B P c^ -j*!^ \ rf}<; v^^ \ '•> ^ ) felsii &l^' ^ ,f'' J » "^ ^i>5f-e|£''' z-' YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 0 - wai W Q o 0M fn P< 22 April 1686, being of disposing mind and memory and willing to set his house in order, William made_ his will. He died 19 June and was interred in the burying- place at Newbury, near the Upper Green. " Sabbath-day Morn. Goodman Pilsbury was buried just after the ringing of the second Bell, Grave dugg over night. Mr. Richardson preached from I Cor. 3, 21. 22., going something out of 's Order, by reason of the occasion, and singling out those Words Or Death. Judge Sewall's Diary. 20 June 1686. Tradition speaks of William as a man. of wealth, who owned considerable land and had money to let, which he kept concealed under the eaves of his thatched barn. In common with many of his fellow citizens he was a slave holder, as one of the items of the inventory mentions a man-servant. As slavery of whites had long been abol ished in the colony, this servant was either an Indian or a negro. Following is a copy of his will preserved at the Suffolk Registryof Probate, Boston : In the name of God, Amen. I Wm. Pillsbury of Newbury New England being sensible of my own mortality & being of disposing mind & willing to set my House in order, I commit my soule to God & my body to the dust in hope of a Joyful Resurrection & as for my worldly Goods I dispose as followeth, — Item I give and bequeath to my Loving Wife Dorothy Pillsbury seven pounds per year per annum & the one half of my orchard & that end of my dwelling house next the street & six Sheep & a Cow & the Sheep & Cow to be Provided for & kept by my Exec' as he doth his own Sheep and Cattell, also I appoint my Exec"- to Provide wood for my wife at his own charge sufficient for her supply & to cut it fit for the fire from time to time and at all times during her widdowhood & Also I give my wife two Swine & all my Household Goods During her Widdow hood ; but when my wife shall marry again then my three Daughters shall have all my household. Goods, namely Deborah Experience and Thankful & also all above given to my wife & .all the Priviledges bequeathed to her as above said shall continue & Remain no longer , but During her widdowhood & if she marry again then I doe & will appoint my Exec"- to pay her three pounds a year annually Provided my Wife renounce her Thirds of all my Houseing and Lands. Item— I give and bequeath to my Son Moses Pillsbury forty Shil lings to be paid by My Exec"^ In good Pay within one year after my Decease I having given him a Portion in my Life time. Item— I give to my Son Abell, Pilsbury that four acres of Land bought of Widdow Brown to be to him & his children after him. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 5 Item-— I give to my Son Wm Pillsbury the four acres of Land which I have given him a Deed of and two acres of Land more adjoining to that Land after my Decease, which land Lyeth near my Son's House where he now liveth between Mr. Sewall's Land and my Son Moses's Land Item — I give to my Son Increase Pilsbury Ten Pounds to be Payd by my Exec"- within one year after my Decease in Good Pay. Item — I give to my Daughter Deborah Ewens Twenty Pounds within two yeares after my Decease Item I give to my Daughter Experience Pilsbury Twenty Pounds to be Paid her within three years after my decease Item — I give to my Daughter Thankful Pilsbury Twenty Pounds to be paid unto her w"'in four yeares after my Decease Item — I give and bequeath to my Son Job Pilsbury and to his heires of his Body All my now Dwelling House & Barne & Orchard & all my Upland & Meddows & Pasture lands & Priviledges in any way thereunto belonging which is not formerly Disposed of by this my Will or other lawfull Conveyance & my stock of Cattell & Sheep & Swine & Horses & all Tackling for husbandry work & I Doe hereby appoint my Son Job Pillsbury to be my Exec' of this my will to pay all my honest Debts and to Pay & Perform all the legacys to my Wife & Children according to my Will & to receive all my Debts Due to me Always Provided that if my Son Job shall refuse to be the Exec'- of this my Will that then my Will is & I Doe hereby Appoynt my Son Moses Pilsbury to be the Executor of this my Will he Paying to my Son Job Threescore Pounds & Performe in all Respects according to this my Will & on that Con dition I give to my Son Moses Pilsbury all Houseing and Lands & Stock & Utensils as above given to my Son Job Pilsbury & I Doe Desire my loving & Christian Friends George Littel & Lieut Tristram Coffin to be the Overseers of this my Will & I Doe hereby oblige my Exec"- to carry my Wife to Meeting on the Lord's Day at all Convenient Times during her Widdowhood & I Doe hereby renounce all former wills by me made & declare this to be my Last Will & Testament as Witness my Hand & Seale this twenty-second day of Apr" 1686. HIS W"" M PILSBURY, Sen' (Seale) Signed & Sealed & Published in the Presence of Tristram Coffin, his George (h Littel Before the Presid '. Job Pillsbury the Exec' to this Will Presenting the same & affirm ing the other children of the Testat' to be satisfied &5Contented here with & Tristram Coffin & George Littell made oath that they were Pres't & saw the Test' Wm Pillsbury syne seale & Publish this In strument as his Last Will & Testament & that when he so did he was of sound mind & memory to their best understanding. Boston, 10 Sept. i685 Jurat Coram Preside att'. Thos Dudley, Clerk. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. Inventory of the Estate of William Pillsbury, S', late of New England, and taken the 7th of July, 1686. £ To a house & Barne and Orchard and 45 acres of Land & 18 acres of Meadow and Marsh To 4 cowes, I ox and 5 young Cattell To a Mare and 48 Sheep and Lambs To a man Servant ;^I2 To 9 hoggs and Piggs To Wearing apparell and bootes and shootes i - - pair To 5 pillowbeeres 6 Napkins & 3 Coverlets To 4 pr Blankets ^3 to a bed and bedstead To 2 cords & 3 pillows & bolsters 3 rugges To a bedticking To 2 chests and a box and Flax To 15 yards of Cloth To Table Linen To Towels To 2 Wheeles To 20 bush^ of Corne & mault To Cotton Wool & Rosin & Wax To Sheeps Wool to charres & Pailes To Potts and Kittles & skillets and Earthern Ware To a trammel and Pot Hooks and irons and tongs To a spit and Pewter to a Lanthorne and Bellowes To a Part of a boate to Iron and heaters To a fryingpan & 4 houghs & 4 axes To Yarne to Chaines augors wedges & saw To Sythes stock bands and old Iron shoveles To forks a Saddle a Pillion Bridle & Coll To a bucket and hemp and a rope To part of a Cart and dung pot and a whool & plowes to sheepsheers mathook & cops & pin & yoakes To Arms & Armour and Cork and a pr of shoows To Tubbs and barrells a Cubbard & Table Lampe To Severall small things and a rope To Corne upon the Ground To a Chaine & Iron Barre To a grindstone To Gates and a brake & a harrow To Debts due the Estate Debts due from the Estate £12. HIS Signed Job ^ Pilsbury. Before the Presid'. Job Pilsbury executor to the last will of Wm. Pilsbury made oath y' the acc't above contains a Just and True Inventory of the Estate of sd Testator as Farre as hath come and that when more appears he will cause it to be added. Boston Sept. 10, 1686 Jurat Coram Preside Attest. Thos. Dudley, Clerk. 190 0 0 22 0 0 18 10 16 10 ir 12 10 3 8 5 IO 3 12 I 0 2 12 3 10 I 7 6 2 2 2 5 I 0 I 6 2 13 15 I 2 4 5 I 12 8 5 I i8 2 10 1 5 II 10 00 II I 10 I 16 4 .^306. 19- 10. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 7 There is no mention when the ' ' beloved wife ' ' Dorothy died. ^ Of their children one daughter and three sons were born in Dorchester, the others in Newbury. Deborah, b. l6 April 1642 ; m. Ewens. Job, b, 16 Oct, 1643; d, 10 Sept, 1716. Moses, b. 1645 ; d- 1701. Abel, b. ; d. before 1697. , Caleb, b, 28 Jan, 1653 ; d. 4 July 1680. William, b. 27 July 1656. Experience, b. 10 April 1658 ; d. 4 Aug. 1708. viii. Increase, b. 10 Oct, 1660; drowned off Cape Breton, Nova Scotia in 1690, while with Sir Wm. Phipps' Expedition. (See Coffin's History of Newbury, Mass.) ix. Thankful, b. 22 April 1662. X. Joshua, b. 20 June 1671; d. 20 June 1674. 1. 2. 11. 3- 111. 4- IV. V. 5- VI. Vll. SECOND GENERATION. 3. Job' (William'), b. in Dorchester, Mass., 16 Oct. 1643, and died in Newbury, 10 Sept. 1716; m. in .New bury, 5 April 1677, Katherine Gavett, who d. i Sept. 1718. Of Job Pilsbury little or no record has been found. His name occurs with his father's in the Newbury church- fight, he was executor of his father's will and inherited most of the paternal acres. He seems to have increased in wealth and become a person of comfortable circum stances before his decease in 1716. In his will dated August 30th of that year he divides the bulk of his estate between his sons Daniel and Josiah, gives his wife Katharine all his household goods, and directs that his sons ' ' shall Each of them pay in good pay at Money's Price to my Wife Catron five pounds a Year yearly during the Time of her Natural Life, also my sd Sons shall find and provide for my sd Wife after my decease good and suitable firewood for one fire during the Time of her Natural Life and also a fire Room." .The sons, Daniel and Josiah, were joint executors. Thirteen years afterward, in 1729, Daniel bought his brother's share of the homestead and became sole owner thereof. ;^5I5- £ s d lO 0 0 13 0 0 3 0 0 4 10 7 16 10 0 0 3 7 5 9 16 0 0 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. The following is the Inventory of Job Pilsbury's estate : The homestead about fifteen acres of land & ye buildings thereon & orchard at _ .^188 About twenty-five a:cres of pasture land & ye orchard on it ^75 About fifteen acres of pasture land by Turkey hill 60 About twenty five acres of land called ye Rate lott 100 The wood lott & rights in ye comon land in Newbury 25 Five acres of fresh meadow at Rawson's meadow 30 About ten acres of marsh land at Salisbury 35 The lott called ye River lott 2 Total Real Estate Apparil Books and One hors at 40/ three cows at ^9 one two-year old at £1, all two yearlings & one calf at £j, six sheep at 30/ five swine at £2, Utensils for husbandry work two beds & ye furniture belonging to them & to utensils for housewifery to Cash £z 4/, and Bills of Credit £2 5/ More in Bills of credit £\f> Total Personal Estate 73 2 Two years after Job's decease his widow Katharine followed him. A copy of her last will and testament is in the hands of the compiler, and runs as follows : Know all men by these presents that I Kathereen Pilsbury of Newbury in ye county of Essex in ye province of ye Massachusetts Bay in New England widdow in consideration of ye natural love and afection which I have and do bear to my two sons namely Daniel and Josiah and my Grandson Joshua Pilsbury I give to my son Josiah Pilsbury my deep puter platter & puter Bason & Bible and puter plate : I give to my grandson Joshua Pilsbury my bed and bedstead & all ye furniture thereunto belonging & my grate puter platter Marked PK & one puter plate all ye rest of my estate whatever and wherever I give to my son Daniel Pilsbury. Batch particular above mentioned I give to my sons and grandson above said to them and their heirs forever Immediately after my Decease for confirmation whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this fifteenth day of August in ye fifth year of his Majesty's reign and in ye year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighteen HER Signed sealed & delivered Kathereen <^ Pilsbury in ye presence of us mark Joshua Moody, Mary Stan wood. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. Children of Job and Katherine : 6. i, Daniel, b. 20 Sept. 1678 ; d. 1748. 7. ii. Josiah, b. 17 April 1686; d. 1761. 3. MoSES' (William'), b. 1645 (?) in Dorchester; d. in Newbury, 1701. He m. ist. Susannah, daughter of Lionel Worth, in March 1668. Their children were : 8. i. Joseph, b. 6 June 1670 ; d. 14 Jan. 1750. 9. ii. Moses, b. 4 July 1672 ; d. 24 March 1738. iii. Dorothy, b. 9 April 1675 ; m. Benjamin Poor, 27 Feb. 1708. iv. Susannah, b. i Feb. 1677; d. 22 Dec. 1767 ; m. Luke Hovey, of Topsfield, 25 Oct, 1698. V. Judith, b. 16 March 1679 ; m. Edmund Moors, Jr., 17 Jan, 1704, 10. vi. Caleb, b. 27 July 1681 ; d. 1759. vii. Hannah, b. 3 May i586. II. viii. Amos, b. Moses m. 2d. Priscilla . Child : ix. Mary, b. Moses Pilsbury seems to have increased in his substance and public esteem as he increased in years. In 1682 it is on the town records among other regulations concerning sheep, that "Moses Pilsbury and the further end of the town shall have the 'plaines' for their flock." In 1686 he appears to have been one of the town officials, as in the month of April complaints were made to the selectmen " of great spo'yle of timber that was made in the towne's commons, constable Moses Pilsbury seized and delivered to Joseph Pike twenty-one red oak trees and sixteen white oak trees at the south east end near Savage's rock and the westerly end of Long hill near Merrimack river." In his will dated 29 April 1701, Moses bequeaths to his beloved wife, Priscilla, one-third of his estate, real and personal, makes his son Caleb sole executor, and gives legacies to him, sons Joseph, Moses and Amos, and to daughters Dorothy, Susanna, Judith, Hannah and Mary. IO PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 4. Abel^ (William'), b. in Dorchester, the exact date not known, neither that of his decease which was pre vious to 1697 ; m. Mary . Their children were : i. Mary, b. ; m. Thos. Brown, Jr., in Haverhill, Mass., 6 Oct. 1697. ii. Joshua, b. 12 April 1679 ; d. Jan. 1704. iii. John, b. 13 Sept. 1682. 12. iv. Jacob, b. 20 March 1686. 13. V, Abel, b. 12 April 1690. vi. Elisabeth, b. 20 March 1693. There is some uncertainty as to the personality of this Abel. The above children were all born in Newbury, as shown by the town records ; but an Abel Pilsbury resided in Almsbury in 1680, as appears from a petition to the General Court from that town in relation to a military officer. " Abel Pillsbury being one of ye souldierye off ye training-band. 10 July 1680." 5. William'' (William') b. in Newbury, 27 July 1656 ; d. in Salisbury, 173 — ; m. 13 Dec. 1677, Mary Kenny. In the annals of King Philip's war we find men tioned among the garrison at Springfield, 24 June 1676, Wm. Pillsbury. Later on in another record has been found an entry for ' ' Allowance for personal service at Newbury Blockhouses, 1704, William Pillsbury Jr., i8s. 6d. In his old age William appears to have removed to Salisbury and made his home with his daughter Apphia, where he died presumably between 1730 and 1740. Their children were : i. A daughter, b. Nov. 1678 and d. 24 March 1679. ii. William, b. 22 March 1680; d, 19 July 1681, iii. Experience, b. i5 April 1682. 14. iv. Deborah, b. . m. V. William, b. 7 July 1687. vi. Lydia, b. 25 Dec. 1689 ; m. Wm. B. Morrill, of Almsbury, 6 June 1717. vii. Increase, b. 5 Jan. 1694; d. 7 Jan, 1716. 15, viii, Apphia, b, 8 May 1700 ; d. 8 July 1774. ix, Mary, b. 26 Oct. 1702 ; m. Timothy Wells, 17 Jan. 1725. 16. X. Henry, b. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. II THIRD GENERATION. 6. Daniel' (Job', Wm.'), b. in Newbury, 20 Sept. 1678; d. 1748. Housewright. m. Sarah Allen, 18 Jan. 1703. In the year 1 700 Daniel built a new house for himself (see plate) on the paternal estate, and thither he brought his bride as named above. This dwelling was owned and occupied in succession by five generations of his descend ants. Daniel died sometime in the middle of the year 1748, the exact date unknown. The substance of his will is as follows : " In the name of God, amen, I, Daniel Pilsbery in the county of Essex, province of Massachusetts Bay in New England, housewright, being at this present weak in body but of sound disposing mind and memory, and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this to be my last Will and Testament; princi- pallj' recommending my soul to the Divine care and protection, and my soul at my decease into the hands of God who gave it, not doubt ing but that I shall receive the same again at the general resurrection by the mighty power of God, and as to such worldly estate as it hath pleased God to bless me with in this life, I give, devise and bequeath thereof in the following manner ; " etc, etc. The widow is given the northeast end of the dwelling house, with cellar under the same, with one-third part of the rest of the real estate ; all the household goods with stock of cattle and sheep, what silver money was in hand, and what money was due on a bond from Isaac Jesley (?) Joseph Whittier and John Thurston. Son Daniel has divers parcels of real estate in Ames- bury, Salisbury, Newbury and Biddeford (Me.), compris ing tillage, pasture, meadow and woodland. Son Samuel has a like amount designated at length. Son Joshua has the residue of the estate, both real and personal, is to pay all debts and funeral charges, and is appointed sole executor. The children of Daniel and Sarah were : 17. i. Joshua, b. 11 Feb. 1704; d. 21 March 1788. ii. Dorothy, b. i Nov. 1706; d. 17 May 1709, 18, iii. Daniel, b. 12 March 1711 ; d. bet. May 1758 and July 1763. ¦ 19. iv. Samuel, b. 17 March 1714, V. Sarah, b. i Jan. 1718; d. before 1748. 12 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 7. Josiah' (Job^ Wm.'), b. 17 April, 1686; d. 1761. He was a cooper; m. Sarah Kelley, 12 May 1720. The will of Josiah is dated 26 Jan. 1761 ; his sons Joseph and John are appointed executors. In it he gives his wife Sarah, besides her third, one cow and all house hold goods, the latter on her decease to go to daughter Abigail. To son Richard he gives the dwelling house and land, about three acres, and a wood lot at Dragon Hole ; " All this I give him as a reward for what service he has done me and for all his labors and charges against me." But Richard is to pay sister Abigail nine pounds and the debt to Daniel Knight. To son David he gives his land by Joshua Pillsbury's, and two acres of lot at Craneneck hill, and he is to pay sister Abigail six pounds, ten shillings. To son Edmund one half of lot of land by Joshua Pills bury's, three acres at Craneneck, and he is to pay sister Abigail six pounds ten shillings. Daughter Abigail is to have forty pounds when twenty- one years of age, or on her marriage. Sons Joseph and John are to have his homestead, land in Great Pasture and Nunnery pasture, so called, also the Rawson meadow and salt marsh, and each to pay sister Abigail nine pounds. The children of Josiah and Sarah were : i. Josiah, b. 15 July and d. 27 July 1721. ii. Abiel, b. 12 Dec. and d. 24 Dec. 1723. iii. Sarah, b. 4 Jan. and d. 17 Jan. 1725. 20. iv. Joseph, b. 29 July, 1726. 21. v. Richard, b. 9 Aug. 1728. vi. Mary, b. i May 1731 ; d. 25 June 1732. vii. John, b. 21 Aug. 1732 ; m. Susannah Bartlett, 8 Feb. 1762. viii. Henry, b. 5 April 1735 ; d. before 1761. IX. Jacob, b. ; d. Oct. 1737. 22. X. David, b. 20 July 1737. xi. Edmund, b. 3 Aug. 1739 ; m. ist, Sarah Hale. 2d, Eunice Goodridge. xii. Abraham, b. 1,5 Jan. 1740; d. 23 June 1741. xiii. Abigail, b. 5 May 1742. 8. Joseph' (Moses,' Wm.'), b. 6 June 1670; d. 14 Jan. 1750. He was thrice married, ist, to Sarah . 2d, to Elizabeth Godfrey, 1704. 3d, to Mary . PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 1 3 The will of Joseph is dated 13 March 1749. In it he gives his beloved wife, Mary, one-half of all his land in Newbury, the east end of his dwelling house " from ye middle of ye chimney from ye top to ye top to ye bottom ; " one half of barn, one half of fruit of apple trees, etc. etc. Gives to the children of son Joseph sixty pounds. Gives to son Nathan sixty pounds. Gives to daughter Elizabeth Goodridge sixty pounds, and a chest that was his second wife's (i. e. her mother's) . Gives to son Peter all estate real and personal, not other-wise disposed of, arid appoints him sole executor. Children of Sarah: 23. i. Joseph, b. 16 Jan. 1694 ; d. before 1749. ii. Moses, b. n Sept. 1697 ; d. before 1749. ' 24. iii. Nathan, b. 3 June 1699. Children of Elizabeth : iv. Elizabeth, b. 26 June 1705 ; m. Wm. Goodridge, 5 Feb. 1734- j25. V. Peter, b. 30 July, 1707; d. about 1772. 9. MoSES' (Moses,' Wm.'), b. 4 July 1672; d. 24 March, 1738; m. Abigail Rolf. Pub. 5 Feb. 1698. The will of Moses is dated 10 Feb. 1738. In it he makes bequests to his wife Abigail, to his sons Moses, Ezra, Wm. and Amos, and daughters Abigail Hale, Mary Hills, and Susannah Brickett. Also to son Daniel who is appointed executor. The children of Moses and Abigail -were : 26. i. MosES, b. 16 Jan. 1699 ; d. in Boxford, April 1787. ii. Abigail, b. 9 Aug.^ 1700; m. Thomas Hale, Jr., 12 Jan. 1727. 27. iii. Ezra, b. 6 April 1703 ; d. 1797. 28. iv. Daniel, b. 22 Aug., 1707. V. Susannah, b, 12 June 1709; m. James Brickett, 7 Aug. 1729. vi. Mary, b. 27 July 1711 ; d. 16 Sept. 1778; m. John Hills, April 1728; m. 2d, Enoch Hale; m. 3d, David Emery. Edmund, b. 6 April, 1714; d. before 1738. William, b. 15 Dec. 1716; d. (will dated 10 March 1788.) Amos, b. 10 June 1721 ; d. 1766. Vll. 29. viii 30. ix. 14 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. IO. Caleb-' (Moses,' Wm.'), b. in Newbury, 27 July 1681 ; d. in Amesbury, 1759 ; m. in Newbury 11 Feb. 1703, Sarah, daughter of Benj. Morss, of Amesbury. Their children were : 31. i. benjamin, b. (bapt.) 9 April 1705. 32. ii. Caleb, b. 26 Jan. 1717; d. in Amesbury, 7 Feb. 1778. iii. Susannah, b. ; m. Walker; (bapt.) 16 Sept. 1705. iv. Sarah, b. ; m. Stevens; 2d, Jones. V. Esther, b. ; m. Parker; (bapt.) 26 Dec. 1714. vi, Hannah, h. ; unm. (bapt.) 26 Dec. 1714. vii. Judith, b. ; m. Harvey. * Caleb removed with his family to Amesbury in 1727, where he soon became a leading man in town affairs. (See Merrill's History of Amesbury, Mass.) The act which made his name famous in local annals was the carrying out of the scheme to tunnel the Pond Ridge in order that the waters of Lake Attitash might flow more directly into Powow river, and also to drain a large meadow to the northward of the lake that its crop of hay might be more valuable and more easily harvested. This was a great engineering feat for the time and was planned by Caleb Pilsbury and Orlando Bagley. The actual labor of digging through the Ridge was performed by two men named Ring and Nutter. Tradition says they took their pay in a barrel of W. I. rum ; or, as it was spelled in those days, "rhum." Caleb Pilsbury made two wills ; the first dated 27 June 1738, is carefully preserved in the family of one of his descendants in the fourth generation. Some of its pro visions may not be uninteresting, the more as they vary materially from those of the second will. _ After the usual pious preamble, he proceeds to give to his beloved wife, Sarah, one-third part of all his lands for her use and improvement so long as she shall remain his widow; all his household goods for her own forever to dispose as she shall please ; one-half his dwelling house, namely, the east end, and barn room for her use. She is to have all his stock of " Chattels," excepting " one yoak of oxen, and one hors and one cow," and "if it please God that I die in possession of a crop standing or gathered in, for her supply of provision for her relief for that year." PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 15 Son Benjamin is given a number of acres of land in addition to what his father had previously given him. Daughter Susannah Walker is to be paid ten pounds out of the estate within seven years after his decease ; ' ' she having had the rest of her portion before. ' ' Daughter Sarah Stevens is to be paid a like amount within the same time ; " she having had her portion before. ' ' Daughters Esther, Hannah and Judith are to have eighty pounds each out of the estate, the one four, the second five, and the third six years after their father's decease. Concerning these three unmarried daughters their father's will is that in case any or all of them marry before the time named for the payment of their full por tion, then the executor shall pay one-half upon her " marridg," and the other half at the time appointed. In case either or all do not conclude to marry, then " they shall have the liberty of one end of my house to live in after their mother's decease, and to have free egress and Regress thereunto." Son Caleb who is appointed and ordained sole executor, is to have all lands, housing and stock, all implements of husbandry, with all rights, properties, privileges or par titions in any divided or undivided lands in Almesbury or Newbury, or any other right or property in any other right or property in any other town whatsoever. The second will which is duly preserved at the Registry of Probate, Salem, Mass., is dated 24 Nov. 1758. In the twenty years that had elapsed, marked changes had oc curred in the testator's family. His wife and one daughter had deceased, two other daughters had married, while the fifth had remained at home to care for her aged parent. The will begins with much the same preamble as the first, with one clau3e which deserves special i;iention, the spirit of which is worthy of being more generally followed than it commonly is : " being sensible that my duty is to set my house in order by the best means I can for ye peace and welfare of my family, I do therefore make this my last Will and Testament." Son Benjamin receives a certain piece of land out of the homestead, containing about twelve acres, he having ' ' re ceived part of his portion before." l6 PILLSBURY GENEiALOGY. To daughter Susannah's children is given eight pounds , three years after his decease, to be equally divided between them; " she my sd daughter having received ye reste of her portion before." Daughter Sarah Jones is to have six pounds thirteen shillings and four pence within three years after his de cease, " she having received parte of her portion before." Daughter Esther Parker is to have twelve pounds three years after his decease, "she having received part of her portion before." Daughter Judith Harvey is to have eight pounds three years after his decease, " she having received part of her portion before." To his three daughters now alive, namely, Sarah Jones, Esther Parker, and Judith Harvey, he gives to be divided in equal proportion betwixt them the other one-half of his household goods not before bequeathed. The portion given the unmarried daughter, Hannah, who had no doubt been her father's housekeeper, claims insertion in full : " Item. I give and bequeath unto my daughter hannah pilsbury oute of my Estate thirty three pounds Six shillings and Eight pence in Lawful money to be paid by my Executor after mentioned within four years after my decease & also I give unto her ye sd hannah my best bible and my puter tankard & also ye one half of all ye remaining part of my household goods & I give unto her ye sd hannah ye use and Im provement of ye westerly Lower roome & Chamber overhead in my dwelliughouse with a Convenient parte of my Suller roome and yard roome before ye dore, with free Liberty of passing and repassing unto ye sd house & Suller & also ye use and Improvement of one acre of Land bounded as followeth : Southeasterly on Land of henry blas^el sixteen rods length & southwesterly on a highway ten rods and northwesterly and northeasterly on my own land so as to make ye sd one acer during ye time my .sd daughter shall see cause to live a singje life or until marriage & also ye Constant keeping of one Cow that is she ye sd hannah providing or finding of a Cow to be keept by my Executor So long as she shall see Cause to live a single Life & live at my now dwelliughouse & also three Corfls of wood to be provided by my Executor yearly for her ye sd hannah so long as she shall see cause to Live a Single Life & live at my d-welling- house." Son Caleb has all the remaining part of the estate not before bequeathed, both real and personal, "of movables and Immovables of what name or nature soever or in what PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 1 7 town, plase or plases, soever to him ye sd Caleb pilsbury his heirs and assigns forever." The amount of the Inventory of Caleb's property, both real and personal, taken 25 June 1759, was £2^^ 6s 7d. 11. Amos' (Moses,' Wm.'), born in Newbury, date unknown, and probably died in Rowley; m. Elisabeth Stuart. Pub. 23 Feb. 1706, and evidently soon removed to Rowley, as all their children were born there. i. Elisabeth, b. 17 Nov. 1707. ii. Mary, b. 29 Feb. 1712. iii. John, b. 13 April 1714 ; d. soon. iv. Judith, b. 20 Nov. 1717. V. Jane, b, 7 Feb, 1721. 33. vi. John, b. 17 Nov. 1723, vii, Susannah, b. 15 Dec. 1729. 13. Jacob' (Abel,' Wm.'), b. in Newbury, 20 March 1686 ; m. Mary Pettengell. (Pub. 20 Nov. 1708.) Their children were : 34. i. Jacob, b. 26 Feb, 1709. ii. Joanna, b. 14 June 1710; m, Thomas Johnson 7 Dec. 1726. iii. Benjamin, b. 16 July 1716. iv. Mary, b. 13 Jan. 1724- V. Sarah, b. 22 July 1728, 13. Abel' (Abel,' Wm.'), b. in Newbury, 12 April 1690 ; m. Mrs. Susannah (Adams) Pritchard, in Charles town, Mass., about 1717 or '18. Abel was a shipwright. Their children, born and bapt. in Charlestown, were : i. Thomas (bapt.) 11 Jan. 1720; m, 13 July 174°. Abigail Waddland, ii. Susannah, b. 27 March 1721 ; d. 12 Jan. 1722. iii. Susannah (bapt.) 19 May 1723; m, I9 Dec. 1745, Andrew Campbell of Boston. iv. Joshua (bapt.) 28 Nov. 1725. 35. V. John, b. 28 March 1728. vi. Margaret, b. 7 June 1730. 14. Deborah' (William,' William'), b. in Newbury ; m. Reuben Whittier of Salisbury, 19 Dec. 1708, who d. 18 Nov. 1722. Their children were: PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. i. Mary, b. 25 Sept, 1709. ii. Nathaniel, b. 12 Aug, 1711. iii. William, b. 20 Nov. 1714, iv, Reuben, b. 1716. V. Richard, b. 1717, vi, JcsEPH, b, 2 May 1721, vii, Benjamin, b., 4 March, 1722. Deborah m. 2d, 24 Sept. 1724, Zachariah Eastman. 15. Apphia-' (William,' William'), b. 8 May 1700; d. 8 July 1774, in Salisbury ; m. Joseph Osgood of Salis bury, 15 Sept. 1719. Their children were : i. Mary, b. 6 June 1720, ii. Henry, b, abt. .1722, iii, Hannah, b. 31 Oct. 1724. iv. Reuben, b. 21 Nov. 1726. V. Joseph,, b. 3 Oct. 1729. vi. Benjamin, b, 3 Oct. 1729. vii, Joseph, b, 3 Oct, 1731, viii, Apphia, b, 17 March 1733, ix. Ruth, b, 25 April 1736, X. Apphia, b. 24 Dec. 1739, xi. Joseph, b, 24 Dec. 1739. xii. Oliver, b. 27 Nov. 1741. 16. Henry' (William,' William';, b. in Newbury. A caulker, m. Elisabeth, daughter of Jarvis and Hannah Ring, of Salisbury. Their children were : i, Henry, b, in Newbury, 7 May 1727. ii. Lizzie, b. in Newbury, 15 Jan, 1729, FOURTH GENERATION. 11. Joshua^ (Daniel,' Job,' Wm.'), b. in Newburv, II Feb. 1704; d. 21 March, 1788. m. Mary Somerby, 23 I)ec. 1731. She was b. 1711, and d. 16 April, 1794. Their children were : 36, i. Enoch, b. 27 Sept. 1732 ; d, 12 March 1785. li. Sarah, b, March 1735 ; d. . m. Isaac Rogers. 111. Mary, b. 9 March, 1737 ; m. Richard Merrill, 24 Dec. 1755. 37. IV, Joshua, b. 23 March, 1738 ; d, i April 1798, V. Samuel, b, 21 March, 1741 ; d. soon. 38, vi. Samuel, b. 5 Nov. 1742 ; d. 9 Jan. 1821. 39. vii, Joseph, b. 24 June 1745 ; d, before 1792. vm. Hannah, b. 1750; d, i Nov. 1823; m. Cutting Moody, 3 Dec, 1772, I»illSbury genealogy. 19 Joshua has been described by an aged lady who came as a bride to be his next door neighbor, as a tall, jolly man, fond of a laugh and joke. He was a prosperous man for those times, owned large tracts of land in Newbury, Amesbury and Salisbury; was one of the original pro prietors of the town of Boscawen, N. H., and owned a right of land in the adjoining township of Warner. It would appear that he had some interest in land in or near Biddeford, Me., as his second son while on a business trip to that neighborhood, brought home a bride from Pepperellboro, now Saco, in 1764. His wife, Mary, was the daughter of Abiel Somerby, parish clerk of the First Religious Society, Rev. John Lowell, minister, and great grand-daughter of Anthou}- Somerby, the first schooliiiaster of Newbury. As will be seen by the' in-ventory of his property, he owned one pew in "Mr. Cary's meetinghouse," and one in " Mr. Noble's," on the Plains, so the members of his family could attend the religious service most congenial to them. He died in the spring of 1788, at the ripe age of 84. The slate erected to his memory is still standing, with that of his wife, children and grandchildren, on the top of Old Burying hill, and are among the oldest famih- monuments known to exist. The will of Joshua is dated 19 Sept. 1783, his son Joshua being appointed executor. He gives his beloved wife, Mary, one-third part of his real estate and the westerly end of the house wherein they lived. To his son Enoch he gives " the house where he now dwells with land (17 rods) adjoining," also saltmarsh, pasture land, wood land, etc. He gives to son Samuel land in Amesbury, salt marsh and pasture rights. To son Joseph one-half of piece of land ' ' lying at the westerly end of my homestead, ' ' marshland, pasture land, and the right of land in the township of Warner, N. H. To daughter Sarah, wife of Isaac Rodgers, to daughter Mary, wife of Richard Merrill, to daughter Hannah, wife of Cutting Moody, each eighteen pounds, and a cow-right. Also to the above-mentioned daughters all the household goods in equal shares after wife's decease. To son Joshua 20 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. all estate, real and personal, not otherwise disposed of, and he is directed to pay all legacies. To this will the testator added a codicil about a month before his death, i March 1788 : " Whereas it hath pleased God in his providence to take away m,r son Enoch by death since I made this my last Will, therefore — I give and dispose of that part of my estate that I gave to my son Enoch, to his widow and children in the following manner, -viz : first I give to Apphia Pillsbury widow of said Enoch the income and im provement of the house where she now dwells, and the land adjoining, as long as she remains his widow, and then I give said house and land to my grandson Samuel Pillsbury, son of said Enoch he paying each of his sisters Nine pounds when he comes into possession of said house. I give to my grandsons, John and Samuel Pillsbury, all the rest of my estate that I in this my last will gave to their father Enoch, to be equally divided between them." An Inventory of the estate ^of Mr. Joshua Pilsbury Late of Newbury Deceased Taken' by us the subscribers the Third Day of April A. D. 1788. A committee Appointed by the Honorable Benjamin Greenleaf , Esq^ Judge of Probate, For that purpose. — One Great Coat 8/ two Close Bodied Ditto 50/ six— 12/ Two Pair of Breaches 9/ Four shirts 6/ seven Pair of stockings hat 8/ a pair of Mittens i/* shoes & Boots 6/ three Feather Beds three Bolsters four pillows Four under Beds two Bedsteds & Ropes 12/ six coverlids 48/ three Blankits 16/ three Bolster Cases seven Pillow cases 7/^ fourteen sheets 35/ 2 2 six Napkins 2/ five tablecloths 9/ puter ware 12/ Earthen ware 4/ Wooden ware 10/ Ironware 51/ three Tables 10/ Looking Glass 6/ five Chists one Chist of Drawers 24/ two wheels One Real 15/ Warming pan 4/ sundry Chairs 9/ two Bibles & sundry Books 18/ I II five yards of cloth 25/ three yards of firston Ditto 10/ Flax and yarn 6/ 21 thirty Bushels of Corn & Grain 100/ pork & Beef ts/ potatoes 20/ '^' - j^ Dry Cask 6/ half a cart & wheels 30/ One Plow Irons & harrow 18/ One Draft Chain One Ox yoke 15/ One ax One hoe ¦;/ half a horse 45/ two Oxen 10^ three Cows £^ three two-year-old heifers £/^ 10/ One year old £ s. d. 3 10 0 I 5 15 06 5 15 0 3 16 2 2 0 6 I 7 0 3 17 I 19 00 2 14 3 5 24 10 0 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 21 £ s. d. One swine 30/ sixteen sheep ;^7 4/ three Tuns of hay 60/ 11 14 o Beatle Rings Iron wedges & old Iron 8/* augors 6/ 14 4 Money on Hand ^21 2/ sundry Notes of hand ;^li4:i4:7 135 16 7 The home-field about 30 acres & Buildings thereon 270 o o Sixteen Cow- rights in the fourth general pasture 128 o o One Cowright in the Nunry pasture ^8 five acres wood land ^32 40 o o fifteen Acres wood Land at Craneneck ^60 37 acres of land at Almesbury ^185 245 o o 145 Acres of land at Bosquine ^30 a right of land in Warner township ;^ioo 130 o o four acres of Laud in Rawson's Meadow ;^i2 two acres Salt marsh in Salisbry ^5 17 o o Seven acres of salt Marsh at Plum island ^21 four acres of Ditto at Jerico ^12 33 o o (The Jerico lot is now owned by the Compiler.) A tract of Laud near Sandy Beach at Plum island 300 five acres of salt Marsh at Blackrock creek in Salisbry, 1500 A dwelliughouse & Land adjoining in Newburyport uear the church 100 o o A pew in Mr. Cary's Meeting house One Ditto in Mr. Noble's Ditto 800 Two Flax Breaks 12/ one ox sled 4/ one Hand saw 3/ two Baskits 2/ i i o Eleven sheep 99/ one pare of sheep shears 1/ 500 ^1069. 18. II 18. Daniel' (Daniel,' Job,' Wm.'), b. in Newbury, 12 March 171 1 ; m. Sarah Clement, in Haverhill, Mass., I Jan. 1736. Their children were : i. Elenor, b. 10 Feb. 1737 ; m. Richard Titcomb, 5 May 1757. 40. ii. Elijah, b. 19 Dec, 1719 ;. d. in Chester, N. H., 1830. 41. iii. Timothy, b. 16 May 1742 ; d. Jan. 1800. iv. Ruth, b. 30 Jan. 1744; m. Matthew Pettengell, 28 July 1771. 42. V. Sarah, b. 14 Jan. 1752; d. 3 June 1815. Daniel married 2d, Elisabeth 19. Samuel" (Daniel,' Job,' Wm.'), b. in Newbury, 17 March 1714; m. Eliza Atkinson, 19 Feb. 1735-6. Their children were : i. Ann, b. 26 Jan. 1738 ; m. Ebenezer Knapp, Jr., 17 Nov, 1757, ii. Sarah, b. 10 Nov. 1740. iii. Elisabeth, b. 7 Nov. 1748. ii. 45-46. iii.iv. 47- 48. V.vi. vii. 22 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 30. Joseph' (Josiah,' Job,' Wm.'), b. in Newbury, 29 July 1726; m. 8 Jan. 1746, his cousin, Hannah Pilsbury. Their children were : i. Amos, b. 11 April 1749; d. 19 Dec. 1770. ii. Elisabeth, b, 19 Jan, 1752; m, — — Baker. 43, iii. Joseph, b. 23 Sept. 1754 ; d- 18 Oct, 1854. iv. Abiel, b. 11 Nov. 1756 ; d. 31 March 1774. 44. V. Mary, b. 6 Aug. 1760. 21. Richard' (Josiah,' Job,' Wm.'), b. in Newbury, 9 Aug. 1728; d. 1782; m. Sarah Merrill, in Newbury, 7 Feb. 1750. Their children were : Molly, b, i Dec. 1753; m. Peter Stevens. Tristram, b. 9 April 1756, Josiah, b, 9 Aug, 1758, Richard, b, 5 Feb. 1763 ; d, 1800, Thomas, b. 27 Nov, 1771 ; d, Jan, 1835, Merrill. Eunice, m, Samuel Smart, Richard Pillsbury came to Wentworth, N. H., with his three sons, Josiah, Merrill, and Richard, from old Chester, in or near the year 1778. He was frozen to death while breaking out roads in the adjoining town of Warren in the winter of 1782. When found his dog was by his side and would allow no one but. a member of the family to touch his master. The town of Wentworth was chartered in 1776 and first town meeting held in 1779, when Richard Pillsbury was chosen road surveyor, and it seems died while in per formance of that duty. 33. David" (Josiah,' Job,' Wm.'), b. in Newbury, 20 July 1737 ; m. Anna about 1757-8 ; was a black smith by trade. Their children were : i. Elis.^beth, b. 12 June 1759; m. John Pierce, 19 March 1783- 49- ii, Jonathan, b, 15 May 1762 ; d, 14 March 1833. iii, David, b. 28 March 1764 ; emigrated to Canada, iv. Abby, b, ; m, Nathaniel Bailey, 2 March 1793. V, Anna, b. ; m. Oliver Dean, 25 Sept, 1796. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 23 33. Joseph" (Joseph,' Moses,' Wm.') , b. in Newbury, i6 Jan. 1694-5 ; d- before 1749. He m. ist, in New bury, 5 Dec. 1718, Mehitable Weed. They must soon after have removed to Kittery, Me., as their children were born there. These were : i. Nathan, b, 23 Sept, 1719 ; d, Dec, 1745. 50. ii, Stephen, b, 20 June, 1721, iii, Abigail, b, 16 March 1724 ; m, in Newington, N, H., 29 Oct, 1745, Joseph Field. Joseph m. 2d, in Kittery, Rebekah, daughter of Daniel and Hannah Fogg, 1725. Their children were : 51, iv. Joseph, b. 5 Nov, 1726, V, Benjamin, b, 2 Aug, 1729. 34. Nathan" (Joseph,' Moses,' Wm.'), b. in New bury, 3 June 1699; m. and had a daughter, Sarah, bapt. 28 April 1723, at Durham, N. H. Was in Nottingham, N. H., in 1738; living in 1749. 35. Peter" (Joseph,' Moses,' Wm.'), b: in Newbury, 30 July 1707; d. about 1772; m. Anna Curtin. Their children were : i. A daughter, b, 29 Jan. 1753; d, before 1772, ii. Joseph, b, 21 Nov. 1757, 36. Moses" (Moses,' Moses,' Wm.'), b. in Newbury, 16 Jan. 1699; d. in Boxford, Mass., April 1787; m. Mary Parker, in Newbury, 6 Aug. 1728. She was born in 1706, and d. 22 Feb. 1784. Their children were : i. Susannah, b, in Newbury, 20 June 1730, 52, ii. Edmund, b, in Tewksbury, Mass,, 12 March 1738; d. in Northwood, N, H., 17 Aug. i8i6, 53, iii, Parker, b, in Bradford, Mass., 11 Feb, 1742; d. 21 Feb. 1821, iv, Betsey, b. in B. i5 May 1745 ; d, in N, 24 June 1772. 37. Ezra" (Moses,' Moses,' Wm.'), b. in Newbury, 6 April 1703; d. 1797; m. Hannah, daughter of Henr}^ Hale, 10 Nov. 1727. She was born in Newbury, 8 May 1709. Their children were : 24 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. i. Hannah, b. 13 Oct. 1728; m. Joseph Pilsbury (20). ii, Sarah, b. 2 Nov, 1735 ; m. Nathan Bayley, 8 Feb. 1757 ; d. 1815. iii. Mary, b. 5 March 1738. 54. iv. Ezra, b. 18 April 1740; d. 15 Sept. 1820. V. Susannah, b. 26 May, 1744 ; m. Richard Bayley. 55, vi, Daniel, b. 7 Oct. 1746, 56, vii. Moses, b. 24 Nov. 1749; d. in W. Newbury, 11 Jan. 1833. 38. Daniel" (Moses,' Moses,' Wm.') , b. in Newbury, 22 Aug. 1707 ; m. Mercy Watson, in Newbury, i April 1735. Child : i. Abigail, b. 21 Sept. and d. 14 Oct. 1741- 39. William" (Moses,' Moses,' Wm.'), b. in New bury, 15 Dec. 1716; d. 1788; m. Mary Poor, 15 Nov. 1737. Their children were : 57. i. Moses, b. 19 Sept. 1738. ii. Benjamin, b. 7 May 1741. 58. iii. Amos, b. 9 May 1744. iv. Mary, b. 18 June 1748 ; m. John Doty, 24 March 1774. V. Hannah, b. 8 May 1763 ; m. Jeremiah Chase, 12 Feb. 1786. 30. Amos" (Moses,' Moses,' Wm.'), b. in Newbury, 10 June, 1721; d. 1766; m. Anna Chase, 16 Oct. 1745. Their children were : i. Anna, b. 8 Nov. 1746 ; d. soon. 59. ii. Samuel, b. 10 Feb. 1748. 60. iii. Eliphalet, b. 15 Jan. 1751; d. in Chester, N. H., 1824. iv. Chase, b. 26 March, 1752 ; d. in Newburyport, Jan. 1810 ; unmarried. Served as a sailor on a Massachusetts war vessel during the Revolution. V. Anna, b. 22 July 1753. 31. Benjamin" (Caleb,' Moses,' Wm.'), b. in New bury; d. in Amesbury; m. 15 Jan. 1735, Sarah Kelley of that town, and their children were born there. These were : i. Mary, b. 21 Oct. 1736; m.' Joshua Plummer, 19 July 1776. 61. ii, Joseph, b, 5 July 1738; d. in Candia, N. H., 1834. iii. Ruth, Id, 27 July 1740; m. John Patten, 31 July 1762. 62. iv. Benjamin, b. 26 Dec, 1742 ; d. in Sandown, N. H,, 7 Feb. 1819. V, Jane, b. 1 May 1745. 63. vi, Abijah, b. 8 June 1747 ; d, in Candia, N,H., 13 March 1830. 64. vii. Jonathan, b. 18 July 1750 ; d. in Candia, N. H., 1826. 65. viii. Dayid, b. 18 July 1750, PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 25 33. Caleb" (Caleb,' Moses,' Wm.'), b. in Newburv, 26 Jan. 1717; d. in Amesbury, 1778; m. 8 July 1742, Sarah Kimball of Amesbury, who d. 1761 . Their children were : 66. i. Joshua, b. 30 March 1743; d. in Canaan, N. H., 21 Feb. 1825. ii. Susannah, b, 30 March 1745, iii. Sarah, b. 4 June 1747. 67. iv. MoSES, b. 19 June 1750; d. in Bridgewater, N. H., 28 Jan, 1840. 68. V. Caleb, b. 27 March 1752 ; d. in Danville, Vt., 17 Sept. 1832. vi. Elisabeth, b. 3 Aug. 1754. 69. vii. Micajah, b, 4 May 1761 ; d, in Sutton, N, H., 1801. Caleb m. 2d, Mrs. Mehitable (Buswell) Smith of Kingston, N. H. (Published 7 Nov. 1761.) Their child was: 70. viii. Isaac, b. 19 Oct. 1762 ; d. in Hallowell, Me. Caleb, Jr., trod in the footsteps of his sire. During his lifetime he was one of the most prominent citizens of the town of Amesbury, Mass., and held at one time or another almost every office within the gift of the people. He was repeatedly chosen selectman, was representative to the General Court and to the Provincial Congress. He was a captain of militia under the royal authority, and his com mission under the King's name, signed by Gov. Hutchin son, is carefully preserved by one of his great-grandsons. He was captain of the little company of fifteen minute men who marched from Amesbury to Cambridge on the Lexington Alarm. The muster-roll may be found at the State House, Boston, among the Revolutionary papers. It is interesting to note that out of the members of the company four were named Pillsbury ; indeed Caleb and all of his five sons were at different times in the Continental army. Caleb died in the spring of 1778. The inventory of his property, taken June 4th, amounted to upwards of ;^2200 ; a large sum for the time. His widow Mehitable and eldest son Joshua were appointed administrators, and guardians of his minor children, Micajah and Isaac. 33. John" (Amos,' Moses,' Wm.'), b. in Rowley, Mass., 17 Nov. 1723; m. 16 March 1742, Ruth Brockle- bank of the same town. Their children were: 26 PILLSBURY' GENEALOGY. 71. i. John, b. in Rowley; d, about 1800. 72. ii. Samuel, b. 22 Dec, 1752, iii, Amos, b, in Rowley, 175 — ; d. about 1823; m. 10 July 1781, Naomi Burbank of the same town. They had no children. In his will dated 14 March 1806, he left all his estate to his wife, and after her decease to the children of his brother John. A pair of silver knee buckles, sleeve-links, and a silver bull's-eye watch said to have been carried by him at the battle of Bunker Hill, are yet preserved in the family, iv. Mary, m. Ebenezer Hopkinson of Bradford, 5 April 1774, v, Sarah, m, Daniel Brocklebank, 26 May 1776. 34. Jacob" (Jacob,' Abel,' Wm.'), b. in Newbury, 26 Feb. 1709 ; m. ist, 2 June 1733, Rachel Whitten, who d. 12 Aug. 1736; 2d, 15 June 1737, Elisabeth Cook; 3d, 31 March 1741, Elisabeth Wood of Haverhill. He was one of the original proprietors of the town of Boscawen, N. H., which was settled in 1733. Nothing more is known of him. 35. John" (Abel,' Abel,' Wm.'), b. in Charlestown, Mass., 28 March 1728; 111. in Boston, 22 Jan. 1749, Elizabeth Melvin. Their children were : 73. i. Thomas, b. in Boston, 1750; d, in -Vassalborough, Me. 74. ii. Ebenezer. And probably others. FIFTH GENERATION. 36. Enoch' (Joshua," Daniel,' Job,' William'), b. in Newbury on the old homestead, 27 Sept. 1732; d. 12 March 1785. He was buried beside his parents on the top of Old Burying Hill. He resided after his marriage on the property purchased by his father of Moses Ordway, on Ordway 's lane, now Market street, and adjoining St. Paul's churchyard. Enoch m. ist, 10 Oct. 1752, Mary Stevens. 2d, in 1756 (Pub. 20 Aug.), Apphia Currier. The child of Enoch and Mary was : 75- i- John, b, i May 1753 ; d, 17 March 1836. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 27 The children of Enoch and Apphia were : ii. Molly, b. i Jan. 1758; m. ist, Colley ; 2d,- • Montgomery. 76. iii. Anna, b. 18 July 1760; d. 16 June 1804. 77. iv. Samuel, b, 18 July 1762 ; d, 1838. 37 . Joshua' (Joshua," Daniel,' Job,' William'), b. on the old homestead, 23 March, 1738; died there i April 1798. He m. 7 June 1764, Rebekah Witham of Pepperell- borough, now Saco, Me. He visited Saco to transact some business for his father, and brought home a bride behind him on a pillion. She was a woman of spirit and energy, as described to the compiler by some of her grand children. She d. 28 June 18 19. Joshua was a private in Capt. Moses Little's company of minute men that marched to Cambridge on the morn ing of 19 April 1775. He is thought to have served for another brief period later in the war. The iron marker of the Society of the Sons of the American Revolution is planted at the head of his grave on Old Burying Hill. The children of Joshua and Rebekah were : 78. i. Daniel, b, 15 April 1765; d. in Boscawen, N. H., 8 Dec. 1844, Sarah, b. 18 Feb. 1767; d, in Boscawen, 16 March 1746, Joshua, b. Jan, 1769; d, in Boscawen, 15 Aug.aSii. Enoch, b, 14 March 1771 ; d, 28 Aug, 1773. Rebekah, b, 13 July 1773 ; m, 6 June 1799, James Dane of Andover, Mass. They had four daughters : Mary, Rebekah, Phebe and Eunice. ' Lois, b. 11 July 1775 ; d, 4 Sept, 1828, Eunice, b, 17 Nov, 1777; d, in Auburndale, Mass,, 29 March 1857, viii, Phebe, b, 21 Feb. 1780; d. before 1819; m. William Swayne. The children of this marriage were two sons, Levi and William, the latter of whom became a. por trait painter of note. ix. Mary, b, 27 Jan. 1783; d. in Derry, N, H,, 11 Oct. 1856. m, (87), 38. Samuel' (Joshua," Daniel,' Job, 'Wm.'),b. 5 Nov. 1742; d. 9 Jan. 1821. Hem. ist, 12 Sept. 1763, Mary, daughter of Abel Kent, the maltster, who d. 3 Oct. 1797, aged 40 years. Their children were : 79- 80, 11. iii. iv. V. 81, vi. 82. vii 28 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 83. i. Samuel, b. 20 Jan. 1764; d. i April 1836. 84. ii. Mary, b. 1765 ; d. 24 Aug. 1843. 85. iii. Benjamin, b. 19 Aug. 1768 ; d. 2 Feb. 1842. iv. Hannah, b. 1770; d. 24 April 1853 ; m. Jeremiah Sawyer. 86. V. Stephen, b. 14 Dec. 1772 ; d. 21 Nov. 1846. 87. vi. Enoch, b. 27 April 1780; d. 31 Dec. 1859. 88. vii. John, b. 20 June 1782 ; d. 24 Nov. 1824. viii. Sally, b. 23 July 1785 ; d. 19 Sept. 1816 ; m. John Gilman, 31 Dec. 1815. Samuel m. 2d, 8 Dec. 1788, Anna (Titcomb) Jewett, who d. 17 Nov. 1830. Their child was: ix. Charles, b. 26 July 1789; d. 14 Dec. 1830; unmarried. Samuel was a boat-builder and erected and afterward resided in the old house that stood opposite the foot of Oak land street, Newburyport, on the spot now occupied by the factory building. It was of the antique model, of which few examples now remain about the city, and its appearance, with front of two stories and the roof on the back sloping down to one, will long be remembered by those persons residing in the upper ward. He was a quiet, hard-working mechanic, whose name would have gone into forgetfulness with many of his kin, had it not been for his record as a soldier of the War for Independence, which is cherished with pride by his pos terity. He served in the Continental army through the greater part of the conflict, and was an unwilling partici pant in some of the incidents connected with Arnold's treason. He was one of the crew of the barge that rowed the arch-traitor from West Point to the British sloop Vul ture, who were afterward forcibly detained on board and carried prisoners to New York. The story of these poor men and their subsequent release by Sir Henry Clinton, the British commander-in-chief, is known to every student of United States history. For many months during the year 1780 nothing was heard from Samuel by his wife and six children, the youngest of whom -w^as born after the father's departure for the army, and family tradition has it that they suf fered, as did so many others, from want. His sudden re turn to them with a tale of adventure of such interest, must have been almost like a resurrection. Several of his grandchildren, gray haired men and women, have related mllSbury genf;alogy. 29 to the compiler their recollection of the wonderful stories told them in their childhood when grouped around their grandfather's knee; his description of Arnold, and how little the men dreamed of the treachery that was being planned in the brain of the wily plotter. "We would never have taken him to the British ship if we had thought there was anything wrong," the old man would declare. He lies buried with his wife, children and grandchildren, on the north-west slope of Old Burying hill, and the Iron marker of the Society of the Sons of the American Revo lution marks the spot. 39. Joseph^ (Joshua," Daniel,' Job,' Wm.'), b. in Newbury," 24 June, 1745 ; d. before 1792 ; m. 26 Jan. 1766, Eunice, daughter of Joseph and Elisabeth Coffin, who d. Aug. 1814, aged 70 years. Joseph was a ship master and resided on Boardman street, Newburyport. Their children were : i. Joseph, b. 29 Aug, 1766; d. young. ii. Eunice, b. 21 July 1768; m. 17 May 1796, Richard Dan- gerfield. 89. iii. Michael, b. 17 July 1770; d. 22 Sept. 1834. 90. iv. Betsev, b. 15 Jan. 1774; d. 1811. V. Polly, b. 17 Feb. 1776. vi. Sally, b. 25 May 1778 ; m. Enoch Moody, 11 June 1801. vii. Ann, b. 12 Aug. 1780; d. before 1820; m. 18 March 1798, Nicholas Titcomb. viii. Abigail, b. 2 Aug. 1784; d. young, 40. Elijah' (Daniel," Daniel,' Job,' Wm.'), b. in Newbury, 19 Dec. 1739; d. in Chester, N. H., in 1830; m. in Newbury, 18 March 1762, Anna Bartlett, who d. in 1830, aged 93 years. Elijah was before Quebec with the British army, when Wolfe was killed and the great struggle for supremacy in the New World between France and England ended. He went from Newbury to Chester about 1765. Their children were: i. Sarah, m. Jonathan Seavey. ii. Stephen, d. unmarried. iii, Anna, m, Isaac Towle, Jr. 41. Timothy" (Daniel," Daniel,' Job,' Wm.'), b. in Newbury, 16 May 1742; d. Jan. 1800; m. ist, in 1770, Mary Bartlett. Their children were : 30 pillsbury genealogy. 91. i. Miriam, b. 22 Jan. 1773; d. 1843, ii. MoSES, b. II April 1775. iii. Ruth, b. 27 Dec. 1776. iv. Clemens, b, 7 March 1778, Timothy m. 2d, 14 Feb. 1784, Mrs. Lydia (Wingate) Stover, of Saco, Me., who d. 14 Sept. 1837, aged 85 years. Their children were : V. Mary Bartlett, b. 7 Jan, 1785. vi, Daniel Stover, b. 27 Aug. 1786. vii. Lydia, b. 17 Jan. 1788, 92, viii, Timothy, b. 12 April 1789 ; d, 23 Nov, 1858. ix. Wingate H,, b,:i79o; lost his life at Hamburg while trying to save a comrade from drowning, 17 Nov. 1815. Timothy was a blacksmith by trade and an ingenious mechanic. He resided in a house situated in what is known at the present time as Currier's shipyard at the foot of Ashland street (then Pillsbury's lane), Newbury port. Several of his kinsmen, also blacksmiths, resided in the same neighborhood. His daughter Miriam, after ward the wife of Samuel Greenleaf of West Newbury, took great pride in the mechanical genius of her father's family, and frequently related to her grandchildren (one of whom repeated the fact to the compiler), that the first cannon bored in the United States was handled in her father's workshop. Timothy was lieutenant in Capt. Moses Little's com pany of minute-men who marched from Newbury on the Lexington alarm. He died in 1800 heavily encumbered with debt. 43. Sarah' (Daniel," Daniel,' Job,' Wm.'), b. in Newbury, 14 Jan. 1752; d. 3 June 1815 ; m. 26 Feb. '^77^1 John Morgaridge, who d. 1816, aged 75 years. Their children were : i. Mary W., d, 11 Aug. 1862. ii, Elisabeth W,, d, 20 Jan, 1843, iii. Miriam, b, 1787 ; d, 19 May 1837, iv. Elinor, b. 1787 ; d, 14 June 1859. John Morgaridge was the youngest son of Samuel and Mary (West) Morgaridge. He owned and resided on the property originally belonging to his father, known as Morgaridge Point, or Morgaridge 's shipyard, where ship building was carried on as early as 1741. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 3 1 After the death of their parents the four daughters con tinued to reside in the old home on the bank of the river, though the shipyard had come to be known as Jackman's shipyard, a portion of it lying opposite the foot of For rester street, Newburyport. The one thing which made their name a household word among the families of the surrounding region, was their fondness for feline pets, and the saying, " as many cats as the Morgaridge girls," signified to the initiated the possession of a goodly number of those useful animals. Varying stories were rife as to the number of cats claimed by each sister, and the compiler has never found two that agreed. When the old house was torn do-wn, about 1864, it was found that one of its rooms had been specially de voted to feline occupancy, the woodwork in some places being planed to satin smoothness by their claws. Like his brother-in-law, Timothy Pillsbury, John Mor garidge — or Capt. John, as he was called — was a member of Capt. Little's company of minute men that marched from Newbury to Cambridge, 19 April 1775, and, more fortunate than the former, his grave is known and marked by the insignia of the Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. ¦43. Joseph' (Joseph," Josiah,' Job,' Wm.'), b. in Newbury, 23 Sept. 1754; d. at Cape Elisabeth, Me., 18 Oct. 1854; 111. in Scarborough, Me., 1786, Elisabeth, daughter of Enoch Libby, of Scarboro'. She d. 23 Jan. 1826, aged 67 years. Their children were : 93, i, Tristram, b. in Newbury, 1787 ; d. in 1847. ii. Hannah, b, in Newbury, April, 17B9 ; d, June, 1788; m. Moulton, 94, iii, John, b, iu Newbury, 1791 ; d. in Scarboro', 6 March 1823. 95. iv. Enoch L,, b. in Newbury, 17 March 1794 ; d. 5 March 1883, Of this centenarian of the Pillsbury family, his grand son writes : " He was seventy -five years of age when I was born, so of course my first acquaintance with him found him quite an aged man, yet in reality as young as any of us boys. He was about medium height, neither stout nor thm, but very solid. He said that in his younger days his usual weight was from 32 PILLSBURY GEiSfEALOGY. i6o to 170 pounds. Then his hair and eyes were very dark , of course he was quite. grey and bald when I knew him. He was remarkably even tempered and social. I distinctly remember him as a remarka bly pleasant and agreeable old gentleman. I never saw him use spectacles, and his sense of hearing was as keen as a fox's to the day of his death. One winter morning when he was past ninety-seven, he walked with the teacher of our district to the schoolhouse, when most of the scholars knowing him came out to meet him, large and small. He read a long chapter from his New Testament which he carried with him, and all listened with strict, silent, attention. It was a strange sight to see such an old man read ing without glasses in a strong, clear voice. He seemed to be on the best of terms with everybody, never fretted or was cross-grained with any one, always cheerful and contented. In his last years his general health was good up to the last week of his life. He was up and about the house his last day on earth, retired as usual, and fifteen minutes later was found dead. After he lay down in bed he never moved even a finger, but looked precisely as tliough he -were in a peaceful, quiet sleep." Joseph was a soldier in the War of the. Revolution. After his marriage he settled in Newbury as next, door neighbor to John and Sarah Morgaridge in a house stand ing in the shipyard, which long ago disappeared. He resided there until his youngest child was a year old, when he removed to Scarboro', Me., and settled on a farm near Dunstan's Landing. He was also half owner and master of a coasting schooner, and followed that business several years. He was always spoken of as "Capt. Joe," and every person who knew him was his friend. He was never known during his long life to drink liquor of any kind except in a single instance. This was the occasion of the Evacuation of Boston by the British army, when he took a glass of brandy and it lasted him through life. 44. Mary' (Joseph," Josiah,' Job,' Wm.'), b. in New bury, 6 Aug. 1760. d. ; m. 9 Nov. 1779, Oliver Questrom. Their children were : Sarah. ii. Polly. iii. Hannah. iv. Oliver. V. Abiel. vi. Harriet. vii. Elisabeth. viii . Charles P. Oliver Questrom was a student in a Swedish University, the orphan ward of a wealthy aunt. To escape conscrip- PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 33 tion he fled to America, and landed at the port of New bury friendless and ill in a strange land. Joseph Pillsbury, pitying his forlornness, gave him shelter until he recov ered his health. In the meantime the youngest child of the home, a blooming damsel, had lost her heart to the stranger and further attached him to the land of his adop tion, and supplied him with new kindred by becoming his wife. They have left numerous descendants. 45. Josiah' (Richard," Josiah,' Job,' Wm.'), b. in Newbury, 9 Aug. 1758 ; m. Susan Page. Their children were : 96. i. Tristram, b. in Wentworth, N. H., 7 Nov. 1796; d. in Lowell, Mass., 27 Jan. 1845. 97. ii. John. iii. Sarah, m. Clement, of Fryeburg, Me, iv. Betsey, m. Rollins. V. Hannah, m. ist, Stephens ; 2d, Kimball. vi. Jesse, unmarried. 46. Richard' (Richard," Josiah,' Job,' Wm.'), b. in Newbury, 5 Feb. 1763 ; d. in Warren, N.H., 19 July 1800, being killed at the raising of a barn. He m. 23 March 1786, Marion, daughter of Benjamin and Marion Weeks, of Epping, N. H. She d. in Warren, 7 Aug. 1846, aged 78 years. Their children were : i. Tristram, b. 19 March 1787 ; d. 27 Jan. 1838. 98. ii. John, b. in Warren, 11 Nov. 1788; d. in Canterbury, N. H., April 1863. 99. iii. Thomas, b. 23 March 1791. 100. iv. Daniel, b. 28 Feb. 1793. loi. V. Sally, b. 5 March 1795 ; d. 16 Oct. 1882. vi. Miriam, b. 7 May 1797; m. Aaron Goodwin. 102. vii. Mary, b. 12 May 1799. 47. Thomas' (Richard," Josiah,' Job,' Wm.'), b. in Newbury, 27 Nov. 1771 ; d. Jan. 1835; m. Betsey Weeks, of Epping, N. H., who d. in Bradford, Vt., 7 April 1851, aged 76 years. Their children were: 103. i, Joseph, b. in Warren, N. H., 25 May 1795 ; d. in Brad ford, Vt., 24 May 1855. 104. ii. Thomas, b. in Warren, 25 Sept. 1797 ; d, m Bridgewater, N. H., 19 Oct. 1863. 105. iii. Ester, b. in Warren, 19 Nov. 1799; d, Dec, 1842. iv. Richard, b. in Warren, 3 May 1803 ; d. unmarried, 1831. 34 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 48. Merrill' (Richard," Josiah,' Job,' Wm.'), b. in Newbury, ; d. ; m. Ruth — — , in Wentworth, N. H. Their children were: i. Jonathan, ii, Merrill. iii, Joshua. iv. Betsey, V, Ruth, m, (103) ; d, in Lyndon, Vt., Feb. 1870, vi, Nancy, vii, Abigail, 49. Jonathan" (David," Josiah,' Job,' Wm.'), b. in Newbury, 15 May 1762 ; d. in Scarborough, Me., 14 March 1833. He in. ist, in Newburyport, 25 Nov. 1787, Elisa beth Cari, who d. in Scarborough, 7 May 180G, aged 30 years. Their children were : 106. i. D.wiD, b, in Scarboro', 15 Aug, 1788; d, in Parsonsfield, 14 Feb, 1855, 107, ii, Anna, b, in Scarboro', 10 Oct, 1790; d, in Waterboro', Me,, April 1859, 108, iii. Miriam, b, in Scarboro', 8 Dec, 1792; d. in Saco, Me,, 12 Jan, 1866. 109, iv, Mary, b, in Scarboro', 20 Jan, 1795 ; d. in W, Newbury, Mass,, 21 Aug. 1872, no, V, Joseph, b, in Scarboro', 26 April 1797; d, in Saco, 23 April 1863, vi, Mehitable, b, in Scarboro', 30 Oct. 1799; d. 30 Oct. 1847, unmarried, Jonathan m. 2d, in Scarboro', 2 March 1808, Shuah Milliken, who d. in Limington, Me., 20 Nov. 1864, aged 88 years. Their children were : III. vii. John, b. in Scarboro', t8 Dec, 1808 ; d, 12 March 1847. 112. viii. Charles C, b, in Scarboro', 3 Nov, 1810; d. 28 July 1893, 113, ix, Amos, b, 29 Nov. 1812 ; d, in Saco, 31 Oct, 1874, X, Noah, b. 5 Feb, 1815 ; d, 30 March 1838, 114, xi, Betsey, b, 6 Feb, 1817; d. in Brunswick, Me., 18 Oct. 1874. 115. xii, William C, b, 9 Jan. 1820, xiii, Tristram, b. 28 March 7822 ; d, 7 April 1823. 116, xiv, Sarah, b, 28 July 1823, Jonathan was a shoemaker and farmer in Scarljorough ; he was also a staunch Quaker, one of his grandchildren has informed the compiler. He always spelled his sur name, " Pilsbery." PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 35 SO. Stephen' (Joseph," Joseph,' Moses,' Wm.') , b. in Kittery, Me., 20 June 1721 ; m. Mary . Their chil dren were : 117. i, Stephen, b, in York, Me,, about 1750; d. Feb, 1816. ii, Mary, d. young, unmarried. 51. Joseph' (Joseph," Joseph,' Moses,' Wm.'), b. in Kittery, Me., 5 Nov. 1726; m. 2 June 1752, Mehitable Dennett, of Kittery. Their children were : 118. i. Joseph, b. in Kittery ; d, in Thomaston, Me. 119. ii. Nathan, b. iu EUiott, Me,, about 1760; d, in Thomaston, 23 May 1826. 120. iii. Tobias, b. 53. Edmund' (Moses," Moses,' Moses,' Wm.'), b. in Tewksbury, Mass., 12 March 1738; d. in Northwood, N. H., 17 Aug. 1816. He m. ist, 22 Nov. 1759, in New bury, Sarah Hale, who d. 28 March 1761. He m. 2d, 22 Oct. 1761, in Plaistow, N. H., Martha Hale, sister to Sarah. She d. in Northwood, N. H., 11 April 1809, aged 73 years. Edmund m. 3d, in Barrington, N. H., 24 Dec. 1809, Mrs. Hepzibeth (Twombly) Stiles. The only child of Edmund and Sarah was : i, John, b. in Newbury, 29 Dec, 1760 ; d. 6 July 1761. The children of Edmund and Martha were : 121. ii. John Hale, b. in N., 27 Sept. 1762; d. in S, Hampton, N, H,, 14 March 1837, Enoch, b, in N,, 17 Dee, 1763 ; d, in Northwood, N, H,, 6 Sept, 1796. Thomas, b. in N., 27 June, 1765 ; d. in Gilmanton, N, H,, March 1840, Sarah, b. in Plaistow, N, H,, 18 Sept. 1768; d, in Not tingham, N. H, James, b. in Plaistow, N, H., 26 Aug, 1770; d, in North- wood, 15 April 1826, 126. vii. Martha, b. in Plaistow, N. H,, 26 Nov. 1771 ; d. 28 Oct. 1806. In Hammond's " N. H. Town Papers," and Cogswell's History of Northwood, may be found sundry passages in the life of Edmund which are interesting as showing the condition of society a hundred years ago. Among the 122. Ul 123. iv. 124. V. 125- vi, ,5 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY; town papers was a petition dated Northwood, 5 Dec. 1797, addressed to the General Court of New Hampshire, by James Pilsbury and forty-five others. It would seem that the petition was not unanimous, as a remonstrance following close on its heels would show : " To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives convened at Concord on the 2ist day of this inst. Nov. 1798- We the Subscribers Inhabitants of Northwood did heretofore with a number of our Breatheren Belonging to the Baptist Society in North- wood Pertetion to be incorporated as a Baptist Society in Said North- wood to which it was not granted, we the Subscribers understand there is now a Pertetion before youer Honnors by a number of Perte- tioners Belonging to Said Society in Said Northwood to be incor porated as the first Baptist Society in Northwood— which youer Sub scribers and Humble Pertetioners think if granted will take every ones Property and Privileages In several Respects viz : Mr. Pilsbury who for a Number of years hath ben ouer Minister and hath Bm m Fel lowship with other Baptist Churches in Sosation is now Changed his Principels and Become what is called a Universalor and is not in Fellowship with the Baptist Churches and that tha Do Still Employ Mr, Pilsbury the Meateing House to Which we cannot unite with them we your petitioners being proprietors and Holders in part of Said House and other Property tha being a Majority of Said Society. Should this be incorporated we must be Cut of from ouer Privilege As we Do Still hold ouerselves members of the Baptist Society and not Universalors, Wherefore we Humble Pray that Said Petition may Not be granted," Unfortunately for these poor Baptist brethren, their re monstrance fell on indifferent ears, as the act of incorpora tion had already passed both branches of the Legislature. If their piety was on a level with their spelling and or thography, a little Universalism in the way of knowledge would not have injured them in the least. In Cogswell's History of Northwood may be traced the inwardness of the matter. The Rev. Mr. Pilsbury who had so changed his ' ' principels ' ' was ordained over the Northwood Parish 17 Nov. 1799, and continued about twenty years. " He had been educated to a degree that enabled him to be a suc cessful teacher in the limited branches of study of those days, and had the gift of speaking to the edifying of the people who were in sympathy with Baptist notions ; so he was ordained to the work of the ministry in East Northwood. He had no stipulated salary, but depended on the voluntary contributions of his hearers and his own industry. The contributions to his support were very irregular aud unsatisfactory, tantalizing his hope, while he was ever stung by the conviction that his services were unappreciated and unrewarded. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 37 In 1787, when 51 years of age, Mr, Pilsbury fared best of any year in all his ministry, when the town in its corporate capacity hired him to preach half the time at the upper meeting house and the rest of the time at the lower, and agreed to give hira for his services as support, 50 bushels of corn, 100 lbs. of beef, 50 lbs, of flax, 5 bbls, of cider, 20 cords of wood, and the keeping of 3 cows, 10 sheep and one horse summer and winter. It is said that Mr, Pilsbury before he closed his ministry with the church in the east part of the town, changed his theological views in respect to the final salvation of men and came to believe and affirm that all men would finally be saved irrespective of moral character. What more could have been expected than that a man whose early labors commanded, and that only for one year, the small consideration of 50 bushels of corn, 100 lbs. of beef, 50 lbs. of flax, 5 barrels of cider, 20 cords of wood, and the keeping of three cows, ten sheep and one horse — what more natural than that any man under such requital should either come to believe that all would finally be saved as being one as good as another, or that all would finally be lost as being universally unfit for the kingdom of heaven ? " 53. Parker' (Moses," Moses,' Moses,' Wm.'), b. in Bradford, Mass., 11 Feb. 1742 ; d. there 21 Feb. 1821. He m. ist, Apphia, daughter of Benjamin and Mary Jaques, of Newbury, who d. 10 Nov. 1769, aged 29 years. Their children were : 127. i. Phineas, b. in Bradford, 18 Feb. 1767 ; d. in Greene, Me., 4 Nov. 1859. 128. ii. Moses, b. in Newbury, 18 Jan. 1769; d, iu Salem, Mass., 13 March 1831. Parker m. 2d, 24 March 1774, Sarah Dickenson, who d. 13 April 1826, aged 75 years. Their children were : iii. Betsey, b. 9 May 1775 ; d, 13 June 1776, iv, Apphia, b, 23 June 1777 ; d. 31 Aug. 1807. V. Parker, b. 9 June 1778 ; d. 20 Oct, 1801. 129. vi, Paul, b. in W. Newbury, 6 June 1780; d, in Georgetown, 22 Jan. 1868. vii. Samuel, b. 28 March 1782 ; d. 22 Aug, 1784. 130. viii. Oliver, b. in Newbury, 29 Oct. 1783 ; d. in Henniker, N. H., 27 Feb, 1857. 131. ix. Samuel, b. 12 June 1786; d. in Boscawen, N. H., 4 Oct. 1854. 132. X. Enoch, b. in Boscawen, N. H,, 9 May 1788 ; d, 15 Feb. 1818. xi, Sally, b, 14 Dec. 1789; m. Benjamin Smith, 2 May 1850. xii. John, b, 25 Sept. 1792 ; d. 9 Nov, 1793. 133. xiii, John, b, 29 May 1795. A soldier of the American Revolution, 38 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 54. Ezra' (Ezra," Moses,' Moses,' Wm.'), b. in Newbury, 18 April 1740; d. in Weare, N. H., 15 Sept. 1820; m. Martha Bayley, of Roxbury, 29 Nov. 1759. Their children were : i. Sarah, b. 12 Oct. 1760. 134. ii. Joseph, b. in Newbury, 11 July 1762 ; d. in Wendall, N. H., 26 Jan. 1841. iii. Mary, b. 19 April 1765, iv. Elisabeth, b. in Rowley, 7 April 1767. 135. V. Solomon, b, in Rowley, 17 June 1769, 136. vi. MosES, b. 12 Oct. 1771 ; d. 23 April i860. Ezra was one of the first settlers of Weare, N. H., and was the purchaser of lot 91, range 7. For part of it he paid one hundred and thirty-five pounds lawful money, built the large house now standing, and there spent the rest of his days. He was one of the signers to the "Asso ciation Test " in June 1776, was with Stark at the battle of Bennington in 1777, was selectman in 1780, and he and his three sons were tax-payers from 1788 to 1793, in clusive. The . ' ' Association Test ' ' just mentioned was recom mended by the Continental Congress, adopted by the Provincial Congress of New Hampshire and sent to all the towns for signatures. All males above 21 years of age, except lunatics, idiots and negroes, were desired to sign it, and when done it was to be returned to the general assembly, or committee of safety. To sign it was a bold and hazardous step ; had the cause failed every signer would have subjected himself " to the pains and penalties of treason ; " to a cruel and ignomini ous death. This test was New Hampshire's declaration of independence. " We, the subscribers, do hereby solemnly engage and protnise that we will to the utmost of our power, at the risk of our lives and for tunes, with arms oppose the hostile proceedings of the British fleets and armies against the United American colonies." In Weare 131 men signed it, Ezra Pillsbury among them. Twenty-nine Quakers refused, and twelve others, world's people, would not sign, although their refusal did not signify any lack of patriotism. Ezra was a trumpeter in the Revolutionary army and served seven years. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 39 55. Daniel' (Ezra, "Moses,' Moses,' Wm.'),b. in New bury, 7 Oct. 1746; m. 25 Feb. 1768, Judith Bailey, who d. 10 March 1792, aged 40 years. Their children were : i. Moody, b. 14 July 1768 ; d, at sea about 1787, unmarried, 137, ii, Silas, b. 25 June 1770, iii, Ruth, b. 4 April and d, 27 May 1773, iv. Prudence, b. 4 July 1774; d, soon. v, D.^NIEL, b, II Nov, 1777; d, in W, Newbury, 27 March 1841, vi, BETSEY, b, 1785 ; d, before 1822 ; m, Moses Chase, Daniel became a captain in the Revolutionary army, and was with his company during the winter at Valley Forge, 1777-8. 56. Moses' (Ezra," Moses,' Moses,' Wm.'), b. in Newbury, 24 Nov. 1749; d. in W. Newbury, 11 Jan. 1833. He 111. in Dracut, Mass., 7 Jan. 1772, Sarah, daughter of Ezekiel Hale, of Bradford. She d. 3 April 1830, aged 76 years. Their children were : 138. i. Hannah, b, in W. Newbury, 6 June 1772; d, 5 Aug, 1843. ii. Oliver, b, 2 May 1774; d, in W, Newbury, 5 Nov, 1855; m. Lydia , who d. 15 Oct, 1835, aged 61 years. iii. AbiG.\il, b. 9 April 1776. iv. Ruth, b. 3 July 1779 ; m. Samuel Bartlett. 51. MoSES' (Wm.," Moses,' Moses,' Wm.'), b. in Newbury, 19 Sept. 1738 ; d ; m. Abigail Howard, 30 Oct. 1760. Their children were : 139, i, William, b, iu Newbury, 30 July 1761; d. 19 Feb, 1836. ii, ABIG.4.IL, b, in Newbury, 18 Dec, 1765. iii, Mary, b, 14 Jan. 1768; d, soon. iv. Mary, b. 22 March 1770 ; d, 8 Dec. 1871, unmarried. V. Eunice, b. 17 Jan, 1773; m, Moses Noyes. 58. Amos' (Wm.," Moses,' Moses,' Wm.'), b. in Newbury, 9 May 1744; m. 10 Jan. 1773, Ruth Rogers, of Newbury. Their children were : 140. i, Simeon, b, 27 April 1774, ii. Judith, b. 27 May 1776; m, Daniel Downer, 11 Dec, 1796. iii, Abigail, b. ; m, Theodore Rogers, 19 Nov, 1801, 141, iv. Amos, b. 4 June 1782 ; d. 1872, V. Mary, b. ; m. James Burrill, 31 May 1809. 40 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 59. Samuel' (Amos," Moses', Moses,' Wm.'), b. in Newbury, lo Feb. 1748; d. in Charleston, S. C, at an advanced age; m. in Newbury, 18 May 1768, Mary Hackett. Their children were : i. James, b. in Newbury, 10 Nov. 1770. ii. Amos, b. in Newbury, 15 Oct. 1772. In 1798 a work on church music was published in Charleston, S. C, compiled by one Amos Pillsbury. It is reasonable to suppose that he was identical with the above. iii. John, b. in Newbury, 19 April 1774. iv. William, b. in Newbury, 5 Feb. 1777 ; d. in Charleston, S. C, Sept. 1801. He -was a young man of much promise, a student in Harvard College, who joined his father in Charleston with the intention of en gaging in teaching, when he suddenly died. 142. v. Moody, b. in Londonderry, N. H., 29 April 1781 ; d. in Bucksport, Me., 24 Nov. 1850. Samuel removed from Newbury to Londonderry, N. H., about 1779 or '80. He was selectman of that town in 1783. He probably married there a second wife, name unknown. They had one daughter : vi. Abigail, b. in L., 1787 ; d. 17 May 1811 ; m. Simon Lane, Feb. 1807. 60. Eliphalet' (Amos," Moses,' Moses,' Wm.'), b. in Newbury, 15 Jan. 1751 ; d. in Chester, N. H., 1824. He was a blacksmith ; m. Elizabeth Cross. Their children were : i. Anna, b. in Newbury, 21 Oct. 1775. 143. ii. Moses Cross, b. in Newbury, 1778; d. in Derry, N. H., 28 June 1848. iii. Amos, b. ; lost at sea. iv. Abigail, m. Saul, of Sanbornton, N. H. V. Nancy, d. in Derry, unmarried. vi. Sally, m. Thomas Runnels, of Derry, N. H. Eliphalet was at the battle of Bunker Hill, a member of Capt. Ezra Lunt's company of Newbury volunteers. He was also one of a number of recruits from Newbury for the Continental army in 1780. 61. Joseph' (Benjamin," Caleb,' Moses,' Wm.'), b. in Amesbury, 5 July 1738. He m. in Hampstead, N. H., 29 Nov. 1763, Mary Kelley. Their children were : PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 4I 144- i. Sally, m. Thomas Shannon. ii. Benjamin. iii. Hannah, m. Elisha Towle, Jr. 145- iv. Mary, b. 1772. V. Ruth, b. in Candia, N. H., 1776 ; d. in Dorchester, 26 Feb. 1838. 146. vi. Caleb, b. in Hampstead, 3 March 1781; d. in Neponset, 31 Jan. 1858. F . Joseph's name is found in the list of soldiers from Candia, N. H., who served in the Continental army from 21 July to 28 Sept. 1777, battle of Bennington. 63. Benjamin' (Benj.," Caleb,' Moses,' Wm.'), b. in Amesbury, 26 Dec. 1742 ; d. in Sandown, N. H., 7 Feb. 1819; m. Anne Plummer, of Sandown, about 1770. Their children were : 147- i- Samuel, b. 1772; d. in Sandown, 4 May 1857. 148. ii. Dolly, b. May 1776 ; d. in Chester, N. H., 19 Feb. 1857. 149. iii. Jane, b. 2 Nov, 1777, iv. Nancy, b. ; d. 1809, unmarried. V. Moses, b. 1784 ; d. 1810, unmarried. Benjamin was a farmer and cooper, as well as general business man, in the town of Sandown. He lived on the farm still occupied by his descendants. 63. Abijah' (Benj.," Caleb,' Moses,' Wm.'), b. in Amesbury, 8 June 1747; d. in Candia, N. H., 13 March 1830 ; m. in Candia, 6 Oct. 1790, Sarah Burpee, who d. 13 Dec. 1810, aged 51 years. Their children were : i. Sarah, b. 24 June 1791 ; d. 2 Dec. 1812. ii. Esther, b. 16 May 1793 ; d. Sept. 1814. iii. Mary, b. 24 June 1799; d. 21 Oct. 185 1. iv. Moses, b. i Oct. 1804; d, 2 Oct, 1838. V. Sophia, b. 15 June 1808; d, ijan. 1865. Abijah, with his brother David and cousin Moses, was one of the company of Amesbury minute men who marched to Cambridge on the morning of 19 April 1775. 64. Jonathan" (Benj.," Caleb,' Moses,' Wm.'), b. in Amesbury, 18 July 1750; m. 11 Nov. 1777, Bridgett Clifford, of Rumney, N. H., b. 12 Oct. 1754. Was nearly a lifelong resident of Candia, and probably all his children were born there. These were : 42 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. i. Sarah, b. 20 May 1778 ; d. 19 Oct. 1848. ii. Mary, b. 17 Jan, 1780; d. 15 Sept. 1869, unmarried. 150. iii. Jane, b. i Nov. 1781. iv. Ruth, b, 30 July 1783 ; d, 20 Aug. 1786. V. Ruth, b. 17 July 1786. vi, Betsey, b. 23 March 1788; d, 19 Nov. 1815. 151. vii, John, b, 2 Nov, 1789; d. 23 Oct. 1858. viii. Hannah, b. 2 Nov. 1789. ix, Anna, b, 26 May 1793. X, Jonathan, b. 8 Jan. 1795. Jonathan was one of the first settlers of Candia, and built the house now owned by his grandson Jonathan, son of John. He first lived in a log house in the woods until the road from Deerfield to Chester was cut through. Was the most wealthy man in the town at the time of his death. The Pillsbury family had a large number of daughters, and one Sabbath there were thirty young women bearing the name, and all cousins, present at church. 65. David' (Benj.," Caleb,' Moses,' Wm.'), b. in Amesbury, 18 July 1750 ; m. there Elisabeth, daughter of Berzilla and Betty (Plumer) Colby, who was born 9 Oct. 1757. (Pub. 19 Sept. 1778.) They seemed to have re moved to Candia, N. H., immediately afterward, as all their children were born there. These were : 152. i. Benjamin, b. 12 April 1779; d, 23 March 1835, ii, Sally, b. i Nov. 1780; d, 12 Nov. 1859; m. Moses Brickett, of Auburn, N, H. iii. Betsey, b. 9 July 1782 ; d. 5 June 1862 ; m, John Murray. iv. Miriam, b. 12 July 1784 ; d. 4 Feb. 1848 ; m. Nathan Bean. V, Polly, b, 7 Dec. 1786; d, 26 Jan, 1875; ui. Woodbury Jenuess. vi. Dolly, b, 9 October 1789 ; d. 11 Jan, 1821 ; m, Walter Clay. 153, vii, Jane, b, 17 Dec, 1791 ; d, 23 Feb, 1873. viii. Ruth, b, 9 March 1794; d, 11 Nov. 1863, unmarried. ix. Judith, b. 20 May 1796; d. 18 Sept, 1838; m. Samuel Dudley. X, Anna, b, i Aug. 1798 ; d. 25 Sept. 1877 ; m. Johu Bean. XI, Phebe, b, 25 Feb, 1801 ; d. 23 Oct, 1886 ; m. John Clay, 154, xii, David True, b, 20 Sept, 1804; d, in Bradford, Vt., 6 Feb. 1892. 66. Joshua' (Caleb," Caleb,' Moses,' Wm.'), b. in Amesbury, 30 March 1743 ; d. in Canaan, N. H., 21 Feb. pillsbury genealogy. 43 1825 ; m. in Dracut, Mass., Oct. 1770, Elisabeth Sawyer, of that town, who was born 19 Qct. 1750. Their children were : 155. i. Levi, b. in Dracut, 8 Aug. 1771 ; d. in Winchendon, Mass., 5 April 1819. ii. Elisabeth, b, in Dracut, Feb. 1773 ; d. in Weare, N, H,, 7 March 1851 ; m, Thomas Evans, 14 Dec, 1814, iii. Jeremiah, b. 15 April 1774; d. 19 Aug, 1775, iv. S.ARAH, b. 17 Nov. 1775 ; d, 15 April 1811 ; m. J, Stocker, of Montpelier, Vt., 15 Nov. 1798. V. Miriam, b. 29 June 1777; d. 22 Sept. 1778. vi. Rachel, b. 5 Oct, and d, 22 Oct. 1778, vii. Miriam, b. i Dec, 1779; m, C, Walworth, of Canaan, 1 June 1800, 156. viii. Caleb, b. 1 Feb, 1782 ; d, 14 Oct, 1838. ix. Joanna, b. 16 Aug, 1784 ; d, 14 Oct, 1789. X. Deborah, b, 21 March 1786 ; d. 8 July 1826, unmarried, xi. Salome, b. 24 Nov. 1787; d. 15 Dec. 1861 ; m. Josiah Barber, of Canaan, N. H., 9 May, 1811. 157. xii. Joshua, b. in Dracut, 31 March 1789; d. in Canaan, N. H,, 19 Oct, 1858, xiii. Hannah, b. in Dracut, 19 Feb, 1792; d. 25 Aug. 1818 ; m. No, 162. 158. xiv. ITHAM.AR, b. 22 Aug. 1794; d. in Andover, 111,, 20 April 1862, Joshua's father, Caleb, purchased 160 acres of land in Dracut in 1763, and to this place he went previous to 1767. Joshua was a farmer and cooper in Dracut and Canaan, N. H. 67. Moses' (Caleb," Caleb,' Moses,' Wm.'), b. in Amesbury, 19 June 1750; d. in Bridgewater, N. H., 28 Jan. 1840; m. 19 Oct. 1775, Anna Hoyt, of Amesbury, who d. in Bridgewater, 31 Dec. 181 1, aged 57 years. Their children were : 159. i. John, b. in Amesbury, 18 July 1777. 160, ii, Sally, b, ; d. in Bridgewater, N, H. 161. iii. Nancy, b. in Amesbury, 21 Oct. 1784 ; d. in Ashland, N. H,, 22 May 1870. 162. iv. Daniel D., b. ; d. . V. Moses, b. in Amesbury, 16 Oct. 1788; d. in Petersburg, Va., 26 Sept. 1832. vi. Caleb, b. . 68. Caleb' (Caleb," Caleb,' Moses,' Wm.'), b. in Amesbury, 27 March 1752 ; d. in Danville, Vt., 17 Sept. 1832 ; m. Judith Sargent, of Amesbury, daughter of Benj. 44 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. and Ruth (Moulton) Sargent, who d. in Danville, Vt., 6 May 1834, aged ^^ years. Their children were : 163. i. Nathan, b. in Amesbury, 22 Dec. 1773 ; d. in Danville, Vt., 19 Jan. 1853. 164. ii. Ruth, b. in Amesbury, 24 March 1776; d. in Loudon, N.H. 165. iii, Sally K,, b. in Amesbury, 3 Nov. 1778. iv. Judith, b. in Amesbury, 23 Nov, 1780; m. Eben Hoyt, of Danville, Vt. V. Betsey, b. 15 Jan, 1783 ; m. Moses (or Daniel) Morse. vi Polly, b. 6 Feb. 1785 ; m. Isaac Robbins, of Derby, Vt, 166. vii. Caleb, b. in Loudon, N. H., 17 Dec. 1786; d. in Bridge- water, N. H,, 17 March 1874. viii, Benjamin L., b. in Loudon, N. H., 6 Sept. 1789; d. in Quebec, 15 Dec. 1823. ix. Patty, b. 22 Nov. 1791 ; d. 6 Nov, 1854; m.John Morrill, of Danville. 167. X. Eunice B,, b. 9 Jan. 1794. ¦ xi. Lydia B., b. 10 Oct. 1795; m. Wm. Chamberlain, of Dan ville. 168. xii. Nancy, b, 5 July 1797, xiii, Ploomy, b. 30 March 1800; m. Judkins Randall, of Danville, 69. Micajah' (Caleb," Caleb,' Moses', Wm.'), b. in Amesbury, 4 May 1761 ; d. in Sutton, N. H., 1801 ; m. Sarah Sargent of Amesbury, 15 March 1781, who d. in Sutton, N. H., 1843, aged 80 years. Their children were: 169, i. Stephen, b. in A., 30 Oct. 1781 ; d. in Londonderry, N. H., 22 Jan. 1851. 170, ii. Joseph, b. in A., 1 April 1784; d. in Sutton, N. H., 31 Jan. 1868, Moses, b. in A,, 19 June 1786; d. 25 Jan. 1870. John, b. in A., 24 May 1789 ; d. in Sutton, 11 Oct. 18,56. Sally, b. in A., 29 April 1791 ; d. in Sutton, 2 May 1875. Betsey, b. in A., 16 Oct. 1794 ; d. in Sutton, 21 Sept. 1836. Nancy, b. in Sutton, 11 Oct, 1798; d. in S,, i Oct. 1879. viii. Dolly, b. in Sutton, 16 Feb. 1801 ; d. Micajah was a blacksmith and removed from Amesbury to Sutton, N. H., 1795. Was selectman of the town in 1797. Three of his sons, Joseph, Moses and John were justices of the peace, represented the town in the lower branch of the Legislature, and were each selectmen several times. He enlisted in the Continental army 10 Nov. 1777. 70. Isaac' (Caleb," Caleb,' Moses,' Wm.'), b. in Amesbury, 19 Oct. 1762; d. in Hallowell, Me., 4 May 18 14. He m. Mary, daughter of Joseph and Miriam Smith, of Loudon, N. H. Their children were: 171. 111. 172. iv. 173- V, 174. vi. 175- vii. 176. viii 178. ii. 179- iii. i8o. iv. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 45 177. i. Stephen, b. in Loudon, N. H., 3 Sept, 1788; d. in Hal lowell, Me,, 23 July 1876. Amos, b, in Loudon, 6 Dec, 1789; d. at sea, 31 Dec, 1819. Sarah, b, in Loudon, 9 Dec. 1791. Abigail, b, in Hallowell, 8 Feb. 1794; d. in Richmond, Me., 29 Nov. 1882. 181. V. Isaac, b. in Hallowell, 6 April 1796 ; d. iu Galveston, Texas, 11 June 1833. 182. vi. Mary, b. in Hallowell, 5 May 1798; d, in Edina, Mo,, 27 March 1876, 183, vii, Levi, b, iu Hallowell, 7 June 1800, 184. viii, Olive, b, in Hallowell, 29 July 1802, 185. ix, Elisabeth, b. in Hallowell, 7' June 1808. Isaac was serving in the Continental army in 1780. He rerrioved from Loudon to Hallowell in May 1792, and was representative to the General Court from that town before Maine became a state. 71. John' (John," Amos,' Moses,' Wm.'), b. in Row ley, date unknown ; d. about 1800 ; m. Judith Dole, of Rowley. Their children were : 186. i. John, b. in R., 28 Feb. 1774 ; d. in Suncook, N. H., 18 May 1857. 187. ii. Dole, b. in R., 18 April 1777; d. in Georgetown, 7 March 1861. iii. Betsey, b. in R., April 1779 ; d. in Pelham, N. H., un married. iv. Silas, b. in R.,,9 April 1782 ; d. ; m, Sarah Parsons, in R,, 6 June 1805, 188. V. Judith, b. in R., 8 April 1786; d. in Stowe, Mass., 13 Nov. 1875. 189. vi. Amos, b. 31 Jan. 1789; d. in Georgetown, 8 Nov. 1858. 73. Samuel' (John," Amos,' Moses,' Wm.'), b. in Rowley, 22 Dec. 1752 ; m. there 27 Nov. 1776, Elisabeth Pingree, of New Chester, N. H., and probably soon after removed to Salisbury, N. H. Their children were : i. Samuel, b. 14 Dec, 1777 ; d. soon. ii. Elisabeth, b. 24 April 1779 ; d. 15 Dec, 1815 ; m, John Whittemore. 190. iii. Samuel, b. 14 Jan. 1782, iv. Dorothy, b. 29 Aug. 1783; d. 9 Nov. 1828; m. Levi Flanders. V. Sarah, b. 11 May 1787; d. 3 Sept. 1836; m. Timothy Abbott, of Rumford, Me. vi. Mary, b. 14 Aug. 1788; d. 16 April 1811. 191. vii, Hannah, b. 26 Nov, 1791; d. 17 July 1882. 192. viii. Lydia, b. 26 Nov. 1791 ; d. 12 May 1876, 193. ix. John, b. i March 1797. 194. X. Pingree, b. i March 1797 ; d. i Jan. 1840. 46 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 73. Thomas' (John , " Abel , ' Abel , ' Wm . ' ) , b . in Bos ton, 1750; d. in Vassallboro', Me.; m. in Vassallboro', 1774, Betsey Doe. Their children were : i. Sally, b. 1776 ; m. Josiah Clark in 1799. 195. ii. George, b. 1779. iii. Olive, b. 1781 ; m. Robert Lancester in 1807. iv. Abigail, b. 1783 ; m. John Taylor, 1803. , 196, V, James, b. 1786; d. in Garland, Me. vi. Charlotte, b. 1788; m. Reuben Getchell in 1809. vii. Fidelia, b. 1792 ; m. Elijah Ingraham, 1826. 74. Ebenezer' (John," Abel,' Abel,' Wm.'), b. ; d. ; m. in Boston, 4 Nov. 1787, Jane Frazier. Their children were : i. Susan, m. Folsam, 197, ii, Eben, b, iu Boston, 7 June 1790 ; d, in Farmington, Me,, 3 May 1867, iii, Beulah, m. Hinckley. iv. Jane, m. John Bowman, in Boston, 6 April 1817. 198. V. William, b. 1796; d. in Augusta, Me., 16 Sept. 1859. SIXTH GENERATION. 75. John" (Enoch,' Joshua"), b. in Newburyport, i March 1752; d. 17 March 1836; m. in 1775, Elisabeth Davis, of Portsmouth, N. H., who d. 17 Jan. 1809, aged 54 years. John m. 2d, Lydia Tenney, of York, Me., who d. 7 Nov. 1853, aged 80 years. The children of John and Elisabeth were : 199. i. Mary, b. 12 Dec. 1776; d. 8 Feb. 1811, 200, ii, Elisabeth, b. 28 Feb, 1779 ; d, 1812, iii. John, b. 4 Feb. 1781 ; d. at sea. iv, Sally, b, 8 Feb, 1788; d, 16 June 1806. V, Enoch, b. 13 Nov. 1790; d. at sea ; m, 13 Jan, 1819, Lucy Brown, vi. Charles, b. 27 Feb. 1793 ; d. 23 July 1800. vii. Caroline, b. 27 Feb. 1793; d. 1863. John was a seafaring man and master of a vessel. He served his country in the war for independence and en joyed a pension in his last years. He, too, lies not far from his kinsmen on the west slope of Old Burying hill, and the cross of St. Louis, the symbol of the S. A. R., marks his resting place. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 47 76. Anna" (Enoch,' Joshua"), b. in Newburyport, 18 July 1760; d. 16 June 1804; m. i Jan. 1784, Capt. Ebenezer Choate, who d. at Guadaloupe, 2 Nov. 1801. Their children were : Anna C. Enoch. Mary. Ebenezer.Annar.Thomas, Benjamin. John. 77. Samuel" (Enoch,' Joshua"), b. in Newburyport, 18 July 1762 ; d. 1838 ; he m. ist, 22 Sept. 1785, Anna Swett, of Salisbury; 111. 2d, 11 Feb. 1803, Hannah Hovey, of Newburyport. The children of Samuel and Anna were : i. Apphia, b. 22 May 1787; d, in Washington, D. C; m. John Atwood. ii. Ann, b. 12 Oct. 1791 ; d, ; m. ist, Pearson ; 2d, Porter Russell. 201. iii. William, b. 27 March 1795; d, in Wilmot Flat, N, H,, 18 Oct, 1890, iv, BET.SEY (or Hannah), b. i Nov. 1797 ; m. William Tyler. V. Samuel, b. i July 1802 ; d, soon. Samuel followed the sea, and is said to have been very intemperate. Like his older brother, he saw service in the Revolution and had a pension. He resided for many years in the house on Market street, Newburyport (the second house below St. Paul's churchyard), where his father had lived before him. His half-brother, John, lived on that portion of the property bordering on Summer street, which is still owned and occupied by his great- grand-children. Samuel's homestead has been in posses sion of strangers for at least half a century. 78. Daniel- (Joshua," Joshua"), b. in Newbury, on the old homestead, 15 April 1765 ; d. in Boscawen, N. H., 8 Dec. 1844; m. 5 Feb. 1788, Eunice Thurlow, of Newbury, who d. in Boscawen, 27 Oct. 1847, aged 82 years. Their children, all born in Boscawen, were : 203,204- 205.2o6. 11.iii.iv. V. 207. vi. 208, vii. viii ix. 48 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 202. i. Daniel, b. 20 March 1789 ; d. in W. Newbury, Mass., 19 July 1872. Enoch, b. 14 Aug. 1790 ; d. 15 Oct. 1879. George Thurlow, b. 7 Feb. 1792 ; d. 16 May 1836. Moody Adams, b. 4 May, 1794 ; d. 8 Jan. 1863. Rebekah, b. 29 April 1796 ; d. 5 Oct. 1874. Paul Pearson, b. 9 Nov. 1797 ; d. iu Andover, Mass., 8 June 1882. Joseph, b. 7 Aug. 1799 ; d. 14 May 1861. , Eunice, b. 22 Sept. 1803 ; d. 2 Nov. 1843. Mary, b. 6 Feb. 1805 ; d. 7 April 1843. X. Sarah, b. 4 Nov, i8o6 ; d. 27 Oct. 1880. 209. xi. William Thurlow, b. 24 Aug. 1809 ; d. 27 Aug. 1845. Soon after his marriage Daniel removed to Boscawen, N. H., and settled on the lot on Water street, laid out to his father in 1733, as one of the proprietors of the town. This piece of land, which he subsequently purchased, re mained in the family nearly 150 years until the death of his daughter Sarah in 1880. Daniel was a carpenter and mill-wright. Though a man of medium stature, yet the united heights of his seven sons amounted to 43 feet, 6 inches. 79. Sarah" (Joshua,' Joshua") , b. in Newbury, on the homestead, 18 Feb. 1767; d. in Boscawen, N. H., 16 March 1846 ; m. 10 Feb. 1785, Joseph Couch, of Boscawen, who d. 7 Feb. 1821, aged 65 years. Their children were: i. Enoch, b. 23 Nov. 1785. ii. Sally, b. 23 Aug. 1787, iii. Joseph, b. 23 May 1789. iv. Enoch, b. 12 April 1793. V. Phebe, b. 2 July 1798. vi. Eunice T., b. 4 July 1810. Mrs. Sarah Couch was a woman of great energy of character, which trait has descended to her posterity. Marrying at eighteen she rode on a pillion behind her husband over the rough country roads in the depths of winter to her new home in the sparsely settled town of Boscawen, N. H. Stories are still extant of her pluck and determined spirit. The farm to which she made her wedding journey, situated in that part of Boscawen now known as Webster, is at present owned and occupied by her granddaughter. Miss Nancy E. Couch, and her great- grandson, Herbert C. Whitney. 211. 11. 212. iii 213. iv. 214. V. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 49 SO. Joshua" (Joshua,' Joshua"), b. in Newbury, on the homestead, Jan. 1769, where he continued to reside until he removed to Boscawen, N. H., in April 1809, in which place he died, 15 Aug. 181 1 ; m. 8 Feb. 1794, Elisabeth, daughter of John Wood, of Newburyport, who d. in Boscawen, i Dec. 1816, aged 42 years. Their chil dren were : 210, i, Enoch, b. in Newbury, 7 Jan. 1795 ; d, in Na-shua, N, H., 26 Jan. 1857. Joshua, b. in Newbury, 13 Aug. 1796; d. 17 Oct, 1887. Elisabeth, b. i Aug. 1798; d.in Boscawen, 16 Oct. 1825, Nathaniel Wyer, b, 5 Nov, 1800; d, 13 April 1863, Eunice Wood, b, 2 Jan, 1803 ; d. in Lawrence, Mass., i Aug. 1872. 215. vi, Mary Coffin, b. 20 March 1805 ; d. in Boscawen, 25 July 1869. vii. Phebe, b. 21 May 1807 ; d. iu Nashua, N, H., May 1834. m, Leonard W, Kimball, July 1830. 216, viii, Caroline, b. in Boscawen, 10 July 1811 ; d, in Warsaw, N, Y,, 16 Oct, 1884. 81. Lois" (Joshua,' Joshua"), b. on the homestead, II July 1775 ; d. 4 Sept. 1828 ; m. 3 Oct. 1792, Theophilus Bradbury, who d. 19 June 1848, aged 85 years. Their children were : i. Ebenezer, b. 31 July 1793 ; d. 19 June 1864. ii. John, b. 1795 ; d, 1797, iii. A daughter, b. and d. 1797, iv. Rebekah, b. 7 July 1799 ; d. 23 May 1881, V, John, b. 18 Aug. 1801 ; d, 3 Oct. 1851, in San Francisco, vi. Mary, b. 1803; d, 1805. vii, Mary Louisa, b, 13 Dec. 1810; d. 17 July 1881. (See Bradbury Memorial.) 83. Eunice" (Joshua,' Joshua"), b. on the homestead, 17 Nov. 1777; d. 29 March 1857; m. July 1798, Capt. Ephraim Tappan. Their children were : i. Mary, b. 25 Nov. 1798; d. iu Dexter, Me., 10 April 1881 ; m. Ebenezer Bradbury (her first cousin). ii, Abraham, b. 30 May 1800 ; d. 22 Jan. 1881, 83. Samuel" (Samuel,' Joshua"), b. in Newbury, 20 Jan. 1764; d. in W. Amesbury, i April 1836; m. 13 April 1797, Elisabeth Chase, of Amesbury. Their chil dren were : 50 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. i. Mary, b. lo Oct, 1799; d. 11 June 1882; m, Robert Stuart of Haverhill, 1823. ii. Eliza Ann, b. 26 Jan. 1804 ; d. 6 Sept. 1863 ; m. Moses Brown, of Newbury, in 1822. iii. Hannah, b. 20 Dec. 1806 ; d. ; m. Job Hoyt, of West Amesbury, 26 June 1828. Children : Charles, Gilman S., Mary E, 84. Mary" (Sainuel,'Joshua"), b. in Newbury, 1765'; d. 24 Aug. 1843 ; m. ist, 4 May 1789, William Titcomb. Their children were : i, Harriet, ii, Robert, iii, William, She m. 2d, John Orne. Their children were : i. Abigail. ii, John, iii, Mary Kent, 85. Benjamin" (Samuel,' Joshua"), b. in Newbury, 19 Aug. 1768 ; d. 2 Feb. 1842 ; m. 6 March 1800, Anna Burroughs, who d. 9 Feb. 1840, aged 60 years. Their children were : Mary A,, b. 16 March 1802 ; d, 24 July 1871, ' Lucy, b, i Sept, 1804 ; d. 27 Dec, 1871. Rebekah H,, b, 21 Dec, 1806; d, 26 July 1891, Harriet, b, 25 July 1810; d. 19 Feb. 1887. V. Sarah H,, b, 3 Nov, 1812 ; d. 14 Jan. 1864, unmarried. vi. BENJAMIN, b. 6 Sept. 1815 ; d, 27 Nov, 1854; m, 5 July 1838, Abigail B. Perkins, of Lowell, Mass. vii. Adaline, b. 25 Dec, 1818; d, 27 April 1873; m. 31 Oct, 1842, Winthrop O, Evans, of Newburyport. Benjamin was a carpenter, residing on Broad street, Newburyport. 86. Stephen" (Samuel,' Jo,shua"), b. in Newbury, 14 Dec. 1772; d. 21 Nov. 1846; m. i.st, 21 May 1801, Sally, daughter of Moses Moody, who d. 23 Aug. 1839, aged 63 years. He 111. 2d, 2 Dec. 1839, Sally Whitmore, who d. 23 March i860, aged 70 years. The children of Stephen and Sally Moody were : 221. i, Sally, b, 16 March 1802 ; d, 9 June i860, 222. ii. Hannah, b. 18 June 1805 ; d. 11 Jan. 1837. 223. iii. Mary, b. 11 Dec. 1809 ; d, 23 Feb. 1889, Stephen was a carpenter, residing in the gambrel-roofed house next his father's on Merrimac street, Newburyport.. 217, 218, ii. 219, iii 220, iv. 224. 1, 225. 226. ii.iii. iv. fliXSBURY GENEALOGY. 5t 87. Enoch" (Samuel," Joshua"), b. in Newbury, 27 April 1780; d. in Derry, N. H., 31 Dec. 1859; m. 22 Dec. 1807, Mary Pillsbury, his first cousin. Their chil dren were : Enoch, b. 7 Dec, 1808; d, in Nashua, N,H,, i6 July 1867, Stephen, b. 5 Dec, 1811 ; d, in Normal, 111,, i Dec, 1885, Joshua, b, 18 March 1813 ; d. in Athens, O., 17 Sept. 1887. James, b. 6 Sept. 1816; d. 16 Aug. 1852, unmarried. 227. V, Thomas, b. 9 April 1823 ; d, in Derry, N,H,, 28 Feb. 1875, Enoch resided iu his father's house on Merrimac street, Newburyport. 88. John" (Samuel,' Joshua") , b. in Newbury, 20 June 1782 ; d. in N. Chelmsford, Mass., 24 Nov. 1824 ; m. 10 May 1808, Abigail Elliot, who d. 18 April 1829, aged 42 years. Their children were : 228, i, Samuel, b, 27 Feb, 1809 ; d, in Biddeford, Me,, 23 April 1888, 229. ii. Maria, b. 24 Sept, 1810 ; d, 24 Nov, 1863, 230. iii. John Gilman, b, 2 Nov, 1812 ; d, in Chelsea, Mass,, 6 Aug, 1858, 231, iv. Emily R,, b. ii Nov. 1814; d, 2 Jan, 1858, V, Abigail A,, b, 16 Oct. 1818; d, 27 Nov, 1844; m, George Wheeler, 27 Oct. 1844. 232, vi. Carolinp:, b, in Chelmsford, 3 Jan. 1819, Until his removal to Chelmsford, John resided in the house next his brother Benjamin's on Broad street, New buryport. 89. Michael" (Joseph," Joshua"), b. in Newbury, 17 July 1770; d. 22 Sept. 1834; ni. ist, 18 March 1794, Elisabeth Clark. Their children were : i. William, d. in Boston about 1827, unmarried, ii, Joseph, d, at sea, 233. iii. Eliza F,, b, 21 Nov. 1797; d. in Maiden, Mass,, 18 July 1880, Michael m. 2d, 9 June 1799, Mrs. Charity (Tucker) McLaulin. Their children were : 234. iv, Benjamin P,, b. 2 July 1808; d, in Haverhill, Mass., 31 Oct, 1872, , .,, ^^ , 235. V. Eunice C, b, 27 July 1814 ; d. m Haverhill, 20 March 1892, Michael was a shipmaster whose family resided on Boardman street, Newburyport. ^2 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 90. Betsey" (Joseph,' Joshua"), b. in Newbury, 15 Jan. 1774; d. 1811; m. Capt. Samuel Dennis, 23 Oct. 1794. Their children were : i. Eliza, b, i Aug. 1797; m, Joseph Short. ii, Samuel, d, at sea, iii. Benjamin, d, at sea. iv, Charles, b, 6 Aug, 1807; d, young. v. Caroline, b. 6 Aug. 1807 ; m. John H. Page, of Newbury port; d, 25 Nov, 1897, 91. Miriam" (Timothy,' DanieP), b. in Newbury, 22 Jan. 1773 ; d. in Cincinnati, Ohio, 1843 ; m. 22 Sept. 1792, Samuel Greenleaf (son of Abner), of West Newbury, in which town they resided for eight years. They then re moved to Bangor, Me., where they remained for twelve years, next removing to Marietta, O., and finally to Cin cinnati. Their children were : i, Lucy, b, in W, Newbury, 2 Dec, 1793. ii, George, b, in W. Newbury, 19 Feb, 1795 ; d, 1796. iii. George, b, 26 Oct, 1796 ; d, 1797, iv. Samuel, b, in W, Newbury, 8 July 1798; d. 1848. V, Clements, b, in W, Newbury, 23 April 1800; d. 1830. vi, Edward, b, in Bangor, 19 July 1802 ; d, 1873, vii. Francis, b. in Bangor, 19 April 1804, viii, Mary, b, in Bangor, 14 Nov. 1805. ix. Caroline, b. in Bangor, 13 March 1808. X. Martha, b. in Bangor, 22 Feb, 1810 ; d. 1832, xi. Clarissa, b, in Bangor, 30 April 1812, xii, Ji;lia, b, in Marietta, O,, 22 March 1815, One of her grandsons thus described Miriam to the compiler : — My grandmother was a handsome woman, with dark brown eyes, tall and finely formed. As she grew older she became very stout, weighing upwards of two hundred pounds a few years before her death. As she sat in her large armchair, always dressed in dark brown (except on special occasions, when she wore black silk), with her three-cornered kerchief of snowy white, her Martha Washington cap, her slippers of some bright color, and workbag of cardinal velvet always hanging on the arm of her chair, .she looked like some fine old picture. Her needle work was exquisite. She showed me a small piece of silk tissue, beautifully embroidered with bouquets of flowers in natural colors, saying that she had a dress of the same worked when she was young. After the marriage of her youngest daughter she embroidered a black lace dress for her. She was a great reader, and was well informed on general subjects. She was an interesting talker, and her grandchildren loved to hear her tell of the days when she was young. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 53 She was proud of the Pillsbury family, particularly of their mechanical genius, telling over and over again that the first cannon bored in the United States were handled in the Pillsbury shops in Newbury (Belleville). Her son Edward was the first manufacturer of the Gatling gun in the United States. 93. Timothy" (Timothy," Daniel"), b. in Newbury (Belleville), 12 April 1789; d. in Danville, Texas, 23 Nov. 1858; he in. ist, 15 Oct. 1811, Sarah C. Prince, of Newbury, who d. i Sept. 1832, aged 42 years; m. 2d, Rebekah Carpenter, who d. 5 Jan. 1892, in Houlton, Me., in her 80th year. The children of Timothy and Sarah were : i. Infant, b, and d, 4 Sept, 1812, 236. ii. Albert, b. in Eastport, Me., 6 Aug, 1814; d. in Halifax, N. S,, 13 June 1872. iii. Henrvt, b. 12 Sept, 1817 ; d, 20 Aug, 1819, iv. Henry, b. 12 May 1819 ; d, 1847. Was in command of a steamer during the Mexican war, and died of yellow fever contracted at Vera Cruz. 237. V. Edward, b. at Eastport, 15 Aug. 1821 ; d. in New Orleans, 10 Aug. 1882. vi. Wingate, b, 23 Sept. 1823 ; d, 27 Sept, 1824, vii. Wingate, b. 5 May 1825 ; d, 24 July 1847. He was in the United States navy, and lost his life in trying to save a sailor (who could not swim) from drowning. They were sent in pursuit of a Mexican vessel, and were capsized in the Gulf of Mexico. All were saved with the exception of Wingate aud one other. There is a monument to his memory in the grounds of the Naval Academy at Annapolis, Md., where he graduated. viii, Joseph, b. 29 April 1827 ; d, young, ix. Mary, b. 29 .-Vug,, d, 29 Oct, 1829, X, Stoyer, b, April and d, Nov, 1831. The life of Timothy reads like a chapter of romance. His father died before he was twelve years old, heavily encumbered with debt. When all claims were settled only a small pittance was left for the widow and her four young children. Though his schooling had been very limited, Timothy felt he must do something to assist his mother, and therefore left school and went into a store in Newburyport. At the age of fourteen he shipped as a foremast hand on board the ship "Romulus," Capt. Lufkin, belonging to Jacob Little, of Newbury, and narrowly escaped shipwreck on the homeward voyage. 54 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. The next cruise he was washed overboard in a heavy storm and was rescued with difficulty. Nothing daunted, he continued to follow the sea for the next thirty years, and his sea-faring life was a long series of hardship and misadventure. He owned and commanded various vessels ; took part in the war of 1812, was taken prisoner, and on one occa sion planned a daring escape which was successful. He was several times shipwrecked, and was frequently in perilous situations, some of his experiences rivalling in tragic and romantic interest the best known nautical fiction of the present day. Limited space forbids anything but the bare outline of this part of his troubled career. . At last, after being rescued with his crew from one of his most perilous ship wrecks, circumstances combined to cause him to abandon his sea-faring life and embark on the equally troubled ocean of politics. From Boston where he was landed by the vessel which rescued him, he went to Eastport, Me. There he became a candidate for representative from that town to the Maine Legislature. He lost his election but was chosen by the Legislature immediately afterward to the member ship of the Executive Council of Maine. During the year in which he held this office, he was nominated for member of Congress, but a split in the party lost him the election. He then went to Ohio, but remaining there only a brief period journeyed on to New Orleans, where he arrived with only twenty dollars in his pocket. Taken ill, he was befriended by a wealth}^ mercantile house with which he had had dealings in previous years, the members of which on his recovery urged him to go to Texas, offering to start him in business. He consented, but in the des perate state of affairs then existing in Texas, all business was a failure. In 1840-41 Timothy Pillsbury was selected as a candi date to the Legislature of Texas from his county — Bra zoria — and was successful. At the next session he was chosen to the Senate, and on resigning his seat there was chosen chief justice of the County Court, and Judge of Probate of the county of Brazoria, an office he held between PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 55 two and three years. He was then re-elected to the senate and resigned the judgeship. In July 1 845 , an extra session was held for the purpose of considering the propositions made by the United States governnient for annexation. Of this measure Mr. Pills bury was an early and strenuous friend. Shortly after annexation he was elected to the National House of Representatives by a small vote, and he was subsequently re-elected a member of the Thirtieth Congress by a largely increased majority. He gave cordial .support to the ad ministration of Mr. Polk in all its cardinal measures. (A very complete account of his life, from which this abstract is taken, may be found in the Biographical and Political History of Congress, compiled by H. G. Wheeler, pub. by Harper Bros., Vol. II, pp. 64 to 100. Major Ben : Perley Poore's Directory of Congress maj' also be con sulted.) As might be supposed for a man trained in the sternest lines of the school of experience and adversity, whose character and opinions were hardened by the buffetings of fortune, Mr. Pillsbury had many political enemies, and was described to the compiler as being at a certain period of his life one of the best hated men west of the Mississippi. It is to be hoped that his latter years passed in the comparative quiet to which his youth was a stranger. 93. Tristram" (Joseph," Joseph"), b. in Newbury, 1787; d. presumably at Scarborough, Me., in 1847. He m. Mary West, of Hollis, Me., who d. in 1882. 94. John" (Joseph," Joseph"), b. in Newbury, 1791; d. in Scarboro', Me., 6 March 1823 ; m. 1818, Lavinia Libby, of Scarboro', who d. 18 Feb. 1847, aged 54 years. Their children were : Se-wall B,, b, 1819; d, in Scarboro', 26 July 1821. Abigail, b, 1819; d, in Scarboro', 18 March 1823, George W,, b. 21 March 1821 ; d. 9 Feb, 1871, Hannah, b, 1822 ; d. at Cape Elisabeth, Me., 11 Dec, 1857. Albert L,, b. 18 July 1826 ; d, at Cape Elisabeth, 29 Nov, 1887. Lavinia, b. 1828 ; d. 5 Dec. 1848, ii. 238. iii 239- iv. 240. V. 56 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 95. Enoch L." (Joseph,' Joseph"), b. in Newbury, 17 March 1794; d. in Cape Elisabeth, Me., 5 March 1883; m. ist, 24 Nov. 1818, Rebekah, daughter of Beriah and Rachel Weston, who d. 3 Feb. 1825. Their children were : 241. i. Tristram, b. 6 May 1821 ; d. 9 March 1849. ii. Joseph W., b. 30 Jan, 1824; d, 17 June 1843. Enoch m. 2d, 23 Nov. 1825, Roxana, daughter of John and Deborah Yeaton, of Portland, who d. 23 March 1882, aged 83 years. Their children were : iii. Rhoda, b. 30 July 1826 ; d. 6 Dec. 1856. iv. Weston, b, 20 May 1828 ; d, 30 Sept. 1846. 242, V. John F., b, 30 May 1830, vi, Rebekah, b, 30 July and d. 17 Sept. 1832. vii. Henry B., b. 20 June 1842, Was second engineer on the steamer D. H, Mount, supposed to have sunk with all on board during a hurricane off Cape Hatteras, 25 Oct, 1865. 96. Tristram" (Josiah,' Richard"), b. in Wentworth, N. H., Nov. 1796; d. in Lowell, Mass., 27 Jan. 1845. He m. about 1822, Sally Buck, daughter of Jacob Buck, of Brownfield, Me. Their children were : i. Sarah Clement, m. Dr. Darling, of Rumney, N. H. 243. ii. Richard C, b. in Wentworth, 2 April 1824 ; d. in Lowell, 14 June 1885. iii. BETSEY Rollins, b. in Wentworth ; d, 1887 ; m, George D. Fowler, of England. 97. John" (Josiah," Richard"), b, ; d. ; m. Mehitable Clifford. Their children were : 244. i. William H. C, b, about 1827, ii. Mary Ann. 98. John" (Richard,' Richard") , b. in Warren, N. H., II Nov. 1778; d. April 1863, in Canterbury, N. H.; m. Hannah Jones, of Rumney, in 1819. Their children were : 245- 246. BiLLEY E,, b, 25 Sept, 1822. ii. Judith, b, 5 May 1824, iii, David S., b. 1829 ; d. 18 March li Two children died in infancy. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 57 99. Thomas" (Richard,' Richard"), b. in Warren, N. H., 23 March 1791 ; m. Sarah Clement. Their children were : 247. i. Moses W., b. 5 Dec. 1820, ii, Anson. iii. Emerson, All reside in Warren, N. H. 100. Daniel" (Richard," Richard"), b. in Warren, N. H., 28 Feb. 1793 ; m. Betsey Clough of Wentworth. Their son is : Albert. Resides in Wentworth. 101. Sally" (Richard,' Richard"), b. in Warren, N. H., 5 March 1795 ; d. 16 Oct. 1882 ; m. Jonathan Clough, of Warren, N. H., 14 Nov. 1816, who d. 8 July 1863. Their children were : i. Amos D., b. 6 Nov, 1818; d. 14 Sept, 1872, ii. Mary, b. 11 May 1822. iii. Eunice, b. 21 Nov. 1826. iv, Almeda, b. 30 Aug. 1830, 103. Mary" (Richard," Richard"), b. in Warren, 12 May 1799. She m. Joshua Copp, of Warren. They had five children, and removed from Warren to a southern state. 103. Joseph" (Thomas," Richard"), b. in Warren, 25 May 1795; d. in Bradford, Vt., 24 May 1855; m. Ruth Pillsbury, of Wentworth. Their only child was : Daniel Young, d, in Bradford, Vt,, 1863. 104. Thomas" (Thomas,' Richard"), b. in Warren, N. H., 25 Sept. 1797; d. in Bridgewater, N. H., 19 Oct. 1863 ; m. Mary Osborne, of Bradford, Vt., who d. 26 Nov. 1875. Their children were : 58 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. i. Betsey, b, in Warren, 18 Nov, 1823 ; m, 1841, M. Denison Farr, of Bradford, Vt. ii. Esther, b. 18 Nov. 1825 ; m. H. L, Farr, of Bradford, Vt, iii. Ezra, b, in Bradford, Vt., 3 Nov, 1838; d, 26 Dec. 1878 ; m, Olive T. Davis, 4 July 1863. iv. Hartwell, b. in Newbury, Vt,, 24 June 1841 ; m. Sarah Kelley, of Bradford. Four children died in infancy. 105. Ester," (Thomas,' Richard"), b. in Warren,. N. H., 19 Nov. 1799; d. Dec. 1842; m. Timothy Ladd, a farmer of Piermont, N. H., who d. 12 June 1870. Their only child was : ¦ Emeline, b. II May 1822, 106. David" (Jonathan,'David"),b. in Scarboro', Me., 15 Aug. 1788 ; d. in Parsonsfield, Me., 14 Feb. 1855 ; m. Mary Coolbroth, of Scarboro', Nov. 1809, who d. 2 Aug. 1874. Their children were : Oliver, b, 23 May 1810; d, 30 June 1840, David, b, 15 Aug. 1814 ; d. in Boston, 13 July 1881. Mary Jane, b. 11 Dec. 1818 ; d. 7 Aug, 1844. Martha Ann, b. 11 Dec, 1818 ; d. 18 Dec. 1843. George W., b. 13 March 1825. 107. Anna" (Jonathan,' David"), b. in Scarboro', 10 Oct. 1790; d. in Waterboro', April 1859; 111. ist, Benja min Foss, 2 Aug. 1824. Children: i. Janette. ii. Shuah, iii. Benjamin. iv, Newman, She m. 2d, Daniel Smith, of Hollis, Me., 3 July 1840. 108. Miriam" (Jonathan,' David"), b. in Scarboro', 8 Dec. 1792 ; d. in Saco, Me., 12 Jan. 1866; m. i Aug. 181 2, Joseph Deering of Saco, Me., who d. in 1849. Their children were : 248, 249, ii. iii. 250. iv. 251- V. Enoch L, ii. Martin H. iii. Charles H, iv. Hannah E. V. Joseph F. vi. Thomas C. vii. Oliver D, viii , George E. ix. Elisabeth A. X. Benjamin F, PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 59 109. Mary" (Jonathan,' David"), b. in Scarboro', 20 Jan. 1795; d. in West Newbury, Mass., 21 Aug. 1872; m. John Brown, of Newbury, Mass. Their children were : Joseph. ii. George Fox, iii. Susan M, iv. Miriam. V, Miriam M, vi. William Penn vii. Elisabeth C, viii . Sarah A. 110. Joseph" (Jonathan,' David"), b. in Scarboro', 26 April 1797; d. in Saco, 23 April 1863; m. 5 Dec. 1820, Cethe R. Hayford, of Freeport, Me., who d. 29 Aug. 1870. Their children were : i. James. ii. Solomon H, iii. James H, 111. John" (Jonathan,' David"), b. in Scarboro', 18 Dec. 1808 ; d. 12 March 1847 ; m. Mrs. Mary Ann Foss, 25 Oct. 1842, in Scarboro'. Their children were: 252. i. Bartlett, b, 14 Aug, 1833, 253. ii, No.AH, b, 11 Jan, 1838, 254, iii, Isaac W., b, 4 Nov, 1842, 113. Charles C." (Jonathan,' David"), b. in Scar boro', 3 Nov. 1810; d. 28 July 1893; m. 21 Oct. 1832, Eunice M. Waterhouse, of Scarboro'. Their children were : i. Edward T., b. in Biddeford, Me,, 10 June 1833; d, in Newburyport, Mass,, 20 July 1878. 255, ii. George W,, b, 17 Nov, 1834 ; d, 3 Nov. 1887. iii, Sarah E,, b, 29 July 1837 ; d. 29 Sept, 1839, 256, iv, Emeline M., b, 12 July 1839, 257, v, Frank M,, b, 21 Feb, 1841. vi, Martha A., b, 7 Dec. 1843; m, Mofat Milliken, 258, vii, Oliver S,, b, 30 April 1846, 259, viii, Howard L,, b. 17 Dec, 1849, 260. ix, Charles W,, b, 20 June 1851, 113. Amos" (Jonathan,' David"), b. in Scarboro', 27 Nov. 1812; d. in Saco, 31 Oct. 1874; m. 31 May 1840, Sarah French, of Porter, Me. Their children were : 6o PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 261. i. Shuah B., b, in Porter, Me., 30 Dec. 1842. ii. Austin W., b, in Porter, Me,, 5 Oct. 1847; d. in Effing ham, N. H., 14 May 1850. iii. BENJAMIN A. F., b. in Porter, Me., 24 March 1850 ; d. in Saco, 12 Jan. 1874 ; m. Mary J. Saunders, who d. April 1887, iv, Noah O,, b, in Porter, 7 Sept, 1852 ; d, in Baldwin, Me., 10 Aug, 1863, V. Herbert, b. in Scarboro', 30 Jan. 1855 ; d. in Baldwin, 7 Sept. 1863. vi. Alphonso V., b. in Portland, Me,, 19 Oct. 1857; m. 24 Oct, 1887, Lillian M, Atwood, of Saco, vii, Ida A., b, in Portland, 31 Oct, i860; m. C. B.Haines. Resides in Alabama, 114. Betsey" (Jonathan," David")., b. in Scarboro', 6 Feb. 1817; d. 18 Oct. 1874; m. 28 March 1843, Charles Davis, of Brunswick, Me. Their children were : i, Keziah, ii, Lydia, iii, Charles H. iv, Walter. V. Sarah E. vi. Frederick W. 115. William C." (Jonathan,' David"), b. in Scar boro,' 9 Jan. 1820; m. in Limington, Me., i Jan. 1846, Nancy Frost, who d. 23 March 1865. Their children were : 262. i. John H., b. in Limington, 20 Dec. 1846. 263. ii. J.'VMES F., b. in Limington, 28 June 1849. iii. Anna, b. 17 March and d, 11 Sept. 1852. 264. iv. Alfred F. H,, b. 18 May 1856, William m. 2d, 20 May 1868, Maria N. Frost of Lim ington. A tanner and farmer in Limington. 116. Sarah," (Jonathan," David"), b. in Scarboro', 28 July 1823; m. ist, I Sept. 1843, Fred Waterhouse; m. 2d, 6 July 1864, Samuel H. Bell, of Eastport, Me.; m. 3d, 29 Sept. 1867, George B. Downer, of New Glouces ter, Me.; m. 4th, 11 Nov. 1871, Samuel Peck, of Ells worth, Me. 117. Stephen" (Stephen,' Joseph"), b. in York, Me., about 1750; d. Feb. 1816 ; ra. in 1773, Betsey Joy, of Berwick. Their children were : pillsbury genealogy. 6i 265. i. Benjamin, b. 1775; d. 1851, ii. Mary, b. 1777, iii. Sarah, b, 1779, 266, iv. John. 267, v. Nathaniel, m. Bridget Davis. 268. vi. Stephen, b, in Shapleigh, Me,, 1782, 269. Vll. Joseph, b. April 1788. 270. viii, Tobias, killed in the battle of Plattsburg, N, Y,, 1812. 271. IX, Samuel, b, 7 March 1794; d, in Clyde, Kansas, 1886, X. Ellen, d. young. Stephen was a farmer, and the farm taken by him from the government is still retained in the family by Frank Pillsbury, of the fourth generation. 118. Joseph," (Joseph," Joseph"), b. in Kittery ; d. in Thomaston, Me.; m. Sarah Emery of Kittery. Their children were : i. Samuel, lost at sea. 272. ii, Betsey, d. in South Thomaston. 273. iii. Johnson, d. in Belmont, Me, 274. iv, Joseph, d. in St. George, Me,, 13 July 1822, V, Sarah, d. in Prospect, Me.; m. Wm, Randall in 1812. 275. vi, John, b, at Ash Point, 1789 ; d. in S. Thomaston, 5 Sept. 1832. vii. Hannah, m. Benjamin Cooper, 2d, 276. viii. Nathan, 2d, b, 17 Aug. 1790; d. 25 Dec, 1874, ix, Margaret, Joseph came at the close of the war of the Revolution from Kittery, Me., and settled at Ash Point (South Thomaston.) He built a log cabin about three miles from what is now the city of Rockland. He was a blacksmith. He served in the Revolution, and received two hundred acres of land. It is said that when work at home was dull he used to make up a lot of shoes, and hanging them over his back would travel about the country shoeing oxen wherever he could find a job. He made his own coal to use in his smithy. 119. Nathan," (Joseph', Joseph"), b. in Eliot, Me., about 1760 ; d. in Thomaston, 23 May 1826 ; m. Lucy Emery, of Kittery, 18 April 1788. Their children were : 62 pillSburY genealogy. 277, i. Nathaniel, b, in S. T., 16 April 1790; d. in Rockland, Sept. 1846, 278, ii, Joseph, b, 11 Feb, 1792 ; d, 28 April 1845. iii, Sarah, b. 23 Oct. 1794; d. 21 Oct, 1862, iv, LuCY', b, 14 Oct. 1799; d. 30 June 1800. V, Samuel, 2d,, b, 21 Oct. 1801 ; d, at Ash Point, 7 Feb. 1823. vi. Nathan, 3d, b. at S, Thomaston, 23 Nov. 1804; d. in Rockland, 25 Oct, 1870 ; m. 14 Jan. 1828, Jane Crockett, who d, 20 Jan, 1869, aged 64 years. No children. Was a merchant in Rockland, The following is a verbatim copy of Nathan's family record, furnished by his great-granddaughter : Nathan Pilsberry and Lucy Emery was Married April 18, 1788, First child born April 27 1789, Nathaniel Pilsberj- was born Friday April 16 1790, after the new Moon upon flood tide. Joseph Pilsbery was born Saturday Febury 11 1792, After the new Moon, eb tide, Salley Pilsbery was born thursday October 23 1794, A few hours after new moon eb tide, Lucey Pilsbery was born monday October 14 1799, next day after the full Moon eb tide, Samuel Pilsbery was born Wensday October 21 1801, upon full moon Eb tide, Nathan Pilsbery jun, was Born friday November 23 1804, About 24 hours Before The last quarter of the Moon F'-fod tide. Lucey Pilsberry Died June 30 1800. Nathan came to Ash Point at the same time as his brother Joseph. He followed the same trade and also served in the War, serving the whole time (six years and nine months) . He purchased one hundred acres of land of Gen. Henry Knox (who owned a large extent of the neighboring country at that time) for which he agreed to pay seventy-five cents per acre. Joseph's land was obtained in the same way. Their lots joined. 130. Tobias" (Joseph,' Joseph"), b. in Kittery; m. in 1776, Hannah Woodbury, of Falmouth. Their children were : 279. i. Tobias, b, in Cape Elisabeth, 4 July 1777 ; d. 29 Jan, 1867, 280, ii, Joshua, b. in Cape FUisabeth, 6 Dec. 1781 ; d, 12 Feb, 1872. A soldier of the Revolution. 131. John Hale" (Edmund,' Moses") , b. in Newbury, 27 Sept. 1762; d. in South Hampton, N. H., 14 March 1857 ; m. 27 March 1787, Elisabeth Ro-w^ell, of Newton, PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 63 N. H., who d. 27 Sept. 1851, aged 86 years. Their chil dren were : 281. i. Lois, b. 12 Dec, 1787 ; d, 14 June 1839, 282, ii, James, b, 19 Jan, 1789; d, 12 Feb, 1824, iii. John Hale, b, 8 July 1790; d. in California, 1843, 283. iv. Jacob R,, b, 25 Sept, 1791 ; d. in Palmyra, Me,, 9 Aug, 1850, 284. V. Edmund, b, 26 June 1793; d, in Newport, Me,, 28 Jan, 1853- vi. Enoch, b. 8 May 179,^ ; d. 12 Aug, 1851, unmarried, 285, vii, Betsey, b. 30 Nov, 1796 ; d, in Lawrence, Mass,, 17 Aug, 1882. viii, William, b, 18 Sept, 1800; d, 16 Jan. 1803. 286. ix, William, b, 24 Sept, 1802 ; d. 29 Jan. 1839. x. George W., b, 7 Dec, 1804 ; d, 5 Dec. 1855 ; m. Betsey Dow. John Hale Pillsbury was a Justice of the Peace, and member of the New Hampshire Legislature from Wolf- borough. 133. Enoch" (Edmund,' Moses"), b. in Newbury, 17 Dec. 1763 ; d. in Northwood, N. H., 6 Sept. 1796; m. 8 Sept. 1 79 1, Abigail Batchelder, of Northwood. Their children were : i. John, b. in Northwood, 29 March 1792 ; d. in Pittsfield, N, H, ii, Betty, b, in Northwood, 30 Oct. 1795 ; d, in Pittsfield, unmarried. 133. Thomas" (Edmund,' Moses"), b. in Newbury, 27 June 1765; d. in Gilmanton, N. H., March 1840; m. Betsey Jones, of Bradford, Vt. Their children were : 287. i. James. ii. Enoch, m, Mary Jones, No children. 288. iii, Lydia, iv. Betsey, m. Benjamin Bean, V, Sally, m, Benjamin Bean, Jr, (nephew of the above), vi, Mary, m. Burnham, 289. vii, Martha H., b. i March 1792. 290, viii, Moses, b, 13 May 1787 ; d, 13 Nov. 1810, 134. Sarah" (Edmund,' Moses"), b. in Plaistow, N. H., 26 Aug. 1770; d. in Northwood, N. H., 15 April 1826; m. 27 Nov. 1787, Benjamin Hoitt. Their children were: 64 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. Enoch. i. Thankfull- ii. John H. V. Sally. 135. James" (Edmund,' Moses"), b. in Plaistow, N. H., 18 Sept. 1768; d. in Nottingham; m. 5 July 1795, Rhoda Smart, of Newmarket, who d. 7 Feb. 1856, aged 89 years. Their children were: 291292 293294 29.S 296 297 i. Polly Parker, b. in Northwood, 13 April 1796 ; d. 9 Feb. 1875- ii, Martha Hale, b. in Northwood, 14 Oct. 1797 ; d. about 1886. iii. Hilton Smart, b. in Northwood, 10 Jan. 1799. iv. Alpha J., b. in N., 21 Oct. 1800 ; d. in Canterbury, N.H., 23 July 183 1, V. Enoch Hale, b. in N. 21 Nov, 1802; d. in Tilton, N, H., 27 June 1895. vi. Eliza Smart, b. 25 Sept, 1805 ; d. 6 Dec. 1861. vii, Theodatha Batchelder, b. 28 Sept. 1807 ; d. 13 April 1882. 136. Martha" (Edmund,' Moses"), b. in Plaistow, N. H., 26 Nov. 1771 ; d. 28 Oct. 1806 ; m. 13 May 1792, James Batchelder. Their children were : i. Fannie. ii. Ransam, 137. Phinehas" (Parker,' Moses"), b. in Bradford, Mass., 18 Feb. 1767; d. in Greene, Me., 4 Nov. 1859. He was a Baptist clergyman ; in. ist, 21 Oct. 1788, Phebe Wood, of Blue Hill, Me., who d. 14 Sept. 1801, aged 32 years. Her children were : 298. i. Moses, b. in Blue Hill, 23 Oct. 1789 ; d. 3 Oct. 1856. ii. ISR.iEL, b. 4 Oct. 1791 ; d. 18 April 1816. 299. iii. Phinehas, b, in Nobleboro', 8 Feb. 1794 ; d. in Jefferson, I June 1824, 300. iv, Nathan Holt, b. in Blue Hill, 21 Feb, 1796; d, in Jeffer son, 4 June 1824. V, Parkf;r, b. in Blue Hill, 15 May 1799 ; d. 16 Dec. 1806. vi. John Wood, b, 14 Sept. and d, 24 Sept. 1801. Phinehas m. 2d, 22 Oct. 1806, Sarah T., daughter of John and Jane Larrabee, the first white child born in Greene, Me. She d. 5 April 1865, aged 84 years. Her children were : PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 65 301. vii. John C, b. in Nobleboro', 14 May 1809 ; d. 21 Oct. 1834 302. vm. Josiah, b. 15 March 1812 ; d. in Bowling Green, Ky,, 29 Aug, 1884. 303. ix. Thomas G., b. i Sept. 1814. 304. X. Phebe Wood, b. 23 Aug. 1816 ; d. in Green Corner, Me., 26 Aug. 1883. xi. Mary Jane, b. 11 Dec, 1819 ; d. 26 July 1821. 138. Moses" (Parker," Moses"), b. in Newbuiy, 18 Jan. 1769; d. in Salem, Mass., 13 March 1831 ; m. 12 June 1798, Martha Hale, of Rowley, Mass., who d. in Boston, 19 April 1830. Their children were : i. Joseph H., b. in Hopkinton, N. H., 22 Nov. 1798 ; d, iu Charleston, S. C, May 1828. 305. ii. Moses H., b. in Boscawen, N. H., 12 June 1800; d. in Boston, 13 March 1841. iii. David J., b. in Rowley, Mass., 7 July 1803 ; d. in Boston, 12 April 1830; m. in Boston, 8 Oct. 1829, Harriet Newell, of Taunton, Mass. 306. iv. John C, b. in R., 17 July 1805; d.in Boston, 27 Oct, 1890. 307. V. Sarah J., b. in Danvers, Mass., 20 June 1807; d. in Boston, 3 Nov. 1837. vi. Nathaniel E., b. in Salem, Mass., i June 1810; d. in Boston, 9 March 1811. vii. Martin L., b. in Salem, 14 June 1812 ; d. in Portsmouth, N. H. viii. William T., b. in Salem, i April 1815 ; d. in Ipswich. 139. Paul" (Parker," Moses"), b. in W. Newbury, Mass., 6 June 1780 ; d. in Georgetown, 22 Jan. 1868 ; m. 1st, 20 March 1812, Elisabeth Frink, of Haverhill, Mass., who d. 9 Jan. 1829, aged 41 years. Their children were : 308. i. Paul, b, in Amesbury, 2 July 1813 ; d, in Webster, N.H., 9 June 1893. 309. ii. Sarah, b. in Amesbury, 12 May 1814; d. in Hopkins- ville, Ohio. 310. iii. Oliver Dickenson, b. in Byfield, 30 Dec. i8i5 ; d. in Charleston, S. C, 4 Oct. 1852. 311. iv. Enoch, b. in B., 14 April 1819; d, in Georgetown, 18 Sept. 1890. 312. V. Parker C, b. in B., i April 1821 ; d. 7 Nov. 1896. vi. Andrew J., b. in B,, 4 April 1824 ; d, . 313. vii. Samuel, b, in B,, 8 Sept, 1826; d, in Somerville, Mass., 28 Oct. 1893. viii. Tappan P., b. in B,, 20 Jan. 1828; d. in Cambridgeport, Mass., 16 Feb. 1879, Paul m. 2d, in Byfield,' 4 Nov. 1843, Mrs. Sarah Pike, widow of Benjamin Pike, who d. April 1858. Her son by her first marriage was Gen. Albert Pike, the pioneer, poet. 66 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. and at his death, in 1891, one of the most prominent Free Masons in the country. Ninety years ago the name of " Peg" Pillsbury was as familiar in the workshop of every Massachusetts shoe maker, as that of the wizard of Menlo Park in the labora tories of scientists to-day. The Yankee fanner-machinist deserves a place among the world's captains of industry, but his biographer is yet to appear. He was one of seven brothers, all of whom displayed more than ordinary talent in mechanics, busi ness or scholarship. While still a boy he went to reside with Paul Lunt, a wealthy gentleman of Newbury, where his inventive and constructive talent displayed itself. All his leisure hours were spent in making wind and water mills, and ingenious machines and toys of every descrip tion; but soon outgrowing playthings, he built a lathe and commenced the manufacture of shuttles for the woolen mills at Amesbury, a few miles distant. On arriving at his majority he removed to Amesbury and commenced business as a shuttle-maker on a more extended scale. On the death of his uncle, which occurred soon after, he removed to Byfield, having inherited the homestead, where he continued to reside until the time of his death. ¦ Here he obtained a situation as machinist to the cotton factory, which, with the care of his farm, and the perfecting of his various inventions, kept him busily engaged . His first patented invention was a corn-sheller, which was the earliest practicable advance on the time-honored plan of scraping off the kernels with an old shovel or broken scythe, and it had a great run among the advance- guard and front ranks of the yeomanry, though the fogies looked upon it as rather a dangerous innovation, which, together with stoves and bass-viols in the meeting-house, ought to be put down at any cost. The bark-mill was his next invention, the patent for which was issued in 1808. (Several of his letters patent were signed by Thomas Jefferson, President, and James Madison, Secretary of State) . The mill was a decided success, being a wonderful im provement on the old plan of crushing and bruising the PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 67 bark by rolling over it a sort of mill-stone, fitted to an axle and drawn by a horse, a process, slow, wasteful and imperfect. Its principle has since been adopted in all the cast iron mills for the grinding of bark, corn, coffee, spices, etc. The patent right was sold for two thousand dollars, a large sum in those days for mere brain work, but, owing to the failure of the assignees, he never received a cent for the years of study and labor devoted to the perfecring of the machinery, for it seems that several times when he sup posed the work was completed, he found some difficulty in its practical operation which required an essential modi fication, either in the principle or construction. The chief reputation of Mr. Pillsbury as an inventor was earned by his shoe-peg machinery, the making of which was suggested to him by the following circum stances. Mr. Moses Stickney, of Byfield, an extensive shoe manufacturer for those times, for " sale shoes" were then but little known, was one day engaged in whittling out with a knife some large pegs to be used in securing the heels of shoes, pegs having been used for that purpose, for aught we know, from time immemorial. Mr. Pillsbury was present, and Mr. Stickney remarked that as he — Mr. Pillsbury — could invent anything, he wished he would construct him a machine for making his heel pegs, as it would save him a deal of time and trouble. And why not, thought Mr. Pillsbury, use a smaller peg for the whole shoe, as well as the heel, thus making a larger market for such pegs ? The conception was no sooner formed than he proceeded to put it into execution. Sawing up a stick of seasoned maple into pieces of proper thickness, he, with some rude, improvised appliance, ''ploughed and cross-ploughed" — to borrow an agricultural term — the faces of one side to form the points, after which, with a knife and mallet, the pegs were split off, first into combs, and then into single pegs by crossing with the knife a bunch of the combs. Enough were thus made to peg a pair of shoes, which were found to do good service, while the expense was mani festly less than that of sewed work. Mr. Pillsbury at once commenced in good earnest the building of his machinery, on which he spent three years' 68 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. time and several thousand dollars. As it was very expen sive in those pre-railroad days to transact business with Washington, and as he had lost the entire time and_ cost expended on his bark-mill, he was utterly unable, with a family of eight children depending on him for support, to incur the expense of procuring a patent, while, as has ever been the case, and as it doubtless ever will be, his friends and neighbors who might have aided him had no faith in his success, and were more sparing of their encouragement than their ridicule. He was, consequently, obliged to work in secret, and make most of the complicated ma chinery himself, not daring to trust his pattern to regularly trained mechanics, who possessed the requisite facilities for doing the work, lest they should appropriate his ideas. Accordingly he fitted up a rude forge in the great old-fash ioned fireplace of his house, built a lathe and made all the necessary tools, even fitting up a small foundry where he made his smaller castings. Having thus built his shop and made his tools, he applied himself to his task, and when at last, after years of struggling with poverty and discouragement, intractable materials that seemed to scorn his amateur appliances, and the unbending laws of me chanics, that would brook no error in calculation, he saw his mill completed, perfect in its workmanship, and run ning to a hair in every particular, he was, we dare say, a prouder man than Alexander when he had conquered the world (and verily he had more to be proud of) ; but he felt that he must make the most of his mill, for it was his all. His entire property had been mortgaged, piece by piece, to procure funds to carry out his designs and to as sist in the maintenance of his family. His wife was now dead, and the care of the family, consisting of the father and seven sons, devolved on a daughter of fourteen years. But now a turn came in the tide of Mr. Pillsbury's affairs. The peg-mill was allowed to be a success ; the manufacture of pegged boots and shoes commenced at once, and he, of course, had the entire monopoly of the peg trade. The mill was run with closed doors, the rule of "no admittance ' ' being remorselessly enf orceid against all comers. The price charged for the pegs was about eight times what is now asked, and in a few years the PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 69 mill redeemed itself, as well as the farm, which had been encumbered on its account. But, though Mr. Pillsbury was now able to take out a patent, he neglected to do so, probably because he was busy, and disinclined to the trouble and vexatious delays that even yet are, in so many cases, inseparable from red tape. Meanwhile, stimulated by the increase of the shoe business, and the high price of pegs, a number of me chanics had commenced experimenting on peg machinery; but one movement, connected, we believe, with the pointer, and which was essential to the rapid and perfect manufac ture of the peg, could not be devised, and the most persist ent endeavors were therefore made to steal Mr. Pillsbury's secret. These endeavors, come from what source or in what form they might, were resisted with commendable courage, till, in an unguarded moment, he yielded to the urgent solicitations of a worthy deacon to allow him to see the machine work, just to gratify his curiosity, and when the deacon went out of the door he probably said in the language of Caesar, slightly modified, " I came, I saw, I got it." In a short time the movement appeared in another mill in the same town, and before long in several others, the consequence of which was, of course, that the price of pegs declined, though, as the shoe factories for a long time thereafter increased at a greater rate than the peg mills, the business of Mr. Pillsbury proved remunerative as long as he continued it, which was to within a few years of his death. His other inventions numbered nearly a score. One of the most interesting was a rotary fire-engine, the model of which, some six inches in diameter, would throw a stream of water the length of the room. There was also a coffee- roaster, coffee-mill, bed-warmer, gold-washer and sifter, churn, washing machine, window fastener, bee hive, spring gun, sub-marine monitor boat, for worming into an enemy's harbor, and, that he might not be accused of partiality, a sunken infernal machine for the enemy to use against the aforesaid boat. In personal appearance, Mr. Pillsbury was a tall, -well built and handsome man, possessing a robust constitution and the strength of a lion. When in the army in the last 70 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. war with England, he shouldered a cannon weighing seven hundred pounds. He was a genuine patriot, and on the breaking out of the war, when his company was drawn up on parade and volunteers were called for, he was the first to step to the front. He was a man of strong mind, strong will and strong passions ; honest, upright and con scientious in the extreme, a thorough democrat in princi ple and practice, and a hater of all shams in society, government and religion. He was a great reader and original thinker, and possessed much real culture and innate refinement. On the whole he was one of the best samples of a genuine self-made man that our country affords. (The compiler is indebted to a neighbor and personal friend of Mr. Pillsbury, for the foregoing biography.) 130. Oliver" (Parker," Moses"), b. in Newbury, 29 Oct. 1783 ; d. in Henniker, N.H., 27 Feb. 1857 ; m. Anna Smith, of Essex, Mass., 8 Dec. 1808, who d. in Henniker, 8 July 1879, aged 94 years. Their children were : 314. i. Parker, b. in Hamilton, Mass., 22 Sept, 1809, 315. ii. Josiah Webster, b. in Hamilton, Mass., 20 March 1811 ; d, in Milford, N. H., 26 Oct. 1894. 316. iii. Gilbert, b. in Hamilton, 23 Feb. 1813 ; d. in North Abington, Mass., 3 Jan. 1893. iv. Oliver, b. in Henniker, N. H., 14 March 1815 ; d. 15 April 1816, 317, V. Oliver, b, in Henniker, 16 Feb, 1817 ; d, in Concord, 23 Feb. 1888. 318. vi. Eliza Ann, b. in Henniker, 12 March 1819; d. 24 Dec. 1896. 319. vii. Harriet Newell, b. in Henniker, 25 May 1821. viii. Mary Smith, b. 25 Feb. 1823 ; m. 14 May 1855, Leander W. Cogswell. ix. Enoch, b. in Henniker, 28 June 1825 ; d. in Boundbrook, N. J., 28 May 1846, Like his brothers he was fond of books, and like them attended school in winter and worked on the farm in summer. He vyent to New Jersey to assist his brother Oliver in his school and afterward was employed in another school which he taught successfiilly until within a short time of his death. He had unusual talent for both instrumental and vocal music, and his amiable disposition brought him many friends who were saddened by his early death. (See History of Henniker, N. H.) 320. X. MosES Foster, b, in H,, 3 April 1827 ; d. 20 Feb. 1865. xi. William Henry, b. 14 May 1830 ; d. 10 April 1833. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 7 1 In 1787, when Oliver was four years of age, his father moved to West Boscawen, now Webster, N. H., but then a wilderness. Here he lived the usual life of a country boy, and at the age of nineteen returned to Newbury, where, after farming awhile he hired himself to a black smith. His aptness for this trade was such that at the end of six months he received full journeyman's pay. Before entering business he attended Dummer Academy for a time to improve his education. Here he made the acquaintance of a schoolmate from Chebacco, now Essex, named Anna Smith, and as a result they married and settled in Hamilton, he doing the blacksmith work of a chaise factory. In 1814, the war interfering with the business of the factory, they moved to Henniker, N. H., purchasing a farm there. Here, in spite of the draw backs caused by hard times and the like, they worked their way along and passed the remainder of their days. No man was more interested than Mr. Pillsbury in the wel fare of the town. He was among the first to espouse the cause of temperance and anti-slavery, and took a deep in terest in all the benevolent and philanthropic objects of the day. Mrs. Pillsbury was a very strong woman, physically as well as mentally, and was endowed with a rare combina tion of requisites for a pattern wife, mother, neighbor and friend. She lived to the great age of ninety-four years, retaining all her faculties in a remarkable degree to the end of her life. At her funeral her four eldest sons acted as pall-bearers. 131. Samuel" (Parker," Moses"), b. in Newbury, 12 June 1786; d. in Webster, N. H., 4 Oct. 1854 ; m. 3 Jan. 1832, Mehitable Palmer, of Boscawen, N. H., who d. 30 Jan. 1859, aged 43 years. Their children were : 321. i. Mary Jane, b. 19 June 1833. ii. Martha Ann, b. 26 May 1834 ; d. 23 Dec. 1863. iii, Caroline Hubbard, b. 2 Oct. 1837 ; d, 29 July 1844, 133 . Enoch" ( Parker , ' Moses" ) , b . in Newbury , 9 May 1788 ; d. 15 Feb. 1818. Was a clergyman in Litchfield, 72 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. N. H.; m. 2 Nov. 1815, Mary Tenney, of Rowley, Mass., who d. 15 Feb. 1818, aged 33 years. Their only child was : Eliza Jane, b. 1816. 133. John" (Parker," Moses"), b. in Newbury, 29 May 1795 ; m. Sarah Eastman. Their only child was : Lucretia Ann, b. 30 March 1827 ; m. Jackman. Resides in Hopkinton, N. H. 134. Joseph" (Ezra," Ezra"), b. in Newbury, 11 July 1762; d. in Wendall, N. H., 26 Jan. 1841. He was a farmer in Wendall, and a soldier in the War of the Revo lution. He m. Elisabeth Collins, of Weare, N. H., who d. 21 Sept. 1855, aged 87 years. Their children were: Joseph, b. 31 July 1786 ; d. 28 April 1828. Sally, b. 28 June 1788 ; m. Nathan Smith. BETSEY, b. 27 Sept. 1790; m. Asa French. James H., b. in Sunapee, N, H., 13 April 1792. Polly, b. 16 May 1794; m. Moses Muzzey. Ferdinand C, b. 10 May 1800. Bailey, b. 21 March 1803; d. 29 Feb. 1876; m. Susan Peaslee, of Newbury, who d. 15 Nov. 1876, aged 66. viii. Benjamin C, b. iu New London, N. H., 29 Dec. 1804; d. 10 March 1888. Francis P., b. 14 May 1806. Emeline, b, 23 April 1808; m. Hubbel Brooks. Permelia p., b. 23 April 1810. 135. Solomon" (Ezra," Ezra"), b. in Rowley, Mass., 17 June 1769 ; m. Prudence Puffer. Their children were : i. Olive, m. Benjamin Knowlton, 3 April 1809. ii. Sally, m. John Smith. 328. iii. Ezra, b. 1796 ; d. in Springfield, Vt., in 1883. 329. iv. Daniel. V. Permelia, m. ¦ Parsons. 330. vi. Samuel, b. in N. Y,, 12 July 1802 ; d. in Milford, Iowa, 29 Oct. 1888. 331. vii. Betsey. viii. Prudence, m. David Patch. ix. Solomon, m. Eliza A. Little. Solomon lived at different times in Orange, N. H., in Vermont, and in Eastern New York. 322. ii. iii. 323- iv. V. 324- vi. vii. 325- viii 326. ix. X. 327- xi. 332- 11. 333- iii. iv. 334- V. 335- 336. vi. vii. 337- viii PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 73 136. Moses" (Ezra," Ezra"), b. 12 Oct. 1771 ; d. 23 April i860; m. in Salisbury, N. H., 26 Sept. 1794, Hep zibeth, daughter of Richard and Elisabeth Greenough, who d. 7 Dec. 1867, aged 94 years. Their children were: i. Martha, b. in Springfield, N.. H., 4 Nov. 1795 ; m. Col. James Boyce, 19 Nov. 1816. Ezra, b. 27 Dec. 1796; d, 31 July 1883. Richard G., b. 8 April 1799; d, 13 Sept, 1879. Elisabeth, b. 13 Feb. 1800; d. 7 Nov. 1836. Thomas J., b, 7 July 1802 ; d, 8 July 1891, Lewis, b. 16 Jan. 1804. Charles, b. 18 Sept, 1806; d, 4 Oct. 1875. viii, Phebe C, b. 4 April 1808. ix. Moses, b. 13 j'une 1810 ; m. Mary Green. X. Betsey G., b. 28 Aug. 1813 ; d. 9 Jan. 1837, unmarried, Moses was one of the leading business men of Spring field, N. H., and went by the name of " Major," as he was drum and fife major, and leader of the choir for twenty- five years. He and his wife spent their last years in the home of their daughter Phebe, in Grantham, N. H. 137 . SiLAS"(Daniel,' Ezra") , b. in W. Newbury, Mass., 25 June 1770; d. in Charlestown, Mass.; m. in Charles town, 27 May 1797, Abigail, daughter of John Cutter, of Woburn. Their children were : 338. i. . Judith, b. 19 Dec. 1798; d. Sept. 1871. 339. ii. Alfred, b. 24 Feb. 1801 ; d. in Newburyport, I April 1884. iii. Mary A., b. 20 Feb. 1803 ; d. 1837, unmarried. 340. iv. BETSEY W., b. 24 Jan. 1806 ; d. 8 Aug. 1834, V. Hannah W., b. 20 July 1808; d. in W. Newbury; m. John C. Carr, 14 March 1837. 341. vi. Abigail C, b. 18 March 1811 ; d. 16 July 1851. 342. vii. Harriet L., b. 11 Aug. 1813. Silas was a comb maker in Charlestown, and a soldier in the war of 1812. 138. Hannah" (Moses," Ezra"), b. in W. Newbury, Mass., 6 June 1772; d. 5 Aug. 1843; m. ist, 10 June 1793, Abraham Brown; m. 2d, 12 June 1816, Capt. William Colman, of Boscawen, N. H. The children of Abraham and Hannah were : i. Moses, b. 1794. ii, Addison, b. 1796. iii. Oliver, b. 1798. iv. Joseph, b. 1799. V. Benjamin, b. 1799. 74 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 139. William" (Moses,' William"), b. in Newbury, 30 July 1761 ; d. in W. Newbury, 19 Feb. 1836; m. ist, 19 April 1797, Mary Carr, and 2d, Sarah . Child of William and Mary : Mary. 140. Simeon" (Amos," Wm."), b. in Newbury, 57 April 1774 ; m. Judith Rogers, 21 Jan. 1793. Their children were : 343. i, Daniel, b. 22 Nov. 1794. ii, Paul, b, 9 Oct. 1796. iii. Martha, b. 4 Dec. 1798. iv. Matthew, b. 4 Dec. 1798. V. Abigail, b. 19 May 1801 ; m, Micajah Rogers. 344. vi. Solomon, b. 3 Aug. 1803. 345. vii. Thomas, b. 31 May 1806; d, 30 Oct. 1885. 346, viii. Uriah, b. 28 Aug. 1808 ; d. 22 Dec. 1890. ix. Ruth, b. 7 April 1812 ; d. 25 Feb. i860 ; m. 348. 141. Amos" (Amos,' Wm."), b. in Newbury, 4 June 1782; d. 1872; m. Elsie, daughter of Samuel Rogers, who d. 23 April 1857, aged 63 years. Their children were : 347. i. Francis R., b. 11 Nov. 1805 ; d. 9 Jan. 1880. ii. Betsey, b. 25 Oct. 1807 ; d. ; m. Theodore Rogers. iii. Hannah, b. 24 Nov. 1809; d. 26 May 1871 ; m. Jewett Rogers, 25 Dec. 1827. 348. iv. Sewall, b. 29 May 1814. 349. V. Gorham P., b. 16 Nov, 1816. vi. Mary, b, 14 Dec. 1818; m. William Smith. vii. Phebe, b. 22 April 1822; m. Ithamar Eaton. 350. viii. Oliver R., b. 12 Aug. 1825 ; d. iu Amesbury, Mass., 16 July 1873. 351. ix. Leonard, b. 15 April 1829; d. 16 Feb, 1885, Gorham, Andrew, Oliver and two others died in infancy. 143. Moody" (Samuel,' Amos"), b. in Londonderry, N. H., 29 April 1781 ; d. in Bucksport, Me., 24 Nov. 1850 ; m. Abigail Ruck Moulton, 25 Aug. 1805, who d. 5 Aug. 1849, aged 75 years. Their children were : 352. i. William Hackett, b. in Buckstown, Me., 24 Aug. 1806 ; d. 25 April 1888. ii. Louisa A., b. 28 April 1808 ; d, 30 April 1817, 353. 111. Horatio N., b. 8 June 1810; d. in Charlestown, Mass., 20 Aug. 1873. 354. IV. George M,, b, 8 April 1812; d. in Bucksport, 30 June 1893- V. Mary M., b. 10 April 1815 ; d. in Charleston, S.C, 9 Sept. 1821. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 75 Moody served as representative and senator from Bucksport, in the state legislature. He was appointed lieutenant, or ensign, ofthe First Brigade, Tenth Division, of Massachusetts Militia, in 1805 ; resignation accepted in 1812. He was a merchant in Charleston, S. C, and Bucksport, Me. His father-in-law was an active and prominent parti cipant in the frequent wars which harassed the American colonies. His grandson thus writes to the compiler : "I often listened to my dear grandmother, as we sat together before the open fire-place, telling stories of her father. Gen. Moulton, fighting the Indians and the British." 143. Moses Cross" (Eliphalet,' Amos"), b. in New bury, in 1778 ; d. in Derry, N. H., 28 June 1848 ; m. in 1802, Lois Cleaveland, of Ipswich, who d. 4 Dec. 1834, in Derry; m. 2d, in 1835, Mehitable Crocker, of Derry; The children of Moses and Lois were : 355. i. John Cleaveland, b. in Ipswich, Mass,, 31 May 1802; d, in Concord, N. H,, 19 March 1885. 356. ii. Elisabeth, b. in Londonderry, N.H,, 1804; d. in Charles town, Mass,, 1854; m. Wm, Lynn, 1819, 357. iii. Amos, b. in L,, 8 Feb, 1805 ; d, in Albany, N. Y,, 14 July 1873- 358. iv. Mary Neal, b. in Derry, 1808 ; m, 1828, John Crocker of Wethersfield, Conn, 359. V. Abigail L., b. in Derry, 17 Oct. 1811 ; m. Leonard Wells, 1830. 360. vi. Luther C, b. in Derry, 1817. vii. Lydia C, b. in Derry, 1817 ; m. Ephraim Pickering, of Newington, N. H. 361. viii, Lois C, b. in Concord, N, H,, 14 Aug, 1820; d, 15 Dec. 1856 ; m. Galen Walker, i Oct. 1845, 362. ix. Harriet P., b. in Concord, 3 April 1823; m. James H. Buswell, 1840, The father of Moses was a blacksmith, and the boy worked with him from the age of ten until he was twenty- one. He was a lieutenant in the war of 1812. After the war he was appointed warden of the New Hampshire State Prison at Concord, by Gov. Bell. His first term of service was from 18 18 to 1826. He went to Wethersfield, Conn., in 1827, where he was appointed warden of the Connecticut State Prison, but ultimately resigned and returned to his former position, serving from 1837 to 1840. 76 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. Of him it is said that "he was the first warden of a prison who caused the prisoners to earn more than their own support, and was the first prison-keeper who intro duced the practice of reading the Bible daily to the prisoners assembled." Lois Cleaveland, his wife, was the daughter of Rev. John Cleaveland of Ipswich, who, though having fitted for the ministry, at the breaking out of the Revolution obtained a lieutenant's commission and served throughout the war. Her grandfather. Rev. John Cleaveland, Sr., was chaplain in the Continental army. 144. Sally" (Joseph,' Benjamin"), b. ; d. in Hampstead, N. H., about 18 16; m. about 1788, Thomas Shannon, of Hampstead, who d. about 1840. Their chil dren were : Mary Pillsbury. ii. Betsey. iii. Sally. iv. John. V. Hannah. vi. Joseph. vii. Caleb. 145. Mary" (Joseph,' Benjamin"), b. in Hampstead, N. H., 1772; m. Moses Healey, who was born in Candia in 1780. He was a farmer in Candia and Raymond, N.H. Their children were : i. Lydia, b. 1802 ; m. Samuel Convers. ii. Edward, b. 1807 ; m. ist, Betsey, 2d, Mary, Robinson. iii. True, m. Elisabeth Kelley. iv. Ruth Pillsbury, b. in Candia, 13 May 1812 ; m. Tames M. Stone. •* V. John, b. in Raymond ; m. Sarah Heath. 146. Caleb" (Joseph," Benjamin"), b. in Hamp stead, N. H., 3 March 1781 ; d. in Neponset, Mass., 31 Jan. 1858; m. in Candia, N. H., in 1803, Elisabeth Wason Dolloff, who d. in Dorchester, Mass., 9 Feb. 1854. Their children were : 363. 364- ii. iii. 365. iv. 366. V. 367. vi. 368. vii. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 77 Ruth, b. in Candia, 9 Oct. 1804 ; d. 26 June 1877, Jane W., b. 2 June 1806, Mary K., b. 24 May 1808 ; d. 1828, Joseph, b. 2 April 1810 ; d. June 1887. Joanna N,, b. 2 May 1812. Elisabeth W., b. 25 Aug. 1814. vii. Thomas W., b. 22 June 1816; d. 2 June 1897. viii. Sullivan, b. 27 Oct. 1818 ; d. young. ix. Caleb W., b. 23 March 1821; d. young. X. Harriet, b. 25 May 1823 ; d. young. Caleb was a farmer in Candia, N. H., and Neponset, Mass. 147 . Samuel" (Benjamin,' Benjamin") , b. in Sandown, N. H., 1772 ; d. 4 May 1857 ; m. Mary Currier, of South Hampton, who d. July 1845, aged 73 years. Their chil dren were : i. Benjamin, b. 11 Jan. 1796 ; d. 14 Nov. 1798. 369. ii. Harlin, b. in Hanover, N. H., 30 Nov. 1797; d. in Billerica, Mass., April 1877. 370. iii. Dolly, b. 22 March 1799; d. in Candia, N. H., 20 Nov. 1879. iv. Diana, b. in Hanover, 21 Nov. 1800 ; d. 15 Aug. 1884, unmarried. 371. V. Benjamin L,, b. 21 June 1802 ; d. 23 Dec. 1878. vi. Moses, b. 2 Sept. 1804; d. 25 Dec, 1808, 372. vii. Lyman, b. 17 Jan. 1807 ; d. in Candia, 2 Dec. 1889. 373. viii. Harrison, b. 3 Jan. 1809 ; d. in Canaan, N. H., 13 Nov. 1863. 374. ix. Mary, b. 17 Nov. 1813 ; d. 18 Dec. 1852. Samuel lived for a time in Hanover, N. H., where all his children were born. Afterward he removed to San down and lived on the homestead. He was honored by positions of public trust, serving as town clerk, selectman, representative to General Court, Justice of the Peace, etc. 148. Dolly" (Benjamin,' Benjamin"), b. in Sandown, May 1776 ; d. in Chester, N.H., 19 Feb. 1857 : m. March 1800, Stephen Webster, of Hampstead, N. H., who d. March 1858. Their children were : i. PhilEnia, b. 1800; d. 1872. ii. Moses p., b. 1803 ; d. 1810. iii. Joseph, b. 1807. iv. Benjamin P., b. 1809. V. Annie, b. 1812; d. 1872. vi. Moses, b. 1814 ; d. 1887. 78 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 149. Jane" (Benjamin,' Benjamin"), b. in Sandown, N. H., 2 Nov. 1777; m. 20 Nov. 1793, Moses Colby of Hawke, N.H. Their children were : i. JOIA, b. 19 Jan. 1795. ii. Sally, b. 18 Nov. 1796. iii. Jane, b. 4 Dec. 1798. iv. Benjamin, b. 21 July 1801. V. MosES, b. 7 Sept. 1803. vi, John, Id. 28 April 1808. vii. Alfred, b. 29 Nov. 1811. viii. Ann, b. i Feb. 1814. 150. Jane" (Jonathan," Benjamin"), b. in Candia, N. H., I Nov. 1781 ; m. Winthrop Bagley, of Conn. Their children were : i. Sally. ii. Elias. iii. Betsey a., b. 2 Feb. 1814, in Deerfield, N. H. 151. John" (Jonathan," Benjamin"), b. in Candia, N. H., 2 Nov. 1789; d. 23 Oct. 1858. A farmer in Candia; m. in Chester, N. H., 25 June 1823, Hepzibah, daughter of Caleb and Abigail Smith, of Raymond, N.H. Their children were : t Hannah, b. 6 Feb. 1824, Jonathan, b. 7 Oct. 1825 ; d. 31 May 1893. John, b. 3 Aug. 1827 ; d. 1828. Abby Y., b. i March 1829. Mary F., b. 2 June 1831 ; d. 1834. 153. Benjamin" (David," Benjamin"), b. in Candia, 12 April 1779 ; d. 23 March 1835 ; m. Sarah, daughter of Major Jesse Eaton. Their children were : i, David, b. in Raymond, N. H., 17 Feb. 1802 ; d. in Con cord, N. H., 25 May 1862, unmarried. He graduated from Dartmouth College in 1827, Commenced the practice of law in Chester, where he resided many years. He -was a member of the New Hampshire Legislature, a major-general of militia, and at the time of his death was Judge of the Police Court in Concord, N. H. ii. Jesse Eaton, b. in Candia, 10 Dec. 1807; d. 1886; m. 25 Sept. 1839, Mary, daughter of Ebenezer Stratton, of Williamstown, Mass. ' 375- 376. iii. 377- iv.V. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 79 153. Jane" (David,' Benjamin"), b. in Candia, 17 Dec. 1791 : d. 23 Feb. 1873 ; m. 11 April 1821, Nathan Brown, of Candia. Their children were : i. Dolly P., b. 12 Jan. 1828. ii. Abby J., b. 12 Jan, 1830 ; d, 6 April 1880; m. 376. iii. Adeline R., b. i June 1832. iv. A, Augusta, b. 19 Aug, 1834. (Mrs. Brown.) 154. David True" (David,' Benjamin") , b. in Candia, N. H., 20 Sept. 1804; d. in Bradford, Vt., 6 Feb. 1892 ; 111. in Piermont, N. H., 14 Feb. 1832, Sally Bean, of Deerfield, who d. in Bradford, Vt., 4 Nov. 1886, aged 78. Their children were : i. Sarah E., b, in Boston, 18 Nov, 1832; d. in Piermont, N, H., 15 Aug. 1836. ii. Polly J., b, in Piermont, 14 Aug, 1834; d. in Bradford, Vt., 2 Jan. 1859. 378, iii. Benjamin T,, b. in Piermont, 11 Oct. 1836, iv. David B., b. in Piermont, 28 Dec. 1838. V. Sarah E., b. in P., 14 Feb. 1841 ; m, 9 Nov, 1888, John Pillsbury Bean, vi. Zelenda p., b. in P., 31 July 1843 ; d. in Bradford, Vt., 2 Sept. 1867. vii. Miriam B., b. 5 April 1846 ; m, 2 Sept, 1885, Henry S. Allen. viii. Eliza J., b. 9 March 1849 ; d, 8 Sept, 1854. ix. Infant son, b. and d. 9 March 1849. 155. Levi" (Joshua," Caleb"), b. in Dracut, Mass., 8 Aug. 1771 ; d. in Winchendon, Mass., 5 April 1819 ; m. 15 Oct. 1801, Sarah Pickard, of Rowley, Mass., who d. in W., I Sept. 1854, aged 77 years. Their children were : 379. i. Eliza, b. 25 Sept. 1802. ii. Sarah D., b. i May 1804; m. i May 1828, Samuel D. King. iii. John C, b. 27 Feb. and d. 15 April 1806. 380. iv. Dolly W., b. 4 April 1807; d. in Gardner, Mass., 16 April 1874. 381. V. Joshua P., b. 12 July 1809; d. in Washington, D. C, 14 April 1885, vi. Caleb, b. 11 Dec. 1811 ; d. 23 Jan. 1812, 382. vii. John M,, b, 13 Dec, 1813; d. 19 Aug. 1847. viii, Mary, b. 13 March 1815 ; m. 8 Oct. 1839, Jeremiah Nor cross, of Rindge, N. H. 383 ix Levi, b. 2 April 1817 ; d. in Fitchburg, Mass., 4 Feb, 1895. X. Abigail S„ b. 3 July 1819 ; m, 27 Oct, 1840, Albert Bailey, of Swanzey, N. H. 8o PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. Levi graduated from Dartmouth College in 1798, and was ordained pastor of the First Calvanistic church in Winchendon, Mass., 24 June 1801, in which office he con tinued until his death. So staunch was his orthodoxy, so unswerving his loyalty to the doctrines of Calvinism, that his preaching and personal infiuence were during his lifetime insurmountable barriers to the spread of more liberal principles in Winchendon. He died in 1819, universally honored and lamented. His funeral was a public event of which the parish paid all the expenses ; they also ordered and paid for a handsome tombstone. They provided the mourning weeds and gar ments for the family, and furnished a generous provision of funeral baked meats, of which not the smallest item in the bill was that for liquors. Special mention is made of sixteen mugs of fiip to moisten the thirsty throats of the choir singers. (For more extended biography see History of Winchen don, Mass.) 156. Caleb" (Joshua,' Caleb"), b. in Dracut, Mass., i Feb. 1782 ; d. in Piermont, N. H., 14 Oct. 1838; m. in Piermont, 8 April 181 3, Anna Underbill, who d. 30 April 1861, aged 72 years. Their children were : Almira, b. 9 Oct, 1813. David R., b. 24 Feb. and d. 2 Nov. 1815. George B., b. 4 Oct. i8ii5; d. 10 Feb. 1887. Caleb, b. 26 Feb. 1818 ; d. 29 Sept, 1844. Levi, b. 22 March 1821 ; d. 18 Jan. 1887. Ithamar, b. 28 Jan. 1824; d. 17 April 1825. Ithamar P., b, 22 Feb. 1826 ; d. 1 March 1896. viii. E,STHER A., b. 10 Nov. 1832; d. 26 July 1834. 157. Joshua" (Joshua,' Caleb"), b. in Dracut, Mass., 31 March 1789; d. in Canaan, N. H., 19 Oct. 1858; m. Sarah Fletcher, of Plymouth, N. H., 4 March 1817, who d. 30 Oct. 1865, aged 80 years. Their children were : i. JOSEPH D., b, 4 Nov. 1817 ; d. 25' Oct. 1847 ; m. 28 April 1846, Clara A. Abbot. ii. Mary D,, b, 4 Nov. 1817 ; d. 20 Jan. 1867. 388. iii. Sarah A. C, b. 6 July, 1823 ; d. 5 July 1893. .304- 1. ii. 385- iii. iv. 386. V. vi. 387. vii, PILSBURY GENEALOGY. 8l 158. Ithamar" (Joshua," Caleb" ),b. in Dracut, Mass., 22 Aug. 1794 ; d. in Andover, 111., 20 April 1862 ; m. ist, 2 Feb. 1823, Nancy Richards, who d. in Smithtown, L-L, 19 April 1837; m. 2d, in Andover, 111., 18 Dec. 1837, Caroline E., daughter of James S. and Abigail (Ketehum) Miller, who d. 8 June 1896. The children of Ithamar and Caroline were : 389, 1, N, Ellsabeth, b. 12 Oct, 1838; d. 16 Aug, 1886. ii. James L., b, 26 Oct, 1840; d'. 14 Oct, 1841, iii, Edward P., b. 27 April 1842. 390, iv, ASAHEL N,, b. 29 Nov. 1844, V, Mary L., b, 2 May 1847, vi, Sarah A., b. 3 April 1849 ; m, 28 Sept. 1881, Charles F. F'airfield. 391. vii, Francis I., b. 14 June 1851 ; d, 8 Jan, 1893, viii, Alfred S,, b, 2 Nov. 1854. 392, ix. Irenaeus L,, b. 3 Feb. 1859, X. Ithamar, b. 19 Aug. 1861. Ithamar was an American Presbyterian evangelist. He entered Union Academy at Plainfield, N. H., and came to Yale College from Canaan, N. H.; graduated from Yale in 1822 ; was ordained as an evangelist 19 June 1822, and was several months engaged as city missionai'}' in Boston and New York. He was ordained Congregational minister in 1825, and was for many years pastor of a church in Smithtown, L-L He was installed pastor of a church in Princeton, 111., in May 1850. In 1853 he was chosen President of McDonough College, Macomb, 111., and served until the institution was given up for lack of funds. 159, John" (Moses,' Caleb"), b. in Amesbury, Mass., 18 July 1777; m. Mary Bailey, of Holderness, N. H. Their children were : Lucinda, m, William Smith. ii. Polly, ii. Moses, b. 1807 ; m, Roxana Corliss, 393, iv, Stephen, b, in Haverhill, N, H,, Oct. 1812 ; d, in Boston, 12 June 1849, 394. V. John, b. 1814 ; d. in Haverhill, N. H., Dec. 1893. 160. Sally" (Moses," Caleb") , b. in Amesbury, Mass.; d. in Bridgewater, N. H., in 1847; m. ist, Ezekiel Worthen, in Amesbury, in 1804. Their children were : 82 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. i, Nancy P., b, 1805. ii. Sarah, b. 1806, iii. Walter, b. 1807. iv, Laura, b. 1809, V. SOPHRONIA, b. 1809. vi. Moses P., b. 1811, vii, Ezekiel, b, 1817. Sally m. 2d, Enoch Sargent, in Bridgewater, N. H., 1826. 161. Nancy" (Moses,' Caleb"), b. in Amesbury, Mass., 21 Oct. 1784; d. in A,shland, N. H., 22 May 1870; m. Nathan Fletcher, of Plymouth, N. H., 26 Jan. 1809, who d. in Ashland, 8 Dec. 1865. Their children were: i. Cyrus, b. 1810 ; d. 1853. ii. Arthur, b. 1811; d, 1885. iii. Julia A., b, 1816 ; d, 1842, iv, Arvilla G., b. 1819 ; d. 1844. V. Samuel W,, b, 1826. 163. Daniel D." (Moses," Caleb"), b. in Amesbury; m. 21 Jan. 1813, his first cousin, Hannah Pillsbury. They had a son : LSAAC N., b, 13 May 1815 ; m. in 1840, and had a son, b. March 1842. The last known of him he was living in Ohio. He made the astronomical calculations for the ".Moral Almanac " in 1844. He was a civil en gineer. 163. Nathan" (Caleb," Caleb"), b. in Amesbury, Mass., 22 Dec. 1773; d. in Danville, Vt., 19 Jan. 1853; m. Sally Robbins, of Bridgewater, N. H., who d. in Danville, 21 Dec. 1831, aged 58 years. Their children were : 395. i. Sally, b. 9 March 1803 ; d. in Wheelock, Vt., 22 Oct. 1832. li. William, b. 1805 ; d. in Charleston, S.C, 1833, unmarried. 396. iii. Betsey, b. in Danville, 1807 ; d. 1872, 397. iv. Mary, b. 1809 ; d. 164. Ruth" (Caleb," Caleb"), b. in Amesbury, 24 March 1776; d. in Loudon, N. H.; m. David Batchelder, of Loudon, who. d. 4 April 1857, aged 84 years. Their children were : PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 83 i. James S,, b, 19 Aug. 1795. ii. Henry, b. 15 Aug. 1800, iii. Ira, b. 18 June 1802, iv. Judith P,, b. 14 Aug. 1805. V. Lydia W,, b, 10 Jan, 1810, vi, Luther, b. 9 Nov. 1812, vii. Lewis, b. 9 Nov. 1812, viii. Georgiana E. a., b. 31 July 1815. 165. Sally K." (Caleb," Caleb"), b. in Amesbury, 3 Nov. 1778; m. ist, Samuel Morrill of Danville, Vt., i Feb. 1797, who d. 183 1. Their children were : i. True. ii. Calvin. iii. Cyrus. iv. Sally. V. Asa. vi. Samuel. Sally m. 2d, Rev. Isaac Robbins. 166. C.\leb" (Caleb," Caleb"), b. in Loudon, N. H., 17 Dec. 1786 ; d. in Bridgewater, N. H., 17 March 1874 ; m. 14 July 1808, Nancy Nelson, of Epsom, N.H., who d. in Bridgewater, 6 Jan. 1849, aged 60 years. Their chil dren were : 398. i. James N,, b, in B,, 24 Jan. i8og ; d, in Lynn, Mass,, 31 July 1866, ii. Betsey M., b. inB,, 8 Nov. 1810; d, 29 Nov, 1848, Caleb G., b. 12 March 1812 ; d. 21 Aug. 1880, William R,, b. 24 Jan, 1815. Mary W,, b. 15 May 1816; d. in Lynn, Mass, Eunice A, K„ b. 16 Nov. 1818. Elsie J., b. 31 July 1822 ; d, in Lynn, Mass,, 2 Nov, 1844, viii, Judith S,, b. i Sept. 1823 ; d. Jan. 1825, David K,, b, 2 June 1826; d, in Rumney, N, H., 31 May 1890. Sarah M., b. 2 Aug. 1828. Randall J., b. 23 May 1830. xii, Luther B., b. 23 Nov. 1832. 167. Eunice B." (Caleb," Caleb"), b. 9 Jan. 1794; m. 10 Nov. 1810, James Kelsey, of Derby, Vt. Their children were : i. Moses L. ii. Martin L. iii. Harriet N. 399-400. 111.iv, V. 401.402. vi. vii, viii 403. ix. 404.405-406. x.xi, xii. 84 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 168. Nancy" (Caleb," Caleb"), b. 5 July 1797 ; m. 21 March 1819, Eben Hill, of Danville, Vt. Their children were : i, Betsey M,, b, 22 Dec, 1819. ii, ITHAMAR P., b. 13 Oct, 1821, iii. LORINDA, b. 15 May 1826, iv, Ira A., b, i April 1828; d, Oct, 1855. V, Ebenezer M., b, 22 March 1830. vi. Mary J., b. 4 Sept. 1832. vii. Emily A,, b, 26 Aug, 1834, viii, Albert F,, b, 18 Dec. 1837. 169. Stephen" (Micajah,' Caleb"), b. in Amesbury, Mass., 30 Oct. 1781 ; d. in Londonderry, N. H., 22 Jan. 1851 ; m. 3 March 1816, Lavinia, daughter of Josiah and Joanna Hobart, of Hebron, N.H. Their children were : 407408409410 411 412 413 414 i, Mary B,, b, 5 Jan. 1817, ii, Lavinia H., b, 8 Nov. 1818 ; d. in Sutton, N. H., 30 Sept. 1871. iii, Jo.siAH H,, b, 15 Aug, 1821 ; d. in Manhattan, Kan., 5 Nov. 1879. iv. Stephen, b, 25 Jan, 1824; d, in Fresno, Cal,, 28 April 1892, V, Edwin, b, in Hebron, 26 March 1826 ; d, in Zeandale, Kan,, 27 Oct, 1888, vi, Ann J,, b. i July 1828; d. in Zeandale, 28 Feb, 1856, vii, Adoniram j., b, 11 June 1830; d, 18 Sept, 1851. viii, William .S,, b, in Sutton, N, H., 16 March 1833. ix. Leonard H,, b, in Sutton, N, H,, 25 Dec, 1835. Stephen PilLsbury was ordained to the gospel ministry in June 181 5, and settled as a Baptist clergyman at Hebron, N. H. He subsequently resided in Sutton, Dun- barton and Londonderry, where his labors as pastor were earnest and faithful, and in each place fruitful for great good. On the last day of Mr. Pillsbury's labors he attended a wedding and a funeral. He died peacefull)' in London derry, beloved and mourned by all who ever knew him. His ministry extended through thirty-five years, fourteen of which were passed at Londonderry. He represented Sutton in the New Hampshire Legisla ture about 1833, as a Democrat, but when the Free Soil party was formed he entered its ranks for freedom and union. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 85 In his younger days he was a school teacher ; at Lon donderry he was active as superintending school commit tee for many years. He wa.s one of the earliest total abstinence men in New Hampshire, under the temperance reform movement. He published a temperance appeal to the people, and another to rum sellers, never sparing an\- effort tending for good to his fellow men. His long service as a minister of the Baptist faith caused him in the latter }-ears of his life to be termed one of the fathers of the denomination. Lavinia Hobart, his wife, was daughter of Josiah Hobart, of Hebron, in which town she was born in 1795. Her father was the first Eng lish male child born in Plymouth, N. H. She was the possessor of rare intellectual powers, was a graceful writer of prose and verse, and gifted with fine and artistic taste. Her christian character was a bright example of faith, de votion and helpfulness. She composed .several excellent religious hymns, and contributed valuable articles to the pages of the " Mother's Assistant " magazine. She survived her husband , from whom she declared she had never received a harsh word, more than twenty years, and died in Concord, N. H., 29 Oct. 1871, at the age of seventy-six. 170. Joseph" (Micajah,' Caleb"), b. in Amesbury, Mass., I April 1784 ; d. in Sutton, N. H., 31 Jan. 1868 ; m. 29 Dec. 1808, Miriam Wadleigh, of Sutton, who d. 26 June 1830, aged 44 years. Their children were : 415. i. Micajah, b. in Sutton, 18 Dec. 1809. 416, ii. Lucretia, b, in Sutton, 11 May 1812, 417. iii. John C, b, in Sutton, 6 March 1814. iv. Daniel, b. 17 May and d, 17 Aug, 1816, 418, v. Thomas W., b, 20 Jan. 1818. 419. vi, J0.SEPH, b, 8 Oct, 1820; d, iu Wilmot, 3 June 1876, vii, Miriam, b. 30 Aug, 1823 ; d, 14 Feb, 1839, 420, viii, Sarah, b, 10 Jan, 1828, Joseph 111. 2d, Mrs. Abigail G. Loverin, 11 Nov. 1830, who d. in Sutton, 17 Sept. 1871, aged 90 years. Their son was : ix. BENJ.^MIN L,, b, in S,, 21 Aug. 1831 ; d, at Grafton, 18 Nov, 1854. Killed on the Northern Railroad. 86 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. Joseph was several times chosen selectman, represented the town in the New Hampshire legislature, and was also Justice of the Peace. 171. Moses" (Micajah,' Caleb"), b. in Amesbury, Mass., 19 June 1786; d. in Sutton, 25 Jan. 1870; m. 11 Dec. 1815, Mary, daughter of David Carlton, of Bradford, Mass. Their children were : i. Mary, b.in S., 18 Nov. 1818; d. 28 March 1851 ; m. George S. Morgan, 20 May 1838. ii. Harriet F., b. 6 June 1820 ; d, 24 June 1840. iii. Sarah S., b. 12 Dec. 1824; d. 20 March 1855 ; m. Robert M. Rowe, Sept. 1850. 421. iv. Moses L., b. 10 Sept. 1826. V. Amanda, b. 8 July 1828 ; d. 20 June 1855, Moses m. 2d, i Nov. 1854, Mrs. Anna (Blaisdell) Eaton; m. 3d, i April 1862, Mrs. Jane Stevens. Moses was a farmer and joiner in Sutton. Was several times chosen selectman, representative to the State Legis lature, and served as Justice of the Peace. 173. John" (Micajah,' Caleb") , b. in Amesbury, Mass., 24 May 1789; d. in Sutton, N. H., 11 Oct. 1856; m. 2 April 181 1, Susan, youngest daughter of Benjamin Wad leigh, of Sutton, who settled in that town in 1771. She was born 23 March 1793, and died in 1877, aged 84 years. She was a descendant of Capt. Thomas Wad leigh, of Exeter, a son of Robert Wadleigh of the same place, who was a member of the Provincial Legislature of Massachusetts. The children of John and Susan were : i. Simon W,, b. 22 June 1812 ; d. 27 Jan. 1836. He was a remarkable young man, both physically and mentally. He was a superior scholar, being considered one of the best mathematicians of the state at the time of his death, which was superinduced by close application to study. He gave the first temperance lecture in an old schoolhouse, in Sutton, it being considered sacri legious fifty years ago to use the meeting-house for such a purpose. His success was most marked, for nearly every sober man was ready to sign the pledge, 422, ii, George A,, b, 29 Aug, i8i6. 423. iii, Dolly W,, b, 6 Sept, i8i8, 424, iv. John S,, b. 29 July 1827. 425. V. Benjamin F., b. 29 March 1831 ; d. Oct. 1890. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 87 John Pillsbury was a prominent man in Sutton, having held the office of selectman, representative to the Legisla ture, and filled other positions. He also held a commis sion in the militia, and was known as Captain Pillsbury. 173. Sally" (Micajah,' Caleb"), b. in Amesbury, 29 x\pril 1791 ; d. in Sutton, 2 May 1875 ; in. Nathaniel Cheney, of Sutton, 5 Sept. 1811. Their children were : i, Moses p., b. 3 Sept. 1815, ii, Sarah B., b. 18 April 1818. iii. M.\RY S., b. 23 July 1820, iv. Elisabeth P., b. i Sept. 1822. V. George S., b. 30 Aug. 1825. vi. Susan M., b. 22 June 1829. vii. Nancy J., b. 26 Aug. 1834. 174. Betsey" (Micajah,' Caleb"), b. in Amesbury, 16 Oct. 1794 ; d. 21 Sept. 1836 ; in. ist, David Ober, of Hopkinton; in. 2d, Silas Rowell, of Sutton, 1825. Chil dren of Betsey and Silas : i. George S., b. 9 April 1827; d, 27 May 1894. ii. Charles P., b. 23 April 1828. 175. Nancy" (Micajah,' Caleb"), b. in Sutton, 11 Oct. 1798 ; m. John Morse, of Amesbury, 24 Nov. 1819. Their children were : i. Elvira. ii. Caroline, iii, John M, iv, Sarah A. 176. Dolly" (Micajah,' Caleb"), b. in Sutton, 16 Feb. 1801; m. Nathan Andrews, of Sutton, 19 Dec. 1827; Their children were : i. Hannah. ii. George H. iii. James G. iv. Horace E, V, Thomas F. vi. William G, vii. Benjamin F. 177. Stephen" (Isaac," Caleb"), b. in Loudon, N.H., 3 Sept. 1788; d. in Hallowell, Me., 23 July 1876; m. 88 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 17 May 1 81 3, Betsey Cram of Loudon, who d. in Hallo well, 5 March 1856, aged 67 years. Their children were: i. Mary, b, in Hallowell, 15 Sept, 1814; m. Thaddeus Fairbanks, 31 Aug. 1845. ii. Martha C, b, in H., 16 Sept, 1816 ; m, Joseph Smith. iii, Elisabeth a,, b, in H,, 20 Nov. 1819 ; d. 7 July 1862. iv. LSAAC, b. in H,, 5 March 1821 ; d, 25 June 1853. V. Sarah, b. 6 March 1823 ; m, Cyrus Fairbanks, 15 July 1852, Stephen was a farmer in Hallowell, to which place he removed from Loudon soon after his marriage. 178. Amos" (Isaac,' Caleb"), b. in Loudon, N. H., 6 Dec. 1789; d. at sea, 31 Dec. 1819 ; m. Olive, daughter of Nathaniel Rollins, of Hallowell, who d. in 1884. 179. Sarah" (Isaac," Caleb"), b. in Loudon, N. H., 9 Dec. 1 791 ; m. Oliver O. Hinckley, of Hallowell, Me. Their children were : i. Sarah E,, b. -26 Aug, 1815. ii, Helen L,, b, 9 Oct, 1817. iii. Amos, b. 21 July 1823. 180. Abigail" (Isaac," Caleb"), b. in Hallowell, Me., 8 Feb. 1794; d. in Richmond, Me., 29 Nov. 1882 ; m.in 1 81 7, Capt. Aaron H. Davis, of Hallowell. Their chil dren were : i, Isaac P., b, 16 April 1818. ii, Olive E,, b, 5 Jan. 1820. iii, Lucretia M,, b, 19 April 1823. iv, Martha J,, b. 17 July 1825, V, Aaron A,, b, 19 Aug, 1827, vi. Abbie L., b, 17 Sept, 1829. vii. George A., b. 12 Feb. 1832. viii. Mary E., b, 10 July 1834, 181. Isaac" (Isaac," Caleb"), b. in Hallowell, 6 April 1796 ; d. in Galveston, Texas, 11 June 1833; m- i Aug. 1822, Belinda Goodwin, of Hallowell. Their children were : i. LSAAC, b, 21 June 1825; m, 11 June 1870, Phebe S. Knapp, of Woodford, Vt. ii, Olive, b, 16 Nov, 1827 ; d, young, iii, Lucy, b, 29 June 1830; d, young. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 89 183. Mary" (Isaac,' Caleb"), b. in Hallowell, 5 Mav 1798 ; d. in Edina, Mo., 27 March 1876 ; m. 1818, Jarvis Wilson, of Hallowell. Their children were : Jarvis W., b. 18 Feb, 1819. i, John A,, b. 4 Nov, 1820, ii, Rebecca A,, b. 18 May 1823, V, Mary C, b. 11 Jan. 1826. V. Charles N., b. 26 Jan, 1829, vi. Franklin, b. 4 May 1833. 183. Levi" (Isaac," Caleb"), b. in Hallowell, 7 June 1800; m. in H., Sept. 1827, Hannah Sleeper of Loudon, N. H. He was by trade a tanner. Their children were : 426.427,428,429, Charles J., b. in H., 9 Nov, 1828. i. Augusta D,, b. 6 Jan. 1831. ii. Sarah M., b, 14 July 1834. V. Susie A,, h. 14 Feb, 1843, Georgiana W., b. 12 Sept, 1846, 184. Olive" (Isaac," Caleb"), b. in Hallowell, 29 July 1802 ; m. 23 Sept. 1821, Capt. Joshua Carr. To them were born : Olive A., b, 8 Oct, 1822. 1. Samuel, b. 12 April 1824, ii. Ann E., b. 10 Sept. 1826. V. John, b. 29 Mfarch 1829. V. Mary J,, b, 18 July 1831, vi, Charles, 185. Elisabeth" (Isaac," Caleb"), b. in Hallowell, 7 June 1808 ; m. 5 Dec. 1826, Tillie W. Pray. Their chil dren were : Charles E Ella F. iii. Martha J. iv. George D. V. Mary C, 186. John" (John,' John"), b. in Rowley, Mass., 28 Feb. 1774; d. in Suncook, N. H., 18 May 1857. He was a physician in Pembroke and Candia, N. H.; m. 11 April 1802, Dorothy Ordway, who d. in Suncook, 23 Nov. 1865, aged 75 years. Their children were : 90 pillsbury genealogy. i. Sarah B., b. 27 Jan. 1804; d. in Suncook, 16 Jan. 1884; m, 29 Oct, 1829, Thomas Martin, who d. 18 March 1874, aged 78 years. 430. ii. John D., b. in Candia, 16 April 1805 ; d. in Rochester, N. Y,, 21 Dec. 1855. 431. iii. Nehemiah Ordway, b. in Rowley, 21 April 1807. 432. iv. Amos D., b. in Candia, 16 Jan. 1809 ; d. in Georgetown, Mass., Feb. 1894. v. Timothy A,, b, in Pembroke, 12 May 1811 ; d, in New Orleans, La,, 18 Sept. 1837, unmarried. 433. vi. Silas P., b, in P,, 23 March 1813 ; d. in Lawrence, Mass., 22 July 1858. vii. Sophia F., b. 1 April and d. 23 April 1815, 434, viii, Sophia F,, b, 23 March 1816 ; d. in Suncook, 1890. ix. Noah C, b. 27 Dec, 1821 ; d, 19 April 1822. X, George T., b. 27 Nov. 1823; d. in Lawrence, Mass., 9 March 1848, unmarried. 187. Dole" (John," John"), b. in Rowley, Mass., 18 April 1777; d. in Georgetown, Mass., 7 March 1861 ; m. ist, in Rowley, 16 April 1812, Nancy, daughter of Capt. Joseph Coffin, of Newburyport, who d. 29 July 1831, aged 42 years. To them were born : i. Joseph C, b. in R,, 20 Feb. 1813 ; d. in Georgetown, 9 July 1861, unmarried. 435. ii. John D., b. in R., 27 Nov, 1815, iii, Mary A,, b, in R,, 29 Dec. 1818 ; d. 17 June 1824, 436, iv, Walter, b. 3 Nov. 1821. V. Judith A,, b. 6 Sept, 1823 ; d, 22 May 1867 ; m. 24 Dec. 1854, Geo. O. Monroe, of Newburyport. vi. William A., b. 10 June 1825 ; d. 11 July 1848, Dole m. 2d (Pub. in Rowley, 16 May 1835), Mrs. Ara- miiita (Sanborn) Smith, of Kingston, N. H., who d. in Bridgton, Me., 18 Aug. 1890, aged 88 years. Their chil dren were : vii. Charles, b. 20 July 1836; d, in Georgetown, 11 July 1872. viii. Anna, b, in Georgetown, 25 Sept. 1841. 188. Judith" (John," John"), b. in Rowley, 8 April 1786; d. in Stowe, Mass., 13 Nov. 1875; m. in Rowley, 8 Sept. 1812, Daniel Tenney, of Pelham, Vt., who d. in Stowe, 3 Oct. 1877, aged 96 years. Their children (all born in Stowe) were : i. Sarah P. ii. Elisabeth W. iii. Mary B. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 91 189. Amos" (John," John"), b. in Rowley, 31 Jan. 1789 ; d. in Georgetown, 8 Nov. 1858 ; m. in Rowley, 26 Jan. 1812, Rebekah Dole, who d. 23 Aug. 1875, aged 86 years. Their children were : i. John, b. 21 March 1813 ; d. 19 Jan. 1814. li. Silas D,, b, 10 Nov. 1814 ; d, 11 Aug, 1835, 437- ui. Elisabeth, b. 11 June 1816, iv, Daniel T,, b. 14 Aug. 1819 ; d, 8 Oct. 1821. V, Aaron N,, b. 29 Feb. 1820; d. i Feb. 1896; m. Lizzie Goodale, of Boxford, Mass., 26 July 1844, vi, Luther P,, b, 9 Jan. 1822 ; d. 7 Sept. 1831. 438. vii. William B., b. 7 Oct. 1823, viii. Rebekah D., b. 8 Nov. 1826 ; d, 18 Dec, 1875, unmarried. 190. Samuel" (Samuel,' John"), b. in Salisbury, N. H., 14 Jan. 1782 ; m. Nancy Evans, in New Chester. Their children were : i. Nancy, b, in S., 14 Feb, 1805 ; m, William Haskins, Re sides at Grafton, N. H. 439- ii- Samuel, b. 16 Aug. 1806 ; d, in Foxcroft, Me., i May 1887. 440. iii. Timothy A., b. 8 Aug, 1808, iv. Elisabeth, b, 26 Feb, 1810 ; d, 29 May 1846 ; m. Ahira Barney, 441. V. Luke, b. 4 Mai^ch 1812 ; d, 12 May 1894. vi. John, b. 6 April 1814, vii, MiNiSRVA, b. 22 July 1820 ; m. William A. Hill. Samuel was a captain in the war of 181 2, but did not take the field. Was postmaster and justice of the peace for twenty years. He was a tall, handsome man, weigh ing 225 pounds. Pie kept a tavern in Danbury, N.H., and as he was a great temperance man he stripped his bar and kept no liquor to sell or give away. 191. Hannah" (Samuel," John"), b. 26 Nov. 1791 ; d. 17 July 1882 ; 111. 12 Dec. 1811, Nathaniel G. Haynes. Their children were : i. Hervey H. ii. Harrison P. iii. Laurinda H. iv. Charles G. V. Mary A. vi. Martha W. 92 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 193. Lydia" (Samuel," John"), bi in Salisbury, N. H., 26 Nov. 1 791 ; d. 12 May 1876 ; m. Samuel Taylor. Their children were : i. Hiram F, ii. ELIS.4.BETH P, And four others. 193. John" (Samuel," John"), b. in Salisbury, N. H., I March 1797; 111. Nancy Colby. Their children were: i. John C, Resides in Danbury, N. H. Two other children not living. 194. Pingree" (Samuel,' John"), b. in Salisbury, N. H., I March 1797; d. i Jan. 1840; in. Martha Favor. Their children were : i. George, Resides in Auburn, Me, ii, Ellsabeth ; m. Mitchell. Resides in Boston. Three other children. 195. George" (Thomas,' John"), b. in Vassalboro', Me., 1779; m. in Winslow, Me., 1806, Mehitable, daughter of Samuel and Rachel Varnuin, who was born in Clinton, Me., 1788. Their children were : Betsey, b. 1807 ; m, Abijah Keene, 1833. Joshua, b, 1809 ; d. May 1883. Emily, b. 1811 ; m, William Ellis, Sidney, Me. George, b, 1812 ; d, 31 Aug, 1890. Greenleaf, b, 1814 ; m. Betsey Burgess, 1839, 445, vi, Olive, b, 1816. vii, Abigail, b, 1820; m. Benjamin M. Folsom, 1844. viii. Franklin, b. 1819. ix, Amanda, b. 1827; m. Charles E. Brown, W. Newbury, Mass. X, James B,, b, 1830. xi. Sarah J., m. Joseph Hanscom, George was a farmer in Winslow, Me. 196. James" (Thomas,' John") , b. in Vassalboro', Me., 1786 ; d. in Gariand, Me.; m. 1807, Content Morrill. To them was born : Catharine, b. in Garland, Me.; d, in Exeter, N H 3 May 1873 ; m, Robert Libby. 442. 443- ii. iii. 444- iv. V. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 93 197. Ebenezer" (Ebenezer," John"), b. in Boston, 7 June, 1790; d. in Farmington, Me., 3 May 1867; m. 14 Sept. 1815, Eliza Dudley, of Mt. Vernon, Me., who d. in Kingfield, 2 June 1856, aged 65 years. Their children were : i. .Sus.\N J., b, in Kingfield, i6 June 1816 ; d, 30 Jan, 1817, 446, ii, C-4LEB D., b. 13 Dec. 1817 ; d. 1897. iii. William K,, b. 21 Jan. 1820 ; d. 7 March 1830, 447. iv. Daniel W,, b, 24 Aug, 1822, 448. V. Eben F., b. 18 April 1825 , d, in AUston, Mass,, 14 March 1887. 449, vi, Charles F,, b, 31 Jan, 1828; d, 27 April 1888, in New Portland, Me, 450. vii. LuciEN B,, b. 21 April 1830; d. i May 1859, i" Florida. viii, Eliz.a E., b, 4 March 1833 ; d, 27 Feb, 1855. Although a practical and successful farmer, Eben Pills bury was repeatedly called to fill leading official positions in town and county where he resided. He was a soldier in the United States army in the war of 181 2. He lived and died respected by all who knew him. 198. William" (Ebenezer,' John" ), b. in Boston, 1796 ; d. in Augusta, Me., 16 Sept. 1859; m. 1819, Sarah, daughter of Jonathan and Sarah Ballard, who d. in Mel rose, Mass., 15 May 1880, aged 79 years. Their children were : 451. i. Orlando W,, b, in Augusta, Me,, 7 July 1820; d, 20 June 1863, in St. Martin, Minn, 452, ii, Elisabeth W,, b. 25 March 1822. 453. iii. Sarah J., b, 11 Jan. 1825. 454. iv. Eben, b, 29 Dec, 1827; d, 30 May 1875, in St, Martin, Minn, V, James, b, 10 Oct, 1829 ; m. 1858, Mary Tuttle, who d. 1870. vi, GEORGE, b, in A,, 9 April 1832; m, Julia E, Coney, 2 Dec, 1864. Resides in Augusta, 455, vii, Mary Alice, b, 7 Nov, 1834, 456, viii, Annie Augu.sta, b. 8 Jan, 1838, 457. ix, Martha M,, b, 13 Aug. 1840. X. ALBiiRT I ., b. 27 April 1845 ; d. 5 Dec. 1846. 94 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. SEVENTH GENERATION. 199. Mary' (John," Enoch"), b. in Newburyport, 12 Dec. 1776; d. 8 Feb. 1811 ; m. 13 Sept. 1801, Joseph Brown, of Newburyport. Children : i. Joseph. ii, Moses. iii. Mary P. iv. Sarah. 300. Elisabeth' (John," Enoch'), b. in Newbury port, 28 Feb. 1779; d. 17 June 1812 ; m. 23 Nov. 1800, Capt. Henry Furlong, of Newburyport. Children : i. John Pillsbury, b. March and d. Sept. 1802. ii. Henry, b. June and d. Sept. 1808, iii. Sarah Pillsbury, b. June 1808; d. June 1891 ; m. James Vay. 301. William' (Samuel," Enoch"), b. in Newbury port, 27 March 1795; d. in Wilmot Flat, N. H., 18 Oct. 1890 ; m. 13 Oct. 1819, Lovinia, daughter of Eldad Har- Henniker, N. H., who d. 26 May 1880, aged Children : Apphia A,, b, 26 Dec, 1820; d. 13 Feb. 1874. Levi H., b. 20 May 1823 ; d. i July 1864; m. Nov. 1854, Mary E., daughter of John Morrill, of Penacook, N.H, Russell S., b, 8 June 1832, James M,, b, 4 Dec. 1841. William was born and resided during his boyhood in the house on Market street, Newburyport, built by his great-grandfather. He ranks next in age to the centena rian, Joseph (43), and at his death was the oldest resident of Wilmot. He was an honest and respected citizen, an obliging and kind neighbor. Blest with a remarkable memory, he was considered authority in untangling many events of the almost forgotten past. 303. Daniel' (Daniel," Joshua"), b. in Boscawen, N. H., 20 March 1789 ; d. in W. Newbury, Mass., 19 July 1872; m. ist, 26 Nov. 1812, Dorothy Searles, of Ne w Chester, N. H., who d. 4 June 1819. Children : i, Elvira D,, b, 25 June 1815 ; d, 7 Aug. 1824. 461. ii. Melvin, b. II July 1818; d. in Newburyport, 19 Jan. 1894. riman, of 79 years. 458. i. ii. 459- 460, iii. iv. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 95 Daniel m. 2d, Betsey Burleigh, of Franklin, N. H., who d. in W. Newbury, 19 Sept. 1868. Children : iii. Mary A., b. 10 Sept. 1821 ; d. 2 July 1834. iv. Jo.SEPH B., b. 19 June 1823 ; d. 23 Dec. 1833, V, Benjamin D., b. 25 Oct. 1824; d. in Middletown, Conn,, 28 Feb. 1887. Daniel was born and lived many years in New Hamp shire, in the towns of Boscawen and Franklin. He after wards purchased a farm at Craneneck Hill, W. Newbury, Mass., where the remainder of his life was spent. 303. Enoch' (Daniel," Joshua"), b. in Boscawen, N. H., 14 Aug. 1790; d. in Webster, N. H., 15 Oct. 1879; 111. 6 Dec. 1822, Martha Burleigh, of Franklin, N. H. Children : 463. i. Enoch H,, b. 5 May 1824; d. 23 Dec. 1857, in Hubbards- ton, Mass. ii, Martha A,, b, 26 Jan, 1836; d. 22 Sept. i860; m. 1851, Ezekiel W. Burbank, of Webster, N. H. Enoch was a soldier in the war of 1812 ; he was for years a cripple from rheumatism and the results of an accident met with when lumbering. Left in his old age without wife or children, and dependent on the generosity of neighbors and kinsmen for home and support, he never lost his cheerful temper and was always ready to greet those who came to visit him, with hearty speech and some story from the experiences of his long life. 304. George Thurlow' (Daniel," Joshua"), b. in Boscawen, N. H., 7 Feb. 1792; d. 16 May 1836; m. 16 June 1813, Susan, daughter of Eliphalet Kilburn, of Bos cawen, who d. in Chicago, 31 March 1861, aged 71 years. Children : i. Emily, b. in Boscawen, 26 Sept. 1814 ; d. in Penacook, N. H., 6 Sept. 1887 ; m, ist, in Alexandria, Ga,, 19 Dec, 1848, Rev. A, B. Burke; m. 2d, 19 Sept, 1859, in Chicago, Col, David F. Kimball. ii. Catherine, b. 22 Sept. 1820 ; d. in Concord, N. H., 19 Oct. 1843 ; m. Sewall Hoit, of Concord, 26 Jan. 1837. 96 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 305. Moody Adams' (Daniel," Joshua'), b. in Bos cawen, 4 May 1794; d. 8 Jan. 1863 ; m. ist, i Oct. 1818, Abigail W., daughter of Col. Timothy Dix, who d. 9 May 1852, aged 60 years. Children : 464, i. Moody A., b. 20 Sept, 1820, 465, ii. George, b. 17 Oct. 1823. iii. Charles W., b. 7 June 1826 ; d. 17 May 1828. 466,' iv, CHARLF.S S,, b, 14 April 1828, He m. 2d, 25 Nov. 1852, Louisa F. Dix, sister to Abigail W., who m. for the second time Rev. Edward Buxton, of Web.ster, N. H., 29 Dec. 1871. She d. 26 Dec. 1897, aged 91 years. On reaching his majority, Mr. Pillsbury settled in that part of Boscawen known as Bashaii from the number of noble red and white oak trees which grew there. His whole life was spent upon his farm, though most of his attention was given to his saw-mill. He became an officer in the militia, was colonel of the 21st New Hampshire regiment for several years, and rose to the rank of briga dier-general. He took an active interest in the events of his time, was one of the first to espouse anti-slavery principles, and gave his whole heart to the cause of freedom. He was a genial companion, a kind neighbor and a friend to the poor. 306. Rebekah' (Daniel," Jo.sliua'), b. in Boscawen, 29 April 1796 ; d. 5 Oct. 1874; m. 29 April 1823, Jere miah Titcomb, who d. 13 Aug. 1853, aged 59 years. They resided in that part of Boscawen now known as Webster. Children : i, Jeremiah G., b, 10 Sept. 1824. ii. Samuel T., b. 10 Sept. 1824. iii. Mary E., b. 28 Dec, 1825, iv, Eliza A., b. 12 July 1827. V. Luther C, b, 7 March 1830, vi. Joseph B,, b. 13 March 1834, vii. Rebekah F., b. 19 July 1836. viii. George P., b, 8 Sept, 1838. ix. Eliza A,, b. 17 Jan. 1843, 307. Paul Pearson' (Daniel," Joshua"), b. in Bos cawen, 9 Nov. 1797; d. in Andover, Mass., 8 June, 1882; fILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 97 m. ist, 2 May 1825, Hannah Frost, who d. 27 Sept. 1847, aged 52 years. Child : i. Solomon F., b. 8 June 1829 ; d. in Wolf boro', N. H., 29 Aug, 1847. He m. 2d, Sarah A. Stevens, of Andover, Mass., 10 Jan. 1848. She d. 5 Feb. 1868, aged 53 years. Children : 467. ii. S. Burke, b. 14 Dec. 1848. iii. George P., b. 22 Nov. 1851. iv. Infant, b. and d. 12 May 1855. Paul was a successful farmer in New Hampshire and that part of Andover, Mass., known as Ballardvale. 308. Joseph' (Daniel," Joshua"), b. in Boscawen, 7 Aug. 1799; d. 14 May 1861 ; m. 19 May 1825, Martha, daughter of Jesse Little, of Boscawen, who d. 30 Aug. 1884, aged 81 years. Children : i. Henry W,, b. 27 June 1827; d. in Dubuque, Iowa, 12 Dec, 1857, He was a young man of much promise. Was engaged in railroad work in the West, as a con tractor and furnisher of lumber supplies. The town of Pillsbury, Pa,, was named after him. 468. ii. Joseph L., b, 10 Feb, 1829; d. 10 Jan. 1873, iii. George T., b. 26 March 1833 ; d. 11 Oct, 1834, 469. iv. Martha Susan, b, 15 Feb. 1836. 470. V. George L,, b, 17 May 1839, Joseph, as well as five of his brothers, held a captain's commission. After a five years' residence in Maine filling a responsible position, he returned to Boscawen in 1836, and settled on the " Mt. Pleasant " farm, which he occupied the rest of his life. In 1840, '41 and '42 he was employed by the United States Land Company, of Boston, as inspector and appraiser of their lands in western Pennsylvania. He was well known as a progressive and practical agri culturist. He was of a social and genial nature, and his life was filled with deeds of kindness. 309. William T.' (Daniel," Joshua"), b. in Bos cawen, 24 Aug. 1809 ; d. 27 Aug. 1845 ; m. 10 Jan. 1833, Eunice, daughter of Samuel and Eunice Fowler, of Bos cawen, who d. in East Boston, 25 Dec. 1889, aged 81 years. Children : 98 PILLSBURY GEJ^fiALOGY. i. Elvira, b, 26 April 1839 ; m, ist, 21 March 1854, John Adams, Their daughter was Elvira. She m. 2d, 17 Jan, 1872, George H, Carter, of Boscawen, N. H. ii. EllEnette, b. 4 June 1842. For many years a successful teacher in the Boston public schools. William lived in Solon, O., for several years. On his return to his native town he settled on what was known as the " Mountain farm " in the adjoining town of Salis bury. He ranked throughout the region as a noted hunter. 310. Enoch' (Joshua," Joshua"), b. in Newbury, Mass., 7 Jan. 1795; d. in Nashua, N. H., 26 Jan. 1857; m. ist, 22 Feb. 1816, Margaret, daughter of Caleb Knight, of Boscawen, who d. in Nashua, 19 Sept. 1845, aged 50 years. Children : 471, i, Jonathan K., b. 21 Feb. 1817; d, in Walpole, Mass,, 9 Dec, 1876, ii, Sarah Ellsabeth, b, 21 March 1819 ; d, in Concord, N. H,, 25 May 1880, iii, Phebe K,, b, 6 April 1821 ; d. in Nashua, 24 Jan. 1845. iv. Margaret A., b. 23 April 1823; d. in Maiden, Mass,, 14 Aug, 1866, 472, V, Caleb K., b, 30 Dec, 1824, 473, vi. Eunice W,, b. 19 Feb. 1827. 474. vii, Jo.shua P,, b, 4 Jan, 1830; d, in Woonsocket, R. I,, 28 Oct, 1877. viii, Sophia F., b, 12 July and d, 24 Aug. 1833. 475, ix, Rebekah D,, b, 19 Oct, 1834, 476. X. Catherine B., b. 14 April 1837. Enoch m. 2d, Mrs. Dorothy (Bowen) McLanathan. 311. Joshua' (Joshua," Joshua'), b. in Newbury, on the old family homestead, 13 Aug. 1796 ; d. 17 Oct. 1887; m. 24 July 182 1, Sarah Davis, daughter of Capt. Samuel Rolfe, of Newburyport, who d. 6 Oct. 1881, aged 8s years. Children: i. Samuel R., b, 8 May 1822 ; d, in City Point, Va,, 2 Jan. 1842. 477. ii. Hannah R., b. 21 April 1824; d. 24 June 1882. 478. iii. JO.SHUA, b. 20 April 1828 ; d, in Lawrence, Mass,, 31 May 1886, iv. George, b. 5 March 1831 ; d. 17 July 1854. V. Sarah Johnson, b. i Aug. 1838 ; d. 17 Nov. 1865. After the death of his parents in Boscawen, N. H.. Joshua returned to the old homestead, in 181 7, where he PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 99 spent the remainder of his life. In his youth he was a captain of militia. 313. Elisabeth' (Joshua," Joshua'), b. in Newbury, I Aug. 1798 ; d. in Boscawen, N. H., 16 Oct. 1825 ; m. 5 March 1816, Jeremiah Little, of Boscawen, who d. in Rochester, N. Y., 5 April 1853. Child : Joshua P., b, 19 Nov. 1817 ; d. 5 Feb, 1840, 313. Nathaniel W.' (Joshua," Joshua'), b. in New bury, 5 Nov. 1800 ; d. in Newburyport, 13 April 1863 ; m. ist, 1824, Hannah Giddings, of Derry, N. H., who d. 1839. Children : 479. i. Francis E., b. in Derry, N. H.; Feb. 1825. 480. ii. John WeslEjT, b. in Derry, 6 April 1828. iii. George W., b. in Derry, Aug. 1831 ; d. in Newbury, May 1843. He m. •2d, Martha A. Hughes, of Windham, N. H. Children : 481. iv. Emily W., b. 1840, in Newbury, 482, V. Harvey H^, b. 11 Nov. 1842. 483. vi. Mary E., b. 3 March 1846, After residing in New Hampshire for a number of years, both in youth and manhood, Nathaniel returned to New buryport and spent the latter part of his life on the farm originally owned by John Atkinson, at the foot of North Atkinson street, which under his management came to be known as the city milk farm. 314. Eunice W.' (Joshua," Joshua'), b. in Newbury, 2 Jan. 1803 ; d. in Lawrence, Mass., i Aug. 1872; m. 2 Dec. 1828, Simon Brown, of Hamilton, Mass., who d. in Lawrence, 23 April 1867. Resided in Derry and Law rence. Children : Maria E. ii. Charles A, iii. Sarah F. iv. Mary P. V. William G. vi. George T. vii. George E, viii , Ellen a. ix. Henry L. lOO PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 315. Mary Coffin' (Joshua," Joshua'), b. in New bury, 20 March 1805 ; d. in Webster, N. H. (Little's Hill), 25 July 1869; m. in Boscawen, 27 May 1827, Capt. Richard Little, who d. 29 Oct. 1840, aged 49 years. Children : i. Calvin, b, 29 Feb. 1828; d. 20 Feb. 1879, ii. Levi, b. 18 July 1830; d. 2 April 1883. iii. Horace, b. 17 Sept, 1832. Resides in Ridgeway, Pa, iv, Emily, b. 10 Jan. 1835 ; d, 3 Dec, 1847. V, Charles, b, 14 Feb. 1837 ; d, 16 Nov, 1869, vi. Priscilla, b. 30 Jan, 1839, Resides in Webster, N. H. 316. Caroline' (Joshua," Joshua"), b. in Boscawen, N. H., 10 July 1811; d. in Warsaw, N. Y., 16 Oct. 1884; m. in Newbury, 17 April 1834, Samuel Fi.sher, of Londonderry, N. H., who d. in Warsaw, N. Y. Chil dren : i. Carrie, b, Nov, 1835, ii. S.AMUEL Mills, b. Oct, 1838, iii. Mary W., b, Jan, 1842, iv, Helen, b, 1845. V. Frank M,, b. May 1850, 317. Mary A.' (Benjamin," Samuel'), b. in New buryport, 16 March 1802 ; d. in the same city, 24 July 1871 ; m. II Oct. 1838, John P. Pearson, of N., who d. 27 Jan. 1876, aged 75 years. (He m. ist, No. 222.) In early life she was a successful school teacher and continued ever a favorite with young people. She was a pleasant writer, both in prose and verse, but her modesty and self-depreciation concealed the fact from all but her nearest friends. A sincere Christian, her countenance beamed good will to all mankind. Though blessed with no children of her own, yet to her might be most justly applied the words of ,the prophet in Isaiah 54 : i. 318. Lucy' (Benjamin," SamueP), b. in Newbury port, I Sept. 1804; d. in Salisbury, 27. Dec. 1871 ; m. 5 Dec. 1825, John Evans, of Salisbury, and their home was at Rocky Hill in that town. Children : i. John P., b. 25 Sept. 1826. ii, Lucy A, (Mrs, J, O. Proctor), iii. Joseph W. iv. Mary (Mrs. Edwin Morrill). PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. lOI 319. Rebekah H.' (Benjamin," SamueP), b. in N., 21 Dec. 1806; d. 26 July 1891 ; m. 5 July 1829, Enoch Toppan. Children : i. John Henry. ii, Enoch Clarke, Others died iu infancy. 330. Harriet' (Benjamin," SamueP), b. in N., 25 July 1810 ; d. 19 Feb. 1887; m. ist, 2 Sept. 1831, Mar shall Sanderson, of Waltham, Mass., who d. 29 Jan. 1839. Children : i. Mary A, ii, Henry M, iii. Lowell A. She m. 2d, 27 June 1843, James S. Latrime, of N., who d. Dec. 1870. 331. Sally' (Stephen," Samuel'), b. in N., 16 March 1802 ; d. 9 June i860; m. 4 Feb. 1823, Alfred Pillsbury (339). 333. Hannah' (Stephen," Samuel'), b. in N., 18 June 1805 ; d. II Jan. 1837 ; m. 21 March 1828, John P. Pearson, who d. 27 Jan. 1876. Children : i. Sarah E,, b. 5 Nov, 1829 (Mrs. James M, Morse), ii. John M,, b. 7 Oct, 1832, Resides at Godfrey, 111, iii, Hannah M,, b. 29 May 1836 (Mrs, A. L, Moore), 333. Mary' (Stephen," SamueP), b. in N., 11 Dec. 1809; d. 23 Feb. 1889; m. 27 Jan. 1831, True Choate, of N. Children : i. George A. ii. Leonard. iii, Calvin, 334. Enoch' (Enoch," Samuel'), b. in Newbury, 7 Dec. 1808; d. in Nashua, N. H., 16 July 1867; m. 30 Oct. 1832, Sarah M. Sargent, of Windham, N. H. Chil dren : 484. i. Henry M,, b. 14 Aug. 1833, 485. ii. EDW.4.RD W,, b, 29 March 1837, iii. Samuel H,, b. 6 Dec, 1838; d, at Baton Rouge, La., 3 Feb. 1863 ; m. Francena Fiske, iv. Charles A., b. 27 Oct. 1845 ; m. Edna Emerson. I02 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 335. Stephen' (Enoch," Samuel"), b. in Newbury, 5 Dec. 1811 ; d. in Normal, 111., i Dec. 1885 ; m. ist, 11 June 1834, Abigail P. Lowe, who d. in Derry, N. H., 7 Sept. 1857. Children : 486. i. William Lowe, b. 4 Nov. 1838. ii. Abby F., b. 6 Dec. 1842 ; d. 11 Aug. 1844. iii. Abby M., b. 8 March 1846; d. 21 June 1849. He m. 2d, 24 June 1861, Harriet Warner, of Derry, N.H. Their only child : . 487. iv. Lilian W., b., 3 May 1863. 336. Joshua' (Enoch," SamueP), b. in Newbury, 18 March 1813 ; d. in Athens, O., 17 Sept. 1887; m. Oct. 1836, Eliza Shute, of Derry, N. H., who d. 17 Sept. 1884. Children : 488. i. James W., b. in N., Nov. 1837 ! d. in Marietta, O., 20 Feb. 1887, ii. Mary E., b. in N., 3 Dec. 1839 ; d. in Wheeling, W. Va,, June 1862. 489. iii, George E,, b, 13 Dec. 1841. iv, Rebekah P,, b, July 1843; d. July 1844. V. Prescott G., b. 13 June 1846 ; d. in Boston, 6 Nov. 1888 ; m. 16 Feb. 1870, Isabel McCrillis, of Haverhill, who died a few months afterwards. vi. . Joshua P., b. Aug. 1849. A clergyman of the M. E. church. 490. vii. Helen M., b. Feb, 1853. 337. Thomas' (Enoch," SamueP), b. in N., 9 April 1823; d. in Derry, N. H., 28 Feb. 1875; m. 28 May 1846, Mary A. Spofford. Children : i. Clara A., b. in Manchester, N, H., 19 April 1847 ; d. in Manchester, 12 Aug. 1854. 491, ii, Warren W., b. 10 Sept. 1848. iii. Lizzie I,, b. 11 July 1853; m, 21 Oct, 1886, John A. Wilson, of Windham, N, H. Resides in East Derry. iv. Arthur F., b. 9 Nov. 1857 ; d. in Derry, 21 Feb. 1875. 338. Samuel' (John," SamueP), b. in Newbury, 27 Feb. 1809 ; d. in Biddeford, Me., 23 April 1888; m. ist, 20 Nov. 1832, Jane F). Sutherland, of B., who d. 6 Feb. 1852. Children : pillsbury genealogy. 103 492. i. George H., b. in Saco, Me., 28 April 1834 ; d. in Brook lyn, N. Y., 23 Feb. 1893, 493- ii- Samuel H,, b, in Saco, 14 July 1835. 494- iii, Enoch Freeman, b. in Saco, 4 March 1837, 495- iv, John G,, b, 19 Aug. 1839. 496, V, Mary A,, b, in Biddeford, 2 Oct, 1841, vi. William S,, b, 5 Feb, and d, 4 Oct. 1844, 497. vii. William E,, b. 15 Aug, 1845. viii. Emily R,, b, 22 July 1847 ; d, 25 Sept, 1848. 498. ix. Charles E,, b. 23 Nov. 1849, Samuel m. 2d, Martha Gray, of Saco, who d. 6 Sept. When a young man he moved to Lowell, aud in 1832 came to Saco. He enjoyed wonderful health and was in the full possession of all his faculties to within a few days of his death. He was one of eight persons to form the Baptist religious society in Biddeford in 1852. He was one of its first deacons and was chosen clerk both of the society and church, which office he held until within a few weeks of his death. Deacon Pilsbury was an arduous worker in the cause of Christ. Whenever the church needed concentrated labor, or anything in the society needed the attention of a cool head and kind heart. Deacon Pilsbury was invariably the man to whom all turned for guidance. His clear business tact, coupled with a generous dispo sition and a noble character, placed him at the head of everything pertaining to the welfare of the church, in which he will be missed equally with his home and the community. 339. Maria' (John," Samuel') , b. in Newburyport, 24 Sept. 1810 ; d. 24 Nov. 1863 ; m. 16 Sept.' 1830, John Nichols, of New York city. They had one daughter : Louisa A. 330. John Oilman' (John," Samuel"), b. 2 Nov. 1812; d. in Chelsea, Mass., 6 Aug. 1858; m. 26 Aug. 1834, Elisabeth W. Smith, of Lowell, who d. in Chelsea, 13 May 1883, aged 69 years. Children : 499. i. John Elliott, b, in Lowell, 15 Dec, 1846, 500, ii, Florence Jane, b, in Lowell, 11 Aug, 1848. 501, iii. Albert Smith, b. 23 Feb. 1851. 502. iv. Lucretia Smith, b. in Chelsea, 21 May 1856. 104 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. John passed his boyhood in Newburyport, and when quite a young man removed to Lowell, entering a printing office. After acquiring a thorough knowledge of the busi ness, he started for the West with his wife. At that time the only means of travelling was by stage coach or canal- boat. He located at Columbus, Ohio, carrying on the printing and publishing business. After some years he returned to Lowell and started the first Democratic news paper in that locality. It was what was called at that time a " Free Soil " paper, to which John G. Whittier was a frequent contributor. In 1854 he removed to Chelsea with his family, having received a lucrative position in the Boston Custom House, which position he held until his death in 1858. Like his elder brother Samuel, he was all his life an active and devoted member of the Baptist denomination. 331. Emily R.' (John," Samuel'), b. in Newbury port, II Nov. 1814 ; d. 2 Jan. 1858 ; m. Nov. 1833, Wil liam S. Robinson, of New York city. Children : i. William E., b. 4 March 1835. ii. Emily E,, b. 14 .Sept, 1838. iii. Fred. N., b. 27 Oct. 1840. iv. Isabel P., b. 14 May 1843, V, George W., b. 19 June 1846, vi. John E., b. 6 Feb. 1854. 333. Caroline M.' (John," SamueP), b. in Chelms ford, Mass., 3 Jan. 1819 ; m. 17 Feb. 1845, John McCor mick, of New York city. Children : i, John Elliott, b, 5 May 1849, ii. Isabel E,, b. 29 Aug, 1853 (Mrs. Edgar W, Abbot), 333. Eliza Folsam' (Michael," Joseph'), b. in New bury, 21 Nov. 1797; d. in Maiden, Mass., 18 July 1880; m. II Feb. 1817, Richard S. Frothingham, of Newbury port. Children : i, Emeline S,, b, 8 Nov. 1817 ; d. 18 Jan, 1853, ii, William P,, b, 30 Jan, 1819 ; d, 10 Julv 1844, at sea, iii, Mary E,, b, 7 March 1821 ; d. 16 June'1891. iv. Frances M., b. 13 Sept. 1823. V. S.\LLY M., b. 12 Jan, 1828 ; d. 5 Dec. 1862, vi. John F., b. 17 Nov. 1831 ; d. 19 Jan, 1865. (U, S, A,) Vll, Gustavus, b, 20 April 1836 ; d, 23 June 1864. (U. S. A.) vm. Daniel D., b. 29 April 1840; d. 15 April 1841. ix. Daniel D., b. 28 July 1842. pillsbury genealogy. 105 334. Benjamin P.' (Michael," Joseph"), b. in New bury, 2 July 1808 ; d. in Haverhill, Mass., 31 Oct. 1871 ; m. 16 June 183 1, Mary H. Baker. Children : 503. i. ElizaeTTE S,, b, in Haverhill, 9 April 1832. 504. 11. Adrianna S., b, in Haverhill, 25 March 1834, 111, Agnes M. L,, b. 7 Nov, 1838, 335. Eunice C (Michael," Joseph"), b. in Newbury, 27 July 1814 ; d. in Haverhill, Mass., 18 March 1892 ; m. ist, 22 April 1834, Ezra Smith of H. Children : i. Chauncey H. ii. Ann S, iii. Joseph. iv. Caroline P. V. Hannah D, vi. Harriet. Eunice m. 2d, in 1848, Aaron Chapman, of Haverhill. Their children were : vii, Eugene H. viii. Melis-Sa. ix. Lewis. ' , X. Oscar. 336. Albert' (Timothy," Timothy'), b. in Eastport, Me., 6 Aug. 1814; d. in Halifax, N. S., 13 June 1872; m. 23 March 1836, Abbie C. Porter, of Belfast, Me. Chil dren : i. Edward Wingate, b. 25 April and d, 3 Sept, 1837. 505, ii. Charles Albert, h. 26 July 1839. 506. iii. Emily Alden, b, 4 June 1842 ; d. 17 Sept, 1887. iv. Marie Desiree, b. 2 May 1844 ; d. 7 Sept. 1887. Like his father Mr. Pilsbury was a public servant and politician. He served many years as clerk of courts, was a member of the governor's council, was unsuccessful can didate for governor of Maine in 1853. He was afterward appointed U. S. consul at Halifax, N. S., and died in office. 337. Edward' (Timothy," Timothy") , b. in Eastport, Me., 15 Aug. 182 1 ; d. in New Orleans, La., 10 Aug. 1882. He married Mile. Marie Desiree Peraet, a member of an old and wealthy Creole family in the parish of St. Charles. At his decease he left a \yidow and several children, but Io6 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. nothing further is known of them. Mr. Pilsbury was a prominent business-man in New Orleans, where he went when a child. He was at one time partner in one of the oldest and most substantial business houses in the city, and afterward did business by himself as factor and commission merchant. He was at one period mayor of New Orleans, and was highly esteemed by his fellow citizens. He was a promi nent member of the Order of Odd Fellows, and held the office of Grand Master of Louisiana. 338. George W.' (John," Joseph"), b. in Scarboro', Me., 21 March 1821 ; d. 9 Feb. 1871 ; m. 24 March 1850, in Pownal, Me., Marian B. Sawyer. Children : i. George L,, b. in Pownal, 28 Aug. 1851 ; d. at Cape Elisa beth, Me., 14 Jan. 1877, 507. ii. Mariana, b. in Pownal, 16 April 1853; d, Sept. 1887, 508, iii. Alice F,, b. in Pownal, i May 1855; d. 20 March 1896. iv. Abbie E., b, in Stillwater, Minn., 8 Dec. 1856 ; d. in Castalia, la., 10 Sept. 1866. 509. V. John W., b. in Stillwater, 20 Aug. 1858 ; d. 16 March 1887. vi. Charles E., b. in Castalia, Iowa, 24 Aug. 1861 ; d. in Masardis, Aroostook Co., Me., 24 Dec. 1895. vii. Albert L,, b. in Castalia, 31 Aug. 1866 ; d. 12 Oct. 1867. Mr. Pillsbury lived in Pownal, Me., until 1856, when he emigrated to Minn., returning to Maine in 1870. His son Charles was locomotive engineer on the Bangor and Aroostook railroad. 339. Hannah' (John," Joseph"), b. in Scarboro', Me., 1822 ; d. at Cape Elisabeth, 11 Dec. 1857 ; m. George H. Fickett, of Cape Elisabeth. Children : i. Willard W. ii. Lavinia. iii. Mary F. 340. Albert L.' (John," Joseph"), b. in Scarboro', 18 July 1826 ; d. at Cape Elisabeth, 29 Nov. 1887 ; m. 3 Dec. 1848, Louisa H. Fickett. Children : 510. i, Frank G,, b, at Cape Elisabeth, 26 Aug. 1850. ii, Addie M,, b, 23 July 1853; m. C, E, Hayes, 111. Aldoras, b. in Portland, 3 Oct. 1856 ; d, 30 Oct. 1888. iv. Helen H., b. in Portland, 19 Feb. 1865 ; m. J. A. S. Dyer. v. Mary E., b. at Cape Elisabeth, i April 1867. vi. Alice B., b. at Cape Elisabeth, 20 March 1872. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 107 341. Tristram' (Enoch L.," Joseph'), b. 6 May 1821; d. 9 March 1849; m. 28 Sept. 1845, Adelia B., daughter of John Redlorn, of Hollis, Me. Chile! : Joseph S,, b. 5 July 1846. 343. John F.' (Enoch L.," Joseph'), b. in Portland, Me., 30 May 1830. Is a farmer in the suburbs of Port land. He m. II Feb. 1864, Armenia W. Staples, of New burgh, Me. Children : i. Frank W,, b, 9 Nov. 1864, ii. Lizzie E,, b. 17 Nov. 1867; m. Edwin E, Parrott, 21 Dec. 1892. iii. HaTTiE L., b. 11 Feb. 1870; m. Eugene H. Floyd, 29 June 1892, iv. Arthur N., b. 30 March 1873. 343. Richard C (Tristram," Josiah'), b. in Went worth, N. H., 2 April 1824 ; d. in Lowell, Mass., 14 June 1885 ; m. 13 March 1847, Ann Osgood Webster, in Lowell, Mass. Children : i. Edwin Tristram, b. 10 Oct. 1848; d. 26 March 1849. ii. Mary Ella, b. 24 Dec, 1849; "i- ^5 Aug. 1872, Charles A. Marshall, iii. Emma F., b. 7 June 1852 ; m. 19 May 1871, Alfred H. Gilbert. iv. Nellie B., b, 3 Aug, 1862; m. 29 April 1882, Fred. G. Simpson. 344. William H. C (John," Josiah'), b. in Went worth, N. H., about 1827; m. Ellen B. McKeever, 12 Oct. 1857. Supposed to reside in Warren, N. H. Child : Mary Ellen. 345. BiLLEY E.' (John," Richard'), b. 25 Oct, 1822 ; m. 17 Sept. 1848, Martha C, daughter of Samuel French, of Canterbury, N.H. A farmer in Canterbury. Children : i. Eliza J., b, in C, i July 1850; m, S, D, Morrill, of Hill, N. H. ii. Charles H., b. in Warren, N, H,, 3 Feb, 1852. iii. Sarah E., b. in Warren, N, H., 27 April 1856 ; m, Henry M. Hutchings of C. iv. Ida J,, b. in C, 5 Aug. 1859 ; d. 10 March 1861, I08 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 346. Judith' (John," Richard") , b. 5 May 1824 ; m. 9 Jan. 1845, Sargent S. Straw, of Hill, N. H. Children : i. Nettie, b. i June 1847. ii, David A,, b, 23 July 1849, iii. Elvira, b. 11 Dec. 1851. iv, INZIE E-, b. 10 Oct. 1854. V. Vernon S,, b. 30 Sept. 1856. vi. John E., b. 27 Oct. i860. vii, Abbie F,, b, 2 Oct. 1862, viii. William H., b. 3 June 1865. 347. MoSES W.' (Thomas," Richard'), b. 5 Dec. 1820; m. 17 Oct. 1848, Eliza, daughter of Moses H. Clement, of Warren, N. H. Children : i, Clara E,, b, 24 June 1853; m. 17 March 1873, Manus H. Perkins. ii, Sarah C, b. i July 1855 ; d. 10 Nov, 1875. iii, Fred. T., b. 20 March 1857. iv, MosES H., b. 28 Feb. 1868, 348. Oliver' (David," Jonathan'), b. 23 May 1810; d. 30 June 1840; m. 18 Feb. 1835, in Scarboro', Me., Elisabeth B. Warren, who d. 23 Feb. 1846. Child: Mary S,, b. 24 June 1837; m. in Porter, Me., 25 April 1877, Albion P, Benton. 349. David' (David," Jonathan"), b. 15 Aug. 1814 ; d. in Boston, 13 July 1881 ; m. 10 Jan. 1839, Sarah E. Banks, of Parsonsfield, Me. Children : i. Jonathan, b. in Parsonsfield, 26 June 1839; d. 12 Sept. 1848. ii, Abbie Jane, b. 8 Sept, 1843. iii. Oliver Dean, b. 27 Aug. 1846; m. 28 June 1888, Eldora Percival. iv. John David, b. 20 Feb. 1851 ; m, 17 Feb, 1876, Etta H, Cluff. V. Jacob Banks, b, 4 Sept. 1853; m. 22 Oct. 1890, Emily A. Webb. Oliver, John and Jacob reside in Boston, Mass., where they are engaged in business. 350. Martha A.' (David," Jonathan"), b. 11 Dec. 1818 ; d. 18 Dec. 1843 ; 111. 12 Sept. 1839, Israel Banks, of Porter, Me. Child : Martha A., b, 25 Oct. 1841 ; d. 30 Nov. 1853. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. I09 351. George W.' (David," Jonathan"), b. in Scar boro', 13 March 1825 ; m. in Saco, 30 Oct. 1847, Elisabeth, daughter of Zebulon Berry, of Pownal, Me. Children : i. Roderick W,, b, in Saco, 25 Feb, 1849; d, 26 Aug, 1852. ii. Frederick H,, b, in Pownal, 2 Feb, 1861 ; m, ist, 31 Dec, 1882, Eilima J., daughter of Sargent and Susan Dudley, of Alton, N. H., who d. 14 Dec. 1889, aged 32 years ; m, 2d, 2 Feb, 1891, Cynthia J,, daughter of Reuben and Lydia Stackpole, Resides in Newmarket, N, H, 353. Bartlett' (John," Jonathan"), b. in Scarboro', Me., 14 Aug. 1833 ; m. 27 March 1855, Mary A. Merrill, of Saco. Resides in West Scarboro'. i. Fendall B,, b, in S., 5 Sept, 1856; d. in N, Andover, Mass., 12 Jan. 1883. 511, ii. Marcia v., b. 2 Dec. 1862. iii. Lizzie L., b. 2 March 1865, iv. Everett C, b. 20 June 1869; d, 13 Sept, 1893. 353. Noah' (John," Jonathan'), b. in Scarboro', 11 Jan. 1838 ; m. 8 Dec. 1864, Hattie E. Hannaford, of Cape Elisabeth. Resides in Scarboro'. Children : i. J, ScoTT, b. in S,, 13 Nov. 1868, ii, LETITIa N., b. 7 July 1872. iii. Clara E,, b, 6 Aug, 1880, 354. Isaac W.' (John," Jonathan"), b. in Scarboro', 4 Nov. 1842; m. 29 Jan. 1873, Lizzie A. Drown, of Sanford, Me. Resides in Scarboro'. Child: Edward Blanchard, b, at Cape Elisabeth, 22 Oct. 1874. 355. George W.' (Charies C," Jonathan"), b. in Scarboro', 17 Nov. 1834; d. 3 Nov. 1887; m. 26 Oct. 1856, Statira Staples, of Limington, Me. Children : i. William F., b, in S,, 9 Aug, 1857 ; m. 22 June 1882, Martha E, Larrabee, Resides in North Scarboro'. ii. Sarah E,, b. 10 March 1859; m, 14 June 1879, George A, Remick. iii. ElbridGE S., b. 20 May 1861. iv, Anna, b, 20 Aug. 1865, V. George m,, b. 10 July 1867. Emma R., b. 6 Dec. 1869, vii. Lilian, b. 17 July 1872. viii. A daughter, b. 22 and d. 24 Sept. 1874. ix. John M., b. 5 Sept. 1875. X. A son, b. 25 and d. 27 Aug. 1882. no PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 356. Emeline M.' (Charles C," Jonathan"), b. in Scarboro', 12 July 1839; m. 28 Nov. 1869, William Richardson, of Limington, Me., who d. 23 Nov. 1892. Children : i. Henry H,, b, 20 Aug. 1871. ii. Sarah C, b. 14 July 1873. iii. Edward M., b, 18 Oct, 1876. iv, Charles L, 357. Frank M.' (Charles C," Jonathan"), b. 21 Feb. 1841 ; m. 27 Oct. 1864, Lydia G. C. Ilsley, of Newbury, Mass., who d. 27 April 1893, aged 49 years. Children: 512. i. Frank Ilsley, b. 24 July 1865. ii. Edward Grant, b. 12 March 1868. iii. Maud Lizzie, b, 21 Nov, 1870. iv, Charles Hazen, b, 6 Sept. 1872 ; d, in Haverhill, Mass., 18 April 1893. Resides in Haverhill. 358. Oliver S.' (Charles C," Jonathan"), b. in Scar boro', 30 April 1846. A clergyman of the M. E. church. He m. 3 May 1876, Susie H. Maxwell, of Wells, Me. Children: i. Myron Albert, b. in Gray, Me., 4 Jan. 1877. ii. Merton Garfield, b. in Monmouth, Me., 27 Aug. 1881. 359. Howard L.' (Charles C," Jonathan'), b. in Scarboro', 17 Dec. 1849 ; m. i July 1872, Cecilia M. Foss, of Saco, Me. Resides in Saco. Children : i. Elfleda M., b. in Saco, 28 Sept. 1872. ii. Fred H., b. in Scarboro', 19 May and d. i July 1874. iii. Guy H., b. i Dec. 1876. iv. Ralph W. E., b. 7 Feb. 1880. V. Susan A., b. 5 Feb. 1884. vi. Mildred C, b. 22 Sept. 1886. vii, Fannie, b. i88'9. 360. Charles W.' (Charles C," Jonathan"), b. in Scarboro', 20 June 1851. A physician in Saco, Me. He m. 25 Sept. 1882, Mrs. Ella E. Miller, of South Lincoln, Mass. Children : i. Montrose W. F., b. in Saco, 25 July 1883 ; d. 31 Dec, 1884. ii. FiTZROY F., b. 25 Jan. 1885. PILLSBURY GENlSALOGY. Ill 361. Shuah B.' (Amos," Jonathan"), b. in Porter, Me., 30 Dec. 1842 ; m. 10 April i860, Austin W. Moses. Child : Sadie A., b, in Baldwin, Me., 24 Jan. 1865. 363. John H.' (Wm. C," Jonathan"), b. in Liming ton, Me., 20 Dec. 1846; m. 7 Aug. 1878, Sarah E., daughter of Prof. T. A. Robinson, of Kent's Hill, Me. Child : ' William Robinson, b. 17 July 1886, A clergyman of the M. E. church ; but he has been for a number of years a successful teacher in the Wesleyan Seminary at Wilbraham, Mass., and also at Smith College, Northampton. He is the author of several text books for high schools and colleges. 363. James F.' (Wm. C," Jonathan"), b. 28 June 1849 ; m. 22 Dec. 1883, Mary E. Townsend. Resides in Limington, Me. 364. Alfred F. H.' (Wm. C," Jonathan"), b. 18 May 1856 ; m. 20 Oct. 1887, Ella A. Perkins, of Spring field, Mass. Resides in Springfield. Child : Alfred Perkins, b. 27 Oct. 1890. 365. Benjamin' (Stephen," Stephen"), b. 1775; d. 1851 ; m. Polly Nason. Children: 513514515516517518 i. Paulina. ii. Anna, b. 1800 ; d. 1885. iii. Eliza. iv. Elinor. V. Cynthia, vi. Stephen N,, b, 1812 ; d. 1890. 366. John' (Stephen," Stephen"), m. Jane Bragdon, of Shapleigh, Me., in 18 10. Children : 519 i. John Mars, b, in Shapleigh, 14 March 1812. 520. ii. Earlsworth C, b. 20 Sept. 1814 ; d. 20 July 1889. iii. Charles. iv. William. . V. Sarah, m. James Fernald, of Shapleigh. 1 12 KLLSbURY GENEALOGY. 367. Nathaniel' (Stephen," Stephen"), b. ; d. ; m. Bridget Davis. Children: i. Moody. Went to California and was never heard of after. ii. Jane, m, J, Pettengell ; d, in Lowell, Mass. iii. BETSEY'. iv. John Davis, d. in Lowell, Mass., 26 Aug. 1855. Another authority gives a different list of children : i. Betsey, m. Roberts, ii. Mary, m. Otis Huntress. iii. Joy, d. young. , iv. John. John Davis^ (Nathaniel,' Stephen'^), m. Eliza M, Linscott, of N, Berwick, Child: L-4.WRENCE James, b, in Saco, Me,, 6 Aug. 1849; m. 27 Dec. 1870, in Lowell, Mass., Alice M. Ham (or Miner), Children : i. Fred W. ii, Josie A. iii. Hazen L, 368. Stephen' (Stephen," Stephen'), b. in Shap leigh, Me., in 1782 ; m. 1805, Margaret, daughter of Sirfion Ricker, of Shapleigh. Children : 521. i. Marv, b. in S., 29 Dec. 1807 ; d, 26 Feb, 1883. 522. ii, Nancy, b. 30 Jan. 1809; d. 27 July 1885, 523. iii. Tobias, b. 9 Oct. 1811 ; d. in Saco, 6 May 1886. 524. iv. Simon, b, 27 April 1816. 525, V. Serena, b, 23 Jan, 1819; d. 13 Oct. 1885. vi. Clara, b. 12 Dec. 1821 ; m. F'. B. Fernald, of Shapleigh, i860, 526. vii, Sarah A,, b. 18 Oct. 1824. 527, viii, SoPHRONiA E,, b. 13 Nov. 1827. Stephen was merchant, shoemaker and farmer in the town of Shapleigh. 369. Joseph' (Stephen," Stephen'), b. April 1788; m. 1809, Dorothy Ham, of Shapleigh. Children : 528. i. Stephen H., b. 12 June 1809; d. Feb. 1838, on west coast of Africa. ii. Susan, b. 10 May 1811 ; m. 523. iii, George, b. 24 Feb, 1813 ; d. 1873, in Saco ; m. Mary Murphy, 1852, 529. iv, Samuel, b, 15 Feb. 1815 ; d. at sea, 24 April 1853. 530. V. Jacob, b. 1818 ; d. 1880. 531. vi. ELIS.4.BETH, b, 1822, 532, vii, Ellen, b. 12 May 1824. viii, Olive N,, b, 27 July 1827; m, 1848, Cyrus Tibbetts ; m, 2d, 1865, Nathan Hall. 533. ix. William C, b. Jan. 1829; d. Jan. 1867. 534, X. John Q. A., b. 16 Jan. 1831 ; d. 16 Dec. 1882. 535. xi. Anna M., b. 1833. 536. xii. Joseph M., b. 24 Sept. 1836; d. 22 Sept. 1881. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 1 13 He m. 2d, Hannah Bragdon. Joseph was a farmer in Shapleigh and Saco. 370. Tobias' (Stephen," Stephen"), m. Betsey Gray. He was a soldier in the war of 181 2, and was killed at the battle of Plattsburg, N. Y. He left a daughter. 371. Samuel' (Stephen," Stephen"), b. 7 March 1794; d. in Clyde, Kansas, 1886; 111. Sally Garvin, who d. in Clyde, 4 March 1881, aged 85 years. Children: i. Caroline, b. 11 April 1822; d, 31 May 1880 ; m. James M. Downs, ii, Albion K,, b. 25 Feb. 1824 ; d. Aug, 1844. 537. iii, Sarah E,, b, 16 March 1826, 538. iv. Almira C, b, 4 May 1828, V, Rachel F,, b. 3 April 1831 ; d. Oct, 1833, vi, Loammi G,, b, 2 June 1833; m. Emma Weed. vii. Samuel G,, b, in Great Falls, N, H,, 17 March 1837; ra. Carrie F. Bragdon. * viii. M.ARY E,, b, in Great Falls, 3 Jan, 1842 ; m, 18 May 1861, Hosea E. Hill, of Methuen, Mass. 373. Betsey' (Joseph," Joseph") , d. in South Thomas ton, Me.; m. Joseph Frost. Children: i. Emery. ii. Nathan. iii. JOSEPH. iv. John, 373. Johnson' (Joseph,"Joseph"),d. in Belmont, Me.; m. Priscilla Cooper, in Thomaston, Me. (Pub. 7 Dec. 1798.) Children: i. Adeline, b, 1799 ; m, ist, Rokes ; 2d, Wentworth, ii. Priscilla, b. 1801 ; m. 1825, Jedediah Simmons, of Union, Me. 539. iii. Johnson, b. 8 March 1804 ; d. 29 March 1883, in S. Thomaston, iv, Mary, b. 1805 ; m, ist, Peleg Simmons ; 2d, Nathan Frost ; 3d, Robert Perry. V. Lydia, b. 1805 ; m. Bussy. vi. Theodore L,, b, 1807; m. Maria Keene. vii. Abigail, b. 1809. viii, Clementine, b. 1811 ; m. Zebedee Simmons, of Apple- ton, Me. ix. Susan, b. 1813 ; m. Doane Newcombe, 540, X, Phinehas, b, 1815, xi, Eveline, b. 1817, xii, Hester, b, 1819, xiii. WilIyIAM, b. 1821. 114 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. . 374. Joseph' (Joseph," Joseph",) d. in St. George, Me., 13 July 1822 ; m. 1800, Phebe Dunham, of Martha's Vineyard, who d. in Rockland, Me., 7 March 1848. Children : 541-542.543- Sarah A., d. about 1880. li. John, b. i May 1805 ; d. 30 Dec. 1873. ii. Joseph, 3d, b. i April 1808; d. 23 Nov. 1864. V. Samuel, b. about 1811 ; d. in Rockland, 6 Feb. 1890. 544. V. George W. 375. John' (Joseph," Joseph"), b. 1789; d. 5 Sept. 1832 ; m. 27 Sept. 1808, Mary Kelloch, of St. George, Me., who d. at Thomaston, 9 Feb. 1882. Children : 545, i, Mary, b. at Ash Point, 1809; d. at St. George, 10 Nov. 1857- ii, Jane, b, at Ash Point, 1811 ; d. in Boston, 22 May 1830. 546. iii. Hannah, b. 5 Oct. 1812. 547. iv. Dennis, b. 15 Nov. 1815 ; d. in S. Thomaston, 24 Oct. 1853, 548, V. Mehitable, b. 11 Dec. 1816. vi. George, b. 1821 ; d. 9 June 1830. John was a blacksmith in South Thomaston. He was a private in S. Dwight's company in 1814. 376. Nathan' (Joseph," Joseph"), b. 17 Aug. 1790; d. 25 Dec. 1874; m. 16 May 1811, in S. Thomaston, Mary, daughter of Philip and Abigail Eastman, who d. 12 Oct. 1828. Children : 549. i. Maria, b. 15 Sept. 1811. ii. Nancy, b. 15 Oct. 1813 ; d. June 1871. iii. Emeline D., b. Aug. 1815 ; d. 6 Oct. 1850; m. 544. 550. iv. Ansel M., b. 1817 ; d. 1888, 551. V. Thomas R., b. 30 June 1819, Nathan m. 2d, Betsy Dill, of Northport, Me. Their children were : vi. William. vii. John. viii. Mary Matilda, d. 25 Dec. 1889. ix. Hannah. X. Margaret. Eight others of Nathan's children died in infancy. 377. Nathaniel' (Nathan," Joseph"), b. in S. Thomaston, 16 April 1790; d. in Rockland, Sept. 1846; PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 1 15 m. I Dec. 1817, in North Haven, Me., Cynthia Brown, who d. 25 Aug. 1839. Children : i. Amos, b. in South Thomaston, 25 Aug. 1818 ; lost at sea, 14 F'eb. 1841. ii. Lydia, b. 17 April 1820 ; d. in Rockland, 25 Dec. 1839. iii. Lucretia Emery, b. 25 March 1822 ; d. 7 May 1877. 552- iv. Oliver Brown, b. 6 April 1824 ; d. 28 May 1889. V. Nathaniel Emery, b. 15 Feb. 1826 ; lost at sea, Dec. 1850. vi. Cynthia Abigail, b. 13 Feb. 1828. 553. vii. Reuben Milner, b. 14 Feb. 1830 ; d. Feb. 1895. 378. Joseph' (Nathan," Joseph"), b. 11 Feb. 1792; d. 28 April 1845 ; m. 1816, Mary Emery, of S. Thomas ton, who d. 20 March 1865. Children : i. Louisa G., b. 16 Feb. 1817 ; d. 14 Feb, 1868 ; m. Nathaniel Perry, of Salem, Mass., Sept. 1846. 554. ii. Henry, b. 25 Sept. 1818 ; d. in Minnesota, i Jan. 1873. 555. iii. Lucinda M., b. i May 1824. 556. iv. Sarah J., b. 16 Aug. 1826, V. S. Nathan, b, 8 Oct, 1829 ; d. 24 Aug. 1831. vi. Hannah L-, b. 4 Jan. 1831. 557. vii. Josephine M., b. 2 March 1834. 558. viii. Lucy M., b. in Rockland, 2 Jan. 1841. Joseph was in the army and also the navy, during the war of 1812. He was on a coaster bound for Boston when the vessel was captured by a British man-of-war. They took all the crew but him, leaving him to help get the vessel to port. There came up a storm and he advised throwing some of the wood with which the vessel was loaded, into the sails, by which she was sunk, and he was the only man saved. He afterward lived in Rockland. 379. Tobias' (Tobias," Joseph") , b. at Cape Elisabeth, Me., 4 July 1777; d. 29 Jan. 1867; m. ist, 8 Feb. 1801, Hannah Weston, of Cape Elisabeth, who d. 4 May 1819, aged 42 years. Children : 559. i. John, b. 2 Feb. 1803 ; d. 29 Jan. 1875. ii. Josiah, b. 26 Sept. 1804; d. i Dec, 1805. iii. Josiah, b. 19 Aug. 1806 ; d. (lost at sea) Dec. 1828, unm. iv. Lucy N., b. 6 Oct. 1811 ; m. George W. Talbot, 21 Nov. 1833. V. Rhoda, b. 3 May 1813 ; d. 10 Oct, 1835 ; m. Godfrey Mark, of Portland. 56o, 561, 562, iii. iv. 116 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. Tobias m. 2d, 22 Oct. 1823, Elisabeth Jordan, of Cape Elisabeth, who d. 16 May 1878. Their child was : vi, Joshua, b, 15 March 1824 ; d, at Lewiston, Me., 25 Nov, 1850, unmarried, 380. Joshua' (Tobias," Joseph"), b. 6 Dec. 1781 ; d. 12 Feb. 1872. Was a farmer at Cape Elisabeth, Me. He m. 8 March 1801, Dorcas Waterhouse, of Cape Elisa beth, who d. 17 June 1861, aged 82 years. Children : Hannah, b. 11 Oct, 1802 ; d, 19 Acril 1873. Joshua W,, b. i June 1804; d, 3 June 1876. Dorcas, b, 8 Nov, 1808 ; d, 4 Feb. 1879, William H,, b, 12 Sept. 1810 ; d. in Matanzas, Cuba, i June 1830, 563, \. Daniel, b. i May 1814 ; d, 15 Feb, 1885. vi. George, b. 16 April 1816; d, 4 Feb. 1830. 381. Lois' (John H.," Edmund"), b. in S. Hampton, N. H., 12 Dec. 1787; d. 14 June 1839; m. Samuel Cur rier, of East Kingston, N. H. Children : i. Harrison. ii, Jeremiah M. iii. Eliza. iv. M.^RY. V. Emily. vi, Irene, vii, John. 383. James' (John H.," Edmund'), b. in S. Hamp ton, 19 Jan. 1789; d. 12 Feb. 1824; m. i March 1815, Sally, daughter of Isaiah and Elisabeth Lane, who d. 3 May 1856, aged 62 years. Children : 564, i, John L,, b. 4 Sept, 1816 ; d, in Salisbury, Mass., 11 April 1891, 565. ii. Elisabeth, b, 11 Sept. 1818. iii. James, b, 9 Oct. 1820; d. 28 Jan. 1821. 566. iv, J.AMES Monroe, b. 18 April 1822. 383. Jacob R.' (John H.," Edmund'), b. in S. Hampton, N. H., 27 Sept. 1791 ; d. in Palmyra, Me., 9 Aug. 1850; m. 1815, Betsey, daughter of Stephen and Miriam Currier, of S. Hampton, who d. 17 June 1877, aged 82 years. Children : PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. I17 i. Louisa, b. in Middleton, N, H,, 7 Nov, 1816 ; d. 6 July 1819, ii, Jacob R., b, in M,, 16 April 1819 ; d, 16 July 1839, iii, Louisa M,, b, in M,, 29 Jan, 1821 ; d, 20 March 1849 ; m, John Davis, iv, Sarah, b, 5 Nov, 1822 ; m, William Leavitt, V, Lydia J,, b, 5 Jan, 1825; d, 13 June 1852; m, Wm, French, 1847. 567. vi, James M,, b. in Middleton, 21 Dec, 1826, vii, Elvira A,, b. 15 Dec. 1828 ; m, Geo, Stinson, 26 July 1848, 568, viii, John C, b, 23 Feb. 1832. ix, Lois L., b. 28 April 1834; d, 20 April 1853; m. Daniel Tripp, 1852, 569. X. George B,, b, in Palmyra, Me., 18 July 1837, Jacob R. lived a number of years in Wolfboro', N. H., and represented the town in the State legislature. His later years were spent in Palmyra, Me. 384. Edmund' (John H.," Edmund"), b. 26 June 1793 ; d. in Newport, Me., 28 Jan. 1853 ; 111. Dec. 1819, Eliza D. Barnard, of S. Hampton, who d. in Portsmouth, N. H., 7 March 1886. Children: 570. i. Eliza A,, b, in S. Hampton, 2 May 1821 ; d. in Ports mouth, 18 April 1891, 571, ii. Oliver P,, b, in Newport, Me,, 2 Feb, 1826; d. in Mil waukee, Wis,, 24 Sept, 1890. iii, Louisa M,, b, in Newport, 18 June 1828 ; d, 11 Nov, 1849, iv. John J,, b. in Newport, 19 April 1831 ; d. in Atlanta, Ga., 7 May 1889 ; m. ist, Nancy Whitney, of Pittsfield ; m, 2d, Rose Whitney, of Pittsfield ; 3d, Mrs. Jennie Gamble, of Kentucky. 385. Betsey' (John H.," Edmund"), b. 30 Nov. 1796; d. in Lawrence, Mass., 17 Aug. 1882 ; m. George Currier, of East Kingston, N.H. Children : i. John P. ii, Martha A, iii. Mary Jane, iv, James M. 386. William' (John H.," Edmund"), b. 25 Sept. 1802; d. 29 Jan. 1839; m. 13 April 1826, Mary S., daughter of Peleg and Miriam Burt, who d. 15 Jan. 1859, aged 52 years. Children : i. Mary E,, b, i April 1827, Resides in S. Hampton, N,H. 572, ii, William James, b. June 1828. iii, Martha A,, b. 3 March 1830 ; m, 16 April 1858, James G. Fitts, Il8 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 387. James' (Thomas," Edmund"), m. Betsey Sleeper, of Loudon Ridge, N. H. Child : James B., b. in Loudon Ridge, 17 Feb. 1828. 388. Lydia' (Thomas," Edmund"), m. Capt. Stephen Plummer, of Newbury, Mass. Children: Selina. i. SOPHRONIA. ii. David. V. Jane. v. Selina. vi. Perley. vii. Lizzie. 389. Martha H.' (Thomas," Edmund") , b. i March 1792 ; m. Nathan Smith, of South Hampton, N. H., 14 Nov. 18 19. Children : i. Abbie O., b. 5 Feb, 1823. ii. Nathan E., b. 25 May 1825. 390. Moses' (Thomas," Edmund'), b. 13 May 1787; d. 13 Nov. 1810 ; m. July 1806, Betsey, daughter of John and Sarah Caverno, of Barrington, N. H., who d. 30 Dec. 1855, aged 68 years. Children: 573. i. John C, b. in Strafford, N. H., 24 Aug. 1808; d. in S., 23 April 1872. ii. Jeremiah, b. in S., 8 Sept, 1810 ; d. 17 June 1870, unm. 391. Polly Parker' (James," Edmund") , b. in North- wood, N. H., 13 April 1796; d. 9 Feb. 1875; m. 16 April 1 815, Jonathan Knowles, of Northwood. Children : Mary C, b. 28 July i8i6. i. Elisabeth J., b. 23 Feb. 1818. ii. Charles H., b. 7 July 1820. V. Hannah C, b. 13 April 1824. V. James j., b. 18 March 1826. vi. George W., b. 22 Oct, 1829. vii. Jefferson a., b. 14 June 1833. 393. Martha Hale' (James," Edmund"), b. 14 Oct. 1797; d. about 1886; m. 26 Jan. 1823, Ephraim Foss, of W. Nottingham, N.H. Children : PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 1 19 i. James H. ii. Joshua H. iii. William A. iv. Samuel A. V, Mary E, vi. Pamelia V, Also two infant daughters. 393. Hilton Smart' (James," Edmund"), b. 10 Jan. 1799, in Northwood, N. H.; m. Jan. 1823, Sarah, daughter of Daniel French. Children: i. James. ii. Sarah. iii. Julia. 394. Alpha J.' (James," Edmund"), b. in North- wood, N. H., 21 Oct. 1800; d. in Canterbury, N.. H., 23 July 1831 ; m. 9 April 1826, Margaret, daughter of Jere miah and Margaret Caverno, of Strafford, who d. in Petersburg, 111., 3 April 1868, aged 63 years. Children : i. George S., b, in Canterbury, 6 Dec. 1826 ; d. 22 Jan. 1851, unmarried. 574. ii. Joseph H., b. in Canterbury, 3 April 1830. 395. Enoch Hale' (James," Edmund'), b. in North- wood, 21 Nov. 1802 ; d. 27 June 1895 ; m. 29 Nov. 1827, Eliza, daughter of Isaac Young, of Barrington, N. H. Children: i. John James, b. in N., 21 Sept, 1828 ; d, in Tilton, N, H., 26 Nov. 1895 ; m. 29 Nov. 1869, Juliet Tucker, of Laconia, N. H. ii. CH.A.RLES H., b. 2 Dec. 1829 ; d. 23 April 1839. iii. Eliza J., b. 27 April 1833. 575. iv. Alpha J., b. 9 March 1836. V. Josephine, b. 2 March 1846. Enoch lived and died on the old homestead in North- wood, in the house erected by his grandfather, Edmund, in 1791. 396. Eliza Smart' (James," Edmund"), b. 25 Sept. 1805 ; d. 6 Dec. 1861 ; m. 2 Sept. 1825, Jesse Knowles, of Northwood, who d. 12 Jan. 1856. Children : i. David, b. 15 Dec. 1827 ; m. Louisa Bigelow, daughter of Rufus Bigelow and Sally Pillsbury (395). ii. James H., b. 6 Sept. 1830 ; d. 4 Aug. 1863. iii. Jesse m,, b. 3 Feb. 1846, I20 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 397. Theodatha Batchelder' (James," Edmund"), b. 28 Sept. 1807; d. 13 April 1882 ; m. 17 Nov. 1836, Joshua Hoitt, of Northwood. Children: i, Frances J. ii. Charles H. iii. James W. iv. Lewis a. V. Mary E. vi. Augustus J. vii. John P. 398. MoSES' (Phinehas," Parker"), b. in Blue Hill, Me., 23 Oct. 1789; d. 3 Oct. 1856; m. Oct. 1819, Abi gail, daughter of Jere. and Abigail Stover, who d. in Blue Hill, 30 Nov. 1885, aged 87 years. Children : 576. i. Parker K., b. in Blue Hill, i Feb, 1822; d, 9 Sept. 1870. ii. Maria A,, b. 4 June 1824 ; d. 23 Oct. 1852 ; m. ist, Capt. John Closson, 21 Oct, 1846 ; 2d, Leonard Green, of Blue Hill. 577. iii. George a., b. 4 Feb. 1828; d, in Charlestown, Mass,, 27 Feb. 1882. iv. John, b. 15 Jan. and d. i May 1830. 578. V. Harriet A., b. 17 May 1835. Moses was a successful teacher. 399. Phinehas' (Phinehas," Parker"), b. in Noble boro', Me., 8 Feb. 1794 ; d. in Jefferson, Me., i June 1824 ; m. 27 Dec. 182 1, Sally C, daughter of Jona. and Mary Hawkes. Child : 579. Mary Jane, b. 4 Feb, 1823. 300. Nath.\n Holt' (Phinehas," Parker"), b. in Blue Hill, Me., 21 Feb. 1796 ; d. in Jefferson, Me., 4 June 1824 ; m. 10 Sept. 1818, Susan Ross, who d. 1822. They lost two infant children. 301. John Calvin' (Phinehas," Parker") , b. in Noble boro', Me., 14 May 1809; d. 21 Oct. 1834; m. 18 Feb. 1830, Elsey O. Winslow, of N. Child : 580, David G., b. in Nobleboro', 2 May 1830 ; d. 29 July 1877, in Union, Me. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 121 303. Josiah' (Phinehas," Parker"), b. in Nobleboro', 15 March 1812 ; d. in Bowling Green, Ky., 29 Aug. 1884; m. in Kentucky, 22 Sept. 1842, Zerelda E. Berry. Chil dren : i. George Saxk, b. 25 Sept, and d, 29 Sept, 1843, ii. Thomas M,, b, 16 Oct. 1844; d. 6 Sept. 1845, iii. Josiah D., b. 19 Jan, 1846 ; d. 31 July 1847. iv, Mary S., b. 3 Dec. 1847 ; d. 5 Oct. 1849. V. Keith, b, 8 Sept, 1850. vi. William E., b, 1859. Judge Pillsbury started out very early in life to seek his fortune, and having had a first-class classical education, chose the profession of a school teacher. Going to Ken tucky, he located first at Elisabethtown, and afterward at Bowling Green, where he spent the rest of his life. In early days he was police justice of the city. He was a man of great modesty, and one of the highest integrity, honor and capacity, being at one time chosen to run the boundary line between Kentucky and Tennessee. 303. Thomas Green' (Phinehas," Parker"), b. in Nobleboro', i Sept. 1814; m. 17 May 1838, Elisabeth H. Dunbar. Children : 581. i. James Edward, b, in Nobleboro', 6_Feb. 1840. 582. ii. Sarah Lizzie, b, 23 Aug, 1853, 304. Phebe Wood' (Phinehas," Parker") , b. in Noble boro', 23 Aug. 1816; d. in Greene Corner, Me., 26 Aug. 1883; m. 23 July 1843, Cyrus M. Pratt, who d. in Wash ington, D. C, 15 April 1866, aged 47 years. Child : Clara Sophia, b. 13 Oct, 1849 ; d. 8 July 1871, in Greene, Me, 305. MoSES Hale' (Moses," Parker") , b. in Boscawen, N. H., 12 June 1800; d. in Boston, 13 March 1841 ; m. 24 Nov. 1825, Lucy Mackintire, of Salem, Mass., who d. II May 1896, aged 89 years. Children : i. John, b, in Boston, 3 Oct. 1827 ; d, 20 Feb, 1829. ii. Lucy A,, b, 9 Dec, 1829 ; d. in Salem, Mass., 20 July 1862, iii, S.ARAH H,, b. 23 Jan, 1832, Resides in Reading, Mass. iv, HENRY M,, b, 3 March 1835; d. in Muscat (Arabia), 2 Jan. 1852. V, David S., b. 3 Sept. 1837 ; d. 24 Dec. 1838. 583. vi, David B,, b. 25 Dec, 1839 ; d. in Reading, Mass., 25 April 1886. [22 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 306. John Calvin' (Moses," Parker"), b. in Rowley, Mass., 17 July 1805 ; d. in Boston, 27 Oct. 1890; m. Sept. [833, Elizabeth Grush, who d. in Roxbury, Mass., 24 [une i860, aged 50 years. Children : 584, i, John H., b. in Boston, 6 July 1834 ; d. 17 Sept. 1869. ii, Edward P., b, 5 May 1836 ; d. 13 Dec. 1838. iii. Martha E., b. 18 Aug. 1838; d.in Boston Highlands, 28 July 1878. iv. Hannah M,, b. 25 Jan. 1841 ; d. in Boston Highlands, 28 July 1878. V. Joseph H., b. 8 and d. 23 Aug. 1842. 585. vi. Sarah J., b. 15 Aug. 1843 ; d. 23 Dec, 1883. vii. George E., b. 27 June 1845 ; d. 12 Jan. 1846. viii. George E., b. 13 Dec. 1846 ; d. 3 Sept. 1847. 586. ix. Emma Mary, b. in Reading, Mass., i Jan. 1852. 307. Sarah Jewett' (Moses," Parker"), b. in Dan vers, Mass., 20 June 1807 ; d. in Boston, 3 Nov. 1837; tn. in Boston, 27 March 1834, John H. Grush. Child: Edwin. 308. Paul' (Paul," Parker"), b. in Amesbury, Mass., 2 July 1813; d. in Webster, N. H., 9 June 1893 ; m. 26 Nov. 1850, Sarah George, of Webster, N. PI. Children : i. Sarah Adaline, b. 30 Oct. 1851. ii. Andrew Austin, b. 17 Jan. 1859 ; d. about 1870. Was a farmer in that part of Webster known as White Plain. 309. Sarah' (Paul," Parker") , b. in Amesbury, Mass., 12 May 1814; d. in Hopkinsville, Ohio, Aug. i860; m. in Boston, 13 Oct. 1840, James P. Lee. Children : i. Lewis. ii. Addie. Sarah, the only daughter of her father's house, was a lady of fine talent and great force of character, as was .shown by her presiding over her father's household at the age of fifteen. After attending school at Byfield and Bradford, she was engaged as a teacher in the Blind Asylum, Boston, where she was one of the first instructors of Laura Bridgman. She was much interested in her pillsbury genealogy. 123 work, and after remaining in Boston several years, accepted a call to a similar institution in Columbus, Ohio. Here she made the acquaintance of Mr. Lee, whom she afterward married. He was a music teacher, a fine horseman, no mean draughtsman, and — blind. Two children were born to them, both of whom are married and reside somewhere in the West. 310. Oliver D.' (Paul," Parker") , b. in Byfield, Mass., 30 Dec. 1816 ; d. in Charleston, S. C., 4 Oct. 1852; m. 7 Aug. 1845, Adeline Dole, of Newburyport. Children: i. Addie, b. in Newburyport, 31 Aug. 1850. ii. Oliver D., b, in Newburyport, 13 July 1852. Oliver left home to take up a sea-faring life at the age of sixteen. He was a great favorite with his brothers and sisters, and his return from a voyage was always looked forward to with pleasure. He was always upright and strictly honest in his dealings with men under him, and with his employers, who esteemed and trusted him fully. One old merchant is credited with the declaration that he would rather have Captain Pillsbury's old clothes stuffed aboard his ships, than some of the ship masters he had employed. 311. Enoch' (Paul," Parker"), b. in Byfield, 14 April 1819 ; d. in Georgetown, 18 Sept. 1890 ; m. 24 Dec. 1848, Louisa Lowe, of Georgetown. "Mr. Enoch Pillsbury was known and esteemed by a large circle of relatives and friends. In one respect he was remarkable, for though his abilities, intelligence and exemplary moral character quali fied him for any position which a reasonable ambition might prompt him to attain, he shrank from all publicity, desiring only to live and die a true, kind and honest man. ' ' 313. Parker C (Paul," Parker"), b. in Byfield, i April 1821 ; d. 7 Nov. 1896 ; m. ist, 28 Nov. 1850, Eme line Stevens, of Boscawen, N. H., who d. 4 Dec. 1888 ; m. 2d, 24 Sept. 1890, Mary B. Elkins, daughter of Silas Elkins, of Salisbury, N. H. Was a farmer in Webster, N. H. 124 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 313. Samuel' (Paul," Parker"), b. in Byfield, 8 Sept. 1826 ; d. in Somerville, Mass., 28 Oct. 1893 ; m. in San Francisco, Cal., 3 May 1858, Mary M. Brown, of Marl borough, Mass. One of the promoters of the Family Association, and fully interested in the objects for- which it was formed. 314. Parker' (Oliver," Parker'), b. in Hamilton, Mass., 22 Sept. 1809; m. i Jan. 1840, in Concord, N.H., Sarah Hall Sargent, of that city. Child : 587. Helen BuFFUm, b, 14 June 1843, The name of Parker Pillsbury has probably been more widely known than that of any other member of the family. A lecturing agent of the New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and American Anti-Slavery Societies for nearly a quarter of a century, throughout the active period of the abolition movement, his face and figure and his peculiar and im pressive eloquence became familiar to the people of New England and the Middle States, who have carried the memory and the traditions of his trenchant assaults upon the slave system wherever eastern emigration has found its way. Born at Hamilton, Mass., 22 Sept. 1809, his parents removed to Henniker, N. H., during his infancy, where he grew up on his father's farm with only such education as the common schools and the intercourse of an intelligent community afforded. He was employed at Lynn, Mass., for three years after coining of age, but returned to Hen niker and the farm in 1832, where the town historian re cords that he became captain of the local militia company, the only public office he ever held. About this time, at the age of twenty-four, he joined the Congregational church, of which his father was a deacon, and becoming active in the work of the church and Sunday school, and in the temperance cause, his talents began to attract notice and to mark him as a " fit candidate" for the ministry. In obedience to the advice of friends and the wishes of his pious parents, in or about 1836, he began a theojogical course at the Gilmanton (N. H.) Seminary, which was completed at Andover. In 1839 he was licensed to preach f^^u^A^ ;^^^<.^^ PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 127 by the Suffolk Association, and engaged for a year to sup ply the pulpit of the Loudon (N. H.) church. It was there that his career began. Aroused by the trumpet call of Garrison, he shook off the fetters of the church, abandoned the pulpit and threw himself into the cause of emancipation with a fervor that never abated until the final downfall of slavery in the United States. In common with many of the early abolitionists, he accepted the principle of non-resistance, and he steadily refused to vote or to exercise any political privileges under a government which tolerated slavery or war. His greatest work in the anti-slavery cause was upon the platform, but he had for a time editorial charge of the Herald of Freedom, at Concord, N. H., and later of the National Anti-Slavery Standard, at New York. From 1840 until the fulfillment of his constant prediction that slavery was to "go down in blood," he was one of the most zealous and effective of the abolition orators, second in power only to Garrison and Phillips, if to any. In 1854 he visited England in the cause of anti-slavery, and delivered several public addresses on the subject. His zeal for reform was in no wise abated with the legal extinc tion of slavery. He was an earnest advocate of continuing the organization and. work of the American Anti-Slavery Society, for the social and political elevation of the f reed- men, and his last public speech in direct connection with slavery was in support of this policy, but it was decided otherwise. He then engaged in the cause of the elevation of women, and kindred reforms, and in 1868-70, was an editor of The Revolution, at New York, in conjunction with Mrs. E. C. Stanton and Miss Susan B. Anthony. Upon the discontinuance of that paper he re-entered the missionary field in behalf of woman suffrage and other social and moral movements, and for several seasons held the relation of lay minister to free religious societies of Salem, Ohio, and other places in the West, until advancing age com pelled his retirement from public work. In his later years he has been an appreciative student of theosophy, spiritism, and other philosophical and psychological sub- 128 pillSbUry genealogy. jects. In 1883 he published a volume of personal and historical - sketches and reminiscences of the anti-slavery cause and its leaders, under the title " Acts of the Anti- Slavery Apostles," an interesting and valuable contribu tion to the history of the movement, picturing in detail from his personal experience the hardships and perils which beset the early missionaries in the abolition field. A large number of his public addresses on slavery, and other social, moral and political subjects, have from time to time been given to the public in print. His pam phlet ' ' The Church as it is ; the Forlorn Hope of Slavery, ' ' published at Boston in 1847, had a wide circulation and became one of the classics of abolition literature. In the history of the anti-slavery niovement, Parker Pillsbury will be a conspicuous figure. His personality and position were to a certain extent unique. He was extreme among extremists. He was by nature a born agitator, a "stirrer-up of people," as Wendell Phillips said of himself. A master of sarcasm and invective, his style was denunciatory, and it is speaking within bounds to say that he was before all the other orators of the abolition cause in the directness and crushing force of his blow. He had plenty of grim Yankee humor, but was too much in earnest to give rein to it in public speech. His discourse was usually solemn and often portentous. It was said that to hear him was like listening to the voice of one of the Hebrew Prophets. None who heard him forgot him. He seemed to feel it his duty to startle and even to shock the public out of its apathetic indifference to the iniquities of slavery. From the many traditions which still survive, one example of this may be given, especially as the facts have been often misstated. In a speech in a church in Danvers, Mass., to enforce the point that people failed to realize what it meant to degrade human beings and members of the Christian church into brutes and chattels, he invited his astounded hearers to reverse the process, and picture to themselves the spectacle, in that sacred place, of a dog called up for baptism, with the solemn invocation, " Tiger, I baptize thee in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost!" PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 129 As may be easily conceived, chills of dismay ran through the audience ; a public sensation ensued, and pro-slavery writers for the press called upon the grand jury to indict him for blasphemy. But he had accomplished his pur pose by arousing the public to a more vivid conception of the system that baptized negro slaves into the church while buying and selling them as cattle. The incident attracted wide public notice and gave rise to many false statements, among others that he had actually performed the ceremony of baptism upon dogs ; but Mr. Garrison and others who were present publicly denied these assertions and certified to the impressive solemnity with which this bold and startling illustration was offered and received, and the entire absence of any suggestion of irreverence. Parker Pillsbury embraced to its fullest extent the doc trine of James G. Birney's famous tract, " The American Church the Bulwark of American Slavery," and from his earliest connection with the abolition cause the guilty fel lowship of the churches with slavery was his special object of denunciation. The church could not ignore this conduct while he held its credentials, and accordingly in 1841 he was summoned before the Suffolk Association, with a view to revocation of his license. To this summons h'e responded in a characteristic letter concluding thus : " Let your intimated ' censure ' and ' re sumption of license ' be carried into full execution. I shall still preach the gospel of Christ, and by His grace wash my hands from all participation in your guilt of the awful crimes and cruelties of slavery, and in the last day be a swift witness against you unless you repent. Brethren, regard this letter as my solemn excommunication of you, and my work with you is done. I go now to the lost sheep on the mountains. And when they and you and I stand at the tribunal of God with assembled worlds, the down trodden and sorrow-stricken slave in the vast congregation, it shall be known who has served God and who has not." His license was "resumed," but this stinging rebuke was never answered. Later, in response to a similar summons from the church at Henniker of which he had been a member, he replied, " I am not aware of the existence of xyo PILLSBURY GEiSTEALOGY. any Congregational church in Henniker. Four or five years ago there was an organization in that town known by that name, myself belonging to it ; but that body I excommunicated for its grossly immoral character. " I am still laboring for their reformation, and shall re joice to see signs of penitence and to forgive with all for bearance and charit)^ so soon as I see hope of genuine re pentance and fruits meet for repentance." The usually sombre cast of Parker Pillsbury's public utterances was a natural result of his serious temperament and character. In private and among his friends one of the most agreeable and companionable of men, he was too deeply in earnest to trifle in his public treatment of any important subject. As Garrison once said to him, " If you resorted to a rani's horn instead of a silver trumpet, it was because thus only could the walls of our slave-holding Jericho be shaken to their fall." But his warfare was upon principles, not persons. While his judgments of other men and their motives were some times too severe, this was due to the mental temperament which made him a leader in the abolition cause, and was common to most of them. In concluding his chronicle of the anti-,slavery movement, he says of himself, " Truth in statement, justice and right toward all persons and parties, have been constantly, carefully kept in view, alike toward foe and friend. In soul, spirit, purpose, I have known no foes; no sun has risen or gone down on any wratk of mine." In a versified and half humorous sketch of an anti-slavery convention at Boston in 1846, James Russell Lowell struck off a portrait of Parker Pillsbury, the fidelity of which will be instantly recognized by any who have seen him before an audience, in these lines : "Beyond, a crater in each eye. Sways brown, broad-shouldered Pillsbury, Who tears up words, like trees, by the roots, A Theseus in stout cowhide boots ; The wager of eternal war Against that loathsome Minotaur To which we sacrifice each year The best blood of our Athens here, A terrible denouncer he. Old Sinai burns unquenchably PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. I3I Upon his Hps ; he well might be a Hot-blazing so\il from fierce Judea, Habakuk, Ezra, or Hosea, His words are red-hot iron searers. And nightmare-like he mounts his hearers. Spurring them like relentless fate," etc., etc. To this may appropriately be added another character sketch from the hand of a master. The following passage in Emerson's first essay on Eloquence was avowedly written with Parker Pillsbury in mind : "The resistance to slavery in this country has been a fruitful nursery for orators. They send us every year some piece of aboriginal strength, some tough oak-stick of a man who is not to be silenced or insulted or intimidated by a mob, because he is more mob than they, — one who mobs the mob, — some sturdy countryman on whom neither money, nor politeness, nor hard words, nor eggs, nor blows nor brickbats make any impression. He is iit to meet the bar-room wits and bullies ; he is a wit and bully himself, and something more ; he is a graduate of the plow and the stub-hoe and the bushwhacker ; knows all the secrets of swamp and snowbank, and has nothing to learn of labor or poverty or the rough of farming. His hard head went through in childhood the drill of Calvinism, with text and mortification, so that he stands in the New England assembly a purer bit of New England than any, and flings his sar casms right and left. He has not only the documents in his pocket to answer all cavils, and to prove all his positions, but he has the eternal reason in his head. This man scornfully renounces your civil or ganizations, — county, or city, or governor, or army, — is his own navy and artillery, judge and jury, legislature and executive. He has learned his lessons in a bitter school. Yet, if the pupil be of a texture to bear it, the best university that can be recommended to a man of ideas is the gauntlet of the mobs." 315. Josiah Webster' (Oliver," Parker") , b. in Hamil ton, Mass., 20 March 181 1 ; d. in Milford, N. H., 26 Oct. 1894; m. I June 1841, Elizabeth, dan. of William Dinsmoor, of Windham, N. H. In 1814 Mr. Pillsbury's father bought a hill farm in Henniker, N. H., and removed thither from Massachusetts. The farm was over four miles from the village, and a con siderable distance from the nearest schoolhouse, and the Pillsbury boys and girls, nine in number, had thus an opportunity for considerable out-of-doors exercise in all weathers, in connection with their moral and other training. The parents were devout Congregationalists, and it be came one of their ambitions to devote one or more of their sons to the ministry. With this in view the elder three 132 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. sons, who had early united with the church, began to look toward a liberal education. Accordingly Webster, as he was called in the family, after serving out his minority on the farm, began to prepare for college, teaching at inter vals in the meantime. When he was at Phillips Academy, at Andover, Mass., in common with his younger brother Gilbert, and others of his fellow students, he became in fused with the abolition sentiments which Garrison had begun to proclaim, and an abolitionist society was formed among the students of which he was an active member and promoter. The academy authorities frowned upon the movement, and finally forbade the society to continue its meetings, whereupon the members left the school in a body. Mr. Pillsbury's views of slavery were now fixed for life, and the results of this incident changed his whole future. He finished his preparation for college at Pinkerton Academy, Derry, N. H., and entered Dartmouth College in 1836. Graduating in 1840, he commenced the stud}'^ of medicine, teaching in the meantime to defray his ex penses. The following year he married Elizabeth Dins- moor, of Windham, a descendant of the original Scotch settlers of Londonderry, N. H. Mr. and Mrs. Pillsbury took charge as principal and preceptress of the Pepperell Academy at Pepperell, Mass., and afterward of the High School of Weymouth, Mass. Mr. P's health" failing, he was compelled to abandon the idea of a profession and take to the out-of-door life of a farmer. In 1845 he settled in Milford, and there resided, with a brief interval during the civil war, for nearly fifty 5'ears. He became an active member and officer of the local anti- slavery society, a member for several years of the superin tending school committee and of local literary societies. From 1857 to 1862 he resided in Amherst, adjoining Mil ford, but returned to the latter town, and about that time was appointed school commissioner of Hillsboro' County. In 1864 he went to South Carolina in the service of the government, with his younger brother Gilbert, then com missioner of the Freedmen's Bureau for South Carolina, and afterwards mayor of Charleston. Mr. Pillsbury re- PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 133 mained in this service nearly two years, chiefly at Charles ton and Hilton Head engaged in various duties of con siderable responsibility under the military government of that state, among others as judge of provisional court at Hilton Head, having both criminal and civil jurisdiction. In 1866 he returned to Milford and resided there con tinuously until his death in 1894. The characteristic feature of Mr. Pillsbury's life was his connection with the anti-slavery and other reformatory and liberal movements, and he was a frequent contributor to the anti-slavery press. When the movement began for the formation of a Unitarian Society in Milford, Mr. Pills bury actively engaged in it, being an original member, incorporator, and an officer of the society in which his in terest continued unabated until his death. He was an earnest temperance man, being one of the earliest in the Washingtonian movement, from which time he never touched intoxicating liquor. He never used tobacco, and his brothers say that he was never known, even in his youth to utter an oath even of the mildest type, to which it may be added that he is not known ever to have been involved in a quarrel, or to have had an enemy. Mr. Pillsbury was a large, tall man, and until late in life, erect, with strong features, dark complexion and dark hair, with scarcely a tinge of gray to the last. He had deep, full gray eyes, one of which had been sightless since 1863. He was slow of motion and of speech, but he con veyed weighty ideas with no waste of words. No one ever conversed with him on any subject without gaining information. He spoke and wrote good English, was a careful reader and student of events, and was informed on all matters concerning the progress of the world. He had not only been liberally educated, but he had studious habits and fine literary tastes. He had the poetic gift and wrote excellent verse. Music was to him a divine art in which he took great delight and was somewhat proficient. As a reformer he was honest, brave and thorough ; but his modest, quiet way of advocating unpopular views disarmed criticism, and those with whom he differed had no heart to quarrel with his position, or to seem to be opposed to his ideas. 134 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. His presence had the effect to rebuke evil and to inspire goodness, to shame the thought of wrong and cruelty, and to ennoble life. He loved the truth, and combined the elements of "high thinking and plain living." His humble home was the centre of love and affection, and his literary taste and habits, as also that of all the members of the famil}', made the domestic circle one of quiet cul ture and refinement, of attractiveness and hospitality to all those influences that enrich life and add to the felicities of home and friendship. He was ever ready to act in any capacity as a helper to good citizenship, and took a deep interest in town affairs, and in all public spirit, but rarely accepted any office save in the interests of education and good morals. His last public utterance was an address in the Unitarian church on "Kindness to the dumb creatures," which to him was an indispensable part of a good man's religion. This man had no sordid ambitions for the accumulation of wealth or to the display its misdirection sometimes inspires. Indeed his lack of a robust constitution forbade his engaging in any pursuit which exhausts the vital energies. The profession of teaching which he took up after abandoning that of the ministry, and which he loved, and which he and Mrs. Pillsbury followed for years in joint work, bore so hard upon his health that he left it for the quiet and healthful atmosphere and freedom of the farm; but even that was finally given up for a life of greater ease and quiet. Yet, whatever he turned his attention to, he lived for humanity, for high aims, and everybody loved him for his blameless life and his conspicuous, gentle virtues. Children : i. Antoinette a., b. in Milford, 27 May 1846; d. 12 Aug, 1866, ii, Albert E,, b, in Milford, 19 .\ug, 1849, The late Charles Carlton Coffin thus writes : "I have not only known Mr, Pillsbury for a long term of years, but I recall with pleasure my acquaintance with his relatives during the greatest moral conflict this country has ever seen, — the anti- slavery period. Some of his near relatives were residents of my native town in the Granite State, His father, uncles and nearly all his relatives were in the anti-slavery ranks with William Lloyd Gar rison, Wendell Phillips, Theodore Parker, Samuel Sewell, Samuel J. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 1 35 May and others. The family name is almost a synonym for liberty. Some of his kindred were conspicuous in the formation of the Liberty party, the forerunner of the Republican party of to-day. The family has ever stood resolutely for the rights of man. Independence of thought, speech and action has ever tieen a characteristic of its mem bers. Such is the heritage of Albert E, Pillsbury," Mr. Pillsbury received his education iu the Milford .schools, iu Appleton Academy, New Ipswich, N. H,, and Lawrence academy, Groton, Mass,, and entered Harvard College in the class of 1871, but did not graduate. .Subsequently he taught school for a year in Ster ling, 111., and studied law there with his uncle, Hon, James Dinsmoor, He was admitted to the bar in Illinois, aii-d later iu Massachusetts, opening an office in Boston, He was a member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives from Ward 17, of Boston, in 1876, '77 and '78. He was a member of the Massachusetts Senate from the Sixth Suffolk District in 1884, '85 and '86, being president of the same the last two years. In 1887 and again in 1894 he was offered and declined a seat on the Superior Court Bench, and iu 1889 the position of Corporation Counsel of Boston ; chosen Attorney-General of Mass,, 1892, '93 and '94. Delivered the city oration before the authorities of Boston, July 4, 1890; was given the honorary degree of A. M., by Harvard, in 1891 ; is vice-president aud director of the United States Trust Company, and trustee of the Franklin Savings Bank, and is lecturer on Constitutional Law in the Law School of Boston University. Is also a member of various social and political clubs, and literary and charitable societies. At the first Pillsbury Reunion in 1888, when the famil)- Association was formed; Mr. Pillsbury was chosen president by the unanimous voice of those present, and has been re-elected at every successive meeting, his kinsmen feeling certain that no other member of the family could fill the chair with more ability or honor to the Associa tion. Satis hoc : cetera omnia noscunt. 316. Gilbert' (Oliver," Parker"), b. in Hamilton, Mass., 23 Feb. 1813; d. in North Abington, Mass., 3 Jan. 1893 ; m. 12 Nov. 1841, in Ludlow, Mass., Ann Frances Ray, who d. i-8 Sept. 1889. Removing in infancy to New Hampshire, his childhood and youth was spent like many another country boy in labor on the home farm in summer, and attending the village school in winter. He entered Andover Theological Seminary, intending to fit for the ministry, but shortly after abandoned the idea and entered Dartmouth College, from which he was graduated in 1841 with high honors. He accepted a position as teacher in the Ellington Semi nary in Connecticut, where he married Miss Ann F. Ray, one of the assistant teachers. Mr. and Mrs. Pillsbury afterward taught in New Jersey and founded a young ladies' seminary in Ludlow, Mass. 136 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. Previous to the breaking out of the Rebellion, Mr. Pillsbury took an active part in the anti-slavery cause, and his voice and pen were strenuously used in behalf of the slaves. During the war he went South as an agent of the Freedmen's Bureau. He located at Hilton Head, S. C, and afterwards was stationed at Charleston, where with his wife, he took an active part in the work of educating the freedmen. He also had charge of an orphan asylum there and was appointed to take charge of the abandoned pro perty. During the reconstruction period, Mr. P. assisted in framing the Constitution of South Carolina, and served three years as mayor of the city of Charleston during the most exciting period of its history. He was very popular with the people, and at the close of his administration they presented him with a gold watch and gold-headed cane suitably inscribed. In 1872 he returned to Massa chusetts and resided in Ludlow and -North Abington. 317. Oliver' (Oliver," I'arker'), b. in Henniker, N. H., 16 Feb. 1817; d. in Concord, N. H., 23 Feb. 1888; m. ist, 23 Nov. 1843, Matilda Nevius, of Millstone, N.J., who d. 9 July 1847. Child : Mary Matilda, b. 12 Oct. 1844 ; d. 27 June 1875 ; m. 1873, J, S. Eveleth, of Beverly, Mass. Their only child was Oliver P., b. 5 Feb. and d. 4 May 1875. Oliver m. 2d, 24 Nov. 1850, Sarah, daughter of James Wilkins, of Deering, N. H. The story of Oliver Pillsbury's boyhood ig identical with that of his elder brothers. At the age of seventeen he became a pupil in the academy at Henniker, and pursued his studies for nearly five years, teaching in the winter months with marked success. In 1839 he went to New Jersey and opened a tuition school ; free schools had not then been established in that state. He followed that vocation for eight years, occupied a prominent place among the educators of New Jersey and presided over the first school convention at the capitol. His health becoming impaired, Mr. P. returned, to Hen niker, bought his father's farm and for seventeen years cultivated it with a skill born of intelligence and an ap- PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 137 preciation of the improved methods of agriculture. While living the life of a farmer, he maintained a deep interest in the public welfare. He was elected moderator of the town meeting, selectman, and representative to the legis lature several times. In the darkest and most trying days of the Civil War he was called to the executive council of Governors Berry and Gilmore, and there made a record unsurpassed by any of his colleagues for wise counsel, patriotic action, and devo tion to the best interests of the state, and the brave soldiers in the field. The office of insurance commissioner which Mr. P. filled ever since it was established by the legislature in 1869, till his death, may be said to have been created by him. To the duties of his office he brought that devotion and perse verance which made his administration of it a marked success and won for him the esteem of insured and under writers. In other walks in life Mr. P. left an impress long to be felt. He was the advisor and counsellor of many people through life. He was interested in all movements that made for the advancement and improvement of mankind and added to their happiness. As an educator he took high rank and was a devoted friend of education wherever he resided. He took a deep interest in the project which led to the establishment of the Concord Hospital and was president of its board of trustees most of the time after its organization. If that life is long which answers life's great end, it can be truly said of him that he attained great age, and went home full of honor with the benediction of his fellow men. After 1871 he made his home in Concord, N. H. 318. Eliza A.' (Oliver," Parker'), b. in Henniker, 12 March 1819 ; d. 24 Dec. 1896; m. ist, 15 Dec. 1840, Peter Eaton, of Weare, who d. 23 June 1867. Child : Alice Low, b. 6 March 1849 ; d. 5 March 1863. She m. 2d, 2 June 1870, Obadiah E. Wilson. Resided at Henniker. 138 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 319. Harriet N.' (Oliver," Parker") , b. in Henniker, 25 May 1821 ; m. 22 Feb. 1849, Nahum Newton, and re sides at Henniker. Children : i. Oliver a., b, 28 Aug. 1850. ii. Anna J., b. 6 June J858. 330. Moses F.' (Oliver," Parker"), b. in Henniker, 3 April 1827; d. 20 Feb. 1865; m. 19 March 1857, Hannah Dodge, of Henniker. Children: 588. i. Henry, b. 4 Feb. 1862, ii, Charles F., b. 6 Dec. 1863 ; d. 4 March 1877. Mrs. Pillsbury m. 2d, Ephraim Dodge, 24 Dec. 1877. "Moses F. Pillsbury was a quiet, home farmer, of sterling worth and integrity. He taught school several terms, and was selectman at the time of his death." 331. Mary Jane' (Samuel," Parker"), b. in Webster, N. H., 19 June 1833 ; m. 8 April 1863, William H. Hale, of Worcester, Mass. Children: Arthur H., b. 27 March 1864. Edward B., b. 28 March 1865, ii. William P., b. 23 Dec. 1866. Resides in Concord, N. H. 333. Joseph' (Joseph," Ezra"), b. 31 July 1786; d. 28 April 1828 ; m. Hannah Hersey. Children : i. Martha H. ii. Asa F. iii. Elisabeth C. iv. Mary H. V. Emily H. vi, Susan S. vii. Nathan S. 589. viii, Daniel H,, b, in Springfield, N, H., 19 Nov. 1825 ; d. in California, 20 April 1889, 590. ix. Joseph, b. 1826. 333. James H.' (Joseph," Ezra"), b. in Sunapee, N. H., 13 April 1792 ; m. 24 Dec. 1816, Delia Burpee, of New London, N. H. Children: PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 139 591. i. Asa Burpee, b. 28 April 1818, ii. Martha J,, b, 26 March 1821; m, 1st, March 1846, Elhanan Harriman ;m, 2d, 3 Jan, 1853, A,W, Harriman. iii. William J,, b, i Jan, 1827 ; d. 19 Feb, 1854, iv. Lorenzo, d. in infancy. James H. was a farmer in New London, N. H. 334. Ferdinand C (Joseph," Ezra'), b. 10 May 1800; m. Phila Messer. Children: i. Oliver M. ii. LouLSA W. 335. Benjamin C (Joseph," Ezra'), b. in New London, N. H., 29 Dec. 1804; d. 10 March 1888. He was a successful farmer in Fitchburg and Ashby, Mass., and New Ipswich, N. H.; m. 27 Sept. 1832, Tamer Mar ble, of Ashburnham, Mass., who d. 29 March 1889, aged 86 years. Children : i, Mary W,, b. 4 Oct. 1834; m, 18 May 1854, J. Cushing Whitney. ii. Eliza C, b. 4 Feb. 1836 ; m. 4 Jan. 1858, Robert G. Bartlett. 592. iii. Charles W,, b. 28 July 1839. 336. Francis P.' (Joseph," Ezra'), b. 14 May 1806 ; m. 15 March 1834, Priscilla S. Parker, of Whitefield, N. H., in which town he has been for many years a success ful farmer. Children : 593. i. Caroline, b. 25 Oct, 1834; d, 27 March 1883, 594, ii. Charles, b. 19 Nov. 1836, 595. iii. Carlos, b. 29 May 1839, iv. Adaline, b. 9 Dec, 1840, V, Daniel j., b. 7 Feb. 1842 ;. m. Marietta Aldrich, 25 Nov. 1878.- , ., ,, ' . vi. James P., b. 2 Dec. 1843 ; d. 27 Oct. 1881. vii, Hannah, b, 24 Feb, 1846, 596. viii. George H., b, 30 May 1848 ; d. 13 Aug, 1886. ix, Asa P,, b, 7 Dec. 1849'; d, 15 Nov, 1853. X. Francis A,, b, 11 Aug. 1857 ; d. 27 Sept, 1864. 337. Permelia' (Joseph," Ezra'), b. 23 April 1810; m. 28 Aug. 1831, Jacob C. Stickney. Resides at George's Mills, N.H. Children : i. Henry P., b, 14 Jan. 1838, ii. Maria E,, b, 15 Feb, 1841. 140 pillsbury genealogy. 338. Ezra' (Solomon," Ezra"), b. in Orange (?), N.H., in 1796 ; d. 1883 ; m. Julia Smith. Child : Spencer. Resides at Mt. Holly, Vt. 339. Daniel' (Solomon," Ezra"), m. Margaret James, who d. about 1874. Child : 597. Dexter Robert, b. in Rutland, vt. 330. Samuel' (Solomon," Ezra") , b. in N. Y. , 12 July 1802 ; d. in Milford, Iowa, 29 Oct. 1888. A minister of the M. E. church. He m. in 1829, Eliza A. Latta. Children : Samuel. Resides in Spirit Lake, Iowa. i. Wilbur F. Resides in Milford, Iowa. ii. Oliver. Resides in Okoboji. V. Serena E., m. Bennett. Though born in Johnsbury, N. Y., he spent his young life in Vermont, whither the family moved in 1806. In 1820 he joined the M. E. church, and was soon appointed class-leader. His gifts and graces were soon recognized, and he was licensed to preach. In 1835 he went West, and in 1840 was ordained elder by Bishop Waugh. Being one of the pioneer preachers of the heroic type, he was at once seen to be especially fitted for laying the foundations on the frontiers. He served as pastor for twelve different circuits and did grand work, but the hardships he endured were too great for his mag nificent physical manhood. In 1863 he moved with his family to Iowa and made a home on the now well-known Pillsbury Point, overlooking the beautiful West Okoboji Lake. Here he lived in quiet retirement, a genial, kindly Christian gentleman, firm in his faith and deeply interested in all the work of the church. 331. Betsey' (Solomon," Ezra"), m. Weeks. Children : i. Harlan. ii. Margaret. They reside in Clarendon, Vt. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. I41 333. Ezra' (Moses," Ezra") , b. in Springfield, N. H., 27 Dec. 1796 ; d. 31 July 1883; m. 28 Nov. 1826, Anna M. Philbrick, of Springfield, who d. 14 June 1888, aged 82 years. Children : i. Ezra Z., b. 2 Oct. 1827 ; d. 20 May 1840. ii. Dorothy A., b. i Feb. 1830; d. 17' Feb. 1831. 598. iii. Ednah A., b. 2 Dec. 1832 ; d. 25 July 1867". 599. iv, Jedediah B, S,, b, 12 July 1837, 333. Richard G.' (Moses," Ezra"), b. in Springfield, N. H., 5 April 1799 ; d. 13 Sept. 1879 ; m. 5 Dec. 1825, Sarah A., daughter of John W. Stevens, of Springfield, who d. 10 Oct. 1862. Children : 600. i. Leavitt S,, b, 6 Oct. 1826. ii. Infant, b, and d. 10 June 1832, 334. Thomas J.' (Mo,ses," Ezra"), b. in Springfield, N. H., 7 July 1802 ; d. 8 July 1891; m. ist, 3 Jan. 1831, Eliza Colby, of Springfield, who d. 25 March 1838. Chil dren : i. RosiLLA P., b. in Croydon, N. H,, 23 March 1833 ; m, Joseph P, Fowler, 13 Sept, 1854, ii. Abbie, b. 19 Sept. 1834; d, 24 Nov. 1864; m. George H. Emerson, 27 Oct. 1864. iii. Dudley J., b. 5 Aug. 1836; d. 11 Aug. 1863 ; was a lieu tenant in the United States Army. Thomas J. m. 2d, 18 March 1839, Chariotte Eastman. Their children were : iv. Addie, b. 13 Sept. 1841 ; d. 11 Aug, 1866 ; m. 18 Dec, 1864, George Pressy, V. Clarence E., b. 15 June 1844; d. 19 Sept. 1879; m. 3 Dec. 1874, Elisabeth A. Pollard. vi. Marcellus E,, b, in Sunapee, N, H,, 6 Oct. 1846 ; d. iu Chicopee, Mass., 19 Aug. 1879; m. 15 May 1878, Georgia J. Gage. vii. Joseph S., b. 15 Dec. 1850 ; m. Ella J. Burnham, 23 June 1875- viii. Alice D., b. 27 June 1853 ; m. Charles H. Webster, 6 July 1876. 335. Lewis' (Moses," Ezra") , b. in Springfield, N.H., 16 Jan. 1804; m. ist, Katie Hardy. Children: A daughter, and perhaps others. 142 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. He m. 2d, 12 Nov. 1863, Maria, daughter of Joseph and Laura Cogswell, of Enfield, N. H. Children : iii. Alden M,, b, 25 Sept. 1864; m. 24 Sept. 1891, Eva M. Adams. iv, Laura D., b. 9 July 1870. 336. Charles' (Moses," Ezra") , b. in Croydon, N. H., 18 Sept. 1806 ; d. 4 Oct. 1875 ; 111. Lovinia Clifford, of Grafton, N. H., who d. 19 April 1882, aged 77. Children : 601, i, Charles V., b. 1833. ii, Clorean, b. 19 Sept. 1834 ; d. 1864. 602, iii. Francis B., b. 13 July 1836. iv, RosiNA K., m, Perkins, V, Matilda B., m, Ragman, 337. Phebe C (Moses," Ezra"), b. in Springfield, N. H., 4 April 1808 ; m, 13 J'une 1833, Joseph C. Burpee, of Grantham, where she after resided. Children : i, Hiram L., b. 14 July 1834. ii, Willard C, b. 8 Feb, 1836. iii. Betsey a. p., b. 7 Sept, 1838, iv. MosES P., b. 27 Jan. 1844. V. Ruth, b. and d. 27 Jan. 1844. vi, Francis M,, b, 3 June 1849 ; d, 12 Sept, 1868. vii, Sarah M,, b, 18 Sept, 1852 ; d. 24 April 1867. 338. Judith' (Silas," DanieP), b. in Charlestown, Mass., 19 Dec. 1798; d. in W. Newbury, Sept. 1871 ; m. in W. Newbury, 1824, James G. Chase. Child : James Albert, b. 26 Sept. 1826, Resides in West New bury. 339. Alfred' (Silas," DanieP), b. 24 Feb. 1801 ; d. in Newburyport, i April 1884 ; m. ist, 4 Feb. 1823, Sally Pillsbury (221), who d. 9 June i860, aged 58. Children : 603. i. Helen F., b. in W. Newbury, Aug. 1824; d. in Newbury port, 8 March 1890. 604. ii, Stephen M., b, 26 July 1826. iii, Sally Oilman, b. and d, 1829, Alfred m. 2d, Mrs. Mary (Chase) Smith, of Seabrook, N. H., who d. June 1878. Pillsbury genealogy. 143 340. Betsey W.' (Silas," Daniel"), b. 24 Jan. 1806 ; d. 8 Aug. 1834 ; m. John G. Whitrier. Children : i. Sarah J., b. 26 June 1829 ; d. in infancy, ii. Sarah J., b, in Bradford, Mass,, 23 Feb. 1831 ; m. J. G. Tewkesbury. Resides in Somerville, Mass. 341. Abigail C (Silas," Daniel"), b. 18 March 181 1 ; d. 16 July 1851 ; m. 19 Dec. 1831, John Bartlett, of West Newbury. Children : i. Frances. ii. Sarah G. iii, William E. iv. Mary A. 343. Harriet L.' (Silas", DanieP), b. 11 Aug. 1813; m. 10 July 1835, Moses Emery, of Westborough, Mass. Children : i. Harriet. ii. Moses Alfred. 343. Daniel' (Simeon," Amos'), b. in Newbury (By- field), 22 Nov. 1794; m. Hannah White. Child: SoPHRONiA, b. in Newbury, i April 1818, 344. Solomon' (Simeon," Amos"), b. in Newbury, 3 Aug. 1803 ; m. Eliza Kimball. Children : i. Solomon, b. 18 May 1846. ii. AURELIA B,, b. 17 March 1848; m, 22 May 1875, P, D. Rogers. iii, Lydia L,, b. Aug. 1851 ; d, 18 Sept, 1873 ; m, 22 Aug, 1870, Ezekiel Rogers, 345. Thomas' (Simeon," Amos'), b. in Newbury, 31 May 1806 ; d. 30 Oct. 1885 ; m. Lydia Dutton, July 1835. Children : 605, i, Daniel, b. July 1836, 606. ii. Sarah E,, b, 9 May 1839. iii. John F,, b, 27 Dec, 1842; m. Priscilla Allen. (Both de ceased.) iv. SoPHRONiA, b. 25 Jan. 1844; m. ist, 19 Nov, 1867, Samuel Bradstreet, of Rowley ; 2d, 2 April 1879, Simon Mur ray, of Sanford, Me, V. Emma L., b. 15 April 1848; d. Aug. 1888; m. La F, Kennett. 607, vi, William E., b. in Newburyport, 27 Feb. 1850. vii. Ira, b. 30 Aug. 1852 ; d. 1871. Two children, Ira and Woodbridge, died in infancy. 6o8, 609. ii. iii. iv. 610. V. 611. vi. 144 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 346. Uriah' (Simeon," Amos"), b. in Newbury, 28 Aug. 1808 ; d. 22 Dec. 1890 ; m. Maria Bettis. Children : Joseph T., b. in Georgetown, Mass., 1840. Richmond L., b. 9 Oct. 1844 ; d. . Charlotte, m, N, Kneeland, of Georgetown. Louisa, b ; m. Phinehas Gould, 10 Oct. 1862. Moses K., b. 1858. Harlan F., b. in Georgetown, 22 Aug. 1861. 347. Francis R.' (Amos," Amos'), b. 11 Nov. 1805; d. 9 Jan. 1880; m. 5 June 1828, Phebe P., daughter of Joseph Gould, of West Newbury, who d. 10 March 1888. Children : 612. i. Alice, b. 16 Feb. 1831; d. 13 Sept. 1894. 613. ii. Lydia A., b. 6 Jan. 1835. 614. iii. Hiram R., b. 29 July 1837; d. 28 June 1884. 348. Sewall' (Amos," Amos"), b 29 May 1814 ; m. I St, Ruth Pillsbury.' Children : i. Charlotte, b. 1842 ; d, 1844. ii. Elijah, b. 23 April 1844. iii. Fannie C, b. 8 July 1846 ; m. 27 July 1867, J. G.Waldron. iv. Uriah, b. 26 May 1850 ; d. 18 April 1886. % 615. V. Melinda, b. 5 Dec. 1854. Sewall, m. 2d, in Newbury, 26 March 1862, Mrs. Sarah J. Tarbox ; m. 3d, in Amesbury, Mrs. Melinda A. Pills- burv, 10 Nov. 1874 ; m. 4th, in Newbury, Mrs. Abigail Clark, 24 Jan. 1888. 349. Gorham P.' (Amos," Amos"), b. 16 Nov. 1816. A florist in Nashua, N. H. He m. ist, Lydia A. Rogers. Child : i. Louisa, b. 1838; d. 12 May i860. He m. 2d, 26 April 1849, Fannie K. Cutter, of Ames bury. Children : ii. BERTIE G,, b. in Newburyport, 2 June and d. 20 July 1850, 616. iii. Hervey G., b. 19 Oct. 1851. iv. Orrin W., b. in East Kingston, N. H., 3 Jan. 1852; d. 1876. 617. V. Frederic C, b. in W. Newbury, Mass. 19 April 1857. 618. vi. Carrie S,, b. in W. Newbury, Mass., 19 April 1857. vii. John P., b. in East Kingston, N. H., 6 Dec. 1866 ; d. 23 Dec. 1896, in Redlands, Cal. A clergyman of the M, E. Church. He m. Ida Huntley, of Lowell, 6 July 1892. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 145 350. Oliver R.' (Amos," Amos'), b. 12 Aug. 1825 ; d. in Amesbury, 16 July 1873; m. 3 Nov. 1851, Melinda A. Marsh, of Hampton Falls, N. H., who d. 21 April 1887, aged 64 years. Children : i. Leonard C, b, in Newbury, 9 Sept, 1852; d, in New bury, 28 May 1877. ii. Josephine A,, b, in Amesbury, 24 Jan, 1854; d. 24 May 1874 ; m. 8 Jan. 1872, Richmond Hodgkins. iii. Alvah F., b. 24 May 1856 ; d, in Amesbury, 12 July 1874, iv, Annie M,, b, 28 March 1858 ; d, 23 May 1882. V. John Henry, b. ig Feb. i860. 351. Leonard' (Amos," Amos') , b. 15 April 1829; d. 16 Feb. 1885 ; m. 20 July 1857, Ann J. Marshall, who d. 5 Dec. 1859. Child : Charlotte A., b. in Newbury, 12 July 1858. Leonard m. 2d, 26 March 1865, Mrs. Charlotte M. Par sons. 353. William Hackett' (Moody," SamueP), b. in Buckstown, Me., 24 Aug. 1806 ; d. in the same place, 25 April 1888 ; m. 28 June 1834, Mary Sayward, daughter of Nathaniel Farnham, of Alfred, Me. Children : i. William Henry, b. 12 July 1835, in Alfred, ii, Mary L,, b, in York, 11 Dec, 1836 ; m, .Schuyler A, Cobb, 24 July 1862, iii, L!^DIA M,, b, in Bath, 9 June 1838. iv, John F,, b, i June 1839 ; d, 26 May 1887, V, James D,, b, 17 Oct. 1840; d, 12 May 1877; m, 1865, Nellie Thompson. 619, vi, Nathaniel Low, b, in Wiscasset, 13 Feb, 1842, vii, George F., b, in Orrington, 16 Oct. 1843 ; d. at sea, 29 July 1859, viii. Martha N., b, 27 March 1845. ix, Adeline a., b, 27 March 1845 ; d. in infancj', 620. X, Hannah A,, b, in Hampton, i June 1846, xi, Luci.A H,, b. May 1848; d, soon, xii, Lucia H,, b, 6 May 1850 ; d, 189 — ¦ ; m. John F, Barrows, I June 1871, 621, xiii, Charles O,, b, in Bucksport, 6 Aug, 1853. Mr. P's childhood and early youth were passed in his native town of Bucksport. In 181 7 the family removed to Charleston, S. C, where they remained five years. In 1822 they returned to Bucksport and the following year he 146 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. went to York county where he found employment as clerk in a country store for six years. From his cradlehood with the scrupulofis painstaking of olden time, at home and at school, he was educated after the faith of the good old Puritanic Westminster catechism, but was converted to Methodism at the age of twenty, by a travelling preacher. In 1829 he went to the Maine Wesleyan Seminary, where he was a student until 1834, when he was admitted on trial into the Maine Conference. Thereafter for a score of years his experiences were the toils and privations, with scanty remuneration, of the itinerant Methodist preacher. The latter part of Mr. Pillsbury's life was spent in his native town. Though actively interested in everything relating to the ministry and its work, he found time for other matters, and to attend to other calls, serving from 1867 to 1884 as trial justice for Bucksport and the adjacent towns. He was member of the general book committee from 1848 to 1852, and of the general conference of 1852. He also compiled a large and interesting volume, entitled " History of Methodism in Maine." In 1884, four years before his decease, by request of the East Maine Conference, he delivered a semi-centennial sermon at Camden, Me., the closing sentences of which illustrate the man : " Not boastingly, I am happy to feel that, having done what I could, I have not lived almost seventy-eight vears altogether for naught. I should be miserable indeed could I not reflect that the world is a bit better for my having lived in it," 353. Horatio N' (Moody," Samuel'), b. in Bucks- town, Me., 8 June 1810 ; d. in Charlestown, Mass., 20 Aug. 1873; m. 14 Sept. 1836, Lydia S., daughter of Sewall Lake, of Bucksport, who d. in Charlestown, 3 May 1886, aged 72 years. Children : i, Mary M,, b. 19 July 1837 ; d. 26 Mav 1853. ii. Elisabeth W., b. 16 June 1841 ; d. iii Charlestown, Sept. 1894 ; m. 16 June 1869, Alpheus A. Lake. Their son, Edwin Bartlett, d. in infancy. iii. Theodore Lake, b. 28 Jan. 1844 ; d. i Feb. 1846. 622. iv. Edwin Lake, b, 21 April 1850. pillsbury GENEALOGY. 147 354. George M.' (Moody," SamueP), b. 8 April 1812 ; d. 30 June 1893 ; m. 10 Oct. 1834, Margaret A. Orcutt, of Bucksport, who d. 10 Oct. i860, aged 47 years. Children : 623. i. Charles A., b. 2 Nov. 1835. 624. ii. George E., b. 20 Sept. 1837. iii. Abigail M., b. 3 May and d. 6 Oct. 1840, 355. John C (Moses C," Eliphalet"), b. in Ipswich, Mass., 31 May 1802 ; d. 19 March 1885, in Concord, N. H.; m. 17 June 1824, Elisabeth C. Abbot, of Boscawen, N. H., who d. Feb. 1895, aged 92 years. Children: Mary W., b. in Chester, N. H., 22 June 1825. Eliza M., b, in Derry, N. H., 9 Sept. 1827. Amos, b. iu Wethersfield, Conn,, 17 March 1831 ; m, 20 July 1853, Mrs. A. R. Coutinko. Ann Augusta, b, in Wethersfield, 26 Feb, 1833, John A., b. in W., 16 June 1835; d, in Hartford, Conn., 18 Jan, 1857. Lois C., b. in W., 22 March 1839 ; d. 16 Aug, 1840. Moses C, b, in W,, 12 Aug. 1841. viii. Thomas A., b. in Derry, N. H,, 4 Dec, 1843 ; d, in Con cord, 12 Jan. 1893. 630. ix, Lois C, b, in Derry, 22 Aug, 1846, John C, the eldest son of Moses C, the first warden of the New Hampshire State Prison, for fifteen years was connected with the Connecticut State Prison, and for a time with the prison at BlackwelPs Island, N. Y. city. In 1850 he was appointed deputy warden of the New Hampshire State Prison, which position he held two and one-half years. In July, 1870, he was appointed by Governor Stearns warden of the State Prison, holding the office till Sept. 1880. He was at one time in the lumber business. At another he was running a stationary engine in the employ of the Northern railroad. He served in the city governnient, and was for years a member of the North Congregational church. Concord, and discharged the duties he was called upon to perform without fear or favor. He belonged to the most remarkable family of prison officials in this country, his father representing the first generation, himself and his brothers Amos and Luther C, 625.626. i.ii. iii. 627. iv. V. 628,629. vi, vii.viii 148 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. the second, and Louis D., of New York, and Thomas A., of Concord, N. H., the third generation. 356. Elisabeth A.' (Moses C," Eliphalet"), b. in Londonderry, N. H., 1804; d. in Charlestown, Mass., 1854; m. 1819, William Lynn, of Concord, N. H. Chil dren : Elisabeth A, ii. Frances. iii. William C, iv. Moses C, V, Emily P, vi. Louis P, 357. Amos' (Moses C," Eliphalet"), b. in London derry, N. H., 8 Feb. 1805; d. in Albany, N. Y., 14 July 1873 ; m. Nov. 1826, Emily Heath, daughter of Laban Heath, of Bow, N. H., who d. 10 Sept. 1890. Children: 631, i. Louis D,, b, in Wethersfield, Conn,, 28 Jan, 1832, ii, Sherman D,, b, 23 Oct, 1840, ^ Three others died iu infancy. In common with most boys of his generation, Amos Pilsbury attended school and worked on the farm until his thirteenth year, when his father, having been appointed warden of the New Hampshire .state prison, removed with his faniih^ to Concord. The next season Amos was sent to the academy at that place, but. he was a diffident and dull scholar. Preferring to learn a trade rather than be kept at school, he was apprenticed to the tanning and currying business, in which he remained between four and five )ears. Finding it difficult to obtain employment at his trade, Amos returned to school, but in April, 1824, he accepted the offer of his father to become a watchman or guard, of the prison of which the latter was warden, and here commenced his career in the management and govern ment of prisons, for which he became so justly celebrated, and which continued to be the business of his Hfe ; at this time he was but nineteen years of age. Having performed the duties of guard for about a year, he was appointed deputy warden. He was married in 1826, and continued to reside in Concord until the sum mer of the next year, at which time his father and he PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 149 were solicited to take charge of the new state prison then erecting at Wethersfield, Conn., about three miles from Hartford. In July, 1827, he commenced as deputy under his father as principal warden of that institution. The latter continued until April, 1830, when Amos was ap pointed to fill his place, and with a brief interval he re tained the office until i Jan. 1845. In 1843 the supervisors of Albaii}' county began to con sider the expediency of erecting a penitentiary there, but the requisite legislative authority was not obtained until 1844, and Amos Pilsbury was invited to supervise the work. Of this penitentiary, with the exception of the short period hereafter noticed, he had the .sole manage ment and superintendence for twenty-seven years. For information respecting this portion of Mr. P's life, recourse may be had to David Dyer's "History of the Albany Penitentiary. ' ' In June, 1859, he was elected general superintendent of the metropolitan police in the city of New York, and hence obtained the title of General, which was ever after appHed to him. He was in many respects one of the best superintendents that force ever had — brave, firm, wise and incorruptible — but he was too honest to suit the pur pose of scheming politicians, and rather than sacrifice his self respect, he resigned 23 P^eb. i860. In 1 861 he was appointed by Governor Morgan a special commissioner to visit and examine the Clinton, Auburn and Sing Sing prisons, and his reports thereon were pub lished in Senate Document, No. 68, 14 March 1862. The Hke confidence in his capacity and integrit}' was .shown by Governor Hoffman, who appointed him as his representa tive to the National prison congress at Cincinnati, in 1870, and afterward to the International prison congress in Lon don, in 1872. Governor Hoffman also appointed him one of the commissioners for building the state reformatory at Elmira, which office he held while he could be useful in influencing the adoption of a proper plan for the edifice, but soon resigned. With the utmost firmness in the discharge of his often painful duties, General Pilsbury combined the most re markable kindness of disposition. Stern and infiexible in 150 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. the enforcement of the rules which experience had demon strated to be essential to the safe government of a prison, he was full of benevolence, and to the well-disposed and the suffering was always kind and considerate. Thus he was either beloved or feared by those under his control, and preserved the most effective discipline. Though without pretensions to learning, he was fond of reading and had acquired a wide range of information which made his conversation instructive and agreeable. His judgment of men and things was eminently sagacious. He had a nice sense of honor,' and was scrupulously just in all his dealings. Kind and charitable he was in an eminent degree, and his personal habits were abstemious and pure. 358. Mary Neal' (Moses C," Eliphalet"), b. in Derry, N. H., 1808; m. 1828, John Crocker, of Wethers field, Conn. Children : i. John H., b. 9 July 1829, ii. George F,, b, 7 Jan. 1831. iii. Rufus C, b. 16 Aug. 1834, iv. Mary N., b. 29 June 1838; d. 2 Feb. 1839. V. Abbie W., b. 9 Sept. 1841. 359. Abigail L.' (Moses C," Eliphalet"), b. 17 Oct. 181 1 ; m. 1833, Leonard R. Wells, of Wethersfield, Conn. Children : i. Leonard. ii, George p, iii. Mary Neal. iv, Edwin. V. Charles F. 360. Luther C (Moses C. ," Eliphalet") , b. in Derry, 1817 ; m. Dec. 1842, Martha S. Baker, of Bow, N. H. Children : i, Ella C, b, 21 April 1844 ; m. Edwin Philbrook, 9 May 1871. ii. Mary Neal, b, 15 April 1849 ; d. 10 April 1856, 361. Lois C (Moses C," Eliphalet'), b. in Concord, N. H., 14 Aug, 1820; d. 15 Dec. 1856, in Connecticut; m. I Oct. 1845, Galen Walker, of Wethersfield. Children : i. William S., b, 14 Jan. 1847; d. 21 Nov, 1871. ii. Mary E., b. 18 Dec. 1852. iii. Cleaveland P., b. i April 1850. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. I5I 363. Harriet P.' (Moses C," Eliphalet'), b. in Concord, N. H., 3 April 1823 ; 111. 1840, James H. Buswell. Children : i, Charles H,, b. 12 July 1843 ; d. 5 Sept, 1844. ii, Charles W,, b, 2 Aug, 1845 ; d, 15 June 1849, iii, Willie C, b, 8 May 1850 ; d, i June 1856, iv. Frank D,, b, 15 Oct. 1852; d. 19 Sept, 1876. V. Jennie P., b. 11 Sept. 1859. 363. Ruth' (Caleb," Joseph"), b. in Candia, N. H., 9 Oct. 1804; d. 26 June 1877; m. Jan. 1825, in Dorches ter, Mass., Orrin Hildreth. Children : i, Mary J. ii. Fannie E. iii, Henry O, iv, Augustus. 364. Jane W.' (Caleb," Joseph'), b. in Candia, 2 June 1806 ; m. 12 Jan. 1832, Asa Robinson, of Neponset, Mass. Children : i. Ruth J. ii, James S, iii, Elisabeth P, iv, Mary A. V. Julia F. vi. John H. 365. Joseph' (Caleb," Joseph"), b. in Candia, 2 April 1810 ; d. in Dorchester, Mass., June 1887; m. 26 April 1838, Louisa Perry, of Dorchester, who d. i April 1882, aged 66 years. Children : i. William R,, b. 27 July 1837 ; m. Nellie W. Clark, 30 July 1868, ii. Mary F., b, 12 July 1842 ; d. 22 Feb, 1848. iii, Joseph E,, b. i Feb, 1846 ; d, 14 March 1848, iv. Mary, b. 3 March 1850. 632. V. Walter F., b, 23 July 1858, 366. Joanna N.' (Caleb," Joseph"), b. in Candia, 2 May 1812 ; m. June 1836, James W. Wason, of Candia. Children : i. Mary E, b, 9 May 1839 ; d, 7 July 1888, ii. James, b. 22 May 1842 ; d. 5 Sept, 1842, 152 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 367. Elisabeth W.' (Caleb," Joseph"), b. 25 Aug. 1814 ; d. Dec. 1897; m. 5 Oct. 1836, Hiram W. Blanch ard, of Candia, N. H. Children: i. Charles. ii, William, iii. Henry, 368. Thomas W.' (Caleb," Joseph"), b. in Candia, N. H., 22 June 1816 ; d. 2 June 1897 ; was a carpenter at Neponset, Mass.; in. ist, 15 Oct. 1843, Laura Farnsworth, of Haverhill, N. H., who d. 14 Jan. 1858, aged 35 years. i. Laur.^ a,, b. 22 Oct, 1844; d. 17 Nov. 1847, ii. Augusta E,, b.in Dorchester, Mass., 19 June 1848 ; m. i5 Oct. 1873, William F, Perry. 633, iii, Laura F,, b, 14 Aug, 1850. iv, Adelaide, b. 25 Jan, 1855, Thomas W. m. 2d, 5 July 1871, Sarah J. Bryant, of Kennebunk, Me. 369. Harlin' (Samuel," Benjamin"), b. in Hanover, N. H., 30 Nov. 1797 ; d. in Billerica, Mass., April 1877 ; m. 7 Sept. 1842, Sophia B. Pratt, who d. in Billerica, 10 Aug. 1876, aged 57 years. Children : 634, i. George H., b, in Lowell, Mass,, 8 June 1843, ii. Edward H,, b. in Lowell, Mass., 4 Aug. 1846, iii, Samuel L,, b, 12 Nov, 1848; m, Georgia T, Dix, 2 Jan. 1879. A graduate of Dartmouth CoHege (1823), Harlin studied medicine and located in Lowell in 1827, where he after ward resided, and was a highly esteemed citizen. 370. Dolly' (Samuel," Benjamin"), b. in Hanover, N. H., 22 March 1799; d. in Candia, N. H., 20 Nov. 1879; ni. in Candia, 8 Dec. 1825, Deacon Coffin M. French, a prominent citizen of Candia, who d. 15 Dec. 1 88 1. Children: i, John Pillsbury, b, 14 Sept, 1826, ii, Mary C, b, 6 May 1832, iii, Samuel Franklin (Rev,), b, 22 Dec. 1835, iv. George H,, b, 27 July 1838. 371. Benjamin L.' (Samuel," Benjamin'), b. 21 June 1802; d. in E. Hampstead, N.H., 23 Dec. 1878. A farmer PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 153 in E. Hampstead. He m. 28 Dec. 1831, Mary P. Sargent, of Amesbury, Mass. Children : 635. i. Harlin Henry, b, in Hampstead, 15 May 1833, 636. ii. Daniel Sargent, b. 5 May 1836. 637. iii, Emma L-, b, 7 June 1838, iv, Mary A,, b. 10 May 1841, 373. Lyman' (Samuel," Benjamin'), b. 17 Jan. 1807 ; d. in Candia, N.H., 2 Dec. 1889; m. ist, 15 Nov. 1832, Clarissa Eaton, who d. 6 Jan. 1849. Children : 638, i. Mary J,, b, 15 Jan, 1834; d, 15 May 1896; 111, Daniel Brickett, of Haverhill, Mass. 639. ii, Alden E,, b. 25 July 1837, iii, Martha A,, b, 11 July 1839 1 d, 20 April 1849, iv. Samuel N,, b, 20 April 1842 ; d, i Nov, 1870, He 111. 2d, 12 June 1852, Sarah H. Clay. At the time of his decease, Mr. Pillsbury was one of the oldest and most respected citizens of Candia. He had filled many offices of trust in the town. He was a man of positive convictions, honest and upright in his dealings, and a kind and genial neighbor. In politics he was a Democrat, in religious belief a Methodist. 373. Harrison' (Samuel," Benjamin"), b. 3 Jan. 1809; d. in Canaan, N. H., 13 Nov. 1863; 111. 12 June 1833, Martha C, daughter of Captain Daniel Peaslee, of Kingston, N. H. Children : 640, i. Marcus M,, b, in Hanover, N, H,, 18 April 1834. ii, Martha E., b, in Canaan, N, H,, 19 Sept,. 1845 ; m, 18 Nov, 1874, James H, Rollins, Resides in Worcester, Mass. 374. Mary' (Samuel," Benjamin"), b. 17 Nov. 1813 ; d. 18 Dec. 1852 ; m. John P. Sargent, of West Amesbury (now Merrimac), Mass. Children : i. Laura D. ii. Jennie. 375. Hannah' (John," Jonathan'), b. in Candia, N. H., 6 Feb. 1824 ; m. ist, 26 Dec. 1844, Robie Smith, of Candia, who d. 22 Sept. 1859. ChHdren : i, Emma A,, b, 5 April 1847, ii, Hannah P,, b. 14 June 1849. 154 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. She m. 2d, 19 May 1867, Edward B. Chamberlain, of Dover, N. H. Mr. Smith was an industrious, active citizen of Candia, holding many positions of trust at the time of his death, one of which was post-master. After his decease, by the advice of friends, Mrs. Smith made application for the position and received her commission, bearing date 5 Dec. 1859. She continued in charge until 2 Jan. 1865. She continued to reside in Candia until her marriage with Mr. Chamberlain, since when her home has been in Dover, N. H., where she is prominently connected with various re ligious, philanthropic, and social organizations. 376. Jonathan' (John," Jonathan'), b. in Candia, 17 Oct. 1825 ; b. 1887. Children : 693. i. Cassius C, b. in Sangerville, Me., 13 April 1845. ii. Laura B., b. in Bangor, 7 Nov. 1849; d. 25 March 1885, in Fond-du-Lac, Wis.; m. 20 Jan. 1874, James L- Thwing. 694. iii, Charles B., b. in Bangor, 14 June 1852. Mr. P. was an itinerant clergyman of the M. E. Church in Maine and Wisconsin. Was chaplain of the 22d regi ment Wisconsin Volunteers. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 1 83 He spent some forty years in the active ministry of the M. E. church, filling several important city stations and officiating as presiding elder sixteen years, and also occu pying a seat in the General Conference of that church four terms as a chosen delegate from eastern Maine. During his service as chaplain he was captured with his regiment by the forces of General Forest, the noted raider. He resided in Minneapolis, Minn. 447. Daniel W.' (Ebenezer," Ebenezer') , b. in King- field, Me., 24 Aug. 1822 ; m. 17 Nov. 1844, Selina E. Porter, of Salem, Me., who d. 23 May 1880. Children: i. Hannibal E., b. in Kingfield, Sept. 1846 ; d. 5 Dec. 1847. ii, Clara R,, b. in Strong, Me., July, 1849; d. 13 Oct. 1851. 695. iii. OssiAN D., b. iu Strong, Me., 19 Aug. 1851. iv. Infant daughter, b. and d. 1855. V. LiZADE E., b. in Bath, 3 March 1857; m, Robert Thomp son, I Jan. 1879. Daniel m. 2d, 22 Feb. 1881, Mrs. Emma J. Adams, in Augusta, Me. A merchant in Gardiner, Me. 448. Eben F.' (Ebenezer," Ebenezer"), b. in King- field, Me., 18 AprH 1825 ; d. in Allston, Mass., 14 March, 1887 ; m. ist, 3 Dec. 1846, Ruth S. Dolbier, who d. 2 Feb. 1856. ChHdren : 696. 697.. Jerome F., b, in Kingfield, 20 Aug. 1849. i. Addie B,, b, 27 June 185 1, ii. Omer, b. 15 Nov. 1853. He m. 2d, Ellen H. Cragin, who survived him. 698. iv. Carroll E., b. in Farmington, Me,, 27 June, 1858. V. BlON B., b. in Augusta, 3 Sept. 1862 ; d. 19 Aug. 1869. vi. Mamie K., b. in Augusta, 17 April 1871. Mr. PHlsbury was in early life a school teacher, but he subsequently studied law and entered the practice in his native town, Kingfield, Me. In early life he was a Whig, but on the breaking up of the parties in or about 1854-56, he went with the Democrats, and from that date he was a strong and active member of the Democratic party. About the time of the breaking out of the Rebellion, Mr. Pillsbury was a resident of Farmington, Me., when, in 184 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. connection with Mr. Joseph A. Linscott, he published the famous " Franklin Patriot." In 1866 he was candidate of the Democratic party in Maine for governor, having for his competitor Gen. Joshua L. Chamberlain. In 1867-8 he enjoyed the honor of leading his party, though not to success. He became a resident of Augusta, and editor of the ' ' Maine Standard, ' ' which remained under his control till he left the State in 1880. He practiced law during this period. He was a good advocate, and was called to many important criminal cases. In 1880 he came to Boston and entered the practice of law. As a pleader before the jury he had but few equals. He was alwaj'S very earnest in politics — he knew how to give and take blows, and was a Democrat to the back-bone. Mr. P. was one of the few men in whom were united great abilities with perfect integrity, and a genial, kind and pleasant nature. He was highly esteemed by those who came in contact with him for his cordiality and kind ness. He was one of the handsomest men in New Eng land, and was a central figure in all gatherings in which he participated. 449. Charles F.' (Ebenezer," Ebenezer") , b. in King- field, 31 Jan. 1828; d. in New Portland, Me., 27 AprH 1888. A valued member of the legal profession ; m. 30 Nov. 1854, Frances Boynton. Children : i. John B., b. in Norridgewock, Me., 24 July 1856 ; d. in Kingfield, 16 Feb. i860, ii. HerSCHEL B,, b. in K., 14 April i860 ; d. in Minneapolis, 18 Jan, 1872. iii. Minnie B., b. in K,, 15 Jan, 1862, iv. Charles L., b. in Minneapolis, 16 Dec, 1872. 450. LuciEN B.' (Ebenezer," Ebenezer'), b. in King- field, 21 AprH 1830; m. 2 May 1858, Amanda F. Drum mond, of New Portland, Me., who d. i May 1859. ChHd : Capitola L., b, in Kingfield, 2 April 1859; m- 7 Jan. 1886, Nelson Beckwith. A respected and successful physician. Served also in the legislature of his native state. PILLSBU-RY GENEALOGY. 1 85 451. Orlando W.' (William," Ebenezer"), b. in Augusta, Me., 7 July 1820; d. in St. Martin, Wis., 20 June 1863 ; m. 27 Aug. 1845, Nancy W. Page, of Thomp son, Conn., who d. in Waltham, Mass., 11 May 1888. Children : i. Emma W., b. in Augusta, Me., 8 May 1853; d. 25 Sept. 1854. ii, Eya M,, b. 2 Oct. 1855 ; m, 6 May 1880, F'red H, Guilford. iii. Charles P., b. in Wautab, Minn., 24 Aug. 1857. iv, Alfred W., b, in St, Martin, Wis., 16 June 1861. 453. Elisabeth W.' (William," Ebenezer"), b. in Augusta, Me., 25 March 1822 ; m. Sept. 1844, Hosea B. Locke, of Hallowell, Me. Children : William P. Frank D. Daisy L. v. Joseph B. 453. Sarah J.' (William," Ebenezer") , b. in Augusta, II Jan. 1825 ; m. 23 Nov. 1847, Alfred Bicknell. Chil dren : . Kate S., b. 1848. i. Albert p., b. 1855. ii. Maude M,, b. 1857, V, Lizzie K., b. 1859. V. M.'^RY H., b. 1867, 454. Eben' (William," Ebenezer"), b. in Augusta, 29 Dec. 1827 ; d. in St. Martin, Wis., 30 May 1875 ; m. ist, Martha Randall. ChHd : i, Charlotte, He m. 2d, Hannah Burns. Children : ii, William. iii. Charles. 455. Mary A.' (WiHiam," Ebenezer") , b. in Augusta, Me., 7 Nov. 1834; m. 30 April 1863, George A. Hardy, of Townsend, Mass. Child : George H. 456. Annie A.' (William," Ebenezer") , b. in Augusta, 8 Jan. 1838 ; m. 25 Nov. 1863, Easton Owen, of Glouces ter, R. I. Children : i. Frank E. ii. Maude A. 1 86 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 457. MARTHA M.' (William," Ebenezer"), b. in Augusta, 13 Aug. 1840 ; m. 8 March 1864, Augustus L. Bartlett, of Augusta, who d. 1878. ChHd : Margaret L., b. 1867. EIGHTH GENERATION. 458. Apphia A.' (WHliam,' SamueP), b. 26 Dec. 1820; d. 13 Feb. 1874 ; m. 14 May 1848, Thomas Stuart, of Henniker, N. H.,. who d. in Concord, 29 July 1895. Child : Roberta M., b. 19 April 1853 ; d. 3 May 1869. 459. Russell S." (William,' SamueP), b. 8 June 1832 ; m. 14 June 1858, Meribah F. Muzzey, daughter of John and Abigail Muzzey, of Newport, N. H. Child : Annellia, b. 26 April 1862 ; m. Herbert E. Parker, 30 April 1893. Resides in WHmot Flat, N.H. 460. James M." (William,' SamueP) , b. 4 Dec. 1841 ; m. 6 Nov. 1865, Lucy A. Phelps, daughter of Nathan and Lucy Phelps, of New Durham, N. H. Children : 699. i, William M., b. 23 Aug. 1866. ii. AnnabelLE S., b. 27 March 1871. Resides in WHmot Flat, N.H. 461. Melvin" (Daniel,' Daniel"), b. in Boscawen, N. H., II July 1818; d. in Newburyport, 19 Jan. 1894; m. ist, 2 May 1839, Mary J. Craig, of Readfield, Me., who d. at Waterville, Me., 13 April 1854. Children: i. Henrietta R., b. 12 Feb. 1840 ; d. 4 May 1866 ; m. 28 March 1866, Phinehas W. Perrin. 700. ii. Georgiana D,, b. 17 Feb. 1843; d. in Oakland, Cal., 12 July 1875. iii. Ella F., B. 28 May 1845 ; d. 18 March 1850. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 1 87 He m. 2d, 6 March 1868, Mary H. MarHng, of Danvers, Mass. Children : iv. Frank M., b. in W. Newbury, 17 July 1869 ; m. 26 July 1893, Elsie M. Amro, of Weymouth, N. S. V. Hattie M., b. in Newburyport, 22 March 1881. Endowed with a keen taste for mechanical pursuits, Mr. Pillsbury in early life became a machinist, and ever after foHowed the trade of an engineer. He was one of the pioneer locomotive engineers, and was identified with the early railroad history of Maine, afterward removing to Illinois, where he followed the same calling. For a time he lived in Lawrence, Mass., where he set up one of the first stationary engines erected in that city. He early had experience as a steamboat engineer, and for several years in later life was employed in that capacity on the Merrimac. Half-a-dozen years previous to his decease he lived in Byfield, where he acted as engineer of the woolen mills in that parish. He was a firm friend, and true citizen, and was respected by all who knew him. 463. Benjamin D." (Daniel,' Daniel"), b. in Bos cawen, N. H., 25 Oct. 1824 ; d. in Middletown, Conn., 28 Feb. 1887; m. 24 April 1848, Hannah M., daughter of Theophilus and Sarah M. Chandler, of Thompson, Conn., who d. in Forestville, Conn., 4 April 1886, aged 57 years. Children : 701. i. BENJAMIN Chandler, b. in Middletown, Conn., 10 Aug. 1854. ii. Sarah M., b. in Hampstead, N. Y., 3 Dec. 1857; d. 6 Jan. 1874, in M., Conn. A clergyman of the M. E. church in Conn, and N. Y. 463. Enoch Hilton' (Enoch,' DanieP), b. in Bos cawen, N. H., 5 May 1824; d. in Hubbardston, Mass., 23 Dec. 1857 ; m. 8 Feb. 1844, Arvilla S. Brown, of Deer field, N.H. Child : Sarah L., b. in Boscawen, N. H., 24 Dec. 1844 ; m, Samuel M. Gleason, of Thetford, Vt,, 19 May 1862. A graduate of Harvard, 1854, and a physician in Hub bardston, Mass. l88 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 464. Moody Adams^ (Moody A.,' Daniel"), b. in Boscawen, 20 Sept. 1820; m. 15 March 1847, Charlotte Couch, daughter of Amos and Hannah Couch, of Boscawen. Mr. Pillsbury is a well known and greatly esteemed resident of Webster (formerly West Boscawen), N. H. He is justice of the peace, has represented the town in the state legislature and served as selectman many terms. 465. George" (Moody A.,' Daniel"), b. in Boscawen, 17 Oct. 1823 ; m. I April 1852, Lydia A. Marshall, of Tewksbury, Mass. Children : i. Abby M., b. 3 Sept. 1855; d. March 1885; m. Albert C. Blaisdell, 31 Dec. 1880. ii. George E., b. 26 July 1857. iii. Louisa F., b. 2 Sept. 1859. iv. Charles A., b. 21 Sept. 1862. V. Arthur M.,b. 17 Oct. 1865, vi. Herbert W., b, 7 June 1868, Mr. Pillsbury is a farmer in Tewksbury, Mass., and a respected citizen. 466. Charles S." (Moody A.,' DanieP), b. in Bos cawen, 14 April 1828; m. 24 Dec. 1863, Mary A. Run nels, of Warner, N. H. Children : i. Charles G., b. in Boscawen, 15 Feb. 1865. ii. Adams Dix, b. 3 March 1868; d, 3 May 1877. iii. John A., b. 26 Aug. 1872 ; d. 17 Jan, 1873. Although a native of Boscawen, Mr. Pillsbury has re sided in Londonderry for many years. He is a farmer, justice of the peace, and has filled various town offices. 467. S. Burke" (Paul P.,' DanieP), b. in Andover, Mass., 14 Dec. 1848 ; m. 1870, Imogen A. Parsons. Chil dren : i. Florence E,, b. 1871, in Rochester, N, Y. ii. Paul J., b. 1872. iii. Fred A., b. 1872. iv. Lucia C, b. 1873. V. Sarah W., b. 1876. vi. Verner, b, 1 88 1. vii. Hubert H,, b, 1883, PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 189 468. Joseph L." (Joseph,' DanieP), b. in Boscawen, N. H., 10 Feb. 1829; d. in B., 10 Jan. 1873 ; m. 18 May 1854, Mary A. Ely, of Wooster, Ohio, who d. 18 Aug. 1867. Children : i. Mary E,, b. i May 1855, ii. George H., b. 18 Aug. 1857 ; d. 21 March 1865. iii. Charles D,, b, 19 Nov. 1859 , m. in Latonia, Ohio, 13 Sept. 1888, Martha G. Chamberlain. A lawyer in Los Angeles, Cal. At the age of twelve Joseph accompanied his father to Pennsylvania, where he spent one summer with a survey ing party acting as chain bearer. At the age of sixteen he displayed a military spirit, at eighteen was captain, and at twenty-one was colonel of the 21st N. H. regiment. In 1851 he went to Pittsburg, Penn., in the employ of a rail road company. Possessing a mathematical and scientific mind, he qualified himself for the duties of a civil en gineer, which calling he followed for about twenty years. In 1854, Colonel Pillsbury commenced as contractor and builder of railroads in the South and West, and his brother, Henry W., was associated with him. Subse quently he was engaged in the oil business in Ohio and Penn. He excelled as hydraulic engineer. His first important work in this direction was the building of the Canton, Ohio, water works in 1869-70. The last great labor of his life was at Columbus, Ohio, where in 1870 he was employed as chief engineer to supply that capital with water from the Scioto river. Colonel Pillsbury was a man of positive character, in domitable energy, and of great nobility and kindness of heart. From his youth he was a great reader of books that required thought; was a diligent student, and greatly interested in mechanical and scientific pursuits. He in vented several valuable improvements pertaining to his various fields of labor, and secured a patent on a hydrant for city water- works. 469. Martha S." (Joseph,' Daniel"), b. in Boscawen, 13 Feb. 1836 ; m. 24 April 1867, Daniel D. Webster, of Boscawen, where they reside. Child : Alice E,, b. i Feb. 1870; d. 25 June 1886. 190 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 470. George L." (Joseph,' DanieP) , b, 17 May 1839 ; m. 2 Dec. 1873, Lucina T., daughter of John S. and Jane (Dustin) Quimby, of Boscawen, who d. 17 Oct. 1881, aged 30 years. Children : i. Joseph H., b. 23 Nov. 1875 ; d. 20 March 1876. ii. Mary Agnes, b. 15 Dec. 1876. iii. Ralph W., b. 24 March 1880. Resides in Boscawen. 471. Jonathan K. "(Enoch,' Joshua") , b. in Boscawen, 21 Feb. 1817 ; d. in Walpole, Mass., 9 Dec. 1876; m. 21 Nov. 1850, Sarah P., daughter of Samuel and Sarah (Couch) Little, of B. (granddaughter of 79). Children: 702. i. Mary E., b. 31 Oct. 1853. 703. ii. Addie L., b. 30 Aug. 1856. 704. iii. Fannie L-, b. 30 Aug. 1856. 473. Caleb K. "(Enoch,' Joshua"), b. 30 Dec. 1824; m. 18 Sept. 1862, Ellen B., daughter of Peter Smith, of Andover, Mass. He d. 24 March 1898, in Lawrence, Mass. Children : i. Annie S., b. 15 March 1864. ii. Lucretia S., b. 20 Jan. 1868. 473. Eunice W." (Enoch,' Joshua"), b. 19 Feb. 1827 ; m. 30 Nov. 1851, William G. Bailey, of Pembroke, N.H., who d. in Chelsea, Mass., 5 Feb. 1879. Children : i. Addie L., b. i6 Jan. and d. 20 Jan. 1853. ii. Frank W., b. 29 Nov. 1857. iii. Stella F., b. 8 Dec. 1859 ; d. 24 Aug. i860, iv. Mary E., b. 26 July 1862 ; d. 30 Aug. 1863. V. George P., b. 15 Sept. 1865 ; d. 14 July 1866. 474. Joshua P." (Enoch,' Joshua"), b. 4 Jan. 1830; d. in Woonsocket, R. I., 28 Oct. 1877 ; m. 8 Nov. i860, Celia M. Jencks, of Woonsocket. Children : i. Sherwin j., b. 23 Oct. 1863. ii. Bertha, b. 16 July 1865. 475. Rebekah D." (Enoch,' Joshua"), b. 19 Oct. 1834; m. 24 Oct. 1855, James Wood, of Lebanon, N. H., who d. 12 Feb. 1892. Children : tlLLSBUHY GENEALOGY. 191 i. Helen E., b. 20 Oct. 1856. ii. Albert H., b. 3 Dec. 1858. iii. Mary K., b. 14 June 1863. iv. George p., b. 2 March 1866. 476. Catharine B." (Enoch,' Joshua"), b. in Bos cawen, 14 April 1837 ; m. 25 Dec. 1861, Rev. Jesse K. Bragg, who d. 14 June 1874. Engaged in teaching in Taunton, Mass. Children : i. Edward. ii. Jessie. 477 . Hannah R." (Joshua,' Joshua') , b. in Newbury, on the old homestead, 21 April 1824 ; d. in Newburyport, 24 June 1882 ; m. 27 Nov. 1848, Hubbard Getchell, of Sanford, Me. Their chHdren, Emily A. and Ellen P. reside on the old Pillsbury homestead, Newburyport, Mass. 478. Joshua" ('Joshua,' Joshua"), b. in Newbury, 20 April 1828; d. in Lawrence, Mass., 31 May 1886. An early resident of Lawrence, Mass.; m. ist, Nov. 1854, Abbie J. Sargent, of that place, who d. 17 Jan. 1884, aged 51 years. Children : i. George S., b. in Lawrence, 18 May 1856. ii. Charles J., b. 19 March 1859; d, 3 March 1889. iii. Helen a., b. 18 Dec. 1868. Joshua m. 2d, Lois P. Sargent, of Sunapee, N. H., 15 July 1885. Child : iv. Ernest R,, b, March and d. Dec. 1886. 479. Francis E." (Nathaniel W.,' Joshua"), b. in Derry, N. H., Feb. 1825 ; m. 23 May 1852, Abby, daugh ter of Capt. Samuel Lnnt, of Newburyport. Child : 705. Frank Otis, b. in Newburyport, 27 March 1853. Resides in Newburyport. 480. John WESLEy" (Nathaniel W.,' Joshua"), b. in Derry, N. H., 6 AprH 1828 ; m. 20 Jan. 1852, Hannah B., daughter of Jacob and Esther Merrill, of Newbury, who d. in Cincinnati, O., 31 Oct. 1891, aged 63 years. Children : 192 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY, 706. i. Helen Abbot, b. in Newburyport, 23 May 1854. ii, MaTTIE, b. in Cincinnati, 27 Feb. and d, 27 Oct, 1863, 707. iii. Elisabeth Gould, b. 15 Sept. 1866. Mr. Pillsbury has been a prominent railroad man in Ohio for many years, residing in Cincinnati. 481. Emily W." (Nathaniel W. ,' Joshua') , b. in New bury, 1840 ; m. ist, Nov. 1856, John P. Rundlett. Child : i. Arthur M., b. 3 March 1859 ; d. 28 Aug. 1881, She m. 2d, 6 Nov. 1864, Moses C. Flint. Children : ii, George W,, b. 7 Aug, 1866; d. I Aug. 1867. iii, Martha M., b. 23 Dec. 1869. iv. Emily S., b. 2 Sept. 1871. V. Wesley C, b, 4 May 1882. Resides at South Hampton, N. H.' 483. Harvey H." (Nathaniel W.,' Joshua"), b. in Newbury, 11 Nov. 1842 ; m. ist, 11 March 1863, Addie F., daughter of William Kyes, of Newburyport, who d. 18 Nov. 1874. Children : i. Mary S., b. 22 Sept. 1871 ; d, 23 Sept. 1874. ii, Minnie B,, b, 31. May and d. 12 Oct, 1874. He m. 2d, 27 Oct. 1877, Harriet A. P., daughter of Capt. Andrew M. Putnam, of Danvers, Mass., who d. 30 AprH 1880. He m. 3d, I Feb. 1883, Clara A., daughter of WiHiam and Hannah H. Jones, of Lunenburg, Mass. Children : iii, Helen May, b. 22 Sept, 1885; d. 12 Aug, 1889. iv. Dorothy, b. 7 July 1894 ; d. 18 July 1896. Mr. Pillsbury has been a resident of Danvers, Mass., over twenty years. He is a manufacturer and dealer in car riages, harnesses, and other furnishings. Has also a livery stable business. During the Civil War, in May 1864, he enlisted in Capt. Luther Dame's 3d unattached company, Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, from Newburyport, for ninety days. This company was not sent out of the state, but was stationed at one of the forts along the coast. He was discharged in Aug. 1864. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 193 483. Mary Evelyn" (Nathaniel W.,' Joshua"), b. in Newbury, 3 March 1846 ; m. ist, 6 Nov. 1864, Samuel F. MerrHl, of West Newbury, who d. 25 March 1873. Chil dren : i. Addie F., b. 15 Feb. 1866. ii. Ella M., b. 16 Sept, 1868 ; d, 4 July 1869. iii. ElbridGE S., b. 23 June 1870. iv. Samuel P., b. 11 Jan. 1873 ; d. 15 May 1874. She m. 2d, II May 1874, Leander S. Falls, who d. 25 June 1880. Resides in Danvers, Mass. 484. Henry M." (Enoch,' Enoch"), b. in Nashua, N. H., 14 Aug. 1833 ; m. 2 July 1854, Sophia Myrick, of Windham, N. H. Child : William Herbert, b. in Manchester, N.H,, 16 Sept. 1857. Mr. p. served in the 2d New Hampshire Volunteers during the Civil War, and now resides in Chicago, 111. 485. Edward Warren" (Enoch,' Enoch"), b. in Nashua, N. H., 29 March 1837; m. 30 Sept. 1858, Clara Elkins. ChHd : 708. Addie M,, b, 18 July i860. He m. 2d, Mary E. Evans. Mr. Pillsbury was in the Civil War and attained the rank of Commissary Sergeant of the 8th New Hampshire Regiment of Volunteers. Resides in Nashua, N. H. 486. William Low" (Stephen,' Enoch") , b. in Derry, N. H., 4 Nov. 1838 ; m. 26 Nov. 1866, in Webster Grove, Mo., Marion Forrest, of London, Eng. Children: i. William Forre,ST, b, in Normal, 111,, 17 Dec, 1867, Graduated with honors from Harvard University in 1889 ; is now practising law in Chicago, ii, Arthur Low, b. in Normal, 30 Nov, 1869. Graduated from the Lawrence Scientific School of Harvard Uni versity in 1892, and from the University of 111, in 1895, Is now located in Bloomington, 111,, of the firm of Pillsbury &, Evans, architects and engineers, iii, George Stephen, b, 18 Feb. 1871 ; d, in Bloomington, 111,, 5 March 1876, iv. Bertha M., b. 18 June 1875, V, Charles S,, b. in Springfield, 3 Feb, 1887, For seven years after Mr. Pillsbury's removal to the West he was principal of the model school of the Illinois 194 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. State Normal School at Normal, 111. From 1879 to 1887 he was assistant of the State Superintendent of Public In struction for IHinois. Since 1888 he has been secretary and registrar of the University of Illinois, at Urbana. Mr. Pillsbury has written a good deal on the history of educa tion in his adopted state, and several of his papers have been published in the State School Reports of Illinois. He is also a member of the American Historical Association. 487. Lilian W." (Stephen,' Enoch") , b. 3 May 1863 ; m. I Sept. 1886, Dr. WiHiam S. Gates, of Chicago. ChH dren : i. Frank Caleb, b. 12 Sept. 1887. ii. Ralph Pillsbury, b. 30 July 1889. iii. Harriet Elisabeth, b. 23 June 1891. iv. Elisabeth, b. 21 July 1895. 488. James W." (Joshua,' Enoch"), b. in Nashua, N. H., Nov. 1837; d. in Marietta, O., 20 Feb. 1887; m. 1863, Elisabeth Favereaux, of Montreal. Child: George L,, b, in Marietta, O,, Sept, 1866; d. in Athens, O., 10 Aug. 1896. Mr. G. L. Pillsbur)' has been described by those who knew him as a man of remarkably fine disposition, generous and whole-souled. His pleasing and gentlemanly manners never failed to win him iriends wherever he went. For a number of years he was proprietor of a restaurant and hotel in Marietta which brought him in contact with the travelling public, in whose estimation he always held a foremost place. He was a man of considerable musical talent and played a large number of instruments. Perhaps this quality, more than all others, made him especially popular. Of late years he had taught music in Marietta and Parkersburg. At the time of his death he was at the head of one of the departments of the Athens State Hospital. 489. George E." (Joshua,' Enoch"), b. in Nashua, N. H., 13 Dec. 1841 ; m. 23 Jan. 1868, Elisabeth C. HaH. Resides in New York city. Children : i. Edwin A,, b, in Marietta, O., 25 May 1871 ; d. 24 Nov. 1888. ii. Franklin H,, b, in Alleghany City, Pa., 15 July 1876. iii. Evelyn H., b. in Detroit, Mich., 11 March 1883. iv. Mary E,, b. in Detroit, Mich., 26 Oct. 1888, Mr. Pillsbury's record in the CivH War is best set forth in his own words : "I was down South when the war broke out, and after many trials got through to Wheeling, PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 195 Va. Soon after I enlisted in Battery D, ist West Virginia Light Artillery, and stayed at the front as a private until the war was over, being the only representative of New England in the Battery. Was known as the live Yankee of the organization ; was recommended for promotion several times, but was sat down on by the captain every time because I was very near-sighted and unfit for position. Was thrown out by examiner when I enlisted on account of near-sightedness, but pushed my way through with the help of spectacles, and have never been sorry for it. I was always a good fighter at the front, and worked No. 6 on the gun in every fight. The only regret I have is that the Pillsbury family lost the record of a general on account of my short-sighted eyes." A worthy descendant of a revolutionary sire (38). 490. Helen Maria" (Joshua,' Enoch") , b. in Nashua, N. H., 19 Feb. 1854; m. 29 Oct. 1874, Elias Needham, of Marietta, Ohio. Reside in Athens, O. Children : i. P. Grosvenor, b. 15 Oct. 1875. ii. Clarence, b, 15 April 1881 ; d. young. iii. Fred. C, b. 29 March 1882. iv. Florence C, b. 28 Dec. 1883 ; d. young. V. Ellen P., b. 19 Jan, 1886. vi. Elisabeth, b. 23 Feb. 1888; d, young, vii, Edward C, b, 30 Aug, 1894; d. in infancy. 491. Warren W." (Thomas,' Enoch"), b. in Derry, N. H., 10 Sept. 1848; m. 21 June 1876, Anna Louise Williams, of Newburyport. Children : i, Florence H., b. in Merrimack, N, H,, 27 May 1877. ii. Thomas A., b, 24 May 1878 ; d. 19 Nov. 1883. iii. Pearl M., b, 20 June 1882, iv, Louise Jeanette, b, i Juue 1885. A successful physician in Merrimack, N. H., until 1893, when he removed to Newburyport, Mass., where he now resides. 493. George H." (Samuel,' John"), b. in Saco, Me., 28 April 1834 ; d. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 23 Feb. 1893 ; in. 25 Dec. 1855, Amanda M. Littlefield of Biddeford, Me. ChHd : Ernest H., b. in Lewiston, Me,, 19 Oct. 1857. Engaged in the practice of law in N. Y. City. 196 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. Mr. Pilsbury removed to Lewiston, Me., in 1855, and for twenty-four years was engaged in the real estate busi ness. He was elected Mayor of Lewiston and served as a Republican member of the Maine legislature for several years. He went to New York in 1879, and was in busi ness there at the time of his decease. (George H. and his brothers .spell their name with but one ] . ) 493. Samuel Harvey" (Samuel,' John"), b. in Saco, Me., 14 July 1835; 111. 6 Oct. 1855, Susan J. Knapp, of Biddeford, Me. Children: 709. i, Fred J,, b, in Biddeford, 29 Oct. 1856. 710. ii. Ralph 1,., b, in Biddeford, 7 Aug, 1866; d. in Kittery, Me,, 13 Oct, 1892, Mr. Pilsbury's record of service in the late Civil War is like that of his kinsman, George E. (489), best told in his own words : " I enlisted April 22, 1861. When organ ized into a company was made ist Sergeant. Commissioned 2d Lieut. Co. B, 5th Regiment Maine Volunteer Infantry. Mustered into the service of the United States, 24 June 1861, and the 26tli started for the seat of war. " Was present at the first battle of Bull Run, 21 July 1861; participated in the battles of the Peninsula, West Point, Mechanicsville, Gaines' Mills, 2d Bull Run, Fred ericksburg, Salem Church, South Mountain, Antietam and Gettysburg. The 24th day of July, 1863, was taken pris oner and sent to ' Libby,' where I remained about nine months. From Libby was sent to Macon, Ga., Savannah, Ga., Charleston, S. C, and Columbia, S. C, having been a prisoner nineteen months. Was finally paroled at Wil mington, N. C, and was mustered out; iiiv discharge dated March 10, 1865." Still another descendant from a revolutionary sire (38). Down the grey years' revolving course. The patriot current runs ; Changes nor chances bate its force, It leaps from sires to sons, 494. Enoch Freeman" (Samuel,' John"), b. in Saco, 4 March 1837 ; m. Oct. i860, Lois A. Tuck, of Biddeford, who d. 5 March 1876. Children : PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 197 i. Carrie T,, b, 9 May 1862, ii. Mary L,, b, i Oct, 1863. iii. Emma J., b. 8 Dec. 1865. He m. 2d, Nov. 1880, Frances N. CorHss, of Biddeford. Resides in Denver, Col. 495. John G." (Samuel,' John"), b. in Saco, 19 Aug. 1839; m. Nov. 1874, Margaret Post, of Oregon City, Ore., where he still resides. Children : i. Ethel V, ii. Hazel, b. 5 Dec, 1881, 496. Mary Abbie" (Samuel,' John"), b. in Biddeford, Me., 2 Oct. 1841 ; m. 3 Jan. 1861, George H. Knowlton, of Portsmouth, N. H. Child : Daniel S,, b, 19 Sept. 1861, 497. William E." (Samuel,' John"), b. in Biddeford, 15 Aug. 1845; m. Nov. 1868, Eliza G. Ricker, of Bidde ford, who d. 25 Jan. 1873. Children : i. Herman W., b. Nov, 1870, ii, W, Royal, b, 31 Aug, 1872; d, 13 Jan, 1887. He m. 2d, July 1875, Abbie E. Ricker. ChHd : iii, Ruth E, Resides in Rochester, N. Y. 498.- Charles E." (Samuel,' John"), b. in Biddeford, 23 Nov. 1849 ; m. 9 Oct. 1873, Amanda Chisholm, of East Deering, Me., who d. 18 May 1895. ChHd : Annie K., b, in Biddeford, 7 Sept, 1874, Mr. Pilsbury was educated in the public schools of Biddeford, for fifteen years successfully conducted business, and has twice been elected city clerk in his native city. He has since removed to New London, N. H. 499. John Elliott" (John G.,' John"), b. in LoweH, Mass., 15 Dec. 1846 ; m. 26 Aug. 1873, Florence G., daugh ter of William Aitchison, of Portland, Me. Child : Elsie Greenwood, b. 20 June 1877, 198 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. " Lieut. Com. John Elliott Pillsbury, U. S. N. After the death of his father in 1858, he first obtained a position in a store in Boston, but through the influence of Hon. Albert Smith he was appointed a page in the House of Representatives in Washington, in 1859, where he re mained during the stirring times incident to the beginning of the Civil War. At the request of the late Admiral Joseph Smith, he was appointed a midshipman by Presi dent Lincoln, on Sept. 22, 1862. ' ' After graduating from the Naval Academy, he was (after a short cruise on the ' Minnesota ' in Europe) sent to the North Pacific Squadron, serving there on board the 'Mohican,' ' Saranac ' and 'Saginaw.' Returning from the Pacific Station in 1869, he was stationed at the Charles town Navy Yard until the following spring, when he joined the ' Colorado ' on the staff of Rear Admiral John Rogers for a cruise in Asiatic waters. During this cruise he was in command of one of the companies in the land ing party in the fight with the Coreans. Returning home in July, 1872, he was again stationed at the Navy Yard, Charlestown, and afterward at the torpedo station at New-- port, R. I. In 1874 he joined the ' Swatara ' for a cruise round the world to carry the five parties from America who were to observe the transit of Venus in the Southern Hemisphere. Upon reaching New York in 1875 in the early summer, he was ordered to the coast survey steamer ' Blake,' which vessel was engaged in deep-sea soundings along the Atlantic coast and the Gulf of Mexico. In Feb. 1877, he was detached from the ' Blake ' on account of illness and for some months was on sick leave, and after wards on duty at the Hydrographic Office at Washington. In 1879 he was ordered to the ' Kearsarge,' and for three years was on board that vessel in the North Atlantic squadron. His next duty was at the Coast Survey Office at Washington, where he remained until Dec. 1884, when he was ordered to the command of the coast survey steamer 'Blake.' This vessel was engaged during the five years that she was under his command in investigating the currents of the Gulf Stream, with an instrument devised by himself, by which the currents could be ascer tained at various depths from the surface to the bottom. 7 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 201 By this investigation he determined the volume of the Gulf Stream, and the hitherto unknown laws regarding the daily and monthly variations in rate of flow. In Feb. 1891, he was ordered to the ' Newark,' and was detached in June 1893. The vessel was attached to the North At lantic squadron a part of the time, and in Europe to join in the Columbus celebrations in Spain and Italy. " His writings have been wholly confined to professional subjects, and to the hydrographic branch, — ' Dangers of the South Pacific,' 'Atlantic Coast Pilot,' 'Charts and Chartmaking, ' and 'The Gulf Stream.' " 500. Florence J." (John G.,' John"), b. in LoweH, Mass., II Aug. 1848; m. 27 June 1871, Daniel G. Cran- den, of Plymouth, Mass. Children : i. LeRoi Goddard, b, 15 Jan, 1873, Entered Harvard Col lege, Sept, 1891, and graduated in 1894 with " honors," having completed the four years' course in three years. Entered Harvard Medical School in Sept, 1894. ii. Florence Elisabeth, b, 25 June 1874. iii, Mary Howland, b. 23 April 1876; d. i April 1880, iv, Laura Bishop, b, 27 Nov. 1877, Entered Smith College, 1895- 501. Albert Smith" (John G. ,' John") , b. in LoweH, 23 Feb. 1851 ; m. 10 Oct. 1872, Sarah A. M., daughter of Rev. T. W. Robertson, of St. John, N. B. ChHdren : i. James Robisrtson, b, in Chelsea, Mass,, 5 Oct, 1873, ii. Kathleen E,, b. 23 July 1875, Mr. Pillsbury is engaged in business in Boston, but re sides in West Somerville. 503. Lucretia S." (John G.,' John"), b. in Chelsea, Mass., 21 May 1856; m. i July 1875, John A. Remick, of Boston, in which city they reside. Children : i. Elliot W., b. 23 April 1876. ii. Ethel B,, b, 22 Jan, 1878, iii. John A,, Jr,, b. 26 Feb. 1884, 503. Elizaette S." (Benjamin P.,' MichaeP), b. in Haverhill, Mass., 9 AprH 1832 ; m. 8 Nov. 1854, Charles H. Sweatt, and resides in Ayer, Mass. Children : 202 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. i. Mary Adella, b. in West Acton, Mass., lo Sept. 1855. ii. Clara Louisa, b. in West Acton, Mass., 18 Sept, 1857. iii. David Norman, b. in S. Groton, 10 Nov. 1861 ; d. 10 Sept. 1862. 504. Adrianna S." (Benjamin P.,' Michael"), b. in Haverhill, 25 March 1834; m. 9 Dec. 1852, Zenas C. Wardwell, who d. at Groveland, Mass., 10 Oct. 1892. Child : Jacob Otis, b. in Lowell, Mass,, 14 March 1856. A well known lawyer and politician. Resides in Haverhill, Mass. 505. Charles Albert" (Albert,' Timothy"), b. in Calais, Me., 26 July 1839; m. 24 June 1880, Blanche A. Sutheriand, of Halifax, N. S. Child : Marguerite Dorothy, b. in Belfast, Me., 12 Oct. 1884, Mr. Pillsbury is editor of the Belfast Republican Journal . 506. Emily A." (Albert,' Timothy") , b. 4 June 1842 ; d. 17 Sept. 1887 ; m. 3 Oct. 1865, John George Bousinat, French Consul at Cape Breton. Child : Desiree Elise, b. 5 Sept. 1866. 507. Marianna" (George W.,' John") , b. in Pownal, Me., 28 Aug. 1851 ; d. in Cape Elisabeth, Me., 14 Jan. 1887 ; m. 26 Nov. 1872, Augustus A. Strout. Children : i. George F., b. 23 June 1875. ii, Edith M., b. 12 June 1878. iii. Ada C, b. 29 Jan. 1886. 508. Alice F." (George W.,' John"), b. in Pownal, Me., I May 1855 ; d. in Portland, 20 March 1896 ; m. 18 Dec. 1878, V. Richard Foss. Children : i. Clarence a., b. April and d, July 1880. ii. Helen a., b. i July 1881. iii. Marian E-, b. 27 Aug. 1882. iv. Harold R., b. 18 June 1886. V. Charles W., b. Oct. and d. Nov. 1887. vi. Esther A., b. 12 March 1895. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 203 509. John W." (George W.,' John"), b. in StHl- water, Minn., 20 Aug. 1858 ; d. in Turner's Island, Me., 16 March 1887 ; m. 23 May 1878, Alice E. St. John. Child : Frank Clinton, b. in Cape Elisabeth, 5 June 1879 ; d. at Turner's Island, 24 Sept, 1884. 510. Frank G." (Albert L. ,' John") , b. in Cape Elisa beth, Me., 26 Aug. 1850; 111. 23 June 1880, Annie M. Mullin, of Charlestown, Mass. Children : i. Arthur F,, b, in Cape Elisabeth, 15 June 1881. ii. Chester A,, b. 13 Sept. 1884, iii. Bessie L., b. 12 March 1891, Reside at Pleasantdale, Me. (near Portland). 511. Marcia V." (Bartlett,' John") , b. in Scarborough, Me., 2 Dec. 1862 ; m. 18 Feb. 1883, MarshaH E. Moulton, of Gorham, Me. Child : Myron Everett, b. 8 July 1891. Reside at West Scarboro', Me. 513. Frank Ilsley" (Frank M.,' Charies C"), b. in Newbury, Mass., 24 July 1865; m. 18 April 1889, Flor ence E., daughter of Bennet P. and Ellen B. Smith, of Newmarket, N. H. Reside in Portland. Child : Edna F., b. 23 Aug. and d. 24 Sept. 1892. 513. Paulina" (Benjamin,' Stephen"), m. Rufus Ham. Children : i. Mary. ii. Rufus W. iii. Frank B. 514. Anna" (Benjamin,' Stephen") , b. 1800 ; d. 1885 ; m. Joseph Linscott. Children : i. Carrie. ii. John. iii. Joseph. 204 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 515. Eliza" (Benjamin,' Stephen") , m. Joseph Hobbs. Children : i. Pauline. ii. Augustus. iii. Annie. iv. Fanny. V. Charles. 516. Elinor" (Benjamin,' Stephen"), m. Ivory Thompson. Children : Annie, ii. Ellen, iii. Olive. iv. Rufus, V, Carrie. vi. William, vii. Howard, viii. , Martha, ix. Isabel. 517. Cynthia" (Benjamin,' Stephen"), ni. William Ross. Children : i. Benjamin P. ii. Charles W. iii. Annie P. iv. Ellen. 518. Stephen N." (Benjamin,' Stephen"), b. 1812 ; d. 1890; m. Susan Averill. Children: 711. i. Nathaniel J,, b, 21 Oct, 1834, 712, ii, Stephen O., b. 23 Aug, 1837. iii. Joseph, d. in infancy, iv, Benjamin, d. in infancy, 713. V. Mary, b. 1842; d, 1890; m, Daniel L. Murdock. 714. vi, Eliza, b, 1844; m, C.J. Bucknell. 715. vii. Frank W., b. 1846. 716. viii. Ambrose H., b. 1848; d. 1889. Stephen N. removed in early life to the West, and his children were all born there. They are located in Ills. and Iowa. 519. John Mars" (John,' Stephen"), b. in Shapleigh, Me., 14 March 1812 ; d. ; m. 1841, Mary, daugh ter of Jacob and Olive (Perkins) Ricker, of Shapleigh. A shoemaker in Shapleigh. Children : PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 205 717. i. Mahala L., b, April 1842, ii. William Emerson, b. April 1847; m. 6 March 1869, Angle B., daughter of Thomas J, and Mary W, Brown, of Montpelier, Vt. Is a physician in Milton Mills, N. H. iii. Mary Jane, b. May 1848; m, 1873, Charles Annis, of Anson, Me, iv, Sarah, b. June 1849; d. in Biddeford, Sept, 1875; m, 1866, Frank Thurston, of Poland, Me, 718, V. Levi B., b, March 1851. vi. John Melvin, b, 1853 ; m, Nardie Grant, 530. Earlsworth C." (John,' Stephen") , b. in Shap leigh, 20 Sept. 1814; d. 20 July 1889; m. ist, 1837, Tryphena Mason, of Porter, Me., who d. in S., May 1859, aged 44 years. Children : i. Henry M., b. 16 March 1838; m. Betsey Ham, ii, Hannah, b, 28 March 1839 ; m. Joseph Jellison. 719. iii, Orrin F,, b, 28 April 1840, iv, Abby L,, b, 28 Dec. 1842; m, Edward Trafton, V, Ama.SA L,, b, 5 April 1844; d, Feb, 1861, vi, Clara, b, Jan. 1846; m, John Rounds, vii, Charles W,, b, 25 April 1848; m. Wealthy Harvey, viii, Millard M,, b, April 1850; d, 1864 in the U, S. Army, ix, William J,, b, 13 July 1852 ; d, 22 July 1873, Earlsworth C. 111. 2d, i April 1861, Mrs. Emeline E. Clough, of Dover, N.H. Child : X, Allen C, b. 12 Dec, 1862; m, 24 Nov. 1886, Arietta Twombly, of Dover, N, H, Is superintendent of woolen mills, Somerville, N, J. 531. Mary" (Stephen,' Stephen"), b.in Shapleigh, 29 Dec. 1807 ; d. 26 Feb. 1883 ; m. 1832, Luther Thomp son, of Shapleigh, who d. 1878. Children : i, Charles, ii. Theophilus. iii, Mary, iv, Lettie, 533. Nancy' (Stephen,' Stephen"), b. in Shapleigh, 30 Jan. 1809; d. in Lawrence, Mass., 2 July 1885; m. 2 Sept. 1840, Cyrus K. Sayward, a farmer of Shapleigh. They removed to Ipswich, Mass., in 1855, and to Law rence in 1865, where he d. 23 Jan. 1898. Children : i. Joan Spiller, b. 18 Feb, 1842, ii. Elisabeth Margaret, b. 3 Dec. 1844. (See Sayward Genealogy.) 2o6 pillsbury genealogy. 533. Tobias" (Stephen,' Stephen"), b. in Shapleigh, 9 Oct. 1811; d. in Saco, Me., 6 May 1886; m. 1833, Susan PHlsbury, his first cousin. Children : i. LovEY A., b. 29 Dec. 1835. Resides at Old Orchard, Me. 720. ii. George F., b. 10 July 1837. iii. Charles O,, b. 1838; d. 1839. 721. iv. William H. H., b. 14 July 1839; d. in Fullerton, Neb., 28 Dec. 1895. 722. V. Ellen D., b. 21 July 1841. 723. vi. Nahum H., b. i Oct. 1843. 724. vii. Julia, b. 31 March 1845. viii, Maria H,, b, 6 Nov. 1852; m. 9 Oct. 1887, John Milli ken, of Saco. 725. ix. Stephen W., b. 11 Feb. 1855. 534. Simon" (Stephen,' Stephen"), b. in Shapleigh, 27 April 1816; d. ; m. ist, 1841, Lydia, daughter of Stephen and Lucy Garvin, who d. April 1855. Chil dren : 726. i. Woodman, b. 26 July 1843. 727. ii. Chester, b. 12 April 1846. 728. iii. Emma, b. 24 April 1848. Simon m. 2d, 1858, Mrs. Eliza (Abbott) Garvin, who d. 1861. He m. 3d, June 1864, Mary A. Hooper. Child: iv. Mary AlTa, b. 24 Aug. 1867. 535. Serena" (Stephen,' Stephen"), b. in Shapleigh, 23 Jan. 1819 ; d. 13 Oct. 1885 ; m. 1843, Hasty G. Wells, of Shapleigh. Children : i, ElbridGE. ii. Phonso. 536. Sarah A." (Stephen,' Stephen"), b. in Shap leigh, 18 Oct. 1824 ; m. 1844, Enoch L. Chick, of Shap leigh. Children : i. Andrew E. ii. Byron S. iii. George H. iv. Charles M, V. Osgood. vi. Fred W. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 207 537. SOPHRONIA E." (Stephen,' Stephen"), b. in Shapleigh, 13 Nov. 1827; m. 1858, in Hartford, Conn., Thomas Garvin. Children : i. Clara. ii. Walter. iii. Charles. Reside in Good Thunder, Minn. 538. Stephen H., Capt." (Joseph,' Stephen"), b. in Shapleigh, 12 June 1809 ; d. of yellow fever on the west coast of Africa, Feb. 1838; m. 6 July 1835, Mary, daugh ter of Walter and Mary Nangle, of Philadelphia. Child : 729. Stephen W., b. 27 Feb. 1837. 539. Samuel" (Joseph,' Stephen"), b. in Shapleigh, 15 Feb. 1815; d. at sea, 24 April 1853; m. 24 Oct. 1842, Sarah A., daughter of John S. and Olive C. Russell, of Windsor, Vt. Children : 730. i. Edward R., b. in Spencer, Mass., 15 Dec. 1843. ii. Emma E,, b. in Spencer, Mass., i May 1847. iii. CoRTEz, b. in Spencer, Mass., 14 Oct. 1849. iv. Junius, b. in Spencer, Mass., 19 Nov. 1851. 530. Jacob" (Joseph,' Stephen"), b. 3 Aug. 1818 ; d. 14 April 1880; m. 6 Oct. 1850, Mary Stone, of Alfred, Me., who d. 19 AprH 1886. Children : i. Herbert, b, in Alfred, 3 Aug, 1851 ; m. Cynthia Ham, 28 Nov. 1 89 1. 731. ii. Ellen, b. in Alfred, 15 March 1853. iii. Truman, b. in Alfred, 9 March 1855. iv. Charles, b. in Alfred, 29 April i860. V. Joseph, b. in Alfred, 15 Dec. 1863 ; d. 6 Nov. 1895. vi. Ida M,, b. 26 March 1865 ; m. John W. Fernald, 27 Dec. 1890. vii, Winnie S., b. 22 Feb. 1868; d. 3 Oct. 1874. 531. Elisabeth" (Joseph, 'Stephen") , b. in Shapleigh, 1822 ; m. 12 Jan. 1846, Samuel D. Tibbetts. Reside in Springvale, Me. Children : i. Ellen. ii. Mary B. iii. Carrie. iv. Everett. 2o8 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 533. Ellen" (Joseph,' Stephen"), b. in Shapleigh, 12 May 1824; m. 1842, John N. Garvin. Reside in Shapleigh. Children: Lucy A. ii. Elisabeth. iii. J. WiNFIELD. iv. Charles H, V. Alvah. vi. William, vii. George, viii , Mary, 533. William C." (Joseph,' Stephen"), b. in Shap leigh, Jan. 1829; d. Jan. 1867; m. Harriet C. Hall. Children : i, Frank C, b, 17 Jan. 1850 ; m. Clara E, Parsons. ii. William W,, b, Aug, 1855 ; d. 1869, 732, iii. Fred W,, b, in Enfield, N, H,, 23 Nov. 1859, 534. John Q. A." (Joseph,' Stephen"), b. in Shap leigh, 16 Jan. 1831 ; d. 16 Dec. 1882 ; m. 21 Dec. 1861, Mary A. , daughter of Nahum and Nancy Bennett, of San ford, Me. ChHdren : i, Nancy J,, b, in Shapleigh, 7 March 1864. ii. Frank M., b, 7 June 1866. iii, Addie M., b. 7 Nov, 1869. iv, Olive, b, 4 Oct. 1876, 535. Anna M." (Joseph,' Stephen"), b. in Shapleigh, 1833 ; m. 1858, Porter Hobbs. Resides at Springvale, Me. ChHdren : i. Belle, ii. Addie. iii. Fred, iv. Fannie. V, Walter. vi, Ethel, 536. Joseph M." (Joseph,' Stephen") , b. in Shapleigh, 24 Sept. 1836 ; d. 22 Sept. 1881 ; m. 27 July 1867, NelHe M., daughter of Samuel and Mehitabel Watson, of Effing ham, N. H. Children : 733, i, Alice M,, b, in Springvale, 8 July 1868. ii. George N,, b, in Springvale, i Jan, 1871, iii. Grace F,, b, in Springvale, 14 Nov, 1874, iv. Olive E., b, in Springvale, 14 Dec. 1876. V. Lizzie B., b. in Springvale, 5 July 1880. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 209 537. Sarah E." (Samuel,' Stephen"), b. 16 March 1826 ; m. Ira Stearns. Children : i. Jane. ii. Arthur. iii. Elise. 538. Almira C." (Samuel,' Stephen"), b. 4 May 1828; m. 24 June 1847, Ephraim Kennedy. Children: i, Helen a. ii. Edgar E. iii. Francis E. iv. Flora E. 539. Johnson, 2d" (Johnson,' Joseph"), mariner, b. at Thomaston, Me., 8 March 1804; d. 29 March 1883 ; m. 17 June 1829, Mary Simmons, of Appleton, Me., who d. 26 Dec. 1864, aged 61 j^ears. Children : i. George W,, b, 22 Feb, 1830; d. 17 March 1836. ii. Sophia R,, h. in Belmont, Me,, 3 May 1832; m. 22 Oct, 1850, Isaac T, Ingraham, iii. Hannah H., b. 29 Sept. 1834 ; d. 9 Dec, i86g ; m, 26 May 1855, Abraham Brann, 734, iv. Hiram G., b, 26 Jan. 1837, V, Charles E,, b, 19 Jan. 1839, Resides in San Francisco. Twice married. No children. vi. Mary E., b. 26 Sept, 1841 ; d. 16 April 1859. vii. Helen, b. 1842 ; d. 16 April 1859, viii, Almeida, b. 4 Dec, 1843 ; m, 30 March 1878, Eugene M, Glidden, of Whitefield, 540. Phinehas" (Johnson,' Joseph"), b. 1815 ; m. Hannah . Child : William O., b. about 1854; m. 30 May 1882, Lavinia M. Atwood of Chelsea, in which place he resides. Perhaps others. 541. Sarah A." (Joseph,' Joseph"), b. ; d. about 1880; m. ist, Robert Cook of Boston, 17 June 1827. Child : i. Samuel P. She m. 2d, George Lindsay. Child : ii. Joseph O. 2io Pillsbury genealogy. 543. John" (Joseph,' Joseph"), farmer in Rockland, Me., b. I May 1805 ; d. 30 Dec. 1873 ; m. 20 Sept. 1830, Jane McAllister, of Hope, Me., who d. 23 Oct. 1881, aged 70 years. Children : 735. i. Sarah J., b. 18 Dec. 1831. ii. John L., b. 12 July and d. 18 Sept. 1833. 736. iii. E, Adelia, b. i Aug, 1834. 737. iv. John R., b. 10 Sept. 1836. V, Lucy E,, b, 10 Oct. 1838 ; m. 13 Feb. 1864, Rufus T, Hall, vi, DELORA B,, b. 3 May 1840. vii. Charles H., b. 7 .March 1842 ; m. 29 Dec. 1888, Ada F, Staples. 738. viii. MoNTORO M., b. about 1846; d. 23 Aug, 1876. 543. Samuel" (Joseph,' Joseph"), trader, b. in South Thomaston, 1811 ; d. in Rockland, 6 Feb. 1890; m. i March 1832, Sarah M. Spaulding, of Phippsburg, Me., who d. in Dorchester, Mass., June 1890, aged 82 years. Chil dren : i, Mary K,, b, 18 Sept. 1832; m. Samuel F. Dinsmore. ii. Ann A. C, b. 11 Feb. 1834; d, 4 July 1853. iii, George W,, b. 9 March 1836 ; d. 16 Dec. 1866. 739. iv. Statira, b. 19 Nov. 1838 ; d, 20 Oct. 1882. v. Phebe F., b. 18 Juue 1840; d. 18 Dec. 1841. vi. Frances E,, b, 30 Oct, 1842 ; m. William P, Hurley. vii. Julia R., b. 8 Dec, 1843 • d, 21 June 1844. viii. Samuel A,, b. 20 June and d, 21 Sept, 1846. 740. ix. Helen L,, b. 6 May 1848; d. 12 June 1873. In his younger da^'S Samuel worked as a caulker, and also followed the sea. Gaining a little capital, he invested it in Rockland, burning lime, running a general store, and doing an extensive business. He accumulated a large property. 544. George W." (Joseph,' Joseph"), merchant ; b. ; m. 1st, Emeline D. Pillsbury. Pub. 17 March, 1838. Children : i. Helen M., b, 1839 ; m, ist, 16 Nov. 1856, Somers McNeil ; m. 2d, Charles CoUischon. ii. Thaddeus S,, b, ; d, ; m, Louise A. Drinkwater, of Rockland, Widow and oue child live in Volusia, Fla. iii. Faustina, b, about 1843 ; d, iu Rochester, N. Y., 30 April 1891 ; m, 1st, in 1861, her cousin, Nathan S. Dill; 2d, A, W, Purcell, iv. George E,, b, Oct. 1845 ; d, 24 Aug. i860, V. Aliscena F., b, 1847 ; A. at Orleans, Mass., 28 April 1884 ; m. John J. Collins. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 211 George W. m. 2d, 6 July 1856, Arzelia McLain. Chil dren : vi. Lewis M., b. 1857. vii. Knott C, b. 1859. In 1890 resided in Oakland, Neb. 545. Mary" (John,' Joseph"), b. at Ash Point, Me., 1809; d. in St. George, Me., 10 Nov. 1857; m. 1827, Hezekiah Stover, of St. George. Twelve children. 546. Hannah" (John,' Joseph"), b. 5 Oct. 1812 ; m. 10 Oct. 1833, Ephraim Snow, and resides in Rockland, Me. ChHdren : i. Arthur L. ii. Adelaide F. iii. Mary F. iv. Laura A, > V. Albert s. 547 . Dennis, Capt. "(John, 'Joseph") , master-mariner, b. 15 Nov. 1815 ; d. 24 Oct. 1853; m. 8 May 1842, Matilda Sweetland. Children : 741. i. Oliver S., b. 11 Dec. 1842, 742, ii, Augustus B,, b, 12 Feb, 1846, 743. iii, George Sidney, b. 5 March 1849, 744, iv, ' Matilda S,, b, 22 May 1852. 548. Mehitabel" (John,' Joseph"), b. 11 Dec. 1816 ; m. 29 July, 1841, Andrew Whitcher, of Rockland, who d. 10 Aug. 1842, aged 27 years. Child : Andrew T,, b, 18 Nov, 1842; d, 2 April 1864, 549. Maria" (Nathan,' Joseph"), b. 15 Sept. 1811 ; m. Asa Dill. Children : Mary A., b, 1831 ; d, 1874, ii. Emeline F., b. 1833. iii. Nathan S., b. 1835. iv. Thomas R., b. 1837 ; d. 1874, V. Alzada M., b. Feb. 1840. vi. Lauretta J., b. Nov. 1843. vii. Ambrose M., b. Nov. 1845; 1 viii , George A., b. May 1847. ix. Gordon C, b. 1849. X. John F,, b. 1853. d. 1864. 550. Ansel M." (Nathan,' Joseph"), b. 1817 ; d. A blacksmith in Belfast, Me.; m. 30 Sept. 1841, ^12 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. Catherine C. , daughter of John and Catherine Wadlin, of Northport, Me. ' Children : 745, i. p-REDERiCK A, H,, b, in Belfast, 23 March 1843 ; d. in Bangor, 1891. 746. ii. Arbella F., b. in Belfast, i Nov. 1846. iii. Emma K., b. 31 Aug. 1848; d, 12 Oct. 1852. iv. Mary A., b. 11 Feb. 1851. V, Cora H,, b, 15 Dec. 1853; d. 11 Feb. 1862. vi. Edward B,, b. 3 May 1856. vii. Kate L,, b, 5 Dec. 1859. viii, Ralph A,, b. 29 Jan. 1863; m. ist, 25 Nov. 1885, Nettie Ricker, who d, 23 June 1893 ; m. 2d, Kate L. Dean. 551. Thomas R." (Nathan,' Joseph"), b. 30 June 1819 ; m. 9 Jan. 1845, Mary, daughter of Capt. Samuel Brown, of Northport, Me. Children : 747. i. Leonora F,, b. i Dec, 1846, 748, ii. Edgar T., b. 28 Aug. 1849. iii. Addie E,, b, 19 July 1857; d. 18 July 1862, 553. Oliver B., Capt." (Nathaniel,' Nathan"), b. 6 April 1824 ; d. in Rockland, 28 May 1889 ; m. 7 Oct. 1858, Phebe W. Adams, who d. June 1882, aged 44 years. Children : 749, i. Oliver B., b, in South Thomaston, 12 March i860, 750, ii. Watson H., b. in Rockland, 3 Aug. 1862. iii. HorTENSE, b, 9 June 1864, 751. iv. Mary L,, b. 3 April 1866. V. Robert N,, b, 26 April 1869, Capt. Pillsbury followed the sea for many years, niaking thirty-seven voyages to the Western Islands, seven to the coast of Africa, and many others. Was the first prisoner captured at New Orleans in 1861 (breaking out of the CivH War) . In 1862 was pursued into Gibralter by the " Sumpter," when master of the schooner " Helen," of Boston. When a boy he sailed round the world in the ship ' ' Newbury port." 553. Reuben M." (Nathaniel,' Nathan"), b. 14 Feb. 1830 ; d. 14 Feb. 1895 ; m. 26 Nov. 1854, Martha L. Ulmer. Resided in Rockland. Child : Carrie Belle, b, in South Thomaston, 22 April i868 ; m, Howard B. Waltz, of Damariscotta Mills. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 213 554. Henry" (Joseph,' Nathan"), b. 25 Sept. 1818; d. in Minnesota, i Jan. 1873 ; m. 26 Aug. 1849, Lydia M. Adams. Child : MoSES, b. 1851, 555. Lucinda M." (Joseph,' Nathan"), b. i May 1824; m. ist, Robert C. Nixon, of Terra Haute, Ind.; m. 2d, 1867, Isaac Murdock, of Winchester, N. H., who d. 6 Oct. 1880. Resides in Rockland. 556. Sarah J." (Joseph,' Nathan"), b. 16 Aug. 1826; m. 14 Sept. 1851, John R. Perry, of Keene, N. H. Chil dren : i. Mary L. ii. Ella l. iii. Hugh J. iv. Grace H. V. Myra M, vi. Charles F. 557. Josephine M." (Joseph,' Nathan"), b. 2 March 1834. Resides in Rockland, Me ; 111. Geo. W. Clark, of Worcester, Mass. Has two sons. 558. Lucy M." (Joseph,' Nathan"), b. 2 Jan. 1841 ; m. Capt. Seth C. Arey, of South Thomaston. Has four sons. 559. John" (Tobias,' Tobias"), b. in Cape Elisabeth, 2 Feb. 1803 ; d. 29 Jan. 1875 ; 111. 13 Jan. 1828, Rebecca Loveitt, who d. . Children : Hannah, b. in Cape Elisabeth, 23 Feb, 1830. Henry, b. in Cape Elisabeth, 5 Dec, 1832, David, b, 3 Nov, 1836 ; d. 3 July 1838, Lucy, b. 26 Feb. 1838 ; d. 5 March 1844. Tobias, b. 23 July 1840. vi. Margaret, b. 5 March 1843. vii. Enoch L,, b, 1 June 1847 ; m. Marietta Hamilton, 7 Jan. 1874 ; and resides in Salem, Mass. 560. Hannah" (Joshua,' Tobias"), b. 11 Oct. 1802 ; d. 19 April 1873 ; m. 26 May 1825, Enoch Loveitt. Chil dren : i, Enoch. ii. Henry. iii. George W. 2. 3- iii iv. V. 214 PILLSBURY genealogy. 561. Joshua W." (Joshua,' Tobias"), b. i June 1804 ; d. 3 June 1876 ; m. 20 Nov. 1825, Rebecca, daughter of Isaac and Eunice Cobb. Children : i. Mary, b, in Cape Elisabeth, i8 Aug. 1827 ; d. 30 Oct. 1887 ; m. 14 Oct. 1847, George W. Rollins. 754. ii. Josiah, b. i Oct. 1829. 563. Dorcas" (Joshua,' Tobias"), b. in Cape Elisa beth, 8 Nov. 1808; d. 4 Feb. 1879; m. 11 May 1826, James Grafiam. Children : i. Rebecca. ii, George h, iii. Lucy. iv, Bathsheba. V. Daniel- vi. Joshua P. vii, Osgood, viii, Margaret, ix. Mary. X. Benjamin. xi. Sarah. 563. Daniel" (Joshua,' Tobias"), b. i May 1814; d. 15 Feb. 1885 ; m. 17 Nov. 1836, Margaret W. WiHard, who d. 8 Jan. 1838. Child : i. George W., b. 4 Jan. 1838 ; m. 24 Jan. 1864, Mary S. Walton. Daniel m. 2d, 7 Nov. 1839, Isabella W. Dyer. Child : 755. ii. Emma, b. 16 March 1846, 564. John L." (James,' John H."), b. 4 Sept. 1816 ; d. in Salisbury, Mass., 11 April 1891 ; m. ist, 14 Dec. 1843, Calista B. Cilley. Children : i. ColaTeR C, W,, b, in Salisbury, 20 Jan. 1846 ; m. 28 April 1870, Jacob S. Pike. ii. Abbie F., b. 29 July 1855 ; m. 2 March 1878, George Steward, of Gloucester, Mass. John m. 2d, Nancy G. Morrill. Children : iii. John H,, b. 12 June 1861. iv. Willard G,, b. 5 June 1864; d. 20 Feb. 1895. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 215 565. Elisabeth W." (James,' John H."), b. 11 Sept. 1818; m. 13 Sept. 1841, John F. Folsom of Raymond, N. H., who d. 7 July 1857. Children : i. Mary Calist.a. ii. Elisabeth. iii. Abigail P, iv. Ellen M. V. Georgiana, vi, John D, (Rev,) 566. James Monroe" (James,' John H."), b. in South Hampton, N.H., 18 April 1822 ;'m. ist, Esther D. French, who d. in Salisbury, Mass., 17 Jan. 1863. Children : j. Sarah E., b. in Salisbury, 19 Dec. 1844 ; m, 30 June 1868, Elbridge B. Moody, of Haverhill, Mass. ii. Mary E,, b, 25 Oct. 1846; d. 1848, James 111. 2d, Elvira J. Prescott, 23 May 1867. Resides in Newburyport. • 567. James M.' (Jacob R.,' John H."), b. in Middle- ton, N. H., 21 Dec. 1826; m. ist, in Lowell, Mass., 28 Dec. 1851, Catherine G. Wedgewood, who d. 15 Jan. 1867, aged 40 years. Children : 756, i. Harry M., b. iu Lowell, 13 Nov. 1852. ii. KiTTlE F. b. in Lowell, 18 Oct. i860. James m. 2d, in Boston, 7 Feb. 1870, Linda H., daughter of Ezekiel S. and Hannah O. Davis. Child : iii. Oliver P., b. in Muskegon, Wis., 30 Sept. 1874; d. in Muskegon, Wis., 1 May 1876, Resides in Racine, Wis. 568. John C." (Jacob R.,'John H."), b. in Middleton, N. H., 23 Feb. 1832; m. 3 April 1852, Lizzie Wedge wood, of Newport, Me. Children : i. Annie K., b. 28 March 1853; m, Oct, 1877, Wm, H. Den ton, of Augusta, Me. ii. Walter M., b. 10 Nov. 1855 ; m. Oct. 1883, Mary Neal. 757. iii. Frank H,, b, 14 Oct. 1857, Resides in Newport, Me. 2l6 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 569. George B," (Jacob R.,'JohnH."), b. in Palmyra, Me., i8 July 1837; m. ist, July 1857, Ellen L., daughter of Simon and Caroline L. Adams, of Corinna, Me., who d. in Palmyra, 10 Aug. 1862, aged 23 years. Children : i. Ralph B., b. in Newport, Me., 13 Dec. 1857. ii. George B., b. in Palmyra, 7 April 1859. 758. iii. Wallace S,, b. 3 March 1861. He m. 2d, 11 Oct. 1864, Clara B. Rackliffe, of Unity, Me. Children : iv. Ellen, b. 15 Dec. 1865 ; d. 3 March 1866. V. Nellie M,, b, 12 Jan. 1867 ; m. 29 May 1889, Walter Judkins. vi. Charles A,, b. in Unity, 21 May 1871, vii. Edward T,, b. in Unity, 20 Sept. 1872. viii. James O,, b. in Unity, 7 Sept, 1874. ix, Sarah E,, b. in Unity, 28 May 1877. X. John J., b, in Unity, 12 March 1879. Resides in Unity, Me. 570. Eliza A." (Edmund,' John H."), b. in South Hampton, N. H., 2 May 1821 ; d. in Portsmouth, N. H.', 18 April 1891 ; m. in Newport, Me., 13 Sept. 1846, Andrew J. Fitts, who d. in Portsmouth, 19 Feb. 1872. They had two daughters who married and reside in the West. 571. Oliver P." (Edmund,' John H."), b. in New port, Me., 2 Feb. 1826 ; d. in Milwaukee, Wis., 24 Sept. 1890; m. ist, Jan. 1853, Catharine S. Benjamin, of East Livermore, Me. No children. He m. 2d, 30 Dec. 1862, Vesta Ellen Cutter, of Bangor, Me. No children. Mr. Pillsbury was extensively engaged in the lumber business, and was a wealthy, much esteemed citizen of Milwaukee. 573. William James" (William,' John H."), b. in South Hampton, N. H., June 1828; m. ist, Oct. 1852, Mary S. Dennet, of Amesbury, who d. 3 April 1865. ChHd : i. Willie D., b. 1853 ; d. 1855, PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 217 He m. 2d, 6 May 1874, Harriet L. Gale, of Amesbury. Children : ii. A daughter, b. and d. 12 April 1875. iii. Charles H., b. 12 Oct. 1876. iv. William B,, b. 9 Oct. 1881. V. James Oliver, b, 3 July 1886. Resides in Amesbury, Mass. 573. John C." (Moses,' Thomas"), b. in Strafiord, N. H., 24 Aug. 1808 ; d. in Strafford, 23 April 1872 ; m. ist, 28 Feb. 1839, Mercy F. Jones, who d. 26 April 1846, aged 32 years. Child : i. MoSES W., b. in Strafford, 4 Dec, 1842; d, in Concord, 14 Nov, 1863. He m. 2d, 14 May 1848, Lydia J., daughter of Joseph and Mary Bennett, of Barrington, N.H. Children : 759, ii. Miranda F., b. in Strafford, 24 Nov, 1849. iii. Horace G., b. 2 Sept. 1851 ; d, 26 Oct, 1855, 760. iv. Abbie A., b. 14 Sept. 1856. 761. V. Sadie H., b. 17 Jan. i860. 574. Joseph H." (Alpha J.,' James"), b. in Canter bury, N. H., 3 April 1830; m. 3 Jan. 1861, Susan M. Gardner. Children : i. Alice M., b. 24 March 1862 ; d. 25 July 1864. ii. John G,, b, 24 Jan. and d, 2 Sept, 1864, iii. Joseph B., b. 4 Dec. 1866. iv. Mary H., b. 14 Dec. 1869. 575. AlphaJ." (Enoch H.,' James"), b. 9 March 1836; m. 25 Nov. 1862, Eliza Tucker, of Laconia, N. H. Chil dren : i. Mabel Tucker, b, in Northwood, 27 Aug, 1870, ii. Ethel Josephine, b. in Northwood, 10 Nov. 1876. 576. Parker K." (Moses,' Phinehas"), b. in Blue- hHl, Me., I Feb. 1832 ; d. 9 Sept. 1870. A ship carpenter; m. 30 Nov. 1845, Christiana, daughter of Benjamin and Susanna H. Gray, of Penobscot, Me. Children : i. James V,, b, i March and d, 3 March 1847. 762. ii. Abby Mary, b, 28 Aug, 1850. iii. Julia Maria, b, 28 Aug, 1853 ; d. in Boston, 24 March 1872 ; m. Howard Tucker, 763. iv. George Melville, b. 5 Feb. 1857. 2l8 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY, 577 . George A." (Moses,' Phinehas") , b. in BluehHl, Me., 4 Feb. 1828 ; d. in Charlestown, Mass., 27 Feb. 1882 ; m. in BluehiH, 21 Nov. 1861, Mrs. Mary A. (Stover) Challoner. A merchant in Boston. Children : i. Anna BellE, b. 30 Aug, 1862; d, 3 Aug. 1864. ii. Alice Keach, b. in Charlestown, 24 June 1863 ; d. 2 Aug. 1884. 578. Harriet A." (Moses,' Phinehas"), b. 17 May 1835 ; m. 14 Sept. 1859, Capt. Thomas Scott Osgood, of BluehiH, Me. Children: i. Willis H., b. 5 Jan. 1861. ii. Georgie B., b. 10 Feb. 1863. Reside in BluehiH, Me. 579. M.\RY Jane" (Phinehas,' Phinehas"), b. 4 p-eb. 1823 ; m. 2 May 1849, Elbridge S. Weeks. Resides in West Jefferson, Me. Children : i, Frank P,, b. 15 July 1853. ii, Winnie L,, b. 24 Feb. 1856. iii. Fannie M., b. 20 Feb. 1858. iv. Nellie a., b. 14 March 1863. 580. David G." (John C.,' Phinehas"), b. in Noble boro', Me., 2 May 1830; d. in Union, Me., 21 July 1877; m. ist, 20 Jan. 1858, Aravesta M., daughter of Stephen and Alzina Hawes, who d. 14 Dec. 1859. Child : i. VESSiE Hawes, b. in Union, 13 Dec. 1859. Davidm. 2d, 31 Dec. 1861, Hannah, daughter of Spencer and Esther P. Walcott. Child : ii. John C, b. in Union, 9 Dec. 1864. 581. James Edward" (Thomas G.,' Phinehas"), b. in Nobleboro', 6 Feb. 1840; m. Aug. 1865, Helen A. HaH, of that place. Children : i. Lena M,, b. in Peoria, 111,, 26 March 1866, ii. Hattie a,, b, 16 July 1868 ; d, 13 Nov, 1874, iii. Horace H., b. 26 Jan. 1870, iv. Bessie a,, b. 18 Dec. 1871. V. Grace D,, b. ii Dec. 1876. Mr. Pillsbury resides in Peoria, 111., where he has held various public positions of trust. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 219 583. Sarah Lizzie" (Thomas G.,' Phinehas"), b. in Nobleboro', 23 Aug. 1853; m. 3 Dec. 1877, John A. Per kins, of Nobleboro' , and resides there. Children : i. Bessie E., b. 28 Dec. 1880. ii. Georgie p., b. 13 July 1883. 583. David Brainard" (Moses H.,' Moses"), b. in Boston, 25 Dec. 1839 ; d. in Reading, Mass., 25 April 1886 ; m. 10 May 1869, Clara A. Grush, of Lowell, who d. in Reading, 7 Dec. 1884, aged 42 years. Children : i. Alice, b. in Ellington, Minn,, 9 Jan. 1874; d, in R,, 8 Nov. 1891. ii. Albert Henry, b. in Hammonton, N. J., i Nov. 1876. iii. Arthur Vivian, b. in Reading, 2 Aug. 1879. Mr. Pillsbury was the father of the Family History. Deeply interested in genealogical research, he early com menced to collect facts and statistics relating to his family, though delicate health and limited means made his pro gress slow. A mutual acquaintance introduced him to the present compiler, who had been groping about for ancestors for a number of years. The two worked together for four years, until Mr. P.'s failing health and strength made writing an effort. Three months before his death he forwarded all his notebooks and manuscripts to his fellow-worker to take up the task of completion as she should see fit. The volume stands a memorial to one who was indeed ' ' faithful over a few things." 584. John Hale" (John C.,' Moses"), b. in Boston, 6 July 1834; d. 17 Sept. 1869; m. 12 Oct. 1864, Evelina J. Damon, who d. 19 April 1890. Child : SalliE, b. and d. 18 Nov. 1867. 585. Sarah Jewett" (John C.,' Moses"), b. 15 Aug. 1843 ; d. 23 Dec. 1883 ; m. 26 March 1868, Henry L. Shepard, of Salem, Mass. Children : i. Alice L., b. 8 Dec. 1869. ii. Ethel M., b. 18 Feb.'i872. iii. May P., b, 26 Oct. 1873. iv. Henry L,, b, 18 May 1875. V. Bessie, b, 23 Nov. 1877; d. 28 Sept. 1878, vi. Robert H., b. 16 April 1879 ; d. 26 June 1880. vii. Charles F., b. 10 May and d. July 1881. 220 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 586. Emma Mary" (John C. ,' Moses") , b. in Reading, I Jan. 1852 ; m. 2 Nov. 1881, Charles E. Merchant. Resides in Roxbury, Mass. Child : Lawrence Hale, b! March 1882. 587. Helen Buffum" (Parker,' Oliver"), b. 14 June 1843 ; m. 22 Sept. 1888, Hon. Parsons B. Cogswell, of Concord, N. H., who d. 28 Oct. 1895. Mr. Cogswell was born at Henniker, N. H., where his boyhood was spent upon the farm, and his education was obtained in the common schools, supplemented by an occasional term at the academy, and a short attendance at the Clinton Grove school. In 1847 he began to learn the printer's trade and by faithfulness, thoroughness and diligence, mounted from the compositor's case to the position of manager and chief owner in one of the leading newspapers in the state. Mr. Cogswell was one of the foremost citizens of New Hampshire and for more than thirty years was a central figure in the business, literary, educational, social, and political movements that have centered at the capital of the state. He held many positions of public trust ; was ex- mayor of the city, and president of the board of education. 588. Henry" (Moses F.,' Oliver"), b. in Henniker, N.H., 4 Feb. 1862 ; m. 16 Sept. 1886, Martha J. Mclntire, of Boston. Child : Robert Foster, b. in Boston, 6 Oct. 1887. 589. Daniel H." (Joseph,' Joseph") , b. in Springfield, N. H., 19 Nov. 1825; d. in California, 20 AprH 1889. A farmer and miner; m. AprH 1857, EHsabeth D. Curley. Children : i. MaryD,, b, 13 July 1858; m, Edward Davis. Resides R, R. Flat, Calaveras Co., California. 764. ii. Joseph D,, b, 26 Oct. 1859. iii, Kate E,. b. 29 June 1861 ; m. James Ham. Resides R. R. Flat. iv. Daniel J,, b. 11 Dec. 1863. V. Nettie a,, b. 21 July 1866. vi. George W., b. 22 Feb. 1868. tlLLSBURY GENEALOGY. 221 590. Joseph J." (Joseph;' Joseph"), b. in Springfield, N. H., 1826; m. Angeline H., daughter of Jason A. and Miranda Kelley, of Pembroke, N. H. Children : 765. i. Alphonso J., b.. 9 Sept. 1854. ii. Otis W,, b. 20 Oct. 1859; m. 29 March 1883, Susan F. Davis. iii. Nettie M., b. 22 Jan. 1867. Resides in Concord, N. H. 591. Asa Burpee" (James H.,' Joseph"), b. in New London, N. H., 28 April 1818 ; m. i Nov. 1846, Sarah, daughter of David and Ruth (Wells) Woodward, of Sutton, N. H., who d. 19 Aug. 1884. Resides in New London. Children : i. Charles E,, b. 22 June 1852 ; d. 11 Nov, 1879. ii. Martha H.,-b. 26 Sept, 1853. Miss Pillsbury is a woman of far more than ordinary intellectual ability and mental acquirements. She has been for several years member of the board of education, and is the author of many short stories of high moral and good literary tone, some of which have been published over her signature in the " Youth's Companion." She makes her home with her father in New London. 593. Charles Whitney" (Benj. C.,' Joseph"), b. in New Ipswich, N. H. A farmer in Ashby, Mass.; m. 31 Dec. 1861, Lucy J. Booth, of Ashby. Children: i. Levi Burr, b. 24 Dec. 1862 ; d. 24 Dec. 1866. ii. Maria A., b. 22 Aug. 1864; m. i April 1884, G, R. Jaquith, of New Ipswich, N, H. 766, iii. Merrick D,, b. 21 Sept, 1866. iv. Martha U., b. 31 Dec, 1867 ; m, 29 Nov, 1888, W. R. Burnap, of Ashby. V. Laura F., b. 30 June 1869 ; d. 22 Nov. 1886. vi. Frank R,, b. 19 Feb, 1871, vii. Carl C, b, 2 Aug, 1880 ; d. 2 July 1882. 593. Caroline" (Francis P.,' Joseph"), b. in White- field, N. H., 25 Oct. 1834 ; d. 27 March 1883 ; m. 25 Oct. 1864, Charles O. Burbank. Children : i. Anna B. ii. Frank. iii. Willie. iv. Delah. 222 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 594. Charles" (Francis P.,' Joseph"), b. in White- field, N. H., 19 Nov. 1836; m. 27 Nov. 1863, Helen A. Noyes, of HaverhHl, N. H. Chil.d : Gertie W,, b. 5 Sept. 1876. Resides in Carroll, N. H. 595. Carlos" (Francis P. ,' Joseph") , b. in Whitefield, N. H., 29 May 1839; m. i March 1868, Angeline Hale, and resided in Whitefield. Child : Willie, b, 7 Oct, 1874 ; d, 16 Oct, 1875. 596. George H." (Francis P. ,' Joseph") , b. in White- field, 30 May 1848; d. 13 Aug. 1886; m. i Jan. 1873, Marietta Colby, of Whitefield. ChHd : John C, b. 16 July 1876. 597. Dexter R." (Daniel,' Solomon") , b. in Rutland, Vt.; m. Hannah E. Anderson, of Newport, R. I. Chil dren : i. Florence E., b, in Zanesville, O.; m. James Templin. ii. Alice M., b. in Zanesville, O, iii, Etta W,, b, in Zanesville, O, 767. iv. Henry A,, b, in Iowa City, la. V. Emma. vi. Katharine. vii, Charles H,, b, in Iowa City, 768. viii. F^RANK W., b, in Zanesville, O. 598. Ednah A." (Ezra,' Moses"), b. in Springfield, N. H., 2 Dec. 1832; d. 25 July 1867; m. 23 Jan. 1851, Sarnuel N. Davis, of Warner, N. H. Child : Selden. Resides in Gilmanton, N. H. 599. Jedediah B. S." (Ezra,' Moses" ), b. 12 July 1837 ; m. 20 July 1867, Susie M. Phipps, of Roxbury, who d. 24 June 1871. Child : Sydney D,, b. 24 June 1871. He m. 2d, 5 Oct. 1871, Nellie J. Jordan, of Eaton, Canada. Reside in Springfield, N. H. 600. Leavitt S." (Richard G. ,' Moses") , b. in Spring field, N. H., 6 Oct. 1826 ; m. 16 Oct. 1862, Mary S. Davis, who d. 26 April, 1888, aged 51 years. Children : Pillsbury genealogy. 223 i. James B., b. 29 Feb. 1864; m. 25 Aug. 1887, Melissa A. Barton. ii. John P., b. 10 Aug. and d. 15 Oct. 1873. iii. Alered, b. 2 July 1876. Resides in Grantham, N. H. 601. Charles V." (Charies,' Moses"), b. in White- field, 1833 ; m. 1864, M. J. Philbrick. Has two sons and three daughters. Resides in Milford, N. H. 603. Francis B." (Charies,' Moses") , b. 13 July 1836; m. 14 March 1867, Naomi Sargent, of Springfield, daugh ter of Welles and Naomi Sargent. Children : i. Emma J., b. 13 July 1868. ii. Lovinia, b. 28 Oct, 1870, iii. ZENA W., b. 23 Oct. 1872. iv. Ben,, b, 7 Feb, 1875. V, Orrin, b, 27 Nov, 1876. vi. Ercelia, b, 9 Nov, 1878. vii. Ella, b, 3 Dec, 1881. viii. Francis B., b. 9 Oct. 1883. ix. Matilda J., b. 6 May 1886. Reside in Grantham, N. H. 603. Helen Frances" (Alfred,' Silas"), b. in W. Newbury, Mass., Aug. 1824; d. in Newburyport, 8 March 1890 ; m. Stephen S. Pike, of Newburyport. Children : i. Alered p. ii. William. iii. Adelaide. iv. Hattie B. V. Carrie F. 604. Stephen M." (Alfred,' Silas"), b. in W. New bury, Mass., 26 July 1826; m. 20 Oct. 1849, Emeline R. WeblDcr. Children : i. Stephen M., Jr., b. 11 Oct. 1850 ; d. in Chelsea, Mass., 19 April 1880. ii. Alfred, b. 25 July 1853. A druggist in Menomonee, Wis.; m. 28 Sept, 1885, Lennie M, Larkham. iii. John Chase Carr, b. 22 Sept. 1855. In business in Pasadena, Cal. ' iv, Oscar, b, 26 Nov, 1857 ; d. 12 Jan. 1858. V. Sarah Bertha, b. 27 July 1859, Resides in Pasadena, Cal. 769. vi. Lawrence Webber, b. 25 Nov. 1863. vii. Susie Belle, b. 12 May 1869. Resides in Pasadena, Cal, 224 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 605. Daniel" (Thomas,' Simeon"), b. 1836; m. ist, 29 May 1858, Elisabeth H. Rogers. Children : i. Joseph Edwin, b. in Byfield, Oct. 1859 ; d. in Bradford, 5 July 1883. 770. ii. Lydia, b. July 1862 ; d. Nov. 1879. iii. Ednah G., b, June 1865 ; m, 2 Aug. 1884, Lyman Y. Yorke. Daniel m. 2d, 16 Jan. 1886, Rebecca A. Rogers. Re sides in Byfield. 606. Sarah E." (Thomas,' Simeon") , b. 9 May 1839 ; m. I Dec. 1856, John Hardy. Children: Charles, b. i860. i. John F., b. 1863. ii. George, b. 1866. V, Alice, b. 1868. V. Infant, b. and d. 1874. 607. William E." (Thomas,' Simeon"), b. in New buryport, 27 Feb. 1850; m. ist, 2 April 1871, Lucy H. Butler, of Rockland, Me.; m. 2d, 29 Aug. 1879, Emma Marshall. Children : Willie H., b. 3 Jan. 1880. i, Roy E,, b. in Haverhill, Mass., 7 June 1882. ii. Carl L,, b, in Haverhill, Mass,, 24 March 1885. He m. 3d, 19 Aug. 1893, Eva L. Spear, of Faribault, Minn. Is superintendent of the State fish-hatchery, Wil- kinsonville, Mass. 608. Joseph T." (Uriah,' Simeon") , b. in Georgetown, Mass., 1840; m. 4 March 1867, Emeline A. Hardy, of Georgetown. Children : i. Lillie M., b. 1869 ; m. 30 May 1887, Oswald J. Wightman. ii. Eugene, b. 1871. iii. Florence A., b. 16 Nov. 1872 ; m. 27 Aug. 1889, Geo. H. Kneeland. iv. Joseph E., b. 3 June 1875 ; d. in Haverhill, 26 Jan. 1884. 609. Richmond L." (Uriah,' Simeon"), b. in George town, 9 Oct. 1844; m. ist, Sarah C. Centre, of Derry, N. H., II July 1869 ; m. 2d, Josie Atkins, 13 April 1889. ChHd : Fred Everett, b. in Haverhill, 6 Jan. 1890. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 225 610. MosES K." (Uriah,' Simeon"), b. 1858; m. 25 Sept. 1882, Carrie L- Shattuck, of Andover, Mass. Child- dren : i. Clarence H,, b, in Georgetown, 8 March 1884, ii. Bertha M,, b, in Georgetown, i July 1886, iii, Charles W,, b, iu Georgetown, 8 March 1888. iv. Forrester K;, b. in Georgetown, 19 Feb. 1890. 611. Harlan F." (Uriah,' Simeon") , b. 22 Aug.i86i ; m. 18 Dec. 1883, Hattie F. Pevere, of Haverhill, Mass. Children : i, Herbert, b. in Haverhill, 2 Oct, 1884, ii, Ernest, b, in Haverhill, 18 Dec. 1886, iii, Howard E,, b. in Georgetown, 10 June 1890, 613. Alice" (Francis R.,' Amos"), b. 16 Feb. 1831 ; d. 13 Sept. 1894; m. 23 Jan. 1851, John T. Kennett, who d. 28 Nov. 1888. Children : i. Henry R,, b, 3 Feb, 1853. ii. James a,, b, 16 June i860, iii, Annie A,, b, 8 June 1862. - iv. John R., b, 24 June 1864, V. Alice M,, b, 2 Oct, 1873, Mar)', Francis, Hiram, Phebe R., d, in infancy. 613. Lydia A." (Francis R.,' Amos"), b. 6 Jan. 1835; m. 12 Feb. 1853, Stephen D. Kennett. Resides in Merrimac, Mass. Children : i. Julia A, R,, b. 4 Feb, 1855, ii. LaForeST D,, b, 23 April 1857, iii, Ella M,, b, 9 Nov, 1861. iv. AU.STIN E., b, 28 Dec, 1866 ; d. 10 Dec, 1871, V, Clarence A,, b, 27 Aug, 1871 ; d. 24 Aug. 1873. vi. OSC.4.R A,, b, 27 Aug. 1871, 614. Hiram R." (Francis R.,' Amos"), b. 29 July 1837; d. 28 June 1884; m. June 1870, Emilv Bailey. Children : i. Charles F., b. 24 June 1871, ii. Annie, d, in infancy, iii. Annie Josephine, b. Jan, 1881, 226 pILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 615. Melinda A." (SewaU,' Amos"), b. 5 Dec. 1854; m. 8 F^eb. 1872, William G. Smith, of Georgetown, Mass. Children : i. Ruth Anna, ii. George Sewall- iii. Mabel Grace. iv. Wm. G. 616. Hervey C." (Gorham P.,' Amos"), b. 19 Oct. 1851 ; m. 22 Oct. 1872, Hannah, daughter of George and Sarah S. Hargrave, of Geneva, N. Y. Is a clergyman in Vergennes, Vt. Children : i. Berton Hargrave, b. 17 June 1875. ii. Fannie Belle, b. 27 May 1882 ; d. 29 June 1884. iii. Maude Alice, b, 15 Oct,' 1888. 617. Fred C." (Gorham P.,' Amos"), b. in W. New bury, Mass., 19 April 1857. A clergyman of the M. E. Church in Michigan ; m. Lilian Green, of Detroit. 618. Carrie S." (Gorham P.,' Amos"), b. in W. Newbury, Mass., 19 April 1857; m. Frank W. Parker, of East Derry, who d. 21 Dec. 1887. Child : Charles G., b. July 1885. 619. Nathaniel M." (Wm. H. ,' Moody") , b. in Wis- cassett. Me., 13 Feb. 1842 ; m. 27 Oct. 1870, in Mt. Car- mel, IH., Clara Bell. ChHdren : i. Victor A., b. 7 March 1872 ; d, 19 Dec, 1882. ii, Lawrence B., b, i Feb. 1874. iii. Maud C, b. 3 July 1878. Resides in Lincoln, Neb. 630. Hannah A." (Wm. H.,'Moody"),b. in Hampton, Me., I June 1846 ; m. 14 May 1865, Charles B. Veasie, of Bangor, Me. Child : William Henry, b. in Bangor, 20 Feb. 1866 ; d. 9 July 1875, at Bucksport. Reside in Lincoln, Neb. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 227 631. Charles OLiN"(Wm. H., ' Moody"), b. in Bucks- port, Me., 6 Aug. 1853 ; m. 7 Oct. 1880, in Brush Creek, Iowa, Emma L. Doane. Children : i. Schuyler D., b. 19 Sept. 1882. ii. Hazel L., b. 4 Feb. 1885, Resides in Fremont, Neb. 633. Edwin L." (Horatio N.,' Moody"), b. in Bucks- port, Me., 21 April 1850; m. 22 Oct. 1884, Louise T., daughterof Capt. Enoch Plummer, of Bath, Me. Children : i. Mabel Lydia, b, '22 Sept, 1885, ii, Edna Louise, b, 21 July 1887. Although Mr. Pilsbury was born in Bucksport, Me., in 1851 his parents removed to Wenhani, Mass., and thence in 1859 to Charlestown which is still his home. His early educational training was received in the schools of Charlestown. He began business life in the employ of Champney Bros. & Co., wholesale smallware dealers in Boston. 5 March 1873, he opened business on his own account, ladies' and gents' furnishings, at 305 Main street, Charlestown. Here he has continued with a fiourishing trade, enlarg ing his establishment from time to time as necessity required. In 1882 and 1883 he was a member of the Legislature, and in 1887 and 1889 of the Senate. He served on the Committee on Prisons, in 1882, 1883 and 1887, being clerk of the same in 1883 ; on the Committee on Water Supply in 1887 ; was chairman of the Committee on Hoosac Tunnel, and Troy and Greenfield R. R. in 1887, and in 1889 was a member of the Committee on Woman Suffrage, and chairman of the Committee on Railroads. In 1889 Mayor Hart appointed Mr. Pilsbury a member of the Boston Board of Health. In 1892 Mayor Matthews appointed him a Commissioner of Public Institutions, and in May 1893 he received a re-appointment for a term of three years. The Board of Commissioners of Public Institutions having been abolished by legislative enactment, Mr. Pilsbury was appointed by Mayor Curtis, i July 1895, a 228 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. member of the Board of Health for the remainer of the term of three years beginning i May 1895. Mr. Pilsbury is Past Grand Master, I. O. O. F., of Mass.; Past Dictator of the Knights of Honor; ex- superintendent of the Universalist Sabbath School, and has been prominent in various literary, social and political organizations. Mr. P. was one of the promoters of the Family Associa tion, and at its first meeting was chosen secretary, which position he has ever since most efficiently filled. 633. Charles A." (George M.,' Moody"), b. in Bucks- port, Me., 2 Nov. 1835; 111. ist, 2 April 1868, Sarah H. Hutchinson, of Chambersburg, Penn., who d. in Altoona, Penn., 11 Dec. 1872. Children: i, George A,, b, 5 Feb. and d, 10 July 1869, ii. Mary A,, b, 9 July 1870, iii, Ch.'lrlES a,, b, 11 Dec, 1872 ; d, 31 July 1873, He m. 2d, 17 Jan. 1875, Clara F. Jones, of Bucksport, Me. Children : iv. Charles S,, b, in Bucksport, 17 Nov. 1875. V, Daniel M,, b, in Altoona, Penn., 12 March 1877, vi, W.\LTER B,, b, in Altoona, Penn,, 2 Aug, 1879, vii. Arthur H., b. in Altoona, Penn., 25 July 1880, viii. EL.SIE M., b, i June and d, 12 July 1882, in Shepards- town, W. Va. Resides in Roanoke, Va. 634. George E." (George M.,' Moody"), b. 20 Sept. 1837 ; 111. 14 Jan. 1861, Hannah Louise Frost, of Hal loweH, Me., who d. Feb. 1864: Child: i, Charles B,, b. Feb, and d, July 1863, He m. 2d, June 1867, in Waldoboro', Me., Fostina Ludwig, who d. July 1870. Child : ii, George, b, June 1869 ; d, in infancy, 635. Mary W.' (John C.,' Moses C"), b. in Chester, N. H., 22 June 1825 ; m. 22 March 1853, Voltaire E. Lary. Children : i. George E,, b, 17 July 1855. ii, Clarence V,, b. 3 July 1857, iii. Elisabeth A,, b, 19 March 1859. iv, Herbert B,, b. 13 April 1861 ; d. 17 Aug. 1868. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 229 636. Eliza M." (John C.,' Moses C"), b. in Derry, N. H., 9 Sept. 1827; m. 19 Dec. 1849, William Flower. Children : i. Alice M., b, 30 Nov, 1850, ii. Mary E,, b, 13 Dec. 1852. Reside in Hartford, Conn. 637. Ann Augusta" (John C.,' Moses C"), b. in Wethersfield, Conn., 27 Feb. 1833; m. 10 Nov. 1858, Isaac J. Upton. ChHdren : i, Edward I,, b, 25 July i860, ii. Annie C, b, 7 July 1867 ; d, 21 July i868. iii. LuTiE P,, b, 8 Feb. 1870. 638. MoSES C." (John C.,' Moses C"), b. in Wethers field, Conn., 12 Aug. 1841 ; m. 13 Sept. 1863, Amelia V. Briggs. Children : i, George B,, b, 3 Jan, 1870. ii, Thomas A., b. 24 Jan, 1875, Mr. PiLsbury is a locomotive engineer, and resides in New Haven, Conn. 639. Thomas A." (John C.,' Moses C"), b. in Derry, N. H., 4 Dec. 1843 ; d. in Concord, N. H., 12 Jan. 1893 ; m. 13 March 1865, Emma Day. Children : i, John A,, b, 3 May 1866; m, 2 Dec, 1889, at Greenville, 111,, Emma E, Sellers, Resides in Concord, N. H, ii, Ajios D,, b. 14 Dec. 1874 ; d, 9 Aug, 1875. Mr. Pilsbury went to Concord at an early age and en tered the employ of the Northern R. R., as fireman, in which service he remained until a short time before the breaking out of the Civil War. He enlisted with his brother in the i6tli Connecticut regiment, and soon found himself in active service. He was in the battles of Antietam and South Mountain and was taken prisoner. He was confined in the prisons of Andersonville and Florence for nine months, and when he was released and returned to Concord he was a physical wreck. His health soon improved, however, and he resumed his place in the employ of the railroad, going into the machine shop. July 12, 1870, he was appointed deputy warden in 230 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. the State prison of which his father was warden. He re mained in this position until 1880, when he went West and engaged in the clothing business in St. Paul, Minn. Soon after the appointment of Warden Dodge, Mr. Pilsbury was induced to give up his business in St. Paul, and he was again made deputy warden, holding the position until about four years previous to his decease, when he went into the wood and coal business wtth Mr. Charles H. Day. 630. Lois C." (John C.,' Moses C"), b. in Derry, N. H., 22 Aug. 1846 ; m. 27 April 1865, Charles W. Lang. Children : George B., b, 30 Nov, 1870. i, Mabel C, b. 18 March 1874. ii, Mary E,, b, 17 March and d, 17 July 1876, V. Mary E,, b. 5 Feb. 1878. Reside in Salem, Mass. 631. Louis Dwight" (Amos,' Moses C") , b. in Weth ersfield, Conn., 28 Jan. 1832 ; m. 2 Oct. 1855, Virginia Hen drickson, of Albany, N. Y., who d. 6 June 1897. ChHd : 771. Emily Augusta, b. 29 Aug. 1865. The branch of the family to which Mr. Pilsbury belongs has been engaged in prison work for nearly a century. He is the oldest living prison warden in the point of service in America. His father, Amos Pilsbury, was known throughout the country for the skill, fidelity and efiiciency with which he managed the afiairs of the various prisons with which he had to do, and the son has followed in his footsteps. At the age of sixteen he was appointed a guard at the Albany Penitentiary, of which institution his father was superintendent. From guard he advanced through the successive grades of promotion, filling every position below that of superintendent, until on March i, 1873, he was appointed by the Joint Board to succeed his father. He held the position until 1879, when having been ap pointed to a higher and more important trust, he retired. In 1877 he was appointed by Governor Robinson, of New York, superintendent of State prisons, which position he held five years. His last charge has been the peni tentiary at BlackwelPs Island, New York harbor. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 23 1 Constant care of criminals and association with prison life have not hardened Warden Pilsbury's nature. He is jolly rather than morose and stern, as one would naturally think such a long term of years as a prison warden would make him. Although he has spent all his life about prisons he is a well-read man, and has countless acquaint ances and friends in the large cities throughout the country. He resides in a commodious residence on BlackwelPs Island, just north of the penitentiary. 633. Walter F." (Joseph,' Caleb") , b. in Dorchester, Mass., 24 July, 1858 ; m. 25 Oct. 1887, Carrie E. Collins, of Kingston, N. H. Child : William H., b. 5 Sept. and d. 9 Oct, 1889, Resides in Dorchester, Mass. 633. Laura F." (Thomas W.,' Caleb"), b. in Dor chester, 14 Aug. 1850 ; m. 25 Oct. 1870, Benjamin P. Eldredge. Children : i. BERTHA M., b, 27 Oct, 1874 ; d. 20 Aug, 1875. ii. Arthur, b. 6 Feb. 1878. iii. Maud, b, 1 June 1887, 634. George H." (Hariin,' SamueP), b. in LoweH, Mass., 8 June 1843 ; m. 5 June 1872, Mary A. Boyden, of Lowell. Children : i. Boyden H., b. 27 June 1874. ii. George a., b. 19 Dec, 1876, iii. Henry C, b, 27 May 1881. iv. Mary B., b. 23 July 1888. A prominent physician in Lowell, Mass. 635. Harlin Henry" (Benjamin L.,' SamueP), b in Hampstead, N. H., 15 May 1833 ; m. 29 June 1859, Hattie Foster, of North Andover, Mass. Children : i. Carrie H., b, 19 Jan, 1861 ; d. i April 1884. ii. Grace M., b, 9 May 1866 ; d. 13 June 1876. iii. Ernest S., b, 12 July 1868. iv. Arthur C, b. 9 Oct. 1870. A practicing physician in Auburn, Placer Co., Cal. 232 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 636. Daniel Sargent" (Benj. L.,' SamueP), b. in Hampstead, 5 May 1836; m. ist, 10 Aug. 1864, Sarah Tisdale, of Middleboro', Mass. Children: i, Annie M, ^ ii. Millie S. He m. 2d, Mary Goldthwaite, of Medford, Mass. Mr. PHlsbury is extensively engaged in the manufacture of envelopes and fine stationery. Sixth avenue and 39th street. New York city. 637. Emma L." (Benj. L.,' Samuel"), b. in Hampstead, 7 June 1838; m. i Jan. 1861, James Pillsbury Lane. Children : i, James H., b. 10 Dec. 1862, ii, Bernard H,, b, 28 Sept, 1866. iii, John A., b, 2 Aug, 1868, iv, Ralph E,, b, 16 Aug, 1870; d. 19 Dec. 1871. V. Annie E., b. 18 June 1873. vi, Maria R,, b 18 March 1878. 638. Mary J." (Lyman,' SamueP), b. in Sandown, N. H., 15 Jan. 1834; d. 15 May 1896; m. 26 Nov. 1857, Daniel Brickett, of Haverhill, who d. Veh. 1892 . Children : i, Clara D,, b. Sept. 1858 ; d. 26 Nov, 1892, ii. Arthur N., b. 12 April 1864. Resides in Haverhill, Mass. 639. Alden E." (Lyman,' SamueP), b. in Sandown, 25 July 1837 ; m. i Feb. 1871, Lizzie P. Sargent, of Amesbury, Mass. A farmer, residing on the old family • homestead in Sandown, N.H. Children : i. Frank N,, b, 4 April 1872, ii. Gertrude S., b, 7 Oct. 1877. 640. Marcus M.'' (Harrison,' Samuel"), b. in Hano ver, N. H., 18 AprH 1834; m. 2 Sept. 1869, Hattie A. Hoyt, of Napanock, N. Y. Children : 1. Mary Chellis, b. i May 1871. ii. Edith, b, 13 Jan, 1877, Mr. Pillsbury is engaged in the hardware business in New York city. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 233 641. Herbert P.° (Joshua P.,' Levi") , b. in Petersham, Mass., 29 Feb. 1848; m. March 1866, Virginia Moran, of Washington, D. C. Children : i, Edwin H,, b, 9 Aug, 1867. ii. EuLA v., b, 21 May and d, 10 July 1872, iii. Mary A,, b, 27 June 1873, iv, Bessie C, b, 2 Sept, 1880. Resides in Washington, D. C. 643. Harriet N." (John M.,' Levi"), b. in Ashburn ham, Mass., 10 June 1835; m. 11 May 1853, John C. Willard, of Winchendon, Mass., who d. 15 Jan. 1877. Children : i, Frederick A,, b, 20 Oct. 1856, ii, Nellie H,, b, 17 July 1859, iii, MiLO F., b. 18 Sept, 1861, iv, Charles H,, b. 21 Oct. 1863. 643. Abbie Kate" (John M.,' Levi"), b. in Winchen don, 21 Nov. 1844 ; 111. 17 June 1868, Burton B. Murdock, of Royalston, Mass. Children : i, Florence Jessie, b, 8 April 1874. ii. Edgar Burton, b. 14 March 1877. Reside in Webster, Mass. 644. Hattie A." (Stephen,' John"), b. in Piermont, N. H., 2 Nov. 1839 ; d. in Franklin, Mass., 14 March 1880; 111. in Medwa}', Mass., 19 Jan. 1861, Homer V. Snow. Children : i, Mattie L., b, 13 Sept, 1862, ii. Walter, b, 3 Dec, 1863, 645. Stephen A." (Stephen, ' John"), b. 16 Aug. 1849 ; d. 3 Aug. 1869; m. 1868, Mary McNally, who d. 1885. Child : Walter S. 646. Abigail A." (James N.,' Caleb"), b. in Lynn, Mass., 28 Aug. 1831 ; m. 3 Aug. 1854, Charles W. Bates, of Lynn. Children : i, Addie BI., b, 22 Dec, 1855. ii, Charles W,, b, 2 Feb, 1859. iii. Ada M., b, 22 April 1868, 234 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 647. M.\RY E." (James N.,' Caleb"), b. in Lynn, 30 Jan. 1833; d. 30 Nov. i860; m. 2 Aug. 1852, Charles J. Butler. Children : i. Charles E., b. 25 Sept. 1853. ii. James W., b. 20 April 1856. iii. Samuel P., b. Aug. 1859. 648. James N." (James N.,' Caleb"), b. in Lynn, 4 Dec. 1834; m. ist, 26 AprH 1856, Elisabeth CasweU. ChHd : i. Lizzie E., b. 10 Feb. 1857 ; d. 3 Dec. 1881. He m. 2d, 19 Nov. 1861, Sarah M. Leavitt, of Ports mouth, N. H. Children: 772. ii. George E,, b. 9 Aug. 1862. iii. Harry M,, b. 22 March 1864 ; d. 24 Dec. 1895. iv. Perley p., b. 31 March 1866. V. Grace Olive, b. 2 March 1871 ; d. 5 Nov. 1876. vi. John W., b. 6 April 1873. Resides in Lynn, Mass. 649. Daniel D. C." (James N.,' Caleb"), b. 31 Jan. 1839; m. 24 June 1871, Annie, daughterof William and Harriet N. Pratt. Resides in Lynn. Children : i. Fred C, b. 27 Dec. 1872. ii. Arthur L., b. i Feb. 1877. 650. Lydia J." (James N.,' Caleb"), b. 24 Jan. 1841; m. 2 Sept. 1858, Alonzo Hollis. Children : i. Alonzo, b. i May 1859. ii. Mary, b. 18 Jan. 1861. Reside in Lynn. 651. Freeman M." (James N.,' Caleb"), b. in Lynn, Mass., II March 1843; m. in Topsfield, Mass., 10 Nov. 1871, Emma Mullin. Children : i. Frank E,, b, 5 July 1872, ii. Walter H., b. 9 March and d. 25 Aug, 1874. iii, Florence L., b. 7 Dec. 1877 ; d. 21 Sept. 1879. Resides in Lynn. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 235 653. Emma G." (James N.,' Caleb"), b. in Lynn, 4 June 1849; ni. in Salisbury, Mass., 25 Nov. 1868, Eben N. Currier. Child : Horace E., b. 13 June and d. Sept. 1871. 653. Sarah A." (James N.,' Caleb"), b. in Lynn, 4 Oct. 1851 ; m. in Watertown, Mass., 16 July 1871, Frank Holbrook. Children. i. Amos F. ii. Bessie. 654. Joseph H." (Caleb G.,' Caleb"), b. in Pittsfield, N. H., 28 Feb. 1838; m. in Holland, Vt., in 1859 or i860, Ascenath C. Wheeler. Children : i. Annie L. ii. Caleb G. iii. Jessie. 655. Caleb A." (Caleb G.,' Caleb"), b. in Piermont, N. H., 7 March 1841 ; m. in New York city, 30 April 1866, Emma M. Baxter. Children: i. Samuel a. ii. Grace A. iii. Luther B. Reside in Derby Line, Vt. 656. Isaac N." (Caleb G.,' Caleb"), b. in Piermont, N. H., 22 Nov. 1843 ; d. in New York city, 6 June 1881 ; m. 22 Dec. 1870, Annie L. Long. Child: John. 657. James K." (Caleb G.,' Caleb"), b. in Piermont, N.H., 24 Oct. 1847 ; m. in 1868, Pamelia Parker. Child: Kate, 658. FRANKD.XWHliain R.,' Caleb"), b. in Piermont, N. H., 13 March 1847; m. 23 Sept. 1874, Elsie M., daughter of John and Mary A. O'Neill. Children : i, Emma Grace, b, 11 July 1880, ii. Frank Chester, b, h Aug, 1882. Reside in Bridgewater, N. H. 236 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 659. Jasper H." (David K. ,' Caleb") , b. 22 Feb. 1852 ; m. June 1870, Orissa J. Marston, of Rumney, N. H. Chil dren : i. M.4.RY A,, b, 14 June 1872, ii, ISABELLE F,, b, 15 Nov. 1876. iii. Grace A,, b. 22 Feb, 1878. iv. William J., b. 27 Feb. 1880. Resides in Rumney, N. H. 660. Henry F." (Randall J.,' Caleb"), b. in Holder ness, N. H., 15 June 1859; m. in Bridgewater, N. H., 5 Nov. 1884, Abby L. Barnard. Child : Inez E., b. 24 Sept. 1885 ; d. 15 Dec. 1887. 661. Ida G." (Randall J.,' Caleb"), b. in Holderness, 16 Nov. 1861 ; m. 18 Aug. 1885, Wm. F. Danforth, of Manchester, N. H. Child : Zela Edna, b. 12 Dec. 1887, 663. Arthur J." (Josiah H.,' Stephen"), b. in Lon donderry, N. H., 31 Jan. 1854 ; 111. in Lawrence, Kan., 15 Sept. 1881, De Etta Warren. ChHd : Warren Hobart, b, in Tulare, Cal,, 12 Dec, 1887. Mr. Pillsbury is editor of a prominent journal in Southern California, and a contributor to various periodicals. Re sides in Tulare, Cal. 663. Annie M.' (Josiah H.,' Stephen"), b. in Zean dale, Kan., 25 Jan. 1858 ; m. May 1884, James R. Young, of Manhattan, Kan. Children : i. A daughter, b, in Cal, and d, in Kan, ii. Clifford C, b, in 1887, Reside in Junction City, Kan. 664. Ellen B." (Josiah H.,' Stephen"), b. in Zean dale, Kan., 5 March i860; m. 18 July 1882, Miles Ells worth. Children : i. Edna Vira, b, 14 Nov, 1884. ii, Annie A,, b, 15 May 1888. Reside in Tulare, Cal. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 237 665. Mary A." (Josiah H.,' Stephen"), b. in Zean dale, 7 Oct. 1862 ; m. 22 April 1880, Edward A. Ackerly, of Rochester, N. Y. Children : i. A son died in infancy. ii. Harold Edward, b, Oct, 1887, Resides in Rochester, N. Y. 666. ]\L\ry a. Lavinia" (Edwin,' Stephen"), b. in New Bedford, Mass., 7 March 1848 ; in. in Leavenworth, Kan., 12 May 1864, Leonard Drury. Children: i, Emma, b, 27 Feb, 1866, ii, Leonard, b. 25 April 1868. iii, Mabel, b, 25 Oct, 1869, iv. Edwin, b, 2 Sept. 1871. V, Frank, b, 12 Aug. 1873, vi, Eva, b, 22 Dec. 1875, vii. RoY, b, 6 Jan, 1878. viii. Wesley, b, 24 Dec, 1879. ix, Daisy, b, 18 Dec, 1881, X, Grace, b, 10 Jan, 1885, xi. BESSIE, b. 13 Nov. 1889. 667. Edwin J." (Edwin,' Stephen"), b. in London derry, N. H., 6 Nov. 1852 ; m. in Shelton, Conn., 3 Jan. 1888, Carrie E. , daughter of John W. Dains. Two children. 668. Hobart A." (Edwin,' Stephen"), b. in New Bedford, Mass., 6 Jan. 1855; m. in Wetmore, Kan., 23 Dec. 1883, Ella M., daughter of Richard A. ConiieH. Children : i. Valentine V,, b, 16 Oct. 1885, ii. Edwin A,, b. 28 Feb, 1887. iii. Stephen H,, b, 2 Jan, 1889. iv, Maude; A,, b, 4 Nov, 1890, V. Emma M,, b. 10 July 1892. vi, Nellie a,, b, 28 July 1894, 669. Roby J." (Edwin,' Stephen"), b. in New Bed ford, 6 Nov. 1857 ; m. 6 Feb. 1875, in Manl^attan, Kan., Albert W. Paige. ¦ Resides in Topeka, Kan. Children : i, Albert a,, b, 24 Nov. 1876. ii, Charles M,, b, 18 June 1878, iii, Fred M., b, 13 March 1883. 238 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 670. Valentine W." (Edwin,' Stephen") , b. in Leav enworth, 9 Sept. 1866; m. in Manhattan, 3 March 1892, Edgar B. Colburn. Child : Everett p., b. 7 June 1895. Resides in Manhattan, Kan. 671. Helen E." (Edwin,' Stephen"), b. in Leaven worth, Kan., 14 March 1869; m. in Manhattan, Kan., 17 Dec. 1888, Ellery C. KimbaH. ChHdren : i. William L. G., b. 22 Dec. 1889. ii, , Harriet A,, b. 17 Jan. 1891. iii. Joseph E., b. 14 Dec. 1894. 673. ROSECRANS W." (Wm. S.,' Stephen"), b. in Lon donderry, N. H., 18 Sept. 1863 ; m. 10 Sept. 1885, Annie E., daughter of Horace P. Watts, of Manchester, N. H. Children : i, Maria, b. 18 Sept. 1886, ii. Horace W., b. 5 Sept. 189I. Engaged in the practice of law in Manchester, but re siding in Derry, N. H. 673. Charles H." (Wm. S.,' Stephen"), b. in Lon donderry, 16 March 1866; m. 27 March 1888, Fannie A. Tyson. Children : i. Viola T., b, 3 April 1889, ii, William, b. 14 Jan. 1891. 674. Frederick S." (Leonard H.,' Stephen"), b. in Kingston, N. H., 28 June 1864; m. 31 March 1887, Elisabeth R. Caldwell, of New Boston, N. H. Children : i. Hobart Burnside, b. 26 Jan. 1888. ii. Lillian Mertie, b. 4 Oct. 1891. Is engaged in the hardware business at Derry Depot, N. H. 675. James M." (Micajah,' Joseph"), b. 18 Oct. 1836 ; m. 25 Oct. 1857 ; Mary J. Newman, of Auburn, N. Y. Children : i, Nellie M., b, in Manchester, N, H,, 3 June 1863. ii. Lizzie M., b. in Bradford, N. H., 14 Nov. 1867. iii. H. Edwin, b. in Concord, N. H., 31 Jan. 1877. tILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 239 676. Frank J." (Thomas W.,' Joseph"), b. 3 June 1844; m. 29 Dec. 1868, Mary A. Stanley, of Beverly, Mass. Children : i. Thomas H,, b. 30 Dec. 1872. ii. Benjamin O,, b. 25 June 1876, iii. Dorothy, b. 5 Oct. 1888. Resides in Concord, N. H. 677. Ellen A." (Thomas W.,' Joseph"), b. 26 Nov. 1850 ; m. 24 Nov. 1869, Orrin F. Carter, of Concord, N. H. ChHdren : i. John P., b. 25 Oct, 1872, ii, Fred E,, b. 5 June 1874, iii, Kate A., b, 28 Feb, 1876 ; d. 4 Feb. 1881. iv, Etta May, b. 25 Aug. 1881. 678. Charles A." (George A. ,' John") , b. in Warner, N. H., 3 Dec. 1842 ; m. 12 Sept. 1866, Mary A. Stinson, daughter of Charles and Mary A. (Poor) Stinson, of Dunbarton, N. H. ChHdren : i. George Alfred, b. 4 Oct. 1871 ; d. 22 Dec. 1872. ii. Margaret C, b, 18 July 1876; d. 26 April 1881. iii. Charles S., b. 6 Dec, 1878. iv. John S., b. 6 Dec. 1878, Warner, N. H., a small country town, was Mr. Pills bury's birthplace, and there he attended school until he was twelve years old. His father then moved to Concord, where Charles attended school and graduated at the age of sixteen ; he then attended the Academy at New London for a year to prepare himself for college. He entered Dart mouth, and during the four years that he was there earn ing his diploma, he taught school at intervals to earn money enough to pay his way. His father at that time was a comparatively poor man, and he is not ashamed of the fact that while he was a boy he often sold newspapers on the street. After finishing his course in college he went to Montreal, and was employed as a clerk in a general produce com mission store for three years, and acquired a small interest in the business which he sold out and went West. His uncle, John S. Pillsbury, since governor of Minnesota, at that time had just removed to Minneapolis, and thither 240 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. Charles turned his footsteps in 1869, and soon after bought an interest in a small flour mill at the Falls. At that time there were four or five mills in Minneapolis, but they were all of the old-fashioned sort, using buhr- stones for reducing the grain. He applied himself per- sistentl)' to learn the details of the business, always alert to adopt new methods, and resolved to make the best pro duct possible. About this time the middlings purifier, a Minneapolis invention,, was introduced, and gradually per fected so as to produce a revolution in connection with other improvements in the process of milling. The Christians, the Washburns, the Pillsburys, re modeled their mills and put the new process flour on the market, each vying with the other to produce the best fiour. How well ^Ir. Pillsbury succeeded is attested by the favor with ^vhicll " Pillsbury's Best " was received in all the markets of the country, being soon recognized as the best brand of flour in the world. In 1872 Mr. Pillsbury had gained such prestige and success in milling, that he associated his father, George A. (his uncle, John S., had from the beginning been inter ested with him), in the business and graduaHy enlarged its scope and operations. At a later period his brother, Fred C. Pillsbury, was admitted to the firm, which con tinued as Charles A. PilLsbury & Co., until the acquisition of the property by the English sjaidicate which now con trols it. To the original mill were added by purchase or lease the Pillsbury "B" mill, the Empire, Excelsior, and Anchor mills. These were all rebuilt and fitted with the most improved and modern machinery. To supply them with wheat, the Millers' Association was organized, whose buyers penetrated all parts of the northwrest, and made selections from the grain fields of the best wheat for the Minneapolis mills. A system of elevators for the storage of the immense supplies of wheat needed to keep the mills in operation, was buHt, distributed through the wheat districts of the north-western states and territories. Not content with these achievements the milling firm determined to build a new mill which was located on the PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 241 water power of the east side of the river. Mr. PHlsbury visited Europe to study the process of milling in vogue there, and went to Buda Pesth, the seat of the celebrated Hungarian mills which then produced the best known flour to all European tastes. Having mastered all the science and practical skill of the business, he proceeded with the equipment of the Pillsbury "A" mill. When completed it had a capacity of 9000 barrels of flour per day, and was then and remains to-day the largest and best flour mill in the world. To say that Mr. Pillsbury has organized a milling busi ness with a capacity of 22,500 barrels of flour per day, with the accompanying methods of securing a constant supply of over 100,000 bushels of wheat per day, and distributing the product in all the markets in the country, and many foreign ones ; that the business has prospered through droughts, panics, and strikes, and that no combi nation of aggressors or grangers has been able to crush it, is sufficient without words to characterize the sagacity, enterprise, and breadth of purpose of the mind which has planned and the firmness of the hand whioh held the helm . In 1890 the mills and business were sold to an English syndicate, which acquired besides the milling property of the Washburns, and the water power of the Falls of St. Anthony. Mr. Pillsbury remains as manager of the property, and one of the three American directors, receiv ing it is said the largest salary paid to any business manager in the whole country. In connection with the milling business Mr. Pillsbury has become widely prominent in benevolent and economic circles, by his early introduction of, and persistence in adhering to, a system of profit-sharing with his em ployees. The profits of' the year after apportioning to capital invested a reasonable interest, are divided between capital and labor on an equitable basis. Under this plan, as high as $25,000 per year has been distributed among the employees of the firm, while at the same time they have received liberal wages and are not made liable for any losses in business. It is understood that Mr. Pillsbury claims no considera tion of benevolence in this unique distribution of profits, 242 PILLSBURY GENEALOGV. but puts it on the ground of wise business prudence, like insurance and kindred safeguards. While strikes and lockouts have occasionally disturbed the course of other lines of business in the vicinity, they have never come to vex the tranquility of Mr. Pillsbury, the whole working force having been interested in the success of the business. So busy a man has naturally declined office and political honors, though these have been repeatedly tendered him. The only exception during his residence in Minneapolis was the office of State senator which he held for the ten years succeeding Jan. i, 1877. He is popular with all clashes, easily accessible, and democratic in his associa tions. His large fortune is liberally used in the promo tion of public interests, and bounteously distributed in the channels of a wide beneficence. 679. Fred C." (George A.,' John"), b. in Concord, N. H., 27 Aug. 1852; d. in Minneapolis, Minn., 15 May 1892 ; m. 19 Oct. 1876, Alice F. Cook, of M. Children : i. George A., b, 12 Dec. 1877 ; d. 24 Nov. 1881. ii. Hattie G., b. 9 Dec. 1879. iii. Carlton C, b. 13 May 1882. iv. Marian, b. 7 June 1884 ; d. 17 Jan, 1887. V. Helen, b. Sept. 1886. vi. Alice, b. 22 April 1889. Mr. Pillsbury started for Minneapolis in 1872 in com pany with his uncle ex-Gov. John S. PiHsbury. He became a clerk in the hardware store of his uncle and remained there until 1875 when he was admitted as one of the partners of the general milling firm of C. A. Pillsbury & Co. He continued an active member of the firm until the business was partially sold out to an English syndicate in 1890. He retained an active interest in the new combine, but was not active in the management of the company. He had previously acquired an interest in the Northwestern Milling Company, and when this firm with others was consolidated as the Northwestern Con solidated Milling Company he was one of its leading spirits. He was a member of the board of directors and chairman of the executive committee. He was also connected with and owned large interests in three different elevator companies, and was besides PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 243 active in other business matters. He was a director of the First National Bank and a member of the board of managers of the state reformatory at St. Cloud, and of the Minneapolis chamber of commerce. During the year 1890 he was president of the Minnesota Agricultural Society and placed it in a more prosperous condition than it had been for years. He was a member and also director of the Minneapolis Driving Park Association. Mr. Pillsbury was a Free Mason and had advanced to the highest degrees of the order. He took a great interest in the work of his lodges, and when the idea of a Masonic Temple was advanced he entered into it with great zest. A Republican in politics, he was one of the conservative politicians. He never held a political office because he never was a seeker after honors. He had a host of friends and was decidedly popular. 680. Mary F." (John D.,'John"), b. in Lowell, Mass., 20 Nov. 1842 ; m. in 1867, Melville J. Kennison, who d. in 1872 ; Children : i. Maude E. ii. Grace D. iii. George M. She m. 2d, 1875, John S. Cochran. Resides in Lowell. 681. Thomas S." (Nehemiah O.,' John"), b. in Ban gor, Me., I Dec. 1838 ; m. 20 Dec. 1878, in Dallas, Texas, Nora A. Lamar, daughter of Wm. F. Lamar, of Cobden, 111. ChHdren : i. A son, b. and d. 26 Aug. 1879. ii. A son, b. and d. 12 June 1880. iii. Herbert S., b. in Brownsville, Oregon, 11 Dec. 1882. Mr. Pillsbury has been engaged for a number of years in business in Brownsville, and is a much respected citizen of that place, having been elected to the office of mayor for two successive years. 683. John Milton" (Amos D. ,' John") , b. in George town, Mass., 24 May 1837; m. i May 1872, Adelaide J. Wilcox. No children. 244 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. Mr. Pillsbury is a graduate of Harvard Medical School and a practicing ph}'siciaii. Was hospital steward of the ist Massachusetts Heavy Artillery from 4 July to 30 Sept. 1 86 1. Was in the medical department of the United States Army from 1861 to 1867. 683. Evans Searle" (Samuel,' SamueP), b. in Mon son, Me., 8 Aug. 1839; m. Estelle Davis. Children: i. Edith. ii. Horace D. Resides in San Francisco, Cal., and is a prominent member of the legal profession. 684. Adoniram J." (Timothy A.,' SamueP), b. in Monson, Me.; d. in Andersonville prison-pen; m. Sept. 1856, Olive A., daughterof Azor Merrill, of Lewiston, Me. Children : i. Addie R., b. in Princeton, Wis., 23 Sept. 1857 ; m. James C. Palmer, 24 April 1879 ; m, 2d, William Penn, 13 Aug, 1895. ii, AzoR M., b, in Waupun, Wis., 22 July 1861 ; d. in Boston, 14 May 1878. iii. Vesta E., b. 23 April 1863 ; m, James W. Armstrong, ¦ 9 Aug, 1883. 685. Nathaniel G." (Timothy A.,' SamueP), b. in Danbury, N. H., 14 Aug. 1838 ; m. 23 Aug. 1866, Melissa A. Baldwin, who d. 16 Jan. 1876. Children : i. Geneva Amanda, b. 18 Oct, 1869. ii. Leslie Orris, b. 10 April 1871. iii. Georgiana, b. 14 July 1873. Resides in Emporia, Kan. 686. Frank B." (Josiah,' George"), b. in Winslow, Me., 1842; m. 16 June 1864, in Christ Church, New Zealand, Alice M., daughter of Sir Edward Coppell, of London, Eng. Children : 773, i, George J, E,, b, in New Zealand, 17 March 1865, ii, M.'i.RSHALL O, P,, b, in Muskegon, Wis., 17 Feb. 1875. iii. Lewis E. E., b. in Muskegon, Wis,, 26 Jan. 1877. iv. Maude M, A,, b, in Muskegon, Wis., 13 Nov. 1879. V. Bernice L. E., b. in Muskegon, Wis., 17 Dec. 1883. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 245 Mr. Pillsbury is a resident of Muskegon, Wis. Was educated for the bar and has held various public offices and positions of trust. 687. Esther" (George,' George"), b. in Vassalboro', Me., Sept. 1837; m. Oct. 1859, Harvey Piatt. Children: i. Mary E., b. 8 Dec. i860. ii. Clara B,, b, 14 Aug, 1862. iii. Charles A,, b, 11 June 1870, Reside in San Francisco, Cal. 688. Annie M." (George,' George"), b. in Vassalboro' , 29 Feb. 1840 ; m. 24 Nov. 1864, Morrill C. Osgood, of Amesbury, Mass. Children : i. George, b. 23 Nov, 1866 ; d. 3 Nov. 1872. ii. and iii. Ruth and ALBERT, b, 23 Dec, 1868 ; d, soon. iv. James, b. 7 May 1870 ; d, soon, V. Herbert p., b. and d. Feb. 1881. Reside in Concord, N. H. 689. Charles" (George,' George"), b. in Vassalboro', 5 Jan. 1842 ; m. 22 Dec. 1866, Emma, daughter of George Spalding, of Winslow, Me. Children : i. Brainard G., b. 27 Dec, 1867. 774. ii. Annie M.,b. 14 Feb. 1870. iii. George, b. 15 j'an. and d. 17 June 1872. Resides in Winslow, Me. 690. Clara E." (George,' George"), b. in Vassalboro', 23 Sept. 1843 ; m. 15 May 1864, Enoch Hoyt, of Salis bury, Mass. Children : i. Mary E., b, 10 April 1865, ii. Alice B., b, 28 April 1867. iii. Fred A,, b. 26 Sept. i86g. iv. Esther b., b. 12 Jan. 1881. Reside in Amesbury, Mass. 691. G. Edward" (George,' George"), b. in Vassal- boto', 1850; 111. 21 AprH 1871, Nettie W. Burnham, of Dixfield, Me.; m. 2d, 18 Oct. 1880, Emma B. Stewart. Children : 246 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. i. Stacey Edward, b. 3 May 1881. ii. Mary Emma, b. 23 July 1882. iii, Daisy Frances, b. 4 Sept. 1884. iv. Eben F., b. 10 Aug. 1889. V. Elmer George, b. 13 June 1894. Resides in Lewiston, Me. 693. LuRA M." (George,' George"), b. in Waterville, Me., 28 March 1862 ; d. in N. Vassalboro', 30 June 1886 ; m. 24 Dec. 1879, James F. White. Children : Kate and Nettie, both of whom died in infancy. 693. Cassius C." (Caleb D.,' Ebenezer"), b. in San gerville, Me., 13 April 1845; m. 4 July 1867, Henrietta E. Patrick, of Escanaba, Mich. Children : i. Warren, b, April 1868 ; d. 1870. ii. Willard P., b, 15 April 1872. iii. Earl D., b. 6 Feb. 1878. A physician in St. Clair, Mich. 694. Charles B." (Caleb D.,' Ebenezer"), b. in Ban gor, Me., 14 June 1852; m. in Geneseo, 111., 24 Dec. 1878, Ada Miller, who d. 21 Oct. 1885; m. 2d, 17 May 1888, Clara Redding. Child : Curtis Dudley, b. in Duluth, Minn., 15 Aug. 1889. A physician in Duluth, Minn. 695. OSSIAN D. "(Daniel W.,' Ebenezer") , b. in Strong, Me., 19 Aug. 1851 ; m. 15 June 1876, Hewins. Child: Audrey Hewins, b. July 1877. 696. Jerome F." (Eben F.,' Ebenezer"), b. in King- field, Me., 20 Aug. 1849 ; m. 21 June 1869, Annie Knowl ton, in Augusta, who d. 15 Sept. 1873. Child : i. Maud E., b. at Ballston Spa, N. Y., 21 Jan. 1870; ni. 20 Nov. 1889, William C. Alborn, of Chicago. He m. 2d, in Menaska, Wis., 11 April 1875, Laura J. Allen. Child : ii. Harry M., b. in Menaska, 2 Jan. 1876. Resides in Chicago, 111. Superintendent of engineers in the county jail. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 247 697. Addie B." (Eben F.,' Ebenezer"), b. 27 June 1851; m. 19 Jan. 1876, WiHiam A. Waterhouse. ChHdren: i_. William E,, b. in Minneapolis, Minn., 10 Dec. 1876. ii; Harold P,, b. in Augusta, Me., 13 Juue 1879. Resides in Melrose, Mass. 698. Carroll E." (Eben F. ,' Ebenezer") , b. in Farm ington, Me., 27 June 1858; m. 23 Oct. 1886, Ruth S. Prentice, of Melrose, Mass. Child : Ray, b. 20 May 1888. NINTH GENERATION. 699. William M." (James M.," WiHiam'), b. in WH mot Flat, N. H., 23 Aug. 1866 ; m. i Dec. 1889, E. Gertie Davis, of Andover, N. H. Child : Florence Stuart, b. 7 Jan. 1892. Reside at Wilmot Flat, N. H. 700. Georgiana D.° (Melvin," Daniel'), b. 17 Feb. 1843 ; d. in Oakland, Cal., 12 July 1875 ; m. 4 May 1865, Dr. Clinton Cushing, of Turner, 111. Child : Mary Etta, b. 10 Jan. 1867; d. 13 Nov. 1897. (Mrs. J. D. Parsons, Newburyport.) 701. Benjamin Chandler' (Benj. D.," DanieP), b. in Middletown, Conn., 10 Aug. 1854; m. 19 Oct. 1882, Katie E., daughter of David and Katharine Parsons, of Lenox, Mass. Child : Clinton Chandler, b. in Lenox, 10 May 1888. A clergyman of the M. E. church, in Conn. 703. Mary Ella" (Jonathan K.," Enoch') , b. 31 Oct. 1853 ; m. Sept. 1875, JuHus H. Guild, of Walpole, Mass. Children : i. Henry E., b. 8 Feb. 1882. ii. Waldo J., b. 16 Feb. 1885. Reside in N. Walpole. 248 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 703. Addie L.' (Jonathan K.," Enoch'), b. 30 Aug. 1856 ; m. 14 June 1888, Fred J. Robinson, of Walpole, Mass. Children : James H., b. 7 Nov. 1889. i, Elsie Pillsbury, b, 24 July 1891. ii. Clarence E., b. 15 March 1894. Reside in Norwood, Mass. 704. Fannie L." (Jonathan K. ," Enoch') , b. 30 Aug. 1856 ; m. 17 June 1879, Arthur N. Hartshorn, of Walpole, Mass. ChHdren : i. Alfred p., b. 9 June 1881. ii. Ethel L,, b. 22 Feb. 1885. Reside in Norwood. 705. Frank Otis" (Francis E.," Nathaniel W.'), b. in Newburyport, 27 March 1853 ; m. 25 April 1878, Florence A. Ellis, of Walpole. Children : i. Walter Ellis, b. 12 April and d. 18 Sept. 1879. ii. Mary Abbie, b. 25 May 1880, Mr. Pilsbury is a druggist in Walpole, Mass. 706. Helen Abbot" (John W.," Nathaniel W.'), b. in Newburyport, 23 May 1854 ; m. 31 Oct. 1878, John W. Pierce, of Cincinnati, Ohio. Child : Annah C, b. 27 March 1882. Resides in Cincinnati. 707. Elizabeth Gould" (John W. ," Nathaniel W.') , b. in Cincinnati, Ohio, 15 Sept. 1866 ; m. Harry S. Brooks, 26 Nov. 1890. Children : i. Helen. ii. Merrill Pillsbury. Resides in Cincinnati. 708. Addie M." (Edward W.," Enoch'), b. 18 July i860 ; m. I Feb. 1877, Hiram E. Piper. Children : i. Lilian L., b, 19 March 1880. ii. Clara L,, b, 16 Jan, 1883, 709. Fred J." (Samuel," Samuel'), b. in Biddeford, Me., 29 Oct. 1856; m. 29 Dec. 1880, Mattie L. Roberts, of Lyman, Me. Reside in SomervHle, Mass. Children : PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 249 i. Gm? R., b. 3 Dec. 1881 ; d. 19 Feb. 1886. ii. Bertha E., b. 24 July 1886. iii. Alice, b. 6 Nov. 1888. iv. Susie H., b. 25 April 1891. 710. Ralph L.,' (Samuel H.," SamueP), b. in Bidde ford, 7 Aug. 1866; d. in Kittery, 13 Oct. 1892; m. 11 June 1 89 1, Maud, daughter of Zina and Margaret Jackson, of Portland, Me. Child: REna Margaret, b. 25 Sept. 1892. 711. Nathaniel Joy' (Stephen N.," Benjamin'), b. 21 Oct. 1834; m. I Jan. 1855, Eliza J. Cole. Mr. Pillsbury lived on the home farm with his parents until the spring of 1851 when they removed to Saco, York county. Me., where he was engaged for a time by the York Manufacturing Corporation in their mills and dye- house. His health failing him in the summer of 1853 he left the corporation, attended school for a time, passed an examination and commenced teaching. In the beginning of the year 1855 being threatened with consumption he determined to remove to the West, and started for Illinois with his bride in March of that year. They labored for eight years on a farm, when in April, 1863, he entered the law ofiice of Samuel Fleming in Pontiac, the county seat of Livingston county, and the following year was admitted to the bar. He formed a partnership with his old preceptor and in a short time had acquired a lucrative practice and an exceHent reputation as a sound lawj'er, and, what is better still, an honest one. In November, 1879, he was elected from the Forty-fourth legislative district a member of the convention to frame a new constitution for the State of Illinois which had out grown its constitution of 1848. New and important questions were constantly pressing themselves upon the attention of the people, among which may be mentioned the power of the people to control corporations ; to fix rates of transportation, both freight and passenger, by common carriers ; to prevent unjust discrimination by such carriers to either individuals or localities ; to prevent injustice to the grain producer by warehouse-men ; to restrict the right of eminent domain as theretofore exer- 250 pillsbury genealogy. cised ; to reform the judicial and legislative system of the State, and many others of equal importance not essential to be mentioned. In 1873 Mr. Pillsbury was elected judge of the thirteenth judicial circuit of the State, comprising three counties with about 100,000 inhabitants, for the term of six years. In 1877 the circuits were doubled up, an Appellate court established, and an additional judge elected, some of whom were to be selected by the Supreme court to serve as judges of this higher court. Mr. Pillsbury was elected as one of the judges of this Appellate court from the date of its organization. He was re-elected at the expiration of his term of six years as one of the judges of the new district then having a population of about 200,000, and was again appointed by the supreme court to a seat upon said Appellate bench where he remained for another six years. It may be said perhaps that, as a proof of his popularity as a judge having jurisdiction over all matters both civil and criminal, he was again re-elected for a third term of six years and was again re-appointed to the Appellate bench. During his service on the Appellate bench he wrote many opinions to be found in the first twenty-six volumes of the Appellate court reports of the State of Illinois, some of which are of great interest to the legal profession, but of little value to the general reader. In 1 89 1 he was by the bar and people generally urged to become a candidate for the fourth term, but on account of injuries received during his second term he did not feel physically able to undertake the work. On June. ist, 1882, while returning to his home in Chicago, the passenger train was seized by a mob of union strikers who desired to capture and beat certain non-union laborers who were then being carried to their homes by the railroad company. The rioters commenced firing in and about the cars and the judge received a painful wound from which he has never recovered, and which causes him at times intense suffering. Since his retirement from the bench in 1891 Judge Pillsbury has pursued his profession of the practice of law .1 .;,:P*'? PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 253 at his home in Pontiac in a limited way, not going into a general practice, but selecting such matters only as he desires to attend to. With his family. Judge Pillsbury has been a resident of Livingston county for nearly forty years. Children : i. Cora A,, b, 3 May 1857 ; d. in infancy. 775. ii. Clara A., b. 16 Dec. 1859. 776. iii. CORALLA Avis, b. 13 April 1862. iv. Ernest J,, b. 21 July 1864 ; d. in infancy. V. Louis L., b. 30 Dec. 1868 ; d. 1888. vi. Dale E,, b. 30 March 1875. 713. Stephen O.' (Stephen N.," Benjamin'), b. 23 Aug. 1837 ; m. Helen Parmeter. Resides in Eagle Grove, Iowa. Children : 777. i. Maude, b. 1863. ii. Guy, b. 1874 ; m. Hattie Davidson. 713. Mary" (Stephen N.," Benjamin'), b. 1842; d. 1890 ; m. Daniel L. Murdock. Children : i. Stephen d,, b, 1862. ii. Clarence, b. 1864. iii. Ida, b. 1867. iv. Nellie, b. 1881. 714. Eliza' (Stephen N.," Benjamin'), b. 1844; m. C. J. Bucknell. ChHdren : i. Richard, b. 1864. ii. Charles, b. 1872. iii. Elsie, b. 1880. 715. Frank W." (Stephen N.," Benjamin'), b. 1846 ; m. Katharine Parks. Child : Grace, b. 1876. Resides in Eagle Grove, Iowa. 716. Ambrose H.» (Stephen N.," Benjamin'), b. 1848; d. 1889 ; m. Jennie Tulbert. Children : i. BERTHA, b. 1877. ii. Claude, b. 1879. iii. Zone, b. 1882. 254 pillsbUry gen:^AlogY. 717. Mahala L." (John M.," John'), b. in Shapleigh, Me., April 1842; m. 1867, Alfred B. Murch, of Baldwin, Me. Child: Herbert A. 718. Levi B.' (John M.," John'), b. in Shapleigh, Me., March 1851 ; m. 15 Oct. 1882, AugustaA., daughter of Ephraim D. and Martha Wentworth, of Acton, Me. Child : Grace, b. 30 Nov. 1884. Resides in Acton, Me. 719. Orrin F." (Earlsworth C," John'), b. 28 AprH 1840; m. 10 Aug. 1861, Mary E. Clough, of Loudon, N.H. Children : Helen E., b. 10 Oct. 1863. i. Fred B., b. 12 March 1867. ii. Everett E., b. 3 Aug. 1869. V. Ada D., b. 16 Oct. 1872. v. Herbert L., b. 19 July 1875. vi. Edith M., b. 13 Oct. 1877.- vii. Orrin G., b. 27 Oct. 1880. viii. Mabel I,, b. 10 Aug. 1887. Resides at Sanford, Me. 730. George F." (Tobias," Stephen'), b. 10 July 1837 ; m. 26 Nov. 1856, Jeanette E., daughter of Amasa and Almira Wheaton, of Moncton, Vt. Children : i. Edward W., b. in Vt., 4 Oct. 1857; m. Ellen Kidder, 3 May i88o. Charles W., b. in Haverhill, Mass., 2 Sept. 1858. Flora, b, in Maringo, Iowa, i Sept. 1861. LORA, b. in Maringo, Iowa, i Sept. 1861 ; d. i Sept. 1881. Frank T., b. in Clinton, Iowa, 24 April 1863. Nellie E,, b. in Clinton, Iowa, 25 Jan. 1865. Daisy, b. 10 Dec. 1870 ; d. 29 Nov. 1876. Reside in Clinton, Iowa. 731. William H. H.' (Tobias," Stephen') , b. 14 July, 1839; d. in Fullerton, Neb., 28 Dec. 1895; m. 3 Aug. 1871, Eliza C. Bowers, of Monmouth, Me. ChHdren : 778. ii. 779- iii. iv. 780. V. vi. vii PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 255 i. Walter B,, b. 21 July 1872. A professor in Cornell University. ii. Wm. H. H., b. 31 Oct. 1873. iii. Sue, b. 27 Sept. 1875. iv. Edward A., b. 10 Aug. 1877. V. Paul M., b. 7 May 1879. vi. Hannah E., b. 9 Feb. 1881. vii. Margaret B., b. Aug. 1884. Mr. Pillsbury entered the Wesleyan Seminary at Kent's Hill, Me., and at the close of the Sophomore year responded to his country's call by entering the service in Co. I, 17th Maine Inf., and served two years in the army of the Potomac, when he was discharged on account of illness. He completed his studies in the seminary and then entered Boston Theological University, graduating from there in 1868, having previously joined the ministry of the M. E. church in the New Hampshire conference. He returned to his native State, joined the Maine conference, served an important church in Kittery, then in Portland, and other fields. In 1872 he went to Iowa, united with the Iowa conference, serving the most important charges there for seventeen years. He received the degree of M. A. from an Iowa college in 1879, and the degree of D. D. from De Pauw college, Ind., in 1882. In 1885 he went to Nebraska, joined the North Nebraska conference and was appointed to Fullerton ; served one year, and was recalled to Iowa, remaining three years at Oskaloosa, then on account of his wife's health returned to Nebraska, serving the First church at Grand Island, and Fullerton. Near the close of this last pastorate he was urged by a large constituency to accept the Republican nomination for the office of treasurer of Nance county, which nomination he accepted, but con tinued his connection with the conference. At the election in November he was elected to the office for which he had been previously nominated, but was called up higher just a few days before the time appointed for his entering upon the duties of his office. Dr; Pillsbury was a man of deep study and wide learn ing, sincere in every action and word, kind hearted and true to his friends, and charitable to his opponents. His 256 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. manly, upright and consistent course throughout his entire life has, wherever he has lived, surrounded him with true and loving friends among all classes. He was truly a manly man. 733. Ellen D." (Tobias," Stephen'), b. 21 July 1841 ; m. 1863, Charles W. Millett, of Port Huron, Mich. Chil dren : Willie, b. 1864. ii. Fred, b. 1866. iii. Minnie, b. 1868. iv. Ernest, b. 1872. V. Sadie, b. 1874. vi. Susie, b. 1876, vii. Charles, b. 1880. viii . George, b. 1884. 733. Nahum H." (Tobias," Stephen'), b. i Oct. 1843; m. 23 Dec. 1868, Louise M. Bliss, of Wilmington, N. Y. Child : Grace May, b. in Burlington, Iowa, 11 May 1873. Resides in Biddeford, Me. 734. Julia' (Tobias,". Stephen'), b. 31 March 1845; m. 26 March 1871, Rosman H. Phippen, of Melrose, Mass. Child : Julia Frances, b. 7 Feb. 1873. Resides in Biddeford, Me. 735. Stephen W." (Tobias," Stephen'), b. 11 Feb. 1855 ; m. 6 July 1886, Alice J., daughter of Barnabas C. and Sarah W. Whipple, of Croydon, N. H. Children: i. Ida S,, b. 20 Sept. 1887. ii. Mary Alma, b. 2 Jan. 1890. Resides in Biddeford, Me. 736. Woodman" (Simon," Stephen') , b. 26 July 1843 ; m. 18 March 1869, E. Gertrude BaH, of Deerfield, Mass. Children : i. Edward W., b. in West Springfield, Mass., 15 Feb. 1872. ii. Ralph B., b. in Agawam, 4 July 1878. Resides in Mitteneague, Mass. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 257 737 . Chester" (Simon," Stephen') , b. 12 April 1846 ; m. Lizzie A. , of Augusta, Me. Children : i. Hattie E., b. in Biddeford, Me., i Nov, 1874, ii, Winifred M., b, in Biddeford, Me,, 9 Sept. 1877, iii, Walter B., b, in Biddeford, Me., 8 Aug. 1882. Resides in Biddeford, Me. 738. Emma' (Simon," Stephen'), b. 24 AprH 1848; m. July 1875, Winslow Abbot, who d. 2 Sept. 1889. ChH dren : i. Perley m., b, 1877. ii. Rose, d, in infancy. iii. Lilian E., b. 1886. iv. Winslow, b. 1887. 739. Stephen W." (Stephen H.," Joseph'), b. 27 Feb. 1837 ; m. 8 Sept. 1863, Mary A., daughter of Wm. and Mary Butt, of Camden, N. J. Children : i. Emma L,, b. 23 April 1865. ii. Martha E,, b, 2 April and d, 18 July 1868, iii, Charles F,, b, 19 Nov. 1869, iv, John, b, 2 Feb, 1872 ; d, soon, V, Mary A,, b. 16 Jan. 1873, vi, Stephen W., b, 14 Nov, 1875, vii. Florence M., b, 26 Feb, 1878 ; d. 5 Aug. 1879, Resides in Philadelphia, Pa. 730. Edward R." (Samuel," Joseph'), b. in Spencer, Mass., 15 Dec. 1843 ; m. 14 April 1887, Clara E. Sawyer, of Columbia, Conn. ChHd : May Eulalia, b. 30 Sept. 1888. Resides in Rockville, Conn. 731. Ellen" (Jacob, "Joseph'), b. 15 March 1853 ; m. 26 Nov. 1879, Charles M. Goodwin. Resides in Spring vale, Me. Children : i. Grace E., b. 13 March 1880. ii. Sylvester, b, 30 June 1881. 733. Fred W." (WHliam C," Joseph'), b. in Enfield, N. H., 23 Nov. 1859 ; ni. Annie A. Foote. ChHdren : i. Olive E. ii. Edward F. Resides in Manchester, N. H. 258 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 733. Alice M.' (Joseph M.," Joseph'), b. in Spring vale, Me., 8 July 1868; m. 25 Dec. 1883, Herbert E. Johnson, of Alfred, Me. Children.: i. Joseph H., b. 3 Dec. 18S4 ; d. 13 Nov. 1886. ii. Frank, b. 8 March 1887. 734. HiRAM G.° (Johnson," Johnson'), b. in Thomas ton, Me., 26 Jan. 1837 ; m. 12 Jan. 1863, Sarah A. Went worth, of Rockland, Me. Children : 781, i. Albert F., b. 30 May 1864. ii. Clifford I., b. 16 June 1866. iii. Minnie M., b. 12 Jan. 1868. iv. Mary E., b. 11 Jan. 1870 ; d. 2 April 1881. V. Hiram N., b. 26 July 1872. vi. Sarah W., b. 8 Feb. 1875. vii. Morris H., b. 12 Jan. 1877. viii. Mabel A., b. 8 Aug. 1885. A master mariner. Resides in Rockland, Me. 735. Sarah J.' (John," Joseph'), b. 18 Dec. 1831 ; m. 15 Dec. 1851, Capt. J. F. Hardin, of Rockland, who was lost at sea in 1877. Children: i. Charles F., b. 17 March 1854; lost at sea in 1877. ii. Albert R., b. 14 Oct. 1857 ; d, 9 Sept. 1859. iii. Edward M., b. 20 May i865. 736. E. Adelia* (John," Joseph'), b. in Rockland, i Aug. 1834; m. 5 Sept. 1863, C. A. Barrett. Children: i. Jennie A., b. 29 Jan. 1865. ii. Nina R., b. 6 Dec. 1866. Resides in San Francisco, Cal. 737. John R." (John," Joseph'), b. in Rockland, 10 Sept. 1836 ; m. i Dec. 1874, Gertrude H. Rogers, of Hopewell, N. B. ChHdren : i. Jennie G., b. 15 Sept. 1875. ii. MONTORO R., b. 17 Oct. 1877. iii. Charles H., b. 3 Aug. 1878. iv. John S. C, b. 5 June 1882. V. Emma L., b. 2 April 1887. A master mariner. Resides in Rockland, Me. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 259 738. MoNTORO M." (John," Joseph'), b. about 1846; d. 23 Aug. 1876 ; m. 9 Aug. 1873, Emma H. Rogers, of Hopewell, N. B. Children : i. Alice May, b. 27 Jan. and d. i Feb. 1875. ii. Allie Oakes, b. 13 Nov, 1876. 739. Statira" (Samuel," Joseph'), b. 19 Nov. 1838 : d. 20 Oct. 1882 ; m. 19 Aug. 1854, John H. D. Anderson. Children : i. Fanny. ii. Grace. iii. Maude. 740. Helen L." (Samuel," Joseph'), b. 6 May 1848 ; d. 12 June 1873 ; m. 25 June 1868, Edward H. Clark. Children : 782. i. William H., b. 10 June 1869. Adopted by his grand father, Samuel Pillsbury. ii. Helen Louise, b. 16 April 1871. (Mrs. R. W. Kennedy, N. Y. city.) 741. Oliver S." (Dennis, " John'), b. II Dec. 1842. A druggist in Albuquerque, N. M.; m. 6 July 1882, Ella D. Kinney, of Ilion, N. Y. A son died in infancy. 743. Augustus B." (Dennis," John'), b. 12 Feb. 1846 ; m. 23 Sept. 1883, Camilla M. Coburn, of East Portland, Ore. Resides in Portland, Oregon. A captain command ing on a line of Pacific ocean steamships. Child : Dennis Coburn, b. 27 July 1884. 743. George Sidney' (Dennis," John'), b. 5 March 1849. A stone cutter at Albuquerque, N. M.; m. 29 July 1885, Mary Mclvor, at Leavenworth, Kan. Child: Oliver Carl, b. 7 July 1887. 744. Matilda S.' (Dennis," John'), b. 22 May 1852. Resides in Lawrence, Kan.; m. 20 Oct. 1870, Malcolm Conn, in S. Thomaston, Me. Children : i. Malcolm J., b. 23 Jan. 1872, at Council Grove, Kan, ii. Oliver p., b. 19 July and d. 9 Oct. 1875. 26o PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 745. Frederick A. H." (Ansel M.," Nathan'), b. in Belfast, Me., 23 March 1843 ; d. in Bangor, Sept. 1891. A dealer in hardware for many years and a successful busi ness man ; m. ist, in Bangor, 15 Dec. 1874, Sarah C. Berry, who d. in B., 1884. Children: i. Sarah Berry, b. 5 Oct, 1875. ii. Agnes Hope, b. 28 Sept. 1876. He 111. 2d, 20 July 1886, Amelia D. Harriman. 746. Arbella F.° (Ansel M.," Nathan'), b. in Bel fast, I Nov. 1846 ; 111. 8 June 1878, George A. Pollister, of East Deering, Me. They have three sons and three daughters, and reside in Portland, Me., where Mr. Pollister is U. S. Inspector of hulls. 747. Leonora F." (Thomas R.," Nathan'), b. i Dec. 1846 ; 111. 8 Dec. 1876, Henry N. Pierce, of Rockland, Me. They have two children, and reside in Rockland. 748. Edgar T." (Thomas R.," Nathan'), b. 28 Aug. 1849 ; m. 8 Feb. 1879, Rose Post. They have eight chil dren and reside in Lincolnville, Me. 749. Oliver B." (Oliver B.," Capt. NathanieP), b. in S. Thomaston, 12 March i860; m. 5 June 1886, Nellie J. Allenwood, of Rockport, Me. Children: i. Ethel, b. Dec. 1888. ii. A daughter, b. 22 March 1891. 750. Watson H." (Oliver B.," NathanieP), b. in Rockland, 3 Aug. 1862 ; m. 25 Aug. 1889, Minnie Dagnan, of Savannah, Ga. Child : Oliver Adams, b. 15 Oct. 1890. 751. Mary L.' (Oliver B.," NathanieP), b. in Rock land, 3 AprH 1866 ; m. 8 April 1886, William F. Clough. Children : Lucy a., b. 2 May 1887. Anna J., b, 6 March 1889. Charles, b. 31 Oct. 1890. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 26l 753. Hannah" (John,'" Tobias'), b. in Cape Elisa beth, Me., 23 Feb. 1830; m. 26 Nov. 1852, Andrew W. Carter. Children : i. Charles H. ii. Frank H. iii. Charles F. iv. William J. V. Annie E. 753. Henry' (John," Tobias'), b. in Cape Elisabeth, 5 Dec. 1832 ; m. 20 Nov. 1859, Mary E- Goold. Children : i. Alice a., b. 24 June 1864. ii. WiNPlELD H., b. 4 Jan. 1867. 754. Josiah" (Joshua W.," Joshua'), b. in Cape Elisabeth, i Oct. 1829 ; m. 7 April 1850, Lucy J., daughter of James and Dorcas Graff am. Children : 783. i. Ellen M., b. 8 July 1851, 784. ii. Joshua Woodbury, b. 18 July 1855. 755. Emma" (Daniel," Joshua'), b. in Cape Elisabeth, 16 March 1846 ; m. ist, Jan. 1866, Harrison H. Cobb, who was lost at sea. Children : i. Daniel Pillsbury. ii. Eliza Belle. She m. 2d, 16 Oct. 1878, Capt. Joseph Simonton. Child : iii. George William. 756. Harry M." (James M. ," Jacob R.'),b. in LoweH, Mass., 13 Nov. 1852. Engaged in the lumber business in Milwaukee, Wis.; m. 31 May 1881, Kate S. Cutter, of Bangor, Me. Children : i. Helen C, b. in Muskegon, Mich., 17 Sept, 1883, ii. Alice W., b, in Milwaukee, Wis,, 17 Oct. 1886, iii. James M,, b, in Milwaukee, Wis., 2 Dec, 1887 ; d, 19 March 1888. 757. Frank H." (John C," Jacob R.'), b. in Newport, Me., 14 Oct. 1857; m. 18 AprH 1882, Rosa V., daughter of S. W. and T. E. Leighton. ChHd : A son, b. ip Sept, 1889. 262 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 758. WalL-4.CE S.' (George B.," Jacob R.'), b. in Palmyra, Me., 3 March 1861 ; m. 8 Sept. 1883, Helena E. Lewis, of Springfield, Mass. Children : i. Ralph B., b. 31 Aug. 1887. ii, Ellen M,, b. 24 April 1889. 759. Maranda F." (John C. ," Moses') , b. in Strafford, N. H., 24 Nov. 1849 ; m. 24 Nov. 1870, Blaner Hawkes, of Lynn, Mass. Reside at. Bow Lake, Strafford, N. H. Children : i. John B,, b, 21 July 1871. ii, Lizzie B., b. 21 July 1871 ; d. 19 Aug. 1882. iii. Lida B., b. 17 Oct, 1879. 760. Abbie A.' (John C," Moses'), b. in Strafford, 14 Sept. 1856; m. ist, 25 Sept. 1875, Dr. E. Frank Foss. Child : Lyde Ethelwyn, b. in Grafton, Vt., 11 June 1878. She m. 2d, Dr. J. F. MerriH, of Lowell, Mass., 8 Juue 1885. 761. Sadie H." (John C," Moses'), b. in Strafford, 17 Jan. i860; m. 3 May 1874, George T. Griffin. Child: George L,, b. 24 Sept. 1875. 763. Abbie Mary' (Parker K.," Moses'), b. in Blue HiH, Me., 28 Aug. 1850; m. 21 Dec. 1870, Albert M. Carter, of Blue HHl. Children: i, Fred P. P., b. 20 March 1872. ii, ChriSTELLE, b. 29 April 1878; d. in Boston, 4 Feb. 1883. iii. Albert R., b. 10 Sept. 1884. iv. Marion R., b. 2 Feb. 1886. . 763. George M.' (Parker K.," Moses'), b. in Blue HiH, Me., 5 Feb. 1857; m. 14 Aug. 1887, Mary S. Wheeler, of Worcester, Mass. Resides in Blue HiH. ChHd : Myrtle P., b. 4 Aug. 1888. 764. Joseph D." (Daniel H.," Joseph'), b. 26 Oct. 1859. Resides in Traver, Cal.; m. 20 Aug. 1886, Harriet E. Morton. Children : i. Etta L., b. 31 Oct. 1887. ii. Daniel W., b. 6 Aug. 1889. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 263 765. Alphonso J.' (Joseph J.," Joseph'), b. 9, Sept. 1854; m. 12 Oct. 1883, Lizzie, daughter of Nahum P. and Lucy A. Snell, of W. Bridgewater, Mass. Resides in Campello, Mass. Children: i. Fred N., b. 18 May 1884. ii. Joseph J., b. 4 Sept. 1891. 766. Merrick D.' (Charles W.," Benjamin C), b. 21 Sept. 1866 ; m. 19 Oct. 1887, Lulu E. Alden. ChHd : Blanche Louise, b. in Fitchburg, Mass,, 27 Nov. 1891. 767. Henry A." (Dexter R.," DanieP), professor in Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia ; 111. Adeline B. Avery, of that city. He, with other members of his father's family spells his name, Pilsbry. Children : i. Dexter W. ii. Wilson DalL, b, 10 Nov. 1892 ; d. 22 Jan. 1894. 768. Franklin W." (Dexter R.," DanieP), m. Ada S. Mullin. Child : Marion Katharine. Resides in Chicago. 769. Lawrence W.' (Stephen M.," Alfred'), b. in Newburyport, Mass., 25 Nov. 1863; m. 2 May 1887, Jennie P. Gill, of Maiden. Resides in that town. Children : i. Evelyn B., b. in Maiden, 23 July 1888. ii. Elliot M., b. in Maiden, 14 Oct. 1890. iii. Alice Belle, b. 10 Nov, 1895, iv. Rosa Lilian, b. 19 Aug. 1897. 770. Lydia" (Daniel," Thomas'), b. July 1862; d. Nov. 1879 ; m. Sept. 1878, Edward P. Tenney, of Great Falls, N.H. ChHd : Dora E,, b. in Haverhill, Mass., 9 Dec, 1878. Adopted by her grandfather. 771. Emily A." (Louis D., " Amos'), b. 29 Aug. 1865; m. 6 June 1888, Wm. Crichton, of Baltimore, Md. Child : Virginia A., b. 22 July 1889. She m. 2d, 5 Oct. 1896, Alfred D. Elsworth. 264 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 773. George E-' (James N.," James N.'), b. in Lynn, Mass., 9 Aug. 1862 ; m. 28 Oct. 1886, Lucy H. Chandler. Resides in Lynn. Children : i. p-RANK Norton, b. 25 July 1888 ; d. 27 Aug. 1895. ii. Dorothy Crosbey, b. 8 Feb. 1891 ; d. 29 April 1892. iii. Ruth, b. 30 June 1895. 773. George J. E." (Frank B.," Joshua'), b. in New Zealand, 17 March 1865; m. . Children: i. Frank L. M. ii. Alice G. 774. Annie M." (Charles," George'), b. in Winslow, Me., 14 Feb. 1870; m. 31 Aug. 1887, Edward L- Bartlett, of Amesbury, Mass. Child : Payson Edward, b. 12 March 1894. TENTH GENERATION. 775. Clara A.'" (Nathaniel J.," Stephen N."), b. 16 Dec. 1859 ; m. Samuel E. Sims. Child : Gladys P., b. 1889. 776. CoRALLA A.'" (Nathaniel J.," Stephen N."), b. 13 AprH 1862 ; m. E. J. Walker. Child : Ernest p., b. 1890. 777. Maude'" (Stephen O.," Stephen N."), b. 1863 ; m. J. D. Walker. Child : Stephen P., b. 1891. 778. Charles W.'" (George F.," Tobias"), b. in HaverhHl, Mass., 2 Sept. 1858; m. 7 Oct. 1889, Rosa Schultze, of St. Louis, Mo. Children : i. George, b. 25 Nov. 1890. ii. Laura, b. 25 March 1893. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 265 779. Flora'" (George F.,' Tobias"), b. in Maringo, Iowa, I Sept. 1861 ; m. 2 Oct. 1879, Shepard Garvin, of Clinton, Iowa. Children: i. Clara B,, b, 30 June 1880, ii, D.\ISY M,, b, 9 Sept. 1882, iii. Clarence, b. 22 March 1884. iv. Lilian M,, b. ii Sept, 1885. V. Jeanette E., b. 2 Nov. 18S7. vi. George, b. 1891, vii, Nellie, b. 1892. viii. Carl, b. 1894. ix, Florence, b, 1896, 780. Frank T.'° (George F.,''Tobias»), b. in Clinton, Iowa, 24 AprH 1863: m. 22 Jan. 1885, Zora AHen, of Lichfield, Mich. ChHd : Jeanette C, b. and d. Oct. 1885. 781. Albert F.'" (Hiram G.," Johnson"), b. in Rock land, Me., 30 May 1864; m. 8 Sept. 1890, Gracia B. Sprague, of Rockland. Is master of the steel steamship Progresso, of New York, engaged in the general carrying trade. Child : Dorothy, b. 24 May 1891. 783. William H. Clark'" (Helen L.," SamueP), b. in Rockland, Me., 10 June 1869; 111. Marion K. Story, of Salein, Mass., i June 1893. Child: Kenneth Clark, b. 6 Nov. 1897. 783. Ellen M.'° (Josiah," Joshua W."), b. in Cape Elisabeth, Me., 8 July 1851 ; m. 10 Nov. 1870, Daniel B. Cobb. Reside in Willard, Me. Children : i. Josiah Francis, b, 18 Nov, 1871. ii. Allen H., b. 22 Oct. 1876. 784. Joshua W." (Josiah," Joshua W."), b. in Cape Elisabeth, Me., 18 July 1855, m. 3 Nov. 1879, Anna M., daughter of Albert and Julia Smart. Children : i. Rena C, b. 3 Aug. 1880. ii. Mary E., b. 22 June 1882 ; d. 21 Nov. 1890. 266 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. ADDENDA. FAMILY RECORDS RECEIVED TOO LATE TO BE INSERTED IN THEIR PROPER ORDER. The following should come on page i8o before No. 439: Nancy' (Samuel," Samuel,' John^), b. in Salisbury, N. H., 14 Feb. 1805 ; d. 15 July 1880 ; m. 15 Dec. 1825, William Haskins, of Grafton, N. H., who d. 13 Dec. 1876. Children : i. Samuel, b. 30 Nov. 1826 ; d. i April 1898 ; m. Eunice Martin. ii, Nancy, b. 16 Aug. 1828; d. 11 April i88r; m. Otis Went worth. iii. Almira, b, 4 June 1831 ; m. Isaac B. Martin. iv. Eli, b. 28 Oct. 1833 ; d. 24 Nov. 1884; m. Cordelia Bates. V. Ahira, b. 23 July 1839 ; d. 7 Feb. 1896 ; unm. The following should come on page 181 before No. 441: Elizabeth' ( Samuel, ° Samuel, 'John'), b. 26 Feb. 18 10; d. in Grafton, 29 May 1846; m. 10 May 1828, Ahira Barney, of Orange, N. H., who d. in Grafton, 8 Oct. 1854. Children : i. Elizabeth Pillsbury, b. in Grafton, 12 April 1829 ; d. in Belmont, N. H., 18 Oct. 1864; m. Isaac Piper, of Belmont. ii. Miranda Hoyt, b. 8 Feb. 1831 ; d, 18 Sept. 1834. iii. Lois Walker, b. 17 Nov. 1832 ; d. in St. Paul, Minn., 20 Nov. 1885 ; m. 17 Feb. 1852, John S. Colburn. iv. Miranda, b. 18 Dec, 1835 ; m. ist, Charles R. Swain, who d. 1862 ; m. 2d, Hon. Thomas L. TuUoch, who d. in Washington, D. C, 1883. The following should come on page 195 before No. 490: Joshua Plummer" (Joshua,' Enoch,' SamueP), b. in Nashua, N; H., Aug. 1849 ; m. 24 June 1872, Harriet M. Ross, of Marietta, O. ChHdren : PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 267 i. Joshua P., b. in Buena Vista, O., 7 Dec. 1873 ; m. Lottie Dunford, of St. Louis, Is assistant horticulturist in the Penn%yl vania State College. ii. Amy Ellen, b. 5 Aug. 1876 ; m. George R. Frisbee, Jr., of Middleburg, Fla. iii. Ross Sumner, b. 18 June 1879, in Lucasville, O. iv. Hattie, b. 30 jiuly, 1881, in Lucasville. V. Frank Edwin, b. 19 June 1884, in Mt. Sterling, O. vi. James William, b. 8 Jan. 1888, in Newark, O. A clergyman in the regular ministry of the Methodist Episcopal church for twenty-five years ; now residing at Green Cove Springs, Fla. Through some oversight in renumbering and copying the manuscript, this family was omitted from the Sixth Generation, page 73, next No. 137. Daniel" (Daniel,' Ezra'), b. in Newbury, 11 Nov. 1777 ; d. in West Newbury, 27 March 1841. Was a comb maker in that town ; m. Mary Follansbee, who d. 19 Dec. 1853, aged 69. Their only child was : Mary Jane', b. 25 Aug. 1806; d. 16 Feb. 1861. She m. 25 Dec. 1827, Daniel Nichols, of West Newbury. Children , i. Daniel Pillsbury, b. 19 Jan. 1829. ii. Stephen, b. 8 Jan. 1831, iii, Mary Jane Pillsbury, b, 29 April 1833. iv. David Lowell, b. 18 Jan. 1836, V, Susan Elizabeth Bancroft, b. 8 Jan. 1840. vi. Leonard Bailey, b. 28 May 1843. vii. A daughter, b. i Feb. 1849; d. soon. Page 61, Mary Pillsbury m. William Ham. Page 61, Margaret Pillsbury m. Robert Alexander. Page 65, Tappan P. Pillsbury m. 7 July 1863, Mary U. Fenn. Page 106, Alice B. Pillsbury m. 7 Oct. 189 1, George W. Yorke, of Cambridge, Mass. Page 218, Vessie H. Pillsbury m. 7 Oct. 1884, Arthur H. Paul, of Woonsocket, R. I. Page 238, Nellie M. Pillsbury m. 17 March 1881, Frank H. Niles, of Concord, N. H. Page 254, Nellie E- PHlsbury m. 3 May 1881, Hugh Nugent, of Clinton, Iowa. 268 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. UNASSIGNED. Every compiler of a genealogy finds among his papers names of individuals and families whose immediate con nection with the main line it seems impossible to complete. In the hope that sometime these "missing links" may be fitted into their place in the chain, they are inserted here. Destruction of records made impossible the exact loca tion of the Fryeburg, Me., family, while the Boston marriages of the last century, were probably those of the grandchildren of Abel and Susannah of Charlestown. Rev. Mr. Bodge, in his history of King Philip's war, mentions a Hezekiah Pillsbury in the garrison at Chelms ford. As William was also a soldier in the war, it is probable the two were brothers, but Hezekiah 's name never occurs again, and Savage makes no mention of him, hence he was doubtless among the slain of the settlers. Judge Sewall, in his diary under the date of 1706, mentions the trial of a Sarah Pillsbury for the murder of her child, and her acquittal. There is nothing to show who the unfortunate girl was beyond being in all likeli hood a granddaughter of William, senior. Much uncertainty clings about Abel, son of William and Dorothy. Supposed to have been born in Dorchester, he married in Newbury, and the births of six children are recorded there ; the youngest in 1693. Yet an Abel Pillsbury was living in Amesbury in the summer of 1680, as appears from a petition to the General Court from that town. While from an ancient tithingman's warrant dated Newbury of that same year, it would show that Abel Pillsbury was living in what is now the upper part of Ward 6, Newburyport. The family on the whole seems to have disappeared like one of the lost tribes of Israel. Daniel Pillsbury, born in Wentworth, N. H. , removed to Fryeburg, Me., where he died 11 Aug. 1828, aged about 65. It is thought most probable that he was a son of Richard (18), but as the town records of Wentworth were totally destroyed by fire about a year before the compiler wrote to obtain information from them, it is impossible to more than guess at the fact, the grand- PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 269 children and great-grandchildren having no records of their own. Daniel m. ist, Miss French, who bore him three chil dren : i. Richard, d. unm. ii. Daniel, Jr. iii. Abigail, d. unm. Daniel m. 2d, Mrs. Charlotte (Eads) Webster, of Port land, Me., who d. 12 Jan. 1849. Children: iv. Merrill. V. Morris, d. 7 Dec. 1872, vi. Caleb, d. 12 Sept. i856. vii. Sarah, b. 1815 ; d. 16 Sept. 1840. Daniel, Jr., m. Catharine Tibbets, daughter of Ben jamin and Lucy Gordon, b. 6 Dec. 1807. Children: i. Mary. ii. Benjamin A. iii. Clement, iv, Richard. V, William. vi. John. vii. Margaret. viii. Daniel, ix. Charles. X. Hiram. Caleb (Daniel), d. 12 Sept. 1866; m. in Fryeburg, 19 Nov. 1850, Joanna Stevens, of Deering, Me., b. 30 Sept. 1833. Children: i. John C, b. 26 Nov. 1852. ii. William H., b. 6 Nov. 1854 ; d, 24 Sept, 1878, iii. Eldora, b. 30 Nov. 1858; m. J'. C. Goldthwaite, of Fryeburg. Children : John W. and Frank G. iv. Caleb D., b. 15 June 1866. Morris (Daniel), d. 7 Dec. 1872; m. in Fryeburg, 2 Nov. 1864, Elizabeth Stevens, of Boston. ChHd : Morris, b. in Fryeburg, 22 July 1866. Benjamin A. , Capt. (Daniel, Jr.) , m. in Liverpool, Eng. , 28 Sept. 1852, Missjane Lamb, b. 15 Oct. 1832. Children: i. Ellen C, b. 26 June 1853 ; m. 1874, A. H. Simonton, ii. Byron S., b. 16 March 1858. iii. Andrew G., b. 14 June 1864. . „ i^- iv. William J., b. 29 June 1868. A physician in Balti more, Md. V. Jane M. T., b. 29 June 1870. 270 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. John C. (Caleb, Daniel), b. 26 Nov. 1852; m. in West Bridgton, Me., 11 Sept. 1875, Maria P. Sawyer. Chil dren Genva Ellen, b. 30 June and d. 3 Oct. 1877. i. Bertha Mildred, b. 23 Sept. 1880. ii. Herbert Francis, b. 30 April 1884. MARRIAGES. On record at clerk's office, City Hall, Boston, Mass. : 1785, July 24, by Rev. Simon Howard, Samuel Pils bury and Sally Silvester. 1 781, Oct. 4, by Rev. Samuel Stillman, Jacob Dunnell and Margaret Pilsbury. 1723, Jan. 16, by Rev. Samuel Checkley, Elias Zorin and Experience Pilsbury. 1791, Nov. 17, by Rev. Thomas Baldwin, Samuel Williams and Abigail Pilsbury. 1790, Jan. 17, by Rev. Samuel Stillman, Isaac Duntley and Hannah Pilsbury. 1774, Dec. 4, by Rev. Samuel Stillman, Edward Reverly and Hannah Pilsbury. 1773, Feb. 18, by Rev. Simon Howard, Joshua Lappham and Susannah Pilsbury. 1790, July 24, by Rev. J. Lathrop, John Lewis and Polly Pilsbury. 1768, Nov. 3, by Rev. Samuel Stillman, John Gross and Susannah Pilsbury. 1797, May 13, by Rev. Samuel Stillman, Samuel Pils bury and Polly Carroll. Child: Eliza, d. Oct, 1869, in Charlestown, aged 71 years, 2 mos, 1756, March 3, by Rev. Timothy Cutler, Charles Pilsbury and Mary Palmer. 1766, Jan. 14, by Rev. S. Cooper, Elijah Ingraham and Ann Pilsbury. 1808, Oct. 5, by Rev. J. Eliot, Asa Griffin and Mary Pilsbury. 1812, July 16, by Rev. Joshua Huntington, Benj. S. Pilsbury and Eliza Hudson. MLLSfeUfeY GENEALOGY. 27I 1822, July 28, by Rev. Thomas Baldwin, Aaron Smith and Abigail Pilsbury. 1825, Nov. 22, by Rev. Sebastian Streeter, John Harmon and Harriet Pilsbury. 1832, May 18, by Rev. D. Sharp, Elisha Hoit and Mary A. Pilsbury, of New Boston, N. H. 1833, Aug. 15, by Rev. N. L- Frothingham, Cyrus Alger and Mary O. Pilsbury. 1840, Dec. 20, by Rev. D. M. Lord, William Griffiths and Harriet N. Pilsbury. 1847, Nov. 7, by Rev. M. H. Smith, Joseph Richard son and Sarah F. Pilsbury. INTENTIONS AND MARRIAGES. 1803, Aug. 31, Isaac Pilsbury and Mary Denny. 1808, June 23, Tristram Pilsbury and Eliza Noyse. 1813, April 22, Henry W. Parsons and Harriet Pilsbury. 1816, Aug. 8, Benjamin C. Phillipps and Elizabeth Pilsbury. Samuel Pillsbury, of Boston, married Mary Barry in the latter part of the last century. He followed the trade of a baker. The pair had four daughters, and a son who was educated for a physician at Harvard College, and after wards died at New Orleans. Samuel had two sisters, one of whom married a Mr. Lewis, the other a Mr. Cutter. Family tradition says Samuel and his wife were buried in one of the tombs in the Granary burying ground, Boston. Barry's history of Hanover, Mass., says, "William Wetherell Eells married Sarah Pillsbury and removed to Maine, where his decendants still reside. " "His widow d. 25 Sept. 1791 (?), aged 62." Married in LoweU, Mass., 10 Oct. 1854: James B. PHlsbury, of GHmanton, N. H., and Hannah R. Richard son of Lowell. He d. 31 May 1889, aet. 60. Married in HaverhiH, Mass., 22 Aug. 1857: Wm. Fickett, of Scarboro, and Mary Susan PiHsbury, of Hollis, Me. 272 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. Married ill Fall River, Mass., ii Nov. 1879: Charles F. Pillsbury, of Bradford, Mass., and Mary A. Rigby, of Fall River. Married in Lawrence, Mass., i May 1886: John W. Pillsbury, of New Vineyard, Me., and Mrs. Minnie B. Morton, of Salem, Me. Intentions Recorded in Amesbury : 1760, Dec. 13, Benjamin Ordway, of Amesbury, and Ruth Pillsbury, of Amesbury. 1779, April 23, Isaac Lowell and Sarah Pillsbury, both of Amesbury. Marriages in Newbury and Elsewhere : 1720, May 12, John Wood and Ann Pilsbury. 1749, Sept. 28, Philip Morse and Sarah Pillsbury. 1755, Dec. 18, Stephen England and Abigail Pilsbury. 1759) Oct. 3, Stephen Bayley, Jr., and Sarah Pilsbury. 1779, Oct. 18, Abel Merrill and Elizabeth Pilsbury. 1781, June 26, Joseph PHlsbury and Mercy DwinneH. 1782, Oct. 27, John Noyes and Elizabeth Pilsbury. 1787, May 27, Edmund Bayley Kindrick and Abigail Pilsbury. 1792, Aug. 26, John Kelley and Mercy PHlsbury. 1801, March 24, David Pilsbury and Molly Herris. 1815, Jan. 2, Silas Rogers and Hannah Pilsbury. 1816, March 28, Daniel Pilsbury, Jr., and Hannah Abbot. 1797, May 18, Oliver Pilsbury and Mary Bartlett. 1768, Nov. 13, Benjamin Brown and Sarah Pilsbury. 1817, Nov. II, William Pilsbury and Sarah Noyes. 1828, Feb. 6, Richard Pilsbury, of Reading, and Abigail Morse, of Newburyport. 1856, Jan. 13, in Boston, John A. Pilsbury, of Portland, Me., and Anna E. Emerson, of Bangor. A son, b. 5 June i860. Arthur F., b. 1861 ; d. 31 May, 1864. John Pilsbury, of Shapleigh, Me., and Mahala Libby, of Porter, Me. 1856, Jan. 24, James Pillsbury and Elmyra Libby. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 273 1849, AprH 16, in Lewiston, Me., Alcander B, Libby and Abbie J. Pillsbury, of Vassalboro'. 1865, AprH, Charies W. Tilton and Lois C. PHsbury. 1 712, AprH 22, in Watertown, Mass., John Pilsbury and Sarah Chad wick. 1772, Aug. 6, in S. Hampton, N. H., Moses Hoyt and Abigail Pilsbury. 1796, Oct. 9, Caleb Page, of HaverhHl, Mass., and Mary PHsbury, of Plaistow, N. H. 18 1 5, June 25, in Charlestown, WiHiam Wood and Mrs. Mary Pillsbury. 1881, Aug. 2, in Northport, Me., Mark D. Mendall and Maggie A. Pillsbury. BIRTHS, ETC. 1871, May 24, Blanche De L., daughter of Henry F. and Ellen N. Pillsbury. 1880, Aug. 21, Clarence A., son of Charles W. and Annie A. Pillsbury. Hannah Pilsbury, of Newbury, married Benjamin Hoyt, of Salisbury, in 1704-5. (Published 19 Feb.) Children : i. Benjamin, b. in Newbury, 29 April 1706. ii. Moses, b, in Newbury, i March 1708. . iii. Hannah, b. in Salisbury, 8 May 1710. iv. Enoch, bapt. in Salisbury, 5 Sept, 1714, V. Daniel, b, in Salisbury, 25 March 1715, vi. Joseph, b, in Salisbury, 20 Sept, 1717. Elizabeth Pilsbury, b. between 1750 and 1755 ; d. in Bolton, Vt., 1835 ; m. in Newbury, N.H., about 1777 or 8, Samuel Webster, a Baptist minister of that place. They were afterward among the pioneer settlers of St. Lawrence County, N. Y. Samuel Webster's parents, Ephraim Webster and Phebe Parker, were natives of Bradford, Mass. George Pillsbury, a Revolutionary veteran, died of old age in Boston, 15 Feb. 1832. See Revolutionary Rolls. 274 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. Mercy Pillsbury, and seven others, belonging to the second parish in West Newbury, Mass., drowned while crossing the Merrimac, 19 July 1794. Their funeral sermon was preached by Rev. David Toppan. See Coffin's History of Newbury. John Pillsbury appears among a list of householders in the difierent settlements at Wyoming who wish to support the Sons of Penn. (1783.) See Hazard's Penn. Archives. COLLEGE GRADUATES. (The li St may be imperfect.) Jesse E. Dartmouth, 1833. Charles A. . 1863. Charies W. 1881. Levi 1842. Edward Liston 1865. Harlin 1823. Hariin H. . 1859. Levi 1798. Moses " 1811. David . 1827. William Emerson 1874. George H. . 1866. Luther B. . 1859. Marcus M. . 1858. Josiah Webster " 1840. Gilbert " 1841. William Low Harvard, 1863. Enoch H. . 1854. George H. 1869. William Forrest 1889. William " 1801. Ernest H. . " 1880. Arthur L. " 1892. Ithamar Yale, 1822. Harvey G. . Cornell, 1872. Charies D. . Middlebury, PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 275 Ernest D. Ella L. Knowles WilliamWarren W. . John Dole Evans Searle John H. Benjamin D. Benjamin C. Cassius C. Walter B. . Ernest S. Bertha M. . Tufts, Bates, Bowdoin, 1 ( Wesleyan Universitv, Chicago University, University Nebraska, Leland Stanford, Jr., University, University Illinois, 1896 1884 1812 1873 1830 1863 1874 18471875 18791892 1895 1895 WAR RECORDS. It is not claimed that the list of Pillsburys who served in any of the colonial wars is in any degree correct. The Army Rolls at the State House which relate to all American wars prior to the Revolution, are not indexed, and in order to gain information regarding any particular name or in dividual it is necessary to search the volumes page by page and line by line, a piece of work taxing both eyesight and patience. In view of the amount of time demanded and the uncertainty of the results of the quest, the compiler did not attempt it. These few items which follow are taken from the pages of the New England Historic-Genealogical Register. The Revolutionary Records of New Hampshire Pills burys are taken from the published Rolls found in I. W. Hammond's New Hampshire State Papers. The Army Rolls containing records of the war of 18 12 have been in the custody of the war department at Wash ington for many years, hence no attempt has been made to compile a list of the veterans of the second war for inde pendence. The compiler is greatly indebted to Mr. James E. Stone for valuable assistance in preparing the Roll of Honor of the Civil War. 276 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. COLONIAL WARS. Hezekiah Pillsbury, in garrison at Chelmsford, 1675. William Pillsbury, in garrison at Springfield, 24 June 1676. William Pillsbury, Jr. , allowance for personal service at Newbury blockhouses, 1704. Joseph and Caleb Pillsbury appear in a list of ye 2d Foot company in Newbury, under command of Capt. Hugh March, 15 Jan. 1710-1711. Jacob Pillsbury, in Capt. John Webster's company, March 1747. (For the protection of the inhabitants of Penny Cook, N. H.) Edmund Pillsbury, in Col. SaltonstalPs regiment in the expedition against Crown Point, 15 April 1756. Daniel Pillsbury, in Capt. Moses Davenport's company with the army against Quebec, 1759. PILLSBURYS WHO SERVED IN THE AMERICAN REVOLU TION FROM NEW HAMPSHIRE : Jonathan, private in Capt. Joseph Clifford's company, at Pierce's Island, for the defence of Portsmouth harbor, 5 Nov. 1775. Edmund (Brentwood), private in Capt. Nathan San born's company. Col. Tashe's regiment, Sept. 1776. Benjamin (Sandown), private in Capt. Robert Collins' company, Sept. 1777. Richard (Chester), private in Capt. Nathaniel Love- well's company. Col. Bedel's regiment, 1777. Joseph (Weare), private in Capt. Stephen Dearborn's company. Col. Stickney's regiment. Gen. Stark's brigade, I777- Jonathan, private in Capt. Joseph Dearborn's company, Col. Nichols' regiment, August 1778. Richard, Richard, Jr. , and Josiah (Chester) , privates in Capt. Ezekiel Ladd's company. Col. Timothy Bedel's regiment, 1778. David (South Hampton), on muster roll of recruits, 1780. Joseph (Weare) , private in Capt. William Boyes' com pany. Col. Reynold's regiment, 1781. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 277 MEMBERS OF THE PILLSBURY FAMILY WHO SERVED IN THE WAR OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION FROM MASSACHUSETTS : Abijah, private in Capt. Caleb Pillsbury's company, from Amesbury. Lexington Alarm Rolls, vol. 13, page 66. Amos, of Bradford, corporal in Capt. Nathaniel Gage's company. Col. Frye's regiment. Lexington Alarm Rolls, vol. 12, page 106, Amos, of Bradford, corporal in Capt. Nathaniel Gage's company. Col. James Frye's regiment, 6 Sept. 1775. Coat Rolls, Eight Months' Service, vol. 56, page 3. Amos, of Rowley, age, 27 ; stature, 6 ft. ; eyes and com plexion, light ; hair, sandy. Levy raised by resolve of 20 April 1778. Mass. Muster and Pay Rolls, vol. 146, page 68 ; vol. 41, page 93. Mass. Muster and Pay Rolls, vol. 63, page 78. Coat Rolls, vol, 35, and pages 126, 127. Amos, Newbury, ist lieut. in Capt. John Noyes' com pany. Col. Sam. Johnson's regiment, 14 Aug. to 13 Dec. 1777. Mass. Muster and Pay Rolls, vol. 17, page 209. Caleb, Amesbury, captain of Minute company, 19 April 1775- Lexington Alarm Rolls, vol. 13, page 66. Mass. Archives, vol. 193, page 134. Chase, no residence given. Continental Army Books, vol. 5, pt. 2, page 137, . Chase, appears on a return of men enlisted into the Continental army, dated Newbury, 23 Aug. 1777, for 3 years. Mass. Muster and Pay Rolls, vol. 69, page 4. Chase, private in Capt. Timothy Johnson's company, 13 Feb. 1778. Col. GoodwelPs regiment. EnHsted from Haverhill. Mass. Archives, vol, 63, page 45. Chase, appears in a list of men mustered in Worcester county, to serve in Capt. Goodale's company. Col. Put- 278 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. nam's regiment. Mustered 26 April 1779, to serve during the war. Enlisted Men, vol, 53, p. 195 ; vol. 27, page 128. Mass. Muster and Pay Rolls, vol. 10, page 149. Chase, private in Capt. Allen's company. Col. Putnam's regiment, i Jan. to 6 Oct. 1777. Reported discharged 6 Oct. 1777. Continental Army Books, vol. 5, pt. i, page 175. Depreciation Rolls, vol. 31, page 122. Militia Officers, etc., vol. 28, page 256. Chase, marine on board frigate Deane, S. Nicholson, commander, from 22 Jan. to 31 May 1782. Enlisted for twelve months. Naval Service, vol. 66, page 121. Chase, marine on board frigate Hague, James Manly, commander, 10 May 1783. Mass. Muster and Pay Rolls, vol. 52, page 103. Daniel, drummer in Capt. William Roger's company. Col. Sam. Gerrish's regiment. Lexington Alarm Rolls, vol. 13, page 73, Daniel, drummer in Capt. William Roger's company, Col. Gerrish's regiment. Enlisted 27 April 1775. Served 3 months, 12 days. Eight Months' Service, vol. 16, page 9. Daniel, appears among a list of men as drummer in Capt. Wm. Rogers' company (8th), Col. Baldwin's regi ment, who were not mustered 22 Sept. 1775. Reported discharged 11 Sept. 1775. Mass. Muster and Pay Rolls, vol. 59, pp. 197, 1263, 1268. Daniel, lieutenant, in company return, 30 Sept. 1775. Capt. Gallusha's company. Col. Woodbridge 's regiment. Coat Rolls, Eight Months' Service, vol. 56, page 163. Daniel, appears on a petition dated Cambridge camp, 2 Oct. 1775, presented to the Council at Watertown by Col. Ruggles Woodbridge, asking that the Council recom mend several officers in his regiment to Washington for commission. Rank, lieutenant in Capt. Daniel Gallusha's company. In councH, 3 Oct. 1775, ordered that a com mittee inquire into the qualifications of said officers. Mass, Archives, vol. 164, page 121. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 279 Daniel, order for bounty coat, payable to Lieut. Jacob Ramsdel. Capt. Gallusha's company. Col. Woodbridge's regiment, 22 Dec. 1775. Coat Rolls, Eight Months' Service, vol. 57, file 17, 27. Mass. Muster and Pay Rolls, vol. 61, page 43 ; vol, 67, page 180 ; vol. 68, page 38; vol. 69, page 107 ; vol. 71, pp. 62, 63, 66, 71, 72] 95 ; vol. 75, pp. loi, 150, 225, 355. Daniel, captain in Col. Wigglesworth 's regiment, 15 Aug. 1777. Soldiers' Orders, vol. 11, page 60. Daniel, officer in Col. Wigglesworth 's regiment, for clothing. Mass. Muster and Pay Rolls, vol. 74, page 18. Daniel, captain 4th Massachusetts regiment. Col. Edward Wigglesworth, for May 1778. Muster roll dated Valley Forge, 2 June 1778. Enlisted i Jan. 1777. Mass. Muster and Pay Rolls, vol. 61, pp. 29, 104, 281. Daniel, captain in Col. Wigglesworth 's regiment (4th), 2 months, July and August, 1778. Mass. Muster and Pay Rolls, vol. 61, page 64. Soldiers' Orders, vol. 11, page 38. Daniel, captain in Col. Wigglesworth 's regiment, ser vice March and April 1779. Mass. Muster and Pay Rolls, vol. 61, page 249 ; vol. 71, pp. 62, 78, 117, 154- Daniel, captain in Col. Wigglesworth's regiment for March and April 1779. Date 5 May 1779. Furloughed two months from i March 1779, by Gen. Glover. Com pany of light infantry. Enlisted i Jan. 1777. Miscellaneous Rolls, vol, 22, page loi. Daniel, captain in 13th regiment ; commissioned i Jan. 1777. Found on a list of settlements made at West Point by a Board held for that purpose and confirmed by Congress, 6 Sept. 1779, c. Militia Officers, etc., vol. 28, pp. 28, 200. Daniel, captain in Gen. Glover's brigade, 13th regi ment. 14 Dec. 1780. Mass. Muster and Pay Rolls, vol. 43, pp. 2, 3. 28o PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. Daniel, captain in Col. Smith's regiment, for service from I Jan. 1777 to 31 Dec. 1779. Continental Army Books, vol. 18, page 184. Daniel, captain, paymaster and clerk in Lieut. -Col. Calvin Smith's regiment, for pay for three months in 1780. Mass. Muster and Pay Rolls, vol. 71, page 212. Daniel, captain, paymaster and clothier of his company in Col. Calvin Smith's regiment. Continental Army Books, vol. 19, pt, i, page 102. Daniel, on an order for wages for i78i-'82, payable to Lieut. Stephen Emery. Mass. Muster and Pay Rolls, vol. 54, page 41, file B. Also on Depreciation Roll, vol, 31, page 180. David (Amesbury) , corporal in Capt. Caleb Pillsbury's company. Lexington Alarm Rolls, vol. 13, page 66. Eliphalet, corporal in Capt. Ezra Lunt's company. Col. Moses Little's regiment. Age 24 years. Enlisted 2 May 1775. Coat Rolls, vol, 56, page 87, Eliphalet, on order for bounty coat, dated 11 Dec. 1775- Coat Rolls, Eight Months' Service, vol. 57, file 9. Eliphalet, corporal, on muster roll dated i Aug. 1775. Service for 13 weeks. Eight Months' Service, vol, 15, page 52. Eliphalet, private in Capt. Richard Titcomb's com pany. Col. Wade's regiment. Enlisted 3 July 1780; dis charged, 10 Oct. 1780. Essex county regiment, raised to reinforce Continental army for three itionths, by resolve of 22 June 1780 ; 13 days' travel included. Various Service, vol. 23, page 142. George, appears as 2d. lieutenant on board state ship Tartar, from 13 May to 22 Nov. 1782, and 3 Dec. 1782. John Cathcart, commander. Naval Service, vol. 40, pp, 10, 22 ; vol. 53, p. 112. George, appears as prize master on board brigantine Tyrannicide, 11 Feb. 1779 to 30 April 1779. Naval Service, vol. 39, pp, 112 and 114; vol 52, page 672. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 28 1 George, appears as seaman on the brigantine Active, 6 June to 31 Aug. 1779, under Commander Allan Hallett. Naval Service, vol. 40, page 22; vol, 52, page 67, George, appears as prize master in descriptive list dated 12 June 1780, of the officers and crew of the ship Essex, privateer, commanded by John Cathcart, 22 years of age, 5 ft. 7 in. in height, belonging in Boston. Naval Service, vol. 40, page 13. Isaac, appears in a list of men, Capt. Winthrop Gray's company. Col. Crafts' regiment, who received bounty for 8 months' service, 30 April to 30 Dec. 1777. Mass. Muster and Pay Rolls, vol. 27, page 180. Isaac, in Gray's company. Crafts' regiment, i Aug. 1777. Served 2 months, 4 days. Crafts' Rolls, vol. 38, pp. 241, 243. Isaac, on a secret expedition to Rhode Island, 8 Jan. 1778. Col. Crafts' artillery. Mass. Archives, vol. 167, pp. 273, 275. Muster and Pay Rolls, vol, 38, page 243, Isaac, private in Capt. Caleb Champney's company, I June to I Aug. 1780. Various Service, vol. 18, pp, 139 and 144, Isaac, private. Service from i Aug. to i Nov. 1780, and from i Nov. 1780 to i Feb. 1781. Various Service, vol, 18, pp, 133, 141 and 144, Mass. Muster and Pay Rolls, vol, 18, pp, 133 and 140, Isaac, mariner on board ship Gen. Putnam, Daniel Waters, commander, 12 July 1779. Time i month. Naval Service, vol, 40, pp. 112, 127. JOJSTATHAN (Amesbury) , sergeant in Capt. Matthias Hoyt's company of Minute men, 19 AprH 1775. Lexington Alarm Rolls, vol. 13, page 15, Jonathan, Jr. (Rowley), private in Capt. Eliphalet Spafiord's company of Minute men ; 6 days' service. Lexington Alarm Rolls, vol 13, page 99. Jonathan, private in a detachment ordered by the Honorable CouncH, 7 May 1777, from Col. Jabez Hatch's regiment, to guard stores, etc., in and about Boston for 6 weeks. Mass. Muster and Pay Rolls, vol. 20, page 3. 282 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. Jonathan, private in Capt. Stephen Jenkins' company. Col. Jacob Gerrish's regiment, 14 Oct. to 22 Nov. 1779. Various Service, vol. 20, page 118. Joshua (Dracut), clerk in Capt. J. B. Varnum's com pany. Col. Jonathan Reed's regiment, from 29 Sept. to 7 Nov. 1777. A company of volunteers that marched to reinforce the northern army, agreeably to resolve of 22 Sept. 1777. Various Service, vol. 23, pp. 79, 189 ; vol. 54, p. 45, file G. Mass. Muster and Pay Rolls, vol. 54, file G. Joshua (Newbury), private in Capt. Moses Little's company of Minute Men, 19 April 1775 ; 5 days' service. Lexington Alarm Rolls, vol. 12, page 169. Joseph (Newbury), private for service in the Con tinental army during 1780; from 15 Aug. 1780, to 20 Feb. 1781. Various Service, vol. 49, page 38 ; vol. 27, page 7. Six Months' Town Rolls, vol. 4, page 199. Joseph (Newbury), one of a list of men raised for the six months' service, and passed muster 25 Oct'. 1780. Mass. Muster and Pay Rolls, vol. 25, page 220. Joseph (Newbury) , private in Capt. Jeremiah Putnam's company. Col. Nathan Tyler's regiment. Enlisted 20 July; discharged i Dec. 1779; re-enlisted i Dec. 1779; discharged i Jan. 1780. R. I. Service, vol. 3, pp. 73, 75, 78. Joseph, appears on a warrant to pay officers and men, borne on a roll dated 31 Jan. 1783. Capt. Putnam's com pany. Col. Tyler's regiment. Enlisted Men, vol. 29, page 187. Joseph, appears in a descriptive list of six months' men, 5 June 1780. Age 20 years ; 5 ft. 8 in., height ; fresh complexion. Resides in Newbury. Arrived in Spring field 20 Aug. 1780. Mass. Muster and Pay Rolls, vol. 35, page 220. John, seaman on ship Mars, Commander Sampson. 13 Jan. 1783. Abstract of Rolls, vol. 31, page 33. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 283 John, seaman on brigantine Independence, 6 Nov. 1776 to I Jan. 1777. Re-enHsted i Jan. 1777 ; discharged 5 July 1777. Naval Service, vol. 39, pp. 6, 7, 8, 10. John, private in Capt. Thomas Bumstead's company, detaHed by order of CouncH, 7 May 1777, from Boston regiment, to do duty under Maj. -Gen. Heath for 5 weeks. Mass. Muster and Pay Rolls, vol. 17, page 36. John (Rowley) , in Capt. Eliphalet Spafford's company of Minute Men ; 6 days' service. Lexington Alarm Rolls, vol. 13, page 99. John, private in Capt. Perez Cushing's company. Col. Crafts' regiment. Enlisted 26 July, discharged 11 Sept. 1777. Crafts' Rolls, vol, 38, page 63, John, landsman on board ship Mars, 12 Nov. 1780 to 12 March 1781. Naval Service, vol. 39, pp. 208, 218. John, appears on list of prisoners returned in exchange for the prisoners sent by the cartel. Favorite. Mass. Muster and Pay Rolls, vol. 9, page 36. John, private in Capt. Benjamin Adams' company. Col. Johnson's regiment, 15 Aug. to 30 Nov. 1777. Service in Northern department. Various Service, vol. 17, pp, 19, 21. Micajah, private in Capt. Oliver Titcomb's company. Col. Gerrish's regiment. Enlisted 10 Nov. 1777; served 2 months, 22 days. Various Service, vol, 23, page 148. Micajah, private in Capt. Titcomb's company. Col. Gerrish's regiment. Enlisted 3 Feb., discharged 2 April 1778. Regiment of guards raised for guarding prisoners after surrender of Burgoyne's army. Mass. Muster and Pay Rolls, vol. 69, page 67. Various Service, vol. 23, page 130. Moses, sergeant in Capt. Caleb Kimball's company. Col. Gerrish's regiment. Enlisted 13 Nov. 1777, dis charged 3 Feb. 1778; re-enlisted 3 Feb., discharged 3 April 1778. Various Service, vol. 20, pp. 172, 175. 284 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. Moses (Amesbury), private in Capt. Caleb Pilsbery's company. Lexington Alarm Rolls, vol, 13, page 66. Moses, in Capt. Caleb Kimball's company. Mass. Muster and Pay Rolls, vol. 53, page 177. Moses, sergeant in Capt. Stephen Jenkins' company. Col. Jacob Gerrish's regiment. Enlisted 14 Oct., dis charged 22 Nov. 1779. Various Service, vol, 20, page 118, Moses, private in Capt. Pearson's company, 31 Jan. 1783- Enlisted Men, vol. 30, page 2. Moses, sergeant in Capt. John Pearson's company. Col. Putnam's regiment, enlisted 7 Sept., discharged 20 Nov. 1781. Various Service, vol. 20, page 118. Moses, corporal in Capt. Jonathan Poore's Newbury company, 18 March 1777 ; six weeks' service. Mass. Muster and Pay Rolls, vol. 53, page 177. Nathan, private in Col. Bailey's regiment, 11 Feb. 1777 fo 31 Dec. 1779. Continental Army Books, vol. 2, part i, page 76. Nathan (Kittery), in Capt. Samuel Derby's company. Col. Bailey's regiment. Mass. Muster and Pay Rolls, vol. 43, page 120. Nathan, private in Capt. Thomas Bragdon 's company. Col. James Prime's regiment. Brig. -Gen. Wadsworth com manding. (Name spelled Pilsbry.) Seacoast Defence Roll, vol. 35, page 248. Nathan, in descriptive list of men from Middlesex county, 2 Dec. 1780. Age 21 ; height 5 ft. 9 in. ; light hair, blue eyes. Laborer, from Newton. Time of enlist ment 3 years. Enlisted Men, vol. 29, page 5. Nathan, private in Capt. Eben Smith's company, Lieut. -Col. Calvin Smith's regiment ; in service 1781. Mass. Muster and Pay Rolls, vol. 53, page 215 ; vol. 71, page 88; vol. 75, pp. Ill, 158, 312. Enlisted Men and Officers, vol. 27, page 128^. pilLSbUrY Genealogy. 285 Nathan, enlisted 10 April 1781 for Newtown. Mass. Muster and Pay Rolls ; vol. 54, page 28, file F. Mass. Archives, vol. 239, page 655. Nathaniel (Kittery), private in Capt. Thomas Brad ford's company. Col. Bailey's regiment ; service from i Jan. to 12 Feb. 1780. Continental Army Books, vol. 2, pt. 2, page 84. Parker, private in Capt. Joseph Ilsley 's company. Col. Cogswell's regiment; 30 Sept. to 16 Nov. 1776. Roll dated at Newcastle. Various Service, vol. 23, page 205. Parker, private in Capt. Jonathan Poore's company, 18 March 1777 ; six weeks' service. Mass. Muster and Pay Rolls, vol. 53, page 177. Samuel, private in Capt. Richard Titcomb's company. Col. Nathaniel Wade's regiment ; 3 July to 10 Oct. 1780. Essex county regiment to re-inforce Continental Army for three months, agreeable to Resolve of General Court, 22 June 1780. Various Service, vol. 23, page 142. Samuel, corporal in Capt. William Rogers' company. Col. Sam. Gerrish's regiment. Lexington Alarm Roll, vol. 13, page 73. Samuel, private in Capt. Stephen Jenkins' company. Col. Jacob Gerrish's regiment ; 14 Oct. to 22 Nov. 1779. Various Service, vol. 20, page 18. Samuel, ensign in Capt. Robert Dodge's company. Col. Michael Farley's regiment. Mass. Muster and Pay Rolls, vol, 43, page 318. Samuel, ist lieutenant in Capt. John Noyes' company. Col. Sam. Johnson's regiment ; from 14 Aug. to 30 Nov. 1777. Various Service, vol. 21, page 171. Samuel, private in Lieut-Col. Jabez Hatch's regiment, guarding stores in and about Boston, 1777. Mass. Muster and Pay Rolls, vol. 20, page 3. Samuel, sergeant in Capt. William Rogers' company, Lieut.-Col. Baldwin's regiment ; Sept. and Oct. 1775. Enlisted 26 AprH 1775. 286 piLlSbUry Genealogy. Miscellaneous Rolls, vol. 58, page 5. Mass. Muster and Pay Rolls, vol. 58, page 7, file 14. Samuel (Newbury), corporal in Capt. Rogers' com- pariy. Col. Gerrish's regiment. Enlisted 26 April 1775 ; served 3 months, 13 days. Eight Months' Service, vol. 16, page 9; vol. 15, page 64. Samuel, sergeant in Capt. Wm. Rogers' company. Col. Sam. Gerrish's regiment 1775. Soldiers' Orders, vol. 59, page 787. Coat Rolls, Eight Months' Service, vol. 56, page 264. Samuel, ensign in Capt. Robert Dodge's company. Col. Eben Francis' regiment; 23 Sept. 1776. Militia Officers, vol, 28, page 122. Mass. Muster and Pay Rolls, vol, 26, pp. 87, 90. Samuel, ensign in Capt. Dodge's company. Col. Francis' regiment. Roll sworn to 29 Nov. 1776. Various Service, vol. 18, page 156. Samuel, 2d lieutenant in Capt. Jonathan Evans' com pany. Col. Wade's regiment, from i July 1778 to i Jan. 1779- R. I. Service, vol. 2, page 6. Mass. Muster and Pay Rolls, vol, 26, page 250. Samuel, ist lieutenant in Capt. Jonathan Evans' com pany, Col. Wade's regiment. Enlisted twelve months from I Jan. 1779. R. I. Service, vol. 2, page 6. Miscellaneous Rolls, vol. 55, pp. 20, 23, 24, 26, 27. Samuel, private in Capt. Jonathan Poore's company, 18 March 1777. Mass. Muster and Pay Rolls, vol. 53, p, 177. Samuel, private. Muster and Pay Rolls, vol. 58, page 9, file 16. Samuel, order for bounty coat, 4 March 1776. Coat Rolls, vol. 57, file 27. Samuel (Rowley), private in Capt. MighilPs company of Minute Men. Lexington Alarm Rolls, vol. 13, page 13. Mass. Muster and Pay Rolls, vol. 58, page 9, file 14. Samuel (Rowley) , private in Capt. MighilPs company. Col. Gerrish's regiment ; 24 April to i Aug. 1775. Eight Months' Service, vol. 15, page 64. pillsbury genealogy. 287 Samuel (Rowley), private in Capt. MighilPs company. Col. Gerrish's regiment; 26 Sept. 1775. Coat Rolls, Eight Months' Service, vol. 56, page 257. Samuel (Rowley), private in Capt. MighilPs company. Soldiers' Orders, vol. 58, page 6. Stephen (Berwick), private in Capt. John Baker's company. Col. Sam. Gerrish's regiment ; i July to i Aug. 1775- Eight Months' Service, vol. 14, page 16. Stephen, private in Capt. Joseph Pettengell 's com pany. Col. Baldwin's regiment ; Sept. 1775. Mass. Muster and Pay Rolls, vol, 58, page 10, file 14; vol. 59, pp. 563, 1225, 1226. Stephen, order for bounty coat, dated 19 Nov. 1775. Coat Rolls, Eight Months' Service, vol. 57, file 27; vol. 56, page 259- Stephen. Soldiers' Orders, vol. 58, page 10. file 13. Abstracts of Rolls, vol, 58, page 3, file 13. Timothy, lieutenant in Capt. Moses Little's company, 19 April 1775. Lexington Alarm Rolls, vol. 12, page 169. Tristram, private in Capt. Moses Nowell 's company. Enlisted 9 July, discharged 19 Nov. 1776. Stationed at Plum Island. Seacoast Defence, vol. 36, pp. 150, 152. Tristram, private in Capt. Moses Pike's company. Enlisted 20 Nov. 1776, discharged 1 Jan. 1777. Various Service, vol. 3, page 31. Tobias (Cape Elisabeth), enlisted 12 May 1775; 54 days' service. Mass. Archives, vol. 215, page 210. Tobias, order for bounty coat. Coat Rolls, vol. 57, file 22. Tobias, on muster "and pay roll of Capt. Benjamin Hooper's company, stationed at Falmouth. Enlisted 13 Feb. 1776. Seacoast Defence Muster Rolls, vol. 36, pp. 25, 27, 57, 62. Mass. Muster and Pay Rolls, vol. 36, pp. 25, 62 ; vol. 53, page 125 ; vol. 68, page 78 ; vol. 72, page 155. 288 PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. Tobias (Falmouth), private in Capt. Bradish's com pany. Col. Phinney's regiment. Coat Rolls, Eight Months' Service, vol. 56, page 209, Tobias (Cape Elisabeth), private in Capt. Mayberry's company. Col. Francis' regiment (ist Cumberland). Enlisted for 3 years. Enlisted Men and Officers, vol. 27, pp, 29, 30, Tobias (Cape Elisabeth), private in Capt. Mayberry's company. Col. Francis' regiment. Enlisted 23 Dec. 1776. Marched to Bennington. Various Service, vol. 21, page 48, Tobias (Cape Elisabeth), sergeant in Capt. Mayberry's company. Col. Tupper's regiment. Service from i Jan. 1777 to 21 Dec. 1779. Continental Army Books, vol, 11, pt. i, page 137; pt. 2, pp. 129, 137- Tobias, sergeant in Mayberry's company, Tupper's regiment, 25 Jan. 1778. Mass. Muster and Pay Rolls, vol. 11, page 70. Depreciation Rolls, vol, 31, page 169 ; vol. 45, page 476, Tobias, sergeant in Capt. Moses McFariand's company, Col. Lewis Nichols' regiment, 9 Sept. 1779. Company of invalids stationed in Boston. Mass. Muster and Pay Rolls, vol, 46, pp, 159, 160; vol. 47, pp. 248, 250. Tobias, sergeant in Capt. Raymon de Guiscard's com pany of volunteers, 24 April 1782. Enlisted Men, vol. 29, page 215. William, private in Capt. Caleb Kimball's company, Col. Gerrish's regiment. Enlisted 13 Nov. 1777, dis charged 3 Feb. 1778. Re-enHsted 3 Feb. 1778, dis charged 3 April 1778. Various Service, vol. 20, pp. 172, 175. William (Newbury), 25 Jan. 1779; served one and one-half months in Rhode Island, under Major William Rogers. Mass. Muster and Pay Rolls, vol, 53, p. 177. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 289 PILLSBURYS WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR. Charles H., Band, 6th Maine infantry. Charles W., Co. A, 8th Maine infantry. Charles, Co. B, 14th Maine infantry. Charles E., Co. D, i6th Maine infantry. Charles, Navy (Maine). Daniel E. , 8th Maine infantry. Earlsworth C, Co. L, ist Maine cavalry. Edward, Sergeant, Captain, Co. C, i2tli Maine infantry. Emerson, Co. H, 3d Maine infantry; Co. G, i;'h Maine infantry. Evans S., Lieutenant, Co. M, ist Maine cavalry. George W., Sergeant, Co. H, 3d Maine infantry ; also Corporal, Co. C, 12th Maine infantry ; also Farrier, Co. M, 2d Maine cavalry. George P., Co. F, coast guard infantry. Greanleaf, Co. D, 21st Maine infantry. Henry M., Corporal, Co. I, ist Maine cavalry; also Co. M, 2d Maine cavalry. John G., Co. D, ist Maine infantry. John H., Co. E, 9th Maine infantry. John M., Co. B, ist cavalry. Millard F., Co. K, 9th infantry; also 3d Co., un- assigned infantry. MONTORO M., Navy (Maine). Nathan H., Co. I, 17th Maine infantry. Noah, Co. E, 25th Maine infantry. Oliver S., 29th Co., unassigned infantry. Samuel H., Captain, Co. B, _5th Maine infantry. Thaddeus S., Co. B, 4th Maine infantry. Thomas L., Co. G, 6th Maine infantry; also Co. E, ist veterans. Tobias, Co. E, 17th Maine infantry. Tobias, 2d, Corporal, Co. A, ist Maine infantry. William H. H., Co. I, 17th Maine infantry. Woodman, Co. K, 27th Maine infantry. David K., Co. E, 12th New Hampshire infantry. Dudley J., 2d Lieutenant, Co. I, 14th New Hampshire infantry. Edward W., Co. F, ist New Hampshire infantry ; also Co. A, 8th New Hampshire infantry. igo pillsbury GEN:^AtOGY. Henry M., Co. C, ist regiment, heavy artillery; also Co. I, 2d New Hampshire infantry. John F., Co. H, 8th New Hampshire infantry. Leonard H., Captain, Co.. A, 9th New Hampshire infantry. Loammi G., Navy (New Hampshire). Moses W., Co. E, 4th New Hampshire infantry. Orrin F., Co. C, ist regiment, heavy artillery. Samuel H., Co. E, 8th N. H. infantry. William S., ist Lieutenant, ist New Hampshire infantry ; also Co. A, 9th New Hampshire infantry ; also ist Lieutenant, Co. I, 4th New Hampshire regiment ; also Co. D, ist New Hampshire regiment, heavy artillery. Moses C, Sergeant, Co. F, i6th Connecticut infantry. Thomas A., Co. F, i6th Connecticut infantry. Alphonso C., Corporal, Co. E, 15th Vermont infantry. Amo H., Co. G, i6th Vermont infantry. Ezra S., Co. F, Frontier cavalry. Hartwell H., Co. F, Frontier cavalry; also Co. H, 1 2th Vermont infantry. Franklin, Co. C, 4th Vermont infantry; also Co. H, 1 6th Vermont infantry. George W., Co. C, 4th Vermont infantry. Joseph H. , Co. E, 15th Vermont infantry. Thomas J., Co. B, 6th Vermont infantry. David A., Co. A, 6th Massachusetts infantry; loo days, Boston. Edmund R., Co. M, 2d regiment, Massachusetts heavy artillery. West Newbury. Frank M., Sergeant, Co. B, 48th Massachusetts infantry, Newbury. Freeman M., Co. F, 8th Massachusetts infantry ; 100 days, Lynn. George E., Co. C, 42d Massadhusetts infantry; 100 days, Charlestown. Harvey H., 3d unattached company; 90 days, New buryport. Horace W., Co, I, i8th Massachusetts infantry, Franklin. Hiram R., Co D, 48th Massachusetts infantry^; New bury. PILLSBURY GENEALOGY. 29 1 John F., Co. K, 2d regiment, Massachusetts heavy artillery, Danvers. John M., ist regiment, Massachusetts heavy artHlery, hospital steward, Haverhill. Joseph G., Co. C, 19th Massachusetts infantry, George town. Leonard, Co. D, 48th Massachusetts infantry; also 17th unattached company; 100 days, Newbury. Oliver S., 3d battaHon ; 3 months, S. Thomaston, Me. Olivers., Co. E, ist battalion heavy artiHery, Milton. Richmond L., Co. C, 19th Massachusetts infantry, Georgetown. Wilson M., Co. H, 23d Massachusetts infantry, Avon, Me. Daniel D. C, Navy, Boston. John E., Midshipman, Navy. Loammi G., Navy, Boston. Nathan M., Navy, Boston. Samuel W., Private, U. S. marine corps. New Jersey. Stephen A., Musician, Co. B, 13th New Jersey infantry. George E., Private, Co. D, ist West Virginia light artillery. Nehemiah, Private, Co. K, i52d Indiana infantry. Daniel, Private, Co. K, I52d Indiana infantry. Millard M., Private, Co. A, 9th Minnesota infantry. D. B., Private, Co. E, 13th Iowa infantry. Frank W., Sergeant, Co. B, 130th Illinois infantry ; transferred to 77th infantry. A. Nettleton, Private, Battery H, ist Illinois artillery. Stephen O., Private, Co. H, 77th Illinois infantry. George, Private, Co. F, 85th Illinois infantry. Daniel, Private, Co. B, 57th Illinois infantry. Adoniram J., Private, Co. H, ist Wisconsin cavalry. Nathaniel G., Private, Co. H, ist Wisconsin cavalry. Edmund, Private, Co. D, 3d Wisconsin infantry. Caleb D., Chaplain, 22d Wisconsin infantry. Granville, Private, Co. F, 36th Wisconsin infantry. Cassius C, Private, Co. F, 39th Wisconsin infantiy. Marcus A., Private, Co. C, 40th Wisconsin infantry. William C, Private, Co. A, 48th Wisconsin infantry. INDEX OF PILLSBURY CHRISTIAN NAMES. Aaron N., 41. Abbie, 141, 182. Abbie A., 217. Abbie E., 106. Abbie F., 102, 214. Abbie J., 108, 154, 273. Abbie K., 155. Abbie L., 205. Abbie M., 102, 188. Abby, 22. Abby M., 217. Abby Y., 78. Abel, 7, 10. Abiel, 12, 22. Abigail, 12, 13, 23, 24, 29, 34, 39. 39. 39. 40, 40, 45, 46, 55, 74, 92. 113. 269, 270, 271, 272, 273. Abigail A., 51, 160. Abigail C, 73. Abigail L., 75- Abigail M., 147. Abigail S., 79. Abijah, 24. Abraham, 12. Ada D., 254. Adams D,, 188. Addie, 123, 141. Addie B., 183. Addie E., 212. Addie L., 190. AddieM.,106, 193, 208. Addie R., 244. Adelaide, 152, 181. E. Adelia, 210. Adeline, 50, 113, 139. Adeline A., 145, 167. Adoniram J., 84, 181. Adrianna S., 105. Agnes, 159. Agnes H., 260. Agnes M. L., 105, Albert, 53, 57- Albert B., 182. Albert E., 134. Albert F., 258. Albert H., 219. Albert L., 55, 93, 106, 181. Albert S., 103. Albion K., 113. Alden E., 153. Alden. M., 142. Aldoras, 106. Alfred, 73, 223, 223. Alfred F., 172. Alfred F. H., 60. Alfred P., iii. Alfred S., 81. Alfred W., 181. Alice, 144, 219, 242, 249. Alice A., 261. Alice B,, 106, 263. Alice D., 141. Alice F., 106. Alice G., 264. Alice K., 218. Alice L., 156. Alice M., 208, 217, 222, . 259. Alice W., 261. Alice Z,, 154. Aliscena F., 210. Allen C, 205. Allie O., 259. Almeida, 209. Almira, 80. Almira C, 113. Alpha J., 64, 119. Alphonso J., 221. Alphonso v., 60. Alvah F., 145. Amanda, 86, 92. Amasa L., 205. Ambrose B., 167. Ambrose H., 204. Ammie H., 168. Amos, 9, 13, 22, 24, 26, 34, 39. 40, 40, 45. 45. 75, "5, 147' Amos D., 90, 229. Amy E,, 267. Andrew, 74. Andrew A,, 122. Andrew G., 269. Andrew J., 65. Ann, 21, 29, 47, 270, 272. Ann A., 147. Ann A. C, 210. Ann J., 84. Anna, 22, 24, 24, 27, 29, 34, 40, 42, 42, 60, 90, 109, III. Anna B., 218. Anna M., 112. Anne S., 165. Annabelle S., 186. Annellia, 186. Annette E,, 178. Annie, 225. Annie A., 93. Annie I., 161. Annie J,, 225. Annie K., 197, 215. Annie L., 235. Annie M., 145, 163, i8o, 182, 232, 245. Annie S., 190. Ansel M., 114. Anson, 57. Antoinette A., 134. Apphia, 10, 37, 47. Apphia A,, 94. Arbella F., 212. Arthur C, 231. Arthur F., 102, 203, 272. Arthur H., 228. Arthur J., 163. Arthur L-, 193, 234- Arthur M,, 188. Arthur N., 107. Arthur V., 219. Asa B., 139. Asa F., 138. Asa P., 139. 294 INDEX. Asahel N., 8i, 158. Audrey H., 246. Augusta D., 89. Augusta E., 152. Augustus B., 211. Aurelia B., 143. Austin W., 60. Azor M., 244. B Bailey, 72. Bartlett, 59. Ben, 223. Benjamin, 14, 17, 23, 24, 24, 28, 41, 42, 50, 61, 77, 204. Benjamin A., 269. Benjamin A. F., 60. Benjamin C, 72, 187. Benjamin D., 95. Benjamin F., 86, 161. Benjamin L., 44, 77, 85. Benjamin O., 239. Benjamin P., 51. Benjamin S., 270. Benjamin T., 79. Bernice L. E., 244. Bertha, 190, 253. Bertha E,, 249. Bertha M., 193, 225, 270. Bertie G., 144. Berton H., 226. Bessie A., 218. Bessie C, 233. Bessie L,, 203. Betsey, 23, 29, 33, 34, 34, 37, 39, 42, 42, 44, 44, 45, 47, 58, 61, 63, 63, 72, 72, 74, 82, 92, 112. Betsey G., 73. Betsey M., 83. Betsey R., 56. Betsey W., 73. Betty, 63. Beulah, 46. Blanche DeL., 273. Blanche L,, 263. Billey E., 56. Bion B., 183. Boyden H., 231. Brainerd G., 245. Byron O,, 161. Byron S,, 269. S. Burke, 97. Caleb, 7, 9, 14, 25, 41, 43, 43, 44, 79. 80, 156, 269. Caleb A., 161. Caleb D., 93, 269. Caleb G., 83, 235. Caleb K., 98. Caleb W., 77. Capitola L., 184. Carl C, 221. Carl L., 224. Carlos, 139. Carlton C, 242. Caroline, 46, 49, 51, 113, 139- Caroline H., 71. Carrie B., 212. Carrie H., 231. Carrie S., 144. Carrie T., 197. Carroll E., 183. Cassius C, 182. Catherine, 92, 95. Catherine's., 98. Charles, 28, 46, 73, 90, III, 139, 181, 182, 185, 207, 269, 270. Charles A., loi, 105, 147, 169, 188, 216, 228. Charles B., 182, 228. Charles C, 34. Charles D., 189. Charles E., 103, 106, 209, 221. Charles F., 93, 138, 225, 257, 272. Charles G., 188. Charles H., 107, no, 119, 165, 210, 217, 222, 258. Charles J., 89, 191. Charles L., 184. Charles O., 145, 206. Charles P., 185. Charles S., 96, 193, 228, 239. Charles V., 142. Charles W., 59, 96, 139. 155, 205, 225, 254, 272. Charlotte, 46, 185, 244, 244. Charlotte A., 145. Charlotte E., 181. Chase, 24. Chester, 206. Chester A., 203. Clara, 112, 205. Clara A., 102, 253. Clara E., 108, 109, 180, 182. Clara R., 183. Clarence A., 273. Clarence E., 141. Clarence H., 225. Claude, 253. Clemens, 30. Clement, 269. Clementine, 113. Clinton C, 247. Clifford I., 258. Clovian, 142. Coleator C. W., 214. Cora A., 253. Cora H,, 212. Coralla A., 253. Cortez, 207. Curtis D., 246. Cynthia, in. Cynthia A., 115. Daisy, 254. Daisy F., 246. Dale E., 253. Daniel, 9, 11, 13, 24, 27, 33. 39. 48, 72, 74, 85, 116, 143, 268, 269, 269, 272. Daniel C, 161. Daniel D., 43. Daniel D. C, 160. Daniel H., 138. Daniel J., 139, 220. Daniel M., 228. Daniel S., 30, 153. Daniel T., 91. Daniel W., 93, 262. Daniel Y., 57. David, 12, 22, 24, 34, 58, 78, 213, 272. David B., 79, 121. David G., 120. David J., 165. David K., 83. INDEX. 295 David P., 156. David R., 80. David S., 56, 121. David T., 42. Deborah, 7, 10, 43. Delora B., 210. Dennis, 114. Dennis C, 259. Dexter R., 140. Dexter W., 263. Diana, 77. Dole, 45. Dolly, 41, 42, 44, 77. Dolly W., 79, 86. Dora E,, 263. Dorcas, 116, Dorothy, 9, II, 45, 192, 239. 265. Dorothy A., 141. Dorothy C, 264. Dudley J., 141. Earl D., 246. Earlsworth C, in. Eben, 46, 93. Ebenezer, 26. Eben F., 93, 246. Edgar T., 212. Edith, 232, 244. Edith M., 254. Edmund, 12, 13, 23, 63, 181. Edna A., 141. Edna F., 203. Edna G., 224. Edna L., 227. Edward, 53. Edward A., 255. Edward B., 109, 212. Edward E., 161. Edward F., 257. Edward G., no. Edward H., 152. Edward I., 158. Edward L., I55- Edward P., 81, 122. Edward R., 207. Edward T., 59, 216. Edward W., lol, 105, 254, 256. Edwin, 84. Edwin A., 194, 237, Edwin B., 162. Edwin H., 233. H. Edwin, 238. Edwin J., 164. Edwin L., 146. Edwin S., 167. Edwin T., 107. Effie M., 180. Elbridge S., 109. Eldora, 269. Elfleda M., no. Elijah, 21, 144. Elenor, 21. Elinor, in. Eliphalet, 24. Elisha, 181. Eliza, 79, III, 204, 270. Eliza A., 50, 70, 117. Eliza C, 139. Eliza E., 93. Eliza F., 51. Eliza K., 155. Eliza J., 72, 79, 107, 119. Eliza M., 147. Eliza S., 64. Elizabeth, 10, 13, 17, 21, 22, 22, 25, 38, 43. 45, 45, 46, 49. 73. 75. 91, 91, 92, 112, 116, 271, 272, 273- Elizabeth A., 50, 88. Elizabeth C, 138. Elizabeth G., 192. N. Elizabeth, 81. Elizabeth W., 77, 93, 146. Elizaette S., 105. Ella, 223. Ella C, 150. Ella F,, 186. Ella M., 168, 178. Ellen, 61, 112, 207, 216. Ellen A., 168. Ellen B,, 163. Ellen C, 269. Ellen D,, 206, Ellen M,, 261, 262. Ellenette, 98. Elliot M., 263. Elma, 182. Elmer G., 246. Elsie G., 197. Elsie J., 83. Elsie M., 228. Elvira, 98. Elvira A,, 117. Elvira D., 94. Elvira R,, 155. Emeline, 72, Emeline D,, 114. Emeline M., 59. Emerson, 57. Emily, 92, 95. Emily A., 105, 230. Emily H., 138, Emily R., 51, 103. Emily W., 99. Emma, 164, 206, 214, 222. Emma E,, 207. Emma F,, 107, 179. Emma G,, 160, 235, Emma J,, 197, 223. Emma K., 212. Emma L,, 143, 153, 257, 258. Emma M., 122, 237. Emma R., 109. Emma W., 185. Enoch, 18, 27, 28, 35, 37, 46, 48, 49. 51. 63. 63, 65, 70. Enoch F., 103. Enoch H., 64, 95. Eiioch L., 31. 213- Ercelia, 223, Ernest, 225. Ernest D., 162. Ernest H., 195. Ernest J., 253. Ernest R., 191. Ernest S,, 231. Ester, 33. Esther, 14, 41, 58, 182. Esther A,, 80. Ethel, 260. Ethel J., 217. Ethel v., 197. Etta L., 262, Etta W., 222. Eunice, 22, 27, 29, 39, 48. Eunice A. K., 83. Eunice B., 44. Eunice C, 51. Eunice W,, 49, 98. Eugene, 224. Eva M., 185. Evans S,, 181. Eveline, 113. Evelyn B,, 263. Evelyn H,, 194, Everett C, 109. 296 INDEX. Everett E., 254. Experience, 7, 10, 270. Ezra, 13, 24, 58, 72, 73. Ezra Z., 141. Eula v., 233. Fanny, no. Fanny B., 226. Fanny C, 144. Fanny K., 168. Fanny L., 190. Faustina F., 210. Fendall B,, 109. Ferdinand C, 72. Fidelia, 46. Fitzroy F., no. F'lora, 254. F'lorence A., 224. Florence E., 188, 222. Florence H., 195. Florence J., 103. Florence L., 234, Florence M., 178, 257. Florence S., 247. F'orrester K., 225. Frances, 159. Frances E., 210. Francis A., 139. Francis B., 142, 223. Francis E., 99. F'rancis I,, 81. Francis P., 72. Francis R., 74. Frank B., 182. Frank C, 203, 208,235. Frank D., 161. Frank E., 180,234,267. F^rank G,, 106. Frank H., 215. F'rank I., no, 158. Frank J., 168. Frank L. M,, 264, Frank M., 59, 187, 208. Frank N., 232, 264. Frank O., 191. Frank R., 221. Frank T,, 254. Frank W,, 107, 204, 222, Franklin, 92. Franklin H,, 194. Fred A,, 154, 188. Fred B., 254. Fred C, 169, 234. Fred E., 224. Fred H., no. Fred J., 196. Fred N., 263. Fred R., 162. Fred T,, 108. Fred W., 112, 208. Frederic, 164. Frederic A. H., 212. F'rederic C, 144. Frederic H., 109. Frederic S., 167. Freeman M., 160. Geneva A., 244. Genva E., 270. George, 46, 92, 92, 93, 96, 98, 112, 114, 116, 181, 228, 245, 264; 273. George A., 86, 120, 228, 231, 239, 242. George B., 80, 117, 156, 156, 216, 229. George C, 168. George D., 180. George E,, 102, 122, 122, 147, 182, 188, 210, 234, George F",, 145, 206. George H., 103, 139, 152, 189. George I-., 162. George J. E., 244. George L., 97, 106, 194. George M., 74, 109, 158, 178, 217. George N., 208. George O., 179. George P., 97. George S., 119, 121, 158, 191, 193, 211. George T., 48, 90, 97. George W., 55, 58, 59, 63, 99, "4, 182, 209, 210, 214, 220. Georgiana, 244. Georgianna D., 186. Georgianna W., 89. Georgie B., 156. Gertie W., 222. Gertrude S., 232. Gilbert, 70. Gorham P., 74. Grace, 253, 254. Grace A., 235, 236. Grace D., 218. Grace F., 208. Grace G., 180. Grace L., 167. Grace M., 231, 256. Grace O,, 234. Grace W., 178. Granville, 181. Greenleaf, 92. Guy, 253. Guy H,, no. Guy R., 249. H Hannah, 9, 14, 18, 24, 24. 28, 31, 33, 39, 41, 42, 43, 45, 50. 50. 55, 61, 74, 78, 114, 114, 116, 139, 205, 213, 270, 270, 273- Hannah A., 145. Hannah E., 181, 255. Hannah H., 209. Hannah L., 115. Hannah M., 122. Hannah R., 98. Hannah W., 73. Hannibal E,, 183. Harlan F., 144. Harlin, 77. Harlin H., 153. Harriet, 50, 77, 271, 271. Harriet A., 120. Harriet F., 86. Harriet L., 73, 165. Harriet N., 70, 155, 271. Harriet P., 75. Harrison, 77. Harry M., 215, 234, 246. Harry N., 162. Hartwell, 58, Harvey H., 98. Hattie, 267. Hattie A., 158, 218. Hattie E., 257. Hattie G., 242, Hattie L,, 107, 168. Hattie M,, 187. Hazel, 197. Hazel L., 227. INDEX. 297 Hazen L., 112. Helen, 209, 242. Helen A., 182,191,192. Helen B., 124. Helen C, 261. Helen E,, 164, 254. Helen P., 142, 181. Helen H., 106. Helen L., 210. Helen M., 102, 192, 210. Helen S., 155. Henrietta E., 155. Henrietta R., 186. Henry, 10, 12, 18, 53, 53, "5, 138, 213. Henry A., 222. Henry B., 56. Henry C, 231. Henry F., 162, 272. Henry L., 155, 156. Henry M., loi, 121, 205. Henry W., 97. Herbert, 60, 207, 225. Herbert F"., 270. Herbert L., 168, 254. Herbert P., 155. Herbert S., 243. Herbert W., 188. Herman W., 197. Herschel B., 184. Hervey G., 144. Hester, 113. Hobart A., 164. Hobart B., 238. Horace D., 244. Horace G., 217. Horace H., 218. Horace W., 158, 238. Horatio N., 74. Hortense, 212. Howard, 156. Howard E., 225. Howard L., 59. Hilton S., 64. Hiram, 269. Hiram G,, 209. Hiram N., 258. Hiram R,, 144, Hubert H., 188. I Ida, 180, Ida A., 60. Ida G., 162. Ida J., 107. Ida M., 207. Ida S., 256. Increase, 7, 10. Inez E,, 236. lone, 253. , Ira, 143. Ira A., 143. Ira H., 158. Ira S., 179. Iraeneus L., 81. Isaac, 25, 45, 88, 8 271. Isaac N,, 82, 161. Isaac W., 59. Isabelle F\, 236. Israel, 64. Ithamar, 43, 80, 81. Ithamar P., 80, 156. Jacob, 10, 12, 17, 112, Jacob B., 108. Jacob R., 63, 117. James, 35, 40, 46, 51, 59, 63, 63,93, 116, 119, 272. James B., 92, 118, 223, 271. James D., 145. James E., 121. James F., 60. James H., 59, 72. James K., 161. James L., 81. James M,, 94, 116, 117, 167, 261. James N., 83, 160. James O., 216, 217. James P., 139. James R., 201. James S,, 164, 164. James V., 217. James W., 102, 267. Jane, 17, 24,41, 42,42, 46, 112, 114. Jane M. T., 269. Jane W,, 77. Jasper H,, 161, Jeanette C, 265. Jedediah B. S., 141. Jennie G,, 258. Jeremiah, 43, 118. Jerome F., 183. Jesse, 33. Jesse E., 78. Jessie, 235. Joanna, 17, 43. Joanna N., 77. Job, 7. John, 10, 12, 16, 17, 17, 17, 26, 26, 28, 31, 33, 33. 34, 35, 37, 37, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 45. 46, 61, 61, 63, 78, 81, 91, 91, 114, 114, 115, 120, 121, 179, 235, 257, 269, 272, 273, ' 274. John A., 147, 188, 229, 272. John B., 184. John C,,65, 65, 75, 79, 85, 92, 117, 118, 218, 222, 269. John C. C, 223. John D., 90, 90, 108, 112. John E., 103. John F., 56, 143, 145. John G,, 51, 103, 217. John H., 35, 60, 63, 122, 145, 214. John J., 117, 119, 216. John L., 116, 210. John M., 79, 109, in, ^55, 179, 205. John P., 144, 223. John Q. A., 112. John R., 2ic>, John S., 86, 239. John S. C, 258. John W., 64, 99, 106, 180, 234, 272. Johnson, 61, 113, Jonathan, 22, 24, 34, 42, 78, 108. Jonathan K., 98. Joseph, 9, 12, 13, 18, 22, 23, 23, 24, 29, 33, 34, 35, 38, 44, 48, 51, 53, 61, 61, 62, 72, 77, 85, 114, 138, 204, 207, 272. Joseph B., 95, 217. Joseph C, 90. Joseph D., 80, 220. Joseph E,, 151. 224, 224, Joseph H,, 65, 119, 122, 161, 190. 298 INDEX. Joseph J., 263. Joseph L,, 97- Joseph M., 112. Joseph S., 107, 141. Joseph T., 144. Joseph W., 56. Josephine, 119. Josephine A., 145. Josephine M., 115. Joshua, 7, 10, II, 17, 18, 25, 27, 34, 43, 49, 51, 62, 92, 98, 116. Joshua P., 79, 98, 102, 267. Joshua W., 116, 261. Josiah, 9, 12, 22, 65, 115, 115, 214. Josiah D., 121. Josiah H., 84. Josiah W., 70. Josie A., 112. Joy, 112. Judith, 9, 14, 17, 39, 42, 44, 45, 56, 73- Judith A., 90. Judith S., 83. Julia, 119, 206. Julia M,, 217. Julia R., 210. Julius B., 168. Junius, 207. K Kate, 235. Kate E., 220. Kate L., 212. Katherine, 222. Kathleen E., 201. Keith, 121. Kenneth C, 265. Kittie P., 215, Knott C, 211. Laura, 264. Laura A., 152, i58. Laura B., 182. Laura D., 142. Laura F., 152, 221. Lavinia, 55. Lavinia H., 84. Lawrence B., 226. Lawrence J., 112. Lawrence W., 223. Leavitt, S., 141. Lena M., 218. Leonard, 74. Leonard C, 145. Leonard H., 84. Leonora F., 212. Leslie O., 244. Letitia N., 109. Levi, 43. 45. 79. 80. Levi B., 205, 221. Levi F., 155. Levi H., 94. Levi P., 155. Lewis, 73. Lewis E. E., 244. Lewis M., 211. Lilian, 109. Lilian M., 238. Lilian W., 102. Lily M., 224. Lizade E., 183. Lizzie, 18. Lizzie B., 208. Lizzie E,, 107, 234. Lizzie I., 102. Lizzie L., 109. Lizzie M,, 238. Loammi G., 113. Lois, 27, 63. Lois C, 75, 147. 147. 273- Lois L., 117. Lora, 254. Lorenzo, 139. Louis D., 148. Louis L., 253. Louisa, 117, 144, 144, 156. Louisa A., 74. Louisa F., 188. Louisa G., 115. Louisa J., 195. Louisa M., 117, 117. Louisa W., 139. Lovey A., 206. Lovinia, 223. Lucia C, 188. Lucia H., 145. Lucien B., 93. Lucinda, 81. Lucinda M,, 115. Lucretia, 85. Lucretia A., 72. Lucretia E., 115. Lucretia S., 103, 190. Lucy, 50, 62, 88, 213. Lucy A., 121. Lucy E., 210. Lucy M., 115. Lucy N., 115. Lura M., 182. Luke, 91. Luther B., 83, 235. Luther C, 75. Luther P., 91. Lydia, 10, 30, 45, 63, 113, 115, 224. Lydia A., 144, Lydia B., 44. Lydia C, 75. Lydia J., 117, 160. Lydia L., i43- Lydia M., 145. Lyman, 77. M Mabel A., 258. Mabel I., 254. Mabel L., 227. Mabel S,, 156. Mabel T., 217. Maggie A., 273. Mahala L., 205. Maranda F., 217. Marcellus E., 141. Marcia V., 109. Marcus M., 153. Margaret, 17, 61, 114, 213, 269, 270. Margaret A., 98. Margaret C, 239. Margaret B., 255. Marguerite D., 202. Maria, 51, 114, 238. Maria A., 120, 221. Maria H., 206. Marian-, 242. Mariana, 106. Marie D., 105. Marion K., 263. Marion L., 158. Marshall O. P., 244. Martha, 35, 73, 74. Martha A., 58, 59, 71, 95, 117, 153- Martha C, 88. Martha E., 122, 153, 257- Martha H., 63, 64, 138, 221. INDEX. 299 Martha J., 139. Martha M., 93. Martha N., 145. Martha S., 97. Martha U., 221. Martin L., 65. Mary 9, 10, 10, 12, 13, 17, 17, 18, 22, 24, 24, 24, 26, 27, 28, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39, 39, 41, 41. 42, 45, 45, 46, 48, 50, 50, 53, 61, 63, 74, 74, 77, 79, 82, 86, 88, 112, 112, 113, 114, 151, 181, 204, 214, 269, 270, 273. Mary A., 50, 56, 73, 90. 93, 95, 103, 153, 161, 163, 169, 181, 182, 190, 206, 212, 228, 233, 236, 248, 256, 257, 271. Mary A. L., 164. Mary B., 30, 84, 231. Mary C, 49, 156, 232. Mary D., 80, 220. Mary E., 98, 102, 106, 107, 107, 113, 117, 154, 155, 156, 160, 189, 190, 194, 209, 215, 246, 258, 265. Mary F., 78, 151, 178. Mary H., 138, 217. Mary J., 58, 65, 71, 120, 153, 205, 267. Mary K., 77, 183, 210. Mary L., 81, 145, 158, 197^ 212. Mary M., 74, 114, 136, 146. Mary N., 75, 150. Mary O., 271. Mary S., 70, 108, 121, 192, 271. Mary W,, 83, 139, 147. Matilda B., 142. Matilda J., 223. Matilda S., 211. Matthew, 74. Mattie, 192. Maude, 253. Maud A., 226, 237. Maud C, 226. Maud E., 246. Maud L., no. Maud M. A., 244. May E., 257. May F., 162. Mehitable, 34, 114. Melinda, 144. Melvin, 94. Mercy, 272, 274. Merrick D., 221. Merrill, 22, 34, 269. Merton G., no. Meta E., 158. Micajah, 25, 85. Michael, 29. Mildred C, no. Millard M., 205. Millie S., 232. Minerva, 91. Minnie B,, 184, 192. Minnie M., 258. Miriam, 30, 33, 34, 42, 43, 43, 85. Miriam B., 79. Montoro M., 210. Montoro R., 258. Montrose W. F., no. Molly, 22, 27. Moody, 39, 40, 112. Moody A., 48, 96. Morris, 269, 269. Morris H., 258. Moses, 7, 9, 13, 13, 24, 24, 25, 30, 37, 38, 41, 41, 43, 44, 63, 64, 73, 77. 81, 213, Moses C,, 40, 147. Moses F., 70. Moses H., 65, 108. Moses K., 144. Moses L-, 86. Moses W,, 57, 217, Myron A., no. Myrtle P., 262. N Nahum H., 206. Nancy, 34, 40, 41, 43, 44,44,91,112, 114, 181. Nancy J., 208. Nathan, 13, 23, 35, 44, 61, 62. Nathan B., 161. Nathan H., 64. Nathan S., 138. S. Nathan, 115. Nathaniel, 61, 62. Nathaniel E,, 65, 115. Nathaniel G., 181. Nathaniel J., 204. Nathaniel L., 145. Nathaniel M,, 226. Nathaniel W,, 49. Nehemiah O,, 90. Nellie A., 237. Nellie B,, 107. Nellie E,, 254. Nellie M., 180, 216, 238. Nettie A,, 220. Nettie M., 221. Noah, 34, 59. Noah C, 90. Noah O., 60. Olive, 45, 46, 72, 88, 92, 208. Olive E., 208, 257. Olive N., 112. Oliver, 37, 39, 58, 70, 70, 74, 140, 272. Oliver A., 260. Oliver B., 115, 212. Oliver C, 259. Oliver D., 65, 108, 122. Oliver M., 139. Oliver P., 117, 215. Oliver R,, 74. Oliver S,, 59, 211. Omer, 183. Orrin, 223. Orrin F., 205. Orrin G., 254. Orrin W., 144. Orlando 'W., 93. Oscar, 223, Ossian D., 183. Otis W., 221. Parker, 23, 37, 64, 70. Parker C, 65. Parker K., 120. Patty, 44. Paul, 37, 65, 74. Paul J., 188. Paul M,, 255. Paul P., 48. 300 INDEX. Paulina, in. Pearl M., 195. Perley P., 234. Permelia, 72. Permelia P., 72. Peter, 13. Phebe, 27, 42, 49, 74. Phebe C, 73. Phebe F., 210. Phebe K., 98. Phebe W., 65. Phinehas, 37, 64, 113. Pingree, 45. Ploomy, 44. Polly, 29, 42, 44, 72, 8l, 270. Polly J., 79. Polly P., 64. Prescott G., 102. Priscilla, 113. Prudence, 39, 72. R Rachel, 43. Rachel F., 113. Ralph A., 212. Ralph B., 216, 256, 262. Ralph L., 196. Ralph W., 190. Ralph W. E., no. Randall J., 83. Ray, 247. Rebekah, 27, 48, 56. Rebecca D., 91, 98. Rebecca H., 50. Rebecca P., 102. Rena C, 265. Rena M., 249. Reuben M., 115. Rhoda, 56, 115. Richard, 12, 22, 33, 269, 269, 272. Richard C, 56. Richard G., 73. Richmond L,, 144, Robert F., 220. Robert N,, 212. Roby J., 164. Roderick W., 109. Rosa L., 263. Rosecrans W., 165. Rosilla P., 141. Rosina K., 142. Ross S., 267. Roy E., 224. Russell S., 94. Ruth, 21,24, 30,34,39, 39, 41, 42, 42, 44, 74, 77, 264, 272. Ruth E., 197. S. Sadie A., in. Sadie H., 217. Sallie, 219. Sally, 28, 29, 33, 37, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 46, 50, 63, 72, 72, 82. Sally G., 142. Sally K,, 44. Saloma, 43. Sam G., 162. Samuel, n, 18, 18, 24, 26, 27, 28, 37, 37, 41. 45, 45, 47, 51, 61, 61, 62, 65, 72, 91, 112, 114, 140, 270, 270, 271. Samuel A., 210, 235. Samuel G., 113. Samuel H., loi, 103, 181. Samuel L,, 152. Samuel N., 153. Samuel R., 98. Sarah, n, 12, 14, 17, 18, 21, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 33, 34, 35, 38, 41, 42, 43. 45. 45. 48, 61, 61, 62, 65, 85, 88, in, 117, 119, 205, 269, 271, 272. Sarah A., 81, 112, 114, 122, 160, 181. Sarah A. C, 80, Sarah B., 90, 172, 223, 260. Sarah C, 56, 108. Sarah D., 79. Sarah E., 59, 79. 79. 98, 107, 109, 113, 143. 215, 216. Sarah F., 271. Sarah H., 50, 121. Sarah J., 65, 92, 93, 98, 115, 122, 210. Sarah L., 121, 187. Sarah M., 83, 89, 161, 187. Sarah S., 86. Sarah W., 188, 258. Schuyler D., 227. J. Scott, 109. Serena, 112. Serena E., 140. Seth M., 180. Sewall, 74. Sewall B., 55. Sherman D., 148. Sherwin J., 190. Shuah B., 60. Silas, 39, 45, 156. Silas D., 91. Silas P., 90. Simeon, 39. Simon, 112. Simon W., 86. Solomon, 38, 72, 74, 143- Solomon F., 97. Solomon H., 59. Sophia, 41. Sophia F., 90, 98. Sophia R., 209. Sophronia, 143, 143. Sophronia F'., 112. Spencer, 140. Stacey E., 246. Statira, 210. Stephen, 23, 28, 29, 35. 44, 45, 51, 61, 81, 84. Stephen A., 158. Stephen H., 112, 237. Stephen M., 142, 223. Stephen N., in. Stephen O., 204. Stephen W., 206, 207, 257- Stover, 53. Sue, 255. Sullivan, 77. Susan, 46, 112, 113. Susan A., no, 160. Susan J., 93. Susan M., 172. Susan S., 138. Susannah, 9, 13, 14. 16, 16, 17, 17, 23, 24, 24, 270, 270. Susie A., 89. Susie B., 223. Susie H., 249. Sydney D., 222. INDEX. 301 Tappan P., 65. Thaddeus S., 210. Thankful, 7. Theodatha B,, 64. Theodore L., 113, 146. Thomas, 17, 22, 26, 33, 33, 35, 51, 74- Thomas A., 147, 195, 229. Thomas G., 65. Thomas H., 239. Thomas J., 73. Thomas M., 121. Thomas R., 114. Thomas S., 178. Thomas W., 77, 85. Timothy, 21, 30. Timothy A., 90, 91. Tobias, 35, 61, 62, 112, 213. Tristram, 22, 31, 33, 33, 34. 56. 271. Truman, 207. U Ulysses G., 165. Uriah, 74, 144. V Valentine V., 237. Valentine W., 164. Verner, 188. Vessie H., 218. Vesta E., 244, Victor A,, 226. Viola T., 238. w Wallace S., 216. Walter, 90. Walter B., 228, 255, 257- Walter E., 158, 248. Walter F., 151. Walter H., 180, 234. Walter M., 215. Walter S., 233. Warren, 246. Warren H., 236. Warren W., 102. Watson H., 212. Weston, 56. Wilbur F., 140. Willard G., 214. Willard P., 246. William, i, 7, 10, 10, 13. 39, 40, 46. 47. 51, 63, 63, 82, III, 113, 114, 181, 185, 238, 269, 272. William A,, 90. William B., 90, 217. William C, 34, 112. William E., 103, 121, 143, 205. William F., 109, 193. William H., 70, 74, 116, 145, 193, 231, 269. William H. C, 56, William H, H,, 206, 255- William J,, 117, 139, 205, 236, 269. WilHam K., 93. William L., 102. William M., 186. William O., 209. William R., 83, in, 151- W. Royal, 197. William S., 84, 103, 167, William T., 48, 65. William W., 208, Willie, 222. Willie D., 216. Willie H., 224. Wilson D., 263. Winfield H., 261. Wingate, 253. Wingate H., 30. Winifred M., 257. Winnie S., 207. Woodbridge, 143. Woodman, 206. Zelenda P., 79. Zena W., 223. 362 INDEX. Index of Surnames Other Than Pillsbury. Abbot, 45, 80, 147, 257, 272. Ackerly, 237. Adams, 98, 142, 155, 183, 212, 213, 216. Ager, 168. Aiken, 167. Aitchison, 197. Alborn, 246. Alden, 263. Aldrich, 139, Alexander, 267. Alger, 271. Allen, II, 79, 143, 246, 265. Allenwood, 260. Alley, 160. Amro, 187. Anderson, 222, 259. Andrews, 87, 163. Annis, 205. Arey, 213. Arlin, 180. Armstrong, 244. Atkins, 224. Atkinson, 21. Atwood, 47, 60, 209. Averill, 204. Avery, 263. Bagley, 78, 155. Bailey, 22, 39, 79, 81, 164, 190, 225. Baker, 22, 105, 150. Baldwin, 244. Ball, 256. Ballard, 93. Banks, 108, 108. Barber, 43. Barnard, 117, 236, Barney, 91, 266, Barrett, 258, Barrows, 145. Barry, 271. Bartlett, 12, 29, 29, 39, 139. 143, 186, 264, 272. Barton, 223. Batchelder, 63, 64, 82. Bates, 233. Bayley, 24, 24, 38, 272. Baxter, 235. Bean, 42, 42, 63, 63, 79, 79- Beckwith, 184. Bell, 60, 226. Benjamin, 216. Bennett, 140, 208, 217. Benton, 108. Berry, 109, 121, 260. Bettis, 144. Bicknell, 185. Bigelow, 159. Blackwedel, 158. Blaisdell, 180, 188. Blanchard, 151. Bliss, 256. Booth, 221. Bousinat, 202. Bowers, 254. Bowman, 46. Boyce, 73. Boyden, 231. Boynton, 184, Bradbury, 49. Bradstreet, 143. Bragdon, 111,113, 113. Bragg, 182, 191. Brann, 209. Brickett, 13, 42, 232. Briggs, 229. Brocklebank, 25, 26. Brockway, 167. Brooks, 72, 248. Brown, 10, 46, 50, 59, 73, 79, 92, 94, 99, 115, 124, 154, 154, 180, 182, 187, 205, 212, 272. Brownell, 168. Bryant, 152. Buck, 56. Bucknell, 253, Burbank, 26, 95, 221. Burgess, 92. Burke, 95. Burleigh, 95, 95. Burnap, 221. Burnham, 63, 141, 245. Burns, 185. ' Burpee, 41, 138, 142. Burrill, 39. Burroughs, 50. Burt, 117. Bussy, 113. Buswell, 151. Butler, 224, 234. Butt, 257. Buxton, 96. Caldwell, 238. Campbell, 17. Carl, 34. Carlton, 86, 169. Carpenter, 53. Carr, 73, 74, 89. Carroll, 270. Carter, 98, 239, 261, 262. Caswell, 234. Caverno, 118, 119. Center, 224. Chadwick, 273. Challoner, 218. Chamberlain, 44, 154, 154, 189. Chandler, 187, 264. Chapman, 105. Chase, 24, 24, 39, 49, 142. Cheney, 87. Chick, 206. Chisholm, 197. Choate, 47, loi. Cilley, 214. Clark, 46, 51, 144, 151, 156, 213, 259. Clay, 42, 42, 153. Cleveland, 75. Clement, 21, 33, 57, 108. Clifford, 41, 56, 142. Closson, 120. Clough, 57, 57, 168, 205, 254, 260. Cluff, 108. Cobb, 145, 214, 261, 265. Coburn, 259. Cochrane, 243. INDEX. 303 CofSn, 29, 90. Cofran, 180. Cogswell, 70, 142, 220. Colburn, 161, 238. Colby, 42, 78, 92, 141, 222. Cole, 249. Colley, 27. Collins, 72, 210, 231. Collischorn, 210. Colman, 73. Coney, 93. Conn, 259. Cook, 26, 155, 209, 242. Coolbroth, 58, Cooper, 61, 113. Copp, 57. Coppell, 244. Corliss, 81, 197. Cornell, 237. Couch, 48, 188. Coutinko, 147. Crafts, 181. Cragin, 183. Craig, 186. Cram, 88. Cranden, 201. Crichton, 263. Crocker, 75, 150. Crockett, 62. Crosbey, 2. Cross, 40. Crowell, 164, 165. Cummings, 172. Curley, 220. Currier, 26, 77, 116, 116, 117, 235. Curtin, 23. Curtis, 178, 182. Cushing, 247. Cutter, 73, 144, 154, 155, 216, 261. Dagnan, 260. Dains, 237. Daman, 219. Dane, 27. Danforth, 236. Dangerfield, 29. Darling, 56. Davidson, 253. Davis, 46, 58, 60, 88, 112, 117, 158, 215, 220, 221, 222, 222, 244, 247. Day, 229. Dean, 22, 212. , Deering, 58. Dennett, 35, 216. Dennis, 52. Denny, 271. Denton, 215. Dickenson, 37. Dill, 114, 210, 211. Dimond, 181. Dinsmoor, 131. Dinsmore, 210. Dix, 96, 96, 152. Doane, 227. Dodge, 138, 157. Doe, 46. Dolbier, 183. Dole, 45, 91, 123. Dolloff, 76. Dow, 63. Downer, 39, 60. Downs, 113. Doty, 24. Drinkwater, 210. Drown, 109. Drummond, 184. Drury, 237. Dudley, 42, 93, 109. Dunbar, 121. Dunford, 267. Dunham, 114. Dunnell, 270. Duntley, 270, Durgin, 168. Dutton, 143. DwinneH, 178, 271. Dyer, 106, 214. Eacott, 178. Eastman, 18, 72, 114, 141. Eaton, 74, 78, 86, 137, 153, 181. Eels, 271. Eldridge, 231. Elkins, 123, 193. Elliott, 51. Ellis, 92, 248. Elsworth, 236,263. Ely, 189. Emerson, loi, 141, 272. Emery, 13, 61, 61, ns, 143- England, 272. Evans, 43, 50, 91, 100, 180, 193. Eveleth, 136. Ewens, 7. Fairbanks, 88, 88. Fairfield, 81. Falls, 193. Farnham, 145. Farnsworth, 152. Favereaux, 194. Favor, 92, Farr, 58, 58. Felch, 168. Fenn, 267. Fernald, in, 112, 207. Fickett, 106, 106, 271. Field, 23. Fisher, 100. Fiske, loi, 172. Fitts, 117, 216. Fitzgerald, 158, Flanders, 45. F'letcher, 80, 82, 162. Flint, 192. Flower, 229. Floyd, 107. Fogg, 23. Follansbee, 267. Folsam, 46, 92, 215, Foote, 257, Forrest, 193. Foss, 58, 59, no, 118, 202, 262. Foster, 231. Fowler, 56, 97, 141. Frazier, 46, 181, French, 59, 72, 107, 117, 119, 152, 215, 269. Frink, 65. Frisbee, 267, Frost, 60, 60, 97, 113, 113, 228. Frothingham, 104. Furlong, 94. Gage, 141. Gale, 172, 217. Gamble, 117. Gardner, 217. Garton, 180. 304 Garvin, 113, 206, 206, 207, 208, 265. Gates, 194. Gavett, 7. Gay, 158, 158. George, 122, 162. Getchell, 46, 191. Giddings, 99. Gilbert, 107. Giles, 181. Gill, 263. Gilman, 28. Gleason, 187. Glidden, 209. Godfrey, 12. Goldthwaite, 232, 269. Goodale, 91, 180. Goodridge, 12, 13. Goodwin, 33, 88, 257. Goold, 261. Gordon, 269. Gould, 144, 144. Gove, 168. Graffam, 214, 261. Grant, 105. Gray, 103, 113, 217. Greeley, 156. Green, 73, 120, 226. Greenleaf, 52. Greenough, 73. Griffin, 262, 270. Griffiths, 271. Gross, 270. Grush, 122, 122, 219. Guild, 247. Guildford, 185. H Hackett, 40. Hale, 12, 13, 13, 23, 35. 35. 39. 65, 138, 222. Hall, 112, 194, 208, 210, 218. Haines, 60. Hallowell, 155. Ham, 112, 112, 177, 177, 203, 205, 207, 220, 267. Hamilton, 213. Hannaford, 109. Hanscom, 92. Hardin, 258. Hardy, 141, 185, 224, 224. Hargrave, 226. Index. Harmon, 271. Harriman, 94, 139, 139, 260. Harris, 158. Hartshorn, 248. Harvey, 14, 120, 205. Haskell, 160. Haskins, 91, 266. Hawes, 218. Hawkes, 262. Hayes, 106. Hayford, 59. Haynes, 91. Healey, 76. Heath, 148. Hendrickson, 230. Herriss, 272. Hersey, 138. Hewins, 246. Hildreth, 151. Hill, 84, 91, 113, 160, 161. HHls, 13. Hinckley, 46, 88. Hobart, 84. Hobbs, 204, 208. Hodgkins, 145. Hoitt, 63, 95, 120, 271. Holbrook, 235. Hollis, 234. Hooper, 206. Hopkinson, 26. Houghton, 161. Hovey, 9, 47. Howard, 39. Hoyt, 43, 44, 50, 232, 245, 273, 273. Huckins, 161. Hudson, 270. Hughes, 99. Huntley, 144. Huntress, 112. H'urley, 210. Hutchings, 107. Hutchinson, 228. I Ilsley, no. Ingraham, 46, 209, 270. Jackman, 72. Jackson, 249. Jacobs, 180. James, 140. Jaques, 37. Jaquith, 221. Jellison, 205. Jenks, 190. Jenness, 42. Jewett, 28. Johnson, 17, 179, 180, 182, 258. Jones, 14, 56, 63, 63, 192, 217, 228. Jordan, 116, 222. Joy, 60. Judkins, 216. K Keene, 113, 181. Kelley, 12, 24, 40, 58, 221, 272. Kelloch, 114. Kelsey, 83. Kennedy, 209, 259. Kennett, 143, 225, 225. Kennison, 243. Kenney, 10. Kent, 27. Kidder, 254. Kilburn, 95. Kimball, 25, 33, 49, 95, 143, 238. Kindrick,, 272. King, 79: Kinney, 259. Knapp, 21, 88, 196. Kneeland, 144, 224. Knight, 98. Knowles, 118, 119, 159- Knowlton, 72, 197, 246. Kyes, 192. Ladd, 58. Lake, 146, 146. Lamar, 243. Lamb, 269. Lane, 40, 116, 232. Lang, 230. Lappham, 270. Larrabee, 64, 109. Larkham, 223. Lary, 228. Latta, 140. Lattime, loi. Leathe, 162. Leavitt, 117, 234. LeCompte, 164. Lee, 122. Leighton, 261. Lewis, 262, 270. Libbey, 31, 55, 92, 162, 272, 272, 273. Lindsey, 209. Linscott, 112, 203. Little, 72, 97, 99, 100, 190. Littlefield, 195. Locke, 185. Long, 235. Loveitt, 213, 213. Loverin, 85. Lowe, 102, 123. Lowell, 272. Ludwig, 228. Lunt, 191. Lynn, 75, 148. M Mack, 165. Mackintire, 121, 220. Marble, 139. Mark, 115. Marling, 187. Marshall, 107, 145, 164, 188, 224. Marston, 236. Martin, 90, 167. Mason, 205. Maxwell, no. MacAllister, 210. McCormick, 104. McCrillis, 102. Mclvor, 259. McKeen, 180. McKeever, 107. McLain, 211. McLanathan, 98. McLaulin, 51. McNally, 233. McNeil, 210. Melvin, 26. Mendall, 273. Merchant, 220. Merrill, 18, 22, 109, 191, 193, 244, 262, 272. Messer, 139. Miller, 81, no, 246. Millett, 256. INDEX.. Milliken, 34, 59, 206, Mitchell, 92, Montgomery, 27. Moody, 18, 29, 50, 215. Moore, 178. Moors, 9. Monroe, 90. Moran, 233. Morgan, 86. Morgaridge, 30. Morrill, 10, 44, 83, 92, 94, 107, 160, 160, 214, Morse, 44, 87, 157, 272, 272. Morss, 14. Morton, 181, 262, 272, Moses, III, Moulton, 31, 74, 159, 162, 203. Mullin, 203, 234, 263, Murch, 254, Murdock, 155, 204, 213, 233, 253, Murphy, 112. Murray, 42, 143. Muzzey, 72, 186, Myrick, 161, 193. N Nangle, 207. Nason, in. Neal, 215, Needham, 195. Nelson, 83, Nevius, 136. Newcomb, 113. Newell, 65, Newman, 238, Newton, 138, Nichols, 103, 267. Niles, 267, Nixon, 213, Norcross, 79, Noyes, 39, 222, 272, 272, Noyse, 271, Nugent, 267. Ober, 87, 177, O'Neil, 235. Orcutt, 147. Ordway, 89, 272, Orne, 50. Osborne, 57, Osgood, 18, 218, 245, Owen, 185, Page, 33, 185, 270, Paige, 237. Palmer, 71, 168, 244, 270. Parker, 14, 23, 139, 155, 186, 226, 235. Parkes, 253. Parmenter, 253. Parrott, 107. Parsons, 45, 72, 145, 188, 208, 247, 247, 271, Patch, 72. Pattee, 156. Patten, 24. Patrick, 246. Paul, 267. Pearson, 47, 100. Pease, 161. Peaslee, 72, 153. Peck, 60. Penn, 244. Percival, 108. Peraet, 105. Perkins, 50, 108, in, 142, 219. Perrin, 186. Perry, 113, 115, 151, 152, 213- Pettengell, 17, 21, 112, Pevear, 225. Pevier, 163. Phelps, 186. Philbrick, 141, 223, Philbrook, 150, Phillips, 271, Phippen, 256, Phipps, 222, Pickard, 79. Pickering, 75, Pierce, 22, 248, 260, Pike, 65, 214, 223, Pingree, 45, Piper, 248. Piatt, 245. Plummer, 24, 41, 118, 227, Pollard, 141, Pollister, 260, 3o6 INDEX. Poore, 9, 24, Porter, 105, 183. Post, 197, 260, Pratt, 121, 152, 234, Pray, 89. Prentice, 247. Prescott, 215. Pressey, 141. Prince, 53. Pritchard, 17. Puffer, 72. Purcell, 210. Putnam, 192. Questrom, 32. Quimby, 190. R Rackliffe, 216. Ragnan, 142. Randall, 44, 61, 185. Ray, 135. Redding, 246. Redlon, 107, Reed, 164. Remick, 109, 201. Reverly, 270. Richards, 81. Richardson, no, 271, 271, Ricker, 112, 197, 197, 207, 212. Rigby, 272. Ring, 18. Robbins, 44, 82, 83. Roberts, 112, 155, 248. Robertson, 201. Robinson, 104, in, 151, 248, Rodgers, 259. Rogers, 18, 39, 39, 74, 74, 74, 74, 74, 143, 143, 144, 224, 224, 258, 272. Rokes, 113. Rolfe, 13, 98. Rollins, 33, 88, 153, 214. Romeyn, 178. Ross, 120, 204, 266. Rounds, 205, Rowe, 86, Rowell, 62, 87. Rundlett, 192. Runnells, 40, 188 Russell, 47, 207. Sanborn, 166, 177, Sanderson, loi. Sanford, 178. Sargent, 43, 44, 82, 101, 124, 153, 153, 191, 191, 223, 232. Saul, 40, Saunders, 60, Sawyer, 28, 43, 106, 156, 257, 270. Sayward, 205. Schultze, 264. Searle, 180. Searles, 94. Seavey, 29. Sellars, 229. Shannon, 76. Shattuck, 225. Shelly, 156. Shepard, 219. Shute, 102. Sylvester, 270. Simmons, 113, 113, 113, 209. Simonton, 261, 269. Simpson, 107. Sims, 264. Sleeper, 89, 118. Smart, 22, 64, 265. Smith, 25, 37, 44, 58, 70, 72, 72, 74, 78, 81, 88, 90, 103, 105, 118, 140, 142, 153, 190, 203, 226, 271. Snell, 263. Snow, 211, 233. Snyder, 172. Somerby, 18. Spalding, 245. Spaulding, 161, 210. Spear, 224, Spofford, 102, Sprague, 265. Stackpole, 109, 161, 239- Staples, 107, 109, 210, Stearns, 209. Stevens, 14, 22, 26, 33, 86, 97, 123, 141, 269, 269. Steward, 214. Stewart, 245. Stickney, 139, 179, 179. Stiles, 35. Stimson, 117. Stinson, 239. St. John, 203. Stocker, 43. Stone, 207. Story, 265. Stover, 30, 120, 211. Stratton, 78. Straw, 108. Strout, 202. Stuart, 17, 50, 186. Sutherland, 102, 202. Swayne, 27. Sweatt, 201. Sweetland, 211. Swett, 47. Talbot, 115. Tarbox, 144. Taylor, 46, 92, 182. Templin, 222. Tenney, 46, 72, 90, 263. Thompson, 145, 183, 204, 205. Thurlow, 47. Thurston, 205. Thwing, 182. Tibbetts, 112, 207. Tilton, 273. Tisdale, 232. Titcomb, 21, 29, 50, 96. Toppan, 49, loi. Towle, 29, 41. Townsend, n. Trafton, 205. Tripp, 117, Tuck, 196. Tucker, 119, 217, 217. Tulbert, 253. Tuttle, 93. Twombly, 205. Tyler, 47. Tyson, 238. INDEX. 307 u Ulmer, 212. Underbill, 80, 158, 158, Upton, 229. V Varnum, 92, Veasie, 226. w Waddland, 17. Wadleigh, 85, 86. Wadlin, 212. Walcott, 218. Waldron, 144. Walker, 14, 150, 167, 264, 264, Walton, 214. Waltz, 212, Walworth, 43, Wardwell, 202. Warner, 102. Warren, 108, 236. Wasson, 151. Waterhouse, 59, 60, 116, 247. Watson, 24, 208, Watts, 238, Webb, 108. Webber, 223. Webster, 77, 107, 141, 189, 269, 273, Wedgewood, 215, 215, Weed, 23, 113. Weeks, 33, 33, 140, 218. Wells, 10, 150, 206, Wentworth, 113, 182, 254, 258, West, 55. Weston, 56, 115, 163. Wheaton, 254, Wheeler, 51, 235, 262, Whipple, 256, Whitcher, 17, 161,211. White, 143, 246, Whitehead, 156, Whitmore, 50, Whittemore, 45, Whitney, 117, 117, 139- Whitten, 26, Whittier, 143. Wilcox, 243. Willard, 214, 233. Williams, 181, 195, 270. Wilkins, 136. Wightman, 224. Wilson, 89, 102, 137, Winslow, 120, Witham, 27, Wood, 26, 49, 64, 190, 272, 273. Woodbury, 62, Woodward, 221. Worth, 9. Worthen, 81. Wright, 177, 179. Veaton, 56. Yorke, 224, 267. Y'oung, 119, 181, 236. Zorin, 270. YALE UNIVERSITY 000003781b gs^iwfs fh„v,C