerson, Nov. 13, 1729; d. April 15, 1784. John, b. ; m. Bethia Marshall, May 10, 1736. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 39 52 Mary {Jacob?" John? John ^) was born in Ipswich, Mass., August 2, 1685. She married Capt. Jonathan Burnham, being published March 17, 1710, and died about 1728. He was son of John Burnham, was bom Oct. 10, 1685, and died April 3, 1773. He married, second, Maria Foster, and by her had seven children. Children of Jona. and Mary (Perkins) Burnham were : Jonathan, b. in 1716. Mary, b. in 1718. Francis, b. in 1721 ; d. Dec. 30, 1779. Eunice, b. April 24, 1726. Lucy, b. Sept. 17, 1727. 54 Jacob {Jacob?" John? John ^) was born at Saga more Hill, Ipswich, Mass. , Jan. 3, 1690. He married, first, Elizabeth Kinsman, published March 6, 1713 ; she died Sept. 27, 1732 : second, Mary Dresser, Dec. 6, 1733. He was a husbandman, and always resided upon the Sagamore Hill farm, which had been the possession of his father and grandfather. When his intention of marriage with his second wife, Mary, was published, the entry on the rec ord mentions him as "Jacob at the hill." He died in 1758. In his will, made March 16, 1757, he mentions his wife, Mary, and six of his children as being then alive. His will was proved Jan. 3, 1759. His wife, Mary, was the executrix. Children of Jacob and Eliz'h (Kinsman) Perkins were : 103 Jacob, bapt. May 8, 1715; m. Mary Fuller. 104 Francis, bapt. July 28, 1717; d. young. 105 Elizabeth, bapt. Oct. 26, 1718; d. Aug. 25, 1726. 106 Lucy, bapt. Oct. 16, 1720; d. Oct. 30, 1726. 107 Francis, bapt. June 28, 1724. 108 Elizabeth, bapt. Aug. 14, 1726. 109 Lucy, bapt. Aug. 12, 1727; d. Feb. 9, 1727-8. 110 Lucy, bapt. Aug. 25, 1728; d. March 6, 1728-9. Ul Daniel, bapt. Sept. 19, 1731; d. Sept. 29, 1731. 40 THE PERKINS FAMILY. ChUdren of Jacob and Mary (Dresser) Perkins were : 112 Mary, bapt. Dec. 29, 1734. 113 Mehitable, bapt. Feb. 20, 1735. 114 Eunice, bapt. April 22, 1739. 115 Sarah, bapt. Sept. 5, 1742. 116 Samuel, bapt. May 7, 1748; d. Nov. 30, 1748. 56 John {Jacob,^" John? John^) was born at Saga more Hill, Ipswich, Mass., Oct. 17, 1693. He was pub Ushed in Ipswich to Elizabeth Endicott, March 15, 1718, and was married in Boston in June, 1718. She was born May 8, 1695, and was a daughter of Zerobbabel and Grace (Symonds) Endicott, of Boxford. He was a grandson of John Endicott, governor of the Massachusetts Colony. John Perkins was a husbandman, and inherited some part of his father's land about Sagamore HiU. Many deeds are on record, by which he conveys parts of this estate to others. Children of John and Eliz'h (Endicott) Perkins were : 117 Sarah, bapt. Feb. 8, 1718. 118 Elizabeth, bapt. June 11, 1721. 119 John, bapt. Oct. 18, 1723; d. March 5, 1736. 120 Eunice, bapt. April 10, 1726; d. March 31, 1736. 121 Robert, bapt. Aug. 25, 1728; pub. Eliz'h Brown, Apr. 6, 1753. 122 Hannah, bapt. April 12, 1730. 123 Zerobbabel, bapt. Feb. 13, 1731 ; d. March 19, 1735. 124 Anna, bapt. Feb. 10, 1733. 125 Mary, bapt. Oct. 26, 1735. 126 Eunice, bapt. Oct. 14, 1739. 57 Robert {Jacob?" John? John^) was bom in Ips wich, Mass., and baptized Oct. 21, 1695. He married Elizabeth Douton, and was pubUshed Oct. 25, 1718. He was a fisherman, and resided in Ipswich. He, with his brother Westly, sold land near Sagamore Hill, which came from his father's estate. Nov. 25, 1721. He, with wife Elizabeth, quitclaims THE PERKINS FAMILY. 41 "to loving brother-in-law, Joseph HoUand, land that was formerly the estate of our deceased father, William Douton, mariner." His wife, Elizabeth; died Dec. 4, 1763. Children of Robert and Eliz'h (Douton) Perkins were : 127 Jeremiah, bapt. Sept. 20, 1719. 128 Elizabeth, bapt. Nov. 27, 1720. 129 Mary, bapt. March 10, 1722-3 ; m. Dan'l Kinsman, Jan. 23, '40. 58 Westly {Jacob?" John? John ^) was born at Saga more Hill, Ip,swich, Mass., Dec. 3, 1697 ; married Abigail Rindge, pub. Nov. 27, 1725. He was by occupation a fisherman, as we learn from deeds of land sold by him which are now on record. He sold land in Scarborough, Maine, in 1727, which land he had granted him in 1721. He probably resided there awhile, and returned to Ips wich. His home was in Ipswich at the time of his death. The baptism of only one of Westly and Abigail Per kins' children is found recorded, viz. : 130 Abigail, baptized Nov. 19, 1727; ra. Jereraiah Foster, jr. 59 Joseph {Jacob?" John? John^) was born in Ips wich, Mass., Oct. 9, 1699. He married Elizabeth Fel lows, being published Nov. 2, 1728. In deeds for the transfer of land, he calls himself a fisherman. Joseph Perkins died in 1752. Dec. 9, 1753, his widow was pubUshed with John Kinsman. June 7, 1758, she sold, by order of court, "the southeasterly part of the dwelling-house, where Jeremiah Perldns now lives, to James Perldns, joyner, for £53-6-8, which is the estate of the deceased." He died intestate. Administration was granted to his widow. He, fisherman, sells marsh in Ipswich, near Sagamore Hill, Feb. 16, 1726-7. He sells an acre of upland and marsh near Fox point, which was given him " by the last 42 THE PERKINS FAMILY. wiU of my honored father, Jacob Perkins," March 16, 1626-7. ChUdren of Joseph and Eliz'h (FeUows) Perkins were : 131 Elizabeth, bapt. June 7, 1730; ra. B. Crocker. 132 Joseph, bapt. Sept. 5, 1731. 133 Jonathan, bapt. Oct. 28, 1733. 134 James, bapt. May 23, 1736; m. Mary, wid. of Wra. Phillips; d. Oct. 18, 1818. 135 Isaac, bapt. Oct. 29, 1738. 136 John, bapt. May 10, 1741 ; m- Elizabeth Hodgkins. 137 Susanna, bapt. Sept. 11, 1743; m. Ephraim Kendall; d. Apr. 1, 1830. 138 Ephraim, bapt. Nov. 19, 1746; unra'd; d. in 1778. 60 Jeremiah {Jacob,^" John? John ') was born in Ips wich, Mass., Dec. 1, 1701. He was published to Joanna Smith, Nov. 7, 1730. He was for many years a deacon of the First Church, and was highly respected. He died Jan. 18, 1790, at the age of eighty-eight years. He was a cooper hy trade. "Joseph Perkins, fisherman, and Jeremiah Perkins, cooper, buy of Joseph Foster and wife, Sarah, at Ipswich, land near the first parish meeting-house, Jan. 26, 1726. Upon this lot they built a house and resided there." Felt, in his history of Ipswich, says, "he lost a wife May 25, 1782, in her seventy-first year and left a widow Joanna." This must have been a mistake, as Joanna was his only wife. Children of Jereraiah and Joanna (Smith) Perkins were : 139 Jeremiah, bapt. April 1, 1733; d. May 1, 1748. 140 Daniel, bapt. Aug. 24, 1735; d. June 1, 1736. 141 Daniel, bapt. Jan. 14, 1738. 142 Joanna, bapt. Jan. 22, 1741 ; m. Chapman. 143 Aaron, bapt. Sept. 2, 1744; m. Hannah Treadwell. 144 Martha, bapt. Feb. 1, 1746; ra. Heard. 145 Sarah, bapt. Apr. 28, 1750; m. Col. Joseph Hodgkins, 1772. 146 Jeremiah, bapt. Jan. 7, 1753. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 43 61 John {Luhe,^^ John? John ^) was born in Ipswich, Mass., May 14, 1693. He married Anna Perkins, daugh ter of John and Mary Perkins, of Wenham. She was born in 1692 ; they were pubUshed Jan. 12, 1711, and were married Jan. 30, 1711. He resided in Ipswich, and was a blacksmith by trade. He bought land in Ipswich of Wil liam and Mary Davison, May 9, 1716. Feb. 27, 1723-4, he sold to Benjamin Stone, "taylor," three acres of land with house and barn for £112, re serving the shop for himself. Their son Nathaniel, a weaver, died in 1746. Admin istration of his estate was given to his father, March 7, 1747. Children of John and Anna Perldns were : 147 John, b. Dec. 5, 1712; d. Jan. 9, 1712, in Wenham. 148 Nathaniel, b. ; d. in 1746. 64 Abraham {Isaac?^ John? John^) was born in Chebacco Parish, Ipswich, Mass., Sept. 15, 1671. He married Abigail Dodge, Nov. 6, 1701. She was the daughter of Joseph and Sarah Dodge, and was born in Beverly, the place of residence of her parents, Sept. 12, 1681. She was the oldest of a family of eight brothers and sisters. Their marriage took place at Ipswich, Mass. This fac-simile was . taken from an auto- e^(fi^^c^^l^ \p&?^A^^ graph made in 1725. Abraham Perldns was a farmer in his native place, Chebacco, and acquired a large property in farming lands. His homestead and farm adjoined that of his father. This property he bought of his uncle, Nathaniel, in 1700. His father gave him, by deed of gift, a parcel of upland and marsh, Feb. 21, 1717-18. We have no record of the time of his death, or of that of his wife. 7 44 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Children of Abra'm and AbigaU (Dodge) Perkins were : 149 Abigail, b. 1702; m. Joseph Emerson. 150 James, b. in 1705 ; ra. Margaret Andrews. 151 Isaac, b. in 1707; m. Elizabeth Butler. 152 Abraham, b. in 1708 ; m. 1st, Eliz'h Ely ; 2d, wid. Mary Ely. 153 Hannah, b. in 1709 ; m. John Butler. 154 Sarah, b. in 1711 ; m. Jonathan Low. 155 Elizabeth, b. Dec. 30, 1715 ; m. Wra. Ely, jr. 156 Joseph, b. March 12, 1720; m. Elizabeth Choate. 66 Isaac {Isaac?'' John? John^) was born in Che bacco Parish, Ipswich, Mass., May 23, 1676. He mar ried, first, widow Mary Pike (or Picket) June 3, 1703; at the time of this marriage his father gave him " £100 or other goods, chatels or lands, equivalent thereunto, in con sideration that my sonne Isaac doth marry with Mary Pike of Boston, widow, and now of Ipswich." This was to be paid £10 a year, from the day and date of their marriage. This sum he gives " for love & good will that I bear to my sonne & in consideration that ye said Pike do proceed in the matter of marriage with my said sonne Isaac." His wife, Mary, died in 1720. He married, second, Lydia Vifian, of Boston, Oct. 10, 1723 ; she was the widow of John Vifian, mariner. He was a shipmaster, and was called Capt. Isaac Perkins. His home was in Boston, and all of his children, who were by his first wife, Mary, were born there. He left a will, giving to his widow £250, that being what she had when he married her ; and the remainder, £397, he gave to his two minor children, Hannah and Isaac, who were living at the time of his death. His son Isaac died in Boston, Oct. 13, 1737, at the age of twenty-three years, and was in terred in Chebacco. Capt. Isaac Perkins died in Boston June 14, 1725. WiUiam Cooper's diary contains the following entry: THE PERKINS FAMILY. 45 "June 17, 1725, attended the funeral of Capt. Isaac Per kins." Children of Capt. Isaac and Mary (Pike) Perkins were : 157 Isaac, b. March 9, 1703-4; d. May 13, 1705. 158 Richard, b. Sept. 12, 1705; d. March 25, 1708. 159 Mary, b. March 16, 1706-7; d. before 1725. 160 Hannah, b. April 4, 1708; m. Francis Choate. 161 Isaac, b. in Oct., 1710; d. Oct. 13, 1737. 67 Jacob {Isaac,^'' John? John'^) was born in Che bacco Parish, Ipswich, Mass., Nov. 9, 1678. He married first, Mary Cogswell, being published Sept. 8, 1716 ; she died in 1727 ; second, Susanna Butler, Feb. 10, 1728-9 ; she was the widow of William Butler, who died May 6, 1723, and was the daughter of William and Susanna Cogswell. She was born in 1689, and died Oct. 1, 1769, aged eighty years. Jacob Perkins was a farmer, and resided upon the homestead of his father. This farm was given him by his father, Isaac, who says in the deed, "in consideration of what duty he is to perform in taking care of and pro viding for myself and wife, which he and his heirs stand obUged to do by a written instrument, bearing the same date as these presents," etc., etc. Upon this farm he re sided during his life. He owned considerable land in various parts of Ipswich. He died in March, 1754, at the age of seventy-six. His will is very long and minute. This fac-simile, here given, was taken from an which was made Feb. Children of Jacob and Mary (Cogswell) Perkins were : 162 Jacob, b. in 1717; m. Elizabeth Storey, in 1743; d. in 1776. 163 Mary, b. Sept. 25, 1726; d. young. I autograph Q^eUky-^ fOt?^ ^Itl^ ). 14, 1725. 1/ 46 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Children by Susanna (Cogswell) Perkins were : 164 Lucy, b. Oct. 25, 1730; d. in infancy. 165 Francis, b. May 7, 1732; m. 1st, Hannah Cogswell, in 1765; 2d, Martha Low, in 1761. 73 Samuel {Samuel,'^*' John? John^) was bom in Ipswich, Mass., Nov. 26, 1679, and was never married. He was a mariner, and inherited property from his father and his grandmother, Hannah West, of which he never carae into possession, as he probably died abroad. When his brother and sister disposed of their interest in this property, they speak of him as probably being at that time deceased. 74 Ebenezer {Samuel?*^ John? John^) was born in Ipswich, Mass., Feb. 3, 1681. He married first, Hannah Saflbrd, Aug. 14, 1710, at Preston, Conn. ; he married a second wife, but who she was has not beep ascertained. He was a farmer, and removed from Ipswich, Mass., to Preston, Conn., where he bought 123 acres of land of John HiU, Oct. 27, 1714, but sold this land again to John Pray in 1716, when he removed to Voluntown, Conn., where he took possession of land which was given to his father, Samuel, in consideration of services rendered by him as a volunteer soldier in the Narragansett war, Nov. 17, 1735. He, then living at Voluntown, sold to John Wildes, of Topsfield, for £26. 8s. 6d., all his father's rights to land in Voluntown. He removed to Coventry, R. I., after the sale of this land, and died there before 1754, as we learn from the following records. John Perldns of Preston (son of Samuel Perldns of Ipswich, and brother of Ebenezer, of Preston) , who was a mariner, died abroad and left a will, giving certain prop- THE PERKINS FAMILY. 47 erty " to the children of his brother Ebenezer by his first wife." On July 8, 1754, "Newman Perldns, of Exeter, R. I., Samuel Perkins and Oliver Perkins, husbandman, of Scit uate in said R. I., Valentine Perkins, of Oblong, N. Y., husbandman, Ebenezer Perkins, of Coventry, R. I., hus bandman, Lemuel and Francis Perldns, of Voluntown, Conn., mariners, children of Ebenezer Perkins, late of Coventry, in the colony of Rhode Island, husbandman, deceased, by his first wife," grant to John Harris, of Bos ton, power to sell their land, etc., in Ipswich, which lately belonged to their {brother, by mistake of the scribe) uncle John Perkins, of Preston, in the colony of Connecticut, deceased. Another brother, Lemuel, of Voluntown, Conn. , sold his interest in this property to Daniel Gid- dinge, of Ipswich, Gent., "about 9 acres, which is my whole shear." The marriase of Ebenezer and Hannah is recorded at Preston, as are also the names and dates of the birth pf their children, which are as follows : 166 Newman, b. March 8, 1711. 167 Samuel, b. May 18, 1712. 168 Oliver, b. Apr. 29, 1713. 169 Charity, b. July 4, 1714. 170 Ellenher, b. July 26, 1718. 171 Lemuel, b. Apr. 2, 1720. 172 Ebenezer, b. July 1, 1721. 173 John. 76 John {Sanmel,^^ John? John''-) was bom in Ips wich, Mass., May 12, 1692. He removed to Preston, Conn., in 1719, to which place his older brother, Eben ezer, had previously gone. He was a mariner, and died in Curacoa, W. I., in 1753. His will, made on ship board just before his death, was probated in Essex Co., Mass. Before his death, he had sold to his uncle, all his 48 THE PERKINS FAMILY. interest in the estate of his grandmother West, and also in the estate of his brother Samuel, who was supposed to be deceased. In his will he gave to his brother Eben- ezer's son, John, money he had left in the hands of Edward Richardson, of Newbury; other money left in the hands of Jacob Perkins, of Chebacco ; of which he gave him four pistoles, and the rest to his sister Hannah. All his land in Ipswich, and all his interest, when remitted home, were to be divided between the children of his brother Ebenezer "by his first wife." They, with the ex ception of Lemuel, gave a power of attorney in 1754, to John Harris, of Boston, to sell the property. John Harris, of Boston, was appointed by the court as admin istrator with the will annexed. ' It is not known that John Perkins was ever married. 83 William {John,*" Abraham? John? John^) was born in Ipswich, Mass., June 25, 1702. He married Hannah Crumpton, being published Feb. 1, 1723. She was the daughter of Francis Crumpton, sen., tavemer, and Hannah, his wife, and was born in 1705. He was a physician. The name of WilUam Perkins does not appear upon the catalogue of Harvard College, making it improbable that he was graduated there, as were his father and younger brother, Nathaniel. He studied medi cine with his father, and practised his profession in Ips wich, where he was known as Doctor William Perkins. He must have died before Nov. 1, 1731, as at that date his widow, in a deed given in the settlement of the estate of her father, speaks of herself as "the widow of Dr. William Perldns, late deceased." Children of Williara and Hannah Perkins were : 174 Hannah, bapt. July 10, 1726 ; ra. John Rust, pub. Nov. 17, '60. 175 William, bapt. Aug. 4, 1728. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 49 84 Nathan {John,'^ Abraham? John? John^) was born in Ipswich about 1705. He married Elizabeth Man ning, and was pubUshed Oct. 23, 1731. He died July 6, 1773. Little is to be learned concerning him from the records. Children of Nathan and EUzabeth (Manning) Perkins were :176 Nathaniel, bapt. Apr. 6, 1735. 177 Beamsley, bapt. Dec. 6, 1736. 86 Nathaniel {John,*^ Abraham? John? John ^) was born in Boston about 1714-15. He was a pupil at the Boston Latin School in 1723, entered Harvard College in 1730, and was graduated in 1734; after his graduation he studied medicine, and practised in Boston. In 1740, his father gave him, by deed of gift, all his property, and he probably succeeded him in his practice. We have no knowledge of his ever having married. He had a house in Wing Lane, Boston, in 1760, and his name is found, with other citizens of Boston, on a petition concerning the paving of Atkinson street, in 1746. In 1762 he, with his sisters, children by Mary Checkley, who are mentioned by name, Hannah Norton and Mary Ingraham, widow, unites in a deed of sale of a "certain mill priviledge which our honored grandfather, Anthony Checkley, deceased, purchased of Richard Currier, of Almsbury, Essex Co. — July 21, 1762." This deed was acknowledged in Boston and Roxbury. We find the following item concerning Dr. Nathaniel. "William Lee Perkins, Doctor,'" and Nathaniel Perkins, Doctor, are mentioned in the act of confiscation passed in 1778." He died in 1799. i"Dr. William L. Perkins was a descendant of Kev. William Perkins, of Tops- field, and was a son of another Dr. Jolm Perkins, of Boston. 50 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 91 EUzabeth {Stephen,*^ Abraham? John? John^) was born in Ipswich, Mass., and baptized Oct. 18, 1713. She was published to Capt. Elias Lowater, Oct. 16, 1731, and married Nov. 10, 1731. He was a widower at the time of their marriage, having' before married with Sarah Daniels, of Salem, Oct. 27, 1725. It is to be supposed, from his title, that he was a master-mariner. They had one child if not more. Child of EUas and Elizabeth (Perkins) Lowater was : Mary, b. ab't 1733; m. Nath. Perkins, jr., pub. Feb. 26, 1757. 92 Francis {Stephen?' Abraham? John? John'^) was born in Ipswich, Mass., and was baptized Jan. 8, 1715. He married Martha Quarles, being pubUshed Oct. 17, 1747. He was mentioned in his father's will, and a sword, belt and watch were to be given him, when he shall have come of age. He resided in Ipswich, and was a shop keeper. The names of only two of their children are known. They were : 178 Francis, bapt. Sept. 4, 1748; d. Dec. 30, 1779. 179 Martha, bapt. Oct. 2, 1758; d. Nov. 28, 1799. 93 Joseph {Abraham,*^ Abraham? John? John') was born in Ipswich, Mass., and was baptized Aug. 17, 1712. His wife's name was Martha , but no inti mation is given by the records as to the time or place of their marriage. His mother, Esther, in her last will, gives "to Esther, the daughter of my son Joseph." Joseph was a black smith by trade, as we learn from one of his deeds of real estate. He early left Ipswich to settle in Scarborough, Me. ; he afterwards removed to Falmouth, in the same state, and returned again. In October, 1763, he sold to his brother, Nathaniel, THE PERKINS FAMILY. 51 who was a ship-joiner in Ipswich, his portion of the home stead of his grandfather, Abraham. That estate was to be divided between the three sons of his father, Abraham, by a provision made in the last will of his grandmother, Hannah. Of his children we know but little. Upon the records of the Probate Court for the county of Essex, Vol. 30, p. 221, we find the following entry: "Guardianship of Abraham and Esther Perldns, under 14 years, children of Joseph Perkins of Scarborough, in the County of York, was given to Martha, widow of the deceased. May 8, 1752," which was shortly after his death. Children of Joseph and Martha Perkins were : 180 Esther, b. ; m. Elwell. 181 Abraham, b. 94 Nathaniel {Abraham?'' Abraham? John? John') was born in Ipswich, Mass., aud baptized Jan. 3, 1713. He married, first, Hannah Holland, being published Nov. 8, 1735 ; she was the daughter of John and Elizabeth Holland, was born Aug. 13, 1718, and died May 13, 1736, being only seventeen years and nine months of age. Her death took place only one week after the birth of her only child. He married, second, Anna Harris, Sept. 15, 1737 ; she died March 20, 1772. He must have married a tliird time, as we learn from a deed of land given July 20, 1776, viz. : Nathaniel Perkins and wife, EUzabeth, sell to Joseph Fowler, jr., innholder, 135 rods of upland on Green Lane. His last will was made May 18, 1776, and proved Sept. 3, 1776. He was by trade a ship-joiner, as stated in his will, in which his wife, Elizabeth, and all his chil dren are mentioned. Child of Nathaniel and Hannah (HoUand) Perkins was : 182 Hannah, b. May 6, 1736; m- -— - Glyde. 8 52 THE PERKINS FAMILY. ChUdren of Nath'l and Anna (Harris) Perkins were : 183 Anna, b. July 10, 1738; m. Pulsifer. 184 Elizabeth, bapt. Dec. 2, 1739; m. Hodgkins. 185 Mary, bapt. March 14, 1741 ; ra. Holland. 186 Nathaniel, bapt. Apr. 15, 1744; d. Feb. 2, 1828. 187 Esther, bapt. Aug. 4, 1745 ; m. Stone. 188 Abraham, bapt. June 14, 1747; d. Nov. 2, 1842. 189 Abigail, bapt. June 15, 1748; d. in infancy. 190 Abigail, bapt. March 18, 1749 ; m. Spiller. 191 Sarah, bapt. Dec. 1, 1751; m. Pulsifer. 192 Joseph, bapt. July 24, 1757. 100 Elizabeth {Francis,*^ Jacob?" John? John ') was born in Ipswich, Mass., in 1698. She removed to Glou cester at the time when her mother, Elizabeth, married George Giddings of that place ; there she married Jona than Ingerson (or Ingersoll), of Gloucester, June 14, 1717. Nothing has been certainly ascertained concerning him or his occupation, but it is very probable that he, Uke most of the men of Gloucester, was a mariner. Children of Jonathan and Elizabeth Ingerson were : Jonathan, b. Aug. 3, 1719. Francis, b. July 4, 1721. Perkins, b. Sept. 14, 1723. Lucy, b. June 26, 1725. Simeon, b. Nov. 2, 1727. David, b. June 18, 1735. 102 Benjamin {Francis?^ Jacob,'" John? John') was born in Ipswich, Mass,, in 1700. He removed to Glou cester with his mother in 1708. He married there Mary Robinson, Feb. 17, 1727-8 ; she was the daughter of Andrew Robinson, of Gloucester. He was a mariner, and on the records is called " captain." He acquired con siderable property, both real and personal, m Gloucester. His will, which was signed Dec. 8, 1744, and proved May 1, 1749, gives to each of his children five shillings, besides making provision for their support and edupation, THE PERKINS FAMILY. 53 and a legacy upon their arriving at the age of eighteen years, or marrying. He gives the remainder of his estate, of all kinds " to my wife, Mary, as long as she shall con tinue my widow, and, at her death, the remainder shall be divided among my children by my wife, Mary." The inventory of his property contains, among other items, — "1 Negro wench and 2 children, £75, 1 Negro- bed and furniture, 35s, One quarter part of ye Crown Bowl Tavern house, £112-10-00. — Half a pew in ye new meeting-house, £7." His wdfe, Mary, was to be the ex ecutrix of his will. He died in April, 1749. Mary, widow of Capt. Benjamin Perkins, made a will which was signed March 18, 1759, at which time she says she is sick of body. She provides in this will for each of her daughters by giving them a portion for their educa tion, and fitting them off with furniture, when they shall be married. " Being blind and weak and unable to set my hand to this instrument," she desires that James Parsons, Doct. Plummer, Capt. Andrew Giddings and Daniel Witham, would be witnesses to her assent, which she gave upon the will being distinctly read unto her. Her will was proved April 23, 1759. Children of Benjamin and Mary Perkins were : 193 Francis, b. Dec. 18, 1728; d. before 1744. 194 Benjamin, b. Apr. 1, 1734. 195 Mary, b. July 14, 1736; m. Alex. Smith; d. Sept. 13, 1769. 196 Elizabeth, b. July 8, 1738; m. Wm. Goodwin, Feb. 5, 1759; d. Sept. 13, 1760. 197 Judith, b. June, 1740; d. before 1760. 198 Sarah, b. in March, 1742. 199 Hannah, b. May 28, 1744; m. Dan'l Gardner, June 20, 1765; d. before Sept. 1, 1770. 103 Jacob {Jacob?* Jacob?" Jqhn? John ') was born in Ipswich, Mass., and baptized May 8, 1715. He mar ried Mary FuUer, was published Feb. 9, 1739-40, and 54 THE PERKINS FAMILY. married March 19, 1740. He is mentioned in his father's will, which was made in 1759, as having had his full pro portion of his property. Imperfect records prevent our gaining much imforma- tion concerning him. The birth of only one child can be distinctly ascertained from the list of births, though he may have had others. ChUd of Jacob and Mary (Fuller) Perkins was : 200 William, bapt. Dec. 28, 1740. 121 Robert {John,^^ Jacob,'" John? John ') was bap tized in Ipswich, Mass., Aug. 25, 1728. He married, first, Elizabeth Brown, of Ipswich. They were pubUshed April 6, 1753, and married July 19, 1753. She was the daughter of James Brown, of Ipswich, storekeeper. She died Dec. 4, 1763. He married, second, Sarah , the time of this marriage is not known. She was hvin? at the time of his death. He is called a husbandman, in his deeds. At the time of his death he had the title of Captain. July 19, 1753. He bought of Abraham Tilton "a cer tain mesuage, consisting of half a house, half a barn and half a well, situated upon Meeting-house Hill, Ips wich." Oct. 29, 1772. He "and his wife, Sarah," sold to the county of Essex, a strip of land for a roadway. Feb. 5, 1772. Hejboughtof Thomas Boardman 5 acres of upland for £24-2-7. Feb. 1, 1773. He and his wife, Sarah, sold to Timothy Thornton, of Boston, mast-maker, 5 acres and more, of his land in Ipswich, adjoining his house-lot. Feb. 17, 1773. Timothy Thornton and wife, Eunice, petition the court to appoint a committee to divide certain lands in Ipswich, which she held in common with the THE PERKINS FAMILY. 55 children of her deceased sister, Elizabeth, late wife of Robert Perkins. He died May 22, 1797, intestate ; his estate was found to be insolvent, and his property was divided, ^ro rata, among his creditors, reserving only to Sarah, his widow, her thirds. The inventory of his property showed him to have been a farmer. Children of Robert and EUz'h (Brown) Perkins were : 201 John, bapt. Apr. 7, 1754; deceased. 202 Elizabeth, bapt. June 1, 1755; ra. Jos. Brown, of Haverhill, Dec. 3, 1779. 203 Jaraes, b. ; removed to " Dammas Cotta," Me. 204 Sarah, 205 Joseph, b. ; deceased before 1797. 206 John, bapt. Sept. 26, 1761. 207 Robert, bapt. May 17, 1763. 129 Mary {Robert,^'' Jacob,'" John? John ') was bap't in Ipswich, Mass., March 10, 1722. She married, Jan. 23, 1740, with Daniel Kinsman. He was the son of Stephen and Lydia Kinsman, and was baptized Oct. 23, 1720. He died about March 11, 1746. After his death his widow may have married Abraham Carter, of Glou cester, Aug. 23, 1750." Children of Daniel and Mary (Perldns) Kinsman were : Daniel, bapt. Sept. 20, 1741; d. July 28, 1742. Daniel, bapt. May 13, 1744; m. Abigail Morse. Lucy, bapt. Aug. 24, 1746 ; pub. to Ebenezer Trask. 134 James {Joseph,^^ Jacob,'" John? John ') was born in Ipswich, Mass., and was baptized May 23, 1736. He married first, Hannah Kinsman, Oct. 28, 1762 ; she was a daughter of John and Hannah Kinsman, of Ipswich. She was baptized June 27, 1741, and died Oct. 6, 1771. " Kinsman Genealogy. 56 THE PERKINS FAMILY. (Elizabeth, the mother of James Perldns, after the death of her husband, Joseph, is said to have married with John Kinsman, who was the father of Hannah.)'^ He married second, Mary, widow of William Phillips, in 1793. James Perkins left a will at his death which was proved in December, 1818, in which he gave all his property to his wife, Mary, during her life. She died April 3, 1830 ; her maiden narae was Calef. He died in 1818. Children of James and Hannah (Kinsman) were : 208 James, bapt. Aug. 14, 1763; m. Martha Patch; pub. Feb. 7, 1780. They resided at Nobleborough, Me., in 1790. She was the daughter of Samuel and Martha (Brown) Patch, of Ipswich. 209 Joseph, b. Aug. 20, 1765; d. young. 210 Joseph, bapt. Feb. 7, 1768. 211 Isaac, bapt. Sept. 23, 1770. 136 John {Joseph,^^ Jacob,'" John? John ') was born in Ipswich, Mass., May 10, 1741. He married Elizabeth Hodgkins in 1766. He was probably a mariner, and re sided in Ipswich. She was born in 1743, and died June 9, 1816, at the age of seventy-three years. The only child of John and Elizabeth (Hodgkins) was : 212 John, b. in 1772 ; m. Elizabeth Lakeman, March 23, 1797. 137 Susanna {Joseph?^ Jacob,'" John? John') was born in Ipswich, Mass., and baptized Sept. 11, 1743. She married Capt. Ephraim Kendall in 1764. He was born May 14, 1741. Children of Eph'm and Susanna (Perkins) Kendall were : Ephr'aim, b. Oct. 28, 1765. Susanna, b. Sept. 11, 1767. Jonathan, b. Nov. 1, 1769. Lucy, b. Oot. 4, 1774. Mary, b. July 22, 1777; bapt. July 27, 1777. " Kinsman Genealogy. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 57 143 Aaron {Jeremiah?^ Jacob?" John? John') was born in Ipswich, Mass., and was baptized Sept. 2, 1744. He was married to Hannah Treadwell, 1767 ; she was born Jan. 3, 1744, and died Feb. 16, 1823, aged seventy-nine years. He was by trade a cooper. He re sided in Ipswich, and was chosen to be deacon of the first church May 22, 1788, an office that was previously held by his father. He was familiarly known as " Deacon Aaron Perkins." His will, which was made May 9, 1801, mentions his wife, Hannah, and the names of all his children. At that time his daughters, Hannah and Joanna, appear to have been unmarried ; his son, Aaron, is named as ex ecutor of the will, which was proved July 6, 1801. He died May 10, 1801, aged fifty-seven years. Children of Aaron and Hannah (Treadwell) were : 213 Hannah, bapt. Oct. 9, 1768; unmarried. 214 Lucy, bapt. Oct. 1, 1769; m. John Lord, jr. 215 Sarah, b. Oct. 28, 1770 ; m. John Fitz. 216 Aaron, bapt. July 3, 1772; m. Sarah Staniford. 217 Daniel, bapt. in 1773; d. 218 Joanna, bapt. • 1775; m. McKenny. 219 Jeremiah, bapt. Feb. 16, 1777; resided in Georgetown, D. C. 220 Jabez, bapt. March 14, 1779; m. 1st, Eliz'h Jarvis; 2d, Mary Stanwood. Daniel, b. ab't 1781 ; unm'd ; resided in Newburyport. 145 Sarah {Jeremiah,^" Jacob,'" John? John') was born in Ipswich, Mass., AprU 28, 1750. She was mar ried to Joseph Hodgkins " by Rev. Joseph Dana, in the South church, Ipswich, in 1772." He was born in 1743, and died Sept. 25, 1829, at the age of eighty-six years. By trade he was a cordwainer. He was an ardent patriot, and a brave and active sol dier in the war for the independence of the American colonies ; he entered the army as a lieutenant in the com pany, under command of Capt. Wade, which was gathered 58 THE PERKINS FAMILY. mostly in the vicinity of Ipswich ; he afterwards rose to the rank of colonel. He was in the army at the battle of Bunker's Hill, and in many other engagements, and was present at the capture of Burgoyne's army. He was afterward a representative from Ipswich to the general court, from 1810 to 1816. He was married three times. His first wife was Joanna Webber; his second, Sarah Perkins, as above stated ; his third was a widow Tread well. He is said to have had a family of sixteen children. A series of very interesting letters from him, written while he was in the army, have been published in the "Anti quarian Papers " of Ipswich. The children of Joseph and Sarah (P.)Hodgldns were: S.irah, b. in 1773; d. young. Joseph, b. in 1775; d. in infancy. Martha, b. in 1777; m. Francis Pulsifer; d. in 1809. Hannah, b. in 1780; m. Nath'l Wade in 1803; d. in 1804. Elizabeth, b. ab't 1783; d. in 1804. 150 James {Abraham,^ Isaac?'' John? John') was born in Chebacco Parish, Ipswich, Mass., in 1705. He married Margaret Andrews, of Chebacco, Dec. 14, 1732. She was born in 1711, and died Nov. 20, 1781. She was the daughter of Dea. John Andrews and Elizabeth, his wife, of Chebacco. About the time of his marriage, Jan. 23, 1732-3, his father gave hira, by deed of gift, a portion of land in Che bacco. He removed from Ipswich to the town of Lyme, Conn., and, at that time, he sold to his brother, Isaac, the same parcels of land, which had been given hira by his father. His wife, Margaret, was dismissed from the church in Chebacco, with letters of recommendation to the third church in Lyme, Conn. ; the record of this event is dated upon the church books April 25, 1736, which gives the time of their removal. He was a farmer by occupation. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 59 He, with his brother-in-law, John Butler, who had mar ried his sister Hannah, bought 294 acres of land in the town of Lyme, March 30, 1736. His family was very large, but only two of his children were born before he left Ipswich. Gravestones in the cemetery at Lyme bear the foUow ing inscriptions : "James Perkins dieS Sept. 27, 1789, in the 84th year of his age." "M:^. Margaret, wife of James Parkins, died Nov. 20, 1781, in the 70th year of her age." Children of James and Margaret Perldns were : 221 James, bapt. Feb. 3, 1733-4; d. Dec. 19, 1760. 22.2 Lucy, bapt. Dec. 28, 1735 ; m. William Ely. 223 Elizabeth, b. Oct. 14, 1737. 224 Stephen, b. Aug. 6, 1739; d. Nov. 13, 1760. 225 John, b. Dec. 1, 1741 ; m. Hester Ayer. 226 Abijah, b. Oct. 2, 1743; m. Lucy Ely. 227 Margaret, b. June 5, 1745. 228 Sarah, b. Sept. 1, 1747; m. Timothy Marvin. 229 Isaac, b. June 14, 1749; m. Lois Beebe; d. in 1776. 230 Hannah, b. Aug. 7, 1751 ; d. March 9, 1752. 231 Hannah, b. March 21, 1753. 232 Seth, b. Sept. 18, 1754; d. in 1777; was a physician. 233 Lydia, b. Aug. 26, 1756. 234 Ruth, b. July 10, 1760. 151 Isaac {Abraham?* Isaac?'' John? John') was born in Chebacco Parish, Ipswich, Mass., about 1707. He married Elizabeth Butler, and they were pubUshed March 4, 1736. She was also born in Chebacco Parish, Ipswich, and was the daughter of WilUam and Susanna Butler. He was a shoemaker in early Ufe, and afterwards a shop keeper in his native town, by which latter business he acquired considerable property. His will was proved Nov. 8, 1774. In this instrument he mentions his "five unniamed daughters," several of 9 60 THE PERKINS FAMILY. whom were under eighteen years of age, and these were to be supported untU they should be of that age ; he also speaks of " my son Abraham," who was then his only son. His son, Abraham, and his wife, EUzabeth, were chosen by him to be the executors of his wiU. He died Oct. 19, 1774. Children of Isaac and Eliz'h (Butler) Perkins were : 235 Isaac, b. April 1, 1739 ; d. young. 236 Hannah, b. May 4, 1740; ra. John Storey, May 13, 1760. 237 Susanna, b. Feb. 28, 1741 ; m. Thos. Appleton, July 13, '67. 238 Abraham, b. Apr. 15, 1744; m. Sarah Cogswell, Dec. 11, '66. 239 Elizabeth, b. March 15, 1745 ; m. Eben'r Brown, Mar. 24, '68. 240 Lucy, b. 1747; m. Capt. Jona. Story, Dec. 22, 1786. 241 Sarah, b. 1749; m. Jona. Low, of Lunenburg, Sept. 30, 1776. 242 Lois, b. 1750; bapt. Sept. 24, 1780; ra. Elisha Story, Jan. 29, 1784. 243 Eunice, b. 1752. 244 Abigail, b. 1756; m. James Choate, Nov. 16, 1786. 152 Abraham {Abraham,"* Isaac?'' John? John ') was born in Chebacco Parish, Ipswich, Mass., in 1708. He removed to Lyme, Conn., with his brother, James, in 1736, or soon after that time. He there married first, with Elizabeth Ely, Feb. 28, 1739. She was the daughter of Major Daniel Ely, of Lyme, and was born in 1718. She died Feb. 21, 1759, at the age of forty-one years. After the death of his wife, Elizabeth, he married a sec ond time to Mary Ely ; she was the widow of Richard Ely ; her maiden name was Person, or Pearson. Their marriage took place July 15, 1759. He was chosen a deacon of the church in Lyme. By occupation he was a farmer. The will of Deacon Abraham Perldns was signed April 3, 1786, and proved Sept. 11, 1786. At this tune his wife, Mary, was living. In his will he mentions his chil dren as foUows: Francis, Williara, Abrahajm, jr. , Betty Mather, Daniel, Samuel, Sarah Pratt, Joseph and Benja- THE PERKINS FAMILY. 61 min. His sons, WilUam, Samuel and Abraham, were named as the executors of this will. A stone in the graveyard, of Lyme, bears this inscrip tion, "Dea. Abraham Perkins died May 10, 1786, in the 73d year of his age." Children of Abraham and Eliz'h (Ely) Perkins were : 245 Francis, b. Monday, Dec. 14, 1741 ; m. Lee. 246 William, b. Thursday, Oct. 20, 1743 ; m. Lydia Stirling. 247 Abraham, b. Wednesday, Aug. 1, 1745 ; m.^lst, Eliz'h ; 2d, Anna . 248 Elizabeth, b. Monday, Jan. 9, 1748 ; m. Mather. 249 Daniel, b. Monday, Jan. 15, 1750. 250 Abigail, b. Wednesday, Feb. 5, 1752; d. before 1764. 251 Samuel, b. Thursday, Apr. 14, 1754. 252 Sarah, b. Thursday, June 21, 1756; m. Pratt. Children by Mary (Pearson) (Ely) Perkins were : 253 Joseph, b. Sunday, May 18, 1760. 254 Benjamin, b. Thursday, June 10, 1762; m. Demis Jones. 255 Abigail, b. Wednesday, March 24, 1764. 153 Kannah {Abraham,^ Isaac?'' John? John') was born in Chebacco Parish, Ipswich, Mass., in 1710. She married John Butler, also of Chebacco, Ipswich. Their intention of marriage was published December 27, 1729. They removed to Lyme, Conn., in 1736. He was a farmer, and, with his brother-in-law, James Perkins, bought land in Lyme in 1736. We have been unable to obtain the names of any of their children. 154 Sarah {Abraham?* Isaac,''' John? John ') was born in Chebacco Parish, Ipswich, Mass., in 1711. She was married by Mr. Cleaveland to Jonathan Low, of the same place, being published Nov. 18, 1731. They re moved to Lunenburg, Worcester Co., Mass., in 1763, where they afterwards resided and died. He was a farmer. 62 THE PERKINS FAMILY. From the church records we learn that Sarah, wife of Jonathan Low, was dismissed from the church in Che bacco, with letters to the church in Lunenburg in 1763. Children of Jonathan and Sarah (Perkins) Low were : Benoni, b. Aug. 6, 1732; d. Aug., 1807, aged 75 yrs. Sarah, b. Oct. 6, 1734. Elizabeth, b. Apr. 1, 1736. Mary, b. Jan. 11, 1740. Hannah, b. July 1, 1744. Joanna, b. June 17, 1746. Jonathan, b. Aug. 13, 1748. William, b. Oct. 31, 1750; d. Aug., 1807, aged 56 yrs. Abigail, b. March 29, 1753 ; m. David Ritter, July 7, 1774. Abraham, b. Feb. 11, 1756. Francis, b. Jan. 22, 1757; d. Aug. 3, 1807, aged 49 yrs. 155 Elizabeth {Abraham,'^ Isaac,''' John? John') was born in Chebacco Parish, Ipswich, Mass., Dec. 30, 1715. She was married to Capt. William Ely, jr., being pubUshed Sept. 16, 1737. He was born in Lyme, Conn., Aug. 10, 1715, and died in Livingston, N. J., April 3, 1802 ; she died May 27, 1782. Concerning EUzabeth (Perkins) Ely, one of her grand children. Smith Ely, jr. , Esq. , says, " she is held in pecuhar veneration by her descendants, in consequence of certain traditions, which show her to have been a woman of un usual force of character and sterling integrity." He men tions the following incident, showing her conscientiousness in what she considered her duty. " Shortly after their settleraent in New Jersey, her husband was financially ruined, or nearly so, in consequence of being surety for his brother, and his property was levied upon. The offi cers who made the seizure advised Mrs. Ely to secrete a silver tea service, which she had inherited from her pa rents, but she refused to do so." THE PERKINS FAMILY. 63 Children of William Ely, jr. , and Eliz'h (Perldns) were : William, b. Oct. 6, 1738; d. In infancy. William, b. Oct. 14, 1739'; m. Lucy Perkins; d. Jan. 28, 1807. Elizabeth, b. June 1, 1741; d. in infancy. Abraham, b. March, 1743 ; d. in 1799. Elizabeth, b. Dec. 20, 1746 ; d. June 12, 1777. Lois, b. July 5, 1747; d. June 25, 1822. ^'k 9A/ ' Lucy, b. July 7, 1749; ra. Dr. Abijah Perkins./- '^**-'* <^^- ^^^*^ ' Joseph, b. April 23, 1751. Benjamin, b. Apr. 14, 1753; d. June 18, 1817. Moses, b. Nov. 18, 1756 ; d. July 14, 1738. 156 Joseph {Abraham,^ Isaac,''' John? John'), or " Captain Joseph," as he was called, was born in Chebacco Parish, Ipswich, Mass., March 12, 1720. He married Elizabeth Choate, of Chebacco. They were pubUshed Jan. 7, 1743. She was a daughter of Lieut. Thomas Choate, and was born Aug. 2, 1723. She died Oct. 4, 1800. He was a mariner, and at one tirae was captain of a fishing vessel, buying his stores, lines, hooks, etc., and disposing of his cargo of fish in Marblehead. After leav ing the sea, he engaged extensively in tanning and shoe- making in Chebacco. On the 18th of- April, 1743, Joseph Perkins and Thomas Choate, jr., bought, for £928, O. T., twenty-six acres of land of Francis Cogswell, tanner, and Hannah, his wife : one-half of this land was to go to said Thomas, and the other half to said Joseph. From the bounds, as given in the deed, which is quite long, it was evidently land that had been used by its former owner for tanning purposes. This was, probably, where he comraenced his business as a tanner. Later in Ufe he kept a house of entertainment in Che bacco, Ipswich, and was known on the records as an "Inn holder." He took an active part in church matters, and 64 THE PERKINS FAMILY. was chosen clerk of the church, of which Rev. Mr. Cleave land was pastor, on its first organization ; he was also its treasurer. He died April 4, 1805, at the age of eighty- five years. He was highly respected by his townsmen. Children of Joseph and Eliz'h (Choate) Perldns were : 256 Joseph, b. Sept. 3, 1752 ; m. Mary Foster. 257 Elizabe.th, b. in 1744; ra. Sarauel Cogswell, of Andover, March 5, 1764. 160 Hannah {Isaac, ^ Isaac?'' John? John') was born in Boston, Mass., April 4, 1708. After the death of her father and mother, she removed to Chebacco, Ipswich, the birthplace of her father ; there she married Francis Choate April 13, 1727. She died Oct. 2, 1778. Francis Choate was a son of Thomas, and grandson of John Choate, the first of the name to settle in Chebacco, Children of Francis and Hannah Choate were : Francis, b. in 1727-8; d. young. William, b. Sept. 5, 1730. Abraham, b. March 24, 1731. Isaac, b. Jan. 28, 1733-4. Jacob, b. in 1735. John, b. March 13, 1737. Hannah, b. April 1, 1739. Francis, b. Sept. 18, 1743. 162 Jacob {Jacob,"'' Isaac,''' John? John') was born in Chebacco Parish, Ipswich, Mass. , in 1717. He married Elizabeth Story, of Chebacco, Ipswich, was pubUshed July 28, 1743, and married Aug. 30, 1743. He learned the trade of a shoemaker, but afterwards devoted himself to farming. His father left him, by his will, one-half of his farm, after deducting his widow's portion ; the other equal portion was given to his half-brother, Francis. By his will he gave all his personal property to his wife, EUzabeth, and also 15 acres of land bounded north by the THE PERKINS FAMILY. 65 land of Isaac Perkins ; of other real estate, she was to have the use of one-third while she lived ; the other two- thirds he gave to his only son, Jacob, who was not to come into possession of it until he was twenty-one years old. To each of his three daughters he gave sums of money, which were to be paid by his son, Jacob, after he should arrive at the age of twenty-one years. He made his wife, EUzabeth, the executrix of the will, which was proved in court, July 28, 1766. He died in June, 1766. Elizabeth, his wddow, was living in 1776. Children of Jacob and Eliz'h (Story) Perkins were : 258 Mary, b. in May, 1745; m. Dea. Sara'l Burnham, Nov. 27, 1766; d. Oct. 18, 1818. 259 Jacob, b. June 27, 1748; d. in Hebron, N. H., May 21, 1823. 260 Martha, b. 261 Elizabeth, b. 165 Francis {Jacob?" Isaac,''' John? John') was born in Chebacco Parish, Ipswich, Mass., near the "Falls" May 5, 1732. He married first, Hannah Cogswell, Feb. 27, 1755 ; she died in 1758. He married second, Martha Low, of Chebacco, Nov. 26, 1761 ; she was the daughter of Capt. David and Susanna Low, and was bom in 1739. He was a farmer, and inherited, by will, one-half of his father's farm, upon which he lived until 1794, when he sold it to Ebenezer and Nathaniel Burnham, and re moved to Lunenburg, Worcester Co., Mass., where he died June 12, 1812. His widow, Martha, resided in Lu nenburg, after the death of her husband, until Feb. 8, 1826, when she removed to Salem, Mass., and died at the house of her son, David, May 4, 1831, at the age of ninety-two years. In 1774 a military company was organized in Chebacco, of which he was chosen ensign. In 1776 he was made 66 THE PERKINS FAMILY. captain of this company of fifty-five men, rank and file, and was in the regiment under the command of Col. Jona than Cogswell, of Chebacco, Ipswich, and did active ser vice in the war for independence. ChUd of Francis and Hannah (Cogswell) Perkins was : 262 William, b. Oct. 25, 1765; d. in infancy. Children of Francis and Martha (Low) were : 263 Hannah, b. Jan. 10, 1763; ra. 1st, Wm. Cleaves; 2d, Joshua Kimball, of Lunenberg. They removed to Canada. 264 Jonathan, b. March 2, 1765; d. April 14, 1832. 265 William, b. Feb. 4, 1767; d. Jan. 19, 1815. 266 David, b. Sept. 24, 1770; d. April 22, 1850. 267 Martha, b. Sept. 27, 1772; d. May 29, 1862. 268 James, b. April 28, 1775; d. Feb. 16, 1864. 269 Ruth, b. Sept. 16, 1777; d. July 31, 1837. 175 William ( William,^ John,*" Abraham? John? John') was born in Ipswich, Mass., and was baptized Aug. 4, 1728. He married Elizabeth Maybey, being pub lished May 11, 1749. She died Feb. 2, 1801. He resided in Ipswich, but his occupation does not appear. Children of William and Eliz'h (Maybey) Perkins were : 270 William, bapt. Sept. 9, 1750. 271 Nathaniel, bapt. Aug. 2, 1752. 272 Elizabeth, bapt. June 2, 1754. 273 Hannah, bapt. Aug. 24, 1755; d. young. 274 Nathaniel, bapt. Jan. 30, 1757. 275 Hannah, bapt. Aug. 27, 1758. 176 Nathaniel {Nathan?* John,*" Abraham? John? John') was baptized in Ipswich, Mass., April 6, 1735. He married Mary Lowater. They were published Feb. 26, 1757. Time of their death unknown. Child of Nathaniel and Mary (Lowater) Perkins was : 276 Mary, bapt. Nov. 25, 1759. Probably had other children ; names unknown. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 67 177 Beamsley {Nathan?* John,*" Abraham? John? John') was born in Ipswich, Mass., and was baptized Dec. 5, 1736. No record of his marriage has yet been found ; we have, therefore, no knowledge of the name of his wife. The names of two of his children and the time of their baptisms are given below. They were : 277 Beamsley, bapt. Nov. 14, 1762 ; m. Mary Glazier, pub. Nov. 19, 1785; d. Nov. 21, 1818. 278 Nathaniel, bapt. July 29, 1764. 186 Nathaniel {Nathaniel?* Abraham?'' Abraham? John? John') was born in Ipswich, Mass., and was bap tized April 15, 1744. He married Elizabeth Hovey, widow, published April 4, 1766. She was born in 1739, and died April 9, 1829. He died Feb. 2, 1828. Nathaniel Perldns was a shipwright by trade, and worked at hewing of timber after he was eighty years old. He was well known, and is remembered by an aged man now Uving, as " Skipper Perkins." He was a soldier in the war for independence, and received a pension of ninety- six dollars per annum from the government, for his ser vices rendered his country in that struggle. He was a man of social disposition, and had always a supply of anecdotes of his adventures with which to amuse his friends when they visited him. Children of Nath'l and Eliz'h (Hovey) Perkins were : 279 Lucy, bapt. April 19, 1767. 280 Nathaniel, ) , ,, , „ , „„ d. young. 281 Elizabeth, r^P'-M^'^<=l' 13' 1^68; 282 Nathaniel, bapt. June 25, 1769 ; m. Charlotte ^. 283 John, bapt. Aug. 25, 1771. 284 Enoch, bapt. Nov. 16, 1777. 285 Susanna, bapt. Nov. 7, 1779. 286 Hannah, bapt. in 1780; m. Nathaniel Fuller; d. ab't 1877. 10 68 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 188 Abraham {Nathaniel,^ Abraham,*^ Abraham? John? John') was born in Ipswich, Mass., and was bap tized June 14, 1747. He married Mary , who was born in 1753, and died AprU 20, 1828, at the age of seventy-five years. He died in Ipswich Nov. 2, 1842, at the very great age of ninety-six years. We give the following article, which appeared in the newspaper of the day, concerning him. "Mr. Abraham Perldns died in Ipswich Nov. 2, 1842. He was the oldest citizen, at the time of his death. He retained his faculties up to the time of his last sickness, in a remarkable degree, and through his long life had the esteera and confidence of his friends for his many virtues and exceUent qualities. During the Revolutionary con test he was in raany perilous engagements, both in the army and navy, and was distinguished for courage, enter prise and energy ; and, in addition to a pension from his government, received testimonials from gentlemen of dis tinction in different parts of the country, as well as in his own state." His name is found upon the pension roll as receiving from the government ninety-six dollars per annum. He was familiarly known in Ipswich, at the time of his death, as "old uncle Abraham Perkins." He was by trade a shipwright. Children of Abraham and Mary Perldns were : 287 Mary, bapt. Dec. 8, 1771 ; d. in infancy. 288 Mary, b. Aug. 29, 1773. 289 Abraham, bapt. Nov. 16, 1777. 290 Elizabeth, b. May 27, 1781. 291 John, b. ; a carpenter; d. iu Boston ab't 1878. 194 Benjamin {Benjamin,'"' Francis,'^ Jacob,'" John, John') was born in Gloucester, Mass., April 1, 1734. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 69 He married about 1760. The name of his wife is un known. Children of Benjamin Perldns were, perhaps :^' 292 Moses, b. ab't 1761; m. Mary Marsh, Nov. 26, 1787. 293 Josiah, b. ab't 1763 ; ra. Polly Norwood, Aug. 26, 1789. 294 Richard, b. ab't 1768 ; m. Dolly Adams, June 16, 1794. 295 Jonathan Thomas, b. ab't 1778 ; m. 1st, Tammy Thurston, July 25, 1807; 2d, Sarah Robinson, April 21, 1816. 212 John {John?^ Joseph?^ Jacob?" John? John') was born in Ipswich, Mass., and was baptized Sept. 17, 1772. He married EUzabeth Lakeman, being published Jan. 31, 1797, and married March 28, 1797. Little has been learned concerning him ; he was probably a mariner. He died in Spain in 1798. Their only son was : 296 John, b. Dec. 1, 1797; m. Lucretia Lord, Oct. 29, 1819. 216 Aaron {Aaron'*^ Jeremiah,"" Jacob?" John? John') was born in Ipswich, Mass., July 3, 1772. He married Sarah Staniford, July 28, 1796. She was borti July 20, 1774, and died in Salem, Oct. 7, 1862. He died in Salem, Mass., Aug. 7, 1838. Aaron Perkins was a cooper, and worked at that trade (which he had learned of his father) in Ipswich most of his life. He made one or more voyages to sea in the capacity of ship's cooper, the last voyage being m£lde in '3 It is with some hesitation that we Iiere offer the suggestion, that the naraes given as children of Benjamin Perkins, jr., of Gloucester, were, in fact, such as we have stated; hut as he was the only person of the name, that we know of, liv ing in Gloucester at the time, who could have sustained that relation, we venture to give it, with the hope, that if wrong, it may be detected and corrected. The records of Gloucester, like those of many other towns at that period, were very imperfectly kept, and we musti at tiihes, venture upon the most platisible in ference, until the truth Is ascertaitied. 70 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 1819 in the bark Blakely of Salem, Capt. Benj. Fabens. He removed from Ipswich to Gardiner, Me., in 1820, and followed his trade there, until failing health caused him to remove, in 1836, to Salem, Mass., which was the home of most of his sons, where he died in 1838, as above stated. ChUdren of Aaron and Sarah (Staniford) Perldns were: 297 Jeremiah Staniford, b. April 13, 1797. 298 Aaron, b. June 16, 1799. 299 Sarah Ann, b. July 3, 1801; d. May 5, 1802. 300 Joseph, b. July 16, 1802 ; d. Sept. 15, 1880. 301 Sarah Ann, b. Aug. 5, 1804 ; d. March 5, 1831. 302 Mary Ann, b. Dec. 3, 1808 ; d. Oct. 1, 1814. 303 Daniel, b. Jan.,29, 1811; d. June 25, 1870. 304 Augustine Staniford, b. May 13, 1813. 305 Isaac, b. Feb. 2, 1816. 220 Jabez {Aa7'on,'*^ Jeremiah?" Jacob,'" John? John') was born in Ipswich, Mass., March 5, 1778, and was baptized March 14, 1779. He married, first, Eliza beth Jarvis, of Boston, in 1801 ; she died April 27, 1803, in Boston. He married second, July 12, 1803, widow Mary Harding, nee Stanwood, of Brunswick, Me. ; she was born in July, 1775, and died Sept. 24, 1845. He died in March, 1860. Jabez Perkins was a shoemaker, and learned that trade of his uncle, Joseph Hodgkins, in Ipswich ; he resided for a tirae in Boston, and afterwards in Topsham and in Brunswick, Me. Child of Jacob and Elizabeth (JarVis) Perkins was : 306 Asa Jarvis, b. March 10, 1802; d. May 1, 1819, in Bath, Me. Children by Mary (Stanwood) were : 307 Samuel Hardin, b. Nov. 12, 1804; m. Mary M. Gorham. 308 Elizabeth J., b. April 26, 1808; m. William F. Hills. 309 David S., b. July 26, 1809; m. Jane S. Dunning. 310 Joanna, b. Oct. 15, 1812; m. Henry Winslow (1st wife). THE PERKINS FAMILY. 71 311 Eunice Ann, b. Jan. 1, 1814; m. Albert S. Hills. 312 Hannah, b. Feb. 20, 1816; m. Henry Winslow (2d wife). 313 Charles H., b. June 2, 1819; m. Martha L. Dunning. 222 Lucy {James?'^ Abraham?* Isaac?'' John? John') was born in Chebacco Parish, Ipswich, Mass., and bap tized Dec. 28, 1735. She was carried by her parents, in early chUdhood, to Lyme, Conn. She married WiUiam Ely, her cousin. He was born Oct. 12, 1739, and died Jan. 28, 1807. She died at Livingston, N. J., Jan. 30, 1812. Children of William and Lucy (Perkins) Ely were : William, b. in 1762; d. in 1829; m. Olive Mather. Sally, b. in 1765 ; d. in 1767. Calvin, b. in 1767; d. in 1832; m. Betsy Hetfleld. Sarah, b. in 1769 ; m. Benjamin Green. James, b. in 1772; d. in 1815. Stephen, b. in 1775; d. in 1814. 225 John {James?^ Abraham?^ Isaac?^ John? John') was born in Lyme, Conn., Dec. 1, 1741. He married Hester Ayer, Dec. 11, 1766. He resided in Lyme, Conn. Children of John and Hester (Ayer) Perkins were : 314 Esther, b. Jan. 9, 1769. 315 Stephen, b. Dec. 18, 1770; d. April 18, 1871. 316 Ruth, b. Aug. 22, 1772. 317 John Ayer, b. Sept. 8, 1774. 318 Elizabeth, b. Dec. 9, 1777. 319 Lucy, b. Nov. 29, 1779. 320 Seth, b. April 30, 1784. 321 Ziporah, b. Aug. 16, 1786. 322 Daniel Champion, b. Oct. 30, 1788. 228 Sarah {James?^ Abraham,^ Isaac,''' John? John') was bom in Lyme, Conn., Sept. 1, 1747. She married Timothy Marvin, May 30, 1765 ; she died Oct. 23, 1795. He was born in 1744, and died Feb. 27, 1808, at the age of sixty-four years. 72 THE PERKINS FAMILY. ChUdren of Timothy and Sarah (Perkins) Marvin were • Lucy, b. March 14, 1766 ; m. Daniel Fuller. Picket, b. Feb. 5, 1768. Asahel, b. Sept. 16, 1769 ; m. Azuba Sill. Timothy, b. Aug. 3, 1771 ; m. Rachel Crosby. Sarah, b. July 7, 1773; m. Elisha Gould. Huldah, b. May 31, 1775 ; m. Matthias Fuller. Seth, b. March 17, 1777; d. April 23, 1799. Abijah, b. April 6, 1779; m. Susan Baker. Catherine, b. June 10, 1781; ra. Henry Crittenton. Calvin, b. June 1, 1784; m. 1st, Alice Ransom; 2d, Deb. Gibbs. Elizabeth, b. Sept. 25, 1786 ; m. Samuel Parsons. Mather, b. June 25, 1789 ; m. Matilda Vreeland ; d. April, 1862. 229 Isaac {J ames ?^ Abraham,^ Isaac ?^ John? John') was born in Lyme, Conn., June 14, 1749. He married Lois Beebe about 1775. She was the daughter of David and Sarah (Lord) Beebe, of Lyme, Conn. Isaac Perldns died ih 1776. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary war, and a family tradition says, he was returning sick from the army, and being so ill as to be unable to reach his home, he died by the way ; but at what place cannot now be ascertained. An inventory of his property was rendered by his ad ministrator to the Probate Court Jan. 3, 1777. After his decease, his widow, Lois, married Jacob Ely, of Lyme, Conn., May 15, 1783, and had by him seven children. Jacob Ely died Sept. 28, 1836. Lois died Apr. 11, 1.837. Children of Isaac and Lois (Beebe) Perkins were : 323 James Andrews, U^. .^ 324 David Lord, 3 236 Hannah {Isaac?^' Abraham?* Isaac?^ John? John ') was born in Chebacco Parish, Ipswich, Mass. She married John Story, of Chebacco, May 13, 1760. They lived and died in Chebacco. Very little is known con cerning them. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 73 Children of John and Hannah (Perldns) Story were : Hannah. Martha. 238 Abraham {Isaac?^' Abraham?* Isaac?'' John? John') was born in Chebacco Parish, Ipswich, Mass., April 15, 1744. He married Sarah CogsweU, of Che bacco, Dec. 11, 1766, and died Oct. 24, 1805; date of her death is unknown. He was a farmer. Children of Abraham and Sarah Perkins were : 325 Abraham, b. Dec. 28, 1770; m. Mary Burnham, Aug. 1, 1799. 326 Susanna, b. Jan. 8, 1775. 327 Margaret, b. April 20, 1777. 328 Isaac, b. Oct. 25, 1778 ; d. March 3, 1794. 329 Lucy, b. Sept. 24, 1780. 330 Peggy, b. June 23, 1782. 331 Nabby, b. July 29, 1787. 245 Francis {Abraham?^'' Abraham,"* Isaac,''' John? John') was born in Lyme, Conn., on Monday, Dec. 14, 1741. He married Lee, of Colchester, Conn. He is said to have removed to Halifax, N. S., and after wards to Haston ( ?) . Children of Francis and (Lee) Perkins were : 332 Ely. 333 William. 334 Cyrus. 246 William {Abraham?'''' Abraham?* Isaac,''' John? John') was born in Lyme, Conn., Thursday, Oct. 20, 1743. He married, first, Lydia SterUng, Feb. 20, 1766, in Lyme, Conn. ; she died April 11, 1763. He married second, Irene Smith, Oct. 11, 1713. She was the widow of Stephen Smith, of Hartland, Vt., and was the mother of Elder EUas Smith, Rev. Uriah Smith, and Dr. Benjamin Ransom Smith. 74 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Capt. Perkins, as he was called, removed from LjTne, Conn., with two sons and a daughter, to Hartland, Vt., in February, 1793, and again to South Woodstock, Vt., in 1801. He was a tauner by trade, and also a shoemaker, and pursued both branches of business. He died in South Woodstock, June 24, 1826, at the age of eighfy- two years. His marriage with his two wives are quaintly recorded in his family bible, thus : " WilUam Perldns was married to Lydia Sterling, Feb. 20, 1766, which became his true and loving wife. Wil liam Perldns was married to Irene Smith, Oct. 11, 1813, which becarae his true and loving wife." Children of William and Irene (Smith) Perkins were : 335 Elisha, b. July 25, 1768; ra. Mary Ransora. 336 Lydia, b. June 9, 1770; m. John Ransom. 337 Francis, b. July 13, 1772; m. Sally Dennison. 338 William, b. Dec. 22, 1774; ra. Mary Bigelow. 339 Gains, b. Sept. 9, 1778 ; m. Eunice Field. 340 Benjamin, b. July 12, 1785; m. Azubah Hatch. 247 Ahraha,m\{Abraham,'^^ Abraham,"* Isaac, '^ John? John') was born in Lyme, Conn., Wednesday, Aug. 1, 1745. He married, first, Elizabeth — — ; she died in 1791, at the age of thirty-seven years. He married, sec ond, Anna ; she died in 1823, aged seventy-five years. We are able, at this time, to give only the im perfect statement above. Neither the time of his death nor the names of his children are known. 254 Benjamin {Abraham,"''' Abraham,"* Isaac,'^ John? John') was born in Lyme, Conn., Thursday, June 10, 1762. He married Demis Jones about 1784. She was a daughter of Capt. Ariel Jones. She was born June 12, 1768, and died Dec. 6, 1828. The time of his re moval from Lyme is not known. In 1807, being out of THE PERKINS FAMILY. 75 health, he made a journey on horseback from Vermont to visit his relatives, John and James Pei-kins, and others at Chebacco, Mass. On his return, being in better health, he writes to them from Bridgewater, Windsor Co., Ver mont ; which, it is evident, was his home at that time. He was a physician. He died Feb. 13, 1813. Children of Benjamin and Demis (Jones) Perldns were : 341 Demis Harriet, b. Monday, Jan. 16, 1786, at 4 o'clock p. m. 342 Fanny, b. Tuesday, Aug. 24, 1790; d. March 21, 1817. 343 Eliza, b. Tuesday, March 17, 1795 ; d. Sept.' 25, 1847. 344 Isaac, b. Sunday, Apr. 23, 1797. 345 Melvine, b. Fri'day, June 28, 1799 ; m. Conant. 256 Joseph {Joseph?^" Abraham?* Isaac?^ John? John') was born in Chebacco Parish, Ipswich, Mass., Sept. 3, 1752. He married Mary Foster, his cousin, Dec. 5, 1771. She was born March 13, 1752, and was a daughter of John and Mary (Choate) Foster. She died Aug. 5, 1802. He died Feb. 1, 1806, at the age of fifty- three years. He was a tanner and currier ; which business was estab lished by his father. He was also engaged in the manu facture of boots and shoes. He lived and died in Chebacco Parish, Ipswich. Children of Joseph and Mary (Foster) Perkins were : 346 Joseph, b. July 8, 1772 ; m. Margaret Orne ; d. Feb. 28, 1803. 347 John, b. June 7, 1774; ra. Lydia Choate; d. June -23, 1856. 348 James, b. April 3, 1776 ; d. Oct. 4, 1777. 349 Elizabeth, b. Nov. 28, 1777; d. May 19, 1806. 350 James, b. Jan. 2, 1780; ra. Sally Smith. 351 Mary, b. Oct. 22, 1781; d. Aug. 27, 1801. 352 Thomas, b. Aug. 2, 1783; d. Dec. 29, 1795. 353 Jeremiah, b. Apr. 15, 1785 ; d. Apr. 10, 1831. 354 Sarah, b. July 17, 1787; d. May 25, 1804. 355 Aaron, b. Aug. 26, 1789; m. Mary Gilbert; d. Apr. 22, 1870. 356 Asa, b. Jan. 2, 1792 ; d. Dec. 30, 1798. 357 Clara, b. Feb. 25, 1796; d. Sept. 7, 1810. 11 76 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 258 Mary {Jacob?^^ Jacob?'' Isaac?'' John? John') was born in Chebacco Parish, Ipswich, May 15, 1745. She married, Nov. 27, 1766, Dea. Samuel Burnham; he was the son of Samuel and Martha (Story) Burnham, of Chebacco, and was born Oct. 5, 1744. He died at Dun barton, N. H., Apr. 4, 1811. He was a deacon in the church at Dunbarton. "A most exceUent man and one of the raain pillars of the church." She and her husband removed from Chebacco to Dun barton, N. H., in 1770, where she died in 1818. She appears to have been a very estimable woman. We quote the following from Professor Noyes, of Dartmouth Col lege." " She was a woman of very uncommon excel lence. Her spirit seemed imbued with a most ardent love to God, of souls, and of heavenly things. She seemed to have very little to do with this lower world. Her tears and prayers and warm exhortations made a deep and abid ing impression on all the family, that she was supremely devoted to their spiritual welfare. She has left a memory fragrant with the goodness and estimable quaUties of her mind and heart." Children of Samuel and Mary (Perkins) Burnham were : Samuel, b. in Ipswich Aug. 30, 1767. Jacob Perkins, b. in Ipswich July 5, 1769. Williara, b. Sept. 2, 1771. Elizabeth, b. Oct. 4, 1773. Abraham, b. Nov. 25, 1775. Mary, b. Aug. 27, 1777. John, b. Sept. 11, 1780. f"^^^' lb. Dec. 30, 1782.- Susanna, ) Martha, > , _ , „ , „„ , „ , Bradford, b. Feb. 14, 1788. Amos Wood, b. Aug. 1, 1791. ''Burnham Genealogy. THE PERKINS , /FAMILY. 77 259 Jacob {Jacob,'"'' Isaac?' Isaac,''' John? John') was born in Chebacco Parish, Ipswich, Mass., June 27, 1748. He married Hannah Andrews, July 28, 1774. He was a farmer, and by the will of his father he was to come into possession of his farm after the death of his mother. He removed from Ipswich, in 1783, to Cocker-' mouth, N. H. (now called Hebron) , receiving letters of recommendation from the church in Chebacco to the church in Cockermouth. Here, as in Ipswich, he was a farmer. His death took place May 21, 1823. His wife, Hannah, was born in Chebacco April 26, 1753, and died Dec. 21, 1845, at the age of ninety-three years. Children of Jacob and Hannah (Andrews) Perldns were : 358 Jacob, b. June 24, 1775 ; d. Jan. 24, 1865. 359 Hannah, b. Sept. 4, 1777; m. Abijah Wright. 360 Ephraim, b. Feb. 19, 1780; went to Louisiana. 361 Rachel, b. May 6, 1782; m. Thomas Emmerton. 362 Ruth, b. Aug. 3, 1784; d. July 31, 1791. 363 Andrews, b. July 27, 1786 ; removed to Ohio. 364 Betsy, b. Aug. 13, 1788 ; m. James Goodhue. 365 Lucy, b. Feb. 25, 1791; m. Nathan Dearborn. 366 Elias, b. March 18, 1794; m. Rhoda Simonds. 367 Rhoda, b. Sept. 26, 1796 ; d. Sept. 18, 1797. 263 Hannah {Francis?"^ Jacob?'' Isaac?'' John, John') ^a.s born- in Chebacco Parish, Ipswich, Mass., Jan. 10, 1763. She married, first, WilUam Cleaves, of Wenham, June 27, 1782 ; he died in 1788. She married, second, Joshua KimbaU, of Lunenberg, Mass., and with him removed to Canada. The names of the chUdren of Joshua and Hannah Kim ball are not known, but are said to be several in number. Child of WiUiam and Hannah Cleaves was : Hannah, b. July, 1783; m. Marshall. 78 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 264 Jonathan {Francis,'"^ Jacob,^ Isaac?'' John? John') was bom in Chebacco Parish, Ipswich, Mass., March 2, 1765. He married, first, Dorcas Haskell, of Chebacco, Jan. 7, 1790; she was born in 1764, and died Sept. 4, 1824. He married, second, wddow Esther James, of Townsend, Mass., in March, 1828 ; she was born AprU 2, 1789, and died in Lunenberg, Mass., Dec. 1, 1842. He was a farmer and assisted his father. He and his family removed from Ipswich to Lunenberg, Mass., in 1794, with his father and his family. After the death of his father, Francis, he had the improvement of his farm, and after the death of his mother, he came in full pos session of it. He died in Lunenberg Apr. 14, 1832. Children of Jona. and Dorcas (Haskell) Perkins were : 368 Jonathan, b. Nov. 14, 1790; d. Dec. 5, 1790. 369 Francis, b. Aug. 21, 1792; d. Aug. 2, 1859. 370 Enoch, b. Jan. 15, 1797; d. Apr. 20, 1880, in Boston. 371 Elizabeth, b. in 1803; m. Dr. Eben'r Hills; d. May 15, 1841. 372 Ruth, b. in 1S05 ; ni. Dr. Ebenezer P. Hills ; d. Aug. 2, 1826. 373 Amos, b. in 1809 ; d. young. Children by wife Esther Avere : 374 Thomas, b. Feb. 15, 1829; d. .July 2, 1849, in N. Orlejins. 375 Ruth Ann, b. March 7, 1832; went West, reported dead. 265 William {Francis,'^ Jacob,"' Isaac,''' John? John') was born in Chebacco Parish, Ipswich, Mass., Feb. 4, 1767. He married EUzabeth Proctor, of Che bacco, Oct. 15, 1788. He was a farmer, and owned and cultivated a farm on Hog Island, Ipswich, which he sold in 1794, and removed to Surry, N. H. He was known as Capt. Wm. Perkins, in Surry. Elizabeth, his wife, was born in Chebacco, Dec. 2, 1772, and died Feb. 15, 1854. He died Jan. 17, 1815. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 79 Children of William and Eliz'h (Proctor) Perkins were : 376 William, b. Apr. 4, 1789 ; m. Prudence Porter. 377 Elizabeth, b. Apr. 4, 1791; m. Jonathan Whitcomb. 378 John, b. March 27, 1793 ; m. Esther Phipps. 379 David, b. Sept. 22, 1795; m. Lucy Skinner. 380 Rachel, b. Sept. 1, 1797 ; d. in Ohio in 1869 ; m. twice. 381 Asa, b. Nov. 9, 1799; m. Martha Estey. 382 Sarah, b. Sept. 7, 1801 ; unmarried. 383 Francis, b. July 28, 1803 : m. Mary Joy. 384 Martha, b. Nov. 5, 1805 m. Pliney Holbrook. 385 Joseph, b. March 21, 1808 ; m. Artemissa Baker. 386 Mary, b. May 25, 1809; m. Jas. B. Dakin; d. May 15, 1846. 387 George, b. June 17, 1811; d. June 1, 1857; m. twice. 388 Ora, b. Aug. 19, 1813; m. Lavinia Buck. 266 David {Francis,'"^ Jacob,"' Isaac,''' John? John') was born in Chebacco, Ipswich, Mass., Sept. 24, 1770. He raarried Hannah Fabens, of Salem, Mass., Oct. 13, 1793. She was the daughter of Peard and Hannah (Lang) Fabens. She was born in Salem Aug. 31, 1771, and died June 12, 1851. He -vvas a blacksmith by trade. He left his home in Ipswich, in November, 1786, to learn his trade of Joseph Eveleth, in Salem. During his active years he was largely engaged in the manufacture of stage coaches and other carriage work, and continued his busi ness until 1838, when age obliged him to relinquish it. He was a member of the Salem Mechanic Association, and took an active interest in its affairs. He was a director for many years in the Salem Laboratory Company, and also in the Salem and Danvers Aqueduct Company, and was for some years one of the overseers of the poor of the town of Salem. He retained his interest in these and other public matters to the last of his life. He died in Salem, April 22, 1859. We copy the following notice of his death from the Salem Register of April 25, 1859. " Mr. David Perkins, 88 jva. 6 mos. 28 days." Funeral this afternoon at 2J o'clock, at No. 18 Lynde street. 80 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Mr. Perkins was born at Chebacco Parish in Ipswich (now Essex), Sept. 24, 1770. He came to Salem M'hen a boy, and learned the trade of a blacksmith, as an ap prentice to the late Mr. Joseph Eveleth. Since then, he has always resided in Salem, one of the most worthy and estimable of that best and useful class of citizens, whose "post of honor is a private station." Never ambitious of any other distinction than that of doing his whole duty, industrious, and even laborious, in his c.illing, honest and high-minded in all his dealings, conscientious in all the relations of life, without reproach, and at peace with all the world, he has pursued the even tenor of his way, with the sincerest respect of all who knew him, and has gone from among us, full of years and of honor. Until within a very short period, he has enjoyed a remarkable degree of bodily health, while his mental faculties were preserved in their full vigor to the last. Not even the distress aud sufierings of an exceedingly painful disease could extort from his lips a single murmur of complaint, but every thing was endured with the most gentle and unyielding patience. The father of a numerous family, upon whom he had bestowed the inestimable blessings of an admirable training, and the example of a blameless life, he peace fully breathed his last among his children, sustained by the consolations of his religion, and leaving to them the priceless inheritance of an honored and honorable name." Children of David and Hannah (Fabens) Perkins were : 389 Hannah, b. July 6, 1794; d. Nov. 4, 1859. 390 Elizabetli, b. Oct. 29, 1795; m. Simon Tufts Pearson, Apr. 2{;, 1842; d. Dec. 7, 1874. 391 Benjamin, b. June 8, 1797; m. Jane Lawrence, Oct. 27, 1823; d. Oct. 13, 1870. 392 David, b. Doc. 30, 1798; d. Aug. 13, 1873. 393 Edward Lang, b. March 12, 1800; d. Nov. 1, 1864. 394 Francis, b. Apr. 24, 1802; d. about 1835. 395 Henry, b. Nov. 15, 1803; m. Cornelia A. Allen, Oct. 8, 1835. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 81 396 Mary, b. Apr. 1, 1805; m. Stephen Bradshaw Ives, May 16, 1826; d. July 4, 1873. 397 William, b. Apr. 7, 1807 ; m. wid. Nancy Shed ; d. Jan. 8, '79. 398 Harriet, b. Nov. 26, 1808; m. Stephen B. Ives, May 31, 1876. 399 Charles, b. Apr. 21, 1812; d. May 21, 1812. 400 George Augustus, b. Oct. 15, 1813; m. Ann Rebecca Hitch- ings, Nov. 26, 1838. 401 Margaret Osgood, b. Nov. 24, 1815; d. March 31, 1875. 267 Martha {Francis,'"^ Jacob?' Isaac,''' John? John') was born in Chebacco Parish, Ipswich, Mass., Sept. 27, 1772. She married, Feb. 7, 1787, David Burnham, of Ipswich. He was a son of David and Anna (Grover) Burnham. He was born Aug. 26, 1765, and died Sept. 17, 1830. She resided in Salem for many years before her death, which took place there May 29, 1862. Children of David and Martha Burnham were : Anna, b. Aug. 7, 1787 ; m. Sam'l Fernald, of Portsmouth, N. H. Dudley, b. Nov. 15, 1790; d. at sea Dec, 1832. Orpha, b. Oct. 26, 1792; m. Andrew Hall; d. Nov. 29, 1861. David, b. Aug. 15, 1794; removed to Sandusky, Ohio, in 1819. Perkins, b. July 26, 1796; removed to "Virginia, in 1820. Ruth, b. Nov. 4, 1799 ; m. Richard Groves ; d. Apr. 22, 1883. Mary, b. Dec. 20, 1801; m. Geo. Clark, of Glouc'r, Mar. 25, '21. 268 James {Francis,'"'^ Jacob, ^ Isaac,''' John? John') was born in Chebacco Parish, Ipswich, Mass., April 28, 1775. He was married, first, by Rev. Mr. Spaulding, to Hannah Porter, Dec. 25, 1799. She was bom in October, 1772, and was the daughter of Porter and AbigaU (Clark). She died of yellow fever Aug. 5, 1801. He married, second, AbigaU Cheever, June 13, 1802; she was the daughter of Peter and Martha (Osgood) Cheever, and was born in Andover, Mass., Jan. 9, 1778. She died May 16, 1853. He leamed the trade of a blacksmith of Joseph Eveleth, of Salem, and devoted himself to it, particularly to ship work, through his life, or untU old age. His shop was in 82 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Hawkes' shipyard, and afterwards upon "Derby Wharf." He was for many years an officer in the Essex Lodge of Freemasons. He died at his residence in Daniel street, Salem, Mass., Feb. 15, 1864. Child of James and Hannah Perkins was : 402 Hannah, b. May 26, 1800 ; m. Rev. Michael Carlton. Children of James and Abigail Perkins were : 403 Abigail, b. Apr. 23, 1803 ; d. Apr. 26, 1846. 404 Martha, b. Jan. 20, 1805; d. Aug. 18, 1869. 405 James, b. Dec. 18, 1806. 406 Margaret, b. Sept. 24, 1808. 407 PriscUla, b. July 28, 1810. 408 Harriet, b. Jan. 9, 1814; d. Oct. 20, 1849. 409 William Francis, b. Sept. 5, 1816 ; d. July 5, 1833, at Bangor. 410 Henry Augustus, b. Sept. 18, 1819. 269 Ruth {Francis?"^ Jacob f Isaac,''' John? John') was born in Chebacco Parish, Ipswich, Mass., Sept. 16, 1777. She married Adoniram Haskell, of Gloucester, Mass., May 14, 1794. She died in Gloucester July 31, 1837. He was the son of Isaac and Eunice Haskell ; was born Nov. 29, 1761, and died Aug. 5, 1845. He was a sailor and served on board a privateer. He was wounded during an engagement, the bullet being afterwards taken from his arm, and is still kept in the family as a memento. He was taken prisoner and carried into Ireland. He was a hatter by trade, and resided in the West Parish of Gloucester until his death. Children of Adoniram and Ruth (Perkins) Haskell were: Elizabeth, b. June 26, 1797; d. Aug. 15, 1880. Perkins, b. Feb. 4, 1799 ; d. in 1804. Lucy, b. June 16, 1801; d. Jan. 16, 1821. Frederick, b. March 16, 1803; m. Mary Davis. Eunice, b. Apr. 14, 1805; m. Benj. P. Kimball; d. July 15, 1865. Martha Low, b. June 23, 1807; d. June 5, 1854. Perkins, b. Apr. 3; 1809; m. Harriet Haskell, May 16, 1833. Hannah, b. June 23, 1812 ; d. Apr. 8, 1821. Francis, b. Dec. 5, 1815 ; m. Mary K. Adams ; she d. Jan. 8, '82. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 83 282 Nathaniel {Nathaniel?^ Nathaniel?* Abraham?^ Abraham? John? John'-) was born in Ipswich, Mass., and was baptized June 25, 1769. He married Charlotte about 1794 ; she died Jan. 2, 1830. He died in June, 1804. An administrator was appointed by the court, as he died intestate, and we find upon the Probate Records, Vol. 72, p. 4, " Administration of the estate of Nathaniel Perldns, of Ipswich, mariner, deceased, was granted to Charlotte Perkins, July 3, 1804." The inventory of his property which she presented to the court, Oct. 1, 1804, shows his whole estate to have been $126.36. Children of Nathaniel and Charlotte Perkins were : 411 Charlotte, b. ab't 1794 ; m. Daniel B. Sraith, May 22, 1814. 412 Nathaniel, b. in 1795 ; m. Elizabeth Lord, Aug. 31, 1818. 286 Hannah {Nathaniel?^ Nathaniel?* Abraham?^ Abraham? John? John') was born about 1780. She married Nathaniel Fuller about 1798. She died in 1877, aged ninety-eight years and six months. Tradition says Nathaniel FuUer was a mariner, and was also a soldier. He was taken prisoner during the war of 1812, and was confined in Dartmoor prison with his son, Nathaniel. While in prison he had a school, and taught several of his fellow prisoners to read and write. Children of Nath'l and Hannah (Perkins) FuUer were : Nathaniel, b. John Perkins, b. May, 1802 ; now living in Newburyport, Mass. Betsey, b. ; ra. Hovey. Enoch Perkins, b. Feb. 16, 1804; m. 1st, Mary Evans; 2d, Mercy Withington. Rebecca, b. ab't 1806; m. Micajah Treadwell. Susan, b. ; m. Daniel Spiller. Sarah, b. ; m. Thoraas Wyatt. Hannah, b. ; m. Ebenezer Pulsifer. Lucy, b. ; unmarried. Charlotte, b. ; m. Abraham Burnhara. 12 84 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 295 Jonathan Thomas {Benjamin,'^* Benjamin,'^ Francis,^ Jacob,'" John? John') was born in Gloucester, Mass., about 1778. He married, first. Tammy Thurston July 25, 1807. She must have died about 1813-14, as her youngest child was born in 1812, and her widower married, second, with Sarah Robinson, April 21, 1816.^* ChUdren of Jona. and Tammy (Thurston) Perkins were : 413 Mary Ann, b. June 26, 1808. 414 Jonathan Brewer, b. Apr. '5, 1812. 296 John {John,'"'' John?^" Joseph?'^ Jacob?" John? John') was born in Ipswich, Mass., Dec. 1, 1797. He married Lucretia Lord, Oct. 29, 1819 ; she was born July 29, 1797. Children of John and Lucretia (Lord) Perkins were : 415 Elizabeth, b. July 23, 1820; m. Geo. W. Ellis, of Medway. 416 Susan, b. Oct. 21, 1822; m. David L. Wade, of Ipswich. 417 John, b. July 13, 1825; m. Caroline E. Burnham, wid. 418 Lucy Ann, b. May 9, 1834; unmarried. 297 Jeremiah Staniford {Aaron,'"" Aaron,'^ Jere miah,"" Jacob,'" John? John ') was born in Ipswich, Mass., Apr. 13, 1797. He married, first, Sarah MiUett, M'ch24, 1822; she was born in Feb. 11, 1799, and died June 25, 1835. He raarried, second, Elizabeth MiUett, Apr. 11, 1837 ; she was born Apr. 15, 1808, and was the sister of his first wife. Both of his wives were daughters of Ben jamin and Mary (Peele) MiUett. He resides in Salem. He was a tailor, and learned that trade of the late Asa Wiggin, of Salem. He was for five years a partner in the tailoring business with Mr. Samuel Chamberlain, and after ward with his own brother, Daniel, and then with his son, Jeremiah. For the last thirty-six years, he has been the ^ See foot-note No. 13. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 85 superintendant of burials for the city of Salem. He has served as a member of the city council, and has also rep resented the city in the state legislature. He has been the commander of the Salem Mechanic Light Infantry, and is now, at the age of eighty-six years, able to attend to his business, and has again been appointed superin tendent of burials for the present year, 1883. ChUdren of Jeremiah and Sarah (MiUett) Perkins were : 419 Jeremiah Stamford, b. July 6, 1822 ; d. Feb. 26, 1861. 420 Sarah, b. Apr. 21, 1824; m. William Cheever. 421 Benjamin MiUett, b. Dec. 22, 1827 ; m. Martha C. Very. 422 Mary Ann, b. March 5, 1832; d., aged IJ yrs. 423 Mary Ann, b. Feb. 11, 1833. 424 Frances Ellen, b. May 22, 1835; d. in September, 1835. Children by Elizabeth (MiUett) Perkins were : 425 EUen Lander, b. April 6, 1838. 426 Joseph Augustine, b. July 1, 1840; m. Anna U. Waters. 427 Charles, b. Apr. 20, 1843 ; d. in 1880. 428 Aaron, b. Feb. 10, 1846 ; m. Kate Dalrymple. 298 Aaron {Aaron?'" Aaron,'^ Jeretniah,"" Jacob,'" John? John') was born in Ipswich, Mass., June 16, 1799. He married Susan Wardwell, Oct. 30, 1826. She was the daughter of Benjamin and Dolly (Moulton) Wardwell, of Dover, N. H. She was born June 20, 1802, and died Sept. 7, 1875. He was a sailmaker, and learned his trade in Salem of the late William Lane. He afterwards carried on the clothing business for many years in Salem, and was in partnership with the late William B. Brown, on Derby street. He was chosen director, and afterwards president of the Mercantile National Bank of Salem, a place which he filled for several years. During the late civil war, he was active in serving the soldiers who were in the field, and caring for their families at home. He has served the 86 THE PERKINS FAMILY. city in its common council and board of aldermen ; has also represented it in the legislature of the state. He was a member of the Mechanic Charitable Association, and was, for a time, its president. He was ensign in the Mechanic Light Infantry. He is now Uving in Salem in 1883. Children of Aaron and Susan (Wardwell) Perkins were : 429 Susan D., b. Aug. 25, 1827; m. 1st, Wm. McFarland; 2d, J. E. A. Todd. 430 Aaron WardweU, b. Jan. 11, 1830; d. March 2, 1833. 431 Henry Clay, b. Nov. 15, 1831; m. Mary T. Andrews; d. March 19, 1880. 432 Aaron Wardwell, b. March 15, 1833 ; m. Emma F. Ober. 433 Sarah Frances, b. June 26, 1836; d. Sept. 10, 1836. 434 George, b. July 11, 1838 ; d. Dec. 9, 1878. 300 Joseph {Aaron?'" Aaron,'^ Jeremiah?" Jacob,'" John? John') was born in Ipswich, Mass., July 16, 1806. He removed to Salem, Mass., early in life, where he mar ried, first, Ellen Augusta Pulsifer in 1840 ; she was the daughter of Francis and (Haskell) Pulsifer. He married, second, Emily Cole, Oct. 25, 1856. They were married in Sacramento, California. He was a mariner in early life, sailing many voyages from Salem. In 1849 he removed to CaUfornia, and set tled at CUpper Gap in 1857, and since that time has made his home there. He died at Clipper Gap, Cal., Sept. 15, 1880. We quote the following notice of his death, which appeared in the " San Francisco Pacific " newspaper. It is from the pen of one who knew him well. " Capt. Perldns was a worthy, pure and sterling man, humble-minded and faithful. He loved God and good people, and was a devout worshipper in the house of praise. Our state has too few such men and none to spare ; and we earnestly pay this word of tribute to his worth, and give a tear to his memory." THE PERKINS FAMILY. 87 ChUdren of Joseph and Ellen (Pulsifer) Perkins were : 435 Caroline Augusta, b. May 26, 1842 ; deceased. 436 WUliam Andrews, b. Jan. 31, 1844. 437 Joseph Francis, b. Nov. 8, 1845. 438^Alice (by second wife). 301 Sarah Ann {Aaron?'" Aaron?'^ Jeremiah?" Jacob?" John? John'^) was born in Ipswich, Mass., Aug. 5, 1804. She married, March 2, 1828, with Alvin Trask Perkins,!^ of Gardiner, Me. She died in Gardiner, March 5, 1831. He was a son of Jonathan " and Susan (ManweU) Per kins, and was born in Gardiner, March 18, 1805. He died in Lexington, Mass., in June, 1862. He was an apothecary, and also kept a hotel, for a short time, in Gardiner, Me. Child of Alvin and Sarah Ann Perkins was : Edmund Coffin, b. Feb. 8, 1829 ; ra. Delia Gardiner Jewett. 303 Daniel {Aaron?'" Aaron,'*^ Jeremiah?" Jacob?" John? John') was born in Ipswich, Mass., Jan. 29, 1811. He removed to Salem in early life, and was married, Dec. 1, 1840, to Anstiss Chipman, of Salem. She was bom March 3, 1815, and was the daughter of Ward and Mary (Hodges) Chipman. He was a tailor, and carried on that business in Salem while he Uved. He was for some years connected in '"After the death of his wife, Sarah, Alvin T. Perkins married a second time, Feb. 18, 1833, with Eliza A. Saville, and had the children named below. Walter Bradley, h. Nov. 2, 1833; d. Sept. 23, 1834. Ella, b. Jan. 29, 1835; d. July 18, 1842. Joan Blasdel, b. Nov. 30, 1837; d. July 21, 1840. Anna Saville, b. Nov. 10, 1839; d. Aug. 4, 1840. Laura Eliza, b. Oct. 19, 1844; m. Harrison Gardner, of Boston. Martha Patterson, b. June 19, 1847; d. Aug. 21, 1848. Mary True, b. July 17, 1849. John Blasdel, b. Aug. 8, 1853. " Jonathan Perkins was a son of John and Joan (Chase) Perkins, of Wakefield, N. H. He died in Gardiner, Me., in 1823. 88 THE PERKINS FAMILY. business with his nephew, Benjamin M. Perkins, who has succeeded him. He took an active interest in military matters, and was for several years Brigade and Division Inspector under the late Gen. Wm. Sutton. He was active in promoting the interests of the Barton Square Church in Salem. He died in Salem, June 25, 1870. Children of Daniel and Anstiss (Chipman) Perkins were : 439 Mary Hodges, b. March 24, 1842. 440 Anstiss Chipman, b. Apr. 1.5, 1844; d. Aug. 10, 1864. 441 Ward Chipman, b. March 14, 1846; d. at San Diego, Cal., Feb. 19, 1871. 442 Daniel Augustine, b. Jan. 8, 1850. 443 Arthur Staniford, b. Sept. 9, 1854; m. Marietta Farwell, Nov. 18, 1880; she was born in Ipswich Dec. 31, 1856. 304 Augustine Staniford {Aaron,^'" Aaron,'*^ Jere miah,"" Jacob,'" John? John ') was born in Ipswich, Mass., May 13, 1813. He removed from Ipswich in 1820, and resided in Gardiner with his parents for some years. He married, October, 1837, Lucy Ann Jones, of Portsmouth, N. H. She was born Nov. 4, 1815, and died Feb. 28, 1858. He married, second, Catherine (Macomber) Cong- don, widow, of New Bedford, Oct. 27, 1862. She was born Feb. 10, 1821, and died Nov. 9, 1883. He was for raany years an energetic and successful shipmaster, sailing from Salem. He commanded the Bark Eliza, which sailed Deceraber, 1848, and was one of the first vessels that went to California at the tirae of the gold discovery. He retired from active sea life a few years ago, and now resides in Salem, Mass. Children of Augustine and Lucy (Jones) Perldns were : 444 EUen Anstiss, b. May 16, 1838; d. Sept. 25, 1838. 445 Augustine Staniford, b. Nov. 16, 1841 ; d. Feb. 15, 1846. 446 Louisa Anna, b. Jan. 6, 1843; d. Feb. 15, 1847. 305 Isaac {Aaron,"" Aaron?*^ Jeremiah?^ Jacob,'" John? John') was born in Ipswich, Mass., Feb. 2, 1816. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 89 He removed with his parents to Gardiner, Me., in 1820, to Salem, Mass., in 1826, and to New York City in 1831. From that place he went, in 1836, to Lynchburg, Va., and returned to New York two years afterwards, and went to Ogdensburg, N. Y., in 1838. He went to CaUfornia in 1850, and resided in Sacramento until 1860. He then removed to Amader County in 1860, and thence, in 1867, to Stanislaus County, where he now (1883) resides. He was married in Sacramento, Jan. 3, 1861, to Caroline Coleman. She was born in Hudson, N. Y. , June 27, 1824. Children of Isaac and Caroline (Coleman) Perldns were : 447 Edmund C, b. Oct. 12, 1861. 448 Avis M., b. April 8, 1864. 449 Warren S., b. March 11, 1866. 307 Samuel B.a.rdm'^ {Jabez ?^" Aaron ?*^ Jeremiah,"^ Jacob?" John? John') was bom in Brunswick, Me., Nov. 12, 1804. He married, at Brunswick, Mary M. Gorham, July 31, 1825. She was born Sept. 22, 1803. They resided in Brunswick until about 1838, when they removed to Poughkeepsie, N. Y., and resided there until his death, which took place Nov. 16, 1861. His wife, Mary, also died in Poughkeepsie, March 7, 1864. He was a painter by trade. Children of Samuel and Mary (Gorham) Perkins, some of whom were born in Brtmswick, and some in Pough keepsie, were : 450 Harriet Cushman, b. Apr. 18, 1826; m. Alonzo Macay. 451 Nancy Clark, b. Aug. 22, 1828 ; m. Cyrus E. Wolven. 452 George Lithgow, b. Sept. 21, 1830; d. Sept. 11, 1831. 453 WiUiam Fletcher, b. June 25, 1832; d. June 2, 1859. 454 Lucy T., b. Dec. 13, 1834; m. Alonzo Macay (2d wife). 455 John Smiley, b. Feb. 5, 1837; m. Emily Wilbur Dec. 28, '59, 456 Lithgow Towns, b. Aug. 12, 1839 ; m. Sarah E. Reading. 457 Mary E., b. Nov. 28, 1841; d. July 10, 1842. 458 Mary Joanna, b. May 20, 1845; d. March 1, 1854. •8 Sometimes Harding. 90 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 308 Elizabeth Jarvis {Jabez, '^" Aaron ?^ Jeremiah,^ Jacob?" John? John') was born in Brunswick, Me., AprU 26, 1808. She married William F. HiUs in 1831. He was born Aug. 13, 1810, and died Feb. 12, 1871. She died Apr. 20, 1873. He resided for many years m Georgetown, Mass. Children of WilUam and EUz'h (HiUs) Perkins were : Joan E., b. Dec. 15, 1831; m. John J. Richards, Dec. 27, 1848; d. March 6, 1862. Mary F., b. April 5, 1834; m. Sarauel Rogers, Jan. 4, 1852; he d. June 22, 1871. Amanda M., b. Feb. 7, 1836; d. July 12, 1837. William P., b. Apr. 20, 1843; m. Etta P. Pearson, Dec. 27, 1862. Hattie J., b. Oct. 18, 1845 ; m. J. T. HiUiard, Sept. 27, 1860. Rodney M., b. Dec. 27, 1849; m. 1st, Lizzie J. TUton, Dec. 25, 1871; she died Dec. 22, 1874; m. 2d, Mary S. Rogers, Aug. 12, 1879. 309 David S. {Jabez?^ Aaron?*^ Jeremiah,"" Jacob?" John? John ') was born in Brunswick, Me., July 26, 1809. He married Jane S. Dunning, of Brunswick, in 1835. She was born Nov. 13, 1811, and died Oct. 11, 1870. He died Nov. 25, 1870. He was a bootmaker by trade. He resided in Brunswick, Me., and afterwards removed to Yarmouth, Me., where they both died. Children of David and Jane (Dunning) Perkins were : 469 Mary S. L., b. Aug. 28, 1838; m. W. P. Hutchinson. 460 Charles T., b. Feb. 23, 1840. 461 Martha L., b. Jan. 29, 1842; m. E. M. Bonser. 462 Samuel H., b. Jan. 17, 1844; d. May 31, 1847. 463 David E., b. Apr. 24, 1846 ; m. Annie Simpson ; d. July 4, '79. 464 Williara S., b. Aug. 20, 1848; d. Apr. 23, 1872. 465 Jabez T., b. Sept. 24, 1852 ; m. Rose Thurston ; d. M'ch 19, '82. 466 Albert H., b. July 21, 1857; m. Addie Smith. 310 Joanna {Jabez?^ Aaron?^ Jeremiah?" Jacob,'" John? John') was born in Brunswick, Me., Oct. 15, 1812. She married Henry Winslow, who married, after THE PERKINS FAMILY. 91 her death, her sister, Hannah. Joanna died in Houlton, Me., July 31, 1838. He was a hardware dealer, and resided in Houlton, Aroostook Co., Me., but removed to Richmond, Me., where he has resided for several years. 311 Eunice Ann {Jabez?^ Aaron?'^ Jeremiah?^ Ja cob?" John? John') was born in Brunswick, Me., Jan. 1, 1814. She married Albert S. HiUs, June 4, 1834. He resides in Ipswich, Mass., where he has been a grocer for the last forty years. Children of Albert S. and Eunice (Perldns) Hills were : Harriet, b. Nov. 23, 1842; m. Capt. John H. ShatsweU, Oct., '62. Albert Perkins, b. May 3, 1846 ; m. Mary E. Claris. 312 Hannah {Jabez?^" Aaron?*^ Jeremiah,^ Jacob?" John? John') was born in Brunswick, Me., Feb. 20, 1816. She married Henry Winslow about 1840. She died Jan. 19, 1858. He is a hardware dealer, and resided for many years in Houlton, Aroostook Co., Me. He now resides in Eich- mond, Lincoln Co., Me. Children of Henry and Hannah(Perkins) Winslow were : Frances Joan, b. Oct. 26, 1841 ; m. Edwin P. Lowe. Mary Elizabeth, b. Sept. 6, 1843 ; m. Henry F. Caldwell. George Henry, b. Sept. 20, 1845 ; ra. Nettie Dennison. 313 Charles H. {Jabez?^ Aaron?^ Jeremiah?" Ja cob?" John? John') was born in Topsham, Me., June 2, 1819. He married, March 16, 1842, with Martha L. Dunning. She was born in Brunswick, Me., March 14, 1823 . He is a shipbuilder, and resides in Brunswick, Me . She was a sister of Jane Dunning, who had married David S. Perkins. 13 92 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Children of Charles H. and Martha (Dunning) Perkins were : 467 John D., b. Feb. 23, 1843; went to sea; perhaps deceased. 468 Lucy E., b. April 3, 1845; d. Sept. 22, 1846. 469 Hattie M., b. April 10, 1847; ra. Albion D. Briggs, of Au burn, Me., Nov. 8, 1867. 470 Nettie L., b. March 26, 1849; m. Joshua E. Jenks, of Port land, Me., Sept. 20, 1869. 471 Emraa F., b. July 16, 1851; ra. Sept., 1870, W. J. Jacobs, of Portland, Me. 472 Samuel H., b. Dec. 24, 1860. 473 Clara E., b. Dec. 9, 1864. 324 David Lord {Isaac,^ Jas. ?^ Abraham,"* Isaac,'"' John? John') was born in Lyme, Conn., July 4, 1776. He married Eunice Slddraore about 1815. She was the daughter of Elnathan and Eunice (Wakely) Skidmore, and was born Sept. , 1786. They removed from Lyme, Conn., to Exeter, Otsego Co., N. Y., where they re sided until 1825, when thej^ again removed to Utica, N. Y., and resided there the remainder of their lives. He died Feb. 15, 1852 ; she died Sept. 25, 1857. ChUdren of David L., and Eunice (Skidmore) Perkins were : 474 David, b. Jan. 8, 1816, at Exeter, N. Y. 475 John WiUiam, b. Oct. 19, 1817; d. March, 1818. 476 Mary White, b. Oct. 22, 1819. 477 Lucia Ruggles, b. March 3, 1822; d. June 2, 1845. 478 John Henry Hobart, b. Dec. 1, 1825; m. Emma Tindall, Feb. 17, 1853. 325 Abraham {Abraham, ^^^ Isaac,'^' Abraham,^ Isaac,''' John? John') was born in Chebacco, Ipswich, Mass., Dec. 28, 1770. He married, Aug. 1, 1799, Mary Burnham, daughter of David and Anna (Grover) Burn ham. She was born AprU 27, 1780, and died Oct. 23, 1861. He died March 9, 1847. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 93 Children of Abra'm and Mary (Burnham) Perkins were : 479 Mary, b. Feb. 14, 1800; m. Francis Burnham, Dec. 25, 1834. 480 Sophia, b. March 13, 1802; m. John Dodge, Aug. 27, 1834. 481 Maria, b. Jan. 8, 1803; m. John Thompson Taylor. 482 Lydia H., b. Dec. 6, 1804; m. Proctor Perley. 483 Sarah, b. Jan. 6, 1806. 484 Abraham, b. Jan. 7, 1807; m. Abigail Story. 485 Anna Grover, b. March 5, 1809. 486 David, b. Feb. 20, 1811 ; m. Martha Story. 487 Emily, b. Sept. 15, 1812. 488 Edward B., b. Dec. 29, 1814; m. EUzabeth P. Barrett. 489 Matilda, b. May 7, 1816; m. Jeremiah Burnham. 490 John Bartlett, b. March 18, 1818 ; m. Harriet N. Lakeraan. 491 Edna B., Sept. 13, 1819; m. William H. Sargent. 492 Asa Foster, b. May 3, 1822 ; m. Mary Ann Bray. 335 Elisha ( Wm.,^*" Abraham,^^ Abraham,"* Isaac,'^ John? John') was born in Lyme, Conn., July 25, 1768. He married Mary Ransom, of Woodstock, Vt. He re moved from Lyme, Conn., to So. Woodstock, Vt., where he engaged in the tanning business and shoemaking ; he af terwards sold his interest in this business to his brother. Gains. He also kept a store there for a while, and was at one time an innkeeper. In 1819 he, with his family, con sisting of two sons and three daughters, removed to Troy, Mo., which w^as then considered as ihe far west. There he began an extensive leather manufactory, and also a shoe- making establishment. Their journey to Troy, then a very great undertaking, was made with two large wagons and five horses, one of these was taken as a reserve, and was often used by the daughters for a little pleasant variety of horseback riding. Both Elisha and his wife died in Troy, Mo., in 1851. Children of Elisha and Mary (Ransom) Perkins were : 493 William, b. in 1800. 494 Mary, b. in 1802 ; m. Emanuel Block. 495 Sarah, b. in 1804; m. Horace Wing, in 1819. 496 Fanny, b. in 1807; d. unmarried. 497 Charles Ely, b. in 1812; m. twice; wives unknown. 94 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 337 Francis ( William,''*" Abraham,'^^ Abraham,"* Isaac,''' John? John ') was bom in Lyme, Conn., July 13, 1772. He married Sally Dennison, about 1794. She was born in 1774, and died Dec. 10, 1843, aged sixty-nine years. He died July 29, 1852. He removed from Lyme, Conn., to Hartland, Vt., in 1793, and again to So. Wood stock, Vt., in 1815, where he resided until his death. He was a farmer. Children of Francis and Sally (Dennison) Perkins were : ' 498 Sally, b. in 1795; d. in Woodstock in 1820; unmarried. 499 Henry G., b. Feb. 14, 1797; m. Louisa R. Dutton, in 1821. 600 Lydia, b. in 1799; d. in 1813. 501 Eliza, b. in 1801 ; d. in 1804. 502 Ulysses, b. in 1803 ; d. aged 1 week. 603 Eliza D., b. Sept. 17, 1804; ra. George Griswold, of Lyme; d. July 11, 1867. 504 Mary C, b. Aug. 19, 1806; ra. Israel Putnara, of Glenn's Falls, in 1829 ; d. June, 1843. 505 Charlotte, b. in 1808; d. in 1813. 506 Frances D., b. June 10, 1810; ra. 1st, Joshua Snow; 2d, Henry C. Drew. 338 WiUiam ( William,''*" Abraham,"'' Abraham,^ Isaac,^ John? John') was bom in Lyme, Conn., Dec. 22, 1774. He removed to South Woodstock, Vt., and mar ried Mary Bigelow, Nov. 8, 1801. She was born in Reading, Vt., Nov. 11, 1782, and died Nov. 19, 1865, at the age of eighty-three years. She was the daughter of Elisha and Mary (Darby) Bigelow. He died Sept. 19, 1820. He was a blacksmith by trade. Children of Wm. and Mary (Bigelow) Perkins were : 507 Laura, b. in 1802; m. B. Frank Bigelow. 508 Cyrus, b. June 22, 1810; m. Sophronia Stratten. 509 Norman, b. AprU 5, 1813; ra. Sarah J. Jaquith. 339 Gains ( Wm.,^*" Abraham,"'^ Abraham,"* Isaac?'' John? John') was born in Lyme, Conn., Sept. 9, 1778. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 95 He removed to Hartland, Vt., and afterwards to South Woodstock, Vt., in 1801. There he married Eunice Field, June 26, 1804. She was born Feb. 12, 1785, and died June 25, 1858. He carried on an extensive business of tanning and shoemaking in South Woodstock for many years, and died there March 3, 1870. He was an ardent supporter of institutions of learning, and contributed largely towards the establishment and sup port of an academy in South Woodstock. We quote the following in relation to him from Prof. W. R. Shipman. " Major Gains Perkins died in South Woodstock, March 3, 1870, aged ninety-one years and six months. His long Ufe was not more remarkable for the nuraber of its daj'^s than for the wonderful preservation, to its very close, of the faculties and spirit of youth. He was not, indeed, exerapt from the weariness of age, but not one of his senses was materially impaired ; his judgment remained adequate to the transaction of business, while his heart was as young as ever ^ and his interest in passing events, whether of the neighborhood or the nation, was undimin ished. Naturally social, he was to the last a genial companion for all, and his beautiful old age was a perpetual joy to the home in which children's children rose up to call him blessed. His favor was extended to all good enterprises, and he always heeded the injunction to ' follow after the things that make for peace.' A life-long and active Universalist, his venerable form was, until very recently, familiar in the gatherings of the denomination far and near. He made the first and largest subscription in Vermont, for the Green Mountain Central Institute,^^ and gave more than any others to sus- 19 Now, the " Green Mountain Perkins Academy." 96 THE PERKINS FAMILY. tain our school at South Woodstock. It was hardly too much to say that, as his last days were his best, so like the evening twiUght were his lingering years. Honored and loved by a multitude of friends, his memory will long be cherished in their hearts, whUe he, departing from the earth at peace with man and God, and now, united with the great company of the redeemed, shall dwell forever in the mansions of the blest." Children of Gains and Eunice (Field) Perldns were : 510 Samuel Fields, b. May 12, 1805; d. Feb. 14, 1866. 511 AdeUne, b. Aug. 18, 1807; unra'd; d. Feb. 19, 1830. 512 Marcia, b. March 1, 1809. 513 Frederick, b. Oct. 13, 1810; d. March 23, 1863. 614 Charles Dunham, b. March 23, 1813. 615 Edward, b. AprU 9, 1815; unra'd; d. in 1882. 340 Benjamin ( William,''*^ Abraham?^'' Abraham,"* Isaac,''' John? John') was born in Lyme, Conn., July 12, 1785. He married Azubah Hatch, of Weathersfield, Vt. He removed to western New York in 1817, and afterwards to the state of lUinois, where he died Feb. 16, 1870, at the age of eighty-four years. He was a tailor by trade. Children of Benjamin and Azubah (Hatch) Perkins were : 516 Jaraes, b. ; d. in infancy. 517 Jane, b. ; m. Sam'l Jackson, had a family of 8 children. 346 Joseph {Joseph,^ Joseph,'^" Abraham,"* Isaac,''' John? John') was born in Chebacco, Ipswich, Mass., July 8, 1772. He married, June 2, 1798, Margaret Orne ; she w^as the daughter of Timothy and Catherine (Pynchon) Orne, of Salem, Mass., and was born in Aug., 1775. She died Feb. 3, 1800. He died Feb. 28, 1803. He commenced his studies in his native town, and was THE PERKINS FAMILY. 97 afterward a student in Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., where he was fitted for coUege. He was, for a time, a teacher in Exeter Academy, N. H. He entered Harvard College in 1790, and was graduated with the class of 1794, when he delivered the valedictory. At the com mencement in 1797, at which time he received the degree of Master of Arts, he deUvered an oration upon Genius, which then attracted general attention, and has since been published. After his graduation he turned his attention to the study of law, and in due time was admitted to the Essex bar, and opened his office in Salem, Mass. He soon rose to great eminence in his profession, both as a lawyer and as an orator. The proverb so often quoted, " Death loves a shining mark," found no exception in his case. He was not long spared to fulfil the bright promise of his early days ; he died of consumption, in the thirty-first year of his age. His death was deeply lamented by a large circle of warm friends, who viewed that event as a public calamity. The only child of Joseph and Margaret (Orne) Perldns was : 518 Timothy Orne, b. Aug. 28, 1799 ; d. July 4, 1802. 347 John {Joseph?^" Joseph,'^" Abraham,"* Isaac,''' John? John') was born in Chebacco, Ipswich, Mass.,' June 7, 1774. He married Lydia Choate, Feb. 19, 1801. She was born Sept. 24, 1774, and died Dec. 2, 1829. He died June 23, 1856. He was a manufacturer of leather and shoes in Che bacco, in which business he was associated with his brother James for many years. 98 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Children of John and Lydia, (Choate) Perkins were : 619 Thomas, b. Nov. 29, 1801; ra. AbigaU Proctor; d. 1837. 520 Mary, b. July 10, 1803 ; d. July 2, 1804. 621 Mary, b. May 20, 1805; ra. Uriah G. Spoflford. 522 Sarah, b. AprU 18, 1807; m. John Burnham. 523 Lydia, b. July 10, 1809; ra. John Cressey, of Rowley. 524 Clara, b. Nov. 4, 1811 ; ra. Rob't W. Burnham. 625 Harriet, b. Oct. 11, 1815 ; m. Oliver Burnhara ; d. Oct. 20, '47. 348 James {Joseph,''^" Joseph,'^" Abraham,"* Isaac, ^ John? John') was born in Chebacco, Ipswich, Mass., Apr. 3, 1776. He married Sally Smith, Nov. 20, 1806. She was the daughter of Philemon and Mary (Poland) Smith, and was born Feb. 12, 1790. He was the partner of his brother John, in the leather manufacturing business, in Chebacco. Children of James and Sally (Smith) Perkins were : 526 EUzabeth, b. March 2, 1808 ; m. Reed P. Clark. 527 Sally, b. Feb. 28, 1810; d. Nov. 15, 1810. 528 Joseph, b. Nov. 8, 1811; unm'd; killed in Mexican war. 529 Jaraes, b. Aug. 13, 1814; ra. 1st, Nancy Haws Carkin; 2d, wid. Margaret (Anderson) Upton. 630 WiUiam, b. July 31, 1816; ra. Sarah A. Bartlett. 531 Washington, b. Sept. 20, 1821 ; ra. Jane Baldwin. 532 Franklin, b. July 24, 1823; d. Feb. 26, 1843. 633 Sarah, b. Oct. 11, 1825 ; d. Aug. 5, 1827. 355 Aaron {Joseph,^^ Joseph,'^" Abraham,"* Isaac,''' John? Jolin') was born in Chebacco, Ipswich, Mass., Aug. 26, 1789. He married Mary Gilbert, March 28, 1813. She was born April 2, 1792. He died Apr. 22, 1870. The only child of Aaron and Mary (Gilbert) Perkins was : 534 Mary Ann C, b. March 19, 1823; m. Rev. L. J. Livermore, March 18, 1847. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 99 358 Jacob {Jacob,'''" Jacob,'"'' Jacob,"' Isaac,''' John? John') was born in Hebron, Grafton Co., N. H., June 24, 1775. He married, first, Thurza Dearborn, May 30, 1805. She was born in 1783, and died May 10, 1811, being twenty-eight years of age. He married, second, Dolly Lancaster, Oct. 17, 1813. He died June 24, 1865, being just ninety years of age. He was a farmer in his native town. Children of Jacob and Thurza (Dearborn) Perkins were : 635 Otho WiUiams, b. June 16, 1806; m. 1st, Nancy Kelley; 2d, Betsey Nelson. 636 Ephraim Story, b. May 1, 1808 ; m. Sarah Griggs. 537 George Clinton, b. Dec. 25, 1809 ; d. Jan. 25, 1810. 538 Thurza Dearborn, b. May 10, 1811 ; m. John Goodhue. Children of Jacob and Dolly (Lancaster) were : 539 Candace Sargent, b. Sept. 2, 1814; m. Sam'l Dearborn. 540 George Clinton, b. Nov. 11, 1816; m. Eliz'h Edgington. 641 Siilly Lane, b. May 3, 1818; unm'd; resides iu Plymouth. 542 Luther W., b. Sept. 3, 1822; d. Nov. 14, 1822. 359 Hannah { Jacob, ^^" Jacob, '"^ Jacob,"' Isaac,''' John? John') was born in Chebacco, Ipswich, Mass., Sept. 4, 1777. She went with her parents to Cockermouth, now Hebron, N. H., in 1783, where she married Abijah Wright of that place about 1803-4. They resided for some time in Benton, N. H. She died April 18, 1853. The date of his death is unknown. Both spent their last days at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Asenath Jefiers. He was a farmer. Children of Abijah and Hannah Wright were : RusseU, b. Feb. 21, 1807; m. Feb. 14, 1829. Gilbert b. ; resides in East HaverhiU, N. H. Alvah b. ; resides in California. Asenath b. ; ro. Jeffers ; resides in Elmira, N. Y. j5Ql]y^ l5. ; m. MerriU, of Colbrook, N. H. EUzabeth, b. ; deceased. 14 100 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 361 Rachel {Jacob,"^^ Jacob,'"'' Jacob,^ Isaac,''' John? John') was born in Hebron, Grafton Co., N. H., May 6, 1782. She married, about 1799, Thomas Emmerton, who was born in .Chebacco Parish, Ipswich, Mass., June 15, 1773. He died at Columbia, N. H., April 12, 1848. She died May 10, 1866. "Thomas Emmerton was a mariner and fisherman in early Ufe, but settled down on a farm in Groton, N. H., which he gave up to his eldest son, Ira, on his marriage, and then moved, with the rest of his family, to Columbia, N. H."^» Children of Thomas and Rachel Emmerton were : Ira, b. Sept. 24, 1800 ; m. Susan Kidder. Ruth, b. July 21, 1802 ; m. Robert S. McClure in 1821. Thomas Jefferson, b. March 15, 1805 ; ra. Rebecca Rogers. Harvy, b. July 25, 1808 ; m. Susan Clement. Jacob Perkins, b. AprU 29, 1811; m. Susan Graves; d. in 1863. Joseph Warren, b. May 2, 1815; ra. Elvira Fairman. Atalanta, b. Feb. 19, 1817 ; m. Parker Ferson. 364 Betsey (Jacob,^" Jacob,'"' Jacob,"' Isaac,''' John? John') was born in, Hebron, N. H., Aug. 13, 1788. She married James Goodhue, of Campton, N. H. They afterwards removed to Canada, where we lose sight of them. They are said to have had a fanaily, but the names of their children have not been ascertained. 365 Lucy {Jacob,^^ Jacob,'"' Jacob,"' Isaac,'^ John? John') was born in Hebron, N. H., Feb. 25, 1791. She married Nathan Dearborn, of Plymouth, N. H. They removed to Ohio, where they are said to have had a fam ily of several children ; their names are unknown at this time. '"Emmei'ton Genealogy. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 101 366 EUas {Jacob,'''' Jacob,'^ Jacob,^ Isaac,'^ John? John') was born in Hebron, N. H., March 18, 1794. He married Rhoda Simonds in 1820. She was born in 1788, in Burlington, Mass., and was the daughter of Gideon and Rebecca Simonds. She died May 1, 1871, at the age of eighty-three years. He died June 23, 1863, aged seventy years. He was a farmer in Alexandria, N. H. Children of EUas and Rhoda (Simonds) Perkins were : 543 Louisa A., b. Nov. 20, 1820; m. Luke Gale, Nov., 1840. 644 Ellas Andrews, b. July 28, 1822; m. Mary F. ffiUs. 545 Hannah A., b. March 3, 1825; m. David B. Rollins. 646 Holbrook S., b. in 1827; ra. Marcia A. Pike, Feb., 1860. 369 Francis {Jonathan,'"* Francis,'"' Jacob,"'' Isaac," John? John') was born in Chebacco Parish, Ipswich, Mass., Aug. 21, 1792. He married Rebecca A. Putnam. She was born in 1792, and died March 6, 1868. He was removed by his father, when a ohild, to Lunenburg, Mass. (1794). Later in life he removed again to Fitch- burg, Mass., and there engaged in active and successful business. He represented his town in the legislature of the state, and was for several years the president of the Fitchburg bank. He died in Fitchburg, Aug. 2, 1859. They left no children. 370 Enoch {Jonathan,'"* Francis,'"' Jacob,^ Isaac?^ John? John') was born in Lunenburg, Mass., Jan. 15, 1797. He married Mary Wetherbee, June 23, 1829. His early years were spent upon his father's farm in Lu nenburg. He removed to Harvard, Mass., where he passed the greater part of his life. He was a suc- cessfiil trader in Harvard, and amassed a competence. He remembered this town in his last will, as well as his 102 THE PERKINS FAMILY. native town. He was a public spirited man, and did much to beautify his adopted home. He died in Boston, April 20, 1880, and was buried in Harvard. Mary, his wife, was born in Harvard, Nov. 14, 1802, and died Dec. 24, 1837. Children of Enoch and Mary (Wetherbee) Perkins were : 547 Francis, b. Nov. 7, 1830; d. Nov. 14, 1830. 548 Mary Adeline, b. Oct. 13, 1833 ; d. Apr. 2, 1863. 649 .Julia Ann, b. Nov. 7, 1837; d. in CUnton, Feb. 5, 1881. 371 Elizabeth {Jonathan,''"* Francis,'"' Jacob,"' Isaac," John? John') was born in Lunenburg, Mass., in 1803. She married Dr. Ebenezer Hills, of Townsend, Mass., after the death of her younger sister, Ruth, wli,o had been his first wife. The date of their marriage is not known. She died in Townsend, May 15, 1841. He was born in June, 1804, and died March 4, 1854. Children of Ebenezer and Eliz'h (Perkins) Hills were : Edward, b. June, 1830 ; d. Feb. 22, 1849. EUzabeth, b. Jan. 12, 1834; m. Jerome Dike.'*' Maria Francena, b. tian. 2, 1838; teacher in Clinton, Mass. 376 William ( William, '"' Francis,'"' Jacob,"' Isaac,''' John? John') was born on Hog Island, Ipswich, Mass., April 4, 1789. He married Prudence Porter, of Surry, N. H., AprU 11, 1816. He died in Surry, June 7, 1876. He was the oldest child, and was carried by his parents to their new home in Surry. He was a farmer in after life, and resided in Surry, where his widow now lives. Children of Wm. and Prudence (Porter) Perkins were : 550 William Porter, b. March 2, 1817; m. 2d, Emma HUl. 551 Prudence Maria, b. Sept. 30, 1818; ra. Chas. A. Harrington. 552 John, b. Sept. 16, 1820; d. March 12, 1824. iii Elizabeth Hills and .Jerome Dike, of Springfleld, Mass., were married in Shirley, Mass., Oct. 20, 1853. Tlieir children were : Francis Jerome, b. Jan. 31, 1856; d. Oct. 18, 1857. Frederick Perkins, b. Dec. 30, 1863; d. Sept. 1, 1865. Harry Cheshire, b. Dec. 21, 1871; d. Apr. 7, 1872. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 103 553 Harriet Elizabeth, b. Aug. 9, 1822; m. Josiah II. Chaffee. 554 Sarah Lydia, b. May 24, 1824; m. Daniel Smith. 555 John .Henry, b. Oct. 7, 1826; d. July 30, 1828. 556 Mary jane, b. July 16, 1828; m. George H. StoweU. 557 George, b. June 14, 1830; m. Leah GUbert. 658 Eliza Ann, b. Aug. 9, 1832; d. Feb. 16, 1833. 559 James Francis, b. Nov. 15, 1833 ; m. Emmeline Robbins. 560 Rosetta, b. Feb. 22, 1836; m. Edwin A. Fawcett. 561 Charles Henry, b. Dec. 17, 1838 ; m. Lucy Ann Durrell. 377 Elizabeth ( William,'"^ Francis,'"' Jacob,"' Isaac," John? John') was born on Hog Island, Ipswich, Mass., Apr. 4, 1791. She married Jonathan Whitcomb, July 18, 1818. She was removed from Ipswich in her infancy. She died in Worcester, Mass., Aug. 26, 1874, where she had resided for several years. He died in Rome, N. Y., date unknown. Children of Jonathan and Eliz'h (Perkins) Whitcomb were : Maria, b. m. ; deceased. Belinda, b. m. David Cole ; deceased. William, b. ; deceased; unmarried. 378 John ( William,'"' Francis,'"^ Jacob,"' Isaac," John? John') was born on Hog Island, Ipswich, Mass., March 27, 1793. He married Esther Phipps, of Charles town, Mass., February, 1825. They resided some years in Charlestown, and also spent several years in Boston, and afterwards in New York City. He learned the trade of a blacksraith of his uncle, David, in Salem, and was afterwards, for a considerable time, an officer in the Mass. State Prison, after wdiich he removed to New York City, and died there, Aug. 23, 1877. Child of John and Esther (Phipps) Perkins was : 562 Elizabeth, b. ; m. Wm. H. Fogg, of N. York City. 104 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 379 David W illiam,'"' Francis,'"' Jacob,^ Isaac,^ John? John ') was born in Surry, N. H., Sept. 22, 1795. He married, first, Lucy Skinner, Jan. 18, 1821, in Ma tilda, Upper Canada; she died Sept. 1, 1833. After her decease he married in Cornwall, Canada, July 20, 1834, with Ann Jane Medill ; she was born in the county of Monahan, Ireland, Nov. 12, 1814, and is now living in Cornwall, Canada, where he died Jan. 3, 1877. He had six children by his first wife, Lucy, whose names are given below. Children of David and Lucy ( Skinner) Perkins were : 663 Henry, b. Jan. 29, 1823 ; resides in Augusta, Eau Clair Co., Wisconsin. 564 William, b. Feb. 26, 1825 ; m. Sarah Stevens Lyford. 565 James, b. June 13, 1826; ra. and resides in Morrisburg, Iro quois Co., Canada. 566 Zenas, b. Aug. 25, 1828. 567 Sarauel, b. April 16, 1831 ; resides in Cornwall, Osnabrook Co., Upper Canada. 568 Lucy, b. Sept. 1, 1833 ; m. and resides in Matilda, Ontario Co., Canada. David had, by his second wife, Ann Jane Medill, nine children, five of whom are now deceased. They were : 669 John B., June 17, 1835; m. Maggie Campbell. 570 Francis, b. Jan. 17, 1837 ; d. in Worcester, Mass. 671 Sarah, b. Oct. 12, 1839; m. Wm. Campbell, March 26, 1863. 572 Alexander, b. May, 1841; d. Nov., 1841. 573 George, b. Oct. 13, 1842; d. in California, 1863. 574 Robert, b. June 29, 1844; d. Aug. 26, 1870. 575 Harriet Lindsey, b. May 31, 1846; m. Calvin H. Weeks. 576 Mary Elizabeth, b. March 12, 1848; m. Frank 0. Jennison, of Providence, R. I. 577 Caroline, b. March, 1850; d. Aug. 21, 1857. 380 Rachel ( William?"' Francis,'"' Jacob,"' Isaac," John? John') was born in Surry, N. H., Sept. 1, 1797. She married, first, Abel Walker, and after his death she THE PERKINS FAMILY. 105 married a second time, Uriel Hall. We give a Ust of her children. All but the first were by her second husband. She died in Ohio, July 2, 1869. He resides in Oxford, Mass. Children of Rachel Perkins were : WUliam (Walker), b. ; m. Emma Gilson, of SomerviUe, Mass. Ann Jane (Hall), b. StUlman " b. Emily W. " b. ; m. Siddall; resides Oxford, Mass. Elizabeth " b. Charles " b. Adeline " b. 381 Asa ( William,'"' Francis,'"' Jacob,"' Isaac," John? John') was born in Surry, N. H., Nov. 9, 1799. He married Martha Esten, September, 1824. She was born in Rhode Island, Jan. 26, 1807. He is a farmer. They reside in Perrinton, Munroe Co., upon the farm which he purchased more than half a century ago. Both are living and in good health at this time (1884) . ChUdren of Asa and Martha (Esten) Perldns were : 578 Jane E., b. May 29, 1825 ; m. James R. Mead. 679 Mary M., b. Jan. 29, 1829; m. WiUiam Witter. 580 Asa F., b. March 6, 1831; m. Lucinda F. Davis. 581 Sarauel F., b. Oct. 25, 1833; ra. Margaret E. Foland. 582 Martha A., b. Sept. 4, 1836; m. Carey R. Witter. 583 OUve C, b. Apr. 16, 1839; m. Peter Van Leeren. 584 Sarah E., b. June 25, 1843 ; m. Henry Jerrells. 383 Francis ( William,'"' Francis,'"' Jacob,"'' Isaac," John? John') was born in Surry, N. H., July 28, 1803. He married Mary Joy, and died in Kansas, April 28, 1880. The family reside in Michigan. ChUdren of Francis and Mary (Joy) Perkins were: 585 Sarah, b. 586 Maria, b. 587 George, b. 688 Charles, b. 589 Mary Jane, b. 106 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 384 Martha ( William,'"' Francis,'"' Jacob,^ Isaac," John? John') was born in Surry, N. H., Nov. 5, 1805. She married PUny Holbrook, May 28, 1826. He was born in Bellingham, Mass., Dec. 14, 1798. He was for several years agent of the Bellingham Manufacturing Co. In 1832 he removed to Worcester, Mass., where he was engaged in mercantile pursuits for upwards of thirty years, when he retired from business. During the latter part of his life he held various posi tions of prominence in connection with the city govern ment, as assessor, councilman, and alderman for several terms. He was a man of sound judgment, strict integrity and genial manners, and was highly esteemed by all who knew him. He died in Worcester, Jan. 20, 1863, at the age of seventy-four years. His widow still resides there. Children of Pliny and Martha (Perkins) Holbrook were : De Witt CUnton, b. Oct. 16, 1828; ni. Maria Thayer, Aug. 1854. Charles Francis, b. J'ly 14, 1830; m. A. R. Bradbury, Oct. 14, '63. Almira Ellis, b. in 1832; d. Oct. 12, 1851. Edward PUny, b. iu 1842; d. July 6, 1849. 385 Joseph ( William,'"' Francis,'"' Jacob,"' Isaac," John? John') was born in Surry, N. H., March 21, 1808. He married Artemissa Baker, of Dudley, Mass., Sept. 10, 1837. She was born Feb. 28, 1813. They reside at Dudley, Mass. Children of Jos. and Artemissa (Baker) Perkins were: 590 Susan F., b. Dec. 20, 1839 ; m. W. G. WUlis, Diiluth, Wis. 591 Mary Elizabeth, b. Dec. 11, 1846; d. Aug. 16, 1854. 386 Mary ( William,'"' Francis,'"' Jacob,"' Isaac?'' John? John') was born in Surry, N. H., May 25, 1809. She married James B. Dakin, of Watertown, N. Y., in 1834. She died in Dexter, May 15, 1846. They had no children. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 107 387 George {William,'"' Francis,'"' Jacob,"' Isaac," John? John') was born in Surry, N. H., June 17, 1811. He married, first, Mary Ann Rogers in 1830; second, Selina Slade in 1854. He died in Fairport, N. Y., June 1, 1857. Children of George and Mary A. (Rogers) Perkins were : 692 George, b. March 31, 1833 ; d. in N. London, Conn., in 1835. 593 WiUiam James, b. March 27, 1835 ; m. Louisa Baker. 594 Sarah Elizabeth, b. in Boston, M'ch, 1839 ; d. June 12, 1854, in Worcester, Mass. 595 Mary Martha, b. June 6, 1841 ; ra. Dr. W. S. Fuller. 388 Ora {William,'^ Francis,'"' Jacob,"'' Isaac," John? John') was bom in Surry, N. H., Aug. 19, 1813. He married, first, Lovina Buck, April 11, 1833 ; she died April 17, 1846. He married, second, Elizabeth M. Ditty, May 23, 1849 ; she died Sept. 23, 1862. He married, third, Ellen S. Cronk. He resides in Appleton, Wis. Children of Ora and Elizabeth (Ditty) Perkins were : 596 Lovina E., b. Feb. 18, 1853; d. Jan. 25, 1856. 597 Emma Florence, b. Feb. 28, 1855; ra. Edward Bruce. Child by EUen S. Cronk was : 598 Ora, b. Dec. 23, 1864; d. Feb. 3, 1865. 390 Elizabeth {David,'"" Francis,'"' Jacob,"' Isaac," John? John'-) was born in Salem, Mass., Oct. 29, 1795. She married Simon Tufts Pearson, April 26, 1842, as his third wife. He was born July 22, 1798, in Newburyport, Mass., and was the son of John Pearson, of Newbury port. They resided in Bangor, Me., where he was a large dealer in tanners' bark. She died in Hanailton, Mass., Dec. 7, 1874. He died June 4, 1868, in Bangor, Me. They have no chUdren. 15 108 t, THE PERKINS FAMILY. F 391 Benjamin {David,'"" Francis,'"' Jacob?'' Isaac," John? John') was born in Salem, Mass., June 8, 1797. He married Jane Lawrence, of Salem, Oct. 27, 1823. She was the daughter of Abel and Abigail (Page) Law rence. He died in Roxbury, Mass., now Boston High lands, Oct. 13, 1870. He passed a large portion of his early life in Hanover, N. H. , where he was a trader ; he removed to Boston in 1828, and formed a partnership, first with Timothy H. Carter, and afterwards with T. R. Marvin, and was there engaged in the book trade, printing and publish ing. In later life he retired from active business, and was chosen treasurer of the Mass. Home Missionary Society, which office he held until quite near the time of his death. We copy the following brief notice of his death from the Boston Journal. "Oct. 14, 1870. Death of Mr. Benjamin Perkins. Mr. Perkins died at his residence in the Boston Highlands, yesterday. He was for many years well known as a book seller. He retired several years ago and has devoted his time to the duties of Treasurer of the Home Missionary Society. Mr. Perkins was a gentleman esteemed for his integrity and Christian virtues." Children of Benj. and Jane (Lawrence) Perkins were: 699 Charles Lawrence, b. Dec. 25, 1824; m. Eliz'h WestNevins. 600 Mary Lawrence, b. Sept. 7, 1826 ; unmarried. 601 Jane Lawrence, b. May 4, 1829 ; m. Rev. Thomas S. Childs. 602 Benjamin, b. Apr. 30, 1831 ; m. Josephine E. Welsh. 603 Francis Brown, b. Aug. 7, 1833 ; ra. 1st, Susan M. Hunting ton; 2d, Laura Strong. 604 George Endicott, b. Nov. 22, 1835 ; lost at sea. 605 John Buckley Lawrence, b. Jan. 7, 1839 ; d. July 7, 1839. 392 David {David,'"" Francis,'"' Jacob,"' Isaac," John? John') was born in Salem, Mass., Dec. 30, 1798. He THE PERKINS FAMILY. 109 was an apothecary in his native town for several years of his early life, and afterwards removed to New York City, engaging in the same business and in that of a wholesale druggist. He was compeUed to relinquish active business on account of a painful surgical disease. After an oper ation, he so far recovered his health that he was able to act for a while as agent for the American Bank Note Com pany, and travelled in the south and west ; but ill health again caused him to retire from active life. He died in Hamilton, Mass., Aug. 13, 1873. He was never married. 393 Edward Lang {David'"" Francis,'"' Jacob,"' Isaac," John? John') was bom in Salem, Mass., March 12, 1800. He was in early life employed in the office of the Clerk of Essex County Courts, which position he gave up to accept that of book-keeper ¦ in the Exchange Bank, of Salem, on its first opening. His health failing, he gave up all business for a while, but afterwards became a part ner with his brother, David, in the drug business in New York City. They were, with others, financially ruined by the great fiire in New York in 1836. For the last twenty- six years of his life, he was Receiver of the Mass. Hos pital Life Insurance Company, of Boston. The close and unremitted duties of that office induced softening of the brain, of which he died, Nov. 1, 1864. He was never married. 394 Francis {David,'"" Francis,'"' Jacob,^ Isaac," John? John') was born in Salem, Mass., April 24, 1802. He learned the trade of blacksmith from his father, which he followed for some years in partnership with, the now venerable, Daniel Potter. Suflfering much in health, he was induced to join a silver mining expedition to Peru, 110 THE PERKINS FAMILY. saiUuff from Boston in 1834. PoUtical troubles in that country broke up the plans of the company, but he re mained in the country. He died at Chocope, in the vaUey of the Chicomai, about ten leagues from Truxillo, in the year 1835. 395 Henry {David,^"" Francis,'"' Jacob,"' Isaac," John? John') was born in Salem, Mass., Nov. 15, 1803. He married Cornelia Adeline Allen, Oct. 8, 1835. She was the daughter of Joshua and Ann (Moore) AUen, and was born in Philadelphia, Aug. 27, 1812. He passed his early life as a clerk in the store of his brother, Benjamin, in Hanover, N. H. He was after wards, for a few years, in Utica, N. Y., and in the drug business in New York City, in which interest he made a voyage to Cartagena. The larger part of his active life has been spent in the city of Philadelphia ; at first in the book trade, and subsequently as treasurer of the American Bank Note Company, and as agent of the American Sun day School Union. For many years past he has taken a deep and active interest in the management of the " House of Refuge," a reformatory institution in Philadelphia, acting on its board of management, and as its treasurer. Children of Henry and Cornelia (Allen) Perkins were : 606 Henry Allen, b. July 31, 1836; m. Mary F. Wood. 607 Edward Lang, b. May 28, 1843; ra. Caroline A. Heberton. 608 Francis Moore, b. June 6, 1851. 396 Mary {David,'"" Francis,'"' Jacob,"'' Isaac," John? John') was born in Salem, Mass., April 1, 1805. She married Stephen Bradshaw Ives, May 16, 1826 ; she died July 4, 1873. He was the son of Capt. William and Mary (Bradshaw) Ives, born April 12, 1801. She was always an active worker in the local charities THE PERKINS FAMILY. Ill of her day, and was for many years one of the directors of the Seaman's Widow and Orphan Association, and also its president. The following resolutions, passed by that So ciety at the time of her death, will show their appreciation of her worth. July 10, 1873. "Resolved, that the managers of the Seaman's Widow and Orphan Association feel deeply the great loss the society has sustained in the decease of its late president, Mrs. Mary P. Ives, remembering the great interest which, for the whole of its existence, she has taken in its welfare, and her unwearied labors in its behalf, and they would oflfer their warmest sympathy to the fam ily of Mrs. Ives in their affliction, praying that He who has taken their beloved to His heavenly rest, may give them a foretaste of the blessed peace which she now en- joyeth." He was a bookbinder by trade, which he followed for many years. He was also a partner, with his older brother, under the name of W. & S. B. Ives, upon the first estab lishment of the "Salem Observer" newspaper. They also carried on a bookstore in Salem for twenty-seven years. He has served in both branches of the city government for several years, and was president of the council in 1858. He was a representative to the State Legislature in 1853-54. He died July 31, 1883, in his eighty-third year. He mai-ried, second, Harriet Perkins, a sister of his former wife, Mary. Children of Stephen Bradshaw and Mary (Perkins) Ives were : Stephen Bradshaw, b. March 9, 1827; ra. 1st, Mary Eliza Burn ham ; 2d, Constance (Telford) Farndale, of England. David Perkins, b. July 13, 1828 ; m. Sarah Calef. Henry Perkins, b. Apr. 16, 1830 ; m. Adeline Jones, Oct. 2,'56. 112 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Edward L. Perkins, b. Oct. 13, 1832; d. Sept. 8, 1834. Mary Elizabeth, b. Apr. 11, 1835; unmarried. Margaret, b. Aug. 26, 1836 ; m. Chas. Sewall. George A., b. Sept. 13, 1839 ; m. Clara T. Rand. Caroline Louisa, b. Sept. 10, 1842 ; d. in 1844. CorneUa AUen, b. July 27, 1844; ra. Fred'k M. Osborne. Caroline Louisa, b. Oct. 27, 1847 ; m. Frank A. Langmaid. 397 William {David,'^ Francis'"' Jacob,"' Isaac," John? John') was born in Salem, Mass., April 7, 1807. He married, in 1850, Nancy (Shed) Saunders, widow, of Tewksbury, Mass. He died Jan. 8, 1879. She was born Feb. 10, 1803, and died Jan. 27, 1878. He was a blacksmith by trade. He sailed, in 1832, as armorer of a trading vessel to the Fejee Islands, where the vessel was wrecked ; but the lives of all the crew were saved, and he resided for two years among the cannibals of these islands, before an opportunity offered to return home. After his marriage he resided upon a small farm in Tewks bury, Mass., until his death. They had no children. 398 Harriet {David,'"" Francis,'"' Jacob,"'' Isaac," John? John') was born in Salem, Mass., Nov. 26, 1808. She married Stephen B. Ives, in Philadelphia, May 31, 1876. He was the widower of Mary (Perkins) Ives, who washer older sister (see 395 Mary) . They have no children. 400 George Augustus {David,'"" Francis,'"' Jacob, ^ Isaac," John? John') was bom in Salem, Mass., Oct. 15, 1813. He married, Nov. 26, 1838, Ann Rebecca Hitch- ings : she was the daughter of Abijah and Mary (Clout- man) Hitchings, and was born March 10, 1815. He was employed, in his earlier years, in the bookstore of his brother Benjamin, in Boston, and afterwards learned the art of wood-engraving, which he practised in New THE PERKINS FAMILY. 113 York City for a few years (1833-35). In the autumn of 1838, he became connected with the mission of the Prot. Episcopal Church in West Africa, and sailed from New York for Cape Palmas, on the 12th of December of the same year. In Africa, he acted as secular agent for the mission at Cape Palmas until 1841, when failing health compeUed him to return to his native land. During the three fol lowing years he studied medicine in Boston, and received the degree of M. D. from Harvard College in August, 1844, and sailed again for Africa in the December follow ing ; there he again took charge of the secular affairs of the Mission, and in addition became its medical mission ary, having charge also of its station in Fishtown^(Wah). In 1849, being again broken down in health, he sailed for America. After a year spent in efforts to recover his health, he commenced the practice of medicine in his native town in 1850, where he has continued for the past thirty-four years. During his residence in Salem he has acted as physician to the jail and almshouse, and was post-surgeon to the garrisons of Forts Lee and Pickering, Salem Harbor, during the war of the rebellion. He has also served on the board of school committee for fifteen years. Children of George and Ann [Hitchings] Perkins were : 609 George Taft, b. Oct. 8, 1839; d. ab't 1856; prob. lost at sea. 610 Anna Fabens, b; Sept. 9, 1852. 611 Mary Becket, b. June 2, 1854. 402 Hannah {James,'^ Francis,'"' Jacob,"'' Isaac," John? John') was born in Salem, Mass., May 26, 1800. She married Oct. 8, 1833, Rev. Michael Carleton. He was born in Blue HiU, Maine, Oct. 26, 1795. She died Dec. 4, 1883. 114 THE PERKINS FAMILY. He was a Baptist clergyman, residing in Salem, and was for several years pastor of the Seaman's Bethel Church there. He died March 6, 1865. Children of Michael and Hannah (Perkins) Carleton were : Francis Perkins, b. Aug. 20, 1834 ; d. March 26, 1836. PriscUla Ann, b. Jan. 28, 1836 ; d. Feb. 1, 1866. Francis Perkins, b. Aug. 28, 1837. Elizabeth, b. Sept. 2, 1841; d. July 21, 1863. 403 Abigail {James,'"^ Francis,'"' Jacob,^ Isaac," John? John') was born in Salem, Mass., April 23, 1803. She married Joseph Townsend Oct. 2, 1827. He was born July 19, 1801, and died Jan. 28, 1854. She died April 25, 1876. He was a mariner. The family resided first in Salem, and afterwards in Brooklyn, N. Y. Children of Jos. and Abigail (Perkins) Townsend were : Abby, b. Sept. 17, 1828. Reyanna Gardner, b. March 19, 1835; d. May 1, 1840. Adaline Felt, b. Aug. 12, 1838 ; m. Ferdinand Wilson. Reyanna Gardner, b. Feb. 8, 1841 ; m. Dr. Edw. Pendleton. Josephine, b. Jan. 31, 1844. Estella Reed, b. Feb. I, 1847. 404 Martha {James,'^ Francis,'"' Jacob,"' Isaac," John? John') was born in Salem, Mass., Jan. 20, 1805. She married Alfred R. Brooks May 5, 1835 ; he had before married. She died Aug. 18, 1869. He was born Oct. 20, 1805. He was for several years a teamster, and after wards superintendent of the Salem Hospital. Child of Alfred and Martha (Perkins) Brooks was : Henry, b. Feb. 22, 1836; d. May 3, 1848. 405 James {James,'"^ Francis,'"' Jacob,"' Isaac,''' John? John') was born in Salem, Mass., Dec. 18, 1806. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 115 He married Mary Fiske, July 10, 1831. She was the daughter of Ezra and Polly (Lakeman) Fiske, and was born Oct. 2, 1806. He was a blacksmith, which trade he learned of his father, and was for several years a shipsmith in Salem. He then removed to Bangor, Me., and afterwards to Bos ton and pursued the same business, but retired several years ago. He was an alderman in Boston, and was also an Inspector of the Massachusetts State Prison. Children of James and Mary (Fiske) Perkins were : 612 William Francis, b. June 16, 1833; d. July 9, 1867. 613 Mary Louisa, b. Apr. 14, 1835 ; m. 1st, E. D. Thayer, Oct. 1858; 2d, E. C. Sherman, Aug., 1878. 614 James Fisk, b. Feb. 17, 1837; resides in China. 615 Edward Beecher, b. Jan. 16, 1842; d. Dec, 1844. 616 Charles Frederick, b. Nov. 9, 1846; d. Feb. 5, 1868. 617 Stephen Jarvis, b. Sept. 3, 1848 ; d. Feb. 22, 1873. 406 Margaret {James,'"^ Francis,'"' Jacob,"' Isaac," John? John') was born in Salem, Mass., Sept. 24, 1808. She married Williani Webb, April 11, 1833. He was- the son of Capt. William and Hannah (Allen) Webb, and was born Oct. 16, 1805. He was by trade a cabinet maker, and carried on that business in Salem. Children of Wm. and Margaret (Perkins) Webb were : Margaret Elizabeth, b. Nov. 28, 1834; ra. Robert W. Copeland. Harriet Ellen, b. Dec. 11, 1836; m. David A. Wright. Martha Osgood, b. March 17, 1839; m. Joseph A. Dowst. WiUiam Henry, b. Sept. 27, 1842; d. Oct. 3, 1844. WiUiam Henry, b. May 23, 1845. 408 Harriet {James,'"^ Francis,'^ Jacob,^ Isaac," John? John') was bom in Salem, Mass., Jan. 9, 1814. She married John Knight, of Manchester, Mass., May 4, 1837, and died Oct. 20, 1849. He was the son of John and Lydia (Lee) Knight, was born Jan. 1, 1810, and 16 116 THE PERKINS FAMILY. died July 31, 1881. They resided in Manchester, Mass., where he was largely engaged in the manufacture of leather. Children of John and Harriet (Perkins) Knight were: John Constant, b. March 26, 1838 ; d. Dec. 2, 1854. Samuel, b. Sept. 2, 1840; m. Mary B. Carter, July 24, 1862. Henry Perkins, b. Aug. 12, 1842 ; d. Dec. 16, 1843. Henry Perkins, b. May 14, 1844. Mary Cleveland, b. March 1, 1846; d. Apr.l7, 1846. Mary Cleaveland, b. Aug. 25, 1847; m. Gilbert B. Emerson, Dec. 23, 1874. 410 Henry Augustus {James,'"^ Francis,'"' Jacob,^ Isaac?' John? John') was born in Salem, Mass., Sept. 18, 1819. He married, first, Emily Batchelder Sleeper, July 7, 1846. She ^vas the daughter of James and Hannah (Felton) Sleeper, and was bom Dec. 12, 1823, aud di^d March 19, 1848. He married, second, Ellen Louisa Putnam, Nov. 26, 1851. She was the daughter of Gus tavus and Ruth (Colcord) Putnam, and Avas born July 3, 1833. He is a carpenter by trade, and has resided in Danvers many years, and is now superintendent of the Gas Works there. He was one of the selectmen of the town for several years. Child of Henry A. and Emily ( Sleeper) Perkins was : 618 George Henry, b. Dec. 28, 1847 ; m. Katie Walcot Webb. Children by Ellen Louisa (Putnara) Perldns were : 619 Ellen Maria, b. Nov. 28, 1852; d. Apr. 20, 1857. €20 Charles Putnam, b. Sept. 3, 1855; m. Alice F. Berry. 411 Nathaniel {Nathaniel?^ Nathaniel,'^" Nathan iel,"* Abraham,*' Abraham? John? John ') was born in Ipswich, Mass., in 1795. He married EUzabeth Lord, Aug. 31, 1818. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 117 In Vol. 83, p. 83, of the Probate Records of Essex County, it is written — "Guardianship of Nath'l Perkins, a minor of 17 years, son of Nathaniel Perkins, Jr., of Ipswich, mariner, deceased, was granted to Charlotte Per kins." Joseph Wait and Isaac Stanwood were sureties on her bond, Dec. 8, 1812. Child of Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Lord) Perkins was : 621 Nathaniel Charles, b. May 3, 1821. 417 John {John,"" John,'" John?''" Joseph?' Jacob?" John? John') was born in Ipswich, Mass., July 13, 1825. He married Caroline E. (Dodge) Burnham, widow. He is a large manufacturer of boots and shoes in Ips wich, Mass. He purchased, in 1882, the island on the south side of the Ipswich river, which was for many gener ations in possession of John Perkins and his descendants, and was known as " Perkins Island," but for some time has had the narae of Tread well's Island ; it will now be known again by its old and true name. (See pp. 4 and 8.) Children of John and Caroline (Burnham) Perkins were : 622 Isaac Edw. Burnham, b. Apr. 6, 1853; m. DrusiUa A. Sraith. 623 Caroline E., b. Sept., 1856; d. aged 1 month. 624 CaroUne E., b. Apr. 18, 1859; d. Mar. 10, 1876. 421 Benjamin MiUett ( Jeremiah S.'^' Aaron,"" Aaron, '*^ Jeremiah,"" Jacob,'" John? John') was born in Salem, Mass. , Dec. 22, 1827. He married Martha Cheever Very, June 8, 1854. She was bom Oct. 3, 1830, and was the daughter of Nathaniel and Esther (Ward) Very. He was for some years connected with his father and with his uncle, Daniel Perkins, in the tailoring business, and now carries on the same establishment on Essex street, Salem, Mass. 118 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Children of Benj. M. and Martha (Very) Perkins were : 625 A son, b. July 9, 1855; d. young. 626 Walter MiUett, ^ ^_ g ^_ ^gg^^ 627 Arthur Ward, 5 d. Aug. 25, 1858. 628 Anna Waters, b. Dec. 2, 1865. 629 Arthur Ward, b. Jan. 15, 1871. 426 Joseph A. {Jeremiah S.,'"' Aaron,"" Aaron,'*^ Jeremiah,"^ Jacob,'" John? John') was born in Salem, Mass., July 1, 1840. He married Anna Upton Waters, Sept. 7, 1870, at Paris, Illinois. She was the daughter of William and Lucy B. (Wright) Waters, and was born Sept. 2371850. He is a watchmaker by trade, and resides in Salem, Mass. He was a soldier in the war of the Rebellion, and was in the company of Zouaves raised by Capt. Arthur F. Devereux, a company noted for its perfect drill. They were among the first to respond to the call for volunteers. Children of Joseph and Anna (Waters) Perkins were : 630 Frank Sutherland, b. Feb. 29, 1872. 631 Harry Staniford, b. May 7, 1874. 632 Addie Rogers, b. May 28, 1881. 427 Charles {Jeremiah S.,'"' Aaron,"" Aaron,'*^ Jeremiah,"" Jacob,'" John? John') was born in Salem, Mass., April 20, 1843. He married Abby Phippen Wheeler. She was the daughter of Michael and Susan (Veal) Wheeler, and was born March 1, 1845. He was a soldier in the 50th Regiment of Mass. Vols, in the war of the Rebellion, and was in several hard-fought battles. He died May 17, 1878. They resided in Salem, Mass. He was a mason by trade. Children of Charles and Abby (Phippen) Perkins were : 633 Carrie Wheeler, b. March 16, 1870. 634 Lizzie Osborne, b. June 4, 1872. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 119 428 Aaron {Jeremiah S.,'" Aaron,"" Aaron,'*^ Jere miah,"" Jacob,'" John? John') was born in Salem, Mass., Feb. 10, 1846. He married, Sept. 26, 1872, Kate Dal rymple ; she was the daughter of James and Mary A. (Flint) Dalrymple. He is an apothecary, and follows that business in Lynn, Mass. Child of Aaron and Kate (Dalrymple) Perkins was : 635 James Hardy, b. Apr. 1, 1878 ; d. young. 429 Susan D. {Aaron,"^ Aaron,"" Aaron,'*^ Jere miah,"" Jacob,'" John? John') was bom in Salem, Mass., Aug. 25, 1827. She married, first, Capt. Wm. McFar land, Feb. 7, 1849. He was the son of William and EUzabeth (Kneeland) McFarland, and was born in Concord, N. H., Aug. 28, 1813. He was a master mariner, and sailed for many years from Salem. She married, second, Capt. John Emery Abbott Todd; he was the son of Jeremiah and Rebecca (Fabens) Todd. He was born in Salem, Nov. 18, 1817, and died in San Francisco, Cal., Apr. 6, 1877. He was a master mariner. ChUdren of William and Susan D. (McFarland) were : WiUiam Henry, b. Nov. 17, 1852; d. Sept. 12, 1853. Elizabeth Kneeland, b. Aug. 7, 1854. 431 Henry Clay {Aaron,"^ Aaron,"" Aaron,'*^ Jere miah,"" Jacob,'" John? John') was bom in Salem, Mass., Nov. 15, 1831. He married Mary Townsend Andrews, Jan. 31, 1861; she was the daughter of Nehemiah A. Andrews, and was born Jan. 25, 1835. He died in Salem, March 19, 1880. He was a graduate of Salem High School, and w-as for many years a mariner. He w-as on board the Prairie Flower in 1858, at the time of the calamity in which so 120 THE PERKINS FAMILY. many of his companions lost their lives ; he saved his own by his expertness as a diver and swimmer, which afterward (1862) served to save the lives of a crew, as well as of a steamship^^ of which he was an officer ; at this last tirae he probably laid the foundation of heart disease of which he died. Children of Henry and Mary (Townsend) Perkins were : 636 William Henry, b. Nov. 8, 1861 ; d. June 4, 1864. 637 Mary Pauline, b. Feb. 14, 1863. 432 Aaron Wardwell {Aaron,"^ Aaron,"" Aaron,'*^ Jeremiah,"" Jacob,'" John? John') was born in Salem, Mass., March 15, 1833. He married Emma Frances Ober Nov. 16, 1864. She was born AprU 15, 1841. He is a banker in State street, Boston. He was trained in the counting room of Chas. A. Ropes, Salem, and left that situation to enter the banldng house of Brewster, Sweet & Co., and was afterwards a partner in the firm of Chas. A. Sweet & Co. ; he is now the senior partner in the firm of Perkins & Dupee, bankers, Boston, Mass. Children of Aaron W. and Emma (Ober) Perkins were : 638 WardweU Ober, b. Aug. 16, 1867. 639 Fannie Ober, b. Aug. 4, 1872. 640 John, b. Dec. 31, 1881; d. Jan. 24, 1883. 450 Harriet Cus}ima.n{ Satn'lH. ,^"' Jabez,""Aaron,'*' Jeremiah,"" Jacob,'" John? John') was bom in Brunswick, Me., Apr. 18, 1826. She married Aug. 15, 1848, Alonzo Macay, of Poughkeepsie, N. Y. He was born Jan. 16, 1826. She died Oct. 1, 1849. After her death he mar ried Oct. 19, 1852, with her sister, Lucy T. Perkins. They had no children. ^2 steamship " Sze Cliuen," IVoni Boston bound to Slianglini, Ciiina. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 121 451 Nancy Clark {Samuel H.,^'' Jabez,"" Aaron,'*^ Jeremiah,"" Jacob,'" John? John') was born in Brunswick, Me., Aug. 22, 1828. She married, Aug. 27, 1848, Cyrus Edmund Wolven. He was born May 27, 1828, in Pough keepsie, N. Y. She died Sept. 21, 1865. Children of Cyrus and Nancy (Perkins) Wolven were : Samuel Harden, b. July 22, 1850; d. Apr. 17, 1858. Mary Eliza, b. Nov. 12, 1852; m. James L. WiUiams, Sept. 5, 1870. He was born Dec. 12, 1846. John SmUey, b. Sept. 2, 1855; m. Jennie E. MiUer, Feb. 19, '76. Anna Mariah, b. Aug. 24, 1857 ; m. Richard Hahn, Dec. 9, 1877. Charles Simpson, b. Apr. 28, 1860; d. Nov. 24, 1881. George Case, b. May 11, 1864. 454 Lucy T. {Samuel H.,^' Jabez,'^" Aaron,'^ Jere miah,"" Jacob,'" John? John') was born in Brunswick, Me., Dec. 13, 1834. She married, Oct. 19, 1852, Alonzo Macay, of Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Children of Alonzo and Lucy T. (Perkins) Macay were : James iJdvfard, b. Apr. 23, 1853; m. Josephine E. Knight, July 2, 1877. Cyrus Edraund, b. Jan. 31, 1855 ; d. May 2, 1863. Hattie Perkins, b. March 15, 1857; d. March 6, 1859. EUa Eugenia, b. Jan. 15, 1859 ; m. Thos. F. McCabe, Nov. 24, '79. George Lithgow, b. March 1, 1861. Mary Emma, b. AprU 17, 1866; d. Feb. 17, 1867. Carrie Louisa, b. Feb. 14, 1868. Jennie Irene, b. Sept. 19, 1870. Harry Williams, Dec. 9, 1875. Freddy Samuel, June 28, 1877. 455 John Smiley {Samuel H.,^' Jabez,"" Aaron,'*^ Jeremiah,"" Jacob,'" John? John') was born in Bruns wick, Me., Feb. 5, 1837. He married Emily Wilbur, of Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Dec. 28, 1859. He died May 13, 1875. 122 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Children of John and Emily (Wilbur) Perkins were : 641 WiUiam, b. 642 Charles E., b. 456 Lithgow Towns ( Samuel H. ,^"'' Jabez, "^ Aaron,'^ Jeremiah,"" Jacob,'" John? John') was born in Pough keepsie, N. Y., Aug. 12, 1839. He married Sarah Eliza beth Reading, of Kingston, N. Y., Dec. 10, 1863. She was born July 26, 1843. He is an apothecary, and resides in Brooklyn, N. Y. Children of Lithgow and Sarah (Reading) Perkins were : 643 WiUiam Lithgow, b. March 23, 1865. 644 Minnie Sarah, b. Aug. 24, 1867. 645 Edward Reading, b. Oct. 22, 1869. 646 Harry, b. May 1, 1873; d. Aug. 1, 1873. 647 Jessie Thomas, b. Aug. 21, 1878. 474 David {David L. ,^'* Isaac, "'J ames,"" Abraham,"* Isaac," John? John ') was born in Exeter, Otsego, N. Y., Jan. 8, 1816. He married Althea Root, May 16, 1848. She was the daughter of Capt. Ruluff Root, of West Schuyler, N. Y. She was bom Nov. 15, 1823. He died June 20, 1877. Mr. Perkins resided in Utica, N. Y., from 1824. He served as alderman of that city in 1852 ; he was also city clerk in 1857-8, and 1864, and for the last t'wo years of his life he was secretary of the Utica Mechanics Asso ciation. A consistent Christian, who enjoyed the regard and esteem of all who knew him. Children of David and Althea (Root) Perkins were : 648 Henry Hobart, b. May 7, 1850. 649 David Walter, b. Oct. 23, 1851. 650 Alice, b. March 10, 1854. 651 Helen Louise, b. Feb. 19, 1856. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 123 476 Mary White {David Lord?'* Isaac,"^ James,"^ Abraham,"* Isaac," John? John') was born in Exeter, Otsego Co., N. Y., Oct. 22, 1819. She married Henry Fowler, July 14, 1847. He was born in Guilford, Conn., in 1821, and died there, Jan. 19, 1877, of heart disease. During the war of the rebelUon he was colonel of the 63d New York Regiment, and was severely wounded in his right arm ; he never recovered from this wound. They had no children. 478 John Henry Hobart {David Lord,"'* Isaac,'"" James,"" Abraham,"* Isaac," John? John') was born in Exeter, N. Y., Dec. 1, 1823. He married Mary Emma TindaU, of New York, Feb. 17, 1853. She was the daughter of WilUam and Anna (Davy) TindaU, and was born Dec. 5, 1834. He died in Chicago, Jan. 1, 1857. After his death she married Myron P. Masten, and had by him two children. ChUdren of John H. H. and Mary Emma (TindaU) Perkins were : 652 Lucia Fowler, b. Dec. 18, 1853, in Utica, N. Y. ; m. June 27, 1882, Rev. Fred Taylor Gates, of Minneapolis, Wis. ; d. Oct. 81, 1883. 653 Emma Hobart, Sept. 12, 1855, in Utica, N. Y. ; m. Herman W. Morris. 654 JuUa Starr, b. July 4, 1857, in Utica, N. Y. 479 Mary {Abraham,,^" Abraham?^ Isaac,'" Abra ham,"* Isaac," John? John ') was born in Chebacco Parish, Ipswich, Feb. 14, 1800. She married Francis Burnham, Dec. 25, 1834, and died Sept. 29, 1883. He was bom in Chebacco, July 10, 1797, and died Sept. 12, 1873. He was a ship-builder and lived in Essex (Chebacco). Child of Francis and Mary (Perkins) Burnham was : Albert F., b. Oct. 2, 1839; d. Aug. 14, 1866. 17 124 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 480 Sophia {Abraham?'^ Abraham?^ Isaac?" Abra ham,"* Isaac," John? John ') was born in Chebacco Par ish, Ipswich, March 13, 1802. She married John Dodge of South Danvers (now Peabody), Aug. 27, 1834. She died Mar.ch 12, 1878. He was born May 12, 1804, and died Apr. 11, 1877. He was a shoemaker and resided in Peabody, Mass. Children of John and Sophia (Perkins) Dodge were : John C, b. June 6, 1835; ra. Ellen Stevens; d. May 23, 1879. Charles, b. June 25, 1836 ;'d. June 21, 1880. Mary Sophia, b. Sept. 25, 1837; ra. Wra.Bushby; d. May 28, '68. 481 Maria {Abraham,^" Abraham,'^ Isaac,"' Abra ham,"* Isaac," John? John ') was born in Chebacco Par ish, Ipswich, Jan. 8, 1803. She married John Thompson Taylor, of South Danvers (now Peabody, Mass.) Apr. 23, 1826. He was bom Jan. 7, 1804. They resided first in Peabody, afterwards in Vassal- borough, Me., and Farmington FaUs, Me. He was a tanner and wool-puller by trade. Children of John T. and Maria (Perkins) Taylor were : Hannah J., b. July 2, 1827; m. Henry L. Paine. John, b. Nov. 16, 1828 ; d. in 1829. Harriet, b. Sept. 10, 1830 ; ra. Thomas CrosweU. John O., b. July 28, 1834; m. Rebecca Childs. Maria Perkins, b. March 12, 1835 ; d. May 6, 1874. Abraham Perkins, b. Nov. 23, 1836. George Henry, b. Oct. 17, 1838; d. June 23, 1848. Emily AUen, b. Aug. 10, 1841 ; m. Richard Norton. Ellen Frances, b. Aug. 20, 1844 ; d. June 25, 1848. 482 Lydia H. {Abraham,^ Abraham?^' Isaac,'" Abraham,"* Isaac," John? John') was born in Chebacco Parish, Ipswich, Mass., Dec. 5, 1804. She married Proctor Perley, of South Danvers (now Peabody) , May 23, 1828. He was born June 17, 1802, and died Feb. 16, 1841. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 125 He was a painter by trade. They resided in Peabody. Children of Proctor and Lydia (Perkins) Perley were : Mary W., b. Feb. 23, 1829; m. Henry Butman. Lucy S., b. Oct. 24, 1830; m. Jacob McKenzie. Elbridge G., b. July 4, 1834. Maria T., b. Jan. 29,1839; m. Lyman Osborn. 484 Abraham {Abraham?'^ Abraham,'^^ Isaac,"' Abraham,"* Isaac,''' John? John') was born in Chebacco Parish, Ipswich, Mass., Jan. 7, 1807. He married Abi gail Story, Sept. 29, 1827. She was born in Chebacco, Ipswich, Feb. 28, 1811. He was by trade a carpenter, and resided in Essex (Chebacco). Children of Abraham and Abigail (Story) Perkins were : 655 Elbridge, b. Feb. 23, 1828 ; m. Elizabeth M. Burnham. 656 Proctor Perley, b. Apr. 7, 1830 ; m. Nancy D. Bickford. 657 Abtoy Story, b. March 20, 1832 ; m. John W. Hudson. 668 Gustavus Story, b. March 16, 1834; ra. 1st, Edna Burnhara, who was born Oct. 20, 1837, and died Feb. 13, 1871 ; 2d, Rosetta Rash; June 17, 1874; she was born July 11, 1844. 485 Anna Grover {Abraham,^ Abraham,'"^ Isaac,'"- Abraham,"* Isaac," John? John') was born in Chebacco Parish, Ipswich, Mass. March 5, 1809. She married George W. Burnham, April 29, 1827. He was bom March 30. 1800, and died May 23, 1853. He was a store-keeper (grocer, etc.) in Essex. They resided in Essex (Chebacco). Children of George and Anna (Perkins) Burnham were : George W., b. Sept. 20, 1829; m. 1st, E. A. Larason; 2d, Mary Hovey ; d. Nov. 10, 1869. Anna P., b. July 23, 1833; d. Sept. 6, 1854. 486 David {Abraham,^ Abraham,'^ Isaac,"' Abra ham,"* Isaac," John? John ') was born in Chebacco Parish, 126 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Ipswich, Mass., Feb. 20, 1811. He married Martha Story, Feb. 3, 1846. He died Feb. 29, 1872. She was born Oct. 12, 1820, and died Sept. 23, 1879. He was a carpenter by trade, and Uved in Essex (Che bacco) . He was an ingenious man, made gunstocks, etc., and could turn his hand to everything. Children of David and Martha (Story) Perkins were : 659 Martha, b. Dec. 13, 1847. 660 Elvira, b. May 15, 1851. 661 Frank, b. Feb. 10, 1853; m. Lena Guppy, Sept. 19, 1883. 662 Neva, b. May 30, 1857 ; m. WiU E. CogsweU, Nov. 12, 1881. 663 Jacob, b. Jan. 23, 1869. 487 Emily {Abraham,^" Abraham,'^ Isaac,"' Abra ham,"* Isaac," John? John') was born in Chebacco Parish, Ipswich, Mass., Sept. 15, 1812. She married Gilman AUen, Jan. 14, 1836, and died Jan. 28, 1839. He was born in Essex (Chebacco), Oct. 25, 1809. He was a ship-carpenter by trade. ChUdren of Gilman and Emily (Perkins) Allen were : Emily, b. Oct. 12, 1836; d. Nov., 1837. Emily P., b. July 11, 1839; d. March, 1860. 488 Edward B. ^ {Abraham?" Abraham?^ Isaac,'" Abraham,"* Isaac," John? John') was bom in Chebacco Parish, Ipswich, Mass., Dec. 29, 1814. He married Elizabeth Pitnam Barrett, Oct. 24, 1837. She was born Feb. '8, 1814. He is a carpenter by trade, and resides in Salem, Mass. Children of Edward and Eliz'h (Barrett) Perkins were : 664 Edward F., b. Nov. 15, 1838; d. Sept. 28, 1862. 665 Charles C, b. June 16, 1841; ra. 1st, Sarah E. Jewett; 2d, NeUie E. Wilkins. 666 Jaraes W., b. Aug. 13, 1843; ra. Lorette Mary Furber. 667 EUzabeth B., b. Dec. 9, 1849; unra'd. 2' Name was formerly Orover B. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 127 489 Matilda {Abraham,^" Abraham,'^ Isaac,'" Abra ham,"* Isaac," John? John ') was born in Chebacco Parish, Ipswich, Mass., May 7, 1816. She married Jeremiah Burnham, June 27, 1839, and died Feb. 20, 1884. He was born in Chebacco, Nov. 9, 1813. He is a ship-builder, now living in Essex (Chebacco). Children of Jeremiah and Matilda (Perkins) Burnham were : Emily P., b. March 28, 1840. Eunice G., b. Oct. 24, 1841. Matilda B., b. May 7, 1847. EUis J., b. Oct. 27, 1850; ra. Jane Evelyn Hobbs. 490 John BabTtlett {Abraham,^" Abraham, '^^ Isaac,'" Abraham,"* Isaac," John? John') was born in Chebacco Parish, Ipswich, Mass., March 18, 1818. He married Harriet N. Lakeman, June 6, 1840, and died Dec. 6, 1851. She was born July 24, 1821. He was a house-carpenter in South Danvers (now Pea body, Mass.), and has resided in Salem. Here moved to California where he died. Children of John B. and Harriet (Lakeman) Perldns were : 668 Harriet Ellen, b. March 18, 1841; d. Aug. II, 1842. 669 John, b. 670 Edward Bartlett, b. July 14, 1847; d. Aug. 13, 1847. 491 Edna B. {Abraham,^" Abraham, '^^ Isaac,"' Abra ham,"* Isaac," John? John ') was born in Chebacco Parish, Ipswich, Mass., Sept. 3, 1819. She married WUUam H. Sargent, Feb. 14, 1840. He was born May 11, 1819, and died May 12, 1874. He was a shoemaker by trade, and was afterwards in the lumber trade in Nova Scotia, whence he shipped car goes of lumber to Salem, Gloucester and Boston, Mass. 128 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Children of WiUiam and Edna (Perkins) Sargent were : Catherine H., b. Jan. 12, 1842; d. Sept. 22, 1842. WiUiam P., b. March 25, 1843; d. Aug. 12, 1844. Edna P., b. July 8, 1845; ra. Isaac "Veazie. Mary A., b. Apr. 30, 1847; d. Sept. 12, 1848. George W., b. Dec. 28, 1848. Abrara P., b. Jan. 17, 1851. Grace G., b. Jan. 2, 1853; m. Edward W.Lander, Dec. 2, 1877. Kilby P., b. Dec. 6, 1854; ra. Delia S. PauL Annie P., b. Nov. 24, 1856. Perley H., b. Dec. 8, 1857. Mary A. P., b. March 25, 1860. Epes, b. Apr. 29, 1863. 492 Asa Poster {Abraham,^" Abraham,'^ Isaac,''" Abraham,"* Isaac," John? John ') was born in Chebacco Parish, Ipswich, Mass., May 3, 1822. He married Mary Ann Bray, Oct. 17, 1841. She was born Nov. 15, 1821. He was a teamster in Essex (Chebacco). Children of Asa and Mary Ann (Bray) Perkins were : 671 Warren, b. Dec. 4, 1841; d. Sept. 2, 1842. 672 Warren Foster, b. July 13, 1843; d. Oct. 9, 1851. 673 Helen, b. Nov. 5, 1845 ; d. Sept. 29, 1846. 674 Henry A., b. Jan 27, 1847; d. Sept. 9, 1862. 675 GUraan A., b. May 19, 1850 ; m. Ella P. Derapsey, Nov.21, '75 676 Perry, b. Feb. 11, 1853. 677 Ida Frances, b. Feb. 26, 1855 ; ra. Chas. Wra. Chipman. 678 Emma Augusta, b. March 16, 1857; d. Oct. 2, 1857. 679 Annie Burnham, b. March 28, 1860 ; ra. Frank Rogers. 680 Lewis Edward, b. June 26, 1867; d. Aug. 5, 1867. 494 Mary {Elisha,^ William,'*" Abraham,"' Abra ham,"* Isaac," John? John '¦) was born in South Wood stock, Vermont, in 1802. She married Horace Wing in 1819, and immediately after removed to Troy, Missouri, where he engaged, with his father-in-law, in the tanning and shoemaking business. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 129 Children of Horace and Mary (Perkins) Wing were : Frederick, b. ; was a tanner and currier. Henry, b. ; was a physician. Sarah, b. ; m. Charles P. Jones, a teacher. 497 Charles Ely {Flisha,^ William,'*" Abraham,"' Abraham,"* Isaac," John? John') was bom in South Woodstock, Vermont, in 1812. He married two wives whose names have not been ascertained at this time, but his marriage to his second wife is known to have taken place in September, 1847. He died before 1850. He resided at Campagnois, Missouri, upon the Missis sippi river, where he was a trader and kept a store for the supply of steamboats. Children of Charles Ely Perkins were : 681 Mary, b. in 1842. 682 Charles, b. ab't 1850 ; d. in infancy, after his father's death. 499 Henry G. ( Francis?^ William,'^" Abraham,"' Abraham,"* Isaac," John? John') was born in Hartland, Vermont, Feb. 14, 1797. He married Louisa R. Dutton in 1821, at Fitzwilliam, N. H. She was the daughter of David and Susan (Damon) Dutton, of Woodstock, Vermont ; she died in 1853. He married, second, Char lotte Porter, of Dover, N. H., in April, 1857. He died Sept. 13, 1857. He was a merchant in Cabot, Vermont, and afterwards in Keene, N. H., until 1833, when he removed to Boston, Mass., and was for twenty-two years cashier of the Boston and Albany Railroad. An interesting incident, which occurred at the time of his second marriage, was that his daughter Ellen, Louisa, adorned her bride mother with orange blossoms. 130 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Children of Henry and Louisa (Dutton) Perkins were : 683 Henry, b. in Cabot, Vt., Oct. 3, 1822; graduated at Amherst College, in 1846 ; he was a student of raedicine in Boston. 684 EUen Louisa, b. in Cabot, Vt., May, 1825; ra. Charles E. Parker, architect, Boston, in 1846 ; she d. in Auburndale, Mass., AprU, 1866. 685 John S., b. in Keene, N. H., AprU, 1830 ; artist, Boston, un'm. 686 Mary D., b. in Keene, N. H., AprU, 1833; m. Claudius B. Patten, of Boston. on., -n • tTr-ii- i ra. Laura Simonds, Fitzwilliam, N. H. 687 Francis WUUam, f . , . t, . i^ ,.,,« „„r. -r.T.„. T. • i twins, b. in Boston, May, 1840. 688 WUliara Francis, ^ ' > j > 503 Eliza D. {Fi-ancis?"' William,'*^ Abraham?" Abraham,"* Isaac," John? John ') was bom in Hartland, Vermont, Sept. 17, 1804. She married George Griswold, of East Lyme, Conn., Nov., 1836. She died July 11, 1867. He was born in East Lyme, Conn., November, 1808, and was the son of Sylvanus and Polly Griswold, of East Lyme, Conn. He is a farmer in East Ljone, Conn. Children of George and Eliza (Perkins) Griswold were : Sarah P., b. Nov. 17, 1837; m. Enoch L. Beckwith, of East Lyme, in 1856. Mary E., b. in 1840; ra. George HaU. George D., b. in 1843; m. Anna Bushnell in 1880. Henry P., b. in 1845; m. EUa Sraith. Francis Charlotte, b. in 1849 ; d. 1 week old. 504 Mary C. {Francis,^'' William,'*" Abraliam,'" Abraham,"* Isaac," John? John'^) was born in Hartland, Vermont, Aug. 19, 1806. She raarried Israel Putnam, of Glenn's Falls, N. Y.,in 1829, and died in June, 1843. He is by trade a carriage-maker. Children of Israel and Mary (Perkins) Putnam were : George W., b. May 8, 1830; m. Florence J in 1860; a watchraaker by trade; d. of consumption. Francis E., b. May 8, 1832; m. EUnore Briggs in 1852. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 131 506 Prances D. {Francis,^^' William,'*" Abraham,'" Abraham,"* Isaac," John? John') was bom in Hartland, Vt., June 10, 1810. She married, first, Joshua Snow, Dec, 1833. He was born in Boston, Mass., October, 1808, and died Jan. 18, 1843, at Jacksonville, Fla. He was a merchant in Millbury, Mass. She married, second, Henry C. Drew, of Woodstock, Vt., July—, 1850. He was the son of Dr. Stephen and Elizabeth (Williams) Drew, of Woodstock. He is now deceased, date not be ing known. Only chUd of Henry and Francis (Perkins) Drew was : Francis Henry,=< b. Oct. 4, 1852 ; d. Nov. 20, 1878. 507 Laura ( IFi7i!mm,^« William,'*^ Abraham,'" Abra ham,"* Isaac," John? John') was born in South Wood stock, Vermont, Nov. 30, 1802. She married Benjamin Franklin Bigelow, March, 1824. They removed to the town of Eagle, Wisconsin, wdiere they both died. He was a farmer. They had no children. 508 Cyrus ( William,^^ William,'*" Abraham,"' Abra ham,"* Isaac," John? John') was born in South Wood stock, Vt., June 22, 1810. He married, March 8, 1836, Sophronia Stratton of Brookfield, Vt. ; she was born Oct. 18, 1813, and was the daughter of Ebenezer and Susannah (Dutton) Stratton. He is a farmer and now resides in South. Woodstock, Vermont. =' Francis Henry Drew was a graduate in medicine of Yale College, and was a young man of great promise. He stood high in his class, and was a very diligent student and writer. He married Oot. 4, 1876, Isabella J. Beach, of New York City. He was a successful practitioner of medicine in Salem, Conn. His death was deeply felt by all his friends. 18 132 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Children of Cyrus and Sophronia (Stratton) Perkins were : 689 Laura A., b. Nov. 17, 1837; d. Dec. 16, 1867. 690 Harriet L., b. Sept. 30, 1839; d. Sept. 1, 1880. 691 Munroe W., b. Dec. 25, 1841; ra. Kate Crosby. 692 Charlotte S., b. Feb. 23, 1850; ra. C. H. Towne. 693 EUa J., b. Jan. 5, 1853. 509 Norman ( Willia7n,^^ William,'*" Abraham,'" Abraham,"* Isaac," John? John ') was born in South Woodstock, Vt., April 5, 1813. He married, Dec. 5, 1839, Sarah J. Jaquith, of Hartland, Vt. She was born March 6, 1821, and was the daughter of Josiah Jaquith. He is a farmer, and resides in Hartland, Vt. Children of Norman and Sarah (Jaquith) Perldns were : 694 WiUiam H. H., b. Aug. 9, 1840; d. Oct. 21, 1840. 695 Mary J. , b. June 16, 1847. 696 Emma A., b. Dec. 21, 1857. 510 Samuel Fields {Oaius?'^ William,'*" Abra ham?" Abraham,"* Isaac," John? John ') was born in South Woodstock, Vt., on Sunday, May 12, 1805. He married, Sept. 4, 1842, Mary Desire Mclntyre, who was born iu Hector, Tompkins County, N. Y., Feb. 25, 1819. She was the daughter of Thomas and Desire (Barker) Mclntyre. He was from Deerfield, Mass., and she was from Connecticut. Soon after he became of age he removed from South Woodstock, Vt., to Plattsburg, N. Y., where he resided one or two years; thence to Lockport, N. Y., and from there to Detroit, Mich., about the year 1832, where he remained until 1836. He then removed to Grand Rapids, Mich. , and settled there permanently. Here he estabUshed himself in the boot and shoe business, and built a tannery which he conducted during the remainder of his life. He died Feb. 14, 1866. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 133 Children of Samuel F. and Mary (Mclntyre) Perkins were : 697 Frederick Barker, b. June 13, 1843. 698 Cha,rles Dunham, b. Nov. 13, 1845; d. May 13, 1847. 699 Gaius WiUiara, b. July 16, 1847. 512 Marcia {Gaius,^" William.,'*" Abraham,"' Abra ham,"* Isaac," John? John ') was born in South Wood stock, Vt., March 1, 1809. She married Galo B. Ralph, Apr. 30, 1833. He was the son of Jonathan Ralph, of Reading, and was bom Sept. 8, 1808. He is a farmer, and resides in Woodstock, Vt. Children of Galo B. and Marcia (Perkins) Ralph were : Edward, b. March 13, 1834; d. Aug. 15, 1874. AdeUue, b. Feb. 26, 1836 ; d. July 26, 1867. 513 Frederick {Gaius,^^ William,'*" Abraham,'" Abraham,"* Isaac,'" John? John ') was bom in South Woodstock, Vt., Oct. 13, 1810. He married Ann Spear, of Townsend, Mass. He was a wholesale merchant in Boston, Mass., for some time, but removed to Minnesota, where he died March 23, 1863. They left no chUdren. 514 Charles Dunham ( Gaius,^ William,'*" Abra ham,'" Abraham,"* Isaac," John? John') was born in South Woodstock, Vt., March 23, 1813. He married, first. Marietta Benjamin, Dec. 9, 1834. She was the daughter of Samuel and Beulah (Fullerton) Benjarain, and was bom May 1, 1815. She died March 1, 1874, aged 59 years, 10 months, 2 days. He married, second, Louisa Johnson, of South Woodstock. She was the daughter of Daniel and JuUa (Colburn) Johnson, of Shrewsbury, Vt., born April 28, 1835. 134 THE PERKINS FAMILY. He was for many years a tanner and currier, w^hich business he learned from his father, and after retiring from this, he devoted his time to farming and the production of maple sugar. Of late he has turned his attention to the manufacture of butter and other dairy products. In 1882, he removed to North Clarendon, Vt., where he has in creased his facilities for the production of butter and cheese. He has been a liberal patron of the academy in South Woodstock, which bears his father's narae. Children of Chas. D. and Marietta (Benjamin) Perkins were : 700 EUen, b. Sept. 9, 1835 ; ra. F. P. Fletcher. 701 Marietta, b. ; m. Orlando A. Clark. 515 Edward {Gaius,^' William,"" Abraham,"' Abra ham,"* Isaac," John? John ') was born in South Wood stock, Vt., Apr. 9, 1815. He removed to the west when very young, and but little has been known of him until his death in Sacramento, in 1882. It is believed he was never married. 519 Thomas {John?*'' Joseph,"" Joseph?^ Abraham,"* Isaac," John? John') was bom in Chebacco Parish, Ips wich, Mass., Nov. 29, 1801. He married Elizabeth Proctor, Apr. 22, 1829. She died July 21, 1881. He died about 1875. Children of Thomas and Elizabeth (Proctor) Perkins were : 702 John Proctor, b. ; resides in Rockford, IU. 703 Elizabeth, b. ; m. John Downes, of Elgin, IU. 704 Lydia, b. ; m. Dr. Winchester, of San Ber nardino, Cal. 705 Francis B., b. ; resides in Elgin, 111. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 135 521 Mary {John,^' Joseph,"" Joseph,"" Abraham,"* Isaac," John? John') was born in Chebacco Parish, Ips wich, Mass., May 20, 1805. She married Uriah Gage Spoflford. They were pubUshed Oct. 31, 1825, and mar ried Nov. 24, 1825. They resided in Essex, Mass., until August, 1868, when they removed to Appleton, Wis., where they now reside (1884). He is a carpenter and builder by trade. Children of Uriah and Mary (Perkins) Spofibrd were : Prescott, b. Aug. 15, 1826; m. Lizzie C. Burnham, of Essex. Jacob Perkins, b. Sept. 29, 1829; m. MaryB. Parker, of Dedhara, Mass. ; d. in Salisbury, Mass. Mary Sophia, b. Sept. 7, 1833 ; d. in Groveland, May 6, 1868. Laura, b. May 20, 1835; m. Jas. T. Reeve, M. D., Nov. 26, 1867; resides in Appleton, Wis. Augusta Foster, b. Apr. 29, 1838 ; d. in Esses, March 6, 1839. 522 Sarah Choate { John, ^'' Joseph,"" Joseph,"" Abra ham,"* Isaac," John? John ') was born in Chebacco Parish, Ipswich, Mass., April 18, 1807. She married John Burnham, Dec. 2, 1824. They now Uve in Essex, Mass. Children of John and Sarah Choate (Perkins) Burnham were : Sarah C, b. Oct. 11, 1830; m. Obed Burnham. Elizabeth Ann, b. Oct. 1, 1832; ra. J. E. Herrick. John Howard, b. Oct. 31, 1834; m. Sarah Almira Ives. Francis Choate, b. Sept. 20, 1837; d. Feb. 20, 1872. Horace, b. Jan. 1, 1840; d. Nov. 16, 1840. Horace, b. Feb. 20, 1843. GUbert O., b. Oct. 20, 1849; m. Jennie CampbeU. 524 Clara {John,^" Joseph,"" Joseph,"" Abraham,"* Isaac," John? John') was born in Chebacco Parish, Ips wich, Mass., Nov. 4, 1811. She married Robert W. Burnham, May 5, 1832. He was born May 3, 1807, and was the son of Westly and Hannah (Story) Burnham. 136 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 525 Harriet Poster {John,^'' Joseph,"^ Joseph,"" Abraham,"* Isaac," John? John') was born in Chebacco Parish, Ipswich, Mass., Oct. 19, 1815. She married Oliver Burnham, Dec. 19, 1844. She died in 1849. Child of OUver and Harriet (Perkins) Burnham was : Harriet O., b. 526 Elizabeth {James,^^ Joseph,'^ Joseph,"" Abra ham,"* Isaac," John? John ') was born in Chebacco Parish, Ipswich, Mass., March 2, 1808. She married Reed Paige Clark, AprU 5, 1835. She died July 4, 1880. He was born in Hancock, N. H., July 6, 1807, and was the son of Ninian Clark, of Hancock, N. H. He removed to Londonderry, N. H. , soon after he at tained the age of twenty-one years. He has since been prominent in the afltairs of his town, county and state, and was a man of wonderful industry and of marked vitality. He has held various offices of trust, represent ing his town in the state legislature in 1856-7, and was also a member of the governor's council in 1860-1. He discharged the duties of adjutant general at the beginning of the war of the rebellion. He has also been actively en gaged in various religious, educational and agricultural in terests, and has been a progressive and successful farmer. He died April 8, 1882, at his home in Londonderry, N. H. Children of Reed P. and Elizabeth (Perkins) Clark were : Joseph Reed, b. Nov. 2, 1838; ra. Emily A. Chase, of North Weare, N. H., Aug. 27, 1862; now of Derry, N. H. Sarah AUina, b. Oct. 21, 1840; d. Aug. 12, 1841. Mariann, b. June 19, 1842; ra. W. H. Searaan, of Washington, D. C, Aug. 27, 1873. WiUiam, b. July 22, 1844 ; Deputy Sheriff of Londonderry ; m. Alice W. Mclntire, of Reading, Mass., Aug. 23, 1876. Sarah EUzabeth, b. Jan. 15, 1847. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 137 529 James {James,^^ Joseph,"^ Joseph,"" Abraham,"* Isaac," John? John') was born in Chebacco Parish, Ips wich, Mass., Aug. 13, 1814. He married, first, Nancy Hawes Carkin, Feb. 5, 1840; she died Aug. 17, 1848. He married, second, Margaret Anderson Upton, widow of Amos Upton, March 15, 1849 ; she was born March 6, 1818. He was a soldier in the war of the rebellion. He was a machinist and millwright, and resided for some years in Peabody, Mass., but now resides in Magnolia, Mass. Children of James and Nancy (Carkin) Perkins were : 706 EUen Augusta, b. Feb. 9, 1843; m. H. H. Proctor, Aug., '63. 707 Sarah EUzabeth, b. Sept. 20, 1844; m. Thoraas M. Sirapson, May 31, 1883. Child of James and Margaret (Upton) Perkins was : 708 An infant ; d. young. 530 William {James,'*^ Joseph,"" Joseph,"" Abra ham,"* Isaac," John? John') was born in Chebacco Parish, Ipswich, Mass., July 31, 1816. He married Sarah A. Bartlett, June 3, 1847. She was born in Kingston, N. H., Dec. 10, 1824, and was the daughter of Mrs. Moses Fel lows. She died of erysipelas Oct. 26, 1882, after a short illness of only five days. She was a most estimable lady and her loss is irreparable and deeply felt by her numerous friends. He removed from Essex (Chebacco) to Londonderry, N. H., in 1832. He studied in Pinkerton Academy, and graduated from there. He removed to Manchester, N. H. , in 1836, where he has held various offices of trust and represented his ward in the state legislature in 1855, 1877 and 1878. He is now a dealer in wood and coal in Manchester, N. H. 138 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Children of WiUiam and Sarah (Bartlett) Perkins were : 709 J. Frank, b. Feb. 25, 1853; ra. Isabella J. Betts, of Chelsea. 710 Ida H., b. July 12, 1860. 531 Washington {James,^*^ Joseph,"" Joseph,"" Abra ham,"* Isaac," John? John') was born in Essex, Mass., Sept. 20, 1821. He married Jane Youngman, July 2, 1850. She was the daughter of Jabez and Emma (Bald win) Youngman, and was born in Wilmot, N. H., Feb. 21, 1828. He was a carpenter, and is now a farmer and resides in Londonderry, N. H. Children of Washington and Jane (Youngman) Perkins were : 711 Mary E., b. Nov. 15, 1853. 712 Lucy W., b. May 23, 1856. 713 David F., b. Nov. 3, 1858; ra. Jennie S. Corning, Feb. 13, 1884 ; she was the daughter of A. M. and Roxana (Bryant) Corning, and was born in Manchester, N. H., Nov. 15, '61. 714 Emraa H., b. Aug. 27, 1864. 534 Mary Ann Catherine {Aaron,^'^ Joseph,"" Jo seph,"^ Abraham,"* Isaac," John? John') was born March 19, 1823. She married Rev. Leonard Jarvis Livermore, of Milford, N. H., March 18, 1847. Children of Leonard Jarvis and Mary Ann Catherine (Perkins) Livermore were : AUina Mary, b. Apr. 1, 1848; m. Rev. Pitt Dillingham, Dec. 13, 1876; d. March 23, 1881. Clara Perkins, b. May 27, 1851 ; m. Frederick Perry Fish, of Taunton, April 13, 1880. He is a lawyer. Joseph Perkins, b. Feb. 19, 1855 ; m. Agnes Atherton Roberts, Oct., 1880. Henry Jarvis, b. May 27, 1865. 535 Otho Williams {Jacob, ^'^ Jacob,"' Jacob,'"' Jacob?' Isaac," John? John') was born in Hebron, Grafton Co., THE PERKINS FAMILY. 139 N. H., June 15, 1806. He married, first, Nancy Kelley ; she died : second, Betsey P. Nelson, widow ; she now resides at St. Charles, Kane Co., III. Children of Otho and Nancy (Kelley) Perkins were : 715 Sarah K.,b. ; ra. Harvey Jones ; resides at Sycamore, 111. 716 Dudley, b. ; d. at St. Charles, Kane Co., IU. 717 WiUie, b. ; d. at St. Charles, Kane Co., 111. 536 Ephraim Story {Jacob,^'^ Jacob,"' Jacob,'"' Jacob,"'' Isaac," John? John') was born in Hebron, Grafton Co., N. H., May 1, 1808. He married Sarah Griggs. Children of Ephraim and Sarah (Griggs) Perkins were : 718 Adoniram J., b. ; m. and resides in San Francisco. 719 Carrie J., b. ; m. Mitchel Parquett; resides in St. Charles, 111. 720 Child, b. 538 Thirza Dearborn {Jacob,^ Jacob,"' Jacob,'"' Jacob,"' Isaac," John? John') was born in Hebron, Grafton Co., N. H., May 10, 1811. She married John Goodhue, March 5, 1835. He was born Dec. 3, 1805, and died Jan. 3, 1849. They removed to Boston imme diately upon their marriage, where they resided until his death. She now resides at Linden, Mass. He was a carpenter and house-builder by trade. Children of John and Thirza (Perkins) Goodhue were : Sarah EUzabeth, b. June 1, 1836; d. March 25, 1839. Mary Louisa, b. Oct. 13, 1837 ; m. Rufus F. Bacon, Sept. 24, '60. John Howard, b. Feb. 21, 1840. Graduated at WiUiams College in 1862, and died Aug. 21, 1863. Thirza Ann, b. AprU 26, 1842 ; m. Wm. H. Harris, July 10, 1869. George Homer, b. Dec. 10, 1846; d. June 18, 1874. He was a soldier in the war of the rebellion. 539 Candace Sargent {Jacob,^" Jacob,"' Jacob,'"' Jacob,"' Isaac," John? John') was born Sept. 2, 1814, in 19 140 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Hebron, N. H. She married Samuel Dearborn, Dec. 14, 1837. Children of Samuel and Candace Sargent (Perldns) Dearborn were : Elizabeth, b. Oct. 14, 1838. Charlotte E., b. Jan. 7, 1842. John P. Hale, b. Oct. 12, 1844. George Perkins, b. Sept. 23, 1846. Sarah Jane, b. Jan. 29, 1848. 540 George Clinton {Jacob,^'" Jacob,"' Jacob,'^ Jacob,"' Isaac," John? John ') was born in Hebron, Grafton Co., N. H., Nov. 11, 1816. He married Elizabeth Edg- ingion. They reside in Anamosa, Iowa, and have several chil dren and grandchildren. Their names are unknown. 543 Louisa Adams {Elias,^"" Jacob,'" Jacob,'"' Jacob,"' Isaac," John? John') was born in Alexandria, N. H., Nov. 20, 1820. She married Luke Gale in November, 1840. He is a farmer and also a blacksmith. They reside in Alexandria, N. H. Children of Luke and Louisa A. (Perkins) Gale were : Elias Perkins, b. 1841; d. in 1850. Sarah L., b. in 1843 ; m. George VerriU, Nov., 1867; is a farmer in Alexandria, and has several children. Orin M., b. in 1845; d. Feb. 8, 1850. Clara A., b. May, 1847; m. GUbert A. Bullock, April, 1871. Orin S., b. March, 1851; m. Erama Bailey, of Alexandria, 1872; he is a farmer. 544 Elias Andrews {Elias,^ Jacob,"' Jacob,'"' Ja- 'cob,"' Isaac," John? John ') was born in Alexandria, N. H., July 28, 1822. He married Mary F. Hills in October, 1863. She was born in Hudson, N. H., and is the daugh ter of Alden and Nancy Hills. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 141 He is a carpenter and builder by trade, and resides at Quincy (Atlantic Station), Mass., where he has been for the past thirty-nine years. They have no children. 545 Hannah A. {Elias?"' Jacob,"' Jacob,'"' Jacob,"'' Isaac," John? John') was born in Alexandria, N. H., March 3, 1824. She married David B. RolUns in June, 1863. He was born in Alexandria. They now reside in Lowell, Mass., where he is a moulder in an iron foundry. The names of their children have not been obtained. 546 Holbrook Sylvanus {Elias,""" Jacob,"' Jacob,'"' Jacob,"' Isaac," John? John') was born in Alexandria, N. H., 1827. He married Marcia A. Pike in February, 1860. She was born in Hebron, N. H. He is a farmer, and resides upon the homestead in Alexandria. Children of Holbrook S. and Marcia A. (Pike) Perkins were : * 721 Edward, b. 1861 ; ra. Saunders, of Alexandria, in 1882. He is a farmer. 722 Albert M., b. Jan., 1862; d. Aug., 1864. 723 Fred A., b. Jan., 1866. 550 William Porter ( William,"'" William,'"' Fran cis,'"' Jacob,"" Isaac," John? John') was born in Surry, N. H., March 2, 1817. He married, first, ; sec ond Emma HiU, in 1839. He was a farmer, and resided in Surry, N. H. They now reside in Carthage, Missouri. Children of William P. and Emma (Hill) Perkins were : 724 WiUiam, b. in 1848. 725 Charles, b. in 1851. 726 EUa, b. in 1859. 142 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 551 Prudence Maria {William,""" William, i"' Fran cis,'"' Jacob,"' Isaac," John? John'^) was born in Surry, N. H., Sept. 30, 1818. She married Charles A. Har rington in 1837. She died June 13, 1849. He was born in Worcester, Mass. Children of Charles A. and Prudence M. (Perkins) Harrington were : Charles, b. ; deceased. Frederick, b. ; deceased.- 553 Harriet Elizabeth( William,^" William,'"' Fran cis,'"' Jacob,"'' Isaac," John? John'^) was bom in Surry, N. IL, Aug. 9, 1822. She married Josiah H. Chaffee in 1840. Children of Josiah H. and Harriet EUzabeth (Perkins) Chaffee were : Frank, b. EUa, b. Eddie, b. Harriet, b. 554 Sarah Lydia {William?''" William,'"' Francis,'"' Jacob,"' Isaac," John? John') was born in Surry, N. H., May 24, 1824. She married Daniel Smith in 1862. They reside in Washington, D. C. Child of Daniel and Sarah L. (Perkins) Smith was : WUUam Edward, b. ; m. EUa Wood. 556 Mary Jane ( William,"^" William,'"' Francis,'"' Jacob, ^ Isaac," John? John ') was born in Surry, N. H., July 16, 1828. She married George H. StoweU in 1859. They reside in Washington, D. C. Children of George H. and Mary J. (Perkins) Stowell were : Frederick, b. Caroline, b. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 143 557 George ( William,"'" William,'"' Francis,'"' Ja cob,"' Isaac," John? John') was born in Surry, N. H., June 14, 1830. He married Leah Gilbert in 1860. They reside at Oshkosh, Wis. Children of George and Leah (Gilbert) Perkins were : 727 Frederick, b. in 1862. 728 Aggie, b. in 1864; d. aged 17 mos. 729 Leah, b. 1866. 730 George, b. In 1868. 731 Sirelda, b. in 1870. 732 Edwin, b. in 1873. 733 Nettie, b. in 1878. 559 James Francis ( William,"''" William,'"' Fran cis,'"' Jacob,"'' Isaac," John? John ') was born in Surry, N. H., Nov. 15, 1833. He married Emeline Robbins April 3, 1861. She was the daughter of Luther E. and Emeline A. Robbins, and was born April 2, 1835, iri Acton, Mass. He is a cabinet maker by trade. They reside in Wor cester, Mass. ChUdren of James Francis and Emeline (Robbins) Perkins were : 734 Walter S., b. Dec. 16, 1863. 735 WiUiam A., b. Dec. 6, 1873. 736 George H., b. May 30, 1876. 560 Rosetta ( William,"''" William,'"' Francis,'"' Ja cob,"'' Isaac," John? John') was born in Surry, N. H., Feb. 22, 1836. She married Edwin A. Fawcett, Oct. 21, 1857. He was the son of Jonathan and Asenath (Burns) Fawcett, and was bom in Boylston, Mass., April 3, 1830. He was a merchant, but has retired from business. They reside in Worcester, Mass. 144 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Children of Edwin A. and Rosetta (Perldns) Fawcett were : Walter Edwin, b. AprU 4, 1859; d. July 14, 1860. Arthur Perkins, b. Oct. 13, 1861. Charles Edwin, b. March 8, 1864. May Rosetta, b. May 3, 1868. Alice Laura, b. Jan. 25, 1884. 561 Charles Henry ( William,^" William,'"' Fran cis,'"' Jacob,"' Isaac," John? John') was born Dec. 17, 1838, at Surry, N. H. He married Lucy Ann Durrell, Sept. 16, 1862. She was born Jan. 30, 1844. He died July 26, 1877. Their residence was in Surry, N. H. ChUdren of Charles Henry and Lucy Ann (Durrell) Perkins were : 737 Charles Wallace, b. July 12, 1863. 738 Emraa Stella, b. Sept. 26, 1865; d. Aug. 4, 1866. 739 Bertha Madeline, b. Oct. 5, 1870. 740 Clifford Henry, b. Aug. 29, 1877; d. Apr. 2, 1878. 562 Elizabeth {John,""^ William,'"' Francis,'^ Ja cob,"' Isaac," John? John') was born in Charlestown, Mass., about 1827. She married WilUam H. Fogg. He was born in Berwick, Me., Dec. 14, 1818, and died in New York City, March 24, 1884. He worked upon a farm until he was twenty-one years old, then in a village store : he came to Boston, and en gaged in a commission dry-goods business. Thence he removed to New York, where he was, for many of his last years, known as being very extensively engaged in the China and Japan trade, transacting business under the name of the China and Japan Trading Company, of which he was the president, having branches of their house in many places in China and Japan, and in London. THE PERKBSrS FAMILY. 145 He was an active member of the New York Chamber of Commerce, and was a director in several banking and insurance organizations, and was also connected with a number of charitable institutions. 563 Henry {David,""' William,''^' Francis,'"' Jacob,"' Isaac," John? John^) was born in Osnabruck, Upper Canada, Jan. 29, 1823. He married Christy Ann Dunlop. She was born in Lancaster, Ont., Can., June 30, 1827. They were married in Lancaster, June 30, 1847. They resided in Cornwall, Can. He was a tanner and currier by trade, but is now a farmer. He resides in Augusta, Eau Clair Co., Wis. Children of Henry and Christy Ann (Dunlop) Perkins were: 741 WiUiara Henry, b. May 9, 1848. 742 James Roderick, b. Jan. 4, 1850. 743 EUa Gertrude, b. Oct. 2, 1851. 744 Emraa Louisa, b. Feb. 13, 1854. 745 David John, b. Feb. 13, 1856. 746 Sarah Janette, b. April 20, 1860. 747 Zenous Albert, b. Feb. 20, 1863. 748 Anna Letitia, b. Feb. 14, 1867. 564 '^iS^'ai.m. {David?" William,'"' Francis,'"' Jacob,"' Isaac," John? John') was born in Osnabruck, Upper Canada, Feb. 26, 1825. He married Sarah Stevens Ly ford, at Concord, N. H., Oct. 10, 1849. She was born in Freemont, N. H., Sept. 13, 1830. He resides in Haverhill, Mass. He is a baker by trade. Children of WilUam and Sarah (Lyford) Perkins were : 749 Martha W., b. Oct. 1, 1851; d. Jan. 18, 1854. 750 Flora Eugenia, b. Sept. 21, 1856; ra. George; flrst child was Harold W. George, b. Nov. 6, 1876. 146 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 565 James {David,"' William,'"' Francis,'"' Jacob,^ Isaac," John? John') was born in Osnabruck, Ontario, Canada, June 13, 1826. He married . She was born in Ireland about 1830. They were married at Og densburg, N. Y., July 4, 1859. He is a collector of customs in Iroquois, Can. Children of James and Perkins were : 751 Terrence Edgar, b. July 15, 1860. 752 Alexander Ney, b. March 11, 1862. 753 Lucy Winaferd, b. Feb. 8, 1865. 764 Agar Ludlow, b. Apr. 30, 1867. 755 Hatton Lew, b. July 5, 1868. 756 James Arthur, b. Jan. 24, 1875. 757 Clara Isabell, b. Aug. 30, 1877. 567 Samuel {David,""' William,'^' Francis,'"' Jacob,"' Isaac," John? John') was born in Osnabruck, Upper Canada, April 16, 1831. He married Mary Mclntyre, in Cornwall, Can., in 1859. She was born Aug. 2, 1833, in Sidney, Cape Breton, N. S. He is an engineer in a factory in Cornwall, Can. Children of Samuel and Mary (Mclntyre) Perkins were : 758 Kate E., b. Jan. 1, 1861. 769 David Neil, b. May 3, 1863 ; d. Dec. 2, 1880. 760 Donald Henry, b. Aug. 22, 1865. 761 Mary B., b. AprU 5, 1868. 762 Lucy E., b. Feb. 22, 1871. 763 Gertrude A., b. May 19, 1874. 568 Lucy {David,""" William,'"' Francis,'"' Jacob,^ Isaac," John? John') was born in Cornwall, Ontario, Can., Sept. 1, 1833. She married Samuel Robertson, May 3, 1855, in Matilda, Ontario, Can. He is a farmer, and resides in Matilda, Can. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 147 Children of Samuel and Lucy (Perkins) Robertson Avere : James Cyrus, b. Feb. 4, 1856. CoUn, b. Nov. 4, 1857. WUUam Arthur, b. Jan. 31, 1859. CorneUa S., b. Sept. 17, 1863; d. Lucy Perkins, b. Sept. 8, 1865; d. Mary Elenor, b. July 28, 1870; d. John Alexander, b. March 12, 1873; d. 569 John B. {David,"" William,'"' Francis,'"' Jacob,"' Isaac," John? John') was born in Cornwall, Ontario, Can., June 17, 1835. He married Maggie Campbell in 1865. She was born in CornwaU, Can., March 26, 1840. They reside in Le Mars, Iowa. Children of John B. and Margaret (Campbell) Perkins were : 764 Ida Elizabeth, b. July 29, 1866. 765 SteUa Graham, b. Oct. 21, 1869. 766 MUton John, b. March 16, 1873. 767 Norman Centennial, b. June 12, 1876. 768 Lotta Edna, b. Sept. 21, 1878. 769 Hattie Mary, b. Dec. 29, 1879. 571 Sarah {David,""" William,'"' Francis,'"' Jacob?'' Isaac," John? John ') was born in Cornwall, Ontario, Can., Oct. 12, 1839. She married Williaih Campbell, March 26, 1863. Children of William and Sarah (Perkins) Campbell were : George Francis, b. Sept. 17, 1864. William Herbert, b. Nov. 6, 1867. David John, b. Sept. 17, 1869. Hattie, b. Aug. 3, 1872. Lindsey, b. May 15, 1876. Sarali, b. June 18, 1879; d. in Aug., 1879. Edwin Arthur, b. Aug. 15, 1880. 20 148 THE PERICINS FAMILY. 575 Harriet Lindsey {David,""' William,'"' Fran cis,'"' Jacob,"' Isaac," John? John'') was bom in Cornwall, Ontario, Can., May 31, 1846. She married Calvin H. Weeks. He is a marble worker. They reside in Haverhill, Mass. Children of Calvin H. and Harriet Lindsey (Perldns) Weeks w^ere : Carl Hugh, b. March 26, 1876, in HaverhiU. David Franklin, b. May 13, 1877, in HaverhiU. 578 Jane E. {Asa,^' William,'"' Francis,'"' Jacob,"" Isaac," John? John') was born in , Mass., May 29, 1825. She married James R. Meade. He was born Dec. 27, 1825. He was a mason by trade. Children of James R. and Jane E. (Perkins) Meade were : Alfred Perkins, b. Oct. 6, 1857. Martha Jane, b. Sept. 24, 1866. 579 Mary M. {Asa,"^' William,'"' Francis,'"' Jacob,"'' Isaac," John? John') was born Jan. 29, 1829. She mar ried William Witter. He was born Jan. 29, 1830. He is a farmer. ChUdren of WilUam and Mary M. (Perkins) Witter were : Flora J., b. Oct. 23, 1853. Barnum R., b. Feb. 24, 1855. Edith E., b. Dec. 24, 1858 ; m. David B. Horton, M. D. Hattie A., b. Nov. 30, 1862; m. Charles W. Churchill. Augusta M., b. May 8, 1867. 580 Asa P. {Asa,"" William,'"' Francis,'"' Jacob,^ Isaac," John? John ') was born March 6, 1831. He mar- THE PERKINS FAMILY. 149 ried Lucinda F. Davis, March 6, 1855. She was bom March 25, 1835. Children of Asa F. and Lucinda (Davis) Perldns were : 770 Franklin D'., b. Feb. 7, 1860; m. Belle BrowneU. 771 Addie E., b. Dec. 11, 1862. 772 Carrie J., b. Aug. 26, 1867. 581 Samuel P. {Asa,^' William,'^ Francis,'"' Jacob,"'' Isaac," John? John') was bom in Perrinton, N. Y., Oct. 25, 1833. He married Margaret E. Foland. She was born Feb. 9, 1835. Cliildren of Samuel F. and Margaret (Foland) Perkins were : 773 Edward, b. June 6, 1862; m. Addie Luther. 774 Mary E., b. April 1, 1864. 775 Cora A., b. Oct. 10, 1867. 776 Grace, b. Jan. 21, 1872. 582 Martha A. {Asa,"" William,'^' Francis,'"' Jacob,^ Isaac," John? John') was born in Perrinton, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1836. She married Carey R. Witter, Dec. 7, 1859. He was born June 1, 1834. Children of Carey R. and Martha A. (Perldns) Witter were : EvaE., b. Sept. 25, 1861. IdaA.,b. May 22, 1863. Edna M., b. Oct. 12, 1868. 583 Olive C. {Asa,"^' William,'"' Francis,'"' Jacob,"' Isaac," John? John') was born in Perrinton, N. Y., April 16, 1839. She married Peter Van Leeren, Sept. 7, 1871. He was born in 1824. He is a baker by trade. ChUd of Peter and Olive (Perkins) Van Leeren was : Asa Frederic, b. in 1875. 150 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 584 Sarah E. {Asa,"" William,"' Francis,'"' Jacob,«' ¦Isaac," John? John') was born in Perrinton, N. Y., June 25, 1843. She married Henry Jerrells, Oct. 22, 1868. He was bom Oct. 22, 1842. Children of Henry and Sarah (Perkins) Jerrells were : Jessie, b. Aug. 31, 1869. William Glenn, b. Aug. 5, 1872. 593 William James {George,^'' William,'"' Fran cis,'"^ Jacob,"' Isaac,''' John? John ') was born in Boston, Mass., March 27, 1835. He married Louisa Merritt Baker, Oct. 27, 1861. She was the daughter of Darius and Harriet Baker, of Dudley, Mass. She died March 4, 1879. He resides in Cedar FaUs, Iowa, and is engaged in the manufacture and sale of wind-mills, to be used for hydraulic purposes ; and in thc purchase and sale of lands there. ChUdren of William James and Louisa (Baker) Perkins were : 777 Evelyn Louisa, b. Aug. 3, 1862, in Omro,Wis. ; d. May 19,' 63. 778 EsteUa Florence, b. Sept. 10, 1864, in Omro, Wis. 779 Frank Eugene, b. Oct. 21, 1870, in Cedar Falls, Iowa. 780 Fred Baker, b. Oct. 7, 1876, In Cedar FaUs, Iowa. 595 Mary Martha ( George?^ William,'^ Francis,'^ Jacob,"'' Isaac," John? John') was born in Boston, Mass., June 6, 1841. She married Dr. Winfield Scott FuUer, of Fairport, N. Y., iu 1861. Child of Winfield S. and Mary (Perkins) Fuller was : Carlton, b. in 1862 ; d. in 1863. 599 Charles Lawrence {Benjamin,"^ David,'"" Francis,'"' Jacob,"'' Isaac," John? John ') was born in Hanover, N. H., Dec. 25, 1824. He married EUzabeth West Nevins, June 23, 1856. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 151 He is a merchant, and resides in New York City, N. Y. Children of Charles L. and Elizabeth (Nevins) Perkins were : 781 Charles Lawrence, b. Feb. 27, 1857; m. Margaret Gandy, Jan. 17, 1882. 782 Elise Nevins, b. Oct. 11, 1868. 783 George Endicott, b. Jan. 8, 1860. 784 Robert Patterson, b. Dec. 3, 1861. 785 Frances DeForest, b. Nov. 8, 1863. 786 Mary Lawrence, b. Aug. 7, 1869. 601 Jane Lawrence {Benjamin,"" David,'"" Fran cis,'"' Jacob,"' Isaac," John? John') was bom in Boston, Mass., May 4, 1829. She married Rev. Thomas S. Childs, D.D., of Norwalk, Conn., Aug. 24, 1864. He was born in Springfield, Mass., and was a graduate of the University of New York and also of Princeton Semi nary. He was settled in Hartford, Conn., June 30, 1852, and at Norwalk, Feb. 6, 1866. He was professor of in Hartford Theological Seminary from 1870-79. They reside (1884) in Washington, D. C. 602 Benjamin {Benjamin,"" David,'"" Francis,'^ Jacob,"'' Isaac," John? John') was born in Boston, Mass., April 30, 1831. He married Josephine E. Welsh, of Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 10, 1864. She was the daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth T. Welsh. She was born Feb. 19, 1843, and died Sept., 1877. He resides in New York, and is a member of the firm of Perldns and Welsh of Wall street. Children of Benjamin and Josephine (Welsh) Perldns were : 787 Samuel Welsh, b. Sept. 6, 1865. 788 Jenny Lawrence, b. Nov. 4, 1866. 789 George Lawrence, b. July 10, 1868. 790 RusseU, b. Oct. 15, 1876. 152 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 603 Francis Brown {Benjamin,"" David?^ Fran cis,'-"' Jacob,"'' Isaac," John? John') was bom in Boston, Mass., Aug. 7, 1833. He married, first, Susan Mansfield Huntington, Jan. 4, 1860. She was bom in New York City, June 22, 1835. She was the eldest daughter of of Edward B. and Sarah A. Huntington. She died at Sonoma, Cal., May 16, 1879. He married, second, Sept. 27, 1881, Laura T. Strong. He graduated from Williams College in 1854, and from Andover Theological Seminary in 1858, andw^as ordained Feb. 15, 1860, at Montague, Mass. He was the Chaplain of the 10th Regiment Mass. Vols., in the war of the re bellion, 1863-4. He was settled as pastor of Central Church, at Jamaica Plain, Boston, Sept. 21, 1864, to 1870, and is now, 1884, the pastor ofthe Congregational Church in Stockbridge, Mass. Children of Francis B. and Susjm (Huntington) Perkins were : 791 Sarah Huntington, b. Aug. 24, 1862. 792 Jennie Lawrence, b. April 17, 1864; d. Aug. 8, 1865. 793 Francis Lawrence, b. Oct. 22, 1866. 794 Helen Mansfield, b. Aug. 25, 1870. 795 Edward Huntington, b. April 7, 1874; d. March 22, 1876. 796 Benjarain, b. Nov. 19, 1878. 606 Henry AUen {Henry,"" David,'"' Francis,'^ Jacob,^ Isaac," John? John') was born in Philadelphia, Pa., July 31, 1836. He married Mary F. Wood, April 30, 1864. She was born in Bordentown, N. J., in 1845. He was engaged for some years in peach culture iu Delaware, but is now an iron founder in Philadelphia. 607 Edward Lang {Henry?" David,'"" Francis,'"' Jacob,"' Isaac," John? John') was born in Philadelphia, Pa., May 28, 1843. He married CaroUne Amelia Heb- THE PERKINS FAMILY. 153 erton,of Philadelphia, Jan. 24, 1882. She is the daugh ter of Rev. Alexander Heberton. He graduated from Williams College, Mass., in 1863. He was admitted to the bar in Philadelphia, and is now a practising lawyer there. 608 Francis Moore {Henry,"" David,'"" Francis,'"' Jacob,"' Isaac," John? John ') was born in Philadelphia, Pa., June 6, 1851. He graduated from Williams College, Mass., June, 1872, with the degree of A. B., and in 1880 with the degree of A. M. He graduated in medicine at the University of Penn., and received the degree of M. D. in March, 1876. He was resident physician of the Philadelphia Hospital in 1876-78. He was house surgeon of Wills Ophthalmic Hospital of 1878-79. He is now surgeon of the House of Refuge in Philadelphia, where he is also a practising ophthalmic surgeon. 621 Nathaniel Charles {Nathaniel,*" Nathaniel,'^ Nathaniel,'^" Nathaniel,'* Abraliam,*' Abraliam? John? John') was born in Ipswich, Mass., May 3, 1821. He married, first, Sarah Rutherford, published Dec. 4, 1847, and married Dec. 30, 1848. She was born in 1821, and died April 27, 1857, being then thirty-six years of age. He married, second, Louisa A. M. Ackerman, of Ips wich, being pubUshed Oct. 28, 1859. He died Dec. 3, 1879. Child of Nathaniel C. and Sarah (Rutherford) Perkins was : 797 Sarah, b. Apr. 22, 1857; d. June 8, 1857. 622 Isaac Edward Burnham {John,*" John,"" John,'" JoJin,'"" Joseph," Jacob,'" John? John') was bom 154 THE PERKINS FAMILY. in Ipswich, Mass., April 6, 1853. He married DrusiUa A. Smith, of Ipswich. He resides in Ipswich, and is a shoe manufacturer in the same establishment with his father. Children of Isaac and DrusiUa (Smith) Perkins were : 798 John Atkins, b. Dec. 4, 1878. 799 A daughter, b. July 15, 1882. 655 Elbridge {Abraham,*^ Abraham,"" Abraliam.,'"^ Isaac,"' Abraham,"* Isaac," John? John') Avas born in Essex, Mass., Feb. 28, 1828. He married Elizabeth M. Burnham, March 1, 1859. She was born March 20, 1838. Children of Elbridge and Elizabeth (Burnham) Perkins Avere : 800 Leighton Elbridge, b. Oct. 20, 1859. 801 Edwin Carlton, b. Oct. 26, 1861. 802 Clarence Story, b. March 12, 1869. 656 Proctor Perley {Abraham,*^* Abraham,"" Abra- ham?^ Isaac,'" Abraham,"* Isaac," John? John ') Avas born in Essex, Mass., April 7, 1830. He married Nancy Deborah Bickford, May 22, 1862. She was born June 4, 1835. Children of Proctor P. and Nancy (Bickford) Perkins were. 803 WiUie Hudson, b. June 11, 1863. 804 May Proctor, b. Sept. 29, 1867. 658 Gustavus Storey {Abraham,**^ Abraham,"" Abra- ham?^ Isaac,'" Abraham,"* Isaac,''' John? John') was born in Essex, Mass., March 16, 1834. He married, first, Edna Burnhara, Nov. 20, 1857. She Avas born Oct. 27, 1837, and died Feb. 13, 1871. He married, second, Rosetta Rash, June 17, 1874. She Avas born July 11, 1844. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 155 ChUdren of Gustavus S. and Edna (Burnham) Perldns were : 805 Charles Edwin, b. Sept. 5, 1857. 806 Lyman Burnham, b. Jan. 23, 1869. 807 George Abram, b. Sept. 6, 1860. ChUd by Rosetta (Rash) Perkins was : 808 Sarah AbigaU, b. May 21, 1876. 665 Charles C. {Edward B.,*^ Abraham,"" Abra ham,'"^ Isaac,"' Abraham,"* Isaac," John? John') was born in Salem, Mass., June 16, 1841. He married, first, Sarah E. Jewett, Dec. 23, 1868 ; she was born Aug. 25, 1846, and died Feb. 20, 1875. .He married, second, NelUe E. Wilkins, June 25, 1879 ; she was the daughter of Michael C. and Sarah E. (Learock) Wilkins, and was bom June 21, 1860. He is a civil engineer and surveyor in Boston, Mass., and resides in Salem. Child of Charles C. and Sarah (Jewett)^ Perkins was : 809 Bessie RusseU, b. April 26, 1871. Child of Charles C. and Nellie (Wilkins) Perkins was : 810 Marion Shepard, b. Jan. 7, 1882. 666 James W. {Edward B.,*^ Abraham,"" Abra ham,'^ Isaac,'" Abraham,"* Isaac," John? John') was born in Salem, Mass . , Aug. 13, 1 843 . He married Lorette Mary Furber, Sept. 26, 1874. She was born in Wolf- borough, N. H., Oct. 19, 1849, and died Oct. 17, 1882. Child of James W. and Lorette (Furber) Perkins was : 811 Florence, b. July 23, 1876. 675 Gilman A. {Asa F.,*" Abraham,"^' Abraham,'"^ Isaac,"' Abraham,"* Isaac," John? John') was born in 21 156 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Essex, Mass., May 19, 1850. He married Ella Piper Dempsey, Nov. 21, 1875. She was born Oct. 20, 1858. Child of Gilman A. and Ella (Dempsey) Perkins was : 812 Frederick A., b. May 27, 1876. 677 Ida Francis {Asa F.,*'^ Abraham,^ Abraham,™ Isaac,"' Abraham,"* Isaac," John? John') was born in Essex, Mass., Feb. 26, 1855. She married Charles Wil Uam Chipman, Aug. 5, 1876. He was born Aug. 3, 1853. The names of their children are not known. 684 Ellen Louisa (^enry G.,^'" Francis,"^'' William,'*" Abraham,"'' Abraham,"* Isaac," John? John') was born in Cabot, Vermont, May, 1825. She married Charles E. Parker in 1846. He was an architect in Boston, and re sided in Auburndale, where she died in April, 1856. Children of Charles and Ellen (Perkins) Parker were : Henry E., b. Nov., 1848; m. Etta Cate in 1873. Walter H., b. in 1850; d. In 1851. David F., b*. Dec, 1852; ra. John, b. in 1854 ; a merchant in Galveston, Texas. 686 Mary D. {Henry G.,*" Francis,"^' William.,'*" Abraham,"' Abraham,"* Isaac," John? John') was born in Keene, N. H., in AprU, 1833. She married Claudius B. Patten, of Boston, a cashier of a bank there. Children of Claudius and Mary (Perldns) Patten were : Henry G., b. in 1856. Ellen, b. in 1858. Mary, b. in 1869. WiUiam, b. in 1872. 691 Munroe W. {Cyrus,^ William,^ William,'^ Abraham,"' Abraham"* Isaac," John? John') was born in South Woodstock, Vt., Dec. 25, 1841. He married Jan. 9, THE PERKINS FAMILY. 157 1868 , Kate Crosby, of Plymouth, Vt. She was the daugh ter of Patrick and Mary (Halfin) Crosby, and was bom April 13, 1848. He is a farmer. ChUdren of Munroe and Kate (Crosby) Perkins were : 813 Wilbur H., b. June 7, 1869. 814 Laura E., b. Dec. 13, 1870. 815 Edith L., b. July 31, 1873. 816 Glen, b. Jan. 20, 1882. 692 Charlotte S. {Cyrus,'"^ William,^^ William,'*' Abraham,"'' Abraham,"* Isaac," John? John^) was born m South Woodstock, Vt., Feb. 23, 1850. She married Charles H. Towne, of Windsor, Vt. He is the son of David and Diana (Pike) Towne, of Windsor, Vt. ChUdren of Charles and Charlotte (Perkins) Towne were : Clarence Edward, b. Oct. 28, 1868. Lizzie A., b. June 17, 1870. C. Elverton, b. Dec. 7, 1872. Arthur W., b. Dec. 21, 1878. 697 Frederick Barker {Sam'l F.,"^ Gaius,""' Wil liam,'*" Abraham,"' Abraliam,"* Isaac," John? John^) was bom in Grand Rapids, Mich., June 13, 1843. He married Agnes J. Wishart, Nov. , 1867. He resided in Grand Rapids until 1874, when he removed to Albany, N. Y., where he now lives. He is engaged in the grocery trade. Child of Frederick and Agnes (Wishart) Perkins was : 817 Edward William, b. Jan. 22, 1872. 699 GaivLsWiUisim. {Sam'l F."" Gains,""' William,'*" Abraham,"' Abraham,"* Isaac," John? John') was bom in Grand Rapids, Mich., July 16, 1847. He married 158 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Sept. 9, 1869, Emma Louisa Pike of Grand Rapids. He is engaged in the hide, wool and fur trade in Grand Rapids. Children of Gaius and Louisa (Pike) Perkins were : 818 Charles Francis, b. July 11, 1870. 819 Frederick Louis, b. Aug. 1, 1872 ; d. March 14, 1875. 820 Gaius WUUam, b. Dec. 30, 1878. 700 Ellen {Charles D.,"* Gaius,"" William,'*" Abra ham,"' Abraham,"* Isaac," John? John') was born in South Woodstock, Vt., Sept. 9, 1835. She married Friend P. Fletcher of Woodstock. He was born Sept. 7, 1830, and was the son of Jasper and Phebe (Kidder) Fletcher. He is by occupation a farmer. Child of Friend and Ellen (Perkins) Fletcher was : AUce L., born Sept. 21, 1860. 701 Marietta {Charles D.,"* Gaius,""' William,'*" Abraham,"'' Abraham,"* Isaac," John? John ') was born in South Woodstock, Vt., Sept. 27, 1843. She married Orlando A. Clark of Mystic River, Conn., Sept. 27, 1871. He is the son of Orlando and Caroline (Clark) , born Sept. 22, 1844. He is employed in the iron-works, and has charge of a planing machine. Both Mr. and Mrs. Clark are mutes and were educated at that excellent institution at Hart ford, Conn. Children of Orlando and Marietta (Perkins) Clark were : Edward Perkins, b. Aug. 19, 1872. Frederick Benjamin, b. July 26, 1874. Ambrose, b. Nov. 7, 1876. Charles Dunham, b. April 4, 1879. Marietta Caroline, b. June 25, 1881. 706 EUen Augusta {James,'" James,"*^ Joseph,"" Joseph,"" Abraham,"* Isaac," John? John ') was born in Peabody, Feb. 9, 1843. She married Sept. 1, 1863, THE PERKINS FAMILY. 159 Henry Harrison Proctor. He was the son of John W- Proctor and was born in Peabody, Dec. 18, 1840. He is a leather dealer in Boston, of the house of Proc tor, Hunt and Haskell. They reside in Peabody. Children of Henry and Ellen (Perkins) Proctor were : Frank Ingersoll, b. Aug. 23, 1864. Charles Anderson, b. Oct. 3, 1866. 750 Flora Eugenia ( William,"* David,"" William,'"' Francis?"' Jacob,"' Isaac," John? John') was born in HaverhiU, Mass., Sept. 21, 1856. She married George, May 15, 1876. Child of and Flora (Perkins) George was : Harold W., b. Nov. 6, 1876. INDEX. PERSONS OF THE NAME OF PERKINS. A. Aaron 42, 57, 69, 70, 75, 85, 98, 119 Aaron Wardwell 86, 120 Abby Story 125 Abigail 41, 44, 52, 60, 61, 82, 114 Abijah 59 Abraham, 5, 11, 22, 24, 28, 36, 37, 43, 44, 51, 52, 60, 61, 68, 73, 74, 92, 93, 125 Addie E 149 Addie Kogers 118 Adeline 96 Adoniram J 139 Agar Ludlow 116 Aggie ' 143 Albert H 90 Albert M 141 Alexander 104 Alexander Ney 146 Alice 87, 122 Alvin Traak 87 Amos 78 Andrews 77 Ann a 40, 52 Anna Fabens 113 Anna Grover 93, 125 Anna Letitia 145 Anna Saville 87 Anna Waters 118 Annie Burnham 128 Anstiss Chipman 88 Arthur Staniford 88 Arthur Ward 118 Asa 76, 79, 105 Asa F 105, 14S Asa Foster 93, 128 Asa Jarvis 70 Augnstine Staniford "0, 88 AvisM 89 Beamsley 24, 31, 34, 49, 67 Benjamin 38, 52, 53, 61, 68, 74, 80, 96, 108, 151, 152 Benjamin M 85, 117 Beitha Madeline 144 Bessie Gussell 165 Betsy 77, 100 C. Candace Sargent 99, 189 Caroline ]04 Caroline Augusta 87 Caroline B 117 Carrie Elizabeth 154 Carrie J 139, 149 Carrie Wheeler ns Charity 47 Charles 81, 85, 105, 118, 129, 141 Charles C 126, 165 Charles Dunham 96, 133 Charles E 122 Charles Edwin 155 Charles Ely 93, 129 Charles Francis 168 Charles Frederick 115 Charles H 71, 91 Charles Henry 103, 144 Charles Lawrence 108, 150, 151 Charles Putnam 116 Charles T 90 Charles Wallace 144 Charlotte 83, 94 Charlotte S 132, 157 Clara 75, 98, 135 Clara E 92 Clara Isabell 148 Clarence Story 154 Clifford Henry 144 Cora A 149 Cyrus 73,94, 131 Daniel 39,42,57,61,70, 87 Daniel Augustine 88 Daniel Champion 71 David. . . .68, 79, 80, 92, 93, 104, 108, 132, 125 David E 90 DavidF 138 D.ivid John 145 David Lord 72, 92 David Niel 146 David S 70, 90 David Walter 322 Demis Harriet 75 Donald Henry 146 (161) 162 INDEX. Dorcas 78 Dudley 139 E. Ebenezer 30, 46, 47 Edith L 157 EdnaB 93, 127 Edmundo 87, 89 Edward 96,134,141, 149 Edward B 93, 126 Edward Bartlett 127 Edward Beecher 115 EdwardF 126 Edward. Huntington 152 Edward Lang 80,109,110, 152 Edward Reading 122 Edward William 157 Edwin 143 Edwin Carlton 154 Elbridge 125, 164 Elias 77, 101 Elias Andrews 101, 140 Elise Nevins 151 Elisha 14,74, 93 Eliza 75, 94 Eliza Ann 103 Eliza D 94, 130 Elizabeth, 7, 8, 10,14, 20, 24. 25, 28, 30, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 59, 60, 61, 62, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 70, 71, 75, 78, 79, 80, 84, 98, 102, 103, 107, 134, 136, 144 Elizabeth B 126 Elizabeth Jarvis 90 Ella 87, 141 Ella Gertrude 145 Ella J 132 Ellen 87, 134, 158 Ellen Anstiss 88 Ellen Augusta 137, 158 Ellen Lander 86 EUen Louisa 130, 156 Ellen Maria 116 Ellenher 47 Elvira 126 Ely 73 Emily 93, 126 Emma A 1,^2 Emma Augusta 128 EmmaF 92 Emma H 138 Emma Florence 107 Emma Hobart 123 Emma Louisa 145 Emma Stella 144 Enoch 67,78, 101 B phraim 42, 77 Ephraim Story 99, 139 Estella Florence 150 Esther 36,37,51,53, 71 Eunice 26, 40, 60 Eunice Ann 71, gi Evelyn Louisa 150 Fannie Ober 120 Fanny 75, 93 Flora Eugenia 146, Wi) Florence 155 Frances D 94, 131 Frances DeForest 151 Frances Ellen 85 Francis. .25, 35, 38, 39, 46. 47, 50, 53, 61, 65, 73, 74, 78, 79,80, 94, 101, 102, 104, 105, 109 Francis B 134 Francis Brown 108, 152 Francis Lawrence 153 Francis Moore UO, 153 Francis William 130 Frank 126 Frank Eugene 150 Frank Sutherland 113 Fr.inklin 98 Franklin D 149 Fred A 141 Fred Baker 160 Frederick 96,133, 143, 166 Frederick Barker 133, 167 Frederick Louis 158 G. Gains 74, 94 Gaius William 133, 167, 158 George 79, 86, 103, 104, 105, 107, 143 George A 81, 113 George Abram 155 George Clinton 99, 140 George E 108, 161 George H 143 George Henry 116 George L 151 George Lithgow 89 George T 113 Gertrude A 146 Gi Uman A 127, l.W Glen 157 Grace 149 Gustavus Story 125, l.i4 INDEX. 163 H. Hannah. .20, 23, 24, 28, 31, 33, 34, 37, 40, 44, 45, 48, 51, 53, 57, 59, 60, 61, 64, 66, 67, 71, 72, 77, 80, 81, 82, 83, 91, 99, 113 Hannah A 101 141 Harriet 81, 82,98,112, 115 Harriet Cushman 89, 120 Harriet Elizabeth 103, 142 Harriet Ellen , 127 Harriet Foster 136 Harriet L 132 Harriet Lindsey 104, 148 Harry 122 Harry Staniford '. 118 Hattie M 92 Hattie Mary I47 Hatton Lew 146 Helen 128 Helen Louise 122 Helen Mansfield 152 Heury 80,104,110,130, 145 Henry A 110, K8, 163 Henry Augustus 82, 116 Henry Clay 80, 119 Henry G 94, 129 Henry Hobart 122 Hester 71 Holbrook S 101, 141 Horatio N 20 I. Ida Elizabeth 147 Ida Frances 128, 156 IdaH 138 Irene 74 Isaac 11, 27, 28, 42, 44, 45, 56, 59, 60 70, 72, 73,75, 88 Isaac Edward B 117, 153 J. J. Frank 138 Jabez 20, 57, 70 Jabez T 90 Jacob. . .5, 7, 11, 18, 19, 20, 24, 26, 28, 39, 45, 53,64,65,77,99, 126 James.. 42, 44, 55, 56, 58, 59, 66, 75, 81, 82. 96, 98,104, 114,137, 146 James Andrews 72 James Arthur 146 James Fisk 116 James Francis 103, 143 James Hardy 119 James Eoderick 145 22 James W..., 123 Jane qq .Tane B JQ3 JaaeL jog,' Jemima Jennie Lawrence Jenny Lawrence Jeremiah 26, 41, 42 57 Jeremiah S 70 S4 Jessie Thomas Joan Joan Blasdel Joiinna 42, 57,70, John..l, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1], 13, 14, 21, 24, 26, 26, 27, 28, 30, 33, 34, 40, 42, 47, 55, 66, 59, 67, 68, 69, 71, 75, 79, 84, 97, 102, 103,117,120, John Atkins John Ayer John B 104 JohnB. L ' John Bartlett 93 .Tohn Blasdel JohnD John Henry John Henry Hobart 92, John Proctor John S Johu Smiley gg, John William Jonathan 42, 66, 78, Jonathan Brewer Jonathan Thomas 69, Joseph. ..20, 26, 36, 41, 42, 44, 50, 52, 55, •. 61, 63, 64, 70, 76, 79, 86, g6, 98, Joseph Augustine 85, Joseph Francis Josiah Judith 6, 7, 14,20, 20, .Tulia Ann Julia Starr 155 go 148 151 29 152161 7585 122 87 87go 20, 43, 87, 127154 71 147 108 127 8792 103123 134 130 121 92 87 8484 56, 106118 87 69 53 102 123 K. KateE,. 146 L. Laura 94^ 131 Laura A 132 Laura E 157 Laura Eliza §7 Leah 143 Leighton Elbridge 154 Lemuel 47 Lewis Edward 123 164 INDEX. Lithgow Towns 89, 122 Lizzie Osborne 118 Lois 60 Lotta Edna 147 Louisa Adams 140 Louisa A 88, 101 Lovina E 107 Lucia Fowler 123 Lucia Kuggles 92 Lucretia 84 Lucy.. 33, 39, 46, 67, 69, 60, 67, 71, 73, 77, 100,104, 146 Lucy Ann 84, 88 LucyE 92, 146 LucyT 89 Lucy W 138 Lucy Winaferd 146 Luke 11, 26 Lydia 2, 7, 20, 22, 69, 74, 94, g8, 134 Luther W 99 Lydia H 93, 124 Lyman Burnham 155 M. Marcia 96, 133 Margaret 35, .59, 73, 82, 115 Margaret 0 81 Maria 93, 105, 124 Marietta 134, 158 Marion Shepard 155 Martha..l4, 24, 33, 37, 42, 50, 51, 66, 66, 79, 81 82, 106,114, 126 Martha A 105, 149 Martha L 90 Martha P 87 Martha W 145 Mary. .7, 14, 15, 20, 25, 28, 34, 35, 39, 40, 41, 43, 45, 62, 53, 55, 60, 65, 66, 08, 75, 76, 79, 81, 89, 93, 98, 106, 110, 123, 128, ,129, 135 Mary Adeline 102 Mary Ann 70,84, 85 Mary Ann C 98, 138 MaryB 146 Mary Becket 113 Mary C 94, 130 Mary D 130, 156 MaryE 89, 104, 106, 138, 149 Mary Hodges 88 Mary J 103, 106, 132, 142 Mary Joanna 89 Mary L 108, I51 Mary Louisa 115 Mary M 105, 148 Mary Martha 107, 160 Mary Paulino 120 Mary S. L go Mary True 87 Mary White 92, 123 Matilda 93, 137 Matthew 18,19,20, 36 May Proctor 154 Mehitable 25, 38, 40 Melvine 75 Milton John 147 Minnie Sarah 123 Monroe W 132, 156 Moses 69 N. Nabby 73 Nancy Clark 80, 121 Nathan 34, 49 Nathaniel. .11, 23,24, 29,34, 36,43 49, 50, 51,62,66,67,83, 116 Nathaniel C 117, 163 Nettie 143 Nettie L 92 Neva 126 Newman 47 Norman 94, 1,32 Norman G 147 Olive C 105, 149 Oliver 47 Ora 79, 107 Otho Williams 99, 138 Peggy 73 Perry 128 Phebe 14 Phillis ; 25 Priscilla 82 Proctor Perley 125, 154 Prudence M 102, 142 R. Rachel 77, 79,100, 104 Rlioda 77 Richard 45, 09 Robert 26, 40, 54, 65, 104 Robert P 161 Rosetta 103, 143 Russell 151 Ruth 59, 66,71,77,78, 82 Ruth Ann 78 INDEX. 165 Sally 94, 98 Sally Lane 99 Sarauel 11, 29, 30, 40, 46, 47, 61,104, 146 Samuel F 106, 149 Samuel Fields 96, 132 Samuel H 90, 92 Samuel Hardin 70, 89 Samuel Welsh 151 Sarah. . . .11, 25, 26, 27, 28, 31, 33, 37, 40, 42, 44, 62, 53, 54, 66, 57, 59, 60, 61, 69, 71, 75, 79, 85, 93, 98, 104, 105, 147, 153 Sarah Abigail 155 Sarah An n 70, 87 Sarah Choate 135 Sarah E 105, 150 Sarah Elizabeth 107, 137 Sarah Frances 86 Sarah H 152 Sarah Janette 146 Sarah K 139 Sarah Lydia 103, 142 Seth 59, 71 Sirelda 143 Sophia 93, 124 Stella Grab am 147 Stephen 24,35,59, 71 Stephen Jarvis 115 Susan 84, 87 Susan D 86, 119 Susan F 106 Susanna 42, 46, 56, 60, 67, 73 Terrence Edgar 146 Thirza Dearborn 99, 139 Thomas...5,7,ll, 12,13, 14,30, 76,78, 98, 134 Timothy W Valentine 47 W. Walter Bradley 87 Walter Millett 118 Walter S 143 Ward Chipman 88 Wardwell Ober 120 Warren 128 Warren F 128 Warren S 89 Washington 98, 138 Westley 25, 26, 41 Wilbur H 157 WiUiam. ..4, 12, 34, 48, 54, 61, 66, 73, 74, 78, 79,81, 93, 94, 98, 102, 104, 112, 123, 137, 141, 145 WiUiam A 143 William Andrews 87 WiUiam Fletcher 89 WUliam Francis 82, 115, 130 WUliam H.H 132 WiUiam Henry 120, 145 William James 107, 150 WiUiam Lee 49 WiUiam Lithgow 122 WiUiam Porter 102, 141 WilUam S 90 WiUie 139 WiUie Hudson 154 Zaccheus 11 Zenas... 104 Zenous Albert 145 Zerobbabel 40 Ziporah ..... i a 7 U. Ulysses . 94 INDEX. NAMES OF PERSONS OTHER THAN PERKINS. A. Ackerman, Louisa A. M 153 Adams, Dolly 69 Mary K 82 AUen, Cornelia A 80, UO Emily 126 Emily P 126 Gilman 126 Allin, James 15, 17 Anable, John 6 Andrews, EUzabeth 58 Hannah 77 John 68 Margaret 58 Mary T 86, 119 Appleton, Thomas 60 Ayer, Hester 71 B. Baker, Artemissa 106 Louisa 107 Susan 73 Barnes, Rachel 14 Barrett, Elizabeth P 03, 136 Bartholomew, WiUiam 6 Bartlett, Sarah A gS, 137 Beamsley, Hannah 11, 22 William 33 Beebe, D.avid 72 Lois 73 Sarah 72 Belcher, Jer 20 Benjamin, Marietta 133 Bennet, Jacob 21 John 21 Thomas 21 WiUiam 21 Bennett, Henry 10,20,21, 27 Bennitt, Lidia 5,20, 21 Berry, Alice F 116 Bickford, N.incyD 154 Bigelow, Mary 94 Bligh, Margaret 35 Block, Emanuel 93 Boardman, Thomus 54 Bonser, E. M 90 . (166) Borman, Thomas 20, 23 Bradbury, Ann Jabez Jacob Jane John John M Judith Mary 5, 15, 16, 17, Thomas 5, 16, 16, William Wymond 18 Bray, Mary Ann 93, 128 Brewer, John 24, 37 Martha 24 Mary 24 Brodstret, John 12 Brooks, Alfred E 114 Henry 114 Brown, Ebenezer 00 Elizabeth. 40, 64 James 54 Joseph 56 WiUiamB 85 Browne, Nathaniel 20 Browning, Deborah 13 Bruce, Edward 107 Buck, Lovina 107 Burnam, Esther 20, 36 Burnham, Abraham 76, 83 AlbertF 123 Amos Wood 76 Anna 81 AnnaP 135 Bradford 78 CarolineE 84, 117 David 81, 93 Dudley 81 Ebenezer 66 Edna 154 Elizabeth 76 Elizabeth Ann 135 Elizabeth M 154 EUis J 137 EmilyP 137 Eunice 39 INDEX. 167 Burnham, EuniceG 127 Francis 39,93, 123 Francis Choate 136 George W 125 Gilberto 136 Hannah 76, 135 Harriet 0 136 Horace 136 Jacob 38 Jacob Perkins 76 Jeremiah 93, 127 John 29, 38, 39, 76, 98, 135 John Howard 135 Jonathan 39 Lucy 39 Martha 76 Mary 39,73,76,81, 92 Matilda B 127 Nathaniel 65 Oliver 98 Orpha 81 Perkins 81 Robert W 98, 135 Kuth 81 Samuel 65, 76 Sariih C 135 Solomon 38 Sus.inna 76 Westly 38, 135 WiUiam 76 Burr, Frances 21 John 21 Mary Smith 21 Butler, Elizabeth 59 John 59, 61 Susanna 38,46, .59 WiUiam 45, 59 0. CaldweU, Henry F 91 Calef, Mary 56 CaU, PhUip 31 Campbell, David J 147 Edwin A 147 GeorgeF 147 Hattie 147 Lindsey 147 Maggie 104, 147 Sarah 147 WiUiam 104, 147 WiUiamH 147 Capen, Mr 13 Carkin, Nancy Hawes 98, 137 Carleton, Eliz.-ibeth 114 Francis Perkins 141 Michael 113 PrisciUa Ann 114 Carter, Abraham 55 Mary B 116 Chaffee, Eddie 142 Ella 142 Frank 142 H.irriet 142 Josiah H 103, 142 Chalis, Philip 14 Chamberlain, Samuel 84 Chapman,— ? 43 Checkley, Anthony 34, 49 M.ary 34, 49 Cheeseboro, WiUiam 3 Cheever, Abigail 81 Martha 81 Peter 81 WilUam 85 Childs, Thomas S 151 Chipman, Anstiss 87 Charles WUliam 156 Maiy 87 Ward 87 Choate, Abraham 64 Elizabeth 03 Francis 45, 64 Hannah : 64 Isaac 64 Jacob 64 James 60 John 64 Lydia 75, 97 Thomas 32, 63 WiUiam 64 Clark, Ambrose 158 Caroline 158 Charles Dunham 168 Edward Perkins 158 Frederick Benjamin 1,')8 Joseph Reed 136 Mariann 136 Marietta Caroline 158 Orlando 1,58 Orlando A 168 ReedP 98, 136 Sarah AUina 136 Sarah Eliz.abeth 136 WilUam 136 Cleaves, Hiinnah 77 WiUiam 77 168 INDEX. Clement, Snsan 100 Cobbet, Rev. Thomas 8 Cogswell, Ad.am, Jr 29 Francis 63 Hannah 46, 65 John 8 Jonathan 66 Mary 28, 45 Samuel 64 Sarah...... 60, 73 Susanna 45 WiUi.im 45 Colby, Mary 14 Samuel 14 Cole, David 103 Emily 86 Coleman, Caroline 89 Coles, Robert 3 Comins, Jolin 12 Conant,— ? 75 Mr 3 Congdon, Catherine M 88 Cook, Robert 37 Cooper, WUliam 44 Copeland, R. W 115 Cressey, John 98 Crittenton. Henry 72 Crocker, B 42 Cronk, Ellen S 107 Crosby, Kate 1.57 Mary 157 Patrick 157 Rachel 72 Crumpton, Francis 48 H.annah 48 Currier, Richard 49 D. Dakin, James B 79, 106 Dalrymple, Kate 86, 119 Dana, Joseph 57 Danfarth, Mr 12, 13 Daniels, Margaret 36 Sarah 50 Davidson, Mary 43 WiUiam 43 Diivis, Luoinda F 105, 149 Mary 82 Dearborn, Charlotte E 140 Elizabeth 140 George Perkins 140 JohnP.Hale 140 Nathan 100 Dearborn, S.imuel 140 Sarah Jane 140 Thirza 99, 139 Dempsey, Ella Piper 128, 156 Dennison, Nettie 91 Sally 94 Dike, Francis Jerome 103 Frederick Perkins 103 Harry Cheshire 103 Jerome 103 Dillingham, Sarah 4 Ditty, Elizabeth M 79, 107 Dodge, Abigail 28, 43 Charles 124 John 93, 124 JohnC 124 Joseph 43 Mary Sophia 124 Donel, Mical 12 Douton, Elizabeth 26, 40 WilUam 41 Dowst, Joseph A 116 Dresser, Mary 26, 39 Drew, Francis Heniy 131 Henry C 94, 131 Dunlop, Christy Ann 146 Dunning, Jane S 70, 90 Martha L 71, 91 DurreU, Lucy Ann 103, 144 Dutton, Louisa R 94, 129 B. Edgington, Elizabeth 140 EUis, George W 84 Elwell,— ? 61 Ely, .Abraham 63 Benjamin 63 Calvin 71 Daniel 60 Elizabeth 60, 63 Jacob 72 J ames 71 Joseph 63 Lois 63 Lucy 63 Mary 60 Moses 63 Sally 71 Sarah 71 Smith 62 Stephen '1 William 62,63, 71 INDEX. 169 Emerson, Gilberts 116 John 33 Mehitable 38 Nathaniel 31 Emerton, Atalanta 100 Harvy 100 Ira 100 Jacob Perkins 100 Joseph Warren 100 Ruth 100 Thomas 100 Thomas Jefferson 100 Endicott, Elizabeth 26, 40 Zerobbabel 40 Esten, Martha 105 Evans, Mary 83 Eveleth, Edward 37 Elizabelh 24,37, 38 Joseph 24,37,38,79, 81 Mary 35, 38 Sai-ah 38 Fabens, Benjamin 70 Hannah 79 Peard... 79 Fairman, Elvira 100 Fawcett, Alice L 144 Arthur P 144 Charles E 144 Edwin A 103, 143 MayR 144 Walter E 144 Fai-weU, Marietta 88 Fellows, Elizjibeth 26, 41 Ferson, Parker 100 Field, Eunice 96 Fiske, Mary 115 Fitz, Johu 67 Fletcher, AUce L 158 Friend P 158 Fogg, William H 103, 144 Foland, Margaret E 105 Foster, Jeremiah 41 John 75 Joseph 42 Maria . ; 39 Mary 64, 76 Fowler, Henry 123 Joseph 51 Phillip 9 Fuller, Betsy 83 Carlton 150 Charlotte 83 Fuller, Daniel EnochP Johu Lucy ... Mary Sarah Rebecca Nathaniel 67, Matthias Susan W.S 107, Fullerton, Mary William Furber, Lorette Mary G. Gale, Clara A Elias Perkins Luke OiinM Orin S Sarah L Gardner, Daniel George, Harold W Gibbs, Deborah Giddings, Andrew Daniel George 38, Gilbert, Leah 103, Mary 75, Glazier, Han nah Mary Glyde, — ? Goodhue, George Homer James John John Howard Mary Louisa Sarah Elizabeth Thirza Ann Good win , WiUiam Gorham, Mary M 70, Gould, Elisha JohnH Phebe Zaccheus Graves. Susan Green, Benjamin Griggs, Sarah Griswold, Geoige 94, Frances C Geoige D Henry P Mary E SarahP 72 8383 8353 83 83 S372 83 150 35 35 155 140140 140 140140 140 63 159 72534752 143 98 31 67 51 139100 139 139 139 139 139 72 11 11 II 100 71 139 130130 130 130 130 130 170 INDEX. H. Hall, Adeline 105 Ann Jane 105 Charles 105 Elizabeth 105 Emily W 105 Stillman 105 Uriel 105 Harbin, Cesar Augustus 36 William 36 Harding, M.ary 70 Hardy, Thomas 7 Harrington, Charles 142 Charles A 102, 142 Frederick 142 Harris, Anna 51 John 47, 48 Thomfis 6 Haskell, Adoniram 82 Dorcas 78 Elizabeth 82 Eunice 82 Francis , 82 Frederick 82 Harriet 82 Isaac 82 Lucy 82 MarthaLow 82 Perkins 83 Hatch, Azubah 96 Hatfield, Betsy 71 Heard, — ? 43 Heberton, Caroline A - 1.52 Hill, Emma 102, 141 John 46 HiUiard, J. T 90 HUls, Albert Perkins 91 Alberts 71, 91 AniandaM 90 Ebenezer 102 Edward 102 Elizabeth 103 Harriet 91 Hattie J 90 Joan E 90 M.iria Francena 102 Mary F 90, 140 Rodney M 90 William F 70, no William P 90 Hitchings, Ann R 81, 113 Hodgkins, — ? 62 Elizabeth 42,56, 58 Hodgkins, Hannah 58 Joseph 42,57,58, 70 Martha 58 Sarah sg Holbrook, Almira EUis 106 Charles Fran cis 106 DeWitt Clinton loe Edward PUny 106 Pliny 108 Holland, Elizabeth 51 Hannah 51 John 61 Joseph 41 Hovey, — ? 83 Elizabeth 67 Howlet, Siimuel 12 Thomas 4 WiUyem 12, 14 Huntington, Susan M 163 Hutchinson," W. P 90 I. Ingalls, Martha 24 Samuel 24 Ingersoll, David 63 Francis 63 Jonathan 63 Lucy 62 Perkins 52 Simeon 62 Ingols, — ? 37 Ingraham, Joseph 34 Mary 49 Ives, Caroline Louisa 112 CorneUa Allen 113 David Perkins HI E.L.Perkins 112 George A 113 Henry Perkins Ill Margaret 113 Mary Elizabeth 112 Stephen B 81, 110, 111 J. Jackson, Samuel 96 James, Esther 78 Jaquith, Elizabeth 11, 20 Henry 26 Sarah J 132 Jarvis, Elizabeth 67, 70 Jeffers, — ? 99 •¦ Jerrells, Henry 105, 150 Jessie 160 William Glenn 150 INDEX. 171 Jewett, Delia Gardiner 87 Sarah E 166 Johnson, Louisa 133 Jones, Ariel 74 Demis 74 Lucy Ann 88 Jordan, Francis 7 Joy, Mary 105 K. Kelley, Nancy 139 Kendall, Ephraim 42, 56 Jonathan 66 Lucy 56 Mary 56 Susanna 66 Kidder, Susan 100 Kimball, Benjamin P 82 Joshua 77 Richard 27 Kinsman, Daniel 41, 65 Elizabeth 26, 39 Hannah 56, 56 John 41,66, 66 Lucy 55 Mary 24 Robert 24 Sarah 11, 24 Knight, Alexander 27 Hannah 11, 27 Henry Perkins 118 John 116 John Constant 116 Mary Cleaveland 116 Samuel 116 L. Lakeman, BUzabeth 56, 69 Harriet N 93, 127 Lamson, John 14 Lancaster, Dolly 99 Lane, William 85 Lathrop, Hannah 20 Lawrence, Jane 80, 108 Lee, Joshua 34 Leonard, Charity 20 Livermore, AUina Mary 138 ClaraPerkina 138 Henry Jarvis 138 Jos. Perkins 138 L.J 98, 138 Lord, Elizabeth 83, 116 John 57 Lucretia 69, 84 Robert 6 23 Low, Abigail 62 Abraham 62 Benoni 62 David 65 EUzabeth 63 Francis 62 Hannah 62 Joanna 62 Jona 60, 61, 62 Martha 46, 65 Mary 62 Sarah 62 Susanna 65 William 62 Lowater, EUas 35, 60 Elizabeth 50 Mary 50, 66 Lowdon, Mary 35 Lowe, Edwin P 91 Lyford, Sarah Stevens 104, 145 M. Macay, Alonzo 120 Carrie L 121 Cyrus B 121 Ella E 121 Freddy W 121 George L 121 Harry W ,. 121 Hattie Perkins 121 James Edward 121 Jennie Irene 121 MaryE 121 Manning, Elizabeth 49 John 7 Marsh, Mary 69 Marshall — ? 28, 77 Bethia 38 Marvin, Abijah 72 Asahel 72 Calvin 72 Catherine 72 Elizabeth 72 Huldah 72 Lucy 72 Mather 72 Picket 72 Sarah 71, 72 Seth 72 Timothy 71, 72 Mason, Robert 10 Mather, Olive 71 Maybe, Eliziibeth 66 Mayer, Joseph 33 172 INDEX. McClure, Robert S 100 McFarland, Elizabeth K 119 Mary 33 William 86, 119 William Henry 119 Mclntyre, Mary 146 MaryD 132 McKenny, — ? 57 Mead, Alfred Perkins 148 Martha Jane 148 James R 105, 148 Medill, Ann Jane 104 Merrill,-? 09 MiUett, Benjamin 84 Eliz.abeth 84 Mary 84 Sarah .' 84 Morgan, Martha 20 Morse, Abigail 55 N. Nelson, Betsy P 139 Nevins, EUzabeth West 160 Newton,—? 34 Niguells, Willyem 12 Norton, Hannah 49 Thomas 35 O. Ober.EmmaF ,..86, 120 Orne, Margaret 75, 96 Timothy 96 P. Parker, Charles E 166 David F 166 John 156 Henry E 158 Walter H 166 Parsons, James 53 Samuel 72 Patch, Martha 56 Samuel 56 P3,tten, Claudius 166 Ellen 158 Henry G 168 Mary 156 WiUiam 166 Patterson, Martha 87 Pearson, Etta P 90 Simon T 80, 107 Perley, Elbridge G 126 Lucy S 135 MariaT 136 Mary W 135 PhiUips, Mary 56 WiUiam 42, 56 Phipps, Esther 103 Pierce, WUUam 1, 2 Pike, Emma Louisa 158 John 15, 17 Marcia A 141 Mary 28, 44 Porter, Charlotte 129 Edward 36 Hannah 81 Prudence 102 Pray, John 46 Proctor,— ? 28 Charles Anderson 169 Elizabeth 78. 134 Frank Ingersol 169 Henry H 169 Proctor, Perley 93, 124 Pulsifer,— ? 52 Ebenezer 83 Ellen A 86 Putnam, Ellen Louisa 116 Francis E 130 George W 130 Israel 94, 130 RebeccaA 101 Q. Quarles, Martha 36, 60 E. Radington, John 12, 13 Ralph, Adeline 133 Edward 133 GaloB 133 Ransom, AUce 72 Mary 74, 93 Rash, Rosetta 164 Reading, Sarah E 89, 123 Richards, John J 90 Richardson, Edward 48 Rindge, AbigaU 26, 41 Ringe, Daniel 23, 24, 31 Robbins, Emeline 103, 143 Robertson, Colin 147 Cornelias 147 James Cyrus 147 John Alexander 147 Lucy Perkins 147 Mary Elenor 147 Samuel 146 WiUiam Aithur 147 Robinson, Andrew ^^ INDEX. 173 Robinson, Damaris 18 Mary 52 Nathaniel 18 Sarah 69, 84 Rogers, Mary Ann 107 Mary S 90 Rebecca 100 Samuel 90 Rollins, David B 141 Root, Althea 122 Rutherford, Sarah 153 S. Safford, Hannah 46 Sargent, Abram P 128 Annie P 128 Catherine H 128 BdnaP 128 Elizabeth 5, 14 Epes 128 George W 128 Grace G 128 Kilby P 128 Mary 14 Mary A 128 Mary A. P 128 Perley H 128 Sarah 14 Thomas 14 WilUam 14 WiUiam H 93, 127 WilUam P 128 Saville, EUza A 87 Shed, Nancy 81, 112 Sherman, E. C 115 Sill, Azuba 72 Simonds, Rhoda 101 Simpson, Annie 90 Skidmore, Elnathan 92 Eunice 92 Skinner, Lucy 104 Slade, Selina 107 Sleeper, Emily B 116 Smith, Addie 90 Alexander 63 Benjamin R 73 Daniel 103, 142 Daniel B 83 DrusiUa A 117, 154 EUas 73 Irene 73, 74 Joanna 26, 42 Richard 21 SaUy 75, 98 Stephen 73 Smith, Thomas 27 Uriah 73 WiUiam Edward 142 Snow, Joshua 94, 131 Spear, Ann 133 SpiUer,— ? 52 Daniel 83 Spofford, Augusta Foster 135 Jacob Perkins 135 Laura 135 Mary Sophia 135 Prescott 136 Uriah G 98, 135 Sprague, Ralfe 3 Stanford, Hannah 24, 31 Staniford, Sarah 57, 69 Stanwood, Mary 57, 70 Sterling, Lydia 61, 73, 74 Stone,— ? 52 Benjamin 43 Story, Abig.ail 93, 125 Elisha 60 Elizabeth 45, 64 Hannah 73 John 60, 72, 73 Jonathan 60 Martha 73, 128 StoweU, Caroline 142 Frederick 142 George H 103, 142 Stratton, Sophronj.a 94, 131 T. Taylor, Abraham Perkins 124 Emily Allen 124 Ellen Frances 124 George Henry 124 Hannah J. 124 Harriet 124 John 124 JohnO 124 John Thompson 93, 124 Maria Perkins 124 Thayer, B.D 115 Thornton, Eunice 54 Timothy 64 Thurston, Rose 90 Tammy 69, 84 Tilton, Abraham 54 Lizzie J 90 TindaU, Mary Emma 133 Todd, J.E.A 86, 119 Town, Edman 12 Towne, Arthur W 167 Catherine 14 174 INDEX. Towne, C. Elverton 157 Charles H 157 Clarence E 157 Joseph 14 Lizzie A 157 Townsend, Abby 114 AdalineF 114 Estella Reed 114 Joseph 114 Josephine 114 RyannaG 114 Trask, Ebenezer 65 TreadweU, Hannah 43, 57 Micajah 83 U. Upton, Margaret A 98, 137 V. VanLeeren, Asa Frederick 149 Peter 10,5, 149 Very, Martha C 86, 117 Vifian, Lydia 38, 44 Vreeland, Matilda 72 W. Wade, Capt 57 DavidL 84 Jonath Elisha', Thoma^, John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., March 12, 1733-4. She mar ried John Peabody Sept. 24, 1768. He was born Sept. 10, 1730, and died Jan. 29, 1802. She died Feb. 9, 1825," 90 y. 10 m." Their children were : Ebenezer, b. Dec. 16, 1769; d. Oct. 20, 1777. Molly, b. May 6, 1771 ; m. Ephraim Perkins. Lucy, b. Jan. — , 1773; d. Oct. 17, 1777. Ebenezer, b. Sept. 14, 1778 ; m. Mercy Perkins, Dec. 28, 1802. ^ 55 Moses, 81 Lucy and 91 Dorcas came too late to be inserted in their proper places. 36 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 91 Dorcas* {Joseph", Elisha', Thomas?, John') was born in Tonsfield Aug. 24, 1728. She married Jon- athan Foster of Ipswich, Mass., Dec. 17, 1751. She was his second wife ; his first was Jemima Cummings, by whom he had five children. He was born Nov. 30, 1704, and died May, 1779. Children of Jonathan and Dorcas (Perkins) Foster were : Jonathan, b. Sept. 16, 1753. Moses, b. April 3, 1755. Dorcas, b. Dec. 18, 1756. Mary, b. June 10, 1759. Caleb, b. Dec 8, 1760 Mercy, b. Jan. 20, 1764. Salome, b. Nov. 4, 1766. SIXTH GENERATION. 132 Thomas {Thomas*', Thomas'", John*, Thomas", Jolm') was born in Enfield, Dec. 15, 1720. He mar ried Eunice Bedoe, 1739. He died in Enfield Oct. 7, 1768. He was probably a farmer. Children of Thomas and Eunice (Bedoe) Perkins were : 256 Abner, b. Dec. 8, 1745; died young. 257 Abner, b. March 13, 1748. 133 John {Thomas*', Thomas'^, John*, Thomas", John') was born in Enfield Sept. 27, 1723. He married Mary Bramble 1746. He resided in East Windsor in 1761 and in Enfield in 1763 ; and removed to West Springfield, where he may * The descendants of Jona. and Dorcas Foster have been traced to the present time by Wm. E. Foster, Esq., of Providence, R. I., to whom I am indebted for the above. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 37 have died about Feb. 1, 1782, as his will bears that date. His widow married a Capt. Bruce of Hartford, Ct. Children of John and Mary (Bramble) Perkins were : 258 Sarah Brown, b. July 4, 1747. 259 John,b. Feb. 28, 1751; d. Aug. 16, 1777, in the City of New York ; it is said by starvation while he w.as a prisoner of war, in the hands of the British. 260 Mary, b. Dec. 21, 1752. 261 Elisha, b. May 24, 1754; m. Catherine Birch. 262 Ebenezer, b. Nov. 22, 1755 ; d. Aug. 27, 1756. 263 Ebenezer, b. March 10, 1757 ; d. Sept. 20, 1776, of yellow fever, a prisoner in the hands of the British. 264 Daniel, b. April 28, 1758. 265 Anna, b. Nov. |or Dec. 10, 1759; m. 1st, Capt. Owens; 2nd, Harvey Noble. 266 Joel, b. Aug. 6, 1761 ; m. Eunice Fuller. 267 William, b. Jan. 31, 1763; m. Judith Clough. Infant, b. Aug. 31, 1764. 268 Samuel, b. Dec. 14, 1766. 134 Jerad {Thomas*', Thomas'^, John*, Thomas", John') was born iu Enfield, Mass., Oct. 16, 1727. He married Dorcas Moore in 1748. Marriage recorded in Enfield as are also the births of his children as given be low. Their chUdren were : 269 Lucia, b. June 9, 1753. 270 Dorcas, b. Sept. 10, 1755. 271 Gerad, b. June 13, 1757. 272 Huldah, b. Feb. 16, 1762-3. 273 Cynthia, b. Dec. 29, 1764. 274 Hannah, b. May 28, 1765. 275 Linus, b. Sept. 24, 1769. 276 MoUey, b. Dec. 6, 1772. 135 Daniel {Thomas*', Thomas'", John*, Thomas", John') was born in Enfield 1730. He married Rebecca Wadsworth 1764. She died probably about 1776, when 38 THE PERKINS FAMILY. he is recorded as having a wife Hannah. He died in 1803, in Enfield. The children of wife Rebeckah were : 277 George, b. May 3, 1766. 278 Daniel, b. Dec. 1, 1767; died young. Child of wife Hannah was : 279 Daniel, b. May 23, 1777. 140 Reuben {Thomas*', Thomas"^, John*, Thoma^, John') was born in Enfield, Oct., 1740. He married Lucy Pease 1763. The children of Reuben and Lucy (Pease) Perkins were : 280 Reuben, b. Nov. 5, 1763. 281 Lucy, b. May 28, 1765. 147 John {Enoch*', Thomaa", Zaccheus", Thoma^, John') was born in Topsfield, Mass ; baptized July 20, 1755. He married first, Ruth Lefavour, Dec. 28, 1781. She died about 1784. He married, second, Sarah Ireland. No date of this marriage to be found. She was born March 23, 1758. She died July 16, 1838, "80-4." He died March 5, 1825. He resided in Rowley, Mass. Child of John and Ruth (Lefavour) Perkins was : 282 Sally, b. at Ipswich Nov. 16, 1783 ; m. Jaraes Lake. Children of John and Sarah (Ireland) Perkins were : 283 Polly, b. 1786; m. Benj. Lindsay of Lynnfield. 284 Ruth, b. Feb. 20, 1788; died young. 285 Hezekiah Balch, b. Feb. 20, 1790; m. Lydia Ross. 286 Rebecca, b. Aug. 30, 1792; m. 1st, John Marshall; 2nd, Jacob Harwood ; 3rd, Henry Perkins. 287 Robert, b. Aug. 20, 1801 ; d. May 13, 1867. 288 John, b. June 17, 1805; drowned June 29, 1822. 289 Eunice, b. Dec, 1807; unmarried. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 39 248 Moses {Moses", Thomas", Zaccheus", Thomas", John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., 1786. He married Sally Sraith of Ipswich, Mass., July 16, 1814. He was a seaman and made his home in Ipswich, Glou cester and Newburyport, from which latter place he went to the Marine Hospital, Boston, where he died about 1826. Their children were : 290 Harriet, b. ; m. Zaccheus Perkins. 291 Mary, b. 292 Moses, b. 293 Sarah, b. 294 Warren, b. 295 William Henry, b. 296 David, b. 297 John, b. 298 Abigail, b. 249 William {Moses", Thomas", Zaccheus", Thomas", John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., Dec. 13, 1789. He married Nancy Andrews of Enfield, N. H., about 1821. She was born July, 1794, and is now (1886) alive and resides in Wilmot, N. H. He was a farmer. Their children were : 299 Orrin H., b. June 14, 1822; m. Hannah J. Currier. 300 D.iniel, b. Jan. 12, 1825; ra. Melinda Dow of Wilmot, N. H. He died 1855. 301 William Lyman, b. Aug. 15, 1827; m. 1st, Polly Crosby; 2nd, Adelia Ann Chase. 302 Snsan Robinson, b. Jan. 6, 1830; m. 1st, James S. Dol- bear; 2nd, Collision J. Thomas. 303 CyntliiaAnn, b. Sept. 22, 1839; unm.; d. May 1, 1858. 174 John {Isaac'*, John", Elisha", Thomas", John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., Oct. 2, 1746. He mar ried, first, Mehitable Hood Aug., 1772; second, Miriam 40 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Smith of Boxford, Dec. 8, 1785. She died in Salem, Mass., May 17, 1807. He died Oct. 22, 1804, aged 60. He removed from Topsfield to Salem and resided upon Derby's, afterwards Allen's, farm on the "Neck." The children of Mehitable were : 304 Mehetable, b. 1773; d. Aug. 17, 1802. 305 Jesse, b. 1776; bapt. Apr. 12, 1778; d. Oct. 26, 1810. Children of Miriam were : 306 Henry, b. April, 1787; m. 1st, Lucy Gilbert; 2nd, widow Rebecca Harwood. 307 Ebenezer, b. Oct. 20, 1788 ; went to Vermont. 176 Robert {Isaac'*, John", Elisha', ThomasP, John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., April 26, 1752. He married Mary Emerson of Salem. The children of Robert and Mary (Emerson) Perkins were : 308 Sarah, b. ; ra. Dudley Perkins of Topsfield. 309 Robert, b. 310 Enos, b. 311 Elise, b. ; m. 1st, ?; 2nd, Kimball. 312 Mary, b. ; m. Fuller. 177 Isaac {Isaac'*, John", Elisha', Thomas", John') was bapt. in Topsfield, Mass., Jan. 11, 1756. He mar ried Olive Phippen of Salem, March 27, 1790. She was born 1767. She died June 14, 1802, at the age of 35 years. Her death was caused by scarlet fever. He mar ried, second, Anna Lee, Feb. 25, 1805. Isaac Perkins removed from Topsfield with his father and the other members of his fiimily. Bentley says they resided in Derby street, Salem. Both his marriages are recorded in Salem. No children by either marriage have been found. He was probably a farmer. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 41 179 EUsha {Thomas'", John", Elisha', Thoma^, John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., Feb. 6, 1753. He married Mercy Kimball of Wenham, Dec. 12, 1776. She was born 1759 and died March 10, 1848, "89 yrs." He died May 20, 1802, " 49 yrs." They were married in Wenham, but he was a resident of Ipswich at the time. Their children w ere : 313 Dolly, b. July 4, 1778; ra. Elisha Perkins. 314 Thoraas, b. May 5, 1781 ; m. Sally Knowlton. 315 Elisha, b. Jan. 18, 1789; m. Sarah Fabens. 316 Mary, b. May 19, 1795 ; ra. Siraon Foster. 181 Moses {Moses''', John", Elisha', Thomas", John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., Sept. 28, 1754. He mar ried, Hannah Eaton, April 29, 1784. She was the daugh ter of Jonathan and Hannah (Lawrence) Eaton, born at Reading, Mass., July 28, 1760, and died about 1835-40. He died in Temple, N.H., Nov. 6, 1806. He removed from Topsfield to Marblehead about 1780, and probably married his wife there, as we find upon the records of the second church of that town that "Han nah wife of Moses Perkins" was admitted to the church in January, 1785. He returned to Topsfield and asked to have his taxes remitted for the years he was in Marble head. He removed to Temple, N. H., between 1790 and 1793 and died there. He was a farmer in Temple. His children by wife Hannah were : 317 Moses, b. about 1788; m. Betsy Leeson. 318 Thomas, b. Feb. 2, 1790 ; m. Hannah Kendall. 319 Richard, b. April 29, 1793; d. Oct. 2, 1870; unmarried. 182 Elijah {Moses", John", Elisha', Thomas", John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., July 19, 1756. He mar- PT. 2 3* 42 THE PERKINS FAMILY. ried Elizabeth Stone of Marblehead May 26, 1782. She was born May 27, 1756, and died July 30, 1835. He was a resident of Marblehead in 1781-2, but after wards removed to Salem and resided in Ash street. He died Jan. 24, 1841. Children of Elijah and Elizabeth (Stone) Perkins were :320 Mary, b. April 7, 1783; d. Aug. 24, 1870; m. James Lin- degard. 321 Betsy, b. Aug. 1, 1784; d. Aug. 26, 1863. 322 Hannah, b. May 13, 1786; d. July 28, 1884; ra. Jas. Ropes. 323 Ruth, b. Aug. 12, 1788; d. Oct. 8, 1849; m. John Aaron. 324 Elijah, b. Aug. 25, 1790; d. Aug. 10, 1845. 325 Sally, b. Oct. 25, 1792; d. Sept. 7, 1858; m. Nehemiah Stone. 326 Thomas, b. Sept. 25, 1794; d. Sept. 8, 1875; m. Mary Dustin. 327 Rebecca Darling, b. July 29, 1797; d. May 1,1869. 183 Thomas {Moses'''', John", Elisha', Thomai, John?) was born in Topsfield, Mass., April 2, 1758. He was never married. He was by trade a cordwainer, aud resided in his native town in his early days. At the age of about twenty-two he went to Salem and is said to have shipped on board of a privateer in company with Joseph Peabody, who was afterward his partner in extensive mercantile busi ness by which they amassed large fortunes. He had the title of a captain and is said at one time to have been the commander of a vessel, but this rests wholly on tradition. He was a man of the strictest integrity and untiring in dustry, a sworn enemy to intemperance and idleness; by his enterprise he aided very materially in building up the reputation for Salem, which that place so long enjoyed. He oflfered, in his will, a prize to such undergraduate of Harvard College as would write the best essay on the THE PERKINS FAMILY. 43 "ill efiects of intemperance" and another "on the impor tance of industrious habits in youth." He gave, by his last will, the sum of one thousand dol lars to the Salem Female Charitable Society and mani fested his continued interest in commerce and the welfare of seamen by the munificent gift of the Franklin Build ing to the Marine Society of Salem. He was for the period of his active life, one of the marked men of his time in the local history of his adopted town, and his memory will be long and gratefully cherished there. He died in Topsfield, where he spent his last years, Nov. 24, 1830 ; his remains were interred in the family lot in that town. 184 David {Moses'''', John", Elisha', Thoma^, John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., Nov. 7, 1760. He mar ried Rachel Russ. They both died in Temple, N. H. ; the date of his death is not known. She died 1843. He, with his brothers, Moses and Elijah, resided for some time in Marblehead, Mass. ; they were taxed there 1781-2, and perhaps after. He removed to Temple, N. H., about 1789-90, and was a farmer there. The only child of David and Rachel (Russ) Perkins was : 328 David, b. ; m. Elizabeth Pryor; d. Dec. 13, 1828. 185 Daniel {Moses''', John", Elisha', Thomas", John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., July 9, 1769. He mar ried Nabby Balch about 1795. He was a cabinet-maker by trade and a very eccentric genius. He was famUiarly called "Doctor Skee." He died Auguist 6, 1838, " 69 yrs." The time of her death not known. 44 THE PERKINS FAMILY. The children of Daniel and Nabby (Balch) Perkins were : 329 Nabby Balch, b. July 28, 1796. 330 Pamela, b. Jan. 28, 1797 ; died young. 331 Daniel Washington, b. Dec. 19, 1799. 332 Fanny, b. Nov. 29, 1801. 333 Pamela, b. Sept. 2, 1803. 186 Annar {Moses", John", Elisha', Thomas", John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., May 31, 1771. She married Asa Pingree of Rowley, Mass., March 17, 1795. She died June 9, 1853, "very suddenly," 82 years of age. He was born June 25, 1770 ; died AprU 24, 1834. Children of Asa and Annar (Perkins) Pingree were : David, b. Dec. 31, 1795, in Rowley; m. Ann Maria Kimball of Plaistow, N. H. ; d. March 31, 1863, in Salem, Mass. He was mayor of Salem, Mass., 1852. Annar, b. June 30, 1797, in Rovvley ; d. Jan. 27, 1875. Mary, b. March 13, 1801 ; m. Nathan W. Hazen of Andover ; d. March 23, 1880. Thomas Perkins, b. July 24, 1803, in Georgetown ; m. Abigail Garland of Danvers; d. in Wenham, Dec. 29, 1864. Asa, b. Feb. 25, 1807, in Bridgton, Me. ; m. Catherine Kilborn of Bridgton; d. June 25, 1869. 187 Sarah {Moses''', John", Elisha', Thomas', John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., July 6, 1773. She married Dominick Moore June 12, 1794. Their children were : Mary, b. 1794; m. Wm. Munday; d. 1871, 76 yrs. 10 mos. Sally, b. 1795; ra. Luke Towue; d. 1871, 76years. Lois, b. 1801; ra. Benj. C. Orne; d. 1866, 65 yrs. 5 mos. Sophronia, b. 1803; m. Thomas Averill; d. 1874, 70 yrs. 6 mos. Afmah, b 1808; m. Stephen P. Averill; d. 1848, 40 yrs. Eliza, b. ; m. Charles Adams; she now living. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 45 192 Jacob {Joseph^, Jacob," Elisha', Thomas", John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., March 20, 1764. He re moved to Unity, N. H., with his father and others of the family in 1775-6. He married Hannah Chase about 1787. She was born June 17, 1769 and died Sept. — , 1831. He died Dec. 27, 1839. Concerning Jacob Perkins, his son, the venerable Amos Perkins of Unity, N. H., says : "He was of a religious turn of mind, united with the Methodists and was considered a prominent pillar of the church. "1 am confident that my father was named for his grandfather and that he was a son or descendant of Thos. Perkins, but of that Iam not so certain. " Seventy-five or eighty years ago my father annually made a journey to Salem with a sleighload of pork, but ter, cheese, etc., which he exchanged for salt-fish and other articles — a year's supply — and would invariably stop at Topsfield over Sunday and bring home a lot of Walnuts for the children. These we considered a great treat. I planted some of them, one came up, grew and is now a splendid tree and bears bountifully. If I had the tree upon my place I should value it at Mty dollars at least." Their children were : 334 Joseph, b. Aug. 19, 1788; m. MaryE. Day; d. Apr., 1842. 335 Araos, b. Jan. 15, 1790; ra. Betsy Moody Dec 28, 1815; d. March 5, 1885. 336 Abel, b. Oct. 10, 1791. 337 Jared, b. April 21, 1793. 338 Hannah, b. Jan. 1, 1795. 339 Lois, b. July 29, 1796 ; died of consumption 1842 ; unm. 340 John, b. May 15, 1798. 341 Lydia, b. July 15, 1800; d. May, 1830. 342 Jacob, b. July 29, 1802. 46 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 343 Anna, b. Jan. 13, 1805 ; m. Freeman Gee 1836 ; no chil dren. 344 Ruth, b. March 8, 1808; d. in Ohio 1840; was a teacher. 345 Elijah, b. May 3, 1810. 346 David, 347 Daniel, "'^' ^ twins; lb. Sept. 24, 1815. liel, t ) 194 Henry {Joseph^, Jacob", Elisha', Thomai, John?) was bapt. in Topsfield, Mass., August 23, 1767. He married Mehitable Ladd about 1790. She was born 1770 and died in Unity, Nov. 12, 1829. He died in Unity, April 30, 1837. He removed from Unity to Middlesex, Vt., where he resided twenty or thirty years, but returned to Unity, and he, with his wife, spent their last days there. Their children were : 348 John, resides in Perkinsville, Vt. 349 Asahel, b. went west. 350 Joseph, b. ; died in Unity, aged 21 years. 351 Anna, b. ; m. John W. Bisbee; went to Michigan. 352 Lucy, b. ; m. Littlefleld ; deceased. 195 Jabesh {Joseph"", Jacob", Elisha', Thomas", John') was born in Topsfield, April 9, 1769. He married Joanna Ladd. She was a sister to Mehitable Ladd, the wife of his brother, Henry Perkins. She died in Unity, N. H., July 23, 1850. He also died in Unity, N. H., Nov. 16, 1843. They resided twenty or more years in Middlesex, Vt., where his father owned mill property — a sawmill and a gristmill. They went from Unity to Middlesex, Vt., probably at the time his brother Henry went there and also returned to Unity, lived upon a part of the homestead of his father, Joseph, where he died. Their child : 353 A son, name unknown. He removed to California. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 47 197 Elisha {Joseph"", Jacob'^, Elisha', Thomas", John') was born in Topsfield, October 11, 1772. He married Nancy Tucker about 1795. He went to Unity, N. H., and removed about the year 1815 to Derby Creek, in the state of Ohio, and died there about 1830. They had a family of six children — five sons and one daughter, whose present residence is unknown. Elisha lived for a time in North Charlestown, Vt., where his father owned a gristmill. There children were : 354 Hiram, b. 355 Eli, b. 356 James, b. 357 A son,? b. 358 Ason,?b. 359 A daughter, ? b. 199 Lucy {Joseph^", Jacob'^, Elisha', Thomas", John') was born in Unity, N. H., about 1777. She married Benjamin Neal about 1800. This marriage is said to have given great offence to her father, who, for this cause, disinherited her, but, in 1806, the father being dead, the other heirs, with a true fraternal spirit, came together and amicably settled and divided the estate, both real and personal, equally among them. They resided in Norwich, Vt., had a family of nine or ten children; their names are not now known to the writer. 200 Eli {Joseph^, Jacob'^, Elisha', Thomas', John') was born iu Unity, N. H., July 31, 1781. He married Judith Organ Nov. 2, 1809. She was born March 18, 48 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 1789, and died Jan. 28, 1865, 75 years. He died Oc tober 31, 1814, at the age of 33 years and 3 months. Their only child was : 360 Jabez Batchelder, b. Nov. 16, 1810. 201 Mary {Zebulon^, Jacob", Elisha', Thomas^, John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., July 19, 1768. She mar ried Jacob Towne, jr., Sept. 12, 1802. He was born July 27, 1769, and died March 30, 1836. She died Jan. 9, 1864. He filled many towu offices and was Towu Clerk of Topsfield for twenty-six j^ears. He was respected for his moral worth and esteemed wherever he was known. Children of Jacob and Mary (Perkins) Towne were : Jacob Perkins, b. Oct. 6, 1803. He was Town Clerk.. Mary, b. April 8, 1806. Ezra, b. Oct. 7, 1807. 206 Sarah {Zebulon"', Jacob", Elisha', Thomai, John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., May 3, 1777. She married David Hobbs, jr., May 7, 1801. She died Oct. 3, 1824. He was born July 30, 1774. He died May 18, 1854. Their children were : David, b. April 3, 1802 ; d. Nov. 12, 1805. Moses, b. July 28, 1804; d. Feb. 18. 1816. Sarah, b. June 12, 1807. David Cummings, b. June 1, 1811. 208 Elisha {Zebulon^, Jacob", Elisha', Thomas', John?) was born in Topsfield, Mass., Jan. 3, 1781. He married Dolly Perkins Sept. 7, 1800. She was the daugh ter of Elisha and Mercy (Kimball) Perkins, born July 4, THE PERKINS FAMILY. 49 1778; died July 6, 1863. He died Dec. 17, 1852, "71. 11.14." A farmer, familiarly known as "Old Fun." The children of Elisha aud Dolly Perkins were : 361 Elisha, b. March 1, 1801; m. Eliza Dodge. 362 Mercy, b. April 18, 1803; m. 1st, Moody Andrews; 2nd, Daniel Willey. 363 Eunice, b. Oct. 25, 1807; m. Simon Foster. 364 Lydia B.atchelder, b. April 24, 1810; ra. Samuel Foster. 305 Mary, b. April 29, 1812; m. Jewett Pingree of Rowley. 366 Eliza Ann, b. May 3, 1818 ; m. Amos Chapman. 209 Jacob {Zebulon^', Jacob", Elisha', Thomas", John') was born iu Topsfield, Mass., Feb. 24, 1783. He married Mary Pratt of Salem, born March, 1804. She died July 24, 1858. He died Nov. 5, 1841, " 59." Their children were : 367 John Pratt, b. Sept. 28, 1821; ra. Jane H. Giles. 368 Ephraim, b. Dec. 6, 1823 ; m. Sophronia Cole. 369 Mary Jane, b. Jan. 24, 1827. 370 Joseph Augustus, b. July 3, 1830; ra. Susan Ray. 371 David Pratt, b. Oct. 15, 1833 ; m. Addie J. Phillips. 213 Robinson {Joseph", Joseph", Elisha', Thomas", John') was born in Methuen, Mass., Dec. 22, 1766. He married first, Peddy Shepardson, March — , 1792. She was the daughter of Stephen Shepardson of Guilford, Vt., aud Lucy (Fisher) Shepardson of Attleboro. She was born Nov. 15, 1771. She died Dec. 2, 1838. He mar ried second, the widow Deborah Mavery of Rindge, N. H., 1842. He died Feb. 20, 1847. He learned the trade of a mason, but not being suffi ciently strong to follow that, he spent two years at shoe- making at a place known as the "Poole farm" in the south part of Jaft'rey, but removed to another farm adjoining that of his father, and subsequently became a watch- and clockmaker. Iu 1810 he removed to Fitzwilliam and re- PT. 2 4 50 THE PERKINS FAMILY. sided at what is known as the " Batcheller place." He was very ingenious and was successful in his business ; some of his clocks are still in existence. He held the offices of town treasurer and selectman ; in politics he was a firm democrat. In 1807 he became a freemason and was an active member of that order until his death, holding several offices in the lodge. The children of Robinson and Peddy (Shepardson) Per kins were : 372 Jared, b.Feb. 12, 1793; d. Oct. 7, 1824. 373 Lucinda, b. June 14, 1796 ; d. May 5, 1875. 374 John, b. Sept. 16, 1801 ; d. Sept. 6, 1832. 375 Nancy S., b. Oct. 26, 1807; d. Oct. 19, 1875. 214 Moses {JosepJi", Joseph", Elisha', Thoma^, John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., Dec. 13, 1768. He married first, Rhoda Spofford Nov. 6, 1793. She was the daughter of Deacon Eleazer and Mary (Flint) Spof ford and was born Aug. 7, 1772. She died in New Ips wich, N. H., Nov. 24, 1826; second, Mercy Perkins, Dec. 24, 1829, born May 19, 1778. She was the daugh ter of Elisha Perkins aud Phebe Clark, born May 19, 1778. She died in Jafii-ey, Feb. 28, 1865. He died in Jaffrey, March 27, 1854. Children of Moses and Rhoda (Spofibrd) Perkins were : 376 Mary, b. March 24, 1795 ; d. Oct. 29, 1831. 377 Moses Spofl'ord, b. Feb. 1, 1797; d. April 15, 1874. 378 Rhoda, b. Dec. 26, 1798; d. April 10, 1851. 379 Harriet, b. Aug. 23, 1800 ; d. Nov. 17, 1802. 380 Eleazer, b. Jan. 25, 1803; d. March 11, 1837. 381 Harriet Clark, b. June 1, 1805; d. June — , 1834. 382 Ruby Woodward, b. April 27, 1807; d. July 9, 1852. 383 Aphia, b. July 10, 1809 ; d. Sept. 30, 1812. 384 Mercy, b. June 14, 1811; m. Ezekiel Blake; d. Oct. 19, 1879. 885 Aphia Ayer, b. July 4, 1815; d. May 16, 1870. 386 Aaron, b. June 16, 1817; m. Maria 0. Howe. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 51 215 Molly {Joseph", Joseph", Elisha', Thoma^, John?) was born in Methuen, Mass., Feb. 17, 1771. She married Oliver Bayley, Feb. 1791. He was born in Tewksbury, Mass., Feb. 8, 1768, and died Dec. 8, 1855. She died Aug. 27, 1861. He came to Jaffrey, N. H., with his father from Ando ver, Mass., when quite young, and was a successful farmer in Jaffrey, cultivating three hundred acres of land. Their children were : Edward, b. Sept. 23, 1792 ; d. Jan. 6, 1877. Mary, b. May 8, 1794 ; d. March 26, 1883. Oliver, b. April 16, 1796 ; d. Dec. 7, 1862. Abner, b. June 5, 1798 ; m. Caroline Gillmore. Almon, b. Jan. 21, 1801 ; d. Aug. 12, 18.37. Marinda, b. Oct. 30, 1804 ; m. Harvey Gillmore. Louisa, b. June 13, 1809 ; d. July 12, 1827. Elizabeth, b. Sept. 26, 1816 ; m. Abner Gage. 216 Edward {Joseph", Joseph", Elisha', Thoma^, John?) was born (probably) in Methuen, Mass., Aug. 21, 1773. He married Ruth Gordon Oct. 13, 1799. He died Jan. 5, 1856. She was born 1777 ; died May 30, 1860. They resided in Jaffrey, N. H. Their children were : 387 Adela, b. Feb. 14, 1801; m. Isaac Adams; d. July 23, 1864. 388 Daniel Gordon, b. Nov. 11, 1802. 389 Phebe, b. Oct. 23, 1804; d. Feb. 7, 1810. 390 Hannah Woodward, b. Nov. 26, 1806; m. Abram Corey; d. Feb. 5, 1884. 391 Ruth Gordon, b. Feb. 3, 1809 ; m. Jesse Andrews ; d. Jan. 9, 1858. 392 Phebe, b. Jan. 23, 1811 ; d. Feb. 7, 1813. 393 Joseph, b. Dec. 16, 1812; d. June 15, 1856. 394 Mary Jane, b. Nov. 20, 1815; m. 1st, Jabez Morse; 2nd Jesse Adaras; 3rd, Hale; d. Oct. 9, 1885. 395 Edward Clark, b. March 11, 1818; m. Nancy Stone; d. Sept. 4, 1866. 396 Ira, b. Jan. 11, 1821; d. Jan. 18, 1847, " 26 yrs." 52 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 217 John {Joseph", Joseph", Elisha', Thomas", John') was born in ]\Iethuen, Mass., April 5, 1776. He married Susan Kelley. Hedied July 28, 1825. He was a physician. Information concerning this family is very imperfect. We give all that has come to hand. The family is said to have resided iu Rhode Island. Their children were : 397 Narcissa, b. 398 Susanna, b. 399 Louisa, b. 400 Ruth, b. 401 Carlista, b. ; m. Frederick Goulding. 402 Roderick, b. ; was a physician;in Jafi'rey, N. H. 403 John, b. 218 Joseph {Joseph", Joseph", Elisha', Thoma^, John') was born in Jaffrey, N. H., June 8, 1778. He married Betsey Cook, Dec, 1806. She was born Feb. 6, 1786, and is still (1886) living iu Rome, N. Y. He died in Rome, N. Y., Jan. 31, 1849. Their children were : 404 Harriet, b. Jan. 22, 1808 ; ra. Chester Wheeler May 5, 1830. 405 Williara Hillhouse, b. Sept. 23, 1809; m. Elizabeth Ann Van Dolfson May 27, 1837. 406 Nancy Lockwood, b. July 29, 1816; m. Samuel S. Randall Nov. 6, 1839. 407 Mary Jennet, b. May 5, 1818; m. John W. Dinwiddie Aug. 19, 1844. 408 Susan Humes, b. Nov. 3, 1824; ra. 1st, William Willis Dec. 29, 1847 ; 2nd, Charles H. White 1868. 409 Francis Dwight, b. May 11, 1829 ; m. Sarah Huntington Kingsbury Dec. 28, 1853. He died March 28, 1885. 220 Ruth {Robert"*, Robert"", Thomas", Thomas', John}^) was born in Topsfield, Oct. 1, 1753. She mar ried, Januaiy 12, 1775, John Gould, 3rd. She died Jan. 1, 1838. He died Jan. 11, 1820. He was deacon of the church in Topsfield. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 53 The chUdren of John and Ruth (Perkins) Gould were : Amos, b. Dec. 20, 1775; m. 1st, Mary Herrick, 2nd, Nellie Hood. Hetty, b. April 17, 1778. Ruth, b. April 10, 1780; d. Aug. 26, 1781. Ruth, b. Aug. 3, 1783. Lydia, b. June 12, 1788 ; m. Dea. Sara'l C. Todd. John, b. Nov. 12, 1795; ra. Harriet Gould. Betsy, b. Jan. 5, 1799 ; ra. Josiah Gould. 223'RoheTt,jr. {Robert,"* Robert"", Thomas", Thomas", John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., May 29 and bap tized June 1, 1760. He married Esther Gould March 4, 1784. She died Jan. 29, 1817, "63" years. He married 2nd, Hannah Perkins™ AprU 25, 1822. She was the daughter of Zebulon and Mary (Wildes) Perkins, born Oct. 5, 1778. She died July 19, 1855, 76 years, 9 months. He died of consumption Jan. 14, 1825. He was sometimes men tioned as Captain Robert Perkins or Robert Perkins, jr. The children of Robert and Esther (Gould) Perkins were : 410 Benjarain, b. March 13, 1786; ra. Rebecca H. Ashby of Salem. 411 Amos, b. April 2, 1788; m. Betsy Brown. 412 Esther, b. Jan. 12, 1790; ra. Jno. P. Peabody. 413 Robert, b. Feb. 16, 1792; d. Oct. 9, 1814. 414 Nehemiah, b. April 1, 1794; m. Lydia Bradstreet. 415 Betsey, b. Jan. 8, 1798 ; d. July 18, 1814. 224 Asa {Robert'"*, Robert"", Thomas", Thomas", John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., June 15, 1762. He married Hannah Johnson, Jan. 19, 1787. He died Nov. 25, 1824. She was born June, 1786, and died Nov. 6, 1810. The children of Asa and Hannah (Johnson) Perkins were : 416 Hannah, b. Oct. 18, 1787; m. Joseph Towne. 417 Sarah, b. May 3, 1789 ; ra. Perley Balch. 418 Eunice, b. July 13, 1791; d. Dec 5, 1794. 419 Eunice, b. Dec 16, 1795; m. William Bradstreet. 420 Mehitable, b. Jan. 16, 1802; m. Samuel Smith. 54 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 228 Sarah {Amos'"', Robert"", Thomas", Thomas', John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., Nov. 14, 1771. She married Joseph Batchelder, May 8, 1794. She died Sept. 24, 1842. He died March 12, 1853. The children of Joseph and Sarah (Perkins) Batch- elder were : Amos, b. Feb. 19, 1795; m. Betsey P. Gould of Middleton. Joseph W., b. March 18, 1800; m. Nancy Fuller. John, b. July 9, 1805; m. Olive Perley; died 1885 InLynn. Sarah, b. Aug. 29, 1809; d. Feb. 18, 1866. Elizabeth, July 4, 1812; ra. Daniel Eraerson of Middleton. 229 Archelaus {Thomas"", Samuel?', Thomas," Thomas", John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., April 4, 1756. He married Lydia Wildes June 18, 1778. She was born Sept. 14, 1756. He died Feb. 13, 1825. They removed to Dunbarton, N. H., about 1789. He was in Dunbarton in 1794 and received one vote for State Governor that year. In 1796 his name appears on a petition against the minister tax. The children of Archelaus and Lydia (Wildes) Per kins were : 421 Archelaus, b. 1779. 422 Lydia, b. 1781; m. Sraith. 423 Hannah, b. 1783 ; m. Alfred Perkins. 424 Daniel, b. 1785; m. 1st, Sophia Stetson; 2nd, Lucy Ann Pulsifer. 425 Thomas, b. 1787. 426 Sally, b. 1795 ; m. Colby. 427 Jacob, b. 1797. 428 David, b. 1799; m. ; several children. 235 Thomas {Thomas"", Samuel", Thomas", Thom as^, John') was bom in Topsfield, May 28, 1773. He married Elizabeth Story of Essex, Feb. 16, 1804. She was the daughter of Daniel and Ruth (Burnham) Storey, born June 30, 1778, and died May 14, 1864. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 55 He died October 29, 1853, at Newburyport, where he had resided for many years. He kept, for a time, the Wolf tavern there ; was afterwards a merchant, and was consid ered to be very wealthy at the time of his decease. Their children were : 429 Henry Coit, b. Nov. 13, 1804; d. Feb. 1, 1873. 430 Daniel Storey, b. Feb. 28, 1808 ; d. May 12, 1837. 431 Harriet, b. Jan. 5, 1810; d. June 24, 1839. 432 Elizabeth, b. Oct. 3, 1811; d. Oct. 21, 1847. 433 Caroline, b. July, 15, 1814 ; m. Rufus Wills. 434 Mary, b. May 2, 1819; d. May 5, 1849. 237 Elijah {Samuel"", Samuel", Thomas", Thomas", John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., Dec. 16, 1765. He married Ruth Fiske. They were published Sept. 28, 1794 and married Nov. 20, 1794. He died Oct. 31, 1851, "85." She was born May, 1767 and died Aug. 3, 1836, "69-3." The children of Elijah and Ruth (Fiske) Perkins were : 435 Dudley, b. Nov. 5, 1795 ; ra. Sarah Perkins. 436 Lydia, b. April 24, 1798; m. 1st, Capt. John Rea; 2nd, William Perkins. 437 Huldah, b. about 1800; m. Thos. Furguson Mch. 18, 1832. 438 Daniel, b. June 22, 1802; m. 1st, Rosamond Rea; 2nd, Charlotte Towne. 439 Abigail, b. about 1804 ; m. Eben Peabody. 239 Dudley {Samuel"", Samuel"', Thomas", Thom as, John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., Feb. 20, 1769. He married in Topsfield, Susan Cole of Beverly, Mass., AprU 16, 1795, and died Feb. 4, 1835, aged 67. He died in Salem, Mass., Sept. 30, 1849, aged 80 years, 8 months. They removed to Bridgton, Me. He and his wife are said to have walked from Topsfield to Bridgton, Me., car rying with them their cups and saucers. She is said to 56 THE PERKINS FAMILY. have given effective aid to her husband iu clearing his farm. Their children were : 440 Dolly, b. Oct. 16, 1796 ; m. Jeremiah Cole. 441 Ezra, b. Dec. 14, 1798; m. Mary Cole. 442 James B., b. June 24, 1801; m. Joanna Smith; resides in Bridgton. 443 Susan P., b. Jan. 18, 1804; ra. Jeremiah Cole, jr. 444 Dudley, b. Sept. 18, 1806; d. in Beverly. 445 Harriet, b. Jan. 22, 1809 ; m. James Ayre. 446 Sarauel A., b. Sept. 13, 1811. 240 Molly {Samuel"", Samuel"', Thomas", Thomas", John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., Jan. 25, 1772 ; bap tized Feb. 16. She married Ezra Thomas of Rindge, N. H., Nov. 3. 1795. He was born Dec. 14, 1768, and died April 5 (1857) "89 yrs." Their only child was : Liberty Raymond, b. Oct. 14, 1799 ; d. June 1, 1874. 241 Ezra {Samuel"", Samuel"', Thomas", Thomas', John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., February 17, 1779. He married Betsy Raddin, April 4, 1802. She was of Marblehead, Mass. ; was born in 1781, and died April 9, 1850. He died April 26, 1859. He was known as " Sar gent Ezra." The children of Ezra and Betsy (Raddin) Perkins were : 447 Dolly, b. Aug. 13, 1802; m. Erastus Clark Nov. 9, 1824. 448 Polly T., b. 1807; m. John Parkinson July, 1851. 449 Sally R., b.; m. Wm. P. Gallup April 4, 1832. 242 Ezra {David"^, Jonathan"*, Timothy", Thomai, John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., April 27, 1753. He married Elizabeth Lamson. They were published March 16,1777, and probably married in April or May. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 57 She was the daughter of John and Anna Lamson. She was born 1754 and died August 16, 1822. He died Nov. 12, 1824, "Dropsy." Their children were : 450 Marcy, b. April 6, 1780; m. Ebenezer Peabody 1802. 451 Ezra, b. Dec. 23, 1782; m. Mary Peabody 1803. 452 Nathaniel, b. Nov. 17, 1785 ; m. Judith Smith of Ipswich. 453 David, b. Nov. 6, 1790 ; removed to South Reading. 454 John, b. Oct. 16, 1793 ; removed to Kew Hampshire. 455 Elizabeth, b. Dec. 12, 1795; d. March 14, 1822; unra. 243 David {David?'^, Jonathan"*, Timothy", Thom as, John?) was born in Topsfield, Mass., May 11, 1756, and was baptized the sixteenth day of the same month. He married Nabby Conant, daughter of Lott Conant of Beverly. They were published Nov. 2, 1783. He died July 27, 1827. She died Oct. 25, 1842. Their children were : 456 Nabby, b. Oct. 24, 1786 ; d. March 13, 1851 ; unm. 457 Sarah, b. March 27, 1788 ; m. John Dwinell. 458 David, b. Aug. 20, 1791; m. Hannah Green. 459 Ebenezer, b. July 4, 1794 ; m. Amelia Parish. 460 Mercy, b. Aug. 17, 1800. 461 Benj. Conant, b. May 18, 1804; m. Lucy Peabody. No children. 244 Mercy {Davidf", Jonathan"*, Timothy", Thom as", John') was born iu Topsfield, Mass., April 16, 1759 ; baptized 22 April, 1759. She married Josiah Lamson; published June 23, 1776. She died June 17, 1819. He died March 8, 1826, 75 years. The children of Josiah and Mercy (Perkins) Lamson were : Anna, b. Aug. 26, 1783. John, b. June 3, 1787. Josiah, b. Aug. 15, 1789. Mercy, b. Dec. 12, 1792. PT. 2 4* 58 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 245 Dorothy {Stephen"^, John", Timothy", Thom as, John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., May 9, 1749. She married Nathaniel Averill Dec. 16, 1766. She died May 6, 1767, upon the birth of her only child. The child of Nathaniel and Dorothy (Perkins) Averill was : Nathaniel Perkins, b. May 1, 1767; m. widow Hannah Wood.* 247 Abigail {Stephen"", John"", Timothy", Thoma^, John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., Nov. 6, 1753. She married Nathaniel Hammond; published Feb. 7, 1779. She died May 22, 1839. He died Dec. 2, 1842. They resided in Topsfield on the estate of her father, quite near the site of Thomas^. The estate is now in possession of Rev. Geo. L. Gleason. The children of Nathaniel and Abigail (Perkins) Ham mond were : Edward, b, March 7, 1780. Stephen, b. Feb. 13, 1785. Nabby, b. Jan. 7, 1794. SEVENTH GENERATION. 261 Elisha {John'"^, Thomas*', Thomas'", John*, Thoma^, Johifi?) was born in East Windsor, Vt., May 24, 1754. He married Catherine Birch of Hartford, Vt., They resided in Woodstock, Vt., for a while ; then he removed to Canada, and finally to Royalton, Vt., where he died about 1830, leaving a very large family. Their chUdren were : 462 Reuben, b. 463 Joel, b. 464 Lent, b. 465 And many others, naraes now unknown. « Stephen P. and Thomaa Averill, eons of Nath. P. and Hannah (Wood) Aver ill, married respectively Anna and Sophronia Moore, daughters of Dominick and Sarah (Perkins) Moore. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 59 263 Ebenezer {John'"", Thomas*', Thomas'^, Thom as*, John", John?) was born in East Windsor, Vt., March 10, 1757. He was a soldier in the war for independence ; was taken prisoner by the British and died of yellow fever whUe in prison, Sept. 20, 1776, being at that time but twenty years old. 264 Daniel {JohnP"", Thomas*', Thomas'", John*, Thoma^, John') was born in East Windsor, Vt., April 28, 1758. He was a fifer in the Revolutionary army. It is related of him that at one time his company was surrounded by Indians while upon a bridge ; they proceeded to kill the men with their hatchets and throw them into the water ; Daniel began to play upon his fife, which so pleased the Indians that they spared his life. He removed to Canada some years after and may have had a wife and children. We have no knowledge of any of his descendants. He died in Canada. 266 Joel {John'"^, Thomas*', Thomas'", John*, Thom as", John') was born in East Windsor, Vt., Aug. 6, 1761. He married Eunice Fuller, Nov., 1789. She was of Hal ifax, Mass. He resided with his father in West Springfield for some time after his marriage, and then removed to Bridgewater, Vt., where he lost nearly all his property through a defec tive title to his farm. After this he resided, for a while, with his brother Elisha, in Woodstock, Vt., and about 1799 he removed to the adjoining town of Pomfret, where he resided untU his death, which took place March 26, 1841. His widow died July 27, 1842. 60 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Their chUdren were : 466 Ebenezer, b. Aug. 7, 1790 ; m. Mary C. Washburn. 467 Joel Fuller, b. April 22, 1792; d. Jan. 8, 1826, unm. 468 Eunice, b. Nov. 27, 1793; ra. Crorawell Leonard. 469 John, b. March 3, 1796; m. 1st, Sarah Pratt, 1819; 2nd, Mrs. Fanny Horr, 1839. 470 Ansel, b. May 29, 1798; ra. 1st, Mella Ware; 2nd, Mrs. Lois Hines Reynolds. 471 Nelson, b. July 4, 1800; ra. Lucy Paddock. 472 Alva Chipman, b. Oct. 4, 1803 ; m. Patience Paddock. 267 William {John'"", Thomas*', Thomas'", John*, Thomas", John') was born in Enfield, January 31, 1763. He married Judith Clough, 1789. She was born, 1770. The records of West Springfield give us the following: " Intention of marriage between William Perkins of West Springfield and Judith Clough of Stafford, Conn. published Oct. 25, 1789. They were united in marriage by Rev. Mr. Foster at Stafford, Ct., Nov. 26, 1789, as said Perkins saith. — Entered by particular desire." — They resided at one time at Hadley, Mass. He died at West Springfield about 1851. She died at the same place Jan. 5, 1848, "78 yrs." Their children were : 473 William, b. 1790; m. Jerusha Clapp ; d. Dec, 1850. 474 John, b. 1793 ; d. 1804. 475 Horace, b. 1795; m. Mindwell Eggleston; d. in West Springfield. 476 Mary, b. 1797; d. 1798. 477 Mary, b. 1799; m. 1st, Solomon Bailey; 2nd, Eliphalet Woodworth ; died at Chicopee. 478 Julia, b. 1802; m. John O. Mead of Philadelphia, Oct. 19, 1830. 479 Justin, b. March 12, 1805; m. Charlotte Bass. 480 Laura, b. 1808; m. Charles B. Woodworth, Nov., 1829; d. at West Springfield, April, 1861. 277 George {Daniel'"', Thomas*', Thomas'", John*, Thomas", John') was born in Enfield, May 3, 1766. He THE PERKINS FAMILY. 61 married Lucy ?. This marriage is not recorded, but it was about 1789. The time of their deaths is not known. Their children were : 481 George, b. Sept. 20, 1790. 482 James, b. May 20, 1792. 483 Jabez, b. Oct. 19, 1793. 484 Elam, b. Jan. 22, 1800. 485 Daniel, b. Feb. 8, 1806. 279 Daniel {Daniel*"', Tliomas*', Thomas'", John*, Thomai, John') was born in Enfield, May 23, 1777. He married Persis Billings, Jan. 1, 1795. Time of deaths not known. Their children were : 486 Norman, b. Nov. 8, 1795. 487 Samuel Wadsworth, b. Dec. 19, 1798. 488 Theodore, b. June 7, 1799. 489 Henry, b. May 21, 1801. 285 Hezekiah Balch {John'*', Enoch*', Thomas", Zaccheus", Thoma^, John?) was born in Rowley, Mass., Feb. 20, 1790. He married Lydia Ross of Essex, April 7, 1812. She was born April, 1784, and died August 18, 1871. He died Nov. 25, 1878. He resided in Topsfield, Mass. Their children were : 490 Thomas Balch, b. June 3,1816; ra. 1st, Lucy Jane Andrews ; 2nd, Almira Brown; d. Dec. 14, 1875. 491 William, b. Oct. 4, 1822; m. Lydia Day. 299 Orrin Harrison ( WilUarr^', Mosei', Thom as', Zaccheus", Thomas", John?) was born in Springfield, N. H., June 14, 1822. He married Hannah J. Currier of Wilmot, N. H., Nov. 18, 1847. He is by trade a shoemaker and farmer ; has served as chairman of the selectmen for eight years aud has held a a justice commission for the state for thirty years. 62 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Their children were : 492 An infant, b. 1848 ; died 1848. 493 Frank Bryon, b. April 25, 1856; m. Emma J. Flanders. 300 Daniel ( William'*', Moses^', Thomas", Zaccheus", Thomas", John') was born in Springfield, N. H., Jan. 12, 1825. He married Melinda Dow of Wilmot, N. H., 1850. He died May, 1855, in Wilmot, N. H. He was a shoemaker and farmer. Their only child was : 494 George W. D., b. Aug., 1854. 301 WiUiam Lyman ( William'*', Moses", Thom as", Zaccheus", Thoma^, John') was born in Springfield, N. H., August 15, 1827. He married first, Polly Cros by, 1852 ; second, Adelia Ann Chase, 1856. He is by trade a carriage-maker and resides in Spring field, N. H. His cliildren were, by first wife : 495 Everand, b. 1855 ; m. 1st, Clara Lear, in Concord, N. H. ; 2nd, ?. By second wife : 496 Byron E., b. 1858, in Concord, N. H. 497 Susie A., b. 1861, in Wilmot, N. H. 306 Henry {John"*, Isaac'*, John", Elisha', Thow- as?, John') was born in Salem, Mass., April, 1787. -He married first, Lucy GUbert, July 16, 1812. She was boru July, 1790, and died .June 27, 1859. He married, second, widow Rebecca^*^ (Perkins) Harwood, published Dec. 3, 1860. She was the daughter of John and Sai-ah (Ire land) Perkins, born Aug. 30, 1792. She had married first, John Marshal ; second, Jacob Harwood. She died Aug. 2, 1870. He died Aug. 17, 1865, 78.4. He was a cooper by trade and resided at times in Salem and also in Topsfield. His chUdren were all by his first wife, Lucy. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 63 ChUdren of Henry and Lucy (Gilbert) Perkins were : 498 John, b. in Salem, March 18, 1813; m. Henrietta Story. 499 William Henry, b. in Topsfield, Sept. 30, 1814; m. Ruthy Ann Haskell; d. March 5, 1886. 600 George, b. In Salem, July 17, 1816; m. Mary Pitman. 601 Ebenezer, b. in Salem, Aug. 26, 1818 ; died at sea, unm. 502 Gilbert, b. in Topsfield, Aug. 31, 1820 ; m. Mary Maria An- tonette Worden. 503 Dean, b. In Topsfield, Jun. 7, 1822; m. Ann Maria EUery. 604 Susan, b. in Topsfield, Jan. 3, 1825; m. David B. Tufts. 505 Proctor, b. in Topsfield, Sept. 13, 1826; m. Susan Eliza Wonson. 606 Emeline, b. in Salem, Feb. 17, 1828 ; m. William Andrews. 607 Charles, b. in Salem, Oct. 30, 1829 ; m. Eliza Mary Averill. 307 Ebenezer {John"*, Isaac'*, John", Elisha', Thomas", John') was born in Salem, Mass., Oct. 20, 1788. He married, Oct. 22, 1815, Lucy Hood. She was born Sept. 19, 1799. They removed to Chelsea, Vermont. He died March 19, 1863. He was a farmer. Children of Ebenezer aud Lucy (Hood) Perkins were : 608 John Henry, b. Sept. 18, 1816. 509 Louisa Mahala, b. April 4, 1821. 610 Sarah Jane, b. Nov. 8, 1830. 314 Thomas {Elisha'", Thomas'", John", Elisha', Thomas", John') was born in Wenham, Mass., May 5, 1781. He married Sally Knowlton, July 1, 1804. He died May 23, 1841, "61 yrs." She was born Aug. 17, 1783, and died Nov. 24, 1837, "54 yrs." Their births and marriages were recorded upon the town records of Wenham, but their deaths on the Topsfield records. It is believed that all their children were born in Tops- field. The children of Thomas and Sally (Knowlton) Perkins were : 511 Jonathan K., b. Jan. 4, 1805; d. Jan. 16, 1807. 64 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 612 Sarah, b. Nov. 8, 1807; ra. Asa B. Pingree. 513 Caroline, b. Oct. 10, 1809 ; m. Wm. Porter. 514 Elizabeth B., b. Dec. 4, 1811; m. Daniel Willey. 515 Thomas, jr., b. March 27, 1814; ra. Elizabeth Merrill. 616 John Kimball, b. Jan. 4, 1817 ; d. April 16, 1818. 517 Mehitable, b. March 1, 1820; d. Dec. 12, 1841. 518 Abigail Jane, b. July 27, 1822; d. Oct. 4, 1839. 519 Mary Jane, b. Nov. 29, 1825 ; d. June 24, 1828. 315 Elisha {Elisha'", Thomas'", John", Elisha', Thoma^, John?) was born in Topsfield, Jan. 18, 1789. He married Sarah Fabens of Salem, Oct. 20, 1813. She was the daughter of William and Rebecca (Gray) Fabens, born Oct. 9, 1793, and died Aug. 2, 1853. He died in the West Indies in 1833. He was a mariner. Their children were : 520 Elisha K., b. 1814. 521 Harriet Maria, b. 1815; ra. George Upton; d. Jan. 22, 1842. 522 John Gray, b. 1817. 317 Moses {Moses'^', Moses", John", Elisha', Thom as, John') was born in Marblehead, Mass., about 1788. He married Betsy Leeson about 1816. He resided in Shirley, Mass., in 1817, and in Fitchburg for about forty years ; both died in Fitchburg, dates unknown. Their only son was : 623 Moses, b. Feb. 28, 1817; m. 1st, Abigail M. Bowker; 2nd, Charlotte H. Kendall. 318 Thomas {Moses'", Moses", John", Elisha', Thomas", John') was born probably in Topsfield, Mass., Feb. 2, 1790. He married Hannah KendaU, Oct., 1832. She was born 1801, and died April 5, 1860. He died Aug. 3, 1873. They resided in Temple, N. H., and it is probable they both died there. He was a farmer. Their children were : 524 Lucy E., b. Sept. 8, 1833; m. 1st, Daniel P. Wilson; 2nd, Marcus A. Wilson. 525 Irene, b. Jan. 1, 1840; ra. Wm. H. Wilson, Nov. 4, 1860. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 65 326 Thomas {Elijah'-^, Moses", John", Elisha', Thomas", John') was born in Salem, Mass., Sept. 25, 1794. He married Mary Dustin, Dec. 1, 1823. She was born Feb. 25, 1801, and died Jan. 29, 1867. She was a lineal descendant of the Mrs. Dustin who was car ried captive by the Indians. He died Sept. 8, 1875. Their children were : 526 Thomas, b. Dec. 7, 1824 ; m. Hannah E. Gale. 627 Joseph Warre'n, b. June 17, 1829 ; m. 1st, Anna M. Town- send; 2nd, Maria A. Rayraond; 3rd, Laura A. Morton. 528 MaryE., b. Sept. 11, 1831; d. 529 Harriet, b. June 5, 1833 ; ra. Wra. McMullan. 630 Mary Dustin, b. June 11, 1835; m. Henry F. Shepard; d. June 24, 1867. 631 Caroline, b. Feb. 10, 1839 ; m. George P. Osgood. 632 Elizabeth, b. March 31, 1841 ; m. E. Frank Balch. 328 David {David'^, Moses", John", Elisha', Thom as", John') was born in Temple, N. H., about 1790. He married Elizabeth Pryor of Bakersfield, Vt., about 1814. She was born 1786. He died Dec. 13, 1828. She died Oct. 22, 1851, aged 65 years. He removed from Temple, N. H., to Bakersfield, Vt., where he died. It is probable that he resided in his early life in Topsfield and learned the trade of a brick maker there, as two of his cousins speak of helping him make bricks in Topsfield. Their children were : 633 Rachel, b. Feb., 1813; m. Smith Freeman, d. Aug. 9, 1873. 534 Irene, b. Feb. 15, 1815; d. Jan. 28, 1884; m. John D. Jones of Wenham. 636 Parley, b. March 14, 1819; m. Sophronia Bigford; d. Dec. 21, 1884. 536 Fatima, b. March 26, 1821 ; m. Tertius Heaton. 537 Elizabeth, b. Aug. 6, 1826; m. Alden Wheelock. She died Oct. 24, 1869. PT. 2 5 66 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 334 Joseph {Jacob'", Joseph"', Jacob", Elisha', Thomas^, John') was born in Unity, N. H., August 19, 1788. He married Mary E. Day. He died in New York, April, 1842, very suddenly. After his death the family removed to CaUfornia. Joseph Perkins was a graduate of Williams College, Mass., 1814. He is said to have been a man of fine ability and schol arship. He subsequently removed to New York City. He was a splendid penman and engraver, and devoted himself to letter engraving. At the time of his death he greatly excelled in that branch of the art. No bank thought of issuing its bills unless lettered by him, and his plates, to this day, are believed to be unequalled. He was in all respects a Christian gentleman ; his death was much lamented by a large circle of friends. Their children were : 638 One son. Three daughters, names unknown. 335 Amos {Jacob'", Joseph^, Jacob", Elisha', Thom as^, John') was born in Unity, N. H., January 15, 1790. He married Dec. 28, 1815, Betsy Moody. She was born January 3, 1790, and died February, 1853. He speaks of himself as " A humble servant of his na tive town." He has been town clerk several years, chairman of the board of selectmen seventeen or eighteen years, representative seven years, member of the execu tive council one year, county treasurer three years and town treasurer an indefinite period, until 1884 holding that office with that of supervisor of check list, when on the "wrong side of 90 years." He died in Unity, March 5, 1885. Their children were : 639 Joseph M., b. Dec. 11, 1819; m. Maria Hathorn. 540 Abby, b. March 25, 1826; m. Winfield S. Moody. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 67 336 Abel {Jacob'", Joseph", Jacob", Elisha', Thom as, John') was born in Unity, N. H., October 10, 1791. He married Melinda Straw, Oct., 1817. She was born about 1793 and died about 1870. He was a farmer and was living at Claremont, N. H., with his daughter, Juli ette, in 1880. Their children were : 641 Jacob, b. ; resides in California. 542 Ezra, b. ; resides in iCansas. 543 Byron, b. ; resides in California. 544 Mary, b. ; m. Barnard of Gilsum, N. H. 545 Hannah, b. ; m. Samuel Bailey ? Missouri. 546 Juliette, b. ; m. James Dunsmoor of Claremont, N. H. 547 Juliann, b. ; m. Reed of Acworth, N. H. 548 Emily, b. ; m. Israel P. Breed of Unity, N. H. 337 Jared {Jacob"', Joseph^, Jacob", Elisha', Thom as, John') was born in Unity, N. H., April 21, 1793. He married, first, Clarissa Glidden, March 20, 1820. She died Nov., 1832, at the birth of her son John. He married, second, Charlotte Hall, July 28, 1833. She was born in Methuen, Mass., Nov. 22, 1805, and died December — , 1875. Jared Perkins was a prominent Methodist clergyman, being for many years a presiding elder, during which time be travelled through the states of New Hampshire and Vermont. In 1846 he was nominated by the whigs and abolitionists of the state for a member of the executive council ; he was elected and held this office two or three years. In 1850 he was elected to a seat in Congress, which he held two years. He died of malignant fever in Nashua, N. H., October, 1854. The children of wife Clarissa were : 549 Erastus G., b. May 20, 1822; resides in Iowa. 650 Clarissa E., b. Dec. 17, 1824; m. Farewell of Claremont. 68 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 551 Jacob B., b. Feb. 11, 1826; d. Nov. 12, 1849, in California. 552 John W., b. at Epping. Nov. 20, 1832; d. October, 1854. Children of wife Charlotte were : 653 Jared Augustus, b. Aug. 26, 1836; was a dentist at Ames bury, Mass. 554 Charlotte M., b. at Nashua, [June 6, 1840; m. Henry P. Neal. 555 George Henry, b. February 3, 1842. 556 Martha A., b. May 11, 1849; m. Jos. M. Neal, 1873. 338 Hannah {Jacob'", Joseph^, Jacob", Elisha', Thomas", John') was born in Unity, N. H., January 1, 1795. She married Martin Ray, Sept., 1819, and re moved immediately to Jackson County, Ohio, where she now resides. He has died, date unknown. Their chUdren were : Jacob, b. ; is a physician. Asa, b. ; is a farmer. Joseph, b. ; is a farraer. Two daughters, names unknown. 340 John {Jacob"', Joseph^, Jacob", Elisha', Thom as", John') was born in Unity, N. H., May 15, 1798. He married four wives and is now living in Claremont, N. H. He married, first, Elziner Newton ; second, Mary Neal. On the celebration of his eighty-second birthday there were present five brothers and one sister. His last wife was then living. Child of John and Elziner (Newton) Perkins was : 657 A daughter, b. ; m. Champion. They reside in Hartford, Vt. ChUd by wife Mary (Neal) Perkins : 558 Jacob, b. ; resides at Syracuse, N. Y. ; is a lawyer. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 69 342 Jacob {Jacob"', Joseph^, Jacob", Elisha', Thom as', John') was born in Unity, N. H., July 29, 1802. He married Matilda Maddock of Philadelphia. He has resided in New York City and Brooklyn, at which latter place he died in May, 1877. Their children were : 559 A son, b. ; resides in Chicago. 660 A daughter, b. ; m. Lyon of New York. 661 Emma, b. ; m. ; name unknown. 345 Elijah {Jacob'", Joseph^, Jacob'^, Elisha', Thom as? John') was born in Unity, N. H., May 3, 1810 ; has been twice married ; his second wife is now living (1886) ; their names are unknown. He removed to Iowa about 1840, and owns a large tract of land there. He has children, one of whom is married and is believed to have a family. He is a farmer. 346 David {Jacob'", Joseph^, Jacob", Elisha', Thom as, John') was born in Unity, N. H., Sept. 24, 1815. He has been twice married, names and dates unknown. He is a machinist ; resides in Claremont, N. H. ChUd by his first wife : 662 Henry, b. ; m. ?, a machinist. By his second wife : 563 Charles, b. about 1860 ; a clerk. 360 Jabez Batchelder {Elt'^", Joseph"", Jacob"^ Elisha', Thomas^, John') was born in Unity, N. H., Nov. 16, 1810. He married Hannah W. Putnam, Oct. 23, 1844. She was of Claremont, N. H., born July 31, 1819. Their children were : 564 Chester B., b. July 10, 1845; unmarried. 565 Clara Matilda, b. March 21, 1847 ; a teacher. 70 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 361 Elisha {ElisJia'"", Zebulon^, Jacob'^, Elisha', Thomas", John') was born in Topsfield, March 1, 1801. He married, first, Eliza Dodge of Ipswich. They were published Jan. 23, 1825, and were married April 3, 1825. He married, second, widow Eliza (Mears) Cald well, published Nov. 8, 1859, and married Nov. 9, 1859. She was also of Ipswich, born in 1801. The Ipswich re cord of his marriage says he was a miller, born in Wen ham. His children were ? 566 Nathan Dane, b. April 26, 1830; d. July 26, 1831 ("15 mos."). 567 Samuel Dane, b. ; d. ; 2 yrs. 8 mos. 362 Mercy {Elisha^, Zebulon^, Jacob", Elisha? Thoma^, John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., April 18, 1803. She married, first. Moody Andrews, August 20, 1822. He died March 29, 1860. She married, second, Daniel WiUey, May 5, 1864. She died , 1884. Children of Moody Andrews and Mercy (Perkins) Andrews were : Aaron Augustus, b. Feb. 1, 1823 ; ra. Julia Wells. Elisha Perkins, b. Jan. 6, 1825 ; m. Abigail Foster. William Moody, b. June 11, 1827; m. Emeline Perkins 1848. Joseph Edwin, b. Feb. 8, 1831 ; m. Elizabeth Chapman. Harriet Mariah, b. Jan. 6, 1834 ; m. Daniel Chapin. John Henry, b. March 25, 1838 ; unraarried. 363 Eunice {Elisha'"^, Zebulon^, Jacob", Elisha', Thomas", John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., Oct. 25, 1807. She married Simon Foster as his second wife, Oct. 16, 1827. His first wife was Mary^is.^ His mar- "He may have had othei' children as the Ipswich records mention the pub lishment of a Nathan D. Perlcins to Miranda ? of Milford, N. H. ' The children of Simon and 316 Maiy (Perkins) Foster were: Edmond, Per kins, Siraon and Nathaniel, wlio was born Dec, 1825, and married, 1853, to Sarah Amanda Averill. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 71 riage is recorded on the Ipswich records where they are said to be "both of Ipswich." He was the son of Allen and Lucy (Potter) Foster, born March 16, 1793, and died Feb. 23, 1877, " 83 y. 11 m. 7 d." She died March 11, 1881, " 73 y. 11 m. 11 d." The children of Simon and Eunice (Perkins) Foster were : Mary, b. Dec. 25, 1827; m. 1st, Gorham Foster; 2nd, Asa Lord. Ephraim, b. April 6, 1832; m. Mary Eliza Andrews. Dolly Anne, b. Oct. 11, 1836 ; d. April 14, 1858. Fanny Woodbury, b. Oct. 8, 1841; m. Otis Towle; d. May 7, 1876. 364 Lydia Batchelder {Elisha'^", Zebulon^, Jacob", Elisha', Thomas", John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., AprU 24, 1810. She married Samuel Foster, Oct. 29, 1832. This marriage is recorded in Ipswich, Mass., where she is said to be of Boxford. He died in Line- brook, Ipswich, Jan. 4, ?. He was a farmer. Their children were : Lydia Batchelder, b. Jan. 1, 1834; m. E. Perkins Potter. Sarauel, b. June 5, 1836; m. 1st, Harriet N. Potter; 2nd, Sarah Howe. Edwin Kimball, b. Feb. 2, 1838; unmarried. Lucy, b. July 1, 1840; m. Warren P. Blanchard. Mary, b. Sept. 2, 1844; d. Sept. 7, 1872. Harriet Maria, b. June 15, 1848; unmarried. 365 Mary {Elisha'"^, Zebulon^, Jacob", Elisha', Thomas", John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., April 29, 1812. She married Jewett Pingree of Eowley, May 13, 1832. He was born Jan. 24, 1809. She died April 14, 1844. Their children were : Caroline P., b. May 25, 1833; ra. B. J. Balch. Eliza Ann, b. April 16, 1835; unmarried. 72 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Lucy K., b. Jan. 5, 1837; m. Frederick A. Elliot, 1854. Mary P., b. March 27. 1839 ; m. John S. Dudley, 1858. David, b. Feb. 28, 1841; d. Aug. 23, 1869. Ann Maria, b. Dec. 30, 1841 ; ra. John W. Lord. 366 Eliza Ann {Elisha'"", Zebulon", Jacob" , Elisha' , Thoma^, John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., May 3, 1818. She married Amos S. Chapman, published Nov. 20, 1836, married Dec. 15, 1836. He was of Ipswich. They were married there. He was the son of Jonathan and Eunice Chapman. Hedied Sept. 14, 1858. Eliza M., b. March 13, 1840; m. 1st, Jacob S. Peabody April 6, 1858 ; 2nd, Otis P. Burnhara. Anna Jane, b. April 29, 1846; m. Lewis H. Wildes May 11, 1864. Lewis Anson, b. July 23, 1848; ra. Delia A. Conant. Susan Maria, b. July 16, 1850; d. March 12, 1853. Warren Perkins, b. April 28, 1854; d. July 18, 1873. Ella Augusta, b. April 26, 1857; m. Fred. Smerage Jan. 11, 1874. 367 John Pratt {Jacob'"', Zebulon", Jacob", Eli sha', Thomas", John') was boru in Topsfield, Mass., Sept. 28, 1821. He married Jane H. Giles of Marble head. They were published May 9, 1847. She was the daughter of Samuel and Jane H. Giles, born Dec. 7, 1821, and died AprU 19, 1880. He is a farmer. Their children were : 568 Mary Anna, b. Sept. 6, 1851 ; ra. William Clough. 569 John Haskell, b. May 11, 1860. 368 Ephraim {Jacob''"', Zebulon", Jacob", Elisha', Thoma^, John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., Dec. 6, 1823. He married Sophronia Cole, published April 6, 1854. She was born in Rowley, Mass., 1831. He is now a farmer in Topsfield. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 73 Their chUdren were : 570 Harriet, b. July 26, 1855. 571 Edward Herbert, b. Oct. 5, 1858; m. Ella F. Porter. 572 Caroline, b. March 17, 1861. 673 Anna, b. Jan. 4, 1864. 674 Eliza J., b. Nov. 13, 1866; m. John J. Watson, Jan. 20, 1886. 675 Harris Ephraim, b. May 30, 1871. 370 Joseph Augustus {Jacob'", Zebulon", Jacob", Elisha', Thoma^, John?) was born in Topsfield, Mass., July 3, 1830. He married Susan M. Ray. They were published Dec. 25, 1860. He died Dec. 18, 1869. She was the daughter of WiUiam and Louisa (Coburn) Ray, born in Topsfield, 1841. He is a farmer. Their children were : 676 Horace Elmer, b. May 19, 1862; d. March 26, 1885, in Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 677 Carrie Estelle, b. Jan. 31, 1868. 371 David Pratt {Jacob'"", Zebulon", Jacob", Eli sha', Thoma^, John?) was born in Topsfield, Mass., Oct. 15, 1833. He married Addie J. Phillips, published June 15, 1866, married June 24, 1866. She was the daughter of Timothy M. and Adaline (Gould) Phillips, born June 18, 1845. He died Feb. 1, 188.3. He was a farmer. Their chUdren were : 678 Arthur Freeman, b. April 29, 1867. 579 Grace Rebecca, b. April 23, 1869. 580 Jennie Marion, b. Sept. 28, 1871. 681 Mary Adeline, b. March 25, 1876. 582 Alice Emily, b. Dec. 13, 1878. 372 Jared {Robinson"", Joseph", Joseph", Elisha', Thomas", John') was born in Jafirey, N. H., Feb. 12, PT. 2 6* 74 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 1793. He married Sarah Hayden of Fitzwilliam, N. H., about March, 1819. She was born in Fitzwilliam, June 15, 1795. He died from exposure Oct. 7, 1824. He began life upon a farm, but, being of a studious habit, he gave it up and studied with Rev. John Sabine, and was for some time a teacher in the district schools. He afterwards took up the study of medicine and was a pupil of Doctors Batcheller, Howe and Wells. He at tended lectures at Dartmouth College and took the degree of M. D. from that institution in 1819. He was in practice in Fitzwilliam, N. H. Their children were : 583 William Chamberlain, b. Dec. 3, 1819; d. Aug. 3, 1821. 584 Jared Daniel, b. Sept. 8, 1820. 373 Lucinda {Robinson"", Joseph", Joseph", Eli sha?, Thoinas', John') was born in Jafirey, N. H., June 14, 1796. She married Daniel Spaulding, May 11, 1819. He was a descendant of Edward Spaulding who settled in Braintree about 1630 to 33. He was born 1789 ; died July 17, 1882, aged 93 years, 6 m. 21 d. She died May 5, 1875, 78 y. 11 m. 22 d. After his marriage he removed to Gardner, Mass., where he owned a store and tavern ; here he remained six or seven years and was " an active and influential citi zen." In order to secure better business advantages, he re moved to Fitzwilliam and afterward to Keene, where he spent the remaining years of his life, holding all the of fices of trust in the gift of the town, and died full of honors and of years. Their children were : Mary Elizabeth, b. Oct. 11, 1822; d. Oct. 9, 1848. Jared Perkins, b. July 29, 1825; d. Aug. 25, 1827. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 75 Daniel Robinson, b. Aug. 8, 1828 ; d. Oct. 26, 1875. Julia Ann, b. March 25, 1831 ; ra. Oscar H. Bradley. Lucinda Viola, b. June 20, 1834 ; a teacher. 374 John {Robinson"", Joseph", Joseph", Elisha', Thomas", John?) was born in Jafi'rey, N. H., Sept. 16, 1801. He married Harriet F. Hayden, 1830. She was of Fitzwilliam, N. H. He died of consumption, Sept. 6, 1832. He was of a delicate and feeble constitution and unable to endure hardship. He taught school in Jaffrey, Rindge and Fitzwilliam, and was in business for a short time as partner of the firm of Spaulding & Perkins. Their only child was : 585 Hellen R., b. Jan. 16, 1832. 375 Nancy S. {Robinson"", Joseph", Joseph'^, Elisha', Thomas^, John') was born in Jaffrey, N. H., Oct. 26, 1807. She married Gideon C. Noble, 1831, and died Oct. 19, 1875. He was a physician ; he received the degree of M. D. in 1829, and practised in Chester, N. Y., in Fitzwilliam, N. H., in Fitchburg, Mass, in 1842. He removed to Harvard, Mass., in 1844, and in 1868, to Hudson; their health failing they went to Waltham and resided with their oldest son. Their children were : Isabella Gray, b. John Perkins, b. George H., b. Erama Cleone, b. Charles F., b. 377 Moses Spofford {Moses"*, Joseph", Joseph", Elisha?, Thomas", Johr?) was born in Jaffrey, N. H., Feb. 1, 1797. He married Cozby Cooledge, Nov. 15, 76 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 1820. She was born in Troy, N. H., and died in Jaffrey, Feb. 27, 1875. He died in Jaffrey, AprU 15, 1874. Their children were : 586 Sarah, b. Sept. 7, 1822 ; m. M. P. Farrar. 687 Phebe, b. Nov. 17, 1824; m. J. L. Bolster. 588 Hart, b. Sept. 26, 1828; m. Phebe P. Flower. 589 Charles, b. Oct. 27, 1833; m. Sarah R. Eveleth. 590 Dorcas Cooledge, b. June 24, 1835 ; m. James S. Lacy. 591 Cozby, b. June 28, 1838 ; m. John V. Tenney. 692 Mary, b. May 21, 1840; ra. F. W. Bayley. 378 Rhoda {Moses"*, Joseph", Joseph", Elisha', Thoma^, John}) was born in Jaffrey, N. H., Dec. 26, 1798. She married Aaron Hodgkins, January 20, 1822. He was born AprU 25, 1797, and died April 10, 1856, " 59 y." She died April 10, 1851, " 52 years." Their children were : Harriet Alzina, b. July 10, 1825 ; m. T. F. Moulton. Christopher, b. Jan. 6, 1829 ; m. Melissa Tenney. Ambrus, b. Jan. 20, 1831 ; m. Lottie L. Willis. Mary, b. Deo. 25, 1832 ; m. J. B. Ireland, Dunbarton, N. H. Frederick, b. March 4, 1835 ; d. in War of the Rebellion ; m. Ruflna A. Frost. Three children. Cyrus Trull, b. Jan. 24, 1837; ra. Sarah Morse. Ermina Blake, b. March 19, 1839; ra. Asa K. Howe; d.Oct. 7 1864. 380 Eleazer {Moses"*, Joseph", Joseph", Elisha', Thoma^, John') was born in Jaffrey, N. H., Jan. 25, 1803. He married Mary Ann Lawrence of Troy, N. H., May 17, 1827. She was born in FitzwiUiam, N. H., Aug. 14, 1806, and died in Portsmouth, R. I., June 3, 1873. He died March 11, 1837, in Jaffrey. He had resided in Troy, New Ipswich and Jaffrey, N. H. He was a machinist. Their children were : 593 Ann Louisa, b. July 22, 1829; m. Stephen T. Sherman. 594 Ann Maria, b. June 19, 1830; m. Wm. B. Lawton. 595 George W.,b. March 10, 1832; m. Mary Jane Cory. 596 Andrew W., b. Sept. 12, 1835; m. Susan P. Sherman. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 77 381 Harriot Clark {Moses"*, Joseph", Joseph", Eli sha', Thomas", John') was born in Jaffrey, N. H., June 1, 1805. She married Lucius Howard Crane, Oct. 31, 1832. He was born Oct. 27, 1807. She died May 17, 1834, only five days after the birth of her only child. He was a machinist. Their only child was : Harriot," b. May 12, 1834; m. Samuel Blaisdell, jr. 382 Ruby Woodward {Moses"*, Joseph", Joseph", Elisha', Thoma^, John') was born in Jaffrey, N. H., April 27, 1807. She married, first, Cyrus Trull of Lowell, Mass., date unknown. He died in Lowell about 1842. She married, second, John Mead of Lowell, Feb., 1851. He was born Oct. 9, 1799, and died in Clare mont, N. H., Oct. 23, 1869. She died July 9, 1852. He was a druggist in Lowell, Mass. Child of Ruby W. Perkins and Cyrus Trull : Cyrus, b. ; died young. ChUd of Ruby W. and John Mead : Perkins B., b. July 2, 1852; m. Bertha Hudson, Jan. 18, 1883. One child, John Perkins, b. July, 1884. 385 Aphia Ayer {Moses"*, Joseph", Joseph", Eli sha', Thomas", John') was born in Jaffrey, N. H., July 4, 1815. She married J. H. Smith, date not known. She died at Chicopee Falls, Mass., May 16, 1870. He was born in Dracut, Mass., 1812. « Rariiot Crane married Samuel Blaisdell, jr., June 23, 1861. He is a cotton merchant, born June 23,1823. Their children were: Daisy Luana, born Apr. 12, 1866. Ruby Mercy, born March 14, 1871. Maud Musa, born Feb. 18, 1873. 78 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Their children were : EUaBlake, b. Feb 8, 1846, at New Philadelphia, Ohio; m. Henry Gates, July 25, 1871. Perkins Finney, b. Oct. 6, 1848, at Chicopee Falls, Mass. 387 Adela {Edward"", Joseph", Joseph", Elisha', Thomas", John') was born in Jaffrey, N. H., Feb. 14, 1801. She married Isaac Adams, March 27, 1821. She died July 23, 1864. Their child was : Daniel P., b. ; resides in Jaffrey, N. H. 390 Hannah Woodward {Edward"", Joseph", Jo seph", Elisha?, Thomas', John') was born in Jaffrey, N. H., Nov. 26, 1806. She married Abram Corey, June 1, 1824. Their child w.as : Anna, b. ; ra. Kimball. 394 Mary Jane {Edward?'", Joseph", Joseph", Eli sha', Thomas", John') was born in Jaffrey, N. H., Nov. 20, 1815. She married, first, Jabez Morse, March 14, 1839. He died 1843. Second, Jesse Adams, March 2, 1859. He died about 1863 or 4. Third, Hale. She died Oct. 9, 1885. Children of Jabez and Mary Jane (Perkins) Morse were: Harriet Elizabeth, b. Jan. 27, 1840. John Frederick, b. April 17, 1842. Child of and Mary Jane (Perkins) Hale was : L ; m. Fife. 404 Harriet {Joseph"^ Joseph", Joseph", Elisha', Thoma^, John') was born in Jaffrey, N. H., Jan. 22, THE PERKINS FAMILY. 79 1808. She married Chester Wheeler, May 5, 1830. They reside in Rome, N. Y. Their children were : William C, b. Oct. 24, 1831. Mary L., b. July 25, 1840; m. Andrew G. Dilly of Indiana, 1866. 405 WilUam Hillhonse {Joseph"^, Joseph", Joseph", Elisha?, Thoma^, John') was born in Jaffrey, N. H., Sept. 23, 1809. He married Elizabeth Ann Van Dolf son, May 27, 1837. Their children were : 597 Daughter, b. ?. 698 Van Dolfson, b.; died in War of the Rebellion. 599 Charles, b. 407 Mary Janett {Joseph"^, Joseph", Joseph", Eli sha', Thomas', John') was born in Jaffrey, N. H., May 5, 1818. She married John W. Dinwiddie, August 19, 1844. He died AprU 6, 1861. He was a farmer and had a large cattle farm. Their children were : Oscar, b. Sept. 2, 1845; m. Mary Joan Robertson, Feb. 2, 1874. Jerome, b. Feb. 7, 1848; m. Mary M. Chapman, Dec. 27, 1871. Francis R., b. May 9, 1852; m. Frank Earl Brownell, Feb. 21, 1871. 408 Susan Humes {Joseph"^, Joseph", Joseph", Eli sha? Thomas? John') was born Nov. 3, 1824. She married, first, Willis, Dec. 29, 1847; second, Charies H. White, 1868. Mr. White is a lawyer; re sides in Rome, N. Y. Child of Charles H. and Susan H. (Perkins) White was : Charles, b. Jan. 18, 1869. 410 Benjamin {Robert"", Robert'"*, Robert"", Thom as", Thoma^, John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., 80 THE PERKINS FAMILY. March 13, 1786. He married Rebecca H. Ashby of Salem, Mass. They were published April 23, 1809, and married May 28, 1809, in Salem. She was born 1791, aud died Jan. 27, 1863. He died AprU 3, 1858. He was a farmer aud shoemaker. Their children were : 600 Benjamin Franklin, b. May 30, 1812; m. Elizabeth Murray of Manchester. 601 Rebecca, bapt. Aug. 8, 1819; m. 1st, Wm. Preston Dodge; 2ud, Elbridge Perkins. 602 Lucy Ann, b. ; m. Solomon Cole. 603 Elizabeth Ashby, bapt. June 1, 1823; m. Benj. Hill. 604 Edward Augustus, b. ; physician in Boston. 605 George Henry, b. ; m. 1st, Augusta L. Story; 2nd, Mary Sawyer. 411 Amos {Robere^, Robert"*, Robert"^, Thomas", Thomas", John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., April 2, 1788. He married Betsey Brown of Boxford April 15, 1810. She was born 1791, and died Sept. 11, 1873, "82 years." He died Sept. 8, 1851, "63 years." He was a farmer. Their children were : 606 Amos, b. Jan. 12, 1811 ; m. Eunice Balch. 607 Sarauel Brown, b. Nov. 20, 1812; d. Dec. 13, 1818. 608 Betsy, b. Jan. 17, 1815; m. Thomas Gould. 609 Robert Sumner, b. Feb. 6, 1817; m. 1st, Abigail Perkins ; 2nd, Mary Jane Hanson. 610 Olive Brown, b. March 4, 1819 ; m. Humphrey Wildes. 611 Sophia Chaplin, b. March 15, 1821 ; m. Frederick Stiles. 612 Samuel Brown, b. Aug. 18, 1823; m. Charlotte Field. 613 Emily Augusta, b. Feb. 10,1826; died young. 614 Williara Parker, b. March 24, 1828 ; unra. 615 Esther Jane, b. July 28, 1832; unm. 412 Esther {Robert"", Robert"*, Robert'", Thomas", Thomas", John') was Topsfield, Mass., Jan. 12, 1790. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 81 She married John Potter Peabody, Julj'^ 20, 1807. He died Nov. 7, 1846. She died Aug. 11, 1842. Their children were : Hannah, b. Nov. 16, 1807. Cyrus, b. March 16, 1810; d. Sept. 14, 1814. Esther, b. Sept. 12, 1812; m. Benj. B. Towne. Harriet N., b. April 23, 1816; m. Alfred Towne. Mary P., b. Sept. 26, 1818; m. David Clark. Mehitable, b. Oct. 23, 1821; d. May 24, 1869. Lydia P., b. Aug. 24, 1825; d. Dec. 30, 1862. Sarah, b. March 19, 1829 ; ra. Jacob A. Towne. 414 Nehemiah {Robert"", Robert'"*, Robert"", Thom as", Thomas", John') was born in Topsfield, April 1, 1794. He married Lydia Bradstreet. They were pub lished Feb. 23, 1817. She was born 1796, and died Sept. 12, 1867. He died AprU 7, 1881. He was a farmer. Their children were : 616 Lydia Bradstreet, b. April 6, 1818. 617 Neheraiah, b. Nov. 8, 1820. 618 Phebe Wildes, b. Oct. 21, 1822; m. James Sleeper, 619 Benjarain Austin, b. June 12, 1824; m. Elmira Bixby. 620 Moses Bradstreet, b. June 17, 1826. 621 Ruth Larason, b. Jan. 1, 1828; d. Sept. 12, 1830. 622 Ruth Esther Gould, b. July 29, 1831. 623 Albert Cornelius, b. Dec. 18, 1833 ; m. Caroline Cleaveland Peabody. 624 Elizabeth Brownell, b. June 8, 1835 ; m. Alpheus J. Pike. He died Oct. 2, 1860. 625 John Wright, b. Aug. 21, 1841 ; m. Esther A. R. Towne. 416 Hannah {Asa"*, Robert'"*, Robert"', Thomas", Thomas", John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., Oct. 18, 1787. She married Joseph Towne, Dec. 28, 1809. He PT. 2. 6 82 THE PERKINS FAMILY. was born Oct. 24, 1784, and died July 8, 1860. She died Oct. 28, 1835, "48 years." Their children were : Lorenzo P., b. March 24, 1811; m. Lois Perkins. Moses A., b. Nov. 26, 1812; d. Sept. 2, 1815. David, b. March 2, 1815 ; m. Rebecca H. Pike. Caroline F., b. March 2, 1817; d. May 27, 1865. Hannah, b. Dec. 30, 1821 ; m. F. P. Merriam. (:;ynthia, b. Jan. 15, 1824; d. April 8, 1835. Joseph, b. Jan. 29, 1826; m. Hellen Higgins. Mary, b. April 6, 1828 ; m. Robert Lake. Cyrus, b. Oct. 4, 1832 ; d. March 6, 1834. 417 Sarah {Asa"*, Robert"*, Robert"", Thomas", Thomas", John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., May 3, 1789. She married Perley Balch, Nov. 11, 1808. He died May 2, 1858, 74 y. 8 m. She died March 23, 1865. He was a farmer and shoemaker. Their children were : Perley, b. April 27, 1809. Eunice, b. Sept. 21, 1811; m. Amos Perkins. Mehitable, b. May 16, 1814; m. Wm. G. Lake. Humphry, b. May 18, 1818 ; m. Hannah Bradstreet. Jeremiah S., b. May 17, 1823; ra. Mary Sheppard. Benjarain J., b. Sept. 9, 1826; m. Caroline Pingree. 419 Eunice {Asa"*, Robert"*, Robert"", Thomas", Thomas", John') was born in Topsfield, Dec. 16, 1795. She married William Bradstreet about 1813. He died AprU 21, 1873. Their children were : Abigail B., b. Oct. 30, 1814; m. Benj. Kimball. Asa P., b. Sept. 1, 1816; m. Nancy Fullerton. Marietta, b. Aug. 29, 1818 ; d. Nov. 23, 1834. Lydia, b. Aug. 29, 1820; d. June 29, 1848. William, b. Jan. 5, 1823; ra. Judith M. Fullerton. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 83 Fanny, b. Jan. 14, 1825 ; m. Samuel W. Hall. Moses, b. April 11, 1827; m. Emily Allen. Elijah, b. March 8, 1829; m. Ellen M. Gould. Louisa K., b. March 7, 1832 ; ra. Samuel W. Hall. 424 Daniel {Archelaus'", Thomas"", Samuel", Thom as", Thoma^, John') was born in Dunbarton, N. H., 1785. He married, first, Sophia Stetson of Salem, Mass., April 25, 1813; second, Lucy Ann Pulsifer of Ipswich, Mass., Nov. 18, 1827. He died Feb. 4, 1860. He came from Dunbarton to Salem when about twenty- five years of age and ever after resided there. He was for many years a "ship-keeper" for the late Joseph Pea body of Salem. The children of Dauiel and Sophia (Stetson) Perkins were : 626 Emery Johnson, b. 1814; m. Sarah Ann Phippen. 627 Daniel Augustus, b. 1821 ; d. Nov. 7, 1825. 628 Sophia, b. 1822 ; d. 1824. The child of Daniel and Lucy A. (Pulsifer) Periiius was : 629 Sophia A. L., b. 1833; m. Wra. Haskell of Beverly, March 9, 1869. 429 Henry Coit ( Thomas'"', Thomas'", Samuel?', Thomas", Thoma^, John?) was born in Newburyport, Mass., Nov. 13, 1804. He married Harriet Davenport, October 30, 1828. He died Feb. 1, 1873, very sud denly. He was a graduate of Harvard University, Aug. 27, 1824, and of the medical department of that institution, taking the degree of M. D., August, 1827, standing very high as a student in both departments. Subsequently, he established a very large and remunerative practice in his native city. 84 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Doctor Perkins was a man of very large scientific at tainments, as an astronomer and microscopist aud was deeply interested in every other branch of science. He was eminently a Christian gentleman and lett a large circle of warm and dear friends. Their only child was : 630 Henry Russell, b. April 2, 1838. 431 Harriet {Thomas'^, Thomas'", Samuel?', Thom- as", Thoma^, John') was born in Newburyport, Mass., January 5, 1810. She married Stephen Thurston. She died June 24, 1839. Their children were : Mary P., b. Feb. 19, 1833; d. May 5, 1839. Caroline E., b. Feb. 7, 1835. 432 Elizabeth {Thomas'^, Thomas"", Samuel", Thomas", Thoma^, John?) was born in Newburyport, Mass., Oct. 3, 1811. She married Nathaniel Perkins about 1833. He was the sou of Abraham and Elizabeth (Knapp) Perkins, was born April 18, 1803, and died Nov. 29, 1847. She died Oct. 21, 1847. Their only child : Jacob, died in infancy. 433 Caroline ( Thomas'"', Thomas'", Samuef, Thom as", Thomas", John') was born in Newburyport, Mass., July 15, 1814. She married Rufus Wills about 1838. Their children were : Rufus Augustine, b. March 1, 1839. Emily Caroline, b. Sept. 16, 1841. Charles Henry, b. April 13, 1844; d. June 13, 184 6. Cliarles Henry, b. Jan. 7, 1847; d. George Edward, b. Feb. 9, 1849. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 85 435 Dudley {Elijah^, Samuel"^, Samuel", Thom as", Thomas", John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., Nov. 5, 1795. He married Sarah Perkins, daughter of Robert Perkins, Nov. 19, 1818. This marriage was solemnized by Rev. Eben Hubbard, pastor of the church in Middleton. She died Dec. 2, 1874. He died Sept. 2, 1879. He was a farmer. Their children were : 631 Elbridge Fiske, b. Nov. 19, 1819; ra. 1st, Rebecca Dodge, widow ; 2nd, Susan I. (Adams) Perkins, widow. 632 Rodney Dennis, b. Feb. 7, 1821 ; m. Susan I. Adaras. 633 Lydia Phippen, b. March 29, 1823 ; m. Jacob W. Towne. 634 Dudley Quincy, b. March 6, 1825 ; m. Mary Abby Elliot. 635 Mary Elizabeth, b. July 22, 1828; died young. 636 Josiah Peabody, b. Oct. 4, 1832 ; ra. Phebe W. Towle. 637 Samuel Webster, b. Oct. 22, 1834 ; m. Catherine Gould. 437 Hulda W. {Elijah'", Samuel?'", Samuel"\ Thomas", Thomas', John?) was born in Topsfield, Mass., about 1800. She married Thomas Furguson ; they were published March 18, 1832, and married April 2, 1832. They are both now (1886) living in Marblehead, Mass. Their children were : Thomas Franklin, b. July 23, 1832; ra. Sarah A. Homan, April 19, 1855. Edward Hararaond, b. May 26, 1834; m. Mary Ann Gould, June 20, 1855. Ruth Abigail, b. Nov. 22, 1836 ; ra. Joseph W. Stone, June 1, 1861. Rosamond Perkins, b. Oct. 22, 1839; m. Daniel W. Ramsdell, Oct. 20, 1859. Augustus P., b. June 23, 1843. 438 Daniel {Elijah'", Samuel"^, Samuel?', Thom as", Thoma^, John?) was born in Topsfield, Mass., June 22, 1802. He married, first, Rosamond Rea, Nov. 15, 86 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 1827. She was the daughter of John and Anna' (Rea) Rea, born 1793, and died Feb. 27, 1835, 42 years old. He married, second, Charlotte Towne, May 30, 1839. She was daughter of Jacob and Sophia (Wildes) Towne, born March 17, 1812, aud died March 19, 1880. He died Sept. 7, 1862. He was a farmer and shoemaker. Children of Daniel aud Rosamond (Rea) Perkins were : 638 Elijah Rea, b. Jan. 6, 1828; m. E. T. Moulton. 639 Daniel Webster, b.Nov., 18:^9; d. April 9, 1832. Children of Daniel and Charlotte (Towne)Perkins were : 640 Charlotte Augusta, b. April 27, 1841; m. Rev. George L. Gleason. 641 Clara Ellen, b. Jan. 31, 1847. 439 Abigail {Elijah'", Samuel"", Samuel", Thom as", Thomas", John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., about 1804. She married Ebenezer Peabody, jr., Oct. 15, 1833. He was born 1803, and died Jan. 30, 1871. Their children were : Eben, b. May 26, 1834. Elias Putnam, b. Oct. 17, 1836. Lucy A., b. Feb. 7, 1839. Mary, b. Alden P., b. March 10, 1845; m. Lydia A. Wildes, Jan. 23, 1872. William Arthur, b. Oct. 28, 1849 ; d. Sept. 16, 1851. 450 Mercy {Ezra'*', David"", Jonathan"*, Timothy", Thoma^, John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., April 6, 1780. She married Ebenezer Peabody, Dec. 28, 1802. ' She was the daughter of John and Elizabeth (Gage) Rea, of Beverly, after wards of Topslield. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 87 He was born 1778, and died July 16, 1825. She died March 3, 1857. Their children were : Ebenezer, b. Nov. 7, 1803 ; m. Abigail Perkins. Mercy, b. June 11, 1805; m. Amos Fisk. Josiah, b. Jan., 1807; was a clergyman. Elizabeth, b. Dec. 9, 1808; d. Feb. 6, 1881. Ezra, b. July 2, 1810; d. Feb. 18, 1853. Lucy, b. Aug. 24, 1812 ; m. Benj. C. Perkins. Mary Ann, b. May 31, 1815; m. Wm. H. Mears. John, b. April 12, 1817; d. April 26, 1883. Ephraim P., b. Jan. 14, 1820; m. 1st, Louisa C. ; 2nd, Ellen A. Berry, April 22, 1875. 451 Ezra {Ezra'*', David"\ Jonathan"*, Timothy", Thomas", Johri?) was born in Topsfield, Mass., Dec. 23, 1782. He was baptized Nov. 6, 1785. He married with Mary Peabody, March 29, 1803. She was born Jan. 25, 1788, aud died Oct. 9, 1861. He removed from Tops- field to Essex, or, as it was formerly called, Chebacco parish, Ipswich. He was a shoemaker. He died May 18, 1871. Their children were : 642 Moses Broadstreet, b. June 30, 1803 ; ra. Lydia Proctor. 643 Ezra, b. Sept. 3, 1807; ra. Joan G. Allen, Manchester. 644 Jonathan C.,b. Nov. 21, 1809; ra. 1st, Caroline S. Burgess; 2nd, Elizabeth G. Brockhouse; d. Dec. 12, 1877.? 452 Nathaniel {Ezra"', David"", Jonathan"*, Timo thy", Thomas", John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., Nov. 17, 1785. He married Judith Smith of Ipswich. They were published March 26, 1808, and married June 8 of the same year at Ipswich. She died April 29, 1858. He died Aug. 31, 1854. Their children were : 645 Mary Ann, b. 1809; d. July 20, 1828. 646 Nathaniel, b. Aug. 30, 1813; m. Lucy Porter. 647 Judith Smith, b. March 21, 1816; d. Aug. 16, 1826. 648 Elizabeth, b. June 12, 1821 ; m. Thomas M. Lane. 88 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 649 Abigail, b. 1825; m. Robert S. Perkins, 1844; d. Sept. 9, 1845. 650 Caleb Kiraball, b. Nov., 1830; m. Mary L. Peabody; d. Aug. 25, 1861. 498 David {David?*", David"", Jonathan"*, Timo thy", Thomas", John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., Aug. 20,1791. He married Hannah Green of Beverly. They were published Sept. 19, 1819. He died June 17, 1860. She died in Beverly, Mass., Feb. 25, 1871, aged 75 y. 4 m. He was a farmer in Topsfield. Their children were : 651 Sarah A., b. Oct. 15, 1821; m. Francis Jenness of Beverly. 652 David Granville, b. March 6, 1828; m. Mary S. Chase. 653 Mary A., b. Feb. 19, 1834; ra. Levi Woodbury, 2nd, of Beverly. 459 Ebenezer {David'*", David"^, Jonathan"*, Tim othy", Thoma^, John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., July 4, 1794. He married Amelia Parish, 1819. She was thedaughter of Rev. Ariel Parish, D.D., of Manches ter, Mass. He died Nov. 26, 1861. She died June 23, 1859. He graduated at Dartmo.uth College and afterward studied for the ministry, was ordained and settled at Roy- alston, Mass., 1819, where he continued during the re mainder of his life. All his children were born there. Their children were : 654 Ariel Ebenezer Parish, b. Oct. 11, 1820; m. 1st, Emily Pear son ; 2nd, Susan O. Poor. 655 Hannah Amelia, b. Jan. 10, 1822; m. Charles L. Wood- worth, D.D. 656 Mary Colman, b. June 14, 1823; unm. 657 Daniel Chute, b. Nov., 1825; m. Mehitable C. Proctor. 658 Benjamin Conant, b. Jan. 23, 1827; m. 1st, Julia A. Pear son; 2nd, Hellen M. Wills, widow. 659 Joseph Lee, b. Nov. 20, 1828 ; ra. Flora H. Perry. 660 Annette Greenleaf, b. June, 1835 ; m. Horatio N. Newton. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 89 436 Lydia {Elijah?", Samuel"", Samuel", Thomas", Thoma^, John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., April 24, 1798. She married, first, Capt. John Rea, Nov. 11, 1827 ; he died Oct. 27, 1832. Second, William B. Per kins, April 11, 1838. He was the son of Nehemiah Per kins of Wenham, Mass. He died Dec. 5, 1868. The child of John and Lydia (P.) Rea was : Lydia, b. Peb. 22, 1829; ra. Moses E. Pettingill, Dec. 7, 1851. The child of William B. and Lydia P. Perkius was : William B., b. Feb. 5, 1839; m. Margaret M. Homan, March 28, 1861. 440 Dolly {Dudley'^', Samuel"", Samuel", Thomas", Thomas", John') was born in Bridgton, Me., Oct. 16, 1796. She married Jeremiah Cole, of Beverly, Mass., about 1827. He was born in Hamilton Mass., and was the son of Henry Cole. He died May 28, 1840. She died in Beverly 1884. He was a farmer. They resided in North Beverly. The children of Jeremiah and Dolly (Perkins) Cole were : Susan Perkins, b. Jan. 31, 1828; m. Vernon Locke. Elizabeth F., b. March 8, 1830; m. Araos Dodge of Beverly. Nancy Ellen, b. Peb. 24, 1832; ra. George M. Hildreth; two children. Harriet Perkins, b. Dec. 20, 1834; m. Hiram Doane, Beverly. George Henry, b. Feb. 26, 1838; ra. Caroline Carter of Man chester; one son. 441 Ezra {Dudley'^'," Samuel"", Samuel", Thomas", •" On page 5h, Dndley''™ was said to have married Snaan Cole. This was a mistake as we flnd upon the records of the town of Beverly the following ; " The intention of marriage between Mr. Dudley Perkins and Miss Susanna Batchelder was entered April the li, published the 13, 1794," — Vol. 3, p. 72. The church records of North Beverly state that they were married April 16, 1795. PT. 2 6* 90 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Thomas", John') was boru in Bridgton, Me., Dec. 14, 1798. He married Mary Cole of Beverly. Their children were : 661 Mary, b. ; d. Sept. 1886. 662 Edward Augustus, b.; m. Ellen Cotton; has three children; resides in South Boston. 663 James Dudley, b. Feb. 14, 1828; resides in Brooklyn, N. Y. 664 Lucy Cole, b. ; ra. Jackson Lawrence of Laconia, N. H. ; has four children. 665 Harriet b. ; m. George Simmons, he died; they had no chil dren. Note. — The last three families of the seventh generation were not received in time to be put in their proper place as will be seen by the numbers. EIGHTH GENERATION. 466 Ebenezer {Joel'"", John"", Thomas*', Thomas'^, John*, Thomas^, John') was born in West Springfield, Mass., Aug. 7, 1790. He married Mary C. Washburn ef Pomfret, Vt., Feb. 26, 1816, and died in Pomfret, Oct. 29, 1857. Their chUdren were : 6660 John Washburn, b. Feb. 18, 1817; m. Mary Ann Harding, Sept. 6, 1838. 6656 Martin Luther, b. Jan. 4, 1819; d. March 9, 1831. 665c Mary Alice, b. March 18, 1821; ra. Mason. 665d Albro Ebenezer, b. March 26, 1824; m. Emeline Bacon. 665e Eunice, b. May 16, 1827 ; m. Albert Gregg, July 2, 1864. 666 Lucia Maria, b. May 26, 1831 ; m. Albert Bacon. 667 Charity Delight, b. Jan. 25, 1836; d. May, 1861, at Troy, N. Y. 469 John {Joel'"", John"", Thomas*', Thomas'", John*^, Thomas^, John') was born in Bridgewater, Vt., March 3, 1796. He married, first, Sarah Pratt of Pomfret, Sept. 26, 1819, and after her death married, second, Mrs. Fanny Horr, , 1839. After his second marriage he lived in Woodstock, Vt., until about 1850, when he re- THE PERKINS FAMILY. 91 moved to Mendota, 111., at which last place he died Dec. — , 1858. His children were : 668 Paraelia Avarista, b. 1821; d. June 5, 1844; unm. 669 Volney E.,b. 1823; m. Ellen Dunham; has children; lives at Mendota. 470 Ansel {Jod'", John'"^, Thomas*', Thomas'^, John*, Thomas", John') was born in Bridgewater, Vt., May 29, 1798. He married, first, Mella Ware. After her de cease he married a second wife, Mrs. Lois Hines Rey nolds. His children by second wife were : 670 Eunice Lucasta, b. March, 1834; m. John D. Armond They reside in Malone, Wis. They have a family. 671 Mella, b. June, 1838; d. 1842. 672 Ansel Merrill, b. 1839 ; d. 1843. 673 Lois Ann, b. March, 1842. 674 Luella Pamelia, b. Sept., 1845. 471 Nelson {JoeW, John'"", Thomas*', Thomas'^, John*, Thomas", John') was born in Pomfret, Vt., July 4, 1800. He married Lucy Paddock, Sept. 8, 1830. He died in Pomfret, August 8, 1846. Their children were : 675 Spenser Davis, b. March, 1833; d. Aug., 1833. 676 Horace Kiraball, b. July, 1835; unraarried. 677 Lucius Cobb, b. Aug., 1837; unmarried; d. Feb. 9, 1855, at Yellow Spring, Ohio. 678 Orson, b. Feb., 1839; d. April, 1863, in the Military Hos pital, St. Louis. 679 Philena Ruth, b. April 13, 1843; m. Parkhurst. They have children and live in Barnard, Vt. 472 Alva Chipman {Joel'"", John'"", Thomas*', Thomas'", John*, Thomas", John') was born in Pomfret, Vermont, Oct. 4, 1803. He married Patience Paddock 92 THE PERKINS FAMILY. January 7, 1828. He died March 21, 1869, at Pomfret. Their children were : 680 Elmer Austin, b. Sept. 10, 1829; d. Dec. 2, 1833. 681 Norman Carolan, b. April 17, 1832; m. Harriet Child Wins low, 1862. 682 Delia, b. Nov. 10, 1833; m. Henry E. Vaughan, 1860. 683 Minerva Rosanna, b. Jan. 11, 1838; d. Jan. 3, 1861. 684 Robert Alva, b. Dec. 19, 1845; unraarried; is an associate editor of the Springfield Republican. 473 William ( William'"', John'"", Thomas*', Thom as'", John*, Thomas", John?) was born, 1790. He married Jerusha Clapp, and died at West Springfield, Dec, 1850. Their children were : 685 John, b. ; m. Julia Bates. 686 Edwin, b. ; m. 1st, Sophia Sumner; 2iid, Candace Brooks. 687 Ascenath, b. 688 George Whitfield, b. ; m. Susan Lang. 689 Charlotte, b. ; m. Philo Burnhara. 690 Levi, b. ; ra. Martha Clark. 475 Horace ( William'", John'"", Thomas*', Thomas'", John* Thomas", John?) was born 1795. He married Mindwell Eggleston and died in West Springfield. Their children were : 691 Dwight, b. ; resided in Philadelphia, 1857. 692 Maria, b. ; m. Truman Alderman. 693 Virgil, b. ; m. Eliza Albee, probably of Springfield. 694 Rachel, b. ; m. Smith of Westfield. 479 Justin ( William'", John'''", Thomas*', Thomas'", John*, Thomas", John') was born in West Springfield, Mass., March 12, 1805. He married Charlotte Bass, July 21, 1833. She was born in Middlebury, Vt., Aug. 2, 1808, and was a daughter of William Bass. He spent the fir.st eighteen ye.irs of his life on his father's farm ; prepared himself for coUege, entered Am- THE PERKINS FAMILY. 93 herst College, 1825, and graduated, 1829. The next year he taught in Amherst Academy, after which he spent two years at the Theological Seminary in Andover, Mass., and held the office of tutor in Amherst College for an other year. In January, 1833, he received an appointment from the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Mis sions who had in prospect the beginning of a mission to the Nestorians in Asia ; for this work Mr. (afterwards Doctor) Perkins had always entertained a strong desire, and on Sept. 21, 1833, he sailed from Boston with his wife and arrived in Constantinople in the following December where he remained until May ; at that time he left for his future field of labor. His journey was one of great difficulty and sufi'ering. He remained at Tabriz for a time, but his permanent residence was at Oroomiah, reaching that place on the twentieth of No vember, 1834 ; at this place he established a mission which has accomplished a vast amount of good ; of this mission he remained the head during his stay in Persia. He revisited his native land in 1858 and spent four years. In 1862 he returned to Persia again, but his health fail ing he returned and died at Chicopee, Mass., Dec. 31, 1869. Their children were : 695 Charlotte N., b. 696 William Riach, b. 697 Justin Humphrey, b. 698 Jonathan Edwards, b. 699 Fidelia Fisk, b. ; died in infancy. 700 Judith Grant, b. Aug. 8, 1840; d. Sept. 4, 1852. 701 Heury Martyn, b, Dec. 21, 1841; m. 1st, Hannah P. Tilden; 2nd, Susan P. Hatcli. 490 Thomas B. {Hezekiah Balch'^, John,'*' Enoch*', Thomas", Zaccheus', Thomas^, John') was born in Tops- 94 THE PERKINS FAMILY. field, Mass., June 3, 1816. He married Lucy J. An drews of Danvers, Oct. 25, 1840. She was born in Enfield, N. H., Jan. 27, 1817, and died AprU 12, 1846. He married second Almira Brown, 1847. He was for some years a teacher of a school for colored children in Salem, Mass., and afterward was the marshal of that city. He died in Salem, Mass., Dec. 14, 1875. Their children were : 702 Henry Francis, b. Dec. 4, 1844; m. F.annie Brown of Lynn. 703 Lucy Erama, b. March 2, 1846; d. Aug. 6, 1846. 491 WiUiam {Hezekiah B.'^, John'", Enoch*', Thom as", Zaccheus", Thoma^, John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., Oct. 4, 1822. He married Lydia Day of Glouces ter, May 29, 1844. She was born August 7, 1822. He is a shoe manufacturer in Essex, Mass. Their child was : 704 John WiUiara Appleton, b. Nov. 8, 1852, in Georgetown; m. Nellie A. Gallup. 493 Frank Byron {Orrin H.'^, William'*', Mosei', Thomas", Zaccheus", Thomas', John?) was born in Graf ton, N. H., April 25, 1856. He married Emma J. Flanders of Wilmot, N. H., March 24, 1880; was edu cated at New London, N. H. He is a physician ; graduated at the Medical School of Dartmouth College, 1876, and is in practice in Grantham, N. H. Their child was : 705 Harry M., b. June 23, 1883, in Grantham, N. H. 495 Everand ( William L."^', William'*', Moses", Thomas", Zaccheus", Thomas", John') was born in Con- THE PERKINS FAMILY. 95 cord, N. H., 1855. He married, first, Clara Lear, 1875 ; second, ; name and date unknown. He resides in Andover, N. H. His child by Clara Lear was : 706 Blanche, b. 1877, at Andover, N. H. 498 John {Henry""", John"*, Isaac'*, John", Elisha', Thomas", John') was born in Salem, Mass., March 18, 1813. He married Henrietta Story, Dec. 3, 1835. She was born Jan. 30, 1818, and died May 21, 1872. He married, second, Hattie Elizabeth Skinner of Lynnfield, Mass., Nov. 29, 1874. She was born June 15, 1843. Children, all by wife Henrietta (Story) Perkins, were : 707 John Jaraes, b. March 19, 1837; d. July 31, 1854. 708 Eben, b. Dec. 17, 1844; lives in Ipswich ; farmer; m. 709 Florence, b. Dec. 14, 1852; d. July 23, 1854. 710 Hattie, b. Aug. 30, 1855. 711 Walter, b. May 28, 1858 ; d. Sept. 23, 1860. 499 William Henry {Henry""", John"*, Isaac'*, John", Elisha', Thoma^, John?) was born in Topsfield, Mass., Sept. 30, 1814. He married Ruthy Ann Haskell of Gloucester, Mass., Sept. 17, 1837. She was born Nov. 2, 1817, and died July 27, 1877. Children of WiUiam H. and Ruthy Ann (Haskell) Perkins were : 712 Adaline Augusta, b. July 16, 1838. 713 Mary Caroline, b. June 3, 1845. 714 William Henry, b. April 28, 1851. 716 Melvin Haskell, b. July 20, 1853. 716 Frederick Sanger, b. Oct. 17, 1856. 717 Florence Justine, b. May 31, 1858; d. Sept. 5, 1858. 718 Otis Valentine, b. Feb. 14, 1863; d. Dec. 18, 1867. 500 George {Henrf", John"*, Isaac'*, John", Eli sha', Thomai, John') was born iu Salem, Mass., July 96 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 17, 1816. He married Mary Pitman, March 25, 1839. She was born Sept. 15, 1817. They reside iu Gloucester, Mass. Children of George and Mary (Pitman) Perkins were : 719 Caroline Stavers, b. July 20, 1840; d. Oct. 20, 1841. 720 George Henry, b. Oct. 23, 1842. 721 Mary Eliza, b. Feb. 23, 1845 ; d. July 2, 1845. 722 Susan Maria, b. Feb. 2, 1847; d. May 31, 1847. 723 Nellie Grace, b. May 23, 1856. 502 Gilbert {Henri/"", John"*, Isaac'*, John", Eli sha', Thomas', John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., Aug. 31, 1820. He married Mary Maria Antonette Worden, June 6, 1843. She vvas born April 29, 1825. Children of Gilbert and Mary M. A. (Worden) Per kins were : 724 Levi Gilbert, b. May 21, 1844. 725 Ella Maria, b. Jan. 29, 1847. 726 Annie Hutchins, b. July 18, 1851; d. Dec. 25, 1852. 727 Franklin Pierce, b. Feb. 27, 1854; d. Dec. 25, 1854. 728 Edna Eastman, b. May 4, 1856. 729 Fanny Ward, b. June 18, 1864. 503 Dean {Henry""", John"*, Isaac'*, John", .Elisha', Thoma^, John') was born iu Topsfield, Mass., June 7, 1822. He married Ann Maria EUery, Feb. 6, 1848. She was born AprU 9, 1823. He died March 22, 1871. Children of Dean and Ann Maria (EUery) Perkins were : 730 Charles Dean, b. Oct. 16, 1849; d. Aug. 24, 1873. 731 Annie Maria, b. Nov. 19, 1853. 732 Grace Lowe, 733 Mabel Stevens, j twins ;^b. July 13, 1857. 504 Susan {Henry""", John"*, Isaac'*, John", Elisha', ThotJias", John') was boru in Topsfield, Mass., Jan. 3, THE PERKINS FAMILY. 97 1825. She married David B. Tufts, June 1, 1851. She was his second wife. He died July 20, 1870, aged 45 years, 4 months. She died April 23, 1885. The children of David B. and Susan (Perkius) Tufts were : Mary Annie, b. Feb, 25, 1852; d. March 16, 1852. Alphonzo David, b. Nov. 22, 1857. Samuel, b. July 23, 1866. 505 Proctor {Henry""", John"*, Isaac'*, John", Eli sha', Thomas" , John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., Sept. 13, 1826. He married Susan Eliza Wonson of Glouces ter, Mass., Oct. 15, 1847. She was born July 3, 1830; resides in Topsfield. The chUdren of Proctor and Susan E. (Wonson) Per kius were : 734 Proctor, b. April 12, 1849 ; d. Feb. 22, 1869. 735 Albert, b. Sept. 14, 1852; d. March 24, 1853. 736 Ada Bell, b. Jan. 24, 1856. 737 Lawrence, b. Dec. 1, 1859. 506 Emeline {Henry^, John"*, Isaac'*, John", Eli sha', Thomas", John') was born in Salem, Feb. 17, 1828. She married William Andrews, Oct. 18, 1848. The chUdren of William and Emeline (Perkins) An drews were : William Henry, b. July 12, 1849. Susan, b. May 14, 1853. Ida, b. Dec. 26, 1856. Annie, b. May 9, 1861 ; d. April 24, 1872. 507 Charles {Hennj""", John"*, Isaac'*, John", Eli sha', Thomas', John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., Oct. 30, 1829. He married Eliza Mary Averill, pubUshed AprU 24, 1852. She was born in Topsfield, June 1, 1834. PT. 2 7 98 THE PERKINS FAMILY. He is a farmer and shoe manufacturer, resides in Tops- field. Their child was : 738 Carrie Evelyn, b. Aug. 12, 1861; m. Alonzo P. Burnham. 508 John Henry {Ebenezer^, John"*, Isaac'*, John", Elisha', Thomas", John') was born in Chelsea, Vt., Sept. 18, 1816. He married, first. Silence P. Cas weU, Oct. 6, 1839. She was born June 28, 1816. She died Aug. 16, 1853; second, Mrs. Lydia (Martin) Dut ton, Nov. 21, 1854. She died Sept. 6, 1869. The children of John H. and Silence P. (Caswell) Perkins were : 739 Fernando Moreto, b. April 27, 1845. 740 Nathan Henry, b. Sept. 10, 1847. 741 Carson Freemont, b. Oct. 20, 1850. 509 Louisa Mehala {Ebenezei^, John"*, Isaac'*, John", Elisha', Thomas'^, Johi?) was born in Chelsea, Vt., April 4, 1821. She married Isaac W. Slack, Dec. 6, 1840. She died Sept. 19, 1841. Their child was : William Henry, b. Sept. 8, 1841. 510 Sarah Jane {Ebenezer^, John"*, Isaac'*, John", Elisha', Thomas^, John') was born in Chelsea, Vt., Nov. 8, 1830. She married Fifield Bahonan, March 31, 1853. He was born Aug. 1, 1831. Their children were : Louisa Erdelia, b. Feb. 2, 1857; d. Nov. 6, 1874. Leslie Herbert, b. Nov. 10, 1860 513 Caroline {Thomas"'*, Elisha'", Thomas'", John'^, Elisha', Thomas", John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., THE PERKINS FAMILY. 99 Oct. 10, 1809. She married WiUiam Porter of Wenham, April 21, 1831. She died March 5, 1833. Their child was : William Edwin, b. June 8, 1832. 514 Elizabeth B. {Thomas"'*, Elisha"', Thomas'", John", Elisha', Thomas", John') was born in Wenham, Mass., Dec. 4, 1811. She married Daniel WUley, Dec. 10, 1834. She died in Topsfield, Feb. 23, 1861. He was born in Wolf boro, N. H., 1811 ; resided in Wenham some years. After the decease of Elizabeth B. he married, second, widow Mercy (Perkins'^^) Andrews (which see). He is by trade a carpenter ; now a farmer in Topsfield. Their children were : Caroline, b. Feb. 29, 1836; d. April 11, 1838. Caroline, b. Aug. 19, 1838 ; m. Charles H. Caswell. Daniel E., b. Peb. 9, 1845; m. Maroella J. Dunbar. Mary Kimball, b. Nov. 29, 1855 ; d. Sept. 6, 1860. 515 Thomas {Thomas"'*, Elisha'", Thomas", John", Elisha', Thomas", John') was born in Wenham, March 27, 1814. He married Elizabeth W. Merrill, May 22, 1836, and died in Topsfield, Oct. 29, 1858, "44y. 7 m." She is now living in Topsfield. He was a farmer. Their children were : 742 Mary Jane, b. Sept. 6, 1837, in Wenham, m. 1st, Daniel H. Smith ; 2nd, John H. Dodge. 743 Thoraas Albert, b. March 15, 1840, in Wenham; d. Aug. 4, 1865. 744 Lewis Kimball, b. Sept. 5, 1843, at Topsfield; d. at Folly Island, S. C, Oct. 12, 1863; was a member of the 40th Regt., Co. F. ¦ 745 Eliza Abby, j ^ m. Stephen M. Pierce. > twins; J b. April 15, 1845, at Topsfield. 740 Elizabeth Annah, ^ C m. Benjamin S. Bray. 100 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 747 Edmund Kimball, b. Nov. 30, 1847; d. Jan. 21, 1850. 748 Sarah Emma, b. April 15, 1850 ; d. March 3, 1869. 749 Caroline, b. Sept. 25, 1852; m. Dudley P. Towne, June 18, 1876. He was son of Waldo and Lydia Phippen (Per kins) Towne. She died Sept. 26, 1885. No children. 750 Ellen M., b. Oct. 30, 1854; ra. Albert W. Pace. 751 Arthur, b. April 15, 1859; d. Aug. 28, 1859. 521 Harriet Maria {Elisha"", Elisha"', Thomas'", John", Elisha', Thoma^, John?) was born in Salem, Mass., 1815. She married Capt. George Upton, May 28, 1839. She died Jan. 22, 1842. He is a retired shipmaster ; now resides in Salem. Their children were : Lucy Ann, b. April, 1840; d. March 22, 1842. Robert, b. Jan. 15, 1842. 523 Moses" {Moses"", Moses'", Moses", John", Eli sha', Thoma^, John') was born in Shirley, Mass., Feb. 28, 1817. He married, first, Abigail M. Bowker about 1843. She was born Jan. 15, 1819, and died March 24, 1853 ; second, Charlotte H. Kendall. She was born April 1, 1819. He is a farmer and resides in Holden, Mass. The children of Moses and wife Abigail M. were : 752 Sarah E., b. Feb. 17, 1844; d. May 28, 1860. 753 Jaraes R., b. Nov. 30, 1846. Children of wife Charlotte H. were : 754 Derwin P., b. March 30, 1856. 755 Ava Anna, b. March 6, 1860; d. March 10, 1866. 524 Lucy Elizabeth (r/iOJwas^^S Moses'", Moses", John", Elisha', Thomas", John') was born in Temple, " It was stated on page 64 th.at Mosos'^s ,ya8 .in only son, but three other chil dren liRvt! since been I'oniid, as here stated, viz. : II.'inn.Th, b. Dec, 1810; m. William W.ishbnrn; resided in Gardner, 111. Thonins, b. M.irch, 1812; d. 1850-51; unm. Sai:ili,b. 1811; d. 1813; unm. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 101 N. H., Sept. 8, 1833. She married, first, Daniel P. Wilson, Sept. 23, 1856. He was a soldier iu the War of the Rebellion; enlisted Aug. 13, 1862; was wounded at the battle of Cold Harbor, June 1, and died June 5, 1864; second, Marcus A. Wilson, June 5, 1873. The children of Daniel P. and Lucy Elizabeth (Per kins) Wilson were : Charles N., b. Aug. 1, 1857; m. Rubie S. Mclntire, June 29, 1881. One child, Persis Ethel. Benjamin G., b. Jan. 11, 1859. 526 Thomas {Thomas"'", Elijah'^, Moses", John^,, Elisha', Thomas", John') was born iu Salem, Mass., Dec. 7, 1824. He raarried Hannah Elizabeth Gale, July 18, 1850. She was the daughter of James Gale, born June 12, 1822. He was supercargo and agent iu East Indies from 1843 to 1854 then importer of East India goods in Boston. Since then in cotton business in New York city. His residence is now in Salem. Their only child was : 756 Thomas Lyman, b. May 7, 1851 ; m. Ellen A. Barlow. 527 Joseph Warren ( Thomas^'", Elijah'^, Moses", John", Elisha', Thomas", John?) was born in Salem, Mass., June 17, 1829, and died July 5, 1885. He mar ried, first, Anna Maria Townsend, June 23, 1853. She was born April 4, 1829, and died Sept. 15, 1862 ; sec ond, Maria A. Raymond, June 8, 1865. She was born Feb. 19, 1841, and died March 9, 1875 ; third, Laura A. Morton, July 19, 1877. She was born June 9, 1839. He was a shipmaster for many years. The children of Joseph W. and Anna M. (Townsend) Perkins were : 757 Joseph Warren, b. Nov. 16, 1856. 758 Alice Robie, b. Jan. 16, 1858; ra. Warren A. Gray. 102 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 759 George Townsend, b. Aug. 14, 1860; m. Hattie Ellen Pierce. The children of Joseph W. and Maria A. (Raymond) Perkins were : 760 Stephen Dustin, b. Feb. 16, 1868. 761 Annie Maria, b. May 21, 1871. 762 Horace Kemble, b. Feb. 3, 1875. The children of Joseph W. and Laura A. (Morton) Perkins were : 763 Grace Morton, b. July 23, 1878. 764 Laura May, b. May 2, 1882; d. Sept. 3, 1882. 765 Arthur, b. Oot. 29, 1883. 529 Harriet {Thotnas"'", Elijah'^', Moses", John", Elisha', Thoinas", John') was born in Salein, Mass., June 5, 1833. She married William McMullan, June 25, 1856. He was born March 1, 1827, and died Feb. 9, 1862. He was a merchant, and was for some years a resident at Zanzibar, on the east coast of Africa, where he was American consul. Their only child was : William, b. June 24, 1859. 531 Caroline (Thomas"'", Elijah'^', Moses", John", Elisha', Thoma^, John') was born in Salem, Mass., Feb. 10, 1839. She married George Prince Osgood, April 23, 1867. He was the son of John W. and Sarah (Prince) Osgood, and was born in Salem, March 22, 1813. They reside in Salem, Mass. Their children were : Mary, b. Dec. 30, 1868. SaUy Prince, b. Feb. 11, 1872. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 103 532 Elizabeth Stone {Thomas"'", Elijah"'', Moses", John", Elisha', Thomas", John') was boru in Salem, Mass., March 31, 1841. She married E. Franklin Balch, June 5, 1873. He was the son of Benjamin and Caro line Lawrence (Moore) Balch, born in Salom, Nov. 27, 1843. He is the Superintendent of the Naumkeag Steam Cot ton Company's Mills in Salem. Their children were : Edith Perkins, b. Aug. 26, 1874. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 11, 1876. Frank, b. Oct. 31, 1880. 533 Rachel {David"'\ David'"*, Moses", John", Eli sha", Tliomas^, Jolin') was born in Bakersfield, Vt., Feb., 1813. She married Israel Smith Freeman about 1834. tie died in Moretown, Vt., July 8, 1884, 76 years, 7 months. She died Aug. 9, 1873, iu Northfield, Vt., 58 years. Their children were : Kimball, born about 1836 ; died before 1838 ; 2 years old. Charles Hunter, b. May 15, 1838; resides in Boston. David Perkins, b. Feb. 18, 1842; resides in Odell, Neb. 535 Parley {David"'\ David'^, Moses", John", Eli sha', Thomas^, John') was born in Bakersfield, Vt., March 14, 1819. He married Sophronia Bickford, Dec. 28, 1842. She is now living. He died in Newport, Vt., Sept. 21, 1884. He was a farmer. Their children were : 766 Daniel, b. July 15, 1844; reside at Newport, Vt. 767 Sidney, b. Nov. 15, 1846; ra. Edna E. Connal. 536 Patima {David"'\ David"*, Moses", John", Eli sha", Thoma^, John') was born in Bakersfield, Vt., 104 THE PERKINS FAMILY. March 26, 1821. She married Tertius Heaton, Oct. 23, 1843. They reside in Clearwater, Minn. Their children were : Phedora, b. July 29, 1844. John, b. Nov. 5, 1845. Mary, b. Nov. 14, 1847; d. June 11, 1848. Harry, b. June 10, 1849. Horaer T., b. July 16, 1851. Mary F., b. May 25, 1853. Jim, b. May 1, 1855 ; d. Oct. 5, 1855. 537 Elizabeth {David"'", David'^, Moses", Jolm", Elisha', Thoma^, John') was boru iu Bakersfield, Vt., Aug. 6, 1828. She married Alden Wheelock. She died Oct. 24, 1869, 41 years old. Their children were : Mary, b. Eflle, b. Henrietta, b. Herald, b. A child, b. ; died young. 539 Joseph M. {Amos""', Jacob'", Joseph"", JacoV^, Elisha', Thomas", John') was born in Unity, N. H., Dec. 11, 1819. He married Maria Hathorn, Oct., 1852. He is town clerk of Unity, N. H., which office he has held for the past twenty or more years ; has represented the town in the state legislature two years and was a member of the constitutional convention in 1876. Their children were : 768 Leila B., b. 769 Abbie M., b. 540 Abby {Amo^, Jacob"', Joseph"^, Jacob", Eli sha', Thomas", John') was born in Unity, N. H., March THE PERKINS FAMILY. 105 25, 1826. She married Winfield S. Moody, Oct., 1854. They reside in Norwalk, Ct. Their chUdren were (names unknown) : A son, b ; graduated from Trinity College. A son, b. A son, b. 540 bis Henry Whipple {John"*"',* Henry"*, Jo seph"^, Jacob", Elisha', Thomas", John') was born in Springfield, Vt., June 2, 1834. He married Bina S. Trimble, Nov. 7, 1861. She was the daughter of Samuel T. and Matilda E. (Appleton) Trimble. He was educated at Kimball Union Academy, Meriden, N. H. ; entered Dartmouth College 1851 ; was graduated 1855 ; went to Iowa and studied the profession of the law and was admitted to practice, 1858, in Muscatine, where he lived untU 1866. In 1864, he was elected county judge. He now (1886) resides in the city of Chicago, 111. Their children were : 770 Frank H., b. March 11, 1863; d. Jan. 20, 1864. SEVENTH GENERATION. *348 Jolm (Henry^^"*, Joseph", Jacob''^, Elisha", Thomas^, John^-) -was born in Ch.arleston, N. H., Feb. 13, 1791. He married Josephine M. Whipple, June 8, 1825. She was the daughter of Jonathan and Lydia (Leiand) Whipple of Gi-.ifton, Mass., born May 8, 1798, in Weathersfield, Vt. He died Dec. 25, 1866, in Springfleld, Vt. She is now (1886) living in Springfield, Vt., at the age of eighty-eight. He was a merchant for most of bis life and resided iu Springfleld, Vt., from 1810 to the time of his death. He held the several military offices of captain, colonel and general of the Ver mont militia, and had previously served in the " War of 1812." He also held many offices of trust in the towu and always managed thera for its interest. He was known as " General Perkins," and had a very extensive acquaintance in this section of the country. Their children were ; An infant, b. Oct. 25, 1826; died same day. Ellen M., b. Nov. 4, 1827; d. July 25, 1831, of scarlet fever. John W., b. Jan. 21, 1831 ; drowned in Black river Dec. 10, 1837. 540 iis Henry Whipple, b. June 2, 1831; m. JBina Trimble. (See above.) All born in Springfleld, Vt. PT. 2 7* 106 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 771 Harry T., b. March 27, 1877; d. Sept. 10, 1877. 772 Baby (a daughter) b. Nov. 7, 1879; d. March 14, 1882. 553 Jared Augustus {Jared"", Jacob'", Joseph"", Jacob", Elisha', Thoinas", John') was boru in Dover, N. H., August 25, 1836. He married Emma Dodge Somerby of Newburyport, Mass., Dec. 24, 1867. She was boru in Newburyport, Feb. 1, 1844. He died about 1883. He was a dentist in Amesbury for some years. Their child was : 773 Emma Somerby, b. Oct. 18, 1868, at Amesbury. 568 Mary Anna {John F.""', Jacob'"', Zebulon", Jacob", Elisha', Thomas", John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., Sept. 6, 1851. She married WUliam H. Clough Feb. 12, 1873. He was born in Danvers, Sept. 10, 1851. He is a dealer in confectionery. They reside in Salem , Mass. Their children were : Lillian Br.ay, b. June 23, 1877. Jennie Harrison, b. July 7, 1882. Stella May, b. June 5, 1885; d. Sept. 13, 1885. 584 Jared Daniel {Jared"", Robinson"", Joseph", Joseph", Elisha', Thomas", John') was born in Jafirey, N. H., Sept. 8, 1820. He married Sarah Ann Amadon, June 20, 1843. lie is a watchmaker and now resides in Bellows Falls, Vt. Their only child was : 774 Addie Sarah, b. March 25, 1844; m. Lavant M. Reed, 1876. 586 Sarah {Moses Spofford"', Moses"*, Joseph", Jo- THE PERKINS FAMILY. 107 seph", Elisha', Thomas", John?) was born in Jafi'rey, N. H., Sept. 7, 1822. She married M. P. Farrar of Eomeo, Mich., Sept. 12, 1848. She died in Romeo, Jan. 19, 1854. Their children were : Mary Blake, b; d. Dec. 10, 1870. Hattie Farrar, b. 587 Phebe {Moses Spofford"", Moses"*, Joseph", Jo seph", Elisha', Thomas", John') was born in Jafi'rey, N. H., Nov. 17, 1824. She married J. L. Bolster, Nov. 2, 1847, in Jafi'rey. They afterward resided in Keene, N.H. Their children were : Frank P., b. Feb. 1, 1849; d. July 30, 1863. Sarah Ellen, b. Feb. 1, 1854 ; m. W. C. Mason. He died Oct. 3, 1883. Almon J., b. March 23, 1868; d. Sept. 5, 1868. 588 Hart {Moses Spofford"', Moses"*, Joseph", Jo seph", Elisha", Thomas", John') was born in Jafi'rey, N. H., Sept. 26, 1828. He married Phebe P. Flower of Romeo, Mich., July, 1854. They resided in Tidioute, Pa., and Romeo, Mich. Their children were : 775 Fred. E., b. Aug. 2, 1868; d. Dec. 27, 1870. 776 Ettie Jane, b. Feb. 25, 1875. 589 Charles {Moses Spofford"", Moses"*, Joseph", Joseph", Elisha', Thomas", John') was born in Jaffrey, N. H., Oct. 27, 1833. He married Sarah R. Eveleth ot Dublin, N. H., Feb., 1862. They reside in Ayer, Mass. Their only child was : 777 Albert, b. May 15, 1868, iu Ayer, Mass. 590 Dorcas Coolidge {Moses Spofford"', Moses"*, 108 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Joseph", Joseph", Elisha', Thoma^, Join?) was born in Troy, N. H., June 24, 1835. She married James S. Lacy of JaflTrey, July 22, 1856.- They reside in JaflTrej'. He is a merchant there. Their (adopted) daughter (the child of Mary^'^) was : Mary F. Bailey, b. Dec. 6, 1867. 591 Cozby {Moses Spofford"', 3Ioses"*, Joseph", Jo seph", Elisha', Thoma^, John)-) was born, probablj'', in Troy, N. H., June 28, 1838. She married John V. Tenney, Jan. 1, 1859. He died 1860. Their only child was : Dora v., b. Sept. 15, 1860, in Jaffrey. 592 Mary {Moses Spofford"', Moses"*, Joseph", Jo seph", Elisha', Thomas", John') was born in Troy, N. H., May 21, 1840. She married F. W. BaUey, Sept. 2, 1866. She died Dec. 8, 1867. He died in Keene, April 27, 1870. Their only child was : Mary Fredrika, b. Dec. 6, 1867. 593 Ann Louisa {Eleazer""'^, Moses"*, Joseph", Jo seph", Elisha', Thoma^, John?) was born in New Ips wich, N. H., July 22, 1829. She married Stephen T. Sherman Jan. 12, 1850. Resides in Portsmouth, R. I. He is a farmer. Their children were : Perkins B., b. June 30, 1851, in Bristol, R. I. George W., b. March 24, 1854, in Portsmouth, R. I. Warren R., b. April 17, 1856, in Portsmouth, R. I. 594 Ann Maria {Eleazer""", Moses"*, Joseph", Jo seph", Elisha', Thomas", John') was born in New Ips wich, N. H., June 19, 1830. She married Williani B. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 109 Lawton, Feb. 8, 1851. Resides in South Middleboro, Mass. He is a farmer. Their only child is : Maria L., b. m. Geo. "W. Gardner. 595 George W. {Eleazer^"", Moses"*, Joseph", Jo seph", Elisha', Thomas", John') was born in Troy, N. H., March 10, 1832. He married Mary J. Cory, Oct. 4, 1852. He died June 16, 1883, in Newport, R. I. He was a provision dealer. Their children were : 778 Ida L., b. June 21, 1853 ; m. Frank D. W. Annable, Oct. 9, 1884. 779 Charles C, b. Jan. 6, 1855, in South Orange, Mass. ; m. Kate Connelly, July 27, 1875. 780 LillaE.,b.Oct. 5, 1857; m. Stephen W. Gray, April 29, 1866, in Newport, R. I. 781 Walter L., b. June 26, 1859 ; m. Maggie J. Rafferty, Nov. 23, 1885, in Fall River, Mass. 782 Frederick A., b. Aug 6, 1866. 596 Andrew W. {Eleazei^'^ , Moses"*, Joseph", Jo seph", Elisha', Thoma^, John') was born in Jafi'rey, N. H., Sept. 12, 1835. He married Susan P. Sherman, Nov. 5, 1855. He is a slater, roofer, etc. Resides in New Bedford, Mass. Their children were : 783 Marietta, b. Dec. 5, 1857; m. H. W. Wood; d. May 7, 1878. 784 John A., b. March 1, 1862, in Portsmouth, R. I. ; m. Aug. 7, 1886, Hattie E. Gray. 785 Carrie L., b. Feb. 3, 1871, in New Bedford. 600 Benjamin Franklin {Benjamin*" , Robert"", Robert"*, Robert"", Thomas", Thomas", John') was born in Topsfield, May 30, 1812 ; married Elizabeth Murray ] 10 THE PERKINS FAMILY. of Manchester, Nov. 5, 1832. They are both living in Beverly. He is a shoe manufacturer. Their children were : 786 Caroline, b. Feb. 22 ; m. John B. Hill. 787 George Franklin, b. Aug. 28, 1834; m. Harriet A. Prime. 788 Mary Allen, b. ; m. Charles L. Dodge ; Beverly. 789 Sarah Bickford, b. ; unm. ; d. 1884. 601 Rebecca {Benjamin*", Robert!"", Robert'"*, Rob ert"", Thomas", Thomas", JoAn^,) was born in Topsfield, Mass., Aug. 8, 1819. She married first, William Preston Dodge, AprU 1, 1834. He died AprU 8, 1842. Second, Elbridge Fisk Perkins^^S March 30, 1845. Children of William P. and Rebecca (Perkins) Dodge were : John Holroyd, b. 1835. "WiUiam P., b. Jan. 10, 1837; d. Oct. 20, 1875. Julia Ann, b. Sept. 1839; m. 1st Saml. Beckford ; 2nd F. Curtis. Otis, b. July 6, 1842 ; d. March 7, 1865, at New Boston, N. H. For children by Elbridge F.,""' see page 114. 605 George 'H.en'ry (Benjamin*", Roberi'^, Robert'"*, Robert"", Thomas", Thomas", John') was born, 1831, in Topsfield, Mass. He married, first, Augusta L. Story, Nov. 26, 1853. She died Aug. 20, 1860; born 1831; second, Mary Sawyer. He is a shoemaker ; resides iu Danversport. Child of George Henry and Augusta L. (Story) Per kins was : 790 Jane McLoud, b. March 5, 1855; m. G. Lunt. Child of George H. and Mary (Sawyer) Perkins was : 791 James, b. abt. 1864. He is a teacher in Essex. 609 Robert Sumner {Amos*", Robert"", Robert'"*, TIIE PERKINS FAMILY. Ill Robert^, Thomas", Thomas", John') was born in Tops- field, Mass., Feb. 5, 1817. He married, first, Abigail Perkins**^, 1844. She was the daughter of Nathaniel and Judith (Smith) Perkins. She died Sept. 9, 1845 ; second, Mary Jane Hamsen. She was the daughter of Joseph Hines and Annis (Chapman) Hamsen, born Feb. 9, 1831. He is a soap manufacturer and resides in Danvers. Their children were : 792 William Parker, b. Feb. 25, 1863. 793 Annis Mowatt, b. July 5, 1857; d. April 11, 1874. 794 Bertha Frances, b. Nov. 20, 1859. 795 Myron Sumner, b. Dec. 1, 1869. 610 Olive Brown (Amos*", Robert"^, Robert"*, Rob ert^, Thomas", Thomas", John') was born iu Topsfield, Mass., March 4, 1819. She married Humphrey Wildes, March 8, 1835. She died 1862. He was a farmer and shoemaker. Their children were : Lucy A., b. 1837; m. B. C. Dodd; d. 1873. Abby E., b. 1839; d. 1841. Lewis H., b. ; m. Anna J. Chapman. William H., b. ; m. Eunice H. Richardson. Charles L., b. ; m. Sarah F. Wildes ; d. 1873. JohnT., b. 1848; d. 1853. Austin, b. 1849 ; d. 1853. Alvin T., b. 1850; d. 1853. George A., b. ; m. Lottie E. Frey. 611 Sophia Chaplin {Amos*", Robert"^, Robert'"*, Robert"', Thomas", Thomas", John') was boru in Tops- field, Mass., March 15, 1821. She married Frederick Stiles, July 14, 1840. She died at the Salem Hospital, Oct. 27, 1885. Their only child was : ,b. Jan. 23, 1844; d. Feb. 19, 1844. 112 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 612 Samuel Brown {Amos*", Robert", Robert"*, Robert, Thomas", Thomas", John') was born in Tops- field, Mass., Aug. 18, 1823. He married Charlotte Field, Oct. 21, 1845. He is a shoemaker and resides in Danvers. Their chUdren were : 796 Abbie, b. 1846; m. George W. Elliott, Nov. 29, 1865. 797 Emily Augusta, b. June 18, 1849. 798 Mary Ella, b. Sept. 4, 1853. 799 Amos Lawrence, b. June 7, 1857. 618 Phebe Wildes {Nehemiah*'*, Robert"", Rob ert'"*, Robert"", Thomas", Thomas", John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., Oct. 21, 1822. She married James H. Sleeper about 1849. Their children were : Emily Perkins, b. July 20, 1850; m. Eben G. Sleeper; d. May 11, 1879 Albert Cornelius, b. July 2, 1852; m. Ellen Mehitable Towne. 619 Benjamin Austin {Nehemiah*'*, RoberF", Rob ert"*, Robert"", Thomas", Thomas^, John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., June 12, 1824. He married Harriet Almira Bixby, Jan. 1, 1860. She was the daughter of Haskett G. and Harriet E. (Blodgett) Bixby, born iu Boxford, 1842. Their child was : 800 Lydia Bradstreet, b. Jan. 25, 1862 ; m. Crosby. 623 Albert Cornelius {Nehemiah*'*, Robert"", Rob ert'"*, Robert"", Thomas", Thomas", John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., Dec. 18, 1833. He married Caroline Cleaveland Peabody, published Aug. 5, 1864. She was tho daughter of Deacon Joel and Sarah (Dole) Peabody, born 1843. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 113 He was educated at Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H. ; was graduated at that institution, 1859 ; received the degree of A.M., 1862, and of Ph.D., 1879. He was principal of the High School at Lawrence, Mass., from 1863 to 1873. He was also principal of Phillips Exeter Academy from 1873 to 1883 ; took charge of the Adelphi Academy in Brooklyn, N. Y., in 1883, where he is now (1886). He is eminent as an educator, and is a most successful teacher. Their children were : 801 Caroline Peabody, b. June 16, 1867, in Lawrence, Mass. 802 Charles Albert, b. Jan. 26, 1869, in Lawrence, Mass. 803 Gertrude Lydia, b. Oct. 11, 1870, in Lawrence; d. May 27, 1886, in Brooklyn, N. Y. 804 Marion Alice, b. May 1, 1879, in Exeter, N. H. 624 Eliza Brownell {Nehemiah*'*, Robert"", Rob ert'"*, Robert"', Thomas", TliomaH, John') was boru in Topsfield, Mass., June 8, 1835. She married Rev. Al pheus Justus Pike of Marlboro, Conn., Oct. 3, 1860. He was the son of Benjamin aud Huldah (Dorman) Pike of Topsfield, and was born 1828 ; graduated at Dartmouth College, 1855 ; Theological Seminary, Andover, 1855, where he took a partial course of study. They reside at Dawson, Dak. Their children were : Flora Eliza, b. Nov. 21, 1861; m. W. A. Gates, Feb. 18, 1885; one child, Marion Inis. Dorman Bradstreet, b. June 10, 1864; graduated from Dart mouth College, 1886. Minnie Esther, b. July 27, 1872. 625 John Wright {Nehemiah*'*, Robert'^, Robert'"*, Robert"'^, Thomas", Thomas", John') was born in Tops- field, Mass., Aug. 21, 1841. He married Esther Ann PT. 2 8 114 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Rogers Towne, March 6, 1867. ShcAvas the daughter of Alfred P. and Harriet N. (Peabody) Towne of Bradford, Mass., and was born in Topsfield, Dec. 20, 1842. He was graduated at Harvard College, 1865, and re ceived from that university the degrees of A.B. and A.M. He was the principal of the Salem High School from 1868 to 1882 ; since that time to the present (1886) he has been the principal of Dummer Academy, Byfield, Mass. A successful aud honored teacher. Their children were : 805 Frederick Winthrop, b. April 25, 1876. 806 Alice Choate, b. March 24, 1879. 807 Moses Bradstreet, b. May 27, 1881. 630 Henry Russell (jyera-?/ Coit*", Thomas'"', Thom as'", Samuel"' Thomas,", Thomas", John') was born in Newburyport, Mass., April 2, 1838. He married Geor- gianna P. Reed of Roxbury, Mass. Their children were : 808 Georgianna R., b. Nov. 1, 1870. 809 Harriet D., b. June 8, 1872. 810 Ruth G., b. Nov. 1, 1880. 631 Elbridge Fisk {Dudley*"', Elijah'^', Sam uel"", Samuel"', Thomas", Thomas", John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., Nov. 19, -1819. lie married, first, widow Rebecca^°i (Perkins) Dodge, March 30, 1845. She was the daughter of Benjamin"" and Rebecca (Ash by) Perkins and had before married William P. Dodge. She died Jan. 26, 1858. He married, second, widow Susan I. (Adams) Perkins, May 27, 1863. She was the widow of his brother, Rodney Dennis^^^. Children by wife Rebecca were : 811 Elbridge W., b. Dec. 8, 1845; m. Sarah Dwinell. 812 Edward Granville, b. 1847; m. Esther C. Doughty, Dec. 28, 1869. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 115 813 Dennis Augustus, b. Oct. 9, 1849 ; m. Emma F. Adams, Dec. 8, 1874; d. Dec. 17, 1884. 814 George Henry, b. Aug. 19, 1851 ; is a clergyman in Boston. 815 Benjamin Ashby, b. Feb. 7, 1855. Children by wife Susan were : 816 Justin Winfield Scott, b. June 4, 1864; m. Erama F. Seates. 817 Lyman Almy, b. May 6, 1871. 632 Rodney Dennis {Dudley*"', Elijah'", Sam uel"", Samuel"', Thomas", Thoma^, Join?) was born in Topsfield, Mass., 7 Feb., 1821. He married Susan I. Adams, published Nov. 30, 1854. She was daughter of Johu and Sarah Adams, born 1833. lie died Aug. 31, 1859. After which his widow married with his older brother, Elbridge Fisk<'^i. He was a shoe manufacturer aud resided in Topsfield. Their children were : 818 Theron Dennis, b. April 13, 1856; m. Mary A. Balch of Topsfield. 819 Sarah Lizzie, b. Sept. 6, 1859 ; m. Rev. Gilbert B. Balch of Topsfield. 633 Lydia Phippen {Dudley*"', ElijaW, Sam uel"'', Samuel"', Thomas", TliomaH, Join?) was born in Topsfield, Mass., March 29, 1823. She married Jacob Waldo Towne, Nov. 20, 1842. He was the son of Jacob and Sophia Wildes Towne, boru Feb. 4, 1818, and died Aug. 13, 1874, "56. 6. 9." She died June, 1886. Their children were : « George Augustus, b. Aug. 27, 1843; m. Ellen S. Hardy; d. Jacob Albert, b. July 26, 1844 ; m. Lydia H. Melville ; d. Aug. 26, 1883. Charles Henry, b. Nov. 15, 1845 ; m. Sarah J. Smith. Dudley Perkins, b. July 5, 1849 ; m. Carrie M. Perkins. Mary Lizzie, b. Nov. 23, 1851. Willie F., b. June 14, 1853; d. Feb. 13, 1869. Howard D., b. Jan. 18, 1857; d. June 28, 1869. 634 Dudley Quincy {Dudley*"', Elijah*", Sam- 116 THE PERKINS FAMILY. uel'^, Samuel?', Thomas", Thoma^, John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., March 6, 1825. He married Mary Abby Elliott, June 24, 1850. She was the daughter of Israel D. and Mary (Ranlett) Elliott, born Aug. 26, 1829. He is a farmer and shoemaker and resides in Topsfield, Mass. Their children were : 820 Frederick, b. Sept. 20, 1851 ; d. Jan. 10, 1852. 821 Charles Dudley, b. Sept. 18, 1853; m. Louisa Jane Russell Jan. 1, 1878 ; d. July 4, 1878. 822 John Webster, b. June 20, 1855; m. Flora T. Friend, Nov. 12, 1884. 823 Rufus Elliott, b. June 3, 1859 ; m. Annie P. Adams, Oct. 26, 1881. 824 Israel Albion, b. Sept. 23, 1865. 636 Josiah Peabody {Dudley*"', Elijalr", Sam uel"", Samuel"^, Thomas", Thomas", John}) was born in Topsfield, Oct. 4, 1832. He married Phebe W. Towle. They were published Aug. 8, 1854. She was the daugh ter of Samuel and Cyuthia (Bradstreet) Towle, born 1835. He is a farmer and resides upon the old ancestral estate in Topsfield, Mass. Their children were : 825 Mary Emma, b. Oct. 5, 1855 ; m. Artliur W. Phillips. Oue child, Percy Fremont, b. Aug; 30, 1876. 826 Josiah Fremont, b. Jan. 22, 1857 ; m. Carrie E. Glazier. 827 Jessie Marrion, b. Feb. 18, 1859; m. Benjamin F. Paige of Orford, N. H. 828 A daughter, b. Nov. 13, 1861 ; d. Nov. 23, 1861. 829 Nellie, b. Oct. 4, 1862. 830 Willie, b. May 28, 1868, d. June 9, 1868. 831 Alice Lillian, b. Sept. 21, 1869. 638 Elijah Rea {Daniel*"", ElijaW , Samuel"^ Sam uel"', f.'homas", Thomas", John}) was born in Topsfield, Mass., Jan. 6, 1828. He married Elizabeth Trask THE PERKINS FAMILY. 117 Moulton of Beverly, Mass., Dec. 14, 1856. She was daughter of Jonathan and Nancy (Trask) Moulton, born March 17, 1834. He is a roofer and photographer. Their children were : 832 A son, b. June 16, 1863; d. young. 833 Lizzie, b. Nov. 2, 1864; d. Jan. 29, 1865. 834 Nancy Rosamond, b. April 6, 1866; d. Sept. 10, 1880. 835 Elizabeth, b. March- 10, 1870; d. July 30, 1870. 836 Mary Ellen, b. Aug. 26, 1876. 640 Charlotte Augusta {Daniel*"^, Elijah'", Sam uel"", Samuel"', Thomas", Thomas", John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., April 27, 1841. She married George Leroy Gleason of Ferrisburg, Vt., October 4, 1864. He was born in Bristol, N. Ii., Feb. 25, 1835, and was the son of the Rev. Salmon and Jerusha Gleason. He prepared for college at Topsfield Acadeni}', 1857 ; graduated at Dartmouth College, 1861, aud from Andover Theological Seminary, 1864. He is now a Congregatioual clergyman at South Byfield, Mass. Their children were : Chauncey, b. Jan. 4, 186G, at Bristol, Vt. Alice, b. Oct. 23, 1867, at Rutland, Vt. Charlotte Louisa, b. May 5, 1S69, at Manchester, Mass. Annie Perkins, b. Oct. 12, 1871, at Manchester, Mass. George, b. March 8, 1875, at Manchester, Mass. Leroy Willard, b. Dec. 18, 1881, at Andover, Mass. 642 Moses Broadstreet {Ezra*", Ezra'*', David"\ Jonathan?*, Timothy", Thomas", John}) was born in Che bacco Parish, Ipswich (now Essex), Mass., June 30, 1803. He married Lydia Proctor, Oct. 13, 1827. She was the daughter of John aud Sally (Gardner) Proctor. He died very suddenly March 21, 1883. He was a farmer and shoemaker. 118 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Their children were : 837 Gardner, b. Aug. 2, 1828 ; m. Martha Bray of Gloucester, Jan. 2, 1853. 838 John Jay, b. Jan. 16, 1833; m. Eliza Furbush of Hardwick, Mass., b. 1831; she d. March 28, 1883, 51y. 8m. 839 Leverett, b. Dec. 2, 1839 ; m. Nov. 21, 1859, Eliza C. Allen ; d. Sept. 28, 1881. 840 Mary E.,b. June 25, 1848; d. Sept. 12, 1848. 643 Ezra {Ezttt*", Ezra'*', David"^, Jonathan"*, Timothy", Thomas", John') was born in Chebacco Par ish, Ipswich, Mass., Sept. 3, 1807. lie married Joanna G. Allen of Manchester, Mass. , Oct. 27, 1831; published Oct. 7, 1831. She was born June 30, 1810, and was the daughter of John W. aud Joanna (Girdler) Alien. They are both now living in Essex, Mass. He is senior Deputy Sherifl' of the County of Essex, Mass., his commission bearing date of 1854; he is also Justice of the Peace. Their cliild was : 841 Albert Woodbury, b. March 4, 1833; m. Alice M. Knout, of Halifax, N. S., June, 1856; d. Oct. 5, 1862. 644 Jonathan C. {Ezra*", Ezra"', David"", Jona than"*, Timothy", Thomas", John') was born in Chebacco parish, Ipswich, Mass., Nov. 21, 1809. He married, first, Caroline Story Burgess, June 1, 1837. She was the daughter of Capt. Andrew Burgess, born Feb. 3, 1812, and died Feb. 21, 1838; second, Elizabeth Graf ton Brookhouse, March 4, 1840. She was the daughter of Robert Brookhouse, a wealthy merchant of Salem; was born April 11, 1821, and died Feb. 24, 1883. He died Dec. 12, 1877. Ho was educated at Phillips Academy and Amherst College ; graduated from that institution 1832 ; studied THE PERKINS FAMILY. 119 law at the Dane Law School, Cambridge, 1835. He was Judge of the Court of Common Pleas from 1848 to 1859. He was an eminent lawyer and edited and compiled very many law books which are invaluable to the pro fession. He was one of the trustees of Amherst College from 1850 and was a member of the State Constitutional Convention, besides holding many other offices of honor and trust among his fellow-citizens. His children, all by his second wife, Elizabeth G. (Brookhouse) Perkins, were : 842 Eliza Grafton, b. Jan. 24, 1841 ; d. March 12, 1841. 843 Caroline Burgess, b. June 21, 1844; m. Dr. Arthur Kemble, June 4, 1867. 844 Henry Grafton, b. Aug. 16, 1846; d. Dec. 10, 1857. 845 Elizabeth Brookhouse, b. Dec. 12, 1849; m. John Daland, Oct. 5, 1868. 846 Henry, b. Oct. 19, 1852; m. Jennie TenEyck Roberts, Feb. 12, 1884. 847 Mary, b. July 22, 1855; m. William Wentworth, Oct. 10, 1877. 848 Charles Brookhouse, b. May 19, 1861 ; m. Jeanette Pur- beck, Dec. 25, 1882. 646 Nathaniel {Nathaniel*", Ezra'*', David"\ Jon athan"*, Timothy", Thomas", John') was born in Wen ham, Mass., Aug. 30, 1813. He married Lucy Porter of Wenham, Dec. 1, 1836. She was the daughter of Paul and Nancy (Moulton) Porter, born May 8, 1816. He died in Topsfield, June 22, 1846, "32 yrs." He was a farmer. Their children were : 849 George Cowles, b. Feb. 9, 1838 ; d. Dec. 28, 1858. 850 Nathaniel Porter, b. Nov. 7, 1840 ; m. Chariotte E. Patch. 851 Albert Smith, b. June 8, 1845; d. in Topsfield, April 11, 1846. 120 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 650a Caleb Kimball {Nathaniel*", Ezra'", Da vid"", Jonathan"*, Timothy", Thoma^, John') was born iu Wenham, Mass., Nov. 25, 1830. He married Mary L. Peabody of Topsfield. They were published Dec. 31, 1857, and m.arried Jan. 1, 1858. She was the daughter of Joel R. and Mary Peabody. He died Aug. 25, 1861, 30 years, 9 months. He was a farmer. Their children were : 852 Abby Frances, b. Dec. 14, 1858 ; d. Feb. 16, 1859. 853 George Williara, b. Jan. 6, 1860; received the degree of M. D., Harvard College, 1884. 854 Arthur Kimball, b. May 22, 1861. 650b Andrew Cole {David*'",* Ezra'", David"", Jonathan"*, Timothy", Thomas", John') was born in Wen ham, Mass., Sept. 5, 1816. He married, first, Mary Emeline Bickford, Dec. 25, 1844. She died June 1, 1855. He married, second, Margaret Palmer Copp, Nov. 17, 1857 ; both were of Wakefield, N. H. He is a carpenter ; resides in Wakefield, Mass. The children of Andrew C. and Mary Emeline (Bick ford) Perkins were : SEVENTH GENERATION. *453 -DB,-vid(.Ezra^", David"', Jonathan^*, Timothy", Thomas', John^) -was bora in Topsfield, Mass., Nov. 6, 1790. He niairied Lydia Kimball, Nov. 2S 1815, in Essex, Mass. She was from Wenham and was tlie daughter of William and Polly (Cole) KimbaU, born March 11, 1705, and died in Wakefield, Mass., Aug. 22, 1S85. Ho died Aug. 20, 1801 ; resided in Wakefield, Mass. Ue was a carpenter. Their cliildren were: 650b Andrew Cole, b. Sept. 5, 1816; m. 1st, Mary Emeline Bickford; 2nd, Margaret Palmer Copp. 650c Lydia, b. June 1, 1820; d. April 27, 1827. 650d Ezra, b. May 3,1824; m. Harriet P. Burnham. 650e William Kimball, b. Jan. 31, 1826; m. 1st, Susan Dillingham; 2nd, Olive Crowell. 650f Lydia, b. Feb. 27, 18-28, in Wenham, Mass. 650g David, b. April 4, 1830; m. Elizabeth D. Fowle. 660h Mary Ann, b. July 8, 1832; m. George A. Daland. 650i Lucy Friend, b. April 2, 1836, in Essex ; d. Sept. 22, 1885; unm. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 121 855 Charles Andrew, b. April 18, 1850; m. Rosa A. Swain. 856 Emeline, b. ; d. 6 months old. 857 Sophia, b. ; d. a few days old. The children of Andrew C. and Margaret Palmer (Copp) Perkins were : 858 Walter Francis, ) ^^^.^^^ . f b. April 8, 1858. 859 Lewellyn, 5 ' 1 died young. 650d Ezra {.David*'", Ezra'*', David"\ Jonathan"*, Timothy", Thomas", John') was born in Wenham, Mass., May 3, 1824. He married Harriet Frances Burnham, Nov. 27, 1848. She was born iu Essex, Mass., Sept. 17, 1825. She was the daughter of Ebenezer and Lucy (Burnham) Burnham. He is a manufacturer of boots and shoes and dealer in dry and fancy goods in Oldtown, Me. Their only child is : 860 Frank Judson, b. Oct. 13, 1856, in Essex, Mass. ; m. Abby Frances Cousens. 650e William K. {David*'", Ezra'*', David"\ Jon athan?*, Timothy", TliomaH, John') was born in Beverly, Mass., Jan. 31, 1826. He married, first, Susan Dilling ham of Brewster. She died June 18, 1855; second, Olive Crowell of East Dennis. He is by trade a mason. They reside in Wakefield, Mass. The children of William K. and Susan (Dillingham) Perkins were : 861 A son, died young. 862 A son, died young. The children of William K. and Olive (Crowell) Per kins were : 863 Freeman Dillingham, b. July 10, 1857; m. Edith Louisa Cooper ; resides in Farragut, Iowa. PT. 2 8* 122 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 864 Willie Chester, b. Sept. 1, 1863, in East Dennis; resides in Farragut, Iowa. 865 Susan Dillingham, b. Jan. 10, 1868, in Wakefield. 650g David {David*'", Ezra'", David"\ Jonathan"*, Timothy", Thomas", John') was born in Wenham, Mass., April 4, 1830. He married Elizabeth D. Fowle of Wo burn, Oct. 15, 1856. He is a carpenter by trade. They reside in Wakefield, Mass. Their children were : 866 Lilley David, b. May 5, 1859; d. March 10, 1860. 867 Eva, b. Oct. 5, 1862; d. Feb. 10, 1863. 65011 Mary Ann {David*'", Ezra,'*' David"\ Jona- athan"*, Timothy", Thomas", John') was born in Essex, Mass., July 8, 1832. She married George A. Daland of Wakefield (formerly South Beading) Nov. 15, 1853. He is a shoemaker by trade. They reside in Wakefield, Mass. Their children were : Alvin Francis, b. Sept. 22, 1854. Everett George, b. Nov. 16, 1860. Lmda Perldns, b. Jan. 5, 1870. Horace Sumner, b. ; died young. 650j Mary Elizabeth {John*'*, Ezra'*', David'^", Jonathan?*, Timothy", Thomas', John') was born in SEVENTH GENEBATION. 454 John (£«ro">, David"", Jonathan''*, Timothy^'', Thomas', Jb/m') was born in Topsfield, Mass., Oct. 16, 1793. He married Nov. 9, 1819, Mary Searlo. She was the daughter of Stephen and Mary Searle and was born in Atkinson, N. H., July 26, 1795. She died in Hollis, N. H., Oot. 31, 1865. He died in Hollis, N. H., Oot. 6, 1869. He was a farmer. He removed from Topsfield to Manchester, Mass., about 1823, and to Derry, N. H., 1826, where he remained until 1864. He then removed to Hol lis, N. H., where he died. He was a deacon of the Congregational Church in Derry many years. They left to their descendants the example of good und holy lives. Their children were : THE PERKINS FAMILY. 123 Topsfield, Mass., Sept. 16, 1821. She married Oct. 12, 1847, William N. Tenney of H*ollis, N. H. He was the son of Ralph and Phebe Tenney. He died Sept., 1874. She died March 28, 1874; both died in Hollis, where he had lived as a farmer until that event. Their children were : Ralph Emerson, b. Sept. 23, 1849 ; m. Sallie Cutler, Oct. 29, 1873 ; resides in Hollis, N. H. William, b. March 28, 1855; m. Viola Trabue of Bement, 111., March 9, 1881. Charles Fred., b. Aug. 22, 1863. He is a farmer; resides in Farragut, Iowa. 6501 John Bell {John*'*, Ezra'*', David"\ Jonathan"*, Timothy", Thomas"; John') was born in Derry, N. H., Aug. 13, 1828. He married Sophia Noyes Little, Dec. 14, 1848. She was the daughter of Samuel and Sally (Bond) Little, and was born in Atkinson, N. H., Nov. 26, 1830. He died in Hollis, N. H., Feb. 28, 1880. His widow resides in Farragut, Iowa. He was a farmer ; became much interested in politics and, held a position in the Custom House, Boston, several years preceding his death. Their children were : 868 Samuel Little, b. Oct. 15, 1849; m. Hester Hough. 869 John Willard, b. Dec. 16, 1852. 870 Charles Sumner, b. Dec. 11, 1856; m. Erama J. Dickey. 871 Mary Sophia, b. May 1, 1869; m. Marcellus J. Powers. 650m George Willard {John"*, Ezra'*', David'", Jonathan"*, Timothy", Thoma^, John') was born in Derry, N. H., Oct. 23, 1832. He married Ellen Elvina Little, 650 j Mary Elizabeth, b. Sept. 16, 1821; m. Wm. N. Tenney. 660 k Stephen Searle, b. Sept. 8, 1825; d. Sept. 9, 1827. 650 1 John Bell, b. Aug. IS, 1828; m. Sophia Little. 650mGeorge Willard, b. Oct. 23, 1832; m. EUen Elvina Little. 124 THE PERKINS FAMILY. July 13, 1857. She was the daughter of Caleb J. T. and Eliza Ann Little, who was born in Weathersfield, 111., Oct. 6, 1839. He is a farmer and resides upon Pleasant Eidge Stock Farm, Farragut, Iowa, of whichhe is the proprietor. Their children were : 872 Fred., b. Aug. 11, 1858; m. Jan. 11, 1881, Carrie Wilson. 873 Charles Forrest, b. March 9, 1862; grad. Rush Med. Col lege, Feb., 1886; is a physician in Chicago, 111. 874 A son, b. April 10, 1866 ; died the same day. 875 George Willard, b. Dec. 10, 1869. 876 Mary Ellen, b. Nov. 9, 1871. All these were born in Kewanee, 111. 651 Sarah A. {David*'^, David'*", David'", Jonathan"*, Timothy", TliomaH, John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., Oct. 15, 1821. She married Francis Jenness, Oct. 6, 1857. She was his second wife. He was born in Hamp den, Maine, Januarj^ 12, 1812. He is a carpenter and resides in North Beverly, Mass. Their children were : Benjamin Perkins, b. Sept. 1, 1859; d. Nov. 30, 1861. Frederick Leverett, b. April 25, 1867. 653 Mary A. {David*'", David'*", David"", Jona than"*, Timothy", Thomas^, John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., Feb. 19, 1834. She married Levi Woodbury, 2iid, of Beverly, Aug. 14, 1860. He was born Feb. 25, 1830. He is a carpenter and farmer. They reside upon the old homestead originally granted to the first settler of the name in Beverly, Mass. Ihoir children were : Benjamin Perkins, b. Aug. 14, 1863 ; d. Sept. 2, 1863. Charles Levi, b. Aug. 17, 1873; d. Sept. 3, 1873. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 125 654 Ariel Ebenezer Parish {Ebenezer*", David'*", David"", Jonathan"*, Timothy", Thomas", John') was born in Royalston, Mass., Oct. 11, 1820. He married, first, Emily Pearson, Sept. 25, 1850. She died Nov. 11, 1854. He married, second, Susan Osborn Poor of Pea body, Feb. 19, 1856. He is a clergyman ; was educated at Amherst College ; graduated iu 1840 and was settled in Phillipston and in Ware for thirty years. He is now residing in Wor cester, Mass. His children by Emily Pearson were : 877 Edward, b. Sept. 17, 1851 ; d. Oct. 2, 1851. 878 Herbert Boardman, b. June 24, 1853 ; professor in the Uni versity at Appleton, Wis. His children by Susan Osborn Poore were : 879 Henry Poore, b. Dec. 24, 1856 ; missionary to China. 880 Charles Albert, b. Oct. 31, 1858 ; professor in Johns Hop kins University, Baltimore. 881 Eose Standish, b. Dec. 18, 1860. 882 Daniel Chute, b. July 21, 1864; d. .Jan. 1, 1870. 883 Franklin Parish, b. Aug. 15, 1866; d. Mar. 8, 1870. 884 Alfred Pearson, b. Sept. 15, 1868 ; resides in Worcester. 658 Benjamin Conant {Ebenezer*", David'*", Da vid"", Jonathan?*, Timothy", Thomas^, John') was born in Royalston, Mass., January 23, 1827. He married, first, Julia A. Pearson, Oct. 8, 1853. She died April 30, 1863. She was the daughter of Samuel A. and Sarah A. Pearson of Hanover, N. H. ; second, widow Hellen M. (Dole) Wills, Nov. 8, 1865. She died Oct. 23, 1879. She was the daughter of Carlton and Eliza beth (Carleton) Dole. He was educated at Dartmouth College ; was graduated 1848; studied law with Hons. Asahel Huntington and Rufus Choate ; has been in the state senate two terms ; is 126 THE PERKINS FAMILY. register of bankruptcy aud is now a counsellor-at-law in Salem, Mass. The child of Benjamin and Julia A. (Pearson) Perkins was : 885 Annette Augusta, b. June 10, 1860 ; d. Aug. 2, 1862. 659 Joseph Lee {Ebenezer*", David'*", David'", Jonathan"*, Timothy", Thomas", John') was born in Royalston, Mass., Nov. 20, 1828. He married Flora H. Perry of Royalston, Mass. He is a real estate agent in Fitchburg, Mass. They reside in Fitchburg, Mass. Their children were : .• h. . 886 Josephine Lv, b. ; m. Rev. Ballentyne, missionary to India. 887 Julia A., b. 888 Frederick Joseph, b. ; entered Williams College. 889 Benjamin H., b. ; resides in Beverly. 660 Annette Greenleaf {Ebenezer*", DavidP*", Da vid"", Jonathan?*, Timothy", Thomas", John') was born in Royalston, Mass., June, 1835. She married Horatio D. Newton of Royalston, and died about 1866. He is a farmer in Royalston, Mass. Their children were : WiUard, b. ; m. ; resides in Royalston. Eben P. , b. about 1860. Edward Humphrey, h. Annette Newton, b. ; resides in Fitchburg. 661 Mary {Ezra**', Dudley"', Samuel"", Samuel", Thomas", Thoma^, John') was born in Salem, Mass., Sept. 23, 1823. She married Johu F. Cook, April 1, 1850. She died in Boston, Sept. 6, 1885. He is a dealer in hardware in South Boston. Their children were : THE PERKINS FAMILY. 127 Mary, b. ; m. Charles Ford. James A., b. ; m. 662 Edward Augustus {Ezra**', Dudley''"', Sam uel"", Samuel"', Thomas", Thomas", John') was born in Salem, Mass., March 14, 1826. He married Ellen Cot ton, June 19, 1849. She was born in Boston, Mass., Oct. 24, 1826. He is a shipping clerk and resides in South Boston. Their children were : 890 Naomi E., b. April 1, 1850; m. Wm. R. Loud. 891 Frank Minot, b. Dec. 31, 1852. 892 Sarah Frances, b. March 10, 1861. 538a Coelia Carlton {Joseph""'*, Jacob'", Joseph"", Jacob", Elisha', Thomas^, John') was born in Philadel phia, Pa., Nov. 10, 1822. She married Ltnjian Curtis in New York City, June 14, 1843. They removed to California, Dec, 1850, and reside at Merced. Their children were : Joseph Carlton, b. April 15, 1844; m. Mildred Flnnel of Oak land, Cal. Two children. Leila, b. Jan. 18, 1846, in New York City; m. John Chamberlain of Montreal, Sept. 7, 1871. Three children. Mary, b. April 9, 1848 ; m. Thomas Richardson of Quebec. Adelia Vallejo, b. May 29, 1853, in Cal. ; m. Benoni Irwin of Toronto, Can. Two children. 538c Ellen Rand {Joseph""*, Jacob"', Joseph"", Ja cob", Elisha', Thomas^, John') was born in New York City, June 14, 1827. She married, first, J. Benson Perkins^^^ (son of Jared"''^ which see). He died in Cal ifornia, 1849. No children. She removed to California, 1851, and married, second, Henry Van Valkenburg, Aug., 1853. He died 1862. 128 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Their children were : Marion, b. Aug., 1856, in San Francisco. Ella, b. Aug., 1859; ra. Jaraes H. Manoe of Toledo, 0. Two children. Heni'y, b. Sept., 1862, in Santa Cruz, Cal. 538e Joseph Day {Joseph""*, Jacob'", Joseph"", Ja cob", Elisha', Thomas", John') was born iu New York City, Dec. 10, 1830. He married Charlotte Pilkington of Rhode Island, Jan. 10, 1867. She died March 3, 1885. He removed from New York City to Utica, N. Y., in 1848, and to San Francisco in 1852, where he married. Their children were : 893 Philip, b. June, 1869, in San Francisco. 894 Alice, b. Deo. 28, 1872, in Oakland, Cal. 538f Rachel Ann Ely {Joseph""*, Jacob'", Joseph"", Jacob", Elisha', Thotnas", John') was born in New York City, Feb. 14, 1834. She married, first, George Parker Jewell of Vermont. They removed to Minnesota, where he died Dec. 22, 1867 ; after which she removed to Cali fornia, 1868, and married, second, Simon Harris Herring, March, 1871, in Santa Cruz ; he was from Maine. The child of Rachel A. E. (Perkins) and George Parker Jewell was : Georgia, b. Aug. 5, 1867, at St. Anthony. The children of Rachel A. E. (Perkins) and Simon H. Herring were : Frederick, b. Jan. 21, 1872, at San Josfi. Joseph, b. April, 1876, at San Jos6. Note.— The children of 334 Joseph and Mary E. (Day) Perkins were: O.iSa Coelia, b. Nov. 10, 1822. 5:i8b Ellen Rand, b. 1S24; d. 182'). 5380 Ellen Eand, b. June 14, 1827. 638d Hariy Day, b. Oct., 1829; d. 1830. .5380 Joseph Day, b. Dee. 10, 1830. 5381' Eachel Ann Ely, b. Feb. 11, 1834, which see above. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 129 NINTH GENERATION. 665a John Washburn {Ebenezer*"', Joel'"", John"", Thomas*', Thomas'", John*, Thomas", John') was born in Pomfret, Vt., Feb. 18, 1817. He married Mary Ann Harding, Sept. 6, 1838. Their children were : 895 Martin Albro, b. 1843; m. Lucy Goodell Smith, Nov., 1866. Their child, Charles Elisha, b. July 6, 1878. He is a farmer ; lives at Prior, Dak. 896 John, b. Sept. 1, 1856; m. Maggie . He is a farmer; lives in Dakota. 897 Elizabeth, b. Jan., 1864; lives in Prior, Dak. 665d Albro Ebenezer {Ebenezer*^", Joel'"', John"", Thomas*', Thomas'", John*, Thomas^, John') was born in Pomfret, Vt., 1824. He married Emeline Bacon. Their children were : 898 EUen Maria, b. Dec. 26, 1847 ; d. Aug. 7, 1850. 899 Pamelia Annette, b. Aug. 24, 1849 ; m. Edwin Ware, Oct. 24, 1885; lives at Aurora, 111. 900 Willie Albro, b. May 8, 1852; m. Estella Pauline Gibbons, April 10, 1883. Their child, Laura Estella, b. April 22, 1884. He is a farraer in Pomfret, Vt. 901 Fred Henry, b. Nov. 3, 1853; d. Nov. 4, 1872. 902 Clara Ellen, b. July 28, 1856; m. Owen L. Seaver, June 10, 1885. He is a farmer; lives in Woodstock, Vt. 903 Abbie Mary, b. Feb. 4, 1860; lives in Porafret, Vt. 904 Walter Elraer, b. Dec. 8, 1861; farmer; lives in Pomfret, Vt. 905 Frank John, b. July 28, 1864; d. Nov. 28, 1872. 681 Norman Carolan {Alva C.*", Joel'"", John'"", Thomas*', Thomas'^", John*, Thomas", John') was born in Pomfret, April 17, 1832. He married Harriet Child Winslow of Rochester, N. Y., May 28, 1862. She died in Detroit, Mich., January 4, 1886. He was an alumnus of Yale College and was graduated PT. 2 9 130 THE PERKINS FAMILY. in the class of 1857 ; studied law and was admitted to the bar of Illinois in 1858 and practised law iu that state until Sept., 1881, when he removed to Detroit, Mich., to form an editorial connection with the Post and Tribune news paper, and is now (1886) associate librarian of the Public Library in that city. Their children were : 906 Fanny Child, b. Dec. 16, 1863 ; m. John B. Howarth of De troit, April 8, 1884. 907 Thomas Winslow, b. Sept. 30, 1867 ; lives in Detroit. 682 Delia {Alva C.*", Joel'"", John'"", Thomas*', Thomas'", John*, Thomas^, Jolm') was born in Pomfret, Vt., Nov. 10, 1833. She married Henry E. Vaughan, January 11, 1860. She died April 8, 1868, at Pomfret, Vt. Their children were : Ferris Kobert, b. Delia Minerva, b. 701 Henry Martin {Justin*", William?", John'"", Thomas'", Thomas*', John*, Thomas', John') was born in Oroomiah, Persia, Dec. 21, 1841. He married, first, Hannah H. Tildenof East Marshfield, Mass., Oct. 25, 1876. She died Dec. 3, 1876. He married, second, Susan Parker Hatch of Marshfield, Mass., Sept. 12, 1877. He was fitted for college at Willistpn Seminary, East Hampton, Mass. ; was a student in Middlebury College and was graduated 1867. He taught school for two years in Poughkeepsie, N. Y. ; studied theology iu the seminary at Hartford, Conn. ; was ordained August 14, 1872 ; since which he has preached in South West Harbor, Me., New Gloucester, Me., Hanover, Mass., Chandlerville, 111., Wythe, 111. and Macomb, 111., which is his present place of residence. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 131 Their children were : 908 Judith Grant, b. August 9, 1878. 909 Hannah Tilden, b. Oct. 13, 1880. 702 Henry Francis {Thomas B.*'", Hezekiah B.'"', John'*', Enoch*', Thomas", Zaccheus', Thoma^, John?) was born in Salem, Mass., Dec. 4, 1844. He married Fannie Brown (formerly Norwood), Sept. 18, 1871. She was born in Lynnfield, Sept. 1, 1848. Their children were : 910 Lucy Emma, b. July 4, 1872; d. Aug. 30, 1872. 911 Mabel Amelia, b. Dec. 9, 1873. 704 John William Appleton ( William*", Heze kiah B.'"^, John'*', Enoch*', Thomas", Zaccheus", Tliom aH, Join?) was born in Georgetown, Mass., Nov. 8, 1852. He married Nellie A. Gallup of Topsfield, Sept. 7, 1881. She was born in Danvers, July 11, 1859. He is by trade a shoemaker and resides in Topsfield. Their child was : 912 Linden Story, b. May 21, 1885. 708 Eben {John*'", Henry""", John"*, Isaac'*, John", Elisha', Thoma^, John') was born in Gloucester, Mass., Dec. 17, 1844. He married Eliza Carnes, May 3, 1866. She was boru January, 1845. He is a farmer and resides in Ipswich, Mass. Their children were : 913 Lily Story, b. Dec. 10, 1876. 914 Florence Appleton, b. Oct. 14, 1878. 713 Mary Caroline ( William H.*", Henry^, John"*, Isaac'*, John", Elisha', Thomas", John') was born in Gloucester, Mass., June 3, 1845. She married Austin D. Elwell, April 28, 1880. He was born Dec. 23, 1845. 132 THE PERKINS FAMILY. She died Aug. 1, 1885. He is an importer and manufac turer of small wares iu Philadelphia. Their children were : Austin Dana, b. June 3, 1881. Edith Dana, b. Feb. 5, 1883. 714 William Henry {William H.*", Henry""", John"*, Isaac'*, John", Elisha', Thomas", John')'wa.a born in Gloucester, Mass., April 28, 1851. He married Emma Friend Proctor, Sept. 16, 1872. She was the daughter of David and Eliza Norwood (Friend) Proctor, and was born Sept. 17, 1851. They were married by Rev. Rich ard Eddy. He is a wholesale dealer in fish, Perkins wharf, Glouc ester, Mass. Their children were : 914 Willie David, b. Jan. 27, 1874; d. June 12, 1877, of diph theria. 915 A son, b. Nov. 10, 1875; d. Nov. 14, 1875. 916 Emma Maud, b. Feb. 23, 1877; d. Oct. 20, 1877. 917 Oscar Bertram, b. Sept. 30, 1878. 918 Alice Mary, b. July 7, 1881. 919 Henry Wilbur, b. Jan. 4, 1884. 715 Melvin Haskell {William H.^', Henry""", John"*, Isaac'*, Jolm" , Elisha' , Thomas?, John') was born iu Gloucester, Mass., July 20, 1853. He married Hattie Adelia Trask, Feb. 8, 1877. She was boru March 26, 1856. He is a druggist and apothecary in Gloucester, Mass. Their child was : 920 Addie Wallace, b. Jan. 6, 1879. 720 George Henry {George"", HennJ^, John"*, Isaac'*, John", Elisha', TliomaH, John') was boru in THE PERKINS FAMILY. 133 Gloucester, Mass., Oct. 23, 1842. He married Phebe Riggs, Sept. 1, 1864. She was born Oct. 12, 1843. He is a wholesale fish dealer and is vice president of the First National Bank, Gloucester, Mass. Their children were : . 921 Ralph Waldo, b. Aug. 13, 1865. 922 Nellie Kiggs.b. Sept. 13, 1873. 724 Levi Gilbert {Gilbert"^, Henry""", John"*, Isaac'*, John", EVisha', Thomas", John') was born in Gloucester, Mass., May 21, 1844. He married Mary Sophia Lufkin, Dec. 1, 1863. She was born July 14, 1846. He is a carriage painter ; lives in Chelsea, Mass. Their child was : 923 Horace Walter, b. March 1, 1864. 725 EUa Maria ( Gilbert'"', Henry"'", John"*, Isaac'*, John", Elisha?, Thomas^, John') was born in Gloucester, Mass., Jan. 29, 1847. She married Benjamin Watson, April 19, 1866. He was born Feb. 17, 1844. She died Dec. 14, 1867. Their children were : Ella Maria, b. Oct. 30, 1866. Mary Thorndike, b. Dec. 8, 1867. 728 Edna Eastman (Gilbert"', Henry""", John"*, Isaac'*, John", Elisha', Thomas", John') was born in Gloucester, Mass., May 4, 1856. She married Wilbur Smith Russell, Nov. 10, 1874. He was born April 28, 1852. He is a clerk in the National Blackstone Bank, Boston ; resides in Cambridgeport. Their children were : Kalph Perkins, b. Feb. 6, 1875. 134 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Gertrude Eastman, b. March 9, 1876. Hattie Parker, Florence Antoinette, \ twins ; I b. Aug. 6, 1877. e, > t 731 Annie Maria {Dean'"", Henry""", John"*, Isaac'*, John", Elisha', Thomas", John') was boru in Gloucester, Nov. 19, 1853. She married George E. Elwell, April 16, 1872. He was born Nov. 1, 1849. Place of residence not known. Their children were : Dean Perkins, b. July 19, 1872. George Jerome, b. Nov. 2, 1875. 733 Mabel Stevens {Dean"", Henry""", John"*, Isaac'*, John", Elisha', Thomas", John') was born in Gloucester, Mass., July 13, 1857. She married Daniel TarrBabson, jr., April 26, 1880. He was born Oct. 17, 1854. He is clerk iu the Gloucester National Bank; resides in Gloucester. Their children were : Roger D.,b. Oct. 17, 1880. Clinton Pierce, b. Oct. 9, 1884; d. July 30, 1885. 736 Ada Bell {Proctor"', Henry""", John"*, Isaac'*, John", Elisha', Thomas?, John') was born in Gloucester, Mass., Jan. 24, 1856. ' She married William M. Pea body, Oct. 1, 1873. He was born Aug. 15, 1852. He is a cattle dealer and resides iu Danvers, Mass. Their children were : Nellie Wonson, b. March 22, 1874; d. April 8, 1881. Ralph Proctor, b. Sept. 11, 1880. 737 Lawrenoe {Proctor"', Henry""", John"*, Isaac'*, John", Elisha', Thomas", John') was boru in Gloucester, THE PERKINS FAMILY. 135 Mass., Dec. 1, 1859. He married Katie L. Beckford of Salem, Sept. 6, 1883. She was born June 14, 1857, and was the daughter of John M. aud Catherine Beckford. He is a farmer ; resides in Topsfield. Their child was : 924 Millicent Grace, b. May 27, 1884. 739 Fernando Moreto {John H."", Ebenezer"", John"*, Isaac'*f John", Elisha', Thomas", John') was born in Chelsea, Vt., April 27, 1845. He married Annie Marsden, March 29, 1870. She was born July 7, 1848. His business and residence unknown ; supposed to be in Vermont. Their child was : 925 Oliver John, b. March 6, 1871. 740 Nathan Henry (JbAnir.««8, Ebenezer^', John"*, Isaac'*, John", Elisha? T'homas", John',) was born in Chelsea, Vermont, Sept. 10,1847. He married Emagene Scofield, Dec. 31, 1874. She was born June 28, 1853. He was a farmer and resides in Washington, Vt. Their children were : 926 Silance Belle, b. June 22, 1877. 927 Frank Carson, b. Feb. 18, 1882. 741 Carson Freemont {John H."", Ebenezer"", John"*, Isaac'*, John", Elisha', Tliomas", John') was born in Chelsea, Vt., Oct. 20, 1850. He married Mary McGee, Nov. 22, 1876. He is a farmer and resides in Winterset, Iowa. Their children were : 928 Mathew, b. Aug. 30, 1877. 929 Caroline, b. Dec, 1880. 136 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 742 Mary Jane {Thomas'", Thomas"'*, Elisha'", Thomas'", John", Elisha', Thomas", John') was born iu Topsfield, Mass., Sept. 6, 1837. She married, first, Daniel H. Smith, June 27, 1859. He was born in Alfred, Me. ; was a soldier in the War of the Rebellion, in Co. I, Fourteenth Mass. Heavy Artillery ; was taken prisoner and died in Andersonville, Ga., Aug. 7, 1864; she mar ried, second, John H. Dodge, July 19, 1866. He is son of Rebecca™ ; is a shoemaker and resides in Topsfield. The child of Mary Jane (Perkins) and Daniel H. Smith was : Mary Elizabeth, b. April 26, 1860. She married Melvin W. Gould, Aug. 3, 1880. The child of Mary Jane (Perkins) Smith aud John H. Dodge was : Albert Merrill, b. Oct. 5, 1869. 745 Eliza Abby {Thomas'", Thoma^'*, Elisha"', Thomas'", John", Elisha', Thoma^, John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., April 15, 1845. She married Stephen M. Pierce, Dec. 9, 1863. He was the son of Stephen and Joanna (Kent) Pierce, born 1836, in Beverly, Mass., where he now resides. He was a mariner and is now a shoemaker. Their children were : Lewis Elmer, b. Dec. 31, 1864. Thomiis Justin, b. March 22, 1867; d. Jan. 18, 1876. Nettie Gertrude, b. May 25, 1S68 ; d. M.iy 7, 1880. Willie Francis, b. Oct. 21, 1870; d. April 30, 1872. Edward Nelson, b. July 28, 1873. Harlan Stephen, b. May 29, 1876. Florence Anuah, b. Aug. 8, 1880. Thomas Allen, b. Sept. 10, 1882. 746 Elizabeth Annah (77(oma.s5i5, Thomas"'*, Eli sha"', Tliomas'", John", Elisha', Thomas", John') was THE PERKINS FAMILY. 137 born in Topsfield, Mass., April 15, 1845. She married Benjamin S. Bray, April 14, 1864, and died July 8, 1876. He was born in Gloucester, 1841. They resided in Dan vers, Mass. He was a milkman. Their children were : Laura Annie, b. Sept. 15, 1864. Benjamin Lewis, b. May, 1866. Warren, b. March 19, 1868 ; d. Jan. 19, 1873. Arthur P., b. May 15, 1870; d. Dec. 15, 1872. Florence, b. Dec. 18, 1873; d. April 18, 1874. James, b. March 28, 1875. 750 EUen M. {Thomas'", Thoma^'*, Elisha"', Thom as", John", Elisha', Thomas', John') was born in Tops- field, Mass., Oct. 30, 1854. She married Albert W. Pace, Dec. 23, 1879. He was born in South Andover, Mass., 1853, and was the son of Leonard and Hannah (GriflSn) Pace. He is a farmer and resides in Topsfield. Their children were : Wendall Stewart, b. Oct. 16,'1880. Arthur Wyman, b. Sept. 2, 1883. 754 Derwin P. {Mose^'", Moses"", Moses'"', Moses", John", Elisha', Thomas^, John') was born in Shirley, Mass., March 30, 1856. He married Emma J. Graves, June 16, 1881. She was of Worcester, Mass. Their child was : 930 William Roscoe, b. Nov. 2, 1883. 756 Thomas Lyman (Thomas"", Thomas"'", Eli jah'"', John", Elisha', Thomas", John') was born in Salem, Mass., May 7, 1851. He married Ellen A. Barlow, June 16, 1880. She was born in Salem, Mass., June 26, PT. 2 9* 138 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 1851, and was the daughter of John and Emeline (Becket) Barlow of Salem. He received the degree of M. D. from Harvard College, 1879, and is a practising physician in Salem, Mass. Their child was : 931 Thomas, b. June 2, 1881. 758 Alice Robie {Joseph W.'", TliomaH", Elijah'^, Moses", John", Elisha', Thoma^, Jb/m^)was born iu Salem, Mass., Jan. 16, 1858. She married Warren A. Gray, April 7, 1880. He was the son of George A. and Ann R. (Beaver) Gray ; was born in Salem, Sept. 13, 1859. He is a photographer and resides in Salem, Mass. Their children were : Anna Townsend, b. Oct. 23, 1880. Warren Perkins, b. June 3, 1883. 759 George Townsend {Joseph W."^, Thomas^", Elijah'^, Moses", John", Elisha?, TliomaH, John') was born in Salem, Mass., Aug. 14, 1860. He married Hat tie EUen Pierce of Beverly, Mass., Oct. 12, 1882. He is a painter by trade. They reside in Beverly, Mass. Their child was : 932 Lilly Townsend, b. Aug. 7, 1883. 767 Sidney {Parley'^, David"''", David'"*, Moses", John", Elisha', Thomas?, John') was born in Newport, Vt., Nov. 15, 1846. He married Edna E. Connal of Newport, Nov. 20, 1869. She was born Feb. 25, 1853. He is a farmer. They reside in Newport Centre, Vt. Their children were : 933 Jennie L., b. Nov. 21, 1872. 934 Parley W., b. Sept. 20, 1876. 935 WilmerD., b. Nov. U, 1883. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 139 787 George Franklin {Benjamin F."", Benjamin*", RoberF", Robert'"*, Robert"', Thomas", Thomas", John') was born in Beverly, Mass., Aug. 28, 1834. He mar ried Harriet Amanda Prime, Nov. 28, 1865. She was born in Charlestown, Mass., Jan. 8, 1844, and was the daughter of Thomas Ham and Susan Hooper (Bailey) Prime of Charlestown, Mass. He is a watchmaker and resides in Salem, Mass. Their children were : 936 William Prime, b. Nov. 25, 1866. 937 Mabel Carr, 938 Frank Hill, ' i twins ; ^ b. Nov. 25, 1870. 796 Abbie {Samuel B.'", Amos*", Robert"^, Rob ert"*, Robert"', Thomas", Thomas", John') was born in Danvers, Mass., 1846. She married George W. Elliott, Nov. 29, 1865. He was born in Middleton, Mass., 1842, and is a shoemaker. Their child was : Sewall Martin, b. Nov. 30, 1866. 811 Elbridge Webster {Elbridge F.""', Dudley*"', Elijah'^', Samuel}'", Samuel"', Thomas", Thomai, John}) was born in Topsfield, Mass., Dec. 8, 1845. He mar ried Sarah Dwinell, July 5, 1868. She was born in Pea body, Mass., and was the daughter of Johu S. and Eliza beth (Jones) Dwinell. He is a farmer and resides in Wenham, Mass. Their children were : 939 George Elbridge, b. Nov. 21, 1869 ; d. 8 mos. 940 George Ezra, b. Oct. 4, 1870. 941 Mabel Rebecca, b. March 23, 1874. , 942 Alice Frances, b. Aug. 11, 1876. 943 Granville Webster, b. Sept. 25, 1878. 944 Willie Elbridge, b. July 25, 1881. 140 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 818 Theron D. {Rodney D.""', Dudley*^, Elijah'", Samuel"", Samuel"', Thomas", Thoma^, John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., April 13, 1856. He married Mary A. Balch, Oct. 25, 1875. She was the daughter of Jere miah and Mary E. (Shepard) Balch, born June 16, 1853. He is by trade a shoemaker, but is also a talented and skilful musician and is the leader of a military band iu Lynn ; resides in Topsfield. Their children were : 945 Sallie Mabel, b. June 19, 1876. 946 Mollie Winfried, b. July 15, 1880. 825 Mary Emma {Josiah Peabody""", Dudley*"', Eli jah'", Samuel?'", Samuel"', Thomas", Thomas", John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., Oct. 5, 1855. She mar ried Arthur W. Phillips, Jan. 1, 1874. He was born Sept. 13, 1851. He is a shoemaker ; resides in Topsfield. Their only child was : Percy Fremont, b. Aug. 30, 1876. 826 Josiah Fremont {Josiah P.""", Dudley*"', Eli jah'"', Samuel"", Samuel"', Thomas", Thomas", John') was born in Topsfield, Mass., Jan. 22, 1857. He married May 25, 1879, Carrie Emeline Glazier. She was the daughter of Benjamin and Clarissa A. (Towne) Glazier, born May 15, 1857. He is a farraer ; resides in Topsfield. Their children were : 947 Bertha, b. Aug. 26, 1879. 948 Blanch, b. May 8, 1882. 827 Jessie Marrion {Josiah P."^, Dudley*"', Eli jah'", Samuel"", Samuel", Thomas", Thomas", John') was THE PERKINS FAMILY. 141 born in Topsfield, Mass., Feb. 18, 1859. She married Benjamin F. Paige, Feb. 20, 1881. He is a farmer ; boru in Orford, N. H. Their child was : Gertrude Marion, b. March 13, 1884. 837 Gardner {Moses B."*', Ezra*", Ezra'*', David"", Jonathan"*, Timothy", Thoma^, John') was born in Es sex, Mass., Aug. 2, 1828. He married Martha Bray, Jan. 2, 1853. She was the daughter of Eli and Eunice Bray, born in Gloucester, 1832. Their children were : 949 George Gardner, b. Feb. 28, 1854. He m. Hattie Perkins of Gloucester, Dec. 27, 1874. She was b. Aug. 30, 1855. 950 Charles E., b. March 9, 1856. 951 Frank P., b. June 15, 1861. 839 Leverett {Moses B."*', Ezra*", Ezra"', David"", Jonathan"*, Timothy", Thomas", John') was born iu Es sex, Mass., Dec. 2, 1839. He married Elizabeth C. Al len, Nov. 21, 1859. She was the daughter of Gilman P. and Elizabeth Allen, born in Essex, Dec. 24, 1840. He died Sept. 28, 1881. He was a shoemaker and resided in Essex. Their child was : 952 Emma Proctor, b. March, 1860. 845 Elizabeth Brookhouse {Jonathan C."**, Ez ra*", Ezra'*', David"", Jonathan"*, Timothy", Thomas", John') was born in Salem, Mass., Dec. 12, 1849. She married John Daland, Oct. 5, 1868. He was the son of Tucker and Eliza (Silver) Daland. They reside iu Andover, Mass. Their child was : John Daland, b. July 17, 1869. 142 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 847 Mary {Jonathan C"**, Ezra*", Ezra'*', David'", Jonathan"*, Timothy", Thomas", John') was born iu Salem, Mass., July 22, 1855. She married Williani Wentworth, Oct. 10, 1877. He was the son of Philip H. Wentworth. He is a commission merchant. They reside in Garden City, L. I., New York. Their child was : Martha Kemble, b. June 25, 1878. 848 Charles Brookhouse {Jonathan C."**, Ezra*", Ezra'*', David"", Jonathan"*, Timothy", Thoma^, John') was born in Salem, Mass., May 19, 1861. He married Jeanette Purbeck, Dec. 25, 1882. She was the daughter of William A. and Caroline (Rideout) Purbeck, born in Salem, July 31, 1862. They reside in Salem, Mass. Their child was : 953 Grafton Brookhouse, b. Oct. 6, 1883. 850 Nathaniel Porter {Nathaniel"*', Nathaniel*", Ezra'", David"", Jonathan"*, Timothy", Thomas', John') was born in Topsfield, Nov. 7, 1840. He married Char lotte E. Patch, May 23, 1872. She was the daughter of Henry aud Elizabeth (Woodbury) Patch. They reside iu Wenham, where Mr. Perkins is one of the most prominent and useful citizens. He has held the office of chairman of the selectmen, and is on the school board. Their only child was : 954 George Alden, b. March 22, 1874. 855 Charles Andrew {Andrew C.""^, David*'", Ez ra-", David"", Jonalhuii!'*, Timothy'', Thoma^, John') THE PERKINS FAMILY. 143 was born in Wakefield, April 18, 1850. He married Rosa A. Swain, April 9, 1874. They reside in Wakefield, Mass. Their child was : 955 Harlon Arthur, b. July, 1876. 863 Freeman Dillingham ( William K.'"^, Da vid*^, Ezra'*', David"", Jonathan"*, Timothy", Thomas", John') was born in Wakefield, Mass., July 10, 1857. He married Edith Louisa Cooper, in Shenandoah, Iowa, Nov., 1884. She was the daughter of John and Harriet P. Cooper, and was born in Terre Haute, 111., Nov. 16, 1863. He is a prosperous farmer in Farragut, Iowa. Their child was : 956 Clarence Freeman, b. Oct. 12, 1885. 872 Fred. ( George W.^"^, John*'*, Ezra'*', David"", Jonathan"*, Timothy", Thomas", John') was born in Kewanee, 111., Aug. 11, 1858. He married Carrie Wil son, Jan. 11, 1881. She was the daughter of Daniel P. and Elizabeth Wilson, and was born in Selma, Ohio March 23, 1857. He is a farmer in Farragut, Iowa. Their children were : 957 AUie, b. Oct. 24, 1881. 958 Harry Fred, b. Sept. 23, 1883. 969 Charles Wilson, b. April 23, 1886. INDEX. PERSONS OF THE NAME OP PERKINS. A. Aaron, 50. Abbie, 112, 139. Abbie Mary, 129. Abby, 66, 104. Abby Frances, 120. Abel, 16, 28, 29, 45, 67. Abiel, 23. Abigail, 12, 15, 19, 22, 31, 39. 65, 86, 88. Abigail Jane, 64. Abner, 'A6. Ada Bell, 97. Adaline Augusta, 95. Addie Sarah, 106. Addie Wallace, 132. Adela, 51, 78. Albert, 97, 107. Albert Cornelius, 81, 112. Albert Smith, 119. Albert Woodbury, 118. Albro Ebenezer, 90, 129. Alfred Pearson, 125. Alice, 128. Alice Choate, 114. Alice Emily, 73. Alice Frances, 129. Alice Lillian, 116. Alice Maiy, 132. Alice Eobie, 101, 138. Allie, 143. Alva Chipman, 60, 91. Amos, 18, 27, 30, i5, 53, 54, 66, 80. Araos Lawrence, 112. Andrew, 23. Andrew Cole, 120. Andrew W., 76, 109. Anna, 18, 28, 29, 37, 46, 57, 73. Ann Louisa. 76, 108. Ann Maria, 76, 108. Anner, 26, U. Annette Augusta, 126. Annette Greenleaf, 88, 126. Annie Hutchins, 96. Annie Maria, 96, 102. Annis Mowatt, 111. Ansel, GO, 91. Ansel Merrill, 91. Aphia, 50. Aphia Ayer. 50, 77. Archelaus, 19, 31, 54. Ariel B. P., 88, 125. Arthur, 100, 102. Arthur Freeman, 73. Arthur Kemble, 120. PT. 2 Asa, 30, 53, 68. Asahel, 46. Ascenath, 92. B. Benjamin, 53, 79. Benjamin Ashby, 115. Benjarain Austin, 81, 112. Benjamin Conant, 57, 88, 125. Benjamin Franklin, 80, 109. Benjamin H., 126. Bertha, 140. Bertha Fiances, IU. Betsey, 23, 42, 53, 80. Betty, 31. Blanch, 95, 140. Byron, 67. Byron E., 62. Caleb KimbaU, 88, 120. Carlista, 52. Caroline, 55, 64, 65, 73, 84, 100, 102, 110, 135. Caroline Burgess, 119. Caroline Peabody, 113. Caroline Stavers, 96. Carrie Estella, 73. Carrie Evelyn, 98. Carrie L., luu. Carson Freemont, 98,1135. Charity Delight, 90. Charles, 22, 63, 69, 76, 97, 107. Charles Albert, 113, 125. Charles Brookhouse, 119, 142. Charles C, 109. Charlea Dean, 96. Charles Dudley, 116. Charles E., 141. Charles Forrest, 124. Charles Sumner, 123. Charles Wilson, 143. Charlotte, 22, 92, 93. Charlotte Augusta, 86, 117. Charlotte M., 68. Chester E., 69. Clara Ellen, 86,129. Clara Matilda, 69. Clarence Freeman, 143. Clarissa E., 67. Coelia Carlton, 127, 128. Cozby, 76, 108. 10 C3Tithia, 35, 37. Cyuthia A., 39. D. Dauiel, 14, 20, 21, 26, 27, 31, 37, 38, 39, 43. 46, 54, 55, 59, 61, 62, S3, 83, 103. Dauiel Augustus, 83. Daniel Chute, 88. 125. Daniel Gordon, 51. Daniel Story, 55. Daniel Webster, 86. David, 19, 26, 33, 35, 39, 43, 46, ,54, 57, 65, 69, 88, 120, 122. David Greenville, 88. David Pratt, 49, 73. Dean, 63, 96. Deborah, 6. Delia, 92, 130. Dennis Augustus, 115. Derwin P., 100, 137. DoUy, 33, 41, 48, 49, 56, 9. Dorcas, 17,38,37. Dorcas Coolidge, 76, 107. Dorothy, 20, 34, 58. Dudley, 19, 55, 56, 85, 89. Dudley Quincy, 85, 115. Dwight, 92. E. Eben, 95, 131. Ebenezer, 37, 40, 57, 59, 60, 63, 88, 90. Edmund Kimball, 100. Edna Eastman, 96, 133. Edward, 29, 51, 125. Edward Augustus, 80, 127. Edward Clark, 51. Edward Granville, 114. Edward Herbert, 73. Edwin, 92. Elam, 61. Elbridge, 22. Elbridge Fisk, 85, 114. Elbridge Webster, 114, 139. Eleazer, 60, 76. Eli. 28, 47. Elias. 21. Elijah, 26, 29, 33, 41, 42, 46, 66, 69. Elijah Eea, 86, 116. Eliphalet, 15. Elise, 40. (145) 146 INDEX. Elisha, 3, 5, 9, 10, 16, 17, 23, 26, 28, 29, 37, 41, 48, 49, 68, 64, 70. Elisha K., 64. Eliza, 35. Eliza Abby, 99, 136. Eliza Ann, 49, 72. Eliza Brownell. 81, 113. Eliza Grafton, 119. Eliza J., 73. Elizabeth, 12, 15, 16, 18, 26, 56, 57, 66, 84, 87, 104, 117, 129. Elizabeth Annah, 99, 136. Elizabeth Ashby, 80. Elizabeths., 64, 99. Elizabeth Brookhouse, 119, 141. Elizabeth Stone, 103. Ella Maria, 96, 133. Elleu M., 100. 105, 137. Ellen Eand, 127, 128. Elmer Austin, 92. Emeline, 63, 97, 121. Emeiy Johnson, 83. Emily Augusta, 80, 112. Emma, 69. Emma Maud, 132. Emma Proctor, 141. Emma Somerby, 106. Enoch, 14, 21. Enos, 40. Ephraim, 15, 28, 49, 72. Erastus G., 67. Esther, 12, 63, 80. Esther Jane. 80. Etta Jane, 107. Eunice, 15, 17, 21, 29, 38, 49, 63, 60, 70, 82, 90. Eunice Lucasta, 91. Eva, 122. Everand, 62, 94. Ezra, 21, 33, 56. 57, 67, 86, 89, 118, 120, 121. F. Fanny Child, 130. Fimny Ward, 96. Fatima, 65, 103. Fernando Moreto, 98, 133. Fidelia Fisk, 93. Florence, 93. Florence Appleton, 131. Francis Dwight, 52. Frank Byron, 62, 94. Frank Carson, 135. Frank Hill. 1.39. Frank John, 129. Frank Judson. 121. Frank Minot, 127. Frank P., 141. Franklin Parish, 125. Franklin Pierce, 90. Fred, 124, 143. Fred B., 127. Fred Henry, 129. Frederick, 116. Frederick A., 109. Frederick Joseph , 126. Frederick Sanger, 95. Frederick Winthrop, 114. Freeman Dillingham, 121, 143. Gardner, 118, 141. George, 38, 60, 61, 63, 95. George Alden, 142. George Cowles, 119. George Elbridge, 139. George Ezra. 139. George Franklin, 139. George Gardner, 141. George Henry, 68, 80, 96, 110, 116, 132. George Town sen d, 102, 138. GeorgeW., 35, 76, 109. George W. D., 62. George Willard, 123, 124. George Williams, 120. George Whitfield, 92. Georgianna E., 114. Gerad, 37. Gertrude Lydia, 113. Gilbert, 63, 96. Grace Low, 90. Grace Morton, 102. Grace Eebecca, 73. Grafton Brookhouse, 142. Granville Webster, 129. Hannah, 11. 12. 13. 16, 17, 19,21,27,28,29, 30, 31,33. 37,42,45,53,54,67,81. Hannah Amelia, 88. Hannah Tilden, 131. Hannah Woodward, 61, 78. Harlon Arthur, 143. Harriet, 39, 60, 62, 56, 66, 65, 73, 78, 84, 90, 102. Haii-iet D., 114. Harriet Maria, 64, 100. Harriot Clark, 60, 77. Harris Ephraim, 73. Harry Fred, 143. Harry M.,&4. Harry T., 106. Hart, 76, 107. Hattie, 95. Hellen E., 76. Heniy, 28, 40, 46, 61, 62, 69, 119. Hemy Coit, 65, 82. Henry Francis, 94. 131. Henry Grafton, 119. Henry Martyn, 93, 130. Henry Poore, 125. Henry liussell, S4, 114. Henry Whipple, 105. Henry Wilbur, 132. Herbert Boardman, 125. Hetty, 53. Hezekiah B., 38, 61. Hiram, 22, 47. Horace, 60, 92. Horace Elmer, 73. Horace Kemble, 91. Horace Walter. 133. Hulda, 17, 27. 37, 65, 85. I. Ichabod, 17. Ida L., 109. Ira, 51. Irene, 22, 64, 66^, , i Isaac, 16riee*-iLT Israel, 21, 31. Israel Albion, 116. J. Jabesh, 28, 46. Jabez, 61. Jabez Batchelder. 48, 69. Jacob, 10. 15, 16, 23, 26, 28, 29. 45, 49, 54, 67, 68, 69. James. 23, 35, 47, 61. James B.. 56. Jaraes Dudley, 90. James E., 100. Jane McLoud, 110. Jared Augustus, 68. 100. Jared Daniel. 74, 100. Jemima, 14, 63. Jennie L., 138. Jennie Marion, 73, 116, 140. Jerad,20, 37, 46, 50, 73. Jesse, 40. Jethro, 20. Joel, 37, 68, 59. Joel Fuller, 60. John, 1, 5, 6, 10. 12. 13, 15, 16,20,21,23,25,29,36,37, 38,39,45,46,50,51,53,64,57,60, 63, 68,75,90,92,95, 106, 122, 129. John A., 109. John Bell, 123. John Gray, 64. John Haskell. 72. John Henry, 63, 98, John James, 95. John Jay, 118. John KimbaU. 64. John Pratt. 49, 72. John W., 68, 105. Johu Washburn, 90,129. John Webster, 116. John Willai-d, 123. John Wm. Appleton, 94, 131. John Wright, 81, 113. Jonathan, 12, 19. Jenathan C, 87, 118. Jonathan Edwards, 93. Jonathan K., 63. Joseph, 10, 15, 16, 17, 21, 23, 27, 29, 46, 40, 51, 62. 66, 68. Joseph Augustus, 49, 73. Joseph Day, 137, 128. Joseph Lee, 88, 126. Joseph M., 66, 104. Joseph Warren, 65, 101. Josephine L., 126. Josiah Fremont, 116, 140. Josiah Peabody, 85, UO. Juda, 19. Julia A., 126. ,Tudith,4, 6, 10, 15, 22. Judith Grant, 93, 131. Judith Smith, 87. Julia, 60. Juliann, 67, Juliette, 67. Justin, 60, 92. Justin Humphry, 93. Justin W. Scott, 116. INDEX. 147 Katherine, 10, 16. Kezia, 31. Laura, 60. Laura May, 102. Laurence, 97. Leila B., 104. Lent, 58. Leslie Herbert, 98. Leverett, 118, 141. Levi, 92. Levi Gilbert, 133. Lewellyn, 121. Lewis Kimball, 99. Liberty E., S6. LillaE., 109. Lilley David, 122. Lilly Story, 131. Lily Townsend, 138. Linden Story, 131. Linus, 37. Lizzie, 117. Lois, 45. Lois Ann, 91. Louisa, 52. Louisa Erdolia, 98. Louisa Mahala, 63, 98. Lucia, 37. Lucia Maria, 90. Lucinda, 50, 74. Lucius Cobb, 91. Lucy, 16, 28, 35, 38, 46, 47. Lucy Ann, 80. Lucy Cole, 90. Lucy E., 64. Lucy Elizabeth, 100. Lucy Erama, 94, 131. Lucy Friend, 120. Luella Pamelia, 91. Lydia, 14, 16, 30, 45, 53, 54, 65, 89, 120. Lydia Batchelder, 49. Lydia Bradstreet, 49, 81, 112. Lydia Phippen, 85, 115. Lyman Almy, 115. M. Mabel Amelia, 131. Mabel Carr, 139. Mabel Stevens, 96. Marcy, 67. Margaret, 19, 31, 32. Mavia, 92. M.irietta, 109. Marion Alice, 113. Mtirtha, 5, 8, 11, 15, 18. Martha A., 68. Martin Albro, 129. Martyn Luther. 90. Maiy,5, 8, 10, 13,16, 17, 19, 20,21,22,23,25,28,34,37,30, 40, 41, 42, 48, 49, 50, 55, 60, 67. 71, 76, 90, 108, 119, 126, 142. Mary A., 88, 124. Mary Adeline, 73. Mary Allen, 110. Mary Alice, 90. Mary Ann, 120, 132. Mary Anna, 72,105. lUary Caroline, 95, 131. Mary Coleman, 88. Mary Dustin, 65. Mary E., 65, 118. Mary Eliza, 96. Mary Elizabeth, 74, 122, 123. Mary Ella, 112. Mary Ellen, 117, 124. Mary Emma, 116, 140. Mary Jane, 49, 51, 64, 78, 136. Mary Jannett, 52, 79. Mary Sophia, 123. Mathew, 135. Mehitable, IS, 30, 40, 53, 64. Mela, 91. Melvin Haskell, 95, 132. Mercy, 17, 33, 36, 37, 49, 50, 86. Millicent Grace, 135. Minerva Rosanna, 92. Miron Sumner, 111. Mollie Winfried, 140. Molly, 39, 33, 37, 51. Moses, 14, 16, 36, 39, 35, 39, 41, 60, 61, 100. Moses Bradstreet, 81, 87, 114. Moses Broadstreet, 117. Moses Spofford, 60, 75. N. Nabby, 57. Nabby Balch, 44. Nancy L., 63. Nancy Eosaraond, 117. Nancy S., 50. Naomi E., 137. Niircissa, 53. Nathan Dane, 70. Nathan Henry, 98, 135. Nathaniel, 57, 58, 87, 119. Nathaniel Porter, 119,142. Nehemiah, 53,81,89. Nellie, 116. NeUie Grace, 96. Nellie Eiggs, 133. Nelson, 60, 91. Norman, 61. Norman Carolan, 92, 139. O. Olive Brown, IU. Oliver Jolin, 135. Orrin Harrison, 39, 61. Orson, 91. 0.scar Bectrara, 132. Otis Valentine, 95. Pamela, 44. Pamelia Annette, 139. Paraelia Avavista, 91. Parley, 65, 103. Parley W.. 138. Percy Fremont, 140. Phebe, 6, 7, 10, 18, 25, 51, 76, 107. Phebe Wildes, 81. Phedora, 104. Philemon, 19. Philena Euth, 91. Philip, 128. Phineas, 21. Polly, 38. Priscilla, 13. Proctor, 63, 97. Prudence, 16. B. Kachel, 14, 27, 65, 92, 103. Eachel Ann Ely, 18. Ealph Waldo, 133. 'Rebecca, 14, 18, 21, 80, 110. Eebecca Darling, 42. Reuben, 14, 21, 38, 58. Rhoda, 50, 76. Richard, 41. Robert, 11, 17, 18, 25, 30, 38, 40, 53. Robert Alva, 92. Eobert Sumner, 80, 110. Eobinson, 29, 49. Roderick, 53. Bodney Dennis, 85, 115. Eose Standish, 125. Euby Woodward, 50, 77. Eufus Elliot, 116. Euth, 10, 12, 16, 29, 30, 38, 42, 45, 52, 53. Ruth Esther Gould, 81. Ruth G., 114. Ruth Gordon, 51. Ruth Lamson, 81. S. Sallie Mabel, 140. Sally, 23, 54, 56. Samuel, 11, 18, 19, 31, 33, 35, 37. Samuel A., 56. Samuel Brown, 80, 112. Samuel Dane, 70. Samuel Little, 173. Samuel Wadsworth, 61. S.imuel Webster, 8.>. Sarah, 9, 11, 15, 18, 19, 23, 36, 29, 31, 39, 44, 48, 53, 57, 64,76,82,106. Sarah A., 88, 124. Sarah Bickford. 110. Sarah Brown, 37. Sarah B., 100. Sarah Emma. 100. Sarah Jane, 63, 98. Sarah Lizzie, 116. Sidney, 103, 138. Sophia, 121. Sophia A. L.. 83. Sophia Chaplin, 80, 111. Spencer Davis, 91. Stephen, 20, 34. Stephen Dustin, 102. Stephen Sear!, 123. Susan, 23, 38, 42, 63, 96. Susan Dillingham, 132. 148 INDEX. Susan Humes, 52, 79. Sus.in Maria, 96. Susan P., 56. Susan E., 39. Susanna, 14. Susie, 62. T, Theodore, 61. Theron Dennis, 115, 140. Thomas, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, S, 10, 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,19,20,21,22,23, 25,26,31,36, 41, 42, 54, 63, 64, 66, 99, 101, 138. Thomas Albert, 99. Thomas B., 61, 93. Thomas Lyman, 101, 137. Thomas Winslow, 130. Timothy. 3, 4. 5, 11, 12, 20. Tryphema, 21. V. Virgil, 92. Volney E., 91. W. Walter, 95. Walter Elmer, 129. Walter Francis, 131. W.alter L., 109. Warren, 39. Westley, 22. William, 8, 14, 35, 37, 39,44. 60, 61, 92. William B., 89. William Chamberlain, 74. WiUiamH., 39, 52. William Henry, 63, 95, 132. William Hillhouse, 62, 79. WUliam Kimball, 120, 121. William L., 39. WiUiam Parker, 80, Ul. William Prime, 139. William Riach, 93. WUliam Roscoe, 137. Willie, 116. Willie Albro, 129. Willie Chester, 132. WUIie David, 132. Willie Elbridge, 139. Wilmer D., 138. Zaccheus. 4, 5, 7, 8, 14. Zebulon, 16, 28, 39. INDEX. NAMES OP PERSONS OTHER THAN PERKINS. Aaron, John, 43. Adams, Annie P., 116. Adams, Charles, 44. Adams, Emma F., 115. Adams, Isaac, 61, 78. Adams, Jesse, 51, 78. Adams, Susan I., 85, 114, 115. Albee, Eliza, 92. Alderman, Truman, 92. Allen, Elizabeth C, 118, 141. AUen, Joanna G., 87, 118. AUyn, Maiy, 13, 20. Amadon, Sarah A., 106. - Andrews, Jesse, 51. Andrews, Lucy J., 61, 94. Andrews, Mercy P., 99. Andrews, Moody, 49, 70. Andrews, Nancy, 35, 39. Andrews, WiUi.-im, 63. 97. Annable, F. D. W., 109. Armond, John D., 91. Ashby, RebeccaA., 63, 80. Averill, Eliza Mary, 63, 97. Averill, Jemima, 20. Averill, N., 34, 68. Averill, Stephen P., 44. Averill, Thomas, 44. Ayre, James, 66. Babson, Daniel Tarr, 134. Bacon, Albert, 90. Bacon, Bmeline, 90, 129. Bahonan, Fifleld, 98. Bailey, F.W., 108. Bailey, Samuel, 67. Bailey, Solomon, 60. Baker, Mary, 29. Balch, David, 11, 17, 19, 31. Balch, E. Franklin, 65, 103. Balch, Eunice, 80. Balch, Gilberts., 115. Balch, Mary, 21. Balch, Mary A., 115, 140. Balch, Nabby, 44. Balch, Perley, 63, 83. Balch, Tliomas , 33. Barlow, EUen A., 101, 137. Barnard, Molly, 32. Bass, Charlotte, 60, 93. Batehelder, John, 16. Batchelder, Joseph, 31, 54. Batchelder, Susanna, 55, Bates, Julia, 93. Bayley, F. W., 76. Bayley, Oliver, 51. Beckford, Katie L., 135. Beoklord, Samuel, 110. Bedoe, Eunice, 36. Bickford, Maiy E., 130. Bickford, Sophronia, 65, 103. Billings, Persis, 61. Birch, Catherine, 37, 68. Bisbee, John W., 46. Bixby, Elmira, 81. Bixby, Harriet A., 113. Bixby, Haskett G., 113. Blaisdell, Samuel, jr., 77. Blake, Bzekiel, 50. Boardman, Eunice, 34. Bolster, J. L., 76, 107. Borman, Hannah, 10, 16. Bourne, John, 23. Bowker, Abigail M.,64,100. Bradley, Oscar H., 75. Bradstreet, Elijah, 35. Bradstreet, Lydia, 63, 81. Bradstreet. Martha, 25. Bradstreet, William, 53, 82. Bramble, i\Iary, 36. Bray, Benjamin S., 99, 137. Bray, Martha, 118, 14H Breed, Israel P., 07. Brigham, Harriet K., 120. Brookhouse, Elizabeth G., 87, 118. Brooks, Candace, 92. Brown, Almira, 61, 94. Brown, Betsy, 53, 80. Brown, Fannie, 94, 131. Brownell, Frank E., 79. Browning, Deborah, 5. Browning, Thomas, 5. Burgess, Caroline S., 87, 118. Burnham, Abraham, 19. Burnham, Alonzo P., i)8. Burnh'« Jonathan Corwin Esq' Judge of Pro bate of Wills &c June 10, 1700. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 7 p Jacob Perkins and Matthew Perkins Adm's- Exhibited his Inven tory and made oath that ye same is a true and prfect Inventory of ye estate of their father Jacob Perkius deed so far as has come to their knowledge and to add what more shall come to their knowledge) Sworne attest John Higginson Rec." The children of Jacob and Elizabeth ( ) Perkins were: 3 (26) Elizabeth, b. AprU 1, 1649; m., Thomas Borman, Jan. 1, 1667. i (27) John, b. July 3, 1662; m., Ist, Mary Fisk; 2nd, Elizabeth Prythatch; 3d, Mary Hooper; d. 1718, at " 67" yrs. 5 (28) Judith, b. July 1, 16.56; m. Nath'l Browne, Dec. 16, 1673. 6 (29) Mary, b. May 14, 1658; m., 1st, Tho» Wells, Jan. 10,(f) 1669 ; 2nd, John Annable. 7 (30) Jacob, b. Aug. 3, 1662; m., 1st, Elizabeth Sparks, Dec. 27, 1684; 2nd, Sarah Treadwell. 8 (31) Matthew, b. June 23, 1665; m. Esther Burnham. 9 (32) Hannah, b. Oct. 11, 1670. 10 (33) Joseph, b. June 24, 1674 ; m. Martha Morgan, May 22, 1700. 11 (34) Jabez, b. May 15, 1677; m., 1st, Hannah Lathrop, June 30, 1698; 2nd, Charity Leonard, 1722. THIRD GENERATION. 3 Elizabeth {Jacob', John') was born in Ipswich, Mass., April 1, 1649. She married Thomas Boreman, son of Thomas Boreman, sen., Jan. 1, 1667. She died April 1, 1718. He was born 1645 and died March, 1718. He was a farmer and his name is often seen upon the records. He was one of the bondsmen for his brothers-in- law, Jacob and Matthew Perkins, at the time of their ad ministration upon the estate of their father. ' The numbere in parentheses are the same as in Part I; the other numbers refer to Part III only. 8 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Their children were : Thomas, b. Aug. 8, 1669. Jacob, b. June 10, 1671. John, b. March 18, 1672-3. And perhaps others. 4 John {Jacob', John') was born in Ipswich, Mass., July 3, 1652. He married, first, Mary Fiske of Wenham, Mass. She was the daughter of Capt. Thomas Fiske and was born about 1655. She died Oct. 9, 1695. He mar ried, second, Elizabeth Prythatch of Ipswich, Oct. 13, 1696. She died Jan. 2, 1710-11. He married, third, widow Mary Hooper, published April 8, 1711 ; married April 28, 1711. She was the widow of Samuel Hooper of Boston whom she had married Feb. 16, 1693. Her maiden name was White. He died March 15, 1717. He, with others, bought a large tract of land of two or three hundred acres on the borders of Wenham and Ips wich (now Hamilton) in 1693. He was a resident of Wenham and was known as Serg. John Perkius. He was a farmer. The dates of the birth of his children, who were all by his first wife, are not recorded. His estate was settled about 1720. The children of John and Mary (Fiske) Perkins were : 12 Thomas, b. about 1689; m., 1st, Hannah Woodbury; 2nd, Elizabeth Fowler, Jan. 22, 1730. 13 Anna, b. 1692; m. *'John Perkins of Ipswich (see part I). 14 Esther, b. Sept. 30, 1695; m. Benj. Gilbert of Ipswich, Aug. 4, 1716. 15 Rebecca, b. ; m. Thos. Howe, jr., of Marlborough, April 26, 1715. 16 Mary, b. ; m. Robert Quarles, pub. July 9, 1709. 17 Elizabeth, b. ; ra. William Rogers, pub. April 15, 1698. 18 Sarah, b. ; m. John Edwards, jr., of Wenham, pub. May 29, 1709. 19 Martha, b. ; probably unmarried. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 9 5 Judith {Jacob', John') was born in Ipswich, Mass., July 1, 1655. She married Nathaniel Browne, Dec. 16, 1673. (She was probably a second wife.) He was born 1645 and died in Ipswich, Mass., 1717. She was living at the time of her husband's death. He was a soap-boiler by trade. Their children were : John, b. ; removed to Preston, Conn. Nathaniel, b. ; ra., 1st, Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Fiske; 2ud, Lydia . Elizabeth, b. ; m. Wra. Stasy, 1702 ; d. before 1766. Jacob, b. ; d. 1769; m., 1st, Burnhara, 1707, of Hamil ton; 2nd, Elizabeth Brown, 1761, of Hamilton. Mary, b. ; m. John Hubbard, 1710. Hannah, b. ; m. Edward Cogswell. Jaraes, b. June 1, 1685; m. Jemima Quarles; d. 1735. And possibly Thoraas and Joseph. 6 Mary {Jacob', John') was born in Ipswich, Mass., May 14, 1658. She married, first, Thomas Wells? Jan. 10, 1669-70; second, John Annable of Ipswich. The records of the town of Ipswich give the marriage of a Mary Perkius with Thos. Wells as above stated, but if she was the Mary (and we know of no other living there at the time) , she was but eleven or twelve years old, which is possible, but seems to us improbable. We are certain that she did marry Johu Annable, whose wife she was in 1699, at which time he (J. A.) gives a deed of land to his " brother-in-law, Matthew Perkins, weaver." Time of her death is unknown. The children of John aud Mary (Perkins) Annable were : John, b. Jan. 5, 1678. Matthew, b. Feb. 25, 1682; m. Mary Annable, 1711. Mary, b. Dec. 7, 1684 ; m. Thomas Baker, Nov. 27, 1703. Joseph, b. Jan. 11, 1690. FT. 3 2 10 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Judith, b. March 16, 1701; m. Benjamin Stone, Oct. 14, 1721. Robert, b. June 18, 1703; m. Bethia Knowlton, Oct. 18, 1721. And perhaps Joanna and Mehitable. 7 Jacob {Jacob', John') was born in Ipswich, Mass., Aug. 3, 1662. He married, first, Elizabeth Sparks, Dec. 27, 1684. She died April 10, 1692. She was the daughter of John Sparks. Second, Sarah Treadwell, Jan. 5, 1693. She died Aug. 5, 1738, 65 years, 7 months. He died Nov. — , 1705. He left a will, of which his widow, Sa rah, was the executrix. His father, Jacob, gave him a deed of land March 7, 1687. Thomas Lovell was a witness to his signature. His name appears frequently upon the deeds as buying and selling land. He was a weaver and farmer, and, with his brother Matthew, carried on his father's farm when he became incapable of managing it. They administered upon the estate at his death, 1699-1700. Thomas Bore man and Nathaniel Browne were their bondsmen. The children of Jacob and Elizabeth (Sparks) Perkins were : 20 Jacob, b. Eeb. 15, 1685 ; m. Lydia ; went to Cape Ned- dock, Me., and probably left descendants there. 21 John, b. Sept. 2, 1687; went to Norwich, Conn. 22 Elizabeth, b. March 18, 1690; pub. April 28, 1711; m. David Burnham, July 2, 1711. He was b. Oct. 20, 1688 ; d. Feb. 2(?). The children of Jacob and Sarah (Treadwell) Perkins were; 23 Elisha, b. 1694; m. Abigail Newmarch, Aug. 4, 1722. 24 Sarah, b. Dec. 26, 1696. 25 Mary, b. Nov. 26, 1698. 26 Hannah, b. Aug. 24, 1701. 87 Judith, b. Nov. 4, 1705. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 11 8 Matthew {Jacob', John') was born in Ipswich, Mass. ,June23, 1665. He marriedEsther Burnham 1685-6. She was the daughter of Lieut. Thomas and Mary (Tut tle) Burnham, born Aug. 3, 1662. March 23, 1665-6, Serg. Jacob Perkins gave his son Matthew a deed of gift of "a house and one quarter of an acre of land within that y" gate that y* highway leads to Jeffrey's neck, on his marriage with Lieut. Burnham his daughter." This deed was witnessed by Thomas Lovell, sen. The town record gives the following : " Capt. Matthew Perkins de parted this life April 15, 1738, Mi. 72 y. 9 m. 23 d." Before his death he executed a will, proved April 27, 1738 ; in this he does not mention his son Joseph, aud only speaks of his " daughter Mary's children." Joseph and Mary had probably deceased before this time. His widow, Esther, was executrix of his will. Esther, the widow of Capt. Matthew Perkins, executed a will June 5, 1743, proved Oct. 16, 1749, in which she gives to her daughter Herbin, also to her daughter Mary Smith's children, and to the four sons of her son Matthew ; to these last she gives land which her husband owned at "Cox Hall." The following is an extract from her will : " I give to my daughter Herbin my Great Bible and her father's Bible. I give to my grandson Matthew his grand father's cane. I give unto my granddaughter, Mary Smith, my Sabbath day Bible, and a book lately bought of Mr. Mitchell's works, and my cupboard standing in the shop, and my bread keeler and my bed I now lay upon and all the furniture belonging to it." She died Oct. 6, 1749. Their children were : 28 Matthew, b. about 1688 ; m., 1st, Martha Rogers ; 2nd, Widow Mary Smith. 12 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 29 Esther, b. July 17, 1690; m., Isl, Abraham Perkins; 2nd, Edward Potter; 3rd, Dr. Caesar Aug. Harbin. See "Abra ham, p. 36, part I. 30 Joseph, b. June 15, 1695 ; probably died before 1738. 31 Mary, b. Dec. 3, 1696 ; m. Matthew Smith, jr. 32 Elizabeth, b. Oct. 27, 1702; m. Stephen Glazier, Dec. 24, 1720. 10 Joseph {Jacob', Join?) was born in Ipswich, Mass., June 21, 1674. He removed to Norwich, Conn., in early life and married there Martha, the daughter of Joseph and Dorothy Morgan, May 22, 1700. She was of Pres ton, Conn., born 1680, and died Oct., 1754. He died in Norwich, Conn., Sept. 6, 1726. At the time of his removal from Ipswich, Mass., he was accompanied by two of his brothers, Jabez and Mat thew. Matthew soon returned to Ipswich. Joseph and Jabez purchased a large tract of land (800 or 1,200 acres) for £70. This land was situated in the forks of the Quinebaug and Shetucket rivers, in that part of the town of Norwich which became afterward the town of Lisbon and was known as " Perkins' Crotch." This land remained in the family until 1804-1820. Joseph Perkins was .mu influential man, both in the town and church ; by the latter he was elected a deacon, and is distinguished by his descendants as "Deacon Jo seph Perkins." Their children were : 33 Elizabeth, b. Nov. 5, 1701. 34 Mary, b. about 1703; m. Rev. Daniel Kirkland. 35 Joseph, b. Oct. 25, 1704; d. July 7, 1794. 36 Martha, b. Aug. 21, 1705; ra., 1st, Thos. Todd; 2nd, Solo mon Lathrop; 3d, Matthew Loorais. 37 John, b. Oct. 5, 1709; d. April 16, 1761. 38 Jerusha, b. Sept. 1, 1711; m. Rev. Jedediah Hyde. 39 Matthew, b. Aug. 31, 1713 ; d. May 3, 1773. 40 Deborah, 41 Ann, \ twins; b. July 20, 1715; "^- ^^"'^J'^^ ^arey. > d. June 29, 1731. THE PICRKINS FAMILY. 13 42 Hannah, b. 1717; m. Lemuel Bingham. 43 Simon, b. 1720. 44 William, b. 1722 ; m. Elizabeth Buck. 11 Jabez {Jacob', John') was bcn-ii in Ipswich, Mass., May 15, 1677. He married, first, Hannah Lathrop, June 30, 1698. She died April 14, 1721. Second, Charity Leonard of Middlebury, Dec. 17, 1722. He died Jan. 15, 1742. Joseph and Jabez Perkins, with au older brother, Mat thew, removed from Ipswich, Mass., and bought land in Connecticut in 1695, about 2,000 acres in the town of Norwich ; this portion of the town was afterward the town of Lisbon. The two brothers were leading men in the affairs of the town and church during their lives ; their descendants are still quite numerous in the region and are also found scat tered over a great part of the United States and have continued to take leading parts in the communities where they dwell. The children of Jabez and Hannah (Lathrop) Perkins were : 45 Jabez, b. June 3, 1699; d. April 27, 1739. 46 Hannah, b. 1701; d. 1745; ra. Joshua Huntington. 47 Elizabeth, b. 1703. 48 Mary, b. 49 Jacob, b. May 22, 1709 ; m. Jemiraa Leonard. 50 Lucy, b. 1709. 51 Luke (perhaps). 52 Judith, b. 1714. The child of Jabez and Charity (Leonard) Perkins was : 53 Charity, b. Dec. 6, 1724; m. Ezra Lathrop, Jan. 20, 1743. FOURTH GENERATION. 12 Thomas {John*, Jacob', John') was born in Wen ham, Mass., about 1689. He married, first, Hannah Wood- 14 THE PERKINS FAMILY. bury of Salem, Mass., Feb. 8, 1710-11. She died Oct. 2, 1727. Second, Elizabeth Fowler of Wenham, published Jan. 22, 1730-1. He died Sept., 1749. He, with his brother-in-law, William Sogers, settled the estate of his father. When this settlement was made they agreed to support their sister Martha during her life time and bury her when she shall die. The children of Thomas and wife Hannah ( Woodbury) Perkins were : 54 Mary, b. June 20, 1712; m. Chas. Adams, Oct. 14, 1733. 55 Hannah, b. June 3, 1714; d. Sept. 14, 1731. 56 John, b. May 23, 1717; m., 1st, Abigail Dodge; 2nd, Anne Whitraarsh. 57 Elizabeth, b. Oct. 23, 1720; m. Stevens. 58 Thomas, b. June 24, 1723 ; d., in the French and Indian War, May 27, 1745. » 59 Abigail, b. Sept. 14, 1726. The children of Thomas and Elizabeth (Fowler) Per kins were : 60 Hannah, b. Feb. 20, 1731-2; m. Samuel Jennison, Oct. 30, 1757. 61 Jacob, b. Feb. 8, 1732-3; m. Sarah Kimball, May 15, 1758; she d. May 19, 1760, in Sutton, Mass. 62 Martha, b. June 26, 1733. 63 Joseph, b. Sept. 15, 1735 ; m. Emma Dodge of Beverly, Mass., May 12, 1761. 64 Sarah, b. Aug. 3, 1736. 65 Meriam, b. April 12, 1739; m. Jonathan Wilkins of Amherst, March 10, 1772. 66 Richard, b. about 1740; d. June 8, 1742. 67 Esther, b. Jan. 1, 1745; m. Benjamin Dodge, May 30, 1776, and removed to Lyndboro, N. H. 14 Esther {John*, Jacob', Join?) was born in Wenham, Mass., Sept. 30, 1695. She married, in Ipswich, Mass., Lieut. Benjamin Gilbert, Aug. 4, 1716. He was born > Thomiis Perkins and Thomas Pouslaiid were killed in an attempt to take the Island Battery at Cape Breton, 1745 (Wenham Records). THE PERKINS FAMILY. 15 in Ipswich, Mass., Feb. 1, 1691. He died June 24, 1760, in Brookfield, Mass. He was a farmer. Lieut. Benjamin Gilbert resided in that part of Ipswich, now Hamilton, upon a farm given him, 1721, by his father, Dea. John Gilbert (who was a son of Huinphrey Gilbert). This gift included half of his father's house, etc., and to this he added land which he purchased of his brother Noah iu 1724. Upon this farm it is supposed that he re sided until he removed to Brookfield, Mass., in 1747. He purchased a house and farm of Jonathan Bush of Brook field containing 120 acres, ou which nearly the whole of the village of North Brookfield is now situated. He was commissioned, Feb. 7, 1744, as ensign and served in the expedition against Cape Breton. He after ward obtained the rank of lieutenant. His gravestone is in the old burying-grouiid. North Brookfield. Their children were : Benjamin, bapt. July 7, 1717; m. John, bapt. July 13, 1718; m. Esther, bapt. Aug. 29, 1720; ra. Benj. Waters, Nov. 12, 1741, b. in Charlestown, Mass. She d. Sept. — , 1807. Mary, bapt. Sept. 30, 1722; m. Ebenezer Kilham of Beverly. Elizabeth, bapt. Jan. 3, 1724; m. Benj. Jennings of Brookfield. Sarah, bapt. Feb. 26, 1726-7; m. Saranel Gould of Charlemont. Daniel, bapt. Feb. 15, 1728-9; m., 1st, Lucy Barnes; 2nd, Eliz abeth Gott ; 3d, Mary G. Kimball. Lydia, bapt. Dec. — , 1730; m., Ist, Isaac Hovey; 2nd, Raymond. Joseph, bapt. July — , 1733; m. widow Hannah (Wheat) Gott. Isaac, bapt. April — , 1735; prob. d. 1736. Martha, bapt. Aug. — , 1737 ; m. Nathan Gould of Charlemont. 22 Elizabeth {Jacob', Jacob', John') was born in Ips wich, Mass., March 18, 1690. She married David Burn ham, July 2, 1711. He was born Oct. 20, 1688, and died Feb. 2, ? He married for a second wife Elizabeth Barret, Aug. 18, 1740. 16 THE PEUKINS FAMILY. The children of David and Elizabeth (Perkius) Burn ham were : Elizabeth, b. June 3, 1712; ra. Sarauel Webster. David, b. June 17, 1714; m. Elizabeth Marshall. Surah, b. Dec. 28, 1715; ra. Solomon Giddings. Abigail, b. Aug. 31, 1717; ra. Daniel Dane, who was the founder of the " Dane Law School" of Harvard College. Westly, b. Oct. — . 1719; m., 1st, .Joanna Thornton ; 2nd, Deb orah Story. 23 Elisha {Jacob', Jacob', John') was born in Ipswich, Mass., 1694. He married Abigail Newmarch, published Aug. 4, 1722. The time of the death of Elisha or of his wife does not appear upon the records. His name is frequently seen in connection with that of his mother, Sarah, in the sale of land in Ipswich. Their children were : 68 Elisha, bapt. May 28, 1727. 69 Abigail, bapt. Feb. 8, 1735. 28 Matthew (Matthew", Jacob', Jolin^) was born in Ipswich, Mass., about 1688. He married, first, Martha Eogers, published May 14, 1709. She died Sept. 30, 1720. Second, widow Mary Smith, Jan. 14, 1720-1. She was the widow of Ebenezer Smith. He died May 28, 1737. He executed a will March 19, 1736, which was proved July 27, 1737. In this instrument he makes his wife, Mary, his executrix and " gives her the improvement of all his property, until his oldest sou, Matthew, shall arrive at 21 years of age." He gives to his daughter, Martha Dodge, " my largest Iron Pott and chest with draws and one tramill and one pair ot tongs . . . which, with what I have already given her, I account a sufficient portion out of my estate for her." THE PERKINS J-AMILY. 17 " I give to ray daughter Hannah Woodbury my largest Brass Kittle, and a Brass warming pan, and one pair of hand Irons and one chest together with what I have al ready given her I account a sufficient portion out of my estate." The remainder of the estate was to be divided among his other children whom he names : Matthew to have a double portion. Mary (Smith) Perkins, after the death of her husband, married James Gerrish of Berwick, Me., and removed there, taking with her her younger children. The children of Matthew and Martha (Eogers) Perkins were : 70 Martha, bapt. about 1710; m. Barnabas Dodge, Sept. 27 1728. 71 John, bapt. March 23, 1712. 72 Hannah, bapt. Dec. 20, 1713; m. Josiah Woodbury of Bev erly, June 15, 1731. 73 Jonathan, bapt. Sept. 11, 1715. 74 Sarah, bapt. 3, 12, 1716. The children of Matthew and Mary (Smith) Perkins were : 75 Esther, bapt. Dec. 24, 1721. 76 Ruth, bapt. Aug. 31, 1723. 77 Matthew, bapt. May 30, 1725 ; m. Anna Greenleaf. 78 John, bapt. Nov. 19, 1727. 79 Brewer, bapt. June 7, 1730; d. Sept. 1, 1730. 80 Stephen, bapt. Jan. 23, 1731 ; d. Feb. 21, 1735. 81 Abraham, bapt. April 6, 1735; m. Mary Siinborn Fogg, widow. 82 Stephen, bapt. Dec. 5, 1736; removed to Berwick, Me. 34 Mary {Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Norwich, Conn., about 1703. She married Rev. Daniel Kirkknd^ of Norwich, portion now called Lisbon, Conn., July 15, 'From Daniel and Mavy (I'eikina) Kirkland wjvs descended President Kirkland of Harvard College. PT m 3 18 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 1723. She died Oct. 1, 1769. He was born in Say brook, June 17, 1701 ; gr.-iduated at Y.ile College 1720; was ordained over the First Church in Norwich, Conn., Dec, 1723. He died May 17, 1763. Joseph Perkins, her father, was one of the deacons of this church. Their children were : Mary, b. July 16, 1724; died in infancy. Daniel, b. Oct. I, 1725. Mary, b. April 15, 1727; d. Sept. 29, 1739. Hannah, b. July 6, 1729. Anna, b. July 24, 1731. Elizabeth, b. Sept. 5, 1733; died in infancy (1735). John, b. Nov. 15, 1735; m. Anna Pjilmer. Jabez, b. Jan. 5, 1738. Lydia, b. Dec. 14, 1739; d. Nov. 22, 1743. Sarauel, b. Nov. 20, 1741; m. Jerusha Bingham, 1769. Joseph, b. Nov. 18, 1744; d. 1775; m. Hannah Perkins. 35 Joseph {Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Nor wich, Conn., Oct. 25, 1704. He married, first, Lydia Pierce, 1728. She died Jan. 7, 1730. Second, Mary Bushnell, July 23, 1730. She was the daughter of Dr. Caleb Bushnell of Norwich, Conn. He died July 7, 1794. He was a graduate of Yale College 1727, and was the first of thirty-six of the name, who had taken degrees at that College between 1727 and 1858. He studied medi cine and practised his profession in his native town and "became very eminent, both in medicine and surgery, per forming all the capital operations in that part of the col ony. He possessed brilliant talents, and was distinguished for scientific pursuits and undissembled piety, patriotism and benevolence." " He was for a long time deacon antl had much influence." The child of Joseph and Lydia (Pierce) Perkins was: 83 Lydia, b. about 1729; m. Daniel Kirkland. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 19 The children of Joseph and Mary (Bushnell) Perkins were : 84 Joseph, b. Aug. 10, 1733; d. of small-pox, May 5, 1775. 85 Mary, b. July 11, 1735; m., 1st, Daniel Bishop; 2nd, Jona than Starr. 86 Simon, b. Oct. 25, 1737; d. Sept. 4, 1778. 87 Elisha, b. Jan. 16, 1741; d., of yellow fever, Sept. 6, 1799. 88 Andrew, b. July 17, 1743; was a raerchant in Norwich, Conn. 89 Solomon, b. June 16, 1745; d. 1806; m. Susannah Fitch. 90 Caleb, b. ,Tau. 25, 1749; m. Sarah Trumbull. 36 Martha {Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Nor wich, Conn., Aug. 21, 1705. She married, first, Thomas Todd. He was from Rowley, Mass. Second, Solomon Lathrop. He was born 1706 and died 1733. He was of Norwich, the fourth in descent from Rev. John Lathrop of Barnstable, England, and Barnstable, Mass. She married, third, Matthew Loomis, 1739, with whom she lived in Boltou, Conn. Her children by Solomon Lathrop were : Joseph, b. Oct. 20, 1781 ; d. Dec. 31, 1820, at West Springfleld, Mass. A daughter, b. about 1733. Her children by Matthew Loomis were : Martha, b. ; m. Lemuel White. Levi, b. ; m. ? Mary, b. ; m. Handy. Andrew, b. ; m. Strong. Jerusha, b. ; m. Tyler. Mabel, b. 37 John {Joseph", Jacob', John') was boruiu Norwich, Conn., Oct. 5, 1709. He married, tirst, Elizabeth Bushnell, sister of his brother. Dr. Joseph's wife ; second, Lydia, daughter of Solomon Tracy. He died April 16, 1761. He was called " the great Perkins" from his size. Capt. John Perkins was a man of pretty large prop- 20 THE PERKINS FAMILY. erty for a farmer, it would seem, from " a True Inventory of all the Estate, Both Real & Personal of Capt. John Perkins, Late of Norwich, deceased, as apprized by us the subscribers under oath according to the value thereof iu Lawful money" (1761). Among the items, which cover fourteen pages of fools cap, closely written, are the folloAving : "3 Broadcloth Coats, 2 prs. Leather Breeches, Silver Shoe & Knee Buckles, Silver Hilted Sword, Guns, Pow der Horns & Flints, Saddles with Pillions, Vessels of Sil ver, Brass, Pewter & Cedar, a Blacksmith shop outfit. Shoemakers benches & tools. One negro man named Lon don, another named Simon, and their wives Cato & Lucy Hagar, altogether 15 negroes, among them 'Ziba, a suck ing child,' valued at 6 £." Of land he had 650 acres in Hanover Society, 347 acres in Windham Co. and, in part nership with Tho. Huntington of Norwich, 358 acres in Canterbury. It may be inferred that he inherited a comfortable es tate from his father, as he was a comparatively young man when he died. The children of John and Elizabeth (Bushnell) Perkius were :91 John, b. 1736; m. widow Bethiah (Baker) Kingsley. 92 Elizabeth, b. ; m. Joseph Woodward. The children of John and Lydia (Tracy) Perkins were : 93 Lydia, b. ; m. Nathaniel Bishop. 94 Ruth, b. ; unm. 95 Levi, b. ; m. Aletha Howard. 96 Civil, b. ; m. Jedediah Lathrop as his second wife. 97 Eliphaz, b. Aug. 25, 1753; m. Lydia Fitch. 98 Abijah, b. ; unm. ; taken prisoner by the British and died in prison; unm. 99 Durden, b. ; unm. ; d. 1800. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 21 38 Jerusha {Joseph'", Jacob', John') was born in Nor wich, Conn., Sept. 1, 1711. She married Rev. Jedediah Hyde, July 17, 1733. He was third iu descent from Wil liam Hyde, a first settler of Norwich. He was a " Separ atist" and pastor of a church ou Bean Hill, Norwich. He died Feb. 8, 1742. Their children were : Martha, b. Aug. 19, 1734 ; m. Jabez Post ; d. before 1769. Jerusha, b. June 7, 1736 ; m. Silas Stark. Jedediah, b. Aug. 24, 1738; d. May 29, 1822. Diadema, b. Dec. 10, 1740; m. Dr. Benj. Butler. 39 Matthew {Joseph'", Jacob', John') was born in Nor wich, Conn., Aug. 31, 1713. He married Hannah, daughter of Samuel and Sarah (Fobes) Bishop, 1739. She was born 1724; died at Lisbon, Conn., Oct. 28, 1809, aged 87. She was only fifteen years old at the time of her marriage. He died May 3, 1773. He owned a farm of 1,000 acres in Hanover Society, north part of Lisbon. He belonged to the Hanover branch of the family, known thereabouts as the " Black Perkinses." He was a large and powerful man. He died from lockjaw, caused by a bite on the thumb which he re ceived from a young negro slave, whom he was chastising for some fault. Their children were : 100 Joshua, b. 1740; d. 1833. 101 Hannah, b. about 1742; m., 1st, Joseph Kirkland; 2nd, Mr. Shepherd ; d. at the age of 96. 102 Matthew, b. about 1744; d. at Princeton Coll., aged 19 yrs. 103 Ephraim, b. July 8, 1745; m. Mary Chaplin; d. April 23, 1813. 104 Jerusha, b. about 1747 ; m. Jabez Fox. 105 Nathan, b. May 12, 1748; m. Catherine Pitkin; d. Jan. 18, 1838. 106 Susanna, b. 1753; d. at New Haven, Sept. 10, 1810; m. Rev. J. Staples. 22 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 107 Sarah, b. I755(?) ; m., 1st, Robert McKown ; 2nd, Alexander Gordon. 108 Matthew, b. about 1758; died in infancy. 109 Enoch, b. Aug. 16, 1760; d. at Hartford, Aug. 28, 1828. 110 Frederick, b. 1763; d. at Utica, N. Y., April 14, 1839. Ill Samuel, b. 1767; d. Sept. — , 1850, 83 yrs. 40 Deborah {Joseph'", Jacob', John') was born in Nor wich, Conn., July 20, 1715. She married Benajah Carey, Feb. 11, 1742. He was of Scotland Society, Windham; a farmer. Their children were : Zilla, b. ; m., 1st, James Luce of Windham; 2nd, Jonathan Kingsley. Deborah, b. ; m. Jedediah Stark. James, b. ; m. Abigail Kingsbury. Abigail, b. And several others who died yonng. 42 Hannah {Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Nor wich, Conn., , 1717. She married Lemuel Bingham. Their children were : Hannah, b. ; m. Joshua Lazel. Zeruiah, b. ; m. Olive Smith. Lucy, b. Jedediah, b. ; m. Webb. Faith, b. ; m. Jesse Tracy. Elias, b. ; m. Vashti Elderkin. 44 William {Joseph'", Jacob', John') was born in Nor wich, Conn., , 1722. He married Elizabeth Buck. She was born 1725, and was the daughter of David and Elizabeth (Hubbard) Buck, of Wethersfield, Conn. Their children were : 112 Elizabeth, b. ; m. Samuel Jacobs. 113 William, b. ; m. 114 Philip, b. ; m. Sparks. 1 15 Daniel Buck, b. ; m. Sally Berchard. 'THE PERKINS FAMILY. 23 45 Jabez {Jabez", Jacob', John') was born in Norwich, Conn., June 3, 1699. He married Rebecca Leonard May 11, 1725. She died Sept. 2, 1788. He died April 27, 1739. Their children were : 116 Jedediah, b. June 10, 1725; m. Temperance Hazen; d. Oct. 14, 1768. 117 A daughter, born and died Sept. 8, 1726. 118 A son, born and died July II, 1727. 119 Jabez, b. June 30, 1728; d. Feb. 20, 1795. 120 Elkanah, b. July 23, 1730; d. May 8, 1740. 121 Rebecca, b. 1730; died young. 122 Samuel, b. April 26, 1732; d. June 25, 1736. 123 Hannah, b. Oct. 4, 1733; ra. Jabez Fitch; d. Aug. — , 1808. 124 Charity, b. Nov. 2, 1734; d. Aug. 4, 1736. 125 Charity, b. Feb. 17, 1737; m. Samuel Lovett. 126 Samuel, b. Feb. 17, 1738; d. at St. Eustatia, July 29, 1765. 46 Hannah {Jabez", Jacob', John^) was born in Nor wich, Conn., 1701; married Joshua Huntington Oct., 1718 ; died 1745. He was the grandson of Simon Hunt ington, the first settler. Their children were : Jabez, b. Aug. — , 1719. Jedediah, b. 1721. Andrew, b. 1724. Lydia, b. 1727. Zachariah, b. 1731. 49 Jacob {Jabez ", Jacob' , John}) vvas born in Norwich, Conn., May 22, 1709. He married, Oct. 14, 1730, Je mima Leonard of Taunton, Mass. Their children were : 127 Jacob, ( twins; m. Mary Brown, Mai-. 23, 1755. 128 Jemiraa, I b. Sept. 14, 1731 ; m. Benj. Burnam, Nov. 6, 1750. ¦ 129 Timothy, b. June 30, 1733. 130 Simeon, b. Feb. 13, 1734. 131 Mary, b. July 11, 1735; died young. 132 Daniel, b. Oct. 9, 1736. 24 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 133 Abia, b. Nov. 30, 1738. 134 Luce, b. July 30, 1740; d. July 13, 1756. 1.35 Elkanah, b. June 14, 1742; d. April 13, 1744. 136 Zebulon, b. Dec. 12, 1743. 137 Jabez, b. July 28, 1745. 138 Judith, b. April 14, 1747. 139 Zepheniah, b. May 1, 1749. 140 Hezekiah, b. Jan. 15, 1751. 141 Mary, b. Aug. 23, 1763. 142 Ebenezer, b. Aug. 30, 1756. FIFTH GENERATION. 56 John ( Thomas," John*, Jacob', John') was born in Wenham, Mass., May 23, 1717. He married Abigail Dodge of Beverly, published Nov. 24, 1751, and married Dec. 26, 1751. In the record of this marriage she is called Mrs. Abigail Dodge. "The wife of John Perkins died Dec. 29, 1778." Their children were : 143 John, b. July 20, 1753 ; bapt. July 25, 1754. 144 Abigail, bfipt. May 11, 1755; d. young. 145 Thomas, bapt. April 17, 1757. 146 Edward, bapt. June 24, 1759. 147 Nehemiah, b. May 12, 1766 ; bapt. May 18, 1766. 61 Jacob ( Thomas", John*, Jacob', John') was born in Wenham, Mass., Feb. 8, 1732. He married Sarah Kim ball, May 15, 1758. She died May 19, 1760. They lived at one time in Wenham, but removed after ward to Sutton, Mass. Their children were : 148 Sarah, b. ; bapt. May 20, 1769. 149 Lucy, b. ; bapt. Oct. 7, 1759. 63 Joseph ( Thomas", John*, Jacob', John') was born in Wenham, Mass., Sept. 15, 1735. He married Emma THE PERKINS FAMILY. 25 Dodge of Beverly, published April 19, 1761, and mar ried May 12, 1761. "Emma, wife of Joseph Perkins was received into full communion Aug. 15, 1762." They must have resided iu Beverly for some time after their marriage, as the baptisms of some of their children are recorded there. They removed to Amherst, N. H., and resided in a part of that town called Mt. Vernon. He was a tailor by trade. Their children were : 150 Joseph, bapt. Aug. 22, 1762 ; m. Hannah Woodbury. lol Sarah, bapt. June 9, 1765. 152 Betsey, bapt. Dec. 20, 1767. 153 Lydia, bapt. Dec. 10, 1776. 77 Matthew {Matthew'^, Matthev?, Jacob', John') was born in Ipswich, Mass., May 29, 1725. He married, first, Anna Greenleaf, Dec. 22, 1748. She was boru Nov. 14, 1727, and died Aug. 28, 1762. Second, Jane Dole, Jan. 23, 1763. She was the widow of Jonathan Dole ; her maiden name was Jane Noyes. She was born Oct. 5, 1731. He died May — , 1815. They resided in Newbury, Mass. The children of Matthew and Anna (Greenleaf) Per kins were : 154 Benjamin, b. Dec. 8, 1749 ; m. Mary ; d. March — , 1797. 155 John, b. Jan. 30, 1751; m. Mary ;(?) d. 1806. 156 Nathan, b. April 9, 1752 ; d. Sept. 21, 1763. 167 Ebenezer, b. Nov. 30, 1763; m. ; d. 1795; rope-maker. 158 Mary.'b. April 22, 1765; m. Nicholas Johnson: 159 Abigail, b. Sept. 21, 1756; m. Clough. 160 Jane, b. April 14, 1758; m. Aaron Pardee. 161 Esther, b. May 27, 1759; d. Oct. 19, 1759. 162 Susannah, b. Sept. 9, 1760; d. Sept. 30, 1760. 163 Ruth, > t J b. July 28, 1761; d. July, — 1761. 164 Sarah, 5 165 EUzabeth, b. June 2, 1762 ; d. June 22, 1762. PT. Ill 4 26 THE PERKINS FAMILY. The children of Matthew and Jane (Dole) Perkins were : 166 Jacob, b. March 2, 1764; d. March 2, 1764. 167 Edraund, b. July 3, 1765; d. Aug. 17, 1765. 168 Jacob, b. July 9, 1766; m. Hannah Greenleaf; d. July 11, 1849. 169 Abraham, b. May 4, 1768. 170 Anna Greenleaf, b. Feb. 2, 1770; d. Aug. 7, 1770. 171 Anna, b. April 15, 1771 ; d. Aug. 6, 1771. 172 Sarah, b. June 15, 1773; m., 1st, Angier March; 2nd, Hovey; 3d, Jno. Gage. 81 Abraham {Matthew'", Matthew", JacoV, John') was born in Ipswich, Mass. He was baptized April 6, 1735. He married widow Mary (Sanborn) Fogg, of Sanborn- ton, N. H. She was the daughter of Jeremiah Sanborn, born Jan. 6, 1733. He died Aug. 16, 1804. His wife, Mary, died May 25, 1823, aged 90 years and 4 mos. The mother of Abraham Perkins was Mary, widow of Ebeuezer Smith and afterward of Matthew Perkins of Ipswich. After the death of her second husband she mar ried, in 1740, Janies Gerrish of Berwick, Me., to which place she removed with her younger children, Abraham being at that time only five years old. During his childhood he attended school six months to Master Sullivan, who was the father of General Sullivan of Revolutionary memory. Au incident occurred at this time which made a lasting impression upon the mind of young Abraham : Master Sullivan left the school one day, with strict orders for the boys not to leave the schoolhouse ; six of them disobeyed and went to a brook to play, where they were surprised by Indians, scalped and murdered. Abraham obeyed his teacher and was safe. In after life, when he became a teacher himself, he used to relate this fact as a warning to the disobedient. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 27 He removed from Berwick to Exeter, N. H., thence to Sanbornton, N. H., iu which place he taught school for thirty years continuously. It is said he subjected his scholars to military discipline and never went himself to church during four years unless under arms. He was a surveyor as well as a teacher, and laid out the earliest roads in Sanbornton. Before leaving Berwick he had leairned the trade of a shoemaker, and while teaching school he occupied his mornings and evenings in making shoes. His lapstone and other implements were treasured aud used by his chil dren after him. He also tanned sheepskins with salt and alum. It is evident that he did not spend many idle hours. On the Saturday night before he died, he finished his last school and returned home with the expressed pre sentiment that his work was done. He never left his house again. It is said that his influence in forming the character of the people of Sanbornton, in his own and following gen erations, was hardly second to that of any minister of the gospel that ever resided in the town. Their children were : 173 Anna, b. Nov. 8, 1758 ; m. Philip Hunt, jr. ; d. March, 1852. 174 Jonathan, b. Oct. 17, 1760; ra. Hannah Taylor. 175 Esther Jane, b. Aug. 3, 1762; m. Jonathan Morrison, 1782; d. Aug. 24, 1856. 176 Ruth, b. July 21, 1764; m. Jacob Thoraas, Oct. 13, 1785; d. Juue 7, 1850. 177 Meribah Fogg, b. June 26, 1766 ; m. Nathan Hoyt ; d. May 20, 1847. 178 Lydia, b. April 17, 1768 ; m. John D. Sanborn, 1790 ; d. Oct. 13, 1853. 179 Theodate, b. April 13, 1770; m. Samuel Sanborn, 1791; d. Feb. 20, 1845. 180 Matthew, b. Nov. 18, 1772 ; lost at sea, 1793. 181 Mary B., b. Sept. 27, 1774; d. Sept. 15, 1775. 28 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 83 Lydia {Joseph"^, Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Norwich, Conn., about 1729. She married Daniel Kirt- laiid or, more probably, Kirkland. Their children were : Daniel, b. Lydia, b. ; m. Captain Lathrop. 84 Joseph {Joseph!", Joseph'", Jacol?, John') was born in Norwich, Conn., Aug. 10, 1733. He married Joanna Burnham, May 10, 1757. She was born 1734 and died Nov. 16, 1811, at the age of 77 years. He died May 5, 1775, of small-pox. He lived in Lisbon, Ct. Their children were : 182 Joseph, b. July 11, 1759. 183 Benjamin, b. April 1, 1763. 184 Elias, ) twins; i ', 185 Elijah, 5 b. April 6, 1767 ; I d., In IPhiladelphia, June 21, 1806. 86 Simon {Joseph"', Joseph", Jacob?, John') was born in Norwich, Conn., Oct. 25, 1737. He married Olivef Douglass of Plainfield, Conn., Feb. 25, 1768. He died Sept. 4, 1778, from dysentery, contractedwhile in the army. He was a farmer in Lisbon, Conn., owning part of the original Perkins lauds in Newent Society. He was a captain in the Revolutionary war. After the death of Capt. Simon Perkins, his widow con tinued to reside upon the farm left by her husband, and with which a flouring mill was connected, until her death, which occurred Oct. 20, 1805. " She was a Avomau of very marked Christian character, and died greatly respected by the whole community." Their children were : 186 Olive, b. Nov. 24, 1769 ; m. Christopher Starr of Norwich. 187 Simon, b. in Lisbon, Sept. 17, 1771; d. Nov. 19, 1844, at Warren, O. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 29 188 Rebecca, b. Sept. 29, 1773; m. John Kinsman; d. May 27, 1854, at Kinsman, O. 189 Joanna, b. Dec. 12, 1775; m. Samuel Lovitt of Lisbon, Jan. 12, 1797. 190 Daniel Bishop, b. Oct. 26, 1777; d. June 10, 1848; unmar ried ; disordered in mind from excessive study. 87 Dr. Elisha {Joseph"', Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Norwich, Conn., Jan. 16, 1741. He married Sarah Douglass of Plainfield, Conn., Sept. 23, 1762. She was a sister of his brother Simon's wife. She died of con sumption, Aug. 10, 1795. He died of yellow fever in the city of New York, Sept. 6, 1799. Elisha Perkins was a physician, whose residence was in Plainfield, Conn. He was widely known, having a very extensive practice in the surrounding country. He was well fitted by nature for his work by a strong aud vigorous constitution, which enabled him to endure great fatigue. It is said that he was often obliged to ride horseback sixty miles a day to see his patients. He used no spirituous liquors or stimulants, though they were then in common use at that time ; three or four hours' sleep daily sufficed him. He was a man of the kindest and most sympathizing na ture, always ready with a helping hand and a kindly word ; taking the sick into his own home and family, and, when restored to health by his skill and kindness, they were loud in his praises. Dr. Perkins became more widely known by his inven tion of the " metallic tractors," which he used in the treat ment of various painful diseases, as neuralgia, rheuma tism, etc. These tractors were two pieces of metal, about three inches in length and of dissimilar kinds, each beiug pointed at one eud. In use they were drawn over the painful 30 THE PERKINS FAMILY. part, from above downwards, for about twenty minutes at a time. This method of cure was recommended by physicians of three institutions in the United States. In Copenhagen, twelve physicians in the Royal Frederick Hospital used and recommended them. In London, the tractors were introduced by a son of Dr. Perkins, and a hospital was opened in that city, under the presidencj' of Lord Rivers for the benefit of the poor. Au almost incredible num ber of cures were recorded ; eight professors, forty phy sicians and surgeons and thirty clergymen testifying to their efficacy. Dr. Perkins also brought forward an antiseptic remedy which he used with success in the treatment of ulcerated sore throat (diphtheria?) and typhoid dysentery. Anxious to try the efficacy of this new remedy iu yellow fever which was prevailing in New York at that time, he visited that city, aud after four weeks of unremitting toil he died of the disease in Sept., 1799. After the decease of Dr. Perkins the^»tractors fell into disuse and were ridiculed. It should be stated that he had been expelled from the Coniiegticut Medical Society in 1797, for advocating the use of his tractors. His an tiseptic was not heard of again at that time ; but the world moves on. Dr. Elisha Perkins was seventy-five years in advance of his age, and we cannot fail to see in his trac tors the germ of the use of electricity, so extensively em ployed in our day for the cure and alleviation of disease ; and in his antiseptic, the dawn of one of the most impor tant improvements of modern medicine ; particularly in surgery. Let us give honor to whom honor is due, even if it be but a tardy post-mortem honor. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 31 The children of Elisha and Sarah (Douglass) Perkins were : 191 Elisha, b. July 18, 1763; m. Eunice Backus. 192 Mary, b. Aug. 12, 1765; m. Miles Merwin, Nov. — , 1786; all this family died in Philadelphia, 1793. 193 John Douglass, b. Feb. 3, 1769 ; m. Rebecca Hughes, 1802. 194 Sarah, b. Oct. 26, 1771; m. Lemuel Grosvenor, 1801. 195 Benjamin Douglass, b. June 24, 1774; m. Mary Murray. 196 Susan, b. Oct. 9, 1776; m., 1st, Dr. J. L. Arnold, 1795; m., 2nd, Chas. Marsh, 1798. 197 Elizabeth, b. Nov. 6, 1778; m. David Putnam, 1798. 198 Henry, b. April 20, 1781; m., 1st, Mary Woodbridge ; 2nd, Abby Noyes, 1820. 199 George, b. Oct. 19, 1783; m., 1st, Marionette Turner; 2nd, Betsey Turner. 200 Olive M., b. March 13, 1786; m. Nathaniel McLellan, 1815. 88 Andrew {Joseph"', Joseph", Jacob', JbAn*) was born in Norwich, Conn., July 17, 1743. He married, first, Anne Turner, Oct. 21, 1766. She was born 1747, and died June 12, 1785. Second, Mary Niles, Jan. 29, 1786. She was the only daughter of Robert and Abigail Niles, born 1764 and died Feb. 24, 1787. Third, Betsey Taylor, Jan. 6, 1789. She was the daughter of Eldad Taylor, Esq., of Westfield, Mass., born 1761 and died May 21, 1819. He was a merchant in Norwich, and was known as Cap tain Andrew, or later in life as Andrew Perkins, Esq. He had no children by his second wife, Mary Niles. Children of Andrew and Anne (Turner) Perkins were : 201 Anne, b. Feb. 1, 1768. 202 Mary Bishop, b. Aug. 1, 1770; d. Jan. 8, 1780, 10 years. 203 Andrew, b. June 22, 1774; d. in Hispaniola, Apr. 27, 1796. 204 Bet.sy, b. Nov. 13, 1776. 205 Mary B., b. June 13, 1779; d. Nov. 26, 1799. 206 Charles, b. Nov. 26, 1782; d. Jan. 2, 1783. 207 Charles, b. Dec. 17, 1783; d. Jan. 16, 1784. Children of Andrew and Betsey (Taylor) Perkins were : 208 FrauQts, b. Oct. 13, 1790; d. June 4, 1802. 209 Charles, b. June 21, 1792. 210 Harriet, b. Nov. 9, 1794; d. March 19, 1821. 32 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 211 Abigail, b. May 3, 1795. 212 Edward, b. May 27, 1796; d. Nov. 22, 1812. 213 Francis, b. July, 16, 1804; d. Oct. 5, 1804. 89 Solomon {Joseph^, Joseph," Jacob? John^) was born in Norwich, Conn., June 16, 1745. He married first, Susanna Fitch ; second, Lester. He resided in Lisbon and died 1806. Children of Solomon and Susanna (Fitch) Perkins were : 214 Solomon, Oct. 7, 1774. 215 Richard, b. 216 Joseph, b. 217 Maria, b. 218 Lydia, b. 219 Susanna, b. Child of Solomon and (Lester) Perkins : 220 Lester, b. 90 Caleb {Joseph"', Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Norwich, Conn., Jan. 25, 1749. He married Sarah Trumbull, a sister of Judge John Trumbull, author of "McFingal." He was an eminent physician and practised for a long time in West Hartford, Conn. He afterward removed to Meadville, Pa. Their children were : 221 Sarah, b. 222 John Trumbull, b. 223 Elizabeth, b. 224 Lucy, b. 225 Caleb, b. 226 Sophia, b. 91 John {John", Joseph", Jacob?, John') was born in Norwich, Conn., 1736. He married Bethia (Baker) Kingsley, widow, 1750. She was born 1737 and died 1820. He died 1800. He was a large landholder and was extensively engaged THE PERKINS FAMILY. 33 in commerce, exporting large numbers of live stock to the West Indies. His character was of the purest puritanical type ; very strict in his religious observances, especially of the Sab bath. He was greatly esteemed by his family and the large number of his friends and dependents. Their children were: 227 Martha, b. ; m. Oliver Johnson of Franklin, Conn. 228 John, b. 229 PoUydore, b. ; m. ; no children. 230 ApoUos, b. ; surgeon in U. S. army; d. July 27, 1792. 231 John , b. ; drowned in Shetucket river, at the age of 10 years. 232 Elizabeth, b. ; m. Septimus Lathrop ; two sons. 233 Augustus, b. 1773; ra., 1st, Lucy Huntington; 2nd, Rebecca Huntington. 234 Anson, b. ; was a physician. 236 Abijah, b. ; m. Olive Manning. 236 Philetus, b. 1780; m. Lidia Porter. 237 Dyer, b. ; m. Charlotte Woodbridge. And two others who died In infancy. She had two children by Kingsley who went to Ohio ; their history is unknown. 93 Lydia {John", Joseph", Jacol?, John?) was born in Norwich, Conn. She married Nathaniel Bishop . He was the son of Samuel and Abigail Bishop (dates not known). Their children were : Joanna, b. Lydia, b. Daniel, b. 95 Levi {John", Joseph", JacdW, John?) was born in Norwich, Conn. He married Aletha Howard of the Cov entry family. He was known as " Squire Levi." He lived in Lisbon, Hanover Society, on his large farm which he managed with great skill. They had uo children . 34 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 96 Civil {John", Jos^h", Jacob', John') was born in Norwich, Conn. ( ?) , . She married Jedediah Lath rop (dates unknown). Their children were : Civil, b. Jedediah, b. 97 Eliphaz {John", Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Norwich, Conn., Aug. 25, 1753. He married, first, Lydia Fitch, 1780. She was the daughter of Dr. Jabez Fitch of Canterbury and Lydia Huntington of Norwich, Conn. She died at Athens, O., Jan. 21, 1800. She was a descendant of the sixth generation of Thom as Fitch of Brantry, Essex, England, whose wife, after his death, emigrated with her five sons to this country and settled in Saybrook, Conn. One ofthe sons, James, became a minister ofthe gospel, first at Saybrook and af terward at Norwich, of which town he was one of the original proprietors, and was, for forty years, pastor of the church there. Her oldest brother. Rev. Ebenezer Fitch, was first pres ident of Williams College. One of her sisters married William Williams, first graduate of Williams College. Another sister married President Saunders of Burlington College. Another sister married a brother of Dr. Ashbel Green, President of Princeton College. He (Dr. Eliphaz) was a graduate of Yale College, and began life as a country merchant, but, being unsuccessful and losing all his property, he studied medicine with his father-in-law. Dr. Jabez Fitch. His first professional work was done in Voluntown, Conn. Induced by the glowing accounts of the then northwest territory, he crossed the mountains on horseback and in due time arrived at the new settlement of Marietta, at the THE PERKINS FAMILY. 35 mouth of the Muskingum river. Shortly after, the Indian war broke out (1790) which made it unsafe for him to re turn, and his family had no tidings from him for two years, during which time they supposed him dead. He, how ever, practised his profession there, and in time returned to his family and friends as oue from the dead. He did not forget the beautiful laud beyond the moun tains, and on the eighth of June, 1799, the Indian war then being over, he, with his wife and seven children started for the west. They embarked in a high wagon with bed, bedding, and cooking utensils, the whole drawn by three or four yokes of choice oxen and a saddle horse for his wife, a cow and dog. After a long detentioti at Reading, Pa., where his two youngest children were born, they reached McKeesport, on the Monongahela river ; here Dr. Perkins transferred his family and goods to a flat boat for the remainder of the journey, but sickness among the children and low water in tho river detained thera still longer. After much trouble they reached their journey's end at Marietta on Oct. 17, 1799. The fatigue of the long and tedious journey, together with the sickness of herself and children, proved too much for the poor wife and mother; she died Jan., 1800, and was buried at Marietta. In the spring following. Dr. Perkius removed to Athens on the Hockhocking, which became his future home. He was a skilful physician, of gentle manners and quiet Christian deportment, all of which characteristics gained for him immediate popularity and influence. He labored to establish common schools in the country and was an ardent friend and liberal contributor to the Ohio University, of which institution he was one of the first trustees, and for many years its treasurer. He was postmaster at Athens for seventeen years, and county recorder for thirteen years. 36 THE PERKINS FAMILY. He, with others, organized the first Presbyterian society at Athens, and was foremost in promoting every good work in the community in which he lived. Three years after the death of his wife, Lydia, he mar ried, second, Catherine Greene, who was a cousin of Gen. Nathaniel Greene of the Revolutionary army. She died in 1821. His third wife was Mrs. Anna Catron, who out lived him aud died in 1837. Dr. Perkins died at Athens, April 29, 1828. The children of Eliphaz and Lydia (Fitch) Perkins were : 238 Eliphaz, b. ; died in infancy. 239 Chauncey Fitch, b. Sept. 18, 1782. 240 Julia, b. April 13, 1784; m. Capt. David Pratt. 241 Jabez, b. May 29, 1786 ; d. 1843, a physician, unm. 242 Eliphaz, b. March 6, 1788. 243 John, b. Dec. 29, 1791. 244 Lydia, b. Aug. 31, 1793; m. Isaac Taylor. 245 Henry, b. Feb. 9, 1796. 246 Lucy, -i ^ j^. _ j„gg . m. Dr. W. E. Thompson. 247 Laura, j ' ' m. Dr. A. V. Medbury. 100 Joshua {MattheuP, Joseph", JacoW, John') was born in Lisbon, Conn., 1740. He married, first, Abigail Bishop who was his own cousin. He married a second time when over eighty years old ; this wife died before him. He died, 1833, aged 93 years. Their children were : 248 Abigail, b. ; m. Barnabas Huntington. 249 Tabitha, b. ; m. Benj. Burnham. 250 Daniel Cumings, b. ; d. y. of scarlet fever. 261 Azariah, b. ; d. of scarlet fever. 252 Nathaniel, b. ; d. of scarlet fever. 253 Clarissa, b. ; m. Martin Bottem ; d. 254 Sarah, b. 256 Charles, b. ; m. Elizabeth Payne. Hannah {MattheuP, Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Lisbon, Conn., about 1742. She married, first, Joseph Kirkland of Utica ; second, Shepard. She died at the age of 96 years. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 37 Their children were : Lovisa, b. ; d. aged 18 years. Two others who died In infancy. 103 Ephraim {Matthew?', Joseph", Jacob', John')yva.s born in Hanover Parish, Lisbon, Conn., July 8, 1745. He married Mary Chaplin, Nov. 7, 1771. She was the daugh ter of Deacon Benjamin Chaplin of Chaplin, Conn., and was born March 30, 1748. She died Feb. 24, 1816. He settled in Becket, Berkshire Co., Mass., and died there April 23, 1813, of" throat distemper." Ephraim Perkins was a farmer ; he received from his father a gift of four hundred acres of land in Becket, Mass. Upon this he built a large and commodious house, which has since been known as the " Perkins mansion ; " it is now (1888) standing, occupied by some of his descendants. The children of Ephraim and Mary (Chaplin) Perkins were : 266 Ephraim, b. Monday, July 5, 1773; m. Lucy Merrick. 257 Benjamin Chaplin, b. April 29, 1775; d. Apr. 24, 1845. 258 Matthew, b. March 15, 1777 ; d. Sept. 11, 1808. 259 John, b. June 9, 1779 ; d. May 4, 1 782. 260 Origen, b. Sept. 12, 1781 ; d. Feb. 25, 1782. 261 Johu Erastus, b. March 26, 1783 ; d. Sept. 27, 1847. 262 Origen Augustus, b. March 31, 1786; d. May 28, 1854. 263 Bishop, b. Sept. 5, 1787 ; d. Nov. 20, 1866. 104 Jerusha {Matthew"^, Joseph", Jacob', John}) was born in Lisbon, Conn. She married Jabez Fox, who was of Scotland Society, Windham, Conn. He was a farmer of " shrewd and saving character." Their children were : Jerusha, b. ; d. at 18 years, unm. Mary, b. Sarah, b. ; m. Hon. Joel W. White. Two others, who died in infancy. 38 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 105 Nathan {MatUieuP, Joseph", Jacob', John^) was born in Lisbon, Conn., May 12, 1748. He married Cath erine Pitkin, 1774. She was the daughter of Rev. Timothy Pitkin of Farmington, Conn., and was born Feb. 22, 1757. He died Jan. 18, 1838, at West Hartford, aged 90 years. He was a clergyman, very widely known and highly respected ; was pastor of the church at West Hartford from his ordination, which took place Oct. 14, 1372, to his death. He was graduated at Princeton, 1770, and re ceived the degree of D.D. ofthe same college. Their children were : 264 Nathan, b. abt. 1777 ; ra. Seymour of West Hartford. 265 Timothy Pitkin, b.; m. 1st, Jerusha Benton; 2nd, Sarah Gridley; 3rd, Nancy Lee; d. 1858. 266 Catherine, b. ; m. Charles Seymour of Hartford. 267 Frances, b. ; ra. Webster. 268 Edward, b. about 1784 ; m. Clarissa Fitch of Windham ; d. at Savannah, Ga., 1826. 269 Julia, b. ; d., unm., at the age of 18 years. 106 Susanna {MattheuP, Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Lisbon, Conn., 1753. She married Rev. J. Staples and died at New Haven, Conn., Sept. 10, 1810, of "ner vous fever." He was of Canterbury, Conn., born in 1743 ; died Feb. 16, 1804. Their children were : John, b. April 23, 1773. Matthew, b. Feb. 17, 1775 ; d. June 8, 1775. V Seth Perkins, b. Aug. 31, 1776; an eminent lawyer. Susanna, b. Aug. 1, 1778. ^>1-. iS. . '&i*-i -i^-^^-*^^.^ . Nancy, b. Dec. — , 1781; d. 1782. Sophia, b. 1782 ; d. Oct. 29, 1789. Matthew, b. May 1, 1784; d. June 26, 1797. Job, b. Aug. 23, 1786. , Sophos, b. Dec. 19, 1789; d. at Sparta, Ga., July 22, 1826. Sophia, b. Lucius, b. March 19, 1794; d. June 21, 1797. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 39 107 Sarah {Matthev?', Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Lisbon, Conn., 1755. She married, first, Robert McKown who was a sea captain and was lost at sea ; sec ond, Alexander Gordon. The children of Robert and Sarah (Perkins) McKown were. Sarah, b. Margaret, b. Mary, b. Hannah, b. Robert, b. ; d. young. The children of Alexander and Sarah (Perkins) Gor don were : Robert, b. Lovisa, b. ; d., unm., about 1845. Anna, b. 109 Enoch {MattheuP, Joseph", JacoV, John') was born in Norwich, Qomi., Aug. 16, 1760. He was married to Anna Pitkin, f^^"20, 1787, by Rev. Nathan Strong. She was the daughter of Timothy and Temperance (Clap) Pitkin of Farmington, Conn., aud was a sister of his brother Nathan's wife. She was born Feb. 19, 1764.^ / { He was graduated at Yale College, 1781, and studied law with William Channing, Esq., of Newport, R. I. ; was two and a half years tutor in Yale College, after which he established himself in his profession in Hart ford in 1786, where- he resided iu the active discharge of his duties to the end of his life. As a lawyer he was distinguished for a thorough ac quaintance with the duties of his profession, and he was, to no common degree, skilled in the forms of legal proc esses, aud his services were often called in requisition ; his clients are said never to have sufiered by his negli gence. 40 THE PERKINS FAMILY. As a member of civil society he was ever ready to bear his part of public burdens ; and when appointed to civil offices he executed the duties promptly and efficiently, and his services met with the approbation of the wise and good. In 1809 he was appointed attorney for the state of Con necticut in the county of Hartford, in which office he discharged the duties of public prosecutor with a charac teristic regard to moral principle. He was chosen a member of the Board of Trustees of the Missionary Society of Connecticut in 1808, and was also trustee of the Hartford grammar school. He was much esteemed and resorted to as an adviser in cases of difficulty, and for this office he was well qualified. He looked coolly into the intricacies of a subject, and it was rare that he did not penetrate it to the bottom ; his unbending integrity and honesty of purpose gave to his advice its peculiar value. His life was one of uncommon evenness and affords no incident to attract particular notice. While a tutor in Yale College he made a public profes sion of religion and through his whole life he was thor oughly and sincerely a Christian ; his religious feeling sprang from clear views of truth. He observed the Sab bath with great strictness, for he loved its holy hours and sacred duties. The violence of his disease prevented a full expression of his feelings in the immediate view of death ; but he lived the life of the righteous and it cannot be doubted that his end was peace. He died Aug. 28, 1828. Their children were : 270 Anna, b. June 19, 1788. 271 Charlotte, b. Jan. 30, 1790. - 272. Henrietta, b. March 16, 1792; m. Josiah Bissell, jr 273 Emilia, b. Jan. 1, 1796 ; m. Roger S. Baldwin. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 41 274 Thomas Clap, b. July 30, 1798 ; ra. Mary Foot Beecher. 275 Henry Augustus, b. Oct. 21, 1801 ; ra. Sarah Emmons. 276 George Williara, b. Feb. 22, 1804; m. Mary Ann Dickinson. 110 Frederick {Matthew"', Joseph", Jacob?, John') was born in Lisbon, Conn., 1763. He married, first, Sally Kinsman. She was the daughter of Jeremiah Kinsman of Lisbon, Conn. She died not long after her marriage, leaving no children. Second, Lucy Eldridge, who was the daughter of James Eldridge, Esq., of Brooklyn, Conn. She was born 1770, and died at Utica, N. Y., Nov. 6, 1847, aged 77 years. He removed from his father's homestead in Lisbon to Utica, N. Y., where he died April 14, 1839, and was buried at Whitesboro', near Utica. Their children were : 277 Frederick Fanning, b. Oct. 30, 1799. 278 James Eldridge, b. 1802; d. in infancy. 279 Lucy Gallup, b. 1804. 280 James Alfred, b. 1807. Ill Samuel {Matthew?', Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Lisbon, Conn., Sept. 13, 1767. He married Anna (or Nancy) Huntington, Feb. 24, 1793. She was the daughter of Solomon and Anna (Denison) Huntington, born April 7, 1770, and died April 17, 1829. He died Sept. 22, 1850. Both died in Windham, Conn. He was graduated at Yale College, 1785, after which he studied for the ministry ; received his degree of A.M. in 1788, when he delivered a Master's Oration in Latin, was licensed and preached for about a year, when he re linquished the pulpit on account of ill health. He after ward studied law, was admitted to the bar, opened an office in Windham, Conn., practised th-ere and in Wind ham county ; and was prominent in all the aflfairs of the town. PT. m 6 42 THE PERKINS FAMILY. He was a man of much ability and considerable literary attainments, and was the author ofa "History of the War of 1812" (1825) ; "Gen. Jackson's Conduct in the Semi nole War" (1828) ; "Historical Sketches of the U. S., 1815-1830" (1830) and "The World as it is" (1816, 6th edit., 1841). Their children were : 281 Ann Huntington, b. Dec. 24, 1793; d. May 27, 1821. 282 Samuel Huntington, b. Feb. 15, 1797; d. May>^, 1874. l^. 283 Horatio Nelson, b. Feb. 13, 1799; d. Sept. 9, 1800. 284 Harriet, b. April 19, 1802; d. May 11, 1873. 115 Daniel Buck ( William**, Joseph", Jacob', John') was bom in Norwich, Conn., May 13, 1760. He mar ried Sally Berchard, date unknown. He is said to have been killed by lightning while riding through the woods. His widow married a Dr. Shepherd. The family have resided in Hartford and Orange, Conn., and in Deerfield, Mass., but resided afterward in New York state. Their children were : 285 Thomas Danforth, m. ? Two children, Brastns and Luther. 286 Daniel Buck, b. Nov. 18, 1791; m. Elizabeth Loomis; she died 1862. 287 Joseph Jacobs, b. ; m. ? Two children, Rachel and Alfred. 288 Hannah, b. 289 Celinda, b. 290 Erastus Berchard, b.?; m.? His children were Norman, Horace, James Edward, Hannah, Alfred, Sarah, Adison. 119 Jabez {Jabez*', Jabez", Jacol?, John') was born in Norwich, Conn.(?), June 30, 1728. He married, first, Anna Lathrop, April 8, 1751. She died April 23, 1785. Second, Lydia Avery, of Groton, April 25, 1786. She died May 17, 1819, without issue. He died Feb. 20, 1795. The children of Jabez and Anna (Lathrop) Perkins were : THE PERKINS FAMILY. 43 291 Erastus, b. Feb. 17, 1762; d. at Norwich, Oct. 18, 1853, aged 102 years. 292 Anna, b. Oct. 4, 1764; d. Jan. 1, 1799. 293 Jabez, b. June 21, 1767; lost at sea, Oct., 1780. 294 Hannah, b. May 19, 1760; d., unm., Sept. 11, 1788. 295 Ashur, b. May 30, 1764; d., unm., Oct. 16, 1784. 296 Lydia, b. Oct. 11, 1767; m. Shubael Breed. He graduated at Yale College, 1778 ; d. 1840. She d. April 15, I86I. 127 Jacob {Jacob*', Jabez", Jacob', John') was born in Norwich, Conn.(?), Sept. 14,1731. He married, first, Mary Brown of Newport, R. I ; second, Abigail Thomas, of Norwich, Conn. The dates of marriages and deaths are wanting. The children of Jacob and Mary (Brown) Perkins were : 297 Daughter, b. ; m. Carew. 298 Daughter, b. ; m. Huntington. The children of Jacob and Abigail (Thomas) Perkins were : 299 Jedediah, b. ; has resided In Cuba and in Michigan. 300 Sarauel, b. ; num. 301 Abigail, b. ; m. Rev. John Sherman of Mansfield. 302 Mary,b, ; m., 1st, Storrs; 2nd, — Parker of Trenton. 803 Sarah, b. 304 Jacob, b. ; d. unm. 305 Zephaniah, b. ; m. ? in New York city and died In New Orleans. 130 Simeon {Jacob*', Jabez", Jacob', Johr?) was born in Norwich, Conn., Feb. 24, 1735. He married, first, Abigail Backus, June 12, 1759. She was of Norwich, Conn., and died Dec. 22, 1760. Second, Elizabeth, widow of John Hadley of Manchester, N. S. She was the daughter of Henry Young. He died in Liverpool, N. S., May 9, 1812. He went from Norwich, Conn., to Liverpool, N. S., in 1762. His widow and daughters Elizabeth and Charlotte removed to Ithaca, N. Y., Nov., 1822. 44 THE PERKINS FAMILY. The child of Simeon and Abigail was : 306 Roger, b. 1760; d. at sea, 1781, 21 years. The children of Simeon and Elizabeth were : 307 Abigail, b. 1776. 308 John, b. Aug. 19, 1778. 309 Lucy, b. 1780 ; m. Daniel Lathrop Bishop, 1805, at Liver pool ; d. in New York, 1817. 310 Elizabeth, b. 1783. 311 Eunice, b. 1785. 312 Mary, b. 1786. 313 Simeon Leonard, b. 1788. 314 Charlotte, b. 1790. 137 Jabez {Jacob*', Jabez", Jacob', John') was born in Norwich, Conn. , July 28, 1745. He married Mary Backus. The line of 137 Jabez is now extinct. The child of Jabez and Mary (Backus) Perkins was: 816 Mary, b. ; m. Capt. Edward Whiting of Norwich. 140 Hezekiah {Jacob^, Jabez", Jacob', John') was born in Lisbon, Conn., Jan. 15, 1751. He married Sarah Fitch about 1783. She was the daughter of Eleazer and Amie (Bowen) Fitch of Windham, Conn. He died Sept. 11, 1822, in Norwich. He had resided there and in Liv erpool, during his boyhood. His early life was passed upon the sea. He was, at one time, commander of a ship in the trade with France. The Norwich bank was chartered in 1796. He was ap pointed its cashier and continued to fill its office until his death and was succeeded by his son, Francis Ashur. Their children were : 316 Francis Ashur, b. Aug. 12, 1784 ; m. Abigail Colt. 817 Charlotte, b. Nov. 16, 1786; d. Feb. 16, 1787. 818 George Leonard, b. Aug. 6, 1788; m. Emily Lathrop; d. Sept. 5, 1888. 319 Charles, b. June 13, 1790; d. Aug. 5, 1790. 320 Charlotte Whiting, b. Jan. 6, 1797. 821 Henry Fitch, b. July 14, 1799. 322 Eliza Leonard, May 12, 1801 ; d. May 10, 1802. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 45 SIXTH GENERATION. 143 John {John'", Thomas", John*, Jacob', John') was boru in Wenham, Mass., July 20, 1753. He married first, Anna Whitmarsh, published July 10, 1779. She died 1788; second, Mrs. Jane Dunbar, Sept. 3, 1789. Wen ham church records state "Jane, wife of John Perkins, Jr., was baptized Aug*, 1790." He married, third, Anna Po land, Nov. 23, 1800. He died Feb. 3, 1847, aged 93, 6, 15. He was a farmer and resided in Wenham. The children of John and Anna (Whitmarsh) Perkins were : 328 John, b. 1780; m. Mary Homans of Marblehead, 1820. He died In Salem, March, 1866 ; was a carpenter. 324 Betsy, bapt. Oct. 8, 1784 ; m. Mark Morse and d. Aug. 7, 1878. She resided In Beverly. 825 Nancy, bapt. Nov. 20, 1785 ; m. Valentine Reynolds, died Dec. 24, 1876, In Beverly, 91 y. 2 mos. 326 Thomas, bapt. May 27, 1787. The children by wife, Jane (Dunbar) Perkins, were : 827 Joseph, bapt. Oct. 30, 1791; m. Ruth Francis; no children. 828 Eunice, b. 829 Barnard, b. 330 Lydia, b. ; m. John Bean. 146 Edward {John", Thomas", John*, Jacob', John') was baptized in Wenham, Mass, June 24, 1759. He mar ried Mrs. Sarah Dodge, published Jan. 15, 1785. She was born 1763 and died May 30, 1821, " 58 y." She was the daughter of Peter Dodge. He died June 18, 1853, " 93. 11. 21." He left a will which was executed Jan. 12, 1842, and proved May — , 1853. In this instrument he gives to his daughter, Elizabeth Potter, and to the children of his de ceased daughter, Clarissa ; speaks of his grandson, Henry 46 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Richard Perkins, and makes his " only son Henry" the ex ecutor of his will." Their children were: 331 Betsy, b. Aug. 22, 1786; m. Nathaniel Potter, jr., pub. Oct. • 20, 1804. 832 Sally, b. June 19, 1791. 333 Edward, b. Aug. 22, 1789 ; d. before 1863 ; m. ? ; one son. 334 Clarissa, b. March 12, 1794; m. Joshua Tappan of Newbury port, pub. Sept. 2, 1817. 335 Levina, b. Oct. 4, 1796. 336 Henry, b. Nov. 14, 1798; d. Jan. 8, 1877, 87 y. 1 m. 19 d.; unm. 337 Charles, b. Aug. 14, 1802. 147 Nehemiah {John", Thomas", John*, Jacob', John') was born in Wenham, Mass., May 12, 1766. He married, first, Polly Smith, published March 12 and mar ried March 27, 1791; married, second, Sally Poland, published Dec. 8 and married Dec. 29, 1794. She was born Jan. 14, 1775. She died Oct. 11, 1856, 82 years. He died Oct. 31, 1862, aged 96 years. He was a farmer and resided upon the estate of John*, and died in the house in which he was born, which is now standing (1888). The children of Nehemiah and Polly (Smith) Perkins were : 338 Abigail, b. 1792 ; m. James Foster of Newburyport ; d. Jan. 5, 1879. 339 Nehemiah, b. ; died young. The children by wife Sally (Poland) Perkins were : 340 Mary, b. Sept. 26, 1796; ra. Wm. Langmaid of Ipswich, Dec. 21, 1812; d. Aug. 23, 1854. 341 Nehemiah, b. Sept. 15, 1796 ; m. Eliza Edwards ; d. May 22, 1860. 342 Sally, b. Jan. 12, 1799; m. Aaron Perkins, of New York; d. March, 1863. 343 Eliza, b. Aug. 24, 1801; m. Stephen Perkins ; d. April 21, 1868. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 47 344 Anne, b. Aug. 28, 1803; m. Capt. Leprella Drake of Lynn; d. Oct. 9, 1858. 345 William, b. March 12, 1806; m. widow Lydia (Perkins) Rea of Topsfield; d. Oct. 9, 1858. 846 Charles, b. Jan. 25, 1808; m., 1st, Mansfield; 2nd, ; Is now living at Jamaica Plain, Mass. 347 John, b. Aug. 12, 1810; m., Ist, Mary Burnham; second, Maria Raymond; d. Aug. 1, 1861. 348 Daniel, b. Jan. 18, 1815; m. Elsie Jane Burnham, Nov. 26> 1846. 150 Joseph {Joseph"^, Thomas", John*, Jacob'', John') was born in Beverly, Mass. ; baptized Aug. 22, 1762 ; removed to Amherst, N. H., with his father. He mar ried Hannah Woodbury of Beverly ; date unknown. He was a tailor. Their children were : 349 Mark Dodge, b. Jnne 5, 1785; m. Mahala Jones. 360 James W., b. April 17, 1798; m. F. Cochran. And perhaps others. 154 Benjamin {Matthew", Matthew^, Mattheu?, Ja cob', John^) was born in Newburyport, Mass., Dec. 8, 1749. He married, first, Elizabeth ; second, Mary Moody, Jan. 16, 1785. He died, in Newburyport, March 11, 1797. His will, signed Sept. 4, 1795, was proved April 3, 1797. His widow Mary was appointed executrix. No children are mentioned in this will. He gives fifty dollars yearly to his father, Matthew, and the remainder to his widow. Capt. Benjamin Perkins was a soldier in the Revolu tionary War. His commission as captain was signed by General Warren, dated May 19, 1775. He raised a company of seventy-nine officers and men, which he led in the bat tle of Bunker Hill, and was in the hottest of the fight ; his regiment lost, seven killed and twenty-three wounded. 48 THE PERKINS FAMILY. When forced to retreat he threw away his wig, which he found too hot for him, and led his men, single file, safely o& the field. He and his company were stationed quite near General Warren when he fell. He details his own loss as 2 men, 6 guns, 7 bayonets, 2 cartridge boxes, 1 drum, 1 fife, 1 hat, 1 handkerchief; his wig he does not mention. His children were : 851 Joseph, b. March 4, 1781. 352 Daniel, b. Dec. 18, 1784. 353 Mary, b. July 11, 1791. 160 Jane {Matthew", Matthew'^, Matthew^, Jacob', John') was born in Newburyport, Mass., April 14, 1758. She married Aaron Pardee, Nov. 17, 1786. He died Feb. 21, 1837. She had died previously; date not known. He was an officer iu the war of the Revolution, and at the time of his death was a pensioner of the United States. His will, which vvas signed June 10, 1836, and proved May 2, 1837, states that his only child, then living, was Jane M. Pardee, who was a minor. He mentions a grand child, Fanny Currier, to whom he gave $50, and who was to inherit all his property in the event of the death of his daughter without issue. His property at the time of his death was $4,413.41. He was a merchant and a man of considerable influence in Newburyport. Their children were : Henry, b. June 29, 1787 ; m. Fanny . Anna, b. Jan. 5, 1789 ; m. Currier. Benjamin, b. March — , 1791; d. Oct. 11, 1721. Nathaniel, b. Dec. 6, 1792 ; d. 1796. Ebenezer, b. Sept. 8, 1795 ; d. Dec. 28, 1818. Almira, b. Oct. 1, 1798. William, b. May 8, 1802. Jane Mary, b. Jan. 14 (1821?). And perhaps others. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 49 168 Jacob {Matthew", Matthew'^, Matthew", Jacob', John^) was born in Newburyport, Mass., July 9, 1766. He married Hannah Greenleaf, Nov. 11, 1790. She was born Dec. 20, 1770. Hedied, in London, England, at the house of his son, July 11, 1849. Jacob Perkins was an eminent mechanic, and no man has done more than he to give to our country her well de served reputation for useful mechanical inventions. His father had noticed in the boy a decided genius tor mechanics and apprenticed him, when only thirteen years of age, to a Mr. Davis, a goldsmith of Newburyport, who died after Jacob had served him only three years, thereby depriving him of the benefit of his instruction as well as dissolving the contract of apprenticeship. He did not, however, desert the family of his deceased master, but supported them by his labor, during the four succeeding years. The business of au artisan in that trade, at that time, consisted largely in the manufacturing of gold beads, sil ver knee and shoe buckles, etc. ; in this work he had in troduced such improvements that the cost of these fash ionable articles was greatly reduced. He became skilled as a maker of dies for the striking of coin, and received orders from the government for mak ing the dies used in striking of the copper coin issued at that time ; an attempt in which others had signally failed. Some of his dies are now to be seen in Newburyport. At the age of twenty-one he invented a machine for making nails, by which the cutting oS the iron and the heading of the nail was done instantly, by a single opera tion, thus doing away with the tedious labor of the human hand. The nails in common use in this country at the present time are manufactured by his process. He was PT. m 7 50 THE PERKINS FAMILY. defirauded of the benefit of this invention by the dishonesty of his partners in business. In 1809 he brought out his " patent stereotype steel plate" for the prevention of counterfeits of bank bills and other paper securities ; an invention which has completely revolutionized the method of engraving these plates. His invention secured the sanction of the state authorities, and all banks in Massachusetts were obliged, by law, to use his plates ; as a result, the bills of these banks were seldom counterfeited. Other states were not slow to avail themselves of the great protection his plates afforded, and their use has now become universal in every civilized coun try upon all bank notes, bonds and other evidences of in debtedness. He left his native town in 1816 for Philadelphia, where he resided a few years and then sailed for Liverpool, Eng land, in the ship Telegraph. While on the voyage, his active mind knew no rest. Continued experiments in sounding resulted in his invent ing a new and improved instrument for finding the depth of the sea. This instrument he called a bathometer ; it is said to be "as true in a ten-knot breeze as in a calm, indi cating every fathom the instrument is under the surface of the sea." He also instituted experiments by which he proved the compressibility of water. From Liverpool he went to London , where he invented a new steam engine and also a steam gun, capable of dis charging "twelve hundred balls in a minute." This last instrument he exhibited in the presence of the Duke of Wellington and other military officers. One of these steam batteries he constructed for the French government. Among his other inventions was a " steam rocket en gine," also a "propeller for steam vessels" to take the place THE PERKINS FAMILY. 51 of paddle wheels ; and many others, which we cannot here mention, but, which, if collected, would make an inter esting volume. He was known in England as the "Amer ican inventor." The children of Jacob and Hannah (Greenleaf) Perkins were : 354 Hannah Greenleaf, b. Feb. 17, 1792. 355 Sarah Ann, b. Deo. 16, 1793; m. Bacon, in London. 356 Jane, b. Jan. 5, 1796 ; d. July 14, 1808. 357 Ebenezer Greenleaf, b. Dec. 29, 1797; d. Jan. 20, 1842. 358 Angier March, b. 1799 ; d. Jan. 20, 1872. 359 Louisa Jane, b. Sept. 11, 1801. 360 Elizabeth, b. May 7, 1804 ; m. Roy. 361 Henrietta, b. July 1, 1806; m. Hersey Chubb, of London. 362 Mary, b. June 29, 1809; d. Oct. 24, 1810. 169 Abraham {Matthew", Matthew'^, Matthew", Ja coW, John}) was born in Newburyport, Mass., May 4, 1768. He raarried Elizabeth Knapp, Dec. 14, 1794. She was the daughter of Nathaniel and Mary Knapp, born Aug. 25, 1771, and died Feb. 12, 1831. He died April 2, 1839. The children of Abraham and Elizabeth (Knapp) Per kins were : 363 Anthony, b. Oct. 27, 1795; m. Betsy Thurston; d. Sept. 5, 1830. 364 Benjamin, b. Oct. 2, 1797; m. Mary Davis; d. Apr. 16, 1836. 365 Charles, b. July 16, 1799 ; d. Sept. 19, 1818. 366 Abraham, b. April 14, 1801; d. Oct. 7, 1817, unm.. In Cali fornia. 367 Nathaniel, b. April 18, 1803; m. Elizabeth Perkins; d. Nov. 29, 1847. 368 Elizabeth, b. May 22, 1805; m. Rev. Randolph Campbell; d. Feb. 21, 1860. 369 Jacob, b. Jan. 5, 1808. 370 Mary Jane, b. Sept. 5, 1810; m. Moses Brown; d. March 3, 1881. 371 Hannah, b. April 19, 1813 ; d. Sept. 13, 1813. 372 Thaddeus, b. Dec. — , 1815 ; m. Nancy Maria Baker ; d. Jan. — , 1843. 52 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 173 Anna {Abraham", Matthew'^, Matthew", Jacob', John') was born iu Exeter, N. H., Nov. 8, 1758. She married Philip Hunt, jr., about 1778. He died June 26, 1827. She died March, 1852. Their children were : Levi, b. April 27, 1779 ; settled in Conway, N. H. Abraham Perkins, b. Feb. 18, 1781 ; m. Elizabeth Sanborn. Philip, b. Dec. 31, 1782; d. Oct. 12, 178-1. Philip, b. Feb. 17, 1785; m. Aphia R. Fanington. Molly Fogg, b. March 8, 1787; ra. Josiah Sanborn. Jonathan J., b. M.arch 18, 1789; removed to Oregon. Anthony C, b. March 16, 1791; m. Mary Chase, July 21, 1810. Jacob, b. Dec, 1792; m. Nancy S. Whicher, Sept., 1817; d. Oct. 26, 1851. Matthew Perkins, b. Nov. 17, 1794; m. Deborah Taylor, Dec. 4, 1817. Hannah Perkins, b. 1796; m. John Morrison, April 21, 1816. Stephen, b. July 9, 1799; m. Polly Folsora, Sept. 1824; d. 1876. 174 Jonathan {Abraham", Matthew'^, Mattheiv", Jacob', John') was born in Berwick, Me., Oct. 17, 1760. He married Hannah Taylor, Oct. 7, 1782. She was the daughter of Chase Taylor. She died Sept. 15, 1837. He died July 25, 1852. He enlisted in the Revolutionary army in 1780 and was at West Point. He was a farmer upon his father's estate, making shoes in the winters. He is said to have been a great Bible reader ; enjoyed full possession of his senses and faculties to the last day of his life. He died when in his 92d year, never having been before confined to his bed a single day by sickness. Their children were : 373 John Brewer, b. May 16, 1784 ; m. Comfort Sanborn. 374 Chase, b. March 11, 1786; ra. Susanna Taylor. 875 Matthew, b. June 17, 1788; ra. Jane Little. He graduated at Middlebury College, Vt. ; was a lawyer ; d. Aug. 17, 1826. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 53 376 Phebe, b. Dec. 8, 1791; m. Sarauel Hooper, 1810. 377 Sally M., b. March 31, 1804; d. May 9, 1863, unraarried. 378 Abraham, b. Oct. 13, 1807. He joined the Shakers and be carae distinguished as a preacher and temporal adviser in Enfield and Canterbury. 175 Esther Jane {Abraham", Matthew'", Matthew^, Jacob', John') was born in Exeter, N. H. (probably), Aug. 3, 1762. She married Jonathan- Morrison about 1782. He was born June 28, 1759, and died June 20, 1848. She died Aug. 24, 1856. Their children were : Jeremiah, b. Aug. 27, 1783; d. Dec. 26, 1864, unmarried. Jonathan, b. March 12, 1785; ra. Elizabeth Lock; d. Dec. 25, 1873. John Badger, b. March 18, 1787; m. Azubah Heath; d. Nov. 15, 1828. Bradbury, b. Jan. 22, 1789; ra. Phebe Taylor; d. July 10, 1876. Miriam, b. March 1, 1791; m. Rev. Samuel Thompson; d. May 6, 1872. Molly Brewer, b. Feb. 28, 1794; m. Thos. Webster; d. Sept. 14, 1876. Abigail, b. March 25, 1796 ; ra. Moses Cheney, June, 1816. Matthew, b. Jan. 26, 1799 ; d. Nov. 13, 1834. Anna Wadleigh, b. Feb. 14, 1801; m. Person Cheney ; d. 1879. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 2, 1804; m. George Roberts, Feb. 19, 1837. Abraham Perkins, b. Oct. 5, 1806 ; ra. Mary Robbe ; d. 1870. Simon Rowe, b. Oct. 14, 1808; m. Julia A. Hoit; d. 1880. 177 Meribah P. {Abraham", Matthew'^, Matthev?, Jacob', John') was born in Exeter, N. H. (probably), June 26, 1766. She married Nathan Hoit, Nov. 24, 1785. She died Oct. 24, 1842, He died March 20, 1847. Their children were : Mary, b. 1787; m. Joseph Pike of Plymouth. Lucy, b. Nov. 6, 1788; m. Rob't Hunkins, jr., 1808; d. 1816. Theodate, b. 1791 ; m. Enoch Brainard of Alexandria. Arthur, b. 1793. Presbyterian clergyman, Athens, Ga. Elizabeth, b. 1796; m. David Wise of Ills. Abraham Perkins, b. June 19, 1797 ; m. Martha Emerson. 54 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Meribah, b. March 11, 1799 ; m. Ralph Pike of Hebron. Ruth, b. 1801 ; died in infancy. John, b. 1803; d. 1806. Jonathan, b. 1805; was a goldsmith in ? S. C. Nehemiah H., b. 1807; resided in Newbern, N. C. 178 Lydia {Abraham", Matthew'", Mattheu?, Jacob', John') was born iu Exeter, N. H. (probably). She married John D. Sanborn, Nov. 16, 1790. He was born Sept. 14, 1765, and died Oct. 28, 1820. She died Oct. 13, 1853. Their children were : Abraham, b. Aug. 31, 1791; m. Sally Clines, Dec. 19, 1816; d. March 16, 1860. Jereraiah, b. Aug. 16, 1793; m. widow Susan Robinson, 1843; d. 1861. Matthew P., b. July 26, 1796; m. Betsey Bagly; d. Sept. 26, 1843. Miriam D., b. Aug. 21, 1799; m. Robert T. Crane, 1823; d. 1860. John, b. Dec. 18, 1801 ; m. Huldah M. Slack; both died in Conn. Lydia, b. Dec. 15, 1803 ; d. Feb. 8, 1870, unmarried. Polly H., b. June 3, 1806 ; m. Nicholas Folsom ; d. Nov. 24, 1871. Sally, b. Sept. 15, 1808 ; m. Rev. U. T. Chamberlain, Feb. 21, 1838. Brewer, b. 1810; d. Jan., 1812. 179 Theodate {Abraham", Matthew'", Matthev?, Jacob', John') was born in Exeter, N. H., April 13, 1770. She married Samuel Sanborn, March 28, 1791. He was born April 12, 1770, and died Nov. 8, 1853. She died Feb. 20, 1845. He settled in Sanbornton and afterward in New Hamp ton. He was a blacksmith by trade. Their children were : Anna Sanborn, b. Sept. 1 , 1792 ; d. Sept. 12, 1792. Anna D., b. Aug. 31, 1794; d. Nov. 2, 1863, unm. Jonathan Perkins, b. Aug. 11, 1796; m. widow Abigail S. Weeks; d. 1849. Molly, b. Dec. 16, 1798; m. Jos. Blodgett; d. Feb., 1872. Joseph, b. Jan. 31, 1801 ; d. Oct. 14, 1802. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 55 Christopher, b. Feb. 18, 1803; m. 1st, MaryH. Johnson, Feb. 15, 1831 ; 2d, Mehitable Phllbrick, March 22, 1839. John Taylor, b. March 25, 1805; wife and three children in Ills. Mahala, b. July 3, 1807; m. Russell Cheney of Groton. Edna Kimball, b. Apr. 21, 1810; m. Dan'l Clement; d. Aug. 17, 1873. 182 Joseph {Joseph"^, Joseph,"' Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Lisbon, Conn., July 11, 1759. He mar ried Mary Watkinson. Their children were : 379 Mary, b. 380 Joseph B., b. 381 Alfred, b. 184 Elias {Joseph^, Joseph"', Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Norwich, Conn., April 5, 1767. He married, first, Lucretia Woodbridge ; second, Mary Mumford. Children by Lucretia (Woodbridge) Perkins were : 382 Nathaniel Shaw, b. 383 Thomas Shaw, b. 384 Lucretia Woodbridge, b. 385 Ellen Elizabeth, b. Children by Mary (Mumford) Perkins were : 386 Oliver Elsworth, b. 387 Elias, b. 186 Olive {Simon"", Joseph"', Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Lisbon, Conn., Nov. 24, 1769. She married Christopher Starr of Norwich, Conn. They are said to have had nine children ; can learn nothing concerning them. 187 Simon {Simon^", Josepl?', Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Lisbon, Conn., Sept. 17, 1771. He married Nancy Anna Bishop, March 18, 1804. She was born Jan. 24, 1780. He died Nov. 19, 1844, 73 years. She died April 24, 1862, 82 years. He was a general in the old militia. He settled in 56 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Warren, O., where his children were born and where he died. Their children were : 388 Simon, b. Feb. 6, 1805 ; m. Grace I. Tod, Sept. 23, 1833. 389 Anna Maria, b. Jan. 24, 1807; m. John W. Allen, Nov. 26, 1827; d. June 30, 1828, in Cleveland. 390 Olive Douglass, b. Jan. 31, 1809; m. Frederick Kinsman, 1832. 391 Alfred, b. March 19, 1811; Grad. Yale Coll., 1838; visited Europe, 1838 ; d. in Ohio, of consumption, March 31, 1840. 392 Martha, b. April 15, 1816; d. Jan. 9, 1817. 393 Charles, b. Nov. 18, 1817; d. in Warren, Ohio, April 3, 1841, unm. 394 Joseph, b. July 5, 1819 ; m. Martha Ellen Steele, Oct. 25, 1841. 395 Jacob, b. Sept. 1, 1821; Grad. Yale Coll., 1842; ra. Elizabeth 0. Tod, resided in Cleveland, ISoC ; d. in Havana, Cuba, Jan. 12, 1859. She d. June 4, 1859. 306 Henry Bishop, b. March 19, 1824; m. Elizabeth G. Baldwin. 188 Rebecca {Simon"", Joseph"', Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Lisbon, Conn., Sept. 29, 1773. She married Oct. 4, 1792, John Kinsman of Lisbon, Conn. She died May 27, 1854, at Kinsman, O., aged 80 years. He died Aug. 17, 1813. He enlisted as ensign iu a company of militia from Connecticut for the War of the Revolution ; was taken prisoner and confined in a prison ship where his sufierings were very great and where he was nearly starved, and, as a consequence, his health was permanently impaired. Upon his discharge from the army, he engaged in the hatting business and supplied the army largely with hats ; in this business he continued, in connection with farming, until after the war was ended. He was elected as a representative to the state legisla ture for three years, und while there, he, in connection with the Connecticut Land Corapany, made extensive pur chases of land. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 57 In 1799, he went to Ohio and purchased more than six teen thousand acres of land and established the town of Kinsman, in Trumbull county, which was then a wilder ness ; there he built houses, stores and a sawmill, and removed there with his family in 1804, clearing and occu pying a large farm. He was a man of very great energy aud activity in business and took a very active part in county aud state organizations, projecting and establishing the " Western Reserve Bank," the first bank established in northern Ohio, and was the largest subscriber to its stock. In all the various duties which fell to his care he exerted himself beyond his power of endurance and died Aug. 17 , 1813. Mrs. Kinsman was a very devoted Christian woman and employed her large property for the good of the commun ity in which she dwelt, building a house of worship and giving a parsonage with land and a liberal endowment. Their children were : John, b. Sept. 20, 1793; m. Mrs. J.ane W. Cass. Joseph, b. March 8, 1795; d. June 17, 1819. Rebecca, b. Nov. 24, 1796; d. In Lisbon, Conn., Oct. 26, 1797. Sarah, b. Dec. 7, 1798 ; d. Jan. 13, 1807. Olive Douglass, b. Oct. 4, 1800; m. George Swift. Thomas, b. Aug. 20, 1804; ra. Sophia Burnham. Frederick, b. March 4, 1807; m. O. D. Perkins and C. G. Pease. Joanna, b. Oct. 19, 1808; d. Sept. 19, 1809. , a daughter, b. June 13, 1813 ; d. July 11, 1813. 191 Elisha {Elisha," Joseph,"' Joseph," Jacob? John') was born in Plainfield, Conn., July 18, 1763. He mar ried, first, Sept., 1791, Eunice Backus. She died iu Pomfret, Conn., 1792; second, Jan. 8, 1820, Eleanor, daughter of Ellis Hughes, who was of Wyoming county. Pa. She died April 24, 1850,. aged 71. He entered Yale College, 1781, studied medicine with 58 THE PERKINS FAMILY. his father and became a successful physician and settled in Pomfret, Conn. After the death of his first wife he left Connecticut and settled in Strasburg, Pa. , where he practised medicine for several years. In 1820, he removed to Baltimore, where he practised medicine, and, in connection with it, carried on a drug store under the firm name of J. F. Perkins & Bro. This is now the oldest drug store in Baltimore. He was a man of great inventive genius and was the originator of several improvements in medical science. He died, greatly lamented, Feb. 16, 1840. The child by wife Eunice (Backus) Perkins was : 397 Elisha Backus, b. June 19, 1792; ra. Eraily Pope. The child by wife Eleanor (Hughes) Perkins was : 398 Ellen E., b. Sept. 13, 1823; m. Joseph F. Perkins. 193 John Douglass {Elisha," Joseph,"' Joseph," Ja cob', John') was born in Plainfield, Conn., Feb. 3, 1769. He married, Nov. 4, 1802, Rebecca Hughes of Coatsville. She died Feb. 8, 1836. He died March 5, 1847. He graduated, A.B., Yale College, 1791, and A.M., 1793. He studied for the ministry and was licensed to preach. May 28, 1793, but after a few years was obliged to relinquish it on account of failing health. He studied medicine with his father and was licensed to practice by the Medical Society of Connecticut, Dec. 9, 1799. He removed to Coatsville, Lancaster county. Pa., in 1802, where he regained his health and returned again to Con necticut and was ordained July 1, 1807. He transferred his membership from the Congregational to the Presbyte rian Church, and labored as a missionary iu Chester county. Pa., until compelled bj' failing health to desist, when he died, as above stated. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 59 Their children were : 899 Sarah Maria, b. Oct. 7, 1803; m. George Fleming. 400 Joseph Fleming, b. Jan. 28, 1806 ; m. Ellen E. Perkins. 401 James Hughes, b. Jan. 1, 1808; m. Jane C. Flack. 402 Elisha Henry, b. July 9, 1811; m. 1st, Elizabeth A. Berry; 2nd, Alverda A. Manro. 403 John Douglass, b. Nov. 13, 1814; m. Martha V. Miller. 404 Rebecca Fleming, b. May 2, 1818 ; m. Andrew Mitchell. 405 Susan Marsh, b. Sept. 26, 1822; m. William M. Flack. 194 Sarah {Elisha," Joseph,"' Joseph," Jacob? John') was born in Plainfield, Conn., Oct. 27, 1771. She mar ried, March 9, 1801, Gen. Lemuel Grosvenor. He was a widower with five sons. She died Oct. 16, 1831, of a " long consumption." Their children were : Perkins, b. April 25, 1802 ; d. April 28, 1802. Eunice Putnam, b. Aug. 24, 1803, unra. Sarah Perkins, b. Feb. 5, 1806 ; m. Col. Charles Colt. Ellen Douglass, b. Feb. 27, 1814; d. Nov. 10, 1831. 195 Benjamin Douglass {Elisha," Joseph,^ Jo seph?" Jacob? John?) was born in Plainfield, Conn., June 24, 1774. He married Mary Murray, daughter of John Murray, jr., of New York. She was a niece of Lindley Murray, the grammarian. He died Oct. 13, 1810. He graduated A.B., Yale College, 1794, and A.M., 1797. He went to London, Eng., and established the "Per kins Institution" on the principle of tracteration, accumu lated a handsome property and returned to New York where he opened a bookstore, " Collins & Perkins," and was a successful merchant. He adopted the " Friends' " faith. Their child was : 406 Benjamin Douglass, b. 1805 ; m. Mary Shotwell. 196 Susan {Elisha," Joseph,"' Joseph," Jacob? John}) was boru in Plainfield, Conn., Oct. 9, 1776. She mar- 60 THE PERKINS FAMILY. ried, first. Dr. Josias Lydon Arnold, Feb. 8, 1795. He died July 7, 1797. He was a graduate of Yale and Dartmouth Colleges and of Brown University ; he died at St. Johnsbury, Vt. She married, second, Hon. Charles Marsh, LL.D., June 3, 1798, and removed to Woodstock, Vt. He was born in Lebanon, Conn., July 10, 1765 ; was graduated at Dartmouth College, 1786. He was for many^ years a leading lawyer in Vermont and a Representative in Congress, 1815-7. He died Jan. 11, 1849. She died Jan. 31,. 1853. The child of Susan (Perkins) Arnold and J. L. Ar nold was : Susan Perkins Arnold, b. May 29, 1796; m. John Taylor. The children of Susan (Perkius) and Charles Marsh were : Lydon Arnold, b. Feb. 26, 1799; m. Lucy Gay Swan. George Perkins, b. March 15, 1801; m. 1st, Harriet Buel; 2nd, Caroline Crane. He graduated Dartmouth Coll., 1820, was an eminent lawyer and statesraan; member of Congress, 1843 to 1849; rainister to Constantinople; envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary at Turin, Italy. Joseph, b. 1807; d. Nov. 7, 1841 at Woodstock, Vt., unm. Sarah Burrill, b. June 5, 1809 ; m. Wyllis Lyman, LL.B. Charles, b. May 10, 1821 ; d. May, 1873, unm. 197 Elizabeth {Elisha," Joseph,"' Joseph," Jacob? John') was born in Plainfield, Conn., Nov. 6, 1778. She married David Putnam, Sept. 6, 1798. He was of Pom fret, boru Feb. 4, 1769; graduated A.B., Yale, 1793; was a grandson of Gen. Israel Putnam. He was a law yer, settled in Marietta, O. ; died March 31, 1856. She died May 18, 1866. Their children were : Benjamin Perkins, b. Feb. 26, 1800; m., 1st, Mary Dana ; 2nd, Sarah H. Ward. Charles Marsh, b. Feb. 24, 1802; m. Abby Slocum Edgerton. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 61 Peter Radcliff, b. Feb. 8, 1804; d. March 20, 1824. Douglass, b. April 7, 1806 ; ra. Mary Ann Hildreth. David, b. May 17, 1808; m. Hannah M. Munson. Murray, b. June 10, 1810; d. April 16, 1812. Catherine Hutchinson, b. July 6, 1812; d. Aug. 17, 1829. Murray, b. Aug. 1, 1815 ; d. Sept. 27, 1823. George, b. June 1, 1817; m. Susan Allen Westcott. Elizabeth, b. Aug. 18, 1819; m. Gardiner. Mary, b. Dec. 27, 1822; d. April 11, 1825. 198 Henry {Elisha," Joseph,"' Joseph," Jacob? John') was born in Plainfield, Conn., April 20, 1781. He mar ried, first, Mary Woodbridge ; second, Abby Noyes, March 19, 1820. Resided in Lyme, Conn. Their children were : 407 ; m. Levi H. Goddard. 408 Henry, b. 409 Thomas, b. 410 Sarah, b. 411 Martha Noyes, b. Dec. 27, 1825; m. William Birnie. 412 Henry, b. 413 Thomas, b. 414 Alfred, b. 415 John, b. 416 Elizabeth Rogers, b. ; m. Seth Hamilton Moseley. 199 George {Elisha," Joseph,"' Joseph," Jacob? John') was born in Plainfield, Conn., Oct. 19, 1783. He- maiTied, first. Marionette Turner, 1817 ; second, Betsey Turner, her sister ; they were daughters of Dr. John Turner of Norwich. He graduated at Yale College, 1803 ; studied law and practised for some time. After the death of his first wife he left the law for the ministry and was settled over the Congregational Church in Ashburnham, Mass., and after wards in Jewett City, Conn. Their children were : 417 Hannah, b. 1820; d. 1841. 418 George Frederick, b. Aug. 3, 1824. 419 John, b. 1827 ; was killed on a whaling voyage in 1846. 62 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 200 Olive M. {Elisha," Joseph,"^ Joseph," Jacob? John') was born in Plainfield, Conn., March 13, 1786. She married Nathaniel McLellan, Sept. 1^5, 1815. She died Aug. 1, 1870. He died 1863, set. 87. Their child was : Grace, b. Sept. 20, 1820, resides in Norwich, unm. 221 Sarah {Caleb," Joseph,"' Joseph," Jacob? John') was born in AVest Hartford, Conn. She married Joseph T. Cummings. Their children were : Joseph, b. Charles, b. Caleb P., b. 222 John Trumbull {Caleb," Joseph,"' Joseph,'" Jacob? John') was born iu West Hartford, Conn. He married Willard. Their children were : 420 John, b. 421 Clarissa, b. And two others, names unknown. 223 Elizabeth {Caleb," Joseph,"' Joseph,'" Jacob? John') was born in West Hartford, Conn. She married Erastus Gay. Child of Elizabeth (Perkins) and Erastus Gay was : Charles, b. 224 Lucy {Caleb," Joseph,"' Joseph," Jacob? John') was boru in West Hartford, Conn.(?) She married Bevil Seymour of Otis, Berkshire Co., Mass., where he kept a tavern. Their children were : Caleb, b. Lucy, b. Frederick, b. One other, name unknown. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 63 225 Caleb {Caleb," Joseph,"' Joseph," Jacob? John) was born in West Hartford, Conn. He married Hannah Cook(?). Their children were : 422 Dwight, b. 423 Lyman, b. 227 Martha {John," John," Joseph," Jacob? John') was born in Norwich, Conn. She married Oliver John son (?). He was of Franklin, Conn. Their children were : Oliver, b. ; m. Hoyt. Martha, b. ; m. Alley of Windham. Betsey, b. ; m. Dr. Burgess of Windham. Eliza, b. ; m. Judge Swift of Windham. Perkins, b. 232 Elizabeth {John," John," Joseph," Jacob? John') was born in Norwich, Conn. She married Sep timus Lathrop of Franklin, Conn. Their children were : Nelson, b. John, b. 233 Augustus {John," John," Joseph," Jacob? John') was born in Fraukliu: C(mn., July, 1773. He married, first, Lucy Huntington, Sept. 20, 1795. She was born in Norwich, Feb., 1774, and died in Ithaca, 1822; second, Rebecca Huntington, sister of Lucy, his first wife. She was born May 12, 1776, and died June 10, 1838. He removed from Norwich to Ithaca, N. Y., 1825 ; was engaged in commercial pursuits, exporting cattle to West Indies and bringing in return cargoes of sugar, salt, mo lasses, and tropical fruits. He was very successful in his business and was considered one of the wealthiest men iu Norwich. He suflfered much by the war of 1812-15 which destroyed his business, and caused him to remove to 64 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Ithaca, but he still continued his comraercial business un til his death. Their children were : 424 John Augustus, b. In Franklin, Conn., July 21, 1796; d. In Trinidad, W. L, July, 1817. 426 GeorgeApollos.b. in Franklin, Conn., Sept. 18, 1798 ;m. Julia Ann Shepard, May 1, 1823 ; d. in Athens, Pa., July 31, 1884. 426 Mary Brown, b. in Franklin, Conn., Jan. 6, 1801 ; resides in Athens, Pa. (1888), unra. 427 Rebecca Huntington, b. in Franklin, Conn., Dec. 9, 1803;m. in Ithaca, N. Y., Edward L. Porter, July, 1823; d. June 7, 1837. No children. 428 Isaac Huntington, b. in Norwich, Dec. 18, 1806 ; d. In New York, March 12, 1856, unm. 429 Edward Henry, b. in Norwich, April 4, 1810; m. Susan P. Wells. 430 Sirason Abijah, b. in Norwich, Conn., July 7, 1812; d. in Ithaca, March 27, 1823. 431 Sarah Anne, b. in Norwich, Conn., July, 7, 1815; lives in Athens, Pa. (1888), unra. 235 Abijah {John," Jolm," Joseph," Jacob? John') was born in Norwich, Conn., 1777. He married Olive Manning. She was the daughter of Luther Manning, born 1778, and died July 17, 1862, aged 84 yrs. He died in Scotland, Conn., Dec. 11, 1811, aged 34 yrs. They were buried in Hanover, Conn. Their children were : 432 Milton, b. ; m. Josephine Tibbets; d. 1887; was a farmer In Hampton, Conn., and was buried there. 433 Eliza, b. ; ra. Mason Cleveland of Harapton; both died and were buried in Pittston, Vt. Four sons. 434 Mary, b. ; m. Chauncey Fenton of Crown Point, N. Y. 435 John Abijah, b. Jan. 17, 1809 ; m. Emily Johnson. 236 Philetus {John," John," Joseph," Jacob? John') was born iu Norwich, Conn., 1780. He married Lydiu Porter and died in Quincy, 111., Jan. 4, 1861. Their children were : 436 Julian Francis, b. ; m Frederick G. Stanley of Ithaca, N. Y. ; she d. in Buffalo, N. Y. 437 Frederick Grosvenor, b. ; was a dentist in Buffalo, N. Y. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 65 237 Dyer {John", John?', Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Norwich, Conn., about 1783. He married Char lotte Woodbridge of Norwich, Conn., and died in Trini dad, W. I., Feb. 6, 1818. Their children were : 438 Samuel Woodbridge, b. 439 Elizabeth Rogers, b. m. Judge Humphries of Rochester. 440 John Dyer, b. 239 Chauncey Pitch {Eliphaz", John", Joseph", Jacob? John') was boru in Canterbury, Conn., Sept. 18, 1782. He married Lydia Lord, May 22, 1818. She was the daughter of Nathan and Mary (Nevins) Lord of Franklin (Norwich), Conn. She died at " Mayside," Erie Co., Pa., April 7, 1865. She was a descendant in the sixth generation frora Thomas Lord who was born in Eng land in 1585 and emigrated to Hartford, Conn., in 1635, sailing from London in the ship "Elizabeth and Ann," bringing with him his wife, Dorothy, and seven children. Her brother, Eleazer Lord, was the active originator, and for several years president, of the New York and Erie Railroad. He aud his brother, David N. Lord, were men of liberal education and published various works upon sci entific and religious subjects. Mrs. Perkins was a woman of admirably balanced mind, great discrimination and of ardent but unassuming piety. He was a physician. He studied with his father and completed his medical education at the Universities of New York and Pennsylvania. He practised his profession for some years at Athens, Pa. In 1828, he removed to Erie, Pa., and in connection with a brother-in-law, Mr. Charles Lord, he opened a drug store which he continued in connection with his practice for several years. During the last twenty years of his life his practice was confined PT. Ill 9 66 THE PERKINS FAMILY. to the families of his connections and a few friends. He was at one time vice president of the State Medical Soci ety, and at the age of 84 years Avas a delegate to the Na tional Society and attended its sittings at Cincinnati. The following extract was from au obituary notice pub lished by the Erie Medical Society : "It has been so recently that we presented to our readers in the Medical and Surgical Reporter several interesting communications from this venerable and eminent man that the intelligence of his death will appear to many as a pecul iarly, sudden stroke ; it occurred on the 24th of September, 1872, after a brief illness, at the ripe age of ninety. Doct. Perkins was a man of medium size with an organiza tion capable of enduring a great deal of exertion and fa tigue. He enjoyed excellent health during his long life, his sight was scarcely impaired till within a year of his death, aud he was gathered to his fathers with faculties in a rare state of preservation. The mental characteristics of Dr. Perkins were a well filled and accurate mind aided by a retentive memory, with a strongly reflective and philosophic tendency lead ing to classification and generalization of ideas. His ob serving powers were strong and minute. Nothing within the range of his mental or physical vision escaped him, and each fact aud idea took its place in the mental struct ure his active organization was constantly erecting for his own use or that of his fellow men. His death was eminently peaceful and happy and in ev ery respect perfectly befitting his character, both as a man and as a Christian." The children of Chauncey F. and Lydia (Lord) Per kins were : 441 Rufus Lord, b. Dec. 17, 1819; at Athens, Ohio. 442 Mary, b. Aug. 14, 1821; d. July 31, 1823. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 67 443 Caroline Mary, b. Dec. 11, 1823; m. Samuel Tilden. 444 John Chauncey, b. Jan. 22, 1827. 445 Julia, b. March 19, 1829, at Erie; d. May 27, 1843. 240 Julia {Eliphaz", John", Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Canterbury, Conn., April 13, 1784. She married David Pratt, March 27, 1814, and died in Athens, O., Dec. 1, 1867. He was born in Colchester, Conn., March 1, 1770, and was the son of John Pratt of Col chester. He died in Athens, 1861. He was one of the earliest emigrants from New England to Ohio in 1796. Was a man of education aud eminent for his many virtues. Most of his life was devoted to teaching. Mrs. Pratt was only about fifteen years old when the care of her father's motherless family devolved upon her as the oldest daughter. She accepted the situation with true womanly courage and faithfully discharged its respon sibilities. In all her long life she was marked as a woman of strong mind, kind and gentle disposition and high Chris tian culture. She died iu Athens, O., Dec. 1, 1867. Their children were : Eliphaz Perkins, b. Feb. 17, 1816; m., 1st, Elizabeth Mills; 2nd, Elizabeth Loughry ; 3d, Mary E. Moreton. Maria F., b. Oct. 22, 1817; m. Henry Hay. Laura E., b. Nov. 1, 1819; m. Chas. J. Currier. John Henry, b. Sept. 30, 1824 ; m. Julia Perkins. Robert W., b. Sept. 30, 1826; m. Hannah M. Brown. Julia, b. March 27, 1828 ; ra. Rev. Addison Ballard. 242 Eliphaz {Eliphaz", John", Joseph", Jacob', John') was born at Voluntown, Conn., March 6, 1788. He married, first, at Locke, Cayuga Co., N. Y., Margaret Romeyn Stagg, Nov. 18, 1811. She was born in New Jersey, May 13, 1794, and died at Athens, Oct. 6, 1816 ; married, second. Zipporah Porter, Jan. 13, 1818. She was the daughter of John Porter of Athens, O., born at 68 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Ashfield, Mass., Aug. 1, 1796. She died at Flora, III., 1869. He also died at Flora, 111., Aug. 8, 1856. Rev. Eliphaz Perkins, when young, learned the black smith trade and worked at it for some years at Athens, O. He was also ensaged in the manufacture of .salt in the val- ley of the Hockhocking. Until he was about 45 years of age he was a member of the Presbyterian Church. At that time a minister ofthe " United Brethren" preached near his residence and curi osity led him to go and hear what the "unlearned" man would say. He was greatly impressed with the truth as presented then and at successive meetings, and the result was that he connected himself with the " Brethren" and subsequently was licensed to preach (1837). In an obit uary published by the " Sciota Annual Conference of the United Brethren in Christ" it is said of him that " to the end of his life he was diligent and walked worthy of his vocation." He was a man of strong mental characteris tics, of decided convictions, and courageous and energetic in the performance of duty. The children of Eliphaz and Margaret R. (Stagg) Per kins were : 446 Sarah, b. March 21, 1813 ; m. Rev. M. Ambrose. 447 Lydia Fitch, b. July 18, 1815; m. George Mead. The children of Eliphaz and Zipporah (Porter) Perkins were : 448 Levi, b. Jan. 8, 1819; d. July 26, 1842, unm. 449 Lucretia W., b. Jan. 14, 1821; d. Jan. 12, 1840, unra. 450 Margaret R., b. March 27, 1822 ; m. Rev. A. M. Thornton. 451 Henry Porter, b. Sept. 3, 1824. 452 Eliphaz R., b. Jan. 4, 1827; d. Sept. 20, 1852, unm. 453 George, b. July 17, 1829. 454 John M., b. Sept. 22, 1832. 455 Julia C, b. Nov. 19, 1834; m. Rev. Hiram Elwell. 456 Louisa Z., b. March 13, 1838; m. John Shinn. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 69 243 John {Eliphaz", John", Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Leicester, Vt., Dec. 27, 1791. He raarried Mary Ann Hay, July 5, 1821. She vvas of Washington Co.," N. Y. She died May 8, 1841. Her husband said of her : "She was a good wife, a good mother, a kind friend, a professor of religion and a raeraber of the Pres byterian Church." He married, second, Nancy Hampton, Aug. 28, 1845. She was born in London, Engl.and, but at the time of her marriage she resided with her father, who was a wholesale merchant, in Philadelphia. She died July 20, 1873, in Athens, O. He died Nov. 27, 1879, also in Athens. He was all his life a merchant; first at Marietta, but for nearly sixty years at Athens, O. ; during twentj^-two of these years he was postmaster. In au address at his funeral by President Scott of Ohio University, Mr. Perkins is characterized as "a man of strict integrity who aimed to fulfil the requirements of honesty and justice both in letter and in spirit — as a prudent man ager of his resources, — as liberal — a raan of simple h.ibits and manners, gentle and kind." "A week before his death, when suffering from an acute attack of pain, he said, 'I may not live ten days, I may not live ten hours, but it raakes no difference, I am all readj'^ ; it will be a stepping over.' A week from that day. Thanks giving day, he attended service in the forenoon and died at evening, entering, no doubt, upon the glorious scenes which had been so long a subject of his prayer and faith." The children of John and Mary Ann (Hay) Perkins were : 457 Mary Hay, b. Oct. 22, 1822; d. M.ay 8, 1849, unm. 468 Catherine Fitch, b. March 26, 1825 ; m. Joseph Dana. 244 Lydia {Eliphaz", John", Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Salisbury, Vt., Aug. 31, 1793. She married 70 THE PERKmS FAMILY. at Athens, Ohio, March 28, 1814, Isaac Taylor. He was the son of Williani and Lucy Taylor, born July 10, 1789, and died at Kingston, O., Nov. 16, 1863. Most of their married life was spent at Athens, O. Both were members of the Presbyterian church and were faith ful and consistent Christians. She died at Kingston, O., March 24, 1865. Their children were : Eliphaz, b. May 9, 1815; d. 1816. Catherine G., b. Dee. 10, 1816; m. Rev. Timothy E. Stearns. Chauncey Perkins, b. Dec. 2, 1818; m., 1st, Emily D. Rogers; 2nd, Mary A. Rannels; d. at Conway Springs, Kansas, March 5, 1888, ae. 70 yrs. Mary, b. Nov. 2, 1820; d. Dec. 9, 1852, unm. Henry William, b. Dec. 21, 1822 ; m. Mary Vii'ginia Kemper. Eliza Ann, b. Jan. 29, 1825 ; m. James Hay. CarolineE., b. Nov. 12, 1828; d. Nov. 23, 1867, unm. Charlotte L., b. July 20, 1833; d. 1852, unm. John Isaac, b. Feb. 3, 1839; d. Dec. 28, 1856, unm. 245 Henry {Eliphaz'', John", Joseph", Jacob', John,') was boru at Vergennes, Vt., Feb. 9, 1796. He married first Eliza Reeve 1820 or 1821. She was the daughter of Dr. John Reeve of Rocky Hill, New Jersey. She died Nov. 20, 1850. Second, Lydia Newbold of Springfield, N. J. He died July 1, 1880, at Allentown, N. J. Rev. Henry Perkins, D.D., vvas one of the earliest grad uates of Ohio University. He received his theological ed ucation at Princeton under Doctors Alexander and Miller. In 1820, he was installed pastor of Allentown and Not tingham Square churches ; when both churches became self-supporting and both desirous to retain the services of their pastor, he decided to remain at Allentown. This re lation continued for forty-three years and was his only pas torate. He was a faithful and successful preacher of the gospel and many hundreds were added to the church during his ministry. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 71 The children of Henry and Eliza (Reeve) Perkins were : 459 Lydia Ann, ta. May 1, 1823 ; m. J. H. Bruyere. 460 Julia, b. Nov. 18, 1824; m. John H. Pratt. 246 Lucy {Eliphaz", John", Joseph", Jacob'. John') was born in Reading, Pa., July 7, 1799. She married, April 16, 1829, Dr. William E. Thompson of Richmond, Dale Co., Ohio. She died Sept. 13, 1877, at Flora, III. He died iu Richmond, Nov. 1, 1841. After the death of her husband she removed with her family to Athens, O., and subsequently removed to Illinois. Their children were : Jane EwIng, b. May 21, 1831, unm. Margaret Lucy, b. Aug. 2, 1833 ; m. Dr. J. H. Skelling. They reside in Los Angeles Co., Cal. George William, b. March 4, 1837; ra. Isabella Canada. Caroline, b. Oct. 14, 1841, unm. 248 Abigail {Joshua'", Matthew^, Josejjh", Jacob', John') was born in Lisbon, Conn., Nov. 19, 1765. She married Barnabas Huntington. Their children were : Clarissa, b. Lucy, b. Barnabas, b. 249 Tabitha {Joshua'", Matthew"', Joseph", Jacob', John') was born iu Lisbon, Aug. 30, 1767. She married Benjamin Burnham. Their children were : Joshua, b. Susanna, b. Joanna, b. Mary, b. Benjamin, b. Sarah, b. Thomas, b. Hannah, b. Samuel John, b. 72 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 255 Charles {Joshua'", MattheuP, Joseph", Jamb', John') was born in Lisbon, Conn., May 5, 1780. He mar ried Betsey Payne about 1812. She was the daughter of Elisha and Anna (Dyer) Payne, of Canterbury, Conn. She was born 1787, and died in Lisbon, Conn., May 26, 1879, at the age of 91 years and 5 months. He died Oct. 13, 1852, 72 years. Their children were : 461 Jonathan, b. 1814; ui., 1st, Mary J. Willoughby; 2nd, Mary F. Hibbard. 462 Elizabeth, b. 1816. 463 Joshua, b. 1818; he is a dentist, and resides iu Danielson- vlUe, Conn. 464 Olive, b. 1820; d. Sept. 18, 1826, 6 yrs. 9 mos. 465 Abigail B., b. 1829; d. April 21, 1835, 6 yrs. 7 mos. 256 Ephraim {Ephraim'", Matthew"', Joseph", Ja cob', Join?) was born in Becket, Mass., Monday, July 5, 1773. He married Lucy Merrick, January 1, 1800. She was the daughter of Dea. Chiliab Merrick of Wibrahani, Mass. He died in Burlington, Wis., Feb. 6, 1851. She died Aug., 1851. They resided five years in Mansfield, Conn., removing in 1805, to Trenton, Oneida Co., New York, where he had a large dairy farm of 100 cows. In 1840, he removed to Burlington, Wis., where his wife died. He was a raerchant, farmer and miller. He built a saw mill and also the first woolen mill ever erected in Wiscon sin. It is said that the tirst flour ever shipped east was from his mill. He also built the first mill for making lin seed oil in Wisconsin. These several mills were all in Bur lington, Racine Co., Wisconsin. Their children were : 466 Origen, b. Feb. 23, 1801; m., 1st, Maria S. Stanton; 2nd, Julia Ann Dyer. 467 Edward, b. April 6, 1803 ; m. Sarah Gage, Sept. 23, 1824. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 73 468 Lucy, b. May 8, 1805; she raarried Bushrod Buck, at Mans field, Conn. ; d. Jan. 17, 1842. 469 Mary, b. Sept. 27, 1806, at Trenton, N. J. ; d. Jan. 7, 1827. 470 Emily, b. Sept. 7, 1808 ; m. Jas. Hollister, Buffalo, N. Y. 471 Ephraim, b. May 6, 1810; m. Fanny Merrick. 472 Pliny Merrick, b. Jan. 24, 1812; m. Ellen A. Cankey. 257 Benjamin Chaplin {Ephraim"", Matthew?', Jo seph'", Jacob', John') was born in Becket, Mass. , April 29, 1775. He married Elizabeth Ann Walden. He died in Ohio, April 24, 1845. He was first a farmer in Becket, Mass. ; he was engaged in raising, buying and selling mules, and carrying ou a dairy farm. He was a prominent man in Becket, and represent ed the town in the State Legislature for eight years. He removed from Becket to Rochester, Loraine Co., Ohio, in 1833, and was for many years a land agent in Ohio. Their children were : 473 Benjamin Chaplin, b. 474 Ebenezer Walden, b. 475 Mary Chaplin, b. 476 Elizabeth Ann, b. 258 Matthew {Ephraim'"^, Matthew"', Joseph", Ja cob', John') was born in Becket, Mass., March 15, 1777. He married about 1800, Mary Tibbets of Troy, N.Y. She was the daughter of Benjamin Tibbets. He was a lawyer of note and was surrogate of the county ; also a farmer in Lisbon, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. He died there, Sept. 11, 1808. Their children were : 477 Benjamin Tibbets, b. ; d. unm. 22 yrs. 478 Mary Ann, b. ; m. Dr. Joseph W. Smith of Ogdensburg, N.Y., In 1825. He died 1836. They had five children. 479 Caroline, b. ; m. George Warner of Michigan. 261 John Erastus {Ephraim"", Matthev?', Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Becket, Mass., March 26, 1783. PT. Ill 10 74 THE PERKINS FAMILY. He married, first, Mary Anderson, Jan. 18, 1807. She was the daughter of James and Grace Anderson, and was born July 22, 1783, iu Blandford, Hampden Co., Mass. She died at Massena, N. Y., March 21, 1821. Second, Polly Kinney, March 24, 1822. She was the daughter of Daniel and Polly Kinney and was born March 16, 1793, in Bethel, Vt. She died at Augusta, Eau Clair Co., Wis. He died Sept. 27, 1847. The children of Johu E. and Mary (Anderson) Perkius were : 480 Mary Chaplin, b. Dec. 10, 1807 ; m. Samuel Bradford, Jan. 19, 1832. 481 Matthew, b. Aug. 20, 1809; d. June 29, 1810. 482 John Erastus, b. June 20, 1811 ; raised a company (Co. C, 8th Wis. Reg.) for service in the war of the rebellion of which he was the Captain ; he was wounded in the battle at Farm ington, Miss.,May 9,anddiedMay 11, 1862; never married. 483 Ephraim, b. June 16, 1813; m. Elizabeth Conkey of Wis., 1848. 484 Elizabeth Ann, b. May 12, 1817; m. John E. Randall; she died July 9, 1850, in Bui'lington, Wis. 485 Orin Anderson, b. June 6, 1820; was a surveyor, disappeared mysteriously and no tidings of his death ever received. Children by second wife, Polly Kinney, were : 486 Frederick, b. Jan. 27, 1824 ; m. 487 Daniel Kinney, b. Aug. 29, 1825; d. Jan. 12, 1852; num. 488 Luther, b. Jan. 3, 1827; d. July 5, 1845, of consumption. 489 Newcomb, b. April 10, 1829 ; m. 490 Henry Hobart, b. Sept. 11, 1830; resides in Boston. 262 Origen Augustus {Ephraim"", Matthew"', Jo seph'", JacoV , Johri}) was born in Becket, Mass., March 31, 1785. He married at Hamilton, N. Y., Sarah Mes senger, Nov. 15, 1811. She was the daughter of Hiram and Lydia (Chaplin) Messenger, born in Becket, Oct. 10, 1781, and died Aug. 30, 1858. He died May 28, 1854, at the Perkins mansion in Becket, where he was born and THE PERKINS FAMILY. 75 where he had always lived. He was active in the intro duction of woollen manufactures in the county and is said to have introduced Saxony sheep into the country. Their children were : 491 Thomas, b. Jan. 9, 1818; d. Jan. 10, 1813. 492 Ephraim Augustus, b. March 23, 1814 ; d. Feb. 5, 1816. 493 Augustus Messenger, b. May 9, 1817. 494 Charles Orton, b. Sept. 26, 1819; d. April 30, 1887. 496 Sarah Lydia, b. Sept. 8, 1822 ; died In Becket, Jan. 12, 1850. 263 Bishop {Ephraim"", Mattheu?', Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Becket, Mass., Sept. 5, 1787. He married Mary Grant of Johnstown, N. Y., 1820. He died in Ogdensburg, N. Y., Tuesday, Nov. 20, 1866. After preparatory studies he entered Williams College in 1807. Soon after leaving college he commenced the study of law in Troy, N. Y., and finished his studies with Hou. Joseph Kirkland of Utica, N. Y. Shortly after the war of 1812 he located himself in Lisbon, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., and afterward removed to Ogdensburg, where he remained un til his death. Here he soon became a distinguished mem ber of the bar aud was district attorney, which office he held for over twenty years. He was also clerk of the Board of supervisors for about the sarae period. In later time he was a representative in Congress iu the Constitutional Convention of ,1846 and also in the Assembly of the State. All the duties of these positions of trust he discharged with ability, integrity and an ardent devotion to the public good, without auy art or address of the schem ing politician. It was the universal confidence iu his integ rity and faithfulness that gave him the official positions he held. In private life he acted with a kindness of heart and feelings that never tired and a generosity that forgot all selfish considerations. He was strongly endeared to his family and intimate friends and his loss was severely 76 THE PERKINS FAMILY. felt and deplored. At the time of his decease, the bar of Og densburg met and passed resolutions in keeping with the high character he had sustained among them as a man and a member of the profession of the law. The lawyers of the county erected a monument to his memory on which was the following inscription : "Bishop Perkins born in Becket, Mass., Sept. 5, 1787, died Nov. 20, 1866. A Lawyer. For 40 years the Leader and Exemplar of the St. Lawrence Bar in Logic, Integrity and all that ele vates the profession. He lived without guile and died without reproach. Erected by professional aud personal friends." His widow survives him at an advanced age. The only child of Bishop and Mary (Grant) Perkins was : 496 Margaret G., b. 1823. 264 Nathan {Nathan"', Matthew?^, Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in West Hartford, Conn., Aug. 26, 1776. He married, first, Mabel Seymour, Sept. 7, 1798. She was the daughter of Col. Timothy and Abigail (Skinner) Seymour of West Hartford, and was born July 2, 1776. She died Sept. 22, 1835. Second, Mrs. Lyman. He graduated from Yale College, 1795, studied law and practised for some years, also carrying on a farm in West Hartford. He gave up the law in 1807, and studied for the ministry with his father and was ordained pastor at Amherst, Mass., Oct. 10, 1810, where he remained until his death, which occurred March 28, 1842. The children of Nathan and Mabel (Seymour) Perkins were : 497 Eliza Seymour, b. July 30, 1800, in West Hartford. 498 Harriet, b. Dec. 20, 1803, in West Hartford. 499 Thomas Goodman, b. Dec. 16, 1806, in West Hartford. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 77 265 Timothy Pitkin {Nathan'", Matthew"^, Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in West Hartford, Conn., August, 1779, and baptized on the twenty-ninth of the same month. He married, first, Jerusha Benton in 1801 ; she died June 6, 1809, aged 27 years. Second, Sarah Goodman Gridley, March 28, 1810 ; she was the daughter of Elijah and Sarah (Goodman) Gridley of Farmington, Conn., born 1790 and died Nov. 12, 1814, aged 24 years. Third, Nancy Lee of Lyme, Conn., in 1819. He removed to Troy, N. Y., and died there, Dec. 21, 1858, at the age of 79 years. His widow, Mrs. Nancy Perkins, died in Troy, Jan. 8, 1881, aged 91 years. He was a merchant in Hartford and car ried on a farm in West Hartford. Children of Timothy P. and Jerusha (Benton) Perkins were : 500 William Pitkin, b. 1802 or 3 In West Hartford ; settled in Troy, N. Y. ; m. Emeline ; died in Lansingburg, N. Y., April 11, 1888, aged 85 years. 501 Jerusha, b. Aug. 1804 ; ra. William Benham of West Hart ford. 502 Catherine, b. ? m. ? Children by wife Sarah (Gridley) Perkins were : 503 Sarah Gridley, b. March 24, 1812; m. Lewis Faxon. 504 Thomas Goodman, bapt. Aug. 1, 1813 ; m. Catherine Whiton ; d. abt. 1843. 505 Nathan, bapt. June 5, 1831 ; m. Deming. They re sided in Troy; six children. By wife Nancy Lee : 506 Timothy Pitkin, b. 1820; bapt. June 5, 1831, went west. 507 Lee, b. ; was mortally wounded in the second battle of Bull Run, 1862. 608 Juliana, b. abt. 1826; bapt. June 5, 1831; m. Col. Abram Myers of Troy, N. Y. ; he was killed in the battle of the wilderness 1864 ; had two sons. 266 Catherine {Nathan,'" Matthew,"' Joseph," Ja cob', John') was born in West Hartford, Jan. 20, 1782. 78 THE PERKINS FAMILY. She married, in West Hartford, Charles Seymour, Dec. 20, 1803. He was of Hartford, born Jan. 17, 1777, and was the son of Capt. Charles and Lucy (Whitman) Sey mour. He died in Hartford, Jan. 21, 1852, where he had been a merchant for over fifty years. She died Feb. 19, 1848. Their children were : Julia, b. Dec. 19, 1804; d. Aug. 17, 1886; nnra. Catherine, b. May 25, 1806; ra. Calvin Day, Dec. 6, 1827. She died March 3, 1884. He died June 10, 1884. They had four chil dren: Julia Seymour, who m., 1854, Col. Geo. Perkins Bissell; Caroline Elizabeth, unm. ; John Calvin, Yale Coll., 1857; Kath erine Perkins, who ra. Joseph Cook Jackson of New Yorli. Charles, b. Nov. 2, 1807, was a raerchant in Hartford for more than fifty years; d. June 23, 1880, unra. Edward, b. Sept. 28, 1809 ; d. Oct. 12, 1810. Harriet, b. Sept. 27, 1811; ra. Rev. George J. Tillotson, May 8, 1844. She d. in Brooklyn, N. Y., May 8, 1846. Nathan Perkins, b. Dec. 24, 1813; Yale Coll., 1834; LL.D., Ken yon College, 1867; resides in Hudson, Ohio. John Whitraan, b. March 24, 1816; Yale Coll., 1837. Has been a lawyer in Hartford, Conn. fl''"'^' Ib.Nov. 6,1817;^'^-Oct. 11, 1818. Albert, > 'la. Sept. 16, 1818. M^ry, b. Nov. 1, 1820; m. Russell Goodrich Talcott, Oct. 28, 1846. He was a merchant in Hartford, where he held various positions of trust. He d. March 3, 1863. She died April 18, 1883. Their dau., Mary Kingsbury, resides in Hartford; is an artist and genealogist, and is author of "Memorial History of Hartford County." Emily, b. July 28, 1825; res. in Hartford, unm. 267 Frances {Nathan"', Mattheu?', Joseph", Jacob', John',) was baptized in West Hartford, March 28, 1784. She married Truman Webster, Dec. 1, 1813. He was of Waterford, N. Y., but formerly of West Hartford, Conn.' She died July, 1847. Their children were : An infant, b. and d. Nov. 8, 1817. Julia Ann, b. 1819; m. Edward N. Quirk; died early. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 79 Edward Perkins, b. abt. 1825. He is a druggist in Jackson ville, Fla. ; m. Melanie Totelli of Georgia. Catherine Frances, b. abt. 1826 ; m. William F. Groves of Marietta, Ga. ; died June 14, 1863. 268 Edward {Nathan"', Mattheu?^, Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in. West Hartford, Conn., March 14, 1786. He married Clarissa Fitch, Oct., 1708. She was "of Windham, Conn., born May 10, 1788. She died at Providence, R. I., Dec. 7, 1873. He died at Savannah, Ga., Nov. 18, 1826. Their children were : 509 Clarissa, b. at West Hartford, 1811; m. Henry Westcott, 1827. 610 Maria, b., at West Hartford, 1813; ra. W. Whipple Brown, Jan., 1836; d. in Providence, Feb. 3, 1870. 511 Henrietta, b. 1815 ; m. Charles Whitman ; d. Aug. 31, 1837. 512 Julia Ann, b. at Windham, Conn., 1818; m. Alexander Hales Adie, 1835; d. in Providence, 1836. One infant, died young. 613 Almira Jencks, b. 1823; m. Alexander Hales Adie, 1840. , 272 Henrietta^(^?iocA'°\ Matthew"^, Joseph", Ja cob', John') was boru in Hartford on Friday, March 16, 1792. She married Josiah Bissell^1^1v4yB',,l8lt."*' Their children were : ^¦'- Mary Annl^\-r* George P., b. July 22, 1827." Champion, b. Jan. 11,1830. — 273 Emily {Enoch'", Matthew"', Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Hartford, Conn., on Friday, January 1, 1796. She married Roger S. Baldwin, Oct. 25, 1820. - Their children were : Edward, b. Oct. 1, 1822. Elizabeth Wooster, b. Aug. 8, 1824. 80 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Roger Sherman, b. July 4, 1826. Ebenezer Simeon, b. March 4, 1828; d. Apr. 28, 1836. Henrietta Perkins, b. Apr. 2, 1830. George William, b. Apr. 24, 1832. Emily Frances, b. Dec. 13, 1835 ; d. Apr. 17, 1836. Ebenezer Charles, b. Aug., 1837; d. Dec, 1837. Simeon E., b. Feb. 5, 1840. 274 Thomas Clap {Enoch'"', 3Iatthew", Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Hartford, Conn., July 30, 1798. He married Mary Foot Beecher, Nov. 7, 1827. She was the daughter of Rev. Lyman Beecher, D.D. She survived hira aud is now (1889) living, in the enjoy ment of good health, at the age of 83. Mr. Perkins received his preliminary education in the grammar school of his native city ; entered Yale College and was graduated in 1818, taking the salutatory and leaving a fine reputation as a classical scholar. He studied law with the Hon. Seth P. Staples of New Haven and was admitted to the bar in Hartford, in which city he lived and continued in the practice of the law to the end of his life. He was, for some time, secretary of the Protective Fire Insurance Company. He filled sev eral town offices and has been many times a member of the State Senate and of the House. A few years ago he was elected a judge of the Supreme Court, but he de clined the honor, preferring a private life in the practice of the profession which he loved. At the time of his death, Mr. Perkins stood at the head of the bar in many respects. He was very learned in the law ; had an intellect of great exactness aud clearness, a sound and instructed judgraent and wonderful tenacity of purpose. He excelled both in the preparation ofa case and in its conduct, convincing court and jury, not so much by eloquence of words as by perspicuity of statement and entire candor of manner. His name was pretty sure to THE PERKINS FAMILY. 81 appear on one side or the other of all great cases, and he was always a formidable antagonist. In his private life, Mr. Perkins was accustomed to lay aside his severe habits of business and gave himself to the genial pleasures of social intercourse. He was a man of much wit and humor and greatly enjoyed them in others, drawing always, for the entertainment of his friends, up on a large store of anecdotes and a wide ranore of read- ing. Mr. Perkins was a raan who concealed his charities and avoided a display of syrapathy ; but a tale of distress never failed to raove him. He gave liberally where his gifts were known only to himself and the receivers. He looked habitually on the bright side of life aud never liked to talk of that which was unpleasant or disagreeable. No raan was truer or deeper in his attachments, though he sought society chiefly in a limited circle of friends. Those who knew him best most deeply mourn his loss. He was a Christian gentleman of the old school of courtesy and kindness. He died, after a short and painful sickness, Oct. 11, 1870. Their children were : 614 Frederick B., b. Sept. 27, 1828 ; m. Mary A. Westcott May 21, 1857. 515 Eraily B., b. Nov. 23, 1829; m. Rev. Edward E. Hale, D.D., Oct. 13, 1852. « 616 Charles E., b. March 23, 1832; ra. Lucy M. Adams of Bos ton, Aug. 29, 1855. 517 Catherine B., b. May 9, 1836; m. Wm. C. Gilman, Esq., Sept. 14, 1869. 275 Henry Augustus {Enoch'", Matthew"', Jo seph", Jacob', John') was born in Hartford, Conn., Oct. 2, 1801. He married Sarah Emmons of East Haddam, Conn. He died June 29, 1874. She is still living (1889). PT. Ill 11 82 THE PERKINS FAMILY. He was a mau of great financial ability. He was cash ier of a branch of the Hartford Phoenix bank at Litchfield, •¦ Conn., for some years, and vvas afterward cashier of the Hartford bank, the oldest and principal bank iu Hartford, of which he remained cashier and president until his death. He was very widely known and highly esteemed in the financial world, and especially throughout New. England. He was a raan of the highest integrity aud was trustee of raany large estates. He accuraulated a fortune of more than half a million dollars in the most honorable manner; was a devoted Christian, giving liberally to charities- and public objects ; never desired or held office, and was a model of the best New England character. Their children were : 518 Ellen, b. May 21, 1833; d. Oct. 12, 1873, unm. 519 Edward H., b. Dec. 2, 1837; m. Mary Dwight; d. April 25, 1876. ,^" ; "¦ 520 Georg'e C, b. Aug. 8, 1839 ; ra. Mary Roberts. 276 George WiUiam {Enoch'", Mattheu?', Joseph", Jacob', John}) was born in Hartford, Conu.^ Feb. 22, 1804. He married, first, Mary Ann Dickinson ; second, Mary, daughter of Josiah Bissell of Pittsfield, Mass., who was the widow of William Mumford of Rochester, N. Y«; no is sue. He died Nov. 13, 1856. He was a Congregational minister of considerable rep utation and ability. He was pastor of the American Pres byterian church of Montreal, Canada, from 1830 to 1839 ; ofthe Congregational church, Meriden, Conn., from 1844 to 1854 ; ofthe First Congregatioual church, Chicago, 111., from 1854 to 1856, the time of his death. Children of George W. and Mary Ann (Dickinson) Perldns were :^j^ dU'^J., • :'( li 521 Francfe W., b. Oct. 12, 1839; now living. , J . ,THE PERKINS FAMILY .-.q 83 . 522 Anna Pitkin, b. Sept. 9, 1847f m. Rev. Henry F. CambeU. Also four children who died in infancy. __ ~ ^ 277 Frederick Fanning {Frederick'", Matthew"', Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Utica, N. Y., Oct. 30, 1799. He married Eleanor Lee, April, 1822. She was the daughter of John aud Mary (Griffin) Lee and a granddaughter of Rev. Dr. Andrew Lee of Hanover, Conn. He died March 22, 1863. They resided some time in Niles, Mich., where he died. Their children were : 623 John, b. Sept. 6, 1823; d. Nov. 23, 1843, in Niles. 524 Helen, b. March 5, 1824 ; m. David Aitkin of Niles, Mich. ; d. Sept. 13, 1849. 525 Frances Mary, b. Feb. 14, 1826, in Windham; died young. 626 Harriet Clarke, b. April 15, 1827; m. Apr., 1850, JohnH. Phelps. Three children. 527 James Eldridge, b. July 14, 1829; ra. ; resides in California. 528 William Tracy, b. Aug. 1, 1831, in Windham; died young. 529 Edward Eldridge, b. 1832 ; resides in California. 530 Sarah Lord, b. in Niles, Mich., Aug. 3, 1834 (?) ; died 1837. 531 Lucy Tracy, b. Aug. 24, 1836; ra. Horace F. Colby of Do wagiac, Mich. ; lives In Dowagiac, Mich. 532 Benjamin Griffln, b. June 8, 1846; ra. 1st, (?); m. (2) Josephine Paine ; no children. 279 Lucy GaUup {Frederick'", Matthew"', Joseph'", Jacob', John') was born in Utica, N. Y., May 6, 1804. She married William Tracy, Esq., of Utica, afterwards of New York City. He is a lawyer. Their children were : Lucy Eldridge, b. May, 1835 ; ra. Wra. P. Lee of New York City; he d. . She resides in Rome, Italy. 4 Catherine Parker, b. 1840. William, b.; deceased. 280 James Alfred {Frederick"", Matthew"', Jo seph", Jacob', John') was boru in Utica, N. Y., March 31, 1807. He married Elizabeth Freedmen, Feb. 7, 1850. Grad. Yale College, 1827. Was fur some time a manufact urer in Lisbon, Conn., afterward a teacher in Philadelphia 84 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Their children were : 533 Frederick, b. April 16, 1852, in Philadelphia. 534 Edward Eldridge, b. Sept. 15, 1854; d. Feb. 2, 1857. 535 Alfred, b. Jan. 25, 1856 ; d. Jan. 30, 1857. 636 John Grigg, b. May 6, 1857. 537 Emily Baldwin, b. ; d. Jan. 11, 1881. 281 Ann Huntington {Samuel"', Mattheu?^, Jo seph", Jacob', John') was born in Windham, Conn., Dec. 24, 1793. She married Sherman Converse. She died May 27, 1821, and was buried with her infant child in Grove St. Cemetery, New Haven. She was the second wife of Mr. Converse ; his first was Eliza, daughter of Rev. Samuel Nott of Franklin, Conn., who died in New York city, Jtm. 19, 1815, aged 47 years. Their child vvas : Ann Huutington, b. ; d. June, 1821, aged six weeks. 282 Samuel Huntington {Samuel"', Mattheu?^, Jo seph", Jacob', John') was born in AVindham, Conn., Feb. 15, 1797. He married, first, Charlotte Elderkin Clarke, August 5, 1822. She was the daughter of Jabez and Amy or Anne (Elderkin) Clarke of Windham. She died Jan. 19, 1824, aged 26 years, leaving an infant son, Samuel Clarke, who survived her but one month. Second, Mary Feariss Donnell, Sept. 19, 1826, at Philadelphia. She was the daughter of Maj. Nathaniel and Sarah (Feariss) Donnell. She was born Oct. 16, 1793, and died Dec. 9, 1858. Third, Margaret (Savage), widow of Charles Dyott, who, after his decease, married Frank M. Negley. He graduated at Yale College, 1817. After graduating, he spent a year in teaching iu a private family in North Carolina. Thence he came to Philadelphia and studied law with the Hon. Josiah Randall, and was admitted to the Philadelphia bar in 1820, in which he afterward occu pied a very prominent and popular position. "Without being brilliant, he was nevertheless an earnest, impressive THE PERKINS FAMILY. 85 and successful advocate, alike faithful to his clients and the court. His practice was large and remunerative. His application and industry were untiring. He brought to his profession sterling principles founded on religious ed ucation and was at no time without high credit for profes sional excellence, an excellence which includes the soundest morals upon the purest motives." He was, through his whole life, connected with many of the benevolent and charitable societies of Philadelphia in which he occupied high and honorable positions, and by the rectitude of his conduct in these trusts he justified the confidence his fellow-citizens reposed in him. Among the many associations iu which he held office the following raay be raentioned : He was for raany years President of the Union Benev olent Association ; President of the Philadelphia Tract and Mission Society ; President of the Board of Directors of Girard College; Vice President of the Pennsylvania Colonization Society ; Corporate Meraber of the Am. Board of Commissioners Foreign Missions ; Elder iu the First Presbj'terian Church. He was a member of the Ancient Fraternity of Free masons, and of the I. O. O. F., and in each was elected to fill all the offices, from the humblest to the highest ; and at the time of his decease they each passed a series of res olutions embodying their high appreciation of his worth which were afterwards put in a printed form from which selections are here made. "Faithful and aflfectionate in his family, genial and cheer ful in social intercourse, a sincere friend, a safe counsellor, a judicious advocate, a useful citizen, a worthy mason, a Christian gentleman ; in all these relations he has been portrayed in words of just and discriminating eulogy by eloquent tongues and able pens. "The bequest of Stephen Girard to the Grand Lodge of 86 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Pennsylvania, which was $20,000, had been multiplied nearly threefold at the time of his death, and a large part of the increase had been accumulated under his direction as chairman of the trustees of that munificent bequest. "And in these times when violations of trust are among the crying sins of the land, it is refreshing to record such an example of financial integrity and hold it up for imita tion. "Not often does the mantle of a prophet fall upon a son. But our late companion lived to see his son follow in his footsteps with equal pace aud wear the official robes which he had laid aside with equal dignity." — Masonic Memo rial. "He Avas an eminent lawyer, refined gentleraan and sin cere Christian, identified with the most prominent benev olent efi'orts of Philadelphia, and distinguished alike for energy and ability in the dischai'ge of his many important trusts. "Every grace of character, which we are accustomed to revere, was his, whether moral, intellectual or social, and these so adorned his life that it was difficult to discriminate iu what element of excellence he most e.Kcelled." — Odd Fellows' Memorial. Samuel H. Perkins died at his residence in Philadelphia, May 22, 1874, and vvas buried in Laurel Hill Cemetery. The children of Samuel H. and Mary Feariss (Donnell) Perkins were : 638 William Donnell, b. Aug. 24, 1827; d. April 9, 1833. 639 Sarauel Clai-ke,b. Nov. 14, 1828. 640 Robert Smith, b. Feb. 10, 1830; d. Feb. 12, 1830. 541 Charlotte Ann, b. July 9, 1831. 284 Harriet {Samuel}", Matthew"', Joseph", Jacob', John') vvas born in Windham, Conn., April 19, 1802. She married Edwards Clarke, May 27, 1823. He was the son of Jabez and Amy or Aune (Elderkin) Clarke of Wind- THE PERKINS FAMILY. 87 ham. He graduated from Yale College in 1815, and A.M., Hamilton College, 1818, and died March, 1868. Mrs. Harriet Perkins Clarke died May 11, 1873. Their children were : Edward, b. ; d. in infancy. Ann Huntington, b. ; d. May 10, 1824, aged two weeks. Samuel Perkins, b. ; d. Dec. 25, 1828, aged eight months. Charlotte Elizabeth, b. Jan. 25, 1830, living. Harriet Ann, b. ; d. Mar. 17, 1834 ; aged ten months. Mary, b. July 4, 1836 ; m. Anthony Lane ; d. July 26, 1870. They had: Ernest Edward, b. March 30, 1867; d. Nov. 28, 1883; Mary Perkins, b. July 16, 1870; d. Aug. 2, 1870. Sarah Frances, b. May, 1841 ; d. in infancy. Anna Jane, b. Jan. 17, 1847; d. Nov. 25, 1872. Henry Vernon, b. Oct. 2, 1849; m. Jennie Edwardina Heine, Feb. 2, 1876. She was born in Hamburg, Germany, Feb. 2, 1851. She was the daughter of Alexander and Dorothea Heine. She died In Windham, Conn., June 27, 1888. 285 Thomas Danforth {Daniel Buck'", William**, Joseph'", Jacob', John}) was born in Norwich, Conn., about 1788. He married Axie Blanchard. Dates could not be ascertained. Their children were : 542 Erastus, b. ; went to Indiana. 543 Luther, b. ; went to Indiana. 544 A daughter, b. ; m. William Catchin. 545 Sarah, b. ; ra. John Sperry of Monroe, Oswego Co., N. Y. 546 Cerepta, b. ; m. Ephraim Demmons, Bridgeport, N. Y. 647 Harriet, b. ; ra. Zenike of Utica, N. Y. 548 Emeline, b. ; m. Ephraim Demmons. 286 Daniel Buck {Daniel Buck'", William**, Jo seph", Jacob', John') was born in Norwich, Conn., June 18, 1791. He married Betsey Loomis about 1815. She was born iu 1800, probably iu Norwich, Ct., and died iu 1862. He died in Rayraond, Wis., July 18, 1848, from the kick ofa horse. 88 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Their children were all born in Constantia, Oswego Co., New York. The faraily have resided also in Wisconsin. He was a cooper by trade and a farmer. Their children were : 549 Alfred R., b. Jan. 7, 1815; d. Dec. 11, 1820. 650 Otis Goodspeed, b. Oct. 12, 1816; m. Julia A. Bender. 651 Clarinda, b. Jan. 13, 1819; ra. James Raleigh. 652 Margaret Ann, b. Dec. 24, 1821; m., 1st, Henry Moore; 2nd, E. W. Lewis. 653 Celinda A., b. Feb. 10, 1824; m. Henry E. White. 554 Frederick Burchard, b. Oct. 31, 1826; m. Sarah Hinds. 555 Franklin Loorais, b. April 7, 1828; m. Mary M. Simonds. 288 Hannah {Daniel Buch'", William**, Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Norwich, Conn., about 1795. She married Dr. Robinson. They went to Michigan in 1831 or 2, and resided near Lansing. Dates unknown. Their children were : William Perkins, b. ; ra. Caroline Worden. Elizabeth, m. Nichols Lewis. 290 Erastus Burchard {Daniel Buck"', William**, Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Norwich, Conn. (?) about 1800. He married Hannah Gilbert. (The dates of marriage or the dates ef his children can not be ascertained.) Their children were : 566 Norman, b. 657 Horace, b. 658 James Edward, b. 569 Hannah, b. 660 Alfred, b. 561 Sarah, b. 562 Adison, b. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 89 291 Erastus {Jabez'", Jabez*', Jabez", Jacob', John') born in Norwich, Conn., Feb. 17, 1752. He married first, Anne Glover, April 29, 1777. She died Feb. 28, 1807 ; second, widow Mary Hubbard, May 14, 1809, who died March 20, 1825 ; third, Lucy L. Avery, March 26, 1826. She died April 4, 1841, aged 81 years. Captain Erastus Perkins died in Norwich, Oct. 18, 1853, iu the 102iid year of his age. Miss Caulkins, in her history of Norwich, says of him, "Captain Erastus Perkins is mentioned as an instance of longevity. He was born Feb. 17, 1752 and died Oct. 15, 1853, 101 years and ten months old ; three times married. His first wife, Anne Glover, had ten children, only two of whom survived him. In his last will he leaves a legacy to Erastus Perkins Pooler, the great grandson of my son Jabez deceased. After the Revolution he was for many years a packet- master, running a sloop between Norwich and New York. For twenty-three years he was Inspector of Customs, act ing under the Collector ofthe New Haven district. On the day he rounded his century he received one hun dred and sixty-five visitors, conversed with them all in a quiet and affable manner, recollected persons, faces, and events readily, related anecdotes when anything suggested them, and had the appearance iu mind and body ofa man of 80 or 85 years. A sister of his, Lydia, wife of Shubael Breed, died April, 1861, in the 94th year of her age." The children of Erastus and Anne (Glover) Perkins were : 563 Erastus, b. Jan. 18, 1778. 564 Gurdon, b. Oct. 20, 1779 ; d. Aug. 23, 1788. 565 Lucy, b. April 4, 1781 ; m. Jesse Brown, jr. 566 Jabez, b. Jan. 6, 1783 ; was killed by lightning, Sept. 6, 1819. PT. in 12 90 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 567 Asher, b. April 1, 1785; d. in Portland, Ore., April 9, 1825. 668 Maria, b. May 22, 1787; d. Dec. 81, 1788. 569 James, b. Aug. 20, 1789. 670 William, b. March 19, 1792; d. In Georgia, Sept. 29, 1822. 671 Leonard, b. Nov. 11, 1796. 572 Francis, b. March 3, 1799 ; d. In Hudson, July 7, 1838. 308 John {Simeon'"^, Jacob^, Jabez"-, Jacob' , John}) was born in Liverpool, N. S., Aug. 19, 1778. He mar ried Elizabeth Thomas, Feb. 16, 1803. She was the daughter of John aud Anna Thomas of Liverpool, N. S. He removed from Liverpool, Nova Scotia, to Norwich, Conn., about 1819, and died there, Feb., 1849. Their only child was : 578 Joshua Newton, b. Dec. 4, 1804, in Liverpool, N. S. He d. 1876. 316 Francis Asher {Hezekiah'*", Jacob*', Jabez", Jacob', John') was born in Norwich, Conn., Aug. 12, 1784. He married Abigail Coit, May 20, 1806. She was boru iu Griswold, Conn., 1789. She died July 19, 1858. He died March 27, 1863. Miss Caulkins, in her History of Norwich, says of him, "He was mayor of Norwich for one year, 1834. He en tered early upon a mercantile life and experienced its usual vicissitudes of alternate success and disappointment. He was at one time a broker in Boston, and during the latter years of his life was successively treasurer of the Norwich Bank and treasurer of the Savings Bank. Through life he was devoted to the interests of religion and humanity, upright in conduct, with a genial disposi tion and a well cultivated raind, he kept ou fresh and se rene to the last ; a beloved officer in the church, a dili gent student and an acceptable teacher of Bible truth." Their children were : 574 Hezekiah, b. Feb. 19, 1807. Lost at se?L, 575 Sarah Coit, b. July 6, 1808. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 91 576 Eliza, b. Feb. 18, 1814 ; resides In New York. 577 Edmund, b. 1819 ; m. 1st, Elizabeth Wilkinson ; 2nd, Juliet Warner. He d. 1865. 318 George Leonard {Hezekiah'*', Jacob*', Jabez", Jacob', John') was born in Norwich, Conn., Aug. 5, 1788. He married Emily Lathrop, June 1, 1819. He died Sept. 5, 1888, at Groton, Conn., being one hundred years and one month old. His venerable wife, now (1889) over ninety years of age, still survives him. Col. Geo. L. Perkins has been known throughout the land for raore than two score of years as the " venerable treasurer of the Norwich and Worcester Railroad Com pany," and his memory deserves a much more extended notice than these pages can accord to him. He has always been a citizen of his native place where he has been highly honored and esteemed, not for his venerable age alone, but also for his many virtues, his genial disposition and urbanity of manners. His health, in early years, gave but little promise of his ever reaching the extreme age to which he at last attained. At the age of twenty-two, he was considered to be iu "con sumption," aud it was then hoped that a voyage to a warmer climate might prolong his life a few years. With this end in view he went by sea to Brazil, but so feeble was he on embarking, that his attendant, who accompanied him, was obliged to take him in his arms and carry him on board ship. His voyage, aud a stay of some months in the tropics, had the desired effect, and he returned to his home in health. To a friend he said " when I lauded in New York, I felt as if I could jump over any tree on the Battery, and I have gone on jumping ever since." He engaged iu business in Norwich, as we learn by news paper advertisements of March 9, 1809. Upon the breaking out of the war of 1812, he was ap- 92 THE PERKINS FAMILY. pointed paymaster of the Second District, including Rhode Island and Connecticut, with the rank of Brigade Major. This office brought him in contact with many officers and others in high position in the country, whose friendship he always after retained. Upon the cessation of the war he again engaged in business. He was one of the original corporators of the Norwich and Worcester Railroad Company aud was one of its first Board of Directors. He was chosen its first treasurer, signed its first check and continued to transact the busi ness of his office to the time of his death, a period of fifty- three years. Colonel Perkins was a member of the Park Congrega tional church of Norwich and was the first to establish Sun day schools there. He has not missed voting at every presidential election since Madison. SeVeral of the presidents have honored him by a call, on passing through Norwich. Through his life he has been interested in all matters of moment to the community, and when, in early life he heard that Fulton was to sail upon the Hudson in his wonderful steamboat, he walked from Norwich to Poughkeepsie and and was a passenger in her to New York city. In 1861 he was chosen by Governor Buckingham, of Conn., to be the bearer of dispatches from him to president Lincoln, a difficult and hazardous task. During his long life he has always been a strictly tem perate man, taking neither liquor nor tobacco. His advice to young men is to take no spirituous liquors except by the advice of a physiciau and not then if the physician himself drinks them. He was always an early riser and went to his office of ten before breakfast, thus accomplishing rauch of his work before his clerks made their appearance. His menKU'y was truly wonderful and he would recite THE PERKINS FAMILY. 93 to his friends particulars of events which took place nearly a century before. He had a vast store of anecdotes with which he enter tained his friends, and a keen relish for the humorous seemed to run through them all. The writer was favored with an interview with him after he had passed his hun dredth year, and could not realize that the tall, vigorous and healthy man before hira had seen a century roll over his head ; he appeared like a man of only sevent3''-five. Scarcely one individual of the very few who attain to the age of a century are found to retain possession of their faculties in the vigor of perfect manhood, as did Colonel Perkins, never forgetting even the little attentions which pertain to perfect courtesy. The anniversary of his hun dredth birthday occurred on Sunday, when he attended church as usual and received the congratulations of his pastor and fellow-worshippers. Allusions to hira were made in the preacher's serraon and also in many of the other churches of the city. On the next day, Monday, he entertained a host of his friends belonging to his native city, and others from long distances, at his mansion, and insisted on shaking hands with thera all. On that day he remarked that he had reached par. He died ou the fifth of September, just one month after his centennial birthday, at Fort Griswold House, Groton, Conn., where he was spending his annual vaca tion with his family. Long may his memory be cherished in the hearts of his many friends. Children of George L. and Emily (Lathrop) Perkins were : 678 Mary Lathrop, b. Aug. 20, 1821 ; d. 1842. 579 George Peril, b. Oct. 14, 1823; d. 1849. 94 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 680 Thomas Hezekiah, b. Aug. 14, 1834; m. 1st, Elizabeth G. Luske, July 12, 1862 ; 2d, Helen L. Reynolds, Sept. 20, 1872. 581 Emily Newton, b. Oct. 11, 1836; now living, unra. *221 Sarah {Caleb", Joseph"', Joseph" , Jacob' , John') was born in West Hartford, Conn., Jan 2, 1775, and bap tized Feb. 26, 1775. She married Joseph Tidd Cum mino-s, March 23, 1806. He was of Palmer, Mass., born April 27, 1779. They removed to Evansburgh, Pa., where he was a merchant. He died there, Sept. 24, 1828. She died Oct. 1, 1828. Their children were : Cyrus Trumbull, b. Jan. 12, 1807; ra., 1st, Nancy A. Harrington; 2nd, Isabella Hoag. Hedied Feb. 28, 1880. Seven chUdren. Joseph Priestley, b. Dec. 4, 1808 ; m. Martha Ann Perkins, dau. of Caleb. He died Dec. 4, 1845. Sarah, b. Charles, b. Jan. 6, 1813; m. Sarah Perkins, dau. of Caleb. She was b. June 1, 1821. Eleven children. Caleb Perkins, b. ; died in infancy. Caleb Perkins, b. Dec. 25, 1818 ; d. Dec. 25, 1842. Isaac Newton, b. . *222 John Trumbull ( Caleb", Joseph"', Joseph", Ja coV, John') was boru iu West Hartford, Aug. 13, 1776, baptized Nov. 24, 1776. Ho married first Catherine Wil lard of Hartford about 1804 ; second, in West Hartford, May 26, 1808, Hannah Hurlburt. She is said to have died in Greenfield, Mass., March 25, 1818. He went to Charleston, S. C, about 1812 or 1813, and is supposed to have died in that city of yellow fever. Children of John Trumbull and Catherine (Willard) Perkins were : 419a Sophia Eliza, b. Jnne 15, 1806 ; m. Richardson Houghton, Oct. 18, 1829. He died in 1887. She died March 14, 1887. 4196 Catherine Willard, b. Feb. 7, 1808; d. Feb. 17, 1825. * Kepeated from pages Oi and 03 with additional infoi'mation. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 95 Children by second wife, Hannah (Hurlburt) Perkins, were : 420 John Trumbull, b. March 23, 1810; m., 1st, Isabella Corn wall; 2nd, Julia Frances Tobey. 420o Samuel Elliott, b. Dec. 6, 1811 ; m., 1st, Amanda Juliet Pyle, 1838; 2nd, Lavinia Wiggins. *223 Elizabeth {Caleb", Joseph^, Joseph", Jacob', John}) was born in West Hartford, Conn., and was bap tized Jan. 8, 1778. She married Erastus Gay, March 29, 1813, and was his second wife. He was of Farmington, born Nov. 20, 1768, and was the son of Colonel Fisher and Phebe (Lewis) Gay. She died Feb. 16, 1846. He died May 27, 1855. Their children were : Charles, b. Jan. 7, 1814; m. Elizabeth Allen. Eliza Perkins, b. Aug. 12, 1818; d. Dec. 26, 1851, unm. *224 Lucy {Caleb", JosepW, Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in West Hartford, Conn., Nov. 2, 1783. She married Bevil Seymour, Juue 21, 1807. He was born in Newington, Conn., Sept. 4, 1782; was the-son of Ashbel and Abigail (Wells) Seymour of West Hartford. Shortly after their marriage they removed to Otis, Mass., where he was a merchant and hotel keeper. She died May 31, 1820. He married again and died Oct. 20, 1852. Their children were : Caleb Perkins, b. June 9, 1808; studied for the ministry ; d. Sept. 20, 1875. Lucy Maria, b. Nov. 2, 1809; ra. Aretas Rising, M.D. She d. May 10, 1882. He d. March 27, 1884. Frederick Wales, b. March 12, 1811 ; m. Eliza A. Dewey, Dec. 3, 1840; 2nd, Mary M. Curtis, May 14, 1855. He d. Nov. 20, 1863. *225 Caleb {Caleb", Joseph"', Joseph" , Jacob' , John') * Kepeated from pages 62 and 63 with additional information. 96 THE PERKINS FAMILY. was born in West Hartford, Conn., Oct. 23, 1781, and baptized Dec. 30, 1781. He married Hannah Cook, March 25, 1810. She was born in New Salem, Mass., June 11, 1783, and died Nov. 20, 1828. She was the daughter of Samuel and Lydia (Derby) Cook. He was a merchant and farmer in Woodcock, Pa., where he died Oct. 29, 1854. Their children were : 423 Lyraan, b. April 30, 1811, in New Salem. 422 Samuel Dwight, b. Oct. 2, 1812. y 423a Martha Ann, b. Sept. 6, 1814; ra. Joseph Priestley Cum mings, Sept. 28, 1841, sou of Jos. T. and Sarjlh (Perkins) Cummings. A- 4236 Sarah, b. June 1, 1821 ; m. Nov., 1843, Charles,%eifl of Jos. T. and Sarah (Perkins) Curaraings. *226 Sop'hia{ Caleb", Joseph"', Joseph", Jacob', John') was boru in West Hartford, March 6, 1787 ; baptized May 6, 1787. She married Adonijah Jones, May 5, 1814. He was of Otis, Mass., born April 24, 1779, died June 8, 1841. She died Juue 29, 1861. Their children were : Sarauel A., b. June 3, 1816; m., 1st, Jeannette Gibson of Otis; 2iid, Catherine L. Haskell of Otis. He died in Camden, N. J., June 26, 1883. Andrew P., b. Sept 26, 1818; d. March 29, 1819. Sarah A., b. April 30, 1820 ; m. John S. Sheldon, 1850. He d. May, 1862. She d. in Utica, N. Y., Nov. 22, 1883. No children. Andrew P., b. Sept. 4, 1821; ra. Anna F. Vinton. Zachary L., b. Feb. 28, 1823; m. Harriet L. Dowd. Sophia E., b. Nov. 24, 1824; d. April 1, 1845. Timothy D., b. Oct. 17, 1827; m. Marion A. Crandall. Charles E., b. April 28, 1829; m., 1st, Eliza Margaret Rutledge. She d. July 20, 1857. He m., 2nd, Catherine Jane Astley. He d. April 4, 1880. Miles B., b. March 14, 1833; m., Ellen Graham Hannah, March 22, 1846. He is a physiciau in Sandy Hill, N. Y. * Kepeated from pages 62 and 63 witli additional information. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 97 *187 Simon {Simon,"" Joseph,"' Joseph," Jacob? John') born Sept. 17, 1771, at Lisbon, Conn. He married Nancy Bishop March 18, 1804; she was the daughter of Capt. Ezra Bishop of Lisbon, Conn., born Jan. 24, 1780 and died April 24, 1862, at the age of 82 years. He died Nov. 19, 1844. He had a natural taste for mathematics and early be came a surveyor. At the age of twenty-four he was en gaged in surveying the wild lands of New York in Tioga and the neighboring counties, and remained there looking after the interests of non-residents for three years. He fulfilled these duties so well that, at the formation of the Erie Land Company, he was appointed by the trustees to act as its general agent and sent to the, then, far away Western Reserve. He raade two or three annual trips, the first being in 1798 ; and in 1801 made Warren, Ohio, his permanent home and remained the only agent in Ohio of the Erie Land Company, until the final settlement and winding up of its afiairs in 1831. He was appointed postmaster on Oct. 30, 1801, at War ren, and held that position until 1829. While a great portion of his time was given to his land business, he was prominent in all the local undertakings, and was appointed to several positions involving impor tant dealings with the Indians and settlements farther west. He was commissioned Brigadier-General of the Fourth Division on May 21, 1808, and on the breaking out of the war 1812, did important service, after the sur render of Governor Hull at Detroit and at a time when the sparsely settled and unprotected regions between Detroit and Cleveland were in a disorganized and terrified condi tion. At the eud of his service as general of the militia. * Kepeated from pages 55 and 56 with additional information. PT. Ill 13 98 THE PERKINS FAMILY. he was tendered a colonel's coraraission in the regular army, but was obliged to refuse it on account of the press of his private afiairs. In the winter of 1811-12, he was elected first president of the Western Reserve Bank, the first institution of that kind established in northern Ohio, and held the position until April 5, 1836, when he was compelled to resign on account of failing health. In 1810, he was appointed audi tor of Trumbull county and held the positiou until 1812. He was trustee of the Warren Academy and gave it much time and attention. On Feb. 7, 1826, he was appointed one of the Canal Commissioners of Ohio and was re-ap pointed from time to time, irrespective of party feeling or prejudice. He established banks at Painesville and Norwalk, Ohio, and was a heavy stockholder in the Trum bull and Ashtabula Turnpike Company. After 1838, he gradually gave up his business cares on account of failing health. The children of Simon and Nancy Perkins were : 388 Simon, b. Feb. 6, 1805; d. July 21, 1887. 389 Anna Maria, b. Jan. 24, 1807; m. Nov. 26, 1827, John W. Allen of Cleveland, Ohio, a prominent Whig politician. Mr. Allen d. Oct. 5, 1887. She d. Juue 30, 1828. 390 Olive Douglas, b. Jan. 31, 1809 ; d. Sept. 13, 1838. 391 Alfred, b. March 19, 1811; d. March 81, 1840. 392 Martha, b. April 16, 1815 ; d. April 16, 1815. 393 Charles, b. Nov. 18, 1817; d. April 3, 1840. 394 Joseph, b. July 5, 1819; d. Aug. 25, 1885. 396 Jacob, b. Sept. 1, 1821; d. Jan. 12, 1859. 396 Henry Bishop, b. March 19, 1824; m. Elizabeth G. Baldwin. SEVENTH GENERATION. 323 John {John'^, John'", Thomas", John*, Jacob', John') was born in Wenham, Mass., 1780. He married Mary Homans, Nov. 12, 1820. She was of Marblehead. He removed to Salem about 1800, where he always af- THE PERKINS FAMILY. 99 terward resided. He died in Salem, March, 1865, where he was highly respected. She died at her horae, Win throp street, Salem. He was a carpenter by trade ; left no children. 324 Betsy {John'*", John'", Thomas", John*, Jacob', John'), was born in Wenham, Mass., baptized Oct. 3, 1784. She married Mark Morse of Beverly, Mass., pub lished Jan. 21, 1804. Shedied in Beverly, Mass., Aug. 7, 1878, 95 years. He died in Beverly before 1878. Their children were : Mark, b. ; m. 1st, Sarah ; 2nd, ? d. Lydia, b. ; ra. Sidney Russell of Lowell. Elizabeth, b. ; m. 1st, ? Bickford; 2nd, ? Robinson. Ruth, b. ; m. Robert Abbott, of Saugus. Sarah Ann, b. ; m. Artemas Atherton of Lynn. John Perkins, b. ; ra. Margaret Williamson of Beverly. WUliam, b. ; m. Clara Twist. Thoraas, b. Elbridge, b. •' 325 Nancy {John'*", John'", Thomas", John*, Jacob', John'), was born in Wenham, Mass., baptized, Nov. 20, 1785. She married Valentine Reynol'ds (or Runnells) , about 1804 or 5. She died in Beverly, Mass., Dec. 24, 1876. He died July, 1842. He was a house painter in Salera, Mass. Their children were : George Washington, b. Nov. 12, 1805. John Perkins, b. Sept. 22, 1807 ; m. Catherine Alley, b. Nov. 29, 1809. Nancy, b. Oct. 22, 1812 ; ra. Porter. Lydia, b. Sept. 36, 1815; m. John Low; d. Dec. 1, 1886. Thomas, b. April 18, 1817. Edward Perkins, b. Sept. 29, 1820. 341 Nehemiah {Nehemiah'*' , John", Thomas", John*, Jacob', John*), was born in Wenham, Mass., Sept. 15, 100 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 1796. He married Eliza Edwards, April 19, 1819. She was born Feb. 12, 1800. He died in Wenham, May 22, 1860. He left a will signed 31 March, 1860, giving to his wife all his property after his debts were paid. Chose his son, Edward, to be the executor. Their children were : 582 Edward, b. Nov. 23, 1820; m. Clara A. Peabody; resides in Lynn ; one daughter, b, May 25, 1858. 583 Eliza Ann, b. June 20, 1825 ; m. George Howe, May 26, 1852 ; d. 1887. 684 James Hadley, b. May 27, 1827 ; d. Dec. 23, 1827. 585 James Henry, b. Oct. 29, 1828 ; ra. Mary E. Dodge of Wenham. 586 Benjamin F., b. Sept. 30, 1831 ; d. Feb. 26, 1832. 587 Mary Augusta, b. Sept. 21, 1834; m. W. K. Smiley; d. May 25, 1872. 588 Hannah Stone, b. Feb. 11, 1836; d. June 22, 1837. 589 Hannah S., b. April 16, 1838; m. Andrew Sanborn, Feb. 10, 1866. 348 Daniel {Nehemiah'*', John'", Thomas", John*, Ja cob', Jb/m^), was born iu Wenham, Mass., Jan. 18, 1815. He married Elsie Jane Burnham, March 26, 1846. She was the daughter of Abner Burnham, of Essex; born, 1827. He is a farmer. He purchased and resides upon the old ancestral estate in Wenham. The house was built by *John, his ancestor. He has in his possession a cane with an ivory head and a silver ferule, upon which was en graved, "J. Perkins, 1652," which was the date of ^John's birth. Their children were : 590 Lucinda Jane, b. Jan. 14, 1848; d. March 19, 1848. 591 John Edward, b. Aug. 16, 1849; d. Oct. 24, 1877. 592 Katie, b. ; ra. George W. Butman, 1877. 593 Anna Jane, b. April 30, 1851 ; ra. Sam'l Alonzo Mears. 594 Catherine, b. Dec. 19, 1853; ra. G. Button. 695 Elizabeth, b. June 5, 1856. 596 Caroline, b. July 15, 1858 ; d. Oct. 6, 1876. 597 George Eustace, b. Aug. 6, 1861. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 101 598 Ruth Erama, b. Nov. 1, 1863. 599 Charles Wesley, b. Aug. 5, 1865. 600 Julia, b. Nov. 29, 1871. 349 Mark Dodge {Joseph'", Joseph^, Thomas", John*, Jacob', John') was born in Amherst (North Par ish), N. H., June 5, 1785. He married Mahala Jones. They resided in Mt. Vernon, N. H. Their child was : 601 Maria Shipley, b. Feb. 15, 1814; m. ? Bradbry; had son, William J. Bradbry, d. 350 James W. {Joseph'", Joseph "", Thomas", John*, Jacob', John'), was born in Mt. Vernon, N. H., April 17, 1798. He married Frances Cochran. She was the daugh ter of John Cochran of New Boston, N. H., born 1796 and died October, 1875. He was educated at Francistown, N. H., studied medi cine with Dr. Kittredge of Mount Vernon, N. H., and re moved to Windham, N. H., iu 1824, where he practised his profession for several years and was a member of the school comraittee from 1824 to 7. He left the profession of medicine for the ministry and preached in several towns in New Hampshire, afterward removing to New Chester, Wis., in 1858, where he resided until his death which took place, March 29, 1874. 602 James W., b. 1826, in Windham; d. 1827. 608 Charles S., b. Jan. 23, 1830; ra. Ruth Stearns. 604 George, b. 1831, In Windham; d. 1831. 605 Lewis Smith, b. Nov. 5, 1834 ; ra. Martha Smith. 606 James W., b. 1840; m., 1st, Mary Atkins; 2nd, Martha M. Keller. SeSAathony {Abraham"', Matthew", Matthew'", Mat thew", Jacob', John') was born in Newburyport, Mass., 102 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Oct. 27, 1795. He married Betsy Thurston. He died Sept. 5, 1830. They resided in Newburyport. Their child was : 607 Martha, b. ; ra. Eldridge Dole of Bangor, Me. 364:Ben3ajmn{Abraham"',Matthew", Matthew'", Mat theu?, Jacob', John') w&shora in Newburyport, Mass., Oct. 2, 1797. He married Mary Davis. He died in Califor nia, April 15, 1835. Their child was : 608 Charles Abraham, b. 368 Elizabeth {Abraham'", Matthew", Matthew'", Matthew", Jacob', John')vf a.s'hovn in Newburyport, Mass., May 22, 1805. She married Rev. Randolph Campbell. She died Feb. 21, 1860. Their children were : Augustine, b. Sarah Elizabeth, b. 370 Mary Jane {Abraham'", Matthew", Matthew'", Matthew", Jacob', John')vfa.s born in Newburyport, Mass., Sept. 5, 1810. She married Oct. 3, 1844, Moses Brown, of Newburyport. She died March 3, 1881. They resided in Newburyport, Mass. Their children were : Moses, b. Dec. 22, 1846. Frank Waldo, b. Aug. 4, 1848. 372 Thaddeus {Abraham'", Matthew", Matthew''", Matthew", Jacob', John') was born in Newburyport, Mass., Dec, 1815. He married Nancy Maria Baker, of Salem, Feb. 13, 1840. He died Jan., 1843. He resided in Boston at the time of his marriase. Their child was : 609 Thaddeus, b. 1842; d. young. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 103 373 John Brewer {Jonathan"*, Abraham", Matthew'", Matthew", Jacob', John?) was born in Sanbornton, N.H., May 16, 1784. He raarried Comfort Sanborn, May 9, 1809. She was the daughter of Dr. Benaiah Sanborn, born 1789. He was a man of uncommon vigor and strength, and is said to have held the plough of a breaking up team when he was 77 years old, and to have broken colts when 90 years old. He made his pastor a pair of good boots after he was 90 years of age. He was of a very social disposition and visited much among his friends in his own and neighboring towns, to the last of his life ; his mental powers retaining their brightness to the last hour. He died Feb. 2, 1880, at the age of 95 years 9 mos. His wife died March 11, 1873, in her 84th year. Their children were : 610 Julian, b. Jan. 15, 1810; ra. Jno. H. Taylor. 611 Frederick Trenck, b. Aug. 16, 1811 ; ra. 1st, Harriet T. Olm stead ; 2nd, Elisa Olmstead. 612 Matthew, b. Feb. 19, 1817; d. Apr. 16, 1817. 613 John, b. Aug. 6, 1827 ; m. Caroline W. Sanborn. 374 Chase {Jonathan"*, Abraham"'', Matthew'^, Mat thew", Jacob', John') was born in Sanbornton, N. H., March 11, 1786. He married Susannah Taylor, March 1, 1810. He died May 1, 1870. She was born Oct. 21, 1787, and died Sept. 10, 1860. He was, physically, a noble specimen of a raan, and took an active part in the civil and ecclesiastical afiairs of his native town where he was justly esteemed. In the war of 1812 he led the Light Infantry company, as its captain, to Portsmouth, N. H. Their children were : 614 Hannah Hutchins, b. Dec. 28, 1810; ra. Beniah Sanborn, July 12, 1828. 615 Thomas Webster, b. June 20, 1813; m. Esther Woodman. 104 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 375 Matthew {Jonathan"*, Abraham", MattJiew'^, Matthew", Jacob', John') was born in Sanbornton, N. H., June 17, 1788. He raarried Jane Little of Shirley, Mass., about 1817. He died in New York, Aug. 17, 1826. " He was a lawyer of decided talent." Their children were : 616 Child, b. ; d. July 3, 1818. 617 Matthew, b. Nov. 21, 1821 ; resided in Boston. 376 Phebe {Jonathan"*, Abraham", Mattheu?", Mat thew", Jacob', John') was born in Sanbornton, N. H., Dec. 3, 1791. She raarried Samuel Harper, Dec. 23, 1810. He was born April 25, 1788, and died May 27, 1858. She died May 10, 1841. Their children were : Mary Lane, b. June 18, 1811 ; d. Jan. 24, 1845. Hannah Taylor, b. Jan. 10, 1813; m. Sam'l Horn; d. June 13, 1857. Jane Perkins, b. Feb. 12, 1822; ra. Harrison W. Streeter, 1846. 387a William W. {Elijah'"', Joseph"*, Joseph"', Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Philadelphia ? about 1805. He married Lucy Walbridge, June 9, 1829. She was the daughter of David Walbridge who came to Erie, Pa., from Bennington, Vt. She died Feb. 9, 1864. He was educated at Carlisle, Pa., and settled in Erie, Pa., when young. Their children were : 618 William Elijah, b. Apr. 27, 1830 ; m. Annie Rosenberg. Two children. 619 George Walbridge, b. Dec. 25, 1831 ; d. March 29, 1886. 620 Charles Clarkson, b. July 22, 1835 ; d. Nov. 4, 1869, unm. 621 David W., b. Nov. 26, 1840; d. Oct. 6, 1864; m. Allie P. Raynor ; reside in Jackson, Mich. 388 Simon {Simon'", Simon"", Joseph"', Joseph", Jacob', John') was boru in Warren, Ohio, Feb. 6, 1805, He was married to Grace Ingersoll Tod, Sept. 23, 1833, THE Perkins family. 105 by Rev. Ward Spaff'ord. She was the youngest daughter of Hon. George Tod of Brier Hill, Youngstown, O. She was born March 31, 1811, and died April 6, 1867, from a paralytic stroke. Mrs. Perkins was widely known and beloved for her hospitality and charitable acts. Mr. Perkins received his education in the local schools and got his business education in his father's office. Having purchased between five and six thousand acres of wild land in the vicinity of Akron, he moved there in 1834 and devoted a great deal of time and energy to its improvement and to the improvement of the stock of the vicinity. John Brown, of Harper's Ferry fame, had charge of his sheep for many years. He was much interested and well informed in the matter of the cultivation of flowers and ornamental shrubbery. He gave Union and Grace Parks to the city of Akron and devoted a great deal of time to the improve ment of Glendale cemetery. He was president of, and largely interested in the building of, the Cleveland, Zanes- ville and Cincinnati railroad, which, although not a suc cess financially for himself, was of great benefit to the country. After the death of Col. Simon Perkins, his friend, Judge Carpenter, said of him. "His public spirit, not only in the legislature but in private life, told upon everything around him. His gen eral intelligence and solid judgment, his sympathy with the varied interests of common people, his sincerity, frankness and modest simplicity of raanner, aud, above all, his un doubted integrity throughout a long life and in the sever est trials that can test the honor of a man in business affairs, constituted a character to conimand esteem." He removed from Warren to Akron, O., in Nov., 1835, and settled upon a farm just west of tha village. Their children were : PT. Ill 14 106 the PERKINS FAMILY. 622 Anna Bishop, b. June 22, 1834; unm.; resides near Akron, Pa. 623 George Tod, b. May 5, 1836; m. Mary Folger Rawson. 624 Simon, b. March 27, 1838; m. Laura P. Norton of Sharon, Pa. 625 Alfred, b. March 10, 1840; d. Jan. 12, 1877, unm. 626 Henry, b. April 8, 1842; ra. Emma Balch White of Cleve land, O. 627 Maria Allen, b. Jan. 9, 1844; m. Charles Rawson; d. July 28, 1871. 628 Grace Tod, b. Nov. 23, 1845; ra. Albert C. Lohman. 629 Thomas Kinsraan, b. July 4, 1847; m. Emma R. Cranz. 630 Charles Ezra, b. May 7, 1850; civil engineer, Akron; m. Mary S. Adams of Akron. 631 David Tod, b. April 22, 1852; m. Erama Cranz Perkins. 632 Joseph Douglas, b. Aug. 26, 1853 ; d. July 1, 1855. 890 Olive Douglas {Simon'", Simon"", Joseph"', Joseph", Jacob', John') was born iu Warren, O., Jan. 31, 1809. She married Frederick Kinsraan of Warren, Ohio, Feb. 1, 1832. He was a son of Johu and Rebecca Kinsraan. She died Sept. 13, 1838. Their children were : Nancy, b. Nov. 14, 1832; d. Jan. 7, 1833, 1 m., 23 d. Thoraas, b. Jan. 11, 1835; d. Apr. 25, 1836, 15 mo., 15 d. Olive Perkins, b. Sept. 10, 1837; d. July 20, 1838, 10 rao., 10 d. 391 Alfred {Simon'", Simon"', Joseph"', Joseph", Ja cob', John') was born in Warren, O., March 19, 1811. He was graduated at Yale College, 1833, and immediately en tered his father's office. While ou a tour west during the summer of 1834, he contracted the fever and ague which was followed by a severe bilious fever ; from the effects of which, and of succeeding fevers, he did not fully recover. In the fall of 1838 he went to the south of Europe for the benefit of his health, and remained in Europe nearly twelve raonths. He, however, returned home without experienc ing any improvement and died of consumption the follow ing spring, March 31, 1840, aged 29 years. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 107 He possessed unusually attractive manners and a sound business discretion : his early death was greatly lamented by his many friends. 393 Charles {Simon'", Simon"', Joseph"', Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Warren, Ohio, Nov. 18, 1817. He accompanied his brother, Alfred, to Europe in 1838, and returned with him, in full health, in the fall of 1839 ; but the anxiety, care, and loss of rest which an attendance upon his brother caused during the following winter, pro duced a gradual debility of the system accompanied with a severe nervous sensibility of the eyes, and after great ex ertions to revive his health, his disease assumed a consump tive form, and he died at Warren, O., April 3, 1840, aged 24 years. 394 Joseph {Simon'", Simon"", Joseph"', Joseph", Ja cob', John') was born at Warren, Ohio, July 5, 1819. He raarried Martha Ellen Steele, Oct. 25, 1841, at Mari etta, Ohio. She was the daughter of Robert M. and Ellen J. Steele and was born at Charlestown, Va., July 5, 1821. He graduated at Marietta College, at the age of twenty, and first began application to business in the office of his father. In 1852, he moved to Cleveland and at once be came actively engaged in its business life and was widely known, especially in its banking and railway enterprises. He was trustee. Elder and Sunday School Superintendent of the Euclid Avenue Presbyterian church for many years, and very largely interested in the charitable and educa tional institutions of the city and state. He was Vice- President of the Western Reserve College and Advisor in Oberlin College ; Vice President of the Humane Society ; Trustee of the Young Men's Christian Association ; Pres ident of the Trustees of the Women's Temperance Union 108 THE PERKINS FAMILY. for many years and President of the Protestant Orphan Asylum. He was also interested in the Catholic Institu tions, Little Sisters of the Poor and Sisters of the Good Shepherd. He was a member of the Board of State Charities from its organization till the time of his death, and originator of that plan of jail known as the Ohio jail. He was for many years the raain support of the Retreat and erected a large addition to that institution. He built and donated to the Young Ladies' Branch, W. C. A., the Perkins' Day Nursery. During the last four or five years of his life, increasing ill health induced him to lay aside a large part of his busi ness cares, yet up to the time of his death, he was still actively engaged, being President of the National Bank of Commerce and Trustee both in the Citizens' Saving and Loan Society and in the Society for Savings. He was also Trustee in the Western Reserve Historical Society, Presi dent of Lake View Cemetery Association, a member of the Executive Committee of the Garfield Monument. In hopes of improving his health, he sailed for England, July 4, 1885, and gained somewhat in health and the trip seemed to be of advantage to him, but the return voyage proved unpropitious and greatly exhausted him. On the way west from New York, he stopped at Saratoga Springs where he suddenly and unexpectedly sank and died on the 26th of August, 1885. Their children were : 633 Olive Douglass, b. Aug. 1, 1842 ; died of inflammation of the brain. May 26, 1853. 634 Charles, b. Feb. 10, 1844, at Warren, O. ; died August 18, 1864, of army typhoid fever. 635 Ellen Steele, b. Dec. 11, 1846, at Warren, O. ; m. Robert L. Chamberlain ; d. July 4, 1876. 636 Douglas, b. Apr. 28, 1854; m. Erama H. Keller. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 109 637 Joseph, b. Nov. 20, 1858 ; m. Lizzie Leedom. 638 Lawrence Lewis, b. March 6, 1862. 395 Jacob {Simon'", Simon"", Jo.seph"', Joseph", Ja cob', John') was born at Warren, O., Sept. 1, 1821. He married Elizabeth Owen Tod, Oct. 24, 1850. She was born Sept. 8, 1831, and was the daughter of Dr. Jonathan I. Tod of Milton, Ohio, who was a brother of Governor David Tod of Ohio. She died of rapid consumption, June 4, 1857, at Cleveland, Ohio, and was buried at Wood land Cemetery, Warren, Ohio. He was graduated at Yale College in 1842. He first set tled at Warren, Ohio, but removed to Cleveland in the fall of 1856. In his early years, Jacob Perkins developed a strong inclination for study, acquiring knowledge with unusual facility. He began his preparation for college at Burton Academy in Ohio and completed it at the school of Isaac Webb at Middletown, Conn., and entered Yale College in 1837. He delivered the Philosophic oration at his junior exhibition and was second editor of the Yale Literary Magazine. On account of a long illness, he did not grad uate until 1842. He settled first at Warren, Ohio, but removed to Cleveland in the fall of 1856. During his residence at Warren, he appeared occasion ally as a public speaker, always with great acceptance. He was prominent iu politics and was one of the Senato rial Presidential electors in Ohio on the Fremont ticket, in 1856. He was a member of the convention that framed the present constitution of Ohio. He was one of the founders of the Woodland Ceraetery at Warren aud was one of the originators of the permanent fund of the Western Reserve College. He was most influential in obtaining the charter and organizing the Cleveland & Mahoning Railroad Com pany of which he was elected President and becarae, later. 110 THE PERKINS FAMILY. almost sole financial manager. Owing to the financial crisis of 1857, the work of carrying that road to completion was very severe, and in his devotion to the enterprise, he neglected his health to an extent that proved fatal. He remarked to a friend during his last illness, " If I die, you raay inscribe on my tombstone ' Died of Mahoning Railroad.'" He died in Havana, Cuba, July 12, 1859, of quick consumption. Their children were : 639 Tod, b. Sept. 9, 1852; d. Jan. 25, 1854. 640 Jacob Bishop, b. Dec. 20, 1854 ; m. Sallie M. Wilshlre of Cincinnati, Oct. 29, 1878. 641 Elizabeth, b. April 30, 1857 ; d. Oct. 27, 1857. 396 Henry BishO'p { Simon'", Simoti"", Joseph"', Jos eph'", Jacob', John') was born March 19, 1824. He mar ried Eliza Giddings Baldwin, Oct. 10, 1855 ; she was the daughter of Norman C. and Mary (Palmer) Baldwin, of Cleveland, O. Mr. Perkins has always lived upon the old homestead which he now owns. He was twice elected to the Ohio State Senate and was one of the Ohio commissioners to re-establish the state line between Pennsylvania and Ohio. He has been elected to many other minor political posi tions. He has for many years been President ofthe First National Bank of Warren, Ohio. 642 Mary Baldwin, b. Aug. 11, 1856. 643 Olive Douglass, b. Aug. 17, 1858. 644 Jacob, b. Aug. 31, 1861. 645 Henry Bishop, b. May 1, 1871. 397 Elisha Backus {Elisha"', Elisha", Joseph"', Jos eph", Jacob', John') was born in Pomfret, Conn., June 19, 1792. He married Emily Pope, June 27, 1822. She was of Boston, Mass. He was graduated at Harvard Coll., 1820. Practised THE PERKINS FAMILY. Ill law several years in Conn., removed to Tallahassee, Fla., thence to Marietta, O., then in 1840 to Oconomewoc, Wis., where he died. Their children were : 646 Elisha Douglas, b. March 23, 1823 ; m. Harriet E. Hildreth. 647 Mary Duick, b. Peb. 1, 1825; m. Joseph Prentice Shaw. 399 Sarah Maria {John Douglas"", Elisha", Joseph"', Joseph'", Jacob', John'^,) was born in Conn., Oct. 7, 1803. She married George Fleming, March 20, 1828. She died Nov. 1, 1843. Their children were : John Perkins, b. Jan. 31, 1829 ; m. Elizabeth R. Smith. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Aug. 20, 1830; m. Francis G. Parke. Joseph, b. Jan. 20, 1833; d. Nov. 16, 1834. George, b. Oct. 18, 1834; d. Nov. 26, 1834. 400 Joseph Fleming {John Douglas"", .Elisha", Jo seph"', Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Conn., Jan. 28, 1806. He married Ellen E. Perkins^'^ of Baltimore, July 30, 1844. She was a daughter of Dr. Elisha Perkins — his own cousin. He died March 9, 1854. He removed to Baltimore, Md., 1829, and graduated, M.D., from the University of Maryland, IS'^^S. He was a prominent physician in Baltimore and was a trustee of, and an elder in, the Presbyterian church. Their children were : 648 Elisha Douglas, b. June 13, 1845 ; d. July 3, 1872. 649 Rebecca Hughes, b. Nov. 9, 1847; ra. Williara D. Kilpatrick. 650 James Fleming, b. Aug. 31, 1850; resides in Baltimore. 651 Ellen Grace, b. Oct. 21, 1853 ; d. June 7, 1856. 401 James Hughes {John Douglas"", Elisha", Jo seph?', Joseph", Jacob', John') vvas born iu New London, Conn., Jan. 1, 1808. He married Jane C. Flack, June 11, 1850. She was of Baltimore, Md. He removed to Bal timore, 1833. 112 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Their child was : 652 Rachel Flack, b. May 2, 1852; m. Joseph T. Smith, M.D., Oct. 31, 1876. 402 Elisha Henry {John Douglas"", Elisha", Jo seph"', Joseph'", Jacob', John') was born in Chester Co., Pa., July 9, 1811. He married, first, Elizabeth A. Berry, Oct. 1, 1847. She was born in Baltimore, and died March 1, 1855. Second, Alverda A. Manro, Jan. 12, 1859. She died Dec. 15, 1876. She was born in Balti more. He removed to Baltimore in 1835. He studied in Moscow Academy, aud graduated M.D. at the University of Maryland, 1838. He was a successful and popular physician in Baltimore for many years and died there, June 24, 1888, very highly esteemed. Children of Elisha H. and Elizabeth A. (Berry) Perkins were : 653 Elisha Henry, b. Nov. 16, 1850. 654 Mary Berry, b. Sept. 9, 1853; d. March 10, 1865. 403 John Douglas {John Douglas"", Elisha", Jo seph"', Joseph'", Jacob', John?) was born in Chester Co., Pa,, Nov. 13, 1814. He raarried Martha V. Miller, Dec. 18, 1849. She was of Coatsville, Pa., where they now re side, and where he is a merchant. Their children were : 655 Rebecca Fleming, b. Oct. 27, 1860. 656 Clara Vestine, b. Oct. 10, 1854; d. June 20, 1873. 657 John Douglas, b. Jan 13, 1857. 404 Rebecca Fleming {John Douglas"", Elisha", Joseph"', Joseph'", Jacob', Join?) was born in Chester Co., Pa., May 2, 1818. She married Andrew Mitchell, Nov. 16, 1843. He was of Doe Run, Pa. She died Jan. 30, 1847. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 113 Their children were : EUen Perkins, b. Feb. 9, 1845 ; resided in Philadelphia. John, b. Oct. 12, 1846 ; m. Deborah A. Tuble of Philadelphia. 405 Susan Marsh {John Douglass"", Elisha", Jo seph"', Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Chester Co., Pa., Sept. 26, 1822. She married William M. Flack, Feb. 4, 1852. She died in Philadelphia, April 19, 1859. Their children were : Rebecca Perkins, b. April 1, 1856; d. Apr. 4, 1856. Williara Neely, b. ; d. Dec. 27, 1856. Ella Rachel, b. ; d. July 9, 1859. 406 Benjamin Douglas {Benjamin Douglas'", Eli sha", Joseph"', Joseph", Jacob', John') was born probably in New York, 1805. He raarried Mary Shotwell of Rah- way, N. J. She was the daughter of Peter and Phebe V. Shotwell. He died September, 1831. Their children were : 668 Lindley Murray, b. Sept. 6, 1829 ; m. 1st, Caroline Campbell, 2nd, Elizabeth R. Enders. 659 Caroline, b. ; died young. 660 Benjamin Douglass, b. April 2, 1832 ; unra. 411 Martha Noyes {Henry"", Elisha", Joseph"', Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Salem, Conn., Dec. 27, 1825, she married William Birnie of Springfield, Mass., February 11, 1852. She died in Springfield, Mass., Oct. 15, 1871. He was born in Portobello, near Edinburg, Scotland, Nov. 1818, and is now (1889) a Water Works Contractor and Dealer in Water Bonds, etc., in Springfield, Mass. (See *'*Sarah Lydia.) Their children were : Henry Perkins, b. Nov. 8, 1852; d. Jan. 25, 1874. Son, died In infancy. PT. Ill 15 114 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Thomas Noyes, } C Grad. Yale Col. 1876 ; phy- Vb.Sept. 19,1864^ sician Sarah Perkins, ) ( unm. Douglas Putnam, b. Sept. 3, 1856; Yale Coll., 1878; clergy man, Cazenovia, N. Y. Alfred, b. March 13, 1868 ; dealer in paper. Donald, b. Oct. 24, 1869 ; student. Walter, b. Oct. 5*, 1871 ; student. 416 Elizabeth Rogers {Henry"", Elisha", Joseph"', Joseph'", Jacob', John') was born, probably iu Salem or Lyme, Conn. ; married Seth HamiltouMoseley, who is pro prietor ofthe New Haven House, Conn. Their children were : Julia Noyes, b. Henry Perkins, b. 419a Sophia Eliza {John Trumbull"^, Caleb", Joseph"', Joseph", Jacob', John?) was born June 15, 1806. She married Richardson Houghton in Guilford, Vt., Oct. 18, 1829. He was born iu Guilford, July 30, 1804, and died in Milwaukee, June 11, 1887. She died March 14, 1887. Their children were : Royal, b. Dec. 10, 1831, In Guilford; m. Lucy M. Bishop. George G., b. Sept. 3, 1833; m. Adeline Matthews Comstock. Richard Trumbull, b. June 14, 1835; d. Jan. 13, 1847. 420 John Trumbull {John TrumbuW", Caleb"", Joseph"', Joseph", Jacob', Johi?) was born in Greenfield, Mass., March 23, 1810. He married, first, Isabella Corn wall. She was born in Cairo, N. Y., Jan. 10, 1821, and died in Milwaukee, Wis., March 11, 1851 ; second, Julia Frances Tobey, Oct. 30, 1851. She was born in Hudson, N. Y., Aug. 23, 1829. He died in Waterloo, Wis., Nov. 7, 1878. liis widow married George Babcock of Water loo. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 115 Children of John T. and Isabella (Cornwall) Perkins were : 661 Sophia E., b. July 8, 1842, in Rochester, N. Y. ; m. Homer Squire. 662 Alice Isabella, b. Feb. 8, 1844; m. John R. Schuyler. 663 Elizabeth Cornwall, b. Nov. 23, 1845, in Milwaukee ; d. Sept. 25, 1861. 664 Isabella Thompson, b. Jan. 4, 1847; d. in Waterloo, Wis., Aug. 26, 1856. 665 Catherine Willard, b. Oct. 28, 1848; m., 1st, James B. Dougherty; 2nd, Seward W. Holdridge. 666 John Trumbull, b. March 5, 1861 ; resides in Waterloo, Wis. Children of John T. and Julia F. (Tobey) Perkins were : 667 Julia Frances, b. May 15, 1853; d. Sept. 9, 1854. 668 Samuel Elliott, b. March 25, 1855; m. Louisa L. Giddings. 669 Henry Irvin, b. Oct. 30, 1857; d. Feb. 18, 1858. 670 Julia Frances, b. Jan. 13, 1859; m. Charles F. Hanson. 671 Richard Houghton, b. Dec. 24, 1860; d. July 26, 1861. 672 Richard Houghton, b. Nov. 26, 1862, unra. 673 Harry Orville, b. Dec. 1, 1865, iu Waterloo, Wis. 674 Lillie Belle, b. Aug. 23, 1867. 676 Charles Darwin, b. March 4, 1870. 676 Nellie May, b. Nov. 24, 1871, in Lake Mills, Wis. 677 Julia Elma, b. Jan. 24, 1873; d. Aug. 29, 1873. 420a Samuel EUiott {John TrumbuW", Caleb", Joseph"', Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Brattleboro, Vt., Dec. 6, 1811. He married, first, Amanda Juliet Pyle, in Richmond, Ind., July, 1838. She was born Jan. 12, 1820, and died April 14, 1856 ; second, Lavinia Wiggins. When a youth he resided in Conway, Mass. ; in 1834 he removed to Penn Yan, N. Y., where he entered upon the study of law ; iu 1836 he went on to Richmond, Ind., and began the practice of his profession, at the same time editing a paper called the " Jeffersonian." In 1843 he be came prosecuting attorney for the sixth Judicial District of Indiana; in 1845, was appointed by Governor Whit comb to the Supreme Court Bench, serving for nineteen 116 THE PERKINS FAMILY. consecutive years. He reraoved in 1847 to Indianapolis ; in 1857 and for several years thereafter was Professor of Law in the Northwestern Christian University. He prepared and published the " Indiana Digest" in 1858, and the "Indi ana Practice" in 1859 ; both of these works required great research and became standard authorities. He was Pro fessor iu the State University in 1870-72 ; Judge of the Superior Court of Marion Co., 1872-6, and Judge ofthe Supreme Court again 1876-79. He died Dec. 17, 1879. The children of Samuel Elliott and Amanda Juliet (Pyle) were : 678 Mary Josephine, b. July 12, 1839. 679 Juliet Adeline, b. June 21, 1841; d. March 5, 1818. 680 Emma Sophia, b. July 23, 1843. 681 Samuel Elliott, b. Sept. 2, 1846. 682 Edward W., b. March 23, 1850; d. Apr. 3, 1850. 683 Amanda Juliet, b. Jan. 9, 1866; d. Dec. 10, 1857. Children of Samuel E. and Lavinia (Wiggins) were : 684 Willard H., b. Sept. 14, 1858; d. Aug. 28, 1859. 685 AlmaR.,b. May 21, 1860. 422 Samuel Dwight {Caleb"', Caleb", Joseph"', Joseph", Jacob', John') was born, perhaps in New Salem, Mass., Oct. 2, 1812. He married Frances E. Adams, Nov. 6, 1849. She was born April 6, 1823. He was a merchant in Woodcock, Pa. Their children were : 686 Alice, b. March 12, 1851 ; d. Sept. 24, 1852. 687 Caleb Dwight, b. May 7, 1863. 688 Carrie, b. Sept 8, 1857. 689 Harriet, b. Jan. 24, 1859 ; d. March 19, 1860. 690 LaFayette, b. March 14, 1865; grad. Allegany College, 1886. 423 Lyman {Caleb"', Caleb", Joseph"', Joseph", Ja cob', John') was born in New Salem, Mass., April 30, 1811. He married Mercy Williams, Feb. 22, 1835. She was THE PERKINS FAMILY. 117 born in Crawford Co., Pa., Nov. 17, 1809, and died April 8, 1885. He died Nov. 23, 1881. He vvas a merchant in Woodcock, Pa. Their children were : 691 Sophia, b. April 16, 1837. 692 Charles, b. March 9, 1839; d. Oct. 6, 1854. 693 Sarah, b. Oct. 9, 1840; d. Oct. 30, 1854. 694 Mortimer, b. April 2, 1844; d. April 10, 1883. 695 Martha Ann, b. ; m. R. McPheeters. 696 Benjamin, b. Jan. 1, 1850. 425 George ApoUos {Augustus, John", John", Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Franklin, Conn., Sept. 18, 1798. He married Julia Ann Shepard, May 1, 1823. He died in Athens, Pa., July 31, 1884. He was an apothecary and resided in Athens, Pa. One who knew him very intimately, says: "He was a most lovely character, and the nearest perfection I ever saw." Their children were : 697 Lucy Huntington, b. June 15, 1824; d. Oct. 11, 1841. 698 John Augustus, b. Feb. 11, 1826. 699 Anna Shepard, b. Feb. 8, 1828 ; m. Dr. E. I. Jud, of Blng- hampton, N. Y., July 16, 1851. 700 George Bushnell, b. May 26, 1830. 701 Rebecca Huntington, Feb. 2, 1833; d. Aug. 2, 1853. 702 Isaac Prentice, b. March 24, 1835; d. Dec. 18, 1836. 703 Sarah Percy, b. Dec. 6, 1837 ; ra. Howard Elmer, Oct. 10, 1865. 704 Edward Shepard, b. July 28, 1841 ; d. March 22, 1874. 429 Edward Henry {Augustus"", John", John", Jo seph", Jacob', John'), was born in Norwich, Conn., April 4, 1810. He married first, Susan Phoebe AVelles, Aug. 14, 1832. She died Sept. 29, 1847. She was the daugh ter of Gen. Henry Welles of Athens, Pa. Second, Mary Eglin, Dec. 19, 1849. She was born in the city of Man chester, England, Nov. 15, 1829. He removed in 1823 from Norwich, Conn., to Ithaca, 118 THE PERKINS FAMILY. where he spent a short time in the store of an older brother and afterward entered the academy of Ithaca, where he passed three years. He vvas then appointed a midshipman in the U. S. Navy, iu which service he continued five years. After resigning his position as midshipman, he entered into business with his older brother George, at Athens, Pa. Early in the period of the war of the rebellion, he was, without his solicitation or knowledge, appointed U. S. Consul to the Danish Island of Santa Cruz. This appoint ment was made by the infiuence of Mr. Wilmot, who was then in the U. S. Senate, a personal aud political friend. He retained this position nine years, during which time he was able to render important services to his country, which met the approbation of Secretary Seward, and received the personal acknowledgments of President Lincoln. Since the expiration of his consular life in the West Indies, he has lived inquiet aud retirement with his family at Athens, Pa. Thechildrenof Edward H. and Susan P. (Welles) Per kins were : 705 Henry Welles, b. Aug. 28, 1834. 706 Edward Henry, b. Feb. 28, 1836. 707 Augustus Simpson, b. July 13, 1838; killed at the battle of Fredericksburg, Dec. 11, 1862. 708 Sarah Welles, b. March 8, 1841 ; m. E. C. James. 709 George Welles, b. Feb. 9, 1843; m. Helen Viele. 710 Lucy Huntington, b. Aug. 29, 1845 ; d. March 20, 1859. 711 Susan Frances, b. Aug. 8, 1847; m. Delos McCurdy. Children of Edward H. and Mary (Eglin) Perkins were : 712 Mary Rebecca, b. Oct. 12, 1850; m. Charles G. Egert. 713 Ellen Gertrude, b. July 7, 1864. 714 William Huntington, b. Sept. 4, 1867. 715 Elizabeth Bishop, b. March 12, 1860; m. William R. Web ster of Philadelphia. 716 John Isaac, b. June 4, 1862; resides in New York. 435 John Abijah {Abijah'"', John", John", Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Scotland, Conn., Jan. 17, THE PERKINS FAMILY. 119 1809. He married Emily Johnson, March 26, 1834. She was the daughter of Levi and Anne (Martin) Johnson of Windham, Conn. Their children were : 717 Mary Ann, b. 1836. 718 Ellen Eliza, b. Dec. 17, 1840; m. John Fenton, and lives at Ticonderoga, N. Y. 439 Elizabeth Rogers {Dyei^', John", John", Jos eph", Jacob', John') was born in Norwich, Conn. She married Judge Humphries of Rochester, N. Y. Their children were : George, b. James, b. John, b ; d. 441 Rufus Lord {Chauncey F.'"', Eliphai?', John", Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Athens, Ohio, Dec. 17, 1819. He raarried Mary Ann Lattimore at Erie, Sept. 9, 1845. She was the daughter of William and Rhoda (Williams) Lattimore of Painsville, Ohio. She was born Feb. 24, 1820, and died at Erie, Pa., Jan. 28, 1883. She was a woman of great discretion, of gentle and re fined manners, cultivated mind and strong Christian faith, and has left to her children the legacy of wise counsels and a holy life. He has been a resident of Erie, Pa., since 1828. For twenty years he was engaged in paper manufacture at Wal nut Creek, ten miles from Erie. He with his family now resides at Erie. Their children were : 719 William Rufus, b. Sept. 1, 1847, was grad. at Western Re serve College, Asst. Prof, of History in Cornell Univer sity and is now Prof, of History in Iowa State Univer sity. 720 Julia Elizabeth, b. May 18, 1850. 721 Chauncey Fitch, b. Nov. 13, 1852. 120 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 722 George Williams, b. March 13, 1865. 723 Charles Lord, b. Sept. 14, 1859. 724 Henry Lattimore, b. May 18, 1860. 443 Caroline Mary {Chauncey F.'"", Eliphaz", John", Joseph", Jacob', John}) was born in Athens, Ohio, Dec. 11, 1823. She married Sarauel Seldeu of Erie, Aug. 12, 1851. He is the son of George and Elizabeth G. (Card) Selden of Troy, N. Y. He was born July 9, 1821, and died July 25, 1882. He was a manufacturer of paper with his brother-in- law, R. L. Perkins, and afterward of iron goods, in the firm of the Selden and Griswold manufacturing Co., at Erie. He was a raan greatly respected for his Christian virtues and active benevolence. The family reside in Erie. Their children were : Mary Lydia, b. Oct. 9, 1852. Caroline Elizabeth, b. Feb. 23, 1865. Edward, b. April 29, 1858. Charles Card, b. Feb. 10, 1861. Samuel Fellows, b. Feb. 14, 1864. 444 John Chauncey {Chauncey F.'^', Elipha^', John", Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Athens, O., June 22, 1829. He married Jane S. Swan, June 12, 1860. She was the daughter of Richard and Margaret (Sturgeon) Swan of Fairvievv, Erie Co., Pa. She was born Oct. 28, 1828. He resides at Swanville, Pa. Their child vvas : 726 John Richard, b. Jan. 31, 1868. 446 Sarah M.* {Eliphaz'*', Eliphaz", John", Jos eph", Jacob', John') was born in Athens, O., March 26, 1813. She married Rev. Matthias Ambrose, Nov. 23, * Sarali M. and Lydia Fitch. These two sistei'S had, together, eight sons in the Federal Army during the war of the rebelUon. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 121 1837, and died at Pickaway, O., Jan. 2, 1854. He was an able and faithful minister of the United Brethren in Christ. He died in 1883. Their children were : Levi, b. ; killed by the bursting of a shell at the battle of Corinth. Lewis, b. -v „ . .^, ^x . -. ' / were all in the Union army, and now re- Henry, b. >., , .„ ,„ ,„.,,. _,,. , , t side on farms in Kansas and Dakota. William Eliphaz, b. J George, b. ; died in infancy. Lydia, b. ; died in infancy. John, b. ; entered the army as a drummer and Is now a Methodist minister In Michigan. 447 Lydia Fitch* {Eliphaz'*', Eliphaz", John"', Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Athens, O., July 18, 1815. She married George Mead, Feb. 12, 1835. She died in Marshall Co., 111., Sept. 1, 1848. They resided at Peoria, 111. Their children were : Hezekiah P., b. Jan. 18, 1836; d. Feb. 17, 1856. Sarah Romeyn, b. Sept. 10, 1837; ra. Levi Tanquary. John Theodore, b. Sept. 20, 1839 ; wounded at the battle of Corinth, recovered and married, 1872. William Norris, b. March 22, 1842. He died July 29, 1863, from exposure in the array. He, with his brother, John T., was a member of 47 Regt. 111. Vols. Henry Eliphaz, b. Dec. 31, 1844; d. Sept. 20, 1845. 450 Margaret R. {Eliphaz'*', Eliphaz", John", Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Athens, O., March 27, 1822. She married Rev. Abner Montgomery Thorn ton, Dec. 31, 1850. He was the son of Samuel and Anne (Henderson) Thornton. He is a minister ofthe Methodist Episcopal Church. They now (1889) reside at Hartsville, Indiana. Their children were : Julia Zipporah, b. April 1, 1852; m. Levi Johnson. PT. UI 16 122 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Harry Perkins, b. Oct. 18, 1853; d. Dec. 29, 1858. John Freemont, b. May 14, 1856; d. Sept. 24, 1873. George Snyder, b. March 12, 1859. Abner Elwell, b. Feb. 2, 1862. 451 Henry Porter {Eliphaz'*', Eliphaz", John", Joseph", Jacob?, John') was born in Athens, O., Sept. 3, 1824. He married Martha A. Brainard, July 14, 1857. She was the daughter of David aud Martha Brainard of Hanging Rock, III., born Oct. 27, 1834. He was a far mer and resided with his fiimily at Carlisle, Arkansas, and died there, Aug. 16, 1887, in the 64th year of his age. Their children were : 726 George Isaac, b. Oct. 9, 1860. 727 David Brainard, b. Jan. 28, 1862. 728 Henry Elwell, b. May 2, 1864. 729 Margaret Julia, b. Dec. 23, 1865. 730 John Reuben, b. Sept. 28, 1867; d. Aug. 15, 1868. 731 Annie May, b. Aug. 10, 1869. 732 Clara, b. June 23, 1871. 733 Robert Augustus, b. Dec. 6, 1872. 734 Rosie, b. May 17, 1874. 735 Daisy, b. May 27, 1876. 736 Charles Clark, b. June 10, 1878. 453 George {Eliphaz'*', Eliphaz", John", Joseph", Jacob', John') was boru in Athens, July 17, 1829. He married Eliza B. Beasley, Sept. 7, 1854. She was the daughter of John C. and Harriet Beasley of Bentonville, Ohio. He entered the ministry of the United Brethren in 1851, and now lives at Zaleski, Ohio, having charge of Willow Creek circuit in the Scioto Annual Conference. He is a raan of earnest spirit and has proved himself a worthy and successful minister of the Gospel. Their children were : 737 Harriet zipporah, b. Nov. 21, 1855; m. A. D. Evans, of Oak Hill, O., a farmer. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 123 738 John P., b. Oct. 24, 1867; d. in infancy. 739 Henry Edward, b. April 25, 1860. 740 Cora L., b. July 20, 1864. 741 George Eliphaz, b. July 7, 1867. 742 Sarah Blanche, b. June 24, 1870. 454 John Marshall {Eliphaz'*', Elipha^', John", Joseph", JacoV, John') was born in Athens, O., Sept. 22, 1832. He married Nancy E. Doty, 1857. She was the daughter of Robert W. and Elizabeth A. (Rice) Doty of Jackson, 111. He is a local preacher of the United Breth ren Church ; and resides upon a farm at Vergennes, 111. Their children were : 743 John Walton, b. ; died in infancy. 744 Mary Julia, b. ; m. John G. WInly. 746 Lewis Henry, b. ,1865. 746 Sarah Elizabeth, b. ^— , 1867. 747 George Rice, b. , 1869. 748 Frank Eliphaz, b. , 1872. 749 William Levi, b. , 1874. 750 Lyman Ambrose, b. , 1877. 751 Charles Wesley, b. , 1880. 752 Nancy Lucretia, b. , 1882. 753 Effle Ward, b. , 1884. 455 Julia Celestia {Eliphaz'*', Eliphaz", John", Joseph" , Jacob' , John') was boru in Athens, O., Nov. 29, 1834. She married, about 1860, Rev. Hiram Elwell. They are living at Perryville, Indiana. She has been blind for raany years, but reads by means of raised letters, and is able also to write with a pencil. Their children were : Charles, b. March 22, 1861 ; d. Sept. 6, 1872. Homer A., b. 1862. Is the principal of a school, at Otterburne, Wis. John Henry, b. 1864. William E., b. 1866. Perley M., b. 1868. Robert W., b. 1870. Otto Harlan, b. 1874. 124 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 456 Louisa Zipporah {Eliphaz'*', Eliphaz", John", Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Athens, O., March 13, 1838. She married Johu J. Shinn July 15, 1857. He was the son of Samuel S. Shinn. He died Feb. 11, 1883. She resides with her family at Cerro Gordo, III. Their children were : Alice, b. Aug. 6, 1861. Harlow, b. July 21, 1865. Winnie, b. Jan. 3, 1868. Lucy, b. Jan. 25, 1870. Julia, b. March 12, 1872. Maud, b. March 21, 1875. Cleo, b. April 4, 1877. Ella, b. Oct. 20, 1879. 458 Catherine Fitch {John'*", Eliphaz", John", Joseph", Jacob', John') was born at Athens, O., March 26, 1825. She married Joseph M. Dana, Sept. 18, 1845. He was the son of Joseph Dana of Ipswich, Mass. She died Jan. 28, 1848. Their only child was : John Perkins, b. . He graduated at Ohio University and now resides at Athens, O. 459 Lydia Ann {Henry"', Eliphaz", John", Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Allentown, N. J., May 1, 1823. She raarried James H. Bruyere Oct. 4, 1849. He was the son of Price Bruyere of Monmouth County, N. J. , and great grandson of Peter Bruyere, who emigrated about 1712 from Champagne, France, to escape religious persecution, and settled at Allentown, N. J. Their children were : Harry Perkins, b. 1860; ra. Cora Dabney. Waller Reeve, b. 1852 ; m. Cordelia Stebbins. Richard Newbold, b. 1854. Sarah Virginia, b. 1855; m. Chas. B. White, M.D. James Henry, b. 1867. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 125 Addison Alexander, b. 1860. Thomas Chalmers, b. 1862. 461 Jonathan ( Charles"', Joshua'", Matthev?', Jos eph", JacoV, John') was born in Lisbon, Conn., 1814. He married first, Mary J. Willoughby of Canterbury, Conn. She died in Lisbon, Aug. 16, 1846, at the age of 18 years and 11 months. Second, Mary F. Hibbard, daughter of Joseph B. Hibbard of Lisbon. Child of Jonathan and Mary J. (Willoughby) Perkins was : 754 Mary Jane, b. May 10, 1846 ; m. George R. Clark. Children of Jonathan and Mary F. (Hibbard) Perkins were : 766 Charles Albert, b. 1849; d. Oct. 24, 1849, 8 mos., 16 da. 756 Arthur L., b. ; died in Infancy. 757 Willis, b. abt. 1852. 758 Emma Louisa, b. 1853 ; d.»March 28, 1854, 8 mos., 8 da. 759 Joseph Hibbard, b. 1854; d. March 30, 1854, 14 da. 760 Clement LeRoy, b. abt. 1858. 761 Charles Hayden, b. 1859; d. 1886; lived in Lisbon. 762 Sarah Frances, b. March 1, 1861 ; d. Aug. 3, 1881. 763 Emma Hibbard, b. 1866; d. Feb. 10, 1867, 6 mos., 11 da. 466 Origen {Ephraim"", Ephraim"", Mattheu?', Jos eph", Jacob', John') was born in Mansfield, Conn., Feb. 23, 1801. He married, first, Maria S. Stanton, March 29, 1829. She was the daughter of Capt. Nathaniel Stanton, of Stonington, Conn., where she was born May 13, 1804. She died Jan. 13, 1833. He married, second, Julia Ann Dyer, May 22, 1833. She was born at Shaftsbury, Vt., June 26, 1805, and died in Burlington, Wis., Aug. 27, 1858. He removed very early in life with his parents to Trenton, Oneida Co., N. Y. He attended the Academy in Canan- daigua, N. Y., went to Indiana in 1819, and taught school in the town of Rising Sun. In 1836 he went to 126 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Burlington, Wis., with his family, and is said to have built the first frarae house ever erected there, and later, the first stone house. In 1850, he went overland to California, where he was killed by an Indian, March 12, 1853. He was by occupation a farmer ; he was a fine scholar and good linguist. The children of Origen and Maria S. (Stanton) Perldns were : 764 Mary, b. April 21, 1831, in Trenton, N. Y. She died in Bur lington, Wis., Aug. 18, 1846. 765 Frederick Stanton, b. Dec. 6, 1832, in Trenton. Child of Origen and Julia A. (Dyer) Perkins was : 766 Charles, b. 1835; d. Joliet, III., 1836. 467 Edward {Ephraim'", Ephraim"", Matthew^, Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Mansfield, Conn., April 6, 1803. He married Sarah Gage, Sept. 23, 1834. She died Feb. 9, 1846. He died Sept. 3, 1846. In 1806 he removed to Trenton, Oneida County, N. Y., where he afterward continued to reside. Their children were : 767 Edward Gage, b. . 768 Henry, b. . 769 Mary, b. . 770 Eraily, b. . 468 Lucy {Ephraim'", Ephraim"", Mattheu?^, Jos eph'", JacoV, John') was born in Mansfield, Mass., May 3, 1805. She married Bushrod Buck Oct. 11, 1832, aud died in Lanesboro, Mass., Jan. 17, 1842. Their children were : Emily, b. ; m. Robert Bach ; two children, Mary and Emily Hollister. Perkins, b, 470 Emily {Ephraim"", Ephraim'", MattheuP, Jos eph", Jacob', John') vvas born at Trenton, N. Y., Sept. 7, THE PERKINS FAMILY. 127 1808. She married James Hollister, Sept. 15, 1834. They now reside in Buffalo, N. Y. She is now living at the age of 81 and in good health. Their children were : Edward P., b. April 22, 1836. Mary, b. Dec. 22, 1837. Emily, b. Aug. 18, 1840. Frank M., b. Nov. 28, 1843; a grad. Harvard Coll.; resides in Buffalo. Frederick, b. June 19, 1848. Luther Guiteau, b. May 31, 1860. 471 Ephraim {Ephraim"', Ephraim"", Matthew"', Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Trenton, N. Y., May 5, 1810. He married, Dec. 22, 1835, Fanny Merrick. Their children were : 771 Lucy, b. March, 1837; d. May, 1862; unm. 772 Fidelia, b. Aug. 29, 1838; unra. 773 Helen Maria, b. June 30, 1841 ; num. 472 Pliny Merrick {Ephraim"", Ephraim}", Mat thew", Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Trenton, Oneida Co., N. Y., Jan. 24, 1812. He married Ellen A. Conkey at Dodge Centre, Wis., Dec. 25, 1846. She was born at Bombay, Franklin Co., N. Y., Nov. 24, 1827. He was bred a farmer. He went with his brother Edward to Joliet, 111., from which place he reraoved to Burlington, Wis., in 1837, and there built saw aud grist mills upon White river, and afterward, in 1843, a woollen factory. In 1846 he erected a flour mill and a mill for the raanu- facture of linseed oil. These several mills were unfortu nately destroyed by fire, but were rebuilt upon the opposite side of the river ; they were again burned and some of them again rebuilt ; later they were sold to other parties. He was an energetic business man ; a man of strict in tegrity and uprightness of character, with a heart full of 128 THE PERKINS FAMILY. kindness ; he was ever ready to extend a helping hand to others. Ever sincere and reliable in his friendship, he enjoyed to the fullest extent the esteem and confidence of all who reposed a trust in him. His raemory will be cher ished in the hearts of his many friends with pleasant re membrances of the wealth of kindness and benevolence that characterized his daily walk in life. He died after an illness of only one week, Apr. 21, 1881. Their children were : 774 Eraily Holister, b. Jan. 3, 1848, at Burlington, Wis. 775 Jaraes Pliny, b. Jan. 7, 1850. 776 Edward De Witt, b. Feb. 6, 1852. 777 Origen Lucius, b. March 25, 1854. 778 Mary Chaplin, b. Nov. 6, 1867. 779 Frank Augustus, b. Dec. 13, 1859. 780 Elmer Elsworth, b. Aug. 3, 1861. 781 Lucius Conkey, b. Apr. 11, 1863. 782 Orin Ephraim, b. Oct. 14, 1864. 783 Charles Townsend, b. Feb. 5, 1866. 473 Benjamin Chaplin {Benjamin C", Ephraim'"", Matthew"', Joseph'", Jacob', John') was born in Becket, Mass., June 22, 1812. He married, first, Hannah M. Cole, in Becket, Nov. 25, 1836. She died in 1849; sec ond, Jane A. Babcock, June 17, 1849. He died Feb. 8, 1876, in Chicago, 111. He resided in Becket until after the birth of his first child (1837) ; he then removed to Rochester, Loraine Co., Ohio, and resided there until April, 1855, when he re moved to Viola, Mercer Co., 111., and resided there until Nov., 1864, theu removed to Ottawa, III., thence to Chi cago, 111. The children of Benjamin C. and Hannah (Cole) Perkins were : 784 Elizabeth Anne, b. Sept. 19, 1837, in Becket, Mass. ; m. John E. French. 785 Bishop Walden, b. Oct. 18, 1840; m. Louisa Cushman. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 129 786 Benjamin Chaplin, b. Dec. 9, 1842; m. Carrie Palmer. 787 Julia, b. May 6, 1846 ; m. Charles W. McCumber. 788 Hannah Maria, b. Feb. 22, 1848; ra. John P. Clay. Children of Benjamin C. and Jane A. (Babcock) Per kins were : 789 Elgin Kossuth, b. April 8, 1852. 790 Frances Isabel, b. Nov. 6, 1854 ; d. March 21, 1869. 791 NelUe May, b. June 2, 1857 ; m. E. W. Scott. 480 Mary Chaplin {John Erastus'^', Ephraim"", Matthew^, Joseph", Jacob', John') was born at Massena, N. Y., Dec. 10, 1807. She married Samuel Bradford of Louisville, N. Y., Jan. 19, 1832. She died Feb. 25, 1881. He resides at Louisville. Their children were : WiUiara, b. Nov. 17, 1834; m. Elizabeth Danforth, Aug. 25, 1874. Two children : Bessie Philene, b. Aug. 31, 1876; James Dan- fortB, b. Sept. 19, 1880. Henry, b. March 7, 1837; m. Mary L. Allen, Sept. 28, 1859. Three children : Mary Rachel, b. April 22, 1863 ; Samuel Per kins, b. March 3, 1867; Walter Allen, b. March 30, 1871. 483 Ephraim {John Erastus'^', Ephraim}", Matthew^, Joseph", Jacob', John') was born at Massena, N. Y., June 16, 1813. He married Elizabeth Conkey at Mas sena, 1848. He died at Windsor, Sonoma Co., Cal., May 17, 1877, where his widow now resides. Their children were : 792 Bishop, b. ; m. ? 793 A son, b. ; d. in infancy. 486 Frederick {John Erastus'^', Ephraim"", Mat thew"', Joseph", JacoV, John') was born at Massena, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., Jan. 27, 1824. He married in Spring Prairie, Wis., June 29, 1860, Catherine Barbara Winters. She was born June 29, 1832, in Baden, Ger many. He has resided in Spring Prairie, Walworth Co., PT. ni. 17 130 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Wis., and Augusta, Eau Claire Co., Wis., and now resides in Burlington, Racine Co., Wis. Their children were : 794 Frederick, b. June 8, 1861, in Spring Prairie. 795 Mary Chaplin, b. Aug. 24, 1862, at Augusta ; m. Herbert Irving Newman, Oct. 5, 1887, at Burlington, Wis. 796 George Winters, b. April 12, 1864, at Augusta. 797 John Erastus, b. Sept. 20, 1866, at Augusta. 798 Minnie Ester, b. April 12, 1868, at Augusta. 799 Grace Luthera, b. Feb. 9, 1872 ; d. Jan. 22, 1877, 6 yrs. 489 Newcomb {John Erastus^', Ephraim'", Mat theu?', Joseph", Jacob', John',) was born at Massena, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., April 10, 1829. He married Salome Smith in Massena, Aug. 28, 1861. He now resides in Eau Claire Co., Wis. Their children were : 800 A daughter, b. Dec. 8, 1864, and perhaps others. 493 Augustus Messenger {Origen Augustus'^, Ephraim"", MattheuP, Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Becket, Mass., May 9, 1817. He raarried Ruth S. Snow, Nov. 8, 1838. She was born Nov. 30, 1814. They reside in West Winsted, Conn., where he is a farmer. Their children were : 801 Ephraim Augustus, b. Aug. 31, 1839, in Becket, Mass. 802 Roger Mills, b. July 17, 1841; d. Jan. 21, 1864. 808 Timothy Wadsworth, b. March 27, 1843 ; d. Jan. 19, 1863. 804 Benjamin Chaplin, b. March 27, 1846. 805 Susan Sarepta, b. March 25, 1847. 806 Sarah Lydia, b. Jan. 9, 1850. 807 Bishop, b. Sept. 27, 1853; d. March 12, 1877. 808 Mary, b. Nov. 26, 1855. 494 Charles Orton ( Origen A.'"', Ephraim"", Mat theu?', Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Becket, Mass., Sept. 25, 1819. He married, first, Johanna Sarepta Snow, April 13, 1842. She was the daughter of Timothy and THE PERKINS FAMILY. 131 Ruth Snow. She was born Sept. 23, 1824, and died Oct. 5, 1845 ; second, Olive Chastina Snow, Feb. 11, 1846. She was also a daughter of Timothy and Ruth Snow, and was born Aug. 3, 1817, and died Nov. 8, 1883. He was an attendant at Lenox, Southampton, Blandford, and Wilbraham Academies, after which he taught school several years in Becket and Tolland, Mass. He was in the employ of the Boston & Albany R.R. Co., from 1842 to 1849 after which he resided upon the old farm with his aged parents. He was Justice of Peace 1846 to 1876, and has held prominent offices in several agricultural associa tions. He was representative of his native town for four years and was, at one time, president of Lee & New Ha ven Railroad. He served upon the school committee twenty-one years. He held prominent offices in his adopted town, Oswego, Kansas. He died, April 30, 1887, at Thomasville, Ga. The child of Charles O. and Johanna (Snow) Perkins was: 809 Fred., b. Sept. 16, 1845 ; m. Mary E. May, Sept. 22, 1869, reside In Oswego, Kan. The children of Charles O. and Olive C. (Snow) Per kins were : 810 Belle, b. March 23, 1853; d. of consumption, July 1, 1871. 811 Blanche, b. Feb. 23, 1866. 495 Sarah Lydia {Origen Augustus'^', Ephraim"", Mattheu?', Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Becket, Mass., Sept. 8, 1822. She married William Birnie, Feb. 4, 1842. She died in Becket, Jan. 12, 1850. He was born in the village of Portobello, near Edin burgh, Scotland, Nov., 1818. (See "^Martha.) Their children were : Two sons who died In infancy. 132 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Charles Alexander, b. March 13, 1844, Is a lawyer and is now Secretary of Fire and Marine Insurance ^Co., Springfleld, Mass. William Perkins, b. Dec. 24, 1849, is a manufacturer and jobber In paper. 497 Eliza Seymour {Nathan"*, Nathan"', Mat theu?', Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in West Hart ford, July 30, 1800. She married at Amher,st, Mass., Feb. 17, 1820, Hon. George Grinnell. He was born in Green field, Mass., Dec. 25, 1786, and was the son of George and Lydia (Stevens) Grinnell. He graduated at Dart mouth College, 1808 ; was admitted to the bar of Frank lin Co., Mass., 1811 ; was a member of the State Senate, 1824-8; representative in Congress; was Judge of Pro bate 1849-53. He received the degree of LL.D., from Amherst College. He died in Greenfield, Nov. 20, 1877, aged 91 years. She died in Greenfield, March 24, 1887. Their children were : Jaraes Seymour, b. July 24, 1821. George Blake, b. Nov. 11, 1823. William Fowler, b. Jan. 11, 1826; d. Aug. 16, 1827. " Helen Eliza, b. Aug. 13, 1828 ; d. in London, Nov. 29, 1886. William Fowler, b. Jan. 2, 1831. Thomas Perkins, b. 1833 ; d. in New York, May 24, 1884. . Harriette Campfield, b. Feb. 27, 1836. Ella Lydia, b. June 19, 1839. 498 Harriet {Nathan'"*, Nathan"', Mattheu?', Jos eph", Jacob', John') was born in West Hartford, Dec. 20, 1803. She married, June 23, 1829, Rev. Robert Ball Campfield. He was the son of Robert B. and Phebe (Ball) Campfield, born in Newark, N. J., June 3, 1802. He graduated at Nassau College, Princeton, 1824 ; Auburn Theological Seminary, 1828, and was ordained pastor over the church at New Preston, Conn., 1831, where he re mained until 1834; secretary of American L. S. and THE PERKINS FAMILY. 133 Christian Union, 1834. She died at Newark, N. J. ,1860. He died March, 1860. Elizabeth Upham, b. July 29, 1830. Robert McNiel, b. Nov. 27, 1831; d. March 20, 1852. Nathan Perkins, b. June 4, 1838; m. Jane J. Ivison, Oct. 24, 1865. She was the daughter of Henry Ivison of New York. He died Sept., 1869. Mary Perkins, b. May 17, 1841; m. Edward C. Selover, Esq., of Auburn, N. Y., June 18, 1867. Their children : Harriet Seymour, Elizabeth Campfield, Mary, Harold Seymour. Harriet Seymour, b. Jan. 14, 1845. 499 Thomas Goodman {Nathan"*, Nathan"', Matthew"', Joseph", JacoV, Jolin^) was born iu West Hart ford, Conn., Dec. 16, 1806. He married, first, Eleanor Sophia Clarke, Dec. 7 , 1831 . She was the daughter of Dr. Peter and Maria (Fisher) Clarke of Montezuma, N. Y., and was born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 7, 1808. She died in Bufi'alo, N. Y., April 12, 1851 ; second, Mrs. Harriet Amelia Cady, Dec. 20, 1852. She was the daughter of Lewis and Mary (Smith) Allen and was born in New Lon don, Conn., Sept. 25, 1813. He died iu Buffalo, N. Y., Nov. 13, 1866. His widow survives him. The children of Thomas J. and Eleanor S. (Clarke) Perkins were : 812 George Henry, b. May, 1832 ; d. 1838. 813 Ellen Sophia, b. April 30, 1836 ; m. Frederick Belden Squier, Jan. 25, 1859. He was of Pittsfield, Mass., and after of Buffalo, N. Y. He died Dec. I, 1880. No issue. Children by second wife were : 814 Thomas Goodman, b. May 23, 1856 ; m. Lizzie Blair Atwater. 815 George Hazard, b. June 10, 1859; resides in Buffalo, N. Y. 501 Jerusha {Timothy Pitkin'^, Nathan'", Matthew^, Joseph", JacoV, John') was born in West Hartford, Conn., Aug., 1804. She married William Benham of West Hart ford. He died in 1860. She died in Hartford, April 4, 1863. 134 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Their children were : George B., b. ; d. In Hartford, Aug. 7, 1871. Nathan, b. ; m. Katie J. King, lives in Hartford. William, b. . James Lewis, d. ; m. lives in Hartford. Thomas, b. ; died in infancy. 503 Sarah Gridley {Timothy Pitkin'^', Nathan'"', Mattheu?^, Joseph", JacoV, John') was born March 24, 1812. She married Lewis Fg.xon, Jan. 13, 1832. He was born Jan. 26, 1808, and was the son of Ebenezer and Mary (Colton) Faxon of West Hartford. He removed to Illi nois, but now resides in Englewood. She died at Pay- son, III., Sept. 30, 1866. Their children were : Lewis Perkins, b. Nov. 23, 1838 ; d. Aug. 10, 1839. Isabella Perkins, b. Dec. 25, 1842; m. David W. Thompson. Two children. Albert Lewis, b. Nov. 7, 1861 ; d. July 20, 1852. 509 Clarissa {Edward?^, Nathan"', Mattheu^, Jos eph'", Jacob', John') was born in West Hartford, Conn., 1811. She married Henry Westcott, 1827. He was of Providence, R. I. She died in 1874, at the age of 63 years. Their only child was : Mary, b. 1829 ; m. "^Frederick B. Perkins, 1858. 510 Maria {Edward"", Nathan'", Matthew"^, Joseph", JacoV, John') was born in West Hartford, Conn., 1813. She married Wm. Whipple Brown of Providence, R. I., Jan., 1836. She died in Providence, R. I., Feb. 3, 1870. He is now (1889) living in Providence. Their children were : Elizabeth Whipple, b. Sept. 24, 1836; unm. Henrietta Whitman, b. April, 1839; m., 1869, Pardon J. Jastram. Edward W. Brown, b. Jan. 20, 1840; d. July 1, 1888. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 135 Maria Perkins, b. Nov. 11, 1842; unm. Clarissa, b. 1843; d. in infancy. Reginald Channing, b. Aug., 1845; m. Maria Field, 1869; d. 1885. Robert Perkins, b. June, 1850. Almira Adie, b. March 24, 1853 ; m. Rev. Charles B. Elder of South Boston, Nov. 11, 1881. 513 Ahnira Jencks {Edward?"^, Nathan'", Mat theu?^, Joseph", JacoV, John') was born in Windham, Conn., 1823. She married Alexander Hales Adie, Dec. 2, 1840, as his second wife (See p. 79). Their child was : Julia Perkins, b. April, 1843; m.FredE. Anthony of Providence, R. I., June, 1872. 514 Frederick B. {Thomas Clap'^*, Enoch'",. Mat theu?', Joseph", JacoV, John', ) was born in Hartford, Conn. , Sept. 27, 1828. He married Mary Westcott, May 21, 1857. She was of Providence, R. I., and was a daughter of Henry and ^"^Clarissa (Perkins) Westcott. He entered Yale College but did not remain through the whole course. He studied law in the office of his father and was admitted to the bar in Hartford County. His fond ness for a literary life prevented his practising rauch, and he becarae connected with Henry Barnard in editing the American Journal of Education ; he afterwards went to New York where he was eraployed upon the Tribune and other papers for sorae years, and, in the meantime, wrote several novels and other works. He then went to Boston where he was assistant librarian in the Boston Public Li brary, and was engaged in other literary work. From Boston he went to San Francisco and became the Librarian of the Public Library there, in which situation he remained until 1888 when he left and took a position on a newspaper in San Francisco where he now is (1889). He is much interested in the genealogy of the Perkins 136 THE PERKINS FAMILY. family, and it is very largely to his efforts, with those of his brother, ^^^Charles E., that the reader is indebted for the facts concerning the descendants of Dea. ^"Joseph. Their children were : 816 Thomas H., b. ;died young. 817 Thomas Adie, b. July 22, 1859; m. 818 Charlotte A., b. July 3, 1860. 819 Julia De Wolf, b. ; d. Oct., 1886. 515 Emily B. {Thomas Clap'"*, Enoch'", Mattheu?^, Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Hartford, Conn., Nov. 23, 1829. She married Rev. Edward Everett Hale, D.D., of Boston, Mass., Oct. 13, 1852. He was the son of Hon. Nathan Hale and Sarah Preston (Everett) Hale, both of Boston. She was a sister of Hon. Edward Everett of Boston. He was born in Boston, April 3, 1822. He re ceived his preparation for college in the Boston Latin School and entered Harvard College in 1835, when only thirteen years of age ; he graduated in 1839, the second in his class. After his graduation he served as usher in the Boston Latin School for two years and then studied Divinity ; in the spring of 1846 he was ordained as rainister of the Church ofthe Unity in Worcester, Mass., where he remained for ten years. He was called to Boston by the South Congre gational Church and became its minister in 1856. Through his whole life. Dr. Hale has been engaged in literary work ; even when a boy he wrote for his father's newspaper, the Boston Daily Advertiser, and is at this time an exceedingly active worker for the good of his fel low men. His works are raany and are too well known to need particular mention in this place. Their children were : Alexander, b. Dec. 18, 1853; died In infancy. EUen D., b. Feb. 11, 1855. Arthur, b. Aug. 12, 1859. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 137 Charles A., b. March 1, 1861 ; died in infancy. Edward E., b. Feb. 18, 1863. Philip, b. May 21, 1865. Herbert D., b. July 22, 1866. Henry K., b. June 6, 1868 ; died young. Robert, b. Sept. 6, 1870. 516 Charles E. {Thomas Clap"*, Enoch"', Mat theu?', Joseph'", .Jacob', John') was born in Hartford, Conn., March 23, 1832. He married Lucy M. Adams of Boston, Aug. 29, 1855. He entered Williams College, Mass., and graduated in 1853. He then studied law in the office of his father in Hartford, and was admitted to the bar in 1855. He has resided in Hartford ever since : as a partner with his fa ther while he lived ; and, since his death, alone. He, with his brother, ^"Frederick B., have collected much of the material for this genealogy of the descend ants of Dea. Joseph Perkins. Their children were : 820 Mary R., b. July 22, 1857; m. Rev. Sidney D. Hooker of Dillon, Montana, Jan. 26, 1887. 821 Emily H., b. Jan. 23, 1861 ; m. Howard H. Knapp of Bridge port, Conn., Feb. 9, 1888. 822 Arthur, b. May 16, 1864; graduated at Yale College, 1887; was admitted to the bar 1889, and will practise law with his father in Hartford. 823 Lucy A.,b. Oct. 23, 1865. 824 Thoraas C, b. May 16, 1878. 517 Catherine B. {Thomas Clap"*, Enoch'", Mat theu?', Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Hartford, Conn., May 9, 1836. She married William C. Gilman of New York City, Sept., 1859. She died Nov. 15, 1879. He is a trustee of the Juvenile Asylum aud is treasurer ofthe New York Prison Association. Their children were : PT. Ill 18 tr> 138 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Theodora, b. ; died young. Bessie, b. ; died young. Houghton, b. Aug. 8, 1867. Francis, b. Dec. 15, 1870. 539 Samuel Clarke {Samuel II. '"', Samuel"', Mat- tliew"', Joseph", JacoV, John') was born in Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 14, 1828. He married Mary Hooker Packard, April 12, 1855. She was born in Philadelphia, Aug. 4, 1830, and was the daughter of Frederick A. and Elizabeth D. (Hooker) Packard. Samuel C. Perkins was educated at Yale College and graduated in 1848; he received the degree of M.A., in 1861. The University of Pennsylvania conferred on him the degree of LL.B. in 1852, and Yale College of LL.D., in 1888. He studied law with his father aud was admit ted to the bar in 1851, to the supreme court of Penn. in 1853, aud to the supreme court ofthe U. S. in 1874. He is now an able and eminent lawyer- in Philadelphia, where he has attained a very high reputation. He has, for many years, occupied the very highest and most honorable position in the ancient Fraternity of Free Masons, in which he has followed in the footsteps of his honorable father, and, like him, has been called to many places of great responsibility and trust. From early life he has been a member of the Presbyte rian church, and an elder in the First church, Philadelphia, frora 1870 to the present time. He has also served on va rious presbyterian boards and comraittees. Since 1887 he has been vice president of the trustees of the general as sembly of the Presbyterian church and a member of its board of publication. He served his country in the war of the rebellion, and was iu two actions. He has served his fellow-citizens in their commou council, and has been honored by the Leg- THE PERKINS FAMILY. 139 islature ofthe state in his selection as a member of the com mission for the erection of public buildings in Philadel phia, of which he has been president since 1872. He has, with signal ability, conducted the management of the con struction ofthe immense and splendid marble structure of the City Hall for the courts and public offices in Philadel phia, now well advanced towards completion, and which thus far has cost more than twelve millions of dollars. Mr. Perkins is a meraber of the Nuraisraatic and Anti quarian Society of Philadelphia and a corresponding mem ber of the New England Historic-Genealogical Society ; a contributor to various law, literary and other magazines and publications. "Learned and reliable as a lawyer, up right and public-spirited as a citizen, a kindly and courte ous gentleman, he is one of the raost deservedly prorai- nent raen in Philadelphia." Their children were : 826 Three, all of whom died in very earliest infancy. 550 Otis Goodspeed {Daniel Buck'^ , Daniel Buck"' , William**', Joseph'", JacoV, John') was born Oct.l2, 1816 , in Manlius, Onondaga Co., New York. He raarried, Jan uary 15, 1845, Julia A. Bender of Onondaga Co., New York. They removed to Racine Co., Wis., in 1846, and reside there at this time (1889). Their children were : 826 Francis M., b. June 21, 1846; m. Mary AUce James. 827 Mary Adelaide, b. April 10, 1861 ; m. Homer A. Wheat. 828 Lucius H., b. March 5, 1855 ; m. Clara L. Morris. 551 Clarinda {Daniel Buck""", Daniel Buck'", Wil liam**^ Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Constantia, Jan. 13, 1819. She married James Raleigh in 1845 in Manlius, N. Y. They reside in Oakland, Alameda Co., Cal. 140 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Their children were : Rosalia Claretta, b. Oct. 29, 1846, in Cicero, N. Y. ; d. Dec. 24, 1848, in Milwaukee. Marcella Perkins, b. May 4, 1849, in Milwaukee. Charlie Jay, b. June 25, 1852; ra. Cora Ann Connor, Aug. 13, 1876 ; several children. Lewis Alfred, b. Jan. 27, 1855; ra. Florence Irene Stoddard, Nov. 6, 1873. They reside in Oakland, Cal., and have several children. 555 Franklin Loomis (i>ameZ Buck'"", Daniel Buck'", William**, Joseph", JacoV, John') was born in Constantia, Oswego Co., N. Y., April 7, 1828. He raarried, Oct. 30, 1854, Mary M. Simonds in Hudson, St. Croix Co., Wis. She was born in Hooksett, N. H., Feb. 7, 1830. They removed to Alameda, Cal., Sept., 1870, where they now reside. He is a lawyer, farmer and mineralogist. Their children were : 829 Minnie Araarilla, b. Nov. 16, |1857, in Hudson, St. Croix Co., Wis. 830 Frank James, b. Sept. 26, 1859 ; m. Alice Anderson. 831 Asa Lewis, b. Aug. 25, 1862; resides in Alameda. 573 Joshua Newton {John"", Simeon'"", JacoW, Jabez", JacoV, John') was born in Liverpool, N. S., Dec. 4,1804. He married Elizabeth Bishop, 1831. She was the third child of Daniel L. and Lucy Bishop of Ithaca, N. Y. He died in Irvington, N. Y., 1876. He has re sided in Ithaca, Cincinnati, New York City and Norwich, Conn., during the time between 1849 and 1870. Their children were : 832 Lucy Bishop, b. June 30, 1832; d. Apr. 12, 1889. 833 Emily Elizabeth, b. Nov., 1836; d. 1838. 834 Joshua Newton, b. May 8, 1840; m. Mary Emily Sowles. 835 Hasbrouck, b. 1842 ; d. 1843. 836 Washington, b. 1845 ; d. 1845. 837 Elizabeth Newton, b. 1846. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 141 577 Edmund {Francis Ashei^", Hezekiah'*', Jacob*', Jabez", JacoV, John') was born in Norwich, Conn., 1819. He married, first, Elizabeth Wilkinson of Pomfret, Conn. ; she was born 1818 and died April 5, 1852, aged 34 years. Second, Juliet Warner, at New London, 1853, she was born in Brooklyn, Conn., March 20, 1834, and died, March 30, 1875, aged 41 years. He resided in Norwich, Conn., and died there, Aug. 2, 1865. Children of Edmund and Elizabeth (Wilkinson) Per kins were : 838 Francis W., b. 1847; d. in New York, Jan. 13, 1884. 839 Mary B., b. Feb., 1848; unm. 840 Edmund, b. 1850; d. in Florida, March 29, 1867. 841 Elizabeth, b. . Children of Edmund and Juliet (Warner) Perkins were : 842 Robert W., b. Aug. 21, 1855 ; m. Caroline P. Raymond. 843 Donald G., b. June 14, 1868; m. Florence Gould. 844 Philip, b. Oct. 28, 1860; d. March 28, 1863, 2 years 6 mos. 580 Thomas Hezekiah ( George L."'", Hezekiah'*', Jacob*', Jabez", JacoV, John')wds born in Norwich, Conn., 1834. He married, first, Elizabeth G. Lusk of Norwich, July 12, 1862. She died Feb. 15, 1870. Second, Helen L. Reynolds, Sept. 20, 1872 ; died Juue, 1889. He re sided in Norwich, Conn. Child of Thos H. and Elizabeth G. (Lusk) Perkins was: 846 George Leonard, b. Nov. 18, 1865 ; d. Aug. 24, 1866. Children of Thos. H. and Helen L. (Reynolds) Perkins were : 846 Helen Lathrop, b. April 4, 1874. 847 George L., b. Dec. 26, 1876; d. Aug. 25, 1877. 848 Harold, b. April 5, 1878. 849 Marian, b. Dec. 8, 1880. 142 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 333 Edward* {Edward'*', John," Thomas," John? Jacob? John') was born in Wenham, Mass., Aug. 22, 1789. He married Abigail Richards of Lynn, about 1815, and died about May, 1817. After his death his widow married Joseph Ingalls. Their only son was : 581a Edward Henry, b. Feb. 16, 1817. EIGHTH GENERATION. 581a Edward Henry {Edward^", Edward'*", John", Thomas", John*, Jacob', John') was born in Lynn, Mass., Feb. 15, 1817. He married Mary Ann Mudge of Lynn, Nov. 5, 1846. He was a shoe-cutter and resided in Lynn. Their only child was : 850 Fannie, b. Jan. 1, 1848 ; ra. S. B. Mudge, Nov. 1, 1876. One child : Edward, b. Sept. 10, 1877. 582 Edward (Nehemiah"*', Nehemiah'*', John", Thomas", John*, Jacob', John') was born in Wenham, Mass., Nov. 23, 1820. He married Clara A. Peabody, May 25, 1858. She was the daughter ©f John and Clara (Garvin) Peabody of North Maiden (now Melrose). She was born Jan. 9, 1838. He is a shoe-cutter and resides in Lynn, Mass. Their children were : 851 Lizzie Francis, b. March 18, 1861 ; d. April 18, 1866. 852 Edward A., b. Dec. 31, 1864. 853 Louie G., b. Nov. 26, 1871. 585 James Henry {Nehemiah"*', Nehemiah'*', John", Thomas," John*, Jacob', John}) was born in Wenham, Mass., Oct. 29, 1828. He married Mary Elizabeth *See p. 40. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 143 Dodge, June 9, 1853. She was the daughter of Abraham and Augusta (Edwards) Dodge, and was born Dec. 28, 1830. He is a butcher and resides in Wenham. Their children were : 854 Edward Alden, b. April 27, 1854; m. Eleanor R. Woodbury. 855 Frank Ellis, b. March 1, 1856; m., 1st, Mary A. Dodge; 2nd, Mary F. Dodge. 856 Fred. Fulton, b. Aug. 21, 1857; m. Harriet V. Norton. 857 Emma Augusta, b. Aug. 21, 1869; m. Geo. W. Patch. He is the son of Henry and Elizabeth (Woodbury) Patch. 858 James Henry, b. July 31, 1861; ra. Frances B. Kimball. 859 Charles Arthur, b. April 23, 1864. 860 Alonzo Carlton, b. Oct. 18, 1866. 861 George Howe, b. Oct. 9, 1869. 587 Mary Augusta {Nehemiah"*', Nehemiah'*', John", Thomas", John*, Jacob', John') was born iu Wenham, Mass., Sept. 21, 1834. She married William K. Smiley, 1868. He was born in Haverhill, Mass., 1818. She died in Lynn, Mass., May 25, 1872. He af terwards deceased. He was a shoemaker ; resided in Lynn. Their children were : Lizzie F., b. Feb. 16, 1869. Augusta, b. May 1, 1872. 593 Anna Jane {Daniel?*", Nehemiah'*', John", Thom as", John*, Jacob', John') was born in Wenham, Mass., April 30, 1851. She raarried Samuel Alonzo Mears. He was bom in Hamilton, Mass., Sept. 14, 1849, and was the son of Samuel and Lydia Mears. He is a farmer and resides in Essex, Mass. Their children were : Lemuel L., b. May 20, 1873; d. Dec. 20, 1874. Edward Alonzo, b. Nov. 12, 1875. 144 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Lillian Estella, > ^ j„, ^ ^g^g C MarriauE., 5 i d. Oct. 5, 1878. Walter I., b. April 12, 1880. George M., b. Aug. 18, 1884. 594 Catherine {Daniel?^, Nehemiah'*', John", Thom as", John*, JacoV, John') was born in Wenham, Mass., Dec. 19, 1853. She married George W- Butman, May 8, 1877. He was born in Enfield, N. H., 1845, and was the sou of Stephen and Lemira Butman. He is a rattan- worker and resides in Wakefield, Mass. Their children were : Carrie Lemira, b. May 26, 1878. Frank Perkins, b. April 30, 1882. Wallace Harold, b. Dec. 6, 1886. 603 Charles S. (James W."", Joseph"", Joseph^, Thomas", John*, Jacob', John') was born in Windham, N. H., Jan. 23, 1830. He married Ruth Stearns of Wal tham, Mass. She was born Aug. 2, 1826. He was a member of Co. G. Nineteenth Regt. Wis. Vols, during the War of Rebellion; and was in the bat tles of Suflblk, Blackwater, Newbern, Drury's Bluff and Petersburg. He is a raerchant and resides in Onawa City, Iowa. Their children were : 862 Mary W., b. 1854. 863 Charles W., b. 1856. 864 John, b. 1858 ; d. 1865. 865 Ada M., b. 1860. 866 David S.,b. 1861; d. 1865. 605 Lewis Smith {James W."", Joseph'", Joseph"", Thomas", John*, Jacob', John') was born iu New Hamp ton, N. H., Nov. 5, 1834. He married Martha Smith McClyman, July 29, 1858. She was the daughter of An- THE PERKINS FAMILY. 145 drew and Lovina (Smith) McClyman, born in Florida, N. Y., Oct. 19, 1836. He enlisted Feb. 13, 1862, in the Nineteenth Regt. Wis. Vols, and was in the battles at Yorktown, Fair Oaks, Pe tersburg, Drury's Bluff, Richmond and Newbern. He was quartermaster-sergeant. He was discharged April 30, 1865. He resides at Friendship, Adams Co., Wis., and is clerk of the Circuit Court and abstractor. Their children were : 867 Fanny, b. June 1, 1859. 868 Sarah Lovina, b. Nov. 5, 1860. 869 Lewis Woodbury, b. May 21, 1866. 870 Lucretia Ray, b. April 6, 1868. 871 John Cochran, b. March 14, 1870. 872 Charles Andrew, b. Oct. 10, 1873. 873 Roy Watson, b. April 16, 1877. 606 James W. {James W."", Joseph'", Joseph"", Thomas", John*, JacoV, John') was born in Warner, N. H., 1840. He married first, Mary A. Atkins, Jan. 1, 1866. She was born in Milton, Wis., March 12, 1845, and died Feb. 13, 1874. He married, second, Martha M. Keller, Nov. 8, 1874. She was born in Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 3, 1855. He was 1st Sergeant Eleventh Regt. Wis. Vols, and was in the battles of Bayo Cache, Ark., Port Gibson, Champion Hills, Vicksburg and Jackson. He is a mer chant and resides in New Chester, Wis. Children of James W. and Mary A. (Atkins) Perkins were : 874 James F.,b. Oct. 81, 1866. 876 Pred H., b. Aug. 7, 1868. 876 Leon R., b. June 23, 1870. 877 George A., b. April 18, 1872. Children of James W. and Martha M. (Keller) Per kins were : PT. in 19 146 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 878 Claud B., b. June 17, 1877. 879 Edith M. > j,_ j,gi,_ 21, 1880. i ^¦ 880 Charles E. i ( d. Feb. 21, 1880. 610 Juliann {John B."", Jonathan"*, Abraham"', Mattheu?", Matthew", Jacob', John') was born in Sanborn ton, N. H., Jan. 15, 1810. She married Jonathan H. Taylor, April 18, 1831. He was born Sept. 12, 1794; died March 11, 1862. After his death she married Joseph W. Lang, Nov. 8, 1886. He resides in Meredith, N. H. Their children were : Thomas Cordis, b. Nov. 4, 1832 ; m. Emily C. Emerson, 1865. Frederick Perkins, b. Dec. 20, 1842; d. Nov. 3, 1864. 611 Frederick Trenck {JohnB."", Jonathan"*, Abraham"', Matthew'", Matthew", JacoV, John') was born in Sanbornton, N. H., Aug. 16, 1811. He married, first, Harriet Olmstead of New Haven, Conn., Oct. 18, 1842. She died Sept. 9, 1859 ; second, Elisa Olmstead, Oct. 2, 1860 ; she was a sister of his first wife. She died April 22, 1881. In his earlier days he worked upon a farm and also learned the trade of a tanner ; was fitted for college at Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., and entered Yale Col lege, from which he was graduated in 1839, and from the Seminary of that Institute in 1842. He was ordained as clergyman in East Cambridge, Mass. ; was the pastor of the First Church, Galesburg, 111., and of several others. He has ever taken a deep interest in his native town and delivered the church centennial sermon Nov. 13, 1871, and the centennial address of the town in 1876. He now resides in Burlington, Vt. Their children were : 881 George Henry, b. Sept. 25, 1844. 882 Frederick Lyman, b. Nov. 30, 1848. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 147 613 John {John B."'", Jonathan"*, Abraham", Mat thew'", Matthew", Jacob', John') was born in Sanbornton, N. H., Aug. 6, 1827. He married Caroline W. Sanborn, Jan., 1851. He is a farmer on the estate of his father. He served in the Union army, during the war of the re bellion ; was in the 15th N. H. Regt., enlisting Oct. 31, 1862, and was mustered out Aug. 13, 1863. Their child was : 883 Frederick Cordis Taylor, b. Oct. 15, 1864. 614 Hannah H. {Chas^'*, Jonathan"*, Abraham", Matthew'", Matthev?, JacoV, John') was born in Sanborn ton, N. H., Dec. 28, 1810. She married Beniah Sanborn, July 12, 1828. She died Jan. 2, 1830. He died March 30, 1833. Their child was : Chase Perkins, b. Dec. 20, 1829; d. March 7, 1830. 615 Thomas Webster ( Ghas&'*, Jonathan}'*, Abra ham", Matthew'", Matthev?, Jacob', John') was born in Sanbornton, N. H., June 20, 1813. He married Esther Woodman, Sept. 11, 1836. She was born Aug. 11, 1814. Their children were : 884 Hannah Hutchins, b. March 24, 1841; m. George C. Bout well. 886 Chase Woodman, b. May 28, 1848; drowned at Laconia, N. H., Aug. 25, 1867. 619 George Walbridge ( William W.""", Elijah'"', Joseph"^, Joseph"', Joseph", Jacob', John^) was born in Erie, Pa., Dec. 25, 1831. He married Sarah Louisa Mills, Nov. 26, 1856. She was the daughter of Ritchie and Mills of New York City, born March 26, 1833, in New Jersey. Left an orphan in infancy, he was 148 THE PERKINS FAMILY. educated by an uncle in Buffalo, N. Y. She died July 9, 1872. He died at Cleveland, Ohio, March 29, 1886. He resided in Buffalo, N. Y., in 1848, and united with the Presbyterian Church at that place when but seventeen years of age. He removed to Chicago in 1859 and was, for nine years, superintendent of the Chicago Reform School, and also took charge of the " Railroad Mission Sunday School " soon after its establishment ; under his care its membership was raised to 1,200. Over this number of scholars he had complete control, and during his subsequent multiplied cares he never lost his interest in this school. He was warden of the Illinois State Prison for two years and super intendent of the Illinois State Reforraatory for three years. Mr. Perkins was a pioneer in the missionary work in Chicago ; he established and maintained a school in a most dangerous part of the city of Chicago, known as "the Sands." He was constantly in contact with the lowest strata of humanity, and his untiring efforts were put forth to assist, elevate and bless them. His house was besieged with all sorts of people craving all sorts of favors : pecuniary help ; situations for work ; letters of commendation ; influence with the Governor to obtaiu pardon of children and friends in prison ; mothers asking advice for wayward boys, etc. These people came, feeling that if there was any way out of their difficulties he could show it to them. He seemed to see a way over aud beyond every obstacle iu his path, and always accom plished his ends with but few exceptions. No case of human misery ever seemed to be entirely hopeless to him, and his fertile brain wrought out some plan of help when others would have given up in despair. His life, spent iu efforts to bless both the bodies and THE PERKINS FAMILY. 149 souls of his fellow-men, was terminated in his fifty-fifth year. Their children were : 886 Charles Clarkson, b. Aug. 13, 1858 ; d. April 9, 1862. 887 George Walbridge, b. Jan. 31, 1862. 888 William, b. Oct. 21, 1863 ; d. Jan. 24, 1882. 889 Emily Swan, b. Oct. 19, 1866. 890 Edward Richard, b. March 4, 1868. 623 George Tod {Simon""^, Simon'", Simon"", Jos eph"', Joseph'", Jacob', John') was born in Akron, Ohio, May 5, 1836. He raarried Mary Folger Rawson, Oct. 5, 1865. She was the daughter of Levi and Mary Folger Rawson of Cleveland, Ohio. He served during the war of the rebellion as Lt. Col. ofthe one hundred and fifth Ohio Vol. Infantry Regiment. He is a manufacturer and farmer, and resides in Akron, Ohio. Their children were : 891 Mary, b. Aug. 6, 1866. 892 George Tod, b. Dec. 11, 1867; d. Sept. 6, 1868. 893 A daughter, b. June 14, 1870; died June 15, 1870. 624 Simon {Simon""", Simon'", Simon"", Joseph"', Jos eph", JacoV, John') was born in Akron, O., March 27, 1838. He married Laura Pease Norton, April 28, 1869. She was the daughter of Alfred L. and Mary (Brown) Norton of Sharon, Pa., born iu New Orleans, La., July 25, 1844. He served during the war of the rebellion as assistant Quartermaster of United States Volunteers. He isa manufacturer and farmer, and resides in Sharon, Pa. Their children were : 894 Frederick Curtis, b. July 9, 1870. 895 Grace Tod, b. Dec. 24, 1872. 150 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 896 Alfred Norton, b. Sept. 11, 1878. 897 Clarissa, b. Sept. 7, 1884. 626 Henry {Simon""", Simon'", Simon"", Joseph"', Joseph'", Jacob', John') was born in Akron, O., April 8, 1842. He married Emraa Balch White, Oct. 20, 1868. She was the daughter of Nathan D. and Araanda (Balch) White of Cleveland, O. He is a manufacturer and resides in Akron, O. Their child was : 898 Lillian White, b. Jan. 8, 1878. 628 Grace Tod {Simon""^, Simon'", Simon"", Joseph"', Joseph'", Jacob', John') was born in Akron, O., Nov. 23, 1845.^ She married Albert C. Lohraann, June 10, 1874. He was the son of Carl A. W. and Wilhelmina U^den Lohraann of Hol/^minden, Germany. They reside in Akron, Ohio. Their children were : Alfred Perkins, b. Oct. 4, 1875. Carl Albert, b. Aug. 9, 1887. 629 Thomas Kinsman {Simon""", Simon'", Simon"", Joseph"', Joseph'", JacoV, John'-) was born in Akron, O., July 4, 1847. He married Emma R. Cranz, May 20, 1874. She was the daughter of Charles and Margaritta S. Crans!, of Akron, O. He died Jan. 6, 1887. Their children were : 899 Charles Cranz, b. Sept. 5, 1876. 900 Anna Bishop, b. Oct. 17, 1877. 635 Ellen Steele {Joseph"'*, Simon'", Simon"', Jos eph"', Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Warren, Ohio, Dec. 11, 1846. She married Robert L. Chamberlain, THE PERKINS FAMILY. 151 Oct. 25, 1870. He was the second sou of Joseph and Jane (Linton) Chamberlain, and was born May 13, 1838. Their children were : Robert Linton, b. Sept. 16, 1871. Joseph Perkins, b. Oct. 1, 1872. Selah, b. Nov. 17, 1874. Ellen P., b. Nov. 29, 1875. 636 Douglas {Joseph^*, Simon'", Simon"", Joseph"', Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Cleveland, Ohio, Apr. 28, 1854. He married Emma Keller, Aug. 13, 1874. She was born Jan. 18, 1856, and was of Sharon, Pa. Their children were : 901 Douglas, b. April 12, 1875. 902 Ellen C, b. April 10, 1876. 903 Frederick Ely, b. Feb. 20, 1879. 640 Jacob Bishop {Jacob"", Simon'", Simon"', Jos eph"', Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Warren, O., Dec. 20, 1854. He raarried Sallie Moore Wilshire, Oct. 29, 1878. She was the daughter of Williara and Frances Wilshire, of Cincinnati, O., and was boru April 28, 1856. He graduated from Williams College in 1877. He is a very large owner of real estate and has erected some of the finest buildings in the city upon his business property. He is also connected with numerous manufac turing enterprises in Cleveland and is president of the Walker Manufacturing Company. He is quite extensively known as a breeder and owner of horses, the most noted one he has ever developed be ing " Guy" (named after his first child) whose record is 2.10i. Mr. Perkins is a very public-spirited and benevolent man, and has done more to give the city a start on to ira- 152 THE PERKINS FAMILY. provement than any other person in it, and his fellow-citi zens are justly proud of him. Their children were : 904 Guy, b. June 9, 1880; d. Aug. 28, 1885. 905 Frances, b. Jan. 2, 1882. 906 Ralph, b. Nov. 29, 1886. 646 Elisha Douglas {Elisha B."", Elisha'", Elisha", Joseph"', Joseph", Jacob? John'), ^a,s born in Pomfret, Conn., March 23, 1823. He married Harriet E. Hildreth, April 11, 1848. She was of Marietta, O., and died at Sacramento, Cal., Dec. 17, 1852. Their child was : 907 Albert Douglas, b. April 14, 1849 ; died Aug. 6, 1849. 647 Mary Buick {Elisha B."", Elisha'", Elisha", Jo seph"', Joseph", Jacob', John') , was born in Pomfret, Conn. , Feb. 1, 1825. She married Joseph Prentice Shaw, Nov. 14, 1849. He was of Marietta, Ohio. She died Aug. 27, 1853. Their children were : E. Douglas, b. Sept. 14, 1850 ; resides in St. Louis, Mo. Joseph De Wolf, b. Oct. 6, 1852 ; d. March 17, 1853. 649 Rebecca Hughes {Joseph Fleming*", John Douglas"", Elisha", Joseph"', Joseph", Jacob', John'), was born, in Baltimore, Md., Nov. 9, 1847. She married William D. Kilpatrick, Nov. 9, 1871. He was of Balti more, Md. Their children were : John Douglas, b. June 19, 1874. Ellen Perkins, b. Feb. 16, 1877. 652 Rachel Plack {James H. *", John Douglas"", Elisha", Joseph"', Joseph", Jacob', John'), was born in THE PERKINS FAMILY. 153 Baltimore, May 2, 1852. She married Joseph T. Smith, Oct. 31, 1876. He was the son of Rev. Joseph T. Smith, D.D., of Baltimore. They reside in Baltimore, Md., where he is a physician. Their children were : Jennie Ritchie, b. May 28, 1878; d. Dec. 30, 1887. Joseph T., b. May 8, 1881. 653 Elisha Kenr-y {Elisha Henry*", John Douglas"", Elisha", Joseph"', Joseph", JacoV, John'), was boruiu Baltimore, Md., Nov. 16, 1850. He married Jean David son Falconer, June 6, 1878. He graduated from the Pennsylvania Military Academy with first honors ; also from Princeton College, A.B., 1871 and A.M., 1874. He received the degree of LL.B., from the University of Maryland, 1873. He was admitted to the Baltimore Bar in 1873 ; practised law for several years, and is now President ofthe Provident Savings Bank of Bal timore. Their children were : 908 Charlotte Soutter, b. Apr. 21, 1879. 909 Jean Falconer, b. Aug. 21, 1884. 658 Lindley Murray {Benjamin Douglas*"", Benja min Douglas'", Elisha", Joseph"', Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Flushing, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1829. He married, first, Caroline Campbell of Rahway, N. J., Dec. 24, 1852. She died Feb. 4, 1861. He married, second, Elizabeth R. Enders, Feb. 24, 1874. She was also of Rah way, N. J., where they resided in 1877. The children of Lindley M. and Caroline (Campbell) Perkins were : 910 Benjamin Douglas, b. Jan. 16, 1854; d. Feb. 24, 1861. 911 Frank Marberry, b. May 15, 1856. 912 Ira Campbell, b. Dec. 25, 1857. 913 Caroline Campbell, b. Sept. 16, 1860; d. Aug. 14, 1861. PT. Ill 20 154 THE PERKINS FAMILY. 698 John Augustus {George A.*", Augustus^, John", John", Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Athens, Pa., Feb. 11, 1826. He married Sarah Adelia Thomas of Delhi, N. Y., Dec. 17, 1850. They reside in California. Their children were : 914 John Thomas, b. . 915 Francesca Julia, b. ; m. Hiram U. King, July, 1879. 916 Sarah Huntington, b. ; m. Leonard Duhig of Napa, Cal. 917 Anna Louisa, b. . 918 George Shepard, b. . 919 Augustus Simson, b. . 920 One ohild, who died in infancy. 700 George Bushnell {George A.*", Augustus'^, John", John", Joseph'", Jacob', John') was born in Athens, Pa., May 26, 1830. He married Harriet M. Deerland of Athens, Pa. They reside iu Lock Haven, Pa. Their children were : 921 Lucy Rebecca, b. . 922 Joseph Shepard, b. ; d. in infancy. 923 Frederick Deerland, b. . 705 Henry Welles {Edward H.*'^, Augustus'"", John", John", Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Athens, Pa., Aug. 28, 1834. He is unraarried, and is now (1889) living in New York City. He has been a raember of the Stock Exchange in New York for more than twenty years, and for a long time one of its governors. He is also a member of the Union League Club. He served in the Union array during the whole of the War of the Rebellion as a staff officer, attaining the rank THE PERKINS FAMILY. 155 of brigadier-general. He was in twenty-seven general engagements besides lesser battles, and escaped without a wound. He was captured in the battle of Hanover Courthouse and confined in Libby Prison. Beiug very ill while there, he was most kindly treated by the hospital surgeon, and General McLellan, then in command of the Army of the Potomac, to whom he had been very useful in his profes sion as an engineer, made extraordinary efforts for his re lease. The Confederate general, then in command at Richmond, and General McLellan, had been personal friends and classmates in West Point ; the result was that he was taken from prison and lived with him at his own quarters while he remained a prisoner, and was finally re leased on his parole of honor that he would not reveal anything he had seen ; and that on his return to the Un ion army he would remain a non-combatant until properly exchanged. He was subsequently in the Array of the Cumberland on Hooker's staff, who, in speaking of him as a soldier, pronounced hira " a raan after his own heart." He was also in " Sherraan's raarch to the sea," and fin ished his military career in Texas, where he was stationed some months at the close of the war. 706 Edward Henry {Edward H.*^, Augustus'"^, John", John", Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Athens, Pa., Feb. 28, 1836. He married Mary Horton of New York City, March 26, 1874. He has been president of the Importers' and Traders' Bank for several years and is a member of the Union League Club. He was the only one of four brothers who was not in the 156 THE PERKINS FAMILY. War of the Rebellion. At that time he held an impor tant place in a financial institution, and though he was not drafted he sent a " substitute" to the war. Their children were : 924 Horton, b. Feb. 7, 1876. 925 Margaret Sarah, b. Jan. 6, 1882. 708 Sarah Welles {Edward II.*", Augustus'^, John", John", Joseph'", Jacob', John') was born in Athens, Pa., March 8, 1841. She married Edward C. James of Ogdensburg, N. Y., Nov. 16, 1864, and died Dec. 3, 1880. Their children were : Lucia, b. Sept. 9, 1866 ; resides in Ogdensburg, N. Y. Sarah Welles, b. Nov. 26, 1869 ; resides in Ogdensburg, N. Y. 709 George Welles {Edward H.*^, Augustus'^", John", Jolm", Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Athens, Pa., Feb. 9, 1843. He married Helen Viele of New York City, June 11, 1877. He died in New York City, Dec. 27, 1882. Colonel Perkins entered the army at the age of seven teen years ; served in the Army of the Potomac during the whole of the War of the Rebellion and was in many of its memorable battles. He became the lieutenant-colo nel (colonel by brevet) of his regiment — the Fifty-seventh Pennsylvania — and commanded it when he was twenty- two years of age. He was wounded iu the conflict at Sailor's Creek. After the war he engaged in banking and was president ofthe Mercantile National Bank, New York. At the time of his last sickness he was a member of the Union League Club and of the American Geographical Society. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 157 Their children were : 926 Alice, b. April 4, 1878. 927 Ruth, b. Sept. 4, 1881. 928 Helen George, b. Jan. 26, 1883. 711 Susan Prances {Edward H.*", Augustus'"^, John", John", Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Athensj Pa., Aug. 8, 1847. She married Delos McCurdy of Og densburg, N. Y., Oct. 25, 1871. They reside in New York City. Their child was : Henry Delos, b. May 30, 1874. 713 Mary Rebecca {Edward H.*", Augustus'"", John", John", Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Athens, Pa., Oct. 12, 1850. She raarried Charles G. Egert of Og densburg, N. Y., Nov. 13, 1873. Their children were : Electa Ambler, b. Sept. 12, 1874. Sarah James, b. June 14, 1876. Mary Perkins, b. June 6, 1878. Harriet Eglin, b. March 4, 1880. 737 Harriet Zipporah ( George*'", Eliphaz'*', Eli phaz", John", Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Alex ander, O., Nov. 21, 1855. She married A. D. Evans, Nov. 21, 1878. He was of Oakhill, Jackson Co., O., where they reside on their farm. Their children were : Pearl, b. July 12, 1881. Horace Chauncey, b. Dec. 23, 1882. Perry Perkins, b. July 26, 1884. 744 Mary Julia {John M.*'*, Eliphaz'*', Eliphaz", John", Joseph", Jacob', John') was born, 1863, in Vergen nes, III. She married John G. Wiseley, date unknown. Their children were : 158 THE PERKINS FAMILY. John Harvey, b. — Clara Elizabeth, b. 765 Frederick Stanton {Origen*^, Ephraim'", Ephraim"", Matthew^, Joseph", JacoV, John') was born in Trenton, Oneida Co., Dec. 6, 1832. He married Emily Wainwright, May 30, 1864. He studied both landscape and portrait painting in New York and practised his art there for a while. In 1862 he removed to Milwaukee, Wis. There he opened a studio and attained eminence as an artist. He is a meraber of raany scientific societies, both in this country aud iu Eu rope ; is a diligent and successful archaeologist; and has made large collections of very great interest, importance and value in this department of science, which cannot be equalled. He resides in Burlington, Wis. Their children were : 929 Frederick Wainwright, b. May 2, 1866. 930 Robert Stanton, b. Nov. 17, 1870. 931 Henry Edson, b. Sept. 30, 1873. 932 Edward, b. July 19, 1876. 785 Bishop Walden {Benjamin Chaplin,*'" Benj. Chaplin"', Ephraim"", Matthew"', Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Rochester, Loraine Co., Ohio, Oct. 18, 1840. He married Louisa Cushman, April 11, 1872. He received a coraraon-scliool education with a short attendance at Knox Acaderay at Galesburg, 111. He read law at Ottawa, 111., and vvas adraitted to the bar there in 1867, aud coramenced practice. He served four years as a soldier in the Union array dur ing the war of the rebellion, going out as a Sergeant in the 83d 111. Infantry ; and was appointed Captain of the 16th U. S. Colored Infantry for two years and six mouths. lie Avas county attorney for Labette Comity in Feb., 1873 ; was appointed Judge of the Ilth Judicial District THE PERKINS FAMILY. 159 of Kansas, and, in Nov., 1873, was elected for the unex pired term ; was re-elected Nov., 1874, and in 1878, hold ing the office alraost ten years. He is the President of the Board of Trustees of Oswego College for Young Ladies. Elected to the 48th Congress as congressman at large frora Kansas and to '49, '50, and '51 Congresses. He is a lawyer and resides in Oswego, Kansas. Their children were : 933 Cora, b. Apr. 4, 1873. 934 Josie, b. June 19, 1875. 935 Bishop Chaplin, I ^gygC 936 A daughter, / l^- J"ly 26, 1879. 814 Thomas Goodman {Thomas G.*", Nathan'"*, Nathan'", Mattheu?^, Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Buffalo, N. Y., May 23, 1856. He married Lizzie Blair Atwater, April 27, 1882. She was the daughter of Ed ward and Maria Atwater of Buffalo, N. Y. Their children were : 937 Marion, b. Aug. 29, 1883. 938 Allen Seymour, b. July 4, 1886. 939 Mildred, b. Sept. 30, 1887. 826 Francis M. ( Otis G.'", Daniel B.'^, Daniel Buck'", William**, Joseph", JacoV, John') was born in Racine Co., Wis., June 21, 1846. He married Mary Alice Jaraes, May 15, 1878. He is the president of the Western Farm Mortgage Co. , and resides in Lawrence, Kansas. Their children were : 940 Edward Otis, b. July, 1879. 941 Margueretta Louise, b.Feb., 1883. 827 Mary Adeline ( Otis G."", Daniel Buck'", Dan iel Buck"', William**, Joseph", Jacob', John') was 160 THE PERKINS FAMILY. born in Racine Co., Wis., April 10, 1851. She married Homer R. Wheat, May 14, 1876. They reside at Beloit, Wis. Their child is : Ralph Homer Wheat, b. abt. May, 1877. 828 Lucius H. {Otis G.'", Daniel B.'", Daniel Buck"', William**, Joseph", Jacob', John',) was born in Racine Co., Wis., March 5, 1855. He raarried Clara L. Morris, May 15, 1882. He is Secretary ofthe Western Farm Mortgage Co., and resides, with his family, in Lawrence, Kansas. He is a lawyer by profession . Their children were : 942 Bertram Allan, b. April 14, 1883 ; d. May 27, 1887. 943 Clement Dudley, b. Aug. 2, 1886. 830 Prank James {Franklin Loomis'", Daniel Buck'^", Daniel Buck"', William**, Joseph", Jacob', John') was born in Hudson, St. Croix Co., Wis., Sept. 26, 1859. He married Alice Anderson, March 6, 1884, in Deer Lodge, Montana Ter. She was born in Copenhagen, Denmark, Aug. 7, 1864. They reside in Redding, Shasta Co., Cal. Their children were : 944 Edward James, b. March 10, 1885, in Granite Mountain, Montana. 945 Frank Albert, b. May 5, 1886, in Alameda, Cal. 832 Lucy Bishop {Joshua Newton"", John"", Sim eon'"", Jacob*', Jabez", Jacob', John') was born in Nor wich, Conn., June 30, 1832. She raarried Edmund A. Benedict, of Albany, N. Y., Dec. 4, 1856. She died in New York City, April 12, 1889. He died in Irvington, N. Y., 1878. He was a broker. THE PERKINS FAMILY. 161 Their children were : Florence Perkins, b. Lewis, b. ; d. Rose, b. ; d. Edmnnd A., b. 834 Joshua Newton {Joshua Newton"", John"'", Sim eon'"', Jacob*', Jabez", JacoV, John') was born in Ithaca, N. Y., May 8, 1840. He married Mary Eraily Sowles, Oct. 29, 1868. She was the daughter of Hiram B. and Mary G. Sowles of St. Albans, Vt. He graduated at Trinity College, Hartford, 1861, and was ordained 1876. He is a clergyman of the Protestant Episcopal church, and is rector of the Church of the Reconciliation, New York City. Their child is : 946 Elizabeth Bishop, b. Nov. 20, 1869, in Brooklyn, N.Y. 842 Robert W. {Edmund'", Francis Asher"", Heze kiah'*", Jacob*', Jabez", JacoV, John') was born in Nor wich, Conn., Aug. 21, 1855. He married Caroline P. Ray mond, Nov. 21, 1883. She was the daughter of Theodore and Sarah (Clark) Rayraond and was born in Norwich, Conn., Feb. 17, 1860. He is a partner in the firm of C. B. Rogers & Co. of Norwich, manufacturers of wood-working raachinery aud is the secretary and general manager of the company. They reside in Norwich. Their child was : 947 Madeline, b. Dec. 29, 1888. 843 Donald G. {Edmund'", Francis Ashei^'", Hez ekiah'*", Jacob*', Jabez", JacoV, John') was born in Nor wich, Conn., June 14, 1858. He raarried Florence Gould Sept. 11, 1880. She was the daughter of George W. PT. UI 21 162 THE PERKINS FAMILY. and Abby (Loveland) Gould. He was a native of Gilsum, N. H., and was born in Norwich, Conn., Feb. 8, 1858. He was educated at Phillips Exeter Academy. He studied law in the office of Lucius Brown, Esq., of Nor wich and became his partner and is so to the present day. He was adraitted to the bar in September, 1879, at the age of 21 years. In 1882, he was elected assistant clerk of the Connecticut House of Representatives, and clerk in 188S, and clerk of the Senate in 1884. He was appointed city attorney in 1883 and held the office six years. In 1884, he was elected a member of the board of education of the Central school district of Norwich, which position he still holds. Their children were : 948 Edmund Webster, b. Oct. 4, 1881. 949 Florence Juliette, b. Sept. 23, 1883. 950 Donald Gilbert, b. March 28, 1887. NINTH GENERATION. 854 Edward Alden {James HenryE, Nehemiah"*', Nehemiah'*', John'", Thomas", John*, JacoV, John') was born in East Boston, Mass., April 27, 1854. He married Eleanor Woodbury, Jauuary 5, 1876. She was the daughter of Elijah H. and Caroline M. (Whitcomb) Woodbury. She was born in Bolton, Mass. Their children were : 951 Edward Woodbury, b. Oct. 9, 1876. 952 Hubert Dodge, b. Dec. 31, 1882; d. March, 1885. 953 Allan Moore, b. Nov. 16, 1885. 855 Prank Ellis {James Henry'"^, Nehemiah"^, Ne hemiah'*', John'", Thomas", John*, Jacob', John') was born in Wenham, Mass., March 1, 1856. He married, first, Mary A. Dodge, Dec, 1880. She was the daughter of THE PERKINS FAMILY. 163 Dea. George B. and Priscilla (Goodhue) Dodge. She died Dec. 5, 1881. Second, Mary F. Dodge, Dec, 1887. She was the daughter of Allen Webster and Charlotte Dodge. The child of Frank E. and Mary F. (Dodge) Perkins was : 954 Ralph Willis, b. Feb. 1888. 856 Pred. Pulton {James Henry'"' , Nehemiah"*', Ne hemiah'*', John", Thoma^', John*, Jacob', John') was born in Wenham, Mass., Aug. 21, 1857. He married Harriet Vesta Norton, Oct. 16, 1884. She was the daughter of William C. and Elizabeth Norton ; was born in Rockport, Mass., May 4, 1856, and died in Wenham, Feb. 17, 1889. It is said of her that "she was of a jovial disposition, kind hearted and generous. She quickly won the good will and respect of all with whom she became acquainted." He is a butcher and resides in Wenham. Their children were : 965 Florence Harriet, b. June 30, 1887. 956 Fulton Thayer, b. May 24, 1888. 858 James Henry {James Henry'", Nehemiah"*', Nehemiah'*', John'", Thomas", John*, JacoV, John') was born in Plaistow, N. H., July 31, 1861. He raarried Frances B. Kiraball, Sept. 3, 1885. She was the daugh ter of Elbridge and Marcia A. (Brown) Kimball, and was born in Wenham, Oct. 26, 1865. He is an apothecary and resides in Wenham. Their child was : 957 Marcia Kimball, b. Sept. 11, 1886. 881 George Henry {Frederick T."", John B."", Jonathan"*,Abraliam", Matthew'", Matthew", JacoV, John') 164 THE PERKINS FAMILY. was born in East Cambridge, Sept. 25, 1844. He mar ried Mary J. Farnham of Galesburg, 111., Aug. 16, 1870. He graduated at Yale College 1867, and at the Sheffield Scientific School 1869. Since that time he has been Pro fessor of Natural Sciences in Vermont University. Their children were : 958 Hattie Olmstead, b. Oct. 3, 1871; d. Dec. 6, 1876. 959 Heni-y Farnham, b. May 10, 1877. 882 Frederick Lyman {Frederick T."", John B."", Jonathan"*, Abraham"', Matthew'", Matthew", JacoV, John') was born in East Cambridge, Nov. 30, 1848. He married Clara J. Streeter of Lowell, July 24, 1883. He was for some years, in the office of the City Archi tect of Boston. They now reside at Jamaica Plains, Boston Highlands, Mass. Their child was : 960 Florence, b. Sept. 7, 1885; d. Jan. 26, 1886. INDEX. PERSONS OF THE NAME OF PERKINS. Aaron, 46. Abia, 24. Abigail, 14, 16, 24, 32, 36, 43, 44, 46. 71. Abigail B., 73. Abijah, 20, 33, 64. Abraham, 2, 3, 12, 17, 26, 51, 53. Ada M., 144. Adison. 88. Albert Douglas, 152. Alfred, 55, 56, 61, 84, 88, 98, 106, 107. Alfred Norton, 150. Alfred E., 88. Alice, 116, 157. Alice Isabella. 115. Allan Moore, 162. Allen Seymour, 159. Almira Jencks, 79, 135. Alonzo Carlton, 143. Amanda Juliet, 116. Andrew, 19, 31. Angier March, 51. Ann, 12. Ann Hnntington, 42, 84. Anna, 8, 26, 27, 40, 43, 52. Anna Bishop, 106, 150. Anna Jane, 100, 143. Anna Louisa, 154. Anna Maria, 56, 98. Anna Pitkin, 83. Anna Shepard, lI7. Anne, 31, 47, 89. Annie May, 122. Anson, 33. Anthony, 51, 101. ApoUos, 33. Arthur, 137.. Arthur L., 125. Asa Lewis, 140. Ashur, 43, 90. Angustus, 33, 63. Augustus Messinger, 75, 130. Angustus Simson, 154. Augustus Simpson, 118. Azariah, 36. B. Barnard, 45. Belle, 131. Benjamin, 25, 28, 47, 51, 102, 117. Benjamin Chaplin, 37, 73, 128, 129, 130. Benjamin Douglass, 31, 59, 113, 153. Benjamin F., 100. Benjamin Griffln, 83. Benjamin Tibbets, 73. Bertram Allen, 160. Betsey, 25, 31, 45, 46. 99. Bishop, 37, 75, 76, 129, 130. Bishop Chaplin, 159. Bishop Walden, 128, 158 Blanche, 131. Brewer, 17. Caleb, 19, 32, 91, 95. Caleb Dwight, 116. Caroline, 73, 100, 113. Caroline Campbell, 163. Caroline Mary, 67, 120. Carrie, 116. Catherine, 38, 77, 94, 100. 144. Catherine B.. 81, 137. Catherine Fitch, 69, 124. Catherine Willard, 94, 115. Celinda, 42. 88. Cerepta, 87. Charity, 13, 23. Charles, 31, 36, 44. 46, 47, BI, 56, 72,98, 107, 108, 117, 126. Charles Abraham, 102. Charles Albeit, 125. Charles Andrew, 145. Charles Arthur, 143. Charles Clark, 122. Charles Cranz, 150. Charles Clarkson, 104, 149. Charles Darwin, 115. CharleslS., 81, 137. Charles Kiia. 106. Charles Hayden, 125. Charles Lord, 120. Charles Orton, 75, 130, 131 Charles S., 101, 144. Charles Townsend, 128. Charles W., 144. Charles Wesley, 101. 123. Charles Woodman, 147. Charlotte, 40, 44. Charlotte A., 136. Charlotte Ann. 86. Charlotte Soutter, 153. Charlotte Whiting, 44. Chase, 52, 103, 104. Chauncey Fitch, 36, 65, 66, 119. Civil, 20, 34. Clara, 122. Clara Vestine, 112. Clarinda, 88, 139. Clarissa, 36, 45, 46, 79, 143, 150. Claud B.. 145. Clement Dudley, 160. Clement LeEoy, 125. Cora, 159. Cora ll., 123. D. Daisy, 122. Daniel, 23, 47, 48, 100. Daniel Bishop, 29. Daniel Buck, 22. 42, 87. Daniel Cnmings, 36. Daniel Kinney, 74. David Brainard, 122. David S., 144. David Tod, 106. David W.. 104. Deborah, 12, 22. Donald G., 141, 161. Donald Gilbert, 162. Donglas, 108, 151. Dnrden, 20. Dyer, 33, 65. E, Ebenezer, 24, 25. Ebenezer Greenleaf, 51. Ebenezer Walden, 73. Edith M., 146. Edmund, 26, 91,141. Edmund Webster, 162. Edward, 24, 32, 38, 45, 46, 72, 79, 100, 126, 142, 158. Edward A., 142. Edward Alden, 143. 182. Edward DeWitt, 128. Edward Eldridge, 83, 84. Edward Gage, 126. Edward H., 82. Edward Henry, 64, 117, 118 142, 155. Edward .lames, 160. Edward Otis, 159. Edward Richard, 149. Edward Shepard, 117. Edward W., 116. Edward Woodbury, 162. (165) 166 INDEX. Effie Ward, 123. Elgin Kossuth, 129. Blias, 28, 65. Elijah, 28. Eliphaz, 20, 34, 35, 36, 67, 68, Eliphaz R. , 68. Elisha, 10,16,19,29,31,57, 111. Elisha Backus, 68, 110. Elisha Douglass, 111. 152. Elisha Henry, 69, 111, 153. Eliza, 46, 64, 71, 91. Eliza Ann, 100. Eliza Leonard, 44. Eliza Seymour, 76, 132. Elizabeth, 5, 7, 8. 10, 12, 13. 14, 15, 16, 20, 22, 25, 31, 32, 33, 44. 51, 60, 63, 72, 95, 100, 102, no, 141. Elizabeth Ann, 73,74. Elizabeth Anne, 128. Elizabeth Bishop, 118, 161. Elizabeth Cornwall, 115. Elizabeth Newton, 140. Elizabeth Eogers, 61, 65, 114,119. Elkanah, 23, 24. Ellen, 82. Ellen C, 151. Ellen E., 68, 59, 111. Ellen Eliza, 119. Ellen Elizabeth. 55. Ellen Gertrude, 118. Ellen Grace, Ul. Ellen Sophia, 133. Ellen Steele, 108, 150. Elma R.. 116. Elmer Elsworth, 128. Emeline, 87. Emilia, 40. Emily, 73, 79, 93, 126. Emily B., 81, 136. Emily Baldwin, 84. Emily Elizabeth, 140. Emily H., 137. Emily Hollister, 128. Emily Newton, 94. Emily Swan, 149. Emma, 25. Emma Augusta, 143. Emma Cranz. 106. Emma Hibbard. 125. Emma Louisa, 125. , Emma Sophia, 116. ¦>iiEnoch,22, 39. ' Ephraim, 21, 37,72, 73,74, 127, 129. Ephraim Augustus, 75, 130. Erastus, 43, 87, 89. Erastus Berchard, 42, 88. Esther, 8, 11, 12, 14, 17, 25, Esther Jane, 27, 53. Eunice, 44, 45, 58. F. Fannie, 142. Fanny, 145, Fidelia, 127. Florence, 164. Florence Harriet, 163. Florence Juliette, 162. Frances, 38, 78, 1.52. Frances Isabel, 129. Frances Mary, 83. Francesca Julia, 164. Francis, 31, 32, 90. Francis Aslier, 44, 90. iTrancis M., 1.39, 159. Francis W., 83, 141, Frank Albert, 100. Frank Augustus. 128. Frank Eliphaz, 123. Frank Ellis, 143. 162. Frank James, 140, 160. Frank Marberry, 153. Franklin Loomis, 88, 140. Fred., 131. Fred. Fulton, 143, 163. Fred. H., 145, Frederick, 22, 41, 74. 84, 129, 130. Frederick B., 81, 134, 136. Frederick Burchard, 88. Frederick Cordis Taylor, 147. Frederick Curtis, 149. Frederick Deerland, 154. Frederick Ely, 151. Frederick Fanning, 41, 83, Frederick Grosvenor, 64, Frederick Lyman, 146, 164. Frederick Stanton, 126, 158. Frederick Trenck. 103,146. Frederick Wain wright, 168. Fulton Thayer, 163. G. George, 31, 61, 68, 101, 122. George A., 145. George ApoUos, 64. 117 George Bushnell, 117, 154. George C.,82. George Eliphaz, 123. George Eustace, 100. George Frederick, 61. George Hazard, 133. George Heniy, 133, 146, 163, George Howe, 143. George Isaac, 122. George L., 141. George Leonard, 44, 91, 93. George Perit, 93. George Rice, 123. George Shepard, 151. George Tod, 106, 149, George Walbridge, 104, 147, 149. George Welles, 118, 156. George Williara, 4], 82. George Williams, 120. George WinteVs, 130. Grace Luthera, 130. Grace Tod, 106, 149, 150. Gurdon, 89. Guy, 152. H. Hannah, 3, 7, 10, 13, 14, 17, 18,21,22,33,36,42,43,51, 61, 88. 95, Hannah Greenleaf, 61. Hannah H,, 147. Hannah Hutchins. 103, 147. Hannah Maria, 129. Hannah S.. 100. Harold, 141. Harriet, 31, 42, 76, 86, 87, 116, 132, Harriet Clarke, 83. Harriet Zipporah, 122, 157. Harry Orville, 115. Hasbrouck, 140. Hattie Olmstead, 163. Helen. 83. Helen George, 157. Helen Lathrop, 141. Helen Maria, 127. Henrietta, 40, 51, 79. Henry. 31. 36, 46, 61, 70, 71, 106, 126. 150. Henry Augustus, 41, 81. Henry Bishop, 56, 98, UO. Henry I- dson, 158. Henry Edward, 123. Henry Klwell, 122. Henry F.irnham, 163. Henry Fitch. 44. Henry Hobart, 74. Henry Irvm, 115. Henry Lattimore, 120. Henry Porter, 68 123. Henry Richard, 46, Henry Welles, 118, 154. Hezekiah. 24, 44, 90. Horace, 88. Horatio Nelson, 42. Hoiton, 156. Hubert Dodge, 162. I. Ira Campbell, 153. Isaac Huntington. 64. Isaac Prentice. 117. Isabella Thompson, 115. Jabez, 7, 12, 13, 23, 24, 36, 42, 43, 44, 89. Jacob, 1, 2, 4, 5. 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14,23,24, 26,43,48,61, 56, 98, 109, no. Jacob Bishop, 110, 151. •lames, 90, Tames Alfred, 41,83. James Edward, 88. James Elbridge, 41, 83. James F,, 145. James Fleming, 111. James Hadley, 100. James Henry, 100, 143, 143, 163. James Hughes, 59, Ul. James Pliny, 138. James W„ 47, 101, 145. Jane, 25,45, 48, 51, Jean Falconer, 153. Jedediah, 33, 43. Jemima, 33, Jerusha, 13, 31, 37, 77, 133. Joanna, 39. INDEX. 167 John, 1, 4,7, 8, 10,13, 14, 17, 19, 30, 34, 35, 32, 33, 36, 37, 44, 45, 48, , 47, 61, 69, 83, 90, 98, 103, 144, 147. John Abij.ah, 64, 118. John Augustus, 64, 117, 154. John Brewer, 53, 103. John Chauncey, 67, 130. Johu Cochrain, 145. John Douglass, 31, 68, 59, 112. John Dyer, 65. John Edward, 100. John Erastus, 37, 73, 74, 130 John F.. 123. John Grigg, 84. John Isaac, 118. Johu M., 68, 123. John Reuben, 123. Johu Richard, 120. John Thomas, 154. John TrumbuU, 33, 94, 95, 114,115. John Walton, 133. Jonathan, 17, 37, 53, 73, 125 Joseph, 7, 11, 13, 13, 14, 18, 19, 34, 35, 28, 33, 45, 47, 48, 55,-6erS», M7, 109. Joseph B,,55. Joseph Douglass, 106. Joseph F., 68. Joseph Fleming, 59, 111. Joseph Hibbard, 135. Joseph Jacobs, 42. Joseph Shepard, 154. Joshua, 21, 36, 72. Joshua Newton, 90, 140, 161^ Josie, 159. Juditli, 7, 9, 10, 13, 24. JuUa, 36,38, 67, 71, 101, 129. Julia Ann, 79, Julia C., 68, 123. JuliaDe Wolf, 136. Julia Elizabeth, 119. Julia Elma, 115. Julia Frances, 115. Julian, 103. Julian Francis, 64. Juliana, 77. Juliet Adeline, 116. Katie, 100 . K. L. LaFayette, 116. Laura, 36. Lawrence Lewis, 109. Lee, 77. Leon E., 145. Leonard, 90. Lester, 32. Levi, 20, 33, 68. Levina, 46. Lewis Henry, 133. Lewis Smith, 101, 144. Lewis Woodbury, 145. Lillian White, 150. Lillie Belle, 115. Lindley Murray, 113, 153. Lizzie Francis, 143. Louie G., 143. Louisa Jane, 51. Louisa Z., 68, 124. Luce, 24. Lucinda Jane, 100. Lucius Conkey, 128. Lucius H., 139, 160. Lucretia Ray, 145. Lucretia W. , 68. Lucretia Woodbridge, 55. Luov, 13, 24, 32, 36, 44, 71, 73,' 89, 95,126,127. LucvA,, 137. Lucy Bishop, 140, 160. Lucy Gallup, 41, 83. Lucy Huntington, 117, 118. Lucy Rebecca. 154. Lucy Tracy, 83. Luke, 13. Luther, 74, 87. Lydia, 18, 29, 25, 27, 28, 32, 33, 36, 43, 46, 64, 66, 69. Lydia Ann, 71. 124. Lydia Fitch. 68, 121. Lyman, 96, 116. Lyman Ambrose, 123. M. Mabel, 76. Madeline, 161. Marcia Kimball, 163. Margaret Ann, 88. Margaret G., 76. Margaret Julia, 122. Margaret R., 68, 121. Margaret Sarah, 156. Margueretta Louise, 159, Maria, 32, 79, 90, 134. Maria Allen, 106. Maria Shipley, 101. Marian, 141. Marion, 159. Mark Dodge, 47, 101. Martha, 8, 12, 14, 17, 19, 33, 56, 63, 98, 102. Martha Ann, 94, 96, 117. Martha Noyes, 61, 113. Mary, 7, 8,9,10,11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 19,23,24,25,31,43, 44,48, 48,51.55,64,66,73, 74, 78, 126, 130. Mary A,, 82. Mary Adelaide, 139. Mary Adeline, 159. Mary Ann, 73, 119. Mary Augusta, 100, 143. Mary B., 37, 31. Mary Baldwin, UO. Mary Berry, 112, Mary Bishop, 31, Mary Brown, 64, Marv Chaplin, 73, 74, 128, 129, 130. Mary Duick, Ul, 152. Mary E, 141. Mary Feariss, 84. Mary Hay, 69. Mary Jane, 51, 102, 125. Mary Josephine, 116. Mary Julia, 123, 157. M.ary Lathrop, 93. Mary R., 137. Mary Rebecca, US, 157. Mary W., 144. Matthew, 5, 6,7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 21, 22, 26, 28, 27, 37, 47, 52, 73, 74, 103, 104. Meriam, 14. Meribah Fogg, 27, 53. Mildred, 159. Milton, 64. Minnie Amarilla, 140. Minnie Ester, 130. Mortimer, 117. N. Nanoy, 45, 77, 98, 99. Nancy Lucretia, 123. Nathan, 21,25, 38, 76,77. Nathaniel. 86, 51. Nathaniel Shaw, 65. Nehemiah, 24, 46, 99. Nellie May, 116, 129. Newcomb, 74, 130. Norman, 88. O. O. D., 57. Olive. 28, 65, 72. Olive Douglass, 56, 98, 106, 108, 110. Olive M,, 31, 62. Oliver Elsworth, 55. Origen, 37, 72, 135, 136. Origen Augustus, 37, 74 . Origen Lucius, 128. Orin Anderson, 74. Orin Ephraim, 128. Otis Goodspeed, 88, 139. Phebe, 53. Philetus, 33, 64. Philip, 22, 141. Pliny Merrick, 73, 137. Pollydore, 33. Rachel Flack, 113, 152. Ealph, 162. Ralph Willis, 162. Rebecca, 8, 23, 29, 56. Eebecca Bleming, 59, 112. Eebecca Hughes, Ul, 153. Rebecca Huntington, 64, 117. Richard, 14, 33. Richard Houghton, 115, Robert Augustus, 123. Robert Smith, 86. Robert Stanton, l.'iS, 168 INDEX. Eobert W., 141, 161. Eoger, 44. Roger Mills, 130. Eosie. 122. Eoy Watson, 145. Eufus Lord, 66, 119. Euth, 17, 20, 24, 27, 157. Euth Emma, 100. S. Sally, 46. Sally M.. .53. Samuel, 22, 2.3. 41,43, Sam nel Clarke, 84. 86, 138 Samuel Dwight, 96, 116. Samuel Elliot, 95, 115, 116, Samuel Huntington, 42, 84, 86. Samuel Woodbridge, 65. Sarah. 8, 10, 14, 16, 17, 22, 24,2.5,26, 31. 32. 38, .38, 4.3. 59, 61, 68, 87, 88, 94, 96, 117. Sarah Ann, 51. Sarali Anne, 64. Sarah Blanche, 123. Sarah Colt, 90. Sarah Elizabeth. 123. Sarah Frances, 125. Sarah Gridley. 77, 1.34. Sarah Huntington, 154. Sarah Lord, 83. Sarah Lovina, 145. Sarah Lydia, 76, 130, 131. Sarjih M,, 120, Sarah Maria, 59, Ul. Sarah Percy, 117. Sarah Welles, . 18, 156. Simeon, 23, 43. Simeon Leonard, 44. Simon, 13, 19, 28, .55, 56, 97, 98, 104, 105, 106, 149. Simson Abijah, 64. Solomon. 19, 32. Sophia, .32. 96, 117. Sophia E., 115, Sophia Eliza, 94, 114. Stephen, 17, 46. Susan, 31,, 59. Susan Frances, 118, 157. Susan Marsh, 59. 113. Susan Sarepta. 130, Susanna, 31,35, 32, 38. T. Tabitha, 36, 71. Thaddeus, 51, 102. Theodfite. 27, 64. Thomas, 8, 13, 14, 24, 45, 61, 75. Thomas Adie, 136. Thomas C, 137. Thomas Clap, 40, 80. Thomas Danforth, 42, 87. Thomas Goodman, 76, 77, 133. 159, Thomas H.. 1,36. Thomas Hezekiah, 94, 141. Thomas Kinsmiin, 106,150. Thomas Shaw, 65. Thomas Webster, 103, 147. Timothy, 33. Timothy Pitkin, 38, 77. Timothy Wadsworth, 130. Tod, 101. W. Washington. 140. Willard H., 116. William, 13, 33, 47, 90, 149. Williani Donnell, 86. William Elijah, 104. Willi.nm Huntington, 118. William Levi, 123. William Pitkin, 77. William Rufus, 119. William Tracy. 83. William W., 104. Willis, 125. Zebulon, 24. Zephaniah, 43. Zepheniah, 24. INDEX. NAMES OP PERSONS OTHER THAN PERKINS. Abbott, Eobert, 99. Adams, Charles, 14. Adams, Frances E., 116. Adams,Lucy M.,81, 137. Adams, Mary S., 106. Adie, Alexander Hales, 79. 135, and his children, 135. Adie, Julia Perkins, 135. Altken, David, 83. Allen, Mary L., 129. Allen, John W., 56, 98. Allen, Lewis, 133. Ambrose, Matthias, 68, 120, and his children. 131. Anderson, Alice, 140, 160. Anderson, James, 74. Anderson, Mary, 74. Annable, John. 7, 9, and his children, 9. Anthony, Fred E., 135. Arnold, Josias Lyalon, 31 60. and his child, 60. Atherton, Artemas, 99. Atkins, Mary A., 101, 145. Atwater, Edward, 159. Atwater, Lizzie Blair, 133, 159. Ayeiy, Lucy L.. 89. Avery, Lydia, 42. Babcock, Jane A., 128 Bach, Eobert, 126. Backus, Abigail, 43. Backus, Eunice, 31, 57 Backus, Mary, 44. Bagley, Betsey, 54. Baker, Thomas, 9. Baker, Nancy Maria, 61, 102. Baldwin, Elizabeth G., 56, 98, 110. Baldwin, Norman C, 110. Baldwin, Roger S., 40, 79, and his children, 79. Ballard , Adison, 67. Barnes, Lucy, 15. _ Barret, Elizabeth, 16. Bean, John, 45. Beasley, Eliza B., 123. Beasley, John C, 122. Beecher, Lyman, 80. Beecher, Mary Foot, 41, 80. Bender, Julia A., 88, 139. PT. Ill Benedict, Edmund A., 160. Benhiiai, William, 77, 133. Benton, Jerusha, 38, 77. Berchard, S Uy, 22, 42. Berry, Elizabeth A., 59 112. Bingham, Hannah, 33. Bingham, Jerusha, 18. Bingham. Lemuel, 13, 22. Birnie, William, 61, 113, 132, and his children, 133. Bishop, Abigail, 33, 36. Bishop, Daniel, 19, 44. Bishop, Daniel L., 140. Bishop, Elizabeth, 140. Bishop, Ezra, 97. Bissell, George P., 78. Bishop, Hannah, 31. Bishop, Joanna, 33. Bishop, Lucy M., 114. Bishop. Nathaniel, 30. 33, and his children, 33. Bishop, Nancy, 97. Bishop, Nancy Anna, 55. Bishop, Samuel, 21, 33. Bissell, Josiah, 40, 79, 83, and his children, 79. Bissell, Mary, 83, and his children, 8. Blanchard, Axie, 87. Blodgett, Joseph, 54. Boreman, Thomas, 7, 10. Bottem, Martin, 38. Boutwell. George W., 147. Bradbry, William J., 101. Bradford, Samuel, 74, 139, Brainard, David, 132. Brainard, Enoch, 63. Brainard, Martha A., 122. Breed, Shubael, 43, 89. Briuham, Lemuel, 22, and his children, 33, Brown, Frank Waldo, 102. Brown, Hannah M., 67. Brown, Jesse, 89. Brown, Mary, 23, 43. Brewn, Moses, 51, 102, and his children, 102, Brown, W. Whipple, 79, 134, and his children, 134. Browne, Nathaniel, 7, 9, 10, and his children, 9. Bruyere, James H„ 71, 124, and bis children, 124. Bruyere, Peter, 124. 22 Bruyere, Price, 134. Buck, Bushrod, 73, 136. and his children, 126. Buck, David, 23. Buck, Elizabeth, 13, 33. Buel, Harriet, 60. Bushnell, Caleb, 18. Bushnell, Elizabeth, 19. Bushnell, Mary, 18. Butler, Benjamin, 31. Butman, Stephen, 144. Butman, George W., 100, 144, and his children, 144. Burnham, Abigail, 16. Burnhara, Abner, 100. Burnham, David, 10, 15, 16, and his children, 16. Burnham, Elsie Jane, 47, 100. Burnham, Esther, 7, 11. Burnham, Joanna, 28. Burnham, Mary, 47. Burnham, Sophia, 57. Burnham, Thomas, 11. Cady, Har|-iet Amelia, 133. Campbell, Caroline, 113, 153. Campbell, Henry F., 83. CampbeU, Randolph, 61, 102, and his children, 102, Campfield, Eobert Ball, 132, and his children, 133. Canada, Isabella, 71. Catron, Anna, 36. Carey, Benajah, 12, 22, and his children, 33. Cass, Jane W.. 57. Chamberlain, Joseph, 151. Chamberlain, Eobert L., 108, 150, and his children, 151. Chamberlain, U. T., 54. Chaplin, Benjamin, 37. Chaplin, Mary, 21, 37. Cheney, Moses, 53. Cheney, Person, 53. Cheney, Eussell, 65. Chubb, Hersey, 51. Clark, George E., 125. Clarke, Charlotte Eliza beth, 87. (169-) 170 INDEX. Clarke.Charlotte Elderkin, 84. Clarke, Edwards, 86, and his children, 87. Clarke, Eleanor Sophia. 133, Clarke, Jabez, 84. Clarke, Peter, 133. Clay, John P., 129. Clement, Daniel, 55. Cleveland, Mason, 64. Clines, Sally, 64. Cochran, P., 47, 101. Cogswell, Edward, 9. Coit, Abigail, 44, 90. Coit. Charies, 59. Colby, Horace F., 83. Cole, Hannah M,, 128. Comstock, Adaline Mat thews, 114, Conkey, Klizabeth, 74, 129; Conkey, Ellen A., 73, 127. Connor, Cora Ann, 140. Converse, Sherman, 84, and his children, 84. Cook, Hannah, 98. Cornwall, Isabella, 95, 114, Crandall, Marion A., 96. Crane, Eobert T., 54. Crane,; Caroline, 60. Cranz, Charles, 160. Cranz, Emma E., 106, 150. Cummings, Charles, 98. Cummings, Joseph Tidd, 94, and his children, 94. Cnrrier, Chas; J., 67. Cushman, Louisa, 128, 168. D. Dabney, Cora, 124. Dana, Joseph, 69, 134. Dana, Mary, 601 Dana, Joseph M,, 134, and his child, 124. Dane, Daniel, 18. Danforth, Elizabeth, 129, Davis, Mary, 61, 102. Day, Calvin, 78. Day, CaroUne Elizabeth, 78. Day, Julia Seymour, 78. Day, Katherine Perkins, 78. Day, John Calvin, 78. Deerland, Harriet M., 164. Demmons, Ephraim, 87. Dewey, Eliza A., 95. Dickinson, Mary Ann, 41, 82. Dodge, Abigail, 14, 24. Dodge, Abraham, 143. Dodge, Allen Webster, 163, Dodge, Barnabas, 17, Dodge, Benjamin, 14. Dodge, Emma, 14, 34. Dodge, Martha, 16. Dodge, Mary A., 143, 162. Dodge, Mary E,, 100, 143, Dodge, Mary F,, 143, 163. Dodge, Peter, 45. Dodge, Sarah, 46. Dole, Eldredge, 103. Dole, Jane, 35. Dole, Jonathan, 36. Donnell, Mary Feariss, 84 Donnell, Nathaniel, 84. Doty, Nancy E,, 123. Doty, Eobert W., 123. Dougherty. James B., 115. Douglas, OUve, 28. Douglas, Sarah, 29. Dowd, Harriet L., 96. Drake, Leprella, 47. Duhig, Leonard, 154. Dunbar, Jane, 45. Dyer. Julia Ann, 72, 125. Dyott, Margiiret Savage 84. Dwight, Mary, 82. E. Edwards, Eliza, 46, 100. Edwards, John, 8. Edgerton, Abby Slocum, 60. Egert, Charles G., 118, 157. Elder, Charles B., 135. Elderkin, Vashti, 22. Eldridge, James, 41. Eldridge, Lucy, 41. Elgin, Mary, 117. Elmer, Howard, 117. Elwell, Hiram, 68, 133. Emerson, Emily C, 146. Emerson, Martha, 63. Emmons. Sarah, 41, 81. Enders, Elizabeth E., 113, 163. Evans, A. D., 132, 167. Fogg, Mary Sanborn, 17, 26. Folsom, Nicholas, 54. Foster, James, 46. Fowler, Elizabeth, 8, 14. Fox, Jabez, 21,37, and his children, 37. Fox, Sarah, 37. Freedmen, Elizabeth, 83. French, John E.. 128. F. Falconer, Jean Davidson 153, Farnham. Mary J., 163. Faxon, Ebenezer, 134. Faxon, Lewis, 77, 134. Fenton, Chauncey, 64. Fenton, John, 119. Field, Maria, 136. Fisk, Mary, 7, 8. Fiske, Elizabeth, 9. Fiske, Thomas, 8. Fitch, Clarissa, 38, 78. Fitch, Jabez, 23, 34. Fitch, Ebenezer, 84. Fitch, Eleazer, 44. Fitch, Lydia, 20, 34. Fitch, Sarah, 44. Fitch, Susanna, 19, 32. Flack, Jane C, 59, Ul. Flack, WiUiam M,, 69, 113, and his children, 113. Fleming, George, 59, 111. Fleming, John Perkins, 111. Fleming, Sarah Elizabeth, 111. Gage, John, 26. Gage. Sarah, 72, 126. Gay. Erastus, 95, and his children, 95. Gay, Fisher, 95. Gerrish, James, 17, 28. Gibson, Jeannette, 96. Giddings, Louisa L., 115. Giddings, Solomon, 16. Gilbert, Benjamin, 8,14, 15, and his chUdren, 15. Gilbert, Hannah, 88. Gilbert, Humphrey, 15. Gilman, WilUam C, 81, 137, and his children, 138. Glazier, Stephen, 12. Glover, Anne, 99. Goddard, Levi H,, 61. Gordon, Alexander, 22, 39, and his children, 39. Gott, Elizabeth, 25, Gott, Hannah Wheat, 15. Gould, Florence, 141, 161. Gould, George W., 163. Gould, Nathan, 15. Gould, Samuel, 15. Grant, Mary, 75. Greene, Catherine, 36. Greenleaf, Anna, 25. Greenleaf. Hannah, 26, 49. Gridley, Elijah, 77. Gridley, Sarah G., 38, 77. GrinneU, George, 132, and his children, 133. Grosvenor, Lemuel, 31, 69, and his children, 69. Groves, WiUiam F., 79. H. Hadley, EUzabeth, 43. Hale, Edward Everett, 81, 137. Hale, Nathan, 136. Hampton, Nancy, 69. Hannah, Ellen Graham. 96. Hanson, Charles F., 115. Harper, Samuel, 8, 63, 104, and his children, 104. Haskell, Catherine L., 96. Hay, Henry, 67. Hay, James, 70. Hay, Mary Ann, 89. Hazen, Temperance, 23. Heath, Azubah, 53. Heine, Jennie Edwardina, 87. Hibbard, Joseph B., 125, Hibbard, Mary F., 72, 125 Hildreth, Harriet E., Ill, Hildreth, Mary Ann, 61. Hinds, Sarah, 88. Hoit, JuUa A., 53. Hoit, Nathan, 27, 53. and his children, 53. Holdridge, Seward, 115. Hollister. Frank M,, 127. HoUister, James, 73, 127, and his children. 127. Homans, Mary, 45, 98. Hooker, Sidney D., 137. Hooper, Mary, 7, 8. Horn, Samuel, 104. Horton, Mary, 155. Houghton, Richardson, 94, 114, and his children, 114. Hovey, Isaac, 15. Howard, Aletha, 20. 33. Howe, George, 100. Howe, Thomas, 8. Hubbard, John, 9. Hubbard, Mary, 89. Hughes, Eleanor, 57. Hughes, Ellib, 67. Hughes, Eebecca, 31, 58. Humphries, Judge, 119, and his children, 119. Hunkins, Robert, 63. Hunt, PhUip, 27, 52, and his children, 62. Huntington, Anna or Nanoy, 41. Huntington, Barnabas, 36, 71, and his children, 71. Bnntiugton, Joshua, 13, INDEX. Johnson, Levi, 119, 121. Johnson, Mary H., 55. Johnson, Niohola8,-25. Johnson, Oliver, 33, 63. and his children, 63. Jones, Adonijah, 98, and his children, 96. Jones. Mahala, 47, 101. Jud, B.I. ,117. K. and his children, 23. Huntington. Lucy, 33, 63. Huntington, Lydia, 34. Huntington, Eebecca, 33, 63. Huntington, Simon, 23. Huntington, Solomon, 41. Hurlburt, Hannah, 94. Hyde, WiUiam, 31. Hyde, Jedediah, 12, 21, and his children, 31. I. Ivison, Jane J., 133. J. Jackson, Jeseph Cook, 78, Jacobs, Samuel, 22, James, Edward C, 118 156, and his children, 156. James, Mary Alice, 139, 159. Jastram, Pardon J„ 134. Jennings, Benjamin, 15, Jennison. Samuel, 14. Johnsou, EmUy, 64, 198. Keller, Emma H,, 108, 151. Keller, Martha M., 101, 145. Kemper, Mary Virginia, 70. Kendall. .Tohn E., 74. Kilham, Ebenezer, 15 Kilpatrick, WilUam D., Ill, 1.52, and his children, 153. Kimball, Elbridge, 163. Kimball, Frances B., 143, 163. ' KimbaU, Mary G., 15, Kimball, Sarah, 14, 24. King, Hiram U., 154. King, Katie J,, 134, Kingsbury, Abigail, 23. Kingsley, Bethia, 20, .32. Kingsley. Jonathan, 22. Kinney, Daniel, 74. Kinney, Polly, 74. Kinsman, Frederick, 56, 57, 108, and his children, 106. Kinsman, Jeremiah, 41. Kinsman, John, 29, 56, 108, and his children, 57. Kinsman, Sally, 41. Kirkland. Daniel, 12, 17, and his children, 18. Kirkland, Daniel, 28, and his children, 28. Kirkland, John, 18. Kirkland, Joseph, 18, 21 36, and his children, 37. Kirkland, Samuel, 18. Knapp, Elizabeth, 61. Knapp, Howard H., 137. Knapp, Nathaniel, 61. Knowlton, Bethia, 10. 171 Lattimore, WilUam, 119. Lazel, Joshua, 22. Leonard, Charity, 7, 13. Leonard, Jemima, 13,23. Leonard, Rebecca, 23. Lee, Andrew, 83. Lee, Eleanor, 83. Lee, John, 83. Lee, Nancy, 38, 77. Lee, WUliam P., 83. Leedom. Lizzie, 109. Lewis, E. W.. 83. Lewis, Nichols, 88. Little, Jane, 52. 104. Lock, Elizabeth, 63. Lohman, Albert C, 108,150, and his children, 150. Lord, Lydia, 65. Lord, Nathan, 65. Lord, Thomas, 65. Loomis, Betsey, 87. Loomis, Elizabeth, 43. Loomis, Martha. 19. Loomis, Matthew, 12, 19, and his children, 19. Lovett, Samuel, 23, 29, Loughry, Elizabeth, 67, Low, John, 99. Luce, James, 22. Lusk, Elizabeth G.,94, 141. Lyman, VVylUss, 00. M. Lane, Anthony, 87. Langmaid, William, 46. Lathrop, Anna, 42. Lathrop, Emily, 44, 91. Lathrop, Ezra. 13. Lathrop, Hannah, 7, 13. Lathrop, Jedediah, 20, 33, 34. Lathrop, John, 19. L.athrop, Joseph, 19. Lathro]), Septimus, 33, 63, and his children, 63. Lathrop, Solomon, 12, 19, and llis children, 19. Lattimore, Mary Ann, 119. Manning, Luther, 64, Manning, Olive. 33, 64. M.anro, Alverda A-, 59, 112. Marsh, Angier, 26. Marsh, Charles, 31, 60, and his children, 60. MarshaU, Elizabeth, 18. May. Mary E., 131. McClyman, Andrew, 143. McClyman, Martha Smith, 144. McCumber, Charles W., 129. McCurdy, Delos, 118, 157. McKown, Robert. 22, 39, and his children, 39. McLellan, Grace, 62. McLellan. Nathaniel, 31, 62, and hia child, 62. McPheeters, E., 117. Mead, George, 121, and his cliildren, 121. Mears, Samuel Alonzo, 143, and his children, 143. Mears, Samuel, 143. Medbury, A. V., 36, Merrick, Chiliab, 72. Merrick, Fanny, 73, 127. Merrick, Lucy, 37, 72. Merwin, Miles, 31. Messinger, Hiram. 74. Messinger, Sarah, 74. Miller, Martha V,, 59, 112, Mills, Elizabelh, 67. Mills, Sarah Louisa. 147. Mitchell, Andrew, 59, 112. and his cliildren, 113. 172 / / Moody, Mary, 47. Moore, Henry, 88. Moreton, Mary E„ 67. Morgan, Joseph, 12, Morgan, Martha, 7, 13. Morris, Clara L., 139, 160. Morrison, Jonathan, 27, 53, and his chUdren, 53. Morse, John Perkins, 99. Morse, Mark. 45, 99, and his chUdren, 99. Moseley, Seth Hamilton, 61, 114, and his children, 114. Mudge, Mary Ann, 142. Mudge, S, B„ 142. Mumford, Mary(BiS8ell),82, Mumford, Mary, 56. Munson, Hannah M., 61. Murray, John, 59. Murray, Mary, 31. 59. Myers, Abram, 77. N. Newbold, Lydia, 70. Newman, Herbert Irving, 130. Newmarch, Abigail, 10, 16, Niles, Mary, 31. Niles, Eobert, 31. Norton, Alfred L,, 149. Norton, Harriet V., 143,163 Norton, Laura P., 106, 149 Norton, William C, 163. Noyes, Abby, 31, 61. Noyes, Jane, 25. Packard, MaryHooker,138. Packard, Frederick A., 138. Paine, Josephine, 83. Palmer, Anna, 18. Palmer, Carrie, 129. Pardee, Aaron, 25, 48. Parke, Francis G., Ul. Patch, Geo. W„ 143. Patch, Henry, 143. Payne, Betsey, 72. Payne, Blishii, 72. Payne, Ehzabeth, 36. Peabody, Cl.ira A., 100,142, Peabody, John. 142. Pease, C, G., 57. Phelps, John H,, 83. Phllbrick, Mehitable, 55. Pierce, Lydia, 18, Pike, Joseph, 53. Pike, Eidph, 54. Pitkin, Anna, 39. Pitkin, Catherine, 21, 38. Pitkin, Timothy, 38, 39. Poland, Anna, 45.' Poland, Sally, 46. Pooler, Erastus Perkins, 89 Po|)'e, Emily, 68, UO. Porter, Edward L., 64. Porter, John, 67. Porter, Lydia, 33, 64. INDEX. Porter, Zipporah, 67. Post, Jabez, 21. Potter,- Edward, 12. Potter, E lizabeth, 45. Potter, Nathaniel, 46. Pratt, David, 36, 67. Pratt, John, 67. Pratt, John H., 71. Prythatch, Elizabeth, 7, 8, Putnam, David, 31, 60. Putnam, Israel, 60. Pyle, Amanda Juliet, 95, 115. E. Ealeigh, J-ames, 8S. 139. Rannels, Mary A,, 70. Rawson, Charles, 106. Rawson, Levi, 149. Rawson, Mary Folger, 106, 149, Raymond, Maria, 47. Raymond, Caroline P., 141, 161, Raynor, Allie P,, 104, Kaymond, Theodore, 161. Rea, Lydia, 47, Reeve, Eliza, 70. Reeve, John, 70. Reynolds, Valentine, 46, 99, and his chUdren, 99. Reynolds, Helen L,, 94, 141. Rising, Aretas, 95. Richards, Abigail, 142. Robbe, Mary, 63. Roberts, Mary, 82. Roberts, George, 53. Robinson, Damaris, 5. Eobinson, Doctor, 88, and his children, 88. Eobinson, Susan, 54. Eogers, Emily D., 70. Rogers, Martha, 16. Rogers, William, 8, 14. Rosenberg, Annie, 104. EusseU, Sidney, 99. S. Sanborn, Andrew, 100. Sanborn, Benaiah, 103. Sanborn, Beniah, 103, 147. Sanborn. Caroline W., 103, 147. Sanborn, Comfort, 52, 103. ¦Sanborn, .leremiah, 26. Sanborn, John D., 27, 54, and his children, 54. Sanborn, Samuel, 27. 54, and his children, 64. Scott, E, W., 139, Selden, Samuel, 120, and his children, 120, Selover, Edward C, 133. Seymour, Ashbel, 96. Seymour, Bevil, 95, and his children, 95. Seymour, Caleb Perkins, 95. Seymour, Charles, 38, 78, and his children 78. Seymour,Frederick Wales, 95. Seymour, Lucy Maria, 95. Seymour, Mabel, 76. Seymour, Mary, 78. Seymour, Timothy, 76. Shaw, Joseph Prentice, 111, 152, and his children, 152. Sheldon, John S., 96. Shepard, Julia Ann, 64,117. Sherman, John, 43. Shinn, John J., 68, 124, and his children, 324. Shotwell, Mary, 69, 113. Shotwell, Peter, 113. Simonds, Mary M., 88, 140. Skelling, J, H., 71. Slack, Huldah M., 54. Smiley, WUliam K., 100, 143, and his children, 143. Smith, Ebenezer, 26. Smith, Elizabeth E., 111. Smith, Joseph T., 112, 153. Smith, Joseph W.,73. Smith, Martha, 101. Smith, .Wary, 11, 16. Smith, Matthew, 12. Smith, Olive, 22. Smith, Polly, 46. Smith, Salome, 130. Snow, Johanna Sarepta, 130. Snow, Olive Chastina, 131, Snow, Euth S., 130. Snow, Timothy, 130, 131. Sowles, Hiram B,, 161. Sowles, Mary Emily, 140, 161. Sparks, Elizabeth, 7, 10. Sparks, John, 10. Sperry, John, 87. Squier, Frederick Bel den, 133. Squire, Homer, 115. Staples, J,, 21, 38, and his children. 38. Stagg, Margaret Eomevn, 67. Stanley, Frederick 6,, 64, Stanton, Maria S,, 73, 125. Stanton, Nathaniel, 126. Staples, J. ,21, 38, , Stark, Jedediah, 22. Stark, Silas, 21. Starr, Christopher, 28, 55. Starr, Jonathan, 19. Stasy, Williara, 9. Stearns, Ruth, 101, 144. Stearns, Timothy E., 70. Stebbins, Cordelia. 124. Steele, Martha EUen, 66, 107. Steele, Robert M., 107, Stoddard, Florence Irene, 140. Stone, Benjamin, 10. Story, Deborah. 16. Streeter, Clara J., 164. INDEX. 173 Streeter, Harrison W., 104. Swan, Jane S., 120. Swan, Lucy Gay, 60. Swan, Eichard, 120. Swift, George, 57. Talcott, Mary K., 78. Talcott, Eussell Goodrich, 78. Tanquary, Levi, 131. Taylor, Betsey, 31. Taylor, Chase, 62. Taylor, Chauncey Perkins 70. Taylor, Eldad, 31. Taylor, Hannah, 27, 52. Taylor, Isaac, 30, 70. T.aylor, John, 60. "" Taylor, Jonathan H., 146, and his children, 148. Taylor, John H., 103. Taylor, Phebe, 63. Taylor, Susanna, 62, 103. Taylor, WiUiam, 70. Thomas, AbigaU, 43. Thomas, Elizabeth, 90. Thoraas, Jacob, 27. Thomas, John, 90. Thomas, Sarah Adelia, 154. Thompson, David W., 134. Thompson, WilUam E., 36, 71, and his chUdren ,'71. Thomson, Samuel, 53. Thornton, Abner Mont gomery, 121, and his children, 121, 122. Thornton, Joanna, 16. Thornton, s-amuel, 131. Thurston. Betsey, 51, 103. Tibbets, Benjamin, 73. Tibbets, Josephine, 64. Tibbets, Mary, 73. Tilden, Sarauel, 67. Tillotson, George J., 78. Tobey, Julia Frances, 95, 114. Tod, EUzabeth O., 56,109. Tod. George, 105. Tod, Grace I., 56,104. Tod, Jonathan I., 109. Todd. Thomas, 13, 19. Totelli, Melanie, 79. Tracy, Jesse, 32. Tracy, Lydia, 19. Tracy, WiUiara, 83, and his children, 83. Tracy, Solomon, 19. Treadwell, Sarah, 7, 10. Trumbull, John, 32. Trumbull, Sarah, 19, 32. Tubie, Deborah A., 113. Turner, Anne, 31. Turner, Betsey, 31, 61. Turner, John, 61. Turner, Marionette, 31, 61. Twist, Clara, 99. V. Viele, Helen, 118, 156. Vluton, AnnaF., 96. W. Wainwright, Emily, 158. Walbridge, David, 104. Walbridge, Lucy, 104. Walden, EUzabeth Ann, 73. Ward, Sarah H., 60. Warner, George, 73. Warner, JuUet, 91, 141. Waters, Benjamin, 15. Watkinson, Mary, 55. Webster, Catherine Fran ces, 79. Webster, Edward Perkins, 79. Webster, Samuel, 16. Webster, Thomas, 63. Webster, Truman, 78, and his children, 78. Webster, WiUiam E., 118. Weeks, Abigail S,, 54. Wells, Thomas, 7, 9. WeUes. Henry. 117. WeUes, Susan Phoebe. 117. Westcott, Henry, 79, 134, and bis child, 134. Westcott, Mary, 134, 135. Westcott, Mary A., 81. Westcott, Susan Allen, 61. Wheat, Homer R., 139, 160, and his child, 160. White, Ch.arlee B., 124. White, Emma Balch, 106, 150. White, Henry E., 88. White, Mary, 8. White, Nathan D., 150. Whiting, Edward, 44. Whitman, Charles, 79. Whitmarsh, Anna, 45. Whitmarsh, Anne, 14. Whiton, Catherine, 77. Wiggins, Lavinia, 95, 115, 116. Wilkins, Jonathan, 14. Wilkinson, Elizabeth, 91, 141. Willard, Catherine, 94. Williams, Mercy, 116. Williamson, Margaret, 99. Willoughby, Mary J., 72, 125. Wilshire, Sally Moore, 110 , 161. Wilshire, WiUiam, 151. Winly, John G., 123. Winters, Catherine Bar bara, 129. Wise, David, 53. Wisely, John G., 167. Woodbridge, Charlotte, 33, 65. Woodbridge, Lucretia, 55. Woodbridge, Mary, 31, 61. Woodbury, Eleanor, 143, 162, Woodbury, Elijah H., 162. Woodbury, Hannah, 8, 14, 17, 35, 47. Woodbury, Josiah, 17. Woodman, Esther, 103, 147. Woodward, Joseph, 20. Worden, Caroline, 88. T. Toung, Henry, 43. YALE UNIVERSITY a39002 000003773b fir *sj ^v.jfj vi>4.., *n?