THE IIISTORt^ftaMlMONT; DESCRIPTIONS, PHYSICAL AND TOPOGRAPHICAL. REV. HOSEA BECKLEY, A. M. BRATTLEBORO : GEORGE H. SALISBURY. 1846. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1846, by George H. Salisbury, in the Clerk's office of the District Court for the District of Vermont. MERRIAM AND MIRICK, PRINTERS, GREENFIELD, MASS. PUBLISHER'S NOTE. The Rev. Hosea Beckley, for many years a distinguished clergyman of this state, was the author of the following work, which he had nearly prepared for the press, some two years since, and had obtained a large list of subscribers for the book, when he was suddenly arrested by death — leaving no other patri mony to his bereaved family but this work in manuscript, upon which he had bestowed years of labor, and which is now pub lished for the benefit of his widow. The work is given entire as it was left by Mr. Beckley, the publisher not deeming himself authorized to alter the manuscript from the condition in which it was left by tbe author. The only thing done, except copying for the press, has been in one or two instances, to bring the narrative down to the close of the last year ; and to arrange the chapters in the order, in which the subjects treated of in them seemed to require, as they were left by Mr. Beckley, owing probably to his sudden demise, without being numbered, or placed in their proper order. » GEO. H. SALISBURY. Brattleboro, March 7, 1846. PREFACE. In offering the following work to the public, an apology perhaps is due from the author. Dr. Williams's History of Vermont is good, but fifty years have elapsed since its publication. Great changes have since taken place ; and some things relative to its early settlement were omitted by him, deeming them too well known, perhaps, even to incur the danger of being forgotten. Others were omitted by him, as if more proper for the statute book, and secretary and town clerk's office, than for common libraries. But the late changes in the manner of detailing historical events, have proved that many facts and transactions, long buried in the lumber rooms of records, are highly interesting to readers in general. Besides, this work has become scarce, and diffi cult to be obtained. It is an able work on the " natural and civil history" of the state ; and the writer has relied on him as the best authority, relative to the difficulties in the way of its being admitted into the union. A work has recently been published by the Rev. Zadock Thompson, bringing the narrative of events down to this time, combining the details of history and the statistics of a gazetteer. It is a meritorious work, and well deserving of patronage. And the writer here acknowledges with pleasure, valuable hints derived from it, especially the historical part first printed in a small volume. This late publication is voluminous and expensive ; and on that account many, it is apprehended, will think themselves unable to avail themselves of it, who would wish to own a work giving some general description of the state. v; PREFACE. This then is the apology for the following volume, occu pying ground left between Dr. Williams and Mr. Thomp son, infringing on neither, but taking a way of its own, differing from both. It wishes their works a prosperous course ; and only asks the privilege of sliding around among the hills, defiles, and valleys of Vermont, visiting now and then the neighboring states, where its predeces sors, either on account of age, or more bulky dimensions might meet with obstructions. It declines being called a compilation, because it is a work essentially original. Transcriptions are credited to the authors from whom they are taken ; or by marks of quotation. To one of the judges of the supreme court, the writer here acknowledges his indebtedness for several pages of valuable communications. Endeavoring to con sult the best authority, he has generally, for the sake of brevity, preferred abridging and translating to copying. But this composes but a small part of the work ; the great body of " the descriptions" being from personal observa tion and reflection. They claim in their behalf truth and conformity to fact ; but not exemption from mistakes ; for what work of this nature can plead undeviating accuracy. They disclaim an intermixture of reality and fiction. A medium they would hold between the dryness of mere statistics, and the light ness of the journalist, selecting the most important circum stances, and combining the connexion and attractiveness of history without its formality and minuteness. May the volume meet with a kind reception in this cold world, to which it is reluctantly, and not without ill fore boding, dismissed to take its chance with other similar adventurers. With a Roman poet the author would rather see it wearing the marks of hard usage, than snugly perched upon the shelf for ornament, or food for worms and moths. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Introduction, addressed to the youth of Vermont.— The natural conduct of children, often deviated from in youth and middle age. — The natural order to be pursued by them in the pursuit of knowledge. — The examination of things around them, and the scenery of their own State, claim their first attention. — The peculiar circumstances of their state in its establishment. — Its early history. — Its early fathers and magistrates subjects of study to them and veneration. — Its remembrance of the founders of their state, and gratitude for the blessings and privileges left them to be cultivated. — Past records of their state place before them the strongest incentives to mental cultivation. — The diffusion of knowledge, to the fear and love of God. — To preserve and enhance their heritage ; cherish the love of liberty. — Imbibe manly sentiments, and exhibit a manly deport ment, cultivate physical energy and mental independence.— They place before them motives of the strongest kind to pre serve hardihood of character. — To keep possession of and not desert the hills cleared by their fathers. To render their state reputable and honorable in the view of other communities. — -To cherish and encourage literature and literary men, and those of their own countries, rather than those of foreign coun tries 17 CHAPTER II. General description of the state. — Its name. — Surface.— Exterior appearance. — Its shape, and boundaries. — Road from Brattle- boro to Albany. — Scenery near Bennington and Manchester. — Former and present stage route across the mountain. — Road on the banks of the Battenkill, through Arlington. — Deceptive appearance of the distant prospects. — Variegated appearance in Rutland county and Addison. — Chimney Point. — The coun try along Lake Champlain to Burlington and St. Albans. — vjjj CONTENTS. Franklin County. — Prospect from Westford. — Soil on the Con necticut river. — On the hills and vallies east side ; and on the west side of the mountain. — How enriched. — Interval. — Hills. — Soil near Rutland, Middlebury and other places. — Gardens and productions of Burlington. — Franklin county compared with other counties. — Crops produced, how abundantly. — Agricul tural fair at Sheldon. — Cattle, beef and pork. — Dairies. — Butter, Cheese. — How put up for market. — Wool. — Extensive flocks. — How kept. — Honey Bee. — Patent Hive. — Sugar ... 45 CHAPTER III. First settlement. — Remains of forts. — Claimed by Massachusetts, and New Hampshire. — Limits. — Orders of the crown to the Governor of New Hampshire to take direction of its settle ment. — Wentworth's grant for the settlement of Bennington. — Previous commencement by the French on Champlain. — Claimed by New York. — Collision and violence threatened. — Courts in terrupted. — Systematic opposition to the claims of New York, headed by Ethan Allen. — His character, associated with Seth Warner. — Deputation to Great Britain. — Royal interdict, dis regarded by New York. — Measures to arrest Allen and his associates. — The progress of things hastened by the home government. — Under sanction of the first Congress, the royal courts interrupted. — Court house at Westminster seized, blood shed and death. — Excitement. — Battle of Lexington. — War of the Revolution. — Contest suspended between New York and these settlers. — Their singular position, without regular govern ment. — Convention. — Constitution adopted. — Petition to Con gress. — Claiming independence. — Opposed by New York. — Perplexing to Congress. — Their evasive and dilatory policy. — Leave given to withdraw their petition. — Burgoyne on their frontier. — Their independence admitted by New Hampshire. — Proposed state in the valley of the Connecticut. — Claimed by Massachusetts, New Hampshire and New York at the same time. — Disturbances in the southeastern section. — The decision of the question claimed by Congress 65 CHAPTER IV. Rendered persevering by circumstances. — The justice of their cause. — Spirited reply to Congress. — Claiming the same grounds as did Congress with the mother country. — Appeal of Gov. Chittenden and his council. — Intimations of terms with CONTENTS. • Great Britain. — Their justification. — Abandoned by the Union. — A frontier district. — A powerful enemy on their border. — Self-preservation led them to this. — Their last resort. — New York and New Hampshire persisting. — Vermont claimed juris diction over a part of their territory. — This measure favorable. — Strengthened their hands and encouraged to renew to Con gress their petition. — The enemy's proposals ; communicated to Congress by E. Allen. — His celebrated appeal. — Their only overt\act. — Exchange of prisoners. — This offer of the British known to a few only. — Interrupted letter of Lord Germain. — The ^yes of Congress opened by it. — Washington. — Commu nication to Gov. Chittenden. — Delegates sent to Philadelphia. — Action of Congress. — Their repeated deferring of the subject. — Vermont raised troops to defend herself. — Censured by Congress. — Influenced by New York. — Censures and threats repelled 80 CHAPTER V. Vermont little affected by the strong resolves of congress.^- Peace with Great Britain. — Placed Vermont in new circum stances. — Favorable. — Taking the place of spectator to the other colonies. — Encouraging the settlement of her lands. — Reforming evils. — Relieved from some evils of the other states. — The state of the country improving, she again seeks alliance with it. — Intrinsic difficulties. — The question where the Capital of the nation should be, produces an alteration in New York towards her. — Commissioners appointed by New York. — Terms of recon ciliation proposed. — Controversy ended. — Her admission into the Union. — Remarks on this controversy. — Its moderation. — The subject manifested. — Worthy of Imitation. — The instance, one, of bloodshed. — Family connexions of him killed ... 94 CHAPTER. VI. Constitution adopted. — Features of its government. — Representa tives. — Governor and council. — How chosen. — Council of censors. — Its power and objects. — The government demo cratic. — Original counties. — Judicial department. — Salaries of public officers, and compensation of the general assembly, and others in authority — Contrast between the early and present times. — Reflections on the first courts and the changes in them, and the place of holding them. — Customs of first set tlers. — Choosing elevated situations. — Inconvenient often. — x CONTENTS. Alterations and improvements. — Changes. — Their evils. — Benefits 105 CHAPTER VII. In Windham county such changes seen. — Black mountain. — Road on West river. — Cascade. — Defile. — Newfane hill. — Its former appearance. — Deserted state. — Contrast. — Judges and Lawyers. — New county seat. — Fayetteville. — Changes. — Their advan tages. — Evils. — Uplands. — Their use. — Northern positions and exposure. — A family burnt in Newfane. — Hardy occupiers of exposed northern positions. — Hardihood a general trai;. — Con tributing to it, their early troubles. — Their aversion to effemi nacy. — Illustrated by examples. — The character of the first settlers. — Settled principally from Connecticut. — Reproaches answered. — Testimony of Hillhouse to this trait of character 120 CHAPTER VIII. Character of its inhabitants continued. — Hardy. — Their position. — Climate and employments unite in making them so. — Bo dily structure. — Exercise. — Exceptions. — Dissipation. — Diet. — Wrong management. — Frankness another trait. — Enterprising. — Seen in the improvements. — In new sources of profit. — In their vallies, rivers, lakes ; quarries ; factories ; potatoes. — Starch factories.: — Found over the union in responsible trusts. — Intelligent. — Comparative number who cannot read ot write. — Jurymen. — A comparison. — Prejudices. — Apology for speaking of them by comparison. — Formerly stigmatized. — Unfounded as persons. — Griswold and Lyon. — Rencountre between them. — How treated in Connecticut. — Its influence. — Hospitality. — • Southern. — In Vermont to. strangers 134 CHAPTER IX. Character continued. — Originality. — Illustrated. — Baptist clergy man. — Constable. — The taking down a house of Divine wor ship. — Building another. — Prosecution. — Court of experi ence. — The bible cited as authoritiy. — The sign of the Green mountain tavern.— Singular punishment inflicted. — An instance of mischief making. — The false alarm. — Its consequences. — Breaking roads after drifting snow storms. — Assault and battery. — A lawsuit. — Freemen's meeting. — Town meeting. The Vermont originality seen.— Freedom of their elections.— CONTENTS. • Exteuding to all classes. — Clergymen not excluded. — Baptist clergymen in several instances governors. — Anecdote of one. — A singular character 149 CHAPTER X. Characteristics of Vermonters closed. — Some deductions from the foregoing. — Too often subservient to selfish office-seekers. — Discouraged sometimes under difficulties. — Want of perseve rance in carrying to the end promising beginnings. — Family rivalries. — Their consequences. — Winter employments and recreations. — Friendly annual visiting. — Social inteicourse 161 CHAPTER XI. Changes in the executive department, from 1797 to 1842. — Changes in parties. — Governors. — Their characters. — Incidents under their administrations. — English and French party. — How origi nated. — Difficulties with France and the general government. — 1816, cold summer. — A railer at Providence. — Free-masonry becomes a political question. — Excitement. — No choice of governor by the people. — Many trials in the House. — Anti- masonry in politics succeeds. — Arrival in Vermont of the Mar quis de La Fayette. — Proceedings at Windsor. — Some character of him. — From 1842 looking back, and reflections on the list of chief magistrates. — The variety jn their characters, pursuits, and religious belief. — The abolition of capital punishment 167 CHAPTER XII. Senate of Vermont. — How constituted. — Members. — Their age. — Its operation and results. — New organization in the courts. — Changes in the Superior court. — Chief Justices. — Remarks on annual appointments of Judges. — United States senators of Vermont.— Their character. — Character of that body. — Popu lation. — Rapid increase. — Additional towns. — Changes of fifty years in the exterior. — Surface. — Buildings. — Cultivation. — Retrospection. — Contrast 182 CHAPTER XIII. Villages. — Increase of their numbers. — Growth. — Exemplified. — Brattleboro. — Contrast of thirty or forty years. — Its situation. — Public buildings. — View of it from the burying-ground. — Typographic Co. — Early settlers. — First bridge over the Con necticut. — Members of congress. — Its first clergyman. — Dum- xj[ CONTENTS. merston. — Putney. — Westminster. — Some account of it. — Its part in the early history of the state. — Members of congress. — Rev. Lemuel Haynes. — Monument. — Bellows Falls. — Contrast between it and Westminster. — Curiosity of the falls. — Crossing the mountain. — Bennington. — Some particulars of it. — Its early history. — Antiquity. — Head quarters. — Its founders. — Centre. — Burying-ground. — East village. — Furnace. — Hinsdale vil lage. — General improvement and prosperity. — Pleasantness. — Gov. Tichener ' . 191 CHAPTER XIV. Further account of villages. — Manchester. — Its situation and ap pearance. — Burr seminary. — Marble quarries. — Factories. — Quality, and abundance. — Market for it. — Supposed murder. — Castleton. — Road to Rutland. — Clarendon springs. — Walling ford. — East Rutland. — Its common. — Judge Williams. — Wood stock. — Its situation. — Judge Hutchinson. — Charles Marsh. — Windsor. — Springfield. — Its appearance. — Self-taught mecha nic. — A curiosity. — Derby. — Danville. — Montpelier. — Its situ ation. — Population. — Associations of its name. — State house. — Particular description of it. — Middlebury. — Its exterior. — Vergennes. — Decline. — Its prosperity. — Villages of less ex tent.^ — Their number. — The first class.' — In order relative to Montpelier. — Viewed at once. — Retrospection. — Contrast. — Reflections 207 CHAPTER XV. Military exploits and measures in and near Vermont. — Names of leaders, and places of fame. — Discovery of North America and settlement in Canada. — Lake Champlain. — Lake George. — Iroquois Indians. — Strife between the English and French. — Col. Schuyler. — Attack on Deerfield. — Capture of Quebec. — Abercrombie. — Wolf. — His character. — Settlement at Crown Point. — Chimney Point. — Surprise of Bridgman's fort. — Cap ture of Mrs. Howe and other women. — Attack on Royalton. — Brandon. — The justification of Vermont, thus exposed, in admitting overtures from the English . 221 CHAPTER XVI. Warlike movements in Windham. — Adherents of New York. — Guilford. — Ethan Allen's proclamation. — General Bradley. — Instrumentality in quelling the disturbances. — Arnold. — Strife between him and Allen. — Campaign against Ticonderoga CONTENTS. XJJJ planned in Connecticut — Capt. Phelps exploring the enemy's works. — Ethan Allen a prisoner. — At Halifax. — At Cork. — On Long Island. — In New York. — The old jail.— Prisoners in it. — Capt. Travis. — Maj. Van Zandt.— Col. Allen crying for quarters.— His death. — His grave and epitaph. — Col. Seth Warner. — His burial place 234 CHAPTER XVII. War events continued. — Contest for the supremacy on the lake. — The Americans defeated. — Gallant conduct of Waterbury and Arnold. — Arrival, and progress of Burgoyne. — Excitement. — Mounts Defiance, Hope, Independence. — Cannon mounted by the British on Defiance. — Reflections on the past events. — The battle of Hubbardston. — Gen. Fraser. — Battle of Bennington. — Gen. Stark. — His policy at that battle as related by Col. Hum phrey. — Letter to Gov. Trumbull of Connecticut. — The war of 1812. — Generals Hampton and Wilkinson. — The army of the North. — The invasion of New York from Canada. — The naval battle on Champlain. — Its effects, and impression on the coun try. — Commodores McDonough and Downie .... 246 CHAPTER XVIII. Readiness of the government to foster public benevolent Institu tions. — Asylum of deaf and dumb at Hartford. — Asylum for the insane at Brattleboro. — Mrs. Marsh, its founder. — Dr. Rockwell, superintendent. — Its location and scenery around it. — Buildings. — Patients. — Success. — An object worthy of public patronage. — Provision for the indigent insane. — Causes increas ing of this malady. — Other ways of suffering. — By flood and cold. — Inundations of 1828-30. — Catastrophe at New Haven. — A man perished by cold near the summit of the mountain. — A man, wife and infant impeded by the drifting snow. — Over taken by night in an uninhabited part of the road. — Their suffer ings. — Death of the wife. — Sudden changes in the weather. — Great contrast. — Cold days. — The freezing of a rum drinker. — The circumstances. — His body long buried under the snow ' 256 CHAPTER XIX. Literature. — Colleges. — Vermont university. — Presidents. — Dan iel Haskell.— Middlebury College.— Presidents.— Academies and high schools.— Primary schools. — Improvements.— Literary men.— Authors.— Daniel Chipman.— Royal Tyler.— Martin x;v CONTENTS. Field.— Wilbur Fisk.— Jeremiah Evarts.— William Chamber lain 269 CHAPTER XX. Literature and learned men continued. — The learned professions. — Clergymen. — Difficulties encountered by them in the early set tlements. — Their characters. — Names of some of them. — The fruit of their labors. — Dr. Burton. — His authorship. — Lemuel Haynes. — Bunker Gay. — Attorriies at law. — Of some who are dead, their character.— Civilians and statesmen. — Courts. — Their appearance.— Dispatch in business. — Physicians. — Difficulties in their way in the first settlement of the state. — Their charac ter. — Medical college at Castleton. — Vermont poets. — Self- taught one. — Putney hill.— Stanzas of poetry made by a bard living at its foot 282 CHAPTER XXI. Religion. — The three principal denominations. —Congregational ists. — Some account of them. — Baptists. — Their peculiarities. — Anecdote of an Elder. — Methodists. — Their rules and support of preachers. — Episcopalians. — Universalists. — Unitarians 293 CHAPTER XXII. Miscellaneous. — Birds. — Partridge. — Quail. — Snow-bird. — Wild pigeons.— Their abundance formerly. — Swallows. — Their varie ties. — Swallow trees at Middlebury and Bridport. — The Bobo link. — Robin. — Quadrupeds, wild. — Wolf. — Bear. — Squirrel, Gray and other kinds. — Fox. Dendrology. — Evergreen trees. — Hardwood trees — Sugar maple. — Its beauty. — Changes in its foliage. --The beech. — The beau tiful form and appearance of trees. — The spruce. — The elm. — Trees mentioned by ancient writers. — Homer. — Virgil. — In the sacred Scriptures. — Classical and venerable. — The Wellington tree. — Various shapes of the elm. — Two in Berlin, Ct. — Con trasted. — A venerable pine 301 CHAPTER XXIII. Vermont well watered. — Water power. — Little subject to drought. — Torrents. — Floods in the spring. — Devastations by water. — On the banks of the Connecticut. — Passage between cakes of ice. Droughts. — Rivers. — Otter creek. — Onion. — Lamoille. — West river. — Valley through which it passes. — Its channel in sum- CONTENTS. mer. — In the spring and in floods. — Snow in different seasons and places. — Travel over drifts. — Snow bridges. — Seasons of plunging and slumping. — Funerals, and tombs for winter accom modations. — The winter of 1842-3 remarkable. —March and April. — A great flood. — Its ravages. — Prevalence of the ery sipelas in some parts of the state. — A season of suffering. — A young man perishing in the snow near Windsor . . . 318 CHAPTER XXIV. Earliest records. — State papers. — Council of Safety. — Its origin lost. — How chosen. — Its jurisdiction and power. — Tories. — Their families. — Examples from the records of the governor and council. — The first public execution. — Excitement. — Anec dote of Ethan Allen. — Treason, how defined. — Journal of the House of Representatives. — First constitution. — Some of its principles. — The custom of giving titles. — Origin of the supe rior court. — The judges. — How chosen. — Its early proceedings. — Places of holding the general assembly 331 CHAPTER XXV. Crossing the mountain in 1843. — Newfane Hill. — Stratton con vention of 1840. — Scene among the mountains. — Sunderland. — House built by Ethan Allen. — Birth place of Jeremiah Evarts. — Manchester. — Session of the court there. — Going to College. — Manchester mountain. — Spruce timber. — Peru turn pike. — Prospect. — School children. — Their salutations. — Ches ter. — Convention of presbyterian and congregational ministers. — Tract society. — Morning prayer meeting. — Narrative of the state of religion. — Sabbath School Union. — Rev. Mr. Munger. — Hindoo girl. — Indians. — Puritans. — Temperance. — Education society.— Domestic Missions. — Lord's supper. — Crossing the mountain to Bennington in 1843. — Marlboro. — Wilmington. — Bennington furnace. — Reflections 346 CHAPTER XXVI. Improvements in manners and morals. — Dandyism. — Mutual sympathy. — First settlers characterized by a distinguished tra veler. — Early prejudices against evangelical doctrines and their advocates. — Law repealed relative to local societies. — Ministers of the gospel set afloat. — Their trials. — A sceptic preparing his own tomb. — Lock and key on a coffin. — Green mountain Farrier. — Roughness of deportment wearing away. — Evidence XVI CONTENTS. of it. — Manner of its progress. — Urbane and polished manners. — Increasing respect for religion. — In the young especially-— Disturbance of public worship at New Haven, Ct. — Capital punishment.— Crimes. — Profaneness.— Gambling. — Other vices. — Temperance 362 CHAPTER XXVII. Spirit of innovation. — Changes not always improvements. — Evils. — Multiplying out of proportion. — Churches. — Changing the site often and building new ones. — Slightly built. — Sanctity of time. — The proper materials for building them. — Stone and brick. — Frequent changes in the pastoral relation. — Consequences. — Contrast between the clerical and other professions. — Neglect of grave-yards. — North burying-ground in Hartford, Ct. and new one in New Haven. — Their location proper near churches. —Their influence on the living. — West minster Abbey. — Lord Nelson. — Incentives and examples placed before Vermonters. — Conclusion 377 HISTORY OE YEEMONT. CHAPTER I. Introduction, addressed to the youth of Vermont. — The natural conduct of children, often deviated from in youth and middle age. — The natural order to be pursued by them in the pursuit of knowledge. — The examination of things around them, and the scenery of th'eir own State, claim their first attention. — The peculiar circumstances of their state in its establishment. — Its early history. — Its early fathers and magistrates subjects of study to them and veneration. — Its remembrance of the founders of their state, and gratitude for the blessings and privi leges left them to be cultivated. — Past records of their state place before them the strongest incentives to mental cultivation. — The diffusion of knowledge, to the fear and love of God. — To preserve and enhance their heritage ; cherish the love of liberty. — Imbibe manly sentiments, and exhibit a manly deport ment, cultivate physical energy and mental independence. — They place before them motives of the strongest kind to pre serve hardihood of character. — To keep possession of and not desert the hills cleared by their fathers. — To render their state reputable and honorable in the view of other communities. — To cherish and encourage literature and literary men, and those of their own countries, rather than those of foreign countries. Children seek an acquaintance first with the things immediately around them. They look at the candle 2 18 HISTORY OF VERMONT. which gives them light, — the fire which warms them, and the vessel from which they receive their food and drink. Domestic animals early attract their attention ; the dog, the cat, the barn-yard fowls ; the crowing of the cock, the lowing of the kine, and the bleating of the flocks. Their parents, and all the members of the family interest them ; and they imperceptibly become familiar with their looks and gestures, and the tones of their voices. As they increase in years and stature, they extend their views to objects more distant ; to the green hills and vallies around them ; to the woodland and forests. The singing of the birds, and whistling of the wind catch their ears, and fill their minds. They look attentively at the lofty house ; and at the spires and turrets, which adorn churches. They begin to eye with emotion the distant horizon ; the blue hills which limit their sight ; the setting sun ; the rising moon and twink ling stars. This is natural ; and by such gradations their views are imperceptibly extended, and their minds enlarged. The contrary would be unnatural. That is, it would be a transgression of order, for them to close their eyes and stop their ears on the objects, and to the sounds near and around them ; and strive to look first at things far distant : to view the fountain prospect, and scan the wonders of the sky ; to measure the other bodies of the solar system before taking a view of the one on which they were born ; and listen to the murmurs and thunders of heaven, before heeding the songs of their mothers • and understanding the accents and motions of their fathers and kindred. HISTORY OF VERMONT, 19 Equally natural and becoming would it be for the youth of a community to become acquainted first with the history of their native State ; the "time and circum stances of its settlement ; by whom, and the difficulties encountered and overcome in doing it. They should take pleasure in making themselves acquainted with the progress in subduing the forests, and rendering the soil feasible and productive, with the increase of its popula tion ; and the improvements in the arts and sciences. The melioration of society in manners and morals ; in accommodations and refinements, in morality and religion, should not be overlooked by them. With important early events, either of a physical or moral nature ; either of a civil or military character, they should be familiar. With the features of its primitive government ; the ehanges and modifications through which it may have passed, with the principal legal requisitions and prohi bitions, and of the character of its chief magistrates they should not be ignorant. The leading traits of character in its inhabitants, their predecessors ; their virtues and chief excellencies and ruling passions, not omitting their foibles and defects, as incentives to amendment, should be looked out and well scanned by them. Having done this, they may extend their researches and inquiries to other states, and to the* nation. A general knowledge of the history of the states composing this great Republic, and of the republic itself as a whole is an object very desirable ; and the youth of Vermont should feel emulous to acquire it. Indeed they need not stop here, but circumstances permitting, can continue 20 HISTORY OF VERMONT. their researches, till a general comprehensive view of the world be gained by them. With the aid of science they can look at the other planets of the solar system, and at the heavenly bodies, " which rule by day, and mve light by night." This would be the natural course of things. But should they shut their eyes on the objects immediately before them, and neglect to examine the records of their own state, and monuments on which are written the names and deeds of their progenitors ; and cultivate an acquaintance first with the events of other states and nations ; the transactions of other gene rations and deeds of past ages and remote antiquity ; and with regions separated from them by seas and oceans, their course would be preposterous and unnatural. But this doing violence to nature and congruity, is often witnessed : many neglecting what "is of easy access and most valuable, for that wbich is difficult and remote, and less useful when reached. In estimating the value and excellence of a thing, many are prone to inquire first, if it is of foreign production, from what quarter brought, and at what expense and hazard ! Whatever is of native growth and production, they hastily conclude to be of little value and neglect to examine ; and turn their pursuit after that which is far distant, and associated with names of greater celebrity. This is somewhat characteristic of Americans ; particularly as it regards the productions of the mind, works of literature and science. In some measure also, it is the case relative to history. The history of other countries and ages must be read first, and our own historians and writers HISTORY OF VERMONT. 21 last, and reluctantly, as we submit to wear home-spun clothesjvhen we can afford no other. This anti-patriotic spirit will, it is hoped, be of short duration ; and coun teracted, especially by the youth of the green mountain state. What would you say of a man placed providentially in the midst of beautiful scenery, but who should close his eyesrupon it, and fatigue himself in vain to find better views and landscapes in some far distant and unknown regions ? Who from a hasty glance at what was around him, should conclude that the Maker of these things had done better in some other place ; and therefore pay no regard to what he saw, till he had made thorough search for something more excellent, some where to be seen ? Who should neglect to gaze at the lofty mountains and beautiful vales before him ; overlook the rivers and streams, flowing majestically along their channels, or dashing down in torrents from the neighbor ing hills ; blink at the variegated hues of the forest ; and stop his ears against the music of birds flitting through woodlands and across his path ? Who should spend his early and best days in search for more elevated mountains ; mightier rivers, more pleasant meadows and vallies ; and sweeter notes from nature's songsters in some other parts of the earth ? Would he not seem to you infatuated ; running counter to the order of nature, and making himself anxious to little purpose, seek ing far for that which was near and within his reach ? Would it not be equally incongruous for you to neg- 22 HISTORY OF VERMONT. leet and undervalue the rural scenery of your native state ; its variegated, endlessly diversified views and pros pects, its majestic mountains and beautiful rivers, and its forests cheered with the notes of their own songsters ; and seek an acquaintance with familiar things in other Countries, or study first the writings of foreigners, and those, whose opportunities have enabled them, to write of far distant places from personal knowledge T The peculiar circumstances attending the establishment of Vermont, as an independent state, claim the- early attention, and should excite the interest and curiosity of her children. The acquisition of American Independence is a noble and perpetual theme for the orator and patriot. Ver mont state sovereignty was an achievement little less glorious ; and ought by her citizens to be viewed as such, and cherished by her latest posterity as an honor able distinction. She can show on her banner what no other state in the union can : not only freedom from oppression in common with her sister states ; but the badge of her own Independence, established against the conflicting claims of neighboring Republics, and the long interference and interdiction of the national coun cils. Vermont is indeed small compared with the whole Union, and the measures which resulted in her maintain ing a place in the Republic; and the circumstances attending them may be forgotten, or unknown by the citizens generally of the nation. Their interest in them was always comparatively small, and has been growing less and less since the settlement of the difficulties. HISTORY OF VERMONT. 23 Her success, or failure in her struggles for justice periled the welfare of few, compared with the issue of the war of the Revolution. But the principle was the same, and numbers can never effect the principles of right and justice. In common with their countrymen, Vermonters rejoice in freedom from foreign tyranny as a nation ; and for the smiles of Providence on their own cause in ren dering them a free and sovereign state. This fact, then, that of her individual State-Independence should be kept in perpetual memory. Her youth should be emulous to make themselves early and well acquainted with the singular complexion of their origin and being ; the manner of their gaining a name and standing on a level with the other republics which form this great empire. It is always an interesting inquiry relative to any state, nation or important enterprise, what was the character of its origin 1 What was the cause which gave rise to it ; what circumstances had a controlling influence on its subsequent destiny ? Battles the most bloody, and events the most important have resulted from trifling incidents that the hand of God in them might be more visible. The wife of Marshal Ney in a thoughtless moment was reproached by the wives of the ancient Bourbon peers of France as upstart nobility. She com plained of it to her husband. He vowed revenge. He prepared the way for the return of Napoleon from Elba ; and this led to the flight of the Bourbons : and the re- ascending of the throne of France by the exile ; the mustering of a powerful army, and the celebrated battle 24 HISTORY OF VERMONT. of Waterloo ; the dethroning of Bonaparte and confine ment on St. Helena ; the condemnation of Ney, and his being shot down by a file of his own men, and «his wife distracted. The most loathsome reptile must be the instrument of our parents' fall : and the eating of the forbidden tree the origin of the knowledge of good and evil, and of the overwhelming ills which have deluged the earth. The flooded, ruined, depopulated earth was to be re-peopled with man, animal, and insects of every kind, from an ark prepared by Noah. The hollow, defective trunk of an oak in Hartford, was the place af deposit for the Royal Charter of Connecticut liberty, and which thus escaped the searching eye of tyranny, to blot out the articles of her rights and privileges. The cupidity of a Dutch Sea Captain led to the settlement of New England ; being bribed to land the pilgrims from Holland at a point northeast from that stipulated ; leaving the mouth of the Hudson for the Hollanders to occupy. Thus in causes apparently trivial, the founda tion was laid for New England's greatness and glory. A hardy, intelligent, and enterprising people, and many of them devoted to the fear of the Lord, sprung from the small band of persecuted pilgrims, who came from England by the way of Holland, and more than two hundred years ago commenced the settlement of New England. The -cupidity of a few land-jobbers over-persuading the government of New York to give permission to demand of the first settlers of this territory, either to re-purchase, or quit their farms, gave rise to Vermont as HISTORY OF VERMONT. 25 a separate, independent jurisdiction. The first is a matter of curiosity to all ; and ought to be especially so to the youth of this state, and not only of interest and curiosity to them, but they should regard it as a duty to make themselves familiar with the long train of events which followed this unhappy effort to annul the New Hampshire grants ; the measures taken, ; the parties con cerned ; and the difficulties and the evils encountered and suffered. They should also cultivate an affectionate remem brance and veneration of the early patriots of their native state. In common with their fellow youth throughout the union, Washington and the signers of the Declaration of Independence should hold the -first place in their hearts. But to give them this place, some knowledge of them is necessary : their names, residence, distinctive characters, and their public deeds. A gene ral knowledge of these pioneers of our country's liberty every youth ought to have. So also with regard to those, who stood forward, the champions of Vermont Independence ; and by self denial and perseverance ; by forbearance and wisdom, with the divine blessing on their efforts succeeded in securing it. Their children, descendants, ought to cherish a remembrance of these men for their deeds and patriotic virtues. They can indeed find none among them who signed the Declara tion of July 4th, '76, because they were not then- known and acknowledged as a state. But they will find among them those, who signed the declaration of the independence of their own state, claiming the same 26 HISTORY OF VERMONT. privileges and rights as those enjoyed by the rest of the Union. These are the men to be venerated by you not less than those, who proclaimed separation from the mother country, and ordained a government of their Own. To do this you must have some knowledge of them, and their deeds ; some account of their origin, and characters, and of the incidents through which they passed. Grecian youth, even of the present day, hold in affectionate remembrance Leonidus, who with his three hundred companions fell for his country at the straits of Thermopolae ; and the Jews still venerate David, who slew the boasting Goliah the defier of Israel and the blasphemer of Israel's God. Those then who enlkted their powers of body and mind, and periled every thing dear to them to ward off oppression, and shed their blood in defence of freedom and justice ; that the country you occupy, the hills, vallies and mountains now trod by the feet of freemen, should not be parti tioned, and their farms taken from them, ought not to be forgotten by you. You ought not suffer their names to sink into oblivion. But you should feel emulous to perpetuate them, and be able to inform the inquiring traveler or foreigner, whence came the Allens, the Chittendens, the Chipmans, the Fays, the Bkadleys, the Robinsons, and others ; where they lived ; what the manly sentiments and resolves which fell from their pens ; the deeds of their hands, and where are their sepulchres. Important transactions and events of a public nature in which they and their associates bore a part, should be HISTORY OF VERMONT. 27 interesting to you. Incidents, which in themselves might seem trivial, yet as illustrating their characters, become attractive and should be preserved. A new fact relative to them ; or public action of theirs ; or patriotic, manly sentiment uttered by them ; or a single instance of personal sacrifice for the cause of justice and human right, sought out by you and reserved from the rust of time, and accumulations of subsequent events, would be more valuable than volumes of future story. You ought also to be grateful for the heritage left you by these pioneers who have gone to their rest. Youth of Vermont ! Young men of the Green Moun tains ! have you not abundant reasons for gratitude in view of the inheritance handed down to you by their labors and sacrifices ! You inhabit a goodly land, rich and productive, ample ; affording room for a great people. You have a land of green hills and vallies ; a land of endless variety ; the home of farmers and artisans ; abounding in flocks and herds, and in the noble horse ; the nursery of a hardy race, the birth-place of freemen ; a soil subdued by the hands of the owners ; a country of schools and sanctuaries. Preserve it as a precious boon made ready to your hand by the virtue, hardi hood, endurance and wisdom of your fathers, grateful that so rich a portion has been meted out to you. Your form of government ; your constitution and laws ; your courts of justice and rights of suffrage, are they not perpetual blessings which should interest the affections of your hearts ; and inspire you with a grateful sense of the 28 HISTORY OF VERMONT. Divine smiles, which have given you so goodly a heritage, and made you to differ from so many youth of the human family ? Where is the people to whom a greater portion of worldly happiness falls, than to you ? In what place do the youth go forth to the ordinary em ployments of life with less anxiety, more cheerfulness, and a stronger feeling of security ? Where is the frame work of society more sound ; and will you not see that the structure shall be carried forward with correspond ing strength, comeliness and durability ? Holding the medium between overbearing wealth, and abject, servile poverty, you are comparatively a community of equals ; and thus free from the envies and strifes engendered in places of great relative inequalities. The fruits of your industry and enterprise are your own; and you feel little apprehensions of being made the victims of rapine and violence, or of oppression and fraud. Are not your blessings signal ; and will you not honor the instruments through whom you enjoy them, by estimating their value, and making of them a wise and grateful use? Do they not involve strong obligations on your part, to preserve these distinguished favors unimpaired ? Surely you cannot deny these obligations. They are as evident as the sun at noon-day ; and it is hoped you feel no desire to evade them; and never will manifest a disposition to disown them, or lessen their force. A strong motive to the discharge of these obligations, will be a correct understanding of past facts as seen in the records of history ; and history too of the Provi- HISTORY OF VERMONT. 29 dences of the past, which through the alternations of hope and fear, of despondency and confidence, enabled your forefathers, in the face of many difficulties, and powerful opposition, to secure you the privilege of being called Vermonters, " Green Mountain Boys." You should read and ponder the narrative of sober realities, not fictions, which the first generation of your state experienced in conflict with several powerful states, her neighbors, and with the national government ; brandish ing if not the weapons of war, the instruments of argu ment and law, and justice, affixing now and then to their measures the "Beech Seal." These events and facts should be known and retained by you as a matter of history, and belonging to your own state, a distinctive, verdant badge of her coat of arms. You should engage in this business of tracing your way back to the early footsteps of your Commonwealth, not with a view of uncovering the embers of strife, and reviving contention long since hushed in peace. Of the facts you may pos sess yourselves, without imbibing prejudices against the parties. You are thus invited to turn your attention to this subject, that you may gain a knowledge of these things relative to the early settlement of your state and the establishment of a distinct government, to be ignorant of which would not be reputable, especially to Ver monters. i Thus the knowledge of the price at which your bles sings and privileges have been obtained, should operate as a motive to appreciate them duly, and to do all in your power to preserve them and to extend them to the 30 HISTORY OF VERMONT. generations that shall come after you. Let your coun try — let your native state be as dear to you as life itself. You will thus be solicitous to exert all your powers, that her standard of excellence may rise higher and higher. You may do this by mental cultivation, by storing your mind with useful knowledge ; diligently improving your leisure hours, and all favorable opportunities to become qualified for the parts, which may fall to you in the drama of life. A small portion of time separated daily to salutary reading and study, will gradually and in a few years furnish you with a fund of knowledge and information, which may prepare you for the most important trusts and employments of society. By the acquisition of learning and science then, and advance ment in the liberal arts, you may extend the name and praise of your state ; and secure for it a glory more durable than that of arms and victory. The general diffusion of knowledge in a state will be followed with warmer attachments to her institutions and privileges. This will be effected by your efforts ; the united efforts of the young ; by the union of mind with mind ; the generous collision of intellect with intellect, thus eliciting the fire of energetic thought, and the force of eloquent expression. Such means will increase your love to your state ; and have a tendency to lead you to measures and deeds, rendering it reputable and honor able in the eyes of the people. A community is made more truly honorable by science and learning, than by the deeds of war and extent of HISTORY OF VERMONT. 31 her dominions ; or by the ostentation of wealth and luxury. This is evinced by the histories of all past nations. They are remembered with more veneration for the men of learning and useful knowledge, to whom they gave birth, than for their heroes or even magistrates. The honor of giving birth to Homer has been claimed by several cities ; but what city or province has con tended for the honor of producing Alexander or Caesar? Relative to the first Alexander, the only contention about his birth, was whether he was the son of Philip, or of Jupiter in the form of a serpent, which was said to have been seen in his mother's bed-chamber. Is the birth-place of Napoleon an object of more curiosity, than that of Shakespeare, or John Milton, the author of Paradise Lost. If then even a few literary men have procured lasting renown to their country, how great the honor of the land, whose entire youthful population should be well educated ? This is a glory left, it is hoped, to our country, and your beloved state ; the glory of the dis trict school system, and tbe public provision for the instruction of all, the children of the poor as well as of the rich. In this way also, by your united efforts in the pursuit of learning, you may be instrumental in the formation of a national literature. Foreigners have reproached us with making up a patch-work of letters, borrowed from various sources and destitute of national traits. Before pleading guilty to this charge, the question [what consti tutes a national literature ?] ought first to be decided. 32 HISTORY OF VERMONT. If it be a literature corresponding with the civil and religious institutions of a country, and producing an enthusiastic attachment to them, have we not such a literature ? Is it not guided yet by the same spirit, which moved the pen of Dwight and others during the Revolution in the patriotic writings and songs, which animated the soul, and strengthened the arm of the soldier in that glorious struggle for liberty and indepen dence ? The battle field and council chamber of that period are consecrated spots, to which the youth of our country turn with enthusiasm ; and a succinct record of the events, which marked those times of trial, and the parts taken in the contest by the several states, would aid in inspiring the youthful mind with veneration for the heroes and statesmen of our Independence. The his tories and writings which duly delineate the past events of our country, and of the state to which we belong ; and give a correct account of our government and laws, our liberties and religious institutions, the manners, cus toms, and characters of the people, inspiring a strong love of our native land, are conversant with national literature. It is absurd to call any other national, but the literature which has reference to our country's institutions; the character and pursuits of its inhabi tants ; the nature of its government and laws, its religion, and the transactions which have resulted from its con nexion with other nations of the earth. But by the fear and love of God, you must seek above all things else, to perpetuate and extend the praise of your state ; thus rendering stable her blessings and HISTORY OF VERMONT. 33 institutions. " Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people." " Wisdom is the pearl of great price ; and the fear of the Lord is the begin ning of wisdom, and to depart from evil is understand ing." Attentively study the bible. Its literature, as such, excels that of every other book in the world. It stands unrivaled in sublimity and beauty ; in tenderness ; in narrative and in poetry. Milton read • it daily and drank deeply of its spirit. Hence it was in a measure that he produced an Epic Poem, which according to Johnson " is the second in the world only because it was not the first." Let it be made one of your classics ; a book not to be read only; but studied and recited, and explained by teachers in its comparative literary excellences. You may thus have a strong hope, not only of promoting genuine learning and sound morals, but the honor of your state. What is far more impor tant, you may have hope that the Spirit will accompany the word and inspire that knowledge, which will stand by you at the judgment when the secrets of all hearts will be revealed : that Spirit to whom Milton devoutly prayed — " Thou, O spirit, that dost prefer Before all temples th' upright heart and pure, Instruct me, for thou know'st ; * # # # What in me is dark, Illumine : That I may assert eternal Providence And justify the ways of God to men." You are not qualified for the duties of life till your 3 34 HISTORY OF VERMONT. minds are imbued with the fear and love of God. You are not prepared for its vicissitudes without them. These are your only security for your persevering fidelity to the trust confided to you ; the only assurance that your whole course will reflect credit on your native state ; sustain and increase her reputation in the Republic. They are the only safeguard of your own reputation, and perseverance to the end in well doing. This goodly heritage you may preserve, and increase the praise of your state by the cultivation of manly sentiments. Such were the sentiments pre-eminently of your early predecessors. A good example in this respect have they left you ; noble sentiments animated their bosoms, and were breathed forth in their words and actions. Imitate tlieir example, and let the same spirit of freedom and independence inspire your hearts and govern your conducts. The children of freemen in a sense somewhat peculiar, a corresponding obligation rests on you to maintain the character untarnished. Discrimi nate between genuine freedom and licentiousness. The reign of salutary law, is the reign of circumscribed liberty. Submit to such restraint, for without it, liberty loses her safeguard ; and having little or no assurance of security in your rights and enjoyments, you would be only nominally free. You would draw towards the borders of slavery. Cultivate then a knowledge of the true principles of liberty ; the rights of man, and frown on tyranny in all its forms ; the usurpation of power and oppression. Assert and maintain the claims of justice and equity. Free in your spirits as the moun- HISTORY OF VERMONT. 35 tain air you breathe, your sentiments will be manly, and lead to manly conduct. You will not cower before the menacing eye of the tyrant ; but bid defiance to his denunciations, and rise superior to the intimidations and the feelings of servitude. This feeling of freedom will also guard you against the servile influence, growing too often from the love of money ; the absorhing pursuit of the times. Great is the homage claimed by overgrown wealth ; and jts attend ant ^ower, and advantages, and ostentations hold many minds in obsequiousness. > They control in a measure public opinion, and establish a kind of tyranny to which you may find it difficult not to succumb. But to yield entirely to its sway is debasing, and an impediment to mental culture and independence. While then you duly estimate the use of money, and encourage the acquisi tion of a competence ; be not awe-struck at its tinsel flattery, and bow not to Mammon, " the least erected spirit that fell from heaven." There are other things more excellent ; and which cannot be purchased with silver and gold ; a mind endowed with a free and manly spirit ; well cultivated, and a heart stayed by the anchor of faith. Equally inconsistent tyith such a character would be yielding to effeminacy and the allurements of ease and pleasure. The youth of Vermont should be the last to be captivated with the blandishments of refinement and self-indulgence ; the last to relinquish an elastic, hardy temperament. The example of your predecessors for bids such a retrograde ; the whole line of the mountain 36 HISTORY OF VERMONT. population forbids it ; your own situation and comfort forbid it. The fathers of your state scorned the syren song of indolence and self-enjoyment. Supineness and ease marked not their course. They cowered not before the mountain tempest, or the whirlwind of political com motion, or the storm of war. Shall the blessings and privileges thus secured to you, be lost or perverted by the want of self-denial or vigilance ? Will you suffer your comparatively favorable circumstances to enervate your energy and resolution and make you a puny r5ce, afraid to ascend and overlook the summits of your moun tains ; turn your backs upon the winds that roar among your forests ; and cover your faces and hide from the driving snow storm ? Shall the healthful, blooming complexion once so common on your hills and along your rivers and vallies, become pale and wan like the victims of the ague and fever on the fens and marshes of the south and west ? You will feel keenly the vigors of your northern climate, in proportion as you render your bodies tender and delicate by wrong training and nursing. Through mistaken notions of gentility and exquisite appearance you may become too susceptible, and shiver before the keen winds of the north, which would only fan the early fathers8 and mothers of your state. Cultivate then physical energy; bodily health, for mental vigor and elasticity depend much on this. At any rate, the mind cannot be long and profitably exercised, unless the faculties of the body are in a healthful tone. As dwarfs and pigmies are formed by HISTORY OF VERMONT. 37 early subjecting the bodily frame to narrow, straitened chests and boxes ; so the mind by yielding to the pres sure of tyranny, to the love of money, the arrogance of ostentatious, overbearing wealth, and the fascinations -of ease and pleasure, may be reduced to Lilliputian dimen sions. In such circumstances you would find yourselves illy prepared for the changes of a Vermont winter ; and in some of its sudden gales might lose your foot-hold. By the union then of mental and bodily resoluteness and vigor, you may with the Divine blessing, pass your time pleasantly, and not only keep the vantage ground given you, but rise higher. In this way you would be qualified, and feel disposed to keep the possession of the hills cleared and made ready to your hands by those who have gone before you. In this the writer uses not figurative language ; but it is true to the letter, that many of the hilly and exposed parts of Vermont, as it is related in the sequel, are in danger after having been subdued, fenced, and occupied by buildings and cultivators, of being deserted, and going back to a state of nature, regained by the bear and wolf. Have you not observed one and another of your acquaintance retreating from elevated, windy positions into the lowlands ; and taking shelter in the vallies and cavities; behind projecting mounds and clumps of trees? Have you not seen and known one building after another taken down and rebuilt in a more retired, quiet place ? Now is there not somewhat of retrograde in this ? May it not go too far? But you will say, may we not choose our own situation, and meliorate our circumstances ? 38 HISTORY OF VERMONT. Must we live on ground so exposed, that both hands sometimes are scarcely enough to keep our heads cover ed, because our fathers lived there before us ? Was it not enough that they encountered the winds of these unprotected ridges for half a century till their heads were assimilated to the frosts and snows around them ? Do we not hear it said by one and another, and our elders too, " I have lived on this hill long enough ?" " I mean to move down to the foot of it." — " The snow drifts have burrowed me up here often enough ; I intend going to a warmer country." " Must we stay, till all leave us but such as are unable to make good their retreat." Choice of situation in which to live, is indeed free to all in itself considered ; and exchange of place is often desirable and advantageous ; and many mutations have been happily made. The writer could not but admire the filial affection of the young man, who had made provision to move his aged father to the flat, at the foot of the lofty bleak hill, on which he had long toiled and buffeted the storm of many a winter. But age had now crippled him, and he could do little more than listen to the howling of the tempest and look at the drifting snow. The son was disappointed in his intentions ; for death removed the father to another world, before he had time to carry them into execution. In relating it, he was grieved that his purpose had been frustrated. Motives like these would surely justify you in doing what you can to accommodate the aged and infirm in retired and quiet situations, many of which are to be of HISTORY OF VERMONT. 39 found in your own state. But frequent as they are, they are insufficient to contain all, young and old. All cannot live upon the banks of the rivers ; or in the ravines and openings between the mountains ; or in the village, and centre of business. Some must dwell on the sides and summits of the hills. As well might all pursue similar employments, as claim like situations' as places of residence. Agriculture is your principal pur suit ; and the hills often present superior advantages to the farmer. If these are to be deserted, where will be your means of sustaining the increasing inhabitants of the Green Mountains ? In the beauty and grandeur of prospects, the advantage is almost exclusively on your side as occupiers of these overlooking elevations. They furnish summer abodes most delightful ; and enjoying the cool and reviving breezes undulating around the uplands and hill tops, you may commiserate those pent up between the hills, sweltering under the scorching rays of mid-summer's sun. Do not these advantages in a measure compensate for the inconveniences of winter ; and reconcile you to a hill residence even if it shall have a northern bleak exposure ? Surely you must feel reluctant at relinquishing entirely the high ground occu pied by your fathers ; and give up conquests made upon the dominions of the forests. The pride of ancestry, and the fear of deterioration, one would think must not only stimulate you to keep the ground already wrested from nature ; but to make further inroads upon her terri tories. Raise still higher the standard of subjugation ; and let the rays of the sun into some other yet untouched 40 HISTORY OF VERMONT. " contiguity of shade." " Green Mountain Boys," de scendants of those, who held fast the " New Hampshire grants," surrendering the cleared hills back to the beasts of the forest ; and chased by the catamount, wolf and bear to the rivers, into the lowlands and cavities of the mountains ! Instead of following the eagle to the " clefts of the rock," turned back by the hootings of the screech- owl ! The stranger, perhaps the friend of your father, from a distant state, calls on you, at your residence on the flat, or in the valley ; perhaps a traveler from abroad. He eyes with silent emotion the neighboring eminence. He wishes to ascend it and view the surrounding scenery. Your hospitable reception of him, gives him confidence to ask you to accompany him. You cannot refuse, but conceal your aversion to the effort. He admires the prospect, but observes the marks of former residences ; footsteps of an old settlement ; evidences that the hill top on which he stands had been trod by human feet before in the ordinary pursuits of life. In answer to his inquiries, you have to confess the truth ; that your predecessors cleared that hill and lived and died upon it ; living to a good old age, robust and hale. But say you " we could not stand it. It was too cold, windy and snowy. We had to give it up and go down to the flat, and valley, shielded by the surrounding hills from the piercing northern blasts. We are more tender and delicate than our fathers and mothers. We cannot endure such hardships as they encountered." A compli ment this indeed would be to them ; but a confession from you, one would think accompanied with blushing. HISTORY OF VERMONT. 41 The following stanzas taken from the Knickerbocker, may not be inappropriate in this place. " THE HILLS." " The hills ! — the " everlasting hills !" How peerlessly they rise, Like Earth's gigantic sentinels Discoursing in the skies. Hail ! Nature's storm-proof fortresses, By freedom's children trod ; Hail ! ye invulnerable walls, The masonry of God ! When the dismantled pyramids Shall blend with desert dust, When every temple made with hands Is faithless to its trust, Ye shall not stoop your Titan crests, Magnificent as now ! Till your Almighty Architect In thunder bids you bow ! I love the torrents, strong and fierce, That to the plain ye fling, Which gentle flowers drink at their goal, And eagles at their spring ; And when arrested at their speed By winter's wand of frost, The brilliant and fantastic forms In which their waves are tossed. Glorious ye are, when noon's fierce beams Your naked summits smite, As o'er ye day's great lamp hangs pois'd In cloudless chrysolite ; 42 HISTORY OF VERMONT. Glorious, when o'er ye sunset clouds Like broidered curtains lie : Sublime, when, through dim-moonlight, looms Your special majesty. I love your iron-sinewed race — Have shared their rugged fare — The thresholds of whose eyrie homes Look out on boundless air : Bold hunters, who from highest cliffs The wild goat's trophies bring, And crest their bonnets with the plumes Of your aerial king ! I love the mountain maidens — Their step's elastic spring Is light as if some viewless bird Upbuoyed them with its wing ; Theirs is the wild, unfettered grace That art hath never spoiled, And theirs the healthful purity That fashion hath not coiled. Mountains ! I dwell not with ye now, To climb ye and rejoice — And round me boometh, as I write A crowded city's voice ; But oft in watches of the night, When sleep the turmoil stills, My spirit seems to walk abroad Among ye, mighty hills ! Cherishing such an attachment to your native state ; its founders and institutions, you will encourage the literary and scientific productions of your countrymen, rather than those of foreigners. Works of merit you will of HISTORY OF VERMONT. 43 course honor, from what quarter soever coming. But you will not surely approve every thing of this kind because it is foreign, nor reject it because it is American : other things being equal, the latter should claim your prefer ence. Even agricultural societies in awarding pre miums, give a preference to animals of a native growth and pure American breed. Why not do so with regard to mental productions? Would it not be patriotic ; and a merited frown on those publishers, who are flooding the country with foreign reprints at a rate so cheap as to discourage native writers ? Well may we be reproached for the want of a national literature, so long as our Belle-lettres, and works of science and history come principally from abroad. Being reprinted here without the purchasing of the copyright, Wealthy and indepen dent book establishments can afford them cheaper than they could similar works of our own countrymen. For the authors must of course be paid something for their labor, and the publication made out from manu scripts. These reprints will continue to inundate the reading world, so long as they are demanded and wel comed by the public. If your school books for improvement in reading are filled with selections of foreign composition, will not the rising generation be imbued with a foreign, rather than a national literature ? Is it not time that the taste and habit in this respect were corrected ? If we have no writings suitable for schools, let it be known and confessed, and the aid of foreigners humbly craved. Besides if your school books are always, as they now 44 HISTORY OF VERMONT. are, to be mere compilations ; consisting of as many different subjects as chapters, what permanent effect can they have on children and youth ? They may improve in enunciation by the use of them ; and is not this all ? But if works on some connected and important subject, one of an historical narrative were placed in their hands, they might be treasuring valuable information while making improvement in reading. They might be laying up facts relative to their own country, of which they should not be ignorant. Lend your influence and example then to patronize meritorious scholars of your state and nation. Let the books read in your primary schools, be those which describe things around you ; events and historical facts, worthy of remembrance. Let them be such as will inspire the young with a love of their own country ; and furnish them with the outlines of its history ; the features of its government and institutions. See that they are such as will imperceptibly imprint on their minds, the very knowledge which will be wanted in subsequent life ; and while in the pursuit of elementary studies, furnish them with facts and illustrations not easily forgotten. If the following pages should be found conducive to this ; a suitable reading book for schools ; the design of the writer will be accomplished ; and therefore while bespeaking their candor, and favorable regard as far as deserved, it affectionately dedicates itself to the youth of Vermont. 45 CHAPTER II. General description of the state. — Its name. — Surface. — Exterior appearance. — Its shape, and boundaries. — Road from Brattle- boro to Albany. — Scenery near Bennington and Manchester. — Former and present stage route across the mountain. — Road on the banks of the Battenkill, through Arlington. — Deceptive appearance of the distant prospects. — Variegated appearance in Rutland county and Addison. — Chimney Point. — The coun try along Lake Champlain to Burlington and St. Albans. — Franklin County. — Prospect from Westford. — Soil on the Con necticut river. — On the hills and vallies east side ; and on the westside of the mountain. — How enriched. — Interval. — Hills. — Soil near Rutland, Middlebury and other pjaces. — Gardens and productions of Burlington. — Franklin county compared with other counties. — Crops produced, how abundantly. — Agricul tural fair at Sheldon. — Cattle, beef and pork. — Dairies. — Butter, Cheese. — How put up for market. — Wool. — Extensive flocks. — How kept. — Honey Bee. — Patent Hive. — Sugar. Vermont was the last settled of the New England States ; and admitted into the Union not till after the Revolutionary war. It is divided by the Green Moun tains, which run from north east to south west, its whole length ; the eastern border being washed by the Connecticut river, and the greater part of the western by Lake Champlain. Its name is descriptive of the mountain which passes 46 HISTORY OF VERMONT. through it, and was probably suggested by the evergreens which adorn it. It is composed of two words, which signify verdant and mountain. No state is more appro priately named. No one in the Union has more beauti ful and sublime mountain scenery. It presents many interesting and magnificent prospects. That portion of it, which is situated on the east side of the mountain is uneven and hilly, especially in the south eastern part, the interval on the Connecticut being narrow. In the northern part, the surface is less un even ; the margin on the river wide, affording rich meadows and arable land, which are highly cultivated, and divided into beautiful farms. It presents on the map a figure of four unequal sides. Theeastern line follows the winding and irregular course of the Connecticut, and is somewhat the longer side ; being about one hundred and ninety miles. The northern line is that which separates it from Canada, and is more regular, running from north east to south west, and is about ninety miles long. The western border is also very irregular, particularly that part washed by the waters of Champlain, which indents it with numerous bays, coves and inlets, forming beautiful Islands ; and a large one called Grand Isle, and which of itself makes a county. The southern part of this line, separating it from New York, is more regular. On the south it is divided from Massachusetts by a comparatively straight line of about forty miles in length. The southern part of the state is very uneven the hills approaching to the very bank of the Connecticut HISTORY OF VERMONT. 47 and almost to the line of New York. For a number of years, the stage road from Brattleboro to Albany went directly over the highest ridges, and in many places is fearfully steep. The route is now more circuitous and less arduous, following the course of streams, winding round the hills, and leading you unexpectedly by a gentle declivity into Bennington or Manchester, if you wish to visit Saratoga Springs. If the present route is less difficult and laborious, a desirable relief to the horse, it affords fewer points of extensive and beautiful prospects to the traveler. The original direction of the road for twenty miles was mostly through the forest, over steep hills, and through deep vallies, with here and there a clearing, and a dwelling with its hospitable sign, surmounted by a rudely carved mountaineer, brandishing in the whistling wind, some implement of husbandry. On its summit, the lofty beeches and birches, bear the initials of many a traveler, which now like many other records of this world, are overgrown with moss, and will soon become illegible. But this route presents very extensive and interesting prospects to the east, south, and particularly to the west. From the summit near Bennington the prospect at a clear rising sun is majestic beyond description. The rays of the sun lead your view distinctly to, and even beyond the Helderberg, some forty miles beyond the Hudson, and down that river below the Catskill moun tains. The mind is filled and elated with the contem plation, and an early ride of ten or fifteen miles to reach this point with the rising sun, is richly rewarded by the 48 HISTORY OF VERMONT. pleasure of the scene. It is one calculated to impress the mind with reverential and grateful thoughts of God, and through his works let it run up to his throne in thanksgiving and praise. In passing this twenty miles of steep hills, and deep vallies, the stage required no more time than in going over the same distance on a level road. The time lost in going slowly up the steeps, was regained in going rapidly down the declivities. So rapid was the descent, that one needed steady nerves to abide it ; and yet no instance of being upset on this most difficult place of crossing the Green Mountains has been known, while on the level road from Bennington to Troy it has often been overturned. This mountain turnpike had become so proverbial, that a gentleman from Boston, passing it with his horse and chaise, said, " that if he had found it no more than perpendicular, he would have been satisfied ; but coming to the places where it leaned the other way, it was hard scratching." But this is now one of the deserted ways of this w6rld, and the new way runs a more easy course, and none need hesitate encountering it. The scenery around Manchester is delightful ; and to a stranger, very impressive. Indeed on visiting it for the first time, one is surprised that the inhabitants are apparently so unconscious of the unusual delineations of nature with which they are surrounded. One sees not how they can pursue their ordinary occupations and keep their eyes from becoming fixed on the interesting scenes, which the Spring, and Summer and Autumn HISTORY OF VERMONT. 49 present them. But Winter too, has its attractions in her snows and frosts which cover these lofty eminences, rendering them in appearance still more elevated and grand, overhanging the shrubbery and evergreens with their white drapery. In the sultry season of July and August, the traveler, returning from Saratoga Springs, crossing the Hudson near the battle ground at Stillwater ; and passing through Unionville, has a delightful entrance into Vermont. The road running on the banks of Battenkill, and it seems difficult for art, having ample means at command, to contrive a route more engaging, or better calculated to please and animate the mind through the medium of the eye. The interchange of sun and shade ; of gentle rising hills ; and of pleasant vallies ; of water flowing smoothly along in one place ; and in another, murmuring over the rocks and precipices, becomes more and more interesting as you leave the borders of New York. In passing through Arlington, the road on the margin of the river is nearly level, but skirted by gradually ascend ing hills and mountains ; and in the sultry sun of Au gust, the scenery around you will animate and cheer you, leaving impressions on your mind not easily effaced. You will remember a ride through Arlington during the fiery reign of Sirius, as long as you live. In some places the ascent from the stream and road seem so gradual and regular, that one would think them the work of art; in another, so abrupt and disjointed and irregular are the eminences and ridges, that the spectator regards them as the works of nature in one of her wild- 4 50 HISTORY OF VERMONT. est freaks. Here you see a gradual mounting up into the atmosphere at an angle of 45°, and as regular as the roof of a building. , Then again you behold ragged, conical mounds running up into the upper regions, sepa rated from one another by deep ravines, and dark gulfs. On the one hand, hills are covered with evergreens, intermingled with beech and maple ; on the other, the bold cliffs of granite and limestone glisten in the sun. These prominences shoot up before and around each other without the least regard to courtesy or deference ; for the more lofty and bulky ones obtrude their bodies athwart the smaller, raising their menacing heads above them, intercepting the rays of the sun, and casting them into the shade. But this uncourtliness of nature affords not the less enjoyment to the spectator, for it gives him a pleasing interchange of light and shade, as far as the eye can reach, and constantly varying as the sun appears to move from east to west. Now and then your eye lights upon a vast, deep, circular concavity ; one half of it bright wiih the sun's rays, and the other dark by the shade of the interposing trees and rocks. The traveler moves leisurely forward on a compara tively smooth and level road, running alternately both sides of the Battenkill, the scenery on either hand beguiling his fatigue, and the heat of the summer sun. The prospects around are enchanting, but somewhat delusive like those of human life to the inexperienced youth. He sees before him a representation of the difference between anticipation and reality ; between viewing objects in the distance, and actually approaching HISTORY OF VERMONT. 51 them. For should the traveler undertake to ascend these eminences, which skirt his way, and seem so gently rising and so uniform, he would find how deceitful is the appearance. Steep and arduous will he find the ascent, which seems so gradual and easy of access ; rug ged and broken too, instead of smooth and continuous. His way will be often unexpectedly entangled by under brush and briars ; obstructed by ravines and fallen trees, and projecting rocks. The circular cavities, which appear to exclude the burning rays of the sun, inviting him to the cool, shady retreat to rest his limbs, he may find the lurking places of wild beasts, and the venomous reptiles. Such is the difference between human life in the prospect and in the sober reality ; and many a youth has experienced it in his contact with scenes and events of meridian and declining life. But such reflections improved, enable the civic trav eler to hold on his way rejoicing ; and looking forward to the end of his pilgrimage when he shall see no more; as through a glass darkly, but as face to face. He is grateful for a sight now and then of the beauty and grandeur of the world which God has made ; and' waits with patience for the prospects and landscapes of that better country ; that heavenly inheritance, which is incorruptibh, undefiled, andfadeth not away. As you proceed through Dorsett and Paulett, simi lar high ridges and deep broad vallies attract your atten tion. Your eye is riveted ; and your mind can ascend in gratitude and reverence to the Maker of this world with all its varied beauty and magnificence. Indeed 52 HISTORY OF VERMONT. the west side of the mountain is more bold and striking than the eastern, especially in Bennington county and the south part of Rutland. Leaving this interesting region, as you go north, you approach the head of Champlain. The scenery now somewhat changes, but continues to inspire the mind with pleasing and elevating sensations. Deep ravines, or rather gulfs, in many places make their way from the sides of the mountain to the borders of the Lake. They seem like passages for the waters which fill its bed, and" once gushed out, as it were, from the fountains, which abound in the everlasting hills of this state. Passing through Rutland you enter Addison county ; and taking the road on the borders of the Lake, you have delightful views on either hand. On your right, the distant mountains, with their diversified appearance of hills and vallies, of pines and firs, and maple and beech, with all their various intermingling forest trees and shrubbery. On your left, the surface of the Lake presents itself to you in a great variety of shapes and dimensions, winding its way between this and the state of New York. Its waters alternately expanding and contracting ; widening in one place as far as the eye can reach ; and in another apparently narrow enough for a rifle to throw a ball over it, you are presented- with its endlessly diversified shores, and numerous islands, which dot its surface. — Many of these have traditionary and significant names ; and the various points and pro jections ; and inlets and bays are known distinctly to the mariner and steam boat captain, as the mile stones of HISTORY OF VERMONT. 53 the turnpike to the mail carrier ; or the Railroad Depot to the conductors of the cars. Going in this direction you reach the town of Addi son ; and on the shore a bold irregular projection, called Chimney Point; a brick tenement with its hospitable sign, an interesting spot on which to pass a rainy day. The opposite shore is classic ground ; and the sun coming out of the clouds, you can almost see the remains of the forts of Crown Point. This is a spot to run the mind into sober and salutary contemplation ; and delay the traveler a day or two, to visit the opposite shore ; and look at the works of martial bands long since disbanded and motionless in the grave. The late Br. Griffin, a short time before his death, spent several days here unattended, viewing the scenery, and the mementos of past and interesting events and trans actions. This significant Point and the opposite shore, have been honored also by the footsteps' and pen of Dr. Dwight. Pursuing your course northward, you enter Chittenden county ; and enjoy the pictured scenery of Charlotte, and other places, keeping your eye on the waters of Champlain, enlivened by the passing and repassing of sail boats ; and of the dark, smoking steamer. You are now drawing near Burlington bay, the road curving round this beautiful basin, so to speak, of water, and leading you abruptly and unexpectedly to the brow of the hill overlooking the pleasant town of Burlington ; one of the most pleasant in New England. It is about 54 HISTORY OF VERMONT. a mile square, situated on a declivity, descending gradu ally to the shore of the Lake, westward. The view of the Lake from the summit of this declivity is very im pressive. With the advantage of the morning sun, the naked eye can see the shores, and white buildings of Keysville, twenty miles distant, and almost to the place of M'Donough's victory over the British fleet near Plattsburg. Leaving Burlington, you soon come within the limits of Franklin county, which borders on Canada. The prospect south and west from the town of Westford, is one of the finest, even in this state ; abounding as it does, in situations the most enchanting and romantic. " Bur lington, fourteen miles distant, and a large portion of the Lake, appear to the naked eye from the elevation in the south part of this town [Westford] ; and the expanse beyond to the horizon fills the mind with emotions bordering on the sublime. You are fixed in the contem plation ; and reluctantly leave the ground, affording such a display of unusual beauty and grandeur. But your way is to St. Albans, the principal town in this county. You find it situated on a level plat; and the ground around it even, excepting a gradual slope four miles to the Lake shore. The view of Champlain from it, is far less distinct and commanding than at Burlington. But the place is pleasant ; the main street long, regular, broad, and the buildings on it compact. Instead of a stinted, frozen village, which its Hyperborean situation would lead you to apprehend, you might think yourself HISTORY OF VERMONT. 55 in the main street of some large place or city. But having passed through this street, you have seen most of the village. Shelden and Enosburgh are towns in this part of the. state, which afford great variety of appearance, many interesting points of view, and much attractive scenery. Missisquai river passes through this county. — Its cur rent, and banks and adjacent meadows and hills are ob jects of much curiosity to the traveler. Indeed one is ready to give the preference to this northern county, to any one in the state, in an agricultural point of view. The land is warm and rich ; and as early in producing many crops, and more so than the southern part. The land in Vermont, taken together, is good. In some parts it is rich and very productive. On the east side of the mountain, bordering immediately the Con necticut, the soil is either a loam, or alluvial. At a dis tance from the river, particularly in the south eastern part, it becomes what is called hard-pan. But this is a soil deep and strong, retaining long the manure applied to it. Extensive intervals, affording beautiful and pro ductive farms, are found in Putney, Windsor, Newbury, Bradford, and other places. The vallies and hollows interspersed among the mountains and hills, are gene rally very fertile, and of easy cultivation. The soil is a vegetable mould ; and kept in good heart, by the wash of the surrounding hills. Indeed nature seems to have provided a kind of compensation to this state for this inland position. The low lands are constantly more or less watered and enriched from the neighboring emi- 56 HISTORY OF VERMONT. nences and ridges. Leaves falling annually and decay ing, and trees broken down by storms, or yielding to age, decomposing, form a mould, which being washed down by the rains, and the dissolving of the snow iu the spring, affords a yearly coat of good manure. In the absence of floodings by large rivers, this is no inconsider able annual recruiting of the soil. On the west side of the mountain the soil in many places is argillaceous ; in others a mixture of clay and loam, particularly in Bennington, Rutland, and Addison counties. Here in the spring, and after heavy rains, the traveling is bad, particularly on what is called the Lake road. But the soil is very rich and productive. Fine tracts of land are seen in Rutland, Middlebury, Shore ham, Bridport, Addison, Vergennes, and other places. In Chittenden county the soil is more loamy ; and iff some parts of it sandy. But on the hanks on Onion river is found some first rate land. In Burlington the soil is warm and early, producing most kinds of vegeta bles and fruits that grow and come to maturity in any part of New England. In the village itself, the soil is somewhat various, but generally of a dark rich color mellow and very productive, resembling that of Weth- ersfield, Ct. Going there in- autumn you may see, and the writer has witnessed it more than once the gardens full of the richest kinds of vegetables for the table; and flowers to light the eye and regale the senses ; and the fruit trees bending with the pressure of the choicest fruit. You will see cauliflowers, and Lima beans growing to as great perfection as in New Haven HISTORY OF VERMONT. 57 Ct. ; and melons like those of Long Island. The apples, so large, and of such flavor ; the peach and pear and plum, so sound and full and delicious, you will find, that you may almost forget your northern position, and think yourself as far south as Newport, R. I. Franklin is the last county in this direction, but not the least fertile of soil. On the contrary for the pur poses of agriculture, it is probably the best in the state. The soil is a mixture of loam, and marl, and clay slightly, forming ground pleasant to till ; and yielding rich and abundant crops. Excellent farms are found in St. Albans, Swanton, Shelden, Enosburg, and Montgomery. Indeed no town here can be named without them ; and the great business of the inhabitants of this county is agriculture ; and what is connected immediately with it. The writer witnessed at a fair in Shelden, October, 1838, a collection of horned cattle, and other domestic animals, and many specimens of home manufacture, and productions of the soil, which would do no discredit to the most favored parts of New England. With regard to rocks and stones, aside from numerous ridges and mounds, and caverns of the Green Mountains strictly, which, to the end of time never will be tilled ; it may be said that no more are found generally through out the state than are wanted for fences, and building ; and other similar purposes. They impede tillage but in very few places. The land on the Connecticut, and for several miles back, produces large crops of corn ; and thence to the summit of the mountain, potatoes and oats in abundance ; 58 HISTORY OF VERMONT. and summer wheat moderately. Far less winter wheat is raised now than formerly, in the whole eastern range of the state. Considerable winter wheat is raised on the west side of the mountain where corn and the other grains grow luxuriantly. The grass crops are abundant in almost every part of the state. No country produces grass more abundantly or of a better quality of hay than Vermont. Thus it is, and by their fine grazing upland pastures ; and esculent roots, that the farmers are ena bled to fatten so much beef and pork, which is one great source, perhaps the principal one, of their sustenance and profit. These are of good quality, and do not come be hind, in market, those of other states. Their beef in Boston generally has the preference. Butter and cheese also are sources of income to the husbandmen. Great quantities of both go to the New York market by water conveyance and thence to the south. This is a business pursued extensively on both sides of the mountain ; and to Boston is carried gene rally what is made in the eastern, -and some of that in the western part of the state. But the largest dairies are found south of the mountain, particularly in Addison, Chittenden and Franklin counties ; and the cheese mongers from New York make their appearance in those quarters in the Autumn with more smiling countenances than the Yorkers formerly did ; claiming farms and tene ments, which would not come at their bidding. You will see at this season, great quantities of these articles, carried from every part of these counties, and from Lamoille, in casks made on purpose. The casks for the HISTORY OF VERMONT. 59 cheese resemble somewhat the cider barrel, but of less dimensions ; and more tapering at the ends. The largest cheeses are placed in the centre, and those of less cir cumference gradually each way to the ends ; and thus in a close, compact state, they are easily handled and pre served from damage in carrying them to the remote parts of the country. Some of the dairy establishments in these counties are extensive ; forty, fifty, and sometimes sixty cows being kept by one farmer ; with great conveniences for the business, every thing connected with them, neat, cleanly and in good order. The articles of this kind going from these places, are of excellent flavor ; and being stamped, find a favorable reception wherever they go. The rearing of sheep, and wool growing, as it is called, is also an increasing business and affording at times no small income and profit. Great facilities exist here for the keeping of large flocks of this useful animal. The grass growing on the elevated places, is the very food on which they best thrive ; and much land may be thus possessed, which could not be in any other way. It is inaccessible to man for the purposes of culture, plowing and sowing. For if the owners occasionally and par tially ascend them so as to call their flocks into the lower parts, for the purpose of salting them, it is as much as can be expected. Having in the spring surmounted their wall fence with branches of the hemlock, so handy and effectual to enclose them safely in their own pre cincts, they permit them to ramble at leisure over the precipices and high lands, till the winter drives them to 60 HISTORY OF VERMONT. seek quarters in the barn-yard. If the winters should be hard and long, a thing not unknown in these regions, these boughs of the hemlock, and the tender branches of other trees, help to prolong the forage, sometimes scanty and failing ; the former of which affords the sheep occasionally a welcome and nourishing sustenance. If spring sometimes comes late, it comes doubly dear to man and beast ; and the long lowing of the herds and bleating of the flocks around their stalls and folds, wel come " the time of the singing of birds and the voice of the turtle." Some flocks of several hundreds, and in a few in stances of thousands, are owned by individuals ; and those yielding fine and substantial wool. Such large flocks are found, it is believed, more often on the east side of the mountain. Wool growing however is much attend ed to on the other side ; and if its price should be estab lished at a fair rate, it would become a source of great and increasing income to the state. For the income and prosperity of individuals, is the wealth of the community, of whom it is composed. The honey bee is not forgotten by many judicious farmers ; whole yards and orchards are sometimes adorn ed with Weeks's patent hive, with its brass rings and knobs ; its slides and drawers ; with lock and key, so contrived that honey may be taken out any time with out destroying the busy makers of it. Since the inven tion of that hive considerable quantities of excellent honey are carried to market ; and it commands a quick sale ; so clear and transparent the comb, and so rich its HISTORY OF VERMONT. 61 flavor. The enterprising inventor still lives and resides in Salisbury. In 1838, the writer had the pleasure of seeing his Apiary ; some twenty or thirty beautiful patent hives of his own construction, neatly ornamented ; and placed singly over a surface of two or three acres, and under fruit, or ornamental shade trees. The appearance was beautiful. Nor was the eye alone gratified ; but substantial profit derived to the owner ; and in melting strains regaled the taste of his visitors and customers. It was a sight to be coveted by the Mantuan Bard, who so sweetly sung the praises of bees ; their habits and customs and wars ; their position and judicious manage ment. But he would have seen, if not additional traits and political science in these mimic nations, the triumph of modern, and Yankee invention in constructing their habitations, and dispossessing them bloodlessly of the labors of their hands. The example of this enterprising man is extensively followed in this vicinity. Indeed the procuring of honey by the multiplication of bees is be coming more and more a business throughout the state ; particularly, the north western part. The flavor of the honey here made is mellow and delicious. Nothing can be more palatable. The flower of buck wheat has not yet become so accessible lo the bees as to injure their honey by giving it an unpleasant, heated taste. The sweet extracted from clover is doubtlessly the most deli cious ; and a second crop might be raised so as to accom modate the honeybee the latter part of the season ; and at the same time to promote agricultural improvements. 62 HISTORY OF VERMONT. The flowers and foliage of the various forest trees afford ample room for this far traveling, and inquisitive little busy body. That he finds sources of storing his cells in the forest, is evident from his so often visiting them, and finding there his home. From the Knickerbocker. THE BEES OF ST. SIMONS. , For several years the bees have deposited their honey in the tower of the Church on Saint Simon's Island, off the coast of Georgia. The Rector, Rev. Mr. Walker, has regularly sold the honey, and sent the proceeds to the Mis sionary Funds. There lies far in the bosom of the seas, An Island fair ; All summer long the patient little bees Are busy there. The honey which they gather in their rounds, Buzzing from flower to flower, They hoard it in a quaint bee hive they 've found In the old church tower. Their store is taken every year, nor do The bees complain ; They know that God will send, next spring, a new Supply again. The produce of their careful gatherings goes To men in lands abroad, Who preach " glad tidings of great joy" to those Who know not God. HISTORY OF VERMONT. 63 Like Jonathan, when panting he did roam The hungry waste, How was he quickened when an honey comb He did but taste ; So to those weary laborers on lone shores, This humble hive supplies The luscious droppings of its annual stores To light their eyes. Poor Christian ! e'en in such small flock as these, A lesson see ! Doth God take such good care for tiny bees, Yet none for thee ? Then say not Little-Faith, thou hast no power To gather honey too ; All round thee bloom the flowers, and every flower Is filled with dew. The making of sugar, also, from the maple so abundant in this state, is a business of considerable extent. It is becoming more and more an object with the farmers here not only to supply themselves with this article of domestic use and comfort, but a portion to spare to their neighbors. The expense of fuel to boil away the sap has prevented many from engaging in this business. But the sheet iron boilers lately invented and now exten sively used, have in a measure, removed this objection ; and, in future, the beautiful maple trees of Vermont will be better husbanded and less carelessly reduced to ashes. This sugar is becoming better and better manufactured ; and when made in the best manner must take the prece- 64 HISTORY OF VERMONT. dence of all common brown sugars in use. The maple molasses is decidedly the best flavored. As early as 1794, according to Dr. Williams, was made in Cavendish, by eighty-three families, 14,080' pounds of maple sugar. It is now stated on good authority ; (the census of the United States) ; " that next to Louisiana, the state of Vermont is the greatest sugar-producing state in the Union ! The amount of maple sugar produced in 1840, was over 2,559 tons, being over 17| pounds to each in habitant, allowing a population of 291,948. At five cents a pound this is worth $253,963 20. This quan tity is far below that produced this year, (1842,) and it may be safely estimated, that the sugar produced this season, will, at the low price of five cents a pound, be worth a million of dollars." 65 CHAPTER III. First settlement. — Remains of forts. — Claimed hy Massachusetts, and New Hampshire. — Limits. — Orders of the crown to the Governor of New .Hampshire to take direction of its settle ment. — Wentworth's grant for the settlement of Bennington. — Previous commencement by the French on Champlain. — Claimed by New York. — Collision and violence threatened. — Courts in terrupted. — Systematic opposition to the claims of New York, headed by Ethan Aljen. — His character, associated with Seth Warner. — Deputation to Great Britain. — Royal interdict, dis regarded by New York. — Measures to arrest Allen and his associates. — The progress of things hastened by the home government. — Under sanction of the first Congress, the royal courts interrupted. — Court house at Westminster seized, blood shed and death. — Excitement. — Battle of Lexington. — War of the Revolution. — Contest suspended between New York and these settlers. — Their singular position, without regular govern ment. — Convention. — Constitution adopted. — Petition to Con gress. — Claiming independence. — Opposed by New York. — Perplexing to Congress. — Their evasive and dilatory policy. — Leave given to withdraw their petition. — Burgoyne on their frontier. — Their independence admitted by New Hampshire. — Proposed state in the valley of the Connecticut. — Claimed by Massachusetts, New Hampshire and New York at the same time. — Disturbances in the southeastern sectidn. — The decision of the question claimed by Congress. ,i. In that portion of the United States called Vermont,. settlements were commenced in the south eastern part] 66 HISTORY OF VERMONT. on Connecticut river, about a mile below Brattleboro. ; A fort was erected, which was called Dummer ; from which the town of Dummerston probably derived its name. Remains of this fortification are yet visible. It was built, and the clearing of the ground in the vicinity undertaken by the government of Massachusetts, in 1724. But the claim of this state to this territory was soon con tested by New Hampshire, whose government insisted that her jurisdiction went as far west as that of her sister state ; that is, within twenty miles of the river Hudson. This was the boundary between Massachusetts and New York, as determined in the reign of George II. 1740. Indeed by the orders of the home government, the Governor of New Hampshire was authorized to take charge of this fortification. His name was Benning Wentworth. He soon after, in 1749, caused a township to be settled on the west side of the mountain, which is now Bennington. Under his dictation many other town ships were surveyed and settled, not only on the west side of the Connecticut ; but westward within twenty miles of the Hudson, and along the shores of Lake Champlain. A fort at Crown Point had been previously built by the French from Montreal ; and a settlement commenced on the opposite side of the Lake, as early as 1631. The title to these lands was disputed by the govern ment of New York, which claimed the whole of this territory, even to the Connecticut, by a previous grant from the Crown of Great Britain. She claimed not only jurisdiction, but the right. of making void the doings of HISTORY OF VERMONT. 67 New Hampshire ; and turning off the clearers of the ground and cultivators of the soil. This produced very unhappy consequences. New York established courts of justice over the disputed district ; and decisions were obtained in favor of the new claimants. But it was almost impossible to execute them. Opposition, violence and bloodshed threatened the confusion and ruin of this hardy and enterprising population. In many instances, the proceedings of the courts were interrupted and the doors closed. No serious opposition would have been made to the government of New York if the title to their lands had been acknowledged. It was a mistake that such a policy was not pursued. Cupidity it is feared was the strong motive, controlling the considerations of prudence and experience, and in the end defeating its own object. New Hampshire, it seems, had as good a right to make the grants, which she did, as New York. Indeed her right was more plausible. Having paid a fair price for their farms ; erected dwellings for their families, and made improvements on their lands, these husbandmen could not brook the idea of purchasing them a second time, or being driven from them. The authorities of New York might have fore seen that resistance and conflict would result from per severance in executing ejectments. Had they been con firmed in their possessions as they expected ; and had reason to expect from the language in which the New York claim was first announced, Vermont as an inde pendent Sovereignty might nevef have existed. 68 HISTORY OF VERMONT. But Providence, who directs infinitely better than the utmost sagacity and wisdom of man, called from retire ment men of the stamp required by the times. Among others was conspicuous Ethan Allen, who took a decided stand against the encroachments of New York. He was a man of athletic frame ; and of mind naturally vigorous and energetic. Rough indeed, like the face of nature around hira, but a friend to the oppressed ; bid ding defiance to the oppressor and tyrant ; resolute and unyielding in his purposes. He had looked at the threatening posture, which affairs were assuming ; and deliberately made up his mind in favor of the claimants, under New Hampshire. He offered himself to their service ; and they accepted him as a leader ; and a more suitable one they could not have selected. In his plain, unadorned style, he wrote and disseminated pamphlets on the injustice and cupidity of the New York measures. Without mental culture he expressed his sentiments and feelings in bold, severe, not to say rough language ; but it was in a manner suited to the undisciplined minds, to whom it was addressed ; and best calculated to have an abiding influence on them — He was frank and open- hearted, scorning meanness, resorting to the spilling of blood when all other expedients failed. His energetic writings produced a powerful effect on his fellow-suf ferers of the mountain regions. He soon found in Seth Warner a suitable coadjutor ; whose calmness and deli beration and forecast came in opportunely to temper his vehemence, and impetuosity. Equally hostile to the measures of New York, they soon organized a syste- HISTORY OF VERMONT. 69 matic opposition to them. Being beset by an officer as a rioter, Warner acted on the defensive, and soon brought the assailant to his feet, but took not his life. ' So serious and critical was the state of things at this period, that Samuel Robinson, James Brackenbridge, and a Mr. Hawley were sent to England to lay the matter before the king. In 1763, an interdict was sent to the Governor of New York, " to stay all legal proceedings on the disputed ground till his majesty's farther pleasure shall be known concerning the same. The authorities of New York did not yield obedience to this order ; but pursued their former course of turning the possessors from their tenements. The state of things soon became as bad as it was, if not worse, than before this royal in terposition. Indeed a hasty, not to say oppressive law was passed by New York, " requiring submission to their orders in seventy days on penalty of death !" and offering fifty pounds for the heads of Ethan Allen, Seth Warner, and six others. This placed them under the ban of proscription. It led to a general meeting by delegates of the inha bitants on the west side of the mountain, who parsed spirited resolutions, and adopted measures of self-defence. If the tone taken was a high one, they thought that cir cumstances required it; and. that the measure of their sufferings and indigrtities was full, and called for the language of menace. They yet confined their opposi tion to the grievance of being deprived of their lands. In all civil and criminal transactions, they were willing that the laws of New York should prevail. The pro- 70 HISTORY OF VERMONT. scribed ones, however, took higher grounds, and said publicly ; " we will kill and destroy any person, or per sons whomsoever, that shall presume to be accessory, or aiding in taking any of us." The oppressive acts of the home government, about this time, relative to the American Colonies, increased the difficulties attending this controversy. The first Congress, called by the colonies sanctioned the resist ance of court edicts when inconsistent with the freedom and rights of the people. The royal courts thus met with much interruption and delay in their business; The court house in Westminster on the day of the court's opening, was found occupied by a number of men, who prevented the judges and their attendants from taking their seats. The sheriff and his associates, however, took with them soldiers, and in the dead of night went again to the house ; and during the contest at the doors, the men within were fired upon by the soldiers. William French, a young man belonging to Brattleboro, was killed on the spot ; and several others wounded. This rash act irritated the people very much ; and a large assemblage soon after convened at West minster, and under a high state of excitement, as might be expected, passed indignant resolutions ; and even arrested some of the court party, and caused them to be imprisoned at Northampton, Mass. The mind shudders at the thought of what mio-ht have been the consequences of this state of affairs between New York and this people. For as a body they were arrayed against her; and the horrors of civil war seemed HISTORY OF VERMONT. 71 inevitable. But Providence interposed, and turned aside the impending evil by calling both parties to look at a common enemy, to unite their efforts to oppose him. The 19th of April, 1775, came ; and the bloodshed at Lexington aroused the Americans, and called away their attention from minor difficulties to the all-absorbing question of war with the mother country, and indepen dence from her oppressive yoke. The bold spirit of Allen, with Warner and others, now suspended his pursuit of the Yorkers ; and sought contact with the British regulars. As early as May, he raised a body of men in this insulated district, and surrounded the Eng lish fortresses at Crown Point and Ticonderoga ; and, as it is said, "in the name of God almighty, and by authority of the Continental congress," demanded their surrendry. He accompanied Montgomery to St. Johns and Montreal; was taken and held a prisoner a long time, enduring much hardship and suffering. Warner engaged with all his heart in this struggle and had the command offered him by congress of a regiment to be raised on this territory. This people now presented a singular spectacle. New York had relinquished, or rather relaxed her hold on them ; and New Hampshire withdrawn her jurisdiction from them ; and they were left, each one, to do what seemed right in his own eyes. The whole tract from the north line of Massachusetts, west of Connecticut river to the borders of Canada ; and from the west bank of that river to Champlain, and 72 HISTORY OF VERMONT. within twenty miles of the Hudson on the south west, was without any form of civil government. The whole country at the same time was engaged in a war with Great Britain ; and its inhabitants termed rebels. They had confidence in one another ; but distrusted their neighbors, those especially, who wished them to pay twice for their lands ; or give them up with all their improvements to strangers, and seek another home. For a considerable period they lived in this state of pure' democracy, or rather of untrammeled nature. But there was no complaint of treachery and violence and murder, and rapine and conflagration among them. They seemed to follow tbe suggestions of conscience, and the principles of justice and equity derived from education and habit ; and especially from the word of God. The persecutions which they suffered, or thought they suffered externally; or from beyond their own limits, made them more attached to their hills and vallies, and the more love to each other. By tacit consent they submitted to the directions of the aged and experienced ; and to a kind of government by common acquiescence. Their magis trates were such only in name ; being unable " to show by what authority they did those things." Let the question be repeated, what outbreaking dis orders took place among themselves in this state of interregnum or rather of no rule ? Can history present a similar example of so large a body of people without a form of government, and going on so long, and with so little internal jealousy, and so few flagrant disorders? It was like a school forsaken of their proper teacher- HISTORY OF VERMONT. 73 and the attention of the one, who had usurped his place, and was disannulling his doings, being called off by some great and menacing evil, and which called for the undivided exercise of his mind, and exertion of his body. They keep each one his place ; and follow the cause to which they had been accustomed ; and gladly and kindly condescend to teach each other, and patiently endure some inconvenience in consideration of enjoying a respite from the ferule and rod of the usurper. But it is not meant by these remarks that such a state of things could be safely trusted for any considerable period. The evils of anarchy would soon show their name Legion. Nor is it intended that civil government is not -indispensable ; and a good one an inestimable blessing. Far be the thought of conveying any such sentiment. As far be the thought that a school would long go on profitably and happily without the govern ment of a lawful teacher ; or even after having obtained a temporary relief from the perplexities of arbitrary and contradictory rules. So this people themselves viewed the subject ; and took early means to shun the vortex, to which the current of affairs was rapidly hurrying them. They place before Congress their situation ; express their readiness to take a part in the war against Great Britain, and bear their proportion of the expense. They ask to be called upon as the inhabitants of the New Hampshire grants, and not as under the jurisdiction of New York. A decisive answer to this petition was waved by Con gress ; but the communication served to wake up the 74 HISTORY OF VERMONT. slumbering jealousy of New York ; and a revival of the controversy was threatened. This condition of things induced the more resolute and determined of the inhabi tants of this province to attempt the establishment of a government. They took measures to hold, and suc ceeded in holding a convention of fifty-one delegates at Dorsett, July 24th, 1776. In January, 1777, another was called and assembled at Westminster, consisting of delegates from both the east and west side of the moun tain. Here it was resolved to form themselves into a distinct state, to be called New Connecticut, alias Ver mont; discarding all connexion with New York; and all who favored her claims. The principles of the con stitution were to be equally free and democratic with those of the other states of the Union. Of this their intention to become a free and indepen dent state, they respectfully advised Congress in a suitable manifesto, and a petition that they might be received into the number of the states, and on equal grounds. Thomas .Crittenden, Heman Allen, and Reu ben Jones were the bearers of this petition. This was the right step, and taken at the right time. They had the same right to assume a place among the other states that Congress, in behalf of the nation, had among the nations of the earth. New Hampshire, their rightful parent, had deserted them; and New York in their opinion interloped into a relation, which they could not acknowledge. It was becoming in them to let the gene ral government know their object, and to ask their interposition in their behalf. Freedom from oppression HISTORY OF VERMONT. 75 and the sweets of liberty were the watchword throughout these colonies ; and it would have been too invidious to deny these borders on the green mountains the opportu nity of urging their claims to such a blessing. It was a perplexing question to Congress to know what to do for, or say to them. They did not wish to disaffect New York ; a powerful state, and exerting great influence in the councils of the nation. The contest with Great Britain called for the united strength of the country. Hence their cautious, evasive and delaying policy relative to these petitioners. New York remon strated in strong language against their independence ; claimed them as a part of their state, and represented them as in a state of rebellion against lawful authority. They seemed desirous to prejudice Congress against the leaders in those measures, particularly Col. Warner, whose commission they would have taken from him, and that of tbe officers under him. This state of things in this province attracted atten tion more or less in the whole country, and called forth the sympathy of many in their behalf. Addresses were sent them by distinguished individuals in various places. In this way they were assured that many leading men in Congress were friendly to their cause. These public communications sent to them, but increased the more opposition in the government of New York. The one from Philadelphia signed by Thomas Young, particu larly attracted their attention, and was commented upon severely before Congress. So determined and persever- 76 HISTORY OF VERMONT. ing appeared this state, that the national councils were induced to yield to their solicitations ; and give leave to Vermont to withdraw their petition ; and directed them to submit to their claimants. But they still adhered to their resolution of being an independent state, and imputed the proceedings of Congress on this subject to the influence of New York. About this time. Burgoyne made his appearance on the northern border, producing great consternation in the towns on the west side of the mountain. The provincial government of Vermont made application to New Hampshire for assistance, which was readily granted ; and a communication addressed to Ira Allen, Secretary of State, recognizing them as an independent community. This was noble ; and encouraged them to hope that it would operate as an inducement to other states to acknowledge their independence. But it prepared the way for new difficulties ; for New Hampshire herself revived her slumbering claim to this territory. Indeed the project soon came up of having a state organized in the Connecticut river valley, consisting of the eastern part of Vermont and the western of New Hampshire. So far was this measure pursued that sixteen towns on the east side of the river were represented in convention* at Cornish, N. H., Dec. 9th, 1778. This plan was frus trated by the prudence and seasonable action of the Vermont government ; withdrawing, as they did, all connexion with it, and making known immediately this resolution to the New Hampshire authorities. But this HISTORY OF VERMONT. 77 very generous deed of the Green Mountaineers was not met with a corresponding spirit on the part of her neighbor. For she soon after set up her claim to this whole territory ; and even urged it before Congress ; New York at the same time renewing her demands so often made. So simultaneous were these movements on the part of these two states, that the yankee trait of conjecture was awakened in the Vermonters ; and they began to think that a scheme was plotting between the granite boys and their Dutch neighbors, to divide their territory between them, making the summit of the moun tain the line of division. Here Massachusetts, who had been a silent spectator, interposed, and urged her claim to this disputed ground. She found it not difficult to make out a plausible story in her behalf, especially as the boundary between her and New York had never been fixed. These mountain eers then found their claim to these lands confronted by those of three others, New York, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire. The shades of uncertainty and doubt seemed to thicken around them. The measures of New York in the southern part of the state, now Windham county, were assuming a dis play of military coercion, a body of five hundred men, being in readiness to execute the orders of the court. But the freemen of this county, as a body, were not the men to be easily intimidated; or to give up their rights at the brandishing of the sword, or the array of bay onets. Col. E. Allen at the head of a body of Ver- 78 HISTORY OF VERMONT. monters soon captured the commanding officer of thia force and his associates, and dispersed their men. Clinton, the governor of New York, soon brought the affair before the councils of the nation and demanded their interposition. Commissioners were appointed to visit the ground ; and two out of the five designated,. one of whom was Dr. Witherspoon, went to Benning ton. But their efforts to effect a settlement were ineffectual. Congress now began to see that this business required their attention in earnest. They asked the parties, New York, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts, who were for appropriating, or dis membering this district, to submit the dispute to their deci sion, and suspend enforcing there the execution of their laws. They recommended it to the people, who styled themselves Vermonters, not to molest the adherents to either of the other states in peacebly pursuing their respective callings and duties. The critical position of the colonies relative to the mother country was the cause of this undecided, dilatory, congressional policy. The course recommended was impracticable, especially on the ground in dispute. It was like establishing four distinct, independent jurisdictions in the same territory, and over the same people. The Vermenter, the Yorker, the adherent to Massachusetts and that of the granite state might be found neighbors locally; but were for eigners and sojourners in their political sympathies and relations. It might have been more than Ishmaelitish ; HISTORY OF VERMONT. 79 for not only every man's hand would have been against all around him ; and all around against him ; but against one another at the same time. The assumptions of New York, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts not only clashed with each other, but each and all three with those of Vermont. 80 CHAPTER IV. Rendered persevering by circumstances. — The justice of their cause. — Spirited reply to Congress. — Claiming the same grounds as did Congress with the mother country. — Appeal of Gov. Chittenden and his council. — Intimations of terms with Great Britain. — Their justification. — Abandoned by the Union. — A frontier district. — A powerful enemy on their border. — Self-preservation led them to this. — Their last resort. — New York and New Hampshire persisting. — Vermont claimed juris diction over a part of their territory. — This measure favorable. — Strengthened their hands and encouraged to renew to Con gress their petition. — The enemy's proposals ; communicated to Congress by E. Allen. — His celebrated appeal. — Their only overt act. — Exchange of prisoners. — This offer of the British known to a few only. — Interrupted letter of Lord Germain. — The eyes of Congress opened by it. — Washington. — Commu nication to Gov. Chittenden. — Delegates sent to Philadelphia. — Action of Congress. — Their repeated deferring of the subject. — Vermont raised troops to defend herself. — Censured by Congress. — Influenced by New York. — Censures and threats repelled. In their struggle for a standing among the states, this people experienced more sympathy from the Bay State than any of her neighbors. Her claim to jurisdiction over them seemed to be brought forward, more to loosen the hold of other claimants, than to cherish any serious HISTORY OF VERMONT. 81 hopes of having it admitted. But the consciousness of being engaged in a righteous cause, the cause of free dom, that in which their country was engaged, animated and inspired them with invincible fortitude to persevere till the objects of their own were secured. Men of the right spirit were constantly making their appearance i public as the exigencies of the times required. It is said truly, that the American Revolution, was " a time which tried men's souls." It may be said also, as a general truth, that times of great perplexity and dan ger, are those which so form and discipline the souls of men as to enable them to bear trials. The trying and searching Providences of God bring to light the hidden resources of the mind. While they expose those, who have nothing but the appearance of virtue ; courageous only when dangers are distant, and the self-dependent ; they reveal the hidden strength of the soul well disci plined, and trusting in the arm of Omnipotence. Lono- familiarity with difficulties and dangers in securing praise worthy objects, gives to men sometimes an elevation of character as unexpectedly extraordinary. The rough exterior of the Province now under con sideration ; and which has well been termed the Swit zerland of America, has served perhaps to give its popu lation a corresponding external deportment. The windy storm and tempest of these mountains ; and familiarity with their snows and frosts ; and bodily efforts necessary to clear and subdue their soil and secure the means of sustenance may, perhaps, have impressed them with pro portional strength and elasticity of character. The cir- 6 82 HISTORY OF VERMONT. cumstances of the times, through which they were now passing, were such as to produce a similar influence in the formation of their minds. They may have helped to give them strength ; and fertility in finding expedients, and perseverance equal to the unusual scenes, which they were called to experience. A spirited and able reply was made to this counsel ajjd direction of congress, written, it is said, by the Hon. Stephen R. Bradley, of Westminster ; and subse quently, long a United States' senator from Vermont. In this reply, and it was an appeal to the world, the same ground is taken as that by the colonies in their separation from the mother country : " That the state of Vermont was not represented in congress, and could not submit to resolutions passed without their consent, or even knowledge ; and put every thing that was valu able to them at stake ; that they were, and ever had been, ready to bear their proportion of the burden and expense of the war with Great Britain, from its first commence ment, whenever they were admitted into the union with the other states : But they were not so lost to all sense and honor, that after four years war with Britain, in which they had expended so much blood and treasure, that they should now give up every thing worth fighting for, the right of making their own laws, and choosing their own form of government, to the arbitrament and determination of any man or body of men under heaven." Congress still delayed acting definitely on this subject ; perplexed as they were by its bearing on their struggle HISTORY OF VERMONT. 83 for independence. The resolutions passed by them of one delay after another, called forth an energetic appeal from Gov. Chittenden and his council, in which they felt constrained to give the matter a more serious turn, and, to the national councils, somewhat unexpected as well as alarming. Among other things, they say, " That Ver mont being a free and independent state, had denied the authority of congress to judge of their jurisdiction ; that as they were not included in the thirteen states, if neces sitated to it, they are at liberty to offer, or except terms of cessation of hostilities with Great Britain without the approbation of any other man, or body of men ; for an priviso. that neither congress, nor the legislatures of those states, which they represent will support Vermont in her independence, but devote her to the usurped government of any other power, she had not the most distant motive to continue hostilities with Great Britain, and maintain an important frontier for the benefit of the United States, and for no other reward than the ungrateful one of being enslaved by them : but from a principle of virtue, and close attachment to the cause of liberty, they were induced once more to offer union with the United States of America, of which congress were the legal represen tative body." This was in a letter to congress, July 25th, 1780, and signed by Gov. Chittenden. It was taking bold, and perhaps some will say, doubtful ground. In their very critical circumstances, the question here comes up, were they not justifiable in making use of the most efficient argument, to obtain, as they viewed it, their 84 HISTORY OF VERMONT. rights ? — The government of Great Britain was disowned over the whole union ; the Vermonters had bought and paid for the soil on which they lived, of those, who, by the English government had been authorized to take possession of it. They were now required to purchase it a second time and pay for their own improvements, or desert them at the option of those claiming the land under New York. The right to their soil was a question never submitted by them to congress. They claimed it on the same grounds as did the other states. The right to the soil, in their circumstances, gave a right to a gov ernment of their own choice. In their circumstances ; that is, not being represented in congress, they took no part in the declaration of independence; and consequently were at liberty to choose their allies ; to say with whom they would connect themselves, the better to secure the objects of their organization, ' liberty and the pursuit of happi ness.' They had hitherto acted with the colonies in opposition to the demands of the British government ; and they now merely intimated that they might if the course of things was not changed, be under the necessity of conciliating the friendship of a foreign power. They might be driven to this as the least of two evils. Would it have been inconsistent with honor and integrity, to avail themselves of such a motive on the councils of the nation? Congress must see that they could do this; and that their reasons for doing it might be justified by the world ; and the doing it by an alliance defensive and offensive might have a serious influence on the issue of HISTORY OF VERMONT. 85 the contest, in which they were engaged. Had they been represented in that body, and pledged their sacred honor to be faithful to their fellow states, come what might ; and then gone over to the enemy through fear, or mercenary motives ; or to escape hardships and dan gers, being a border state, and more exposed to the inroads of the enemy ; or if they had been corrupted by gold, and betrayed the confidence reposed in them, the case would have been different. But in their cir cumstances had they actually placed themselves under the protection of the British, according to their intima tions, would impartial history have justified them ? But this .they did not do ; and no evidence exists that they ever made any direct and serious advances of this nature to the English cabinet. The most then that can be made out against these isolated mountaineers is, that they used this as their strongest argument to open the eyes of congress ; to let them see the sword, which Providence had placed in their hands as an inducement to award them justice. They did not resort to this alternative as the sequel shows ; but they took their full share in the war of the Revolution. " The Green Mountain Boys," were dis tinguished as brave, faithful soldiers. They shed their blood freely at Hubbardton, Bennington, Crown Point, Stillwater, Saratoga, and many other places. The lead ing officers of the army of independence have borne honorable testimony to their bravery and good conduct. The record of their deeds is in the history of their country. Ethan Alkn, as it has been stated in another 86 HISTORY OF VERMONT. place, suffered long imprisonment, being taken jeoparding his life on the high places of duty and danger. As further evidence that they did not wish, unless absolutely neeessary, to defend themselves behind British cannon, might be named, their readiness to try other expedients; and to wait patiently the result of their measures. Although this was the most likely motive to have influence with congress ; yet with New Hampshire and New York it might have little, or no effect to recon cile them to their independence as a state. Indeed they became more clamorous ; and urged with redoubled zeal their respective claims in the hall of congress. But Vermont now met them in their own way. On application, the government entered into negotiation with the western towns of New Hampshire, bordering on the Connecticut ; and the adjacent part of New York, bordering on the Hudson. She indeed extended her claim over most of New Hampshire ; and a considerable tract in New York. In the winter of 1781, thirty-five towns in the former state ; and ten or twelve districts in the latter placed themselves under her government for protection against British aggressions. The claim to these towns was set up, but the actual government over them was for the present delayed. This measure had the effect to reconcile all parties within the limits of Vermont ; the adherents of New York, and of New Hampshire ; and even those friendly to the mother country. Indeed it served to strengthen the hands of the Vermonters very much. It was to them the harbinger of a brighter day. The war had HISTORY OF VERMONT. 87 been so long waged with the usurpers, that they had learned from their enemies ; and with their weapons turned the tide of success in their favor. This favorable change in their circumstances gave them fresh courage in their application to the Continental congress. Some of the leading men in this state did indeed receive proposals of terms from British officers and adhe rents, making them flattering offers to unite the state under' the auspices of the English crown. But it is not known that these offers were accepted ; or, even in a single instance, encouraged. They were indeed unan swered ; and this might perhaps be construed as a tacit encouragement of such advances. But no obligations Were imposed on those, who received such communica tions, to answer them ; and repel any further approaches of this kind. They were justified in silently discovering how good terms might be expected if an alliance should become necessary. The fact that these propositions and advances were made known to the United States govern ment, is evidence of the honest intentions of the leading men in this district. The sincere desire was to become a part of the nation, who had declared themselves free and independent. They were willing to follow their standard, on no other terms but. as making one of the stars on its banners. Thus E. Allen, enclosing the letters received from British officers, to congress ; and stating to them the circumstances of their reception, uses this language : "lam confident that congress will not dispute my sincere attachment to the cause of my coun- 88 HISTORY OF VERMONT. try ; though I do not hesitate to say, I am fully grounded in opinion, that Vermont has an indubitable right to agree on terms of cessation of hostilities with Great Britain, provided the United States persist in rejecting her appli cation for a union with them. For Vermont of all people would be most miserable were she obliged to defend the independence of the united, claiming states, and they at the same time at full liberty to overturn and ruin the independence of Vermont. I am persuaded when congress consider the circumstances of this state, they will be more surprised that I have transmitted to them the enclosed letters, than that I have kept them in custody so long ; for I am as resolutely determined to defend the independence of Vermont as congress are, that of the United States ; and rather than fail will retire with the hardy Green Mountain Boys into the desolate caverns of the mountains, and wage war with human nature at large." The only overt act on the part of Vermont with the British authorities, separate from the national councils, was, a proposition for exchange of prisoners, taken at Royalton in the spring of 1780. Col. Ira Allen repaired to Canada, and managed the business of making the exchange. He succeeded in obtaining favorable terms ; for the king's officers now had high expectations of secur ing the state in their favor. This hope was kept on the increase by policy and circumlocution. While the direct question was evaded the advances were seemingly admitted for consideration, and without any definite pledge being given. In this way the wary negotiator HISTORY OF VERMONT. 89 secured Vermont from invasion by the English troops ; and thus turned away many evils, which its inhabitants might otherwise have suffered. This was diplomatic policy ; and is regarded justifiable by the practice and usages of national intercourse. But it will hardly bear examination on the principles of strict morality. It was raising expectations, it may be said, with an intention under certain hoped for circumstances of not fulfilling. This in ordinary intercourse of individuals, is at variance with the principles of honesty and truth. But if one is overcredulous, and takes for granted too much, neither morality, nor honor requires that such gratuitous assump tions should be fulfilled. Nor would it seem wrong for one to avail himself of advantages which might flow from incredulousness- and unfounded expectations. How far this was the case with the British authorities in Canada and the agents of Vermont, the impartial and uninterested spectator, and examiner must decide. Cer tainly the agency of Vermont had a right to demand time for the full consideration of a question of such importance ; and to enjoy the advantages incident to this period of examination. On the other hand, the acquisition of Vermont as a British Province, was an object very desirable to the magistrates of Canada, and the officers of the army. They thus might have become the dupes of their own strong desires, and magnified the grounds of their hopes. Eight individuals only in Vermont, it is said, knew the particulars of this proposal by the British authorities of Canada ; and Cornwallis surrendering about this time, 90 HISTORY OF VERMONT. the further consideration of it was suspended. Thus eight men, husbandmen, Vermonters, were successful in gaining the ascendency over the artful policy, and wily, gold corrupting efforts of the English to win the state to their interest. To such a game, so long, and against such antagonists, and so successfully ended, no ordinary talents must have been brought. The dwellers on these mountains and in these vallies have much cause to hold them in honorable remembrance. About this time, a letter of Lord George Germain, minister of state for the American department, to Sir Henry Clinton, fell into the hands of the Americans ; and was published and which served very much the cause of Vermont. It convinced congress that some thing must be done in their behalf; for in that letter the plan of the campaign in the spring was portrayed. The upper parts of the Hudson and Connecticut rivers were to be seized, and the communication between Albany and the Mohawk country was to be cut off. The lead ing members in congress, and men throughout the country were anxious that this long controversy should, if possible, be settled. Washington himself saw the dangers with which it was fraught ; and wrote Gov. Chittenden to know what were the real wishes and intentions of the Vermonters. Being assured that they were strongly attached to .the cause of their country, on condition of making a com ponent part of it, he intimated to the Governor that on condition, and only on that condition, of relinquishing claims to all lands east of Connecticut river, and con- HISTORY OF VERMONT. 91 fining her limits west by the waters of the Champlainj and within twenty miles of the Hudson, could Vermont have any hope of attaining her wishes. Respecting highly the character of Washington, his advice was received kindly and maturely weighed. It was at length, after much reluctance on the part of the towns border ing on the banks of the Connecticut, complied with ; and the limits of the state confined to the old jurisdictional lines. It was now thought that the way was clear for their reception into the union. Delegates were accordingly chosen, and commissioned by the Governor ; and repaired to Philadelphia as rep resentatives to complete the business of being recognized as a free and sovereign state. The subject coming before congress, the committee appointed for the pur pose, reported favorably ; and presented a resolution, distinctly granting their request. But the house, on motion, three different days being named, refused to appoint a time for acting on that report. Thus were overshadowed the prospects of this community. They had been encouraged to believe that these protracted difficulties were drawing to a close. In accordance with this requirement of congress, they had reduced their strength ; and were exposed to the inroads of the ene my ; and with little prospect of aid from the general government. This, conduct on the part of congress was flagrantly inconsistent ; and little savoring of good faith ; and not respectful toward their illustrious leader. The Vermonters were a little chagrined that the leaders of their government should have been cir- 92 HISTORY OF VERMONT. cumvented and become the victims of a congressional stratagem. But their sober second thought was that of indignation ; and a fixed purpose to ask no more favors in that quarter. In this condition of things the state found it neces sary to raise troops by detachments from the towns, to defend their own frontiers, now deserted fey' the conti nental army. In doing this, some opposition was mani fested in Windham county, through the New York in fluence, which was restrained by a military interposition. Little or no blood was shed ; but several individuals were banished, and others fined. This occasioned the New York authorities to carry up a complaint to con gress ; who were induced, after considerable agitation of the subject, to pass severe censures on the conduct of Vermont. The banished persons were required to be recalled ; and amends made for all the loss sustained by them ; and other individuals of fines and confiscations ; and this on penalty of being coerced to it by the power (military,) of the United States. These censures and threats were met and answered by the Governor and council in a cool, augmentative manner, but resolute and determined. If menace in return was not resorted to, somewhat of defiance was indirectly used. In this answer we find the following language : " That the state would appeal to the justice of his excellency, Gen. Washington ; and as the General, and most of the in habitants of the contiguous states were in favor of the independence of Vermont, it would be more prudent to refer the settlement of the dispute to the states of New HISTORY OF VERMONT. 93 York and Vermont, than to embroil the confederacy with it. But supposing congress had judicial authority to control the internal police of the state, the state had a right to be heard in its defence ; that the proceedings of congress were wholly unjustifiable upon their own principles ; and that coming to a decision of so impor tant a matter, ex parte, and without any notice to the state was illegal and contrary to the law of nature and 94 CHAPTER V. Vermont little affected by the strong resolves of congress. — Peace with Great Britain. — Placed Vermont in new circum stances. — Favorable. — Taking the place of spectator tothe other colonies .—Encouraging the settlement of her lands. — Reforming evils. — Relieved from some evils of the other states. — The state of the country improving, she again seeks alliance with it. — Intrinsic difficulties. — The question where the Capital of the nation should be, produces an alteration in New York towards her. — Commissioners appointed by New York. — Terms of recon ciliation proposed. — Controversy ended. — Her admission into the Union. — Remarks on this controversy. — Its moderation. — The subject manifested. — Worthy of Imitation. — The instance, one, of bloodshed. — Family connexions of him killed. The measures of the general government, especially their menacing resolves, had very little effect to awe the Vermonters into submission. They were viewed by them as the result more or less of the influence exerted in the national councils by New York ; and the peculiar posture of public affairs relative to Great Britain. But the war was now drawing to a close. About this time, January, 1783, the preliminaries of peace were signed. The prospects of the whole country now brightened, giving a new and sudden and favorable turn to the rela tions of Vermont with the other states. Being refused HISTORY OF VERMONT. 95 admittance as one of the component parts of the union ; she could not of course be taxed for the expenses of the war. She was relieved from this and other burdens, to which the colonies were liable. The independence of the country was indeed acknowledged ; but the bond of union between the states was frail and inadequate. The jurisdiction of congress was undefined; and their authority little more than advisory and nominal. The paper currency failing, the debts of the nation and of individuals, already burdensome, became now almost insupportable. In such circumstances of the country, Vermont was not very solicitous to become a partner in a confederation by whom her application had been so long delayed and neglected. She chose to avail herself of past experi ence to strengthen her own government ; and reform ber internal policy ; and take measures to remedy evils ; and to encourage immigration, and the settlement of her unoccupied lands. She chose for the present to take the position of spectator ; and watch the course of events, and govern herself as Providence might indicate the path of duty and safety. She had valuable lands at disposal ; and her present condition and prospects being by Divine interposition more favorable in some respects than those of any of her neighbors ; her population was rapidly increasing by respectable and enterprizing citizens from the New England states. But the present constitution bf the United States was $xm adopted ; and the smiles of Providence seemed to 96 HISTORY OF VERMONT. attend the efforts made to lay the foundation of a perma nent and flourishing republic. Measures were taken to sustain the credit of the nation ; and to administer equal justice and privileges to all its constituent parts. This state of things was calculated to revive the desires of Vermont to become a copartner in this confederacy. But New York, her old and steadfast enemy, stood in the way. Intrinsic difficulties indeed attended this controversy and delayed a reconciliation. While under the crown of Britain, the government of New York had granted to her citizens lands in this district ; but Vermont had always strenuously denied these grants. The government of New York subsequently to the independence of the country, could not feel the obliga tion to remunerate the individuals for losses occasioned by an authority which no longer existed. But a rivalry soon after arose between the city of New York and Philadelphia, relative to the seat of gov ernment. This question was to be decided by southern and northern votes. The influence of the south prepon derated ; and Philadelphia was selected as the head quarters of the Federal government. That part of Virginia called Kentucky, was expected also soon to increase the influence of the south by being formed into a state. To counteract this, the New England States expressed a strong wish that Vermont might be admitted into the union ; and New York saw that it had been good policy to have had the aid of her votes in deciding on the place for the seat of government. To have her HISTORY OF VERMONT. 97 help in future, she thought it best to abandon the claim, which she had lost all hope of compelling her neighbors of the hill country to acknowledge. Accordingly, in July, .1789, New York appointed commissioners with full powers to treat with those of Vermont ; and to withdraw her claims and acknowledge her independence. In October, of the next year, these commissioners " declared the consent of the legislature of New York that the state of Vermont be admitted into the union of the United States of America ; and that immediately upon such admission, all claims of jurisdic tion of the state of New York shall cease, and thence forth the perpetual boundary line between the two states shall be as was then holden by the state of Vermont ; that is, the west line of the most western towns, which had been granted by New Hampshire, and the middle channel of Lake Champlain." Thirty thousand dollars were to be paid New York as a compensation to indi viduals, who, purchasing under her former authority had lost their lands. Thus happily ended this controversy, which had perplexed the two states and congress for twenty-six years. The way now seemed prepared for Vermont becom ing a member of the Federal union. The question was agitated among the people ; and some opposition being manifested, it was thought advisable to call a convention which met at Bennington, January 6, 1791 ; and after having discussed the question two or three days,. passed the vote in the affirmative, with only two nays out of one hundred and seven members. Nathaniel Chipman 7 98 HISTORY OF VERMONT. and Lewis R. Roberts, Esqrs. were charged with the accomplishment of the business in behalf of the state at Philadelphia. The act of admission passed in congress unanimously, February 18, 1791. The example exhibited by the parties to this contro versy, and the whole United States, were directly or indirectly concerned in it, of moderation and forbear ance, cannot be too highly commended. It ought to be often looked at and pondered well by the members of the separate local jurisdictions of this great common wealth. In all their clashing interests and occasional irritation, they should remember those far more difficult and trying times and their favorable termination. The soothing and healing influence of time and delay ; of wisdom and prudence in the leading actors in this poli tical drama were remarkably manifested. If applied in the removal and healing of internal, local evils in the nation, they will always be found lenient and efficacious. Surely the lapse of time should not render the sisterhood of the states less but more enduring ; the family attach ment stronger and stronger. This with the light of his tory, and the warning of experience which accompany it, should serve to awaken vigilance to guard against baneful antipathies and divisions. These should be our safe-guard in all the vicissitudes of political manceuver- ing and strife, bearing the ships of state over the waves of popular agitation, rescuing her from the insidious rocks and quicksands of office-seeking and secret combi nations. In all the tumults of the times through which Vermont passed till she became a member of the union HISTORY OF VERMONT. 99 only one man was killed on the spot. This took place at Westminster, in 1775, as it has been previously stated. His name was William French, of Brattleboro ; where and in Dummerston, branches of his family have since resided in respectable standing ; and from which several enterprising individuals have gone forth into the union ; and one a missionary under the American Board to Asia. Prodigal of their own in defence of their rights against the oppression of Britain, they were sparing of each others blood in their internal variances ; and seemed anxious to avoid the horrors of civil war ; and the fear ful consequences of commencing such a tragedy. A few instances of executive collision and retaliatory im prisonment of civil officers took place. • Chesterfield, N. H., as a town joined Vermont, but a number of families adhered to their own state. In serving a civil process, in 1781, the Vermont constable was resisted by the officer of New Hampshire, and the latter imprisoned. The posse comitatus was raised, and the officer liberated by orders of the New Hampshire governor. Three agents were then despatched to Exe ter by the Governor of Vermont to bring the affair to a settlement. In 1784, the Secretary of Vermont was seized and imprisoned while pursuing the calls of duty in the city of New York, in consequence of his official relation to the state, to which he belonged. In retaliation, the general assembly of the state, ordered lands to be sold belonging to citizens of New York, to raise money to 100 HISTORY OF VERMONT. indemnify the secretary for damages sustained by his imprisonment and delay. These are specimens of the kind of warfare carried on by these parties ; and of the state of society at that perplexing period. In such circumstances the rapid settlement of the district could not be, expected; and this may account for the slow progress made for several years in the arts, and in agricultural improvements ; in education, and in manners ; and in securing religious instruction and privileges. But this period of uncertainty and fluctuation was a school in which to acquire political knowledge ; and to make proficiency in the science of man and cf human government. It led the people to a thorough acquaint ance with the early settlement of the country. They had motives for examining the records of grants by the crown of England to the colonies, and to individual proprietors. To examine the foundation of their own claims and those of their opponents, to tbe lands in question, they had the strongest inducements. To study the rights of man, and the principles of civil liberty, and the different forms of government, their peculiar circumstances particularly called them. They have proved themselves apt to learn in these branches of science ; and proficients in the study of the laws and usages which prevail between different nations and states. Many of the leading and early statesmen of this commonwealth were distinguished for deep research and penetration ; and for political sagacity and diplo- HISTORY OF VERMONT. 101 matic dexterity. They found themselves amply ade quate to enter the lists with the most distinguished offi cers and secretaries of the British government ; men well versed in finesse and dissimulation. Although they did not adopt the maxim, and act accordingly, of Talley rand, the French Diplomatist, of " several reigns," " that language was given man to conceal his thoughts," they gave evidence of their philological skill ; and the ability to hunt out the subterfuges of cunning and equivocation. Proof of this is seen in their management of the ofteH repeated and artfully pressed propositions by the British authorities, to induce them to become a province of that empire. Considered in all its bearings and relations, it was one of the most distinguished political games, so to speak, and adroitly managed on the part of the moun taineers on record. That the stratagem was kept up so long, in a kind of running skirmish from one part to another ; and from one mountain citadel to another ; through many a valley and defile ; without exhausting the patience of their pursuers, was wonderful. That the eyes of these were not opened to see the hopeless chase on which they had been set, and their indigna tion aroused before the opportunity of gratifying it was gone, is matter of thankfulness to Divine Providence, who interposed and sheathed the sword before the hope of succeeding had been relinquished. So also in their intercourse with congress, their com munications will bear examination. Some of them are as sound and able state papers as any of the kind in our country. The ground taken by them is defended with 102 HISTORY OF VERMONT. ability ; the principles assumed sustained and illustrated with unanswerable arguments. It is no disparagement to the national councils, to say, that in this correspond ence, the side taken by this state does not suffer, but decidedly gains by the comparison. This appears particularly in the answer by Gov. Chit tenden and his council to what are called the menacing resolves of congress. The principles involved in them are scanned with great care and candor ; and answered with skill and irrefragable argument. It is done also with respectful deference. The forbearance and deli cacy with which those resolutions are answered, smart ing as they must under their lashing severity, evince a nobleness of mind, and consciousness of the rectitude of their cause. As easily may be overthrown the solid hills of their state, as are broken the chain of reasoning by which their rights are fortified. These things also served to give a character to this whole population. By the things suffered, they became habituated to look at public measures and examine for themselves their tendency. Having to make their way amid clashing interests ; and the mazes of contradictory laws, and different penalties for transgression, it became them to be circumspect, and vigilant in all their move ments. For the Vermonter, strictly so, might have on his right hand, a Yorker with his written rules for his guidance ; and on his left, his neighbor might be of the granite state, with his code of laws differing from both. Would it be strange then, that this whole people " should be more or less versed in jurisprudence ; the forms and HISTORY OF VERMONT. 103 customs of courts, and the glorious uncertainty of the law 2 " The condition of tilings around them was such as to make them cautious and somewhat distrustful. They became slow to believe on mere assertion and report ; but took time to reflect and weigh the reasons on both sides, before takmg their stand. The laws of New York; those of New Hampshire, and of Massa chusetts, they had occasion to examine, and speak of them often as of their own. The proceedings of con gress, as they were intimately concerned in them, did not escape their notice ; but came under their critical examination. In this way, they became well acquainted with public affairs ; and were led to take more interest in them than perhaps the people of any other state. Being more often called directly or indirectly into courts of justice than was customary in other circumstances, they perhaps insensibly contracted the habit of going as specta tors to the sessions of their courts, when not personally concerned. This practice is more or less still continued ; and the Vermont courts are more fully attended from the neighboring towns by persons not drawn by the compulsory arm of the law, than is usual in other places. They go and with fixed attention give heed to all the variety of proceedings there witnessed ; the charge to the jury, the examinations of the witnesses ; the plead ings, the verdict and the judgment. Retiring they make their remarks and criticisms on the bench, and bar ; and talk over the affairs of their neighbors, who may have been so unhappy as to have been brought under a pub lic legal scrutiny. The early difficulties protracted as 104 HISTORY OF VERMONT. they were, of this people, then, gave them an investi gating turn of mind ; interested in public affairs, ready to avail themselves of the means of knowing what those intrusted with their rights were doing. This is still characteristic of Vermonters. The Press receives as much encouragement comparatively among them, perhaps, as from the inhabitants of any state in the union. Most of the families take and read at least one newspaper. From their infancy they have been schooled in the principles of a representative, free government. They know their rights, and study the best means of preserving them. While watchful of their own liberties and privileges, they respect the rights of others; and would-be the last to trample on the defenceless, or connive at oppression. Such they were in a measure made by early circumstances ; and reflec tion and habit have more or less kept them so. 105 CHAPTER VI. Constitution adopted. — Features of its government. — Representa tives. — Governor and council. — How chosen. — Council of censors. — Its power and objects. — The government demo cratic. — Original counties. — Judicial department. — Salaries of public officers, and compensation of the general assembly, and others in authority. — Contrast between the early and present times. — Reflections on the first courts and the changes in them, and the place of holding them. — Customs of first set tlers. — Choosing elevated situations. — Inconvenient often. — Alterations and improvements. — Changes. — Their evils. — Benefits. The government of Vermont, like all those of the other states, is representative. The constitution was established in 1778; remodeled in 1786, and 1792. The house of assembly consists of delegates, one from each town, chosen annually on the first Tuesday of September. This assembly hold one session only, yearly, com mencing on the second Thursday of October. It is styled, the general assembly of Vermont. " They have power to choose their own officers ; propose bills and enact them into laws ; may expel members, but not for causes known to their constituents antecedent to their election ; impeach state criminals ; grant charters of incorporation ; 106 HISTORY OF VERMONT. constitute towns, buroughs, cities, counties ; in conjunc tion with the council, they are annually to elect judges of the supreme, county and probate courts, sheriffs and justices of the peace ; and also with the council may elect major generals, and brigadier generals, as often as there shall be occasion. They have all power necessary for the legislature of a free and sovereign state ; but have no power to add to, alter, abolish, or infringe any part of the constitution. " The supreme executive power is vested in a governor, lieutenant governor, and a council of twelve persons, chosen by the freemen, at the same time they choose their representatives. The governor, lieutenant gov ernor, and council are to commission all officers ; prepare such business as may appear to them necessary to lay before the general assembly. They are to sit as judges to hear and determine on impeachment, taking to their assistance for advice only, the judges of the supreme court. They have power to grant pardons and remit fines in all cases whatsoever, except in treason and murder, to which they have power to grant reprieves ; but not to pardon until after the end of the next session of the general assembly, and in cases of impeachment, in which there is no remission or mitigation of punishment, but by act of legislation. They may also lay embargoes, or prohibit the importation of any commodity for any time not exceeding thirty days in the recess of the house only. "The governor is captain-general, and commander- in-chief of the forces of the state ; but shall not com- HISTORY OF VERMONT. 107 mand in person except advised thereto by the council, and then only so long as they shall approve ; and the lieutenant governor, by virtue of his office, is lieutenant general of all the forces of the state."* The governor and council had no negative on the proceedings of the house ; but the power of suspending bills for one year. Bills are presented to them by the house for their approval, or amendment; proposing amendments in writing for the consideration of the house, if they are not adopted, they are postponed till the next session. The Vermont constitution has one feature somewhat dissimilar to those of all the other states. It is the provision for a council of censors, once in seven years. Its duty is, to review the measures of government during that period, and see if its provisions have been main tained. This body have power to pass censures on any measures deemed by them unconstitutional and illegal ', and recommend to the subsequent legislature, their repeal, or modification. They have power to order impeachment of defaulters ; to pass judgment, if in their opinion the laws have not been duly executed and the public money has been misapplied. They hold their office one year ; are to be chosen the last Wednesday in March and meet in June following first Wednesday. It consists of thirteen members, chosen by the freemen of the state. They have power to call a convention , w Williams's History. 103 HISTORY OF VERMONT. within two years after their session ; to consider and recommend alterations in the constitution. After what has been said relative to the early state of affairs in this commonwealth it will be easily seen, that at the beginning, its government approached very near a pure democracy. They met by towns, and made laws ; or rather adopted rules of conduct. They then held mass conventions ; and passed resolutions ; and recommended measures for the general good. They next met by representatives most contiguous. After awhile, delegates from all the settlements one side of the mountain come together ; and finally from all parts of the grants in general assembly. ' If the government is not now as democratic as that of any one in the union, surely it was so in the beginning. As the state of things improved, and circumstances seemed to require it, the powers of the house of repre sentatives were enlarged ; and the frame of government braced and strengthened. Thus the council of censors afford a very convenient medium of making such improvements in the government as the increase of population, and advancement in arts and refinement seemed to require. The progress of government in the alteration of laws, and in making of new ones ought to keep pacei with the meliorations of society, and the multiplicity of human pursuits; and the increase of human enterprise. Without some such agent or inter posing power as is this council, such advantages could not be gained but at the hazard of convulsions, or even a revolution. HISTORY OF VERMONT. The number of counties originally was eleven . Windham, Windsor,Orange,Caledonia, Essex, Orleans, East of the mountain.* 109 Bennington, Rutland, Addison, Chittenden,Franklin, West of the mountain. Three counties have since been constituted, Grand Isle, in Lake Champlain ; Lamoille, and Washington. The latter is situated on the mountain near the centre^f the state ; in which is Montpelier, the capital and seat of government. The judicature of* Vermont consisted originally of justices of the peace, county courts, the supreme court, and a court of chancery. The justices in the several towns are appointed by the general assembly, being pre viously nominated in county convention. County nomi nations are merely advisory, the representatives of each county, during the session of the general assembly, meeting by themselves, select by ballot such persons as the majority wish to have fill the respective offices in HO HISTORY OF VERMONT. their county; such as judges, justices, sheriffs, and judges of probate. These being reported to the legisla ture, are generally confirmed, a usage and custom of legislation, expeditious ; and generally safe as it is cer tainly democratic. It is really submitting to the people of the several counties the choice of their own officers. The county courts consisted of three judges, as did also the supreme court for several years in the early days of this commonwealth. These, as well as justices, sheriffs, and probate judges, are chosen annually by joint ballot of the two houses of assembly. Justices of the peace have cognizance of minor offences ; and civil questions to a certain extent, and amount of property specified by law ; the right of appeal in most cases, being reserved to those against whom judgment is passed. Causes of greater magnitude and involving higher pecuniary liabilities come before the county courts^ Most actions of a civil nature in which the rights of property are concerned must be commenced in the county court. The supreme court decides on such causes as are carried up from the county courts : and such as come within its own jurisdiction ; as capital offences, involving the loss of life, and severe punish ments ; and on crimes and misdemeanors, the forfeitures of which go into the state treasury. The court of chancery was composed of the judges of the supreme court, and held in the same manner as to time and place as was that court. Its business was to decide legal questions without a jury, and rectify errors, which may have occurred in previous decisions HISTORY OF VERMONT. HI and in the lower courts. It is now what is understood by the law term of the supreme court, of which more will be said, in treating of tbe new organization of the Vermont courts. The governor's salary and those of other executive officers in the early period of this republic were small. Indeed the whole expense of government for one year, October 1791, to October 1792, according to Dr. Williams, was only ten thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars. This sum divided by the number of inhabitants at that period, which was about eighty-six thousand, gives ninepence for each individual. One eighth of a dollar for each individual in Vermont, paid the whole annual expense of her government fifty -onet years since. The original yearly salary of the governor, was five hundred dollars. The compensation of lieutenant gov ernor was $2,50 a day for attending the council over which he presided. The compensation of councilors was $1,17; that of representatives $1,00 per day. The secretary of state had $2,00 a day while attending the general, assembly. The chief justice received four dollars and a half a day while on the circuit ; and the assistant judges three dollars and two thirds. These were indeed days of economy and republican simplicity ! There was no need of retrenchment then, or rather retrenchment was impossible, as salaries and outgoes were at the lowest point ; at the starting point ! Justice was as well administered then perhaps as now ; and the community as contented and tranquil and prosperous. 112 HISTORY OF VERMONT. The judges could ride the circuits of the state over hills and through the valleys, in plain, equestrian style ; and find means from their small income to sustain themselves and families in a manner becoming their station. Per forming their duties faithfully, without fear or favor, they were regarded with as much respect and veneration, perhaps, by their fellow citizens as those whose stipends may have been ten fold greater; and their equipage increased proportionally in splendor and magnificence. In the sultry heat of August, the writer saw a judge of the supreme court in this state, on the bench in a cool, calico morning gown ; and this convenient dress, though plain, impeded not his readiness of mind ; or the recti tude of his decisions ; and was consistent with purity of motive as the costly robes of official dignity. But those who then occupied the high places of judgment in this commonwealth have descended to the grave ; and many of the plain lowly seats of justice, in which they gave sentence after hearing the complaint and defence eloquently made have disappeared, leaving scarcely a vestige of their having been. The lofty and commanding eminences where some of them stood, have been deserted for situations less exposed to the " windy storm and tempest." Many of those whose feet once. stood on these slippery places, seeking justice, have finished their search here and gone to find it, or receive mercy, in another world. Prouder halls of justice have arisen in more mild and protected situations. In level, winding vales, loftier edifices have reared their domes, surmounted with the balance of even handed justice. HISTORY OF VERMONT. 113 But although her seat may, in many instances, have been changed from the hill to the adjacent valley, it is not intended that justice, herself, has been driven from the high places of Vermont, to the sequestered, hiding places among her mountains. On the contrary, it is hoped, that her footsteps have taken deep hold in her soil, like the eagk that dweUeth in the clefts of the rock ; and that her sceptre, like the rod of Aaron, will blossom with perpetual verdure. In this connexion it may be well, perhaps, to remark, that the 'first settlers of this state seemed inclined to select for the centre of their towns, the highest situations. This has been die case also, more or less, with the early settlement of other mountainous districts. Indeed it is a common trait in man, that he needs do a work once, in order to know how to do it in the best manner. He wants tbe advantages of seeing where he was mistaken ; and where, doing differently, he might have done better. They are like children in this, as in some other respects, who think their way best, until trial convinces them to the contrary. But youth should keep in mind, that they have the very privilege and advantage, which the first settlers of a country need, but cannot enjoy. They have this in the experience and counsel of their parents and elders, who have been over that part of- the journey of life on which they are entering. In going into a wilder ness it is difficult to judge of the most eligible and safe situations. Those who do it are under the necessity of planting themselves down somewhere, and clearing up 8 114 HISTORY OF VERMONT. a spot around them before they can make their observa tions to much advantage. It is not strange then, in a dense, dark forest, that they should select an eminence, from which they may extend their view, and mark the local and relative bearings of the circumjacent country. Especially may we suppose, that a situation upon which the cheering sun would look in his morning and evening visitations, would be chosen. For the light is sweet, and a pleasant thing it is to behold the sun. In the solitude of an extended wilder ness, that the eminences overlooking the scenery around, should be lighted upon first, was natural. Thus it was in the settlement of this state ; the elevations and swells were first cleared, and a foothold estahlished on them. These also, were more suitable for immediate cultivation, the avails of which they needed as the means of sub sistence. For in the interior especially, that is, interior as regards the rivers and lakes, the low lands needed draining before they could be cultivated to much advan tage. The first roads also, were laid out under similar impressions and mistakes. They were run so as to enable the neighborhoods to hold intercourse as directly as possible; and also to reach the centre of the town and county, and public buildings and mills in the most direct route. Thus they were opened and constructed, in many instances, over the steep ascent and ridges ; and then descending into the deep vallies, apparently for the pleasure of mounting the corresponding hill. The HISTORY OF VERMONT. 115 travel of a few miles was but alternate ascending and descending, like the mariner over the ridges and across the troughs of the highly swollen sea. But as the inhabitants increased, and the lands became more cleared, these injudicious locations and inconvenient routes of roads, were more and more apparent. They began to see the difficulties, to which the present local arrangements subjected them ; and how a different pro cedure might have afforded them many facilities, and much enhanced their enjoyments. Even the first winter, after having planted himself down and felled the trees for a small circuit; and erected a log dwelling, was enough to show many a first settler his mistake in choos ing the site of his home. For this choice was generally made, and the first blow struck in the spring, or summer, or during the mild sun of autumn. But the cold, piercing winds came ; and the drifting snow, raking and sifting through his frail and hasty tenement, led him to look out for a lower situation, and more secured from the northwester, by an interposing hill, or clump of trees, or a south sloping exposure to the sun. This original and frequent practice of choosing elevated spots for settlement, increased the hardships of the occupiers, more or less unavoidable in a new coun try ; especially, one so uneven and hard to be subdued, and severe in its winters as Vermont. It placed them of course some distance from mill seats, and obliged them often to carry up steep and long hills, their breadstuffs and other necessaries of living. One of the first settlers 116 HISTORY OF VERMONT. in a town on the Connecticut, and who subsequently held offices of high trust, more than once, as he informed the writer, carried on his back two bushels of meal two or three miles, and most of the way up arduous hills. This was done by him too, in the dead of winter, going on the surface of the pathless snow with snow-shoes. The love of family ; of wife and children, nerved him to the task, and made him forget the toil in the gratification of seeing their wants supplied. In some instances, their fuel, after a few years clearing and burning over the ground, was to be hauled up hill to their houses ; and to the centre of their towns ; and whither to market to pay the merchant's bill, or to furnish the pastor with his yearly supply. Then the weekly toiling up these steeps, year after year, in compliance with the benign command of inspiration : " Forsake not the assembling yourselves together on the Sabbath ;" and with the frequent calls of business and duty, was a heavy tax on the physical powers of both man and beast. Is it strange then, that such things should cause exterior changes in many parts of this state. As expe rience has taught how to benefit by past errors and defects, this observing people have been led to avail themselves of its lessons. Attached, as is natural, to the place of their early footsteps ; and the ways so often walked ; and to the dwellings so familiar ; and the sanctuary visited so frequent; and the hall of justice, associated with many an interesting and impressive transaction, and even the prison-house looked at as a HISTORY OF VERMONT. 117 beacon of salutary warning, they have consented (reluct antly indeed) to let go their hold on them ; and in other directions and places, seek anew objects dear to their hearts. Thus in many parts of the state the centre of business has changed. The hills have been deserted ; and the public buildings erected in- vallies and on the margin of rivers. Even on single farms the buildings have been removed from the higher to the lower parts ; a position being thus secured not only less exposed to wintry winds; but to which their fruits and products flow with much less toil. Many also of the first roads have been given up and new ones opened ; running not over the almost inacces sible heights ; but curving round the hills, and winding along the vallies and on the banks of the streams. Delightful situations are thus presented for dwelling houses, which are being rapidly occupied with neat farmer-like establishments. These routes render the traveling in this state, particularly in the summer sea son, exhilarating, and, to the valetudinarian, salutary. Not a district of the state, not a county, or even a town without some of these alterations for the better ; and presenting some attracting views, or objects of interest ing contemplations, if not of curiosity. These remarks do indeed apply more particularly to the parts first settled. For those portions more recently occupied have been with the advantages of previous experience. The new township* being settled often by families removing from the older settlements, were, 118 HISTORY OF VERMONT. in most instances, judiciously laid out in the first place ; and thus avoiding the necessity of losing much of their labor, before making their circumstances conform to their wishes. These facts relative to the early settlement and subse quent alterations in various portions of the state, show as the limited foresight of man ; and the slow and often painful process in securing the objects of human enter prise. If this was exemplified more often here, than in some other parts of the union ; it was owing to intrinsic difficulties, and not to any particular deficiency, or dis cernment and forecast in the men, to whose lot it fell to layout the ground-work of political society in this moun tain district. lt is yet one of the instances of melancholy imper fection in man, that so much of what he does, is to be undone ; that so much of what he has accomplished is to be deserted, and something else to take its place. Vermont indeed shows many proofs of this, in the deserted settlements on many of its hills and eminences, and buildings taken down and removed. Many such situations here, built and modeled with skill and taste ; and where was once heard the busy hum of business ; and all the enjoyments of life were participated, have disappeared and become wastes, as if no human foot steps had been near them. Many roads built with great effort and expense ; and often traveled over by all classes in the various pursuits of life, have been discon tinued, deserted ; the turnpike abandoned ; it gates and HISTORY OF VERMONT. 119 toll-houses broken down, and in ruins ; overgrown with underbrush, places once well known, but soon to lie for ever forgotten. 120 CHAPTER VII. In Windham county such changes seen. — Black mountain. — Road on West river. — Cascade. — Defile. — Newfane hill. — Its former appearance. — Deserted state. — Contrast. — Judges and Lawyers. — New county seat. — Fayetteville. — Changes. — Their advan tages. — Evils. — Uplands. — Their use. — Northern positions and exposure. — A family burnt in Newfane. — Hardy occupiers of exposed .northern positions. — Hardihood a general trait. — Con tributing to it, their early troubles. — Their aversion to effemi nacy. — Illustrated by examples. — The character of the first settlers. — Settled principally from Connecticut. — Reproaches answered. — Testimony of Hillhouse to this trait of character. This course of things is seen, among other places in Windham county. Newfane has long been the shire town. In the early period of the jurisdiction proper of Vermont, and for several years, the courts were held alternately at Westminster and Marlboro. It is about fourteen miles from Brattleboro ; and the road runs along the right bank of West river. Passing by several interval farms near the mouth of that river ; rich by being overflowed ; in a high state of cultivation ; and presenting a fine appearance, you come into the neighborhood of Black mountain, in Dummerston, on the left bank. The river washes the base of this mountain, which rises from the HISTORY OF VERMONT. 121 water almost perpendicularly several hundred feet, and opens to the south in the form of a ' horse shoe,' and thus the cavity has borne the appellation, time immemo rial, ' the shoe ofthe mountain.' Its appearance as you pass along on the opposite bank, is bold and .majestic ; granite rocks piled one upon another ; with ewergreens and stinted shrubbery but poorly covering its surface, give it a dark and sombre hue. It seems like one of nature's castles ; from which writers of fiction have tried to copy ; and make the strong hold of some fair one to be hunted out and carried off by her lover, some knight errant. But the river is too fleet to admit of escape by water craft, his prize being let down poetically from the lofty eminence ; and success if at all, must come by the way of ' the heel.' But it serves a more substantial purpose, abounding as it does in durable and everlasting, so to speak, mate rials for the purposes of building, and fences and canal locks. It stands yet proof against the purpose of the energetic Hillhouse of Connecticut, who, with DeWitt Clinton, making his exploring tour, to extend the. New Haven and Northampton canal to Vermont, said " he wanted to prepare the way for the removal of Black mountain to New Orleans." On the other hand also, opposite this, skirting the road, is a corresponding hill of less altitude, somewhat cleared and improved as graz ing ground, and remarkable for a beautiful cascade ; a small stream of water rushing from its summit, and descending over the rocks and precipices ; and threaten ing to dash into the traveler's face, glides under his feet 12.2 HISTORY OF VERMONT. through an aqueduct into the river. So lightly does it make its way, and so hard its bed, that little, or no channel has it cut, but seems to dart down upon the surface, its waters foaming and glittering in the fall ing rays of the sun, it becomes a striking and pleasing spectacle. Passing along to the northwest part of the town, you come to the narrow defile, made by the river on the north ; and an almost inaccessible mound on the south, leaving only a very narrow passway, which by one of the leaders in the early difficulties of this state, was called " the valley of the shadow of death." So steep and high is the hill ; and the road so narrow, that for two or three months of the winter, the rays of the sun scarcely fall upon you for a mile, any part of the day. This luminary so bountiful of his beams, and exhaustless, deals them out here so sparingly, and lets you have light by measure of small dimensions. You now leave the river ; and after going three miles on ascending ground, come to tbe former seat of the county, a lofty, conical summit, overlooking not a small part of the surrounding country. Here was once the strong hold, the citadel of justice and judgment for Wind ham county. Here once stood the court-house and jail ; surrounded by hotels, and stores ; and mechanic's shops ; attorney's offices, and neat, hospitable dwellings. Here stood also, the sanctuary on the very pinnacle ; and near it the county academy and parsonage house. But these are now gone ; the court-house, the jail, the mer chants' establishments, the business shops ; the hotel ; HISTORY OF VERMONT. 123 the commodious houses and the house of God itself; and you see a mere desolation and waste compared with what it once was. The academic building stands, but deserted, dilapidated ; the old tavern stand is there ; but no longer clustered with the shivering crowds of Decem ber court. The winds whistle unheeded ; the northern blast finds few dwellings there to rack ; and fewer occu pants to waken from their midnight slumbers, clinging to their bed posts. The clear ice can glisten in the wintry sun unmolested by calks and ashes ; and without wit nessing the prostration of many a human frame ; and the falling of "justice in the streets." No longer do crowds repair hither to enjoy the beauties and refreshing breezes of this spot, as they used to do, at the June and August courts. Its surface pressed by the feet of the substantial yeomanry of the country ; and fashionable visitants ; the supreme judges of Vermont, and members of the bar with their wives often ; and various other spectators, in the sultry month of August, enjoying the delightful scenery and cooling winds from the neighboring hills, is felt by them no longer. Here as the sun was declining, the business of the day finished, in the shade of their houses, on the green grass, were often tea parties, indulging in social conversation ; in glee and merriment. The stern, inflexible judge, and eloquent lawyer relaxed their brows ; and related many a transaction of past times ; gave and received many a stroke of wit and humor. Here once stood a Robinson, a Tyler and a Harrington, of the supreme court ; and a Knowlton and a Duncan of the county. Here in elo- 124 HISTORY OF VERMONT. quent strains were as advocates, a Bradley, an Elliot, Blake, Stark, Hall, Hunt, Field and others, whose tongues are silent, and who heed not the changes that have come over this hill of justice. Others live, orna ments of their profession, who can recall to mind past scenes here witnessed, " like the music of carol, phasant but mournful to the soul." But this was a desertion of choice, and not necessity ; not. to a condition of less, but more eligibility, if to a lower station ; not to one less protected and safe, but of more easy access. In a northeasterly direction, two miles down the declivity in a beautiful vale, you find the county seat revived Phoenix-like, much improved. Seve ral of the most valuable buildings were taken down and rebuilt on this ground, and retain almost their former appearance. The public buildings have indeed been much enlarged and are of more elegant structure. Two neat houses of worship ; and other public buildings, with many elegant private dwelling houses ; stores, offices, and shops of mechanics, cluster round the public edifices, and form a beautiful situation protected by adjacent hills from the piercing winds of winter. In the summer, its fertile, well cultivated fields ; and its level even surface, and spacious common on which you can plant your foot with the horizon and stand perpendicularly to it without bracing, you find one of the pleasantest villages in Ver mont. You thus become not only reconciled, but pleased with the change. In Fayetteville you have a fair speci men of the villages which now abound in this state in HISTORY OF VERMONT. 125 the sequestered vallies, and on the margins of rivers, rendered by their relative situations more convenient and pleasant even in winter, than those of states several degrees south of it, but of surface more level. These facts and statements have been so particularly stated and made, as affording illustrations and specimens both of the scenery with which one is presented in traveling over the state ; and also of the alterations, which have taken place since its early settlement. These have been greater in some parts than in others ; the greatest where the ground was first cleared ; and is the most uneven. In the northern part of the state, the surface on both sides of the mountain heing more level, inconvenient and exposed, beginnings have not been so frequent. The mountain also in the northern section is not so high and precipitous. Some evils and inconveniences have resulted from these changes, and suspension of original purposes. The centre of business has often fallen on the borders and not in the middle of towns ; the local limits of religious parishes have been blended and lost. Members of churches have sometimes been separated from their brethren ; and Ions: habits of association sundered. Houses of worship have been abandoned ; and expense incurred in building others ; in some instances the pasto ral relation dissolved. You will see too, many houses of divine worship, on lonely and deserted hills, unoccupied, or used for some other purpose. But the convenience and comfort of the inhabitants and even the value of property have been increased 126 HISTORY OF VERMONT. and enhanced greatly by them. They have generally been judicious, leading to, immediate and permanent advantages. One great benefit by th§m, is the securing of numerous situations of water privileges. Numerous mill seats both for breadstuffs and the sawing of lumber, and situations for manufacturing establishments, have been discovered and occupied. The hills and moun tainous parts, though in many instances abandoned as places of residence, are by no means useless, but serve as sheep pastures, for which, they are excellent, and for young cattle. To this use of them the farmers are more or less resorting. Dwelling themselves on the flats and in the vallies and near the streams, they plow the more feasible portions of their farms, and let these useful, nimble animals overrun and clip the steep sides of the hill ; and they return their owners the increase, and profitable clippings to their shearers. Thus the facility of milling is great compared with what it once was ; ^and the spectacle of a wind-mill, formerly not unfrequent, is now rarely visible ; one such structure in Vermont the writer, has seen, but the place that knew it, knows it no more, and only retains the name of wind-mill hill. It cannot be avoided, however, that many settlements and establishments should have a northern and a west ern situation and exposure. So innumerable are the hills ; and so diversified their shapes and dimensions ; circular, conical, and angular, from the lowest to the highest form of the term, it cannot be expected that habitations should be found only in the vallies. Clearing the south and east side of the hills ; and forming settle- HISTORY OF VERMONT. 127 ments there, and erecting houses, is not all that could be expected. It is not all that is actually done. Some excellent land has a northern inclination, and is occupied and cleared into productive farms. The owners must place their dwellings on the sides of the north ; with no intervening object to break off the wind at a distance often of many miles. They have the opportunity indeed of founding them on a rock ; and giving them a broad foundation. ; an unambitious elevation ; digging deep and laying it strong, and building compact, they do not very often find them subverted by the descending rains and falling winds. The impression on them is startling at times, so sudden are the changes, and power ful blasts from the northwest. So penetrating and inquisitive is the wind, that the utmost care and circum spection cannot prevent its making its way through the crevices into the most retired apartments. Shivering with the cold, the occupants find the application of more clothing to their persons convenient and comfortable. For sometimes, when the cold is most severe, and the wind highest, the fire on the hearths cannot be safely increas ed in proportion. It might be driven into their rooms in contact with the facing and woodwork around the fire place. Painful experience has taught them more danger is to be apprehended by fire in such positions, than by the winds overthrowing their buildings. Disasters in this way have taken place. In the early settlement of Newfane, a log tenement in a northern exposure was consumed by fire, and the whole family, eight in number, perished with it. As the 128 HISTORY OF VERMONT. family retired to rest, the fire was plentifully supplied with wood, as a defence against the severity of the weather ; and the flame was blown probably into the room kindling the combustible matter within its reach. Thus by the smoke,- their slumbers were rendered heavier and heavier, till they slept the sleep of death. The morning came, and the smouldering ruins and the naked bones revealed to the neighbors, the painful calamity. At the funeral for the burial of these bones, the theme ofthe pioneer pastor's discourse was : "Suppose ye, that they were sinners above all men, because they suffered such things ! " But even in these western and northern positions, the occupiers can often contrive somewhat to ward off .the intruding winds and storms. In the construction of their buildings ; in the high breast works ; and breakers ; and outposts theyJiave exhibited genuine traits of yankee invention, to keep at bay the elements warring around them. Thus they can employ their indoor hours in quiet and calm reading and conversation, secure against the furious onsets without ; and smiling at the snow driving against their window casements. But when the worst comes, the green mountain boys will not turn their backs, but be found at their posts facing the enemy. They soon become habituated to these vanguard posts, so to speak ; these hyperborean positions. The husbandmen occupying these prominent situations are among the most respectable ; and of in dependent secular circumstances of any in the state. They are hale and robust ; no dough-faces ; nor Dos- HISTORY OF VERMONT. 129 faces : but can bear the motion of the air when the mercury in the thermometer is far below zero. Their faces become tough by exposure ; and they can breast the driving snow storm ; and at the call of duty go where man can go amid the strife of the elements. In short they become conformed to their circumstances ; and manifest some of the most praise-worthy traits in the human character. Having thus alluded to a characteristic of this portion of the Vermonters, it may be said here in addition, that it is somewhat descriptive of the whole population. Several circumstances may have contributed to this. The circumstances in which the state was originally settled may have had influence. These have been before explained ; the protracted controversies with New York, and New Hampshire ; and with the continental congress. These trials had an influence in strengthening their minds ; their resolutions and even their physical powers. They rendered them watchful ; and circum spect ; and although sparing of blood, they had some times to exercise their courage and even bodily powers. Their titles to their farms were sealed by the seal, called " the Beech Seal." In allusion to this emblem, they sometimes had to renew their titles to their farms by applying anew the seal ; that is, the beech rod to the backs of those, who came upon their premises with a writ of ejectment. They used various kinds of missives to keep off whom they could not but view as intruders ; and though they were not fatal in their application, they were often serious, and at any rate, served to nerve the 9 130 HISTORY OF VERMONT. arm which sent them. In some cases even the house wives dashed hot water out at the windows upon suspi cious claimants about the premises. Honorable scars of this kind, by here and there an advocate of the Yorkers, were worn long after the difficulties ceased — a memento to their neighbors of past warfare. Thus then this people were formed originally to an energy of character, which is retained, more or less, to the present time. Then again they seem to have an aversion, a strong loathing to effeminacy ; a withered, pale, sickly, shady growth, to deprecate ; and shudder at the thought of falling into it. Their soil, they think, is uncongenial to dandyism, and will not sustain such a class of oc cupants. The writer knew a sober farmer, who returning from Boston, whither he had been with the surplus produce of his farm, to provide stores for the year, fell as he was walking beside his team, and he knew not how, broke one of his legs. Being detained a week or two, by the way, it was the most mortifying part of his disaster, he said, " to tell his host and attendants, that he belonged to Vermont ; as they must think it strange, that any one should be reared so in the shade and cellar as to have his bones snap like a pipe-stem." One of the first settlers of a ' river town,' he also knew, of whom it was said, that scorning effeminacy, he was ashamed to be seen wearing a new beaver hat, until " it had lain in the barn-yard two or three nights." The character of the first settlers themselves may have had an influence in forming and continuing this trait. HISTORY OF VERMONT. 131 The original inhabitants of the state were mostly from the New England states. The south eastern part, was taken possession of by emigrants from Massachusetts ; and many of them were from the county of Worcester. Many families and adventurers came from Connecticut, and took up their residence in various parts of Montpelier. < Derby, Danville, Woodstock, Windsor, Springfield, Bellows Falls, Brattleboro. Now if one like the lawgiver of Israel, who from Pisgah viewed the length and breadth of Canaan, from the highest point of the green mountains, could at once view more than the half thousand villages up and down the state, the privilege would be great and the spectacle ani mating. If he could go back nearly a century when all this region was a dense wilderness except here and there a bald peak of granite or lime stone ; and mark the present 220 history of Vermont. contrast of the white dotted openings of towns and settle ments and hamlets and villages, the changes would seem great and impressive. Or if like Charron of old, assisted by Mercury in viewing the curiosities of this upper world with poetic license, " piling Pelion upon Ossa ;" and gifted with far distant vision of minute objects even to the " hard wax" in the ear, he could see the inhabit ants of these villages, like bees from their hives, in their various pursuits ; some in courts of justice ; others culti vating the ground; some in merchandise; others on military parade grounds with the instruments of death ; some sailing upon the rivers and lakes, or endowed with the power of quick hearing, could hear their conversation in the field and in the house, like him who heard not a word about his boat, he might lament to hear so little said of death, yet he could not but admire the flocks and herds on ten thousand hills, and works of man ; the traces and progress of human skill and industry. 221 CHAPTER XV. Military exploits and measures in and near Vermont. — Names of leaders, and places of fame. — Discovery of North America and settlement in Canada. — Lake Champlain. — Lake George. — Iroquois Indians. — Strife between the English and French. — Col. Schuyler. — Attack on Deerfield. — Capture of Quebec. — Abercrombie. — Wolf. — His character. — Settlement at Crown Point. — Chimney Point. — Surprise of Bridgman's fort. — Cap ture of Mrs. Howe and other women. — Attack on Royalton. — Brandon. — The justification of Vermont, thus exposed, in admitting overtures from the English. Vermont is classic ground, the theatre of warlike operations, whose soil has often witnessed the passing and re-passing of armies, the munitions of war, and the shedding of blood. On her western and northern frontier, the din of arms, and the savage yell and the war-whoop have been often heard. Ticonderoga and Crown Point ; Montreal and Quebec ; Stillwater and Saratoga and Plattsburg have been seats of distinguished military operations. They are fields of renown, retain ing the footsteps of leaders and generals, whose names stand high on the pages of history and the record of fame. They indeed exhibit colors faint and indistinct compared with some sanguinary fields in Europe, and of 222 history of Vermont. ancient times. But they are places where European noblemen and names of much repute have led warriors of the old countries to the conflict ; and by their deeds and deaths giving them a deathless name. Lord Howe ; generals Amherst, Abercrombie and Wolf; and their associates and their actions and achievements have ren dered the region contiguous to Vermont known to fame. On her very soil also, and the waters pf Champlain, Allen and Stark and McDonough ; and in her immediate vicinity, Burgoyne, Baume, Gates and Montgomery, have more recently added to the interest which is felt in human exploi.ts and glory. Hubbardston, Bennington and Bemis Heights ; Saratoga and Plattsburgh and the Champlain waters near Burlington are consecrated spots, to which the patriotic youths of Vermont, and of our country burn with enthusiasm. As time recedes from the period of their renown, they become more and more places of curiosity and veneration, at the mention of which patriotism will be enkindled and a love of country increased. The plains of Marathon and Platea, and the straits of Thermopolae will as soon be forgotten as they and the leaders on those fields of glory be driven into oblivion by the progress of time and the revolution of ages. The French made the first settlement in North America, 1534. James Cartier entered the gulph which he named, and the river St. Lawrence, in honor of the day, (it being St. Lawrence,) on which they were discovered. The navigator who followed him was Samuel Champlain, who in 1608, with a small fleet HISTORY OF VERMONT. 223 sailed up the St. Lawrence to a place called by the Indians Quebec, where he made a clearing and built a town. The next year, at the suggestion of the Indians he made an exploring tour south in search of lakes. Ascending the river now called Sorel, he came to the lake which bears his name. Thence he went to the lake now called George, which he named St. Sacrament. On the shores of the latter lake he encountered the Iroquois, a powerful tribe of Indians. It was here that the natives of North America were permitted, (or doomed shall it be said ?) to hear for the first time the report of a musket. Great was the impression made on them ; and it disposed them favorably towards their white (pale) European visitors. This was a powerful confederacy of different tribes of Indians ; and long before and subsequently waged bloody wars with the tribes in the vicinity of Quebec, to which place fifty of their scalps were now carried. Thus as early as 1609, discoveries and the foot steps of civilized men were made in the vicinity of Ver mont. A considerable period did indeed elapse, (more than a century,) before these parts were permanently settled. They were, however, the theatre of bloody wars between the French and their Indian allies on the one side, and the Iroquois and their associates on the other. In 1664 the Dutch settlement at New Amsterdam became an English province, after which, the territory now called Vermont was often passed and re-passed in various directions by English and French troops, and 224 HISTORY OF VERMONT. their Indian allies in the wars of Canada, and their ravages along the shores of the lakes and rivers. The English thought themselves justified in the part which they took in them, as the French held forts and were constantly making settlements on the shores of Lake Champlain within the limits by them claimed. On the other hand, the French founded their right to this district on the ground of discovery and occupation. It was contended again by the English that mere discov ery gave no sufficient title without actual occupation ; and that it was deserted when Massachusetts and New York extended their jurisdiction over it, under the direction and sanction of the British crown. But the question, as in most such cases at that period, was finally decided by the sword. It was a long and arduous struggle ; and victory and defeat were alternately experienced by each nation. It was the settled conviction ofthe English government, particularly in that of their colonies, that these perplex ing wars of inroads and rapine, would never cease so long as Canada belonged to the French. Two expedi tions were accordingly planned against it ; one under Sir William Phips against Quebec; and which was given up on account of the season being so far advanced. The other under John Winthrop was unsuc cessful. Col. Schuyler of. New York distinguished himself about this period on the part of the English ; making a successful onset on the French settlements near the banks of the Sorel, destroying about three hundred of HISTORY OF VERMONT. 225 the enemy. Two or three years after this, in 1695, several hundreds, French and Indians, invaded the country of the Mohawks ; but were promptly met by Schuyler and two hundred volunteers, and driven back with loss into Canada. The Indian attack on Deerfield, (Mass.) and its circumstances and consequences are well known, being on the records of our country's history. But the route pursued by these Indians may not be so familiar. It is said, on good credit, that in 1704, about three hundred Indians under De Rauville, went up Lake Champlain to the mouth of Onion river, and crossed over to the Connecticut ; and going on ice, reached the neighbor hood of Deerfield, on the 29th of February. Con cealing themselves till the dead of night, the guard being dispersed, and the inhabitants in a sound sleep, they fell upon the town in different parts at the same time ; and made indiscriminate slaughter of old and young; of male and female, setting fire to the buildings and rending the air with their yells and warhoops. Forty- seven were slain, and the remainder of the inhabitants carried away prisoners. Their bloody track on their return, was along the rivers and vallies, and over the hills of Vermont, the whole course of which they marked, so to speak, with acts of barbarity. For they dispatched with the tomahawk and scalping knife, the exhausted female and helpless child ; the sick^man, and all, who through infirmity were unable to keep pace with them. The monuments of death in peculiar circumstances are yet found at unequal intervals the 15 226 HISTORY OF VERMONT. whole route of this melancholy incursion. That they should undertake, such a journey of two or three hundred miles in the winter, for the sake of plunder and murder, and making prisoners, is no very flattering evidence of Indian kindness and mercy ; but is proof strong, of the barbarity of the civilized man who led them ; and his name has been given, that it may go down to posterity with an everlasting stigma. It is melancholy proof of the mutual cruelties and depredations of the times ; the inhuman custom of both English and French of insti gating the savage to the most revolting deeds of inhu manity. But as these events took place most of them, before many settlements had been made in Vermont, it is not necessary in a history of this state, particularly to relate .them. This is the case especially in relation to the wars between France and England, previous to the reduction of Canada. It is sufficient to say, in general terms, that Amherst, Abercrombie, and Wolf, were the principal leaders on the part of the English ; and that Crown Point, Ticonderoga, and Montreal and Quebec are the places where the greatest military feats were performed. Wolf was so happy as to give the finishing stroke to their efforts on the part of Great Britain. The impor tant battle which decided this contest took place, 13th of September, 1759. This was an arduous enterprise ; and the British ministry knew that the greatest military talents were ' requisite in accomplishing it. No small honor was it then to Wolf, that he should have been selected for this difficult service. He was in the morn- HISTORY OF VERMONT. 227 ing of life ; and his example of self-devotion to his coun try, has probably fired many a seldier to follow him in the high places of the field, in behalf of his country. His lieutenants in that enterprise were Moniton, Towns hend, and Murray, sons of noblemen ; and, like their leaders in the flower of youth. " They were students in the art of war ; and though young in years, old in ex perience."* The taking of such a city ; so well defended by nature aud art ; so strongly garrisoned ; and under the direc tion of an able general ; the taking of which being fol lowed with so important consequences, has made the name of the general who fell in doing it, dear to the British nation. Few generals have ever won so un divided applause at so early an age ; or fallen in the field of battle more sincerely lamented. Few names stand on the pages of history, in a light better adapted to win and retain the favor of succeeding ages as long as talents, and bravery, and accomplishments and generosity and love of country, shall be admired and venerated. In 1731, the French made a lodgment in what is now Addison ; near what has since been named Chimney Point, and opposite Crown Point. A point of land projects into the lake here on both sides, rendering the channel narrow, and affording a favorable spot for forts and redouts ; and great facilities for intercepting the passage of an enemy up and down its waters. This * Trumbull. 228 HISTORY OF VERMONT. celebrated ground then was settled from the Vermont side of the lake ; and. named St. Frederick. It is now a place of great interest and curiosity to the traveler. That part of Addison where the settlement was com menced, is, as it has been said in another place, a delightful and enchanting spot. Let the reader go and see for himself. In the frontier towns, during the wars between France and England, for the supremacy in Canada, much em barrassment and suffering was experienced. The in habitants had to leave their homes, or were massacred, or kept themselves protected by forts, and by going in bodies armed. Two or three irruptions were made on the inhabitants and fortresses of Vernon. Three men by the names of Howe, Grout, and Gaflield, returning from their labor in the field, were surprised and fired upon by the Indians. The first was killed on the spot; the last lost his life in attempting to swim the river. Grout was uninjured and escaped. Their families were in Bridgman's fort, their wives and eleven children, who were made prisoners, the fort having been taken. This was in July, 1755. These unhappy persons were taken to Canada ; and saw much hardship, and many a gloomy day before the time of their redemption came. Some suitable and permanent memorial, (if there is none,) ought to be secured, pointing out the place of this fort ; and that of Dummer ; and descriptive of these events, and the early scenes there witnessed. If the spot of the first grave in that neighborhood could be certainly fixed upon, it would be an object of interest HISTORY OF VERMONT. 229 and curiosity, as it would probably be that of the first burial in the state. If none is there, surely a suitable monument, with a brief record, should be erected. The same may be said of the ground in Newfane, (the shire town of Windham county,) where a small company of white men were attacked by a large party of Indians, and part of them killed. This was in 1756. The number in the company is said to have been twenty, going from Charlestown, N. H., to Hoosic, under the direction of Capt. Melvin. The conflict was severe ; but ended in the discomfiture of the whites, the survivors retreating to fort Dummer. The captain returning the next day to the place, found no enemy, but buried the dead. This is said to have been " in the southerly part of Newfane, then uninhabited." Does any one know the exact spot ; the number slain, and their names ? Is there any memorial of this event ? Such ought to be consecrated places. There are many such in our land ; but going fast into oblivion for want of timely me mentos ; and some of them probably have gone beyond the reach of human scrutiny and curiosity. Is such neglect kind to the memory of those who periled their lives in the early settlement of our country, that we their posterity might have a goodly inheritance, sitting under our own vines and fig trees, having none to hurt or make afraid. Since penning the above the writer has been informed that tradition is, that Capt. Melvin was attacked by the Indians near the branch bridge at the mouth of a stream running from Dover and emptying into West river in the 230 HISTORY OF VERMONT. southeast part of Newfane. A son of Judge Knowl ton, residing there, once observed a stranger, thought fully examining the ground near this bridge. After being accosted, the stranger informed him, that he once was engaged in battle with the Indians near this spot. Although the surface had been cleared of trees, yet from the junction of the streams, he was confident the conflict took place near where they stood, which was a short distance north of the bridge. It is to be regretted that Mr. Knowlton was not more particular in his inquiries relative to that event. But the facts thus derived from one of the parties are, that an attack was then made ; that several of Melvin's men were killed ; that he retreated to fort Dummer ; and that returning next day with additional men, buried his slain near the spot on the left bank of the branch, on land now owned by Aaron Robinson, the very graves being, as is supposed, yet visible. There is also a tradition, that at another time a scout ing party from fort Dummer, having shot salmon with their guns in a deep hole near the mouth of this branch Of West river, while engaged in broiling them for a repast, were attacked by the Indians, attracted by the report of their muskets. Two of their number were so badly wounded that they died ; one of them by the name of Allen, near the pond in the northeastern part of Marl boro ; and which bears his name ; the other on " New fane hill " near the old court house. Further up West river in what is now Jamaica, three men were fired upon by sculking Indians. One HISTORY OF VERMONT. 231 of them was killed ; another shot through the body, and rendered unable to walk. He importuned his sur viving and uninjured companion not to leave him. So great was his anxiety, as was natural, to have him stay by him, that his associate had not a heart to break from him openly ; but stole from him guilefully ; under a pretence that he would return to him after a short absence. He Went to the fort on the Connecticut, and taking with him several men, did return ; but only to perform the melancholy office of burying his body. Life had left it. With regard to the attack on Royalton by the Indians, the above inquiries are answered, as it appears in Thom son's history of Vermont. A minute account is given of this depredation. The names of those, whose houses were burnt are given ; and also of the slain and captured. It was in 1780. The town contained three hundred inhabitants. Two persons were killed, Thomas Pem- ber, and Elias Button. The number of prisoners made by them was twenty-five; more than twenty houses, and as many barns were burnt ; and most of the flocks and herds falling in their way, were slaughtered. The object of this expedition was to capture a lieu tenant Whitcomb ; who, a few years previous, had killed and robbed of his sword and watch, a British general by the name of Gordon. This was the pretence ; but it was not established as a fact ; that of the robbery. The party was led on by Horton, a British lieutenant ; and they expected to surprise their object of pursuit at Newbury on the Connecticut. But learning from hunters whom they fell in with near Winooski, that 232 HISTORY OF VERMONT. the inhabitants of that town, expecting an assault, had taken measures to repel it, they turned their course to Royalton. Recovering from the consternation, the remaining inhabitants of the place, and others collected from neighboring towns organized under a man by the name of House to pursue the depredators. Guided by a few marked trees in the darkness of the night ; " amidst logs, and rocks and hills with which the wilder ness abounded, as they were passing over a stream, which was crossed upon a large log, they were fired upon by the enemy's rear guard, and one man was wounded." Coming up with their camp the Indians sent an aged prisoner, threatening to put to instant death all their prisoners, if an attack was made upon them. Hosee and his party hesitated and delayed so long in consequence of this message, that the enemy escaped with impunity. In 1776, the frontier towns of this state on the north ; or rather those served as places of frontier military posts ; were Castleton and Pittsford on the west side of the mountain ; Barnard, Corinth, Newbury, and Peacham, on the east. Two or three years afterwards, two men were killed in Brandon, and several persons made prisoners by the Indians. In 1780, two more were made prisoners in Barnard and carried into Canada. These are specimens of Indian massacres and depre dations in these difficult times in the history of Vermont. Many other occurrences of similar character took place ; and some undoubtedly, of which unhappily no record has been preserved. But it is owing to the hopes of HISTORY OF VERMONT. 233 t the British government that this district might be disen gaged from the union, as it has been related in another part of this work, that so few Indian inroads and cruel ties were experienced. Their situation as a frontier state, bordering on the lake, at command of the enemy, afforded facilities to commit the greatest depredations and perpetrate deeds of barbarity. In this condition they were left unprotected by the continental congress. It is evident that the savages were not only not instigated by the English against this defenceless region, but that they were restrained by them. It was indeed through selfish motives on the part of Great Britain, as too much evidence exists of " Utting loose their hell-hounds of war" on other portions of our country. Should this people then ; the Vermonters, left in such perilous circumstances, be condemned for resorting to the strongest arguments to open the eyes of their coun trymen, to do them justice ? Were they wrong in suffering the British to expect what they hoped would not be realized. 234 CHAPTER XVI. Warlike movements in Windham.— Adherents of New York.— Guilford.— Ethan Allen's proclamation. — General Bradley.— Instrumentality in quelling the disturbances. — Arnold. — Strife Tietween him and Allen. — Campaign against Ticonderoga - planned in Connecticut — Capt. Phelps exploring the enemy's works. — Ethan Allen a prisoner. — At Halifax. — At Cork. — On Long Island.— In New York. — The old jail.— Prisoners in it. — Capt. Travis.— Maj. Van Zandt«— Col. Allen crying for quarters. — His death. — His grave and epitaph. — Col. Seth Warner. — His burial place. The greatest demonstrations of battle and bloodshed in the controversy with New York, were made in Wind ham county. Guilford, containing a population then of three thousand inhabitants was the strong hold of the York party ; a majority of the inhabitants inclining to that side ofthe question. In th"is and some other towns, in their civil officers, each party had its distinct organi zation. Collisions ensued ; and sometimes conflicts not without bloodshed. Such a state of things was extremely unhappy and perplexing; social intercourse between neighbors ; and even between branches of the same families was in a measure at an end. So trying was it to the leaders on the side of the New Hampshire grants, HISTORY OF VERMONT. 235 that they became impatient ; particularly Ethan billen, who had the county assigned him as his province. Crossing the mountain from Bennington with one hundred soldiers, he issued his proclamation. " I, Ethan Allen, declare that unless the people of Guilford peace ably submit to the laws of Vermont, the town shall be made as desolate as were the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah." This manifesto being followed by corres ponding action, the blocks before the wheels of govern ment were removed. But the winter following witnessed similar obstructions, the wrath of this Green Mountain- Achilles, being defied, or forgotten. The Guilford boys, dissentient from the adherents of Vermont, attacked and fired into the inn at Brattleboro, kept by Josiah Arms ; the head quarters of General Farnsworth ; and wounded Major Boyden and a traveler, sojourning there for the night. Constable Waters, the object of their pursuit, voluntarily surrendering himself, was carried into Massa chusetts. But he was soon released by the Vermonters and returned home. It was not till Col. S. R. Bradley, at the head of two hundred men, ordered out by the general assembly, repaired to the ground ; and scouring that corner of the state, taking some prisoners, and driving others beyond tbe line, that the Vermont juris diction became established and peace restored in that quarter. With regard to military events on and near the soil of Vermont, they may be related in few words. Most of them are too well known to need recapitulation. The enterprise and intrepidity and bluntness of Ethan Allen 236 HISTORY OF VERMONT. will never be forgotten as long as patriotism shall be honored as a virtue. The character of. Arnold, who engaged in behalf of his country, the moment he heard of the battle of Lexington ; and was associated with Allen in the meditated attack on Ticonderoga, appears so far interesting. We cannot but regret that he had not fallen in subsequent life, into different circumstances. • Most sincerely must every patriot wish that he had stood fast for his country in spite of every neglect and mis- usage, if such he received. The strife between him and Allen for the precedence in going into the fort, is truly chivalrous and romantic. The thought and plan of rescuing those positions, (Crown Point and Ticonderoga,) at the commencement of the revolutionary war, originated in Connecticut. This is clearly established in " the historical collection" lately published by Royal Hinman, recently Connec ticut secretary of state. Several gentlemen repaired to Vermont from that state ; the expenses of the expedition were advanced by individual responsibility ; and finally liquidated by the authority of Connecticut. Names are there given of persons and places ; acts and records ; definite sums granted, and for specified objects. „ Among other things of interest related on this subject, the fol lowing account js given of the part in these transactions taken by Capt. Noah Phelps, of Simsbury in that state. " He was selected to proceed to the fort, examine its situation and condition ; and make report to his asso ciates. He proceeded from the southern part of Lake Champlain in a boat, and stopped for the night at a HISTORY OF VERMONT. 237 tavern near the fort. The officers of the garrison occu pied a room adjoining that in which he slept, for a sup per party ; and as usual on such occasions, protracted their entertainment to a very late hour. They spoke of the commotion in the colonies and the condition of their fort. Very early in the morning, Capt. Phelps gained admission into the fort for the purpose of being shaved. While retiring through it, the commandant walked with him, and conversed about the rebels, their movements, and their objects. Capt. Phelps seeing a portion of the wall of the fort in a dilapidated condition, remarked that it would afford but a feeble defence against the rebels if they should attack it. The commandant replied " yes, but that is not our greatest misfortune, for all our powder is damaged ; and before we can use it, we are obliged to sift and dry it." He left the fort, and soon after pro ceeded to the lake shore, and employed a boatman to transport him in a small boat down the lake. He enter ed the boat in plain view from the fort and under her guns. He had not proceeded a great distance before he urged the boatman to exert himself, and terminate the voyage as soon as possible. The boatman requested Capt. Phelps to take an oar and assist ; this was de clined — being in full view of the fort, by replying that he was not a boatman. After rounding a point of land, projecting into the lake and intercepting the view from the fort, he proposed taking the oar, and did so. Being a strong and active man, he excited the surprise of the boatman by the velocity of the boat, who with an oath replied, you have seen a boat before now, sir. This 238 HISTORY OF VERMONT. circumstance, at the time, excited the boatman's suspi cion that his passenger was not a loyal subject, but fear of superior strength prevented an attempt to carry him back to the fort, as he told Capt. Phelps after the sur render. Capt. Phelps reached his place of destination, met his associates, and told them what he had dis covered." Arnold and some other gentlemen came and met Allen at Castleton. The number collected for this enterprise was two hundred and seventy, of whom two hundred and thirty were green mountain boys. But Allen landed near the fort with only eighty-three men ; and as the night was far advanced, he determined to make the assault before the rest of the men arrived. After a sharp contest in words between him and Arnold, which should go first, it was decided by their attendants that they should go abreast, but Allen on the right. The sequel is well known, and has been related in another place. Col. Warner soon came up, and had the honor of capturing Crown Point. A most impor tant object was thus secured early ; the enemy being dispossessed of their forts situated within the colonies. In the language of the above named historian, (Hin man,) " The cannon, small arms, and ball contained in it, rendered this achievement more important in the success of the revolutionary war than posterity can appreciate." The plan concerted between Allen and Brown for the assault on Montreal, would also probably have been successful, if the latter had kept his engagement and HISTORY OF VERMONT. 239 performed his part of the service. The manly courage of Allen in keeping his position with a handful of men ; and on the enemy's ground, in the sight of a powerful force, cannot but command admiration. The confine ment of him and the survivors in irons was cowardly and inhuman. But this same Gen. Carlton, who treated Allen so basely, was afterwards chastised in a measure for it by Col. Warner, who gave him battle after having crossed the St. Lawrence, and drove him back with considerable loss. The failure of the American arms in Canada about this time, changed the seat of war ; and no event of a warlike nature took place in, or near Vermont, till Burgoyne made his appearance on the northern frontier. Here it may be proper to suspend the narrative of military events, and look for a moment at Col. E. Allen. We left him prisoner, taken near Montreal and put in irons. That his successes in the early season of tbe revolutionary war prepared the way for the capture of Burgoyne cannot be denied. Here one cannot but regret that he was so soon taken and held so long a prisoner. His services would have been inestimable in the warfare on the borders of Champlain, No man in the union could have been more at home in this region ; or more devoted to the cause of his country. The first information concerning him after being taken, was from Halifax. Letters were received from him by the general assembly of Connecticut. The following, records on the subject are transcribed from 240 HISTORY OF VERMONT. Hin man's work on the part taken by that state in the war of the revolution. "The assembly appointed a committee, October, 1776, to examine the subject matter of the letters, &c, who reported that Col. Allen, with about eighteen others, natives or inhabitants of this state, had been captured in the service of the United States, near Montreal, in the province of Quebec, on the 25th day of September, 1775, by a party of armed men of the King of Great Britain, and appeared to have suffered great hardships during their captivity ; and were then confined, in a suffering condition in the common jail in Halifax." They also reported, that " Levi Allen of Salisbury, a brother of Col. Allen, was about attempting to visit his brother in Halifax, and advised the assembly to send by said Levi Allen £60 lawful money to the prisoners, as part payment of their wages due from the state, for their relief. Also to request the governor to write to Gen. Washington, or the continental congress, (or both,) and strongly recommend and earnestly request such s&asonable and friendly interposi tion as would be most likely to procure a speedy exchange of prisoners." Then follow the names of the persons taken with Allen, and the places of their residence. Conclusive evidence is here afforded of the part taken by Connecticut in the seasonabk seizure of Ticonderoga and Crown Point. We hear from him next in Cork, Ireland. Letters were sent by individuals there friendly to the American cause, giving an account of the kindness shown him in that place, and of his sufferings on his pas§age from HISTORY OF VERMONT. 241 Quebec. " His treatment on board the Salway," says one of the letters, " was far different from the barbarous and cruel usage he experienced in his passage from Quebec, being there hand-cuffed, and ironed in the most dreary part of the vessel, and basely insulted with cruel and unmanly reflections by some of the officers of the ship, whom he challenged at Cornwall without obtaining satisfaction. I enclose you a rough copy of his answer to our letter to him. Should he have permission to come on shore, he will be entertained by some of the first gentlemen of this city." " Gentlemen, I received your generous present this day with a joyful heart. Thanks to God, there are still the feelings of humanity in the worthy citizens of Cork, towards those of your bone and flesh, who, through misfortune from the present broils in the empire are needy prisoners." Dated, Cove, January 24, 1776. He was not long detained in Great Britain, it seems, as we hear from him on Long Island the April following. Whether he had been sent to this country for the purpose of being exchanged ; or for the better confining of him here in jail and prison ships, is left to conjecture. Certain it is, that he was a prisoner in and near New York, a considerable period. He seemed to scorn the thought of being a prisoner on parole ; to stand an idle spectator of his country's wrongs, and the blood flowing of his countrymen. Thus it is stated in the above named history: "A letter was received, dated Long Island, April 30, 1777, signed by E. Allen, and directed to the 16 242 HISTORY OF VERMONT. general assembly or committee of war, of this state, (Connecticut,) in which he stated he did not distrust the wisdom of the country, that an exchange of prisoners had not taken place, and that those who had the management of the affair, undoubtedly had their political reasons for the delay ; that the mode of existence as a prisoner, though it was irksome was not deplorable, by reason of hope ; and the officers on parole seemed to him, as mere ciphers, exempted from danger and honor ; and though man was never easy, that it was painful to a generous and enterprising mind, to be debarred in sharing the glories that would be revealed during the campaign. He stated that General Washington had written to Gen. Howe upon the subject of his exchange, and had styled him colonel instead of lieutenant colonel; he also acknowledged the receipt of £35, which he received by his brother Levi Allen, in which letter he urges his exchange as a prisoner of war." He was afterwards confined in the jail in the city of New York, occupied by the enemy. This jail subse quently bore the name of the old jail. It was taken down several years since ; and the following anecdote relative to Allen and other prisoners there confined, was related and published in " the New York Mirror," by John Pintard, Esq. of that place ; and who seemed to have been personally acquainted with the circumstances ; and who till his death occupied a high standing in society. Of his talents as a writer the reader can judge. Capt. Travis, a Virginian privateer, and Maj. Van Zandt were confined, with Col. Allen, who slept together in HISTORY OF VERMONT. 243 one cell on planks. " After a trial with mellowed hearts they turned in each man on his own plank. Col. Allen and Capt. Travis were accustomed to banter each other on the superiority of the Green Mountain Boys, and Virginia Buckskins. It so happened on this occasion that Major Van Zandt was the middle man between Allen and Travis, who from words fell to blows about the prowess of their respective countrymen ; and between them almost kneaded to a jelly the Major's fat sides. Travis feeling the blows of Allen's enormous fists, accustomed to fell oaks and split rails, falling on him like sledge-hammers, and his dead lights almost stove in, sprung with the agility of a deer across the Major ; and planting his knees in Allen's bread basket, twisted his fore fingers in the colonel's locks, and began in the true Virginian back-woods style with his thumbs to gouge out his peepers. The colonel with his stentorian voice, to save his eyes, cried out for quarters, ceding the palm of victory to Capt. Travis. Major Van Zandt, indeed all the prisoners chimed in full chorus. The unusual uproar soon called in sergeant Keef, with a file of his myrmidons to quell the riot ; and the ball was cleared by locking up its inmates to fight it out, as he said, in the dungeons. Next morning Capt. Cunningham paraded the whole squad, half naked as they were, to learn the particulars. Irishman-like, dearly fond of a row, regarding the black ring that encircled Allen's eyes, and Travis's battered sconce, with a broad laugh dis missed them to their hall, with an injunction not to quarrel over their cups in future." Capt. Cunningham, 214 HISTORY OF VERMONT. an Irishman, was provost to this prison ; Keef was a subaltern under him, also an Irishman, who, different from many of his countrymen, was elated by a little brief authority ; and was insolent in his demeanor towards these unhappy prisoners. So closely were they packed, (on the same authority,*) that it was customary for them to turn on their planks by word of command, right and left. Melancholy is the reflection that such men should be brought into such circumstances ; and compelled to submit to such indignities ! That they should have been made prisoners is no more than might be expected as one of the chances of war. But that they should have been treated so harshly and cruelly and insultingly, as prisoners of war, and of respectable, not to say high standing, is what ought not to have been apprehended in the eighteenth century, and by the authorities of a christian nation, and claiming the precedence in civil and military courtesy. "Half naked;" sleeping upon planks ; crowded so closely as to be unable to turn only as by platoons by word of command ; and at the mercy of a petty, unfeeling, rough subaltern, surely are humiliating particulars in the lives of freemen, not'to say in that of the hero of Ticonderoga ! That the latter in such a predicament should vindicate the character and claims of his associates of the mountain state, surely is evidence that her rights and prosperity were dearer to him than life itself. Surely the fact must penetrate every real * Pintard. HISTORY OF VERMONT. 245 Vermonter with the deepest sympathy, and cherish in his bosom unfading remembrance of devotion to her honor so signal and affecting. If, according to Homer, the servile day takes away half of virtue, may we not fear that this submission extorted by physical force, broke down the constitution of Allen, and shortened his days. This domineering over his generous spirit, though indomitable and unyielding as the adamant, might yet prey upon it, and compel his bodily system to yield to the oppression of brute power. Thus he felt in the meridian of life ; and was not permitted to see established the independence of his country, and the admission of his beloved Vermont into the union. " In the grave yard of Burlington are the remains of the old hero. A neat iron railing surrounds the Allen family, with a plain slab stone at the head of the general, on which are engraved these words," "The corporeal part of Gen. Ethan Allen rests beneath this stone the 12th day of February, 1779, aged 50 years. His spirit tried the mercies of his God, in whom he believed and strongly trusted." " After the close of the war, Col. Seth Warner," the companion of Allen, " returned to his farm in Roxbury " (Connecticut) "on which he remained until his death. He was interred at Roxbury over whose remains was erected a marble table on which is inscribed a short history of his valorous deeds in the revolution." 246 CHAPTER XVII. War events continued. — Contest for the supremacy on the lake. — The Americans defeated. — Gallant conduct of Waterbury and Arnold. — Arrival, and progress of Burgoyne. — Excitement. — Mounts Defiance, Hope, Independence.— Cannon mounted by the British on Defiance. — Reflections on the past events. — The battle of Hubbardston. — Gen. Fraser. — Battle of Bennington. — Gen. Stark. — His policy at that battle as related by Col. Hum phrey. — Letter to Gov. Trumbull of Connecticut. — The war of 1812. — Generals Hampton and Wilkinson. — The army bf the North. — The invasion of New York from Canada. — The naval battle on Champlain. — Its effects, and impression on the coun try. — Commodores McDonough and Downie. In 1776, a severe contest took place for the command of Lake Champlain. The British ministry saw the im portance of securing the supremacy on that water com munication ; and sent over from England water craft with skillful mariners to effect their designs. Arnold and Waterbury were the principal actors on the side of the colonies ; and they nobly defended that important water passway. Their boats were far inferior to those of the enemy ; but managed to the best advantage. The following account of that conflict was given at the time in the Connecticut Courant, as it appears in Hin- man's history. " At the naval action on Lake Cham- HISTORY OF VERMONT. 247 plain on tbe 11th day of October, 1776, when the American fleet was defeated ; and left in a shattered and ruined condition, by the superior force of the British in ships, guns and men ; though the action lasted five hours within musket shot of each other, only one galley, sloop Enterprise, two small schooners, and one gondola, escaped ; the remainder of the fleet was taken and burnt. Gen. Arnold fought in the galley Congress, as long as possible, then ran her ashore, burnt her, and escaped by land to Ticonderoga, with a loss of twenty men. Gen. Waterbury, in the Washington galley, fought till the galley was sinking under him, and was obliged to strike to the enemy." These officers were both from Connecticut. Waterbury had only one lieutenant, and a captain of marines unwounded. What remained were run on shore at the mouth of Otter creek, the remains of which were recently, if not now visible. On the 6th of May, Burgoyne reached Quebec, and took command of the British army destined for the inva sion of America. It consisted of between seven and eight thousand regular troops, British and German ; with skillful and experienced officers to assist him. He divided his army, advanced up the lake with one division on either side; the fleet and boats accompanying them in the centre. Three lofty, conical mountains near Ticonderoga have received significant names and become celebrated places from the warlike deeds which they witnessed at this period. They are called, mounts Independence, Hope, and Defiance; the first on the Vermont side, and the 243 HISTORY OF VERMONT. two last on the New York side of the lake. Surely that on the Vermont side is appropriately named ; she has a right to claim the appellation of Independence, both on account of her peculiar early position, and her freedom in common with her sister states. They are all three of them specimens of the majestic scenery abounding in this vicinity. Mount Defiance may have answered the import of its name for a short time. The British did in deed manifest great energy and perseverance in convey ing by night cannon to the summit of this mountain, commanding the fort and whole territory around for some distance. It was a grand spectacle. The Yan kees were out manoeuvered, in thinking it a labor beyond the imagination of the courtly, and as they supposed delicate Burgoyne. The question was discussed whe ther they should take possession of that commanding eminence. The principal reason, which decided them against it was ; the improbability that the British would even conceive the idea of mounting it with cannon. Great was their surprise and even consternation, when they rose in the morning, and saw the engines of death over their heads, ready to pour destruction down upon them. For that aerial position gave the British the complete command over the American fortress, and on both sides of the lake in the vicinity. The reflection that these lofty and majestic hills, some seventy years ago, felt the pressure of heavy ordnance, rending the air with their deadly discharges ; and wit nessed the array of opposing armies with all their ap pendages and accompaniments, fills the mind with emo- HISTORY OF VERMONT. 249 tions of solemnity, impressed deeply with the changes of time, the frustration of worldly plans, and the vanity of human glory. Looking at these steep and rugged and elevated mountains, covered with evergreens and trees of various descriptions, the mind tries to imagine how this rural and sublime scenery was heightened and rendered more impressive by " the pomp and circum stance of war." It looks at the pageantry of European warfare, suddenly removed to the wilderness and wilds of one of the most sequestered spots in America ; the ranks of bayonets gleaming through the underbrush ; the hel met and nodding plume, contrasting with the foliage and flowers of the forest. It goes back to those parade grounds on nature's castles, and views the evolutions and manoeuvres of regiments and divisions, and the scarlet colored uniforms, and seems to hear the spirit-stirring^ sounds of martial instruments ; the orders of chiefs and chieftains ; and the shouts of victors. But all this show of power and splendor ; of youth and courage ; of dar ing and defiance ; the roar of musketry and thunder of cannon has passed away like a vision of the night, and a tale that is told. Nature pursues her way as usual, as if no such occurrences had ever been there ; the beasts rove and the birds wing their flight over those hills and through those shades, unconscious of events long since passed ; the deadly strife of man with his brother man ; the dying youth of high and noble standing far from parents and friends. The occupiers of the vallies, and passers on the waters of the lake, pursue their callings and pass by the consecrated high lands as if the sons of 250 HISTORY OF VERMONT. another generation, and a far distant land had never visited them ; in many instances finding their graves in these lonely recesses of the earth. The Americans abode not a shower of artillery from mount Defiance. The very next night they left entrench ments and retreated to Whitehall at the head of the lake. The rear guard under Col. Warner, was over taken at Hubbardston by Gen. Fraser. A severe con flict ensued, Cols. Francis and Hale were with Warner, but the former was soon killed, and the latter run away. But Col. Warner ordered a charge with his usual deter mination ; and success for a time accompanied his efforts ; but was at last overcome by numbers and compelled to retreat. This was the battle of Hubbardston on Ver mont soil, and fought by Vermont men ; and against one pf the best generals in the British army. Fraser after wards found his grave at Saratoga. To the bravery and fidelity of Vermonters, Burgoyne himself bore honorable testimony. His language is, " the -Hampshire grants in particular, a country unpeopled and almost unknown in the last war, now abounds in the most active and most rebellious race on the continent ; and hangs like a gathering storm on my left." The next warlike feat in Vermont was at Bennington ; and Bennington battle stands fair and with honor in the history of the revolution. It prepared the way for the capture of Burgoyne and his army. It was a victory of no small consequence. The British General had despatched Baume with a part of his army to take by surprise the military stores collected at Bennington. HISTORY OF VERMONT. 251 His vanguard of Indians was met ; and, being beaten, fell back upon the main body, which after a few day's manoeuvering were brought to action, and defeated with great loss. Baume himself, a German officer of great merit, survived but a short time the wounds received in the battle. Col. Breyman, another German officer, soon after the action, coining up with a reinforcement, was met by Col. Warner with his regiment of Vermonters, who had also now arrived. Another conflict ensued, severe and bloody. But it was decided before dark in favor of the Americans. This was the 16th of August, 1777 ; and the ground is about six miles from the centre of Benning ton, near a branch of the Hoosic river. Of Gen. Stark, Humphrey, one of Washington's aids, in his life of Putnam, remarks : " He will be recognized. as the hero of Bennington, but it is not generally known that he employed an ingenious and successful expedient to strike a panic into the enemy and assist him in achiev ing the glorious victory. He had one iron cannon, but neither powder sufficient to employ it, nor balls ; he ordered an officer, however, to charge it, who objected, the want of balls ; "no matter," said the General, " load it with blank cartridge, and let the discharge be the signal for all the troops to rush on the enemy." " The Hessians were panic struck at the thundering report ; his troops rushed on with loud huzzas, and the victory was complete." "The following is a letter sent by express to Gov. 252 HISTORY OF VERMONT. Trumbull," (Ct.) "dated" "In Council of Safety, Bennington, August 16th, 1777. Brig. Gen. Stark, of New Hampshire, with his brigade, together with the militia, two companies of rangers, raised by this state, with part of Col. Simon's regiment of militia, are now in action with a number of the enemy's troops, assembled near this place, which for some time' has been very severe. We have in possession, taken from the enemy this day, four brass field pieces, ordnance, stores, &c, and this minute five hundred prisoners have arrived. We have taken the ground, although fortified by entrench ments. They were reinforced, made a second stand, and still continue the action. The loss on each side is doubtless considerable — number not known. P. S. The second action took place about a mile from Jhe first ; many of the enemy were killed ; took two hundred more prisoners ; being in all seven hundred ; and in all five pieces." HINMAN. In the war with Great Britain of 1812, a few military events may be cursorily reviewed in a history of Ver mont. Some transactions of a military character passed in and near her limits. The naval engagement particu larly on Lake Champlain near Plattsburg, was one of the most decisive and important American victories of that war. It revived the spirits of tbe people throughout the country, who, by mortifying disasters and failures, had become dissatisfied and querulous. The efforts by HISTORY OF VERMONT. 253 our armies and generals on land had, previous to this event, been mostly unsuccessful. The army of the North, as it was called, assembled at Burlington under the command of Gen. Wade Hampton, had done little or nothing toward the invasion of Canada. Its object was to enter Canada by the lake. It made an attempt, but was driven back; and Hampton, desirous of escap ing from his windy position, left the frontiers, and went south to his home and warmer climate. Gen. Wilkinson took the place of Hampton, and made some two or three proclamations, that appeared well on paper. But they were not followed up with very decisive advantages by action. Gov. Chittenden withdrew a brigade of militia, who had been drafted and taken to Plattsburg. This was in consequence of a difference of opinion on the constitu tionality (and the same collision took place between some other of the New England states and the general government ;) of giving up the militia to United States officers to be employed out of the state. In such circumstances of embarrassment, the governor of Canada was threatening the invasion of Ne\v York and Vermont with a large army. His naval force on the lake was superior to that of the Americans under Com. Mc Donough. His design was to make a simultaneous onset by land and water. In September, of 1814, Gov. Provost entered the northern part of New York with 14,000 men; and moved towards Plattsburg, where McDonough lay at 254 HISTORY OF VERMONT. anchor with his fleet. The alarm spread rapidly through Vermont; and. the green mountain boys repaired in great numbers to Burlington ; and crossed the lake to the immediate scene of action. They sustained their character for bravery and discipline ; and under Gen. Strong, as volunteers, were of great service in repelling the assailants. The action on the lake between McDonough and Downie, was severe and bloody. It was in plain view of Plattsburg, and the adjacent towns, the cannonading being distinctly heard at Burlington. The British fought with unyielding perseverance; and gave up not until every vestige of hope disappeared. Commodore Downie was slain with three lieutenants, and eighty others, and one hundred and ten wounded. The slain on our part was fifty ; and the wounded, fifty-eight. The conduct of McDonough in all his services on the lake, and at the mouth of Otter creek, gained him great respect and favor with the whole country. The people of Vermont and New York especially expressed obligations to him, and bestowed on him distinguished honors. He was a man of plain, unaffected manners; modest and retiring ; and of great moral worth. His quick discernment and his fortitude were heightened by his filial fear of God, which in his last days made him lament the horrors and disavow the practice of war. Indeed soon after his splendid victory, he expressed a wish that the expense of the ball given in his honor by his fellow citizens of Middletown, Ct., had been HISTORY OF VERMONT. 255 bestowed on those made widows and orphans by it. This was noble ; and it was commendable in Vermont, honoring and rewarding him, as she did with a vote of thanks, and a farm at Cumberland Head, in full view of his glorious scene of action. 256 CHAPTER XVIII. Readiness of the government to foster public benevolent Institu tions. — Asylum of deaf and dumb at Hartford. — Asylum for the insane at Brattleboro. — Mrs. Marsh, its founder. — Dr. Rockwell, superintendent. — Its location and scenery around it. — Buildings. — Patients. — Success. — An object worthy of public patronage. — Provision for the indigent insane. — Causes increas ing of this malady. — Other ways of suffering. — By flood and cold. — Inundations of 1828-30. — Catastrophe at New Haven. — A man perished by cold near the summit of the mountain. — A man, wife and infant impeded by the drifting snow. — Over taken by night in an uninhabited part of the road. — Their suffer ings. — Death of the wife. — Sudden changes in the weather. — Great contrast. — Cold days. — The freezing of a rum drinker. — The circumstances. — His body long buried under the snow. The state has manifested a commendable spirit in encouraging and fostering humane and benevolent institu tions. The asylum for the education of the deaf and dumb, established at Hartford, Ct. and originally under the care of the Rev. Thomas H. Gualladet, was pat ronized by the Vermont legislature. They voted the institution, under certain conditions, two thousand dollars - annually. They continue to pay that sum ; and many of her unhappy youth, in this respect, have there been taught the rudiments of education ; and made acquainted HISTORY OF VERMONT. 257 with the principles of the gospel ; in some instances giving evidence of having experienced its benign and saving influences. They have all been thus rendered capable in a measure of transacting ordinary business, and participating in human pursuits, and enjoying the pleasures of society. Great credit is due the gentleman above named for his disinterested zeal in preparing him self for the oversight of this establishment ; and for his self-denial and judicious and successful efforts to render it eminently useful ; and an honor to our country. He has proved himself the fast friend of an extensive class of sufferers. Nor is it without praiseworthiness in the government, that they so early and promptly seconded the benevolence and sympathy of those who originated and matured this plan of doing good. Nor does it speak less ih their favor that they have for more than a quarter of a century remained steadfast in the work to which they so readily set their hands. An institution was founded in this state several years since, by an act of the general assembly, called the Vermont Asylum for the Insane ; established at Brat tleboro. A benevolent lady of Hinsdale, New Hampshire, by the name of Marsh, gave rise to it by bequeathing ten thousand dollars for the founding of it, on certain conditions ; one of which was that it should be located in or near Brattleboro, she being a native of Vernon in this state. It is under the superintendence of Dr. William H. 17 258 HISTORY OF VERMONT. Rockwell, a gentleman well qualified for the responsible station, and its arduous duties. The elegant seat of the late Joseph Fessenden, was purchased by the trustees, and fitted up for the reception of patients. It stands about a quarter of a mile from the village on a beautiful upland flat, connected with alluvial meadows near the mouth of West river. It has a farm attached to it of about fifty acres of good land ; on which the male patients in the right stages of their disorder, labor for exercise and recreation. A large flower and fruit garden, arranged by .the late owner, with much taste, in various figures and departments, has been even improved under the direction of the superin tendent. It has thus become a very attractive spot; and is well calculated to sooth the feelings, and beguile the maladies of the afflicted inmates of the houses contiguous. In the rear of the original building, is a spherical mound, regular by nature, and adorned by art with circular walks, and beautiful shrubbery ; and on its summit a reservoir of water. Farther in the rear still, is a park ; a high woodland ridge of oaks. These afford delightful retreats for the stricken deer; to shun the inquisitive gaze of those, ' whose heads never ache,' and whose hearts feel little for the miseries of others. The scenery around and the attentions of sympathizing attendants, must have an healing influence on theirs, the worst of human maladies. Surely it would be difficult to find a spot, better designed in its exterior to aid moral and medicinal and professional means of effecting a cure than this. HISTORY OF VERMONT. 259 So soon and deservedly went forth a good report of the operations of this institution, that an additional building became necessary. Accordingly on application, the government of the state granted money for the purpose. A large and commodious brick building has been erected on the opposite side of the road, fronting south, consisting of a centre dome, and two wings, resem bling somewhat the ' Connecticut Retreat,' at Hartford. The legislature of Vermont have done honor to the state in so readily and bountifully patronizing this insti tution ; and their grants have, it is believed, received the cordial approbation of the people, the late provision made of two thousand dollars annually, expressly for the benefit of the indigent insane persons of the state, is a noble example of paternal care for this neglected class of sufferers. History ought to record such acts of public beneficence and liberality in the cause of humanity. To restore to themselves and their friends, and the enjoyments of social intercourse, the wanderers from reason's guide, bewildered in frenzy's maze, are worthy objects in christian communities of legislative provision. If the causes of this malady increase as the objects of human enterprise, and incentives to mental improvement and means of social enjoyment multiply, surely they ought to be followed by counteracting influences, and corresponding remedial provisions. Institutions of this kind, multiplying as they are in our land, make an era in the history of philanthropy, and christian enterprise. This state is going forward in this cause, if not as fast 260 HISTORY OF VERMONT. as any of her sister states, she is outrunning some of her neighbors. As all are liable to visitations of this kind, all should manifest sympathy in behalf of the sufferers, and a readiness to forward the means of their relief. He who formed the mind, can change it, and suspend the operation of its faculties. He it is that makes us to differ ; confirming to one the exercise of reason, and -taking it from another. You have seen a clump of green flourishing trees, clustering around the dwelling of the husbandman, like children round the fireside of their home, affording ornament and shade. You saw them yesterday, and there was no difference in them. They alike lifted their heads to the winds, and the sunbeams. To day one of them is despoiled of its grace and foliage. It stands, but how changed! It stands a naked trunk. The fire of heaven has been there ; the lightning chain has hit it, and shivered and stript it of its branches, and strewed them around in wild confusion ; leaving but a solitary bough, scorched and withering with the heat. It stands, but different — changed ; and seems to say to its fellows, who maketh you to differ 1 You may have seen the family circle yesterday, rejoicing in health and unbroken vigor, the children comforting their parents, standing around, their crown and ornament. A simi larity of features marks and groups a family likeness. To day one of them may be but a faint resemblance of what he was yesterday. He stands, but how changed ! The fire of frenzy has been there, burning the stays HISTORY OF VERMONT. 261 and props of the soul ; confusing and intermingling her faculties till she parts anchor into a shoreless, and unknown sea. He stands, but a difference has been made. He seems to look at his kindred, and in accents which might shiver the heart of Pharaoh, to say, who maketh thee to differ! His associates he views, and seems to address the same piercing interrogatory to them. Surely his brethren ; his fellows and companions, while reflecting on the change, may bring home the question, who maketh thee to differ 1 " As when heaven's fire Hath scath'd the forest oaks, or mountain pines, With singed top their stately growth, though bare, Stands on the blasted heath." The number of patients in this asylum is about two hundred ; and the recoveries from insanity, are as many comparatively as those of any establishment in the coun try. It is melancholy to witness the wreck of mind in many promising individuals, who were visited in this way before the benefits of these institutions were ex perienced. You may see those who once belonged to the first class in talents and acquirements ; scattered up and down the country, hopeless wrecks. The writer has in mind two of this description, who received some thirty years since, the honors of Yale college. You may see them perchance, in a pleasant town on the Connecticut, at the close of day, by cross roads, with heads uncovered, watching the setting sun ; unconscious of the light of reason long gone down in their darkened 262 HISTORY OF VERMONT. minds, shrouded in their ruins. If you accost them, they may, in the language of the poet : " Turn a scornful eye, Shake their proud head, and deign you no reply." The sympathy and liberality of the inhabitants have been awakened and called upon now and then by more than usual personal suffering, and devastations of pro perty by flood, and cold, and casualties. The autumn of 1828, and also that of 1830, were remarkable for the destruction of lives and property by sudden inunda tions. The writer having occasion in the former of those years, to go from the southeastern part of the state to Burlington, immediately after the rain ceased, witnessed the destruction of bridges, and factories, and the fruits of the earth. The havoc in many places was fearful. The inhabitants of the village from which he started, were called from their beds in the dead of night, to witness the sweeping away of their property. They could do little more than witness it. The pouring down of water from the clouds in torrents ; the roaring of the river and neighboring streams, the rapid passing and re passing of lighted lanterns amid the thick darkness ; and the intermingling of human voices in earnest and animated devises and efforts to help one another, and to rescue factories, and mills and their contents from the overwhelming element, formed a night scene of sleep less anxiety. But it was one experienced that night, more or less the whole length and breadth of the state. The morning disclosed the ravages made. Groups of HISTORY OF VERMONT. 263 countenances were seen here and there marked with care and solicitude ; some in deep consultation on what was to be done ; and others with their teams and imple ments seemed resolved to do something ; and forthwith commenced making repairs. Some were "ready to aid the traveler on his way amid the ruins with which his course was beset ; in crossing the swollen, and bridgeless streams ; in avoiding the avalanches ; or slides of masses of matter; with rocks and trees from the hills and mountains into the path ; pointing out the crossway to be taken ; the hills to be ascended, the field to be enter ed, and the circuitous route pursued. When he seemed brought to a stand, his way foreclosed ; the bridge gone; the river rapid with rocky bottom and steep banks, others were found ready to stem the current, and draw his vehicle through it, ride his horse over and con duct him across upon a plank. Thus escaping safely to land, by the divine favor he accomplished his journey as contemplated and intended, while others may have turned back or suspended their course for the waters to subside. But he could not but recall to mind incidents in the life of the apostle to the Gentiles ; " in perils by water ; in perils by land." But the floods of 1830, were still more disastrous, particularly in the loss of lives. Among other places, a small village in New Haven, suffered severely in this way. It was a cluster of factories and mills, with dwell ing houses situated on a branch of Otter creek, which affords great water privileges, with falls and high, rocky banks ; so much so that they were deemed perfectly 264 HISTORY OF VERMONT. safe ; and the buildings were placed upon this very verge ; and in some instances from one to the other, that is, over the chasm. But they were suddenly and unex pectedly swept away in the night with a tremendous crash and uproar. Great was the consternation and terror of that night. The roar and resistless power of the water, the falling and dashing of the buildings one upon another ; the sudden transition from tranquility and security to the most appalling and inevitable danger ; the cries of distress and despair ; and the shrieks of the drowning and helpless, together formed a scene to be comprehended by those only who witnessed it. Four teen were awakened from sleep in circumstances the most fearful ; and hurried into the sleep of death ; four teen individuals in a small village containing from one to two hundred inhabitants. How great the breach 1 How many hearts bled at the sudden separation and its circumstances ! So great was the disaster, that the civil authority issued circulars very properly in behalf of the surviving sufferers, and collections were cheerfully taken up in many of the religious congregations of the state. Soon after the road from Brattleboro to Bennington was opened as a turnpike, a man crossing the mountain perished by frost ; and was found near the summit. A tree is marked at the foot of which he expired ; and many a traveler has since left the initials of his name carved on it and the adjacent trees. Since then a man by the name of Blake, with his wife and infant, crossing the mountain from Manchester, was impeded by the drifting snow. The path was S3 HISTORY OF VERMONT. 265 blocked up that his horse, struggling slowly awhile, at length gave out, and night overtook them with no dwell ing in sight. To avoid perishing in the cold, piercing wind, the only alternative seemed to him to go forward himself, and find help to rescue them from their perilous condition. But his wife remonstrated against it; fearing that fatigue and discouragement, and cold might over come him, and he sink down exhausted ; and she and her child lose even his assistance. She finally consented to his going forward, but not beyond the hearing of each other's voices. Their voices often responded to each other in melancholy tones, but fainter and fainter till his no longer reached her ears. He made the woods resound with the cry of distress, but no human voice answered the signal. That cry indeed fell upon the ears of one, who was returning from his barn about the time of retiring to rest ; and who yet could sleep till morning before he sought the cause. But not so with the wife of the traveler ; for she rose with her child and followed the footsteps of her husband, whose voice she could no more hear. She went till fatigued ; and could carry no longer her precious burden, but enfolding the little one in the thickest clothing about her, deposited it carefully in the snow bank. To overtake her husband she made her last, but feeble effort. She went but a short dis tance before nature gave way and she breathed her last ; her heart reaching forward, so to speak, toward her hus band, and drawn back to her child, unable to reach either of them. The husband unable to catch a glimpse of light, or obtain an answer to his calls, the chillness 266 HISTORY OF VERMONT. of death coming over him, lay down in the snow ; but lingered till he was found in the morning, frost-bitten and crippled for life. Retracing his track, the man who heard the night before the lamentation of the traveler, whose feet had stumbled on the dark mountains, found the stiffened corpse of bis wife, and guided by faint footsteps he finds the child. It had slept sweetly and soundly amid the desolations of that wintry night ; and smiled, as it was uncovered, and its eyes met the light of morning, unconscious of the throbbing anguish of which it had been the occasion. It is a matter of thankfulness that so few lives are lost by the severely cold winter weather, which some times prevails in this state. It is generally the case, that when the air is most frosty ; when the mercury in the thermometer is lowest, the atmosphere is tranquil. If it were not ; if it were strongly agitated with winds at the same time, it would be dangerous to be long exposed to it. But as it is, so biting is the cold some days, that the inhabitants keep as much within doors as possible. The most robust, and resolute sometimes find it difficult to stand before this enemy; and exhibit evidence of his inroads upon their persons. Some days gain the appellation of being pre-eminently cold ; such as the cold Friday ; the cold Sabbath ; and retain this distinction a long time. One of this description of thirty years' standing is still remembered as the cold Friday ; a very sudden and great change taking place in the weather from the moderate and mild the night previous to the intensely cold and windy ; and many HISTORY OF VERMONT. 267 being frozen in their hands, or feet, or faces, who were out doors only a few minutes, particularly school children. These sudden changes from calm to boisterous weather render traveling uncertain and precarious, the snow drifting into the roads and rendering them impassable for days in succession. Saturday may be serene ; the sleighing good, the paths being weU trod ; but Sabbath may find them full of snow, driven in and crowded' so closely, as to prevent most of the congregation from leaving their own premises. THus in the hilly and mountainous towns, it sometimes so happens that churches find within them no worshippers on the Sabbath. Access is cut off even to those, who long for the courts of the Lord. But the rum-drinker would make trial of buffeting the driving snow, to gratify his appetite, when none else was found to incur the danger. His life was sometimes the price of his temerity. A melancholy instance of this occurred a few years since in a town in this state at the foot of the green mountain.* A man on the Sabbath went three miles, and purchased a jug of rum of a retailer of this poison. It was in the early part of the winter, but the snow was uncommonly deep for the time. It was one of those days, of which many such come up in a Vermont winter, when the air is thick and dark, so to speak, with flying, whirling snow, not so much from the clouds, as by the setting in motion of that already on the ground. He undertook to return home in the face * Wardsboro. 268 HISTORY OF VERMONT. of such fearful impediments ; through the pathless snow banks, bewildered by the flakes thickly driving into his face, but more so by the fumes from his jug. He toiled, but made slow progress of course. As he proceeded his strength decreased, both by his struggling efforts, and by the action of his treacherous companion. He fell and rose many a time ; but rising with more and more diffi culty. Night overtakes him as he draws toward his home. Darkness, uncertainty, the benumbing cold, the howling tempest withbut, and the raging torrent within, throw in his way obstacles no longer to be surmounted. He falls for the last time. He had almost reached his habitation ; he lacks but little of it ; and this lacking only a little, seems the bitterest ingredient in his cup of sorrow ; and it drifts, and drifts over him months in suc cession. The search for him by his neighbors and townsmen is given over. He is buried deep beneath the surface ; ancfbleaches, and bleaches in the snow, till the return of spring gradually wastes it, and his body appears above it like a drowned man rising to the surface. The moans of his dog call his friends to the spot to behold the melancholy spectacle. The jug was under his arm, hugged closely, so to speak, to his heart. His face had become pale by the action of the sun and snow, and the rum-stains were washed from his cheek. But — we can no longer follow him. 269 CHAPTER XIX. Literature. — Colleges. — Vermont university. — Presidents. — Dan iel Haskell. — Middlebury College. — Presidents. — Academies and high schools. — Primary schools. — Improvements. — Literary men. — Authors. — Daniel Chipman. — Royal Tyler. — Martin Field. — Wilbur Fisk. — Jeremiah Evarts. — William Chamber lain. The government and citizens of Vermont have mani fested a laudable spirit relative to literature and science. Two colleges are established in this state ; one at Middlebury, and the other at Burlington, called the ' Vermont University.' The latter is more particularly the foster child of the government ; being founded, (1791) and liberally endowed by legislative enactments. The buildings are situated on the eminence a little east of the village and make a very handsome appearance. Their situation is pleasant, commanding a very extensive view of the lake and the adjacent country. For a summer's residence to students, it is difficult to imagine one more inviting. The academic groves of Plato may have the advantage of remote antiquity; and of the charms of eloquence, and the romance of description associated with them. But here you have the matter of 270 HISTORY OF VERMONT. fact, and sober reality ; present, visible and palpable ; the elegant buildings, the beautiful yard ; the ornamental trees and shrubbery with prospects before you to fill your mind with elevating sensations. This institution has struggled with difficulties, rising and falling till you would have apprehended that it had fallen for the last time. The number of students for a long time was inconsiderable. Its operation was sus pended in the late war with England, and the buildings occupied by soldiery and the instruments of war. Under the presidency of Daniel Haskell it was rising fast into notice ; but sunk as fast when his sudden indisposition left him midway his course of usefulness and honor. At Yale in the days of Dwight, the writer knew him, amiable, gifted, elevated, the scholar and the christian ; and in subsequent life fulfilling the early promise of eminent usefulness. This university had interruptions in another of its heads ; but of a different kind; and not now to be par ticularized. But to counterbalance these obstructions, Austin, and Marsh and Wheeler are more than sufficient. The fi/st two of these have been presidents, and the last now presides with great success over that institution. It is prosperous and flourishing, promising to become what the Edinburgh university is to the ' north country ' of Great Britain, a light shining far around, clear and safe. Middlebury college, founded in 1800, has been endowed and sustained chiefly by private liberality and munificence. The buildings are pleasant and well protected by the surrounding hills from the cold of the HISTORY OF VERMONT. 271 north. It ha£ been, and still is a flourishing institution, having sent forth a great number of good scholars to occupy the responsible stations in our land. It is remarkable that the first three presidents of this college are still living. They maintain a high standing in society. Davis and Bates, by their indefatigable labors raised high the character of this institution ; and, in the cause of .letters have done much ; and in that of pure religion more, rendering their names dear to the christian public. The fourth president is the Rev. Dr. Labaree, who now occupies the chair with indications of success and usefulness. The officers and teachers of this college have been distinguished for their high literary attainments ; and for their systematic and successful course of instruction ; and raised to elevated standing its scientific and religious character. Its graduates have reflected honor on the management and discipline by which they have been furnished to the various duties and posts, to which they may have been called. Academies also have been established in various parts of the state ; and the government have always mani fested a readiness to foster them. In the early days of this commonwealth, one academy at least in each county, received the patronage of the government, and a charter of incorporation. But as the population increased and private means, these seminaries have been greatly multiplied. You will find one, or a high school in almost every town and village. This system of education ; that is, by academies and high schools, is now in a measure self-supported and 272 HISTORY OF VERMONT. conducted. It leans not on the government; but the government in a sense, on that. For connected with christian principles, it furnishes a solid foundation for the political fabric with substantial columns and pillars to support and ornament the superstructure. Private munificence has endowed some of these institutions; individual enterprise put others in operation ; and associations and temporary efforts have brought more of them into a sphere, of greater or less usefulness. It may be found soon, if not experienced already, that these schools are becoming too numerous to command the best teachers, and insure the highest objects of education. It is undesirable to have them of short duration ; coming up in the day, and, so to speak, disap pearing in the night. But in many places, you will find very flourishing and well regulated and useful seminaries of this description. Of the common school system of instruction, some what has been said in another part of this work. It is matter of rejoicing that efforts are now making to im prove it. Conventions have been held in different parts of the state on the subject ; and a spirit of inquiry into the existing evils and defects in primary schools and instruction ; and for the proper remedies and means of improvement, is prevalent. The Normal school-regula tions have received much attention ; and excellent lectures on the principles and benefits of elementary instruction in that way, have been given by several gentlemen, whose benevolent services are highly com mendable. HISTORY OF VERMONT. 273 As it regards literary men among them, the green mountain boys, if they have slender grounds for boast ing, have no cause for shame. Few comparatively have leisure and means to engage in literary and scientific pursuits as the business of life. But some individuals have emerged from the mountains and woods of Ver mont, who have entered the field of letters, and suc cessfully cultivated a portion of it. Nathaniel Chipman, well known in the early history of this state, as a distinguished advocate, and stedfast friend of her rights, was also a classical scholar. He was well versed in the literature of the ancients. On the question", " Had the ancients the knowledge and use of glass ? " the writer remembers his published quotation from Aristophanes's Comedy of the clouds, in proof of the affirmative. It was the devise of one of Socrates's pupils for evading his bond. " Between the clock and the sun, (the court being in the open air,) I would stand," said he, "and with my burning glass melt the letters ; (made of wax,) so that he could not read it ;" this might have been diamond, it may be said ; it was certainly a transparent substance, drawing like the glass lens, the rays of the sun to a focus. At any rate, it is evidence, and not the only evidence of his familiar" acquaintance with the Greek writers in their own lan guage. His character, that of an excellent scholar, though poor in worldly wealth, of great usefulness and moral worth, was given him by his contemporaries. Royal Tyler, also, though not a native of the state, yet strictly a Vermonter, as most of his days were spent 18 274 HISTORY OF VERMONT. here, was a literary man. His ' Algerine Captive' is one of the best works of the kind, (fictitious,) which our country has produced ; and is evidence of great inven tion and versatility of talents in the writer. He was one of the most frequent and able contributors to the Port Folio ; a periodical of high standing, established at Philadelphia, under the direction of the celebrated Dennie. He was long a judge of the supreme court ; and several years chief justice. Several of his charges to juries and condemned criminals were published ; and are specimens of elegant composition as well as evidence of his professional knowledge. He was a man of ready wit, and great facetiousness ; so innate was his vein of humor, that in his last days, under the painful and melancholy inroads of a cancer, scintillations from it occasionally burst forth. His pen was often applied to correct and polish manuscripts designed for the press. Wilbur Fisk, a native of Brattleboro, was distinguished for science and literature. His course was short, but brilliant and salutary ; and his death too early for the cause of letters, virtue and religion. He was persuaded to act as pioneer in the commencement of operations in a Wesleyan college at Middletown, Ct. He was the first president of that institution ; and his efforts and superior literary qualifications gave it a favorable outset ; winning fast the public attention and patronage. His instructions and example were instrumental of great good in this way, raising the standard of education, and giving it a high rank among similar institutions in New England. It was rising rapidly in the estimation of the surrounding HISTORY OF VERMONT. 275 country when his death in the meridian of life cast a shade over its prospects. In the pulpit he was eloquent ; an ornament to the church at large ; standing at the head of his own denomination in the graces and power of oratory. He published a journal of his tour in Europe ; which with other occasional publications of his have placed him high as a writer. His biography in full by one of his fellow teachers is expected soon from the press. The character of the first president of the Wesleyan college reflects no discredit to the state of his nativity, being a star of no dim lustre in the constellation of New England college-departed presidents. Martin Field, a lawyer of Newfane, was a gentleman of high scientific attainments ; particularly in chemistry and mineralogy, and geology. The circumstances in which he made this proficiency and his manner of pur suing them were somewhat remarkable. At the time of his college education, these branches were not taught systematically in but few if any American colleges. Of course he graduated, almost entirely ignorant of them. But when subsequently called to educate his two sons at Middlebury, these sciences were professionally taught ; and they became adepts in them. Hearing these studies mentioned often by his sons at vacations and seeing their engagedness in them, excited his curiosity to examine them even at his period of life. The result was that he went far in advance of them ; and became very distin guished for his attention to these interesting and profitable sciences. Not satisfied with a theoretical examination of them, he more especially carried out practically his -276 HISTORY OF VERMONT. knowledge. His subsequent life even to old age, what leisure he could find from domestic cares and the labors of his profession, was devoted to these pursuits. It was matter of admiration to see with what interest and pleasure he endured fatigue, and severe and patient exercise in collecting minerals, and entomological spe cimens. With his hammer and picks he explored the hills and vallies in every direction ; and made more geological surveys ; and discovered a greater variety of rare min erals than perhaps any other man in Vermont. Large pieces of ore, and other substances found in places inaccessible to his carriage, he would carry some distance by personal effort. In this way he collected a cabinet of choice specimens in these sciences ; not only of what the mountains and the fields of this state have hitherto afforded, such as it is in the curiosities of nature ; but made valuable additions from various and far distant parts of the earth. He devoted a building of two large rooms to this collection ; and it is still in the state in which it was when he died ; a place of great interest to the connoisseurs in these branches. Indeed the different articles, and the variety is almost endless, are arranged and labelled with such order and distinctness ; with such neatness and taste ; so striking the symmetry and beauty ofthe whole appear ance, that it is an object of general attraction and curiosity. No one can be so indifferent to these things as not to spend pleasantly an hour or two in viewing them. No cabinet of minerals and entomological speci- HISTORY OF VERMONT. 277 mens equals this in Vermont ; certainly none collected by individual enterprise ; and Gen. Field has deserved well of his state in the cause of science, as he gained credit and honor to himself in this way as well as the profession to which he belonged. He was a subscriber from the commencement of it, to Silliman's journal of science ; and was a frequent contributor to its pages, having furnished several valuable articles for that excel lent periodical. James Marsh, D. D., who recently died, a professor of natural and moral philosophy in the Vermont Univer sity at Burlington, was highly distinguished for science and literature. He was several years president of that institution ; and gave good satisfaction, it is believed, to the public and to the students. But his modesty and love of study induced him to relinquish so conspicuous and responsible a post, and take the more retired one of a professor ; being enabled thus to follow his favorite pursuit to better advantage. He was a close and inde fatigable student ; and one of the best scholars accord ing to his age, not only in Vermont, but in New Eng land. He excelled perhaps in metaphysics. But the whole circle of science was more or less traversed by him. His strong mind and rich mental acquisitions were devoted especially to the cause of virtue and reli gion. He was a great admirer of Coleridge ; and did more perhaps, than any other man in the country has done, to exhibit his claims and merits as a scholar and able writer ; and to call the attention of the American public to his works. He republished some of his best 278 HISTORY OF VERMONT. writings ; especially his " Aids to Reflection," accom panying it with an extensive and learned and critical introduction written by himself. Jeremiah Evarts, a native of Sunderland in this state, was a man of elevated character as a scholar ; as well as a philanthropist and christian. He indeed spent most of his days in Connecticut and Massachusetts ; being a long time editor of the Christian Panoplist ; and afterwards secretary of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, and editor of the Missionary Herald. He was an extraordinary man ; an energetic and powerful mind in a slender, feeble bodily frame. Few men, it might perhaps be added, not any in our country have left at his age more indelible ves tiges of a great good man than he has. With the whole circle of literature and science he was familiar. Discri minating, and acute in his examination of every subject that came before him, no fallacy or subterfuge escaped his penetrating eye. As a writer he was strong, clear, impressive, and methodical ; accurate and interesting. But the boldness of his conceptions often arrest the mind, producing strong emotion, and leading captive the will and fixing fast the purpose. He seemed to have commenced study in his youth with the fixed purpose of being prepared for usefulness and of being useful. On the blank page of his classic books at college, (Yale,) the phrase from Horace, the writer has seen, " Nil sine magno Vita labore dedit mortalibus." HISTORY OF VERMONT. 279 " Life gives nothing without great labor to mortals." On this principle he commenced life ; a life of incessant labor ; the vigor of his mind, and the consuming desires of his heart to do good, exhausted at mid-day the slender powers of his body. But he accomplished much in a short time ; wrote and published much as editor of the Panoplist and Herald, which if collected and bound would make several volumes. Some of it, of course would be temporary and local ; but every page would bear the impress of a strong hand.' Mr. Evarts wrote a long series of papers, signed Wil liam. Penn ; and which were published originally in the National Intelligencer ; papers in behalf of the natives of this country. They appeared during the early part of President Jackson's administration ; and were copied into almost all the standard prints in the country. This fact is evidence of the respect with which they were received ; and the strong, commanding spirit which per vaded them. Having studied the law and being ad mitted to the bar, (although he soon relinquished the practice on account of his health,) he was enabled to examine professionally, the grounds and claims by which the Indians within our territory were entitled to the lands, which they occupied. He thus placed their case in a clear and strong view. Certainly these papers ex hibit the author to us as a man of letters ; a learned civilian ; a close reasoner ; candid ; independent, fear less and philanthropic. They are an everlasting monu ment of his talents, scholarship and benevolence. But the most masterly production of his pen, is the 280 HISTORY OF VERMONT. conclusion of a report to the " American Board," written by him several years before his death ; and since pub lished in a pamphlet form. It is a paper well worthy the attentive perusal of every patriot as well as christian. He takes the reader with him fifty or a hundred years in advance ; and, as it were, from some lofty eminence points out the state of our country on a supposition that the increase of its population goes on its present ratio, but the means of restraint and moral and religious culture, remain, first stationary; or secondly, become less ; or thirdly, keep pace with the augmentation of its inhabitants and the progress of society. The conse quences and the aspect of affairs in each of these contingencies are described and illustrated with the hand of a master, and with intense interest. Indeed few human productions contain in so small a compass, more passages of the sublime, than are found in this. This is saying much. But appeal is made to fact. Let the reader peruse it. Let the claims of this writer be examined with a spirit of candor, and it will be found that this tribute is underwrought ; and that not only Vermont, but the nation may boast of Jeremiah Evarts as one of her noblest sons. Others might be named as examples of literary and scientific distinction. William Chamberlain, ' Greek Professor' in Dartmouth college, who was a native of Vermont; and died at twenty-five years of age, lived long enough only to let us know in some measure what the cause of letters and virtue lost by his early death. Many living scholars and writers are found in the state, HISTORY OF VERMONT. 281 whom to characterize particularly, might be improper and indelicate. To say that some of them are of the very first class would be no more than justice. 282 CHAPTER XX. Literature and learned men continued. — The learned professions. — Clergymen. — Difficulties encountered by them in the early set tlements. — Their characters. — Names °f some of them. — The fruit of their labors. — Dr. Burton. — His authorship. — Lemuel Haynes. — Bunker Gay. — Attornies at law. — Of some who are dead, their character. — Civilians and statesmen. — Courts. — Their appearance. — Dispatch in business. — Physicians. — Difficulties in their way in the first settlement of the state. — Their charac ter. — Medical college at Castleton. — Vermont poets. — Self- taught one. — Putney hill. — Stanzas of poetry made by a bard living at its foot. The learned professions, as they are termed, stand comparatively well in this state. They who came here as pioneers in the cause of the gospel, were men gene rally of great moral excellence, and self-denial. They were of the right stamp ; and founded churches on the right principles, digging deep and laying strong the foun dation guided by the unerring word of prophecy. The hardships incident to a new and rough country, and cold climate, they endured in common with their parishioners. They were under the necessity of dividing their time between study and parochial duties on the one hand ; and secular callings on the other. To the field in the HISTORY OF VERMONT. 283 summer and woods in winter, they were compelled more or less to go ; and often to endure privations ; and the dangers of fording rivers and traversing the wilderness, to fulfil the many and distant calls for ministerial service. They often had to receive ordination in the open air ; or under the shade of the forest trees, and celebrate the ordinances of the gospel on the Sabbath in dwelling houses, and in barns. But these were days of union and brotherly love ; and praise and prayer ascending amid these wilds of nature, entered no less acceptably the ears of Him, who " pre- ferreth to all temples, the upright and pure." The truths of the gospel were circulated in their native simplicity and power; and these truths found reverential hearers. For among the early settlers of Vermont were Bible, Sabbath-loving men, and church- going ; respecting the heralds of the cross for their works' sake. This is evident from the records of some of their public proceedings, and acts of the rulers in those times. The language of reverence to God and his word is seen in many of their political acts and resolutions. The first meeting of the general assembly was opened by Divine worship, and a sermon by the Rev. Mr. Powers, of Windsor ; in favor of paying whom, a resolution was passed, permitting any, who pleased, to contribute. A committee was appointed to receive those contributions, who reported the sum contributed, ten pounds lawful money ; which was ordered to be paid over to him. This gentleman and Mr. Dewey, of Bennington, are the first clergymen named in the journal of the general 284 HISTORY OF VERMONT. assembly, officiating as such in the earliest proceedings of that body. The latter was requested by a vote to open with prayer the daily sessions of the assembly at their June meeting at Bennington, 1778. The vote is in these words : " voted that the Rev. Mr. Dewey be presented with the compliments of this house, to desire him to pray with this assembly, at the opening in the morning,. for this session." In these records the christian names of these clergymen are not given. In addition to these, may be named Jackson, of Dorset ; Burton, of Thetford ; Worcester, of Peacham ; Lyman, of Marlboro ; Goodhue, of Putney ; Tufts, of Wardsboro ; Reeve, of Brattleboro ; Kent, of Benson ; Lyon, of North-Hero ; and Gay, of Vernon ; as fathers in the churches of Ver mont. Bushnel, of Cornwall, although living, ought not to be omitted. Others were associated with them who endured hardships in those times of self-denial and difficulty. Their names appear to advantage in the history of the progress of divine truth ; and the estab lishment of gospel ordinances and the diffusion of light and love. In a double sense was it true, that they were breakers up of the fallow ground, and sowers of the seed. They cleared away the ground with their hands for the meat that perishes ; and the moral wastes, for the meat that endureth to everlasting life. Of Lyon and Gay, it ought, perhaps, to be said, that the former was one of the representatives in congress from this state from 1815 to 1817; and that the latter wrote and published a par ticular account of the attack by the Indians on fort Bridgman, and its melancholy consequences. Painfu] HISTORY OF VERMONT. 285 incidents relative to the captives are given, particularly Mrs. Howe and her children, some of which may be seen in the graphic style of Col. Humphrey in his life of Putnam. The indefatigable labors of these men, and their successors have produced a salutary influence on the religious and moral aspect of Vermont. In these romantic wilds, they were blessed in their efforts to transplant branches from the tree of life, more verdant and perennial than her evergreens. They have taken deep root, and yielded much precious fruit. The result of their labors and judicious culture is seen in the neat houses of divine worship, which abound in these vallies and on these hills ; and in the sobriety, and christian exemplariness, and warm devotion of many of its inhabi tants. Pure Christianity, and sound morals have thus a foothold here, presaging better times ; times, it is hoped, when all these shall be hills of Zion, and mountains of Israel. The moral and religious feelings and habits and acts of this people, is the brightest trait in their character. In this respect much indeed remains to be done ; many ' crooked paths to be made straight and rough places smooth.' But many heralds of divine messages and knowledge have ' run to and fro' these hills and vallies and on these mountains, publishing peace and salvation, carrying glad tidings of good. Many of them have finished their course, and their bodies in the congrega tion of the dead, fill ' the narrow house' beside those of their brethren and fellow travelers to eternity. Some 286 HISTORY OF VERMONT. have gone to other fields and new scenes, ' bound in the spirit, not knowing what shall befall them, counting not their lives dear to themselves, that they may finish their course with joy.' Many remain, and others are coming forward to fill the breaches and mount the walls of de fence against the inroads of vice and irreverence. Gird ed with the armor of light may they long continue to be polished shafts in the quiver of the Lord, till this whole state become ' a mountain of holiness and a dwelling place of righteousness.' Dr. Burton published several theological works, which rendered him well known and somewhat distinguished throughout New England. His writings certainly exhi bited him as a man of clear thought and discrimination, as well as of mental cultivation and ardent piety. He was somewhat original in some of his religious views ; particularly with regard to the faculties of the soul ; dividing it into three parts ; the understanding ; the heart, or affections ; and the taste. Lemuel Haynes, so well known in this part of the United States, as a black preacher, labored in the minis try chiefly in this state, though he died at Granville, a border town of New York. He has left specimens of his original and ingenious mind, particularly that short and celebrated sermon, " Universal salvation an ancient doctrine." He has also left, under his own hand, an account of the reappearance of the man, by the name of Russel Colvin, supposed to have been murdered ; and the conviction, and sentence, and final rescue of his supposed murderers. HISTORY OF VERMONT. 287 The writer has named, in another place, several dis tinguished counsellors at law, who had finished an honor able, earthly course ; and whose eloquence he had wit nessed often in the southern part of the state. Fame and true report have given a high character of others in the middle and northern sections ; and such names as Spooner, Skinner, Mallory, and Chipman, and Smith, and Chase, and others might be added, who have run an honorable career in this profession. Their standing was distinguished for legal science and powers of elo quence at the bar ; on the bench ; and in the national councils. Indeed the early circumstances of this com monwealth led almost as a matter of course to the gene ral diffusion of the common principles of law. Farmers needed to have some insight into them, to know when they were going safely in buying and selling land ; per plexed as they once were by contradictory claims and titles. The science of law has been studied with great care by the professional student ; and the bar and bench of Vermont have been, and still are an ornament to the state. It is not believed that any other so large a por tion of the union, takes precedence in this respect. Many now live, whom to name might be indecorous ; but to hear unfolded the mazes of an intricate course and make it clear, would be a privilege. Clear, in head ; courteous ; scorning meanness ; studious of high charac ter as men ; of easy address, and strong in reasoning, you may find many such here. It would be strange if all were of this description. A stranger will find as much to approve and admire in 288 HISTORY OF VERMONT. a Vermont court house ; in its order and stillness ; the dispatch of business ; the eloquence heard from the bar ; and the discrimination and solemnity witnessed from the bench ; the intelligence of the jury, and the becom ing deportment of the spectators, as in similar circum stances in most places where he may travel. In the councils of the nation, Vermont has been reputably, and even ably represented. Bold, energetic and fearless, the voice of freedom and independence has been put forth on the floor of congress by many a green mountain representative. Some of them have been conspicuous actors in the political drama of our country, and honored the high stations of trust to which they were called. To quail in the hour of trial and danger; or be swerved from duty by menace and denunciation ; or hoodwinked by bribery and flattery, was not their turn of mind, or habit of action. The spirit of Ethan Allen and his associates, in this respect, yet animates many, who are now the elite of the civil and political corps of the state. Of that extraordinary man, a native of Vermont has furnished the writer the following anecdote. " The British government through one of its officers in the coun try, offered to give him any quantity of land he desired, besides conferring on him a high military command, and the title of Duke of Vermont, if he would forsake the rebels, and exert his influence in favor of the royal cause." To these proposals, Allen replied, " Tell your master that his offers make me think of one that I have read of in an old Book, made by a certain per- HISTORY OF VERMONT. 289 sonage to Jesus Christ ; that he would give him all the Kingdoms of the world if he would only worship him, when the old rascal knew that he did not own a foot of land on earth, any more than King George does in Vermont." The regular bred physicians of Vermont have sus tained a good reputation, doing credit to their profession ; and reflecting honor on the medical art. The practical part of their profession, laborious in almost any place, is particularly so in this region of so uneven surface, and so cold and snowy in its winters. This was the case especially with the pioneers in this employment. To go at all seasons of the year ; and at all times of day and night ; and in all directions ; through the wilderness ; over roads almost impassable ; and ford ing rivers ; through snow and rain storms, during the first twenty or thirty years after breaking ground here, was no trifling business. It required great self-denial and devotedness to the care of the sick and afflicted. Thus they became strong in body ; familiar with extremes and hardships; of iron nerves, capable of standing frost, and bearing heat. It was interesting to hear them recount the scenes encountered in fulfilling the calls of their profession ; the hardships endured, and their nar row escapes from danger. But they maintained good humor and great cheerfulness to the very last ; and their fund of anecdote, and quaint way often of narrative, were enlivening and cheering to the valetudinarian and hypochondriac. In Castleton is a medical college, which has sustained 19 290 HISTORY OF VERMONT. a high reputation. Courses of lectures on the different branches of the healing art are given by able and experi enced professors ; and ample opportunities and prepara tions are furnished and made to enable tbe pupils, respectable in numbers, to employ their time to the best advantage. If Vermont has not yet produced any very celebrated poets ; who have proved themselves such by some mas terly and extensive work of imagination in harmonious and splendid versification, she is not without sons and daughters of the lyre, whose notes have resounded amid her hills and valleys. ' Green mountain bards' is not a mere flourish of words. Such have been ; such stilj are; self-taught; retired, and distrustful; yielding with reluctance their sweetly flowing strains to the public gaze. The writer has known some such, imbued with the true spirit of poetry ; sought them out ; and solicited and sometimes obtained .specimens of their pens for the public journals. One such lived and died on Putney West-hill; who spoke many pieces of original and interesting poetry ; but committed very little to writing. The writer rode some fifteen or twenty miles to pen down a few particular stanzas from the lips of his grand son, who was known to have repeated them often with other similar effusions. But his lips had been sealed in death a few days previous ; and the opportunity of giving them a fixed visible being was forever gone. For his son, a venerable pilgrim sojourner on that hill, ninety-two years, of age, could awaken no traces of them in his memory. Another admonition was this of the HISTORY OF VERMONT. 291 wisdom of doing quickly what you have to do ; and of going without delay to him from whose lips you would rescue w°rQ,s and things from oblivion. If you linger, he may die before you reach him, or you may fall before he meets you. The importance also is seen impressively in the light of such facts, of committing to writing whatever is Worthy of being remembered. For if it be true, as said the Roman poet, ' vox missa nescit reverti' a word sent forth from the lips ' knows not the way back ;' it is also true ; if you keep no ¦ record of it ; have no controling rein upon it, you may not know where to find it, however much you might wish to show it the way of return. But the ride was not wholly lost ; for another oppor tunity was afforded him of viewing the surrounding country from the summit of this hill. The view from this eminence is rich and variegated and majestic. Few portions are more enchanting. As you face the south, you have on your right the narrow and deep valley of West river ; and on your left the somewhat broader one of the Connecticut, some two thousand feet below you. Then the whole compass of the horizon to a great extent opens to your view, except ing a few degrees on the north being intercepted by a clump of trees. A large portion of the southwest part of New Hampshire ; and the northwestern of Massachu setts; and the southern section of Vermont is before you. From the Connecticut valley, your eye goes over hill and dale ; clearings and woodlands ; villages, and hamlets and cottages, till it reaches the summit of 292 HISTORY OF VERMONT. Monadnock, and thence north on the blue highlands towards the White Hills. The silvery surface of the Connecticut, below Brattleboro, distant ten or fifteen miles, and the irregular and broken ridges of southern Vermont, and Franklin county in Massachusetts, come in sight ; and the summit of the green mountains far to the north, with their endless variety of shapes ; with the haystack and saddle back, and the Stratton cliffs ; limits your view on the right, but fixes your attention in silent admiration. 293 CHAPTER XXI. Religion. — The three principal denominations. — Congregational ists. — Some account of them. — Baptists. — Their peculiarities. — Anecdote of an Elder. — Methodists. — Their rules and support of preachers. — Episcopalians. — Universalists. — Unitarians. The three largest denominations of christians in Ver mont, are the Congregational, Baptist, and Methodist. These do not greatly vary from each other in point of numbers. The early churches were formed principally by Congre gationalists. By this is intended the very first churches organized ; though mention is made, in the early records, of a baptist clergyman officiating in the religious services at a session of the general assembly. As the leaders in reducing this rough surface, and rougher political exterior, to a comparative smoothness and regularity and order, were mostly from Connecticut ; so were the early heralds of the cross. They were sent by the missionary society of that state ; and Bushnell, and Mills and Hallock and Williston, and others of this denomination came early, extending the borders of that kingdom, which is not of this world. Their labors were blessed ; and the rules of that kingdom clearly stated and explained ; and the qualifications of citizenship pointed out, and the securing 294 HISTORY OF VERMONT. of the inheritance recommended and urged. Many, who were aliens and foreigners, have, it is hoped, become" fellow-citizens of this commonwealth, whose verdure shall be as perpetual as that of the tree of life. The doctrines taught were those of the Bible as explained by " the assembly's catechism." The system of church government of this denomination is in their apprehension that of the church militant as established by Christ and his apostles ; the pastor moderator ; and the male mem bers as a body, voters. Each church is independent in its jurisdiction and in matters of discipline. Their decision is final with regard to its members, whose walk is inconsistent with the rules of Christ ; unless the church should be consociated ; that is, connected with several other churches on certain conditions; relinquishing its right of deciding without appeal ; and giving an aggrieved member the privilege of appealing to the " Committee of Consociation." Candidates for admission into the church are examined by the pastor, generally assisted by a committee, but often before the whole body, any of whom may propose what questions they please. Assent is given to "the articles of faith " adopted by the church, and so the covenant. The pastors and ministers have, for their mutual improvement and benefit, formed themselves into associa tions, consisting of ten or twelve members most con veniently situated, who meet two or three times annually. Delegates from these bodies meet annually on the second Tuesday in September, in convention ; called " The HISTORY OF VERMONT. 295 General Convention of Presbyterian and Congregational ministers of Vermont." To this convention reports are made from the several district associations ; of the num ber of members added ; the alterations in the pastoral and other relations ; and of the state of religion and morals. Most of the benevolent societies hold their anniversaries during its sessions. The preaching of sermons and addresses by representatives from abroad with other exercises and transactions of this body, render it a season of great interest and benefit to those, who love the gates of Zion. The present number of com municants in this branch of the church in Vermont is about twenty thousand. The baptists have many large and flourishing churches in this state. Indeed for a long time this has been a strong denomination of christians ; and as before inti mated, has furnished a member of distinguished civilians. This, as well as the methodist branch of the church, have been more in the habit of placing their preachers in civil offices and trusts, perhaps, than that of the congrega tional. So true is this, that a considerable portion of the members of the general assembly at some sessions, has been composed of baptist and methodist clergymen; more especially of the former. Men of strong powers of mind naturally ; and of original turn of thinking and expressing their thoughts and conscientious opinions. The public interests have been safe in their hands. If 'they manifested less culture and polish in some instances ; and the gift of parlance than do others, they may have been as expeditious and safe in action. Their purpose 296 HISTORY OF VERMONT. taken, and they did it circumspectly, they were not easily moved from it. Knowing how to say less and think more and act steadfastly and independently, they exhibited an example, which others in high places might follow to advantage. It is an important part of know ledge to know what one can, and what he cannot do, and of wisdom, not to try that for which he is unqualified. Thus one of these worthy elders, who was more in the habit while a member, of keeping his seat, than of his standing on his feet, on some important measure in which the house was nearly balanced, sent word to his constituents that he would wear out one pair of breeches, before, with his permission it should go contrary to his convictions of right. It might be well, perhaps, if in legislative halls in other and more exposed places, some of the members were in this habit ; that of wear ing their breeches more, and their lungs less. Their constituents would more readily defray the expense of repairing the former, than suffer the inroads made by the latter, on the harmony and good feeling of the country. The baptists differ from the congregationalists in sentiment, only on the subject of baptism ; its subjects and the mode. Their form of church government is the same. Those of this denomination in this state, are principally what are called close communion baptists. Believing baptism an indispensable pre-requisite to intercommunion by participating the sacred emblems ; and that immersion is the only way of rightly perform ing this ordinance, they think it a duty to decline going HISTORY OF VERMONT. 297 to the Lord's table with all, who do not enter through this door into the fold. In their associations the churches are represented by lay delegates in connexion with clerical. A good degree of harmony exists between them and the other denominations ; meeting together as they often do ; and assisting in the expense of the institutions of the gospel, where they live intermixed and in too weak a state to do it separately. They are the most numerous in the north part of the state, exhibiting a kind, liberal, and christian spirit towards strangers of other evangelical churches. Their preju dices gradually wearing away against education, and literary accomplishments in their preachers, they have under their direction, flourishing academies in Towns hend, Brandon and Derby, in which the languages and sciences and other college branches are taught, and good scholarship often adorns the ministrations of the word, rendering it more efficacious. Elder Leland of Chester, who presided several sessions as speaker in the house of representatives ; and with great readiness and acceptance; and was subsequently lieutenant governor, sustained the character of an able and eloquent preacher. They have for a number of years sustained in the state a religious newspaper, published at Brandon, called the Telegraph. The denomination of christians struck out by John Wesley, claims a numerous and respectable class in Vermont. They have some resemblance in their church government and their doctrines, to the episcopal church from which they originally sprung. They have their 298 HISTORY OF VERMONT. bishops and presiding elders; their circuit and local preachers. Their sentiments correspond somewhat, relative to the native , depravity of the heart, and the nature of regeneration. The government of the church is in both in the clergy. The presiding elder has the churches of a certain district (defined) assigned him to visit quarterly ; and the circuit preachers have smaller portions of ground to go over weekly, or in a longer period according to their extent. These preachers are removed to new circuits once in two years ; and their salaries are paid from 'a fund under the direction of " the conference ; " and is one hundred dollars for himself, and if married the same sum for his wife, and a certain amount for each child. When the fund enables the conference to make full allowance to the preachers, they are better provided for, than those of any other denomination. The provision made for the support of superannuated and disabled preachers is worthy of high commendation. In short, many things in the methodist internal policy are admirable. The episcopal is a large and flourishing church ; and Vermont constitutes one diocese, over which a bishop pre sides. Her faith is the protestant; her thirty-nine articles being strictly evangelical and orthodox. She denies all ordination but that by her bishops ; of course, preachers of all other denominations, in her estimation, are inter lopers, climbing up some other way. She seems to be lengthening her cords and strengthening her stakes in Vermont, embracing some of the most respectable part HISTORY OF VERMONT. 299 of her inhabitants. Indeed in point of respectability and fashion, if not of numbers, she probably deems herself as holding comparatively the first rank, if the terms rank and fashion may be used in speaking of religion and our relations to God^ before whom we are in a sense all on a level, and " less than the small dust of the balance." There is something impressive and affecting in the services of the church of England, especially her funeral services; venerable in her great crowd of witnesses ; whose names adorn the pages of her history, and in the moss covered and ivy clad towers and temples of the " fast anchored isle." May the branch transplanted to the hills and vallies of Ver mont, pruned of useless and hurtful incumbrances, be as perennial as her fountains, and as perpetual in the flourishing of righteousness in her paths, as the verdure of her "mountain pines." — An Episcopal Theological school was planned and set in operation at Burlington, under the superintendence of Bishop Hopkins, promis ing usefulness. Not an inconsiderable number of individuals, profess the faith of the final salvation of all men. They have a number of houses of worship up and down the state ; and preachers to unfold their doctrines ; and in some instances to administer the ordinances of baptism and the Lord's supper. The infinite benevolence of God is their bulwark against the apprehension of endless pun ishment. Unitarian churches are found, one at Burlington, and another at Brattleboro ; and no where else in 300 HISTORY OF VERMONT. Vermont ; unless there may be a small one at Vernon, and one at Windsor. The denial of the three-fold distinction of the Godhead, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, is the principal peculiarity in their faith. 301 CHAPTER XXII. Miscellaneous. — Birds. — Partridge. — Quail.— Snow-bird. — Wild pigeons. — Their abundance formerly. — Swallows. — Their varie ties. — Swallow trees at Middlebury and Bridport. — The Bobo link. — Robin. — Quadrupeds, wild. — Wolf. — Bear. — Squirrel, Gray and other kinds. — Fox. Dendrology. — Evergreen trees. — Hardwood trees — Sugar maple. — Its beauty. — Changes in its foliage. — The beech. — The beau tiful form and appearance of trees. — The spruce. — The elm. — Trees mentioned by ancient writers. — Homer. — Virgil. — In the sacred Scriptures. — Classical and venerable. — The Wellington tree. — Various shapes of the elm. — Two in Berlin, Ct. — Con trasted. — A venerable pine. Most of the birds found in the United States are met with in Vermont. The black-bird is not seen so often as in Connecticut, and places farther south. The part ridge is more abundant here than* in almost any other state. The mountains and forests afford them not only food plentifully, but more ample range to escape the pursuit of their enemies, and evade the snare of the fowler. This bird, so untamable ; and whose young so instinctively and even as soon as clear of its shell avoids human footsteps, and the voice and face of man ; and whose flesh is so rich and delicate, is a rare inhabit- 302 HISTORY OF VERMONT. ant of the southern states. It goes there by the name of pheasant; and what we call the quail takes the name of partridge. The quail of Connecticut, and the southern part of Massachusetts, is rarely if ever seen in Vermont. Dur ing a residence of thirty years in this state, the writer has not heard the notes of this beautiful bird, so familiar to his ears in early days. The long and severe winters experienced, probably forbid its sojourn here, and it seems to prefer spending its summers where the winters are mild enough to give it a chance of seeing the return of spring. The winters are so severe sometimes even in Connecticut, as to make fearful havoc among them ; driving them in search of food to farm yards, where they too often meet with cold hospitality ; and huddled together in the hedges and under the fences, become the sport and prey of school-boys in that highly civilized state. This season, 1843, and since writing the above, the author heard for the first time in this state, the notes of the quail. It was in the vicinity of the south village in Chester. His ears could hardly be persuaded that it was real, until the well known sounds of " more wet !" " more wet !" became too distinct to admit of doubt. Welcome his approach to the vallies of this state, and margins of its rivulets ; and long may he sojourn among its husbandmen. If driven from Connecticut and Mas sachusetts, by incessant inroads upon his retreats ; if resolved to venture among the Vermonters, and try the perils of the green mountains, may his reception from HISTORY OF VERMONT. 303 the reapers and cradlers of their harvest fields be hos pitable. But how this quiet, home-loving bird survived the long, and severe, and snowy winter just ended, 'seems mysterious. Indeed wonderful is the contrast between the present summer and the past winter, each being almost unprecedented in its appearance. Vegetation now is remarkably luxuriant ; the forests are more ver dant than usual ; and animated by a greater number and variety of songsters ; and an impulse seems to have been given to the liveliness and loveliness of nature ; and an increase to her power of enchantment and regal ing of the senses. Described as an enemy to emigration, his aversion it would seem, is giving way, compelled by persecution to leave the sunny meadows settled by the Pilgrims, and take up his abode with their descendants in the moun tain state. In these glens and sequestered regions, may he continue to whistle unseen and unmolested, cheering the laborer in the field, and secure not only against the mimic voice of the Ethiopian, but the snares and mus kets of the pale faced boy, and hunter. But the snow-bird seems to love Vermont above all other parts of New England. You may see large flocks of them a short time before a snow storm ; and some times in the midst of a driving northeaster, they come near buildings ; and appear to revel in the dreary deso lations around them. It is a small bird, of a light gray ; and sometimes almost white ; nimble and lighting on the fences and tops of the weeds and corn stalks, rising 304 HISTORY OF VERMONT. above the snow, heedless of the whistling wind and the biting frost. They seem little disturbed by the approach of man, regarding them rather as friends and neighbors than otherwise. The Vermonters in turn give them a kind reception, paying little attention to their flocking, flirting gambols, permitting them to pursue their course, thinking their little bodies, fat as they are, unworthy of powder and shot. They die some other way than by the hands of man, for they are small game for the green mountain boys; and rather privileged by them too, as their only winged winter visiter during the reign of snow ; happy and cheerful, but disappearing in the spring, and evading the utmost search of human eye. In the early settlement of the state, wild pigeons were wonderfully plenty. So few are now found in the forests and on the mountains, that the account given by first settlers of their numbers and multiplication seems almost incredible. The surveyor, Richard Hazen, who run the line between Massachusetts and this state in 1741, gave this account of the appearances which he met with to the westward of Connecticut river. " For three -miles together, the pigeons' nests were so thick, that five hundred might have been told on the beech trees at one time ; and could they have been counted on the hem locks as well, I doubt not but five thousand might have been found at one turn round."* " The following account was given me," says Dr. Wil- * Williams. HISTORY OF VERMONT. 305 liams, " by one of the earliest settlers of Clarendon." " The number of pigeons was immense. Twenty-five nests were frequently to be found on one beech tree. The earth was covered with those trees ; and with hem locks, thus loaded with the nests of pigeons. For an hundred acres together, the ground was covered with their dung to the depth of two inches. Their noise in the evening was extremely troublesome ; and so great that the traveler, where their nests were thick, could not get any sleep. ' About an hour after sunrise, they rose in such numbers as to darken the air.' When the young pigeons are grown to considerable bigness, before they can readily fly, it was common for the settlers to cut down the trees, and gather a horse load in a few minutes." The progress of civilization and refinement ; and the clearing of the hills and vallies have much lessened the number of these birds, or driven them to other regions. Three or four species of the swallow are found in this part of the country ; the chimney swallow ; the barn, the ground, and the martin. The latter is the largest, and builds its nests under the eaves of barns and sheds ; seventy, and even a hundred are sometimes counted on the buildings of a single farmer. The ground swallow is the smallest ; and burrows into sand banks and the banks of rivers two or three feet, and there forms its nests. The swallow is a social and musical little bird ; and its gyrations and evolutions over a level meadow in hay- 20 306 HISTORY OF VERMONT. season, twittering and chirping, would afford a gratifying spectacle, if he were not somewhat insulting to the hay maker, foretelling with too much truth the forthcoming rain ; gracefully curving and rolling from side to side ; now in a straight line ; now turning at angles of various degrees, darting by within arm's length of the laborer. The house, or chimney swallow is found, it is said, sometimes to take up its winter residence in hollow trees. Two of these swallow trees are particularly noticed by Dr. Williams ; one at Middlebury, and the other at Bridport. They were large, hollow and decayed elms. Relative to the one at the former place, he had the in formation from a man, who lived within twenty rods of it. His language is : " About the first of May, the swallows came out of it in large numbers about the mid dle of the day, and soon returned. As the weather grew warmer they came out in the morning with a loud noise or roar ; and were soon dispersed. About half an hour before sundown, they returned in millions, circu lating and circling" two or three times round the tree ; and then descending like a stream, into a hole sixty feet from the ground. It was customary for persons in the vicinity to visit this tree, to observe the motions of these birds ; and when any person disturbed their operations by striking violently against the tree with their axes, the swallows would rush out in millions, and with a great noise. In November, 1791, the top of the tree was blown down twenty feet below where the swallows entered. They have since disappeared. Upon cutting HISTORY OF VERMONT. 307 down the remainder an immense quantity of excrements, quills and feathers were found ; but no appearance of any nests." Relative to the one at Bridport, the language of a man who lived near it, is : " The swallows were first ob served to come out of the tree in the spring, about the time the leaves began to appear on the trees. From that season they came out in the morning, about half an hour after sunrise. They rushed out, like a stream, as big as the hole in the tree would admit ; and ascended in a perpendicular line until they were in height above the adjacent trees ; then assumed a circular motion, per forming their revolutions two or three times ; but always (every time,) in a larger circle ; and then disappeared in every direction. A little before sundown, they return ed in immense numbers, forming several circular motions, and then descending like a stream into the hole whence they came out in the morning. About the middle of September, they were seen entering the tree for the last time. These birds were all of the species called the house, or chimney swallow. The hole in the tree at which they entered was about forty feet from the ground, and nine inches in diameter. The swallows made their first appearance in the spring; and last appearance in the autumn in the vicinity of this tree, and the neighbor ing inhabitants had no doubt but that they continued in it during the winter." From these interesting facts, it is probable that the house swallow in this part of our country sojourns generally during winter in hollow trees. There is 308 HISTORY OF VERMONT. evidence also that the ground swallow passes his winter quarters at the bottom of lakes, rivers and ponds. The above named historian places the bobolink among the birds of Vermont. But its notes, it is believed, are rarely heard now in the meadows and fields. The blue bird, the wren, the phebe, and robin, are the earliest summer birds of Vermont ; and the welcome harbingers of the return of spring. If they come to stay, and let their notes be heard day after day by the first of April, it is as much as the most ardent looker out for bare hills and vallies ; and to feel the balmy gales can anticipate, or flatter himself with being visited and greeted by such familiar and long absent acquaint ance. If they alight upon his dwelling, and by their melody rouse him from his morning slumbers, how delightful the sounds ! How animating the reflection thus raised that the reign of winter is closing ; and that the free going to the fields is to be again enjoyed. The howl of the wolf, once so familiar on these hills, is fast dying away ; and his prowling footsteps disappear ing from the sheep-fold and barn-yard ; and the wasting of the cornfields by the growling bear now almost unknown. Many were the depredations committed by these ancient occupiers of the dark caverns of the green mountains, on the premises of the pioneer settlers. Here and there one lingers and by pinching hunger driven to madness, comes down to the cultivated fields and takes a peep at the threshhold of the husbandman. But the unexpected uproar created by his presumption puts him to flight with the precipitancy of the timid deer. A thou- HISTORY OF VERMONT. 309 sand dogs and as many men and boys with guns give him chase, and surrounding his retreat, analyze his lurking place, examining step by step every nook and corner, and subterfuge till he can no longer elude the search ; but stands forth in clear demonstration. The writer saw the skins of two or three bears thus pursued and killed in Ludlow, in the fall of 1841. In short the time will soon come when in Vermont wolves, bears, and deer will ' be among the things that were, but now have passed away.' The fox and weasel and different kinds of squirrels continue to occupy their ground here, and make inroads on the labors of the husbandman ; the two first often visiting nightly his premises and making prey of such barn-yard animals as they can master. But the frequent hunting-matches of the young men and boys are gradu ally diminishing their number and rendering them less bold in their depredations. The beautiful grayer, to use a hunter's phrase, is still often seen by the way side, playing his pranks, leaping from branch to branch, and from tree to tree, with his broad tail curved over his back ; his acorn-like eye looking sharply, and uttering squeaking sounds as if he would frighten the traveler. Cowper's description of this little forester comes into the mind of every one who has read it, whenever the display of his features and nimble sportiveness are witnessed. But pursued unrelentingly by the sportsman, he has become comparatively scarce and coy ; being no more seen on the ridge and roof of the barn, or house of the farmer. Even the robin once so plenty and tame, and 310 HISTORY OF VERMONT. familiar about the orchards and dwellings, delighting the ear with his inimitable notes, and the eyes with his brilliant plumage, has become unfrequent and shy, retreating beyond the range and noise of the rifle, and the hands of the children of civilization and humanity. In some instances leaving the rural villages, and the premises of the husbandman, so dear to him, he seeks protection from the wary, licensed fowler in the crowded city with more humane and liberal regulations.* The dendrology ; or technical description of the trees of Vermont, was not designed, nor will it be attempted in this work. In addition to what has been said on this subject, a few pages only will be added relative to the most common trees of the state. Evergreens are more or less the trees of the mountain range dividing the state ; and they are found to some extent, intermixed with other trees in all the towns. Pine, hemlock, spruce, fir and hacmatack with all their varieties. The greatest measure of a pine given by Dr. Williams is six feet diameter, and two hundred and seventy in height. It would be difficult to find many of this class now in Ver mont. Indeed the first growth of pines is mostly gone. Some provident farmers have preserved a few such for their own use ; old standards ; first settlers ; noble trees, towering far above their fellows of the forest. Hemlock * At the dawn of a pleasant morning in April, the writer was surprised at the songs of robins on the houses in Hartford, Ct. which he had in vain listened for in the surrounding country. The cause was the high fine by the city authorities for killing that bird. HISTORY OF VERMONT. 311 trees grow faster than pine; and such quantities are found as to preclude the fear of their failing. For frames of buildings and other substantial purposes they furnish materials as valuable as the pine. The maple, and beech, and birch with all their dif ferent kinds are the principal hard-wood trees of the state. Chestnut, and oak, and walnut, and ash, and elm in their common varieties, are found chiefly on the banks of the rivers, and on the lake shore. The red cedar is not very often seen ; but the white cedar grows abun dantly in the northwest part of the state ; and is much used for fences, being straight grained, and freely rifting. The sugar maple is the glory of the Vermont forests, so rich and beautiful in their great variety of trees and shrubbery, and to the different heights to which they grow, and shapes which they assume. The color of their bark and lines and tinges of their foliage are almost endless in their diversities. The form of the maple and the intenseness of its foliage, the first to bud and leave out in the spring, and the first to fade in autumn, renders it a pleasing object of contemplation in itself. But the increasing use made of it for sugar and molasses, must greatly enhance its value and comeliness in the eyes of the Vermonters, on whose soil it stands pre-eminent and most frequent. Pre-eminent and most frequent, this is true as a state ; although in some parts of New York, particularly the high-lands of Schoharie county, this noble tree is found in magnitude and height and frequency equal to any part of this state. Such significant names of neighbor- 312 HISTORY OF VERMONT. hoods and villages are found there as sap-bush-hill, and sap-hollow, where and on dutch-hill, the writer has seen as noble specimens of this tree as those given by Dr. Williams in the early periods of green mountain history ; five feet in diameter and from one to two hundred feet high. The changes witnessed in the foliage of this tree are striking and admonitory, not to say melancholy. Its beautiful green becoming indigent, somewhat faded, approaches the brown ; and before the close of the month, you may see here and there sprigs and branches of pale purple, indicative of the drawing to a close of the year, the end of life, and the winter of death. As the season advances, the days shortening, these purple spots, so to speak, become deeper and larger, contrasting with the green and brown, and forming a picture, which mocks the art of the painter to copy. Sometimes you may see the extremities of the branches tinged with a deep red, having the appearance, at a distance, of fire without the smoke, like Moses's bush burning but not consuming. Looking at a large collection of maples under this invisible and mysterious process of change ; at some of the sugar orchards, or long line of such trees by the roadside, sometimes witnessed in this state, must arrest you to pleasing if not to sober and salutary reflec tions. Forest trees are among the most beautiful objects of nature. They have so been viewed in all ages of the world. Hence the frequent allusions to them by writers of various descriptions. By ancient writers especially HISTORY OF VERMONT. 313 they have been so often and in such circumstances named, that certain species of them may be regarded as classical. Homer goes often to the forests for images and illustrations ; comparing the armies mustering round Troy, to the leaves of the trees in the spring, and the cutting off of nations and armies, to their falling in the autumn ; the falling of a renowned warrior in battle, to the uprooting and overturning of a mountain oak or pine. It was near a beech tree that the contest was most violent on the plains of Troy ; and to which Ajax and his associates pursued Hector and his followers. Mentioned in such circumstances ; and as a limit to which the Greeks carried their triumphs and set bounds to their enemies ; it becomes an object interesting in itself. The beech is also mentioned by Virgil, as. are the oak, and elm, and ash. The Book of Inspiration speaks often of trees ; and many kinds are named ; but most frequently, the locust and cypress, and the cedars of Lebanon. The latter being very durable and solid, is made an emblem of immortality. The locust tree is cultivated in Vermont ; and in some parts is found in abundance. In modern times, also, the most celebrated spot in Europe, in a military point of view, and to be classic ground in all future time, had its tree, the Wellington tree, marking his post in the carnage of battle, being scathed and perforated with balls. But it is no longer that tree. It has been cut down ; and a royal chair made of it for the sovereign of England. But it was 314 HISTORY OF VERMONT. bad taste which led to this metamorphosis and transpo sition. Better had it been to have suffered to stand on the spot where it gained its name, an object of curiosity and veneration to the visitor of that field, as long as the soil made rich by the blood of the brave might nourish its roots. It is to be regretted that the kind of tree, thus designated, has not been preserved. Of what kind was the tree near which Wellington took his stand in front of his army at Waterloo and gave his orders ? In traveling through Vermont, over her hills and mountains, and by the margin of her rivers, the eye is delighted with the beauty and variety of shapes, which different trees take. You will see the spruce and fir often going up by a gradual diminishing of its branches to a point, an almost perfect cone. Then again you will see them bulging; that is, the boughs increasing gradually upwards half-way, and thence decreasing to the top, taking the form of a circular oblong, and seeming like the work of art. The branches and twigs of these trees and their kindred hemlocks and pine are sometimes so closely interwoven that at a distance they appear a solid impervious mass, standing frequent on the snow clad hills, like green pointed spires and turrets on the white summit and towers of some magnificent edifice. Near trees of such symmetry and comely proportions, you may see those of great irregularity ; and yet by the contrast and variety increasing the interest of the scene and landscape. You may see the huge hemlock with disconnected branches and broken tops ; the stately birch with here and there a stinted bough, and crowded out of its upright HISTORY OF VERMONT. 315 posture by some shock or infringing of its neighbor felled by the axeman. Sometimes you see this diversity in trees of the same species. The elm here stands erect and shoots up high without branches, its summit only being surmounted by a few, gracefully curving and pendant in the form of an umbrella. By its side stands another, or rather leans ; its body short and making a sharp angle with the surface ; its branches low and thick, and far spreading. Near this a third sends forth from a short but erect trunk, a score of slender, graceful branches, running up to a great height and gradually diverging like an inverted cone. In Berlin, Ct. near the first tavern site on the old New Haven and Hartford road stand two venerable elms, whose branches have waved in the winds of two centu ries, but very dissimilar in their form and appearance. The body of one of them is short ; between five and six feet through, containing buried under its surface some two dozen bridle hooks for the weary horse of the traveler, or of the tavern lounger ; but remarkable par ticularly for its enormous top under the pressure of which it stands inclined. It consists (the top) of twelve or fifteen huge branches, fantastically interwoven, crossing, wooing and shunning each other in such various ways as to bewilder the eye to trace them, letting down their low boughs almost to the ground, and covering an area of about eight rods in diameter. It is an object of curiosity to the now and then singular traveler in this good old way in which his fathers walk- 316 HISTORY OF VERMONT. ed ; long since deserted for the turnpike, and that now for the cars of the railroad, hurrying the dozing, nod ding through swamps and gulfs ; and over cow- traps, and quagmires, entertained by whizzing, boiling water, the nose and eyes being accommodated with smoke and embers. The other is remarkable for the symmetry and comeli ness of its parts ; and the beauty of its appearance as a whole, and its lofty height ; its stock being erect ; and limbs commencing near the ground and shooting up circularly to a great height ; gradually spreading and then converging to a point. Near them also once stood a majestic pine, such as is rarely seen even now in the green mountains, or in the granite state, planted for ornament, and having weathered the storms of nearly two centuries ; the admiration of the stranger passenger, affording ample room for a score of blackbirds in its lofty branches to build their nests within the sight, but beyond the tres passing hand of the truant school boy, it fell at last a prey to the tyrant alcohol. Cut down and converted into building materials, it went to repair the buildings of the rum-drinking and prescribing physician for his ineffectual, and even aggravating efforts to repair the rum-broken constitution and health of the owner, his patient! What then would that pestilential destroyer spare ? Shade and ornamental tree, it is hoped now in the prevalence of temperance, you will no longer be subverted by the stream, " whose waves of torrent fire inflame with rage." HISTORY OF VERMONT. 317 The beech is perhaps moresabundant in Vermont than any other tree. It grows fast and becomes a large and often a beautiful tree ; but as timber,, rots soon if exposed to the weather. As it regards the United States, this tree seems to be a lover of a northern, cold climate ; being seen not very often as far south as Con necticut, and less frequent in lower latitudes. It is found in every nook and corner of the state ; and the same may be said of New Hampshire ; but not of any other entire state, being confined to the northern and hilly portions of Massachusetts and New York. But it was found, it seems, in Italy, in what abundance, Virgil has not informed us, although he has so described it as to leave little doubt of its identity even with that growing on the green mountains (potulse) with wide spreading branches. 318 CHAPTER XXIII. Vermont well watered. — Water power. — Little subject to drought. — Torrents. — Floods in the spring. — Devastations by water. — On the banks of the Connecticut. — Passage between cakes of ice. Dr ou ghts . — Rivers . — Otter creek, — Onion . — Lamoille . — West river. — Valley through which it passes. — Its channel in sum mer. — In the spring and in floods. — Snow in different seasons and places. — Travel over drifts. — Snow bridges. — Seasons of plunging and slumping. — Funerals, and tombs for winter accom modations. — The winter of 1842-3 remarkable. —March and April. — A great flood. — Its ravages. — Prevalence of the ery sipelas in some parts of the state. — A season of suffering. — A young man perishing in the snow near Windsor. Vermont is well watered. The innumerable foun tains in her mountains and hills send forth streams and rivulets and rivers in almost every direction, affording water power and the means of irrigating the soil. It is thus less subject to the diminution of its crops by the influence of droughts. The channels of the streams and rivers are filled in the spring as the snow dissolves and the water descends from the mountains. Innumera ble are the torrents rushing down from the mountains as the warm sun of April, and the showers overcome the frost, and accumulated snows of almost half a year. HISTORY OF VERMONT. 319 The sound of many and sometimes mighty waters is heard a great distance, and the travelers way is fore closed. The bridges are swept away, and the vallies and causeways filled with water and large fragments of ice. Many a cascade is thus presented him ; on either hand water falls foaming and sparkling as the rays of the sun fall upon them. The scene around him is often impres sive, fixing his eyes attentively, and absorbing the soul. But this breaking up of winter, and the commencement of spring, with their attendant circumstances of deep toned sounds to the ear, and beauty and grandeur to the eye, are of short duration. For such uproar of the elements ; so violent is it at times, nature could not long endure ; and man could less abide its protracted continuance. The dwellers on the banks of the Con necticut are sometimes overtaken suddenly by green mountain visitors, coming without ceremony ; but with urgent demands, and requiring immediate attention. The rains and warm gales washing down, and scouring the sides of the mountains, innumerable streams carry each its signals of victory in uprooted evergreens ; in lofty pines, and spruce ; and beech and maples ; and timbers and plank ; the subversion of man ; and art and labor. These crowd their way through the numerous outlets into the Connecticut; and with masses and fragments of ice ; with spreading, and deepening and fast rising flood arrest the ears and eyes of those sojourn ing along its margin, even through the land of its name. Corresponding work also for their hands and feet they 320 HISTORY OF VERMONT. will require, that a suitable reception may be given them ; that cellars and stores, and chambers, and streets may be cleared for a temporary residence with their old acquaintance and neighbors. The power exhibited sometimes, in breaking up fast- frozen rivers by a sudden thaw and heavy rain is aston ishing. An example of it was witnessed in 1840. It took place in January, after three or four weeks of severe cold weather ; the streams in Vermont and its vicinity were overspread with a thick and hard crust of ice. In forty-eight hours after the rain commenced, this solid, impenetrable crust was broken into fragments like window glass before the explosion of a magazine of gun powder. The rise of the water was so rapid ; and its pressure so irresistible, that the ice-bound channels were cleared of their incumbrance. Innumerable masses of ice were driven violently upon the banks, prostrating trees and shrubbery, and impeding the road. These fragments were wedged in the narrow places of the river ; and forced so closely together as to make a dam, and impede the water, causing it to overflow. The Connecticut exhibited a singular appearance after the water had somewhat subsided. A sudden change in the weather taking place ; the high winds and severe cold sunk the current almost as rapidly as it rose. Hav ing occasion to go some eighty or ninety miles on its banks in March following, the writer witnessed the as pect of things after the strife of the waters had ceased. A crust of ice marked the rising and falling of the water as distinctly as the ridge of cream does the space HISTORY OF VERMONT. 321 between the full and waning milk vessel. The saplings and underbrush were prostrated ; and large trees scath ed, some of them being forced far out of their perpen^ dicular position. In some places its surface presented the appearance of a level plat recently cleared ; trees, logs, and bushes, and roots were strewed in every direc-* tion. The masses of ice were wedged and frozen to gether like granite blocks cemented. They were of every dimension and in all positions ; some lying level ; others edgewise, and some at greater or less angles of inclination. Logs and pieces of timber were made fast between cakes of ice, some partly imbedded, lying on the surface ; others obliquely set on end in various ways. • In one place for nearly a mile, the road was filled several feet high with solid masses of ice, which required much labor and expense to remove them. A narrow passway being cleared, it was like going through a cave with walls on either hand of transparent marble blocks. But the reign of spring torrents in Vermont is of short duration. As summer advances, the warm sun dries up many of the sources of the flood waters ; and reveals the channels of many a temporary stream. Even drouths are sometimes so severe as to give a brown sun burnt hue to the hills of the evergreen state. But these are not very extensive and of serious duration. So many are the fountains, and permanent rivers and streams ; so well adapted to retain moisture is the soil, that the sub stantial crops less often fail on this account than in many other states. Travelers passing through other places in 21 322 HISTORY OF VERMONT. time of drouth, and dust, and the absence of green grass and herbage, have often admired the unexpected verdure meeting the eyes as they approached the banks of Ver mont rivers, and adjacent hills and vallies. Of the rivers in this state, about thirty-five run into the Connecticut; and twenty-five westerly into Lake Champlain. Otter creek, Onion and Missisque, are the largest. Otter creek is ninety miles long ; and has considerable falls at Rutland, Pittsford, Middlebury and Vergennes. But generally its current, so level its route, is slow and sluggish like the creeks at the south and west. So long is it after heavy rains before it rises toward its mouth, that you begin to think that the waters have found a new direction ; and that it will escape the threatened flow and overflow. But its channel at last fills and deepens and spreads, and the turbid waters rush with impetuosity over the falls in its course after the other rivers, those especially on the east side of the mountain have subsided and become peaceful. Onion is a fine river and passes through a rich and beautiful part of the state. It was along the delightful banks of this river, that the Indians from Canada, passed and repassed in making their murderous inroads upon the first settlers on the Connecticut. One of its branches rises within ten miles of that river (Connecticut) and uniting with another at Washington, it flows in a north westerly direction seventy-five miles and empties into Champlain a little north of Burlington. Its channel for fifteen rods near its mouth is a solid rock ; being at this HISTORY OF VERMONT. 323 place fifty rods wide and seventy feet deep. Considerable falls are found in this river ; those at Waterbury espe cially are romantic. Lofty ranges of mountains crowd the channel into a narrow compass; and an enormous, shapeless rock has, in some past time been precipitated ; and forms a bridge under which the whole river runs. But so unshapen is it ; and so steep and ragged the cliffs on either side, that no use can be made of it. You may stand upon it; and view the wild and sublime scenery around, and hear the rushing of the waters. Lamoille is perhaps as beautiful a river as can be found in the state. Its current is gentle and tranquil for almost its whole course of seventy-five miles. It passes through a rich and delightful region. It is remarka ble that two rivers of the size of Onion and Lamoille should be discharged within five miles of each other. The rivers on the east side of the mountain are com paratively small. One of the largest is West river ; the Indian name of which was Wantastiquet. Its length is about forty miles ; and it passes through a romantic val ley, some account of which has been given from its mouth in Brattleboro to Newfane. A ride along its banks, through Townshend, Jamaica and Londonderry, till its stream disappears is delightful ; affording a great variety of views and prospects. Several excellent farms are found on its margin, particularly in Newfane and Townshend. Its bed in many places is rocky ; and in midsummer the water fleet and scant. But in the spring- freshet and times of high floods, its current is rapid and strong ; laughing, so to speak, at the effort of man to 324 HISTORY OF VERMONT. resist its force, and urge their frail bark upwards against its waves. Some of the dwellers on its borders have been called to try its strength, who have sunk beneath its surface, and been borne by its resistless tide into the ocean of eternity. The quantity of snow by which these streams are swollen in the spring varies in different winters ; and is greater in some parts of the state than in others. The summit of the mountain and its sides for several miles down are generally covered from the first of December till the first of May. But it is not uncommon, to see from the highlands near the Connecticut, snow-banks some twenty miles west as late as the middle of June. Snow storms are more frequent on the eastern side of the mountain than on the western ; and it is often good wheeling on this, while sleighs are running on that side. The same is true in a measure, with regard to tbe towns on the Connecticut, and those at the foot of the moun tain. In the latter, winter may reign with ruthless sway, while in the former autumn struggles to keep, or spring to gain her mild dominion. Leaving the third tier of towns from the river amid whirling snow and unflinching frost ; not even an icicle formed by the meridian sun at the eaves of the south side of buildings ; and going directly east to the first range of towns, and you see the difference of the same day, in the bare spots and the snow thawed and running in the road. The writer once went from a river town about the tenth of April, to a singing concert in one at the foot of the mountain, fifteen miles distant, with good wheeling to begin his ride, he HISTORY OF VERMONT. 325 found sleighing at the end of it ; and a passage shoveled through the snow for the choir to walk in procession to the church. On some roads the travel for weeks and even months is on the top of drifts six or seven feet high. You will here sometimes see frequent way-marks placed to guide you when fresh accumulations of snow shall- have covered your track. These drifts are made by hard winds in the first place ; and by passing over them often with horses and teams, and by the action of thawing and freezing, are rendered more and more safe. But this bridge of crusted snow is narrow, and a slight deviation at either hand will give the passenger a plunge ; that is, his horse will sink and flounder, and sometimes must be ungeared before he can gain a foothold. As the warm weather and rains of spring weaken this crust, these become treacherous, not to say dangerous passways. What are here called times of slumping and plunging now come ; and disasters sometimes follow ; and if some of the frailer craft navigating these straits should be foundered and wrecked, it would not be strange. Ped lars, from the lower states, eager to renew their business, and reach the new state in season, sometimes run their carts aground in these snow-banks ; and after many vain struggles ; and some fretting ; and severe reflections on the tardiness of the inhabitants in rendering the roads passable for spring travel, apply for help to lighten their wares over these impediments. When sickness and death, in such seasons invade the dwellings, as they do, remote from the main road, the 326 HISTORY OF VERMONT. aid of a whole neighborhood is sometimes needed. It is cheerfully given. Some twenty or thirty men dig a passage to the house of mourning ; and for half a mile your way may be like going down into the sides of the grave. In this northern region you sometimes see by the road side a tomb ; a public tomb ; in which the dead of the winter are placed ; and removed to the grave-yard in the spring ; so difficult is it at times to reach those conse crated spots during the reign of snow and winds. Vegetation is rapid after these snow drifts are dis solved ; and where they linger till the last of May near the barns of farmers, by the last of June you may sometimes find grass fit for the scythe. The winter of 1842—3, was remarkable throughout the country for the quantity of snow and the continuance of the cold. The northern position of Vermont would of course make her a partaker of these visitations. She felt their impressions, through all her borders, not a hill or valley escaping. The snow was four feet deep at Brattleboro, the first week in April ; and in the mountain towns from five to seven. The sleighing continued about six months. March was unprecedently cold ; the mercury in the thermometer going down often several degrees below zero. A young man, who had been to visit a sick acquaintance, returning was impeded by the drifting snow ; and after long struggling in the accumulating banks sunk down exhausted, and perished within two miles of Windsor. The appearance over the state the whole of this month, and nearly half of HISTORY OF VERMONT. 327 April was that of mid winter. The sun made little impression upon the vast masses of snow ; the wind being fearfully high most of the time, driving it into enormous banks, and rendering the roads almost impas sable. Teams meeting on the mountains passed each other with difficulty, the drivers having to scoop out with shovels a place in the snow in which to turn out. The rivers were encrusted with thick ice early in December ; but a thaw in January, broke up and cleared it out. Early in February, they were again frozen and remained so till the middle of April. At this time a warm rain coming, dissolved the snow so rapidly as to produce in tbe Connecticut a very great flood. Indeed the water rose at Northampton, Springfield and Hartford, as high within a few inches as it did in March 1801, when was experienced the greatest freshet since 1692, and has been called the " Jefferson flood," leaving even monthly date, and perhaps commemorative of the event, with his taking the presidential chair. The expanse of water in the vicinity of the above named places was vast, producing confusion and consternation. Between Hart ford and East Hartford was one unbroken sheet of water four miles wide. The lower parts of the city were completely inundated ; and much property dam aged, and much swept away. In the Springfield Gazette of April 19th it is said: " The rise of water commenced on Friday last, and continued gradually until about 8 o'clock A. M., yester day, at which time it had attained as we are informed, within about four inches of the Jefferson flood mark ; 328 HISTORY OF VERMONT. the great mass of water having been supplied from the mountain rivulets of Vermont and New Hampshire. The meadows opposite this town, so far as the sight extends, are a perfect sea of waters, extending north beyond the railroad embankments to the elevated ground near the centre of West Springfield, and south to the banks of the Agawam. The road for nearly a mile from the west end of Springfield bridge is impassable, except by boats." The Northampton Gazette of the same date thus commences an account of the catastrophe. " We are in the midst of a flood ; such as has no parallel within the range of forty-two years, if it has in any period within the memory of any man now living. Maple and Fruit streets are covered with water; all the houses are inac cessible, except by boats and horses and carriages." Then follow particulars of individual sufferers ; of one we are sorry to see it added : " Col. Dickinson, our eminent Washingtonian, has more cold water than his most ardent desires could crave. The water is within a few inches of the floor of his house at the lower part of Maple street. He has been obliged to remove all his animals. These worthy and watchful journalists were appre hensive, one would think, that all the subterranean springs of the green mountains and granite states were let loose to deluge the dwellers on the banks of the Connecticut. But surely the immense snowy fleece on the green mountains must have been taken off in some way. It could not be worn through summer, and HISTORY OF VERMONT. 329 what outlet so natural ; or prospect of disposal so favorable as down the valley of the Connecticut ? But being buried during the winter in these upper regions, they think that their acquaintance in those lower, would like perhaps, to hear from them in the spring. They would not willingly suffer their old companions to take such hasty leave of them, and intrude so uncerimoni- ously into the premises of others. But if such spring-tides must come and overflow the dams and locks, and give their early customers, the favorite fish of the old Connecticut, an opportunity of again exploring its sources and branches, they think themselves justified in taking advantage of such rain falls. They think it no more than a return for the pines, and timber, and lumber washed away from them, and crowded into the posses sion of the river-borderers below. There with plenty of ice for their summer consumption, they continue to send down the river, though long since precluded a share in the fisheries of its waters ; and their nets hung drying and rotting upon its banks. This winter was also memorable in this state for the prevalence of erysipelas. It commenced its ravages in the northern parts ; and in many towns proved mortal. Many valuable members of ^society fell victims to it. The increase of cold aggravated this disorder, and rendered it more virulent, augmenting the number of cases. A complaint this is, one would think, the very last to attack the inhabitants of such northern regions, and especially in so extremely a cold season. "But God's ways are not man's." His messengers and pre- 330 HISTORY OF VERMONT. cursors of death are habituated to all climates and seasons ; have no local and separate jurisdiction ; but intermingling and promiscuously doing their work. The shivering ague lays his cold hands on the dwellers under a southern sun ; and the scorching rays of the torrid zone cannot warm the blood and give color to the face of his victims. Fever and cataneous inflammation seek their prey among the inhabitants of the north ; selecting for their season of sojourn a winter of the greatest severity, heating the blood and burning the bodies of those surrounded by the snows of Canada and the green mountains, laughing at the cooling influence of frost and ice. These things combined ; the protracted coldness ; the deluge, so to speak, of snow, the high and piercing north winds, weeks in succession, the obstructions in the way of procuring fuel ; and of going from house to house, together with the inroads of this appalling disorder, rendered it a season of suffering and dismay. But by the blessing of God, this sickness went off with the return of spring ; and the hills and vallies were again clothed in cheerful green, and enlivened by the music of the groves. 331 CHAPTER XXIV. Earliest records. —State papers. — Council of Safety. — Its origin lost. — How chosen. — Its jurisdiction and power. — Tories. — Their families. — Examples from the records of the governor and council. — The first public execution. — Excitement. — Anec dote of Ethan Allen. — Treason, how defined. — Journal of the House of Representatives. — First constitution. — Some of its principles. — The custom of giving titles. — Origin of the supe rior court. — The judges. — How chosen. — Its early proceedings. — Places of holding the general assembly. According to " the Vermont State Papers," compiled by His Excellency William Slade, now (1846,) governor of the state, the first form of government was a Council of Safety. The origin of this council is lost ; the efforts of the above named gentleman to find any record of its commencement being unavailing. It is much to be regretted that this desirable document cannot be recover ed. The journal of this body commences August 15, 1777, the day previous to Bennington battle. From that time till the 17th of June, 1778, extracts are given from that journal ; a curious document. The presidents and secretaries are named, but who composed the council, and how elected, it does not appear. Bennington is the only place named at which their proceedings are dated, although many of the acts by them have no place 332 HISTORY OF VERMONT. specified, but the day of the month and the year signed by order of the council, sometimes by the president, and at others by the secretary, or deputy secretary. It does not appear that they had stated times of meeting, but met as occasion required. Its jurisdiction, judging from its doings and acts, was very general and extensive ; civil, judicial, legislative, military, advisory, supplicatory, dictatorial, minatory and final. There seemed to be no appeal from it. Its object was, what its name indicates, safely to keep the people of Vermont from the encroach ments of her external enemies, and from injuries, one from another. Its head quarters were in a frontier town as a bulwark against the incursions of New York, as well as those of the British army. The form of its first act, extant, is as follows : " STATE OF VERMONT. Bennington — In Council of Safety, August 15th, 1777. Sir : You are hereby desired to forward to this place, by express, all the lead you can possibly collect in your vicinity ; as it is expected every minute, an action will commence between our troops and the enemies within four or five miles of this place, and the lead will be positively wanted. By order of the Council, PAUL SPOONER, D. Sec'y. The chairman of the Committee ) of Safety, Williamstown." J HISTORY OFi VERMONT. 333 This must have been Williamstown, Mass. Commit tees of safety it seems, were common in these times of trial ; and the practice of Massachusetts, and other New England states, probably suggested to the people of Vermont this mode of government. The distinguished compiler of the work above-named has done good service in the cause of the early history of our country, in publishing so much of this journal'. They who wish to see the early and original mode of doing business in the state, both civil and military, are referred to that work. A few more specimens are here transcribed. " In Council, ) Oct. 8, 1777. 5 Gentlemen: This council earnestly recommend to the town of Bennington, to warn a town meeting, to fill up the committee of safety for said town. By order of Council, JOSEPH FAY, Sec'y. To the Selectmen of Bennington." Here some light is thrown on this unique body of legislators. The members were chosen by the freemen of the town. The selectmen called meetings to fill va cancies. Towns then were entitled to a certain number. But what that number was, — how many towns were represented, and what the names of the members of this council at any given session, are questions too late 334 HISTORY OF VERMONT. to ask? Are any individuals of that council now living ? " In Council of Safety, ) Bennington, Aug. 12, 1777. ) To Capt. Joseph Fassett, Sir: You are hereby requested to take a potash kettle, for the Hessian troops to cook in. Give your receipt for the same, and bring the same to the meeting house in this place. By order of Council, IRA ALLEN, Sec'y." " In Council of Safety, Aug. 27, 1777. To Capt. Joseph Farnsworth, Commissary, Bennington. Sir : If you please to give Lieut. Benjamin Cham berlain and three men with him, three day's provision, as they are bold volunteers, this council will settle with you for the same. By order of Council, IRA ALLEN, Sec'y." " In Council of Safety, 30*A Sept. 1777. * is permitted to return home, and remain on his father's home farm ; (and if found off to expect thirty- nine lashes of the Beech Seal) until further orders from this council." * Name suppressed. history of vermont. 335 " In Council of Safety, ) Sept. 8, 1777. $ Whereas complaint has been made to this council against you for disposing of cattle and horses belonging to this state, you are therefore hereby summoned to appear before this council, to answer the complaint immediately. Per Order, THOMAS CHITTENDEN, President." " * is permitted to go to Arlington, to see his wife as she is sick, and return again in thirty-six hours." " In Council of Safety, ) 19th Sept. 1777. 5 To Capt. William Fitch, Sir : Whereas Mr. Timothy Mead has, some days past, made application to this council, to take thirteen sheep out of the. tory flock in Arlington, in lieu of that number which he lost — this council positively orders that none be delivered until further evidence can be had. I am, Sir, your humble servant, By order of Council, JOSEPH FAY, Sec'y." " To Capt. Nathan Smith, Sir : You are hereby required to march, with the men under your command, to Paulet, on horseback, where * Name suppressed. 336 HISTORY OF VERMONT. you will apply to Col. Simonds for a horse load of flour to each man and horse. You will furnish bags sufficient for such purpose. By order of Council, THOMAS CHITTENDEN, President." " Mary Reynolds is permitted to send for her gray horse, and keep him in her possession until further orders from this council. By order of Council, JOSEPH FAY, .Sec'y." Those called tories in the war of the revolution some times went over to the enemy, leaving their families behind them. Their wives as was natural, made appli cation to the Council of Safety for leave to join their husbands. It seems that they were frequently accom modated under certain restrictions. Of tories, grades existed, as we find the first class often referred to ; but what was the ground of this distinction does not ap pear. " In Council, Bennington, Jan. 28 This day passed an order and directed the same to Capt. Samuel Robinson, overseer of tories ; or either of his assistants, to take under their direction and imme diately employ * and enter him in their first class, * Name suppressed. HISTORY OF VERMONT. 337 agreeable to the direction of the committee of Cla rendon. THOMAS CHITTENDEN, President." "In Council, ) Bennington, March, 1778. J Mrs. * is permitted to carry with her two feather beds and bedding for the same, five pewter plates, two platters, two baisins ; one V pot ; one tea kettle ; one small brass skillet ; the bedding to consist of three cover lids, one bed quilt, four blankets and eight sheets ; — one chest, her wearing apparel, and her children's ; and knives and forks. By order, THOMAS CHITTENDEN, Prest." Mr. Slade has also given specimens of the doings of the Governor and council after the adoption 13th March, 1778, of the constitution. It is an interesting record ; but our limits will not admit of but a few examples. They are dated at Arlington, the residence of the Governor, having removed from Williston, on account of its greater exposure to the depredations of the enemy. This situation is represented as very delight ful ; and it is easily credited as many such are seen in that town. * Name suppressed. 22 338 history of vermont. " In Council, ) Arlington, 2Ath April, 1778. > To Abraham Mathison, Pownal. Whereas, it has been represented to this council by Austin Sealy, that you have taken from him a cow and calf, which is either the property of this State, or his son ; this is therefore to request and order you to deliver the cow and calf to said Sealy, or appear before this council to give the reason why you withhold said cow and calf, forthwith. By order of Governor and Council, MATTHEW LYON, D. Sec'y." " Whereas, it has been represented to this council that the wife of late of Manchester, (now in arms with the enemy,) is very turbulent and troublesome, where she now is, and refuses to obey orders ; — To Stephen Washburn, Sir : You are hereby commanded to take said woman and her children and transport and guard them to some convenient place on the east side of Lake Champlain, where she can go to the enemy in order to get to her husband. — ¦ By order of Governor and Council, M. LYON, D. Sec'y." "In Council, ) June 5th, 1778. J HISTORY OF VERMONT. 339 Col. Samuel Herrick, Sir : Yours of this day's date have received. In answer thereto would inform you that Redding did peti tion the General Assembly of this state for a rehearing, inasmuch as he was tried by a jury of six men only. The members of the assembly not being come so fully before the time of his execution, so as to determine the matter ; therefore the council have reprieved said Redding from being executed until Thursday next, two o'clock in the afternoon. This council do not doubt in the least, but that the said Redding will have justice done him, to the satisfaction of the public. By order of Governor and Council, THOMAS CHANDLER, Jr. Prest." The execution of the unhappy Redding named above, is thus detailed in a note by Mr. Slade. "The curiosity which, not much to the honor of human nature, has ever been manifested on such occa sions, was on this greatly heightened by the fact, that a public execution had never been witnessed in Vermont. To this curiosity was added the strong feeling of indig nation which such a crime was calculated to excite at that period. Under the influence of these feelings a vast multitude assembled to witness the execution. In the meantime the learned council had discovered an important defect in the proceedings. Redding had been tried by a jury of six only ; and it was very unfortunately 340 HISTORY OF VERMONT. discovered that this was contrary to the common law of Great Britain, which required the verdict of twelve. Application was immediately made to the Governor and council for a reprieve, until a new trial could be had. The reprieve was granted at the moment the anxious throng were collecting to witness the execution. But with such a multitude, and on such an occasion, it was in vain to reason or talk of the rights of English men. They had all pronounced the culprit guilty, and were not in a condition to understand upon what princi ples the verdict of the whole, community could be set aside with so little ceremony. While they were agitated with mingled emotions of disappointment and indigna tion, Ethan Allen, suddenly pressing through the crowd, ascended a stump and waiving his hat, exclaimed : ' Attention the whole !' and proceeded to announce the reasons which produced the reprieve ; advised the multi tude to depart peaceably to their habitations and return on the day fixed for the execution in the act of the Governor and council; adding with an oath, "you shall see somebody hung at all events, for if Redding is not hung, I will be hung myself." Upon this assurance the uproar ceased and the mul titude dispersed. The foregoing anecdote has been often related to the editor by those who were eye witnesses of the scene ; and accords too well with the spirit of the times, and the well known character of Ethan Allen, to leave a doubt of its authenticity. HISTORY OF VERMONT. 341 The crime for which he was condemned and which was familiarly known in these times by the phrase "enemical conduct against the United States," was treasonable practice towards the country. Those guilty of it belonged to the first class of tories ; they, who not only did not act with their country but with the enemy. Mr. Slade has also given specimens of the original proceedings of the general assembly, and the superior court of Vermont. The first session at Windsor com menced March 12th, 1778 ; and the introductory par agraph in the journal reads thus : " The representatives of the freemen of the several towns in the state met at the court house in Windsor agreeable to the constitution and formed themselves into a house." The roll of representatives is not given ; and it is said, the names of those, who composed the body, cannot be ascertained. Capt. Joseph Bowker was chosen speaker; and Major Thomas Chandler, clerk- After the body was thus organized, Divine service was attended, and a sermon preached (by the Rev. Mr. Powers) from these words : " And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, all power is given unto me in heayen and on earth." The votes for governor, deputy governor, twelve councilors and other officers were given on the first Tuesday of the month, (September,) by direction of a convention of delegates from all the towns, called by the council of safety. This convention formed the 342 HISTORY OF VERMONT. written constitution of the state ; and which is to be seen in compilations so often alluded to, as originally adopted. It is worthy of perusal and re-perusal for the sound political principles and salutary sentiments con tained in it. It is too long to be transcribed into this work ; and yet one or two paragraphs cannot be omitted. If they contain principles too often departed from, a speedy return and a steadfast adherence to them cannot be too strongly desired. The spirit of freedom manifested will remain, it is hoped, till the everlasting hills of Vermont shall, so to speak, become as level as a western prairie. They begin by " confessing the goodness of the great Governor of the universe, who alone knows to what degree of earthly happiness mankind may attain by perfecting the acts of government." Section seventh, chapter second, contains an important principle and rule, not always recognized and followed. " The house of representatives of the freemen of this state shall consist of persons most noted for their wisdom and virtue, to be chosen by the freemen of every town in this state respectively." Section 8th. — " The members of the house of representatives shall be chosen annually, by ballot, by the freemen of this state on the first Tuesday of September, forever, and shall meet on the second Thursday of the succeeding October ; and shall be styled the general assembly of the representatives of the freemen of Vermont." HISTORY OF VERMONT. 343 The first notice of a superior court seen, is dated October 21, 1778, in the journal of the general assembly. "Resolved, That there be a superior court appointed in this state, consisting of five judges." The appointment was by resolution ; adopted as it is presumed by hand vote, and not by ballot. The record is : " Resolved, that the Hon. Moses Robinson, Esq. be, and he is hereby appointed chief judge of the superior court ; and Maj. John Shepherdson, second ; John Fassett, Jun. third ; Maj. Thomas Chandler, fourth ; and John Throop, Esq. fifth ; judges of said court. "Resolved, That the superior court do not sit longer, at one sitting, than one week. In these times of war and controversy ; of military and civil proceedings intermingled, a very common custom prevailed of prefixing, and affixing titles to names. Indeed this was customary throughout the country. In Connecticut the records of early times give military titles in their civil and legislative transac tions, as low as sergeant. Lieutenant is the lowest seen in the journals of this state; but from that upward they are plentifully interspersed. In the roll of the house of representatives in one instance counting seventy, you will see Mr. prefixed to names only seventeen times. The remaining fifty-three names, have some foregoing, or consequent titles, honorary or professional. Thus you will see ; " Voted, that Capt. Thomas Rowley, Nathaniel Robinson, Esq., and Col. Jacob Kent, be a 344 HISTORY OF VERMONT. committee to prepare a bill for the purpose of prevent ing some individuals, catching all the fish that pass and re-pass up and down White river, so called." " Resolved, That the wages of councilors and repre sentatives for the present session be seven shillings per day, and a horse one shilling per mile." The number of judges of the superior court, was originally, as it appears by the above resolution, five. It subsequently was three ; and then again five, as at the present time. The county courts have been remodeled ; and somewhat changed from the original arrangement. They are now constituted of one superior court judge, and two assistant judges of each county. All the judicial officers are yet chosen annually ; a practice liable to serious objections, as it has a tendency to render judges less independent, and more subservient to the ascendant political party. The subject has of late been before the public in various forms ; and it is thought the time is near, when a law will be adopted to have the judges of the superior court at least hold their office seven years, if not during good behavior. The general assembly had no fixed place of meeting for a number of years after the adoption of the constitution. Thus we find by the record of their proceedings, the sessions alternately on the east and west side of the mountain ; and at several different places. Bennington, Rutland, Middlebury and Burlington, on the west side ; Westminster, Windsor, Woodstock, New bury, and Danville on the east, are named in the HISTORY OF VERMONT. 345 journal as places of holding the general court. Rut land and Windsor for a number of years shared between them the alternate meetings of that body. At length it was decided to make Montpelier the seat of govern ment; and this, since 1812, has been the capital of Vermont. 346 CHAPTER XXV. Crossing the mountain in 1843. — Newfane Hill. — Stratton con vention of 1840. — Scene among the mountains. — Sunderland. — House built by Ethan Allen. — Birth place of Jeremiah Evarts. — Manchester. — Session of the court there. — Going to College. — Manchester mountain. — Spruce timber. — Peru turn pike. — Prospect. — School children. — Their salutations. — Ches ter. — Convention of presbyterian and congregational ministers. — Tract society. — Morning prayer meeting. — Narrative of the state of religion. — Sabbath School Union. — Rev. Mr. Munger. — Hindoo girl. — Indians. — Puritans. — Temperance. — Education society.— Domestic Missions. — Lord's supper. — Crossing the mountain to Bennington in 1843. — Marlboro. — Wilmington.— Bennington furnace. — Reflections. " Crossing the mountain," in June, 1843, from Brat tleboro to Manchester, the writer viewed again the de serted, desolate, ancient county seat of Windham, " New- ane Hill." Passing through Wardsboro centre, another eminence of early settlement, but beginning to be de serted for the vallies and flats, its house of divine wor ship standing unoccupied, and two others built as its substitute. Near the summit of the mountain you come to the ground trod by the feet of the thousands, marshal- e d under political banners, in the presidential campaign HISTORY OF VERMONT. 347 of 1840. The log-cabin stands yet, near which stood Daniel Webster, having before him the substantial part of one political party, middle aged fathers, and even some gray with years, and young men dwellers in the vallies and on the hills of Bennington and Windham counties. The lofty, conical peaks of Stratton, and the distant variegated views here to be enjoyed, probably .induced many to take a part in this political drama, as well as the celebrity of the orator, and the excitement of the occasion. Surely the grandeur and beauties of nature around must have softened the asperities of party strife. Descendants of the Knickerbockers met green moun tain boys ; and they eyed each other with more friendly countenances than once marked the intercourse of their fathers ; and Albanians and Trojans came to see the country once expected as a frontier bulwark of the " Empire State." Leaving this spot you soon enter Sunderland, the road running on the bank of the Roaring Branch, through a narrow and irregular channel. On each hand the mountains rise -bold and majestic, to a great height, almost perpendicularly, and taking the irregular and winding course of the stream. On the left bank espe cially, the towering summit seems struggling and almost succeeding to hide from the traveler the ascending June sun. The sides of these mountains on each band are covered with trees rising one above another ; and the foliage is now tender and rapidly growing. The pre- 348 HISTORY OF VERMONT. vailing color of the whole forest is green of course ; but the shades are endless and indiscribable. The spruce, and fir, and hemlock of a deep, dark green, form the ground work, which is filled up with various hues, that distinguish, with slight difference, some thirty or forty kinds of trees with all their distinctive sorts. The leaves, some in a forming ; some half, and others in a formed state, diversify the scene, interspersed more or less with dead, leafless, and branchless trunks ; some broken midway ; and here and there one like a naked mast towering above its fellows, flourishing in life and vigor, a watch tower, for the hawk or eagle from which to descry and seize his prey. The tops and branches of the lofty beech and birch standing opposite sides of the stream, their roots weakened by the united action of wind and water, inclining, often become entangled mid way, bracing each other and forming an arch over the water. The way in one instance, was directly under the menacing top of a large maple, its foothold being loosened by the recent heavy rains, prone and almost parallel with the horizon, it seemed ready to fall and impede the traveler, or crush him under its weight. But this danger escaped, he passed down the declivities, his way skirted by the flowers and blossoms of the forest, fresh and fragrant of beautiful tints, the colors of nature. The putting forth of the foliage in the spring at the base of these steep and high ridges is several days in advance of its summit. While the former is putting HISTORY OF VERMONT. 349 on the dress of summer ; the latter at the actual dis tance of no more than a thousand feet exhibits the nakedness of winter ; and your eye can mark the daily progress of ascending life, and the re-assuming of the vernal drapery. The notes of the various birds which visit these woodlands were heard on either side. It would be strange not to heed them, wending your way alone amid these works of God, who made these tenants of the air to cheer the wilderness with their songs, " hymning his praise." They seemed conscious of the shortness of the summer here, and were in earnest to accomplish the work assigned them. The snows of October had but just left these highlands, and the intenseness of June vegetation, and the kindly rays of the sun rendered them full of animation. Some of them were sending forth tune after tune, and song after song ; but no two of them alike. Others again were heard in notes similar but with shades of difference. One was heard, whose tones were singular and new to the writer; peculiarly distinct and striking ; and repeated at intervals with undeviating exactness. Reaching the banks of the Battenkill, the western border of Sunderland, a strip of land level and thickly settled, he found himself in the house built originally by Ethan Allen ; now a public house ; saw the office of the first treasurer of the state, on the opposite side of the road, now used for a corn barn, and was in sight of the house in which was born Jeremiah Evarts. The 350 HISTORY OF VERMONT. father of the present keeper of the inn, was his early school-fellow. Although this town is mostly unsettled and in its native state, mountainous and irregular, this distinguished son of Vermont began his earthly pilgrimage in one of its most pleasant and romantic vallies on the banks of the Battenkill. Nur tured in the bosom of its parent state, his soul was alive to the beauties and wonders of nature as seen in these sequestered regions where he drew his breath, but more so to those of redemption. After nobly running the race set before him, his " path being as the shining light, shining more and more unto the perfect day," at the other extremity of the union on the banks of the Savannah, he finished his course with joy, cheered by " wonderful " views of coming glory. At Manchester, the county court was in session, attended as usual, by grand and petit juries ; anxious clients and witnesses, and company-loving spectators. The strength of Bennington bar was here ; active, faithful, vigilant, sharpsighted, eloquent lawyers ; thor ough business men. In one of the offices attached to the court-house, an early settler was relating to some of his associates, incidents of his boyhood. He was relating the discussion of his parents relative to his future course in life ; the arguments in favor of agricul tural pursuits as placed before his ardent mind by his father ; and those of learning by his mother. It was not in the style of Lucian's dream, and yet one might be reminded of the consultation of his friends on a HISTORY OF VERMONT. 351 similar subject ; and of the marks from the club, for he claimed to have more scars than any other man in Vermont could show.* His mother he said, was for having him go to college ; and 'follow learning for a * At a family consultation, it was decided that Lucian, yet a boy, on account of his father's slender means, should learn some art, and follow some handicraft ; and he was placed accordingly with his uncle to work at statuary. With chisel and mallet he went reluctantly to the employment; but inadvertently let fall and broke a block of marble, which had been given him for sculpture. His uncle was en raged at him for it, and with a club lying near, inflicted on him an unexpected blow, which brought tears from him as the first fruit of his trade. At this'Ae runaway; and whimpering, with his eyes full of tears, went directly to his mother with a bitter complaint against her brother, insinuating, that the violence suf fered was the result of his uncle's envy at his early promise of excelling him in his art. His mother was indignant of course ; and let fly a volly of heavy epithets at her absent brother. Retir ing to bed, sobbing and intent on what had happened, he at length fell asleep ; and in his dream, saw two female figures approach him, one representing ' Labor' and the other ' Learn ing. ' Each of them was appropriately attired ; and urged on his choice in the most winning manner, her claims to his confi dence ; persuading him to become her follower ; and as is usual, endeavoring to secure him by undervaluing and discrediting each others persons aud pursuits. While the latter was speaking, and before she had finished her argument, he signified to her that his choice was made, and his purpose taken to become her follower ; especially as he remembered the cane, and the wounds inflicted as the result of yesterday's employment with her opponent ; and in some way, he seemed not to know how, become a distinguished follower in her train. 352 HISTORY OF VERMONT. livelihood,' representing to my wakeful imagination the advantages of such a course ; " white hands ; silk gloves and stockings ; fine clothes, honor, being a gentleman ; a doctor, or lawyer, or minister with a horse and carriage." His father on the other hand urged the claims of farming pursuits, " a farm with a hundred and twenty dollars ; raising calves and colts ; good crops of grass and grain ; flocks and herds, butter and cheese." His mind was long ruminating on these two courses, ' going to college, or to work on a farm.' The gloves, pleading law, preaching, and renown on the one hand, and the colts and calves on the other, filled his imagination and divided his mind. Entering on the latter course, he pursued it till it was too late to return like Lucian to the former. But in after life occurrences often reminded him of the opportunity of taking in early life a different course ; and sometimes made him regret that he had not done it. When he sometimes witnessed, he said, a preacher in the pulpit bothered, making hard work of it, hesitating and stam mering, and running on bare ground ; then he wished he had gone to college, and made a preacher ; he would have taken hold, and hoed out his row for him. When he saw a lawyer at the bar, finding it difficult to make it go ; handling book after book, and looking in vain whether at home or abroad for the right author ity ; or a physician perspiring over a limb to be ampu tated, mangling the flesh and missing the arteries HISTORY OF VERMONT. 353 running his instruments misdirected ; then said he to himself, O that I had gone to college ; I might have helped them and putting them in the right way hoed out their row for them. Manchester mountain west of this village, is the third in altitude in the state ; a most magnificent spectacle. It is often ascended by parties ; from whose summit the white hills in New Hampshire are visible to the naked eye. The green mountain range on the east, marked with numerous slides, made for the purpose of letting down spruce timber to the banks of the Battenkill, which flows here near its base. These slides, or inclined planes are made with care. If left in a rough uneven state, the logs sliding down with great force, striking rocks, rebound violently, and are thrown across the track stopping the progress ofthe logs following them, and requiring great labor to remove them. These logs are marked and thrown loose into the •river, and go down without much trouble where the channel is no more than full. But when the water overflows the banks, many of them stray from the current over the meadows and lodge among the bushes, requiring time and labor to find and tow them back. Drawing near the mills in the state of New York where they are sawed, they are separated, each owner collect ing those bearing his mark, passes them under a boom, thrown across the river for the purpose, and secures them by the shore. This business is a source of con- 23 354 HISTORY OF VERMONT. siderable income to the dwellers on the banks of this river in Vermont, especially where it runs so near the mountain, that its timber may be launched from its side, so to speak, upon its very surface. Returning to the east side of the mountain by the Pern turnpike, a delightful prospect in a southeasterly direction is afforded. A vast concave opens before you, and your eye runs over the tops of the forest trees; along the fields and vallies rescued from the wilderness by tbe progress of settlement, ascends with the gradually rising of the distant hills; extending its scrutiny over the Connecticut till its sight is limited by the far distant uplands of New Hampshire. In company with several ministerial brethren, going to the annual, representative meeting of the churches in the state ; passing a school house, pleasing remembrances of the land of " steady habits," were called up by the parading by the roadside of some thirty little girls to drop their respectful courtesy, enjoying the bi-daily license of these miniature kingdoms, ' the girls may go ¦ out,' proving to the passing stranger, they had not yet lost their manners, even in these sequestered wilds of nature. Their eyes and ears were arrested by the coming of half a dozen carriages in succession, and their line was formed in one order ; the larger ones at the head and the smaller ones at the foot. The salutation commenced at the head and went down the line like the running fire of a military company ; each repeating it for each carriage, and some of them repeating it two HISTORY OF VERMONT. 355 or three times to be sure of being noticed. May this comely custom be perpetual as the fountains and evergreens of this region ; and even make its way back to the land whence it came ; and where it has become, there is reason to fear, almost extinct. To.see exemplified then, one distinctive, and not unmeaning trait of Connecticut early manners, the traveler must ascend the green mountains. Retreating as it is, we fear from the shores to the lake and banks of the river, washing its eastern border to the highlands and citadels of nature, may its influence be conservative on the vaulting spirit of the age, too often seen in the rising generation. Reaching the village of Chester, situated in a delight ful valley, protected by the surrounding hills ; the main street wide and adorned with shady trees ; with two houses of public worship ; an academy flourishing and well sustained ; the soil rich, and some farming estab lishments seen in the vicinity of uncommon excellence and productiveness, the church bell summoned us to the house of God. It was the annual meeting of " the Congregational and Presbyterian ministers," held now for the first time on the third Tuesday of June, changed from the second Tuesday in September. Its business was opened by an appropriate and able sermon from the president of Middlebury college : " Honor the Lord with thy substance." The convention appeared unusu ally full; delegates and visiting brethren from several 356 HISTORY OF VERMONT. associations and New Hampshire, to the aggregate of about one hundred and fifty clergymen being present. In the evening was held the anniversary of the Tract Society. Resolutions on the sanctification of the Sab bath were passed ; an interesting communication being read from an eminent physician in England, setting forth the benefits of resting one day in seven as it regards health. The second day of the convention was commenced by a prayer meeting at five o'clock A. M., at the church. At nine o'clock a public meeting was held ; and " the narrative of the state of religion" throughout the state was given. Reports also on the same subject throughout the union and from parts of Canada, were made. The rise and progress ; and prospects of Millerism were alluded to in several of these communi cations. At eleven o'clock was held the anniversary of the Foreign Missionary Society. The meeting was address ed by Mr. Green one of the secretaries of the Board ; and by others. The wants and claims of this society were urged in an eloquent manner. The Sabbath School Union, auxiliary to that of Massachusetts, was held at half past one P. M. It was an interesting meeting ; schools from several neigh boring towns were present ; the scholars coming in wagons ; business wagons ; Dutch wagons, drawn in some instances by four horses, loaded down with boys HISTORY OF VERMONT. 357 and girls, twenty or thirty in one ; forming a procession at the academy, and following a band of music with their teachers and banner inscribed, " Feed my Lambs," filled the lower part of the house, five or six hundred in number, and presented an animating spectacle. The Secretary's report was replete with interesting facts and details ; the progress made during the year ; the number of teachers and pupils ; the amount of money contributed by the children, and hopeful con versions in the schools. The whole number of scholars organized in the different Sabbath schools in the state was estimated at fifteen thousand. The attention of the children was kept up by the manner of communica tion pursued by the speaker ; enlivened especially at the sight of an Hindoo girl, seven years old, brought from Asia by the Rev. Mr. Munger, a missionary of the 'Board.' Her countenance is intelligent ; and she understands English, as is evident from her turning her head, and showing the whites of her eyes as the speaker alluded to the { heathen child present.' She was a found ling, having fallen into the hands of a benevolent Eng lish lady, who provided for its maintenance in the family of Mr. Munger. Returning to England to see her own children, having furnished the means needed during her short intended absence, she died leaving this little outcast in the hands of this missionary with whom she had remained five years. On account of his wife's health, coming back to his native land, he brought her with him. She 'begins to feel that she is an object of 358 HISTORY OF VERMONT. curiosity and sympathy, and therefore to give her guar dians some trouble to keep ber in her proper place. Indeed this is the rock against which the ship Reforma tion is in danger of impugning and retarding, to say no more ; children not keeping their proper place. It was then with pleasure that the speakers on this occasion were. heard alluding to the training of the ancient Greek and Roman youth ; and even to the customs of the native Indians in this respect ; the means used to give them physical energy, hardihood, and manli ness of conduct ; and habits^ of due subordination. Surely means must be taken to guard against effeminacy, and too great forwardness in youth, elated somewhat by the attentions paid them at Sabbath school and Temper ance celebrations. Nothing but early restraints and Divine grace will secure them against the flattering attentions thus shown them. They may be in danger of overleaping their province, becoming vain and losing the goodly puritan customs, and of disregarding the Scriptural directions of rendering subordinate respect to superiors, and to all their dues. Invaluable blessings have resulted from Sabbath schools ; and these public exhibitions by the pupils and their teachers are calculated to forward and secure the objects of this institution. The suggestions of " The cold water army," with its banners and devises and accompaniments, was a happy thought, and a merciful Divine interposition in favor of temperance. It has formed an era in the celebration by her children of our HISTORY OF VERMONT. 359 country's birth-day which encourages us to hope for great and permanent blessings. The name of the man who was the instrument of thus leading the way in mar shaling " the host " of the rising generation for the con flict with the powers of alcohol, ought to be known and held in grateful remembrance. Bat evils sometimes lurk in the neighborhood of great blessings. To guide safely and happily the operations of this rising and increasing army, the coming up of sobriety's last reserve, and the world's life guard ; to see that " every one does his duty," and keeps his place and obeys orders, requires untiring vigilance, and circumspec tion and wisdom. It is the mustering of the Waterloo battle of sentiment; and demonstrations point to the great valley of the west as th© field of decision. In the evening ' the North Western Branch ' of the Education Society held its anniversary. Allusion was made by Mr. Nash, in his address, as agent of this society, to Dr. E. Porter, late president of Andover Theological Institution, who had called the Education, the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Societies a three fold cord to draw in the milknial car ; and as having bequeathed to the first named of these institutions one third of his property, fifteen thousand dollars. The third and last day of this assembly, was com menced like the second with an early prayer meeting. The anniversary of the state Domestic Missionary Society was attended at half past ten o'clock A. M. The first speaker, to give variety to the exercises for a 360 HISTORY OF VERMONT. moment, struck into a vein of irony and humor. " There is " said he, " no romance in domestic missions. All about them is matter of fact and sober reality. If one of the laborers in this great department of christian enterprise rises in these great and genteel assemblies, a bald headed man, perhaps, his hands hard, his dress and manner plain, he may meet with little favor and sympa thy compared with him, who has been over the mighty deep to far distant places, and bearing names of sounding notoriety. The imagination lends her aid to give color ing and zest to his representations ; and heighten them in proportion to the remoteness of the scene and the unknown language and strange dress of the actors. Sympathy and liberality seem to be in accordance with the distance at which the objects of charity are placed, and the hopelessness of reaching them. But to show compassion towards those suffering so near to us, that we can hear their groans and see their tears, would be too vulgar and savor too little of the romantic." If he had stopped here it would have been well enough, for contrast and variety. But when he added : " if money were to be raised to convert the man in the moon, if there be one there, he was ready to believe the enterprise would secure the greatest number of abettors," it seemed to be over action and in bad taste. In the afternoon these interesting solemnities were closed by the administration of the "Lord's supper." An excellent action sermon on the tests of true conver sion, preceded the ministration of the sacred symbols, HISTORY OF VERMONT. 361 delivered by the Rev. Mr. Plumb, of Paulet. It was a fitting and becoming conclusion of the very interesting business transactions ; and reports of secretaries of benevolent societies; and resolutions adopted and addresses made, which marked this annual meeting of Zion's heralds, giving an impulse to religion and virtue. By public meetings, in the above sketch, such are intended as are of general interest in distinction to the business transactions of this body ; and not that any of its sessions were with ' closed doors.' It is here inserted as a sample of what is generally done at the anniversa ries of this and similar associations of our country ; and as an answer to the inquiries sometimes made, 'what is the object of these ministers gathering together in this way from all quarters ? ' And also to remove the grounds of suspicion, now and then whispered in times of politi cal party excitement, that they are cabals plotting harm to the state. 362 CHAPTER XXVI. Improvements in manners and morals. — Dandyism. — Mutual sympathy. — First settlers characterized by a distinguished tra veler. — Early prejudices against evangelical doctrines and their advocates. — Law repealed relative to local societies. — Ministers of the gospel set afloat. — Their trials. — A sceptic preparing his own tomb. — Lock and key on a coffin. — Green mountain Farrier. — Roughness of deportment wearing away. — Evidence of it. — Manner of its progress. — Urbane and polished manners. — Increasing respect for religion. — In the young especially. — Disturbance of public worship at New Haven, Ct. — Capital punishment .—Crimes . — Profaneness .—Gambling . — Other vices . — Temperance. To trace the progress and improvements in manners and morals ; in the elegancies and refinements of society, is a task still more difficult and delicate. — For although the prevalence of dandyism ; the enrobing, so to speak, of man's muscular limbs, and the adorning of the male features in woman's attire, and with female embellish ments is to be deprecated ; although a pale sickly sen- timentalism ; and a shrinking, shrieking sensitiveness, and a spindling delicacy of form, are to be dreaded as inconsonant with the rough exterior of this world's sur- HISTORY OF VERMONT. 363 face, yet an unaffected sympathy, and inoffensive way of manifesting it, are desirable and do much to mitigate the ills and lighten the burdens of life. Whatever in creases human happiness, and multiplies the means of innocent enjoyment may be encouraged and cultivated. But the mental and physical faculties, should be pro- portionably and correspondingly fostered ; and strength ened and polished. One part should not be cherished to the injury and ruin of another ; one affection may not be kindled into a fluctuating flame, while another equally important to the system lies buried in the ashes. We should be neither all feeling, nor all apathy ; all heart nor mind ; but mind and heart united, mutually strengthening, and controling and aiding each other. As the body should be exercised and braced to a tone for all the changes of a green mountain winter, so the soul by a suitable discipline should be fortified to meet the vicissitudes of joy and sorrow; and go safely through ' this vale of tears.' Its powers should be consumed neither by the anguish of feelings and apprehension ; nor by ecstasy of anticipation and fruition. On this point the golden rule of the gospel, and the apostolic direction of rejoicing with those that rejoice, and weeping with those that weep ; in patience possess ing your souls ; and in honor preferring one another ; give safe and infallible counsel. It has been said not only by respectable, but by high 3jS4 HISTORY OF VERMONT. authority, that " the first settlers of Vermont were mostly universalists and infidels." The statement was somewhat startling ; and viewed at first as severe ; and gained admittance reluctantly. For it would seem to carry with it the impression that morals were low, and manners uncultivated. One of the chief magistrates in late years, as it has been said, is a universalist. But the same was true not many years since, if any prece dent was required, of Connecticut, if not in her supreme executive ; yet in him holding tbe second office. The early governors of Vermont were congregationalists, or baptists. Time was, it will be granted, when prejudice to a considerable extent was here indulged against what are called evangelical sentiments, and those whose duty it was to illustrate and enforce them. Their relations to congregations as pastors, was fluctuating and often of short duration ; and their temporal support sometimes short and inadequate. In allusion to this and as afore- warning, one of the early fathers, in the south part of the state, called to preach at the ordination of a younger brother took this text : " Death in the pot." The dread was so great now and then, of the union of church and state ; of any thing like a religious establishment, that the law of the state on which the settlement of gospel ministers was based and their salaries secured to them, was forthwith repealed, and they ' set afloat.' Their frail bark was indeed at the mercy of wind and wave ; and as the one did not always ' blow softly ;' nor the other roll gently, they had to ' let her drive,' HISTORY OF VERMONT. 365 and reach what haven soever she might. In this pre dicament, they had in some cases, to meet the taunts of some, who seemed to regard their feelings as they would those of a marble statue, and the apathy of others from whom they expected better things. " We've got 'em now ; if they won't comply with our terms, we can try some other herb." Bitter herbs of this sort grew in Vermont rather too plentifully some seasons.* But the soil has been subdued, and meliorated ; and more wholesome plants cultivated. The seed and the fruit have been improved. The support of the gospel is a free will offering, and what was dreaded as a frown has proved perhaps a favor. Examples of daring scoffers were indeed found on these hills and vallies. One of this description in a town on the lake-side of the mountain, had his tomb (cut out of the solid rock) prepared under his own eye'; for said he " I don't want the dirt and gravel rattling down into my eyes at the resurrection ; at the shaking of the earth and the opening of the graves." Strange concern this in a sceptic for the safety of his body after * As an illustration, the writer was informed by a pioneer clergyman, that a brother minister of his in a neighboring town being dangerously sick, his wife visited him with whom she found his deacon ; and while his good deacon was praying for him, and his wife weeping by the bed-side ; some of the rude parishioners, returning home from the tavern, run their horses past the house exclaiming: " The old priest is dying and we are glad." 366 HISTORY OF VERMONT. death ! In some quarters it will seem awful as it is ; and unprecedented. But is it any more so than that of the man worth half a million, who died recently not a thousand miles from Dutch Point on the Connecticut ; and whose body by his direction was buried in a mahogany coffin, and that enclosed in one of oak plank, to which was fitted a strong lock and key ; the key to be kept at his calling ; ah ! the key. What disposal he ordered of that is not so well understood ? It is no small evidence of the truth and excellence of the gospel, that inveterate hostility to it is so often accompanied with some obliquity of the intellect, or temper ; or bluntness of the moral sense. Indeed these sometimes give rise to it. For it has been known not to come up ; or at any rate not to display its bitterness till one or more of these faculties had received a provi dential jar. Some casualty ; as a sudden blow, or fall on the head ; or failure of an organ of perception, and sensation has entirely changed, their views, and feelings and habits, relative to the saered doctrines and duties, and institutions. A first settler on the Connecticut side of the state, and who may be called the green mountain farrier, lived almost a century ; and had often traveled its hills and vallies, and much in the neighboring states. He was tall and commanding in his figure ; wore a broad brim ; and in summer a white linen frock, running down to his boots and spurs ; his hair cued down in eel, and hands in deer skin, and tin trumpet belted to his side, HISTORY OF VERMONT. 367 which sounding loud and long, a terror to colts, announced to the villagers his arrival and readiness for business. Thus accoutred like Van Twilkr the trum peter, and mounted on a prime Vermont bred steed, with saddle bags, large and well stuffed with surgical instruments, and various other necessary articles of professional use and personal convenience, he had faced many a storm, encountered struggles often, seen much services ; won many laurels ; rescued not seldom from suffering and threatening death, and raised to their feet fallen quadrupeds not a few. In the winter his buffalo robe was the skin of a bullock, " tanned with the hair on ; " with the tail and hind quarters suspended from the back part of his sleigh. But he has twanged his trumpet for the last time, and , his like you will not again soon see. Exemplary in the observance of religious duties the former part of his life, a sudden and unconscionable change in this respect came over him, and clave to him with increasing tenacity the last half century of his days. Towards evangelical doctrines and institutions, he seemed to feel an increasing, and scoffing repug nance, seldom if ever going on the Sabbath to the ordinary ministrations of the word. On funeral occa sions, he was indeed, sometimes seen in the sanctuary with God's people on the Sabbath, accompanying his wife, a devoted, unaffected christian. But on these occasions he used often to go and return from the house 368 HISTORY OF VERMONT. of God, wearing on his head a large three cornered, cocked beaver ; the only poll, thus surmounted in such circumstances ever seen by the writer in the green mountain state. Being visited by the minister of the place and his partner by the invitation of his wife, he treated them hospitably. But at the supper table, without waiting for the customary blessing craved, or requesting it done, took his seat with his head covered ; and persisting to wear his low crowned rimer ; and his mortified wife reminding him of the impropriety, the only answer, or relief obtained by her, was, " my hat is paid for." The above particulars came under the eye and personal observation of the writer himself. But for the truth of the reports, relative to some wonderful cures performed by him in his early practice ; such as mending the broken backs of an ox with an axe helve, and which afterwards went to Boston under the yoke, he does not vouch. But such roughness of exterior deportment and man ners are gradually wearing away. Civility and gentle manly manners are keeping pace with improvements in Vermont villages and dwellings, and in the face of the country. A kindly feeling is felt for, and a respectful reception given to them who demean themselves circum spectly and consistently, in the various professions. To find what in cities goes by the name of genteel and fashionable society, is not impossible even in Vermont. You may find those whose manners are easy and grace- HISTORY OF VERMONT. 369 fill, and who understand the etiquette of polished society and can go through the ceremonies, in good style of social intercourse in all its relations. In the early settlement of the state, as in other simi lar circumstances, their immediate wants were the subject of conversation when neighbors met. They had little or no leisure to meet in mixed parties for the purpose of social conversation ; to indulge in free expression and interchange of sentiments on topics of general interest ; and such as the spur of the occasion might suggest. Their manners then like their external circum stances were plain and straightened. But as they obtained relief and freedom from the " bayonet of sharp necessity," they found leisure for the pleasures and benefits of social intercourse. As they tasted the sweets of confidential and mutual unbosoming of feelings and opinions ; their attachment to such sources of enjoyment increased. Suavity of manners then would be cultivated with mutual emulation for the happiness derived from good society. Thus the Vermonters have made some advances from the rustic in manners towards the civil ; and from the civil towards the elegant ; and from the elegant towards the urbane and polished. You see-evidence of this in the furniture of their dwellings ; their wardrobes and their parlor accommodations. The gourd, so to speak, has given place to the brown earthen pitcher ; and this to the plain white glazed, and this again to porcelain 24 370 HISTORY OF VERMONT. and china. In the place of the hemlock floor, has come the spruce and white pine ; to the husk foot-brush has been added the rag and homespun carpet ; to this the Brussels ; and to the Brussels, the Turkish. The tripod has been followed by the splintered and flag bottom ed ; and these again by the spring cushioned chair and sofa, on which for indolence and apathy to stretch their limbs. The bedstead of curled maple, native growth, and pol ished, they have added to the matress and hammock. Where they might once have been seen dining over a barrel head, a board placed across it ; or on a rough four- legged stool ; you may find them at a polished cherry, or mahogany, rolling table. The circular cupboard may yet occupy and fill up one corner of their best apartment ; but near it stands the splended side-board furnished with silver spoons and plate, where once were used pewter and wooden dishes, the trencher. You may see evidence of it in their neat and tasteful equipage and accommodations for pleasure riding and journeying. The barouche and buggy ; the light and pol ished wagon and coach drawn by elegantly harnessed Ver mont-raised horses, transport here and there those, who might once have Strode the haltered, raw-bone, bare backed beast ; or jolted along in the ox, or dobbin horse-cart. In the winter they glide swiftly along in varnished and beautiful sleighs, where their fathers and mothers might have been proud of a jumper, or a pung ; HISTORY OF VERMONT. 371 and instead -of buffalo robes and the dressed bear skin, glad to defend their limbs by a blanket or sheet. You may see it also, in the increasing (it it believed) respect for the teachers of religion and the institutions of the gospel by all classes, and particularly the rising generation. The expense necessary to the maintenance of divine worship and religious order and instruction, is no longer regarded as a necessary evil ; and thus a burden, but as a privilege and blessing, so rich the fruits in this way produced. The order of worship and the decorum belonging to the house of God, are more generally observed by the youth than formerly ; and this is a characteristic of this class which betokens much good. It is owing probably in some degree to the influence of Sabbath schools. The serious disturbance of religious worship either on the Sabbath, or other day, or in the evening, is not a common occurrence, but a rare one in this state ; and the children of the green mountains will not come behind their neighbors in becoming deportment in such places and on such occasions.* The internal appear ance of churches ; the construction and finish of * Sabbath evening recently, the writer attended a very crowded and interesting missionary meeting in one of the churches in New Haven, Ct. where Mar Yohannan the Nestorian bishop from Persia, and his interpreter, Rev. J. Perkins were present. While one of the pastors was giving the annual report of 372 HISTORY OF VERMONT. the buildings themselves in modern and good style, render inviting the Sabbath exercises and appropriate employments of that day. The personal aspect of the the monies collected in the several congregational churches, the audience was thrown into a panic by a sudden and tremendous out-cry at and near the doors ; as if some terrible danger was imminent. The house was scarcely restrained and quieted by being reminded by the speaker that it was only a repetition of what took place the Sabbath evening previous, a false and disorderly alarm. Whether it was the belchings of envious venom at the happiness within from the throat of Beelzebub himself; or the woolfish howlings around the barriers of the flock ; or the mischief making of idle, disorderly boys, to enjoy a fright, the stranger was at a loss. For it seemed each. It was certainly a specimen of ill manners, not often surpassed or equalled in Vermont. Indeed were all the bears and catamounts and wolves now left in the dens and caverns of the mountains congregated around some lonely church on some one of her deserted hills, and should put forth their loudest and most dis cordant notes, they could hardly produce such an uproar. This fact ought not to detract from the general pre-eminent character of that community for civility and urbane manners. It would be difficult to find in the union another place more distinguished for the general prevalence of unaffected piety ; for the richness of the means of grace and christian liberality. Few spots have greater attractions to detain the weary pilgrim a Sabbath, or two, to strengthen his faith and cheer his spirits on his way to the celestial city. According to the report above alluded to, more than six thousand dollars were contributed for the single object of Foreign missions, by the congregational churches in that place during the year ending in October, 1842. HISTORY OF VERMONT. 373 attendants on divine worship is not the least pleasing aspect of a Vermont Sabbath. It is interesting to strangers, as it often has been to those who have witnessed it, to see so large a proportion of the wor shipers, youth and children ; and of such complexion and neatness of exterior as to leave favorable im pressions of the internal regulations of families. Such would be found the fact on visiting the domestic sanctu ary; marking the progressive advancement of manners and morals in this state. Nor will woman's manage ment and example ; gentleness of conduct, comeliness of attire and manner of presiding at the fire-side and table, be found inefficacious in rendering this meliora tion apparent and striking. Much has been effected in this way by intercourse with the right class of society in other states ; and by the influence of many enlightened and exemplary travelers and temporary sojourners on these hills and in these vallies. Much salutary efficacy also has been put forth by Vermont mothers in rendering her sons strong, and "her daughters polished after the similitude of a palace." In common with others, this state has shared in the benign results of the Temperance enterprise. It has been productive of great, incidental, or collateral good; particularly to the rising generation. Some amuse ments, which if not sinful in themselves, lead to that which is, have been discontinued, or rendered less common. Card playing ; gambling, and the using 374 HISTORY OF VERMONT. of the name of God in vain ; unseasonable and nocturnal carousals, and mischief doing, less often annoy and offend the eye and ear of good breeding and morals. Many evils and blemishes of this kind still exist ; and call for untiring exertions to render complete the temperance reformation, on which much depends both in morals and religion. Some evidence of the morals of a people may be derived from the capital punishments inflicted, and the number of state convicts, or those confined in the state prison. Few comparatively have died in Vermont, under the hand of the public executioner. The same is true also with regard to those confined in the prison at Windsor. Crimes are indeed multiply ing ; and convictions becoming more common, as the population increases, and as foreigners of little or no character here take up their abode. During a residence of about thirty years in the county of Windham, no one was publicly executed ; and no one ever was ; and the same is true of other counties. Petty pilfering and marauding are not common ; at least they have not hitherto been frequent ; dwellings are left unlocked over night without anxiety for the safety of their contents. A distinguished foreigner, having taken up his abode in the state for life, writing to his friends in England, could hardly gain credit, that his doors stood with impunity unlocked nights, for years in succession. HISTORY OF VERMONT. 375 Morals then have gradually meliorated here ; and the elegancies and refinements of society advanced rapidly enough. Going faster, the danger would be that of fall ing into effeminacy ; and a shrinking from the trials of life. But the crowning glory of the state is the cheering prospect that the principles of the gospel, and that righteousness which exalteth a nation, are gradually per vading all classes of the community. The leaven of righteousness and virtue is penetrating the mass. The good seed sown, and sowing, is springing up, and will, bearing in some parts thirty, in others sixty ; and in most favored spots an hundred fold. What then was predic tion in the late Dr. Dwight, relative to this state has in a measure become reality ; the distinguished individual whose caustic language is quoted near the beginning of this chapter ; and with whose words on her future des tiny, uttered some fifty or sixty years ago, shall be closed. " Upon tbe whole, the state of Vermont, from the richness of its soil, the variety and richness of its pro ductions ; the salubrity of its climate ; the rapid increase of its population ; the hardihood, industry, and enterprise of its inhabitants ; the melioration which they have begun; and the more extensive improvements rationally promised by the influence of New England institutions on the present and succeeding generations ; cannot but be regarded as one important nursery ofthe human race ; 376 HISTORY OF VERMONT. and as a country where a great mass of happiness and virtue may be fairly expected in future ages. Many of the evils which I have mentioned, will naturally furnish their own cure. Others the wisdom and moderation of enlightened men will in all probability remove. 377 CHAPTER XXVII. Spirit of innovation. — Changes not always improvements. — Evils. — Multiplying out of proportion. — Churches. — Changing the site often and building new ones. — Slightly built. — Sanctity of time. — The proper materials for building them. — Stone and brick. — Frequent changes in the pastoral relation. — Consequences. — Contrast between the clerical and other professions. — Neglect of grave yards. — North burying ground in Hartford, Ct. and new one in New Haven. — Their location proper near churches.— Their influence on the living. — West minster Abbey. — Lord Nelson. — Incentives and examples placed before Vermonters. — Conclusion. A few additional remarks may, perhaps, be allowed on tbe spirit of change, or innovation. Allusion to this has been made in another place, as seen in secular interests. It is a spirit prevalent in Vermont ; owing in some measure probably to the circumstances in which its early settlement took place ; and also to her uneven and rough surface. Thus it may have been imper ceptibly led into the department of virtue and religion. What was improvement and going forward in the one case, may in the other become deterioration, and 378 HISTORY OF VERMONT. retrograding. For change and improvement ought not to be blended. Their import is not necessarily synonymous ; as every one knows that the former is alteration ; and may be to that which is worse as well as to what is better. But improvement means always progress in a more excellent way, toward what is more valuable and permanent. Of the improvements made in this state in various commendable ways, the writer has endeavored to speak with candor and fidelity. He ought also if it be true that sometimes changes are seen without melioration, to do it with the same freedom and impartiality. Multiplying houses of Divine worship beyond what is necessary to accommodate a community, is a change without an improvement. It was not so formerly. Time was when these sacred tabernacles were com paratively less numerous, and yet there was room. Comparatively, that is, they have more than kept pace with the increase of the population. It was more pleasant when all went together up to the house of God. It was an animating spectacle to see it full of attentive listeners to divine instruction. More union prevailed ; and sojourners together on these hills and along these rivers and vallies appeared more like brethren of the same family. The face of society in this respect was sound and healthful.; but now disfigured with spots and blemishes. Divisions with real differences indeed prevail ; but imaginary ones more with mere shades of variation, and shadowy HISTORY OF VERMONT. 379 grounds for separation one from another. Many of these houses are only partially filled on the Sabbath ; and some of them stand desolate and unoccupied. Being so common ; and in some instances unfrequented and deserted, they are liable to become a bye-word and hissing, thus diminishing the respect and veneration which ought to be cherished towards "the gates of heaven." It may be said, perhaps, that difference of opinion is the cause of these supernumerary temples of Zion. But that it is chiefly a difference of religious opinion ; of faith is doubtful ; or rather reason is to fear that some what else produces this spirit of change. They are monuments in some instances, there is ground to appre hend, of super-abundant self-esteem and self-will, which if a hasty temper had not cherished in an evil hour± might never have been erected. At any rate they afford facilities for continuing and increasing tbe evils of a trifling difference in religious faith ; and throw obstacles in the way of adjustment of minor difficulties ; becoming not only habitations for the bird of night ; but refuges for the screech owls of mankind. In the prevalence of local jealousies, or a malignant spirit they have become marks now and then, there is reason to suspect, for the torch of the nightly incendiary. Nothing here is intended against the rights of con science, and the liberty of each denomination to have its own place of worship. But it would be more pro- 380 HISTORY OF VERMONT. motive of the peace and prosperity of the community, if so many various routes were not taken to reach the same point, — the Kingdom of heaven. These different ways of seeking the same object seem to be increasing ; and the condition of things in this respect in this com monwealth, is so changed, that the contrast is forbidding and unpromising. It is also difficult to comprehend what necessity there is for such an alteration ; why the people may not see eye to eye, and go together to the place where their fathers went to keep holy time. It is melancholy to see in the centre of some farming towns, sparsely settled, almost as many churches as dwelling houses, and the spirit of rivalry between the different societies each to gain the ascendency to his side over the other. The number of religious teachers enlarges as the hearers in each separate con gregation compared with the whole assembled as for merly in one place diminish. The expense augments accordingly ; or rather the compensation rendered, is so divided, — is divided and subdivided between these public teachers that it becomes inadequate to their sup port. The consequence is that the means of grace are less rich and affluent than they otherwise might be, and the people themselves become in the end losers. The conditions then of a happy society, a happy village, as given by Dr. Belknap in his history of New Hamp shire, remain still ; and are as particularly applicable to Vermont, where agriculture is the principal employ- HISTORY OF VERMONT. 381 ment ; " one meeting house, (in the centre,) one clergy man, one physician, one merchant, one lawyer (if any) and one tavern only." Changing the site and form of churches may also sometimes be a change without improvement. Some times : for it cannot be denied but that such changes are often and desirable. But the spirit of pulling down and building over ; if not of remodeling may be too far extended. It was a remark of a systematic and sagacious merchant : " This world is old enough to have shelves for every thing to have its own place' and be in it." So it is time one would think to dp things right first, without the necessity and mortification of undoing what has but just been done, and doing it over again. The instructions of the past, and the records of expe^ rience are, in most cases, sufficient to secure this to attentive and wise observers. This is so much " the fashion of this world that passeth away," that is, to do and undo, that it seems desirable to find one depart ment in the pursuits of beings of immortal spirits, an exception. Where should it be looked for, if not in those connected with scenes and employments, which are never to end ? Should not then the utmost per manency and durability be given to the medium and instrumentalities through which these everlasting interests are to be reached ? Thus it seems becoming and appropriate that churches, which are emphatically styled in the sacred volume, " the gate of heaven," should be built in the 382 HISTORY OF VERMONT. first place with a view particularly to their permanency. The materials should be of 'the most durable kind, and put together in the best manner. Hence the practice in many places of building them with brick and stone ; a practice very commendable and which ought to be encouraged. Were it universally prevalent, or even generally, the evil alluded to, that of changing the place and building over, would not so often exist'. For few would think of removing, or pulling down stone churches. Other public buildings ; such as exchanges ; prisons, hotels, court and state houses, are often and very properly built of the most solid and durable granite and marble. Such is the case with the Vermont state house at Montpelier, as it has been described in another place. Shall the courts of the Lord's house be built of less permanent and substantial materials ; of stones less wrought and polished ? Edifices which point to ever lasting habitations, and a city that hath foundations, deserve, if any, to be founded on a rock, and to have their superstructure of the cedars of Lebanon, and the stones of the mountain, capable of resisting long the ravages of time. But how few in Vermont thus lay the foundations and adorn and beautify with comely stones these palaces of the Most High ? Having the means in great abundance in her mountains of granite and quarries of marble, and other precious substances, she is compelled to see most of her sanctuaries of common and perishable materials; and put together often by HISTORY OF VERMONT. 383 the lowest bidder, and in a light and superficial manner. Thus after the winds and storms of a few years, she has to endure the mortification of witnessing too many of them either dilapidated, or deserted, or demolished ; and built anew ; and handled over with as little ceremony as the most common buildings, and reverence for them in danger of being in a measure lost. The means of preserving any memorial of the spot where they stood ; and of their structure, she will soon look for in vain. But others coming up, Hydra-like, in new numbers out of proportion, her ears are stunned with the noise of the undertakers and lumber dealers,, as if engaged in the barter and traffic of works of ordinary interest. Many exceptions to this remark are indeed to be found in this state. A number of churches are built of stone and brick. Indeed Episcopal houses of worship are generally thus constructed ; and in a manner of outward and internal appearance calculated to impress the mind with reverence and respect for the objects to which they are devoted. To the American, a stranger in England, one of the first objects of curiosity shall it be said, or of interest and minute examination, an object too, worth a voy age across the Atlantic, if consistent with duty, must be the churches of several centuries standing ; and of in destructible materials; and adorned with evergreen, and covered with moss, indicative of their age, and per manency, and of the everlasting purpose of their erec- 384 HISTORY OF VERMONT. tion. Can the eye behold them ; look at them atten tively, without serious and salutary impressions being made on the heart ? The sanctity of time, so to speak, is stamped on them; and on the long line of the generations which have worshiped the God of heaven in these sacred enclosures, and passing away one after another like a vision of the night, crowd into the im agination, and affect the heart with the solemnities of death and eternity. But, say some, the business of taking down churches and building new ones, keeps the subject of religion before the minds of the people ; and thus promotes the cause of virtue and morality, by producing a salutary excitement. Excitement is generally the consequence of such a course of things ; but it is not sure always to be salutary. Unpleasant feelings and unhappy divisions are too often engendered. This is an evil so generally following the business of changing the site, and of building a new house of worship, and demolishing the old ; and apt to take such deep root, that wisdom and prudence recommend a recourse to it only when it can not consistently be avoided. This too would be losing the veneration and interest which time imparts to such consecrated edifices. If every ten or twenty years a change of place, and either a new house, or a thorough transformation of the old one must be the process of keeping alive religion, then it is no longer to receive incidental aid by the lapse of ages, and the stability of the good old way ; but by HISTORY OF VERMONT. 385 novelty and flustration. But is not interest in some events and objects often heightened by antiquity ? In other words, are there no events and objects to which time adds sanctity ? Transactions of yesterday, or even those within the period of several years, are often viewed in a light different from those far back in the gray of departed years. Even the same events seem to acquire additional zest as time recedes from and leaves them far off; as flavor is added to condi ments, and to the fruit of the grape by preservation. But this may be the case more particularly of objects seen by the eye. Who does not look at the oak, or pine, which has felt the suns and winds of centuries with more interest and emotion, than at the tender sap ling springing up by its side ? Events too, interesting in themselves ; and important in their consequences acquire additional influence over the mind, as the period in which they took place recedes from us. Do not the writings of Homer and Virgil ; of Cicero and Demosthenes gain somewhat on the mind by their antiquity ? Intrinsic excellence has preserved them and handed them down to us. But the long lapse of years since they were penned, sheds additional lustre and sacredness around them. We examine with more and more interest, the marble busts, which are said to represent the bodily features, which long since were animated with those gifted minds. Much more do the writings of Moses and the prophets ; of Jesus Christ and his apostles, acquire weight and 25 386 HISTORY OF VERMONT. influence by the lapse of time. Being stamped with inspiration, and conveying eternal truth, in which our souls are deeply concerned, the sublimity of their lan guage is heightened by the period of its date. We go back in our thoughts to the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth. In imagination we strive to light on the period in past time, when " the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy." So also, the place where God has recorded his name acquires additional veneration by the great number of years since its foundation and corner stones were laid. If centuries have passed from its dedication to Divine worship, the eye looks at it with admiration ; and the worshiper is inspired with stronger emotions of love and godly fear by past associations ; and by the knowledge of interesting transactions often repeated within those sacred walls. He recalls to mind the great cloud of witnesses going before; whose feet had so often passed and re-passed those entrances into the courts of the Lord. The innumerable songs of praise, and voices of prayer there sent upward ; the sacred symbols of baptismal rites so long and so often displayed and celebrated, conspire to admonish him to " take off his shoes from his feet for the place whereon he stands is holy ground." A French writer has recorded the impressions made on the minds of a ship's company, returning to Paris ; and after an absence of several years, coming in HISTORY OF VERMONT. 387 Sight of objects with which they had previously been familiar. The seamen were so elated when they beheld the scenery on the banks of the Seine, and the places where they were born ; and the churches where they had been instructed, that they were unable to keep their posts and manage the ship. "There is the church," said one, " where I was baptized," and "there" said another, "the one in which I vowed to the Lord ;" pointing to the spires and towers of the sacred edifice. Beholding their friends on the shore waiting to welcome their return, they became insensible to every thing immediately around them and pertaining to their vessel ; and the captain bad to call a pilot from the shore to work her to her moorings. These and such like things, show us that time and place, to which some say they have no particular attachment ; have yet much to do with our associations ; our puisest pleasures and severest sorrows. Many objects become doubly interesting and revered as time has stamped on them bis mighty revolutions of years and ages and centuries. Places also on which our eyes first opened,, and our feet were set, which impressed their lineaments on our young hearts, hold,. so to speak, the mainspring of our affections through life. How desirable then that these way-marks through this vale of tears., these gateways into eternity, be uniform and stable ; maintaining their position amid the changes around them ina measure unchanged ; that the youth born and nursed in them ; and by Divine Providence 388 HISTORY OF VERMONT. far removed from them during the vigor and busy pursuits of manhood, may in the decline of life, return ing, find them where and what he left them. " His wandering past Return and die at home at last." Changes thus made in them every few years with rude and hasty hands, rendering them more unstable and short-lived than ordinary dwelling houses, is an evil; detracting from the sacredness of their design and use. Vermont surely has a poor apology into this evil, abounding as she does in the most suitable materials for the bulwarks of Zion ; encampments for the church militant; whose defence is the Rock of ages, and Captain of salvation. But are the outward strength and comeliness and stability of her palaces for the Lord of Hosts, in accordance with such ample facilities ? Here it might be mentioned as another evil, the too frequent change in the heralds of salvation. Time was when it was different in this respect ; when the pastoral relation was deemed more sacred, because less often dissolved, and for causes more serious and urgent. Ordination services were once in Vermont occa sions of interest to all classes. The places where they were solemnized, if churches, were filled to overflowing ; and if beneath the shade of forest trees, great was the circle of interested spectators. But now little HISTORY OF VERMONT. 389 interest is felt in such solemnities beyond the parties immediately concerned. They go off still and silently, like the death of some poor and obscure man, whose fall is from an elevation so slight, and attended with so little noise as scarcely to be perceived by his nearest neighbor. Their commonness is the reason ; too great familiarity, breeding as it sometimes does, indifference ; and indifference disrespect, not to say contempt. The same is true also more or less of the pastoral rela tion ; frequent changes lessen veneration and respect for it. The tendency to such innovations seems strong and increasing in this state as well as in others. It is fostered too by the love of novelty, if not of extrava gance ; thus encouraging a spirit of unnatural show and excitement. The sacred enclosures of the Lord's vineyard become in some instances a sort of race-ground in which the swift-footed and loudest-tongued and tbe versatile youth become the most successful competi tors. Manner and impulse are more regarded than matter, and consistency and perseverance. This impor tant connection, that of a spiritual watchman with a church and people ; and which formerly was dissolved, in ordinary cases, only by the death of the former, is now sundered very often after a few years, and some times months. In short those who officiate in this profession, (clerical,) seem doomed to become early superannuated ; much sooner than in the other pro fessions. It is so viewed by public opinion ; and some of the leading brethren in the church lend their 390 HISTORY OF VERMONT. influence to cherish this sentiment. The lawyer and physician ; the magistrate and statesman are considered most capable of being useful, having reached the autumn of life, ripe in knowledge and experience, their gray heads an ornament to them, and emblematical of wisdom. But it is not so with the herald of the cross; the autumn of his days, far from being the maturity of his life and his usefulness, is deemed the chilling, benumbing winter of his barrenness and unprofitableness. It is high time for him to retire ; or to go to the west, and let some young man who has been there return and take his plaice. Thus many find themselves unemployed, and with no means, or very slender ones to sustain them in the evening of life ; reproached perhaps because they are not what they once were in the Master's household ; and even by those Who have mainly contributed to render them what they now are. In this Way the world's coldness and disrespect fall on the ministry of reconciliation ; and injury results to the best of all causes. But there is no disposition to extend remarks in this particular. The good sense of enlightened Vermonters will, it is presumed, seeing the evil, lead them to the right mea sures to remedy it. Another evil owing to neglect rather than innovation, is the little attention paid to public cemeteries or burial places of the dead. This is an evil not peculiar to Vermont, but certainly prevalent enough here for animadversion. She is behind Connecticut in this HISTORY OF VERMONT. 391 respect, particularly Hartford and New Haven, in which are grave-yards of unrivaled interest. Nothing can be more pleasant to the eye of the traveler as he passes by, than the north burying-ground in the former place, more pleasant and beautiful; that is, more becoming and appropriate to its object; the dwelling place of the dead. The white fence, neat and comely in front ; with a fine hedge of hawthorn within ; the convex shape of the ground ; divided into distinct family apart ments and named ; the marble and stone monuments and tombs of various dimensions and figures in thick but regular array ; the emblematical evergreen trees and weeping willows and beautiful shrubbery ; the verdant mounds and hillocks ; the graveled walks and pathways, render it as a whole an object of contempla tion very attractive. The eye lingers upon it, and reluc tantly lets go her hold. Expense has not been spared in ornamenting it ; but thousands of dollars have been expended by an individual to adorn and beautify his family enclosure. Great taste is certainly displayed in the exterior of this hallowed spot ; but what is more interesting to the stranger, a tender regard is betokened for departed friends, and solicitude to cherish a remem brance of their virtues. The new burying-ground in New Haven is known by report through the country, and many a traveler and stranger has visited and lingered around its sacred walks, eyeing the records of the mighty dead, and reflecting on their deeds. The place, the plan and the 392 HISTORY OF VERMONT. family lots enclosed by railing, were the selections, device and work of the late Senator Hillhouse of that place, and to him belongs the honor of laying out burial grounds into regular and distinct apartments, this being the first so arranged it is believed in Connec ticut. It has recently been enclosed by a wall and high iron railing in part of nearly eight hundred feet in extent, and at a cost of about fourteen thousand dollars. It is now a spot of great interest ; an example of the manner of laying out grave-yards. You cannot pass it without a strong desire to enter within its enclosures ; and having turned aside to visit it you will know not when to leave it. These places of depositing the remains of man, are thus noticed as examples and incentives to others, par ticularly Vermonters, to go and do likewise. They mark the progress somewhat of taste and refinement. The promiscuous manner in which the dead are huddled together generally ; and of course their monuments par taking of the same confusion, are unpleasant and forbid ding. Many such grounds of interment are seen even in the vicinity of Hartford and New Haven, the tomb stones being put up without pedestals, the ground freez ing and thawing, have been turned from their upright position into angles of various inclination. The appear ance is disagreeable, not to say painful. But in Ver mont where suitable stones for foot-blocks and founda tions may so easily be obtained, no such disfigurino- of these places need here be seen. Indeed it is not the HISTORY OF VERMONT. 393 case ; grave-stones are seldom seen crowded from an erect position. But the usual irregularity exists in the manner of burying the dead ; and great improvements may be made in the appearance of their sepulchres ; in their location and external adornment. It is desira ble that these melancholy depositories be contiguous, when convenient, to the house of God. They both speak a common language to the living, silent but signifi cant and impressive. They mutually illustrate and confirm each other's instructions and warnings ; the vanity of worldly pleasures, and end of human schemes, preparation for death, and the resurrection and judgment. The monumen tal records may with profit be committed by those, who attend the services of the sanctuary. They will thus remind them of the way by which the temple not made by hands, must be entered. They stand as witnesses before the whole congregation of the truth of one important part of the preacher's message ; and afford him at hand, illustration and proof as strong and clear as holy writ of man's depravity and helplessness ; and the justice of his sentence of condemnation. Some worshiping assemblies in Vermont are thus closely connected with these silent, but emphatic repre sentatives of the assembly of the dead ; and the windows of their churches open upon the narrow houses appointed for all the living. This is the case particu larly at Bennington centre, and West-Westminster, Chester, and other places. 394 HISTORY OF VERMONT. It becomes weak and dying man to show respect to the memory of those, who have acted well their part in the drama of human life ; and to mark the spot where fell his predecessor, as he would hope for the same from those who follow him. The watchword of Nelson to his comrades on going into action often was " Remember Westminster Abbey !" The departed worthies of England had there placed the memorials of their deeds in splendid style ; and the hope of having a monument in such society, impressed her officers and soldiers with invincible courage and perseverance to deserve well of their country. This hope cheered not the soldier only, not tbe naval commander alone ; nor the statesman, but the scholar, the author, and the man of scientific pursuits. In company with princes and generals, and admirals, you may find the graves and monuments of Addison, and Shakespeare, and Johnson, and Goldsmith, and Newton, and Herschel. A spirit then, it is hoped, will be waked up in Vermonters ; a spirit to repair, to speak in this manner, the habitations of the dead ; to erect and strengthen the leaning and falling tomb-stones ; to take up and cement the broken ones ; and remove the moss and retrace the inscriptions. You must do quickly what you thus do ; for some marble inscriptions will soon be illegible; and that prostrate stone ; that stone broken midway will soon sink below the surface. You may soon be unable to HISTORY OF VERMONT. 395 tell your inquiring child and the traveler, where lie the first settlers of your state and town ; and where was the first grave. Names may be con spicuous in the history of your state, exciting the interest and sympathy of the foreigner, but whose curiosity you may soon be unable to satisfy. You may not be able to point him to the place where recline their bones. Many facts respecting the early settlement of your state and town are going fast beyond your reach. The fugitive papers which contain their record are disappearing ; the aged and early settlers will soon one after another be unable to tell what they have seen and known themselves ; and what has been told them by their fathers. These may be facts interesting and instructive to the young and to posterity. Many scraps of biography describing originality and traits of character, are now floating, as it were, on the current of time, and will soon forever disappear. Who feel more interested in giving stability to such things than you ? Who possess better means of doing it ? These suggestions in the conclusion of this work are respectfully offered to your consideration by the writer, who has known somewhat of Vermont ; her sublime and beautiful scenery ; somewhat of the general intel ligence and enterprise ; the hospitality and urbanity of her inhabitants. With all her faults she has many things still to command his love ; and, how remote so- 396 HISTORY OF VERMONT. ever the Providence of God may call him from her, he cannot cease to remember the birth-place of his children ; and the burying-place of one of them ; and, when called upon, defend her in some respects, in compa rison with any other state in the union. Now his parting aspiration for them and every reader who has patiently continued with him to the end, is, that their course may secure them the Divine protection and favor; and that they may hereafter be filled with joy and rejoicing in viewing the works of him, who said in the beginning, ' let there be light,' and in survey ing from the heights of heaven the landscapes of eternity. END. YALE UNIVERSITY a39002 001155390b n^ '