ie"s:,.:-3'i 39002001106914 YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Presented by the Author '¦Halpm. 5Q- WOODBT7RY, C'OI/Ii'', HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, CONNECTICUT. FROM THE FIRST INDIAN DEED IN 1659 TO 1854, INCLUDING THE By WILLIAM COTHREN. )h " In the Bilent greeinp'ood glade, In tlie dim old forest shade, By the gliding river, Are'historic voices ringing, , Music on the soft breeze flinging, And they haunt me ever. I love them ¦well, for they to me Are as some pleasant miamory." WATERBURT, CONN.: PUBLISHED BY BRONSON BKOTHERS. 1854. Entered according to Ace of Congress, in the year 1854, by WILLIAM COTHREN, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of Connecticut.. r/iTs.gaa PEES3 OF CASE, TIFFANY AND COMPANT, HAETFOED, CT. PREFACE To a casual conversation with a stranger, a few years since, the public is indebted for the following pages. They are not the result of hasty examination, or crude investigation, but have consumed the hours that could be spared from the incessant demands of a most laborious profession, for nearly seven years ; and, during all that time, have greatly encroached on the hours that should have been devoted to sleep. The labor of compilation was not undertaken for the want of other occupation ; but because, after a little examination, the historical incidents of the town were found to be of so important and interesting a character, I felt unwiUing to see them irretrievably lost to the worldl Nor did I undertake it with the hope of acquir ing " filthy lucre," being fully assured, that such labors are never suitably rewarded — ^not even appreciated, by the thoughtless many. Notwithstanding this, labors not to be understood, except by those who have been engaged in similar undertakings, have been cheer fully borne. More than fifteen hundred manuscript volumes of ec clesiastical, ministerial, state, probate, town, and society records, and many thousands of old manuscripts, of all sorts, have been carefully examined, and the facts contained therein relating to the history of the town, collated. Every source of information has been laid under contribution, from the archives of the state, to the forgotten files of old jfe,pers in the neglected garret of the private citizen. When this work was commenced, if one had asserted that twenty pages could be written concerning th& history of the town, he would IV PREFACE. have been greeted with the smile of incredulity. Yet the materials have grown on my hands, till a large work has been produced, and it would have been far easier to have written several additional volumes, than to have compressed the materials in hand within the present limits. It has been said by a worthy friend, that he, who can write a good town history, is well fitted to write an excellent book on any other subject. Whether this assertion be strictly cor rect or not, it is certain that such an individual is well fitted for any kind of hard labor ! The difiiculty attending an enterprise of this nature, is greatly increased by the apathy and indifiference manifested by many indi viduals, of whom information is solicited. And the same persons, who neglect or refuse to give information, are the first to complain of the errors or incompleteness of a- work, when published. But amid the many discoui'agements of this kind, it becomes a pleasant duty to mention, in this place, the names of a few of the numerous friends, whose kindly sympathies and intelligent aid have cheered me on in these difficult and painful labors. But for these, it is prob able, that continued iU health, and the pressure of other duties, would have caused the abandonment of the work, however much I might have regretted the stern necessity. To my fellow-townsman, and professional brother, Hon. Charles B. Phelps, who has been long a resident of the town, I have been indebted for many suggestions in the progress of the work, and for valuable assistance in the biographical part, in addition to his sketch of St. Paul's Church. Hon. Seth P. Beers, of Litchfield, Conn., and Dr. Avery J. Skil- ton, of Troy, N. Y., have very essentially aided me in thei genealog ical chapter. To Charles C. Thompson, Israel Minor, and Augustiir Averill, Esqrs., of the city of New York, I am under great obligations for their active cooperation with me, in various ways, in accomplishing the objects of the publication. * Gen. Daniel B. Brinsmade, of Washington, Conn., and Joseph A, PREFACE. V Scovill, Esq., of New York, have greatly assisted me by well-tuned labors. In the genealogical and biographical portions of the work, I have received indispensable assistance from Mitchell S. Mitchell, Esq., William E. Curtis, Esq., Col. John Lorimer Graham, Robert M. C. Graham, Esq., and Alexander Eraser, Esq., of New York ; the venerable Roger Sherman, of New Haven, Conn.; Col. Henry Stod dard, of Dayton, Ohio ; Hon. Amasa Parker, of Delhi, N. Y. ; Dr. E. T. Foote, of New Haven ; Rev. Samuel Fuller, D. D., of Ando- ver, Mass.; Rev. Wm. S. Porter, of New Haven, Conn.; Henry H. Martin, Esq., of Albany, N. Y.; Hon. Henry Dutton, of New Ha ven ; Rev. Fosdick Harrison, Rev. A. B. Chapin, D. D., of Glas- tenbury. Conn.; William Moody, Esq., of Washington, Conn.; Rev. Grove L. BrowneU, of Sharon, Conn.; EUphalet Whittlesey, Esq., of Salisbury, Conn.; Rev. William T. Bacon, Hon. Thomas BuU, and Garwood H. Atwood, M. D., of this town ; Dr. I^aurens Hull, of Angelica, N. Y., and others-, too numerous to mention. Many ladies, also, entered into the spirit of the work, and lent me their valuable assistance. To my friends, Philo M. Trowbridge, Willis A. Strong and David S. BuU, who have proved themselves " friends in. need" to me, and true lovers of their native town, I am under more than ordinary obli gations for the continued and indispensable aid they have afforded me, during the entire progress of the work. In regard to the spelling of Indian names, entire uniformity has not been attempted. As a general rule, however, the orthography of Capt. John Minor, the early settler and Indian interpreter, has been followed. Christian names have been spelled in the mode adopted by those who bear them. Throughout the work, tradition has been discarded, and facts introduced in its stead. Where state ments were well authenticated, they have been stated without quali fication ; but where there has been any doubt, they have been intro- duced with some qualifying term. Whatever suited my purpose in any author, has been taken, without hesitation, giving credit where PREFACE. the amount appropriated seemed to warrant it. In discussing every question, entire impartiality has been the aim of the author. The utmost pains has been taken to have the work free from errors ; but in a book of this nature entire accuracy is not to be expected. Errors will doubtless be discovered by careful antiquari ans, but it is believed that it will be found as free from such defects, as it is possible for painful solicitude and indomitable labor to make it. Many persons, undoubtedly, will take up the work, and, glancing hastily and carelessly over its pages, pronounce this or that state ment erroneous, without consideration or investigation. Such read ers will invariably be wrong in their criticisms, while a careful reader may detect mistakes.' A town history gives an author veiy little scope for the display of any literary or artistic ability he may possess. I have given myself still less opportunity than usual for any display of this sort. For although the collection of the facts has occupied my leisure time for nearly seven years, yet the composition of the work has occupied only seventy-five days, with frequent interruptions from professional business. Notwithstanding this, in submitting the following pages to a candid and intelligent public, the author neither courts nor dep recates criticism. He has only to say, that whoever will follow in his footsteps, and present to the public a work with fewer imperfec tions than he has done, a feat which can probably be accomplished, will deserve and receive, not the criticisms, but the encomiums of the writer. j Woodbury, January 2, 1854. 1 Persons discoverin| errors in this volume, are respectfuHy requested to conunu- nicate them to the author. CONTENTS. Introduction, and map of Indian purchases. CHAPTER I.— PHYSICAL HISTORY Situation, boundaries and rivers, . ¦ 11 Orenaug, Bethel and Castle Rocks, 12 Geology — Trap formation, . . 12 Bacon's Pond; Quanopaug^Palls, . 13 Nonnewaug Falls ; Steep Bock, . 14 Mines and minerals, . . 14, 15 Mine HUl — Spathic iron ore, . 15-19^ Chalybeate springs, ... . 19 Squaw Rook ; fruits ; trees ; wild ani mals, . . . . - 19, 20 CHAPTER H.— HISTORY OP THE INDIAN PURCHASES. Tautannimo's deed, ... 21 First, or Pomperaug purchase, . . 22 Yohoomge's deed, .... 23 Cheabrooke's deed, . . . .24 Wesunck's deed, .... 25 Second, or Shepaug purchase, . . 25 Pootatuck purchase, ... 31 Third, or Quassapaug purchase, . 25 Fourth, or Nonnewaug purchase, . 27 Fifth, or Kettletown purchase, . 28 Sixthj or Confirmatory purchase, . 29 Promiseck purchase, . . . .31 South purchase, .... 31 CHAPTER IH.— CIVIL HISTORY. Church dissensions at Stratford, . 32 Causes the settlement of Woodbury, 32 Eev. Mr. Walker begins to preach, . 33 Three hours allowed him each Sabbath, 33 Mr. Walker excluded the church, . 33 Main Street the old Jhdian trail, . 38 Division of lands, .... 41 Pomperaug granted, ... 35 Mr. Walker's church removes, . . 35 Good Hill prayer, .... 36 The old " White Oak," . . 36 Location of the settlers, ... 37 Fundamental articles, . . .39 Reflections, 42 CHAPTER IV.— CIVIL HISTORY, CONTINUED.' Woodbury incorporated. Signification of its name, . Paugussett Ferry, . King Philip's War, . The people driven to Stratford, Advice of the General Court, . Woodbury patent, . Pairson Walker's letter. 44444546 474865 48 luhabitauts ordered back, . . .61 Eev. Z. Walker moves his family, . 61 General Court establishes town boun daries, .... 52-54 Town first represented, ... 54 Representatives' salary, . . .54 North purchase granted, . 56 viu CONTENTS. CHAPTER v.— CIVIL HISTORY, CONTINUED. Character of Capt. John Minor, . 58 Character of Capt. WiUiam Cm-tiss, 60 Life of Hon. Samuel Sherman, 60 Life of Lt. Joseph Judson, Senior, . 61 Life of John Judson, . . 61 Character of Lt. Israel Curtiss, . . 61 Character of Col. Joseph Minor, . 62 Character of HackaUali Preston, . 62 Character of Hon. William Preston, 62 CHAPTER VI.- -CIVIL HISTORY, CONTINUED. List of early settlers, 1682, 65 Buckskin clothing. . 75 Divisions of land, . 65 Wooden shoes, . . ... . 75 Home-lots of the early settlers. 66 Matters of etiquette. 76 Palisaded houses. . 66 Advent of Sir Edmund Andross, . 76 Old Parsonage house. 66 List of inhabitants of 1702, . 77 First, second and third mills, . 67 First blacksmith, . 78 First meeting-house. 69 First divorce, . . 78 The drum for a church beU, . 72 Bachelors' accommodations. . 78 First marriage, birth and death, 72 Fortifications, 78 First wheelwright. . 72 Parson Stoddard kills two Indians, . 79 First clothier, .... . 72 Indians restrained, . . 79 Town brand; roads, . . 73 List of inhabitants of 1712, . 80 First physicians. . ' 74 Wood Creek expedition, 80 Localities, . 74 Reflections . 80 CHAPTEE VH.— INDIAN HISTORY. Formation of tribes. 86 Caleb Martin's petition, . 99 Oppression of the Mohawks, . 87 Lt. Warner's petition, . 99 Pomperaug's burial-place. 88 Indian treaty. 99 Succession of chiefs, . . 88 Indian orchard at Pootatuck, . 100 Nonnewaug's grave. 88 Petition of Hatchet Tousey, . 101 Human sacrifices, . 89 Mowehu's petition. . 103 Legend of Bethel Rock, 90 Life of Weraumaug, . . > 106 Legend of Squaw Rock, Legend of Nonnewaug Falls, . . 92 Mr. Boardmau's praying-match, . 106 92 Scataoook clan. 106 Numbers of the Pootatncks, . 93 Moravian missionaries. . 107 List of principal Pootatncks, . Watchibrok's disclosure, . 94 Last sale at Pootatuck, . 107 . 96 Last Pootatuck Indian, . 108 Thebelt of wampum, . 98 Remnants of the red men, 108 Shepaug garrison. . 98 Remarks, . 110 CHAPTER VIH.— ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 113 116 Half-way covenant system, . Church at Stratford divide on this question, .... Chauncey and Walker correspond ence, . . . 115-130 Mr. Walker ordained, . 131 Church covenant, . . . 132 Second church moves to Woodbury, 133 Walker and Reed story, . . 133 Life of Eev. Mr. Walker, . . 134 Settlement of Rev. Mr. Stoddard, 135 " Build him an house," . . 136 Mr. Stoddard ordained, . . . 137 Prosperity of the church, . . 137 Second meeting-house, . . . 139 New Style, . . . . . 139 Life of Mr. Stoddard, . . .140 Review of ninety years, . . 142 CHAPTER IX.— CIVIL HISTORY, CONTINUED FROM CHAPTER VI. Land divisions, . 145-147 Education, ... . . 148 Apple-trees and cider mills, . 148 Seasons of great mortality, . . 148 Northern Lights, .... 149 Hubbell's Fenn _ . . .150 Hinman's Ferry, '. . . . 160 Bridge bmlt by Washington, . . 150 Burial pounds sequestered,. . 151 Ministerial lands, .• . . .152 Efforts to form county of Woodbury, 153 MmeHffl, . . . . .•" 155 Wolves and vrild-cats, . . .155 " Town House" repaired, . . 156 Casualties, 156 Ancient iron kettle, . . . 157 Model tea-party, Euloof Dutfcher's estate, UmbreUae, calico, witchcraft, . List of original proprietors, . CONTENTS. , . 157 Expedition to Havanna, . 158 The French Neuti-als, . . 158 French and Indian Wars, . 161 IX . 163 163 . 166-170 CHAPTER X.— EEVOLUTIONAEY HISTORY. Cause of the war, . . . 172 Convention of a766, . . . 173 Town meeting of 1774, . . 174 " Great Boston Alarm," . . .175 Town accepts American league, . 176 Continental articles of association,' . 177 Capture of Ticonderoga, . . 182 Tories — Committee of Observation, 184 Eev. Mr. Marshall suspected, . 184 Dr. Wheeler " must have salt," . 186 Committee of inspection appointed, 187 Copy of Tory complaint, . . 188 Enlistment bounties, . . . 189 Council of safety, .... 190 Life of Daniel Sherman, . . 190 Soldiers' wives provided for, . . 191 Supplies furnished by the town, 192 Events of 1775, .... 194 List of companies, . . . 195 Events of 1776, .... 195 An the militia go to New York, . 196 The eight sailor prisoners, . . 197 Bethlem volunteers, . . . 197 Woodbury census, . . . 198 Sugar-house prisoners, . . . 199 Col. Ethan Allen taken prisoner, . 200 Alarm lists, 200 Events of 1777, -. . . . 201 Danbury alarm, .... 201 . Draft of 1777, .... 203 " Three years' men," . . . 204 Capt. Nathan Stoddard killed, . 205 .Appearance of Contmental army, . 205 .Events of 1778, .... 206 Events of 1779, . . . .207 Events of 1780, .... 209 AbelWakeley, . . . .209 Volunteers to take New York, . 210 Bounty for enlistments, . . . 210 Events of 1781, .... 212 La Fayette passes through Woodbury, 213 Events of 1782, . . . .214 " The Johnsons," .... 215 Peace declared, . . . 215 General review; .... 21'6 CHAPTER XL— HISTORY OF SOUTHBURY AND SOUTH BRITAIN SOCI ETIES, AND THE TOWN OF SOUTHBURY. Southbury society incorporated, 219 Remonstrance by sixty-three persons, 219 Society line changed, . . . 221 First meeting-house, . . . 221 Eev. John Graham settled, . . 222 Church " embodied," . . 224 Character of Mr. Graham, . . 225 Mode of church singing, . . . 226 Eev. Benjamin WUdraan settled, 227 Second meeting-house, . . . 227 Character of Mr. WUdman, . . 228 Eev. Elijah Wood settled, . . 230 Eev. Daniel A. Clark settled, . 230 Eev. Thomas L. Shipman settled, . 231 Eev. Williams H. Whittemore settled, 231 South Britain society incorporated, 231 Ministerial " settlements," . . 233 Church organized, .... 234 Life, of Eev. Dr. Tyler, . . 235 Eev. Matthias Cazier settled, . . 235 Eev. Bennet Tyler, D. D., settled, 235 Eev. Noab Smith settled, . . 336 Eev. Amos E. Lawrence settled, . 236 Eev. Oliver B. Butterfield settled, . 236 List of deacons, .... 236 Town of Southbury incorporated, . 236 Present state of the town, . . 237 CHAPTER XII.- -HISTORY OF BETHLEHEM SOCIETY, AND THE TOWN OF BETHLEM. North Purchase settled, . . 239 Bethlehem- society incorporated, . 240 First meeting-house, . . . 241 Eev. Joseph Bellamy, D. D., settled, 241 Eev. Dr. Bellamy's Church History, 242 Great sickness of 1760, . . 243 Half-way covenant practice abolished, 244 Old and New Lights, ... 244 " Great Awakening," . . .244 Character of first settlers, . . 247 First currant bushes and ehn trees, 248 Second meeting-house, . . . 248 2 Life of Eev. Dr. Bellamy, Eev. Azel Backus, D. D., settled. Origin of Sabbath schools, . Character of Eev. Dr. Backus, Eev. John Langdon settled, Eev. Benjamin T. Stanton settled, Eev. Paul Couch settled, Eev. A^etus G. Loomis settled, Town of Bethlem incorporated, Third church buUt, Present state of the town, 249 253 253253256 256 256 257 257 257258 CONTENTS. CHAPTER XIH.- HISTORY OF JUDEA AND NEW PRESTON ECCLESIAS TICAL SOCIETffiS, AND THE TOWN OP WASHINGTON. Eev. Gordon Hayes settled. New Preston society incorporated, First meeting-house, . ' • Eev. Noah Wadhams settled, . Judea first settled, . . . 259 Judea society incorporated, . . 260 Eev. Reuben Judd settled, . . 261 Church gathered, ... 261 Location of settlers, . ¦ • 261 First church built, . . . .261 Eev. Daniel Briasmadc settled, . 262 Rev. Noah Merwin settled, . . 262 Rev. Efaenezer Porter, D. D., settled, 263 Character of Rev. Dr. Porter, . 263 Second and third churches, . . 265 Great mortaUty, .... 266 Murder of Caleb MaUory's family, . , 266 State of the church, . . 265,267 Rev. Stephen Mason settled, . 267 Incident at church, .... 267 Settlement of Rev. Cyrus W. Gray, 267 Location of school-houses, Eev. Samuel Whittlesey settled, Church gathered. Rev. Jeremiah Day settled, Eev. Charles A. Boardman settled, Rev. Robert B. Campfield, Rev. Benjamin B. Parsons, . List of deacons, ... Town of Washington incoi-porated. Rev. HoUis Read settled. Revolutionary incident. Present state of the town, 267268 269 269269270 270 270 271 271 271 271271271?72 272 CHAPTER XIV.— HISTORY OF ROXBUEY ECCLESIASTICAL SOCIETY, AND THE TOWN OF ROXBURY. Shepaug settled, .... 273 " Winter Privileges," . , . ¦ .274 Roxbury society incorporated, . 275 First church built, . . . .276 Eev. Thomas Canfiold settled, . 276 Church gathered, . . . .276 Ancient ordination, . . . 277 Mr. Canfleld dies, . . . .280 Town of Roxbury incorporated, . 281 Rev. Zephaniah Swift settled, . 281 Rev.'Fosdick Harrison settled, . 281 Rev. Austin Isham settled, . . 281 , List of deacons, .... 281 Casualties, 282 Lt. Thomas WeUer kUled, . . 283 Present state of the town, . . 283 CHAPTER XV.— HISTORY OF THE OTHER. CHURCHES BESIDE THE CONGREGATIONAL. Review of ecclesiastical law, . 284 " Signing-oiF' certificates, . . 286 Zechariah Beers' certificate, . 286 Episcopal church, Woodbury, . 287 Eev. John E. Marshall, first rector, 288 Church edifice built, ... 289 " Father Sherman," . . .290 List of clergymen, . . . 291 Episcopal church, Roxbury, . . 292 Episcopal church, Judea, . , . 293 Episcopal church. New Preston, . 295 Episcopal church, Bethlem, . 297 Baptist church, Roxbury, . . 297 Methodist church, Woodbury, . 298 Methodist churches, Southbury, . 299 CHAPTEE XVI.— ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY, CONTINUED FROM CHAPTER VUI. Eev. Noah Benedict settled, . 301 Half-way covenant practice abolished, 302 Rev. Worthington Wright settled, 303 List of deacons, .... 303 Eev. Henry P. Strong settled, . 304 Life of Eev. Mr. Benedict, . . 304 Rev. Samuel E. Andrew settled, . 305 Character of Eev. Mr. Andrew, . 305 Hon. Noah B. Benedict's bequest, 306 Eev. Lucius Curtis settled, . . 806 Ministerial fund, .... 306 CHAPTER XVII.— HISTORY OF THE STRICT CONGREGATIONAL SOCIE TY IN WOODBURY. Society controversies. Committee of 1795, . Committee of 1814, 308 I Seventy-one sign off, ... 310 309 Meeting-house law, . . . 310 310 I Prepare to buOd a church, . . 811 CONTENTS. tecome a Baptist church,_ . . 312 trict Congregational society incor porated, .... 312 Reuben Walker's certificate, 312 Church organized, .... 313 Eev. Grove L. BrowneU settled, . 814 Rev. John ChurchiU settled, . . 315 State of the church, . . . 316 Mini.sterialfiind, .... 317 CHAPTEE XVHL— CIVIL HISTORY, CONTINUED FROM CHAPTER IX. Slavery in Woodbury, . . 318 " Redemptioners"— Slattliew Lyon, 320 Small-pox hospital, . . ' 321 Town approves U. S. constitution, 321 Ravages of canker worms, . . 322 Public libraries, . 322 Guernsey town robbery, . . 323 Funeral "of Washington, . . .324 New Maford fever, . . 324 War of 1812, . . . 325 " Hartford Convention," . 327 <3onstitution of 1819, 328 Daniel Bacon's town hull, .328 Influence of localism. New burial ground laid out, Mexican War, South academy. North academy. History of Masonry, Bethel Eock Lodge, L 0. 0. F., Pomperaug Division S. of T., Woodbury Bank, . . Savings Bank and BuUding Associa tion, Present state of the town, 329331 331 331 331 331 339339 340341 341 CHAPTER XIX.— BIOGRAinnCAL SKETCHES OF NATIVES AND RESI DENTS OF ANCIE.NT WOODBURY, WHO HAVE REMAINED IN THE TEEEITOEY. The names will be found in alphabetical order, 343 CHAPTER XX.— SHORT BIOGEAPHICAL SKETCHES OF NATIVES OF WOODBUEY, WHO HAVE EMIGRATED FROM THE ANCIENT TOWN, AND BECOME DISTINGUISHED IN THE PLACES OF THEIR ADOPTION. The names TviU be found in alphabetical order, Alphabetical list of distinguished persons. 412 466 CHAPTER XXI.— GENEALOGICAL HISTORY. The famUies, eighty-eight in number, are arranged in alphabetical Order, 481 CHAPTEE XXH.— STATISTICS. 1. Members of Congress, 2. Judges of Superior and County Courts. .... 3. County Cfommissioners, 4. Roll of Assistants and Senators, 5. Justices of the Quorum, . 6. J'udges and Clerks of Probate, 7. Town Clerks, .... 8. Roll of Representatives, 9. List of Post Masters, . 10. Sovereigns of England, . 11. Governors of Connecticut, 12. Census of Woodbury, 13. Tax Lists, 14. Justices of the Peace, 16. Members of the Constitutional Convention, 16. Members of the Convention for ratifying the Constitution of the United States, 766 17 766766 766 766 767768768 774 774774 775 776 776777 777 List of Soldiers in the Fort Wil liam Heury Alarm, List of Eevolutionary Soldiers, List of Soldiers in tlie war of 1812 Same list of statistics for the town of Washington, Same for the town of Southbury, Same for the town of Bethlem, Same for the town of Roxbury, Woodbury Chronology, Great Freshet, .... List of the present inhabitants of Woodbury, Roll of the members of the First Congregiitional Church in AVoodbury, 777 778- 787789792793 795 796798 798 816 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. INTRODUCTION. Less than two hundred years ago, these pleasant hills and sunny valleys, now teeming with life, intelligence and happiness, were one vast solitude, unvisited by the cheering rays of civilization. Here roamed the savage wild beasts, and un(;utored men more savage still than they. From Wyantenuck to Mattatuck, and from Pootatuck to Bantam, were heard the dismal howl of the wolf, and the war-cry of the red men of the forest. Amid these secluded wilds sported the timid deer, and coy doves built their lonely nests. Among these hills the red hunter pursued his game, and sauntered by our murmuring streams, drawing thence his daily food. Here desperate fights and deadly ambuscades were planned. Here did the prisoner of war sufier the extreme tortures of his enemies. Here the romantic lover " wooed his dusky mate" in primitive simplicity. Here too the pow wow held his dread incantations, and if tradition is to be believed, ofiered human sacrifices to appease the anger of Hobbamocko, the spirit of evil, the author of all human plagues and calamities. Here too in the golden days of the Indian Summer, the poor savage mused of the Great Spirit, the benevol*it Kiehtan, giver of his corn, beans and tobacco, who lived far away to the south-west, in whose blest do minions he hoped, at death, to find his happy hunting-grounds. Everything now is changed. The desert waste that met the first gaze of our pioneer forefathers, has been made to bud and blossom as the rose. Where once were but scattered huts of the former race, are now enterprising and busy villages. The ceaseless hum of ma chinery, giving employment, competence and happiness to hundreds of families, is now heard in our valleys, which, in those early days, but echoed the growl of the bear, or the cry of the panther. Instead 2 10 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURT. of the wretched orgies of the powwow, and the inhuman sacrifices of the midnight of barbarism, are churches dedicated to the service of the living God, where prayer and praise are wont to be made. Where once were cherished the savage instincts of men, and a taste for war, now are cultivated the arts of peace, and schemes for the happiness and advancement of mankind. Intelligence and enterprise now take the place of ignorance and sloth. These hills and vales that groaned with scenes of violence and blood, have been made vocal with the praises of the Great Creator. Instead of a race groping in the shadow of dim imaginings, we find one filled withliopes of a rational and glorious immortality. Our fathers found a howling wUdemess ; we behold to-day as the result of their labors, from which they long have rested, one of the most happy and beautiful of New England's many lovely villages. An upright and an honored race, they wrought well and their -works do follow them. The simple, unfortunate race of the early days has departed — faded from the view, and almost from the memory of men. In their lowly, unnoticed, and unknown graves, they sleep well. " The chiefs of other times are departed. They have gone without their fame. Another race has arisen. The people are like the waves of the ocean ; like the leaves of woody Morven ; they pass away in the rustling blast, and other green leaves lift their heads on high." CHAPTER I. RHTSICAL HISTORT. Location ; Boundaries ; Face of the Country ; Hills and Mountains ; Riv ers, Streams and Cascades; Geolo&y ; Minerai.ooy; Forest Trees and Fruits ; Soil and Productions ; Climate ; Wild Animals ; Capabilities, &c. The ancient town of Woodbury possessed yery extended limits, and for many years after its settlement was one of the largest and most important of the towns in the western part of the Colony of Connecticut. It was about fifteen miles in length from north to south, and about ten miles in width. It was bounded on the north by Bantam, (Litchfield,) east by Mattatuck, (Waterbury,) south by the Pootatuck (Housatonic) River, and west by Weantinogue, (New Mil- ford. It is watered on the south-east by the Eight Mile Brook, taking its rise in Quassapaug Lake, a beautiful sheet of water lying in its eastern limits. Through the center of the territory from north to south, runs the Pomperaug River, receiving as tributaries the East Sprain' from the north-east, North Sprain from the north. West Sprain from the north-west, and further on in its course the Hesky Meadow and Transylvania mill streams. On the west, through the whole length of the town, fiows the Shepaug River, taking its rise in Bantam Lake, in Litchfield. The three principal streams mentioned above, empty into the Pootatuck River. This river is now called the Housatonic, but its earlier and more appropriate name was the Pootatuck, from the tribe or clan of Indians which had its principal village on the northern side of the river, about two miles above Bennett's Bridge. * The present town of Woodbury is situated in Litchfield county, Connecticut, near the center of the ancient territory, in latitude 41* 33' N. and longitude 73° 14' W. It is on the southern border of 1 Erroneously spelled Sprcme in the accompanying map. 12 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURT. the county, adjoining New Haven county, twenty-five miles from New Haven, thirty-six from Hartford, and ninety from New York. The central village is pleasantly situated in a level and extended valley on the Pomperaug, near the confluence of the small streams which form that river. It is surrounded on every side by high hills, form ing a kind of amphitheater. Beautiful walks and drives abound in every direction. The hill lying immediately east of the main street, known as the Orenaug' Rocks, is of considerable elevation, and on its southern descent, fronting the west, the rocks descend perpendicular ly, presenting a front similar to those of the East and West Rocks, near New Haven, though upon a much smaller scale. The same is true of the eastern side of this range of rocks. They give the land scape a bold outline as one enters the village, while from their sum mit a most delightful view toward the west is obtained. On the eastern side of Orenaug is Bethel Rock, of which more wUl be said hereafter. South of the village, on the .west of the Pomperaug, Castle Rock, said to have been the location of the fort of the chief from whom the river takes its name, rears its hoary head. These cliffs are all of the trap formation, and are particularly de scribed by Percival, in his Geological Account of Connecticut, as follows, viz. " The trap in this formation forms only a, single range, presenting in its whole extent, a well marked curvature, and divided by cross valleys, into three distinct sections, succeeding each other in receding order. Of these the south ern extends from the south-east point of the range, to a pass crossing the latter at the road from Southbury to Roxbury ; the middle extends from that pass fb the Pomperaug, south of Woodbury village ; while the northern includes all the remaining portion of the range. The curve of this range is apparently formed, throughout a great part of its extent, by a series of parallel ridges, overlapping each other in a greater or less degree, and arranged, toward the opposite extremities in reverse order ; namely, in advancing order toward the southern, and in receding order toward the .northern extremity. This arrange ment is most remarkable at the two extremities of the range ; its middle por tion, for some distance, presenting only a single line of elevations, ijearly in continued order. Apparently, the small extent of the basin has, as it -were, compressed the range, particularly at its extremities, and thus prevented its extension into a long continued ridge, or the formation of a gradual curve. , The range at its southern extremity, presents an abrupt front to the south, formed by the points of its parallel ridges, and recedes back, toward the north at its south-east point, where it approaches very near the eastern border of the basin. The larger ridges, at this southern extremity, toward its south-west 1 In the map Orentug is a mis^int for the above. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURT. 13 point, present each, two distinct ranges, separated by a band of friable red shale, with beds of bituminous shale and limestone, containing fish impressions. The eastern and higher of these ranges, consists of compact, crystalline trap ; the lower western, of a porous amygdaloid. The latter, in the most western of these ridges, is underlaid by sandstone, and the same rock occurs, at the south points of the more posterior ridges, between the amygdaloidal range, and the trap range of the more anterior ridge. This arrangement in the difierent ridges, corresponds very exactly with that along the west front of the eastern line of elevation, in the southern basin of the larger secondary formation. The main trap range, in its southern section, and the south part of its middle sec tion, is bordered on the east by an apparently distinct range of a very porous chloritio and decomposable amygdaloid, forming a series of low, rounded sweUs, generally covered witji the rook in smaU fragments. This latter range is accompanied, at least toward the south-east point, by a bituminous shale ^nd limestone, recently excavated for coal. Similar excavations have been made in the bands of the shale at the south-west extremity of the main range. " The northern section rises, in strong receding order, east of the Pomperaug, in the south part of Woodbury village, and extends N. N. E. in a group of parallel ridges, east of that village, so arranged as to present at their northern extremity, a distinctly curved outline, convex to the north. These ridges rise in low points toward the south, and attain their greatest elevation toward the north. This group may be considered as divided into two parallel sections by a deep valley opening north and south ; the eastern being projected rather further north than the western. Each of these sections presents a middle, higher ridge, composed of a more compact crystalline trap, and two lower lateral ridges, composed of a more amygdaloidal trap, abounding at different points in prehnite and agates. On the east this group approaches very near the primary, being separated only . by a narrow valley, at one point of which, the primary and trap rooks are nearly in contact." Besides the Quassapaug Lake before mentioned, which is of con siderable extent, is a small artificial pond, called Bacon's Pond, cov ering some six or eight acres of land at the north end of the rocks above described, in a quiet, sequestered spot, where one, wearied with the cares of life, can well beguile a leisure hour. At the north end of East Meadow is a beautiful cascade, called the Quanopaug Falls, where a considerable stream of the same name falls some twenty feet over a projecting ledge of rocks. This stream is also known by the name of East Meadow Brook. It is a lovely, sylvan retreat, embosomed among the sturdy giants of the forest. Fair stream ! thou call'st me from the busy cares With which I am surrounded, and bid'st'me For the time forget this fleeting life is Full of evil. Thou makest me forget That all is not as bright and beautiful As thine own fairy form, whilst thou in haste, Art pressing on to join old Ocean's tide. 2* 14 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURT. On the East Sprain, near the north-east corner of the town, are the Nonnewaug Falls, which are a succession of cascades, three in number, in an exceedingly romantic, and beautiful dell. "The whole descent must be from forty to fifty feet. At a short distance below these falls, near an apple-tree, beneath his stately hillock, repose the remains of Nonnewaug. The murmurs of the falling waters, and the evergreens which surround the falls, whisper a perpetual requiem over the sleeping chieftain, and the silent braves around him. A large part of the present town of Washington is elevated and mountainous. There is in Judea Society, as it is called, about two miles south-west of the center, a place called " Steep Rock." The ascent to this eminence from the north is easy, and from its top, the spectator has one of the most interesting and lovely prospects in the State. The scene presents at the south, an area in the form of an amphitheater, the sides of which are covered with the primeval for est. The Shepaug River is seen fiowing in a beautiful circle at the base of the bluff, inclosing in its curve, cultivated fields, the, whole scene furnishing to the admiring beholder, one of the finest land scapes in nature. Nature has done much for this part of the old town. Iron ore has been found in several places. Ocher, fuller's earth, and white clay have also been found. Limestone abounds in many of its valleys, and several quarries are worked, from which large quantities have been raised. The greater part of the latter, however, are not inclu ded within the limits of the ancient town. Percival gives the follow ing description : " The great limestone valley extends from the north of Bethel, along the course of Still River, through Brookfield, to the Housatonic, at New Milford> whence it is continued through New Preston, to its north-east termination, near the Shepaug. The rock in this valley consists chiefly of white limestone, par ticularly toward its northern extremity, alternating with a light greyj generally even, stripedmicaceons gneiss, with large beds, in some parts, of a very coarse, white granite, and with occasional beds of alight gray porphyritic rock, quite similar to that accompanying the limestone in the south section. The limestone in this valley is generally dolomitic, but beds of it occasionally occur of a purer carbonate of lime, one of which, in the north-east part of Danbury, has been lately wrought by, Mr. L. S. Piatt, for purposes of agriculture. Usually the limestone is fine-grained, partly very decomposable, and in part, harder and of a pure white, forming an elegant marble. The marble quarries of New Pres ton, near the north termination of the valley, have long been noted. A vein of galena has been worked to a small extent, in the limestone west of Still River, in Brookfield." HISTORT OP ANCIENT WOODBURT. 15 A great variety of minerals is found in the ancient territory, but mostly in small quantities. In the present town of Woodbury, have been found in the trap range, agates of considerable beauty, though small in size ; an abundance of balls and veins of prehnite, epidote, chalcedony, crystals of purple quartz, (amethyst,) and specimens of plumbago or black lead in small lumps, of a pure quality, in the Orenaug Rocks. In an excavation made some years ago, in search of gold, which proved fruitless, magnetic iron pyrites were found in a hornblendic gneiss, traversed by seams of epidote. The only deposit in the State, of sand well suited to the manufacture of plate and flint glass, and porcelain ware, is found on the shores of the Quassapaug Lake. It consists, almost exclusively, of quartz, the grains of which are color less, transparent, and of great purity. In Bethlem, albite and galena are found. Washington is rich in its varieties. There have been discovered there, white copperas in Brown's Mountain, dyalogyte, triplite, gypsum, kyanite, mesotype, andalusite, spar, hornblende, botryoidal chalcedony, idocrase, garnet, magnetic iron, and large quantities of dolomite employed as marble. Some sixteen mills for slitting this into slabs have been erected, but are not all kept in constant operation. The average yield of the quarries per annum, in rough blocks, is between seven and eight thousand dollars ; and nearly the same amount is derived to the mills and marble shops of the immediate vicinity, for preparing the marble for use.' In Southbury, are found bitumen, calcareous spar, grayish black bituminous limestone, compact limestone containing ichthyolites, clayey marl, hydraulic limestone, kilns of which are occasionally burnt, radiated chlorite, prehnite, lymonite, purple quartz, chalcedony, -opal, chrichtonite, mispickel and yellow copper pyrites. Slight tra ces of coal have been discovered in bituminous shales, in the trap region, but the coaly matter is compact bitumen. It ignites slowly, and burns without flame or odor. In Roxbury, are found mica, mica-slate, chrichtonite, blende, fine shestoze, gray granite, gneissoid flagging stone, galena and yellow copper pyrites. All these are found on and around Mine Hill. But far the most important and valuable mineral in the whole territory, which has hitherto been almost wholly unappreciated, is 1 Shepard's Geol. Survey of the State. 16 HISTORT OP ANCIENT WOODBURT. the spathic or steel ore of Mine Hill in Roxbury. This has been overlooked as an iron ore in this State, nearly to the present time ; and still continues to be almost totally neglected, although it is by far the most remarkable mine of this ore in the United States. The mine was discovered at a very early period, and the abundance and peculiar properties of the ore excited a high degree of curiosity and expectation. Numerous attempts were made to work it as a silver mine, and immense sums expended, without exciting even a suspi cion of its value for iron. Spathic iron ore is one of the most disguised of all the ores of iron possessed of economical value. Its high specific gravity, added to the development of iron-rust occasioned by exposure to the weather, are the only properties by which its ferruginous character is_ generally detected. Its name of spathic (or sparry) iron was bestowed in allusion to its brilliant and easily effected cleavages in three direc tions, and which result in rhombic fragments of constant dimensions. Its hardness is greater than that of calcareous spar, and its color when freshly taken from its repositories is a light yellowish gray, which passes, however, by exposure to the air, to a reddish brown. It is composed of protoxide of iron from 57 to 60 per cent., carbonic acid 34 to 36 per cent., with a proportion of manganese from 0.5 to 1.5, and about the same quantity of lime and magnesia. The lime and magnesia, however, are liable to slight variations in their pro portions. The spathic iron mine in question occurs in a mountain about three hundred and fifty feet in height, situated on tjie west bank of Shepaug River in Roxbury, about six miles above its junction with the Housatonic. The mountain is known in the vicinity by the name of Mine Hill. The rock of which it is composed is, for the most part, concealed by a soil supporting a fine growth of hard wood. Wherever the rock makes its appearance, however, it exhibits a remarkable uniformity in character and arrangement. The direction of the strata is nearly N. E. and S. W., with a dip of 25 or 30° to the north-west. The ore occupies a perpendicular vein from six to eight feet in width, cutting directly across the strata ; and has been detected at numerous places, from the base of the hill, near the banks of the river, quite to its summit, a distance of above half a mile. The course and width of the vein, wherever exposed, appear uniform. The vein stone or gangue of the ore is white quartz, which frequently preponderates in bulk over the ore. No other substances deserve to be mentioned as entering into the composition of this very remarkable HISTORT OF ANCIENT WOODBURT. 17 vein — minute portions of iron pyrites, yellow copper pyrites, galena and blende, being the only foreign substances present, and as these* occur principally near the summit, where the most extensive explo rations were made for silver, it is altogether hkely that blende was the principal object of search. Whoever examines this vein, must be convinced of the abundance of the ore, as well as struck with the facility of its situation for being wrought. The expense to be incurred in raising it from its reposi tory, and its delivery upon the banks of the Shepaug, where the necessary water-power is afforded for carrying on extensive iron works, must be comparatively trifling ; while an abundant supply of hard wood is at hand forvfuel, and a land carriage of four miles would connect the works with the navigable waters of the Housa tonic. The spathic iron being an ore of such unusual appearance, and nowhere wrought in the United States, it is not surp,rising that the ' remarkable deposit here alluded to, has been so long treated , with neglect. Public attention, however, can in no way perhaps be better excited toward so valuable a resource, than by making known its extensive use in other countries, and by pointing out a few of the leading facts connected with its conversion into steel. It furnishes almost exclusively the well known German steel, so largely manu factured in the Austrian dominions. Thus in the Tyrol, the annual produce is two thousand quintals, and in Carinthia seventy thousand, and large quantities are manufactured in several other countries of the Old World. Dr. Shepard, in his " Report on the Geological Survey of Con necticut," from which the foregoing account is mostly extracted, also gives the history of this mine, as follows, with slight alterations : " The first digging at this place was made about the middle of the last cen tury, by Hurlbut and Hawley, but the history of their operations is nearly lost. The second company, organized by the Messrs. Bronsons (brothers) near the year 1764, prosecuted the enterprise with much spirit. " They sunk a shaft into the vein near the top of the mountain, qjie hundred and twenty-five feet deep, besides carrying down another of considerable depth for the ventilation of the first. The working was conducted under the direction of a German goldsmith of the name of Feuchter, who carried on his processes of pretended separation and refining with great secrecy. It is said that he produced occasionally small quantities of silver, which kept alive the hopes of his employers. " Thus the undertaking went forward for several years, until the means of the company were wholly exhausted. The result of this experiment might, in 18 HISTORT OF ANCIENT WOODBURT. \ all probability, have put the working of the mine for silver completely at rest, except for a circumstance which occurred, connected with the departure of the German. When he left, he was assisted by a slave in removing a number of very heavy boxes, one of which accidentally falling to the ground in the journey between Southbury and Derby, burst open and revealed to the eyes of the negro a quantity of bars, which he described as having the appearance of silver. The agent was now suspected to have carried on the working of the mine fraudulently, and to have caused its products to be surreptitiously conveyed out of the country for his private advantage ; consequently the mine again acquired the character of a valuable deposit of silver. "A new company was organized in the city of New York, who took a lease of the property for forty-tvi'o years. They commenced operations on a much wider scale, and have left behind them proofs of a very heavy expenditure. The, excavations made by this company exhibit more skill in the working of mines. They descended the mountain toward the river, in the direction of the vein, removing at intervals the accumulations of soil and loose rocks which conceal it throughout its whole distance, until they reaihed half-way to the base of the mountain, when they commenced carrying in a level having the full width of the vein, and which was prosecuted seven rods to the vein, and two rods on the vein. The result of this enterprise was equally unpropitious with the former one, though not sufficiently discouraging to lead to the final abandonment of the project. Still another company was formed, consisting chiefly of persons living in Goshen, who recommenced the diggings at the top of the mountain, and persevered in the imdertaking until the failure of several of the stockholders compelled them to relinquish it. ' " The last working of the mine was by Mr. Asahel Bacon, an extensive landholder in that neighborhood. It finally began to attract attention as an, iron mine, and considerable quantities of the ore, raised by the diiferent com panies, were carried to Kent, and there reduced along with the hematite of that place, with which it is said to have formed a very tough and excellent ' iron. An unskillful attempt was afterward made to reduijfe the spathic iron by itself, in a furnace at no great distance from the mine, which proving unsuc cessful, no farther notice has been taken of the ore. "The present proprietor of this mine, Mr. David J. Stiles, of Southbury, procured a sample of pig-iron, obtained during the last mentioned trial, and caused it to be forged into steel under his own inspection, by an experienced iron-master in Salisbury. The operation was attended with great facility ; and a variety of cutting instruments were manufactured from the steel, all of which proved of excellent quality." Within the last three years, the " old shaft " and side drain have been cleaned out, and spathic ore has been raised in considerable quantities on various parts of the vein, by a company from New York, who had bought the old mining title. A powder-house, dwell ing-house and furnace were erected by them, and they were pro ceeding with their operations, when legal proceedings were com menced against them by Mr. David J. Stiles, who holds the title of Mr. Bacon. Suits are still pending in the courts, for the purpose of HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURT. 19 testing the title to the mine. But it is believed that the suits will prove a richer mine to members of the legal profession, than the ore in question to the contending parties for years to come. The belief in the existence of. an exceedingly rich vein of silver, some two feet .in diameter, traversing the eiitire extent of the vein of spathic iron, about one hundred and twenty-five feet below the surface, has again become paramount in the minds of the litigants ; and it must be admitted that there are many facts tending to show that belief well ^ founded. It is much to be regretted that the parties can not agree ^ on a compromise of their claims, and turn their energies and resources to the working of the mine, acknowledged to be one of the richest in the world, for at least spathic iron ore. There are three chalybeate springs in the territory, of some e&- caey. One of these is situated in Woodbury, by the side of the road, not far from the house of Mr. James Morriss ; another in Washing ton, by the road-side, between the furnace and the marble quarries ; and the other on Mine JHill, at no great distance from the " old shaft " of the mine. The village of South Britain is nearly surrounded by high hills and ledges, and the place, viewed from the south, has a very romantic appearance. The two principal bluffs are called Squaw Rock and Rattlesnake Rock — of which more will be said hereafter. The face of the country throughout the territory is of an undulating character, being pleasantly diversified with hill and dale. It is well watered with numerous streams besides those already described, fur nishing an excellent water-power for numerous manufacturing estab lishments. Upon the rivers and streams there are intervals of con siderable extent, and other level tracts in the many valleys. The soil is generally a gravelly, and in some places a calcareous loam, warm and fertile, well adapted to the production of corn and the various kinds of grain. The lands are good for grazing purposes, and favorable for fruit of the various kinds. Valuable orchards of apples, pears, cherries, peaches and other fruit-trees abound. The natural growth of timber is oak of the different kinds, maple, elm, ash, birch, walnut, chesriut and other deciduous trees. Hem lock, fir, pine, cedar and other evergreens appear in various places. The climate is mild and healthful, and, in the valleys particularly, many degrees warmer than in the neighboring towns. The first settlers found here the bear, the wolf, the moose, the deer and the wild-cat, in considerable numbers. To these we owe at the present day some of our local names ; as B^ar Hill, Moose Horn 20 HISTORT OP ANCIENT WOODBURT. Hill, Cat Swamp, Wolf Pit, near the junction of the North and West Sprains, at HotchkissviUe, and. White Deer Rocks, near the head of Quassapaug Lake. Beavers were found on many streams ; otters were numerous many years after the settlement was com menced, and some are now occasionally found. The Indians carried on quite an extensive commerce in the furs of these animals with our forefathers. Wild turkeys were also abundant. Shad and other choice fish were taken in the Pootatuck River. On the whole, Woodbury may be considered a good agricultural and manufacturing town, and our forefathers may well have con gratulated themselves, that their " lines had fallen to them in pleas ant places." In the quaint language of the Indian recommendation, when they were negotiating the sale of the First Purchase at Stratford, "it is a goodly place for many smokes of the white man." _y Ji-NTA-X INDIAN PURCHASE.S 1659. SAROHV t MAJOn 1 CHAPTER II. HISTORT OF THE INDIAN PURCHASES. Deed prom the Pasassetts ; Six Purchases from the Pootatucks ; First, OR PoMPERAua Purchase ; Deed prom Avomockomoe ; Kettletown Pur chase ; Second, or Shepauo Purchase ; Third, or Quassapauo Purchase ; Fourth, or Nonnewauo Purchase ; Fifth Purchase ; Sixth, or Confirm atory Purchase ; Reservation, or " Purchase ;" Promisick; 1659 to 1758. The descendants of the founders of Woodbury can look upon their landed possessions as having come to them by fair, Tionest and legit imate titles. No violence, no conquest, no stain of blood, attaches to the hem of the garments of our forefathers. They not only pur chased their lands of the Indians, but, in some instances, several times over from conflicting claimants and dishonest pretenders. They were very particular in this respect, and had the alienations executed in legal and solemn form. They were the more careful, that they might, in this manner, more vividly impress on the minds of the Indians, the binding nature of their contracts. Some of the earlier purchases were made before there was any distinct idea, or perhaps any idea at all, of making here a new plantation. Some of these conveyances are lost. The earliest deed on record is given be low. It is taken from the first book of Woodbury Land Records, to which it was transferred from the Stratford records. The first vol ume of our records was copied, by vote of the town, about a hundred years after its settlement, and the original has been lost. By this means, much of the ancient spelling is lost. A Record! of a parcell of Land to Lew. Wheeler,'by Tautannimo, a Sachem at Pagasett, is as foUoweth : This present writing witnesseth, that J, Tautannimo, a Sachem at Paga.sett, considerations moveing me thereunto, do freely and fully make over, alienate and give from myself, and heirs, and all other Indians, and their heirs, a par- 1 Woodbtiry Land Records, Book L, p. 67. 22 HISTORT OP ANCIENT WOODBURT. cell of Land bounded as followeth ; Potateuk River southwest ; Naugatunok River northeast ; and bounded on ye northwest with trees marked by me and other Indians ; ye said Land I do, with ye consent of all Pagasett Indians, freely give it to Lew. Thos. Wheeler, and his heirs forever. And I do fully give ye s"! Lew. Thomas Wheeler full power to have it recorded to him, and his heirs, according to ye Laws and Customs of ye English. In witness hereunto I interchangeably set to my hand, this 20 of April, 1659, the names of ye Indians that subscribed. Subscribed in presence of John Wells Tautannimo Richard Harvey Paquaha Thomas Uffoot Pagasett James John Curtis Monsuck John Minor Sasaazo This is a true copy of the deed by me Joseph Hawley. This deed, as will be seen, is signed by the Sachem of Pagasett, (Derby,) and four of his sagamores, or counselors, and comprises a territory in Litchfield and New Haven counties, nearly as large as Litchfield county itself. This seems to have been the last sale of lands made by the Derby Indians in this direction, and, no doubt, covered all the territory claimed by them at the north. Their right to sell the land at all, seems somewhat doubtful, as the most of the territory sold, was occupied by the Pootatuck' tribe of Indians. By a deed to Joseph Judson, of Stratford, of a tract of land lying on Pe- quonnuck River, dated 9th Sept., 1661, signed by Wompegan, Sachem of Paugassett, supposed to be the nephew of Tautannimo, by Ake- notch, his sagamore, and Ansantanay, his father, it appears that Aquiomp, then Sachem of Pootatuck, and his equal in rank, was his relative, and gave his consent to that alienation on the 18th day of May in the next year, by a separate indorsement on the deed, in presence of other witnesses. In this indorsement, it is stated, that he was related to Wompegan. What the relationship was, whether by blood,' or marriage, is not stated. It is certain that Aquiomp was independent of the Paugasett Sachem, and that his successors in the sachemdom, after that date, made numerous grants to the English. The record of the First Purchase from the Pootatucks, the Indians of our territory, marked 1 in the accompanying map of Indian Pur chases, is lost, and can not now be found. Its date, however, was 26th April, 1673. It is referred to in five later deeds, is called the 1 This name was spelled in a great variety of ways, as Puttatuftk, Potatuck, Pohta- tnck, Potateuk, Putatuke, Pootatuck, &c. The latter spelling is the one adopted by the author, as it corresponds with the pronunciation of the word. HISTORT OF ANCIENT WOODBURT. 23 Pomperaug, or First Purchase ; the title to it confirmed and the boundaries given : " Wi" former purchase runs about foure miles North & South, and about two miles East & West, on both sides of y" riner, and comp'hending y« whole Town platt of Woodbury; Extending Northward to y' North end of y« East Meadow, and so running West to ye lowland, or meadow on West Spraine to M' Judsons Wolf-pitt, where y' West Sprayn & North Sprayn meet, and running South ward nigh to, or facing upon y« place commonly called y« Bent of y" Riuer, taking in transiluania and rag-land, and so Easterly on homelots at known Boundaries."! It is curious to note, in the foregoing description, the inaccuracy, so common in early times, in giving distances and measurements. This grant is said to be about four miles in length, when, in reality, it is not far short of nine. The width of two miles, as stated, is doubtless, proportionably inaccurate. The north end of East Mead ow is nearly a mile north of the North Meeting House, and the "Bent of j° River" is the curve in the Pomperaug, not far from the village of South Britain. The Wolf-pit forms a good boundary, being loca ted in the hill westerly of the new Shear factory, called Wolf-pit HiU. The pit is on the northerly side of the hill, near Weekeepeemee, and is a hole leading into the face of a rock, within which is quite a spa cious chamber. This purchase was well chosen, comprising, as it does, much of the most fertile and desirable land, in the whole terri tory of the ancient town. It is probable, th6ugh not certain, that some of those interested in the purchase, had been up to examine the lands, before the bargain was concluded. This deed was executed at Strdtford. The next deed in point of time is that of Yohcomge and Avomock- omge. It makes mention of the Pomperaug Purchase, and is accom panied by a rude map, showing the Pomperaug Purchase on both sides of the river, and the land by them granted, which was all the territory south and west of said First Purchase, between the Pom peraug, Shepaug and Pootatuck Rivers. It is not known whom they represented, but it was probably one of the small clans, resident with in the town, and dependent upon, or related to, the Pootatucks. This is rendered the more probable from the fact, that the deed is witnessed by Wecuppeme, who was, at a later day, sagamore of one of them. This grant seems never to have been regarded by the Pootatucks, or the settlers, as the tract conveyed was twice repuf- 1 Woodbury Land Records, Book II., p. 137. 24 HISTORT OF ANCIENT WOODBURT. chased afterward ; once within a few years. It comprehended even the Pootatuck village itself, the chief seat of that tribe. A copy of this conveyance follows : " July 14th, 1673. " Yohcomge promiseth y' same Tract of land y' Avomockorage doth below, and in part of pay, received five shillings in powder. The very mark of ) Yohcomge ) " Avoraockomge y' proprietor of y' land w"" in this square, doth hereby ingage to sell unto M'. Sherman, Lieu' Joseph Judson, & M'. John Minor y* above s^ Land; viz., what is wMn the Comprehension of this square, both West & South of y" purchase at Pomperoge ; And hath allready received as earnest one grey coat at IP 10= price this VT-^ of May, 1673. " In consideration of j' uppermost purchase of Land upon y' West & South of Pomperaug purchase; viz., y" first purchase, July y' 6 , 1673, Avoraockomge received one hatchett 4? & in lead & powder 10'. Witness Kenonge Avomookomge (S}>^ his C(Tx!^iy mark his / mark Wecuppemee his /"w/^^""^.---- mark English -witnesses, Zechariah Walker, Samuell Galpin. From the consideration mentioned in this deed, it would seem, that the price of land was not very high in these Indians' estimation, how ever doubtful may have been their title. A gray coat of homespun manufacture, a hatchet, a little powder and lead, seem very trivial payment, yet no doubt these- untutored savages, who, as yet, considered their lands of little or no value, re joiced greatly over the acquisition of such rare articles, and probably thought they had by far the best of the bargain. They knew not how soon they would be straightened for land, and their tribe scattered like the leaves of the forests. At a very early period, a large tract of land had been purchased of the Indians for the consideration of a brass kettle, and received, from this circumstance, the name of Kettletown, which it has borne to the present time. On the 16th of April, 1679, this tract was again sold by " Cheabrooke, an Indian, together with the consent and approbation of Coshusheougeray Sachem, the sagamore of puttatuck." HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 25 together with Quaker's Farms, in Derby, east of the Eight Mile Brook, to Ebenezer Johnson, of Derby, and his associates, in consid eration of "corn & other goods, as allso of our meer love and Good will ;" the former being described as " Sam's field, or Kltle Town, Bounded on the west with puttatuck Riuer, that is to say, -with the west side the Hand in the Riuer & y» -west Chanell of the Riuer & Bounded on the South East & North East with the Eight Mile Brook & Bounded on the North & North West with the Hill aboue the playn called araugacutack, fe so to go with a straight line from the upper end of the playne to the Eight Mile Brooke." The Kittletown part of this conveyance is represented on the map by the division marked 5, being thus numbered from the fact, that it was the fifth of the subsequent regular purchases from the Poota tucks. On the 10th of July, 1682, another irregular deed seems to have been received by the town, through its committee, from Wesuncks and Wonnokekunkbom, for which the latter received " two pair of trading cloth breeches & one yard of trading cloth," and in consider ation of which, they engage'd that the inhabitants " shall ha,ve liberty to improve land anywhere west or south of their first purchase, where they shall see cause." What claim they set up to the territory is not known. No notice seems to have been taken of it till nearly twenty- four years afterward, when it was confirmed in a deed ratifying all former sales, and it was not even recorded till two years after that.' The second purchase of lands from the full board of regularly con-- stituted authorities of the Pootatucks, was made on the 17th of March, 1685-6. This was the Shepaug purchase, comprising two-thirds of the present town of Roxbury, and part of Southbury, and is marked " 2" on the accompanying map. This deed was granted to Lieut. Joseph Judson, Ensign John Wiatt, Jqhn Sherman, John Hurd and John Mitchell, in behalf of the tovra. It acknowledges and fully confirms the First Purchase, and then grants that " Tract of Land lying and situate nere to y' place Commonly called by us Munnacommock running in length w"' y' former purchase above exprest, about six Miles in length East and 'W'est foi about fo.ijr miles and an'halfe North and South. More p'tioularly Bounded on y« North East w"" y" former purchase, and a little part of it at y= North end w'"" Land not yet alienated ; Bounded on y= North w"" Land-not yet sold; The mark' trees or boundaries to bee made clere and ffayre and so to be kept between us. Bounded uppon y' West w''' Shee- 1 W. Land Records, vol. 2, p. 1. 26 HISTORT OP ANCIENT WOODBURT. paug Riuer ; And Bounded on y' South w'» a part of a hill, called horse-hill ; and so bending something South East from thence to w'Mn a small matter about fourscore' rod of y« place called y' bent of y= Riuer. More prticularly for y= Bounds wee refer to y' exact Bound Marks." It was signed by « Witnessed pr us & ''¦^\ . , subscribed in o'p'sence Waramaukeag ^^J^^ his marke Punnahun Interp'te' ^ — .-_ aWomoqui f ] ~ his marke marke VL__J "f__4__— j Keshooshamaug /O his marke John Banks L -^-^ ^is marke ,. %„/^''=^ Chuhabaux ^^>», his marke Nathaniel fferrand Sen"' ^% Nathaniel fferrand Junr X^-v Many othe'' or more Youngamoush C^ J his marke ^oth English & Indians were -^ p'esent at y' same time." f ^ , , Nuccaddarao ^ ' ,his marke- Papenau C ^ '''^ marke Nemoumbam ^^^ ^.«»^**^ his marke Poquanow ^'j >^*^ his marke .2^ " This deed was acknowledged y' same day at y' same time of ye subscrip tion and delivery before Me. John Minor, Comiss'."' The Third, or Quassapaug Purchase, comprising a part of Wood bury, Middlebury and Southbury, was acquired on the 30th of Octo ber, 1687. This tract is marked 8 on the map, and was sold to the town for " Severall sums of Money in hand received. And good Assurance, to receive In the whole to y« value of fifty pounds, and a mortgage of a certain parcell of meadow Land lying to y« Southward of y' Road Northward or westward of ye Eight Mile Brook." This tract is described as a "Parcell of Land lying to y« East of y' first purchase, made by y» Inhabitants of Woodbury, extending Northwardly about halfe a mile north of y» first pur chase, and so running due East, or Easterly to fourscore rod Eastward of 1 Woodbury Land Records, vol. 2, p. 136. HISTORT OP ANCIENT WOODBURT. 27 y Easternmost of y= pond called and commonly known by y" Name Quassa paug ; and so running Southward between WaterbCry and us and Darby and us till it comes to y place Where y= road between Woodbury and Darby cross- eth y Eight Mile Brook ; and bounded West w"> ye first purchase y' y« s"" Inhab itants of Woodbury made.'' 'It was signed by Witnesses present Chevoramauge Israel Curtis his marke John Wiatt -John Minor Sen' Punhone his marke Youngstockum his marke Kesosharaaug Sagamore his""^ i ^'^marke Nunawauk his \marke Wonokequambomb his_ J marke Chohees his marke C^ Tantamohoh his Indian witnesses o -». marke " Exactly recorded from y= origiuall y= 29"' of May 1699 as attest John Minor reoorde'"i On the 18th of May, 1700, the inhabitants of the town, having become numerous for those days, made their fourth, or Nonnewaug Purchase. To this time, it seems that the sagamore of that name had retained his possessions in the vaUey of the Nonnewaug or East Sprain stream. But now it came his turn to make room, and it seems that he and his companions did it with a good grace, as the deed informs us, the sale was made " For valid coi||iderations moveing thereto, besides y' y' desire y' is w^in us of a friendly correspondency w"" y^ English Inhabitants of s'' Woodbury." For these considerations and inducements they granted " All y' parcell of Land, bee it more or less, by estimation six square miles ; And bounded on y" East w"" y« stated Boundaries between y' inhabitants of s^ Woodbury and Waterbury, Bounded North w"" y= Bound granted by y» Gen'' Court to y" s'^ Inhabitants of Woodbury ; Bounded West w"! Land be longing to Indians as yet not purchased by y' s^ English at a Brook well known both by English and Indians, called y= North-Spraine, taking in y" s"" Brook, as it runs North and South, so that this o' Deed of sale comp'hends all y» Land 1 W. L. E., vol. 2, p. 137. 28 HIST'ORT OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. bounded West w't y" s* North-Spraine, and East w'i> Waterbury & -Woodbury Bounds, taking in all y' land on both sides of ye East Sprain. And bounded South w* y Land formerly purchased by y« English Inhabitants of s'' Wood bury.'" It was signed by "Witnessed by us Joseph Hurlbutt Robert Warner Wombummaug his squaw ^ Wunnuntcone Womburamaug NucquoUozomaug Mashagasse yy his marke ¦JcZ,^-^ Caoapattanees Sonn Umbouge her marke. This lustrum' was ac knowledged before me y" same day by all y' sjib- scribed as their ffree act and deed. John Minor Justice Jo" Banks Moraanchewaug alias Cush his marke his marke his marke his marke (^_^^ his marke -I his marke V Seawweag Nunnawake his marke In ye behalf of himself and all potatuck Indians confirming this Bill of Sale Exactly recorded from y' originall this 16th day of May 1701 P' John Minor recordr"^ On the 25th of October, 1705, it became necessary to buy Kettle town purchase for the third time. Something more than a quarter of a century had passed since the last sale, and by this time it is probable they felt the need of the " consideration." Itis represented on the map by division 5, being the fifth regular purchase of the Pootatucks." Its description is obscure and defective, but it evidently means this division. It is described as being " Bounded northerly by our first and former purchases, bounded southerly by y Heep of rocks or hill on y' south of a Brook called Transilvania, which rocks incoSipasse s"" brook, and "all ye lowland, rounding till it comes at our river ; on y» South-East part of it & bounded on ye West -with s^ rocks at an angle with a purcha^se' formerly made running from Chepague Falls to this tract."* 1 Meaning the First Purchase, or to-vm plot. 2 W. T. R., vol. 2, p. 137. 3 The Second Purchase. 4 W. Land Records, vol. 2, p. 137. HISTORY OF ANCIENT W.OODBURY. It was signed by Tomseet Witnesses present ' John Minor seu"^ the Indians y' Jo Judson Juii. subscribed & , Tho Minor : In- sealed appeared terpreter y= same day and acknowledged y abov^ written to be their free act and deed before Cotsure ine John Minor Justice Chyiondge \^^\ 29 maikehis marke his marke Wapumbom On the 28th of May, 1706, the inhabitants of the town made the sixth, or confirmatory Purchase. This covered aU former grants and purchases, and a considerable tract marked 6 on the map, to gether with a piece of land eighty rods in width, from Steep Rock in Washington, to the mouth of the Shepaug, on the west side of that river. In this deed the Indians still retained a large tract of land called the Pootatuck Reservation. This reservation compre hended the tract bounded on the north by a line drawn from Shepaug Falls to the " Bent " of the Pomperaug, east by that river, or by a line drawn parallel to and a few rods east of it, from the " Bent" to its mouth, south by the Pootatuck, and west by the Shepaug river. This reservation, afterward called " The Purchase,"- contained their principal village on the Pootatuck River. The deed is as follows : " Know all men p' these presents, y' We hereunto subscribing, being ye propri- eto'^s to all ye Lands and Accommodations belonging to y» Township of Wood bury, being and belonging to potatuck, together w"" all oth' fellow proprieto's, both fo' o'selves, Heires successo", and all oth's, younge and Elde ; being desi rous of neighborly Correspondency, and Real friendship between us & o' Neigh- bo's, y= English Inhabitants of Woodberry, in y" county of ffayrfield : in Her Majes'^ Collony of Confiecticott, fo' and in consideration of sufficient & valuable considerations, from time to time, and at several times, bearing Date w"' seve rall Bills of sale perticuler for several tracts of Land as Exprest in those Deeds ; And least any of those Instruments should be lost, or through any Mishap bee obliterated, or defaced. Wee hereto subscribing, this 28th May 1706; fully, absolutely, and to all intents, Ends & purposes, confirm unto y' inhabitants of y° s^ Woodberry, theire Associates, Heires, successo's and Assigns, all and every Deed & Instrumen', Bill of sale, or. Deed of gift, obtayne'd, or procured by ye s^ Inhabitants ^ " " from any Indian or Indians w'soever;, Altho' in y formation^ something differ ent from y usuall forming of Deeds of sale. And yet more p'tipula'ly, wee say wee confirm, not only y» first purchase, w"" was about five Miles North & South, ¦ y very Town platt, and about two miles East & West, but also a Lat' pur- 30 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. chase made by y» s^ Inhabitants as an addition Eastward quite home to Water- bery Bounds. And also anoth' purchase Northward to y= extent of Woodbury then Bounds. And Also anoth' purchase West to Sheepaug River. All w"'' -were subscribed by y' major part of y» Indian proprieto's ; We do also Ratify and Confirm all oth' perticul' Bills of sale or lustrum" as p'ticul'ly y' Mile square by Keesooshamaug to m' hawly of Stratford, Souwenys sale, and Chuhees, Matehack, Wonnekequumbom and Wesunoko; Wee say, all and every of them are hereby confirmed, as fully as if every of them had bin formally -written and acknowledged according to law ; — All w""" Bills of sale, more Gen" or perticul', do conteyn, by estimation, seven Miles, at y« North end, between Waterberry' and Milford late purchase about fourscore Rodd West of Sheepaug River at y' Steep Rock ; & so running on y= West side'of s^ Riv', of ye same breadth westward to y' mouth of s'' River ; to y° great Riv', till wee come to known Bounds below kettle town, and uppon y' East w""- Dar by and Waterberry Bounds ; onely we have as yet reserved to o'selves ; viz from y« falls uppon Sheepaug Riv' to y' great Rive', and from s^ falls Eastw?ird to y« R.iv', y' runs through Woodbury Town at y^ Bent of y^ River, or little southward, contayning more or less as to y^ quantity. English p'sent aJid at y' subscription John Minor Interp't' John Sherman Justice Elizabeth Minor Rebeckah Minor The Indians y' sub scribed appeared p'son- ally y' same day of y" date hereof and ac knowledged y' above in strument to be y'free act & Deed before me this Twenty-Eighth of May in y° y' one thousand seven hundred and six John Minor Justice 1706 May: 28ih Nunnawaoke Tumaseet Chesquaneag Mauquash his marke his marke his marke his marke his marke Noegoshemy Recorded originally ye date Above written as attests John Sherman Record' ' Munmenepoosqua \^ his marke Muttanumace 1 W. T. R., vol. 2, p. 138. h er marke her marke" HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 31 A part of this reservation, at its south-west corner, west of the Shepaug River below the Falls, was sold to Doct. Ebenezer Warner, March 6th, 1728-9. This tract was called Promiseck by the In dians. The conveyance was executed by Manquash, Qockshure and Conkararum, in presence of Chob, John Chob, Passacoran, and three English witnesses. As the numbers of the tribe became reduced, and the white set tlers cleared up the land all around them, so that there was no longer sufficient game to support existence, they made further sales of their Reservation. On the 18th of June, 1733, the Indians conveyed to a committee of the town, about one-half of the Reservation, and on the 3d of January next year, about one-half of the remainder. These two sales constituted what has since been known as the South Pur chase. The consideration of the first sale was £160, four shirts and a gun ; and that of the last, £40. Both conveyances were signed by Quiump, Cockshure, Maucheere and Naucathora. After these sales, there was left to the Indians only a remnant of their posses sions at the south-east corner of their Reservation, in which was situated their last remaining village, called the Pootatuck Wigwams. They retained their title to this last resting-place for the soles of their feet, for a quarter of a century, when, being reduced to a mere handful in point of numbers, in 1758, they parted with their cher ished Pootatuck, and the remnant that remained took up their abode with other tribes. In aU their late sales, however, they had reserved to themselves the right to take game on the lands forever — a right which was always religiously respected by the whites, whenever a straggling Pootatuck revisited the graves of his ancestors, or wan dered in his once wide dominions. Thus it is seen, that the early fathers fairly purchased every foot of this ancient town, and took conveyances with due and proper solemnities. From the known character of the men, it is to be presumed that these bargains were fairly conducted, and it does not appear that any disputes of any account ever arose in regard to them between the parties. In the order of Providence, one race had arisen, another had passed away. Sampson's locks were shorn — ^his glory and strength had departed. The red man, with a sad prodi gality, had parted with his only wealth. CHAPTER III. CIVIL HISTORY. Church Dissensions in Stratford the cause op the settlement of Wood bury ; Action of the General Court in 1667, 1669, 1670 ;. Pomperauo granted, and settlement commenced in 1672 ; Fresh arri-vals next year ; Appearance of the country ; Locations chosen by the settlers ; White Oak ; Main street laid out on an old Indian trail ; Fundamental arti cles; Remarks. The settlement of Woodbury was the result of difference in reli gious opinions, among the inhabitants of Stratford. It was ushered in by " thunderings and lightnings, and earthquakes ecclesiastical." The first ministers in the colony being dead, and a new generation coming on the stage of action, alterations in respect to church mem bership, baptism and the mode of church discipline were imperiously demanded. Great dissensions on these subjects accordingly arose in the churches at Hartford, Windsor, Wethersfleld, and other places, and continued in various parts of the colony, from 1656 to about 1670. The discord not only affected all the churches, but it "insin uated itself into all the affairs of societies, towns and the whole com monwealth." About 1664, while these contentions were going on at Hartford, and other places, the people at Stratford fell into the same unhappy divisions and controversies in regard to' the same subjects. During the administrations of Mr. Blackman,' their first pastor, the church and town enjoyed great peace, and conducted their ecclesiastical affairs with exemplary harmony. About 1663, being far advanced in years, he became very infirm, and unable to perform his ministe rial labors. The church, therefore, applied to Mr. Israel Chauncy, son of President Charles Chauncy, of Cambridge, to make them a visit, and preach among them. A majority of the church 1 Trumbull's Hist, of Conn. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 33 chose him for their pastor, and in 1665, he was ordained in the inde pendent mode. But a large and respectable part of the church and town were opposed to his ordination. It was therefore agreed, that if, after hearing Mr. Chauncy a certain time, they should continue to be dissatisfied with his ministry, they should have liberty to call and settle another minister, and have the same privileges in the meeting house, as the other party. Accordingly, after hearing Mr. Chauncy the time agreed upon, and continuing to be dissatisfied with his min istrations, they invited Mr. Zechariah Walker to preach to them, and finally chose him for their pastor. Both ministers performed public worship in the same house. Mr. Chauncy performed his services at the usual hours, and Mr. Walker was allowed two hours in the mid dle of the day. But after some time, it so happened that one day Mr. Walker continued his service longer than usual ; Mr. Chauncy and / his people finding that Mr. Walker's exercises were.not finished, re tired to a private house, and there held their afternoon devotions. They were, however, so much displeased, that the next day they went over to Fairfield, and made a complaint -to Major Gold, one of the magistrates, against Mr. Walker. The Major, upon hearing the case, advised pacific measures, and that Mr. Walker should be allowed three hours for the, time of his public exercises. In May, 1669, these disputes came before the General Court, by petition of the parties, and "Upon the petition of the church of Stratford, this court doth declare that whereas ye church haue setled Mr. Chancey their officer and doe desire that they may peaceably injoy the full improuement of their minister and adminis trations without hindreranse or disturbance, the court grants their petition therein, onely the court seriously aduiseth both parties to choose some indiffer ent persons of piety and learning to compose their differences and setle an agreement among them, and that- till October Court there may be liberty for Mr. Walker to preach once in the day, as they haue hitherto done by their agreement, the church allowing him full three howers between the church two meetings for the same." Notwithstanding this advice of the General Court, all attempts at a reconciliation were unsuccessful. The parties became more fixed in their opposition to each other, and their feelings and conduct more -and more unbrotherly. At length Mr. Chauncy and the majority excluded Mr. Walker and his hearers from the meeting-house, and they convened and worshiped in a private dwelling. They were 1 Trumbull's Colonial Records, p. 110. 34 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURT. expelled in the face of the recommendation of the Court in October, 1669, advLsing them that * " "This Court therefore recommend it to the church of Stratford that Mr. Walker haue liberty the one parte of the Sabboth, whether parte Mr. Chancy- will, and that they would hold communion together in preaching & prayer. But in case Mr. Chansey and the Brethren w"" him will not agree to that, it shall not be offensiue to this Court if Mr. Walker and his Company doe meet distinctly elsewhere ; prouided each of them prouide well for the comfortable supply of their ministers."! ' It seems to have been apparent to some of Mr. Walker's party, at an early period in the controversy, that it would result in the settling of a new plantation. It is probable, that with this in view, some of them applied for liberty to purchase lands of the Indians, as we find it recorded as early as October, 1667, that " This Court grants Mr. Sherman, Mr. Fayreohild, L"' Curtice, Ens: Judson, Mr. Hawley & John Minor, liberty to purchase Potatuke and the lands adjoyne- ing, to be reserved for a village or plantation."' In May, 1670, this vote was referred to, and an additional power granted the committee to arrange for a new settlement. " Whereas seuerall inhabitants of Stratford haue, Octob', '67, had liberty to purchase Potatuck for a village or towne, the afoarsayd Committee w"" Mr. Sherman of Stratford are hereby impowered to order the planting of the same, if it be judged fitt to make a plantation ; prouided if they doe not setle a plan tation there within fower yeares it shall returne to the Courte's dispose agayne."3 These acts were rendered necessary, as a Ifiw had been framed at a very early date, that no person should "buy, hire, or receive as a gift or mortgage, any parcel of land of any Indians,'' except for the use of the colony, or the benefit of some town, with the sanction of the court. Pootatuck was the Indian name of Newtown. The Pootatucks owned the entire temtory of that town, besides their possessions in Woodbury and other places. The territory of Woodbury was called Pomperaug, from an early distinguished chief or sagamore of that tribe, who had his principal residence and fortress on or near Castle Rock. It will be seen by this, that our forefathers might have bfeen 1 TrumbuU's Col. Rec, p. 124. 2 Trumbull's Col. Rec, p. 75. 8 Trumbull's Col. Rec, p. 128. HISTORT OF ANCIENT WOODBURT. 35 the first settlers of Newtown instead of Woodbury, had they not chosen the latter for their residence. At length Governor Winthrop, affected with the unhappy contro- troversy and animosities subsisting in the town, advised that Mr. Walker and his church and people should remove, and that a tract of land for the settlement of a new town, should be granted for their en couragement and accommodation. Accordingly we find on record, May 9, 1672, the following grant: ' " This Court grants Mr. Sam" Sherman, L»' Wm. Curtice, Ens: Joseph Jud son and John Minor, themselues and associates, liberty to errect a plantation at Ptimperoage, prouided it doth not prejudice any former grant to any other plan tation or perticuler person ; prouided any other honest inhabitants of Stratford hau liberty to joyne with them in setleing there, and that they enterteine so many inhabitants as the place will oonueniently interteine, and that they setle there within the space of three yeares."' This is the initial point from which the existence of Woodbury is dated. This grant being made at the -May session, it was too late for our forefathers to move their families into the wilderness that season, but the preliminary arrangements were immediately commenced, and it is related, a few of the proprietors came up, and raised some CQm, which they secured in log cribs, but when they returned the next spring they found that the beasts or Indians had rifled them of their contents. ' Early the next spring, fifteen of Mr. Walker's congregation started with their families for the 'wilderness of Pomperaug. They were directed to follow the Pootatuck, or Great River, tiU they came to a large river fiowing into it from the north. They were to follow up this stream about eight miles, when they would reach a large open plain on the river, which had been previously under the rude cultiva tion of the Indians. They accordingly commenced their journey, and arriving at the Pomperaug, they thought it too small a stream to answer the description, and continued their journey till they came to the Shepaug River. Although this was scarcely larger than the one they had passed, they concluded to ascend it. After they had gone the prescribed distance on this stream, they found themselves near Mine Hill, in Roxbury. The country here was mountainous, and did not at all answer the description given them. They perceived, therefore, that they had passed the object of their search, and so jour neyed in an easterly course over the hills, till arriving on Good HUl, 1 Col. Rec, p. 177. 36 HISTORT OF ANCIENT WOODBURT. they perceived the vaUey of the Pomperaug lying below in solitude and silence. Great was the gratitude of these pioneers of our town on this discovery, and it is related that Dea. John Minor fell on his knees, leading to prayer that little band of hardy adventurers, invo king the blessing of Heaven upon their enterprise, and praying that their posterity might be an upright and godly people to the latest gen eration. So far as his own posterity is concerned, his prayers seem to have been answered, for it has never since been without a Deacon to proffer the same petition.' They encamped on Good Hill that night. The next day they pro ceeded to the valley to examine their possessions. Much of the in tervals and plains on the river, throughout the whole extent of the first purchase, had been divested of trees and undergrowth, by the Indian custom of burning over the woods in the autumn, and the na tives had for many years raised their slender crops of corn, beans and tobacco, in these pleasant valleys, before the whites set foot in Connecticut. By this method, the forests were cleared of under brush, so that the hunters could better pursue their game, and could have some open spots for their rude husbandry.^ The adventurers spent the day in examining the capabilities of the valleys, and at its close found themselves in that part of the present town of Southbury, now called Whit&. Oak. Here they encamped beneath the spreading branches of a large oak,' and from this cir- 1 A story is told in several accounts, seen by the author, that one of the company of the name of Hinman, put up a different sort of a petition from that of the Deacon ; praying that his posterity might always be blessed with a plenty of " Rum and Mili tary Glorjf." Itis believed, however, that this story is apocryphal. It is not in accord ance with the puritanical character of those Christian men, thus to make light of re ligions things. 2 Dr. HUdreth, of Ohio, in desoribing-the new lands at the West, no doubt gives a good description of our primeval forests : " While the red men possessed the country, and every autumn set fire to the fallen leaves, the forests presented a most noble and enchanting appearance. The annual firings prevented the growth of shrubs and underbrush, and destroying the lower branches of the trees, the eye roved -with delight from ridge to ridge, and from hiU to lull ; -which like the divisions of an immense temple, -were crowded with innumerable pillars, the branches of whose shafts interlocking, formed the arch-work of support to that leafy roof, which covered and cro-wned the whole. But since the white man took possession, the annual fires have been checked, and the woodlands are now filled -with shrubs and yotmg trees, obstructing the vision on every side, and converting these once beautiful forests into a rude and tasteless wUdemess." 3 This oak has not been standing for many years, but some pieces are yet preserv ed; one of them is in the possession of Mrs. Whitlock, of Southbury. This .piece -was taken firom the tree by the late Shadrack Osborn, Esq., a very respectable inhabitant of the town, on which appears in his handwriting the follo-sving: HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 37 cumstance the locality has received its name. All of the first settlers that came that year, were not in this company. In a few days another company came, that encamped in Middle Quarter, and oth ers followed. After fuUy examining localities, they began to select their home-lots. The Stileses, Curtisses, Hinmans and some others, chose their lots in White Oak. The Shermans pitched their tents in Middle Quarter, and it is re lated that some of them spent the first night in a hollow walnut tree,. that stood below the Gideon Sherman place. The first Sherman house was near that now occupied by Deac. Eli Summers. The Hurds located in the HoUow, near Mr. D. Curtiss', the Minors near Mr. Erastus Minor's, the Walkers near Mr. Levi S. Douglass', and. the Judsons on the street leading north-west from the iirst Congregational meeting-house, called from them, Judson Lane, to this day. The Roots, who came later, settled in West Side, and the Johnsons, near the ancient burying-ground in Southbury. Some of the land thus taken up by the first settlers, has never passed by deed, since the title was obtained of the Indians, but still remains in the original names, having passed from father to son, by devise, or distribution, for nearly two centuries. The homestead of Mr. Eras tus Minor is one of- these tracts, the house of Capt. John Minor, his first ancestor in this town, having stood a little westerly from his res idence, near the river. David J. Stiles, Esq., owns the home-lot of his first ancestor here. His house stood but a little east of that of his descendant, the present owner. Those who selected White Oak for their abodes, undertook to live on the intervals near the banks of the river, but a great freshet hap pening soon after, drowned them out, and drove them up to the pres ent street. The first framed hbuse was built in Judson Lane, aiew rods west of the residence of Mr. Merrit Platt. The cellar is not en tirely filled .up to the present day. " This is a piece of the ancient white oak tree, taken from the trunk after it fell down, Aug. 19th, 1808, by Shadrack Osborn. ' The sturdy oak, the boast of every clime. Must bow to the relentless hand of time.' " The tree of which this is a part, stood about eighty rods east of the river, by the old field road, in the comer of the Mitchell land. The settlers of the ancient to-wn of Woodbury encamped under it when they first explored the town. It gave the name of White Oak i!o the northern part of Southbury, and remained in a state of vegeta tion for a number of years after the hmbs were broken off, and the body -was partde cayed, and fell down in the year 1808. This piece -was taken from the trunk, Aug. 19th, the same year, by me Shadrack Osbom." 38 HISTORT OF ANCIENT ¦WOODBURY. The next was built near the residence of the late Hermon Stod dard. Deac. John Minor's was built about the same time. These were covered with rent oak clapboards, in the old lean-to style. The most of the houses, in the early years of the settlement, were built of logs, and all of them in the first instance. These rude dwellings passed away with the first generation. That the intervals on the river were cleared up, to a considerable extent, before the arrival of the first settlers, and that this fact was well known, we have proof from the Colony Records. In May, 1671, in order to encourage a settlement at Derby, the General Court, after granting a tract of land extending from Milford to the Pootatuck River, and reaching to twelve miles to the north, further granted, " That they shall have liberty to improve all the meadow lyeing on Pompa- wraug River, allthough it be out of their bounds, till the Court shall see cause otherwise to dispose of it." It might well be said to be out of their bounds, for the Court in 1670, as already seen, had given authority to a committee to ¦ make a plantation at Pootatuck and lands adjoining, if they saw fit, and gave them four years to accomplish it in. But it does- not appear that the Derby planters made any use of the privilege, as no consid erable progress was made in that plantation tiU May, 1 675, when we are informed that there were about " twelve famalyes setled there albeadey, and more to the number of eleven prepareing for a setle- ment forthwith ;" and King Philip's war breaking out that spring, drove even this small band back to the towns from which they came. The present street, from the North Meeting-House in Woodbury to the Southbury Meeting-House, was laid out nearly upon the old Indian trail leading from the Nonnewaug wigwams to Pootatuck village, passing the grave ,of Pomperaug by the rock, near the car riage h.ouse of N. B. Smith, Esq. It was a custom of the Indians to have their trails pass the graves of their buried chieftains, and as each warrior passed the grave in his various expeditions, he dropped a pebble stone upon it in honor of his memory. A large pile of these pebbles had accumulated upon this consecrated spot previous to the settlement of the town, which remains till the present time. Among other preparations which the early fathers made for their removal into the wilderness, was a code of lawSj or articles Of agree- HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 39 ment, for their government after their arrival at the place of desti nation. This model constitution, containing all the elements of civilization, justice and religious, liberty, has been preserved entire. These pages can be no better occupied than by a copy of it, which follows. Fundamental Articles agreed upon in order to y^ settlement of a plantation at Pomparague. We the committee appointed by ye Honored General Court for ye erecting a plantation at Pomparague in ye behalf of ourselves & our Society being met together ye 14th of feb' 1672 and having been serious & deliberate in ye con sideration of ye benefit of ye s"" place, and ye prosperity of ye same have consented & Agreed to ye following perticulers : 1. Imprimis : that y^e shall be so many admitted to interest in ye s'' plantation as ye place may comfortably Accomodate : 2ly That These Inhabitants shall be accounted of these following Ranks or orders as to ye distribution of ye lands there to be distributed, viz: y^ first ^ Rank or order shall have 25 acres to their homelott : ye 2d order : 20 : ye 3d Rank 18= the fourth order 16 : ye next shall have 12 : ye last & least shall have ten acres to their homelott and each shall have ye same proportion of meadow ; or lowland to ye proportion of ye homelott that is to say one halfe joyning to their homelott where it falls it can be so and ye other halfe in ye next convenient place by ye order of ye Committee & in all other divisions of land to be proportional according to ye first proportion or order viz : ya horaelotts: a fift part of which first proportion shall be homelott jaroper, ye other homelott division. .3. Thirdly we agree & consent that all publike charges as it relates to this plantation shall be borne proportionable by ye inhabitants according to ye land each inhabitant shall Receive as below exprest : Which is agreed upon to be with y' in lieu & consideration of all Ratable estate thereby included. 41y We do further agree that y shall be Accomodation Reserved for ye minis try besides what shall be allotted to ye first remo-ving minister ; as also a parsell of land for y^ Incouriging a schoole y' learning may not be neglected to childreii. 5 : We agree and consenMhatye piiwer bfselling yehomelotts to each inhab itant as before exprest phall remaine with ye major part of ye committee the which we do promise and also purpose to be vvith our Greatest care for y$ publick good and greatest advantage to ye plantation and ye satisfaction & comfort of each inhabitant as shall more fully appeare in ye acting ye same. 61y We agree and conseat that notwithstanding what is above exprest as to ye proportioU'Of each inhabitants meadow or lowland it shall be considerei in ye second division viz ; the other halfp of their proportion of meadow according as y^ meadow either holds out or falls short : It: The committee aforenamed at another meeting upon y« 20th of March 167|- amoiagst other perticulers by them apprehended for ye good & benefitt 40 HISTOEY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. of yo said plantation did agree & consent that all persons intending there to be inhabitants according to orders shall ingage to remove themselves & y' families to ye s^ plantation before ye first of next niay come two years from ye date hereof. ' .^ It: They are also to make ye same their dwelling place four whole years after ye such y removal before they shall have liberty to dispose of their Aocomo-- dations yre granted them Granted to any other person in way of sale or alienation to prevent discouragement to ye s^ plantation & if any do sel after such time as he hath hereby liberty so to do he shall neither sell alienate nor lett ye same Accomodations to any other person but such as ye town shall approve of, the town also promises either to purchase ye accomodations of ye removing person or to approve of such blameless man in his conversation with certificates according to law : that shall be presented to buy ye same. It: It is further agreed on that in case of removal whereby any person con tinues not ye whole above exprest viz: foure years they shall forfitt ye Ac comodations to ye town only it is Granted & consented to that ye person so removing shall be allowed what he hath bettered the s'' Accomodations by his Improvement, and it shall be paid by ye town within one twelvemonth after ye removing person so leaves ye s'' plantation : death is no wais intend ed by ye s'' removal upon which ye s'' Accomodations shall be forfit'' as aforesaid. It: It is further agreed on that in case of removal as above exprest the person removing shall be allowed whateuer money he hath layd out as to ye pur- chesses besides ye allowance for his improvement as aforesaid with ye prom ise that if any man sh-all pay his proportion to ye purohess & then hold it in sutpence without removal thither and improvement yr of during ye aforesaid two years spoken of he shall without any allowance or consideration from ye town lose both his money so disbursed and ye accomodation also. It: It is further agreed on that everjr person receiving land as before exprest and subscribing hereto shall ingage to pay soot & lott, viz: all publick charges to all ciuil and eccleseastical affaires in such ways and in such order as shall be judged most convenient for ye benifitt of y^ s<^ plantation & ye comfort & advantage of each Inhabitant. i It: It is further agreed on that ye purchess of ye said Pomparague together with ye charges expended about ye same be payd to ye committee or their order in Wheat pease & pork a third in each & in case of^ ye want of these sorts of pay then other ways to ye Committees satisfaction by each inhabitant hereto subscribing within ten months after his homelott be layd out upon forfiture of his land so layd out : and for as much as ye desire of y remain ing in theire peaceble injoyment of that way of chh disiplin which tjiey are persuaded is according to God we do hereby ingage each for himself^not only that we will not any way disturb ye peace y' in but also that we will personally Subject ourselves to that Ecclesiastical Gouerinent that shall be there established or practised agreeable to ye Word of God. We whose names are hereunto subscribed being desirous to be admitted In habitants of ye new plantation that is to be erected at pomperogue do hereby ingage oiirselues to y^ strict obseuance and attendance of ye «rue interest of ye forgoing articles Acknowledging ye attendance thereof to be a condition HISTORT OF ANCIENT WOODBURT, 41 upon which we shall injoy what land shall there be allotted & layd out unto us. Samuel Sherman Sen' 'Samuel Styles Joseph Judson Sen' Titus Hinman John IVIinor David Jenkins Israel Curtiss , Moses Johnson John Wheeler Samuel Munn John Wyatt Roger Terrill John. Sherman Eleazer Knowles John Judson Thomas Fairohild ' Joshua Curtiss These articles, as it appears, were executed early in the year 1673, and the settlers probably arrived here in April or May the same year. By them it was stipulated, that all were to enjoy equal privileges, both civil and religious. The Committee, or principal men, composed a Court to judge between man and man, doing justice accor ding to the " written word " until a town was legally organized. The expense of the original purchases of the Indians, and of obtaining the grant from the General Court, the expenses of the removal, the building of roads, brjdges, and all Other expenses of a public nature, were to be ascertained. When this was accomplished, each one was to have an interest in the lands of the township, proportional to the amount of said expenses paid by him. But there was a restriction as to the quantity of land which a proprietor might have. No one could have more than twenty-five acres for his home-lot, and the poorest among them was entitled to ten ; so that a few rich men could not control the township. It was desirable, in those early da,ys, for the inhabitants to live near together. So that their entire home- lots were not then laid out on the street, one-fifth only being laid out as home-lots proper for their dwellings. The largest were there fore only five acres in extent, and the smallest two. The remaining four-fifths were " home-lot division," and were laid in contiguous and convenient places. The remainder of the lands of the plantation were reserved for future divisions among the inhabitants, as exigen cies should require, and to be laid out to sons arriving at majority, and to such newly admitted inhabitants as should be received. Ac cordingly, as the settlers cleared their lands, other divisions became necessary ; such as meadow, or lowland, woodland, upland, and pas ture divisions. They also, in the early years of the settlement, had 1 W. T. R., vol. 2, 175. 42 HISTORT OP ANCIENT WOODBURT. common fields, to which all had a right. In all these divisions, each proprietor had his share in proportion to his home-lot. All taxes civil and ecclesiastical, were borne ratably according to the same rule. Adjustment books were kept, in which each planter was made debtor to the land he received, and was credited with what he sold for the equalization of taxes. From these articles we learn that here, as in all the other towns of New England, the settlers had a particular regard to the establish ment of religious institutions. It was their design to erect churches in strict conformity to Scripture example ; and to transmit evangeli cal purity, in doctrine, worship and discipline, with civil and religious liberty to their posterity. So great was the attention they paid to these interesting points, that they not only made ample provision for the minister, who was to remove with them, but they also sequestered lands for the future support of the ministry. Another truly New England feature is noticed, in this their first solemn agreement, in the ample provision made for a school, " that learning might not be neglected to children." Our fathers, though living under kingly rule, were republicans, rejecting with abhorrence the doctrines of the divine right of kings, passive obedience, and non-resistance. Upon these principles they formed their civil insti tutions. This, like the other towns, in its constitution was a pure republic in embryo. They thought the church should be accompa nied by the school-house, religious principle by an educated and ennobled understanding. In this way, they judged, intelligence and good morals could best be propagated. We notice also, the poverty of our ancestors at this time — the almost entire want of a currency. All the expenses growing out of the purchase and settlement of the plantation, were to be paid in wheat, peas and pork, in equal proportions, as to value, if these could be obtamed, and if they could not, then in other articles to the satis faction of the committee of the settlement. Under such severe difficulties were these pleasant dwelling-places and habitations, which we now enjoy, prepared. And yet our ances tors were not the paupers nor the fortune hunters from the old worid. They were the sturdy yeomanry, the intelligent mechanics and farmers, the middle classes, whose independent spirits spurned the yoke of tyranny. \)ppressed and harassed in the old country, our sainted sires sought in the wilds and fastnesses of this. wilderness world, a place for that freedom of thought and of action, which they «ould not find in « Old and enlightened and self-satisfied Europ^." HISTORT OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. ,43 Thoroughly impressed with the idea that time, faith kad energy wiU accomplish all that can be done in this life, the most appalling diffi culties were met and overcome. They did not for a moment doubt that " God would raise their state, and build up his church in that excellent clime to which they had come.'' To their enlightened vision, there beamed from the distant west the light of liberty, which, like " another morn risen on mid-noon," would continue to shine till the " perfect day." CHAPTER IV. CIVIL HISTORY CONTINUED. Po-MPERAUS made A TOWN", AND CALLED WoODBURY, IN 1674 ; SIGNIFICATION OF THE NAME ; KiNS PhILIp's WAR IN Wlf) ; INHABITANTS OF WoODBURY GO BACK TO Stratford ; Orders of the General Court ; Watching and Warding ; Rev. Mr. Walker's Letter in 1676 ; Inhabitants return in 1677 ; Town released from taxes for two years ; Action of General Court in relation to the Boundaries of the Town ; Town first rep resented IN the General Court in 16S4 ; Patent granted in ample FORM IN 1686 ; General Court grants the North Purchase to the town IN 1703 ; Same purchased of the Indians in 1710. So numerous had the arrivals of our ancestors become in the new plantation of Pomperaug, during the year 1 673, that at "A Court of election held at Hartford, May 14th, 1674, " This Court grants that Paumperaug and the plantation there shall be called by the name of Woodbury, which town is by this Court freed from Country Rsttes fower yeares from this date.'" This was the only charter the town had till May, 1 686, and was as formal as the charters or grants to the other towns of the colony to this date. In accordance with the usual gratuity to the new towns, it was freed from taxes for four years. The town continued to go on, in the full tide of " successful ex periment," as we glean from the scanty means of information left us at this day. It had chosen a beautiful name, characteristic of its lo cation and history. Our fathers, in a somewhat poetic vein of mind, as we may imagine, (feUed their new town Woodbury. The word bury is a different orthography for burg, burh, borough. It signifies a house, castle, habitation, or a dwelling-place. Hence Woodbury is a dwelling-place in the wood. There was a cluster of " burys'' in the vicinity of this town within its first century. Besides Woodbury, 1 Trumbull's Col. Rec, p. 227. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 45 this part of the State gloried in the names of Southbury, Roxbury, Westbury, (Watertown,) Middlebury, Waterbury, Northbury, (Ply mouth,) Farmingbury, (Wolcott,) and Danbury. In May, 1675, the General Court appointed " Capt" John Nash, Capt" Wm. Curtice and L"' Tho: Munson to lay out the highway from Woodbury to Pawgasuck, (Derby,) to the most convenient place for a ferry, and allso to lay out a convenient parcell of land for a ferry place. And the towne of Stratford are allso by this Court appoynted to lay out a country highway from their town to Pagasuck in the most convenient place where the ferry shall be settled." It would seem by this, that the inhabitants were becoming numerous, and that they wished to establish a good route to their former homes in Stratford, and the present abode of their friends and relations. In fact, their minister had not yet removed his family to their new town, but while part of his church had removed to Woodbury, a part remained still in Stratford, and he ministered to them as occa sion allowed, in both places. It was therefore an object, much to be desired," to open a good and direct communication between the two places. At the same session it was enacted, that " This Court doth grant that Wood bury shall haue liberty to choose of what county they shall belong to. Whether Hartford, New Haven, Fayrefeild."' The first book of town acts is lost ; so that we find on record no action taken by the town upon this matter. Many of the interesting particulars of the settlement of the town are, for this reason, irrecov erably lost. The people, probably, chose to belong to Fairfield County, as we find it always mentioned in the list of towns belonging to that county, from this date to 1751, when it became a part of the new county of Litchfield. The committee, mentioned above, to lay out a ferry and a road, re ported to the General Court in May, 1677, two yeairs from the date of their appointment. The reason of the delay will presently be obvi ous. They say among other things, '.' And first concerning the ferry, they order and appoynt it to beat the lower end of the old Indian feild, and that title peice of land between the rooks and the o-uUy or creeke to be for a place to build any house or houses upon, and yardes for secureing of goods or cattell that may be brought to the ferry from Woodbury, Mattatuck, &o. 1 TrumbuU's Col. Rec, p. 253. 46 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WO ODBURY. " Livetenant Joseph Juilson declared that if -the inhabitants of Derby would put in a ferry man in convenient time, they were content, or els upon notice giuen they of Woodbury would put in one whome the towne or Derby should approue for an inhabitant, and that without any charge to Derby or the coun- t.-y."i These facts are noted, and extracts made, with a view to present to the mind the extreme difficulty and delay, which attended every effort to found this inland town. But far more serious evils awaited the adventurous pioneers, in this " dwelling-place" in the forest. In June, 1675, King Philip's war broke out, and fiUed this and neighboring colonies with the gloom and terror which always accompany Indian warfare. After the Pequot war, for nearly forty years, the whites had been at peace with their Indian neighbors. But now the news spread through the United Colonies, that a general combination of Wampanoags, Narragansetts, and other tribes, had been formed, with the desperate design of utter ly removing the white race from their land. Philip, with his fierce bands of relentless warriors, apjpeared suddenly on the scene of ac tion, and blood and misery followed in his trail. This war affected all the eastern colonies. The eastern part of Connecticut was the most exposed part of that colony, but every portion of it suffered from the predatory excursions of the savages, and continual alarms. The frontier towns, like Woodbury, were particularly exposed to danger. In October, 1675, the General Court, deeply affected with the ap parent danger, enacted military regulations of the most careful and vigorous kind. It was equivalent to putting the whole colony under martial law. Among their regulations were : " Sixty soldiers to be raised in every county ; places for defense 'and refuge to be immedi ately fortified in every plantation ; neglect of order in time of assault . to be punished with death; no provisions to be carried out of the col ony without special license ; no male between the ages of fourteien and seventy suffered to leave the colony without special permission from the council, or from four assistants, under penalty of £100." Each plantation was also to keep a sufficient watch, from the shutting in of the evening till the sunrise ; to have one-fourth part of the to'^fn in arms every day, by turns, and those who worked in the fields to go in companies, and when going half a mile from town, to be not less than sis in number, with arms and ammunition well fixed and fitted 1 Trumbull's Col. Rec, p. 302. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 47 for security." These orders were carried out by the towns, with alacrity. Many were partially fortified, and in all a constant guard was maintained. Guards were stationed in the belfry of meeting houses, on high hills and bluffs, and even in sentry-boxes erected for their accommodation, to watch for the enemy, and protect the inhab itants. Every effort was made for the public safety. This war continued during the winter, and at a meeting of the council at Hartford, March 16, 1676-6, the following action was taken : " In regard of the present troubles -that are vpoi; vs, and the heathen still con tinuing their hostility against the English, and assaulting the plantations, to pervent their designs .against vs. It is by the Councill ordered, that the watch in the severall plantations, about an hower at least before day, in. each day, doe call up the severall inhabitants in each plantation within their respectiue wards whoe are forthwith upon their call by the watch, to rise and arm them selves, and forthwith to march to their severall quarters they are appoynt ed to in theire wards and elsewhere, there to stand upon their guard to defend the town against any assault of the enemie vntill sunn be halfe an hower high in the morning, and then the warders are to take their places ; and scouts in each end of every town are to be sent forth on horseback, to scout the wo9ds and discouer the approach of the enemie, and to continue on the scout goeing so far into the wods as they may return the same day to giue an acco^ of what they shall discouer ; and the scouts are to take direction from the ohiefe millitary ofEoers resideing in their respecliive townes, how and which way they shall pass, to make th,eir discovery. And whosoeuer shall neglect to giue attend ance to this order in all and euery of the particulars thereof, shall forfeit fine shillings for euery defect. This to be attended till further order.'"' It is to be particularly noted here, that the "watch" was to call up all the inhabitants an hour before day, and have them on duty till after sunrise. This precaution was taken from the fact, that men sleep soundest at this time, and as the Indians had knowledge of the fact, attacks were most frequently made at this hour. It is difficult, at this distance of time, to imagine the dangers, trials and alarms, that must exist in feeble communities, reminded as they were each morn ing, of their desperate condition, by regulations such as these. This state of affairs drove the inhabitants of Woodbury back again to Stratford. How long they continued to maintain their position in the new town is not known ; but they no doubt returned during the summer or autumn of 1675. A little light is thrown upon the ques tion by the advice given by the General Court to Derby, which was nearer the old towns and in a somewhat safer position. 1 Trumbull's Col. Rec, p. 416. 48 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. "At a General Court held at Hartford,. October 14, 1675. " The inhabitants of Derby having desired the advice of this Court, what is their best way to attend for their safety in this time of difficulty, the Court re turn that they judg it the best and safest way to remoue their best goods and. their corn, what they can of it, with their wives and children, to some bigger towne,- who, in a way of Providence, may be in a better capacitie to defend it ; and that those that stay in the town doe well fortify themselves, and stand up on their guarde, and hasten the removeall of their corn as afores that on the other side, is a true coppy of the originall, being Examined'fc compared therewith May 19, 1686. pr. JOHN ALLYN Secretary. At the May session, 1703, this Patent was confirmed, for what reason does not appear, except that an act was passed that session making the soil in all the patented towns an estate in fee simple. It is not known that any question in relation to its validity ever arose. The town during the same year confirmed all grants q{ land which it had previously made. At the same session it was resolved that " This Court doe grant to Woodbury an addition to their township, viz' from the west bounds of Waterbury upon a parrallel line to the north-east bounds of the purchase made by the gopd people of Milford at Wiantenock." (New Milford.) This grant was not ordered to be surveyed till the October session in 1723. This was done by the surveyor of Fairfield County, who made his report to the May session of the Court in 1724. By it we learn that this tract, which was called the North Purchase, and included the present town of Bethlem and a part of Washington, 'contained seventeen thousand four hundred and eighty-two acres and sixty rods of land. A Patent, in due form, was issued, bounding it east by Waterbury, north by a line drawn from the N. W. comer bounds of Waterbury, W. 5° 30' N. to the N. E. comer of New MU- ford, west by New Milford, and south by the original town of Woodbury. The town, having obtained this grant of the Court in 1703, com menced negotiations for the purchase of the same of the Indians, but HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 57 .did not complete the bargain till June 23d, J1710, when a deed was executed by Nunawague, Chesguneage, Cockshury, Wussuttanunck- quet and Sasaw, describing the tract as being by estimation " seven or eight miles east & west & about five or six mUes north & south at ye east end & about two or three miles north & south at y^Vest end as granted to the town by the General Court," bounded east on Waterbury, south on the original town of Woodbury, west on New Milford "silias Oantanuck," and "northerly on our own land as yet.'" This is the " North Purchase " shown on the accompanying map. The town had now full and undisputed title to its entire limits, .both from the General Court and the native proprietors. Having been somewhat minute in tracing the title of our fathers to their habitations, we pass on more rapidly with other particulars in their history. 1 Wj T. R., vol.2, p. 179. CHAPTER V. CIVIL HISTORY CONTINUED. Character of the Fikst Settlers ; Capt. John Minor ; Capt. William Curtiss; Hon. Samuel Sherman; Hon. John Sherman; Lieut.. Joseph Judson ; Lieut. Israel Curtiss ; Col. Joseph Minor ; Hackaliah Preston ; Hon. William Preston. We come now to a pleasing task, the contemplation of the char acter of our forefathers, who subdued the wilderness, and lefl to our inheritance these pleasant valleys and hills. They were emphatically a moral and religious people, and retired to this forest land to enjoy more freely their religious opinions, than they could even in the older towns of the Colony. The original signers to the Fundamental Articles, as we have seen, were seventeen in number. Fifteen of these undoubtedly removed to the new plantation during the first year. It is not cer tain that the two aged planters, Samuel Sherman? Sen., and Joseph Judson, Sen., ever resided here, although they had larger " accom modations " than most of the other planters. Of their minister and head. Rev. Zechariah Walker, who did not move with the first company, an account will be given in a subsequent chapter, and our limits wiU allow us only to notice a few' others, which may serve for a sample of the whole. First among the settlers, men of note in "V^jOodbury, and foremost in all difficult undertakings, was John Minor, an interpreter to the Indians, a justice of the quorum among the magistrates, a captain in the mUitia, and a deacon in the church. He was also a surveyor, a necessary and important character in a new country. All the Indian deeds in this region were executed before him, from his being able to act as interpreter. He was town-clerk of Stratford for ten years from 1666, with the exception of a year, and held the same office in Woodbury for thirty years from its beginning. He was - HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 59 also, for twenty years, almost always a member of the General Court, held an influential position there, and was frequently appointed on committees for the composing of serious diflferences and the solving of difficult questions. Early in life he acquired a good knowledge of- the Indian dialects, and conversed in them with ease and fluency. In consequence of this, the rulers of the Colony wished to prepare him for a preacher of the gospel to the Indians. In accordance with which desire, the 'General Court, Sept. 14th, 1654, expressed by positive action, " Whereas, Notwithstanding former provision made for the conveyance of the knowledge of God to the Natives amongst us, little hath hitherto beene attended through want of an able Interpreter, this Courte being earnestly desirous to promote and further what lyes in them a worke of that nature, wherein the glory of God & the euerlasting welfare of those poore, lost, naked sonnes of Adam is so deeply concerned, doe order that Thomas Mynor, of Pequott shall bee wrott unto from this Courte & desired that hee would forthwith send his Sonne John Mynor to Hartford, where this Courte will provide for his main tenance & schooling, to the end hee may bee for the present assistant to such- elder, elders or others, as this Courte shall appoint, to interprett the things of God to y"" as hee shall bee directed and in the meane time fitt himselfe to bee instrumentall that way as God shall fitt & incline him thereunto for the future."' Upon the 23d of Sept., 1654, the subject was brought before the Commissioners of the United Colonies, and they enacted, " Vpon a motion made to ye Commissioners by Cap' CuUick, from the Gene rall Conrte of Connectioott, to take into y' consideration ye instruction of ye In dians in theire Jurisdiction, in ye knowledge of God, -and their desire y' John Minor might be enterteined as an interpreter, to communicate to ye said Indians those instructions w"'' shall bee delivered by M' Stone, M' Newton, or any other allowed by the Courte, and allso y' ye said Minor may be further instruct ed and fitted by M' Stone to bee a meete instrument to carry on the worke of propagating ye Gospel to ye Indians, ye Commissioners conceivieng ye said propositions to be much conducing to ye propogating y' bopefull work, doe desire ye Magestrates of Connectioott to take care y' ye said Minor bee enter tained at M' Stones, or some other meet place, and they shall order y' dug allowance bee made for his dyet and education out of the Corporation Stock."^ Under this action, both John Minor and John, son of Thomas Stanton, were received and kept at school and college for two or three years. Minor lived with Mr. Stone for some time after, and acted as interpreter for him when he preached to the Indians. But 1 Trumbull's Col. Rec, 265. 2 Rec. U. Colonies. 60 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. he did not follow out the plan of his patrons. What induced him to turn his attention to other affairs, does not appear. He became, however, an honorable and useful citizen, turning his knowledge of the Indian tongue and his education to good account. He died at an advanced age, and was buried in the south-west part of the an cient burying ground, but no stone remains to mark the spot — naught save a numerous posterity sleeping around him. Capt. William Curtiss was another 'early founder of Woodbury, of high standing in the Colony, and one of the grantees of the planta tion. He was from Roxbury, Mass. His niame was usually spelled "Curtice." It does not appear that he bought an interest in the plantation himself, but he was its fast friend, and sent two of his sons, Lieut. Israel and Joshua, with the first settlers. He was a member of the General Court ten -or twelve years from Stratford ; often a commissioner, or justice of the peace ; and from year to year, appointed by the Court on important committees in various parts of the Colony. He was appointed Nov. 23d, 1678, captain of the forces raised in Fairfield County to serve against the Dutch at New Am sterdam, (New York.) In Oct., ] 675, he was appointed by the Gene ral Court, captain of the sixty men to be raised in Fairfield County, to serve in King Philip's war, with power to appoint his inferior offi cers. In May, 1676, when the people of Woodbury were at Strat ford, on account of this war, he and Mr. Samuel Sherman were appointed commissioners for " Stratford and Woodbury." Intimately associated with the last named, in all that related to the welfare of the new town, was the Hon. Samuel Sherman. He was at the date of its settlement, undoubtedly the most distinguished man connected with the enterprise. He was from Dedham, Essex County, England, came to this country in 1634, and previous to the date of the new plantation, had been a leading man in the Colony. He had assisted in the settlement of several other towns in the Colo ny, and now undertook the same for Woodbury. He had been a member of the Court of Assistants, or Upper House of the General Court, and supreme judicial tribunal, for five or six years fro,m 1663, and held various offices, and appointments of honor and trust. He is referred to* in ancient deeds and documents as the "WorshipAil Mr. Sherman." In 1676, as stated above, he was one of the com missioners for " Stratford and Woodbury." It is not certain that he ever resided here, although he took a first class " accommodation" in the grant of the General Court. If he did not remove personally ' to Woodbury, he-, evidently caused his lands to be improved, in HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 61 accordance with the articles of the settlement. They are " recorded to" him on the 26th of May, 1675, and on the 22d of June, 1679, it is further recoTded that " Mr. Sherman having injoyed and Improved his accommodations to this 22d of June, 1679, according to the grant of y^ town,'' has now an " absolute and positive record to him of the same according to law." He deceased previous to Oct., 1684, and his sons, Matthew and John, agreed on a division of said lands. He may have resided here, but it is probable that, being advanced iil in years, and comfortably settled in Stratford, he continued to reside there till he was "gathered to his fathers." He furnished one son (John) for the first^ company, and subsequently two others, Samuel and Matthew, for other companies. His son, Hon. John Sherman, was one of the first company, and his fame is more partic ularly the property of the town than the two last. He was distin guished not only in his town, but also in the Colony. He was a jilstice of the quorum, or associate county court judge for farty-four years from 1684, a representative of the town seventeen sessions, and speaker of the Lower House in May and October, 1711, and May and October, 17 i2. He -s^as town-clerk twenty-five years, and captain in the militia, a high honor in those days. He was the first judge of probate for the district of Woodbury, from its organization in 1719, for nine years. The district then comprised all the settled portion of the present county of Litchfield, and Waterbury in New Haven County. He was also an assistant for ten years from 1713. Lieut. Joseph Judson, Sen., another subscriber to the Fundamental Articles, was a man of note before the removal to this town. He came from Concord, Mass. He was deputy to the General Court for some six years, and otherwise distinguished. After the settle ment of Woodbury, he was sent as a deputy with John Minor to the < session of 1684, being the first time the town had been represented, and continued to represent the town for four sessions afterward. He was one of .the leaders of Rev. Mr. Walker's party at Stratford. He had a first class " accommodation," but it is not certain that he lived here till the close of his life, as a part of his land was after ward sold to pay a ministerial rate. His son John, another " original signer," was a prominent individual in the town and Colony. He died 12th Jan., 1709-10, aged sixty-three years. Lieut. Israel Curtiss, son of Capt. William, was another of the " original signers," and took a prominent part in the settlement and interests of the town. He was a lieutenant in the militia, and 62 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. represented the town at the May session, 1689, and for seventeen sessions afterward. Colonel Joseph Minor, son of Capt. John, was not one of the " original signers," but was one of the early settlers, and for eighty years afterward held a prominent position. He attained the greatest age to which any inhabitant of the town has ever arrived since its settlement. He was born 4th March, 1672-3, and died 20th Oct., 1774, being nearly 102 years old. He was born sixteen days after the signature of the " Fundamental Articles," came to Woodbury a child, and spent a long life in its service. . He passed through the various' grades of military service to the rank of colonel, and was very efficient in preparing men for service in the French and In dian wars. He was representative thirty-two sessions, town-clerk twenty-eight years, justice of the quorum fourteen years from 1725, and judge of probate thirty years. As above stated, he lived to a good old age, and retained all his physical powers to such an extent, that on his hundredth birthday he rode a horse through the streets of Woodbury. The fame of the feat is, however, marred by the fact that he did not alight, but fell from his. horse. His descend ants are still numerous in this town.' He lived under the hill in jear of Erastus Minor's. He inherited a piece of land from his father, which Erastus Minor, one of his descendants, now owns, and it is a remarkable fact, that it has never passed by deed since the deed from the Indians, nearly 200 years ago. It has passed from father to son through the probate court. Another early settler, but not an " original signer," was Hacka liah Preston. He was a native of Wales, but came to Stratford from Turkey. Tradition says the Turks, for some reason, sought to kill him, and that he fled to save his life. He married Emm Fairchild, daughter of Thomas Fairchild, of Stratford, one of the principaJik planters and first magistrates of that town, who had come thither directly from England. He soon removed to Woodbury in one of the companies of the first settlers. Hon. William Preston, son of the above, was born at Stratford,; 21st March, 1676, just before his father's removal to Woodbury, and was therefore, in one sense, a son of the soil, having spent his active life in the town, and rested from his labors 5th Sept., 1754, in the seventy-eighth year of his age. He was a leading man in the town, county and Colony. He was a member of the General Court thirty- five sessions, and stood high in the militia, having attained the rank of colonel. He was justice of the quorum eleven years from 1740. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 63 On the formation of the new county of Litchfield in 1751, he was appointed its first judge, which office he held for three years till his death, performing its duties to the credit of himself, and the interests of the people. He was a man of fine talents and commanding influ ence — of sterling integrity and unflinching determination. He was active and efficient in all the walks of life, and died much lamented. Such was the character of the early men of Woodbury. We would gladly delineate the lives of more of them, did time and space permit. Such was the caliber of the men who laid the foundations,- firm and sure, of our -institutions, both local and general. It is of such ancestors a virtuous descendant has a right "to be proud, and the memory of whom should shame into reformation any one, who may have departed from the boundaries of good character and correct principles. CHAPTER VI. CIVIL HISTORY CONTINUED. List of Settlers; Home-lots; 1672-1712; Old Parsonage of 1702; Pali saded Houses ; School Lot ; First Mill, 1674 ; Second Mill ; Third Mill ; Meetinos at Bethel Rock ; First Meeting House, 1681 ; First Birth, Marriaqe and Death ; Samuel Munn, the first Wheelwright ; Abraham FuLFORD, the first Clothier ; Town Brand; First Ferryman; Docts. Butler Bedient and Ebenezer Warner, the first Physicians ; Localities ; Buckskin Breeches ; Wooden Shoes ; Ancient Titles ; Sir Edmund An dross ; Shepaug Proprietors ; Dea. Samuel Bull, the first Blacksmith ; First Divorce ; Bachelors' Accommodations ; French and Indian War of 1707; Fortifications and Garrisons; Action in relation to the Poota tucks ; Parson Stoddard kills two Indians ; Soldiers at Wood Creek in 1709; 'North Purchase Rate, 1712; Reflections., In this part of our labor, we find considerable difficulty from the fact, that the first volume of town records is lost, together with its contents, except some portions, which could be deciphered from its fragmentary remains, and which were judged important by the town to be preserved. These were collected into what now forms the firSt volume of town records by Nathan Preston, then . town-clerk, and certified by him March 6th, 1793, one hundred and twenty years after the founding of the! town. The same is true in regard to the first book of proprietors' records, or acts of the town. These were in like manner copied in 1771, so far as could be done, or was deemed necessary, by Benjamin Stiles and Gideon Walker, the latter being at that time town-clerk.' Besides the original signers, there was a large number of families which removed to Woodbury before King Philip's war, but no record remains to teU their names. After that war, the inhabitants slowly. returned, and new names appeared among them. The following list had arrived, in addition to the original signers, and been assigned home-lots and divisions, previous to 1682, as nearly as can now be collected. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 65 Rev. Zechariah Walker, John Huthwitt, John Skeels, Ambrose Thompson, " Andrew Nichols, Hackaliah Preston, John Leavenworth, Thomas Leavenworth, '^-^amuel Munn, John Mitchell, Ebenezer Blackman, Abraham Blish, John Hurd, Ebenezer Hurd, John. Stratton, ^ -Henry Hill, Matthew Mitchell, Alexander Bryan, Benjamin Galpin, John Root, Isaac Nicholsr Samuel Hinman, ^ •Dennis Hart, Samuel Galpin, fSgt. Moses Johnson-r^— - Thomas Drakely, Joseph Booth, CSlIiIam_FrederieE^ Isaac Bennett, Henry Castle, (Joseph Seel^i. Nathan Hough, i/-' Joseph Hicock, Benjamin Hicock, John Minor, Jun.,* Jonathan Hurd, Joseph Hurd, Henry Castle, Jun., James Beers, Sen., Zechariah Walker, Jr., Benjamin Stiles. William Martin, Samuel Jenner, Matthew Sherman, Joseph Hurlbut, i^-- Joseph Seelye,/---^ Samuel Nichols,!^ Richard Beach, Isaac Curtiss, u----^ Samuel Sherman, Jr., Samuel Hull, ?— -""'^ • Thomas Hurlbut, ly^ William Roberts, Edward Hinman, ¦ Jonathan Squire, ».*- Cornelius Walker, Caleb Nichols, Sen. Thomas Bedient, John Pierce, Thomas Appleby. All these had an interest in the land, and were householders. From this list of men, we may estimate the number of inhabitants in the town at this time, at four or five hundred. The settlers laid out their home-lots in quantities of from two to five acres, with narrow fronts, which were arranged on both sides of • the main street, or "Indian Trail," as before described, from East Meadow to the " Bent" of the river. The "home-lot division," four times as large as the home-lot, was laid out in rear of it, and extended back one mile from the street, that " run through the middle of the town from end to end of the town." On the wes't side of the street the Same rule prevailed. This rule was adopted by an order of the General Court to all new towns, for protection against the Indians. Next followed. the " meadow division " or lowland, which was laid on the intervals and plain lands. After this came the "upland division," laid out on the irregular, hilly grounds. At the same time the " pasture division " was laid out for the accommodation of their cattle. In process of time came the " woodland division," after they had cleared their other divisions, and a provision for fuel be came necessary. Still later, after they had subdued and brought under cultivation their other lands, came the " Good Hill division," and " White Oak Plain division," which designate their own locali ties. All these divisions were assigned, or laid out, to the settlers in proportion to the size of their home-lot, and that was determined by the amount paid in, under the original articles. 66 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. It is impossible now to trace the exact localities of all the first settlers. Their home-lots were small, and the present holders of land occupy each several of the original sites. . Several of the fami-* lies have been before located in these pages. The first regular town miller lived where Hon. Nathaniel B. Smith now resides. His name was John Hurd. After him Doct. Joseph Perry lived in the same place. Rev. Zechariah Walker's house stood where Levi S. Douglass, Esq., now lives, and covered a part of the present cellar. Isaac Judson lived opposite the place occupied by Nathan Warner, Jun., and his house was one of those surrounded with palisadoes, as a protection against the Indians. Another palisaded house stood on the site occupied by Horace Hurd's new dwelling-house. Capt. John Minor's, under the hill in rear of Erastus Minor's," was another. Jmqth^ o£ thejortified^h Transylvania, npwjn^ existence. It had a look-out on its top by the chimney for observation. Doct. Jonathan Atwood's house occupied nearly the site of the " Old Town House." Adino Strong settled at Scuppo, but he came after 1700. The reservation of land for a school, as agreed in the " fundamental articles," was laid out north of the Cranberry Pond before 1700. In the next year some change was made, when Mr. Stoddard was settled in the ministry, and his home-lot was laid out on the 12th of May, in this place, then called Foot's Neck. It was part of the contract of the town with him, to build him a house of certain dimensions on this lot. It was immedi ately commenced, and finished so that he could move into it late in 1701. He alludes to it as his dwelling-house, in a communication written in 1702. It was surrounded with palisadoes,' was the most strongly fortified house in the plantation, and could receive more people than any other in case of an alarm. One of the bounds in a deed of the lot next north of this, dated 31st March, 1702, was laid within a foot of " y° pallasadoes in Mr. Stoddard's fence." George W. De Wolf now occupies this, the oldest house in the county. The parsonage meadow division was that in rear of Hon. N. B. Smith's, the remainder of his home-lot was near John P. Marshall's, and his 1 Houses were palisaded in the following manner, -viz. : a. deep ditch was dug around the house ; logs were then placed perpendicularly in the ditch aU around it, leaving a space only for a gate. The logs were sharpened at the top, placed close together, and extended eight, ten or twelve feet above the ground. The earth was then returned, and beaten down around the logs till they stood firmly. This, with a gate well secured, was a pretty good defense against a sudden attack. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 67 "Good Hill division" (50 acres) was laid out " in or near Weaco- pemis playn." When the first settlers came, they had few of the conveniences of life. Among the things they had not, was a mill to grind their grain. They were twenty-five miles from any inhabitants, in the wilderness, with no roads, or even a path leading to the older settlements- They imitated their "red brethren," arid used mortars to reduce their grain to a state fit for cooking. But this was not to be endured long. There were weddings, and other great occasions to be provided for, and something must be done. Accordingly, they sent to Stratford, and procured two small mill-stones, so diminutive in size that they were brought here throilgh the forests on horseback. They prepared mill-gearing, built a small shed on Middle Quarter Brook, a few rods easterly from Dea. Eli Summers' house, and set their mill in opera tion. Itis said that when it was in complete running order, it could grind the. enormous quantity of a. bushel of grain per day. Great was the rejoicing of our fathers, when this vast improvement was obtained. They took turns at the mill, each grinding his own grist ; or rather, one carried his grain in the morning, set the nlill in motion, and went after his grist at night. This was probably built in 1 674, ' and was the only mill in the territory till 1681. One of these mill stones is still in the door-yard of Miss Lucy Sherman, serving in the humble capacity of a door-stone, and the other in Hartford. They are about two feet in diameter, and six inches in thickness. Traces of the dam still exist. These are highly interesting memorials of the early days, and carry us back, in memory to the long-ended toils and sufferings of our fathers. Long should these, rude memorials be preserved, as rare fragments which have escaped the ruthless hand of Time. But the inhabitants had become so numerous before 1681, that the old inill was -entirely inadequate to the wants of the town. It had, therefore, granted " mill accommodations " of land and other consid erations, on the west side of the river, to John Hurd, to " encourage " him to take upon himself the responsibility of building a " corn mill " of sufficient capacity to do all the grinding required by the town. The date of this agreement is the 28th of August, 1681. He pro ceeded to erect his mill about fifty rods south-westerly from his dwelling-house, which stood where Hon. N. B. Smith's now stands. It was erected immediately under the hill, and the water for its accommodation was brought in a ditch, faint traces of which remain, from the river, about one hundred rods distant, and discharged into 68 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. the river again at about half that distance below the mill, nearly in rear of " Parson Stoddard's house." The dam was built across the river at the still water in the Pomperaug, nearly west of the milb and no vestiges of it now remain, yet the locality has retained the name of the " Mill Pond " to this day. The late aged AshbeJ Moody told the author that he recollected, when a boy, going there to bathe, and that a part of the dam was then in existence. In time of fresh ets, all the intervals in this place were overflowed, and it was not a fortunate location for a dam. It was, besides, a gigantic work for private enterprise in those early days. The frequent inundations injured th,e dam repeatedly, so that Hurd was about to give up the attempt to m-aintain a mill in despair. A town meeting was, there fore, called on the 11th June, 1683, and it was agreed that the town would provide " sufficient help to repair the present break in the dame upon two days' warning, except it be in harvest time." Hurd was to pay for this labor at the rate of " 100 feet of sawed boards or other satisfaction equivalant," to each person for three days' work. He was^to have the liberty of erecting a "cart-bridge a little below the saw-mill, and to keep it in repair, at his own proper charge, seven years from date, and then to thro'w it up again, as no Town bridge." As additional " encouragement for his seasonably grinding the Town's Corn" for seven years, which he agreed to do, taking no other " Toll than the Law allows," the " Town granted him ten acres of Land next Southward of the mill accommodations, on the West side of the river." No person was to be called on to help him more than three days, and he was to give security for the fulfillment of his contract.' How far the saw-miU was located from the corn-mill is not now known, but probably at no great distance. This arrange ment continued in full force till 1691, when Hurd having deceased, the mill accommodations were given to his heirs on the same condi tions ; but the heirs not fulfilling, the town tooji further action in the premises, and on the 15th of February, 1691,^ its authorities entered into solemn contract with John Mitchell and Samuel^_tiles, " That the s'' John Mitchell and Samuel Stiles shall and may, at their own proper charge and cost, policiy and continuance, build, set up and continue from this date forever, a. good sufficient Corn Mill, at or within four rods dis tance from that place where the present Corn Mill stands, together with a, sufficient dam, whereby they may be capacitated, well and seasonably to grind, from time to time, and at all times, successively, all such corn as all, each and 1 W. T. R., vol. 1, p. 90. 2 Probably 1691-2. HISTORY OF. ANCIENT WOODBURY. 69 every of the inhabitants of Woodbury shall bring to the s^ mill to be ground, the which they do hereby covenant, promise and engage, faithfully to perform, well and seasonably, upon the conditions herein exprest, from the date hereof forever. In Consideration of which, the Committee hereunto subscribing do in behalf of themselves, and the town of Woodbury afore"', by way of encourage ment that the abovesaid work may be well and truly done, promise and engage to the abovesaid Millers a ten acre accommodation, to be layed out as nigh and convenient to said Mill, as may be, of land not yet p-articularly impropriated, which ten acres accommodation is to all intents and purposes as absolutely entailed to the Mill and Miller, that doth perform the abovesaid covenant of. well and seasonably grinding, as any particular, absolute and firm entailment explicitly can be drawn. "' As a further " encouragement to said millers to perform the con tract on their part, £30 were to be paid in provision pay, or otherwise to the s"* miUers satisfaction." Those inhabitants who could not pay in provisions, had the liberty of paying in " days work." 'The town engaged to have all its grinding done at this mill, as long as it should continue to do it " seasonably." It was further agreed, that if, " after a further experiment, it be found that the dam can not be made to stand at that place above exprest," then it was to be located " elsewhere with the advice of the town." The land in this agree ment was laid out in Ragland. Ens. Samuel Stiles had also, 16th Oct., 1697, twenty-eight acres of " meadow and upland " laid out to him as town miller. It appears that advantage was taken of the last clause in this agreement, soon after, to establish the miU near the present mill and factory of Daniel Curtiss, Esq., in which place a mill ha? ever since been kept up, there being a very good water privilege there. As evidence of this removal, we find the " old ditch," men tioned in a conveyance as early as five or six years later than the date of this agreement. The mill accommodations continued an appendage to the mill till within a recent period, although other mills, in various parts of the ancient territory, were subsequently estab lished as the new societies w;ere formed. After the settlers were in some measure located, and began to have some of the comforts and conveniences of life, their thoughts natu rally turned to the prime object of all the plantations in New Eng land, the establishment of public worship, and the location and con struction of a suitable house in which to enjoy the ministrations of the gospel. From their first settlement hitherto, they had worshiped in each other's houses, in the inclement months of the year, and in 1 W. T. R., vol. 1, p.84. ' 70 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. the summer months had convened, in the stillness of the Sabbath morn, in a beautiful and retired spot on the eafet side of the Orenaug Rocks, between the cliffs, with their sentinels placed on the top of the adjacent rocks, to guard against surprise from savage foes, and there made " the sounding aisles of the dim woods " vocal with the high praises of God., In a rude pulpit of stone, still standing in that lonely dell, we may, in imagination, see the faithful Walker address ing his attentive hearers and delivering to them the words of " truth and soberness." This spot received the name of Bethel Rock from this circumstance, and has. been ever held as a consecrated place by the descendants of those early Christian fathers, whither they have at times resorted for meditation and prayer to the present day. The unsettled state produced by King Philip's war, having passed ' away, and the inhabitants having become quite numerous for a new town, they now resolved to " build them an house " for public wor ship. As has ever been the case in such matters, they did not readily agree on a location. But it does not appear that they fell into those violent contentions which so often occur. They had tried various ways to solve the difficulty. Among other methods, they attempted a determination of the question by lot, thus showing us a glimpse of the superstition of the age in which they lived. But although they - had " solemnly left the matter to God " for, a decision, vague suspi cions of some human agency in the result obtained, arose in the minds of many. They therefore, in a peaceable and orderly manner, took the following rational action in the premises. " Woodbury June 22nd 1681. '" At a Lawful' Town Meeting whereas notwithstanding former endeavors for y? settlement of y« place for a meeting House lor publick worship in Woodbury, there yet remaining something of scruple, and these indeed not yet successfull, and particularly a lot drawn upon that account. To prevent contention and that peace and union may be obtained and continued, we have agreed and consented that to refer y« decision of y« s'' Lot with y» circumstances thereto relating, wether y 'Lot were regular or unlawfull to y= isue and determination of our honorable friends Major Treat Dep. Govenor and Major Gold, and in case y= abovementioned Majors do not determine an isue of tlieraselues we do fully leave it to them to make choice of a 3'' person to act in theeafaires herein exprest. In case y Lot be determined regular y work is finished and we will acquies therein. If y= Lot is irregular then we refer y whole settlement of a place for a meeting House unto them, and we do hereby engage and bind 1 W. T. E., vol. 1, p. 91. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 71 ourselves to rest fully satisfied with what isue and determination shall be by our honorable friends, or any two of them concluded on. Per JNO. MINOR Recorder. " The same day and time y town made choice of John Minor to present thjs act of y= town to y' above named honorable friends, and to solicit to as speedy an action herein as with itheir convenience, y which he speedily did, and y Gentlemen came to Woodbury upon y' 4 of July next following, and haveing considered y' afiaires gave in the following conclusion and settlement upon y'S'i-of July, 1681. " Woodbury, July S*, 1681. In answertoy* desires of our neighbors and good friends, of y° town of Woodbury aforesaid to refer y» answer and resolution where there procedure were regular in and, about y' casting a lot for y" place of ys setting a Meeting House u«to us Robert Treat and Nathan Gold, which after we had heard and considered what was on both hands. said pro and con in the matter, we returned our answer in ye negative, and whereas ye whole settle- j, ment and determination of y" place of ye setting of ye meeting house was also then refered to us ye s^ Robert Treat and Nathan Gold with liberty of new choice of a third man in case we found need, and accordingly we made choice of Nicholas Camp to be ye man, and after we had heard what was said, and viewed ye several places propounded, we did jointly agree and determine ye place of ye setting up of their s'^ meeting house is to be on ye rifeht hand of a hollow where goes down ye Cart way from M' Walker's house to the corn mill about twenty rod below his house, where we pitched down a stake, and that this is our determination may appear by our Joint subscribing our names ye day and year above -written. ' "^ Robert Treat Sen'', Nathan Gold. to the latter part Nicholas Camp Dilligently Recorded from ye original at ye same time The site here indicated, is that now occupied by the carriage house of Hon. N. B. Smith. This fixes the location of the corn mill, and that of Parson Walker's house, where Mr. Levi S. Douglass now ^ lives, as well as that of the meeting-house. The decision of the committee appears to have given satisfaction to the town, and the work of building immediately commenced. The dimensions-of this house are not preserved, but it was of a large size for those times, and was used as a place of worship till the erection of the second meeting-house in 1747, a period of sixty-six years. The seats were raised one above the other, on either side of the center of the house, the pulpit being, as usual, at the end of the house opposite the entrance. The people were called to church on the Sabbath, by t'A HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. the beat of a drum upon the rock on which the Masonic Lodge now stands. The same instrument was used to call the people together on other days in the week, and for other purposes. It beat for meet ings of the town, for the assembling of the train-band, and in cases of alarm in time of war. There was a particular beat for each of these occasions, but what was the difference in the roll of the drum ecclesi astical, the drum military and the drum civil, is not known. During the perilous times of the French and Indian wars, guards were placed on Lodge Rock, and the rock the other side of the church, near Pom peraug's grave, while the people, who also carried their arms, wor shiped within. After the dedication of the second meeting-house, the old one was used as a town hall for many years, and also by the Episcopal Society for their service. Still later, it was used by Mr. Tallman for a slaughter-house. But it was many years ago taken down, and its place is now occupied as before stated. The first female born in Woodbury, was Sarah, daughter of Sam uel Sherman, Jun., and the first male, Thomas, son of John Wheeler. They were both born in 1673, and baptized in Stratford. The first three children born and baptized in Woodbury, after the war with the Indians, were Bezaleel, son of Edmond Sherman, and Emm and Sarah Fairchild, whose baptism took place 11th April, 1675-6. The first marriage appearing on the records is that of t "Benj" Hinman and Elizabeth Lumm, both of Woodbury, in ye County of Fairefield, in his Majes'» Collony of Connectioott were married ; Man and Wife ; ye twelveth day of July, one thousand six hundred eighty and foure as attested und' ye hand of Justice Rickbell, who married them." The first death on record is that of" Henry Castle, sen', after a long sickness above a twelve-moneth," 2 Feb., 1697-8. But there were, doubtless, both marriages and deaths in the town previous to this date. The first wheelwright who settled in the town was Samuel Munn, whose home-lot was laid out to him in 1681. In 1688, he contracted with Parson Walker to make him a cart and cart-wheels for a piece of land, " only Mr. Walker is to cart the timber to said Munn's, and find iron as hoops." Dr. Trumbull, in his History of Connecticut, says, that in 1713, " there was but one clothier in the colony. The most he could do was to full the cloth which was made. A great proportion of it was worn without shearing or pressing.'" 1 Hist, of Conn., vol. 1, p. m. . HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 73 If this assertion is correct, and we see no reason to doubt it, Wood bury was the location of that first clothier, and Abraham Fulford was the man. In the month of January, 1700, we find the following record, signed by forty-four of the principal inhabitants of the town. " We whose names are hereunto subscribed do hereby Grant unto Abraham Fullford, a. well accomplished person both for combing wooll, weaving and fulling cloth : if he se cause fo cohabitt in this town, and be beneficiall upon ye s'^ accounts a tenn acre accommodations in Woodberry : January 1700."' He saw " cause" to accept the offer, and his home-lot was laid out next to that .of Ens. Samuel Stiles, the town miller. Other lands were laid out to him at Scuppo, Hull's Brook, Good Hill, and Grassy Hill. From a deed dated 3d April, 1712, it appears that his fuUing mill was on the East Sprain, near the " East Meadow Rocks.'' At the October session of the General Court, 1665, it was enacted that every town in the colony should have a town brand, and one chosen in each to'vvn to brand all the horses owned therein, and make an entry in a book, kept 'for that purpose, of all horses so branded, " w* their naturall and artificiall marks." For this service he had sixpence for each horse so branded and entered. The brand of Wood bury was the letter P, and was identical with that of Stratford, the parent town. The original town brand was in existence a few years since, and was to be seen at John P. Marshall's hotel. In May, 1675, the General Court appointed a committee to lay out a highwaiy from " Woodbury to Pawgasuck to the most convenient place for a ferry, and allso to lay out a convenient parcell of land for a ferry place." Stratford was also ordered to lay out a highway from thatplace to the ferry. This was the first action toward open ing a communication between Woodbury and Stratford. At the May session, 1677, the committee reported that they had located the ferry " at the lower end of the old Indian field" in Derby, and " for the incouragement of a ferryman" they laid out eight acres of land in said "old field," and twenty acres in other convenient places near the ferry, together with the right to the other divisions depending on these. " Livetenant Joseph Judson declared that if the inhabitants of Derby would put in a ferryman in convenient time, they were content, or els upon notice given they of Woodbury would put in one whome the towne of Derby should approve for an inhabitant, and that without any charge to Derby or the coun try."^ 1 W. T. R., vol. 2, p. 29. 2 Col. Rec, p. 301. ^ 6 ' 74 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. It seems that this offer of Lieut. Judson was accepted, and that he either furnished a man, or acted himself as the first ferryman. In January, 1683, he conveyed these "ferry accommodations" to Henry Hill, of Woodbury, upon condition that he would, "at his own charge and cost," keep " a suitable ferry-boat always in readiness, and ferry over travelers from Woodbury, or elsewhere, seasonably and readily, and particulariy those from Woodbury, at sixpence for a horse and man.'" This with the highway, furnished a very satisfactory com munication with Stratford, and was their only communication with Stratford and with the world beyond them. Doct. Butler Bedient was the first physician who settled in the town, but at what exact date is not known. His name first appears in the North Purchase rate in 1712. He had evidently been here somewhat earlier than that. History is silent as to his merits and quahfications in the healing art, but it is fair to presume from the well- known intelligent character of the first settlers, that his acquirements must have been respectable, or he would not have been admitted an inhabitant. Nearly contemporary with the latter, was Doctor Ebenezer War ner, a man of more skill and greater note in his profession, and in the town. He left a large posterity, and his descendants, at the present time, are numerous. He often went abroad to practice in the neigh boring plantations. To prevent this, and secure his valuable ser vices, the town granted him sixty acres of land in the original town plot, " for his Incurigement to practice phissick in y" town and attend the sick in y» town rather than strangers."^ He lived to a good old age, useful in his sphere, and respected by the people ; and died car rying with him the commendations of all who knew him. The names of the various localities in the ancient town, were nearly all established within the first few years after its settlement. Among ^ these were Good Hill, Grassy Hill, Chestnut Tree Hill, Ash Swamp, Alder Swamp, arid Moose Horn Hill. Saw-pit Hill early recpived its name, from the manner of sawing trees or logs upon its sides. A hole or pit was dug in the ground, a log placed over it, and in the operation of sawing, one man stood in the pit, and the other on the log. Ram-pit Hill, which is near Robert Peck's house, received its name from a pit which was dug to entrap a wolf, that had been 1 W. T. K., vol. 1, p. 92. 2 W. T. R.,' vol. 2, p. 121. HISTOR'Y OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 75 making great havoc among the sheep. A ram was placed within it, as an inducement for the wolf to enter during the night. The lure proved sufficient. In the morning the wolf was found in- the pit, and the ram, instead of being devoured, had defended himself with so much spirit and bravery, that he had reduced the wolf to a state of great docility. The wolf was dispatched, and his companion re leased. White Deer Rocks are situated westerly from Quasapaug Pond, and have retained their name from the first settlement, from the abundance of deer that were found in those wild solitudes, occasion ally venturing with dainty tread to the borders of the lake, to drink its silvery waters. Many of these were white, and hence the name. The Lightning's Playground is east of the Orenaug Rocks. Ragland is the rough ridge of hills south-west of the village of Woodbury. Scuppo is a place in the SQuth-easterly part of the present town of Woodbury. Carmel Hill is in the 'western part of Bethlem. Tophet Hollow is in the east part of Roxbury. Hooppole is south-west of HotchkissviUe. Hazel Plain lies along the West Sprain. Wee keepeemee li'es on the North Sprain, or Weekeepeemee River, so called from an Indian sagamore, who once had his hunting grounds in this place. Flanders is in the north part of the present town of Woodbury, and Trahsylrania lies on, the brook of the same name, in the aouth part of the town. There are numerous other local names in the ancient limits, but the above must suffice for the present. During the period under consideration, much of the outer clothing of our fathers was made of the skins of deer and other animals. The former were in great demand. As early as 1677, the General Court made a law that no " skinns of bucks and dowes, which are so ser- uiceable and vsefuU for cloathing," should be transported out of the colony, on pain of forfeiture of the skins so shipped, and that they should not be sent for sale to any other place in the colony, till a suf-, ficient bond to the value of the skins was given, that they should be dehvered at the place proposed, and not be carried thence. Accord ingly, we find in all the early inventories of estates, and even in those of a hundred years' later date, leather breeches, coats and other arti cles of attire, prominent articles for appraisal. Another article used in those early days, strikes us of the present time with astonishment, and that is the enormous wooden shoes worn by our fathers. It is difficult for us to imagine, how they contrived to accomplish the process of locomotion with such ungainly contrivances 76 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. for the feet. This subject also engaged the attention of the General Court in 1677, and it was ordered that " No shoemaker shall take above five pence half-penny a size for all playne and wooden heeld shoes, for all siz^s above mens seuens, three soled shoes well made and wrought, nor above seven pence half-penny a size for Well wrought French falls." With such impediments, one would think it no great credit to the Puritan Fathers, that they abstained from the '* vain and sinful amusement of dancing," for it would seem impossible to be conven iently done, even with their best pair of " French falls." Our fathers -were somewhat punctilious in matters of etiquette. Official station was held by them in high estimation, and the titles be longing even to the lowest grades of public service, especially if that grade was military, were always scrupulously bestowed on the pos sessor of them. In the early records, and in their intercourse with each other. Corporal Martin was as naturally addressed by his title, as Col. Minor. The title of Mr. was a title of honor, by which min isters, deacons, constables,' (very important officers at that date,) assistants, judicial functionaries, and other distinguished characters^ were addressed. Church members called each other brethren and sisters. Other individuals were characterized as Goodman, Good- 'wife or Neighbor. How greatly times are changed ! Little respect for titles of any kind now remains. Every man is called Mr. or Esq., and every woman " Mrs., Madam or Lady J" In 1687, the colony of Connecticut, with the rest of New England, was filled with anxiety and alarm, on account of the pretensions and proceedings of Sir Edmund Andross. Woodbury, secure in its re tirement among the hills, in the interior of the colony, was not so much excited with apprehension as other towns. No allusion to the advent of that bad man appears on its records, nor was the usual action, in their town meetings, in any manner changed, except that no representatives were elected to the General Court. He dissolved the General Court at Hartford, wrote "Finis" on its records, and assumed the reins of government, October 31st, 1687. The colony had always lived under governors elected by 1 The ancient to-wns cbose their one ConstabU, who was' to them the right arm of the king himself, a functionary treated with reverent awe, and obeyed with implicit deference. Whoever resisted his power, resisted the ordinance of God. — Porter's Mstorij of Farmington, Conn. H% STORY OP ANCIENT WOODB.URY. 77 themselves, while the other colonies were suffering the tyrannies of the royal governors, appointed by the crown. This was the first, and only interruption to this right, which it had always maintained, and continued for eighteen months. After the imprisonment of An dross, by the citizens of Boston, in April, 1689, Connecticut resumed its government, and Woodbury was represented by Capt. John Minor and Lt. Israel Curtiss, in th'e General Court, which was immediately convened. In April, 1698, the town voted, that for the future each one who should be admitted as an inhabitant, should be received free from payments for past expenses, should subscribe the " fundamental arti cles," should build " a tenantable house," make " actual improvement" of his land six years, and " clear and break up'' at least six acres of' land in said six years, before he should have a right to sell his land. The penalty for not conforming to this rule was forfeiture of his land and improvements to the town. In 1702, a division of the meadow on Shepaug River was made to the landholders of Woodbury, from which it appears that there were at this date seventy-eight householders, or heads of famihes, as no others would be entitled to a portion, of the, land.. The families in those days were larger than at present, and this number would show, that Woodbury must have contained, at that date, five or six hundred inhabitants, perhaps more. The list follows. Eleazer Knowles, Ebenezer Warner, Elizabeth Walker, John Roots, John Skeel, Jun., -Thomas Squire, Jun., Benjamin Hinman, Joseph Hicock, John Mitchell, Deacon Mitchell, Lieut. Stiles, Parsonage, "John Curtiss, . 'Thomas Minor, - Sergeant Johnson, Benjamin Stiles, Zechariah Walker, Mr. Judson, Isaac Castle, Nathaniel Tuttle, John Huthwit, Mr. Stoddard, Samuel Jenner, John Judson, Jun., i'Capt. Minor, '¦'Widow Preston, i- John Hurlbut, Mr. Bryan, "- John Nichols, James Beers, John Pierce, - Josiah Nichols, John Wheeler, Jonathan Attwood, John Stratton, MOaleb Nichols, John Bartlett, Samuel Blakely, ^Ephraim Minor, Ebenezer Hiird, '^John Hurlbut, Jun., Sergeant Galpin, Henry Castle, Jun., Samuel Castle, Roger Terrill, iUCornelius Brownson, Joseph Waller, Titus Hinman, Benjamin Hicock, "¦'Israel Curtiss, " Lieut. Curtiss, Thomas Applebee, 'Joseph Minor, Abraham Fulford, John Davis, Henry Castle, William Marks, , Samuel Munn, '•''William Martin, John Thomas, Thomas Drakely, •"^ohn Minor, Jun.-, John Faron, 78 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUR*. William Roberts, Robert Warner, Joseph Hicock, Jun., Thomas Bedient, o-William Frederick, David Jenkins, Joseph Hurd, <«^feei-geant Squire, John Skeel, Jun., ''Joseph Hurlbut, Jun., "John Wheeler, Jun., John Sherman, Samuel Hinman, Sergeant Hurd, •'William Preston. The first blacksmith in Woodbury of whom the records give us any information, was Dea. Samuel Bull, who came here from Far mington, and the inhabitants granted him May 13th, 1706, a "ten acre accommodation," provided he should " cohabit with us six years, and Carie on the trade of a Smith in the town." The first application for a divorce in the town was made by Jona than Taylor, October 10th, 1708, to the General Court. He asked divorce from his wife, on the ground of her endeavoring to " take his life, by her violence, deserting him, and living with Joseph Allin, a negro, at Sackett's Farm, New York.'' The case was duly consid ered and the divorce granted. For such causes it would seem that it was well granted. As has been stated, the home-lots on which all other divisions of land were grounded, and, in proportion to which, they were granted, differed in size from ten to twenty-five acres. Bachelors received the smallest number, as we learn from a grant made to Jehiel Preston. On the 13th of May, 1706, there was granted him a "five acre ac commodation in all the divisions, that is the half of a Bachelor's ac commodation." Whether he was considered but half a bachelor, or what the reason was for granting him but half a home-lot, does not appear. It would seem from this fact, that bachelors were then con sidered of little account, as has been the case in most communities, both before and since that day. In the beginning of 1707, reports of an expedition by the French and Indians against some part of New England, gave general alarm to the country. On the 6th of February of that year, a council of war convened at Hartford, consisting of the governor, most of the council, and many of the chief military officers of the colony. In formation of various kinds was received ; among the rest, that suspi cions were entertained, that the Pootatuck and Wyantenuck Indians designed to join the French and Indians. The council determined that the western frontier towns, Simsbury Waterbury, Woodbury and Danbury, should be fortified with the ut most expedition. It was resolved that each of these four towns should keep a scout of two faithful men, to be sent out every day, to discover the designs of the enemy, and give intelligence should they HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURT. 79' make their appearance near the frontier. The people of Woodbury, with great alacrity, set about the work of preparing defenses. They repaired the fortified houses of Isaac Judson, in Judson Lane, Capt. John Minor and Rev. Anthony Stoddard. They also put in order the one that stood on the site now occupied by Mr. Horace Hurd's new house, the Bronson house in Transylvania, and others whose location are not known. So great was the zeal shown by this town, in common with others, that the General Court made them a liberal compensation. To prevent damage from the Pootatuck and Wyantenuck Indians, Capt. John Minor and Mr. John Sherman were appointed to remove them to Stratford and Fairfield. If by reason of sickness or any oth er cause, they could not be removed, it was ordained that a number of their chief men should be carried down to those towns, and kept as hostages to secure the fidelity of the rest. No difficulties, however,. occurred between the whites and these Indians, but they continued at peace with them, while they existed as distinct clans. At the October session of 1708, it was enacted, that garrisons should be kept at Woodbury, and the other towns mentioned above. During this year, a body of Indians appeared in West Side, and drove the people, by their sudden and formidable appearance, into the forti fied houses. What their intention was in coming is not known. If their design was a hostile one, no doubt the watchfulness of the people, and the strength of their fortifications, warned them that it was better for them to depart, which they accordingly did, without attempting to do any damage. During the continuance of this war, it is related, that one Sabbath evening, after the conclusion of the services at church, while the Rev. Mr. Stoddard was walking in his garden near the Cranberry Pond, he- discovered an Indian skulking among the surrounding trees and bushes. Apparently without noticing the movements of the Indian, he contrived to reenter his house, and obtain his gun. After playing the same game of skulking with his adversary for a while, Mr. Stod dard got a fair view of him, discharged his piece, and he fell among the bushes. He dared not investigate farther that night, but having quietly given the alarm, the inhabitants sought their palisaded houses -for the night. Early in the morning, he discovered another red foe, in the vicinity of his companion, whom he also laid low with his musket. By this time the people had assembled, and after scouring the country, in all directions, for several hours, and no other savages being found, the alarm subsided. 80 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Beginning with King Philip's war, in which it furnished more than its just share of men, being then little" more than two years old, Woodbury has always furnished her men liberally, for all the wars which have arisen in which our country has been interested. In that fruitless and fatal expedition to Wood Creek, under Gen. Nicholson, of the royal service, to assist in the reduction of Montreal and Que bec, in 1709, Connecticut furnished her full quota of men, and Wood bury her full share of that quota, which was nine. This undertaking was a serious loss and expense to the colonies. More than one-fourth of the troops died. Connecticut, however, more fortunate than the rest, sustained only the loss of ninety men. Of this number, two were of Woodbury, viz.. Sergeant Thomas Skeel and John J. John son, who died a few days after their return home, of disease con tracted by exposure in the camp. In 1713, peace was made with France, the Indians buried the tomahawk, and peace once more glad dened the colonies. , Forty years had elapsed since the planting of the town, and it now held a very respectable rank among its sister towns of the colony. New inhabitants had been admitted besides those already given, but, from the imperfection of the records it has been deemed best not to attempt to give the dates of arrival. The purchase ratej_or tax foE. paying the expense of obtaining the North Purchase, laid in 1712, is given below^ as the most perfect list of householders that can be offej-ed. It also gives the amount of their estates. The list contains a hundred and twenty-five names, showing a population of about a thousand at this date. " "~ ~ " A Rate according to town order for the North Purchase, by those appoint ed by the town to make the same, and hereto subscribing, April, 1712." £ s.d. £ s.d. £ s.d. Capt. Sherman 0 2 2 Samuel BuU 0 3 3 Noah Hinman 0' 2 2 Capt. John Minor 0 2 2 Samuel Jenner 0 3 3 Timothy Walker 0 2 2 Mr. An th. Stoddard 0 2 2 Nathaniel Tuttle 0 2 2 John Squire 0 2 2 Mr. Judson dec'd 0 4 4 Ephraira Tuttle 0 2 2 Joseph Martin 0 2 2 William Martin 0 2 2 John Bartlit 0 2 2 Samuel Knowles 0 2 2 John Nichols 0 2 2 Samuel Sherman 0 2 2 Benj. Hurd Jun. 0 2 2 "Valentine Prentice 0 2 2 John Wheeler Sor .0 4 4 EHphalet Judson 0 2 2 John Minor 0 2 2 John Wheeler Jr. 0 2 2 Samuel Hicock 0 2 2 Samuel Minor 0 2 2 Joseph Hurd 0 4 4 Thomas Mallory 0 2 2 Roger Terrell 0 2 2 Adino Strong 0 4 4 John Hurd 0 2 2 Stephen Terrell 0 2 2 Thomas Wheeler 0 2 2 Elnathan Strong 0 4 4 Jonathan Atwood 0 2 2 William Gaylord 0 2 2 Joseph Galpin 0 2 2 John Judson Jr. 0 4 4 William Preston 0 2 2 Jno. Baker, 0 2 2 Joseph Judson 0 2 2 Jehiel Preston 0 2 2 Robert Warner 0 2 2 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 81 Jonathan Judson - Thomas Minor . Joseph Minor -Ephraim Minor - Josiah Minor Beuja Galpin Doctr Warner Ensign Mitchel John Mitqhel, Jor. -Thos. -Squire, dd. .'-Thos. Squire, Jor. -'Ebenezer Squire —Joseph Booth Dea Mitchel Jonathan Mitchel John Root Josiah Root Henry Castle Jo. Hurlbut, Sor. 'Jo. Hurlbut, Jor. Jo. Wixllar Cor'"" Hurbut Jonathan flurbut 'Jno Hurlbut Jno Thomas , Cor''"'» Brownson WiU Mark Thomas Drakly £s d. 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 4 4 0 2 2 0 4 4 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 4 4 0 4 4 0 2 2 0 4 4 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 2 2 2 222 2 John Surtiss'- Stephen Curtiss' Joseph Hicock Francis Stile £s. d. Eleazer Knowles Thomas Knowles 0 Sergant Johnson'' John Johnsons Moses Johnson''^ John Skeel, Sor. John Skeel, Jor. Thomas Skeel Samuel Stiles 2 2 2 2 Eben. Brownson Benjamin Hicock 0 3 John Pierce, Sor. 0 2 John Pierce, Jor. 0 9 John Huthwit 0 2 Benj Hinman 0 6 Adam Hini-nan 0 2 Titus Hinman 0 5 Sarhiiel Hinman 0 3 Mr. Bryan 0 8 Lt. Curtiss "'' 0 2 Israel Curtiss-^ 0 2 Samuel Squire 0 2 Thomas and John Leavenworth 0 4 £s. d. Jeremiah Thomas 0 2 2 Jno Sherman ,022 Nathaniel Hurlbut 0 2 2 Coi-l™ Brownson 0 22 Roger Terrill, Jr. 0 2 2 ' John Thomas 0 2 2 Henry Castle 0 2 2 Isac Castle 0 2 2 Sam«iBlakly ^^0 2 2 Jonathan Hough' 0 2 2 Will Fradrick ^022 ¦Joshua Curtiss 0 2 2' Will Castle 0 2 2 Samuel Martin 0 2 2 Sarn=' Castle 0 2 2 Josiah Niohol '- 0 2 0 Sergant Hurd 0 5 5 Ebenf Hurd 0 4 4 Robert Hurd 0 2 2 Dea. Walker 0 3 3 Daniel and Samuel Mun 0 6 6 John Davis 0 2 2 Doctor Butler for Thomas Bedient 0 2 2 Hezeldah Tuttle 0 2 2 Andrew Hinman 0 2 2 It wiU have been noticed, that great minuteness has been observed, in tracing the history of the early fathers to this point, and not 'with out reason. There is an interest lingering about the history, sayings and doings of those iron-hearted men, which belongs to no later race. The most trivial details, in regard to them, seem important, and we • gather them up with ever increasing interest. It was they who sub dued this wildei'ness land, and established here our happy homes, and the germ of our enduring liberties. It was they who laid here the foundations, deep and broad, of our religious institutions, and, when they themselves had no " temple made with hands," in which to wor ship the God of their fathers, led their children to the secluded fast ness of Bethel Rock, to pour forth their prayers and praise. In later years, when they, by the labor of their own hands, had been able to erect a house to worship in, they devoutly gathered, on the holy Sab bath morn, themselves and their households, to thank the Great Cre ator for the undeserved blessings which, they enjoyed, while guards OZ HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. watched without against the dangers of sudden ambuscade. It was they who laid the first foundation of the educational institutions which we now enjoy. The few errors they had, were errors of the head and not of the heart. They labored amid difficulties, and we have entered into the results of those labors. They sleep well, in these religious vales, far from the land of their fathers. " The dark brown years" have passed over the sacred mounds which cover them, for many generations. Is it wonderful, then, that their posterity linger with a sad interest over the lightest trace of their doings ? Is it strange, that we notice, with approbation, acts which, at the present day, would be unworthy of remark? Who can contemplate the hard ships, labors and dangers of our ancestors, their self-denial, magna nimity, firmness, and perseverance in defending and transmitting to us the fairest inheritance, and not highly esteem and venerate their characters ? It must be, that a proper estimate of the wisdom, so briety, industry, economy and integrity, which enabled our fathers to do so much, will induce us, their descendants, to emulate their ex ample, and by constant vigilance, to hand down untarnished, our dis tinguished liberties and happiness to the latest generation. CHAPTER VII. INDIAN HISTORY. 1639 TO 1774; Formation and Western tendency of the Tribes ; Succession OF Ci.ans, Wepawaugs, Paugussetts, Pootatucks, Wyantenuoks and Scat- ACooKS ; The Mohawks oppress the Western Indians ; Pomperaug, the First Pootatuck Sachem ; His Burial Place ; Character and Religion of the Pootatucks; Great Powwow of 1720; Human Sacrifices; Le gend OP Beihel Rock ; Legend of Squaw Rock ; Legend of Nonnewaug Falls ; Their Numbers ; List of Pootatucks ;' Watchibrok's Disclosure ; The Wampum Belt ; Restrictions upon the Indians ; Caleb Martin's Petition; Lieut. Ebenezer Warner's Petition; Treaty; Cocksuure's Island and Tummasseete's Old Orchard ; Location of Pootatuck Vil lage ; Romantic View ; Religious Efforts ; Atchetoset's Petition ; Mowehu's Petition; Sale of South Purchase in 1733; Weraumaug; Mr. Boardman prays three hours with him ; Gideon Mauwehu forms the Scataoook Clan; Moravian Missionaries; Sale of Pootatuck in 1759; I."jdian Relics; Burial Grounds; Reflections. Before the advent of Columbus, geographical science was at a low ebb. . The mind had not learned to expand in lofty speculations; to seek out the hidden resources and boundless extent of nature's do mains. Its loftiest flights were limited ; its conclusions erroneous and absurd. Against the western shores of Europe dashed the majestic waves of the broad Atlantic, but all beyond was unknown, an un fathomable abyss. " Darkness sat upon the face of the waters,'' and to the minds of men, " all was without form and void." They thought of what was beyond the western waters with superstitious dread. The earth in their view was an extended plain, from whose edges the incautious traveler must inevitably fall. The fearful mariner scarce ly dared to trust his bark from sight of land, but, like the groping snail, took his slow course along the jutting coasts. With Columbus the scene changed. Darkness began to fly away, and the mists of the mind to'be dispelled. That bold adventurer came forth the advocate of new and strange doctrines. In energetic language, he urged " there is land beyond the blue waves of the 84 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. mighty Atlantic. A new continent will be discovered in those un known - regions. After years of disappointment and difficulty, he takes his course across those fearful waters, where never mariner ventured before. Storms were on the deep, and the " sea was con trary." Dangers from the elements, and the groundless fears of his men beset him, but he persevered ; and as the reward of his labors and trials, a new world burst upon his sight. A beautiful scene was before him, and novelties of every kind continually met his delighted gaze. A singular race of men inhabited these new regions, not liv ing in comfortable dwellings, surrounded by verdant fields, which they cultivated, but wandering in small clans, in the dense forests, among the lofty mountains, by the murmuring streams, and along the meandering rivers. This people were destitute of the arts of civili zed life — had strange rites and unheard of customs. Notwithstand ing this, in one part of their domains appeared mounds of curious con struction, in another ruins as of cities and temples, pyramids inscribed with hieroglyphics, and specimens of rude statuary. In still another part, were found some of them enjoying a degree of civilization. All this appeared ; yet they had been hitherto unknown, and insulated from the rest of the world. This rude and barbarous race was scattered throughout the whole extent of the continent. The Indians were less numerous in Con necticut and other northern territories, than in states farther south. Almost every early town in the State had more or less of these people within its borders, in the early part of its settlement. Woodbury was no exception to the rule in this respect. An important and numer ous, though peaceful tribe, dwelt within its limits for nearly a century after its first settlement. De Forest, in his interesting work on the " History of the Indians of Connecticut," dismisses the Indians of Woodbury in the following summary manner : "North-west of the Paugussetts, within the limits of Newtown, Southbury, Woodbury, and some other townships, resided a clan known as the Potatucks. Their insignificance, is sufficiently proved by the almost total silence of authors concerning them, and by their noiseless disappearance." It is believed, if the author had made a somewhat more careful inquiry, he would hardly have placed the Pootatucks so much below the other tribes of Connecticut. If to live quietly and peaceably in imitation of their white neighbors,when well used by them, is a proof of " insignificance," then the Pootatucks richly deserved that epithet. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 85 If to make a " noiseless disappearance " by death, at the time ap pointed by Providence, constitutes a title to " insignificance," then the people of this tribe were verily guilty. The whites ever culti vated friendship with these Indians. They purchased their lands, from time to time, in good faith, and for considerations satisfactory to the parties. They allowed them to build -^vigwams, and live on the very lands which they had purchased of them, and cut their fire wood on the uninclosed lands. They granted them the privilege of attending their schools and religious assemblies. These kind offers were by many of them accepted. Some of their children gained the rudiments of knowledge, many of them put themselves under the care of the ministers of the town, and some of them became approved members of the churches. Some of them cultivated their lands like the whites, and enjoyed the decencies of civilization. They, no doubt, were a race greatly inferior to the whites, and as such finally dwindled away,^ but in no manner different from the other tribes of the State. Such being the case, the " silence of authors " can prove very little one way or the other. So far as can be learned, there were never any wars among the tribes of Indians in the western part of Connecticut, found there by the first settlers, or among those formed afterward. It was not un usual among the small tribes of the State, for the son of a sachem to leave the " old home " with a few followers, and form a subordinate clan under the former ; or for two brothers of the " blood royal " to agree on a division of the hunting grounds ; and thus form, in time, distinct tribes, which always remained in strict alliance. The Poo tatucks in this way had clans at Nonnewaug, Bantam, Wyantenuck, besides their principal seat on the Housatonic. From a careful inspection of the scanty facts remaining in regard to these matters, there is little doubt that all the Connecticut clans, except the Pe- quots, were only fragments of one great tribe, of which the principal branches were the Nehantics and Narragansetts, dispersed and bro ken by some such process as this, aided perhaps by incursions from outside foes. " The Nehantics of Lyme, for instance, were clearly related to the Nehantics of Rhode Island ; Sequassen, chief of the Farmington and Connecticut River countries, was a connection of the Narragansett sachems ; and the Indians of Windsor, subjects of Sequassen, were closely united to the Wepawaugs of Milford. Thus various connec tions might be traced between the Narragansetts and the tribes of western Connecticut, while both united in holding the Pequots in 86 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. abhorrence, and seldom bore any other relations to them than those of enemies or of unwilling subjects.'" » The Paugussetts^ of Derby, Stratford and other townships, and the Wepawaugs of Milford, were but one people divided into two clans. The names of the chiefs of both are appended to the various deeds of sale found on the records of both Milford and Stratford. As the Wepawaug clan waned, while a few joined the Six Nations, the larger part took up their abode with the Paugassetts, whose principal seat was in Derby, where they had a fortress on the Housatonic River, about half a mile, above its junction with the Naugatuck. It is well established by record evi dence, that there was a relationship between the sachems of the Paugassetts and those of the Pootatucks, and a close alliance between them, although the latter were entirely independent of the former^ After parting with most of their lands, a part of the former removed to Golden Hill in Bridgeport, a part to Naugatuck Falls under Chuse, and the remainder joined the Pootatucks, which was at the first settling of Woodbury in 1672, by far the most powerful clan in the western part of Connecticut. ^The names of their chiefs are appended to deeds of sale extending from " Pequonnock " in Bridge port on the south, to Goshen and Torrington on the north, and from Waterbury on the east to the New York line on the west ; compri sing the territory of fifteen towns surrounding and including Wood bury. After selling a large part of their lands in '' Ancient Wood bury," many of the leading men of the tribe joined with others in forming the New Milford tribe, which had previously been but a clan under the former. Although other Indians joined with them, they constituted a leading element in that tribe, and later in the tribe at Kent. The Indians had then, as now, a tendency westward. \ It might in truth be said, that the Wepawaugs melted into the Paugas setts, the Paugassetts into the Pootatucks, the Pootatucks into the Wyantenucks, and the Wyantenucks into the Scatacooks. While they maintained a separate existence as clans, they were in firm alliance in everything, offensive and defensive, and were closely linked by intermarriages. There was still another reason for their uninterrupted friendship and alliance. They were sorely harassed by the Pequots on the east, and the Mohawks on the west| especially before the coming of the whites. These oppressions continued in deed till long after, those east of the Connecticut River being tributary 1 De Forest's Hist, of the Indians of Connecticut. 2 The name of this tribe is always spelled on the Woodbury Records, Pagasett. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 87 to the Pequots, and those west of it to the Mohawks. The Pequots, however, were soon broken up as a tribe by the whites. Two old Mohawks might be seen, once in every year or two, issuing their orders and collecting their tribute, with as much authority and aus terity as a Roman dictator. Great was the fear of them in all western Connecticut. If they neglected to pay the tribute, the Mohawks would come against them, and plunder, destroy and carry them away captive. | They would come down upon their pleasant valleys with the fearful cry, " We are come, we are come, to suck your blood." When they made their appearance, the Connecticut Indians would instantly raise a cry from hill to hill, " A Mohawk, a Mohawk," and fly, without attempting the least resistance, to their forts, and if they could not reach them, to the houses of the English for shelter. Sometimes their enemies would pursue them so closely, that they would enter the houses with them, and kill them in pres ence of the family. If there was time to shut the doors, they never forced an entrance, nor did they on any occasion do the least harm to the English, always being on the most friendly terms with them. It is said that on these occasions, all the tribes on the Housatonic for a distance of two hundred miles, could communicate the intelli gence to each other within two hours, by a system of cries and sig nals from the chain of " Guarding Hights," which they had estab lished. One of these was Castle Rock in Woodbury, and Mount Tom in Litchfield was another. There were others, both interme diate and lateral to these. Bancroft, speaking of the Indians of New England, say-s : ? " The clans, that disappeared from the ancient hunting grounds, did not always become extinct ; they often migrated to the north and west. The coun try between the banks of the Connecticut and the Hudson was possessed by independent villages of the Mohegans, kindred with the Manhattans, whose few smokes once rose amidst the forests of York Island." The Indians of these villages spoke the same language, the Mohe- gan, which was, with some variation of dialect, the language common to all the aborigines of New England. The Pootatucks were known as a tribe from the date of the set tlement of Milford and Stratford in 1639. At the date of the settling of these towns, Pomperaug was the sachem of this tribe. He was a ' chief of note among the western clans, had a strong fortress on Cas tle Rock, and gave his name to the river that runs through Wood bury, which name it bears to the present day. \ Although the princi- so HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOGDBURYi pal seat of this tribe was the Pootatuck village, on the north-east side -of the Housatonic, about two miles above Bennett's Bridge, in the present town of Southbury, yet Pomperaug on his death-bed, for some cause, chose to be buried by a small rock near the carriage- house of Hon. N. B. Smith. There was another village of the tribe in Nonnewaug, and a trail led from that village to Pootatuck village, by this grave, nearly on the line of the present street, as has been before stated. This trail had existed some twenty-five years before the settlement of Woodbury. In accordance with an Indian custom, each member of the tribe, as he passed that way, dropped a small stone upon the grave, in token of his' respect for the fame of the departed. At the first settlement of the town, a large heap of stones had accumulated in this way, and a large quantity remain to this day. It is related that a brother of Pomperaug, who was a medi cine-man, or Powwow, was also buried at first in this place, near his brother ; but was afterward disinterred, and buried in the Pootatuck burying-ground. ' The next chief of ¦whom we have any account, was Aquiomp, who ruled the tribe for a long period of years. His name appears in 1662, on a deed of some land at Pequonnock in Bridgeport, which had been previously executed by Wompegan, sachem of Paugussett, and to which he now gave his assent. In the same instrument it is stated that he is related to Wompegan. It is impossible now to state the exact time of the accession to office of each sachem, but we find from ancient documents Avomockomge sachem in 1673, Coshushe- ougemy in 1679, Waramaukeag in 1685, Kesooshamaug in 1687, Wombummaug in 1700, Nonnewaug in 1706, Chesqueneag in 1715, Quiump in 1733, and Mauquash in 1740. Mauquash was the last sachem, and died about 1758. He was buried under an apple-tree in the " old chimney lot," so called, now belonging to Amos Mitchell, a short distance east of the old " Eleazer Mitchell house." There was still quite a mound remaining over him a few years since. Nearly or quite aU these had been sagamores, and several others held this station who did not arrive at the supreme dignity. Some of them became so attached to the villages they governed while saga mores, that they gave orders fo be buried there. Such was the case with Nonnewaug, who was buried under an apple-tree near Nonne waug Falls. A large hillock or mound was raised over him, and remained, distinguishing his by its size from the other graves around him, till within two or three years, when the present owner of the field committed the sacrilege of plowing it down, much to the regret HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY^ 89 of every antiquarian. Weekeepeemee was a sagamore, and was buried somewhere near the village of that name in Woodbury ; but the locality is not now known. Shepaug, who gave his name to Shepaug River, Towecomis and Tummasseete, were sagamores among the Pootatucks before they joined the Nej Milford clan, and became so noted among them. Chesqueneag was for a' time sachem before he removed to the Wyantenucks. Weraumaug,jffi,,Baufflaug, .after- ^™'ijL.5Hfi.9S*i-^^^'^'^'S^"5i^ "was p.feviQusly'a counselor of note,, among the Pootatucks at their principal, council- fire. In short, the Wyantenucks were but a clan of the Pootatucks, as has been before stated. All agree that at the coming of the English settlers, the Indians were a race of savages, eking out a subsistence by hunting and fish ing, with small quantities of corn, beans and squashes, which they raised, and nuts which they gathered. They Kved for the most part in rude huts, and their morals were of a very loose character. They believed in one great and invisible deity, who was benevolent in his nature, and had given them their corn and beans, and instructed them in their cultivation. He, however, in their estimation, troubled himself very little about the affairs of men. As they feared him not, they gave him very little of their veneration. But there was another powerful spirit, the author of all evil, to whom they paid the greatest respect. Fearing his power and supposed malignant disposition, they performed numerous dances in his honor, and made many sacri fices to ward off his wrath. It is believed that they went so far sometimes, as to offer human sacrifices. President Stiles,- in his Itinerary, preserves an account of a great powwowing, which took place at the village of the Pootatucks, probably about 1720. An account of this is drawn from the president's manuscript by De Forest, which follows : "The scene was witnessed by a Mrs. Bennett, then a little, girl; and after her death was related by one of her children to the president. The ceremonies lasted three days, and were attended, she said, by five or six hundred Indians, many of whom came from distant towns, as Hartford and Farmington. While the Indians, excited by their wild rites and dark superstition, were standing in a dense mass, a little girl, gaily dressed and ornamented, was led in among them by two squaws, her mother and aunt. As she entered the crowd, the Indians set up- their 'high pow-wows,' howling, yelling, throwing themselves into strange postures, and making hideous grimaces. -Many white people stood around gazing at the scene ; but such was the excited state of the savages, that, although they feared for the child's safety, none of them dared to interfere, or- to enter the crowd. After a while the two squaws emerged alone from tha- T 90 .HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. press, stripped of all their ornaments, and walked away shedding tears and uttering mournful cries. The informant, deeply interested in the fate of one so near her own age, ran up to the two women, and asked them what they had done with the little girl. They would not tell her, and only replied that they should never see that little girl again. The other Indians likewise remained silent on the subject; but Mrs. Bennett believed, and she said all the English then present believed, that the Indians had sacrificed her, and that they did at other times oifer human sacrifices." Bethel Rock has been before mentioned in these pages as the place where the first settlers convened for public worship, before the erec tion of their first meeting-house. But " There is a tale about these grey old rooks, A story of unhappy love and sorrows. Borne and ended long ago," which will ever render this locality a most romantic spot. The legend has been variously related, both orally and in printed accounts, as is by no means uncommon in legendary matters. There are some historical facts, however, which go far toward rendering probable the version of the story which will follow. Waramaukeag, who figures as one of the characters in the affair, was a young Pootatuck, who became sachem of the tribe in 1685, and was succeeded in the sa chemdom in 1687, the date of our story, by Kesooshamaug, so that he must have died about this date. The latter was the brother, and not the son of the former, who was never married. Sarah Walker, the heroine of the story, was the niece of Mr. Walker, the first minister. She wks at this date, in her seventeenth year, having been bom in 1670, and we have no other account, or further knowledge of her, except that given in the legend. From these and other considera tions, he who believes the legend true, will doubtless be held excusa ble by charitable minds. Waramaukeag, as the story goes, was an Indian of manly propor tions, of a graceful figure, and finely molded limbs. He was highly intelligent, ¦virtuous, and a fast friend of the whites. He constructed for himself a cabin of uncommon elegance, adopted many of the cus toms of civilization, and cultivated a close acquaintance with his white neighbors. Among his friends he numbered the venerable pastor, Mr. Walker ; was often at his house, and on terms of much intimacy with him ; while the latter embracing the opportunity thus offered, instructed him in matters of religious faith. In the early part of 1687, a niece of the old pastor, his brother's «liild, came to the parsonage on a 'visit, which continued through the HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 91 summer. Sarah Walker was at this time in her seventeenth year, and the possessor of great beauty, and rare personal attractions! Without descending to particulars, she seemed the "rare ideal of feminine loveliness, such as often haunts the dreams of the imagina- ative and young, but seldom meets us in the walks of life." She was the type of innocence and purity. She was possessed of unaffected piety, and loved to wander in the beautiful sylvan retreats about the village. The place she preferred, and to which she oftenest resorted, for the quiet contemplation of nature and private devotion, was Betfiel Rock. This she could easily reach by ascending the south point of the Orenaug Rocks, immediately back of her uncle's residence. Being frequently at the pastor's house, Waramaukeag became ac quainted with his beautiful niece. He was instantly struck with her loveliness, and soon became madly enamored with her. In accord ance with aborjgmal custom, he endeavored to gain her favor by lay ing at her feet many rich and rare presents, but she, understanding their import, in her kindest and blandest manner, declined them all. She, however, contiaued to treat him kindly, not wishing to arouse his anger. Meeting with no encouragement from the young lady, he pressed his suit upon her uncle's attention, desiring him to intercede in his behalf. This the old pastor gently declined to do, striving to show him the impropriety of the alliance, and the hopelessness of attaining his desires. Thus failing on all hands in the prosecution of his suit, he departed and was seen no more at the parsonage. The sachem wa? aware of the maiden's custom of retiring to Bethel Rock. One delightful eve in the glorious " Indian summer," she wandered out from the cot tage, just as the sun set behind the western hills, and betook herself to her favorite resort for her evening devotions. She had not been long at the spot before she was surprised and startled by the appear ance of Waramaukeag at her side. Supposing him to be angry, as he had not been at her uncle's in a long time, and to have come with evil intent, she started back in alarm, and being near the edge of the rock, which in that place is precipitous, she fell with great violence upon the jagged rocks below, and was killed by the fall. The young chief hurried round by a more secure path to the scene below, where he evidently endeavored to reanimate the lifeless form of the fair maiden. When found next morning by her anxious friends, no evi dence of violence appeared, except that received by the fall. Her disordered tresses were smoothed back from her brow, and her body lay, with her dress properly adjusted, a few feet from where she fell, 92 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. in its final rest, an emblem of innocence and purity. At a short dis tance from her body, lay the mangled corpse of Waramaukeag. He had, after vain attempts to renew life in the sleeping maiden, and composing her form in a comely attitude, evidently ascended the rocks, thrown himself headlong from the height, and joined the maid en of the silver hair, on the spirit shore. Near South Britain is a beetling cliff", which received the name of Squaw Rock. It derived its name from the following circumstance. An Indian brave preferred his suit to a red-browed daughter of the forest, and was by her accepted, but by her parents expelled the lodge. They wished her to become the wife of another, and by threats had succeeded in obtaining a seeming acquiescence in their desires. The day for the marriage was appointed, and she made her simple preparations with apparent cheerfulness. She went so far as to be arrayed for the occasion, when she slipped out of the wigwam, and ascended this rock, hotly pursued by her incensed relatives. She allowed them to aipproach within parleying distance, when she upbraided them with their unkindness, sung her own brief requiem, and assuring them that " her own true brave" would have the cour age to follow her to the " happy hunting grounds of the Great Kieh tan," she threw herself from the rock, and was fo'und a mangled corse below. Nonnewaug Falls* -were incidentally noticed in the opening chap ter, but their romantic situation, and exceeding loveliness, together with a legend connected with them, demand a recurrence to them. The stream on which they are situated is not large, but when swollen with the spring floods, a large volume of water passes over them. They are enveloped and shaded by a vigorous growth of evergreens. They consist of three cascades, at a short distance from each other. The water, which falls over a projecting ledge of rocks, has worn a deep and smooth channel for its passage. At the foot of each cas cade is a beautiful basin, forty or fifty feet in diameter, surrounded by high cliffs, or walls of rock, surmounted by lofty trees. Viewed as a whole, it is as wild and romantic a place as can anywhere be found in our country. The legend referred to is only in the memory of the aged. The ac tive, surging population of to-day takes little note of such matters. 1 The height of these falls, m a former chapter was stated to be forty or fifty .feet. On a visit to them since that was written, it is found that the whole descent is more than one hundred feet. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 93 The story is brief. Womoqui, an aged sagamore, residing at the wigwams located at these falls, was averse to the sale, and did not sign the conveyance of the North Purchase. This sale included the Non newaug village ; and the old sagamore, having roamed these forests, in entire freedom, "before the whites appeared in_ the territory, could not now in the evening of his days, bear the thought of living in his former pleasant abode at the sufferance of the " pale face." Accord ingly, one day. he crawled forth from his cabin, and seated himself on the " table rock," at the head of the upper cascade of the falls, sung, in feeble tones, his own requiem, and cast himself into the flood be low. While musing of the legend, a few years ago, the author imagined that lament to be : From my well-beloved cabin the sunlight is gone ; The day long since closed in the far distant west; And Womoqui now, in this wide world alone. Composes himself for his deep, silent rest. His braves are all scattered like leaves in the wind ; Departed the valor that inspired them of yore ; While He still is left, in his sadness behind. And earnestly looks for the spirit-land's shore. The graves of my people encompass me round ; My brothers, long gone, lie slumbering near. Scarce a trade of the red man is now to be found. And few of my race are still lingering here. Farewell ! my tired spirit now pants to be free ! Farewell ! ye who stay on the earth's sullen shore ! Farewell ! for your faces no longer I see ! Farewell ! faithful friends, I'm with you no more ! The chief had ceased, and his spirit fled, The chief of the hoary hair ; A grave near the falls his people made. And buried the chieftain there. In regard to the numbers of the Pootatucks and other western tribes, authors have diflfered largely in their estimates. Dr. Trum bull thinks their numbers were very considerable, while De Forest thinks these tribes contained a mere handful each. It is believed that the mean between these two extremes is nearer the correct esti mate. They were doubtless greatly reduced in numbers before the coming of the English settlers, by the incursions of the Mohawks, but while Dr. TrumbuU's estimate is probably too large, De Forest's is e-vfidently too small. President Stiles estimates the number of war- 94 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. riors in the Pootatuck tribe in 1710, at fifty. This estimate is cer tainly not too large, as the author of this volume has in his posses sion, a list of more than fifty names, who were interested in the lands of the tribe, just before this time. A few years earliei-, they were considerably more numerous, as at this time, the tribe having parted with most of its lands, many of the younger Indians had joined the Wyantenuck clan. The author has also a list of more than a hun dred names of sachems, sagamores and chief men of the tribe, who resided here during the first fifty years after the settling of the town. Eleazer Mitchell, who bought four acres of land of the Indians about 1740, within a fourth. of a mile of their village, related that there were many wigwams standing in the surrounding forests, all the way from his house, which is still standing, to Elizur Mitchell's house on the Pootatuck. From this it would seem that their numbers must have been very respectable, and they doubtless numbered two hundred warriors in 1672. By a petition to the General Assembly from the Pootatuck and Wyantenuck Indians, as late as 1742, we learn that the Pootatucks numbered forty individuals ; but whether this means adult males, or the whole number of men, women and children, is not known. As there is but little left of the former race except the names of some of its chiefs and braves, a list of such of the sachems, sagamores and principal men of the Pootatucks, as with great labor it has been possible to rescue from oblivion, has been deemed of sufficient im portance to be inserted here. The antiquarian, who has del-ved in such matters, will look with a kindly interest on the list, and the general reader, who passes it now, wUl read it with avidity fifty years hence. List of principal Pootatucks. Aquiomp, Cush, Avomockomge, Chesqueneag, Accommy, Conkararum, Appacoco, Chob, Awashkenum, John Chob, Aunumetae, Calonskese, Atchetoset, Coshusheougemy, John Banks, Comcuckeson, Cheabrooke, Chyonde, Chuhabau:^, Cockshure, Chevoramauge, Coksuer, Chohees, Samuel Coksuer, Caoapatanees, Thomas Coksuer, Cacapatanees Sonn, John Cockshure, HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 95 Jeremiah Cokshure, Corkskrew, Cheery, Sam Cheery, Cony,Cookenon, Jacob. Curkey, Ceapy,Cuttouokes,Docames,Gumehampiska, Hatchet Tousey, Benajah Hatchet Tousey, David Hatchet Tousey, Hatchet, John Harry, John Hatchet, Hawwasues,Jarrey,Jamphney,.Joman,Job, James,Kenonge,Kehore, Kesooshamaug, Kehow, Mashagasse, Mauquash, Muttanumace, Momaucheway, Munmenepoosqua, Magnash, Mattehack,Mansumpaush,Mastunck,Munapusk, Merammue, Gideon Mauwehu (by adoption, Mowehu,Massumpus, Mattousksqua,Mesunckseo, . Maucheere,Montooe,Nanhootoo, Nonnewaug, Nemoumbam, Norkgnotonckquy, Nokopurrs,Nuccaddamo, Noegoshemy, Naucuttora, Nucquelozomaug, Pomperaug, Papenau, Punnahun,Passacoran, Punnantawannomo, Peeney, Papetoppe, Quiump,Quepy, Ocess, ' Poquarinow, Punhone,Poni, Poconaus, Pukin, Papiream, Paramethe,Raumaug, Rapiscotoo, Sepunkum, Sukanunque, Shepaug, Sukanaux, Simon, Siecuss, Shamenunokgus, Souwenys, Seauweag, Suckqunnokqueen , Suifenso, Sasaw, John Sherman, Tom Sherman, ) Shorau, Shoopack, Tantamahok,Toweecume, Towcomis, Tummasseete,Tawask, Umbouge, t .^Wecuppeme, '">Weraumaug, ^"-^Waramaukeag, 96 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Womoqui, Wirasquancot, Wonokequambom, Wognacug, Wunnuntcone, ' Watohunaman, Wussebucorne, Womperowask, Wussockanunckquoen, Wompomod, Wonposet, Wonowak, Waewatux, Wewinapuck, Wussuttanunckquet, Wanuppe, •Wewinapouck, Youngamousk, Wompotoo, Yoncomis, Whemut, Yohcomge, Wesuncks, Youngstockum, Wombummaug, Yongan. Wapumbom, The Pootatucks, both individually and collectively, maintained a peaceable character. One of their number, however, " lives in histo ry" with a bad fame. The particulars are thus related : " In 1646, Sequassen came into general notice through one of the most sin gular circumstances in the aboriginal history of Connecticut. This sachem, while he hated Uncas as his own successful rival, disliked the English as the friends and supporters of Uncas. He therefore formed a plan which, if success ful in its operation, would enable him to be revenged upon both. He resolved to eflfect the murder of some of the principal colonists, and, by causing the name of the deed to fall upon the Mohegan sachem, embroil him with his powerful allies. The person he selected as his instrument was Watchibrok, a rascally Potatuck, whom he was said to have once before employed, in a similar way, to get rid of a hated sagamore. During the spring of 1646, Watchibrok and Se quassen were both visiting at Waranoak, now Westfield, in the southern part ' of Massachusetts, and while there lodged in the same wigwam. After some time Watchibrok proposed to go, but Sequassen persuaded him to stay longer, anctwent with him to a fishing place on the river. There they remained four days, when Watchibrok again proposed to leave, saying that he wished to visit some of his friends in other places. Sequassen told him, that traveling in that way, alone, he ran a risk of being killed, and walked on with him to a spring, where they both stopped. Here the sachem opened the design, over which he was brooding, to his companion. He told him that ' if he ever wished to do Sequassen a kindness, now was the time.' He was almost ruined, and the English of Connecticut were the cause of it. He wanted his friend Watchibrok to go to Hartford and kill Governor Haynes, Governor Hopkins, and Mr. Whi ting. The two would then fly to the Mohawks with store of wampum, and on the way would give out that it was Uncas who murdered the white sachems. Thusthe English would be set against Uncas, and Sequassen would have a chance to rise again. "The sachem drew out of his pouch three pieces of wampum and part of a girdle of the same material ; these he gave to Watchibrok, and promised him a great deal more. The Potatuck did not show himself averse to the bargain, and left Sequassen with the understanding that the assassination should be per- HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 97 formed. On reflection, however, he began to consider that it would be a dan gerous business to kill so many of the leading men among the English. He called to mind how Busheag, of Stamford, had been put to death at New Ha ven, for only attempting to muirder an English squaw. He therefore concluded that it would not be safe to execute his part of the plot, and finally that it would be safer still, and perhaps more profitable, to reveal the whole to the white men. He came to Hartford and told the story to the magistrates. Sequassen soon heard of this, and sent a sixpence to Watchibrok, with a message to con ceal as much as he could of the plot, and not lay it all open. The conscientious and excellent man, in great wrath, 'bade the said sixpence hold his peace; he had discovered it and would hide nothing.' Governor Haynes summoned the sachem to Hartford, to answer to this charge ; but he refused to appear, and continued to remain at Waranoak. ¦ The affair was laid before the commis sioners, then sitting at New Haven, and they dispatched one Jonathan Gilbert to Waranoak, with a message for Sequassen, and all who might be concerned in ^he plot with- him'. He was to encourage the sachem to come to New Ha ven and make his own defense, and was authorized to promise him a safe and unrestricted passage to and fro. Gilbert went to Waranoak, but Sequassen could not be found, having either gone away, or secreted himself for fear of an arrest. A few days after, and while the court was still in session, two, saga mores, named Nepinsoit and Naimataique, came into New Haven, and stated before the commissioners that they were friends of Sequassen, and had just been with him to Massachusetts Bay. They had carried a present, they said, to the governor there, who, although he would not then accept it, consented to give it house room. The governor advised them to attend the meeting of the commissioners, and told them th-at if Sequassen cleared himself, he would then decide what should be done with the present. They then came, with their friend, to New Haven, and had almost reached the town fence, when his heart failed him and he wished to go back. Each of them laid hold of one of his arms to urge him forward, but such was his fear, that he broke away from them and escaped. Theytadded that their friend, having been a great sachem once, and now being poor. Was ashamed to come in, because he had no present for the commissioners. Some other Indians stated that Sequassen was still within a mile of the town, and that he would be glad to obtain peace in some other way than by an examination. The homeless sachem at last sought shel ter among the Pocomtocks, a considerable tribe which held the country about Deerfield, in Massachusetts. Tlie colonists requested the assistance of Uncas to secure him, and this chieftain readily undertook an enterprise which 'would at once gratify the English, and revenge himself on an ancient enemy. Some of his bold and dexterous warriors surprised Sequassen by night in his place of refuge, and brought him to Hartford, where he lay several weeks in prison. Nothing, however, was finally considered proved against him, and he was set at liberty. He seems to have remained an exile, through fear of the colonists, or of Uncas, until 1650, when the Mohawks requetted the government of Con necticut that, for the sake of their ancient and steady friendship toward the English, their friend Sequassen might be permitted to return home. The court of commissioners answered the message, stating that it had never forbidden Sequassen to returri provided he behaved inoffensively ; but, nevertheless, for mally granting the request. Such is the curious story of Sequassen's conspira- 98 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. cy. I have given it a place because the particulars which it relates are in ac cordance with the customs of the Indians, and thus give it an air of probability. On the other hand, it must be remembered, that these particulars rest almost wholly upon the evidence of Watchibrok, and that Watchibrok was unques tionably a liar and a villain.'" Although the Indians were always friendly toward the settlers, yet the latter were occasionally alarmed by circumstances happening among them. In 1720, the settlers in western Connecticut were somewhat startled by a circumstance that occurred. It became known that a belt of wampum had been brought from an Indian place at the south called Towattowau, to Ammonaugs on the Hudson River, after which it was received by an Indian at Horse Neck in Greenwich. It was taken from him to Chickens, or Sam Mohawk, in Redding ; thence it was carried successively to the Pootatucks and Wyantenucks, where it remained. The matter was deemed of sufficient importance to be inquired into by the General Assembly ; when an Indian named Tapauranawko testified to that honorable body, that the belt was a token, that captive Indians would be re ceived and sold at every place where it was accepted. He informed them that it would be sent back by the same route whence it came to Towattowau, which was far away to the south, and was inhabited by a large tribe of Indians. No farther notice was taken of the matter by the Assembly, except to direct the Indians to send it back whence it came, and to order them to receive no more such presents in future without notifying the magistrates.^ The occasional attacks which the settlers received during the vari ous Indian wars, were made by parties of straggling Indians from other and probably distant places. During the war with the Maine Indians in 1723 and 1724, the inhabitants were forced to keep gar risons against such attacks, which several times occurred. One of~^ these garrisons was on the Shepaug -River, where six men were sta tioned. The General Court passed regulations, Oct., 1723, that the Pootatuck and other Indians might hunt "without frighten-. ing the English, or being mistaken for enemies, it being a time of war with the eastern Indians." Capt. Joseph Minor was directed to inform the Indians that they could hunt, and be considered as friendly, by reporting a list of the Pootatuck Indians to said Minor, 1 De Forest's Hist, of the Indians of Conn., p. 218 to 222. 2 Indian Papers, vol. 1, docs. 92 and 94. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 99 and being able to produce any Indian said Minor might wish to see, within forty-eight hours after notice.' In Oct., 1724, these restrictions were removed, and they were allowed to hunt in the western counties as usual, provided they wore something white on their heads, and had some English with them du ring the first fortnight. As late, however, as Oct., 1726, the General j Court resolved to station five men under Lt. Ebenezer Warner, for ( "the defense of the village of Shepaug." As proof of the foregoing,,! we find in May, 1725, that Caleb Martin, of Woodbury, petitioned! the General Assembly for a reward for being the "instrument of! death to an Indian in August, 1724." It seems that in one of the '' night attacks, when the citizens were aroused to defend themselves, Martin had " killed his man." Col. Joseph Minor testified to his " wounding the Indian m a night-fight in a corn-field," and of his tracing him by the blood on the ground, on the fence, and in the tracks of the retreating foe." As a reward for his services, the As sembly granted him £10.^ In 1724, during ihe same war, Lt. Ebenezer Warner was appoint ed to raise a scout for the defense of the frontiers of the town. This service he accomplished, a» appears by a memorial from him, pre ferred at the May session of the General Assembly in 1725. He paid the men he enlisted for service on Sundays as well as on week days, which was not allowed by the accounting officers'. He says : " Whereas the Committee of Warr did in the year 1724, order and appoint yo' memorialist to take the care of the grand Scout, ordered for the security of our Northern Frontiers ; and by Order of His 'Hon' the Gov' I was to signify to those that I Listed for that service, that they should have allowed for the Eng lish 4» Per Diem, and for the Indians that Listed 3* Per Dierh, &c. and when I made up my acoo» with the Comm"° of Warr, they did not allow any thing for Sabbath days. During the time of our service, wherefore I am brought under difficulty to answer those persons that Listed in s"" service according to the Declaration I made to them from the Comm^'' of Warr." He accordingly prays the Assembly to gpant him relief in the premises. It is not known what action the Assembly. took in regard to the matter, but it was probably favorable to the petitioner. A treaty was made with these Indians by the council of war, Sept. 23d, 1675, during Philip's war, by which they agreed to continue in 1 Indians, vol. 1, p. 113. 2 War, vol. 3, p. 225. 100 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. " friendship with the white settlers, and be enemies to their enemies, and discouer them timely or destroy them." A deputation of Indians from the tribe were present before the council, who gave them each a " payre of breeches " for their attendance. In this instrument they were styled the " Wyantineck Indians ;" showing that the Indians at that locality were Pootatucks ; for it could hardly be supposed that the council would make treaties with New Haven and Milford In dians, and passing over the Pootatucks proper, make a treaty with a small clan beyond them. After the sale of most 'of their lands, partly from necessity, and partly in imitation of their white neighbors, the Indians cultivated their reservation with considerable industry and fidelity, constructed wigwams of respectable size, neatness and comfort, and in various ways adopted the arts of civilization. They planted orchards, built corn-stalls, and some of them owned, individually, parcels of land. Accordingly, we find mentioned in a deed executed by them in 1733, " Cockshure's Island" near Pootatuck village, "Maucheere's corn- stall," and " Tummaseete's old orchard." Thirteen of the trees in this orchard are stiU existing, and in quite a thriving condition, there being apples now, (July 18th, 1853,) growing on some of them. Several of them are more than three feet in diameter, and are dis posed around the area or plaza of the Pootatuck village of wigwams. This orchard, a hundred and twenty years ago, in the deed we have mentioned, and other old instruments, was called the ," old orchard." In one of them of this date, the Indians say, " we reserve to ourselves y use of y" Apple Trees, all of them, within y" Land above men tioned.'' From this we infer that it must have been planted about the time of the first settling of the town, and consequently must be from a hundred and sixty to a hundred and eighty years old. The enormous size, and other circumstances, of these trees, furnish satis factory evidence that this estiinate must be correct. Within the inclosure of the trees was their council-fire. Here they engaged in their athletic sports, and here their powwows performed their orgies. Outside of this amphitheater, which contained some two or three acres, their wigwams were arranged in all directions. This village was located on a nearly level piece of ground, on a hill rising some three or four hundred feet above the Housatonic, on Elizur Mitchell's land, a short distance north of Cockshure's Island, now known as HubbeU's Island. From this spot is obtained one of the most de lightful views toward the south and west, that can be found in the HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 101 State. A series of gentle hills, still covered for the most part with dense forests, as in the early days, rise one above another in all directions. Beautiful cultivated fields lie beneath the feet, while the noble Housatonic takes its quiet course away to the south-east ; the whole forming a picture on which the beholder may gaze for hours without wearying. If the red man had an eye or a soul to appreciate the loveliness of nature, his heart must have expanded with admira tion when contemplating such a scene as this. " A thing of beauty is a joy forever." None should wonder that the poor native left this enchanting spot with sad, lingering steps. Truly this is classic ground, and well worthy a visit from the antiquarian, or the lover of nature. Many efforts were at various times put forth to Christianize the Indians. They had the privilege of attending the schools and other instructions. Some of them embraced the Christian faith, and joined the churches ; but the major portion lived on, and died in the blind faith of their farefathers. An instance of the former occurred in 1741, as will appear in the following petition of Hatchet-Tousey, or Atchetoset, one of this tribe : » " The prayer of Haohet Tou.sey, an Indian now Living in the West part of Woodbury called Shepaug. " To the Honourable Governour and generat assembly of the Colony of Con- iifoticut now setting at hartford. I your honours' memorolist humbly sheweth that I a poor Indian native, Hachet Tousey by name, who beeing born and brought up in heathenism and darkness and with shame now confess that I have been worshipping the devil and the unknown gods, and have not known the god that made me by darkness and want of instruction, but now the great god that has made all things out of nothing has moved me to seek him, he has been afflicting me, (but I hope for my good,) by taking away one of my chil dren by death, a girl about sixteen years old who in the time of her sickness often and often would call upon me to be a christian, and to beleeve in the great god thfit made me. She would cry with tears and groans to me and her mother and all her brethren to forsake the wicked way of the Indians, and she would often, have me go to get the English minister to pray with her tho she understood but little what they said in English, yet she declared that she be lieved the Christian religion to be true. She has made me promise to bringup the rest of her brethren in the knowledge of the christian religion and learn them to read & always to think of her dying words and prayers and shall never forget them. Wherefore I am very desiriovsto be taught the christian religion, and that my children might learn to read and uufierstand god's word, the holy Bible, and that I and my family might go to meeting and keep the sabbath, and that I might know and understand. I have eight in the family though two are at work abroad and are not with me. ye oldest is about 12 years old and 102 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. ys youngest at three, which I would keep at school this summer : the honoura ble govenour Joseph tallcot esqr. has written I hear to Cornell Minor of Wood bury to take care that my family should be school'' but s"" Cornell Minor has taken no care about it, I hear that mr. graham was desired in the letter by his honor to take care of me : but yesterday mr graham told me that Croronell Minor had never Lett him see the govenour's Letter and therefore he did not know what to do; Said Coronet Minor has had said Letter this month and has done nothing ; but a certain person has hired a school for me for a while, and has promised to pay if the honourable goverment would not. Therefore your me morialist prayeth this honourable assembly would hear the poor prayers and petitions of one of these poor Indians ; that you have ordered the ministers of this government so often to pray for in all your proclamations for public fasts and thanksgivings, Therefore I a poor Indian, who desire to, be christianized humbly prayeth this honourable assembly would assist me in these perticulars yt I might not lose their prayers : first I humbly prayeth this Honourable as sembly would alow and give soinething towards the schooling and supporting of my children this summer, that I might have some help under my difficult cii-cum-stances, for I have expend allmost all iny substance this Last winter and spring by reason of sickness in my family. And furthermore I would assure this honourable assembly if my children shoul'' go to school, then I cannot sup port them with victuals, for my Lands are at potitouch, and if I go there the other Indians, will Qurrell with me and my family, for they are much offended with me because I have a mind to be christianized. Therefore I ''pray this honourable assembly would order something for my relief and help, although it be but a small matter 2')' your humble memoralist prayeth this assembly would help me to a division of the Indian Lands at potitouch, that I might have my right and just part set out to me, so that they might not quarrel with me, for they say if lam a christian then I shall not have my land. Thus your hum ble petitioner Hatchet Tousey prayeth for relief and help, wherefore I put my hand and name to this prayer in the presence of these my neighbors who can testify to the truth of my Cencerity what I profess and say, and that I am reso lute to embrace the christian faith, and I desire your prayer for me and my family, and in duty bound I shall oUways pray. "Woodbury May 1.5 1741 his Henry Cassell Benijah Case Eleazer Warner Henry Castle Jr Telle Blakeslee^ Hachet \^fcaaa«^^ Tousey William Harris Jr Adam Hurd Eleazer Towner mark HISTORY ^P ANCIENT WOODBURY. 103 " I Hachet Tousey constitute and appoint Abraham Hurd my agent and at torney at the honorable assembly for me his Hachet * Tousey'" S inark The petition of this Indian was granted, and £20, which were raised by subscription among the members, were placed in the hands of the Rev. Anthony Stoddard and Col. Wilham Preston, to carry out the purpose intended. The governor was requested to encour age him in his good purposes, and Messrs. Stoddard and Prest.on to take care that he and his children be instructed in the Christian reli- ¦gion, and that his children be sent to school. Encouragedj^_^rha£Sj^b^_Jhe^s^^^ .-MSffiStoj Cheery, son of Raumaug, the^^reat^chem,_who died a Christian a few'"yeaS'"^giiy^ oti^^^^ Pootatuck"and New Milford,.petitioned the General Coi}i:it in May of the^exTjesS' for Tike "privileges. The Indians residing at these two places, as we have seen, liad- never been but two clans of the same tribe, while still another small clan of the Pootatucks resided alternately at Bethlem, Litchfield and Nonnewaug, the location of the wigwam in Bethlem being near Mr. Seth Martin's dwelling- house. The latter have been known as the Bantam Indians. Nei ther of these clans were in a well organized state at this time. The clan at New Milford, was entirely disbanded, Weraumaug, their chief, having died a few years before, and. the larger portion of the tribe joining the Scataoook tribe, which had but recently been formed under Gideon Mauwehu. Cheery, son of the deceased chief, and one of the signers of the petition;' had not force enough to keep his clan together, and was never sachem. " To the Honourable gen Ass. sitting in Hartford May Anno Dom: 1742 " The Humble memorial of Mowehu, Cheery and others, Hereunto Sub scribing Being Indian Natives of this Land Humbly sho-i^eth that there are at New Milford and Potatuck the Places where we Dwell about seventy souls of us poor natives, who are now awakened, many of us to some curiosity of Being Taught the word of god and the gospel of Jesus Christ in order to obtain Eter- 1 CoUeges'and Schools, vol. 1, pp. 104, 105. 104 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. nal Life through Him, and now Humbly Crave the care of this Ass. that we and our children may be Taught to read the English tongue and may have some minister appointed to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ unto us ; and Instruct us in the Principles of the Christian Religion, and we also Humbly ask as a Deed of the Highest Charity to us, that the Goverment will Bestow some thing upon us to support some person or persons in Teaching of uss, and Preaching to uss. That our souls may not Perish, for want of Vision in this • Land of Light ; and if it may be the means of saving any Soul of uss, the gos pel which you are favored with assures you that you Shall not Loose your Reward, and your Poor Petitioners hath hereunto put our marks " Hartford May 13th 1742.1 Mowehu John Coksure Job Pukin Sam John Sherman Peeney ' Cheery Simon" Forty of these Indians resided at Woodbury, and thirty at New. Milford. The committee to whom this petition was referred reported favorably, proposing that the thirty Indians on the borders of New Milford should be assisted to attend school and public worship at New Milford ; and the forty residing at Pootatuck, on the borders of Woodbury, be aided in attending school and preaching in Woodbury, or Newtown ; the ministers of New Milford, Woodbury and New town being requested to take them under their care and instruction. The report of the committee was accepted, and £20 were appropria ted to aid the Indians at itfew Milford in these matters, and £25 to assist those at Woodbury ; the money being placed in the hands of Mr. Anthony Stoddard and the minister at Newtown. In 1733 the Pootatucks sold about three-fourths of their " reser vation " in the south-west part of the present town of Southbury, and the larger portion removed to New Milford, and joined the other clan of their tribe residing there, so that the Indians residing at New Milford at this time were quite numerous. Stragglers from other clans in Fairfield county also joined them. President Stiles states the number of warriors at about three hundred, and Rev. Stanley Griswold, in a century sermon preached at New Milford in 1801, estimates them at two hundred warriors. The latter estimate is doubtless nearer the truth than the former, though it may be a pretty hberal one. The young and vigorous Indians of Pootatuck had for several years been moving to New Milford. About 1715, We- 1 Indians, vol. 1, p. 240. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 105 raumaug, or Raumaug, an intelligent Pootatuck sagamore, joined the Wyantenuck clan, and soon became sachem. His residence was on a reservation at the falls on the Housatonic, about two miles below the village of New Milford, which the Indians long kept after they had sold the Indian field west of the river, opposite the village. Weraumaug also had a personal reservation of two thousand acres in the society of New Preston in the town of Washington. This reser vation was called the " hunting grounds of Raumaug," and was after ward sold by Cheere, son of the sachem. At the falls, called by the natives Mitichawon, was an excellent fishing place, especially in the • spring, when shad and great numbers of lamprey eels swarmed up the river, and attempted to ascend the rapid descent of waters. Shad and other valuable fish are still taken on this river quite up to this point. At this romantic spot, on the banks of the river, stood the palace, or " great wigwam '' of Weraumaug. On the inner walls of the palace, which were made of bark with the smooth side inward, were pictured every known species of beast, bird, fish and insect, from the largest down to the smallest. This was said to have been done by artists whom a friendly prince at a great distance sent to him for that purpose, in the same manner as Hiram sent artists to Solomon. He died about 1735, as near as can be ascertained, and was buried in an Indian burying-ground at no great distance from the place of his residence. His grave is distinguished from those sur rounding him, out of many of which large trees are growing, by its more ample dimensions. Weraumaug was a man of uncommon powers of mind, sober and regular in his life, and took much pains to suppress the vices of his people. The first minister of New Milford, Rev. Daniel Boardman, ordained in 1716, finding this Indian sachem to be a discreet and friendly man, became much interested in him, and took great pains to instruct him in the Christian religion. From the account he gives of him, it appears he died penitent, -and cheered by the Christian's hope. In a letter to a friend he calls him '"That distinguished sachem, whose great abilities and eminent virtues, joined v/ith his extensive dominion, rendered him the most potent prince of that or anv other day in this Colony; and his name ought to be remembered by the faithful historian as much as that of any crowned head since his was laid in the dust." ' Although this statement of Mr. Boardman is the best evidence that need be had of the power of this chief, and the extent of his 8 106 HISTORT OF ANCIENT WOODBURT. tribe, yet it is hardly accurate to ^ay that he was the most potent prince that had existed in the Colony. It will not do to overlook King Philip and other sachems. During Weraumaug's last illness, Mr. Boardman constantly attended him, and endeavored to confirm his mind in the vital truths of Christianity. It was a sad place for the dying chieftain ; for the larger part of his people, and even his -wife, were greatly opposed to the religion of their white neighbors, and used all their infiuence to keep him true to the dark and cheer less faith of his forefathers. Their conduct was not only rude and abusive of the minister, but in other respects such as comported little with the solemnity of the occasion. One day when Mr. Boardman was by the sachem's bedside, the latter asked him to pray, to which he assented. It happened that there was a sick child in the village, and a powwow was in attendance, who had undertaken to cure it with his wild and superstitious rites. As soon as the clergyman commenced his prayer, Weraumaug's wife sent for the medicine man and ordered him to commence his exercises at the door' of the lodge. The powwow at once set up a hideous shouting and howl ing, and Mr. Boardman prayed louder, so that the sick man might hear him above the uproar. Each raised his voice louder and louder as he went on, while the Indians gathered around, solicitous for the success of their prophet. The powwow was determined to tire out the minister, and he, on his side, was quite as fully resolved not to be put to silence in the discharge of his duty by the blind worshiper of Satan. The invincible minister afterward gave it as his belief that he prayed full three hours before he was permitted to come off con- .queror. The powwow having completely exhausted himself with his effi)rts, gave one unearthly yell, and then, taking to his heels, never stopped till he was cooling himself up to his neck in the Hou satonic. In 1736, a part of the Wyantenucks moved to Scatacook, one of their reservations, and located on the beautiful plain on the west side of the river. These Indians, in the years 1742 and 1743, were visited by the Moravian missionaries, under Count Zinzendorf. They remained with them several years, and to appearance, were very religious and inoffensive men. They also visited the Indians still left at the Great Falls and Pootatuck, but these having in the former year applied to the General Assembly for the meaiis of instruction, which had been granted them, gave little heed to the strangers. The Scatacooks were at this time, perhaps, the largest tribe left in the Colony. It was founded about 1728, by Gideon Mauwehu, a Pe- HISTORT OP ANCIENT WOODBURT. 107 quot Indian, who was endowed with the same energy of character for which his nation was so distinguished. We first hear of him among the Paugussetts, where he was the leader of a small band, and settled one of his sons over a Small clan at the falls on the Nau gatuck River, near Humphreysville. , He next appeared, for a time among the Pootatucks, soon afterward at New Milford, and in 1729, he, with eleven others, signed a deed of " all the unsold lands in New Fairfield," now Sherman. He afterward moved to Dover, N. Y., on Ten Mile River, some ten miles west of Kent. After living there awhile, in one of his hunting excursions, from a mountain in Kent, west of the Housatonic^ his eye fell upon that river, winding its way through the fertile and beautiful valley, shut in by mountains, and covered with dense forests. The white man had not penetrated this beautiful sylvan retreat. It had only been used occasionally as their hunting and fishing ground by the Wyantenucks. He was enchanted with the capabilities of the place, and immediately moved thither with his family. Having invited Ms old friends among the Paugus setts, Pootatucks, Wyantenucks, aind others among the tribes with which he had lived, they flocked to him in considerable numbers. In 1736, after the death of Weraumaug, a considerable number joined him from New Milford as above. It is believed, that at this- date he had more than one hundred warriors. The Moravian missionaries began to preach to his tribe some time in 1742, and, although Mauwehu's name was among the signers of the petition to the General Assembly in May of that -year, for reli gious instruction from the colonists, yet he received them with great favor, and their labors had a happy influence on the tribe. In 1743, he accepted their faith, and was baptized, with about one hundred and fifty of his people. A church was built, and a large congrega tion collected. Most of their conversation with the English was on religion, and they spent much of their time in devotional exercises. After a time, many of these Indians followed the missionaries to Bethlehem in Pennsylvania. The change of climate proved fatal to them, and they returned to their old hom-es. Here in the absence of their religious teachers,, they seemed to forget their religion, became- intemperate, and began to waste away. Such was the sad termina tion of the most successful reUgious.effort, perhaps, ever made among- the Indians of Connecticut. In May, 1759, the Pootatucks, or rather Tom Sherman, or Sho- ran, one of their number, to whom the rest had quit-claimed their 108 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. right the year bdbre, sold their last acre of land, including their village of Pootatuck, and took up their abode at Scatacook, except a few that lingered in the neighborhood of their old abodes, by the sufferance of the purchasers. In 1761, these consisted of one man, . and two or three broken families. In 1774, they were reduced to nine, and at this date there were none remaining at New Milford, and but sixty-two at Scatacook. In 1786, the latter were reduced to thirty-six males and thirty-five females, twenty of the number being children of suitable age for attending school. In 1801, they num bered thirty-five idle and intemperate beings, who cultivated six acres of ground. In the fall of 1849, the number of Indians remain ing was eight or ten of the full blood, an4 twenty or thirty half breeds. A few of them are sober and industrious, cultivating good gardens, and living comfortably ; but the majority are of the opposite character. Three or four of them attend church, and a few of the children go to school. They are under the care of an overseer, and their property consists of a considerable tract of land on the mountain too rough for cultivation, and about five thousand dollars kept at interest, which for the last forty years has more than paid the annual expenses of the tribe.' It will be seen that the Indians of Woodbury, New Milford and Kent, have been treated as though they were one people, which is ^rictly correct, except in regard to the Kent Indians. Although we find among the principal men in 1746, selling land, Samuel and Thomas Coksure, two of the sons of a sagamore of the name of Cock- ¦shure at Pootatuck, and Cheere, son of Weraumaug, soon after, sell ing his reservation in New Preston, yet Mauwehu, having resided in many other tribes, collected together many from them also. Be yond this the dividing line between them is not discernable. Gideon' Mauwehu, leader of the Kent clan, was present in Woodbury at the execution of two deeds next to the last, conveying lands at Pootatuck, •giving his assent, and signing as witness, while two of his principal inen, Jeremiah and Samuel Cokshure, were among the grantors. It is many years since the last remaining Pootatuck, an old squaw, ¦came back to Pootatuck village to visit the graves of her ancestors. Looking up to the place where stood, and still stand the few remain ing trees of " Tummasseete's old orchard," " There," she said, the '¦ a The major portion of the foregoing account of the Wyantenucks and' Scatacooks, ¦on the last three or four pages, has been collected from the works of Dr. Trumbull, Sarber, and De Forest. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 109 tears streaming down her wrinkled cheeks,, "there is Pootatuck." After lingering near the graves of her people a few days, she re turned to the place whence she came. A few monuments of the existence of the fated race now remain to tell us that here a former race once flourished, scarce sufiicient, so fleeting is their nature, to arrest our attention. Arrow heads, stone chisels, hatchets, axes, gouges, knives and mortars are found in the " ancient territory." One of these localities is on Mr. Anthony Strong's land, opposite Mr. Fred. S. Atwood's dwelling-house, where they had a hunting village ; and another on Mr. Frederick M. Minor's land, a few rods in rear of his dwelling-house. They are also found in Bethlem, near Seth Martin's dwelling-house, and at the locality of the village of Poota tuck. Large deposits of clam and oyster shells are also found in the latter locality. This village was about two miles above Bennett's Bridge on the Housatonic, near where Pootatuck Brook, called by the Indians Cowams, enters into that river. In addition to the arti cles mentioned above, some have been found which the natives evi dently received from the English. Glass bottles, brass kettles, rings and j'iigs have been found. In digging for some purpose a few years ago, a brass kettle was found rimmed and bailed, and under it a piece of scarlet woolen cloth about the size of a dollar, in good preserva tion. In this kettle were three rings and three thimbles. A finger bone with, a ring on it, at another time, was found, the flesh under the ring being pretty well preserved. In " Hatchet meadow," on Cyrus Mitchell's land, the Indians left a spring protected by a tub > made of a hoUOw tree. They had burying-grounds on the banks of the Housatonic near their village, where skeletons have been exhumed as late as the present date, (1853,) which were found biiried in a sitting posture, having various trinkets and implements buried with them. Many were buried so near the banks of the river,, that a great freshet that happened several years ago laid bare many skeletons. Some eighty rods further up the river, bones have been plowed out in throwing up the highway. Near the school-house in this locality, are many mounds of a circular form, depressed in the center. Many skeletons have been at various times exhumed a fourth of a mile lower down^ on the opposite side of the river, near Cockshure's Island, below Fort Hill. There was another burying-ground on the banks of the brook near the residence of David J. Stiles, Esq., in Southbury, now occu pied by the ancient burying-ground of the first white settlers ; and 110 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURT. another still, at the upper end of Nonnewaug, on the East Sprain, where rest the remains of the chief of that name. Such are the simple annals of the unfortunate and benighted race that once had possession of this fair heritage, and roamed in haughty independence through these sequestered vales. Not a Pootatuck remains in the territory of the " ancient town," to revisit, with Indian wail and lamentation, the forsaken and almost forgotten graves of his ancestors. When the floods, or the excavations of tW6 present inhabitants, exhume the bones of a long-buried 'brave, they are gath ered up with eager interest, to grace a public museum or private collection of antique curiosities. Their sun has set in darkness and in gloom. Advancing civilization, so fortunate and happy for the white race, brought nothing to the red man but disaster and decay. With a sad infatuation, he embraced its vices instead of its virtues. Before the white man touched these shores, they enjoyed their wild and savage mode of life without molestation. This was their own land. Here were their council fires-. On the beautiful rivers they paddled the light canoe, and pursued their game in the unbroken forests. They went up by their mountains; they came down by their valleys ; they followed their own desires for happiness in wild, reckless exuberance. The mossy cliffs, and the dells in the thick woods, echoed back their shrill songs and fearful cry of war. But the white man took up his abode in their ancient hunting grounds. The strength of civilization met the weakness of barbarism. From that inauspicious hour the poor natives waned, and retreated farther into the wild solitudes. The children of the forest have passed away. " Alas, for them, their day is o'er — Their fires are out from shore to shore ! No more for them the wild deer bounds — The plow is on their hunting grounds." Their existence has become a matter of antiquarian research, and oft-told legend. Their brief history has been written in desolation. In the depth of the forest, in the silence of nature, away from the busy haunts of men, the contemplative mind is sometimes led invol untarily to exclaim, " Where are they .""' and echo answers, " Where are they ?" In such solemn communion with nature and the spirits of the past, one is startled by the very depth of the silence around him. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY, 111 " Where are they, the forest rangers, Children of this western land. Who, to greet the pale-faced strangers, Stretched an unsuspecting hand .' " Were not these their own bright waters ? Were not these their natal skies .' Reared they not their red-browed daughters Where our stately mansions rise ? " From the vales their homes are banished, Pro.-n the streams their light canoe; Chieftains and their tribes have vanished^ like the forests where they grew." CHAPTER VIII. ECCL^.SIASTICAL HISTORY. 1666 TO 1760; The Half-way Covenant Conteoveksy at Stratford leads to THE Settlement of the Town of Woodbury; This Practice explained; Joseph Judson and others' Letters to Rev. Mr. Chauncy ; Church An swer TO THE Men; Town Proposttion to Mr. Chauncy; The Parties divide the Ministerial Lands in 1666 ; Rev. Zechariah Walker beoins to preach to the Minority in 166S ; Me. Walker allowed the use of the Church two Hours each Sabbath ; Mr. Walker's Bill of particulars to the General Court in 1669 ; Three Hours' use of the Church each Sab bath ALLOWED Mr. Walkbe ; Me. Walker excluded from the Church ; Me. Walker ordained over the Second Church of, Stratford May 5, 1670-; Covenant; Second Church removes to Woodbury in 1672-3; Me. Walker's Death and Character ; State of the Church ; Rev. AnthOny Stoddard settled in 1700, and ordained in 1702; He preaches sixty years ; Great prosperity of the Church under his Ministry ; Revivals ; His Death in 1760 ; Second Church built in 1747 ; Old and New Style; Char acter of Mr. Stoddard ; Review of the last Ninety Years. Rich as the historical incidents relating to Ancient Woodbury have been from the very first, and endowed as it has ever been with men of mark — minds of the first order — it is remarkable that this town has never found its historian. It has always occupied in deeds, if not in fame, a prominent place in all the historical events of the State. Wherever there has been labor to be performed, or deeds of valor to be done, the sons of Woodbury have ever been in the front rank. As in local position it is retired and secluded among the sweet valleys, surrounded by verdant hills ; so in historical position, her sons have allowed her to remain in the silent consciousness of unob trusive worth, while later-born and less gifted sisters have occupied the fields of fame before her. Even now, at the end of nearly two centuries, the work of gathering the memorials of its long-bnried worthies, the work of gratitude and reverence, is left to one not a native of the soil, nor bound by ties of consanguinity to the early history OP ancient WOODBURY., 113 fathers. The first, and it might be said, the only history of the town, physical or biographical, if we except the brief paragraphs in Trum buU's History of Connecticut, Pease & Niles' Gazetteer, and Barber's Collections, is comprised in the following extract : " Woodbury lies on the same river, (Osootonoc,) and resembles Kentish-Town. The township, twelve miles square, is divided into seven parishes, three of them Episcopal. In this town lives the Rev. Dr. Bellamy, who is a good scholar and a great preacher. He has attempted to shew a more excellent way to heaven than was known before. He may be called the Athenian of Con necticut ; for he has published something new to the Christian world — Zuinglius may learn of him."' This seems to be rather a brief history, for a town of which so much may justly be said. It would have been fortunate had the present labor'fallen into better hands, but it is proposed to supply in some measure the desideratum of an accurate local hisfory. It has been before stated in these pages, that the settlement of Woodbury was the result of religious dissensions among the people of Stratford. The principal cause of difference was in regard to church membership, baptism, and the discipline of church members. What the precise nature of the controversy was, could not be dis tinctly understood by the most learned and pious even of that day. It was the same as that which existed at Hartford, Wethersfield, and other places. One would say, at this distance of time, that the question to be decided was, whether the " Half-way Covenant Prac tice " should be introduced into the church or not. Upon this ques tion there was the most grave difference of opinion among the best and most distinguished men in New EngUnd. By this plan, a per son of good moral character might own or renew the covenant of baptism, confessing the same creed as members of churches in full communion, and affirming his intention of becoming truly pious in heart and in life, and have the privilege' of presenting himself and children for baptism. Nor did the privilege stop here ; he might also present for baptism his grandchildren, children bound to him as apprentices, and even his slaves, by giving a pledge for their reli gious education. Persons thus owning the covenant were considered church members to all intents and purposes, except that they might not come to the communion table. For conduct unbecoming church members, they could be and were dealt with and punished in the 1 Hist, of Conn., 1781, By a Gentleman of the Province. Printed at London. 114 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. same manner as members in full communion. In this way a church could never run down in point of numbers, so long as- unconverted persons enough to keep it up were willing to own the covenant of baptism. Abundant proof of the foregoing statements is found in the first book of ministerial records of the Second Church of Strat ford, now the First Church of Woodbury, happily in a fine state of preservation. Consequent upon this practice,, baptisms followed close upon births ; very many instances may be found upon these records, where the child was but from one to eight days old at the time of the ceremony. If the child appeared to be iri danger of " non-continuance," it was baptized on the day of its birth. The children of ministers, deacons, and other leading men in the church, were generally less than a week old when presented for baptism. Young persons did not usually own the covenant till they became parents, and wished baptism for their children. Previous to 1650, great watchfulness had been exercised to admit only such as gave visible evidence, of piety. The choice of pastors, also, had been confined exclusively to the church, and nearly all the honors and offices of the colony had been distributed to professors of religion, who in the New Haven colony were the only ones possessed of the right of suffrage, in meetings of a political character. In the colony of Connecticut, not only these, but also other orderly individ uals, having a certain amount of property, were entitled to the privi lege of being admitted freemen. During the lives of the early fathers, little trouble had arisen on these points, nearly all the first emigrants being professors of religion. But this generation had passed away, and a new one had succeeded^ many of whom, on account of their not belonging to the church, were excluded from their proper influence in community. Most of them had been baiptized, and by virtue of this, it was claimed, that they might own their covenant, have their children baptized,' and thus perpetuate the church. All New Eng land became interest^ in this controversy, and in 1657, "the matter in dispute was referred to a council of the principal ministers who met at Boston, and declared " That it was the duty of those come to years of discretion, baptized in in fancy, to own the covenant ; that it is the duty of the church to call them to this ; that if they refuse, or are scandalous in any other way, they may be cen sured by the Church. If they understand the grounds of religion, are not scan dalous, and solemnly own the covenant, giving up themselves and their children to the Lord, baptism may not be' denied to their children." In consequence of this decision, many owned their oovenant, and HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 115 presented their children for baptism, but did not unite with the church in the celebration of the supper, nor in most other duties of members in full communion. Hence it was termed the half-way cov enant. In process of time, the privilege here mentioned "was en larged in some of the churches. Many churches in Connecticut never adopted this practice, and toward the end of the eighteenth century, it waS~generally abandoned throughout New England. The first church at Stratford would not adopt this practice, although a large and influential part of its members were in favor of it, togeth er with a majority of the town, who were mot church members. Rev. Mr. Chauncy, who was not in favor of the practice, was settled over the church in Stratford, in 1665, though there was strong opposition to him on this and other accounts. The efforts of the dissenting party to settle- their difficulties seem to have been sincere. Their communications to their brethren were couched in respectful and , brotherly, terms, and their arguments were not easily refuted. In fact, little pains seem to have been taken by the church proper dur ing the whole controversy, to answer the reasoning of the dissatisfied party, but it seemed rather to throw itself back on its dignity, with an intention of allowing the malcontents to take their own course^ The latter were in the majority in the town meetings, and John Mi nor, one of their leaders, was town-clerk during the whole time of the controversy, and for several years after, with the exception of a year. This famous controversy, so far as the records show it, is deemed of sufficient interest to be inserted here, almost entire. It opens with a letter from eight of the dissatisfied party, who were the advocates of the half-way covenant system, and who state their wishes as follows : " To Mr. Chancy and the rest of the Church at Stratford. " Loving brethren and friends, God by his good providence having brought us hither, who are of his church and people, and separated us from the world' and of his free and abundant grace hath taken us and our seed into covenant with himself and with his church and people, and hath given us -an .interest in himself to bee our. God, and taken us to bee his own, giving us his own disci pline and ordinances for our spirituall and eternal good, and owning us hath given us equall right with yourselves in all his ordinances, his providence also having setled us together in this plantation that we might jointly together wor- shipp him in all his ordinances, ancJ that we should be mutuall helpers of one another in our Christian race. These few lines are to informe you that wee whose names are underwritten doo declare to you our earnest desire to enjoy communion in all God's ordinances with you, that we may together worshipp him according to his holy will; desiring also that wee and our posterity may be owned as immediate members of the Church of Christ by you ; as Christ own - eth us and ours by his own institution, taking us into covenant, and solemnly 116 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOOD'BURY. setting his own seal upon us. We further declare, that owning it tojje our duty, and hoping it to bee our desire to account you our best friends, who shall use meanes to convince us wherein we have sinned, and bring us to the sight of our evills: we desire that if any man being converted according to God's rules, and doo not hold forth repentance, then no such person so remaining may bee admitted to communion, till he hold forth repentance. And whereas. there hath beene diiference about the calling of Mr. Chancy, and severall of us have declared our objections against his selling amongst us till those objections were answered, and we judge they never were unto satisfaction ; yet if you shall see cause to ans-wer our earnest and reall desires in the premises, as we h&pe you will, wee shall passe by what hath beene, and endeavor lovingly to close to gether and to walke together according to the rules of God's holy word, hoping and desiring you will so farr respect us as to give us an answer hereunto in writing as soone as you conveniently can. "Yours in all due respects and desireous of unity according to the rules of Christ. "January 16,1665.' Joseph Judson, Richard Butler, David Mitchell, . Henry Wakelyn, James Blakman, John Minor, Samuel Sherman, Daniel Titterton."^ This respectful and kind letter, offering to forget past grievances, and soliciting a union with the rest of the church in a truly fraternal and Christian feeling, received no attention, either from Mr. Chauncy, or the remainder of the church, who were of his way of thinking. Accordingly on the 9th of the following month, the dissentients ad dressed them another letter in the same spirit, still fiirther making known their wishes, and mildly reproaching thim for their want of courtesy and kindness : " Whereas wee have formerly made known our mipdes unto you in writing, as concerning our desire of communion in all God's ordinances with you ; hold ing forth unto you by way of preface, our right unto them, from the free grace of God owning us and externally sealing the priviledges of y' Covenant unto us; have also declared our mindes concerning such letts as may hinder us from proceeding unto such attaynments mentiotied in some clauses thereof; and coraeing together to know how you stood affected to our desires, hoped you might have seen good see farr to have betrusted those y' were to declare 1 New Style, Jan. 27, 1666. 2 This and the other papers relating to this controversy are to be found In the Sec retary of State's office, in " Ecclesiastical," vol. 1, Nos. 18 to 37. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 117 yo' minde unto us as in conferring with us to take farther knowledge of our desire propounded ; and to putt us in a way of farther proceeding ; should have bin glad soe farr to have bin tender by you that they might have took it into consideration. And if anything did on our part lye in y" way, have seriously appointed us a time for examining of us in respect of our fayth and knowledge ; Accounting it requisite y' y' Minister may take perticul-ar knowledge of all those y' are to have Comunion in the whole worshipiD of God ; And herein (to deale plainely) y<- nothing may hereafter bee laid as a block in our way; we desire that in this examination by ye minister or Ministers and Elder wee may issue in their questioning and examining onely. And whereas we have openly, sol- lemnly, wholly and onely ingaged ourselves to be the Lord's, who hath gra ciously taken us into Covenant w'h himself and his Jaithful people ; we desire, y' in the owning hereof, wee may not be further troubled with any imposition of that nature. The exercise of yC tenderness unto us wee cannot but hope for, according as you are allowed. jRo. 14 ; 1. " February, 9'", 1665. Joseph Judson, Richard Butlt-r, David Mitchell, Henry Wakelyn, John Minor, . James Blackman, Samuel Sherman, Daniel Titterton." By this letter we learn that so great was their desire to be recon ciled to the church, that they were willing to be again examined in regard to their "fayth and knowledge," that the church might be convinced, that their peculiar views had not, in any manner, under mined their religious principles, or purity of character. More than two months elapsed before any answer was vouchsafe'd them, and then we find the following " Church Answer to the Men :" " Neighbours, whereas wee received fro you two writings the sum of both which was to hold forth your earnest desire as to communion in all the ordinan ces of Christ with us. These are. to give you to understand .that our apprehen sion concerning the order of discipline is the same that we have formerly man- .Ifested it to bee, both by our practice, and answer to your proposalls. And whereas you apprehend you have equall right with ourselves in all the ordinan ces of Christ in this place. These may certifie you at present that we are of a diiferent apprehension from you in that matter. And whereas you desire that!? your posterity may : etc : wee would put you in mind that as yet the matter is in controversie among the learned and godly. Likewise whereas you seeme to intimate in the close of your first page that you have taken offence at our late proceedings, but as you say upon the granting of the premises are willing to pass it by ; we return no more at present but this ; viz. wee hope if you had 118 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. had sufiicient ground so to doo, the godly and learned would have spied it out, and have endeavored to convince us of our evills herein. Lastly, whereas in your latter page you prescribe the way wherein you desired to be attended : viz ; you account it requisite : etc : To which we answer in the words of Paul in another case, wee have no such custome nor the churches of Christ with whom we hold, communion, and moreover it is practised you know by those whose principles in discipline are farr different from ours.' And truly neigh bours, as it relates to your case, (notwithstanding wee gladly and heartily de sire ye increase and enlargement of ye Church when it may bee attained in a rulable and satisfactory way yet,) wee must plainely tell you that we cannot at present see how it will stand with the glory of God the peace of ye Church and our and your mutuall edification (which ought to bee deare unto us, and earnestly sought by us) for you to embody with us in this society : The Apostle Paule exhorts the Corinthi,ans, and so all that walk together in church fellow ship : 1 Romans 10, to avoide divisions and to be perfectly joyned .together in the same mind and in the same judgment, otherwise it is not likely we should keepe the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace, to which we are exhorted, Eph. 4 : 3. And notwithstanding wee give this answer in generall to you all that were concerned in the yys presented tons; yet you may easily imagine that we have particular exertions as it relates to particular persons whereof we find that we are thereunto called, wee shall manage and desire satisl'action in before they are admitted to communion in all the ordinances. "Apr. 16"', 1666. This is a true Coppye of y" answer given unto us as it was tryed by both papers. Church Answer to the men." One would think this a rather short and crispy reply to letters as humble and inoffensive as the two former had been. The " Church" begins with calling the dissenters " neighbors," and ends with char acterizing them as " the men." They assume a very lofty, and some what arrogant tone ; sufficiently so, one would think, to have pre vented further efforts toward an accommodation of their differences. This was undoubtedly written by Mr. Chauncy, the former letters having been addressed to him, and it is probable that the remainder of the papers on the side of the church were written by him. Although by this communication they had been flatly refused ad mittance to the church, even on a satisfactory examination, yet they persevered in their efforts to accomplish the desired end. It is to be recollected, that Stratford. belonged to the Connecticut colony, and consequently had other freemen besides the members of the church. The freemen joined with the dissentients in their efforts. It is to be further noted, that Mr. Chauncy had been settled by a majority of the members of the church alone, the other freemen of the town hav- HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 119 ing no voice in the matter. As by the laws of the colony they were obliged to pay taxes for his support equally with the church mem bers, they wished a voice in the selection of the minister. The dis senting part of the church, together with the other freemen of the town,^as we have seen, constituted a majority in the meetings of the freemen. So that although the church could choose and settle a min ister, it took a majority of the voters of the town to provide for his support. Failing as individuals and members of his church to effect an arrangement with Mr. Chau,acy, they held a town meeting, and passed a vote embracing the conditions under which they would con. tribute to his support. The vote is sf very interesting one, as it con tains a lucid explanation of the half-way covenant, and is as follows : " Towne propositions to Mr. Chauncey, Mavl3T'*6^ I ,,u \ '"o '»i^ " Mr. Chancey, " We a Christian people by the providence of God settled together 'in this plantation of Strattford Judging it our duty as from the command of God soe for our own necessary spirituall & eternall good to indeavo' after maintain & uphould a minister orthodox in doctrine and practice y' y' word of life & salva tion may be held forth unto us & all the ordinances of God disspenced amongst us. And whereas you have been some time amongst us we accounting rea sonable, very necessary & equall y' some mutuall agreem' be made in a. Chris tian way between you & us ; We hereuppon think good to propound to you fD'yo' settling & continuing w"" us as followeth ; We desire y' you would per form y work of a Minister of y' Gospel unto us in y" preaching of y' word, and administering of the sacraments. More particularly we desire y' all they y profess fayth & obedience to the rules of Christ not scandalous in life and doe present themselves in owning y' covenant wherein they have given themselves unto the Lord in baptism may be admitted and accounted members of y« Church and under the care and discipline thereof as other members and have their , children baptized. Yet notwithstanding we desire not that any thus admitted may approach unto the Lord's table till in and ,by examination and due tryall they make testimony unto the Judgment of Charity of their fitness thereunto. Moreover as God owneth the Infant children of believers in y Covenant of Grace neither doth exclude ye same children w" grown up from keeping their standing in y" covenant while they soe walk as they doe not reject it. God owneth y'" and would not have y grace of his covenant shortned or straitened nor put ym from under the disspensatiphs of his grace giving his ministers a soUemn charge to take care of & traine up such as a part of their flock : We desire also y' y" children of churchmembers may be accounted ohurchmembers as well as their parents and 'y' they doe not cease to bee members by being ¦rrown up but that they doe still continue in y« church successively untill ac cording to y' rules of Christ they bee cast out and y' they are still y' subjects of Church discipline even as other members, and y' they should have their chil dren babtized notwithstanding their present, unfittness for partaking of the Lord's supper. And farther wee assure you hopeing without the least suspi cion you m-ay creditt us y' uppon yi^ accepting o' propositions and gr-anting them 120 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. unto us wee shall according to o'' abillity contribute fo' yo' comfortable subsist?- ence amongst us. Expecting an answer from you hereunto in time convenient, subscribe in the y' name of y Towne. "June 1,1666. Extracted from the orjginall; Thomas Fayreohilde, being Recorded & therewith Joseph Judson, diligentlye compared y 26''' : 9"' : '6S.' Henry Wakelyn, p John Minor", Recorder. Thomas Uffoote." It does not appear that Mr. Chauncy made any reply to this propo sition, though, as the matter had now assumed a serious aspect, it was doubtless discusseli during the next few months with much fre quency by the two -parties. Efforts were also made by the minority of the church, together with others of the town, to procure another minister for themselves, probably with the tacit consent of the other party ; and it would seem that they applied to Mr. Peter Bulkley to preach to them. It does not appear, however, that they were suc cessful in obtaining him. But later in the year the two parties were able to agree, that each party should have its own minister, and also agreed upon a division of the land sequestered, for the u.5e of''the ministry between the two ministers, as appears by the following vote: " Diicember 18th 1663. " Ati a lawful! Towns-meeting it was voated and agreed on y' there should bee in case y it be found in nowayes contradictory to a courte order to have another Minisl^er herein Strattford. a layingoutof the sequestered land reserved for the ministry : viz : A quarter part of it to Mr Chancey and a quarter part of it to Mr Peter Bulkley. or any other man by y' party obteyned y' now in- deavo'' for Mr' Bulkley And y' w'='' shall be laid out to Mr Chansey shall by him be improved as his own during his life or continuance in Strattford. And in case of removeall y= a^ land is to return to y' town again : Provided alwayes ¦ y' y town pay him for w' it is bettered by his improvement according as y' Town and Mr Chansey shall agree, in case of difference then ; as it shall be judged better Jay indifierent men chosen by both parties; And incase of decease y' Town is to pay Mr Chansey his Heires w' y' whole accommodations together with y improvement shall be judged worth at his disease. It is further agreed on in case Mr Bulkley or any other Minister be obteyned hee shall have; hould and injoy his part in every respect as Mr., Chancey doth. It is further agreed on y' as respecting a house lott y' reserved land for y' purpose shall bee equally divided into two lotts and Mr Chancey is to have his choyce, w""" of y« two he will please to have. It is further agreed on and voated y" IS''' 10"' : 06, in ca.5e of decease or removal of either of y"e aforesaid ministers y' y Town shall joynt- ly make y payments y' will be due to y« deceased or removed minister. And y' party y' is destitute of a minister either by death or removall shall have free 1 The year at this date began -with the 25th of Mareh^ consequently 26"': 9'": '68 was Nov. 26, 1668. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 121 libberty to provide for themselves another. And shall have yo same intrest in y' accommodations and improvement y' formerly they had. " Exactly transscribed and diligently compared w"" the originall records the 24th Apr" : 1669. « '/ITZ 0^t9^ff± ,^^ct o-r-c^ Z^ At the October session of the General Court in 1667, this action of the parties was approved and established on motion of Ens. Joseph Judson : " Ensigne Joseph Judson moveing this courte for a confirmation of y" agree ment of y' Town of Strattford made December IS"" 66. in refferenoe to y' divis ion of sequestred Land to Mr Chansey ye present Minister and Mr Peter Bulkley or any other, etc ; there haveing nothing appeared to this courte therein y' is contrary to law ye court doth approve of yesd agreement and desires Enssigned: Judson, Mr Fayrechilde, Mr Hawley: Leif Curtiss, Rich. Butler and Henry Waklyn to lay out ye land according to ye sd agreement. And that from hence forth they shall all joyntly make payment of their proportions towards the mayntenance of Mr Chancey till theire bee another minister at Strattford there cohabiting. " This is a true coppie out Of y' originall dilligentlye transscribed and com pared this 31st December 1667. "Per JOHN MINOR, Recorder." Early in the year 1668, the minority engaged Rev. Zechariah Walker,* of Jamaica, L. I., to perform pastoral labors among them. Having obtained a minister, they perceived they had no house of their own to worship in. They had contributed equally with Mr. Chauncy's party toward the construction of the meeting-house occu pied by the first church, and the first idea that occurred to them was, that they might agree with the other party, to allow Mr. Walker to preach one part of each Sabbath in the meeting-house, and Mr. Chauncy the other part, thus joining the two congregations. They accordingly made known their proposition to Mr. Chauncy's party, to which they received two elaborate answers, in better spirit than former communications, and in which the plain word " neighbors " had been exchanged for " loving neighbors :" 122 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. "1st " OuE Answer to our Neibours Motion " Loving Neibours, ^ " You are no strangers to the afflicting troubles which through the malice of the common adversary have bin occasioned amongst us by diff'erent persuasions as to order in the house of God, which we may truly say have cost us not a few prayres and tears, and no little affliction of spirit ; fearing indeed whilst we have bin contending about the shell we have lost much of the kernal of reli gion : Differences continuing thus uncomfortable amongst us for a long time, at length it pleased the most High to guide us to a joint agreement whereby we did hope through his blessing an eiid might be put to these our exercising troubles and differences and on earth have a better way found out for our mu tual edification which in truth was the main thing Scoped at by us in our agreement; And we for our parts (the generality of us) did conclude that it was the intention of all, for the attaining of this end, that we should meet sep- erately and apart, one from another, we by ourselves, and you by yourselves, that we might enjoy the ordinances of God according as we are persuaded without disturbance each to other and therefore shall not cease to wonder at your motion (so different from our expectation and as we judge not a little predjudicial to your edification) for you and us to meet together publickly to worship God in the same place. Neverthelesse we have not bin wanting seri ously to consider and earnestly to enquire, what may be the mind of God in this matter since we have had knowledge of this your motion and intention, (according to the little time allowed us.) And we do declare, 1st That it is not our intention or desire in the least to deviate from the true sense and meaning of our agreement. 2d That in our agreement we had still an eye to meeting in distinct places : 3d As to Mr Walker that lie is one whom we desire to honour and esteem in the Lord ; yet 4th That wee cannot see how two though godly can walke together (especially two ministers) except they are agreed. 5th We doe account ourselves bound by covenant to that order and dispensa tion of the worship of God that hath hitherto bin peaceably practised in this church and other churches of Christ, holding cdmmunion with us ; this bond being upon us, we also continuing thus persuaded, we can (now) doe nothing "against tlie truth, but for the truth. 6th That though our differences be not about fundamentals, and essentials of faith and Christian religion, yet it re-acheth to the fundamentals of order in church administrations, which are styled Ezek. 44. .5. The comings in and the goings forth of the sanctuary ; how each party therfbre can comfortably enjoy his own persuasion with edification (we all agreeing to meet in one place) at present we see not. 7th That we desire to retain and maintain those dispensations which we have so dearly bought and so long enjoyed without interruption should we not possesse what the Lord our God hath given us to possesse as they said in another case: should we therefore consent to^ and be instrumental in the parting of these out of our hands. We fear it would be a great dishonour and provocation to the Holy one of Israel: seeing that for the peaceable HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 123 enjoyment of the truth that we now professe and practise some of us, among many others of the Lords servants have put our lives in our hands, and have said "to our fathers, we have not seen them neither have we acknowledged our brethren or kindred that we might keep the word of the Lord, and fhe covenant of our God; Deut. 33.6. Finally, at present as there are many difficulties in our lyay that forbid our consent to your motion, soe we cannot but declare that for you to force the attendance of your motion, we fear it will be a means to widen our differences and (as we judge) will be esteemed no less than opposition and disturbance. Now the very God of truth and peace guide us and you all, in his ways, that so the glory of his great name together with the comfort peace and edification one of another may still be aimed by us all. " Voted as an answer to our Neibours."Nov. 11. 6S." Uniting their meetings was evidently not the best way of obtaining the end desired. Although their differences might not be " funda mental," as admitted in this communication, yet their opinions being so diverse in regard to church membership, they could hardly have been much " edified," in being obliged to listen to the defense of what they did not believe. It would be not unlike the mingling of the wor ship of the various religious denominations of the present day. While the ministers might have confined themselves to pointS upon which all agreed, they would be in danger of treading, at times, on forbidden ground. It seems there had been some further explanation of their desires, before they received the following : "Hon'' and truly Respected. " We have with all seriousnesse, weighed, prayed over, counselled upon the question that was left to our consideration, and the answer that is with us at present is as followeth. " The question (as we tooke it up) that was left to our consideration, was, Q. Whether we could not consent to have Mr Walker preach in a transient way one part of the Sabbath untill the next Gen" Court.' Ans. We the. Church of x' at Stratford answer negatively, viz : we cannot consent, and that this our answer is not irrational, these few -words further may be seriously weighed. 1st For neither can we hear in a transient way nor Mr Walker so preach, because he is not, (as our Neibours say) a transient man, but hired accom modated anrl settled, and in all respects equally priviledged with Mr Chaun cy, and preaching part of his worke for which hired, therefore if we should ever admit hirn in such a Way, our Neibours might begin to conclude settle ment. 2ly Our Agreement in intention, and as we understand it in termes also for bids our consent, di.scouroes also at the agreement making will help y" Inter pretation so to your understanding. 31y The Court order forbids it: it being in opposition to the present settled 124 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. approved minister, consent also of Neibour Churches not being yet obtained : If it b^ said that Law is Null to us by virtue of the Courts confirmation of our agreement, then what hinders our neibours, but that they may meet by themselves. 41y We reason from our Neibours themselves, who are diiferent in their per suasions, and cannot carry on to satisfaction with us, which (as it hath ap peared many wayes) so by the already withdrawing of some of them from us, propounding to themselves and us different administrations, now how each minister can vindicate his own persuasion, and differend Administra tions be carryed on together, and no disturbance each to other, but peace preserved, we see not. Sly Rule forbids us, which gives a church power to choose her own feeders. Mr Walker was never chosen by us to be our feeder. 61y As to Edification, Vvhich will be much hindred a reason fell from some of your worships, if diff'erent persuasions and different administrations be at tended in one place. 71y We Query whether it can be judged rational or ruleable that a church should consent to silence their settled officer one part of every Sabbath, which we judge we shall doe in consenting to ye motion propouhded. Lastly. Much more we might have added but with this at present we con clude, that we shall not admit any further consideration in this matter, untill our Neibours (whose worke it is and long ago was) have procured the appro bation of the Gen" Court and the consent of Neibour Churches. And we hum bly conceive Mr. Walker cannot account himself silenced, while your worships shall maintain Churches priviledges, untill such time as he have liberty to preach orderly ; and we must needs crave leave to leave this further with your worship, that we rather tremble to thinke that we should deviate from anyruleof X' and our ancient patterns and undervalue our ancient Lawes and Law-makers, then as some tremble to thinke what will be the end of sep aration; nor shall we dare to join where our consciences are persuaded x' would have us separate, having no farther at present we rest. Yours to serve and obey to our power, Stratford, j^^^gj chauncy, "'(l''''')68.' Phillip Gi-aue. In the name and with the consent of the Church of x' at Stratford. The Church's answer to Mr. Gold's proposition or Qu.'' In this answer of Mr. Chauncy to the proposition of Mr. Walker's party, made, as it seems, by Maj. Gold, of another town, for the pur pose of reconciliation, he appears for the moment to have the best of the argument, but Mr. Walker was a man of decided abilities, and rejoms with effect, as will be seen by the following answer. " Beloved Neighbours, " Wee have deliberately and wee hope duely weighed w' you were pleased to present unto us, relating to o' former diff-erences, & agreement and present trans- 1 Bee. 7, 1668. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 125 actions & intentions, in answer whereunto wee doo declare y" wee have been (at y' least) sharers w"" you in y' afhicting senoe of y soe predudiciall incon veniences of former differences; neither are -yvee willing without thankfullness to y Supream dissposer to remind w' agreement his divine providence hath directed us unto, which was (as wee hope) on all hands designed to bee a totall abolition of those uncomfortable contentions y'had bin too long amongst us, and a provision for each part, to injoy their own persuasion without mutuall dis turbance. But whereas you are pleased further to adde y' it was y" conclusion of y" generallitye of yourselves y' a seperate meeting was intended by all, and y' as a necessary meanes to o' mutuall and undisturbed injoyment of y' ordi nances of God according to o"^ different persuasions, and thereuppon y' you have an incessant admiratiori at o"^ motion concerning meeting together, as be ing disscrepant from y expectations, & also (as you judge) predudiciall td C^ own edification. To y' wee answer y' wee have much more cause of admi ration, yt you should soe far forgett yourselves as to disown y' which hath bin soe plainely and fully concluded amongst us at least as wee have alwayes un derstood it : viz : y' motion of o'^ joynt meeting, which wee doe affirm had' your selves (if not for its first parents yet at least) for its most careful nurses, being (if not first started) yet at least strongly urged by yourselves, before it was con sented to by some of us, soe much wee hope may be a sufficient reply to your preface. As for w' you are farther pleased in sundry perticulers to declare unto us in your writing, wee further answer. First, as to your first perticular where in you are pleased to intimate your desire not to deviate in the least from y° true sence of o'' former agreement; wee say no more but this, y' wee are as reall in these desires as yourselves can bee. " As to y° second wherein you affirm y' in your agreement you had still an eye at meeting in distinct places wee have in part answered it already, wee shall onely adde this y''if your intentions were different from your expressions y blame of any mistake thereby occassioned is yours, and hot ours, on y° other hand if at o' former agreement your expressions and intentions were agreed, wee cannott but declare ourselves much dissatisfyed with your present assertion having soe little affinity with truth according to our understanding of our agreement. And fo' your third perticular which is an expression of your re spect to Mr. Walker, wee onely say this, y' it will hardly bee thought by indif ferent judges, y' hee truly respects any minister as such, y' is unwilling to hear him preach. " As for your 4''', viz : your professed ignorance hpw too (though Godly) es pecially, ministers can walk together except they are agreed ; wee answer y' if by walking together you understand meeting or sitting together in y* same house dr seat ; (which is our present question) and if by agreement you intend thier conjunction in affection, wee hope thier neither is, nor will bee in y' persons intended in y' your proposition any such mutuall dissaffection as may prejudice such an accomplishment of our desires. If by agreement you intend y" concur rent apprehensions of y' partys intended in all matters controversall, and then • conclude y' persons in y' sence not agreed, cannott sitt or meet together wee doe declare y* wee cannott understand y' reason of any such conclusion, being mindefuU of y' exhortation once given to Christians, (y' know but in part ; & y' not in like measure but as God was pleased to distribute severally to each of 126 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. thein according to his own will) y' they should not forsake y" assembling of themselves together. "5th. As to your S"" wherein you acquaint us with y' senoe of an obligation uppon you obleiging you to attend y' order and dispensation of y' worship of God formerlye practised and attended in this and other Churches, & that there fore you can doe nothing against the truth, but for the -truth. Wee answer y' it is far from us to desire to disturb y' your order or hinder your most religious respect to any such obligation, as (in reason) you can intend, much less doe Wee desire y' you should doe anything against the truth, but for the truth & y' (if God may incline your hearts) more y" hitherto you have done ; wee know nothing in our propositions or actions, y' hath any look or tendency to your prejudice in such respects ; but by the way wee think it but rationall to desire y' wee may with like freedome from disturbance (at least in respect of you) an swer these obligations of conscience y' are alike upon ourselves. "6. As for the sixth, if ye comeings in and' goings forth of the Sanctuary in Ezek. 44, 5, intend as yourselves expound, not ye improvement of y place of worship, but eccleslasticall -ddministrations y' attended wee cannott see y' this hath the least show of an argument : against w' wee desire ; w' is there in this y' can intimate any unsutableness or inconveniency in meeting in ye same place uppon a joynt agreement, soe to doe (as yourselves propound itt) seeing y' yourselves say y' ye place alleadged speakes not of the place, but of the form of worship. , " 7. As to y' 7"' perticular, viz : y' you desire to retayn and maintayn these dispensations, you have soe derely bought, and soe long injoyed without inter ruption, wee say y' wee desire not y' prejudice herein, but withall wee adde y' wee also desire to attayne those gosspell priviledges, y' many of us have as derely bought and hitherto longed to injoy without opposition. As for your inquiry in ye words of Jeptha, should wee not possesse what the Lord our God hath given us to possess ? we answer y' wee neither desire to hinder you, nor ate wee willing in ye like respects to bee hindred by you, to which wee may adde almost in your own words y' should wee therefore consent to, or bee in strumental! in, ye parting with such gospell priviledges out of our hands, wee feare it would bee a great dishonor and provocation to ye holy one of Israeli ; seeing y' for ye peaceable injoyment of ye truth y' wee have professed & doe profess, and desire to practice ; some of us amongst many others whether of ye same or different persuasions, have adventured upon as great hardships, dangers & difficultyeS as any or most in these parts, whose adventures and en deavours in such respects have hitherto been more successfull than ours. " Lastly, you declare that there are many difficultyes in y* way forbidding your consent, unto our motion, to which wee say that wee know not any difficul ty attending you y' will justifye your diverting from your rationall agreement ; a righteous man ingageth sometimes to his hurt ; yet changeth not but your case is easier then soe And whereas you adde y< for us to force the attendance of our motion will (as you feare) bee a meanes to widen our difference, wee doe de clare y' we are assured & y' (as wee are persuaded) uppon far better grounds, y' for you to oppose ye attendance of our motion (being no other but ye accom plishment of our ancient agreement) will evidence to all indifferent judges y you were never reall in y' agreement ; and whereas fo' a conclusion you say HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 127 y'ye prosecution of our motion will (as you judge) bee accounted no lessy" op position and disturbance, we answer y' wee cannott see how either yourselves, or others y'are wise, uppon a serious perusal of ye former agreement, can soe judge, and for ye censures of those y' will judge a matter before they understand it ; we see as little reason to vallew y"". This (as we esteem) may suffice, for an answer to what you were pleased to present to our consideration. To which we shall farther adde this y' there being nothing therein by you proposed of aiiy vallidity to dissuade us from proceeding according to our formerly declared intention we doe purpose and resolve y" next Sabbath, (God willing) to begin with the execution of y sd intention viz : to hear our own minister viz. (Mr Walker) one part of day, and y< in y' place ordinarily used for such purposes and doe therefore desire y' wee may bee without disturbance in soe doeing, and for y' part of ye day you may please to intimate which you choose for your own performances and we shall take the other, (if not we doe purpose to take the latter part of the day.) No more at y' present but to desire the God of peace to guide both us, and you to what may bee for our mutuall peace and comfort. " Strattford y. 13th November 1668. " An answer to Mr Chancy's particulars The Second." By this answer it seems that Mr. Walker's party was becoming somewhat incensed at the disposition shown by the other party. A question of veracity is raised between them, and we begin to see how really good men, as the individuals composing both these parties undoubtedly were, may forget themselves, and do things unworthy of their position and character. Some of the men of these two parties were among the leading men in the Colony, and none were more frequently appointed by the General Court to act on committees for composing similar differences elsewhere, than they. At the close of the communication, it will be seen that they gave notice of their intention of occupying their joint property, the meeting-house, on the next Sabbath. This design was not carried into execution, but the matter was compromised by allowing Mr. Walker two hours in which to hold his services in the meeting-house on the Sabbath, in the mid dle of the day, between the two services of Mr. Chauncy, till the meeting of the General Court in May, 1669. In May, 1669, both parties petitioned the General Court, and Mr. Walker's party were directed to furnish a bill of particulars, or list of their demands. In compliance with this order we find the fol lowing : " This honoured! court having required us to bring in the grounds of our desires in writing respecting our joint improvement of our meeting-house y' is to hear our own minister one part of each Sabbath as well as Mr Chancy the 128 'HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. other part : we humbly request that the following particulars may be duely considered : — 1. That our agreement among ourselves did lead us to y" expectation of such an order in our proceeding. 2. That such our agreement being presented to y" honoured Gen: Court, did receive y' approbation, & confirmation & wee y granted & allowed to pro cure a minister upon such an account, which our agreement as the ground of such proceedings in y' court hath been proved by testimony given in upon oath before y" honoured generall court. 3. That we have at least an equall interest in y' publick meeting house, with our present opposities & desire no other improvement of it than what religion, & law alloweth us.' 4. That our above said agreement having been allowed, & our desires therein granted by y" highest authority in this colony, we shall not be so ungrateful! to authority as to relinquish y said grant, — but do humbly conceive we may improve it as our own, and do request your countenance and protection therein. JOSEPH JUDSON, in y"name of the rest concerned with him. " Hartford May 18, 1669." By this it appears that their principal difficulty continued to be in regard to the manner in which they should " enjoy the meeting house.'' Without reflecting upon the matter, one might say that the simplest way of arranging the difficulty would have been to have buUt another church. But it is to be borne in mind, that the country was new, and the inhabitants poor. It was a great undertaking to erect a suitable building, and heavy taxes for years were necessary to be laid to complete it. The petition of the first church, which follows, is indefinite, simply asking the General Court to take the case into consideration, and do something : " Td the Hon'' Gen" Court assembled at Hartford May 14, 1669. " The petition of the church of Christ at Stratford with many of the inhabit ants, humbly sheweth. That uncomfortable differences have too long bin, and yet remain amongst us in Stratford, to our no small affliction, and to the greife of many of our freinds, and that many of your Worships have bin ac quainted with, and some of you (which we cannot but thankfully acknowledge) with great seriousnesse have travelled in, to your no small trouble ; and seeing differences still remain notwithstanding some essayes for redresse, we cannot but account it our duty to be humbly and solicitously urgent with this Hon'' court at this time, that you will please to looke upon our condition and see our state and be pleased to hear us with patience, for to whom should we come but to your Worships, as suchmnder Christ appointed for that end by him to releive the oppressed, and such we take ourselves to bee, and therefore again beseech you to hear and take our matters into your judicious consideration, and doe HISTO.RY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY.* 129 something for our settlement, ancT you will thereby (we hope) give us occasion to glorify God in you, and shall not cease to pray that the wonderful oounsellour may be still with you, and the spirit of counsel upon you in the great and weighty affaires that are under your hands, and that you may be repairers of the breach, and restorers of paths to dwell in. " Stratford 7th (3'') 69. Your unworthy Petitioners Israel Chauncey John Curtis *^ Phillip Graue John Birdseye Sen' ^-'Richard Boothe John Peatte Sen' .'William Curtis Adam Hurd Joseph ^lawley Henry Tomlinson "^ • .-Isaack NiccoUs John Peaooke 5* -John Brinsmead Sen' Joseph Beardsly Moses Wheeler Nathaniel Porter Thomas Kymberlye Thomas Fayreohild Jun ¦Francis Hill Samuell Beardsly John Willcockson Benjamin Beach •-John Piokitt Sen' Stephen Berritt John Beach Tho. Berritt John Hurd Ju" John Brinsmead Jun' '**'"^ Ja,mPS Blakman Jonas Tomlinson ¦"tfeliiell Preston ^ Daniell Beardsly Timothy Wilcockson Daniell Brendsmed C!^ James Clarke John Pickitt Jun' John Fuller James Pickitt v Benjamin Peat Eliasaph Preston ^ Jabez Hargar John Birdseye Jun' l»^Israel Curtis John Bostick John Peat Jun' " Mr Chancy and the Church of Stratford's petition May 14, 69." The Court took the case into consideration, as desired, confirmed their choice of Mr. Chauncy, advised both parties to choose " some indifferent persons of piety and learning to compose their differences," and gave Mr. Walker liberty to occupy the church three hours each Sabbath, in the middle of the day, between Mr. Chauncy's two ser vices, till the October session. Previous to this session, several attempts were made by the parties to carry out the advice of the - Court to submit their differences to arbitration, and several extended and learned communications passed between them. They however resulted in no definite action, as they could not agree upon the points to.,be submitted to the arbitrators. At the October session the matter was again before the Court, which passed a resolution advising the first church to comply with the desire of Mr. Walker's party, to have union services, allowing 130 " HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Mr. Walker to preach one part of each Sabbath. Some communi cations passed between the parties in relation to this advice, but the first church, instead of granting them this privilege, which they had so long sought, excluded them from the house entirely. After suffering this indignity, they only addressed a letter to the first church, complaining of the injustice done them, and proposed to divide the town into two parts, that they might go and live by them selves, and have no more dissension. They further inform them that they shall ask the same of the General Court : " To the Elders of the church of Stratford with any otliers of our neighbours joyning with you. ' " Beloved neighbours, if the true intent of most solemn covenants and ingag- ments made betwixt you and us in the presence of him who must shortly be our judge and entered on, (at least on your part) with many serious pro testations as we then esteemed you might have been accounted any obligation unto consciense and acordingly have been atended in practise we had not beene such causless sufferers, as now we are ; nor had we had such an ocasion of making propositions to yourselves, or had our sufferings beene such as had terminated in ourselves, had not the house of God and religion suffered as well as we ; we might have excused ourselves in a silent sufering [An erasure] of our present injuries, but our case being as it is and that by your meanes we are nesesiated to present you with the following propositions i I. The first, and that which we chiefly desire is : that you would so far be- thinke yourselves what injury you have done unto us in excluding us from the place of publick worship wherein you know our right to be as good as yours, and how unwillingly yourselves would have beene to be so dealt with as to suffer us without any molestation or disturbance to return to the injoy ment of that our right in the meeting house therein to have the improvement of our minister one part of each Sabbath 2. Or Secondly, if you still wished to oppose and resist so rationall and just a proposition as this we then propose that for prevention of the continu ance of seperate meetings in Stratford you would either allow to us that part of Stratford land contayned in the following limits : viz : from the place where the river 'commonly caled the saw mill River falls into the great river, to the head of the westermost branch of the said river and straight from thence to the head of Stratford bounds, and soe all that land that is in Stratford bounds betwixt that line and the great river that then we may setle ourselves in a distinct village or Township or else that with the like allow ance from us you will remove thither for (he same end : that so by the removall of one party, there may at length be a cessation of those so long lasting troubles that have been amongst us. 3. Thirdly, that whether you or we shall so injoy the said land as above sayd, that both parties joyntly shalle be at the charge of clearing it from any other clayme, that may be made onto it. These propositions we desire you seri ously to consider and seasonably to answer withall informing you that we HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 131 intend to present something to the same purpose to the Generall court: now approaching, no more at present but to remayn. " Stratford September 29: 1670. Your loving neibours Joseph Judson, , John Minor, In the name of the rest." According to the' notice here given they did apply to the General Court at its session in October, making the same proposal, and a com mittee consisting of Captain Nathan Gold, Mr. James Bishop, Mr. Thomas Fitch, and Mr. John Holly, was appointed "To viewe the said lands desired, and to meet some time in November next to consider of the afoarsayd motion, and to labour to worke a complyance be tween those two parties in Stratford ; and if their endeauoures proue unsuc- cessful'then they are desired and ordered to make returne to the Court in May next wbat they judg expedient to be attended in the case.'' Nothing was effected by this committee, nor did they even report to the General Court, as directed. There is no record of any other action in the matter, on the part of the authorities of the colony, till May, 1672, when, as we have seen, on the advice of Gov. Winthrop, Mr. Walker and his church were allowed to found a new town at Pomperaug. For two years after Mr. Walker was called to preach to the disSent- ing party in Stratford, he had done so without ordination. Amid the other difficulties under which they labored, they had found no oppor tunity to accomplish this desirable point. But now, being taunted by the first church on account of their disorganized state, being excluded the meeting-house, and there being no longer any hope of arrange ment with the other party, they took the necessary steps, to " embody in church estate." But the following account of the event, by Mr. Walker himself, in his /quaint and beautiful style, more eloquently teUs the story than any language the author can frame. " May, 1670. " A record of ye proceedings, & affaires of ye 2'' chh at Stratford, from its first '•After great indeavours for an union w"* y* former chh, & much patience therein, w" long experience had too plainly evidenced y irremoveable resolu tion, to oppose an union Wih us, though nothing had appeared of any such g);eat distance in o' apprehensions, as might be incoiisistent y'with : All hopes of success in such indeavours being at length taken away, we thought ourselves bound to seek after ye injoynt of ye ordinances of God in a distinct society, find ing ye door shut agst o, attaining it any other way : we did y'fore first more 132 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. privately, (by reason of ye great opposition w'Wth we were attended) set apart a day of solemn humiliation, w'in to seek unto God for guidance, & assistance, & (a considerable part y'of being spent in prayer, & preaching) in y* close of y* day we did publickly read over ye confession of faith extracted out of ye scriptures by ye assembly of divines at Westminster, Woh being publickly owned, & professedly assented unto by us, we did enter into a solemn cove nant y'by giving up o'selves, & ours unto ye lord, & ingaging o'selves one to another to walk together in chh society in attending ye ordinances, & institu tions of cht. Afterwards 0' way being more cleared we made o' application unto neighbouring churches for y' approbation of o' chh standing (ye consent of ye court being sufficiently implied in y' confirmation of ye ancient agreement betwixt party, & party in Stratford, & by other acts of y's relating to us.) And having attained ye approbation of ye chhes of Fairfield, Killingworth, & ye new chh at Windsor, we did solemnly renew o' said covenant the first of May, 1670. The covenant thus entered into by us, & renewed as is aboves^ was as followeth. " The Covenant. " We whose names are hereunto subscribed, being (by ye all-disposing prov idence of God, who determines ye bounds of mens habitations) cast into cohab itation on w''' another, and being sensible of o' duty unto God, & one to anoth er, & of 0' liableness to be forgetfull, & neglective of ye one, & y° other, do hereby (for ye further incitentof orselves unto duty in either respect) solemnly give up o'selves & ours unto ye lord, engaging o'selves by his assisting grace to walk before him, in ye religious observance of his revealed will, as far as it is or shall bee made known unto .us. We do also in ye presence of God solemnly ingage o'selves each to other, to walk together in church-society accordiiig to ye rules of ye gospell, jointly attending all ye holy ordinances of God, as far as , it shall please him to make way thereunto, and give opportunity y'of: and walking on w"" another in brotherly love, & chtian watchfullness for o' mutual edification, & furtherance in ye way to salvation. And jointly submitting o'selves, & ours to y^ goverment of cht in his church, in ye hand of such church governours, or officers as shall be set over us according to gospell institution. The good lord make us faithfuU in covenant with him & one w'h another, to walk as becomes a people near unto himself, accept of o' offering up of o'selves, & ours unto him, & establish both us and y'" to be a people unto himself in his abundant mercy through cht Jesus, who is o' only mediate' in whom alone we expect acceptance, justification and salvation : to him be glory & praise through all ages. Amen. " The names of ye persons y' subscribed this covenant, & again publickly owned it. May S"", viz : ye day of my ordination, were as followeth. Zechariah Walker, Hope Washborn, Samuel Sherman, sen', Hugh Griffin, Joseph Judson, sen', J^phraim, Stiles. John Hurd, sen', John Thompson, jun', Nicholas Knell, Theophilus Sherma, Robert Clark, Matthew Sherman, John Minor, John Judson, .Samuel Sherman, jun', Samuel Mils, John Wheeler, , PenjamisuStttgl.^ Samuel Stilesj^, Edmond Sherraond. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 133 " Persons since added. John Skeeles, Richard Butler, Israel Curtiss, Robert Lane, Thomas ffairechilde, Moses Johnson. Richard Harvy, " On ye 5"" of May, 1670, I was ordained pasto' of ye 2'' chh: at Stratford. The ministers present were m' Wakeman, m' Haines, m' John Woodbridge, m' Benjamin Woodbridge. m' John Woodbridge, was ye leading person m' Benjamin Woodbridge was assistant in ye work of ordination." Thus it is seen, that at the ordination of Mr. Walker, his church consisted of twenty male members. This number was as large as that of the other churches, at their organization, up to this date, with the exception of those in four or five of the larger towns. Seven more were added a fdw days after, and four males and six females were also added previous to the removal to Woodbury, in 1672. More than one-third of these were members by the half-way cove nant system, yet it is seen, that they subscripted and publicly owned the same covenant, as those in full communion. This practice went on, and this identical covenant was owned, during the ministry of Mr. Walker, and that of the Rev. Mr. Stoddard, the second minister, till the ordination of Rev. Noah Benedict, the third minister, in 1760, ninety years from the first gathering of the church, when it was abolished. In 1672, by permission of the General Court, the second church of Stratford made preparations for removing to Pomperaug, and early the next year a majority of its members emigrated thither. Mr. Walker ministered to his church in both places till June 27th, 1678, when he took up his abode permanently in Woodbury.' The settlers had now become so numerous that it ^v&s no longer problem- 1 A story has been related respecting the occasion of Mr. Walker's removing -with his party to Woodbury, in substance, as follows : "At the period of the first settlement of Woodbury, there were t-wo licentiates preaching at Stratford, Mr. Walker and Mr. Eeed. As there was some controversy who should leave and go with the Woodbury settlers, the two licentiates 'were re quested to deliver a discourse on the day -when it was to be decided, Mr. Walker in the forenoon, and Mr. Eeed in the afternoon. Mr. Waljcer took for his text, " What went ye out into the wilderness for to see, a r-eed shaken -with the wmd?" He enlarged upon the circumstance and propriety of a reed-bemg found in the -wilderness, &c. Mr. Beed, in the afternoon, took for his text, "Your adversary, the de-ril, walketh about," &c.. In the course of his observations, he stated that the great adversary of men was a great walker, and instead of remaining with the brethren, ought to be kept waMng at a distance from them." _This certainly is an amusing story, but It lacks one mgredient to make it entirely satisfactory, and that is UiA. It is not historically correct. Mr. Israel Chauncy was 134 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. atical that the settlement would be permanent. After the troubles in Stratford were settled by colonizing the new town, and the angry feelings that had been aroused had subsided, both Mr. Chauncy, who was an able and learned man, and Mr. Walker, became sensible- that their conduct , toward each other, during the long controversy, had not, at all times, been brotherly, and, after some time, made conces sions to each other, became perfectly reconciled, and conducted them selves toward each other with commendable affection. The two churches were also on the most friendly terms, and Mr. Chauncy, in 1702, after the death of Mr. Walker, assisted at the ordination of Mr. Stoddard, his successor in the ministry. The personal history of Mr. Walker, which has reached us, is very brief He was the son of Robert Walker, of Boston, where he was born in 1637. He was educated at Harvard College, but did not graduate. He preached as licentiate at Jamaica, Long Island, from 1663 to 1668, when lie removed to Stratford, and preached in the same capacity to the members of the second church in Stratford, till its regular organization, and his own installation over it as pastor. May 5, 1670. After the troubles growing out of King Philip's war were ended, he removed with his family to Woodbury, and there spent the remainder of his days, which terminated on the 20th day of January, 1699-1700,' in the sixty-third year of his age. He was a man of solid attainments, as indeed he must be, to pass the rigid examination given him and other candidates for the minis try in those days. They were examined not only in the "three learned languages," Latin, Greek and Hebrew, but in respect to doc trinal points of theology, cases of conscience, and their ability to de fend the tenets of Christianity against infidels and gainsayers, as weU as their own experimental knowledge of religion. He was a pungent and powerful preacher, greatly beloved by the people of his charge. He conducted the affairs of his church with comniendable discretion, and both it and the infant town flourished during his administration. settled over the first church in Stratford, in 1665, and remained there till his death in 1703, more than thirty-seven yea»s after the settlement of Mr. Walker over the second church. No person of the name of Reed ever preached, or offered to preach, at Strat ford, before the settlement of Woodbury. Eev. Peter Bulkley -was solicited to preach by the dissentmg party before Mr. Walker -was engaged, but did not do so. The set tlement of Woodbury became necessary in consequence of the disagreement of the parties of Messrs. Chauncy and Walker. The first mention of this tradition is made in Barber's Hist. Coll. of Conn., and it is suspected that a certain facetious friend of the author, residing in WoQdbury, should have the honor of its paternity. 1 This da e, according to new style, is Jan. 31, 1700. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 135 The number of persons admitted to membership in his church during his ministry was one hundred and eight, a part of whom had been re ceived on the half-way covenant plan in the first instance, but nearly all the living members at his death were such in full communion. Three hundred and seventy-six persons, infant and adult, were by him baptized. Dea. John Minor and Dea. Samuel Miles were ap pointed deacons at the organization of the church, and two others were subsequently chosen, on the death or resignation of the former, viz., Matthew Sherman, in 1682, and John Sherman, in 1685. Thus the infant church had secured a firm foundation, notwithstanding all the trials and hardships that beset its earlier years. After a life of usefulness, the revered Walker, " y'= faithfuU, wor thy, beloved Minister of the Gospell, and much lamented Pastor of y'' Chh of Christ," " was gathered to his fathers," and his remains repose in the southern part of the ancient burying-ground. He lies amid the faithful flock to whom he ininistered in life. A rude head stone of native rock, containing only his name, and the date of his death, so worn and obliterated by the storms of more than a century and a half, that the name can scarcely be deciphered, is all that re mains to mark the place of sepulture of this " early father." ,It might seem strange to the casual visitor within our limits, that the town he so much improved and benefited by his labors, and honored by his public and private virtues, had not long since erected a fitting monu ment to the memory of its earliest and most faithful servant. It is to be hoped, that the time is not far distant, when this debt of gratitude shall have been paid. After Mr. Walker's death, the church was for a time without a pastor ; but the Rev. Anthony Stoddard, having become a licentiate in 1700, was engaged to supply the pulpit in this place. Being pleased with his labors, the church and town soon took the necessary steps toward his settlement in the ministry over them. Accordingly we find the following action on record : " At a lawfull Towns-meeting y" 13''' of August 1700 in ord' to y" settling of y" Reverend m' Anthony Stoddard amongst us, iny work of y' ministry. And for his encouragem' so to do ; " It was Voted and agreed to allow him, as Mayntenance in y' Work of y° Ministry, seventy pounds per Annu, in provision pay, or to his Satisfaction, in Case of faylnre of provision pay. By provision pay, is intended, wheat, pease, Indian Corn & pork, proportionally : as also fire wood : " (Wee do also promise, to build him an house here in Woodberry of known Demensions ; y' is to say, the Carpenters work & Masons work ; hee providing 136 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. nayles and glass; by building y' s"" house is intended, doors, floures, filling up and playstering and pa'titions, finishing it as also a well. " (We do also promise to accommodate w"' a five and twenty Acre Accom modations Round y' is to say five & twenty Acres of home lott & homelott division, five & twenty acres of Meadow or lowland; five & twenty Acres of good hill Division, five and twenty of Woods Division. Twelve Acres and an halfe of pasture Division; Foure Acres and an halfe of white-oak-plaine divis ion so Called : And all as Conveniently as may bee : 'Vppon such Conditions as shall be hereafter Contracted for and agreed to between him and us, and all other future divisions, successively w'"" other five and twenty Acre Accommo dations. " The Conditions of this engagement are; That in Case hee y' s'' m' Stod dard, accepts of these o' proposalls and engages to live and Continue w"' us in y Work of y Ministry six years after y' Date hereof; Then w' is promised as to house and Lands to bee a firm grant to him his Heires and Assigns forever to all intents & purposes w'soever, in Case of a Removall from us y" building and lands to return to us againe, to y Town againe. we say a Removall w"'in y" s'' Tearra. Death is noways intended by y s'' Removall, neither y' Towns enforcing him to a removall : In w"'' Covenant it is agreed on, y' in Case of a Removall : w'ever y s'' house or Accommodations, shall bee really bettered by y" sii m' Stoddards own expence or improvem' y' Town shall pay him for that : " Since w"'' time at a Lawfull Towns-meeting y 25"' of Novemb' 1700 It was Voated and agreed y' y aboves'' speoices for ra' Stoddard's yearly mayn tenance bee levyed at y^ prices following: wheat at 4=6'' p'Bush; pork at 3" p' lb : Indian Corn 2" 6'' pr Bush : pease three shillings p' Bush" : And these prices fo' this yeare y' Town will not vary from for ye future Exterordi nary providences interposing being Exceapted ; " Recorded from ye originalls p' Jo" Minor Recorder, March 1700-1701."! By this it will be perceived that the town not only voted him a salary, but also a settlement in land. They granted him the largest quantity of land allowed to any person, thus making him at once as rich as the most opulent farmer. His salary was to be paid entirely in provisions, a fact which again brings to our notice the almost entire want of a cuiTcncy at this time. The contract of the town was carried into effect with all possible dispatch, and the house, still in existence, the oldest in the county, a cut of which appears on the opposite page, was the result. It is buUt in the old lean-to style. In front is the portico, on the second floor of which was the parson's study, where he prepared his sermons for the long period of fifty- eight years. On the first floor of this projection, the probate courts for the district of Woodbury were held for more than forty years. It is located in the midst of this beautiful valley, with the hoary IW. T. E.,voL2,p. 24. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 137 Castle Rock for a background. It is a venerable relic of the early days of the town — one of the few links connecting us with a former generation. It is a thing of history in a historical locality. Long may it remain to remind us of the virtues of the departed, and all that is valuable in the past ! Mr. Stoddard did not preach in Woodbury all the time during the two years succeeding Mr. Walker's death. The pulpit was supplied a part of the time by others, among whom was Rev. Mr. Shove, of Danbury. No entries of any kind for these two years appear on the church records,, except the following in Mr. Stoddard's hand writing : " 99, 1700, 1, 2: In ye Vacancy of a Pastor." In May, 1702, he was admitted to full communion with the church, a measure then considered necessary, and ordained pastor soon after, as he informs us by the following entry on the records : " On May 27, 1702, I Was ordained Pastor of ye Ch'' of Woodbury. The ministers acting in y' affair were Mr. Chauncey, of Stratford, Mr. Webb, Mr. Janes, Mr. Charles Chauncey." The church was thus again supplied' with an ordained minister, and one, who, fortunately, was to remain long with his people. Un der the contract with him, which was a very liberal one for those days, rates were each year laid upon aU the property in the territory, that the laborer might receive his " wages," the town taking receipts for the same, as appears by the following : " These may certifie w'° it may concern y' I ye subscriber have received to satisfaction all former Rates granted as annual saleryes to this day & have nothing to demand of ye town as a town on those accounts. Witness my hand ye 14"' day of December, 1719. , The ministry of Mr. Stoddard was remarkable for its duration and the peace and prosperity which attended it. From the date of his first sermon as a candidate, to that of his last, immediately prece ding the brief illness that terminated his useful labors, he numbered sixty years in his holy calling. During all this time, the church was in a highly prosperous condition, notwithstanding the low state of the other churches m New England. There were but two years during the whole length of his ministry, in which there were hot more or less 10 138 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. admissions to the church. Great peace and harmony ever prevailed iinder his administrations, amid the intense excitement which occa sionally existed, in relation to various matters, among the ministers and people of other churches in the colony. The number of commu nicants was always large, notwithstanding four important societies were taken from his limits during his ministry. These were South bury, in 1730, Bethlehem,' in 1739, Judea, in 1741, and Roxbury, in 1743, and they have since become towns. The good work seemed constantly to glow under his hands, with a steadiness rarely equaled. But there were several seasons of revi val, when a special interest in religious matters engaged the attention and affections of his people. During the years 1726 and 1727, being the year preceding, and the year of the " Great Sickness," there was a special awakening. Forty-one were received to fuU communion in the former year, and thirty-four in the latter. For seven years pre ceding 1740, the beginning of the " Great Awakening" in all New England, a good deal of religious interest prevailed, and ninety-seven were added to the church. With the rest of the colony it also parti cipated in the " great revival," and nineteen were received in full communion in 1740, forty-five in 1741, and forty in 1742, making two hundred and one additions to the church in ten years. The whole number admitted to full communion during his ministry was four hundred and seventy-four, and one hundred and forty-two were admitted by the half-way covenant system. The most of these, dur- mg or after his ministry, were admitted to full communion. The number of persons baptized by him was fifteen hundred and forty. Five deacons were appointed during this period, — Zechariah Walker, son of the first minister, date not noted, Samuel Sherman in 1736, Samuel Minor in 1741, Jehu Minor in 1751, and Daniel Sherman in 1756. The latter remained in this office thirty-seven years. Truly the labors of this " father in Israel" were highly blessed in in- ducmg numbers to walk in the " paths of peace and the ways of pleasantness." On the 24th of April, 1744, the ancient society, now called the first society, four others having been formed out of its original limits, voted to build a church, and in May following, petitioned the General Assembly to appoint a « wise and faithful committee," to determine 1 The name of the ecclesiastical society is Bethlehem. It was intended to have the town of the same name, but by an error of the transcriber of the charter, the name of the town was spelled Bethlem. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 139 its location. On the 26th of September, 1744, the committee exam ined the various locations, and reported at the October session of the Assembly, that they had located the house " On Broad street, 40 rods North of the old house, on the hill, at the head of a street riihning Westward." The report was approved, the location established, and the building went forward. In May, 1745, the society's clerk reports that two rates had been laid to build the same, and the timber was procured ; in May, 1746, that it was ready to raise, and the materials for finish ing' it obtained ; and in October, 1747, that it was covered. The latter report, by the clerk. Col. Joseph Minor, is brief, to the point, and slightly grandiloquent, as wiU be seen : , " To the HonWe Assembly at New Haven, Octob', 1747. " These may Inform your Hon's that the Prime Society in Woodbury Have set up a Meeting House in the place where the Court's Com'ee set the stake. Have Covered & Inclosed it, & for its Bigness, Strength & Architecture it Does appear TEAUscENnANTLY Maqnifioent ! J^Qu^^-^-Zl. ^Vlfianr society's Clerk. U V * ' Woodbury, October, 1747.'" This house was located in the street, a little south of the hotel of Mr. John P. Marshall. This was the second church edifice in the first society, was dedicated immediately after the date above, and con tinued the place for public worship till the dedication of the present church, January 13th, 1819, a period of seventy-two years. The first church had been used as' such for more than seventy-five years before the dedication of the second, and afterward as a town hall, till after the close of the Revolutionary War, and was pulled down, after it had attained the age of more than one hundred years. A word respecting the. chronology of this work may as well be in troduced here as elsewhere. It is well known that in September, 1752, a change in dates occurs, occasioned by a correction of the style. In Hempstead's Diary, we find the following remark, next after September 2d : " Sept. 1<(, 1752. — Fair: — and such a day as we never had before ! By act of Parliament to bring Old Style into New Style, eleven days is taken out of this month at this place, and then the time to go on as heretofore." In this -work, all dates of the month previous to the 14th of Sep tember, 1752, are old style, and all after are new style. The year. 1 Ecclesiastical, vol. 7, index 28. 140 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. however, between the 1st of January and the 25th of March, (before the adoption of new style,) is uniformly treated, where a double date is not given, as new style. As a brief explanation of the cause of the difference of style, we give the following, When the computa tion by the Christian era was introduced, the commencement of the year wa^ fixed on the day of the annunciation, or incarnation of Christ, which event (the nativity being fixed December 25th) was placed on the 25th of March. This continued the commencement of the year in England and her dominions, till the alteration of style in 1752, when by the act of Parliament, above referred to, it was enacted that eleven days should be struck out of the month of September, that the 3d should be dated the 14th, that one day should be added to the month of February every fourth year, to conform their chro nology to that of the other nations of Europe, (which had introduced a similar alteration previously in order to correct the error arising from the precession of the equinoxes ;) and that the year should commence with the 1st of January instead of the 25th of March. Before that time, to preserve a correspondency of dates with those of other nations, it had been usual to give a double date from the 1st of January to the 25th of March ; thus February 12th, 1721, was written "ffebruary y« 12"', 17|i." The omission of the lower number would cause an error of a year.' After a life of arduous and successful labor, the second pastor, at a good old age, came down to the grave like a " shock of corn fully ripe for the harvest." He died September 6th, 1760, in the eighty-third year of his age, and the sixty-first of his ministry, after a severe ill ness of " about two days' continuance." We have contemplated him hitherto only as a minister of the gospek But his labors ended not here. He was at the same time, minister, lawyer and physician. Like many of the early ministers of the colony, he prepared himself for the practice of physic, that he might administer to the wants of the body, as well as those of the mind. In this capacity he was often called. The only person the author has found who ever saw him, was Dea. Amos Squke, of Roxbury, who died two or three years ago, aged nmety-nine, and who recollected having seen him when a lad about eight years of age, while on a visit in this capacity to his father, who had received a severe wound from an ax. He had also done what other ministers did not, and that was to perfect himself in V 1 Lambert's Hist, of New Haven. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 141 legal knowledge. This was the more necessary, as at the beginning of the eighteenth century there were few lawyers in the colony, and as late as 1730, an act was passed limiting the number of lawyers that might practice to three in Hartford county, and two in each of the other coimties. He was clerk of probate for the district of Woodbury, then com prising many towns, for a period of forty years. In this capacity he drew most of the wills for his parishioners, and did nearly all the business of the office, the judge, for the time being, approving his acts. All the records of the court during the time he was clerk, ap pear in his handwriting. He was also one of the largest farmers in the town, the inventory of his estate at his decease, amounting to £900, besides his books and wearing apparel. But, as we have seen, amid all his varied and onerous duties^ he neglected not the spiritual wants of his parish. He was in "¦ deed and in truth" a father to them, and by them greatly beloved. He lived and died enshrined in the hearts of his people. He was the son of Rev. Solomon Stoddard, of Northampton, Mass., where he was born August 9th, 1678. He was educated at Har vard College, and graduated in 1697. He studied theology with his father in his native town, and with some of the able divines of Bos ton, and, when fully prepared for his high caUing, retired to. this " dwelling-place of the wood," to spend his days in his Master's ser vice. He was an able, earnest and experimental preacher. His in tellect and acquirements were of a high order. As proof of this, he was appointed to preach the " election sermon," at the May session of the General Court, in 1716, an appointment bestowed on the more prominent ministers only of the colony. The following action was taken in the premises : " Richard Christophers and Peter Burr, Esqrs, are appointed a Com'ee of this House to Joyn with a Comtee of the Lovver House and Return the Thanks of this Assembly to the Rev""' Mr. Anthony Stoddard for his sermon preached Yesterday on Occasion of the Election, and desire a Copy of it for the press. " Hartf : May IV, 1716. " Past in the Upper House, ' " Test. Hez: Wyllys, Sec'y." The lower house joined, and the resolution went into effect. The aged pastor was buried in the central part of the old burial- ground, and there reposes, surrounded by a numerous congregation, slumbering in death, to whom in life he had ministered, and very many of whom he had himself, while 4iving, followed to the grave. 142 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. As in life he was ever united to his people, so in death they are not divided. There let them rest together till the last " great trump" shall call them to a bright reunion around the throne of God. At this stand-point in the religious history of our town, ninety years having passed away, it is worth while to take a glance of retro spection at the trials and difficulties that met the early fathers in the church. Many of them had good estates, and a comfortable position on the other side of the ocean, before coming to this wilderness land. But they came for " conscience' sake," and it was their design, in founding the several towns, to erect churches in strict accordance with Scripture example, and to transmit evangelical purity, with civil and religious liberty, to their posterity^ All their acts and all their aims tended to this' one grand design. Accordingly, we find that aU persons were obliged by law, to contribute to the support of the church. All rates for the support of ministers, or for defraying any ecclesiastical expenses, were laid and collected in the same manner as the rates of the respective towns. Great care was taken, that aU should attend the means of public instruction. The law obliged them to be present at the public worship on the Sabbath, and upon all days appointed by the civil authority for public fasts, or for thanksgiving. The Congregational mode of worship was adopted and established by law, but it was provided that aU sober, orthodox persons, dissenting from them, should, on representing it to the General Court, be allowed .peaceably to worship in their own way. Such, however, were beheld with distrust. Our fathers, who desired religious freedom, and periled all for it in this wilderness, probably had not anticipated that they would speedily have an opportunity to extend that toleration to others, which, in the father-land, they had in vain sought for themselves. But while in their weakness, and with vivid recollections of the past, they viewed with alarm any deviations from their doctrines and order, they yet had the germ of toleration, and developed it with more rapidity, it is believed, than any other section of Christendom can show. The infiuence of the pastor in the early days was very great. Many of the clergy, who first came into the country, had property, and assisted their poor brethren in the expenses and difficulties en countered in making the new settlements. The people were fi^r more dependent on their ministers for everything at that time, than they have since been. The proportion of learned men was far smaller then, than at the present day. The clergy possessed a large part of the literature of the colony. They fitted the young men for HISTOEY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 143 college, and assisted them in their studies, and with their advice after ward. By example, by counsel and by money, they encouraged the people in their difficult circumstances, and were ever active and abundant in their labors. They were also fellow-exiles and sufferers with them in this new and strange land. All these circumstances combined, gave them a remarkable influence over their hearers, of all ranks and dispositions. Perhaps in no government have the clergy had more influence, or been more rationally and sincerely re spected and beloved, by the rulers and by the people, than in Con necticut. All these influences exhibited their happy results in the actions and character of the people. The huge, old meeting-house was always filled with- the " great congregation," in summer's heat, or winter's cold. Although the idea of warming a meeting-house with a stove or a fireplace never entered the mind of the boldest innova- ' tor upon ancient customs, yet the attendance at the house of God was scarcely less in winter than in summer. The meeting-house was almost always built on the top of the highest hill, at the intersection of roads leading to the various parts of the town, as near the geo graphical center of the territory as possible. But the people " went up to the temple" to worship for many miles around, though storms were in the air, and the cutting wind howled fiercely over the bleak hiU of " the tabernacle." By means of the " ride-and-tie system, frequently, they managed to get to the place of worship, where, by the aid of warm clothing, close sitting, and a glowing fire in their "Sabbath-day houses," or at the parsonage, at intermission, they seemed not to be aware of the cold weather. By the ride-and-tie system, it was a common thing for a farmer, who had a good horse, either to go alone, or take his wife behind him, on a pillion, and ride half the way to church ; then dismount, and walk the rest of the way, leaving the horse fastened by the wayside, for a neighbor and his wife, who were on the road behind, and who would come up and share the accommodation thus afforded. The Sabbath-day house, liberty to erect which on the common around the church, was gra.nt- ed by the town to such individuals as applied, consisted of a small structure, divided into two rooms, for the accommodation of the two sexes, in which was built a good fire, where they could partake of their refreshments, and spend the hour of intermission in such a man ner as was suitable to holy time. The hours of the Sabbath, after the return from church, were genially spent in employments appro- 144 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. priate to the conclusion of the day of rest, and such as were calcula ted to fit them for the everlasting Sabbath in heaven. But the early fathers have long since departed. Several genera tions of their descendants sleep 'with them, and it is to be feared, that many of their valuable customs, and their strict purity of conduct, have departed with them. , " Ancient Woodbury" has been greatly favored with able, learned and pious ministers. Within the period under contemplation, in 1750, and several years afterward, there were laboring, at the same time, within our limits, Rev. Anthony Stoddard, of the first society. Rev. John Graham, of Southbury, Rev- Dr. Bellamy, of Bethlem, Eev. Thomas Canfield, of Roxbury, and Rev. Daniel Brinsmade, of Judea societies ; a galaxy of talent, learning and piety, without its equal, perhaps, in a single town, at one time. The infiuence of those revered men has not entirely departed. It "still lives," and will go on blessing and improving those within- its reach, till the latest "recorded syllable of time." CHAPTER IX. CIVIL HISTORY CONTINUED PROM CHAPTER VI. Miscellaneous evehts from 1712 to 1775; Land Divisions; School-houses; CiDEE-MiLLs; Great Sickness of 1727, 1749 and 1760; Great Earth quake; Aurora Boeealis, 1719; Pootatuck Ferry, 1730; Hinman's Fer ry, 1752; Bridge built near Hinman's Ferry by Gen. Washington, 1778; Carlton's Bridge Lottery, 1780; Seques-tration of Burial Grounds, 1741; Parsonage Lands located, 1 741 ;, Parsonage Lands SOLD, 1744; Efforts to form a n?w County called Woodbury, in 1748, 1751, 1768 AND 1791 ; Mine Hill, 1724^ Wolves and Wild-cats ; Town house Repaired ; Casualties ; Relics ; Tea-party at Parson Stoddard's ; RuLOOF Dutchers' Estate ; Umbrellas and Calico first introduced ; Witchcraft — Moll Cramer; List of Original Proprietors in 1751; War with Spain ; French Neutrals, 1756 ; Louisburg taken, 1745 ; War with France — Expeditions of 1755, 1756 and 1757 ; Alarm for the Relief of Fort William Henry, 1757 ; Expeditions of 1758 and 1759 ; Louisburg, Forts Frontenac, Duquesne and Niagara, Crown Point, Ticonderoga and Quebec taken. Again we betake ourselves to the task of gathering up the frag ments that remain of the civil history of the town, "that nothing may be lost." The limits assigned this work give warning, that each sub ject must be briefiy touched, and it is proposed to take heed to it. It has been before stated that all divisions made in the public lands of the town to the original proprietors, or their representatives, were proportioned to the home-lot, which was from two to five acres in size. The former divisions of land having been brought sufficiently under cultivation, new allotments were occasionally made, as neces sity required. Accordingly in 1720, " The town grants a Division of thirty acres to each ten acre accommodation, and so proportionably according to articles, in the old township, half a mile from the town." In February, 1729, the town voted to lay out seventy-five acres to each " ten acre accommodation," making no allowance for waste land, and proportionally for the five acre, or " Bachelor's" accommodations. 146 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. Previous to this date, in all the divisions of land, an account of waste or bad land had been taken, and more in quantity was given him to whom it fell, in the survey, or more land was given elsewhere to make his proportion equal to others. In 1734, the North Purchase, which had been granted to the town in 1703, purchased of the In dians in 1710, and surveyed in 1724, was laid out into lots for the purpose of division among the original proprietors. Col. Joseph Minor, Rev. Anthony Stoddard and Dea. Noah Hinman were ap pointed a committee to draw the lots for the proprietors, according to a scheme previously agreed upon, " To begin att Waterbury bounds in the first or South Tier, and number west, and when the Lotts in that tie'r are finished, to begin in the second tier and so number West untill that be also finished, and so suoksessively untill the whole Six tiers be finished." The lots were drawn by the committee appointed for this purpose January 14th, 173f . In 1733, the South Purchase was acquired of the Indians by a committee of the town. In 1738, the town voted to lay out " The South Purchase in the Southwest part of Woodbury bounds into Equal lots, and as many lots as there are original proprietors in Woodbury Records,'' leaving necessary highways and lands to be appropriated for com mons. Mr. Noah Hinman, Capt. Thomas Knowles, Capt. Richard Brownson, Mr. Knell Mitchell and Mr. Cornelius Brownson were appointed a committee to carry this vote into effect. They "judged convenient" to lay out highways 200 rods apart, over hill and dale, without regard to " circumstances.'' This committee also estabhshed the north line of the South Purchase, or the line between the old proprietors and the land to be divided, there being no dispute between the whites and Indians with regard to the lines between them. This line was to " Run from New Milford bounds Eastward cross the falls att Shepoag River, and from thence Easterly up the brook that runs westerly into Shepoag River near the falls till we come against the head of Mine-Hill brook, and then East erly down to the head of said brook, to a beach-tree marked, and down said brook to a Certain white oak tree marked, which tree stands on the South side of said brook." The committee reported that they had accomplished the object of their appointment in June, 1742, and their report was accepted. ' In November of the same year, the lots were drawn for the proprietors HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 147 by a committee appointed for the piirpose, in proportion to the inter est of each proprietor, who was also to pay -his proportion of the ex penses of the survey. In 1754, four acres were granted to each ac commodation. In April, 1758, Joseph Pierce, Samuel Wheeler and David Boland were appointed a committee to purchase the Indians' land at Pootatuck. This they immediately accomplished, with the exception of a small tract of land where the " wigwams" stood, and even this narrow foothold was purchased of them the next year. In the early part of this year, a committee was appointed to lay out the Pootatuck purchase into lots, in the same manner as had been done in , the case of the South Purchase, which comprehended the north and west three-fourths of the ancient Indian Reservation. In March, 1760,' this committee made a report of their doings, which was ac cepted by the proprietors, and another committee appoinTed to pre pare drafts for the drawing of lots, to be so contrived, that each original proprietor, or his legal representatives, should have a lot in the Purchase, and so that the representatives of two or more original proprietorships could have their lots in one body. In 1771, a new division of five acres to each original proprietor, or his representa tives, was granted, and the nest year all the sequestered lands in the old township were in like manner divided between them. In Decem ber, 1782, the last division among the proprietors was granted in open meeting, and consisted of one acre to each " accommodation." Thus the original proprietors had been over one hundred years in dividing their surplus land, and there were yet remaining considera ble tracts sequestered for various purposes, besides land in the South and Pootatuck Purchases. This might well be considered getting rich by degrees from " mother earth." Great attention was paid to the education of youth, and the found ing of schools, from the very first settlement of the town. It is be lieved that the people of this town were more particular in this re spect than in many other towns in the Colony, or in New England generally, careful as they invariably were in these matters. Nearly all were educated in 4he first rudiments of knowledge. Few could be found who could not read and write. It is confidently asserted that an inspection of our early records will compare favorably with those of the present day, as evidencing the dissemination of common edu cation among the people. Rare indeed was the instance of a person signing a deed, or other document with his mark. And yet there was but one school in the ancient territory for the first fifty years. The scholars had to come from all distances, from a fourth of a mile 148 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. to six or eight miles, and return daily. Previous to the division of the town into societies, which commenced in 1730, a vote had been passed to build " Several School Houses," m various parts of the town, for the accommodation of the children. But in 1735, the for mer vote not having been carried into effect, it was rescinded, and it was by " ye Town Commended to y" Several Societies, to proceed amongst themselves ii; j' best manner as may be for their Respective Conveniences." Accordingly, as each ecclesiastical society was incorporated, the first thing in order was to establish a school. One of the few luxuries of the early fathers, was the fruit of the orchard, and the beverage made from it. The apple-tree was the constant attendant of all the early founders of towns, and followed them in alf-iheir wanderings. If the early patriarchs could not, like their eastern prototypes, " sit under their own vine and fig-tree," they made haste that they might as soon as possible, with equal satisfac tion, sit under their own apple-trees. Nor does it appear that they had the fear of the " Maine Law" before their eyes, for they freely granted the privilege of erecting " Cyder Mills," to the inhabitants even in the highways, the place of greatest temptation. Accordingly, we find in the doings of a town meeting held May 31st, 1739, liberty granted to Matthew Minor " to set up a Cyder Mill in the Highway," and a like privilege granted to Ebenezer Strong. The same boon was granted to others in succeeding years. It seems, however, that they were in some sense " restrictionists," having the germ of " pro hibition," as they did not allow " unlimited free trade" in the article. There have been several seasons of remarkable and alarming .mor tality in the town, when men seemed to die as if fated, without the power of cure or restoration. One of these seasons was in the year 1727, when disease seemed to make the burial places of the town, garner-houses for the dead. It is not now known what was the na ture of this disease, which swept off the inhabitants of the new town like chaff. The records show forty-four deaths, which is probably not more than half the actual number, taking into consideration the defective state of the records, and the unusual neglect in causing deaths to be recorded, in such a time of calamity and alarm. The number of deaths entered for several years previous to, and succeed ing this date, had been only from four to six each year. This was a sad decimation for a community that had struggled for years with all the wants and deprivations of the wilderness, together with the con tinual alarms and attacks in the Indian wars, growing out of their HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 149 frontier, exposed situation. The inhabitants, with the notions of that early day, had another cause of alarm in the mighty earthquake that shook the earth throughout this great continent, October 29th, 1727. In deed and in truth could the people of Woodbury cry out in terror, ''The Lord is wroth ; He is swallowing up His people in His fierce anger." In 1749, the town was again visited by the devouring scourge, as was also Waterbury. It was a very malignant disease, a sort of a nervous fever, called by some the yellow fever, as the bodies of some of the patients turned yellow. The crisis of the disease was the nirsth day, and if the patient survived that day, he had a fair chance of re covery. From the imperfection of the records, as before stated, the exact number of deaths can not be known. They show sixty-one, and there were doubtless many more in the extended limits of the town at this time. A similar disease had existed in Albany some three years before this date. The colony taxes were, for this reason, abated to the town of Waterbury, but though Woodbury only applied for a postponement in the time of payment, for some reason, it was not granted. In 1760, another malignant fever severely afliicted Woodbury and some other places in this vicinity. The disease was extremely vio lent, terminating on the third or fourth day. Medical aid seemed to be of little avail, but the disease finally disappeared with the appear ance of frost. In the society of Bethlehem, thirty-four persons died, and at least as many more in the other parts of the ancient town must have perished. Mr. Canfield, in Roxbury parish, at the close of an entry of seven deaths, remarks in a note, " A very sickly, dying time in Bethlehem.'' There were not enough well persons to attend upon the sick, and great terror existed among the inhabitants. Almost every house wore the badges of mourning, and orphans walked about the streets. Notwithstanding these seasons of extraordinary calami ty, the ancient territory justly enjoys the reputation of possessiug a healthy climate. , From its location, its latitude, its breezy hills, its numerous fountains of cool, sweet, gushing waters, and a multitude of other circumstances, it would be wonderful if it were otherwise. The first appearance of, northern lights in this county, after its first settlement, was December 11th, 1719 ; " When they were remarkably bright, and as people in general had never heard of such a phenomenon, they were extremely alarmed with the apprehen sion of the final judgment. All amusements, all business and even sleep was interrupted, for want of & little knowledge of history." 150 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. The more superstitious in Woodbury, as in other places, were greatly alarmed at this new manifestation of " Divine Providence," and for many days the quiet of this' rural community was disturbed by the unusual occurrence. But in due time the sagacity of Parson Stoddard and others, restored things to a state of tranquillity. A ferry from Newtown to Woodbury was granted to Peter Hub- bell, at Pootatuck, May 13th, 1730.' This was about an eighth of a mile below Fort Hill, which is located on the west side of the Hou satonic, directly opposite _the Indian village of Pootatuck, on the east side of that river. At these two points within gunshot of the river, the Indians had forts to protect themselves against the Mohawks, and after the introduction of fire-arms among the natives, a fleet of Mo hawk canoes on the river would afford a capital mark for the practice of gunnery. The ferry was at the north end of Cockshure's Island, previously to this, owned by a sachem of that name, but since known as HubbeU's Island, from the ferryman above mentioned. In 1752, a ferry was granted to Wait Hinman, three miles below Pootatuck ferry, and was located about a mile below Bennett's Bridge. In 1775, this ferry was, by the General Assembly, " re newed" to Samuel Hinman, son of the original grantee. In 1778, we find, by documents now existing in the archives of the State at Hart ford, that "Gen. Washington, on his march in 1778, built a bridge at Hinman's ferry. "2 A part of the bridge fell down during the next summer, and was rebuilt by Newtown and Woodbury, at an expense of £7,656 6s. Gd., half of which was repaid by the quarter-master-general, by order of Gen. Green. The bridge was again impaired in 1780, and Wood bury and Newtown petitioned the General Assembly for a lottery of £400, to enable them to rebuild it, which was granted. It was now called Carlton's Bridge, for what reason does not appear. Col. In crease Mospley, Shadrach Osborn and Nathan Preston were appoint ed manager^ of the lottery, and Col. Benjamin Hinman and Edward Hinman, Esq., were appointed to take bonds of the managers. On recei'ving a letter from Gen. Parsons, promising that the town should be aided from the public purse, £100 in bills of credit of the State of Connecticut were voted in a town meeting in November for the im- 1 State Papers, Travel, voh 1, p. 174. 2 Travel, vol. 3, p. 329. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 151 mediate repair of the bridge on account of the extreme urgency of the public service. By this it seems that our ancient territory has been trod by the feet of the sainted " father of his country,'' though it was secluded in the wilderness, far removed from most of the Revo lutionary battle-fields. He probably made his head-quarters during his brief stay, at Hon. Daniel Sherman's, who was that year, one of the council of safety, or at the house of Shadrach Osborn, who was commissary, and actively engaged in meeting the wants of the conti-^ nental and other troops. How swiftly dflf s the bare allusion to the fact of the long past presence of " him who was first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen," send a thrill to every patriotic heart. This was in the. very heat of the contest, in the " days that tried men's souls." Previous to 1741, by far the larger portion of the burials had been made in the " ancient buryal ground," south of the Episcopal Church, and no action of the town in regard to places of sepulture appears on the records, till the early part of that year, when a vote passed directing " The committee for the Antient Society in Woodbury, and also for South bury, to call for the committee for laying out Land, and lay out the burying Place in Each Society, and when the same is Laid out, it is hereby Sequestered for that use, and also to be returned to the town Clerk to be Recorded, and also the Inhabitants in the Destriok of Shepoage have the same Liberty of two burying places, and the Inhabitants of the West End of the North Purchase have like Liberty, and the Inhabitants of Bethlehem have the same liberty of one burying place." At the time of this vote, it is probable that the " ancient" burying ground had been more than once buried over, and interments in it should undoubtedly have ceased at that time ; but it has continued to be used till 1^ present day with more or less frequency, the space of a century and a quarter more. Scarcely a grave is now dug there without throwing up the remains of some former occupant of the " narrow house" appointed for all the Uving. No more interments in this locality should be allowed by the authorities of the town. The space of earth occupied by each lonely sleeper, after "life's fitful journey is over," is full small, and it should be " sequestered" to his use forever. The " city of the dead" should be guarded well by the living, free from intrusion — free from unhallowed tread. With the final resting places of those we loved in life, are many endearing associations and recollections. Besides, we should con template it as our own home, for it is well to reflect that when 152 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY* " A few short years have rolled along, With mingled joy and pain, We all have passed — a broken tone, An echo of a strain." There is to the contemplative mind a melancholy pleasure iri visit ing the home of the departed, and wandering among the couches of the lowly dead. A grandeur, a sublimity of thought, comes over one at such an hour. A degree of pensiveness, a holy chastening of feeling, is experienced, and,the soul, filled with higher aspirations, is brought nearer the throne of the Eternal. Under the influence of ' such an hour, he is a better being, and resolves to continue such from that time ftyth. Man, for a brief space, forgets the scenes of vice and misery with which he is surrounded, and contemplates the scenes of that far-off, better land, where, after the toils of this life are over, he may rest in eternal rep6se. As he wanders from shaft to shaft, and from tomb to tomb, in imagination, he passes in review the joys and sorrows, the various events in the life of each lonely sleeper, and endeavors to look away into that distant land, whither his spirit has winged its way. If some of his friends lie slumbering there, with what tender interest he recalls their familiar countenances ! How vividly the recollection of each little act of kindness comes up before the mind. And as he muses thus all earnestly, he seems again to enjoy communion with them, and their spirits appear to hover around him, to encourage and cheer him on in the journey of life. He feels sure that they are near him as his guardian angels, and he joyfully exclaims, " They're with us yet, the holy dead ! By a thousand signs we know ; They're keeping e'er a spirit-watch. O'er those they loved below." By a vote of the town June 8th, 1702, a " twenty acre accommo dation round, both upland, meadow and pasture divisions," in addition to what had already been granted to Mr. Walker and Mr. Stoddard, was sequestered for the use of a " future minister, and the ministry forever, established acfcording to the Constitution of the Churches in this Government Established by law, viz : the Presbyterian and Con gregational, so Called." In 1741, this vote was referred to, and the various di-risions, which had been granted on this basis, were again dedicated to the same use and described as " More particularly the Sixty acres of Land Laid out att the Bent of the River, Sed to be laid out to the Parsonage ; the 28 acres at horse pound ; the 50 acres / HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 153 Laid out to the Westward (at Shepaug) Sed to be Laid out for a pious use ; also the ten acres at ye good hill, and the four acres near the North End of Bare hill ; also that piece of Land laid out Near Bottle Swamp ; and the 34 Lott in the Second tier in the North Purchase, Drawn on the parsonage Right ; and also the Divisions belonging to said twenty acre accomodation, not yet laid out."i In November, 1744, a committee of one in each ecclesiastical soci ety was appointed by the town to sell these " Parsonage Accommo dations." The committee consisted of Col. William Preston, Mr. Noah Hinman, Lt. Henry Castle, Capt. Hezekiah Hooker, and Sergt. Abraham Hurd. The land was sold at auction to the highest bidder. The funds were kept at interest by the selectmen for ten or twelve years, the interest being annually divided among the five so cieties of the town, to be laid out for the support of the ministry, in accordance with the original intention of the proprietors. In 1759, the fund was divided among the several societies, and the amount belonging to the "ancient society" was £112 Os. bd. In 1763, the last time the records speak about it, there was remaining in the treas ury of the same society £88 lis. 6d. of this fund. In May, 1748, previous to the formation of the counter of Litch field, Woodbury took action in relation to a new county. Col. Wil liam Preston was chosen an agent to attend the General Assembly, and prefer a memorial for a new county to be called the county of Woodbury, having Woodbury for its county seat, and to consist of this town, Waterbury, Newtown, New Milford, Litchfield, New Fair field, (now Sherman,) and as many of the new northern towns as should choose to join the new county. Col. Preston attended to the duties of his appointment, and Waterbury and Newtown gave their assent to the proposed arrangement, provided they were at no ex pense for county buildings. The petition, however, was negatived by the' Assembly.^ In May, 1751, the subject of a niew county having been further agitated, Col. William Preston was chosen special agent, and Deacon Samuel Minor and Deacon Benjamin Hicock were elected represent atives to the May session of the Assembly at Hartford, that year, with full power to act for the town, to secure the new county, with Woodbury for its shire town. The town also voted to furnish the county buildings free of charge. The object was not attained at that, 1 Woodbury Proprietors' Book, p. 39. 2 State Records, Civil Officers, vol. 3, p. 289. 11 154 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. session, and Capt. Increase Moseley and Deacon Samuel Minor wer^ sent to the General Assembly in October following, when a new- county was indeed made, but its name was Litchfield, and Woodbury was left quite in its south-east corner.' Great was the dissatisfaction in Woodbury at the new aspect which affairs had taken. A town meeting was immediately called, and a vote passed to take measures to be released from the " New County of Litchfield, & be continued as heretofore to the County of Fairfield, unless the Upper Towns in Litchfield County will appoint an agent from Every Town dissatisfied, to meet at some proper time & place to Confer about the matter & come to some other Conclusion respecting a County than is yet Determined." " Mr. Benjamin Stiles & Capt. Elisha Stoddard arS chosen agents to appear at the upper Towns, to Confer Respecting what measures may be thought Need- full Respecting the New County of Litchfield." In December following, " Mr. Noah Hinman was chosen an Agent for the Town of Woodbui'y,''to meet at Kent, with those Gent, from the other Towns, with full Power to act in behalf of the Town, to Endeavor to be Released from the County of Litchfield '' The representatives sent to the next session in May, 1752, were instructed to endeavor to have the town set off again to Fairfield county, and gave them power to act in conjunction with the repre sentatives of other towns, as should be judged proper, in relation to a " New County or Counties." Nothing having been effected at this session, the same representatives were sent to New Haven, at the October session, and two others were sent as agents, or " lobby mem bers," to accomplish the desired end. Nothing, however, resulted from all these efforts, and the county remained as at first constituted. In 1768, a period of twenty years after the first attempt, applica tion was again made to the General Assembly to make a new coun ty, consisting of Woodbury, Waterbury, Newtown, New Milford and 1 The tradition is, that the county, consisting of the towns desired by Woodbury, with itself for a county seat, was on the point of being established, and would have teen, but for an unaccountable change of mind in Deacon Minor just before the vote was taken. He arose and informed the astonished Assembly, that he, on prayerful reflection, was opposed to making Woodbury into a shire town. If it were made such, a great many idle and profligate young men, and much " vain company," would iflock to the center of the county, the morals of the youth would become corrupted, and in a short time there would be a sad departure from the " landmarks of the fathers." In consequence of this the vote failed, and at the same session Litchfield, which had before been faintly talked of, was made the cotmty seat. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 155 New Fairfield, to be called, as before requested, the county of Wood bury, with that town for a county seat. Woodbury laid a rate of a penny and a half on the pound, in addition to their regular propor tion, to be applied toward defraying the expenses of the county buildings, and also granted the use of the town hall for a court house as long as the county should choose to occupy it for that purpose, with liberty to make such additions and alterations as should be judged necessary. This application was no more successful than the former, and all further efforts, on the part of Woodbury, were relinquished for a period of more than thirty years, when in 1791, another move was made for the formation of a new county, to consist of the towns of Woodbury, Bethlem, Southbury, Washington, Waterbury and the parishes of Westbury, Oxford and Farmingbury, with Woodbury for the county town. Hon. Nathaniel Smith, Hezekiah Thompson, Esq., and Nathan Preston, Esq., were appointed a committee to meet like committees, from the other towns mentioned, at Washington. After ineffectual efforts, this attempt like both the others, ended in failure, and the county of Litchfield, now on its second century, remains en tire, with the exception of a parish of Woodbury, now the town of Southbury, which has been set off to New Haven county. The mine of spathic ore on Mine Hill, in Roxbury, which has been before described, was known as a mine thirty or foi-ty years before Hurlbut and Hawley worked it, but what was the extent of the oper ations there carried on, is not now known. It was owned by Hon. John Sherman, before 1724, and was by him leased to Thomas Cranne, of Stratford, and others. May 16th, 1724,for a term of years, reserving to himself .one-sixteenth parfof all the ore which should be there raised. John Crissey and his wife Mary also had some rights in the hill. Still later, Thomas and John Wheeler, Doctor Jonathan Atwood, and Doctor Thomas Leavenworth, acquiredrights, by lease or otherwise, to said mine. The mining tract at tiiis date was- sup posed to consist of six acres, and- that is the number of acres men tioned in the various deeds and mining leases that were then execu ted. It is thus seen that the most valuable mine of " steel-iron ore" in the United States has been known about a hundred and fifty years, and has not yet been effectively *tvorked for one of the most useful of metals. It is believed that the whole territory for several miles along the Shepaug River, is rich in this iron ore, and perhaps in copper also, and' that at no distant day, this will become a prom inent mining district. For nearly a hundred years after the first settlement of the town. 156 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. the inhabitants were much troubled with the depredations of wolves and wild-cats. Bounties for their destruction were at various peri ods offered, both by the General Court, and by the town authorities. As late as 1746, so great was the dread of the public concerning these animals, that it was in open town meeting, solemnly " Voted, that he that finds a wolf, that by his track is gone into a swamp & there lodged, & brings Intelligence into the town by two of the Clock afternoon on s'^ 'Day, or any time before on s" Day, shall have twenty shillings allowed him out of the Town Treasury, provided he be found there, & five pounds to be allowed to the Company, If they shall kill s'* wolf, — out of the Town Treas ury." A wolf hunt was a common sport for leisure days in the Indian summer during these early times. Sometimes large parties of men with dogs, went for several days in succession, and scoured all the swamps for miles around. On some of these occasions, they met with fierce encounters from the pursued and infuriated beasts. The wolves have long ago disappeared from the territory, but the bounty for killing a wild-cat as late as 1761, was six shillings. And even at the present session of the General Assembly, (1853,) a law has been passed offering a bounty of five dollars apiece for their destruc tion. After the dedication of the second church, in 1747, the "ancient Meeting House" had been used as a town hall till 1754, but the old building had seen many winters and vicissitudes, but no paint. It had, therefore, become considerably dilapidated, and it was voted to build a " House for the Town in the Place where the Old Meeting- House now stands." Afterward there were other opinions, and it was thought by some, that the old house should be repaired rather than a new one erected. As is common in such cases, this difference of opinion resulted in doing nothing for several year^. Finally, after holding town meetings much of the time for several years, in the new church, in 1759, a committee was appointed to repair the old house so far as they should think proper, which being accomplished in about two years, it was called the " Town-House," and a regular town meeting held in it January 12th, 1761. There were, during the period under contemplation, but few casu alties worthy of notice. There was, however, one afflictive accident at Southbury, about the year 1745. The house of Solomon Johnson took fire in the night, was burned to the ground, and his wife, daugh ter of Deacon Benjamin Hicock, perished in the flames. Remember Baker, just before the Revolution, lost his life on Mine HISTORY OF' ANCIENT WOODBURY. 157 Hill, from the discharge of a gun in the hands of Abram Hurlbut. Baker had climbed a tree for some purpose, and Hurlbut, who was hunting, getting a glimpse of his head from a distance, and thinking it a wild-turkey, fired and killed him. Although there are no relics in town, so far as the author has been able to learn, that were brought over in the " Mayflower," that his torical bark, which was so heavily freighted, if we are to believe that it actually brought over all the articles attributed to it, and which are stUlpreserved ; yet there is still in the possession of Treat Pavidson, of Roxbury, an iron kettle, which was brought to this country some forty years later, in 1660, and has descended to the present owner from Nathan Botsford, one of his ancestors, who himself brought it from England. This, doubtless, is the oldest culinary utensil in the territory. When tea was first introduced into town, during the first half of the eighteenth century, a small quantity was obtained by Parson Stod dard, for use in " case of sickness," or on occasions when company was invited ; but before either of those contingences had happened, the parson's daughters took it into their heads to have a model tea party on a novel scale, and test the quality of the new article of lux ury in advance of the "old folks." They accordingly invited their " sweethearts," and conducted the affair with great secrecy. On the evening of the proposed banquet, they admitted the young men whom they had invited, to the old parsonage, by means of a ladder placed at a back window. But a new difficulty presented itself. They did not know how to prepare the " article" for use, and under the " cir cumstances," they were precluded from seeking advice and enlight enment, in their accustomed manner, from their parental advisers. After much perplexing thought, and great tribulation, they put a quantity of the tea in an iron kettle, kindled a large fire under it, and kept it boiling violently for a long time, till they thought it sufficiently cooked. They then emptied the entire contents into a lar^e platter, and consumed it in the form of soup, the herb serving as thickening. A Mr. Mitchell, of Southbury society, was one of the "preferred gen tlemen" on this interesting occasion, and when an old man, for many years before his death, used to tell the story with a keen relish. After its organization in October, 1719, the Woodbury probate dis trict comprised ancient Woodbuiy, Waterbury, in New Haven coun ty, and all the settled portions of the present county of Litchfield. Indeed its northern and western boundaries were not well ascertained, as will be seen by the following entries on its records : 158 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. " June 9th, 1737. Christopher Dutchers of 'Vyeatog, (Salisbury) presented to this Court the will of Ruloof Dutchers, of said Weatog, for approval, which will is hereby approved by said Court." By this will, among other things, he bequeathed his slaves to sev eral devisees. In the latter part of the same year appears another entry : "Oct. 24, 1737 ye Executor of ye above will, viz: Christopher Dutchers came and took ye will and ye business out of this office, his counselleading him so to do, apprehending it not well consisting with Law to Settle ye Estate in and by this Probate." The doubt as to whether this was the right " Probate" or not, arose so far as can now be ascertained, from a doubt in relation to the boundaries between Connecticut and New York. Nothing further appears on our records in regard to the matter, and the estate was probably settled in the other colony. Umbrellas were introduced into town just before the Revolution, and were at first considered by the sturdy, rural population, as a very effeminate thing. Parasols were not used by the fair damsels till many years later. When calico was first introduced, it was sold for five or six shil lings sterling per yard, and the favored woman who was able to have a gown of that fabric, was dressed in the "first fashion." She was the " observed of all observers," and the envied object of all " linsey- woolseydom." The finest and richest fabrics which the perfection of manufactures now creates, could not produce a greater sensation among the bright-eyed damsels of a country village at the present day, than did the article in question, coarse and homely as it was, among the primitive dames of our town. It may appear doubtful to some whether the absurd belief in witches ever had place in this town. But just as well might one be incredulous whether such a man as Cotton Mather and' other cele brated divines of his day also believed in witchcraft; and pledged their reputation to the truth of many cases which they said came un der their own view. That they honestly believed what they related, can not be doubted by one who carefully peruses the original. Be sides they could gain no advantage by a pretended belief in the su pernatural developments, as they were afflictive, and that only, to the sons of men, and never subserved any useful public or private pur pose. The excited state of public feeling existing at that day, con spired more to keep up this strange belief in supernatural events, than ignorance and all other causes combined. It was difficult for HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 159 the most pious and learned minds to give up the infatuated belief, even after prosecutions had ceased, and the blood of victims no longer drenched the thirsty earth. As proof of the assertion, witness the following extracts from one of the ablest believers : " Flashy people may burlesque these things, but when hundreds of the most sober people in a country where they have as much mother wit, certainly, as the rest of mankind, know them to be true, nothing hut the absurd and froward spirit of Saduoism can question them. I have not yet mentioned one thing, that will not be justified, if it be required, by the oaths of more considerate per sons than can ridicule this od phenomena." ^ " But the worst part of this astonishing tragedy is yet behind ; wherejn Sir William Phips,i at last being dropt as it were, from the machine of Heaven, was an instrument of easing the distresses of the land, now so darkned by the Lord of Hosts. There were very worthy men upon the Spot where the assault from hel was first made, who apprehended themselves called from the God of Heaven, to sift the business unto the bottom of it ; and indeed, the continual irapressiveness which the outcries and the havooks of the afflicted people, that lived nigh unto them, caused on their minds, gave no little edge. They did take it for granted, that there are witches, or wicked children of men, who upon covenanting with and commissioning of evil spirits, are attended by their min istry to accomplish the things desired of them." " In fine, the last Courts that sate upon this thorny business, finding that it was impossible to penetrate into the whole meaning of the things that had hap pened, and that so many unsearchable cheats were interwoven into the conclu sion of a mysterious business, which perhaps had not crept thereinto at the beginning of it, they cleared the accused as fast as they tried them ; and within a, little while the afflicted were most of them delivered out of their troubles also ; and the land had peace restored unto it by the God of peace treading Satan under foot." Perhaps then, the people of Woodbury will be excused, if some of their number believed, they, at one time, had a veritable witch within their borders. That this belief existed can not be doubted. The name of the notorious personage was Moll Cramer. She was the wife of the elder Adam Cramer, a blacksmith, who lived somewhere in West-Side, about the year 1753. As popular belief goes, he lived with Moll, his wife, and kept her in good temper and spirits as long as he could. He took especial pains not to offend her, for whenever he was so unlucky as to fall under her ire, everything went wrong with him. If he was shoeing a horse, and she came round in wrath ful mood, no sJioe, however well secured to the hoof, no strength of 1 Sir William Phips, at this time (1691) Governor of Massachusetts, was the prin cipal instrument in overthrowing the ridiculous notions concerning -witchcraft. 160 HISTORY OP ANCIENT -WOODBURY. nails, was able to -withstand her influence. The shoe would begin to loosen, and immediately fell off. After a while her conduct became so offensive and unendurable, that her character as a witch became established, and it was then necessary for Adam, in order to maintain a good character among his neighbors, and not be suspected as also " holding familiarity with Satan," to dismiss her from his presence, and she was accordingly driven from his house. She took with her a little son, and went to Good Hill, where she constructed a cabin of poles and boards to shel ter herself and son from the storms of heSiven. Here she lived and eked out a scanty subsistence by begging from the much annoyed neighborhood. Her son, who was believed to have been bewitched by her, and could not be separated from her, was her constant com panion in all her begging peregrinations, as well as in the filthy straw of her cabin. No one of the neighbors dared refuse her anything she asked for. If, for instance, she asked for a piece of pork, and it was denied her, a blight fell upon that man's swine, and like the "lean kine,'' it was impossible ever to fatten them sufficiently to render them a fit article of consumption. When Moll appeared abroad, she was an object of dread and apprehension. None dared to offend her. The school children on her approach, fled to the school-house, and when they came rushing with fearful countenances into the room, it was always a sufficient answer for the luckless little urchins, when inquired of by the teacher as to the cause of their mad haste, to say, " Moll's coming." If she visited a house where the process of spin ning was going on, the band of the wheel would fly off, the thread would break, the flyers would become disengaged, or some unpleasant misfortune would continue to occur during her stay. One day she went into the house of a neighbor, who was churning cream. She conversed indifferently with the lady of the house about butter and other matters, and, after a time, retired. The churning went on during the afternoon and evening, but no butter was produced. Next morning the churning was resumed by the good dame and her husband, with no better success than before. After a long time, it occurred to them that Moll had been there the preceding day, and that she had doubtless bewitched the cream. The good man of the house, determining to bum the witch out of the cream, heated a horse shoe and dropped it into the chum. A few moments after, the pro cess of churning ceased, and the object desired was attained. One day a party of girls, one of them now an aged lady still living in the ancient territory, and who attests to the facts above related? HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 161 together with this occurrence, went to gather' grapes near Moll's cabin. They picked their way to the spot with great caution and secrecy, for fear of being seen by Moll, who would undoubtedly be witch their grapes, so that they could not be eaten. While gather ing the grapes, they stationed a sentinel to give them warning if Moll appeared. After a while the sentinel observed her coming, and g^e the alarm. They ran " across lots," kept out of her way, and, as they supposed, saved their fruit, but upon trial it was found to bd utterly unfit for use. Such, in the language of Herodotus, are the " facts related to me in the neighborhood," and believed by many people, well informed on other subjects. They are to be classed and explained with similar events happening elsewhere in different ages and diverse climes. In October, 1751, as various divisions of land had been granted and were still to be granted, it was desirable to know, as accurately as possible, who were the original proprietors, and what was the ex tent of their rights. Accordingly we find that at a town meeting of this date. Col. Joseph Minor and Capt. Thomas Knowles were ap pointed a committee to "Endeavor to find out what is the proportion of Each proprietor according to tlieir original grants." Two weeks later, October 21st, 1751, they reported a list of names according to requirement, and the town took the following action in the premises : " The list of the Names of the proprietors, as they are hereafter Recorded, being Drawn by Col. loseph Minor, and Capt. Thomas Knowles, u committee appointed for that pu.-pose. In which meeting it was voted and Concluded as follows, viz ; Forasmuch as Many of the Names of the original proprietors of the Lands in Woodbury are lost, or torn out of said Proprietors Records, which would hereafter be likely to breed many vmhappy Contentions, which to pre vent, it is voted and concluded as follows, viz ; " That the List of the Names of the proprietors of Lands in Woodbury, pre sented to this meeting by Col. Joseph Minor and Capt. Thomas Knowles, a Committee appointed for that purpose. Shall be held good and valid, both as to the Number of proprietors, anil the bigness of Each accommodation affixed in Said list unto the Name of Each proprietor, unless any one proprietor can ,Shew Evidently to the contrary.' Jonathan Atwood 12 John Brooks, Thomas Applebee 10 Ebenezer Brownson James Beers 12 Thomas Bedient Samuel Bull 10 John Baker John Bartlet 12 Cornelius Brownson 1 Proprietors' Book, p. 43, et seq. 10 Richard Brownson, 10 10 Samuel Blakelee 10 12 Cornelius Bronson 12 10 Henry Castle, Jr. 12 10 ' Samuel Castle 12 162 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. John Curtiss 12 Nathaniel Hurlbut 10 John Nichols 10' Stephen Curtiss 10 John Huthwit 2 grants 5 Samuel Nichols 12 Lt. Israel Curtiss 16 Thomas Hurlbut 16 Andrew Nichols 10 Israeli Curtiss, Jr. 12 Jonathan Hough 12 ¦Valentine Prentis 10 Henry Castle 2 |» 12 Benjamin Hicock 12 William Preston 5 ¦ Isaac Castle 12 Lt. Joseph Judson 25 Jehiel Preston 5 Joshua Curtiss 10 John Judson first 12 John Pierce 1 12 William Castle 10 John Judson 2'' 10 John Pierce 2 10 ¦Thomas Drakly 12 Joseph Judson 10 Hackaliah Preston 16 John Davis grant 10 Jonathan Judson 10 the parsonage right 20 Thomas Drakly 2'i 10 David Je'nkings 10 the three Prestons 10 Abraham Fulford 12 Samuel Jenner 12 Mr. Samuel Sherman 25 John Fern 10 Moses Johnson first 12 Capt. John Sherman 12 Thomas Fairchild 12 John Johnson ..^ 10 John Root 1 12 William Fredrick 10 Moses Johnson 2ii 10 William Roberts 10 Benjamin Galpin 12 EHphalet Judson 10 Josiah Root 10 William Gaylord 10 Joseph Judson 3 ' 10 Mr. Anthony Stoddard 25 Joseph Galpin 10 Horace Knowles ^ 12 Thomas Squire 1 16 j Joseph Hurlbut, sen' • 12 Thomas Knowles 10 Thomas Squire 2 12 ; Joseph Hurlbut 2^ 12 Samuel Knowles 10 Ebenezer Squire 10 ; Cornelius Hurlbut 10 Thomas Levenworth 12 Samuel Sherman 10 1 Jonathan Hurlbut 10 John Levenworth 12 Adino Strong 10 John Hurlbut 12 Thomas Le 10 ~JM Benjamin Hurd Ebenezer Hurd 10 10 Capt. John Minor -^ William M-artin 20 '12 Benjamin Stiles_.... 12 John Skeel 1 12 Robert Hurd 10 John Minor 2 12 John Skeel 2 12 Joseph Hurd 10 Samuel Minor 10 Thomas Skeel 10 Peter Hawley Joseph Hicock 1012 Thomas Minor Joseph Minor 12 12 Lt. Samuel .Stiles..- . 1%_ Samuel Squire "lO John Huthwit 12 Ephraim Minor 12 John Squire 10 - Benjamin Hinman 10 Josiah Minor 10 Elnathan Strong 10 Adam Hinman 10 John Mitchel 1 '-' 12 Jonathan Squire 10 Edward Hinman 18 John Mitchel 2 10 John Sherman 2 10 Titus Hinman 12 Mathew Mitchel 12 John Stratton 10 Samuel Hinman 12 Jonathan Mitchel 10 Joseph Seely 15 Andrew Hinman 10 Samuel Mun 1 12 Roger Terrel 1 12 Noah Hinman 10 Samuel Mun 2 10 Stephen Terrel 10 Benjamin Hurd 2 10 Joseph Martin 10 Jeremiah Thomas 10 Samuel Hicock 10 Aaron Mallary 10 Nathaniel Tuttle 12 John Hurd 10 - first Mill accommoda Ephraim Tuttle 10 Samuel Hull 10 tion 16 Hezekiah Tuttle 10 John Hurd first 25 William Mack 12 Roger Terrel 2 10 Joseph Hicock first 10 Ditto for his sons 10 John Thomas 2 10 Denis Hart 9 • Samuel Martin 10 Ezra Terrel 10 Henry Hill 10 Daniel Mun 10 John Thomas 1 12 Ephraim Hinman 10 Thomas Mallary 5 Ambrose Thompson 16 Joseph, Benj"& Sam' the 2 mill accomoda Ebenezer Warner 12 Hicock 10 tion 10 Robert Warner 12 Joseph Hinman 10 Caleb Nichols 18 Joseph Wallar 12 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 163 Zachariah Walker 12 Thomas Wheeler 12 Mr. Zachariah Walker 25 John Wheeler 1 16 John Wyat <'' 10 Dr. Ebenezer Warner' 5" John Wheeler 2 10 Timothy Walker. 10 This list is given entire, as it is probably an alnjost perfect list of the original proprietors to this time, and as such worthy of preserva tion. In the expedition against the Spanish West Indies, in 1740, Wood bury had some soldiers, but as most of the troops in that fatal cam paign perished of pestilence, their names are lost. In May, 1743, and during the same troubles, it appears that some suspicious men were lurking about on the frontiers of the colony, and the circum stance was deemed of sufficient importance to be brought to the atten tion of the General Assembly then in session. The matter was re ferred to a committee, who immediately reported, " That we are well informed, that there are Several Strangers, and we sup pose that they are not of our Kings Subjects, but forraigners, which are Strug gling about the inland parts of Fairfield County, and the Western parts of Hartford & Sometimes in New-Haven County, and that in a more especiall manner, they are conversant with those Indians,, that Inhabite at podetuck in Woodbury, and those that live West of the Housatonick River Westward of the Town of Kent, , * t * » * and that the Indians are more and more estranged from his Majesty's Subjects by their means, and upon the whole we feare his Majesty's Interests may be greatly Indangered by Said Strangers.'" For which reasons they recommended the arrest of those " Stran gers," and their examination. A resolution to that effect was ac cordingly passed, but whether the men were arrested, or Vhat the subsequent proceedings were, can not now be determined. The story of the unhappy inhabitants of Acadia, or the " French Neutrals," is well known — a story of wrong, oppression and outrage upon humanity without excuse. Acadia, or Nova Scotia, after re peated conquests and restorations, was at last, by the treaty of Utrecht, yielded to Great Britain. The old inhabitants remained on the soil they had subdued and cultivated, and for nearly forty years after the peace resulting from this treaty, they had been left to them selves, and prospered in their seclusion from the great world. They had promised submission to England, but loving the language, usages and religion of their forefathers, they would not fight against the standard of France, or renounce its name. They had fertile and 1 Proprietors' Book, p. 43, et seq. 2 War, vol. 4, pp. 126, 127. 164 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. cultivated fields, which were covered with their flocks and herds. They constructed houses neatly built in clusters, which were well furnished with the comforts and conveniences of civilized life. They were happy in the abundance their own hands provided, and formed as it were, one great family; They were of pure morals, and actua ted by unaffected devotion to the faith of their fathers. When Eng land began to send numerous colonists to Nova Scotia, their priests became alarmed for the security of their church, and fomented dis affection. The arrogance of the British officers, and the cruelties inflicted on these unoffending people, greatly added to it. Their property was taken for the public service without their consent, and without stipulation with them in regard to payment. Compelled to fetch fire-wood, even, for their oppressors, they were assured, that if there was any delay in bringing it, the soldiers would " absolutely take their houses for fuel." Under frivolous pretenses they were compelled to give up their boats and their fire-arms, leaving them without the means of fiight or defense. The region east of the St. Croix was entirely under the power of England, and no resistance was to be feared from the Acadians. They bowed in meek submission before their masters, willing to take the oath of allegiance to England, but still refusing to bear arms against their beloved France. Their taskmasters could have exer cised clemency without the slightest danger to themselves, but they had determined otherwise. The edict had gone forth, that the French Neutrals should be carried away captive to other parts of the British dominions. Their haughty oppressors lusted after their comely houses and fruitful lands. No warning of their purpose was given, till it was ready to be executed. As soon as they perceived the dangers that awaited them, they offered to swear unconditional allegiance to the government, but they were not allowed to do so, being told that having once refused the oaths, they could not now be administered ; and some of the principal men were imprisoned. It was unanimously determined in solenm council, to send the French inhabitants out of the province, and to distribute them among 'the several colonies of the continent, that they might not be able to re turn and molest the intruders who should secure their beautiful homes and cultivated fields. They secured then- persons by artifice. By proclamation all the males from ten years old and upward were peremptorily ordered to appear at their respective posts, on the 5th of September, 1755. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 165 They obeyed, and at one of the places of assembling, which was a church, they were informed by the American commander " You are convened together, to manifest to you, his Majesty's final resolu tion to the French inhabitants of this, his province. Your lands and tenements, cattle of all kinds, and live stock of all sorts, are forfeited to the crown, and you yourselves are to be removed from this his province. I am through his Majes ty's goodness, directed to allow you liberty to carry off your money and house hold goods, as many as you can, without discommoding the vessels you go in." They were then declared the king's prisoners, and their wives and families shared the same fate. " The blow was sudden ; they had left their homes but for the morning, and they never were to return. Their cattle were to stay unfed in the stalls, their fires to die out on their hearths. They had for that first day, even, no food for them selves or their children, and were compelled to beg for their bread !" The 10th of September was the day appointed for the first embark ation of the exiles. One hundred and sixty-one constituted the first company ordered to march on board the vessel, which was to take them from their homes forever. It was possible for them to leave their homes, their lands, and their garners, but it severed a sensitive chord in the human bosom, when called upon to leave their parents, wives and children. Neither the pen nor the imagination can paint the scene that followed. Forced by the bayonet, the men were driv en on board, and the women and children were left till other trans ports should arrive. The miserable people left behind were kept near the sea, without proper food, or clothing, or shelter, till their turn came, but the fierce winds of December' " had struck the shivering, half-clad, broken-hearted sufferers, before the last of them were re- moved." Seven thousand of these exiles were forced on board ships, and scattered among the colonies, from New Hampshire to Georgia, according to previous determination. Four hundred were sent into Connecticut, by Gov. Lawrence, and were distributed among the towns of the colony, according to their lists, by the General Assem bly, which convened January 21, 1756, for that purpose. The share that fell to Woodbury, was nine. The names of four only are now known, Petre Beaumont, Henrie Scisceau, Alexandre Pettigree, and Philemon Cherevoy. The descendants of the latter are now resi dents of the town. The selectmen of the several towns were desired to find accommodations for them, at some distance from the settle ments, and take care to keep them at some suitable employment. 1 Bancroft. 166 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Thus were these unhapf)y people scattered in small and sorrowful bands throughout the land. They were without resources, and the households to which they belonged were scattered they knew not where.' The newspapers of the day were burdened with advertise ments from members of families, seeking those they had lost. They sighed for their native land, but, to prevent their return, it had been laid waste, and their much loved homes were but heaps of ruins. " A beautiful and fertile tract of country was reduced to a solitude." Misfortune pursued them wherever they fled. " I know not," says Bancroft, " if the annals of the human race keep the record of sor rows so wantorily inflicted, so bitter and so perennial as fell upon the French inhabitants of Acadia." " We have been true," said they of themselves, " to our religion, and true to ourselves ; yet nature ap pears to consider us only as the objects of public vengeance." In 1744, wax was proclaimed between France and England. In 1745, an expedition against Louisburg was planned and put in exe- cutlbn, and its capture was consummated. Connecticut furnished more than one thousand men for this expedition, commanded by Roger Wolcott, afterward governor of the colony. Woodbury furnished a portion of these, but how many is not now known. Zechariah Brins made, to whom those now bearing the name in the .ancient territory are related, was one of these soldiers. In 1755, this war was renewed, and during its continuance, there were four expeditions against Crown Point, in each of which men and officers from Woodbury figured. In short, during all the wars between France and the mother country, which affected the colonies, Woodbury furnished not only men but field-officers. In the first year of this war, Connecticut raised one thousand men, under the com mand of Col. Lyman and Elizur Goodrich, Esq. Woodbury fur nished two captains, Capt. Benjamin Hinman, and Capt. Adam Hin man, and a large number of soldiers. In the battle near Lake George, on the 8th of September, Capt.* Adam Hinman was wounded in the shoulder by a grape-shot. In 1756, twenty-five hundred men were raised in Connecticut for the invasion of Canada, and the quota from Woodbury was increased, under the command of the same offi cers from the town as before. Next year, Capt. Benjamin Hinman was again in the field by commission from Gov. Thomas Fitch. In this year there was an " alarm" for the relief of Fort William Henry, near Lake George. Two companies marched from Woodbury with all haste. One numbered eighty men, under the command of Capt. Ebenezer Downs, and the other ninety-six, under the command of HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 167 Capt. Wait Hinman. Among the rank and file of the latter compa ny, were Hezekiah Thompson, Esq., the first regular lawyer in the town, and Doctor Joseph Perry. These companies were absent from town about three weeks. , A full list of the men engaged will be found among the statistics at the close of the volume. Connecticut had already furnished fourteen hundred men for the campaign, and sent five thousand more in this " alarm." During this year, 1757, Adam Hinman was appointed captain of one of the companies that were raised in Connecticut, and placed under the command of the Earl of Loudoun, for resisting the encroachments of the French at Crown Point.' But hitherto colonial officers had had little standing among the " regulars." Every officer in the regular service, of whatever rank, took precedence of those in the colonial service. They were treated with the greatest hauteur, and even insolence, by the royal officers sent here, swelling with pride, to domineer over the provincials, caring more to show their superiority over the latter than to advance the king's interests. Although the cplonists had answered the sum mons of the king with the greatest alacrity, yet their burniiig ardor was unavailing, abused and frowned upon as they were. They were kept in close subjection to the regulars, and, remaining in idleness, as well as those who lorded it over them, they had no opportunity to exhibit the native courage which burned in their bosoms, and conse quently had done nothing. Yet instances of courage and daring flashed up in every part of the colonies, disconnected with the royal service. During the years 1756 and 1757, Abercrombie and the Earl of Loudoun, though having large bodies of troops under their command, both regular and provincial, through indolence and inibe- cility, did absolutely nothing, while Montcalm and other French offi cers were pressing tlieir successes in'.every direction. The campaign of 1757, ended most ingloriously. To the incapacity and pusillanimi ty of these commanders, are to be attributed the constantly recurring losses of that year. Had the colonies been left to themselves they would have done better. Indeed the ministry of England and the men employed by them were such that disaster and loss attended them in almost every part of the globe. Even a British historian, speaking of the campaign of 1757, says, " That it ended to the eter nal disgrace of those who then commanded the armies, and directed the councils of Great Britain." Yet these imbecile men contrived to 1 State Archives, War, vol. 6. 168 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBUEY. satisfy the home government, by complaints of America. It was nothing that the few successes which had been gained, had been prin cipally the result of the efforts and bravery of the provincials. It was nothing that they had saved the remnants of Braddock's army ; noth ing that they had conquered Acadia ; nothing that they had defeated Dieskau at Lake George ; nothing, in their besotted imagination, could be done while there was no " viceroy or superintendent over all the provinces." With such imbecile commanders to ruin everything, the patriotism and means of the provincials were worse than wasted. It was of no avail, that with a ready zeal they rushed at each alarm to the scene of attack. It was of no avail that each little town, like Woodbury, sent a hundred and seventy-six men for the defense of a single fort. ' It was of no avail that that fort was defended by the gallant Munro, with a small but faithful corps — naught can save it. " How peacefully rest the waters of Lake George between their ramparts of highlands ! In their pellucid depths, the cliffs and the hills and the trees leave their image, and the beautiful region speaks to the heart, teaching affection for nature. As yet not a hamlet rose on its margin ; not a straggler had thatched a log hut in its neighborhood; only at its head, near the center of a wider opening between its mountains. Fort William Henry stood on its bank almost on a level -frith the lake. Lofty hills overhung and commanded the wild scene, but heavy artil lery had not as yet accompanied war-parties into the wilderness.'" Such was the scene on the first of August, 1757. A few days later the gallant commander, the patriotic band, the fort itself, had disap peared, and nothing remained to tell that civilization had reposed upon its margin, but the charred remains of the fortification, and here and there among the hills a crucifix to mark a grave. But Pitt attaining power at this juncture, the Earl of Loudoun was recalled, while other and better officers took his place. Lord Howe, Wolfe and Amherst were leading officers under the new regime, though Abercrombie was still nominally commander-in-chief. Pitt rejected the policy of degrading the colonists, adopted by his predecessors, and relied on the spontaneous patriotism of the people. He accord ingly obtained the king's order, that every provincial officer of no higher grade than colonel, should have equal rank with the British, according to the date of their respective commissions. He informed the colonists that he expected nothing of them but the " levying, 1 Bancroft. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 169 clothing and pay of the men," and that for these expenses he would " strongly recommend to parliament to grant a proper compensation." Upon his summons more than twenty thousand men were, without difficulty, called into service. The new policy produced the most favorable results. In 1758, Connecticut raised five thousand men for the invasion of Canada, which were divided into four regiments. Col. Benjamin Hinman, of Woodbury, was commissioned by Gov. Fitch, as lieutenant-colonel of the third regiment, and captain of the second company of foot, and Israel Putnam, major of the same regiment, and captain of the third company under him. The greatest enthusiasm everywhere pre vailed. Louisburg fell before the weU-directed efforts of Amherst ' and Wolfe. Fort Frontenac yielded to Bradstreet, and Fort Du quesne disappeared in smoke before the sagacity and perseverance of Washington under Forbes. The only misfortune of the year, the disgraceful and disastrous defeat at Ticonderoga, came through the miserable inefficiency and cowardice of Abercrombie, who had been retained in command by the partiality of Bute, against the judgment of Pitt. In this expedition perished the gallant Howe. Most of the soldiers from Woodbury went north with Abercrombie, and a large proportion of them never again saw their homes in this pleasant val ley. Nearly all that the sword spared, disease swept away. After this disastrous defeat, Abercrombie was recalled in November, and Amherst was appointed commander-in-chief. In 1759, Connecticut, as in the preceding year, raised five thou sand men. Col. Benjamin Hinman and the other surviving officers of the previous year, from Woodbury, entered again into' the service, with the full quota of men from our town. Among the subordinate officers were Lieut. Phineas Castle, Lieut. Nathan Tuttle, and Gra ham Hurd. This campaign was rich in victories, though destructive to the troops. Sir William Johnson captured Fort Niagara, and Amherst forced the French to retire from Ticonderoga and Crown Point ; but by far the most glorious event of that campaign wag the surrender of Quebec to the victorious army under Wolfe, who met death on the battle field, and whose " spirit escaped in the blaze of hi^ glory." Of the soldiers from Woodbury who perished in this campaign, only three names are preserved, Amos Hurd, Benjamin Sanford and Lovewell Hurd. Great was the rejoicing in Woodbury, not unac companied with sorrow for the loss of the slain, when the news of this victory arrived. Not here only was such the case, but everywhere. 12 170 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. In the eloquent words of Bancroft, *' America rung with exultation ; the to-wns were bright with illuminations ; legislatures, the pulpit, the press, echoed the general joy ; province and famihes gave thanks to God. England too, which had shared the despondency of Wolfe, tri umphed at his victory, and wept for his death. Joy, grief, curiosity, amazement, were on every countenance." When the parliament as sembled, Pitt modestly and gracefully put aside the praises that were showered upon him. " The more a man is versed in business," said he, " the more he finds the hand of Providence everywhere." CHAPTER X. REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY. Cause of the Wae; Convention op 1765; Boston Poet Bill, 1774; Town ACTION 1774; Boston Alaem, 1774; First Measures of B.esistance by the Town, November, 1774 ; Association Articles ; Capture op TicoNr DEROQA and Ceown Point BY Ethan Allen, 1775; Committees of Inspec tion, AND Acts op the Town ; Toryism ; Jabez Bacon's Salt sold by the Committee op Inspection ; Tory Complaint ; Levies op Troops and Boun ties ; Council of- Safety ; Chaeacter of Hon. Daniel Sheeman ; Com mittees TO PEOVIDE for SoLDIEES' FAMILIES ; SUPPLIES ; CoMMISSAEY Os- boen's Puechases ; $500,000 woeth of Peovisions furnished ; Salt $100 PEE bushel; Events of 1775; Lexinoton Alaem; Northern Army; 150 Woodbury Men in the Field; Events of 1776; All the Militia West OF Connecticut River go to New Yoek ; 500 Men furnished by the Town; Detachment to Stamford; New York Prisoners op War 4 Beth lem Volunteers ; Census and Militia ; Prisoners at New York ; Ethan Allen and others Prisoners at Halifax ; Events of 1777 ; Danbury Alaem ; Soldiees at Peekskill ; Supplies fuenished ; Battle of Still water ; Appeaeance op Troops; Events of 177S; Small Pox in the Aemy ; Events of 1779 ; Affair at Norwalk ; Col. Moseley Resigns ; Arnold turns Traitor; £45 Bounty offered foe Enlistments ; Enlist ments TILL Nevv York should be taken; Events of 1780 and 1781; La Fayette and his Army pass throuoh Woodbury; Events op 1782; Bat tle OF YORKTOWN ; SURRENDER OF CoRNWALLIS ; ReJOICINQS OF THE PEO PLE ; Peace of 1783 ; Reflections. We have now arrived at one of the most thrilling and interesting periods of the history, not only of our own town, but of the North Amer ican continent. Many long years have rolled their slow course away, since the stirring scenes of the Reyolution were acted, but they live, engraved in a manner never to be effaced, on the memories of the few individuals who have " come down to us from a former generation," witnesses of the events in the " times that tried men's souls." The, brilliant events of that important period shall Uve, too, on the bright est page of history, while thought shall endure, or the recollection of human greatness shall remain. Their fame shall be perennial with 172 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. that noble language in which they are recorded, now "spread more -widely than any that has ever given expression to human thought," conveying, as it does, the strong tendency to individuality and free dom, of the Teutonic race, its happy possessor. The representatives of that language have ever been famous for deeds of valor and high renown. In that most beautiful apostrophe of Bancroft, we would most fervently join : " Go forth, then, language of Milton and Hamp den, language of my country ; take possession of the North American' continent ! . Gladden the waste places with every tone that has been rightly struck on the English lyre, with every English word that has been spoken well for hberty and for man ! Give an echo to the now silent and soUtary mountains ; gush out witb the fountains that as yet sing their anthems all day long without response ; fill the valleys with the voices of love in its purity, the pledges of friendship in its faith fulness ; and as the morning sun drinks the dew drops from the flow ers all the way from the dreary Atlantic to the Peaceful Ocean, meet him with the joyous hum of the early industry of freemen ! Utter boldly and spread widely through the World the thoughts of the com ing apostles of the people's liberty, till the sound that cheers the desert shall thrill through the heart of humanity, and the lips of the messen ger of the people's power, as he stands in beauty upon the mountains, shall proclaim the renovating tidings of equal freedom for the racp !" It became generally known, that at the end of the war with France, new regulations would be introduced into the governments of the American colonies. The purpose of taxing them, and raising a rev enue out of them, for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the colonial system, and for replenishing its needy exchequer, was now planned. The mother country wished also to punish some of the re fractory colonies for their insubordination, and to repress the rising sentiments of freedom. Connecticut was said to be " little more than a mere democracy, most of them being upon a level, and each man thinking himself an able divine and politician," and to make its in habitants a " good sort of people," it was supposed, all that was ne cessary ,would he to take care that the " Church should be supported, and that the charters of that colony, and of its eastward neighbors, be demolished." It was therefore determined to tax the colonies, and human ingen uity was brought under contribution to invent the most feasible way of doing it. The result of these efforts was the passage of the Stamp Act, a most odious and unjust measure, which it was further deter mined should be executed among the colonists by men appointed from HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 173 among their own number. This act required aU the business of the colonies to be carried on upon stamped paper, on which a duty had been' paid to the mother country, and rendered invalid all wills, deeds of sale, and instruments of all kinds, unless they were written on stamped paper. This struck a fatal blow at every interest, and the very existence of the commonwealth, unless the arbitrary provisions of that act were complied with. The passage of this act aroused the most intense excitement, alarm and indignation throughout the colo nies. Absolute resistance to the execution of this measure every where appeared, and the men who had been appointed by the crown as stamp-masters, were everywhere compelled by the excited people to resign their offices; by menaces, and in some instances, by force. Associations of the " Sons of Liberty" were formed in various parts of the country, and measures taken to excite the people to resistance to such an arbitrary and unjust law. On the 11th of February, 1766, a convention of nearly all the towns in Litchfield county was held, in which the leading men of Woodbury figured largely. By this body of men it was " resolved that the stamp act was unconstitutional, nuU and void, and that busi ness of all kinds should go on as usual." Then, too, the hum of do mestic industry was heard more and more ; young women would get together, and merrily and emulously drive the spinning wheel from sunrise till dark ; and every day the fiumor spread for being clad in homespun. Delegates of the " Sons of Liberty," from every town of Connecticut, met at Hartford, and were for establishing a union as the only security for liberty. No colony submitted to this law save Canada, Nova Scotia, and the Floridas, which were mere mihtary governments. England be gan to discover, that the law couI3~not be executed, and sought a way to escape from the humiliating position. Pitt, true to the best interests of genuine liberty, took the side of the . colonists in favor of the unconditional repeal of the hated and unfortunate law. It was repealed, and great rejoicing arose in all the colonies. But it soon became apparent to the colonists, that the mother country had by no means abandoned its darling purpose of bringing them under absolute and unconditional subjection. Discontent,Jeal- ousies and contentions from various causes, followed^tiU 1774, but the more prominent and immediate cause of the great and ever memora ble struggle of the Revolution, was undoubtedly the passage of the Boston Port Bill. This outrageous and malicious act excited uni versal sympathy for that town, throughout the colonies, but nowhere 174 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. was it manifested in a more lively or effective manner than in Con necticut. The misery brought upon the great commercial emporium of New England, by this unnecessary act of the British pariiament, raised a spirit of resistance never before witnessed in this sober "land of steady habits." The General Assembly, which was in session at Hartford, passed strong resolutions against the cruel and unjust act, and the several towns in the colony called large meetings, and passed resolutions expressing their disapprobation of the act, and their sym pathy with the people of Boston. Donations were also sent from almost every town in the state, for the relief of the distressed inhab itants of Boston and Charlestown. These consisted of money, live stock, and provisions of all sorts. The town meetings, during the year 1774, were conducted with the greatest propriety, and. though the people continued to use loyal expressions in their resolutions, they breathed the utmost decision and firmness against oppression, and had a very great infiuence in arousing an almost universal spirit of resistance to British oppression, and a full determination to make common cause with tho people of Boston, in their afflictions. The people of Woodbury caught the prevailing spirit, and a town meeting was called September 20th, 1774, to take into consideration the " unhappy Differences and Difficulties," and the alarming cir cumstances which threatened the people of the colonies, and espe cially the sufferings of the inhabitants of Boston and Charlestown. The meeting was fuUy attended, and the following determination was the result of their assembling : " At a Meeting of the Inhabita,nts of the Town of Woodbury on the Twen ty* Day of Septembfer, A. D. 1774, being Legally Warned, Increase Moseley, Esq' was chosen Moderator, this meeting takeing into consideration the unhapy Diferences and Disputes subsisting between Great Britain and her colonies, and Particularly the unhappy State of Boston and Charlestown and the many Greav- iences and Dlflculties the poor People in Each of those Towns Labour under occationed by sundry Late acts of Parliment. -Voated that Capt Matthew minor Lieut Increase moseley Capt Elias Duning Mr Jonathan Firrand Mr Samuel Hurd and Capt Ebenezer Down be a cointee to Receive Such Gifts and Donations as shall be Delivered to them by the Inhabitants of the Town of Woodbury for the support of the poor of the sd Towns of Boston and Charles town and Shall Send such Donations as they so Receive to the Select men of the Several Towns of Boston and Charles Town to be laid out by them for the Purpose afore sd in Such manner as they jude Right. " 2* voated that Increase moseley Esqr Gideon Walker Esq' Daniel Everet Esqr Col Benjamin Hinman Thomas Warner Esqr Increase mosely Junr Dea John Pearse and Mr Hesekiah Thompson be a. com'ee of correspondence to Receive and Communicate Such Inteligence as may Find to maintain peace and union in this and the Neighbouring Colonies. The Right Rev* Jonathan HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 175 Shipley Bishop of St Asaphs speech in the house of Lords being read to this meeting voted to Desire our Representatives to Recomend to the General As sembly of this colony at their sessions in October Next that they return publick thanks to the sd Rev Doct Shipley for said Noble Patriotic speech in favour of British Americai and to all other friends of Americai in Great Britain. We Postpone any Particular Resolves Relative to the afair of Americai until the De termination of the General Congress Shall be Known'." It will be seen by this vote, that although there was sufficient loy alty in expression, yet the committee of correspondence was expected to perform duties quite different from exciting loyalty to the king, while oppression continued on the part of his government. In ac cordance with this vote, a respectable amount of " Gifts and Dona tions" were collected and forwarded to Boston with all possible dis patch. It is to be noted, that it was not forgotten by the meeting to take especial notice of the " noble, patriotic speech" delivered by the Rt. Rev. Dr. Shipley, of St. Asaph's, in the House of Lords, in favor of the American colonies. Besides, this meeting took place just after the " Great Boston Alarm," which occurred Sept. 3, 1774. On this occasion quite a number of soldiers marched from Woodbury, and joined the companies from the other towns, as not enough to make a fuU company of their own volunteered in time to march together. The cause of this alarm was a report that the ships of war were cannonading Boston, and the regular troops slaying the inhabitants, without distinction of age or sex. The news spread with the great est expedition, in all directions, and in less than thirty-six hours, the country for nearly two hundred miles, was thoroughly rallied. " From the shores of Long Island Sound to the green hills of Berkshire, to arms, to arms, was the universal cry. Instantly, nothing was seen on all sides, but men of all ages cleansing and burnishing their arms, and furnishing themselves with provisions and warlike stores, and preparing for an immediate march ; gentlemen of rank and fortune exhorting and encouraging others by their advice and example. The roads were soon crowded with armed men, marching for Boston with great rapidity, but without noise or tumult. By the most moderate computation, there were in the colony of Connecticut alone, not less than twenty thousand men completely armed, actually on their march for that town, with full speed, until counter intelhgence was received on the road.'" As it had become apparent to thinking minds, that war with the 1 Hinman's War of the American Revolution. 176 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. mother country was inevitable, their great object had been to form public opinion in favor of a contest with England. To do this, it be came necessary to infuse into the people a proper appreciation of their just rights. This was best effected in that day of scarcity of newspapers, by holding town meetings, in which they could read publicly such papers as treated upon the subject of common interest, and discuss their rights and grievances. In this manner the people became highly excited and exasperated, and patriotism glowed with more or less intensity in the coldest breasts. " The Congregational clergy of New England were active in the cause of liberty during the Revolution, and taught the people from their pulpits, that the Christian religion was a stranger to mere despotic power, as the great Montesquieu declared." This was to be expected, as they were bound to no " Head of the Church," on the other side of the water, to whom they owed supremacy and allegiance, but were the representatives of a Christian democracy. Our fathers were fully .up to the spirit of the times, and held fre quent meetings to consult concerning the public weal. As soon as they had learned the action of the Continental Congress, and that of the October sestion of their own legislature, a town meeting was duly warned to take action ifi regard to the subjects to which the attention of the several towns had been invited. With entire unanimity and cor diality, they indorsed the action of the two bodies mentioned, and took the necessary measures to carry it into effect. This meeting was held Nov. 17, 1774, and copies of its votes follow. " At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Tovvn of Woodbury Novemr the 17"', 1774 being Legally Warned Daniel Sherman Esqr Was chosen moderator. " The association of the Deligates of the american Colonies in the Late General Congress held at Pheladelphia Was Read to this meeting, and also the Resolves Relative to it in House of Representatives at the Last Sessions of the General assembly of this Colony at New Haven, one of which was in these words Namely, Resolved that it be and itis hereby Recommended to the several Towns in this Colony to Chuse a Com'«= of their own Body agreeable to the Eleventh article of Association for the purposes in s^ article Expressed, this meeting ap prove and accept said association and premiss to act agreeable to it, and that the plan therein proposed may be Effectually Carryed into Eccecution We Do appoint Daniel Sherman Esq Mr. Hezikiah Thompson Cap' Gideon Stoddard Gideon Walker Esq Edward Hinman Andrew Graham Major Increase Mose ley Daniel Everit Esq Capt. Elias Duning James Hannah Jonathan Farrand Increase Moseley Esq Capt Nathan Hiook Thomas Warner Esq Capt Thadeus Lacy Capt David Hurd Eleazer Mitchell, Joseph Pearse Esq and Justus Pearse a com"" Whose Business it shall be agreeable to the Eleventh article attentive ly to observe the conduct of aU persons Touching s'' association &c— and When HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 177 it Shall be made to appear to the majority of ye s"! com"" that any Person, With in the Limits of this Town have violated the s" association, that s'' majority Do forthwith cause the truth of the case to be published in the Gazette to the End ' that all such foes to ye Rights of British americai may be publikly known and universially Contemned as Enemies to american Liberty, and thensforth we Do bind our selves to break off all Dealings With Such Persons and also with all Persons in other Towns and Citys who shall be found Guilty as above Ex pressed, and that it shall be ye Duty and Business of the s"" com""" to Receive and Communicate all Such intelligence as they shall judge to be conducive to ye Peace and Tranquility of this and the Neighbouring Colonies ; this meeting presents their most thankfull acknowledgments to those truly Honourable and Worthy Gentleman members of y" Congress who have Shewn themselves able advocates of the civil and Religious liberty of the american Colonys. " Voted that the doings of this meeting be Recorded by the Town Clerk and a Copy thereof be forthwith sent to one of the printers of the Conneticut Journal to be published accordingly. The Whole of the above Written as voated in said Meeting." The decisive step seemed now to be taken. Neither party could recede without betraying weakness or cowardice to the opposite party. The Rubicon seemed to have been passed, and all waited the next move with intense solicitude^ Darkness and gloom had, settled upon the moral vision, the vail of the future was drawn over the re sult, and it was impossible for the man of greatest wisdom to raise that vail, and penetrate the mystery beyond. The articles of the " General Congress," referred to in the foregoing vote of the town, are of much interest, and were recorded by the town-clerk on the land records of the town. They are as follows : " Association of the Continental Congress held in the City of Philadelphia on the 5th day of Heptember A. D. 1774 — "In the House of Representatives The Report of the Delegates of this' Colony in the State Continental Congress held at Philadelphia being made, accepted and approved. Resolved that the Association entered into and signed by them in behalf of this Colony ought to be faithfully kept and observed, and that the Same may be fully known & understood Resolved that Said Association be printed together with this Resolve and Dispersed throughout this Colony ; and it is further Resolved that it be and it is hereby Recommended to the Several Towns in this Colony to Chuse a Committee of their own Body agreeable to the Eleventh Article of s^ Association for the purposes in s"" article Express{ salt was one of prime importance, and most difficult to be obtained. As has been seen, it was one the "Articles" agreed upon, not to raise the price of the necessaries of life for a certain period. At the expira tion of that time, traders, like the rest of the world in other times, demanded such prices as the exigencies of their pockets required, or their avarice deemed most convenient and consoling to its voracious appetite. At one period Mr. Jabez Bacon, the most opulent mer chant of the town and vicinity, had on hand a large quantity of this article, for which, it was deemed, he asked an exhorbitant price. Accordingly the committee of inspection, in the " due exercise of their powers," as they judged, took possession of the store, estab lished, what they considered to be a sufficiently remunerative, price to Mr. Bacon, and gave notice to the inhabitants that on a certain day named, salt in proper quantities, according to the necessities of the purchasers, would be for sale. On the day appointed, a crowd of hungry applicants appeared at the rendezvous, the " Hollow Store" « to be salted." Among the rest, who were in pressing need of the culinary article, came Doct. Obadiah Wheeler, who was understood to entertain affectionate feelings for the "mother country," and who frequently reprehended ?woJs,— with his measure for the reception of the " coveted necessary," which should fall to his lot to obtain.' On seeing him approach, an ardent whig cried out, « Ah Doctor, I thought you were a hater of mobs; why do you show yourself here?" The doctor replied, " It is true, I hate mobs like the d— ^1, but necessity is the mother of many shifts — I must have salt!" The ready answer of the doctor saved him, perhaps, from inconvenience, and concilia- 1 State Archives, Eev. War, 15 vol., p. 66. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 187 ted the multitude in such a manner, that he was permitted to carry off his share of salt under the same regulations as the rest. The "Committees of. Inspection," it will be seen, were of great consequence during the war, and had manifold duties to perform, which they executed 'without flinching : " At a Legal Meeting of the Freemen of the Town of Woodbury, September the 19th, 1775. " Abijah Mitchell was Chosen Moderator for said meeting. " Gideon Walker was chosen Clerk for' s'' Meeting. " Capt. Gjdeon Stoddard, Daniel Sherman, Esqr, Gideon Walker, Esqr, pg^. Clement Minor, Capt. Thomas Bull, Doct. Andrew Graham, Col. Increase Mosely, Agur Curtiss, Edward Hinman, Esqr, Timothy Osborn, Daniel Ev erit Esqr, Capt. Elias Dunning, Amos Clark, James Hannah, Timothy Strong, Increase Mosely Esqr, Jonathan Farrand, Capt. Nathan Hicok, Doct. John Calhoon, Elihu Smith, Thomas Warner Esqr, Samll Hurd, Abraham Brown-^ son, David Hurd, Ebenezer Hull, Elijah Hinman, Thomas Tousey, Capt. Down, Comfort Hubbell, and Robert Edmond, Were Chosen a. Committee of Inspection or Observation. Here we have a committee of thirty of the principal men from aU parts of the " ancient town," lawyers, doctors, deacons, farmers and military men. They were men upon whom dependence could be placed in times of difficulty and danger. WeU did they play their parts in this and various other capacities during the war. They continued without change in their number, except by death, till the close of the war. They continued their " fatherly care" over the sentiments of the town even after peace was proclaimed and our in dependence gained. To their influence, in part, though their office had become vacant, may be ascribed the following vote, though when once proposed it met the unanimous support of the town : " At a Lawful Town Meeting held April 12, 1784. " Doct. Andrew Graham was Chosen Moderator. " Voted, that those persons who joined the enemies of the United States in the course of the late civil war of what description soever are denyed a resi dence in this Town from this date until the Gen" Assembly shall grant them full liberty for that purpose." 1 This was the last action taken by the town in relation to this por tion of its citizens. Provision was soon made that they might be restored to the rights of citizenship, and in some cases to their prop erty, on taking what was called the " Oath of Fidelity." According- 1 To-vra Journal. 188 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. ly we find them returning at intervals and taking that oath. The records show a number of such instances till some years afterward, when all fear had subsided, it fell into disuse. As a matter of curi ous record a copy of an original complaint, is subjoined which ex plains itself: * " To the Com" of Observation in cfe for the^Town of Woodbury in Ijitchfield County I the subscriber hereunto Do hereby Informe Complain and Give you gentelmen to understand that Doctr Benjamin Hawley of sd Woodbury (in my opinion) has been Guilty of Violating'the Association of the Late Continental Congress Recomended by the General Assembly of this Colony by Expressly Disavowing the whole Doings of sd Congress & said Association & Declaring that he would Pay no Regard to the Same and Maintaining the acts of Parlia ment Complained of as Grievances- are Constitutional and that the Brittish .Parliament have a Constitutional Authority to impose taxes on the Inhabitants ^f America & by his Boldly Declaring the Colonists to be in a State of actual Rebellion against the Crown of Great Brittian & by his Treating with open Con tempt the Measures and Proceedings of the Americans for Obtaining Redress of theire Grievances and by Endeavouring in his Conversation to inspire oth ers with his above Described Sentiments he Discovers himself to be obs'tinately fixed in the most Criminal opposition to the Rights and Liberties of ameraica &c which Conduct of said Hawley (in my opion) Claimes the attention of sd Comtt who are hereby Requested to take the matter into their Consideration and proceed there in according to the advice of sd Congress I am Gentelmen your mostObedt Hum"Ser' Woodbury Aug' 2d A. D. 1775. - James Hannp,h. To Doctr Benjn Hawely of Woodbury in Litchfield County these are to noti- fie you to appear before the Com" of 01|servation for the Town of Woodbury at the Dwelling house of Gideon Walker Esqr in sd Woodbury on the third monday of Instant augt at Ten of the Clock in the fore noon (if you see cause) then and there to answer unto the foregoing Information and Shew Reasons if any you Can why you should not be proceeded against and dealt with accord ing to the advio of the Continantal Congress Dated at Woodbury the 14th Day of Augt A. D. 1775. Daniel Everit. One of Said Comtt The within is a true Coppy of the origonal Complaint an Citation _ T T ^ Signer of the Complaint & one -^®^' • ¦ James Hannah -J of the Committe of Observation ( for the Town of Woodbury." Durmg the first two years of the war, the larger part of the mili tia, which comprised all the able bodied men from the age of sixteen to, fifty years old, had been called to serve at various posts, and on various expeditions a great part of the time. Early in 1777, enlist ments for three years, or during the war, were called for, and the quota for each town established. It was a severe levy on the already HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 189 weakened strength of the town. But they met the call with a ready zeal, and an undaunted perseverance. Large bounties were offered to those who would enlist, and heavy taxes laid on the property of the inhabitants who were not liable to military duty, or did not en list into the army. Immediately on the reception of the order for new le-vies of troops, the town was convened in lawful meeting and had the following action : " At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Woodbury April 3d, 1777: " Daniel Sherman, Esq., was Chosen Moderator. Voted, that the Select men in this Town for the time being be a Comtee as is specified in the Resolve Issued by his Honour the Governour and Committee of Safety. Dated March the ISth 1777, to take Care of such Soldier's Famelys, as shall Inlist into the Continental Army, "Voated, that Each Able Bodied Effective man, who hath or shall volunta rily Inlist into the Continental Army in such 'way and Manner toward makeing the Quota of this Town for the space of Three years, or during the War, shall be Intitled to Receive out of the publick Treasury of this Town the sum of Twenty Shillings Lawful money, as an Addition to Each month's Wages he shall continue in the service, to be paid to him, or his order, at the End of Each six'month's serviss." ' This was in addition to the wages the soldier received from the authorities of the confederation, and a tax of eight pence on the pound was at the same meeting laid " on the Poles and Rateable Es tate of the Inhabitants'' to pay the bounty thus offered. It will be seen that this order was given by the governor, with the advice and consent of the " Council of Safety." This council was appointed annually by the Assembly, and was composed of from nine to four teen of the most distinguished men in the state, whose duty it was to assist the governor, when the assembly was not in session ; -v^ith authority to direct the militia and navy of the state, marches and stations of the troops, either in whole or in part, and give all neces sary orders for furnishing said mihtia, troops and navy, in every re spect, to render the defence of the state effectual ; to fulfil and exe cute every trust already reposed by the assembly in the governor, with power and authority in the governor to notify and convene the whole of said council on all important occasions. But in cases where necessity and safety required immediate action, or on small matters, the governor, at his discretion, was authorized to convene a part of said council, not less than five, to act with him. The per diem al- 1 Town Journal. 190 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. lowance to each of the council for this service, including their ex penses, was settled at eight shillings per day. Woodbury was for four years from May, 1777, represented in this council, by Daniel Sherman.' His colleagues the first year were Hon. Matthew Gris wold, WUham Pitkin, Roger Sherman, Abraham Davenport, Wil liam Williams, Titus Hosmer, Benjamin Payne, Gen. James Wads- worth, Benj. Huntington, William HHlhouse, Thaddeus Burr, Na thaniel Wales, Jr., and Andrew Adams. A more brilliant array of names, perhaps, could not have been selected. This committee were frequently in session, and the most responsible, arduous and difficult details of the service were confided to their care. Perhaps no body of men of similar numbers contributed more by wise councils and vigorous action to the success of the general' cause than this. For his attendance and services during the years 1777 and 1778, Daniel Sherman's bill was £56, 8s., showing an attendance of 141 days, at the established price. He was called to Hartford on public duties four times durmg 1779, and was in attendance forty-five days. Daniel Sherman was perhaps ^e most distmguished man that had arisen in the town previous to his day. He was a descendant of Samuel Sherman, of Stratford, who emigrated to this country from England, in company with his brother Rev. John Sherman, and his nephew, Capt. John Sherman, ancestor of Hon. Roger Sherman. He was a justice of the quorum for twenty-five years, and judge of the Litchfield County Court five years from 1786. For sixteen years he was probate clerk for the district of Wcjodbury, and judge of that district thirty-seven years. He represented his native town in the General Assembly sixty-five sessions,* retaining the unbound ed confidence of his fellow-citizens. This was by far the longest pe- rio(J of time any one has ever represented the town. He was a man 1 Hinman's Eevolntion. 2 Mr. Sherman was a representative at the May Session of the General Assembly in 1791, and, it is related, desired to be elected to the October Session of the same year, in order to make tie fuU number of thirty-three years that he would -then have represented the town. But at the time of the election for the October Session, the moderator of the meeting happened to think that he had had his share of honors, and in order to turn the tide of feeling in Mr. Sherman's favor against him, if possible, when he made proclamation that the ballot box was open for the reception of votes, remarked in a loud tone of voice, " Gentlemen, the box is now open; you -will please to bring in your ballots for him whom you mU have for your first representative — Hon. Daniel Sherman, of cou/rse!" This simple incident gave a change to the popular cm-- rent, and on counting the votes it was found that Hon. Nathaniel Smith was elected instead of Mr. Sherman. HISTOEY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 191 of commanding powers of mind, of sterling integrity, and every way qualified for the various public trusts confided to his care. He died at a good old age,. full of honors, and was followed by the affection ate recollections of the inhabitants of the town among whom he had so long lived. One inducement which the town held out to men to enlist into the army, besides increased wages, was a provision which required it to take car^ of and support their families during their absence in their country's service. Committees were annually appointed to carry this provision intd effect. At the. annual town meeting, Dec. 20, 1779^ the committee thus appointed consisted of " James Judson, John Minor, Elisha Atwood, Jehiel Preston, Alexander Kas- son, Moses Galpin, Amos Martin, Jonathan Mitchell, Eleazur Knowles, Gideon Hicok, Israel Minor & Isaac Hunt." In March, 1780, Solomon Minor, Thaddeus Judson, Jonathan Jud son and Daniel Tuttle were added to this committee. In December, the same year, the following persons were " Chosen a Committee to provide for the Soldiers' Wives :" *' Elisha Stoddard, Will" Preston, Solomon Strong, Tho" Smith, Jonas Mar tin, Dea. Stephen Curtiss, Alexander Kasson, Ja' Kasson, Jr., The" Roots and John Hunt." In March, 1782, Samuel Carr was appointed on this committee in place of Thomas Smith, and Seth Stoddard, Jesse Roots, Capt. Timothy Judson and Capt. Nathaniel Tuttle added to it. In December of the same year, Ebenezer Bird, Elisha Stoddard, David Mitchell, John Martin, and Amos Martin were appointed to take care of the families of the absent soldiers. March 3, 1783, Barzillai Hendee and Lee Terrill were added to thi§ committee. From a return to the Gen eral Assembly, Oct. 22, 1783, we learn that £2,718, 7s. 8d. worth of provisions had been furnished to soldiers' families by one man, John Sherman. Such was the care of the town to support and defend those nearest and dearest to the brave men, who were manfuUy fight ing the battles, and consecrating with their blood every battle-field of their country. Those who went forth to war suffered extreme hardships, in common with their brethren from other parts of our country, and those who remained at home, suffered hardships scarcely less severe, in the heavy taxes to be paid for the soldiers' bounties, and the support of their families, while their own business was crip pled and nearly ruined. 192 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. No colony was more liberal in furnishing supplies than Connecti cut, and Woodbury was a prominent point for their collection. The streets of the village, in those days, were piled high, on either side, with barrels and hogsheads of pork, beef, lard, flour, and other mili tary stores for the use of the army. Nor was the supply of clothing of every kind, less profuse in quantity. In 1780, the selectmen were directed to give orders on the town treasury for all sums necessary for the purchase of clothing for all the soldiers in the Continental army from this town. Eleazur Knowles was appointed a committee to provide salt and other provisions for the soldiers. At this time it was difficult to obtain salt at any price, in sufficient quantities for the use of the army, and the inhabitants generally. On the 8th of Jan uary, 1781, William Preston, Capt. Amos Hicock, Daniel Hinman, WaitstiU Goodrich, and Samuel Hurd were appointed a committee to " Provide Clothing for the Army." In July following, a tax of four pence on the pound was levied, to purchase " Beef Cattle" for the use of the soldiers, and Israel Stoddard was appointed to collect the tax, and buy the cattle. The exact amount of provisions, furnished by the town, is not now known, but it may be estimated, from isolated facts that remain. In July, 1775, the selectmen furnished £10 worth of powder, lead and flints, for the companies under the command of Col. Hinman and Capt. Tuttle, that marched to Ticonderoga. In 1776, the town fur nished £102, Is. Id. worth of arms, saltpetre ^lUd lead.' Nov. 18, 1777, blankets and military stores to the amount of £46, 13s. bd. were sent to the army by Capt. Nathan Stoddard and Lieut. John Strong. March 12, 1778, the selectmen furnished for the use of the soldiers, 159 pairs of shoes, 165 pairs of stockings, 144 woolen shirts, 6 linen shirts, 117 fulled overalls, 29 linen overalls, 2 great-coats, 1 pair of leather breeches, 1 pair of breeches and 1 vest ; the whole being -pained at £763, Is. Od. In 1779, the town petitioned the Gen eral Assembly for liberty to " forward the clothing furnished" by its citizens, " directly to their own soldiers in camp," but whether the request was granted, and if so, what was the amount forwarded, is not known. Enough appears from the foregoing to assure us, that our revolutionary fathers were not wanting in labors and sacrifices in the cause of their country, even those of them exempt by disease or age, from going into actual service. Besides the amount of provisions furnished for the army during the 1 State Archives, Rev. War, vol. 6. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 193 war, large quantities were purchased of the inhabitants of this and neighboring towns, by Shadrach Osborn, of Woodbury, who was assistant commissary of purchases, and also an issuing commissary. His first service in this department was in 1775, when he purchased and furnished supplies to the army at Ticonderoga, in conjunction with Truman Hinman. He seems also to have acted, during that year, as a sutler to the army. The volume from which the following items are taken, is entitled " Truman Hinman & Shadrach Osborn's Book of Accounts Kept in Connecticut Courancy — began at Ticon deroga, June 21st 1775." The reason why it is supposed they acted as sutlers, on this occasion, is, that there are frequent entries on the book like the following : " Col° Easton, Dr. To 1 Nip Brandy Toddy £0—0—9 Esq' palmer Dr. To 1 Bowl Brandy Toddy 0—1—6" They were with the army, and dealt out to the soldiers whatever they wanted. Shadrach Osborn's accounts, as regular assistant com missary of purchases, begin with Nov. 17, 1777. He rendered his accounts to Col. Peter Colt, deputy commissary general of purchases, and by them we learn, that he expended in purchases as follows : roin Nov. 17, 1777 to March 1, 1778 £2742-13-2 Mar 3, 1778 to Sept. *2S, 1778 6079-13-7 Sept 2S, 177a to Oct. 31, 1778 7620-00-0 Oct. 21 1783 to Apl. 30, 1779 21573-02-81 ' Apl 30 1779 to Oct. 31, 1779 15475-02-10 Oct. 31 1779 to Aug. 2, 1783 60823-06-4 \ £114313-1S-7J" This amount, at twenty shillings to the pound, would be more than $381,000. There were other expenditures and disbursements con nected with liis office, which were considerable, the exact amount of which cannot now be ascertained. Add to this the amount furnished by the authorities of the town, and we have more than half a million dollars worth of supplies, furnished by this town and vicinity towards the grand amount necessary to achieve our country's independence. This is indeed a showing of which any town may be proud. All this was accomplished under the pressure of most unparalleled financial difficulties. The continental money, by means of British counterfeiting, and the unavoidable loss of credit, arising from so long and sanguinary a struggle, constantly depreciated, and at last became nearly valueless. By Mr. Osborn's accounts we see, that on the 30th of January, 1780, the depreciation was so great, that one dollar 194 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. or pound in specie, was equal to thirty-three and one third of conti nental money ; and in 1783, the ratio was one for seventy-two. We also find in these accounts, pork carried out at eight shillings per pound, tallow at twenty sliiUings, flour at eighteen pounds per cwt, and salt at one hundred dollars per bushel. Money had become an article in great demand, as early as 1774; so much so, that we find Elisha Steelcy of Woodbury, petitioning the General Assembly in that year for a reimbursement of two twenty shilling bUls, which he had lost the year before while plowing, and which his hired man had found moulded and destroyed in his pocket-book. It would seem a very tri-vial loss, at the present day, but the matter engaged the at tention of the legislature, and the prayer of the petition was granted. At the same session, a state certificate for £5, 10s. was reimbursed to Daniel Hinman, Jr., which had been burned with his house.' This depreciation went on from bad to worse, till, at last, when the soldiers of the continental army were discharged after the peace of 1783, many of them were forced to beg their way home, their wages being scarcely sufficient to buy them a dinner. 1775. But Woodbury, in a far more important manner, contrib uted towards a successful issue of the dispute with Great Britain. This "was accomplished by sending large numbers of her best sons to the field of battle. In the number and valor of her troops, it is be lieved that few towns of similar territorial and numerical strength can vie with her. Their heroic deeds should grace a bright page of history. A list of nearly a thousand of her sons will be found in the succeeding pages of this volume, who " did battle for thei^ country," and the list is by no means complete. It is believed that several hun dred more names are irrecoverably lost, so that the pen of the histo rian can not do them the justice they so hardly earned, and so richly merit. Their glorious achievements, their noble deeds, their peren nial fame, survive ; but their names have perished. The sacred turf covers them, but the consecrated places may not be found to be wet with the grateful tears of a free and happy people. They sleep well ; let them rest in their glory, tUl the final consummation of afl things, when they shall be raised to a bright reward. In April, 1775, after the battle of Lexington, there was an " alarm," called the " Lexington alarm," on which more than fifty towns sent companies of soldiers with aU haste to the point of attack. Wood- 1 State Archives, Miscellaneous, vol. iii., p. 335. HISTORY. OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 195 bury sent a full company on this occasion, but the roll is lost, and the names cannot be recorded. At the commencement of the war. Col. Hinman's, or the 13th regiment of militia, comprised only the three towns of Woodbury, Kent and New Milford. From this regiment in 1775, marched eight companies to garrison Ticonderoga and Crown Point, after it had been taken by the gallant conduct of Ethan AUen and the brave men under his command. The precise proportion of these companies furnished by Woodbury, cannot be stated ; but as it contained two- thirds of the soldiers in the regiment, it is believed that its quota was in the same ratio.' Eighty names ha-ve been collected, and appear in the " Revolutionary list" of this volume. It is certain that the number of soldiers furnished for the continental army, exclusive of those in the Lexington alarm, was one hundred and fifty, as this was the number whose " PoU taxes'' were abated that year by the Gen eral Assembly, on account of their gervice.^ 1776. The sun of 1776, although our armies had been successful the preceding year, arose clouded and in gloom. The " note of prep aration" was sounded throughout the land. There was a " hurrying to and fro" throughout the country on business of the most solemn import, affecting the dearest interests we know in life. The General Assembly was early in the field. Five sessions of that body, three 1 At this date the officers of the regiment were as follows : " March 21»i: 1775. The Dignification of the Several Companies in the IS"" Eegi: in the Colony of Connecticut — The l»i : Company. Cap'. Tim" : Judson Woodbury old Society 2"''. Co. Southbury — Capi. Tfuman Hinman S''' Co. N. Milford- N. Co. Epenetus Platt 4. Co. Eoxbury . David Leavenworth 5lb Co. Bethlem . , . EUas Dunning 6. Co. Kent 1" C». . Abraham TruEer 7 C». Judea . . . David Judson 8 C°. N. Milford S. C '. . Isaac Bostwick 9 Co- E. Green-wich . . Jos: Cajter 10th. C». N. Preston . . . W". Cogswell 11 Co. S.bury N. C„. . . Jno. Hinman 12tli C". S. Britten . \ . Eleazar Mitchel By US i Benj" Hinman ¦< Increase Moseley J" (Samuel Canfield 2 State Archives, Bev. War, vol. 6, 63. Field Officers of s6 Eeg«" 3 8 There were more commissioned officers during the war, of the name of Hinman, in Connecticut, than of any other name, being thirteen in number, all of whom were natives of Woodbury, viz : one colonel, five captains, four Ueuteuants, two ensigns, one war-ship captain, (Elisha Hinman, of New London, captain of fhe Alfred,) and one quarter-master. 196 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. of which were special, were held during the year. Among the acts passed at the May session, was one requiring a draft, or enlistment, of one-third of the soldiers in the 2d, 3d, 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 20th regiments; and one-fourth of all the rest. By an order dated June 10, 1776, Col. Benjamin Hinman commanded Capt. David Leaven worth, and the other officers of his rank in the 13th regiment, to draft, or enlist, one-fourth of the men in their companies forthwith, and have them ready for service. Capt. Leavenworth's company was No. 4, in the regiment. It is not now known how large his company was at this time, consequently it cannot be determined how many were enlisted- on this occasion. After the evacuation of Boston by the British, and Gen. Wash ington had taken possession of this town, the British commander changed the plan of the campaign, and concentrated his forces near New York. At this time of danger and apprehension, Washington in hke manner prepared to defend that post. In August, 1776, he sent a very urgent request to Gov. Trumbull, to order to his aid the whole of the militia west of Connecticut River. Accordingly the whole militia was ordered to New York, and at this time there were not less than 20,000 men in the service from Connecticut. Col. Hin man's order to Capt. Leavenworth is here given, and a like copy was sent to each of the other captains in the limits of the town : " To Capt David Leavenworth, Capt of the 4tl» Millitary Company in the 13th Reg'in'the Colony of Connecticut, Greeting, " Whereas I have received order from his Hour Govr Trumbull to c-dll forth (on notice given by Genl Washington, that Assistince is Necessary) and March the si Reg' for the Defence of the Colonies to bs under the Commander-in-chief of the American Army. And having this day Received a Pi.equest from Gen' Washington to March sd Regt immediately' to New York, Armed &o. " These are therefore to order you without delay to call forth the company under your command, & see that they are Equip'il with Arms, Blankets, Amu- nition &c. and march them immediately to New York, at which place lexiJect to join you. " Dated at Woodbury the 10th day of August A. D. 1776. "Benjn Hinman, Colo, 13th Regt. " N. B. You will make Necessary provision for the March of your Company, which expense will be paid as usual." By this it will be seen that this company was ordered out on the 10th of August. It was mustered on the 11th, marched on the 12th, and most of the men were gone tiU their discharge on the 25th of September following. How many were called out by this order does I HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 197 not appear. It comprised all the able-bodied men between the ages of sixteen and fifty years. It was probably not far from 500 men. The soldiers had just arrived from this expedition at their homes, and greeted their wives and children, when they were again ordered into service by a resolve of the legislature, as will be seen by the fol lowing : " To David Leavenworth, Captn of the 4th Military Company in the 13th Regt in Connecticut; Greeting — " In pursuance of a Late Resolve of the General Assembly of this State, and an order from Major General Wooster, you are hereby ordered & directed to call forth the Company under your Command, Such of them as are fit for Ser vice, and others. Householders &c. who are able bodied. Effective Men, within the limits thereof; without Loss of time & have them well Armed & Equrped: and you are further directed to March them immediately to Stamford in Fair field County, and there wait for further Orders, " Dated at Woodbury this 2dth day of October A. D. 1776. " Increase Moseley, Jr. Col° of s* Regt. " N. B. Usual Provision will be made for you on the March." Unfortunately the length of the service on this occasion, and the list of the men are lost. These excessive drafts had exceedingly in jured the agricultural interests of the town, and it had scarcely suffi cient to support the inhabitants during the winter. The crops had been neglected, and consequently there was little food to be garnered. The committee of safety of New York sent to Woodbury, October 21st, 1776, eight sailor prisoners, and a child belonging to one of them, for safe keeping. Their names were James Wilson, John Murray, Samuel Coppin, Jeremiah Rierden, Henry Killigrove, Mi chael Couney, Caesar Freeman, William Patterson, and his daughter, Mary Ann Patterson. The General Assembly ordered the committee of inspection of the town to give such assistance as was necessary tiU further orders, which was accordingly done. The Assembly next year reimbursed the expenses to Edward Hinman, Esq., chairman of the committee, to the amount of £22, 16s. 9(£' The spirit of the people was well exemplified by their action in the society of Bethlehem during this year, as will be seen by the follow ing : " We the subscribers in Bethlem, Considering the great Danger we are in from our unnatural Enemies do voluntarily Ingago to- Equip ourselves as soon as we Can with a Good Gun, Sword or Bayonet, & Carterage Box for any Es pecial* Emergency, for the Defence of our Invaluable Rights & Priveleges & Promise to support the same with our Lives &' fortunes, as witness our hands the 18th day of July A. D. 1776 J'a 1 Eev. War, vol. 5, p. 438. 2 Do. vol. 5, p. 9. 198 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. This agreement was signed by Capt. Andrew Martin, and forty- four others. By such means as this was the patriotism of the people kept gloyring during all the vicissitudes of the protracted warfare. This was a company of householders, exempt from military duty, who thus formed themselves into a volunteer company for the com mon defence, on any sudden emergency. It was formed in accord ance with a recommendation of the governor and council of war, to this class of citizens, in all the towns. Toward the close of this year, a census of the town was taken, which showed a population of 5325 souls. The number of officers and soldiers on the military rolls was 564, and the number of " Able bodied Men between 16 & 45 not on the Militia Rolls" was 318, making a total of 882 effective men, a decided majority of whom were subject to draft or detachment, and the remainder, if they chose, could enlist into the service. Besides these, there were then " 248 Men in the Continental Army." So that in the two calls for the whole militia of the town, Woodbury had furnished the whole of the above number of 564, except such of them as were sick, or became liable to the usual forfeiture. But we are not left to conjecture on this point. We have the exact number of those who thought it bet ter for them to pay the fine than to leave their business. A petition was sent to the General Assembly, signed by thirty-nine persons, who did not march at the call of the commanding officers. They peti tioned to be released from bonds for not marching when called on for this service. They urged that they " were overburdened : that they either had to go into service nearly all the time,. or have their estates ruined.'" The Assembly took the petition into consideration, but negatived the prayer thereof, not deeming it best by any act of clem ency to countenance insubordination. We can, therefore, state con clusively, that more than 500 men from Woodbury were on duty in these two calls, which, with the 248 men who had enlisted into the continental army, made a sum total of more than 850 men from "Ancient Woodbury," in the service of the country at one time. This " raw miUtia'' was present in the unfortunate operations on Long Island, toward the close of this year, and in Washington's retreat from New York, soon after which they were discharged. One would have thought that it would be impossible to arouse and lead to the field of battle, at a moment's warning all the able-bodied men in the militia of a town, in this manner, but the interests at* stake I 1 State Archives, Eev. War, vol. 10. p. 347. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 199 were great, and the most prominent and popular men in the commu nity were inthe movement "heart and hand." The officers addressed the soldiers in the most patriotic and urgent language, and even the pulpit lent its powerful aid to the cause by prayers to the Almighty, by encouraging the soldiers, and by volunteering to go with them as chaplains, on their expeditions against the common enemy. In ac cordance with this spirit. Rev. Mr. Wildman, of Southbury society, went as chaplain upon one of the calls made upon the soldiery of the town. As a specimen of the appeals made to the militia and enlisted soldiers by the regimental officers, the following order is given, which was sent particularly to the enlisted troops that had not yet mustered into service: " To Capt 4th juijr, 1776. "You are hereby ordered to march ofi" immediately. Spare no pains, nor loose one Moments time, as our army is in the Greatest distress. For God's sake push olf every man you have inlisted immediately, beg of the people to go on to carry off Soldiers. Forward them with all your Might. Send Expresses off to your other Officers immediately. Beg of the Militia, as many as can find it in their Hearts to go on for the help of the Lord against our Inveterate ene mies. Unless our Army have help immedi-ately we are gone. Now is the Crisis I Press Horses if you want, & go off immediately. i T. F , Col".;' From the commencement of the war to the time of the action at White Plains, in which about a hundred and fifty were killed and wounded in the short space of an hour, the soldiers from Woodbury had been remarkably fortunate. Scarcely one had been killed or wounded, though many had been sick of smallpox, at Ticonderoga the year before, insomuch that it became a common remark that the " balls would not hit the Woodbury boys.'' In consequence of this feeling of security, enlistments went on briskly, and to this feeling, in part, is to be attributed the large number of soldiers who volunteered to go into service. But at this action quite a number of the soldiers were killed, several others severely wounded, and the spell was broken. They could rely no longer upon the preservation of " blind chance," but must put their trust in the protection of an overruling 'Power. At the capture of Fort Washington by the British, a large number of soldiers were taken prisoners, carried to New York, and conflbaed in the sugar-house, where great cruelties and sufferings were inflicted upon them. The larger part, being deprived of food and drink, and crowded together in dense masses, literally died of starvation. In an 200 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. extract from a letter of a distinguished person in New York, from Connecticut, dated 26th December, 1776, itis stated that " The distress of the prisoners cannot be communicated by words. Twenty or thirty die every day — they lie in heaps unburied ! What numbers of my countrymen have died by cold and hunger, perished for the want of the neces saries of life ! I have seen it ! " This, sir, is the boasted British clemency — I had nigh perished — New Eng land people can have no idea of such barbarous policy ; nothing can stop such treatment but retaliation. It is due to the Manes of our murdered countrymen, to protect the survivors, rather than experience their barbarity and insults. May I fall by the swords of the Hessians."! Woodbury had some representatives in this scene of misery, but it is not now known that any of them died there. With the large num ber of men it had in service, it could not fail to be represented on every field of battle, during the eventful struggle in which our inde pendence was gained, and the mother country humbled in the dust At the October session of the General Assembly, 1776, it was rep resented by letters from Col. Ethan Allen, that himself, together with about eighteen other natives of Connecticut, among whom was .Zech ariah Brinsmade, of Woodbury, had been taken prisoners while in the service of the United States, by a party of British troopfe, near Montreal, in the province of Quebec, September 25th, 1775; that they had suffered great hardships during their captivity ; and that they were then confined in a suffering condition, incarcerated in a common goal, in Halifax, " in one room, among felons, thieves and negroes." The Assembly voted £120 lawful money, to be sent by Levi Allen, who was about to go to see his brother Ethan, that thus the prisoners might receive their wages, and be relieved from their pressing necessities. The governor was requested to write a letter to General Washington, the Continental Congress, or the commander in Boston, or all of them, to solicit their seasonable interposition to effect an exchange of prisoners.^ At an adjourned session of the General Assembly, held December, 1776, considering the organization not adequate to the defence re quired, the militia was reorganized into six brigades, and all male ' persons between the ages of sixteen and sixty years, not included in the trainband, with certain exceptions, and exempted from ordinary training, should constitute an alarm list, fully equip themselves, and hold themselves ready to march at a moment's warning, in case of 1 Hinman's Eevolution, p. 121. 2 State Records, (Hinman) p. 242. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 201 " an alarm." It was, however, provided that all persons above sixty years of age should not be Compelled to march out of this State. In accordance with this enactment " alarm companies" were formed throughout the ancient territory, and had abundant occasion to " see service" before the termination of the war. 1777. The campaign this year opened on the .part of the British, by an invasion of Connecticut ; an event which our people had so long feared. Troops were called for to defend the coasts, and Col. Moseley's regiment marched to Fairfield. After a time, as it did not appear that the enemy would make this the point of attack, this regiment was dismissed, as appears by the following : " Fairfield March 23rii : 1777 " Brigade orders — " Pursuant to Orders Received from the Governour the Genl. Dismisses Colo. Moseley & the Troops under his Command that "were ordered in here, as their Service is called for in another place : and Returns the Officers & Soldiers his thanks for, the readiness with which they have marched " G Selleck Silliman Brigr; Gena." On the 26th of April, 1777, there was a sudden call for troops to go to Danbury, as the British troops had arrived there and were burning the houses and destroying the property of the inhabitants. The alai-m lists and militia of Woodbury were immediately put in motion, and as fast as a considerable numbter convened at their posts, they marched to the scene of conflict. A considerable number, arri ved in time to take part in the action of next day, in which Maj. Gen. Wooster was mortally wounded. Several of the Woodbury soldiers were wounded. Hon. William Edmond, afterwards a judge of the superior court, was wounded in the riglit thigh, from which he experienced much pain and uneasiness for many years after. Thomas "Torrance was also severely wounded, and brought home on a litter. Others were more or less wounded, and some taken prison ers and carried to New York. Among the latter were Simeon and Timothy Minor. May 8, 1777, one-fourth of the militia of the 13th and other regi ments, were detached, and ordered to Horseneck. About one hun dred and fifty men from Woodbury went on this service. At the battle of Bennington, Aug. 16, 1777, under the galla&t Gen. Stark, Col. Seth Warner, of Woodbury, with a part of his reg iment, in which was many soldiers who had joined the continental army from this town, did good service. > Yet the larger part of the troops, that had been raised in Connecticut during this year, and 14 202 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. who were early in the field, were assigned for the defense of the im portant military posts about the Highlands, on the Hudson River. This great thoroughfare of communication between the northern, southern and middle states, was maintained throughout the war, mostly by Connecticut forces.' Early in March, 1777, on Gen. Washington's requisition, there had been a draft on the militia to march to Peekskill, N. Y., to rein force the army on that station under Gen. Putnam. Two thousand men were sent on under Gen. Wadsworth, in ten regiments. The quota of the 13th regiment, under Col. Moseley, consisting of two and a half companies, containing 240 men, was discharged on the 18th of August, for reasons stated in the following : " Head Quarters Peekes Kill august 18th 1777. " The General considering the busy Season with farmers The Importance of the Fruits of the Earth being Gathered — That the militia many of them came out in the alarm leaving their aifairs in an ill Setuation to tarry long — and the dangers that seemed then iramedeately threatening, removed further off — upon their own Earnest Importunety urging these matters — has seen fit to release Col Mosely & the Regiment of militia under his Command and they are hereby discharged from any further Service at this Time to return to their respective homes — with the Generals Thanks for their alacrity in Turning out on the alarm, and the good Services they have rendered to the publick — Trusting that they, one-third of them at least, will hold themselves in readiness to march on the Shortest notice on any future occasion — & Special Care is to be taken that the Camp utensils and all accoutrements & amunition, drawn from the Stores here be returned before the Militia go away ' " J Root D Adjut: General." On the 12th of September, the Governor and Council of War re solved, that each town in the state should procure immediately, one shirt or more, either linen or flannel ; one hunting shirt or frock ; one pair of linen overalls ; one or two pairs of stockings, and- a pair of good shoes, for each non-commissioned officer and soldier in the con tinental army, belonging to such town. If any wished to send such articles directly to their relatives or friends in the army, they were permitted to do so by preparing their packages, properly marked and directed, and have the same accounted for as a part of the town's quota, provided no more was sent in each bundle than the quantity prescribed for a single person. Under this resolve the people of Woodbury sent, among other 'articles, 159 pairs of shoes and 165 pairs of stockings, showing the number of men in the army from 1 Hinman, p. 143. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 203 this town at that time. The same rule was in force the next year, and about the same quantity of articles were sent as in the preceding year. In September, 1777, after the action between Generals Washing ton and Howe at Chadsford, most of the regular army being called to reinforce Gen. Washington, there was another draft on the militia, which called for one-half of their number. Not far from 300 men marched from Woodbury on this occasion. Gen. Silliman's order of detachment to Col. Moseley, together with a copy of Gen. Putnam's letter, follows : "Fairfield Septemr 15, 1777 11 'oClock P. M. " Sir " I have this Moment by Express recti: a Letter from Gen' Putnam in the following Words viz. " Peekskill 14th Sepr 1777 10 oClock P. M. " Dear Sir. A large Body of the Enemy have crossed the North River at Fort " Lee with a Number of Field Peices. — have advanced above Hackinsack, " whether to attack this Post or penetrate into Jersies is uncertain ; & thisMo- " ment arrived an Express from Congress informing that- -a. severe Action has " been between Geni Washington and How at Chadsford in which the former " has been obliged to leave the Ground with the Loss of a number of Field " Peices 7 or 8 and has retired behind Chester ; and Congress has ordered 1500 " Men to be sent from this Post immediately to reinforce Gen' Washington, " -which obliges me to require you to send as many of the Militia and other " Troops as you possibly can without Loss of Time to the Succour of this Post " to be draughted untill the first of January next. Gen' McDougal with four " Regiments crossed the River yesterday to pursue the Enemy at Hackinsack. " Gen' Parsons is below the White Plains. " P. S. Let the Mun be furnished > from Your very Hume Serv' with Ammunition as far as they can ) Israel Putnam" " I hope & trust that on this alarming Occasion every Officer & Soldier will be fully convinced of the absolute Necessity there is at this Time of turning out freely ; I have therefore to desire & direct you forthwith to detach the One-half of every Company in your Regiment & a proper Number of Captains & SubaU tern Officers to command them & to see that they are directly furnished with good Arms Blankets & Knapsacks & Twenty-four Rounds of Cartriges each, and that they be in Readiness to march to Peekskill at an Hour's Warning where they are to continue in Service untill the first of January next unless ¦ sooner dismissed. Your Major is directed to march with them, & You Yourself are to march & command them and also the One-half of Col' I. Platt Cook's Rciment with his Lieut Colonel who are under the like Orders and are to be under Your Command. I expect an Express on Wensday from the.Governour when You will be ordered to march. " G. Selleck Silliman Brigr: Gen'. " P. S. 20s pr man I shall advance to Your Soldiers as soon as You send me An Account of how many are draughted." 204. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Major Thomas Bull was also ordered to join the troops at Fishkill, with his company of " Light Horse." So that at this call a large number of soldiers from this town responded, and marched to head quarters. During this year, as we have seen, enlistments for three years or for the duration of the war, were called for, and a quota for each town established. The towns, as an encouragement to enlistment, were to take care of the families of such soldiers as had them. It is not possible now to state the exact number that enlisted into the ser vice for three years. The return made by the town authorities to the General Assembly, of the number of families provided for by them, is still extant, and shows a list of one hundred and twenty-four. This does not show the entire number that enlisted, but only those who had families to be supported. A considerable proportion of the soldiers were unmarried men, between the ages of sixteen and twenty- one. The number stated, therefore, probably includes little more than half the actnal number enlisted. In all the alarms of the several years of the war, when the largest part of the militia turned out, Woodbury had from two to three hun dred men. There were eight companies in the town, and from twenty-five to thirty men in a company always turned out at each call, and sometimes a greater number. Thus in the " Danbury Alarm," forty-two went from Capt. Leavenworth's compaiay, and twenty-six to Peekskill where they were ordered October, 1777, to save that post. Towards the close of this year, the soldiers suffered greatly fot the want of proper food, in sufficient quantities to sustain life. They were driven to great straits, and the purchasing commissaries were most urgent in their calls upon the people to furnish supplies for the army. An idea of the distress- of the times in this respect, may be obtained from the following address to the people of Woodbury, by the commissary general of purchases : " To the Inhabitants of the Town of Woodbury " Gentleman from a Variety of causes, the Public Magazines of Provision for the Armies of the United States— are almost exhausted, and their is the . greatest Reason to fear the Army will be obliged to be fed on lean Beef, or at least on fresh meet intirely, either of which wou'd be injurious to their health & might perhaps totally destroy them. " You are therefore earnestly requested to part with so much of your salted meet as you can spare, & you shall Receive a Generous price for it— I flatter myself every Friend of the United States will exert themselves in this important occation— and that those who have lean Cattle, will fatten them as speedily as HISTOEY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 205 possibel — as the Enemy are now makeing their last Efforts ; & it is the Oppin- ion of those, best able to Judge, that their Vengencewill be levelled at this State in particular. — & unless we can feed the Continental army we cant expect their assistance. ' " Jereh Wadsworth 0. G. P." In the memorable and glorious achievement of the victory of Sara toga, Connecticut had her full share of men on the ground, and" to fill the required number, Woodbury, with the other western towns, stood a heavy draft. Her soldiers, on this occasion as ever, fully sus- tamed .the high character they had previously earned for skill and bravery. At the battle of White Plains, the preceding year, the troops from Woodbury had suffered much in killed and wounded, being exposed in the. " fore front" of the battle. Nathaniel Church was Wounded by a grape shot, and disabled for life. Daniel Downs was killed by a cannon ball, and his brains were spattered upon Amos Johnson, who stood next to him. Simeon Rood was shot through the thigh. Isaac Thomas was wounded by a cannon ball, brought to Woodbury by his father, and died Dec. 9, 1776. Capt. Nathan Stod dard was killed by a cannon ball, Nov. 15, 1777, at Mud Fort, on the Delaware. He raised himself up from the trench to see how the battle progressed, and the ball struck his head, cutting it entirely from his body. The late Lieutenant John Strong, a very worthy man, was standing near him at the time, and, in his life-time, frequently related, that for a moment after the occurrence, the body of Capt. Stoddard stood erect, as in life, without a head, before falling. As the mihtia rallied on the several calls and detachments, at a minute, or an hour's warning, in whatever clothes they happened to have on, with whatever weapon of war that came first to hand, or had descended to them from their fathers, they often presented a very grotesque appearance. A venerable octogenarian has given to the authors of a recent work,' a description of a body of soldiers, gath ered as these were, in, a neighboring state, during this period, and whose appearance was no doubt a fac simile of our own. "To a man," he says, " they wore small-clothes, coming down and fastening just below the knee, and long stockings with cowhide shoes, orna mented by large buckles, while not a pair of boots graced the com pany. The coats and waistcoats were loose and of huge dimensions, with colors as various as the barks of the oak, sumach and other trees of our hills and swamps could make them, and their shirts were 1 History of New Ipswich, N. H. 203 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. all made of fiax, and like every other part of the dress were home spun. On their heads was worn a large round top and broad brim med hat. Their arms were as various as. their costume ; here and there an old soldier carried a heavy queen's arm, with which he had done service at the conquest of Canada twenty years previotis, while by his side walked a stripling boy, with a Spanish fuzee not half its weight or calibre, which his grandfather may have taken at Havana, while not a few had old French pieces, that dated back to the reduc tion of Louisburg. Instead of the cartridge-box, a large powder- horn was slung under the arm, and occasionally a bayonet might be seen bristling in the ranks. Some of the swords of the officers had been made by our province blacksmiths, perhaps from some farming utensil ; they looked serviceable, but heavy and uncouth. Such was the appearance of the contiaentals, to whom a well-appointed army was soon to lay down their arms."' 1778. Although so large a number had inlisted in 1777 into the continental army, it became necessary to draft thirteen men from each company in town, " into the continental army, to fill it up." This would make a sum total from the eight companies of the town, of one hundred and four. This was done by order of the General Assembly, which enacted, that if the quota in any town for the bat talions then raising in the state, sh ould not be filled by voluntary enlistment by the 20th of February, that the deficiency should be raised by peremptory detachment, to serve'till January 1, 1779. On account of the prevalence of the small pox at the various mili tary posts, and the fear occasioned by it, the battalions of " three years' men" during the preceding year, had filled up slowly, as we have seen, and it became necessary to resort to a draft to fill up the defi ciency, and even those who had enlisted, repaired slowly to their posts. It took all the vigilance p,nd perseverance of the officers to effect this with sufficient promptness for the public service, as will be seen by Gen. Silliman's letter, which follows : " Fairfield, April 30th, 1778. " Sir," I have this Moment received a Letter from his Excellency the Governor, and 1 give You a Coppy of Two Paragraphs in it which are in the words fol lowing viz'. " This is therefore to Command You in the most positive Terms, to see that " all the Recruits as well draughted as inlisted within Your Brigade for the " Continental Army be marched to New Haven on or before Tuesday the 4* Day 1 Burgoyne's army. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 207 " of May next. The Necessity of the Men Joining the Army is very great and " will not admit the least Excuse for Neglect or Delay in the Execution of this " Order. I am Sir Your Hum'e Serv' Jonth Trumbull. " You will therefore immediately on the receipt of this loose not a moment but mount Your Horse and Collect every Man in Your Regiment that is in- listed or draughted for the Continental Army & see them every Soul marched to New Haven by Tuesday next and You may not fail on any account whatever & make report to me on Tuesday Evening that I may know what answer to give to his Excellency. " G. Selleck Silliman, Brig.r Gen"." It was not strange under the painful circumstances and sad re verses of the close of 1777, when the troops under Washington had worn out their shoes and clothing, and could be tracked in their marches by the blood of their feet, that new recruits were obtained with difficulty. It was emphatically the midnight of the revolution. The hearts of men, in some instances, " failed them for fear." It was at this time that the members of Congress found it necessary to frame a league by which their power might be increased, and their determinations enforced. For this purpose " articles of confedera tion" were framed, and accepted by each State. The war was now vigorously prosecuted in all directions, aided by the French. In all the engagements of this year, Woodbury had soldiers, and the blood of its sons moistened all the battle fields. There was so large a num ber of "three years' men" in the continental army, that they were more or less scattered among the various divisions sent to all parts of the United States. Probably no town was more widely represented on the various revolutionary battle-grounds than our own. 1779. The principal operations during this year were carried on in the South, but the various garrisons were kept up with such forces as were judged necessary. In February, there was an " alarm" for the defence of Norwalk, in which the whole militia, under Col. Mose ley, and the regiment of " light horse," under Major Thomas Bull, were ordered to that place by Gen. Silliman, as will appear by his order which follows : " New Haven Febv 26th 1779 6 Clock P. M. "Gent Mr. Titus Mead, a man to be depended on, is this moment ariv'd Express from Col. Mead, with a. Message by word of mouth only, from Col. Mead ; for their circumstances were Such that Col. Mead could not write. He Says that when he left Horse Neck (which was early this Morning) a Body of about 600 Men, and a Body of Horse, had pushed up the road into Hgrse Neck, and were on this Side of Knap's Tavern ; and it was reported that a Body of two or three Thousand more were not far behind. You are therefore directed 208 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. to Muster & march your Regiments, forthwith to' Norwalk to oppose the Ene - my, & where you will receive further Orders, loose not a Moment neither by Night nor day. G. Selleck Silliman, Brigr Gen' of Foot ' - and Col. Ct of Horse. "To Col. Moseley & Majr Bull, Woodbury. The militia turned out pursuant to the call, but there was no gen eral action at that time. In May, a detachment of one hundred was ordered out of the thirteenth regiment, and in the action which fol lowed, several of them fell, and a number more were wounded. The original order of Col. Whiting on this occasion follows : "Sir, Pursuant to orders from his Excellency tlie Governor directed to Gen' Silliman, who is now absent, and consequently, as I am the oldest Colonel in the 4th Brigade, am Commandant, You are hereby required and Ordered to Detach one hundred Men Exclusive of officers from your Regiment : and you are to See that they are properly Offioer'd & equip'd, and Order them to march to Horse-Neck, without loss of time, there to continue for the defence of the Sea-Coast in the western part of this State, not exceeding one month. " Stratford,' May 4*, 1779. Sam' Whiting, Colo' Commde." " To Colonel Increase Moseley." The number that marched from Capt. Leavenworth's company, on this occasion, was fifty-seven, being more than his quota. It was during these occurrences that Gen. Putnam made his famous " escape at Horseneck," by spurring his horse, when hotly pursued, down a steep precipice, at full gallop. Late in November, 1779, the army was again in great need of supplies, being really in a suffering condi tion. In this emergency. Gen. Stark looked to the Woodbury issu ing and purchasing commissary. We learn this from the following very urgent letter from Gen. Stark : " Danbury, 20* Nov.r, 1779. " Sir, Uppon my arrival here, find no flour for my Brigade, the Troops now are entirely out & very little expected except what comes from you — You wil' therefore without loss of time purchase and send forward to this place all the flour & meal you can possibly collect. Gen. Poor's Brigade is expected in this day, which will be stationed here through the winter. If you have as much as twenty or 10 Barrels let it be sent immediately, give Orders for the Teams to Drive night & Day untill they shall arrive here, & in the mean time do employ all the Mills in your Quarter to Grind for the Army untill a sufficient Quantity is procured fcr the present necessity of this army. I am Sir your most obedent Humble Ser " N. B. You will send me an John Stark, Bg. Answer by the bearer what supplies I am to expect from you. Wm Orsborn, Mp. HISTOEY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 209 1780. During the winter the troops had suffered greatly in their quarters from the want of food and clothing. They were paid off in continental money, as it was called, and with it they could buy Seither food nor clothing. It was with the greatest difficulty that Washing ton, by the most solemn and urgent entreaties with Congress, and by the most patriotic appeals to the people in all parts of the country* saved his army from total destruction. In February, 1780, Col. Moseley resigned his commission as colonel, having filled the office for the space of nearly three years. He informed the General Assembly that he was " induced to accept the appointment out of Affection to my Country, and an Ardent de sire to render my best services for promoting the Good of the same." He resigned the office, as he states, on account of infirm health, which •unfitted him for long tours of service, and on account of his embar rassed financial matters. The urgency of the public service, pre vented his resignation being accepted at this time. . In the latter part of October, he resigned again, and this time the Assembly accepted his resignation. At this period of the war, the prospects of the country were gloomy in the extreme. Only the most hopeful and persevering could see rehef in the dark aspect of the forbidding future. Successive defeats and rampant toryism disheartened the American forces at the South, and the uninterrupted drain of men and money had produced poverty and wretchedness at the North. The soldiers in their winter quar ters, had suffered all the tortures of famine and nakedness. In this gloomy state of affairs, the treachery of the execrable Ar nold came to light. He had previously been a brave and gallant officer, and had done his country good service. But luxurious habits had induced him to embezzle government funds, and this had brought a court-martial, and a reprimand. In revenge he proved traitor to his country. He became active, violent and cruel in his new rela tions, and his name was branded with infamy. He has the sad pre eminence of standing alone among all the officers of the' Revolution, as a traitor to the country that gave him birth. Quite a number of Woodbury soldiers were at West Point at the time Arnold concerted with Andre to deliver that post to the enemy. Abel Wakeley, who served during the whole war, having entered the service in his six teenth year, was one of them. He died at Greenville, Greene coun ty. New York, April 13th, 1850, in the ninetieth year of his age, and used frequently to relate the scene of the traitor's escape from West Point, of -which he was an eye witness. 210 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. So worn down and exhausted had the people become with constant service, that the authorities of the town had the greatest difficulty in filling'the required quota from this date till the close of the war. Large bounties -were offered for recruits, and heavy taxes laid to pay the expenses thus incurred. This will be seen by the following town action : " At A Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Woodbury, June the 26th, 1780. " Daniel Sherman Esqr was Chosen Moderator for this Meeting. " Voated, that Each Able Bodj^ed Effective Man, Who shall Inlist into the Continental Army for three years shall Receive as A Bounty from this Town over and above the States' Bounty £45 Lawful Money in silver at'6/8 p ounco or Currency Equivilent, to be paid on his Inlistment & being Mustered into service the sura of £20 : and on the Commencement of the second year £15 : more, and on the Commencement of ye Si year the other £10 : provided he Continues in the serviss. And such Able Bodyi Men Who shall Inlist During the War shall Receive the same Bounty, and Also £15 : on the Commence ment of the 4'hyear, Provided they Continue in the service, provided also that such Inlisted Soldiers shall be accounted a part of the Quote of this town ; Providd they be not Inlisted to the 20/ P Month heretofore Granted to Soldiers in this Town, the Comition Officers of Each Military Company for the time be ing are Appointed a Committee for the time being." To meet the payment of these large bounties, a tax of four pence on the pound was laid on the property of the inhabitants. In No vember, a tax of two pence on the pound was laid for the same pur pose, and the selectmen were made a committee to "find out the De- fitionces in the Continental Army, and make report to the next meet- , ing." In December, Aaron Hinman, William Preston, Sheldon Clark, Capt. Elijah Hinman, Lieut. Samuel Curtiss, and Capt. David Leavenworth were chosen a committee to hire soldiers. On the fif teenth of January following, fifteen others were appointed a commit tee to assist the former committee in the performance of their duties. The army this year were again in the.greatest want of the necessa ries of life, clothing in particular. In this emergency, Woodbury " Sent to the Connecticut Line by Mr. Hubbard, Nov' 7"» 1780, 1788 p"^ stockings, 1582 pr Woolen Overalls, 379 Shirts, 570 vests, 1937 p' of Shoes, and 650 Blankets." This was a pretty liberal amount to be sent by one exhausted town. In August, 1780, Washington conceived the plan of taking New York from the enemy, and consequently desired a force that would not be constantly leaving him by the expiration of the time of their enlistment. He therefore suggested to his general officers the policy of enlisting "volunteers till New York should be taken." General HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 211 Parsons communicated the plan to the captains under his command, in the following letter : , , " Sir \ " His Excellency General Washington informs me, that in Case the States furnish their Quota of Money and Supplies, he designs New York for the object of his Operations this Campaign, and desires me to Encourage Voliinteer Com panies to Inlist on the following Terms, viz. That they sign their Names to A written Ingagement to abide with the Army, subject to the Orders & Regula tions by which they are Governd untill the City of New York is taken, or the seige Raisd, unless they are sooner discharge, and that the persons thus Inga ging hold themselves in Readiness to march whenever the General calls for them ; for the express purpose of attacking New York, & for no other purpose. Every 50 Rank & File are entitled to have 1 Capt, I Lt, & 1 Ensign, & 3 Ser jeants, to be Elected by themselves, and so in proportion for a less number. Under these Circumstances I have to request you to Confer with the Gentlemen in your Vicinity, & Endeavour to procure A Company to be engagd for this purpose. I would thank you to acquaint me as soon as you can of your pros pects in this Matter. Pay and Rations Commence from the Time of their taking the Field 21 St August, 1780. "I am, Sir, yr obedt Serv' Sam' H. Parsons. " To Capt. David Leavenworth and Capt. Jon^ Brown. ** We whose Names are hereunto Subscribed do Voluntarily Inlist & Engage ourselves to serve in A Comp-any of Volunteers to be raisdin pursuance of his Excellency General Washington's Requisition to General Parsons, and to abide by and Conform ourselves in every respect agreeable to the within Mentiond plan exhibited for this purpose. " Adam Hurlbut, Lovewell Hurd, John C. Case, Ezra Lacey, Moses Hurd, Aaron Hall, David Leavenworth, Edward Lake, Wm. 'Torrance, Sam uel Hurd, Ebenezer Lacey, Abijah Brunson, Issacher Norton, John Mal lory, Ebenr Thomas, Curtis Hurd, David Booth, John Baker, Thomas Torrance, George Norton, Nathan Rumsey, Eldad Baker." Scarcely any thing could show the indomitable spirit of the people better than this inlistment out of a single company, under the circum stances in which it was made. It was but a few days previous, that CoL Moseley had been ordered by Gen. Parsons to make a very heavy detachment, as will appear by Col. Moseley's letter to the general : " Woodbury August 26'h. 1780. " Hond Sir— " I Received your Orders of the 20th. Instant, & have given out Orders ac cordingly ; with directions to the Detaching-Officers to deliver their draughted Men, to such Officer & Lieu'. Col. Wells should appoint to receive them ; at Col. Canfield's in New Milford on the 2Sth. Instant ; and have Wrote to Col. Wells, Informing him of the time & place. This draught compleats 440 Men that 212 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. have been call'd for from this Regt. since May last — The last Return of men fit for duty under fifty years of Age could not exceed 480 — There has been a con siderable number who have mov'd away since last Return ; so' that some of the Officers say that they can not find Enough to compleat their Details without taking such as have been out the last two Months : but I hope they will make out some how. Cap'. Hine of New Milford inform 'd me to day, that there is a difficulty attends getting the Men in that Town : which is, that in Consequence of an Order or Recommendation, sent by Gen'. Parsons to the Minister of that Town, to raise a Company of Volunteers, a great part of the Men there, have Inlisted for that purpose; & have proceeded so far as to Nominate their Cap'. &c. in full expectation of soon compleating a full Company in that Quarter: and that the Officers there could not make the last draught without taking the Men out of those Inlisted Volunteers ; which they apprehend would frustrate the whole plan of raising such a Company ; It being a favourite plan among them, which they are Zealously pursuing ; they desired Capt. Hine tecome to me & see if they could nOt be indulged the favour not to make the draught. I told Cap'. Hine, that I was much in favour of having Volunteer Companies; but as our Minister had not yet Received any orders on that subject, I was un acquainted with the General Plan ; therefore could not relinquish any part of the draughting Orders ; but told him I would Represent the matter to your Hour, and if any allowance could be made on account of Volunteers, you would doubtless grant it. I understand that similar Orders are sent to the Ministers of Kent & Litchfield; and that it Originated from a Requisition from his Ex- celly Gen'. Washington for that purpose : but have seen nothing of the kind in this Town and Hardly know what to depend on about it. " I am (kc. "I. Moseley." By this letter it can be seen, in a vivid light, how much the regi ment had become reduced in point of numbers, more than two years before the close of the war. 1781. In May of this year, the Assembly, upon the representa tion of Gen. Washington, that there was a pressing necessity of hav ing fifteen hundred men ready to march on the shortest notice, to be held in service three months after joining the army, and also of rais ing a number of men equal to one-sixth part of this state's quota in the continental army, to supply deficiencies which had taken place from the various casualties incident to an army, resolved to raise by voluntary inlistment, 2,100 men, by the 1st of July following, and if the number was not filled by that time, to complete it by peremptory detachment from those towns which had not raised their full quota of men. The larger part of the men raised in this regiment was sent to Horseneck. In the early part of January, a committee of seven teen were appointed to hire soldiers for that post. In July, another to-wn meeting was held, in which it was voted, " That the 18 Men to fill up our Quota of the Continental Army & Likewise HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 218 the 11 Men for the State Guards at Horse Neck behird by a Committee as herer tofoi-e for that Purpose." The committee was appointed, and the desired number raised. In February, it had been voted, to give the State bounty of £30 given to the several towns for each recruit furnished, to each soldier who • should enlist and muster into service. This vote materially lightened the labor of procuring enlistments. This will be seen from the fact, that twenty-two were obtained from one company, Capt. Thaddeus Hurd's. The quota for this year was one hundred and six. The number in service in May was eighty-one, and consequently the defi ciency was twenty-five. These were hired by the committee ap- pointed for that purpose. ihirO'l^-^^i^i~iL^<^..u^^ During this year, the French army underjOouiLa F.!tyotilje, passed through this town on their journey south ro join Gen. Washington, in his operations against Cornwallis. This was a pretty direct route from Boston, and it was the general's design to keep at a safe dis tance from the coasts. They came through White Deer rocks, where they were obliged to cut a-way trees, and remove stones, in order to transport their heavy baggage through the defile. The army en camped for the night in town, in such companies as suited their con venience, and when they had pitched their tents, they extended all the way from Middle Quarter to White Oak, a distance of nearly three miles. That part which encamped near the house then occu pied by David Sherman, and since by the late Gideon Sherman, eat for him, with his consent, twelve bushels of apples, as is related, and drank seven or eight barrels of new cider at his mill. During the evening they had a dance in which some of the Woodbury damsels joined with the polite French officers, in their gay uniforms, while others looked on. Multitudes of the inhabitants pressed about the tents of those patriotic foreigners, who had come so far to fight the battle of freedom for a suffering people, and destined to act so distin guished a part in ))ringing the long and bloody contest to a close. Till Tiiijtiii f ri ^Vi'n'i his chief officers, lodged at the house of Hon. Dan iel Shermah,'and was waited on by all the principal men of the town. The late Mr. Ashbel Moody, and two or three other aged people, who recollected the scene, gave the writer a vivid description of the incidents of the occasion. Fired anew with martial courage by the fine display of the French troops, a considerable number of soldiers volunteered on the spot, and marched with them on the following morning. Among these were Capt. Joseph Walker, Lieut. Nathan Beers, Lieut. John Sherman, Ebenezer Hicock, Wait Hurlbut, and 214 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBUEY. Enoch Sperry. After the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown, the army passed through town again on their return to take ship for their homes. The soldiers encamped on Breakneck HiU in Middlebury, about a mile north of the meeting-house. . it derives its name from ¦ the circumstance of one of the cattle falling and breaking its neck in descendingv^he hill, while ^mployed in transporting the baggage of the troops. ^ .fatrli'ij^jfeifck'.an^ some of his officers lodged in a tavern, in a valley eastward, then kept by Mr. Isaac Bronson. A new house has since been erected on its site by a grandson of the former owner. 1782. The campaign opened early this year, and a meeting of the town was held, Feb. 25 th, at which it was " Voted that the 16 Classes that are already fixed hire, each of said Classes hire one Man to serve in the State Guard, & three soldiers be raised by the Town to Serve in sd State Guard." The burdens of the war felj very heavily on Connecticut, because that in addition to furnishing its full quota in the continental army; it was obliged to keep many of its soldiers on duty at the several posts in the State for its defense. On the 18th of December, another town-meeting was held, at which it was .^ " Voted to fill up our Quota to the Number of 106 Men. " Voted that the Town Raise 12 Men & that the Select Men Divide the Town into 12 Classes Each Class to Raise one Man on the List of 1781." This proved to be the last time the town was to be called upon to show its devotion to the interests of the country during the war of independence. It wiU be seen that the efforts of the town to sub serve the good cause, in common with the whole country, had con stantly grown weaker and weaker, as the strength of its soldiers wasted away before the pestilence, and the deadly struggle on the field of battle, and its wealth disappeared under the ever fresh levies of supplies for the army, and the support of the troops. It would seem, that overwhelmed with debt as the country then was, it could hardly have held out much longer. But, however that may have been, it seems that a kind Providence had designed, in his wisdom, to spare them the trial. To Him, " who tempers the wind to the shorn lamb," it seemed good. to say to pride, power and oppression, " thus far shalt thou go and no farther." A part of these last levies were present at the ever memorable siege of Yorktown in October, and at the surrender of Cornwallis on the 19th of that month, which virtually closed the war. Abel Wake- HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 215 ley was one of these, and others who had inlisted dfiring the war, to gether -with the most of those that went south withQjiif* eyes of these survivors of a ruthless warfare beheld a glad sight on the morn of the 19th of October, when in solemn silence — not amid the smoke and carnage of the battle-field — they saw the brave Gen. Lincoln receive the sword of Lord Cornwallis — the strength and -glory of the British army on this side of the water, broken and de stroyed. Well might the news of this auspicious event spread uni versal joy, as it did, throughout the country. Well might all hearts unite in praise and thanksgiving to God for this signal blessing, which was to terminate our struggle for independence. It was not inappropriate that Washington ordered divine service to be perform ed throughout the army ; and that Congress proceeded in solemn procession to the house of God, to acknowledge their grateful sense of this special favor.' It was, indeed, the final blow, the immediate precursor of peace. The voice of the whole British people called in earnest tones for an immediate termination of the war ; 'so earnest indeed, that it penetrated even to an unrelenting throne. Early next year, just eight years after the battle of Lexington, Great' Britain proposed peace, and hostilities terminated. John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, John Jay and Henry Laurens, were appointed agents by the United States to conclude the terms of peace. Preliminary arti cles were signed at Paris, Nov. 30, 1782, and on the 19th day of April, 1783, a formal proclamation of the cessation of hostilities an nounced the glad tidings to a disenthralled nation. It would-be a pleasing occupation to linger, for a moment and gather up the personal incidents scattered thickly throughout the whole of this long and eventful period; but the limits of our work will not allow us that gratification. They will be found, however, in the biographical and genealogical history, which will occupy the ma jor portion of the remainder of this volume, and also in the list of revolutionary soldiers from this town, among the 'statistics, at its close. 1 On the west side of the Pomperaug Kiver, three-fourths of a mile from the main street in Southbury, lived three brothers, sturdy young men. Their names. -were Jus tus, Amos and Moses Asa Johnson. When the news of the surrender of Cornwallis reached tovvn, the people assembled at the meeting-house, and the greatest enthusiasm prevailed. The bell pealed forth in merry, violent tones, and every heart was fuU of joy. The Johnsons supposed the bell was ringing for an alarm, as it scarcely rung for any thing else except on Sundays. In an hour or two, two (of them appeared at the alarm post, fuUy armed and equipped, theh- knapsacks filled 'with .provisions for an immediate march. Such was a specimen of the patriotism of those days. 216 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. " The colonies must be taxed !" What a world of interests was affected by that stern and unjust decision. Little dreamed he who spake it, that it would inflame a continent, and rend from Old Eng land her fairest possession, her gem of greatest value. But the word was spoken — ^the decree gone forth ! " Whom the gods wish to de stroy they first make mad." With a fated madness, an unaccounta ble folly, the mother country took her furious course. Her children, driven by her cruelty into the savage wilds of a distant continent, were pursued with ruthless barbarity. She little knew and little cared, if far away over the mighty Atlantic, her arbitrary acts 'was creating the '' land of the free and the home of the brave." Then came the war of the Revolution to blast the dearest hopes of the people of the new world, yet from its gloomy shades gleamed forth the light of liberty, which now shines with such dazzling splendor. But it was to be obtained by blood and. toil and miseries with scarce ly an equal in the annals of mankind. The blood of the dwellers in these fair vales, and in each town and hamlet of our land, was shed like water on every glorious battle field of our country, from the skirmish at Lexington to the ever memorable seige of Yorktown — from the sad massacre of the fair and poetic vale of Wyoming to the field of honor 6n the heights of Saratoga ! Their hardly earned worldly goods were freely offered on the altar of their country's good. Hunger, cold and privation of every sort were cheerfully endured. Every tie which nature holds dear, and which binds the hearts of men in conjugal, paternal, or fraternal bands to the well-known hearthstone, were sundered at the call of pur suffering country in her hour of need and of peril. They went forth with bounding hearts, and athletic, manly forms. Many of them found honored graves in various parts of our land, and many more returned with dire .diseases, mutilated frames and shattered health — the merest wreck of what they were — to the firesides which had missed their presence for months and years. But the result of their labors was glorious beyond the expectation, or even the dreams of the most hopeful. They wrought well — a re deemed and widely extended people now rejoices in the results of their toils and sufferings. If there be a " recompense of reward" for those that do well, surely our patriot sires have long since entered on a bright fruition. Great indeed have been the results of the Revo lution, not only to our own favored land, but to the world. Sirice that hour of " deadly peril was overpast," our nation has gone pros perously on, and we are almost miraculously increased from three to more than twenty millions of freemen. Liberty and equality are in- HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 217 terwoven with every fibre of our institutions. Freedom of thought and of conscience is -the pole-star of our existence. Bjiowledge infi nitely more varied and extended than was ever before known, has embraced all classes, and it will have its ^' perfect work," till the humblest operative shall become a man of science. Literature, art, science, a brilliant triad, is the preud possession of our country, and she will continue to enjoy it till the " last of earth" shall have been experienced by the last of the race, The universal diffusion of knowledge is the gtand characteristic of our country. By means of this the most distant member of our population, which surges to and fro like the waves of the ocean, is visited in his home on the broad prairie, or among the everlasting hills, and prepared to act his part in the great system of republican institutions. The active and enter prising spirit of the age has given us a vigorous and original litera ture. The useful, the practical, in science, in art, in every thing, is the grand desideratum. Improvements are made in every thing. Even news, which has in all ages been noted for its agility, no longer takes its slow course by stage, or by railroad ; nor yet, in the poeti cal language of Scripture, does it " take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea ;" but it seizes on the " firey bolt of Jove," and outstrips the " swift wind." The time is not far distant, when the far dweller in Oregon shall whisper words of affection " by telegraph," to an Atlantic lady-love, all too impatient to wait the slow delay of the " lumbering mail." "A destiny for us may be predicted far more glorious than ever the most illustrious days of Greece or Rome, or even the bright British Isles have gloried in. The day may not be distant, when America, compared with England, shall be as a fair and blooming daughter beside an old and decrepid mother." In the spirit of liberty lies the secret of the present aspect of mankind. Exp,lted indeed is the posi tion of the men of the nineteenth century. . They stand amid the mighty ruins of the past, while the clear light of liberty has just dawned in full effulgence upon the world. Every thing proceeds with the utmost velocity, and one must cast himself upon the roUing flood, and rule and direct the storm, or be overwhelmed by it. " For them has been reserved the glorious yet perilous task of remodelling society — for them a vital share in the final regeneration of mankind." Their trust is in the lofty patriotism and intelligence of the people, and they are cheered on by the hope that the perfection of humanity, having sought in vain throughout the whole world for a permanent resting place, may here, in this western land, take up its final abode. 15 CHAPTER XI. HISTORY OF SOUTHBURY AND SOUTH BRITAIN ECCLESIASTICAL SOCIETIES, AND THE TOWN OP SOUTHBURY. 1731 TO 1853; Petition fok a Society, 1730; Incoepoeated in May, 1731 ; 63 EEMONSTEATE AT THE NEXT SESSION; FlEST MeETINO HoUSE IN WhITE Oak, 1735; Rev. John Geaham settled, 1732; List of Fiest Chueoh Membees ; Chaeactee of Mr. Geaham ; Method OEjiSiNSiNO ; Rev. Ben jamin Wildman settled in 1766; Second Chdech finished, 1772; Chueoh Bell obtained in 1775; Me. Wildman's Chaeacter and Death; Rev. Elijah' Wood settled, 1813; Rev. Daniel A. Claek settled, 1816; Rev. Thomas L. Shipman, 1826; Rev. Williams H. Wih'ttemoee settled, 1836 ; Pulpit now supplied by Rev. Geokoe P. Prudden ; List of Dea cons; South Beitain petitions for winter peivileoes, 1761, which are beanted ; Incorporated as a Society, May, 1766 ; Fiest Meeting House, 1770; Rev. Jehu Minor settled and Church gathered, 1769; Settle ment OF Ministers — Remarks ; List of First Church Membees ; Rev Matthias- Cazier settled, 1799 ; ReV. De. Tyler settled, 1808, and dismissed, 1822; Rev. Noah Smith settled, 1822; Rev. Oliver B. But terfield settled, 1837; Rev. Amos E. Lawrence settled, 1851; List of Deacons; 'Town of Southbury Incoepoeated, 1787; Peesent state of the Town ; Census. For a period of more than fifty-seven years after the first settle ment of Pomperaug, th© inhabitants had formed but one ecclesiastical society. On the day of sacred rest and on other occasions, our fathers, the hardy pioneers in this forest town, had assembled at.the old meeting-house of the " ancient society" in this lovely valley, and offered up their devotions to the ever-living God as an " undivided whole."' For six or eight miles in all directions, these men of God descended from the breezy, life-invigorating hills, afid emerged from their rural homes in the sweet vallies, hastening " to the temple" to worship the benign Ruler of the universe. In storm and in sunshine, in summer's heat and wuiter's cold, they paid this " debt of duty," and forgot not the " assembling of themselves together." Amidst the - wUds they sung the high praises of the Great Creator, and the stars HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 219 heard and the lea ! Their affections during this long period had en twined themselves around the " old sanctuary.'' They loved their aged pastor, and scarcely the great inconveniences of the remote parts of their town could induce them to think of forming new socie ties, and new church relations. But the time at length came, when it seemed necessary to many to separate from the " ancient society," and attempt the formation of a new one, so that a jJLace of worship might be obtained in a location which would better accommodate them. By a petition sent to the May session of the General Assembly, 1730, we learn that early in 1718, upon the question arising whether the first meeting-house " should be added to, or a new one built," it was agreed after consid erable discussion, that all should unite in repairing the old house, and that at the end of t's^elve years, the inhabitants of the south part of the town should have liberty with the consent of the legislature, to become a distinct ecclesiastical society, and the inhabitants of the north part by a previous agreement, were to have a like liberty in ¦ twelve years from 1716. They therefore say that having complied with the terms of the agreement on their side, and the time having expired they wish to be incorporated into a society accordingly, es pecially " the old meeting-house being gone to decay and now not big enough to accommodate the inhabitants of s* Town." They also desire " that the line to divide them may be the same that divides their Train Bands." This petition was signed by '' Titus Hinman, Sen, Benjamin Hicock, and Andrew Hinman in behalf of the Rest."' A committee was appointed to "view the circumstances and report." This committee having attended to the duties of their ap pointment, reported favorably, and the second ecclesiastical society in Woodbury was incorptvated and called Southbury, May, 1731. This act was displeasing to many in both societies. Accordingly a petition signed by thirty-three persons in the north, or " ancient soci ety," and thirty in Southbury society, -was preferred to the October session of the Assembly, in 1731, asking for a reconsideration of the vote incorporating the new society. They assign as reasons, 1. The north society is left very narrow. 2. Mr. Toucey, one of the committee, is interested, "having a large farm near the center of the new society." 8. They allege, among other things, that those of the south society who must bear half of the burden and expenses, are averse to the 1 State Archives, Ecclesiastical, vol. 6, p. 193, et seq. 220 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. separation, and live as near the old house as the proposed new one. Besides they " have Lived under y^ Ministry of the present Minister (Mr. Stoddard) with very Great Delight for nearly 30 years whom they chose and Stipulated with, and are of opinion they ought not to be forced to break off from and forsake their Minister." 4. The south society will not harmonize. 5. It would be a great " hardship to the ancient minister to pluck up stakes and move, or travel far." 6. The town, in the vote alluded to, did not contemplate a forcible , separation. The signers of this petition, who lived in the new society were William Preston, Peter Minor, Hezekiah Culver, Samuel Sherman, Adino Strong, Sen., Andrew Ward, Thomas Squire, Josiah Minor, David Squire, Isaac Knowles, Richard Peet,* Ephraim Tuttle, Na than Curtiss, Nathaniel Hurlbut, Samuel Waller, Lemuel Wheeler, John Curtiss, Jr., Caleb Wheeler, Thomas Knowles, John Crissy, Matthew Mitchell, Adino Strong, Jr., John Curtiss, Jr., Benjamin Wheeler, John Squire, Ezra Sherman, Joseph Tuttle, Sarah Wheel er, Sarah Curtiss, (widow,) David Carman. The Woodbury signers were Joseph Minor, Zechariah Walker, Joseph Judson, Samuel Bull, Jonathan Atwood, Stephen Terrill, Valentine Prentice, Nathan Hurd, Samuel Galpin, Alexander Ale- horn, Jonathan Mitchell, David Hurd, John Nichols, Caleb Martin, Robert Warner, Isaac Peet, Samuel Martin,'Eliakim Stoddard, John Mitchell, Jr., Knell Mitchell, Roger Terrill, Tunothy Mmor, David Mitchell, Zadock Hurd, Ephraim Minor, Widow Sarah Judson, Pe ter Walker, Joseph Roots, John Roots, Elizabeth Squire, Samuel Minor, Thomas Minor, Joseph Martin. The Assembly took the petition into consideration, but negatived its prayer. During the sajne session, however, it was proposed and passed in the " Upper House," that the dissatisfied members of the south society might return to the old society again, but the " Lower House" dissented. At the May session of next year, twenty-three persons in the' south, and twenty-seven in the north renewed their petition for a reconsideration of the act of incorporation. Taking into consideration "the unhappy differences," the Assembly appointed James Wadsworth, Esq., Capt. Thomas Wells and Capt. Isaac Dike- man a committee to " view the circumstances,'' hear grievances, ex amine location, and report. This committee reported at the October session, ,1732, that there was no hope of healing the differences in the . south society. " On the whole" they say, " we are forced to look HISTOEY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 221 upon Woodbury in two societies ; and a,s to the northers society, we suppose them well agreed and at unity among themselves, but very much to the contrary in the southern society." Though there was more than one-half, there was nothing like two-thirds of them, who can agree to settle a minister, build a meeting-house, and carry on the other necessary business pertaining to a society. But they could not persuade them to go back to the old society. For these reasons they proposed a new division-line farther south, and that the first society should pay the gouth £200, and if the south society did not then agree to said proposals within five months, and " go forward as a society," then they should be united again and " meet in y^ old Meet ing House as formerly." The Assembly, on this report being made, raised the amounj; to be paid to £300, including £55, 10«. subscribed by individuals, and then passed the proposition into a law. At the same session, the two houses were informed that Southbury society had voted to build a meeting-house, and asked a committee to locate the same according to law. For some reason the houses disagreed as to the men to be appointed, and nothing was done in the premises. On the 29th of November, 1732, the society voted unanimously " except one man" to build a meeting-house, and asked a committee of location, upon which William Hicock, Joseph Lewis and Thomas Clark were appointed to perform that duty. Having examined the premises, the committee located the house May, 1733, " at a stake picht Down on a hill Between Lieut. Andrew Hinman's Heirs, and the house that was Elnathan Strong's," and reported the same. May 1733, to the Assembly, which accepted the report and established the location. The place thus estabhshed was the point of land between the two highways, nearly in front of the White Oak school-house. The society voted to build a house forty-six feet in length by thir ty-five in width, with twenty-three feet |»osts. Deacon Benjfimin Hicock, Richard Brownson, Moses Johnson, Solomon Johnson and Noah Hinman were appointed a committee "for carrying on the building of the Meeting House." The committee represented to the General Assembly that the new line estabhshed by it, in accordance with the report of the committee appointed to determine the bounda ries, cut off half of the grand list of the society, as at first established leaving it a list of but £2,000, and that they had laid two taxes of Is- and 2 s., which were inadequate to defray the expenses. Besides, the north society claimed the " Parsonage Lands" lying in Southbury, and had leased them. They therefore asked a " comtee and liberty to lay a land tax," but the motion was denied. October 19th, 1733, the 222 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEr. clerk of the society reported to the Assembly that the house was raised, and the materials procured for completing the same. The committee, at the same session, petitioned for a land tax of one penny on the acre, which was granted. In October, 1735, the clerk reported that the house was covered, some of the glass and two doors put in, and " most of the under floors" had been laid, " So that it is in some measure comfortable to attend y° worship of God in." Three years later, October 1738, he again reports that little progress had been made in completing the house, which he said was to be attributed " not to the want of a willing mind, but to the smallness of numbers and other burdens." The committee stated, that by the last Ime established for their society, they were left with only twenty-eight families, and they were unable to finish their meeting-house, which had no pulpit, or proper seats, and that their minister's rate was very heavy. They asked the " benefit of the County rate," but it was de nied them. At what precise time the house was entirely finished is not now known — ^probably not till several years after this date. It was used as a church more than forty years. It will be noted that the clerk reported the house to the Assembly as ^ " comfortable" when it had only been covered, and had a part of the ground floor laid. A very good idea of what our fathers denominated " comfortable," may be gained, when we consider that the idea of warming a meeting house had at that day never entered the minds of men. It would have been a difiicult task, as stoves were then unknown. In the state it was then in, it could not have been as comfortable as an ordinary barn. It is difficult for us of the present day to obtain a just conception of the extreme trials, difficulties and privations of^ those early times. Notwithstanding these difficult circumstances, as soon as remon strances to the estabUshment of the society ceased, they proceeded at once, November 29th, 1732, to caU and settle a minister. They voted him a respectable salary for the times, and made other provis ions for his comfortable maintenance, as will be seen by the follow ing votes : " Nov. 29, 1732. Votes Respecting the calling and settling a Minister in Southbury. " 1. Voted to give the Reverend Mr John Graham now present amongst us a call to the work of the ministry amongst us, and to take the pastorall charge of the church in Southbury, with the approbation of the Reverend association in Farefield County. " 21y. Voted that we will give the Reverend Mr Graham for his incourage ment to settle amongst us that orchard of cap' titus Hinman's which was for- 1 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 223 merly the orchard of Samuel Hinman of Woodbury Dect with one acre of that land of Wait Hinman's next adjoining to it, also a building on sd land, a dwelling house two stories high forty foots long and twenty foots wide, and to iinish ye out side complete, and to finish the inclosing fences with the chimneys. " Voted to give the Reverend Mr Graham as a yearly salary one hundred Pounds, pr year to be payed in money or provissions at the markitt price. "4;ly. Voted that the Reud Mr Graham shall have the use of the parsonage lands within this parish during his life, or ministry amongst us." On being informed of these votes, while the society meeting was stUl in session, Mr. Graham suggested some verbal alterations in the second and fourth votes, which were adopted by the meeting, and Mr. Graham's answer to their call ^as immediately sent in, a copy of which follows : ' " To the inhabitants of Southbury in their present meeting by adjournment December 19tli, 1732: Grace and peace be multiplied : Dearly beloved foras much as your Com" ha-ve in your name and no doubt by your order, called and invited me to settle w-ith you in the sacred work of the gospel minstry : I : must .«ay that as our first coming together was wholly providential and your vote of the call clear and unanimous : and hoping ye sincerity of your aim att the glory of God and the spiritual and eternal good of yourselues and children : I : have Reason in these Regards to look upon it : as a call from the great Lord of the haruest and therefore : tho : I : must acknowledge myself weak and in sufficient for ye great work whereunto: I: am called yet through Christ strengthening me : (I know) : I : can do all things and therefore pray that his grace may be sufiicient for me and his Divine strength be perfect in my weak ness : (I hope) ; your continual fervent prayer to the God of all grace for me := : I : return you humble and hearty thanks for the generous ofi'ers you have made me of the severall good things for the support of nie and my family, and do hereby accept the votes of your meeting November : 29t'' last past with ye limitation and alteration, which in your present adjourned meeting you have made of the second and fourth votes : upon my own request, and do hereby declare against accepting them otherwise than with such alterations : Now that ye God of all peace may be with you and succeed all your lawfull and lauda ble endeauers for the estabUshment of his gospel ministry and ordinances amongst you, that he may graciously fit you for and bountfuUy bestow upon you all those great and inestimable blessings and privileges which render you capable of gloryfying his name here and fitt you for the en^yment of himself as youi*everlasting portion hereafter, is the hearty desire and shall be (I hope) : the constant prayer of your most aflectionate friend and seru' in the Lord : "Southbury: December: 19th: 1732." Jo£n. ^^^l£. The house thus furnished Mr. Graham stood on the site now oc cupied by the residence of Mrs. Whitlock. The salary given to 224 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. him by the preceding vote was £100 per annum. Next year it was raised to £130, and it was gradually increased afterward, as the cur rency varied in value till 1747, when it was £400. In 1748, it was again reduced to £100. At a meeting of the society held January 22d, 1753, it was voted " That they would give the Re* Mr Graham, as a yearly salary for preaching the gospel among us so long as he shall remain our minister the full sum of one hundred and ten pounds to be paid in the following manner, Viz : in good -wheat at six shillings per bushel, in rie at four shillings per bushel, in Indian corn at three shillings per bushel, or in Money Equivalent to the aforesaid spe cies at the aforesaid prices ; and a sufficiency of firewood delivered at the said Mr Graham's Door." On being informed of the vote of the society, Mr^ Graham replied as follows : " I thankfully accept the above agreement and vote, and take satisfaction therewith as witness my hand. ^ I " John Graham." On the 31st of December, 1764, it was by the society " Voted, that whereas the Reverend Mr. Graham, by reason of age and In firmity of body at present is incapable of supplying the pulpit, and likely never will be able for the future to supply the same," that certain persons named be a " Committee in behalf of this Society to confer with Mr. Graham, and see if they can agree with him upon a sutable support for him during his life." The committee effected an arrangement with him, and immedi ately proceeded to settle a colleague, as wUl presently be seen. Immediately after the settlement of Mr. Graham, measures were taken to " embody into church estate," and take their proper position among sister churches. This was accomplished Jan. 17th, 173f, and the following is a list of the first members :^Rev. John Graham, Capt. Titus Hinman, Deac. Benjamin Hicock, John Pierce, Nathan iel Sanford, Sen., Ephraim Hinman, Ebenezer Squire, Joseph Hin man, Richard Brownson, Deac. Noah Hinman, Lieut. Andrew Hin man, Titus Hinman, Jr., Solomon Johnson, Stephen Hicock, Timo thy Brownson, Thomas Drakely, Jloger Karby, Ebenezer Down, Nathaniel Sanford, Jr., Abigail Brownson, Hannah Hicock, Eliza beth Hinman, Abigail Graham, Mary Hinman, Maney Hinman, Eleanor Squire, Mary Brownson, Hester Hinman, Bethja Sanford, Prudence Johnson, Comfort Pierce, Sarah Hinman, Dinah Do-wn, Bethiah Hicock, Maney Johnson, Sarah Hinman, Eunice Drakely, Sarah Porter, Abigail Brownson, Ann Hinman, Lois Hicock. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBUR-)^. 225 "The abovesaid Persons were the first members of the Church of Christ in Southbury. The males were embodied into Church estate on Wednesday ye 17th of Janry, 173|, being also ye Day whereon the Gospel ministry was settled in Southbury, and the females admitted on ye 25th of said month." From what has preceded and will follow, we perceive that Mr. Graham had preached to the people of Southbury from his ordina tion early in 1733, to the riionth of August, 1766, or thirty-three years. He had previously preached some twenty-one years at other places before removing to Southbury. At the latter date, being borne down by severe bodily disease, it had become necessary to set tle a colleague with him, which was accordingly done. He came to this field of labor ere it was fully a place for the laborer, but strength grew out of weakness. The new church- prospered under his care. During his ministry, 30(5 members were received into its folds, and 827 persons were by him baptized. At its organization, Benjamin Hicock and Noah Hinman were appointed deacons. Whether there were changes in this office during the period of his labors, does not now appear, on account of the defectiveness of the church records. He ever maintained the affection of his parishioners, even after bod ily infirmity rendered his further ministrations to them impossible. He lived with his people till 1774, when he was "gathered to his fathers," and slept in peace, after bearing the " glad tidings of the gospel" for the space of 54 years. Mr. Graham was settled in Stafford, before his removal to South bury, as we learn from an entry in his own hand-writing, the first passage of which is here inserted : "On Tuesday, December ye ISth 1722, Mr. John Graham, a candidate for ye ministry (from Ireland) in his travels from ye eastern. parts of N. England (where he had preached some years) into this Colony of Connecticut, was prov identially cast into this town of Stalford, where he tarried that night, and next morning being Invited by Mr. Josiah Standish (one of the committee) he preached there the next Sabbath.'' His settlement over the church immediately followed. By the same minutes we learn, that he had preached at Exeter, N. H., " some years" before removing to Stafford. By his tombstone we are informed that he died in the eighty-first year of his age, and the fifty-fourth of his ministry. ' He preached in Stafford and Southbury 1 The whole inscription reads — "In truth at best — here lies the Eev. John Graham, who departed this life, December 11th, A. D. If 74 in the 81st year of his age and 64th of his ministry." 226 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. forty-five years, and by his own entry it appears, that he had preach ed " some years" before coming to the former place. For more than eight years before his death, he was unable to perform pastoral la-. bors. Before entering the ministry he had been educated in Scot land, as a physician, and entered on the practice of that profession, but was induced to relinquish it and become a clergyman. It is not known whether this change occurred before, or after he came to this country. Mr. Graham was a descendant of the Duke of Montrose, as appears by the grave-stone erected to the memory of his son, Doct. Andrew Graham, one of the first' physicians in Southbury society, by John A. Graham, LL. D., a lawyer in the city of New York. Hon. John Lorimer Graham, a lawyer of the same city, is a son of Doctor John A. Graham, here mentioned, and conse quently great-grandson of the minister. He was a man of medium size, an intelligent and earnest preacher, an affectionate pastor, and an excellent man, exemplary and faithful in all the relations and du ties of life. He was learned in the various branches of knowledge, and frequently engaged with great prudence and power in the por lemic discussions of the day. In 1737, Yale College conferred on him the honorary degree of Master of Arts. In these early days prevailed a custom, which has long since be come obsolete in the Congregational churches, though it is still prac ticed in the congregations of some bodies of professing Christians at the present day. The custom alluded to is the mode of singing, which was done in this manner. A person was appointed to act as chorister, or " to set the psalm," who selected and " pitched" the tunes ; then a line or two was read off, when the whole congregation joined in smging them, and thus proceeding alternately to read and sing the lines, in this manner,' till the whole psalm had been sung. It seems, that soon after the formation of this society, it had been dis cussed whether the church would adopt the new mode of having the singing conducted by a choir for that purpose, or carry it on by the congregation as before. The action taken by the society on this oc casion is somewhat interesting, and is here introduced : , " At a genl Church meeting December 19th 1734^ appointed in order to agree upon the mode of Singing the praises of God in publick— and ye appointment of a Chorister, Voted and agreed, that we will continue to Sing the praises of God in the public worship on the Sabbath, in the common way wherein we have hitherto gone on. Leaving every one to their liberty of learning or not learning to Sing the Regular way, and that when persons have generally Learned to sing by Rule, yet that way of Singing shall not be introduced into the Congregation here, but upon farther agreement and in an orderly way. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 227 " 2 Voted and agreed that Capt" Andrew Hinman (If he will accept it) be the person to set the psalm, and Lead us in the pnblick praises of God, and that, if Captn Hinman do not accept, then Joseph Hinman shall be the man. " 3 Voted and agreed that he who Setts the psalm shall be at his Liberty what tunes to Sing on Lecture days.'' On the 1st of July, 1765, and again on the 18th of August, 1766, the society voted to give Rev. Benjamin Wildman a call to settle over the church as " Colleague with the Jiew^ M.'. Graham," with a settlement of £350, to be paid in four equal yearly payments, and an annual salary of £50, together with his firewood ; and after the fourth year this salary was to be raised to £75 per annum. The firewood judged necessary for his family was thirty cords, which might strike one, at first glance, as a liberal allowance for a single family, but a little reflection will show, that it was quite a different matter to pro vide a year's fuel for a house in those days, not well finished, with its huge stone chimney, and all-devouring fire-place. Mr. Wildman's letter of acceptance of this caU, is a model, brief, to the point, and covering the whole ground : " To the Society of Southbury iri Woodbury in Litchfield County, grace, ' peace, &o. " Whereas sd Society in Their Meeting on the 18th of August 1776, by their vote called and invited me to Settle with them in the work of the gospel minis try, I having weighsire & Invitation to take ye Pastoral 280 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Care of them, to weh I gave my assent. Then they being Declared a true Ceh of Christ. The Revd Mr. Stoddard Proceeded to Pray with the laying on of hands of ye Elders. And then also, gave me my Pastoral Charge, which is as followeth. " We ordain thee, Thos a minister of Jesus X, & a Pastor of ye flock of X, who will Judge ye Quick & ye Dead at his appearing & Kingd"". Take heed to thyself, & to all ye flock over w"i you are made an overseer to feed it : feed ye Sheep, feed ye Lambs ; Give attendance to reading, to exhorta". & to Doc trine; Neglect not ye gift yt is in ye; Meditate on these things, give thyself wholly unlo them, yt thy profiting may appear unto all ; In Doctrine, shew un- corruptness, gravity, sincerity, sound speech, y' cannot be conderMued, y' he weh is of ye contrary part may be ashamed, having no evil to say of you : In meekness instructing yose yt oppose y"iselves: feed this flock of God, taking ye oversight thereof, not of constraint, but willingly, not for filthy Lucre, but of a ready mind ; not as being Lord over God's heritage, but being an ensample to ye flock; Give thyself to prayer, & to y? Ministry of ye word ; Study to show thyself a workman, y' needeth not to be ashamed. Rightly dividing ye word of truth ; And remember you stand as a watchman, and art to observe approaching danger to give warning from God, and know yt if you warn not ye wicked, when called thereto, ye wicked will die in his iniquity, but their blood will be required at your own hand ; but if you warn ye wicked as you ought, & he will not hear, tho he die in his Iniquity, thou hast delivered thy soul. " Administer ye Sacraments to such as are ye proper subjects of y™, giving each one his portion as a faithful stewrd Dispense censure, as sorrowful occasions offer ; they yt sin, rebuke before all, yt others also may fear ; And we charge you before God, & ye Elect Angels, yt you observe ye Divine rule with out preferring one beibre another, doing notliing by partiality.* And as to your Conversation; Remember ye instruction, y' a Bishop must be blameless, vigi lant, sober, of good behaviour, given to Hospitality, not given to wine, no striker, not given to filthy Lucre, but patient, not a brawler, not covetous : flee youthful lusts ; but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace with all them y' call upon ye Lord out of a pure heart; but foolish and unlearned questions avoid ; and be thou an example of ye believer, in word, conversation, in chari ty, in spirit, in faith, in purity. Take heed to thyself as to thy Doctrines; & if you be faithful to him, yt hath called you, depend on it, your Labour will not be in vain in the Lord ; but when ye Chief Shepherd shall appear, you shall receive a Crown that fadeth not away. "Then Mr. Kent Prayed with Laying on, &c. " Revd Mr. Case gave ye right hand of fellowship. Concluded with singing in ye 6&'h Psalm." Mr. Canfield graduated^ at Yale College in 1739, and spent a long life with this people, useful as a [lastor, kind and affable, equal to all emergencies, beloved as a man in all the relations of life. During the long period of more than half a century, his people enjoyed his acceptable ministrations, living in peace, a happy and united church and society. Fifty years, five months and twenty-four days, did he , HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 281 remain doing service " in the vineyard of the Lord," and died Jan. 16th, 1795, aged seventy-four years. After the death of Mr. Canfield, the church remained destitute of a pastor about two years and' a half, during which time the pulpit was supplied by various candidates for the ministry. On the 5tli of July, 1795, Rev. Zephaniah Swift was installed second pastor of this church, and was dismissed April 1, 1812. The church then remained destitute of a pastor till June 2, 1813, when Rev. Fosdick Harrison, its third pastor, was installed. After a successful ministry of twenty-two years, he was dismissed June 30, 1835. The church was now again destitute of a pastor for some four years, when the present pastor. Rev. Austin Isham, was ordained over it in the pastoral relation, in 1839. Mr. Isham graduated at Yale Col lege in 1836, and has remained fourteen years with the people of Roxbury — a sufficient proof of the estimation in which he is held by his people, in this day of sudden changes. In February, 1794, the society voted to build their third meeting house by a vote of twenty-nine to three. On the 9 th of December, the same year, they voted again, thirty-six to three, to build the house, at a " heap of stones in the Daniel Hinman meadow about 1 1 rods northerly from David Hammond's shop." There have been several revivals with additions to the church, as ' follows: thirty-five in 1805; nineteen in 1813; sixteen in 1816; nineteen in 1821 ; and fifty-seven in 1828. The following have been deacons in this church. Tilley Blakelee and Capt. John Baker, appointed in 1747 ; Charles Thomas, date not noted; Ezekiel Frisbie, 1783; David Gillet, no date ; Abner Wake- lee, 1798 ; Ichabod Ward, 1806 ; Enos Warner, 1808 ; John Thom as, 1809 ; Ephraim Beardslee and Elihu Canfield, 1812; Chauncey Whittlesey, 1817 ; T. More, Eli M. Smith and Thomas Hurd, 1829 ; Curtis Blakelee, 1836; and Josiah Bronson. The struggle of Roxbury society to be incorporated into a sepa rate town was long and severe. For ten years, there was one con tinued round of efforts on the part of its citizens. The first vote by the society in relation to the subject, was Oct. 2, 1786, when they voted to make application to the Assembly to be set off as a sepa- ' rate town, and at a meeting held Oct. 23, 1786, they voted discre tionary powers to Curtis Hurd, to pursue a petition before that body to accomplish this end. On the l7th of the same month, Woodbury voted, one hundred and four to eighty-six, to oppose the prayer of said 19 282 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. petition. Oct. 9, 1787, the society laid a tax of three farthings in the pound to pay the expenses of the effort to obtain a town charter. Wood bury this time voted not to oppose the incorporation.^ Jan. 12, 1789, they again voted to renew their application, and appointed John Hunt their agent for this purpose. On the 11th of May following, a tax of half a penny on the pound was laid for the same purpose as be fore, and Lt. Lamberton Painter was appointed agent to " pursue the petition." In September, the same year, a committee was appointed " to see if Woodbury would relinquish one deputy in the General Assembly if Roxbury should be a town." At a town meeting in Woodbury, held April 13, 1789, the following vote passed : ' ' Voted not to oppose the grant of a petition from the Society of Roxbury now lying before the Genl Assembly of this State to be incorporated into a separate town — voted nemine contradicente," Notwithstanding this, the charter was not granted. In May, 1790, as the contest grew warmer and warmer, they began to employ legal gentlemen to assist them in their efforts, and Hezekiah Thompson and Nathaniel Smith, Esqrs., were employed to prosecute their ap plication. At the October session this year, Mr. Daniel Sherman was also appointed to assist. In October, 1791, Capt. Roswell Ransom was appointed agent to urge the incorporation, and Hon. Nathaniel Smith in May, 1792. In September, 1795, Samuel WeUer was appointed for the same purpose, and the petition was again pressed with vigor at the October session, 1796, when it proved successful, and the society of Roxbury was incorporated into a town of the same name. One or two casualties have occurred in this town, worthy of notice. The first iUustrates the danger of a careless use of fire-arms. Sixty- six years ago, a tavern, kept by Roswell Ransom, was located on the spot where the Episcopal church now stands. On the 31st of Octo ber, 1787, a "training" of the militia soldiers was held at this place . About four o'clock in the afternoon of that day, David Downs left his house, now occupied by Treat Davidson, and went to the tavern for the purpose of getting his son excused from going to the " General Training," to be held the next day at Southbury. Thomas Hurlbut was present with a gun, in the house of Ransom, and one Hitchcock asked hun if his gun was a good one. He repUed " Try it and see." On being asked by Hitchcock if it was loaded, he repUed m the neg ative, on which he pulled the trigger, and the gun being loaded, the ball which it contained passed through the head of David Downs, above the eyes, and dashed his brains on the wall, or ceiling, near HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 283 which he stood, the stain from which remained indelible for many years after. In a graveyard jiorth of the Episcopal church is a monument con taining the foUowing inscription : " In memory of Lieut. Thomas WeUer, an officer in the United States army, who was murdered by Archibald W. Knapp, May 16th, 1814, aged 25 years and 9 mo., son of Thomas and Polly WeUer " The circumstances of this murder are thus related by Barber: " The circumstances respecting the death of Lieut. Wejler, appear to be these. In the last war with Great Britain, Knapp enlisted as a soldier. The time having arrived for him to march on to the lines, he refused to go ; WeUer, with three or four soldiers, went to Knapp's residence in the lower part of New Milford, in order to take him by force. Knapp meeting him at the door, told him that he had no iU-will against him, but if he advanced any farther towards him he was a dead man. WeUer disregarding his threats, advanced to take him. Knapp then shot him in the groin, which caused his death in about fifteen minutes. Knapp made his escape into the State of New York, where it is believed he now resides. It is stated that Knapp was arrested a few years since, on account of this crime, but was rescued out of the hands of the officer by some soldiers of an independent militia company, of which he was a mem ber, who were out on a military review." Roxbury is almost wholly a farming town. It is about six and a half miles in length, and nearly four in breadth. It has two church es, one Congregational and one Episcopal, two ministers and two doctors. It contains four mercantile stores, employing a capitdl of about ten thousand dollars, five hatting establishments, employing about as much more capital, two manufactories for forming hat bodies, one grist-mUl, ten saw-mUls, and, two foundries. By the census of 1850, its population was 1,114. CHAPTER XV. HISTORYOP THE OTHER CHURCHES BESIDE THE CONGREGATIONAL. I 1740 TO 1853; History op St. Paul's Church, Woodeuey; Peoqeess op Toleeation; Zechakiah Beees' " Signino-Opp" Ceetificate; Parish or ganized, 1740; Col. Seth Warnee's Geave ; Rev. , John R.'' Marshall, First Rector, 1771; Church erected by seventy persons in 1785; con secrated, 1822; Me. Sayre succeeds Mr. Marshall, 1791 ; Constitution accepted by the Church in 1794; Me. Elijah Sh'eeman's Secession and Character; Glebe House erected, 1837; Church ceased to be a Plu rality, 1838 ; List op Clergymen ; List of Native Clergymen ; Christ Church, Roxbury; Fiilst Church Edipioe, 1764; St. John's Church, Washington ; St. Andrews' Church, New Preston ; Christ Church, Beth lem; Baptist Church, Roxbury; Methodist Church, Woodbury; First Preaching in the Street near " Lodge Rock ;" Next in Me. Elijah Sher man's House ; Methodist Churches at South Britain and Southbury ; Reflections. For nearly seventy years after the first settling of the town, there were no other churches within its Umits, except those of the Congre gational " or standing order.'' Our fathers emigrated to this country to enjoy their religion, not only free from persecution but without interruption from Christians of different sentiments. They were de sirous of maintaining a uniformity of doctrine and worship. Correct principles of religious liberty were not then known in any Christian country, and toleration was not the virtue of that age. On their ar rival in this new world, they formed an ecclesiastical constitution, and passed a statute that no persons should " embody themselves into church estate" without the consent ofthe General Court, and the ap probation of the neighboring churches, and that no church adminis tration should be set up contrary to the established order. Laws were made to compel every person to pay taxes to the estabhshed reUgious organization, and for the support of the " approved minis ter." In 1708, an act of toleration passed, allowing all persons who should conform to it, the Uberty of worshiping God in a way sepa- HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 285 rate from that established by law, but it did not excuse them from paying taxes to the approved, settled ministers of the churches. In 1727, the members of the church of England made an application to the legislature to be exempted from paying taxes for the support of the ministry of any other denomination, and for liberty to tax them selves for the support of their own ministry. Accordingly an act was passed, directing that all persons within the limits of a parish, belonging to the church of England, and to the churches established by law, should be taxed by the same rule, and in the same propor tion, for the support of the ministry in such parish, and where there was a society of the church of England, so near to any person who had declared himself to be of that church, that he could conveniently and did ordinarily attend public worship there, then the collector of the tax, on levying the same, should pay it to that minister of the church of England on which such person attended, who should have power to receive and recover the same ; and when the amount so obtained, should be insufficient for the support of any such minister, the members of the society were vested with the power of taxing themselves, and they were also exempted from paying taxes for building or repairing the meeting-houses of the established churches. The same privileges were afterward granted to other dissenters from the established faith. In the revision of 1784, all dissenters were ex empted from paying taxes to the established societies, where they had a society of their own and contributed to its support, on lodging a cer tificate from such church or society, properly authenticated, ofthe fact of such membership. Some disputes having arisen as to the validity of such certificates, and suspicions arising that an undue advantage was ta^en ofthe law, an act was passed. May, 1791, directing that certi ficates to be valid, must be approved by a justice of the peace. This law excited general disapprobation, and in October, the same year, an act was passed, authorizing dissenters to make certificates in their own names, and lodge them with the clerk of the society, in the limits of which they lived, which should exempt them from taxes .as long as they ordinarily attended public worship in the society which they joined, and dissenting societies were authorized to tax themselves for all the purposes of other ecclesiastical societies. This was in effect placing all religious denominations on the same footing. Yet there was a nominal distinction, members of one society being obliged to lodge certificates with another. But now by the constitution, all dis tinction among societies is done away, and all denominations are ^placed on equal ground. The support of religion and religious insti- 286 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. tutions depends entirely upon their own consent and voluntary con tribution. The office of the present law is only to give them the power of providing for their support in such a manner as they may think proper. " Thus the people of this state, in less than two cen turies, have passed from a reUgious estabUshment, through various changes, to perfect freedom ; and it may be added, that these changes have not broken up any of the located societies, but pubUc worship continues to be duly attended in them all.'" Under the law allowing each one to lodge a certificate with the clerks of the several established societies, or as it was usually ex pressed, " to sign off," considerable scope was allowed for the imagin ation. Many specimens of wit, of malice, or of sarcasm were, in con sequence, lodged in the archives of the several societies. Some gave the clerk of the " standing order" " distinctly to understand," that they should attend his " meeting" no more forever. Others gave the notice in a quiet business way. As a specimen of the " mirthful de parture" from the established order, the following " signing-off " cer tificate of Zachariah Beers, a poetical genius of whom more will be said hereafter, is inserted. This certificate was lodged with Matthew Minor, Jr., Esq., clerk of the first Congregational society in Wood bury : " Matthew Minor, Jun*, Esquire, Hear ye the words of Zechariah. Under the Law, the State now orders, In serving God we choose our quarters. And as I never yet have stated, Where long my mind has been located. This information I send (greeting,) Where I expect to go to meeting. I joine the Church Episcopalian, Tho Satan terms it a rebellion ; And to avoid all further evil. Renounce the world, the flfesh and Devil. Woodbury, Jan. 1st, 1811. Zechariah Beers.'' A short time previous to 1740, some few families in this town adopted the sentiments of the church of England, and at this date they were occasionaUy supplied by the missionaries of the " Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts." A church was sub sequently formed, for the following interesting history of which, the author is indebted to Hon. Charles B. Phelps, a member of that 1 Statutes of Connecticut, revision of 1821. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 287 communion. Rev. Solomon G. Hitchcock, a former pastor of the church, had very kindly furnished the author with copious minutes in relation to the church, of which use is made in the biographical sketches in a subsequent part of this volume, but it was deemed best to give Judge Phelps' sketch entire, rather than rewrite an article from all the source^ of information at hand. Episcopal Church, Woodbury At an early period ofthe polemic controversy arising from Doctor Johnson's conversion to Episcopacy, divine^service, according to the ritual of the English Episcopal Church, was celebrated within the limits of the ancient town of Woodbury, by the missionaries oJ[ " The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts." In 1732, Doctor Graham, the Congregational minister of Southbury, then a part of Woodbury, published a pamphlet antagonistic to the publication on Episcopacy, by Doctor Johnson and Rev. John Beach, of Newtown. After this controversy, some few famUies of this town ship adopted Episcopal opinions ; they were, about 1740, organized into a parish. The names of Masters, Castle, Squire, Warner and Ward, occur in the early annals. About this time, a church edifice was erected within the township, on the hill between the present cen ter of Roxbury and Transylvania, near the old graveyard, now dilapidated and thrown to the commons, where the bones of Col. Seth Warner repose in disgraceful negligence, marked by a broken slab, reproaching the inheritors of that liberty his valiant arm so essen tially contributed to establish. The principal portion of the inhabitants of the society, lived in the south section of Roxbury, and Grassy Hill. The cellar of the masters mansion house now remains visible on the lot next north of the present dwelUng-house of Wm. N. Shelton, on the west side of the way, and overlooks the Woodbury valley. For a season, the Episcopal families in the vaUey, were an ad junct of the Roxbury church, bnd for many years, worshiped there more or less. Ashbel Moody lately deceased, was baptized at that church, Dec. 8, 1765, by the Rev. Thomas Davies. The old town house on the ground now occupied by the carriage house of N. B. Smith, Esq., was, after the erection of the new» Con gregational house in 1.747, occupied by the Episcopalians for stated worship until the erection of the present church edifice in-l785. Within the ancient limits of the township, another Episcopal church was erected at Judea, now Washington, in Davis HoUow, near the present dwelling-house of Capt. Center. 288 HISTORY OF ANCIENT TVOODBURY. This was built principally by the Davies family, to whose lineage the Rev. Thomas Davies belonged, a family distinguished during a century for their intellectual superiority and indomitable persever ance. The Rev. John R. Marshall assumed the charge of the present parish at Woodbury, in 1771. He was a citizen^of New York, and educated in the Reformed Dutch faith. ^ During the discussion of apostolical authority, and the imparity of the priesthood, Mr. Mar shall followed the opinions of Dr. Johnson, Doct. Leming and Mr. Beach, and having graduated at King's (now Columbia) College, and laid the foundation of a theological education, he sailed to England to be episcopally ordained, and was in that year ordained deacon and priest at the chapel of Fulham, by Richard Terrick, D. D., Bishop of London, and returning came to Woodbury to commence his professional life in the same year. A glebe was purchased and conveyed to the society, the place now improved and occupied by Gideon B. Bots- fordj Esq., as his residence. The parish was a plurality, and flour ished under his ministration until the breaking out of the Revolu tionary War, when its progress was retarded by the invincible hostil ity of the public mind to everything English. Without adverting to the inhuman violence inflicted by passion and bigotry on Mr. Marshall, all ' is to be regarded as the effervescence of the public mind at an excited period, as the error of the age modified by the crisis. The church was erected by the contributions of seventy persons in sums ranging from three shillings to forty-three pounds. Mr. Marshall gave the glass and nails. John Clark paid, £43^ 8s. 8d. MitcheU Lamson, - - - £34^ 19^. l^;. Elijah Sherman, . . £22, Os. M. Doct. Samuel Orton, - . . £21 14^. \d. Hezekiah Thompson, - . _ . . £20, Os. Od. None of the original subscribers a^e now living. Only seven persons, chUdren of the original subscribers, reside in Woodbury. Nathan Preston and John P. MarshaU are the only children of the original subscribers who worship in this faith. The proceeds of the glebe, sold to build a church, added to the other expenses, were only adequate to the inclosure of the church edifice, laying the floors, plastering and building some side pews, and a coarse pulpit temporarily constructed. It was in this condition, at the death of Mr. Marshall, in January, 1789, and so continued until HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 289 1812. About this time a new steeple was erected, the house finish ed much in its present form, 'and painted within and without. In 1809, by the exertions of Col. Moseley, a bell was obtained, which being broken in 1848, another was supplied. The society made grants of the floor to individuals to be holden in perpetuity, but no such grants were made after the death of the first rector. It was probably a project of his derived from similar ownership of pews in New York. His opinions were much regard ed by his followers. In finishing the inside of the church, Thomas Prentice fell from the upper wall to the floor, and was killed. The church was consecrated by Bishop BrowneU in October, 1822. The name of this church is " St. Paul's Church, Woodbury." At the death of Mr. Marshall, the parish enumerated several families living within the present townships of Southbury, Bethlem and Middlebury. The Wheelers, Benham, Osborne of Southbury, Doct. Hull, and Prentices of Bethlem belonged to this parish. From the extension of the parish during the war, and immediately after its close, embarrassed by the many obstacles that resisted its progress, and the known capacity, devotion, perseverance and apti tude of Mr. Marshall's mind, it is probable it would have been a strong parish, had his life been spared. In the measures connected with the establishment of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States, Mr. Marshall bore a conspicuous and efficient part. In 1784," with a view to the union of this communion into one eccle siastical body, Mr. Marshall was elected a delegate from Connecticut to the convocation of the Episcopal clergy in the council convened at New York. Connecticut before this time had held a convocation of her clergy, and sent Rev. Mr. Seabury to England for ordination as a bishop. Before the convocation, Mr. Marshall read a paper, declaring that Mr. Seabury was on his way to Europe, and Connecticut would take no action in the convocation until the result of Mr. Seabury's appli cation for consecration was known ; and should that prove propitious, Connecticut would lend her whole energies to aid in the consolida tion of the Episcopal interests of the Union. This measure had its effect ; and to its adoption, the union and harmony of the subsequent action may, in a good measure, be referred. This communion by the agency of its articles and ritual being es sentially conservative in its tendencies and character, this parish has been little agitated by controversy. The Rev. James Sayre, who in 290 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 1791, followed Mr. Marshall in ministering to this flock, was opposed to the adoption of the State Constitution, and gave in the convoca tion his sole negative vote. When the constitution was subsequently referred to the families for adoption, Mr. Sayre in this parish, com menced a bitter opposition to its adoption for some year or two. After Mr. Sayre left the parish, they refused to act upon it. The Episcopal convention under the constitution declined exercising any jurisdiction over its interests. This engendered on Mr. Sayre's part violent hostility and imputations upon the bishop and clergy, in which some of the parish, who had become attached to him, more or less, participated. A committee of the convention, consisting of Rev. Messrs. Phillip, Perry, Truman, Marsh and Ives; were appointed ; who conferred with Doct. Orton, John Clark and R. B. Marshall, a committee from the parish. The whole terminated in accepting the constitution Nov. 10, 1794. During this controversy Mr. Sayre left the parish. While in the parish he was eccentric, rash and incon sistent, probably from the incipient stages of insanity. Not much was known of him after his departure. He died the tenant of a mad house. In this agitation, a worthy member of the communion, Eli jah Sherman, was involved and ultimately abandoned the society. The principal objection to the constitution as well as can now be ascertained, was that the clergy were invested with too much power, and the parishioners with too little, not having discovered that the real authority resided in those who furnish the means. The king may declare war, but the commons may refuse supplies to sustain it, thus possessing the ultimate power. The temperament of Mr. Sherman was humble, earnest, and emi nently conscientious ; firm in his adhesion to what he deemed to be the line of duty. He could not adopt Calvinistic opinions, then ardently pressed upon the pubUc mind, in aU the Congregational pul- j^its. Swayed by an enthusiastic spiritualism, his sympathies were with those humble heralds of the cross, so efficiently blessed in the morn of Methodism. For twenty years, with some few companions, himself an elder, the worshipers in this faith, assembled in his own house. His religious experiences gave him new developments in Christian duty. Chastened by the death of several children, his faith and zeal and knowledge grew deeper, more ardent and expan ded. He became an eminent example of Christian exceUence. Un der that humble roof, from subdued and pure hearts, prayers gushed forth, not surpassed in pathos and piety by a Massillon or a Bour- ,daloue. Souls now looking to the great judgment seat with confidence HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 291 and holy hope, recall with devout gratitude his ardent aspirations in that lowly temple. Had he received the advantages of early edu cation and training, with the compass and melody of his voice, he would probably have made an eloquent and powerful preacher. He lived to see the erection of a Methodist church on his own home stead, and a numerous and devout company of believers worshiping there. He was gathered to his fathers at the advanced age of ninety, in the month of January, 1844. None of his descendants worship at the church. Rev. Henry B. Sherman, rector of a church at BeUvUle, N. J., is his grandson. The glebe house was erected in 1837, and by its original limita tion can not be alienated to any other use. It cost about two thousand doUars, and has been hitherto the residence of the clergymen having families. Until 1838, the society labored under the enervating influence of the plurality system. Under the auspices of the truly faithful and talented exertions of the Rev. S. G. Hitchcock, a change was effect ed, and has without interruption been continued to this time. The church now has a minister during the whole time. After the death of Mr. Marshall, the feud in relation to the consti tution, the defection of Mr. Sherman, and the death of some promi nent parishioners, reduced the society to a feeble condition. After the Rev. Dr. Judd left the parish, in August, 1801, the parish was without a minister, until the accession of Rev. Mr. Welton, in 1809. The surrounding clergy occasionally ministered to them. Rev. Mr. Marsh, Dr. Burhans, Rev. Mr. Prindle, Rev. Mr. Wheeler, preserved some watchfulness over their interests. Without a minister, with an unfinished church in a state of dilapidation, and a scattered, wander ing flock, extinction seemed to be its only fate ; yet Providence or dained it otherwise. From 1809, it has graduaUy risen to a respect able position and character. List op Clergymen who have officiated in St. Paul's Church, Woodbury. Commencement. Termination. November: , 1771, Rev . John Rutgers MarshaU, died January 7th , 1789. 1790, a James Sayre, 1791. 1791, " Seth Hint, 1793. 1793, " Reuben Ives, 1797. 1757, (C Tillotsbn Bronson, D. D., 1798, 1799, (C Bethel Judd, D. D., August, 1801. Easter, 1809, ce Joseph D. Welton, June, 1816. August, 1816, 1827, Sturges Gilbert, Bennett Glover, August, 1827. 1827. 292 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. November 1827, Rev. Samuel Fuller, Jr , D. D., . April, ' 182S 1S2S, ' William H. Judd, 1828 November 1S2S, ' ' WiUiam Lucas, 1829. 1829, ' Ulysses M. Wheeler, 1830 1831, ' Daniel Burhans, D. D., July, 1831 July, 1831, ' Joseph Scoit, April, 1833 1834, ' John Dowdney, 1835 Easter, 1835, ' Edmund C. Bull, Easter, 1830 July, 1S36, ' ' P. Teller Babbitt, March, 1837 May, 1S37, ' Solomon G. Hitchcock, August, 1844 October, 1844, ' Richard Coxe, November, 1845 November 1845, ' David P. Sanford, February, 1847 Easter, 1847, ' Charles S. Putnam, April, isiy June, 1S49, ' P. Teller Babbitt, September, 1850 Octo'uer, 18.50, ' Robert C. Rogers, January, 1853 May, 1853, ' ' F. D. Harrim-an. The following persons born in this parish, and receiving their reli gious impressions and culture in the Episcopal church, have been or dained priests and officiated as such : Rev. Phillips Perry, Rev. William Preston, " Philo Perry, " James Thompson, " Rufus Murray, Martin Moody, Thaddeu.s Leavenworth, Henry B. Sherman. Episcopal Chuhch, Roxbury. This is probably the oldest Episcopal parish in the county of Litch field, dating its organization as far back as the year 1740, a period earlier than that of any other parish of which we have any written records'. It was organized by Rev. Mr. Beach, of Newtown, and was for a considerable time the only Episcopal parish within the limits of the town of Woodbury, of which, at that time, Roxbury formed a part. Some account is given by Mr; Davies, of its house of worship, in his correspondence with the society. In a letter dated April 13th, 1762, he speaks of his having received invitations to preach in Hartford and Woodbury, and says, " In each of the above-named places, the people are resolved to erect Churches." Writing again, June 25th, 1764, he says, " In Roxbury, a parish in Woodbury, there is a pretty Church, neatly finished." This church stood on the hill between Transylvania and the center of Roxbury. During the time that Rev. Mr. Davies preached in Litchfield county, he occupied this pulpit one-fifth of the time. At that date, the parish consisted of thirty-four families, out of which were twenty-eight communicants. Since that day the old church has gone to decay, and a new one has HISTOIfY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 293 been erected in the center of the present town of Roxbury. By a letter to the author from Rev. George L. Foote, then pastor of the church, dated August 21st, 1848, we learn that the early records of this church are all lost, and therefore the list of ministers, and other interesting particulars of its history can not be given. It has been a " plurality," and for this reason, among others, information in regard to it is obtained with difficulty. The name of this church is " Christ Church, Roxbury." Episcopal Churches in Judea and New Preston, Washington. For the account of these churches, the author is indebted wholly to Rev. James L. Scott, their present rector. A full and accurate history of them is impossible, on account of the defective state of their records, and the scanty means of information still left us. Like many other churches, they have labored amid numerous difficulties, and discouragements of various kinds. The beginning of the parish, the church edifice of which now stands on Washington " green," seems to have been on this wise : About the year A. D. 1762, a few Episcopal families resided in what was then caUed Judea, now Washington, though not sufficiently nu merous or wealthy to organize a parish, or to erect for themselves a house of worship. Therefore, the Rev. Thomas Davies, A. M., a missionary of the society in England " For Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts," held occasional services and baptisms in houses, or wherever he could obtain admittance. After the separation of what was called Birch Plains or Davies' Hollow, from the township of Litchfield, the Davies family, one of considerable note, and zeal ously attached to the church, withdrew from the Litchfield parish, and built a church edifice of their own in Davies' Hollow, where, with assistance from some few families who resided near, they sus tained religious services according to the Uturgy of the church of England, and kept up a distinct parochial organization for some con siderable period. The following is a copy of a deed given by John Davies, senior, the father of Rev. Thomas Davies, to the churchmen in Washington, making to them a conveyance of the land upon which this house of worship was erected : " Know ye that I John Davies, of that part of Washington formerly belong ing to Litchfield, and known and called by the name of Birch Plain, in the county of Litchfield, for the consideration of an agreement and promise made with, and to, my honored father, John Davies, late of Birch Plain, in said Litchfield, deceased, and for the love and affection I have and bear towards 294 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. the people of the church of England, now in said town of Washington, and securing and settling the service and worship of God among us, according to the usage of our most excellent Episcopal Church, whenever there shall be one legally organized in said Washington, and all tim^s forever hereafter, do there fore demise," &c. The measurement of the land, as described in the deed, must have been equal to ninety-six square rods, and it was restricted to being used for a public burying-ground, and for the purpose of having a suitable place of worship erected upon it. The same condition was annexed to it as that which was expressed in the deed given by his father to the church in Litchfield, viz., the requirement of one pepper corn to be paid annually on the feast of St. Michael the Archangel, if demanded. The above deed was given on the 22d of January, 1794. Upon the ground, principally at his own expense, an Episco pal church was subsequently erected. Aged and infirm, and seated in an arm-chair, at the door of his house, he witnessed the raising of the edifice with a feeling similar to that of pious Simeon,, when he said, "Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace." He survived about three years, and at the age of eighty-six years, he died on the 19th of May, 1797, and was buried in the family grave yard in Davies' Hollow. The ;first entry of services in Judea, made in the Notitia Parochi- alis of the Rev. Thomas Davis, is this: " 1764, April 11, Judeah, [preached from] 1 John ii : 12, John in : 8, the Colony Fast." The foUowuig are the first records of baptisms ; " 1764, August 28th, Judeah, 1 Peter iv : 18, baptized a daughter of Mrs. Ingram. 1765, April 17th, Colony Fast, Judeah, Micah, vi : 8, christened a daughter of Abel Mix." As the number of inhabitants had decreased in Davies' Hollow, and most of the parishioners lived in other parts of the town, it was thought best to move the church edifice to its present site. Finally by consent of the Davies family, now very few, it was removed in the year of our Lord, 1813. It received the name " St. John's." It has gallantly persevered among discouraging circumstances, and because of only occasional services, at one time, not oftener than once in three months, then once in six weeks, it has not enjoyed any large increase. It now has services on every other Sunday. The following is a copy of the rector's report to the Rt. Rev. Bishop, in 1853, for the year last past : " The Rev. James L. Scott, Rector. " FamUies, 33. Baptisms— infants, 5. Confirmations, 6. Communicants, HIS'JORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 295 added anew, 6. Lost by removal, 1 ; by death, 2. Present number, 35. Bu rials, 6. Sunday School Teachers, 3 ; Scholars, 15. Missionary and charita ble contributions, $24.50," exclusive of the communion ofierings. There is another Episcopal church within the limits of the town of Washington, usually known as " St Andrew's, New Preston." The first church edifice stood in the village called " Waraumaug'' or " Upper City." It was built before the Revolution, and during that period was unused, or rarely used, and finally pulled down. In 1796, the Episcopalians of the neighborhood purchased the building former ly occupied by Jemima Wilkinson and her followers, situated about two miles south, and just within the limits of New Milford. This parish is also under obligation to the missionary labors of the Rev. Thomas Davies, A. M. In a letter written June 25th, 1764, this indefatigable clergyman writes : " In New Preston, a parish in Kent, they have most of the materials for building a church, which they determine to erect and finish next summer, 45 by 35." This is probably an allusten to the church which was built in Waraumauo-. New Preston is not a parish in Kent, but as a school society includes a part of Kent, New Milford and Washington. The first record of ministerial acts in New Preston, found in the Notitia Parochialis of Rev. Thomas Davies, A. M., is the following : " 1764, January 4, New Preston, a lecture, Matthew xxii : 14, bapti zed Ephraim, son of H. Dean, Margaret Ann of Sharp." Same year, " June 2, East Greenwich, Heb. ii : 3, baptized Freelove Reney, a daughter of Zadock Bostwick, a daughter of Stephen Lee, and a child of Morgan's son-in-law." * The meeting-house formerly used by Jemima Wilkinson, was oc cupied by the churchmen till about A. D. 1822, when the substantial brick building, now standing in Marbledale, was finished and conse crated by the Rt. Rev. T. C. BrowneU, D. D., LL. D. The history of this parish is like that of most other Episcopal parishes in the land, one of severe struggle and hardship. But now it is gaining a strong footing, and will soon, to all appearance, be equal to most country parishes, in numbers and prosperity. A parsonage and grounds have of late, (Easter Monday, 1853,) been presented to the parish by the Rev. N. S. Wheaton, D. D., who is a native of this town, and owns this as his native parish. The present church edifice will probably be soon enlarged, in order to supply the increased demand for pews. The Rev. David Baldwin preached his first sermon in this parish, probably in the old building once standing in the " Upper City." We find on the records, under date April 4th, 1785, that 296 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. " the committee reported that we can have Mr. Baldwin, if he can not form his mission nearer his home, &c., and that he will preach to to us for 2s. 6d. per day as a candidate." The preaching was proba bly a reading of printed sermons, and " a candidate" was probably a candidate for holy orders. The foUowing is a transcript from the records, and is probably a note of the first organization of the parish. The " East Greenwich" spoken of, was a part of the present town of Warren, near which the old and first church stood. "June ye 26 Ad. 1784. " the Inhabitants of New-preston and Eastgrinwitch of the Denomination of the church of England so cauled parishes. Having formed them Selves into a Lawfull Society acording to A late act of the gineral Assembly of this State of Connecticut, We the Subscribers Whose Names are undor Written being Desir ous for the promoting of Religon and good Ordor do acknoledg our Selves to be and beloung to aboue sd Body and do by these Presents Joine and incorporate into sd Society as witness our Hands." Below is another extract from the records : " These are to warn all the Professors of the Church of England, so called, in the Parfshes of New Preston & East Greenwich to meet at the church in New Preston upon Augt ye 23: 17S-I, at one o'clock in the afternoon : First to choose a Moderator; 2d to hire preaching, or some candidate to read prayers; 3a to raise money for the aforesaid purpose, and to purchase a Prayer Book and Bible, and in what way ; 4tii to choose Collectors and all necessary officers for said Parishes ; 5th in what way the meetings shall be warned for the future ; 6* and to act any other business as shall bo necessary for the aforesaid purpose;' " By order of the committee, " July the 21 A. d 1784. Test by me, " Stephen Morehouse,Clerk." The last report to the Rt. Rev. Bishop, for the year ending June, 1853, is as follows : " The Rev. James L. Scott, Rector. " Families, 75. Baptisms — infants, 4. Confirmations, 2. Communicants, added -anew, 5; present number, 89. Marriage, I. Burials, 7. Sunday School — Teachers, 8 ; Scholars, 45. Missionary and charitable contributions, exclusive of the communion offerings, $40 26." Of late years, these two parishes have united in engaging the same minister, and have divided the time according to their respective ability to contribute toward the salary. During the last four years, services have -been held alternate Sundays 'In each parish, but St. Andrew's, New Preston, will probably soon have the entire service of a clergyman. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 297 The names of some of the clergymen who have officiated are Clark, Baldwin, Benham, Marsh, Jones, Andrews, Kellogg, Lucas, Atwater, Huntington, Gordon, Hitchcock, Sherman, Long and Scott. Episcopal Church, Bethlem. A few families from Newtown moved into this town in tlie early part of the present century, who were churchmen. These, joined by some of the former inhabitants, organized a parish, March 30th, 1807. The names of those belonging to the society, at its first organization, are as follows : , Christopher Prentice, Benjamin Hawley, John Sperry, Michael Judd, Abel Hard, Glover Skidmore, Ebenezer L. Thompson, Robert Porter, Samuel Bloss, Reuben Tinker, Samuel Blackman, Daniel Skidmore, Henry Jackson, Amos Lake, David Pulford, and Benja min T. Lake. No church edifice was erected for some time, but the society voted January, 1829, that " Robert Porter be a committee to circulate a subscription paper for the purpose of raising money to build a church." The church was accordingly erected, and occupied some time before consecration. On the 23d of September, 1835, it was consecrated by the bishop, and named " Christ Church, Bethlem." The same cause prevents an extended history of this as of other so cieties, the want or defectiveness of the records. It has been a " plurality," having a minister to officiate all the time but a few years since its organization. The following is a list of ministers who have preached in this parish, as far as it has been possible to collect them, together with the date of the commencement of their labors. Rev . Russel Wheeler, 1807, Rev, , WiUiam Watson, 1835, « Willard Welton, 1814, tt T. W. Snow, 1837, » Sturges Gilbert, - 1816, u Isaac H. Tuttle, 1839, u Isaac Jones, 1828, a Wm. Henry Frisbie, 1847, it Joseph Scott, 1832, le Joseph S. Covell, 1848, u John Dowdney, 1834, u J. D. Berry, D. D., 1852. Baptist Chukch, Roxbury. This church was constituted in South Britain, January 21st, 1790, at the house of Justus Pierce, by a meeting of delegates from several churches of the " Baptist order." Eld^r Higbee, of Stratfield, was moderator, and Elder Hull, of Ridgefield, clerk. Elder Finch, of Danbury, preached on the occasion. The church thus organized, consisted often males, and twelve females, residing at South Britain, 20 298 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBUEY. Roxbury and Zoar Bridge, in Newtown. In April, 1794, a portion of this church, with others, were organized into a new church, at Zoar Bridge. In January, 1803, the " Society agreed younanimous to have Mr. Fuller ordained as an Elder in said Society." He was accordingly ordained, May 18th, 1803, at the meeting house in Roxbury, the churches represented in the ordaining council being those at Colebrook, Bristol, Newtown, Danbury, Winchester and Warren. The records show seventy members admitted to the church before Mr. Fuller's ordination, and forty-one since. Mr. Fuller moved to Vermont, in 1821. December 30th, 1800, the society voted to build a meeting-house, " a little this side of Benjamin Rumsey's," to be thirty feet long, twenty-five wide, with ten feet posts. This building was finished and ready for use the next year. It was turned into a school-house in 1825, reserving the right to hold meetings in it. In 1809, a vote was passed by the society, " that the names of such persons as have certified to our society, but have never attended our meetings, por given any thing to support our ministers, be handed over to the presbuterian Society's Clerk, as the names of persons who do not belong to our society." From 1821 to 1833, there is no entry on the church records. At the latter date, there were twenty-one members ofthe church remaining. Since 1833, there is no entry on the records. The present number of members probably does not ex ceed ten, although they have preaching once in four weeks, by Elder Biddle, of Brookfield. Methodist Church, Woodbury. In 1789, Connecticut was visited by Jesse Lee, a distinguished and devoted preacher of the Methodist denomination, who preached all over the state, laying here as in the rest of New England, the foun dation of Methodism. This denomination rapidly increased, and it has continued to be prosperous, beyond precedent, till the present day. The church had gained some footing in New York as early as 1766. About the year 1790, before the general conference was formed in 1792, the first Methodist sermon in Woodbury was preached in t]be open air, in the street under the Rock, on which the , Masonic Hall stands,, by Rev. Samuel Wigdon, who was sent to preach in Litchfield circuit. This town was added to that circuit, and HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 299 there was occasional preaching here after that to such as would " hear the word." The first class was formed some time between the ¦ date of the first sermon and the year 1800. The church continued in a feeble condition till 1812, when Elijah Sherman, senior, better known to the people of this communion, and of the town, by the name of " Father Sherman," became dissatisfied with the Episcopal church, on account of some difference of opinion, as is understood, in relation to the adoption of the Episcopal church constitution, joined the Meth odist denomination, and became very active and zealous in advancing its interests. The exact date of this transaction is not now at hand, but he was appointed the first regular class leader in 1812. Previ ous to this, the several ministers who had officiated here, had fulfilled the duties of that office. At this organization of the class, in 1812, the number of communicants was forty. From this time till 1824, " Father Sherman" threw open the doors of his house, and it became the place of pUbUc worship for this church. Having increased in numbers and means, they erected the first meeting-house on the site of the present church edifice, in 1824. But the class and social meetings of the society continued to be held at the house of Mr. Sherman, till the erection of the present commodious church, in 1839. This edifice is furnished with a good basement, and from that date the social meetings of the church have been held in it. The society here continued to constitute a part of some other circuit till 1832, when the circuit of Woodbury was formed, and this became the place of residence for its ministers. Rev. Raphael Gilbert was the first minister who statedly resided here. This has continued to be a cir cuit or station, and the residence of the stated minister, ever since. It has for some years been a station, and enjoyed the undivided labors of a minister. From the first meetings in the dwelling of " Father Sherman," the church has enjoyed a continued prosperity till the present day, and now numbers within its folds 215 communicants. "The Lord ofthe harvest" has smiled upon it, and it now occupies a useful and honorable position among " sister churches." Methodist Churches in Southbury. The first society ofthe Methodist Episcopal church, in the present tovsTi of Southbury, was organized at the south part of the town, on " George's Hill," about the year 1803, and consisted of about six members. They met at that time in a building formerly occupied as a school-house. But, in a few years, it was greatly enlarged, remod eled, and made more convenient and ample in its accommodations. \ 300 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. The society continued to increase in numbers until the church was fiUed to its utmost capacity. It soon became quite too smaU to ac commodate the worshiping congregation. In the year 1832, the society erected and dedicated a larger and more convenient house in South Britain. There they worshiped until the year 1851, when the edifice was enlarged and made a neat and elegant house of worship. The society now (1853) numbers about sixty-five communicants, and the church is weU filled with a devout worshiping congregation. The second society ofthe Methodist Episcopal church, in the town was organized at Southbury several „years ago, and consisted of one smaU class. About the same time, another class, or small chjirch, was organized at Southford. They worshiped for several years in a smaU church which is now completely out of repair. In the mean time the church at Southbury met in the brick school-house, and were under the pastoral care of the Rev. Sylvester Smith. In the year 1847, the two societies united, and the same year erected a neat and commodious church, in the village of Southbury. The church at Southbury now (1853) numbers sixty-five communi cants, and their house of worship is well filled with a respectable and devoted congregation. Thus have we traced the various forms of church government and reUgious belief, as they have exhibited themselves in our town, and are full of the conviction, that not the form, not the particular creed, is of so much importance as a pure heart and a guileless life ; and that these may subsist, in full perfection, under all the various forms and ceremonies and creeds of the several evangelical churches. For this reason it wUl, ever be a matter of astonishment to the lofty intel lect, the mind of extended and liberal views, when it sees bitter con tentions among professing Christians, " about quips and quibbles and non-essential points." CHAPTER XVI. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY CONTINUED PROM CHAPTER Till. 1760 TO 1853; Rev. Noah Benedict settled, 1760; Half-way Covenaht System abolished, 17G0 ; State of the Church ; Rev. Worthingtom Wright settled Colleague with Me. Benedict, 1811, and dismissed, 1813;' Death op Mr. Benedict, 1813; His Character; Rev. Henry P. Strong settled, 1814 — dismissed, 1816 ; Rev. Samuel R. Andrew in stalled Pastor, 1817— dismissed 1846; Third Church dedicated 1819; Sketch op Mr. Andrew's Life ; Rev. Lucius' Curtis settled, 1846 ; Church Statistics ; Ministerial Fund ; Hon. Noah B. Benedict's Devise to the Society ; Remarks. In a former chapter we traced the history of the " Second Church in Stratford," or first church in Woodbury, from its commencement, its stormy origin, for ninety years, " down the stream of time." In the early part of 1760, Mr. Stoddard having become very aged, the church and society took the necessary measures to settle a colleague with him. The matter was all arranged. Rev. Noah Benedict had been called, and the day for his ordination had been appointed before Mr. Stoddard's death. He was, however, suddenly taken ill, and died after a sickness of two days, not long before the day of ordina tion. This event took place October 22d, 1760. It is thus recorded on the church records by Mr. Benedict : " October 22, 1760. This Day was ordained to the Work of the Ministry, in the first Society in Woodbury, on the call of the Church and Congregation : the Sermon was preach'' by the Rev. Mr: Bellamy from 1 Tim. 5, 21, the ordaining Prayer and Charge by Rev. Mr: Graham, the right hand of fellowship by Rev. Mr. Brinsmade, the conclu ding Prayer by Rev. Mr: Canfield." It is to be noted, that the church did not go out of town for minis ters to assist in the ordination services. The four ministers men- 302 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBUEY. tioned were all then settled within the limits of the ancient town, and remained with their people till the death of each separated them from all earthly friends. At the death of Mr. Stoddard, the half-way covenant System was not yet done away. He, as well as his father. Rev. Solomon Stod dard, were advocates of the system, though Rev. Mr.' Edwards, the grandson of the latter, taking a different view of the matter, had done so much to overthrow it, wherever it existed. As we have seen, it had been voted out of Mr. Bellamy's church nearly twenty years before. It existed here only in a mild, or rather a strict form. Many of the church had for some years been against the practice, yet from respect to their aged and beloved pastor, they had " held their peace.*" But Mr. Stoddard was now dead, and the system was not in accordance with Mr. Benedict's views. Within two weeks, therefore, after his settlement, we find the following action on the part of the church : " Nov. 6, 1700. At a meeting of the Members of the Chh. at the Meeting House, the following things were voted, (viz.) "1st that Baptism and the Lord's Supper are seals of the Covenant of Grace. " 2ly, that the Covenant of Grace is but one Covenant. " 3ly, that whosoever makes a credible Profession, that he believes and em braces the covenant of Grace, and appears to walk accordingly, has a right to Sealing ordinances. " 4ly, that he, that has a right to Sealing ordinances for himself, has also a right to Baptism for his children. '"5'y, that the Lord's Supper is not more holy than Baptism. " It was likewise voated, that those Persons, that had ownd the Covenant, and yet had absented themselves from the Lord's Supper, had owni^ a Cove nant of Grace, and upon their manifesting that they mean to be understood as having own^ a Covenant of Grace, shall be looked upon as Members in com pleat Standing, and admitted to the. Seals of the Covenant." This vras a mild way of getting rid of the practice. As these half-way members had professed and taken upon themselves precisely the same covenant as the members in full communion, they were now caUed to show 'whether they had made that profession sincerely or not. If so, they were members in " complete standing," like the rest of the church ; if not, then they were entitled to no privileges from the step they had taken. At the same meeting a covenant and pro fession of faith were drawn up and approved by the church, which with slight verbal alteratibns is the same now used by the church on the admission of members. It is a fact worthy of notice, that the first church covenant, adopted by our fathers just before removing into this wilderness, stood unaltered for the long space of ninety HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 303 years, aind that the second, the one now in use, is the same adopted ninety-three years ago. Mr. Benedict spent a long and useful life among his people. Few contests, or differences in feeling and action, arose among the people of his charge, during the long period of his ministrations, till near its close. This was a controversy in regard to the location and build ing of the third meeting-house. That everlasting source of bitter animosityand mischief, the location of public buildings, was the only thing that disturbed the serenity and happiness of a period of pasto ral labor extending through more than half a century. But he ' lived not to see the heat of the battle, having departed this life about three years before the final disruption of his church. He died April 20, 1813, in the seventy-sixth year of his age, and the fifty-third of his ministry. The church was prosperous under his administration of the ordinances. The number of persons admitted to the com munion of the church under his pastoral care, was 272, and 758 persons were baptized. The following were chosen deacons : Capt. Gideon Stoddard, August 19th, 1767 ; Clement Minor, Feb ruary 10th, 1773 ; Jonah Minor, October 1st, 1782 ; Matthew Minor, November 25th, 1793 ; Daniel Huntingdon, November 25th, 1793 ; Nathan Atwood, January 4th, 1803 ; Ens. Seth Minor, Jr., Septem ber 26th, 1805 ; Benjamin Judson, Jr., August 31st, 1806. There were several revivals of religion under Mr. Benedict's min istry, the last near the close of his earthly labors. As early as 1810, the society gave Rev. Gordon Hall a call to settle as colleague with Mr. Benedict, with a salary of $600, but he did not see fit to accept the invitation. During the same year, the same offer was made to Rev. Worthington Wright. He accepted the call, and was ordained as colleague to Mr. Benedict, on the last Wednesday of January, 1811, and dismissed early in 1813, at his own request, before Mr. Benedict's death, on account of an affection of the eyes, which prevented his application to study. After his ordination, the ministers present on that occasion, among whom were Dr. Beecher, President Tyler, Rev. Mr. Swift, Rev. Mr. Clark, Dr. Backus, Rev. Philo Judson and the newly ordained minister, retired to Bethel Rock, and there held a prayer-meeting, in imitation of the early fathers, who amid the dangers which beset the early settlers, retired to this secluded dell for the same purpose. ' Shortly after Mr. Wright's dismission, Mr. Benedict was called 1 Eev. Philo Judson informed the author of this incident. 304 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. ^ from this earthly scene of toU and labor. He was a man of sound piety, and of great dignity and amiability of character.' He held an honored place in the affections of his people. He was successful as a spiritual teacher, and was followed to the tomb by his parishioners, with hearts tlirobbing with grief. This church has been noted for the length of time it has enjoyed the services of its ministers. There is, perhaps, no other instance in the country, where a church has been presided over by three pastors, as has been the case with this, for the long period of 143 years. Mr. Benedict was a native of Danbury, and graduated at Nassau Hall, in 1757. He received the degree of Master of Arts ad eun- dem from Yale College, in 1760, and was a feUow of that institution from 1801 to 1812. " Mr. Benedict was spoken of, during his life, and is remembered, as one of the fairest specimens of the good clergymen of Connecticut. Constitutionally he had a weU-balanced mind; singularly discreet and exemplary in his every day deportment, and in all the relations of life ; as a preacher and counselor, he held a high rank. His temper was even, and his condition was placid and easy. Temptations he was cautious, and even zealous, to put, if possible, out of his way. He once had a favorite horse, young, sound, gentle, active and graceful ; the animal was admired by his rider's parishioners. But Mr. Benedict, to the surprise of aU, sold the horse. A neighbor expressed his astonishment at the event, and inquired the reason of it. ' He was growing unruly,' was the grave pastor's reply. ' But I thought,' said the man, ' that he was a very orderly horse.' ' No,' was the rejoinder, 'he was growing quite unruly; he once got into the pulpit, and I thought it was time to part with him.' This minister was blessed in his family, and honored in the alliances of his children by mar riage, and by their eminent usefulness, and the distinctions to which they at tained in public offices and employments. His people never desired his sepa ration from them; death effected it in the year, 1813. He lives in the sweet and grateful remembrance ofthe aged in his parish, and out of it; and tie present generation of Woodbury have heard from the reverential and affection ate, the story of his goodness."i '¦ After the death of Mr. Benedict, Rev. Dr. Tyler was appointed moderator of the church, and continued in that office, tiU May 25th, 1814, when Rev. Henry P. Strong, a native of Salisbury, was in- staUed pastor over the church. He was dismissed, January, 1816, less than two years after his ordination. In some particulars, he was not fitted for his holy calling. It did not engage his careful, or best attention. He appeared to be much more interested in having the best animals of the male gender, of all the domestic kinds, than in 1 Eev. Dr. McEwen's Discourse at Litchfield, 1852, p. 74. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 305 advancing the interests of his " Master in the vineyard of the Lord." The church and people of the town will always recollect him, for one thing, with no great pleasure, and that is i)ie loss, through his heedless recklessness, of a valiSible volume of church records, con taining, among other things, a complete list of marriages for nearly 150 years. That loss has been severely felt by business and other men, and can never be repaired. Thirty-eight persons were admit ted to the church in the interval between Mr. Benedict's death, and the settlement of Mr. Andrew. After the dismissal of Mr. Strong, Rev. Fosdick Harrison was appointed moderator of the church, till the installation of Rev. Sam uel R. Andrew, after a unanimous call of the church and society, as pastor over this church and people, October 8th, 1817. He preached his farewell discourse, January 4th, 1846, and was dismissed during the same year, on account of failing health. The division in the church, caused by disagreement about the location of the new meet ing-house, had ended in the formation of another church before his installation into the pastoral office, and the church, under his care, for nearly twenty-nine years, continued to enjoy uninterrupted peace and prosperity. Two hundred and sixty-three members were added to the communion of the church, and two hundred and forty-three persons were by him baptized. The present chur6h edifice was dedi cated to the purposes of public worship, January 13th, 1819, seventy- two years after the dedication of the second church. Three revivals of religion took place during his ministry, in one/of which forty per sons became converts, and twenty-six joined the church on one day, being the largest number by one, that has ever joined the church on one occasion, since its organization in 1670. During his ministry, three deacons were appointed — Judson Blackman, July 2d, 1818, Eli Summers, 1830, and Truman Minor, June 29th, 1838. Mr. Andrew is the only son of Samuel Andrew, who was grand son of Rev. Samuel Andrew of Milford, one of the founders of Yale College, a fellow and pro tempore a rector of that institution, and for fifty years pastor of the first church in Milford. Mr. Andrew was born at Milford, May, 1787, and graduated at Yale College, in 1807. He studied law for a year or two, and spent a few years at the South in editing a newspaper, and in teaching. He studied theology with Rev. B. Pinneo, of Milford, and was ordained pastor over this church in 1817. He was chosen a fellow of Yale College, in 1837, which office he resigned in 1847, on moving out of the county of Litchfield, and was at the same time appointed secretary 306 HISTORY OP ANCIENT TVOODBUKY. of the coUege, which office he still holds. In 1848, he was chosen a member of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences. Mr» Andrew now resides at New Haven, his health not allowing him to assume a pastoral charge. Immediately after the resignation of Mr. Andrew, Rev. Lucius Curtis received a call from the church and society, was installed pas tor over the church, July 8th, 1846, and still remains in his pastoral relation to the people. He is a native of Torrington, a graduate of WiUiams College, class of 1835, and of the Andover Theological Seminary, class of l845. During his administration, the church has been very prosperous, eighty members having been added to its num bers, and thirty-six persons baptized. Its present number of mem bers is 222, not including some twenty-five absent members whose location is not known. The whole number of admissions to the church since its organiza tion in 1670, is 1,377, and the whole number of baptisms, infant and adult, 2,953. In June, 1816, a fund of more than $6,000 was raised by subscrip tion among the members of the society, " To be and remain a perpetual fund ; and the interest arising thereon shall be appropriated exclusively to the support^ of a presbyterian minister, to be ap proved by the Association of ministers in whose limits we live, and who shall preach the pure doctrines of the Gospel generally called Calvinistic, or in con formity to the shorter catechism of the Westminister Assembly of Divines. It is also expressly stipulated, that no part of the interest of this Fond, shall be applied for preaching the Gospel in any house of publick worship. North of the place fixed for a Meeting House by a Committee of the General Assembly, appointed in May, A. D. 1814, & whose report was accepted in October, A. D. 1814, which committee was composed of Daniel Porter, Daniel St. John & Diodate Silliman, Esqr, nor South of the present Meeting House in .said socieTy." The church then occupied was the second one built in town, which was located near Mr. Marshall's hotel, and the other location men tioned above, was that now occupied by the present church of this society. This fund will perhaps have some infiuence in preventing quarrels about the location of a meeting-house in future. It now amounts to $6,347. Besides this, the society has by a devise in the wiU of the late Hon. Noah B. Benedict the right of reversion to his homestead, and some fifteen acres of valuable land, as will be seen by the following : " I give and devise to the First Congregational or Presbyterian Society in Woodbury, whereof the Rev. Samuel R. Andrew is now Pastor, the land and HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 307 buildings" above alluded to, " to be by said Society used and forever improved as a parsonage, and never, under any pretence, or supposed benefit whatever, to be disponed- of, or alienated ; and any alienation of the same by said Society shall work a forfeiture thereof, to my heirs at law. But it is further to be un derstood, that it is my will, that the use of said property shall be appropriated to the Support of the preaching of the Gospel in no house of public worship, farther North than the present house, or Church, which has been built within a few years, and is now occupied by said Society ; nor shall said Society take benefit of this bequest, if it shall hereafter cease to maintain the pure doctrines of the Gospel, as now held, preached and understood by our Pastor, and his people. If the said society shall become extinct, or shall cease to maintain the preaching of the Gospel for such unreasonable length of time, as to show it is not intended permanently to support the public worship of God therein, this devise shall cease, and the estate revert to my heirs."' Thus have we traced the history of this branch of the " Church universal" for 183 years. It is the honored mother of six useful and extended churches — six " well-settled children," which were nurtured in the " old homestead," and have arrived at a vigorous maturity. At times, ever since its pwn unquiet infancy, the storm and the whirl wind have passed over it, but by the kindness of Providence, it still stands secure and prosperous, in a " ripe old age," among its children and " sister churches" of the various denominations. 1 Woodbury Probate Eecords, vol. 16, p. 276. CHAPTER XVII. HISTORY OP THE STRICT CONGREGATIONAL SOCIETY IN WOODBURY. 1816 TO 1853 ; Differences op opinion in regard to the Location op a Meet- ING-HOUSE the occasion OP THE FOUNDATION OP THIS SOCIETY ; TWENTY YEARS SPENT IN EFFORTS TO SECURE A NORTHERN LOCATION ; COMMITTEE OF 1795 RECOMMEND THE LOCATION OF THE PRESENT NoRTH ChUROH ; CoiMMITTEE OF 1814 RECOMMEND THE LOCATION OF THE PRESENT SoUTH ChORCH ; Tn[S NOT PROVING Satlsfactory, SEVENTY-ONE " Sign Off,". 1814; They prepare to BUILD A Church — are stopped by the State's Attorney ; They there fore pronounce themselves Baptists, and form a Constitution ; Strict Congregational Society incorporated, 1816; Church gathered, by Rev. Dr. Tyler, 1816; Church Edifice commenced in 1815 — Finished in 1818 — Dedicated,' 1819 ; Rev. Grove L. Beownell ordained First Pastok, 1817; Dismissed in 1840 — Success of his Ministry ; Rev. John Churchill in stalled, 1840 ; Statistics and State of the Church ; Ministerial FirND. For more than a hundred and forty-six years after the gathering of the first church of Woodbury, it had remained a unit, firm and un divided, while one part of the territory of the town after another had been incorporated into distinct ecclesiastical societies, to accommo date the extension of the town, and the wants of its increasing popu lation. The ancient church, under the successive ministrations of its first three worthy and revered pastors, had enjoyed great peace and prosperity. But the first society had, about the year 1794, become thickly settled in its northern limits, so that a majority of its mem bers were located in that part of its territory. The ancient meeting house was within about two miles of the southern boundary of the society, while a part of the inhabitants lived nearly five miles north of the church. In March, 1794, the feeUng to have a church edi fice nearer the center of the parish became decided, and a vote was passed in a meeting ofthe society. 111 to 81, HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 309 " To build a Meeting House in the 1st Society for the greater convenience of said Society, on or near the Northwest corner of the land of John Martin, on the great plain, so called." In December, the same year, the society appointed Gen. Hermon Swift, Aaron Austin, Esq., and Gen. David Smith, then judges ofthe Litchfield County Court, a committee to give advice " respecting the moving of the old, or building a new Meeting House." This com mittee reported in March, 1795, that they would recommend the so ciety, at some convenient future time, to build a new meeting-house about one mile north ofthe old house, near the dwelUng-house of Mr. Elijah Sherman, Sen., being the place where the present north church stands ; but advised them " neither to hurry, as the old house was comfortable, nor to lay out more money in its repair.'' On the. 7th of February, 1796, the society " Voted, that Noah Judson be appointed agent to draw a petition to the next County Court for the appointment of a Committee to fix a place for a meeting house in the 1st Society." • > The matter seems to have been dropped at this point, as no further action in regard to it was taken in the society, tUl April 23, 1810, when it was " Voted either to build a new Meeting House, or move the old one, between April 1813 and AprU, 1816, to such place as shall be established by a Commit tee appointed by the General Assembly, said Committee to fix the place in the month of January 1813." " Voted, that Nathaniel Bacon and Noah B. Benedict, Esq., be agents to pre fer a memorial to the General Assembly for this purpose." At the following May session of the Assembly, a committee, con sisting of Hon. Asher Miller, Hon. Jonathan Brace, Birdseye Nor ton, John Kingsbury, and Samuel W. Johnson, Esquires, was ap pointed, from which the society's clerk was to draw three, and they were to proceed to determine the matter in issue according to the foregoing vote. But this arrangement affected nothing, and the rec ords show no farther action on the part of the society till the third Monday of February, 1814, when a vote passed " To build a new, or remove the old Meeting House between 1 June, 1814 & 1 June, 1817, as the General -Assembly's Com'^^ appointed in May Session next shall determine." At the May session, Diodate Silliman, Daniel Potter and Daniel St. John, were appointed a committee 310 HISTORY OF ANCIENT -V^OODBURY. " To decide whether a new House for public worship should be built, or the old one repaired, and to fix the place for said Meeting house, within 90 days from the rising of the Assembly." This committee reported to the General Assembly at the October session, 1814, that " A new Meeting House should be built on the West side ofthe Highway, at the junction of the Middle Road Turnpike, Washington Turnpike, and the Litchfield County Road," and that they had " fixed a Stake 2 rods North of the North west corner of Hermon Stoddard's DweUing house." The location here indicated, is that now occupied by the South Congregational Church, which the first society voted unanimously to build, March 27, 1817, after the secession of the northern inhabitants, so that this house stands at the place appointed by the Assembly. The northern inhabitants were still dissatisfied, and procured the passage of a vote in the society, " to oppose the acceptance of the re port," which they knew was to be made at the October session, and appointed Benjamin Judson, Reuben Martin and William 0. Bron son, agents for this purpose. But the report was accepted by the Assembly, and on the 29th of November following, Hon. Charles B. Phelps, who, at this time, acted with the northern inhabitants, to gether with seventy others, lodged a certificate with the clerk of the first society, giving him " distinctly to understand," that " We do not belong to the first, or Presbyterian Society in this Town, but for conscience and duty sake do pronounce and hereby certify whomsoever it may concern, that we, and each of us, are of and do belong to the sector persua sion denominated Independent and Strict Congregationalists, to follow their doc trines and discipline, strictly and without deviation. You [the society's clerk] and your successors are therefore directed, according to a statute law of this State, in such case made and provided, to consider each and every one of us ever hereafter as strict and independent Congregationalists, and distinct from your society, and exempt from all further taxes, or rates, or from any benefits and immunities of, in or belonging, in any view, to said first society in Woodbury. "Witness our hands this seventh day of November,, A. D. 1814." In order to understand the design and effect of these proceedings, a word in relation to the law existing at that time is necessarj'. Be fore the constitution of 1818, all the territory of the state was carved out into ecclesiastical societies. As various causes led to the erec tion of new societies, they were, with few exceptions, incorporated by the Assembly with local limits. A few irregular parishes, ac knowledging the general faith of the churches, made such by slight HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 311 differences of opinion, were, after 1784, designated by enrgUment. With these few exceptions, which had been made for cause, two dis tinct Societies of the " standing order," were not allowed to occupy the same territory. It therefore became necessary for the northern inhabitants to call themselves by some other name in order to be re leased from the regular society. By an act, passed in 1748, soon after the feud between the " Old Lights" and " New Lights" had agitated the religious community, entitled " An Act directing how to proceed when it shall be neces sary to build a Meeting-House for divine Worship," it was provided, that when by a two-thirds vote a society should declare it to be nec essary to build a meeting-house, the county court in the county where the society was located, should " appoint and affix the place whereon" the house should be erected. It was further enacted, that it should not be lawful for any society, or part of a society, " to build, or set up any meeting-house for religious worship," without first procuring \ the appointment of a place by the county court,^under penalty of $134, " to the treasury of the county ; to be recovered before the county court, in the county where the transgression is committed.." After repeated efforts on the part of the northern interest, as we have seen, to procure a location, acceptable to themselves, and for which they several times obtained a major vote in the society, but never the necessary two-thirds, a voluntary subscription was started by them, in 1814, to build a house on the site occupied by the present North Congregational Church. This subscription embraced some persons not members of the society, and a day was appointed to transport the timber to the place appointed. At this crisis. Gen. Elisha Sterling, state's attorney for Litchfield county, addressed a let ter to some of the leaders in this project, declaring their conduct to be illegal, that each person engaged in the enterprise would incur the penalty of the statute, and that it would become his duty to prose cute the offenders, which he should not omit to do. , Accompanying this letter was an opinion of Judge Reeve, then on the last year of his judicial authority, confirming this position of Gen. Sterling. Dr. Lyman Beecher also addressed a letter to some members of the church, remonstrating against these measures, as inconsistent with their religious obligations and duties. To avoid these penalties, and the formidable array of enemies to " their movement," it was necessary to take some other measures. They believed that Dr. Beecher, arid the other surrounding clergy men, were adverse to their interests, and, asserting the same right of 812 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. independency, that our Puritan fathers asserted in their conflict with ecclesiastical and political power in England, they determined to es- tabUsh a " church, free and independent." A committee, on which was Hon. Charles B. Phelps, was raised to frame a constitution for the government of the church and society. The first proposition of this constitution was, "This Church under God is free and independent of all Synods, Consisto ries, Associations, Conventions, Classis, and all other Ecclesiastioal authority, •save that of the Lord Jesus." In its general tenor, it gave large authority to the church and so ciety, in all matters relating to their interests ; but this power was modified by the appointment of a ruling elder, who was, ex officio, moderator of all church meetings, and possessed an unqualified veto upon all votes of the church, which did not meet his approbation. Benjamin Judson was appointed ruling elder, the name of the " Bap tist Church" was adopted, and a minister of that denomination em ployed, for a time, to preach to the church.' In May, 1816, an application was made to the General Assembly by this church, for incorporation into an ecclesiastical society, with the same privileges as other societies, but it failed. At the October session, the same year, a petition signed by 102 individuals renewed the application for society privileges, which were granted, and the ap plicants were incorporated by the name of the " Strict Congregational Society" in Woodbury, with the same limits as the first society, leav- . ing all persons within those limits to signify in the month of March annually, to what society they chose to belong, by leaving with the clerk of such society, a certificate to that effect, which is by him en rolled on the records of the society.^ 1 The chairman of the committee that draf^ted this constitution, informed the au thor," that the theological postulata advanced in it " were gathered up and down the Scriptures, Confessions, Catechisms, Platforms, Articles, Theses and Creeds — where- ever a word of seasonable doctrine could be found. The precise amount' of author ity for it could not now be stated." He further reinarked, that, m his opinion, not- -witlistanding this exceUent constitution, the church had very soon after their regular incorporation into an ecclesiastical society, in 1816, by a process of " tmconsc.ious mn- iation," relapsed into a close aflSnity with the " associated churches." 2 The late Eeuben Walker, availing himself of this privUege, lodged with the clerk ofthe Strict Congregational Society, the following certificate: " To Leman Sherman, Clerk of the North Society. Hear the words of Eeuben with the strictest propriety. This may certify to aU who gather tithes, That Reuben has done with the South Society tiU he dies. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 313 After, the incorporation of the new society, the bitterness nsx)f Temperance was organized in this town February 8th, 1847, and called Pomperaug Division, No. 27. John W. Rogers, James R. Young, John J. Beecher, Sheldon T. Allen, John S. Bennet, Ezra Toucey, James R. Thomas, Edwin Roberts, and George A. Capewell, were appointed the first officers, and the society went on prosperously for several years. One hundred and five were received as members. Dissensions finally arose among the members of the society, the interesfin it subsided, and early in the spring of 1853, it divided its funds among its remaining members, and " parted to meet no more." List of Worthy Patriarchs. John Roberts, Robert Peck, Edward W. Atwood, John W. Rogers, George De Forest, George L. Teeple, Benjamin Doolittle, John,E. Blackman, Jerome Hubbell, James R. Thomas, Stephen B. Fairchild, Orley M. Parker, Monroe C. Sherman, Jo. T. CapeweU, Philo J. IsbeU, Leander Hodge, John H. Doolittle, George H. Hitchcock. WUliam Way, John Way, On the application of SUas Chapman, Charles G. Judsoiv, WUUa,m E. Woodruff, Enos Benham and Clark Linsley, to the Grand Mas ter of the Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fejlows for the State of Connecticut, the grand officers of said lodge convened at Woodbury, April 16, 1847, and formed the applicants into a lodge under the name of Bethel Rock Lodge, No. 44. The same day, William Cothren, John P. De Forest, John A. Candee, Norman Parker, Noble Parker, RoUin Wooster, Aaron MulUngs, Charles H. Webb, and Charles A. Somers, were received into the society by in itiation. From that day to the present, the society has had a slow, but sure progress. In addition to those above named, it has received fifty-seven members, making seventy-one in the whole, and now has sixty-five acting members. Its object, like that of the two preceding societies, is the relief of the necessities and sufferings of its members, and of the human race. It possesses a fund for these objects, which is constantly increasing, of about nine hundred dollars, which it keeps at interest, safely in vested. To secure itself against loss, it has organized itself into a body corporate and politic, under a public stafiate of this state, enacted for such purposes. 340 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. Silas Chapin, Charles G. Judson, John P. De Forest, Charies H. Webb, Luke S. Putnam, Charles G. Judson, John P. De Forest, Charies H. Webb, Clark Linsley, Luke S. Putnam, List of Noble Grands'* William Cothren, GUead H. Smith, Benjamin S. Curtiss, Henry Minor, Norman Parker, Edward E. Bradley, Norman Parker, Hiram Manville, Isaac Smith. List of Vice Grands. ' WiUiam Cothren, Ed. E. Bradley. Gilead H. Smith, Charles A. Somers, Benjamin S. Curtiss, Henry Minor, Wm. E. Woodruff, Hiram Manville, Isaac Smith, Phineas A. Judson. At the session ofthe General Assembly in 1851, a bank, to be lo cated in Woodbury, was chartered, under the name of the " Wood bury Bank." Its capital was $100,000. In taking up the stock of the bank, a small majority of it fell into the hands of one William E. Chittenden, a broker in the city of New York, who was heavily enga ged in wild and daring railroad speculations in the west. Considera ble opposition on the part of some of the home stockholders was man ifested to this state of affairs at the beginning. Mr. Chittenden, how ever, moved his family to Woodbury, made himself a director by means of his majority of the stock, and at once controlled the opera tions of the bank. It commenced business in November, fl 851, and continued till March, 1853, when Chittenden failed in business for a large amount, carrying down with him the Woodbury and Eastern Banks, and injuring the credit of the Bank of Litchfield County, being indebted to it in a sum greater than one-half of its capital. At the time of his failure, he owed the Woodbury Bank more than* $175,000. To secure this, there were some $76,000, in collaterals of various kinds, most of which were not immediately available, leav ing nearly $100,000, unprovided for and unsecured. The assets of the bank went into the hands of receivers, and after some time a com promise was made with Chittenden, by which he assigned his stock and coUaterals to the bank at their par value, and contracted to pay the remainder of his indebtedness in the bills of the bank. This agreement he has fulfilled in part, $30,000 having been paid by him. Besides this, there is aa attachment on property sufficient, it is be lieved, to secure his indebtedness to the bank within about $10,000. The friends of the KiUingly bank having procured a requisition on HISTOH-Y OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 341 the governor of Ne^ York for his person, on a criminal complaint, he found it not advisable to remain longer in that state. Though thus disappointed in the promises of this, man, the citizens of Wood bury have come forward, taken said stock so assigned, and paid its par value into the bank. The result of this noble conduct on the part of the inhabitants, is, that the bank has been able to resume business on a firm footing, and its officers having learned "wisdom by experience," it will go on successfully. Its officers are Daniel Curtiss, president ; James M. Dickinson, cashier, and George B. Lewis, Lewis Judd, David C. Bacon, John Abernethy, Monroe C. Sherman, Philo H. Skidmore, George. Smith and William Cothren,' directors. While these pages have been going through the press, a savings institution has been organized in the village, under the name ofthe Woodbury Savings Bank and Building Association. It is a corpo ration under the general law authorizing such institutions. It can hardly be said to be fully organized, and yet it has already a capital of about fifty thousand dollars, and several thousand dollars on de posit. It bids fair to be a very successful institution, and with good management, it can not be otherwise than safe. Its officers are Nathaniel B. Smith, President. William Cothren, Vice President. Thomas Bull, Secretary and Treasurer. Benjamin Fabrique, Loren Forbes, Robert J. ToUes, Charles A. Somers, George Drakeley, Benjamin S. Curtiss, The manufactures and mechanical employments of the town, inde pendent of those of a domestic character, consist of one tinner's fac tory, three grain mills, one clover mill, seven saw-mills, two tanneries, . two cider distilleries, four tailor shops, five blacksmith shops, one silver spoon shop, one spectacle shop, three shoe manufactories, two carriage shops, one button factory, one powder flask manufactory, two cigar shops, one felt cloth manufactory, two cassimere manu factories, one shear manufactory, one thimble manufactory, one shawl manufactory, one establishment for " leathering carpet tacks," one 1 The latter has been elected since the financial diflSculties ofthe bank; aU the oth ers were its former officers. , ' Directors. 342 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. suspender buckle shop ; all together employing more than $200,000 capital. There are fifteen mercantile stores, and three hotels, employ ing some $50,000 capital. There are also fourteen school district and primary schools, two academies, one social library, two attorneys, four clergymen, and four physicians. The amount of the last grand list was $39,653.83, and the valua tion of the lands and buildings of the town, in 1815, for the levy of the direct tax of the United States,. which comprised 19,528 acres, amounted to $604,175, being an average value of nearly $34 per acre. In 1799, the real estate of this town, together with Southbury, was appraised at $847,966. Thus have we gathered up the fragments of information scattered by the wayside, however trivial, and deposited them in the grisat gar ner-house of history, if happily they may engage the attention of the curious reader in some gUding year of the distant future, who may possibly take the same kindly interest in the items of information that concern us of this day, " simple annals of the pbor," that we now be stow on each recorded trace of the doings and sayings of our early fathers. However trivial these matters may appear to the careless observer, the man of thought, of wise forecast, wiU ever find instruc tion and food for deepest contemplation in every such recital. CHAPTER XIX. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OP NATIVES AND RESIDENTS OP AN CIENT WOODBUEY, WHO HATE REMAINED IN THE TERRITORY. THE NAMES WILL BE POUND IN ALPHABETICAL OEDEE. Biography is that part of history which relates to the history of the life and character of men. It embraces the consideration of all that appertains to our moral, intellectual, social and professional char acter. It is said that " history is philosophy teaching by example," and biography is ever one of the principal elements of history. Men and their acts are the great theme of the historian's pen. It is this element that furnishes most of the pleasure we enjoy in all historical accounts. The life and progress of men, their virtues and vices, their successes and failures, their motives and their actions, not only affect their own position and happiness, but their influence extends to all within their reach, and descends influencing the character and des tiny of unborn mUlions. The good deeds that men do live after them, and so do the bad. The influence of a good or a bad action, once committed, can never be recalled. As one who, standing by the sea side, casts a stone into the waters, as they lie calmly sleeping in the golden sunlight, wiU immediately see a smaU circular ripple extend ing itself in all directions, gradually increasing the circle of its cir cumference, till it is lost to his view in the ocean's depths ; so the influence of a good or a bad action, however insignificant we may es teem it, never ceases, but goes on, extending the sphere of its inflii- ence, in an ever increasing rafto, till the end of time. Hence it is weU, that the lives of the eminent should be written, that their good deeds and wise teachings may be extended, so that they may ulti mately take in the human race. Example and competition form the character of nations. " To commemorate the virtues, wisdom and patriotism of their heroes and their statesmen, their philosophers and their poets, has ever been the noblest office of the noblest nations. 344 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. The voice of eulogy, the page of history, monuments, mausoleums, trophies and triumphs, were the proud testimonials to the splendor of their achievements, and the gratitude of their countrymen. Emula tion blazed high in every bosom — worth became sympathetic and he reditary — ^infancy caught the sacred flame of patriotism from the hon ored and hallowed ashes of its ancestry, and in beholding the bright escutcheons of war and victory, the tottering and enfeebled limbs of hoary age itself glowed and strengthened into the ardor and energy of second youth. Thus all the diversified departments of their admi rable systems of government, civil as well as military, contributed to inspirit, to support and dignify each other ; and while moving in their own respective orbits, like the inexhaustible luminaries of heaven, they reciprocally borrowed and reflected light, and shed their com bined luster and glory upon an astonished world." The influence of great example diffuses itself over the world, and if we should strike out of history its earlier annals, it would be like striking out the acquirements and experience of youth, in its evil consequences upon the hopes and happiness, of mature age. It would be to expect the harvest without the seed-time, the genial influences of summer, or the ripening power of early autumn. But biography is important, not only as a record of the virtues of men, but also pf their follies and vices. Even the records of these have their salutary uses. They serve to check us in a career which might otherwise be come reckless and disastrous. They are like beacons set up to guard us against those evils into which others have fallen, and to direct our attention to the acquisition of the opposite virtues, and the securing of those " temporal and eternal blessings, which are too often wantonly disregarded, and perhaps irretrievably lost." In a work like the present, there is not space sufficient for the in troduction of biographies, properly so called. We can only give such brief statistics as have come to hand, from which extended me moirs can be made, when the requisite time, aibility and encourage ment shall call to the execution of that pleasant duty. Much diffi culty has been experienced in coUecting materials for the personal history of individuals, on account ^ the want of interest and, slug gishness of those who alone could give the information, and if the following brief sketches shall be exceptionable to any, on account of their meagerness, it is hoped that it wUf be attributed by the inteUi- gent reader, to the appropriate causes. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 845 ROSWELL ABERNETHY, M. D. Most of the readers of this volum'e will recollect the aged, yet noble form — so lately in our midst — of the subject of this, sketch- Por more than twenty -five years, he " went out and in" among us, approving himself in all the relations of life. To see him about among the people, dispensing the charities of his humane and useful profession, had become a sort of " second nature" — a thing of course- Unusually attentive to the calls of the arduous profession of which he was so conspicuous an ornament, he was ever found at the post of duty, " in the forefront of the battle," in the conflict with dire dis ease- The high moral and religious traits of his character were " known and read of all men" — of which we all are witnesses. His gentlemanly and friendly deportment toward all 'whom he was called to nieet, in the various relations and duties of life, are known to the entire circle of his acquaintance. To the author he particularly endeared himself by his wise counsels in the various emergencies of the early days in his professional labors, and by his unwavering friendship, when the " love of many had waxed cold," and that of most was lukewarm. He was a friend in need. Many were the happy hours spent with him in interesting and useful conversation on all the various topics of human thought. He can almost imagine at times of a pleasant afternoon, he sees that aged and revered form coming toward his- office, and can almost hear those manly, kindly tones in which he was wont to hold intercourse with intimate friends. Anon the illusion vanishes, and he finds himself alone, with a sense of having experienced some great loss. To know the full worth of such a man as Dr. Abernethy, one must know him intimately — must hold communion wil^ his very .soul. We see few such men in our world. His death has created a void, that will not soon again be filled. He will Uve, while life remains, in the affectionate remem brances of his numerous acquaintances and friends. For much of what follows, we are indebted to the sermon preach ed at his funeral by Rev. Lucius Curtis, pastor of the church at which Dr. Abernethy attended. His character was, on that occa sion, so well drawn, that it seemed to the writer like a waste of time to go over the ground again. Dr. RosweU Abernethy was born in Harwinton, Conn., in the year 1774. He applied himself very early in life to the study of medi cine, under the instruction of his father. Dr. WiUiam Aberqethy, who was at that time the principal physician in his native town. In 23 346 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 1795, while in his twenty-first year, he commenced the practiqp of his profession in New Hartford, an adjoining town, where he remain ed six years. During this period, he formed the acquaintance of Dr. Griffin, the celebrated pulpit orator and divine, who had then just commenced his ministerial labors in that town. This acquaintance soon ripened into a friendship, which continued long after they were separated by removal. They were fitted by the character of their minds to sympathize, not only as friends, but as thinkers on impor tant subjects. From New Hartford he removed to his native town, and continued the practice of his profession there till 1825. The reputation he had acquired as a physician and as a man, made him known abroad ; and a vacancy having occurred in this town, many desired to secure his settlement here. Accordingly the citizens of Woodbury, without distinction- of party or . sect, extended to him a formal " call," or invitation' to settle, which he accepted. He came here not only by this general invitation, but with the warmest testi monials of confidence and regard from the citizens of his native town ; and for twenty-five years he continued here, enjoying the confidence and esteem of the community. The extent of his practice was such as to gain for him a generous competence, and during the last few years of his life, he often expressed a desire to retire from the active duties of his profession, which he followed without intermission for fifty-six years. It is remarkable, that just before his last sickness, and while in the midst of his professional labors, as soon as he had ' come, voluntarily, to the firm conclusion to retire from them, a higher summons came, caUing him to close, at once, his professional labors and his life. As if by some presentiment anticipating the time of his departure, he had " set his house in order;" and none who knew him can doubt, that in aU respects he was ready for the final sum mons. After a sickness of little more than two weeks, during which he had but Uttie acute suffering, he went at the age of seventy-seven, quietly and sweetly to his rest. With a mind completely balanced and harmonized, shaped in its very structure to the finest proportions, he had an uncommonly marked and strong character. With, none of those eccentricities' which give briUiancy and notoriety by their extravagance, there was a depth, and tone, and fulhiess, pervading the whole man, giving strength without contrast, and proportion without weakness ; consti- 1 This invitation was signed by some twenty-five or thirty of the principal inhab itants of the town. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 347 tuting, in a word, one of the noblest characters, and one which is fit ted to strengthen our conviction, that man was formed in the image of his Maker. A stranger would at once mark him in the crowd ; not merely from the upright position, the manly proportions, and the polite, dignified bearing of his form, but from the intellectual cast, and the earnest, benignant aspect of his countenance, and the elevated and commanding appearance of his whole person. It would be diffi cult to tell which trait in him was most prominent ; and it would be quite as difficult to tell in which he was defective, according to human standard. The essential qualities which belong to native strength of mind, and true nobility of character, were found in him. His intellect fitted him especially for reasoning and reflection, though he was not wanting in the power of observation. By the natural gifts of his mind, together with his habits of assiduous appli cation, he placed himself, without the advantages of a collegiate edu cation, or even of a professional school, in a position far above that of multitudes who have enjoyed both. He loved and faithfully studied his profession. Well read in its theory, keeping up with the discoveries and improvements of progressive science, he was also skillful and patient in the details of practice. A characteristic pru dence and caution ever kept him from trifling with the life of a pa tient by rash experiment ; and a sense of responsibility, and the gen eral seriousness of his character, prompted a faithfulness and a pa tient self-denial in the examination and treatment of his cases, which a mere love of professional reputation would have failed to secure. With great delicacy and reflnement of feeling, and habitual conscien tiousness, he studied both the health and the feelings of his patient. His dignified, gentle and courteous bearing, was a part of the man. It was never put on for an object or an occasion ; and it was never- put off. None, who intrusted him with a secret, as a physician or as a man, ever had occasion to regret a confidence misplaced. But whUe he was faithful and laborious in his profession, his thoughts took a wider range. By his habit of general and weU- selected reading, he took an intelligent survey of the topics discussed by the press, and of the general movements in society. Subjects especially of permanent interest to the citizen, to the philanthropist, to the Christian, he investigated with rare thoroughness and ability. Questions of a theological and biblical nature, which are fundamental, engaged his most earnest attention ; and the results of his inquiries upon these subjects he often committed to paper. Though he did not hold a ready or a prolific pen, his literary productions, notwithstand- 348 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. ing his want of early discipline, exhibit a command of the best language, the power of full and accurate expression, method, ele gance, precision, perspicuity, and force- The qualities of his mind were impressed upon his style, as weU as upon his general demeanor and action. His judgment was sound and discriminating. He investigated with candor, and when he arrived at a satisfactory conclusion, he was neither fickle in abandoning it, nor obstinate in retaining it. But his mind was settled. He was clear and firm in his convictions. They took a strong hold upon his nature. He was decided. Once planted, you always knew where to find him ; because you knew that his opinions were above the reach of caprice, or favor, or interest. And yet, with all his firmness and decision, he was open to truth, liberal-minded, generous and kind, as an opponent. He accorded to others what he claimed for himself, an independent judgment. He loved agreement, but he loved truth more. He loved ^peace ; but he held fast to right and justice. Hence with all his gentleness, his amiable and courteous bearing, he was stable, conservative, inflex ible. The deUcacy of his feelings, and his wise sense of propriety, would have made him sensitive to ridicule, had not those qualities been joined to a kindness of feeling, and a noble bearing, which never exposed him to its power. It is difficult to attack, with any weapons whatever, an unobtrusive modesty, or a manly dignity which commands respect. He possessed both ; and was thus doubly guarded, by both his inoffensiveness and his strength, against many social evils to which most men are exposed. Hence, in socicd life, he was fitted for enjoyment and usefulness. His habits of study and reflection did not disqualify him from ming' Ung wjth lively and cheerful pleasure in the intercourse of social Ufe. He loved the circle of friends ; and with all his dignity, every one felt at home in his presence. Never distant, nor overbearing ; easy of access, famUiar ; interestmg himself in the welfare of others, careful of their feehngs, attentive to their wants, he was everywhere welcome. Uniting definite and varied information with good conver sational powers ; and a peculiar blandness and urbanity of manner with genuine refinement and a high-toned moral sentiment, his socie ty was always mstructive, pleasing and elevating. In his attach ments there were strength and constancy, and into aU pure, social enjoyments he entered with a warm zest. Though not incapable of discerning the faults of others, he did not seem to think of them. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 349 At least, he was unsuspicious — ^he never delighted to search them out — and if they came in his way, he had no tongue to speak of them, and no heart to remember them. No malicious or unguarded word from him ever tarnished a good name, or wounded the peace of a family. ¦ Though frank and judicious in giving counsel where it was asked, he never intruded. Unambitious of notoriety, or of pre ferment, he seemed only to covet esteem and usefulness ; and there was such evident sincerity and truthfulness in his bearing, he was so conscientious, open and manly in all his conduct, so far above every species of artifice and management, that you knew him by in tuition to be as incapable of a mean action, as he was of injustice and fraud. To the poor he was kind and generous. In his profes sional practice he often gave them, not only an unrewarded service as physician, but friendly assistance as a neighbor and a man. Many a poor family, as well as the various . objects of Christian be- nevole'nce at home and abroad, could bear testimony to the substan tial tokens of his sympathy, and of his unostentatious, but liberal charity. In the family circle, as husband and father, with the ten derness 'of an affectionate nature, the gentleness of a kind spirit, and the unclouded light of a cheerful disposition, refiected from his noble countenance in a smile so beaming and benignant, he threw a pleas ant sunshine around his home, and made it ever attractive and genial. In his general intercourse with men, he was the Christian gentleman, uniting the high bearing and humble spirit of the school of Wash ington and the school of Christ. But his religious character was as strongly marked as Kis intellect ual and social. He made a profession of his faith in 1805, at the age of thirty-one, by uniting with the Congregational church in his native town ; and when he removed to Woodbury, he transferred his relations to this church. Here for a quarter of a century, the con sistency of his daily walk and the growing elevation of his Christian character were witnessed by all. The duties of an arduous profes- sioji seldom furnished him an excuse for absence from the public worship of the Sabbath, or from the weekly meeting for prayer and conference. " He loved the house of God, and the place where His honor dwelleth." Devout and reverential in his piety, he loved all those doctrines, which exalt God as a righteous sovereign " upon the throne of his holiness." He had an enlarged and consistent view of the divine attributes, and he loved to contemplate the divine per fections in their purity and majesty. Religious truth opened to him a field in which his mind and heart loved to range. His text-book 350 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. was his Bible. Next to this, he loved those books, which unfolded its meaning with clearness, and enforced its truth with an evangeli cal and devout spirit. The pleasure which he found in Bible truth was superior to every other. Very few, who are not themselves religious teachers, become so thoroughly indoctrinated into "the truths of the Scriptures as a system, or so deeply imbued with their spirit. He rested in them with unshaken convictions, with perfect satisfac tion, and with that conscious security which reposes in immutable truth. Dr. Abernethy died September 24th, 1851, aged seventy-seven years. He left a widow and thrqe children. John J., a surgeon in the U. S. Navy, Charles, a merchant in New York, and Anna, wife of Alvin Bradley, Esq., of Whitestown, N. Y. In 1825, the hono rary degree of Doctor of Medicine was conferred on him by the cor poration of Yale CoUege. DOCT. JONATHAN ATWOOD. The subject of this sketch came early to Woodbury. His name appears in the Ust of settlers as early as 1701. He is the father of all of the name in this part of the state, and many other places — a numerous and extended posterity.' He was an emigrant from En gland. His house stood not far from the old " Town House," and he owned land on both sides of the highway, so that the present Doct. Atwood, his descendant in the fifth generation, has his home stead on land that belonged to the first doctor of the name. We have no printed accounts of his standing as a physician or as a man. By the book of town acts it appears that he was frequently interest ed with the management of the various interests of his fellow-towns men. It seems also that they were satisfied with his services as a physician, as he remained for some years the only physician beside Parson Stoddard in that part of the ancient town, after the first Doc tor Warner's removal to Roxbury. The state of medical science was, however, very low at this date, and men owed their recovery from disease more to the blessing of sound constitutions, than to any aid from the physician. We can gain some idea of the state of medical science as exemplified in Woodbury, from the inventory of Doctor Atwood's case of medicine and medical library, which fol lows : I HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 351 " A sett of lancetts 4s. Sd., I'hysical Drugs 5s. Srf.,25 glass viols 4s. 6d., 5 vials Os. lOd., 5 small glass bottles, Is. 8rf., 2 glass bottles, 2s. Od., 5 gallypots. Is. 8d., q^uicksilver, 5 oz., lOd., aloes, 2oz. 2d., Salve, diackylon, 8d., a Physick book — Salmon £1, 5s. Do.-Hartman, 6s." To US of the present day, who swallow whole drug stores as a matter of course, five shillings eight pence worth 6{ " Physical Drugs," with two ounces of aloes, and eight pence worth of salve, would seem rather a limited allowance, for nearly a whole town, es pecially, when we consider, that on account f>f bad roads and defec tive modes of conveyance, the practitioner could not easily replenish his " stock in trade," in an emergency. Doct. Atwood died January 1st, 1732-'-3, leaving a widow and four children, of whom informa tion will be found in the genealogies. GARWOOD H. ATWOOD, M. D., Son of Harvey Atwood, was born in Woodbury, December 4th, 1818, graduated at Yale CoUege in 1840, and in the medical depart ment of the same coUege in 1844. He commenced the practice of his profession in his native town in 1842, 'where he has continued to re side in full practice till the present. On the 1st of May, 1848, he was united in marriage to Henrietta E. Judson of Woodbury. They have two children. JABEZ BACON, THE RICH MERCHANT. Persons of distinguished, useful characteristics have a right to be signally named for the benefit of posterity. One such was Jabez Bacon, Esq., without qualification the most eminent and successful merchant that this town or portion of the state had ever known, or haSfknown, dofwn to this day. . Some of the facts, indeed, that exhibit his remarkable business characteristics, are almost beyond credence. He was bom at Middlefleld, a parish of Middletown, July 16, 1731. He was a direct descendant (a great-grandson) of Nathaniel Bacon, who was evidently the ancestor of all, op nearly all, of the Bacons of this state. This Nathaniel was the son of William Bacon, of the town of Stretton, Rutland county, England, and the nephew of Andrew Bacon, who was one of the leading men of the colony 352 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. that settled Hartford under Haynes and Hooker, but who died at Hadley without male issue. The subject of this notice was the son of Nathaniel, who was the third child of Andrew, who was the sixth chUd of Nathaniel. He seems to have been very poor, as was doubtless his father before him ; for that father came in later life to visit his son in his after wards great prosperity at Woodbury, where he died and was buried.' A plain red sand-stone slab marks the place of his deposit. Jabez in early life exhibited the qualities that afterwards secured his great prosperity. He was first apprenticed to a tanner and cur rier, — there is no evidence however, that he continued at this voca tion beyond his apprenticeship, but he early betook himself to the business of selling needles, pins, tapes, &c., &c. — in short, all the paraphernalia of a pedlar's box ; from which, by his indomitable per severance and business ability, he soon stepped into a lucrative posi tion, and became the very first man in business, mercantile credit and wealth, in this section of the state. Royal R. Hinman, Esq., in his valuable statistical work compiled from the colonial records at Hartford, says he died worth nine hundred thousand dollars. This is a mistake, his estate having been inventoried at about one-half that sum. As a man he was one to make an impression on every one that came near him. The energy of the man was amazing, and, this directing aU his powers to the single business of accumulation, wealth fiowed into his coffers on every side. He was for years the sole merchant of this town and aU the neighboring towns ; and so large at times was his stock in trade, that, it is credibly reported^ merchants from New Haven sometimes visited Woodbury, and purchased from Jabez Bacon goods to retail afterwards in that city. His way of doing business was often rash, apparently, and seem ingly no safe rule for others. An aged merchant of New York told the writer of this many years ago, that he (Mr. Bacon) would some times visit his store, make him a bid for a whole tier of shelf goods from floor to ceiling, amounting in value to thousands of doUars,,and have the whole boxed and shipped in an hour to the sloop at the foot of Peck SUp bound for Derby. His vast wealth also, together with his business skiU, sometimes gave him the command of the New York market so that, to a degree moderns can hardly credit, he could, with a turn of hk hand, " put the screws" on an article, and make history of ancient woodbury. 353 its price in the great metropolis rise and fall like a barometer. An anecdote, an unquestionable fact, illustrates this. He was a large dealer in pork, this being the " circulating medium," it would seem, for this region, judging from the vast quantities of it that found their way to " the old red store in the hollow," as it was called, thence down to " Darby Narrors," where it was shipped to New York. The old gentleman had once shipped an exceedingly fine lot of this arti cle for the city,, but when he arrived there he found his purchasers • indisposed to his price, as two immense ship loads were that day ex pected from Maine. The old gentleman merely set his teeth firm, an ominous trick of his in a bargain, and left the store- He in stantly took a horse, rode some six miles up the East River shore, to about what is now Blackwell's Island, boarded the sloops as they ¦ came along, and purchased every pound of their cargoes, staking his whole fortune for it. This at that day put the whole New York market in his hands, and tradition says he cleared forty thousand doUars by this single operation. He was kind-hearted, open and -geiterous, though in a bargain close to a fault. His hospitality was unbounded. A long table was kept set forth in the west parlor of what is now the residence of Daniel Curtiss, Esq., the whole year round. This might have been policy, but it was also a part of, a large heart, that took pleas ure in giving in this form. As a citizen he was public-spirited and useful for his day. As a husband and father his affections were en dearing and indulgent, and he was the centre of a large circle of relatives and friends. But it was as a business man where he de serves to be noted ; where he deserves signal mention for posterity. He was the centre of a great commotion ; the main-spring of a mighty watch, such as we in this day almost consider apocryphal ; and with him has passed away a business era, such as shall not soon be seen in this valley again. The old store, in which his vast wealth was accumulated, stiU stands. And if a man has nothing else to do, it may be instructive to pass into it, look up at its old beams, its huge, old-fashioned door, and wind through its passages up and down, thinking of the great past that once existed there, and feel it impressed on his whole na ture — " what shadows we all be." / He died September 10th, 1808. 864 history op ancient woodbury. HON. DANIEL N. BRINSMADE Was the son of Rev. Daniel Brinsmade, second pastor of the church in Judea society, and graduated at Yale College, in 1772. He read law with Samuel Canfield, Esq., of Sharon, and settled in the practice of his profession in his native place, which had now become the town of Washington, where he continued to reside tiU his death in 1826, at the age of seventy-five. He was justice of the quorum, an assistant judge of the county court for sixteen years from 1802, ten of which he sat on the bench. He was longer in public life than any other man in that part of the ancient territory of Woodbury. Gen. Daniel B. Brinsmade of Washington is his son. REV. WILLIAM THOMPSON BACON.' Wm. T. Bacon was born at Woodbury, in Litchfield county, Augusrt 24th, 1814. At the age of twelve he was sent to the "Epis copal Academy," at Cheshire, to be fitted for coUege, but, after .two years, he determined to- engage- in a mercantile life, and became a clerk in the city of New York. After three years, at the age of seventeen, he estabhshed himself in business in New Haven, Conn. In a short time, however, he withdrew from his mercantile connec tion, and devoted himself to study. He entered Yale College, in 1833, where he was regularly graduated in 1837, and was appointed by his class to deliver the valedictory poem, at the time of leaving the institution. During the following autumn, he entered the divin ity school at New Haven, and, after the usual term of study, was Ucensed as a minister in the Congregational denomination. On leav ing that institution, he was married to a daughter of Prof. Jonathan Knight, of the medical department of Yale College, and, in 1842, was settled over the Congregational church and society in the town of Trumbull, where he remained till 1845, when ill health compeUed him to ask a dismission. He subsequently became one of the edit ors of the " New Englander," a quarterly magazine of great ability. He was also for a few years the editor and proprietor of the New Haven daily and weekly " Journal and Courier," which he conducted with marked abiUty and success. He subsequently supplied the pul- 1 This sketch is taken prinSipaUy from KUboume's Litchfield Biographies. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 355 pit in South Britain for a time, and is now engaged in his ministe rial labors in his old church at Trumbull. But he is not settled there. He resides in the old ."Bacon Homestead," in his native town, having repaired and greatly improved it. Soon after leaving college, Mr. Bacon published a volume of poems from a Boston press, which, in 1840, passed into a third edi tion, revised and enlarged. In 1848, a new volume of poems from his pen, was published by Mr. Putnam of New York, containing two hundred and seventy-five pages. His lighter poems possess much simplicity and grace. He has a fine perception of natural beauty, and his graver productions are pervaded by a current of deeply refiective, moral and religious sentiment. They have received the examination, and elicited the general commendation of severe critics. It would be pleasing to introduce some specimens of his poetry, but the Umits of this work forbid. HON. JOSEPH H. BELLAMY. Joseph Hart Bellamy was the only child of David Bellamy, Esq., and grandson of Dr. Joseph Bellamy, the first pastor of the Congre gational church in Bethlehem. He was bom in Bethlehem, graduated at Yale College in 1808, was admitted to the bar of Litchfield County about 1812, after which, in connection with the superintendence of a farm, he prac ticed law in his native town till the time of his decease. Mr- Bellamy possessed qualities, and sustained a character, which secured the confidence and respect of all who knew him, and the warm affection of his chosen friends- Although his political princi ples were often opposed to those of the majority in the town, yet such, in the view of all, was the integrity and uprightness of his character, that he was permitted uniformly to retain some of the most important and responsible offices in the gift of the town, and was repeatedly called to represent it in the legislature of the state. He was also honored with a seat in the senate, in 1841, and had been county com missioner for Litchfield county, two years earlier. In his profession he 'was esteemed a wise, judicious counselor, and held a fair standing as an advocate. A distinguished member of the bar affirmed, that " had Bellamy been exclusively devoted to the law, he might have gained a position in the first class of lawyers." He possessed a fund of knowledge of men and things, and a strik- 356 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. ing originality in his iUustrations and anecdotes, which rendered his society and conversation peculiarly interesting and instructive. His general character is briefly given m the foUowing, extracted from an address at his funeral. " Much as I loved and respected Mr. Bellamy," said the speaker, " I am not about to claim for him perfection : he did not claim it for himself No man knew his imperfections and infirmities better than himself He made no pub lic profession o/ piety, and I suppose doubted whether he possessed and en joyed it. " Notwithstanding his own views on the subject, wc think those who knew him best, might find some evidence of its existence. Favored from early life with the best literary and religious advantages, among other things he studied the Bible. He also read intelligently the works of the best theological writers, and was an habitual, attentive and intelligent hearer of the gospel. He was a firm believer in what are distinctively known as the doctrines of grace. The great doctrine of the refornration, justification by faith in the merits of the Lord Jesus Christ, was with him (as we well know) a favorite, a cardinal topic, and one of the last topics which in broken accents escaped his lips, while they were yet quivering in the agoniesof death. That he was a man of strict moral hon esty and integrity, has never, we believe, been for a moment doubted. Nay, it has been fully demonstrated in the unlimited confidence reposed in him by individuals and public bodies. " He was a firm friend of good morals; ' a terror to evil doers, and a praise to such as do well.' " He ever maintained a firm and unyielding adherence to that which he was convinced was right; and no motives of personal or selfish interest, of party or political favor, could divert him from his course. " He was preeminently a patriot, a lover of his country, and ever manifested a deep, absorbing interest in her peace, purity and prosperity And we fear not to ask, were not the blessings of the peace-maker his .' When irritated and contending parties sought his aid, while he was ready to administer relief to the injured and oppressed, he was not willing to embark even as a professional man, in the unrighteous cause, for the sake of personal, party or pecuniary in terest. Rather would he strive to allay the unruly passions, to suggest and rec ommend the ' things which make for peace,' which tend to secure harmony and right. " We have intimated, that like a true son of New England he was the firm friend of the Bible, the Sabbath, the public worship of God, and the ordinances and institutions of his house ; this he manifested by his cortinued and untiring efibrts to sustain these institutions. We fear no contradiction when we say, tha.t his counsels, infiuence and exertions, were ever regarded by the members of the ecclesiastical society to which he belonged, as highly conducive to its best interests. Said a plain, unlettered man, lamenting his departure, ' when we have come together as a society, with difierent views and divided feelings, Bellamy would get up and tell us what was right, and make us see and feel that it was right, and straighten us out.' " A little before his death he remarked, ' This society, in its business meet- HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 357 ings, is never characterized by discord or unkind remarks.' We may add, if it ever should be thus characterized, it may be more apparent to whoseinfluence its former harmony should be in part attributed. If we mistake not, its records will show, that a single vote, which with much care and skiU he prepared, vir tually erected a.nd completed the commodious house of worship which the so ciety now enjoys. When its members came together to deliberate and decide upon a great subject, one which has divided and distracted many ecclesiastical communities, the vote, previously prepared, was presented and explained, and the members had only to raise their hands, which they. did with entire unanim ity, and the deed was done, or committed to hands in which all had confidence that it would be satisfactorily done. " Being a direct descendant of one of the most able and useful ministers of the gospel with which this land was ever blessed, Mr. Bellamy loved and re spected all accredited ministers of Christ. While he was an active member of the society, it had five different individuals as its ministers — men difl'ering as much in their general character, disposition and temperament, as it is possible perhaps for five good men to differ, "i^et he manifestly loved and respected them all. They all recognized him as a valuable and faithful friend. Though there are many who have -heard him speak freely in regard to them all, they do not recoUect ever to have heard him utter an unkind, disrespectful, com plaining word or insinuation jn regard to any one of them. " He well understood that trials and embarrassments tended to hinder the minister of the gospel in the performance of his arduous work ; hence, instead of endeavoring, like some, to multiply and increase his burdens, it was his pleasure to do what he consistently could to relieve them. " He had- confidence in God as a prayer-hearing God. Often and indiffer ent ways did he manifest his confidence in tho efiicacy of prayer. Even down to the last hour of life he expressed his desire to be interested in the prayers of God's people. His standard of piety was higher than that of many others. This was probably the ground of his doubts in regard to his own personal in terest in the religion ofthe gospel. " It is an interesting fact that the day, and probably the hour on which Mr. Bellamy died, Nov. 2d, 1848, completed the exact term of one hundred and ten years, since Dr. Joseph BeUamy, his grandfather, commenced his labors in the parish of Bethlehem. During that period the name of Bellamy has always been somewhat prominent in the place ; by the removal of the subject of this sketch, in the'male line, it became extinct."! HON. NOAH B. BENEDICT. Noah B. Benedict was the son of Rev. Noah Benedict, and was born at Woodbury, April 2, 1771. He graduated at Yale CoUege in 1788, and was admitted to the bar in Litchfield county in 1792. He was appointed judge of probate in 1805, and resigned in 1816, 1 This sketch is extracted from the minutes of Eev. Fosdick Harrison. 358 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. on being elected an assistant, or member of the council, which office he filled two years. He was elected a member of the House of Rep resentatives in October, 1796, and was reelected to ten sessions sub sequently, between this date and May, 1827. He was clerk of the House in 1809, and May, 1810. In the third week in June, 1831, Mr. Benedict came to Litchfield, to argue, among other cases, that of Fairman v. Bacon, 8 Conn. Rep., 418. Just before that case came on, he was taken ill at his lodgings, and could only send in the brief he had prepared. He was carried home, but survived only a few days. Judge Daggett, in giving the opinion of the court, in tbe case referred t«, says, he made " great use of the brief furnished by Mr. B., because he found it presented the argument in that dense, yet luminous view, for which that gen tleman was so conspicuous, and by which the court were so often in structed and enlightened ; and rarely more so than in this, one of his last efforts.'" His death occurred July 2, 1831, at the age of sixty years. He was twice married, but died without issue. His last con sort still survives, and resides in the " old homestead." " He was honorably distinguished in his profession, courteous, affectionate and kind in his feelings, and endeared to the circle of his relatives and friends by his numerous virtues." Such is the modest record on his tombstone. DOCT. ANTHONY BURRITT. • The subject of this notice was the son of Benjamin and Mary Bur ritt, and born in Newtown, Conn., Dec. 4, 1752. He studied medi cine with Doct- Joseph Perry, of Woodbury, and commenced the practice of the profession in Southbury society, a short time before the Revolution. During a part of that period, he acted as surgeon's mate in the service. He was taken prisoner, and carried to Long Island. Jabez Bacon, of Woodbury, a friend of his, happening to come where he was, and finding in what condition , he was there held, interceded with the British authorities, and induced them to release him. He was of respectable attainments, and had good success in his practice. He died April 12, 1839. 1 In this sketch of Mr. Benedict, the author has restricted himself to a mere statist ical account, at the request of the one most nearly interested in him. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 359 ANTHONY B. BURRITT, M. D., Son of the preceding, was born in Southbury, January 12, 1810 ; Studied medicine with his father, and Docts. Abraham L. Smith and Joseph L. Tomlinson, and graduated at the medical department of Yale College, in 1832. Commenced practice in his native town im mediately, and is now in practice there. ZACHERIAH BEERS. Woodbury has not been prolific in poets. About the time of the Revolution, however, the subject of this sketch was in full life, and possessed a decided talent for versifying. He would ,with the great est ease and fluency, turn an account of any or all the ordinary inci dents of every-day life into rhyme. He never had the opportunity of improving his mind by culture, and therefore most of his productions were of an exceedingly crude nature, wanting all the finish of gram matical construction, and true poetical polish. Accordingly, his rhymes were all of the Hudibrastic order, but there were frequent specimens of high poetic ability, which, if it had been preceded by proper culture, would have enabled him to rival the McFingal of John Trumbull. He was a soldier of the Revolution, and entered heartily into the spirit of the times- As a mediocre specimen of his powers, the following is given, entitled by its author, "THE INDEPENDENT BANK." " Come, freemen, come, assist to sing The blessings that surround us ; 'Tis true we've lost a sapient king, But liberty has found us. Chorus. Then join your voices from the heart, A heavenly chorus lend us ; We never but with life will part With glorious Independence. Let idiots talk of state and rank. And bend to those who care it ; Our freedom is a common Bank, And equally we'll share it. 360 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. In seventy-six, 'twas founded here. And has this wondrous tally ; The oftener divide our share. The greater is its value. God gave the charter first to Man, But Priests and Kings concealed it ; Columbia's sons regained the plan, , And with their blood they sealed it. Let us, who share her stock look in. And frequently inspect her ; 'TwiU please the Cashier, Gallatin, And Jefferson, director." A Doct. Enos Weed, of Stamford, some fifty years ago, published a long advertisement, setting forth that he, as an itinerant physician, would travel through the country, and cure all diseases " that flesh is heir to," by a long list of patent medicines, of which he possessed the right. Mr. Beers paraphrased the whole of his long and bombastic notice, with inimitable .sarcasm, too long, and too free in its details, to be admitted into these pages, but a few passages are given as a specimen of the style. It was printed in a Danbury paper. " Pandora long a pest to human ease. Mother of ills, and mistress of disease. Slipped, one by one, from ber envenomed chest. Till mortals all were near' deprived of rest; , Until the namesake of old J'acob's son. Enters the list, -and bids distress begone ; Lays in of antidotes so large a store, That De'il shall rage and reign no more ; And by a long detail their virtue shows. With patent right, just brought from Lee & Go's. Oh ! happy land where remedies will cure. And, legal made, infaUible and sure ! The exulting muse without Poetic fame Delights to caU each Antidote by Name; And as she sings their efficacy o'er. Without a Patent — blesses Baltimore, Whence Hamilton's Elixir must arrive To keep the people of these states alive — From thence to here, consigned to Doct. bar — Who dares infection to begin the war ! " After going through the whole advertisement, characterizing each HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 361 antidote on his way, and giving by far the best description of a pill, extant, he closes as follows : " At last the Patent right is made so sure. It helps his purse — if it performs no cure. Tliis we believe — Oh ! Faith, what is thy power To help poor mortals in a dangerous hour ! An Antediluvian race will soon arrive. And people here for many centuries live ; And then, by patent rights, all crimes forgiven. Wear out at last — and gently go to Heaven ! " WILLIAM COTHREN, Son of William and Hannah Cothren, was born at Farmington, Maine, November 28, 1819. He fitted for college at the Farmington Academy; graduated at Bowdoin College, Maine, in 1843; received his second degree in course at the same institution in 1846, and the degree of Master of Arts, ad eundem, from Yale College, in 1847. He studied law under the direction of Hon. Robert Goodenough, of Farmington, Me., late member of Congress from his district, and with the Hon- Charles B. Phelps, of Woodbury. He came to Woodbury in 1844, taught school for a while, and was admitted to the Litchfield county bar, 1845. He commenced the practice of his profession in Woodbury, immediately after, and has there continued in the per formance of its duties till the present time. He was elected corres- ' pondlngmember of the New England Historic, Genealogical Society at Boston, Mass., May 5, 1847, and a member of the Connecticut Historical Society, November 23, 1852. He was also elected a county commissioner for Litchfield county, at the May session of the General Assembly, 1851. CONANT CATLIN, M. D., Was a practicing physician and surgeon in the town of Bethlem nearly twenty years. He came there about 1813, when what was called the " New Milford fever,", was extensively prevaUmg, and very fatal. He was the immediate successor of Dr. Fowler, who had him self fallen a victim to the epidemic. Seldom has a physician, a young man, an entire stranger, risen so rapidly in the esteem and confidence of the community, and obtained so permanent and exten- 24 362 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. sive a practice as the subject of this notice. The immediate cause of this, was, doubtless, his success in the treatment of the prevailing epidemic, and the favorable influence of Dr. Perry, of Woodbury, but the continuance and increase of this confidence must have de pended on something more. This may be found not only in his gen eral skill and industry in the practice of his profession, but in his sterling worth as a man and a citizen. Few men ever possessed in a higher degree those rare virtues in their intercourse with others, which command respect, confidence and esteem. Left penniless at the age of fourteen, by the death of his father, Daniel CatUn, of Harwinton, he succeeded by untiring zeal, in securing a fair academic education, and then paid his way through five years' study of medicine, commencing practice at the age of twenty-one. During all this time, he was one of three sons, who supported an in firm and feeble mother. He commenced practice fifty dollars in. debt, for his horse and saddle. Notwithstanding an expensive family, and a connection in mercantile business which met with frequent and heavy losses, his heirs received nearly $2,500 from his estate, while about the same amount in worthless debts was found upon his books. His practice was universal in the town of Bethlem, and extended largely into the adjoining towns. If he was successful in winning the confidence and esteem of his patrons and the public, he was emi nently so in securing that of his medical brethren in the county and state. The records of the Litchfield County Medical Society fuUy attest this. His mind seemed wholly absorbed in his profession, often tp the neglect of his pecuniary affairs ; and few men, it is believed, have contributed more largely than he, both by his pen, counsel and practice, to elevate the dignity of his profession in this county. Per haps no paper has contributed more to this end, than his truthful yet sarcastic and scathing treatise on " Quacks and Quackery," read before the county society, about the year 1820. Its peculiar adapt ation to the existing state of things at the time, as well as its correc tive infiuence, is within the memory of all the older physicians now Uving in the county. The honorary degree of M. D. was conferred on him by Yale College, in 1828, and at the time of his death he was corresponding in regard to a professorship in that institution, which was about to be tendered to him. In private Ufe, in the social circle, he was beloved by aU. Unas- suniing in manners, remarkable for the paucity of his words, calm, clear and dispassionate, jeXfirm in the expression of an opinion, his remarks were always instructive, and commanded a powerful though HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 363 often a quiet influence. Usually sedate, he was nevertheless apt to arouse the mirth of the company by an unexpected though opportune joke. Naturally quick in temper, he had succeeded in obtaining an almost perfect control over it, and scarcely an instance is remembered where his anger found vent in words. He was a consistent Chris tian, warmly attached to the Congregational church, of which he was a member, but liberal in his sentiments toward all denominations. At the age of twenty-one he was seriously attacked, several times, with hemorrhage from the lungs, and during the remainder of his life he was troubled with consequent infirmities. He often remarked in his last years that " horseback riding had prolonged his life many years." He died in June, 1830, beloved and esteemed by all, and his memory is still cherished by his cotemporaries in Bethlem. They feel that his loss has never been supplied. His disease was called consumption, though not weU defined. He wore himself out by years of laborious practice. His age was forty-one. DOCTOR JOHN CALHOUN, Was for many years a practitioner of medicine in Washington. He was a very respectable man, and an approved physician. He was much engaged in the public business of the town, and died leav ing a somewhat numerous posterity, many of whom have become noted in the various professions of life. His children were, Daniel, Calvin, Jedediah, Joseph and Philo. DOCTOR AZARIAH EASTMAN, Was the son of Azariah Eastman, and born at New Fairfield, now Sherman, Conn., August 5th, 1746- At the age of twenty, he com menced the study of medicine with Doctor James Potter, of his na tive place, and was Ucensed to practice the profession, October, 1768. He removed to Roxbury, a parish in Woodbury, and entered into practice, in which he continued for many years with great success, and obtained a high eminence not only in his professipn, but as a firm supporter of those principles which elevate and ennoble man. He died May 27th, 1818, and was buried in the old burial ground near the place where the first meeting-house stood. 364 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURT. DOCTOR JOSIAH R. EASTMAN, Son of the preceding, was born in Roxbury society, February 14th, 1771, and in the nineteenth year of his age, he commenced the study of medicine and surgery, with Dr. Nathaniel Thayer, a physician of his native parish. He studied two years with him, and the rest of the time spent in preparatory studies, he passed under the tuition of Dr. James Potter, of Sherman. He was licensed to practice, May 2d, 1793, by the Medical Society of Fairfield county, at a meeting held in Danbury. - ' Previous to his license, he had intended lo settle in East Haven, but the scarlet fever being at this time very prevalent in his native place, he returned there, and immediately entered into the practice of his profession. The skill and judgment which he manifested in the management of the prevailing epidemic, laid the foundation for his permanent residence and future usefulness in Roxbury. He was the only permanently settled physician in his native society for nearly thirty-four years. During all this period he was called to ¦ practice extensively in the adjoining towns, and frequently to meet his pro fessional brethren in council, in difficult cases. His success in his profession may not be traced directly to his early .acquirements in medical science, but to an inherent, native genius. In 1813, when an epidemic fever prevailed in the southern part of Litchfield county, and nearly aU who were attacked fell before it, under the treatment of the most eminent physicians, he introduced a mode of treatment not recognized by any author, with such marked success, that he gained for himself an extended reputation. He became reUgious in early Ufe, and connected himself with the Congregational church in Roxbury. He remained during his whole life one of its most efficient and useful members. He was also elected to various civil offices in his town, and in all his ministerial and judi cial acts was traceable the divine precept, " Do unto others as yon would that they should do unto you." DOCTOR SYLVANUS FANSHER. i Dr. Fansher was a native of Plymouth, Conn., but resided for many years in Southbury. He devoted more than fifty years of his Ufe to the extension ofthe vaccine or kine pock inoculation, as a rem edy agamst that scourge of the human race, the small-pox. For his HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 365 discoveries in expediting the kine pock, he received a diploma from the " Royal Jennerian Society of London." About the year 1802, when the kine pock had become apparently extinct in this country, it was found that a number of persons in Danbury and Goshen had taken the infection, or virus, from milking cows. Dr. Fansher sta ted that he took the virus from the pustule on the milkmaid's arm, and inoculated an infant with it, which proved to be the genuine kine pock. He also stated that he had known several instances where the infection was taken without any connection with the cow ; and it was his belief that the infection is taken from some shrub or plant, from which, when discovered, we shall know something of the origin of the small pox, and have a sovereign remedy against it, at hand. Dr. Fansher died two or three years ago, after a long life devoted to the investigation of this subject' PARLEMON B. FOWLER, M. D., Was the immediate successor, in the parish of Bethlem, of Doctors Z. HuU and John Meigs. He 'Was a very skillful physician, and a highly respectable man. WARREN R. FOWLER, M. D., Studied the profession of medicine with Dr. Sheldon, and com menced its practice in Judea society, in Washington, about the year 1810. He continued in the practice of his profession till his death in 1826- He was of excellent repute, both as a man and a physician- In 1818, he received from Yale CoUege the honorary degree of doc tor in medicine. He married Polly Hanford, and had two children, Henry, a respectable physician at South Bend, Indiana, and George, who died young. REMUS M. FOWLER, M- D., Is a brother of the preceding, and studied medicine with him. He also settled in Washington, and still continues there in full practice, respected as a man and a physician. In 1834, yale College confer red on him the honorary degree of doctor in medicine- He has been twice married, and has had three children, Maria, who married Doc- 1 Barber's Historical CoUectious of Connecticut. 366 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. tor Seth Porter Ford, and resides at the Sandwich Islands ; Jane, who married WiUiam W. Leavitt, and Harriet, who also resides at the Sandwich Islands. DOCTOR STEPHEN B. FAIRCHILD, Is a native of Newtown, Conn. He studied medicine the usual length of time, and after taking a course of medical lectures, was licensed to practice. Immediately after this he removed to Wood bury, and is now engaged in the active duties of his profession. DOCTOR ANDREW GRAHAM, Was the son of Rev. John Graham, the first minister of Southbury society, and born at Stafford, Conn., in 1728. Having prepared him self for the practice of medicine, he settled in that profession in South bury parish, about 1750, and continued in its practice till his death, June 17th, 1785, at the age of fifty-seven years. He resided in the house next south of the White Oak school-house. He obtained a fair reputation as a physician, and an unsullied reputation as a man. He was much employed in the public business of the town, especially during the period of the Revolutionary War. He was for a time surgeon's mate in the army. He was a jovial, agreeable and com panionable man, much endeared to his neighbors and friends. John A. Graham, LL. D., a lawyer of New York, was his son, and erected a plain monument over his grave some years ago, on which is the following inscription : " Andrew Graham, M. D., a descendant of the Duke of Montrose, departed this for another and better world, in June, 1785, aged 57 years. Out of respect to the memory of an honest man, this marble is placed by his son, John A. Graham, LL. D. " New York,1805. Ne oublie." DOCTOR ZEPHANIAH HULL, Was bom in Cheshire, Conn., in the year 1728 ; studied the pro fession of medicme at an early age ; married Hannah Cook, March 28th, 1749, and soon removed to Bethlehem, in Woodbury, probably on account of the infl.uence of Dr. Bellamy, who was a native of the same town, and a few years his senior. He died November 10th, 1760, the same day with his wife, in the " Great Sickness." They HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 367 were buried in one grave, and two of his children, and a young man living in his house, died a few days later. Soon after these deaths, 'and while others were sick in the house, a Deacon Strong going byi raised a flock of eleven quails, which flew over the house and dropped in the garden. Immediately after three of them rose and flew into the bushes, but the other eight were found dead, and in an hour after putrefied, became offensive and were buried.' As a physician, and as a man, he ever sustained a high character in the place of his adoption. DOCTOR TITUS HULL, Son of the last, was born in Bethlehem parish, March 25th, 1751 ; was the eldest of his surviving children, and Uved with an uncle at Cheshire, some six years. After this he studied medicine with Doc tor Seth Bird, an eminent physician of Litchfield; settled on -the farm owned by his father, now occupied by Benjamin T. Lake, and resided there till 1805- He then removed to Danbury, Conn., where he resided two years, when he removed to the state of New York. He was a respectable physician, and perhaps more celebrated in treating diseases of the bowels, particularly every variety of colic, than any other man in the state, in his day. SAMUEL EUGENE HARTWELL, ESQ., Is a native of Strong, Maine. He prepared for college at Far mington Academy, Maine ; entered Wesleyan University, at Middle- town, Conn., in 1837, for the purpose of taking the "scientific course" in that institution, and graduated as bachelor of science, in 1841. He studied law_,with Hon. WiUiam W. Ellsworth, at Hart ford, a judge of the superior court ; commenced the practice of his profession at Suffield, Conn., in 1843, whence he removed to Wood bury, in 1845. In 1846, being engaged in the invention of a ma chine for the making of cigars, he removed to the city of New York, where he has since continued to reside. He realized some $15,000 from his invention, and is now a land broker in New York. 1 This fact is taken from a letter written at the time, dated December, 20th, 1?60. 868 HISTORY OF ANCIENT "WOODBURY. DOCTOR DANIEL HUNTINGTON, Studied medicine with Doctor Joseph Perry, and commenced the practice of his profession in Woodbury about the year 1767. He was the first postmaster of the town, from 1797 to 1814, when he re signed his office. For several years before the close of his life, he relinquished the active duties of hi^ profession, arid confined his at tention to his drug store. He was a very celebrated chemical com- , pounder. He died February 19th, 1819, aged seventy-four. ASAHEL M. HUXLEY, M. D., Came to Woodbury about the year 1834, and settled in the prac tice of his profession. He was married to Mary L. Minor, daughter ofthe late Matthew Minor, Jr., Esq., July I4th, 1837. After some years spent in practice in this town, there being a vacancy in Go shen, Conn., he removed there, where he has since remained in an extensive practice. DOCTOR BENJAMIN HAWLEY, Commenced the practice of the medical profession in the parish of Bethlehem, some time preceding the date ofthe Revolution. He was distinguished as a physician in his time. He died September 11th, 1813, during the time of the "NeW Milford fever," at the age of seventy years. , WILLIAM HAWLEY, ESQ., Was born at Redding, Conn., and was a graduate of Yale College, class of 1789. He acquired his professional education under Thad deus Benedict, Esq.; was admitted to the bar in 1791; and soon after commenced the practice of law at Greenwich, Conn., and sub sequently at Redding, where he continued until 1798, when he re moved to Woodbury, and there continued in practice until 1803, which he then relinquished for other pursuits, chiefiy of a mercantile character. He was a member of the House of Representatives, in 1802 and 1805. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 369 GIDEON HIRAM HOLLISTER, ESQ., Was born in Washington, December 14th, 1817, and graduated at Yale CoUege in 1840. He immediately commenced the study of law under the direction of Hon. David Daggett, afterward pursued the same in the office of Hon. Origen S- Seymour, and was admitted to the bar of Litchfield county in April, 1842. He then opened an office in Woodbury, and continued the practice of his profession with good success for about two years, when he was induced to remove to Litchfield, where he immediately entered into a highly successful and lucrative practice, in which he is at present engaged. Few men in the legal profession have been favored with a more steady 'and unvarying success. Within the last two years he has prepared two works for the press, one of which has already been given to the world, and elicited the warm commendation of critics as well as of friends. This is a historical novel entitled "Mount Hope," and the other about to be published is of a similar character. He is also engaged in writing a history of Connecticut, a work very much needed, and one which will be awaited with eager interest and curiosity by all. He is a writer of marked ability, and in the opinion of his friends, he would do well for the world, and for his own fame, to de vote himself entirely to this field of labor, notwithstanding his suc cessful efforts at the bar. EDWARD HINMAN, ESQ., Was the son of Dea. Noah Hinman, and was born in Woodbury, about 1740. He was one of the first two lawyers in the town, and resided in White Oak. It is believed that he studied his profession with Col. Walker of Stratford, though it is not now certainly known. Soon after his establishment in practice he became familiarly known to his fellow-townsmen by the appellation of "Lawyer Ned," an appellation which he retained during life, though he lived to a good old age. He was a man of clear and strong intellect. Nathan Pres ton, Esq., once said of him, that " he was a greater man than Wash ington." This was, of course, an exceedingly extravagant statement, but tends to show the estimation in which he was held by members of his own profession. In one particular, he was a much greater man than Washington, and that is in corpulency. He was one of the most corpulent men of his day. When he was seated his abdo- l370 HISTOEY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. men projected entirely over his knees. He was accustomed to use great brevity of speech, but always spoke to the point. His voice was not good — he spoke with a strong, nasal twang. He was much addicted to the use of hyperboUcal expressions. It is said, that when in court his brevity of speech was as great as elsewhere, but a few words from him had more weight with the court and jury, than a multitude from his competitors,' HON. EDWARD HINMAN, Is the son of Timothy Hinman, and the grandson of " Lawyer Ned" on the side of his mother, who was his daughter. He pre pared himself for the practice of law, and took up his abode in his native town, where he has continued to practice his profession. He has borne various public offices in the town, and has been for two years judge of the county court for New Haven county. He is wealthy, and has passed on thus far to a respectable age in a " state of single blessedness." He was a member of the State Senate in 1843. HON. ROYAL R. HINMAN, Was born in Southbury, and graduated at Yale College in 1804, in the class with Hon. John C. Calhoun and other distinguished men. He studied law with Hon. D. S. Boardman, Hon. Noah B. Benedict and Judge Reeve, practiced his profession in, Roxbury about twenty years, and about two years at Southington in Hartford county. He represented the town of Roxbury, four years in the General Assem bly, between 1814 and 1831, was elected Secretary of State, as successor of Hon. Thomas Day, in 1835, and was annually re-elected for seven years after that date. While he was secretary in 1836, he published a volume of the correspondence of the kings and queens of England, which had remained on the shelves of the office for two hundred years, entitled " Antiquities of Connecticut." In 1842, he pubUshed a volume of six hundred and forty-three pages, large octavoj entitled " A Historical CoUection, from Official Records, FUes, &c.. 1 For the facts in this and several other sketches, the author is indebted to George Hinman, Esq., of SuUivan, Maine, a native of the ancient territory. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 371 of the part sustained by Connecticut during the War of the Revo lution^" with an appendix containing very important matters, verified from the records. This is a very valuable book, and does both the state and the author great credit- In 1846, he published a cata logue of the names of the first Puritan settlers of the colony of Connecticut, extending to five numbers, and containing three hundred and thirty-six pages. He is at the present moment pubUshing under a similar titie, a large and extended work of a simUar character. In 1835, he was appointed chairman of a committee consisting of him- seff, Leman Church, Esq., and Hon. EUsha Phelps, to revise the public statutes of Connecticut, which they accomplished in a book of about six hundred pages. In 1835 and '6, the' same committee was appointed to compile and publish the private or special acts of the state, particularly those of a date later than 1789, up to the time of publication. This duty was performed, and a book of sixteen hun dred and forty pages was published for the use of the people of the state. In 1838, Mr. Hinman and Thomas C. Perkins of Hartford were appointed to make a revision of the statutes of the state, which duty was accomplished, and the " Revision of 1838," containing seven hundred and seventeen pages, was the result. It is said, that no man in the state has prepared and published so large a number of pages for the state as Mr. Hinman. He was one of the original in corporators of the revised charter of the " Connecticut Historical Society" in 1839, and is also an honorary member of the New Jer sey Historical Society, and of the Massachusetts Historical Society. In his various antiquarian works, he has done a great work for pos terity by rescuing a multitude of interesting facts from oblivion. On the 18th day of September, 1844, he was appointed collector of customs for the district of New Haven, which office he held until March 4th, 1845, and was also supervisor of the light-houses in the district of New Haven during the same period. He was admitted as a coun selor in the supreme court of the state of New York, in Albany, at its February term, in 1827.: He now resides in Harlem, N. Y. COL. BENJAMIN HINMAN, Was born in the town of Woodbury, in this state, in the year 1720. His ancestors came from England, in the early settlement of this colony. . He served against the French in Canada, as early as 1751, under a commission as quarter-master of the troop of horse in 372 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. the thirteenth regiment, in this colony, under the hand of Roger Wolcott, then governor of the colony. On the 19th day of ^pril, 1755, he was commissioned by Gov. Fitch, at Norwalk, a captain of the sixth company of foot, in Col. Elizur Goodrich's regiment, being a part of the forces raised in the colony for the defense and protection of His Majesty's territories from any further encroach ments by the French, at Crown-Point, and upon Lake Iroquois, (call ed at that time by the French, Lake Champlain, ) and to remove en croachments then made there ; of which forces WiUiam Johnson was commander-in-chief- During the French war in Canada, on the 1st of October, 1755, Col. Hinman being stationed near a lake, walked out alone about three-fourths of a mile from his men, and stopped near the lake in the woods. He heard a noise behind him, and turning briskly around, with his gun at rest, he found a French soldier with in six yards of him. The soldier was as much surprised at his com pany as was Col. Hinman. The soldier at once cried for quarter, and held out to the colonel the helve of his hatchet in token of his submission, which Col. Hinman took from him, and marched him into camp, as a prisoner. On the 30th day of May, 1751, he was commissioned major of said thirteenth regiment of foot and horse, by John Fitch, Esq., then governor of the colony. In the year 1758, he was commissioned lieutenant-colonel of the third regiment of foot, in the forces raised in the colony for invading Canada, to proceed under the supreme command of His Majesty's commander-in-chief in North America ; and also a. captain in the second company in said regiment ; which commission was signed by Thomas Fitch, governor of this colony. On the 31st day of October, 1767, he was commissioned by WiUiam Pitkin, governor of the colony, a lieutenant-cololiel of the thirteenth regiment of horse and foot, " under and in the eighth year of the reign of Lord George the Third, King of Great Britain, &c." On the 1st of November, 1771, he was commissioned colonel of the thirteenth regiment of foot and horse, by J. Trumbull, governor. Early in the war ofthe Revolution, on the 1st day of May, 1775, he was appointed colonel of the fourth regiment of enlisted and assem bled troops for the defense of the colony ; and was ordered, by Gov. Trumbull, on the 20th day of May, 1775, forthwith to march with five companies, to rendezvous at or near Greenwich, in this state, and to send three companies, to take post at Salisbury, under Major Elmore, toibe in readiness to march with them under such orders as Maj. Ehnore should receive from the General Assembly, or the HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 373 governor. During the same year he was ordered to Ticonderoga, where he remained in command of a regiment for some time- In the year 1776, he was ordered, with his regiment, to New York; and was at New York at its capture by the British ; after which he was stationed at Horse Neck, and other places on the Sound, but re turned home in ill health, in January, 1777, and diH not again join the army. He died at Southbury, on the 22d day of March, 1810, at the ripe old age of ninety years. ' SIMEON HINMAN, ESQ. This gentleman was intimately and favorably known in " ancient Woodbury," as a shrewd and talented man. He was the son of Edward Hinman — " Lawyer Ned," as he was familiarly called. Simeon commenced his legal practice about 1793, and continued it until about 1809, when he abandoned all business, and rusted out. Had he been goaded by necessity to exertion he would probably have attained a high character. Native talent of a high order he certainly possessed. He was never married, and died in 1825. He was a graduate of Yale, and lived and died at Southbury, in the mansion house occupied by his father. HON- ROBINSON S. HINMAN. Robinson S. Hinman was bom in South Britain, a parish of South bury, in 1801. His father, Jonathan Hinman, was of the Southbui'y family of that name. His mother was a Jennings, who derived her descent remotely from an EngUshman of the same name who migrated to Stratford, about the middle of the sixteentli century. Men of this name have within the last twenty years, entertained exalted hopes of the acqui sition of wealth by inheritance of an estate in the English chancery standing in that name, but as has been uniformly the case were chill ed by disappointment. Simeon Hinman, the elder brother of Robinson, about 1847, was sent to England as the family agent. He returned, having acquired neither money, knowledge or hope by the voyage. , No particular opportunities were afforded Robinson for attaining 1 E. R. Hinman's Wair of the Eevolution. 374 HISTORY OF ANCIEjNT WOODBURY. an education beyond those found in a district school of that period, save a viUage library, and an earnest and inquiring spirit that rose with the opposing circumstances. Gen. Ephraim Hinman, of Roxbury, discovered mind and capacity in his kinsman of no ordinary grade. In 1821, at his request, he be came a member of the family at Roxbury. " Gen. Ephraim" was in many respects, eminently beneficial to young men advancing to manhood ; his familiar intercourse with the affairs of the Revolution ary War, his gentlemanly deportment, elevation above low objects, and his varied experience with men and things, gave him a salutary influence over the young. In this year Robinson entered the office of Hon. Royal R. Hinman, then a practicing lawyer at Roxbury, and studied, not read, law. In 1824, he changed his domicil, and en tered the office of Charles B. Phelps, Esq., of Woodbury, and was clerk in the probate office, then a large district. In February, 1825, he entered the office of Judge Chapman, who had established a law school in New Haven. In June of this year he offered himself for an examination, but was refused by the force of an obsolete rule of that court requiring a resi dence in that county of six montlis next previous to the examination. This rule was brought to notice by Judge Bronson, then on the county court bench in that county. He returned to Woodbury and re-en tered the office of Mr. Phelps. Mr. P. being thrown from a buggy in August of that year and greatly injured, Mr. Hinman conducted his business until September, 1825, when he was admitted at Litch field. A partnership with Mr. P. immediately followed, which contin ued nearly two years. During the year 1827, he removed to Utica, New York, and entered the office of John Jay Hinman, then high sheriff of Oneida. Among the Hinmans, there has always existed a clannish spirit. Robinson- was the protege of Col- Hinman. He subsequently was admitted to practice in New York, removed to the city of New York, formed a partnership v/ith a professional gentleman there, and held a tolerable practice in the marine court. Robinson felt he was made for higher objects than a practice in that jurisdiction then afforded, and in 1828 removed to Naugatuck in New Haven county. He^-e his habits of order, industry and punctual ity soon secured to him an extensive practice, and he had the consola tion of witnessing the advancement of his reputation, and the rapid growth of confidence in his integrity and intellectual pursuits. In 1830, he was appointed postmaster at that village, in 1831 he re moved to New Haven, was appointed clerk of the county and HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 375 superior court, and continued his professional habits. In 1838, a change of political power occurred, and he retired to private life with a practice diminished by the interference of his official duties. In 1842, he was appointed judge of probate for New Haven district, the most lucrative office in the gift of the state authorities, and was reappointed in 1848.';^During the summer of that year, that insidious enemy of human life, the consumption, asserted its dominion over his constitution. Struggling against its progress, hope gave strength while life was sapped at its foundation. He died November, 1843, at New Haven. A monument to his memory may be found in the beautiful cemetery in that city erected by the society of Odd Fellows, of which association he was a prominent member. He was never married. In 1836, he entered military life a brigade major, and by gradation rose to the place of brigadier general. The prominent traits of his character were constitutional honesty, veracity, benevolence, order, industry and an untiring desire to do good. He possessed strong attachments to his friends and no hostil ity to those who chose to make themselves his enemies. He scru pulously avoided evil speaking and never imputed a bad motive, un less compelled to do so by irrefragable evidence. He was prompt and accurate in all his dealings. With quick and rapid perceptions and a retentive memory, he inves tigated effectively, and followed the sequence in all its ramifications. When at Naugatuck and New Haven, he evinced strong tendencies for public improvement. At the former place, he projected the estab lishment of the public square, the erection of the houses of pub lic worship thereon, and the survey of the public avenue passing by them. The Episcopal church of that parish was at Gun Town, some two miles west of its present location, but was taken down and re- erected in its present location. At New Haven he essentially aided in the erection of the Lan- casterian school there, and also in the grading of the streets. His love of order was evinced in many improvements in the clerk's office, which have remained to this day, and are gratefully remem bered by the court and bar. He enjoyed the reputation of an experi enced druaghtsman of legal papers- He was attached to the democrat ic party in politics, and his efforts were sometimes important. He worshiped in the Episcopal church, and was sincerely devoted to its advancement. Few men have deceased more, lamented by all classes with whom he had intercourse. There is something inexpressibly melancholy in witnessing the 376 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBUEY'. 9 death of one gifted by nature, and trained to the capacity of acconi- pUshing ends beneficial to himself and his fellow-men. GEN. EPHRAIM HINMAN. Among the distinguished characters of Ancient Woodbury, the name of Gen. EphrAim Hinman claims a prominent place. The individual who undertakes to write the history of one so un like all other men, must enter upon the work under the conviction that it is not an easy task- The peculiarities of his eccentric charac ter can not be well delineated. Some of the outlines will be attempt ed ; but to know him, one must have seen and heard him- He was born April 5th, 1753, in that part of the town novsr called Southbury. His ancestors were among the early emigrants from Stratford. Edward Hinman, the first of the name in New England, and the only one, settled in that town about 1650, and died there in 1681. Benjamin, his second son, was born in 1662, and married EUzabeth Lumm, of Woodbury, in 1684. He lived in the district now called Bullet Hill, in Southbury, where numbers of his descend ants stUl remain. , He had six sons and six daughters, one of whom, Benjamin, born 1692, married Sarah Sherman in 1718. They resi ded in Southbury until 1727, where they both died in the same month, leaving three children. The oldest son. Col. Benjamin, was of some eminence in the French war, and in the war of the Revolution. David, their second son, born 1722, married Sarah Hinman, a lin eal descendant of the first Edward. These being the parents of the subject of this memoir, he was truly a Hinman of the Hinmans.. He married Sylvania, daughter of WiUiam French, of Southbury, Feb. 3d, 1779, by whom he had two sons and two daughters. His eldest son died in infancy. His second son, R. R. Hinman, graduated at Yale CoUege, and afterward pursued the practice of law in Roxbury, Ct., until he became secretaiy of state, which office he retained for several years. Gen. Hinman removed to Roxbury about the year 1784, and built a house in the center of the village, which for a country residence at that period, was regarded as belonging to the first class. For about thirty years he was engaged in mercantUe pursuits. During this time he became an extensive landholder, having in his possession at one time, about one thousand acres. He was not a practical farmer. '/ HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 377 but his love of real estate induced him to retain it, until the interest he paid, connected with losses he sustained, greatly embarrassed him in his declining years, and thus operated disastrously on the pecun iary interests of his son, who became involved in attempting to re lieve his father. ' All who know the history of that period, " when Ephraim was a child," are aware that the means for the attainment of even a common education were very limited- In addition to this, the subject of this memoir,'by the death of his father, at the early age of four years, was deprived of those restraints and instructions which a mind of his temperament peculiarly needed. Some ofthe circumstances in which he was unfortunately placed in his youth, were most skillfully adapted to darken his mind, depress his energies, and corrupt his morals. To a mind of a different cast, they might have proved more disastrous. If he was not through Ufe a sufferer in consequence of these things, it was apparent to those who knew him best, that he did not attain that distinction to which he might otherwise have arisen. Not hav ing the advantages of an early education, he of course possessed but a limited knowledge of books ; but he was endowed with a vigorous, active mind, a quick, discriminating perception of men and things. Few men could read the character of a stranger so readily and cor rectly as he. A young lady, an intimate friend, called on him on her bridal tour, to show her husband. The general walked with him into his gardep and fruit-yard, which were among the best in the vi cinity. On his return to the house, the bride inquired privately, what he thought of her husband. He repUed, " H., he will always cut off his pigs' tails, because it will require one ear of corn extra to fat the taU." The yoUng bride ultimately learned that his judgment was correct. He was also blessed with a retentive memory. Hence by obser vation, conversation, and constant intercourse with the world, (if not by intuition,) he acquu-ed a fund of knowledge. Had he in addition to these endowments, been favored with a classical education, he would doubtless have been in many respects, one of the most distin guished characters of his age. As it was, he was a man of rare qualities. In appearance, he was peculiarly dignified and imposing ; above the medium height, of portly dimensions, a symmetrical form, fine countenance, and statel/ movements. Until a few of his last years, his dress was that of gentlemen of an earlier period, termed emaU clothes; and he uniformly followed his early custom of wearing his 25 378 h;istory op ancient woodbury. hair braided, turned up, fastened upon the top of his head and pow dered. One had only to see him, to be impressed with the con'viction that he was one of nature's noblemen, born to command. In his deport ment he was a gentleman. He appeared familiar with, and a careful observer of all the rules of etiquette common in his day ; nor did he regard advancing years as any apology for their neglect. He could readily accommodate himself to all classes, and render himself inter esting to all, by an unusual amount of wit and humor, and by the originality of his anecdotes and illustrations. , He was ardent in his attachment to his friends, and could long re member an act of kindness ; but was somewhat vindictive toward his enemies, and could not readily forget an injury. Concerning some by whom he felt himself sorely abused, he was heard to say, " If the Lord should see fit to take them away, he should be very much resigned to his will." He had a pecuUar fondness for society, and was apparently restive when alone. The night to him was sometimes long. Few of his neighbors ever rose so early, but they might see him walking in the open air with uncovered head. He felt a strong aversion to every offense against neatness, and in regard to food and drink, might h^ve been called fastidious. It was annoying to him to see persons come to his. well upon the Sabbath,' and drink directly from the bucket, an act which he considered vul gar and unkind. He therefore sunk a well on the opposite side of his house, for the use of those ill-bred people, and forbade their com ing to his family well. Not only his conversation, but many other things, exhibited marks of eccentricity and originaUty. Even the staff on which he leaped in his advanced years, indicated his taste and character, being a bam boo, some five feet .in length, and of Herculean size. Similar to this in strength and dimensions, were various implements about his prem ises, as also the stone wall which inclosed his dwelling. An unwieldy plow and crow-bar are recollected, and in connection with the latter, an anecdote which may be worth inserting. He appUed to a careful neighbor for the loan of a flax-brake. The owner declined having it removed from his barn, but consented that the general should carry his flax there, and use the instrument. In process of time, this neigh bor had occasion to move some heavy rocks, and appUed to the gen eral for the use of his crow-bar, as well adapted to the object. The general repUed, that "he did not like to have the bar removed from HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 379 his premises, but would be glad to have his neighbor bring to it all the rocks he pleased, and pry them up." In regard to his political character, hd was originally a stanch federalist of the old school. Such he continued until Gen. Jackson became a candidate for the presidency. He had a character, pos sessed qualities, and had performed services, which secured the ad miration and hearty support of Gen. Hinman- From that period, it is believed his politics were what were then known as of the Jackson stamp. He held some offices in the gift of the town. He was one of the principal agents appointed by the parish of Roxbury, to secure its incorporation as a town. In 1798, and in subsequent years, he represented it in the state legislature. It was, however, apparent to all who knew him, that military office, honors and services, were more congenial to his feelings, and better adapted to his genius, than those of a civil character. Here he uniformly shone to the best ad vantage, and found full scope for his commanding powers. While he was yet young, and the post of corporal in the militia of the state was regarded as more honorable than that of colonel at the present day ; when men who obtained office in the higher ranks, ordinarily rose by a regular and protracted gradation ; the ascent of young Hin man was more rapid and irregular. While he was yet a private in a military company in his native town, the captaincy became vacant. His father-in-law, by whom he was not very ardently beloved, was lieutenant. But instead of adhering to the ordinary routine of ele vation, Hinmain was taken from the ranks, and placed in command of those who were his seniors in age and office. Although he was but thirty years of age when the war of the Rev olution closed, for four or five previous years, he had sustained vari ous important and responsible offices, principally connected with the commissary department. That he faithfuUy and satisfactorily dis charged the duties assigned him, is manifest from numerous letters still in existence, designating the service required, written by vari ous officers of distinction in the army. That he enjoyed the confi- ' dence of the appointing power, is also manifest from the fact, that he was continued in office, with an occasional promotion, from the date of his appointment in 1778, until the close of the war rendered fur ther service unnecessary. After the war, he received the office of major in the thirteenth regiment of Connecticut militia, and was soon advanced to the rank of a colonel of the same regiment. In May, 1805, he received the appointment of brigadier-general of the eighth brigade of Connecticut infantry. His jurisdiction at that time, ex- 380 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. tended from Southington, in Hartford county, on the east, to the l,ine of the state on the west ; and most of the time he was in office, inclu ded the cavalry in that section of the state. This office he held at a period when something more was required than merely to gain a military title and retire. He performed its duties annually, and we believe faithfuUy, for thirteen years. It may be truly said of him that he " magnified his office." The prosperity of the military cause under his long and successful administration, ' tells all that need be said in commendation of its presiding genius. It may be asked, what were his religious principles ? . And some who saw and heard him only in particular circumstances, as with his military associates, or when his peculiarly ardent temperament was under strong excitement, might conclude that he had little re gard for religion, and but little fear of a supreme power. And al though men of this stamp, men adopting liberal principles, might have claimed him as one of their class, such was not the fact. He was a member of no church, nor is it known to the writer that he laid any claim to experimenta,l piety ; yet he was a believer in the essen tial doctrines of the gospel, as they were beUeved and taught by the orthodox clergy of that period, in the Congregational church of New England. He beUeved in the entire native depravity of the human heart, in the necessity of a radical change in the affections and life, in order to enter heaven. He had great confidence in the efficacy of prayer, and sought the prayers of God's people when himself or fam ily were in circumstances of danger. At one period when there was some special religious interest in the town, a morning prayer-meeting was held in a Uttle factory in the village. This at first drew from the general some remarks of disapproval. , Ere long, as the pastor was on his way to the meeting, he saw the general approaching him, and was fearful that something unpleasant might- ensue. Judge of his surprise when he saw the tears coursing down the cheeks of the im agined opposer, and learned from a choked utterance, that he had come out to ask that a little grandchild, which he supposed to be at the point of death, might be remembered in the prayers to be offered that morning. He weU understood the distinctive marks of Christian character, and abhorred hypocrisy in every form. At one time when alone with his pastor, he was speaking of some individuals in the vicinity, and in terms of high commendation as to their morality, uprightness, kindness, &c. But said he in a subdued tone, laymg his hand upon the pastor, "After all they are down- HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 381 country Christians : the Holy Spirit never touched their hearts, any more than thunder has struck the birds of the air. What you can do I know not. It will not do to tell them what you know to be trae. Oh ! I tell you it's a dreadful thing to be a minister." One who knew him well has said, " He made more practical, com mon-sense remarks, than almost any man I ever knew." The follow ing, Ulustrating an important principle in human conduct, are worthy of being preserved, aniapplied where they are needed- Being at one time in a neighboring town, where the people were in volved in a bitter contention about their minister, and meeting a number of individuals who were talking upon the subject, after hear ing their various complaints and criminations, he said to them, " Gen tlemen, your conduct is unreasonable and ridiculous. How can you expect one person to satisfy so many discordant minds ? In our town all is the reverse of this ; we are all united and harmonious. True we do not expect that everything our minister says and does will please every individual. Sometimes we have the doctrine of elec tion, Tiot as we can bear it ; but Deacon T. wants all that and much more ; and Deacon T. has as good a right to his portion as I have to mine. If one sermon out of five suits my case, it is my portion ; I am bound to be satisfied." Who does not see that this principle, car ried out, would prevent much evil speaking and unkind feeUng ? Gen- Hinman considered it the duty of aU men to attend upon the pubUc worship of God in his house ; and was himself a regular at tendant in the Congregational church until age and infinnity some times prevented. He then kept an account with his pastor, admit ting that among other motives, respect to him demanded his attend ance. If at any time, any preacher failed of pleasing him, he charged one day, or half a day, according to his estimation, claiming for him self leave of absence on this ground- So also, if the preaching rose above his standard, he was careful to give credit. He was quick-sighted to detect error in those who ministered at the altar, and ever abhorred the withholding, or letting down of truth from sinister motives. A Congregational clergyman in a neighboring parish had become heretical, and had inculcated the doctrine of universal salvation ; but so smoothly and guardedly as to be suspected but by few of his hear ers. Hi3 spent a Sabbath in Roxbury, and preached his favorite sentiments. After the service, the general invited him to his house. He might have felt bound to administer some reproof, or at least, that his own reputation was involved in letting the man know that 382 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. he understood what he had heard. In his sarcastic, ironical style, he said to him, " Mr. G., this is the kind of preaching that meets my case. Mr. A. and Dr. B. come here, and make the gate of heaven so narrow that a humble-bee could not enter, but you have opened it wide enough for one as large as I am to walk in without difficulty." This cutting reproof was felt by Mr. G., who was soon after deposed from the ministry for heresy. That Gen. H. was no friend to the doctrine of universal salvatiouj is farther shown by the following fact. When the " Grand Erie Ca nal" was completed, he made a tour to the then far west. On his re turn, a Universalist preacher was found on board the same boat, bois terously advocating his doctrines. His boasting in regard to the prosperity of his cause in various placfes, became quite annoying to many of the passengers, and especiaUy to some good old ladies, as the general regarded them. He therefore felt it incumbent on some one to endeavor to silence the intruder. Looking about he saw none much older than himself, and concluded that the duty might devolve upon him. Hence he entered into conversation with the individual, and soon secured his confidence as he had the power to do. He then remarked to him, that the facts he had stated in regard to the pros perity of his cause were very cheering ; but added, that in his travels he had known of a place where a much greater number of its friends had been gathered in, within a very brief period. " Where ? where ?" said ,the man in apparent ecstacy. " In hell," responded the general. The poor wight was thus unexpectedly brought to a dead pause, and the company relieved from further annoyance. Gen. H. uniformly adhered to the denomination which he had chosen, while he was wiUing that others should enjoy their appropri ate rights. StUl he beUeved that the multiplication of sects, as weU as the propagation of error, might in a small community tend to weaken and destroy the whole. This he repeatedly took measures of his own devising to prevent. At one time a smaU number of unquiet spirits procured, a Univer salist minister to preach in the public house, inthe center of the town. The general, for a specific reason, felt himself impeUed to attend the meeting. According to his own account, he stopped by the way and said to himself, " Gen. H., you are too much of a man to go there." But on he went and entered the meeting. " There," said he,naming certain mdividuals, " were seven devils to begin with, to make up the congregation. And there was the preacher ridiculmg the doctrine of eternal punishment, and those who taught it." "That, he said, "he HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 383 could not endure,"and soon retired from the audience chamber to the bar-room, where in little time he was followed by the preacher, and most of his hearers. " Then," said he, " I felt that my turn had come." With his most stern and imposing countenance, he stood before the preacher and said to him, " Sir, we can not endure such doctrine as you have been advocating. It might have answered forty years ago, when we were better men, but if as you teach, there is no place of future punishment, there will be hell upon earth ; hell everywhere. If this be so, old F. and old G. will come back, and H. will never go, and where can a good man live ?" "Thus by pouring, upon him a shower of scathing sarcasm, sustained by unanswerable argument, the hearers were mortified, truth was triumphant, and the disconcerted preacher, mounting his horse, made good his retreat and never re turned. On another occasion, the town was visited by two preachers be longing to a denomination which had no existence there, at the time. Gen. H. soon found . them, invited them to his house, and treated them with marked politeness and attention, requesting them to make his house their home whUe they reinained in the town. After a more intimate acquaintance, and the gentlemen began to feel at home, he remarked that he supposed they had some object in view in visit ing the place, and if it was not impertinent he would beg leave to ask what this object was ? They replied, that they had in view what they regarded as a very important object, and that was, the salvation of souls. "True," said the general, "a, very important object; but allow me to. say I think you have entirely mistaken it in coming here ; the people in Roxbury have no souls." The preachers found them selves in the wrong spot to prosecute their object, and soon left the town. A year or two before his death. Gen. H- was brought low by pain ful and protracted disease. Himself and his friends believed that the hour of his departure was at hand. During this sickness, his mind at times was strongly exercised in view of the prospect before him. It seemed for a time, that the prayers of a sainted mother, and a pious companion, were about to receive an answer in his saving conversion to Christ. He sought the daily counsels and prayers of his pastor, and sent a public request for the prayers of aU his Christian friends. His pastor said to him, " I suppose that I have understood your views, although for certain reasons, I have said but little on this great sub ject. I have sujjposed that your conscience was on the side of truth, though you have not told me so." " Yes," said he, " you are right. 384 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBUEY. perfectly right. I have known my Master's wiU, but have been such a hardened wretch, I would not do it." Some of the liberal and skeptical in the vicinity, were much troub led that such a man as Gen. H. should manifest any solicitude in view of death. For if a man of his courage and fortitude trembled, why should not they ? At one time his pastor was absent a few days, and calUng on his return, he found him much distressed both in body and mind. " Oh !" said he, " I have had a man here to com fort me since you left, who supposed he could administer the consola tion I needed. He told me he expected I must die, but this was the common lot of mortals, and it was of little consequence when the event took place. There was nothing to fear after death, nothing in all the blue-skin stuff about future and eternal "punishment." " Oh," said he, " my very blood ran cold to think that any wretch could talk thus to a dying man." " But," added he, in his characteristic style, "¦I determined to give him old shillelah, live or die. So when he had finished his discourse, I told him plainly, I had no expectation of being saved without a new heart. I had no hope of heaven, without obedience to that Great Being who made me ; and if thtere was no heU, there ought to be one made for such a wretch as he was." Here was testimony given in circumstances when all men are said to be honest. When his last sickness came, his vigorous mind failed with his body. Near the close of his life, his pastor was sitting by, preparing the way to ask some plain questions in regard to his views in that trying hour. This he at once perceived, and to relieve him of all embarrassment, began a dialogue with himself, asking such questions as he might suppose a faithful friend would wish to ask, commencing thus : Gen. Hinman, are you willing to die ? Sir, I am not. When he came to answer the question which related to his prospects after death, though he expressed some hope in the mercy of God, his voice faltered, and his mind seemed to wander.' Shortly after his spirit departed to God who gave it. He died December 11th, 1829, aged seventy-six years and eight months. His remains, according to his own request, were interred in the north cemetery of his native parish, Southbury. Though he has long been buried, the remembrance of him is yet fresh in the vicinity where he Uved. Many of his anecdotes and re marks are stiU quoted, and wiU not be forgotten when the present generation has passed away. His manner of uttering them, which HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 385 added much to their impression, can not be written. Yet only by inserting some of them, could we begin to show him as he was. ' DOCTOR SETH HASTINGS, Came to Judea society in Woodbury, from Hatfield, Mass. ; re mained there many years, and then removed to Paris, near Roches ter, N. Y. He was a respectable and approved physician. His children were Seth, M. D., distinguished in his profession, and father of sixteen children, Betsey, who married Dr. Judd, Thomas, professor of music in New York, Orlando, a distinguished lawyer in Rochester, N. Y., Eurotus, president of a bank in Detroit, Michigan, and Charles. JAMES D. KEESE, ESQ., Was born in the city of New York ; entered Yale College, but did not finish his course of studies there ; studied law with Hon. Origen S. Seymour ; was admitted to the bar of Litchfield county, in April, 1852 ; immediately set up for practice in Woodbury, but the location not proving favorable, after a sojourn of a little less than a year, he removed to Birmingham, Conn. He has now gone to Europe. DOCTOR THOMAS KNOWLES, Was early a physician in the territory, certainly as early as 1730, and probably several years earlier than that date. Neither authen tic records, nor tradition, inform us in regard to his exceUence as a physician, nor his character in the various relations in life. The entire extent of his history, so far as we can glean it is, that here he lived and died, and was returned to the " clods of the valley." Such is the brief record that will be made of most of us, if indeed our names survive at all. HON. INCREASE MOSELEY, Was born in Norwich, Conn., May 18th, 1712, removed to Wood bury, society of Judea, about 1740, certainly after 1738, as his son 1 Per the foregoing sketch the author is indebted to Eev. Fosdick Hai-rison, of North Guilford, Conn., who was for many years pastor of the church Gen. Hinman attended. 386 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Abner was born at Norwich, in May of that year. He removed to Clarendon, Vt., in 1781. He was one of the first representatives of the town of Washington, in 1779, and had previously been repre sentative of Woodbury, thirty sessions. He was the first deacon, first justice, and first mUitia captain in Washington. He was justice ofthe quorum from 1755 to 1780. After his removal to Vermont, he was a judge of the court in Rutland county. He died May 2d, 1795. COL. INCREASE MOSELEY, JR., Was son of the preceding, and born in Judea society, October 13th, 1740. About the year 1768, he remoyed to Southbury, and resided there tUl his death in 1810, at the age of seventy years. He was appointed colonel ofthe thirteenth regiment of- militia, in the latter part of 1776, on Col. Hinman's joining the continental army. He remained in this responsible position, being often called into actual service, till October, 1780, when he resigned his office. He was obUged to resign on account of ill health, and the embarrassed state of his financial affairs. He was a useful, brave and laborious officer. In his letter of resignation he says he was induced to accept the office " Out of Affection to my Country, and an Ardent desire to render my best Services for promoting the Good of the Same ; which OfKoe I have Sustained for about three years & a half, during which time, I have devoted the greatest part of my time to the duties of said OfBce ; and have been often ordered out on Tours of duty, which I have Cheerfully Obeyed, being ever willing to Serve my Country to the utmost of my Power ; but being of an infirm Constitution ; not able to endure the Fatigues commonly incident to a Military Life : And my Worldly Circumstandes far from being Opulent; that attention to the duties of my said Office, and to those of my private affairs, which their several Exigen cies require, is whoUy incompatible." DOCTOR JOHN MEIGS, Was a physician in Bethlehem society, contemporary with Dr. Bellamy. He was a man of goo^ reputation, skillful in his profes sion, and was favored with an extensive practice. He died in 1770, leaving a widow, Rebecca, and children, Abner, Rebecca, Phineas, Jesse and Irene. In his will he gave liis "medical and surgical books" to his son, Abner. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 387 DOCT. PHINEAS MEIGS, Son of the above, Was born in Bethlehem society, July 11, 1760i He commenced the study of medicine with his father, but finished it at Norwalk. He settled in his native parish, and became much es teemed as a physician of skill and judgment. REV. JOHN R. MARSHALL, Was born in the city of New York, June 13, 1743, prepared for college under the tuition of Rev. Dr. Bellamy, of Bethlem, and hav ing engaged for a time in business at Stratford, Conn., entered King's (now Columbia) College, where he graduated in 1770. He had prob ably intended to have entered the ministry of the Dutch Reformed Church, but on account of a change in his religious sentiments, he joined the Church of England, and began to prepare for her ministry. He embarked for England, May 20, 1771 ; was ordained deacon, July 25, 1771, and priest, by the Rt. Rev. Richard Terrick, D. D., Bishop of London, on the 28th of the same month. On his return from England, hjB came to Woodbury, as a missionary of the " Soci ety for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts," and commenced the organization of the parish of St. Paul's Church. He went on quietly in his labors till the period of the Revolution, when, on ac count of the excited state of feeling among the people toward aU who did not heartily faU in with aU the movements projected for ob taining our country's independence, his position became one of diffi- cidty and danger, and even of personal violence, which more than once was offered him. He however remained with his people, while many other pastors of his denomination left the country during that struggle. At the close of the Revolution, the customary allowance by the society to the Episcopal ministers was withheld, and Mr. Mar shall was obliged to preach in more places than one, both on this ac count, and also on account of the scarcity of ministers. Accordingly, we find him officiating a partof the time at the churches in Redding, Newtown, Milford and West Haven- In this manner he continued to officiate in one or more of the surrounding parishes, in connection with his own, until the date of his death- He died January 21, 1789, and was buried near the Episcopal church in Woodbury. He was cut off in the fuU vigor of his manhood, and in the midst of his use fulness, having attained only the forty-sixth year of his age, and the V 388 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. eighteenth of his ministry, having Uved during the whole of this pe riod with his people, presenting a soUtary instance in the history of iiis church, of a minister, who has Uved and died with the people of his charge. His autograph follows : ^l&44^£LiO PHILO MURRAY, ESQ., Was born at Woodbury, in 1760, where he resided fifty-nine years. On his maternal side he was connected with the Orton family, his mother being the sister of Doct. Samuel Orton, of Woodbury. He was a man of a sound and sagacious mind, a great reader, and clear thinker. He was an active politician, being what was termed a re- pubUcan, and identified as one of the first founders and promoters of that party in town. He is celebrated as the first man, who under the " stand-up law" of Connecticut, rose up as a voter on that side of the question, and in process of time, (1815,) was chosen a member of the General Assembly by his constituents, as the successful and dominant party. Thus had it increased from one to a majority.' In 1819, Mr- Murray removed to the Western Reserve, Ohio, where he soon died, honored and respected by all. His three sons, Jamieson, Philo and Abner, still reside there, and are respectable, thriving farmers. DOCT. SAMUEL S. MASTERS, Was educated as a physician, and practiced his profession in sev eral places for a number of years, with good success. But the great bUght and curse of society, the demon of intemperance, laid his with ering hand upon him, and he fell from his position of respectability and usefulness. He has for several years been the tenant of the poor-house in this town. His case fumishes a warning to others to take heed, that they do not, in like manner, offend against tte laws of decency and their own good. It is a sad sight td behold any ma6, made in the image of his Maker, descend from a position of sobriety, respectability and usefulness, to a level beneath the brutes that per ish ; but when we see those of superior education and abUities, stand- HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 389 ing in professional and responsible relations to their fellow-men, hav ing their lives, character, or happiness in their keeping, walking in the ways of drunkenness and folly, and perhaps giving themselves up to kindred vices, we see a spectacle that angels might shudder at. A thinking soul must ever be affected with sympathy, not unmingled, perhaps, with reproachful feelings, toward one who thus debases the glorious image of God in his better nature, when he beholds him giv ing himself up a willing captive to a diseased appetite for which him self alone is responsible. God help such infatuated men — there is no aid in an earthly hand. DOCT. DANIEL MUNN, Was born in Woodbury in 1684. liis name does not appear in the tax lists as doctor, till 1738, but he was probably in practice some years earlier. No records remain to tell us of his standing as a phy sician in this community, and none are living to give us even legend ary information in regard to him. He died June 11, 1761, leaving a widow, Elizabeth, and children, Daniel, John, Anna Allen, Mary Walker and Sarah Sherman. DOCT. iiTATHAN MUNN, Came to Woodbury about the same time with the preceding, and the same remarks will apply to him as to the former. He was a nephew of Doct. Daniel- He died, February, 1765, leaving a widow, Mary, and children — aU minors — Thomas, Abigail, Mary, Hannah, and Lois. HON. MATTHEW MINOR, JR., Was the son of Dea. Matthew Minor, and born at Woodbury ; was a graduate of Yale College in the class of 1801 ; studied law under the direction of Hon. Noah B. Benedict, and was admitted to the bar in 1804. He commenced practice in his native town, and continued in his profession until his death, Dec. 11, 1839, at the age of iifty- eight. He was a member of the House of Representatives, in 1830 and 1832. He wqs also a member of the Senate, in 1837. He was always much engaged in the public business of the town, h^ng a 390 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. large share of the confidence of his fellow-citizens. .^ He was a man of great uprightness of character, and discharged all the duties of life with scrupulous fidelity. SAMUEL MINOR, ESQ., Son ofthe preceding, was born at Woodbury, Mar. 27, 1823, gradua ted at Yale College in 1844, studied law in the offices of two or three different practicing lawyers, and at the law school connected with Yale CoUege, arid was admitted to the bar of New Haven county, in March, 1847. He immediately commenced the practice of his profession in Woodbury, occupying the office formerly occupied by his father. He remained here six months, when not finding practice in this town cor responding with his qualifications, he removed to Sandusky City, Ohio, where he continues to reside, engaged in an extensive and lu crative practice. LOOMIS NORTH, M. D., Received his medical education at Cherry VaUey, N. Y., and re moved to Bethlem in 1836, on the death of Lyman Catiin, M. D.,and continued there in the practice of his profession till 1848, when he removed to Bristol, Conn., where he now resides. He is considered a skillful physician. He was born at Cornwall, Conn., where his father practiced as a physician. He has a,lso.two brothersj who are physicians. SHADRACH OSBORN, ESQ., Son of Timothy Osborn, was bom in the parish of Southbury, April 14, 1747. Nothing of note beyond the ordinary occurrences in the life of other men, in a retired country place, is known of him till the period of the Revohition. His services during that eventful period were laborious in the extreme- He was engaged during most of the war in the purchasing and issuing commissary departments, one ofthe most important and- useful posts during the war. In the early part of the year 1775, he went north with the army to Ticonde roga, in a twofold capacity, as commissary and sutler. In November, 17'76, p was in the service as a quarter-master of a regiment of mi- HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 391 litia, stationed at Rye, in the state of New York, under the command of Major-Gen. Wooster. While there, Joseph Trumbull, then com missary-general, and Jeremiah Wadsworth, afterward appointed to the same office, returning from the head-quarters of the army, visited the post at Rye, and employed him to act as purchasing commissary to provide provisions for the army, giving him orders to apply to Col. Peter Colt, of New Haven, for further directions. He accordingly obtained a discharge from the service, and continued a purchaser un der this and a subsequent appointment, till the spring of 1780, when the continental currency became so much depreciated, that many people would not take it for their provisions. At this critical junc ture, the General Assembly held a special session, and resolved to emit a paper currency, redeemable in specie, and to take the purchas ing of provisions for the army within the state, into its own hands. Most of the old commissaries were appointed state purchasers, among whom Mr. Osborn was one, and so continued during the war. Though he had thus become a state purchaser, his duties as an as sistant commissary, under the authority of the United States, did not cease. He had provisions and other public property on hand, and large unsettled accounts remaining, some of which were not closed till the final termination of the war. He also served, as stated, as an issuing commissary within his district, by particular directions, from May, 1777, till February, 1781 ; and as the principal route from Boston to the western posts of the army, passed through his district, he was engaged in issuing provisions to many marching parties, to conductors of teams, to parties stationed in various places on partic ular duties, and to other bodies of troops in winter quarters. Fre quently, parties were stationed for the protection of the suppUes that had been purchased for the army. After the British forces burned Danbury, military stores were kept further inland for their protec tion. A party of soldiers were thus stationed in a hollow, south-east of Southbury meeting-house, for the protection of a large quantity of pork, which was there concealed. The locality has been known by the name of " Pork Hollow," ever since. Mr. Osborn died August 27, 1838, in the ninety-first year of his age. Besides his military offices, he had borne many others of a public character, and possessed to the day of his death, the unbounded > confidence of his fellow- citizens. 392 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. DOCTOR SAMUEL ORTON, Son of John Orton, was born in Woodbury, December 8th, 1738. He commenced the study of medicine with Dr. Joseph Perry, at an early age, and having completed his education, settled in his native town, in the practice of his profession. He became a useful and skill ful physician, and was also much employed in the public business of the town. He was a member of the state convention for the ratifi cation of the constitution of the United States. A large number of medical students received their instruction from him. He had five sons and three daughters. All the sons were educated by him as physicians. John settled at Sherman, Conn. ; Samuel, at Bridgewa- ter, a society in New Milford ; Henry T., ¦ in Washington, Duchess Co., N- Y. ; David J. resides in Woodbury; and, James settled at CaldweU, N. J. Doctor Orton departed this life at Woodbury, in 1819. DOCTOR JOSEPH PERRY, Was born about the year 1727, and died April 29th, 1793, in the sixty-sixth year of his age. He prepared himself for ttie practice of medicine, and settled in his native town for that purpose, about 1750. He built the house where Hon. N. B. Smith resides, which was his homestead for a number of years. His name first appears in the tax list as a landholder in 1755. For more than forty years he was the leading physician of the town and vicinity. He was frequently called into the neighboring towns in critical cases. In this manner he Was once called to visit Rev. Thomas Davies, at New Milford. He fitted many, during his long practice, for the practice of the p/ofession he so much adorned. He also had much interest in the/ivil affairs of the town, and was frequently engaged in its publie business. He died at a good old age, leaving a numerous and respectable posterity. NATHANIEL PERRY, M. D., Was the son of the preceding, born February 8th, 1761 ; studied medicine with his father, and commenced the practice of the profes sion shortly after the Revolutionary War. Yale College conferred on him the honorary degree of doctor of medicine, in 1816. He con tinued ;^ractice for about forty years, till his death, June 13th, 1820. He was a man of plain, sound, practical common-sense. He had no HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 393 concealments, but spoke plainly though kindly to his patients, and indeed to aU. An instance of this is thus related. A Mr. Hitchcock once applied to him for advice, and after an examination of his symp toms. Dr. Perry said to him, " You do not need that I should tell you how you have lived ; you know that yourself. But if you wish to know how you will die, I will tell you. When you and I die, it will be instantaneously." Time proved the correctness of the prophecy in- both cases. He was very much respected as a man and a physi cian, and spent a useful life among his fellow-townsmen. HON. NATHANIEL PERRY, Was a son of Doctor Nathaniel, mentioned above, and bom at Woodbury. He read law with the late John Strong, Esq., of his na tive place, for about eighteen months, and completed his studies with Asa Chapman, Esq., then a practitioner of law -at Newtown, Conn., and afterward a judge of the superior court. He was admitted to the bar in Fairfield county, in April, 1816. Soon after his admis sion, he commenced the practice of law at Woodbury, and continued there until the year 1823, when he removed to New Milford, where he remained in practice tUl his death, a few years since. He was elected a member of the General Assembly in 1832, and was once clerk of the House of Representatives. He was appointed judge of probate for the district of New Milford, in 1832, '33, '38 to '41, '44 and '45.' HON. NATHAN PRESTON, Was born at Woodbury, April 20th, 1756, and graduated at Tale CoUege in 1776. ImpeUed by a patriotic desire to serve his country, he entered the army of the Revolution, and about 1780 was trans ferred to the commissary department. He was admitted to the bar in Litchfield county, in 1782 ; opened an office in his native town, and there continued to practice his profession tUl about the year 1796. He was town-clerk thirty-nine years ; was elected a member of the House of Representatives in October, 1791, and for eleven sessions, at intervals, afterward. He was appointed judge of probate in 1795, and continued to discharge the duties of that office until 1805. In 1 13 Connecticut Eeports, Appendix, p. 11. 26 394 HISTORY OF ANCIENT W 0^0 D BURY. 1818, he was again appointed to that office, and performed its duties till his death, September, 1822. HON. CHARLES B. PHELPS, Was boi'n at Chatham, now Portland, Conn., in May, 1788 ; pur sued his professional studies under the direction of Judge Reeve and Hon. Noah B. Benedict, and was admitted to the bar of Litchfield county, in September, 1809. He entered into the practice of his profession soon after his admission, and has continued to reside here in an extended and lucrative practice till the present time, a period of more than forty years. He was appointed judge of probate, in May, 1823, and was annually reappointed until May, 1834. He was reappointed in 1835, '36, '37, '42, '43, '46, and has held the office from 1849 to the present time — a period of twenty-one years. He is celebrated as a probate judge, and is much consulted in that capacity. He was a member ofthe House of Representatives, in 1831, '37 and '52. In the latter year he was elected speaker of the house. He was also elected to the Senate of the state in 1843, acted as president pro tem. of that body most of the session, and was postmaster from 1831 to 1841. In 1850, he was appointed judge of the county court for Litchfield county, was reappointed in 1852, and- still continues to perform the duties of that office. He was many years since admit ted to the bar of the supreme court in the state of New York. He has been noted during his long and somewhat eventful career, as a keen and sagacious lawyer. He has a good knowledge of human na ture, in its several varieties, and a quick perception of the character and intent of men. He is ardent in his temperament, strong in his attachments, kind as a neighbor, and ready to relieve the distressed, when occasion offers. Possessing strong common-sense, and good mother-wit, he is noted for an unlimited fund of mirth, humor and withering sarcasm, when the occasion demands it. He has great command over his temper, and " keeps good-natured to the end of the chapter." He possesses striking and original traits of character, which distinguish him in a marked degree from every other man ; but as most readers of this volume are well acquainted with the original, portraiture would be useless. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 395 JOSEPH M. PALMER, ESQ., Was a native of New Milford, commenced the study of law in 1808, under_,D. S. Boardman, Esq., and subsequently under Noah B. Benedict, Esq., and Judge Chapman. He was admitted to the bar in Fairfield county, in 1809, and commenced practice at Woodbury, where he continued till 1816, when he removed to Fredericktown, Md., and now sustains a high character in his profession. He has been a member of the Maryland legislature, and was nominated as candidate for governor, in 1851, which he declined, choosing to ad here to his professional labors. \ BENJAMIN STILES, ESQ., Was a native of that part of Woodbury now included in the town of Southbury, and was bom February 11th, 1720. He graduated at Yale College, in 1740, studied law and settled in the practice of the profession in his native town immediately, where he continued to re side and to enjoy an extended practice, for the times, till his death. He was frequently engaged in important and difficult causes, and attained a very respectable position at the bar. During the Revolu tion, he was suspected of being somewhat conservative in his views in regard to the mother country, and some inconvenience to him arose from it. He was cited before the General Assembly on one occa sion for "contempt of Government," the complaint charging him with having said that the " three Colony representatives in the Con tinental Congress were three good-for-nothing dogs, and no more fit for the place than his sick negro Jeff.'" BENJAMIN STILES, JR., ESQ., Son of the preceding, was bom in Southbury parish, August 28th, 1756, graduated at Yale College in 1776, studied law with his father and commenced practice in his native town, where he continued to reside till his death, February 12th, 1817. He was much reUed up on in the preparation of cases, and did a large amount of office busi- 1 State Archives, Eev. War, vol. 1, p. 428. 396 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. DOCTOR DANIEL SHELDON, Son of Doctor Daniel Sheldon, of Litchfield, was a most exceUent man and physician. He practiced his profession in Judea for many years, after which he was appointed secretary of legation, at France, where he died. DOCTOR HENRY SKILTON, Was bom in the parish of St. Michael's, Coventry, England, No vember 19th, 1718, and baptized in the established church, Decem ber 3d, 1718. He removed with his parents to Rumsey, Hampshire county, when eight years of age, with a younger brother and sister. At Rumsey another sister was bofn, and his mother died. His father having obtained a place in the British navy soon after, Henry left home March 31st, 1734, and England, April 1st, 1735, in a gunship. He left the ship the same year at Boston, remained awhile in Rox bury, and is next heard of in Preston, Conn., where he married Tab itha Avery, July 9th, 1741. He removed to Southington about the year 1749, or 1750, where he bought lands. Having procured some medical books, he commenced the study of medicine as early as 1748, and having fitted himself for the duties of th6 profession, he com menced practice as the first physician in Southington. He sold lands to Samuel Smith, in Southington, but did not sell all he owned tUl several years after his removal to Woodbury, which took place about 1760, as his name first appears in the tax list of this town the next year. In Woodbury he practiced medicine many years. While here he took the place of his son Avery, who had been drafted into the service about the period of the battle of Bunker Hill. The de tachment which he joined, and in which he was a commissioned offi cer, was stationed at Roxbury Neck, Mass. His purchases of land in Woodbury extend from 1761 to 1773. In old age he made his last change of residence by removing to Watertown, in 1788. He died at the latter place, June 7th, 1802, aged eighty-four. His resi dence in Woodbury was near Rock House HUl, which is a round hUl a Uttle west of Hermon Judson's dweUing-house. Dr. Skilton's preferences in reUgion were for the Congregational or Calvinistic doctrines, but he did not approve some of the disci- pUnary customs of his brethren, nor did he accept the form of church government in use among them. Hence he became a " Separate," HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 397 and held meetings at various places) teaching his followers in the " things of religion." In Prospect, Conn., the remnant of a church of his organizing existed as late as 1831, in the person of an aged lady who still revered her former pastor's name. HON. JOHN STRONG, Was a son of Lieut. John Strong, of Revolutionary memory, and was born at Woodbury. He graduated at Yale CoUege, in 1806> read law with Hon. Noah B. Benedict, and was admitted to the bar of Litchfield county, in December, 1808. He opened an office in Woodbury, and continued in the active discharge of his professional duties tiU his death in November, 1834. He was a member of the House of Representatives, in May, 1813, in 1825 and 1826. He was judge of probate in 1816, 1817 and 1834. His death was an inreparable loss to his family and friends, to the society to which he belonged, to the profession of which he was an ornament, and to the pubUc at large. Few men have occupied a higher place in the confidence and affections of the community. He was a man of strict integrity and unsuUied purity. He possessed a mind clear, acute, respectably imbued with legal science, fitted to grapple with any>subject to which his attention might be called in the exigencies of his profession. His arguments were in many in stances very successful, and received commendations from the bench of which any man might be justly proud. But in consequence of an innate modesty, and unobtrusiveness of manners, Mr. Strong was one of those men who did not do entire justice to himself in the eyes of the world, by seizing with a species of violence, upon that eminence which more daring but less able men often occupy. No man ever gave more disinterested advice to a client. The confidence that was reposed in him in this respect was unbounded. His head was cool, his heart pure, his hands clean, and his whole life regulated upon the principle of doing good.' THOMAS T. SEELYE, M. D., Came to Woodbury from Danbury, Conn., commenced the prac tice of medicine about the year 1842, and closed his medical la- 1 Manuscript letter. 398 HISTOEY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. bors in 1848. Having changed his views of medical science, he removed to Cleveland, Ohio, and took charge of a water-cure estab lishment, where he still remains. HARMON W. SHOVE, M. D., Was born in Warren, Conn. He commenced the study of medi cine under the instruction of J. G. Beckwith, M. D., of Litchfield, continued it under Charles H. Webb, M. D., of Woodbury, and John J. Abernethy, M. D., United States Navy surgeon, at Brooklyn, N. Y., heard two courses of medical lectures at one of the medical schools in New York, and one in the medical department of Yale College, where he received the degree of doctor of medicine, Janu ary, 1853, and is now practicing his profession in Woodbury. DOCTOR ISRAEL STODDARD, Grandson of Rev. Anthony Stoddard, the second minister, was born in Woodbury, prepared himself for the practice of medicine, and set tled in Judea. He was a jovial, good-natured man, somewhat ad dicted to free living, and died young. HON. LEMAN B. SPRAGUE, Studied law under the direction of Hon. Truman Smith, of Litch field, and was admitted to the bar in the year 1842. He immediate ly opened an office in Litchfield, for the practice of his profession, where he remained a few months, when he .removed to Woodbury. He continued to practice in this town tUl his death in August, 1845. In May, 1844, he was appointed judge of probate, which office he held tiU a short time before his death. HON. NATHANIEL SMITH. We come now to the consideration of the Ufe and character of by far the most distinguished native of the territory of " Ancient Wood- HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 399 bury ;" an ornament and a glory to the town that gave him birth, to the profession which he adorned, to the bench on which he sat with unsuUied purity, rectitude of purpose, and unbending devotion to the demands of justice, and to his friends who clustered thickly around him. Perhaps the history and character of no other man could be more profitably studied by the youth of ardent aspirations, feeling the fire of genius burning within him, and struggling under the frowns of adverse circumstances for an honorable position in society, than that of Mr. Smith. He furnishes a brilliant example of what the innate force of a mighty inteUect can accomplish, though surrounded by diffi culties and obstacles. The father of Mr. Smith was poor, and like other men of small means, he was frequently removing, and lived in several parts of the ancient town after his first emigration to it. Thus a part of his fam ily was born in Judea, and a part in .Roxbury society. Nathaniel, the subject of this sketch, was the son of Richard Smith, and born in Judea society, in what is called " Calhoun Street," January 6, 1762- For the reason stated above, his means of education were extremely limited, and he was left to seek his fortune at an early age. He and a brother of his engaged in peddUng and trading between Philadel phia and the northern parts of New England. On one occasion they went from Philadelphia toward the north by different routes, agree ing to meet at the court house in Rutland, Vermont, on a day named. Nathaniel arrived at the place agreed on before his brother, and as court was in session, he went in to see what was going on. A cause was on trial, and it struck him that the case was not well managed by either of the opposing lawyers. On meeting his brother, he rela ted the circumstance, and remarked to him that this " was the last time he should go to Philadelphia to sell new rum," — his mind was decided and he should be a lawyer ; that if it took no more sagacity to practice that profession than had been displayed in the court-house, he had no doubt he should succeed, for he beUeved that uninformed as he then was, he could have managed the case better than either of them. This simple incident changed the whole plan of his life. During a part of the Revolution he had been engaged in the service as a teamster. After that period he had made some money, and he now appUed to Judge Reeve, of Litchfield, for admission to his office as a student of law. Judge Reeve having entered into an examina tion of his qualifications, and perceiving the defectiveness of his edu cation, endeavored to dissuade him from the undertaking. But he persisted with such decided energy m urging him to receive him as a 400 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBUEY. Student, that the judge gave him a copy of some historical work, directing him to read that with care, and come again at the end of a week, when he would converse with him further on the subject. At the time appointed he returned, the judge gave him a careful exam ination on what he had read, and discovering, the native strength and vigor of his intellectual powers, he gave up his objections, and re ceived him into his office. Here his progress was so rapid that with in a period short of what was allowed by the rules of the bar, in con sequence of the representations of his instructor, and the favorable opinion entertained of him by the members of the bar with whom he had become acquainted, he was admitted into the profession in 1787. He immediately after commenced the practice of his profession in Woodbury, where he continued to reside till his death, March 9th, 1822. He married Ruth, only daughter of Rev. Noah Benedict, third pastor ofthe first church in Woodbury, and had one child, Hon. Na thaniel B. Smith, now residing in this town. Almost immediately after entering upon the practice of his profes sion, he rose to eminence in it. Some of his first arguments were masterly forensic efforts. At that period the bar of Litchfield was second to none in the state. It was furnished with a large number of men of distinguished ability. Notwithstanding this competition) he soon found himself favored with a large and successful practice, and rose more rapidly to the highest grade of his profession than perhaps any other man before him. His powers of thought and elo cution gave him almost unUmited dominion over his audience. Whenever he spoke, there was a breathless silence. All eyes were upon him, and aU ears heard. In October, 1789, less than two years after his removal to this town, he was elected a member of the Gen eral Assembly, and was re-elected four times previous to 1795. By this means an opportunity was afforded him of becoming more gen eraUy and widely known. In the house he was a distinguished member, and took a leading part in the deliberations. To him this state is indebted in no inconsiderable degree, for some of the leading measures of those times. Among these may be mentioned the grad ual extinction of slavery, and the permanent system of common school education, connected with the disposal of the pubUc lands be longing to the state. In the year 1795, Yale College bestowed upon him the honorary degree of master of arts. In the same year he was elected a member of the congress of the United States, in which office he served four years, when he decUned a second re-election. That HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 401 body then embraced the first talents in this country. Amid such a constellation of able and distinguished men, though his course was less brilliant than that of a few others, yet such were his strong com mon sense, and his clear and comprehensive views on every subject which he discussed, and such his precise and original mode of think ing and of expression, that his speeches were always heard with marked attention, and his opinions highly regarded. He particularly distinguished himself in the discussions in the house, relating to the ratification of the British treaty. On his making known his intention to decline a third election to Congress, in the fall of 1798, he was placed in nomination for a seat in the council, or upper house of the legislature of this state, elected ' in 1799, and on his return from Philadelphia, in the spring of 1800, took his seat as a member of that body. He remained a member of this body till May, 1805. In October, 1806, he was elected a judge' of the supreme court, and it is not too much to say, that though this state has frequently had more learned judges in her courts of justice, it is much to be doubted whether, on aU accounts, she ever had a bet ter one. Of the distinguished ability and impartiality with which he discharged his duties while on the bench of this court, too much can scarcely be said. It was while occupying this station that he first began to experi ence the latent causes of that disease, which finally terminated his life. It did not, however, become very alarming till the fall of 1817. Then he began to feel the necessity of leaving the bench, and had come to the resolution to do so, but from some improvement in his health, in the course of the winter, and from the state of public affairs in relation to the court and other matters, he was induced to change his purpose, and consented to stand or fall with his brethren. This was the period called " toleration times," and much bitterness of party spirit existed. He accordingly remained in office till 1819, when the new organization took place under the present constitution of the state. This was the last year of his public services, and for him it was fortunate that it was so, as a longer continuance in them might have hastened the termination of his Ufe. He left the bench with a high and unsullied reputation, followed by the regrets of his feUow- citizens, even of those whose political opinions did not accord with his own. Of the views of his sound, practical good sense, entertained by his contemporaries, a single instance only, among many, wiU be no ticed. This was his appointment, in conjunction with Chancellor 402 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Kent, of New York, and a distinguished divine of New Hampshire, to establish a new site for Williams College. Perhaps it is proper to say a few words more of the inteUectual and moral powers, of one who so successfully concentrated the admi ration and respect of his fellow-citizens. As we have seen, he owed Uttle to education and the force of early training. He held his powers by a higher diploma than any university could furnish. Providence bestowed upon him original, native powers, rarely equaled, certainly not surpassed by any of his compeers, save perhaps Oliver EUsworth. For keenness of discernment, accuracy of investigation, adroitness in argument, and energy in delivery, it was difficult to find his equal anywhere. His powers of elocution were more effective than those of any other public man of the state except Pierpont Edwards. His mind had an unusual power in penetrating every subject submit ted to its analysis. He saw them at a glance in all their connections and ramifications. Such conclusions as subordinate minds attain by patient labor and reflection, he knew by intuition. He possessed the rare power of being equal to the emergency, whatever it might be. Like other strong minds, his powers were not enfeebled by diversion to a multiplicity of objects. He could, at any and all times, concen trate his whole mental power upon the subject under examination ; and while seeing a thing clearly himself, he possessed the faculty of so vividly presenting the subject to the minds of others, that they could see it in the same clear light. He read human nature with great accuracy, and was rarely deceived in the estimates he made of men. To the exercise of judicial functions he was eminently adapted. He generally reasoned without much consulting authorities, and by a comparison of his reasoning with that in books he had never read, it often appeared that he had arrived at the same results, and by the same processes of reasoning, that Mansfield or EUenborough had done before him. In fine, as a " man of mind — of exalted capabili ties and pure aspirations, few of his generation might be compared with him." After his death, Judge Reeve remarked, " I wiU not say that Judge Smith has not left his equal, but I will say he has left no superior living." A distinguished ex-governor of the state, now liv ing, lately said of him, " Connecticut never produced a greater intel lect than Judge Smith possessed." It still remains to speak of a most interesting part of the history of Judge Smith. Reference is made to that part in which he appears as a Christian. He was never an infideh He possessed too much sense, candor and fairness of mind to aUow of that. His conduct was HISTOEY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 403 so far from this that he always entertained a high respect for the Christian reUgion. Yet he, at one period of his life, had doubts re specting that important change which is wrought by the spirit of God in the hearts of men, as a necessary preparation for a better world. For many years he felt a strong desire to prove the reality of such a change in his own experience, if, indeed, such a change were a real ity. At length, at the age of forty-six, in the full vigor of his under standing, at a time of life when his imagination, never the controlling faculty of his mind, could not be supposed to have deceived him, and in the hour of calm, deliberate reflection, such a change was wrought upon him. Certainly some great and remarkable change took place in his experience. Of it he was conscious, and frequently spoke to his Christian friends. Under its continued and prevailing influence, through many years, he afterward Uved, and under the same influ ence he appeared, at last, to die, fuU of those calm, steadfast, cheer ing hopes beyond this Ufe, to which such a change, and nothing else, is wont to give birth. The circumstances of this change were such as usually mark it in great and earnest minds. Of its reality, as the work of a divine agent, he appeared to entertain no doubt. These views and feelings were for some time kept concealed from his most intimate friends, from a perhaps mistaken regard to considerations of prudence, and even of duty. Placed as he was, in an office of high responsibility, and at that day, pf some delicacy and difficulty, too, through the violence of party strife and animosity, and fearing that in this situation, a public avowal of his change might be attributed to unworthy motives, and made use of for improper purposes, he, for a time, retained the important secret within his own heart. His feelings on these subjects are alluded to in a letter to his son, then a student in Yale. CoUege, dated April 18th, 1813, as will be seen by the following extract : " You may well suppose, that I have not formed a very high opinion of the outward forms of religion, and in that respect, perhaps, I may have erred. I have, indeed, latterly entertained doubts of the correctness of my conduct in that particular. - But whatever importance may be attached to the outward forms of religion, I entertain no doubt ofthe high importance, and the absolute necessity of that internal principle, implanted by regeneration. The doctrine of spiritual birth, whatever ridicule and contempt the world may cast upon it, is, nevertheless, the life and soul of the Christian scheme, and whoever denies it altogether, or what is worse, because more insidious, denies its spirituality, and places the change in something in which it does not exist, may as well deny the whole Christian religion, and form one altogether of his own, better adapted to his natural disposition. Since I have begun, I should delight in 404 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. writing much on the subject, did not my strength in some measure fail me, and did not I fear, that your patience would fail you. Perhaps, indeed; I have written enough unless you should wish to have more, in which case I have no objection to correspond further. Your present age is of all others best adapted to these inquiries and pursuits. And surely the solemn truths which all agree in — that the continuance of life is short and uncertain — that death and a never- ending eternity of happiness or woe, are awfully certain; are sufficient to call up the attention of any rational being to the subject, and at least lead him to search the Scriptures. Though I am willing you should keep this letter, I would not have you show it, or mention its contents to any one. I have had my reasons, and still have, for not wishing to become the object of remark on this subject. Perhaps they are not sufficient — be that as it may, you must allow me to bo the judge. From other sources, as well as from the above, we learn that he was not altogether satisfied that the course of conduct he had adopted on this subject was the correct one ; for upon the taking place of a settled state of things in the society and church, and when his situa tion in regard to public affairs became such as to preclude any mis construction of his motives, he hesitated no longer to speak freely of his change, and to make a public profession of his faith in the Re deemer, and of his high hopes of a glorious immortality growing out of that faith. His only and latest regrets seem to have been, that he had not before declared his attachment to his Lord and Saviour, and been more openly and actively engaged in his service. In his last sickness, from the nature of his disease he had many distressing hours, but his confidence in those great truths never forsook him. To an uncommon degree they alleviated his sufferings. By them his path through the vaUey of death seemed illumined. The day before his death, as his brother Nathan, of New Haven, stood by his bedside, he remarked, " I have had a hard day's work, brother, but I hope it wiU end peacefully before morning." While resting on these bright hopes of immortality, so animating and comforting, he was enabled to commit his family as weU as his own future arid eternal destiny, to Him whom he beUeved to be the Author and Finisher of his faith, HISTOEY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 405 and his spirit took its peaceful departure for the land of rest, on the Oth of March, 1822.' HON. NATHANIEL B. SMITH, Son of the preceding, was born at Woodbury, Dec. 7, 1795, and graduated at Yale College in 1815. He read law in company with Hon. Truman Smith and Hon. John M. Clayton, in the office of Hon. Noah B. Benedict, and with them and others at the law school of Judge Reeve, at Litchfield. They were together admitted to the bar of Litchfield county in 1818. He immediately engaged and fitted up an office in the " Glebe Building,'' at New Haven ; but his father, be ing at this time in infirm health, induced him to change his purpose, and open an office in Woodbury. He continued the practice of his profession for two or three years, when the care of his father's estate, (he having a large landed property,) engrossed his time and atten tion, and he has since remained in agricultural pursuits. He repre sented the town in the General Assembly iri 1828, and again in 1847. He was appointed judge of probate. May, 1838, and held the office by successive appointments tiU May, 1842. HEZEKIAH THOMPSON, ESQ., Was one of the first lawyers in Woodbury, having commenced practice about the year 1757. For a sketch of his life, the reader is referred to the genealogy ofthe "Thompson Family," near the close of the volume . DOCT. EBENEZER THOMPSON, Was a physician in Bethlehem society for a number of years. Tradition is silent in regard to his standing in community, and his attainments as a physician. He died in 1750, leaving a wife, Mary (Judd,) and three daughters, Lois, Esther and Mary. His widow died in 1752. 1 The author has derived valuable aid in the foregoing sketch, from minutes fur nished him by Eev. S. E. Andrew and Hon. Charles B. Phelps. 406 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. DOCT. ABRAHAM TOMLINSON, Resided in Judea society, and was there as early as 1758, his name appearing in the tax Ust as early as that year. He remained there some years, but finally removed to Milford, Conn. DOCT. LEMUEL WHEELER, Settled early in Southbury society, in the practice of the medical profession. He was respectable in his profession, and stood well among his neighbors as a man and a citizen. He espoused the cause of his country, in the Revolution, and served for a" time as surgeon's mate. He died in August, 1782, leaving a widow, Abiah, and one son, Obadiah, the same who has been mentioned in connection with the applicants for salt at the " Hollow store," and a daughter Pru dence, who married a Baldwin. CHARLES H. WEBB, M. D., Is the son of Charles L. Webb, Esq., of Litchfield, and was born in that town. He studied medicine under the direction of Dr. Abbe, of Litchfield, and took the degree of Doctor of Medicine, at the Uni versity of New York. He settled in the practice of his profession in Woodbury soon after his graduation, remained here some years, when he removed to the state of New York, where he remained a few years, whence he returned to this place, and still resides here in the full prac tice of his profession. He married Miss Jennette Moody, daughter of James Moody, of Sharon, and has three daughters. He had a son, a very promising lad of ten years, who was drowned while bathing in the Pomperaug River, Aug. 6, 1844. DOCT. EBENEZER WARNER. The subject of this sketch has been, perhaps, sufficiently noticed in a -former chapter of this volume, but he is introduced here again to show an unbroken chain of physicians for four generations, aU bear ing the Christian name of Ebenezer, and all practicing their profes- HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 407 sion arid ending their Uves in the place of their birth, except the first. The latter died in 1755, and left three sons, Ebenezer, Benjamin and Thomas, and six daughtfers, Martha, Margaret, Rebecca, Lydia, Fran ces and Rachel. He had a daughter Tamah, who married Remem ber Baker, and was the mother of Capt. Remember Baker, of Revo lutionary memory. Benjamin was the father of Col. Seth Warner, of the Revolutionary army. Mary, the sister of Capt. Baker's father, married Joseph Allen, and became the mother of Col. Ethan Alien, the hero of Ticonderoga. Baker was therefore cousin to both Allen and Warner, but they were not related to each other. Ebenezer, mentioned above, became the second Doct. Warner, and father of the third Doct. Ebenezer, who was the father of Doct. Ebenezer War ner the fourth- There were also a Doct. Reuben and a Doct. Ben jamin Warner from these families. They were men of that stamp, who are said to " take up their profession in their own head," which means that they were not regularly bred physicians. They used, principally, combinations of roots, herbs and other domestic medicines in their practice, and several of them became distinguished for then" success in treating disease. They are also said to have used freely the " gall of rattlesnakes." The descendants of these men are nu merous in the original territory, and elsewhere, at the present day. COL. SETH WARNER. All readers of our country's history are familiar with the exploits of the Green Mountain Boys, and it is agreed on all hands, that Ethan Allen, Seth Warner and Remember Baker, mentioned in the pre ceding sketch, were, to say the least, among their most efficient lead ers, and among those who suffered most for their cause. The char acter of Col. Warner has been ably dr^wn by Daniel Chipman, LL. D., of Vermont, in a little book pubUshed by him in 1848, and all that is intended in this sketch is to give a brief statistical account, drawn principally from that memoir. It is not proposed to go over the same ground again, and give a full memoir, though it would be a pleasing task, did the limits of this volume allow it, to give a full his tory of this so honorably distinguished son of ancient Woodbury. He was born in Roxbury parish, in the year 1743. Without any advantages for an education beyond those which were to be found in the common schools of those times, the nearest of which, at the date 408 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. of his birth, was in the present limits of Woodbury, nearly six miles from his birthplace, he was early distinguished by his energy, sound judgment, and manly, noble bearing. In 1763, his father, Dr. Ben jamin Warner, son of the first Dr. Ebenezer Warner, removed to Bennington, in the New Hampshire grants, the second year after the first settlement of the town. The game with which the woods abounded at once attracted the attention of young Warner, and he was soon distinguished as an indefatigable, expert and successful hunter. . He was also a skillful botanist, and often alleviated the sufferings of the settlers, by the skiUful applications of " roots and herbs." About this time a scene began to open, which gave a new direction to the active and enterprising spirit of Warner ; the contro versy between New York and the settlers upon the New Hampshire grants had commenced. New York claimed jurisdiction to the Con- Nuecticut River, and New Hampshire also claimed jurisdiction to with in twenty miles of the Hudson River. The crown decided in favor of the claim of New York, and established the western bank of the Con necticut as its eastern boundary. All this -lyould have been well enough if it had been a simple change of jurisdiction, but New York claimed that the decision in its favor invalidated the patents of the settlers' lands, granted to them by the government of New Hamp shire, and proceeded to grant the lands to others. Hence arose the contest, the settlers refusing to leave the lands they had bought and paid for in good faith. They therefore determined to resist the ex ercise of the authority of New York within the grants. When a sheriff undertook to serve any process, he was resisted by force. This course was not adopted until after the trial of several suits at Albany, under the direction of Ethan AUen, it was found that no jus tice could be obtained at court. During the whole contest with New York, Warner was the commander, or rather the leader, for all put themselves under his guidance, and in all their conventions and con sultations, he was looked up to as the able, prudent and safe counsel or. In 1771, the governor of New York issued a proclamation offering a reward of twenty pounds each, for the arrest of Ethan AUen, Seth Warner, Remember Baker, and some others. Under this proclamation, Baker was early next year seized in the night, and hurried with the greatest speed toward Albany, but was rescued by Warner and his party before reaching that place. StiU later, the governor of New York offered a reward of fifty pounds each, for the arrest of Warner, AUen and Baker. Having been thus engaged as a prominent leader of the Green HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 409 Mountain Boys, in their contests with the authorities of New York, the subject of this sketch was well fitted to engage in the arduous struggle of the Revolution. Accordingly we find him in the very commencement of that contest, engaged in the enterprise against the enemy's posts on Lake Champlain. Allen commanded the party that took Ticonderoga, and Warner commanded that which took Crown Point- After Col. Hinman's regiment reached Ticonderoga, Allen and Warner set off on a journey to the Continental Congress; to procure pay for their men and liberty to raise a regiment on the New Hampshire grants. In both these objects they were successful. The regiment was raised, and Warner was appointed its lieutenant- colonel, by a vote of forty-one to five. In September, 1775, Warner was found at the head of his regiment, during the siege of St. John's, by Montgomery. Gen. Wooster wrote him a letter in January, 1776, asking him to raise a body of men in the middle of winter, and march them into Canada. In an incredibly, short time, Warner, in answer to the summons, appeared in Canada with the required num ber of men. On the 5th of July, 1776, Congress again resolved to raise a regiment out of the troops that had served with so much rep utation in Canada, and Warner was again appointed Ueutenant- colonel. He raised his regiment, and repaired to Ticonderoga, where he remained till the close of the campaign. He was in service again in 1777, and was present at the battles of Hubbardston and Benning ton. Soon after the battle of Bennington, Warner was advanced to the rank of colonel, but was unable to perform much active service after this. His constitution naturally strong and vigorous, gave way under the fatigues and hardships which he endured in the service, particu larly in his winter campaign in Canada. In a return of his regiment, made November 10th, 1777, Col. Warner was returned " sick at Hoo- sick." He recovered from this sickness, but was never afterward able to perform any active service, and, of course, received no further promotion. He was, however, continued in the command of his regiment, residing with his family at Bennington, to the end of the year 1781. In 1782, Warner removed to Ms native parish, in hopes of obtaining relief from the painful disorders under which he was suffering, but his hopes proved fallacious, and he gradually wasted away till the 26th of December, 1784, when death put an end to his sufferings. He was rising six feet in height, erect and well-proportioned, his countenance, attitude and movements indicative of great strength and 27 410 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. vigor of body and mind, of resolution, firmness and self-possession. His commanding appearance, and known character, undoubtedly saved him from many an attack by the " Yorkers." In one instance only did any one attempt to arrest him single-handed. An officer from New York attempted to arrest him by force, and Warner con sidering it an act of lawless violence, attacked, wounded and disarmed him, but with the spirit of a soldier, saved his Ufe, and permitted him to return to New York. He pursued his pubUc and private business among the settiers in the different towns, with apparent unconcern, and yet he was always prepared for defense. He seemed to be en tirely unconscious of fear. He was distinguished for his cool cour age, and perfect self-possession, on all occasions. He was so much engaged in public affairs that he almost entirely neglected his own, and the moderate property which he inherited, he spent in the ser vice of his country, and left his family destitute. The proprietors of several townships gave him tracts of land, of considerable value, as a reward for his services in defense of the New Hampshire grants, but the greater part, if not all of them, were sold for taxes, and his heirs never received any considerable benefit from them. In October, 1787, the legislature of Vermont generously granted to his heirs 2,000 acres of land, in the north-west part of the county of Essex. When that section of the state was explored, this land was found to be of little or no value, and it yet remains unsettled. From the foUowing extract from an obituary notice published soon after his decease, the reader may learn how he was estimated by his contemporaries : '' This gentleman, from an early period of his life, took a very decided part in the defence ofthe rights of man, and rendered essential services in the ex alted command which he held over the Green Mountain boys, in the defence ofthe New Hampshire grants. He also distinguished himself, and maintained the character of a brave officer, in his command of his regiment, during the late war. His ability in command, few exceeded. His dexterity and success were uncommon. His natural disposition was kind, generous and humane. His remains were interred with the honors of war, which were justly due to his merits. An immense concourse of people attended his funeral, and the whole was performed with uncommon decency and affection. He has left an amia ble consort, and three children, to mourn their irreparable loss." Col. Warner struggled long with compUcated and distressing mal adies, which he bore with uncommon resignation, until deprived of his reason, after which he was constantly fighting his battles over again, not in imagination only, but by the exertion of a preternatural physical strength, so that it required two or three persons to take HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 411 charge of him. There was a guard of about thirty men kept at his house, from the time of his decease, December 26th, to the 29th, when his funeral was attended, and a sermon "preached by Rev. Thomas Canfield, from Samuel i. 27. " How are the mighty fallen, and the weapons of war perished." The following inscription is on the tablet placed over his grave : " In memory of COL." SETH WAKNER, ESQ,., Who departed this life December 26th, A. D. 1784, In the forty-second year of his age. Triumphant leader at our armies' head. Whose martial glory struck a panic dread. Thy warlike deeds engraven on this stone. Tell future ages what a hero's done, FuU sixteen battles he did fight. For to procure his country's right. Oh ! this brave hero, he did fall By death, who ever conquers all. When this you see, remember me.'' This epitaph is with some difficulty deciphered on a dilapidated stone, which lies sadly neglected by the inhabitants of his native parish. It is a crying reproach to the inhabitants of his native town, that they should allow the remains of one of its most distinguished sons to lie -within its borders, with no suitable monument to mark the place of his sepulture. It is greatly to be hoped, that for their own honor, the citizens wiU allow the hero to sleep no longer without a monument suited to his fame. CHAPTER XX. Short Biooraphio^i, Sketches of N.^tives of Woodbuhy, who have E.-iii- QEATED FROM THE AnCIENT ToWN, AND BECOME DISTINGUISHED IN THE I'LACES ,0F THEIR ADOPTION. ThE NAMES WILL BE FOUND IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER. GEN. ETHAN ALLEN. In placing the name of Ethan AUen in the list of natives of Wood bury, the author is well aware, that the honor of having been his birthplace has been claimed by several other towns. Litchfield, Cornwall and Salisbury, have been competitors in this contest. And now in renewing the claim of ancient Woodbury to this honor, no disrespect is intended toward other claimants, the design of this arti- cle^being simply to state the evidence on which the claim is founded, the author having given much attention to the investigation of the question. It is certainly somewhat singular that there should be any question at all about the matter. Gen. Allen, and one or more of his brothers, having been the authors of several publications, a part of them of a historical and biographical nature. But no allusion to the. subject in hand is made in either of these works, so far as the writer is informed. The first fact to be mentioned in support of the claim of Wood bury, is the testimony of the aged people of the territory, aU of whom (and the author has conversed with many on the subject) assert, so far as they pretend to have any knowledge or information on the subject, that Allen was born in the vicinity of Mine Hill, in the parish of Roxbury, then a part of Woodbury. The writer held a conversation with the late Deacon Amos Squire, at the age of ninety- seven, a very intelligent and wellrinformed old gentleman, and with the late Abiather Squire, a very aged man, who possessed the most remarkable memory of any man he has ever met, in reference to this question, and other matters of interest. The information from them, as from others, estabUshes the same fact. Gen. Allen's nativity in Roxbury parish. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY- 413 As nearly as can be gleaned from the records, Mercy Allen, a widow, with one adult son, Nehemiah, and several sons and daugh ters, who were minors, removed from Coventry to Litchfield, Conn., about the year 1720. The names of some of the other children were Daniel, Joseph, Ebenezer, Lydia, who married Benjamin Smalley, of Lebanon, Conn., and Lucy. Nehemiah moved a few years after to Guilford, Conn. Widow Mercy Allen, mother of these, died at Litchfield, February 5th, 1727-8, and her son Daniel was appointed executor on her estate. Joseph Allen, father of Gen. Ethan, received his first piece of land from Daniel, as executor on his mother's estate, March 1, 1728-9, which consisted of one-third of her real estate. His age at this time is not known, but he had attained his majority in 1732, as he was grantor in a deed to his sister Lydia, in Novem ber of that year, and to Paul Peck, Jr., in March of the next year. These deeds covered 100 acres of land each. By these two deeds he had parted with all his cultivated lands -in Litchfield, though he stiU retained his right to some wild lands as late as 1742, several years after he had removed to Cornwall, which he sold to Thomas Harri son, describing them as " being the whole of my rights in lands in Litchfield." The Aliens formed a migratory family, and if the ac counts we have are to be believed, Joseph shortly after the sale of his interest in the " old homestead," in 1733, removed, and took up his abode in the " Baker neighborhood," in the parish of Roxbury. Here he became acquainted with Mary, daughter of Remember Ba ker, to whom he was married March 11th, 1736-7. The entry on the record is : " Joseph Allen and Mary Baker were joined together in Marriage by y^ Rev erend Mr. Anthony Stoddor, March ye llth 1736-7." Mr- Stoddard was the pastor of the first church in Woodbury, Roxbury not being at this time organized into a separate parish. It is to be noted here, that in the foregoing entry, no place of residence is given to either party. This was the customary entry, where both parties were residents of the town, while the recorder was particular to enter the fact, if either, or both parties belonged to another town. If therefore, Joseph AUen had not been a resident of Woodbury, as well as the other party, the fact would, in all probability, have been noted. Here he continued till about the year 1740, when he remov ed to Cornwall, Conn., and purchased lands of " Samuel Robbards," as appears by his deed to AUen, dated April 28th, 1740. Mean- whUe, Ethan, son of Joseph , and Mary Allen, had been born at 414 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. Woodbury, January 10th, 1737-8. Heman the next son, was born at ComwaU, October 15th, 1740, Lydia, April 6th, 1742, Heber, October 4th, 1743, Levi; July 16th, 1745, Lucy, AprU 2d, 1747, Zimri, December 10th, 1748 ; but the date of the birth of Ira, the youngest child, is not found on record. Joseph Allen, father of these, died at Cornwall, April 14th, 1755. Joseph AUen was not a rich man, and having, as is seen, a large family to support, his son Ethan from an early age resided with his ! mother's relatives in Roxbury parish, till after the early years of his ; manhood, when he returned again to Cornwall, where he resided till the twenty-fourth year of his age, when, in January, 1762, he re moved to Salisbury, Conn., and, in company with three others, en tered into the iron business, and built a furnace. In June of this year, he returned to Roxbury, and was married to Mary, daughter of Cornelius Brownson, by Rev. Daniel Brinsmade of Judek parish, Woodbury, for which service he paid him a fee of four shillings. The entry on Mr. Brinsmade's record reads " Ethan Allen of Cornwall and Mary Brownson of Roxbury, were married June 23, 1702, 4s. " Mr. Brinsmade kept a record of the fee paid, as well as of the date of the marriage. This entry also throws light on the entry in the case of his father's marriage. Here the place of residence of the parties is mentioned, they not being residents of the parish where the ceremony took place. So we may well infer, in the former entry, that both parties resided in Woodbury, from the silence of the record in that particular, especially as it is undisputed, that one party was a resident. Besides Allen had long before his marriage sold his place of residence in Litchfield. Confirmatory of the opinion, that Ethan Allen was a native of Woodbury, and resided there during the early years of his Ufe, there is in possession of the author, an original letter from Ethan Allen to the first Benjamin Stiles, Esq., of Woodbury, which throws much Ught on this inquiry. He must have been more than twenty years the senior of Gen. Allen. A copy of this letter follows : " Bennington, 16th Novemr 1783. " Sir, I received your favour of the 9th instant, and thank you for your kind remembrance of me, am glad to hear you are in health, and with an opportu nity of conversing with me, the sociability that I have been honored with, from you, was always pleasing to me, and also edifying, whether on historical, phil osophical, or political subjects. Am apprehensive, that in the succession of the HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 415 next year, I shall do myself the honor to visit you, and other friends at Wood bury, and in the mean time, let you know, I retain a grateful sense of your advice and friendship to me in the tender and early years of my manhood, and shall ever be happy, to continue that early friendship, and intercourse of good offices, and regret it, that our respective local situations in life, must in great measure, deprive us of such happiness. " As to my Philosophy, that you mention, forty of the Books are bound, and will be sent to New York to-morrow, 1300 are printed, and contain 487 pages, in large octavo. The curiosity of the public is much excited, and there is a great demand for the books, they will in all probability reach Woodbury, in the course of the winter. In one of them you read my very soul, for I have not concealed my opinion, nor disguised my sentiments in the least, and how ever you may, as a severe critic, censer my performance, I presume you will not impeach me with cowardise. I expect, that the clergy, and their devotees, will proclaim war with me, in the name of the Lord, his battles they effect to fight, having put on the armour of Faith, the sword of the Spirit and the Ar tillery of Hell Are. But I am a hardy Mountaineer, and have been accustomed to the dangers and horrors of War, and captivity, and scorn to be intimidated by threats, if they fight me, they must absolutely produce some of their tre mendous fire, and give me a sensitive scorching. " Pray be so good as to write to me, and in the epistolary way maintain a correspondence with your Old Friend and Humb'^ Serv', " Benjamin Stiles, Esq." This does not seem to be such a letter as a man born in Litchfield, nurtured in Cornwall, and removed to Vermont, unconnected with Woodbury, would be likely to write.. In 1764, while residing in Salisbury, he purchased two and a half acres of land on Mine HiU, or one-sixteenth part of the mining title in that locality, and in 1771, he stiU owned land in Judea society, near Capt. Gideon HoUister's. Before his removal to Vermont, by an execution in his favor against Abram Brownson and others, brothers of his wife, we learn that he was residing in Northampton, Mass. This was probably a mere transition stage in his journey to Vermont, whither he removed about the year, 1772, having been for several years previous engaged in surveying lands in that territory in company with his brother Ira. After his removal to Vermont he resided at Bennington, Sunderland, Arlington, Tinmouth, Winooski, and perhaps other places. We come now to inquire what there is to raise a doubt whether 416 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Ethan Allen was a native of Woodbury, or not. It consists in the simple, unexplained fact, that the date of his birth appears also on the records of Litchfield- On the first page of the first volume of the Litchfield town records, appear four entries in the handwriting of John Bird, the first town-clerk of that town, viz., the dates of the marriages of Daniel Allen, and his brother Joseph, and the date of the birth of Ethan, Joseph's first-born, and that of Mary, Daniel's first-born. The face of the record bears unmistakable evidence, that these entries were made with the same pen, the same ink, and at the same time. They occur in the midst of other entries of the Allen name. There are only two entries, however, in the name, subse quent to this — the dates of the birth of two other children of Daniel Allen. All the family had removed from Litchfield except the latter. Daniel's marriage in Litchfield, performed by Rev. Mr. Collins, and Joseph's marriage j/n Woodbury, by Mr- Stoddard, oc curred within forty-eight days- of each other, and the births of their first children within fourteen days of each other. The names of both wives were Mary, and the children were of opposite sexes- The author's theory of these entries is, that they were all made at one time by the clerk, after the birth of Daniel's child, (which was latest in point of time,) at his solicitation, to commemorate these coin cidences. As no further entries in the name were made except the date of birth of Daniel's two remaining children at a subsequent period, the opinion is strengthened. On the theory that Ethan Allen was a native of Woodbury, his sympathies with the people of that town, his friendly acquaintance with Mr. Stiles, the marrying of his wife there, his continuing to hold an interest in lands in that town, and numerous other circumstances, receive a satisfactory explanation. For all these reasons we have come to the firm conclusion, that " Ancient Woodbury" justly claims the honor of having been the birthplace of the " hero of Ticonderoga." As there are several good memoirs of Gen. Allen extant, it is not judged necessary to introduce an extended notice of his life and services in these pages. The brief account which follows, is extract ed chiefly from a memoir of his life, by Jared Sparks, LL. D., and another by De Puy, lately issued from the press. Ethan and three or four of his brothers emigrated to the temtory west of the Green Mountains, among the first settiers, and were prominent members of the social and poUtical compacts into which the inhabitants gradually formed themselves. Bold, active and en terprising, they espoused with zeal and defended with energy, the HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 417 cause of the settlers against what were deemed the encroaching schemes of their neighbors, and, with a keen interest, sustained their share in all the border contests. Four of them were engaged in the military operations of the Revolution, and, by a hazardous and suc cessful adventure . at the breaking out of the war, in the capture of Ticonderoga, the name of Ethan Allen gained a renown, which spread widely at the time, and has been perpetuated in history. A brief account of the contest in relation to the New Hampshire grants, was introduced into the preceding sketch, and will not be repeated here. When the actions of ejectment came on at Albany to try the title of the settlers to their land, the management of the business was intrusted to Ethan Allen. Daring, ambitious, and having extreme confidence in his powers, both of body and mind, he entered zealously upon the task. His aid was rendered the more valuable, by reason of his extensive acquaintance in New England and New York. Although laboring under the disadvantages of a defective early education, he possessed considerable general informa tion, and could write a letter or an argument in strong and intelligi ble, if not accurate and polished language. He could also address a multitude, and, when occasion required, a court, with skill and effect. He immediately prepared the defense, employed Mr. Ingersol of Connecticut, an eminent counselor, to try the cases, but the result ¦was foreordained, and they were therefore lost. After Alien retired from the court, several gentlemen, interested in the New York grants — one of whom was the king's attorney for the colony — called upon him, and urged him to go home and advise his friends to make the best terms they could with their new landlords ; intimating that their cause was now desperate, and reminding him of the proverb, that " Might often prevails against right." Neither admiring the delicacy of this sentiment, nor intimidated by the threat it held out, Allen coolly replied, " The gods of the valleys are not the gods of the hills." This laconic figure of speech he left to be interpreted by his visitors, adding only, when an explanation was asked by Kemp, the king's attorney, that if he would accompany him to the hill of Ben nington the sense should " be made clear." Resistance to the execu tion of process next followed. A military association was formed, Allen was appointed colonel, and Seth Warner, Remember Baker and others were made captains. Proclamations were issued by the governor of New York offering at first £20, and soon after £50, each for the arrest of these persons. Allen and his friends sent out a counter-proclamation, offering a reward for the arrest of the attor- 418 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. ney-general and others. Allen, who was brave even to rashness, was in no degree intimidated by the rewards offered for his appre hension, and this he designed that those who had advised that meas ure should fully understand. He even went so far as to go to Albany and take a bowl of punch, in presence of his enemies, on a bet. The attorney-general happened to be present, and AUen, after drinking his punch, and giving a hearty " Huzza for the Green Mountains," departed unharmed. During these contests, the adherents of New York, among the settlers on the grants, on due conviction before a proper tribunal of Green Mountain Boys, were usually punished by whipping and banishment — the whipping was quaintly denominated, " the application of the beech-seal," or, as Allen sometimes expressed it, " a castigation with the twigs of the wilderness." The American Revolution called forth the latent energies of many individuals, who would, in a more peaceable state of political affairs, have slumbered in obscurity, and gone down to the grave un- honored and unknown. True-hearted volunteers rallied at the calls of the brave and wise men of our country, imbued with a s^Dirit wor thy of the little band which defended the pass of Thermopylae. Perhaps no individual, of equal advantages, and in the station he occuijied, contributed more toward establishing the independence of our country, than Ethan Allen. The mass of the people among whom he resided, were rude and uncultivated, yet bold in spirit and zealous in action. It consequently followed that no one but a man of strong natural endowments — of much decision, energy and brave ry — could control their prejudices and inclinations. Upon Alien, whose courage was undoubted, and whose zealous devotion to their interests was universally acknowledged, they implicitly relied. They had known him in adversity and prosperity. They had weighed him, and found nothing lacking. To friend or foe, he was ever the same unyielding advocate of the rights of man and universal Uberty. From the commencement, therefore, of that struggle until its final close, Ethan Allen proved a zealous and strenuous supporter of the cause, whether in the field, or council — whether at home, a freeman, or loaded with the chains of despotism in a foreign country. His spirit never quailed beneath the sneer of the tory, or the harsh threats of insolent authority. A stranger to fear, his opinions were ever given without disguise or hesitation ; and, an enemy to oppression, he sought every opportunity to redress the wrongs of the oppressed. It is not to be supposed that he was' faultless. Like other men, he had his errors and his folUes ; yet he was not willfully stubborn in either. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 419 When convinced of an erroneous position, he was ever willing to yield ; but in theory, as in practice, he contested every inch of ground, and only yielded, when he had no weapons left to meet his antagonist. This trait in his character serves, at least, to prove that he was honest in his conclusions, however erroneous the premises from which they were deduced- The period at which we have now arrived in the life of Gen- Allen places him in a more conspicuous and interesting position before the reader. Previous to this he has been seen only as the zealous friend of the section in which he resided — as the champion of the humble citizen, contending for the rights of individual property, and private justice. In these offices of friendship and duty, however, he had ever the confidence and esteem of his neiglibors. He had evinced a love of freedom, and a spirit of patriotism, which warmly recommended him to the notice and the admiration of the most determined and able advocates of American liberty. That he should have been selected, therefore, as the leader in an enterprise of the highest moment to the cause of liberty, was alike due to his principles, his services, and his position- The battle of Lexington aroused the whole country, and patriots flocked from all quarters to Boston. The General Assembly of Con necticut was then in session, and a plan was there concocted for sur prising Ticonderoga, and seizing the cannon in that fortress for the use of the army then gathering in the vicinity of Boston. The whole plan and proceedings were of a private character, supported by a loan from the public treasury on the bond of private individuals, without the public sanction of the Assembly, but with its full knowledge and tacit approbation. A few men went from Connecticut to Benning ton, and were joined by Allen with about two hundred and thirty Green Mountain Boys. Allen was chosen commander of the expe dition ; Col. Easton was appointed second in command, and Seth Warner, the third. The enterprise was conducted with the most profound secrecy, and sentinels were posted upon all the roads, to prevent any rumor of their approach from reaching the menaced point. A lad of the name of Nathan Beman was engaged as a guide to lead the advancing party to the fort. At dawn of day, only the officers and eighty-three men had crossed the lake. Delay was haz ardous, and AUen resolved not to wait for the remainder of the troops to cross, but immediately led his men quickly and stealthUy up the height to the sally-port, and before the sun rose he had entered the gate, and formed his men on the parade between the barracks. Here 420 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. they gave three huzzas, which aroused the sleeping inmates. When Col. Allen passed the gate, a sentinel snapped his fusee at him, and then retreated under a covered way. Another sentinel made a thrust at an officer with a bayonet, which slightly wounded him. Col. Al len returned the compliment with a cut on the soldier's head, at which he threw down his musket, and asked for quarter. No more resist ance was made. AUen demanded to be shown to the apartment of Capt. Delaplace, the commandant of the garrison- It was pointed out, and Col. AUen, with Nathan Beman at his elbow, who knew the way, hastily ascended the stairs, which were attached to the outside of the barracks, and called out with a voice of thunder at the door, ordering the astonished captain instantly to appear, or the whole gar rison should be sacrificed. Started at so strange and unexpected a summons, he sprang from his bed, and opened the door, when the first salutation of his boisterous and unseasonable visitor, was an order immediately to surrender the fort. Rubbing his eyes and trying to collect his scattered senses, the captain asked by what authority he presumed to make such a demand. " In the name of the Great Jeho vah and the Continental Congress," replied Allen. Not accustomed to hear much of the Continental Congress in this remote corner, nor to respect its authority when he did, the commandant began to speak ; but Allen cut short the thread of his discourse by lifting his sword over his head, and reiterating the demand for an immediate surren der- Having neither permission to argue, nor power to resist, Cap tain Delaplace submitted, ordering his men to parade without arms, and the garrison was given up to .the victors. This surprise was ef fected about four o'clock on the morning of the 10th of May, 1775- As soon as the prisoners were secured, and the bustle of the occasion had a little subsided. Col. Allen sent Col. Warner with a detachment of men to take Crown Point, which object he effected, and took pos session of that post- Col. Allen was engaged in various public services- till the 24th of September, 1775, when he and thirty-eight of his men were taken prisoners in a rash and hazardous attempt to take Montreal. He was carried to England, and afterward brought back again to New York, when after enduring a cheerless captivity of two years and seven months, he was finally exchanged for Lt. Col. Campbell, May 3, 1778. During much of the time he was retained as a prisoner, he, together with those with him, were treated with the greatest bar barity. He was for eight months shut up in the provost jail, a con- HISTORY OP ANCIENT -WOODBUEY. 421 finement of which the prisoners were ever accustomed to speak with disgust and horror. While a prisoner in England, being somewhat anxious as to the disposition that might be made of him, especially as Gen. Prescott had threatened him " with a halter at Tybum," he bethought himself of trying the effect of a stratagem. He asked permission to write a letter to the Continental Congress, which was granted. He depicted in vivid colors the treatment he had received from the beginning of his captivity, but advised Congress not to retaliate, till the fate that awaited him in England should be known, and then to execute the law of retaliation, not in proportion to the small influence of his char acter in America, but to the extent demanded by the importance of the cause for which he had suffered. The dispatch was finished, and handed over for inspection to the officer who had permitted him to write. This officer went to him the next day, and reprimanded him for what he called the impudence of inditing such an epistle. " Do you think we are fools in England," said he, " and would send your letter to Congress with instructions to retaliate on our own people ? I have sent your letter to Lord North." This was precisely the des tination for which the writer intended it, and he felt a secret satisfac tion that his artifice had succeeded. He wished the ministry lo know his situation and his past sufferings, and to reflect that his country men had it in tlieir power to retaliate, in full measure, any acts of violence meditated against his person. A letter on these subjects, written directly to a minister by a prisoner in irons, would not have been forwarded. ' While AUen was on his parole in New York, a British officer of rank and importance sent for him to come to his lodgings, and told him that his fidelity, though in a wrong cause, had made an impres sion upon Gen. Howe, who was disposed to show him a favor, and to advance him to the command of a regiment of loyalists, if he would join the service, holding out to him, at the same time, brilliant pros pects of promotion and money during the war, and large tracts of land in Connecticut, or Vermont, at its close. Allen replied, " that if by faithfulness he had recommended himself to Gen. Howe, he should be loth by unfaithfulness to lose the general's good opinion ;" and as to the lands, he regarded his offer of them as similar to Satan's offer of large landed possessions to the Saviour, when he did not own a single rood, as he was by no means satisfied that the king would possess a sufficient quantity of land in the United States, at the end of the war, to redeem any pledges on that score. The offi'Cer sent him away as an incorrigible and hopeless subject. 422 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. Upon his release from captivity, notwithstanding the strong asso ciations and tender ties, which drew him toward his home and friends, the impulse of gratitude was the first to be obeyed. The Uvely inter est taken in his condition by the commander-in-chief, and his efforts to procure his release, were known to him, and he resolved to repair, without delay, to head-quarters, and express in person his sense of the obligation. The army was at Valley Forge, and as he advanced into the country, on his way to that place, he was everywhere greet ed by the people with demonstrations of strong interest, not unmin gled with curiosity at seeing a man, the incidents of whose life had given him renown, and whose fate, while in the hands of the enemy, had been a subject of public concern. ¦ Gen. Washington received him cordially, and introduced him to the principal officers in camp, who showed him many civilities. This duty discharged, he turned his face toward his long-lost and much-loved home in the Green Mountains. In the evening of the last day of May, he arrived at Bennington, unexjjected at that time by his friends, and a general sensation immediately spread through out the neighborhood. The people gathered around him, and with a delight, which could be realized only under circumstances so pecul iar, he witnessed the joy that beamed from every countenance, and heard the accents of a hearty welcome uttered by every voice. It was a season of festivity with the Green Mountain Boys, and the same evening three cannon were fired, as an audible expression of their gladness. Next day. Col. Herrick ordered fourteen discharges of cannon, " thirteen for the United States, and one for young Ver mont," as a renewed and more ample compliment to the early cham pion and faithful associate of the Green Mountain Boys. Congress was equally mindful of the services and of the just claims of Col. Allen. As soon as he was released from captivity, a brevet commission of colonel in the Continental army was granted him, "in reward of his fortitude, firmness and zeal in the cause of his country, manifested during the course of his long and cruel captivity, as well as on former occasions." The pay arid other emoluments of a lieu tenant-colonel were awarded him during the time he was a prisoner He was also to be allowed seventy-five dollars a month from the date of his present commission, tUl he should be called into actual service. How long this allowance was continued is not now known. It does not appear that he ever joined the Continental army. Ethan AUen arrived at home just in time to buckle on his armor, and enter with renewed vigor into a contest with the authorities of HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 423 New York, in which he had been so conspicuous and successful a combatant from its very beginning, and with aU the tactics of which he was so perfectly famiUar. He was very efficient in numerous ways in the contest with that state, and was greatly relied on to pros ecute the affair to a successful issue. Shortly after his return, he was appointed a general and command er of the militia ofthe state. He was not however entirely occupied with the duties of his miUtary station. At the next election after his return, he was chosen a representative to the Assembly of his state. When peace was restored, he seems to have resumed his agricultural habits, and devoted himself to his private affairs. He was a practi cal farmer, accustomed to labor with his own hands, and submit to the privations and hardships which necessarily attend the condition of the pioneers in a new country. In his retirement he published a work on a series of topics very different from those which had hereto fore employed his pen. The work was entitled, " Reason the only Oracle of Man, or a Compendious System of Natural Religion." In its literary executi6n, it was much superior to any of his other writ ings, and was evidently elaborated with great patience of thought, and care in the composition. It is nevertheless a crude and worth less performance, in which truth and error, reason and sophistry, knowledge and ignorance, ingenuity and presumption, are mingled together in a chaos, which the author denominates a system. Some of the chapters on natural religion, the being and attributes of a God, and the principles and obligations of moraUty, should perhaps be ex cepted from this sweeping remark ; for although they contain little that is new, yet they are written in a tone, and express sentiments, which may screen them from so heavy a censure. From this publi cation and other circumstances, principles of infidelity have been very generally attributed to him. That he mistook some of the errors of the Christian sects for the true doctrines of revealed religion, and that his views, as to the reality and nature of the system itself, were perverted by this misapprehension, is undoubtedly true. But no per- ' son could declare more explicitly his belief in a future state of re wards and punishments, and a just retribution, than he has done in the following, passages : " We should so far divest ourselves ofthe incumbrances of this world, which are too apt to engross our attention, as to acquire a consistent system of the knowledge of our duty, and make it our constant endeavor in life to act con formably to it. The knowledge of the being, perfections, creation and provi dence of God, and the immortality of our souls, is the foundation of our religioh.'' 424 HISTORY OP ANCIENT W^OODBURY. " As true as mankind now exist, and are endowed with reason and under standing, and have the power of agency and proficiency in moral good and evil, so true it is, that they must be ultimately rewarded or punished according to their respective merits or demerits ; and it is as true as this world exists, and rational and accountable beings inhabit it, that the distribution of justice there in is. partial, unequal and uncertain ; and it is conseijuently as true as that there is a God, that there must be a future state of existence, in which the dis order, injustice, oppression and viciousness, which are acted and transacted by mankind in this life, shall be righteously adjusted, and the delinquents suitably punished." Only one edition of this work was ever published, and the greater part of that was destroyed by the burning of the office in wliicli it was printed. It is now rarely to be met with, and the existence of the work upon which Ethan Allen confidently relied for enduring fame, is scarcely known to one in a thousand of those who remember with patriotic pride, the sturdy hero of Ticonderoga. Gen. Allen, who had at various times resided at Bennington, Ar lington and Tinmouth, at last took up his residence at AVinooski. His first wife died during the war. His courtship of his second wife was cliaracteristic. During a session of the court of Westminster, Alien appeared with a magnificent pair of horses, and a black driver. Chief Justice Robinson and Stephen R. Bradley, an eminent lawyer, were there, and as their breakfast was on the table, they asked Allen to join them. lie replied that he had breakfasted, and -while they were at table, he would go in and see Mrs. Buchanan, 'a handsome widow, who was at the house. He entered the sitting-room, and at once said to Mrs. Buchanan, " Well, Fanny, if we are to be married, let us bo about it." " Very well," she promptly replied, " give me time to fix up." In a few moments she was ready ,..and Judge Rob inson was at once called upon by them to perform the customary ceremony. We have thus sketched the principal events in the life of a man who holds a place of much notoriety in the history of his time. His character was strongly marked, both by its excellencies and its de fects ; but it may safely be said, that the latter were attributable more to circumstances beyond his control, than to any original obliquity of 'his mind or heart. The want of early education, and the habits ac quired by his pursuits, in a rude and uncultivated state of society, were obstacles to his attainment of some of the higher qualities, which were not to be overcome- A roughness of manners and coarseness of language, a presumptuous way of reasoning upon aU subjects, and his religious skepticism, may be traced to these sources- Faults of this stamp, and others akin to them, admit of no defense, though when HISTORY OP ANCIENT, WOODBUEY. 425 received in connection with their causes, they have claims to a chari table judgment. Had his understanding been weak, his temperament less ardent, his disposition less inquisitive, and his desire of honora ble distinction less eager, the world probably never would have heard of his faults ; the shield of insignificance would have covered them ; but it was his destiny to be conspicuous, without the art to conceal, or culture to soften his foibles. Yet there is much to admire in the character of Ethan Allen. He was brave, generous and frank, true to his friends, true to his country, consistent and unyielding in his purposes, seeking at all times to pro mote the best interests of mankind, a lover of social harmony, and a determined foe to the artifices of injustice and the encroachments of power. Few have suffered more in the cause of freedom — few have borne their sufferings with a firmer constancy, or a loftier spirit. His courage, even when apparently approaching to rashness, was calm and deliberate. No man probably ever possessed this attribute in a more remarkable degree. He was eccentric and ambitious, but these weaknesses, if such they were, never betrayed him into acts dis honorable, unworthy or selfish. His enemies never had cause to question his "magnanimity, nor his friends to regret confidence mis placed, or expectations disappointed. He was kind and benevolent, humane and placable. In short, whatever may have been his pecu liarities, or however these may have diminished the weight of his in fluence and the value of his public services, it must be allowed, that he was a man of very considerable importance in the sphere of his activity, and that to no individual among her patriot founders is the state of Vermont more indebted for the basis of her free institutions, and the aclrievement of her independence, than to Ethan Allen. He died at Burlington, Vermont, February 12th, 1789, of apoplexy, while yet in the full vigor and maturity of manhood, and his remains rest in a beautiful valley near the Winooski, where his grave is sur rounded by many of his kindred. A plain marble tablet marks the spot, upon which is the following inscription : THE COEPOEEAL PAET OF GEN. ETHAN ALLEN, RESTS EENfeATH THIS STONE. HE DIED THE 12tH day of FEBRUARY, 1789, AGED 50 YEARS. HIS SPIRIT TRIED THE MERCIES OF HIS GoD, IN WHOM HE RELIEVED AND STRONGLY TEnSTED. 28 426 HISTOEY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. HON. SETH P. BEERS, Was born at Woodbury, July 1st, 1781 ; commenced his profes sional studies under the direction of N. B. Benedict, Esq., of Wood bury, August 13th, 1800, where he remained till November, 1801, when he entered the office of Hon. Ephraim Kirby, of Litchfield, supervisor of the internal revenues of the United States for this state ; continued there as a clerk till February, 1803. He then at tended the law lectures of Judges Reeve and Gould, tiU March 20th, 1805, when he was admitted to the bar of this county, and settled in the practice of his profession in Litchfield, where he has since resided. September, 1807, he was married to Belinda, daughter of Reuben Webster. In November, 1803, he was appointed by President Mad ison, collector ofthe direct taxes and internal revenues of the United States, for this county, which office he held until it was abolished in April, 1820. In September following, he was appointed state's at torney for the county of Litchfield, and held that office five years. He was a representative in the General Assembly from the town of Litchfield, in 1820, 1821, 1822 and 1823. At the session of 1821, he was clerk of the House, and in May, 1822 and 1823, was chosen speaker. In 1824, he was elected a member of the Senate of the state, and whUe a member of that body, was appointed assistant com missioner of the school fund, and upon the resignation of the Hon. James HiUhouse, he was appointed sole commissioner, June 1st, 1825, which office he resigned to take effect December 1st, 1849. On receiving his resignation, the legislature, at its session of 1849, passed the following resolves, viz. "Resolved, unanimously, that the thanks of the people of this state be, and they are hereby tendered to the Hon. Seth P. Beers, for his long, laborious and faithful labors as Commissioner of the School Fund." " Resolved, unanimously, that the resignation of Mr. Beers be accepted with the sincere desire on the part of this General Assembly, that the residue of bis Ufe may be as happy as the past has been useful to the people of this state.'' Mr. Beers was an ex-officio superintendent of common schools from May, 1845, to September, 1849, and was one of the presiden tial electors in November, 1836. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 427 CAPT. REMEMBER BAKER, Was son of Remember Baker, and born in Woodbury, June, 1737. The life of Capt. Baker was one of peculiar usefulness. At the age of eighteen he served in an expedition against Canada. He became .a resident of the New Hampshire grants in 1764, where he at once became one of the most infiuential and useful of the leaders of the Green Mountain Boys. On one occasion he was seized by the offi cers of New York, and hastened toward Albany, but his comrades pursued them, and rescued him without opposition. In the com mencement of the Revolution, he was found at the post of duty, but he was destined to fall in the very opening of the contest, at the early age of thirty-five. In Montgomery's operations against St. John's, Canada, he had been sent forward to reconnoiter the enemy's position.- When within a few miles of St. John's, he secreted his boat, with the intention of marching through the woods. He had scarcely left the boat when a party of Indians took possession of it. He called to them to return it, and on their refusal to do so, attempt ed to fire at them, but as he drew up his gun, he received a shot through the head. His companions then fled, and made their way back to the army with the sad intelligence. As an officer and soldier, he was cool and temperate in council, but resolute and determined in the execution of his plans. As a neighbor he was distinguished for his kindness, and his memory was held dear by many families whose distresses he had generously reUeved. DANIEL BACON, ESQ.' North Woodbury has been eminently prospered both as a religious and civil community, and it is well for those who now sit down in the " goodly land," to remember those who fought their battles and won their victories. Of these men Daniel Bacon was the acknowledged leader. It is not, however, as the leader, or man, of a section, that he is to be spoken of, if justice is done him, but as one who was widely and well known throughout this section of the state. He was the son of Jabez Bacon, elsewhere mentioned in this his tory, and inherited a large share of his father's commanding energy. 1 The appropriate place for this sketch is in the preceding chapter, but having been inadvertently omitted there, it is inserted in this place. 428 HISTOEY OP ANCIENT WOODBUEY. He was a plain, strong man — strong in evtery sense. Little polished in manner, educated at a common school, yet famiUar with the world, he well filled the place by providence assigned him. In early life he was a merchant, as was his father before him, and in business added largely to his patrimony, already large ; but he subsequently relinquished this for a semi-public life of ease and indp- pendence, employing his leisure in the care of a large landed estate, on which he resided until his death. It was here providence assigned his place, and this place he filled. In the struggle whence originated the north church, he had a large share of responsibility and labor, which he cheerfully bore. In the community also, as an eminently useful citizen,- he had his place, which he filled with credit to himself. Toward all ecclesiastical expenses he contributed a tenth of the sum to be raised, and said to others, " Come, fill the rest," and it was done. Such a man, one to take the lead, and mark out the way, occupies a position in community seldom appreciated till he is removed from it. He was the friend of every young man in the town. Did a boy, "just out of his time," in a trade, want a hundred dollars, Daniel Bacon gave it to him. Many of these, now first in society in point of wealth and character, leaned on Daniel Bacon's purse and counsel in their " trial day." Blany in political life, had to assemble first, in Daniel Bacon's " old counting-room," in the old store now demolished, and take counsel of his foresight, and catch a little of his vigor, be fore they felt they were well prepared for the fray ; and many, in different parts of the state, still remember him, pushed into the van and bearing the brunt of the fight in the legislature, at Hartford, in those somewhat Hudibrastic contests, for which our legislatures are making themselves every year more and more remarkable. When he died, it was found that men of moderate means, all over the town, were indebted to him,' in small sums from fifty to two hundred dollars, for which he had their paper. Some of it, though regularly renewed, had been outstanding nearly a quarter of a century- This was be cause such persons found it inconvenient to pay, and he let the paper lie to accommodate them. Acts like this, in a man of large wealth) constantly dealing in public stocks elsewhere, where his money was worth double the legal interest, show the usefulness of the individual, and the sort of character he chose to make. It should be added, that he was a sincere Christian, and his monument has no epitaph but that consoling one of " Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord." In private Ufe he was beloved by a large circle of relatives and friends. His doors were always open, his house always full, his tables ever HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 429 groaning under the " old-fashioned profusion." His descendant, now occupying the " old homestead," said to the author the other day, " he could not but hear, almost every hour, as he walked about the grounds, the bustle, and almost roar of active life, that once swelled through the old mansion." Alas, these old-fashioned men of strength and girth, this ancient hospitality of country life, are they not passing from among us ? and do we not forget, in the hum and progress of the present, the old-fashioned, solid, country worth, that gave to such hospitality its greatest charm ? We live, indeed, in a progressive age. Society is hurrying on with great velocity to a state of the highest intelligence, and the most extended power. The author is not of those who fear this state of affairs. He would, however, look back occasionally, receive the light of the past, and never forget the foun ders of that edifice that is so rapidly rearing its top in the sky. Daniel Bacon was born December 8th, 1772 ; he was married to Rebecca Thompson, daughter of Hezekiah Thompson, Esq., else where mentioned in this history, June 22d, 1793 ; he died July 1828. JEREMIAH DAY, D. D., LL. D.' Jeremiah Day, late President of Yale College, was born in New Preston, a parish of Washington, Conn., in 1773. His father, Rev. Jeremiah Day, who graduated at Yale College in 1756, was pastor of the Congregational church "in New Preston, and lived to an ad vanced age, much respected. President Day entered Yale College as a freshman, in 1789, but on account of infirm health, did not com plete his collegiate course with the class to which he at first belong ed. After an absence of several years, he rejoined college, and graduated in 1795. This was the year of Dr. Dwight's accession to the presidency of Yale. By the removal of Dr. Dwight from Greenfield, the school which he had established in that village, and which had flourished very greatly under his instruction, was destitute of a preceptor. Mr. Day was invited to take charge of this school, and continued in it a year, when he was elected a tutor in Williams College, Mass. Here he remained two years. In Yale College, he commenced bis 1 This sketch of President Day is taken from KUbourne's Litchfield Biography. ¦430 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. tutorship in 1798. He had chosen theology as a profession, and while officiating as tutor, began to preach as a candidate for the min istry. On the resignation of Professor Meigs, who had been called to the presidency of the University of Georgia, Mr. Day was elect ed in 1801, to succeed him as professor of mathematics and natural philosophy. At this time Mr. Day was in feeble health, and was obliged to suspend the business of instruction. By the advice of his physician, he passed one winter in the island of Bermuda. In 1803, his health was so far restored, that he entered upon his professorship ; the duties of which he continued to discharge, till the death of Dr. Dwight, in 1817, when he was elected to ihe office of president. He was inaugurated in July of the same year. On the same day in which he was introduced into the presidency, he was ordained,' by the clerical part of the fellows, a minister of the gospel. While President Day was professor, he pubUshed several mathe matical treatises for the use of students in that department, which are used in Yale College, and some, or all of them, are extensively used in other institutions. While he was president of the coUege, he published several occasional sermons, and " An Inquiry respect ing the Self-determining Power of the Will, or Contingent Volition." In 1817, the college in Middlebury, Vermont, conferred on Presi dent Day the degree of doctor of laws, and in 1818, Union CoUege, in Schenectady, the degree of doctor of divinity. The degree of doctor of divinity was likewise conferred on him, in 1831, by Har vard University. President Day occupied his station as president until 1846 — longer than any other head of the college. Yale College has been pecu- Uarly fortunate in its presidents ; and it may be said with truth, that it at no time flourished more, than under the administration of Presi dent Day. His learning and talent united to great kindness of heart, and urbanity of manner, have secured alike the respect and love of the thousands of pupils committed to his charge. HON. THOMAS DAY, LL. D.,' Was the third son of Rev. Jeremiah Day, and brother of the sub ject of the foregoing sketch. He was a descendant, in the sixth generation, of Robert Day, of Hartford, who was bom in England, 1 Kilboum's Litchfield Biography. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 431 came to America among the first settlers in Massachusetts, and joined the company of one hundred persons, who in 1638, removed from Newtown, Mass., to Hartford, Conn., with the Rev. Thomas Hooker, the first minister of Hartford. Thomas Day was born in the parish of New Preston, July 6th, 1777. He passed his child hood and youth under the parental roof, attending the common dis trict school in winter, and laboring with his brothers on a farm in summer. His father and elder brother first instructed him in Latin and Greek ; and he afterward spent some months under the tuition of Barzillai Slosson, Esq., in the neighboring town of Kent. The winter of 1793-4, he passed at an academy in New Milford. Thus fitted for college, he entered the freshman class in Yale College in the spring of 1794, and graduated in 1797, at the age of twenty. During his first year after graduation, he attended the law lectures of Judge Reeve, at Litchfield. From September, 1798, to September, 1799, he was tutor in Williams College, and at the same time, read law under the direction of Daniel Dewey, Esq., of Williamstown, afterward a judge of the supreme court of Massachusetts. In Sep tember, 1799, Mr. Day went to Hartford, read law with T. Dwight, Esq., about three months, was admitted to the bar in December, 1799, and immediately entered on the practice of law in Hartford, where he has resided ever since. In October, 1809, he was appoint ed by the General Assembly, assistant secretary of state ; and in 1810, he was elected secretary of state by the people, and re-elected for twenty-five successive years, or until May, 1835. In May, 1815, he was appointed associate judge of the county court, for the county of Hartford, and annually afterward, except one year, until May, 1825, in which year he was made chief judge of that court, and was continued in that office, by successive annual appointments, until June, 1833. In March, 1818, as one of two senior aldermen of the city of Hartford, he became one of the judges of the city court, and continued such, by successive annual elections, until March, 1831. Mr. Day was one of the committee who prepared the edition of the statutes of Connecticut, published in 1808; and by him the notes were compiled, the index made, and the introduction written. He was also one of the committee, who revised the statutes in 1821, and likewise one of a committee to prepare and superintend a new edition in 1824. In June, 1805, he began to attend the supreme court of errors, for the purpose of taking notes, and reporting the decisions of that court; 332 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBUEY. and he has attended it every year since for the same purpose, tiU the present year. Provision being made by law for the appointment of a reporter, Mr. Day was appointed to that office, June, 1814, and was continued in it till his resignation in 1853. As a volunteer, he prepared and published reports of cases decided by the supreme court of errors, from 1802 to 1813, in five volumes, 8vo. ; and as official reporter, reports of cases decided by the same court, from 1814 to 1853, inclusive, in twenty-one volumes, royal 8vo. He has also edited several English law works, in all about forty volumes, in which he introduced notices of American decisions, and sometimes of the later English cases, either by incorporating them in the text, or by appending them as notes in the margin, together with other iinprovements. Mr. Day's name likewise stands connected with many literary and benevolent institutions. He is, or has been, one of the ti-ustees of the Hartford Grammar School, and clerk of the board ; one of the trustees of the Hartford Female Seminary, and president of the board ; one of the vice-presidents of the American Asylum for the education of the deaf and dumb ; one of the trustees of the Retreat for the Insane ; one of the directors of the Connecticut Bible Socie ty ; president of the Hartford County Missionary Society, auxiliary to the Am. B. C. F. M- ; president of the Conn, branch of the American Education Society ; president of the Goodrich Associa tion, &c., &c. He was an original member of the Connecticut His torical Society, and aided in its organization, in 1825, being at that time its recording secretary. On the revival of the institution in 1839, he became its president, a position which he still retains. Mr. Day was married, March 18th, 1813, to Sarah Coit, daughter of Wheeler Coit of Preston, (now Griswold,) who was a grandson of the Rev. Joseph Coit, of Plainfield, one of the first class of Yalensian graduates. They have had eight children, two sons and six daughters. One of the sons died in infancy. The other gon and aU the daughters but one are living. They are Sarah Coit, born in 1814, residing with her father; EUzabeth, born in 1816, is wife of Prof N. P. Seymour, of Western Reserve CoUege, and resides at Hudson, Ohio ; Thomas MiUs, born in 1817, graduated at Yale, in 1837, was admitted to the bar in Hartford, 1840, and is resident in Boston ; Catherine Augusta, born in 1819, married two or three years since ; Harriet, born in 1821, is the wife of John P. Putnam, LL. B., who graduated at Yale in 1837, and now resides in Boston HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 433 Robert, born in 1824, and died the same year; Mary Frances, bom in 1826, and Ellen, born in 1829, and died in 1850. At the commencement of Yale College, in 1847, the corporation of that institution conferred on Mr. Day the honorary degree of doctor of laws. REV. THOMAS DAVIES, Was the son of John Davies, Jr., and was born in Herefordshire, England, December 21st, 1736, O. S., and removed to this country with his father in the year 1745. He graduated at Yale CoUege in 1758. He was ordained deacon by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Thomas Seeker, in the Episcopal chapel at Lambeth, August 23d, 1761, and ordained priest by the same prelate the foUowing day. Soon after this he returned to America, and entered upon his duties as a missionary of the Society for propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts, at the age of twenty-five, in several of the towns of Litchfield county. The Davies family located in that part of Washington, kno-wn as " Davies Hollow," but the subject of this sketch soon made New Milford his principal place of residence- He continued in the discharge of. the laborious duties of his station, for about four years, when he died suddenly from a disease of the lungs. May 12th, 1766. His pulpit performances were of decidedly superior merit. His personal appearance was prepossessing, his delivery forcible, and the composition of his sermons exhibited marks of scholarship in advance of the generality of preachers of the time in which he lived. He also possessed considerable poetic talent. He was buried in New Milford, and the epitaph on the tablet which covers his remains is an epitome of the history of his short but useful career : " In memory of Rev. Thomas Davies, a faithful servant of Jesus Christ, an active, worthy missionary from the venerable Society in England, who depart ed this life, May 12, 1766, in the thirtieth year of his age. He met death with the greatest Christian fortitude, being supported by the rational hope of a bless ed immortality. " The sweet remembrance of the just,, "Does flourish, now he sleeps in dust. " Vita bene acta, jucvmdissima est recordatio." 434 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. HON. DANIEL EVERIT, Was a native of the parish of Bethlehem, Woodbury. He read law with Andrew Adams, Esq., of Litchfield, afterward chief jus tice of the superior court. He was the second member of the bar in New Milford, whither he removed in 1772, and the first who was regulariy educated to the legal profession. He was chosen a mem ber of the General Assembly four times, viz., in October, 1780, May, 1781, and in May and October, 1783. He was a delegate to the convention which ratified the Federal Constitution. In May, 1790, he was appointed judge of probate for the district of New Milford, which office he held until his death, in January, 1805, in the fifty-seventh year of his age. HON. WILLIAM EDMOND.' William Edmond was born on the 28th of September, 1755, in Woodbury, in what is now called South Britain, adjoining the Hou satonic River. His father, Robert Edmond, of Dublin, in Ireland, and his mother, Mary Marks, of Cork, removed to this country about the year 1750, and settled first in Pennsylvania. In conse quence of difficulties with the Indians, he removed to Woodbury about the year 1753, and bought a tract of land of the Pootatuck tribe of Indians. Robert Edmond had ten children. William was one of the oldest of the family. The youngest son, David, graduated at Yale College in 1796, and became a distinguished lawyer at Ver- gennes, in the state of Vermont- One of the sons settled at Whites- town, N- Y. Very little is known of William until he entered Yale College in 1773. It is a tradition in the family, that he assisted his father in the cultivation of his farm, and at the same time, by the instruction and assistance of the minister of the parish, fitted himself to enter the freshman class, and that he actually was admitted before his father knew anything about it — that he then informed his father of what he had done, and he being highly gratified, consented to his continuing with the class. He graduated in 1777. While he was a member 1 The author is indebted to the Hon. Henry Dutton, of New Haven, for this sketch ; William E. Curtis, Esq., of the city of Ne-w York, a grandson of Judge Edmond, also sent to the author an exceUent sketch of his life. HISTOEY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 435 of college, in the spring of the year that he graduated, he went as a volunteer against the British, who, under Gen. Tryon, had made an incursion to Danbury. The British, having set fire to that town, at tempted to return by the way of Ridgefield. The Americans, under Gen . Arnold, overtook them at the north end of the village in Ridgefield , and a smart skirmish ensued. In this attack, Mr. Edmond took a part, and was severely wounded in the leg above the knee. Of the severity of this wound, some just conception maybe formed, from the following memorandum in his own handwriting : " Wounded at Ridge field, 27th April, 1777. Boarded with Doct. Joseph Perry, of Wood bury, from November 9, 1780, to January 17, 1781. During this time or about the latter part of it, my wound, which had continued painful by turns in the extreme, discharging daily large quantities of pus, and occasionally small fragments of bone, was laid open. The thigh-bone near the knee-joint, was found broken entirely off in two places, about three inches apart; the intermediate bone divided or split lengthwise into three pieces- Three pieces were extracted, to gether with about one-third of an ounce ball which was wedged in between them. These pieces the doctor retained as a trophy of his surgical skUl. Scales of the bone followed, when the ulcer ceased." Tradition says, that soon ' after the engagement, a French surgeon undertook to examine the wound, and injured a tendon, which result ed in a lameness from which Mr. Edmond never recovered — that afterward, at the time mentioned in the memorandum, a council of surgeons met and decided that the leg must be amputated — that they left the house to attend church, expecting to perform the operation the next morning — that during their absence, Mr. Edmond resolved, as he afterward said, not to have it done, as he thought life, after such a loss, would be a burden ; obtained possession of their surgical in- strumen.s, scraped a large quantity of lint, and with a patience and determination which few men possess to an equal degree, cut with his own hand into the wound until he discovered the piece of baU lodged between the bones. Becoming faint, he applied the lint> bound up the wound, and awaited the return of the surgeons, when the lead and the pieces of bone were extracted. The wound healed up, but he was always afterward lame to a considerable extent. When he was wounded he was in a field, probably near the north end of the village of Ridgefield, and was left upon the field. He in formed me that he found himself unable- to leave the ground or ob tain any assistance. Night came on with a bleak, cold wind. To shelter himself from it, he crawled to a small ravine, which had been 436 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. formed by a current of water, but which was then dry, and lay down in its bed. Notwithstanding the pain of his wound, it was with the utmost difficulty, on account of the drowsiness produced by the cold, and the faintness caused by the loss of blood, Jhat he could keep awake. He exerted himself to the utmost, knowing that sleep, un der such circumstances, would be the certain precursor of death. As soon as the light dawned in the morning, he discovered some per son looking round for plunder. Mr. Edmond raised himeslf, and caUed to the man to come and help him. The man, alarmed by this unexpected apparition, started to run from the field. Mr. Edmond drew up his musket, and aiming it at him, ordered him to stop or he would shoot him dead. This produced the desired effect, and the man, who lived in the vicinity, assisted him to a neighboring liouse. After Mr. Edmond had remained in the house a short time, a ser geant, with a file of soldiers, came into the room where he and sev eral other wounded soldiers were, and informed them that he had di rections to take them in a wagon to a different place, and, according to my impression, to Danbury. Judge Edmond, in relating this inci dent, said that he was satisfied he never could survive such a journey, in such a vehicle, over a rough road, and he was determined not to go, and so informed the officer. The officer took the other wounded soldiers, and proceeded toward the bed on which he was lying, say ing that he must obey his orders. He once more had recourse to his trusty musket, and ordered him to keep his distance, or he would be a dead man. No man that ever encountered the eye of Judge Ed mond, even in old age, would, under such circumstances, be inclined to advance. The officer, muttering with an oath that he might stay and die, left the room. After he had some^vhat recovered, but was still unable to go abroad, he said he was in a room with two men, who were making baU cartridges. Whether this was at Ridgefield or not, I can not rec oUect. As he was lying on his bed, he discovered that they were fiUing the cartridges from an open keg of powder, and that one of them was unconsciously smoking a pipe, on the tobacco of which was a live coal, which seemed every instant liable to drop into the pow der. Mr. Edmond slipped sUently from the bed, crawled behind the man, and without uttering a word, seized the bowl of the pipe in his hand, and thus secured the coal. The man started and wished to know what he meant ; when he informed them of the danger to which they had been exposed. The men turned pale as death, aE.d darted HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 437 from the room, and it was a long time before he could persuade them to return to their occupation. After he had recovered sufficiently to be removed, he spent some time in reading chiefly theological and medical works, and resided for a while in Fairfield. Some of the members of the bar, regarding him with kindness and sympathy, suggested that he should offer him self for admission to the bar, although he had read very little on the subject of law. He adopted this suggestion, and after a slight exam ination, was admitted. He established himself in Newtown in May, 1782, and took an office in the dwelling-house of Gen. John Chand ler, on the west side of the street, and a little north of the place where he afterward erected a dwelling-house and resided until his death. An incident occurred soon after, which illustrates clearly the charac ter of the man. A company of soldiers had, for some purpose, been stationed in Newtown. They became insolent, and trampled on the rights of the citizens, but no one dared to bring them to justice. One of the inhabitants finally applied to Mr. Edmond, and obtained a writ against one of the soldiers, which was served upon him. In a short time, the captain, dressed in his regimentals, with his sword in his hand, -ivalked into Mr. Edmond's office, which was a chamber, and demanded haughtily what he meant by such conduct. He inforiried the captain that he had sued one of the soldiers, and should treat the others in the same way if they trespassed on the citizens. The cap tain raised his sword, and swore that his soldiers should not be sued by a damned limping lawyer. Judge Edmond was over six feet in height, with large shoulders and limbs, and a Herculean frame. In relating to me what followed, he raised himself from his chair and took it in his hands, and the impression which his lofty figure and de termined look made upon me, will never be effaced. He said he was sitting in an old-fashioned kitchen chair, with high round posts, which had become somewhat rickety by use. He took one of the posts in his hand, and with his foot, cleared it in an instant from the rest of the chair. Seizing the post in his right hand, he raised it over the captain's head and ordered him to quit his office without delay. The captain hesitated a moment, but concluded that the better part of valor was discretion, and commenced a retreat. Mr. Edmond fol lowed him down stairs, and untU he had passed through the gate into the street. Here the soldiers, who had witnessed the conclusion of the enterprise, greeted the mortified captain with a loud shout. The people of the town had no difficulty afterward with the troops, but 438 HISTOEY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. the captain found it expedient to make his peace with Mr. Edmond, to prevent being dismissed from the service. At a town meeting held soon after he opened an office, some one, to put a joke or a slur upon him, nominated him as " hog-hayward." One of the old inhabitants objected, upon the ground that it would give him a settlement in the town. Whether the mover fared as bad as one who years afterward objected to a similar appointment of the late Hon. Roger M. Sherman, in Norwalk, has not been ascertained. On that occasion, Mr. Sherman hoped the objection would be with drawn, and the question tried, that he might know who would be under his charge as hayward. The course which Judge Edmond informed me he took, soon after he commenced practice, was always mentioned to his credit. An in habitant of the town applied to him for a writ against a neighbor, who as he said, had carried away his hog-trough. Mr. Edmond suggested to him, that he had better wait a while, and see if his neighbor would not bring it back ; but the man insisted on a writ- Mr. Edmond then asked him what the trough was worth. He said, half a dollar. He handed the client half a doUar, and told him the neighbor would now keep the trough. He married a daughter of Gen. Chandler, November 30th, 1784, and by her had a daughter, who married Col. Elias Starr, of Dan bury. His wife soon afterward died. He married again February 14th, 1796, a daughter of Benjamin Payne, Esq., of Hartford. By her he had two sons, one of whom died when about twenty-one years of age, and the other is a practicing physician on Long Island, and three daughters, the eldest of whom is the wife of Hon. Holbrook Curtis, of Watertown, and the second of Dr. C. H. Booth, of New town. Mr. Edmond, soon after he commenced, was engaged in an exten sive and lucrative practice. Wild speculations in lands, fraudulently represented as being finely located in Virginia, but afterward discov ered to be situated on the Blue Ridge, or over some superior title, had just exploded, and numerous lawsuits were the consequence. Many ofthe inhabitants of Newtown had been engaged in the specu lations, and Mr. Edmond was uniformly employed on one side or the other. In 1797, he was elected a member of Congress, and contin ued in that office four years. He belonged to the old federal party, and never wavered for a moment in his allegiance to it, tiU it was dis solved. He never forgave John Q. Adams for his aUeged defection from it. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 439 He was in Congress at the great struggle between Jefferson and Burr. Report says that after the balloting had been continued dur ing nearly the whole night, one of the friends of Jefferson came up to Mr. Edmond, and inquired how long they were to be kept baUoting. "TiU the day of judgment," was the immediate reply. There is no doubt he would have been one ofthe last to yield in the struggle. After his return he was repeatedly a member of the councU, which then acted as a court of errors, until 1805, when he was appointed a judge of the superior court. He retained this office until the change in politics in 1819, when he was left out with other distinguished men. From this time, he never would accept of an office, nor receive a fee for services or advice. He devoted his time to agriculture and gen eral reading. No man in the town could swing a scythe or handle a pitchfork with greater skill and effect. When he was seventy years old, he fell down the chamber stairs of his house, and broke the neck of his thigh bone. He lay for weeks in great suffering, unable to turn himself in bed. His patience and fortitude during his trials were such as I never before witnessed. Sometimes he was quite playful in his remarks. On one occasion he told me his window gave him, while in bed, a good view of a shop where liquors were sold. He remarked that he could discover to what grade of drunkards the visitors belonged. The hardest set would be seen, groping their way to slake, or rather to stimulate their burning thirst, at the earliest dawn. At broad daylight the next in order would come, while the moderate drinkers would wait till sun rise. After being confined to his bed for eight months, he was able to move about on crutches, and this he continued to do till his death. His sufferings, writes his attending physician, for several months be fore his death, were excruciating, but he died in the full possession of his reason, Augustlst, 1838, aged eighty-two years and ten months. His habits of industry were such that I have found him in his wood- yard, supporting himself with one crutch, while with the other he would draw small sticks within his reach, and then with an ax, cut them up. It is humiliating, in view of his services and sufferings, to add, that he was allowed as a pension only the miserable pittance of twenty shillings a month, that being the sum which, in the opinion of the judge of the cbunty court, he was entitled to, as corresponding with the degree of his disability conipared with that of one wholly disabled. Being, although not poor, in somewhat straitened circum stances, in consequence of his inability to earn anything by labor, when he was seventy-eight years old, he applied to the secretary of 440 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. war, to ascertain whether the perision law would admit of such a con struction as would aUow his pension" to be increased ; but he added, "that if the only possible mode of obtaining relief would be by an ap plication to Congress, perhaps he should never trouble them, as the time occupied in the discussion might cost the United States more money than would suffice to render an invalid, old and infirm as he was, comfortable the remainder of his days." Judge Edmond was a remarkable man. It is rare that so many exceUencies have been united in one individual. He was plain and unassuming in his man ners, mild and amiable in his deportment, just and honest in his deal ings, and honorable and magnanimous in his feelings. He was con stant in his attendance on divine service, in the Congregational meeting-house, and always manifested the highest respect for reli gious institutions. His family regarded him with an affection and respect, amounting almost to veneration- His talents were far above mediocrity. I have heard the older members of the bar speak of his eloquence when his feelings were excited, as greater than that of almost any other lawyer in the state. His reputation was high as an impartial and sound judge. The few written opinions of his which are to be found in the reports, make no display of learning, but are characterized by good sense and sound judgment. But it was as a patriot and a man that he was chiefly worthy of commiemoration. It has never been my fortune to meet with any one for whom I entertained such profound and unmingled respect. He came nearer to the perfection of character which raised Gen. Washington so much above other men, than any other person within my observation. He was the very embodiment of the spirit of '76. Nothing base or dishonorable would stand a moment in his presence. No man ever so forcibly called to my mind those words of Horace, " Justum et tenacem propositi virum, Non civium ardor prava jubentium, Non vultus iiistantis tyranni, Mente quatitsolida." " The man of just and steadfast soul. Will scorn alike the mob's control, And tyrant's frowns." His independent spirit would never suffer him to stoop to beg a favor to save his life. He would rather have raked a support from the ground, with his fingers, than have owed it to charity or injustice. No wonder that when such men were to be found, liberty was secured. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 441 He was indeed a great and good man, and in all respects a model worthy of imitation. The following is a fac-simile of his autograph : ISAAC GILBERT GRAHAM, M. D., Was the son of Dr. Andrew Graham, and born in Southbury par ish, Woodbury, September 10th, 1760. He studied medicine under the direction of his fatlier, and entered upon the active duties of his profession. He was an assistant surgeon in the army, under Gen. Washington, at West Point. He was present at several engage ments, and when he retired from the army, he received from Gen. Washington and other officers, the highest proof of their respect and esteem. At the close of the war, he commenced practice at Union- ville, N. Y., where he lived for more than sixty years. His was a career of constant usefulness and benevolence. With the numerous excellences he exhibited as a patriot of the Revolution, a benevolent physician, a kind friend and adviser, in every doinestic relation, he united the more important characteristics of a sincere and humble be liever in the Christian faith. lie realized that the highest of human enjoyments is a faithful and persevering devotion, and that no rapture on earth can equal the rapture of piety. He died at Union- ville, Westchester county, N. Y., September 1st, 1848, aged eighty- eiffht years. HON. JOHN A. GRAHAM, LL. D., Was son of Dr. Andrew Graham, and brother of the above. He devoted himself to the practice of the law, and resided in the city of New York, engaged in the active duties of that profession for many years. He was an energetic and successful lawyer. The degree of doctor of laws was conferred on him by a foreign university. He was a kind and hospitable man — a " gentleman of the old school," in 29 442 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. every sense of the word. For a further account of Dr. Graham, the reader is referred to the genealogy of the " Graham family," in the next chapter. HON. JOEL HINMAN, Is the son of Col. Joel Hinman, and was born January 27th) 1802. The colonel was a patriot of the Revolution, and received a musket ball in his-^thigh, which he carried for nearly thirty-three years. It finally became troublesome, and Dr. Anthony Burritt performed a surgical operation upon him and extracted it. It is now in the pos session of his relict. Widow Sarah Hinman, of Southbury. He left with it, at his decease, a scrap of paper, on which is written the fol lowing : "This ball I rec'd in my left thigh, near the groin, on the 17th day of April, 1777, at the time tho British burnt Danbury, which struck on a bayonet, which hung on my thigh, and was taken out on the 30th day of March, 1810, by Doct. A. Burritt. Joel Hinman, a native of Southbury— A. D. 1810." The subject of this sketch devoted himself to the study of the pro fession of law, and practiced it for a number of years, at Waterbury, Conn. He married a Miss Scovill, of that town. He was appointed a judge of the superior court, in 1842, which office he now holds. He is at present a resident of New Haven. CAPT. ELISHA HINMAN, Of New London, Conn., was born in " ancient Woodbury," parish of Southbury. The date of his removal from his native town, with two of his brothers, was about the year 1760. He commanded the Cabot, a continental brig, in the first naval expedition under the au thority of Congress, fitted out at New London, January, 1776, and commanded by Commodore Hopkins. He was a veteran of the sea before the commencement of the Revolution. He succeeded Paul Jones in the command of the ship Alfred, which he was unfortunately obliged to surrender to the Ariadne and Ceres, on a return voyage from France, March 9th, 1778. Being carried a prisoner to Eng land, after a short confinement, he found friends who aided his escape HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 443 to France, whence he returned home, and engaged for a time in pri vate adventures. In 1779, he went out in the privateer sloop, Han cock, owned by Thomas Mumford, and had a run of briUiant, dashing success. In 1780, he took command ofthe armed ship Deane. In 1779, Captains Hinman and Havens took the Lady Erskine, a brig of ten guns, having cut her off with their sloops Hancock and Beaver, in sight of the harbor of New London, from a fleet of twenty-one sail, which was passing toward Rhode Island, under convoy ofthe Thames frigate of thirty-six guns. After the war, Capt. Hinman and other commanders, casting aside the apparel of war, entered into the meiv cantile line. Hinman was afterward in the revenue service. He died in 1807, aged seventy-three.' LAURENS HULL, M. D., Was the son of Dr. Titus Hull, and born in Bethlem, June 6th, 1779. He studied medicine with Doctor David Hull, of Fairfield, was licensed to practice physic and surgery by the Connecticut State Medical Society, May, 1802, removed and settled in Oneida county. New York, in November of that year, where he practiced his profes sion until 1836, when he removed to Angelica, Allegany county, the place of his present residence- In the year 1813, he was elected a member of the Assembly from the county of Oneida. In 1817, he was elected delegate to the State Medical Society, and was twice re elected to the same office, each term being four years in length. In 1824, he was elected a permanent member of the same society. In 1825, he was again elected to the Assembly. In 1826, he was elected Fellow of the College of Physicians and Surgeons ofthe University of the state of New York. In 1827, he received the honorary degree of doctor of medicine, from the regents of the same university. In 1828, he was elected a commissioner to the general assembly of the Presbyte rian church, which met at Philadelphia. He was twice elected vice president of the New York State Medical Society, and twice presi dent of the same. He was in 1837, elected a senator of the state of New York, for four years, from the 6th senate district, composed of the counties of Allegany, Broome, Cattaraugus, Chemung, Chenango, Livingston, Steuben, Tompkins and Tioga. In 1852, he was a mem ber of the general assembly of the Presbyterian church, which met at 1 Miss Caulkms' History of New London, Conn. 444 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Washington city, in May. He married in 1803, Dorcas, daughter of David Ambler, Esq., Bethlem, Conn. Her mother was sister of the Rev. Benjamin Wildman, of Southbury. REV. LEVERETT HULL, The fifth son of Dr. Titus Hull, was born at Bethlem, December 3d, 1796, graduated at Hamilton College, studied theology at Auburn Theological Seminary, was licensed to preach, and became an able .and successful minister of the gospel. He died at Sandusky City, Ohio, of cholera, after an illness of only eleven hours, September 3d, 1852. HON. ANDREW C. HULL, Fourth son of Dr. Titus Hull, held the office of first judge of the court for Allegany county. New York, for five years. He has held other offices of honor and responsibility in the community where he has resided. He has held the office of postmaster under four differ ent administrations. He is a man of intelligence and much ability. GEN. ELIAS HULL, Third son of Dr. Titus HuU, was born in Bethlehem society, April 3d, 1786 ; was a captain in the war of 1812, having volunteered with an independent company, which he raised for one year. He served with reputation as an officer, and afterward received a commission as a brigadier-general in the mUitia of New York. He now resides in Alabama, where he is a practicing attorney. He is a man of more than ordinary mental and acquired abiUties. SAMUEL J. HITCHCOCK, LL. D., Was a native of Bethlem, a graduate and a tutor in Yale College. He was for many years an instructor of law ui that institution before his death in 1846. He was mayor of the city of New Haven, judge ofthe county court, and a commissioner of bankmptcy under the > na tional bankrupt law. HISTOEY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 445 REV. PHILO JUDSON, Is the son of Philo Judson, and was born in Woodbury at a house which formerly occupied thfe site of Horace Hurd's new house. He graduated at Yale College in 1809, and settled in the ministry at Ashford, Conn-, in 1811. Here he continued to labor in his high caUing for twenty-one years, during which time the church was vis ited with numerous revivals of reUgion. He was dismissed from this church on account of ill-health. He was again settled at Willimantic, having been previously settled for a short time, at another place. At the close of Dr. Chapin's ministry he was called to Rocky Hill, Conn. During a revival, which followed, he was again prostrated by a severe attack of bleeding from the lungs. Since that time he has preached very little, but has traveled about the country for his health, introducing standard books into the common and other schools. Mr. Judson was a classmate of Dr. Nettleton, and has labored much with him during seasons of revival of religion in various places. There are few ministers, whose labors have been so success ful in adding members to the Christian church. More than 1600 individuals have been gathered by him within its portals. Surely the laborer has had his reward. REV. SAMUEL JUDSON. Rev. Samuel Judson, son of Benjamin Judson, was born in Wood bury, in the year 1767. He received the honors of Yale College,in 1790, and was ordained and installed minister at Uxbridge, Mass., in 1792. He labored in this field of the gospel, faithfully and success fully, forty years. Mr. Judson held a respectable standing among the ministers of his age. He was very famiUar with the Scriptures, was sound in the faith, and plain in his exhibitions of gospel doc trines in the pulpit. He was truly a godly man. He loved the work to which his divine Master had called him. The character of Christ, as displayed in the work of redemption, was the loved theme of his preaching and conversation. Mr. Judson possessed many amiable traits of character. His kind disposition and his benevolent heart endeared him, not only to his own family and people, but also to all with whom he held intercourse. He was beloved in life ; and, at his death, he was universally lamented. 446 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. REV. ALBERT JUDSON. Rev. Albert Judson, late of Philadelphia, was a native of Wood bury. He was born in September, 1798. His father, Dea. Benja- ijain Judson, an eminently pious officer in the north church, made an early and formal consecration of this son to the work of the gospel ministry. While yet a child, he evinced an uncommon fondness for study ; and, at a suitable age, he was sent to Litchfield to be pre pared for college. It was while here that his attention was arrested, and that he was led to give up his heart to God. Soon after, he made a public profession of his faith in Christ. He received the honors of Yale College at the age of twenty-three. He prosecuted his theological studies in tbe city of New York. There he com menced his public labors as an agent for the Sunday School Union, and continued in it& employ several years. When he entered this interesting field of labor, the whole business of Sabbath school in struction was in its infancy. No suitable text-books for the assist ance of teachers were then published. To this beloved brother, the Christian church is indebted for the first systematic course of Scrip ture questions, adapted to this purpose. He felt the necessity of such a work ; he meditated upon it ; he asked counsel of God in secret ; and the result was, the volumes entitled " Judson's Ques tions," were thrown from the press into the hands of superintendents and their associates. The work was highly commended, and exten sively used, in our country. It was republished in England, and was the means of giving an impulse to the cause of Sabbath schools in that country, beyond any work which had then been published. The author has often been heard to express the opinion, that the season of his labors in the cause of Sabbath schools, was the most important and useful portion of his ministry. In November, 1832, he took the pastoral charge of a church in Philadelphia. Here his labors were attended with a signal blessing. Year after year, the revivmg influences of God's spirit, in a greater or less degree, were shed down upon his people- There was a rare combination of exceUencies, in this beloved man. He possessed, naturally, a good mind — he had a warm heart. His disposition was amiable and cheerful, to a high degree. As a scholar, and as a theologian, he stood in the higher class of ministers. As a Christian, few indeed, if any, have been more pious and devo ted. As a preacher, he was plain, solemn, direct, impressive. The earnest manner, in which he presented and pressed home the truths ' HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 447 of the gospel, was eminently adapted to carry the conviction to the minds of his hearers, that his whole soul was intent on the glory of God in their salvation. As might naturally be expected of such a man, he loved revivals of religion, and warmly engaged in all the benevolent enterprises of the day. His last sickness was protracted and painful ; and while others had no hope of his recovery, he could not believe that his divine master had no more work for him to do in his vineyard. But when told that his physicians had pronounced his case hopeless, he cheer fully said, " Then I must set my house in order." To his oldest son he said, " Remember as you look down into your father's grave, the solemn charge which I now give you, to read the Bible daily on your knees." The last utterance of his dying Ups to his distressed wife was, " Cast yourself at the door of God's providence — he wiU sus tain you — Christ is precious — in his atonement, is all my hope." REV. EVERTON JUDSON. The subject of this notice, was the son of Asa and Sarah Judson, and was born in Woodbury, December 8th, 1799. ,He was descended on both sides from pious ancestors. His paternal grandfather, Ben jamin Judson, is represented to have been an eminently devoted Christian. His maternal grandfather, Matthew Minor, held the office of deacon in the Congregational church of Woodbury, for the space of forty-three years, and died at the advanced age of eighty- three years. Mr. Judson was the eldest of six children, and in his youth was prompt, decided, unyielding in his opinion, jocose and sarcastic. His moral character and conduct were always unexcep tionable- He commenced his preparation for college in the spring of 1822, entered the sophomore class at Yale College, in the faU of 1823, and graduated at that institution in 1826- During his course of study at college and at the Theological Seminary, he was exceedingly diffi dent, rarely, if ever, taking any part in public literary exercises. At the close of his second year at the seminary, he became an agent of the American Sunday School Union, to travel in the west. In the summer of 1829, having previously returned to Connecticut, he was ordained as a missionary to the Home Missionary Society in 448 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Woodbury, by the Litchfield south consociation. He again went to Ohio, and commenced preaching at Milan toward the close of that year, and was connected in ministerial labor with the church in that place, ;tillthe close of his Ufe. He was an active laborer in the field allotted to him, and spent his life in projecting and carrying into execution plans of usefulness. He died August 20th, 1848. He was a good preacher, holding a ready pen, and having an ability at the same time, to interest and instruct in extemporaneous efforts. His temperament was ardent, and his conception of things strong and lively. His power of description was great, nor was his sarcas tic power less remarkable. When he chose, he could assail vice with a merciless torrent of satire. He excelled in the discharge of pastoral duties. His whole soul was in his work, and he guarded with watchful care the people committed to his charge. He had great tact in approaching men of all classes and conditions. He was impetuous in his feelings, and tenacious of his purpose. In fine, he was an excellent specimen of an energetic, practical man. It is not deemed necessary to extend this sketch, as an exceUent memoir of Mr. Judson, by Rev. E. P. Barrows, Jr., has been published, to which the reader is referred. REV. ADONIRAM JUDSON, Was bom in Woodbury, and baptized July 15th, 17^0. He grad uated at Yale College in 1775, received the honorary degree of Master of Arts from Harvard, in 1782, and was pastor of the Con gregational churches in Maiden, Wenham and Plymouth, Mass., un til 1817, when he became a Baptist, resigned his charge, and died soon after. His son. Rev. Dr. Adoniram, graduated at Brown Uni versity, in 1807, and recently died, after having been a faithful and successful foreign missionary, in the Burman empire, for forty years.' REV. EPHRAIM JUDSON, The eldest child of Elnathan and Rebecca Judson, was born De- 1 Eev. Dr. Wayland, President of Brown University, is preparing the memoir of this eminent ihan. It will be looked for with interest by the reUgious community. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 449 cember 5th, 1737, and according to primitive New England usage, was baptized the next Sabbath. He was brother of the preceding, and graduated at Yale College in 1763. His first settlement in the ministry was over the second church in Norwich, Conn., as the suc cessor of Doctor Whittaker. He commenced his labors in Taunton, Mass., some time during the year 1780- These labors for the space of ten years, the period of his settlement, were of a very decided and positive character. In the pulpit, and out of it, Mr. Judson left the mark of a strong mind upon everything he touched. His peo ple were never at a loss to know what he believed. He was the very man to make warm friends, and was just as sure to have impla cable enemies. His eccentricities are remembered by those who have forgotten his excellencies. He was stern and apparently severe, but not without a good degree of moderation and mildness. He was very precise in all his pro ceedings. Notwithstanding his marked pecuUarities, and undesirable oddities, Mr. Judson had many redeeming qualities, which made him not only as a preacher, but as a citizen and a neighbor, a very desirable and useful man. One who knew him well, says of him, " His temper was kind and hospitable, and his deportment courteous. Occasion ally, he was exceedingly interesting in the pulpit, discovering great learning and logical acuteness. His manner, when he commenced, was slow and indolent, but always solemn ; as he proceeded, he be came animated, and seldom failed before the close, to produce a deep interest in his hearers." Mr. Judson was dismissed from his pastoral charge in Taunton, December 28th, 1790. He was subsequently settled in Sheffield, Mass., where he continued in the ministry, until his death, February 23d, 1813, in the seventy-sixth year of his age, after a long service in the ministry of nearly fifty years. He was considered a learned divine, an acute logician, and an evangelical preacher. He was mUd, courteous and hospitable. By his numerous friends he was deemed a wise counselor, an active peacemaker, and a sincere Christian.' 1 This sketch is extracted from a late al 'e and interesting -work by Eev. Samuel Hopkins Emery, entitled " The Ministry of Taunton," Mass. 450 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. HON. EPHRAIM KIRBY, Was born in Judea society, Woodbury, on a fai-m now owned by Andrew Hine, Esq. The cellar over which the house stood stUl ex ists. It is situated about eighty rods from Gen. Daniel B. Brins made's dweUing-house, and to this day goes by the name of the " Kirby Farm.'" His father was a farmer in moderate circumstan ces, and Ephraim was employed on the farm during his boyhood. At the age of nineteen, fired with the patriotism which burst into a flame throughout the country, on the news of the battle of Lexing ton, he shouldered his musket, and marched with the volunteers from Litchfield to the scene of conflict, in time to be present at the battle of Bunker Hill. He remained in the field until independence was achieved, with only a few intervals, when he was driven from it by severe wounds. He was in nineteen battles and skirmishes — among them, Brandywine, Monmouth, Germantown, &c., and received thirteen wounds, seven of which were saber-cuts on the head, in flicted by a British soldier at Germantown, where Kirby was left for dead upon the field. These " honorable scars," he carried with him through life. At the close of the Revolution, he rejected with indignation the offer of pecuniary assistance to speculate in soldiers' certificates, by which he might have amassed wealth without labor. He would not tarnish the glory of the cause of freedom, by thus taking advantage of the necessities of his comrades in arms — preferring, penniless as he was, but conscious of the fire within, to take a more congenial road to eminence. By the labor of his own hands, he earned the price of his education. He was for some time a member of Yale College, and in 1787, received the honorary degree of Master of Arts, from that institution. Mr. Kirby studied law in the office of Reynold Marvin, Esq., who had been king's attorney before the war, and who relinquished the office for the purpose of engaging with all his might in the great struggle for independence. After he was ad mitted to the bar, Mr. Kirby was married to Ruth Marvin, the excel lent and. accomplished daughter of his distinguished patron and pre ceptor. 1 Mr. Kilbourne, in his " Litchfield Biography," from which most of this sketch is taken, says Mr. Kurby was a native of Litchfield, but the birthplace here given, is weU attested by th% best authority. HISTOEY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 451 In 1791, Col. Kirby was for the first time elected a representative to the legislature — a post of honor and responsibility to which he was subsequently re-chosen at thirteen semi-annual elections. As a legislator, he was always distinguished for the dignity of his de portment, for his comprehensive and enlightened views, for the liber ality of his sentiments, and for his ability, firmness and decision. On the election of Jefferson to the presidency, in 1801, Col. Kirby was appointed supervisor of the national revenue for the state of Connecticut. About this period, he was for several years a candi date for the office of governor. Upon the acquisition of Louisiana, the president appointed him a judge of the then newly organized territory of Orleans. Having accepted the station, he set out for New Orleans ; but he was not destined to reach that place. Having proceeded as far as Fort Stoddard, in the Mississippi territory, he "was taken sick, and died October 2d, 1804, aged forty-seven — at a period when a wide career of public usefulness seemed opening upon him. His remains were interred with the honors of war, and other demonstrations of respect. While in the practice of law in Litchfield, in 1789, he published a volume of reports of the decisions of the superior court and su preme court of errors in this state. This was a novel undertaking, being the first volume of reports ever published in this country. It was executed with faithfulness, judgment and ability, and is stiU re garded as authority in all our courts. Col. Kirby was a man of the highest moral as well as physical courage — devoted in his feelings and aspirations — warm, generous and constant in his attachments — and of indomitable energy. He was, withal, gentle and winning in his manners, kindly in his disposition, and naturally of an ardent and cheerful temperament, though the last few years of his life were saddened by heavy pecuniary misfortunes. As a lawyer, he was remarkable for frankness and downright honesty to his clients, striving always to prevent litigation, uniformly allaying irritation and effecting compromises, and only prosecuting with energy the just and good cause, against the bad. He enjoyed the friendship of many sages of the Revolution, his correspondence with whom, would form interesting materials for the history of his time ; but, unfortunately, almost all of it was lost at sea, between New York and St. Augus tine, some twenty-five years ago. A few letters to and from Presi dent Jefferson are, however, still preserved by Col. Edmund Kirby,, of Brownville, N. Y., which are interesting as showing the relations 452 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. of confidence existing between the subject . of this notice, and that great statesman. Mrs. Kirby died at Litchfield, in October, 1817, aged fifty-three. NICHOLAS S. MASTERS, ESQ., Was born in the parish of Judea, Woodbury ; was educated at Yale College, where he graduated in 1779 ; read law with Daniel Everitt, Esq., and settled in New Milford in the practice of his pro fession, immediately after his admission to the bar, about the year 1785. He continued to practice there until his death, Sept. 12, 1795, in the thirty-eighth year of his age. He was a member of the Gen eral Assembly in May, 1792, and again in May, 1794. REV. ELISHA MITCHELL, D. D., Is a native of Judea society, Washington ; graduated at Yale Col lege in 1813, and is now Professor of Natural Philosophy in the Uni versity of North Carolina, residing at Chapel Hill. The materials for a sketch of Prof. Mitchell have not reached the author. REV. JUSTUS MITCHELL, V. D. M., Was a native of Woodbury, graduated at Yale College in 1776, married a sister of Roger Sherman, signer of the Declaration of In dependence, and was settled over the Congregational church of New Canaan in 1783, Avhere he continued to reside till his death in 1806. He was a talented and useful man in the sphere of his labors. The following inscription, copied from his monument in the old graveyard in New Canaan, contains an epitome of the history of his life and character. "In memory of the Rev. Justus Mitchell, A. M., V. D. M., pastor of the Church of Christ in New Canaan, who died suddenly in the hour of sleep, 24th September, A. D. 1806; in the fifty-second year of his age, and twenty-fifth of his ministry. In death was lost to his consort, an aflectionate and beloved hus band ; to his children a kind, revered parent, counsellor and guide ; to his flock a faithful, learned and venerated pastor ; to the Church of Christ a bright or- HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 453 nament and example; to the poor a liberal benefactor ; to tlie disconsolate a comforter and friend. " In doctrine uncorrupt, in language plain. And plain in manner, decent, solemn, chaste. Affectionate in look, and much iinpress'd. By him the violated law spoke out Its thunders ; and by him in strains as sweet As angels use, the gospel whisper'd peace." REV. FREDERICK MUNSON, Was born in Bethlem, graduated at Yale College in 1843, studied theology at East Windsor and New Haven, was licensed to preach in 1845 by the Hampshire Association in Massachusetts, and was or dained over the Congregational church in North Greenwich, Sept. 22, 1847. REV. RUFUS MURRAY, Is the youngest son of Philo Murray, Esq., and was born at Wood bury in 1796. His education was completed under the instruction of Rev. Dr. Brunson, who was at the hfead of the institution at Chesh ire, where most of the clergy of the Episcopal denomination at that day were educated, it being at that time the only institution in Con necticut under the patronage of that church. He followed his fam ily to Ohio, and was ordained deacon by Bishop chase, in 1822. He was soon after called to the rectorship at St. Paul's Church, Mayville, Chatauque Co., New York, where he received priest's or ders from the Rt. Rev. Bishop Hobart. He remained in western New York, discharging his ministerial duties with pleasure to him self and profit to his church, many years. He is now settled at Adrian City, Michigan, in a fiourishing parish, much esteemed as a faithful and popular preacher, and much beloved by his parishioners. COL. AMASA PARKER, Was bom in 1784, in that part of Ancient Woodbury known as Judea society, in the neighborhood of the HoUisters, Hazens, Hines 454 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. and Royces. He was named Amasa, after his father, and had a brother Daniel, a clergyman and teacher in Sharon, many years since. The latter left one son, Amasa J. Parker, who is one of the justi ces of the supremo court, and resides at Albany, N. Y. He studied his profession with the subject of this sketch, and has distinguished him self as a jurist. Thomas, grandfather of Col. Parker, removed from Wallingford in 1756, and lived in Judea till his death in 1788. He left six sons, Peter, Thomas, Amasa, Abner, Joseph and Daniel, all of whom were whigs of the Revolution. After the war, Peter moved to the state of New York. Col. Parker graduated at Yale College in 1808, read law princi pally in the law school of Judges Gould and Reeve, at Litchfield, and was there admitted to the bar. He shortly afterward removed to Delhi, Delaware County, N. Y., and has ever since resided there, being a period of forty years. He has devoted himself wholly to the practice of his profession, in which he has become eminent, and en joyed an extensive practice. He has never sought office, but has nevertheless held several offices, civil and military. He was for eight years, surrogate for Delaware county. In 1847, after the adop tion ofthe present constitution of New York, he was offered the nom ination for justice of the supreme court, on a ticket which was sure of an election ; but he declined the nomination, choosing rather the honors of a successful legal practice, and the quiet enjoyment of pri vate life. COL. HENRY PERRY, A youthful and gallant hero, who was killed on the confines of Mexico in 1817, whUst bravely contending for the cause of civU lib erty in that interesting section of America, was from his earliest youth a resident of Woodbury. Col.' Perry was one of those heroic and chivalrous youth, whose courage springs from the noblest impulse of nature, an enthusiastic love of Uberty, and a generous sympathy for all who are the unfortunate subjects of despotic power. He was engaged as a volunteer in the glorious defense of New Orleans, and after the peace, joined the patriot army of Mexico. He had the command of a detachment of men under Mina, and was distinguished for his zeal, his courage, and his enterprise, during the short career of that unfortunate general, whose fate, and that of the gallant Perry's, HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 455 were associated by that providence which governs the destinies of man.' REV. GEORGE E. PIERCE, D. D., Is a native of that part of Ancient Woodbury now included in the town of Southbury. He graduated at Yale College in 1816, studied theology, and settled in Harwinton ; preached there some years, when he was elected President of Western Reserve College, Ohio, which office he still continues to hold, The degree of Doctor of Divinity was conferred upon him a few years ago by Middlebury College. REV. CHARLES PRENTICE.^ Was born in Bethlehem society, Woodbury, in 1778, and graduated at Yale College in 1802. Small and rather feeble, but symmetrical in form, he had a pleasant and honest countenance, suggestive of Na thaniel, whom our Saviour saw under the fig-tree. A man of uncom mon gift in prayer, he had his " conversation in the world" by the grace of God, in simplicity and godly sincerity. With a sound mind, a warm heart, and devoted piety, it seemed to be his meat and drink to do the will of his Heavenly Father. In the pulpit and in the so cial meeting, he spoke with great ease and earnestness. As his man ner everywhere among his people was very affectionate, he could " reprove, rebuke and exhort," with little risk of giving offense. The poet has well described his pastoral course, in saying of " the good minister :" " Prompt at every call. He weeps and watches, prays and feels for all ; And as a bird each fond endearment tries To tempt its unfledged offspring to the skies. He tries each art, reproves each dull delay. Allures to brighter worlds, and leads the way." The last sickness of Mr. Prentice, long and painful, he bore with much Christian patience, and with assured hope and faith. His cov- 1 NUes and Pease's Gazetteer of Connecticut and Rhode Island, p. 267, 2 Rev. Mr. Yale's Discourse at Litchfield, July, 1852. 456 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. enant God was with him in the furnace to purify and not consume ; to brighten his graces, and complete his preparation for the faithful minister's home. After thirty-four years of arduous labor, the much- loved and highly useful minister of South Canaan, passed to his rest. May 29, 1838, aged sixty years. MAJOR AMOS STODDARD. The subject of this sketch, while on a visit to England, gave con siderable attention to the investigation of the history of his ancestry. He found that his English ancestors were Puritans, and traces them back to 1490, at which time one of them lived in the hamlet of Mot- tingham, in Kent, about seven miles from London Bridge, where he owned some three hundred or four hundred acres of land. One of the descendants of the latter, Anthony vStoddard, emigrated to Bos ton, Mass., where he died, about the year 1676. From that period to the present, a very full genealogy of the family was prepared by Elijah W. Stoddard, in 1849, in which year he graduated at Amherst CoUege. The principal part of that publication will appear in the genealogies, which will be found in the next chapter of this volume. Major Stoddard was born at Woodbury, Oct. 26, 1762. His father was Anthony, third son of Eliakim, who was the second son of Rev. Anthony, the first of the name that settled in Woodbury. His mother's name was Read, a half-sister of Richard Smith, of Rox bury parisli, father of Judge Nathaniel Smith. When he was a few months old, hi? father removed to Lanesborough, Mass. In an auto biography of himself, he says, " that if in childhood he possessed any valuable qualities, they were a strong memory and an aptness at ac quiring whatever he aimed at. That at eight years of age he was able to read the Scriptures with fluency, and with a passable pronun ciation. His memory secured and retained whatever he read." As an illustration of the latter faculty he says, " The batties of the Jews made strong impressions on my mind, and I used to recite from mem ory the whole of the books of Samuel, Kings and Chronicles. The prayers I heard at school in the- daytime, I frequently repeated to my mother in the evening. I was more than once called on to recite the sermon I had just heard, and always succeeded — once indeed in the presence of the parson, who had his notes before him." But, he says, " If my mind was tenacious, I wanted ideas. If my ear was HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 457 pleased with hearing, or reading an eloquent sermon, or any other composition, my mind was too weak to profit by it ; and I remember to have read many poetic effusions, which filled me with warmth and animation, though I did not comprehend their meaning. Perhaps this is the case with all children ; but I mention these trifles to show that the lapse of forty years has not erased them from my mind." Notwithstanding Major Stoddard's low estimate of his intellectual powers, as indicated in these extracts, yet it is unquestionably true, that he possessed no ordinary mind, as his after life, and the estima tion in which his litei'ary and scientific attainments w'ere held by oth ers, abundantly show. He entered the army early in 1779, as a pri vate soldier, before he was seventeen years of age, and was mustered into service at West Point by Baron Steuben. Illustrative of the spirit by which he and thousands of others were actuated at that eventful period, he states, that he was at the time small of his age and fearing tliat his small stature would induce the baron to reject him, he " gathered the dirt under his heels," to increase his height. He remained in service until the army was disbanded, when he re turned home a non-commissioned officer, less than twenty years of age. During his service in the army, he contracted no habits of dis sipation ; and notwithstanding the vicissitudes of several arduous campaigns, the vigor of his constitution was much increased, so much so that he was six feet in height, and possessed of so much vigor of body, that a march of forty miles a day created little or no fatigue. In the spring of 1784, he removed to Boston, and obtained a clerk ship in the office of the supreme court, under Charles Cushing, a brother of the .chief justice, and was a member of his family for two years, during which time he studied diligently, and laid the foundation of an education which rendered him an able writer. During the same period, he wrote much for the newspapers, and so ardent was he in the acquisition of knowledge, that in one year he read one hun dred and fifty volumes. In 1786, the Shays rebellion began to rear its head, and Congress authorized the raising of two regiments of infantry, to be commanded by Cols. Jackson and Humphrey. In one of these. Major Stoddard was commissioned as an ensign, and was actively engaged under Gen. Lincoln in suppressing it. After the suppression of that once cele brated, but now almost forgotten outbreak of popular feeling; Mr. Stoddard returned to Boston, and went thence to England in 1791 and 1792. After his return from Europe, he resumed his studies, and in AprU, 1793, he was admitted to the bar, and afterward in 1798) 30 458 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. he was commissioned, by the president, a captain in the second regi ment of artillerists and engineers, and was promoted in 1806 or 1807, in the same regiment, to the rank which he held at the time of his death. On the 24th of January, 1804, Major (then Capt.) Stoddar(}, re ceived a commission as first civil commandant of Upper Louisiana, from Gov. Clairborne, who, as " Governor of the Mississippi terri tory," exercised the powers of " Governor-General and Intendant of the province of Louisiana," and under that authority, he repaired to St. Louis to receive the surrender from the French authorities of that portion of the newly ceded territory, together with the pubUc ar chives. Here, for a considerable time, he exercised all the powers of government, to the general acceptance of the inhabitants. He re mained at St. Louis, and on the other side of the Mississippi, in com mand, and as " intendant," two or three years, and then returned to the seat of government. He was soon stationed at New York, and in the garrisons in the neighborhood, until the commencement of the war of 1812. While he resided in the west, he gathered materials, and afterward published a volume entitied " Sketches, historical and descriptive, of Louisiana, by Major Amos Stoddard, U. S., M. P. S., and New York Historical Society." This work was published at PhUadelphia, and the preface bears date, " Fort Columbus, 1812." At the time of its publication, and for several years afterward, it was a standard au thority on the subjects of which it treats, and is still regarded as a valuable addition to the history of the country, exhibiting its author in a favorable light as a writer. At the commencement of the war of 1812, Major Stoddard had be come wholly unfit for active field service, and he was, at the time of his death, an exceedingly corpulent man. When the government had determined upon a prosecution of the war on the western frontier, and appointed Gen. Hull to the com mand on that line of operations, Major Stoddard was selected from, the engineer corps, and ordered to Pittsburg, to superintend and for ward from that military station, the ordnance, materials, &c., which should be judged necessary for the prosecution of the campaign, with the understanding, that he should not- be required to go any farther west. But upon the surrender of Hull, the emergency was so press ing, and Fort Meigs was so important as a military post for the pro tection of aU the settlements south of the lakes, in Ohio, that he was ordered to repan to that post, and prepare it for a defense against HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 459 the attack which it was anticipated would be made upon it, by the combined British and Indian forces. It was doubtless owing greatly to Major Stoddard's judicious and scientific preparation of the fort for attack, that Gen. Harrison was enabled to make his successful de fense. During this siege, in 1813, Major Stoddard received a wound, of which he died. The foregoing sketch has been compiled from copious minutes kindly furnished the author by Col. Henry Stoddard, of Dayton, Ohio. He obtained them from the papers of Major Stoddard, which came into his possession after much inquiry for them for many years. His military chest, containing the.=-o papers, shamefully mutilated, and many of them partially destroyed, was found at the house of a nephew of his in Mahoning county, Ohio. Others have been found among the papers of^the late Judge Lawless, of St. Louis,Mo. Many of them are of much historic value, and are to be sent to an appro priate place for preservation, by Col. Staddard. COL. HENRY STODDARD. This gentleman, now residing in Dayton, Ohio, is a descendant of the Rev. Anthony Stoddard, and was born at Woodbury, in 1786. In common v/ith others he attended the district school. Necessity lent her aid in forming his character, his father, Capt. Asa Stoddard, be ing unable to afford any greater facilities of education than those at that period found in tlie district school-house. At about 'fifteen years of age, he was put into a store at Roxbury, under the control of Isaac E. Judson, then extensively engaged in commercial pursuits. He remained in this employment until about the year 1813, when Mr. Judson's failure in business changed his destiny. He had im proved essentially in this occupation, and with commendable perse verance attained considerable progress under the teaching of the Rev. Mr. Swift, the Congregational minister at Roxbury. About 1813, he commenced the study of the law in the office of Royal R. Hinman, Esq., then a practitioner at Roxbury. He was admitted to the bar at Litchfield, about the year 1815, and soon after opened an office at Kent, in Litchfield county, where, following his profession with tact and perseverance, he attained a fair practice ; but he felt he was formed for a larger theater than his native county afforded, and in 1818, he left Kent, to seek his fortune in the "far west." On 460 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. horseback, in company with Hon. George B. Holt, he left Connecti cut, pursuing his journey to what was then deemed the " ultima thule." He reached Dayton, Ohio, then a village of some 600 in habitants, and opened an office, as did Judge Holt. The usual re wards awaiting industry, perseverance, tact, sagacity and prudence, followed, and he won confidence, employment and respect. Perhaps no man so well understood the potency of a single word, ''smig," in its best sense. He finished all he undertook, and finished it as early as it could be accomplished. Possessing shrewdness, a discriminating and refiecting mind, he attained wealth by his professional labors alone. He was distinguished for professional excellence in the large judicial circuit in which he practiced. About the year 1825, he was advised that Major Amos Stoddard had probably left a large landed estate at St. Louis, and was solicited by those entitled to inherit from Major Stoddard, to undertake the agency of examining the title, and vindicating it. He repaired to St. Louis, and found that the estate of Major Stoddard would ulti mately be of immense value. Before he buckled on his armor for the conflict, he laid aside from his own fortune fifty thousand dollars, that should remain a fund for his family, not jeopardized by the fate of this operation. After a stern collision of master minds in this ju dicial combat, he was successful, and the Major Stoddard title was established by the supreme court ofthe United States. In 1851, the whole estate was sold under a decree in chancery for nearly nine hundred thousand dollars. This large fund, of course, afforded legiti mate means of acquisition, and Mr. Stoddard found himself from a poor forlorn boy in 1810, able in 1850 to set himself down as a mil lionaire. His fortune is estimated at eight hundred thousand dollars. His industry and perseverance have become habitual, and he enjoys this great possession with the consciousness that fortune has not accidentally bestowed it. An early friend who introduced him at Dayton, recently remarked to him, that he possessed all the elements of human happiness, the largest fortune, the handsomest wife, and the most intelUgent family of any man in Ohio. Mr. Stoddard is preeminently a business man. He was a mem ber of the Ohio legislature for a few sessions, but always looked to better things than political influence, and its "beggarly account of empty boxes." HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 461 HON. PERRY SMITH, Was a native of Judea, Woodbury, and settled in the practice of the profession of the law, in New Milford, Conn., soon after his ad mission to the bar of Litchfield county, about the year 1807. He was elected a member ofthe General Assembly, in the years 1822 and 1823, and again in the years 1835 and 1836. During the latter session, he was appointed a Senator of the United States, for six years from the 4th of March foUowing. He was also appointed judge of probate for the year 1833, and again for the year 1835. On being elected Senator, he gave up the practice of the law, which he had pursued until that time. HON. NATHAN SMITH,' Of New Haven, was born in Roxbury parish, Woodbury, in an old house, which formerly stood nearly opposite the dwelling-house of Mr. Ezekiel Beardsley, in the year 1770. He was a son of Richard Smith, and brother of the late Hon. Nathaniel Smith, whose biogra phy appears in this volume. His mother was a daughter of Benja min Hurd, and. grand-daughter of Benjamin Hinman, of this town. The parents of the subject of this sketch were poor, plain, unaspiring people, yet among their descendants have been some of the most em inent lawyers and statesmen ofthe commonwealth. On arriving at a suitable age, Nathan was transferred from other pursuits to the office of his brother, and afterward to that of Judge Reeve, to learn the " art and mystery" of the lavV ; and in due time he was admitted to the bar of his native county. He commenced the practice of his profession at New Haven, where he continued to reside till his death. Slowly but surely he won his way to the high est professional eminence. Indeed, he was an enthusiast in the pro fession he had chosen, ever regarding success therein, as the goal of his ambition. Consequently he studied the standard legal authors of England and America, thoroughly and systematically. No practi tioner in the Connecticut courts better understood the law in all its intricacies, and no one could more "effectually impress the minds of a jury with his own views and feelings on any case than he. The the- 1 This sketch of Mr. Smith is taken from KUbourne's Litchfield Biography. 462 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. oretical and practical, the profound and witty, were so happUy blended in his arguments, that while they attracted the admiration of the lis tener, they were almost certain of securing the wished for verdict. His wonderful success at the bar, however, must not be attributed solely to his talents arjd ingenuity. His strict regard for justice and right, would not permit him to plead a case which he knew to be grossly unrighteous. Before enlisting his services in any cause, he was wont to examine minutely the main facts and circumstances con nected with it, and if convinced of its justice, he entered upon the discharge of his duties to his client with his whole soul, and rarely faUed of coming off victorious. It was his own manifest confidence in the goodness of the cause he advocated, united to a knowledge of his uniform integrity of purpose, which so surely won from every jury a favorable verdict. Mr. Smith was not a politician, and had tfie utmost contempt of the office-seeking propensitj^ of many of his legal brethren. And ' even if his own ambition had been turned into that channel, it is by no means certain he would have been successful. The political party with which he acted, was for a long series of years in the minority in the region in which he lived ; and where party lines are closely drawn, a zeal for place and power not unfrequently triumphs over merit. His name was sometimes, without his consent, used by his fellow-citizens, in the political struggles of the times. In 1825, he was a principal opponent of Oliver Wolcott, for the office of governor of Connecticut. There were, however, some offices more directly in the line of his profession, which he did not dislike, though he was far from seeking them. He was for many years state's attorney for the county of New Haven, and subsequently United States attorney for the district of Connecticut. In these stations, hii^ peculiar genius and learning were often rendered conspicuous. In May, 1832, Mr. Smith was elected a Senator in the Congress ofthe United States, to succeed the Hon. Samuel A. Foote, whose term of office would expire on the 3d of March foUowing. He took his seat in that distmguished body, March 4th, 1833, and continued to discharge the duties of that station until December 6th, 1835, when he died suddenly in the city of Washington, in the sixty-sixth year of his age. In 1808, Mr. Smith received the honorary degree of master of arts from Yale CoUege. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 463 HON. TRUMAN SMITH, Is son of Phineas Smith, and was born in Roxbury. He gradua ted at Yale College, in 1815, read law in the office of Hon. N. B. Benedict, and at the law school of Judge Reeve, and was admitted to the bar of Litchfield county. He immediately settled in practice at Litchfield, where he became eminent in his profession, which he pursued with great success at that place, till his public duties caused him to reUnquish it a few years ago. In 1 839, he was elected a member of Congress, which office he held four years. He was again elected a member of Congress in 1845, and served by re-election till 1849, when he was elected a Senator of the United States for the term of six years, which office he now holds. HON. WILLIAM A. THOMPSON, Was the son of Hezekiah Thompson, Esq., and born in Woodbury. After graduation at Yale College he removed to the state of New York, and became honorably distinguished in the place of his adop tion. A further account of him will be found In the genealogy of the Thompson family, in the next chapter. HON. JAMES WATSON,' Was born In Judea society, Woodbury, fitted for college with Rev. A. R. Robbins, of Norfolk, and graduated at Yale College, In 1776, He was an officer of the Revolution, at the close of which he settled in New York city, and there became a wealthy merchant. He was appointed naval officer, and a director of the bank of the United States. In 1798, he was elected a Senator in Congress, and died in 1806. His parents are both buried in a little retired graveyard, about half a mile south-west of Bantam Lake, in Litchfield, under a red-stone tablet erected by their distinguished son. 1 Extracted fVom KUbourne's Litchfield Biography. 464 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. HON. FREDERICK WHITTLESEY,' Was born in New Preston society, Washington, June 12th, 1799- When about ten years of age, Frederick commenced his preparation for college, and studied at first under the tuition of Rev. Dr. Backus, of Bethlem, and subsequently under the direction of Rev. Samuel Whittlesey, of his native parish, and Rev. Daniel Parker, of Ells worth society, Sharon. He graduated at Yale College, in 1818, and soon after entered his name iis a student of law In the office of Bleek- er & Sedgwick, In Albany, New York, and after remaining there about nine months, he became a member of the Litchfield Law School. At the end of one year he took up his abode with his kins man, Robert Campbell, Esq., of Cooperstown, New York, with whom he finished his legal education, and was admitted to the bar at Utica, October, 1821. During the whole course of his professional studies, he was distinguished for his application, and profited by the advan tages aUowed him. lie was not only well qualified for the bar, but in the mean time he had reviewed the classics, devoted much time to general literature, and had to a considerable extent practiced in the art of composition. After his admission to the bar, Mr. Whittlesey spent about three months in his father's house in Connecticut, revolving in his mind where he should commence business- He finally opened an office in Cooperstown, and remained there about nine months- Not meeting with the desired success, he removed to Rochester, where he has ever since resided. Mr. Whittlesey was elected a representative to Congress in 1830, from the district composed of the counties of Monroe and Livingston ; and was re-elected In 1832. Having served his constituents in this capacity for four years, with distinguished ability and general accept ance, his congressional career terminated March 4, 1835. In 1839, the legislature of the state of New York passed a law cre ating the office of Vice Chancellor of the eighth judicial circuit, and Mr. Whittlesey was appointed to that office by the governor and sen ate. He continued to discharge the duties of this appointment eight years, when the office ceased under the provisions ofthe new consti tution. Immediately upon ceasing to be vice chancellor, he was ap pointed by the governor and senate a judge of the old supreme court, 1 This sketch is taken from KUboume's Litchfield Biography. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 465 which continued In existence till July, 1848. In January, 1850, Judge Whittlesey was appointed professor of law in Geneva college. HON. ELISHA WHITTLESEY, Is a native of New Preston society, Washington. While he was a child, his parents removed to Salisbury, Conn., where his boyhood was chiefly spent. He early qualified himself for admission to the bar, and commenced the practice of his profession on the Western Reserve in Ohio. He rose rapidly In public estimation, and was soon universally esteemed, not only for his soundness and ability as a lawyer, but as a gentleman of singular uprightness and disinterest edness of purpose. In 1823, Mr. Whittlesey was elected to Congress from the Re serve, and was continued a member of that body by successive re-elec tions, for eighteen years. As a useful and indefatigable legislator, Mr. Whittlesey had no superior In Congress — perhaps not his equal. His whole time and study were directed to the furtherance of the public good. Ever anxious to promote the best interests of the peo ple, and expedite the true course of legislation, he never annoyed the house for mere purposes of declamation. Stern integrity, benevo lence and morality are to be read in his features, and his whole life has been a comraentary and an Illustration of his physiognomy. Upon the election of Gen. Harrison to the presidency, Mr. Whit tlesey was appointed auditor of the United States treasury for the post office department. He consequently declined a re-election to Congress, and March 19,1841, he entered upon the duties of his new office, and remained In their faithful and efficient discharge until near the close of President Tyler's administration, when he resigned. In 1845, he was appointed general agent and director of the Wash ington National Monument Society. His energetic and systematic efforts in behalf of this grand national enterprise, contributed in an eminent degree to Its success. In 1849, Mr. Whittiesey was ap pointed first comptroller of the treasury of the United States, and he still continues to discharge the complicated and responsible duties of that Important office.' 1 Tills sketch is extracted principally from Kilbourno's Litchfield Biography. 466 HISTORY OF ANC-IENT WOODBUEY. The following list of natives and residents of " Ancient Wood bury," have borne the several offices, and been engaged In the vari ous professions, at home or abroad, set against their names. The places to which those went who have emigrated from the town, or their present places of residence, are annexed when. known. In the Ust, the following contractions are used. N. Native of Woodbury. N. S. " " Southbury since its incorporation. N. B. " " Bethlem " " " N. J. " " Judea Society since town was incorporated. N. N. P. " " New Preston Society, " " N. R. " " Roxbury, " " R, Resident of Woodbury, present limits. R. S. " " Southbury since its incorporation. R. B. " " Bethlem, " R. J. " " Judea Society " R. N. P. " " New Preston Society " R. R. " " Roxbury " N. Allen, Gen. Ethan, Col. in the Revolutionary army. N. Atwood, Anson S., Clergyman, Mansfield, Conn. R. " Jonathan, Physician. N.~ " Garwood H., M. D. N. "._ Henry C, Surveyor of the port of New York, and Inspector of Customs. R. Abernethy, Roswell, M. D. R. " John J., M. D., Surgeon in United" States Navy. R. Andrew, Samuel R., Clergyman, New Haven, Conn. N. " Samuel W., Lawyer, " " " R. Andrews, Samuel A., Physician — went to North Carolina. N. Bacon, William T., Clergyman. R. Backus, Azel, D. D.,- Clergyman. R. S. Butterfield, Oliver B., Clergyman. BuU, Thomas, Major in the Revolutionary Army. R. Benedict, Noah, Clergyman. N. " Noah B., a distinguished Lawyer and Senator. N. " Thomas, Col. United States Army. N. Beers, Seth P., Lawyer : School Fund Commissioner 25 years. N. " Zachariah, Poet, N. Botsford, Charles, M. D. N. R. Blakesley, Sammis, Lawyer. — R. Bishop, Reuben, Physician. R. N. P. Boardman, Charles A., Clergyman. R. Bedient, Butler, Physician. > HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 467 R. J. Brinsmade, Daniel, Clergyman. N. J. " Daniel N., Lawyer and Judge. R. Bellamy, Joseph, D. D., Clergyman. -^.- N. " Jonathan, Lawyer, died Revolutionary war. N. B. " .Joseph H., Lawyer. N. B. " David, Clergyman, New York City. R. S. Baldwin, Nathan C, M. D. N. J. " WiUiam, Clergyman. R. Burritt, Anthony, Physician. N. S. " Anthony B., M. D. N. B. Brown, Garret G., Clergyman. R. B. Bissell, George G., M. D. N. R. Booth, Henry, Lawyer, Towanda, Penn. R. BrowneU, Grove L., Clergyman. R. Brownson, , Physician, Small Pox Inoculator. R.J. " Ira v., Physician. R. N. P. Bushnell, Horace, D. D., Clergymin, Hartford, Conn. N. N. P. " George, Clergyman, Worcester, Mass. N. Bostwick, Isaac W., Judge, Lowville, Lewis Co., N. Y. N. R. Biakeman, WiUiam N., M. D., distinguished Physician, N. Y. City. R, Bronson, Tillotson, D. D., Clergyman. R. Burhans, Daniel, D. D., " R. BuU, Edmund C, " N. " Thomas, Judge of Probate and a Magistrate for 25 years. R. Babbitt, P. Teller, Clergyman. R. B. Berry, J. D., R. S. Clark, Daniel A., Clergyman. N. " John, " Waterbufy. N. " Jehu, " Newtown and New Milford. N. " Heman, Physician. N.J. Calhoun, George A., Clergyman, Coventry, Conn. N. J. " Henry, " Ohio. N. J. " John, Physician, Judea. R. B. CatUn, Conant, M. D. R. B. " Lyman," M. D. V N. B. " WiUiam C, M. D., and Teacher in the West. N. Castle, SUas, Physician. R. B. Couch, Paul, Clergyman. ' V- N. B. Crane, Robert, M. D., Naugatuck, Conn. R. Canfield, Thomas, Clergyman. R. ChurchiU, John, " R. Curtiss, Lucius, " R. S. Cazier, Matthias, " N. Camp, Joseph, " Norlhfield, Conn. R. B. Cheesbrough, R. M., M. D. N. N. P. Cogswell, William, Lawyer. N. " Frederick W., Lawyer, Ohio. R. N. P. Chittenden, Frederick, 468 HISTOEY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. R. Cothren, William, Lawyer. R. B. Crane, Joel, Physician. R. N. P. Campfield, Robert B., Clergyman. R. Coxe, Richard, " R. B. CoveU, Joseph S., " « R. N. P. Day, Jeremiah, Clergyman. N.N. P. " Jeremiah, D. D., LL. D., Ex-President of Yale College. N. N. P. " Thomas, LL. D., Sec. of State 25 years, and Rep. of Decisions. N. N. P. " Mills, Tutor of Yale College. ? N. N. P. " Henry N., Tutor and Professor Western Reserve CoUege. N. R. Downs, Myron, M. D. R. J. Davies, Thomas, Clergyman, New Milford. N. J. " Thomas J., went to Ogdensburgh, Sheriflf. N. J. " Charles J., Prof. Mathematics at West Point, andauthor of fifteen or twenty scientific works. N. J. " John, Graduate of West Point. N. J. " Thomas, M. D., Redding, Conn. N. Deibrest, Marcus, Jr., Physician, Blackwell's Island. N. R. Davidson, David B., Clergyman, Strectsborough, Ohio. K. Dowdney, John, " N. J. Easton, Rufus, Delegate in Congress for Missouri. R. Eastman, Azariah, Physician. N. " Josiah R. N. R. " John R , " PawUng, N. Y. N. R. " Rich-ardH., " went to Pennsylvania. N. Edmond, WiUiam, Lawyer and Judge of Superior Court. N. " David, " Vergennes, Vt. N. Everitt, Daniel, ¦' " New Milford. R. Fuller, Samuel, D. D., Clergyman, Andover. N. J. Fenn, Frederick J., Lawyer, Harrisburgh, Pa. R. Fairchild, Stephen B., Physician. R. R. Foot, George L., Clergyman. R- " , Physician. R. Fansher, Sylvanus, " N. Fowler, Parlemon B., M. D. N. " Warren R., M. D. N. " Remus M., M. D. N. " Henry, M. D., South Bend, Indiana. N. J. Ford, Seth P., Physician, Sandwich Islands. N. N. P. Farrand, WiUiam P., A. M., extensive Bookseller, Philadelphia. R. R. Fenn, Aaroo W., Physician. N. Eraser, William, Lawyer, Illinois. R. Flint, Seth, Clergyman. R. B. Frisbie, WiUiam Henry, Clergyman. R. Graham, John, Clergyman. E" " Andrew, Physician. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 469 N. Graham, .Tohn A., LL. D., Lawyer. R. " Chauncey, Clergyman. R. Gilbert, Sturges, " R " Raphael, " N. Galpin, Samuel, " R. Gridley, Horatio, M. D., Berlin, Conn. R. Garrow, John L., Physician. R. J. Gray, Cyrus W., Clergyman, died at Stafford. N. J. Goodsell, Thomas, M. D., Professor in Hamilton CoUege. N J. " Isaac, M. D., Woodbridge, Conn. N. Galpin, Leman, M. D., Milan, Ohio. R. Glover, Bennett, ©lergyman. N. Hinman, Noah, Justice of the quorum five years. N. " Edward, Lawyer. N. S. " Edward, Lawyer and Judge of N. Haven County Court. N. " Timothy, Judge twenty years in Vermont. N. " Gen. Ephraim, Capt. in Revolution. N. " Royal R., Secretary of State, Author, and distinguished Antiquarian. N. " Joel, Superior Court Judge. N. " Elisha, Capt. in Navy ; New London. N. " Curtis, Lawyer and State Senator. N. " WiUiam, Associate Judge N. H. County Court, from 1831 to 1835. N. " Benjamin, Colonel in Revolutionary War, N. S. " Robinson S., Lawyer. N. S. " Simeon, " N. S. " Sherman, " died in Mississippi in 1832. N. HuU, Andrew C, Judge of the County Court, Allegany County, N. Y., for five years. N. " Leverett, Clergyman. N. " Gen. Elias, Captain in the war of 1812, now a Lawyer in Alabama. R. B. " Zephaniah, Physician. N. B. " Titus, " N. B. " Laurens, M. D., Angelica, N. Y. ' N. B. " Charles, at first M. D., and then Baptist Clergyman. N. R. Hurd, Curtis, Phy^sician. N. R. " - Nelson L., M. D. N. R. " Theodore C, M. D. N. R. " Frederick W., Physician, Brooklyn, N. Y. N. R. " Munroe, Lawyer. N. B. Hard, David B. W., M. D. N. B. Hitchcock, Samuel J., Lawyer and Judge N. Haven County Court. E,. " Solomon G., Clergyman. R. J. Hayes, Gordon, Clergyman, now of Vermont. R. Hastings, Seth, M. D. N. J, " Thomas, Professor Sacred Music, New York. 470 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. N. J. Hastings, Seth. M. D., Paris, N. Y. N. J. " Orlando, distinguished Lawyer, Rochester, N. Y. N.J. " Eurotus, President Bank, Detroit, Michigan. R. Huntington, Daniel, Physician. R. Huxley, Asahel M., M. D., went to Goshen. N. J. HoUister, Gidepn H. , Lawyer and Author, Litchfield. N. J. David F., Lav/yer, Salisbury, R. B. Hotchkiss, , Physician. R. B. Hawley, Benjamiji, Surgeon. R. " William; Lawyer. R. B. Harrison, Fosdick, Clergyman, R. HartweU, Samuel E., Lawyer and Broker, New York City. N. Hill, Charles J., Mayor of Rochester, N. Y. R. Ha.rriman, Frederick D., Clergyman. R. R. Isham, Austin, Clergyman. R. B. Ingersol, David B., Lawyer. R. Judd, Bethel, D. D., Clergyman. R. J. " Reuben, Clergyman. R. " WiUiam H., " N. Judson, Gen. David, Grad. Yale CoU., Capt. in Revohition. N. " Adoniram, Clergyman, Mass. N. " Philo, " Rocky Hill, Conn. N. " Ephraim, " Sheffield, Mass. N. " , Samuel, " Uxbridge, Mass. N. " Albert, " Philadelphia. N. " Everton, " Milan, Ohio. N. " Benjamin B. " / N. " Gould C, " Berlin, Ohio. N. " Frederick, M. D., Vermont. N. " Charles A., Sheriff of Litchfield County. N. " David, Jr.; went to St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., President of Bank, and Sheriff of the County. N. " George H., Lawyer, Texas. N. S. Johnson, Amos M. " R. B. Jones, Isaac, Clergyman. H N. Kirby, Ephraim, Lawyer; U. S. Judge, Louisiana. N. Knowles, Thomas, Physician. R. Keese, James D., Lawyer. R. B. Langdon, John, Clergyman. N. B. " Timothy, M. D., Naugatuck, Conn. R. J. Lyman, Ephraim, Clergyman. N. J. Lemmon, Sheldon, M. D. N. R. Leavenworth, Isaac, Lawyer, New Haven. N. R. " Alston, Physician, State of New York. N. " Thomas, " N. N. R. Me N.N.N. B. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 471 R. Leavenworth, Thaddeus, Clergyman. R. Lyon, Matthew, Rep. in Congress from Vt. and Ky. R. B. Loomis, Aretus G., Clergyman. R. Lucas, William, " R. Marshall, John R., Clergyman. N. J. MitcheU, Elisha, D. D., Professor University of North Carolina. N. " John, Lawyer. N. " Justus, Clergyman, New Canaan. N. S. " John G., Lawyer, Salisbury. N. " Henry, M. D.. Memb. Congress, Chenango Co., N. Y. N. J. " EnosG., Grad. West Point, Capt. U. S. Army; died in Florida. R. Moseley, Increase, Rep. Conn. Leg. thirty-six sessions; moved to Vermont ; was Judge there many years. John, Physician, Vermont. Increase, Jr., Col. in Revolution. gs, John, Physician. Phineas, " Abner, " Benjamin, Missionary at Ceylon. R. J. Mason, Stephen, Clergyman. N.J. " Ebenezer Porter ; distinguished Student, Author of a Prac tical Treatise on Astronomy. N. Masters, Nicholas S., Lawyer, New Milford, Conn. R. J. Merwin, Noah, Clergyman. N. Minor, Jehu, N. " Matthew, Jr., Lawyer. N. " Garry H., M. D., Litchfield South Farms, Conn. N. " Samuel, Lawyer, Sandusky City, Ohio. N. R. " Charles S., Lawyer, Honesdale, Penn. N. " Israel, extensive Druggist, New York City. N. B. Munson, Frederick E., Clergyman, Greenwich, Conn. " R. S. "¦ Harris B., Lawyer and Judge, N. H. County Court. N. Mallory, Garrick, Lawyer and Member of Congress, I'hiladelphia. N. Masters, Sam.uel S. , Physician. N. Murray, Rufus, Clergyman, Adrian, Michigan. N. Munn, Daniel, Physician. N. " Nathan, do. N. MoneU, Mary E, Poetess, Newburg, N. Y. R. Moody, Martin, Clergyman. R. B. North, Loomis, M. D., Bristol, Conn. , N. Orton, Samuel, A. M., Physician. N. " John, " Sherman, Conn. N. " Samuel, " Bridgewater, Conn. 472 HISTOEY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. N. Orton, Henry T., Physician, Duchess county. New York. N. " David J., " , N. " James, " Caldwell, New Jersey. N. Osborn, Shadrach, Purchasing and Issuing Commissary in the Rev olution. N. Preston, WiUiam, First Judge of Litchfield County Court. N. " Nathan, Lawyer and Judge of Probate. N. " WiUiam, Clergyman, Columbus, Ohio. N. Perry, Joseph, Physician. N. " Nathaniel, " N. " Henry, Colonel in the army, died in Mexico. N. " Nathaniel, Lawyer, New Milford. N. " Philo, Clergyman, Newtown, Conn. N. " Phillips, " N. " Bennet, Physician at Newtown, afterward Clergyman. R. Phelps, Charles B., Lawyer and Judge of Litchfield County Court. N. Parker, Joseph, Physician, Litchfield, South Farms, Conn. N. Parker, Daniel, Clergyman and Teacher at Ellsworth, Conn. N. " Col. Amasa, Lawyer and Surrogate Judge, Delhi, N. Y. N. Prime, Benjamin, Clergyman. N. S. Pierce, George E., D D., President Western Reserve College. N. B. Prentice, Charles, Clergyman, South' Canaan. N. B. " Thomas, H. '' Western New York. N. B. " David, Professor Geneva College, New York. N. B. " Curtiss, Physician. N. B. " Peet, Harvey P., LL. D., Deaf and Dumb Asylum, N. Y. R. J. Porter, Ebenezer, S. T. D., President Andover Theological Seminary. N. J. Pond, Samuel W., Missionary to the Sioux Indians. N. J. " Gjdeon, " " " N. Pitcher, Nathaniel, Lt. Gov. and acting Governor of N. Y. after the death of Dewitt Clinton, also member of Congress. R. Palmer, Joseph M., Lawyer, Maryland. R. S. Prudden, George P., Clergyman. R. B. Parmely, Jonathan E., Lawyer. R. N. P. Parsons, Benjamin B., Clergyman. N. N. P. PoweU, WiUiam, M. D. R. Peck, John, M. D., Burlington, Vermont. R. Powers, Peter, Physician. R. Putnam, Charles S., Clergyman. R. J. Richmond, Edmund, Lawyer, died at the South. N. B. Raymond, Moses, Clergyman, Springfield, Virginia. R. R. Read, , Physician. R. N. P. " Hollis, Clergyman. N. Root, Judson A., Clergyman, and Teacher, New Haven. R. Rogers, Robert C, Clergyman. R. Stoddard, Anthony, Clergyman. N. " Amos, Major U. S. Army. His estate sold at auction for $730,000. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 473 N. » Stoddard, Col. Henry, Lawyer, Dayton, Ohio. N. " Israel, M. D.^ N. Strong, Nathan, Clergyman, Coventry, Conn. N, " John, Jr., Lawyer and .Tudge of Probate. R. Henry P., Clergyman. N. Smith, Nathaniel, Lawyer, Judge Sup. Court and Memb. of Congress. N. ¦" Nathaniels., " and Judge of Probate. N. « Nathan, " and U. S. Senator. N. " Truman, " Member and Senator of Congress. N. , " Perry, " and U. S. Senator. N. •' Phineas, " went to Vermont. N. S. " Ralph D., " and Judge of Probate. N. S. " Abraham L., M. D. R. " Deliverance, Clergyman. R. S. " Noah,. do. R. S. Shipman, Thomas L., do. Jewett City, Conn. i N. Stiles, Benjamin, Lawyer. * N. " Benjamin, Jr., do. N, Sherman, Taylor, do. Norwalk, Conn. N. ' '= .Charles, Clergyman and Presiding Elder in the Methodist Church. N. " Daniel, Speaker of Conn. House of Representatives. N. " Henry B., Clergyman, BelieviUe, N.J. R. Scott, Joseph, do. R. N. P. " James L., do R. Swift, Zephaniah, do. R. B. Stanton, Benjamin F., do. N. R. Sanford, John, Member of Congress, Amsterdam, N Y. N. " Henry Shelton, LL. D. conferred at Heidelberg, Germany, now Secretary of .Legation, France. R. " David P., Clergyman. N. Steel, Julius, Clergyman. N. " Nathaniel, do. R. Skiltott, Henry, M. D. N. " Avery J., M. D., Troy, N. Y. N. S. Shelton, Gen. George P., Lawyer, Seymour, -Conn. N. Sheldon, Daniel, M, D., Secretary of Legation to France. N. S. Stephens, Mrs. Ann S , Distinguished Authoress. R. Sayre, James, Clergyman. N. ScoviUe, Joseph A., Editor of " The Pick," N. Y. R. B. Sackett, , Physician. R. R. Stewart, Philander, M. D., Peekskill, N. Y. R. Shove, Harmon W.,M. D. R. B. Snow, T. W., Clergyman. _ R. Sprague, Leman B., Lawyer and Judge of Probate. / R. Thompson, Hezekiah, Lawyer. N. " William A., do. and Judge. N. " Charles, do. Westchester.Co., N. Y. 31 474 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. N. Thompson, James, Physician till 35 years of age, then Clergyman. N. " Samuel, M. D., died at the Island of St. Thomas. R. B. " Ebenezer, Physician. N. Tyler, Bennett, D. D., Professor Theology, East Windsor. N. Tomlinson, Abraham, M. D., Milford, Conn. R. S. " Joseph, M. D., Huntington, Conn. N. N. P. " George, Clergyman, Long Island. R. S. Trowbridge, Joseph, Physician. Ra B. Tuttle, Isaac H., Clergyman, R. R. Thayer, Nathaniel, Physician. R. Walker, Zechariah, first Clergyman of Woodbury. R. Wildman, Benjamin, Clergyman. N. Ward, Hon. Levi, Member of Congress, Montrose, Penn. R. N. P. Whittlesey, Samuel, Clergyman. " Elisha, Member Congress, Comp. U. S. Treasury. " Elisha, Lawyer. Frederick, Member Congress, Prof Law and Vice Chan- ceUor, N. Y. • '1 ,: Charles C, Lawyer, Franklin Co., N. Y. '" Henry N., M. D.,New York city. ',' Joseph, Clergyman- Warner, Ebenezer 1st, Physiciaii. ¦ . Ebenezer 2d, ' Ebenezer 3d, ' Ebenezer 4th, ' Benjamin, Reuben, John, Abner,Col. Seth, Col. Revolutionary Wi\r. Ephraim, Physician. George W., Lawyer, Bridgeport. Lyman, " went West. Wood, Elijah, Clergyman. WiUiams, WUliam C.,M. D., Manchester, Conn. Whittemore, WiUiams H., Clergyman, New Haven. N. N. P. Wheaton, Nathaniel S., D. D., Ex-President of Trinity College. N.N. P. " Salmon, Clergyman. R. Welton, Joseph D. do. R. B. " WiUard, do. R. Wright, Worthington, do. N. S. Wheeler, Benjamin, Lawyer, Salisbury, Conn. K- " Ulysses M., Clergyman. N. S. " Samuel, Physician.' R- B. " Russel, Clergyman. R. Webb, Charles H., M. D. R. Woodward, Frederick B., M. D., now a Clergyman at Middle Had- dam, Conn. N. N. P. N. N. P. N. N. P. N. R. N. R. N. N. P. R. N. N. N. N. N N. J. N. J. N. N. N. N.R. R. R. S. R. R. R. S. do. do. do. do New MUford. do. do do. died in the West. do. do. do. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY 475 R. N. p. Wadhams, Noah, Clergyman. R. B. Wa.tson, WiUiam, do. ¦^- " James, Senator in Congress, New York city. R. Wigdon, Samuel, Clergyman. GRANDCHILDREN OF WOODBURY. The following is a list of a few distinguished persons who are the children oi' natives of Woodbury, though not themselves sons of the soil. Allen, Col. Ira, Vermont. Benedict, Bennet, Physician,, New Orleans, La. Church, Hon. Samuel, LL. D., Chief Justice ofthe Superior Court of Conn. " Hon. John R., brother ofthe above, and Judge ofthe Court of Com mon Pleas, Trumbull Co., Ohio. " Leman, Lawyer, Canaan, Conn. Graham, Hon. John Lorimer, New York city. Judson, Adoniram, Missionary to India and died there. " Philo M., Esq., Lawyer, Georgia. Martin, Henry H., Lawyer and Cashier, Albany, N. Y. Minor, H. J., President of H. J. Minor's Bank, Fredonia, N. Y. • " William T., Lawyer, Stamford, Conn. " Thomas, M. D., Middletown, Conn. Parker, Amasa J., Lawyer and Judge of the Supreme Court, Albany, N. Y. Prentice, Rev. Charles T., Clergyman, Easton, Conn. Perry, Rev. Joseph, New Haven, Conn. " Nathaniel P., Lawyer, Kent, Conn. ^ Slade, WiUiam, Ex-Governor of Vermont. Strong, Nathan, D. D., Hartford, Conn. " Joseph, D. D., Norwich, Conn._ " Henry, LL. D., " son of the above. Sherman, Charles, Judge of Supreme Court, Ohio, and died before he wa» thirty years of age. Smith, Walter, Lawyer, Ohio. Terrill, Hazard Bailey, Member of Canadian Parliament. TerriU, T. Lee, do. do. do. LIST OF NATIVES OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, WHO HAVE BEEN GRADUATES ©F COLLEGE. The persons against whose names no letter appears, are natives of the town. B. denotes Bethlem, R. Roxbury, S. Southbury, and Wa. Washington, The year enclosed by a parenthesis is the date of the death ofthe individual. The last date is that of graduation. Mr. denotes Master of Arts. Benjamin Stiles, Mr... (1797,) 1740. Rev. Nathan Strong, (1795,) 1742. Daniel Sheldon, Mr. (1772,) 1747. Rev. Chauncey Graham, Mr. (1784,) 1747. Rev. Deliverance Smith, (1785,) 1749. Doctor Israel Stoddard, (1782,) 1758. Rev. Thomas Davies, (1766,) 1758. 476 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Kev. Benjamin Prime, Mr. 1760. Simeon Hinman, Mr. (1767,) 1762. Rev. Ephraim Judson, Mr. (1813,) 1763. Doctor Samuel Orton, 1765. Rev. Jehu Minor, 1767. Rev. Thomas Minor, Mr. (1826,) 1769. Hon. Daniel N. Brinsmade, Mr. (1826,) 1772. Jonathan Bellamy, (1777,) 1772. Rev. Thomas Canfield, 1772. Rev. Adoniram Judson, Mr. Yale ct Harvard, (1829,) 1775. John MitcheU, 1775. Rev. Justus Mitchell, Mr. (1806,) 1776. Hon. James Watson, Senator in Congress, (1806,) 1776. Sherman Hinman, Mr. (1798,) 1776.' Hon. Nathan Preston, Mr. (1822,) 1770. Benjamin Stiles. Mr. (1817,) 1776. Hon. WiUiam Edmonds, M. C, Judge Superior Court, (1838,) 1777. Israel Judson, 1777. John Pierce, Mr. (1816,) 1777. Gen. David Judson, (1841,) 1778. Elisha Whittlesey, (1802,) 1779. Hon. William Adiel Thompson, (1848,) 1782. Amos Pearce, (1798,) 1783. Simeon Hinman, (1825,) 1734. Timothy Hinman, (1812,) 1784. Abraham Tomlinson, 1785. Rev. Joseph E. Camp, Mr. (1838,) 1787. WiUiam Hawley, 1787. Nathan StUes, (1804,) 1787. Hon. Noah'S! Benedict, Mr. (1831,) 1788. Nathaniel Steel, Mr. 1788. Cyrus Hinman, (1800,) 1789. Asahel Hooker, 1789. Rev. James Thompson, 1789. Samuel Thompson, M. D., 1790. Rev. Jeremiah Day, S. T. D., LL. D., Pros. Yale CoUege, (N, N. P.) 1795. David Edmond, 1796. Hon. Thomas Day, LL. D., Secretary of State, Conn., (N. N. P.) 1797. WiUiara Powell Farrand, Mr. (Wa.) (1839.) 1798. Hon. Matthew Minor, Mr. '(1839,) 1801. Simeon Hicock, Mr. (S.) 1802. Sheldon C. Leavitt, (B.) 1802. Cyrus Pearee, (S.) (1802,) 1802. Eev. Charles Prentice, (B.) (1838,) 1802. MiUs Day, Mr. Tutor, C. A. S. (Wa.) (1812.) 1803. Isaac E. Judson, Mr. 1803. Hon. Royai R. Hinman, Mr Secretary of State, Conn. (S.) 1804. Curtis Judson, (1S04,) 1804. Rev. Bennett Tyler, S. T. D„ Pies. Dartmouth CoUege, Prof, Theology, 1804. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 47T Rev. Salmon Wheaton, (Wa.) (1844,) 1606. Lyman Hicock, (S.) (1816,) 1806. Curtis Atwood, M. D., 1806. Hon. John Strong, Mr. (1834,) 1806. Curtis Warner, (S.) 1807. Hon. Joseph H. Bellamy, (B.) (1848,) 1808. Hon. Garrick Mallory, Member of Congress, 1808. Josiah H. Minor, (1820,) 1808. Hon. Amasa Parker, (Wa.) 1808. Garret G. Brown, (B.) 1809. Hon. Samuel J. Hitchcock, Mr., Tutor C. A. S., LL. D. (B.; (1845,) 1809. Rev. Philo Judson, 1809. Rev. Benjamin C. Meigs, Mr. (B.) (1830„) 1809. Rev. Julius Steele, (B.) 1811. David Prentice, Mr. Professor Geneva CoUege, LL. D., 1812." Frederick F. Backus, M. D., (B.) 1813. Rev. Elisha MitcheU, S. T. D., Professor University N. C. (Wa.) 1813. Elisha AveriU, Mr. (1824,) 1814. Rev. Anson S. Atwood, 1814. Nathaniel S. Wheaton, LL. D., (Wa.) 1814. Hon. Nathaniel B. Smith, 1815. Hon. Truman Smith, M. C. and U. S. Senator, 1815. Sheldon Lemon, (Wa.) 1816. Rev. George E. Pierce, Mr., S. T. D., Pres. West. Reserve College, (S.) 1816. Phineas Smith, (R.) 1816. Luman Whittlesey, (Wa.) 1816. Orlando Canfield, (S.) 1818. Hon. Frederick Whittlesey, U. S. House Rep., Vice Chancellor of N. Y., (1851,) (Wa.) 1818. Rev. Albert JudSon, (1839,) 1821. Harvey P. Peet, Mr., LL. D., (B.) 1822. Rev. Judson A. Root, 1823. Frederick J. Judson, M. D., (Wa.) 1824. Rev. Moses Raymond, (B.) 1825. Rev. Joseph Whittlesey, (Wa.) 1825. John J. Abernethy, M. D., U. S. N., 1825. Rev. EvertOn Judson, Mr., (1848,) 1826. Rev. William Preston, 1826. Rev. Henry Noble Day, Tutor and Prof. Western Reserve Coll. (Wa.) 1828. Rev. George Tomlinson, (Wa.) 1834. ' Ebenezer C. Smith, (Wa.) 1836. Rev. William T. Bacon, 1837. Frederick W. Gunn, (Wa.) 1837. Ebenezer Porter Mason, (Wa.) (1840,) 1839. Garwood H. Atwood, M. D., 1840. WiUiam B. Brinsmade, (Wa.) 1840. Charles Day, Mr., (Wa.) 1840. Henry Booth, (R.) 1840. Gideon H. HoUister, (Wa.) 1840. 478 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Egbert A. Thompson, (B ) 1840. Charles S. Minor, (R.) 1841. Rev. WiUiam Baldwin, (Wa.) 1841. David B. Davidson, (R.) 1841. Samuel W. Andrew, 1843. , Harvey M. Booth, (R.) 1843. George W. Warner, (R.) 1843. Samuel Minor, 1844. Thomas -M. Thompson, 1844. Frederick W. CogsweU, 1847. David F, HoUister, (Wa.) 1851. Charles G. Hayes, (Wa.) 1851. LIST OF RESIDENTS OF THE ANCIENT TERRITORY, WHO HAVE BEEN GRADUATES. Rev. Anthony Stoddard, (1760,) 1697. " Joseph Bellamy, D, D., (1790,) 1735. " John Graham, (1774,) 1737. " Thomas Canfield', (1795,) 1739. " Reuben Judd, (1753,) 1741. " Daniel Brinsmade, Mr., (1793,) 1745. Doct. Joseph Perry, Harvard, 1752. Rev. Jeremiah Day, 1756. " Noah Benedict, Mr., (1813,) 1757. " Benjamin Wildman, Mr., (1812,) 175S. " John R. MarshaU, (1789,) 1770. " Josiah Cotton, 1771. " Noah Merwin, (Wa.) (1795,) 1773. " Chauncey Prindle, (1833,) 1776. " Seth Hart, 1784. " TiUotson Bronson, LL. D., (1826,) 1786. " Reuben Ives, (1838,) 1780. " Azel Backus, S. T. D., President Hamilton CoUege, (1816,) 1787. " Isaac Jones, (1850,) 1792. " Ebenezer Porter, S. T. D., 1795. " Bethel Judd, D. D., 1797. " Daniel Parker, (1831,) 1798. " Samuel R. Andrew, Fellow and Secretary of Yale, 1807. " Henry P. Strong, (1835,) 1807. " John Langdon, Mr., Tutor, (B.,) 1809. " Grove L. BrowneU, 1813. " Fosdick Harrison, (B.,) 1815. " Levi Smith, (S.,) 1818. " Thomas L. Shipman, (S.,) 1818. " Paul Couch, (B.,) 1823. " Gordon Hayes, (Wa.,) 1825. " Joseph Scott, 1827. " Horace Bushnell, D. D., (Wa.) 1827. " Peter Teller Babbitt, 1831. "> " Solomon G. Hitchcock, 1834. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 479 Rev Wniiams H. Whittemore, (S.,) 1835. " George P. Prudden, (S.,) 1835. " Lucius'Ciirtiss, 1835. WiUiam, Cothren, Mr. et Yale College, 1843. LI.ST OF PERSONS NOT GRADUATES, ON WHOM HONORARY DE GREES HAVE BEEN CONFERRED. THE DEGREE FOLLOWS THE NAME. Rev. '.Tohn Graham, A. M., (1774,) 1737. Hon. Ephraim Kirby, Mr., U. S. Judge, Louisiana, (1804,) 1787. Hon. Nathaniel Smith, Mr., Member Congress, and Judge Superior Court, Conn., (18-22,) 1795. Hon. Nathan Smith, Mr., U. S. Senator, (1835,) 1808. Nathaniel Perry, M. D., (1820,) 1816. Warren R. Fowler, M. D., (Wa.,) (1820,) 1818. Thomas GoodseU, M. D., Med. Pro£, Hamilton College, (Wa.,) 18-32., Garry H. Minor, M. D., 1824. RosweU Abernethy, M. D., 1825. Isaac Goodsell, M. D., 1826. Conant Catlin, M. D., (B.,) (1830,) 1823. Charles H. Webb, M. D. Remus M. Fowler, M. D., (Wa.,) 1834. David B. W. Hard, M. D., (B.,) 1834. Lyman Catlin, M. D., (B.) 1835. John E. Morris, M. D., 1836. V WiUiam C. CaUin, M. D , (B.,) 1840. Robert Crane, M. D., (B.) 1843. Rev. John Churchill, A. M., 1844. Gaylord G. Bissell, M. D., (B.,) 1849. Henry Shelton Sanford, LL. D., Sec. of Legation, France, 1852. Harmon W. Shove, M. D., 1853. Thus have we endeavored, in the simplest garb of truth, faithfully to trace the deeds of our departed fathers — their successes and re verses, their joys and their sorrows, their virtues and their defects. The history of nearly two hundred years has passed before our view. We have been able, with some slight help from the imagina tion, to behold the Uneaments of each prominent actor on the stage, and have traced the perfection of the scenes. There is a pure and unalloyed pleasure in wandering amid the scenes and Incidents of the long buried past. There is a sad and melancholy, though ennobling interest, in tracing the faintest recorded trace of the early fathers, who, having "wrought a good work," in their day and generation, after " life's fitful fever," sleep well, and have doubtless entered into the "joy of their Lord." To the descendents of these long departed worthies, such inquiries should be intensely interesting. No rda- 480 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. tlonship by blood, or by affinity, may be traced between the writer and the dead of former generations in these happy vales. A stern and wise, though kind and judicious mother, an eastern sister state, contains his birthplace, his kin, his early friends and associations, arid the ,ashes of the sainted dead — the loved and lost. Yet has his eye kindled, and his heart warmed with emotion and admiration, as he has traced, at the weary midnight hour, when the world around him was locked in the arms of sleep, the many valuable and interest ing items in the history and character of the Christian falhers of the early days in his adopted town. With them has he communed in the " silent night-watches," when there was no human eye to see, no ear to hear, nor sound to interrupt the placid iioyv of tender and en nobling heart sympathies. It has nerved him anew for the battle of life, and been a balm for many a desponding hour. It is well said, that " God's hand is in history," and, we may also add, in the inci dents and elements that serve to form it. The descendants of Wood bury have a proud historical heritage. Well may they contemplate with feelings of satisfaction, the wealth of the past.' It' should also serve to give them high and ennobling views of the charities, virtues and duties of life, and of the honor and gratitude they owe to the kind Giver of all things. If the exhausting labors required in dragging the contents of musty records to light, and saving them from oblivion, shall induce the sons of Woodbury to heed the noble principles of their fathers, and lead them to become more and more influenced and actuated by these views in their lives and conduct, then the humble writer of this volume will have " received his reward." CHAPTER XXI. GENEALOGICAL HISTORY. We come now to an exceedingly interesting part of our labor, and one which should occupy several volumes instead of being compressed within the narrow limits of a single chapter. Genealogical inqui ries have become far more frequent than formerly, within the past few years. Such investigations have been pursued with becoming interest, perseverance, and indomitable labor. From the moldy rec ords and manuscripts of the former days, many valuable facts and incidents in biography and genealogy have been brought to Ught and placed in the archives of history. This 'Spirit of research, this inquiring after the history of one's ancestors, near or remote, is commendable. The sons of New En gland have an ancestry of which they may well be proud. We are far from saying that pride of birth and arrogance of position are to be commended and cultivated, or that they are to be compared to an upright life and a virtuous character- In this regard, we join with Frederick of. Prussia in the exclamation, " I love tl^e lineage of heroes ; but I love merit more. Patents of nobility are but phan toms : true worth is within. Kings are nothing but men, and all men are equal." While, therefore, we repudiate the idea that there is any honor in searching for an iUusCrlous ancestry as a means to elevate the ignoble, in the estimation of the world, and in relying on such ancestry as a shield to cover not only a multitude of transgres sions, but also great mental imbecility and meanness ; yet it is nev ertheless true that the upright son of genius, who can point to a long and virtuous line of ancestors, whose fair fame has been by himself untarnished, has whereof he may well be proud. Not that mush room, aristocratic pride so often witnessed in those whose fathers 482 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. were from the lowest grade in life, which leads its possessor daintily to spurn the air breathed by those whom! it terms the " common herd ;" but that manly pride experienced by those' who are actuated by pure aspirations and high resolves for the good of mankind — for the advancement of the best interests of the race. Such men have a right to search the dim and dijsty records of the past, and having found an honored and virtuous line of progenitors, have a right to be recorded as the rightful' descendants of an honored race. In this view, the inquiries into this subject made during the last few years with so good success, are eminently praiseworthy. All such investiga- . tions should tend to rebuke false pride and to encourage unobtrusive merit. There is no more contemptible spectacle in social life, than the foolish and absurd airs put on by miserable pretenders to stand ing and refinement, so often seen by accurate and sensible observers. If such coxcombs and butterflies could know the supreme contempt bestowed upon their pretensions by all people of common sense, it is believed that some even of their number, brazen-faced and hardened as they have become, would be shamed into propriety. Such behav ior is to the last degree vulgar and disgusting. There is no gentility in it. No inquiries can be more interesting to the intelligent student of human nature, than those that relate to the generations of men. The feelings that prompt them are just and natural — they give birth to some of the dearest charities of Ufe and fortify some of the sternest virtues. The principle that prompts them lies deep within our nature. In the eloquent words of Edward Everett on a recent occasion, " The sacred tie of family, which reaching backvyard aild forward, binds the generations of men together, and draws out the plaintive music of our being from the solemn alternation of cradle and grave — the black and white keys of life's harpsichord ; the magical power of language, which puts spirit in communion with spirit In distant periods and climes ; the grand sympathies of coun try, which lead the Greek of the present day to talk of ' the victo ries we gained over the barbarians at Marathon ;' the mystic tissue of race, woven far back in the dark chambers of the past, and which after the vicissitudes and migrations of centuries, wraps up great nations in its broad mantle ; those significant expressions which carry volumes of meaning in a word — Forefather, Parent, Child, Posterity, Native Land : these all teach us, not blindly to worship, but duly to honor the past, to study the lessons of experience, to scan the high counsels of man In his great associations, as those HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 483 counsels have been developed in constitutions, In laws, in mg.xims, in traditions. In great, undoubted principles of right and wrong, which have been sanctioned by the general consent of those who have gone before us ; thus tracing in human Institutions some faint reflection of that divine wisdom which fashioned the leaf, that unfolded itself six weeks ago In the forest, on the pattern of the leaf which was bathed In the dews of Paradise in the morning of creation." The design of this work contemplates the introduction of the genealogies of families bearing the early names in the ancient terri tory only; though the genealogies of a few later names, which have been kindly furnished the author, have been inserted. Of the early names, all that the records show has been given, in all cases. But the records show little genealogical matter since the date of the Eevolution. Where those now bearing the name or blood of the families treated of, have been sufficiently interested in the matter to furnish the later branches of the several names, they have been in troduced. The author would have been glad to have done the same with every other name; but though he has been "Instant in season and out of season," in making inquiries, and has sent a myriad of letters, to individuals who should have been interested in the inves tigation ; yet such has been the indifference or ignorance of those addressed, that many of the sketches are necessarily meager and imperfect. The great Inattention and ignorance existing in relation to genealogical information has often been amusing to the writer, es pecially when he has found intelligent and otherwise well informed persons unable to tell the names of their grandfathers. If, therefore, any one feels dissatisfied at the imperfection of any sketch, let him remember that he alone Is to blame, as the author has introduced all he has gathered from every reliable source, after making use of personal inquiries, printed circulars, and " unanswered letters." In a chapter containing so large a number of facts and dates, it Is scarcely possible to prevent errors from intervening, and some such' will doubtless be discovered. At the same time, the most unwearied pains have been taken to have the genealogies attain as high a state of perfection in point of accuracy as it is possible for such inquiries to acquire. To this end, after the author had carefully drawn out and examined them, they were again examined by Philo M. Trow bridge, Esq., a good antiquarian and genealogical investigator, after which they were re-examined by the writer before committing them to press. It is therefore believed, that great reliance may be placed on their general accuracy. As all the information in the author's 484 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. possession concerning the families treated of has been given, there can be no ground for the suspicion of partiality among names. Abreviations — s. for son ; dau. daughter ; b. born ; bap. bap tized ; m. married ; d. died ; w. wife ; ch. children ; wid. widow. Some of the larger genealogies are deduced or displayed by a sys tem of numbering, which may need a word of explanation. The Arabic numbers running through the w^iole genealogy, are used to show the number of each individual in the series descended from the same ancestor, and to enable the reader to trace the ances tors, or descendants, backward, or forward, with ease and facility. One number set under another, or two numbers set against the same individual, show .that such Individual has descendants, and the lower number indicates the place in the series, where the descendants are to be found. The Roman numerals, or capital letters, are employed to show the number of children belonging to the same family. For example, in the " Averill Family," which foUows, | X. Augustin,^ shows that the person is No. 29 in the regular Arabic series, and that following on to the place next after No. 52, his family will be found. The X denotes Augustin to be the tenth child in that par ticular family. The ^ at the end of the name, denotes the individual to be of the fourth generation from the first ancestor in the series, and so of all other numbers placed like an exponent at the end of the name — they show the generation. AU names of persons having descendants, are necessarily repeated in their order, but are not re numbered, the denominator showing that the fainUy will be found in the regular series next after itself. Thus, Augustin ^ (29) is repeated after No. 52, the (29) showing his original place in the series. AVERILL FAMILY. 1 Isaac,' bom about 1685. -^He with two brothers emigrated from Milford Haven, Wales, supposed to be Englishmen. They ar rived at Massachusetts Bay and settled at Topsfield, Mass. One of the brothers removed to Pomfret, Conn. Isaac removed to Preston, Conn. ; he subsequently, probably before 1748, removed with his three sons to, and settled in the town of Kent, near the boundary be- HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 485 tween Kent and Woodbury, now in the town of Washington, New Preston society. He was one of the original members of the Con gregational church In New Preston, formed Jan. 5, 1757. He and his sons were probably among the first settlers of the place. He had issue : 5 I. Samuel," b. 1715, married Patience Perry, at Rehoboth, Mass. She was b. 1716, and d. Apr. 4, 1790, a. 74. He d. Apr. 30, 1786, a. 71. He took an active part In obtaining a charter for, and in establishing the New Preston Ecclesiastical Society, and was a man of decision and energetic character in devising and executing public business. On the Kent records It is found that Chere Weraii- uiaug (an Indian chief) sold to Samuel Averill, a portion of Werau maug Reserve, 100 acres more or less, July 20, 1749. ? II. Daniel,^ b. 1716, m. Lucy CogsweU; she was b. 1727, and d. Sept. 23, 1782, a. 55. He d." Oct. 23, 1785, a. 69. A deed from Daniel Averill to Edward CogsweU, of a portion of land in the We raumaug Reserve, Jan. 18, 1748, is the oldest record yet obtained of the AveriUs being in New Preston. ,\ III. Moses,^ b. 1724, m. Martha Cogswell. She was b. 1728, and d. July 30, 1781, a. 53. He d. Jan. 22, 1784, a. 60. He was deacon In the Congregational church in New Preston, but lived on the borders of Judea. SamueF (2) had issue by his wife Patience: '7 I. Samuel," m. Sarah Payne. fa II. Perry,' b. Sept. 18, 1754, m. Dorothy, dau. of EUphalet Whittlesey, Esq., of New Preston, Sept. 22, 1774. She was b. Sept. 8, 1755, and d. July 12, 1824, a. 69. He m. secondly, Wid. Sarah Turrell, of New MUford, Dec. 8, 1824. She d. Mar. 19, 1830, a. 83. He d. July 10, 1842, a. 88. He was a Revolutionary soldier, and subsequently colonel in the Conn, militia. —f- III. Patience,' b. about 1741, m. Morgan Noble, and settled in Vermont. "l Daniel- (3) had issue : 8 I. Nathan,' m. Rosana Noble ; he settled in Plattsburg, N. Y. 9 II. Daniel,''' m. Eunice Calhoun, May 17, 1784, and settled in Branford, Conn. 10 III. Nathaniel,' settled in Amsterdam,, Albany co., N. Y. 11 IV. Judah,'' b. 1756, d. i[ay 18, 1784, a. 18. Moses'' (4) had issue : 12 I. Isaac' 13 II. Elisha,' settled in Farmington, near Lake Erie. 486 HISTOEY OP ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 14 IIL Moses,' settled m SaUna, N. Y. 15 IV. Philo,' settled in Ohio. IJvLSrri'l^-^-'^^P-^-l^'^^^- Samuel' (5) had issue by his wife Sarah, in New Preston : j; I. Nathaniel Perry,^ b. July 25, 1770, m. Mary, dau. of John Whittlesey, Esq., Sept. 25, 1792. She was born June 13, 1771, He settled In Waishlngton, but removed about 1804 to Salisbury, Conn., where he and his wife now reside. 19 IL Roger," m. Anne, dau. of Maj. WilUam CogsweU, of New Preston, Dec. 31, 1797. Perry' (6) had issue by his wife Dorothy: 20 L Perry,< b. Mar. 28, 1775, d. Dec. 29, 1780, a. 5^ years. ' II IL EUphalet," b. Mar. 30, 1777, m. Mary, dau. of E. Root, Esq., of Hartford, Dec. 1, 1805. She was- b. 1784, and d. Aug. 12, 1819, ^. 35. He m. secondly, Eunice, dau. of Elihu White, Esq., of Bolton, Mar. 0, 1821. He became a distinguished merchant, and a promi nent and respected citizen of Hartford, Conn., where he d. Mar. 8, 1842, a. 65. 22 IIL Heman,* b. March 23, 1779. He became a distinguished merchant in New York, where he took an active part in the forma tion and operation of various benevolent and reforming institutions. He lived unmarried and died universally beloved, Dec. 30, 1834, a. 55. 23 IV. Chloe," b. Jan. 21, 1781, m. Stephen Crane, of New Mil ford, Aug., 1808. He d. March 21, 1843, a. about 70. They had issue, three sons and four daughters, viz. : Heman AveriU,* b. Oct. 1, 1809 ; m. Julia R. Underwood, Nov. 18, 1835. Henry Stephen,'^ b. June 16, 1811 ; m. Betsey Bishop, Oct. 14, 1833. Hannah Maria,' b. April 16, 1813 ; d. April 12, 1840, a. 27. George EUiott,* b. June 27, 1815 ; m. Emily Clark, Sept. 25, 1839. Mary JuUa,' b. July 11, 1818; m. Warner, AprU 10, 1850. Caroline M.,' b. Oct. 21, 1820 ; m. H. Snyder, June 2, 1844. Jennett D.,'* b. March 24, 1823^; m. George M. Allen, April 26, 1849. 24 V. Dolly," b. Dec, 28, 1782 ; m. Wilmot Sperry, Dec. 9, 1803. She d. March 22, 1812, a. 30. They had issue, one son and three daughters. Horatio G.,' b. Sept. 5, 1806 ; m. Eliza Tomlinson, Oct. 20, 1834. AmyM.,' b. Jan. 13, 1808 ; m. John Angevine, Feb. 20, 1833. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURt. 487 Flora,' b. Dec. 16, 1809 ; m. Harvey P. Turrell, Feb. 17, 1836. DoUy M.,= b. Feb. 10, 1812 ; m. Harvey Whittlesey. " « VI. Perry," b. March 5, 1785 ; m. Eunice Ann, dau. of Barnes, of Southbury, Sept. 22, 1808; she was b. March 10, 1788. She d. July 12, 1852, a. 64. He settled in Southbury, Conn. f^ VII. Samuel," b. Feb. 17, 1787 ; m. Betsey, dau. of Amos John son, Esq., of Southbury, May 30, 1815. She was b. May 5, 1787. He is a farmer upon the " Old Homestead," which he has materially improved. 27 VIII. Matilda Patience," b. Jan. 5, 1790 ; m. David Whittle sey, Sept. 30, 1816. -He was b. Aug. 18, 1787. She d. Dec. 31, 1845, a. 56. They had Issue, two sons and four daughters, viz : Mary AverIU,= b. March 31, 1818; m. A. B. Campbell, Oct. 3, 1835. Caroline M.,= b. July 5, 1820 ; m. Silvanus Stuart, April 17, 1839. Sarah D.,'' b. May 25, 1822 ; m. L. A. Warner, Not. 7, 1847. Elisha A.,* b. Dec. 25, 1824. Deming,=^ b. Aug. 25, 182?. Helen M.,= b. March 1, 1831. ; 28 IX. Elisha," b. April 30, 1792 ; graduated at Yale CoUege, a classmate of Rev. President Wheaton, also of New Preston; he com menced practicing law in New York, very soon after which he died, June 7, 1824, a. 32. § X. Augustin," b. Aug. 30, 1795; m. Caroline Beach, July 12, 1825 ; her mother's maiden name was Polly, dau. of Hezekiah Thompson, Esq., of Woodbury; she was b. 1802, and d.- April 9, 1837, a. 35. He m. 2, Margaret Eraser, at Woodbury, May 9, 1838 ; her mother was Amy, also a dau. of Hezekiah Thompson, Esq. He ¦ is a distinguished merchant in New York, and has occupied various offices connected with the public schools and charitable institutions of the city. I" XL Frederick Wm.," b. Feb. 14, 1798 ; m. Ann Keith, Dec. 21, 1819 ; she was b. 1797, and d. Jan. 19, 1839, a. 42. He m. 2. Wid. JuUa Welton, Oct. 24, 1839. He ultimately removed to Bethany, Genessee co., N. Y., where he now resides. g XII. Horace," b. Nov. 14, 1801 ; m. Jennett Hungerford, of Harwinton, Conn., April 17, 1839 ; he commenced mercantile busi ness in Hartford, Conn. ; removed to Albany, N. Y., a few yeai^ since, where he is now in sfttlve business. Nathaniel P." (18) had issue by'his wife Mary: 32 I. Harriet^* b. Dec. 9, 17931 m. Lyman Brewstei;, of Salisbury, Conn. 488 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 33 II. Garra,' b. March 15, 1796 ; mechanic and manufa,cturer. 34 III. John,' died in infancy, 35 IV. Sarah,= b. Feb. 2, 1801 ; m. Richard M. Hart, of Ohio. 36 V. Chester,' b. at New Preston, March 16, 1803; m. Miss Julia Pomeroy, of Stockbridge ; graduated and was subsequently a professor at Union College, N. Y. 37 VI. Mary B.,' b. at Salisbury, July 29, 1806. 38 VEL Roger,' b. Aug. 14, 1809 ; m. kiss Maria D. White, of Danbury, Conn. ; he graduated at Union CoUege, N. Y., and is an attorney and counselor at law in Danbury, Conn. 39 VIII. Matilda,', died In infancy. 40 IX. Matilda,' b. Oct. 24, 1814 ; m. David P. Nichols, of Dan bury. EUphalet' (21) had issue by his wife Mary, in Hartford, Conn : 41 L Mary Jane,' b. Sept. 18, 1806 ; m. Elisha Peck, Nov. 24, 1825 ; he is now a merchant in New York city ; she d. June 19, 1886, a. 30. 42 II. James Root,' b. Feb. 20, 181(f ; graduated at Yale College. 43 III. Henry Perry,' b. Oct. 16, 1813 ; m. Asenath Peck, April 24, 1838. 44 IV. Augustin,' by his second wife, Eunice ; he died in infancy. Perry' (25) had issue by his wife, Eunice Ann, in Southbury, Ct. : 45 I. Phineas Barnes,' b. Aug. 31, 1809; m. Eliza E. dau. of Samuel Wheeler, and has four sons and one daughter. 46 IL EUza Jane,' b. June 28, 1811; m. M. M. Canfield, and has two sons. 47 III. Eunice Maria,' b. May 30, 1820 ; m. Robert Crane, M. D., Feb. 17, 1847, and has one son. Samuel* (26) had issue by his wife, Betsey, in New Preston, Ct. : 48 L Dolly Betsy,' b. Jan. 23, 1817 ; m. D. W. Whittlesey, of Berlin, Conn., Sept. 4, 1839, and has two sons and two daughters. 49 IL Samuel Johnson,' b. Feb. 25, 1819 ; m. Laura,P. Platt, of Southbury, Dec. 4, 1844; she was b. June 9, 1824. They have issue, four daughters ; he is a farmer upon the old homestead. 50 III. Martha,' b. Oct. 4, 1820 ; d. March 9, 1822, a. 1^ years. 51 IV. Mary,' b. March 23, 1822 ; m. Walker S. Seeley, April 17, 1847 ; they have issue, two daughters ; he is a farmer in Wood- lyiry. 52 V. Sally J.,' b. Nov. 7, 1824. ,. Augustin' (29) had issue by his wife, Caroline, in New York : 53 L Lucy Caroline,' b. June 17, 1826 ; m. Wm. Churchill, Jr.. merchant of New York, July 28, 1847, and has two daughters. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 489 54 IL Perry Beach,' b. Feb. 28, 1828 ; d. Oct. 7, 1829, a. 19 months. 55 III. Joseph Otis,' b. Oct. 22, 1830 ; m. Sarah E., dau. of John H. Jones, Esq., of Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, May 12, 1852 ; she d. March 19, 1853; have one daughter; he is a merchant in New York city. 56 IV. Augustin Guriey,' b. Oct. 30, 1832 ; d. Dec. 17, 1833, a. 13 months. Augustin had issue by his second wife, Margaret, two sons and three daughters, viz : 57 V. Mary Frances,' b. Oct. 24, 1840. 58 VI. Margaret Eraser,' b. May 10, 1843. 59 VIL Louisa Edelston,' b. Nov. 22, 1844. 60 VIII. Heman Augustin,' b- Feb. 22, 1849 ; d. Feb. 23, 1852, a. 3 years. 61 IX. Augustin,' Feb. 24, 1852. Frederick William," (30) had issue by his wife, Anne, in New Preston. 62 L PoUy Ann,' b. Dec. 17, 1820 ; d. April 22, 1840, a. 20. 63 IL Betsey,' b. Oct. 14, 1822 ; m. L. C. Durgy, Feb. ?6, 1845. 64 III. Cornelia,' b. Sept. 8, 1824 ; m. D. D. Waite, of Ohio, Aug. 26, 1849. 65 IV. Martha,' b. Feb. 17, 1828 ; m. C. G. Thomson, Nov. 1, 1846. 66 V. Heman Perry,' b. Feb- 9, 1830 ; d. Sept- 8, 1831, a. 19 months. 67 VI. Heman Perry,' b. March 20, 1832 ; m. C. E. Stark weather, May 24, 1851. 68 VII. Charies WiUiam, b. April 23, 1834 ; d. March 8, 1836, a. 2 years. 69 Vni. Charles Augustin,"' b. Oct. 31, 1836. Horace," (31) had issue by his wife, Jennette. 70 I. Mary Jane,' b. Aug. 1, 1840. 71 IL WilUam Hurd,' b. Sept. 3, 1842. 72 in. Horace Perry', b. Feb. 23, 1852. Henry Perry,' (43) had issue by his w. Asenath. 73 I. Henry EUphalet." 74 II. James Perry." 75 HI. Elisha P,« Phineas B.,' (45) has issue by his w. Eliza M., at South. Britain. 76 L EUphalet H.," b.']7 July, 1833. 77 IL Perry," b.24 May, 1838. 32 490 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 78 IIL Eunice EUza," b. 20 Sept. 1840. 79 IV. Samuel Phineas," b. 12 June, 1843. 80 V. Frank Wheeler," b. 12 Aug. 1848. Samuel J.,' (49) has issue by his w. Laura P., at New Pres ton, Conn. 81 L EUen Maria," b. 17 Dec. 1846. 82 II. Mary Elizabeth," b. 30 Oct. 1848. 83 IIL Betsey Caroline," b. 6 Aug. 1850. 84 IV. Edna EUza," b. 20 Nov. 1852. Heman P.,' (68) has issue by his w. Clarissa. 85 L Forester WaUace,"b. 22 Sept. 1852. A few of the foregoing list were born in Ancient Woodbury ; the greater part, however, were born in New Preston. As a whole, they have been public spirited, — decided and energetic in the performance -of business and duty. Nearly all have been members of Congrega tional churches. ATWOOD FAMILY. This has been a name of some consequence on the other side of the water. Sixteen different families have entered their coats of arms in the herald's office. It has been a numerous family on both sides of the Atlantic. Ten of the name have graduated at diff'erent colleges prior to 1853. The name of Atwood appeared in Massachusetts earlier than in Connecticut. John Atwood, Gent., from Lpndon, was made a free man, 1636, and was assistant in the Plymouth colony in 1638. He brought over a large estate and died 1644. Phillip, aged 13, em barked for New England In the Francis, of Ipswich, the last of April, 1 634. Harman was member of the artillery company, 1 644, freeman, 1645, in Mass. Capt. Thomas, of Wethersfield, Conn., tradition says, was for a time captain of a company under Oliver Cromwell. He was » physician of some note, and died 1682. Estate £148, 16s. 9d. He m. AblgaU, and had AbigaU b. Sept. 30, 1668. Andrew b. Sept. 1, 1671. Jonathan b. June 8, 1675. Josiah b. Oct. 4, 1678. *1 Dr. Jonathan' emigrated to Woodbury, and was among the early settlers. He lived opposite to and owned the land constituting the homestead of Dr. G. H. Atwood. He married Sarah Terrill, Thanks giving day evening, Nov. 5, 1701, and d. Jan. 1, 1733. His estate, as valued by his distributors, March 16, 1733, amounted to £469 bs. OUver had £235 5s. Jonathan £234. He had, HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. " 491 2 I. Nathan,^ b. Sept. 6, 1702, " early in the morning." He re sided on the corner by. Alex. Gordon's tannery, and was a very strong man. He d. a. about 24. 3 II. Mary^ b. Oct. 22, 1703 ; d. Dec. 22 following. 4 III. Mary,= b. AprU 20, 1705, mother of Dr. Seth and Atwood Bird. i IV. Lieut. Jonathan,^ b. Sept. 9, 1710 ; d. 1783. 3", V. Oliver,^ b. March 11, 1717 ; d. Jan. 30, 1810. Nathan,'' (2) had ,', L Elijah,' b. April 11,1724; d. Nov. 29, 1804. 8 IL Sarah,* b..June 29, 1726. Lieut. Jonathan,^ (5) m. Hannah Sherman ; she d. May 4, 1790, 'and had 9 I. Mary,' b. April 20, 1733 ; m. April 15, 1751, John Stoddard. 10 IL Lucy,' bap. May 11, 1735 ; m. Abel Woodward, f. Dr. Sherman, David, &c. 11 III. OUve,' b. Jan. 15, 1738 ; m. 1. Timothy Strong, 2. Amoi Allen. 12 IV. David,' bap. Jan. 13, 1740 ; d. young. J! V. David,' b. Oct. 3, 1742 ; m. Martha Waller, Dec. 17, 1765. 14 VI. Jerusha,' b. March 23, 1745; m. David Minor, mother of Mrs. Reuben Martin and Mrs. Daniel Hill. 15 VII. Esthei^,' bap. Aug. 30, 1747 ; m. Asa Atwood. 16 VIIL Sarah,' b. April 27, 1750; m. 1. Thomas Orton; had five children ; 2. Esq, Jackson, Mass. 17 IX. Jonathan,' bap. Aug. 30, 1752, (single) ; d. 1816. 18 X. Hannah,' b. March 27, 1755 ; m. 1. Benjamin Martin ; 2. Deodate Silliman, Esq., Stepney, Conn. 19 XL Phebe,' b. Oct. 9, 1759; d. same year. Elijah,' (7) m. Annah Jocelyn, of East Haven ; (she d. 1814) and had ^ I. Jesse," b. May 12, 1752 ; m. Rachel Minor ; went to Jeffer son, N. Y. and d. about 1834. % IL Asa," b. Dec. 31, 1753 ; m. 1. Esther A. ; 2. Hurd, and was shot by the British in N. Y. city, the day it was evacuated. 22 III. Molly,* b. Nov. 24, 1755 ; m. Elijah WeUer, and had I. Huldah, m. 1. Gersham Douglass ; 2. Clark Beard. H. Annis, m. went west. III. Benjamin, went into the army. IV. Orry, m. Arra Cady. V. Sally, m. 1. Brown; 2. Benajah Edwards. fs IV. Noble," b. Nov. 23, 1758 ; m. Margaret, dau. Stephen Judd. 24 V. Sally," bap. Jan. 31, 1762 ; m. Obadiah Monson ; had I, Barney. 492 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. S VL Elijah," b. March 15, 1765 ; m. AbigaU Atwood. 26 Vn. Anna," bap. May 15, 1768 ; m. Uri Bronson. David,' (13) had 27 L Phebe," m. Sanford. 28 IL. Abigail," m. Elijah Atwood ; d. 1834, Jan. 29. 29 m. Esther," |)ap. Oct. 2, 1774; m. Elijah Daley; had Garry, &c. 30 IV. Samuel," bap. Dec. 29, 1776 ; m. Irene Orton, Jan. 11, 1798. 31 V. Thomas," bap. June 25, 1780. Oliver,^ (6) m. 1. Lois Wheeler, Nov. 12, 1740 ; 2. Nancy Wells; 3. Naomi Fairchild, and had by 1. i I. Deac. Nathan,' b. 1741 ; m. Rhoda Warner, Jan. 4, 1763 ; d. 1803. 33 II. Gideon,' b. March 3, 1743 ; lived single, and d. in Bethle hem, Feb. 9, 1827, and gave his property to the town, two societies *nd Gen. Bird. S, IIL EUsha,3 b. April 27, 1745 ; d. May 24, 1825. 35 IV. Ann,'b.June3, 1747; m. I.Simeon Martin, 1767, and had I. Anna, m. Jonas Minor. II. Philena, m. Joseph Minor, and 2. Mr. Holt. Anna had I. Electa ; m. Minot Smith. II. Chloe, m. Burton Judson. III. ArmiUa, m. 1. Alpha Scott ; 2. F. S. Atwood, no issue. Philena had Simeon M. and Albert. if, V. John,' b. March 19, 1749. By 2d. 37 VI. Wells,' m. Lydia Atwood. 38 VII. Nancy,' m. 1 Allen Carrington, of Woodbridge ; 2. Elihu Sanford, N. H. Jesse," (20) had 39 I. Asa,' m. lived at Lockport, N. Y. ; d. about 1843. j; n. WUUam,' b. June, 1783 ; m. Clarissa Martin. 41 III. Lydia,' m. Wells Atwood ; went west. 42 IV. Betsey," m. Beecher ToUes ; went to N. Y. state ; had dhUdren. 43 V. Ally,' single. 44 VT. Anna," m. Jacob Jones, N. Y. 45 VII. Jared.' Asa," (21) had by 1 wife, and she died. 46 I. Ichabod,' m. lived in Ellsworth ; moved to Ohio. By 2d. 47. II. Asenath,' m. when aged, old Mr. Chapman. William,' (40) had 48 I. Jason." Noble," (23) had HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 493 49 I. Dr. Curtis,' b. April 10, 1783 ; A. B. Y. C. ; m. had chil dren, lived in S. C. i fs II- Stephen,' b. April 14, 1785 ; m. Ruth Bronson. g, IIL Warner,' b. Aug. 27, 1787 ; m. ZlUah Drew. 52 IV. Nancy,' m. Chauncey Dayton ; had Noble, Lewis and Curtis, &c. ra V. Elijah,' m. PermeUa Atwood. ^ Elijah," (25) (nicknamed Hardhead,) had I'o!, I. Washington H.,' m. Maria Stone. 55 II. Harriet,' m. PhUo Atwood. S ni. David,' m. Huldah ManviU. 1% IV. Henry C," b. March 13, ISOl ; m. Jane Lum, Oct. 6^ 1822, of Oxford. 58 V. Annor,' m. George Ketchum ; had I. Frederick. II. Mary, and in. RolUn. Stephen,' (50) had 59 I. Chauncey," b. Jan. 13, 1816; m. Martha Atwood; had Bernice. 60 IL Olive," b. June 25, 1817; m. Russel Dayton, N. Y., in . 1843; d. 1844. ?J IIL George," b. April 25, 1819 ; m. 1. Nancy Porter ; 2. Wid. Mary Dayton, dau. of Samuel Scovill. 62. IV. Maria," b. Dec. 31, 1820 ; m. Chester Atwood, Mar., 1849. 63 V. Marcia,"b. Sept. 18, 1823 ; d. Dec. 22, 1825. 64 VL Dotha," b. Sept. 16, 1826; d. July 16, 1842. 65 VIL Henry N.," b. Sept. 22, 1828 ; d. July 13, 1833. 66 VIIL Eben," b. April 17, 1831. 67 IX. Margaret," b. Jan. 27, 1837. Warner,' (51) had 68 I. Charles," m. Eunice Andrews, Cheshire. 69 II. Jane," m. Almon Mansfield ; had one girl and died. 70 III. Nancy," single, died. 71 IV. Hannah," m. Frank Lewis, Bristol ; had Frank. 72 V. Noble," m. Alma E. Hawley ; had girl. 73 VI. Mary." Elijah,' (53) had 74 I. Chloe," m. Nelson Hayes ; no issue. 75 II. Belinda," m. Morgan Morehouse ; had two boys. 76 III. Harvey," m. Semantha Holmes ; had a daughter. 77 IV. Roderic." George," (61) had by 1 w. 78 L Curtis B.' 79 IL Henry P.'' 80 IH. Herbert.^ 494 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. Deac. Nathan,' (32) had 81 I. Mary," b. June 1, 1765 ; m. Thomas Judson, and had I. Philo. II. Rhoda, m. Wm. Minor. III. Sylvester, m. Lois King. "J IL Nathan," b. May 30, 1767 ; d. 1853 ; m. 1. Susanna. Mmor 2. Althea GiUette. 83 III. Joseph," b. Sept. 28, 1770 ; m. Polly Tuttle. U IV. Daniel,^ b. July 8, 1772 ; m. 1. Polly Brown, May 15, 1794; 2. Maria Mansfield. 85 V. Abel," b. Feb. 13, 1779 ; m. Clara Judson ; had ch. Nathan, Almon, Caroline, &c. Nathan," (82) had by 1. 86 I. Salma,' bap. Feb. 8, 1789 ; m. Deac. B. M. Peck ; had Samuel. 87 n. Rev. Anson S.,' bap. Oct. 17, 1790 ; A. B. Y. C. ; m. at Mansfield, Conn. lu ni. Norman,' bap. 1792 ; m. Abigail Woodward. ^5 IV. Nathan W.' m. had children, I. Laura, m. &c. 90 V. Alma,' m. Lester Sutliff", had issue. , Daniel," (84) had by 1st w. 91 L Milo,'m. Sophia Lum; had L Emily." IL Mary." IIL Benjamin." 92 II. Eliza,' m. Elijah, son of Job Northrop; had Sarah, m.Mr. Cossett. y ni. Hermon Garry,' m. Betsey Northrop, dau. Wid. Phebo Northrop. By 2d. 94 IV. Polly.' 95 V. Albert.' Hermon G.,' (93) had 96 I. Cornelia," m. Grandison Hamlin. 97 II. .George," m. EUzabeth Smith. 98 ni. Sarah." 99 IV. Edwin." 100 V. Hiram," b. Jan. 22, 1844. Washington H.,' (54) had 101 L Mary,"m. Levi Crouch, Jr. ; had Ella Maria. 102 n. Edward W.," m. EUza Pitt ; had John Washington. 103 III. Walter." 104 IV. Henry." David,' (56) had 105 I. Henry," m. Hannah Thomas. 106 II. George." 107 IIL Charles," m. dau. M. C. RusseU. 108, IV. Sarah." 109 V. Elizabeth." Henry CUnton,' (57), inspector of customs N. Y. city from 1838 to '41 ; surveyor from '44 to '45; was guager from '45 to '49, and had HISTOEY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 495 110 L Charles W., b. 1823; m. Henrietta A. Hammond, 1843 ; inspector of customs in the port of N. Y. from 1844 to '9. Ill II. Henrietta. Norman,' (88) had 112 I. Lucius," m. in Bristol. 113 II. Lucinda," \ . m. West. 114 IIL Belinda," r'^i'^"' m. Henry Daniels. 115 IV. Rebecca." 116 V. Frederick," m. in Cincinnati, Ohio. 117 VI. George." 118 VII. CorneUa," m. Joshua Reed, R. I. 119 VIIL Lewis," m. Elizabeth Platt ; had giri. 120 IX. William," and deserted his wife. Elisha,' (34) m. Mary, dau. Dr. Henry Skilton, and had ig L Oliver," b. Sept. 15, 1768; m. 1. Susanna Monson; 2. Mary Handy. }i II. Henry S.," m. 1. Ruth Guernsey, dau. Amos ; 2. Charlotte Guernsey, dau. Bethel C. ^l IIL EUsha," m. Lucy Carr, Sept. 6, 1798. 124 IV. Gideon," d. young. 11 V. Gideon," m. Sally Strickland. 126 VL Mary A.," d. young. 127 VII. Mary A.*, m. Friend Guernsey ; had no issue. II VIIL Wheeler," m. 1. Susannah Stoddard; 2. Harriet, dau. Daniel Riggs. 129 IX. Lucy," m. Wm. Hotchkiss, and had I. Nancy, m. Daniel Upson; no issue. II. Robert, (m. 1. Rebecca Leavenworth ; had I. Catharine. 2. m. Caroline Fenn ; had II. James. III. John.) III. Henry, (m. Hangah Trowbridge, and had I. William, II. Franklin,) IV. Ann, m. Alva De Wolf, and had L Huldah, IL Eliza, IIL Ma ria, V. Harriet. ^ X. Reuben," m. Abia Platt, went to Pa. Ji XL Harvey," b. July 30, 1784 ; m. Betsey, dau. Bethel C- Guernsey. ' 132 XII. Betsey," m. Joseph Bryan, and had I. Mary, m. Zerah Tousley, judge Orleans co. court, N. Y. and had children, II. Lucy, d. single. III. David S., A. B. Union College, studied law, went to N. 0., m. had a son, lost his 1. and has his 2. wife. IV. Joseph A. m. Rebecca Millard, Orleans co. N. Y. V. Betsey, d. single. 133 XIII. Sheldon," d. a. 18. OUver," (121) had by 1 134 I. PermeUa,' m. Elijah A. uj II. Holmes,' m. Anna Lunden ; lived in Pa. ; moved to Wi«- consin. 496 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. }|5 III. Hawkins,' m. Irene Judson. By 2d. 137 IV. John A.,' b. April 1810 ; m. Lydia A. Bingham, b. Dec. 1811, dau. Mary Force, and had I. OUve L., b. 1838, II. Roxanna P., b. 1841, IIL Emily S., b. 1845, IV. Julia M., b. 1847. 138 V. Gilbert,' m. Jannet Wright ; had I. Alma. 139 VI. Eliza,' m. Lucius Foot; had two boys and was divorced. 140 VII. George,' m. Polly Spencer. 141 VIIL Olive.' 142 IX. Ephraim C.,' m. Ruth Ann A. ; had I. Jane. Holmes,' (135) had 143 I. Oliver H." 144 II. Mary Ann." 145 III. Giffbrd." 146 IV. Wheeler." 147 V. Morriss." " Hawkins,' (136) had 148 I. Susanna," m. ScovU TerrlU. 149 II. Minot." 150 III. Josiah," m. in WalUhgford. 151 IV. Wealthy," m. 152 V. Sherman." Henry S." (122) had by 1st wife, 153 I. Tabitha,' m. Asa Porter; had I. Henry. II. Ruth, m. Noah Judson, no issue. III. George, m., had two sons, wife d. IV. John. V. Nancy, m. George Atwood. Porter deserted her. ^ 154 II. Buel,' m. Sally .^Waugh ; had JuUa," m. George," John," &c. 1§ III. Charles,' m. Polly Andross. Jg IV. Henry," m., lives in Ga., has children. 157 V. Joel,' m. Aug. 15, 1823, I. Nancy, (dau., Peter Guern- eey, and had I. MarshaU, d. II. Henry, m. Maria Wheeler.) 2. PoUy Curtiss, Newtown, and had Marshall, &c. \i VI. Hinman,' b. Feb. 27, 1799 ; m. 1. Maria Wooster, d. 2. Dotha, dau. Abijah, Guernsey divorced. 3. Alma Strickland, di vorced. 4. EUza De Forest, b. July 28, 1809. Charles,' (155,) had 159 I. Amelia," m. Lyman Beardslee and d. leaving two dau'rs. 160 II. Louisa," m.l. Wm. Hawkins; hadonedau'r. 2. Friend JEggleston ; had boy. 161 III. Delia, " m. Jonas Hungerford ; had one dau. one son. 162 IV. EmeUne," m. Albert Case, Bristol; d. leaving two dau. 163 V. Edward," single; d. Aug., 1847. 164 VI. Sarah S." 165 VII. Mary B.," m Bloodgood. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 497 166 VIIL James M.," m. 1. Helen MerriUs, d. no issue. 2. Mary Sperry. 167 IX. David," m. Maria SpeUman ; had dau. b. 1843. 1 68 X. Grace," d. young. Hinman,' (158) had two dau's by 1st w. that d., and also . 169 I. Hobert A.," b. Aug. 4, 1822 ; , m. in N. Hartford. By 4th, 170 IL Lovinia," b. Aug. 6, 1830. 171 IIL ScoviU L.," b. Oct. 22, 1831; m. Augusta Smith, of Northfield. 172 IV. Sarah B.," b. July 6, 1833. 173 V. Samuel E.," b. Oct. 30, 1835 ; drowned in Waterbury. 1853. 174 VL Ann EUza," b. March 20, 1836. 175 VII. Ralph H.," b. AprU 8, 1838 ; made deaf and mute by scarlatina, 1844. 176 VIIL Henry Walter,") , .' , . ois^q 177 IX. Harry Wallace, " } *^^"^' ^- ^"S" ^' l^^^" 178 X. C. F. Cleveland," b. Aug. 6, 1843. 179 XL Henry S.," b. May 23, 1845. 180 XIL EUen Jane," b. Oct. 30, 1846. Elisha," (123) had 1^ I. Collins," m. 1. EmeUne Scott; moved to Ohio; has his 2d wife. {g II. Burr B.,' m. Charlotte Hawley, 1830. 183 III. Mary,' m. Henry Sandland. 184 IV. Merrit,' b. 1807 ; single; d. 1828. 185 V. Gamer' m? Charlotte Hyde; had I. Lucy; II. Franklin, and moved to N. Y. state. 186 VL Ann,' m. E^nry Smith. 187 VII. Ruth,' m. George Smith. Z VIIL Chester,' m. Maria A. Collins,' (181) had by 1st, 189 I. Lamira," m. 190 II. Martha," m. 191 III. Merrit, 192 IV. Birge," 193 V. Juliet." Burr B.,' (182) had 194 L Ruth A.," b. 1831 ; m. E. C. A., 1850. 195 IL Martin V. B.,? b. 1834. 196 in. Elisha," b. 1837. 197 IV. Oliver," b. 1840. 198 V. Mary A.," b. 1842. 199 VL Marian," b. 1845. 498 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 200 VIL Chariotte M." b. 1848; lived eight days. 201 VIIL Nancy," b. 1851. Chester,' (188) had 202 I. Bennet C. 203 IL Benjamin D. Gideon," (125) had 189 I. StUes,' single ; d. 1850, at Alabama, worth $450,000. 190 II. Hannah,' m. Bennet Wooster. 191 III. Sally,' m. Harson Northrop, Wisconsin, and had I. Stiles ; II. MarshaU ; III. Martha, twins ; IV. Dex ter; V. Harson. 192 IV. Juliet,', d. single, at Ala. Wheeler," (128) had by 1st, 193 L dau.,' d. young, 1798. Jo'l IL Horace S.,' b. 1800 ; m. Maria Morriss. ^^ IIL John N.,' m. Lois Strickland. 196 IV. Susan,' m. Bansford Foot ; went to N. Y. state ; had issue. Z V. Wm. R.,' m. Roxy Morriss ; d. 1852, ae. 45. 198 VI. Samuel,' m. Clarinda L. Jones, New Milford, and had I. Zachery T." 199 VIL Sarah,' m. 1. GId Crane, and had L Dwight; 2. Ed. Hannah, and had II. JuUet ; III. Ruluff". 200 Vin. Martha,') m. Chauncey A.; had Bernice, b. y- twins. Oct., 1849. 201 IX Mary,' ) ip. Julius Smith, and had issue. 202 X. Wheeler,' m. Louisa, dau. Lewis Judd, and had I. Lucy." By 2d wife, ^ 203 XI. Franklin,' d. young. 204 XIL Dwight Starr.' f 205 XIII. Lewis Hart,' b. May 19, 1843. 206 XIV. Amos Gridley.' Horace S.,' (194) had 207 L Julia." 208 II. Margaret." 209 in. Roger," d. March, 1844. 210 IV. Benjamin," d. March, 1844. 211 V. Roger H.," b. Dec. 25, 1847. John N.,' (195) had 212 I. Stephen C," m. wid. Ann Davis, dau. Nathan Woodward, and had I. Joseph M.; II. John N. 213 II. WUliam," m. Betsey French ; had L Lois. 214 III. Susannah," m. Theodore Merwin. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 499 215 IV. Sarah." 216 V. John." 217 Vl. Harrison." 218 VII. AbigaU," b. Dec. 5, 1844. ' WiUiam R.,' (197) had 219 I. EUen." 220 IL Stoddard," d. 1852. 221 III. Morriss." 222 IV. Frank," b. May 15, 1844. 223 V. Arvesta." 224 VL Vestina." 225 VII. Goodwin." 226 VIIL Wm R.," b. 1853. Reuben," (130) had 227 I. Silas," m. 228 II. Caroline,' m. Eli Gibbs. 229 ni Mary Ann,' d. single. 230 IV. Wheeler.' ^31 V. George,' m. Henrietta Taylor. 232 VI. Julia,' d., ae. 18. Harvey," (131) m. Betsey Guernsey, May 13, 1809, and had 233 L Charlotte,' b- May 10, 1810 ; d. Sept. 19, 1814. 234 IL Charlotte EUzabeth,' b. Aug. 5, 1815 ; d. Oct. 10, 1819- .§? IIL Garwood Harvey,' b. Dec. 5, 1818. A; B. M. D. Yale. g IV. Leman Guernsey,' b. April 28, 1821. 237 V. Preston,' b. May 5, 1825. Garwood H,' (235) m. Henrietta EUza Judson, sole issue of Henry and Nancy Judson, May 1, 1848, and had 238 I. Henrietta EUzabeth," b. Oct. 18, 1849. 239 IL EUza H.," b. Oct. 14, 1851. Leman G.,' (236) m. Delia Melinda, dau. Laurens Judson, and had 240. I. Helen OpheUa," b. March 20", 1842. 241 IL Howard. Harvey," b. Feb. 10, 1852. John,' (36) m. 1. Concurrence Hurd. 2. Martha Brooks. 3. Phebe Northorp, and had by 1st, 242 I. Lucy," m. 1. Joel Martin. 2. Col. Curtis Tomlinson. %l IL Truman," b. 1772 ; m. Matilda Picket, New Milford ; d. Sept. 12, 1834. 244 III. Anna," died young. gi IV. James," b. 1775 ; m. 1. Prudence Stoddard ; 2. widow Abigail Lewis ; 3. Rosetta Cherevoy ; 4. Aurilla Hine, (divorced.) 246 V. Michael," b. 1777 ; m. 1. Mabel Peat ; 2. Polly Northorp. 247 VI. Concurrence," b. 1779 t d. young. By 2d wife, 1 500 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 248 VI. Philo," b. 1782 ; m. 1. Fairchild ; 2. Harriet Atwood. 249 VIIL Ruth Ann," b. 1783 ; m. Chauncey HaU, Dep. 5, 1803 ; had Fred'k and Chauncey. 250 IX. Polly," b. 1785 ; m. Daniel BeUamy, Oct. 9, 1802. 251 X. Minerva," b. 1787 ; m. Henry Oaks, N. H.; had issue. 252 XL Martha," d. young. Truman," (243) had 253 I. Currence,' m. Bethuel Foot. 254 II. Delia," m. Norton, Berlin. 255 III. Mills,' m.; had a son David Judson." A. 256 IV. Hector,' James," (245) had by 1st, 257 I. Olive,' m. Elmore Judson, and had I. Minerva, m. Elijah D. Judson. II. Thomas, m. Ann Millard. III. Wesley. i? IL Frederick S.,' m. 1. Maria Tuttle ; 2. Wid. ArmUla Scott ; 3. Wid. Sarah Hurd. 259 III. Sylvia S.,' m. Niram Warner and had I. Sarah, m. Geo. Camp, of New Preston. II. George. gj IV. John Bird,' m. Maria Lewis. Fred'k S.,' (258) had by 1st, 261 Abiram S.," m. CorneUa North; had Eugene,'' b. March 14, 1847. 262 Chauncey H.," m. Abby Hamblln, of Bristol ; had a son. 263 Jannet," m. Nathan Warner, Jr.; had a dau. 264 George," m. Huldah Carrington, of Bristol, 1853. John B.,' (260) had by Maria, 265 L Estella." 266 IL Victoria". 267 in. Frances," 268 IV. James," 269 V. Helen Ada," and parted from her. Henry,' (156) m. Margaret Ann Mcintosh in 1825 and had 270 L Ruth Ann." 271 IL Jane M." 272 in. Sarah." 273 IV. WiUiam Henry," 274 V. James Alfred. 275 'VL Matilda R.," and a pair of twins, (sons.) Nathan W.,' (89) m, Sarah Gillette, dau. Althea G., and had 276 I. Laura," m. BurweU. HISTOEY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 501 277 II. Minerva," m. ¦ Marsh. 278 ni. Martha Jane," m. Richardson, and two sons, one 1844, and the other was drowned in Waterbury. AMBLER FAMILY. Abraham Ambler, of Stamford, Conn., m. Mary , Dec. 25, 1662. He was probably son of Richard Ambler, of Watertown, Mass. Abraham and Mary had issue, 1. Mary, b. Jan. 15, 1663 ; 2. Abraham, b. Jan. 5, 1665-; 3, John, b. Feb. 18, 1667 ; 4. Joshua, b. Sept. 8, 1670; 5. Saveas, (a dau.) b. Oct. 6, 1672; perhaps others. Abraham, Jun., of Stamford, had Sarah, b. Dec. 29, 1721 ; Abra ham, b. Feb. 2, 1724, and others. Stephen, of Stamford, had John, b. March 24, 1728 ; Joseph, b. Oct. 4, 1727, and others. David Ambler, Esq. was born at Stamford, April 29, 1739, and came to Bethlehem society in 1773. His father, Stephen, tfien resi ding at Stamford, afterward died there. David m. Nov. 3, 1761, Olive Wildman, sister of Rev. Benjamin Wildman, of Southbury. He had for a long period the supei vision of the town affairs In the section where he resided ; was an efficient magistrate, and during the Revolution rendered Important services to the country, as committee of safety, and in procuring and forwarding supplies to the army- He d. Jan. 8, 1808. His wife survived him many years, and resided with her daughter at Bridgewater, Oneida Co., N. Y. Children as foUows. . 1. Betty, b. Nov. 8, 1762, m. Lebbius Camp ; 2. Billy, b. June 29, 1764 ; 3. Olive, b. Feb. 7, 1766 ; 4. Dorcas, b. Oct. 14, 1768 ; 5. Polly, b. Dec. 4, 1772, m. 1. Horace Brace, 2. Ebenezer Frisbie ; 6. Sarah, b. Jan. 31, 1774 ; 7. Daniel, b. Jan. 8, 1776 ; 8. Olive, b, Jan. 3, 1779; 9. Dorcas, b. Nov. 1, 1780, m. Dr. Lawrens Hull, of Angelica, N. Y.; 10. Sarah, b. June 7, 1786, m. 1. William Durand, 2. Luther Holbrook. Billy Ambler, son of David, Esq., m. Elizabeth Canjp, and had, 1. Olive, b. Sept, 4, 1791, d. May 21, 1793 ; 2. Selina, b. May 29, 1794, d. Aug. 19, 1796 ; 3. Polly, b. Nov. 29, 1795, d. March 9, 1820 ; 4. Joseph, b. Nov. 6, 1797, m. Eunice Mason, and d. 18 , without issue ; 5. Charles W., b. March 17, 1799, m. MeUnda Tanner, and 502 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. has an only child, John T.; 6. John C, b. Jan. 3, 1801 ; 7. Betsey, b. June 15, 1802, m. 1. Camp Hatch, 2. Jabez Whiting; 8. Susan W., b. June 11, 1804, m. John R. Church ; 9. Cynthia A., b. May 19, 1806, m. Chester HaU ; 10. Olive Selina, b. Aug. 23, 1809, d- unmarried. David, Jr., m. Ruth Thompson, of Goshen ; Removed to Augusta, N. Y., both Uving. Their children are, Charles, Eliza, m. — ¦¦ — Rice, Caroline, Augusta, d. unm., Mary, Charlotte, Lucretia, David and Rhoda. BAKER FAMILY. Baker is an old name at Boston and other places In Massachusetts ; also at Dover, New Hampshire, at Hartford, and many other towns in Connecticut. Joshua Baker, son of Alexander Baker, of Boston, b. there in 1642, moved to New London about 1670, m. and had children, among whom it is believed was John, b. Dec. 24, 1681, who came to Wood bury fropi New London, and d. in" 1750. The name of his'first wifa was Comfort, of the second Sarah ; children as follows. 1. John, bap. April, 1703 ; 2. Ephraim, bap. Feb., 1707 ; 3. Mary, bap. March, 1709, m. Joseph AUen, March 11, 1736-7, father of CoL Ethan Allen ; 4. Remember, b. Feb. 22, 1712 ; 5. Sarah, bap. Oct., 1715 ; 6. Elijah, b. May 16, 1718 ; 7. Elishh,, b. Oct., 1724. x Dea. John, Jr., d. May 7, 1787, had a wife, Patience, and children, 1. Mercy, b.Feb., 1726; d. July 6, 1735. 2.' Eliakim, bap. May 19, 1728 ; had children, 1. Patience, bap. July 22, 1753, m. Benjamin Clark, Sept. 21, 1775; 2. Phineas, bap. Sept. 21, 1755; 3. Mary, bap. Sept. 11, 1757 ; 4. Silas •; 5. Jacob; Eliakim; the three bap. June 9, 1774. 3. Mary, bap. March 8, 1730; m. Abraham ^Thomas, Jan. 31, 1751. 4. Damaris, b. April 22, 1733 ; d. Dec. 31, 1736. 5. Seth, b. July 14, 1735 ; had' I. Thaddeus, bap. May 3, 1761, m. Ann Castle, Jan. 7, 1791 ; 2. Alpheus, bap. May 9, 1762 ; 3. Abigail, bap. Sept., 21, 1765 ; 4. Seth, bap. Nov. 9, 1766 ; 5 Joseph, bap. Marah 1, 1772; 6. Sarah, bap. Jan. 2, 1774;. 7. Lucy, bap. Oct. 8, 1775 ; 8. Curtis, bap. Oct. 21, 1781. 6. John, bap. Oct. 17, 1742 ; d. young. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 503 7. Damaris, bap. Dec. 16, 1744, m. Nathan Rumsey, Aug. 19, 1765. 8. John, bap. April 3, 1748 ; d. Aug. 28, 1774. Ephraim, second son of John, m. Sarah Blakeley, Jan., 1733. Children, 1. Samuel, bap. Nov. 3, 1734 ; 2. Daniel, bap. May 15 1737, d. 1786 ; 3.. Sarah, bap. July 22, 1739, m. John Woodruff Feb. 3, 1756. Remember, third son of John, was accidentally killed on Mine Hill, (Roxbury,) about 1740. He left a wife, Tamer, and children, 1. MindweU, b. March 5, 1735, m. Selah Stone, Jan. 10, 1754 ; 2. -Remember, b. June, 1737, m. Desire Hurlbut, AprU 3, 1760. Elijah, fourth son of John, m. 1. Thankful , d. Oct. 8, 1752 ; ' 2. Ruth, , Nov. 28, 1753; she d. June 2, 1781. His children were, 1. Thankful, bap. Jan. 6, 1740, m. William Castle, Feb. 23, 1758; 2. Elijah, bap. Feb. 24, 1742, d. young; 3. Comfort, bap. April 29, 1744, m. Ebenezer Huribut, Aug. 19, 1765 ; 4. Anna, bap. March 11, 1746, m. Benjamin Chittenden, Jan. 23, 1765; 5. Elijah, bap. April 17, 1748; 6 and 7, Eldad, Medad, (twins,) bap- Dec. 1, 1754 ; Eldad m. Jemima Hurd, Aug. 22, 1774 ; Medad m. Sarah Foot, Sept. 1, 1774, and d. 1777. ,8. Ruth, bap. Sept. 3, 1758, m. David Thomas, Nov. 28, 1784 ; 9. Eleanor, bap. May 3, 1761 ; 10. Lois, bap. July 10, 1763, m. Ezra Cary, 1782; 11. Rebecca, bap. Aug. 8, 1765. Jesse, (fifth son of John,) and wife Joanna, had, 1. David, b. April 15, 1743 ; 2. Ann, b. March 22, 1746 ; 3. Tamer, b. Feb. 23, 1749 ; 4. Joanna, b. Sept. 15, 1754, m. Caleb Hitchcock, Jan. 4, 1776. EUsha, sixth son of John, had, 1. Abigail, b. Dec, 26, 1748 ; 2. EU, bap. Oct. 28, 1750 ; 3. Sarah, bap. Jan. 7, 1753 ; 4. Phebe, bap. .Jan. 19, 1755; 5. Elisha, b. Jan. 21, 1759; 6. Sena, bap. Jan. 21, 1761 ; 7. Ira, bap. Sept. 16, 1764; 8. Rhoda, bap. March 25, 1768. Lemuel Baker and wife Jerusha, had, 1, Joseph, b. April 9, 1743 ; 2. Jacob, b. Jan. 1, 1746; 3. Abraham, b. Sept. 13, 1747 ; 4. Ke- ziah, bap. Nov. 12, 1749; 6. Lemuel, bap. April 14, 1754. ¦Elnathan Baker and wife Abigail, had Abraham, b. Dec. 5, 1749. Ephraim Baker had children, 1. Elisabeth, m. 1.^ -Logan, 2. John Trowbridge ; 2. Ephraim ; 3. Lucretia ; 4. Herman ; 5. Ste- plien Sperry, these four bap. Sept. 5, 1782. Lucretia m. Enos Mitchell. / Lieut. John Baker, d. 1760; had a wife, Mary, and children, 1. V Elnathan, b. July 5, 1727; 2. Ezekiel, b. Nov. 12, 1729; 3. Jona than ; 4. EUzabeth, b. June 29, 1736, m. Samuel Judson, 1753 ; 5. 504 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Mercy, bap. Aug. 13, 1738 ; 6. Jerusha, b. May 7, 1739, m. Sanford ; 7. Mehitabel; b. June 1, 1741, m. Jonathan Shepherd, April 30, 1760; 8. OUve, b. March 25, 1744; 9. John, b. May 6, 1746 ; 10. Samuel, b. June 12, 1748 ; 11. Amos, b. Oct, 14, 1750.^ BLAKELEY FAMILY. Samuel Blakeley, had, 1. Samuel, Meriam, Jonathan, Sarah, Han nah and Mary, all bap. Aug., 1697. Samuel, s. of Samuel, d. 1753 ; had a w., Heelinah, and ch., 1. Thank ful, bap. Nov., 1714 ; 2. Dea. Samuel, bap. Nov. 23, 1718, and had, 1. Ruth, bap. Jan. 11, 1744, m. Edward Collins, 1763 ; 2. Rebecca, bap. Aug. 25, 1745, m. Asahel Hurd, 1776 ; 3. Miriam, bap. Jan. 17, 1748, m. Asahel Booth ; 4. Anna, d. 1753 ; 5. Israel, bap. July 14, 1754; 6. Anna, bap. Aug.,15,1756 ; 7. Joseph, bap.Nov. 12, 1758 ; 8. James, bap. Oct. 26, 1760, m. Ruth Root ; 9. Eleanor, bap. March 10, 1765. Tilly Blakeley d. Aug. 3, 1769, and his wife Mary d. Feb. 26, 1789. Children, L Tilly, m. Mary Baker, March 16, 1758, who d. April 28, 1792. Their children were, 1. Mary, bap. Jan.- 21, 1759, d. next March; 2. Mehitabel, bap. March 10, 1765; 3. Ebenezer,' bap. Sept. 30, 1770 . 4. Zacheus, bap. Dec. 20, 1772 ; 5. Mercy, bap. ' May 26, 1776. U. Dan, bap. June 14, 1741, and m. Eunice Booth, of Redding, March 3, 1768. III. Jonathan. IV. Justice, b. March 9, 1735. V. Sarah, bap. Aug, 5, 1739. VI. Eleanor, bap. Sept. 18, 1743, m. Zacheus WeUer. VIL Ebenezer, bap. Oct. 22, 1745. VIIL David, bap. July 30, 1749, m. Phebe Hall, Feb. 28, 1776. BRONSON FAMILY. Richard and John Bronson, were at Hartford at an early period of the settlement. From them most, If not all the Bronsons in Con necticut, are descended. John had a son John, bap. in 1643-4, and the last-i^amed had Ebenezer, who m. Mary and settled in Woodbury about 1690; had Stiles, bap. 1690-1. Ebenezer m. 2, Mary Munn, Aug. 1-3, 1702, and had Issue as foUows- 1. EUzabeth, bap. May, 1703 ; 2. Sarah, b. Sept. 10, 1705 ; 3. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 505 Bethia, b. Dec. 20, 1707, m. Leniuel Wheeler, Aug. 14, 1729; 4. Samuel, bap. July, 1710; 5. Mary, b. Aug. 27, 1712; 6. John, b. July 4, 1714, d. 1775, leaving Martha, his wife, no issue ; 7. Ebene zer, 8. Stiles, (twins,) b. May 9, 1717; 9. Mary, b. July 21, 1719, m. John Leavenworth, Jan. 20, 1747 ; 10. Esther, b. Jan. 3, 1724, m. Benjamin Galpin, Sept. 5, 1755. Ebenezer, the father, d. May 23, 1727. Samuel, first son of Ebenezer, m. EUzabeth Towner, March 9> 1735, and had: L Noah, bap. Mar. 21, 1736, m. EUz'bth Wilson,Nov. 11, 1760, and had, 1. Mary, b. March 26, 1761 ; 2. Rhoda, bap. March 20, 1763, d. Oct- 24, '1776 ; 3. Aaron, bap. July 12, 1768, m. Anne Ward, Nov. 30, 1794, had Harvey,' b. Oct. 2, 1795, Abel W., b. 1798, Hannah, bap. Sept. 13, 1809, Betsey, bap. 1809, Augustus; 4. Jeremiah, b. Nov. 13, 1771, d. May 18, 1775 ; 5. Rhoda, b. April 7, 1777, d. Nov. 27, 1793 ; 6- Samuel, b. April 5, 1779. IL Abraham, b. July 1, 1739; m. Abigail , and had Joel, bap. May 17, 1772; Levi, bap. June 27, 1773. III. Eunice, bap. Sept. 14, 1745, m. Jeremiah Johnson. Ebenezer, fourth son of Ebenezer, m. Deborah Sanford, June 25, 1739 ; had 1. Olive, b. Dec. 20, 1740, m. Joseph Drake, Aug. 16, 1775 ; 2. Sarah, b. Nov. 26, 1743 ; 3- Deborah, m. Elisha Judson ; *4. Mary, bap. March 29, 1747, d. young ; 5. Rachel, bap. Jan. 21, 1750, m. John Towner, May 9, l774,; 6. Mary, b. Nov. 10, 1754, m. Joseph Towner, May 17, 1775 ; 7. Ebenezer, bap. Jan. 5, 1758. Richard Bronson, an original settler at Farmington, had sons, and among them was Cornelius, b. 1648, and came to ''Ancient Wood bury," about 1690, d. May, 1732. His ch. were 1. Richard, bap. May, 1 692 ; 2. CorneUus, bap. Dec, 1692-3 ; 3. Elisabeth, bap. March, 1693-4; 4. Abraham, bap. May, 1697, d. May 16, 1727; 5. Ste phen, b. May 12, 1699 ; 6. Timothy, b. June 14, 1701 ; 7. John, b.ap. April, 1704, d. Oct. 16, 1727 ; 8. Amos, b. Oct., 1707, d. Jan. 14, 1708. Richard', eldest son of Cornelius, m. Mercy Bronson, of Water bury, Nov. 17, 1714, and had an only cMld. Mercy, b. Dec. 26, 1713, tti. Thomas Bennet, of Newtown, Nov. 18, 1736, and had two daughters, Rhoda and Ann; Rhoda m. .Rev. Noah Benedict, of Woodbury, and became mother ofthe Hon. Noah B. Benedict, of Gen,, Thomas B. Benedict, and .Ruth, who m. Hon. Nathaniel Smith ; Ann, the other daughter of Thomas Bonnet, m. Lieut. 'Syilliam French, of Southbury, and had nine chil- ilren, among whom was Sylvania, the wife of Gen. E. Hinman, and mother ot the, Hon. R. R. Hinman, the distingnished antiquarian. 33 506 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. Richard, the father of Mercy, d. Aug. 21, 1769, and his relict d. June 8, 1786, aged 92. Cornelius, Jr., second son, m. 'Abigail Jackson, Nov. 6, 1717, who died Nov. 2, 1772. Their children were : I. Stephen, b. June 20, 1718, m. Mary , had 1. Cornelius, b. June 11, 1749, m. EUzabeth Frisbie; 2. Abijah, b. Dec. 31,' 1750; m. Ann Hurd, Jan. 17, 1773 ; she d. Dec. 17, 1775 ; m. (2d) Ruth Hurd, Feb. 14, 1782 ; 3. Thomas, b. Jan. 7, 1753, m. Ann Rumsey, Dee. 12, 1785 ; 4. Mercy, b. Jan. 23, 1754; 5. Luman, b. Nov. 15, 1756 ; 6. Aaron, b. May 27, 1758; 7. Hannah, b. Oct. 1, 1760, m. David Rumsey, 1782. II. Elijah, b. March 12, 1720, m. Damaris , and had 1. Marsh, bap. 1763, d. May 24, 1841 ; 2. Gideon, bap. April 17, 1763, d. March 11, 1841 ; 3. Hannah, b. 1766, d. 1843; 3. Aaron, b. 1769, d. 1811. IIL Gideon, b. Feb., 1722, d. young. IV. Jedidiah, b. April 20, 1724, m. Nathaniel Baldwin, Nov. 30, 1763. V. Anna, bap. Aug. 20, 1726, m. David Norton, Jan. 29, 1752. VI. Abraham, bap. Jan. 12, 1729, d. at Bethlem, 1802- VIL John,b. Feb. 7, 1730, d. 1758, "in the army of the north." VIIL Mary, bap. Sept. 1733, m. Col. Ethan Allen, June, 23, 1762. IX. Israel, bap. July, 1735, had a dau. Ann, bap. April 21, 1765, he d. 1785. X. Gideon, bap. June, 1737. XL Patience, bap. March 18, 1743. Timothy, son of Cornelius, Sen., m. Abigail Jenners, April 30, 1729, and had I. Huldah, b. May 22, 1730, m. Andrew Squire, March 22, 1755. IL Amos, b. June 9, 1732, m. Dorcas Strong, Dec. 14, 1757, and had 1. AbigaU, b. Nov. 20, 1758, m. Isaac Merwin, Dec. 22, 1795; 2. Bethuna, b. Aug. 10, 1760; 3. Joel, b. May 12, 1762. III. Timothy, bap. July 1, 1734. IV. Richard, bap. May 8, 1737. V. Gideon, bap. Oct. 4, 1739. VI. Nathan, b. May 14, 1742. VIL EUsabeth, b. May 17, 1744. VIIL Asa, bap. May 5, 1746. IX. EU, bap. June 5, 1748. X. Abigail, bap. .Tuly 15, 1753. Moses Bronson, probably a descendant of John, of Farmington, re moved from Berlin, Conn., to Hillsdale, N. Y., and had a son Ephraim, who m. Bethia Virgil, of Hillsdale, and had 14 children. Ira v., the fourth ch. of Ephraim, was b. Oct. 18, 1778, went to Simsbury, Conn., when young, and studied medicine with Doctor Everest. In 1804, he settled in Wa,shington as physician, and m. Sarah Ann Moseley, and had : I. Moseley V., b. Jan. 12, 1806. II. William V., b. Sept. 15, 180J, d. June 8, 1811. IIL Desius C, b. Oct. 2, 1809, d. June 1, 1811. IV. William C, b. Dec. 12, 1811, m. Lucy A. Whittlesey, April 15, 1840, and has 1. Martha A., b. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 507 April 3, 1841 ; 2. Mary A., b. April 3, 1845; 3. Walter W., b. Feb. 18, 1848 ; 4. Harriet A., b. Dec. 21, 1851. V. Susan M., b. May 19, 1814. VI. Harriet E., b. Sept. 16, 1816, m. John P. Andrews. BELLAMY FAMILY. Matthew Bellamy settled first at Fairfield, afterward at Killing- worth ; had a son, Matthew, who resided at Wallingford, m. Mary , and had Matthew, Samuel, Moses, Aaron, John, James, Joseph, D. D., and daughters, Sarah, Hapnah and Mary. Joseph, D. D., was b. in 1719, settled in Bethlehem society, in 1740, m. Frances Sherman, of New Haven, April 27, 1744, who d. Aug. 30, 1785. He m. (2d) the widow of the Rev. Andrew Storrs, of Watertown, Conn. ; ch. 1. Lucy, b. Aug. 1, 1745, m. Abijah Guernsey, Aug. 1772 ; 2. Rebecca, bap. Oct. 15, 1747, m. Rev. Mr. Hart, of Preston, Conn., Sept. 6, 1769, d. Dec. 24, 1788; 3. David, b. Nov. 10, 1750, d. May, 1826; 4. Jonathan, b. Nov. 18, 1752, d. at Oxford, N. J., in 1777; 5. Samuel, b. March 13, 1756, d. Nov. 11, 1802 ; 6. EUsabeth, b. Dec. 23, 1759, m. Charies Sheldon, of Springfield, Mass. ; 7. WiUiam, b. June 28, 1770 ; 8. 'Joseph Sher man, b. 1773. Dr. Bellamy died March 6, 1760. David, Esq., m. Silence Leavitt, who d. July, 1814, fi. 61 ; ch. Joseph Hart, bap. Jan., 1789 ; David, bap. Nov. 27, 1791. Joseph Hart, Esq., m. Sarah G. HiUhouse, of New Haven, and had : 1. David, bap. Nov. 10, 1816, d. unm. ; 2. Charlotte H., bap. Sept., 1819 ; 3. Elisabeth M., m. Rev. Aretas G. Loomis, June, 1853 ; Joseph H., Esq., d. Nov. 2, 1848. Samuel, son of Dr. Bellamy, m. Anna Steele, of Bethlem, tod had Jonathan, Daniel, Joseph, Edward, and a dau. Charlotte, b. Jan. 30, 1779, d. Feb. 22, 1802. The children of Samuel are all deceased, but some of his descendants now reside in western New York. William, son of Dr. Joseph, m. in early life, and left one or more sons to perpetuate his name. After his decease, his widow removed to Brooklyn, N. Y., where she died about 1848. 608 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. BATTELL FAMILY. John' Battell came to America from France, settled at Dedham, Mass., and d. Sept. 30, 1713, leaving a son, John,^ who was born in 1689, m. AbigaU Draper, Jan. 17, 1710, d. Sept. 14, 1729, leaving a son John,' who was born April 30, 1716, m. Mehitabel Sherman, sister of the patriot Roger Sherman, signer of the Declaration, and died Nov. 18, 1800. Among his children was a son named William, b. Aug. 12, 1748, emigrated from Dedham to Milford, Conn.', and m. Sarah Buckingham, in 1753. His ch. were : I. WiUiam, b. at Milford, March 25, 1773, and d. unm. at Tor- ringford, July 8, 1841. IL Joseph, b. at Milford, July 21, 1774; settled at Norfolk, Conn., and m. Sarah, dau. of the Rev. Amml Rob- bins, July 24, 1805. He was an estimable citizen, and an enterpri sing and successful business man. He d. Nov. 30, 1841, leaving his wife and nine children, all living at the present time. III. Josiah Buckingham, b. at Woodbury, March 1, 1776, m. Sarah GiUett, of Torrington ; had three daughters, all deceased. He d. May 7, 1843. IV. John Brinsmade, b. at Woodbury, July 21, 1779, d. in VIrginiaj Nov. 7, 1819, unm. V. Sally, b. at Woodbury, May 29, 1781, and m. the Rev.^ Abel McEwen, D. D., of New London. VI. Nancy, b. at Woodbury, Feb. 20, 1783, m. the Rev. Harvey Loomis, of Ban gor, Maine, deceased, and has two sons. She now resides at Tor- ringford. Conn. VII. Harriet, b. at Torrington, June 7, 1785, d. Feb. 24, 1822, unm. VIIL Urana P., b. at Torrington, May 15, 1787, d. Jan. 23, 1814, unm. IX. Charles Isaac, b. July 23, 1789; now resides in Evansville, Indiana, unm. X. Charlotte, b. Feb. 19, 1796, m. Austin. William, father of the above, in. a second time in 1807, Mrs. Mar tha Mitchell, his cousin, and dau. of the Rev. Josiah Sherman, of Goshen and Woburn, Mass., and sister of the Hon. Roger M. Sher man, of Fairfield, Conn. Mr. Battell d. Feb. 29, 1832; his second wife d. Oct. 25, 1829. BOOTH FAMILY. Richard Booth was born in England, In 1607; emigrated to this country and settled at Stratford, in 1640. From him have descended the Booths of Trumbull, Bridgeport, " Ancient Woodbury," &c. He HISTOEY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 509 m. a Miss Hawley, sister of Joseph Hawley, of Stratford, and had 1. EUsabeth, b. Sept. 12, 1641, m. John Minor, of Stratford; 2. Anna; b. Feb. 14, 1643 ; 3. Ephraim, b. Aug. 1648; 4. Ebenezer, b. Nov. 19, 1651 ; 5. John, b. Nov. 6, 1653 ; 6. Joseph, b. Feb. or March 8, 1756 ; 7. Bethia, b. May 18, 1658 ; 8. Johannah, b. March 21, 1661. John, the son of Richard, m. Dorothy Hawley, June 14, 1678; settled at Woodbury, and had 1. Thomas, b. March 13, 1679 ; 2. John. John, Jr., m. Elisabeth Mallory, of New Haven, June 9, 1717; ch. 1. Nathan, b. Oct. 25, 1718, m. Comfort , and had Samuel, b- Dec. 23, 1743 ; 2. Gideon, b. April 9, 1721 ; 3. Bethia, b. May 28, 1724; 4. Abiah, b. Sept. 10, 1729, d. NoV.'4, 1735; 5. Mabel, b. Oct. 11, 1735, m. John Skeel, Dec. 13, 1758. Gideon, son of John, Jr., m. (1st) ; m. (2d) Sarah " Koy," (McKoy,) Dec. 4, 1764 ; ch. L Gideon H., bap. Dec. 18, 1755 ; IL Elisha, bap. Dec. 18, 1755 ; III. Isaac, bap. May 7, 1758 ; IV. Ann, bap. July 6, 1760; V. Rachel, bap. Jan. 23, 1762; VL Martin Lu ther, bap. Oct. 8, 1765, m. Sarah Simons, (formerly of Colebrook, Conn.,) in Albany co., N. Y., and had 1. Rachel, b. Nov. 1789, m. Bar nard Eighmey; 2. Sarah, b. Feb. 18, 1791, m. Isaac Dymond; is now a widow and resides in New York ; 3. Susannah, b. 1793, m. Tompkins; 4. Mabel, b. 1795, m. WiUiam Kerr; 5. Martin, b. 1797, m. Ede Babcock ; resides in Woodstock, N. Y. ; 6. Mary, b. 1799, m. Joseph Dymond; resides in Pa.; 7- James, b. 1801, m. Hannah Hubbell; resides in Indiana; 8. EUzabeth, b. 1803, m. James McDaniels ; resides in Ulster co., N. Y. ; 9. Harriet, b. 1805, m. Charles Jones, of England; 10. Calvin, b. 1808, d. a. 16 ; VIL Moses, bap. Aug. 30, 1767 ; now living in Ohio ; VIIL Sarah, bap. July 9, 1769 ; IX. John C, bap. June 6, 1773 ; X. Aaron, bap. June 1, 1777. The following are descended from Richard, of Stratford : Elijah Booth, son of Ebenezer, m. (1st) Anna Hinman, Oct. 14, 1772 ; she d. April 15, 1804 ; m. (2d) AnnaDeming, Aug. 22, 1806. He d. Sept. 24, 1823 ; his 2d wife d. Aug, 4, 1843. Ch; L Esther, b. Jan. 18, 1774; II. Polly, b. May 1, 1778; IIL Anna, b. Oct. 3, 1779, m. Alanson Beecher, April 3, 1800 ; IV. Noah Hinman, b. May 4, 1781, d. young; V. Noah Hinman, b. June 31, 1783, m. (1st) Lucenah Pardee, who d. Nov. 17, 1832; m. (2d) Damaris Fairchild ; shed. March, 1847; m. (3d) Cynthia Peck, June 22, 1847; his ch. were 1. George, b. March 21, 1807 ; 2. Fer net, b. Dec. 4, 1809, m. Nancy Smith, of Orange; 3. Ellsworth, b. May 4, 1813, d. Nov. 13, 1825 ; 4. Erastus, b. Jan. 6, 1815 ; 5. Ma- 510 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. riett, b. March 27, 1818, m. Ephraim Shelton ; 6. NoAh Horace, b. March 19, 1820, d. Dec, 1846 ; 7. Benjamin, b. Nov. 18, 1812, m- Carolme Andrew; 8. EUery, b. June 16, 1826; 9. Ransom P., b. Nov. 15, 1827, m. Caroline Jones ; VL Sally, b. Oct. 5, 1786, d. Oct. 26, 1798 ; VIL Lyman, b. June 22, 1788, d. July 22, 1811 ; VIIL Ebenezer, b. April 7, 1790, m. Sibilla Beecher, Nov. 30, 1812 ; ch. 1. Lyman, b. Jan. 16, 1814 ; 2. Sally, b. April 22, 1815 ; 3. Jerusha, b. Dec. 25, 1817, d. Feb. 28, 1834 ; 4. Milo, b. Oct. 12, 1829 ; m. Huldah Squire; 5. Gratia,' ,b. Aug. 4, 1821. Samuel Booth, son of Joseph, of Stratford, m. Sarah Walker, Dec, 1767 ; ch. I. Joseph, -b. Dec 25, 1768, m. Betsey Edwards ; II. Sa rah, b. Nov. 5, 1770 ; m. James Booth, of Newtown ; III. Ebenezer, b. March 7, 177^, m. Comfort Smith ; IV. Ely, b. June 23, 1775, m. Abigail Minor, of Roxbury, and had 1. Lemira ; 2. Richard, dec. ; 3. Jerusha, m. 'Charles Beardsley ; 4. Harvey M. ; 5.- Henry, resides at Towanda, Pa; V. James, b. AprU 19, 1777, d. Oct. 13, 1778 ; VL j:iuldah, b. Oct. 15, 1779, m. Peter Castle; VII. Ruth, b. May, 1782; VIIL James Walker, b. Jan. 5, 1785, d. Feb., 1785; IX. Richard, b. Feb. 26, 1786, d. Dec 11, 1789. David Booth, d. April, 1753, leaving his wife, Mary, and ch. Ma ry, Rebecca, Eunice, Mehetable, Joseph and Sarah. Mary m. Peter Castle. Sarah m. Doct. Azariah Eastman. Nathan Booth and his wife Comfort had Samuel, b. Dec. 23, 1743. BURRITT FAMILY. Doct. Anthony Burritt, the first of the ijame in ancient Woodbury, was b. in Newtown, Conn. He m. 1st, Anna, dau. of Agur Curtiss, who was b. 20 July, 1759, and d. 30 Sept. 1808; m. 2d, Abigail, wid. of Justus Hinman, 26 March, 1809. Children : Mary Ann, b. 4 March, 1783 ; m. Bronson French. Josiah, b. 8 Oct., 1784 ; m. Urania Hawley, d. 1851, Nancy, b. 6 Feb., 1787 ; m. Truman Wheeler. Benjamin, b. 17 Oct., 1791 ; d. young. SeUna, b. 29 May, 1789 ; m. WUliam Hinman; Ransom, b. 18 Dec, 1792 ; ra. Nancy Judson. Flora, b. 13 Sept., 1795 ; m. George Hinman. Harriet, b. 19 Nov., 1797 ; m. 1st, Daniel C. Bacon ; m. 2d, Ben jamin Hinman. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 511 Sally, b. 12 March, 1800 ; m. Nathan Hinman. Dr. Anthony B., b. 12 July, 1810 ; m. Mary Hawley, in 1830. His ch. are, Benjamin A., b. 1839 ; Susan, b. 30 Dec. 1843 ; Frances, b. 29 Jan., 1846. Doct. Anthony, Sen., d. 12 April, 1839, -^ BRINSMADE FAMILY. •£?I!o'?? fif-l3^--Banaffliaie^MLe apji^red^aTlxin.the Massaiclnte. ^®**®,5°knXL0I}JLi!Lfil)aaaestawn, ,iieta^ 1640,,. John Brinsmade was one of the early settlers of Stratford, Conn., and was elected May 13, 1669, a xcpresentatiye to the General Court, for that town. He was also elected to the same office Oct., 1671 ; was enrolled among the freemen of Stratford, in 1669, as John Brinsmade, elder. Lieut. Daniel Brinsmade, (probably son of John) d. March 27, 1757, aged 70. Mary, his wife, d. 1731, at the age of 35. They had two sons, Daniel and Abraham. Daniel was born in 1718 ; graduated at Yale College, in 1745 ; settled as minister over the Congregational church in Judea society. He died April 23, 1793. Abraham lived at Stratford, in that part of the town now TrumbuU, and d. Nov. 27, 1801. Daniel m. Rhoda Sherman, of New Haven, and had two sons, Daniel Nathainiel and Daniel Sherma.n. Daniel N. graduated at Yale College, in 1772 ; studied law and Uved and died in his native place, Oct. 29, 1826, aged 75. He m. Abigail Far rand, Nov. 23, 1779, and had one son, Daniel B., born Oct. 15, 1782; Daniel S. m. Lydia Elliott, and died Jan. 31, 1813, aged 58 ; has one son, Daniel E., now living, and two daughters ; one m. John Mosely, of Southbury, and the other m. C. McMahon. Daniel B. m. Irene Merwin, for his first wife, and had one son. She d. May 2, 1812, aged 22 ; m. second, Mary W. Gold, of Cornwall, and had two sons and two daughters, Thomas F., William B., AbigaU Irene and Mary M. CAPT. THOMAS BULL, From England, came to Hartford, Conn., with the first company -which settled in that place, in the year 1 635, from Newtown, now Cam bridge, Mass. He was born in 1606, and died in 1684, aged seventy- 512 HISTOEY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. eight years. His wife, Susannah, died 1680, aged seventy. His tombstone says, that he was engaged in the fight at the Pequot fort in 1637. He received an arrow in a hard piece of cheese which he had in his clothes, and by it was saved harmless. For his services on that occasion, the Legislature of Connecticut, granted to him and to four others, five hundred acres of land, as stated in the ancient records at Hartford- He was sent in 1675, with a body of militia, to Saybrook, to resist the oppressive demands of Sir Edmund An» dross, which duty he successfully performed, and was told by Sir Ed mund, " that his horns ought to be tipped with silver." Among his sons were: 2. Dea. Thomas Bull, one of the " first and principal settlers of Farmington." He m. Esther Cowles, who d. 1691, aged 42; after ward, in 1692, m. Mary Lewis, who d. 1728. Among his children were John, Samuel and David. John, b. 1670, m. in 1698, Esther Royce, and died 1705, aged 35. He lived on the border of West Hartford. His youngest son, John, m. Mercy Buck in 1734, and settled in Woodbury. He d. July 21, 1737, aged — , leaving one child, Elizabeth, two days old at her fathei-'s death. Dea. Samuel Bull, son of Thomas Bull, of Farmington, was the first settler of the name in Woodbury. He m. Elizabeth, only dau. of Rev. Zach. Walker, who d. Sept. 22, 1741, aged 67. He after ward m. the widow of Thos. Hicox, of Westbury, (now Watertown,) who survived him, d. in 1756. He, Samuel BuU, d. Oct. 27, 1749, aged 72, leaving no children of his own, but adopted Major Thomas . Bull, son of his brother David BuU. 3. David, son of .Thomas Bull, (2) lived on his father's place in Farmington ; b. 1687, d. 1762, aged 75. He m. Sarah Ashley, of Westfield, in 1717, who d. 1747, aged 54. 4. Major Thomas Bull, son ofthe above, and adopted son of Sam uel Bull, of Woodbury, b. 1729, d. Feb; 24, 1804, aged-74 years; m. Elizabeth, dau. of Nathan Curtiss, Sen. She d. April 30, 1770, aged 32. He afterward m. AmaryUis Prindle, from Newtown, a widowj who d. Dec. 10, 1800, aged 61. He was an officer in the Rev olutionary war ; was at the capture of Gen. Burgoyne. At the bat tle on York Island, he served as captain of cavalry, and also during the campaign in New Jersey. His children were, Esther, (who m. Rev. Abner Smith, of Derby, and d. about 1816, leaving one dau., Elizabeth, now wife of Rev. S. T. Babbitt, of Galesburg, IlUnois,) and one son, viz., David S. Bull, b. March 30, 1763, and d. at Wood bury, Oct. 10, 1810, aged 47. He m. Ruth E. Hinman, who d. Oct. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 51 3 24, 1796, aged 29. Afterward m. EUzabeth Mitchell, who d. May 2, 1843, aged 05. Their children were Thomas, and David S., who d. Dec 8, 1323, aged 18. He was educated as a shipping merchant at New London, and made many voyages to the West Indies. Thomas Bull, son of the above, now lives in Woodbury ; m. Susan Sherman. Their children are Elizabeth, David S., Julia E. and Susan J. Esther, sister of Major Thomas Bull, m. Isaiah Gilbert, and lived for many years in Middle Quarter, Woodbury ; afterward removed to Vermont. Two of the daughters m. LInsleys, a son of one of whom became afterward distinguished in public life. Ebenezer Bull, son of Moses and Mabel Bull, of Farmington, a sin gle inan, settled in Woodbury, and d. of fever at the house of Preserved Strong, Jan. 26, 1760. His brother, Moses Bull, a young physician, recently located at Sheffield, Mass., came to take care of him in his sickness, and afterward remained here to settle his estate, died at Woodbury, April 15, 1760, of the same disease as his brother. Their tombstones are still legible In the old cemetery in Woodbury. BEERS FAMILY In 1637, the town of Fairfield was discovered by Roger Ludlow, Lieut. Gov. of Connecticut, in pursuing the Pequot Indians to tho Great Sasco Swamp, where a battle was fought, from which it ob tained the name of the Pequot Swamp. In 1639, Ludlow and oth ers from Windsor, to the number of eight or ten families, commenced a plantation there. Shortly after, a company from Concord, and another from Watertown, Mass., joined them ; among whom were Anthony and James Beers, from the latter place, supposed to have been the sons of I. Capt. Richard Beers, of Watertown, who was killed near North- field, Mass., in Philip's Indian War. Anthony Beers had lands granted to him by the town of Fairfield in 1667, which he sold in 1669, and, as nothing further appears in relation to him, it was supposed that he was soon afterward drowned ; and such is the tradition. n. James Beers, purchased a house and land there in 1659-60, and, in 1661, the town confirmed to him eight acres in Sasco Fields, 514 HISTOEY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. "which the Indians gave him." In 1664, the General Assembly " accepted him to be made a freeman of Fairfield," and two men were designated to administer the oath of freedom to him at the next meet ing, " if nothing fall as a just exception in the interim." Sept. 30, 1667, the town appointed a committee to view his lands, and report. They amounted to £194, 10s. In April, 1681, he purchased lands in Woodbury, which he sold to John Thomas, of New Haven, in 1693. He d. in Nov., 1694. His widow (Martha) U in Feb., 1698., His children, were, 1. James, who died before his father, in 1691 ; had five-children, Janies, Sarah, Joseph, David and Mary. 2. Joseph ; see below. 3. M'artha; m. Joseph Bulkley. 4. Deborah ; m. Samuel Hull. 5. EUzabeth ; m. Joseph Darling. III. Joseph Beers, above named, lived in Fairfield ; d. there in 1696-7. The inventory of his estate was exhibited for probate, 6th March, 1696-7. The General Assembly, at May session, 1699, granted liberty to his administrators to sell lands to pay his debts. " As the distribution of his estate could not be found," his three chil dren divided the real estate by deed of 6th of March, 1718-19. See Fairfield town records, B. 3, p. 292. He had three children : 1. Joseph ; see below. 2. James. 3. Abigail, who was b. 24th April, 1692, m. Jno. Blackman, of Newtown. IV. Joseph Beers,' son of Joseph above, was born at Fairfield, 18th March, 1688; m. Sarah, daughter of John Clarke; removed to Stratford about l722, where he purchased of Nathan Beers, of Mid dletown, the 4th of Aug., 1722, a dwelling-house, shop and lot of land for £22. On the 13th March, 1725, John Clarke deeded' his " daughter Sarah, wife of Joseph Beers," four acres of land in Strat ford. He had nine children, viz. 1. Ephraun, b. June 25, 1722. 2. Daniel ; see below. 3. and 4. Joseph and John, b. Oct. 13, 1727. 5. Andrew, b. Feb. 3, 1729. 6. Abel, b. Sept. 27, 1732. 7. Sarah, b. Feb. 18, 1734. 8. Matthew, bom Dec. 10, 1736, (died young.) 9. Matthew, 2d, b. Feb. 12, 1738-9. V. Daniel Beers, above named, was born at Stratford, Oct. 17, HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 515 1725. Removed to Woodbury, and purchased two acres of land there the 13th of Dec, 1749; m. Phebe Walker, daughter of Jo siah Walker, Aug. 9, 1750 ; d. March 9, 1789. His widow died Dec 13, 1813. Her father was son of Deacon Zechariah Walker, and grandson of the Rev. Zechariah Walker, the first pastor of the Congregational church in Woodbury. Daniel Beers had seven chil dren, viz. 1. Josiah ; see below. 2. Sarah ; b. Sept. 20, 1753 ; m. Dr. Bennet Perry, of New town ; had eight children, viz., 1. Joseph, an Episcopal clergyman at Ballstown ; 2. Polly, m. Hon. Asa Chapman, of Newtown ; 3. Bet sey, m. Marcus Botsford ; 4. Herman, m. Orpha Shepard, he d., she m. Garry Bacon ; 5. Nathaniel Preston, an attorney at Kent ; 6. Sally, m. Curtis Hinman, Esq., of Southbury ; 7. Nancy, m. Eli sha T. Mills, Esq., of Huntington ; 8. Sylvia, m. Benj'n F. Shelton, Esq., of Newtown. Polly Chapman had four children, viz., Charles, now a member of Congress ; Charlotte, m. A. A. HoUey and d.; Wm., residing at Brooklyn, N. Y., and Henry, of Brooklyn, who m. the daughter of Lemuel Hurlbut. 3. Lewis, b. Feb. 12, 1756; m. EUzabeth Munn ; had one ch., Eliza, who m. James Preston. 4. Zechariah, b. June 3, 1758 ; had nine children ; 1. Orva, in. 1. to Thos. I. Root, 2. to Benjamin B. Watson; 2. Edwin, m. N. Hutchinson, of TuUy ; 3. Sablna, m. Wm. Drakeley ; 4. Sally, m. Milton Chapman ; b. Daniel, In Illinois ; 6. Philo, in Illinois ; 7. Sally, 2iA, d. young ; 8. Harriet, d. young; 9. Arkas ; 10. Maria, m. Wilmot Lake. , 5. Philo ; left home at about 21 ; never heard from. 6. Polly, b. Feb. 2, 1762 ; m. Cyrus Prindle, of Newtown, April 3, 1782 ; had four children ; 1. Lewis B., b. Feb. 2, 1762, m. Betsey Ferris ; 2, Maria, d. at 14; 3. Polly Ann, b. March 16, 1793 ; 4. Charles W., b. Sept. 17; 1801. 7. Phebe, m. Reuben Mallory, by whom she had two chUdren, both d., he also. She then m. John B. Foote, had two children. Foote is dead ; she is living. VI. Josiah Beers, (above named,) was b. April 12, 1751 ; m. Elizabeth, daughter of Seth Preston, Jan. 1, 1778 ; had five children. 1. Seth Preston ; see below. 2. Mary, b. Nov. 16, 1783 ; m. John N. Sherman ; \had three chil dren ; 1. George P., m. Harriet Brown, had five children, three dead ; 2. John N., m. Margaret Hotchkiss ; he is dead ; 3. Henry Beers, 5l6 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. an Episcopal clergyman at BeUevUle, N. J. Mary and her husband are dead. 3. Frederick, b. July 23, 1785 ; d. single. 4. Betsey, b. March 7, 1789 ; d. Nov. 21, 1841. 5. Henry, b. Sept. 14, 1791, was a merchant in New York;' d. there Feb. 5, 1825. VII. Seth Preston Beers, (above named,) was born July 1, 1781 ; m. Belinda, dau. of Reuben Webster, Sept., 1807. They have had five children, viz., Horatio P., George W., Henry A., Julia M. and Alfred H. Horatio and Mary are not living. VIIL Horatio Preston Beers, was born March 24, 1811 ; d. at school in Derby, Dec. 11, 1824. BACON FAMILY. Nathaniel Bacon, Esq.,' was a nephew of Mr. Andrew Bacon, a magistrate of Hartford, in 1637. He (Nathaniel) was for a time at Hartford, and became an early and important settler at Middletown. He acted as magistrate at New Haven, in 1761, as appears from the records ofthe Colony of New Haven, p. 297, where the afladavits of John Fletcher and some others of Milford, were taken Oct. 17, 1661, before Nathaniel Bacon, Esq., at New Haven, (though he was an in habitant of Middletown,) in which the deponents stated their knowl edge of Henry and William Bacon, of Stretton, Rutland Co., Eng.; that Henry removed to Clipsam, in the same county ; that he had but one son, Thomas, who was reported lo have died at Barbadoes, W. I.; and also stated that Nathaniel Bacon, Esq.; then present, was the eldest son of William Bacon, who must have been a brother of Andrew Bacon, Esq., of Hartford, in 1637, which renders it probable that Andrew and Nathaniel Bacon were from the same county in England. He m. Ann Miller, July 6, 1680, and d. Jan. 27, 1705-6. •He had nine children, one of whom, Nathaniel, Jr., whose name was afterward changed to Thomas, was b. July 20 or 25, 1 659. Ann d. July 6, 1080. He then m. Elizabeth Pierpont, April 17, 1682. This Nathaniel or Thomas, m. Hannah Wetmore, Feb. 5, 1702, and had seven children. His wife Hannah, d. Sept. 7,. 1722. He I Hinman's Catalogue of first Puritan Settlers. HISTOEY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 517 m. 2. Anne, wid. of John Lane, Jan. 31, 1722-3. The latter d. Dec 26 or 22, 1751. He m. 3. Rebecca DooUttle, Nov. 28, 1752. He d. Jan. 6, 1759. Nathaniel, son of above and w. Hannah, m. Jane Bevin, July 30, 1724, and had nine children. This Nathaniel resided at Middlefield, In the town of Middletown. Jabez, son of the last-mentioned Nathaniel, was by trade a tanner and currier, but afterward engaged in mercantile pursuits, as has been seen in the preceding chapter, and d. at Woodbury, worth nearly half a million dollars. He was b. at Middlefield, a parish in Middle- town, July 5 or 16, 1731. He m. Lydia Hungerford, who was b. at Bristol, June 5, 1739, a descendant of Thomas Hungerford, first of Hartford, and afterward of Stonington. He d. Sept. 6, 1806, aged 75. She d. Nov. 25, 1812, aged 73. Their children were: Jabez, Jr., b. June 28, 1760 ; m. Sabra, dau. of John and Patty Betts, 1781, who was b. in 1765. ChUdren, Lorena, b. March 16, 1782, m. Matthew Minor, Jr., Esq., Oct. 22, 1802, d. May 80, 1848 ; John,b. June 30, 1784, d. May 19, 1807 ; Betsey, b. July 21, 1787, d. Sept. 21, 1787 ; Nathaniel, b. Oct., 1788, d. Dec. 5, 1823. Jemima, dau. of Jabez, Sen., b. May 1, 1762, iri. Isaac TomUnson, April, 1784. She d. at New Haven, April 16, 1787. Asahel, s. of Jabez, Sen., b. Dec. 3, 1764, m. Hannah, dau. of Wil liam and Ann French, in 1786. He d. March 31, 1838, aged 73. Ch., Polly, now Mary, b. Feb. 9, 1787, m. Chauncey Whittlesey Nov. 15, 1815; Charles, b. March 14, 1789, m. Betsey TomUnson about 1811. She was b. 1792, d. Dec. 2, 1821. Lorena, dau. of Jabez, Sen., b. Dec. 29, 1766, m. Hon. David Tom Unson, 1784, d. Oct. 25, 1837, a. 71. Had six sons and eight daus. Nathaniel, Esq., son of Jabez, Sen., b. Nov. 16, 1768, m. 1. Rebec ca Strong, Jan. 10, 1796. She d. Sept. 16, 1837, aged 63. He m. 2. Mrs. Sophia Hull, of Derby, b. at -Eden, Me., July 22, 1793, m. April 11, 1838. He d. more than eighty years of age, at New Ha ven, and left a large estate. Ch., Albert Strong, b. Feb. 12', 1797 ; Nathaniel Almoran, b. Aug. 27, 1798 ; Harriet, b. March 8, 1804, m. John J. Barnard, Nov. 6, 1825 ; d. Dec 18, 1828. Lydia, dau. of Jabez, Sen., b. Jan. 1, 1771, m. Hon. Noah B. Ben edict, an eminent lawyer and senator of the state, June 27, 1793. Shed. Julys, 1808, aged 37. Daniel, Esq., son of Jabez, Sen., b. Dec. 8, 1772, m. Rebecca Thompson, June 22, 1793. He d. July 26, 1828, aged 56. His wid. survives. Ch., Maria, b. Sept. 3, 1794, m. Gen. Chauncey 518 HISTOEY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Crafts, Sept. 11, 1811 . Fanny, b. .Fan. 12, 1796, d. Jan. 28, 1829 ; Rebecca, b. March 10, 1798, d. Oct. 1, 1815 ; Julia, b. Sept. 8, 1800, m. John Marvin, Sept. 9, 1824, had nine children ; Lydia, b. April 27, 1805, m. Charles C. Thompson, Esq., of New York city, Oct. 11, 1826, d. Dec 2, 1840, in that city; John, b. March 24, 1807, m. Augusta Walker, March 17, 1830'; they had one son, Wm. Thomp son, b. May 18, 1832, d. Dec 10, 1836; Daniel, b. July 11, 1809; William Thompson, b. Aug. 24, 1812. Mary, dau. of Jabez, Sen., b. Feb. 23, 1776, d. March 11, 1777. Garry, son of Jabez, Sen., b. April 5, 1778, m. 1, Sally Minor, April 4, 1798, and had a son George, b. March 21, 1804 ; m. 2. Mrs. Orphia Perry, dau. of Moses and Sairah Shepard, of Newtown, Ct., .Jan. 17, 1813, and had three dans.: Sarah, b. Oct. 27, 1813, m. John Derby Smith, March 17, 1838, d. May 11, 1848 ; JuUet, b. July 29, 1816, d. March 24, 1845 ; Orphia Jane, b. Aug. 2, 1819, m. Samuel Breese, July 12, 1845. ' "> Albert Strong, son of Nathaniel and Rebecca, m. Sarah, dau. of Walker and Martha Mallory, March 31, 1819. She was b. March 5, 1797. He d. May 6, 1828. Ch., Harriet Martha,b. July 9, 1821, m. RusseU Smith, Sept. 10, 1844 ; Sarah Rebecca, b. Feb. 5, 1824, m. Charles P. Marks, Dec 5, 1844,, d. March 29, 1847 ; EUzabeth Strong, b. April 4, 1826, m. Edward C. Graham, June 5, 1849. Nathaniel Almoran, son of Nathaniel, m Almira, dau. of Calvin and Phebe Selden, May 28, 1826. She was b. Sept. 20, 1803. Ch., Ellen, b. Sept. 8, 1827 ; Mary, b. March 16, 1831, d. July 16, 1835 ; Rebecca, b. Aug. 21, 1833 ; Susan, b. Aug. 11, 1835 ; Alice, b. Sept. 5, 1838, d. Sept. 18, 1839. Daniel, son of Daniel, m. Jane, dau. of James and Altha Green, Oct. 22, 1828. She was b. Oct. 12, 1808. Ch., Charles Augustus^ b. July 15, 1831, d. Nov. 28, 1831 ; George Horatio, b. Jan. 28' 1833 ; Fanny Thompson, b. Sept. 4, 1835 ; Charles Bronson, b. July 3, 1837 ; Julia Lavinia, b. March 7, 1839 ; Rebecca Jane, b. May 17, 1841 ; Martha Green, b. Aug. 23, 1843 ; Mary,b. Oct. 10, 1847 ; Daniel Peari, b. March 19, 1850. Rev. WiUiam T., son of Daniel, m. EUzabeth Ann, dau. of Doct. Jonathan and Elizabeth Knight, of New Haven, Aug. 7, 1839. She was b. Feb. 26, 1817. Ch., Jonathan Knight, b. Aug. 10, 1840 ; Rebecca Thompson, b. May 18, 1842 ; WilUam. Thompson, b. June 27, 1844 ; EUzabeth Lockwood, b. Feb. 28, 1846, d. Aug. 4, 1849 ; Annie Fitch, b. April 10, 1848; Frederick, b. May 20, 1849. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 519 George, son of Garry, m. Mary Ann, dau. of Charles and Frances Pumpelly, Nov. 16, 1826. ' She was b. Dec 31, 1806. Ch.,'George Albert, b. March 6, 1832; Sarah Francis, b. Oct. 16, 1835. COCHRANE FAMILY. The ancient Dundonald arms recorded in the Lyon ofiice at Edin burgh, are : " Argent, a cheveron gules betwixt three boars' heads erased azure, armed and langued of the first. Crest, a horse passant argent. Sup porters, two greyhounds argent, collared or., leashed gules. Motto above the crest, Virtute et labore. Date 1672. And by a later matriculation of date,.. 7th December, 1774, the above arms are quartered with those of Blair of that Ilk, with the ¦ same Crest, Motto and Supporters. When surnames were first assumed by men, they had a significa tion, and represented some characteristic of the appropriator, or some circumstance in relation to his person or history. Thus from the occupation of individuals came the surnames. Cook, Farmer, &c. From complexion came White, Brown, Black and others. Some were derived from names of places, as Thornton, Woodbury. Oth ers again were intended to describe some mental or physical quality or personal incident of the first possessor. Of the latter class is the name " Cochrane." The name is derived from two Gaelic words, which together sig nify " the roar of war,'' " the battle-cry," viz.. Cog, v. n., to war, to fight, whence comes Cogach, or Cogaiche, adj., warlike, and Ran, genitive Rain, a roar, loud cry, a shriek. It was variously spelled by the Highland Scots, Cogachran, Cogaicheran, Cogachrain, Cog- 520 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. alcherain, Cogran, Cograin, the guttural sound in the first syllable of which being afterward represented by the proper letters of the mod ern Gaelic, gives Cochran, Cochrane, Cochrain. The reason for taking this cognomen is not now known. The " Cochranes" belonged to the great and warlike clan or tribe of Camp bell, and in tlie numerous military expeditions in which they were engaged, frequent occasions might occur and reasons arise, sufficient to warrant a brave warrior in assuming such a title with propriety. In the early history of the name, there is certainly sufiicient proof to establish a just title to it. The Earl of Dundonald, the head of those who have borne the name of Cochrane, had much to do in the vary ing fortunes of Mary, Queen of Scots. Sir John Cochrane, second son of the first earl, was a fugitive under the reign of Charles IL, and engaged under the Earl of Argyle, in the Duke of Monmouth's rebeUion against James II. He was arrested and taken to London to be tried for treason, but was pardoned by King Janies, on a bribe of five thousand pounds being oflfered to the priests of the royal house hold by his father, Lord Dundonald. It would seem, therefore that the name was well taken. The earldom of the Earl of Dundonald is at Dundonald, in Lan arkshire. It was in close proximity to, or embraced in the lands and royal residence of the Stewart family for a long period of years down to the time of the Ul-fated' Mary, Queen of Scots, who resided there with Darnley. The " Cochranes" have been numerous. The principal families of the name resided in Renfrewshire and Ayrshire. Another fam ily of note resided in Barbachlacke, in Linlithgowshire, and others at Rochsoills and Dumbreck. John, spn of Sir John Cochrane, lived at Watersyde. Alexander Cochrane, resided at Balbarchan ; Wil liam, son of James 2d, brother of Alexander, at Rochsoills, in the Lordship of Newbottle and Baronry of Monkland, Lanarkshire ; and William, son of William, " heired the same lands." Others resided at Kilmaronock, Polskelly, BoUinshaw, Paisley and OchUtree. Sev eral of these families have ermine in their arms, showing their con nection with the royal family. The present earl and head of the family name, (1853,) is The Right Honorable Thomas (Cochrane,) [1669] Eari of Dundonald, co. of Ayr, [1647] Baron Cochrane of Dundonald, and Lord Cochrane of Paisley and Ochiltree, in the Peerage of Scotland, &c. He is an Admiral of the Blue, and a highly distinguished officer in the naval service of his country. Born Dec. 14, 1775, and succeeded his HISTOEY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 521 father as tenth earl, in 1831. He is consequently about seventy- eight years old. When he was in New York some years ago, he be came acquainted with some of the name residing there,, and pointed out to them their relationship to him. From the first Earl of Dundonald are descended all of the name in this country. Some of the Cochranes of Paisley, emigrated into the north of Ireland, a long whUe ago, and thence a few removed to this country and settled In Pennsylvania. From these are descended Hon. John Cochran, of New York city, and those of the name resid ing at "Cochransville,'' in Pennsylvania, The first of this branch were distinguished In the war of the Revolution. Others came over at a difierent period, and their descendants are now residing in Mas sachusetts, New York, Ohio and Tennessee. S. W. Cochran, Esq., of Troy, Tenn., is one of these. But the " Cochrane,'' the genealogy of whose descendants, it is proposed at this time more particularly to trace, was WILLIAM, who emigrated from Paisley, in Scotland, to Plymouth, England, about the year 1740. He had previously married, and had one son, whom he also named William, from himself. He was a large man ufacturer and ship owner, of great wealth. After his removal to Plymouth, his first wife died, and he was afterward married to a secr ond. Soon after his second marriage, his son, being then about nine teen years of age, disagreed (as is often the case In families) with his mother-in-law. Matters grew worse and worse, and one day when William had been out hunting, and returned after the regular hour for dining, having asked for his dinner, he was served, by his ;Biother- in-law's order, with food that remained from the servants' taile. This was too much for his "Scotch blood," and of course he declined eating. In the evening his father was made acquainted with the " affair," who, taking his wife's side of the question, locked his son In " an up per chamber,'' to reflect on the fruits of disobedience. The same night he let himself to the ground by means of a bedcord, and, going to the dock, he went on board a ship, just getting under way for North America.- Leaving' home so suddenly, he was entirely destitute of means, and agreed to work for his passage over. Before the nest morning, he had left the shores of " merry England" forever. He landed at Wood's Hole, Falmouth, Mass. This was about 1756. His father, owning vessels that sailed to various parts of the world, made Inquiries in all directions. He did not learn where he was tlh about 1775. This information he derived from a Falmouth sea-cap tain, one day, after he had nearly ceased inquiring for his son. On 34 522 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. receiving a description of him from the captain, he burst into tears, and exclaimed, " He is my son." He sent by the captain on his re turn voyage, a purse of gold for his son, containing also a letter for him, but the cabin-boy stole It on reaching the shore. He again sent word tp him to come home immediately, as he had no other child to heir his property. The resentments of former years had subsided, and he commenced preparations for his return. Before this could be accomplished, the war of the Revolution broke out, and put a stop for a time to his preparations. He had married, had several chil dren, and a " handsome property." Being a stern republican; he en- Usted into the service of his country, and served a>year as lieutenant. After this he made further preparations for a return to his father, expecting a close of the. war, and had turned into money most of his estate. He was a pilot by occupation, and having gone one morning to pilot a ship out of Falmouth harbor, he did not return, and was found four days afterward floating on the water. The paper money he had been collecting, was reduced to a paste in his pocket by the action of the water. This event occurred in 1778, in the fortieth yiear of his age. Previous to his marriage, he had resided at Chil- mark, on the island of Martha's Vineyaj'd ; but after that event he resided at Falmouth, in a house since owned by the late Dea. Fish. After the war was over, William,' of Plymouth, Eng., was still liv ing, and sent again for his son, or if he was not living, for his eldest son, to come to England immediately, but he never went. William, of Plymouth, died In 1785, aged about eighty years. His son (2) WiLtiAM,^ of Chilmark, Mass., m. Experience Weeks, of Falmouth, Mass., Nov. 1, 1758. She was admitted to the church Oct. 15, 1780, and her eight children were baptized at the same time. She d. at Chatham, Conn., in 1823. Ch., ,'„ L David,' b. Nov., 1768. 4. II. Maria,' b. Nov., 1771 ; m. John Smith of New York, dead. 5. IIL Tamar,' b. Nov., 1771 ; m. HUdreth, of New York; both dead. 6. IV. Hannah,' b. April, 1773 ; m. Joseph SmaU, March 30, 1796. He d. at Eastport of small pox. 7. V. Jane,' b. July, 1774; m. Loudon Fish in 1793. He d. in 1812, and she survives. 8. VI. WilUam,' b. Dec, 1775 ; was a sea-captain, and died with out issue at Havanna' in 1801. fi vn. Peter,' b. June 7, 1777. 10. VIIL Mary,' b. 1778 ; d. unmarried. HISTOEY OF ANCIENT WOODBTTEY. 523 David' Cothrin, (3) b. Nov., 1768, at Falmouth, Mass., m. Eunice Backhouse, of the same place, March 15, 1788. He moved to Maine in May, 1795, and settled in the " Wild Woods" of Farmington, in that state. Not liking the Yankee pronunciation of his Scotch sur name, he changed the spelling into Cothrin. He was a man of fee ble health, and obUged to go south every winter. In Aug., 18Q1, his brother William having previously died at Havanna, he went to New York to settle his estate. The winter following h'fe repaired to the south, as usual, was taken sick in North CaroUna, and died there in Feb., 1802. His wid. Eunice m. Stephen Dillingham, in 1808, and d. at Farmington, Me., April 1, 1841, aged 73. Children, 111. Kezlah," b. Oct. 14, 1789 ; m. Montgomery Morrison in 1808. He was b. April 14, 1783, and d. March 10, 1846, at Fay ette, Me. •J? IL WiUiam,* b. Oct. 31, 1791. M III- Nathaniel,* b- Oct. 6, 1793. 14 IV. Tamar," b. Feb. 12, 1797, in Farmington, Me., m. Rufus Dresser. He was b. in 1795. They live in Illinois. Peter'' Cochran, (9) b. June 7, 1777. Lives at Feeding Hills, Springfield, Mass. He m. Eunice Sandford, of Fal mouth, Mass., Jan. 24, 1804. Ch., 15 I. Maria S.," b. Oct. 28, 1804, m. James Bagg, d. June 24, 1835. ¦ 16 IL William,* b. Feb. 8, 1806, d. June 22, 1817. 17 in. Hiram,* b. Oct. 29, 1808, d. Nov. 23, 1823. 18 IV. Samuel,* b. Dec 18, 1809, d. April 3, 1811. 19, V. Samuel,* b. March 9, 1812, d. Dec. 31, 1812. 20 VI. Emily,* b. Oct. 16, 1813, m. Charles Baldwin, of New York, and lives at New Orleans. 21 VII. David,* b. May 16, 1815, m. . Lives at New Bedford, Mass., and is captain of a whaling ship. Capt. WiUiam Cothren,* (12) b. Oct. 31, 1791, at Falmouth, MasL He arid his brother, on account of the pronunciation, have always spelled the name Cothren. He resides in Farmington, Me., whither he removed with his father at four y6ars of age. The town 'vf'as then a wilderness. The little spot of land taken up by his father, is now owned by him, and constitutes part of his homestead. He served three months as a soldier in the war of 1812. Hem. 1. Hannah Cooper, Jan. 14, 1819. She was b. at PIttstown, Me., Feb. 19, 1798, and d. at Farmington, Me., Nov. 29, 1831 ; m. 2. Wid. Nancy Tit- 524 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. comb, of Farmington, Nov. 15, 1835. She d. at that place, AprU 19, 1840, aged 45. Children of Hannah : ' 15 L William,* b. Nov. 28, 1819. Grad. Bowd. CoU. 1843. 23 II. Charies,' b. June 16, 1822. Grad. Bowd. CoU., 1849, and resides at Eatontown, N. J. 24 IL Nathaniel,* b. June 21, 1825. Grad. Bowd. CoU., 1849, and resides at Eatontown, N. J. 25. IV. George Webber,* b. July 12, 1829. ChUd of Nancy : , 26 V. Wesley Rogers,* b. Dec 15, 1837. ' Nathaniel Cothren,* (13) b. Oct. 6, 1793, at Falmouth, Barnstable county, Mass., and d. Sept. 18, 1845, at Byron, Ogle county, Illinois. While young he emigrated to- the state of New York, and m. there Clarissa Weed, of Milton, Saratoga county, N. Y., Oct. 8, 1815. He afterward resided in Michigan and Illinois. Children, (g) L James W.,* b. Oct. 19, 1817. (H) II. Montgomery Morrison,* b. Sept. 18, 1819. 29 IIL Charies,* b. Oct. 21, 1821, d. Aug. 30, 1839, at Bloom- ingville, Illinois. 30 IV. Eunice Cordelia,* b. May 8, 1823, at Jerusalem, Yates county, N. Y.; m. Albert Brown, Dec, 1842 ; had one dau., Hen rietta. 31 V. Francis,* b. Oct. 19, 1824; d. in infa'ncy. 32 VI. WiUiam,* b. April 9, 1826 ; drowned in the Erie Canal, Lockport, N. Y., May 16, 1831. 33 VIL George Henry,* b. Dec. 25, 1827, at Jerusalem, N. Y.; f". March 6, 1846, at Byron, IlUnois. - WiUiam Cothren,* (22) b. at Farmington, Me., Nov. 28, 1819, graduated at Bowdoin College in 1843, received his second degree there in 1846, and master of arts, ad eundem, at Yale College in 1 847- Removed to Woodbury, Conn., in Nov., 1844, and commenced the practice of law at that place, Oct., 1845. Was elected corresponding member of the New England Historic, Genealogical Society, May 5, 1847, and a member of the Connecticut Historical Society, Nov. .23, 1852. Was elected county commissioner for Litchfield county, at the May session of the General Assembly, 1851. He m. Mary J. .Steele of Woodbury, Conn., Sept. 3, 1849. James W. Cothren,* (27) b. Opt. 19, 1817, in Chatauque co., N. Y.; moved to Galesburgh, Michigan, where he now resides, having pre viously Uved in Detroit. He was there m. to Christiana Mackie, HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 525 Dec 22, 1839. She was b. Nov. 22, 1818, at Aberdeen, Scotland. He has been for some years postmaster of the place where he re sides. Children, 34 I. Charles Fernando," b. Sept. 25, 1840, at Galesburgh. 35 II. Mary Isabella," b. April 16, 1843, " , " . 36 IIL Clara," b. July 12, 1847, Hon. Montgomery M. Cothren,* (28) b. Sept. 18, 1819, at Jerusa lem, Yates CO., N. Y., moved to Mineral Point, Wisconsin, and com menced the practice of law several years ago. Was a member of the convention which formed the constitution of that state, and was a member of.the upper or lower house of the Legislature of Wiscon sin, from its organization as a state, till his election as judge of #e court of common pleas, a year or two since. In 1852, he was one of the presidential electors of the state. He m. Esther Maria, dau. of Dr. Schuyler Pulford, Aug. 24, 1848. She was b. July 16, 1830, in FayetteviUe, N. Y;. Children : . 37 I. Cordelia Maria," b. July 14, 1849 ; d. March 6, 1853. 38 IL George Pulford," b. April 23, 1851. Something more than a hundred years ago; there was a branch of the Cochrane family residing in " Ancient Woodbury." The author has not been able to discover the name of the place whence they came. Samuel Cochrane, the first of the name here, seems to have been quite a Uterary man. His library consisted of more than four hundred volumes, which was. an exceedingly large one for a farmer in a country town in those early days, and would be a large library for a man in like condition, even at this day. It is believed that this was the largest collection of books that has ever been owned by a pri vate, non-professional citizen of the territory, since the first settle ment. His children were as follows : / James, bap. May. 30, 1747. Martha, bap. May 19, 1749 ; m. Abel Brownson, Aug. 1, 1770. Ruth, bap. May 12, 1751 ; m. David Perry, Nov. 3, 1789. Samuel, bap. March 3, 1754. EUzabeth, bap. June 29, 1756; m. Robert Jackson, Mar. 23,1775. Sarah, bap. Nov. 30, 1758. Stephen PeSt m. Hester Cochran, 1760. Benajah Strong m. Jean Cochran, Feb. 3, 1761. All of this famUy have passed into the female Une, or gone out of the territory. 526 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBUEY. CRAFTS FAMILY. The first person of the name of Crafts, who settled in Connecticut, was Samuel, who located at Pomfret in 1686. Joseph, supposed to be the son of Samuel, m. Susannah , and d. Jan. 25, 1754. His w. d. aged 84. Joseph had nine sons and six daus. Samuel is the only one of the fifteen children whose descendants the author has the means of tracing in his possession. He was b. July 15, 1722 ; m. Judith . Ch., Griffin, b. July 18, 1748 ; Sarah, b. April 13, 1750; Edward, b. April 19, 1752, d. March 17, 1821; Samuel, b. May 19, 1754; Samuel, b. Jan. 15, 1761. ^dward, son ofthe above, m. 1. Abigail Clark, b. in 1759, d. Oct.23, 17&6 ; 2. Ann Baldwin, b. in 1757, d.- June 8, 1813. Ch. by first w., JuUa, b. 1781, d. Sept., 16, 1801 ; Samuel, b. 1783, d. June 5, 1810, at sea; Pearl, b. 1785, d. Dec. 29, 1821 ; Chauncey, b. June 1, 1787, d. Oct. 12, 1828; Laura, b. 1789, d. June 15, 1805; Edward, b. 1790, d. Feb. 20, 1792; Abba,b. 1796, d. Aug. 24, 1811. Pearl, s. of Edward, m. Sarah Blakeley. Ch., Edward B., b. Jan., 1814 ; EUzabeth M., b. 1816 ; Julia M., b. Dec 31, 1817 ; d. Oct. 14, 1818; Samuel Pearl, b. 1820, d. July 31, 1822. ' Gen. Chauncey, son of Edward, m.- Maria Bacon, Sept. 11, 1811. Ch., a dau. b. May 30, 1813, d. same day; Julia Maria, b. Aug. 20, 1814, m. Rev. B. Y. Messenger, Feb. 7, 1838, d. Aug. 25, 1839 ; twins, b. July 1, 1816, d. same day ; Charles Bacon, b. July 18, 1817 ; Chauncey, b. March 20, 1820 ; d. June 18, 1841 ; Rebecca Bacon, b. May 7, 1822, m. Wm. B. Hotchkiss, June 6, 1843 ; Samuel Pearl, b. March 30, 1824; Fanny Augusta, b. June 4, 1826, m. Samuel W. Andrew, Esq., Jan. 4, 1848 ; Lydia Thompson, b. Dec. 2, 1828, d. July 25, 1846. CHURCH FAMILY. Richard Church emigrated from England, and settled at Plymouth, Mass. He came in one of the early companies to that place. As nearly as can now be traced, he was an uncle of Col. Benjamin Church, who commanded the party which killed King Philip, in 1676, and who was sent on an expedition against the eastern Indians of New England, in 1704, and did them and the French much damage. He removed to Hartford, Cpnn., with Mr. Hooker's congregation, in 1636. He had several sons and daughters. HISTOEY OP ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 527 2. John Church was one of the sons of Richard, mentioned above. He resided in Hartford, and died there in 1691, leaving several chil dren. * 3. Samuel Church was the second son of John, and died in Hart ford about the year 1718. He had several children. 4. Samuel was one ofthe sons of the abovenamed Samuel, and re moved to Bethlehem society, Woodbury, about the year 1740, where he died during the " Great Sickness," which visited that parish in 1760. He married Mary Porter, of Farmington, and had a numerous family. His sons were Joshua, Samuel, Ebenezer and Nathaniel. 5. Nathaniel, youngest son of Samuel, was but three years old when his father died. He was bound an apprentice to a weaver, to be taught the mysteries of his art. His master was a hard-hearted man, and at about the age of eighteen, he left him and enUsted into the Rev olutionary army. He was severely wounded at the battle of White Plains, by a grape-shot larger than a hickory nut, which is now in the possession of his son. Chief Justice Samuel Church, of Litchfield. He married Lois, second daughter of John Ensign, Esq., of Canaan, and settled in Salisbury, Conn. His sons were as follows, viz'. 1. Ensign, whose only daughter Mary married Hon. Eben Newton, member of Congress from Mahoning county, Ohio. 2. Hon. Samuel, LL. D., who was born in 1785. He graduated at Yale CoUege, in 1803, and settled in his native town as a lawyer. He was representative to the General Assembly at six sessions, senator three years, judge of probate eleven years, and a member of the con stitutional convention, in 1818. In 1832, he was appointed a judge of the superior court and supreme court of errors, and In 1847, he was elected chief justice. In 1845, he removed to Litchfield, his present residence. His son, Albert E. Church, is professor of mathematics at West Point. Samuel P. Church, M. D., of Ansonia, is another son. 3. Leman, late one of the most eminent and successful lawyers at the Connecticut bar, died in 1849. 4. Hon. John R., judge ofthe court of common pleas for Trumbull county, Ohio. 5. Nathaniel, a wealthy merchant of Troy, N. York, now deceased. 6. Frederick H., a wealthy merchant and iron manufacturer of PhUadelphia. 7. WiUiam. 528 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBUEY., CASTLE FAMILY. Henry Castle came from Stratford to Woodbury, with the early settlers, and died in 1697-8. His children were Henry, Samuel, Isaac, Abigail, Mary and Mercy, aU bap-Sept., 1686 ; William, bap. 'July, 1688; Mary m. Joseph Hurlbut, Jr., May 17, 1698; Samuel had a dau. Susanna, bap. Sept., 1693. Henry, Jr., m. (1st) jiannah Squire, Aug. 12, 1699. She d. May 7, 1714, m. (2d) Ruth , who d. in 1725. His ch. were I. Henry, b. Feb. 2, 1700, m. Hannah Strong, Sept. 18, 1736 ; he d. in 1777 ; shed. 1783 ; ch. 1. Ann, b. Oct., 1736, d. Sept. 16, 1737 ; 2. Rachel, b. Nov. 10, 1737, m. Nathan Leavenworth ; 3. Ann, b. April 30, 1739. IL Hannah, b. May 22, 1702. III. Ruth, b. Aug. 6, 1705. IV. Jemima, b. March 3, 1709. V. Luke, b. March 21, 1711, m. Mary Squire, Dec." 15, 1736 ; he d. 1797 ; his wife Sept. 13, 1777 ; ch. 1. Nathan, b. Dec 25, 1739, d. 1760 ; 2. Ruth, b. 1741, d. 1746 ; 3. Mary, b. Oct., 1744, d. Sept., 1777 ; 4. Luke, bap. April 27, 1746, d. Dec. 11, 1769 ; 5. Hannah, b. Dec. 1, 1753, d. 1777 ; 6. Jemima, bap. April 23, 1758. VL Nathaniel, b. Nov. 7, 1716, d. Sept. 11, 1720. "^ Isaac, son of Henry, m. (1st) Sarah , who d. Feb., 1708, m. (2d) Joanna , and had I. Isaac, bap. Aug. 9, 1707. II. Samuel, -^ bap. Aug. 9, 1707, m. Martha , and d. 1781 ; cli. 1. David, b. Dec, 1725, m. Phebe Sanford, Sept., 1747, and had David, bap. Jan. 29, 1748; Jonathan, bap. Oct., 1751 ; 2. Isaac, bap. May 11, 1729, m. Anna Hurd, Jan. 24, 1750, from whom he was divorced ; she had a dau. Lucy, bap. in Aug., the same -year of their marriage. This Lucy m. WilUam Torrance, March 3p, 1768. Isaac, after his di vorce, m. a second time, and d. in 1775,'leaving wife Grisel, and ch. Isaac, Jehiel, Andrew, Sarah, Chloe and Mary ; 3. Lucy, bap. Aug. 8, 1731 ; 4. Samuel, Jr., bap. March 31, 1734, m. ^^.bigaU , and had Huldah, bap- Dec. 24, 1758, SUas, Abigail, bap. Aug. 9, 1769 ; 5. Hannah, bap. Sept. 7, 1735 ; 6. Peter, bap. Aug. 8, 1736, m. Ma ry Booth, and d. 1808^ she d. 1830 ; 7. Reuben, b. Dec, 1738, m. Eunice , had Reuben, b. April 4, 1764 ; 8. Rebecca, bap. Jan. 11, 1744, m; Benjamin Warner, Nov. 2, 1761 ; 9. Esther, bap.y March 17, 1746. III. Sarah, bap. March, 1708. IV. Daniel, bap. Oct. 13, 1717, m. and had 1. Samuel, b. Jan. 3, 1740, m. AbigaU , had Joanna, bap. June 23, 1762; Esther, bap. Nov. 13, 1763; 2. Joanna, bap. March 6, 1743 ; 3. Gideon, bap. July 23, 1745 ; 4. Jerusha, bap. Nov., 1752 ; 5. Eunice, bap. Jan. 3, 1759. V. Israel, b. ' HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 529 April 18, 1722, m. (1st) Eunice TerrlU, 1746, who d. Noy., 1786, m. (2d) , and had Timothy, b. April 22, 1747 ; 2. Simeon, bap. May 20, 1750 ; 3. Sarah, bap. March 10, 1754, m. Daniel Booth, Jan. 28, 1773; 4. Eunice, d. March 18, 1759 ; 5. Eunice, bap. July 27, 1760 ; 6. Israel, bap. April 29, 1764, m. Electa Dewey, 1787. Doct. Silas, son of Samuel, Jr., had ch. Harvey H., Chauncey N., Abigail R., who m. Heman Patterson. Chauncey N. m- Amanda Minor, and had Chauncey J. and Henrietta V. William, son of Henry, had ch. as follows, 1. Ann, bap. Jan. 1, 1721, m. Benajah Hawley, In 1757 ; 2. Ruth, bap. June 2, 1723, m. Jonathan Lum, in 1746 ; 3. John, bap. May 29, 1726; 4. Mercy, b. May, 1727 ; 5. Seth, bap. June 29, 1729, had Hepzibab, bap. Dec, 1758 ; Tabitha, bap. Jan. 27, 1762 ; 6. Phineas, bap. May 2, 1731 ; 7. Tabitha, bap. Oct. 14, 1733. It is at present unknown to which branch of the family the follow ing belong. Jabez Castle had 1. WiUiam, bap. April 1, 1739, m. Thankful Ba ker, Feb. 23, 1758, and had Zuba, bap. Feb. 1, 1762 ; Elijah, bap. Jan. 20, 1765 ; 2. Susanna, bap. Sept. 13, 1740, m. Noah Hurd, 1759; 3. Mary, bap. Aug. 8, 1744; 4. Tabiatha, bap. April 28, 1751 ; 5. Selah, bap. Feb. 2, 1755 ; 6. Triel, bap. Jan. 2, 1757. Ebenezer Castle had Ebenezer, bap. June 23, 1776 ; Jerusha, bap. Feb. 28, 1779. CANFIELD FAMILY. Thomas Canfield, Sen., of Milford, Conn., was not one of the early settlers of the place, but probably was there as early as 1647 ; had a wife, Phebe, and ch. His son Jeremiah m. , Judith Mallory, and among his ch. is found Jeremiah, Jr., who was an original purchaser of the town of New Milford, In 1706, and who had a son Zerobabel- This Zerobabel resided in the society of Bridgewater, New Milford ; he m. and had ch., one of which was Lemuel, who m. Sarah Burton, and had issue as follows : Daniel, Burton, Lemuel, Augustine, and Orlando, who d. young. Burton, Esq., settled at South Britain, in Southbury, about 1800, m. PoUy MitcheU, and had I. Harriet, b. Dec. 27, 1802, m. Anson Badley, 1824, and had 1. Lemuel M., b. Dec 1, 1826 ; 2. Burton C, b. Jan. 9, 1830 ; 3. Polly A., b. Feb. 10, 1832 ; 4. Sarah, b. Dec. 6, 530 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBUEY. ' 1835 ; 5. EUza, b. Sept. 21, 1839. IL MitcheU M., b. March 31, 1809, m. EUza Averill, Nov. 24, 1830, had 1. AveriU B., b. Nov. 6, 1831 ; 2. Henry M., b. Aug. 15, 1841. IIL Lemuel M., b. April 19, 1820, "m. EmeUne Northrop, March 16, 1843, and had Harriet E., b. March 16, 1850 ; Sarah E., b. April 29, 1852. Lemuel, brother of Burton, m. Betsey Mitchell, and had Jerome, b. March 26, 1808, who m. Hannah Smith; ch. Lemuel, Cornelia and Chandler. Rev. Thomas Canfield, of Roxbury society, was b. at Durham, Conn., m. Mary Russell ; ch. I. Sarah, b. Sept. 3, 1749, m. Rev. Je hu Minor. II. Thomas, b. Jiily 21, 1751, m. Sarah Mallory, Aug. 3, 1775, and had 1. Polly, m. Ira Sanford; 2. Russell, d. in N. Y.; 3. Sally, m. Benjamin Wheeler, of Bridgeport ; 4. Philemon, who is the only survivor of the family, now residing in Hartford. III. Rus sell, b. Aug. 5, 1754, d. 1769. IV. Mary, b. May 8, 1764, d. 1786. V. Elihu, b. July 12, 1759, m. Sarah Frisbie, Aug. 3, 1775; ch. 1. Betsey, b. March 11,. 1784 ; 2. Augustine, b. May 15, 1786, d. Sept, 2, 1816 ; 3. Russel, b. Aug- 28, 1789 ; 4. Sally, b. Oct. 9, 1791 ; 5. CaroUne, b. March 30, 1799 ; 6. Polly, b. Feb. 15, 1801 ; 7. Thom as, b. Jan., 1804. Rev. Thomas d, 1795, a. 79 ; his estate inventoried £3,049, 10«. 8d. His wife d. Oct. 4, 1790, a. 70. It is beUeved that Rev. Thom as was a descendant of Thomas, Sen., of Milford, though tradition in forms us that his father came from England. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 531 CURTISS FAMILY. Az. a chev. dancettee betw. three mural coronets, or. Crest — A lion sejant ppr., supporting with his dexter foot a shield of the arms. Motto — Saepere aude. The arms of the London family are Az. a fessedancetee betw. three ducal coronets, or; as borne by the name of Curtis, and was con firmed to John Curtis, of London, Gent., son of William Curtis,- of Hatton, in the county of Warwick, Gent., son of Eustace Curtis, of Malestack, of said county, Gent., son of William Curtis, who was son and heir of John Curtis, of Malestack, Gent. This bearing was con firmed the 9th of May, 1 632, in the 8th year of the reign of Charles L William Curtiss' embarked in the ship Lion, June 22, 1632, and landed Dec. 16, 1632, at Scituate, Mass. He brought with him four children, Thomas,^ Mary,^ John' and Philip.^ He removed with his family to Roxbury, Mass., whence they removed to Stratford, Conn. By the records of Stratford it appears that the father of these must have died before the removal of the family thither, and that previous to that event, a son WilUam had been born to him, as the first of the name that appears on those records, are John,^ William,'* and their mother. Widow EUzabeth Curtis. It is stated that at the date of their removal to Stratford, John was about 28 years of age, and WU liam *bout 18. Thomas d. in Mass. " 7 month, 1 650." Widow EUz abeth d. in 1658. Will proved Nov. 4, 1658. Devisees were sons, 1. John' and 2. WilUam,' and grandsons, John, son of John, and Jon athan, son of William. This Jonathan d. in 1681, leaving two sons and two daughters, names not given in the will. 532 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. John' (l).m. 1st, Elizabeth , who d. in 1682, m. 2d, Margaret , who d. in 1714. He d. Dec. 6, 1707, aged ninety-six years. His children were : 6 L John,' b. 1642. I II. Israel,' b. 1644. 8 III. EUzabeth,' b. 1647. 9 IV. Thomas,' b. 1648. , 10 V. Joseph,' b. 1650. 11 VL Benjamin,' b. 1652. 12 VIL Hannah,' b. 1654. Capt. William^ Curtiss, (2) mentioned above, was one ofthe original grantees of Woodbury, in 1672, though he never moved there, butd. in Stratford, Dec. 21, 1702. His wiU was dated Dec 15, 1702, by which it appears he had children : 13 I. Daniel.' 14 II. Ebenezer.' 15 III. Zachariah.' Jl IV. Josiah.' 17 V. Joshua,' had a son, William, and daughters, Anna, Bulayah" and Mary. 18 VI. Sarah,' m. Wells. 19 VII. Elizabeth,' m. Ross. ^ VIIL Jonathan,' deceased, leaving son Jonathan. Israel' (7) b. 1644, m. Rebecca . He d. Oct., 1704, ch. % L Israel,* b. May 20, 1668. ^l IL John,* b. Oct., 1670. g IIL Stephen,* b. Aug. 24, 1673. g IV. Peter.* 25 V. Hannah,* m. Thomas Minor; 26 VI. Rebecca,* m. Ephraim Minor. ^ Capt. Josiah'' (16) m. Mary , lived and d. in Stratford, in 1745 ; will proved In Jan. of that year. Children, 27 I. William.* 28 IL Josiah.* 29 IIL Abraham." % IV. Benjamin,* b. Dec. 25, 1704. 31 V. Peter.* 32 VI. Matthew.* 33 VII. Charies.* 34 Vin. Abigail,* m. Capt. Hezekiah Hooker, of Woodbury. 35 IX. Eunice,* m. Lieut. Robert Wells, of Stratford. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 533 36 X. Mary,* m. John Patterson. 37 XL Mehetable.* Israel, Jr.,* (21) m. Mary ; children. 38 I. Samuel,* bap. Jan., 1694-5. 39 II. Josiah,* bap. April, 1697. 40 IIL Stephen,-' bap. April 22, 1699. 41 IV. Rebecca,* bap. July 22, 1701. Ens. John* (22) m. Johannah , who d. Sept. 1, 1749. He d. April 14, 1754. Children, 42 I. Elizabeth,* bap. Sept!, 1697, m. John Mitchell, Jan. 17, 1716-17. 43 II. Harriet,* b. Nov. 1, 1699. ^ IIL Nathan,* b. Feb. 2, 1701-2. 45 IV. Abigail,* bap. March, 1704, m. David Hurd, Jan. 6, 1723-4. 46 V. Esther,* b. Sept. 5, 1706. 47 VI. Joanna,* ]^. Sept. 5, 1708, m. Eliakim Stoddard, Dec. 4, 1729. H VII. John,* b. Feb. 3, 1711. 49 VJIL Olive,* bap. May, 1713. 50 IX. Peter,* b. Jan. 1, 1716, and had ch. by wife Mercy, 1. Mabel, bap. 1747 ; 2. Mary, b. 1752. ' f^ X. David,* b- Jan. 21, 1718. 52 XL Eunice,* b. March 20, 1720. Stephen* (23) m. Sarah Minor, Nov. 2, 1699. He d. June 1, 1723. Children, i L Joseph,* b. Oct. 20, 1700. *1 II. Daniel,* b. Jan. 12, 1703. 55 III. Sarah,* ) m. Richard Peet, March 11, 1724-5. I (twins,) b. July 28, 1705. 56 IV. Rebecca,* \ m. Elisha Stoddard, Esq.. 57 V. Ruth,* b. Jan. 14, 1707, m. Samuel Galpin. 58 VL Dea. Stephen,* b. Feb. 23, 1710, m. 1st, Lois Hicock ; m. 2d, Wid. Huldah Hicock. He d. in 1781. No issue. 59 VII. Mary,* b. Sept. 15, 1713, m. Caulkins, and removed to Sharon, Conn., about 1733. They had nine sons, who settled com pactly in that part of the town now known as Caulkinsville. g VIIL Israel,* b. July 23, 1716. 61 IX. EUzabeth,* b. Sept. 19, 1718, d. aged about 18, unm. 62 X. Grace,* b. July 7, 1720, m. Eldad King, March 3, 1743. Peter,* (24) d. 1713. Child, 534 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 63 I. Olive,* b. May 6, 1713, m. Gideon Stoddard, Jan. 24, 1733. Benjamin,* (30) b. Dec 25, 1704, d. July 28, 1783. He and two of his brothers, Josiah and Matthew, removed from Strq|ford, and settled at Newtown, Conn. Children, '64 I. Nehemiah,* b. Feb. 2Q, 1728, and others. He had a son Salmon," b. Aug. 16, 1759, d. Jan. 2, 1814. The latter was father of the Hon. Holbrook Curtis,'' of Watertown, Conn., lately judge of the Litchfield county court. Judge Curtis is the father of William E. Curtis, Esq., a lawyer of New York city. Nathan* (44) m. Martha' Preston, May, 1732. He d. Oct. 17, 1761, and Martha d. June 23, 1764. Children, 65 I. Elizabeth," b. Oct., 1733, m. Thomas Bull, Oct. 19, 1754. 66 II. Martha," b. March, 1737, m. Doct. Andrew Graham, June 5, 1753. 67 IIL Ann," b. March, 1740, m. Edward Hinman, July 18, 1764. ,",J IV. Nathan," bap. April 3, 1748. John* (48) was killed by Ughtnirig in 1743, -while standing in the door of his house. He had his dau. Abia in his arms, who was uninjured and afterward m. as specified below. His children by his wife Abia, were, 69 L Joanna," b. June 26,^1730. 70 II. Abraham," b. Feb.,'l732. 71 IIL Amos," bap. Oct., 1733. ™ IV. Gideon," bap- June 8, 1735. 73 V. Joanna," bap. May 22, 1737 ; m. Henry Cramer, Dec. 5, 1753. 74 VL Abiah," bap. Jan. 21, 1739'; m. Stephen Galpin. l^ vn. John,", bap. Oct. 12, 1740. 7-6 VIIL Eve," bap. May 16, 1742. 77 IX. Hester,' bap. Dec. 11, 1743; m. Elijah Hinman, Jan. 3, 1771. 78 X. Hannah." David* (51) d. Sept. 15, 1782. Ch., i'',! L David" bap. Jan. 30, 1743. ' ™9 IL Asa," bap. Aug. 3, 174B. 81 in. Eunice," bap. Feb. 26, 1750, m. Ithiel Hicock. 82 IV. Olive," bap. April 5, 1752. 83 V. Love," bap. Aug. 31, 1755 ; m. Graham Hurd. Joseph* (53) m. Mary Walker, who d. May 27, 1727, He d. June 5, 1727. Ch., 84 L Prudence," b. June, 1724. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY.' 535 ,1, II. Thaddeus, bap. April 24, 1726. Dea. Daniel* (54) m. 1. Phebe Martin, June 3, 1730 ; 2. Wid. Sarah Hinman, Sept. 2, 176,0. He d. Aug. 14, 1784 ; second wife d. Jan. 12, 1807. Ch., 86 L Phebe," b. Oct. 18, 1736 ; m. Amos Hicock, Jan. 15, 1759. 87 II. EUzabeth," bap. June, 1738 ; d. young. 88 ni. Sarah,"bap. Aug. 6, 1762; m. Col. Joel Hinman, April 10, 1778. 89 IV. Mary," bap. June 7, 1767 ; m. Park Brown, May 2, 1785. ¦Israel* (60) m. Martha Towner, Jan. 31, 1738. He died in 1796. Ch., ,?3 I. Joseph," b. March 22, 1740. ?4 II. Israel," b. April 24, 1742. 92 ilL Stephen," b. Jan. 8, 1744. 93 IV. Daniel," b. May 18, 1746 ; m. and had two dans. 94 V. Eunice," b. July 8, 1748 ; m. Stephen Bateman, Sept. 26, 1768. 95 VI. Sarah," b. April 3, 1749 ; m. Thomas Strong, Dec. 16, 1767. St 'VIL Benjamin," b. May 18, 1751. 97 VIIL' Ruth," b. Aug. 24, 1753 ; m. Luther Bateman, Nov. 18, 1773. 98 IX. Reuben," b. Feb. 25, 1755 ; m. Hannah Peck, who d. March 13, 1804. He d. March, 1804. 99 X. Abijah," b. Sept. 26, 1756 ; d. Oct. 12, 1805. . 100 XL Olive," b. Noy. 24, 1759 ; m, Solomon, son of Gideon Johnson. She d. Oct. 18, 1797. Nathan" (68) m. 1. Esther — — , who d. April 5,, 1803; 2. Martha Preston. She d. Feb. l6, 1845. He d. Nov. 29, 1845. Children, 101 I. Elizabeth,'' bap: Jnly 5, l772. 102 IL Martha,'' bap. March 13, 1774. 103 III. Betty,'' bap. June 9, 1776; m. Truman Hinman, Nov. 22, 1798. Gideon" (72) m. Mary Hicock, Sept. 28, 1756. He d. in 1793. Children, 104 I. Betterise,'' bap. June 19, 1757. . 105 IL Gideon.'' 106 III. Aaron,''bap. Jan..27, 1762. 107 IV. Susanna.'' 108 V. Eldad King,'' bap. Aug. 7, 1773. 536 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 109 VL Mary Eve,' bap. Sept. 24, 1775. John« (75) d. 1803, leaving childreii, 110 I. Sherman,'' m. Sarah Benham, June 2, 1796. Ill IL Levi.' 112 IIL John.' David" (79) m. Sarah Minor, Sept. 27, 1764. He. d. in 1819, and his widow d. in 1820. Children, 113 I. Phebe,' b. Feb. 14, 1765 ; m. Anthony Strong, Nov. 13, 1791. Ill IL David Stiles,' b. Jan. 14, 1767. 115 III. WUUam Preston,' b. May 11, 1769. 116 IV. Anna,' b. Oct. 26, 1771 ; m. Aaron Sherman. 117 V. Sarah,' b. Jan. 23, 1774 ; m. Curtis Hicock. 118 VL EUzabeth,' b. Oct. 26, 1776 ; m. Bennet French. 119 ATIL Currence,' bap. Oct. 5, 1783 ; m. Rev. Philo Judson. Asa" (80) m. Eunice Woodward, Oct. 9, 1765. He d. 1794. Children, 120 I. Levina,' b. March 4, 1767 ; m. Gideon Munn, Jan. 6, 1785. 121 II. Curtiss.' 122 IIL RusseU,' b. March 1, 1769. 123 IV. Truman.' 124 V. . 125 VI. Olive.' 126 VII. Mary,' m. James Hinman. 127 VIIL Eunice,' m. David Hawley. Thaddeus" (85) m. Stoddard, and removed to Rutland, Vt., about 1761. Children, 128 L Mary,' bap. April 8, 1750. 129 II. Sarah,' bap. Sept. 2*4, 1752. 130 IIL Thaddeus,' bap. Sept. 29, 1754. 131 IV. Mary,' bap. July 11, 1756. 132 V. Elizabeth,' bap. Feb. 19, 1758. 133 VI. Prudence,' bap. May 25, 1760. Joseph" (90) m. Ketura Hatch, July 11, 1763. He d. Jan. 9, 1798, and his widow d. April 19, 1797. Children, 134 I. Hannah,' b. Aug. 29, 1764 ; m. David Mallory, Sept. 30, 1783. 11 IL Simeon,' b. Jan. 2, 1768. 136 IIL Amos,' bap. May 19, 1771. Z IV. Abel,' bap. May 10, 1776. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 537 138 V. Eunice,' bap. Aug. 6, 1781, Israel" (91) m. AbigaU Mallory, March 9, 1769. Children, 139 I. Truman,' bap. April 8, 1770. .140 IL Polly,' bap. Aug. 4, 1771. 141 III. Charlotte,' bap: Oct, 30, 1773. 142 IV. Mary,' bap. Feb. 24, 1776. 143 V. Martin Luther,' bap. Oct. 19, 1778. 144 VI. Alathea,' bap. Aug. 23, 1785. Benjamin" (96) m. Esther Benham, who d. 1747. He d. July 28, 1798. ChUdren, ISi I. Japhet,' b. Dec. 12, 1779. 1^; II. Sherman,' b. Jan. 26, 1781 ; d. in 1848. }g IIL Cyrus,' b. Dec.' 12, 1786. 148 IV. Anne,' b. Oct. 7, 1789 ; m. David Porter, of Middlebury. David Stiles' (114) m. Sybilla Huntington, who d. Dec. 30, 1837, a. 68. He d. Jan. 22, 1846. Children : . ' 149 L Sybilla Cleora," bap. Nov. 23, 1794 ; m. Roderick StUes, and d. Nov. 27, 1852. !,*§ IL David H.," bap. AprU 3, 1796. 151 IIL Sarah,= bap. Feb. 11, 1798; m. Rufus Stiles, Nov. 9, 1822. 152 IV. Nathan,' bap. March 19, 1799 ; d. young. Ig V. Daniel," bap. Nov. 8, 1801. 154 VI. Elvira," d. unmarried, Dec. 24, 1837, A. 34. 155 VIL Mary Ann N.," bap. June 16, 1805 ; m. Oliver S. WeUer. 156 VIIL William," bap. Sept. 24, 1809 ; m. Elizabeth Stoddard. He d. March 19, 1844 ; no issue. Simeon' (135) m. Mary Bradley, Aug. 12, 1790. Children, 157 L Erastus," b. Nov. 26, 1792. 158 II. Jason-,'^ b. July 11, 1794. 159 IIL Reuben," b. Dec 19, 1796. 160 IV. Billy," b. April 25, 1798. Abel' (137) m. Hannah Atwater, Feb. 1, 1802. Children, 161 L Alford," bap. AprU 24, 1803. 162 IL Charies," bap. Jan. 30, 1805. Japhet' (I45) m. Lucy Strong, June 5, 1805. Children, , 163 L Lucy," d. Dec 12, 1815. 164 II. Louisa." 165 IIL Ma,ria." 166 IV. Benjamin." 167 V. Julia," d. Dec. 12, 1814- 35 8 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 168 VI. JuUa." 169 VII. Japhet." 170 VIIL Theron E." 171 IX. Carlos B." Sherman' (146) m. Jerusha, daughter of Thaddeus Bronson. Children, 172 L Chester." 173 n. Esther." 174 III. Mary Ann." 175 IV. Olive." Cyrus' (147) m. JuUa, daughter of Benjamin Strong. Ch., 176 L Henry." 177 IL Ames." 178 in. Benjamin." 179 IV. Julia." David H." (150) m. 1. Maria Summers, in 1827, who d. Oct. 5, 1828 ; 2. Anna Gurnsey. Children, 180 I. Maria S.," b. 1831 ; d. April 16, 1836. 181 IL James G.," b. Aug. 8, 1835. 182 IIL David," b. Sept. 25, 1837. Daniel" (153) m. Julia F., Strong, Jan. 27, 1835. ChUdren, 183 I. Walter.^ 184 IL Emily A." 185 IIL EUen C 186 IV. Horace D." 187 V. Cordelia." 188 VI. Edward J.^ 189 VIL Frances.' 190 Vin. EUzabeth." It is not found to which branch of the family the following belong. Agur Curtiss, m. Mercy Hinman, Jan. 30, 1755. He d. Feb. 8, 1784, and his widow d. June 20, 1785. Ch., I. Wait, bap. Jan. 18, 1756 ; m. Olive Strong, June 8, 1789. He d. Oct. 17, 1798. Ch., 1. Fanny, b. Nov. 1, 1790 ; 2. Phebe, b. Dec. 27, 1792 ; 3. WUUam, b. Sept. 1^, 1794, d. July 4, 1801 ; 4. Cyrus, b. Dec 8, 1797. II. Ann, b. July 20, 1759 ; m. Doct. Anthony Burritt, April 7, 1782. HI. Josiah, bap. July 25, 1762 ; m. Olive Moseley, Dec. 13, 1787. Samuel Curtiss and Wife Currence, had Olive, bap. May 18, 1760. David Curtiss came from Farmington, and settled in Judea soci ety about 1736. He d. in 1768, leaving children, Allin, David, Ann, AbigaU, Eunice and Sarah. ' HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 539 Allin m. Ruth Ch., Chloe, b. July 31, 1738 ; Medad, bap. May 18, 1740 ; Ebenezer, b. Nov. 6, 1741, d. March, 1742 ; John, b. Nov. 30, 1742 ; Anna, b. March 24, 1748. David, Jr., m. AbigaU . He d. in 1776. Ch., Huldah, b. Nov. 20, 1738 ; Elizur, b. Sept. 11, 1740 ; Axsa, b. Aug. 25, 1742; Abigail, b. June 'lO, 1744; David, b. March 14, 1746; Ashbel, b. Aug. 24, 1748 ; Joshua and Sarah, (twins,) b. Jan. 2, 1751 ; Joanna ; Caleb, b. Feb. 9, 1755, and HuU. DRAKELEY FAMILY. Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three drake's heads erased az. 1 Thomas Drakeley,' of London, Eng., came early to Woodbury via Stratford. The date of his home-lot Is 1685. He was b. in 1657, and d. April 5, 1734. He m. Lydia Brooks, of New Haven, who d. Dec. 4, 1762. Children, 2 I. Anna,' bap. May, 1697 ; m. Jonathan Jackson, Dec. 15, 1738. I IL Thomas,^ bap. May, 1704. 4 IIL Robert,' bap. July, 1709 ; m. Mary Warner, July 4, 1751. He d. July 1,1784. 5 IV. Mary,' bap. July, 1709 ; m. Jonathan Hurlbut, Dec. 11, 1728, and d. June 28, 1765. 6 V. William,' bap. June, 1714; d. July 11, 1769, unmarried. Thomas,' Jr., (3) m. Eunice Hicock. He d. In 1789. Children, 7 L Lydia,' b. Jan. 12, 1730; m. Rood, of Vt. -8 II. Mercy,' b. May 20, 1733 ; d. Dec. 29, 1816 ; unmarried. 9 III. Comfort,' b. April 5, 1737. 10 IV. Eunice,' b. July 17, 1739; unmarried; d. Oct. 21, 1825. \i V. Samuel,' b. May 18, 1745. 12 VI. Betterus,' b. Nov. 18, 1749. Samuel' (11) m. Olive Wheeler, Oct. 2, 1777. He d. March 13, 1823. ChUdi-en as foUows : 'i I. Wmiam,* b. Aug. 9, 1779. 540 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 14 n. Anne,* b. Feb. 15, 1781 ; m. Hinman Hurd, Sept. 12, 1802 ; moved to Ohio. Mr. Hurd d. Sept. 16, 1836. 15 III. Martha,* b. Sept. 13, 1783 ; unmarried.. 16 IV. Olive,* b. March 10, 1785; unmarried. 53 V. Abiram,* b. May 29, 1787 ; moved to Wisconsin. 18 VL Mary,*b. Feb. 10,1789; m. Asa Mitchell, June 15, 1819. He was b. 1787. She d. Oct. 24, 1842. 19 yil. Thomas,* b. Oct. 6, 1791 ; unmarried ; now resides in Ohio. I" VIII. Robert,^ b. Sept. 15, 1793. 21 IX. Sherman,* b. March 22, 1795 ; d. March 12, 1805. 22 X. Samuel,* b. June 2, 1797 ; d. Sept. 26, 1814. 23 XL Augusta,* b. Dec. 10, 1800 ; m. OrUn Rood, of Vt., Sept., 1831 ; now in Wisconsin. WiUiam* (13) m. Anna Hinman, May 8, 1806. She was b. April 23, 1780. He d. June 19, 1825. ChUdren, 24 L Sherman* b. April 11, 1807 ; d. Oct. 6, 1833. 25 II. Maria,* b. Jan. 7, 1809 ; m. Orem Newcomb, of Derby, Vt., Feb. 12, 1835. Children, Henry W., Herbert, Albert, Luther. i IIL Henry W.,* b. July 21, 1811. 27 IV. Jane E.,* b. June 21, 1813 ; m. Lucius Kingsbury, of Derby, Vt., Sept. 5, 1833. 28 V. Herbert," ) b. June 26, 1816; drowned in New Haven, Y July 9, 1833. 29 VI. Albert,*) b. June 26, 1816; d. Oct. 26, 1834. ^ vn. George,* b. Feb. 12, 1819. Abiram* (17) m. SeUna Beers, April 1, 1807. fs I. Charies,* b. Feb. 6, 1811. 32 n. CaroUne," b. Sept. 16, 1814; m. Ephraim Slauter, AprU 5, 1835. (Wis.) 33 nL Edwin,* b. April 15, 1816; d. May 22, 1817. % IV. William,* b. July 10, 1818. 35 V. Samuel,* b. May 3, 1820 ; m. Rhoda Stone, Nov. 4, 1846. She d. Sept. 22, 1849. M. 2. Louisa Smith Hyer, March 21, 1852. 36 VI. Robert,* b. March 30, 1822 ; m. Lucretia C. Rickey, June 6, 1850. Robert* (20) m. Louisa Van Hoezen, Jan. 28, 1841, and had chUdren, 37 I. Augusta* Maria, b. AprU 22, 1842. 38 n. Robert* Irwin, b. March 21, 1846. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 541 Henry W.* (26) m. Mary E. Greenfield, (Baltimore,) Aug. 1, 1843. Children, 39 I. George," b. Aug. 8, 1844. 40 II. Thomas," b. June 10, 1846. 41 IIL Henry," i. Feb. 29, 1848. 42 IV. WilUam," b. April 16, 1850. 43 V. Herbert," ) d. Feb. 13, 1853. U. March 21, 1852. 44 VI. Albert," ) d. Jan. 20, 1853. George* (30) m. Laura M. HoUister, Nov. 11, 1844. She was b. Jan. 2, 1822. Their children are, 45 I. Harriet Maria," b. June 18, 1846. 46 IL Lucius," b. May 23, 1849. Charies* (31) m. Feb. 22, 1837, Betsey Ann Fuller. Ch., 47 L Henry Charles," b. Oct. 13, 1838. 48 IL Paulina EUzabeth," b. Feb. 20, 1841. WilUam* (34) m. JuUa EUza Barnes, Dec. 6, 1840. Shed. Sept. 22, 1849. 49 I. Abiram Thomas," b. June 8, 1844. 50 II. George," b. July 22, 1846; d. March 23, 1847. EASTMAN FAMILY. I am indebted for the account of this family, to one of the descend ants of Azariah Eastman. The genealogy of the Eastman line of ancestry, has been so imper fectly kept, that it can hardly be traced farther back than the year 1746, although it is certain, that Azariah Eastman and his wife Ruth (Jenkins,) lived at New Fairfield, Conn., previous to the above date, as reliable records show they had the following children, viz., Aza riah, Esther, Hannah, Benjamin, Ruth, Eli, Vespasian, Mary, Deliv erance, Frederick, Alvin and Prudence. All these settled In the state of New York, except Prudence and Doct. Azariah. Prudence m. . ¦ Matoon, and settled in Massachusetts- Doct. Azariah was b. Aug. 5, 1746, at New Fairfield, Conn., (now, Sherman,) and settled in Roxbury society^ m., in 1770, Sarah, dau. of David Booth, of said society, and grand-dau. of Deac. Joseph Booth, of Stratford. He d. May 27, 1818, and was interred on the old burial-gromid, (so caUed,) near where the first meeting-house 542 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. stood- Bis wife, after his decease, m. Lemuel Leavenworth, of Whitestown, N. Y., and d. there April 2, 1828, in the 77th year of her age. They had four children, one son and three daughters. Doct. Josiah R., the eldest ch. of Doct. Azariah, was b. Feb. 14, 1771 ; m. Amarilla Hurd, dau. of Dea. David Hurd, Jr., and had three sons and two daus. The eldest son, Richard IL, was b. at Rox bury, Nov. 27, 1800, studied medicine with his father, attended lec tures, was licensed in 1821, at New Haven, and the same year com menced practice in the town of Summit, Scoharie co., N. Y., where he was favored with an extensive practice for a number of years ; but at the solicitation of friends in Pennsylvania, he removed to Mount Pleasant, in that state, where, after a short period, he d. Oct. 12, 1831, leaving one child, Caroline S., i now the wife of the Rev. Charles Fabrique. John Randolph, the second son, was b. April 14, 1805 ; also stud ied with his father, and with Doct. Sherald, of Poughkeepsle ; at tended lectures, was licensed in the city of New York, and after prac ticing his profession about twenty years in Pawling, N. Y., he died Dec. 8, 1851, and was interred In the Pearce family burying-ground in Pawling. Harmon B., third son of Doct. Josiah, was b. July 17, 1807 ; m. Emily Painter, and has children. Amarilla, eldest dau. of Doct. Josiah R., is unm. Mary Ann, sec ond dau., m. Grandison Beardsley, of Roxbury. EDMONDS FAMILY. Robert Edmonds, whose father was a native of Scotland, was born in Dublin, Ireland, married Mary Marks, In Cork, emigrated to this country in 1754, landed at Philadelphia the 23d of Dec, and re mained at or near the last named place, about two years. From thence he went to New York, soon after which he removed to South bury society, and settled in the district of South Purchase, where he resided several years. He then removed to Ridgefield, Conn., and died at the advanced age of 93. His children were, 1. John ; 2. WilUam, b. Sept. 28, 1755 ; 3. George ; 4. Martha, who m. Samuel Pierce; 5. Margaret, m. Elias Lee and went to BaUston, N."Y. ; 6. Esther, m. ¦ Jackson; 7. Mary, bap. Aug. 21, 1761, d. Feb. 5, 1778; 8. Ann, bap. April 27, 1764, m HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 543 Jackson, of Danbury ; 9. Robert StUes, bap. Jan. 24,' 1770 ; 10. Cy rus, bap. Jan. 3, 1773 ; 11 . Daniel. , John, first son of Robert, m. Comfort Pierce, and had, 1. Eunice, b. Sept. 27, 1776, d. March 10, 1781 ; 2. David P., b. July 13, 1781, m. Clara Pierce, and had two children, Charles and Harriet; Charles m. and had Helen, Margaret and Augusta ; 3. John, b. June 4, 1783, m. Lucy Park, of Salisbury ; ch. Mary and William ; Mary m. Dun ning Babbitt, Esq. ; WiUiam m. Sarah HaU, and had John, Mary and Webster; 4. Molly, b. March 15, 1787, d. Nov. 1, 1791. Judge William, second son of Robert, m. 1st, Elizabeth J. Chand ler, dau. of Col. John and Mary Chandler, Nov. 30, 1784. She d. Feb. 17, 1795. He m.- 2d, Elizabeth, dau. of Benjamin Payne, of Hartford, Feb. 14,1796 ; ch. 1. Mary EUzabeth, b. in 1785, m. Col. Elias Starr, of Danbury, now of New York. She d. May, 1825, leaving six children ; 2. Elizabeth P., b. March 17, 1798, m. Hon. Holbrook Curtis, of Watertown, Conn., Oct. 7, 1822 ; 3. Sarah, b. June 24, 1800, m. Doct. Cyrenius H. Booth, Oct., 1820 ; 4. WiUiam P., b. July 4, 1802, d. Aug. 10, 1829 ; 5. Ann, b. April 5, 1804 ; 6. Robert, b. Sept. 12, 1805, m. Mary Delaplalne, Nov., 1833. George, third son of Robert, m. and had three sons and two daugh ters. Robert Stiles, fourth son of Robert, m. Polly Lee, and had five sons and three da-ughters, who reside at Ridgefield and vicinity. Cyrus, fifth son of Robert, m. Esther Lee, of Ridgefield; ch. WiUiam, David, Daniel, Esther, Eliza and Polly, who with their families now reside in Ridgefield. David, the youngest son of Robert, went to Vergennes, Vt. He had six chUdren. This David is said to be the ancestor of Judge J. W. Edmonds, of New York. This is found to be a mistake. It is said that Robert had a half-brother James, who came to this country with him, or soon after, and that he also settled near Robert, in Southbury, but we find no record evidence to substantiate the fact. James Edmonds, Jr., settled as above stated. He m. Ruth Kasson, Nov- 1, 1768, and d. April 27, 1787: His children were, 1. James, b. Sept. 17, 1769, now resides at Windham, N. Y. and has ch. 2. Wil liam, b- July 22, 1774, d. unm- ; 3. Elizabeth, b. .Tan. 20, 1772, d. unm. ; 4. John.Park, b. July 15, 1778. James, Jr., had two sisters, who came with him, Mary and Betsey; Mary m. John Pierce ; Betsey m. Samuel Tweedy. 544 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. FARR4.ND FAMtLY. Jonathan Farrand m. Abigail Wooster, of Milford, and settled in Judea society, (Washington.) He had a son John, and daughters Abigail and Esther ; John m. Catherine Baldwin, of Milford ; Abi gaU m. Nov. 23, 1779, D. N. Brinsmade, of Washington ; Esther m. Simeon Mitchell, Nov. 16, 1780 ; Abigail, the wife of Jonathan, d. young, and he m. Rebecca Powell, of Washington. His ch. were Nathaniel, b. 1773, and m. Hetty Frisbie, May 18, 1800 ; Mary Ann, b. in 1775, m. Matthew EUiott, of Kent, in 1804 ; WiUiam P., b. 1778, and went to Philadelphia; Daniel; Charles, m. PoUy Bald^ win, of Washington, in 1819 ; Rebecca m. DooUttle, July 10, 1806. Mr. Farrand d. Sept., 1812, and his w. Rebecca in 1810. GALPIN FAMILY. Benjamin Galpin and wife Rebecca, came from Stratford to Woodbury, about 1680. Mr. Galpin d. in 1731, and his widow d. in 1743. Theu- chUdren w.ere EUzabeth, bap. March, 1683 ; Martha, bap. April, 1685, and m. Doct. Ebenezer Warner, in 1704 ; Benja min, bap. May, 1687, d. Feb. 3, 1705 ; Rebecca, bap. Nov., 1689; Joseph, bap. AprU, 1693; Sarah, bap. Feb., 1696-7, m. David Mitchell, in 1718; Rachel, bap. Sept., 1699; Samuel, b. April 6, 1703 ; Thankful, b. Oct. 18, 1706, m. Timothy TerriU. Joseph, son of Benjamin, m. Joanna , and had Joanna, b. Nov. 20, 1740, m. Ebenezer Thomas, 1760 ; Rachel, bap. March 6, 1743 ; Joseph, bap. July '21, 1745. Samuel, son of Benjamin, m. Ruth . He d. 1789 ; his w. d. Nov. 13, 1745. His children were, JL. Benjamin, bap. Aug. 24, 1729, m. Esther Bronson, Sept. 5, 1757, and had Israel, b. Feb. 11, 1757 ; Elizabeth, b. Aug. 3, 1758; Benjamin, b. Nov. 7, 1759, d. Jan. 18, 1761; Esther, b. May 20, 1761. 2. Samuel, b. July 8, 1732, d. young. 3. Stephen, b. Oct., 1734, m. 1st, Esther Culver, Nov. 8, 1753, m. 2d, Lydia , and had ch. Jerusha, b. Aug. 8, 1756 ; Stephen Cur tiss, b. Nov. 2, 1763 ; Lydia, b. Feb. 19, 1767 ; Sarah, b. July 24, 1768; Neri, b. Aug. 8, 1771. 4. Samuel, b. Jan. 8, 1738, m. Abia Wheeler, and had Samuel i^dimi. HISTOEY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 545 Asa, b. Nov. 2, 1757, d. young ; Ann, bap. Oct. 28, 1759 ; Samuel, b. May 3, 1761 ; SeUeck, b. May 13, 1762,'d. young; Abraham, b. Nov. 1, 1764 ; Curtiss, b; Nov. 1, 1767 ; SeUeck, b. May 13, 1772 ; Nathan, b. June 29, 1773 ; Samuel Asa, bap. Nov. 30, 1777. 5. Moses, b. 1740, m. 1st, ; m. 2d, Hannah Gregory, Jan. 8, 1767 ; ch. Sarah, bap. Feb. 6', 1763 ; John, b. Oct. 6, 1765 ; Sarah, b. July 23, 1770 ; Hannah, b. Dec. 1, 1773. 6. Ruth, bap. Nov. 17, 1743. Stephen Curtiss, son of Stephen, m. 1st, Judson ; m. 2d. Tread well ; m. 3d. PoUy Sharp, went south and m. twice afterward ; ch. by 2d w. 1. Neri, now living in Ohio ; 2. Sabra ; 3. Warren ; 4. Judson ; ch. by 3d wife, 1. Stephen F. ; 2. Maria ; 3. Curtiss ; 4. Leman, who went west. , Stephen F., son of Stephen Curtiss, m. Mary A. Roberts, April 10, 1819; ch. 1. Frederick S-, b. March 15, 1820, d. Feb. 22, 1851; 2. Harriet M., b. Sept. 17, 1821 ; 3. Charies F., b. Dec. 12, 1823 ; 4. Almon D., b. Feb. 13, 1826,; 5. WiUiam R., b. March 11, 1828 ; 6. Edgar, b. May 20, 1830 ; 7.' Leman G.j b. Feb. 16," 1833 ; 8. Han ford, b. Sept. 16, 1834 ; 9. -John, b. March 23, 1837 ; 10. Sarah E., b. Dec. 10, 1839, d. Dec. 17, 18'40; 11. Julia A., b. Dec 29, 1841, d. July 20, 1849 ; 12. Mary E., b." July 20, 1844. GRAHAM FAMILY. ARMS. Quarterly, first and fourth, or, on a chiqf sa., three escalops of the field, for Graham ; second and third ar., three roses gu., barbed and seeded ppr., for the title of MoNtrose. Crest — An eagle, wings hovering, or, perched upon a heron lying upon its back, ppr., beaked and membered gu. Motto — Ne Oublie'z. An engraving of this coat appears on the opposite page. The Grahams boast great antiquity, and trace their descent from Sir David Gr'seme, who held a grant of land from King WiUiam, the Lion, who reigned from 1163 to 1214. His descendant, Patrick Graham, was made a Lord of Parliament about 1445, whose grand son, WiUiam, Lord Graham, was by James IV. created Earl of Mon trose in 1504. He died 1513. His son WilUam, second earl, died 36 546 HISTOEY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 1571, and was succeeded by his grandson John, third earl, who died 1608, leaving John, fourth earl, who died 1626, leaving James, fifth earl, who made a very great figure in his day, as appears in all the histories of those times. He was born 1612, and originally joined with the Covenanters against Charles I., but soon came over to the king, who, in 1644, created him Marquis of Montrose. The remain der of his illustrious career, may be read in the account of those times, as also that of his heroic death, which happened by the ax of the executioner. May 21, 1645. His son James, second Marquis of Montrose, led a quiet life, and died in 1669, being succeeded by his son, third marquis, who died in the prime of life, April 25, 1684, leaving James, fourth marquis, who, in 1705, was made Lord High Admiral of Scotland, and in 1707, was created Duke of Montrose. On the accession of the Hanover family, he held many high offices, and died January 7, 1742. His eldest son, David, Marquis of Gi'a- ham, who died during his Ufe, was, on May 23d, 1722, created an English peer, by the titles of Earl Graham and Baron Graham, with remainder to his brother. Lord WiUiam, who, on his brother's death, unmarried, in 1731, became second Earl of Graham, and on his fa ther's death, in 1742, became also second Duke of Montrose, in Scot land, who died September 23, 1790. He was succeeded by his son • James, as third Earl of Graham of England, and third Duke of Mon trose, in Scotland, who died in 1842, and his only son James, the pres ent peer, succeeded to these titles, being the fourth Duke of Mon trose. In November, 1790, the late duke was appointed master of the horse, which he held tUl 1795. He was afterward a commission er of India afiairs, knight of the thistle, lord justice general of Scot land, chancellor of Scotland, &c. The Rev. John Graham,' A. M., the second son of one of the Mar quises of Montrose, was born in Edinburgh, in the year Queen Mary died, 1694. He received his education, and was a graduate at the University of Glasgow, in Scotland ; studied theology at Edinburgh, and there received orders for the ministry. In the year 1718, he em igrated to Boston in New England. He married Abigail, daugh ter of the celebrated Doctor Chauncy. He settled in the mmistry at Exeter, N. H., where he remained tiU Dec, 1722, when he removed and settled over the church in Stafford, Conn. After-remaining at this place ten years, he again removed, and became the first minister in Southbury society, Woodbury, in 1732. In this field of labor, he remained tiU his death, Dec, 1774, in the 81st year of his age. Dur ing the last eight or nine years, however, through bodily infirmity, he HISTORY- OP ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 547 was. unable to minister to his people. He was a learned theologian, and a consistent, devoted and indefatigable pastor, universally re vered for his piety, and exercised an extensive infiuence in all church afiairs throughout the state. His original manuscript sermons, which contain a powerful elucidation of the whole Christian system, display ing great biblical and classical learning, were bequeathed to his grand son, whom he christened himself with his own name, John A. Gra ham, LL. D., of New York, who left them to his son, John Lorimer Graham, Esq., of New York, who now possesses them. This learned divine made, during his ministry, two visits to London and Scotland ; upon each occasion on a mission from Yale College, to procure .aid in books, &c., for that institution, in the success of which he always felt a deep interest. In both these missions he was successful. Children, 2 I. John,' admitted to the church, Jan., 1738-9. 3 IL Robert.' 4 III. Chauncey,' admitted to the church, April, 1741. *i IV. Andrew,' admitted to the church, 1741, d. June, 1785, aged 57. 6 V. EUzabeth,' m. Daniel BuU in 1744. 7 VL Love,' bap. Oct. 5, 1732 ; m. John Brinkerhoff", May 19, 1755. 8 VII. Sarah,' b. March 18, 1735 ; m. Gideon Hurd, May 20, 1752. 9 VIIL Abigail,^ b. March 13, 1737 ; d. young. 10 IX. Richard Crouch,^ b. March 11, 1739; m. and had chUd, WilUam D., bap. March 21, 1762. 11 X. Abigail,' b. Aug. 23, 1741 ; m. John Hinman, 1772. John, above, graduated at Yale College, 1740 ; Chauncey in-4747, and Richard Crouch in 1760. All three settled in the ministry. Andrew and Robert were educated as physicians, and practiced with success and ability. AU the sons walked in the steps of their noble and pious Scotch father, were men eminent in their day, and proved themselves worthy of the 'rock from which they were hewn. Andrew married and settled in Southbury, in Woodbury, where he resided until his death in 1785. He was a worthy son of a worthy sire and during a long life enjoyed the respect and esteem of the whole population of " Ancient Woodbury." His practice as a physi cian was extended to neighboring counties. His popularity arose equaUy from his active benevolence and admitted skUl. Wherever he went, he was hailed as the "good Samaritan." 648 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. At an early day in our Revolutionary struggle. Dr. Graham es poused the cause of independence. By his generous hospitality and means, he encouraged and aided the friends ofthe Revolution. His devotion to the cause impoverished his family, for he would never al low Continental money to be discredited 'in his presence ; and after his death, a large ohest, filled with this worthless paper, issued by authority of an American Congress, was found in his possession. He was one of the "- Committee of Safety," in the perilous .period of 1775, and onward, when such committees held legislative, judicial and ex ecutive powers. These were times which not only tried men's souU, but their understandings and generosity also ; for every one had to bring into a common stock, all the wealth, intellect and corporeal strength he had, and fear no sacrifice in the discharge of his duty. He performed, temporarily, the duty of a surgeon in the American army, and being taken prisoner by the British, was sent to the city of New York, and confined several months in the old Dutch church in Nassau Street, where he contracted -disease from tainted provis ions, (said to have been poisoned,) of which he died a few years after his release. It is worthy of note, that his grandson, sixty years after his imprisonment, as postmaster of the city of New York, converted that charnel house, afterward the Middle Dutch Church, into a spa cious post-office. He was the devoted adherent of Gen. Washington, and the only time that illustrious man passed through Southbury, he spent the night under the roof of his friend. His children imbibed the poUtical feelings of their sire, and imitated his self-sacrificing ex ample in the cause of liberty. He.^ied in 1785, leaving nine chll- .dren. He m. Martha Curtiss, June 5, 1753. Children, 12 I. Curtis,' b. May 23, 1754 ; d. unmarried. 13.11. Martha,' b. Sept. 10, 1756; m. Matthew Mitchell, Sept. 10, 1782. 14 III. Andrew,' b. Aug. 14, 1758 ; d. without issue. J§ IV. Isaac Gilbert,' b. Sept. 10, 1760. 16 V. Mary Ann,' bap. June 27, 1762 ; m. David Hinman, 1784. S VI. John A.,' bap. June 10,- 1764. g VIL Nathan B.,' bap. Dec. 20, 1767. II Vin. WiUiam HackaUah Preston,' b. Sept. 30,1770; m. Ma ria Curtiss, July 23, 1804. 20 IX. Molly Matilda,' b. Oct. 1, 1775 ; m. John Moseley, Esq., Oct. 31, 1798. All these children are deceased. Isaac GUbert' (15) niarried and settled in Westchester county. HISTORY OF ANCIENT. WOODBURY. 549 N. Y., where he resided on the same spot over half a century. He was an assistant surgeon in the army of the United States during the Revolutionary War, and served under Gen. Washington at West Point, whose warm regard he possessed for his medical knowledge, and patriotic devotion to the great cause which engaged their united energies. He was present at several important engagements with the enemy. When he retired from the army, he received from his superior officers the highest proofs of their respect and esteem, for his alacrity and fidelity in the performance of his military duties. Upon the close of the war, he commenced the practice of medicine, which he successfully prosecuted over half a century.. He died on the 13th Sept., 1849, aged 88 years. His whole life was a display of useful ness and benevolence. He was always ready and prompt to visit, without reward, the dwellings of the poor and afflicted, however re mote or desolate, as a humane and ministering brother. Those who knew him long and intimately, estimated his sterUng qualities. With steadiness of purpose, and regularity of Ufe, he combined an incor ruptible Integrity, which secured for him through life, unlimited con fidence, and an unblemished fame. He died as he had lived, a sin cere and humble beUever in the Christian faith. He left seven children : 21 I. Andrew,* now deceased, lea-ving four chUdren. 22 IL Frederick,* a physician ; settled in Ohio. 23 III. Henry,* now deceased, leaving three children, ong of them Curtis B. Graham, residing at Washington City, D. C. 24 IV. Gilbert^* has two children, and resides upon the homestead at UnionvUle, Westchester co.. New York. 25 V. Betsey,* married Benjamin Scofield, residing in Westchester CO., N. Y.; has no issue. 26 VL Patty,* married S. Newman ; has no issue. 27 VII. Harriet,* married A. Wordon, residing in Michigan. Has ten children ; .one of her sons, John Lorimer Wordon is a lieu tenant in the United States navy, and a very meritorious officer. He is married and has two children. John A. Graham' (17) was born June 10, 1764, at Southbury, in Woodbury. He was educated under the tuition of the Rev. Jehu Minor, until 1781, When he entered upon his judicial studies with Edward Hinpian, Esq., of Southbury, a lawyer of eminence, and continued with him until the death of his father, in 1785. Being at that date only twenty-one years of age, an(J left dependent on his own exertions, with that ardor and promptitude which characterized 550 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. his after Ufe, he decided to emigrate to a new state. The calamities of war, long continued, and the depreciation of continental currency, had put nearly all the people upon a level. The agrarian law had virtually passed, and aU men had to commence anew in this country. Enterprise was the order of the day, and the young lawyer started for Vermont, to commence practice, with scanty means, but with a stout heart, and a determination to succeed in spite of all obstacles. Soon after he reached Rutland, Vermont, then a- wilderness, and de ciding to locate there, he sent for his two younger brothers, Nathan B. and WiUiam H. P., thus reclaiming his promise to his father, to educate and protect them in their youth. He practiced in the com mon pleas court, where most of the litigated business was done, until 1790, when he was called to the bar of the supreme court of the state. In June, 1792, John Jay, chief justice of the United States, held a circuit court for the district of Vermont at Bennington. This was the first time the Vermonters had seen a United States Court, for they had come reluctantly into the Union. Judge Jay organized his court in due and solemn form, to lay its foundation deep in the respect and reverence of the people. He admitted to practice- in his court as attorneys and counselors, such as had practiced with reputa tion in the highest courts of the state. In 1794, he was appointed by Governor Chittenden his aid-de-camp with the rank of lieutenant colonel. In 1794, the Episcopal church in Vermont, appointed Col. Graham their special agent to the ecclesiastical courts of Canterbury and York at London, and to the Society for propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts, the prominent object of the mission being to obtain the recognition and confirmation of the Rev. Samuel Peters, Bishop elect for the state of Vermont. The difficulties which attended his course of duty, and the abiUty and spirit with which they were met, although not surmounted, are exemplified in the correspondence be tween Col. Graham and the Archbishop of Canterbury, and in the reports from the records of the mission, which were extensively pub lished and noticed at the time. They displayed botli tact and talent, and greatly aided to establish the reputation of the young diploma tist, as an adroit and reliable negotiator. Col. Graham returned to Vermont in 1795, and shortly afterward revisited England. While in England, he received, unsolicited, the honorary degree of doctor of laws from the ancient and Royal CoUege of Aberdeen, Scotland. The state of Vermont was scarcely known to the British uatidn, and Dr. Graham devoted some of his leisure hpurs to writing a history of the new state, as it was called by the other states of the HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOO.DBURY. 551 Union. The elements of the history of Vermont were scanty in 1797, when " A Descriptive Sketch" of it was given by Dr. Gra ham. Tha face of the country, its forests, its minerals, mountains and lakes, with its patches of cultivation, and its incipient forms of civil society, with a few pleasant anecdotes, were all he had from which to form his book. He adorned, it however, with brief and graphic sketches of biography, which will increase in interest with every passing year. This work was dedicated to the Duke of Mont rose, the head of the Graham family, which was received very kind ly by his grace. After residing In London a few years, he returned to the United States in the year 1800, and commenced his residence in the city of New York, where he remained until his death. He resumed the practice of his profession, and devoted a large share of his time and talents to the defense of those accused of crime. His warmth of heart, quick perception, and ready talents, peculiarly fitted him for this department of jurisprudence. Always seizing upon the strong points of the defense, and urging every favorable view with pathos and eloquence, he was one of the most popular advocates of the New York courts, and few were equally successful in their de fenses. The argument which obtained for him the most celebrity, was delivered in a case involving the right of a magistrate to exam ine in private, without the aid of counsel, a person brought before him charged with crime, and then making use of that examination as evidence against him on his trial. Upon the appearance of the argument, it produced a great sensation, and for the first time direct ed public attention to alarming abuses, then in practice, and the doc trines he advanced in favor of human life and Uberty, were responded to by the ablest jurists in every part of the country. John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, John Jay, Chief Justice Marshall, Andrew Jackson, Chief Justice Spencer, Cadwalader D. Colden, De Witt Clinton, Thomas Addis Emmett, Pierre C. Van Vyck, Chancellor Kent and many others in and out of the profession, wrote to Dr. Graham on perusing the argument, in the most approving terms, commending its doctrine, ability and eloquence. This eflfort was followed by a legis lative enactment, securing for the first time to every one accused the right of consulting counsel before examination by the committing magistrate ; and to Dr. Graham is to be awarded the high credit of having unalterably secured this inestimable privilege, In 1828, Dr. Graham wrote and published an elaborate essay on the subject of the letters of Junius, claiming for his friend, John Home Tooke the authorship of those celebrated productions. It is an interesting and 552 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. , ingenious book. How far he has succeeded in his hypothesis, he has left the reader to decide. The work is dedicated to Chief Justice Ambsose Spencer, between whom and the author thefe. hj,d existed a long and close friendship. Dr. Graham died August 8, 1841, aged seventy-seven years. He had suffered for two years from the effects of a paralytic shock, but ¦ retained his faculties. He died full of the hope of a blessed immor tality. He was a firm believer in the Christian religion, to which he had given deep investigation. All his topes centered in the re deeming power of the Son of God. He passed from life without a murmur or regret. His first wife was the daughter of Dr. Hodges of Clarendon, Vermont, by whom he had one son, 28 I. John Hodges Graham.* His second wife, Margaret, whom he married in England, was the daughter of James Lorimer of London, by whom he had one son, 29 II. John Lorimer Graham.* John H. Graham* (28) was born in Vermont, March 6, 1794. His Ufe has been an eventful one. He was destined by his father for the bar, but after pursuing judicial studies for two years, he Im bibed a partiality for nautical pursuits, and sailed on a voyage to China. Upon his return he obtained a midshipman's warrant in the United States navy, and soon after sailed on a cruise with Commo dore Rodgers, in the frigate Constitution. In a few months, he, resigned and resumed his legal studies, but soon after the declaration of war with Great Britain, in 1812, he again returned to the navy, and within a few weeks after joining Commodore Chauncey on Lake Ontario, he was engaged in the first confiict of the war, on the Canada side, under the command of Capt. Argus. It was a gallant affair ; nine out of eleven naval officers were killed, or severely wounded. He lost his leg in the action, and his life was almost miraculously preserved by a noble tar, who car ried the young and wounded midshipman on his back to the last boat, which had just put off for the American side. He was then only nineteen years of age. Having sufficiently recovered to substitute an artificial for a real Umb, he appUed for orders, reported to Com modore Perry on Lake Erie, and had command of the magazine on board of his flag-ship, in the memorable conflict on that lake, which won for aU who partook in it, an imperishable fame. In this action. Midshipman Graham, had his organs of hearing severely impaired, from the heavy cannonading, from which he has never been reUeved. Aftei; this battle, he made a voyage to the Mediterranean Sea, since which he has been engaged on shore duty, HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOQDBUEY. 553 attached to the navy yard, Brooklyn, N. Y. He' has now reached the grade of post-captain. He resides at Brooklyn city, is a promi nent member of the Episcopal church, highly respected for his ex emplary character and diffusive benevolence. He has married three times ; his first wife was the daughter of William Inman of Utica, N. Y., and sister of Capt. Inman, U. S. N. His second wife was the daughter of Isaac Claspn of New York, and his present wife is the daughter of the Rev. Philip Millidores, D. D., of New Bruns wick College. He has no issue. Col. John Lorimer Graham* (29) was born in the city of London, England, March 20, 1797. He was educated In New York, where he has resided since 1800. He prosecuted part of his judicial studies with the venerable Judge Tapping Reeve, at Litchfield, Con necticut, and terminated them in New York, In the office of John Anthon, Esq. He was admitted to the bar In 1821. Few lawyers in the state have had a more extensive business. In 1817, he was called Into military service by Governor Tompkins. In 1819, he was selected by the then Governor De Witt Clinton, as one of his aids-de-camp with the rank of colonel. He continued in the staff of Gov. Clinton for several years. Although subsequently tendered the commission of a brigadier-general, he declined it and other mih tary distinctions, preferring to terminate his military career with the life of the illustrious Clinton. Notwithstanding his incessant professional employments, Col. Gra ham has been an active and liberal patron of scientific, literary, charitable and religious institutions. At an early day, he became a member of the Historical, the New England, the St. George's and the St. Andrew's Societies ; a life director of the American Bible Society, and an efficient member of the council of the University of the city of New York, in which he founded a free scholarship. In 1834, he was appointed by the legislature of the state of New York, and now continues, a regent of the State University ; the duties of which station, frequently require attendance at the capltol at Albany, and visitations to the colleges and academies throughout the state. In the year 1840, the President of the U. S., (confirmed by an unanimous vote of the Senate,) conferred upon Col. Graham the office of postmaster of New York. His administration of the office was marked with intelligence, industry and system. He reformed every department of that extensive and complicated establishment, and created order out of chaos. His efforts accomplished many use ful reforms, and he signalized his administration by succeeding in 37 554 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. effecting, after a" long struggle, the removal of the post-office to a location which enables the mercantile class to have their letters de livered at the earliest moment after the arrival of the mails. The value of this arrangement to a large commercial community like New York^^ 180 VL Abigail," bap. Oct. 3,**1763, m. Joseph Root. 181 VII. Chauncey," bap. 1765, went west. 182 VIIL Sarah," bap. 1769, m. Evits Moody, of Washington, Ct. Jf, IX. Isaiah," bap. April 21, 1771, ra. Eunice Minor. 184 X. WiUiam," bap. June 20, 1773, m. Mabel Root. ^ 185 XL Eunice," bap. Oct. 22, 1775, m. Dea, Gideon Smith, of Salisbury. 186 XIL Ruth," bap. Nov. 30, 1773. Amos* (67) had 576 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURT. 187 L Gideon," bap. Nov. 13, 1757, d. Nov. 29, 1759. 188 n. Zuba," bap. Dec. 31, 1758. Peter* (81) had fi: I. Asahel," bap. Dec. 30, 1747, m. Rebecca Blakesley, K76 r4»e- died-4807» 190 n. Solomon," b. Dec 25, 1750, d- ^'/^ *''"* 191 IIL Sarah," b, July 15, 1753, 192 IV, AbigaU," b, Jan, 15, 1755. 193 V. Justice,^ b. March 25, 1757, d. 1780. 194 VI. 01ive,"'b. Aug. 13, 1759, 195 VIL Lois." David* (82) had 196 I. Curtis," b. Nov. 13, 1751, m. Capt. James Judson's daugh ter Abigail, and had several sons and daughters, Judson Hurd, now living in Roxbury, being one of them. He died March 11, 1831, and his wife died Aug. 14, 1818. 197 IL Ann," b. April 2, 1754. > 198 IIL David," b. Jan. 17, 1758, d. 1793. 199 IV. Esther," b. Jan. 23, 1760, m. Moses Hurd, 1780. 200 V. Jonas," died 1766. 201 VI. James," b. April 25, 1768. Thaddeus* (87) had 202 I. Mabel," bap. Jan. 1, 1764. 203 II. Annie," bap. July 20, 1766. 204 IIL Russel," bap. May 12, 1771, m. Ruth Mitchell, May 30, 1792. 205 IV. Eunice," bap. May 12, 1771, m. Japhet Collins, Feb. 23, 1790. 206 V. Lydia," bap. Dec. 31, 1773, d. May 3, 1777. 207 VL Thaddeus," bap. July 9, 1775. 208 VIL Lydia," bap. May 2, 1777. 209 Vin. Reuben," bap. Sept. 27, 1778, m. Clemence Camp, July 28, 1796. 210 IX. Justus," bap. June 15, 1788. Zadoc* (91) had 211 I. Esther," bap. March 9, 1755. 212 II. Lois," bap. April 23, 1757 ; ra. Joel Linsley. 213 in. OUve," bap. April 23, 1757 ; m. Abial Linsley. 214 IV. Mary," bap. Jan. 11, 1761. 215 V. Nancy," bap. Jan. 8, 1763. 216 VI. Anna," bap. Sfipt._i6, 1764. HISTORY OF ANCIENT W^OODBURT. 377 217 VIL Solomon," bap. Sept. 25, 1768. 218 VIIL Zadoc," bap. Oct. 21,1770. Noah* (98) had, 219 I. Currence," bap .June 8, 1760 ; m. John A. Norton, Sept. 15, 1778, 220 II, EUzabeth," hap. May 10, 1767, Adara* (101) had, 221 I, Sarah," bap, Oct. 20, 1776. 222 IL Mary," b. Jan. 18, 1778. Isaiah" (183) had, 223 L Gideon H.,'bap. Nov. 11, 1798. 224 II. Marcus,' bap. ]^«H5h4, 1800. t^ •- •', 225 IIL Horace,' bap. May 31, 1801 ; m. Roxa Minor, Nov. 9, 1827. 226 IV. Burr,'' bap. May 22, 1803. 227 V. Diah,' bap. Feb. 17, 1805. WilUam" (124) had, 228 I. Benjamm S.,'' b. July 29, 1783. 229 IL David,' b. Dec. 26, 1784. 230 IIL Charity,'b. July 8, 1790. Asahel" (189) had, [ 231 L Amos.' 232 II. Chloe.' 233 ni. Rebecca.' 234 IV. Sarah.' HULL FAMILY. The name of HuU was an early name in Connecticut, as it is found that George Hull, of Windsor, surveyed Wethersfield in 1636, deputy in 1639, was magistrate, and often member ofthe General Court. John Hull, of Windsor,_ came from Dorchester ; was committee of the General Court in 1637-8-9. He married Elizabeth Loomis, of Windsor, in 1641. There was a Josiah HuU, at Hartford, in 1641. For the foUowing account of thisfamUy, I am indebted to Lauren ; HuU, M. D., of Angelica, N. Y. From the best information that I have been able to obtain, the firs' 39 578 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. persons of the name of Hull, who came to this country, were from Derbyshire, England. One of the name settled at Derby, one at Cheshire, and another at Stonington. The grandfather of Capt. Joseph HuU, of Huntington, the father of Commodore Isaac HuU, of the U. S. navy, and brother of Gen. Wm. HuU, also four others, named Samuel, Isaac, Levi and David, was the ancestor of the Derby family. His name was Joseph, which was the name of his son and grandson. Of the Cheshire family of whom I have any reUable information, were three brothers, Zepheniah, John and Amos. Doct. Zepheniah HuU was born at, Cheshire, in the year 1728 ; m. Hannah Cook, March 18, 1749, and probably was induced to remove to Bethlem by the Rev. Dr. Bellamy, with whom a close intimacy and warm friend ship existed until death separated them. Doct. Hull and his wife both died Nov. 10, 176(5. W^hile living, they had ch., 1. Lydia, b. Dec 22, 1749, d. Feb. 21, 1750 ;. 2. Titus, b. March 25, 1751 ; 3. Lydia, b. Jan. 23, 1753, ra. Joseph Judson, Nov. 21, 1769, by whom she had four chUdren. Mr. Judson d. and she ra. 2. Amasa Clark, of Cheshire ; 4. Andrew, b. Dec. 8, 1754, resided with his great grandfather on his mother's side, from whom he received an estate, on which he continued to reside until his death ; 5. Hannah, b. Jan. 28, 1757 ; d. Nov. 16, 1760 ; 6. Sarah, b. May 17, 1759, d. same time of her sister Hannah. Titus, the eldest of the surviving children, lived with an uncle at Cheshire six or seven years, studied medicine with Doct. Seth Bird, of Litchfield, settled in Bethlehero. on the farm owned by his father, and resided there until 1805, then removed to Danbury, from whence he went to the state of New York in the faU of 1807. He m. in 1772, Lucy Parmelee, dau. of Jonathan Parmelee, of Chatham, by whom he had two ch., both of whom d. in infancy, and Mrs. Lucy in Nov., 1776. In 1778, he ra. Mrs. Olive Parraelee, widow of Abram Parm elee, of Goshen, her mother being a descendant ofthe Strong family, of Northampton, Mass. By this second marriage, his ch. were, 1. Laurens, b. June 6, 1779, m. Dorcas Ambler, of Bethlem, in 1803, and had six sons and three daughters, of whom three sons and two daughters are now living; 2'. Althea, b. Aug. 18, 1780, is now a widow, has six sons and a daughter ; 3. Charles, b. Jan. 4, 1782, be came a physician, practiced his profession in Oneida co., N. Y., and d. there in 1833, leaving a son and three daughters, all m.; 4. Betsey M., Sept. 17, 1783, m. twice, and has one daughter now living ; 5. EUas, b. April 3, 1786, has two ch., and now resides in Alabama; HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 579 6. Lucy Olive, b. Aug. 23, 1788, m. Oct. 17, 1807, Ezra Starr, of Danbury, and d. Aug. 25, 1813, leaving two daughters, both m., in AngeUca, N. Y.; 7. Olive E., b. March 13, 1790, m. Col. EUjah Morse, of Eaton, had two sons and a daughter- She d. in 1834 ; 8w Andrew C, b. Oct. 28, 1792, m., 1818, Betsey Morse, of Eaton, had six sons and five daughters ; 9. Leverett, b. Dec. 3, 1796 ; m. 1. Julia ScoviU, of SaUsbury, Conn., in 1827. She d. Dec. 29, 1828. 2. Sarah Lord, of Rome, N. Y., who is now a widow, with three sons and two daughters. Mr. HuU d. Sept. 3, 1852 ; 9. Rufus Lewis, d. in childhood. HOTCHKISS FAMILY. David Hotchkiss settled in Woodbury about 1740. He m. Sub mit, dau. of Isaac Hill, Nov. 10,1748. She d. March, 1756. Their ch. were, 1. Sibil, b. May 29, 1749, m. Simeon Taylor in 1773 ; 2. David, bap. Jan. 20, 1751 ; 3. Huldah, b. April 16, 1752, m. — Yale ; 4. EUza, b. Feb. 3, 1754, m. 1. Jesse Munger, 2. Hine ; 5. Reuben, b. March 8, 1756, m. Thankful Minor in 1783, d. June 27, 1834, and his widow d. May 4, 1842. Issue as follows : 1. Jerusha, b. April 25, 1784, d. June 1, same year; 2. Jerusha, b. June 20, 1785, m. Judson Morris in 1813 ; 3. Jdslah, b. Nov. 4, 1787 ; 4. Harvey, b. Feb. 13, 1790,d. Sept. 15, 1793 ; 5. Betsey, b. July 16, 1792, d. Nov. 8, 1822; 6. Reuben Harvey, b. June 11, 1794 ; 7. David, b. Nov. 5, 1796 ; 8. Gervase, b. July 2, 1801 ; 9. Ruth, b. Dec 16, 1803, d. Oct. 24, 1820. Josiah, son of Reuben, m. Betsey Brothwell, Oct. 19, 1809, and had, 1. Jennette D., b. March 28, 1811, m. James Judson, Jun., July 1, 1833 ; 2. Margaret L., b. Dec.|7, 1816, m. John N. Sherman, July, 1838 ; 3. WiUiam B., b. Nov. 2, 1819, m. Rebecca Crafts, June 6, 1843, and his ch. are Lydia T. C, b. July 3, 1846 ; WilUam Josiah, b. Jan. 6, 1850 ; Chauncey Crafts, b. Oct. 28, 1852. Reuben H., m. 1. Sally. Root, Dec. 13, 1820. She d. July 19, 1835 ; 2. EUzabeth M. Corastock, Oct. 26, 1836. His ch. are, 1. Ruth EUzabeth, b. Oct. 1, 1821, m. Monroe C. Sherman, May 9, 1849 ; 2. Arvesta A., b. April 5, 1829, m. John Woodward, Sept. 15, 1853 ; 3. SaUie R., b. July 16, 1835. David, m. Rachel Norton, Feb. 12, 1824, who d. Jan. 17, 1851. He m. 2. JuUa M. Howard, March 25, 1862. Ch., EUzabeth, b. 580 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURT. April 12, 1825, d. Dec 22, same year ; Ralph N., b. May 29, 1826, d. Nov. 23, 1826. Gervase, m. Sarah Cogswell, April 25, 1848. Their children are, Mary T., b. March 11, 1849 ; Sary A., b. Aug. 1, 1850 ; Julia H., b. Jan. 24, 1852. HURLBUT FAMILY. The Hurlbut family in Connecticut commences with Thomas Hurl but, who was one of the garrison at Saybrook fort in 1636, and set tled at Wethersfield about 1640. Thomas and Joseph, the first of the name in Woodbury, were probably his descendants, and appear in the list of its inhabitants about the year 1680. The ch. of Thomas were, 1. Jemima, bap. Aug., 1680 ; 2. Jerusha, bap. April, 1681-2 ; 3. Thomas, bap. Dec, 1684; 4. Gideon, bap. Aug., 1688. This is aU that the records show of this family. Whether they emigrated from here, or what became of them, is at present un known. Joseph's wife Mary d. Feb. 2, 1712. His ch. were, Joseph, John, Sarah, (adults,) bap. Aug., 1697 ; also, Cornelius, Jonathan, Rebecca, (adults,) bap. March, 1705 ; Mary, bap. April, 1705, m. Josiah Mi nor, July 6, 171^ Phebe, bap. April, 1705, m. Josiah Walker, Dec. 24, 1719, Joseph, Jr,, ra, Mary Castle, May 17, 1698, and d. 1729, His ch. were, I. Joseph, bap. April, 1699, d. young. II. Joshua, who ra. Com fort , and d. Aug. 22, 1742, " by the supposed bite of a serpent." Ch., 1. Daniel, bap. July 11, 1725, m. and had Truman, bap. April, 11, 1750; Wait, bap. March 29, 1752 ; Philo, bap. March 24, 1754 ;' Daniel, bap. Sept. 24, 1758 ; 2. Rebecca, bap. Oct., 1726 ; 3. Ann, bap. June 9, 1728 ; 4. Esther, bap. Oct. 4, 1730, m. Daniel Hurd, 1749 ; 5 .Jerusha, bap. June 24, 1733 ; 6. Joshua, bap. Feb. 6, 1737 ; 7. EUjah, bap. Oct. 8, 1738, ra. Sarah Rogers in 1761, and had Phebe, bap. July 8, 1764 ; 8. Prudence, bap. Nov. 29, 1741. IH. Joseph, bap. 1704, d. 1775, leaving a wife, Thankful, and ch., 1. Martha, bap. June 4, 1738; 2. Joseph-; 3. Mercy, who m. Gil bert ; 4. Rachel, dec'd, wife of Ingerhara. IV. Mary, b. Sept. 16, 1706, m. Scott. V. Elizabeth, bap. Sept., 1709, m. Ebenezer Wamer, 1729. VL HeUenah, b. May 7, 1712. VII Moses, b. Aug. 26, 1714, d. 1763, had a wife, Rebecca, and ch., 1. Adam, bap. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURT. 581 Oct. 24, 1736^ m. Benedict, and had 1. Augustine, bap. Dec. 18, 1763 ; 2. Mabel, bap. Oct. 8, 1738, m. Elijah Benedict, 1763 ; 3. Israel, bap. May 18, 1740, and by his wife Jerusha, had Avis, b. Nov. 11, 1762; Curtis, b. May 2, 1764; Israel, b. Jan. 31, 1766; Jerusha, b. Jan. 5, 1768 ; 4. Rebecca, bap. Oct. 4, 1745, ra. Josiah Bronson, 1767; 5. Deborah, bap. June 21, 1747, d. young; 6. Deb orah, bap. April 19, 1752 ; 7. Moses ; 8. Abraham. VIIL Pru dence, bap. Dec. 1, 1716. IX. Aaron, bap. April, 1719, d. 1791 ; his wife d. 1790. Ch., 1. Elizabeth, bap. Nov. 29, 1739 ; 2. Jemima, bap. April 20, 1744, d. young ; 3. Joshua, bap. Nov. 9, 1745 ; 4. Jemima, bap. April 30, 1749 ; 5. Aaron, bap. June 14, 1752, m. and d. before 1811, as his widow d. that year; 6. Abigail, bap. Sept. 4, 1757, m. EU Stoddard, Dec. 24, 1772. X. Caleb, bap. July 8, 1722, ra. Mary Bartholomew, 1743. XL Benjamin, b. Nov., 1724, m. Ruth Hurlbut, 1758. John, second son of Joseph, m. Mercy , who d. March 6, 1717 ; he d. Sept. 27, 1737. Ch., L Patience, b. Sept. 20, 1705. II. Nathan, b. Oct. 24, 1707, m. Sarah Castle, April 13, 1730, and had, 1. Nathan, b. Feb., 1733; 2. John, bap. 1735; 3. Isaac, bap. Nov. 10, 1740 ; 4. Achsah, bap. Oct. 1, 1743 ; 5. Hepsabah, bap. AprU 6, 1746, d. 1747. III. Salmon, b. May 19, 1710, and had, 1. Tabiatha, b. Nov., 1732, m. Seth Castle, 1752 ; 2. Salraon, b. Oct., 1734, m. Ann Everett, 1758 ; 3. Samuel, bap. Majr 15, 1737 ; 4. Mercy, bap. Feb. 15, 1740, m. Isbel, 1760 ; 5. Phebe, bap. June 20, 1742. IV. Experience, b. Aug. 12, 1712, d. young. V. Experience, b. Dec. 31, 1713, VI. Mercy, b. Aug. 26, 1716. CorneUus, third son of .Joseph, d. 1751 ; had issue by his wife Sa rah, as follows : I. Gamaliel, b. Dec. 20, 1714. II. Mercy, bap. April, 1717; III. Keziah, bap. March 8, 1719. IV. David, b, March 10, 1721, m, Hannah Sanford, June 27, 1745, and had, 1, Sol omon, b, March 21, 1750 ; 2, . Hannah, bap, Sept. 15, 1754 ; 3. Ma bel, bap. May 15, 1757; 4. David, bap. March 15, 1761. V. Han nah, b. July 15, 1723, d. June 6, 1752. VL Noah, bap. June 7, 1730. VIL Tunothy, b. Feb. 13, 1731. VIIL Sarah, bap. Sept. 5, 1733. IX. Ruth, bap. June 15, 1735. Jonathan, fourth son of Joseph, d. 1767, and his wife Mary, Dec. 20, 1727. Hem. 2. Mary , Dec 11, 1728. Ch., L Eunice, b. Oct. 24, 1713. II. Consider, b. July 14, 1716, m. Patience Hawley, March 25, 1742, and had, 1. Desire, b. May 20, 1743 ; 2. Lucy, bap. Aug. 11, 1746, d, 1750; 3. Annis, bap. July 5, 1747, m. Daniel Nichols, 1767 ; 4. Lucy, bap. Jan. 17, 1753 ; 5. Zadoc, bap. Aug. 582 HISTORT OP ANCIENT WOODBURT. 2, 1755 ; 6. Asahel, bap. July 24, 1757 ; 7. Abel, bap. Sept. 23, 1759 ; 8. Consider H., bap. Nov. 19, 1764, d. 1792 ; 9. Orphana, bap. Dec, 1766. IH. Gideon, bap. March 8, I7l9, m. Emblem GarUck, June 23, 1742, and had, 1. Gideon, b. April 5, 1744, m. EUzabeth Judson in 1767, and had Daniel', b. July 19,1768 ; EUza beth, b. Feb. 28, 1773 ; a son b. Aug. 15, 1774 ; Gideon, b. April 16, 1776. IV. Jonathan, bap. May 23, 1722, d. young. V. Eben ezer, bap. May 23, 1722, m. Comfort Baker, Aug. 8, 1765. Ch., 1. Ebenezer, b. April 25, 1767, ra. Philena Bates, 1792 ; 2. Jesse, b. March 20, 1769. VI. Zadoc, b. Feb., 1726. VH. Amos,b. Jan. 1, 1730, a,nd by his wife Ann, had, 1. Prudence, b. April 11, 1761, d. 1764 ; 2. Joel, bap. Aug. 21, 1763 ; 3. Prudence, bap. Nov. 2, 1766 ; 4. Eunice, bap. Oct. 1,1769. VIIL Eunice, b. June 23, 1731. IX. Jonathan, b. April, 1733, m, Ann Hurlbut, Nov. 18, 1761, and had, 1. Lydia Ann, bap. Dec 29, 1765; 2. Mary, b. July 29, 1767; 3. Deborah, b. AprU 18, 1770 ; 4. Jonathan, b. Aug. 9, 1773. X. Mary, b. May 13, 1737, m. EUada Pettit, 1767. XL Thomas, bap. May 13, 1739. XII. Robert, b. Sept. 4, 1744, m. Taraer Hurd, 1776, d. 1784. The foUowing, for want of record, are disconnected from the main family. Nathaniel Hurlbut m. 1. Patience Jenners, Oct. 19, 1708 ; 2. Mary . Ch., 1. Hannah, b. Aug. 20, 1709 ; 2. Lydia, b. Feb. 17, 1712 ; 3. Experience, b; Sept. 20, 1714 ; 4. Tiraothy, b. July 2, 1716; 5. Sarah, b. July 4, 1719, d. June 3, 1727 ; 6. Nathaniel, bap. Nov. 17, 1728 ; 7. Sarah, bap. March 26, 1732 : 8. Merriam, bap. July 21, 1734 ; 9. Reuben, bap. Oct. 10, 1736 ; 10. Zacheus, bap. July 22, 1739 ; 11. Ebenezer, bap. July 12, 1741 ; 12. Mary, bap. Oct. 1, 1743 ; 13. Thaddeus, bap. Sept. 21, 1746. Nathaniel Hurlbut d. 1819, and his widow d. Jan. 14, 1821. Ch., Joel, bap. April 7, 1754 : Hannah, bap. July 18, 1756. Samuel Hurlbut had Gideon, bap. March 24, 1719. Gideon, and wife Olive, had Squire, b. April 21, 1759 ; OUve, b. Oct. 15, 1768. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURT. 583 HOLLISTER. Ar. a lion ramp. gu. ; on a fesse vert, a salmon naiant of the first. Motto — Per mare, per terras. The Macalister arms are given. The name HoUister is derived, it is believed, from the early Scotch family name, Macalister. By successive changes and corruptions, it has, in New England, been reduced to its present mode of spelling. The name MacaUster, is itself derived from Alexander, eldest son of Angus Mor, ofthe Isles. Itis raade up of Mac, i. e., son of, and Al- ester, i. e., Alexander. The present representatives of the family live in Loup and Kennox, Scotland. Successive derivatives, or modes of spelling, as Aulister, CoUister, OUister, and finaUy HoUis ter, by the introduction of the English aspirate, are found. The first of the name in this country was John HoUister, probably from Weymouth, England, who emigrated hither about the year 1642, and' was admitted a freeman at the General Court in Bos ton, May 10, 1643. He removed, not long afterward, to Wethers field, Conn., and was sent from this town as deputy to the General Court at Hartford, Nov. 15, 1644, also in 1654 and 1656. He was frequently a juror, and was a lieutenant in the militia. He differed in sentiment from his pastor, Mr. Russell, and in consequence of the controversy which arose in relation to it, he was excommunicated. After the death of the leading ministers of the first generation, which settled the colony, great dissensions arose in the churches at Hartford and other places, in regard to church membership, disci- pUne, and baptism. A part of the church at Wethersfield, interested themselves in the dispute at Hartford, and became much divided and contentious. What the precise nature of the controversy was, Cotton Mather says it was difficult, even at that time, to teU ; and TrumbuU, in his History of Connecticut, bears testimony to the same fact. It t was supposed to involve some vital point of Congregationalism, Eev. 584 HISTORT OP ANCIENT WOODBURT. Mr. Stone, of Hartford, taking the Presbyterian, and his ruling elder, Mr. Goodwin, the Independent view of the subject. Mr. Russell, so far as we can judge from his practice, seems to have held substan- tiaUy the views of Mr. Stone ; for in keeping with Mr. Stone's defini tion of CongregationaUsm — " A speaking aristocracy in the face of a silent democracy" — Mr. Russell proceeded to excommunicate Lieut. HoUister, in 1656, frora his church, privately as would seem, or at least without the usual notice and trial, and afterward refused to give the reasons for this act, or a copy of the charges, when demanded by Mr. HoUister. Lieut. HoUister brought the matter before the Gen eral Court, of which he was a meraber, and obtained an order that Mr. Russell should give the reasons which dictated the course he had pursued. No record ofthe reasons, nor of any action upon them, is known to exist. Mr. HoUister and nine other members of the church in Wethersfield, had preferred a petition to the General Court, in Aug., 1658, charging Mr. Russell, in some matter in which he had been caUed to testify, with having taken " a grevious oath, acknowl edged by himselfe to bee ambiguous, rash and sinfuU — and what more may be made evident," urging that they " are afrayd to venture [their] soules under his ministry," asking that they "may use their liberty" in procuring another minister, " faithfuU in the administra tions of the Gospell and unoffencieue in his conversation.'" At the next session of the General Court, in March of the next year, Lieut. HoUister procured the order before referred to.^ From this and from various other facts, it seems reasonable to infer that he was excom municated, not for any defect of moral or religious character, but in consequence of this controversy. The court did not grant liberty to get another minister, but censured Mr. RusseU for carelessness, advi sed him to speak more plainly in future, and that " both parties should walk lovingly together." After granting the order before referred to, censuring Mr. Russell for his course in the excommunication, and recommending the " issuing of their sad differences," no further refer ence to the matter anywhere appears. As Mr. Russell removed to Hadley, Mass., in 1659, a year later, with his friends, it is probable that this ended the controversy.' He was a leading man in his town and in the colony. He had two brothers, Joseph and Thomas, who 1 Trumbull's Col. Eec, p. 819. 2 Trumbull's Col. Eec, p. 330. 3 For many of the facts in this sketch I am indebted to Eev. Dr. A. B. Chapin, and Charles HoUister, Esq., of South Glastcntury. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 585 also settled in Wethersfield. The former was also a leading man in the town ; was a juror in 1644, and deputy for several sessions to the General Court, and held many offices of trust. We have no account of Thomas. Lieut. John died in 1665. The descendants of the first John HoUister are numerous, widely scattered, and bear a great diversity of names. Among them are Dr. Avery J. Skilton, of Troy, a descendant of Elizabeth, daughter of John HoUister, Jr., who m. Dr. Steele, of Kensington, and had Elijah Steele, of Watertown, who had Chloe, that ra. James Skilton, father of Dr. Avery J. Skilton. A large number of this lineage have been educated and prominent men, and filled the learned professions with honor. No less than twenty-two of this name were soldiers of the Revolution from the single town of Glastonbury. John, Sen.,' made his will, Jan. 1, 1665, and it was presented for probate, April 3, of the same year. Children, I L John,^b. 1642; d. 1711. 3 IL Stephen,^ m. Abigail - — ; d. 1709. 4 III. Thomas,^ m. Elizabeth Latimer ; d. 1701. 5 IV. Joseph,^, d. unmarried, 1674. 6 V. Lazarus,^ d. 1709. , 7 VI. Mary.^ 8 VII. Sarah,= m. 1. Rev. Hope Atherton, Hatfield, 1674; 2, Timothy Baker, 1678 or '9. John, Jun.,'' (2) m. Sarah, daughter of Wra. Goodrich, Jun,, in 1667. Children, 9 L John,'b. 1669; m. Abia , 1693 ; d. 1741. |g IL Thomas,' b. 1672 ; d. 1741 ; ra. Dorothy . 11 III. Joseph,' b. 1674; ra. Ann , Nov. 27, 1694. 12 IV. Sarah,' b. 1676; m. Benjamin Talcott, 1698; d. 1715. 13 V. EUzabeth,' b. 1678; m. Dr. Joseph Steele, 1715 14 VL David,' b. 1681 ; d. 1753. 15 .VIL Ephraim,' b. 1684; m. Elizabeth Greene, 1707. 16 VIIL Charies,' b. 1686. Thomass (10) ra. Dorothy, daugliter of Joseph HiU, 1695, Children, 17 I. Josiah,* b. June 7, 1696 ; m. Martha, daughter of Wm. Mil ler, Jan. 28, 1718. 18 II. Dorothy,* b. Oct. 17, 1697 ; ra. Abraham Fox, Jan. S^ 1717. J? IIL Gideon,^ b. Sept. 23, 1699. 40 5'8^6 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 20 IV. Charies,* b. July 26, 1701 ; m. Prudence, daughter of Jbhn Francis, April 5, 1729. 21 V. Elizabeth,* b. Dec. 17, 1703 ; m. WiUiam MiUer, Oct. 14, 1712. 22 VI. Hannah,* b. Dec 26, 1705 ; d. Oct., 1712. 23 VIL Thomas,* b. Jan. 13, 1707. 24 VIIL Ruth,* b. Oct. 13, 1710 ; m. Nehemiah Smith. 25 IX. Rachel,* b. July 27, 1712 ; m. Joshua Talcott. 26 X. Hannah,* b. Feb. 16, 1714, ra. Wra. House. 27 VL Elisha.* Gideon,* (19) b. Sept. 23, 1699, ra. Rebecca Sherman, March 28, 1823, dau. of Jonathan Sherman, son of Joseph, who was the son of Capt. John of Watertown, Mass., the latter being the cousin of Rev. .John Sherman of the same place. This Rebecca was first cousin of Roger Sherman, signer of the Declaration of Independence. Gid eon HoUister was drowned in a river in Stratford, May 10, 1725, before the birth of his second child. His widow removed to Wood bury, and m. Isaac Judson, Nov. 22, 1731. Children, 28 I. Sarah,* b. Nov. 10, 1723, ra. Elijah Judson, April 28, 1740. 'i IL Gideon,' b. Sept. 21, 1725. Capt Gideon* (29) ra. 1. Esther Preston, Dec. 3, 1750, who d. Sept. 14, 1751, nine days after the birth of her son Pres ton ; m. 2. Patience Hurd, Dec. 6, 1759. He d. Dec. 30, 1812, aged 87. His wid. d. Jan. 15, 1822, aged 81. 30 I. Preston," b. Sept. 5, 1751 ; ra. Patience Mitchell, March 2, 1775 ; was killed in Canada, in an expedition at the commencement of the Revolution. Children, ,.,**? ^ »¦ IL Gideon," b. Jan. 13, 1761. \ -, ^-(-32 in. Anne," b. July 13,i¥$6f m. Sam'l Baker, Nov. 2, 1784. 33 IV. Abner," b. Jan. 16, 1769; m. Miriam Ward. She, d. AprU, 1817, aged 47. 34 V. Esther," bap. May, 1770 ; m. Elijah Hazen, Jan. 25, 1781. S VI. Preston Sherman,") , -r^ , n -.rfrro i vn. Sherraan Prestoni" } ^^P" ^^^- 1^' 1778- Gideon" (31) m. Currence Hicock, Nov., 28, 1782. He d. Jan. 2, 1835, aged 74. She d. May 1, 1845, aged 80. Ch., 37 I. MariUa,' b. July 4, 1784 ; ra. Andrew Hine, Esq., May 19, 1803. 1 IL Gideon,' b. Feb. 2, 1792. % in, Truman,' b. Dec. 5, 1803. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 587 Dea. Preston Sherman" (35) m. Lois Ford, Dec. 27, 1803. He d. June 10, 1850, aged 72. 40 I. Mary Ann Esther, bap. 1818 ; m. Merit Beach, Nov. 6, 1844. Sherman Preston" (36) ra. Sally Ford, Nov. 29, 1798. She d. Jan. 11, 1850, aged 72. Children, 41 I. Laura M.,' bap. 1803 ; m. Joseph C. Calhoun, May 15, 1827. 42 II. Clarissa,' bap. Jan. 2, 1806 ; m. Asahel HoUister, Dec. 4, 1817. 43 ni. Preston S.,' bap. 1809. 44 IV. Samuel Ford,' bap. June, 1813. 45 V. Austin,' bap. 1816. Gideon' (38) m. 1, Harriet Jackson, Nov, 1815, She was b, Dec, 18, 1795, d. Nov. 30, 1844; m. 2. wid. Lydia J. Minor, Nov. ^, 1846. Children, 13 Gideon Hiram," b. Dec. 14, 1817. 47 Laura MariUa," b. Jan. 2, 1822 ; m. George Drakely, Nov., 1844. i David F.,' b. March 31, 1826. Truman' (39) m. Jeanette Smith, Jan. 4, 1827. ChUdren, 49 Burr," bap. 1838 ; Seth," bap. 1835 ; Soptld," aad Lora." Sherman HoUister, also, had 4 children ; FrankUn, George, Abigail L. and Zeruiah, bap. 1832 ; Hubert and Lewis, bap., 1843; Preston HoUister, has had, Sarah Irene, bap. 1834 ; Fitz Greene, bap. 1837 ; Walter, bap. Nov. 1, 1839, d. June 19, 1843 ; Clarence, bap. Nov. 4, 1842, and Arthur, bap. 1847. Gideon Hiram,' (46) a lawyer residing at Litchfield, m. Mary S. Brisbane of Charleston, S. C, June 3, 1847. She was b. at Charleston, June 14, 1828. Child, 50 Abbot Brisbane," b. Aug. 5, 1850. David F," (48) a lawyer residing at Salisbury, Conn., m. Mary E. Jackson, Sept. 23, 1852. She was b. May 2, 1830. Child, 51 Harriet Lydia," b. Aug. 13, 1853. JUDSON FAMILY. WUUam Judson' came from Yorkshire, England, in 1634, with his family. He brought with him three sons, viz. (2) Joseph,^ (3) Jere miah,^ and (4) Joshua. He lived four years at Concord, Mass., and 588 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. removed thence to Stratford, Conn., at its first settlement in 1639, where he resided upon the south-west corner of a hill, called " Meet ing House Hill." He did not reside there long, but went to New Haven, where he died in 1660. He probably had a daughter living there. Lt. Joseph,^ (2) eldest son of WilUam, was fifteen years of age when his father came to New England. He lived with him at Con cord, Mass., four years, removed thence to Stratford, Conn., married in 1644, in his 25th year, Sarah, dau. of John Porter of Windsor, she being 18 years of age. He was a leading man in the early days of the colony, being frequently called to sustain the duties of public office. He d. Oct. 9, 1690, and was buried in Stratford. His wid ow d. March 16, 1696. Children, 5 I. Sarah,' b. March 2, 1645 ; ra. Edward Howel of South Hampton, L. I., in 1664. •I, IL John,' b. Dec 2, 1647; d. Jan. 12, 1709, aged 62. ' 7 IIL James,' b. April 24, 1650 ; m, Rebecca Wells of Stratford. 8 IV. Grace,' b. Feb. 19, 1651 ; m. Samuel Prudden of Milford. 9 V. Joseph,' b. March 10, 1654; d. Feb., 1678. 10 VI. Hannah,' b. Dec. 13, 1657; m. Samuel Wadsworth of Farmington. 11 vn. Joshua,' b. Dec. 3, 1658. 12 VIIL Esther,' b. Aug. 20, 1660; m. Benjamin Curtiss of Stratford. 13 IX. Joshua,' b. Oct. 27, 1664. 14 X. Ruth,? b. Oct. 27, 1664; ra. Samuel WeUs of Hartford. 15 XL Phebe,' b. Oct. 29, 1666; d. Nov. 1, 1676. 16 XIL Abigail,' b. Sept. 15, 1669 ; m. Josiah Curtiss of Stratford, and d. Nov. 21, 1697. Sa^r-f^L _ Sergt. Jeremiah^ (3) ra. 1. .^^auJii- — ; m. 2. wid. Catherine FairchiH, Nov. 8, 1675. Children by 1st marriage, 17 I. Isaac,' b. March 18, 1653. 18 IL Mary,' b. Dec. 31, 1655. 19 III. Elizabeth,' b. Feb. 24, 1658. 20 IV. Sarah,' b. April 7, 1662. , ^ 21 V. Df-ttuthn,' b. June 15, 1665. ¦ ' 22 VL Jeremiah,' b. March 1, 1670. Joshua" (4) Uved in Stratford. Child, 23 I. Samuel,' b. Aug. 27, 1660. John' (6.) was one of the original signers of the " Funda mental Articles," for the settlement of Woodbury, in 1672, HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 589 and went thither in the first company. He m. Elizabeth Chapman of Stamford, March 12, 1673-4. He ra. 2. Han nah , who d. July 23, 1698; ra. 3. Mrs. Mary Orton of Farmington, July 5, 1699. He d. Jan. 12, 1709-10. Children, ' 1^ I. John,* b. March 12, 1675. 25 IL Joshua,* b. July 23, 1677. -hfo III. Josenh,* b. Oct. 24, 1679: 27 IV. Chfpman,* bap. Dec, 1681 ; d. May 8, 1700. 28 V. Jonathan,* bap. Dec, 1682. - ^ VI. Jonathan,* bap. Dec, 1684. 30 VII. Martha,* bap. Dec, 1686; m. Hon. WUUam Preston, June, 1705. 31 VIIL EUphalet,* bap. Feb., 1688-9, went to Stratford. 32 IX. Ephraim,* bap. Sept., 1694, went to Stratford. • ^ X. Isaac,* b. June 3, 1700. • ^ XL Daniel,* b. Feb. 6, 1701-2. 35 XIL Mary,* b. April 11, 1703-4; ra. Curtiss. Sergt. John, Jr.,* (24) m. Sarah Beers of Fairfield, Sept. 28, 1698. He d. April 6, 1722. Children, 36 L Sarah,* b. Sept. 10, 1699. 37 II. EUzabeth,* bap. June, 1704; ra. Tunothy Minor, June 11, 1729. 38 III. Jeremiah,* bap. Nov., 1705 ; d. young. 39 IV. Mary,* b. Feb. 16, 1708; ra. Stephen Terrill, Dec. 9j 1729. . I" V. John,* bap. May, 1714. ¦f Lt. Joseph,* (26) b. in Stratford,- Oct. 24, 1679; ra. Mary, dau. of Dea. Zechariah .Walker; He d. March 22, 1758. Children, 41 L Joseph,* b. Nov. 25, 1708 ; d. Aug. 20, 1712. 42 IL Chapraan,* b. Dec 31, 1710; d. Aug. 26, 1712. 43 III. Mary,* b. April 19, 1713. - S IV. Joseph,* bap. Feb., 1715.' 45 V. Chapman,* b. Jan. 11, 1717. 46 VI. Susanna,* b. May 13, 1719 ; d. young. 47 VII. EUzabeth,* b. March 4, 1721 ; m. Seth Preston ; d. Aug. 16, 1814, aged 93. Xf^ VIIL David,* b. March 2, 1723. • g IX. Nathan,* b. Feb., 1725. - ffi X. Samuel,* bap. Nov. 9, 1727. 590 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 51 XI. Susanna,* bap. Oct. 11, 1730; m. Enos Mitchell, June 4, 1750. • S XII. Joshua,* b. Dec. 14, 1732. Jonathan* (29) m. Mary, dau. of Dea. Matthew MitcheU, Aug. 22, 1711. She was bap. July 1687. He d. May 16, 1727, and she d. Feb. 9, 1743. Children, 1*^6 L Elnathan,* b. May 8, 1712. 54 IL Abigail,* b. Oct. 30, 1714 ; ra. John Nichols, Nov. 6, 1735. ** IIL Elijah,* b. Dec 15, 1716. 56 IV. Martha,* b. Oct., 1718 ; d. unm. - g's V. Elisha,* b. July 12, 1721. ¦ ,?i VL Peter,* b. Aug., 1723. 59 VII. Jerusha,* b. Nov., 1726; m, Joshua Gitteau. 60 VIIL Jonathan,* b. 1728. Isaac* (33) ra. Elizabeth Hawley, Nov. 29, 1727 ; who d. July 12, 1731, aged 25 ; ra. 2. wid. Rebecca HoUister, Nov. 22, 1731. He d. May 14, 1789. Children, * ,"A L James,* bap. Oct. 20, 1728. 62 IL Hannah,* b. Feb. 24, 1730 ; m. Reuben Sherraan. . ."a III- Isaac,* b. July 5,1731. 64 IV. Elizabeth,* b. Sept. 13, 1732 ; ra. Col. Samuel Canfield of New Milford. • 1^ V, Benjamin,* b. Feb. 17, 1735. 66 Vl. Timothy,* b. April 22, 1737 ; m. Sarah Hooker, who was b. May 30, 1740, and d. July 26, 1815, aged 76. He went to Green- viUe, Green co., N. Y. Ch., Noadiah, b. Oct. 18, 1763; William, b. May 23, 1770; OUve, b. Oct. 9. 1767, ra. John ; Timothy, d. Sept. 10, 1821, aged 83. WUUam m. a Miss Bushe, and had Ed ward B., Russel, William, SaUy, who m. a King, Esther, m. Her- mance, and Mary Ann, who m. Hawley ; Noadiah ra. Clarinda Kirtland and had ch., Timothy, Charles, Sarah and Maryett, who m. Thomas Bebee. 66J VII. Rebecca,* ra. Hezekiah Thompson, Esq., Oct. 1, 1761. 67 VIIL Olive,* b. Sept. 2, 1745; ra. Benjarain Bostwick of New Milford. Daniel* (34) m. AbigaU . He d. Dec. 29, 1766. Ch., 68 L Gideon,* b. July 31, 1734; d. April 8, 1745. 69 IL Dorcas,* b. Feb. 5, 1737; m Beebe. 70 III. Mary,* b. May 5, 1739 ; ra AUen. 71 IV. EUsha,' b. May 28, 1741. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 591 72 V. David,* b. Oct. 3, 1744 ; m. Chloe AUen, Feb. 13, 1771, had a son Gideon, b. Aug. 8, 1771. 73 VI. EUzabeth,* b. May 6, 1746 ; m. Hurlbut. 74 VIL Sarah,* b. March 6, 1751 ; m. Thomas. John* (40) m. Sarah . He d. In 1769. ChUdren, 75 I. Sarah," b. Feb. 18, 1741 ; ra. Gideon Martin. 76 II. Ann," bap. Dec. 5, 1742 ; ra. James Minor, Dec. 12, 1776. ¦J. 1^ in. John," b. Oct. 6, 1746. , 78 IV. Ptiebe," m. Noah Judson, son of Elnathan. 79 V. Hannah," b. July, 1750. 80 VL Susanna," b. March 13, 1753. - f,\ VIL Seth," bap. June 15, 1755. Joseph* (44) ra. 1. Jerusha Sherraan, Nov. 26, 1741; m. 2. Lydia, dau. of Doct. Zephaniah Hull, Nov. 22, 1769. Ch., 82 I. Mary." 83 IL Susanna," bap. Sept. 2, 1750 ; m. MitcheU. 84 IIL Joseph," b. April 10, 1754 ; m. Perry. Ch., Samuel, Jerusha and Mary, who m. Reuben Mitchell. 85 IV. Chapman," bap. May 29, 1757 ; m. Hunt. Ch., Sherraan, Joseph, Chapman, Rufus and Thomas. Chapman m. and had William, Elizabeth, Anne and Hester. 86 V. Zephaniah," b. Dec. 13, 1770. David* (48) ra. Patience Mitchell, Oct. 15, 1746, who d. Sept. — 10, 1749, m. 2. AbigaU . He d. Dec 29, 1766. Ch., 87 I. Prudence," b. -Feb. 29, 1748, ra. Capt. Joseph Hurd, Oct. 15, 1766. 88 IL Patience/ b. Aug. 26, 1749. 89 III. Solomon," d. unm. in 1789. ¦/-S IV. David," b. March 9, 1755. 91 V. Abigail," b. March 24, 1757, ra. Whittlesey. 92 VI. Daniel." 93 VII. Charlotte," m. Shelton. 94 VIIL Mary," m. Doctor James Stoddard, son of Israel. 95 IX. Esther, d. unm. Nathan* (49) m. Damaris Sherman, July 10, 1745. He d. Oct. 11, 1803. Shed. Feb. 18, 1760. Hem.. 2. Mary Or ton, who d. Aug. 24, 1813, aged 72. 96 I, Emm,6 bap. Feb, 8, 1746, m. Thomas Prentice. 97 IL Elizabeth," bap. Jan. 20, 1748, m. Daniel ManviU. 98 III. Esther," b. Jan. 21, 1750, m. Nathan Curtiss. 99 IV. Daraaris," b. June 27, 1752, m. Peter Gilchrist. 592 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 100 V. Jerusha," b. May 27, 1754, m. John Clark. 101 VL Mabel," b. July 31, 1756, d. Sept. 12, 1756. 102 VIL Mabel," b. April 12, 1757, ra. Stephen Galpin. 103 VIIL Lucy," b. Feb. 13, 1760, m. Bartimeus Fabrique, Dec. 11,1783. 104 IX. Sabra,« bap. July 15, 1764, m. Col. Electus Backus, of GreenviUe, N. Y. • II* X. Nathan Sherman," b. Nov. 1, 1765. 106 XL Polly or Keziah," bap. Feb. 14, 1768, m. Basset; Uved in Kettletown. 107 XIL Oliver," bap. Nov. 19, 1769. 108 XIIL Samuel,") ,„ .„„ on -.779 109 XIV. Mary," j ^^P' -^"S' '^^' ^^^^' m. Solomon Stoddard. 110 XV. Oliver,"! , t, . i„„. m. Wid. Hunt, d. Jan. 1,1823. Ill XVL Sarah," r^P-^^«-l'l^^^' Samuel* (50) m. Elizabeth Baker, Nov. 12, 1755, and had ch. Elizabeth, Sarah, who m, Jereraiah Thomas, June 24, 1772, Susan, Mary and Uriel, The latter had sons, Benjamin, Henry, Samuel and Noah, Joshua' (52) m. Ann Walker; m. 2. Deborah Leavenworth, He d. in 1776. His wife survived him, m. Capt. James Judson, and had two children, Isaac E. and Betsey. Ch., 112 L Joshua." 113 II. Mary." 114 III. Deborah Ann,"b. May 4, 1766, m. Phineas Smith, Esq., of Roxbury, and became mother of Hon. Truman Smith and others. 115 IV. Joshua," b. Nov. 2, 1772, removed to Vermont, had ch., Sheldon, Nathan, Edward, Harriet, Charlotte and Caroline. 116 V. Ruth," b. April 2, 1775, ra. Nathan, son of Capt. Nathan Stoddard. ¦>¦ Capt. Elnathan* (53) m. Rebecca, dau. of Ephraim and Re becca Minor, and grand-dau. of Capt. John Minor, first set tler of Woodbury, and Indian interpreter. She was b. Jan. 30, 1712. Capt, Elnathan d. Dec 14, 1796, aged 84 years. Children, ¦ JSl I. Tlev. Ephraim," b. Dec. 5, 1737. . \L" II. Thaddeus," bap. Oct. 14, 1739. 119 III. Mary," bap. Oct. 18, 1741, ra. Edward Pond, Nov. 7, 1765. 120 IV. Lt. Noah," bap. July 15, 1744, ra. Phebe Judson, had one chUd, Sarah, bap. Sept. 23, 1792. He d. Nov. 22, 1827 ; his wife d. Dec 28, 1799. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 593 121 V. Elisha," bap. July 20, 1746. 122 VI. Elisha," bap. Nov. 8, 1747. Had children, Reuben and Ruth. . Ig VIL Rev. Adoniram," b. July 15, 1750. Elijah* (55) in. Sarah HoUister, April 28, 1740, who died Sept. 28, 1766. He d. Jan. 10, 1798. Children, 124 L Martha," b. July 27, 1741, ra. Adam Hurd, Nov. 17, 1775. 125 IL Simeon,"bap.July 17, 1743. 126 III. Jonathan," b. Oct. 20, 1745, had sons, John and William, and a daughter, Mary, who m. Peck Leavenworth. 1^ IV. Gideon," b. March 8, 1748. 128 V. Chapman," bap. March 11, 1750. 129 VL Israel," b. Jan. 15, 1752, d. Jan. 18, 1785. 130 VIL Reuben," bap. Dec. 21, 1755, d. Jan. 8, 1784. . S VIIL Philo," bap. April 25, 1756. 132 IX. Matthew," bap. Aug. 6, 1758, m. Minor, d. leaving one child. 133 X. Abigail," bap. March 1, 1759. 134 XL Abel," b. Oct. 27, 1761. He was kiUed at Bridgeport. 135 XIL Isaiah," b. Oct. 24, 1763, d- Aug. 24, 1796, unm. . ^1 XIIL HoUister," b. Sept. 13, 1766. Elisha* (57) had children, V 137 I. Daniel." 138 IL John." 139 III. David." 140 IV. Elisha." 141 V. Anna." Peter* (58) Uved in Farmington, had children, Elizabeth, Abia, Joshua and Ira. Abia m. Phineas Pond ; Elizabeth m. Sherman. Capt. James* (61) m. 1. Mary Edwards, who d. Aug., 1778 ; m. 2. Deborah, the widow of Joshua Judson. Sbe d. Dec. 26, 1796; m. 3. Ann Nichols, who d. March 29, 1803. He d. March 12, 1807. Children, 142 I. Sarah,"b. Aug. 6, 1752, m. Jeremiah Thomas, of Salisbury. 143 II. Abigail," b. Feb. 18, 1754, ra. Curtis Hurd, of Roxbury. . jlS*3 IIL Thoraas," b. March 31, 1755. 145 IV. Neheraiah,"b. Oct. 24, 1756, d. Oct. 11, 1757. • '*" V. Neheraiah,"b.Mayl7, 1758. 147 VL Abia," bap. April 18, 1762. 594 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 148 VII- Abigail," b. April 13, 1763, m. Capt. Walker ; went to Vermont ; left children. l^l VIIL James," bap- Nov. 25, 1764. 150 IX. Samuel," b. Dec. 8, 1767, ra. Judson, who d. Jan. 26, 1831. 151 X. Isaac Edward," bap. Sept. 16, 1781, unm. ; resides in Al bany, N. Y. 152 XL Elizabeth," bap- Aug. 17, 1783, m. WilUam Judson, since deceased. She resides with her brother, in Albany. Isaac* (63) ra. Mary, dau. of Elisha Stoddard. He d. Dec. 7, 1787. Children, - 153 1. Soloraon,6 bap. Dec. 15, 1751 ; went to Greenville, N. Y. 154 IL Eunice," bap. Oct. 6,' 1754. 155 IIL Elizabeth," bap. Sept. 12, 1756, ra. Ira Smith. 156 IV. Mehetable," bap. Jan. 21, 1759. 157 V. Mary," bap. Nov. 9, 1760, ra. Noah Basset. 158 VL Sally," bap. Dec. 12, 1762, m. Ambrose Hine. 159 VII. Abner," bap. April 14, 1765 ; removed to GreenviUe, N. Y. 160 VIIL Rebecca," bap. Dec. 13, 1767. 161 IX. Agur," bap. Jan. 3, 1770. 162 X. Matthew," bap. May 10, 1772 ; removed to GreenviUe. 163 XL Josiah." Benjamin* (65) m. 1. Mehetable ; m. 2. Anna Camp, May 4, 1763 ; m. 3. Lydia Murray, who d. Aug. 28, 1829, He d. Sept. 11, 1811, aged 77. Children, 164 I. Mehetable," b. May 22, 1762, ra. Matthew Morris. 165 IL Ann," b. March 14, 1764, ra. L. Bostwick, of Sharon, Ct. 166 IIL Lucy," b. Aug. 5, 1765, m. Gould Carap. 167 IV. Rev. Samuel," b. Dec. 8, 1767, m. Sarah Bartlett, of Sa lem, Mass. ; children, Bartlett, Elizabeth, Sarah, Samuel and Her bert. Sarah m. Rev. Mr. Cole, of Maine. Herbert lives at Stafford Springs House. ^? V. Benjamin," bap. Oct. 21, 1770. S VI. Asa,"b. June 21, 1774. John" (77) ra. Martha Camp, of Milford, who d. June 10, 1834, aged 93. He died in 1808, aged 62. Children, J!? I. John.' 171 IL Phineas,' m. Lucy Judd, and d. April 20, 1805, aged 24; no issue. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 595 Seth" (81) m. Mary Munn, who d. May 18, 1790. He d. Dec. 12, 1790. Children, 172 I. Amos,' went to Erie county, Penn. 173 II. Mary Ann.' 174 III. Seth,' removed to Erie county, Penn- 175 IV. Timothy,' removed to Erie county, Penn. > 176 V. Sarah,' m. Lyman Parmelee, of Bethlem. 177 VL Ashbel.' Brigadier Gen. David" (90) m. a niece of the Rev. Thomas Davies. Children, 178 I. Abigail,' m. Hermanns MarshaU, brother of John P. 179 II. David,' resides at Ogdensburg, N. Y. 180 III. Daniel,' resides at Ogdensburg, N. Y. 181 IV. Charles A.,' m. Esther Mitchell ; had two daughters, both deceased ; resides at New Haven. Nathan Sherman" (105) m. I. Hinman, and had a child. ' that died young ; ra. 2. EUzabeth Preston, Feb. 28, 1801, who was b. Aug. 10, 1773. Mr. Judson d. Aug. 3, 1824, and his widow, EUzabeth, d. Feb. 22, 1841. ChUdren, as follows, were b. in Woodbury. 182 L CorneUa,' b. Dec 26, 1801, d. Aug. 26, 1805. 183 II. Cornelius,' b. AprU 4, 1803, d. July 10, 1826, at the Quar antine Ground, Staten Island, N. Y., on his return from Alabama. 184 III. Nathan WilUam HackaUah, b. Dec. 17, 1804, m. Eliza, eldest daughter of John Drury, of Rhinebeck, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1831. She was b. Sept. 14, 1807. Their children are, Jane Maria, b. Nov. 19, 1834, and John Drury, b. Feb. 3, 1837. This family resides at Rhinebeck. Rev. Ephraim" (117) son of Capt. Elnathan, ra. Chloe, only daughter of Rev. Samuel EUis, of Somers, Conn., July 23, 1771. He d. Feb. 23, 1813, aged 76. He was minister at Norwich, Conn., Taunton and Sheffield, Mass. ; was also chaplain in the Revolutionary army. He had an only chUd, Ephraim Ellis,' b. in Norwich, Oct. 10, 1775, who graduated at WiUiams College, in 1797, m. EUen Phelps, of Windsor, Feb. 9, 1803 ; practiced law in Sandisfield, Mass., and d. March 6, 1807, leaving two children, 1. Ephraira," b. Aug. 11, 1804; resides at Windsor, unm. ; 2. Catherine Ellis," m. Barnes. Thaddeus" (118) m. Ada, daughter of Phineas Camp. Ch., 185 I. Hannah,' m. Jatnes Judson, and d. Jan. 26, 1831. 596 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 186 II. Esther,' d. aged 28. 187 IIL EUhu.' 188 IV. Elnathan,' bap. Oct. 20, 1786, d. aged 30, unm. 189 V. Noah,' bap. Oct. 20, 1786, graduated at Williams CoUege, d. aged 22. 190 VL Thaddeus,' bap. Oct. 20, 1786, was a lawyer at Balti more, Md., d. with small pox, aged 24. 191 VII. ParmeUa,' bap. Oct. 20, 1786, ra. Soloraon Hurd, SulU- van county, N. Y. Rev. Adoniram," (123) graduated at Yale CoUege, m. AbigaU Brown, of Tiverton, R. I., about 1784, when he- was about forty years of age. After his son Adonlrara became a Baptist, he also became one, and died in Scituate, Mass., Dec. 8, IBSST His children were : Adoniram, Elnathan, Mary and Abigail. The last Adoniram was the well known missionary in Burmah. He graduated at Brown University in 1807, and studied theology at Andover. He died April 12, 1850, on board the French bark L'Arlstlde, bound from Maulmain to the Isle of Bourbon. He was buried at sea, the eve ning of the day of his death. His first wife was Ann Hasseltine ; second, Sarah Hall Boardman, widow of Rev. George Boardman, and his third, Emily E. Chubbuck, (Fanny Forester.) Children, by •lAn^ second and third wives, survive him, as does the last wife, who was not with him when he died, but remained at Maulmain. His sufferings in his last hours were very great, and among his last words were these : " Oh that I could die at once, and go immediately into paradise, where there is no pain." Perhaps no man was ever favored with three more amiable, lovely and intellectual wives in suc cession, than Dr. Judson. The eldest daughter that survives him is Abby. His brother, Elnathan, was a physician, and settled in Baltimore, Md., where he died in 1829. He was, for a time, an infidel, but died a Christian. His sister, MaVy, died young. Gideons (127) d. June 25, 1821, aged 73. Children, ^ I. Elijah.' 'sS II. Truman.' 194 III. Olive,' ra. Ephraira Minor. 195 IV. Clara,' m. Abel Atwood. Philo" (131) m. Emm Minor, and d. Nov. 3, 1788. Ch., 196 L Joseph Robinson,' b. 1778, m. Sally Pond, 1804. He d. in 1834, and his widow d. Aug. l9, 1839, aged 61. His ch. were, 1. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 597 Burret, b. 1805, resides in Waterbury ; 2. ParmeUa, ib. 1807, m. Henry Peck, is dec'd; 3. Laura, b. 1809, m. Silas Clark, Oct. 27, 1836, and has Sarah P., b. 1838 ; WUUam J., b. 1831 ; Edward S.,'' b. 1847 ; 4. William S., b. 1811, resides in Ansonia, Conn ; Julia E., b. 1819, ra. Henry Peck, and has children. 197 II. Betsey,' bap. 1792. 198 IIL Rev. Philo,' bap. 1792; m. Currence, dau. of David Cur tiss ; has ch., and now resides at Rocky Hill, Conn. 199 IV. Ruth Ann, bap. 1792- HoUister" (136) ra. Esther Orton. He d. .July 25, 1823, aged 57. His widow died Dec. 18, 1849. Children, 200 I Charles,' b. Dec 16, 1790. 201 II. Esther Maria,' b. March 26, 1795 ; ra. John Leaven worth. Daniel" (137) had, 202 I. Annie,' bap. July 10, 1757. 203 IL Esther,' bap. March 29, 1761. 204 in. Levi,' bap. Oct. 9, 1763. 205 IV. Emm,' b. Aug. 17, 1766. 206 V. Olive,' b. Sept. 18, 1768. Thomas" (144) m. 1. Mary Atwood, who d. Aug. 1, 1786, a. 31; 2. Elizabeth Judson. She d. March 9, 1832, a. 72. He d- March 26, 1816. Ch. by first marriage, 207 I. Rhoda,' ra. WiUiam Minor. 208 II. Philo,' lost at sea ; unmarried. 209 III. Sylvester,' m. widow Lois King. Ch., 1. Pierre, d. aged 24, unm.; 2. Darwin, m. in N. Y. Ch., Mary, McEwin and James. Children by second marriage, 210 IV. Henry,' died aged eleven months. , 211 V. Maria,' m. Harvey Morris. 212 VI. Henry,' m. Nancy Hard, of Bethlem; had one child, Henrietta G., who m. Doct. G. H. Atwood. 213 VII. Hannah,' ra. Marcus D. Peck. 214 VIIL Elmore,' m. Olive Atwood, and d. 215 IX. EUza E.,' ra. Charles Jones, of Litchfield. Nehemiah" (146) m. 1. Anah Burton. She d. March 10, 1813 ; 2. ; 3. . He d. Sept. 25, 1847, aged 90. Children. 2J6. I. Norman,' b. Oct. 15, 1780 ; lives in Sullivan co., N. Y. 217 II. Diana,' b. Jan, 28, 1781 ; ra. Dea. Moses Clark. 218 III Burton,' b. Feb., 1783 ; has a faraily. 598 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 219 IV. Lauren,' b. Feb. 24, 1785; ra. Sturtevant; d. Oct., 1839. 220 V. Truman,' b. AprU 2, 1787 ; m. Hepsaba Lewis, and both d. in month of Sept., 1845, leaving children. 221 VI. Parthena,' b. Oct. 1, 1790 ; m. Abner Judson, of New town. 222 VII. James,' b. June 6, 1792 ; m. — *J Cables ; resides in Augusta, N. Y. 223 VIIL WiUiam,' b. July 12, 1795 ; m. Joanna Brinsmade ; lives in Schoolcraft, Mich. 224 IX. Vincent,' b. Jan. 26, 1798 ; m. SaUy Daily. James" (149) ra. Hannah , who died Jan. 26, 1831. He d. AprU 10, 1852. Children, 225 f. Edward,' b. 1801 ; ra. Delial Abernethy ; resides in Kala mazoo CO., Michigan. 226 IL Noah,' ra. Ruth Porter, of Watertown, Conn. 227 III. Elnathan,' ra.; Uves in Richland; has children. 228 IV. Mary,' ra. in Richland, Mich., April 4, 1853, to Isaac Judson, of Cleveland, Ohio. 229 V. James,' m. Jennette D., daughter of Josiah Hotchkiss ; residence, Norwalk, Conn. 230 VI. Herbert,' late Gen. in Texian array ; lives in Yalobusha CO., Miss. 231 VII. A. Bradford,' ra. Smith, and now resides in Mich- awaka, Ind. Dea. Benjamin" (1 68) m. Esther, dau. of Dea. Seth Minor. He d. May, 1820, aged 50. Children, 232 I. Isaac, ' bap. July 31, 1796 ; resides In Oberlin, Ohio. 1 n. Rev. Albert,' b. Sept. 28, 1798; author of the first S. S. Union Question Book, &c.; d. April 4, 1839, aged 42. 234 IIL Lydia,' b. Sept. 13, 1801; ra. 1. David S. Minor ; 2- Gideon HoUister. 235 IV. Anna,' b. Oct. 9, 1803. 236 V. Lucy,' b. June 9, 1805 ; m. Augustus W. Curtiss. 237 VL Achsa,' b. Aug. 22, 1810; m. Rev. John W. Beecher; resides in Vernon, N. Y. 238 VIL Eunice,'' b. May 31, 1812; m. H. M. Hart, of Cornwall, Conn. 239 Vin. Rev. Gould Camp,' b. May 18, 1815 ; residence,OBer- lin, Ohio. HISTOEY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 599 240 IX. Benjamin,' b. Oct. 27, 1819 ; now of Wakeman, Ohio. Asa" (1C9) ra. 1. Sally Minor, who d. May 15, 1820, aged 42; 2. Keziah Walker. He d. April 16, 1847, aged 73. ChUdren, 241 I. Rev. Everton,' b. 1799 ; d. in Milan, Ohio, Aug. 20, 1848. No issue. 242 II. Thalia,' bap. July 2, 1808 ; d. Nov. 28, 1826. First per son burled in the North Cemetery. 243 III. Rev. Benjamin Bartlett,' b. Jan. 12, 1807 ; d. in Ohio, March 1, 1846, aged 39 ; no issue. 244 IV. Samuel W.,' b. July 2, 1811 ; ni. Almira TerriU, of New MUford ; d. Sept- 10, 1847 ; left a son Jeremiah, b. In 1838; 245 V. Phebe,' b. July 3, 1814 ; d. July 16, 1825. 246 VL Lorana,' b. Sept. 3, 1816; m. B- H. Abbott; lives in Ohio. John' (170) m. 1. Elizabeth, daughter of John MitcheU. She d. Dec. 16, 1805, aged 26 ; 2. Jerusha, daughter of Abijah MitcheU, March 4, 1807. She was b. Aug. 4, 1785; d. May 20, 1845. He d. Aug. 14, 1849, aged 71. 247 I. Betsey Cornelia,' b. AprU 6, 1808 ; ra. Morgan Thomas, Feb. 27, 1828 ; d. May 2, 1834. She had Floretta E., b- Dec. 7, 1828, d. in Michigan; Theodore, b. Dec 16,1830 ; Welton, b. Aug., 1833, d-'Oct., 1833. 248 II. Antomette," b. April 27, 1810 ; m. WilUam Abernethy, May 5,1841. She d. Jan. 12, 1844, leaving a son, William J., b. Sept. 17, 1842. ^ IIL Phineas Alonzo," b. Jan. 28, 1813. 250 IV. John Abijah," b. Feb. 17, 1815; d. Aug. 22, 1839. 251 V. Theodore," b. March 25, 1818; m. Julia M. Colton, March 11,1852.. 252 VI. Martha Erara," b. May 4, 1822. 253 VII. Franklin MitcheU," b. Oct. 23, 1827 ; ra. Louisa M. Sax- ton, Sept. 14, 1852. Elijah' (192.) Children, 254 I. Herman," m. OUve Minor, who d. Sept. 30, 1846, aged 47. 255 II. Charles," m. Charlotte Minor. Ch., Charles Gideon and Harriet E. 256 III. George N.,' ra. Caroline Northrop. 257 IV. Curtis," ra. Alma HiU. She died of sraall pox, Jan. 11, 1847, aged 29. 258 V. Lucretia," ra. John Nichols. 600 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Truman' (193) m. Widow OUve Wheeler, who d. June 11, 1840, aged 66. He d. Aug. 6, 1830, aged 57. Ch., 259 I. A son," who died young. 260 II. Harriet." 261 III. Nathan," ra. Flora Ann Vining. 262 IV. Truraan," died young. 263 V. Nancy," m. Obadiah P. Northrop; d.Nov. 2, 1838, a. 29, 264 VI. Truman," ra. Sarah Patterson, of Roxbury. 265 VII. OUve,"ra. Robert Camp, of Middlebury. Rev. Albert,' (233) of Philadelphia, was b. Sept. 28, 1799; He m. Mary, daughter of Oliver Burnhara, Esq., of Corn wall, Conn., Dec, 1829. Children, 266 I. OUver A., (M. D.,) b. Sept. 28, 1830; resides in Philadel phia. 267 II. WiUiam F., b. May 12, 1833. Graduated at the Univer- . slty of Philadelphia, 1853. 268 III. Sarah Emily, b. Nov. 25, 1838. Phineas Alonzo" (249) m. Laura S., daughter of Herman Stoddard, Oct. 18, 1837. Children, 269 L EUen Antoinette," b. July 21, 1838. 270 IL John B.,» b. July 1, 1842. JOHNSON FAMILY. Moses Johnson, of Stratford, had a son Moses, who was a signer of the original compact for the settlement of Woodbury, and came with the first company to the latter place. He d. Oct. 30, 1713, aged 62, and Mary, his " aged widow," d. Dec. 31, 1747. His ch. were, 1. Zeruiah, bap. April, 1681; 2. Rebecca, bap. July, 1684, d. Jan. 22, 1710 ; 3. John, bap. April, 1685-6 ; 4. Sarah, bap. Aug., 1688, d. Jan. 22, 1710 ; 5. Mary, bap. AprU, 1690, m. Francis Stiles, Sept. 21, 1709; 6. EUzabeth, bap. Oct., 1691 ; 7. Moses, bap. May, 1693; 8. Solomon, bap. Jan., 1694-5. Moses Johnson, son of Moses and Mary, m. Prudence Jenner, July 6, 1715. He d. 1760 ; his wife d. Sept. 22, 1780. Ch., 1. .Rebec ca, b. June 26, 1716, ra. Samuel Wheeler ; 2. John, b. March 28, 1719 ; 3. Asa, bap. Feb. 24, 1723 ; 4. Mary, b. Feb. 20, 1724 ; 5. Sarah, bap, Oct. 30, 1726, m. Nathaniel Hicock ; 6. Prudence, bap. Aug. 18, 1728; 7. Moses, bap. March 30, d. 1778, leaving wife, HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 601 Molly, and daughters Ann and Hannah. The last m. Simeon Mitch eU in 1733. John Johnson, first son of Moses and Prudence, ra. Mary Judd, Jan. 20, 1741. Ch., 1. Solomon, b. Feb. 21, 1743, ra. SarahPlura, 1774 ; 2. Esther, b. Jan. 4, 1746 ; 3. Jerusha, bap. Nov. 30, 1748 ; 4. Emm, bap. Jan. 6, 1751, m. Jehiel Franklm, Nov. 23, 1770 ; 5. Mary, bap. Dec. 9, 1753, m. Ebenezer Finney, 1772 ; 6. John, b. Dec. 6, 1775, m. Love Downs, 1777 ; 7. Jehu, b. Dec. 14, 1757. Asa Johnson, second son of Moses and Prudence, ra. Elizabeth Strong, Jan. 4, 1750 ; he d. Dec. 4, 1791. His children were, 1. Justus, b. Nov. 8, 1750 ; m. Judith Blagg, 1796. 2. Amos, b. Feb. 23, 1753 ; ra. 1. Patience Hicock, May 10, 1784, who d. 1793 ; 2. A. Curtiss, Maiy 6, 1795 ; and had, 1 "William, b. Sept. 4, 1785, m. Anna Mitchel, Oct. 16, 1808. tJh., 1. "Wil liam, b. Nov. 6, 1809, d. April 8, 1810 : 2. "William M., b. Aug. 9, 1811, went west; 3. Ann Maria, b. April 23, 1814, m. Elisha "Wheeler, April 13, 1836 ; 4. Amos Minot, b. Oct. 21, 1816 ; 5. "William Legrand, b. Jan. 31, 1819. 2. Eliz abeth, b. May 5, 1787. 3. Sarah, b. Feb. IS, 1790. 4. Patience, b. Jan. 24, 1793. 5. Nancy, b. Aug. 28, 1796. 6. "Walter, b. Jan. 14, 1799 ; d. 1801. 7- Charles, b. Dec. 15, 1800. 8. Patty, b. March 24, 1803 ; m. EUiot Beardslee, Feb. 23, 1S32. 9. "Walter, b. April 10, 1805 ; m. Mary Ann Mosely, Aug. 3, 1827. Ch., Mosely, b. Aug. 26, 1828 ; Mary, b; Jan. 10, 1832 ; Ralph, b. May 7, 1835. •- 3. Ebenezer, b. Jan. 12, 1756. 4. Olive, b. Sept. 26, 1758 ; m. David Sanford, 1782. 5. Moses Asa, b. July 1, 1762 ; m. Lois Guthrie, Nov. 19, 1787. Children, 1. Ebenezer, b. March 3, 1791 ; m. Sally Mitchell, and had Henry, b. Nov. 8, 1814, m. Lucinda Clark; Eliza A., b. JMarch 29, 1819, m. the Rev. George P. Prudden ; 2. Asa, b. March 29, 1793 ; 3. Hannah, b. March 28, 1794, m. "William Fabrique ; 4. Thomas, b. May 8, 1798, m. Maria P. Mosely, March 15, 1627 ; had Truman, March 30, 1829. Solomon Johnson, son of Moses and Mary, ra. 1. Mary Hicock, His house was burnt on the night of the 13th of June, 1735, and his wife perished in the flames. He ra. 2, Hannah Noble, June 30, 1 73 6. His ch. were, Gideon, b. March 11, 1725 ; Mary, b. Oct. 13, 1727, m. Joseph Pierce ; David, b. Aug. 22, 1730 ; Eunice, b. May 24, 1733 ; Hannah, b. Sept. 2, 1736, m. Pierce ; Abigail, b. M^jch 28, 1739, m. 1. David Hiceck; 2. EUzur MitcheU. 1. Gideon Johnson, son of Solomon and Mary, m. Dorcas Hicock Jan. 6, 1753. Their chUdren were, 1. Hiram, b. March 16, 1754; m. Mary Bronson,' tict. 24, 1782. 2. Solomon, b. Dec. 17, 1755 ; m. Olive Curtiss, fd.i%. 22, 1782 ; had oh., Laura, b. March 41 602 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 7,1784; Curtiss, Aug. 13, 1786; Warren, b. Feb. 21, 1788. 3. Timothy, b. Sept. 22, 1757. 4. Hannah, b. April 21, 1759 ; m. Silas Hicock, 1782. 2. David Johnson, son of Soloraon and Mary, m. Sarah Trow bridge, Feb. 19, 1755. Children, ^ Isaiah, bap. April 11, 1756; Ruth, b. Aug. 2, 1757; Mary, bap. Got. 30, 1762, m. Roger Cogswell, March 12, 1786; Amarillis, bap. Feb. 24, 1765; Da vid, Aug. 2, 1767 ; Cyrus Milton, bap. Oct. 18, 1772. The connection between the following and the preceding family can not be clearly traced. Benjarain Johnson and wife, Mary, had Asa, b. May 27, 1753 ; Samuel, b. Aug. 10, 1755. ' Jeremiah Johnson m. Eunice Bronson, Nov. 5, 1769 ; children, Polly, b. Aug. 1, 1771, ra. Ely Camp, Nov. 25, 1794 ; Dorcas, b. Aug. 12, 1772 ; Lovina, b. Oct. 9, 1774 ; Clara, b. Nov. 30, 1776, d. April 1, 1779; Betsey Ann, b. April 13, 1779, m. Nathan Lake, May 25, 1803 ; Abel, b. Dec. 20, 1781 ; Adin, b; March 3, 1786 ; Eunice, b. July 15, 1788. Enoch Johnson ra. Grace Leavenworth, Sept. 4, 1794 ; children, Seymour, b. May 11, 1795 ; MarshaU, b. Dec. 20, 1797. JENNER FAMILY. Sarauel Jenner d. 1738, and his wife Hannah, Feb. 2, 1743 ; their children were : 1. Hannah, bap. May, 1687-8, ra. Jonathan Mitchell, 1705 ; 2. Patience, bap. Aug., 1692, ra. Elnathan Strong, April 17, 1712 ; 3. Prudence, bap. Feb., 1693-4, ra. Moses Johnson, July 6, 1715; 4. Corafort, b. April 11, 1698, ra. John Pierce, March 21, 1716-17 ; 5. Sarauel, b. AprU 20, 1703 ; 6. and 7. Nathan and Ab igail, (twins,) b. April 20, 1703; AbigaU ra. Timothy Bronson, 1729. Sarauel Jenner, Jr., and wife Hannah, had 1. Sarah, bap. Aug. 4, 1728, m. Wilkinson; 2. Barbary, b. Jan. 1, 1730, m. Hurlbut; 3. Hannah, b. Jan. 18, 1733; 4. Richard, b: Nov. 25, 1734, d. Jan. 12, 1788 ; 5. Patience, b. Feb. 7, 1737, d. 1800 ; 6. Samuel, bap. Dec.^31, 1738 ; 7. John, bap. May 10, 1741, d. 1789; 8. Nathan, bap. Oct. 6,. 1745 ; 9. Ruth, bap. April 19, 1747 ; 10. Stephen, bap. March 26, 1749. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 603 KASSON FAMILY. James Kasson, with his father and six brothers, came from Bel fast, Ireland, in 1722, landed at Boston and settled in Voluntown,- Conn. He removed to Woodbury, about 1742, settled near the pres ent line of Southbury, built a house in Bethlehem society, in 1760, and removed his family there the same year, where he continued to reside until his death, which occurred July 5, 1791. From his man uscripts, we learn that in religious principle he was strictly Puritani cal. His descendants are numerous, and are found in alraost every state in the Union. The old faraily residence is now occupied by one of them, George M. Kasson, Esq. He was born in 1714, ra. 1. Es ther Duncan, Oct. 14, 1740, who d. Feb. 26, 1757. He m. 2. Mar garet Dixon, June 8, 1758. She d. Feb. 23, 1811, aged 75. Their children were : 1. Margaret, b. Sept. 3, 1741, m. Moses Knapp, -Sept., 1760; 2. Jean, b. Aug. 7, 1743, d. young ; 3. Sarah, b. Aug. 20, 1745, m. Soloraon Gurnsey, Nov. 15, 1764; 4. James, b. June 19, 1748; 5. George, b. Feb. 21, 1750, d. young ; 6. Adam, b. AprU 20, 1752, d. young; 7. Esther", b. May 20, 1755, ra. Luke Steele; 8. Jean, b. Jan. 10, 1759, m. Darius Butler; 9. Olive, b. Sept. 3, 1761, ra. Eli zur Wheeler ; 10. Adara, b. Aug. 16, 1763, m. Honor Steele, went to Vermont; 11. George Dixon, b. June 2, 1765; 12. Mary, b. Feb. 19, 1768, ra. Doct. Amzi HuU. * Jaraes, Jr., ra. Reliance Hatch, Jan. 16, 1771, and had I. Myron, b. Jan. 27, 1772, m. Betsey Hyde, went west. II. Clarissa, b. Feb. 11, 1775, d. young. III. Lydia Ann, b. Dec. 17, 1776, d. young. IV. Clarissa, b. Jan.. 29, 1778, m. Rev. Charles Prentice. V. Lydia, Dec 8, 1779, ra. Doct. Nathaniel HaU. VL Adam C, b. July 28, 1782, ra. SaUy Parmalee, Noy. 27, 1818, and had 1. James T., b. Jan. 5, 1820 ; 2. Clarissa, b. June 1, 1823, ra. Frederick L. AUen, Oct., 1845 ; 3. Susan L., b. Oct. 1, 1825, m. WiUiam R. Harrison, March 17, 1846. VIL James, b. May 12, 1784, d. unm. VIIL Esther, b. May 26, 1786, m. Archibald Dixon, removed west. IX. Clarissa, b. April 25, 1788, d. aged_^15. X. Joseph, b. June 4, 1790, m. Hannah Grey, removed to Onondagancounty, N- Y. XL Reli ance, b. Jan. 11, 1793, ra. Federal Brinsraade, of Trumbull, Conn. XIL Theoren, b. Nov. 6, 1/95, d. young. George Dixon, youngest son of James, Sen., ra. Selina Camp, Dec. 19, 1793, who d. Nov. 20, 1794. He m. 2. Lucy Steele, May 16, 604 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 1796; she d. May 19, 1808 ; m. 3. the Widow Deborah McCaU. He d. June, 1828. Children, as follows : L SeUna, b. Nov. 7, 1794, d. 1809. U. Emily Lucy, b. April 5, 1797, m. Sarauel M. Logan, May, 1826. IIL Edgar N., b. Feb. 19, 1799, ra. Martha P. Brown, 1832, and d. Nov., 1841 ; ch. 1. Harriet A., d- young; 2- Harriet Louisa, b. March 11, 1835 ; 3. Martha J., b. Nov. 17, 1836 ; 4. George Dixon, b. Oct. 19, 1838 ; 5. Edgar N., b. Feb. 19, 1841. IV. Sarauel, b. April 26, 1801, ra. Almira Gay lord, removed to Illinois. V. George M., b. May 19, 1803, m. Lu cretia M. Turner, Dee. 9, 1824 ; ch. 1. Lucy M., b. Feb. 24, 1832 ; 2. Eleanor M., b. Aug. 5, 1834; 3. George D.,-b. Sept. 18, 1836, d. young; 4. Deborah M., b. June 10, 1838; 5. Gertrude P., b. Sept. 11, 1841; 6. Charlotte E.,b. Feb. 4, 1844 ; 7. Ralph W., b. Jan. 21, 1848 ; 8. EUzabeth' H-, b. July 4, 1850. VI. Susan M., b. April 15, 1805, m. RolUn R. HUl. WiUiam Kasson, a brother of James, also settled in Bethlehem so ciety, but his descendants have all removed from the place. His ch. were, Elizabeth, Thoraas, Jane, who ra. Robert Gordon, WilUam, d. young, Sarah, who ra. John Gordon, Ruth, who m. James Edmonds, Nov. 1, 1768, and Robert. Mr. Kasson m. Elizabeth. McKay, and d. 1760. Dea. Archibald Kasson, another brother of Jaraes, also settled at Bethlehem, ra. Jane Dixon. His descendants are found in that vicin ity; but nonet)f them bearing the name of Kasson. His ch. were, Alexander and Sarah. Alexander m. Comfort Thompson, Nov. 3, 1767, and had 1. Daniel, m. Ruth Ann Hurd ; ch. Leverett, now rfe- siding at New Orleans ; 2. Selina, m. Ichabod S. Prentice ; 3. Wil- liara, ra. Irene Steele, and had Charlotte, who m. Siraeon Spalding ; John S., who m. Catherine Crane ; Mary, d. unra. ; WiUiara and Al exander ; 4. PoUy. Sarah, the daughter of Dea. Archibald, died young. KNOWLES FAMILY. teleazer Knowles, of Stratford, was a signer of the original com pact for the settleraent of Woodbury, and came early to the latter place. He d. Jan. 31, 1731. Mary, his widow, d. Oct. 24, 1732. ChUdren, as foUows : 1. Thomas, b. Dec. 26, 1683, d. without issue, Sept. 5, 1758 ; 2. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 606 Isaac, d, young; 3. Mary, b. March 22, 1686-7, m. Samuel Sherman, Dec. 22, 1709; 4. Anna, b. Jan. 5, 1688-^9, m. Noah Hinman, Feb. 28, 1710 ; 5. Samuel, b. April 15, 1691 ; 6. Isaac, b. July 28, 169p; 7. EUzg,beth, b. March 30, 1 697-8. Sarauel, son of Eleazer, ra. 1. Huldah , who d. Feb. 1, 1727 ; ra. 2. EUzabeth . He ra. 3. Wid6w Mary Wooster, Oct. 28, 1744. His children were : L Eleazer, b. May 29, 1726, d. 1730. IL Thomas, bap. July 28, 1728, ,m. AbigaU Wooster, June 7, 1749, and had, 1. Mary, b. Sept. 20, 1751 ; 2. Sarah, bap. July 1, 1753 ; 3. Martha, bap. June 19, 1757. III. Huldah, b. June, 1730, ra. Daniel Hicock, July 31, 1751. IV. Ann, b. Aug. 5, 1732, m. John Demmon, Sept. 14, 1758. V. Mary, b, Nov, 16, 1734, d, Dec, 1747, VL Eleazer, b, March 22, 1737, ra. Hannah MitcheU, in 1764, and had 1. EUen, bap. Oct. 4, 1767 ; 2.. Erama, bap. Feb. 18, 1770 ; 3. John, bap. June 28, 1772 ; 4. Liberty, bap. Sept. 25, 1774, d. young ; 5. Abigail, bap. Feb. 9, 1777 ; 6. Hannah, bap. July 2, 1780 ; 7. Esther, bap. June 16, 1782 ; 8. Liberty, bap. Nov. 14, 1784, VIL Betty, bap. Nov., 1739, d. Jan., 1821, unm. VIIL Mercy, bap. May 16, 1742, d. 1771, unm. LINSLEY FAMILY. Sa. a Uon ramp. betw. eight crosses patted fitchee ar. The first persons of this naine who settled in Branford, came to that place in 1640. The name does not appear on record, however, previous to 1646. Their names were John and Francis, who emi grated from' a place not far to the south-west of London. John re- raained at Branford, and Francis reraoved to Newark, New Jersey, with the followers of the Rev. Mr. Pierson, and. is supposed to be the ancestor of those of the name in that state. John had a son Jonathan, who ra. Dorcas Phipper, (Phippeny ?) of MUford, Sept. 24, 1706 ; Jonathan d. May 3, 1725. He had Jon athan, Samuel, Israel, Daniel and Nabby. 606 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURT. Israel Linsley m. Priscilla Wheaton, and had chUdren, Israel, Ru fus, Stephen, Rebecca and Sarah. He died June 4, 1778, aged 66 years. His wife d. Nov. 5, 1775, aged 57 years. Israel, Jr., ra. Hannah Moulthrop, of East Haven ; ch. lAray, Abi gail, Daniel, EUhu and Eber. He d. at Branford, Oct. 19, 1808, aged 63. His wife died Feb. 7, 1807. Daniel, son of the above, ra. PoUy P. Jones, of Branford, in 1790. He d. Dec. 30, 1813, aged 48. She d. Sept., 1847, aged 74. Then- children were, 1. Betsey, b. July 7, 1792, m. Samuel Page, of Bran ford, in 1808, and d. Jan. 31, 1822, aged 30 ; 2. Benjarain D., b. July 7, 1793, m. Elvira Whiting, of Bridgeport, in 1819, and d. in that place in 1833 ; 3. AbigaU, b. July 22, 1795, d. unm., Nov. 25, 1837, aged 42; 4. Harvey J., b. Aug. 24, 1797 ; 5. Jeremy, b. May 26, 1799, m. 1. Phebe Page, of Branford, and had Nelson and Mary; m. 2. Sarah Beach, of Guilford; 6. Sylvia, b. June 10, 1801, d. unm. at Branford, March 25, 1831, aged 30 ; 7. EKas, b. Aug. 28, 1803, m.Mary Bradley ; ch. George and Atwood; 8. Polly, b. Sept. 19, 1805, d. unra. at Branford, Dec. 18, 1829 ; 9. Parnel, b. Sept. 19, 1807 ; 10. Charles, b. April 11, 1809, d. at Branford, Dec. 24, 1829, aged 21 ; 11. Hezekiah, b. Oct. 4, 1811, m. 1. Maria GiUett, of Winsted ; m. 2. Sarah Doolittle, of Bethany ; 12. Daniel, b. Feb. 8, 1814. ' Harvey J., of the above family, m. 1. Laura Clarke, of Southing ton, May 10, 1820, who d. July 23, 1824, aged 27. He m, 2. Mary Summers, of Woodbury, May 4, 1825 ; she was b. June 20, 1803. He d. March 25, 1853 ; had children, as follows : 1. Mary, b. July 5, 1822, d. July 10, 1822. 2. Mary Ann, b. Oct. 18, 1823, m. George De Forest, Oct. 3, 1849. 3. Jaraes Harvey, b. April 18, 1827, ra. Harriet M. Curtiss, Oct. 9, 1849.- The latter was b. in 1829. They have one chUd, Sarah M., b. Sept. 4, 1851. 4. Laura, b. Jan. 19, 1829, m. Edward F. Bassett, Oct. 3, 1849, who was b. Sept. 15, 1823. 5. Jane, b. Nov. 8, 1834. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. LAMBERT FAMILY.' 607 The Lambert family can trace its descent from remote antiquity. They can go back with all the certainty of written records to the time of William the Conqueror, in the eleventh century, and by history of undoubted credibility, to the kingdom of the Lombards in Italy. That such was the origin of the family can not be doubted, for were there no proofs of it in the records of heraldry, the name itself would indi cate such to be the fact, (according to the ancient orthography,) as it was formerly spelt Lombard. This orthography some members of the family still retain. The earliest account we have of the Lombards in, that they were a roving clan from Scandinavia, (Norway,) that they settled awhile in Vindili, (In Germany,) till attracted by the fair plains of Modena, they rushed from their mountain fastnesses, took possession of, and founded one of the most powerful states of Italy. The signification of the name in their language, was long beard, as historj' states " that this clan parted their hair and suffered it to grow to whatever length it might attain," from which circumstance the state where they estab lished themselves, took its name. This clan was of a stern, independ ent disposition, which would not brook restraint. They lived on the spoils of war, and from pasturage. Such were the ancestors of the family in question in ancient times. Upon the subversion of the king dom, the descendants of the clan were dispersed into various parts of Europe, many of them settling In cities and large towns in that part pf the world. This is the first we read ofthe name of Lombard as a family name. The family from which the Woodbury and Bethlem branches are descended, we find In history established itself in Normandy, in France. It appears from the records of heraldry, that they were of the highest respectability in that place, and on them were bestowed the various orders of knighthood. When WiUiam the Conqueror invaded En gland, he took with him Rudolph de Lambert, as his knight of arms. He is the first of the name of which we have any account in En-^ gland. His name appears to indicate that his family was from Lom- bardy, as the particle c?e signifies /rom, or of, which amounts to Ro- dolphus from Lombardy ; thus retaining in what has now become a 1 This sketch of the origin ofthe Lambert family, is taken from Lambert's History of New Haven. 608 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURT. family name, the memorial of the place from which he and his ances tors emigrated. It appears from EngUsh heraldry, that he had a family in Nor mandy, previous to his going to England, and that a branch of it set tled in Bologna, Italy. Cardinal Lambertina, of this faraUy, who was elected Bishop of Rome, Aug. 27, 1730, and took the title of Benedict XIV., always claimed relationship with the Earl of Cavan's family, who trace their descent from Rodolph de Lambert, who went to England with WUUam the Conqueror. Rodolph de Lambert left one son, Hugh, and from him are descend ed all of the name in England and North America. Hugh had by his wife Matilda, Sir WiUiam, his heir, who married Gundred, daugh ter of the Earl of Warren and Surrey, by Gundred, the fourth daugh ter of WilUam the Conqueror, and widow of Roger de BeUamont, Earl of Warwick. By her he had a son, Henry, standard bearer to Henry II. He married Alice, sister of William Mandeville, Earl of Essex. He had a son John, who settled in Skipton, in York, who had two sons. Sir Edmund and Thomas. Sir Edraund had three sons : Edmund, who settled In Skipton ; Richard, the third son, set tled in Lincolnshire ; Sir John, the second, had two sons : Edmund, who died unmarried, and Sir Thomas, who married Dorothy, daugh ter of Thomas Cressey, and had Henry, his heir, who by Isabel, eldest daughter of John Lambert, of Preston, grandson of Edraund, of Skip- ton, had Sir Henry, who by Maudaunt, daughter of Baldwin de Vere, had AUayne, who had two sons. Sir Thoraas, of Oldton, in Northum berland, and Godfrey, who was seated in Long Preston, and married EUen Fulthrop, cousin of Lord Clifford, and had John, his heir. He married EUzabeth Whitmore, and had six sons : William, who died without issue ; Thomas, who lived in Skipton, from whom are de scended a numerous issue ; particularly noted are John Lambert, who commanded the parliamentary forces against King Charles the First, and Richard, ancestor of the Earl of Cavan. John left a numer ous issue. Christopher and Henpy were slain, and left no children. Richard, the third son, left Walter, his heir, who resided in Carlshal- ton. He had by a daughter of Sir John Gaynesford, Thomas, who left no is^ue ; Roger, slain in the siege of Bulloine, unmarried ; Wal ter, and Richard, an alderman of London in 1567, in which year he died. His son, Thomas, settled in Laverstock, Hants, frora whom is descended a numerous issue ; Walter, the third son, had by Rose, daughter of OUver WaUop, ancestor of the Earl of Portsmouth, Oli ver, his heir, the first baron, who was created Lord Lambert and HISTORT OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 609 Ea,rl of the County of Cavan, in 1617. He died June or July 9, 1718. His lordship married Hester, daughter of William Fleetwood, Knight, by whora he had two sons, Charles, his heir, and Carey, who died unraarried. Charles, on the 12th of May, 1642, was made gov ernor of the city of Dublin. He married Jane, second daughter of Robert Robaites, Baron of Truro, and sister of John Robaites, Earl of Radnor, by whom he had Richard, his heir, Thomas, Charles, and Walter, who left no children. Oliver, the third, settled in Paynes- ton, in the county of Meath, married four wives, and left a numerous issue. Richard, the second earl, married Rosa, daughter of Sir James Wade, and left one son, Charles, the third earl, who married in 1670, Castillina, daughter of Henry Gilbert, Esq., who had Charles. Lord Lambert died in 1689. Richard, the fourth earl ; Henry died Nov. 18, 1774 ; left three sons, Richard, the late earl, Thoraas and Oliver. Richard, the fourth earl, was an officer in King WilUam's army, in Spain, Portugal and the West Indies, and one of his majesty's privy counselors. He married in Barbadoes, W. I., Margaret, daughter of Capt. Trant. He died in 1741, aged 76, He had Gilbert, Lord, who died young, and Ford, the fifth and late earl, who married Eliz abeth, daughter of Jaraes Wade, Esq.; and left two daughters, Sophia and Gertrude. He died Nov. 29, 1782, aged 54. The sixth earl, Richard, was son of Henry, third son of Charles, the third earl. He married, first, Sophia, daughter and co-heir of Oliver Lambert, fourth son of the third Earl of Cavan, by whom he had no children ; second, Elizabeth, daughter of John Davis, Esq., Nov. 13, 1762, by whom he had Sophia and one son, his successor, Richard, the seventh earl. He succeeded on the death of his father, Nov. 13, 1762. Jesse, the great-grandfather of Nehemiah, and Jesse Peck Lam bert, emigrated from England about 1680. He was from a collateral branch of the Earl of Cavan's family, settled in Wiltshire or Devon. Roger Lambert, his cousin, about the same tirae emigrated, and set tled in New Jersey, where his descendants are now numerous. Jesse Lambert, (according to family tradition,) previous to his coming to New England, had been an officer in the British navy ; had been up the Mediterranean Sea against the Turks, and had" a desper ate engagement with a Turkish corvette, which he captured, and re turning to England, landed araid the acclaraation of the people. He first landed, on coraing to America, at Boston, but in a few days he proceeded to New Haven, and soon after to Milford, where he settled. His residence wa son the west side of Wepowaug River, a few rods 42 610 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURT. north of the first Presbyterian Church, on lot No. 7, of the early planters. He married Deborah Fowler, daughter of Capt. WUUam Fowler, and granddaughter of WiUiam Fowler, magistrate, one of the first planters of Milford, May 10, 1688. He had three sons and six daughters, viz.: Rachel, ra. Sarauel Smith, Dec. 30, 1703. Martha, d. unmarried, aged 20. Richard, d. in childhood. Sarah, ra. John Dunning ; settled in Norwalk. Jesse, born AprU 20, 1693. Deborah, d. unraarried. Elizabeth, m. Joseph Birchard, of Norwalk. David, b. in 1700. Jesse, father of the above-named, had a second wife, Joanna, and . died in the autumn of 1718. Jesse Lambert, son of the above, and Mary Gillet, (born 1695,) daughter of EUphaz and Mary (Wheeler) Gillet, were married Dec. 6, 1717, by Jonathan Law, He settled on land given him in East Farms, now North Milford, and the place where he lived has been the family residence for more than a century. He died Dec. 26, 1773. Mary, his wife, died June 26, 1776. They were buried near the middle of the burying-ground, (Milford,) and a low red stone marks the place of their interment. Their children were : Mary, b. Oct. 10, 1717; m, John Sandford, Sept, 14, 1743,., Jesse, b. Oct. 28, 1719. Martha, b. Jan. 28, 1721 ; ra. Benjarain Pritchard, a descendant of Roger Pritchard, from Springfield, Mass., 1652. Richard, b. June 8, 1725; he m. Ann Iraraanuel; d. April 25, 1777, aged 52, and left no children. Rachel, b. Feb. 15, 1728 ; ra. Henry Peck. David, b. Dec. 2, 1731. Hannah, b. Aug. 18, 1734 ; m. John Woodruff", and moved to Wa tertown, Conn.; d. Feb. 22, 1813. Jesse Lambert, the eldest son of Jesse and Mary Lambert, married Anne Peck, daughter of Capt. Henry Peck, Oct. 28, 1745. He set tled near his father's residence, but bought up a quantity of" ten acre accommodation rights," in Woodbury, which were afterward settled on by his son, Jesse Peck Lambert. He d. July 30, 1794, aged 76, and his wife d. July 3, 1809, aged 84 years. ChUdren, Mary, b. Sept. 27, 1746 ; d. Dec 31, 1765. Anne, b. Jan. 7, 1748; m. Nathan Bristol, of Milford. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 611 Sarah, b. 1750; ra. Stephen Treat, of Milford. Mehitable, b, Jan. 21, 1752 ; ra. Sarauel Tibballs ; d. March 2, 1774. Lurania, b. March 9, 1754. Hannah, b. Aug. 22, 1756 ; m. Joseph Peck. AbigaU, b. March 22, 1759 ; ra. John Smith, an4 was mother of Perry Smith, of New Milford, (late a United States Senator ;) d. Jan. 18, 1836. Nehemiah, b. May 2, 1763, and d. April 21, 1767. Jesse, b. May 2, and d. May 12, 1765. Nehemiah," b. Oct. 21, 1766 ; d. April, 1825. Jesse Peck,b. Sept. 5, 1769 ; d. Oct. 21, 1836. Nehemiah Lambert, went to Woodbury, (Bethlehem society,) in 1786, when twenty years old, and married Sar^h, daughter of Moses Galpin, Esq. She was born July 23, 1770. He was a man of high respectabUIty, and fiUed raany public offices. He died March 26, 1825, Children, Stephen Treat, b. July 8, 1791 ; settled in Canton, and ra. Char lotte Barber. Frederick, b. Oct. 29, 1794 ; m. Sally Potter. Nancy,) ^ t i qn 17ciq ( m Charles Bloss, of Bethlem. Sarah, ]" "• ""^^^ ''"' ^'^"^ ' jm. Noble Allen, of Bethlem. Clarissa, b. Aug. 25, 1801 ; m. Nicholas Morse. Jesse Peck Lambert, married Amy, daughter of Thomas Clark, of Milford j moved to Woodbury, and settled on a tract of land,, now owned by his son, Willis Lambert. His father had'raany years be fore a piece of land in Kettletown, but the son did notjchoose to settle on it, and sold it. He died In 1836. His widow d. July 30, 1852, aged 79. Children, 1. Nancy, b. 1797 ; m. Asahel Mitchell, of Woodbury. 2. Stephen Treat, b. 1798 ; m. Maria Jennet Minor, Feb. 23, 1841. 3. Julia, b. 1799 ; m. Anthony C. Strong, Esq., of Woodbury. 4. WilUs, b. 1801 ; m. EUza, daughter of Dea. Matthew Minor. Ch., Elizabetli Jane, WiUis Peck, Charlotte and|Nathan. 5. Harvey, m. Jeanette Leavenworth ; lives in Ohio. Children, Frances, JuUa, m. David Mead, Daniel Webster. 5. Henry, b. 1807.; m. 1. Margaret, daughter of Philo De Forest 2. Harriet Colton. She d. Nov. 20, 1852, aged 33. Ch., George De Forest, Henry A., Wilbur, Colton, and Margaret. The first two by the first wife, and the others by the last. 612 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURT. 7. Harriet, b. 1809 ; m. Seth Strong. 8. Emily Amy, b. 1811 ; m. Charles Curtiss; d. in Ohio. LEAVENWORTH FAMILY. David, Edmond and Thomas Leavenworth, came from Germany, (so tradition informs us,) to this country, about 1690. David was drowned when young. Edmond settled at or near Huntington, Conn.,» and from him have descended all of the narae at Waterbury, Wood-^ bury and Roxbury. His descendants are found also in Mass., N. Y., in other states of the Union, and in Canada. Of his six sons, David, Ebenezer, John, Zebulon and Thoraas, settled in Woodbury. Mark settled at Waterbury. First Family. John Leavenworth m. 1. Deborah ; she d. Jan. 1, 1746 ; he m. 2. Mary Bronson, Jan. 29, 1747 ; he d. in 1783, aged 77. ChUdren^, 1. John, bap. July 19, 1741 ; 2. Lerauel, bap. Oct. 9, 1743, went to Whitestown, had Lemuel and Reuben ; 3. Deborah, bap. May 8, 1745, ra. Joshua Judson, Feb. 27, 1765 ; 4. Araos, bap. Aug. 9, 1753 ; 5. EUhu, b. Oct. 5, 1756, d. Dec 25, 1756 ; 6. David ; 7. Elisha, bap. July 3, 1763 ; 8. Elihu. John, Jr., ra. Abigail Peck, and had John P., b. Nov. 23, 1762. Amos, son of John, ra. Esther Warner, July 11, 1774. Joseph, h. July 19, 1776 ; Sarah, Polly, Esther and Susanna, all four bap. Dec. 15,1784; Ralph, Aug. 13, 1786; Lorena, bap. March 29, 1789 ; Sybel, bap. July 10, 1791 ; Lovina, bap. AprU 7, 1793. David Leavenworth, sonof John, m. 1. Olive Hunt, Feb. 8, 1759; m- 2. Mary Downs, Oct. 30, 1776 ; ch. 1. Gideon, bap. Oct. 26, 1764 ; 2. Morse, bap. July 1, 1764, ra, Sarah Benedict, and had Mar tin, Truman, PhUo, Wait, Harriet Morse who m, AraariUa Beecher, and had John H,, Jerome B,, Bennet M, ; 3, Rosanna, bap, Nov. 15, 1767 ; 4. Whiteman, b. March 22, 1777 ; 5. Mary, b. March 16, 1780. EUhu, son of John, ra. Oct. 6, 1772, Diantha Blackman, and had 1. Jehiel, b. Oct. 4, 1773, ra. Laura Thompson, removed to Salis bury, Conn. ; 2. John, m. Maria, dau. of HoUister Judson, and has a daughter Margaret, who m. J. C. Booth, of New York city ; 3. Isaac, m. 1. Widow Clark, of Washington ; m. 2. •'-' Newton, of Wood- history OF ANCIENT WOODBURT. 618 bridge, no issue, now resides at New Haven ; 4. Doct. Alston, m. Canfield, reraoved to the state of New York. Second Family. ' David, son of Edmond, m. Sarah Huird, June 3, 1730 ; he d. April 10, 1735. Children, 1. Nathan and David, (twins,) bap. Aug. 4, 1731, d. same day ; 2. Nathan, b. Nov. 1, ra. Rachel Castle, Dec. 12, 1759, and had Henry, b. Sept. 9, 1760, d. young; Henry, bap. May 8, 1763; Nathan, b. Aug. 20, 1764; 3. Ebenezer, bap. Dec. 29, 1734. Thied Family. Thoraas, son of Edraond, m. 1. Betty ; she d. April 24, 1758. He m. 2. Rhoda Olds, Oct. 10, 1758, and his children were : 1. Triphena, b. July 3, 1746 ; 2. Gideon, b. Feb. 21, 1748, went to Waterbury ; 3. Jared, b. Feb. 1, 1756; 4. Betty, b. Oct. 28, 1760, m. Stephen Hurd, July 28, 1783 ; 5. Isaac, bap. March 7, 1762 ; 6. Abel, bap. Feb. 10, 1765, reraoved to Hinesburg; 7. Thomas, bap. Dec. 28, 1766 ; 8. Samuel, went to Waterbury ; 9. Dormond, bap. Oct. 28, 1770, went to Hinesburg ; 10. Asa, removed to Chenango, N. Y. FouETH Family. Zebulon Leavenworth, son of Edmond, d. May 2, 1778, and his wife, Esther, d, in 1793 ; his children were ; 1, Mary, bap. July 16, 1745, m. Suneon Hunt, April 11, 1769 ; 2. Esther, bap. June 21, 1747, d. in 1749 ; 3, Esther, bap. May 30, 1750, m. Benjamin Kim- beriy, March 23, 1773 ; 4. Zebulon, b. Nov. 14, 1752, m. Lydia Mar shaU, Jan. 21, 1778, and had Sarah B., b. Aug. 1 6, 1779 ; Seth Mar shaU, b. June 13, 1782; Rebecca, b. Aug. 31, 1784; Rachel, b. Oct. 27, 1786 ; 5. Eunice, b. March 2, 1755 ; 6. Ann^, bap. Aug. 22, 1757, m. Israel Beach, July 3, 1783 ; 7. Huldah, bap. May 30, 1759 ; 8. Alice, bap. Aug. 13, 1761. Fifth Family. • Ebenezer Leavenworth, son of Edmond, ra. Elizabeth Hurd, March 27, 1754; he died 1778. His children were : Sarah, b. Dec. 16, 1754, ra. Lerauel Downs, March 2, 1778 ; David, b. Dec. 14, 1756 ; Buzina, b. Sept. 10, 1758, m. Elijah Hurd, Jan. 22, 1779 ; Betty, b. Feb. 27, 1763. 614 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURT. LEAVITT FAMILY. John Leavitt was b. in 1608, carae to New England and settled at Dorchester, in 1628. In 1636, he reraoved to Hinghara, where he was a deacon in the church, a magistrate and a representative. He died in 1691, aged 83. His children were, John, Hannah, Samuel, Elizabeth, Jereraiah, Israel, Moses, Josiah, Nehemiah, Sarah, Mary, Hannah and Abigail. Josiah Leavitt, eighth child of John, lived at Hinghara, and was b. 1653 ; children, Josiah, b. 1679, Joseph, b. 1681, Margaret, Joshua, b. 1687, Asaph, David, b. 1691, Hezekiah and Mary. Joshua, fourth child of Josiah, lived at Suffield, Conn., b. 1687, d. 1732 ; children, 1. Hannah, 2. Joshua, 3. Freegrace, who graduated at Yale College, in 1745, settled in the rainistiy in Soraers, Conn., 1747, m. Abiah, daughter of Capt. Abraham Burbank, of Suffield, and died Oct. 9, 1761, in his 43d year. His widow m. 1. Rev. An drew Storrs, of Watertown, Conn., and 2. Rev. Joseph Bellamy, D. D., of Bethlehem ; 4. John ; 5. Joshua, d. in Yale College, about 1732 ; 5. Ichabod ; 6. Jonathan, graduated at Yale College, in 1758. He was b. Jan. 32, 1731, ordained minister over the church in Wal- pole, N. H., May 27, 1761, m. Sarah Hooker, granddaughter of Rev. Samuel Hooker, of Farmington, settled at Charlemont, Mass., Oct. 1768. His wife d. Oct. 11, 1791 ; m. 2. Widow Tirza Ashley, Aug. 27, 1792, who d. Nov. 22, 1797 ; m. 3. Widow Mary Foot, March 28, 1798, who d. May 15, 1816. He d. Sept. 9, 1802 ; 7. Hannah. Jonathan, sixth child of Joshua, lived at Heath, Mass., b. 1731, graduated at Yale College, 1758, d. 1802 ; ch. Clarissa, b. 1762, Jonathan, b. 1764, graduated at Yale College, 1785, Hart,b. 1765, Joshua, b. 1767, David, b. 1769, Roger, b. 1771, Erastus, b. 1772, RosweU, b. 1775, Thomas, b. 1776, Samuel, b. 1779 ; Horatio, b. 1781, and Hooker, b. 1785. Jonathan, second child of Jonathan, lived at Greenfield, Mass., b. 1764, d. 1831, and was for many years a circuit judge in Mass. He m. AmeUa, daughter of President Stiles ; children, Sarah Hooker, b. 1797 ; Mary H., b. 1798 ; Amelia, b. 1799, who m. E. T. Foote, M. D. ; of New Haven, Conn. ; Jonathan, b. 1801 ; Jonathan, b. 1803, d. in Yale CoUege, in 1821 ; Elizabeth Hubbard, b. 1807. RtJger, sixth child of Jonathan, of Heath, lived at that place, and d. 1840, m. Chloe, daughter of Col. Hugh MaxweU, of the Revolu tionary army ; children, Joshua, b. 1794, graduated 1814 ; Chloe, b. 1797 ; Clarissa, b. 1801 ; Qiloe M., b. 1803 ; Roger Hooker, b. 1805 ; Hart, b. 1808. HISTORT OP ANCIENT WOODBURT. 615 Joshua, first child pf Roger, b. Sept. 8, 1794, graduated 1814, or dained at Stratford, Feb., 1825, dismissed Nov., 1828, m. Sarah, dau. of Rev. Solomon WiUiams, of Northampton, Mass. ; ch. WUliam Soloraon, b. Jan. 26, 1822, graduated 1840 ; John Hooker, b. Sept. 26, 1824, d. 1828 ; Thomas Roger, b. July 9, 1828 ; James Taylor, b. July 30, 1833; Samuel Cox, b. Sept. 26, 1835, and Joshua, b. Nov. 12, 1839. David, sixth child of Josiah, of Hinghara, lived at Meriden, Conn. ; children, Samuel, d. without issue, at Meriden, Dec. 29, 1803, aged 87, m. Adah Curtis ; David, moved to Bethlem. David, second child of David, lived at Bethlem, Conn., d. 1808, aged 86, ra. 1. r Griswold; m. 2. Carap ; ch. David; Sam uel, settled and died in Washington ; Rebecca, who m. Thomp son, of Bethlem ; Sarah, m. Bartholomew ; Irene, m. HuU, of Greenfield. David, first child of David, of Bethlem, lived at that place, m. Lucy Clark, d. of consumption, Jan. 16, 1807, aged 50; children, Sheldon Clark, graduated 1802, lives at Brooklyn, N. Y. ; Elizabeth, m. Rev. Daniel Haskell, former president of Burlington College, Vt. ; Lucy, m. Rev. John Hough ; David, m. Maria Lewis, has children, EUza beth and Sheldon, graduated 1837, and lives in New York ; Andrew, m. Julia Miller, of Middlebury, Vt. ; Clarissa, m, Oliver Goodwin, then of Hartford, and Susan, ra, Edward Goodwin, brother of the above. John, son of Joshua, of Suffield, m. Abia Kent, d. 1799 ; children, Thaddeus, Joshua, Amelia, Thaddeus, Joshua, Abia, John, Jemima, Freegrace, Hannah, Dorothy and Charlotte. Freegrace, ninth child of John, of Suffield, Uved at Hartford, and m. Jerusha Loomis, of the former place ; children, Jerusha, ArabeUa and Harvey Freegrace, graduated 1816. The foregoing sketch was furnished me by Dr. E. T. Foote, of New Haven, to whose kindness I am indebted for copious minutes in relation to several other faraUy naraes. MALLORY FAMILY. Thomas Mallory, the first of the narae in " Ancient Woodbury," died July 21, 1783, aged one hundred and one years ; his wife, Eliz abeth, d. Nov. 5, 1719 ; their children were, Mary, b. Dec. 4, 1707, 616 HISTORY Off ANCISNT WOODBURT. died Dec. 30, 1715 ; Thomas ; Bartlett, b. March 2, 1710, a. Match 11, 1711 ; Aaron, b. Feb. 16, 1712 ; John ; Jesse, b. April 5, 1717. "- Thomas Mallory, Jr., m. Hannah Minor, Aug. 10, 1720 ; he d. 1783; his wife d. Aug. 20, 1749 ; ch. Abner, b. July 28, 1723 ; Eu nice, b. June 26, 1725, m. John Crissey ; Gideon, bap; June 9, 1728; Mary, b. Dec 14, 1730 ; Jemima, b- May, 1733 ; Siineon, b. Feb. 18, 1737 ; SUas, adopted son, bap. March 29, 1778. Abner Mallory, son of Thomas, Jr., m. Susanna Walker, June 25, 1747, and had > 1. Electa, b. April 19, 1748, m. Delucena Backus, April 12, 1765. 2. Hannah, b. Feb. 16, 1749, d. 1751. 3. Hannah, b. Jan. 17, 1752. 4. WaU£er,b. Feb. 25, 1754, m. Martha Minor, Oct. 1776, and had 'i 1. Peggy, b. Feb. 4, 1778, m. David Root; 2. Polly, 'b. June 8," 1780, d. young ; 3. Abner, b. March 2, 1782, m. Betsey , Sherwood, and removed to the state of New 'York ; children, Charles, "William, Sarah, Eraeline and Harriet : 4. Dea. Marcus D., b. Jan. 10, 1788, m. Abigail Strong, Nov. 25, 1813; he d. Nov. 2, 1841 ; children, "WiUiam S., ra. Laura BurweU, of Barkhamsted ; Geo. B., m. Olive Hoadley, Hartford; Saral^ S., m. A. T. "Wood, New Orleans, La. ; she d. Jan, 7, 1851 ; Anna J. ; Betsie S. ; Fanny A. ; 5. Burke R., m. Eunice Hotchkiss, of New Haven; ch. Albert, m. -Grace Sherwood; Burton M., m. Mary Beecher; Sarah, m. Morris Smith; 6. PoUy.b. April 30, 1784; 7. Betsey S., m. Asahel Strong; 8. Jeanette, m. Stoddard Strong; 9. Sarah, m. Albert S. Bacon. 5, Jemima, b. March 8, 1756. 6. Abner, b. Feb. 18, 1758. 7. Susanna, b. Sept. 25, 1760 ; m. Ebenezer Moody, Sept. 6, 1784. 8. Charlotte, b. Feb. 7, 1763 ; m. Israel Judson, Nov. 27, 1778. 9. John, b. Feb, 18, 1765 ; m. Harriet Dubois, June 14, 1789. Ch., Catharine D., b. March 16, 1790 ; Suky, b. Jan. 24, 1792 ; Gitty, b. Jan. 19, 1792 ; Abner and Susanna, b. AprU 15, 1796 ; CorneUus D., b. 1798. 10. Electa, b. Sept. 22, 1767. 11. Love, b. March 23, 1772, Gideon MaUory, son of Thomas, Jr., m. Olive , he d, 1782, Ch,, AbigaU, bap, April 5, 1752, m, Jared Curtiss, March 9, 1769 ; Amos, b. Sept, 22, 1755 ; Simeon, b, July 12, 1758; Jemima, b. Oct, 26, 1760, m, Nathan Dudley; Gideon, b. Sept, 17, 1763; AbigaU, b, July 2, 1766, d, 1784; Thomas, bap. May 29j_1768; Molly, b. July 31, 1770, m. Job Wheeler, Feb. 11, 1789'; GideoVbap. April 30, 1775. Aaron MaUory, third son of Thomas, m. 1. EUzabeth Squire, Aug. 11,1739. Shed.Jan. 31, 1741. Hem.2. Joanna MitcheU, June, 1744. HISTORT OF ANCIENT WOODRURT. 617 Mr. Mallory, d. Oct. 15, 1783 ; 2d wife d. 1790. Ch., Samuel, b. June 22, 1746, d. 1744; Sarauel, b. April 24, 1745; Reuben, b. April 7, 1747 ; Elizabeth, bap. April 30, 1749 ; Joanna, bap. July 14, 1751 ; Simeon, b. Dec. 6, 1753; Eunice, bap. March 28, 1756; Anna, bap. July 16, 1758 ; Aaron, bap. April 13, 1760. ' Reuben Mallory, son of Aaron, m. Elizabeth Masters, July 11, 1769, and had EUzabeth, bap- March 17, 1771 ; Jaraes, bap. Dec. 6, 1772, and Samuel, who'd. 1777. ; Aaron Mallory, Jr., m. Olive Terrill, removed to Canada. Ch., Reuben, Simeon, Mitchell, Samuel and a daughter. Reuben (son of Aaron, Jr.) Mallory and wife Olive, had, Thomas D., b. Nov. 16, 1804; David A., b. Sept. 9, 1807; Aaron, b. Aug. 13, 1809; Jane, b. AprU 4, 1814; Augusta M., b- March 13, 1817, m- WiUis Judd, 1839; Samuel M., b. May 28, 1821. John Mallory, fourth son of Thomas, d. in 1760. By his wife Mary, he had, 1. Mary, bap. June 25, 1749, ra. Stephen Curtiss, Jr., 1772; 2. Nathan, b. Aug. 12, 1751; 3. David, bap. May 5, 1754, ra. Ruth Trowbridge, Sept. 3, 1778 ; 4. Josiah, bap. Dec. 26, 1756 ; 5. Samuel, bap. Aug. 26, 1759. h John Mallory, Jr., m. Ann , who d. 1778 ; ch., 1. MIrriam, bap. Sept. 3, 1744, d. young; 2. Deborah, b.'June 2, 1746,djyoung; 3. Hannah, b. April 5, 1748 ; 4. John, b. Oct- 16, 1750 ; 5. David, b. July 18, 1752, ra. Lydia Frisbie, Dec. 28, 1773 ; ch., Sheldon, b. Dec. 26, 1774; Eli, b. June 27, 1779; Lydia, b. July 14, 1781; Sarah, b. Dec. 2, 1783 ; Ann, b. March 17, 1787 ; Margary, b. AprU 15, 1789 ; David, b. May 6, 1791 ; Araarilla, b. AprU 3, 17,93 j 6. Sarah, b. May 4, 1754, d. young. The following for want of records, can not be connected with the preceding. John Mallory m. 1. Esther Barnes, ra. 2. Harriet Moulthrop ; ch., 1. Anner,b. 1764; 2. Adna, b. 1767; 3. Daniel, 4. John G., 5. Elizabeth, ra. Abel Bronson ; 6. Sarah, d. 1849 ; 7. Ann, m. Ashuf Ward ; Esther, d. young. Adna, eldest son of John, m. 1. Hauntal Ward, in 1764, who d. 1813 ; m. 2. Lois Beardsley of Warren, Confi. Ch., 1. Esther L., b. Sept. 13, 1790"; ra. Edmond Trowbridge, May 4, 1809 ; 2. Ira, b. Nov. 22, 1792, m. Laura Betts, June 10, 1815; ch., Nathan H., WilUam M., PhUo P. and Zenas ; 3. Philo, b. Jan. 24, 1795, d. Sept. 2, 1805; 4." Mary, b. March 9, 1797, m. Morgan Watrous in 1818; 5. Huldah, b. Feb. 9," l800, m. Jessie Finch, 1820 ; 6. Amy, b. March 25, 1802, m. Winthrop Morris, 1840 ; 7. Adna, ra. AngeUne 43 1 618 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY, Hanford, and has ch. ; 8. Fanny, b. Jan. 24, 1809, m. Butler How- land, 1828 ; 9. Lovina P., b. AprU 6, 1815, ra. Knox, 1834 ; 10. Julia Ann, b. July 11, 1817, m. ConkUn, 1843. Adna, father of the above, reraoved with most of his family in 1815, to Haraden, Delaware co., N. Y., and continued to reside there till his death, which occurred in 1848. Daniel, second son of John, ra. Catharine Allen, and had a son Truman. John G., third son of John, ra. Deborah Warner, reraoved to the state of N. Y., had ch., John A., who now resides at Delhi, N. Y., Russell, Elenor, Saraantha, Sarauel and Aurelia. Caleb MaUory m. 1. EUzabeth, ra. 2. Jane Wheeler, Sept. 12, 1755 ; ch. 1. Caleb, ra. Mary Terry,» March 17, 1774, and had EUza beth, b. Feb. 14, 1775 ; 2. Jonathan N., b. June 22, 1752 ; 3. MIr riam, b. May 27, 1756. EUe Mallory m. Sarah Ward of Huntington, Feb. 23, 1776. Ch., Anna, b. July 24, 1778, d. June, 1778 ; Mary, b. Oct. 14, 1780 ; Ezra, b. Jan. 23, 1785 ; Bethia, b. Jan. 13, 1788, d. Feb. J14, 1790 ; Lucy, b. April 25, 1790; Sally, b. Aug. 3, 1792; Charles, b. Sept., 1794; Betsey, b. Jan. 3, 1797. EU Mallory ra. Eunice Green, Feb. 11, 1795. Ch., Rilly Ann, b. Nov. 4, 1795 ; Betsey, b. June 4, 1799. MUNN FAMILY. . Sarauel Munn came from MUford, Conn., and settled in " Ancien Woodbury," previous to 1680. His ch. were, Jane and Amy, bap. Oct., 1680; Mary, bap. Nov., 1681, m. Ebenezer Bronson, Aug. 13 1702 ; Daniel, bap. Feb., 1683-4; Samuel, bap. April, 1686-7. Sarauel Munn, Jr., and wife AbigaU, had, 'I. Abel, b. March 23, 1709, who had Sybil, bap. July 14, 1745; Daniel, bap. March 1, 1747- II. Mary, bap. Dec, 1711, m. John Lewis, Dec 4, 1734. ni. Lois, bap. June, 1715, m. Justus Hicock, Oct. 26, 1736. IV. David, b. Feb. 7, 1719, m. Hester Hinman, 1749 ; m. 2. Abi gaU StUes, Aug. 1, 1751, ch., 1. David, bap. June 7, 1752, ra. Lois Osborn, Feb. 18, 1773 ; 2. Samuel, m. Ruth , and had Daniel, b. Sept, 7, 1781, d, 1826; Sally, b, March 5, 1787; Lette, b. May 10, 1784 ; Benjamin, b. Sept. 15, 1786 ; Ruth Emm, b. May 13, 1788 ; HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 619 Patty, b. June 26, 1790 ; CaroUne, b. Oct. 31, 1792 ; Betsey, b. Aug. 25, 1794; Maria, b. July 24, 1796 ; 3. Corafort, m. Abel Hin man, 1794; 4. Mercy. V. Jededjah, b. 1727, m. Hester Squire, Dec. 8, 1743, and had, 1. Patience, bap. Sept. 14, 1746 ; 2. Ruth, bap. Jan. 29, 1749 ; 3. Jede diah, bap. Feb. 12, 1751 ; 4. Asa, bap. March 3, 1754, m. Barnes, 1782 ; 5. Esther, b. July 7, 1757, ra. Agur Hinman, Dec. 27, 1780 ; 6. Hannah, bap. Sept. 3, 1764. VL Nathan, b., Dec, 1726, and had ch., Abel, bap. Feb. 22, 1756; Mary, bap. March 13, 1758 ; Jemima, bap. April 8, 1759 ; Hannah, bap. AprU 19, 1761 ; Lois, bap. March 30, 1763. Doct. Daniel Munn, son of Samuel, d. June 11, 1761, leaving ch., 1. Daniel, who ra. and had Gideon and Mary; 2. John, m. Huldah , and had, Abel, b. Aug. 31, 1758 ; Gideon, bap. April 10, 1761, ra. Love Curtiss, in 1785; Daniel, b. March 28, 1765; Mary, b. May 15, 1767 ; John, b. June 2, 1769 ; Aaron, bap. May 5, 1771 ; Huldah, bap. May 16, 1773 ; AUen, bap. July 30, 1775 ; Aaron Al len, bap. April 5, 1778 ; Sherraan, bap. Oct. 6, 1782 ; 3. Alma, m. Allen ; 4. Mary, m. Walker; 5. Sarah, ra. Sherman. Jedediah Munn, Jr., m. Agnes Nichols, Nov. 17, 1774, and had North South, b. Dec. 21, 1775. MOSELEY FAMILY. Increase Moseley, Esq., was born at Norwich, Conn., May 18, 1712, m. Deborah Tracy of Windhara, May 7, 1735, removed to " Ancient Woodbury," about 1740, and afterward went to Vermont, His wife Deborah, died Sept- 6, 1777, and he died May 2, 1795. His ch. were, 1- Abisha, b. June 6, 1736 ; 2. Abner, b. May 17, 1738 . 3. Increase, b. Oct. 13, 1740 ; 4. Molly, m. WilUam Hooker, March 18, 1754; 5. Deborah, b. Nov. 11, 1748, m. John Clark, of Mid(He- town ; 6. Susanna, b. June 11, 1751, d. young ; 7. Prince, b- Oct. 9, 1753, m. Mary Newton, and removed to Vermont ; 8. Triphena, b. July 12, 1758, ra. Bronson, and went to Vt. Abisha, eldest son of Increase, m; Lois Dutton, Dec. 14, 1757, and had, 1. Susanna,- b. Dec. 23, 1758, d. young ; 2. Eunice, m. Eben ezer Frisbie ; 3. John, b. July 5, 1762, m. Abigail Castle~j\and remov ed to Vt. ; 4. Thomas,-b. July, 1764; 5. Nathaniel T., b. July 27, 620 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 1766; 6. Lois, b. Aug. 4, 1768; 7. Mary, bap. June 11, 1771; 8, AbigaU, bap. 1774; 9. Deborah, b. Feb. 16, 1777. Abner, second son of Increase, ra. Ann Clark, Sept. 18, 1765. He d. Feb. 22, 1812, and his widow d. in 1839. Theirch. were, 1. Gideon, b. June 29, 1766, m. Anna Taylor, and had, ch., Edna, Sophia, Frederick, Horace and Frances; 2. Edna, b. Aug. 14, 1769, m. Ashbel Moody, and d. Oct. 29, 1806; 3. Susanna, b. March 2, 1772, m. Samuel Sperry, April 28, 1804 ; 4. Sarah Ann, b. June 25, 1775, ra. Doct. Ira V. Bronson. Col. Increase, third son of Increase, ra. Patience Hinman, Oct. 15, 1769. He d. in 1811, and his relict d. March, 1827. Ch., 1. OUve, b. Sept. 2, 1770, m. Josiah Curtiss ; 2. WUUam, b. March 26, 1772, m. 1. Susan Marshall, m. 2. Fanny Cowles, and now resides at New Haven; 3. Truraan, b. Nov. 8, 177*3, d. July 11, 1839; 4. John, b. Oct, 23, 1775, m. Molly Matilda Graham, Oct., 1798, who d. Jan. 30, 1810, ra. 2. Rebecca R. Brinsmade,.June 13, 1821. His ch. were, Wil liam G., b. Aug. 6, 1799 ; PoUy Mkria, b. Jan. 30, 1805, m. Thomas Johnson In 1827 ; Maiy Ann, b. March 26, 1809, m. Walter John son, Aug. 9, 1827. William G., son of John, m. Maria Curtiss, Nov. 12, 1821. Ch., Maria, b. Oct. 4, 1822, ra. George Hinraan of Boston; 2. Charles W., b. May 6, 1824, d. on shipboard, in consequence of a fall, which he received when returning frora Liverpool ; John G., b. Feb. 14, 1833. MARTIN FAMILY, "Martin (Plymouth, Co. Devon; originally from Kent. Capt. John Martin of this family went round the worid with Drake in 1577.) Gules on a chevron or, three talbots passant sable. Crest— on a globe or, a falcon rising argent gorged with a ducal coronet." HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 621 The ancient arras of the Martin family were, " Argent, two bars gules. Crest — out of a mural crown vert, a talbot's head, eared and langued gules collared of the first. Motto — Sure and Steadfast." The name of Martin was adopted as a surname, at a very early date, and few names have had greater numbers to bear them. The earliest record containing it, which has attracted the attention of the author, is the " Roll of Battle Abbey," on which the name of " Le- Slre de S. Martin,'' appears. Battle Abbey was dedicated to St. Martin, and the date of its " Roll" is A. D. 1066. The name was not only numerous on the other side of the water, but it has been the same in this country from its first settlement. There was a William Martin at London, Eng., who assisted the Puritans In preparing for their voyage to Plymouth Rock, but it does not appear, that he him self came to this country. John Martyn, afterward Capt. John Martyn, or Martin of Plymouth, and son of Martin of Bridge town near Totness, who had male issue living at that place In 1620, sailed round the globe with Sir Francis Drake, leaving Plymouth, Noy. 15, 1577, and returning to the same port, Sept. 26, 1580. Christopher Martin," his wife, son Christopher, and one other, whose name is not given, came over in the Mayflower In 1 620, but they all died during the first winter. Others of the name, however, came in almost every company for some years. They settled in various parts of Massachusetts, Connecticut, Virginia and other colonies. John, William and Samuel seem to have been favorite Christian names in the family. Two of the former name wfent to Virginia in 1635. John and wife Sarah were at Boston in 1643, another John at Dorchester in 1666, and stiU another at Chelmsford in 1665. WiUiam Martin of Reading, Mass., was made a freeman. May 18, 1655. There was a WUliam of Groton, Mass., who d. in 1672, a. 76. There was an Anthony Martin at Middletown, Conn., m. Mary Halle, had ch., Mary, John and Elizabeth, and d. in 1693. There was also a WiUiam Martin of the same place. It is proposed in this account to trace only the descendants of WiUiam Martin, or WilUam Seaborn Martin, as he is famiharly known by his descendants, who was first of Stratford, and afterward of Woodbury. The tradition in the family is, that this WlUiam's father emigrated from Plymouth, Eng., and that this son was born on the passage to this country. But every person, who has had any experience in genealogical investigation, well knows how Uttle reli ance can be placed on such legendary information. It may have been the case ; the story is thoroughly circulated among his descend- 622 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. ants, and as confidently beUeved, There was a Robert, who lived some years in New Haven, and had ch., John and Stephen, baptized there before his removal from thatplace sorae tirae previous to 1655, It is possible, that this Robert had a son, William, born as the story indicates, who at maturity found his way to the neighboring town of Stratford, and thence with the early settlers to Woodbury, There was a Samuel Martin of Wethersfield, who m. in England, wid. Phebe Brace, or Bracey, a dau. of WiUiara Bisby, merchant of London, and came over with his wife and her ch., by her forraer husband, about 1650. It is not irapossible, that this lady gave birth to a child on the voyage, whom she called William from the name of her father, and Seaborn from the circumstances of his birth. Another circumstance in favor of this supposition, is the fact of William's marriage in 1685, which would make him according to this theory, about twenty-five years of age at that date, an age when he might be expected to form this connection. The records of Wethersfield show no birth of any child of Sarauel, as raight be expected, if Wil- iam was born on the passage over, and the parties had no other chil dren. This was a second marriage, and the 'parents were probably somewhat in years. Wethersfield furnished raany inhabitants for Stratford, and this would account for his appearance there. WiUiara Martin' and his wife Abigail, were adraitted to the first church in Woodbury, on their reraoval there, Aug. 30, 1685. She was the daughter of Jonathan Curtiss, of Stratford, and b. Oct. 17, 1671. They were m. June 25, 1685, when she was about fourteen years of age. Their first chUd was born in the twentieth year of her age.' He died July 4,, 1715. His widow survived him some twenty years, and died Jan. 4, 1735. He was buried near the center of the old burying-ground In Woodbury, and a coarse native stone, on which was chiseled, "W.M., July 4, 1715," was set up at the head and foot of his grave. These stones, have been reraoved in digging other graves, and now lie on the ground near the place of their original location. His children were, I 1. Joseph,' bap. Nov., 1691. ^3 IL Samuel,'^bap. March, 1693. 1 There have been many instances of earlier marriages than this. I am informed by a friend, that there has been an instance iir Eoxbury within a few years, -where a mother and her child were both in the list of chUdren entitled to draw school money at the same time. As none are entitled except children between the ages of four and sixteen years Of age, it -wUl he seen in this case, that the chUd must have been more than four and the mother less than sixteen years of age. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 623 i III. -Caleb,^ b. March 26, 1698. 5 IV. Phebe,^ bap. Jan., 1704 ; m. Daniel Curtiss, June 3, 1730. Joseph!' (2) m. Sarah Harris, Aug. 18, 1718. He d. 1740.. Children, 6 I. Abigail,^ bap. May 10, 1719. I II. Abijah,= bap. Oct. 16, 1720. 8 III. Hannah^ or Harriet,^ bap. July 20, 1722. ll IV. Asahel,^ b. July 2, 1724. 10 V, Andrew,' b. Oct., 1726 ; m, Eunice Mitchell, Nov, 5, 1746, \l VI. Amos,' bap. Oct. 8, 1728. 12 VII. Joseph,' bap, Aug, 9, 1729 ; m, Jerusha Webster, He d. 1755, f, Vin, Gideon,' bap, July 28, 1736. SamueF (3) m. Annis Hinman, Jan. 15, 1716. This individual had seventeen children by one wife, three of them at a single birth. These were daughters, all of whom married and had children. It was regarded as a remarkable occurrence, and as he was a man of raoderate means, he petitioned the General Court for aid in the support of his family, but it was not granted. The petition is a curious document, and is given entire, as follows : " To the Hon'"'' Genl' A'ssembly ofjhis Majesties Colony of Connecticut in New England in their Session at Hartford in May, 1736. " The Humble memorial of Sam" Martin of 'Woodbury May it please your honors " Whereas the Glorious and Supream Governour of the "World has Given me reason to Sing both of Mercy & of Judgement In that He hath blessed me with a numerous posterity & has particularly of Late increased the number in an uncommon manner, my "Wife this Spring being delivered of three daughters at a birth, which made my number thirteen, and all living, healthy children ; And yet it hathe pleased the same Providence to lay me under so?ne Considera ble disadvantages to support my family ; for I have been by a sore "Wound in my hand considerably disenabled to labour ; My Eldest Son now in his seven teenth year, by a double breach in his thigh is like to be a Criple all his days. My wife since her lying in inclining much to a Dropsy, & unable to take the care of the family as formerly ; and having this Spring also lost two new Milch Cows, on which we had considerable dependence for the support of my family, & especially my infants, I am hereby reduced to considerable straits & scarce know how to support the charges Providence hath laid upon me. And there having been but one. Instance of this nature in the Colony heretofore, viz' of Squire Curtis in Stratford. And hearing what the Charitable Disposition of the Hon'''' Assembly was in that case to that Gentleman, togetlier with the many Instances the Hon'''' Assembly have given of their readiness to help and relieve such as are in want, I have hereby been emboldened and encouraged to Lay my Case in the fores^ broken manner before you. And would Now Humbly Intreat 624 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURT. this Hon''!" Assembly to take my Case into their Serious Consi(leration, and vouchsafe me some help and relief in such measure as in their extensive char ity and in such measure as in their profound "Wisdom, they shall see meet whereby I may in some measure be inabled to bear the extraordinary charges Divine Sovereignty hath laid upon me amidst the disadvantages I labor under, .And ye Memoiialist as in duty bound shall ever pray. • ""Woodbury, May 11">, 1736. " Samuel Martin." His children were, 14 I. Mary,' b. AprU 11, 1717 ; m. Ephraim Minor, Jr., Nov. 20, 1739. 15 n. Eunice,' b. April 15, 1718; d. 1788. Jl IIL WilUam,3 b. AprU 27, 1719. JI IV. Sarauel,' b. Feb. 10, 1722. 18 V. David,' bap. June 9, 1723 ; d. young. 19 VL Prudence,' b. Oct. 9, 1724; ra. Daniel Minor, Feb. 6, 1746. 20 VIL Mercy,3 bap. Nov. 13, 1726; m. Amos Root, Sept. 16, 1747. 21 VIIL David,' bap. May 26, 1728. ?? IX- Jonas,' bap- Oct. 25, 1729. i X. Elisha,' b. Sept. 28, 1732. ?^ XL Nathan,' b. July 30, 1734. 25 XIL Annis,' ) C -^ ,,„,„„„ 26 XIIL Patience,' I at a birth, \ J" ^Z AV^^^a 27 XIV. Concurrence,' j ( ^^P" ^^'°^ ^1, 1736. 28 XV. Timothy,' bap. March 4, 1739. 29 XVL Daniel,' b. April 23, 1741. . 30 XVIL DeUverance,' b. 1744. Caleb' (4) m. EUzabeth Walker, June 3, 1729 ; m. 2. Sarah . He d. Sept. 14, 1776, aged 79. Children, Ss L Solomon,' b. April 17, 1731. 32 IL Phebe,' b. Dec. 26, 1733 ; ra. Fairchild.. 33 IIL EUzabeth,^ b. Feb. 27, 1736 ; m. WaUier. IV. John,3 b. Jan. 15, 1739. 35 V. Caleb,' 36 1761. Abijah' (7) m. Mary TerriU, July 13, 1741. Children, ,Vi L Elijah," bap. April 15, 1744. 38 II. Abijah," bap. March 8, 1747. 39 m. Andrew," bap. Sept. 5, 1756. V. Caleb,' ") , . „. i„.i ( VI. Esther,' J *'" ^"S" ^*' "^l- |m. Zimri Moody, March 21, HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 625 40 IV. Jerusha," bap. Oct. 8, 1758 ; m. Samuel Tomlinson, Jan. 17, 1783. 41 V. Ashbel," bap. Nov. .27, 1760. 42 VL David," bap. Aug. 11, 1763. 43 VIL Samuel," bap. May 11, 1766; m. Chloe Stoddard, Jan. 26, 1784. 44 VIIL Marsh," bap. Aug. 27, 1769. 45 IX. Mary Ann," bap. May 31, 1772. ' AsaheP (9) m. Comfort Jackson, Nov. 5, 1746 ; d. June 17, 1759 ; m. 2. Ann Benham, ^Tov. 20, 1759. Children, 46 I- Azeubah," b. Dec- 3, 1746. 47 IL Job," b. Jan. 13, 1749. 48 IIL Enos," b. April 22, 1751. 49 IV. Sarah," b. March 16, 1753. 50 V. Joseph," b. Sept. 3, 1755. 51 VL Asahel," b. Nov. 21, 1757. 53 vni. Ann°^ ' \ ^^' second wife, b. July 27, 1761. Amos' (11) ra. Prudence Tuttle, Jan. 16, 1755. He died AprU 7, 1800. Children, 54 L Aaron," b. May 23, 1756. 55 IL Isaac," bap. Nov. 19, 1758- 56 III. Noah," bap,. Nov. 9, 1760. 57 IV. Jesse," bap. Feb. 27, 1763. 58 V. EU," bap. Feb. 3, 1765. S VL Truman," bap. March 12, 1769- ' Gideon' (13.) He died 1785. Children, 60 L Hannah," bap. Feb. 12, 1758. 61 IL Robert," bap. Dec 20, 1759. . 62 III. Mercy Ann," bap. April 17, 1765. WiUiam' (16.) Children, 63 I. Simeon," b. March 25, 1744. 64 II. Joel," b. June 23, 1745 ; m. Lucy , and had ch., Joeh 65 III. Thaddeus," b. March 8, 1747. 66 IV. Mary," b. Nov. 5, 1749. 67 V. Damaris," b. Aug. 4, 1751 ; d. June 5, 1752., 68 VL Damaris," b. Jan. 19, 1754- SamueP (17) ra. Ann Hurd, July 24, 1744. Children, 69 L Reuben," bap. June 22, 1746. 70 IL Esther," bap. June 12, 1748. 71 IIL Annis," bap. May 20, 1750. 44 626 HISTORY OP ANtelBNT WOODBURT. 72 IV. Wait," bap. July 5, 1752. 73 v. Soloraon," bap. July 28, 1754. 74 VI. Zadoc," bap. Oct. 3, 1756. . 75 VIL Sarauel," bap. Aug. 6, 1758. Jonas' (22.) Children, 76 I. Ebenezer Gold," bap. May 24, 1767, ra. and had 1. Thad deus, 2. Faith, 3. Polly, 4. Sarauel, 5. Sheldon. 77 IL Susanna," bap. May 19, 1771, m. Clifford, of Vt. 78 IIL Faith," bap. Oct. 17, 1773, ra. Dea. Joseph Hatch. S IV. Sarauel," bap. Sept. 24, 1775; 80 V. Sarah,< bap. Sept. 17, 1777, ra. David Dinsraore. 81 VI. Rhoda," bap. March 5, 1780. 82 VIL Mary Ann," bap. March 24, 1782. 83 Vni. Bethiah," bap. April 4, 1784. 84 IX. Jonas Sheldon," bap. Sept- 3, 1786, ra. PoUy Preston, and 2. Widow Lucy Woodward ; has child, Harriet, Uves in New York. 85 X. Daniel," bap. Oct. 12, 1788, unm., lives in Woodbury. EUsha' (23) m. Hannah Minor, March 8, 1757. Children, 86 I. Rachel," bap. Dec 18, 1757. 87 IL David," bap. AprU 13, 1759. 88 III. Jerusha," bap. March 7, 1762. 89 IV. David Minor," bap. July 15, 1764. 90 V. Concurrence," bap. Oct. 5, 1766. 91 VL Sylvia," bap. March 5, 1769. 92 VII. EUsha," bap. March 17, 1771. 93 VIIL Eunice," bap. July 9, 1775. 94 IX. Reuben," bap. July 9, 1775. 95 X. Reuben Hinraan, bap. Aug. 29, 1779. Nathan' (24) ra. EUen Bradley. He d. at Woodbury, in 1794. Children, 96 I. Samuel." 97 n. Truman." ^ in. Nathan," b. Aug. 7, 1768. 99 IV. Ellen," m. Bildad Sherman, of Woodbury, and had chil dren, John, Lucy, Bradley, Nancy, Judson, and Emily. He died at AngeUca, N. Y., in 1840, and his widow at the sarae place, in 1834. 100 V. Sybil," ra. Daniel Hurlbut. 101 AT. iason." 102 vn. Phineas." IS VHL Thaddeus." !J1 IX. Bradley," b. May 6, 1782. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURT. 627 105 X. Wait," lives at Avon, N. Y. Soloraon' (31) m. Esther Mitchell, who was b. 1725, and d. •t)ct. 18, 1804. He d. July 24, 1805. Children, \% I. Benjarain," b. Nov. 25, 1754, d. April 30, 1782. 1J5 IL Isaac," b. April 5, 1757, d. Nov. 6, 1832. 108 IIL Eunice," b. Sept. 24, 1759, d. June 27, 1761. ig? IV. Soloraon," b. June 15, 1762, d. 1816. Z V. Reuben," b. June 22, 1765, d. Feb. 14, 1836. Ill VL Eunice," b. June 27, 1771, d. April 29, 1782. Elijah" (37) ra. Anne Smith, April 7, 1768. Children, 112 Mary,* b. Feb. 8, 1769. 113 Sarah Ann,' b. April 27, 1771. 114 Eliphalet,^ b. Sept- 5, 1772.' 115 Marsh,* b. Nov. 26, 1775. 116 Faith,* b. April 22, 1778. 117 Ashley,^ b. March 16, 1781. 118 Elvira,* b. Oct. 3, 1792. Lieut. John' (34) m. Martha Judson, Jan. 27, 1763, who d. June 5, 1766. Children, 119 L Olive," b. Nov. 30, 1764. 120 n. Martha,* b. June ^, 1766. 121 IIL Noah," b. 1768. Truman" (59.) Children, 122 L Charles,* bap. Aug. 23, 1795. 123 IL Ruth,* bap. Aug. 23, 1795. 124 III. Aaron,* bap. Aug. 23, 1795. 125 IV. Jennette,* bap. Aug. 23, 1795. Samuel" (79) m. Sally De Forest. He d. Feb. 7, 1849. She d. March, 1838. Children, 126 I. Frederick,* m. Mary Ann Orton, July 11, 1839, and has children, CaroUne E., b. Dec 28, 1840; Mary 0.,b. April 12, 1843; Harriet E., b. July 26, 1846 ; John Orton, b. March 30, 1849, and Frederick Sheldon, b. Sept. 1, 1851. 127 II. John,* m. Mehala Carraer. Nathan* (98) ra. Abiah Minor, Sept., 1794. She was b. Oct. 21, 1772. He moved from Woodbury to Peacham, Vt., March, 1809. Here his wife died Aug. 12, 1816. He moved thence to Clarkson, N. Y., May, 183,5, and thence to Avon, Livingston county, N. Y., where he now resides, ' at the age of 85, in the enjoyment of good health-. Chil- dreny 628 HISTORY OF Ancient woodbury. 128 L Nathaniel,* b. June 16, 1795, d. April 8, 1796. 129 IL Curtis,* b. Oct. 25, 1796, d. May 16, 1825. 130 IIL Infant son,* b. May 3, 1798, d. May 12, 1798. 131 IV. Betsey M.,= b. Sept. 25, 1801, unm., lives at Avon. !S V. Henry,* b. Nov. 14, 1802. 133 VI. Henrietta,* b. May 6, 1806, m. Truman Watrous, July 22, 1835, and d. without issue, July 20, 1836. 134 VIL Aaror. Jason,= b. April 14, 1809, d. Feb. 7, 1834. Thaddeus* (103) ra. Mehetable Throop, sister of Gov. Throop, of N. Y., Oct. 10, 1805. He resided at Avon, Livingston county, N. Y., where he d. April 23, 1826. ChUdren, 134 I. Mortimer Bradley,* b. Oct. 18, 1806, and now resides in Kalaraazoo county, Michigan, m. Mary Ann Beach, Feb. 16, 1841, and had two sons and one daughter. The wife and daughter are de ceased. {g IL Enos Thompson Throop,* b. Nov. 25, 1808. 136 IIL George Bliss,* b. Sept. 12, 1811, m. Hannah Townsend, Sept. 3, 1835. 137 IV. Harriet Byron,* b. April 24, 1814,'m. John WiUiams, of Salem, N. Y-, Sept. 9, 1835. 138 V. Thaddeus Osger,* b. April 15, 1816. 139 VL Henry,* b. July 5, 1818, d. Oct. 10, 1818. 140 VIL Henry,* b. June 30, 1819, d. Dec 5, 1819. 141 VIIL Henrietta,* b. June 30, 1819, d. AprU 15, 1822. ^^142 IX. EveUna Throop,* b. Feb. 11, 1822, ra. Jaraes H. Roches ter, May 14, 1846. Bradley," (104) b. at Woodbury, May 6, 1782, and d. at Avon, N. Y., April 23, 1825, m. Harriet B. Hull, who was b. at SaUsbury, Conn., Nov. 20, 1785- 143 L EUza H.,* b. at Avon, N. Y., July 9, 1807, d. Feb. 23, 1829, about four months after her marriage to Alfred B. Field, of Canandaigua, N. Y. l^i IL Henry Hull,* b. Nov. 27, 1809. 145 III. Harriet E.,* b. AprU 6, 1817, m. James S. Polhemus, of Astoria, N. Y., June 20, 1849. 146 IV. Jane Ann,* b. Nov. 9, 1819, ra. Anthony Blanchard, of Albany, Aug. 11,1841. Benjamin" (106) m. Hannah Atwood, who d. May 3, 1843, aged 88. Children, 147 L Esther,* b. Jan. 1, 1777, d. Nov. 16, 1819, m. Gordon Huntington, of UnadiUa, N. Y., had children, 1. Hannah A., b. May, HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 629 1800, who ra. 1. Calvin Balies, of New York; ra. 2. Rev. R. H. Wal lace, of Coldenhara, N. Y. ; 2. Anna M-, b. March, 1802, m. David P. Brewster, of Oswego, N. Y., Oct., 1826 ; children, Lucius Hunt ington, b- July 31, 1827, who ra. Maria P. Baron, Oct. 9, 1851, and had child, Anna H., b. Oct. 9, 1852. 148 IL Phebe,* b. June 22, 1779, d. May 1, 1785. 149 IIL Benjamin,* b. May 11, 1781, d. Dec. 9, 1798. Isaac" (107) m. Mary Baldwin, Nov. 17, 1779 ; she was b. Nov. 6, 1760, andd. March 13, 1833. Children, Js^ I. Isaac Mitchell,* b- Jan- 2, 1781, d. Aug. 1, 1847. S IL Philo,* b. July 29, 1783- 152 III. Eunice,* b. Sept. 27, 1786, d. Dec 17, 1789. 153 IV. Anna,* b- Feb. 9, 1791, d. March 4, 1795. S V, Jehiel P.,'* b. Oct. 17, 1793. 155 VL Anna,* b. March 17, 1796, m. John SaUsbury, of Jeifer- son, N. Y. ; children, Lucy, Mary, PhUena C. and Cornelius J. Solomon" (109) m. Susan Scott, of CatskiU, N. Y., 1796. Children, 156 L Benjamin F.,* b. March, 1802. 157 IL WiUiam S.,* b. March, 1802, m. in 1842, and has a son and daughter. 158 IIL Edward,* b. 1804, ra. in 1835, and has one child, Charles, h. In 1836. 159 IV. Robert H.,b. 1808, ra. Lucy Warner, of Hartford, Conn., May, 1836 ; children, CorneUa, b. 1838, and Kate, b. 1840. Reuben" (110) m. March 4, 1799, Sally Minor, who was born Dec 8, 1769. ChUdren, 160 I. Altha,* b. Feb. 11, 1800, m. Dea. Nathaniel Minor, Aug. 18, 1819 ; children, Antoinette, b. Nov. 25, 1821, d. March 24, 1843 ; Mary Root, b. March 25,. 1826, m. Nathaniel L. Strong, Nov, 4, 1846 ; child, Nathaniel Minor, b. April 6, 1849. 161 IIL Olive,* b. March 15, 1802, d. June 15, 1846, m. Thomas Olcott, Jr., March 10, 1824. He d. Nov. 25, 1838 ; children, Sarah M., b. July 22, 1827, m. John E. Strong, June 8, 1852 ; Margaret T,, b, Jan. 20, 1831. 162 IIL Electa,' b. AprU 9, 1804, d. Oct. 9, 1807. 163 IV. Electa A.,* b. Oct. 4,^1807, unra. 164 V. Reuben B;,* b. Jan. 14, 1813, m. Susan W. Cogswell, Oct. 25, 1843 ; she was b. Oct. 12, 1812 ; children, Reuben Whittlesey, b. Jan. 26, 1845 ; Sally CogsweU, b. May 12, 1847, d. May 14, 1849 ; Esther Maria, b. Nov. 27, 1850; Susan W., b. Jan. 1, 1853. 630 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. Henry* (132) m. Tryphena Hawkins, of Alexandria, N. Y., Feb. 25, 1831. He resides at Buffalo, N. Y., and is largely engaged in railroad operations. Children, 165 L Henry Hawkins," b. Dec. 30, 1831. 166 IL Frank," b. Feb. 25, 1841. 167 IIL Van Rensselear," b. AprU 24, 1845. Enos Thorapson Throop* (135) m. CorneUa WiUiams, of Utica, N. Y., June 1, 1837. He resides at WiUowbrook, on the Owasco Lake, near Auburn, N. Y. Children, 168 L Mary Williams," b. May 14, 1838. 169 IL Cornelia EUza," b. Feb. 10, 1840. 170 IIL Harriet Byron," b. July 2, 1841, d. Feb. 6, 1845. 171 IV. Evelina Throop," b. Feb. 28, 1843. 172 V. Throop," b. Dec 23, 1844. 173 VL Emily Norwood," b. Nov. 29, 1846., 174 vn. EUza WilUaras," b. Dec 17, 1848. 175 Vni. John Williams," b, Sept. 24, 1850. 176 IX. George Bliss," b. May 29, 1852. Henry Hull* (144) m. Anna Townsend, Oct. 8, 1835. He studied law, and practiced the profession with ability, and good success, for some years. He now resides at Albany, N. Y., and is cashier of the Albany City Bank. Children, 177 I. Henry Townsend,? b. at Albany, Jan. 2, 1837. 178 II Anna Lawrence,* b. at Flushing, L. I., Sept. 3, 1838. 1-79 III. Harriet Byron," b. at Albany, Jan. 1, 1840 ; d. Jan. 29, 1844. 180 IV. Bradley, b. at Albany, Dec. 18, 1841. 181 V. Alice, "b. at Albany, Jan. 12, 1848. 182 VI. Frederick Townsend," b. at Albany, Dec. 6, 1849. 183 vn. Howard Townsend," b. at Albany, Feb. 28, 1853. Isaac MitcheU* (150) ra. Philena Guernsey, Feb. 16, 1801. - She was b. May 31, 1776 ; d. Sept. 24, 1824 ; m. 2. Lou isa Baker, April, 1825 ; d. Aug. 7, 1832 ; m. 3. Betsey Swetland, April 17, 1834. ChUdren, 184 L Emily," b. Dec. 30, 1801; d. June, 1828; m. Cushing Cunningham. Ch., two sons, d. young ; MarUla C, who m. Galpin, and has one son. 185 n. Bennet," b. Aug. 1, 1805 ; m. Asenath Smith, Nov. 28, 1832. 186 ni. Sarah," b. Jan. 30, 1810 ; m. Stephen Smith, June 26, 1831, HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 631 187 IV. Catherine," b. Nov. 3, 1813. 188 V. Harmon M., b. Aug. 29, 1815 ; d. Oct., 1847. Philo* (151) ra. Fanna Hurd, Dec. 21, 1803. She was bom. Dec. 6, 1780; d.Aug. 19, 1841. Children, 189 I. Horaer," b." Sept. 12, 1804 ; ra. Sarah Dodge, of Albany, June 27, 1827, and has ch., 1. Edraund Philo, b. Oct. 8, 1829 ; 2. Frances H., b. July 10, 1831, d. June 18, 1837 ; 8. Sarah D., b. Sept. 27, 1833, d- July 27, 1836; 4- Homer Dodge, b. Oct. 28, 1836. 190 II. Laura," b. Nov. 30, 1805. 191 III. Garret," b. Feb. 4, 1808 ; ra. Lydia Warriner, April 16, 1835, and has ch.', Altana, b. March, 1836, d. May, 1837 ; Jason H., b. April 16, 1839. 192 IV. Mary Ann," b. Sept. 10, 1809. 193 V. Betsey," b. Sept. 14, 1811, d. Aug. 13, 1847. 194 VL Philo Lewis," b. July 30,1813; ra. Hannah S. Giddings, Sept. 30, 1847. She was b. March 26, 1829, and has ch., Moses C. G., b. Jan. 4, 1852. 195 VIL Fanna AdaUne," b. Sept. 15, 1815. 196 VIIL A daughter," b. Oct. 17, 1817 ; d- 197 IX. Reuben," b. March 18, 1819 ; m. Charlotte S. Minor, Dec. 4, 1848, and had ch., Philo M., b. March 5, 1850 ; d. Dec. 30, 1851. 198 X. Joel," b. June 16, 1821. 199 XL Isaac MitcheU," b. Sept. 16, 1824. Jehiel P.* (154) m. Susan Watson, 1814. Children, 200 I. Isaac," d. at eight years of age. 201 n. Phebe Ann," 202 HL Elizabeth," MARSHALL FAMILY. Edward Marshall," a raerchant of New York city, who is supposed to have been the son of Jarvis Marshall, of the sarae city, was the first of the name to whom the Marshalls of Woodbury trace their de scent. He m. Anna Maria , who after his decease, m. Rukard Burke, by whom she had ch., Anna and Mary. Her will is dated May 29, 1723. Children, I L John,^ b. Feb. 8, 1701. 3 n. Susanna.^ 632 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURT. John^ (2) was a shipping merchant at New York ; m. Elsie Rutgers, Jan. 27, 1709-10, and d. Aug. 21, 1750. Ch., 4 I. Anna Maria,' b. Sept. 29, 1731 ; m. Johannes Panet; d. May 19, 1764. 5 II. Hermanus,' b- March 8, 1739 ; d. July 24, 1745. 6 HL Edward,' b. April 5, 1741 ; d. at Derby, May 30, 1773. ? IV. John Rutgers,' b. June 11, 1743. Rev. John Rutgers' (7) was b. in -New York ; resided in Strat ford as a merchant from 1766 to 1771. He finally became jl^ first rector of St. Paul's Church, Woodbury, and d. Jan. 21, 1789. He was interred in rear of St. Paul's Church. He m. Sarah Bryan, of Milford, Nov. 19, 1766. Ch., 8 I. Susanna Anna Maria," b. Feb. 19, 1768, ra. Rev. Reuben Ives, of Cheshire, Conn., Jan. 25, 1789, and d. Aug. 26, 1849. Their children were Anna Burke, Maria, Susan, Cornelia, and Edward John. 9 IL Rukard Burke,i b. Jan. 7, 1770; m. Ruth Preston, June 18, 1795. No children. 10 III. Sarah," b. Dec. 24, 1771 ; ra. WiUiam Hawley, of Red ding, Dec 24, 1794 ; d. at Oswego, June 24, 1845. Ch-, WiUiam MarshaU, b- Jan 12, 1795; Sarah Lydia, b. March 10, 1797; Wil liam, b. May 23, 1799; Susanna Anna Maria, b. Nov. 19, 1801; John Panet' b. Feb. 23, 1804; Henry Rutgers, b. April 29, 1806, and Mary Sophia, b. Aug. 29, 1809. I'l IV. Anna Maria Susanna," b. Feb. 24, 1774; m. WUliam Moseley, Feb. 24, 1799 ; d. at New Haven, March 2, 1837. "€*!? iJilBUniwniH^ Jabtt BtttgOM)y«ftBMi«Ba«7ci m. Truman Richards, Aug., 59 xn. Hester," | ^^P" ^"^^ ^'^^^^' [1787. Nathan* (24) ra. 1. Mary, dau. of Hon. WilUam Preston, Dec. 11, 1739. She d. Dec. 6, 1751 ; he ,m. 2. Jerusha . He d. Nov. 20, 1769. Children, 60 L Seth," bap. April 5, 1742, m. Rhoda Hinraan, Dec. 19, 1762, and had 2 ch-, Nathan'' and Seth.'' The last had 2 daus. Mary," who d. Sept. 24, 1794, a. 16. Rhoda,' d. May, 1805, a. 33. 61 IL Jehiel," bap. Sept. 28, 1746; d.ypung. 62 IIL Jehiel," bap. Feb. 12, 1749; d. Jan. 8, 1753. 63 IV. Beriah," bap. Dec 23, 1753 ; lived in Roxbury soe, had 2 sons, Edward, b. in 1798, and Jaraes Preston, b. June 24, 1800. 64 V. Ichabod," bap. Oct. 5, 1755 ; went to Vermont. 65 VI. Jerusha," b. Aug. 21, 1757. 66 VIL Mary," bap. June 3, 1759. 67 VIIL Esther," bap. Sept. 7, 1761. 68 IX. Jehiel," bap. Jan. 1, 1764. Peter* (28) m. Elizabeth of Stratford, who d- Feb. 18, 1780. ChUdren, 69 I. Lampson," b. Sept. 25, 1748. /^ II. Nathaniel," Sept. 22, 1750. 71 IIL John," bap. Aug. 2, 1752, m. and had a son Lampson Preston. > 72 IV. Mary," bap. Jan. 19, 1755. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 637 73 V. WiUiara," bap. Nov. 16, 1760, reraoved to Genessee, N. Y., had sons James'' and Peter.'' 74 VI. Elizabeth,^ bap. April 22, 1764. Dea. Eleazer* (32) m. 1. Olive Hicock, Oct. 5, 1758 ; ra. 2. Wid. Abigail Hicock, who after his death, resided with her dau., Mrs. Zephaniah H. Smith of Glastenbury, Conn., where she d. in 1831, a. 92. The ch. of Dea. Eleazer were as follows, ^i 1. Simeon," b. Sept. 5, 1759. 76 IL Eunice," bap. Jan. 20, 1762, ra. Wait Hinman, June 29, 1785, and had Josiah, b. May 23, 1786 ; OUve E., b. Sept. 28, 1797. S IIL Warren," b. Jan. 15, 1766. I'll IV. Araos," b.AprU 30, 1768. 79/ V. Benjamin," b. June 30, 1770. 80 VI. OUve," b. April 11, 1774, m. Joel Crane, Jan. 20, 1804, ch., Simeon, b. March 24, 1804; Anna, b. Oct. 21, 1807 ; WiUiam, b. April 30,1810; WiUiara H., b. May 14, 1813; Charles E., b. Jan. 30, 1815. gj VIL Benjarain," b. AprU 22, 1777. Abijah* (33) had, 82 L Sarah," b. March 20, 1760. ' 83 IL Eunice," b. Feb. 6, 1762. 84 IIL Ruth," b. May 21, 1764. 85 IV. Rebecca," b. Sept. 10, 1766. ' 86 V. Lucy," bap. Oct., 1769. 87 VL Benjamin," b. July 23, 1773, went west. Enos* (34) m. Susannah,, dau. of Lt. Joseph Judson, June 4, 1750. She was b. in 1730. Children, 88 L Patience," b. Dec 24, 1751. 89 IL David," b. Sept. 30, 1753 ; d. unm. 90 III. Ann," b. March 21, 1755, ra. Nathan Hicock. 91 IV. Siraeon," b. March 10, 1757, m. Annis , no issue. 92 V. Susanna," b. May 29, 1760. 93 VL Samuel," b. Aug. 4, 1763; d. unm. 94 VIL Mary," b. Aug. 21, 1765. 95 VIIL Philo," b. May 14, 1767. 96 IX. Timothy," b. May 5, 1769, m. Silence Baker. Ch., Eliza, Julia, Edna and Silence, all unra. He also had a son Garwood, who was educated at West Point,, was Capt. in the array, and d. in Flori da during the late war with the Indians in that state. 638 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 97 X. Enos," b. Dec. 2, 1771, m. Lucretia Baker, both living in Washington, no issue. Timothy* (35) m. Elizabeth Stoddard, May 1, 1760, d. 1768. Children, 98 L Abijah," b. Feb. 24, 1761, d. same year. 99 IL Anna," b. May 22, 1762. 100 IIL Capt. Abijah," b. March 20, 1764, ra. Root; Ch. Nathaniel,'' bap. Sept. 5, 1795 ; Tiraothy'' and Lee,'' Feb. 6, 1803, and others, naraes not known. A part of this faraily now reside in Delaware county, N. Y. 101. IV. Patience," b. Aug. 10, 1760. Capt. Asahel* (40) lived and d. in West Side, Woodbury. He m. Olive Root, Jan. 21, 1747, d. May 1, 1797. She d. Oct. 1, 1813, aged 88. Children, \U L Reuben," bap. Dec 25, 1748. 103 IL Daniel," bap. Aug. 19, 1750, ra. Root, and d. May 13, 1824; children, Asa' and Curtiss;'' Asa ra. 1. Mary Drakeley, who d. Oct. 24, 1841 ; ra. 2. Widow Eunice Osborn; has children ; resides in Woodbury. 104 IIL Susanna," bap. Oct. 15, 1752, ra. Sanford. \^ IV. Rev. Justus," bap. Sept. 8, 1754, settled in New Canaan. 106 V. Asahel," bap. Oct. 17, 1756, m- Lucy Judson, d. Sept. 21, 1819. Elnathan' (41) m. Sarah Tenny, of Norwich, Conn., settled in Judea society, about 1750, d. Feb. 28, 1818, aged 90- His children were, 107 I. Elisha," d. aged 22, unm. 108 II. Eunice," ra. Isaac Plura. y - S III. Simeon," b. Jan. 1, 1759. 1J§ IV. Abner," b. about 1764. Dea. Jonathan" (50) m. Elizabeth Boland, Dec 7, 1764, who " d. Aug. 2, 1814; aged 73. He d. in 1825. ChUdren, '111 L Lucinda,'' bap. Aug. 28, 1768, m. Abel StUes, Jan. 6, 1790. 112 IL Preston,'' b. 1771, d. 1774. 113 IIL Molly,' bap. Feb. 11,1776, d. Aug. 29, 1818. 114 IV. EUzabeth,'' ra. David S- Bull, Jan. 18, 1801. David" (54) m. Sarah Pierce, April 27, 1775, d. Aug. 26, 1810. Children, 115 I. David,'' b. July 2, 1776, reraoved to Meredith, N. Y. 116 IL Aaron,'' b. Jan. 8, 1779, d. unra. 117 m. Sarah.^ HISTORY OF ancient; WOODBURY. 639 118 IV. Pierce,' ra. Nabby Burr, Nov. 14, 1806. 119 V. William,'' ra. — — Lewis, and went west. 120 VI. Truraan,'' b. Jan. 2, 1790, ra. Sophia Hinman, and had Juliette Sophia, b. July 16, 1817 ; Maria Louisa, b. June 21, 1819. Matthew" (55) m. Patty Graham, dau. of Doct. Andrew, d. Dec. 16, 1800. She d. Sept. 9, 1794. Children, 121 L Esther,' bap. Sept. 7, 1783, d. In 1785. 122 IL Preston,'' b. 1786, d. In 1794. 123 III. John G.,' bap. June 5, 1791, settled in Salisbury, Conn., is an attorney, m. Julia Lotz, Nov., 1818, has children. 124 IV. Nathan,' b. Nov. 16, 1792. Simeon" (57) ra. Anna, dau. of Joseph Pierce, Jan. 15, 1788. He d. April 26, 1826, and his widow d. Feb. 17, 1833. Children, 125 L Anna,' b.' Oct. 22, 1789, m. WiUiam Johnson, Oct. 16, 1818. 126 II. Phanna,' b. Sept. 30, 1791, m. Frederick Hinman, May 8, 1814.127 IIL Polly,' b. Oct. 25, 1797, d- aged eleven months. 128 IV. MitcheU Simeon,'' Esq., b. Jan. 24, 1801, m. Fanny, dau. of Park Brown, Esq. He built the house in Southbury known as Mitchell's Mansion, now occupied by Mrs. Whitlock. He resides In Brooklyn, N. Y. ; children, as follows : I. Mary Frances," b. Aug. 13, 1831, d. AprU 1, 1839; IL Mordaunt Sebastian,' b. June 10, 1833, d. July 29, 1 849, while a member of Yale College. He was a youth of rare promise, and in his, grave were laid at once an only son, and all a parent's fondest -hopes ; III. Mary Elizabeth,' b- April 10, 1835, * d. April 6, 1839. Col. Nathaniel" (70) had 129 I. Mary,' bap. March 2, 1784. 130 IL Lampson,' b. March 2, 1784. 131 III. Sarah,' bap. June 27, 1786. , 132 IV. Nathaniel.' 133 V. David,' bap. July 20, 1788. 134 VL Annis,' bap. March 28, 1790. 135 VIL Almira,' bap. June 24, 1792. Siraeon" (75) ra. April 16, 1783, Hannah Johnson, who died Jan. 28, 1790. Children, 136 L Polly,' b. Dec. 7, 1783, m. Burton Canfleld, Esq. ' , 137 IL Olive,' b. Dec. 3, 1785, ra. Seth Noble Wheeler. 138 III. Betty,' b. Aug. 30, 1788, ra. Lerauel Canfield. 640 HISTORY OF A,N CIENT WOODBURY. Dea. Warren" (77) ra. Nov. 19, 1788, MlUy Kiraberly. Ch. 139 L Cyrus,' b. July 11, 1790, ra. Charlotte Pierce, Dec 23, 1812, and had L Ann J.,' b. Dec. 26, 1814; IL Betsey,' b. Sept. 22, 1817 ; IIL Mary C," b. Feb. 17, 1820, m. Curtis A. Downs, Oct. 22, 1839 ; IV. Nelson U-,' ra. Edna Platt, Feb. 28, 1842; V. Cyrus L.,' b. Sept, 8, 1828. 140 II. Sally,' b. March 12, 1795, m. Ebenezer Johnson. 141 III, Anna,'' b. May 11, 1799, ra. Anson Bradley. 142 IV. Nancy P.,' b. March 26, 1803. Araos" (78) in. 1. Ruth Curtiss ; ra. 2. Ruth Judson. He was killed by a fall. Children, 143 L Eleazer S.,' b. June 10, 1798. 144 IL Harriet,' b. Aug. 10, 1800, died young. 145 IIL Betsey H.,' b. Aug. 5, 1807. This last by second wife Benjamin' (81) ra. Hannah Pierce, in 1801. Children, 146 L Erastus,' b. Sept. 11, 1802, ra. Judith Downs, Jan. 6, 1829, and had Anna E.," b. March 13, 1830; Laura A.,' b. April 12, 1836. 147 n. Eleazer,'' b. Oct. 6, 1804, m. Cornelia M. Merwin, Jan. 18, 1829 ; his children were, 1. Lawrence, b. Feb. 27, 1832 ; 2. Da vid M., b. Oct. 16, 1841 ; 3. Mary, b. Sept. 3, 1844 ; 4. Benjamin B., b. Dec.25, 1846. 148 IIL Amos P.,' b. Aug. 3, 1807, m. 1. Thalia M. Painter; m. 2. Maria Tyler, May 30, 1850 ; children, 1. Josephine,' b. AprU 23, 1839; 2. Henry P.,' b. Jan. 25, 1841 ; 3. George,' b. March 12, 1846 ; 4. WiUiara,' b. March 13, 1849 ; 5. JuUa T.,' b. May 11, 1852. 149 IV. Phebe A.,' b. June 28, 1809. 150 V. Oliver,' b. Sept. 5, 1813, m. Mary H. Griffing, Feb. 22, 1837, and had Benjamin G., b. Jan. 4, 1838. 151 VL Laura,' b. AprU 15, 1817. 152 VIL JuUa H.,' b. Jan. 10, 1822, m. Merwin Waller, Oct. 15, 1845. 153 VIIL Bennet,' b. ]\fay 14, 1829. Reuben, Esq.," (102) ra. Judson, d. Nov. -9, 1822. His wife d. Feb. 23, 1817, aged 66. Children, as follows: . (probably not all.) 154 I. OUve,'' ra. Justus Minor. 155 IL Asahel,' ra. Nancy Larabert, and d. 1825, aged 36. Ch. 1. JuUa;' 2. Asahel W.,« now in CaUfornIa; 3, Mary,' m, Cornelius J. Minor, 156 IIL Ruth.' 157 IV. Reuben,' m. Ruth M. Bloss, d. Nov., 1853, no issue. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 641 158 V. Susanna,' m. Abner Allen. 159 VI. Polly,' died unm. 160 VIL Bede,' died unm., Feb. 25, 1818, »ged 30. Rev. Justus" (105) ra. Sept. 7, 1779, Martha, dau. of Rev. Josiah Sherman, of Woodbridge, Conn. She was sister of Hon. Roger M., niece of the Hon. Roger, signer of the Dec laration, and was an exceedingly Intellectual and beautiful woman. Rev. Justus settled at New Canaan, Conn., and d. in 1807. His wife survived him, and d. at White Plains, N, Y., Oct. 24, 1829. Children, 161 L EUzabeth,' b. Aug. 28, 1780, d. June 10,1825, m. Charles Thompson, Esq., had one son, Charles C, Thompson, Esq., now of New York. 162 II. Sherman,' b. July 2, 1782, d, in 1823, He m. Hannah Fitch, had one daughter, Martha, who m. Joseph Sullivan. 163 III. Minot,' b. Sept. 24, 1784, m. EUza Leeds SiUiman, re sides at White Plains, N. Y., Is a prominent lawyer, and has accumu lated a large estate. His children are, I. Joseph S.," b. Feb. 11, 1809 ; IL William Minot," b. May 29, 1811 ; IIL Chauncey Leeds,' b. Nov. 10, 1813 ; IV. Josiah Sherman,' b. Feb. 2,'l816; V. Ann EUza,' b. Oct..28, 1818 ; VL Charles Halsey, b. Feb. 13, 1824 ; VII- and VIIL Caroline Minot and James Minot, b. May 12, 1829. 164 IV. Chauncey Root,' b. June 25, 1786, m. Anna, dau. of Hon. Robert Johnston, in 1807, settled as a lawyer at Delhi, N. Y. He possessed brilliant talents, and was highly gifted as an orator. He died at the early age of 25, at Delhi, N. Y., Feb.," 1811. His children were, I. EUzabeth Thompson,' b. Oct, 19, 1807, m. William S. Stanley, M. D., May 10, 1832 ; IL Martha M.,' b. May 2, 1810, m. Isaac Depeu, Esq., Dec. 26, 1832 ; III. WUliam Ogden," b. June 6, 1812, d. June 6, 1831 ; IV. Lucia Johnston,' d. Aug. 19, 1814, m. William Govan, M. D., July 6, 1844. Simeon" (109) Uved in Judea society, m. Esther Farrand, d. Sept. 15, 1832. Children, 165 I. Sally,' m, Alanson Allen. 166 IL Daniel T.,' b. June 14, 1786, m. 1. Theodosia Ilazen, who d. In 1813 ; ra. 2. Lois Dudley, of Bethlem, March, 1815, had one child, Simeon W.,' b. Oct. 22, 1810. 167 III. Esther,' m. Charles A. Judson, now of New Haven. 168 IV. Abigail,' ra. D. Elliot Brinsmade. Abner" (110) m. Phebe Elliott, of Kent, d. July 3, 1839, aged 75. Children, - . 169 L ElIsha,'D. D., b. 1793, m. Maria North; professor in the 642 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. University of North Carolina, at Chapel Hill; chUdten, Mary,' EUen,' Margaret,' Eliza' and Charies.' 170 II. Elnathan,'^' b. Jan. 14, 1797, m. Harriet Wheeler, Aug., 1818. His children are I. Eunice,' b. July, 1819, ra. Daniel S. Lem on, Feb. 14, 1844, has a daughter, Harriet J. ;' IL Abner W.,« b. June, 1821, ra. Lydia, dau. of WilUam Leavitt, Jan. 12, 1847, and has Frances E.' and Charies L. -^ III. Mary H.,' .b. Jan., 1833. 171 IIL Matthew E.,' b. 1799, m. in 1823, Eunice M., dau. of Seth N. Wheeler, of South Britain, and d. Dec, 15, 1827 ; children, L Sarah M.,» b. Aug. 11, 1824, ra. Doct. Nathan C. Baldwin, Oct. 31, 1844, and has two children, Mary E.* and HiUiard W.' ; IL Betsey Ann," b. April 16, 1827, m. David C. Hinraan, and has Ed ward C, b. Dec. 4, 1848. MINOR FAMILY. Gules, a fesse between three plates, argent. The first of those who have borne the name of Minor, or Miner, was Henry, who lived in the reign of one of the Edwards of Eng land, at Mendippe Hills, in Soraersetshire, England, and died in 1359. The name, with armorial bearings, was given him by King Edward, in acknowledgraent of his loyal service, in providing an escort for the king on his way to embark for France. His name is said to have been BuUman, before it was changed, and his business that of a miner. King Edward, in giving him a coat of arras, hon ored his profession by giving the name of his trade for a surname. The coat of arms given above was procured at the herald's ofiice, in London, by the first Thomas, of New London, in 1680. There is a complete pedigree of tlie family, frora the first Thomas, of New Lon don, back to the first Henry, who died in 1359, in? the possession of J. Hammond Trumbull, Esq., of Hartford. I should have been much gratified to have presented it in this sketch of the name, but though I personally appUed for it, some years ago, and have since applied for it through the mediura of a friend, I have not succeeded In obtaining it. Mr. TrurabuU seemed unwiUing to impart his in- forraat on on this subject. Perhaps he intends publishing a geneal- HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 643 ogy of the family himself, and for this reason preserves his materials. If this is his design, my regret in not being able to present the in formation in this account of the family, will be greatly mitigated on its being published to the world. 3. Thomas,^ son of (2) Clement,' and grandson of (1) WiUiara,' who died at Chew-Magna, in England, Feb. 23, 1585, was b. April 23, 1608, came to New England In 1630, and m. Grace, daughter of Walter Palmer, AprU 23, 1634. Thomas Minor came with John Winthrop's corapany, to Pequot, and settled there about 1646-7. He d. at Stonington, Oct. 23, 1690, aged 83. Grace, his wife, died the same year. He was a leading man In the settlements in the eastern part of the state. He is the ancestor of all bearing the name in this country, so far as can be ascertained. ChUdren, ^ 4 I. Thomas," died young. , 5 II. Clement," settled in New London, and is the ancestor of most of those bearing the name in that vicinity. 15 III. John," b. in 1634, went to Stratford, and thence to Wood bury, and left numerous descendants. 7 IV/Manasseh,' remained In Stonington. 8 V. Ephraim,'' remained in Stonington. 9 VI. Joseph,* remained in Stonington. 10 VII. Judah," went to Massachusetts. 11 VIIL Samuel." 12 IX. Ann.' 13 X. Marie," died young. 14 XL Eunice," died young. 15 XIL Hannah." Capt. John" (6) removed first to Stratford. He was town clerk and a leading raan In the affairs of the town for many years, till his removal to Woodbury, araong the first settlers, where he stood equal araong those who were raost distinguished. In this history of the family name, we propose to trace his descendants only. It would take a volume of good size to give all the descendants of the first Thomas. For a personal account of Capt. John, reference may be had to page 58 of this volume. He m. Elizabeth, dsu. of Richard Booth, Oct. 19, 1658. He d. Sept. 17, 1719, aged 85. She d. Oct. 24, 1732, aged 96 or 98. Children, ^- T. John,* b, Sept. 9, 1659. >5 IL Thomas,* b. May 29, 1662. 18 IIL Ilannah,*b. Aug.2, 1664. 19 IV. Elizabeth,* b. Jan. 16, 1667, ra. Dea. Zechariah Walker. 644 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. r- . A. 20 V. Grace,* b. Sept. 20, 1670, ra. --^— Grant. V^"^ ^ u 4r\ I VI. Joseph," b. March 4, 1672-3. is^-^^ "^ ^' ^^ ' t VII. Ephraim,* b. Oct. 24, 1675. 23 VIIL Sarah,* b. June 19, 1678, ra. Stephen CurtisS, Nov. 2, 1699. 24 IX. Abigail,* b.Feb. 6, 1 680-1, ra^. 1. John Treadwell, Feb. 8, 1699; m. 2. Samuel Miles. 25 X. Joanna,* bap. July, 1683, ra. WilUam Gaylord, or Galpin, Feb, 12, 1706-7. John* (16) ra. Sarah . He d. March 14, 1731. She d. about the same date. Children, 26 L Samuel," bap. Nov. 14, 1686, d. Dec. 22, 1734, without issue. 27 IL Elizabeth," bap. July 6, 1690, m. Dunning. 28 IIL Hannah," bap. Jan. 29, 1692-3, ra. Thomas MaUory, Aug. 10, 1720. g IV. John," bap. Feb. 27, 1697-8. 30 V. Sarah," b. April 7, 1709; had son, Daniel,' b. March 13, 1729-30, ra. Moses Matthews, March 3, 1730-31. Col. Joseph* (21) m. Susanna Roots, July 12, 1710. He d. Oct. 30, 1774, aged 102. She d. AprU 26, 1738. For a sketch of his life see p. 62 ante. Children, 31 L Joseph," b. April 12, 1711, m. Jane Nichols, Dec 22, 1741, • d.Aug. 19, 1749. 32 IL Sarah," b. April 3, 1713, m. John Judson, Nov. 23, 1737. 33 HI. Susanna," b. Nov. 21, 1718, ra.' Ebenezer Warner, Aug. 6, 1755 ; dau. Patience,'' b. Feb. 15, 1742. I IV. David," b. May 26, 1721. ' Ephraim,* (22) b. Oct. 24, 1675, m. Rebecca Curtiss, Aug'. 21, 1701. He d. Sept. 16, 1762, aged 87; She d. March 13, 1763, aged 90. g I. Timothy," b. Dec 10, 1702, ft IL Jehu," b. June 30, 1705. S IIL Matthew," b. Sept, 2, 1708, 38 IV, Rebecca," b. June 30, 1712, m. Elnathan Judson, June 30, 1736. I', V. Ephraim," b. July 15, 1715. Thomas* (17) m. Hannah" , He d. June 15, 1722. Ch., 93 L Josiah," bap. July 8, 1693. tJ IL Dea. Samuel," bap. May 11, 1697. 42 IIL Peter," b. Dec. 10, 1700, d. June 10, 1703, S IV, Thomas," bap, Feb, 28, 1703, HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY, 645 it^ V, Peter," bap, Dec 11, 1705, 45 VL Clement," b. March 22, 1710, d. Sept, 26, 1718. 46 VIL Hannah," b. June 19, 1712 ; d. June 27, 1712. 47 VIIL Peace," b. July 19, 1713 ; d. June 24, 1714. S IX. Clement," b. Nov. 11, 1719, Dea. Sarauel" (41) m, Rachel , He d. in 1767. She d. AprU 12, 1777: Children, 49 I. Dea. Cleraent,' b. Oct. 23, 1722 ; m. Sarah Crissey, April 12, 1750. S IL Nathan,' b. May 25, 1724. 1*3', III. Gideon,' bap. March 2, 1729 ; moved to Vermont. ,1 IV. Benjamin,' b. April 22, 1730, i75 V, Dea. Josiah,' b. March 26, 1732. 54 VI. Hannah,' b. March 2, 1738; m. Elisha Martin, March 8," 1757. John" (29) m. EUzabeth . 1I| d. May 2, 1761. Ch., 55 L Eunice,' b. Jan.- 14, 1733 ; m.^--il'Averet, Feb. Iri^'SV' Z ' 56 II. Elizabeth,' m. Joseph Waugh, July, 1754. 57 IIL Beulah,' b. Aug. 29, 1734; nu'S-^* Porter, July 24, 1754. ifa IV. John,' b. March 13, 1737. David" (34) m. 1. Prudence Martin, Feb. 6, 1740 ; 2. EUza beth Walker. He d. Jan. 17, 1779, aged 63, Ch., 59 L Simeon,' b. Jan. 10, 1747 ; d. Aug. 6, 1749, 60 IL Ann,' b. June 13, 1749 ; m. John Royce, Nov. 26, 1772, fss III. Simeon,' bap. Sept. 9, 1750; m. Damaris Hinman, Sept. 18, 1769. 62 IV. Prudence,' b. Sept. 10, 1753; d. May 9, ihQ. 63 V. Annis,' bap. Jan. 16, 1757. / 64 VL Joseph,' b. Feb. 29 ; d. Jan. 7, 1841 ; m. I4 Minor ; 2. Philena Martin, who d. July 23, 1841, aged 69. Ch., Simeon, Martin, Joseph, Bennett and Albert. 65 VII. David,' b. Oct. 15, 1760 ; ra. Eunice Warner, and had ch., Sheldon, Rev. Sherman, David, Simeon, Harlow, Ashley and Harvey. 66 VEIL Jonas,' b. March 31, 1762; d. 1825. Ch., Electa, m. Minot Smith, Esq.; Chloe, m. Burton Judson; ArmUla, ra. 1. Alfred Scott, 2. Frederick S. Atwood ; and Jonas. 67 IX. Sarah Emm,' b. May 27, 1764 ; d. Jan. 12, 1786. Timothy," (35) b. Dec. 10, 1702, ra. Elizabeth Judson, June 11, 1729. He d. Nov., 1760. Ch., 646 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 68 L Adoniram,' b. April 2, 1730 ; d. Sept. 14, 1749. 69 IL Noah,' b. Nov. 7, 1731. ,'" IIL Seth,' b. Nov. 23, 1733. 71 IV. Elizabeth,' bap. Jan. 18, 1736 ; m. John Hunt, Jun., Jan. 20, 1756. 72. V. Rebecca,' b. April 2, 1738; m. Abijah Hinraan, March 8, 1757. 73 VL Phebe,' b. March, 1740 ; m. Noah Hinraan, July 15, 1761. J" VIL Timothy,' b. April 22, 1743. Dea. Jehu," (36) b. June 30, 1705, m. Mary Judson, Nov. 18, 1731. He d. Feb. 15, 1790, aged 85. She d. Sept. 28, 1762. Ch., 75 I. Justus,' b- Sept. 4, 1730. Ch., Susan, Dotha, Cyrus and Peter. 76 IL Jaraes,' b. Oct. 19, 1732. 5 IIL James,' b. .Sept. 17,1733, ',1 IV. Reuben,' b. April 29, 1736- 79 V. Mary,' b. June 3, 1738. , Si VI. John,' b. Dec. 25, 1740. ¦;, vn. Jehu,' b. June 9, 1743. g, VIIL Elista,' bap. July 14, 1745. 83 IX. Aaron,' bap. Nov. 23, 1746. Capt. Matthew," (37) b. Sept. 2, 1708 ; ra. 1. Sarah Preston, Oct. 9, 1734; 2. Widow Mary Sanford; 3. Widow Mary Minor. He d- Nov. 21, 1,778. Widow Mary (Sanford,) Jan. 12, 1760. Ch., 84 L Emm,'b. Dec. 31, 1734. 85 IL Emm,' b. April 21, 1736; ra. Thoraas Roots, Dec. 29, 1757. 86 IIL Sarah,' b. Aug. 24, 1738. 87 IV. David,' bap. April 12, 1741 ; m. Jerusha Atwood. Ch., Electa, m. Reuben Martin, and Sarah, m. Da,niel Hill. (^-4 tL "j^urtib.) 88 V. Sarah,' b. March 30, iTisnn.^David Curtiss, 3d, 1764. 89 VI. Matthew,' b. Aug. 18, 1745 ; d. Aug. 25, 1749. S, VII. Solomon,' b. Dec. 2, 1747. 91 VIIL Matthew,' b. March 25, 1750. s% IX. Matthew,' b. Feb. 11, 1753. Ephraim," (39) b. July 15, 1715 ; ra. Mary Martin, Nov. 20, 1739 ; m. Widow Hannah . He d. May 24, 1783. Children, HIST OR Y OF ANCIENT AV OODBURY. 647 S L Adam,'' b. Aug. 14, 1740. 94 IL Samuel,' b. AprU -30, 1743; m. Mary Hendee, May 26, 1768. She was b. Aug. 2, 1743, and had ch., Lydia, b. Jan. 6, 1769, and Olive, b. Jan. 5, 1772. 95 III. Olive,' b.; m. Stoddard Martin. 96 IV. EUsha,' b- Jan., 1746; d. young. 97 V. EUsha,' b. May 30, 1750 ; d. Dec 7, 1783. 98 VL Mary,' b. April 20, 1755. - Josiah," (40) bap. July 8, 1693 ; ra. Mary Huribut, July 6, 1715; m. 2. Mhry Barnum, Oct. 9, 1734. She was dau., of Rev. Seth Shove, of Danbury ; d. March 80, 1768. He d. in 1766. Ch., S L Israel,' bap. Aug. 3, 1735. 100 IL Olive,' bap. Aug.'S, 1735 ; d. Sept. 8, 1735. 101 III Seth,' b. Dec. 31, 1736. 102 IV. Jerusha,' bap. March 18, 1739. 103 V. Shove,' b. Feb. 5, 1741 ;-m. AbigaU Johnson, Oct, 19, 1768. She d. Aug. 12, 1784. Thomas" (43) bap. Feb. 28, 1703 ; m. Feda. He d., June 16, 1796. She d, Oct. 3, 1749. Ch., 104 L Gilbert,' b. Oct. 2», 1726. 105 IL Ann,' bap. Aug. 4, 1728. 106 IIL Hannah,' b. Dec. 28, 1729. 107 IV. Esther^ b. Feb. 15, 1732. 108 V. Rebecca,'bap. June 16, 1734. 109 VL Isaac,' b. July 16, 1736; m. Mary Butler, AprU, 1758 ; had ch., Andrew, bap. June 3, 1759, and d. Jan. 27, 1839. Ill VIL Thomas,' bap. June 25, 1738. Ill VIIL Simeon,' bap. April 10, 1743. 112 IX. Andrew,' bap. May 15, 1748; d. Sept. 16, 1749. Peter," (44) b. Dec. 1, 1705 ; m. Judith Squire, Oct, 1, 1734 ; d. Aug, 17, 1797. She d. May 11, 1769, aged 59. Ch., }Ji 1. Daniel,' b. July, 1735. 114 IL Peace,' b. Oct, 9, 1737; father of Silas, of Roxbury; father of Peter and Charles, 115^ IIL Anna,' b, AprU 12, 1740 ; m, Edwards. 116 IV. Peter,' b. Dec 19, 1742; d. Sept. 29, 1778 ; m. Eunice . Ch., Sally, wife of Silas Minor, above. 117 V. 01Ive,''bap. May 26, 1745; d. Oct. 23,1749. 118 VI. Jerusha,' bap. Aug. 30, 1747. 648 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOOD-BURY. 119 VIL Andrew,' bap. March 4, 1750; d. unm., Jan. 6, 1836, aged 86. - • ' » 120 VIIL EUsha,' ra. Sally Chidsey, April 25, 1831 ; d. Jan. 27, 1839, aged 84 ; gave his property to Yale College. Dea. Cleraent," (48) b. Nov. 11,. 1719; m. Mary Barnum, June, 1744. He d. 1798. She d. Sept. 17, 1785. ' Ch., 121 L Ruth,' b. July 20, 1745 ; ra. Judson. 122 IL Thaddeus,' b. Nov. 28, 1747. Nathan' (50) m. Elizabeth Nichols, Nov. 1 6, 1753. He d. Feb. 6, 1797, aged 73. She d. Sept. 17, 1785. Ch., 123 It Annis,' bap. May 18, 1755 ; m. 1. Peter Walker'; 2. Tru raan Hurlbut. 124 n. Martha,' bap. Feb. 5, 1758 ; m. Walker Mallory, Oct. 12, 1776. 125 III. Olive,' bap. March 1, 1761; m. 1. Matthew Judson; m. 2. Solomon Minor. 126 IV. EUzabeth," bap. Aug. 5, 1764. 127 V. Nathan Preston," bap. Feb. 8, 1767. 128 VI. Mary Ann," bap. Aug. 6, 1769 ; m. Matthew Judson. 129 VII. Samuel Curtiss," bap. April 4, 1773. 130 VIIL Sarah Curtiss," bap. March 26, 1775 ; m. Garry Ba con, April 4, 1798. ^\ IX. Samuel Curtiss," bap. Jan. 17, 1778, Gideon' (51) ra. Elizabeth Lewis, whcf m. 2. Joel Strong. He reraoved to Rutland, Vt., and d. 1808. 132 L Abigail,' bap. March 23, 1766; ni. Rev. Thoraas Da vidson. 133 II. Sarauel Lewis,' bap. April 12, 1767 ; m. and had six children. 134 HL Joel Strong," bap. July 30, 1769 ; ra. Lucretia Allen ; raoved to Montpelier, Vt., where he died. His ch. were, 1. Rev. Ovid, of Syracuse, N. Y., who has a son, Brinkerhoff; 2. Hon. Joel, of Austin, Texas, judge of the supreme court ; 3. Rev. Lamson ; 4. Decia, who m. Otis Richmond ; 5. Electa, insane. 135 IV. Gideon," bap. March 24, 1771. 136 V. Asenath',' bap. Jan. 31, 1773. 137 VL Lampson,' bap. Feb. 12, 1775. 138 VIL Elizabeth," bap. Jan^ 31, 17791 Benjamin' (52) ra. 1. Rachel ; 2. Lydia BuUer, Jan. 2, • 1750-1. He d. In 1772. Widow Lydia, ra. 2. John Aber nethy, Oct. 23, 1778. Ch., HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 649 139 I. An infant.' 140 II. Rachel,' b. March 20, 1758. 141 IIL Sarah,'"bap. March 20, 1759. ^S IV. Sarauel,' bap. Jan. 3, 1762. 143 V. Elnathan,' bap. Dec. 25, 1763. }^t VI. Benjarain," bap. July 12, 1767- 145 VIL Enos," bap. Dec, 1769. Dea. Josiah' (53) m. Jerusha MitcheU, March 8, 1757. He d. 1801. Ch., 146. L Hannah," bap. June 23, 1758; ra. Mallory. 147 IL Ann,' bap. May 18, 1760 ; m. Lemuel Hill, June 15, 1784. 148 III. Thankful,' bap. March 4, 1764 ; m. Reuben Hotchkiss. 149 IV. Ruth,' bap. Oct. 13, 1765. 150 V. Ichabod," bap. Jan- 3, 1768. 151 VL Ruth,' bap. Feb. 11, 1769; ra. 1. Preston Curtiss ; 2. Araos Mitchell. 152 VIL Deborah,' lap. May 1, 1770. 153 Vin. Josiah Hinmani,' a lawyer. John' (58) m. Sarah Dutton, Sept. 19, 1758. Ch., 154 I. John,' b. July 7, 1760. 155 IL Justice,' b. Jan. 29, 1762. 156 in. Thude,' b. May 7, 1765. Simeon' (61) m. Mary . He d. 1802, Ch., 157 I. Anna,' bap. April 17, 1785 ; m. Heaton. .^ IL WiUiam,'^ bap. April 17, 1785; m. Rhoda Judson. 159 III Eunice," bap. April 17, 1785 ; m. Spaulding. 160 IV. Polly," bap. AprU 17, 1785. 161 V. Truman," bap. May 17, 1789 ; of New MUford. 162 VL Prudence," bap. Dec 2, 1792. Seth' (70) ra. Eunice Root, March 8, 1757 ; She was b. 1738, and d. Oct. 27, 1787. He ra. 2. Rhoda Durkee Apri 18 j/92. Ch., 163 I. Adonlrara," b. March 20, 1758, d. aged two years. 164 II. Susanna," b. Nov. 17, 1759 ; ra. Nathan Atwood; d. June 23, 1840. 165 III. EUzabeth," b. Oct. 1, 1761 ; ra. Jesse Root; d. April 9, 1830. i| IV. Adoniram," b. Dec 3, 1763. l^ V. Seth,' b. Jan. 15, 1766. 46 650 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 168 VI. Phebe,' b. Dec. 25, 1767; ra. Uriel Strong; d. Dec. 30, 1825. '^ vn. Noah,' b. May 17, 1769. 170 VIIL Eunice," b. June 30, 1771. 171 IX. Esther," bap. May 30, 1773. 172 X. Love,' bap. Nov. 10, 1776. g XI. Wait," b. Oct. 27, 1780. / Dea. Tiraothy' (74) ra. EUzabeth Down, June '5, 1764. Ch., 174 L Betsey,' b. Oct. 18, 1765. i 175 II Judson,' b. Oct. 30, 1767. \ 176 IIL Urania, or Anna," bap. May 26, 1771, d. March, 1788. 177 IV. Treat,' bap. June 23, 1771. Twins. 178 V. Gerry." - ~ 179 VI. Mary.' '^ VEL John,b. Aug. 29, 1776. 181 Vni. Rev. Timothy, an Episcopal clergyraan in New York. James,' (77) b. Sept. 17, 1733, m. Mary Crissey, Nov. 29, 1753, who d. Oct, 17, 1779 ; m. 2". Aner . He died 1794. Children, 182 L Ann," bap. Nov. 19, 1754. 183 IL Aaron,' b. March 22,, 1757. 184 HI. James,' bap. March 11, 1759, ra. Anne Judson, Dec! 12, 1776. " 185 IV. AbigaU,' b. Nov. 2, 1761, d. March 11, 1776. 186 V. Rebecca," b. Dec. 2, 1763. 187 VI. Rhoda," b. March 29, 1766, ra. ¦ Bacon. 188 vn. Jehu, b.May 14, 1768. 189 VIIL EUzabeth Mary Lucina," bap. May 5, 1771. 190 IX. John Judson,' bap. June 15, 1777. 191 X. Philo," bap. Feb. 1, 1779. 192 XI. Philo," bap. July, 1781. 193 XII. Eastraan,' bap. March 3, 1783. 194 Xni, Cleraent,' bap, Aug, 2, 1784. 195 XIV. Abigail,' bap. Oct. 26, 1780. 196 XV. Lacine,"ra. Tuttle. Reuben' (78.) 197 L Mary,' bap. May 17, 1761. 198 n. Abner,' bap. Nov. 14,^1762. 199 in. Ruth,' bap. Nov. 18, 1764, m. William Luttington, March 23, 1786. 200 IV. Lorana,' bap. June 11, 1767. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 651 201 V. Prudence,' bap. March 26, 1769. 202 VL Jerusha,' bap. May, 1771, 203 VII. Rufus," bap. May 4, 1774. 204 VIIL Reuben," bap. May 29, 1774. 205 IX. Anna," bap. Oct. 13, 1776. 206 X. Abrahara,' bap. Oct. 21, 1779. 207 XI. Clarinda," bap. Jan. 20, 1782. 208 XIL Truman," bap. June 12, 1785. John' (80) ra. Abigail Sumraers, Oct. 28, 1766. He d. June 10, 1797. Children, 209 I. Sarah,' b. April 14, 1768, m. Truman Minor. 210 IL Nathan Summers," b. Jan. 17, 1770, d. Dec 16, 1776. 211 III. Abia," bap. Nov. 10, 1771, m. Nathan Martin, 212 IV, Curtiss," bap. Feb. 4, 1776, d. Dec. 9, 1797. 213 V. Mary," bap. Jan. 17, 1779, m. Aaron Hitchcock. 214 VL Betsey," bap. Aug. 3, 1783, m. Abijah Hatch. Rev. Jehu' (81.) He graduated at Yale College, and settled over the church at South Britain, where he resided raany years ; m. Sarah Canfield, Sept. 20, 1769. Children, 215 I, RusseU Canfield," bap, Oct., 1770, d. May 13, 1771. 316 II. Judson," bap. March, 1772, d. March 26, 1772. 217 IIL Mary Matilda,' b. AprU 11, 1773. 218 IV. Sarah Lucretia," b. Feb. 20, 1775. 219 V. Sylvia PrisciUa,' b. Oct. 12, 1777. 220 VI. Jehu RusseU,' bap. March, 1780. 221 VIL Elihu," bap. May, 1782. 222 VIIL Urania PameUa, bap. Jan. 17, 1783. 223 IX. Canfield, bap. Nov., 1785, d. Nov. 25, 1785. EUsha' (82) m. Anna Smith, April 7, 1772. Children, 224 I. AUen Smith,' b. April 28, 1773. 225 IL Ruth Ann," b. Jan. 18, 1775. 226 III. Lovisa," b. July 30, 1776. 227 IV. Anna," b. April 15, 1778. 228 V. Salmon, b. March 11, 1781. Solomon' (90) ra. 1. Mary Root; m. 2. Widow OUve Minor, who d. June 23, 1792. Children, 229 L Betty,' b. July 12, 1772. rS II. Jesse,' b. March 11, 1775, d. Dec. 11, 1853. 231 IIL Annis,' b. May 2, 1778. 232 IV. Solomon Benedict,' lives in Waterbury, m. Car rington. 652 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. I?? V. Dea. Nathaniel,' b. April 20, 1788. 234 VL David Stiles,' b. Nov. 28, 1790, ra. Lydia Judson, Dec. 11, 1822. 235 VIL Olive,' b. June, 1798. 236 VIIL Garry, M. D., b. Dec. 29, 1802, m. Susan AUen, and Uves at South Farras, Conn. Dea. Matthew' (92) m. 1. Phebe Root, who d. April 25, 1786; ra. 2. Widow Chariotte (Mallory) Judson, Nov. 29, 1792, who d. Sept. 13, 1843, aged 81 . He d. July 20, 1835, aged 83. Children, 237 I. Hannah," b. Aug. 22, 1776, died young. 238 n. Sarah," b. Oct. 16, 1778, ra. Asa Judson. ig IlL Matthew,' b, Oct. 22, 1780. 240 IV. ArraiUa,' b. Feb. 4, 1783, ra. Reuben Walker. 241 V. Phebe,' b. July 24, 1785, ra. 1. Wheeler Kirtland ; ra. 2. Dea. Upson. ^ VI. Erastus,' b. March 27, 1796. 243 VII. Charlotte," b. July 4, 1799, m. Charles H. Judson, Oct. 30, 1822. 244 VIIL EUza," b, AprU 26," 1801, m, WiUis Larabert, Feb, 25, 1823, 245 IX, Cornelia,' b. July 9, 1803, ra, Phineas Sraith, March 17, 1828. 246 X. Jane," b. Aug. 15, 1809, ra. 1. Cyrus Pierce, Jan. 24, 1831 ; m. 2. Clark Sackett. Adam' (93.) ChUdren, 2I8 n. S,' } '^'-'' l^^P- ^^^' 28, 1772. • 249 ni. Lucina," bap. Aug. 1, 1773. 250 IV. Asa,' m. Stoddard, and had children, Phebe and Betsey. Israel' (99) lived in Roxbury, m. 1. Anna Lake, July 9,., 1762, who d. June 1, 1787 ; ra. 2. Widow Betty Cheravoy, May, 1793. He d. 1811. Children, 251 I. Mary,' b. March 30, 1763, ra. Platt Wakeley, Jan. 15, 1789. 252 n. Seth,' b. July 8, 1764, ra. Susanna Frisbie, June 3, 1789, and had children, I. Sherraan, b. Sept. 5, 1790, m. Jerusha Norton, and had chUdren, Charles S., Esq., a lawyer at Honesdale, Pa., Eliza and Harriet; H. Truraan, b. Nov. 4, 1795, who m. March 26, 1820, Eunice Peet, who was b. Sept. 10, 1799, and had children, 1. Mari- HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 653 etta, b. March 15, 1821, m. Morris E. Clinton ; 2. George, d. young ; 3. William, a graduate at Yale College, and a lawyer, m. Frances J. Clinton ; 4. Emily Manville, b. Nov. 5, 1829, m. Doct. James H. Carry; 5. Frederick T., b. May 2, 1833, d. aged 15 years ; and 6. CorneUa, b, July 13, 1835 ; IIL Susan. ' 253 IIL Edward,' b. 1766. 254 IV. Josiah,' b. AprU 9, 1768. 255 V. Israel,' b. April 1, 1770. 256 VI. Shove." 257 VIL Abia," b. March 18, 1773, m. Isaac Beers. 258 VIIL Anna,' b. April 29, 1776, m. Truman E^rf- PaXXMk 259 IX. Jerusha,' b. Nov. 13, 1778, m. Amariah Royce. 260 X. Abigail,' b. Oct. 29, 1780, ra. EU Booth. 261 XL Ruth.' 262 xn. Joseph,' died young. 263 XIIL Aaron." Rev. Thoraas' (110) settled in the parish of Westfield, Mid dletown, m. Dorothy Brainard, niece of the missionary, David Brain ard. She was b. Dec. 20, 1739, and d. June 5, 1828. He d. April 28, 1826 ; children, Doct. Thomas, b. Oct- 15, 1777, a distinguished physician at Middletown, Conn., who d. April 23, 1841 ; David Brainard and Gilbert, both d. unm. Daniel' (113) m. AbigaU . Hed. Jan. 15, 1791. Ch., 264 L Truman,' b. Jan, 16, 1763, 265 IL Daniel,' b, Dec, 1, 1764, 266 HL Rev. Justus," b. Nov. 18, 1768. 267 IV. Ruth," b. July 25, 1772, m. Shelton. 268 V. Asahel. 269 VI. Peter. 270 vn. Judith. Samuel" (142) ra. MoUy . Children, 271 L Olive,'- ra. Martin. ^ IL Ephraira,') Anril 27 1783 273 IIL Araos,' | °^P" -^P"^" ^'' ^'*^'^- gt IV. Anthony,' b. Aug. 31, 1783. Sarauel Curtiss" (131) ra. PoUy Royce, May 23, 1810. Ch., 275 L John C 276 IL Polly A.,' m. Sarauel A. Castle, June 20, 1846. Benjarain' (144) ra. Mehetable Turner, 1787, and d. April 16,1845. She d. AprU 9, 1842. Children, ' ' ^ L -GUbert Somers,' b. Jan. 2, 1788. 654 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 278 II. Sarah Amanda,' bap. April 19, 1795, m. Chauncey N. Castle, Dec. 7, 1828. WiUiam' (158.) ChUdren, 279 L Sarah,' bap. Nov. 20, 1803. 280 II. Harriet,') , t i oq -lono 281 in. PoUy," f bap. July 23, 1808. 282 IV. Henry," m. Betsey Booth, April 8, 1840. Adoniram' (166) m. 1. Patience Mitchell, Oct. 5, 1785. She was b. Aug. 10, 1766; ra. 2. Elizabeth Forbes, July 3, 1818. She was b. Aug. 9, 1778. He d. AprU 21, 1847. Children, g^ I. Judson,' b. March 20, 1787. 284 n. Abijah MitcheU,' b. Aug. 18, 1792, ra. Maria M. Clark, Oct. 9, 1822, who was b. Oct. 10, 1799. 285 in. Ruth Alva," b. Nov. 11, 1793. 286 IV. Anna Maria," b. July 4, 1795. 287 V. Ruth Alma," b.Sept. 20, 1797. 288 VL George Alva," b. Feb. 22, 1800, m. 1. Pamela Clark, April 12, 1831 ; ra. 2. Ancey Beach, AprU 1, 1837. 289 VIL Albert," b. May 1, 1819. 290 VHL Charlotte," b. May 21, 1823, m. David A. Tuttle, May 10, 1843. Dea. Seth' (167) 'ra. Erara Judson. He d. Aug. 14, 1830. ChUdren, 291 L Horace," bap. March 15, 1795 ; d. Aug., 1814. 292 IL Harriet," bap. July 4, 1802, m. Benjarain Hinraan, Oct. 29, 1823. Dea. Noah,' (169) b. March 17, 1769. Lives in Norfolk, Conn. Children, 293 I. Harriet," bap. Nov. 30, 1794, m. Huraphrey. 294 II. Preston," bap. Jan. 10, 1796. 295 HL Alden," m. Cady. Wait' (173) m. Susanna Judson, Nov. 10, 1801. She was b. April 20, 1781. Children, 296 I. Lura," b. Dec. 14, 1802, m, Philo Pierce, Feb. 28, 1823. 297 IL Roxa," b. Aug. 6, 1804, ra. Horace Hurd, Nov. 19, 1827, and has 1 ch., Marcus Andrew, b. July 16, 1829. "" g| in. Israel," b. March 17, 1807. 299 IV. Burke,' b. Aug. 16, 1809, m. EUza Turner. Have ch., Catherine. 300 V. Charlotte," b. April 7, 1812 ; d. unra. Nov. 8, 1835. HISTO.RY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 655 301 VL Flora," b. Feb. 16, 1814, ra. RusseU W. Robinson, and d. AprU, 1840. 302 VII. Cirrus Seth," b. Aug. 28, 1817, ra. Catherine R. Hat field, May 21, 1845, who was b. Nov. 19, 1822, and have ch., Flora Louisa, b. Nov. 9, 1846; Edward Howard, b. Oct. 25, 1848; Mary EUzabeth, b. Sept. 19, 1850, and Cyrus Wait, b. July 30, 1853. 303 Vin. Noah Bennett," b. Dec 16, 1821. John" (180) m. Eunice Jones of Stephentown, N. Y., Oct., 1801. ChUdren, 304 L Eunice." 305 II. Hiram J., owner of the H. J. Miner's Bank, Fredonia, N. Y., m. Adeline M. Hungerford, Oct. 19, 1830. 306 in. John." 307 rV. Isaac' 308 v.. EUza." 309 VL Mary,' d. young. 310 vn. Caroline." 311 VIIL Heraan." Capt. Jesse,' (230.) Children, 312 I. Nancy,' ) , t o -lona ni- Leman Sherraan- 313 IL Fanny,»|^^P"J"'^^^'l^^^' 314 III, Sarah Augusta," bap, Oct, 9, 1808, ra, Whittlesey. 315 IV. Solomon B.,' m. Frances A. Walker, 2 ch. 316 V. Cornelius J.," bap. Oct. 11, 1812, m. Mary MitcheU. Dea. Nathaniel" (233) ra. 1. Betsey Betts; ra. 2. Altha Mar tin, Aug. 18, 1819. Children, 317 L JuUa,' m. Araos Eno AUen, Feb. 8, 1832 ; d. Oct. 3, 1844, aged 32. 318 II. Antoinette," b. Nov. 25, 1821 ; d. March 24, 1843. 319 in. Mary Root," b. March 25, 1826, m. Nathaniel L. Strong. Hon. Matthew" (239) m- Lorena Bacon, Oct. 22, 1802. He d. Dec. 17, 1839. She d. May 30, 1848. Ch., 320 I. Josiah GUeS,'" b. July 23, 1803, ra. Catherine E- Blois, AprU 18, 1832. 321 IL John Betts,'" b. March 19, 1805 ; d. July 18, 1814. 322 IIL Maria Jennet,'" b. May 3, 1807, ra. Treat Larabert,"Feb. 23, 1841. 323 IV- Mary Lorena,'" b. Aug. 10, 1809; d. Aug. 7, 1811. 324 v.. Eliza Jane,'" b. Nov. 11, 1812; d. Feb. 16, 1826. 325 VI. Henry," b. April 26, 1816, m. Altha-Greene, May 30, 656 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 1839, and has ch., James Henry, Mary Joy, George Bacon, Emily Lorena and JuUa Bacon. 326 VIL Mary,'" b. Aug. 6, 1818, ra. Asahel M. Huxley, M. D., June 14, 1837. 326 Vin. John B.,'» b. March 9, 1821, ra. Ursula S. Allen, Sept. 24, 1844, and have ch., WiUiara Henry. 327 IX. Samuel," b. March 27, 1823, m. Mary T. Boughton, May 1, 1850. 328 X. Eraily Jane,'" b. March 2, 1826, m. Enos Benham, Sept. 9, 1851. Erastus' (242) m. Melmda ManviUe, Dec. 21, 1834. Ch., 329 L Sarah Eliza,'" b. Oct. 22, 1835. 330 IL John," b. Aug. 31, 1837 ; d. young. 331 m. Mary,'" b. May 9, 1839. 332 IV. Susan,'" b. Oct. 12, 1841. 333 V. Jane,'" b. Jan. 30, 1844. 334 VI. Horace," b. Oct. 14, 1845. 335 vn. Charlotte," b. April 30, 1848. 336 Vin. Thoraas," b. July 22, 1850. 337 IX. Maria,'" b. Aug. 11, 1852. Ephraim" (272) ra. Olive Judson. Children, 338 L Olive," bap. Aug. 30, 1807. 339 IL George,'" bap. May 5, 1808, ra. Sally Kirtland, March 17, 1829 ; ch., CorneUa and Charlotte, who d. Aug. 3, 1836. She m. 2. James Abrams, Esq., of Rochester, N. Y. ; d. 1853. i 340 HL Charles J.,'° bap. May 5, 1808, m. Clarissa Terrill, Jan. 13, 1828, and had ch., Mary Jane, b. Oct. 26, 1830, who ra. Scott, and d. 1853 ; David StUes, b. July 27, 1834, and Charles D., b. Nov. 25, 1842. 341 IV. Nathaniel," Anthony" (274) ra. OUve Tuttle, Oct. 7, 1801, who was b. Nov. 22, 1778, and d. 1853. Children, 342 L Dea. Truraan,'" b. Oct. 24, 1802, ra. 'Harriet Curtiss, Dec. 18, 1827, and have had ch., Henry Stiles, b. Oct. 1, 1830 ; Truraan Sraith, b. Sept. 8, 1832 ; John Henry, b. Dec. 14, 1837, and Harriet EUza, b. Nov. 7, 1843. 343 n. Horace," b. Aug. 24, 1804, ra. EraeUne Leavenworth, Oct. 13, 1824. 344 in. Mariette,'" b. April 18, 1822, m. Henry N. Dudley, Oct. 2, 1844. GUbert Somers" (277) m- 1. Sabrina Sedgwick; ra. 2. Ch.,. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 657 345 I. Frederiek M.,'° ra. Saraantha Franklin, and has ch,, Thora as Burton and Ellen Frances, 346 n, Frances Amanda," m, Alfred F. Betts, Oct. 14, 1840. Judson' (283) m. Electa Way, April 17, 1809. Children, 347 L Henry J.,'" b. March 28, 1814, ra. Nancy J. Mather, March 14, 1838, and has ch., Henry A., b. April 15, 1843, and Emma Jane, b. Oct. 19, 1848. 348 IL Charles M.," b. Dec. 12, 1817, m. Harriet N. Ketchell, Aug. 23, 1841, and have ch., Charles Hubert, b. Sept. 14, 1844. 349 ni. Isaac L.,'" b. May 21, 1824, m. Esther J. Cramner, Jan. 2, 1848, and has ch., Harriet Electa, b. April 9, 1850, Dea. Israel' (298) is a wholesale druggist In the city of New York ; ra. 1. Nancy Giles, March 23, 1829 ; who d. Jan. 22, 1835, m. 2. Chariotte L. CranneU, June 4, 1837. Ch., I? L Charies Edward," b. Feb. 19, 1830- 351 IL Frances Susan," b. March 12, 1832. By second wife, 352 IIL Robert CranneU," b. April 30, 1839. 353 IV. Israel, Jr.," b. Nov. 11, 1840. 354 V. John CranneU," b.' March 3, 1843. 355 VL Albert Judson,'" b. March 12, 1849. Charies Edward" (350) m. Fanny Dolson, April 7, 1852. Child, 356 L Louis," b. March, 1853. NICHOLS FAMILY. The narae of Nichols is found on the early records of Conn. Ca leb and Isaac were at Stratford previous to, or as early as 1750. Isaac was son of John of Fairfield, and whether Caleb was his brother, is •at present unknown. Caleb reraoved to Woodbury, about 1694, and his ch. were, Hannah, b. Aug., 1667 ; Caleb, b. Feb., 1668 ; Phebe, bap. Nov. 12, 1671, m. Isaac KneU; John, bap. Nov. 12, 1676; Abraham, Anna, AbigMl, ra. Martin, Mary, m. Hull, Sergt. John, son of Caleb, d. in 1727. Ch., by his wife Jane. I. Sarah, bap. March, 1707 ; d. young. II. Caleb, b. Dec, 1708 ; d. June 17, 1710. III. John, b. April 28, 1711, m. 1. EUzabeth Pres ton, Feb. 2, 1732, who d. 1733 ; m. 2. Abigail Judson, she d. May, 1749 ; m. 3. Mary Tuttle, who d. May 9, 1768. He d. April 4, 47 658 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 1791. Ch., 1. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 9, 1733 ; 2. Andrew, b. Oct., 1736 ; 3. Caleb, b. Aug. 7, 1738 ; 4. Ann, b. June, 1741 ; 5. EUsha, b. April 7, 1743 ; d. Aug.,1749 ; 6. Sarah, bap. April 10, 1748 ; 7. EUsha, bap. Aug. 7, 1757, kiUed at New York, Nov. 4, 1776 ; 8. Mary, bap. May 21, 1758 ; 9. Susanna, bap. Oct. 20, 1761 ; 10. Anna, bap. June 29, 1766. IV. Caleb, b. March 18, 1713.; d. AprU 1, 1727. V. Andrew,. b. Oct. 6, 1715; d. young. VL Joseph, b. Jan, 28, 1718, ra, Phebe Sraith, Sept,, 1739, and had 1. Ephraim, b, Feb, '2, 1741 ; d. young; 2, David, b, Sept. 14, 1743 ; d. young; 3. David, b. Sept. 23, 1744; d. young; 4. Abraham, bap. June 8, 1746; 5. Esther, bap. Sept. 13, 1747 ; 6. Jane, bap. June 25, 1749 ; d. Sept. 5, 1749 ; 7. Elizabeth, bap. July 19, 1752 ; d. Dec. 2, 1753 ; 8. EUzabeth, bap. July 13, 1755 ; 9. Siraeon, bap. March 20, 1757 ; 10, Ann, bap. Dec 16, 1759 ; 11. Caleb, bap. Jan. 3, 1761. VIL Mary, b. July 7, 1720. VIIL Sarauel, bap. March 10, 1723, and had, EUsha, bap. May 20, 1750 ; Eunice, bap. Jan. 27, 1752. The following are disconnected, for want of perfect record. Sarauel Nichols was in Woodbury, Sept., 1687, as he had a son Josiah, bap. at that date. In March, 1688-9, Andrew, another son was bap., this being the last time that either his, or his sons' names, are found on record, Robert Nichols of Roxbury society, had Anna, bap. May 27, 1759 ; Jerusha, bap. Sept. 20, 1763. OSBORN FAMILY. Dea. Timothy Osbom carae frora Long Island, settled in Soi^h- bury, married Rachel Judd, July 19, 1744, and had issue as foUows, Shadrach, b. AprU 14, 1747 ; Tiraothy, d. in Virginia, Dec. 25, 1784 ; WiUiara, bap. Jan. 1, 1749, d. July, 1801 ; Simeon, bap. April 3, 1763 ; Asa, bap. Sept. 27, 1767 ; Lois, bap. May 16, 1755, and m. Daniel Munn. Shadrach, son of Dea. Tiraothy, ra. Mary Hinman, May 9, 1774, who d. Jan. 18, 1777, leaving a dau., Mary E., who m. Leman Dun- nmg, now of New Haven. Mr. Osbom ra. 2. AUetta Blagg of New York, she d. March 21, 1845. He d. Aug. 27, 1838. Ch., 1. Eras tus, b. June 15, 1785, m. Martha Curtiss, 1811, who d. May 19, 1852, no issue ; 2. Benjarain B., b. Jan. 18, 1787, m. 1. Sarah, dau. of Ephraim Stiles, who d. Sept. 4, 1809 ; ra. 2. Ruth, sister of his first wife, Feb. 27, 1811. He d. Oct. 20, 1839 ; 3. AUetta, b. May HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 659 9, 1789, m. Tompkins ; 4. SaUy, b. Dec. 17, 1792, m. E. E. Stiles ; 5. Henrietta, b. June 30, 1795, ra. Adam Lura. Asa, son of Dea. Timothy, m. Hyde, 1789, .and had, Lucy, b. 1789 ; Simeon, b. 1792 ; Asa, b. 1794; Abijah, b. 1795. ORTON FAMILY. Thomas Orton' came from England to this country about 1640. He was born in 1613, ra. Mary Pratt of Windsor, Conn., in 1641, and probably resided for a short time after his marriage at Charles town, Mass. He was at Windsor some years, whence he removed to Farmington, where both he and his wife died. His ch. were, I I. John,' bap. 164&. 3 II. Mary,= bap. 1650, m. John Root. 4 III. Sarah,' bap. 1652, m. Daniel Dewey, had 4 sons and 3 daus. 5 IV. Elizabeth,^ bap. 1654, m. Samuel Lewis. 6 V. Hannah,^ bap. 1656, m. Samuel Lewis. John^ (2) m. 1. Hannah ; m. 2. Mary Tudor, who sur vived her husband, and m. Johh Judson of Woodbury. Ch., u I. Thomas,' joined the church In 1707. 8 n. Margaret/ ra. John Thompson. 9 IIL Mary,' bap. May 20, 1688. il IV. John,' bap. Dec. 4, 1692, settled in Woodbury. ',1 V. Samuel,' bap. Nov. 11, 1694, settled in Litchfield. Thoraas' (7) m- Ann Buckingham. He lived-at Farmington, ^ in that part now Avon. Children, 12 L Sabrah," bap. Feb. 7, 1699, m. Jonathan Hurlbut, July 6, 1727. 13 IL Thomas," bap. Jan. 4, 1701 ; d. 1706. 14 IIL Anna," bap. Feb. 9, 1703. 15 IV. Mary," bap. March 7, 1705. 16 V. Margaret," bap. July 1, 1707 ; d. July 3, 1708. II VI. Thomas," bap. April 30, 1709. 18 VIL Margaret," bap. March 31, 1712. 19 VHL Esther," bap. Oct. 11, 1714 ; d. April 1, 1738. 20 IX. John," bap. Sept. 17, 1717, ^ John' (10) removed from Farmington to Woodbury in 1717, 660 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. or previous to that date. He m, Mary , who d. in 1784, He d, in 17q3. Children, 21 L Sarah," b, 1725, m. John Mitchell in 1748 ; d- in 1749. f, IL John," b. Oct. 5, 1729. 23 HI. Elizabeth," b. Nov. 16, 1734. % IV. Sarauel," b. Dec. 8, 1741. 25 V. Mary," bap. Feb. 22, 1741, ra. Nathan Judson. Samuel' (11) removed from Farmington to Woodbury in 1718, and thence to Litchfield in 1720. He ra. AbigaU Sraedley, Oct. 26, 1723, and d. March 28, 1779. Ch., 26 L Sarauel," b. Oct. 18, 1724. 27 IL Hezekiah," b. April 29, 1727. 28 IIL Azariah," b. Aug. 17, 1729. IV. Samuel," b. March 24, 1735. 30 V. Jemima," b. Noy. 11, 1740 ; m. Capt. Archibald McNeU. 31 VI. John," b. March 4, 1744; removed' to Sharon, Conn. 32 VIL Gideon, b. Aug. 18, 1732. Thomas" (17) settled at Cornwall in 1743 ; removed to Tyr- ingham, Mass., in 1749 ; m. Eliza Sedgewick, June 18, 1730, who d. Aug. 16, 1758 ; m. 2. Hepzibah Buel. Ch., 33 L Roger,* b. March 11, 1731 ; d. 1731. 34 IL Elizabeth," b. Nov. 8, 1732. 35 III. Thomas,* ra. and settled in Tyringhara. He d. April, 1780, leaving a wife, four sons and two daughters. Of the sons, James m. and removed to the state of New York. Thoraas settled in Harailton, N. Y.; d. leaving a large family. Abiram ra. and emi grated to Pomfret, N. Y.; d. in 1837, no issue. Judge PhUo, b. Sept. 9, 1778 ; was one of the pioneer settlers of Chautauque co., N. Y., and is now ll.ving in Pomfret in that state. 36 IV. Anna,* b. May 8, 1736. 37 V, David,* m. In Tyringhara ; emigrated to Johnstown, N. Y.; had two ch., son and dau. 38 VI. Esther,* b. May 12, 1738. 39 VII. Roger,* m. in Tyringhara ; settled on the old homestead and had a nuraerous family. He finally removed to Geneseo, N. Y., where he d. in 1813 or '14. 40 Vni. Margaret,* b. Dec. 6, 1742. John" (22) m, Abigail Leavenworth, June 29, 1763 ; ra. 2. Patience Warner, March 4, 1782, who d. Feb. 11, 1814. He d. April 2, 1808. Ch., HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURT. 661 41 I. Sarah,* b. April 29, 1765 ; ra, 1, Hurd; 2, BaU; removed to Canada, 42 IL Mary Ann," b, July 23, 1768; ra. EU Sraith; settled in Orange, Conn. " ' 43 III. Esther," b. Aug. 2, 1771 ; m. HoUister Judson, it IV, John,* b, Dec. 6, 1782. fs V. Truman,* b. June 16, 1784. Doct. Samuel" (24) ra. Ruth Judson, and d. in 1819. Ch. 46 I. Doct. John,* now resides in Sherraan, Conn. 47 II. Doct. Samuel," m., settled In Bridgewater, (New Milford,) and is dead. He left a son, Samuel D., who is a lawyer in New MUford. 4S III. Elizabeth,* unmarried. 49 IV. Doct. Henry T.,* resides in Washington, Dutchess co., N. Y. 50 V, Doct, David J.,* unmarried. 51 VI. Mary,* ra. Ebenezer Finch, Aug. 30, 1812, and Is dec'd. She had, 1. Sarah, m. Rev. Jonathan Brace, of Milford ; 2. Mary 0., m. Dewell; 3. Henry; 4. Julia A., m. George P. Allen, in 1851. 52 VII. Doct. James,* resides at Caldwell, N. J. 53 VIIL Sarah,* is unmarried. Samuel" (29) m. Ruth Mason, who d. Nov. 10, 1798. He d. March 31, 1810. Ch., 54 L Levi,*b. Nov. 6,1750; d. 1776. 55 IL Abigail,* b. AprU 14, 1752 ; d. May 6, 1771. 56 IIL Gideon,* b. Aug. 26, 1753; d. Sept, 9, 1753, 57 IV. Gideon,* b. July 9, 1754. 58 V, Huldah," b. April 9, 1758, 59 VL Samuel,* b. Dec 27, 1759. 60 VIL Meranda,* b. April 17, 1761. 61 VIIL Esther,* b. May 2, 1762. 62 IX. John,* b. March 24, 1764. 63 X. Hannah,* b. Oct. 17, 1765 ; d. 1766. 64 XL Damaris,* b- July 15, 1767, 65 XIL Hannah,* b. June 24, 1769, 66 XIII, Abigail,* b. March 26, 1771. 67 XIV. Miles,* b. March 21, 1774; ra. Lydia Gibbs, Jan. 22, 1795, and had four sons and three daughters. The Rev. garauel G. Orton," of Ripley, N. Y., being one of them. 68 XV. 01ive,*b.May 12,1777; d. in 1778. 662 HISTORT OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. John* (44) m.' Eliza Carpenter, and d. May, 1838, His ch. were, Mary Ann and Betsey. Mary Ann m. Frederick Martin, July 9, 1839. Truman* (45) ra. Patty Maria Curtiss. Ch., I. Jaraes S., m. Emily Stanly, and now resides at Geneseo, Living ston CO., N. Y.; is clerk of that county. II. Harriet Maria. III. Frederick C. IV. Henry B.; m. Margaret Huntley; resides in New York city. V. CorneUus T. VI. Walter J. PRESTON FAMILY. The name of Preston was of great antiquity in North Britain ; was assumed by the faraily from their territorial possessions in Mid-Lo thian, in the time of Malcolm, King of the Scots. The first of this family upon record, is Leolphus De Preston, living in the time of WiUiam the Lion, about 1040, whose grandson, Sir William De Pres ton, was one of the Scottish nobles, summoned to Berwick by Edward the First, in the competition for the crown of Scotland, between Bruce and Baliol, it having been submitted to Edward for decision. After the death of King Alexander IIL, in 1291, this Sir William was succeeded by his son Nicol De Preston, one of the Scottish barons, who swore fealty to King Edward I. He died in the beginning of the reign of David IL, of Scotland, son of Robert Bruce, and was succeeded by his son, Sir Lawrence De Preston, who was succeeded by Richard De Preston, who was seated at Preston Richard in West moreland, in the time of Henry II. Sir Richard De Preston, the fifth in descent from the above Richard, of Preston Richard, repre sented the county of Westmoreland in Parliament, in seventeen Ed ward in. His son. Sir Richard De Preston, had likewise the honor of being knight of the shire for Westmoreland, in the sarae reign, (twenty-seven Edward IH.,) and in the' sarae year, (1368,) obtain ed a Ucense to irapark five hundred acres. His successor was Sir John De Preston, of Preston Richard and Preston Patrick ; was a raeraber of Parliament for Westmoreland, in the thirty-sixth, thirty- ninth, and forty-sixth years of Edward III. He had issue, viz.: 1. Richard , who left a faraily of daughters only. 2. John , who was a judge of the court of comraon pleas in the reign of Henry IV. and VI., and retired frora the bench in conse quence of his great age, in 1427. He left, 1. John , a clergy man ; 2. Richard, his heir ; 3. a daughter. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 663 There was, about the year 1593, a WUUam Robert Preston, who was a relative of Sir Edward Coke. George_Preston,' of Valley Field, was created a baronet of Nova Scotia in 1 637 ; had two sons, viz., 2 I. George,' who had a son named William, a major in the array, who d. in 1637. 3 II. William,'^ m. Anna, dau. of Sir James Saunders ; lived in fhe reign of Charles I. and IL; d. April 23, 1685, leaving a widow who d. Feb. 9, 1688. Left children, viz.: 4 I. William,' his heir, whose male issue became extinct. 5 II. Richard,' had a son WiUiam, who m. a Miss Webster. He was the representative of the family and took the title. 6 III. EUen.' 7 IV. AUcc' 8 V. John,' had issue as foUows ; ?o I. WiUiam," emigrated to Araerica in 1 635. 10 n. John," who had a son WilUam, who was the Right Rev. WUliam Preston, D. D., Lord Bishop of Fernsborn in 1729, Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Died without issue in 1729. William" (10) came in 1635, from '-, Yorkshire co., England, to Massachusetts, with Mary, his wife, and six ch.; removed to and settled in New Haven, Conn.; signed the fundamental agreement of the 4th of Jan., 1639. He possessed at his death, real estate in Yorkshire, Eng., which he inherited from his father. His six ch., b. in England, were, I. Edward." II. Daniel.* III. Eliasaph." IV. Sarah.* V. Mar;^.* VI. John." The four born in New Haven were, 11 VII. Jehiel,* b. 1640; reraoved to Stratford; had lands re corded to hira there, Sept. 21, 1668, and Dec. 2, 1673; had a son Joseph, b. July 10, 1666. 1^ VIIL Hackaliah,* ") settled at Woodbury, in 1681. > twins, bap. 1643. 13 IX. Eliasaph,* ) settled In Stratford, and had by his wife Mary, one ch., naraed Mary Rowe,b. April 12, 1674; removed to Wallingford. 14 X. Joseph, bap. In 16-^6, ~^ HackaUah* (12) ra, Emm Fairchild, of Stratford, April 20, 1676, He d, Nov, 20, 1692, and his widow d, Feb., 1733, Children, ll I. William," b, March 21, 1676-7. 16 II. Hannah," bap. Aug., 1680; m. Josiah Gregory, of Dan bury, 1701. 664 HISTORY OP ANCIENT "WOODBURY. 17 in. Lydia," bap. Nov., 1682. 18 IV. Sarah," bap. Nov., 1683 ; ra. Joseph WeUs, of Stratford. 19 V. Jehiel," bap. Oct., 1686 ; ra. Mary Huthwitt, Dec. 27, 1714, and d. May 2, 1727. No issue. 20 VI. Erara," bap. March, 1688 ; m. John Sherraan, Esq., July 21, 1714, who d. Dec 12, 1730. She d. Feb. 25, 1733. 21 VIL Reraeraber," bap. Oct., 1691 ; d. Jan. 15, 1698. Hon. WiUiam" (15) ra. Martha, dau. of John Judson, June, 1705 ; d, Sept. 5, 1754. 22 L Sarauel,' b. Feb. 25, 1706 ; d. March 10, 1706. 23 II. EUzabeth,' b. Feb. 21, 1707 ; ra. John Nichols, Feb. 2, 1732. 24 III. Martha,'' b. April 23, 1709 ; ra. Nathan Curtiss, May, 1732. 25 IV. Sarah,' b. Sept. 9, 1711 ; ra. Matthew Minor, Oct. 9, 1734. 26 V. Hannah,' b. Dec. 18, 1713 ; m. Matthew MitcheU. 27 VL Emm,' b. Feb. 17, 1716; m. Capt. Tiraothy Hinraan. I VIL Seth,' b. Nov. 24, 1718. 29 VIIL Mary,' b. Aug. 6, 1721 ; m. Nathan MitcheU, Dec. 11, 1739. 30 IX. Esther,' b. March 20, 1725 ; m. Gideon HoUister, Dec. 3, 1750. IJ X. Jehiel,' b. Nov. 8, 1727. 32 XL Ruth,' b. July 28, 1730 ; ra. Doct. Joseph Perry, April 20, 1752. Seth' (28) ra. EUzabeth, dau. of Lt. Joseph Judson. He d. April 26, 1777, of sraaU-pox. His widow d. Aug. 16, 1814. Ch., \l I. WiUiara,' b. Feb. 24, 1749. 34 IL EUzabeth," b. July 1, 1751 ; m. Josiah Beers, Jan. 1, 1778; d. Feb. 22, 1825. 35 III. Mary," b. May 30, 1753 ; d. Dec. 26, 1781, unraarried. 36 IV. Esther," b. Nov. 27, 1755 ; d. unraarried. Jehiel' (31) ra. Betterus MitcheU, who d. Jan. 24, 1795, aged 68. He d. Dec. 18, 1807. Ch., 37 L Jehiel,' b. Jan. 16, 1754; d. young. % II. Nathan,' b, April 20, 1756 ; was judge of probate from May, 1795, to May, 1805, 39 in, Martha," b, Aug, 29, 1758 ; ra, Nathan Curtiss, ^° IV, Jehiel,' b, Feb, 15, 1761, HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY, 665 41 V. Sarah,' b. June 29, 1763 ; d. young. 42 VI. Esther," b. AprU 17, 1766 ; ra. Benjarain StUes. 43 VIL Ruth,' b. Aug. 14, 1769 ; ra. Burke MarshaU, June 18, 1795. 44 Vin. Sarah,' bap. Jan. 8, 1775 ; ra. Jesse Minor. WilUam' (33) m. Mary, , who d. Nov. 19, 1836, aged 82. Ch., 45 I. Jaraes," went west ; was drowned ; unraarried. 46 II. Anne," b. Feb. 29, 1771 ; m. Doct. Nathaniel Perry. 47 III. EUzabeth, b. Aug. 10, 1773 ; ra. Nathan Sherman Judson, Feb. 28, 1801. 48 IV. Polly ; m. Sheldon Martin. Nathan,' Esq., (38) ra, 1, Currence Prindle, Sept, 23, 1783, She d, June 24, 1797 ; 2, Sally, widow of Rev, Philo Perry, of Newtown,' Dec. 26, 1799. He d. Sept. 20, 1^22, and his widow died July 26, 1842, aged 81. Ch., 49 I. Polly,' b. Nov. 13, 1783 ; d. March 18, 1814,^ 50 II, Nancy," b. Jan, 16, 1785 ; d, AprU 8, 1819, 51 III, Sylvia," b. Oct, 1, 1786 ; m, David Hitchcock, March 2, 1814, She d. May, 1827. 52 IV. Caroline,' b. Feb. 27, 1788 ; m. Joseph Scovill, Oct. 10, 1813. She d. Sept. 30, 1837, leaving a son, Joseph, who now resides in the city of New York, and is editor of " The Pick." 53 V. Nathan," b. Oct. 18, 1789 ; now living, unmarried. 54 VL Rev.- William,' b. Aug. 16, 1801. Residence, Columbus, Ohio ; is an Episcopal clergyman. He ra, 1, Maria, dau, of William K, Lamson, of Woodbury ; 2. Caroline, dau. of James Scovill, Wa terbury. Ch., by first marriage, William and Sarah ; by second marriage, Scovill. JehleP (40) ra. Anna Terrill. He d. Oct. 29, 1847, aged 87.' His widow d. July 12, 1851, aged 87. Ch., g L Nathaniel," b. Nov. 25, 1785. 56 II Flora," b. July 17, 1786 ; ra. John Strong, Esq. 57 III. Julia," b. July 25, 1791 ; m. 1. Samuel Sherraan ; 2. Dea. Judson Blackman. 58 IV. James," b. July 31, 1796. Nathaniel' (55) ra. Maria Hammond. He d. July 26, 1847, Children, n 59 I. Bennet H.,'° d. young. 60 n. Bennet S.,'° ha. C. Elizabeth, dan- of Dea. Chauncey Whit tlesey, of Roxbury ; has a son, Henry N. 48 666 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 61 ni. Maria H.,'° ra. Robert C. LaWson ; has two ch. 62 IV. Nathan H.,'" unmarried. James" (58) ra. EUza, dau. of Lewis Beers, Dec- 11, 1820. Children, 63 I. EUzabeth A.,'» b. Nov. 9, 1821 ; m. Charies P. Strong,May 4, 1842. 64 IL Martha Jane," b. Sept, 17, 1825 ; d. young. PERRY FAMILY. Persons of the narae of Perry, were coraparatively early in Con necticut, as we find that Richard Perry resided at Fairfield in 1649 ; also Francis Perry, at the same place, in 1663. Gideon Perry,' it is said, was a Scotchman by birth, and emigrated to this country from Wales. Ch., § I. Joseph,^ b. 1728, at Derby, Conn.; settled in Woodbury. . 3 II Gideon.' 4 III. Yelbertson.^ 5 IV. Betty.^ Doct. Joseph' (2) ra. Ruth, dau. of Hon. WiUiam Preston, AprU 20, 1752. She d. Dec. 2, 1768." He m. 2. Bradley, and d. April 29, 1793. His ch. were, ," I. Philo,' b. Dec. 22, 1752 ; became a physician, and practiced in Stratford till he was ordained an Episcopal clergyman. ^, IL Bennett,' b. Dec. 28, 1755. 8 III. Ruth Ann,' b. Dec. 25, 1757 ; m. Doct. Curtiss, of Mon roe, and had three sons and ten daughters, viz., Harraon, George, Henry, Ruth Ann, Betsey, m. Lewis ; Sylva, m. Bradley ; .Abby, ra.'. Atwell ; Sally, m. Beach ; Maria, ra. Bald win ; JuUa, m. Shelton ; Eliza, m. Beardsley ; ' Delia, m. WUliam Botsford, and Esther, unmarried. ^ TV. Nathaniel,' b. Feb. 8, 1761. 10 V. Herman,' b. Sept. 24, 1765 ; d. Jan. 27, 1770. 11 VI. Thomas PhiUips,' b. 1770 ; d. June, 1792. 12 VIL Sylvia,' d. unmarried. 13 Vin. Betsey,' m. Leman Birch, of Newtown. 14 IX. Alathea,' (only ch. by his second ra.,) m. James Porter, who is dead. She resides in Bridgeport ; had' four ch., PhiUips Perry, Harriet A., Jaraes and Betsey. Rev. PhUo3 (6) m. Sally Benjamin, of Stratford, Nov. 29, 1781 ; settled in Newtown, where he d. Oct. 26, 179p, HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 667 Sally, his -widow, ra. Nathan Preston, Esq., Dec, 1799. Children, Jl I. Charles Benjamin," b. Sept. 25, 1782. 16 II. Doct. Henry," b. Feb. 27, 1785. He was colonel in Mina's expedition in Mexico, and was killed by the Spaniards there, June 19, 1817; unmarried. 17 ni. Julia," b. Dec. 21, 1788 ; m. John P. Marshall, Dec. 10, 1812. For ch., see MarshaU family. Doct. -Bennet' (7) m. Sarah, dau. of Daniel Beers, and set tled in Newtown. He d- Nov. 26, 1821. Ch., 18 I. Joseph," b. Aug. 13, 1778, an Episcopal clergyman at Balls- ton, N. Y.; reraoved to New Haven, Conn., where he died. He ra. , and had two chUdren ; 1. Alfred J., ra. Eraily C, dau. of Hez ekiah Pierpont, of Brooklyn, N. Y., where they reside ; 2. Maria, m. Doct. McCleUan, of Brooklyn, and resides there. 19 II. Polly," b. April 12, 1780 ; ra. Asa Chapman, Esq., of New-' town, afterward judge of the suprerae court, who d. at Newtown. She d. 1851, in Brooklyn, N. Y. Their ch. were, 1. Charles, an at torney in Hartford, and late member of Congress. He m. a Miss Tomlinson ; 2. Charlotte, m. A- A. HoUey, of Geneva, N. Y., is d.; 3. William, resides at Brooklyn, num.; 4. Henry, m. Rebecca, dau. of Lerauel Hurlbut, of Winchester. Residence, Brooklyn, N. Y. 20 m. Betsey," b- May 19, 1783 ; ra. Marcus Botsford, of New- towA ; is dead. 21 IV. Herraan," b. Jan. 16, 1782; m. Orphia Shepherd, of New town ; had one ch., Mariette, who m. 1. Loyd; 2. Rev. Mr. BaIley,:'of South Carolina. Herman d., and his widow ra. Garry Bacon, of Woodbury. 22 V. Nathaniel P.," b. May 25, 1788 ; ra. Polly Toucey, of New town, vrho d. He m. 2. the widow of Doct. Raymond, of Kent ; practiced law there; d. in 1850. 23 VI. Sally," b. Sept. 3, 1790 ; m. Curtis Hinman, Esq., an at torney, of Southbury. He d., leaving a dau., who ra. Barnabas W. Root, of Piyraouth, Conn. 24 VII. Nancy," b. April 28,1792; m. Elisha T. MiUs, an attor ney ; had two ch., WiUiam and Charles. She is dec'd. He resides in Ohio. 25 VIIL Sylvia," b. Nov. 20, 1794 ; m- Benjamin F. Shelton, Esq., a lawyer in Newtown, who d. She now resides in New York ; had four ch.,j;l. Theodore, ra. Harriet Eramons, and had six ch.; 2. 668 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. WUUam, ra. a Miss Browning, of Colurabus, Miss., had two daus.; 3. Emily, m. Henry Butler, of New York, had two ch.; 4. Frances. Doct. Nathaniel' (9) ra. Ann, dau. of WUliara Preston. He d. June 13, 1820. Ch., 26 I. WilUam," ra. Fanny Blackraan ; resides in Florence, Ohio; no issue. 27 n. Nathaniel," ra. Sarah, dau. of Aaron Hitchcock; is dec'd; was an attorney, and resided in New Milford. Ch., Nathaniel H., George and Aaron. 28 III. Ruth Ann," d. unmarried. Charles Benjamin" (15) ra. Frances Beers, Dec. 22, 1805. She was b. Oct. 12, 1788. Residence, Auburn, N. Y. Children, 29 L Philo Henry,* b. Jan. 9, 1807; ra. Jane. Vredenburgh Dill, June 3, 1833 ; resides at San Francisco, Cal. Ch., Robert Charies, b. July 2, 1834; Alice Dill, b.Oct. 26, 1843; Frances Eliza, d. Aug. 29, 1838; Mary Josephine, d. March 15, 1850. 30 II. Julia Sophia,' b. Aug. 14, 1808; ra. Roderick C. Steele, of Woodbury, Conn., Sept. 21, 1829 ; resided at Auburn; N. Y.; d. Feb. 13, 1832 ; had one ch., Frances JuUa, b. May 24, 1831 ; d. Aug, 30, 1831. 31 ni. Frances Jane,* b. July 8, 1810 ; ra. Edward E. Marvin, April 5, 1830. Residence, Auburn. Ch., Ellen Augusta, b. Aug. 6, 1838 ; Edward Charies, b. Aug. 5, 1840 ; Archibald Robertson, b. Sept. 26, 1848; Julia Frances, d. Dec 26, 1834. 32 IV. Charles Egbert,* b. Feb. 18, 1812; m. Mariana Lang don Roberts, July 10, 1837. He d. July 31, 1853. Ch., Charles Benjamin, b. Oct. 18, 1839 ; Eraraa Roberts, b. Aug. 3, 1847 ; Fran ces, b. July 7, 1851 ; Mary, who d. April 4, 1845. 33 V. DeUa Augusta, b. Sept. 5, 1814 ; ra. Roderick C. Steele, June 10, 1833. He d. Jan. 1, 1846; had one chUd, Eraraa Sophia, b. Oct. 3, 1836. 34 VI. Roderick Beers, b. Jan. 4, 1823. PORTER FAMILY. Nathaniel Porter, b. in 1692, brother of the great-grandfather of Rev. WiUiara S. Porter, of Farraington, was in Woodbury, in 1735. He m. in 1713, Ruth Woodruff, who d. the same year with her HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, 669 infant son John, and he ra, in 1715, Johanna Smith, Ch., Riith, b. i717; Abigail, b. 1719; Sarah, 1722 ; Nathaniel, 1722 ; Esther, 1726; Thoraas, 1730. Of the above, Nathaniel m. Deborah Hurd, June 13, 1745 ; ra. 2. Abigail Joslyn, of 'Branford, April 16, 1746. Ch. by second w. was, Siraeon, b. Nov, 26, 1747, He d, Sept., 1758, leaving, as appears by his will, a wife and a son, John. He Uved in Bethlehem society, (Woodbury.) Thoraas, brother of the above, ra. Dec. 25, 1752, Elizabeth, dau. of John Hurd. She was born July 21, 1730, and d. Oct. 10, 1753. July 24, 1754, he ra. Beulah, dau. of John and Elizabeth Minor. She was b. Aug. 27, 1734. They lived in Bethlehem society, and their children were. Justice, b. June 6, 1755; Joanna, Oct. 29, 1756; Beulah, Dec. 30, 1758 ; Thomas, Nov. 30, 1761 ; Elijah, Feb. 6, 1763. Sarah, sister of the above, m. April 2, 1754, Lieut. Adam Hin raan, son of Noah and Anna. He was b. June 29, 1718. His father was one of the first settlers of Southbury. PIERCE FAMILY. Dea. John Pierce, probably son of John, of Wethersfield, settled in the main street of Southbury society ; built the " old plastered house," which stood on the east side of the street north of the White- oak school-house. He ra. Ann, (the orphan,) sister of John Huthwitt, and d. Nov. 19, 1731. Hisch. were, John, bap. Sept., 1683 ; EUza beth, bap. Aug., 1685. Sergt. John, son of the above, m. Corafort Jenners, March 21, 1716-17, d. in 1758. Ch., L John, b, April 4, 1718, IL Elizabeth, b, Aug, 19, 1720, ra. Ebenezer Hinraan, April 20, 1743. IIL Sam uel, b. Jan. 5, 1723, d. March 17, 1788. IV. Joseph, b. April 26, 1725. V. David, b. Dec 20, 1727. VL Ann, bap. March 15, 173''0, m. Ebenezer Squire, April 2, 1754. VII. Nathan, b. May 19, 1732. VIIL Justus, b. May 29, 1734. IX. Abraham, b. March 14, 1737. X. Elijah, b. Jan. 13, 1740. Dea. John, eldest son of Sergt. John, ra. Hannah Twitchell, April 13, 1749, who d. July 16, 1770. He d. July 26, 1788. His chil dren were, 1." John, b, March 5, 1750 ; m. Mary Edmonds, Jan. 28, 1773. 670 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 2. Samuel, b. Feb. 26, 1752 ; m. Martha Edmonds, Jan. 9, 1777. He d. Aug. 30, 1799. ChUdren. I. Edmond, b. May 16, 177S, d. April 10, 1802. II. Mary, b. Feb. 6, 1780. III. "William, b. July 13, 17S5, m. Botsford, is dec'd, left two oh., David, of Roxbury, and Mary, -wife of Samuel L. Bloss, of Bethlehem. IV". Jolin, b. Oct. 30, 17S9, m. Olive Platt. "V". Rev. George, b. Sept. 9, 1794, is now Presi- (ient of the "Western Reserve College, Hudson, Ohio. "V"I. Molly, m. See ley, had a dau. Patty, who m. 1. Garry French, 2. Henry B. Stiles, ^of South bury. 3. Titus, b. March 21, 1755 ; m. 1. Mary Norton, June 21, 1770 ; 2. Abiah Platt, Feb., 3, 1780. ChUdren, , I-. Andrew, bap. Dec. 1, 1771. II. Hannah, b. Oct. 24, 1780. III. Amiel Platt, b. April 19, 1783. IV. Abigail Betsey, b. July 25, 178S. V. Pliebe, b. Aug. 4, 1790. VI. Titus, b. July 5, 1792, m. Ann, dau. of Leverett Judd, Esq., of Bethlem. VII. Amos, b. July 6, 1796. 4. Hannah, bap. Feb. 6, 1757. 5. Amos, b. Aug. 9, 1763. Joseph, son of Sergt. John, m. Mary Johnson, Feb. 22, 1760. Ch. as follows, 1. Mary, bap. Jan. 20, 1751, ra. Benjarain Hicock, Feb., 10, 1774. 2. Sarah, bap. Jan. 21, 1753, ra. David Mitchell, AprU 27, 1775. 3. Joel, bap. Sept. 29, 1755, m. Avis, dau. of Lieut. WiUiam French, had ch., naraes not known. ' Jeremiah, the father of Lt. "William French^settled at Stratford, m. Edwards, removed to Dover, N. Y., had 4 sons and 4 daus., viz., "William, Jeremiah, Cree, Gershom, Dosia, Aner, Avis and Hannah. 'WiUiam m. Ann, dau. of Thomas Bennet, and had, 1. Meroystn. Oliver Barrit, and both d. at "Williamstown, Mass. ; 2. Avis, m. Joel Pierce ; 3. Sylvania, m. Gen. E. Hin man of Southbury ; 4. Hannah, m. AsaKol Bacon of "Woodbury; 5. Ann, d. young ; 6. Bronson, m. Mary Ann Burritt, d. 1852 ; 7. Bennet, m. two wives, had issue by the first ; 8. Benjamin, d. while a member of "Williams College ; 9. Col. "William, m. 1. Tomlinson; m. 2. Miss "Woodhouse, from "Wfe\hers- field, has no issue, is living in Ohio, aged about 80 years. Of the above, Jeremiah, m. "Vinegar; Cree m. at Dover; Gershom m. Elsea ;. Dosia m. Stoddard Squire, and went to Little Falls, N. Y. ; Aner m. Bryant, an Episcopal clergyman ; Hannah m. Marsh, and settled in Goshen. 4. Olive, bap. Feb. 26, 1758, m. David StUes, Dec. 12, 1784. 5. Benjamin, m. Lucy Beers of Newtown, and had. Sterling, Ed win and Chloe. 6. Aaron, d. April 5, 1777, of small-pox. 7. Joseph, bap. Aug. 15, 1762, ra. Sarah Hicock, Feb. 27, 1786, and had Lovina, b. Sept. 2, 1786 ; Sally, b. June 5, 1788 ; Joseph, b. AprU 8, 1790 ; Noble, b. May 11, 1792 ; PoUy, b. March* 20, 1794 ; Joshua, b. July 22, 1798. -8, Ruth, b. Aug. 17, 1767, m. Newton Tuttle, Sept. 10, 1786. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 671 ,, 9. Hannah, bap. Sept. 1, 1769. David, son of Sergt. John, m. Eunice Strong, July 18, 1751. He d. Jan. 6, 1786. Ch., I. Eunice, b. June 1, 1752, m. Phineas Barnes, April. 8, 1776. II. Corafort, b. Oct. 5, 1753, ra. John Edraonds, Dec. 7, 1775. III. Currence, b. March 22, 1755. IV. Mercy, bap. Nov. 18, 1756. . V. Betty, bap. July 23, 1758, d. young. VL Pa tience, b. Jan. 28, 1762, m. Samuel Botsford, in 1784. VH. Mary, bap. AprU 15, 1770, d. in 1778. Nathan, son of Sergt. John, m. Mabel Wheeler, Dec, 1763. Children, 1. Rebecca, bap. Sept. 1, 1764, ra. Benjamin Shelton. 2. Nathan, bap. March 23, 1766, ra. Rachel St. John, in 1796, who d. in 1816. He d. in 1820. Children, I. Sally, b. 1797, m. Alvin Hine of Middlebury. II. Anna, d. aged 21. III. Justus, b. 1801, m. Olive Mallory, April 21, 1831, had Reuben and Anna. IV. Polly, b. 1803, ni. Thomas Root. V. Olive, b. 1805, m. Abel Holbrook. VI. Nathan, b. May 9, 1809", m. Sarah E. Bloss of Bethlem, Nov. 6, 1834. Ch., 1. Mary D., b. Dec. 9, 1835, d. Oct. 12, 1846 ; 2. Susan E., b. Nov. 1, 1838; 3. George E., b. April 22, 1840 ; 4. Luoy L., b. April 20, 1842 ; 5. Nathan F., b. Nov. 20, 1847, d. Nov. 21, 1848; 6. Mary D., b. Nov. 14, 1851. VII. Ely, b. 1809, m. Augusta Hurlbut, oh., Rachel and Lucy. VIU. Bllen, b. 1812, m. Anson Bray. IX. Louisa, b. 1817. 3. Siraeon, m. Thankful Hunt. Ch., .^ I. Philo, removed to Michigan. II. Cyrus, m. Jane Minor, removed to Ohio. III. Parnella, m. Andrews, who is a missionary at the Sandwich Islands, IV. Nathaniel, m. Minerva Sanford, and resides in Ohio. V. Fanny, m. Sturtevant. 4. Reuben, bap. Oct. 27, 1771 ; d. 1853, unm. 6. Asa,''bap. Feb. 7, 1773 ; d. unm. 6. Truraan, bap. Nov. 27, 1774 ; d. 1853, unm. 7. Elisha, bap. Oct. 20," 1776, ra. Rhoda Hinman, April 28, 1799, and had, Russel, Betsey and Jane. 8. Cyrus, bap. April 11, 1782, graduated at Yale College, and d. Nov. 14, 1802. Justus, son of Sergt.^ John, m. Hannah Johnson, July 13, 1758. Ch., 1. Justus Johnson, b. Ma.y 9, 1759 ; 2. Andrew; 3. Hannah, b. .Sept. 20, 1772,- ra. Benjarain MitcheU, March 1, 1801 ,' 4. Mary, b. Sept. 10,-1775 ; 5. David, b. Oct. 29, 1778 ; 6. Justus, b. April 11, 1782; 7. Mary Ann, b. June 8, 1783 ; 8. Shadrach, b. July 2, 1786; 9. AbigaU,""b. Sept. 14, 1788. Abrahard, son of Sergt. John, ha:d ch., Calvin, Philo, Noble, bap. Sept. 3, 1769, d. 1775 ; Annis, bap. June 15, 1771 ; Sally, Nancy, Abraham N., bap. Oct. 2, 1778 ; Edwin, bap. July 3, 1785. 672 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. EUjah, son of Sergt. John, m. Esther Downs, Feb. 8, 1770. Ch., Currence, b. Feb. 16, 1775, ra. Bennet French, May 18, 1793 ; Bet sey, m. Israel Bradley, and had two ch.. Noble and Esther. PRENTICE FAMILY. Valentine Prentise, or Prentice, came to New England, in 1.631, with his wife Alice, and his son John, having buried one child at sea. He settled in Roxbury, Mass., where he soon died, and his relict married, April 3, 1634, John Watson. John Prentise, the son of Valentine and Alice, became an inhabit ant of New London, in 1652, and probably brought his wife, .Hester, with him from Roxbury. Their children were, John, b. Aug. 6, 1652 ; Joseph, b. April 2, 1655, d. 1676 ; Jonathan, b. July 15, 1657 ; Esther, b. July 20, 1660 ; Peter, b. July 31, 1663, d. 1670 ; Stephen, b. Dec 26, 1666 ; Mercy, b. Dec, 1668, d. 1689 ; Hannah, b. June, 1672 ; Thoraas and EUzabeth, twins, b. Nov. 6, 1675, and Valentine, date not noted. Valentine Prentise, last mentioned, removed to Woodbury, about the year 1700, as nearly as can be ascertained. He was there cer tainly as early as 1706, as he is that year described as being of Wood bury, in the distribution of his father John's estate, and gives a quit claim deed to the executor, whom he calls "ray loving brother, Capt. John Prentice.'" He raarried Abigail Walker, dau. of Dea. Zecha riah Walker, and had ch., John, ^ bap. Oct., 1710, d. April 4, 1716 ! Esther, b. May 16, 1712, d. young; Joseph, b. Jan. 20, 1715; Esther, b. May 2, 1717 ; John, b. Nov. 1, 1719 ; Thomas, b. May 9, 1722, d. sarae year; Thomas, b. June 23, 1723, d, Nov. 1, 1744; Christopher, b. April 13, 1726; Abigail, bap. Nov, 17, 1728, m. Thoraas Warner, 1749 ; Patience, b, July 7, 1731. John Prentice, Son of Valentine, d. 1751, ch,, by his wife Eliza beth, were, Thomas, b, Jan, 11, 1746 ; Ichabod, bap, March 30, 1748 ; John, bap, Jan, 20, 1751, Joseph Prentice, had the following ch,, Theophila, b, Oct, 1, 1744; Valentine, bap. March 16, 1746 ; Ahiel, bap. Nov. 13, 1748; Ozlas, bap. Aug. 1, 1756, d. 1792; Sarauel Grant, bap. Sept. 10, 1758. Christopher Prentice, son of Valentine, ra. Betsey, dau. of Roger 1 Miss Caulkins' History of New London, p. 328. HISTOEY OF ANCIENT WOODBURT. 673 TerriU, Jr., May 18, 1748, Betsey, d. 1805, and Christopher in 1819, Their ch. were, 1. Mary, b. Oct. 26, 1748. 2. Araaziah, b. April 7, 1750, and by his wife Mercy, had. 1. Colonel, b. July 2C, 1781 ; 2. Sliner, b. Feb. 8, 1783 ; 3. "Walker, b. Dee. 14, 1784; 4. Olive, m. Joseph Root, April 22, 1802; 5. Susan. 3. Sabria, bap. April 5, 1752. 4. John, b. June 6, 1754, m. and had ch., Saliyi d. Jan. 20, 1794, aged 7 years ; Betsey, d. Feb. l8, 1794, aged 11 years; Drusilla, d. April 22, 1794, aged 14 years ; John', had also, the Rev. Charles Prentice, who m. 1. Clarissa Kasson, June, 1804. She d. in 1605, he m 2. Clarinda Parmlee, Nov., 1808. Ch. of Rev. Charles, were, 1. Charles T., b. March 31, 1805, ra. Harriet Ensign, April, 1835 ; 2. Clarinda, b. Oct. 2, 1810, m. Sidney Ensign, Jan., 1833; 3. Eliza Ann, b. Nov. 20, 1812, m. L. S. Adams, Jan., 1835; 4. Theodore P., b. June 25, 1815, m. Sarah Hoskins, Sept., 1841, and d. Oct., 1846; 5. Martha C, b. April 20, 1817, d. Dec. 6, 1834; 6. Henry H., b. Aug. 27, 1819, m. Frances D. King, Oct., 1844; 7. Ed win, b. Dec. 17, 1821, m. Clarissa Stoddard, June, 1851 ; 8. Mary K., b. Oct. 20, 1824, m Charles B. Sheldon, May, 1847. * John, also had. Rev. Thomas H., now of western N. Y. ; Virgil, who went west; Lucy, who m. C. B. Munson; Alma and Dother, both d. 1829. 5. Zachariah, b. Jan. 15, 1757, d. by a fall, when plastering the Episcopal Church in Woodbury. 6. Josiah, b. Nov. 8, 1758, d. Sept. 20, 1760. 7. Josiah, b. Oct. 4, 1761, had a wife, Sarah, and son, Curtiiss, who became a physician, also two daughters. 8. AbigaU, b. March 26, 1763. 9. Patience, bap. Dec. 2, 1765. 10. Sherraan, b. June 26, 1767, ra. Susan Richards, Jan. 18, 1786. He d. July 15, 1829, and his widow, March 19, 1837. Their chU dren were, 1. David, b. Sept. 7, 1787, m. Cordelia "Willis, and had, Susan, Jane and Emeline. He now resides at Geneva, N. Y., and is professor of mathematics in the college of that place. 2. Francis D., b. Oct. 5, 1789, m. Caroline Hib- bard, no children. 3. Lydia, b. Dec. 27, 17U1, d. March 11, 1793. 4. Lydia, b. April 28, 1794, d. May 21, 1845. 5. Sally, b. Feb. 19, 1798, m. Harlow Judson, 1825. 6. Amy, b. Jan. 5, 1800, d. same month. 7. Daniel S. and Dinner, (twins,) b. July 23, 1802; Dinner d. the same year; Daniel S.m. Alec- ta Osborn, in 1827, and had Jane and Mary. 8. Edwin E., b. July 23, 1806. 11. Gideon, bap. July 2, 1769. 12. Sybil, bap. June, 1771. 49 674 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURT. PRIME FAMILY. John Prime, probably from Milford, settled in Woodbury, and was as is supposed, the ancestor of the famUy in the latter place. EUzabeth, dau. of John Prirae, and his wife, Ann, d. Oct. 3, 1704, The Deborah Prime that m. Adino Strong, Dec. 20, 1733, was prob ably his daughter. Joseph Prime, probably son of John, m. oarah Root, Jan. 8, 1728 ; he d. 1757 ; children, 1. Desire, b. Oct. 4, 1729, m. Azariah Root, 1750. 2. Sarah, b. June 6, 1731, ra. June 27, 1751, Ichabod Tuttle. 3. Betty, bap. Dec. 30, 1733. 4. Joseph, b. Oct. 13, 1736, m. Han nah King, Oct. 30, 1765, had Sarah, bap. Dec. 13, 1767. 5. Benja min, b. Aug, 19, 1739, graduated at Yale CoUege, in 1761, and be came a clergyman. ' His father bequeathed to him £160, to defray the expense attending his education. PERCY FAMILY. John Percy had John and Joseph, bap. June 30, 1754. Jqseph Percy ra. Love Reynolds, Aug. 14, 1774, and-had, 1. John, b. Oct. 31, 1774, m. Polly Pond, Nov. 25,' 1799. 2. Bfenjamin,, b. July 7, 1776. 3. Ruth Aray, b. Nov. 29, 1778. 4. SaUy, b. Dec. 24, 1780. 5. Truman, b. Sept. 13, 1782, 6, Rebecca, b. March 16, 1794. 7. Eunice, b. Feb. 21, 1796. 8; Lovina, b. March 23, 1797. Dotha Ann, b. Oct. 25, 1801. He d. March 28, 1830. His wife d. Nov. 22, 1829. Natha,n Percy and 'wife, Sarah, had Mitchell, bap. Dec. 14, 1777. John, b. July 23, 1779. Nathan, b. Oct. 31, 1791. ROOT FAMILY. The name of Root appears early at Hartford and Farmington. Thomas Root, of Hartford, was in the land division, 1639. John, made free at Farmington, in 1663. Jobn, Sen., of Farmington, died about 1685. Children, Joseph, Caleb, Mary, (wife of Isaac Bron son,) and Stephen. John Root, probably son of John above, game to' Woodbury, about HISTORY or AW CI ENT WOObBtTRT. 675 1685 ; his wife, Dorcas, d. May 15, 1720 ; he d. May 25, 1723 ; children, as follows : 1. John, bap. April, 1685. 2. Susanna, same date, ra. Joseph Minor, July 12, 1710. 3. Mary, same date, m. Robert Warner. 4. Sarah, sarae date, ra. Joseph Prirae, Jan. 8, 1728. 5. Josiah, bap. March, 1687-8. 6. Bethia, bap. Dec, 1691, d. July 23, 1700. 7. John, b. June 9, 1 693. 8. Joseph, bap. June, 1 698. 9. Bethia, b. Feb. 7. 1703. * John, Jr., third son of John, m. 1. Ruth Hicock, Sept. 4, 1717 ; she d. April 23, 1741 ; ra. 2. EUzabeth ; he d. Aug. 3, 1757. Ch., L Dorcas, b. April 15, 1718. IL Sarah, b. June 25, 1722. III. Benajah, b. May, 1725. IV. Roger. V. Adonijah, b. Dec. 30, 1730, ra. Ruth Laie, Sept. 25, 1754, and had, 1. Anna, b. May 29, 1755. 2. John,'b. Oct. 9, 1757. 3. Ruth, b. July 24,1759. 4. Adonijah, b. July 14, 1761. 5. Abia, b. Dec. 26, 1764. 6. Eunice, b. Dec 27, 1765. 7. Naomi, b. June 29, 1768, m. Enos CoUms, Feb. 11, 1789. 8. David, b. Jan. 11, 1773. Josiah, second son of John, m. Elizabeth Huthwitt, July 3, 1717 ; he d. 1727. Children, 1. Gideon, b. Feb. 15-, 1718, d.May 5, 1718. 2. David, b. March 31, 1719, ra. Deborah Roycej Oct. 3, 1739, and had, 1. Joanma, bap. July 12, 1740, m. Samuel Dutton, 1759. II. Josiah, b. Murch 12, 1742. III. Ruth, b. May 29, 1747. IV. David, bap. March 89, 1751. V. Deborah, b. 1754, m. Isaac Armstrong, Dec. 5, 1776. •3. Gideon, b. March 28, 1721. 4. Mary, b. June 14, 1723. 5. Jesse, b. Oct. 2, 1725, m. Phebe , and had, I. Mary, bap. March 15, 1747. II. Olive, bap. May 15, 1748. III. Solo- mon, bap. Jan. 21, 1750, d. at Crown Point, Aug. 29, 1776. IV. Mary, b. Aug. 25, 1752. V. Phebe, b. May 19, 1754. VI. Isaac, b. June 2, 1756, and had, 1. Curtiss, bap. Nov. 3, 1782. 2. Solomon, bap. same date. S.Susanna, same date. 4. Joseph H., bap, June.l, 1783. 5. Mehetable, bap. Jan. 5, 1785. VII. Jesse, b. Sept, 17, 1758, and had, 1. Betsey, bap. Sept. 2, 1784, m. Abel Stoddard, 2. Matthew, bap. Sept. 2, 1784, went west. 3. Eunice. 4. Seth S. 5. Phebe, bap. 1790. 6. Rhoda, bap. Sept. 4, 1794. 7. Adorit- ram, bap. July S, 1798. 9. Rev. Judson A. VIII. Joanna, b. Sept. 22,*1762. Joseph, fourth son of John, m- Sosanna , and had the foUow ing children : 1. Gideon, b. April, 1721. 2. Oli-ve, b. March 4, 1726, m. Asahel MitcheU. 3. Thomas, bap. Juiie 23, 1728, m. Emma Minor, Dec. 29, 1757. He a. June 22, 1799. Children, 676 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. I. Jerusha, b. April 16, 1759, m. Lee Terrill. II. Joseph, b. May 12, 176l, m. Abigail Hurd, and had 1. Rosetta, m. Isaac Sherman. 2. Thomas, ra. 1. ¦Wealthy Allen, ra. 2. Polly Pierce; children, Joseph H., "Wealthy Ann, Thom as B., Susan C, Homer A. 3. Andrew. 4. Sally, m. Reuben H. Hotchkiss. Ill; Ruth, b. April 20, 1764. IV. Esther, b. Nov. 24, 1766. V. Sarah Ann, b. Aug. 24, 1770. VI. Mabel, b. July 24, 1772. VII. Mary, b. July 1, 1774. VIII. Preston, b. Jan. 17, 1776, d. young. 4. Susanna, bap. Sept. 30, 1729. 5. Mabel, b. April 18, 1733. » 6. Jerusha, b. June 20, 1735, ra. Minor. 7. Eunice, b. April 2, 1737, ra. Seth Minor, 1757. 8. Bulah, b. Aug. 7, 1739, ra. — — Minor. 9. Joseph, b. Aug. 27, 1741, d. sarae raonth, 10. Joseph, bap. Oct. 24, 1742. 11. Ruth, bap. AprU 22, 1744. 12. Justus^ bap. Oct. 20, 1745, d. Oct. 20, 1753. The connection of the following with the preceding is not deter mined. Thomas Root ra. Sarah Hicock, and d. June 3, 1 727. Children, Amos, b. July, 1724. John, bap. Jan. 30, 1726. John m. Mabel Root, Aug. 22, 1754, and had, I. Betty, bap. Oct. 12, 1755. II. Bu lah, bap. Feb. 5, 1758. III. Justus, bap. April 27, 1760, m. Mercy Tiflf", Dec. 4, 1782. IV. David, bap. April 10, 1763. V. Ruth, bap. March 9, 1766. VL John, bap. Sept. 11, 1768, d. young. VIL John, bap. April 15, 1770. VIIL Mabel, bap. Oct. 20, 1773. IX. Elizabeth, bap. Oct. 29, 1775. X. David, bap. March 1, 1778. XL Olive, bap. June 4, 1780. XII. Thomas, bap. March 9, 1783, m. Orry Beers, and had 1. Eraeline, m. Thaddeus Crane. 2. Jar- vase, went west. Amos, brother of John and son of Thomas, m. Mercy Martin, Sept. 16, 1747, and d. March 7, 1798. Children, I. Susanna, bap. Sept. 10, 1749, ra. Sarauel Carr, 1773. II. Pa tience, bap. AprU 14, 1751. III. Joseph, bap.March 17, 1754. IV. Colonel, bap. April 25, 1756. V. Amos, bap. Jan. 29, 1758, and had 1. Laura. 2. Electa. 3. Amos, aU bap. Sept. 8, 1793, 4, Olive, bap, July, 1796, VL Mary, bap, Feb, 25, 1759. VIL Jonas, bap. Nov. 23, 1760. Azariah Root and wife, Desire, had Ruth, b. June 5, 1751. Betty, b. Feb. 16, 1753. Abijah Root and his wife, Rutli Emm, had Jerusha, b. Aug. 4, 1785. Elizabeth,' b. May 30, 1788. Timothy, b. Oct. 4, 1790. Lee,b. Sept. 13, ,1792. HISTORT, OF ANCIENT WOODBURT. 677 SMITH FAMILY. The name of Smith is the raost numerous of any in New England. It had furnished two hundred and fourteen graduates in New England and New Jersey, previous to 1825, one-fourth of whora have been settled clergymen. ^ Richard Smith, (probably of Lyme, Conn.,) settled in Judea soci ety about 1750 ; m. Annis, dau. of Nathan Hurd. He removed to Roxbury society after the birth of his first child, where he d. Jan. 20, 1807, aged 76, His widow d. AprU 18, 1808, aged 75. Ch., I. Daniel, bap. May 18, 1755. His descendants are found in Ver- raont. New York and Canada. One of his sons (Phineas) now re sides in Woodbury ; has ch. II. Phineas, Esq., b, June 3, 1759 ; ra, Deborah Ann, dau. of Joshua Judson, of Woodbury. He d. Nov. 7, 1839, and his widow d. May 30, 1850. Ch., 1. Hon. Truman, m. 1. a Miss Cook, of Litch field, 2. a Miss Dickinson ; 2. Phineas, Esq., a lawyer in Vermont, is dec'd; 3. SheldenD., d. Nov. 19, 1849, aged 53, unm,; 4, Nathan iel, ra. Miss Benton, of North Guilford, resides in New Haven ; 5. Catherine, ra. Henry N. Painter, of Roxbury; 6. Nathan R., ra. a dau. of Dea. Judson Blackraan, has ch., resides in Roxbury. III. Hon. Nathaniel, b. Jan. 6, 1762, settled in Woodbiiry; ra. Ruth, dau. of Rev. Noah Benedict. She was b. Jan. 20, 1767. He d. March 9, 1822, in the 61st year of his age, and his relict (Mrs. Ruth,) d. June 30, 1845, 'm the 78th year of her age. They had one child, Hon. Nathaniel B., b. Dec. 7, 1795, ra. Mary Ann W. Goodrich, Feb. 22, 1819, who was b. May 29, 1799. She was dau. of Rev. Mr. Goodrich, of Berlin. Their ch. are, 1. Mary E., b. July 2, 1820, m. John J. MoneU, an attorney, who resides at Newburgh, N. Y.; 2. CaroUne E., d. Oct. 25, 1835, aged 5 ; 3. Nathaniel, b. 1831. IV. Elizabeth, b. 1764, m. Capt. David Hammond, and d. Feb. 22, 1800, aged 36. V. Hon. Nathan, b. 1767, d. whUe a member of the U. S. Senate, at Washington, Dec. 6, 1835, In the 65th year pf his age. Cli., 1. Eliza ; 2. Rebecca, ra. WiUiam H. ScoviU, of Waterbury ; 3. Chas. ; 4. Sarah ; 5. Caroline ; 6. John Henry Hobert. VI. Richard, b. in 1769 ; d. .Sept. 29, 1805, 'unmarried. vn. Annis, m. Bennet Bronson, of Waterbury, and d. in 1818. The following resided in Southbury. 678 HISTORT OF ANCIENT WOODBURT. John Smith had ch., Rachel, bap. June 11, 1732 ; Samuel, bap. Sept. 24, 1734; Martha, bap. Sept. 2, 1737. Ebenezer Smith had Bethua, bap. Nov. 4, 1753 ; Ebenezer, bap. May 2, 1758 ; Ebenezer, bap. July 29, 1759 ; Samuel, bap. April 19. 1761 ; Mabel, bap. Nov. 18, 1764; Susannah, bap. May 16, 1774. Jared Smith. Ch., Thoraas, bap. Noy. 1, 1767 j Truman, bap. March 12, 1769 ; Thaddeus, bap. Oct. 17, 1773. Jaraes Sraith had" Sarah, bap. Dec. 16, 1770. Daniel Smith, and wife Anne, had ch., Anne, b. Nov. 12, 1788 ; Erastus, b. June 4, 1791 ; Thankful, b. Dec. 21j 1794. Richard Smith m. Lovina . . Ch., Abraham Lewis, b. June 25, 1802 ; Ralph Dunning, b. Oct. 24, 1804, resides at Guilford, Conn. ; John Edward, b. Sept. 14, 1816, resides in Waterbury. Rev. Noah Smith, of South Britain society, had ch., Sarah Matilda, b. Aug. 14, 1823 ; Martha Miranda, b. April 29, 1825 ; Edward Par melee, b. June 27, 1827 ; Mary Shipman, b. May 9, 1830. Samuel Smith m. Abigail ¦ . Ch., Samuel, b. March 18, 1766; Isaac, b. Feb. 12, 1771 ; Isaac, b. Jan. 4, 1788 ; Minerva, b. Sept. 22, 1790. Sarauel Smith m. Sarah Lewis. Ch., Betsey, b. June 3, 1785, m. Cyrus Tuttle ; Harriet, b. Sept. 20, 1786, m. Benjamin D. Booth | SaUy, b. April 15, 1791, m. Huthwitt Tuttle ; Laura, b. Jan. 14, 1794, m. Lewis Hinman; Charlotte, b. Dec. 29, 1796, m. Benjamin Tuttle ; Lewis ; Samuel, who resides in South Britain, has a family; George, m. Marietta Stiles, resides in South Britain. The following lived in the other societies of " Ancient Woodbury." Thoraas Sraith, and wife Patience, had I. .Bethel, bap. March 2, 1755, m. Deliverance , and had, SybU, b. Oct. 7, 1778 ; Thoraas, b. Sept. 2, 1784 ; Betsey, b. Aug. 4, 1787 ; Harry, b. Jan. 3, 1792. II. Anna, bap. May 18, 1755. III. Araos, bap. Aug.. 1, 1756, IV. Andrew, bap. May 21, 1758. V. Reuben, bap. July 15, 1759. Vl. Siraeon, bap. March 1, 1761. VII. Betty, bap. Aug. 26, 1764. VIIL SybU, bap. Jan. 26, 1766. Jaraes Smith ra. Damaris . Ch., Mary, Skinner, James, Stoddard, Annis and AbigaU, aU bap. June 12, 1771 ; Ashbel, bap. June 4, 1774 ; Damaris, bap, March 5, 1775, John Sraith had ch,. Lent, bap. April 3, 1748 ; EUzabeth, bap. March 25, 1750 ; Mary, bap. July, 1751. EUhu Smith, and wife Aner, had ch., Chloe, b. Nov. 18, 1765 ; HISTOEY- OF ANCIENT WOODBURT. 674 Elihu, h. Sept. 24, 1768 ; ]Psther,bap. May 12, 1771 ; Susanna, bap. June 26, 1774. Jonathan Smith, m. Martha Porter, Feb. 17, 1748. Ch., EUsha, bap. July 7, 1754; Eunice, bap. May 9, 1756.; Eunice, bap. March 4, 1759.' SHERMAN FAMILY. Arms. S^ierman, (London and Devonshire; descended from tib,e; Shermans of Yoxley, co. Suffolk,) or, a lion ramp. saJbetw. three oak leaves vert ; on the annulet for diflf. Crest — A-sea-Uon sejant, per pale or and ar..,guttee de poix, i^nnedbf the first; on thq shoulder a crescent for diff. ilfoMo^-Cpnquer dea^hby virtue. An engraving of this coat appears on the opposite page. In 1634, Hon. Sanluiel-Sherman, Rev. John, his brother, and Capt. John, his first cousin, caitte to, this country from Dedham, Essex co.j England. Samuel in. Sarah Mitchell,, who came with hira from En gland, and settled at Stratford, Conn. 'The other two finally located at Watertown, Mass. ' Rev. John Sherman was b. Dec. 26, 1613, at Dedham, Eng.; gjrad- uated at Iraraanuel College, Cambridge ; left college a Puritan, and carae over to America in 1634, as "above stated.' He preached his first sermon at Watertown, Mass., under a tree, soon after his arrival in this country. In a few weeks he went to New Haven, Conn., and preached in several plaftes. He received a call to settle at MUford, but declined from modesty, and perhaps from other causes. He finally settled at Watertown, Mass-, on the death of Mr. Phillips. By his first wife he had six ch, He ra. Miss Mary Launce, for his second wife, and " had no less than twenty children."^ Thirteen of these d. without issue, before their father. Five of the others were sons, viz., Bezaleel, Daniel, Samuel, John, b. March 17, 1659, and Jaraes ; and eight were daughters, viz., Abigail, b. 3d, 12th mo., 1647 ; Mercy AUen ; Mary, b. March ?, 1656 ; Grace, b. March 10, 1658 ; 1 1 should have been glad to have carried out the later branches of the Smith fain-» Uy, but was unable to induce those bearing the name, to give me the requisite infp& iliatiOQ. 2 Mather's Magnalia, pp. 465, 466, 497. 680 HISTORT OF ANCIENT WOODBURT. Elizabeth; Abiah; Hester, d. Aug. 25, 1688, and Barren. Rev. John Sherman's will is dated Aug. 6, 1685, and in it are naraed these thirteen children ; Bezaleel and Abigail, who m. Samuel Willard, having d. before their father, but left ch. He d. Aug. 8, 1685, aged 71. John, Abiah and Esther d. without ch., after their father. Mercy ra. Samuel Barnard, of Watertown, Mass. James became a minister at Sudbury, and John Sherman, Esq., of Brimfield, was his son. Widow Mary Sherraan, w. of Rey. John, d. March 9, 1709-10. Capt. John Sherman, cousin of Rev. John, and of about the same age, also settled in Watertown, Mass. He m. Martha Palmer and had ch., Martha, b. 21st of 12th mo., 1 640, m, Francis Bowman, 26th of 7th mo., 1661; Sarah, b. 17th of llth mo., 1647, d. June 17, 1667 ; Joseph, b. 14th of 3d mo., 1650 ; Grace, b. 20th of 10th rao., 1655, and John, who was killed In the Narraganset fight, and left no issue. Capt. John d. Jan. 25, 1690. His widow Martha, d. Feb. 7, 1700. Joseph, son of Capt. John, m, Elizabeth Winship, Nov. 18, 1673, and had ch., John, b. Jan. 11, 1674 ; Edward, b. Sept. 2, 1677 ; Jo seph, b. Feb. 8, 1679 ; Samuel, b. Nov. 28, 1681 ; Sarauel, b. Nov. 28, 1682; Jonathan, b. Feb. 24, 1683-4;, Ephraim, b. March 16, 1685; Ephraira, b. Sept, 20, 1686; Elizabeth, b. July 15, 1687 ; WiUiara, b, June 28, 1692, (father of Roger, the signer of the dec laration;) Sarah, b, June 2, 1694^; Nathaniel, b. Sept, 19,1696, He d. Jan, 20, 1730-31. John, son of Joseph, m. Mary BuUen, He d. Oct. 31, 1756. His wife d. May 5, 1761. Ch., Mary, d. unm.; Joseph, Ephraim, John, Grace, Elizabeth and Samuel. Edward, son of Joseph, m. Sarah Parkhurst, Oct. 16, 1700, and had ch., Sarah, b. May 29, 1701, ra. Andrew Wilson, June 7, 1722 ; AbigaU, b. June 10, 1704 ; Joseph, b. Sept. 10, 1706 ; Edward, b. March 9, 1708-9 ; Jonathan, b. Feb. 2, 1711-12. WiUiara, son of Joseph, m. 1. Rebecca Cutler, of Charlestown, Mass. Ch., WiUiam, who d. aged about sixteen months ; 2. m. Mehita ble Wellington, of Watertown, Mass., dau, of Benjarain, who was son of Roger Wellington, from England, Sept. 13, 1715. Ch., William, of New Milford, b. March 20, 1716-17, ra. Sarah Terrill, lived in New Milford and d. without Issue ; Mary, m. John Brattle, of Ded- hara, and had five ch.; Roger, signer of the declaration ; Elizabeth, m. Jaraes Buck, of New Milford, and had eight ch ; Rev. Nathaniel, minister at Bedford, Mass., and afterward. May, 1768, settled at Mt. Carmel ; Rev. Josiah, minister at Woburn, Mass., Goshen and Wood- HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 681 bridge. Conn,, father of Hon, Roger Minot Sherman, and Rebecca, who ra. Joseph HartweU, of New MUford. Rev. Josiah, raentioned above, graduated at Nassau Hall, in 1754, received the honorary degree of M. A. at Harvard, 1758, and at Yale, 1765. After having been settled at Woburn, Mass., about fifteen years, he was installed at Milford, Aug. 23, 1775, disralssed June 21, 1781, settled next at Goshen, and reraained there till 1788. He died at Woodbridge, Nov, 24, 1789. Hera. Martha Minot, dau. of Hon. Jaraes Minot, of Concord, Mass., Jan. 24, 1757. She was b. Feb. 1, 1738. Her father, a very distinguished man, b. Oct. 17, 1694, was the son of James Minot, Esq., a graduate of Harvard, in 1675, b. Sept. 14, 1653, who was the son of Capt. John Minot, of Dorchester, Mass., b. April 2, 1626, who was the son of Elder George Minot, who was b. Aug. 4, 1594. All of the narae of Minot in this country are supposed to have descended from the latter. He was the son of Thomas Minot, Esq., of Saffron- Walden, Essex, England. He was araong the first pilgrim emigrants to Mass., and the first settlers of Dorchester, " His death," say the records, " was much lamented by the town, whose weal he sought and liberties defended," Rev, Josiah studied divinity with Rev. Dr. Bellamy, of Bethlem, and Rev. John Graham, of Southbury. He was a very acceptable preacher. His elocution was distinct, though fluent and rapid. His voice was excellent — his mind discriminating. His eloquence was often pathetic, sometimes vety powerful, and always such as to com- raand the respect and attention of his audience. His wife died in 1820, at Durham, N. Y. Their children were, 1. Hon, Roger Mi not, LL, D., b. May 22, 1773, d, Dec. 30, 1844, ra. EUzabeth, dau. of Dr. William Gould, of New Haven, and sister of Judge James Gould, of Litchfield. She was b. 1784, and d. 1848. He was one of the most brilliant and successful lawyers that Connecticut has ever produced. As a man, a jurist, and a Christian, he was preeminent. 2. Martha, b. Dec. 8, 1758, who ra. Rev. Justus MitcheU, had four chUdren, and died at White Plains, N. Y., Oct 24, 1829 ; 3. EUza beth, b. March 26, 1761, m. John Mitchell, Esq,, of Woodbury, and d. about 1816. Their only son, a physician, settled in Green county N. Y. 4. Mary, b. Feb. 3, 1763 ; 5. ^usanna, b. AprU 7, 1765, m! . Baldwin, and 6. Josiah, of Albany, N. Y. By the foregoing account of Capt. John Sherman's descendants, it appears that Rev. Josiah, and consequently his son, Hon. Roger M., were descendants of Capt, John; of Watertown, and not of Rev, John, of the same place. This is as they themselves understood the mat- 50 682 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. ter. The aged Roger Sherman, of New Haven, son of the " signer," also gave the author the same information, and he is not likely to be mistaken. The records of Watertown also attest the same fact, al though Lambert, Allen, Trumbull and Mather, make Rev. Josiah the great-grandson of Rev. John, of Watertown. Thus it will be seen that Roger Minot's father was the fourth in descent frora Capt. John. Nathaniel, son of Joseph, ra. Mary Liverraore, of Watertown, May 31, 1726. Children, Mary, b. Dec, 9, 1726 ; Betsey, b. June 14, 1728; Martha, b. Feb. 16, 1729-30. Roger, son of WilUam, and "Signer of the Declaration,'' ra. 1. a dau. of Dea. Joseph HartweU, of Stoughton. Children, John, Wil liam, Isaac and Chloe. His wife died Oct. 19, 1760, aged 34; m. 2. May 12, 1763, a dau. of Benjarain Prescott, Jr., son of Rev. Ben jarain Prescott, formerly minister at Salem. Children, Rebecca, Elizabeth, Roger, of New Haven, Oliver, Mehetable, Martha and Sarah. Oliver never marrlea. All the others married and had issue. Three of these children were living July 25, 1850. Roger, of New Haven, Mehetable, widow of Jeremiah Evarts, and Sarah, the wife of Hon. Samuel Hoar, of Concord, Mass. Hon. Samuel Sherman, i^ brother of Rev. John, of Waterto'v^n, came from Dedham, England, when about 18 or 19 years of age. He afterward reraoved to Wethersfield, Conn., thence to Staraford, and thence to Stratford, where he died. An account of his life has already appeared in these page?. He ra. Sarah Mitchell, sister of Rev. Jonathan Mitchell, of Carabridge, Mass. Nearly all of the narae who have resided in " Ancient Woodbury," were descended frora hira. His children were, j° I. Samuel,^ b. June 19, 1641, reraained at Stratford, 3 IL Theophilus,^ b. Oct. 28, 1643, remained at Stratford. 4. III. Matthew,^ b. Oct. 24, 1645, reraained at Stratford, m. Han nah , d. in 1698. =5 IV. Edmond,^ b. Dec 4, 1647. I, V. John,= b. Feb. 8, 1650-1, carae early to Woodbury. 7 VL Sarah,^ b. Feb. 8, 1653-4. 8 VIL Nathaniel,^ b. March 21, 1656-7, reraained at Stratford, d. in 1712, leaving wife, Abigail.' ^ VIIL Benjarain,^ b. March 29, 1662. 10 IX. Daniel,^ b. April 15, 1665. SaraueP (2) ra. Mary Titterton, dau. of Daniel, June 19, 1665. Children, HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 683 11 L Mary,= b. May 7, 1666. '£ IL Daniel,'b. March 23, 1668-9. 13 IIL Susanna,^ b; July 22, 1670. 14 IV, Sarah,^ bap. May, 1673. , 15 V. Grace,= b. July 8, 1676. 16 VL EUzabeth,^ b. Jan. 1, 1678-9. Edmond^ (5) d. in 1683. Children by his wife Susannah, as ^follows : 17 I. BezaleeV b. April 11, 1675-6, d. in Stratford, 1717, ChU dren mentioned in his will, Ebenezer, Edmond and Susannah. 18 IL Sarah,^ bap. Aug., 1678. 19 IIL SamueVb. Jan. 8, 1678-9. 20 IV. Edmond,^ b. March 20, 1680,m. Jane Cornwall, March 6, 1706. 21. V. Matthew,' b. Jan. 8, 1683, had sons, Lemuel and David. Dea. John^ (6) m. EUzabeth , d. Dec. 13, 1730. She d. Oct. 1, 1744. He was a leading man both at Stratford and Woodbury, was town clerk in' the latter place. Children, 22 I. Ichabod,^ d. in old age, unm. - > " 9, 23 IL Hannah,^ bap. July, 1680, ra:^^ ^Chittenden. >f9" }-% g IIL SamueVbap. Aug., 1682. 25 IV. EUzabeth,' bap. Oct., 1684, m. Roger Terrill, July 23, 1713. fi V. John,' bap. June, 1687. 27 VI. Sarah,^ bap. Jan., 1689-90, m. Benjamin Hinraan, Dec. 18, 1718. 28 VII. Mary,' bap. March, 1691-2, m. Rev. Anthony Stoddard, Jan. 15,1715-16. 29 VIII. Susanna, bap. Nov., 1693, m. Daniel Noble, June 4, 1722. Benjamin^ (9), reraained at Stratford. Children, 30 I. Job,' who had John, Joel, Nathan and Ephraim. The. last named had sons, Amos and Peter. Amos was father of Homer B. Sherman, of Rpxbury. ¦31 II. Nathaniel.' 32 III. Enos.' 33 IV. Benjamin.' « V. Samuel.' 35 VI. Timothy.' 36 VIL James.' 684 aisToftY o* ancient woodbury. Daniel' (12) m. Rebecca Wheeler, of Stratford, Dec. 29, 1694. ChUdren, n I. Samuel." 38 II. Benonia." 39 in. Ebenezer." Dea. Samuel' (24) m. Mary Knowles, Dec. 22, 1709, d. Feb. 25, 1757. Children, 40 L Kezia," b. Nov. 10, 1710, d. March 1, 1738. 41 II. Hannah," b. Dec. 25, 1712, ra. Jonathan Atwood. 43 iv Rhod'a°''}*^^"«'^-S^P*-21' ^''^^^ m.reteTW^ikev,17iO. 44 V. David," b. Aug. 1, 1718, d. 1719. U VI. David," b. March 15, 1721. g VIL Samuel," b. June 26, 1722. 47 VIII. John," b. July 9, 1727. John' (26) m. Erara, dau. of Hachaliah Preston, July 22, 1714, d. 1727. Children, 48 I. Jerusha," b. Sept. 15, 1716, ra. Joseph Judson, Nov. 26, 1741. 49 II. Daraaris," b. Feb. 14, 1719, ra. Nathan Judson, July 10, 1745. ?? HL Daniel," b. Aug. 14, 1721. 51 IV Matthew" ) d. Oct. 19, 1744. 0^ V. Mary, ^ d. March 29, 1724. 53 VI. Mary," b. July 7, 1726. Samuel' (34) had children, 54 I. Lerauel." g IL EUjah," settled in Woodbury. 66 III. Isaac" Sarauel" (37) had sons, 57 I. Justin.' ^ II. Jotham,' of Newtown, Conn. Reuben" (42) m. Martha , who d. March 9, 1750. He d. May 3, 1792. Children, 59 I, EUzabeth,' bap, Nov. 28, 1742, ra. John Cuftiss. 60 II. Kezia,' bap. March 3, 1745, ra. Joseph Keeler. 61 ni. Esther,' bap. Feb. 1, 1747, ra. Benjamin Ruseo. 62 IV. Daniel,' bap. May 9, 1773,1 , . j ,,.,j 63 V. Sarah,' bap. Oct. 8, 1775, ' | adopted chUdren. David* (45) m. Hannah , d. Nov. 10, 1799. Children, II L Matthew,' b. 1753. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 685 65 II. EUzabeth,' b. March 2, 1755, ra. Simeon Cole, removed to Canada. 66 III. Solomon,' b. ^ov. 15, 1756, d. young. 67 IV. Susanna,' b. July 21, 1758, d. Dec. 23, 1776. 68 V. Lucy,' b. May 1, 1760, d. May, 1779. [^ VL Soloraon,' b. Jan. 13, 1763. - ,'?4 vn. Aaron,' b. Sept. 12, 1764. 71 VIIL Eldad,') , . , . 07 i7fifi 72 IX, Bildad,' r^''^'' ^" ^"S- 27, 1766. Eldad died March 12, 1813 ; his wife died April 4, 1811, no issue. Bildad m. and had John, Bradley, Judson W., who resides at Angeli ca, N. Y., Lucy, Nancy and Eraily. 73 X. Gideon,' bap. April 23, 1769, ra. Susanna Dorraan. ChU dren, 1. Erasraus,^ b. 1802, d. 1827 ; 2. Lucy," b. 1803 ; 3. George," b. 1805, d. 1836, unra. ; 4. Edna," b. 1807, d. 1838, unra. ; 5. Mary Jane," b. 1811, d. 1819. Samuel" (46) ra. Sarah — — who d. April 16, 1803. Ch., 74 I. Mary,' b. Aug. 11, 1751. 75 II. John,' b. Jan. 4, 1753,' m. Abigail ; children, Sarah, b. AprU 11, 1774; Ichabod, b. AprU 28, 1776. 76 IIL Ichabod,' b. April 15, 1755, d. April 27, 1775. 77 IV. Esther,' b. Feb. 6, 1763. Judge Daniel" (50) d. July 2, 1799. His wife, MindweU, d. May 18, 1798. Children, 78 I. Hannah,' b. June 4, 1745. 79 IL Emra,' b. May 2, 1747, d. in 1749. 80 III. Sarah,' b. Sept. 17, 1749, d. in 1798, unm. 81 IV. Emm,'b. March 23, 1753, m. Warner. 82 V. Daniel,' b. AprU 20, 1756, d. Feb. 13, 1809. Children, Clarissa, Louna, John, Polly, Peter and Lamson. 83 VI. Taylor,' had Charles, Daniel and Betsey. Hon. Charles lived and died in Ohio ; had children. Elijah" (55) ra. 1, Nanny Northrop, May 22, 1778, who died April 2, 1818. He m. 2. Betsey Tumey, in 1819, and d. Jan. 5, 1844, aged 90. Children, 84 L John N.,' b^Dec 28, 1779. 85 IL Betsey,' b. Sept. 22, 1781, d. Oct. 8, 1798. , ,"^ IIL Elijah,' b. AprU 23, 1783. S IV. Isaac,' ,b. May 28, 1787. 88 V. Anna,' b. Dec. 24, 1789, m. Joel Pierce, May 9, 1814, d. 686 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. March 13, 1846. She had ch., one of whora was Mariette, the wife of G. W. Bishop, now of Sharon, Conn. 89 VI. Samuel,' b, Oct, 23, 1792, m. JuUa, dau, of Jehiel Pres ton, d. Sept, 11, 1844, no issue, 90 VIL George,' b, July 23, 1794; d, Oct, 22, 1798.. 91 VIIL Rebecca,' b. Oct. 1, 1796, ra. Chester Foot. 92 IX. Aray,' b. Oct. 29, 1798 ; d. Jan. 13, 1813. 93 X. Sally,' b. March 27, 1801, ra. Daniel Abbot, 94 XL Rev, Charles,' b. Oct. 22, 1803, ra, Jerusha Rogers, Nov, 19, 1828, d. at Troy, N, Y., March 10, 1844. He had one ch., Hen rietta J. Jothara,' (58) ch., 95 I. Beers," settled in Newtown, Conn. 96 II. Rufus," settled in Brookfield, Conn. 97 III. Samuel," settled in Brookfield, Conn. y^ IV, Lewis," settled in Newtown, Conn, ' Matthew' (64) d. March 25, 1813. His wife Elizabeth d. the day previous. Children, 99 I. Judson," had Hiram,'' Albert' and Edward.' 106 II. Leman, Esq.," b. Dec. 17, 1786, m. Nancy, dau. of Jesse Minor, Esq. He d. Oct 21, 1831, leaving his wife and 2 ch., Sarah and Fanny ; Sarah ra. — ^- Meloy, and resides in Waterbury. 101 III. Susanna," bap. March 30, 1789 ; d. young. 102 IV. Lucy," bap. March 30, 1789 ; d. young. 103 V. Harvey," bap. Aug. 29, 1790 ; d. March 30, 1813, unm. 104 VI. Diodema," bap. Nov, 14, 1792, ra, Nathan Bowers. Soloraon' (69) ra. 1. Cressey, who d. in 1802; m. 2. Ford. Children, 105 I. Eunice," b. May 19, 1789, ra. Sarauel Bristol, resides in Wakeraan, Ohio. 106 II. Cyrus," b. Jan. 9, 1792, ra. Mercy Peck. Ch., 1, Jennette, d. unm ; 2, Ruth Ann, m. —^ Sorter of Waterbury ; 3, JuUa, m. in 1853, Nelson Bristol of Wakeman, Ohio, 107 III, Hannah," b, March 10, 1793 ; d. July 3, 1819. 108 IV. Sarah," b. March 26, 1795, ra - Whittlesey of Ohio. 109 V. David," b. March 3, 1796, m. Julia Johnson of Plymouth, resides in Penn. 110 VI. Ruth," b. Jan. 19, 1798, m. N. Hine of Bethlem, resides in Ohio. Ill VII. Reuben," b. March 5, 1799, 'd. in Virginia, unm. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 687 112 VIII. PoUy," b. April 16, 1804, m Gleason, went west. 113 IX. EUza," b. Feb. 25, 1806. 114 X. WilUam," b. July 31, 1807. Resides ra Bedford, Pa,, has children. Aaron' (70) m. Anna Curtiss, Feb. 19, 1795. He d. Oct. 16, 1822, and his wid. d. Feb. 18, 1847. Children, 115 I. Betsey," b. March 28, 1796, m. Marshfield P. Marther, Nov. 6, 1821, 116 IL Susan," b. May 15, 1798, m. Thomas Bull, Esq., Feb. 19, 1824. 117 IIL Ann,"b. Sept. 20, 1800; d. Oct. 16, 1822, 118 IV. Fanny," b. Jan. 3, 1803, m. John Summers, Feb. 23 1829 ; d. Aug. 8, 1851, leaving ch., CorneUa and Elvira. 119 V. Augusta," b. Sept, 11, 1805, m. Nathan B. Fairchild, May 6, 1832. 120 VL Julia," b. July 28, 1807; d. Oct. 29, 1826. 121 VII, Monroe Curtiss, b, April 28, 1810, m. 1. CorneUa Hurd of Indiana ; ra. 2, Ruth E., dau. of Dea. Reuben H. Hotchkiss ; has children. 122 VIII. Caroline," b. Feb, 3, 1813, m. Shelton Sraith. 123 IX. Bennet Aaron," b. Sept. 8, 1817, m. Emily M., dau. of the late John Strong, Esq., June 7, 1852. Capt. John N.,' (85) m. Mary, sister of Hon. Seth P. Beers. He d. Aug. 1, 1815 ; his wid. d. Oct. 1, 1839. Ch., 124 L George P-," b. Nov. 11, 1811, m- Harriet A- Brown of Bethlem- She d. Aug. 13, 1850, aged 39. He has 2 ch. living, Harriet and Henry. 125 II. John N.," m. Margaret L., dau. of Josiah Hotchkiss, July 11, 1838 ; had one ch, who Is deceased. He d. June 1, 1840, 126 III, Rev, Henry Beers," Is an Episcopal clergyman, and re sides at BellvIUe, N. J. ,, Elijah' (86) m. 1. Oct. 14, 1805, Fanny, dau. of Lieut. John Strong. She d. Aug. 19, 1848 ; he ra. 2. Polly Beard Camp, Jan. 1, 1850. His ch. are, 127 I. Catherine A.," b. May 24, 1807, ra. WUliara C. Cogswell, Sept. 5, 1838, and has 2 ch., Mary A. and F, Isabella, 128 II. Margaret S.," b. AprU -28, 1816, ra, John McKenney, May 24, 1837, He was b. In Manchester, Conn., Sept, 8, 1812, and d. in Woodbury, Feb. 5, 1845. Ch., Amelia W. and Henry S. Isaac' (87) m. Rosetta Root, Oct. 28, 1807. She d. May 29, 1850. ChUdren, 688 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 129 I. Betsey M.," b. June 2, 1810, ra. Ira Thomas, and has, Hor- tensia M.,' Horatio S.,' Serina R.' and Cleraentine S.' 130 II. Joseph R.," b. June 5, 1812, ra. Lucretia ToUes, April 14, 1839, resides iij New York. 131 in. JuUa," b. April 30, 1814, ra. George E. Hall of Betli- lem, now resides west ; has ch., J. Sherraan, Charles Henry and Mary Jane. 132 IV. Anna C," b, Nov, 8, 1816, ra, William Abernethy, and had one ch,, Henry W, She d. Jan. 7, 1840. 133 V. Rebecca," b. Sept. 22, 1819, ra. Thomas W. GUlette, Sept. 2, 1840, New Haven. Lewis," (98) of Newtown, had, 134 I. Justin.' removed to Wakeraan, Ohio ; was araong the first settlers of that town. 135 II. Philo,' reraoved early to Wakeman. 136 III. Sylvester,' b. April, 1790. Settled in Bridgewater soe. New Milford ; m. Mercy, dau. of Andrew Peck, and had, I. Lewis G., b. April 14, 1813, removed to Woodbury, m. Jennet, dau. of Lauren Judson. Ch., Margaret A., b. April 4, 1837 ; Sylvester, b. Oct. 30, 1839; Eraily, d. young; George, d. young; Julia, b. Jan. 18, 1853. II, Flora, b, AprU 5, 1813, ra, Dayton Trowbridge, re sides in Bridgewater. III. George M., b. April, 1822, ra. Julia Glover, of Bridgewater, resides in N. Y. IV. Emily, ra. David Wooster, of Bridgewater. 137 IV. Anna,' ra. Isaac Brisco. 138 V. Sabra,' m. Daniel Booth. 139 VI. Esther,' ra. Ebenezer TerriU. 140 VIL Marcia,' m. Sherraan Beers. Daniel Sherman, of Roxbury society, ra. Mary . He was brother of Ebenezer Sherraan of Stratford, who d. in 1763. They ¦were probably descendants of Hon. Sarauel, but the connection is not found. Cli. of Daniel, were, Abigail, b. March, 1747 ; Ann, b. Nov., 1749; Ebenezer, b. Nov. 5,1752; Philo, b. July 29, 1760; Mary, b. AprU 27, 1763. STEELE FAMILY. John Steel or Steele,* emigrated to this country from Essex, Eng. He removed from Cambridge, Mass., to Hartford, among the early HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 689 settlers. His house was in Main Street, a few feet north of the Atheneum, He was one of the eight persons appointed by the Gen. Court of Massachusetts, " to govern the people at Connecticutt, for the space of a year next coming," March 3, 1635-6,* This govern ment was by sufferance continued for about three years. He was also " Secretary" of the colony during these three years. He was a member of the upper house of the Gen. Court, in Feb., April, June, July, 1636, and in May and Nov., 1637 ; deputy in March and Dec, 1637; Jan., April and Sept., 1639; Feb., April and June, 1640;' Jan., Sept. and Nov., 1641 ; April and Aug., 1642 ; March, April, Sept. and Feb., 1^43; AprU, Sept., Nov., Dec. and Feb., 1644; April, July, Sept. and Oct., 1645; April, 1646; May and March, 1647 ; Sept, and Oct,, 1648, and many sessions afterward. He was a meraber of the Court that declared war against the Pequots, and was the to-^n register of Hartford, in 1639, which ofiice he held till his removal to Farmington, He was a prominent and useful man in the colony for many years, tiUhis death in 1665, He ra, 1, Rachel , who d, 1653, and 2, Mercy Seymour, Nov, 25, 1655, Ch,, I L John,^ 3 II, Samuel,^ ra. Mary Boosy of Wethersfield. John" (2) ra. 1645, d. 1653. Ch., t I. John,' b. Nov. 5, 1647; d. Aug. 26, 1738. 5 n. Benoni,3 d. chUdless. I in. Sarauel,' b. March 15, 1652. "~ John' (4) m. Ruth, dau. of Dea. Thomas Judd. Ch., I'o L John," bap. March 7, 1687. 8 II. Rachel," d. June, 1773, at a great age. She resided on the famUy estate at the north end of the street in Farmington, Conn. 9 ni. Sarah," lived with her sister, and d. at an advanced age. -v^ Samuel' (6) lived in Hartford, m. Mercy Bradford, Sept. 16, 1680, who d. in 1720. He d. 1710, leaving 5 sons, among whom was, J" I. Thoraas," b. 1681, and d. about 1757, in West Hartford. Lieut. John* (7) m. Mary, dau. of Samuel Newel, Dec 17, 1716, who d. March, 1779. Lived in Farraington till all his children but Luke were bom, then raoved to Bethlehera society, Woodbury, and be- carae grantee of one right in the second lot, fifth tier in the north purchase of Woodbury, Aug. 5, 1736. He d. April 2, 1751. Ch., 1,1 L Samuel,' b. Nov. 4, 1717. 12 IL Elizabeth,' b. Oct. 23, 1719, m. Daniel Averit, March 25, 1747, who d. Dec, 1793. 51 690 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 13 III. Mary,' b. Sept. 20, 1722, m. Samuel Slater, Sept. 24, 1747. Ch., John and Mary. ^ IV. John,' b. Nov. 15, 1724. i V. EUslia,' b. Nov, 23, 1726. 1^ VI. Solomon,' b. Nov. 18, 1728. 1? VIL Daniel,' b. March 8, 1730-1. ^ VIIL EzekieV b. Dec. 15, 1732. 19 IX, Eldad,' b, Oct, 1, 1736; d, Nov, 22, 1760, without issue, i" X. Luke,' b. June, 1739. Thoraas" (10) ra. Susanna Webster, May 10, 1709. He d. about 1757. He had 6 sons, among whom was, i Sarauel,' b: 1712, and d. 1776. SamueJ' (11) ra. 1. Mary ; ra. 2. Honour . He d. June 16, 1801. His first 3 ch. were born at Southington, the others at Bethlera. Ch., • ' 22 I. John," b. May 19, 1753 ; d. sarae day. 23 IL John," b. June 24, 1757. 24 ni. Honor,", (said to be a son,) b. July 14, 1759. 25 IV. Honour," b. Oct. 24, 1763 ; m. A.dam Kasson, and went to Verraont. S V. John, 2d." 27 VI. Sarah," ra. Capt. Jonathan Smith, Jan. 6, 1794. 28 VIL Mary," ra. — Clark. John' (14) m. Agnes - — , who d. July 3, 1798. He d. March 11, 1811, aged 85. Ch. 29 I. Abigail,^ b, 1756, 30 n. John, 3d," b. Nov, 3, 1761 ; d. Oct. 2, 1795, aged 34 ; m. Ruth , and had ch., Nancy, who ra. Uriah Brown ; Althea, m. Curtiss, and Charles, d. aged 17. 31 IIL David," b, March 27, 1766, 1 IV. Jonathan," b. Sept. 13, 1769. Elisha' (15) ra. Susanna Strong, March 10, 1763, who d. Jan. 1, 1813, aged 71. He d. Oct. 16, 1811, aged 85 years. Children, 33 I, Sarauel," b, Jan, 23, 1764, 34 II. WUliara." 35 HI. Joseph,"' ra. PoUy . 36 IV, EUsha, m, Anna Brown, Feb. 18, 1792. 37 V. OUve," ra. Hawley. 38 VL PoUy," m. McKean. 39 vn. Anna," m. Sprague. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WO*ODBURY. 691 40 Vm. Betsey," m. Asahel Humphreys, May 4, 1810. 41 IX. Lucy," ra. George D. Kasson, May 18, 1796, and had a ch., Susan Margaret. Soloraon' (16) m. Mary Guernsey. He d. at Pawlet, Vt., in 1786, and shed. 1816. Ch., 42 I. Eldad," b. Feb. 22, 1763 ; d. in Ohio, 1839. Ch., Daniel, David, and two daughters. "el IL Soloraon Gold," b. March 6, 1768. .^ 44 in. Bethel," d, in Steuben co., N. Y., 1836 ; left four sons and two daughters. 45 IV. Minerva," m. Daniel Riggs ; live in Ohio. 46 V, Job" ra, and had ch., Elisha, Solomon, and one dau. Daniel' (17) ra. Anna Guernsey, who d. Sept. 23, 1831, aged 93. Hed.Nov. 22, 1791,aged61. Ch., 47 I. Anna," m. Samuel BeUamy, d. Nov. 16, 1799, aged 38. 48 IL OUve," d. July 26, 1774. 49 HL Charlotte," d. July 24, 1774. 50 IV. Olive," m. Leverett Judd, and has ch., Anna and Daniel Steele. Ezekiel' (18) ra. Rosaraond Dudley, 1755, and d. Nov. 9, 1760. She ra. 2. Famum, Dec, 1762. ChUd of Ezekiel, 51 I. Ezekiel," d. without issue. Luke' (20) m. Esther and d. about 1789. Ch., 52 I. Henry," ra. Phebe Carap, Jan., 1797. 53 n. Daniel." 54 in. Lorane." Samuel' (21) m. EUzabeth Merry, 1739 ; had a large famUy, and d. Dec 27, 1776. Their tenth ch. was i X. AUyn," b. July 21, 1757. John, 2d," (26) ra. Rebecca Stoddard, Oct. 27, 1779, and d. ' AprU 2, 1804. She was b. Aug. 14, 1748. Ch., 56 L Shelden,' d. March 5, 1793. 57 II. Rene,' m. WUliam Kasson, Nov. 22, 1801. Lives, a wid., in Gettysburg, N. Y. 58 III. Wealthy,' m. Nathan Jackson. 59 IV. Altha.' ^, Jonathan" (32) ra. Fanny Warner, Nov. 14, 1792. Ch., 60 L Harriet,' b. June 17, 1795. 61 IL David,' b. Feb. 27, 1798. 62 m. Sarah,' b. Nov. 1, 1803. 692 HISTORY*OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 63 IV. John H.,' b. July 3, 1805. / 64 V. Ebenezer Warner,' b. May 24, 1807 ; m. Laura Carpen ter. 65 VI. Lucius,' b. April 12, 1811. 66 YIL Nancy E.,' b. April 19, 1817 ; ra. Ransom Ferguson, Oct., 1839. Solomon Gold" (43) m. Fanny Guernsey, March 10, 1799, who was b. March 25, 1778, and d. April 25, 1802. He d. in 1844. Ch., 67 I. Lucy,' b. Jan. 11, 1800 ; m. Jaraes Donney. Allen" (55) m. Joanna CadweU, /Jan. 12, 1778, who was b. Jan. 20, 1757, and d. May 3, 1835. He d. June 17, 1802. ChUdren, 68 L Allen,' b. Sept. 11, 1779; d. Oct. 9, 1789. .69 II. Joanna,' b. March 26, 1781 ; ra. Ozias Griswold, March 12, 1801, whb d. Oct. 12, 1815. She d. Feb. 17, 1844. Ch., 1. Sally, b. April 9, 1802, ra. Soloraon Dunhara, May 10, 1827 ; 2. Chester, b. Jan. 5, 1805, ra. Ermraa Pahner, May 10, 1827 ; 3. Allen Steele, b. Oct. 13, 1808, m. Mary Jane Steele, Nov. 18, 1830 ; 4. Thomas Franklin, b. March 6, 1813 ; 5. Lucy Joanna, b. March 18, 1815, d. March 10, 1816- 'i HL Samuel,' b. Nov. 11, 1782. 71 IV. Lucy,' b. Dec. 13, 1785 ; d. Jan. 23, 1790. '^ V. Tiraothy C.,' b. Dec. 20, 1787. 73 VL Lucy,' b. Dec. 8, 1793 ; m. James Mix, Dec. 8, 1814. He was b. July 10, 1793. Ch., 1. Lucy Joanna, b. Feb. 22, 1816, ra. Or- rin D. Andrew, Sept. 8, 1835. She d. July 24, 1839 ; 2. Mariette, b. Sept. 9, 1817, m. Aaron C. Andrew, Sept. 6, 1836, and d. Feb. 9, 1843 ; 3. EUsha, b. Nov. 17, 1818, ra. Amelia Edmonds, July 10, 1843; 4. Fanny, b. Dec 13, 1821, and d. Aug. 31, 1826 ; 5. James CadweU, b. Dec. 19, 1826, m. Miranda Johnson, Nov. 21, 1847 ; 6. WUliam Butler, b. Jan. 21, 1829, d. Oct. 3, 1830 ; 7. WiUiam, b. Jan. 11, 1831, d. March 4, 1834 ; 8. Francis WiUiam, b. Feb. 17, 1834; 9. CorneUa EUzabeth, b. Feb. 25, 1836 ; 10. Edward Henry, b. Dec 11, 1838. Doct. Samuel' (70) moved to Woodbury; m. 1. Sophia Cad weU, May 10, 1804, who was b. Dec. 7, 1785, and d. Feb. 7, 1811 ; 2. Laura Colttn, Nov. 6, 1811, who was b. Dec. 22, 1786. He d. Dec 10, 1835. Ch., l\ I. Roderick CadweU,' b. Feb. 14, 1805. 75 n. Laura Sophia," b. March 4, 1813 ; m. April 22, 1841, HISTORT OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 693 WilUam E. Woodruff, who was b. April 30, 1815, and has ch., Roder ick Samuel, b. Sept. 11, 1843, and Catherine Maria, b. Jan. 17, 1848. 76 IIL Esther Maria," b. Oct. 9, 1815 ; d. June 5, 1824. 77 IV. Mary Joanna,' b. Nov. 7, 1820; ra. WUUam Cothren, attorney at law, Sept. 3, 1849. He was b. Nov. 28, 1819, at Farm ington, Me. Timothy CadweU' (72) m. Hannah Sedgwick, Jan. 1, 1809. He d. Dec. 28, 1844. Ch., 80 L Henry," b. Oct. 26, 1809; ra. Harriet Sweet, Dec, 1832. Ch., Mary Elizabeth. 81 n. Dea. Thomas," b. Sept. 18, 1812 ; ra. Mary Ritter, Aug. 29, 1837. Ch., Mary Louesa, b. Oct. 24, 1840 ; Thoraas Sedgwick, b. June 11, 1845. 82 IIL Charies Andrew," b. Oct. 19, 1814; ra. Jane Parmely, Sept. 19, 1840. Ch., Lucy Joanna, and Frances Louesa. 83 IV. George Timothy," b. Nov. 30, 1822 ; m. Mary Jane Clark, Nov. 25, 1845. Ch., JuUa. Roderick CadweU" m. 1. JuUa Sophia Perry, Sept. 21, 1829, who d. Feb. 15, 1832 ; m. 2. Delia Augusta Perry, June 10, 1833. He d. Jan. 1, 1846, at Auburn, N. Y. Ch., 84 L Frances Perry,' b.May 24, 1831; d. Aug. 30,1831. 85 IL Emma Sophia,' b. Oct. 3, 1836. STILES FAMILY. Sa. a fesse or, fretty of the field, betw. three ,fleurs-de-Us of the sec ond. Crest — A wolf's head erased sa. collared or, the neck below the coUar, fretty of the last. From acoUection of facts in relation to the subject, to be found in the "Itinerary" of the late President Stiles, of Yale CoUege, it ap- 694 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURT. pears that four persons, brothers, of the narae of StUes, came to this couiitry at the sarae tirae, from Milbroke, Bedfordshire, England, about the year 163"4, and settled' at Windsor, Conn., in 1635. John remained at Windsor, and Francis reraoved to Stratford with the first settlers, about 1639. The latter was a carpenter by trade, and had engaged to build a park at the upper end of Windsor, for a gentleman in England, and employed some thirty men to complete the under taking ; but from some misfortune, failed, was unable to accoraplish it, and reraoved to Stratford. Gov. Wolcott informed President Stiles, that this Francis was the steward of Sir Richard Saltonstall, and President StUes remarks, that he supposes Francis had charge of Sir Richard's thirty servants in building the park, before raen tioned. Henry, brother of the- two preceding, according to the " Itinerary," was " acoidentally kiUed by the discharge of a gun in a railitary train ing, waiting upon Gov. Winthrop, when he was embarking for En gland, to get the charter. Died unraarried, Oct. 3, 1651." Many years ago, there were in the hands of Jonathan Stiles, of Windsor, two indentures of apprenticeship on parchraent, both dated March 6, 1634, in the tenth year of Charles I., in one of which, " Samuel Inkley, of Carlbec, in the county Lincoln, husbandman, doth put himself apprentice to Henry Stiles, citizen and carpenter, of London, and now (by the prov^ of God) outward bound in the good ship caUed the Christian, of London, for the plantations in New England, to learn the s'^ art of carpenter," &c. Term of apprentice ship, six years frora the 20th of March next. In the other indenture, Thoraas StUes, of Milbroke, in the county of Bedford, in Uke manner apprentices hiraself to said Henry StUes. There was also in the hands of Jonathan Stiles, at Windsor, above- raentioned, a letter containing the baptisms of the family, as follows : Marie, bap. March 12, 1591. Henry StUes, bap- Nov. 27, 1593. '* John Stiles, bap. Dec 25, 1595. ' Christopher Stiles, bap. March 28, 1600. Francis StUes, bap. Aug. 1, 1602. Jane Stiles, bap. Jan. 13, 1604. EUzabeth StUes, bapi Dec. 28, 1607. Thomas Stiles, bap. Feb. 7, 1600, and xii. This letter was sent from " Old England to New England," and is signed by " Your loving brother, Thomas Stiles," and is dated " xv HISTORT OF A.NCIENT WOODBURY. 695 Ffeb. 1634." The Henry Stilep, m this Ust, was admitted a citizen of London before he carae to this country. President StUes, in a letter to Sir Francis H. E. Stiles, Baronet, of London, written in 1764, observes, " that his great-grandfather, John Stiles, was m^'i^ried about 1660," and adds, "in the first century from his marriage, there have been among his offspring, 397 births, 107 deaths, 88 marriages, and 209 living at the end of the century. The offspring occurred one-third in the first seventy-five years, and two-thirds in the last twenty-five years. Of thirty-two births, twenty live to marry — not above one-quarter die in infancy. I judge there have sprung from the four brothers, . (meaning Henry, John, Francis and Thomas, who came frora England in 1634,) nearly 4,000 souls in 130 years since their accession to America." 1 L Henry,' d. Oct. 3, 1651. I IL John,' d. at Windsor, June 4, 1662. I in. Francis.' 4 IV. Thoraas.' John' (2) and Francis' (3) brought wives with them from England. All the Windsor Stiles's are descended from this John, as Henry d. a bachelor, and his other two brothers moved away. His will is dated May 30, 1662. His children were, I'a I. John.2 ,"s n. Henry,^ b. 1629. ^ III. Isaac.^ 8 IV. Sarah, ra. 1. Stewart ; 2. John Sacket ; no issue. Francis' (3) settled in Stratford. ChUdren, 3^5 I. Ephraira.^ 10 II. Sarauel,^ m. Elizabeth Sherwood, and d. childless. I] in. Benjamin.^ 12 IV. Thomas,^ ra. Elizabeth Clark, no issue ; gave his estate to Francis, No. 40, son of Benjamin^ (H-) 13 V. Hannah,^ ra. Edward Hinraan. 13| VI. A daughter, who m. - — — Washburn,' of Derby .^ John^ (5) ra, Dorcas Burt, of Springfield. Her raother be fore coming over was sick, died as was supposed, and was laid in her coffin for burial. She, however, soon after revived, recovered her health, came to New England, and became raother of nineteen chil dren. Their children were, \t 1. John,' b. Dec. 10, 1665, grandfather of Dr. Ezra StUes, died about 1753, aged 88. ^ H. Ephraim.' 696 HISTORT OF ANCIENT WOODBURT. 16 in. Thomas,' m. Bethiah Hanmer, d. without issuei, about 1740, aged 67. 17 IV. Sarah,' m. Ephraun Bancroft, and had eight children. He d. 1727, aged 66. She m. 2. Thomas PhiUips. 18 V. Hannah,' b. May 23, 1664-5, but 8f months before her brother John. She m. Sarauel BUss, of Springfield, and had four children ; d. about 1705, aged 35. Henry2 (6) d. Aug. 22, 1724, aged 95. 'i I. Henry,' d. about 1735, aged about 70. f, II. Sarauel,' m. Martha Elsworth. 21 ni. Joseph,' d. unm. Aug. 28, 1756, aged circa 80. ' 22 IV. Benjarain,' d. unra. May, 1757, aged circa 72. 23 V. John,' m. EUzabeth Taylor, had one son, who died in 1756, aged 25. He died about 1735, aged 46. 24 VI. EUzabeth,' m. Densly, d. Sept. 13, 1750, aged 90. 25 vn. MindweU,' d. aged about 12. 26 Vin. Margaret,' d. about 1690. 27 IX. Mary,' m. Isaac Eggleston, d. very aged. •• 28 X. Jonathan,' Uved to be aged. Isaac^ (7) lived at Stratford. The famUy given at the close of the regular series are probably his descendants. His children were, 29 L Isaac' 30 n. John.' 31 m. Joseph.' 32 IV. Jonathan,' caUed great Jonathan, went to New Jersey. 33 V. Hannah,' m. Tibbals, of Derby. 34 VI. Sarah,' ra. Perry, of Derby. 35 VIL Deborah,' m. and lived at Guilford. ' Ephraim^ (9) ra. Bathsheba Toralinson, of Derby, and left three daughters, Elizabeth, Sarah and Phebe. EUzabeth ra. Ephraim Curtiss, of Stratford, had issue. Sarah m. Thoraas WeUs, of Strat ford; issue, Ephraim,. Bathsheba, Comfort, Sarah, Thoraas, Gideon, Daniel, Gurdon and Hezekiah. Phebe m. David Judson, of Strat ford.^ Benjamin^ (11) m. Elizabeth Rogers, of MUford, who died June 3, 1719. He lived in Woodbury. Children, 36 L Sarah,' bap. May, 1683, m. Thomas Wheeler, of Woodbury, Aug. 20, 1701. 37 n. Thomas,' bap. Nov., 1685. 38 m. Ruth,' m. John Wheeler, of Woodbury, Nov. 14, 1704. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 697 39 IV. Abigail,' bap. April, 1689, m. Sarauel Munn. J§ V. Lt. Francis.' John' (14) ra. Ruth Bancroft, lliiis John was an infant when his father carae to this country- He m- 2. Widow Sarah Rumrill. The latter d. about 1742, without issue. Children, 41 I, Ruth," m. Nathaniel Taylor, and had ten children, died Dec, 11, 1760, aged 70 or 77, 7*5 IL John," b. Dec, 17, 1692, m, Mary Osbom, tl III. Isaac," b. July 30, 1697, m, 1, Kezia Taylor ; 2. Esther Hooker, 44 IV, Margaret," b. Feb. 23, 1694-5, m. Joseph Peck, d. 1726 or 1727. Ii V. Ebenezer," m. 1. Ann Drake ; m. 2, Sarah Pinney, 46 VL Noah," b. Jan, 31, 1703, m, AbigaU Gaines, of Enfield, Jan., 1735, and had Noah, b, March 8, 1736, whom. Martha Osborn, Nov, 1, 1761, 47 VIL Abel," m. Alathea Robinson, 48 VIII, Hannah," m, Isaac Hayden, Aug., 1751. 49 IX. Ruth," b. 1691, ra. Stephen Sraith, of Goshen. 50 X. Benjamin," b. 1641. 51 XL Ezra," b. 1644, 52 XIL Moses," b, 1646. 53 XIIL Jerusha." 54 XIV. David." Ephraim' (15) settled In Springfield, Mass., ra. Abigail Neal, of that place, d. about 1755, aged 75. Children, 55 I. Isaac," lived at Westfield, ra. Mary Brooks. ^ 56 II. Ephraim," lived at Westfield, ra. 1. — — Fowler ; ra. 2. Jemima Meacham. 57 IIL Rachel." 58 IV. Hannah," ra. PhUlip Jones. 59 V. Abigail." Henry' (19) had children, 60 I. Thomas," d. unra. aged 70. 61 IL He.nry," d. unra. 62 III. Jonah," m. Widow Rachel Scott, of Windsor; chUdren, I. Lucy,' ra. Gurdon Manvel, in 1752. II. Gideon,' ra. Taylor. III. Eliakira,' IV, Jonah,' V, Shubael,' VL AUce,' The four last named were kiUed by the Indians, in 1756, VII, Rachel,' m, Owen, about 1759, 52 698 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 63 IV. Amos," m. Lydia Cooley, of Springfield, about 1725 ; children, L Henry,' ra. WeUs. IL Lydia.' HL Margaret.' IV. Zuba.' V. Rachel,' ra. and had three chUdren. • 64 V. Rachel,* m. 1. John Bancroft ; m. 2. Thomas Parsons. 65 VI. Sarah," m. John Osborn, of Windsor, in 1730. Sarauel' (20) m. Martha Elsworth, d. Dec. 18, 1712, aged 30. ChUdren, 66 I. Martha," d. unra. 67 IL Samuel," ra. Mary Phelps ; chUdren, I. Matha,' b. 1732, ra. Elijah Parker, of Bolton, had five children. II. Mary,' b. 1734, III. Hannah,' b. 1735, m. Ashbel StUes, of North Haven, Feb., 1759. IV. Samuel,' b. 1737, d. Dec, 1757, aged 20. V. EUzabeth,' b. 1741. VI. Mary,' b- 1743, d. young. VIL Margaret,' b. 1744. VHL Benjamin,' b. AprU 26, 1745. IX. Abigail,' b. Oct. 15, 1749, 68 HI. EUzabeth,' ra. Daniel Spencer, of Suffield. Lieut. Francis' (40) ra. Mary Johnson, of Stratford, Sept. 21, .1709, settled in Southbury society. A portion of his house is still standing, and is used as a bam, by one of his descendants, David J. Stiles. When it was occupied by Lt. Francis, it stood just in the rear of the present dweUing of the above David J. He died in 1748. Children, 68|- I. Francis," b. July 23, 1710. 69 II. Sarah," b. Oct. 21, 1711, ra. Dea. Benjamin Hicock, Feb. 28, 1734. 70 IIL Mabel," b. May 9, 1714, m. Andrew Hinman, Feb. 28, 1734. 71 IV. Eunice," b. Aug. 18, 1717, ra. David Curtiss, Sen. '^ V. benjarain," b. Feb. 11, 1720. 73 VI. David," b. April 8, 1725, d. March 31, 1727. 74 VIL Mary," b. Jan. 7, 1728, m. Col. Benjamin Hinman. John* (42) ra. Mary Osbom. ChUdren, 75 L John,' b. 1715. 76 II. Israel,' b. 1718, m. Martha Rockwell, in 1748 ; children, L Ann," d. young. IL Israel," b. 1752. nL Azel." IV. John." Y. Sarauel." VI. Martha." 77 m. Martha,'b. 1717, ra. Joseph Osbom. 78 IV. Benoni,' d. 1760, no issue. 79 V. Anna,' ra. Moses Bissell, had six children, 80 VI, EUzabeth, unra. Rev, Isaac* (43) m, 1. Kezia Taylor ; m. 2. Esther Hooker. ChUdren, 81 I. Ezra,' D. D.,LL. D., President of Yale CoUege. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 699 82 II. Isaac' 83 ni. Ashbel.' 84 IV. Kezia.' 85 V. Esther.' Ebenezer" (45) had 86 I. Sarah,' m. — — Davis, 87 II, Ann,' m, 1. Hezekiah Herrick ; ra, 2, Phillip Sraith. 88 III, Ruth,' ra, Araos Richardson. 89 IV, Hannah,' m, House. 90 V. Stephen,' d. unm,? Benjamin, Esq.," (72) m. Ruth Judson, of Stratford, his cous in ; was the first lawyer that settled in Woodbury, Ch., 91 I. Francis,' b. 1748, settled in Salisbury, had sons, Benjamin," Thoraas," and Ransom." The last naraed resides in Argyle, N. Y. He also had a daughter, Sally, who m. Newman HoUey, Esq., of Salisbury, where she now resides. Thomas, also, resides in SaUs bury, has children. 92 II. Phebe,' b. Jan. 18, 1749, d. young. , ll IIL David,' b. Sept. 10, 1751. ,% IV. Ephraira,' b. Jan. 15, 1753. ^ V. Benjamin, Esq.,' b, Aug. 25,1756. I'/i VL Abel,' b. March 26, 1758, 97 vn, Judson,' went to Salisbury, d. unm. 98 Vni. Phebe,' b. July 22, 1764, d, unm, 99 IX, Nathan,' b, March 12, 1767, Uved in Derby, that part now the town of Seymour, Hem, Phebe Dayton, and d, in Schenectady, about 1806, on his return from the western states ; children, I, Na than Judson, ra. Ann Maria Birch, of Salisbury. II. Phebe. IH. Minerva, m. James Roath, of Norwich. IV. Hannah Narrissa, is deceased. David' (93) m. Olive Pierce, Dec. 12, 1784. Children, 100 I. Da"vid J.," ra. Ann French ; chUdren, I. Mary A.,' d. aged 22. IL Bennet F.' III. Ann F.' IV. Augusta M.' V. Adelaide,' d. 1853. 102 HL Patty," d. young. 103 IV. Anna," m. Smith Downs. 104 V. Benjamin," resided in 1851, at YorkviUe, S. C-, unm, Ephraim' (94) m. May 7, 1780, Sarah, dau, of Joseph Trow bridge, of Southbury, She d. Aug, 3, 1816 ; he d. Feb, 7, 1821, Children, 105 L PhebCj'b.Nov. 9, 1782, m. Mr. Bellamy, of Vermont, who afterward resided in the state of New York. 700 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 104 11. Ruth," b. Feb. 18, 1786, m. Benjamin B. Osborn. 105 in. Sally," b. Jiily 29, 1789, m. Benjarain B. Osborn, is deceased. 106 IV. Erastus," b. Oct. 24, 1791, m. Sally Osborn, lives in Clyde, N. Y., had children, Nathan, Augusta, and a daughter, who is deceased. Benjamin,' Esq., (95) m. Esther, daughter of Jehiel Preston. Children, 106 I. Harriet," ra. Harry Brown, of Southbury, 107 n. Jennet," m. Charles Ransora Curtiss, and had I, Harriet, m. Jasper Osborn. II. Mary. III. Benjarain S., ra. Martha J. Strong. IV. Charles. V. Walter, ra. Mary Hinraan. VI. Hor ace. VII. Theron. 107^ III. Benjarain, d. young. 108 IV. Francis B.," d. Feb. 12, 1804. 109 V. Benjarain P.,"- d. 1838, aged 41, unm. 110 VI. Henry B.," ra. Patty Seeley; children, Jennette M., EUen E. and Alice. Ill vn. Marietta," m: George Sraith. Abel' (96) ra.' Lucinda MitcheU, Jan. 6, 1790, d. Sept. 2, 1839. Children, j 112 L Roderick," b. Dec. 4, 1790; d. young. 113 II. Roderick," b. AprU 5, 1794, ra. Cleora S, Curtiss, who d, Nov, 27, 1852, They had one child, EUzabeth A.' 114 III, Rufus," b, Jan, 14, 1796, ra, Sarah Curtiss, 1822. 115 IV, EUza M.," b. May 27, 1798, ra. Charles Hinraan. 116 V. Jonathan," b. Oct. 10, 1800, ra. Nancy Baldwin. Ch., Ransora' and Frank Walter.' 117 VL Nathan," b. Oct. 15, 1807; d. 1812. 118 vn. Francis A.," b, Nov, 4, 1809, m, 1, Elvira H, iGidney, Feb. 10, 1840. She. d.. Feb. 11, 1845; m. 2. Frances M. Shelton, March, 1846. Ch., Gidney A.,' b. Aug.' 28, 1842 ; EUza Maria, b. Aug. 13, 1851. Isaac StUes, perhaps son of Isaac' (7,) lived in Southbury socie ty, m. Sarah • . Ch,, I, JVilliam, II, Isaac, IH, John. IV. David, bap. July 12, 1741. V. Sarah, ra. Lt. Silas Hicock, April 9, 1741. VL Abigail, m. David Munn, Aug. 1, 1751. VH. Mabel, m. Gid eon Hotchkiss, Feb. 22, 1763. VHL Samuel, removed to " Whites- town country." Isaac, Jr., had ch. by his w. EUzabeth, as follows, I. Eunice, bap July 14, 1751, d. without issue. II. Annis, bap. July 1, 1753, m; HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 701 Nathaniel Bristol, Nov. 10, 1777. IH, Gideon, bap. May 15, 1757. IV. Nathan, lived and d. in Oxford. Ch., Simeon, b. Sept. 11, 1783 ; Leman, b. Jan. 26, 1786 ; Eleanor, b. Feb. 14, 1789 ; Henry, b. Sept. 30, 1792 ; Cynthia, b. May 5, 1796 ; Garwood, b. Feb. 5, 1799. V. Truraan, ra. Levina Leavenworth, Sept., 1793, and had Sherman, Robert, Erastus, Hancey, d. unm ; Harriet, m. Abraham Basset, and Ann who is m, VI. Lewis, went to Minisink, N, Y., had ch, VII, Simeon, d, April 1, 1777, aged 11, John, son of Isaac, Sen,, m. Betty Olds, Aug. 13, 1760. Ch., Hannah, bap. Nov. 22, 1761 ; Daniel Olds, bap. July 22, 1764 ; Asa, bap, March 1, 1767; John, bap. May 20, 1770; Aaron, bap. July' 4 1773 ; Andrew, bap. May 22, 1776 ; Philo, bap. July 23, 1780. STRONG FAMILY. (Elder) John Strong was a native of Taunton, England. It is said, that his father Richard died while young, but that his grand father lived to be very aged- 1. Elder John, with his sister Eleanor, sailed from Plymouth, England, March 20, 1630, in the ship Mary and John, arrived at Nantucket, May 30, and settled at Dorchester, Mass. His sister ra. Walter Deane. In 1635, he is spoken of as residing at Hinghara. He was a proprietor and inhabitant of Taun ton, Dec. 4, 1638, and was made that year a freeman of the Plym outh colony. He was at Taunton in 1643. From thence he went to Windsor, Conn., and thence to Northampton, Mass., between 1661 and 1663 ; was the first ruling elder in the church ofthe latter place. He m. 1. , who is supposed to have died on the passage to this country, or soon after her arrival here. He m. 2. Abigail Ford at Dorchester, who d. July 6, 1688. He died April 11, 1699. Issue as follows, 2 I. John,'^ m. Mary Clark of Windsor, Nov. 26, 1656, d. at Windsor, Feb. 20, 1698. 3 II. ^ d. 1630, two months after John's arrival. ,1, III. Thomas,^ lived in Northarapton. 5 IV. Jedediah,^ bap- April 14, 1639, removed in old age to Lebanon, or Coventry, Conn. 6 V. Josiah,^ d. young and unm. 7 VI. Return.^ He Uved at Windsor, d. AprU 9, 1726. 8 VIL Ebenezer,' lived in Northampton, d. Feb. 11, 1729. 702 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 9 Vin. AbigaU,' ra. 1. Rev. Nathaniel Chauncey, of Windsor; m. 2. Dea. Medad Poraeroy, d. April 15, 1704. 10 IX. Elizabeth,' b. Feb. 24, 1648, m. Joseph Parsons, of North ampton, d. May 12, 1736. 11 X. Experience,' bap. Aug. 4, 1650, m. Zerubabel Filer, of Windsor. 12 XI. Samuel,'bap.Aug. 5,1652, Uved at Northampton; d. Oct. 29, 1732, 13 XII, Joseph,' bap, same date. 14 XIIL Mary,' b.Oct. 26, 1 654, ra, John Clark, of Northampton ; d, Dec 8, 1738, , 15 XIV, Sarah,' m, 1, Joseph Barnard; m. 2, Capt, Jonathan WeUs, of Deerfield, 16 XV. Hannah,' b. May 30, 1759, ra. WiUiam Clark, a"nd went to Lebanon. 17 XVI. Hester,' b. June 7, 1761, m. Thomas BisseU, Jr., 'of Windsor. 18 XVII. Thankful,' b. July 25, 1663,m. it is said a Baldwin, of Milford, Conn. 19 XVIII. Jerijah,' b. Dec. 12, 1665 ; d. April 24, 1754. ^ Thoraas' (4) ra. 1. Mary, dau. of Rev- Ephraim Hewet, of Windsor, Dec. 5, 1660; she d. Feb. 20, 1670; he m. 2. Rachel Holton, dau. of Dea. WilUam, of Northarapton, Oct. 10, 1671. Thoraas d. Oct. 3, 1689, and his widow Rachel, ra. Nathan Bradley, of East Guilford, 1698. Thomas' ch. were, 20 I. Thomas,' b. Nov. 16, 1661, removed to Durham, Conn, 21 n, Mariah,' b, Aug, 31, 1663, ra. Samuel Judd, of Northarapton. 22 III. John,' b., March 9, 1665 ; d. unm. as is supposed, 23 IV, Hewet,' b, Dec 2, 1666; d, unm, Sept. 29, 1689. 24 V. Asahel,' b. Nov. 14, 1668. Settled in Farmington, Conn, 25 VI, Joseph,' b, Dec, 2, 1672, removed to Coventry, Coim, 26 vn, Benjarain,' b, 1674; lived to old age in East Guilford,' unra, U vm, Adrao,' b. Jan. 12, 1676 ; removed to Woodbury, Conn., about 1700, and had 8 ch. by his wife Eunice, who was b. Aug. 25, 1670, He d, Dec 31, 1749, and his reUct, Eunice, d, Dec 24, 1763, 28 IX. WaitstiU,' b. 1677 or '8 ;d. in Northampton, Nov. 13, 1762i 29 X. Rachel,' b. July 15, 1679, ra. Miles Dudley of Guilford. 30 XI. Selah,' b. Dec. 22, 1680 ; Uved at Setauket, L. L 31 xn. Benajah,' b. Sept. 24, 1682; Uved at Fairfield, Conn, HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 703 32 XIIL Ephraim,' b. Jan. 4, 1685 ; removed to Milford, Conn. ^ XIV. Elnathan,' b. Aug. 20, 1686; rerhoved to Woodbury, Conn., ra. Patience Jenners, AprU 17, 1712. He d. May 22, 1727. His widow m. Jonathan Law, of Killingworth, Conn. 34 XV. Ruth,' b. Feb. 4, 1688, m. WUliara Dudley, of N. Guilford. 35 XVI. Submit,' b. Feb. 23, 1690, (posthumous.) Adino' (27) had. It I. Adino," b, AprU 17, 1708, m. Deborah Prime, Dec. 20, 1733 ; he d. 1787. i? IL Benjamin," b. June 10, 1710, m. Rachel . I IIL Preserved," b. Sept. 8, 1712, m. Esther, dau. of Rev. An thony Stoddard, July 26, 1749 ; he d. Nov. 3, 1777 ; his widow d. Sept. 13, 1800. 39 IV. Hannah," b. Jan. 23, 1715, m. Henry Castle, Sept. 18, 1736. g V. Retum,"b.Aug. 1,1717, ra. Elizabeth Andms, Jan. 8, 1740. He d. AprU 5, 1794, and his reUct d. March, 1797. 41 VL Ann," b. , d. 1721. f, VIL Tiraothy," b, Feb, 14, 1720, m. 1. Widow Anne Rogers ; ra. 2. Olive Atwood ; m, 3, Lucy Leet, He d. 1801. 43 VIII.' Charles," b. June 29, 1722 ; d. Feb. 16, 1725. Ehiathan' (33) had, 44 L Rachel,* b. June 20, 1713. 45 II. Patience,* b. Jan. 4, 1716 ; d. May 26, same year. 46 in. Nathan," bap. April, 1717 ; settled at Coventry, Conn., was many years a clergyman there, was father of the Rev. Drs, Nathan of Hartford and Joseph of Norwich. 47 IV. Submit," b. May 14, 1719. f, V. Samuel,* b. Oct. 15, 1721 ;d. 1809; his wife Eunice d. Aug.,,1792, aged67. 49 VI. Elnathan,* b. March 18, 1724 ; d. May 22, 1727. i 50 VIL Patience," b. April 30, 1727. Adino" (36) had, a L Selah,'b. Sept., 1734, m. Esther Weed, Nov. 26, 1760. He d. 1807. 52 II. Hannah,' b. Dec, 1737, ra. David Tuttle, 1770. I III, Benajah,' bap, March 23, 1740, m. Jane Cochran, Feb, 3, 1761, 54 IV, Ann,' bap, AprU 24, 1743, ra. Joseph Sanford, Dec. 23, 1786. 55 V. Sarah,', b. Dec. 24, 1744. 704 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 56 VI. Mabel,' b. Jan. 8, 1748; d. March 16, 1752. II vn. Adino,' b. April 5, 1750, m. Anna Scott, May 17, 1779. Benjarain* (37) had, 58 L Benjarain, bap. Feb. 20, 1732. Preserved* (38) had, 59 I. Solomon,' b. April 13, 1751 ; d. Dec. 4, 1831, unra. S, n. John,' b. Nov. 10, 1752, ra. Sarah Walker, May 29, 1783. He d. AprU 19, 1843 ; his wife d. March 31, 1818. I'o's m. Uriel,' b. Sept. 10, 1754, ra. Phebe Minor. He d. 1819 ; his reUct d. Dec. 30, 1825. ,"?4 IV. Anthony,' b. Dec. 9, 1757, m. Phebe Curtiss. He d. Jan. 28, 1829. Phebe d. March 25, 1836. 63 V. Esther,' b. AprU 16, 1761, ra. John Trowbridge, who d. May 5, 1826. She d. Sept. 13, 1807. Return" (40) had, S I. Thoraas,' b. Nov. 5, 1740, m. Sarah Curtiss, Dec. 16, 1767. 65 n. Martha,' b. Aug. 14, 1742, m. Noah Cande, Jan. 28, 1767. ^0 IIL David,' b. May 1, 1744. 67 IV. Henry,' b. April 18, 1746. 68 V, Axsah,' b, Aug, 23, 1748 ; d. 1749, 69 VL Axsah,* b, Sept. 19, 1750 ; d. 1752. g'e VII. Benjamin,' b. March 4, 1753, m. 1. Mary or Martha Beecher, (record indistinct,) Jan. 1, 1777 ; ra. 2. Martha , who d. in 1834. He d. Jan. 2, 1843, 71 vm, EUzabeth,' b, March 20, 1756, m, John Fiffe, Feb. 1, 1786. Timothy" (42) had, 72 I. Lucy,' b, July 6, 1752 ; ra, Ebenezer Bird, Nov. 28, 1771. S IL Daniel,' b, March 19, 1754; ra, 1; Esther ; 2, Me hetable Sanford. He d. in 1830. 74 m. Eunice,' b. Aug. 1, 1756. 75 IV. Avis,'b. Sept. 14, 1759 ; d. March, 1760. 76 V. Avis,' b, Nov, 12, 1761 ; ra, ¦. Youngs, 77 VI, Tiraothy,' b. Jan. 16, 1764 ; went td Verraont ; had a faraUy, and d. there, 78 VIL Abner,' b, June 28, 1766 ; d, young. Dea. Samuel* (48) had, 79 L Ehiathan,' b. March 17, 1748 ; m. EUsabeth Jackson, Feb. 3, 1792 ; d. 1819, and gave his estate to his wife and Niram Bots- ford's son. 80 n. EUjah,' bap. May 1, 1752 ; d. same month. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURT. , 705 81 m, Mary,' b. Feb. 17, 1754 ; m. Sylvester Wooster, Jan. 4, 1770. 82 IV. Patience,' bap. Aug. 6, 1758 ; d. young. 83 V. Eunice,' bap. Aiig. 6, 1758 ; m. SUas Hinraan. 84 VI. Patience,' bap. Dec. 26, 1762 ; ra. Niram Botsford, Nov. 3, 1793. Selah' (51) had, 85 I. Olive," bap. Sept. 11, 1763; ra. Wait Curtiss, June 18, 1789. 86 n. Phebe," bap. March 30, 1766; m, John Scott, Sept, 20, 1798, 87 in. Nathan," bap. Feb. 9, 1768; m. Phebe Wakeley in 1790. 88 IV. Noah," bap. Jan. 28, 1770; ra, Sarah Lum, Aug, 21, 1795, 89 V, Mabel," m. Soloraon Johnson. Benajah' (53) had, 90 I. Truman," bap. Jan. 31, 1762. 91 II. Benajah," bap. Oct. 9, 1763. 92 in. Ahnorena," bap. Feb. 19, 1769. 93 IV. Amos," bap. AprU 1, 1770 ; d. same year. 94 V. Amos," bap. March 9, 1771. Adino' (57) had, 95 I. Nehemiah," b. Feb. 27, 1780. 96 IL Annis," b. Aug. 19, 1782. 97 in. Betsey," b. July 7, 1784. 98 IV. Truman," b. May 20, 1786. 99 V. Nancy," bap. Oct. 7, 1788. 100 VI. Agnes," b. Aug. 19, 1790. 101 vn. Shelden," b. March 23, 1794; d. 1796. 102 Vin. Harriet," b. Oct. 21, 1796. 103 IX. Cynthia," b. March 7, 1799. 104 X. Shelden," bap. Oct. 24, 1802, Lt,John' (60) had, 105 I. Fanny," b. Nov. 11, 1784; m. Elijah. Sherman, Oct. 14, 1805. 1°| II. John," b. Dec. 31, 1786; m. Flora Preston. He d. Nov; 1, 1834. Urial,' (61) had, \fi I. Stoddard," bap. May 5, 1795 ; m. Jennette Mallory. Jl n. Asahel," bap. June 22, 1794; m. Betsey Mallory. He d. 183 L Betsey d. 1825. ¦ I'SJ IIL Cyrus," bap. Nov. 13, 1796 ; m, 1, Mary BurrUl ; she d, 53 706 HISTORT OF ANCIENT WOODBURT. April 27, 1820; ra. 2. Susan Curtiss. He now resides in Wakeman, Ohio. 110 IV. Esther," bap. Jan. 5, 1800; ra. Leverett HUl; has ch.; is a widow, and resides in Wakeraan, Ohio. Ill V. Soloraon," bap. May 13, 1802; ra. Eliza Suramers, April 14, 1836 ; no ch. 112 VI. Eunice," bap. March 17, 1805 ; m. Abel Benedict, June 6, 1826, and has Henry S., b. Oct. 7, 1828 ; Charles P., b. Jan. 27, 1831 ; Sophia E., b. Aug. 7, 1835 ; Edward H., b. Jan. 20, 1840 ; JuUa E., b. Sept. 27, 1844. 113 VII. Isaac," bap. March 22, 1807 ; unra. IJI VIII. Seth," bap. Sept. 24, 1809 ; m. Harriet Lambert, Mar. 28,1832. Anthony' (62) had, 115 I. Phebe," bap. Nov., 1792 ; d. young. \^ IL Anthony C," b. Sept. 7, 1792 ; ra. JuUa Larabert, 1820. 117 ni. Nathaniel," b. 1794; d. at the age of 17. Thomas' (64) had, 118 L Axa," bap. Dec. 4, 1768. 119 IL Asa," bap. Sept. 2, 1770. 120 IIL Sylva," bap. July, 1780. David' (66) had, 121 L Return," bap. Oct. 29, 1769. 122 II. David," bap. Oct. 13, 1771. 123 in. Cynthia," bap. Jan. 21, 1776. 124 IV. Lecta," bap. Dec 14, 1777. 125 V. Leverett," bap. Oct., 1780. 126 VI. Wyllys," bap. Oct. 1, 1783. Benjamin' (69) had, 127 L Susanna,"- b. Dec 20, 1777; d. unra. 128 II. PoUy," b. July 27, 1779. 129 IIL Patty," b. July 3, 1781 ; d. unra. 130 IV. Lucy," b. March 27, 1783 ; m. Japhet Curtiss. 131 V. Sally," b. Jan. 12, 1785 ; d. 1821. 132 VL Anah," b. Nov. 4, 1786; ra. Mallory. 133 VIL Abigail," b.Oct. 11,1788; ra. Dea. Marcus D. Mallory, Nov. 25, 1813. , 134 VHL Asa," b. June 4, 1790 ; d. 1818. 135 IX. Ira," b. Aug. 28, 1792 ; ra. Susan De Forest, June 26, 1826. HISTORT OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 707 136 X. Eli," b. March 5, 1794 ; m. Mary Buckingham, Oct. 11, 1820 ; no ch. . 137 -XL JuUa," b. March 11, 1796; m. Cyrus Curtiss. 138 XII. Uri," b. Sept. 14, 1798 ; m. Betsey J. Lake. Daniel' (73) had, 139 I. Lucy ,5 ra. Levi Jackson. 140 II. Abner," ra. Abby ToUes. 141 IIL Major," d. Oct. 24, 1841, unm. 142 IV. Daniel," ra. Olive Jackson. 143 V. Lines," d. unra. 144 VI. Chauncey," m. Mary Ann Kasson, Hon. John" (106) had, 145 I. JuUa,' b. Feb., 1812 ; ra. Daniel Curtiss, Jan. 27, 1835. 1",1 II. Charges P.,' b. AprU 16, 1814; m. Elisabeth A. Preston, May 4, 1842. 147. III. Horace W.,'d. April 17, 1841, aged 24. 148 IV. Emily M.,' b. Oct. 1, 1819 ; m. Bennet A. Sherman, 1852. 149 V. John E.,'b. ; ra. Sarah Olcott, 1852. 150 VL WiUiara.' 151 VIL Walter,' b. Aug., 1833; d. April 14, 1834. Stoddard" (107) had, 152 L Bennet U.,' b, April 21, 1819 ; ra, Mary H. Green, May 19, 1847, 153 II, Martha J.,' 6, Nov. 13, 1821 ; m. Benjarain S, Curtiss. ¦ Asahel" (108) had, 154 I. Sophia, b. April 27, 1819 ; m. Rev. A. Isham, now of Rox bury ; has a son and two daughters. Cyrus" (109) had, 155 I. Mary A.,' b. 1824. 156 IL Susan J.,' b. 1825. 157 IIL Frederick C.,' b- 1828. 158 IV. Thomas J.,' b. 1830. 159 V. Frances S.,' b. 1832. 160 VL Harriet C.,' b. 1833. 161 VIL John O.,' b. 1835. 162 VIII. Martha E.,' b. 1838. 163 IX. Henry C.,'b. 1840. 164 X. Cornelia A.,' b. 1841. 165 XI. Benjamin T.,' b. 1843. Seth" (114) had, 166 L Mary,' b. May 27, 1834. 708 HISTORY QF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 167 II. Margaret,' b. Feb. 1, 1843. 168 III. Harriet S.,' b. March 18, 1845. Anthony C." (116) had, \ft I. Nathaniel L.,' b. March, 1821 ; m, Mary R. Minor, 1846. 1?^ II. Henry P.,' b. July 1, 1822; m. Sarah A. Bacon, 1847. 171 III. WilUs A,,' b. 1827. 172 IV. Frederick T.,' b. 1833. Charles P.' (146) had, 173 I. Charles E.,' b. April 3, 1843. 174 IL James P.,"b. Feb. 3, 1846. Nathaniel' (169) had, 175 L Nathaniel M.," b. 1849. Henry P.' (170) had, 17§ I. Sarah M.,' b. 1850. The foUowing, for want of record, are disconnected from the preceding : Ebenezer Strong, probably son of Adino, before his removal to Woodbury, ra. 1. EUzabeth , who d. Dec. 1, 1728 ; 2. Mary Smith, July 1, 1730. She d. April 29, 1775. Mr. Strong d. in 1785, aged 81. His ch. were, 1. EUzabeth, bap. Nov. 17, 1728 ; 2. Eunice, b, Aug. 14, 1731, ra. David Pierce, July, 1751 ; 3. Dorcas, bap. Oct. 14, 1733, ra. Amos Brownson, Dec. 11, 1757 ; 4. Charles, bap. July 6, 1735 ; 5. Josiah, b. Jan. 5, 1738 ; 6. MoUe, b. Oct. 14, 1740, d. Dec. 10, 1808^ unm.; 7. Ebenezer, b. June 8, 1743 ; 8. Mercy, bap. Sept. 15, 1745. Ebenezer, Jun.,ra. Patience Hinraan, and had Ephraim, b. Dec. 20, 1772 ; Rebecca, b. Oct. 7, 1774, m. Nathaniel Bacon, Jan. 10, 1796. Charles, son of Ebenezer, ra. Betty Hinraan, Jan. 9, 1760, who d. Aug. 18, 1777, aged 48. Ch.,- 1. Benjamin, b. Nov. 2, 1760 ; 2. Lu cretia, b. AprU 22, 1762, m. Oliver Chatfield, Aug. 8, 1782 ; 3. Anna, b. Oct. 17, 1763, ra. Simeon MitcheU, Dec. 25, 1791 ; 4. Betty, b. Oct. 1, 1764 ; 5. Andrew, b. Jan. 10, 1768. Josiah Strong d. Feb. 25, 1817, and his widow, Mary, d. May 26, 1826. Ch,, David and Mercy, The last ra, Frederick Perry. Dea. Samuel Strong,' of Bethlem, d. 1795. He had ch. by his wife Susanna, as follows : 1.' Joel, bap. June 29, 1740, d. 1760 ; 2. Susanna, b. March 20, 1746, ra. Benjamin Hawley ; 3. Abby, bap. May 22, 1748 ; 4. Abia, d.'Sept. 22, 1751. 1. The records being imperfect, it is found impossible to determine definitely, which ofthe Dea. Samuels should be placed in the regular series. It is believed, howeVer that the one given after No. 78, has his appropriate place. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURT. 709 SKEEL FAMILY. John Skeel, with his wife, Hannah, came with one of the early companies to Woodbury, from Stratford. He d. Oct. 5, 1721 ; chU dren, as foUows : John, bap. Nov., 1678j d. young ; Hannah, bap. Nov. 10, 1678, ra. Benjarain Hicock, Nov. 3, 1697 ; John, bapfNov., 1679 ; Thomas, bap. April 23, 1681-2; EUzabeth, bap. April 20, 1683; Abigail, bap. May 9, 1686 ; Ephraim, bap. July, 1689. John, Jr., d. May 25, 17if . He had by his wife, Sarah, the fol lowing children : 1. Thomas, b. Dec. 27, 1711 ; 2. Meriam, b. Sept. 1, 1713, ra. BushneU Bostwick, Jan. 26, 1737 ; 3. John, bap. Nov., 1715, and had Benjamin, bap. Jan. 15, 1744 ; David, bap. March 16, 1746 ; JoiSi, bap. Dec. 20, 1747 ; Amos, bap. AprU 29, 1750 ; 4. Ephraim, b. June 30, 1717, m. Mary Marks, Feb. 5, 1742, and had Hannah, b. Oct. 21, 1747 1 Grace, bap. Feb, 26, 1749 ; Ephraim, bap, April 12, 1752 ; SUas, bap. Sept, 23, 1753 ; Mary, bap, June 29, 1755 ; Lois, bap. Feb. 12, 1758 ; Silas, bap. Jan. 20, 1761 ; Sa rah, bap. May 13, 1764; 5. Abigail, bap. May 10, 1719 ; 6. Jona than, b. March 10, 1721 ; 7. Samuel, b. Feb. 23, 1723, and had by his wife Lydia, Belden, b. April 15, 1751 ; Truman, bap. Feb. 11, 1753, ra. Chloe Hill, in 1779 ; Samuel, bap. June 8, 1755 ; Anna, b. Jan. 30, 1757 ; Simeon, (posthumous,) bap. Feb. 3, 1759 ; 8. S&rah, bap. Feb. 14, 1725 ; 9. Hannah, b. Aug, 3, 1727, John, son of the third John, m. Mabel Booth, Dec. 13, 1758 ; children, Brian, bap. March 1, 1761 ; Gideon, bap. April 10, 1763 ; EUad, bap. April 19, 1767 ; Mabel, bap. Aug, 6, 1769, d. May 9, 1781 ; Betty, bap. Sept, 15, 1771, m, J, Downs, 1806, SQUIRE FAMILY, Sergeant Thomas Squire was an early settler at Woodbury, He d, April 9, 1712; children, 1, Thomas; 2. Sarauel; 3. Ebenezer 5 4, John; 5, Hannah; 6. Martha; 7, Sarah; -8, EUzabeth, all bap, Aug,, 1697 ; 9, Joseph, b. Dec, 25, 1698. Thomas, Jr., m. 1. Mary ; m. 2. Hannah . His children were, Soloraon, b. May 20, 1705 ; David, b. Dec, 1708 ; Thomas, b. May 9, 1710 ; Elizabeth, b. Oct. 12, 1712, m. Aaron MaUory, Aug. 1, 1739 ; Mary, b. Jan. 9, 1715, m. Luke Castle ; Hannah, b. Dec. 710 HISTORT OF ANCIENT WOODBURT. 1, 1717, d. 1735 ; Sarah, b. Feb. 3, 1720, m. Peter Hurd; John, b. Sept. 16, 1722 ; Benjamui, bap. March 23, 1729. Soloraon, son of Thoraas, Jr., d. June 26, 1745, had by Martha, his wife, chUdren, Olive, bap. Sept, 22, 1728 ; Jaraes, b, June 25, 1730, m, Ruth Baldwin, Jan, 2, 1755 ; Patience, bap, April 15, 1733, m, Zenas Ward, Feb, 1, 1761 ; Soloraon, bap, Oct, 26, 1735 ; Ruth, bap, Aug, 27, 1738 ; Martha, bap. Aug. 26, 1744. David, son of Thoraas, Jr., d. June 28, 1748 ; his children by his wife Margaret, were, 1. Jerusha, b. Jan., 1733, m. Daniel Wheeler, July 17, 1754; 2. Deliverance, b. Oct., 1734, ra. Mary Robins, Sept. 8, 1765 ; 3. David, b. Sept. 17, 1736, ra. Rebecca Squire, Feb. 4, 1762, and had Joseph, b. Aug. 1, 1763 ; David, b. April 24, 1765 ; EU, b. Nov. 19, 1767, ra. Mary Bronson, 1787 ; Henry, b. Oct. 24, 1768 ; 4. Gideon, b. March 19, 1739, ra. and had children, araong which was Abiather, who lived to an advanced age, leaving children, sorae of whom are now living in Roxbury; 5. Margaret, b. 1740, m. Samuel Hicock, in 1760 ; 6. Lydia, b. June 7, 1743. Thomas, son of Thomas, Jr., m. Rebecca Castle, July 9, 1735 ; children, 1. Stephen, bap. May 23, 1735, ra. Ruth Robins, Aug. 21, 1760 ; 2. Hannah, bap. March 26, 1738, ra. Ebenezer Booth, in 1782 ; 3, Rebecca, bap, Jan. 6, 1742, m. David Squire, Feb. 4, 1762 ; 4. WUliam, bap. Jan. 4, 1745 ; 5. Mabel, bap. June 28, 1747. Benjalhin, son of Thomas, Jr., had by wife Abigail, 1. Dea. Araos, b. April 15, 1752, d. Dec 9, 1849, no issue; 2. Isaac, b. April 18^ 1756, m. Content Ward, 1777 ; 3. Mary, b. AprU 9, 1758 ; 4. Ben jamin, b. May 1, 1760, ra. Patience Ward, and removed to Ohio ; 5. Silas, bap. April^ 1762. Sarauel, second son of Sergeant Thomas, d. May 26, 1727. His children were, 1. Elizabeth, bap. June, 1715 ; 2. Joseph, bap. Sept., 1716; 3. Martha, b. July 2, 1718 ; 4. Grace, b, July 30, 1721; 5. Lois, b. Oct., 1723. Ebenezer, third son of Sergeant Thomas, m. 1. Anna Huthwitt, July 8, 1714, who d. Nov. 3, 1721. He m. 2, Patience ; she d. May 3, 1729 ; m. 3, Ellen , His children were, 1, Judith, b. April 19, 1716, ra, Peter Minor, Oct, 1, 1734; 2, Esther, b, June, 1719 ; 3, Patience, b, Nov. 7, 1721 ; 4. Daniel, b. April, 1725, m. Sarah Toralin, Nov. 9, 1752, and had Anna, b, June 8, 1753 ; Sarah, b. March 27, 1755, m. David Coe, 1776 ; Currence, b. May 3, 1758, m. Nathaniel Tuttle, July 22, 1779 ; Daniel, bap. Dec, 1761 ; Hes ter, bap. July, 1765 ; Olive, bap. Dec. 27, 1767 ; Simeon Huthwitt, bap. Jan. 14, 1770, d. young; Asa, bap. Dec. 22, 1770; Aaron, bap. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 711 June 5, 1772 ; Simeon Huthwitt, bap. Nov. 23, 1777 ; 5. Samuel, b. Dec, 1727; 6. Ebenezer, b. Oct., 1730, ra. Ann Pierce, April 22, 1754, and had Mary, b. Feb. 20, 1755 ; Ann, b. March 5, 1757 ; Lois, b. July 20, 1759 ; Ebenezer, bap. AprU 18, 1762 ; Mercy, bap. July 3, 1764 ; 7. Andrew, bap. Aug. 27, 1732, ra. Huldah Bronson, March 22, 1755, and had Eleanor, bap. Dec. 11, 1757 ; Timothy, bap. Nov. 18, 1759, John, fourth son of Sergeant Thomas, ra, Elizabeth Wakelee, Sept, 23, 1729 ; chUdren, 1, Ann, bap. May 9, 1731 ; 2. Nathan, b. Feb. 16, 1732; 3. Reuben, b- May 1, 1734,. and by wife, Joanna, had Stoddard, b- Nov. 8, 1758; Truraan, bap. Jan. 24, 1764 1> Eunice Ann, bap. May 6, 1770, m. Phineas Kingsley, Feb. 9, 1794; 4. Sam uel, b- Dec. 9, 1736, and by his wife, Jemiraa,had Clark, b. Dec. 11, 1759 ; Rhoda, b. Aug. 2, 1762 ; Eliza Ann, b. Sept. 12, 1766 ; Molly, b. AprU 19, 1768 ; 5. Ichabod, b. Oct! 27, 1743. Joseph, fifth son of Sergeant Thomas, had by wife, Mary, 1, Jo seph, bap. May 5, 1728 ; 2. Gurdon, b, Oct. 5, 1733 ; 3, Mary, b. May 9, 1737, Abijah Squire m. Charity Lattin, Jan. 4, 1795 ; children, Hiram Russel, b. Feb. 13, 1795 ; Ruth Ann, b. Nov. 8, 1796. Bethuel Squire, and wife, Jemiraa, had Olive, b. Sept. 19, 1770. SKILTON FAMILY. Henry Skilton' son of John SkUton,' and Mary (Bennet,) was b. in the parish of St. Michael's, Coventry, England, Nov. 19, 1718. He reraoved with his parents to Rumsey, Hampshire county, when eight years of age, with a younger brother and sister, where another sister was born. His mother died, and his father left for a place in the British navy. Henry left home March 31, 1734, sailed April 1, 1735, in a gun ship, and landed at Boston, Mass., the same year, boarded for sorae tirae in Roxbury, and is next heard of in Preston, Conn. He m. July 9, 1741, Tabitha, eldest child of Joseph Avery and Tabitha (.Gardner,) of Norwich, Conn., the latter being origin ally frora South Kingston, R. I. He reraoved to Southington, about 1749, became a physician, and practiced his profession in that town. From thence he went to Woodbury, about 1760, continued in the practice of his profession, and in old age removed to Watertown, 712 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Conn., where he died June 7, 1802, aged 82. His wife died in the same place, Oct. 25, 1797, Children, as follows : 3 L Lucy,' b. AprU 5, 1742, d, AprU 17, 1758, 4 IL Elizabeth,' b. Feb, 11, 1743-4^ d. Sept, 1, 1749, 5 III, Mary,' b, Feb, 12, 1746, ra. EUsha Atwood, d, June, 1830, i"o IV, Avery,' b, AprU 30, 1748, 7 V, James, b. June 1, 1750, d, Nov,, 1755, 8 VL Tabitha, b. Sept, 15, 1752, d, July, 1753, 9 VIL Tabitha, b, Dec, 12, 1754, d. Dec, 1755, 10 Vin, Sarah, b. AprU 11, 1757, ¦A-very' (6) m. Parthena Judd, March 26, 1771, who was b, Aug. 6, 1754, and d. in Watertown, Mdrch 30, 1839. He d. Aug. 27, 1832. Children, 111. Melicent," b. Oct. 5, 1772, ra. Anthony Gurnsey, who d. Dec 30, 1848. She d. June 1, 1839. }? II. James,* b. April 10, 1777. 13 in. Lucy,* b. July 21, 1780, ra. Jesse Hine, lives in Bethlem. Jj IV. Henry,* b. July 17, 1783. 15 V. Mary,* b. May '22, 17S6,d.unm. Dec 25, 1822. 16 VI. Parthenia," b. Oct. 2, 1788, ra. Cyrus Avery, d. in Lyons, N.Y.,Sept. 12, 1830. 17 VIL Tabitha," b.May 2, 1797, unm. James" (12) m. Chloe Steel, June 30, 1799. She was b. in Bethlem. He d. AprU 9, 1848. Children, 18 I. Elijah Steel,' b. May 17, 1800, m. 1, Elizabeth Wilson, April 1, 1827, who d. Oct. 3, 1836 ; ra. 2. Mrs. Sarah Reraington, March 25,- 1838. He had five children born between 1828 and 1836 ; residence, Ravenna, Ohio. 19 II. Doct. Avery Judd,' b. Feb. 1, 1802, ra. March 2, 1828, Mary A. Candee ; had nine children born between 1829 and 1849 ; resides at Troy, N, Y, 20 IIL Julius J. Gardner,' b, June 24, 1804, 21. IV. Henry Bennet,' b. Aug. 29, 1806, m. Julia Clark, Nov. 19, 1832, who d, June 14, 1836 ; he m, 2, Emily Clark ; children by first marriage, two ; chUdren by second raarriage, six, born between 1840 and 1851, 22 V, John Chester,' b, April 30, 1809, m, Ann Heaton and had three children born between 1835 and 1843, 23 VI, Hannah Maria,' b, Feb. 4, 1812, m. March 22, 1840, Gould S. Clark, of Middlebury, and had three children. 24 vn. Samuel W. Southmayd,' b. June 20, 1814, m. Mary HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 7l3 White, Noy., 1846, and had three children ; resides at Litchfield, South Farms. 25 vm. MeUcent Parthenia,' b. Dec. 24, 1816, ra. Dec. 27, 1842, to Rev. Ebenezer 0. Beers, who d. Feb. 10, 1847 ; m. 2, Bouker ; children, three ; resides in Pennsylvania- 26 IX, George Frederick,' b. Feb, 11, 1820, m. Wealthy M. Mann, May 4, 1841, She d, Dec 3, 1848 ; ra. 2. AbigaU Wilcox, had 2 ch. Resides at Watertown. 27 X. Mary Augusta,' b. Nov. 14, 1822, m. Dec. 29, 1847 ; Mer rit Clark, Jr., and has one ch., resides at Prospect. Henry" (14) m. Martha Baldwin, Sept. 27, 1807.-: She d. March 10, 1810 ; m. 2. Maria Marshall, Oct. 20, 1812 ; d, Aug, 5, 1847. Resides at So, Farms, Children, 28 L Martha B,,' b, Aug, 9, 1813, ra, June 7, 1841. 29 II, Mary M,,' b, Dec, 6, 1814, m, Hubbell B. Cone, Nov. 17, 1836 ; lives in western N, Y. 30 III, Henry MarshaU,' b, Oct, 20, 1816, m, at the south, and d. in Arkansas, Aug, 5, 1846, aged 29, 31 IV, Tiraothy Judd,' b, Oct, 31, 1819 ; unm, 32 V, Parthenia,' b. Nov, 29, 1821 ; d. Dec, 29, 1830, 33 VI, Philomela Y.',' b. Jan. 1, 1827, m. and resides in Portland, Conn, 34 VII, Raphael N,,' b, April 28, 1829 ; unm. 35 VIIL Otis A,, b. Sept,, 6, 1834, STODDARD FAMILY, Anthony Stoddard' emigrated frora the west of England, and carae to Boston about 1639, He m. first, Mary, daughter of Hon. Samuel Downing of Salem, and sister of Sir George, afterward Lord George Downing, by whom he had three sons, one of whom was 2, Solomon,' b, Oct, 4, 1643, He m, 2, Barbara, wid. of Capt. Joseph Weld of Roxbury, by whom he had two ch. ; he ra. 3, Chris tian , by whom he had ten ch. He d, March 16, 1686-7, Solomon,' (2) graduated at Harvard, 1 662, settled as minister in Northampton, Sept. 11, 1672, m. Mrs. Esther Mather, originally Esther Warham of Windsor, Conn.,>nd wid. of Rev, Eleazer Ma ther, his predecessor at Northarapton, He d, Feb, 11, 1729, aged 86, and -his reUct d, Feb, 10, 1736, aged 92. He had 7 sons and 5 ' 54 714 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, daus, 3, Anthony,' one of his sons, was b, Aug, 9, 1678, Graduated at Harvard, 1697, settled as rainister in Woodbury, Conn.. He m. 1. March, 1701, Prudence Wells, who d. May, 1714; m. 2, Jan,' 31,. 1715, Mary Sherman, who d. Jan. 12, 1720. He d. Sept. 6, 1760. Children, 4 I. Mary," b. June 19, 1702. 5 IL Solomon," b. Oct, 12, 1703 ; d. May 23, 1727, " with the Great Fever." ,"4 IIL EUakim," b. April 3, 1705; d, 1750, He m. Joanna Curtiss, in 1729, I IV, Elisha," b, Nov. 24, 1706, m, Rebekah Sherraan, and d. 1766, 8 V, Israel," b. Aug. 7, 1708; d.May 30, 1727. 9 VI. John," b. March 2, 1710. 10 vn. Prudence," b. Oct. 12, 1711. , ^1 VIII. Gideon," b. May 27, 1714, ra. Olive Curtiss, 1734. 12 IX. Esther," b. Oct. 11, 1716, m. Preserved Strong, 51 X. Abijah," b. Feb. 28, 1718, m. Eunice Curtiss, April 4, 1739. 14 XL Elizabeth," b. Nov. 15, 1719, m. Daniel Munn. Eliakira" (6) had, 'i I. John,' b. Jan. 26, 1730, m. AprU 15, 1751, Mary Atwood, who d. Jan. 16, 1802. He d. Jan. 2, 1795. 16 II. Israel,' b. Jan. 28, 1732 ; d. Aug. 8, 1794. He ra. EUza- abeth Reade, July 4, 1759, by whom he had Phebe, b. Nov. 25, 1760 ;. Asa, father of Col, Henry Stoddard, Dayton, Ohio, b. Sept, 4, 1762 ; James, b. May 14, 1765 ; EUzabeth, b, June 14, 1769, 17 HI. Anthony,' b. Oct. 21,, 1734, ra. Phebe Reade, by whora he had Major Amos, who went to England for the entaUed property, returned and d. near Cincinnati, Ohio. He also had Simeon and Anthony. as IV. Joanna,' b, July 16, 1738, m, Reuben Squire, 19 V, Prudence,' b. Sept, 24, 1740, ra. John Marchant. 20 VI. EUakira,' b. July 25, 1742 ; d. young. 21 VIL Seth,' b. Dec. 2, 1744, ra. Hannah Noyes, and had Calvin, Joanna, Shelden, WiUiara, Noyes, Hannah, Minerva and Miranda, who m. Jabez D. Hammond. 22 "VQI. AbigaU,' b. Aug. 21, 1747, m. Israel Woodwg,rd, of Watertown, Conn. 23 IX, Eliakira,' b, Dec, 11, 1749 ; d. in Canada. EUsha" (7) had, 24 I. Solomon,' b. Dec 29, 1728, m. Mary Guriisey, and had, HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 715 Daniel, b. Dec. 9, 1753 ; Naome, b. Aug. 31, 1755 ; Cyrenius, b. Aug, 11, 1757; Philo, b, Sept. 29, 1759. 25 II. Mary,' b. March 29, 1733. 26 III. EUsha;' b. Nov. 4, 1735, m. Mary Ann Hunt, May 29, 1760, by whom he had, Simeon, b, Dec. 12, 1761 ; Thomas, b. June 21, 1763, kiUed in the Revolution ; Elisha, b. AprU 22, 1765 ; EUhu, b. April 26, 1767 ; Esther, b, March 6, 1769 ; Samuel, b. 1761 ; Abel, b. 1773 ; Ann, b. 1775 ; Olive, b. 1777. the ch. of EUhu were, Sally, Polly, Martin, David T., Nancy, Eliza and George, 27 IV, David,' b. Jan. 29, 1738. His ch, were Thaddeus, b. Nov. 6, 1757 ; Beeda, b. Dec- 31, 1758, 28 V, Damaris,-' b. June 21, 1741. 29 VI, Jotham,' b, July 24, 1743, 30 VIL Daniel,' b, April ll, 17^6. 31 VIIL Rebekah,' b. Aug. 14, 1748. Gideon" (11) had, 32 L Simeon,' b. March 1, 1735. 33 IL Maybel,' b. Sept, 25, 1737, 34 m, Gideon,' b. March 24, 1740. i IV, Nathan,' b, Aug. 8, 1742, m. Eunice Sanford, of Litchfield. 36 v.. Elisha,' b. Nov. 11, 1744. 37 VL Hannah,' b. AprU 5, 1747. \ 38 VIL OUve,' > , . ,, t i o i-rto 39 VIIL Jerusha,' I *^'"^'^"J'^ly 2' 1^49" 40 IX. Olive,' b. March 29, 1752. 41 X. Prudence,' b. Sept. 15, 1754, 42 XI, Anthony,' b, April 16, 1758. Abijah" (13) had, 43 I. Elizabeth,' b. Sept. 21, 1740, m. Abijah MitcheU. 44 IL Ann,' b. Feb- 21, 1742, m- Daniel Warner. 45 IIL Esther,' b- Dec. 11, 1743. 46 IV. Eunice,' b. March 21, 1746. *l V. EU,' b. June 17, 1748, ra- Abigail Huribut, 48 VL Ichabod,' b. Dec, 30, 1750, ra, Mary MitcheU. 49 VIL Eunice,' b. April 5, 1753. 50 vm. Eunice,' b. Feb. 23, 1755, m. Joseph WaUier. 51 IX- Esther,' b. May 22, 1757, m. John MitcheU. 52 X. Burr,' b. March 29, 1759. 53 XI. Mary,' b. Aug. 17, 1760. John' (15) had, ?| I. Samson," b. Oct. 25, 1752 ; d. Oct. 31, 1802, m. 1. Susan- 716 HISTOR"*" OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. nah Nettleton, by whora he had three ch. ; m. 2. Amy Goodwin, by whom he had five ch. He resided at Watertown, Conn. 55 n. Abiram," b- Oct. 25, 1756 ; d. Oct. 25, 1776, in the Revo lutionary Army. 56 HL WeUs," b. July 1, 1759; d. 1840, m. Sarah Hicock, no issue. 57 IV; Phebe," b. Feb. 19, 1760 ; d. Sept. 25, 1827. She ra. Josiah Hicock, and had one ch., Sarauel. g V. John," b. in Watertown, July 1, 1763 ; d. Feb. 24, 1821. He m. Sarah Woodward, removed to Coventry, N. Y., 1802. 59 VL Submit," b- March 17-, 1766 ; d- Sept. 7, 1775. 60 VIL Joanna," b- Feb. 19, 1767 ; d. June 5, 1847. She m. Eri Parker. Resides in Vienna, N. Y. 61 VIIL Mary," b. June 11, 1771 ; d. 1845, ra. RandaU Judd, of Woodbury; ra. 2. Nathaniel Curtiss. 62 IX. Sarah," b. May 13, 1773, m. Andrew WiUiams. Resi dence, Cherry Valley, N. Y. g X. Israel," b. Feb. 15, 1776, ra. Polly Wilson, who was b. Sept. 27, 1799. Residence, Camden, N. Y, ,"„", XL EUakim," b, Aug. 10, 1779, m. AprU 26, 1801, Lois Mat- ' I'aews, b. April 23, 1781 ; d. Dec 12, 1842, He ra. 2, Nancy Adsit, July 13, 1843, He was a rainister of the Methodist church, and re sided in Camden, N, Y, Lt. Nathan' (35) had, 65 I. Clarissa," m. Timothy TerrUl. ifs II. Nathan," ra. Ruth Judson. 67 in. Sarah," ra. Jabez Benhara, removed to Vt. 68 IV, Phebe," m. Judge Hinraan, of Vt, 69 V, Olive," ra, 1, Simeon Wheeler ; ra, 2, Truraan Judson. 70 VI, Hannah," ra, Timothy Wheeler, 71 VII. Eunice," m. 1. Sprague ; m, 2, Col. Elkins, of Vt. EU' (47) had, 72 I, Elizabeth," b, 1772 ; d. 1846 ; m-, Abner Prindle, and had Daniel, Isaac, Francis, Abigail and Betsey, 73 IL PhUena," b, 1774 ; ra, Abner Deming. Ch,, Mary, Henry, George, Horace and Abner, 74 III, Sarah," b, 1776 ; m. RosweU Warner. Ch., Ruth, Mary, David, Sherman and Frederick. 75 IV. AbigaU," b. 1778 ; m. Reuben Hubbard, and had Sophia, Marcus, Aaron and Sarah. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 717 S V, Abijah," b, Dec. 4, 1782 ; m. 1804, Esther Mallory, b. June 29, 1786. Residence, Waterbury. 77 VI. Anthony," b. 1784 ; m, Betsey Lucas, and had, Cyrus. 78 VIL Sherman," b. 1786, 71, VIII, Herman," b, ^Sept, 28, 1790 ; d, Feb, 25, 1853 ; m. Ruth Ann Hugh's, b, March 1, 1791. Sarason" (54) had, 80 I. Prudence,' b. Aug. 11, 1775 ; m. James Atwood, Aug. 24, 1798. u5 IL Abiram,' b. Jan. 27, 1777 ; graduated at Yale ; m. Eunice Clark, and settled in practice of medicine in Derby, Conn. 82 III. Susannah,' b. March 26, 1779 ; ra. Wheeler Atwood. 83 IV. Doct. WiUiam,' b. Sept. 29, 1781 ; d. in MobUe, Alabama. He ra. a Miss Stone, and had Juliaett and HeUen. Juliaett m. Doct. Tanner, of New York, ifj V, Goodwin,' b. May 8, 1783 ; m, Ann Warner; was presi ding elder in Oneida Conference, Reraoved to Dixboro', Mich. 85 VI. Harvey,' b. AprU 14, 1785; d, in Burton, Ohio, 1839, Ch., Charles, Sarah, William, Eraeline, Nancy and Solomon. 86 VIL Ann,' b. Aug. 17, 1788; ra. WUliara Tolls; resides in Burton, Ohio. Ch., Fanny, AbigaU, Nehemiah, William and Good-| win. 87 'VIIL Samuel,' b. Aug. 6, 1791 ; d. Aug. 4, 1828 ; m. Phebe Minor, who d. Sept. 5. 1836. His ch. were, Lucy, John, Mary and Asa, John" (58) had, ,^, I. Curtis,' b. July 14, 1786 ; d, Oct, 13, 1838 ; m. Hepsey Mar tin, b, Nov, 23, 1786 ; d, Sept. 11, 1834. He removed to Little St. Joseph's, Ohio. 89 IL Merit,' b. Jan. 1, 1789 ; d. Oct. 12, 1820 ; ra. Laura Par ker, and had, Linus P., Sarah M, and Roxy, 90 in, Polly,' b. Sept, 22, 1792; m, 1, Sylvester Stevens; had one ch., Sylvester, b, July 4, 1812 ; ra, 2. Daniel Benedict, and had one son, John Stoddard, b. Sept, 1, 1821, 91 IV. John,' b. July 15, 1794; ra. Sept., 1817, Merab Parker, b. Sept. 3, 1796. Residence, Coventry, N. Y. 92 V. Sarah,' b. Jan. 26, 1796 ; m. William Abort Martin, and had, Hepsey, b. Feb., 1818, ra. Henry Manwaring ; Sarah, b. 1820, d. 1834. 93 VI. Rev. EUjah Woodward,' b. May 28, 1799 ; d. Jan. 21, 1838. He m., AprU 27, 1825, Alathea Coye, and removed to Little 718 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, St, Joseph, Ohio, in 1836, Ch,, Wolcott Dwight, b, July 13, 1828 ; Edward Dorcey, b. AprU 27, 1830 ; Sidney Deshon, b. Jan. 23, 1832 ' Ellen Coye, b. Nov. 20, 1836. 94 VII. AbigaU,' b. Sept, 1, 1802 ; d. Aug, 7, 1830 ; ra. Miles Doolittle. Ch., Abel, b. July 7, 1825 ; Sarah Abigail, b. May 27, 1828 ; Mary Matilda, b. May 17, 1830. 95 vm. WeUs,' b. April 10, 1806 ; ra. Eunice Benedict, and in 1833, reraoved to Huron, Ohio. Ch., Mary, b. May 7, 1827 ; EUa kim, b. Feb. 1, 1829 ; Andrew, b. Feb. 22, 1831 ; Sarah A., b. Mar. 10, 1833 ; Emily, b. Oct, 17, 1835 ; Eunice, b. Sept, 4, 1837 ; Wells, b. Feb, 3, 1839; John, b. May 25, 1843; Myra, b. Feb. 14, 1848. 96 IX. Doct. Abiram,' b. March 12, 1809 ; d. Sept. 1, 1839 ; ra. Dec 14, 1834, Lavinia Smith, b. Sept. 2, 1802. Ch., WilUam Abi ram. Israel" (63) had, 97 L Cyrus,' b. April 2, 1820 ; ra, Charlotte S, Spring, by whom he had, Josiah, b. Aug, 10, 1844; Isaac Atwood, b, Oct. 24, 1846. - 98 II. Samuel Hicock,' b. April 29, 1822 ; graduated at Hamil ton College, 1844. 99 IIL Huldah B.,' b. Dec, 4, 1823; ra. Erastus Judson. 100 IV. Joanna P.,' b. May 1, 1825 ; m. Lansing McConneU. 102 V. Martha P.,' b, June 18, 1827 ; ra. Lewis Baker, 103 VL Wells A.,' b. May 10, 1829, 104 vn, Israel,' b, June 1, 1831. 105 VIIL Lucintha,' 106 IX, Mary,' 107 X, John,' EUakira" (64) had, 108 i, Philomela,' b. Dec 13, 1802 ; m. Feb, 21, 1828, John W. Searles, and had Lois, Francis and John, 109 II. Cynthia,' b, Sept. 14, 1804 ; m, Sept. 15, 1827, Lorenzo Driggs. Ch., Stoddard, Flora, Lorenza, John and Cynthia. 110 III. Flora,' b. Dec, 28, 1806; d, Feb. 21, 1840; m. Feb. 1, 1833, Hiram Whedon, and had one ch,, Albert Stoddard, 111 IV, Polly,' b. May 26, 1809; ra. May 28, 1828, Elisha Morse Ch., MindweU, Eliakim and Cynthia. 112 V, Joanna P.,' b, June 6, 1811 ; ra, Thomas D, Penfield, Sept, 6, 1837, and had, Samuel D. 113 VI, Israel,' b, July 1, 1813 ; m, Oct. 5, 1836, Maria P. Peck, and had, Lois M., b. Aug. 19, 1837 ; Joanna D., b, July 21, 1846. 114 VIL MindweU,' b. April 21, 1816 ; d. in 1831. 115 vm. EUakim J.,' b. Jan. 31, 1819. Lawyer, Utica, N, Y. 116 IX. George,' b. Sept. 6, 1823. HISTORY OF ANCIENT AV OODBURY. 719 Nathan" (66) had, 117 I. Rachel.' 118 n. Rodraan,' resides in Detroit, Michigan. 119 III. Nathan,' resides in Richland, N. Y. 120 IV. Catherine,' d., aged about 20. 121 V. EUzabeth,' d. young. 122 VI. Rev. Judson B., resides at Sherraan, Conn, 123 VII. WiUiara,' Residence, Canada West, 124 VIII. Joshua.' Residence, Worcester, Mass. 125 IX. Elizabeth,' m. Simms ; resides in Mexico, N. Y, Abijah" (76). had, • 126 L Almina Ann,' b, March 24, 1806. 127 II, Jennette,' b, April 25, 1808. 128 III, Esther,' b. Dec 16, 1809, 129 IV, Mary Ann,' b. Sept. 27, 1811. 130 V. Abijah Curtis,' b. AprU 2, 1813. 131 VI. Horace WiUiam,' b. Nov. 4, 1815. 132 VIL Hannah Mariah,' b, Aug. 27, 1818. 133 Vtll- David Eli,' b. March 30, 1821. 134 IX. Abijah Curtis, b. July 17, 1823. 135 X. Jane E., b. May 26, 1826. 136 XL Ruth Ann, b. March 12, 1828. Herman" (79) had, 137 L Elizabeth Ann,' b. June 19, 1814; m. WiUiara Curtiss, March 20, 1839 ; m. 2. Treat. 138 IL William,' b. Jan. 10, 1816; d. 1818. 139 IIL Laura Sabring,' b. July 1, 1817 ; m. Oct. 8, 1837, Phin eas A. Judson. 140 IV. Sherman Bennet,' b. Aug. 11, 1821 ; m. Mary Ann Har- ger, 1843. 141 V. Herman Wheeler,' b. July 6, 1823 ; m. 1845, EUza Ann Roberts. 142 VL Mary Maria,' b. AprU 6, 1825; m. Fred. P. Gorham, of New Haven. 143 VIL Samuel Hughs,' b. Dec. 19, 1827 ; d- 1829. 144 VIIL Sarah Abigail,' b. July 1%, 1829; ra. 1846, Daniel C. Frost. 145 IX. Charlotte Amanda,' b. March 4, 1837. Abirara' (81) had, 146 L Theresa," b. Jan. 6, 1806 ; d. 1814. 147 II Jonathan," b. Oct. 9, 1807 ; graduated at Yale, 1831. A lawyer, New Haven, Conn. 720 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 148 IIL Susan H.," b. Aug. 1, 1809 ; ra. Doct. Johnson, of Derby, Conn, 149 IV. Thomas," b. March 11, 1813 ; graduated at Yale, 1836 ; m. April 9, 1839, Esther Ann Gilbert, b. July 31, 1819. Ch., Frances Eunice, b. Jan. 13, 1840 ; Sarah G., b. April 6, 1842 ; Ezekiel, b. Nov, 14, 1844, 150 V, Joseph," b. Nov,, 12, 1815; ra, Dec 10, 1838, Sophia Bud- dington, Ch,, WilUam, b. Sept, 27, 1839 ; . Henry, b, March 22, 1843 ; Sophia T,, b, March 9, 1845 ; Goodwin, b, April 2, 1847, 151 V, William," b, Jan. 6, 1818. Lawyer, New Haven, Conn, 152 VI, Theresa," b, June 2, 1825, Goodwin' (84) had, 153 I. Sarason," b. Feb, 7, 1806, Physician in Michigan. 154 IL Aray," b. AprU 21, 1808. 155 HL Moses," b. Feb. 14, 1810. 156 IV. Aaron," b. April 6, 1812 ; d. May 6, 1814. 157 V. Laura Ann," b. 1814; d. young. 158 VI. Abigail," b. Sept. 2, 1815, 159 "Vn, William," b. April 11, 1819, 160 VIII. Goodwin," b. April 8, 1821. 161 IX. Anna," b. May 25, 1824. Curtis' (88) had, 162 I. Israel," b. Feb. 15, 1808; m. Lois Horton; was judge of WiUiams co., Ohio, and d. Dec. 29, 1842. Ch., Dwight, Sarah, Is rael and Phebe. 163 IL Sarauel Augustus," b. May 10, 1809 ; d. Dec. 10, 1834; ra. Sarah Beecher, Oct., 1830. 164 III, Curtis," b. July 10, 1811 ; m. Jane R. Doughty, July 1, 1835. Ch., Charity R., b. Aug. 14, 1836, d. Aug. 28, 1836 ; Phebe, b. Oct, 29, 1838 ; Catherine M,, b, July 9, 1840 ; Austin C, b, AprU.25, 1842; Benjamin C, b. June 7, 1844 ; John C, b. May 6, 1846, 165 IV, WilUam Ira," b, Oct. 25, 1814 ; d. June 2, 1837. 166 V. John," b. Dec. 22, 1820 ; d. Aug. 26, 1837. 167 VI, Zerah," b, Jan, 7, 1823. 168 vn. Martin," b. Oct 24, 1824. 169 vm. Hepsey," b. Nov. 3, 1826. John' (91) had, 170 L Henry EUakim," b. July 23, 1818 ; m. Jan. 3, 1843, Sabra Ann Davis, and had issue, John Henry, b. Jan. 30, 1847. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 721 171 IL Elijah Woodward," b, April 23, 1820 ; graduated at Am herst College, 1849, 172 IIL John," b.Oct. 15,1823. 173 IV. WiUiam Albert," b. Jan, 10, 1826, 174 V. Lewis Gaius," b, Nov, 14, 1828, 175 VI, Samuel Augustus," b. AprU 20, 1835, 176 VIL Sarah Abigail," b. April 15, 1839, TERRILL FAMILY. Roger Terrill, of Stratford, was a signer of the fundamental arti cles for the settlement of Woodbury, and came with the first company of settlers to the latter place. He died April 17, 1722, and his wid. Sarah, died April 13, 1728. His children are found to have been, L Abigail, bap, Jan., 1681-2. II. Sarah, bap. March, 1684, m. Doct, Jonathan Atwood, in 1701, III, Stephen, bap, Aug., 1686, IV. Roger, bap. July, 1691. V. Ezra, bap. April, 1693. VI. and VII. Tiraothy and Martha, b. Nov. 19, 1697. Stephen, eldest son of Roger, d. in 1728, leaving children, I. Abi gail. II, Sarah. III. Stephen, m. Mary Judson, Dec, 9, 1729, d. in 1757, leaving an only child. Prudence, who m, Lieut, Gideon Stoddard. IV. Roger. V, Ezra. VL Timothy. VII. Martha. Roger, Jr., second son of Roger, m. EUzabeth Sherman, July 23, 1713, who d. in 1747. He d. In 1769 ; children, I. Mary, bap, Aug, 31, 1718, m, Abijah Martin, in 1741, IL Gideon, b. Sept, 14, 1720, d, Dec, same year. IIL Gideon, b. Oct. 17, 1721. IV. Daniel, b. Nov, 25, 1723, V, Caleb, b, Feb, 12, 1726, d. -young. VI. Phebe, b. Feb. 12, 1726, m. Root. VIL Betsey, bap. June 23, 1728, m. Christopher Prentice, May 18, 1748. Ezra, third son of Roger, d. 174^. His children by wife, Marga ret, were, I. Sarah, b. April 13, 1715, ra. Camp. II. Ezra, b. Jan. 6, 1717. III. Peter, b. Jan. 19, 1719. IV. Paul, b. Feb. 1, 1721. V. Hannah, b. Sept. 25, 1722. VI. Margaret, b. Nov., 1724. VII. Martha, m. John Brownson, in 1747. VIII. Roger, b. Nov. 11, 1731, d. same year. Timothy, fourth son of Roger, m. Thankful Galpin, and d. in 1727; chUdren, Eunice, b. July, 1724 ; OUve, bap. Aug. 28, 1726 ; Timo thy, (posthumous,) b. Oct., 1727. 55 722 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Timothy,. Jr., son of Timothy; m. Hope Lee, Feb. 26, 1754, d. Aug. 29, 1785 ; children, Lee, b. Jan. 18, 1755 ; Timothy, b. Jan. 15, 1757 ; OUve, b. June 25, 1759, ra. Aaron MaUory; Anna, bap. AprU 25, 1762, d. young ; Anna, b. Jan.' 7, 1765, ra. Jehiel Preston, and d, July 12, 1851, Lee, eldest son of Timothy, Jr., m. Jerusha Root. He reraoved to Canada with his family, after the birth of his children, where his de scendants are somewhat nuraerous. His children were, I. OUve, bap. Sept. 4, 1788. IL Hazard, bap.. Sept. 4, 1788, m. Betsey Bailey, and had 1. Hazard Bailey, who d. suddenly in the faU of 1852, while in the most active discharge of his duties as a meraber of the Cana dian ParUament ; 2. T. Lee, was elected to fiU the vacancy in said ParUaraent, occasioned by the death of his brother ; 3. Caroline ; 4. Preston; 5. Eliza; 6. Jerusha. III. Hope Emra, bap. Sept. 4, 1784. IV. Lee, bap. Oct., 1791, m. and had 1. Joseph Hazard ; 2. Samuel Lee; 3. Olive'; 4. Ann. V. Jerusha Ann, bap. Dec, 1794. Timothy, second son of Tiraothy, Jr., ra. Clarissa Stoddard ; chil dren, Tiraothy, b. Nov. 19, 1781 ; Eunice, (posthumous,) b. April 15, 1787 ; Timothy, m. 1. Huldah Dudley ; m. 2. Dolly M. Bacon. His chUdren are, I. Clarissa, ra. Charles J. Minor. II. Timothy, ra. Laura Warner. III. George D., m. Nancy Booth. IV. WiUiam Lee, m. Eunice Ingersoll, of Ohio, an^ resides at Medina, in that state. V. Nathan S., ra. Eraily Green. THOMAS FAMILY. No. L John Thomas settled in Woodbury about 1690 ; children, 1. John, bap. Aug. 30, 1695 ; 2. Samuel, bap. Sept. 10, 1699, m. and had Reuben and Rhoda, (twins,) bap. Sept., 1714; 3. Thoraas, bap. March 5, 1701, No, II, Jeremiah Thomas d, Dec. 10, 1752. His children were, I. John, bap, .Tune, 1714, d, ^ young. II. Elizabeth, bap. June, 1714, ra. Obed Henries, Jan. 20,1737. IIL John, bap. March, 1716, d. Sept., 1722. IV. Mary, b. Oct., 1722. V. Susanna, bap. June 22, 1718. VL Charies, bap. July 3, 1720. VII. Phebe, bap. Jan. 17, 1725. VIIL David, b. 1726. f^tuy e\^^S Dea. Charles, son of Jeremiah above, m. Mary Sstf^, Feb. 1, HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 723 1749, d. Oct. 3, 1794; children, I. Dea. John, bap. AprU 5, 1750, ra. Parnel WeUer, March 2, 1794, d. without issue. II. Mary, b. April 9, 1753, m, Noah Dudley, in 1775, IIL David, bap, Nov, 15, 1754, d, same month, IV, David, b, April 16, 1756, m. Abigail Case, Sept. 4, 1777, and had Benajah C, b. Aug. 2, 1778. V. Charies, b. Jan. 30, 1758, ra. Jerusha WeUer, who d. May 26, 1827. He d. Feb. 23, 1833. Children, Charles, Jerusha and Mary. Charles has a family, and resides on the old homestead in Roxbury. VI, Annis, b, Feb, 7, 1760, m, Abel Bronson, VII, Jeremiah, bap. Jan. 30, 1763, VIII, Sarah, b, Oct, IQ, 1764, ra, Thomas Warner, 1782, IX, Su sanna, bap, April 9, 1769, ra, Stephen Terrill, X, James, b, Jan, 25, 1763, d, July 4, 1767, No. III. Ebenezer Thomas ra. Sarah Mitchell, Oct. 11, 1721 ; chUdren, I, Phebe, bap, Dec 2, 1722, m, Daniel Chilson, July 5, 1759, II, Abrahara, bap, Feb. 15, 1725, ra. Mary Baker, Jan. 31, 1751 ; chil dren, 1. Ebenezer, bap. Jan. 2, 1751, m. Joanna Galpin, Aug. 14, 1760, and had Mary Ann, who d. June 5, 1784 ; 2. Bulah, bap. June 24, 1753, m, John Mallory, In 1769 ; 3, Lucy, bap. Oct. 5, 1755 ; 4, Isaac, bap, April 23, 1758 ; 5, Friend, bap, March 10, 1765 ; 6. Ira, bap, Aug, 27, 1769, ra, Abigail Hurd, Aug, 28, 1788 ; 7, Sarih Ann, bap. May 31, 1772, III. Sarah, b, Nov. 14, 1731, m. Noah Hurl but, in 1761. Thomas Thomas had by wife Elizabeth, Aaron, b. March 20, 1759. TUTTLE FAMILY. Nathaijiel Tuttle' settled in Woodbury, about 1680, and from him have descended raost, if not all of the name now residing in its vicin ity. He d. Aug. 20, 1721, leaving his wife Sarah, and children given below, except the first, who is supposed to have died previously, as she is not raentioned in his will. 2 I. Mary,' bap. May, 1683, d. probably previous to 1721. ? n. Ephraira,' ra. Dinah 'Wheeler, Feb. 13, 1706. ^ ilj III. Hezekiah,' ra. Martha Huthwitt, April 11, 1711; he died 1753. I IV. Isaac,' b. Feb. 3, 1697-8, m. 1. Prudence Wheeler, Jan. 10, l729, who d. in 1730 ; ra. 2. Mary Wamer, April 15, 1731. She d. Oct. 28, 1746. He d. in 1772, leaving a wife, Ann. 724 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 6 V. Temperance,' d. Nov., 1749. 7 VL Ann,' d. July 22, 1753, Ephraim' (3) had 9n,1ore;'h,'}'--'^"O'=*"22.1707. Joseph d. in 1754, leaving wife Mary, and an only child, Sarah. 10 IIL Sarah,' b. Oct. 15, 1712, m. Hezekiah Wright, June, 1732. >} IV, Ezekiel,' b, Jan. 5, 1718, m. Tabitha . ^ V. Caleb,' b. May 3, 1721, d. 1790. Mary, his widow, ra. Na than Hine. Hezekiah' (4) lived in Main Street, Southbury, near the pres ent dvcelling of Sherman Tuttle, his great-grandson. Ch., 13 I. Lois," bap.'May, 1713, ra. Thoraas Kiraberly, Jan. 23, 1742. 14-IL Agnes,' b. Feb. 11, 1718, m. Obadiah Wheeler, in 1740. J^ III. Nathaniel,' bap. Oct. 1, 1721, m. in his 58th year, Cur- renceiSquIre, July 22, 1779, who d. in 1819 ; he d. in 1796. 16 IV. Gideon," b. Feb., 1727, ra. Mary Stiles, reraoved to Ver mont ; children, Araos, Gideon, Nathaniel, Mary and Lois. 17 V. Ichabod,' bap. June 1, 1729, ra. Sarah Prirae, June 27, 1751, went to Verraont ; children, David, Martha, Hezekiah and Nathaniel. 18 VI. Huthwitt,' b. Aug., 1731, d. unm. about 1785. \l vn, Noah,' bap, April 29, 1734, ra. Susanna Sraith. 20 VHL Nathan,3 bap. Aug. 15, 1736, graduated at Yale CoUege, in 1763, m. Lydia Skeel, went to Rutland, Vermont, disappeared mysteriously, supposed to have been murdered. Sergeant Isaac' (5) had 21 L David,' bap. May 21, 1732. 22 IL Prudence,' b. Jan., 1734, ra. Moses Martin, Jan. 16, 1755. 23 IIL Mary,' b. June 12, 1737, ra. John Nichols, in 1756. % IV. Andrew," bap. March 25, 1739. 25 V. Daniel,' bap. June 5, 1743 ; had sons, Truraan and Garry. Truraan m. Lovina ManvUl ; chUdren, I. Truman, resides in Middle bury, and has a family. IL Harriet E., m. Ebenezer Wheeler, has one child, Truman E. IIL Jennette M. IV. Julia M., m. Madison Johnson, and has two chUdren, Harriet L. and Jennette E. 26 VI. Aaron,' bap. May 15, 1748, ra. Mary Sraith. 27 VIL Ichabod,' d. young, in 1749. Ezekiel" (11) had children, 28 i. Sarauel," b. Feb. 22, 1743, removed west. 29 II. Concurrence," bap. March 15, 1747. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 725 30 in. Truman," bap. April 2, 1749, d. young. 31 IV. Ichabod," bap. Oct. 25, 1750, went west. 32 V. Tabitha," bap. Oct. 22, 1754. . 33 VI. Truraan," bap. Feb, 22, 1756, ll vn, Ephraim," bap, Nov. 23, 1763. 35 VIII. Aaron," m. Rebecca Wooster; children, Olive, Cyrus, Anna, Daniel, Betsey, Aaron, WiUiam, David, Harvey, Silas and Arad. 36 IX. Mabel," bap. AprU 4, 1769. Caleb' (12) had 37 L Amos," b. Oct. 5, 1765. 38 IL JosepV b. March 1, 1767. 39 in. Benjamin," b. May 15, 1768. 40 IV. Abigail," b. April 2, 1770. 41 V,. Mary," b. Nov. 26,1771. 42 VL Gaius," b, April 15, 1773. Noah' (19) had children, » 00 I- Newton," ra. Ruth Pierce. 44 IL Ann," bap, AprU 29, 1759, m. Agur Wheeler. 45 III, Susanna," bap, Nov. 13, 1763, m. Nathan Downs. 46 IV. Mary Ann," d. young, Capt, Nathaniel' (15) was In the army during the Revolu tionary War, His children were, 47 I, Martha," bap, Aug. 1780, m. David Dayton, Nov. 6, 1800, He d, Aug. 17, 1836, aged 64 ; children, I. Augusta, m. Burton French, resides in Ohio. II. Nathaniel, d. Jan. 6, 1833, aged 30, unm, in, Charles, d, Jan. 2, 1816, aged 11 years. IV. Berkley, d, unra, on his return frora the west. V, Tuttle, ra, Caroline, dau, of Judson Hurd, of Roxbury, and d. Sept. 18, 1843, aged 35. VI. Currence A,, m. Hall Gridley, removed to the state of New York. VII. James Clark, removed to the state of New York, and d. Aug. 28, 1851, aged 38. VIIL Charies, d. March 12, 1851, aged 34. IX. Benjamin, resides in Naugatuck, Conn, 48 II- Huthwitt," bap. May 25, 1785, m. 1. Sally Smith, and had one chUd, Samuel; he m, 2. Olive Burr, and d. May 29, 1844 ; chil dren by second raarriage, were Sarah and Mary. 49 III. Nathaniel," bap. July 31, 1785, ra. Betsey Fabrique, May 9, 1808, d. May 5, 1850 ; children, L John H., b. Feb. 16, 1809, d. Aug. 30, 1831. II. Nathaniel, b. Feb. 1, 1811, resides in New Haven. III. Sherraan, b. Jan. 18, 1813. IV. Benjamin Newton, b. April 11, 1815, resides in New Haven. 726 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 50 IV. Anna, bap. March 21, 1793, d. while on a visit at Rutland, Verraont, aged 11 years. Andrew' (24) had, it is said, fourteen children, among whom were the foUowing : 51 I. Reuben." 52 II. Ayers." f? HL Noah." 54 IV. Nathan," went west. 55 V, Isaac," went west, 56 VI, Nabby," 57 VIL Reny," 58 vm, Thaddeus." % IX. WilUam." 60 X. Russell," died young. Ephraim" (34) ra. Sarah Stone, and d. Dec. 19, 1830, aged 68; being the first death in his family. He left 8 ch. and 14 grandch. Sarah his wid. d, July 28, 1847, aged 74, Ch., I, Harriet, ra, Philo Scott, II. Alvin. III. Lydia, d. Jan., 1844, aged 48, IV, Sarah, m, Garry Scott ; is a widow. V, Lucy, ra. Ransora Judson, now of Southbury,' Ch., Lucius, Charles, Robert, Albert, Jane, Clarissa and George, VL Tabitha, m, David M, Fenn. VIL Clarissa, m. Wil- Uara Tucker, d. May 9, 1838. VIIL Eliza. Newton" (43) children, 61 I. Mary Ann,' bap. in 1787, ra. Walker Lyon. Ch., Smith, Jennette and Harriet. 62 II. Cyrus,' bap. Dec. 23, 1789, m. Betsey Smith. Ch., Har riet E. and Samuel S. 63 III. Benjamin,' bap. April 19, 1792, m. 1. Harriet Smith; m. 2. Charlotte Smith. Ch,, SaUy Jane, Noah B, and Caroline S. 64 IV, Smith,' bap, Aug, 23, 1794, m, Maria Shelton ; resides in Burlington, Conn, Ch., WiUiara, d, aged 21 ; Lockwood, Mariette, d, young ; Smith and Theron, 65 V, Newton,' m, Eliza Wilcoxson, Ch., Charlotte, m. Charles Munson ; Mary Jane and Nancy B. 66 'VT. Johnson,' bap. Feb. 27, 1797, ra. Esther Hinman, had one ch. Jennette. 1 Mr. Judson is a descendant of WilUam Judson, who came from England in 1634. ' He has in his possession a Bible 250 years old, which has descended to him as an heir loom. This Bible was printed in London by Christopheiv Barkers, deputy for the Queen. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY, 727 67 VII, Polly Ann,? ra. WiUiara Guthrie, Aug. 25, 1842. 68 vm. Harriet," m. WiUiam Sanford, May 24, 1822. They had one ch. Martha T., who d. April 30, 1852, aged 19. 69 IX. Nathan,' d. young. 70 X. Jennette,' d. aged 9. Noah" (53) had children, 71 L Harley,' b. Jan,_13, 1795. 72 IL Lydia,' b. July 12, 1798. 73 ni. Roxa,' b. AprU 26, 1801. WiUiara" (59) m. Mary Sanford. Ch., I. WiUiam R., b. 1808, ra. Sarah E. Tuttle, ch., WilUam G., Altha and Marvin E. II. John, ra. Abigail ToUes ; resides in Ohio. III. Philo, ra. 1. Stone ; m. 2. Martha Morriss. Ch., Mary H., John E., Eraily J. and Mar vin E. IV. Marinda, m. Burr Keeler. V. Albert, m. Harriet Sax- ton. Ch. Nathan A. VI. Charity, m. WUUam Culver. VH. Na than, resides in Ohio. VIII. Burritt, resides in Plymouth, Conn. IX. Marvin, ra. Caroline Hubbell. X. Eraery. THOMPSON FAMILY. Or, on a fesse dancettee az. three estoiles ar. on a eanton of the second, the sun in glory ppr. Crest, an arm erect, vested gu, cuff ar, holding in the hand ppr, five ears of wheat or, Mottt — In lu- mine luce, - "There are few names more common among the early settlers of 728 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. New England, than that of Thompson, raost of whom came from London and Hertfordshire, and were probably related to each other. Of these, the principal individuals connected with the New England settlements were, David Thompson, who emigrated to Portsmouth, N. H., in 1622, where he estabhshed fisheries, and in 1623, reraoved to an island in Boston harbor, which still bears his narae ; Jaraes Thorapson, who was one of the first settlers of Woburn, Mass., in 1634; Major Robert Thorapson, who resided in Boston in 1639, and was a man of wealth and respectability ; Maurice Thompson, a raerchant of London, governor of the East India Co., who established fisheries at Cape Ann in 1639 ; Rev. WUliara Thorapson, who carae to York in Maine, 1637, and Anthony Thorapson, of New Haven, Conn.'" Anthony Thompson, with his wife, two children, and two brothers, John and WiUiam, embarked at London, on board the ship Hector and ship in company with Governor Eaton, Rev. Mr. Davenport, and others of Coventry, Eng., and arrived at Boston, June 26, 1637, according to Winthrop's Journal,' though Cotton Mather says it was on the 23d of July in that year. They were dissenters from the Church of England, and left home to enjoy quietly here the principles of their faith, as well as to. avoid the constant persecutions, taxes and exactions, which were so frequent during the reign of Charles the First. In the spring of 1638, Messrs. Davenport and Eaton made diligent search for a desirable location for the settlement of their colony ; and, being perhaps the most energetic and wealthy party, which, up to that period, had eraigrated to these shores, several towns made thera terapting offers to join thera. But as no site appeared to hold out as many advantages as Quinniplac, or New Haven, they final ly concluded to raake that place their perraanent abode. Anthony Thorapson' signed the colony constitution of June 4, 1639. As the Thompson brothers had probably been more or less connected with agriculture at home, we find they soon secured lands here. John lived at East Haven, and died Dec. 11, 1674. It Is asserted, that the farra, which he occupied is now in the possession of sorae of his descendants. William and Anthony resided at New Haven during 1 Thompson's History of Long Island. 2 "Winthrop's exact words are : — " 26:4: 1637. There arrived two ships from Lon don, the Hector and the . In these came Mr. Davenport and another minister, and Mr. Eaton and Mr. Hopkins, two merchants of London, men of fair estates and of great esteem for rehgion and wisdom in outward affairs. " In the Hector came also the Lord Ley," &c. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 729 their lives, and died there. Anthony died March 23, 1647, at which time he made a nuncupative will in presence of Rev. John Daven port, and Robert Newman^ who afterward committed his instructions to writing, and appeared before the proper ' officer to prove it. May 27, 1650. He bequeathed the lands, which were set off to him origi nally, and the house, which he had erected thereon, to his son (2) John ;' other lands since purchased, to Anthony ; a certain sum to Bridget, (a daughter of his first wife,) provided she raarried in ac cordance with the wishes of the deacons of the church; and the re- raainder to his second wife, Catherine, and to his three daughters by her, her share to continue during her widowhood. But as it appears she married Nicholas Camp, July 14, 1652, the property probably reverted to the family. "Anthony, Jr., made his will while on a visit at Milford, pn the 26th, and died on the 29th of Dec, 1654, giving most of his property to his brother, John, William, who was prob ably a bachelor, made his will Oct. 6, 1682, and died the same year. He bequeathed all his property .to his relatives, particularly mention ing his nephew John, (2) John' seems to have been a sea-captain. He had three children, mentioned on the records of the town, viz., (3) Mary,' b, Sept. 9, 1667 ; (4) Samuel," b. May 12, 1669, and (5) Sarah,' b, Jan, 16, 1671 ; but he probably had two or three previous ly, whose names they neglected to register. John died June 2, 1707, and an inventory of his estate is on record. His son Samuel' was m*. Nov, 14, 1695, to Rebecca Bishop, dau, of the Lieut. Governor, They lived at the Beaver Ponds, now called WestvIUe, about two miles from New Haven. He was captain of the military corapany, in New Haven. He raust have been a healthy, athletic man, as his grandson Hezekiah used to relate, that he rode behind him on horse back from New Haven to Goshen, a distance of about 50 miles, when he was in his 82nd year, at which latter place he afterward died. Children, 6 L Samuel,*b. Dec2, 1696. 13 II. James," b. June 5, 1699. 8 III. Amos," b, March 3, 1702. 9 IV, Gideon," b. Dec, 25, 1704. 10 V. Rebecca," b. Feb. 23, 1708. 11 VL Judah," b. June 10, 1711 ; d. Aug. 1, 1712. 12 VII. Judah," b, Oct, 5, 1713. 13 VIII. Enos," b. Aug. 18, 1717. This family lived to an advanced age. Some of them settled in Amenia, Dutchess co., N. Y., and others in Goshen, Conn. Smith 56 730 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Thompson, judge of the suprerae court of the United States, ana subsequently secretary of the navy, descended from the Amenia branch of the family. Enos Thorapson Throop, grandson of Enos Thompson, was charge to Naples, and governor of the state of New York. James" (7) m. Hannah Wilmot, May 30, 1723, and lived nearly opposite the stone house subsequently built by his grandson Elijah, in WestvIUe, Conn. His death, which occurred in 1737, was caused by a fall from a cherry tree. He had previously made a will, be queathing his property to his wife during her life, and directing it to be divided, at her death, into nine parts, giving to each of his sons a double share. Ch., 14 I. Jaraes,' b. in 1725, and lived ninety-three years. ll p. Hezekiah,' b. in 1735, 16 IIL Mary,' 17 IV. Hannah,' m. Baldwin. 18 V. Mabel,' nt>i«-y^ Bradley. - 19 VL Amy.' '^ 20 VIL Rachel,' d. in infancy. 21 VIIL Rachel.' Hezekiah,' Esq., (16) was b. in New Haven in 1735. His father d, when he was about two years of age, and he resided for some years with his grandfather, Samuel Thompson, The records at New Ha ven show that' in 1749, when he was fourteen years of age, Enos Thorapson, his uncle, was appointed his guardian, and gave a bond for £500 SterUng, as security for the execution of the trust, and the preservation of the property. It would seera that his uncle shortly afterward bound him out to learn the trade of a saddler. Whether this was dohe contrary to the will, or in accordance with the wishes of his nephew, tradition does not inform us ; but it appears that soon after arriving at raanhood, when 'he could control his actions, having a taste for reading, which he had for some years gratified, whenever he had a leisure hour, his ambition now led him to higher pursuits. He studied law under the direction of Col. Walker, of Stratford, and soon commenced the practice of his profession at Woodbury, although he passed a portion of the year 1757, in the p.rmy, as paymaster to a regiment, and went to the relief of Fort WUliam Henry, near Lake George, during the French War. In 1760, he built a large house in the south part of the viUage of Woodbury, which is stiU in the pos session of one of his descendants, a cut of which appears on the oppo site page. -^WflTqNjt.cgi TH"E OLD MANSION OF HEZEKIAH THOMPSON, Esq. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 731 He was the first person who practiced the profession of law, ex clusively, within the present limits of Woodbury. He was appointed a justice of the peace soon after commencing practice. He stood well as a lawyer and a magistrate, His integrity and nice discrimi nation were so weU estabhshed, that questions of difference were often brought before him by litigating parties, and left at once to his decision- He was a man of stern, though facetious character, and exercised a strong influence over his fellow-men. His wit was of the keenest quality, his humor universal ; yet he ever maintained his personal dignity inviolate, and was, in the best sense of the term, " a gentle man of the old school." His sayings and jocose remarks, which were never calculated to injure the feelings of others, are to this day remembered and repeated by the inhabitants of the town. As would be expected of such a man, he set the highest estimate on a thorough education ; and although his own was neglected in early life, yet he had the satisfaction of seeing three of his sons in possession of a col legiate education. He represented the town of Woodbury in the General Assembly, May and October, 1782 ; May, 1784 ; October, 1784 ; October, 1788, and October, 1789. In aU the varied affairs and offices of the town he acted a conspicuous part, proving himself in all positions an up- riglit and useful citizen. In addition to these labors, he occupied the time which was allowed him from professional pursuits, in over seeing and cultivating a handsome landed property, of which he was the owner. A few years before his death, he had a paralytic, shock, frora which he partially recovered ; but two years subsequently he suffered anoth er attack, frora the effects of which he died in March, 1803. During his illness, a quality of his personal character was conspicuous. His disease had disabled his right armj 'with nearly all the muscles of his right cheek. The consequence was, that he could neither con^- verse, nor take food with looks and gestures, such as comported with his ideas of propriety. He therefore never ate before strangers, and often wept in solitude over the departure of that dignified self-com posure, which had been one of the ornaments of the man". He was buried in the rear of the Episcopal church, in the '' old burial-ground," where a square, pyramidal stone has been erected, to mark tjie place where his ashes repose. He m. Rebecca, dau. of Isaac JudSoh, Oct. 1,1761. Ch., I L WiUiam Abdial," b. June 15, 1762 ; d. Dec. 9, 1847. 23 n. PoUy," b. Feb. 15, 1764; d. Aug., 1824; m. 1. Doct. 732 HISTORY OP AN«IENT WOODBURY, Charles A, HaU, in 1783, Ch. by this raarriage, 1, Maria, b, at New Haven, in 1784, m, George Washington Willis, of Newark, N, J., who d. in the 37th year of his age. She d. in March, 1849, aged 62. They had three sons and three daiighters. 2. Jason Jaraes, b. in New Haven about 1785, d. in New York, 1806 ; 3. and 4. Carlos and Fanny, d. in infancy ; 5. Sophia, b, Aug,, 1791, m. John R, Lay- crafts, of the U, S- navy, in 1809, He d, Aug,, 1819, and she d. Oct, 11, 1842 — no Issue, 6. Carlos, who d. in infancy. Doct. Hall d. of consumption about 1795, and his widow, Polly, m. 2. Lazarus Beach, Aug. 19, 1797, at Bridgeport, Conn., where they afterward resided. They had ch., 1. a son, still-born, Nov, 29, 1798 ; 2. Fan nie, b. March 30, 1800, ra. James Ladd, of Devonshire, England, who d. April 13, 1852. They had six sons and seven daus. 3. Caroline, b. Dec 20, 1801, m. Augustin Averill, of New York, June, 1825. Shed. April 9, 1837, He afterward m. Margaret Fraser, who was also a grand-daughter of Hezekiah Thompson, Esq, For his ch., see " Averill Family." 4. Catherine, b. in New York, Oct. 12, 1805, ra, Thoraas S, UnderhiU, AprU 21, 1825, He d. Feb, 17, 1852. They had three sons and three daughters. Of the descendants of Doct. Hall and Polly Thorapson, but three grandchildren are left. Of her descendants by Lazarus Beach, two daughters and ten grand children are left : two of Caroline, five of Fanny, and three of Cath arine. Said Beach was b. Dec. 1, 1760, in Redding, Conn.; d. in NewYork, June 28, 1816. It IIL Jaraes," b. March 4, 1767 ; d. 1844, jl IV, Sarauel," b, Nov. 15, 1770 ; d. 1800. 26 V. Hannah," b, Nov, 5, 1772 ; d, 1808 ; m. Rev. TUlotson Bronson, D. D., of Cheshire, Nov. 9, 1797. Had four ch., Rebepca, Lavina, Isaac and Charles, 27 VI. Rebecca," b, Jan, 23, 1775 ; ra. Daniel Bacon, Esq. For further particulars, see " Bacon Faraily." 28 VII. Amy," b. Feb. 3, 1777 ; d. Jan., 1849 ; m. Mr. Siraon Fraser in 1808. Resided in Woodbury (where all her children were born) till 1838, when she reraoved to New York, Siraon Fraser was born at Quebec In 1785, His father, Hugh Fraser, Esq., a na tive of Inverness, Scotland, eraigrated to and settled at Quebec, He was an extensive shipping merchant there, and carried on business with the merchants of England, He m, the daughter of Robert Jackson, a British officer, who was serving under Gen. Wolfe at the time he feU, Hugh Fraser d. in 1828, aged 82. Simon, husband of Amy, above-mentioned, was lost at sea in the fall of 1812, on a voy- HISTORY OP ANCIENT '^WOODBURY. 733 age from New York to Wilmington, N. C, on the coast of the latter state, where he was going to establish business. They had ch., I. Alexander, b. Feb. 17, 1809 ; settled in business as a merchant in NewYork, in 1823; m. Sarah, dau. of Joseph' Watkins, Esq., in 1837, and has had five ch.: 1. Watkins Alexander, b. Jan, 16, 1838, d, March 6, 1843 ; 2, Frederick Thompson, b, Dec, 2, 1839, d. Jan, 31, 1843 ; 3, Edward Clarence, b. Jan, 3, 1841 ; 4, Sarah EUzabeth, b, Aug, 10, 1844, d. May 2, 1846 ; 5, Alexander Watkins, b. Feb, 15, 1846. II. WiUiara Augustus, b. Sept. 21, 1810, studied law, and settled in that profession in Illinois, where he m. and has two children, WiUiara and Aray. III. Margaret, b. Sept. 21, 1812 ; m. Augustin Averill, Esq., a raerchant of New York city, and has ch., 1. Mary Frances, b. Oct. 24, 1840 ; 2. Margaret Fraser, b. May 10, 1843 ; 3. Louisa EdelstOn, b, Nov, 22, 1844 ; 4,' Aiigustln, b. Feb, 24, 1852, 5^ VHL Charles," b, Feb, 18, 1780, d. Dec. 9, 1817. Hon. William Abdiel" (22) graduated at Yale College, in 1782, and after studying law with G6v. Griswold, he settled at Green wich, Conn., where he married in succession two daughters of Israel Knapp, viz., Frances, July 17, 1785, and Amy, Sept, 7, 1791, The former was born Feb, 25, 1769, died June 11, 1788, and the latter was born Nov. 17, 1771, and died Aug. 15, 1807. As the laws of Connecticut did not, at that time, allow a man to marry his wife's sis ter, he was obliged to change his residence, and consequently settled in the city of New York, where he was employed in a large and lucra tive practice, for many years. In 1795, he purchased several thou sand acres of land in Sullivan county, N. Y., reraoved to what is riow caUed Thompsonville, and erected, at the junction of two streams of water, a fine and spacious house. The county seat, in 1802, was named Thompson, in compliment to him. He was appointed first judge of the court of the counties of Ulster and Sullivan, which situ ation he held raany years, until his age by law disquaUfied him. He married here a third wife, Mrs. Charity Reed, March 3, 1809. She was born in 1789. By his three wives he had a numerous faraily. In 1811, he raade a voyage to Europe, which was a far raore rare occurrence at that date than at the present time. He spent a year ih France and England, (the history of which to him was always a favorite study,) and often passed a leisure hour In recounting the attentions he received, and the scenes he witnessed during his ab sence. He was a man of decidedly good literary taste, and frequent ly wrote scientific articles for the periodicals of the day. One of 734 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. these attracted the notice of the Geological Society and the Royal Institute of France. 'He was elected an honorary member of that body in 1833. A few years before his death, Dec. 9, 1847, he feU frora his horse, and partially paralyzed his right side ; chUdren, 30 I. Charies Knapp,' b. May 12, 1786, d. March 8, 1814. 31 II. WUliam Augustus,'' b. Dec 11, 1788, ra. Maria, daughter of John Holdron, Esq. 32 in. AdeUne Augusta,'' b. Sept. 28, 1793, ra. Joseph M. Palm er, Esq. 33 IV. Julia Margretta,'' b. June 11, 1795, ra. Doct. Royce, died March 1, 1829. 34 V. Louisa,'' b. Jan. 16, 1798, d. Oct. 20, 1807. 35 VI. Cornelia Ann,'' b. Jan. 4, 1801, ra. Jonathan Stratton. 36 VIL CaroUne Rebecca,' b. Jan. 28, 1802, ni. Raymond, Esq. 37 VIII, Harriet Frances,'' b, Feb, 11, 1804, m. Burr Bronson, 38 IX, James Knapp,'' b. May 26, 1806, ra. AdeUne Cohen. 39 X. Francis WUliam,' b. Dec. 25, 1809, ra. Mary Frances Wood, of Kentucky. 40 XI. Helen Maria,' b- July 15, 1811, m. Edward Gale. 41 XIL Louisa Elizabeth,' b. Feb. 23, 1813. 42 XIIL Samuel Guire,' b. Sept.^ 14, 1814, m. Jane HUL 43 XIV. Maria Antoinette,' b. Jan. 17, 1816, ra. Rev. Mr. Louns- bury. 44 XV. Ann Augusta,' b. March 29, 1821, d. 1839. 45 XVI." Catherine EUzabeth,' b. Oct. 28, 1823, d. Oct., 1826. Rev. James" (24) b. March 4, 1767, graduated at Yale Col lege, in 1789, studied law, and settled in the practice of his profession at New Durham, N. Y. When he was 35 years of age, he experi enced a change in his religious opinions, and • was induced to take orders in the Episcopal church. Though he Owned two large farms within three or four miles of his residence, which required his daily oversight, he stiU found leisure to write one or two sermons weekly, and preached nearly every Sabbath for about forty years. He was an eminently pious and pure clergyman. He died at Durham, Aug. 18, 1844. He ra. Anna, dau. of Capt. Elijah Humphreys, of Derby, Conn., Oct. 22, 1798. ChUdren, 46 L Anna,'b. Aug. 16, 1800, d. Oct. 21, 1801. 47 II. Carolme,' b. Feb- 18, 1802, m. John Young, April 27, 1825. 48 ni. James Mansfield,' b. July 13, 1803, d. in New York, Aug. 21, 1822, of yeUow fever. , HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 735 49 IV. EUjah Humphreys,' b. Nov. 17, 1804, d. Aug. 10, 1811. 50 V. Hezekiah,' b. Aug. 22, 1808. 51 VI. Sarah Ann,'b. Nov. 21, 1813, m. Capt. Edward B. Crafts, of Derby, Oct. 15, 1845- 52 vn. Betsey Vose,' b. Aug. 19, 1816, ra. EdWard Hand, of Durham, April, 1837. Doct. Sarauel," (25) b. in 1770, graduated at Yale College, in 1790, studied raedicine, and practiced the profession for a time at New Milford. He is said to, have possessed talents of the first order, and would undoubtedly have become a distinguished man, had he not been disappointed in an affair of the heart, which brought on intem perance, and seriously clouded his prospects. With a view of chang ing his associates, as well as his liabits, he concluded to seek his for tune in a foreign clime, and in 1800 he sailed for the island of St. Thomas, West Indies, where he shortly after died of the yeUow fever. Charles, Esq.," (29) was b. Feb- 18, 1780. As he was the youngest son, his father Intended that he should remain with hira, foUow agricultural pursuits, and inherit the homestead and the farm connected with it ; but when he was about fifteen years of age, cir cumstances led hira to raake a visit to New York, where his brother (WiUiara A.) was engaged In an extensive law business. Observing the facility with which money was made there, and being deUghted and amused with the novelties of the city, he concluded to change the course which his father had marked out for him, and iraraediately turned his attention to the study of the classics- When he was be tween 17 and 18 years of age, we find hira in the law office of Noah B. Benedict, Esq. He concluded his studies at the celebrated law school of Judge Reeve, at Litchfield. At the age of twenty-one he received a license to practice law, in the state of New York, and commenced his career at Spencertown, Columbia county, where he formed a partnership with Gov. Van Ness, who was subsequently rainister to Spain. He soon became a warm admirer of Mr. Jeffer son's administration, and ever after espoused the principles of the democratic party. Nov. 1, 1801, he m- EUzabeth, only daughter of Rev. Justus Mitchell, of New Canaan, Conn. In 1806, he reraoved to Mount Pleasant, Westchester county, N. Y. Here he purchased the Durell property, where he lived ten years, in the enjoyraent of a large and profitable business. At the expiration of this period, he bought the residence of S. F. Jones, of Monticello, and raany hundred acres of land in SuUivan county, with-a view of erecting mUls and other improvements upon them. When the first miU was completed, 736 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. he rode out to the place, caught cold, a fever followed, when erysip elas on the brain attacked him, and after a fortnight's illness he died Dec. 9, 1817. His stature was about five feet ten inches. He was weU proportioned, having the usual characteristics of the Thomp sons, dark hair and a Ught, florid complexion. He was a generous man, of popular manners, and having a fine voice and excellent mem ory, he was enabled to occupy a very respectable position in his pro fession. His wife, EUzabeth Mitchell, was born Aug. 28, 1780, and died at White Plains, N. Y,, June 10, 1825, Child, 51 L Charies Chauncey, Esq,,' b. Feb, 6, 1803, He was a mer chant in the city of New York, for more than twenty years. In 1845, he retired from comraercial pursuits, with an ample fortune, and, having a predilection for the fine arts, antiquarian researches, and subjects of a like nature, he has indulged his taste for several years in traveUng through most of the countries of Europe, as well as in the East, He raarried Lydia, daughter of Daniel Ba(Jon, Esq., of Woodbury, Oct, 11, 1826, She was born April 27, 1805, and died Dee. 2, 1840. Her worth is recorded in the following epitaph engraved on her monuraent in Woodbury : " Here lies deposited the remains of Lydia, wife of Charles C. Thorapson, and daughter ofthe late Daniel Bacon, Esq., who died at her residence In the city of New York, Dec. 2, 1840, aged 35 years. " She was formed by nature to conciliate and please, while her good sense, amiable disposition, and unexceptionable deportment, secured her the esteem and love of all, who had a knowledge of her spotless character. In each of her varied relations of wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend, she has not left a raore faultless example behind her ; and the recollection of her many virtues should not fade, tiU memory loses its power, or affection ceases to be a feeling of the human heart. " 'Tis ever thus, 'tis ever thus, with all that's best below ; The dearest, noblest, loveliest, are always first to go. A little while they dwell with us,' blest ministers of love ! Then spread the wings we had not seen, and seek their home above." Children, 52 L Charles B.," b. Sept. 30, 1827; d. June 11, 1829. 53 IL Rebecca B-," b. March 30, 1830, m, Charies D, Matthews, a merchant of New York city, Jan, 31, 1849, and has a dau., Lydia, b, Nov, 20, 1850, 54 HL Chauncey Minot," b. March 29, 1833, 65 IV. Charles Edward," b. Nov. 21, 1834; d. Jan, 31, 1836. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 737 56 V. Frederick Augustus," b. Jan. 26, 1839 ; d. March 26, 1841. There have been other individuals of the name of Thorapson re siding in the " ancient territory," whose relationship with the fore going can not now be traced. Arabrose Thompson, ch., John, bap. Oct., 1680; Ambrose, bap. Sept., 1686; Sarah, bap. same date. Doct: Ebenezer Thompson, of Bethlehem society, m. Mary Judd, Oct. 29, 1742. He d. .June 11, 1750 ; his wid. d. in 1752. He is the ancestor of the Thompson famUies now residing in the east part of Bethlem. Ch.7 Levi, b. Dec. 13, 1743, m. Rebecca Leavitt, in 1772; Amos, bap. Oct. 13, 1745, d. May 8, 1750; Esther, b. Oct.. 14, 1747 ; Mary, b. AprU 28, 1750, Daniel Thompson d. in 177^,6, leaving brothers and sisters, James, Paul, George, Henry, Mary, w. of Thaddeus Mmor ; Hannah, w. of Bradley, and Comfort, w. of Kasson. Henry ra. Prudence • Lucy, b. June 10, 1785. -, and had ch., Daniel, b. Jan. 12, 1783 ; TROWBRIDGE FAMILY.' 1 The account of this family is reluctantly furnished by Philo M. Trowbridge, ^sq., of this town, at my solicitation. He has collected much information concerning the family, and has, at a late moment, hastily 'written the following sketch, containing only a part of what he has in his possession. He Is desirous that any person possess ing information relating to the family, woidd communicate it to him at "Woodbury, Conn., with fall dates of births, marriages, deaths, change of residence, &o., as he may at a future time present to the world an extended history of the name. 57 738 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. " Or, over water, in base, on a bridge of three arches in fesse, erabattled, a tower ppr., thereon hoisted a broad pendant, flying to wards the sinister, a canton az. charged with two keys in saltier, ward upward, gold. Crest — A dexter arm, embowed, habited az., holding a flag staff erect, thereon a broad pendant of the last charged with two keys, in saltier, as in the arras." The name of Trowbridge is of high antiquity in England, as per sons bearing this name are found to have lived during the reign of William the Conqueror. The first of the name are found in Trow bridge, a raarket town and parish in Wiltshire co., England, which town received its narae frora that of one of the family, being their residence for many centuries, and the property of one of the narae in the reign of Edward I. The name of Trowbridge first appears in " Doorasday Book." Trowbridge formerly had a castle, but no traces of it now remain. It was besieged by Stephen about A. D. 1135. A younger branch of the Devonshire family of Trowbridge seems to have settled in Somersetshire, as early as 1541. They resided at Taunton in that county. From this branch sprang the Trowbridges of America. That the Taui^n faraily descended from that of De vonshire is sufficiently proved by their arras being precisely the sarae as those seen in the stained glass window in the chancel of St. Jaraes' Church, Devonshire. Thomas Trowbridge' the progenitor, probably, of all of the name in America, eraigrated frora Taunton, Somersetshire, England, to this cbuntryabout 1636. He brought "with him two sons, viz., 2. Thomas,' and 3. WUliam,2 settled at Dorchester, Mass.,'where another son (4. Dea. James') was born in 1636. Thence he reraoved with his family in 1639, to New Haven, Conn., where he purchased lands, buUt houses, was a merchant, and after a few years, (in 1645,) return ed to England, leaving his " Sons, Houses, Goods, Lots, estates and chattels in trust with his steward or servant, Henry Gibbons," but this man shamefully neglected them, and " a friend of Mr. Trow bridge took these three sons to educate and bring up in the fear of the Lord, and when Mr. Trowbridge coraes back, he will leave it with the court to determine what is equal for it." Mr. Trowbridge did not return, but wrote often to his sons and the authorities of New Haven to bring Gibbons to account for his breach of trust. He ex ecuted a power of attorney Jan. 19, 1662, to his sons ", Thomas, Wil- Uara and James, [the last being described of Dorchester, Mass,] to receive of all persons. Claims, Houses, &c., to bring to account and punish Gibbons." This instrument was brought to the governor and HISTORY Oi; ANCIENT WOODBURY. 739 court, and proved. Gibbons was also brought before thera, when " he said he had rendered the account as well as he could, but it was raany years since." The secretary was ordered to exaraine records, &c. In a short ffime Gibbons died, but he made over by will to Thomas the eldest son, all his possessions. Mr. Trowbridge died at Taunton, England, about Feb. 7,1672. His sons, as soon as they attained their majority, became men of Influence and possessed large estates. Thomas,' (2) the eldest son, remained at New Haven, was a mer chant. He was b. in 1632, m. Sarah, dau. of Mr. Henry Ruther ford of New Haven, where many of his descendants are stUl found. He died in 1702, leaving a large estate. His son Thomas, b. in 1663, d. 1711, m, Mary, dau. of Mr. John Winston, and had Daniel, b. 1703 ; d. 1752, Graduated at Yale College, ra, Mabel, dau. of Mr. Francis Brown, and had Rutherford, b. 1744 ; ra, Dorcas Hitchcock, dau. of Mr. Amos Hitchcock, and had, Henry, b. July 30, 1781, ra. Harriet, dau. of Ezekiel Hayes, and d. Oct. 7, 1849. ' He was a shipping mer chant, and founded the house of Henry Trowbridge and Sons. Since his decease, the business Is continued by his sons, (Thomas R., Hen ry, Ezekiel II. and Winston J.,) under the firm of Henry Trow bridge's Sons. They are more extensively engaged in the West India trade than any other house In the state. Of these, three reside at New Haven. The last named, Winston J., resides at Bar badoes. Thoraas R. has raade quite extensive researches for informa tion referring to the family, both In this country and England, and has procured very many valuable facts during his investigation, Dea. James' (4) left New Haven and settled in Dorchester, Mass., about 1658. He rembved thence to Newton, where he died May 22, 1717. In his will he speaks of his father-in-law, Maj. Humphrey Atherton, and refers to rights he (James) had in Dorchester by his father Thomas. The ch. of Dea. James, were, 1. EUzabeth, b, Oct. 12, 1660. 2. MindweU, b. June 20, 1662. 3. John, b. May 22, 1664. 4. Margaret, b. April 30, 1666. 5, Thankful, b. March 6, 1668, 6, Mary, b. June 11, 1670. 7. Hannah, b. June 15, 1672. 8, Experience, b, Nov, 1, 1675, 9, Thoraas, b. Dec. 9, 1677, was father of Judge Edmund, "of whom it has been asserted, that he was the most profound lawyer in 740 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. New England prior to the Revolution.' He also was ancestor of Doct. Josiah Trowbridge of Buffalo, N. Y., of which city the latter has been mayor. 10. Deliverance, b. Dec. 31, 1679. 11. Jaraes, b. Sept. 20, 1682. 12. WiUiara, b. Nov. 19, 1684. He is the ancestor of Otis Trow bridge, Esq., of Newton, Mass., who possesses ranch valuable infor mation referring to this branch of the family. 13. Abigail, b. April 11, 1687. 14. Rev. Caleb, b. Nov, 7, 1692, settled at Groton, Mass., and died Sept. 9, 1760. WUUam'' (3) remained at New; Haven, was a planter, afterward master and owner of a vessel trading to Fayal. He is" the ancestor of those of the name residing in Danbury and vicinity, and of those at Litchfield and "Ancient Woodbury." His descendants also are found in raany parts of the country. He m. Jw-MwF'Of'ffftss SuUivant at MUford, June 9, l^^y-mtr^-Eim^mSii^bsanbevbova^mid ^Janl690. A grand-dau, ' of Mr, Trowbridge, m. Rev, Mr, Wood- bridge, who gave name to the present town of Woodbridge,' 5 L WiUiam," b, ^t, 12, 1657. 6 II. Thomas,' b. Oct.^, 1659. 7 in. Elizabeth,' b. May 5, 1661. „ 1 See Blake's Biographical Dictionary ; also Fanner. , 2 Cotton Mather in his Magnalia, records the following interposition of DiviNH Pkovidenck, which he says Is " attested beyond all contradiction." " The Dolphins and the Lord's day. " On the 16th of October in this present year, 1697, there arrived at New Haven, a sloop of about 50 Tons, whereof Mr. WiUiam Trowbridge was master, the vessel be longed unto New Haven, the persons on board were 7, and 17 long weeks had they now spent since they came from their Port, v/hlch was Fayal. By so unusual tedious a passage, a terable famine unavoidably came upon them, and for the five last weelfs of their voyage, they were so destitute of all food, that through faintness they would have chosen death rather than life. But they were a, praying and pious company, and when these poor men cried unto the Lord, he heard and saved them. God sent his Dolphins to attend them, and of these they catch'd still one every day which was enough to serve them, only Saturdays they still catch'd a couple, and on the Lord's Days they could catch none at all. With all pos-sible skill and care, they could not supply themselves with the fish in any other number or order, and in deed with an Holy blush, at last they left ofi" trying to do any thing on the Lord's Days, when they were so well snpphed on the Saturdays. Thus the Lord kept feeding a company who put then: trust in him, as he did his Israel with his manna, and thus they contin ued tm the Dolphms came to that change of water where they used to leave the ves sels, then they so strangely surrender'd themselves, that the company took 27 of them, which not only supphed them tiU they came ashore, but also some of them were brought ashore dry'd as a monument of the Divine benignity." HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 741 8 IV. James,' b. March 26, 1664. 9 V. Margaret,' b. June 1, 1666. 10 VI. Hannah,' b. July 6, 1668. 11 VIL Samuel,' 12 VIIL Abigail', (twins,) b. Oct. 7, 1670. This Sarauel was father of the Samuel who d. in New Fairfield, Conn., Nov. 24, 1782, and was the progenitor of most of the name now residing at Danbury and Betheh' The following was taken from Samuel Jr's family record, contained in his Bible, which is in posses- sionof his great-grandson, Samuel Trowbridge, Esq., of Hamburg, S. C- " Samuel Trowbridge born was he, In seventeen Hundred you may see. The month of August he was born, The six and twentieth in ye morn." " Samuel Trowbridge, Jan., born August ye 26, 1700." 13 IX, Mary,' b, Oct. 12, 1672. 13^ X. Joseph,' b. 1676. James' (3) m. 1. Nov. 8, 1688, Lydia Alsop; m. 2. Hester Howe, Sept. 9, 1691. He had a son, 14. James,'' b. Sept. 13, 1689, who d. in 1740, leaving a son, 15. Sarauel,' who chose Benjamin St. John of Norwalk for his guardian in 1640-1. This Samuel ra, a dau, of Rev. John Eells, of New Canaan, Conn., and settled in Bedford, West CKester co., N. Y. Children, 16 I. Jaraes," ra. and had, 1. Sarauel, resides at Sing Sing, has ch. ¦ 2. John, had a family and d. in N. Y ; 3. George, d. unra. ; 4. Polly, ra. Osser ; 5. Hannah ; 6. Betsey, m. Davis ; 7. Cathe rine, ra. McCord. {] II. John," b, in 1752 ; came to Woodbury in 1778 or '9, 18 III,' Lydia," ra, Smith, Ch,, 1, John ; 2, Richard, had a grandson, Richard Trowbridge Smith, whose name ,was changed to Richard Smith Trowbridge, and resides in Philadelphia ; 3. Anna, m. Potter ; 4, Hannah, m. 1, Penier, 2. Joseph TuthiU, and resides in Brooklyn, N. Y, 19 IV. Samuel," ra. Clarissa Reymond ; lived in Bedford. Ch., 1, Stephen, ra. and resides in MonticelloJ N. Y., has ch.; 2. Jaraes Harvey, m. Eliza Canfield, is dec'd. Ch., Doct. Israel L., Jaraes H. and Elizabeth, all ra., reside in Bedford ; 3, Henry, ra,. Charlotte Purdy, resides in New York; 4, Jereraiah, m, Fountain, d, in 1 A tradition exists in this branch of the family, that their ancestor came from Scotland. It is believed to be like most other traditions, without fotmdatiou. 742 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Bedford, left ch.; 5. Alexander, Uves in Peekskill, has a family ; 6- AbigaU, in. Walter Keeler, has four ch.; 7. Clarissa, m. Whedon Fowler, and has four ch.; 8. Edwin, ra. Mead, has one ch.; 9. Anjaline, m. WiUiams, is dec'd ; 10. Samuel, ra., has ch., re sides in New York. John" (17) settled in the south part of Woodbury ; ra. Esther, dau. of Preserved Strong, and grand-daughter of Rev. Anthony Stod dard. He reraained a few years " in Woodbury proper, removed thence to Roxbury soe, in 1793. His wife, Esther, d. Sept. 13, 1807, aged 45. He m. 2. Widow Elizabeth Logan, of Washington, July 2, 1811, and d. May 5, 1826. His widow, EUzabeth, d. in 1848. Children, 20 I. James,' b. 1784 ; ra. Sarah Wakeley, and was killed in stantly by a faU, Oct. 9,1838; no issue. His widow went to Mur- rays"ville, Ohio, and d. there June 9, 1840, aged 52. IJ IL Edraund," b. Dec 4, 1786. 22 IIL Fanny,' b, 1790 ; ra. in 1817, Rev. F. Harrison.' Ch., 1. Harriet C; 2. Fanny S., d. Oct. 2, 1831 ; 3, WilUam R.,ra. Mar, 25, 1846, Susan L,, dau. of Dea. Adam C. Kasson, and resides in Bethlera ; 4. E. EUza, ra. Theodore Bird ; 5. Caroline F., ra, Sara uel, brother of Theodore — sons of Dea. Joshua Bird, of Bethlera. 3=? IV. John,' b. Nov., 1788. 24 V. Anna,' b. in 1792 ; d. Sept. 20, 1810. 25 VI. Mary,' b. Nov. 14,, 1796; m. Nov, 13, 1816, Samuel W. Baldwin.' Ch., Samuel T,, b, April, 1821, ra, Eraeline L. Castle in 1841 ; Charies, d. Oct. 4, 1830 ; Charies W., b, April, 1834, =? VII, Charles Strong,' b. in 1798, 27 VIIL CaroUne,' b, AprU, 1802 ; ra, Dec, 1820, Harraon Bald- •win, of Washington, brother of Samuel W., above ; has one child, George R. T,, b, 1822 ;,ra,- Sarah Sraith, of Northfield, in 1848, Edraund' (21) m, Esther L., dau, of Adna Mallory, Maj- 4, 1809, .Ch,, 28 L Philo MaUory," b. Aug. 4, 1810; ra. Sept, 18, 1837, Sarah Earl, dau, of Lerauel Akin, dec'd, of Norfolk, Conn,, she being great- grand-dau, of Henry Akin, who eraigrated frora Londonderry, Ire- 1 Mr. Harrison m. 1. Betsey Bunnell, of North Branford, who d. March 31, 1816, aged S4, leaving two daughters, Mary A. and Betsey B. Mary A. m. Eev. E. Manning Chipman, now of Guilford, Conn. Betsey B. m. Eobert To'wnsend, formerly of Mid dlebury, now of New Haven. 2 He is son of Samuel, whose father, Enos Baldwin, came from Milford, Conn. ; set tled on the hill west ofthe Shepaug Elver, near Ferry's bridge in "Washington. ' HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 743 land, in 1710; landed at Boston, Mass., where he m. Isabel, dau. of Rev. Mr. Holmes. He afterward located at Middletown, Conn., and d. there in old age. She is also fourth in descent from Sarah Earl, (from whora she received her name,) who m, David Johnson, in En gland, Johnson and his wife came to this country, settled in Dur ham, Conn., where she was shot by an Indian, while standing in the' door of their dwelling, and immediately expired, 29 II, Charies Sarauel," b. May 4, 1812 ; ra, July 30, 1834, Ann Jennet, dau, of John Hurlbut, of Woodbury, who d. Oct. 15, 1835, aged 23. He ra. 2. Sept. 5, 1836, Julia Ann, dau, of Dea. David Mills, of Auburn, N. Y., where he now resides. Ch., Hellen Mills, b. Jan. 27, 1840 ; Charles Augustus, b. Jan. 30, 1843 ; JuUa Frances, Oct. 24, 1844 ; all three born in Tecuraseh, Mich.; David Henry, b. at Auburn,' Aug. 29, 1851. 30 III. Fanny Caroline," b. June 18, 1817. 31 IV. Francis Finch," b. Aug. 14, 1830; d. Oct. 5, 1836. John' (23) m. Mahalah Thorapson, and resides in Roxbury. Children, 32 L Mary Ann," b. April 9, 1817 ; ra, Enoch Ford ; has five ch.; resides in Bridgewater, 33 IL John," b. Dec, 25, 1819 ; m, in 1846, Louisa J, Treat, of Milford ; has one ch., Henry Treat, b, March 8, 1852, 34 III, EUza," b, Feb, 5, 1823 ; m. Jay Gregory, and resides in Salera, Westchester co., N, Y, 35 IV, George," b, Nov, 18, 1824. 36 V. Caroline," b. Jan. 13, 1828 ; ra. Samuel Thomas, of Rox bury. 37 VL WiUiara," b. in 1830. Charles Strong'' (26) ra. Eliza, dau. of David'Clark, of New Milford. Ch., 38 L Charles Edwin," b.May 8, 1835. 39 II. Mary Marinda," b. Nqv. 20, 1836. 40 III. Esther E.," b. Oct., 1838 ; d. July 5, 1842. 41 IV. Jaraes E.," b. Oct. 18, 1840; d. Feb. 15, 1841. 42 V. Henry C-," b. Dec 14, 1841 ; d. 1852. 43 VL Job A.," b. Aug, 14, 1843. 44 VII. Esther E.," b, July 12, 1845, 45 vm, WilUam F.," b, March 22, 1848, 46 IX. Sarah H.," b. June 25, 1850 ; d. Oct. 6, 1851. 47 X. Sarah," b.Feb. 10, 1853. Joseph Trowbridge, of West Haven — probable descendant of Wil- 744 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. Uam,' (3) — settled in Southbury society^ about 1740, m. Trial More house, April 15, 1741. He had a sister Sally, who ra. David John son, of Soiithbury, in 1755. Joseph, in his old age, resided with his son, Doct. Joseph Trowbridge, of Danbury, where he died. His ch. were, 1. Lieut. Elihu, a Revolutionary soldier, who d. unm, 2, Lorana, ra, David Woodin, 3, Ruth, ra. David Mallory, Sept. 3, 1778. 4. Anna, ra. Nov. 16, 1772, Joel Hicock, of Washington. 5. Philoman, in. Eunice Hicock. 6. Sarah, bap. Jan. 29, 1755, ra. Ephraira Stiles, May 7, 1780. 7. Doct. Joseph, bap. Nov. 8, 1761 ; remo'Sfed to Danbury ; d. leaving daughters. Of the above, Philoraan reraoved to Clinton, N. Y., with his fam ily, where some of his descendants now reside. Ch., 1. Elihu, bap. March 11, 1781 ; m. Lois Curtiss, Oct. 18, 1802. 2. Sally, bap. March 11, 1781 ; d. young. ^ 3. EU, bap. Nov. 3, 1782 ; now living in CUnton, N. Y., and has a family. 4. Pheba, bap. Jan. 28, 1784. 5. Cyrus. 6. Polly. WALKER FAMILY. Richard, John and Robert Walker, were admitted freemen in Bos ton, in 1632. 1. Robert Walker,' was born about 1606, and was living in Boston June 10, 1684. He had six sons, as follows : ^ I. Zechariah,' b. in Boston, 1637. 3 n. John,' " " 1639 ; d. there June 6, 1663. ,t, m. Jacob,' " « 5 IV. Joseph,' « « 1646; d. in 1655. 6 V. EUakim,' « « 1652. I's VI. Joseph,' " Rev. Zechariah^ (2) ra. Susannah , who d. April 26, 1710. He was a Presbyterian clergyman at Jamaica, L. I., from 1663 to 1668 ; was ordained pastor over the second church in Stratford, May 5, 1670; reraoved his family to Woodbury, June 27, 1678. He d. Jan. 20, 1699-1700. Ch. ll I. Zechariah,' bap. May 22, 1670 ; settled in Woodbury. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY, 745 9 n. Abigail,' bap. May 22, 1670. 10 IIL EUzabeth,' b. March 1, 1674-5. Jacob' (4) m. Widow Elizabeth Blackman, Dec. 6, 1670, and settled at Stratford. Ch., 11 I. Samuel,' b. Nov. 7, 1671. 12 IL Moses,' bap. Dec, 1673. 13 IIL John,' b.Oct. 29, 1674; ra. Tabitha Wooster, Oct, 15, 1705, 14 IV, EUzabeth,' bap. July, 1676. 15 V. Mary,' b. Jan. 1, 1678-9, 16 VL Mercy,' b, March 11, 1681, Joseph' (7) settled at Stratford ; m, Abigail — ^-, Ch., 17 I, Robert,' bap. May 22, 1670 ; m. Ruth Wilcockson, Aug. 1, 1695. 18 IL Sarah,' bap. May 22, 1670. 19 IIL Abigail, Feb., 1671-2. Dea. Zechariah' (8) ra. EUzabeth, dau. of Dea. Samuel Bull. He d. Dec 21, 1753. She 'd, Dec. 19, 1749. Ch., 20 I, Mary,< bap, Jan,, 1689 ; m, Lieut- Joseph Judson, Feb, 13, 1706-7, 21 II. Abigail,'' bap. Sept., 1691; m. Valentine Prentice. g in. Timothy,* bap. June, 1693. g IV. Josiah,* bap. Sept., 1694. 24 V. Joseph,* d. unm. in 1727. (See Probate Rec.) 25 VL Zechariah,* b. May 14, 1702; m, Margaret , She d, June 16, 1782 ; had one ch,, Joseph, who d, unra. II VIL Peter,* b. Oct. 24, 1706. 27 vm. Elizabeth,* b. Dec. 16, 1708 ; ra. Caleb Martin, June 26, 1729. 28 IX. Gideon,* b. Dec. 16, 1711 ; ra. Mary Munn, Nov. 6, 1735, who d. April 6, 1793. He d. AprU 30, 1781 ; had no ch., but adopt ed the foUowing : I. Esther," ra. Zirari Moody. II. Zechariah." Capt. Tiraothy* (22) m. Sarah ; d. June 15, 1786. Ch,, 29 L EUsha,= b. Feb. 7, 1724; ra. Isabel Ward, Nov. 2, 1752 ; she d. Aug. 11, 1790. Ch., I. Anna," b. Aug. 25, 1753. IL EUza beth," bap. July 9, 1758. IH. EUsha," bap. Dec. 16, 1764. 30 n. Sarah," bap. Nov. 7, 1725. 31 III. EUzabeth," b. Sept., 1728. f, IV. Joseph," b. Feb. 13> 1731. 33 V. Timothy," b. Deo. 14, 1732. 58 746 HISTORY OF ANCIENT -WOODBURT. 34 VI. Samuel," bap. April 11, 1736 ; had a son Asa, who d. in 1759. 35 VIL Gideon," b. April 27, 1739. 36 "VIIL Mary," bap. Aug. 23, 1741. 37 IX. Abigail," bap. April 26, 1747. Josiah* (23) ra. Dec. 24, 1719, Phebe Hurlbut, and removed to Litchfield. Ch., 38 L David," b. Sept. 18, 1720. 39 n. Josiah." 40 in. Lucy.= 41 IV. Phebe," b. Sept. 19, 1728 ; ra. Daniel Beers, Aug. 9, 1750. 42 V. Zecheriah.= 43 VI. Susannah,' m. Abner Mallory. Peter* (26) m. 1. Mary , who died April 4, 1740 ; m. 2. Rhoda Sherman, Nov. 13, 1740. He died in 1>788. Ch., 44 I. EUzabeth,' b. April 28, 1734, ra. David JMinor. 45 n. John," b. Dec. 13, 1735, d. May, 1760. 46 IIL Joanna," b. Sept. 25, 1737, ra. 1. Richard Peet ; m. 2. Wilmot ; ra. 3. Jehiel Preston. 47 IV. Peter," bap. May 21, 1739. 48 V. lilary," b. March, 1740, d. April 3, 1740. 49 VI. Mary," b. Oct. 23, 1741, m. Jonathan Stoughton, Nov. 12, 1761. 50 VIL Kezia," bap. Dec. 11, 1743, ra. 1.' Hungerford-, m. 2. Sheldon Clark. 51 VIIL Peter," bap. Oct. 27, 1745, d. Oct. 6, 1749. 52 IX. Rhoda," bap. Feb. 14, 1748. 54 XI Rhoda," } '^'' ^- ^^y 13, 1750. ^ j^^^^^^ burton. il xn. Samuel," bap. April 1, 1753. 56 Xin. Susanna," bap. July 27, 1755, m. Jacob Linley. Joseph" (32) had the foUowing chUdren : I. Joseph," bap. Nov. 11, 1753. II. Simeon," bap. Jan. 11, 1756. III. Caleb," bap. March 8, 1759. IV. Phebe," bap. Nov. 4, 1764. V. Caleb," bap. March 30, 1766. VI. Mary," bap. June 4, 1769i vn. Thnothy," bap. Jan. 6, 1773. VIIL Reuben," b. 1777, m. Ar miUa, daughter of Dea. Matthew Minor, and died Oct. 20, 1851, aged 74; children, Theodore W., Joseph F., Augusta, m. John Bacon, John, went south, Nathaniel, resides in Oxford, and others. IX. EUzabeth, bap. Dec. 14, 1730. niSTOBTOP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 747 Peter' (53) ra. Annis Minor; children, I. Electa, m. Jonathan Spicer. II. Rhoda, m. John Root. III. Betsey, ra. EUjah Judson. IV. Keziah, m. Asa Judson, Dec. 6^ 1820. V. Carolme, ra. Gould Camp. VL Olive, ra. Pine, frora the state of N. Y. VII. Guy, ra. Oct. 16, 1811, Nancy Lum, had one child, Harriet, who ra. Loren Forbes, has children, Mary W. and WiUiara. VIII. Annis, m. Jonathan Baker. IX. Laura, ra. Asahel Hurd. X. Rebecca, m. Asahel Hurd. Samuel" (55) m. Abia Judson, removed to Manchester, Vermont ; chUdren, I. Mary, m. Nathan Warner. II- Laura, ra, Walter Jen nings, m, John, m, Anna Roberts, IV, Horatio, ra. Rhoda Pur dy, resides in Vt. V. Sally, m. Jabez Hawley. VI. Catherine, m. Cyrus Munson. VII. Hiram, ra. Lucy Harris. WHEELER FAMILY. Farmer informs us that thirty distinct families of the name of Wheeler resided at Concord, Mass., between 1650 and 1680. John, of Concord, went to Fairfield, Conn., in 1644. 1. John,' of Strat ford, probably a son of John, of Fairfield, was a signer of the funda mental articles for the settlement of Woodbury, removed early to the latter place, and d. May 12, 1704. His children by his wife Ruth, are found to have been, 2 I. Sarah,' b. Feb. 24, 1663-4. 3 II. EUzabeth,' b. Feb., 1669, m. Burritt. 4 IIL Mary,' bap. Jan. 19, 1670, d. 1701, unra. i IV. Thoraas,' bap. May 25, 1673, m. Sarah StUes, Aug. 20, 1701, who was dau. of Benjamin Stiles. He was killed by the fall of a tree, March 2, 1728. 6 V. Ruth,' b. June 30, 1679, m. John Richardson, of Waterbury, April 23, 1701. 7 VI. Dinah,' bap. 1681, m. Ephraira Tuttle, Feb. 13, 1706-7. i" VIL John,' bap. May, 1684, ra. Ruth,^ dau. of Benjamin Stiles, Nov. 4, 1704, and d. May 19, 1727. • Thoinas2 (5) had 9 L Prudence,' b. Sept. 19, 1702, m. Isaac Tuttle, Jan. 10, 1729. JS IL Benjamin,' b. July 21, 1706, m. Mary WaUer, Oct. 3, 1729. JJ m. Lemuel," bap. Jan., 1711, m. Bethia Bronson, Aug. 14 1729, d. 1782. 748 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. g IV. Thomas,' b. June 13, 1715, ra. Eunice . 13 V. Obadiah,' b. Nov. 11, 1716, died young. 13J VI. Sarah,' b. Aug. 1, 1719. 14 vn. Mary,3 b. Aug., 1725. John' (8) had Jg L Caleb,' b. March 21, 1704, m. Ruth . 16 II. Abigail,' b. Feb. 15, 1707. 17 m. Obadiah," b. May 28, 1709, drowned Oct. 1, 1715. II IV. Sarauel,' b. June 24, 1712, m. AbigaU , who d. 1792 ; hed, 1786, 19 V, Lois,' b, March 10, 1714, d, young, 20 VT, Lois," b. May 2, 1716, m, Olive Atwood, Nov. 12, 1740. II vn. Obadiah," bap.' April 27, 1718, m. Agnes Tuttle, May 12, 1740, d. 1806, % VIIL John," b, March 5, 1720, ra, DeUlah Sanford, Jan. 3, 1752, who d. Feb. 6, 1802. He d. May 22, 1811. 23 IX. Jesse," bap. April 22, 1722, ra. and had a dau. Sarah. 24 X. Seth," b. 1724, Uved in Bethlem, d. 1746, unm. Benjarain' (10) had 25 L Joseph,* b. July 20, 1730. 26 IL Mercy,* b. Feb. 27, 1733, d. 1751. 27 m. Benjarain,* bap. Oct. 26, 1735, d. young. 28 IV. Bathsheba,* b. Feb., 1739. 29 V. Caleb,* bap. Dec. 19, 1740. 30 VI. Abigail,* bap. Jan, 5, 1748. Lerauel" (11) had ^ 1. Obadiah,* b. June 27, 1730, ra. Mary ManviU, March 25, 1756. 32 II. Prudence,* b. June 26, 1732, ra. Nathan Baldwin, March 28, 1757. 33 in. Sarah,* bap. Sept. 2, 1737, d. Oct., 1749. 34 IV. Amos,* bap. May 3, 1741. 35 V. David,* bap. May 11, 1746. 36 VI. Asa,* bap. Sept. 10, 1749. 37 VIL Justus.* Thomas' (12) had 38 L Noah,*b.June6, 1743. 39 n. Chloe,* bap. Fefi. 2, 1746. 40 in. Seth,* bap. AprU 2, 1749, Ens. Caleb' (15) had 41 L Sarah,*b. Sept., 1727. 42 n. Ruth,* b. July, 1729, d. 1730. , HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 749' 43 IIL Caleb/ bap. Oct. 17, 1731, d. June, 1737. 44 IV. Simeon,* b. Nov., 1733. 45 V. Preserved,* bap. March 28, 1736, m". Lucy Parks, May 1, 1757, d. 1769. 46 VI. Caleb,* b. Nov. 9, 1737, d. Feb., 1738. 47 VII. David,* b. Sept. 13, 1739. 48 VHL John,* b. Oct. 14, 1741, ra. Lois Dudley, in 1763, and had a daughter Lydia. 49 IX. Peter,* b. April 16, 1744. 50 X. Gideon,* bap. March 13, 1745. 51 XI. Martha,* bap. April 27, 1746. 52 XII. Abigail,* bap. June 30, 1748, 53 XIII, Ashbel,* bap, Nov. 12, 1749. 54 XIV. Ruth,* bap. April 5, 1712. Sarauel' (18) had 55 I. Justus,* bap. Oct. 8, 1733. 56 IL Mabel,* bap. Aug. 4, 1735, ra. Pierce, 57 III, Patience,* ra, Ambrose Sperry, 58 IV, Ann,* bap, Sept. 14, 1743, ra. Parralee AUen, July 21, 1768. • 59 V. Ruth,* bap. March 24, 1745, ra. Neheraiah St. John. § VL Seth,* bap. July 26, 1747, m. and had a faraily. Obadiah' (21) had "1, L Truraan,* b. Nov. 26, 1741. 62 IL Martha,* b. July 12, 1742. f, m. Adin,* b. Nov. 20, 1743. 64 IV. Gideon,* b. July 27, 1745. 65 V. Betty,* b. May 15, 1747, d. Jan. 26, 1752. 66 VL Olive,* b. Sept. 21, 1749, d. Jan. 14,1752. 67 VII. Currence,* b. Jan. 20, 1752, d. sarae day. 68 vm. Obadiah,* b. May 1, 1753. 69 IX. Betty,* b. Jan. 1, 1755,ra. Jude Moulthrop, July 30,1777. 70 X. Olive,* bap. Jan. 5, 1757, m. Samuel Drakeley, Oct. 2, 1777. John' (22) had, 71 L Amos,* b. Jan. 18, 1753. 72 IL EUzabeth,* b. Oct. 11, 1754, m. WUUam Hues, 1781. 73 IIL Rachel,* b. Jan. 14, 1757, m. ^ ¦ Stevens. 74 IV. Daniel,* b. Aug. 3, 1758. 75 V. Annis,* bap. May 4, 1760. 76 VI. Zaphai Sanford,* bap. May 6, 1764. 750 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 77 VIL Ruth,* bap. AprU 2, 1766. ^ 78 VHL AraariUis,* bap. Jan. 26, 1772, m. Hezekiah GUbert, Feb. 10, 1793. g IX. John,* m. Thankful Beecher. Obadiah* (31) had 80 L Sarah,' bap. Feb. 13, 1757. 81 n. Mary," b. Sept. 2, 1758. S nL Asa," b. Oct. 15, 1760, m. Abigail Tyler, 1781. 83 IV. Ebenezer," b. Nov. 28, 1762, m. Love Curtiss, in 1789. 1^5 V. Amos," b. Dec. 12, 1764, ra. Reny Booth, Nov. 13, 1793. 85 VI. Job," b. Feb. 12, 1767, m. MoUy Mallory, 1789. 86 VIL Ruth," b. March 17, 1769. 87 VnL David," b. June 22, 1771, d. Feb. 16, 1774. 88 IX. Aremynta," b. March 10, 1781. Seth* (60) had 89 L Hinman," b. April 21, 1768. ^ IL Seth Noble," b. Jan. 28, 1772, m. Olive MitcheU, Feb. 19, 1795. ' Truman* (61) had ' 4 L Truman," ra. Nancy Burritt, Nov. 18, 1806, d. Oct. 3, 1843. - Dea. Adin* (63) had 92 i. Currence," bap. Aug. 5, 1778, m. Joel F. Benedict. 93 n. Lois," bap. Aug. 5, 1778. 94 m. Clarissa," bap. Aug. 5, 1778. 95 IV. Agnes," bap. Aug. 5, 1778, m. Sheldon Bristol, Feb. 17, 1811. 96 V. Esther," b. July 9, 1780, m. Benjamin Hurd. 97 VI. Adin," b. Sept. 16, 1795. John* (79) had 98 L John L.," b. July 31, 1805. 99 IL Francis,"b. Feb.28,1808. 100 HL Ransom B.,"b. Jan. 25, 1810. 101 IV. Philander," b. May 25, 1811. 102 V. Mariette," b. Dec. 2, 1812. 103 VL WilUam E.," b. May 7, 1814. 104 vn. Mariette T.," b. May 17, 1817, m, Doct. William C. Cat- Im, 1840, Asa" (82) had 105 I. Lerauel," who d. June 11, 1789. Amos" (84) had 106 L SaUy," b. Oct. 17, 1793. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 751 107 n. Miner,va,''b. Aug.13,1795. 108 HL Amos," b. Nov. 30, 1797. 109 IV. Leorany," b. Sept. 20, 1799. Seth Noble" (89) had 110 L Betsey, b. Oct. 22, 1798, ra. Peter C. Oakley. Ill IL Eunice, b. May 15, 1805, ra. Matthew E. MitcheU, 1823. 112 in. Sarah,'b. May 8,. 1807. * Truraan" (91) had 113 L Sarah Ann, b. May 30, 1808, m. Albert G. Ambler, Not- 25, 1829. 114 II. Mary Ann, b. Aug. 21, 1811, m. Ebenezer Hurd, Nov. 18, 1834. 115 HL Burritt T., b. June 13, 1813. 116 IV. Truman B., b. Nov. 1, 1819. 117 V. Harriet M., b. April 4, 1820. 118 VL Flora N., b. Nov. 24, 1822. Lt. Samuel Wheeler, probably son of Samuel, of Stratford, settled In the south-east section of " Ancient Woodbury," about 1740. We are informed by his descendants, that he had ten children, . all of whom died young, except two. The following is from record : Rob ert, son of Lt. Samuel, b. 17^6 ; Agnes, d. Aug. 2, 1764, aged 16; Abigail, wife of Lt. Samuel, d. June 15, 1792. He d. Dec. 24, 1799 aged 81. Robert above named ra. Ruth , who d. May 15, 1788. He d. April 47, 1782. His children were, Sarauel, b. July 2, 1769 ; Eljsha, b. Jan. 29, 1771 ; Moses, b. March 4, 1773 ; Sarah, b. July 10, 1776, ra. Isaac Riggs ; Jaraes, b. March 3, 1779, ra. ^annah Booth, and d. April 3, 1805 ; Joseph, b. July 3, 1781, d. July 31, 1793. Sarauel, eldest son of Robert, m. Phebe Glover, of Newtown, and had Maria, who m. Washburn ; Betsey, who m. Orlando Ca bles, and Birdsey G.^ who d. Feb. 18, 1838, aged 30, unm. Elisha, second son of Robert, ra. 1. Mehetable Sraith, who d. Jan. 19, 1795 ; ra. 2. Deborah Booth, Jan. 1, 1799 ; chUdren, Elvira, b. AprU 19, 1796, m. Eleazer Gidney, and d. Oct. 8, 1822. Moses, third soji of Robert, ra. Betsey Loveland, In 1795, and had 1. Robert, b. Feb. 13, 1796 ; 2. Joseph, b. Dec. 24, 1797 ; 3. David, who d. in Georgia, Aug. 25, 1822, aged 23 ; 4. James, d. Feb. 11, 1831, aged 31 ; 5. Henry S. ; 6. Harriet, d. March 9, 1842, aged 31 ; 7. WUlis, d. July 6, 1805, aged 2 ; 8. WUUs, d. Sept. 4, 1807, aged five months ; 9. SaUy, d. July 8, 1813, young ; 10. EUsha, d. young ; 11. EUsha, b. June 14, 1816. 752 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. Robert, son of Moses, m. JuUa Washburn, and had Betsey Ann, George, Smith, Robert, Elisha and Julia Ann. Joseph, son of Moses, m. Mary M. Candee. Ch., Sarah, Maria and David. Sarah d. unm. Henry S., son of Moses, m. Widow PoUy Blagg, and had Harriet and Maria. Elisha, youngest son of Moses, m. 1. Ann Maria Johnson, April 13, 1836 ; shed. April, 1837; m. 2. EUzabeth Leavenworth, April 10, 1838. Ch., James, b. March 1, 1837 ; Francis E., b. Oct. 17^ 1840 ; Martha E., b. Aug. 12, 1842 ; Ralph E., b. May 17, 1844 ; Mary S., b. April 26, 1846 ; Henry *S., b. Aug. 5, 1848. WARNER FAMILY. John Warner, of Farmington, died in 1678-9, leaving ch., among whom was John, who settled at Waterbury, and had, John, Ephraim, Robert, Ebenezer and Lydia. The last married Samuel Bronson ; John, Jr., d. at Farmington, whUe on a visit, in 1707. Three of his sons settled in Woodbury, viz., Ephraim, Robert and Ebenezer. First Family. Ephraim Wamer had, 1. Ephraim, bap. Nov., 1693 ; 2. Benjamin, bap. Aug., 1698. It is probable they emigrated from Woodbury, as the records of the territory show nothing more of them. Second Family. Robert Warner ra. 1. ^ilary Hurlbut, who d. April 14, 1743 ; m. 2. Sarah Wheeler, April 14, 1744. She d. May 30, 1755. Mr. Wamer d. 1759. Ch. as foUows : 1. Sarah, bap. July, 1704; d. Jan. 28, 1721. 2. Mary, bap. July 24, 1707 ; ra. Isaac Tuttle, April 15, 1731. 3. Margaret, b. April 22, 1709; d. Sept. 8, 1711. 4. John, b. Oct. 27, 1713 ; m. Jemima Hurd, June 11, 1735 ; d. Dec. 8, 1785. His ch. were, I. Daniel, b. July, 1736, d. same month. II. Sarah, b. Aug. 26, 1737, m. Ephraim Baldwin, 1757. III. Jemima, b. Oct. 2, 1739. I"V". Mary, b. April 22, 1742. V. Daniel, b. Aug. 26, 1744, rn. Ann Stoddard, Feb. 7, 1765. He was killed at the battle of Bennington, July, 1776. Ch., 1. Mary, b. March 27, 1766 ; 2. Eunice, bap. Sept. 12, 1768; 3. Daniel, bap. July 5, 1772 ; 4. John, bap. July 4, 1773 ; 5. Mary Ann, b. June 7, 1776. VI. Hannah, b. March 20, 1753. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, 753 5, Nathan, b, Feb. 14, 1717 ; m. Hannah ; he d. July 14, 1784. He had, I. Mary, b. June 23, 1743. II. Rhoda, b. March 8, 1745. III. Nathan, b- Feb. 13, 1747,* m. Lois Armstrong. IV. Robert, bap. June 4, 1749, m. Feb, 19, 1772, Emma Sherman, and had, 1. Jerusha, b. Feb. 11, 1778 ; 2. Rhoda, b. April 29, 1775 ; 3. Lucinda, b. May 7, 1781 ; 4. Robert Sherman, b. March 29, 1785.- 6. Silence, bap. Sept, 11, 1720; ra, John Hurd, Jan., 1741. Third Family. Doct. Ebenezer Wamer m. Martha Galpin, Dec. 19, 1704, who d. AprU 17, 1745. He d. April 23, 1755. Ch., 1. Ebenezer, b. Mar. 18, 1705, m. EUzabeth Hurlbut, Feb., 1729. He d. Aug. 23, 1769, Ch., I. Ebenezer, bap. Aug. 13, 1732, m. Patience Minor, July 6, 1757, who d. Sept* 23, 1774. «He d. March 21., 1800. Ch., 1. David, b. Jan. 3, 1758, m. Ruth Baker, Nov. 28, 1784; both d. March, 1813-^their son David d. April 3, 1813 ; 2. Ebenezer, b. July 19, 1760, m. Elizabeth Sweet, April 13, 1779, and had Ebenezer, Patience, m. David Judson, Stephen, Elizabeth, m. Barnet Haw ley , Polly, m. Simeon Castle ; 3. Gideon, b. Aug. 19, 1762 ; 4. Elizabeth, bap. March 19, 1765, m. Solomon Squire; 5. Susanna, m. Samuel Bristol. II. Eliz abeth, b. Nov. 17, 1736, d. 1753. III. Martha, b. June 9, 1746, m. Gideon Squire, Nov. 19, 1761. ' 2. Martha, b. July 23, 1707 ; m. Solomon Squire. 3. Doct. Benjamin, b. May 6, 1709 ; ra. Silence Hurd, Dec. 16, 1736. She d. Nov. 15, 1785^- Their ch. were, „ I. Hannahj'b. Aug. 4, 1737, m. Josiah Hawley. 'lI.(Doct. Benjamin, b. May, 1739, m. 1. Rebecca Castle, Nov. 2, 1761 ; m. 2. Jemima Chambers, of New town, and had, 1. Benjamin, 2. AUyn, 3. Rebecca, m. Daggett, 4. Sllena, m. Asaph Betts, 5. Rhoda-, m. Maj. Abraham Bronson., III. Daniel, b. April 12, 1741, m. Patience Norton in 1765. IV. Col. Seth, b. May 6, 1743, d. Dec. 26, 1784, m. Hester Hurd^'and had, Seth, Asahel and|, Abigail. V. John, b. May 29, 1745, ra.' Hurlbut, went to Vermont. VI. Doet. Reuben, bap. March ,4, 1750, m. 1. Eunice , who d. Feb. 7, 17S5 ; oh., Reuben and two daughters. VII. Elijah, bap. June 30, 1754. VIII. Asahel,in. Rhoda Bassett, and had, 1. Marvin, 2. Rhoda, m. Benjamin Rumsey, 3. Olive, m. Isaac Newton. IX. David, had Daniel, Luoy and Malcolm. X. Tamar, m. Asahel Hurd. 4. Margaret, b. Dec, 1712 ;. m. David Squire, Dec. 20, 173'2. 5. Rebecca, b. Dec 12, 1715 ; m. Moses Hurlbut, Dec 25, 1735. 6. Tamar, b. Feb. 26, 1718; m. Reraeraber Baker. 7. Lydia, b. Feb., 1720 ; m. Stephen Judd, March 13, 1751. 8. Thoraas," b. Nov., 1722 ; ra. AbigaU Prentice, July 4, 1749 ; he d. Dec. 17,'1778 ; his widow d. Nov., 1794. Ch,, • I. Deborah, b. July 31, 1751. II. Martha,b. Nov. 3, 1753, m. Gideon Hurl but, Sept. 18, 1772. III. Esther, b. May 21, 1755, m. Amos Leavenworth, 1779. IV. Samuel, b. Sept. 24, 1756. V. Saul, b. March 12, 1758, m. Abi- 59 754 history op ANCIENT WOODBURY. gail Keeler, Feb. 15, 1781, and had, James, Daniel, Sally, Jfeminia, William " and Hannah. VI. Sarah, b. Sept. 19, 1759. VII. Thomas-, b. April 28, 1761, m. Sarah Thoraas, 1782, d. Jan. 26, 1836. His widow died^April 16, 1844. Ch., Mary, Sally, Thomas, Susan, Lucy, Zella, John, Silas, Moses and Irene. VIII. Lydia, bap. Sept. 19, 1762. IX. Dorcas, bap. May 12, 17615. X. Enos, b. May 5, 1767. XL Abig.ail, bap. May 27, 1770. 9. Frances, b. Feb., 1726 ; m. Oviatt. 10. Rachael, bap. March 23, 1729. WAKELEY FAMILY. Abner Wakeley and wife Sarah, had, Henry, b.^pril 9, 1750 ; Eunice, b." Sept. 19, 1752 ; Sarah, bap. July 14, 1754 ; Abel, bap. Oct. 7, 1759 ; Ann, bap. May 3, 1761 ; Sarah, bap. Aug. 20, 1763 ; Platt, bap. April 6, 1766 ; Phebe, bap. Sept. 27, 1767. Abner, the father, died 1769. Joseph Wakeley, d. June, 1730, leaving his wife, Elizabeth, and ch., Daniel and Dinah. EUzabeth, after the death of Mr. Wakeley, m. John Squire. Daniel, d. 1748, leaving his wife, Joanna, and dau. Tabitha. WYATT FAMILY. Ensign John Wyatt, one of the signers of the original compact, came from Stratford, and settled in " Ancient Woodbury." His ch. were, Gershom, bap. Feb. 16,1679-80; Sarah, bap. Feb., 1781-2 ; EUzabeth, bap. Aug., 1785 ; Mercy, bap. April, 1787-8. WALLER FAMILY. Joseph Waller came early to Woodbury ; d. 1727, " in the great sickness;" had a "wife, AbigaU, and ch., 1. Sarah; 2. Lydia; 3. Abi gaU— aU three bap. Sept. 25, 1698 ; 4. Joseph, b. AprU 3, 1701 ; 5. Samuel, b. March 18, 1703, had w. Esther, who d. Oct. 6, 1749 ; he d. in 1745. Ch., Jane, bap. June 22, 1729 ; Lydia, bap. April 18, HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 755 1731 ; Joseph, b. June, 1733 ; Samuel, b. AprU 17, 1735 ; Elijah, bap. April 3, 1737 ; Esther, b. Dec, 1738 ; David, b, Dec, 1740 ; Martha, bap, July 7, 1745, ra. David Atwood, Dec. 17, 1765 ; Peter, bap. Aug. 3, 1747. 6. Martha, b. Sept. 6, 1705 ; 7. Mary, bap- May, 1708, ra. Benjamin Wheeler, Oct. 3, 1729 ; 8. Bathsheba, b. May 19, 1710 ; 9. Daniel, b. May 23, 1713, d. same month. Thoraas WaUer had. Rose, bap. AprU, 1714 ; Elizabeth, bap. July, 17l6 ; Mary, bap. Nov. 9, 1718. WARD FAMILY. Andrew Ward was admitted freeman in 1633, at Boston. In June, 1635, he was at Wethersfleld, and 'with twenty others, pur chased Stamford. He also with others, raade a purchase of Hemp stead, L. I., but in consequence of some difficulty with the Dutch government, removed to Fairfield, Conn., and d. Oct., 1659, leaving his wife, Esther, and ch. He was a man of great worth and conse quence in the colony, was frequently united with the governors and other most important men on comralttees of the General Assembly, and was the ancestor of a respectable and wealthy family, who reside in Hartford. He was father of Andrew, who was father of William, who settled at Wallingford, who was father of Zenas, who came to " Ancient Woodbury," and m. 1. Mary Bates, 1743, who' d. Sept. 25, 1760 ; m. 2. Patience Squire. Ch., Bethuel, b, April 8, 1744 ; Ma- cock, b, Nov, 6, 1745 ; Mary, b, Oct, 26, 1747, ra, Ichabod Squire, and went to Vermont ; Amy, b, July 6, 1752, d, unm.; Anna, b, July 6, 1755, m. Thoraas Squire ; Content, b. Oct, 20, 1757, ra, Isaac Squire, Aug, 7, 1777 ; Patience, b. Dec, 27, 1761, m. Benjamin Squire, and removed to Ohio ; Hannibal, b, Sept. 30, 1764, m. Adna MaUory, Nov, 26, 1788 ; Zenas, b. July 17, 1770, m. Martha Parks. Bethuel, sonof Zenas, m. Ruth Squire, April 23, 1769. Ch,, 1. Hannah ; 2, Chloe ; 3. Asher, m, Anna MaUory, and had, Bennet, Harriet, Charles ; 4, Amy ; 5, Rebecca ; 6, Eunice ; 7, Sally ; 8, Lucy, Macock, son of Zenas, ra, Elizabeth Squire, Jan, 8, 1769. Ch., 1. Macock, d. unra.; 2. Arry, ra. Ruth Kane ; 3. Mary, d. unra.; 4. Eli, m. Alice Brown, and had Laura, d. young ; Levi, m. Polly Cogswell ; Abirara, Sterling, Aivin and Calvin, (twins,) WiUiara Mary and Laura ; 5. Reuben ; 6. John, m. SaUy Gilbert. Ch., Lem- 756 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. uel and a daughter ; 7. Alvin, d. jinm.; 8. Elizabeth, drowned young ; 9. Samuel, m, Olive Hurlbut ; 10, Ambrose, Zenas, son of Zenas 1st, Ch,, Ruth, James, Ashbel, Sylvania, Zenas, Patience, WHITTLESEY FAMILY, 1, John Whittlesey' is believed to be the first person of the name who emigrated to the United States, and the ancestor of all the Whit- tleseys who have Uved here. He came from England about 1650, and became a tanner and shoemaker at Saybrook, Ct, The town of Saybrook, by authority of the General Court,_ gave to Mr, Whittle sey and Wm, Dudley, the right to establish a ferry over Connecticut River, near which he lived In 1663. This still belongs to his de scendants. He died, April 15, 1704— his wife, Sept. 29, 1714. They ' were eminent Christians. Their descendants were, i' I. John,' settled at Saybrook. I's II. Stephen,' attorney at Saybrook. 15 III. Joseph,' settled at Saybrook. fe IV. EUphalet,' settled at Wethersfield ; m. Mary Pratt, Dec. 1, 1702. 6 V.' Ebenezer,' settled at Saybrook. 7 VI. Jabez,' settled at Bethlera ; deacon. ¦)" VII. Sarauel,' settled at Wallingford ; minister. 9 VIIL Elizabeth.' 10 IX. Ruth.' John' (2) had children, 11 I. John,' settled in Saybrook, 21 II. Hezekiah, settled in Saybrook; deacon, justice of the peace. 13 in. David, settled in Saybrook ; died young. Stephen' (3) had children, 14 I. Samuel,' d, young, ig II, Ambrose,' settled in Saybrook ; attorney, Joseph' (4) had children, ^ I, Joseph,' settled in Saybrook, EUphalet' (5) had children, 17 L Mary,' b, Oct. 1, 1703 ; m. Post. 18 n. Hannah,' b. May 13, 1711 ; m. Smith. J? in. EUphalet,' b. May 10, 1714 ; m. Dorothy KeUogg, Dec. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 757 16, 1736 ; reraoved to New Preston, 1761 ; united with the church sarae year ; chosen deacon soon after. His wife d. AprU 14, 1772, aged 55 years. He ra. Widow Hannah Mallory, June 23, 1774, who Uved sorae years after his death. He d. July 12, 1786, aged 72. Sarauel' (8) had children, 20 I. Samuel,' settled in Milford ; minister. 21 II. Chauncey,' settled in New Haven ; minister. Hezekiah' (12) had children, 22 I. Hezekiah,* settled in Saybrook. 23 II. David,* settled in Saybrook. Ambrose' (15) had children, 24 I. Ambrose,* settled in Saybrook. 25 II. Stephen,* " " 26 III. Samuel,* " " 27 IV. Azariah,* " " 28 V. David,* " " Joseph' (16) had children, 29 I, Joseph,* 32 IV. Duzen.* 30 II. Stephen." 33 V. Aaron,* 31 IIL Samuel,* EUphalet' (19) had ch'ildren, \l I, Martin,* b. Oct", 5, 1737 ; ra. Sarah Deraing ; settled at New Preston ; farraer ; served a short tirae in the Revolutionary War, where he was sick, from the effects of which he never fully recovered, and received a pension the remainder of his life. Died May 29, 1800, aged 62 years ; wife d. March 29, 1829, aged 92. fi 11. Lemuel,* b. May 16, 1740 ; ra, Hannah Wells; settled at Newlngton ; d, Aug. 30, 1823, aged 83 years. ' it IIL John,* b. Dec. 23, 1741 ; m. Mary Beal; settled in New Preston ; farmer ; justice of the peace ; raember of the legislature seventeen sessions, between 1781 and 1791; chosen deacon, June 30, 1784, which appointment he declined; removed to Salisbury, 1792, where he died, March 22, 1812, aged 70 years ; wife died Sept. 30, 1802. 37 IV. Anna,* b. Jan. 27, 1744 ; m. Wra. CogsweU, of New Pres ton ; d. Jan. 10, 1810, aged 65 years, 11 raonths. ll V. Abner,* b. May 1, 1746; m. Ruth Wadsworth; settled in Farraington; farraer; died July 12, 1821, aged 75 years. i? VI. EUphalet,* b. July 2, 1748; ra. Corafort WaUer; settled in Stockbridge, Mass.; farmer ; d. Jan. 25, 1823, aged 74. g vn. David,* b. Aug. 18, 1750 ; m. for his first wife, Abigail 758 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Judson, Dec, 1779, who d. Oct. 1, 1782, aged about 25. She had one daughter, Abigail Laura, who died May, 1784, aged 3 years. and 3 months ; also a son that Uved but a few hours. He m. Martha Poraeroy, of Northampton, May 19, 1798 ; lived in New Preston, on the sarae farm occupied by his father; served a short tirae in the Rev olutionary War ; sheriff's deputy 12 or 15 years ; justice of the peace, 1792; deacon, April 22, 1807; d. Jan, 31, 1825, aged 74 years; wife d. Sept, 8, 1827, aged 59 years, % vm. Asaph,* b. May 12, 1753 ; ra. AbigaU Skeels ; settled at Wyoraing ; kUled in the battle at thatplace, July 3, 1778. 42 IX. Dorothy,* b. Sept. 5, 1755 ; ra. Col. Perry AveriU, Sept. 22, 1774; d. July 12, 1824, aged 69. i X. EUsha,* b. Jan. 8, 1758 ; graduated at Yale CoUege, 1779 ; studied law; settled in Danbury ; m. Mary Tucker ; d. Nov. 9, 1802, aged 44 years and 10 months. 44 XL Roger,* b. Oct. 6, 1760; d. June 23, 1761. Martin* (34) had chUdren, 45 I. SaUy," b. March, 1762; m. Dea. Isaiah Johnson, Jan. 11, 1791 ; settled in Russia, N. Y.; d. in 1836, II IL Joseph,^ b. March 20, 1764 ; ra. Mary Carap, Oct. 6, 1785 ; settled in New Preston ; farmer ; captain of the militia ; member of the Legislature; d. March 8, 1838, aged 74; wife d. April 4, 1853, aged 89. 47 III, Jemima,' b, Feb, 2, 1765, m, Hezekiah Ackley, Jan, 8, 1787, settled in New Preston, died Aug, 17, 1835. 48 IV. Mary,' b. Dec, 1767, ra. Daniel Camp, d. Dec. 19, 1792. 1*^ V. Martin,' b. March 2, 1770, m, Lorana Dayton, Dec, J797, settled at New Preston, as farraer on the homestead, d. May 28, 1837, 50 VI, EUzabeth,5 m, Dea, Cyrus Johnson, Sharon, Ohio, 51 VIL DoUy,' died young, 52 VHL DoUy,' b, Dec, 1776, ra. Dea. Gideon Sraith, Salisbury. 53 IX. Sheldon,' b. 1780, d. June 17, 1800. 54_ X. Abigail,' b. 1783, ra. EUada Peck, Litchfield, d. 1825. Lerauel* (35) had children, ill I. Roger,' ra, SraaUey, settled in Southington. ^3 II. Asaph,' settled in Newington. 57 HI. Hannah,' m. Gridley, settled in Farmington. 58 IV. Dolly,' ra. Dr. Belden, settled in Newington. John* (36) had children, 1^ I. Matthew Beal, m. Hannah White, settled in Danbuiy, history of ancient WObDBURY. 769 12° John,' m. Abigail Johnson and Rebecca Camp, settled in Salis bury. Ss III. Chester,' ra. Nancy Wadsworth, settled in Southington, d. May 15, 1849, aged 76 years. §a IV. EUphalet,' ra. Martha R., settled in Salisbury. li^ V. Asaph,' m. Zesta Hart, settled in Tallmadge, Ohio. iV, VI. EUsha,' m. Polly Mygatt, settled in Canfield, Ohio. 65 VII. PoUy,' m. N. P., AveriU, settled in Salisbury. Abner* (38) had chUdren, 66 L Ruth.' 67 II. Dolly,' m. Harvey Wliittlesey, settled in Farmington, died March 19, 1841. EUphalet* (39) had chUdren, « 68 I. Comfort,' ra. Joel Camp, of New Preston. ili II. David,' ra. Rebecca Smalley, settled in New Britain, Conn. S IIL EUphalet,' settled in Cayug% N. Y. ra IV. Asaph,' m. Clarissa Richards, settled in Galon, N. Y. I's V. Solomon,' settled in Brownhelmj Ohio. "s VI. Heman,' m. Electa KeUogg, settled in Newington. i^ VII, Charles,' settled in Brownhelm, Ohio, it vm. Federal,' settled in Stockbridge, Mass, 76 IX, Mary,' 77 X, Sarah, ra, Leavenworth, settled in Brownhelm, Ohio. 78 XI, , m, — ' — Curtiss, settled in Stockbridge and Ohio, David* (40) had children by Martha, his wife, , i™9 I. Frederick,' b, June 12, 1799, graduated at Yale CoUege, 1818, studied law, settled in Cooperstown, N, Y,, removed in 1823, to Rochester, N, Y, ; m. Sept, 12, 1825, to Ann Hinsdale, of Winsted; elected a meraber of Congress in 1830, re-elected in 1832, appointed vice-chancellor ofthe state of New York, professor of law at Geneva CoUege ; died Sept. 19, 1851, aged 52. 80 II. Frances P., b, June 26, 1801, ra. WiUiara C. Cogswell, Oct. 3, 1821, settled in Woodbury, d. Oct. 22, 1837. i|\ IIL David Chester, b. March 29, 1803, m. Mary Cogswell, Oct. 2, 1823, settled in New Preston, occupying the same farm that EUphalet' (19) first settled on when he came to New Preston, mem ber of the legislature, justice of^the peace. 82 IV. WiUiara Sheldon,' b. Nov. 4, 1806, settled in Rochester, N. Y., d. Sept. 11, 1849. Asaph* (41) had chUdren, 83 I. Anna,' m. Joel Camp, New Preston, 760 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. f * 84 II. Abigail,' ra. WilUam Camp, settled in Oweg<5, N, Y. 85 III. Laura,' ra. Eneas Camp, settled in New Milford. Elisha* (43), had children, ' 86 L EUsha.' ^y II. Thomas,' m. HoUey, settled in Danbury and Michigan. 88 III. Harriet, ra. Condit, settled in Owego, N. Y. Joseph' (46) had children, 89 L Anna,« b. April 21, 1786, m. Wilmot Sperry, Sept. 22, 1812, settled in New Preston, d. Nov. 25, 1844. iS IL David,« b. Aug. 18, 1787, ra. Matilda P. Averill, Sept. 30, 1816, who died Dec. 31, 1845, aged 56 years ; ra. Mrs. Anna Miranda Taylor, Nov. 12, 1848 ; settled in New Preston, farmer. l^ in. Harvey,^ b, Oct. 6, 1788, ra. Dolly Whittlesey,' (67,) who died March 19, 1841 ; ra. Dolly M. Sperry, Aug. 31, 1842 ; settled hj Farraington, farraer. 92 IV. Deraing,^ b. July 9, 1790, settled in Tallmadge, Ohio ; kiUedby the faU of a tree, March 16, 1816. 93, V, Mary,'= b. June 7, 1792, ra, Dea, Calvin Hatch, March 2, 1813, settled in Farraington, ^ VL Charles,' b. Oct. 5, 1793, ra. Mary Ann Camp, Oct. 1, Iil 6 ; settled in New Preston, farraer, deacon ; wife died Oct. 29, 1^43, aged 47 ; m. S. Augusta Minor, of Woodbury, Sept. 27, 1848. ^ VII. Luraan," b. March 15, 1795, graduated at Yale CoUege, 1816, ra. Sally J. CogsweU, Sept. 15, 1818 ; settled in WilUamston, N. C, teacher ; ra. for his second wife, EUza J. Peal, of WilUamston ; removed to Alexandria, Va'. S, VIIL Joseph," b. Dec, 8, 1797, graduated at Yale CoUege, 1825, ra. Maria A, Chappell, of New London, who died. Nov. 10, 1846 ; ra, Maria Peck, of Litchfield, May, 1849 ; pastor at Stonington, Conn., Haverhill, Mass., and Berlin, Conn. 97 IX. Sheldon Camp," b. Jan. 9, 1799, d. Oct. 19, 1809. Ifa X. Ralph,' b. July 2, 1801, lived in various places in the south ern states, m. Nancy Rowan ; wife died, and he then served in the Mexican War ; afterward went to CaUfomia, died at Stockton, Cal., July 21, 1850. 99 XL Sarah Maria,".b. AprU 21, 1803, d. AprU 3, 1828. Z XII. Roger Newton," b. Feb. 15, 1805, m, Esther Ann Hub- beU, Feb. 4, 1833 ; settled in New Preston, farraer ; wife died July 24, 1836, m. Mrs. Jane Lane ; removed to Farmington ; where he died July 15, 1841. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY," 761 Martin' (49) had children, 101 I, Garry," d. Dec. 24, 1799, aged one year. 102 IL Laura," d. Sept. 18, 1800, aged five raonths. 103 IIL Harriet," d. Oct. 15, 1805, aged four years. 104 IV. Laura," d. March 25, 1807, aged three years. ^ V. Sheldon," b. Aug. 28, 1806, ra. Eunice Smith, Dec. 13, 1837 ; settled In New Preston, farmer; wife died May 19, 1843 ; ra. Esther M. Hart, of Cornwall, March 13, 1844. 106 VI. Dolly," b. Nov, 2, 1808, m. Rev. A. Newton, Aug. 14, 1837, settled In Norwalk, Ohio. 107 VIL Martin Dayton," b. July 31, 1810, d. July 21, 1823. 108 VIII. Martha," b. Oct. 5, 1812, m. Albion C, Rouse, Jan, 17, 1844, settled In Cornwall, removed to Illinois. . 109 IX. Hannah Maria," d. July 16, 1815, aged eight months, Roger' (55) had children, 110 I. Henry." Ill IL Chauncey." 112 IIL Frederick." 113 IV. Dwight," ra. Laura Barnes, settled in Southington. »¦ Asaph' (56) had children, 114 I. Delia," ra. Homer Camp, settled in Newington. 115 IL Elizabeth." 116 IIL Hannah." Matthew BeaP (59) had children, 117 I. WUUam," settled In Marietta, Ohio, 118 II. Eliza," m. Dr. Botsford, settled in Danbury. 119 III. John." 120 IV. OUver." 121 V. Mary," m. Rev. Grove L. BrowneU, settled in Sharon, Ct, 122 VI, Julia," m, Hawley, settled in Winsted. 123 VII. Amelia," m. Brown, settled in Hartford. 124 VIII. Ebenezer," settled in Danbury. ' John' (60) had children, 125 I. Mary." Chester' (61) had chUdren, 126 I. EUzabeth," m. Lowry, settled in Southington, died. 127 II. Mary." 128 III. Laura Ann." EUphalet' (62) had children, 129 I. Martha," m. Norton. 130 IL Walter." 60 762 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. V 131 IIL Carolme," m. Fish. 132 IV. Philander." 133 V. Ellphalet.s 134 VI. Charies." 135 VIL EUsha." 136 vm. Lucy." 137 IX. George." Asaph' (63) had children, 138 I. Charies." 139 IL Samuel," 140 III, Hannah." 141 IV. Rosanna." 142 V. Mary." 143 VI. Asaph." 144 VIL Nancy." Elisha' (64) had chUdren, 145 I. Frederick," m. Mary Sraith. 146 II. John M.,' ra. Seely. 147 m. Harriet," m. CoUins. 148 IV. Anna Maria." 149 V. George." 150 VI. Lucy." 151 vn. Elisha," ra. 152 VIII. WUliam." 153 IX. Corafort." 154 X, GranviUe," David' (69) had children, 155 I, WiUiara," minister, lives in New Britain, 156 II, Nancy," ra, Stanley, lives in New Britain, 157 m, Sarah," 158 IV, Mary," 159 V, John," minister, Uves in New Britain, 160 VI, Rebecca, ra, 161 vn, David, m, Dolly B, AverUl, settled in Berlin, 162 vm. 'Calista, ra. settled in IlUnois. ' . 163 IX. EUphalet, minister, settled in Bath, Maine. 164 X. Elizabeth, m. Rev. Charles W. Camp, settled in Wisconsin. EUphalet' (70) had chUdren, 165 L WilUam." 166 II. Austin," 167 m, Lewis," HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 763 168 IV. Emeline." 169 V. Watson." 170 VI. Johnson." 171 VIL Henry." 172 VIII. Mary." 173 IX. George." Asaph' (71) had children, 174 I. CorneUa." 175 IL Melzar." 176 in, Franklin,« -177 IV, Charles." 178 V. Emily." Solomon' (72) had children, , 179 L Mary Ann.". 180 IL Edmund." 181 IIL EUphalet." 182 IV. Calista." 183 V. David." 184 VL Sahnon." 185 VII. Paraella." 186 VIII. Lorenzo." Heraan' (73) had children, 187 I. Martin Kellogg," minister in Wisconsin. 188 n. Heman," ra., settled in Newington. 189 III, Cornelia," Charles' (74) had children, 190 L Mary," 191 II, Charies," 192 IIL Caroline," Federal' (75) had children, 193 L Frederick," 194 IL CaroUne," David Chester' (81) had children, 195 I, David EUphalet," b. Sept, 18, 1824, d, April 1, 1826. 196 IL Martha Poraeroy," b, Aug. 11, 1827. 197 IIL John EUphalet," b. May 22, 1830. 198 IV, Frederick," b, Sept. 25, 1833. 199 V, Fanny Poraeroy," b, Oct. 14, 1835. Frederick' (79) had chUdren, 200 I. Edgar," b. June 11, 1826, d. June 24, 1826. 201 n. Frederick Augustus," b. Aug. 1, 1827, graduated at Ge neva CoUege, studied law at Cambridge. 764 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 202 IIL Martha Ann," b. Jan. 13, 1829, d. Sept. ,8, 1834, of cholera. 203 IV. Mary Matthews," b. July 4, 1831. 204 V. Theodore Hinsdale," b. Dec. 17, 1833. 205 VL Thurlow Weed," b. Dec. 16, 1835. 206 vn. Frances CogsweU," b. July 14, 1837. 207 VIII. WiUiam Seward," b. July 3, 1840. 208 IX. Ann Louisa," b. AprU 30, 1844, Thomas' (87) had c' ild, 209 I Elisha." David" (90) had children by wife Matilda, 210 L Mary AveriU,'' b. March 31, 1818, m. A, B, CarapbeU, teacher, Oct. 3, 1835, settled'in Galena, Illinois, d. Dec, 29, 1849, 211 II. Caroline Maria,'' b. July 5, 1820, ra, Dr, S. Stuart, April 17, 1737, settled in Milan, Ohio. 212 III. Sarah Deming,'' b. May 25, 1822, ra. Leraan A. Warner, Nov. 7, 1847. 213 IV. Elisha AveriU,'' b. Dec 25, 1824. 214 V, Deming,'' b. Aug. 25, 1827. 215 VL Helen Matilda,'', b. March 1, 1831, by his second wife, Miranda. 216 VIL Chester Bea^ b. Sept. 10, 1849. 217 VIII. Joseph Tryon, b. Aug. 6, 1853. Harvey" (91) had children by first wife, 218 I. Ann AmeUa,'' b. May 23, 1845, m. Daniel Youngs, settled in Barkhamsted. 219 II. Harriet Deming,'' b. March 3, 1817, died 1840, aa m, Abner Sheldon,'' b. March 6, 1819, m, Harriet A. Newell, May 24, 1848, settled in New Preston. 221 IV. Lucius Wadsworth,'' b. April 16, 1821, d. Sept. 5, 1826. 222 V. Dolly,'' b. Aug, 1, 1823, d. Feb. 4, 1825. 223 VI, Louisa DoUy,'' b, June 14, 1825. 224 VIL Ellen Ruth,' b. Aug. 22, 1828, ra. George S. Cogswell, May 21, 1851, settled in New Preston. 225 VIIL Eraily Wadsworth,'' b. Oct. 4, 1880. 226 IX. Frances Marion,'' b. Nov. 10, 1832, d. March 18, 1834. 227 X. Frances Marion,'' b. July 14, 1835. 228 XI. Lucius Harvey,'' b. March 11, 1841. Charles" (94) had chUdren by his first wife, 229 I. Gould Carap,^ b. Dec 21, 1818, m. Sarah A. CogsweU, Dec. 11, 1844. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. ' 765 230 IL LUcy Ann,''b. March 11, 1820, m. WiUiam C. Bronson, April 16, 1840, settled In Washington. 231 III. Rebecca Jane,'' b. Sept. 9, 1823, d. Sept. 9, 1833. 232 IV. Sally AmeUa,'' b. April 16, 1827, m., Nathan Hart, Jr., Sept. 8, 1847, settled in Cornwall. 233 V. ThaUa Judson,' b. Aug. 16, 1829. Luraan" (95) had children by his wife Sally. 234 I. Edgar Augustus,'' b. July 1, 1819, settled at Silver Creek, Miss. ; ra. Elizabeth Bullock, wife died ; reraoved to Texas, ra. second wife. 235 IL Joseph Adolphus,'' b. Oct. 13, 1820, ra. Ann BuUock, set tled in Texas.By his wife Eliza, 236 III. Sarah Johnson,' b. Aug. 24, 1824. 237 IV. Oscar Columbus,'' b. Aug. 17, 1826. Joseph" (96) had children by his first wife, 238 L Ezra ChappeU,'' b. Aug. 7, 1832. 239 II. Charies Boardman,'' b. Dec. 4, 1834. 240 m, George WUUam,'' b. Aug. 18, 1836, 241 IV, Joseph Edward,'' b, Jan, 28, 1846, d, March 13, 1847, By his second 'wife, 242 V, Mary Abigail,'' b, AprU, 1850, d, June, 1851, Ralph" (98) had children, 243 I. John Rowan,'' b. June 13, 184^ Roger Newton" (100) had chUdren by Esther, 244 I, Susan Florinda,'' b, Nov, 21, 1833, 245 II. Newton HubbeU,'' b. May 4, 1836. By wife Jane, 246 III. Harriet Esther,'' b. Nov., 1839. Sheldon" (105) had children by Eunice, 247 I. AraeUa Frances,'' b. Nov. 26, 1838. 248 II. Timothy,' b. Aug. 4, 1840. 249 in. Alfred Newton,' b. April 21, 1843. By his wife Esther, 250 IV. Nathan Hart,' b. AprU 15, 1848. 251 V. Robert Clark,' b. Feb. 5, 1851. 252 VI. MUls,' b. Nov. 26, 1852. Abner S.' (220) had chUdren, 253 I. Sherraan NeweU,^ b. May 24, 1849. 254 n. Henry Hawley,^ b. Jan. 9, 1853. CHAPTER XXII. STATISTIC S . MEMBER OF CONGRESS. Nathaniel Smith, from 1795 to 1799. JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT. Nathaniel Smith, from 1806 to 1819. JUDGES OF THE COUNTY COURT. Col William Preston, from 1751 to 1754. Daniel Sherman, from 1786 to 1791. Charies B. Phelps, from 1850 to 1851. " " " 1852 to . COUNTY COMMISSIONER. Wilham Cothren, from 1851 to 1852. ROLL OF ASSISTANTS AND SENATORS. Assistants were magistrates, who constituted the upper house ofthe Assem bly, and, in early times, were the supreme court of the .state. They were the leading men of their times. John Sherman, Nathaniel Smith, Noah B. Benedict, Nehemiah C. Sanford, 1833, 1834. Matthew Minor, Jr., 1837. Charles B. Phelps, 1843. JUSTICES OF THE QUORUM. John Minor, from 1684 to 1719. John Sherman, from 1684 to 1728. Col. Joseph Mnor, from 1725 to 1739. Col. WUham Preston, from 1740 to 1751. Noah Hinman, from 1754 to 1759. Increase Moseley, from 1755 to 1780. Daniel Sherman, from 1761 to 1786. Nominated. Elected. Retired. 1711 1713 1723. 1798 1799 1805. 1810 1816 1818. SENATORS. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 767 JUDGES AND CLERKS OF PROBATE FOR THE DISTRICT OF WOODBURY. From the first settlement of the colony of Connecticut, to 1666, probate business was done by the court of assistants and the General Court. In 1366, county courts were established, and probate business was done by them till October, 1698, when probate courts were first established. There were but four counties in the state, till 1726, viz.: Hartford, New Haven, New London and Fairfield. The probate districts corresponded in name and ex tent to the counties, till Oct., 1719, when three new districts were constituted, viz. : Guilford, Windham and Woodbury. The probate districts, including the original four, now number one hundred. The first court in Woodbury district was held Feb. 2, 1719-20. It included all of the settled part of the present county of Litchfield, and Waterbury in New Haven county. Litch field district was set off in 1742. Waterbury, in 1779. New Milford, in 1787. Washington, in 1832, and Eoxbury In 1842. The district now In cludes Woodbury, Southbury and Bethlem. Capt. John Sherman, Col. Joseph Minor, Daniel Sherman, Esq., Nathan Preston, Esq., Noah B. Benedict, Esq., John Strong, Jr., Esq., Nathan Preston, Esq., Charles B. Phelps, Esq., John Strong, Jr., Esq., Charles B. Phelps, Esq., Nathaniel B. Smith, Esq,,' Charles B. Phelps, Esq., Leman B. Sprague, Esq., Thomas Bull, Esq., Charles B. Phelps, Esq., Thomas Bull, Esq., Charles B. Phelps, Esq., Rev. Anthony Stoddard, Gideon Walker, Esq., Daniel Sherman, Jr., Nathan Preston, Esq., Noah B. Benedict, Esq., Matthew Minor, Jr., Esq., Judson Blackman, Nathan Preston, Jr., Edward M. Phelps, Thomas Bull, Esq., William Cothren, David S. BuU, JUDGES, Appointed. Retired. Oct., 1719, Resigned May, 1728. May, 1728, May, 1758. May, 1758, May, 1795. May, 1795, May, 1806. May, 1805, Resigned May, 1816. May, 1816, May, 1818. May, 1818, , died Sept. 20, 1822.' May, 1823, May, 1834. May, 1834, died Nov. 1, 1834.2 May, 1835, May, 1838. May, 1838, May, 1842. May,. 1842, May, 1844. May, . 1844, May, 1845. May, 1845, May, 1846. May, 1846, May, 1847. May, 1847, May, 1849. May, 1849. CLERKS. ¦ Oct., 1719, Resigned May, 1759. June, 1759, 1778. 1778, June, 1794. June 18, 1794, June, 1795. June, 1795, May, 1805. June, 1805, May, 1816. June, 1816, May, 1818. May, 1818, Sept., 1833. Sept., 1833, June, 1834. June, 1834, April, 1845, April 17, 1845, June 22, 1845. June 22, 1845. 1 The duties of probate judge were performed from this time till May, 1823, by John Kingsbury, Esq., of 'Waterbury district, by statutory provision. 2 Holbroot Curtiss, Esq., of "W"aterfe)wn district held jurisdlctioa till May, 1836. 768 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. REGISTERS, OR TOWN CLERKS OP WOODBURY. Capt. John Minor, John Sherman, Esq., Col. Joseph Minor, Gideon "Walker, Esq., Peter Gilchrist, Nathan Preston, Leman Sherman, Matthew Minor, Jr., Lewis Judd, Elijah Sherman, Lewis Judd, EUjah Sherman, Lewis Judd, Appointed. 1672, Dec, 1702, Dec, 1727, Dec, 1755, Dec, 1780, March 3, 1783, Oct, 182a, Dec, 1831, Dec 20, 1839, Oct., 1846, Oct., 1847, Oct, 1851, Oct, 1852. Retired; Dec, 1702. Dec, 1727. Dec, 1755. Dec, 1780. died Dec, 1782. Oct., 1822. died Oct. 24, 1831. died Dec, 1839. Oct., 1846. Oct., 1847. Oct, 1851. Oct., 1852. ROLL OF REPRESENTATIVES. Woodbury was settled in 1672, made a town in 1674, but was not repre sented in the General Court till 1684. The following is a roll of the repre sentatives to the present time. 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 May Session. Capt. John Minor, Lt. Joseph Judson, No choice. No choice, Capt John jlinor, Lt. Joseph Judson, Capt. John Minor, f No choice, ¦} Andross' usurpation, ( No choice, Capt. John Minor, Israel Curtis, No choice. No choice, Lt. Israel Curtis, Capt. John Minor, Lt. Israel Curtis, June, No choice, Lt. Israel Curtis, No choice, Capt. John Minor, Lt. Israel Curtis, Capt. John Minor, Lt. Israel Curtis, Capt. John Minor, Lt. Israel Curtis, Capt. John Minor, No choice, Thomas Minor, No choice, Israel Curtis, No choice, John Sherman, No choice, October Session. Capt. John Minor. Lt. Joseph Judson. Capt. John Minor. Lt. Joseph Judson. Capt. John Minor. Lt. Joseph Judson. Capt. John Minor, June. No choice.) No choice. >• No choice. ) Capt. John Minor. Israel Curtis. No choice. No choice. Capt. John Minor. Lt. Israel Curtis. Lt. Israel Curtis. No choice. Lt. Israel Curtis, Oct. and Sept. No choice. No choice. No choice. Capt. John Minor. Lt. Israel Curtis. Capt. John Minor. * Lt. Israel Curtis. No choice. No choice. John Minor. No choice. John Sherman. No choice. No choice. No choice. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 769 May Session. 1701 ' No choice. No choice, 1 702 Samuel Jenner, No choice, 1703 John Minor, Israel Curtiss, 1704 John Sherman, Israel Curtiss, 1705 John Sherman, Israel Curtiss, 1706 John Minor, No choice, 1707 No choice. No choice, 1708 John Minor, John Sherman, 1709 John Mitchell, No choice, 1710 John Sherman, No choice, 1711 John Sherman, (Speaker,) Benjamin Hinman, 1712 John Sherman, (Speaker,) Joseph Minor, 17J8 Joseph Minor, No choice, 1714 Titus Hinman, William Preston, 1715 Joseph Minor, John Curtiss, 1716 No choice, No choice, 1717 Joseph Minor, . William Preston, 1718 Joseph Minor, Stephen Curtiss, 1719 Capt Titus Hinman, Joseph Minor, 1720 Joseph Minor, . Zachariah Walker, 1721 William Preston, John Judson, 1722 Joseph Minor, Thomas Knowles, 1723 Capt. Joseph Minor, Thomas Knowles, 1 724 Capt. William Preston, Ephraim Minor, 1725 Joseph Judson, Andrew Hinman, 1 726 Capt Joseph Minor, Adino Strong, 1727 Capt. Joseph Minor, Henry Castle, 1728 Capt. Joseph Minor, Capt. WiUiam Preston, 61 Pctober Session. No choice. No choice. No choice. No choice. No choice. No choice. John Sherman. Israel Curtiss. John Minor. John Sherman. John Sherman. No choice. John Sherman. No choice. John Minor. John Sherman. John Minor. John Sherman. John Sherman. No choice. John Sherman, (Speaker.) Benjamin Hinman. John Sherman, (Speaker.) Titus Hinman. , Titus HinmMi. Joseph Minor. Capt. Titus Hinman. Joseph Minor. Thomas Judd. John Hoskins. Capt. Titus Hinman. Joseph Minor. Joseph Minor. John Curtiss. Capt. Thomas Judd. Timothy Stanley. John Judson. Benjamin Hickock. Capt. Titus Hinman. Lt. Joseph Minor. Joseph Minor. John Curtiss. William Preston. Ebenezer Warner. Capt. William Preston. Ebenezer Warner. Capt. Joseph Minor. William Preston. Capt. Joseph Minor. William Preston. Capt. William Preston. Joseph Minor, William Preston. Andrew Hinman. Capt. Joseph Minor, Andrew Hinman, 770 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY, May Session. 1729 Joseph Minor, William Preston, 1730 Joseph Minor, William Preston, 1731 Joseph Minor, Noan Hinman, 1732 Joseph Minor, William Preston, 1733 Joseph Minor, WiUiam Preston, 1734 John Curtiss, Ephraim Minor, 1735 John Curtiss, Ephraim Minor, 1736 Joseph Judson, Andrew Hinman, 1737 William Preston, Noah Hinman, 1738 Capt. William Preston, Andrew Hinman, 1739 WilUam Preston, Noah Hinman, 1 740 Capt. William Preston, Capt. Andrew Hinman, 1741 Noah Hinman , KneU Mitchell, 1742 Samuel Minor, Daniel Curtiss, 1743 WUliam Preston, Noah Hinman, 1 744 William Preston, Noah Hinman, 1745 Col. Joseph Minor, Col. Wilham Preston, 1746 Col. William Preston, Noah Hinman, 1747 Col. William Preston, Noah Hinman, 1748 Caleb Martin, Benjamin Hicox, 1749 WDliam Preston, Noah Hinman, 1750 Noah Hinman, Samuel Minor, 1751 Samuel Minor, Benjamin Hicox, 1752 Noah Hinman, Samuel Minor, 1753 Samuel Minor, Increase Moseley, 1754 Daniel Sherman, Increase Moseley, 1755 Daniel Sherman, Benjamin Stiles, 1756 Increase Moseley, Benjamin Stiles, October Session. Henry Castle. Andrew Hinman. Joseph Minor. William Judd. Joseph Minor. WiUiam Preston. Joseph Minor. William Preston. Joseph Minor. William Preston. John Curtiss. Ephraim Minor. WUham Preston. Noah Hinman. Joseph Minor. Noah Hinman. William Preston. Noah Hinman. Joseph Minor. William Preston. Capt. Thomas Knowles. Andrew Hinman. Knell Mitchell. Richard Bronson. Noah Hinman. William Preston. Noah Hinman. Samuel Minor. WiUiam Preston. Noah Hinman. William Preston, Noah Hinman. No choice. No choice. Col. William Preston. Noah Hinman. Caleb Martin. Benjamin Hicox, William Preston. Noah Hinman. Samuel Minor. Eleazur Hinman. Samuel Minor. Benjamin Hicox. Samuel Minor. Increase Moseley. Samuel Minor. Increase Moseley. Samuel Minor. Increase Moseley. Daniel Sherman, Increase Moseley. Daniel Sherman. Increase Moseley. Samuel Minor. No choice. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. May Session. October Session. 1757 Daniel Sherman, Daniel Sherman. Elisha Stoddard, Benjamin Hinman. 1758 Daniel Sherman, Daniel Sherman. Benjamin Hicox, Benjamin Hicox. 1759 Daniel Sherman, Daniel Sherman. Benjamin Hicox, Col. Benjamin Hinman 1760 Daniel Sherman, i Daniel Sherman. Col. Benjamin Hinman, Daniel Sherman, Col. Benjamin Hinman 1761 Daniel Sherman. Col. Benjamin Hinman, Col. Benjamin Hinman 1762 Daniel Sherman, Daniel Sherman. Col. Benjamin llinman, Daniel Sherman, Benjamin Stiles. 1763 Daniel SKeririain. Increase Moseley, Increase Moseley. 1764 Daniel Sherman, Daniel Sherman. Increase Moseley, Increase Moseley. 1765 Daniel Sherman, Daniel Sherman. Increase Moseley, Increase Moseley. 1766 Daniel Sherman, DaiAel Sherman. Increase Moseley, Increase Moseley. '• 1767 Increase Moseley, Daniel Sherman. No choice. Benjamin Hinman.- 1768 Daniel Sherman, , Daniel Sherman. Benjamin Hinman, Benjamin Hinman. 1769 Daniel Sherman, Daniel Sherman. / o. Benjamin Stiles, Benjamin Stiles. TDameTHherman. i^- 1770 Daniel fcsherman, 0'< Beniamin Stiles, Benjamin Stiles. 1771 Daniel Sherman, Daniel Sherman. 1772 Benjamin StUea. Daniel Sherman, Beniamin Stiles. Daniel German. Increase Moseley, Increase Moseley. 1773 Daniel Sherman, Daniel Sherman. Edward Hinman, Increase Moseley. 1774 Daniel Sherman, . Daniel Sherman. Increase Moseley, Increase Moseley. 177,') Daniel Sherman, Daniel Sherman. Increase Moseley, Increase Moseley. 1776 Daniel Sherman, Daniel Sherman. Increase Moseley, Increase Moseley. Five sessions this year. 1777 Daniel Sherman, Daniel Sherman. Increase Moseley, Benjamin Hinman. 1778 Daniel Sherman, Andrew Graham. Increase Moseley, Benjamin Hinman. 1779 Daniel Sherman, Daniel Sherman. Increase Moseley, Benjamin Hinman. 1780 Daniel Sherman, Benjamin Hinman. Benjamin Hinman, Increase Moseley. 1781 No choice. Daniel Sherman. . No choice. ' Increase Moseley. 1782 Increase Moseley, Daniel Sherman. Hezekiah Thompson, Increase Moseley. 1783 Daniel Sherman, Daniel Sherman. Increase Moseley, Increase Moseley. 1784 Hezekiah Thompson, Increase Moseley. Increase Moseley, Hezekiah Thomps 3n. 771 /'.- 772 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. May Session., 1785 Daniel Sherman, Benjamin Hinman, 1786 Daniel Sherman, Benjamin Hinman, 1787 Benjamin Hinman, David Ambler, 1788 Daniel Sherman, Hezekiah Thompson, 1789 Daniel Sherman, David Hurd, 1790 Daniel Sherman, Nathaniel Smith, 1791 Daniel Sherman, Nathan Preston, 1792 Nathaniel Smith, Shadrach Osborne, 1793 Nathaniel Smith, Nathan Preston, 1794 Samuel Orton, Curtiss Hurd, 1795 Nathaniel Smith, Shadrach Osborne, 1796 David Tallman , Phineas Smith, 1797 Nathan Preston, Elijah Sherman, 1798 Elijah Sherman, Noah B. Benedict, 1 799 Garwood H. Cunningham, Eeuben MitcheU, 1800 Eeuben MitcheU, John Clark, 1801 Nathan Preston, John Clark, 1802 Nathan Preston, John Clark, 1803 John Strong, Eeuben MitcheU, 1804 Elijah- Sherman, Reuben Mitchell, 1805 Nathaniel Perry, Samuel Walker, 1806 Nathan Preston, Elijah Sherman, 1807 Elijah Sherman, Nathan Preston, 1808 John Strong, Matthew Minor, 1809 John Strong, Noah B. Benedict, 1810 Noah B. Benedict, Matthew Minor, 1811 Nathaniel Lamson, Noah B. Benedict, 1812 John Strong, ' Nathaniel Bacon, October Session. Daniel Sherman. Benjamin Hinman. Daniel Sherman., Benjamin Hinman. Daniel Sherman. No choice. Daniel Sherman. David Hurd. Daniel Sherman. Hezekiah Thompson. Daniel Sherman. Nathaniel Smith. Nathaniel Smith. Nathan Preston. Nathaniel Smith. Nathan Preston. Nathaniel Smith. Nathan' Preston. Nathaniel Smith. Shadrach Osborne. Nathan Preston. Shadrach Osborne. David Talhnan. Noah B. Benedict. Nathan Preston. Elijah Sherman. Elijah Sherman. Noah B. Benedict, Garwood H. Cunningham, Eeuben Mitchell. John Clark, Noah B. Benedict. Garwood H. Cunningham. John Clark. William Hawley. Elijah Sherman. John Strong. Eeuben MitcheU. Noah B. Benedict. Eeuben MitcheU. William Hawley. Nathaniel Perry. Eeuben Mitchell. John Strong. John Strong. Noah B. Benedict. John Strong. Noah B. Benedict. John Strong. Noah B. Benedict. Nathaniel Bacon. Nathaniel Lamson. Nathaniel Perry. Daniel Bacon. John Strong. Nathaniel Bacon. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUEY. 773 18131814'1815 1816 1817 1818 May, 1819 1820 182118221823 1824 18251826182718281829183018311832183318341835 1836183718381839 1840 1841 1842 18431844 1845 184618471848 1849 1850 18611852 1853 May Session. Nathaniel Bacon, John Strong, Jr., Daniel Bacon, Eeuben Martin, Nathaniel Perry, Philo Murray, Nathan Preston, Reuben Martin, John P. Marshall, Elijah Sherman, Jr., Nathan Preston, PhUo Murray, October Session. Nathan Preston, Nathaniel Perry. Daniel Bacon. Eeuben Martin. Daniel Bacon. Elijah Daily. Daniel Bacon. Nathaniel Perry, Nathaniel Perry, Jesse Minor. John P. Ma;rshaU. Elijah Sherman, Jr. 1819, UNDER THE CONSTITUTION, Eeuben Martin, Nathaniel Perry, Daniel Bacon, Daniel Bacon, William Drakeley, WiUiam Drakeley, John Strong, Jr., John Strong, Jr., Noah B. Benedict, John Brush, Harvey Morriss, Nehemiah C. Sandford, Charles B. Phelps, Matthew Minor, Jr., Matthew Minor, Jr., Gideon B. Botsford, Harvey Morriss, Peter F. Peek, Charles B. Phelps, Harvey Morriss, Hermon Stoddard, John Judson, No choice, Phineas S. Bradley, Daniel Curtiss, Daniel Curtiss, Thomas Bull, Daniel Bacon, Nathaniel B. Smith, William B. Hotchkiss, Willys Lambert, Monroe C. Sherman, Bennet A. Sherman * Eeuben H. Hotchkiss, Solomon Strong, Nathan Preston. Daniel Bacon. Samuel Steele. William Drakeley. Chauncey Crafts. Samuel Steele. Jeremiah Peck. Peter F. Peck. Daniel Bacon. Nathaniel B. Smith. Samuel Steele. Matthew Minor, Jr. Treat Camp. Gideon B. Botsford. Jeremiah Peck. Treat Camp. John Judson. William H. Bacon. Elmore Judson. Nathaniel Preston. Farnham Patchen. Charles Booth. No choice. Lewis B. Candee. Stephen Atwood. No choice. John Abernethy. Charles P. Strong. Eeuben H. Hotchkiss. Barlow Eussell, Silas Clark. Jason Parker. Josiah G. Minor. Charies B. Phelps. Alexander Gordon. 774 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. In the year 1797, the Post-Office was estabhshed. LIST OF POSTMASTERS. Entered. Eetired. Doct. Daniel Huntington, 1797 Eesigned 1814 John P. MarshaU, May 28, 1814 Eesigned 1817 William Perry, 1817 1822 Leman Sherman, 1822 Died 1831 Charles B. Phelps, 1831 ' 1841 Andrew Eoot, 1841 1844 Charies H. Webb, 1844 1849 John Marvin, 1849 Eesigned, 1850 Charles B. Crafts, 1850 Eesigned, 1853 Gilead H- Smith, March, 1853 June, 1853 George P. AUen, June, 1853 Sovereigns of England, While Connecticut was a colony, after Woodbury was settled, 1672 Charies IL, Began to reign, 1660 James JI., (( u 1685 Mary and WiUiam HI » 1689 William HI, » » 1694 Anne, 11 1702 George L, (1 1714 George U., (( (( 1727 George III, (( it 1760 The last ceased to reign, 1811 LIST OF GOVERNORS Of Connecticut, since the settlement of Woodbury. John Winthrop, - from 1659 to 1676— died In ofiice WiUiam Leete, from 1676 to 1683 (t it Robert Treat, - - froD} 1683 to Oct. 31, 1687. Government interrupted from Oct. 31, 1687,toMay 9, 1689. Eobert Treat, - from 1689 to 1698. Fitz-John Winthrop, from 1698 to 1707, died. Gurdon SaltonstaU, - from Dec 17, 1707 to 1724. died . Joseph Talcott, from Oct., 1724, to 1741, died. Jonathan Law, - from Oct., 1741, to 1750, died. Eoger Wolcott, from Nov., 1750, to 1754. Thomas Fitch, - - from 1754 to 1766. WiUiam Pitkin, - from 1766 to 1769, died. Jonathan Trumbull, from Oct., 1769, to 1784. Matthew Griswold, from 1784 to 1786. Samuel Huntington, - from 1786 to 1796. Oliver Wolcott, ¦ from 1796 to 1798. Jonathan Trumbull, - froml79d to 1809, died. John Treadwell, - from Oct., 1809, to 1811. Eoger Griswold, - from 1811 to Oct., 1812, died. John Cotton Smith, from 1813 to 1817. Oliver Wolcott, - from 1817 to 1827. Gideon Tomlinson, from 1827 to 1831. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 775 John S. Peters, Samuel A. Foot, - William W. EUswbrt'h, Chauncey F. Cleveland, - Eoger S. Baldwin, Isaac Toucey, Clark BisseU, - Joseph Trumbull, Thomas H. Seymour, - Charles H. Pond, on resignation from 1833 to 1834—1835 to 1838. from 1834 to 1835. from 1838 to 1842. from 1842 to 1844. from 1844 to 1846. from 1846 to 1847. from 1847 to 1849. from 1849 to 1850. from May, 1850 to Oct., 1853. of Gov. Seymour, from Oct., 1853. CENSUS OF WOODBURY. Year. Whites. Blacks, including Indians. 1756 2,880 31 1774 5,224 89 9 Indians. 1782 4,980 83 1790 2,662 1800 1,944 three ofthe number being slaves, out of forty- seven in the state. 1810 1,963 one slave. 1820 1,885 one slave. 1830 2,045 . one slave. . 1840 1,948 one slave. 1850 2,150 1853 2,201 WOODBURY LISTS. On the eleventh of October, 1683, the whole colony was 2,735. The whole number of tax- date, was 62. The whole amount of the lists Of this amount, Woodbury had £2,552. number of tax-payers in the ¦payers in Woodbury at that of the colony was £159,385. Year. Persons. Estate. Year. Person 3. '^ Estate. 1683 62 £2,552 1698 72 '£2,974 2s. 1684 62 2,580 • 1699 65 2,684 1685 74 3,152 1700 ' 66 2,814 1686 64 2,947 1701 65 3,045 1687 91 2,912 1702 80 3,260 1689 53 2,700 1703 86 3,646 1690 46 2,093 1704 80 3,807 1691 52 2,487 1705 84 3,492 1693 61 2,639 1706 90 3,663 2s. 1694 61 3,049 1707 80 ¦ 3,840 1695 62 2,767 1708 86 3,715 1696 63 2,970 1709 ^ 3,598 1697 64 2,989 Year. Estate. Year. Estate. Year. Estate. 1710 £4,284 1716 £5,019 7s. 1722 £6,892 19s. 1711 4,049 1717 5,500 19s. 1723 7,196 15s. 1712 3,635 1718 5,817 1724 7,317 12s. 1713 4,766 19s. 1719 5,980 1725 8,064 1714 4,434 1720 6,190 7s. 1726 7,988 13s. 1715 4,806 1721 6,636 9s. 1727 8,191 13s. 776 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WO.ODBURY. Year. Estate. Year, Estate. Year. Estate. 1728 £8,359 lis. 1772 £57,931 2s. 9d. 1816 $44,245.67 1729 8,455 15s. 1773 57,882 3s. lOd. 1817 43,229.64 1731 9,648 Is. 1774 57,229 4s. 3d. 1818 43,348.37 1732 10,175 1775 56,435 14s. lOd. 1819 31,725.56 1733 10,262 3s. 1776 56,572 19s. ed. 1820 29,390.14 1734 10,753 Os.ed. 1777 56,699 4s. lid. 1821 29,430.12 1735 12,197 19s. 1778 59,536 8s. 2d. 1822 30,441.49 1736 12,885 lis. 1779 59,462 6s. 9d. 1823 30,144.79 1739 14,474 4s. 9rf. 1780 44,375 18s. lid. 1824 30,450.82 1740 16,487 Os. Sd. 1781 45,149 7s. 2d. 1825 30,329.90 1741 15,803 Os. 7d. , 1782 49,125 12s. 93. 1826 28,200.88 1742 16,326 12s. 3d. 1783 47,600 4s. lid:. 1827 28,218 43 1743 18,656 5s. 5d. 1784 37,749 15s. 9d. 1828 28,946.16 1744 18,674 16s. 9d. 1785 39,274 14s. Id. 1829 29,338-21 1745 20,949 9s. 1786 36,955 19s. lid. 1830 29,650-93 1746 22,358 7s. 7d. 1787 15,263 6s. 1831 30,215-02 1748 24,327 17s. 6d 1788 15,325 14s. 6d. 1832 28,118.02 1749 29,861 Is. 3rf. 1789 16,835 5s. 6d. 1833 29,436.81 1750 27,787 9s.l0d.n90 17,046 19s. lid. 1834 30,742.05 1751 28,703 12s. 1791 17,982 13s. 6d. 1835 31,417.45 1752 30,038 3s. 3d. 1792 19,451 4s. lOd. 1836 32,6,71.25 1753 29,781 5s. 3d. 1793 20,679 18s. 6d. 1837 34,735.80 17.54 33,165 10s. 3d. 1794 21,027 Is. 2d. 1838 35,147.08 1755 30,298 7s. lOrf. 1795 22,155 5s. Ad. 1839 34,419.80.. 1756 34,407 4s. Id. 1796 $74,616.27 1840 34,526.98 1757 37,17016s. 7(i. 1797 46,260.23 1841 34,830.20 1758 38,813 18s. 4rf. 1798 48,456.39 1842 34,991.71 1760 41,832 13s. 5d 1800 46,393.83 1843 31,668.64 1762 40,436 17s. 7af. 1801 47,527.75 1844 31,595.39 1763 44,456 13s. 4£;. 1802 48,381.38 1845 32,170.21 1764 45,429 10s, llrf. 1806 40,448.77 1846 33,217.89 1765 59,327 18s. lOd 1808 39,906.23 1847 34,178.35 1766 62,334 3s. 8d. 1811 42,894.40 1848 36,351.02 1767 49,425 8s. 11^.1812 44,327.54 1849 35,050.00 1768 53,799 19s. 6d. 1813 45,201.81 1850 32,861-00 1769 54,317 10s. 7a!. 1814 45,347.38 1861 37,280.00 1770 54,996 4s. 7d. 1815 44,535.46 1852 39,653.83 1771 54,325 18s. LIST OF WOODBUEY JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. John Minor, Daniel Averltt, Noah B. Benedict, 1800, Col. Joseph Minor, Elisha Stoddard, John Clark, 1801, John Sherman, Henry Castle, John Strong, Noah Hinman, TiUey Blakeley, Eeuben MitcheU, Col. William Presto*, Benjamin_Slika. Matthew 6, Nathaniel Minor, Jun., Daniel Castle, Eclwan i Hinman, 177 .Bacon. 1811. Benjamin Hicock, David Hurd, 1780, Joseph M. Palmer, 1811, Hezekiah Hooker, Hez'h ' Thompson, 1782, Charles E ;. Phelps, 1818, Increase Moseley, Benjamin Spees, Philo Murrey, Daniel Sherman, Olwil Parmeley, Jesse Minor, Benjamin Hinman, Justus Johnson, Nathaniel Perry, Jun., Gideon Walker, Nathan Preston, 1793 , Leman Sherman. Thomas Warner, Curtis Hurd, Gideon B . Botsford. Joseph Pierce, Nathaniel Smith, 1796, John Strong, Jun., HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 777 John Judson, Elijah Sherman, Jan., Treat Camp, Daniel Bacon, Joel Pierce, Samuel Steele, Samuel Hopkins, Lauren Judson, Ashbel Moody, Isaac Peek, John Hurlbut, Thomas Bull, Daniel Martin, Elmore Judson, Harvey Morris, WiUiam De Forest, Samuel W. Gould, Ethan Walter, Jr., Eeuben H. Hotchkiss, Hermon Judson, Phineas S. Bradley, Nathaniel B. Smith, Samuel Sherman, WUUam R. Atwood, Loren Forbes, Edson Camp, George Peck, Lewis Judd, Horace S. Atwood, Norman Parker, Gideon H. Holhster, Nathaniel Minor, Barlow Eussell, Leman B. Sprague, Charles P. Strong, John P. MarshaU, Peter F. Peck, Levi S. Douglass, Garwood H. Atwood, Phineas A. Judson, Benjamin C. Peck, Philander Nichols, Calvin H. Downs, William Cothren, Samuel Minor, Leman G. Atwood, Silas Chapin, Truman Minor, John W. Eogers, George Drakeley, Charies H. Webb, David C. Somers, Nathan Warner, Jr., WilUam Way, Jason Parker, David C. Bacon, Grandison Beardsley, WiUys Lambert, David H. Curtiss. MEMBERS OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION, August, 1818. Daniel Bacon, Esq., Nathaniel Perry, M. D. MEMBERS Of the Convention of 'Connecticut, Jan. 3, 1788, for the ratification of the Constitution of the United States. Hon. Daniel Sherman, > Woodburv Doet. Samuel Orton, I VVooclDury, Benjamin Hinman, Esq., Southbury. Daniel N. Brinsmade, Esq., J ° Moses Hawley, Bethlem. All the above voted in favor of ratifying the Constitution. FORT WILLIAM HENRY ALARM. Capt. Ebenezer DownS Company. In August, 1757, there was an alarm for the relief of Fort William Henry near Lake George. The persons named below marched for that fort on this occasion, and were gone about three weeks. Capt. Ebenezer Downs, Thaddeus Lacey, Lt. GId. Stoddard, Gideon HoUister, Lt. Mat. Mitchell, Joseph Eeny, Sgt. Jo. HIcoek, Eldad King, Sgt- Eetum Strong, Obadiah Wheeler, Jedediah Hurd, , Timothy AUen, Thomas Knowles, Benajah Hawley, Joseph Washburh, John Stoddard, Daniel King, Timothy Walker, Gideon Tuttle, Nathan Hine, Gideon Curtiss, Benjamin Warner, Eobert Potter, Carpenter Sandford, John Calhoun, Sam. Hurd, Selah Strong, Samuel £nowles, 62 Abner MaUory, "Eeuben Hurlbut, Benajah King, Nathan Hurd, TiUey Blakesley, Nathaniel MLaor, Bushnell Benedict, Timothy TorreU, Daniel Sherman, Thaddeus Curtiss, Gideon Hicock, Ben. Sandford, Eeuben Castle, Eeuben Hinman, 778 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Sapiuel Minor, Daniel Hicock, Enos Hawley, Peter Castle, Ebenezer Hurlbut, Daniel Judson, , James Durkee, Jesse Eoots, Samuel Hinman, Wm. Hopson, Peleg Stone, Thomas Eoots, Beri. Prime, Seth Minor, James Morey, David Crissey, John Eeynolds, Joseph Burch, Noah Frisbie, Ezekiel Baker, John Hunt, Josiah Bassett, Josiah Judsoli, John Bassett, Samuel Galpin, Daniel Hurlbut, Gideon Bristol, Phineas Potter, Gideon Bronson, Edward Smith, Aner Bronson, David Hicoek, David Johnson, Elisha Stoddard, Eobert Edmond, Matthew Dutton, David Hurd, Gideon Squire. CAPT. WAIT HINMAN S COMPANY. Capt. Wait Hinman, Lt. John Hinman, Lt. Ephraim Baker, David Martin, Elijah Hurlbut, Joseph Perry, ' Benajah Hinman, David Pouter, Samuel "Wheeler, Elizur MiteheU, Amos Hloock, Daniel Wheeler, "2" Edward Lake, ' Edward Frisbie, John Hurlbut, MitcheU Horn, Lemuel Castle, Timothy FuUer, Ephraun Baldwin, Gideon HoUey, John Jackson, Nathaniel Sandford, Timothy Judson, Zechariah Walker, Ben. Eastman, Gideon Munn, Israel Sumner, Noah Tuttle, Samuel Castle, Wm. Baldwin, DeUverance Koine, Wm. Black, In the same alarm. Samuel Judson, Amos Martin, Abiel Tomlinson, Daniel Minor, David Barnum, Abraham Brownson, . Charles Smith, Daniel Cressey, Elihu Smith, Joseph Gilbert, Ben. Galpin, Davi4^ tiles. ElyanEwnson, Graham Lake, John Atwell, Noah Hurlbut, Titus Beach, William Edmond, Ichabod Tuttle, Gideon Walker, John Corday, Eemember Baker, Timothy Case, Abisha Moseley, Isaac Bush, Jehial Post, Joseph Hurlbut, Eobert Thomas, Thomas Minor, Zachariah WeUer,- Hezekiah Noble, Charles Strong, David Durkee, David Hinman, Daniel Wheeler, Hezekiah Thompson, Anthony Stoddard, David Foot, Daniel Eead, Abiel Mitchell, .ludah Durkee, David Calhoun, David Leavenworth, EUphalet Clark, John Walker, Joseph Guthrie, Richard Bouden, Thaddeus Judson, PhUemon Way, Israel Canfield, Ebenezer Hurlbut, Jonathan Eoyce, Samuel Logan, William Youngs,* Samuel Koine, Nathan Martin, Justice Blakeley, Justice Gibbs, Samuel Curtiss, Thomas Durkee, James Nichols, Cole WeUer. i-- LIST OF SOLDIERS IN THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR FROM WOODBURY. It maybe safely asserted that no town in Coniiectlcut, or In New England, furnished a greater number of men in the war of the Eevolution, in propor tion to, the number of its Inhabitants, than the town of Woodbury. In 1 776, every able-bodied man in this "and the other western towns of Connecticut, HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 779 between the ages of sixteen and sixty years, was marched to New York, by order of Gen. Washington, and Woodbury was during the entire war the head-quarters of the recruiting service In western Connecticut. No com plete hst of soldiers can be obtamed. The foUowing Is the best that can now be had. It contains nearly 1,000 names. A few in this hst may have come here from other towns to enhst. Probably not far from 1,500 men went from this town during the course of the war. Armstrong, Stephen " James Allen, Capt. Parmely " Nathaniel Arthur, James Avery, Benjamin " Nathaniel Baker, Phineas " Lovewell " Eldad " Edward " Nathan Thaddeus " John " John, Jr. " Capt. Remember ; killed at St. John's by the Indians, in 1775. His head was cut off, and set upon a pole, and our people gave them a guinea to take It down, that they might bury it. BuU, Major Thomas Brace, Joseph Bond, William Bassett, Samuel BeU, N. " Andrew " Benjamin Bacon, Josiah " Gould " Jabez, Jr. Blakesley, James " Capt. Tilley " Isaac " Jonathan " Ezra " Samuel " Joseph Bedeau, WilUam; rupt ured in action, Oct., 1778. Brinsmade, Hon. Dan. N. Arnold, Stephen Avered, Reuben Adge, Aner Ayer, Peter Atwood, Asa; shot in Austin, Caleb New York. Aspinwal, Caleb Atwood, Benjamin Ambler, David Abernethy, James Andrus, Lt Benjamin Allien, Samuel " Thomas B, Brinsmade, Zechariah ; Brownson, Sgt. Abijah he was confined with " Thomas others at Halifax in " Abraham 1776,inaroom"among Brewster, Jonas felons, thieves and ne- " Gideon groes," having been Burns, John taken prisoner with Bird, Ebenezer Col. Ethan Allen, the Beardsley, Nathan ; preceding 25th Sept., " John 1775, and lodged for a " Henry time in Halifax jail, " Theodorus before transportation Beach, Curtiss to England. Bellamy, Jonathan; at torney, died of small pox in 1777, in New Jersey. Beemont, Friend " William Booth, Capt. James " Abijah " John " Amos " Joseph " . Aaron; taken prisoner, carried to 'England and kept six New York. years and eight months. Buel, Benjamin Banham, John Bids, Edward Barlow, John BuIlard,Jsaao John ; was at first a tory, and enlisted in to the British service ; was arrested and tried at Derby, convicted, and pardoned on con dition of enlisting to serve during the war. Beach, Ambrose BunneU, Frederick Bailey, Jonathan Brown, Asahel " James Elijah ; died at David Bunce, John; sick at Ticonderoga in 1 775. Bunce, Isaiah * Prownson, Luman " Abel Capt. Gideon Burton, Ens. Judson " Eobert " Ephraim " Jeremiah " Asahel " Daniel " David ¦ Ens. CorneUus Bondy, William 780 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. Baldwin, Enos, Jr. " John; died in the northern army. Baldwin, Judah " Nathan " Asahel Barnes, Abraham; died in the army, 1781. Barnes, Samuel " Simeon " Frederick " John Beers, Lt. Nathan " Zachariah " Stephen " Abner Coles, James " Amos Crammer, John Chllman, Thomas Cutler, Joseph Carter, John Chatfield, Yarmouth Churchill, Oliver " Moses Curtiss, Lt. Ephraim " EUhu " Edmund. " Eobert " Andrew " Jabez " Lewis, " Ebenezer " David " Isaac " Jeremiah " Henry " Eeuben " Abner " Daniel " Phineas Davenport, Jonathan " John Dudley, George " Buel, " Benjamin " Ehzur _ " Nathan DImonds, John " David Davis, Amos DaUy, Obadiah Beers, Silas " Josiah " Philo " Lewis Belden, Asahel " Enos Bates, Elias ' " Ephraim Burritt, Samuel " Dr. Anthony Bristol, Nathaniel " Gideon, Jr. Bannister, G«orge Balcomb, Nathaniel Butler, Abel Beecher, Abraham C, Curtiss, Aaron " Capt. Agur • " Asa i" Wait " Israel, Jr, " Capt. Eleazur Crissey, Solomon " Truman Canfield, Thomas " Elisha Collins, Ens. Edward Chittenden, Daniel Case, John C. Crosby, Cogswell, Capt. WiUiam Cash, Africa Corbran, Samuel Clark, Benjamin " Isaac " Amos " William " John " Phineas ¦-\" " Eobert " Josiah D. Dixon, David " Archibald " Jared Doolittle^ Thomas Doel, Shem Dunning, Capt. EUas; Commissary. Dunning, Cmistopher " David ¦¦" Phineas Davidson, John Bradley, Zuar " Jehiel Benedict, WUUam Bostwick, Andrews Blenney, Barnabas Botsford, Samuel Blaisdell, Eoger Backus, Delucena; after ward Colonel In U. S. Army. Brothwell, Joseph F. Burchard, Dan Bulford, John Bloom, Isaac Burr, WUliam, Sergeant Carpenter, Wilham H. Couch, Capt. Ebenezer Chilson, Thomas Crowfoot, James Castle, John " Timothy " William Cole, Phineas " Simeon Church, Ebenezer " Moses " Nathaniel;' wounded by a grape shot at White Plains, and disabled for hfe- Coflin, Samuel Camp, Phineas " Ens. David Chapman, Capt. Nathan , " Israel Chidson, John ; wounded in left arm at White Plains, Oct. 28th, 1776. Calechan, Thomas Crow, EUas Durkee, Benjamin " Asa Durbey, Ephraim " John De Forest, Joseph Dunbar,*JosephDowns, EUphalet " Daniel; killed at White Plams. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 781 Eastman, Benjamin " Azariah Easton, Eliphalet " Normand " Julian " Elijah ; enlisted in 1777, for three years ; was taken sick at Mud Fort, Nov., 1777, and transferred to the hospital at Tren ton, N. J. At the time the hospital was remo- Frisbie, Jonathan " Asahel " Noah " Noah, Jr. " Abiel " .David V " James Foot, Joseph; Uve^d to 98 years. E. ' ved seventy miles, the wagoners employed to transport the inva- Uds, ran off with the wagons, leaving him to make his way on foot. He afterward petitioned the General Assembly for relief, and the sum of £30 was granted him. Elderkin, Jedediah Edmond, WilUam ; after- F. Farrand, Capt. Jonathan Filets, Francis Fish, Nathan Frost, Joseph ward judge of the su perior court. He was wounded in the right thigh, in the "Dan bury Alarm," April 27th, 1777; was also at Ticonderoga. Edwards, Corp. John Elgur, Abner Eastburn, Deliverance Elwood, EUis, Jonas Flowers, Nathan " Nathaniel FaU, Patrick Field, Francis " George " Nathaniel Fales, Francis Fleldsley, Francis Franklm, Jehiel Fenn, Daniel Fisher, Darius Goodrich, Wait ; com missary. Pay Table al lowed him £3,000 Dec 18th, 1780, for purcha sing pork for the army. Goodrich, Timothy Galesley, Thomas Gideons, Joshua Grant, Elisha GlUis, Tint GoodseU, Isaac Graham, Isaac G., M. D. ; surgeon under Gen. Washington. Graham, Doct. Andrew ; surgeon. G. Graham, Eev. cey ; chaplain. Gardin, John Gilchrist, GUes, Timothy Garnsey, Joseph Gould, John " John W. Garnet, John Gilbert, Corp. Isaiah " Elnathan Gorham, Benjamin Garret, John " John Green, Ezra " Eleazer H. Chaun- Green, Samuel Galpin, Joseph " Stephen " Samuel ; died in N. Army. Gage, Thomas Guernsey, Eichard " Solomon Gillet, Eliphalet " David Gridley, Asahel Griswold, Ebenezer Gear, Ezra Glazier, Jacob Gordon, Eobert Hinman, Col. Benjamin Hinman, Jonas Capt. Elijah " Capt. Ephraim ; Commissary. Hinman, Moses « Lt. Asa ' " Ens. Joel " Wait " SUas EnosMichael IsaiahJames FrancisCapt. David Daniel Capt. Samuel Hinman, Lemuel " Capt. Truman; Commissary. Hinman, Enos " Timothy " Benjamin, 3d ; returned a deserter in 1780 by mistake, he having gone home on 782 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. account of sickness, by advice of his captain. Hinman, Capt. Elisha; commander of a gov ernment ship caUed the Alfred, which sailed out of New London. Hinman, Ens. Titus ; in Col. Zebulon Butler's regiment. He was killed, in the bloody massacre of Wyoming, July 3d, 1778. Hicock, Asa " Silas " Eeuben ; sick at Ticonderoga in 1775. Hicock, Thaddeus, Jr. " Ebenezer " David " Elijah " Ephraim " Benjamin " Johnson " Nathaniel HuU, Ebenezer " WiUiam " Doct. Titus; sur geon. HuU, Stephen HaU, Ebenezer " Thomas " Thomas, Jr. " Aaron " L. Hawley, Capt. Enos " James " Moses " David Hamsted, David Hows, Samuel " George Humphrey, Capt. Elijah Herrick, John HUliard, WiUiam Hubbell, Ebenezer HIU, Abraham ; died in N. Army, HiU, Eeuben Hurlbut, Asaph " Solomon ; sick at " Capt. Samuel Ticonderoga, in 1775. " Abraham Higley, Nehemiah Hine, Capt. Nathan Hazen, WiUiam " Jonathan " Elijah, Sergeant " Adam Hurd, Capt. Thaddeus " Lewis Lt. Asahel ; kiUed Hitchcock, Benjamin in the war. " Simeon " Capt. David David, Jr. " Daniel " Capt. Adam " Stephen " Lovewell " Samuel David " James E. " Benjamin, Jr. Hunt, William " John, Jr. " Isaac " Simeon " Isaac, Jr. Hooker, James " Thaddeus Hastings, Dr. Seth; sur geon. Hand, Elias Hannah, Alexander ' " James Eobert Hawkins, Moses " Zadock " Zadock, Jr. Hayes, y Hodge, Gulielmus / " Philo . -/ Huntington, Ebenezer Solomon Noah Moses Calvin Curtiss Lewis Gideon Gideon, Jr. Simeon, Jr. Abner Abraham Graham JosephJohn ; sick at TI- Hotchkiss, Eeuben conderoga, in 1775. Hurlbut, Truman " Eobert " Joel " Noah " Wait " John " AmosElisha " Gideon " Gideon, Jr. " Thomas " Squire " Joel " Capt. Adam Hobert, Elisha " John Hudson, John Hungerford, James " Lt. Benja min ; sick at Ticonde roga, in 1775, and died soon after. Hastlans, Samuel Hannayed, WiUiam Holt, Nicholas ; had smaU pox in Canada, 1776. Henries, Zadock Ingraham, Nathaniel " Henry " William I. Ingraham, Eleazer Indian, Tom Ives, Asahel Ives, Abner " Daniel, Jun. IsbeU, Seruda HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 783 Johnson, Isaac " Amos ; stood next to Daniel Downs, whose brains were spattered upon him at White Plains. Johnson, John " WiUiam '' Isaiah " Hiram " Justus ; wound ed In the left arm In the action near Nor walk. His arm was amputated. State al lowed him $12 per month In consequence. Johnson, Peter Jiidd, Daniel J. J^udd, Freeman Jackson, Samuel " Theophilus Jones, Benjamin Jewett, Isaac ¦ " Caleb; had small pox, and was disabled by it in his sight, in Canada, 1776. Jordan, John " William Judson, Gen. David, A. M.; was capt. in the Continental army. Judson, Capt. James " Ensign John " Joseph " Ensign Amos Judson, Elijah ; sick at '' Ticonderoga, 1775. Judson, Chapman, do. " Chapman, Jr. " Agur " Timothy, Capt. " Aaron " Joel " Elihu " Wilham " James " Abel " Joshua Jenks, Thomas Jennings, Charles ; had small-pox and fever in . Canada. James, Thomas Eamberly, David " Thomas Kellogg, Samuel Knapp, Eleazar " Moses K. Keeney, Levi KeUy, John Kasson, James " Alexander Kasson, Archibald Keeler, Hezekiah KeUis, Peter King, David Lewis, Capt. Ezekiel " George " Asa " Abraham " Nathaniel " James " Elihu Lacey, Capt. Thaddeus; died in service at Cas tleton, Oct. 3, 1775. Lacey, Ebenezer " Ebenezer, Jun. " Ezra Leavenworth, Capt. Da vid Martin, Joel " Joseph " Solomon " Ezekiel " David " Isaiah " Capt. Andrew « William " Gideon L. Leavenworth, David, Jr. " Amos " Morse " Lt. Ebenezer " Gideon " Capt. John Lake, Ed-ward Leavitt, Samuel " Jonathan " David Ladd, Benajah " David Lee, Abner " Samuel Linsley, Abiel M. Martin, Amos Minor, Timothy ; sick at " Samuel Ticonderoga. Taken Minor, Adoniram prisoner at Danbury, " Simeon ; taken and carried to N. York. prisoner at Danbury. Moseley, Increase, Esq.; Minor, Elisha Commissary. " Sergt. Israel Moseley, CoL Increase, " David Jr. " Daniel Moseley, Capt. Abner Linsley, Abiel, Jun. " Brainard Lines, Abraham London, Pomp Lamfear, Samuel Logan, Matthew " John Laslin, John Lusk, Samuel Liberty, Jefi"; formerly slave of Jonathan Far rand; made free by , enlistingjl Lyon, I§aac^ ' 784 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. ManviUe, Suneon " Ira " John Mac Daniel, Thomas Meigs, Jesse Mott, Lyman MUls, Cijrtlss " Samuel, Jr.; had the smaU-pox in Can ada, 1776. MUls, Alexander Moody, Zimri Morgan, Lewis Mansfield, Clement Moltrope, Jude McKinney, John Mitchel, Beniah " Nathan " Daniel " David MitcheU, Thomas " Capt. John " Jehiel " Simeon " Seth " Capt. Nathan'l " Abijah " Capt. Eleazer «' Brier MaUory, Aaron ; three years aid to General Washington. Mallory, Daniel " David " John " John, Jr. " SimeonEU " Capt. Abner MaUory, Walker Murray, Samuel " Noah " Hugh Meramble, John Mix, Joseph Masters, N. S. Morris, Matthew Munn, Doct. Ebenezer ; surgeon. Munn, Corp. Samuel " Justus Mclntire, Henry McGraw, John Merchant, Job My, Ebenezer Mulatto Michael " Job Munger, Jonathan Norton, Issachar " George " George, Jun. " WilUam " John Austin " David Nevfton, Ezekiel N. - Nettleton, Josiah Northrop, Amos Nails, John Nichols, Elisha ; kiUed at New York Nichols, James " Andrew ; died at Boston Negro Eobbin " JamesTitus PeterToney 'Gumming Osborne, Shadrach ; purchasing and issuing commissary during the war. Osborne, Samuel 0. Osborne, Nathan ; New York ; was there wounded in several three montlis. parts of the body at Olcott, John E. Horse Neck, June 8, Olds, Oliver 1779, and carried to " Aaron Peck, Abijah " John " Josiah " Judson Platt, John ; taken pris- oner at Fort "Wash ington, June 5, 1777; was released on parole and came home with the smaU-pox. Pitcher, Ebenezer Pease, William Patterson, Sherman " Ens. William Pierce, Da-vid Post, Abraham Parks, James PIslie, Elijah Prindle, Enos Parker, Gamaliel " Peter ¦ " Thomas " Amasa Prentice, Zachariah Peters, GaUoway Peet, Daniel " Eichard Parry, Daniel Pollard, Isaac Palmer, Phineas Porter, Capt. David " John Porter, Benjamin Pritchard, Nat. Potter, Sheldon " David " Daniel Phelps, Charles " Darius " Samuel Parmely, Thomas Perry, Elisha " EU ' Preston, Nathan; pay master and issuing commissary of suppUes. Pain, Justus HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 785 Reynolds, Matthew , " Sergt. James " William " Jas. Blakesly " Justus " Hezekiah " Simeon " David " Solomon " Solomion,Jun. sick at Tlconderogai Eoots, IsEiac " Solomon ; died at Crown Point. R. Roots, Joseph " Colonel ; sick Ticonderoga, 1775. Royce, Matthew Rill, Edward Rice, Edward Eumsey, David " Nathan Eumrill, Frederick Eichards, Amos ; sick Ticonderoga. Eusco, Stephen " Benjamin Eanney, Solomon Eanney, Stephen at Eogers, Ebenezer Eobinson, Solomon " DavidWiUiam Eobin, Michael Eead, Jonathan " Matthew Eood, Simeon at " John; shot thro' the thigh with a mus ket baU at White Pi's, Oct. 28, 1776. Stoddard, Anthony Eli " Amos " Thomas; kill ed in the war. Stoddard, Abiram; died of bloody flux in the army. Stoddard, Cap. James; d. in the service, 1777. Stoddard, Capt. Nathan ; kiUedatMud Fort, on the Delaware,Nov. 15, 1777, by a cannon ball, which entirely severed his head from his body. Lt. John Strong related, that he was standing near him when it occurred, and Strong, Adino S. went out one day to view the position ofthe eneiny. He found La Fayette on the ground before him for the same purpose. — When they wished to retire, they found themselves cut off from camp by some British soldiers. There was no escape except by fording a creek. Lt. Strong being larger and stronger than his companion, took him upon his shoulders, and crossed the creek in safety, that for a moment after, he was standing without a head before he fell, Stoddard, Curtiss " Abijah ; died at Crown Point. Stoddard, Cyrenius " Luther " Philo; wound- ed in the arm in the Strong, Benjamin Germantown action. " Benjamin, Jun, Stoddard, Adjutant Smith, Daniel " Ichabod ; sick " Capt. Ebenezer at Ticonderoga. " Capt. Eichard Strong, Samuel " Hon. Nathaniel " Lieut. John ; " Samuel while in the service he 63 Uriel " Anthony " Daniel ; teamster " Charies " Josiah ; shot through the leg, in the Germantown action, and was oblig ed to have it amputa ted. Smith, Stephen; sick at Ticonderoga. " Phineas " Abraham ' '• Jeremiah " EUsha " Eobert; was a ser geant under Col. Seth Warner ; was toma hawked and scalped by the Indians on " Four Mile Islapd," in Lake George, a small party to which he belonged having been surprised in the night. He lay four day s, when he was found and taken care of. He recovered and survived many years after. Sperry, Ambrose " Enoch Savage, Joseph " Seth; died in New York. Sharp, James Sheldon, Charles " Doct. Daniel; surgeon's mate. Slauter, John Steele, Sergeant John " Luke " Sergeant Elisha Sanford, Capt. J. St. John, Adonijah Seymour, Capt. Moses 786 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Squire, Capt. Gideon " Abiathar " Joseph " Thomas, 3d " Thomas, Jr. Skeels, Adonirain Stratton, Thomas Starr, EUsha Stevens, Aaron " Daniel Sedgwick, Benjamin " Archer '' Joseph Torrance, Thomas ; wounded in the " Dan bury Alarm," April 27th, 1777, in the thigh. Torrance, Corp. Joseph ^ " Capt. Samuel " Samuel, Jr. " Ezra " wmiam " Joseph Tona, Jethro Tiriss, Jonathan Turrill, John " Samuel Tallman, Ebenezer, Jr. " Peter Tomlinson, ; com missary. " Timothy " Henry " William Thompson, John Sherman, Da'vid; com missary. Sherman, EUjah " James " Lt. John '' Taylor; ex press man. Daniel ; member of the Council of Safety four years. Southworth, William Summers, Asahel Simons, David T. TomUnson, Thomas " David " Lieut. Tongue, Jonathan Tossel, John Thorp, David Taylor, Simeon " Josiah " John " Joel; killed at New York. Titus, Joel Touseley, Nathaniel Thomas, Lt. Ebenezer " , John; taken sick at Fort Ann ; came home by advice of his captain, lost his wages, and was re turned a deserter in consequence. ThomaSjIsaac ; wounded Simons, Cummey Stannard, Samuel Seeley, Ephraim Strickland, Moses Standchft, WilUam Sturgess, Aqulla Stewart, Wimam Saxton, Jo. ; died at New York. Sears, John Sperry, Eh " Ambrose SkUton, Doct. Henry in the knee at White Plains,Oct.31st,1776, by a cannon ball ; was removed to Woodbury by Asahel Thomas and died Dec. 9th, 1776. Thomas, Jacob " Charles " Charies, Jr. " David " S. " Jeremiah " Joseph " Enoch Tuttle, Aaron " Capt. Nathaniel " Ichabod " Andrew " Thomas Tucker, Daniel Trowbridge, Lt. Elihu " Philemon Vandyke, Peter Wamer, Col. Seth " Capt, John " Daniel; kiUed at the battle of Ben nington. Warner, Thomas " Saul " Samuel " Capt. Elizur " Lt.Ebenezer " Eliphaz, Waksley, Abiel " Henry W. Wakeley, Abel; was a soldier, through the whole length of the War of Independence, joining the army in his 16th year ; was with Washington at "VaUey Forge ; at West Point, under Arnold, and saw the traitor escape ; with La Fayette in his me morable retreat before Cornwallis, and with him stormed the re doubt at Yorktown ; received an honorable discharge from Wash- , ington ; died at Green ville, Green county, New York, April 13th, 1850, in the 90th year of his age. Wheeler, Capt. Seth " Doct. Lemuel; surgeon. Wheeler, Capt. John HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 787 Wheeler, Benjamin " Benjamin, Jr. SUas " Adam " Elnathan ¦" " Agur; sick at Ticonderoga, in 1775. Wheeler, Archelaus " WilUam ; com missary at the north end of Lake George. Wheeler, Nathan Washburn, Edward " Edmond Wayland, John Whipple, Joseph Wilkinson, Abraham Wott, Adam Woodruff, Hawkins " John Weeks, John Wildman, Rev. Benja min ; chaplain. Walker, Abel " Zechariah " Ehsha " Capt. Joseph " Isaiah " Samuel Walker, Peter " Joseph, Jr. " Josiah David " Simeon Watson, Hon. James ; afterward senator in Congress. Watson, Capt. John ; wounded in the back at St. John's, Canada, in 1775, and the state granted him a pension of $18 per month. Whittlesey, Martin ; lost the use of his limbs by sickness at New York. Whittlesey, David " Asaph; killed at Wyoming, July 3d, 1778. Wallace, Thomas Waugh, Buel Wiscott, Joseph White, John " Joseph Woodward, Noah " Noah, Jr, Welch, Sergeant Luke Welch, Ithuel Welch, Michael Wagner, Daniel Wagner, David Wilson, Samuel Way, Ira Way, Isaac Wooster, Hinman Woodman, Samuel Wells, David " " John " Benjamin Wilcoxson, Ephraim Ward, Samuel Whitney, John "Wheaton, Jonathan " Roswell Wright', Charles, Jr. " Freedom " David Waters, Joseph Wentworth, G. Warden, Joseph Waller, Thomas " Daniel Ward, Macock Wood, James Youngs, David LIST OP SOLDIERS IN THE WAR OF 1812, B, denotes Bethlem. Wa. Washington. E. Eoxbury. S. Southbury. This Ust is not complete. Those without any letter are from Woodbury. Atwood, Washington H. Allen, James (B.) Allen, Stephen Burton, Oliver (B.^ Bates, Eichard (E.) Bryant, Samuel, (Wa.) Blackman, Beecher Bunnell, Sheldon Barnum, EU (B.) Beebee, Isaac (B.) Castle, Bethel S. " John Coe, Daniel (B.) B. Bariow, EKsha (Wa.) Bishop, Miles Booth, Aaron Brown, James (S.) " Daniel (S.) Baker, Henry (Wa.) Bishop, Amos C. Church, Samuel (B.) Canfield, Austin (B.) Curtiss, John Bassett, Nathaniel Bryant, Ira Baldwin, Amos (B.) Beecher, Lyman (B.) Botsford, Samuel Barto, Jonah Cunningham, Wm. (Wa.) 788 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WO0D»tIBT. E. Eastman, Daniel E. (E.) • F. Fairchild, David (B) Fowler, Eobert B. (Wa.) Farrand, Capt. N. (Wa.) Frisbie, Benjamin (B) French, Ezra (B^ " Samuel ("Wa.) Forbes, Robert ("Wa.) G. Gordon, Jonathan Glazier, John Galpin, Fettit Griswold, Harvey Galpin, Stephen F. Gibosr Spencer (B.) " Asa S. " Sergt. Samuel H. Howe, WilUam Hine, Elijah (B.) Hubbell, Zalmon (B.) Hannah, George (B.) Hyde, Abijah (B.) Hatch, Joseph Hine, Austin (B.) Judson, Henry Jackson, Levi Jackson, Levi (B.) Jackson, Joel " Samuel K. Knapp, Capt. Seymour Kasson, Lt. Adam C.(B.) KimbaU, Horace (B.) (B.) KimbaU, Horatio (B.) L. Luddington, Fred. (B.) Lewis, EUsha (R.) Lum, Austin (B.) Lewis, Jabez (B.) Leavenworth, Philo (B.) Lambert, Fred. " Geo. (E.) M. Murray, David Moody, Samuel Munger, Harmon (B.) " Alexander Morriss, Edward Masters, Doct. Samuel B. McCoy, Hugh Mitchell, Nathaniel (R.) N. Nichols, John 0. Olds, David Osborne, Daniel P. Parker, Willis Parker, Philo (Wa.) Peet, Ashbel " James Patterson, Charles (R.) Price, Sheldon, fB.V " Lt. Thomas C. Peck, Capt. Joseph (Wa.) > If y R. Eeynolds, Joseph Ryan, Marcus HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURT, 789 Sandford, Thomas (R.) Stevens, Jeremiah (B.) Strong, Daniel (B.) Stiles, Lyman Sperry, Moses Stone, Norman (B.) Spring, Isaac (B.) Smith, Ens. Theodore Seeley, Freeman H. (B.) Seymour, John H. (B,) (B.) Steel, Joseph (B.) Squire, John A, (R.) Smith, John (B.) Skidmore, James B. (B.) Titus, Stiles (Wa.) TurriU, Asahel (E.) Turrill, RosweU (E.) Tuttle, Preston w. Tuttle, David WeUer, Capt. Thomas ; drafted, when he went Warner, Capt. Elizur killed by Warner to notify him. WiUiams, "Wm. R. (B.) Knapp, who had been Webb, Joseph (R.) Wilcox, Linus (B.) Wakeley, Harry LIST OF REPRESENTATIVES Of the Town of Washington, which May Session. * 1779 Capt. Increase Moseley, Capt. William Cogswell, 1 780 Capt. WiUiam CogsweU, ") -r Capt. Ebenezer Clarke, j ''^ Capt. WilUam Cogswell, Capt. Gideon Holhster, 1781 Capt. WilUam CogsweU, Capt. Gideon HoUister, 1782 Capt. Nathan Hicock, "[ -r Mr. John "Whittlesey, J ''^°- Maj. WUliam CogsweU, Mr. John Calhoun, 1783 Mr. John Whittlesey, Capt. Nathan Hicock, 1784 Mr. John Whittlesey, "> j^^^ Capt. Nathan Hicock, ) Capt. John Whittlesey, Mr. Daniel N. Brinsmade, 1785 Mr. John Whittlesey, Mr. Matthew Logan, 1786 Mr. John Whittlesey, Capt. Jonathan Farrand, 1787 Mr. John Whittlesey, Eev. Daniel Brinsmade, 1788 Mr. John Whittlesey, No choice, 1 789 Capt. Jonathan Farrand, ) j Mr. Peter Sherman, ) Mr. John Whittlesey, • Mr. Peter Sherman, 1790 Mr. John Whittlesey, Mr. David Judson, 1791 Mr. David.Judson, Mr. John Whitdesey, was incorporated, Jan., 1779. October Session. Capt. William CogsweU. Capt. Ebenezer Clarke. ^apt. WiUiam CogsweU. Capt. Gideon- HoUister, Capt. Nathan Hicock. Mr. John Whittlesey. Maj. William CogsweU. No choice. Mr. John Whittlesey. Capt. Nathan Hicock. Capt. John "Whittlesey. Mr. Daniel N. Brinsmade, Mr. John Whittlesey. Capt. Jonathan Farrand. Capt Nathan Hicock. Mr. John Whittlesey. Mr. John Whittlesey. Capt. Nathan Hicock. Capt. Jonathan Farrand. Mr. Peter Sherman. Mr. John Whittlesey. Capt. David Judson. Mr. JonatBan Farrand, Mr. John Whittlesey, Mr. David Judson. Mr. Simeon MitcheU. 790 HISTORY OP ANGIBNT WOODBURY. May Session. October Session, 1792 Mr. Peter Sherman, Mr. Daniel N. Brinsmade, Mr. Da'vid Judson, Mr, David Judson. 1793 Mr, Daniel N. Brinsmade, Mr, Daniel N, Brinsmade. Mr. Da'vid "Whittlesey, Mr. David Whittlesey. 1794 David Judson, Daniel N. Brinsmade. Peter ShermaA, Peter Sherman. 1795 Daniel N. Brinsmade, Daniel N. Brinsmade. Peter Sherman, Mr. David Whittlesey. 1796 Daniel Brinsmade, Daniel Brinsmade. David Whittlesey, David Whittlesey. 1797 Daniel N. Brinsmade, Daniel N. Brinsmade. Eljah Hazen, WilUam CogsweU. 1798 Daniel Brinsmade, Daniel Brinsmade. Elijah Hazen, Elijah Hazen. 1799 Daniel N. Brinsmade, ' Daniel N. Brinsmade. WiUiam CogsweU, Elijah Hazen. 1800 Daniel N, Brinsmade, Daniel N. Brinsmade. Elijah Hazen, Elijah Hazen. 1801 Daniel N. Brinsmadej Daniel N. Brinsmade. WiUiam CogsweU, Simeon MitcheU. 1802 Daniel N. Brinsmade, Daniel N. Brinsmade. Simeon MitcheU, "WnUam CogsweU. , 1803 Daniel N. Brinsmade, Daniel N. Brinsmade. Elijah Hazen, WUliam Cogswell. 1804 Daniel N. Brinsmade, Daniel N. Brinsmade, Elijah Hazen, David Whittlesey. 1805 Daniel N. Brinsmad^ David Whittlesey, Daniel N. Brlnsmside. David Whittlesey. 1806 Daniel N. Brinsmade, Daniel N. Brinsmade. David Whittlesey, David Whittlesey. 1807 Elijah Hazen, Daniel N. Brinsmade. David Whitdesey, Elijah Hazen. 1808 Daniel N. Brinsmade, Daniel N. Brinsmade. Elijah Hazen, WiUiam CogsweU. 1809 Daniel N. Brlnsroade, Daniel N. Brinsmade. Noble Day, Joseph Whittlesey. 1810 Warren E. Fowler, Daniel N. Brinsmade. Noble -Day, David Whittlesey. 1811 Evets Moody,. Daniel N. Brinsmade. Noble Day, John Newton. 1812 Daniel !N. Brinsmade, Daniel N. Brinsmade. John N. Gunn, Joseph Whittlesey. 1813 Daniel N. Brinsmade, Daniel N. Brinsmade. John N. Gunn, David Whittlesey. 1814 Daniel N, Brinsmade, Daniel N. Brinsmade. John N. Gunn, David Whittlesey. 1815 Samuel Leavitt, Samuel Leavitt. Noble Day, Noble Day, 1816 Samuel Leavitt, Daniel B. Brinsmade. Daniel B. Brinsmade, Samuel Leavitt. 1817 Daniel B. Brinsmade, , Daniel B. Brinsmade. WilUam CogsweU, Constantine McMahon. 1818 Daniel B. Brinsmade, John N. Gunn. Joseph Whittlesey, Noble Day. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOOD«URY. 791 May,1819 Samuel Leavitt, 1820 Daniel B. Brinsmade, 1821 Curtis Hicox, 1822 Timothy Mitchell,' 1823 Evetts Moody, 1824 Constantine McMahon, 1825 No choice, 1826 Samuel Leavitt, Jr., 1827 Constantine McMahon, 1828 Daniel B. Brinsmade, 1829 John Newton, 1830 Samuel Leavitt, Jr., ISail Johnson C. Hatch, 1832 Youngs ElUot, 1833 David C. Whittlesey, 1834 Samuel Frisbie, 1835 Samuel Leavitt, 1836 Joseph Titus, Jr., 1837 Daniel B. Brinsmade, 1838 John Newton, 1839 John M. Ford, , 1840 Chester Ackley, 1841 No choice, 1842 Frederick Chittenden, 1843 George Steele, 1844 ' No choice, 1845 No choice, 1846 Ithiel Hicox, 1847 Platt Bryan, 1848 Daniel B. Brinsmade, 1849 Sheldon H. Calhoun, 1860 Abiel C. Lemon, 1851 Ar^In Bumham, 1852 EusseU W, Frisbie, 1853 Sheldon W. Meeker, UNDER THE CONSTITUTION. Joseph "Whittlesey. Joseph Whittlesey. Ensign Bushnell. Philo Clark. William CogsweU. Abijah TomUnson. No choice. Nathan Newton. Samuel Leavitt, Jr. Abijah Tomlinson. Chester Ackley. Daniel B. Brinsmade. Joseph Titus, Jr. David C. Whittlesey. Youngs Elliot. George Lewis. Daniel Wheaton. Charles Lemon, Charles Vail. Truman Baldwin. WiUiam Pond. No choice. No choice- Daniel Frisbie. No choice. No choice. No choice. David Whittlesey. Nathan H. Carey. Abijah Tomlinson. Daniel Bumham. Johnson L. Tomlinson, Moseley V. Bronson. Leander Odell, Frederick Newton. ASSISTANT. Daniel N. Brinsmade, from 1802 to 1818. WASHINGTON PROBATE DISTRICT. Set off from, Woodbury^and Litchfield districts in 1832. JUDGES. Daniel B. Brinsmade, 1832 to 1834, Ithiel Hicox, 1837, 1842, 1843 and 1838 to 1841, 1844 and 1845, 1847 1852. to 1849, 1861. WUliam Moody, 1846. Frederick S. Fenn, 1835 to 1836. Daniel G. Platt, 1850. STATE SENATOR. Alvin Brown, 1839. 792 HISTO-^EY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. MEMBERS OF CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION, 18lg. Ensign BushneU, Hermanus MarshaU. TOWN-CLERKS. Daniel N. Brinsmade, from 1779 to WilUam Leavitt, from Oct., 1841, to 1813. Oct., 1846. Daniel B. Brinsmade, from Oct., 1813, Daniel B. Brinsmade, from Oct., 1846, to Oct., 1841. to . LIST OF REPRESENTATIVES FROM SOUTHBURY. Southbury was set off from Woodbury and incorporated in 1787. foUowing is a Ust of Eepresentatlves to the present time. The May Session. October Session. 1787 Col. Benjamin Hinman. 1788 Col. Benjamin Hinman, Col. B. Hinman, Jan. and Col Benjamin Hinman. 1789 May, Mr. Shadrach Osborn. 1790 Mr. Shadrach Osborn, Mr. Benjamin Hinman. 1791 Mr. Benjamin Hinman, Mr, Benjamin Hinman. 1792 Mr. Benjamin Hinman, Mr. Justus Johnson, Mr. Benjamin StUes, Jr, 1793 Mr. Increase Moseley. 1794 Mr^Benja.min Stilg|ij[i„ TSTr. Joel Hinman, Mr. Shadrach Osljorn, Mr. Joel Hinman. 17951796 Mr. Beniamin Stiles, Jr. Mr.Johnlbdmond. 1797 Mr. Benjamin Hecox, Mr. Benjamin Hecox. 1798 John Edmond, Benjamin Hinman. 1799 Mr. Joel Hinman, Warren Mitchell. 1800 Shadrach Osborn, Shadrach Osborn. 1801 Justus Johnson, Aaron Hinman. 1802 Aaron Hinman, Warren MitcheU. 1803 Shadrach Osborn, Simeon Hinman. 1804 Justus Johnson, Shadrach Osborn. ' 1805 Aaron Hinman, Justus Johnson. 1806 Aaron Hinman, Aaron Hinman. 1807 Burton Canfield, Shadrach Osborn. 1808 Truman Hinman, ¦Justus Johnson. 1809 Shadrach Osbofn, Shadrach Osborn. 1810 Titus Pearce, Truman Hinman. 1811 Simeon Hinman, Simeon MitcheU. 1812 John Moseley, Park Brown. 1813 Joel Crane, Nathan Curtiss. 1814 Nathan Curtiss, Joel Crane. 1815 Curtiss Hinman, Joel Crane. 1816 Moses Wheeler, Warren MitcheU. 1817 Park Brown, Amos Johnson. 1818 Curtiss Hinman, Warren MitcheU. UNDER THE CONSTITUTION, May, 1819 Curtiss Hinman. 1824 Newton Tuttle. 1820 Amos Johnson. 1825 Benjamin B. Osbom. 1821 Truman Moseley, 1826 John Pearce, 1822 Amos Johnson. 1827 Edward Hinman. 1823 Gideon Judson, 1828 Newton Tuttle. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 793 1829 John Moseley. 1842 1830 John Pearce. 1843 1831 Edward Hinman. 1844 1832 Henry Downs. 1845 1833 Charies C. Hinman. 1845 1834 Henry Downs. 1847 1835 Charles C. Hinman. 1848 1836 .Daniel Hinman, 1849 1837 John Peck. 1850 1838 Elijah French. 1851 1839 John Peck. . 1852 1840 WiUiam Guthrie. 1853 1841 Samuel Candee. Erastus Pierce. Charles B. Hicock. No choice. Titus Pierce. Walter Johnson. George P. Shelton. George Smith. Titus Pierce. OUver MitcheU. Henry D. Munson. Edwin Pierce. Truman B. Wheeler. Curtiss Hinman, 1820. John Pearce, 1832, 1833. SENATORS. Edward Hinman, 1843. Gen. George P. Shelton, 1850. TOWN-CLERKS. Increase Moseley, appointed 1787. Walter Johnson, appointed Dec, 1837. John Moseley, " Dec, 1805. Titus Pierce, " 1851. Charles C. Hinman, " Nov., 1834. JUDGES OF THE COUNTY COURT. WiUiam Hinman. Edward Hinman, from 1847 to 1849. LIST OF REPRESENTATIVES FROM BETHLEM. Bethlem was incorporated in 1787. May Session. October Session. 1787 • Mr. David Ambler. 1788 Mr. David Ambler, Mr. David Camp. 1789 Mr. David Camp, January. Capt. Jonathan Smith, Capt. Jonathan Smith. 1790 Mr. David Ambler, Mr. David Ambler. 1791 Mr. David Ambler, Mr. David Ambler. 1792 Mr. David Ambler, Mr. Oliver Parmelee. 1793 David Ambler, David Ambler. 1794 David Bellamy, David BeUamy. 1795 David Bellamy, David BeUamy. 1796 David Bellamy, David Bellamy. 1797 Oliver Parmelee, David Bellamy. 1798 David Leavitt, Jr., David Bellamy. 1799 David Leavitt, Jr., David Leavitt, Jr. 1800 David Leavitt, J'r., David Bellamy. 1801 David Leavitt, Jr., Alexander Kasson. 1802 David Bellamy, David Leavitt, Jr. 1803 David BeUamy, Nehemiah Lambert. 1804 David BeUamy, David BeUamy. 1805 David Bellamy, David BeUamy. 1806' Nehemiah Lambert, David BeUamy. 1807 David Bellamy, David Bellamy. 1808 Nehemiah Lambert, David Bellamy. 1809 David BeUamy, 64 David Bellamy. 794 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. May Session. October Session. 1810 Samuel Church, Jr., David Bellamy. 1811 George D. Kasson, Samuel Church, .Ir. 1812 Nehemiah Lambert, Nehemiah Lambert. 1813 George D. Kasson, LeverlttJudd. 1814 Samuel Church, Jr., Leveritl Judd. 1815 Nehemiah Lambert, Sheldon C. Leavitt. 1816 Nathan Hawley, Nathan Hawley. 1817 Sheldon C. Leavitt, Nehemiah Lambert. 1818 Nehemiah Lambert, Joseph H. BeUamy. UNDER THE CONSTITUTION. May, 1819 Joseph H. BeUamy. Sheldon C. Leavitt. 1837 Jeriel Hayes. 1820 1838 Noble Allen. 1821 Joseph H. BeUamy. 1839 Nathan Hawley. 1822 Sheldon C. Leavitt. 1840 No choice. 1823 Nathan Burton, Jr. 1841 Charles A. Bloss. 1824 Sheldon C. Leavitt. 1842 Abraham Beecher. 1825 Sheldon C. Leavitt. 1843 Gideon AUen. 1826 Joseph H. Bellamy. 1844 Nicholas Moss. 1827 Joseph H. Bellamy. 1845 George T. Bloss. 1828 Sheldon C. Leavitt. 1846 Bennett Warner. 1829 Nathan Jackson. 1847 Nicholas Moss. 1830 Nathan Jackson. 1848 Marvin S. Todd. 1831 Nathan Jackson. 1849 Edwin L. Thompson, 1832 Minot Smith. 1850 Sidney Peck. 1833 Nathan Jackson. 1851 James Allen, Jr. 1834 Nathan Hawley. 1852 James AUen. 1835 Isaac S. Wadsworth. 1853 Henry W. Peck. 1836 James AUen. COUNTY COMMISSIONER. Joseph H. Bellamy, appointed 1839, 1841. STATE SENAT«TIS. Joseph H. BeUamy, 1841. . v^ohn C. Ambler, 1847. Minot Smith, 1846. MEMBER OF CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION, 1818. Nehemiah Lambert. Moses Hawley, from Doct. Titus HuU, from Samuel Church, from Isaac S. Wadsworth, from Doct. Lyman CatUn, from Joseph H. Bellamy, from Benjamm T. Lake, from Homer Skidmore, from Joseph H. BeUamy, from Norman Lake, from Joseph H. Bellamy, from PhUo H. Skidmore, from Homer Skidmore, from TOWN-CLERKS, June 20th, 178^7, to Dec,Dec, Dec,Dec,Dec, 23d, Dec, 1794, to 1803, to 1830, to 1836, to 1836, to 1837, to 1838, to 1842, to 1843, to 1846, to 1848, to 1853. Dec, 1794. Dec, 1803. Dec, 1830. Dec, 1836. Dec 23d, 1836. Dec, 1837. 1838. 1842. 1843.1846.1848.1863. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 795 LIST OF REPRESENTATIVES FROM ROXBURY. Eoxbury Was incorporated in 1796. May Session. ¦¦ October Session. 1797 Mr. Phineas Siplth, EUsha Canfield. 1798 Abraham Bronson, Ephraim Hinman. 1799 Abraham Bronson, Elihu Canfield. 1800 Ephraim Hinman, John Trowbridge. 1801 John Trowbridge, John Trowbridge. 1802 Elihu Canfield, John Trowbridge. 1803 Abner Wakelee, David Hammond. 1804 WeUs Judson, Elihu Canfield. 1805 Abraham Bronson, Adna MaUory. 1806 Gideon Leavenworth, Elihu Canfield. 1807 Amos Squire, ' Samuel WeUer. 1808 Elihu Canfield, Deliverance L. Painter. 1809 Ephraim Hinman, Elihu Canfield, Elihu Canfield. 1810 Elihu Canfield. 1811 John Trowbridge, Ebenezer Burritt. 1812 Asahel Bacon, Elihu Canfield. 1813 Elihu Canfield, Miles Bishop. 1814 Eoyal E. Hinman, Eoyal E. Hinman. 1816 SUas Minor, Silas Minor. 1816 Silas Minor, Asahel Bacon. 1817 SUas Minor, Elisha Patterson. 1818 Josiah E. Eastman, EUsha Patterson. May, 1819 UNDER THE CONSTITUTION. EU M. Smith. 1837 Wait Leaven-worth. 1820 Samuel Patterson. 1838 Henry L. Kandall. 1821 SUas Minor. 1839 Charles Beardsley. 1822 Stephen Sanford. Josiah E. Eastman. 1840 Daniel Botsford. 1823 1841 Abiram Ward. 1824 Isaac B. Hawley. 1842 Chauncey Hodge. 1825 Royal R. Hinman. 1843 John Trowbridge. 1826 EUsha Patterson. 1844 Isaac G. Botsford. 1827 EU M. Smith. 1845 George Hurlbut. 1828 Zaccheus W. WeUer. 1846 Elisha A. WeUer. 1829 David BrothweU. 1847 Charles Thomas. 1830 David Brothwell. 1848 Everett Beardsley. 1831 Eoyal E. Hinman. . 1849 Bennett S. Preston, 1832 WilUam Pierce. 1850 Stephen Sanford. 1833 noslah E. Eastman. 1861 Myron Downs. 1834 David WeUer. 1852 Lacey Higgins. Albert S. Hodge. 1835 Stephen Sanford. 1853 1836 David BrothweU. COUNTY COMMISSIONER. Henry L. BandaU, 1850. Roxbury Probate District set off from Woodbury District in 1842. JUDGES. Harmon B. Eastman, from 1842 to 1845. Aaron W. Fenn, from 1845 to 1846. 796 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Henry L. Eandall, from 1846 to 1847. Aaron W. Fenn, from 1847 to 1849. Harmon B. Eastman, from 1849 to 1851. Myron Downs, from 1851. SECRETARY OF STATE OF CONNECTICUT. Royal R. Hinman, from 1835 to 1842. MEMBER OF CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION, 1818. John Trowbridge. TOWN-CLERKS. Elihu Canfield, Deff. 6, 1796. Zaccheus W. WeUer, Oct. 27, 1827. EUsha Patterson, Dec. 14, 1818, David BrothweU, July 21, 1831. SUas Minor, Nov. 6, 1820. Myron Downs, WOODBURY CHRONOLOGY, Tautannimo's (Indian) deed, April 20, 1659. First, or Pomperaug Purchase, April 26, 1673. Second, or Shepaug " March 17, 1685-6. Third, or Quassapaug — '* Oct. 30, 1689. Fourth, or Nonnewaug " May 18, 1700. Fifth, or Kettletown " Oct. 25, 1705. Sixth, or Confirmatory " May 28, 1706. North " June 23, 1710. Promisick " by Dr. Eb'r Warner, March 6, 1728-9. South " June 18, 1733. Pootatuck, or Last " 1756. Tom Sherman (Indian) sells last reservation, May, 1759. Half-way Covenant dispute begins at Stratford, 1664. Pomperaug granted by General Court, May 9, 1672. Pomperaug settled, 1678 Fundamental Articles agreed upon, Feb. 14, 1672. Pomperaug incorporated and caUed Woodbury, May 14, 1674. First ferry to Stratford, 1677. King PhiUp's War, June, 1675. Inhabitants of Woodbury retreat to Stratford, 1675. " ' return to Woodbury, 1676 and 1677. Eev. Zecheriah Walker moves his family to Woodbury, June 27, 1678. Woodbury first represented in General Court, May, 1684. Woodbury Patent in ample form. May 17, 1686. North Purchase granted the town by Genered Court, May, 1703. " " surveyed, 1723. First miU, 1674. Second mill, 1681. Third miU, 1692. First meeting-house, 1681. Parson Stoddard's house built, 1702. Eev. Zecheriah Walker ordained. May 6, 1670. " " " died, Jan. 20, 1699-1700. Eev. Anthony Stoddard ordained. May 27, 1702. " " " died, Sept. 6, 1760." Second Church buUt, 1747. Great Sickness, 1727, 1749 and 1760. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 797 Pootatuck Ferry estabhshed, 1730. Hinman's Ferry " 1752. Carlton's Bridge built by Gen. Washington, 1778. Mine Hill spathic ore known in 1724. Fort William Henry Alarm, 1757. First Eevolutionary Town Meeting, Sept. 20, 1774. Great Boston Alarm, Sept 3, 1774. Continental Assoolatlon Articles adopted by the town, Nov. 17, 1774. Southbury Society incorporated, May, 1731. South Britain " " May, 1766. Southbury incorporated as a town, May, 1787. Bethlehem Society incorporated, Oct, 1739. Great Sickness in that society, 1 750. Bethlem incorporated as a town, May, 1787. Judea Society settled in 1734; incorporated Oct., 1741. New Preston Society incorporated, Oct., 1753. Washington Incorporated as a town, Jan. 7, 1779. Eoxbury Society settled In 1713 ; Incorporated May, 1743. Eoxbury incorporated as a town, Oct., 1796. Episcopal Parish, Woodbury, organized, 1740. Episcopal Church erected by seventy persons, 1785. Episcopal Parish, Eoxbury, organized, 1740. " " Judea Society, organized, 1762. " New Preston See, " 1764. " " Bethlem " 1807. Baptist Church, Eoxbury, " 1790. Methodist Church, Woodbury, '• 1792. " " Southbury, " 1803. Eev. Noah Benedict ordained, Oct. 22, 17^0. Eev. Worthington Wright ordained, Jan., ,1811. " ." " * dismissed, 18l|i. Eev. Noah Benedict died, April 20, 1813. Eev. Henry P. Strong ordained. May 25, 1814. " " " dismissed, Jan., 1816. Eev. Samuel E. Andrew ordained, Oct. 8, 1817. " " " " dismissed, 1846. Third Church erected, 1819. Eev. Lucius Curtis ordained, July 8, 1846. Northern Inhabitants " sign off," Nov. 29, 1814. Strict Congregational Society incorporated, Oct., 1816. " " Church, dedicated, Jan. 7, 1819. Eev. Grove L. BrowneU ordajned, July, 1817. ' " '< " " dismissed, 1840. Rev. John ChurchiU ordained, April 22, 1840. Public Libraries established, 1772, 1823 and 1850. Daniel Bacon's Town HaU erected, 1823. New Town Hall erected, 1845. New Burial-Ground laid out, 1826. North Academy built, 1846. South Academy buUt, 1861. Masonic Lodge founded, 1765. Masonic HaU built, 1839. FideUty Chapter Instituted, 1809. Pomperaug Division Sons of Temperance, organized, 1847. Bethel Eock Lodge, I. O. O. F., " 1847. Woocibury Bank incorporated, 1851. "Woodbury Savings Bank and BuUdIng Association organized, 1853. 798 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. Great Freshet, Nov. 13, 1853. This was by far the largest and most destructive freshet that the town has suffered since its first settlement. A continued torrent of water feU for several hours, raising the river and streams to a point three feet higher than was known by the " oldest Inhabitant," and three feet higher than the "old Indian marks." The damage done was im mense. Bridges, miUs, dams, stacks of hay and other property, all disap peared before the angry flood. Many roads and intervales were destroyed, and all within reach of danger were more or less injured. The loss of all kinds to the town of Woodbury, must have been from $16,000 to $20,000. To Eoxbury, the loss was probably $8,000 or $10,000. The rise ofthe river at Shepaug Falls, was about twenty-five feet, or some four feet higher than had been known before. SimUar damage in character and amount was done in Southbury, Washington, and other neighboring towns. All this happened in an incredibly short time, forming the most remarkable flood, in aU respects, that ever visited these regions. LIST OF THE PRESENT INHABITANTS. This list includes the names of such persons as were inhabitants of the town between Nov. 1, 1852, and March 1, 1853 — the taking of the Ust having occu pied this length of time. The whole number of inhabitants March 1, 1853, was 2,201, whose nemies appear in the foUowing list, except those of about thirty transient persons. The " whites" numhw 2,130 and the ^^blacks" 71. FamiUes are grouped together, the father and mother first, and the children in their order. The brace shows husband and wife. A. AUen , Stephen Mary " Atwood, James Atwood, Noble } tl it Alma E. ; tl Joseph (( Edward W. } tt Elmira " EUza tl John A. Lydia A. ' ii John W. (( tl George P. 1 JuUa ^ it Oliver L. (( ti Garwood H. • it Roxana P. (£ Henrietta E. .( JuUette tt WiUiam H. Lovina A. ti Henrietta E. it Emily ll U EUzabeth H. It George M. it WUliam R. } Eoxy S. C it Henry it tt Susannah " EUen S. tl Amos E. U Abigail E. t( Morris it Abner it Frank " EmUy U. ii Maria u Arvesta E. " Mary J. " Vestina N. ll Chauncey F. it Frederick S. ] tl WUUam E. ii Sarah ii Minot M. Catherine ' (1 Chauncey Martha " tl (( Stephen > Euth ; (I tl John H. ii (( Bernice ii Laura A. ii Eben J. ll Harriet S. Henry M. *' Margaret tt BurrB. " Mary C. \ ii Elijah PermeUa " it M'n Van Buren it. Eeuben J. " i( EUsha (( Roderick ii Oliver (( ChaunceyEebeccajj ' (i Mary A. Marion B. "J u Warner tt HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 799 Atwood, Nancy M. Atwood,':Margaret S. Abernethy, John ") " , Susan f tc Eoger H. (t Charies S. Eunice A. " WiUard (C tt Samuel ") Lucinda C. ) John T. tl ii Wheeler tt Zachery T. " Henry W. (C Dwight S., " WUUam J. (( Lewis H. tt Harvey Betsey (C Betsey tt Armstrong, Eaphael C. ' " Harriet , ' (( Jennette ii Preston « Wheeler, Jun. Louisa " Leman G. "f Delia M. C " Jerome tl tt tl Lucy S. tt (t HeUen 0. Howard H. Atwater, MarshaU D. (( Horace S. ) Maria H. ) Andrews, Eeuben " CaroUne J. ' t( tt James u JuUa M. Charies V. BuU, Thomas ) Susan; J B. Botsford, Gideon B. } Betts, Otis W. ti tt Polly B. ; ti EUzabethDavid S. tt WUliam C. " Marinda u JuUa A. tt David Annette « Ealph ,N.| " Anna | tt Susan J. tt tt Charies B. " Ealph N. Bacon, WiUiam T, > " James S. (t EUzabeth L, ) tt Samuel \ tt J. Knight a Jane E. J " Alfred F. ) tt Eebecca T. tt Charies H. " Julia S. i (1 WiUiam T, tt Jane E. " Sabrina F. tt Anna T. " Gilbert S. it Frederick A. Betts, David \ " Walter W. a Walter H. it Anna M. J " Edwin tt CorneUa " Perry ' - tt John "> Augusta f tt Henry tt " Sarah M. Brothwell, Almira tt John " WilUam C. (( David C. > Sarah M. ; " Joseph J. (( tt Charies, 7 Jane | tt Booth, Charles ti Timothy C. } Catherine S. | tt Cornelia J. " Nelson ti a WiUiam F. " Sarah it C. Edward tt Simeon W. "> . Harriet M. J " Frederick W. " Hezekiah " " Flora a tt David C. it George ) Lutheria C. | " Augusta] ft " CorneUa' i( WilUam H. 7 Suba tt George E. tt a Emma F. Benedict, Harriet J, it Frank M. tt Sylvester E. " Zemira L. " Abel ) tt it Marcus D. "> EUzabeth E. j " Eunice J " Maria J Bennett, John S. ) " Betsey f tl Sophia E. Edward H. »* " WiUiam H. ll JuUa E. " Noah *' AbigaU ¦ Flora H. Albert C. Bradley, Phineas S. } tl Sarah S. ; Burton, Zeruiah Buckingham, Nelson ) " Hannah B.y t( Eobert P. " Mary Z. it Harriet E. " Henrietta S. " Louisa M. tl Sarah E. S. " Lyman " Charies H. " Nathan " Floretta J. " Edward E. AdaUne C. " Levi H. (C " ElamB. " Nancy E.' it Eobert P. Barnum, Samuel C. (( James W. AbigaU " Jesse B. > " Sarah J. y Bumham, Harriet A. tl It James M. " WUliam B. Bunce, Leanora tt Albert H. " Daniel B. It Edward B. BeddaU, Thomas » Frank P. " Joseph " Mellssey Baldwin, Horace C. \ " Elizabeth D.J tt George " James " John " Lydia Briggs, Eosamond " Fanny " Judah (t Margaret " WiUiam " Eunice it Hannah " Lois ft Daniel / " Andrew " Isaac Bodicut, Thomas '¦ EUzabeth ' Bowas, Ann E. Benham, Enos f " John T. it Emily J. j Bristol, Thompson " Hannah M. Boyle, Margaret ft Garwood B. Maria A. Boyson, Eebecca ft " George P. ft WiUis M. Mary B. " Benjamin J. Beardsley, Clarinda " Lockwood P. Mary E. " Grandison ") Mary A. ) " Burritt, Charles W. " Hiram A. Stanley E. tt James A. Banks, Lucinda ft Jane A. " George " Everitt ft George H. " Mary A. " Daniel C. " WUlis Bishop, , Leman Boulton, George \ " Maria H. J tl Dotha D. Boughton, John ) " Dotha A. ; If WilUam F. " George A. " Edward N. " John A. " EUen M. Delia L. " Arthur C. J. ft Deane " Abbey M. " Frederick ") " Julia y ft Luman Bunnell, Isaac A. " Sabra tl Mabel " OUve Joseph " Wesley BueU, Frederick " Sarah A. ' tf EUey " Watson A. " Charies S. SybU " AmeUa " Frederick A. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBUR"?^. 801 BueU, George N. " Amanda " WeUs C. " Amanda E. Bell, John ") " Anny " Horace Bates, Isaac > " EmeUne f " JuUa C. " Johnson E. " Charies E. " Emeline A. " Samuel J. " Franklin P. " George E. " Eandolph J. Breen, Patrick > " EUza \ Curtis, Lucius } " Emily 5 Curtiss, David H. " Anna " James G. " David " Daniel > " Julia F.J " Walter " Emily A. Ellen C. " Horace D. " Cordelia " Edward J. " Frances " Elizabeth Sarah John Maria Henry S. ) EUzabeth L. ) Henry B. Benjamin S. } Martha J. ) Caries B. ) Rachel D. 5 Bronson, Samuel Bailey, WilUam ) " Mary J. [ " Henry B. " EUa Brooks, Lemantha "Blackman, Harriet B. " Mary E. " Albert S. " Beecher ") Mary y " Charles A.") " Lurinda y " George B. " JaneE. C. Curtiss, Walter H. " Mary " Lorena " Elizabeth A. " Jaseph Chapin, Silas " • Julia S. Blackman, Charlie F. " Sarah A. '' Flora E. Brown, Benjamin " Diantha Barto, Chauncey \ " Julia y " WilUam P. " WilUam H. " WiUys L. " Emma J. Barnes, Andrew J. " Samantha Beck, Christian Ballantyne, Kate Cogswell, Frances S. " Maria J. " Mary A. . " F. IsabeUa Castle, Bethel S. ") "^ " Fanny C.j " Elizabeth H. " Samuel Churchill, John l " CaroUne 5 " Harriet C. " Nathan P. Cothren, William ) " Mary J. 5 Chittenden, WUUam E. > " Ann E. 5 " WiUiam F. " Julia M. " M. AdeUa " John S. Chivis, Mary B. Cables, Almira CogsweU, WUliam C, \ " Catherine A. y " Martha P- " Chauncey N. "> " Sarah A. f " Chauncey J. " Henrietta V. " Eeuben S. > " Polly y « Ferris A. " Mary J. " Harriet A. " Azuba " Samuel ^. Cole, Cornelia Crafts, Charles B. Clark, Silas } " Laura f " Sarah P. " WiUiam J. " Edward S. 65 802 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Clark. Susan " SUah " Susan B. " Mary Candee, Lewis B. " Betsey E. " Susan C. " Frank B. " John A. " AbigaU Edward D, Harry j Eliza 0.5 Capewell, Seymour L. Joseph T. ^ " Sarah 3 " Sai>ah Ann " Julia " EmUy " EUen " Joseph Coudren, Thomas Couden, EUza " Catherine Campbell, George " Henry G. Carpenter, Cyreny Mary Capewell, Mark ) " Jane 5 " George J. " Eliza " George A. > " Harriet A. 5 " George D. " Caroline E. " Mary Ann " Martha L. Crane, Henry S. " Betsey J. " Horace B. " George P. " Stephen H- Camp, Eunice " Caroline " George 1st > " Sarah W. 5 Harriet A. George 2d Margaretchild Cramer, John > " Eoxy 5 " Everton E. '' Mary E. Chipman, Hiram " Phebe E. " Surilla L: " Benjamin F. " Chauncey F. " EUzabeth CarroU, Patrick > '" Mary 5 " Mary J. " Catherine " John Conrad, Henry CoUerts, WUUam Coger, Mary E. "- Charies Callender, Henry " Charlotte " Levi " CaroUne " • Naomi " Josephine Carr, George Drakeley, Martha " Olive " Eobert, ? " Louisa } " Augusta M. " Robert J. " Anna " George' } " Laura M. j " Harriet M, " Lucius De Forest, Marcus > Laura C. 5 " Lucy A. D. De Forest, John P. ) Mary J. J Emily George > Mary A.) Alma Edward ) Ada j DeUa James 5 Mary 5 James De Forest, WiUiam ) " Rana 3 " Martha Douglas, Levi S. ) " Sarah A. 3 Dickerson, James M. ) " Louise 3 Downs, Calvin H. ? " Minerva A. 3 " Catherine M. Julia E. De Castro, J. Fernandez Wyllys MeUcent HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 803 Downs, Louisa M. Henry W. Doolittle, Benjamin '' Betsey " Frances E. '• Mary J. " George " Thomas B. " Merrltt E. " Henry " Emeline " George Dayton, Charles S. Dawson, WilUam ) " Emmelen 3 " Sarah J. " Ann E. " Diantha ' Martha " Anna Josephine De Wolf, George W, " Sarah " Mary " ^ Georglana Dascum, David B. " , Mary •' Charles > " piarina 3 " Infant " Robert " Almira " Mary E. " George H. Charles E, Ann M. Deming, Sarah J. Dewes, George ) " Ann 3 " Sarah " Edwin Thomas Dewhurst, James " Elizabeth " Mary A. Davis, Nelson " Sarah E. " Sarah J. " George * " Frederick " Clark DIehl, Lewis Dooley, John ) " Mary C. 3 " EUza Dolan, Conrad ? " Bridget 3 " Edmund " Bridget Darnley, Mary EUiott, Mary A. " Clarina ElweU, Sherman > " Harriet 3 E. ElweU, Isaac F. " Eebecca H. " Chariotte P. Eastman, Amarilla Elwood, Zadoc j " Sarah A. y Essig, Paul Forbes, Lorin ) " Harriet 3 Mary W. WUUam Fairchild, Stephen B. Fabrique, Benjamin Fuller, Calvin W. ) " Marietta P. 3 " Emma C. Fowler, William 2d " Amanda «' John M. " Hiram D. " Lewis L. F. Fowler, Harmon > " Hannah 3 " John " Martha " Horace S. " Mary A. " George B. Farr, Sarah M. French, Andrew Fox, Harvey H.) " Julia W. 3 " Guy W. " Enuly M. Fox, Mary J. " EUen S. " Charies > " Esther 3 " Charles B. " Eobert S. " Mary E. " Elizabeth J. •' Mary F. " Martha M. " Sarah F. " Peleg ) " Sabra 3 " PhUo ) " Asenath 3 804 Fox, Russel " John " Lucy ' HISTORY Of ancient WOODBURY. Ford, PhUo J. " WUUam > " Roxy M. 3 " Andrew " Anna J. Foot, Lucius H. I " Clarissa T. 3 " Edward A. Foot, Eoswell^ " Harriet ) " Sarah " George " Elizabeth " Charles Ford, Harriet " John B. ) " Mary 3 " Mary E. Fitzgibbens, Johanna Fairbrother, WUliam ) " Sarah y " EUzabeth FueU, John Flotto, WiUiam Gordon, Alexander > " Maria H. 3 " WilUam A. " Maria C. " Alexander " , Susan L. Green, George ) " Althea 3 " Fannie Galpin, Samuel " Cyrus > Martha 5^ " Daniel B. " Thomas C. " Jane E. " Stephen F. > " Mary A. y " Leman G. " Hanford J. John " Mary E. " William E. AbigaU E. y Galpin, Almon D, " Sarah E. JuUan H. infant Galpin, Charles ") " Susan A. y " George L. Galpin, Edgar E. ) " Lovina W. y " Julia E. " infant Gibson, Asahel E. > " EUza y " Asahel B. " Frederiek W. " Charles J. " Julia M. " Edgar E. " Henry Gardner, Mary E. GiUett, Sarah " JuUa A, Gaylord, John Jay f " Charlotte A. J " EUen L. " Marion E. Glazier, John "> " Hannah y " Thomas " Henry " Clarissa Gun, Lent Gun, Susannah Griswold, Harvey ") " Mary y " Lucy A. Glaason, Michael 1st Gleason, James") " Mary y " Margaret, William Ellen " Mary " Michael 2d Gallovin, Bridget Goodman, Margaret Graham, Michael "> " Elizabeth y " Mary M. " Ellen B. " Winnafried M. " William " CaroUne E. Guthrie, Evis Grant, Francis Hotchkiss, Josiah "> " Betsey y H. Hotchkiss, Reuben H. ") Hotchkiss, Sally R. " EUzabeth M,; " Arvesta A, " Gervase > " Sarah E, I HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 805 Hotchkiss, Mary T. Hurd , Horace "f Roxy y HuU, WiUiam N. Sarah H. ll " Ammi F. JuUa H. ll Marcus " Susan E. Hitchcock, George V " Jane A. y ll Truman Hatch, Faith it Albert S. •' Margaret J. " Emily E. ll Sarah A. - Hyde, Nancy B. tt Asahel T. " Amelia Sarah M. ll Harriet C. " George it Willis R. Hubbell, Jerome B. " Howard L. tl Dimis B. Hodges, Leander) " Sarah y JuUa S. (( Sally (t Margaret H. " Mary A. Hurlbut, Rebecca J. George J. " Frances A. ll Sidney " Elizabeth M. HaU, John " Harriet wmiam U Albert D. " John " Benjamin HayeSj Louisa " Joseph HoUister, Gideon ") " LydiaJ.y^ tl Hezekiah C. ) Susan y Hill, John 7 " Emma y ll ll EUzabeth " Sarah Huntington, Carina ll Hezekiah " Charles Hunt, MitcheU > " Mary y tl John S. ) Abia y Hinman, Anthony B. It " Edward A. iC Nancy R. Holmes, Frederick " Sylvester " Harvey D. ll Lydia Hamer, EUzabeth " Truman > ll Ephraim J. 7 Harriet y Hartford, Henry Sarah J Hawkins, Harriet E. " Sarah M: Hull, Bradford J. "> Catherine y tl Heylur, John ll Catherine A. Haragan, Margaret Isbell, Horace 7 " SaUy y I. IsbeU,' Charles 7 IsbeU, Jared S. ) " PoUy A. y ft Harriet J . y " Julia A. tt George H. " Mary E. " Sarah C. ft WUlard A. " William S. " EUen L. .^ Betsey L. Judson, Elijah ) , " Betsey y J. Judson, Herman ^ ^ Judson, Anar S. ft Minerva f ' " Statira D. tt Roderick B. Ackerman E. George N. "??¦ " Caroline J ft Andrew J. " EUen S. " Mary " Margaret C. * Silas '« Susan L. tf Vincent, 7 SaUy ; ^' Frederick Sarah M. ft " Jane 806 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. Judson, Thomas F. ) " Ann B. y " Wesley Elijah D. I " Minerva F. y ¦ " EhnerF, " Olive " Henry 7 " Nancy y " Herman W. W.7 • ; " EUzur J. WilUam E. " Noah ) J " Euth P. y " Jay R. " Emma B. " FrankUn M. > " Louisa M. y * " Keziah Charlotte " Harriet E. ^ Judson, Abigail " Theodore > JuUaM. y '' •' Martha E. / " Phineas A. ) " Laura S. y " " Ellen A. " John B. Rhoda j " Marcus " Burton 7 PoUy y " Mariette M. Henry C. ' " Harriet E. " Ealph N. " WilUam W. Nathan S. 7 Flora A. y * Mary E. Truman H. Sarah P. • T. Franklin Judson, Albert N. " Harriet " W. Le Grand } Euth s. y Judd, Lewis "> " Harriet S. y Johnson, Charles S. 7 " Betsey y " Charles B, " Burnette H. Walter " JuUa M. " Harriet L. " Jennet E. Jackson, Samuel " Jerome B. ") " Eebecca J " EUen " Sarah Joloe, WiUiam 7 " Jane 3 " Jennette Kelsey, Charles 7 " EUza y K. Kelsey, Sarah E. " Charies Kane, Friend F, " wmiam Lambert, Willys ") " Eliza y " Elizabeth J. " CharlotteTreat ) Maria J. y " Henry \ " Harriet | " George 17. " Henry A. WUbur C. " Margaret E. Linsley, Harvey J, ") " Mary y " Jane Linsley, James H, ) " Harriet M. y " Sarah M. Lawson, Eobert C. 7 " Maria P. y WUliam S. Lemon, Daniel S. 7 " Eunice P. y " Harriet J. " Edwm S. Leavenworth, Alma " David Lewis, George B. ") " Charlotte L. J " Ephraim 7 " Caroline ) " Agur ¦) " Lorlna y " Antoinette " Agur Lum, George 7 :" Nancy y " wmiam L. " Jane E. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 807 Lawton, George | Lounsbury, FrankUn Lawler, BadeUa ft Hannah y ft Edward , ft Samuel Lathrop, George "[ ft John ft James tf EmUy J. y ft Mark ¦ tt Hugh ft EUen C. ft Frank Leach, Alva V. > tl Martha Lowns, Jacob ll Betsey A. J (4 Reuben B. tt Thomas Lawlor, Martin } it Laura J. it Mary y ll AdeUne E. Lounsbury, Lucius J. "( It Alva A. tl Esther y ft ft Anna Mary M. tl Daniel \. Minor, Wait } Minor ', Betsey Mitchell, Charles C. I ft Susanna \ ft .Henry B. tt Louisa M. 3 ft Noah B. ft Ephraim 7 • ll WaUace ft Judson 7 Electa 3 ft Olive 3 ff u Reuben 7 Ruth M. 3 ft Charies J. 7 Clarissa T. 3 " f Erastus 7 MeUnda 3 ft ff " David S. tt Nancy tf Sarah E. ft Charies D. ll JuUa ff Mary S^ tl Asahel W. ff Susan Anthony ) • Olive S tt Jane K^ Martin, Daniel tf Horace ft Charlotte t( Truman i [ Harriet y It Rhoda ft Thomas tl ft Maria U Truman "S. tl Frederick ; Mary Ann ; ll John H. u ft William It Harriet E. (( CaroUne E- " Sarah " Mary 0. tl Nathaniel 7 Althea 3 ll Harriet E. ft Nathaniel D. 7 Frances 3 ll il John 0. ft u Frederick S. ft George C. tt Jesse ll Fanny (( Sally ft Josiah G. ' Esther C. 3 u Electa A. ff I( Solomon B. 7 Frances A. 3" t( tl Eeuben B. 7 Susan W. 3 ft Henry ' Altha 3 1( Fannie J. ti tt tl Eeuben W- ft James H ll CorneUus J. 7 Mary i it Esther Maria ft Mary J. U (( Susan W. ft Emi y L. " JuUa B. It Albert (( Augusta M- ft Gilbert S. MitcheU, Ruth MarshaU, John P. 1 " Julia .\ ft Frederick M. > AmeUa C. 3 ft Asa > Eunice 3 a JuUa P. ft It Merriam, Alva 7 ft Thomas B. ft Asahel F. .-ft Mary A. 3 fi EUen F. ft John W. ft ' Franklin M, 808 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. McKay, Ann EUza- " Sarah A. Merriam, Edward M, " GUbert E. " Charles A. " Henry A. Moody, Ashbel " Sarah A, McKenney, Margaret S. AmeUa W. MiUard, Charles ) Mansfield, David S. 7 " EUza 3 " SIreno " Walter " Henry S. Mallory, AbigaU " Betsie " Fannie " PoUy " Fanny " Eeuben j OUve 3 " Samuel M. " WUUs Manvm, James " Harriet E. " James H. Theodore S. " Hiram 5 " PauUnay " Harvey W. " Euth McCracken, Mary Morris, Harvey } " Maria J. ) " GarryAllatihea " James " Matthew " Hobert H. 7 Sarah M. 3 " George F. McKay, WUUam C. 7 " Rosamond > WiUiam H. OpheUa B. AbigaU y " Charles A. Morehouse, Joel 7 " Altha 3 Munsqn, Charles " Charlotte " Susan C. " infant " Jane " Ellen Munn, Nathaniel 7 " PoUy 3 " Mary S. " Myron B. Markham, Sylvanus A. " Alvira M. MeUor, Anna MlUer, AUen Morrisson, Eachel McCumeU, Margaret Maghur, Patrick J " Margaret ) MulhaU, Mary Murphy, Bridget Minder, John D. ) " Mary A. 5 " Charles A. " Emma E. " Josephine ^ McDevit, John " Abigail CaroUne E. Marks, George L. 7 Harriet A. . " Emehne 3 EUen C. " George S. ' Sylvanus W, " Josephene E. " HeUen S. Merwin, Joseph E, " EmUy P. " Parker J. " Mary E. Maramble, John Munroe, Admlr H. 7 " Susan . 3 " Sarah " Chauncey MoUer, C. P. " JuUa " Cari F, Mansfield, Charles 7 " Alma 3 " Margaret S. " George McGloughlin, Thomas Nichols, Edward 7 " SaUy 3 " PhUander J " Harriet 3 " Loyd P. " John W. " Lucretia " John Northrop, Obediah P. 7 " Harriet M. 3 " George J. John B. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 809 Nettieton, Samuel 7 Sarah 3 Mary J. Augusta E. Sarah B. Jehiel i Jerusha 3 Jackson J. Nettleton, Joseph ^ " EUzabeth 3 " Mary E. " Stiles 7 " Nancy 3 " Lamson " John ScoviU " George Henry B. i EUzabeth A. 3 Norton, Talcott 7 Frederick B. " BeUnda ) Josephine E. " Amelia Frank H. " Ann Newey, WiUiam ) " Phebe 3 " Emma J. Arthur B. " Anna E. Noyes, Hezekiah ) " Harriet 3 " Sarah M. " Mary " Charles J. Nooney, Thomas i " Mary 3 Orton, Truman " Martha M. " Harriet M. " Walter J. " EUza E. " Betsey " David J. " Sarah " Elizabeth Olcott, Lucy " Margaret O. Olcott, Mary " Amanda " Mary D. Osborn, Henry A. " EUen " Almon " Salina " JuUette " NeweU " Daniel " EUzabeth C. Osborn, Simeon D. ) " Margaret A. y » " LuseUa A. " WUUam W. " AJsora A. " Lorinda Olmsted, Curtis 1 " Lois 3 " Emily " Mary J. " Sarah A. Preston, Nathan " James 7 " Eliza 3 " Maria Phelps, Charles B, " Amanda " Amanda >E. " S. Maria Peck, Peter F. " Frederick D, " Lucy D. " WUUam « Frederick Peck, Lucy S. " Samuel F. " Isaac 7 " Anna 3 " Susan A. " Jane A. " Jeremiah ) " Polly 3 '' Nancy M. " Henry H. " Julia " John J. " Frank B. " Eunice 66 Peck, Ephraim B. " Betsey " George H. " Eobert 1 ". Catherine M, 3 " Benjamin C. " Hannah " David C. " Enoch > " Martha 3 Pratt, George 7 " Martha 3 Platt, Merrit 7 " Mary 3 810 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Platt, Edward B. " Mary E. Porter, George Parker, Truman ) " Rhoda 3 " Jarvis " Daniel S. > " OUve J. 5 " Mary Jane " EUza A. " Susan M, " Norman ) "- Eunice 3 " HeUen " Jason 1 " Harriet L. \ « Rufus i " SeUna \ John M. ) « Mary E. " Oriey M, " Marcia A, " SaUy " James L, .! Pangman, Susan Paretree, Robert C. ) " Sarah J. J " Mary J. Pierce, Nathan " Susan E. " Susan Esther ." George E, " Lucy L. " Mary D. " Laura Prentice, Daniel S. " Electa " Mary S, Percy, Clement ) " Louisa 3 " Seth W, " Harriet J, " Sarah M. " James F, " Charies H. " JuUa E. '' Samuel B. " George W. Potter, Bela " Rhoda ' " Alice Potter, Edward » " Mary A. \ Peete, EU S. > " AbigaU L. $ " Harriet E. ^ " Andrew W, Palmer, Charles Proctor, Alza " Nathaniel L. i " EUzabeth \ " George N. Parmlee, Mahalah " Cornelia " Fidelia Pitt, John 1 " Ann \ " Georglana Pearles, Jacob Pickhardt, Christian " Louisa " Charies " Henry " WilUam Quick, Michael ^ " Mary A. \ Eogers, Ned » " Betsey \ " John W. ) " Susan S " Charles E. " John J. " Henry C. f " George W. "• Harvey N. " Warren S. " Robert C. 1 " Anna P. \ " Anna Florence Root, Andrew Quick, WUliam R. Eoot, Thomas t " Polly y " Joseph W. " Wealthy A. " Thomas B. " Susan C. " Homer A. RusseU, Bariow ) " Caroline S " Edna EUza " Benjamin S. > " Sarah H; y " John B. " Dwight B. . " StUes C. RusseU, Martin C. 7 " Sebela 3 Adelia Dwight C. } " Lucy A. \ Richards, Levi " wmiam G. ) " Celestia M. \ " Sylvester P. " TomUnson W. " Henry W. > " Minerva A. \ Emma HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 811 Eichards, Marcena " George P. John T. Sar^h M. " Fanny E. " JuUette " Franklin " Charies Roberts, John } " EUzabeth \ " Mary A. " AmeUa E. " George A. " Charies G. Robert N. " Edwin 1 " Jane A. ] " Abraham ) ¦" Ann i " James " Maria A. WUUam Sherman, Elijah f PoUy y " Isaac " Jerusha " Henrietta J. " George P. " Harriet E. " Henry E. " Cyrus 7 " Mercy 3 " Julia " Lucy " Munroe C " Euth E. " Anna M. " R. Hotchkiss ft Bennet A. " EmUy M. Eandall, Columbus W. Eace, Andrew B. ) " Esther E. \ " Delbert A. " HeUen L. RUey, James " Thomas i " Catherine S " Mary J. " James " Margaret Reynolds, Solomon ) " Alvina 3 " Henrietta " Ireda Noah S. EUza A. , " Henry " James " Mary A. " John " Emily S, Sherman, Lewis G. " Jennet E. " Margaret A. " Sylvester J. " JuUa Strong, Stoddard i " Jennet 3 "' Bennet U- ) " Mary H. 3 " Solomon 7 " Eliza y " Seth 7 " Harriet A. y " Mary E. " Margaret L. " Harriet E. ft " Anthony C. i " JuUa 3 " WiUys A. " Frederick T. " Isaac, Reynolds, Julia E. " Catherine A. " Roderick " Harriet " Betsey Elggs, Jane E. " Eri EosweU, John i " Emeline ] " Mary " George " Sarah " Charles i " Mary \ EockweU, David S. ') " Emily A. y " Sarah M. Eagan, Mary Eagin, Joanna Strong, Nathaniel L. " Mary E. Nathaniel M, Flora " Charles P. " EUzabeth A. Charles E. " James P. " John E. > " Sarah O. 3 WilUam EU I Mary 3 Stoddard, Harmon ) " Euth Ann 3 " Chariotte " Harmon W. " Eliza N. " HeUen S. 812 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Stoddard, Cyrus ? Smith, Frances Summers, EU 7 " Maria H. 3 a Worthington B. Henry C. " Amelia 5 Wealthy A. " " Henry -P- George A. (i Elijah F. ^ Martha 3 Summers, David' " Sarah : •' Louisa M. 7 " Charies H. 3 (t »« Ann M. " Mary Jane " Sarah M. Edward C- *' Martin f 't George F. EUzabeth E. ; Eliza A. " Eliza B. 3 ti Sheldon " Betsey tt Stephen B. ) Ruth A. 3 " Mary Smith, Nathaniel B. I tt CorneUa " George M. > Parthena E. 3 it Mary Ann W. 3 tt Henry it Nathaniel it Josephene Luey A. Abby G. " John E. tl Phineas ) Cornelia 3 ti it George 7 Maria 3 Chariotte it Truman tt " CorneUa M. " . Abraham " Catherine P. (t Hannah " Nancy " WUUam P. tt Mary *' Charies K. u Sarah A. " CorneUa '' Catherine Somers, Charles A. ' " CeceUa F. 3 " Emma <( Guy tl George G. ; Betsey A.:' " Eugene A. (( GUead H. i AnnaM. 3 (1 " David C. 7 " Minerva B. 3 It 11 Charlotte C. tt NUes C. 11 Emily C. " Marion D. tt Leslie''P. it Martha A. u Legrand B. fi Mary E. Shelton, William N. > " Henrietta 3 " Mary A. ft infant " WUliam M. Eobert i( Susan E.^ Stone, Abernethy B. 7 " JuUa A. 3 t Frederick A. j Sarah A. y Steele i, Laura tf * " Mary D. tl Alonzo A. Stiles, Eoderick 7 " Emma B. tt Fanny L. ft Cleora S. 3 it ' Frank B. ft EUzabeth A. " Ursula " James tt Isaac 1 Hannah 3 " Mary ti Stilson, John B, 7 Julia H. 3 Seeley, Walker S. 7 " Mark 5 Ehoda y ft- Mary A. 3 " " Mary E. Daniel ft infant tt Marcus D., 7 Charlotte 3 Spring, John > " EUza ( ti Sperry, Susan ti Herbert B. y Summers, WUUam 7 Sanford, Nathan W.7 " Julia F. 3 ti George 7 Elizabeth 3 LauncelotMargaret Sarah A. 814 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Thompson, Charles ^ ToUes, Eobert I. 7 " '¦ le 3 Laura 5 Hobert Emeline HeUen E. Trowbridge, Edmund 7 Teeple, George L. " Esther L. 3 Fanny C. Tifft, Henry R. PhUoM. 7 Tyler, Asahel 7 " Sarah E. A. y " Mehetable M. 3 Turney, Abel ^ " Sarah A. 3 " William E. " Sarah E. ToUes, Sheldon 7 " Abby .3, " Harriet A. " EUzabeth H. " Lewis N. " Ransley 7 " Lucretia 3 " Frederick Mehetable M. WUUam M. " Sophronia* " Almira " Mary Town, Mary T. " EU " John Taylor, Henry L. ) " DeUa A. y " WUUam H. Taylor, Roswel 7 " Minerva y " Abby F. " George "> " Anna ^ (' Charies " Daniel " Francis " Henrietta " James " AdaUne Thornton, Thomas 7 " Cella A. 3 " Mary A. " WilUam " Cella E. " Joshua 7 " Mary D. 3 Eobert Umberfield, Jarius U. V. VoUmtiUer, George ) VaU, Anna " Margretha 3 Walker, ArnfiUa W. Webster, Guy Theodore W. ^ Woodward, John Almira T. 3 Josephine Warner, Nathan ^ Margaret A. " Theodore W. " Leodore W. " Joseph F. 7 " Esther E. 3 Frederick A. " WUUam B. '' Maria B. " Harriet C. " " Nancy Webb, Charies H. 7 " Jennette M. 3 " Catherine L- " Mary E. " CaroUne L. Mary 3 Maria Niram ^ Sylvia S. y GeorgeNathan, Jr. Jennette M, Antomette H. Truman j Polly y Morgan F. Harley E. Elijah 7 Betsey 5 Samuel N. Warner, John 7 " Martha N. 3 " George B. " Frank P. Wellman, David, Jr. J' Amanda " Joseph " Benjamin Ward, Asher > " Ann y " Charies N. Mary Wallace " James ) " EUza 3 " Anson J. " Julia P. Ann E. " James M. " George S. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, 815 Ward, Wealthy J. Way, Isaac ) " Matilda j " Walter " John 7 " Phebe 3 . " Mary " George " John T. Wheeler, Ebenezer ^ " Harriet E. 3 " Truman E. " Laura " Mary J. Young, Avis Wheeler, Justus " Luthena " Nancy " Joseph 7 '• Polly A. 3 Emily " Caroline " Charies White, WiUiam H. i " Sarah E. y " Edward C. " Maria " Frances A. " Harriet M. Y, Wlckwire, Mary Wooster, James B. Welch, William 7 " Margaret 3 " Mary Jane " AngeUne M. " Margaret L. " William D. Wolpert, Frederick 7 " Maria 3 " Clara Westerfield, Levi ) " Eliza 3 " Emma J. " JuUa E. Broadwm, Cesar } " Charlotte y " Harry Chatfield, OUver 7 " Rosanna y " Benjamin \ " CaroUne L. y " Susan C. " Harriet E. " Timothy " George " Charles .Cam, Keziah " Hiram ) " Maria J " Hiram " Eeuben Freeman, John " Eachel « EUzabeth " Aaron « Eoderick " Crosby » AUce COLORED PERSONS. Graham, Charles 7 " Mary y " George " Charles Hawley, -Orrin 7 " Mary A. y " John " Aaron ") '' wife y Jackson, JuUa " Henry " Lot " Henry } " EUza y " George " Mary A. " George Johnson, Andrew ") " EUza y " Nancy Low, Charles Mallory, AUce Nettleton, Clarissa Nichols, Edward ) " Euba y " Clarissa Osborn, Benjamin ") " Maria y PhllUps, Leveritt 7 " EUzabeth i It Edward 7 Betsey y tt tl LemanHarriet It il George It Charles tt Henry " Euth A. Peterson, Arnold '( " Mary A. y Eandolph, Isaac 7 " Mary y Ellen " WilUam " Roy \ Wimams, WUUam H " EUza J aH.7 • ; 816 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. ROLL OF MEMBERS OF THE FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH IN WOODBURY. This church was ofrganized as the second church of Stratford, under the ininlstry of Eev. Zechariah Walker, May 5, 1670. In 1672-3, the larger portion of its members removed, and settled the town of Woodbury. The following is a complete list of its members from its first organization. It is given because it contains the names of all the church members In the terri tory of " Ancient Woodbury," for nearly sixty years, and because all the other early churches in the territory, of whatever name, were founded, in the first instance, by men who had been nurtured in its bosom. The admis sions only are given. Deaths, excommunications and regular dismissions are not noted. 1673. Eichard Beech, March 8. 1670. Zechariah Walker, ^ay 6. Samuel Sherman, Sen., " Joseph Judson, Sen., " John Hurd, Sen., " Nicholas Knell, Eobert Clark, John Minor, '' Samuel Sherman, Jr., •' John Wheeler, " Samuel StUes, " Hope WasEburn, " Hugh Griffin, " Ephra^_^tU^, " JoEnTjGompson, Jr., " Theophilus Sherman, " Matthew Sherman, " John Judson, " Samuel MUs, Beniamin Stiles, " Edmond Sherman, " John Skeeles, 7 The foUoTring Israel Curtis, > were added im- Thomas Fairchild, \ mediately. Eichard Harvey, May 6 1675. Sarah HiU, July 4. Susanna, w. of Eev. Z. Walker, July 8. 1676. John Haggit, Nov. 5. 1678. Eoger TerriU, Dec 31. 1679. Hannah Skeeles, March 4. 1680. John Wyatt, Feb. 8. 1681. Benjamm Galpin, May 1. 1682. John Hough, May 3. Margaret, his wife. May 3. Sarah, w. of Eoger TerriU, June 4. 8. Mary Harvey, Eichard Butler, " 9. Eobert Lane, " 9. Moses Johnson, " 24. Samuel Galpin, June 8. John Bartram, Oct. 20. Good wife Harvey, Nov. 3. Goodwife Hurd, w, Sen., Dec. 27. AbigaU, w. of Joseph Walker, Dec, 27. 1671. Sarah Nichols, Feb. 22. Susanna Hardy, Dec. 1 7. 1672. Samuel Beecher, March 25. Thomas Dickinson, June 30. Matthew MitcheU, Dec 27. Mary, -his wife, '' 1683! John Sherman, Nov. 26. EUzabeth, his wife, " 1685. of John Hurd, wmiam Martin, Aug. 30. AbigaU, his wife, " Eebecca Galpin, " Emma 'Preston, " Dorcas Eoots, ¦' John Judson, Nov. 26. EUzabeth, his wife, Nov. 26. John MitcheU, " Elizabeth, his wife, " Hannah Judson, " HackaUah Preston, *' HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 817 Susanna FaircMld, Nov. 26. 1686. Joseph Hicock, May 2. 1687. Mary Nichols, Jan. 30. > 1688. Samuel Nichols, Feb. 26. AbigaU Judson, " Caleb Nichols, April 29. And his wife, " John Hurd, " And his ¦wife, " Mrs. Sarah Judson, '' Mrs. EUzabeth Minor, April 29. Rebecca Curtiss, " 1691. Mary, w. of Moses Johnson, Jan. 4. Hannah, w. of Titus Hinman, • " EUzabeth, w. of Zechariah "Walker. Jan. 4. Eleazur Knowles, March 1. Mary, his wife, " f Bgnj.a9)In ..StUes, " I AbigaU, his -wife, " Samuel Hinman, " Sarah Roberts, " Judith Huthwitt, " Anna Nichols, " EUzabeth, w. of Benjamin Hinman, June 14. Israel Curtiss, Jr., Oct. 18. 1692. i Elizabeth, wife of Samuel StUes, ! March 20. 1695. Nathaniel Tuttle, May 12. John Minor, Jr., " Hannah, w. of Thomas Minor, June 27. Sarah, w. of Samuel Blakely, June 27. Anne, w. of John Pierce, Oct. 3. Jonathan Atwood, " Mary Wheeler, " 1698. AbigaU Minor, May 1. End of admissions under Eev. Z. Walker, who d. Jan. 20, 1699- 1700. 1702. Eev. AnAony Stoddard, May, John Eoots, Sept. 6. AbigaU, w. of Joseph WaUer, Sept. 6. 1703. Jane, w. of Joseph Hurd, June 20. Abraham Fulford, Oct. 3. 1704. Mr. Zechariah Walker, April 2. Ephraim Minor, June 18. Eebecca, Ms wife, " Henry Castle, Dec- 31. 1705. Abigail Castle, June 10. 1697. Titus' Hinman, May 26, Moses Johnson, " Ebenezer Hurd, " Sarah, his wife, " John Judson, Jr., " Sarah, w. of Benjamin Hurd, 26.. John Curtiss, May 26. Joanna, his ¦wife, f' Thomas'Minor, " Samuel Jenner, " Hannah,' his wife. May 26. EUzabeth Walker, " 67 1706. WilUam Gaylord, Jan. 13. i/"^ Benjamin Hicoek, Feb. 24. Hannah, his wife, " Sarah, w. of Jonathan Atwood, June 30. Hannah, w. of Henry Castle, June 30. Mr. Samuel BuU, Nov. 3. 1707. Isaac Castle, Jan. 6. I Stephen Curtiss, June 29. Sarah, his wife, " Joseph Hicock, " Euth, his wife, " Ephraim Hinman, " Mary, w. of Titus Hinman, June 29. Sarah, w. of John Judson, " May 1708. John Pierce, Sen., May 9. Joseph Hurlbut, Jr., " Mary, his wife, " Sarah Hurd, Aug. 29. 1709. , ' Adino Strong, Jan. 2. 818 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY, John Wheeler, Sen., July 3. Eoger Brownson, of New Milford, Hannah, w. of Thomas Squire, Aug. Nov. 11. 28- Cornelius Brownson, Sen., Nov. 25. jyj^Q I John Sherman, Nov. 25. Mr. John Noble, of New MiUbrd, Jan. "^""°' *"' ""*' 29. 1717. I'^l2. Helenah, w. of Samuel Hicock, June Joseph Judson, Oct 12. jo^^ Nichols, Sept. 8. Mary, his wife " Jane, his wife, " Joanna, w. of Wm. Gaylord, Dec 7. 1718. 1^13- Stephen TerrlU, AprU 6. Valentine Prentice, April 1 2. Ephraim Tuttle, Dec. 7. Sarah, w. of Nathaniel Hurlbut, July 26. ^'^^¦ Sergt. Benjamin Hinman, Nov. 29. Anna, w. of Ebenezer Squire, Jan. 1^1^- Eichard Brownson, July 5. Samuel Hitchcock, of New Milford, MarV his wife, " Jan. 3. Noah Hinman, Aug. 23. Mary Sherman, Feb. 7. Prudence, w. of Moses Johnson, Sarah, w. of Thomas Wheeler, May 7. Sept. 2 7. Mary, w. of Samuel Sherman, " „„, Elizabeth, w. of Thomas Mallory," "^ ' ''"• Hannah Minor, May 7. ihomas Mallory, Jan. 3. John Huthwitt, May 30. Ebenezer Squire; " Euth, w. of John Wheeler, Sept. 26. Doct." Wamer, July 17. Patience, w. of Elnathan Strong, John MitcheU, Jiily 24. Dec 12. Lydia, w. of Thomas Drakeley, July 31. 1 ^15- Sarah, w. of David MitcbeU, Aug. 14. Samuel Sherman, Jan. 30. Jonathan Mitchell, Dec. 18. EUzabeth Minor, " _ Ezra TerriU, March 6. ^ '¦^'^¦ Joseph Minor, May 1. Hannah, w. of Benjamin Hurd, Jr., Susanna, his wife, May 1. ^an. 1. WUljam Preston, May 8. EUzabeth, w. of John MitcheU, Jr., Martha, his wife, " Feb. 19. Mary, w. of Jonathan Judson, July Mary,w. of Jehiel Preston, March, 5. 17. Susahna Sherman, March 6. Hannah, w. of Jonathan MitcheU, Hannah Curtiss, AprU 2. Oct. 23. Samuel Minor, Jr., AprU 30. Sarah, w. of Juhn Baker, Oct. 23. Josiah Minor, June 4. Mary, his wife, " l'^6- Abraham Hurd, Oct 8. Euth, w, of Henry Castle, May 21. Martha, his wife, " AbigaU, w. of Valentine Prentice, Mary Stoddard, Oct. 22. May 21. • AbigaU, w. of Samuel Munn, Dec. AbigaU, w. of CorneUus Brownson, 10. "Sept. 2. Thopias Wellar, Sept. 30. '^'^''¦ Sarah, w. of CorneUus Hurlbut, Sept. Martha Warner, Feb. 25. 30, Sarah Thomas, " Anna, w. of Noah Hinman, Nov. 4. Isaac Knowles, May 6. Andrew Hinman, Nov. 4. Margaret, w. of Ezra TerriU, May Mary, his -wjfe, " 20. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 819 1723. Sergt, Benjamin Hurd, Jan. 6. Jonathan Hurlbut, Feb. 3. Mary, his wife, " Nathan Hurd, Deo. 15. Eunice, his wife, " 1724. Knell.MItcheU, July 26. Martha, his wife, " Sarah, w> of Noah Hinman, March 7. 1725. Bethiah, w. of Nath'l Sanford, May 6, Martha WaUer, May 6. ,«... Jehu Minor, " 23. 1726. Elizabeth Brownson, Feb. 20. John Orton, April 3. AbigaU, w. of Cornelius Brownson, Jr., April 3. Hezekiah Culver, May 15. Thomas Drakeley, Jr., May 15. Isaac Judson, June 26. Ebenezer Thomas, July 10. Sarah, w. of Joseph Martin, July 10. John Pierce, July 1 7. Co"mfort, his wife, July 1 7. Hannah, w. of Samuel Jenner, Jr., July 17. Joseph "VValker, July 24. Dajiiel Curtiss, " Timothy Brownson, " Caleb Wheeler, " Esther Curtiss, " Eunice Hicock, " Bethiah Hicock, " Euth Curtiss, " Bathsheba Waller, July 31. John Cressey, August 20. Mary, his -wife, " John Minor, Jr., " David Hicock, " Elisha Stoddard, " EUzabeth Knowles, " Maty Atwood, " Samuel Galpin, August 28. Eebecca Curtiss, " Elizabeth Preston, " John Skeeles, September 4. Sarah, his wife, " Anil Drakeley, " Euth, w. of John Eoots, Sept. 11. Ann Hurd, _ Joanna Curtiss, " Thomas Minor, Sept. 18. Sarah, w. of Hezekiah Porter, Sept.l8. David MitcheU, Oct. 30. Abigail, w. of David Hurd, Nov. 6. Ebenezer Strong, Dec. 18. 1727. Eachel Galpin, Jan. 8. Mary Drakeley, " Timothy TerriU, Jan. 29. Thankful, his wife, " Feda, w. of Thomas Minor, Jan. 29. Samuel Martin, March 5. Annlce, his wife, "' Joseph Galpin, " Susanna, w. of Joseph Eoots, Mar. 1 2. Mary, w. of Solomon Johnson, Apr. 19. Solomon Johnson, June 4. Sarah Peet, . " Eoger Terrill, June 18. Joseph Hinman, " And his wife, Joseph Roots, June 26. Ephraim Baldwin, " John Baker, Jr!, " David Leavenworth, " Lois Hicock, '¦' Eobert Warner, July 2. Mary, his wife, " John Eoots, " Elizabeth Squire, Jr., July 2. Abigail Jenner, " Hannah Hicock, July 30. Sarah, w. of Titus Hinman, Aug. 6. Mary Judson, Sen., Aug. 6. Stephen Hicock, Aug. 1 3. Matthew Mitchell, " EUzabeth Eoots, 7 - 1 a ¦, o "^ Sarah Eoots, ' [widows, Aug. 13. Samu,el Blakeley, Aug. 20. Mary, w. of John Orton, Aug. 20. 1728. Mary, w. of Joseph Squire, May 26. Nathaniel Sanford, Jr., July 14. Sarah, w. of Timothy Walker, Sept. 1. Ebenezer Down, Sept. 8. Dinah Down, " Titus Hinman, Sept. 15. EUzabeth, w. of John Hurd, Nov. 17. 1729. Martha, wife of Hezekiah Tuttle, March 9. John Hurd, March 16. Samuel Waller, May 18. Esther, his wife, " Eoger Karby, August 3. 820 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 1730. Timothy Minor, February 8. EUzabeth, his wife, " Isaac Tuttle, April 12. Prudence, his 'wife, " Abel Holebrook, April 19. Hezekiah Tuttle, Aug. 9. EUakim Stoddard, Sept. 27. 1731. David Bumham, March 28. Mercy, his wife, " Bethiah, wife of Lemuel Wheeler, AprU 4. jf Benjamin Hurd, Jr., Aug. 8. \l732. Maiy, w. of Isaac Tuttle, AprU 2. Matthew Minor, Dec 24. 1733. Lydia Hurlbut, March 18. Jonathan Atwood, AprU 29. Nathan Hurlbut, Sept. 23. EUzabeth, w. of Adam Hurd, Sept. 30. Sarah, w. of Hezekiah Wright, Oct. 7. Susanna, w. of Jeremlan Thomas, " 1734. John Hunt, Jan. 27. Joseph Martin, March 31. Peter WaUier, " Hannah, w. of Jonathan Atwood, March 31. Sarah, w. of David Leavenworth, AprU 7. Patience, w. of John Baker, Mar. 12. SaUnon Hurlbut, May 26. Abigail, his wife, " 1735. Martha, w. of Samuel Castle, Feb. 2. Caleb Martin, Feb. 2. Elizabeth, his wife, " Joshua Hurlbut, March 23. Comfort, his wife, " Edmund Tompkins, "April 6. Mary, w. of Peter Walker, April 6. Sarah Baker, AprU 6. Peter Minor, June 1. Hannah, w. of Edmund Tompkins, June 1. Mary, w. of John Minor, Sept. 14. Sarah, w. of Nathan Hurlbut, " 1736. John Warner, May 23. Jemima, his wife, " HeUenah, w. of Ebenezer AUen, May 30, Sarah, w. of Matthew Minor, Aug. 1. John Baker, y= aged, Sept. 6, Marah, w. of Nicholas ManviU, Sept. 5. Peter TerriU, Sept. 12. Henry Castie, 2d, Sept. 19, Hannah, his wife, " Abigail, w. of John Nichols, Oct S. Mary, w. of Gideon Walker, " 1737. - Mercy, w. of John BuU, of West Hartford, Jan, 16. Gideon WaUcer, Feb. 6. Eebecca, w. of Elnathan Judson, June 6. Phebe, w. of Daniel Curtiss, Aug. 5. Olive, w. of Gideon Stoddard, Sept. 4. Rhodat Sherman, Sept. 25. Joanna Porter, " John Eoyce, _ Oct. 2. Dorcas, his wife, " Hannah, w. of Matthew MitcheU, Oct. 16. Esther Prentice, Oct. 30. Elnathan Judson, Nov, 13. John Barrit, Nov. 28. 1738. John Ashmun, Feb. 12. Ephraim Smedley, June 25. Concurrence, his wife, " Susanna Minor, " Mary, w. of Jabez Castle, July 2. David Eoots, July 16. Elizabeth Squire, " Deborah Eoyce, July 30. "~».v^ Joanna Mitchell, " John Judson, Nov. 12. Sarah, his wife, " Luke Castle, " Mary, his wife, " Miriam, w. of David Foot, Dec. 3. 1739. AbigaU Porter, Jan. 21. Ruth Porter, Feb. 11. Sarah Porter, " Isaac HiU, Jr., April 8, Hezekiah Hooker, Jr., " Ann Clark, April 9. Mary Steel, " Adino Strong, Jr., May 27. Deborah, his ¦wife, June 10. Isaac HotchMss, " Reuben Avered, " HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 821 James Hooker, June 10. Joshua Guitteau, " Ebenezer Lewis, " Sarah, his wife, " Widow Tamar Baker, " Joseph Chiddenden, July 1. Sarah HoUister, July 22. Mary Eoots," " Phebe Smith, " Martha Squire, Aug: 5. Grace Squire, " Eunice MitcheU, " Josiah Avered, Aug. 12. Samuel Steele, " Sarah HiU, " Experience Hurlbut, Sept. 16. Submit HiU, ' Oct. 14. Lydia Warner, " Elijah Hurd, Dec. 9. AbigaU, his wife, " 1740. Olive Eoots, Jan. 13. Silence Warner, Jan. 27. Peter Mitchell, Feb. 3. Jesse Eoots, " Benajah Eoots, March 23. Tunothy MitcheU, " Daniel Munn, Sen., April 6. Gideon Eoots, April 27. Ephraim Minor, May 4. Mary, his wife, " Aaron Mallory, June 8. Hannah Martin, June 26. Mary TerriU, July 6. Joseph Hurd, July 13. Ann, his wife, " Eeuben Sherman, Aug. 3. Abijah Stoddard, " Eunice, his wife, " . Esther MitcheU, Aug. 24. 1741. Matthew MUlard, of Cornwall, Jan. Joseph Nichols, Jan. 25. Abigail Barker, March 8. Nathan Mitchell, April 5. Mary, his wife, " Thankful, w. of Jonathan EumriU, April 19. Elijah Judson, April 26. Enos MitcheU, " WilUam Martin, May 3. John Prentice, " Elijah Baker, Mav 10. Thankful, his wife, " Jerusha Sherman, May 31. EUzabeth Stoddard, " Mary Barnhamj June 7. Ephraim Baker, June 14. Eebecca, wife of Moses Hurlbut, June 14. Adam Hurd, July 9. Preserved Strong, " Gideon Stoddard, " John EumriU, " Joseph Minor, Jr., " Joseph Judson, Jr., " Jesse Baker, " Ahijah MitcheU, " Clement Minor, " Samuel Broughton, " Samuel Blakeley, " Benjamin Hinman, 3d, July 9. Elizabeth, wife of Aaron Hurlbut, July 9. Elizabeth, w. of Daniel Curtiss, July 9. Eebecca, w. of Thomas Squire, Jr., July 9. Phebe Thomas, July 9. Benjamin Hurd, 3d, " EUzabeth MaUory, Aug. 9. wmiam Harris, Aug. 23. Charles Thomas, " David Curtiss, Sept. 6. Esther Preston, " Sarah Crissey, " Elnathan Baker, Sept, 20. Mary Wheeler, " Elizabeth, w. of Capt. Masters, Nov. 1 . Sarah, w. of Ephraim Baker, " Jerusha, w. of Abraham Hurd, " 1742. Eunice Mallory, Jan. 10. Daniel Wakeley; " Friend Weeks, Jan. 24. Eachel, his wife, " Mary, wife of Nathaniel Hurlbut, Jan. 24. Mary Wellar, Jan. 24. Timothy Hurd, March 28. Tabitha, his frUe, " Euth Castle, " Moses Matthews, June 6. Nathaniel Hurd, Jr., " James Judson, " Mercy Martin, " ^Zebulon Leavenworth, June 27. Nathan Osborn, July 4. Timothy Terrill, " Amos Eoots, July 11. Joshua Hurd, " ' Francis Warner, July 11. Mary Baker, " Moses Hurlbut, July 18. 822 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Daniel Huribut, July 18. Elizabeth Warner, " Prudence Curtiss, " Samuel Jenner, July 26. Simeon Hurd, " Zadoc Huribut, " Sarah Castle, " Barbary Jenner, " Ann, w. of Timothy Culver, Aug. 1. TUley Blakeley, Aug. 8. Mary, his wife, " Samuel BeU, " Samuel, y' servant of Samuel Blake ley, Aug. 8. Eunice TerrUl, Aug. 29. Christopher Prentice, Oct. 3. Sarah Atwood, " Andrew^ Cooley, Oct. 17. Consider Hurlbut, Nov. 21. Gideon Hurlbut, Dec. 19. 1743. Jerusha Judson, Jan. 30. Betty Terrill, " Sarah, w. of Hatchetousy, an Indian, April 17. Nathan Warner, May 16. Daniel Hurd, July 17. Abraham Thomas, " Daniel Sherman, Nov. 6. Kezia Rice, Dec. 11. ' 1744. Daniel Castle, Jan. 8. ' Joseph Prentice, Sept. 9. Samuel Martin, Jr., " Ann, his wife, " 1745. Nathan Judson, Feb. 2. Mary, his wife, " 1747. Mt. Peter Curtiss, March. Mary, his wife, " EUzabeth, w. of John Eoots, April 5. 1Z48. Abner MaUory, Jan. 1 7. Susanna, his wife, " Betterus MitcheU, June 5. Seth Preston, Dec. 4. EUzabeth, his wife, " ' Asahel MitcheU, Dec. 18. 1749. Mary, w. of John Mallory, AprU 30. John MitcheU, Oct. 8. 1750. Sarah, w. of John MitcheU, Feb. 18. Dorcas, negro woman of Deacon Samuel Minor, "Sept. 16. 1752'. Esther, w. of Eldad Spencer, Feb. 2. Solomon Martin, AprU 12. John Stoddard, Dec. 10. Mary, his wife, " 1753. Gideon Hurd, March 4. Sarah, his wife, April 8. David Carr, July. David Sherman, Aug. 5. Hannah, his wife, " 1754. Tabitha, wife of Thomas Minor, March 31. James Minor, June 23. Jerusha, w. of Isaac Mitchell, Oct. IS. 1755. Nathan Minor, Feb. 23. 1756. Abia, w. of John Edwards, May 16. Mary, w. of James Minor, Aug. 1. Hezekiah Culver, Jr., Aug. 8. Simeon Stoddard, Sept. 26. 1767. Thomas BuU, Feb. 27. 1768. Sarah, w. of William Adee, Jan. 8. Josiah Minor, Feb. 12. Seth Minor, " Eunice, his wife, " 1759. Thomas Eoots, April 8. Prudence, wife of Amos Martin, April 22. 1760. Elizabeth, wife of Joseph Walker, Jan. 27. Hannah, wife of Daniel Judson, March 23. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 823 LIST OF PEESONS Who " owned the baptismal" or half-way " covenant," during Eev. Mr. Stoddard's mmistry, most of whose names have appeared In the foregoing Ust of members in full communion, having been subsequently received as such. 1708. Fja|ngig,.Stiles, July 11. IfcEnPierce, " John Skeeles, " Thomas Skeeles, " Valentine Prentice, " Samuel Sherman, " John Sherman, " Jonathan Judson, " Thomas Knowles, Joseph Hinman, " Samuel Minor, " Stephen Terrill, " Daniel Munn, " Jehiel Preston, " John Johnson, July 26. Ebenezer Squire, " Hannah MitcheU, " Mary MitcheU, " Sarah, wife of Nathaniel Hurlbut, July 25. Patience Jenner, July 25. Andrew Hinman, " And his wife, " John Hurd, 1712. John Burr, of Newtown, Sept. 21. 1713. HeUenah Bostwick, March 1. Hagar, negro maid of Rev. Anthony Stoddard, July 5. Hannah Minor, March 22. Benjamin Hurd, May 10. Al^gaU Prentice, May 24. Noah Hinman, " Hezekiah Tuttle, 1714. Thomas WeUar, April 4. EUzabeth Minor, April 11. Anna Huthwitt, May 30. Hannah, w. of Benjamin Hurd, Jr., May 30. Susanna, w. of Jeremiah Thomas, May 30. Samuel Hicock, Dec 1. 1715. Sarah, w. of John Skeeles, March 6. Eichard Brownson, Deo. 3. 1716. Moses Johnson, June 17. Prudence, his wife, " 1717. Samuel Martin, May 19. And his wife, " Jeremiah Thomas, Deo. 1. 1720. Josiah Walker, July 24. Phebe, his -wife, " 1724. Mary Harriss, Aug. 30. 1726. Thomas Drakeley, March 27. Eichard Peet, June 26. Sarah, his wife, " Daniel Judson, July 3. 1727. Matthew Mitchell, AprU 16. Samuel Munn, July 2. 1728. Solomon Squire, June 23. Martha, his wife, " Thomas Pierson, Deo. 8. Ruth, his wife, Dec. 8. 1729. John Curtiss, Feb. 2. Abia Curtiss, Feb. 2. Sarah TerriU, June 29. Lydia Hurlbut, July 6. 1730. Sarah Minor, Sen., March 1. Wait Hinman, March 8. Lemuel "Wlieeler, June 7. Benjamin Wheeler, Aug. 2. 1731. Eleazer Hinman, Feb. 21. John Squire, May 9. 1732. Adam Hurd, June 25. EUzabeth, his wife, June 25. Emna, w. of John Sherman, June 19. Ebenezer Warner, July 23. 824 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. Mary, wife of J6hu Minor, July 30. Salmon Hurlbut, Nov. 12. Sarah Baker, Jun., Deo. 24. 1733. John Ashmun, Nov. 4. . 1734. David Squire, Feb. 4. Mary Munn, June 16. N"athan Curtiss, Aug. 26. Martha, his -vrife, Aug. 26. Adino Strong, Sept. 8. Deborah, his -wife, Sept. 8. Ephraim Baker, Nov. 3. Sarah, his wife, Nov. 3. 1735. Remember Baker, Jan. 26. Tamar, his wife, Jan. 26. Gideon Stoddard, Feb. 2. Olive, his wife, " John Eoyce, " Dorcas, his Trife, " David Foot, May 4. ^ 1736. Thomas Squire, Jr., May 9. Moses Hurlbut, July 26. Eebecca, his wife, July 25. 1738. Jabez Castle, Feb. 26. Mary, his wife, Feb. 26. 1739. Daniel Castle, Dec. 2. EUzabeth, his wife, Deo. 2. 1740. Elijah Baker, Jan. 6. 1741. Samuel Broughton, March 22. OUver Atwood, March 22. Zadoc Clark, July 19. Mercy, his wife, July 19. 1747. Peter Hurd, Dec 20. 1748. Enos Beech, July 10. 1749. John Masters, July 16. . 1751. Daniel Beers, May 5. Samuel Sherman, Aug. 18. David Hunt, Jr., Oct. 27. Isaac Judson, Jr., Dec 15. 1752. Gideon MaUory, March 8. WUUam Adee, April 26. Benjamin Squire, May 24. AbigaU, his wife. May 24. 1753. Elijah Atwood, Jan. 28. Solomon Stoddard, Oct. 28. Elisha Walker, Sept. 9. Joseph Walker, Nov. 4. , 1755. EUsha Judson, March 2. Thomas Smith, March 2. Zadoc Hurd, March 9. Adonijah Eoots, May 18. Eichard Smith, May 18. John Edwards, Nov. 30. Abia, his wife, Nov. 30. Daniel Judson, Dec. 21. 1766. Daniel FalrchUd, AprU 25. Amos Martin, June 6. 1757. Nathan Jackson, Jan. 16. Benjamin Galpin, May 8. Sarah, wife of Wm. Adee, Oct. 30. David 'Stoddard, Nov. 6. Nathan Baldwin, Nov. 13. Elisha Martin, Dec. 18. 1758. Gideon Martin, Jan. 22. Ephraim Baldwin, Jan. 22. Samuel Galpin, Jr., March 26. Benjamin Minor, April 2. Margaret, wife of Abraham Hill, July 23. John Munn, Aug. 6. Sarah, w. of John WUkinson, Aug. 6. Isaiah GUbert, Dec. 21. 1769. Isaac Minor, June, 3. Mary, his wife, June 3. John Marchant, June 10. Widow Lucy Baldwin, Sept. 30. Samuel Squire, Oct. 14. Jemima, his wife, Oct. 14. John Manvm, Dec. 23. Elizabeth, his wife, Dec. 23. HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 825 1760. Daniel Perry, Jr., AprU 27. End of admissions under Eev. Mr. Stoddard, who died Sept. 6, 1760, in the 83d year of his age, and 61st of his ministry. 1760. David Minor, Nov. 9. Benjamin Minor, " Isaac Judson, Jr., " Amos Martin, Nov. 30. Gideon Mallory, ' Thomas Leavenworth, Deo. 7. 1761. Zadoc Hurd, Jun., Jan. 11. David Stoddard, Feb. 8. ^^laiah GUbert, Feb. 15. "Elisha Judson, March 7. Thomas Smith, " Daniel Beers, March 8. Elisha Martin, " John Munn; April 19. Reuben Minor, May 10. Eachel, wife of Matthew Minor, May 10. Adonijah Eoots, May 16. Samuel Galpin, Jr., " Lydia, wife of Benj. Minor, July 5. Abiel Linsley, July 26. Thankful, Hs wUe, " Elizabeth, wife of John Manville, Aug. 9. Asahel Martin, Aug. 23. Mary, wife of John Stoddard, Nov. 1. Ann, wife of Asahel Martin, " 1762. Elijah Atwood, Jan. 24. Ephraim Baldwin, April 8. Ebenezer Thomas,. May 2. Daniel Culver, June 6. Anna, wife of John Demmon, June 6. Ann, w. of Hezekiah Culver, July 18. Samuel Squire, Aug. 15. Moses Galpin, " 1763. MiUe, w. of EUsha Walker, Jan. 23. Phebe, w. of Dani# Fairchild, May 29 Anne, w. of Dea. Jehu Minor, June 12. Benjamin Judson, Nov. 20. 1764. Solomon Stodflard, Feb. 26. / 68 Joanna Peet, April 8. Bethel Lyon, May 20. Jemima, his wife, " Sarah, w. of Reuben Sherman, Aug. 12. Mabel, w. of John Eoots, Sept. 2. Elisha Walker, Dec. 2. 17'65. Gideon Martin, April 17. Gideon Stoddard, Jr., Nov. 10. 1766. Gideon Minor, March 9. Euth, w. of Jonathan FrankUn, Aug. 31. 1767. Jonas Martin, April 12. Lydia, w. of James Burgess, Aug. 9. Charles Taylor, Aug. 23. 1768. Mary, w. of Caleb Tuttie, Feb. 14. Gilbert Minor, Feb. 21. Dr., Henry SkUton, from Southington, July 31. Mary, w. of Samuel Martin, Nov. 6. 1769, Martha, w. of Wm. Cressey, May 28. James Tyler, Oct. 22. And his wife, " Widow Elizabeth Mitchell, Nov. 19. Mary, w. of Dea. Jehu Minor, Dec. 3. 1770. Nathan Mallory, Deo. 2. 1771. Nathan Pierce, March 3. Martha Judson, " John Minor, " Timothy Minor, " Chapman Judson, " EU Stoddard, " James Smith, " Lampson MitcheU, " Eeuben Mallory. Ehoda, w. of Eev. Noah Benedict, May 5. Abia, w. of Sam. Galpin, Jr., June 2. Lucy, w. of Joseph Wheeler, Sept. 1. Nathan Stoddard, " Andrew Blackman, " Sarah Judson, " Mary, w. of David Stoddard, " PhUlip Pond, Jr. 826 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Nathan Atwood, Sept, 1. Eebecca, w.of Gideon Stoddard, Dec. Oliver Sanford, " 10. Jeremiah Burton, " ^ 1781. Mary, w. of Isaac Judson, Jr., " g ^^ ^ of David Curtiss, Jr., Feb. Mary, w. of Edward Pond, " ^'^ JuUa, w, of David Sherman, " jy^^ jj^j^j^j Huntington, June 10, Phebe, w. of Daniel Cnssey, Sept, 15, goi^mon Minor, Henry Cramer, Dec 1. Levi, negro servant of Peter Walker. 1 782. J y ^2 AbigaU, w. of Asahel Martin, June 16. ,.1^ • , TXT -r ,,» Isaiah Roots, Aug. 18. Ann, w. of Daniel Warner, Jan. 1 9. gyganna, w. of Aaron Sanford, Sept. Adam Minor, March 1. 29. DeUverance, w.of Andrew Blackman, prudence Minor, Oct. 27. „ Ji^?'^^^ ^- Mary, w. of Samuel-Minor, Dec. 1. H. HiU, June 7. And his wife, June 7. 1783. Huldah Hotchkiss, Sept. 6. Aner, w. of James Minor, June 22. Ann, w. of Capt. Nathan Hurd, Nov. 8. Annis, w. of Capt. Nathaniel MitcheU, Eunice, wife of Nathan Stoddard, Oct. 6. Dec. 6. Lydia, wife of Capt. Nathan Hurd, 1773. Oct. 26. Ann, w. of Elisha Stoddard, Feb. 14. Phebe, w.ofMatthew Minor, Nov. 23. Matthew Minor, March 7. j .^g4_ 1 7 74. EUzabeth, w. of Jesse Roots, May 30. Elijah Martin, Feb. 27, Richard Bradley, Aug. 22. ' Patience Jenner, March 6. Olive, his wife, " AbigaU, w. of John De Forest, May Susanna Minor, " 29, Mehetabel Turner, " Martha, w. of David Atwood, Aug. 28, Esther, wife of Amos Leavenworth, EUphalet Easton, Dec. 4. Sept. 1 2. Wife of Thaddeus Minor, Dec. 4. Benj^imin Eastman, Oct. 17. _-, Elizabeth, his wife, " Mary, w. of Simeon Minor, Dec. 6. Wife of Thomas Mallory, Sept. 24. • 1776. 1^85. Experience, w. of PhilUp Pond, Feb. Hope, w.of Timothy TernU, Aug, 14. 1 78fi Widow Deborah Judson, Dec. 29. ,_.. , „ i j -i. ¦««• n." nr x. «/. Widow Huldah Malby, March 26. 1777. Jacob Cleaveland, Nov. 16. ^'^^''^ .. __Q Thomas Andrus, Jan. 21. „.,,,'.. Lois, his wife, " Mary, w. of Lt. John Marfan, Apr. 22. Esther Minor, Sept. .27. 1788. Lydia, w. of Abiel Linsley, Dec. 6. Widow Charlotte Judson, Feb. 24. j^yyg Lee TerriU, June 1. Tu- T i_ -lu-i. 1. 11 nT or. Betty, w. of Dea. Josiah Minor, Aug. 3. Mr. ^shis MitcheU May 30. Matthew Sherman, Dec 7. ^ SaKs^" Elizabeth, his wife! " 1780. 1789. Mary, w. of Solomon Minor, April 9. Caleb Abernethy, March 1. Azuba, w. of Jeremiah Chapman, Asenah, ¦Wife of Jeremiah Burton, June 18. ' Sept. 6. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 827 1790. 1797. Phebe, w. of Stephen HuU, May 30. Nabby, wife of Rev. Noah Benedict, Hannah,, w. of Benj. Andrus, " March 6. ., .„., . Mary Hurd, March 5. ,, ^ , ,V Elizabeth, w.of Jehiel Preston, Mar. 5. John Prudden, March 6. Mary, his wife, " ^ 798. Lydia, w, of Benj, Judson, Sept. 11. Solomon Sherman, Dec. 30. 1792. 1799, Widow Emm Judson, June 3, Eobert Crow, Jr., May 5. Love MaUory, " SybU Huntington, " l^O*^- Edward Pond, Aug, 19. Thomas Olcott, March 2. Adoniram Minor, " And his ¦wife, " Patience, his wife, " Lydia, w. of Noah B. Benedict, Esq., Benjamin Minor, Nov. 11. June 1. Seth Minor, Jr., " Faith Martin, (now Uving,) June 1. Eunice Minor, " ' , £,„, Esther Minor, " ,. - , „ \r . Phebe, w. of Capt. Anthony Strong, 5*?'®^ ^?:'r°°' March 1. Nov 12. Eebecca, his w., (now Uving,) Mar. 1, Benjamin Judson, Jr., Nov. 25, Samuel Dean, Oct. 6. 1793, 1802, David Atwood, Feb, 24. Gideon Judson, Feb. 21. Capt. Joseph Peck, AprU 21. Susanna, wife of Ebenezer Moody, Hannah, hid wife, " „, ^eb. 21- Homster Judson, June 2. Rhoda, w. of WUham Minor, Feb. 21. Isaac Bunce " Mary, w. of Wm. Preston, May 9. Thankful, wife of Eeuben Hotchkiss, Rebecca, w. of Nath'l Bacon, " June 2. Jonathan Judson, June 6. Anna, wife of Jehiel Preston, Jr., Ruth, his wUe, " jmjg 2. Ruth Emm, w. of Capt. Abijah Mitch- Widow Ruth Curtiss, July 1. „ ' eU, June 6. Lt. John Strong, July 21. Po^. '^^ of John D. Leavenworth, Sarah his wife " June 6. Jemu^a, w. of Amos Roots, Jr., July Anna, w. of Wiffiam Lord, June 6. 21 Asa CogshaU, June 27. Noah Pond, Oct. 27. ^,°'^?V"'®' r t'^ i»t-. i. ii t EUzabeth, w. of John MiteheU, Jr., "94- Aug.l. Mulford Cban, June 29. Anna, w. of SeUeck Galpin, Sept. 5. ' Mary, his 'wife, " Eunice, formerly the wife of Joseph Noah Minor, (Dea. in Norfolk, oldest Walker, Jr., Nov. 7. Uving admission to this church,) Oct. 5. loUd. Concurrence, w. of Truman Martin, Mrs. Rebecca, -mfe of Jabez Bacon, Nov. 9. Feb. 27. Anna Castie, Nov. 9. 1804. 1796. Mercy Drakeley, Sept. 30. Mercy Tyler, Jan. 4. 1805. Sarah, w. of Daniel Cogshall, May 10. Anthony Minor, (now Uving,) June 2. DamelTuti;le, Sept. 6. Mercy Ann Warner, Aug. 4. AbigaU, w. of James HaU, Dec. 6. jjannah, w. of Capt. James Judson, 1796. Aug. 4. Betty Hurlbut, Nov. 27. SaUy, w. of Asa Minor, Sept. 22. 828 HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 1806. Judson Minor, June 2. Joanna,w. of Jehiel Preston, Feb. 2. Electa Minor, , " Sally,w.of Capt. Jesse Minor, Feb. 23. Juliana Frankhn, (Mrs. Sherman Chloe, w. of Reuben Judson, Mar. 2. Wamej,) June 2. Peter MitcheU, June 1. Rosanna Frankhn, (Mrs. Justus Mi- Phebe, his wife, " nor, Ohio,) June 2. Widow Mary Hobson, July 27. Phebe, wife of "Wheeler Kirtiand, (Mrs. Upson,) June 2. l^"''- Susan Minor, (Mrs. Wm. P. Curtiss,) Olive, -wife of Ephraim Minor, (now Sept. 10. living,) Aug. 30. Abraham Tuttie, (out west,) Nov. 3. ,gQo Anna, his wife, Nov. 3. . , . ,,. -r ,' » Mary Bunce, (Mrs. B. H. Andrews, Adoniram Mmor, July 3. Waterbury,) Nov. 3. Patieiice, his wife, 1809. 1812. Thaddeus Minor, Feb. 26. ^"° Ju/|6*'°'' -^'°" Hamden,) Sie?Fral'klI„, May"28. Sarah7homas, Aug.^23. Mabel, his wife, " 1813. Asa Judson, " QUve, w. of Anthony Minor, Jan. 3. Sarah, his wife, " Huldah Warner, (Mrs. Aaron" Mallo- StUes Curtiss, " ry Canada ) Jan. 3. Sarah, his wife, (oldest Uving member _,,',.' , t. of this church ) May 28. ^^°- o^ admissions under Eev. Noah Justus Minor ' " Benedict, who died AprU 20, 181-3, Aden Maltby', " aged 75 years. Euth, w. of John ManviUe, (now liv- l8ig ing,) July 23. Wait Minor, ' July 18. 1810. Susan, his wife, " Capt. Jesse Minor, Feb. 11. ArmUla, w. of Eeuben Walker, " --Dea. ScovUle Hinman, (now Uving,) 0\iy&, w. of Eeuben Mallory, " Feb. 11. Marcus D. Mallory, " Isaac Martin, June 3. Betsey MaUory, (Mrs. Asahel Strong,) Mary, his wife, " Julia Preston, (Mrs. Judson Blaok- Sylva, w. of EUsha Crane, Aug. 26. nian,) July 18. Sheldon Minor, Aug. 26. Susan De Forest, (Mrs. Ira Strong,) WUUam P. Curtiss, (afl;erward Epis- July 18- copal clergyman at Staten Isl- Percy, wife of Judson Sherman, Oct and,) Aug. 26. 25. Abijah M. Minor, Aug. 26, Eunice Vining, Aug. 30. Diana, w. of Moses Clark, " Asahel Strong, " ^**^^- s Benjamin H Andrews, (Waterbury,) Maria Curtiss, (Mrs. Truman Orton,) Aug. 26. July 3. Nancy Minor, July 3. ^'*"- Esther Strong, (Mrs. Hm, Ohio,) Anna, 'wife of Isaac Bunce, (Ohio,) July 3. March 3. Eliza Beers, (Mrs. James Preston,) Wheeler Kirtland, June 2. July 3. AbigaU Huntington, " Jennet MaUory, (Mrs. Stoddard Concurrence Curtiss, (wife of Eev. Strong,) July 3. -- Philo Judson,) June 2. Horace Minor, " Keziah Walker, (wid. Asa Judson,) Laura, w. of Eev. Henrv P. Strone, June 2. Julys. ' ^' HISTORY OP ANCIENT WOODBURY. 829 t AbigaU, w. of Marcus D. Mallory, Jonathan Lumm, (Oxford,) July 1. July S. And lUs wife, July 1. , Sally Pollard, Sept. ^ Anna PhilUps, (colored,) Sept. , ^^^l- Dea. Judson Blackman, "' Wid. ZiUah Nettleton, June 10. Patience, his wife, " Wid. Lucy MitcheU, (Mrs. Olcott, Betsey, w. of Ezra Beecher, Sept. June 10. Anna, w. of Peter Hibbard, Nov. 6. Elisha Minor, Aug. 5. Wife of David Minor, " Louiza, w. of Enoch Hayes, Aug. 26. Melissa, w. of Sheldon Minor, " Wid. Esther?Munn, Aug. 26. Timothy Csesar, (colored,) ' " Reuben MaUory, Oct. 7. And his wife, (colored,) " Stoddard Strong, " , „, ¦ Polly„May, (Mrs. Tyler,) Oct. 14. ^°^°- Yarmouth Chatfield, (colored,) Oct. EUzabeth, wife of Truman Eoot, 28. (Southington,) July 2. Elizabeth, his wife, (colored,) Oct. 28, AUce, wife of Daniel Mallory, (col- Mary, w. of Eev. Samuel E. An- ored,) Jidy 2. drew, Nov. 2. Samuel Steele, Sept. 17. ^ ^ 1822. Gilbert Somers Minor, Jan. 6. Phebe, w.of Capt. Anthony Strong, Sabrina, his wife, " July 5. John Curtiss, " Sheldon Minor, Oct. 20. Maria, his wUe, " , And his wife, " Eufus J. Bunce, (Ohio,) " Igl-; EU Summers, " -Di,- a -il. T 1 i D Amasa Curtiss, (Maine,) " Phmeas Smith, July 13 Willys Lambert,^ '' Dr. Hiram Bunce (Ohio,) July 13. ^-^^f^^ jj^^^^^ Mary w of Jacob Bunce, Cyrus Pierce, (Ohio,) " Thankful, w. of Simeon Pierce, " Bennet Minor Nathaniel Smith, (Judge Sup. Ct.,) pyj^^^^ ^_ of Joseph Minor, Jan. 6. Susan, w. of Dr. Sam- J- Andrews, 1818. ' (North Carolina,) Jan. '6. Euth, his wife, Jan. 4. Flora, w. of Hezekiah Booth, Jan. 6. SaUy Chidsey, (Mrs. EUsha Minor,) Maria, w. of William G. Moseley, Jan. 4. (Maine,) Jan. 6. Clarinda Eoot, (Mrs. Towner of Ox- Mary Knapp, " ford,) Jan. 4., Mary Northrop, (N. Y.,) Jan. 6. SaUy Eoot, " Irene Northrop, (N. Y.,) " Mabel Munn, " Sabra ManviUe, Charity Tuttie, (Mrs. White, South- Lorena ManviUe, (New Haven,) bury,) Jan. 4. Jan. 6. Wife of Levi Eichards, July 5. Ann Sherman, Jan. 6. Euth Ann, w. of Hermon Stoddard, Amelia Nichols, (Mrs. Eli Summers,) July 5. Jan. 6. JuUa Lambert, (Mrs. Anthony C. Lura Minor, (Mrs. PhUo Pierce,) Strong,) July 5. Jan. 6. Wife of David Gilbert, (Kent,) Sept. Harriet Minor, (Mrs. Benj. Hinman,) 27. • Jan. 6. 1819. Mary Summers, (Wid. . H. J. Lins- Betsey Beers, July 3. .^ ^®,?''^t^™' ^"^-.t ,^ , -, Samuel Robbins, (N. Y.) Sept. 5. , Parnella Pierce, (Mrs. Dr. Andrews, Fanny his wife " missionary at Sandwich Islands,) Jan.! 6. 1820. wife of Nathaniel^Gray, Jan. 6. Margaret, w. Stephen Topliff", (Mass.,) George MiUer, (went to Hartford,) Jan. 2. July 7. 830 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. George H. Cable, (went west,) July 7. Maria Manvme, Jan. 6. "Wid. Martha Mallory, " Jane .Minor, (Mrs. Sackett, Ohio,) Joanna, w. of Wm. Summers, " Jan. 6. Charlotte Minor, (Wid. Charles Jud- Margaret DeForest, (Mrs. Henry son,) July 7. Lambett,) Jan. 6. Susan Sherman, (Mrs. Thomas Bull,) Sally J. Bunce, " July 7. Fanny Pierce, (Mrs. Sturtevant, Clarissa Chatfield, (colored,) [July 7. Ohio,) Jan. 6. . gno Andrew Minor, March 3. .,„.,„ -r^ ,, '-r Hermon Stoddard, " Wid. Betsey Dudley, Jan. 19. Davldv Summers, Mary Ann W., w. of N. B. Smith, La^^a P., w. of Marcus DeForest, July 6. March 3. Laura, w. of H. J. Linsley, July 6. g^Uy, w. of Geo. W. DeWolf, Mar. 3. 1824. -Amy, w. of Jesse P. Lambert, May 3. Euth May, (Mrs. James ManvUle,) f""^- Tompkms, '' Julv 11 Susan, w. of Dea. Judson Blackman, AbigaU Huntington, Oct. 10. Ada, w^of Edward DeForest, May 3. 1825. Harriet, w. of Truman Minor, " Aaron MaUory, (Canada,) Sept. 11. Betsey, w. of Stephen EosweU, " Temperance, w. of Daniel Warner, !**''''¦ July 6. Dr. EosweU Abernethy, Nov. 4. AbigaU Harrison, (Waterbury,) Dec. Anna, his wife, " 21. 1827, 1829, Harvy J, Linsley, May 6. Mary, w. of James DeForest, Aug, 9, EUza, w. of WUlys Lambert, May 6, Terrissa Eay, (Mrs. Charles Peck, 1830. out west,) May 6. Timothy C. Steele, Feb. 21. Benjamin D, Beecher, (Prospect,) Hannah, his wife, " . ^^\^- -^ AT . 1831. Aureha, his wife. May 6. wi. -m- t i o Anthony Strong, Sen., Nov. 4. ?i!f.f^°!'l,^f "t.'.i^'^o^ Benjamin Andrews, Jehiel Preston, Jesse P. Lambert, Stephen AUen, Mary, his wife, Wid. Anna Sherman, Jane MaUory, July 2. John Strong, Jr., Sept. 4. Nathaniel Benedict Smith, Sept. 4. Thomas BuU, " Loren Forbes, " WiUiam Johnson, (out west,) SaUy,w.ofSQlomonSherman,Nov.4. Mazon L. Buggies, (Bridgewater,) Laura, w. of Samuel Steele, " ^. f ^P*;/- .,, „ , , PoUy, w. of Asa MitcheU, " Pmet P. ManviUe, Sept. 4. Charies J. Blackman, (Ohio,) Sept. 4, 1828. Widow Esther Perkins, " Charles Judson, Jan. 6. SaUy Miles, Sept. 4, Abel Benedict, " Ehoda Dean, " Thomas D, Mallory, (Bridgeport,) Polly Ann Prindle, Sept. 4. Jan. 6. Fanny, w. of WiUiam Perry, (Ohio,) Albert MaUory, Jan. 6. Sept. 4. Henry Lambert, " Augusta Drakeley, (Mrs. Orlin Eood, Seth Strong, " of Wisconsin,) Sept. 4. Shelden Summers, " Augusta Sherman, (Mrs. Fairchild, Alma, w. of John DeForest, Jan. 6. Oxford, Sept. 4. OUve Drakeley, Jan. 6. Susan AUen, (Mrs. SUas Tuttle, of Cornelia DeForest, (Mrs. S. M. En- Middlebury, Sept. 4. sign,) Jan. 6. EUza Stoddard, (Mrs. Treat,) Sept. 4. HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 831 Laura Stoddard, (Mrs, P, A. Judson,) Sylvia Chatfield, (colored,) Sept. 6. Sept. 4. Widow Elizabeth Bull, Nov. 1. Mrs. Lucretia Woodrufi", Oct. 16. EUza Curtiss, Nov. 1. Nancy Peters, (colored,) " Jared S. Baldwin, Nov. 22, Truman Parker, Nov. 6. AmeUa, his wUe, " Samuel Nettieton, " Stephen Allen, Jr., " ^^ . i836. Leman PhiUips, (colored,) Nov. 6. ^^"^j ^- of David Summers, Feb. 1 5. EUza, w. of Solomon Strong, Jr., " Horace Hurd, March 6. Harriet A, Lambert, (Mi-s. Seth 5v ?^'^°''' (^^y™°"*^') ^^^ ^*- Strong, Nov, 6. EUza, his wife, " Emily A. Lambert, (Mrs. Charles 1837, Curtiss, Nov. 6. ht m- i ^i it ^^i '. -i-, i EUzabetii Leavenworth, (wife of ^f ' "^^5?^!*^ ^^^l^*/"^' ^^^^ Hon. C. Delano, New -York talcott Norton, March. city, Nov. 6. ;^°^^''?J^^' . „„ Nancy Eeynolds, Nov. 6. Truman Mmor, Aug. 30. Sally, w. of EUsha Minor, (Fair ^f y- ™^°Y^^«°;S^^'°°.'^' ?ept-«- Haven,) Dec 11. Charles Kirtland, (California,) Nov. 1832. 1838. Thadeus Crammer, March 4. Hannah Chappel, (Mrs. Isaac Smith,) And nis wite, " Ja^ 7_ Pinet Thomas, (Ohio,) •• Erastus Minor, March 4. 1833. Melinda, his wife, " Mrs. Betsey Mather, '(Mrs. Curtiss,) folomon Strong, " March 7 ^^^^ Strong, " Maria Drakeley, (Mrs. Newcomb, HenJj'g^trtisl*^""'^ ^^''"^ *" ''^ ' ' Caroline, wife of Drake Prentice, 1835. March 4. Widow Susan Sperry, July 5. Eunice, w.of AbelBenedict,March 4. Sophia Sperry, " Laura S. Steele, (Mrs. "Wmiam E. Widow Clara Leavenworth, (Ohio,) Woodrufi",) March 4. July 5. CaroUne Sherman, (Mrs. Smith, of Mrs. Alza Proctor, July 6. Oxford,) March 4. Jennet, wife of Harvey Lambert, EUza Kirtland, (Mrs. Platt, Water- (Ohio,) July 5. bury,) March 4. Eunice, w.of Norman Parker, July 5. Martha J. Strong, (Mrs. Benjamin Fanny Dudley, (Mrs. GUlet, Eox- S. Curtiss,) March 4. bury, July 5. Joseph Nettieton, March 14. Cornelia Dudley, (Mrs. Jeremiah Abraham Smith, March 18. Peck,) July 6. Mrs. Nancy Lum, AprU 25. Mary E. Smith, (Mrs. John J. Marcus D. MaUory, returned by MoneU, Newburg, N. Y.) July 5. letter. May 6. Harriet M. Orton, July 5. AbigaU, his wife, returned by letter, Sophia Strong, (w. of Eev. Austin May 6. Isham, Eoxbury,) July 5. Samuel Sherman, May 6. Augusta Mallory, (Mrs. Willys George W. DeWolf, " Judd, of Danbury, July 5. Andrew P. Potter, " Sybil Chatfield, (colored,) " Bennett U. Strong, (Wisconsin,) Betsey M. Morriss, i(colored,) July 5. May 6. George Hitchcock, July 19. Myron Hitchcock, May 6. , And his wife, " Hiram Manvme, " Rhoda, w. of Truman Parker, Sept. 6. Benjamin Kirtland, " Peggy Root, Sept. 6. Sarah MaUory, (Mrs. Wood, New PoUy MaUory, " Orleans,) May 6. 832 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. Harriet Morriss, (.Mrs. Thomas Up son,) May 6. Elijah Judson, July 1. Phineas A. Judson, July 1. Sarah Curtiss, (Mrs. Benjamin S. EusseU,) July 1. Mary, w. of Stephen AUen, July 1. 1839. wmiam Peck, May 5. Samuel Minor, (Ohio,) May 5. Abner Munson, May 19. And his wife, " Widow AbigaU Hurlbut, May 19. Mrs. Eunice Camp, June 22. Wife of WUUam Peck, Sept 16. Amanda, w. of Chauncey N. Castle, Sept. 15. 1840. JuUa, w. of Silas Chapin, Feb. 23. EUza, w. of Albert Manvme, May 3. Mary, w. of Merrit Platt, " James S. Orton, (Geneseo, N. Y.,) Sept. 5. yf"- ¦ Widow Flora Strong, Sept. 5.' Harriet Hurlbut, " 1842. AureUa Beebe, Jan. 23. Mary EUzabeth Andrew, (wife of Eev. Ml-. Altchison,) May 1. Charlotte Rogers Andrew, v Charles C. MitcheU, July 3. Samuel M. MaUory, " Henry P. Strong, (Bridgeport,) July 3. Marcus DeForest, Jr., July 3. Mary, w. of Sheldon Summers, July 3. Mary J. Steele, (Mrs. Wimam Coth ren,) July 3. Augusta Thompson, July 3. AbigaU DeForest, (Mrs. John A. Candee,) July 3. Elsie Ann Chappel, July 3. Augusta Booth, " Fanny Mallory, Mary A. Hull, (Mrs. James E. Thomas,) Sept. 11. Clarissa Glazier, " 1843. EU B. Sperry, March 19. EmUy S., w. of James S. Orton, Aug. EUzabeth, wife of Henry S. Curtiss, December. . 1844. EmeUne Perkins, Jan. Sydney B. Whitlock, July 7. Mary, his wife, " EUza F. Whitlock, 1845. Joseph B. Beadle, July 6. Daniel S. Lemon, " Eunice P., his wife, " Eunice, w. of Asa MitcheU, J41y 13. Caroline, wife of Barlow EusseU, Aug. 17. Catherine E. EusseU, (Mrs. A. P. Lyon,) Aug. 17. Olive J. Parker, Sept. 21. 1846. 'AmeUa C, w. of F. M. Minor, Jan. 4. EU Strong, And his wife. End of admissions under Eev. Mr. Andrew, who resides In New Haven, Conn. 1847. Mrs. Eebecca Jackson, Jan. 1. Mrs. Clarissa Nettleton, (colored, returned by letter,) March 1. EmUy M. Strong, (Mrs. Bennet A. Sherman,) Sept. 5. Harriet M. Curtiss, (Mrs. James H. Linsley,) Sept. 5. Susan F.' DeWolf, " Sarah E. DeWolf, " 1848. Harriet, w. of Henry Lambert, Jan. 2. Harriet ManviUe, " Henry T. Mygatt, Feb. 27. Fidelia Chatfield, Nov. 6. Betsey A., wife of Enos Benham, Nov. 26. 1849. Mrs. Emily C, w. of Eev. Lucius Curtis, Jan. 6. Mrs. Lutheria C. wife of George Betts, Feb. 4. Mrs. Maria Finley,,Feb. 11. Charles H. Bradway, March 25. Eunice, his wife, " EUzabeth, w. of Horace C. Baldwin, April 29. Edmund Trowbridge, Sept. 16. Esther L.,-his wife, " HISTORY OF ANCIENT WOODBURY. 833 Philo M.Trowbridge, Sept. 16. Sarah E., his wife, " Fanny C. Trowbridge, " Mary Eoot, wife of Nathaniel L. Strong, Nov. 25. 1860. July 7. Widow Fanny Summers, Cornelia Booth, " EmUy J. Minor, (Mrs. Enos Ben ham,) July 7. Wimam Cothren, " Benjamin Fabrique, " John E. Strong, " David S. BuU, Merrit Platt, Frederick P. Pond, " George DeForest, " George Drakeley, " Laura M., his wife, " George H. Bacon, Sept. 1. Enos Benham, " Sophia E. Benedict, " Mary A., w. of George DeForest, " EUzabeth M. Hurlbut, " Frances A. Hurlbut, " Martha Hinman, (Mrs. F. P. Pond,) Sept. 1. Wmys E. Hurd, Sept. 1. Harriet E. Judson, " James H. Linsley, " Loiza M., w. of Charles C. Mitchell, Sept. 1. Betsie S. Mallory, " " PauUna, w. of Hiram Manvme, " EUen Osborn, Sept. 1. Eansom S. Eeynolds, " EUzabeth, wife of Charles P- Strong, Sept. 1. Mary E. Strong, " Willys A. Strong, " Nathaniel L. Strong, " Truman Smith, " Cornelia Smith, " Catherine Smith, " Charles A. Summers, " CeceUa F., his wife, " Duncan P. Whitiook, " Cornelia Summers, Nov. 3. Catharine A. HuU, " Augusta E. Nettieton, " Sarah B. Nettieton, " Mary J. Nettieton, " Charlotte M. Lambert, " JuUa E. BuU, Henry P. Summers, " WUliam E. Towner, " Truman S. Minor, " 1851. Edwin S. Lemon, Feb. 26. Charlotte, wife of George B. Lewis, June 29. 1B53. Maria J. Lambert, Mayl. Lucinda Banks, May 15. Eoxy Hurd, Sept. 4, Julia W. Fox, ll EUza Eeynolds, tl INDEX OF NAMES. Abernethy, Doot. EosweU, 345, 466, 479. Abernethy, J. J., 466, 477. AUen, Gen. Ethan, 183,273, 412, 506. Allen, Col. Ira, 475. Ambler Family, 601. Andrew, Eev. Samuel E., 805, 466, 478. Andrew, Samuel "W., Esq., 466, 478. Andrews, Dr. Sam. A., 466. Andross, Sir Edmond, 76. Atwood Family, 490. " Dr. Jonathan, 66, 35, 466, 490. Atwood, Eev. Anson S., 466, 477, 495. Atwood, Dr. Garwood H., 323, 351, 466, 477, 499, 597. , Atwooa, D. S., Esq., 495. " Curtiss, 477. " Henry C, 466. Averill Family, 484. - " Augustin, Esq., 487. B. Bacon Family, 516. " Jabez, 351. " Daniel, Esq., 328, 427. Bacon, Eev. "Wm. T., 354, 466, 477, 518. Backus, Eev. Azel, 253, 478, 466. Backus, Fred. P., 477. Babbitt, Eev. P. T., 292, 467, 478. Baker Family, 502. " Eemember, 156. " Capt. Eemember, 183, 273, 427. Battell Family, 508. Baldwin^ Dr- N. C, 467. " Eev. "Wm., 467, 478. Bellamy Family, 507. " Eev. Joseph/241, 245, 249, 467, 478. BeUamy, Jonathan, Esq., 467, 474. Bellamy, Hon. Joseph H., 355, 467, 477, Bellamy, Eev. David, 467. Benedict, Eev. Noah, 301, 303, 466. Benedict, Hon. Noah B., 306, 357, 466, 478, 476. Benedict, Col. Thos., 466. " Bennet, M. D., 475. Beaumont, Petre, 165. Beers Family, 513. " Hon. S. P., 426, 466. Beers, Zechariah, 286, 359, 466. Bedient, Dr. Butler, r4„466. Beecher, Eev. J. "W",, 598. Berry, Eev. J. D., 297, 467. Bishop, Dr. Eeuben, 466. Bissell, Dr. G. G., 467, 479. Blakeley Family, 604. Blakesley, Sammis, Esq., 466. Biakeman, Dr. W. N., 467. Botsford, Chas.,.M. D., 466. Boardman, Eev. Dan., 105. " Eev. Charles A., 270, 466. Booth Family, 508. •" Henry, Esq., 467, 477. " Harvey M., 468. Bostwick, Hon. Isaac "W., 467. Brinsmade Family, 611. . " Eev. Daniel, 262, 467, 478. Brinsmade, Zechariah, 166. " Hon. Daniel N., 322, 354, 467, 476. Brinsmade, "Wm. B., 477. fl. Bronson Family, 504. " Dr. Abraham, 137. " Eev. TiUotson, 291, 467, 478, 732. Brownson, Dr. Ira "V"., 467. " Dr. , 467. Brown, 'Eev. Garret G., 467, 477. BrowneU, Eev. Grove L., 314, 467, 478. Bull Family, 511. " Dea. Samnel, 78. " Maj. Thomas, 187, 204, 207, 466. BuU, Hon. Thomas, 467. " Eev. Edmond C, 292, 467. Burhans, Eev. Daniel, 292, 467. Burritt Family, '510. " Dr. Anthony, 358, 467. Burritt, Dr. Anthony B., 359, 467. Bulkley, Eev. Peter, 130. Butterfield, Eev. 0. B., 236, 466. BushneU, Eev. Horace, 467, 478. BushneU, Eev. George, 467 . Calhoun, Eev. Geo. A., 467. " Kev. Henry, 467. " Dr. John, 187, 363; 467. Campfield, Eev. Eobt. B., 271, 468. Camp, Eev. Joseph, 467, 476. Canfield Family, 1629. " Eev. Thomas, 276, 280, 467, 476, 478. Canfield, Orlando, 477. Castle Family, 528. • " Dr. Silas, 467. Catlin, Dr. Conant, 361, 467, 479. CatUn, Dr. Lvman, 467,479. " Dr. Wm. C.,467, 4$9. Cazier, Eev. Matthias, 467. Chittenden, Fred., Esq.,467- ChurchUl, Eev. John, 315, 1 467,479. 'Church Family, 526. " Hon. Samuel, 475, 527. Cliuroh,' Hon. John E., 475. " Leman, Esq., 475. " Nathaniel, 527. Clark, Eev. Daniel A;, 230, 467. Clark, Eev. John, 467. " Eev. Jehu, 467. " Amos, 187. ¦ " Dr- Heman, 467. Chauncey, Eev. -Israel, 32, 33, 129, 124, 133. Cheravoy, PhUemon, 165. Cheesbrough, Dr. R. M., 467. INDEX OF NAMES. Cochrane Family, 519. " William, Sen., 521. " WUliam, Jr., 521. " Samuel, 525. Cothren, David, 623. " Capt. WiUiam, 523. " WilUam, Esq., 323, 338, 339, 340, 341, 361, 478, 479, 524. Cothren, Hon. M. M., 626. Couch, Eev. Paul, 256, 467, 478. jCogsweU, Wm., Esq., 467. " Fred. W., 467^478. CoveU, Eev. J. S., 297, 468. Cotton, Eev. Josiah, 478. Coxe, Eev. Eioh'd, 292, 468. Crane, Dr. Eob't, 467, 479. " Dr. Joel, 468. Crafts Family, 526. " Gen. Chauncey, 527. Curtiss Family, 531. " Capt. Wm., 36, 60. " Agur, 187. " Lt. Israel, 61, 77, 119. " Eev. Lucius, 306, 323, 467, 479. Curtiss, Hon. Holbrook, 534, 543. Curtis, Wm. E., Esq., 534. Chapman, Hon. Asa, 515, 667. Chapman, Hon. Charles, 615, 667. Cramer, MoU, 159. D. Davies, Eev. Thomas, 298, 296, 433, 468, 476. Davies, Thomas J., 468. " Prof. Chas. J., 468. " John, 468. " Dr. Thomas, 468. Day, Eev. Jeremiah, 270, 468 478. Day, Eev. Jeremiah, D. D., 270, 429, 466, 468. Day, Thomas, LL. D., 270, 430, 468, 476. Day, Tut. MUls, 468 476. " Prof. Henry N., 468, 477. Day, Charles, 477. Downs, Dr. Myron, 468. " David^ 282. " Captain Ebenezer, 174, 187. Dowdney, Eev. John, 292, 297, 468. Davidson, Eev. David B., 468, 478. DeForest, Dr. Marcus, Jr., 468. Dundonald, Earl of^ 620. Dunning, Capt. Ehas, 176. Dfjikeley.Family, 639. Dutchers, Euloof, 158. Eastman Familt, 541. Eastman, Dr. Azariah, 363, 364, 468. Eastman, Dr. Josiah E., 326, 365, 468, 542. Eastman, Dr. John E,, 468. " Eichard H., 468. Easton, Hon. Eufus, 468. Edmonds Family, 542. " Eobert. 187. " Hon. "Wm., 201, 434,468,476. Edmonds, David, Esq., 468, 476. Everitt, Hon. Daniel, 174, 176, 187, 434, 468. Farrand Family, 644. " Capt. Nathaniel, 326. Farrand, Jouath'n, 176,187. " Wm. Py 46, 476. FalrchUd, Dr. S. B., 366, 468. Fansher, Dr. Sylvanus, 364, 468. Fenn, Dr. Aaron W., 468. " Fred. J., Esq., 468. Flint, Eev. Seth, 291, 468. Foote, Eev. George L., 298, 468. Foote, Dr. , 468. " Dr. E. T., 614. , Foster, Dr. Isaac, 321. Ford, Dr. Seth P., 468. Fowler, Dr. Parlemon B., 365, 468. Fowler, Dr. Warren E., 366, 468, 479. Fowler, Dr. JJcmusM., 365, 468, 479. Fowler, Dr. Henry, 468. Fraser, William A., Esq., ¦ 468,733. Fraser, Hugh, 732. " Simon, 732. Frisbie, Eev. Wm. Henry, 297, 468. FuUer, Eev. Samuel, 292, 468. Fulford, Abraham, 73. G. Galpin Family, 644. " Eev. Samuel, 469. " Dr. Leman, 469. GUbert, Eev. Sturges, 291, 297, 469. . GUbert, Eev. Eaphael, 299, 469. Glover, Eev. Bennet, 291, 469. GoodseU, Dr. Thottias, 469, 479. GoodseU, Dr. Isaac, 469, 479. Graham Family, 645. " Eev. John, 222, 223, 468, 479, 546. Graham, Eev. J., Jr., 478, Graham, Dr. Andrew, 176, 187,226,366,468,647. Graham, Hon. John A.,i226, 441, 469, 549. Graham, Eev. Chauncey, 469, 475. Graham, Dr. Isaac GUbert, 441, 648. Graham, Col. John L.,226, 653, 475. Graham, Capt. John Hodg es, 552. Graham, John Lorimer, Jr., 664. ¦ Graham, Nathan B., Esq., 554. Graham, James Lorimer, Esq.,566. Gray, JSev. Cyrus W., 267, 469. Gunn, Fred. W., 272, 477. Garrow, Dr. John L., 469. Gridley, Dr. Horatio, 469. H. Hannah, James, 176, 187. HaU, Dr. Charles A., 732. Harriman, Eev. Fred. D., 292, 470. Harrison, Eev. Fosdick, 266, 281 470, 478. Hastings, Dr. Seth, 386 , 469. " Prof. Thomas, 469. " Dr. Seth, Jr., 470. " Oriando, Esq., 470. " Eurotus, Esq. 470. HartweU, Sam. E., Esq., 867,470. . Hart, Eev. Seth, 478. Hawley, Dr. Benjamin, 188,868^470. Hawley, WiUiam,Esq.,',368, 470, 476. Hawley^ Moses, Esq., 322. Hard, Dr. David B. W., 469, 479. Hayes, Eev. Gordon, 267, 469, 478. Hayes, Charles G., 478. Hicock Family, 564. " Lyman, 477. " Capt. Nathan, 176, ' 187. Hicock, Simeon, 476. Hinmam Family, 556. " Noah, Esq., 469. " Sergt. Edw'd, 558. " Edwar(J, Esq., 176, 187, 869L 469. Hinman, Hon. Edward,"370, 469. I Hinman, Hon. Timothy, 476, 469. Hinman, Gen. Ephraim, 367, 469. Hinman, Hon. Eoyal B., 370, 469 476. Hinman, Col. Joel, 442. " Hon. Joel,,442, 469. " Capt. E., 442, 469. INDEX OF NAME! IU Hinman, Hon. Curtis, 469. " Hon. WilUam, 469. " Col. Benjamin, 166, 169, 174, 183, 237, 371, 469. Hinman, Gen. Eobinson S., 373, 469. Hinman, Simeon, Esq., 373, 476, 479. Hinman, Simeon, 476. " Sherman, Esq., 476, 479. Hinman, Capt. Wait, 150. " Capt. Adam, 166. " Elijah, 187. " Titus, 561. Cyrus, 476. Hitchcock, Hon. Sam. J., 444, 469, 477, Hitchcock, Eev. Solomon G., 287, 291, 292, 469, 478. Hooker Family, 669. " Asahel, 476. Hill Family, 667. " 'Hon. Charles J., 470. Hollister Family, 683. " Lt. John, 583. " Gideon H., Esq., 369, 470, 477. HoUister, David F., 470, 478. Hotchkiss Family, 579. " Dr. , 470. " John, 332. HubbeU, Peter, 150, 167. " Comfort, 187. Hull Family, 677. " Ebenezer, 187. " Hon. Andrew C, 444, 469. Hull, Eev. Leverett, 444, 469. ¦ HuU, Gen. Elias, 444, 469. " Dr. Zeph., 366,469. " Dr- Titus, 367, dj9. " Dr. Laurens, 443, 459. " Eev. Charles, 469. Hurd Family, 570. " John, 66. " Capt. David, 176. " Samuel, 187. " David, 187. " Dr. Curtis, 469. " Dr. Nelson L., 469. " Dr. Theodore C, 469. " Dr. Fred. W., 469. " Monroe, Esq., 469. Hurlbut Family, 580. " Joseph, 259. Huthwitt Family, 668. Huntington, Dr. Daniel, 368, 470. Huxley, Dr. Asahel M., 368, 470. L Isham, Eev. Austin, 281, 470. Ingersol, David B., Esq., 47. Ives, Eev. Eeuben, 291, 478. J. Jenner Family, 602. Johnson Family, 600. " John J., 80. " Amos M., Esq., 470. Jones, Eev. Isaac, 297, 470, 478. Judd, Eev. Eeuben, 261, 470, 478. Judd, Bethel, D. D., 291, 470,478. Judd, Rev. Wm. H., 292, 470. Judson Famil?;-687. " Lt. Joseph,135, 64, 61, 74, 116, 128, 588. Judson, John, 61. " WilUam, 687. " Gen. David, 470, 476, 595. Judson, Eev. Adoniram, 448, 470, 476, 596. Judson, Eev. Adoniram, D. D., 575, 596. Judson, Kev. Ephraim, 448, 470, 476, 595. Judson, Eev. PhUo, 445, 470, 478, 697. Judson, Eev. Albert, 446, 470, 477, 698. Judson, Eev. Gould C, 470, 698. Judson, Rev. Everton, 447, 470, 477, 599. Judson, Rev. Samuel, 446, 470. Judson, Eev. Ben. B., 470, 599. Judson, PhUo M., Esq., 476. " Dr. Elnathan, 596. " Isaac E., 476. " Gen. Herbert, 598. " Dr. OUver A., 600. " WUUam F., 600. " Dr. Frederick J., 470, 477. Judson, Charles A., 470. " David, Jr., 470. " -Curtiss, 476. " George H., 470. " Israel, 476.. K. Kasson Family, 603. Keese, James D.,Esq., 386, 470. Kirby, Hon. Ephraun, 332, 450, 470, 479. Knowles Family, 604. " Dr. Thomas, 385, 470. ¦ L. Lacey, Capt. Thaddeus, 176. LaFayette, Gen., 213. Lambert Family, 607. Langdon, Eev. John, 256, 470,478. Langdon, Dr. Timothy, 470. Lawrence, Eev. Ames E., 236. Leavenworth Family, 612." Leavenworth, Capt. David, 196. Leavenworth, Isaac, Esq., 470. Leavenworth, Dr. Alston, 470. Leavenworth, Dr. Thomas, 470. Leavenworth, Eev. Thad deus, 292, 471. Leavitt Family, 614. " Eev. Freegrace, 614. " Kev. Jonathan, 614. " Sheldon, 616. " Harvey F., 616. " Sheldon C, 476,615. Lemmon, Dr. Sheldon, 470, 477. Linsley FaivIily, 605. Logan, Rhoda, 272. Loomis, Kev. Aretus G., 257, 471. I Lyman, Kev. Ephraim, 267, 470. Lyon, Hon. Matthew, 320, 471. Lucas, Eev. -William, 292, 471. M. Marshall Family, 631. " Eev. John E., 184, 288, 289, 291, 387, 471, 478. Martin Family, 620. " .Wm. Seaborn, 621, 622. Martin, Samuel, 623. " E. T. Throop, 630. " Henry, Esq., 630. " Henry HuU, 476, • 630. Martin, Capt. Andrew, 198. " Caleb, 99. Mallory Family, 615. " Hon. Garrick, 471, 477. Mason, Eev. Stephen, 267, 471- Mason, Ebenezer P., 471, 477. Masters, Nicholas S., Esq., , 462, 471. Masters, Dr. Samuel S., 388 471 Meigs", Dr. John, 386, 471. " Dr. Phineas, 387, 471. " Dr. Abner, 471. " Eev. Benjamin C, 471, 477. Merwin, Eev; Noah, 262, 471, 478. Minor Family, 642. " Capt. John, 35, 36, ' 37, 60, 51, 64, 68, 71, 77, 79,643. ' INDEX OF NAMES. Minor, Col. Joseph, 98, 139, 644. Minor, Dea. Samuel, 153, 154. Minor, Capt. Matthew, 174. " Dea. Clement, 187. " Eev. Jehu, 233, 234, 471, 476, 651. Minor, Hon. Matthew, Jr., 389, 471, 476, 656. Minor, Dr. Gan-y H., 471, 479, 652. Minor, Samuel, Esq., 390, 471, 478. Minor, Charles S., Esq., 471, 478, 652. Minor, Israel, Esq., 471, 667. Mmor, H. J., Esq., 475, 655. " Eev. Sherman, 645. " Hon. Joel, 648. " Eev. Lamson, 648. " Josiah H., Esq., 477, 649. Minor, Eev. Timothy, 660. " "WUUam, Esq., 663. " Wm. Tj Esq., 475. " Eev. Thomas, 476, 653. Minor, Dr. Thomas, 476, 663. Mitchell Family, 633. " Eev. Jonathan, 633. MitcheU, Abijah, 187. " Eleazur, 94, 176. " Eev. EUsha, 452, 471, 477, 641. MitcheU, John, Esq., -471, 476. MitcheU, Eev. Justus, 452, 471, 476, 641. MiteheU. John G., Esq., 471. " Hon. Henry, 471. " Enos G., 471. " Dr. Henry, 635. " Capt. Garwood, 637. " MitcheU S., 639. " Mordaunt S., 639. " Minot, Esq., 641. " Chauncey E., Esq., 641. Moseley Family, 619. " Hon. toorease, 174,176,187. Moseley, Col. Increase, Jr. , 174,176,187,209. Moseley, Dr. John, 471. Montrose, Duke of, 545. MoneU, John J., Esq., 677. " Mary E., 471. Moody, Eev. Martin, 292, 471. Morris, Dr. John E., 479. Munn Family, 618. " Dr. Samuel, 72. " Dr. Daniel, 389, 471. " Dr. Nathan, 389, 471. Murray, Eev. Eufus, 292, 453, 471. Murray, PhUo, Esq., 388. Munson, Eev. Fred. E., 453, 471. Munson, Hon. Harris B., 471. McEwen, Eev. Abel, 677. N. Nichols Family, 657. North, Dr. Loomis, 390, 471. 0. Orton Family, 668. " Dr. Samuel, 321, 392, 471, 476, 660. Orton, Hon. Philo, 660. " Dr. John, 392, 471, 661. Orton, Dr. Samuel, Jr., 392, 471, 661. Orton, Dr. Heniy T., 392, 472, 661. Orton, Dr. David J., 392, 472, 661. Orton, Dr. James, 392, 472, 661. Orton, Eev. Sam. G., 661. " Samuel D., Esq., "661. Osborn Family, 668. " Shadrach, 36, M3, 390, 472. Osborn, Tunothy, 187. Palmer, Jo. M., Esq., 895, 472. Parker, Eev. Daniel, 472, 478. Parker, Dr. Joseph, 472. " Col. Amasa, 463, 472, 477. Parker, Hon. Amasa J., 475. Parsons, Eev. Benjamin, 271, 472; Parmely, J. E., Esq., 472. Preston Family, 662. " Hon. John, 662. " Eev. Wm., D. D., 662. Preston, Hon. WilUam, 62, 292,472,662. Preston, HackaUah, 62. " Hon. Nathan,.165, 332, 393, 472, 476, 664. Preston, Jehiel, 78. " Eev. WUliam, 472, 477, 665. Percy Family, 674. Perry Family, 666. " Eev. Joseph, 475, 667. " Dr. Joseph, 321,332, 392, 472, 478, 666. Perry, Dr. Nathaniel, 392, 472, 479, 668. Perry, Nathaniel P., 475. " Col. Henry, 454, 472, 667. Perry, Hon. Nathaniel, 393, 472, 668. Perry, Eev. Philo, 292, 472, Perry, Eev. PhiUips, 292, 472. Perry, Eev. Bennet, ^72, 667. Pettigree, Alexandre, 165, Phelps, Hon. Charles B., 286, 312, 394, 472, 632. Peet, Harvey P., LL. D., 472, 477. Peck, Dr. John, 472. Pierce Family, 699. " Joseph, 176. " Justus, 176. " Amos, 476. " Dea. John, 174. " John, 476. " Eev. George E., 466, 477, 472, 670. Pierce, Cyrus, 476. Pitcher, Hon. Nathaniel, 472.' Porter Family, 6g8. ¦ " Eev. Ebenezer, 263, 478. Prindle, Eev.- Chauncey, 472, 478. Pond, Eev. Sam. W., 472. " Eev. Gideon, 472. PoweU, Dr. WUUam, 472. Powers, Dr. Peter, 472. Prime Family, 674. " Eev. Benjamin, 472, 476, 674. Prentice Family, 672. " Dr. Curtiss, 472, 673. Prentice, Eev. Thomas H., 472, 673. Prentice, Eev. Charles, 465, 472,476,673. Prentice, Eev. Charles T., 475. Prentice, Prof. David, 472, 477,673. , Prudden, Eev. Geo. P., 231, 472, 479. Putnam, Ee'y. Charles S., 292, 472. E. Eaymond, Eev. Moses, 472, 477. Eead, Dr •. 472. " Eev. Hoffis, 271, 472, Eichmond, Edmund, Esq., 472. Eogers, Eev. Eobt. C, 292, 472. Eoot Family, 674. " Eev- Judson A., 472, 477. S. Sanford, Hon. John, 473. " Henry Shelton, 478, 479. Sanford, Eev. David P., INDEX OF NAMES. Sayre, Eev. James, 289, 291, 473. Sackett, Dr. , 473. Scott, Eev. Joseph, 292, 297, 473, 478. Scott, Eev. James L., 293, 473. ScoviUe, Joseph A., 473, 665. Scisceau, Henrie, 165. Seelye, Dr. Thomas T., 397. Shove, Dr. Harmon W., 398, 473, 479. Shelton, Gen. Geq. P., 473. Sheldon, Dr. Daniel, 396, 472, 475. Sherman Family, 679. " Hon. Samuel, 35, 60, 679, 682. . Sherman, Hon. John, 61, 79, 155, 683. Sherman, Matthew, 61. " Hon. Daniel, 151, 176, 187, 190, 213, 321, 473, 685. Sherman, " Father" Elijah, 290, 299. Sherman, Eev. Henry B., 291, 292 473, 687. Sherman, Taylor, Esq., 473. " Eev. Charles, 473, 686. Sherman, Hon. Charles, 475, 685. Sherman, Eev. Josiah, 680, 681. Sherman, Hon. Eoger, 680, 682. Sherman, Hon. Eoger M., 681. Sherman, Eev. John, 679. " Capt. John, 680, 681. Shipman, Eev. Thomas L., 231, 473, 478. Skeel Family, 709. " Sergt. Thomas, 80. Skilton Family, 711. " Dr., Henry, 396, 473, 711. Skilton, Dr. Avery J., 473, '712. Smith Family, 677. " Hon. Nathaniel, 155, 327, 398, 473, 477, 479, 677. Smith, Hon. Nathaniel B., 406, 473, 677. Smith, Hon. Nathan, 461, 473, 479, 677. Smith, Hon. Truman, 463, 473, 477, 592. ¦ Smith, Hon. Perry, 461, 473. Smith, Phmeas, Esq., 473, 477, 677. Smith. Hon. Ealph D., 473. " 4)r. Abraham L., 473. " Eev. DeUverance, 473, 475, Smith, Eev. Noah, 236, 473, 678. Smith, Eev. Sylvester, 300. Smith, Eev. Levi, 478. " Eev. Zephaniah H., 567. Smith, Ebenezer C, 477. " Elihn, 187. " Walter, Esq., 475. Snow, Eev. T. "W., 297. 473. Sprague, Hon. Leman [B., 398, 473. Squire Family, 709. Stanton, Eev. Ben. F., 256, 473. Stanton, Eev. Thomas, 59. Steele Family, 688. " Hon. John, 688. " Doct. Samuel, 692. " Eev. Julius; 473, 477. Steele, Eev. Nathaniel, 473, 476. Stephens, Ann S., 473. Stewart, Eev. Philander, 473. Stiles Family, 693. " Kev. Ezra, D. D., 693, 695, 698. Stiles, Benjamin, Esq., 322, 395, 473, 476, 699. Stiles, Benjamm, Jr., Esq., 395, 473, 476^ 699. StUes, David J., 18, 37. " Nathan, 476. '> Stoddard Family, 713. " Rev. Anthony, 66, 79, 103, 135, 137, 140, 167, 472, 478, 714. Stoddard, Maj; Amos, 456, 472, 714. Stoddard, Col. Henry, 459, 473, 714. Stoddard, Dr. Israel, 459, 473, 475. Stoddard, Jonathan, Esq., 719. Stoddard, Capt. Gideon, 176, 187. Stoddard, Eev. Judson B., 719. Stoddard, Capt. Nathan, 205. Stoddard, Thomas, 720. " WUUam, 720. " Eev. Elijah W., 717. Stoddard, Dr. Abiram, 717. " Dr. WUUam, 717. " Rev. Goodwin, 717. Stoddard, Eev. EUakim, 716. Stoddard, Rev. Solomon, 713. Strong Family, 701. " Elder John, 701. " Eev. Nathan, 473, 476, 703. Strong, Eev. Joseph, 475, 703. Strong, Hon. John, Jr., 397, 473, 477, 707. Strong, Eev. Nathan, Jr., 476, 703. Strong, Eev. Hemy P., 304, 473, 478. Strong Timothy, 187, " Hon. Henry, 475. Swift, Rev. Zephaniah, 281, 473. Slade, Hon. William, 476. Taylor, Jonathan, 78. Terrill Family, 721. " Hon. Hazard BaUey, 475, 722. TerriU, Hon. T. Lee, 476, 722. Thompson Family, 727. " Hezekiah, Esq., 165,' 174, 176, 232, 405, 473, 730. Thompson, Hon. WiUiam A., 463, 473, 476, 733. Thompson, Charles, Esq., 473, 735. Thompson, Rev. James, 292, 474, 476, 734. Thompson, Dr. Samuel, 474, 476, 735. Thompson, Dr. Ebenezer, 405, 474, 737. Thompson, Charles C, 518, 736. Thompson, Egbert A., 478. " Thomas M., 478. " Hon. Smith, 730. " Anthony, 728. " Eev. Caleb, 740. Thayer, Dr. Nathaniel, 474. Thomas Family, 722. Throop, Enos T., 730. Toucey, Thomas, 178. Tomlinson, Dr. Abraham, 406, 474, 476. Tomhnson, Dr. Jos., 474. " Eev. George, 474, 477. Trowbridge Family, 737. Trowbridge, Dr. Joseph, 474, 744. Trowbridge, Dr. Thomas, 739. Trowbridge, Dr. Josiah, 740. Trowbridge, Otis, Esq., 740. " TDr. Israel L., 741. " Samuel, Esq., 741. Tuttle Family, 723. " Nathan, 724. • " Eev. Isaac H., 297, 474. Tyler, Eev. Bennet, 235, 474, 476. INDEX OF NAMES. W. Walker Family, 744. " Rev. Zechariah, 33, 48, 51, 66, 121, 124, 130, 131, 133. 134, 474, 744. Walker, Sarah, 90. " Gideon, Esq., 174, 176, 187. Walker, Reuben, 312. Wakeley Family, 754. " Abel, 209. Wadhams, Eev. Noah, 269, 270, 475. Watson, Eev. Wm., 297, 475. Watson, Hon. James, 463, 475, 476. Washington, Gen. Geo., ^- 160, 324. Warner Family, 752. " Dr. Ebenezer, 1st, 74, 294, 406, 474, 753. Warner, Dr. Ebenezer, 2nd, 474. Warner, Dr. Ebenezer, 3d, 474. Warner, Dr. Ebenezer, 4th, 474. Warner, Dr. Benjamin, 474, 753._ Wamer, Dr. Benjamin, Jr., 753. Wamer, Lt. Ebenezer, 99. " Dr. Eeuben, 474, 753. " Dr. Abner, 474. " Dr. John, 474. " Col. Seth, 183,201, 273, 287, 407, 474, 753. Wamer, Dr. Ephraim, 474. " Curtiss, 476. Warner, George W., Esq., 474, 478. Warner, Lyman, Esq., 474. " Thomas, Esq., 174. 176, 187. Ward Family, 756. " Hon. Levi, 474. Waller Family, 754. Weeks, Rev. Dr., 314. Webb, Dr. Chas. H., 406, 474, 479. WeUer, Lt. Thos., 283. Welton, Eev. Jo. D., 291, 474. Welton, Eev. WUlard, 297, 474. Wheeler Family, 747. " Benjamin, Esq., 474. Wheeler, Eev. Ulysses M., 292, 474. Wheeler, Dr. Lemuel, 406, 474. Wheeler, Eev. Eussel, 297, 474. Wheeler, Lt. Thomas, 22. " Dr. Obadiah, 186. Whittlesey Family, 756. " Eev. Samuel, 270, 474. Whittlesey, Hon. Elisha, 465, 474, 476. Whittlesey, Elisha, Esq., 474, 758. Whittlesey, Hon. Freder ick, 474, 477, 759. Whittlesey, Charles C, Esq., 474, 477. Whittlesey, Dr. Henry N., 474. Whittlesey, Eev. WilUam, 762. Whittlesey, Eev. John, 762. " Frederick A., Esq., 763. Whittlesey, Stephen, Esq., 756. Whittlesey, Kev. Samuel, 756. Whittlesey, Ambrose, Esq., 756. "Whittlesey, Eev. Chaun cey, 757. Whittlesey, Eev. Samuel, 767. ^ Whittlesey, Eev. Joseph, 474, 477. Whittlesey, Luman, 477. " John, Esq., 322. " Luman, 760. Wliittemore, Eev. Williams H., 231, 474, 479. Wildman, Eev. Benjamin, 199, 227, 228, 474, 478. WUUams, Dr. William C, 474. Wigdon, Eev. Samuel, 298, 475. Wyatt Family, 754. Woodward, Eev. Fred. B., 474. Wood, Eev. Elijah, 230, 474. ' , Wright, Eev. Worthington, 303, 474. Woodbury, definition of,46. Wheaton, Eev. Nathaniel S., 474, 477. Wheaton, Eev. .Salmon, 474, 477. ADDITIONS AND OOREECTIONS. ADDITIONS AND GOEEECTIONS. A few errors which escaped attention whUe the work was passing through the press, are here corrected, and a few additional facts presented, which have just been brought to the notice of the author. Some errors in orthography,'&c., the reader wiU easUy correct for himself. , Page 31, fourth luie from top, for Manquash read Mauquash. " 38, twelfth line from top, omit the first particle to. 62. The account of HackaUah Preston is erroneous in the statement concern ing the place of his nativity. A oon'ect account wUl be found in Chap ter XXL, in the history of the " Preston FamUy," page 663. " 101, seventeenth line from top, for farefathers read forefathers. " 186, fourteenth line from top, after the word closed, occurs a period, which should be omitted, so as to make a single sentence witli the first of the quotation. " 196, ninth line ofthe first note, for Truller read FuUer. " 225, eighth Une from top, for twenty-one read twelve. " 226, first Une from top, for forty-five read fifty-two. This includes the whole time from his ordination at Stafford, tUl his death, though he was unable to preach much during the last eight or nine years previous to his decease. 239, eleventh Une fi-om top, forBACHUS readBACKuS. 306, fourth Une from. 'bottom, for fifteen acres valuaile of land ria.i fifteen acres of valuable land. 339, nineteenth line from top, for Chapman read Chapin. 341, thirteenth line from bottom, for Robert J. ToUes read Robert I. Talks. 345, twentieth line from top, omit the word almost. 430, second line from bottom, for was read is. 462, thh-teeuth line from bottom, for sister read niece. 461, fifteenth Une from top, for Benjamin Hurd read Nathan Hurd. 474, fourth line from bottom, for Samuelxmi Lemuel. 478, seventeenth Ime from top, for 1737 read 1740. He was the son of Eev. John Graham, of Southbury parish. 498 fifteenth line from top, for 271 read 211. The side numbers, as wiU be seen, are erroneous from the third to the twenty-eighth line. 501 eighth line from bottom, for Lawrens read Lamrens. 608 seventh line from bottom, after Goshen introduce Omn. 556, fourteentli line frora bottom, for McKoshay read McKoshry. 592 tenth liae from bottom, after the words " Indian interpreter" introduce June 30, 1736. 596, twenty-second Une irom top, omit the yioxi first. 657 first line from top, for Samantha read Amelia C. 667 twenty-second line from top, foi' Fanny Dolson, April 1th, re&i' Famny J. Dolsen, April Sth. 667, twenty-fourth line from top, for Louis,^^ b. March, read Lewis V., b. March Zd. 663 twentieth Une frora top, for 'WiUiam^ (10) read IViUiain* (9.) The reader is ri appropriate pages ¦equested to take a pencil and raake the foregoing corrections on the PETITION FOR A PLANK ROAD BETWEEN WOODBURY AND SEYMOUR. Gexf.ral AssEMBpy, ) May Session, 1852. ) RESOLUTION Incorporating the Woodbury and Seymour Plank Road Company. Section I. Resoloed by this Assembly, That Le"wis B. Can dee, Norman Parker, Charles B. Phelps, Reuben H. Hotch kiss, Lewis Judd, William Gaylord, together with such other persons as shall associate with them, be and they are hereby niade and constityted a body corporate and politic, by the pame of "The Woodbury and Seymour Plank Road Com pany," and by that name may sue and be sued, implead and be implead^ in p,ll courts of law and equity in this State, ' and may elect p, President and Directors, and other officers and agents of sq,id Corporation, as they may deem necessary to transact their affairs, and to make and amend a corporate seal, and to make such by-laws regulating their affairs as are not inconsistent with the laws of this State, which by- Jaws may be repealed, altered, or amended by the Superior Cpurt for New Haven County, at any stated or special term, due notice being given to said Corporation ; and said Corpo- r3,tion may survey and lay out, erect and maintain a Plank Road -from spnc^e suitable point in the town of Woodbury, to i§pme suitable point on the Naugatuck River, within the town of Seymour, upon the present highways and roads, or upon and over the lands of any person or persons, not exceeding four rods in width, and may make such cuttings and embank ments, and obtain gravel, dirt, stones, and other material for the proper construction and security of said road as they may require ; provided, all damages for lands, franchises, and in terests, and injuries to any person or persons or Corporation, shall be estimated and paid as hereinafter prescribed. Sec. 2. The capital stock of said road shall not exceed forty thousand dollars, to be divided into shares of fifty dollars each, and shall be deemed personal property, and be trans. ferred and assigned in such manner as said Corporation may hereafter prescribe. Sec. 3. And the person or persons named in the first sec tion hereof, are hereby vested with all powers, privileges, and immunities which are or may be necessary to carry into effect the purposes and objects of this Act as herein set forth. And said Company is hereby authorized and empowered to locate, construct, and finally complete and maintain a Plank Road, from some suitable point in the town of Woodbury, through the towns of Southbury, Oxford, and Seymour, at some suitable point on the Naugatuck River, in such route as shall be deemed most experient. The track of which Plank Road shall be made of timber, plank, or other hard material, so that the same shall form a hard and even sur face. And for the purpose of constructing said Plank Road, the said Company is hereby authorized to lay out their road not exceeding four rods wide through the whole length ; and for the purpose of cutting and embankments, and for ob taining stone and gravel, may take as much more land as may be necessary for the proper construction and security of said road ; provided, that all damages that may be occa sioned to any person or Corporation, by the taking of any such land or materials aforesaid, shall be paid for by said Company, in manner hereinafter pro.vided. . Sec. 4. The persons named in the first section hereof, or a majority of them, shall open books to receive subscriptions to the capital stock of said Company at such times and places as they, or a majority of them, may appoint, and shall give such notice of the times and places of opening said books, as they may deem reasonable ; and shall receive such subscriptions under such regulations as they may adopt for the purpose ; and when four hundred shares of the capital stock of said Company shall be subscribed, they shall have the power to make the shares so subscribed, the capital stock of said Company. And they are further authorized, after said num ber of shares have been subscribed, to call the first meeting of the stockholders of said Company, in such way and at such time and place as they may appoint, for the choice of directors of said Company. Each share shall entitle the holder thereof to one vote, which vote may be given by said stockholder in per son or by lawful proxy. And the annual meeting of the stock holders of said Company for the choice of Directors, shall be holden at such time and place, and upon such notice as the said Company may prescribe. Sec. 5. The immediate government and direction of tiie affairs of said Company, in cases not herein otherwise pro vided for, shall be vested in a board of not less than seven Directors, who shall be stockholders of said Company, in the manner provided for herein, and shall hold their offices until others are duly elected and qualified to take their places as Directors. And the said directors (four of whom shall be a quorum for the transaction of business) shall elect one of their number to be President ofthe board, who shall also be President of the Company. They shall also choose a Clerk, who shall be sworn to a faithful discharge of his duty, and a Treasurer, who shall give bonds with surety to the Company, in such sum as the Directors shall require, for the faithful'dis- charge of his trust. And in case it shall so happen that an election of Directors shall not be made on any day appointed by the by-laws of said Company, said Company shall not, for that cause, be deemed to be dissolved, but such election may be holden on a-ny day which shall be appointed by the Direc tors of said Company. And said Directors shall have power to fill any vavancy which may occur by death, resignation or otherwise. Sec. 6. Said Company is hereby authorized to purchase, receive, and hold such real estate as may be necessary and .convenient in accomplishing the object for which this incor poration is granted,* and may, by their agents, surveyors, I engineers, and servants, enter upon snoh coute of places (to be designated by fhe Directors and approved by the County Commissioners for New Haven County for the time being,) after such notice given as the Cominissipn- ers shall deem reasonable, to the persons "Nyhose lands may have been taken ; and after bearing all objections which may, by such persons, be rnade to the location made by said Director?, as to the location, line, coursp, road, or way, whereon to construct said plank road. And ij; shall be la"wful for said Company to enter upon and use all lands ^nd real estate as may be necessary for thpm, in the manner and for the purposes set forth in the first section hereof. And said Company shall be holden to pay all damages that may arise to any person or persons. And if the person or persons tp whom damage may arise, and the Company cannot agree as to the amount pf said damage, it shall he the duty of said Company to apply to the Judge of the County Court for the County of New Haven, or to some one of* the Judges of the Superior Court, and to cause one week's notice to be given to the adverse party, of said application ; and thereupon ^aid Judge shall appoint three judicious, disinterested free: holders to assess the amount of such damage. And said freeholders, after being sworn, shall give notice of the time ^nd place of their meeting, pn the business of their appoint ment, and they shall assess just damages to the person or per sons whose real estate may be taken, wHich assessment shall pe in writing, under the hands of said freeholdprs,andthe. samei ghall be returned to the Clerk of the New Haven County Court, who shall record it : provided, said planlji road shall not he. opened across the land of any person, until the damages so assessed to such person, .shall have been paid, or secured to be paid to his satisfaction, or be deposited with the Treas urer of the County of New Haven, within sixty days after the same shall haye; been finally determined. And provided further, that in case the persons required by this charter to be notified, shall reside out of this State, or have no place of residence in this State, known to the occupant of the land pver which said plank road passes, or to any of the Directpra bf said Company, then, in either case, the Judge of the Couri- ty Court, for the said County of New Haven, may give an order of notice, as in case of a bill of equity is authorised by statute to be given. Sec. 7. When the lands or other property or estate of any femme-covert, infant, or Tpbrson non compos mentis, shall, be necessary for the construction of said plank road, said lands' maybe taken, notice being given to the husbaM of such femme- covert, and the guardian of sUch infant, or the conservator of sudh person non compos mentis. And they may respect ively release all damages for any lands or estate taken and appropriated as aforesaid, as they might do if the same were holden in their own rigbt respectively. Sec. 8. Whenever it shall be necessary ftfr the constructiolH pf their plank road to ifltersect or cross any stream of watef, Or water-courscj or any road, or highway, or turnpike roadj it shall be lawful for said Company to construct their rPad across or upon the same. But said Compaiiy shall restore the said stream, or water-course, or highway, or road, thus intersected to its former state, or in sufficient manner not to impair its usefulness. Sec. 9. Whenever it shall] becom'e necessarj?" to use any part of a public highway for the construction of sa;id plank road> it shall be lawful for said plank Company to construct their plank road along and upon said public highway, having firsd obtained the consent and permission of the town in which such public highway maybe situated, to use said highway for the construction of said plank road along and across the same, at a special meeting of the inhabitants of said town," qualified to vote in town meetings legally called for that Y>^t- pose. That no toll ga:te shall be erected on any part of said plank road which is constructed on any highway so as to ih- terfere with the travel path of the old highway, to prevent free passage on the same. Sfic. 10. Whenever said Company shall have completed the whole or any four consecutive miles of their said road, it may apply to the Commissioners on said road, or any two of them, tP inspeiif said roa:d, or said pari of Sftid roa'd so' com- pleted ; and if said Commissioners, or a majority of them, afe satisfied on inspection, that the road! or part so inspected is made and completed a(?cording to the intent and meaning of this charter, they shall grant a certificate to that effect,' which shall be filed inthe office ofthe County Clerk for New. Haven CPunty. The Commissioners shall be allowed three dollars per day and their exj^enses for their services,. Sec. 11. Upon filing such certificate as aforesaid, said Company may erect one or more toll-gates upon their road, but not within three miles of each other, and may demand and receive toll, not exceeding three cents per mile for any vehicle drawn by two animals ; one 'half cent per mile, for every ad ditional animal ; for pverj' vehicle drawn by one animal, not exceeding one and a-Half cents per mile ; for ^veiy horse and rider, or led horse, not exceeding one half cent per mile ; for mules and cattle, sheejp and swine, not exceeding on© mill per mile each. J i ' Sec. 12. This resolution may at any time be altered, amendied, or repealed, at the pleasure ofthe Genera.1 Asseiii- YALE UNIVERSITY 10691itb