( n fSS} c/ CUSTIJMALS OY BATTLE ABBEY. IN THE REIGNS OF EDWARD I. AND EDWARD IL (1283—1312). FROM MS8. IN THE PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE. EDITED BT S. R. SCARGILL-BIRD, F.S.A. PRINTED FOR THE CAMDEN SOCIETY. M.DCCCLXXXVII. WBSTMINSTEE: PRINTED BT NICHOLS AND SONS, 25, PABLIAMBNT STREET, '' Hi [new SEKIES XLI.j COUNCIL OF THE CAMDEN SOCIETY FOR THE YEAR 1886-7. President, THE RIGHT HON. THE EARL OF VERULAM, F.R.G.S. JAMES J. CARTWRIGHT, ESQ., M.A., F.S.A., Treasurer. WILLIAM CHAPPELL, ESQ,, FS.A. F. W. COSENS, ESQ., F.S.A. REV. J. SILVESTER DAVEES, M.A,, F.S.A. THE HON. HAROLD DILLON, F,S.A. JAMES E. DOYLE, ESQ. REV. J. WOODFALL EBSWORTH, M.A., F.S.A. JAMES GAIRDNER, ESQ., Secretary. SAMUEL RAWSON GARDINER, ESQ., M.A., LL.D., Director-. JOHN W. HALES, ESQ., M.A. REV. DR. JESSOPP. ALEXANDER MACMILLAN, ESQ., F.S.A THE EARL OF POWIS, LL.D, HENRY REEVE, ESQ., D.C.L., C.B., F.S.A. S. R. SCARGILL-BIRD, ESQ., F.S.A. The CotJNCiL of the CiMDBN Society desire it to be under stood that they are not answerable for ahy opinions or observa tions that may appear in the Society's publications ; the Editors of the several Works being alone responsible for the same. INTRODUCTION. A VERY complete and interesting picture of agricultural life in England during the latter part of the thirteenth century, a period at which the manorial system, introduced under the Saxon rule, had in its principal features apparently undergone little change, may be obtained by a careful study of the records of that date bearing on the subject of customary tenures. First and foremost- amongst these in importance and accuracy of detail may be ranked the Inquisitiones Hundredorum, or Hundred Rolls of 7 and 8 Edward I., in which are set out with marvellous minuteness the names of all owners and occupiers of land, the quantities they held, and the rents and services rendered to them by their under-tenants of every rank or degree. These rolls, how ever, are extant for five counties only: those of Bedford, Bucking ham, Cambridge, Huntingdon, and Oxford; and for similar infor mation respecting the remaining counties of England recourse must be had chiefly to the invaluable series of monastic chartularies and ledger books. Few of these can, I think, be richer in minute details respecting the amount and value of the work exacted by the lord of the manor from his tenants, the conditions under which it was to be performed, CAMD. see. a 11 INTRODUCTION. and the quantity, nature, and pecuniary value of the recompense in food or otherwise, to which the tenants were frequently entitled, than the Records of Battle Abbey reproduced in the present volume, in which several of the southern and south-eastern counties are represented. In date they are almost contemporaneous with the Hundred Rolls before mentioned, and it is not altogether improbable that they owe their compilation to the example afforded by the Royal Commission on which those rolls were founded. The frequent repetition therein of the phrase " ut dicunt " points, moreover, to the fact that they represent the result of a careful investigation made by direction of the monastic authorities on the testimony of the tenants themselves. The volume from which they have been transcribed is a small quarto, entitled "Liber Regius de Bello," containing 110 parch ment leaves or folios, and forming vol. 57 of the Miscellaneous Books formerly belonging to the Augmentation Office. It is made up of several portions or fragments which have at some time been brought together, probably with the view of form ing a complete custumal of the possessions of the abbey, but without any order or arrangement. The main body of the volume (fols. 23-66 inclusive) consists of Rentals and Custumals of several Manors, most of which are without date but in the handwriting of the earlier portion of the reign of Edward I., slightly rubricated. These appear to have formed portions of a complete custumal, part of which, however, seems to have been wanting at a very early period, the defect being to some extent supplied by the insertion of several folios of a smaller copy of the same custumal, evidently the original or draft from which the rubricated copy was transcribed. Thus, on folio 42 of the MS. the "Rents and Services of the Manor of Bromeham " break ofF suddenly with the note, in INTKODUCTION. Ill an almost contemporaneous hand, " Quaere in alio parvo quaterno," the following folios, numbered 43 to 54, belonging to the "Parvus Quaternus " indicated by the note, and containing, in addition to the missing portion of the Rents and Services of Bromeham, duplicates of several of the other custumals. Two of these, relating to the Manors of Hoton and Brithwolton respectively, are dated in the twelfth year of Edward I., which may therefore be fairly assumed to have been the date, approximately, both of the original and rubricated copies. This portion of the manuscript includes Rentals and Custumals of the following Manors, all of which are printed in the present volume, as far as possible from the portions of the rubricated custumal, those marked * appearing also in the draft or smaller copy; Alsiston, CO. Sussex, Dengemarsh, co. Kent, Apledreham, co. Sussex, * Brithwolton, co. Berks, * Bromeham, co. Wilts (a portion in each copy), * Anesty, co. Hants, * Crowmarsh, co. Oxon, * Hoton, CO. Essex, Wye, CO. Kent. The remainder of the volume is made up as follows : Fols. 1-22. Transcripts in the handwriting of Edward III. of several Rentals, &c., which apparently belong to a much earlier period. These include : Imperfect Rentals of several boroughs within the Hun dred of Battle. An imperfect Rental and Custumal of the Manor of Merle or Marley, co. Sussex, belonging apparently to the reign of IV INTRODUCTION. Edward I. ; and an Extent and Custumal of the Manor of Bernehorne, co. Sussex, dated 35 Edward I. Fols. 67-72. An Extent and Custumal of the Manors of Limps- field and Brodeham, co. Surrey, dated 5 Edward II. (An imperfect copy of this extent appears in a later portion of the volume.) Fols. 76-85. Rentals of the Manors of Limpsfield and Anesty, dated 15 and 24 Edward [HI.] respectively. Fols. 86-110. An Extent of the Manor of Hoton, and imper fect Extents of the Manors of Limpsfield and Brodeham, and of Wye, all of which belong to the fifth year of Edward II. On the blank pages of the earlier portions of the MS. have been entered brief abstracts of Rentals and other memoranda of various dates, some of which are as late as the reign of Richard IL, and many of the Rentals and Custumals tliroughout the volume have been corrected in later hands by the insertion of the names of new tenants and other alterations. From the later portions of the manuscript the following docu ments have been selected for publication, so as to reconstruct as far as possible a complete Custumal of the possessions of the Abbey, at the same time avoiding any unnecessary repetition : The Rental and Custumal of Merle or Marley, co. Sussex, and the Extents and Custumals of Bernehorne, co. Sussex, and Limpsfield and Brodeham, co. Surrey. The Rental of Wje has also been supplemented by an extract relating to the customs of that manor selected from a small volume of collections concerning Battle Abbey, belonging apparently to the INTRODUCTION. V reign of Henry III., and forming vol. 18 of the series of Miscel laneous Books before referred to. In the present volume the several Rentals and Custumals are presented in the order in which they occur in the original manu script, the various alterations and additions being indicated by italics. An analysis of the several Custumals, &c., is subjoined, in which the general character of the services rendered in each manor is described in detail, with such notes and explanations of the text as have been considered necessary. The principal features of the manorial system as therein illus trated may be briefiy summarized as follows — it being premised that the manors under review being all subject to ecclesiastical lordship, the more servile tenures would probably in them be less liable to change or extinction than in manors owned by laymen, whose necessities would render them more eager to commute agri cultural services into money payments than the ecclesiastics, whilst at the same time they would be less hampered by considerations of the interests of their successors. This is well illustrated by a comparison of the customary services detailed in the present volume with those specified in a later Custumal of Battle Abbey (Aug. Off. Misc. Boohs, vol. 56), compiled early in the reign of Henry YL, or about 150 years afterwards, which in many instances exhibit hardly any variation. The manor itself appears to have consisted invariably of two portions. (1.) The Demesne Lands, or lands reserved for the lord's own use and cultivated to a certain extent by his own teams and servants. (2.) The Assised Lands, or lands let out to tenants, either on payment of rent alone or of rent in combination with certain ser vices in cultivation of the demesne or otherwise. VI INTRODUCTION. The demesne lands generally included the woods and waste of the manor, in which, however, the tenants had rights of pasture under certain conditions. The cultivated portions of the demesne did not always form a farm by themselves distinct and separate from the lands of the tenants, but appear to have been frequently intermixed with them and scattered in various fields and closes or crofts. It is probable, however, that the lords of the manor endeavoured from time to time, as favourable circumstances arose, to consolidate the demesne by forming large enclosures. In the Extent of Limenesfeld, for instance, part of the demesne is described as consisting of " acrffi separales," lying in certain fields called Horscroftes, whilst another portion, containing 140 acres, is stated to be " infra um^m clausum et procinctum " ; and in the Manor of Merle most of the tenants were required to under take a certain quantity of hedging called " Gavelmerke," which probably separated the assised lands from those of the demesne. The tenants consisted of four principal classes, all of whom were required, proportionately to their holdings and condition, to assist, either personally or by deputy, in the cultivation of the lord's demesne. These were, 1. Liberi Tenentes. 2. Villani or Custumarii. 3. Cotta rii. 4. Coterelli and Coterl®, The Liberi Tenentes, or " Libere Tenentes " as they are generally called, were sometimes, as their name implies, absolute freeholders, being at liberty to give up or transfer their holdings and to quit the manor at pleasure, and subject to no control by the manorial lord. In the manors under consideration they appear, however, to have been almost all what may be termed " customary freeholders," who, in addition to the performance of certain common services, were INTKODUCTION. Vll subject to the payment of heriots and reliefs on change of tenure, and probably consisted of such villani as had been partially enfran chised by the commutation of the greater part of their services into rent. In many instances they were holders of comparatively small quantities of land, probably such portions as were from time to time severed from the demesne, or acquired by the assarting or reclama tion of waste lands ; and it occasionally happens that a villanus or customary tenant appears amongst the Liberi Tenentes as holding such lands in addition to those held by him in villenage. The Villani or Custumarii included all those tenants above the rank of cottars who rendered common or villein services, and con sisted of the '' nativi " or villeins born on the manor, with such outside tenants or " forinseci " as held lands therein for which customary services were due. The Nativi were so far serfs that they could not quit the manor against the lord's will, and were restricted from giving their daughters in marriage beyond the liberty of the manor, or from allowing their sons to become priests, and even from selling their cattle without the lord's license, for by any of these acts his interests might be prejudicially affected. The tenants in villenage are variously designated according to their holdings, in some manors the tenures being much smaller than in others. Sometimes they are classified as Liberi and Nativi only, the number of acres held by each being severally specified, whilst in others the minor sub-divisions are noticed. In that of Bromeham, for instance, the following distinctions are given : — Liberi Tenentes. Virgarii or Majores Erdlinges. Minores Erdlinges. Half-Erdlingns or Majores Cottarii. VIII INTKODUCTION. Minores Cottarii. Cotterise. The Cottarii were ranked apart from the customary tenants, although they frequently rendered similar services, and were under the same restrictions as the Nativi. As a general rule the Cottarius held about four acres of land, though in some instances tenants ot as much as fifteen acres are thus described. The Coterellus was a smaller cottar who seldom held more than one or two acres, whilst the Cotteria appears to have been a cottager without land at all. It is probable that both these classes served as labourers under the larger tenants. The services to be rendered by the tenants were of four kinds. 1. Precarice, works done by special request or "ad precem." 2. Opera Diurna, daily works or " week-work," consisting of so many days a week. 3. Averagia, or carrying services. 4. Occasional works, as in thrashing, mowing, sheep-shearing, &c. The Precari^ were required at the seasons of ploughing and harvest. There were two " Precarise Carucarum," one at the Winter and one at the Lenten ploughing and sowing, to which all the tenants who possessed any part of a team were generally summoned. Each tenant was frequently bound to plough in addition one acre in summer for lying fallow. The harvest or autumnal Precarise were usually of three days' duration; on the second day and also on the third, or " Magna Pre- caria," an increased attendance being generally due. A fourth Precaria was sometimes added called " Hungerbedrip," probably because on that occasion food was always supplied by the lord. In the Manor of Hoton the tenants say that at the close of the third Precaria they were " soleinniter depasti," a phrase which suggests the modern harvest-supper. INTRODUCTION. IX The Opera Diurna, or daily works, were as a rule required in their full extent only from the Cottarii and minor tenants. Occasionally, however, the Virgarii also performed partial work of this kind, for which they generally received a reduction of rent. Full week-work usually consisted of three days a week from Michaelmas to the following August, and from August 1 to Michaelmas, of five days a week, Saturday being always excepted. In partial week-work the tenant worked only from morning till noon, or from noon till evening during the foregoing period. From the smaller cottars only one day's work a week appears to have been required. During the weeks of Easter, Pentecost, and Michaelmas daily works were generally discontinued, except in cases of necessity. The Averagia or services in carrying formed a very important branch of the manorial customs, and must have pressed on the tenants rather severely, as, in addition to the ordinary farming operations, they were frequently called upon to undertake long journeys from town to town, or from the outlying manors to the Abbey with salt, herrings, corn, and other provisions. In the Manor of Wye ten Averagia of corn and barley to Battle were performed every Saturday, each consisting of half a seam or four bushels of grain, the total amount carried consisting of 264 seams or 2112 bushels. The Occasional services were of various kinds and degrees, con sisting, inter alia, of an additional day's ploughing, generally called " Graserthe '' or Graze-earth, one or two day's hoeing, mowing in the lord's meadow and lifting and carrying the hay, reaping and binding an additional acre at harvest-time, carting and spreading ¦manure, sheep-washing and shearing, thrashing, and various minor services such as ditching, carrying the lord's sheepfold when required, and gathering nuts, &c. &c. CAMD. see. b INTRODUCTION. In addition to their rents and services various dues were also rendered by the tenants in villenage, as of hens and eggs at Christmas and Easter respectively, cherset or churchshot, hearth- penny, Romescot, &c. &c., which are noticed more fully in the Analysis. It would be foreign to the scope of the present Introduction to attempt a comparison of the status of the English peasant of the thirteenth century with that of his modern compeer, but a careful perusal of the details now brought forward can, I think, hardly fail to impress on the reader that his condition was not one of such abject serfdom as is often supposed. The services which he was bound to render to his lord were neither excessive in quantity nor without a certain amount of recompense, especially in the matter of food, the supply of which appears to have been on a most liberal scale. In the case of some of tlie minor services the food is indeed occasionally stated to be worth more than the work, and the lord to be a loser in consequence. Those who filled the several offices of praepositus or foreman, carucarius, shepherd, swineherd, &c., and who were generally chosen by the lord of the manor from the customary tenants, had due allowance made to them either in reduced rental or in exemption from other services, in one instance the lord even undertaking to plough for two of such officers a certain number of acres with his own team whilst they were, it may be supposed, occupied in his affairs. With the one exception of the restrictions imposed on the personal liberty of most of the villein tenants, the reasons for which are, however, obvious, the manorial system appears in fact to have constituted originally a fair and equitable scheme of co-operative industry, and to have maintained that character to a great extent throughout its subsequent modifica tions. If I have succeeded in placing the materials contained in the pre- INTRODUCTION. XI sent volume before the reader in a clear and intelligible form, the task I have set myself will be accomplished, and I shall be content to leave to other and abler hands the construction of the historical edifice, for which I trust they will be thus rendered more easily available. The much-abbreviated Latin of the original MS. has been, as far as possible, extended in the transcript, and I venture to hope that, with the aid of the glossary at the end of the volume, a mass of interesting information will be thereby thrown open to the general reader to whom the Latin of monkish scribes, in its original garb, is often a comparatively unknown tongue. A few errata, which have almost unavoidably crept into the text, are noticed at the end of the Analysis, to which the attention of the reader is now invited, in the hope that its perusal may be sufficiently interesting to lead him to a closer study of the text than the limited amount of time at my disposal has permitted. S. R, SCAKGILL-BlKD. Public Record Office, December, 1886. ANALYSIS AND NOTES. Merle ob Makley, Co. Sussex. Pp. 1-16. The Rental and Custumalof Merle is without heading or date and appears to be a transcript, made about the reign of Edward III., of a much earlier Custumal in which many corrections and additions have been made by the insertion of the names of new tenants, &c. In the present volume these alterations are indicated by being printed in italics. It commences with an account of the rents due from certain tenements described as " Terra Bovis " (consisting apparently o^ lands, &c., formerly belonging to the fee of Walter de Bosuf, one of the early benefactors of the Abbey), and from lands in the hands of the Custos or Keeper of Merle, for the rent of which he is responsible. Then follow the names and tenures of 16 tenants in villenage, subsequently described as " Nativi," who hold between them 9^ wistas or virgates, the rents and services due from each being fully described, as also those due from 3f wistas "devoluta" or fallen in to the Manor, for which the Custos performs the services, and from ^ wista " included in the new park of Bromeham." ANALYSIS AND NOTES. xiii The term " Wista" seems to be pecuhar to some of the Sussex manors and is equivalent to the " Virgate " of other counties, as appears from the following memorandum, in a somewhat later hand, on folio 60 of the MS. : "Nota quod virgata terrse et wysta idem sunt et unum significant: Virgata seu wysta est sextadecima pars unius feodi militis ; Quatuor virgatse seu wystse faciunt unam hydam : Quatuor hydse faciunt unum feodum militis." There were also " Magnse Wistse," each of which appears to have been, as regards services at least, equivalent to half a hide. ( Vide Custumal of Alsiston, p. 29.) Most of the foregoing tenants in addition to their rent paid Herthyeld and Romescot, that is. Hearth-penny and Peter's Pence, and also a stated sum, " ad stipendium Prsepositi." The following, with occasional slight variations, were the services due from each tenant of half a wista or virgate, the tenants of entire wistas rendering double services. It will be remarked that in this Manor loaves and herrings appear to have been regarded as the standard of value, 4 loaves " de ma- joribus," or 6 " de minoribus," and 12 herrings being each equiva lent to 1 d. As, however, in some cases the fractional part of a herring is brought into requisition to represent the amount of recompense due for certain services (one tenant being entitled to receive a loaf and a quarter and the fourth part of three herrings), the payment could hardly have been made invariably in kind. To carry 2 ambrEB, 2 bushels and a half of salt (i.e. lOJ bushels), receiving therefor 7 loaves and a half valued at 1 J d. ; To carry 1000 herrings from Winchelsea, Hastings, or Bolwareheth, to the Abbey, receiving 2 loaves and 6 herrings valued at ;J d.; XIV ANALYSIS AND NOTES. To plough an acre and a quarter of land (the ploughing of an acre being valued at 12 d.),* receiving 2 loaves and a half and 7 herrings and a half, valued at Id.; To find a man to mow and spread hay for two days, receiving each day 2 loaves and a half, soup, drink (generally 1 gallon), ^ a dish or mess of meat (luedie.tatem unius ferculi), and cheese, valued altogether at 2 d. per diem ; To carry 3 loads of hay from the meadow to the Abbey, receiving 3 loaves and 9 herrings or whitings (merleng') ; To provide a cart with two oxen to carry the manure from the Abbey (a service which usually occupied two days), and on the second Jay to find a labourer to fill the cart, the driver and labourer receiving their food in the common hall ; To find one man to work in the garden or elsewhere for 30 days during the year, a whole day's work between Michaelmas and Hockday being reckoned as a work and a half, and between Hockday and Michael mas as two works, each work being valued at ;| d., and the tenant receiving for the whole 32-^ loaves, value 8 d. To enclose 5 rods (virgatas) of fence called " Gavelmerke," f receiving 1 loaf and 3 herrings. The value of the foregoing services, exclusive of the food, is estimated at 6 s. per annum. Several of the tenants were in addition to attend two " precarise carucarum " in the year, that is to say, the Winter and Lenten ploughings respectively, " cum caruca sua," with their plough- teams ; those, however, who did not possess an entire team were to send all the oxen they had with one man in charge thereof, who, * The valne of this service appears to have been greatly over-estimated. In the Extents contained in the present volume the arable land is generally said to be worth only from 5 d. to 12 d. per acre. This may however represent the nett value, over and above the expense of cultivation. f It seems probable that the term " Gavelmerke" indicates the division or boundary between the " gafol-land," or land let to the tenants and the lord's demesne. ANALYSIS AND NOTES. XV if not employed as a ploughman, was to perform whatever services were required of him until the teams were discharged, "usque ad disjunctionem carucarum." Moreover, all the aforesaid "nativi" were to carry one half the Abbot's wine from Winchelsea to Battle, the Custos of Merle pro viding for the carriage of the other half. The amount of wine to be carried was estimated at 15 casks in ordinary years, the tenants contributing to the performance of this service in proportion to their holdings, one providing " a man and two oxen," another " half a man and one ox," another " half an ox," so that considerable ingenuity must have been exercised in carrying out the co-operation. For the carriage of each cask, which was valued at 5 s. the tenants were to receive 40 large loaves worth 10 d. and six-score herrings worth 10 d., the carriage of a cask being thus worth 3 s. 4 d. clear, and the whole service worth 50 s. Bernehorne, Co. Sussex. Pp. 17-25. The Rental or Custumal of Bernehorne is preceded by an Extent or Valuation of the Manor dated 35 Edward I., from which the Demesne appears to have consisted of 464 acres 3 roods of arable land ; * 13 acres 1 rood of meadow ; and 12 acres of wood. The arable land is subdivided into " Terra Maritima," land near the sea-shore, or salt marshes, ofwhich there were 167 acres 3 roods, valued at 12 d. per acre; " Terra Brocalis," woody or marshy ground, of which there were * By an error in the original MS. this total is given as 444 acres, 3 roods. XVI ANALYSIS AND NOTES. 101 acres, said to be worth 4d. an acre; but, "si fuerint com petenter assewiatse," if they were sufficiently drained, each acre would be worth 10 d. ; And " Terra Susana, et Campestres," unsound and uncultivated lands or flats, worth from 3d. to 6 d. an acre, of which there were 196 acres. Besides the foregoing, there were 193 acres of Assised lands, of which : 8 Liberi Tenentes held together 48 acres, 40 acres being held by one tenant; 7 Nativi held 132 acres ; and 18 Coterelli about 13 acres. Three of the Nativi held each a messuage and 30 acres of land, and from each of them the following services were due : To harrow for 2 days at the Lenten sowing, with one man and his own horse and harrow, receiving 3 meals each day (the work is valued at 4d. and the food at 5 d.* " et sic erit dominus perdeas 1 d.") To carry manure for two days, with a cart and two oxen, receiving food as before ; To find a man to mow for two days receiving food as above ; it is estimated that he can mow 1^ acres in the two days ; To gather and lift the hay so mown, receiving 2 meals for one man ; To carry the lord's hay for one day with a cart and three of the tenant's own beasts, receiving 3 meals as before ; To carry beans or oats for two days in the autumn, and wood for two days in the summer, in the san\e manner and with the same food as before ; To find a man for two days to cut down heath, receiving 3 meals a day (this service is also stated to be of less value than the food) ; * The value of the meals is given in the original MS. as iij d., which, by com parison with subsequent entries, is clearly an error ; the figures moreover are written over an erasure and appear to be a subsequent interpolation. ANALYSIS AND NOTES. Xvii To carry away the heath when cut, receiving 3 meals, valued at 2id.; To carry wheat to Battle twice in the summer, on each occasion half a seam or load, for which he is to receive each time one meal, the value of the food being 2 d. It will be observed that no mention is made in the foregoing ser vices of either ploughing or reaping ; this may be accounted for by the uncultivated character of the greater portion of the demesne, for the rest of which the lord's own teams would probably suffice. All the Nativi were forbidden to give their daughters in marriage (beyond the limits of the manor), or to cause their sons to become priests (facere filios suos coronari), without the licence of the lord ; nor could they cut down the timber growing on their several tene ments without the licence and approval of the Bailiff or Sergeant of the manor, and then only for building purposes. On the death of any Nativus the lord was to receive his best animal as heriot (but if he had no living animal no heriot was taken), and a year's rent was to be paid by his heirs as a fine " pro ingressu." The Coterelli rendered no services on their own account, being probably labourers under the larger tenants, but were subject to the same restrictions as the Nativi and also to the same heriots and fines. A similar extent is appended of certain tenements belonging to the Manor of Bixle acqitired from the Bishop of Chichester. Alsistun, Co. Sussex. Pp. 26-41. In the Rental of Alsistun 15 customary tenants are specified, 9 of whom held half a hide each, the remaining tenures being as follows : CAMD. soc. c XVm ANALYSIS AND NOTES. 1 hide, J hide and 1 wista, 1 wista and one great wista, 3 wistas and 1 great wista, 1 wista, 1 wista. The Prsepositus of the Manor also held 1 wista, for which he rendered no service so long as he retained his office. The following services were due from each half-hide and one-half thereof from each wista or quarter-hide : Every half-hide owed to the lord, on every working day, the services of one man, who was to do whatever should be required of him ; the amount of labour representing a " fair day's work " being thus specified : If thrashing was required three men ought to thrash in a day half a seam and half a bushel ( = 4J bushels) of corn, or two men half a seam (4 bushels) of barley, or each man 6 bushels of oats ; and of beans and vetches the same quantity as of corn ; They were to thrash in whatever barn they might be directed to do (so long as it was within the boundaries of the manor), and to winnow what they had thrashed and carry it to the granary, and if it were far to the granary to employ their cattle in carrying it ; If ditching (opus fossorium) was required, two men were to make in a day 1 perch of new ditch, 5 feet in width, or each man to repair 1 perch of old ; If other work was required of them they were to work until their fellows had finished their work in the barn ; In ploughing and harrowing they were to work till it was time to un harness the plough; When they had to break clods (torrare), to wash or shear sheep, to hoe corn, and to mow or gather hay, they were to work the whole day except the dinner-hour ; In addition to the ordinary day-work each half-hide was to find a man for one day to gather the hay ; and also a man to mow and cock hay for one day ; and they were to carry the whole of the hay, each half-hide with two oxen ; ANALYSIS AND NOTES. XIX If necessary each half-hide was to find two men to reap in the lord's field, receiving therefor every tenth sheaf, — or, if the lord should prefer it, each half-hide was to reap in a day an acre of com or oats or half an acre of barley or vetches with as many men as they chose, receiving every tenth sheaf ; • They were to carry all the corn, each half-hide with two oxen ; Also each half- hide was to find two men and two oxen to cart manure till it was all carted away ; To plough one acre for corn once and to sow half of it, providing the seed; To plough one acre for barley twice, and two acres for oats once, to carry the seed for the same from the granary to the field, and to harrow the same; Every half-hide was also, to carry 4 loSids of wood yearly to the lord's hearth, and when he was building, a cart-load of timber ; If it were necessary to fetch grain from Seford or elsewhere near, each half-hide was to go with one beast twice a-day, or if further, once a-day, such service being reckoned as one day's work ; Each was also to provide and make four rafters (cheveruns) with the appurtenances, and the roofing for the lord's sheep-cote (ad hlosam domini), except with great timber, this being reckoned as two days' work; Also to carry to Battle every Monday ; if, however, the tenant's mare was dead or foaling, he was to be quit from one " averagium," but he was to work instead. The tenants were also to carry wheresoever and whensoever required, but, unless ihey could return home at nightfall, at the lord's expense; and when they were employed in carrying service or in ploughing they were free from day work ; and, in autumn, if they had carried three loads of grain and were hindered by the rain from carrying more, they were quit of work for that day ; but if less than three loads, they were to thrash or to perform any other work that might be required of them. The two Great Wistas were to render the same services as half a XX ANALYSIS AND NOTES. hide except that they did not reap nor thrash ; each of them was, however, to fetch a cart-load of timber for making ploughs ; and upon them devolved the duty of sheltering the guests of the Abbot or of the monks and their horses ; they were also to drive the lord's swine to and from the wood at Battle or Limenesfeld. There were also 4 Cottarii in Alsistun, whose holdings are npt specified, from whom the following services were required : Prom Michaelmas to hoeing-time (usque ad tempus sarculationis) to perform two days' work a week, namely-on Monday and Wednesday, and (as they say) to do no other works except to thrash, to break clods, and to spread hay when necessary ; At Christmas each was to carry to Battle 12 hens, and at Easter 250 eggs, and they were to be free from work for 12 days at Christmas and " a die Paraceves," from Holy Friday to the Octaves of Easter ; They were to hoe whenever there was anything to be hoed, to attend the sheep-shearing, and at hay-time and harvest each to find one man for the whole time. Four more Cottarii were to assist in getting in the hay and to have 4 days' food each ; three others to perform the same service with two days' food each; and one more to stack grain, receiving food for two days. The tenants of 6 half-hides in Teletun, 1 in Cloppham, 1 hide and 4 half-hides in Lullinton, and 5 half-hides in Alurichtun, rendered similar services to those of the half-hides of Alsistun, all the tenants being moreover required, whensoever they brewed, to send to the Court of Alsistun a pitcher of ale holding at least 2 gallons, receiving in return a small loaf. There were also 15 tenants in Blechintun, two of whom held half hides, 9 one wista each, and 4 half a wista each. These in addition to their rents owed, in common, 11 d. at the Feast of St. Thomas towards the repair of the sheep-cote ; ANALYSIS AND NOTES. Xxi They were to find 11 men to carry hay from the Brociis de Lullinton for one day ; To perform 12 "averagia" of corn from Seford to Alsistun; and, in common, to plough 11 acre about the Feast of the Purification (Feb. 2) ; but because they were a long way from the Abbot's demesne they were accustomed to compound with the Bailiff of Alsistun for the said ploughing by a fine of 3 s. and afterwards of 4 s. Two other tenants holding half a wista each owed in addition to their rent 1000 herrings at Lent, to be chosen by the Serjeant or Bailiff and carried by them to the Court of Alsistun (afterwards com muted into a payment of 13 s. for both the rent and the herrings). In Bocholt four tenements are described as being held by " Tenentes de Boscagio," and probably consisted of assart lands. Two of these tenants held jointly one wista, and in addition to certain other services are stated to owe " in Quadragesima 1. Tyndag'." In the Extent of Limenesfeld (p. 150) the Semen Quadragesimale or Lenten sowing is called " Tyndesawe." It is possible, therefore, that the " Tyndag " in the passage above quoted means a day's sowing in Lent, and that 1. has been written in error for j. in tran scribing this portion from the original or draft custumal. Dyngemaris, Co. Kent. Pp. 42-52. In the Rental of Dyngemaris or Dengemarsh, which was a member of the Manor of Wy, a list is given of the tenants, with the rents paid by them at the four usual terms, but the amount of their respective tenures is not specified nor are the tenants classified in any way. It may be noticed that in many instances the rent is stated to be due from a certain tenant, " et participes ejus," thus indicating the existence of joint tenures. XXU ANALYSIS AND NOTES. In addition to his rent each tenant paid " Hertheld," or Hearth- penny, at the Feast of St. Thomas the Apostle, and Romescot, or Peter's Pence, at that of St. Peter ad Vincula, the latter payment being generally so much "cum uxore," but occasionally "cum uxore et sine." Several of the tenants also paid 2d. at Michaelmas as "Turfeld." The rental concludes with the rents due for " kydellis," i.e., kiddles, a species of fishing-net. The services and customs of this manor appear to have been of the slightest possible description. The tenants say that there were 36 acres of " Gavelmed " in the manor, and that whoever held an acre of Gavelmed was entitled to a reduction of 2 d. from his Michaelmas rent. Those, however, who held the Gavelmed were to do an aver agium twice a year if the Abbot should come there, that is, they were to find 12 horses, with men in charge thereof, to carry bread from Wy but not to carry liquor ; but from Romenal and Wynchel- sea they were to carry all kinds of victuals, including ale. The Cotarii, moreover, were each to carry 4 gallons of ale or wine from Winchelsea or Romenal, for which they were to have pasturage for five sheep and their other animals on a certain portion of the cliffs (" a Chrokepole usque Bocteswall "). If, however, the lord did not come, each of the aforesaid tenants was to pay 1 d. per annum in lieu of the said service. Each tenant of an acre of " Gavelmed^' was to have 16 sheep on the cliff, within certain metes and bounds, and those who held less than an acre a proportionate number. From the time of the Annunciation (Mar. 25) till after the mowing the meadows of Gavelmed were " in defenso." It is stated, however., that the above-mentioned averagia, both by the Custumarii and others, must be taken into consideration, inas- ANALYSIS AND NOTES. XXlll much as they (the tenants) claim pasturage on the cliff whether they render such services or not. Apeldkeham, Co. Sussex. Pp. 53-57. A Custumal only of this Manor is given, the tenants being clas sified as Yherdlinges, Cottarii Majores, and Cottarii Minores. Ten tenants holding from a virgate to 1| virgate each are described as " Yherdlinges." These were to plough 22 acres for wheat and 22 for oats, and to harrow them, and meanwhile to do no other services ; When that had been done they were to find daily two horses for harrowing so long as the lord had anything to sow, receiving two meals a day, and their horses a double handful of provender ; They were to render carrying service whenever necessary from La Delle to the Manor Court, and from the Manor to Chichester and back again if need be, but not to pass the gates of the city unless by their own wish ; They were also to carry to Winchester every year on the arrival of the Chamberlain of Battle, and to bring at their own expense the Chamber lain's goods to Alsiston ; The Prsepositus, however, was quit from all carrying service ; They were also to plough for lying fallow (warectare) 11 acres in summer ; Each holder of a virgate was to cart manure sufficient for half an acre, and to spread it, and the others more or less in proportion to their holdings ; All the custumarii were twice a year, if called upon, to do a benerthe or ploughing service, that is those who possessed plough-teams or any part thereof ; They were also to hoe &^ acres of corn, 5^ acres of barley, and as much of oats, and to reap and bind and stock (coppare), and to carry throughout the autumn as often as called upon ; Every tenant of an entire virgate was to find two men to reap at each of the three autumn precarise, receiving each day a specified quantity of food, that is to say, each was to have a loaf of the weight of 18 lbs. of XXIV ANALYSIS AND NOTES. wax* (et habebunt singuli singulos panes ponderis xviij" cere), and every two (duo duo) a dish of meat of the value of j d. and soup or broth at the first precaria ; at the second, however, the bread was to be half of wheat and half of barley, but at the third entirely of wheat. At a fourth precaria, called " Hungerbedrip," all the lord's tenants (with one excep tion ) were to find one man who was to receive food once a day ; Each tenant of a virgate was also to thrash, winnow, and carry to the granary four bushels of wheat, and if necessary to sow whenev.er called upon. Nine other tenants are described as " Cottarii Majores," each holding 4 acres. . These were to perform three days' work a week, from the Feast of St. Matthew to that of St. Peter ad Vincula (Sept. 21 to Aug. 1), except in the weeks of Christmas, Easter, and Pentecost, during which time they were only to thrash out sufficient forage for the beasts if it should be necessary to do so ; from Aug. 1 to Sept. 21, however, they were to work every day except Saturday. A day's work in thrashing comprised a " werkhop " (2^ bushels) of hard grain, that is to say, of corn, beans, or vetches ; but two " werkhops " of barley, and of oats four. Three " lyneae " of manuiK were to be spread as two days' work ; and in gathering straw or stubble 50 sheaves were to be gathered as a day's work, one sheaf being retained by the tenant. The foregoing tenants were all to break clods for one day after dinner (post prandium). They were also to carry the lord's sheepfold wherever required, and to raise it, each carrying two hurdles with the stakes. * By the Assize of Weights and Measures (Stat, of the Realm, vol. i. p. 204) it was ordained that an English penny sterling should weigh 32 grains of wheat "dry in the midst of the ear" ; that 20 pence should make loz., and 12 oz. or 20 sterling shillings one pound— that is to say, a pound of pence or of spices, con fections, &c. A pound of all other things, however, amongst which max is spe cially mentioned, consisted of 25 shillings or 15 oz. ANALYSIS AND NOTES. XXV Whosoever possessed a cow was to reap and bind an acre for the said cow. The " Cottarii Minores " were six in number. Their services were similar to those of the other Cottars, but each of them did only one day's work a week ; and in carrying the sheepfold they carried only one hurdle each. All the Cottarii were to render at the three first precariae in autumn the same services as the holders of Virgates. Moreover, all the customary tenants were to mow, spread, gather and carry the hay from the meadow of Suthmed, and to have 6 bushels of corn and two sheep " de consuetudine." They were also to wash and shear the lord's sheep, and to have the " lockes de ventre." The " Bercarius," who was one of the Cottarii, had the care of the lord's sheep, and was quit of all works in the meantime, except harvest work in autumn. The lord of the manor was bound to plough with his teams for the " Bercarius " and " Porcarius," respectively, two acres at the winter sowing and two at the Lenten sowing, and each of them was to reap and bind an acre of corn, an acre of barley, half an acre of beans, and an acre of oats. Four tenants held '' Coterise," or cottages only, for which they owed the services of one man at the " Hungerbedrip." Brithwolton, Co. Berks. Pp. 58-71. In the Rental and Custumal of Brithwolton the rents and ser vices of the Liberi Tenentes, Virgarii, Cottarii, and Cotter ice are severally specified. Then follows an enumeration of the rents due from a certain tenement called " Tenementum de Fraxino," held by the Abbot on lease from Elyas, filius Alwyni de Limenesfeld, in CAMD. soc. d xxvi ANALYSIS AND NOTES. exchange for certain other tenements, and of rents and services in Hertle and Covenholte belonging to the said manor. Under the heading " Isti tenent libere " appear the names of six tenants, two of whom (who held portions of the tenement de Fraxino above referred to) are further described as " Villani Domini." A third tenant was the parson of Brithwolton, who held a virgate of land at the annual rent of 1 s. The first named of the aforesaid free tenants, who held 14 ^ acres of assart lands, was to attend the three autumnal Precariae, the first by one man, the second by two, and the third with his whole house hold, and also to come with his plough-team to three Precarise at the bidding of the Serjeant. The parson and one other tenant were to have the whole of their households present at the Great Precaria in the autumn ; nor was any one to reap on the day in which the lord held the Great Precaria, except in the lord's field. Ten " Virgarii " held each a virgate of land at a rent of 5 s. 4 d. per atinum. In addition each held in common an acre of " Grene- holte," for which he paid a further sum of 4 d. per annum. Every Vivgarius who had cattle for ploughing, " whether an ox, a mare, or a cow," was to plough half an acre in winter, and in summer half an acre for fallow, the said ploughing being called " Grasacra " ; He was also to plough and harrow an acre called " Nedacra," although he had no animals for ploughing, or else to give three hens and a cock as churchshot, whichever the lord should prefer ; and each of them was to give for every animal he had of the age of two years and upwards a penny at the Feast of St. John the' Baptist, which was called " Lesselver" ; Each was to come to three Precarise with his plough-team at the bidding of the Serjeant; those who had an entire team plougliing an acre in winter, another in Lent, and a third in summer for lying fallow, and those who had less than an entire team ploughing and harrowing in proportion ; ANALYSIS AND NOTES. XXVU Each of them was also to find a man to wash and shear sheep when necessary, and one man to hoe for three days from morning till evening ; They were together to mow the whole of the lord's meadow land, and (with the aid of the other customary tenants) to carry the hay ; for this they were to receive a sheep (tbe lord taking the right shoulder), and to have salt for the salting thereof ; Each was to send one man to the first autumnal Precaria, two to the second, and to attend the third with his whole household ; and to carry the lord's corn to the Court for one whole day in the autumn; •They were also to gather nuts "ad medietatem," e.e., retaining half the quantity gathered ; to give pannage for their swine ; and to carry the lord's sheepfold at the bidding of the Serjeant, three times a year, wherever required. For none of the foregoing services were they to receive any remission of rent. If day-work was required of them, each was to work from the Feast of St. John the Baptist to Quia August! (June 24 to August 1), every other day — and from August 1 to Michaelmas, every day — from morning till noon. In reaping each was to reap and bind half an acre as a day's work, and to receive a sheaf of the grain " per corrigiam unius rectse ulnae et unius quarterise illius," such as could be contained in a band of the length of an ell and a quarter. If the said day-work was fully performed each was to have a reduction of 12 d. from his rent. Seventeen tenants are described as " Cottarii," each of whom held half a virgate at a rent of 2 s. 4 d. per annum, or by the per formance of the services below described. Two of them paid an additional 2 s. per annum to escape the work. Each tenant also paid 4 d. in addition to his rent for an acre of " Greneholte," held by him in common with the others, but no remission was to be made of this sum for any services rendered. XXVlll ANALYSIS AND NOTES. If the aforesaid tenants did works they were to work from Michaelmas to August 1 , every other day except Saturday — and from August 1 to Michaelmas, every day except Saturday — from morning to noon : for this each was to receive a reduction of 2 s, of his rent. If any of them should be chosen by the lord as Carucarius, or to any other office, he was to have a reduction of 2 s. Each of them was to give 3 hens and a cock as churchshot (cherset), and to give pannage for his swine. They were in addition to wash and shear sheep, and to perform the other services rendered by the Virgarii, except that they did not plough the " Benacre," nor carry in the autumn, nor mow nor harrow; for these " common services " they were not to receive any reduction of rent. It will be observed that the day-work, although its full perform ance resulted in almost annihilating the rent, could not be escaped without a heavy additional payment. Twenty-eight tenants, stated to be " also Villani," held assart lands called " Gavelland " at fixed rentals, and without special ser vices. There were also four tenants of " Cotterias " under like conditions. No customary tenant was to have any relaxation of rent for lands held by him " de assarto " or " in communi de Greneholte," in consideration of any office held or service rendered. All the tenants of the manor, both free tenants and others, were to plough at three " benerthes," and those who had plough-teams, whenever called upon. All the Virgarii and the tenants of assart lands were to harrow in Lent at the bidding of the serjeant, and he who had no horse (except in the case of the Cottarii) was to procure one for the purpose; for this they were to receive food once a day. ANALYSIS AND NOTES. XXIX All the tenants, " tam liberi quam servi," were to give the usual attendance at three autumnal Precariae, receiving their food twice a day. The following were the customs of this manor with regard to the appointment and remuneration of the several manorial officers : The Prmpositus or " Foreman " might be chosen by the lord of the manor from the customary tenants. If he held an entire virgate his rent of 5 s. was to be reduced by 3 s. 4 d. or two-thirds, and he was also to be released from two-thirds of the services due for the said virgate, both in ploughing and other work, except from ploughing the " Grasacra " ; He was to have an acre of com (not manured) by the delivery and at the discretion of the serjeant ; and at Christmas, Easter, and Pente cost, and throughout the autumn, he was to have his food ; If the lord of the manor wished to have a Carucarius or ploughman from amongst the customary tenants, whether from the Virgarii or the Cottarii, a reduction of 2 s. only was to be made from the rent of the said ploughman ; Each carucarius was, however, to have the use of the team held by him every other Saturday ; but if hindered by the rain or by its being a feast day he was not to take the following Saturday, but to wait his turn, the day so lost being accounted to him as a day's work in ploughing; The Carucarii were also to have the first acre sown by them with barley (bericorn), and their breakfast (jantaculum) on the day they began sowing, and their food on Christmas and Easter Day; The Woodward was to be chosen from the Virgarii; He was to have charge of. the lord's wood and of his swine, and had a reduction of 3 s. 4 d. from his rent. For his care of the swine he was to have four bushels of barley and his food on three occasions, like the Praepositus, and was also to have, at the Feast of St. Martin, a pig's fry (intestina unius porci praeter adipem illius); The Messor (Keaper), if chosen from the customary tenants, was to have a reduction of rent of 2 s. and his food on the same occasions as the xxx ANALYSIS AND NOTES. Praspositus ; for watching the lord's grain at night in the autumn he was to receive one sheaf daily so long as the reaping continued, of the girth before specified ; The " Custos Multonura," or keeper of the wethers, if chosen from the customary tenants, was to have a reduction of rent of 2 s., and " the profit of the fold " for twelve days at Christmas. He was also to have forty sheep pasturing with those of the lord, a fold for his own sheep, a fleece called " Belwetheresfles," his food at Christmas and Easter, and an acre of " terra fricta " (land broken up for cultivation) next to his pasture, to be sown by him if he liked ; It was not the custom to choose a " heeper of the ewes " from the customary tenants, although the lord might choose his Praepositus and other officers either from the Virgarii or Cottarii, or from the tenants at will of assart lands, for they were all villani and of servile condition, nor could they give their sons or daughters in marriage beyond the liberty of the manor, or sell their cattle without the lord's licence. Note. — It was the custom for the Virgarii to thrash out provender for the lord of the manor whenever he should pass that way, and also for those who hoed corn for three days to have their food twice a day; that is to say, at noon, barley-bread, soup or broth, and whey (" serum," or in French, " mege " or " maige "), and in the evening bread and whey. Twenty-three tenants in Hertle (co. Berks) and Covenholte (co. Hants) rendered no services because they paid an increased rent; they were, however, to give pannage for their swine, and could not give their daughters in marriage nor sell their cattle without the lord's licence. The rent of one tenant in Covenholte is said to be divided by the other tenants amongst themselves " ut eos defenderet contra nocentes patriotas in comitatu suo " — in consideration of his defend ing them against evil-doing natives in their county. This appears to mean that, being far away from the jurisdiction of the lord of the manor to which they belonged, they were com pelled to rely on their own resources for protection against evil- ANALYSIS AND NOTES. XXXI disposed neighbours. The form which this protection assumed is, however, a question which affords scope for rather curious specu lation. Bromeham, Co. Wilts. Pp. 72-82. The tenants in the Manor of Bromeham are classified under the several heads of Liberi Tenentes, Majores Erdlinges or Virgarii, Minores -Erdlinges, Half -Erdlinges or Majores Cottarii, Minores Cottarii, and Cotterice, but the extent of their respective holdings is not specified. The Liberi Tenentes were 12 in number, six of whom were quit by their rent from all common services, but owed a heriot and relief; and " their tenants," if they possessed a plough-team or any part thereof, were to plough a " grasacra " at the winter ploughing. The remaining six were to plough one " grasacra" each, to carry the lord's hay, and also to carry each a specified quantity of grain ; they also owed a heriot and relief, and their tenants, if they had animals for ploughing, were to plough the "grasacra" in proportion to the strength of their teams. Of the Majores Erdlinges or Virgarii there were five, each of whom paid in addition to his rent 4 d. per annum as " horsgabulum," or horse-gafol. Each of these was also to plough, harrow, and sow with his own corn one acre called '' Grasacra " ; To plough two " werkacras " in winter ; To provide a man to do four " deywynes " or day-works after Michael mas Day, working from morning till noon ; To wash and shear sheep with the other custumarii, each by one man ; To cart manure wherever required, those who possessed carts witli their carts, and those who had none providing a labourer daily; To provide a man to mow for three days from morning till noon in XXXU ANALYSIS AND NOTES. the meadows called Formed and Thochmed, and, together with the other Custumarii, to lift and carry the hay of those meadows; To reap and bind one " Nedacra " in autumn; To provide two men each day at the three autumnal Precariae, called " Nedbedrypes," who were to reap from noon till evening ; To carry 12 cartloads of grain (4 " de monte " and 8 " sub monte ") and to give pannage for their swine. For the foregoing services they were to receive no reduction of rent; if, however, they performed certain specified day-works between Midsummer and Michaelmas, working each day from morning till noon, a fourth of their rent was to be remitted. The Minores Erdlinges were eight in number : They paid horse-gafol and rendered similar services to the Erdlinges, except that they did not plough, harrow, and sow the " grasacra ''; and that they ploughed only one " werkacra," furnished one man instead of two at the autumnal Precarise, and carried only nine cartloads of grain. For these works they were to have no reduction of rent, those for which a reduction was made being specified amongst the services of the Half-Erdlinges. Note. — The horse-gafol was never remitted except for the perform ance of averagia or carrying-services. Half-Erdlinges or Majores Cottarii. Of these there were eleven, two of whom paid horse-gafol in addition to their rent. Each of these was to do six day-works after Michaelmas Day, working from morning tiU noon, " and so much was expected of them because they did not plough the " werkacra " like the others; If any of them had an ox or horse fit for ploughing he was to help to plough the " grasacra," and each of them was to harrow one acre. They were to wash and shear sheep with the other Custumarii, to furnish each one man for three days to mow and gather hay, and to carry it, like the Majores Erdlinges ; Each was to reap and bind one " Nedacra " and to furnish one man ANALYSIS AND NOTES. XXXUl for three days at the Nedbedripes in the autumn, who was to reap from noon till evening ; And each was to carry 6 loads of grain in the autumn, 2 " de monte " and 4 " sub monte.'' If the Minores Erdlinges and the Half-Erdlinges, in addition to the foregoing services, did day-work from Midsummer to Michael mas — that is to say, by one man each every day except Saturday, working from morning to noon, — they were to be released from one-fourth of their rent. Each of the Half-Erdlinges or Cottarii, moreover, was to have two sheaves of the grain reaped by them in the autumn, each sheaf bound by a cord an ell and a quarter in length. If, however, the Cottarii did full work, that is to say, three days a week from Michaelmas to Midsummer, three-fourths of their rent was to be remitted; and if from Midsummer to Michaelmas they worked the whole week except Saturday and holidays, the other fourth was remitted, so that if they did full work throughout the year they paid no rent. Minores Cottarii. These were 1 2 in number, each of whom was to do three " deywynes " by one man each after Michaelmas Day, and the other works in proportion. Coterice. Six tenants come under this designation, three of whom were to be present for one day at the haymaking and at the stacking of the hay; the others paid rent only. Most of the foregoing tenants paid pannage for their swine at a fixed rate, and also gave " cherset," that is to say, each three hens and a cock. The Prcspositus, if chosen from the Custumarii, was to have a reduction of reiit up to 4 s., and also a mare and colt on the lord's pasture in summer, and his food ("mensam suam") from August 1 to Michaelmas. CAMD. SOC. e xxxiv ANALYSIS AND NOTES. The Messor, if one of the Custumarii, was also to have a reduc tion of 12 d. from his rent and a mare and colt at pasture like the Prtepositus ; and also for watching the lord's grain in the autumn, 60 sheaves of corn of medium quality. The Bercator was in like manner to have 60 sheaves for watching the grain and a reduction of 3 s. The Carucarii, the Forestarius, and the Faber., if customary tenants, were each to have a reduction of 3 s. from their rent. All the " servientes domini " were to have bacon on a fiesh-day, that is to say, one dish each. All the tenants who owed horse-gafol were on the arrival of the Abbot to carry whenever called upon to Brithwolton, Salisbury, or elsewhere within 20 leagues, according to the lord's will, and for that year they were to be quit of the gafol. Anesty, Co. Hants. Pp. 83-84. A reirtal only .of *his manor is given without mention of any customs or services. The manor, described as " tenementum illud," is Stated to have been conveyed to the Abbot of Battle by William de Anesty in the 12th year of Edward I. when the tenants were those specified. Ckaumakeys, Co. Oxon. Pp. 85-90. In the rental of Craumareys there appear 14 tenants holding 'half a virgate each at a rent of '2 s. 6 d. per annum and Sd. as oherset. Each of these was to send two men per diem to reap at the three autumnal Precariae and one man to the fourth, " ad cibum domini." In addition each was to reap and bind hallf an acre every day except Saturday 'during the autumnal reaping, receiving one sheaf of 'the grain so 'reaped; and to hoe ithe lord's corn every afternoon, so 'long as there was any hoeing to be done ; ANALYSIS AND NOTES. XXXV They were also to mow the lord's meadow, and the first day to have a breakfast of bread and cheese ; and to spread, lift, and cock the hay, for which they received 10^ d. and each one a wheaten loaf price ^ d. Each of them was to thrash after Michaelmas Day six bushels of com> and to receive a bundle of straw, as much as he could lift and carry away without help. They were also to gather straw for half a day and each to receive one " thelyn." There were also 11 minor tenants, holding from 2| acres to half a virgate each, who rendered services differing but little from the foregoing. All the tenants were to give pannage for their swine, to pay Peter's Pence, and were prohibited from giving their daughters in marriage beyond the liberty of the manor and from selling their cattle without the lord's licence. They were all to have their food at the autumnal Precarise twice a day : — that is to say at noon — wheaten bread, ale, and cheese, and in the evening — bread, ale, soup or broth, flesh or herrings according to the day, and cheese — besides a drink in tl^e afternoon. They were also to have an acre qf corn (unarn acram de frumento) to be chosen by themselves as jt lay in thp field, " ita tamen quod non sit fimata nee faldata nee forsettere nee foretata super dominicum mensurata." * They were also to have common of pasture on the stubbles as soon as the lord's grain had been gathered, and also in a certain pasture called Heycrofte. After the Feast of St. Martin, those who had plough-teams were to plough an acre called " Grasherse " (Grasacra or Grasierthe), and * This appears to mean that the acre so chosen was not to be manured nor enclosed as a sheepfold, nor measured on the demesne for some other special purpose. The words " forsettere nee foretata " have baffled all attempts to get at their meaning ; it is possible, however, that they have been written in mistake for " warectare nee waretata," which would render the passage perfectly intelligible. XXXVl ANALYSIS AND NOTES. those who had no teams were not to have common of pasture till then. After the said feast they might gather straw on the demesne for their own use, for which they gave cherset. Each virgate moreover could have 16 sheep in the fold during folding time. All the tenants were to have two days' notice before they were called upon to hoe, mow, or reap, in order that they might be prepared with their implements, and those who had no scythes were to give a peimy to the mowers. All who had carts were also to carry the lord's grain if necessary, receiving their food, and on that day doing no other work. Hoton, Co. Essex. Pp. 91-100. The rental of Hoton presents a complete list of the tenants of the manor, in which the rent due from each is specified, but without any attempt at order or classification; the three first-named appear, however, to have been Liberi Tenentes. Amongst these was the Master of St. Bartholomew's, London, who held certain lands by charter from the abbot, for which he owed suit at the Court of Hoton, and, on the death or resignation of any Master, his successor was to pay 10 s. as heriot and relief and to swear fealty to the Lord of the Manor.* In the Custumal the services to be rendered by each tenant are specified categorically and vary considerably in extent. These are again followed by the names of those tenants who paid hen- rents and plough-rents in addition to the sums previously stated. N.B. — In transcribing this from the draft or smaller copy of the Custumal the scribe has made one or two blunders which the existence of the draft enables us to correct. * The words " cuilibet Magistro " in the original MS. should evidently be " quolibet Magistro." ANALYSIS AND NOTES. XXXVII Thus, in the services of Johannes de Elde (p. 94) the words " sextam precem" have been written by mistake for " siccam precem," i.e., a precaria without drink ; and in the entry relating to the services of Heres (or Henricus) Dodi on p. 95 a foot-note relating to the services of a previous tenant has been embodied in the text, thus rendering the passage nnintelligible. Omitting this note the passage would read as follows: " et in autumpno, — prseter praedictas operationes iiij"'' operationes," <^c. The following services, which were to be rendered by Martinus de Branford as the tenant of 15^ acres, may be quoted as an ex ample of those due from the larger customary tenants : To perform 1 averagium a year to London, Tilbury, or Chelmsford, for which he received a loaf and one feed of oats for his horse ; To reap and bind one acre in the autumn ; To furnish 3 men at the Great Precaria in autumn, at another 2, and at a third 1, and to bind what they reaped ; To find a man to hoe for one day, receiving his food ; To harrow for one day till noon, receiving a piece of bread; To attend the " Preces Carucarum " twice a year, viz. in Winter and in Lent, with as many animals for ploughing as he possessed. He was also to find one man at the Great Precaria for certain land called " Terra Lynnot." Several of the minor tenants, holding from 5 to 15^ acres each, were to serve as follows : To perform one day's work every week throughout the year, and in autumn four more works " de surplusagio " ; To find one man at each Precaria and to bind what he reaped ; In addition to reap and bind 1 acre ; To hoe for one day by one man, who was to receive food twice a day ; To mow two parts of one acre (two third parts ?) as one day's work, for which he was to receive one farthing; To harrow J an acre in Lent, receiving one piece of bread ; To gather nuts for one day " ad medietatem " (i.e., receiving a moiety or half the quantity gathered) ; XXXVlll ANALYSIS AND NOTES. If he had any plough cattle (si jungit), to come to the " preces carucarum " with the rest and to lift the lord's hay. A memorandum, in a somewhat later hand, annexed to the Custumal gives the amount required as a. day's work (in thrashing) " apud Hotona," as follows: — 2 qrs. 7 bushels, 1 peck. 7 qrs. 6^ bushels. 39 qrs. ^ bushel. 4i- bushels. Of corn, 10 works = „ 20 „ „ 100 „ Of beans, peas, and vetches, 1 work = Of oats, drag or btibkwheat (dragetuni), and barley, 1 work = 1 qr. 1 peck. From the Extent of the Manor of Hoton, dated 5 Edward II , which appears in the later portion of the Liber Regius, the demesne of the manor appears, in addition to the manor-house and its appurtenances, to have included the following : 73 acres of wood. 756^ acres of arable land and 3 acres of pasture. 43 acres of meadow. The valuation is given as follows : The demesne with its appurtenaiices Rents of Assize (both of free and custo mary tenants) Plough rents (8 vomeres) Customs and services Rents of tenants at will . " Tolcester" or ale-toll . Fines, amerciaments, and oiher profits Total £ s. d. 27 11 34 7 12 Oh 4 8 7 15 7 7 8 7 2 1 0 0 £44 18 5 ANALYSIS AND NOTES. XXXlX The rents and services of each tepant are specified in the Extent in the same manner as in the Custumal, but with the addition of the pecuniary value of the services and of the food supplied in each case. They appear to vary little from those described in the earlier record, although in one or two cases additional details are given. Thus in the services of William, the son of Martin de Hoton (the successor of the Martin de Branford whose services are above quoted), the following variations occur: At the first Precaria in autumn he was to find (as before) one man, who was to receive two meals without drink (a " sicca " pre caria) : at ,the second two men, who were to have two meals with drink, and at the third four men (one man " pro terra Lynnot"), who were to have two meals with drink ; And in the evening qf that (the third) day they were to be as they say " solemniter depasti." At the secon(J Precaria and at the third, " which is called the Great Preicaria," each labourer was to bring a comrade ivith hi;m to supper (" utroque die ad vesperam occuret in cena cuilibet qperario unus alius, et sic pro uno operants erupt |duo ad cenam ") . The work of each reaper is further stated to be worth \^A. per day, " qpia dicunt quod tantum dabunt ad minus cuilibet operario, si quis unum vel plures conducere debeat ad faciendum opus, una cum cibo prsedicto ; et pro eo maxime, quod debent llgare et coppare post pradictas precarias, temporibus opportunis, totum quod reman- serit deligatum." So that it would appear to have been the practice for the tenants, in order to get the harvest work finished within the period allotted to it, to hire extra labourers, who, however, were entitled to jiar- ticipate in the general supper at the lord's expense. It is also stated that "ipse idem" (the tenant) " debet equitare ultra metentes ad secundam et ad tertiam precariam in autumpno, xl ANALYSIS AND NOTES. et habere cibum bis in die cum serviente, et plus valet cibum quam perfectus opus," He was also to gather nuts with one man for one day and to have a moiety of those gathered, " et non potest illud opus extendi propter ejus parvitatem." The following particulars regarding the general services of the tenants are given at the end of the extent : Each of the nativi who had a plough-team, or any part thereof, was to plough at the two Precariae Carucarum, " et parum vel nihil prodest arura de parvis tenentibus quia pauca habent animalia." Every free tenant who owed a heriot was to give his best animal, but if he had no animal he gave no heriot, and the same with the nativi, from all of whom who held buildings, " quitenementa tenent edificata," a heriot was due. The successor of any nativus was also to pay a fine on entry ; but the widow of a nativus was to remain in possession of his tenement during her life-time. She must not, however, re-marry without the lord's licence. Each nativus " quando braciaverit " was to give two " lagenas " of the best ale which was called Tolcestre. Nor could any of the said nativi, " neque major neque minor," give his daughter in marriage, nor make his son a priest without the lord's licence, nor cut down timber without licence, and then only for building. Wye, Co. Kent. Pp. 101-136. The lands held by the tenants of the Manor of Wye appear to have consisted of 60 J juga or yoke-lands, each of which contained four virgates. One half of these, that is 30 juga and 1 virgate, are described as " juga libera " and the other half as "juga servilia," or " juga averantia." ANALYSIS AND NOTES. xli The "juga servilia" were subdivided into three " Wendi," Dunewendus, Chiltunwendus, and Brunelfordwendus, each of which contained 10 juga, Dunewendus including in addition the Virgate called " Throstle," or Throstel's, which was the fourth part of a jugum and rendered proportionate services. The following are the services stated to be due from the customary yoke-lands : Each "Wendus" was to perform 10 averagia every three weeks, i.e., one from each jugum, and always on a Saturday, on one Saturday corn being carried, and on the other barley ; the Virgate of Throstel, however, always carried corn. In addition to the foregoing, 33 averagia were due from certain of the libera juga, between Hockday and the 1st of August. Each averagium was from Wye to Battle, and was to consist of half a seam either of wheat or of barley. Twenty-eight of the "juga averantia " (the two juga in Kyngess- wode being excepted) were to plough, sow, and harrow 42 acres for wheat, i.e., each jugum 1^ acre, and the Virgate of Throstel a fourth of this quantity, that is 1 ^ roods.* Two or three of the " libera juga " also contributed to this ser vice, the total number of acres for wheat being 49 acres, 3^ roods (xlix acrse et dimidia, j virgata et dimidia). All the juga which ploughed for wheat as above were to reap, gather, bind and stock (coppare) the same number of acres, and, with two exceptions, were to plough, sow, and harrow for barley in like manner. The 28 "juga servilia" were also to mow, spread, turn, cock, and carry to the Court of Wy, and there to stack 28 acres of * The use here of the word " virgata " for rood is very unusual and rather con fusing, the passage standing thus: "Et Virgata Throstle (debet arare) unam vir- gatam et dimidiam." There can, however, be no doubt as to the meaning. CAMD. SOC. / xiii ANALYSIS AND NOTES. meadow, one for each jugum, certain' of the libera juga also con tributing to this service, the total number of acres to be mown, &c. being 33 acres, 1 rood. With regard to rent and other dues the juga servilia were all equal. The rent of each jugum was 7 s. 5 d. that is to say 40 d. of ancient rent and 49 d. of new rent. All those paying this rent were said to be " de numero sex llbrarum," that being about the amount paid by them altogether in excess of the ancient rent ; as a matter of fact however they paid 12|d. more (et excrescunt 12|d.) The juga servilia also rendered rents of hens and eggs, i.e. 3 hens at Christmas and 20 eggs at Easter,* similar payments being made by many of the libera juga as shown by the rental. They paid each 74 d. per annum as husbote, and 9 d. per annum "pro brasio," and at the feast of St. Thomas the Apostle a certain payment called " FoxalpenI," which is stated to have arisen in the year of the war between King John and his barons. All the juga which owed ploughing service were to turn their ploughs to the lord's land on the vigils of St. Martin and St. Gregory respectively, without being summoned, under penalty of a fine of 2 Id. If any tenant did not come to do carrying service on the Saturday, nor to Battle on the Monday, he was fined 21 d., and the BedeUus was 10 supply Ins place, for which he was to have 6 d. Most of the juga servilia had wood in Kingswood without rent, i.e. 10 acres each. This is in one instance alleged as a proof of the yoke-land in question being servile. * The serjeant was to call once for the hens and eggs; but if they were not ready the tenants were to carry them to the manor within 12 days; if this was not done, they were fined 21 d. in lieu thereof. ANALYSIS AND NOTES. xliii Limenesfeld and Bkodeham, Co. Surrey. Pp. 137-163. From the Extent of Limenesfeld the demesne appears to have con sisted, in addition to the manor-house with its gardens and other appurtenances, including two granges with the adjacent closes, a dovecot, and two watermills, of 600 acres of "3oscus Communis," i.e., of wood which was common to all the tenants of the manor, " tam liberis quam nativis per totum annum ad omnia averia.sua"; 163 acres of " Boscus Separalis," wliich however were common to all the tenants " tempore glani," i.e„ at the time of panna,ge, but for their swine only ; and of 1367 acres of arable and pasture land and 38 acres of meadow, in various fields and crofts. Some of these are described as '* acrae separales," whilst others appear to have formed distinct enclosures of demesne land, e.g. " Et sunt ibidem in cam pis qui vocantur Horscroftes Ixxviij acrcB separales. et in diversis campis et croftis quae vocantur Hornesland infra unum clausum et procinctum cxi. acrse terrse et pasturse." The arable and pasture land is valued at ij d, to vj d. per acre, and the meadow at xvj d. per acre. There were in Limenesfeld between 50 and 60 "Liberi Tenentes," holding amongst them about 470 acres, chiefly in very small quan tities, although three of them held 50, 60, and 120 acres respect ively. The same tenant appears in many cases as the po,ssessor of several small holdings, and in two or three cases the tenures are stated to be " in servitio." xliv ANALYSIS AND NOTES. Each of the Liberi Tenentes, both large and small, who had a plough-team or any part thereof was to attend one Precaria Carucarum in Winter and another in Lent, at each of which the possessor of a whole team was to plough and harrow one acre. Many of them are however stated to be " adeo parvae tenurse et impotentes, quod neque carucas integras nee earum aliquam partem possunt habere" — the whole ploughing being therefore estimated at not more than x acres per annum. There were also 10 Liberi Tenentes in Prynkehamme, holding altogether 378 acres. These appear to have owed suit of court, reliefs and heriots only; one of them however is described as holding a messuage and 40 acres " in servitio." The Nativi of Limenesfeld were 20 in number and held altogether about 193 acres. The following, rendered by a tenant of a messuage and seven acres, appear to have been the standard services : To find a man and horse to harrow for one day at the Lenten sowing called " Tyndesawe " ; To find a man, during the carting of the manure from the lord's fimarium, which generally lasted for 10 days, to fill the carts, working every other day till the task was completed ; To find a man for one day to spread the lord's hay ; for one day to lift the hay ; and for two days to hoe corn ; and a man to assist in stacking 5 loads of hay; To find a man at each of the three autumnal Precariae, and to thrash two bushels of oats whenever the Abbot should come from Battle. All the nativi who had plough-teams or any portion thereof were also to plough and harrow at the two Precarise Carucarum like the Liberi Tenentes, tod in addition to fetch seed from the lord's granary and therewith to sow the land they had tilled. The whole ANALYSIS AND NOTES. xlv of the ploughing and harrowing at the two Precarise however amounted only to four acres. There were also 4 nativi in Prinkehamme holding together 128 acres ; three of these compounded for their services by a pecuniary payment ; the fourth in addition to certain " averagia," for which he seems to have compounded, was to find a horse and two oxen, " qui medietatem unius curri faciunt," to cart the manure from the fimarium so long as that operation lasted, generally for 20 days. All the nativi both of Lymenesfeld and Prinkehamme appear to have been subject to the usual restrictions as to the marriage of their daughters &c. ; but on the death of a nativus his widow was to retain only the half of the tenement held by him. All the tenants both liberi and nativi whenever they brewed " ad vendendum " were to send to the manor two gallons of the best ale, which was called " Tolcester." There were also a number of " Tenants at Will " of small portions of land, most of whom paid rent only "pro omnibus." The Extent of the Manor of Brodehamme, taken at the same time and by the same jurors as that of Lymenesfeld, gives the acreage of the demesne as follows : 31 acres 1 rood of wood. 217 acres, 3 roods of arable and pasture, with heath. 20 acres and 3 roods of meadow. The arable and pasture land is valued at vij d. per acre and the meadow at ij s. vj d. There were in this manor 8 Liberi Tenentes, holding together about 77 acres, 9 Nativi holding together 15 acres, and 5 Tenants at Will of small holdings. These, with one or two exceptions, owed suit of Court, reliefs, and heriots, but no mention is made of any services to be rendered. EREATA. P. 19, line 4. For " iiij rodae " read " iij rod»." P. 19, line 5. For " ciiij« acrse " read " ciiij^xvj acrse.' P. 68, line 21. For " Praescriptse " read " postscriptse." P. 69, line 2. For " quarentena " read " quarterio." P. 94, line 26. For " sextam " read " siccani." P. 101, line 2,) ( For " Cnoece " read " Cnotte." et passim. ) Rental and Custumal of the Manor of MERLE (Mablet), Co. Sussex. Temp. Edward I. [Liber Eegius de Bello, fol. 15-18.] Terka bovis. Johannes \_Heredes Johannis~\ filius Alani de Bodhurst' tenet j tenementum quod vocatur Groflond, in parochia de Westefeld, et debet inde per annum iiij s. ad iiij*"^ anni terminos principales, et duas sectas ad Curiam de Bello per anaum, et heriettum et relevium. >ii Johannes de Chitecombe tenet j mesuaglum quod fuit quondam Thomffi de Bredsete, cum quadam particula terrae quam {sic) sibi concessa fuit per dominum E. de Thruleg', et debet inde per annum octo denarios ad praedictos terminos, et heriettum et relevium. Agnes de Bodhurst' tenet j mesuagium cum quadam crofta adjacente, ad termlnum vitae suae, quod fuit quondam Thomse de Bredsete, et debet inde per annum xj d. ad duos terminos. Simon Lytecok tenet unum mesuaglum cum gardino, quod fuit quondam Alani de Bodhurst', et debet inde per annum iij s. ad praedictos quatuor anni terminos, et sectam ad quatuor curias de Bello per annum, proximlores post praedictos terminos principales, et heriettum et relevium. Stephanus Cuchur tenet j mesuagium cum gardino, quod fuit quondam Galfridi de Bodhurst, et debet inde per annum iiij s. ad CAMD. SOC. B 4 CUSTUMALS OF BATTLE ABBEY. praedictos terminos, et quatuor sectas ut prsedictus Simon Litecok, et relevium et heriettum. Eicardus de Bodhurst tenet j tenementum quod Et debet inde per annum ij s. vij d. ob. ad festum Sancti Michaelis. Ligeramus de Beche \_Heredes'\ tenet unum tenementum quod fuit Ingerami patris sui et debet inde de redditu xlj d. ob. q". J. hered' (sic) Johannis de Beche tenet tenementum quod fuit patris sui et debet inde de redditu iiij d. ob. q"- Custos de Merile debet pro terris quae tenuerunt Martinus de Bordhurst, Alani de Bodherst, Thomse de Bredsete, Johannis de Bodherst, Simonis de Hethelond', Ligerami Cok de Bodherst gate, Johannis de Ukeham, Siraonis de TJkeham, et Roberti de Ukeham, et debet inde de redditu xxxlj s. iij d. q^ ad ij terminos principales. Radulphus atte Forde [in manu Celerarii] tenet unum mesuagium et j wistam et debet inde de redditu per annum xxijd., et pro herthyeld et Romescot iiij d. ; Et debet ad stipendium prsepositi de Merile iiij d. ; Et debet cariare de bosco Abbathlse usque ad Abbathiam cc et x carrlatas bosci, videlicet inter festum Sancti Michaelis et Hokedei iiij''^ et X, quamllbet cum iiij bobus, Et inter Hokedei et festum Sancti Michaelis vj"", quamlibet cum ij bobus, et valet cariaglum cujuslibet carriatse ob. ; Et percipiet pro toto dIcto cariagio Ixv panes nigros precii xvj d., Et sic valet dictum cariaglum de claro vij s. V d. ; Et debet cariare v ambras sails et j bussellum, de Wynchelse vel Hastinges usque Bellum, et valet carlagium cujuslibet ambrae ij d. ; et habebit pro dicto cariagio xv panes nigros, de minoribus, pretii ij d. ob., Et sic valet cariaglum illud de claro viijd. q*; Et debet cariare ij mellenas alleci sicci vel recentis de Wynchelse MANOK OF MERLE, CO. SUSSEX. 5 vel Hastinges sive Bolwareheth' usque ad Abbathiam, et valet carlagium j mellenarii ilijd., Et percipiet pro dicto cariagio Iiij panes et xij alleces pretii j d. ob., Et sic valet illud cariaglum de claro vj d. ob. ; Et debet iuvenire unum homlnem ad falcandum et spargendum pratum de Bodihame quod vocatur Brodewisse per duo dies, et valet opus falcationis et sparsionis per diem iij d., et percipiet per diem in dicto prato ij panes nigros et dimidium, potagium, et potum, (j galonem communiter), et medietatem unius ferculi et caseum, pretlum totius cibi cum potu per diem ij d. ; Et percipient omnes custumarii in communi iij raagnos simenellos et iij parvos, pretii ij d. ob., Et sic valet illud opus de claro ij d. ; Et debet cariare de dicto prato usque ad Abbathiam vj carrlatas feni, quamlibet carriatam cum ij bobus, et valet qualibet ijd., et perclpie[t] pro dicto cariagio vj panes et xvlij alleces vel merleng' pretii iij d., Et sic valet illud carlagium de claro ix d. ; Et debet Invenire j curtanam cum iiij bobus et j fugatore, vel ij curtanas cum ij bobus et fugatorlbus, et uno operario ad curtanas implendas donee fima de Abbathia plene extrahantur, quod est communiter per ij dies, et valet illud opus per diem vd., Et percipient unum repastum in communi aula per diem, videlicet ij homines habebunt iij panes, potagium, potum, j ferculum, et caseum, et in sero potum, pretium clbl et potus ij operariorum per diem ij d. q^, Et sic valet opus Illud de claro v d. ob. ; Et debet xv. averagia de Wynchelse vel Hastynges usque prae dictam Abbathiam, et valet quodlibet iij d., et percipiet pro quolibet averagio de Wynchelse ij panes, et pro quolibet de Hastinges j panem de minoribus, et valet dlctus^anis" vd., Et sic valent dicta averagia iij s. iiij d. de claro. Summa consueiudinum et operum xillj s. Walterus de Donynton' tenet unum mesuagium et dimidiam wistam et debet inde de redditu per annum xj d., et pro herthyeld et Romescot ij d., Et ad stipendium praepositi illj d. ; 6 CUSTUMALS OF BATTLE ABBEY. Et de[bet] cariare ij ambras ij bussellos et dimidium salis, et percipiet vij panes et dimidium pretii j d. q'', Et valet cariaglum illud iiij d. de claro; Et debet cariare j millenai'ium allecium ut supra, et percipiet ij panes et vj alleces pretii ob. q", Et sic valet carlagium iij d. q'' de claro ; Et de[bet] arare unam acram et j qnarterium terrae, et valet arura unius acrse xij d., et percipiet pro dicta arura ij panes, dimi dium, et vij alleces et dimidium, pretii j d., et sic valet opus arurae xiiij d. ; Et debet invenire j hominem ad falcandum et spargendum pratum de Bodiham per duos dies, sicut Radulphus atte Forde, perciplendo cibum eodem modo, et valet opus de claro ij d. ; Et debet cariare tres carrlatas feni de dicto prato usque a[d] Abbathiam ut supra, perciplendo iij panes et ix alleces vel merleng', pretii j d. ob., Et sic valet illud cariaglum iiij d. ob.; Et debet invenire j curtanam cum ij bobus ad fima de Abbathia extrahenda ut supra, et per alterum diem unum operarium ad curtenam implendam, perciplendo cibum ut supra et potum, et valet opus de claro ij d. ob. q^ ; Et debet vij averagia et dimidium ut supra, perciplendo xv panes et dimidium, pretii ij d. ob. ; Et debet invenire unum hominem ad operand um in gardino vel alibi per xxx aies per annum, et si operatus fuerit per totum diem inter festum Sancti Michaelis et Hokedeye, allocabitur ei Ilia dies pro uno opere et dimidio, Et si inter Hokedeie et festum Sancti Michaelis operatus fuerit per unum diem integrum, allocabitur ei Ilia dies pro ij operibus, et valet quodlibet opus ob. q", et percipiet pro dlctis operibus xxxij panes et dimidium, pretii viij d., Et sic valent opera ilia xiiij d. ob. ; Et debet claudere v virgatas haiae quae vocantur gavelmerke, et percipiet j panem nigrum et iij alleces, pretii o'o., et sic valet opus de claro j d . Summa consuetudinum et operum vj s. MANOR OF MERLE, CO. SUSSEX. 7 Johannes le Knyst tenet j mesuagium et dimidiam wistam et debet inde de redditu per annum xv d., et pro Romescot et herthyeld ij d., Et pro stipendio praepositi iiij d.; Et debet omnes consuetudlnes et opera sicut Walterus de Donynton'. Summa consuetudinum et operum vj s. Johannes Aleyn tenet j mesuagium et quartam partem unius wistse et debet Inde de redditu xiij d , et pro Romescot et herthyeld j d., Et ad stipendium praepositi iiij d. ; Et debet arare iij quarteria, et percipere unum panem et dimidium et iiij alleces et dimidiam, et valet arura de claro viij d. q'*; Et debet invenire j hominem ad falcandum pet duos dies, eodem modo sicut dictus Walterus, Et faciet medietatem omnium aliorum operum et consuetudinum sicut idem Walterus de Donynton' ; Set debet claudere v virgatas de gavelmerk' et valet j d. Summa consuetudinum et operum iij s. v d. Helewisa de Petle tenet j mesuagium et dimidiam wistam et debet inde de redditu per annum ij s. iiij d., Et pro una crofta quae vocatur Coterescrofte vj d., Et pro Romescot et herthyeld iiij d., Et pro stipendio praepositi viij d. ; Et debet arare j acram et dimidiam, et percipere iij panes et ix alleces, pretii j d. ob., et sic valet arura de claro xvj d. ob. ; Et debet cariare sal et aleces, fima, et averagia facere sicut Walterus de Donynton ; Et debet invenire ij homines ad falcandum in prato praedicto et spargendum per ij dies, capiendo uterque per diem ut supra, et valet opus iiij d. ; Et debet cariare de feno iij cariatasut supra, et valet opus cariagii iiij d. ob. Et debet cariare cv cariatas bosci ut supra, et percipere xxxij panes et dimidium, pretii viij d., Et sic valet dictum cariacrium iij s. vij d. ob. ; O CUSTUMALS OF BATTLE ABBEY. Et debet claudere x virgatas haiae ut supra et percipere ij panes et vj alleces, pretii j d., et valet opus ij d. Summa consuetudinum et operum ix s. ij d. ob. Willielmus de Hethelond [modo Roberti Hegelond'l tenet j mesuagium et dimidiam wistam quae fuit Willielmi de Molendino et debet inde de redditu per annum xij d., et pro Romescot bb., et pro stipendio prsepositi iiij d., Et debet cariare cv cariatas bosci ut supra, et valet carlagium iij s. vij d. ob. Et debet omnia alia opera et consuetudlnes sicut Walterus de Donynton', praster quod non operabitur in gardino nee alibi opera diurna sicut facit dictus Walterus. Summa vij s. j d. ob. Gervaslus Hamorid [quondam Awestyn, modo Nicholai Tovy'l tenet j mesuagium et unam wistam et debet inde de redditu per annum iij s., et pro Romescot j d., et pro stipendio praepositi iiij d. ; Et debet invenire j hominem ad falcandum prsedictum pratum sicut Walterus de Donynton'. Summa consuetudinum et operum vij d. Johannes atte Ford' [modo Nicholai Tovy'\ tenet j mesuagium et j wistam et debet inde de redditu per annum xvlij d., et pro Romescot et herthyeld iiij d., et pro stipendio propositi iiij d. ; Et debet arare ij acras terrae et percipere iiij panes et xij alleces, pretii ij d. ; Et valet ilia arura de claro xxij d. ; Et debet facere in gardino vel alibi ix opera ut supra, perciplendo Ixv panes pretii xvj d., et sic valent opera ilia ij s. v d. ; Et debet claudere xx virgatas haise ut supra, perciplendo iiij panes et xij alleces, pretii ij d., et sic valet illud opud (sic) de claro iiij d. ; Et debet omnia alia opera et consuetudlnes sicut Radulphus atte Forde, prajter cariaglum bosci. Summa consuetudinum et operum xj s. ij d. MANOR OF MERLE, CO. SUSSEX. 9 Cristina filia Gervasii de Telham [postea Stakynden''\ tenet j mesuagium et dimidiam wistam et debet inde de redditu per annum ij s., et pro la Donne vj d., et pro Romescot ob., et ad stipendium prsepositi iiij d. ; Et debet invenire j hominem ad falcandum et spargendum dictum pratum per j diem, perciplendo ut alii supra, et valet opus j d. ; Et debet averagia facere eodem modo sicut Walterus de Donynton', et valet averagium xx d. Summa consuetudinum et operum ij s. j d. ob. Johannes atte Donne tenet j mesuagium et -dimidiam wistam et debet inde de redditu per annum xviij d., et pro la Donne xij d., Et pro Donna Gervasii iij s. , et pro Capenore iij d., et pro Romescot ob., et pro stipendio praepositi iiij d. ; et omnia opera et consuetudlnes sicut Cristina filia Gervasii. Summa consuetudinum et operum ij s. j d. ob. Willielmus Schureue [modo Bogeri Prynce\ tenet dimidiam wistam et debet inde de redditu per annum xj d. ob., et pro Romescot et herthyeld ij d., et pro stipendio prsepositi iiij d. ; Et debet arare j acram et dimidiam ut supra, et percipere iij panes et ix alleces, pretii j d. ob., et sic valet arura xvj d. ob. ; Et debet invenire unum hominem ad falcandum et spargendum pratum per j diem ut supra, et valet opus de claro j d. ; Et debet claudere xij virgatas et dimidiam haiae ut supra, percipiendo ij panes et dimidium et vij alleces et dimidiam, pretii j d. q% et valet opus de claro ij d. ob. ; Et de omnibus aliis consuetudJnibus et operibus debet eodem modo sicut Walterus de Donynton'. Summa consuetudinum et operum vj s. iij d. Willielmus Brond tenet dimidiam wistam et debet inde de redditu xij d., Et pro Romescot et hertyeld' ij d., et pro stipendio prsepositi iiij d., ; 10 CUSTUMALS OF BATTLE ABBEY. Et debet omnes consuetudlnes et opera sicut Willielmus Schureue. Summa consuetudinum et operum vj s. iij d. Johannes Schureue et Simon Thomas tenent j wistam et debent inde de redditu per annum xxiij d., et pro Romescot et hertzeld iiij d., et ad stipendium prsepositi iiij d. ; Et debent arare j acram terrse, et percipere ij panes et vj alleces, pretii j d., et valet arura xj d.; Et debent facere Ix opera diurna ut supra in gardino vel alibi ut supra, capiendo Ixv panes ut supra, et sic valent opera ij s, v d ; Et debent claudere x virgatas haise ut supra, et valet opus ij d. ; Et omnia alia opera et consuetudlnes faclent sicut Radulphus atte Forde. Summa consuetudinum et operum x s. j d. Item idem Johannes Schureue tenet quandam teiTam vocatam Stenelond pro quarta parte j wistse et debet inde de redditu per annum xiij s. iiij d. ; Idem tenet quandam terram vocatam Forelond et debet inde de redditu xx d. ; Idem tenet Mellebrok' et Mellegrof et debet inde de redditu xx d. ; Idem tenet j gardlnum et debet inde de redditu j d. ob. ; Et debet pro Stenelond' pro hertyeld et Romescot j d , et pro stipendio prsepositi iiij d. Et debet arare iij quarteria ut supra, et valet arura viij d. q" ; Et de omnibus aliis consuetudinibus et operibus debet medietatem sicut Walterus de Donjmton', praeter quod debet claudere vj virgatas haise et j quarterium ut supra, percipiendo j panem et j quarterium et quartam partem de iij allecibus, et valet opus j d. q". Johannes Shureue junior pro Potel tenet dimidiam wistam et debet de redditu xj d. ob., et pro hertyeld et Romescot ij d., et pro stipendio prsepositi iiij d. ; Et debet arare j acram et dimidiam ut supra, et valet arura xvj d. ob. ; Et de omnibus aliis consuetudinibus et operibus faciet sicut Wal- MANOR OF MERLE, CO. SUSSEX. 11 terus de Donynton', prseter quod non inveniet nisi j hominem per j diem ad falcandum et spargendum pratum ut supra. Willielmus Brond' [modo Thomce Smyth^] tenef dimidiam wistam quae fuit Willielmi de Molendino et debet inde de redditu per annum iiij s. viij d., et pro Romescot et hertyeld' ij d., Et ad stipendium prsepositi iiij d. ; Et debet arare j acram et dimidiam terrse ut supra, et valet arrura ut supra xvj d. ob. ; Et debet cariare vj^" carrlatas bosci ut supra, et percipiet xxxvij panes, pretii ixd,, et sic valet cariaglum Iiij s. iij d. de claro ; Et debet cariare de sale, allece, falcare, et fenum cariare, fima extrahere, averagia facere, et gavelmerke claudere, eodem modo sicut Walterus de Donynton'. Robertus Rolf tenet dimidiam wistam apud Luxebech' et debet inde de redditu per annum ij s. ij d. ob., et pro romescot ob. q^, et pro stipendio praepositi iiij d. ; Et debet de cariagio salis et alleclunl, et falcare et spargere pratum, fima extrahere, et averagia facere, eodem modo sicut Walterus de Donynton' ; Et debet cariare de feno iilj"'^ carrlatas, et percipere iiij panes et xij alleces, pretii ij d., et valet illud cariaglum vj d. Johannes de Loxebeche tenet dimidiam wistam et debet inde de redditu per annum xx d. ob. , et pro Eomescot ob. q^, et pro stipendio praepositi viij d. ; Et debet arare iij quarteria ut supra, et valet arura viij d. q'' ; Et debet cariare Iij carrlatas bosd et dimidiam ut supra, per cipiendo xvj panes et j quarterium, pretii iiij d., et valet opus xxj d. ob. q*; Et debst invenire ij homines ad falcandum pratum et spargendum per iij dies ut supra, percipientes cibum ut supra, et valet opus iiij d. de claro ; CAMD. SOC. C n 12 CUSTUMALS OF BATTLE ABBEY. Et debet cariare iiij carrlatas feni ut supra, sicut Robertus Rolf, et valet cariaglum vj d. ; Et debet de cariagio salis et allecium, et fima extrahere, et averagia facere, sicut Walterus de Donynton'. TeNEMENTA DEVOLUTA AD MANERIUM DE MeRILE, PRO QUIBUS CUSTOS EJUSDEM MANERII FACIT OPERA. Simon de Hethelonde tenuit j wistam et debet inde de redditu per annum xxj d. ob., et pro hertzeld et Eomescot ij d., et pro stipendio praepositi iiij d. ; Et debet cariare cv cariatas bosci ut supra, et valet iij s. vij d. ob. ; Et debet Invenire ij homines per duos dies ad falcandum et spargendum pratum ut supra, et valet opus iiij d. ; Et debet cariare iij cariatas feni ut supra, et valet cariaglum iiij d. ob. ; Et debet cariare M. alleces ut supra, et valet iij d. q'' ; Et debet de cariagio salis, et de fimis extrahendls, et de averagiis faclendis, eodem modo sicut Eadulphus atte Ford'. Unum mesuagium et j wista quam Johannes de Ukeham tenuit debet de redditu per annum xxij d., et pro hertzeld et Romescot iiij d., et pro stipendio prsepositi iiij d. ; Et debet Ix opera in gardino vel alibi, percipiendo ut supra, et valent Ij s. v d. ; Et debet de cariagio salis et allecium, et de falcatione et sparsione prati, et de cariagio feni, et de averagiis faciendis, et de fimis extra- hendis, eodem modo sicut Radulphus atte Ford'; Et debet claudere xx virgatas liaise ut supra, et valet opus iiij d. MANOR OF MERLE, CO. SUSSEX. 13 Unum mesuaglum et una dimidia wista quse Simon de Ukeham tenuit debet de redditu per annum xix d, ob. , et pro hertyeld et Romescot Ij d., et ad stipendium praepositi iiij d. ; Et debet cariare Iij carrlatas bosci et dimidiam, percipiendo ut supra, et valet carlagium xxj d. ob. q" ; Et debet cariare D. alleces ut supra, et percipere j panem et iij alleces, pretii ob., et valet carlagium j d. ob. di. q^ ; Et debet cariare de feno j carriatam et dimidiam ut supra, et valet carlagium Ij d. q" ; Et debet cariare sal, falcare pratum, fima extrahere, et averagia facere sicut Walterus de Donynton' ; Et debet claudere x virgatas de gavelmerke ut supra, et valet opus ij d. Unum mesuagium et una wista quse Robertus Rolf tenuit apud Ukehamme debet de redditu per annum xxj d., et pro Romescot et hertyeld' ij d. ob. , et pro stipendio prsepositi iiij d. ; Et debet arare j acram et dimidiam ut supra, et percipere iij panes et ix alleces, pretii j d. ob., et sic valet arura de claro xvj d. ob. ; Et debet cariare cv cariatas bosci sicut Simon de Hethelond' et valet carlagium iij s. vij d. ob. ; Et debet cariare ij mellenas allecium et percipere ut supra, et valet carlagium vj d. ob. Et debet invenire j hominem ad falcandum et spargendum pratum ut supra, per duos dies, et valet opus ij d. ; Et debet cariare vj cariatas feni ut supra, et valet opus ix d. Et debet de cariagio salis, de fimis extrahendls, et de averagiis faciendis sicut Radulphus atte Forde. Et debet claudere xv virgatas de gavelmerke, et percipere iij panes et ix alleces ut supra, et valet opus iij d. Unum mesuagium et quarta pars unius wistse quse Ingeramus de Bodhurstegate tenuit debet de redditu per annum xvj d., et pro Romescot q", et pro stipendio prsepositi iiij d.,; 14 CUSTUMALS OF BATTLE ABBEY. Et debet cariare j ambram j bussellum et pek salis, et percipiet iij panes dimidium et j quarterium, pretii ob. et di. q^, et sic valet carlagium ij d. ; Et debet cariare D. alleces, et percipere -j panem et iij alleces, pretii ob., et valet carlagium j d. ob. et di. q"; - Et debet cariare de feno j carlatam et dimidiam ut supra, et valet cariaglum ij d. q^ ; Et debet facere xxx averagia, et percipere ut supra, et valent vj s. viij d. de claro ; Et debet invenire j hominem per ij dies ad falcandum et spargendum pratum ut supra, et valet opus ij d, ; Et debet invenire medietatem unius curtanse cum j bove ad fima extrahenda ut supra, et valet opus j d. q^ Tenementa inclusa in novo parco DE Bromham. Robertus de Pukehol' tenuit unum mesuaglum et dimidiam wistam et debuit inde de redditu per annum Ij s., et pro Romescot ob., et pro stipendio prsepositi iiij d. ; Et debet facere xxx averagia et percipere ut supra, et valent vj s. nij d. ; Et debuit de cariagio salis, allecium, falcare et fenum cariare, et fima extrahere eodem modo sicut Walterus de Donyntone. Et sciendum quod Radulphus atte Forde, Willielmus de Hethelond', Cristina filia Gervasii de Telham, Johannes atte Done, Robertus Rolf pro tenemento apud Loxebech', Johannes Sclrreue pro terra de la Stene, unum mesuaglum et j wista quse fuerunt Simonis de Hethelond', unum mesuagium et j wista quse Johannes de Ukeham tenuit, unum mesuagium et dimidia wista quae Simon de Ukeham tenuit, unum mesuagium et quarta pars unius \Yistse quse Ingeramus de Bodhurstgate tenuit, et unum mesuagium et dimidia wista quse Robertus de Pukehole tenuit, arare debent ad duas precarias carucarum per annum, ad unam videlicet in yeine, et manor of merle, CO. SUSSEX. 15 ad aliam in Quadragesima, cum caruca sua ; videlicet unusqulsque eorum si carucam integram habeat, qui vero carucam non habuerit integram invenire debet omnes boves suos quos habet in carucis junctos cum uno homine ad dictas precarias : homines vero qui cum bobus venerint ad dictas precarias, omnes prseter carucarios, operari debent quicquid eis injungitur usque ad disjunctionem carucarum ; et omnes carucarii, simul illis qui cum bobus prsedlctis venerint et operati fuerint ut prasdictum est, habebunt cibum semel in die ad utramque precariam, sicut habent quando fima extrahunt et eodem modo ; Qusequidem arrura supradicta non possunt hie extendi quia non fecerunt opus per longum tempus. Et sciendum quod omnes et singuli nativi supradicta debent cariare medietatem totius vini domini Abbatis de Wynchelse usque Abbathiam de Bello, et custos manerli de Merile inveniet cariaglum alterius medietatis pro antiquis terris in manerio prsedicto existentibus ; Et valet cariaglum cujuslibet dolei vs.; Et sestimatur dictum carlagium hie ad xv dolea communibus annis: et invenient ad dictum carlagium Eadulphus atte Forde j hominem et ij boves, Walterus de- Donynton' et Johannes Knyst j hominem et duos boves, Helewlsia de Petle et Johannes Aleyn j hominem et ij boves, Willielmus de Hethelonde dimidium hominem et j bovem, Gervasius Hamond j hominem et ij boves, Johannes atte Ford' j hominem et ij boves, Johannes atte Donne j bovem, Willielmus Sclrreue et Willielmus Brond j hominem et ij boves, Johannes Schureue pro vltali et Willielmus Brond pro Mellelond' j hominem et rj boves, J-ohannes Sclrreue et Simon Thomas j hominem et ij boves, Johannes Schureue pro terra de la Stene dimidium bovem, Eobertus Eolf pro tenemento de Loxbech' dimidium hominem et j bovem, Johannes de Loxebech' j bovem, tenementum quod fuit Johannis de Ukeham j hominem et ij boves, tenementum quod fuit Simonis de Ukeham j bovem, tenementum quod fuit Eoberti de Ukeham j hominem et ij boves, tenementum quod fuit Ingerami de Bodherstgate dimidium bovem, tenementum quod fuit Simonis de Hethelond' j hominem et ij boves, et tenementum quod fuit Roberti de Pukehole dimidium 16 CUSTUMALS of BATTLE ABBEY. hominem et j bovem, Et percipient omnes dicti custumarii pro cariagio cujuslibet dolei simul cum cariagio de Merile xl panes nigros, de majoribus ut dicunt, pretii x d., et vj"'' aleces, pretii x d., Et sic valet carlagium cujuslibet dolei de claro iij s. iiij d,; Et est summa cariagii xv doleorum 1 s. 17 Extent and Rental of the Manor of BERNEHORNE, Co. Sussex. Temp 35 Edward I. [Liber Eegius de Bello, fol. 20-22.] BERNEHORNE. Extenta manerii de Bernehorne, facta die Mercurii proximo post festum sancti Gregorii Pap» anno regni regis Edwardi xxxv*°, coram fratre Thoma custode de Merile, Johanne de la More, et Adam de Thrulegh, Clericis, per sacramentum Willielmi de Gocecoumbe, a Walteri le Parker, Ricardi le Knyst, RIcardi filii ejusdem, Andree de Estone, Stephani Morspich, Thome Brembel, Willielmi de Swynham'me, Johannis Pollard, Rogeri le Glide, Johannis Syward, et Johannis de Lillingewist, qui dicunt &c. quod sunt ibidem omnia subscripta : Jurati dicunt quod capitale messuagium et gardlnum ejusdem Dominicum. cum herbagio et curtilaglo valent per annum vj s. viij d. ; et unum columbarium valet per annum vs.; et unum molendinum ventriticum valet per annum xx s. ; Et sunt ibi xij acras grossi bosci undo pannaglum et herbagium valent per annum ij s. ; Et sunt ibi xiij acr« terrae maritime in quodam loco vocato Terra ,. , ^ .. Maritima. Scottesmershe, quarum quaeiibet acra valet per annum xij d., et est summa xiij s. ; Et sunt ibi vij acrse et j roda terrse marltlmae in quodam loco vocato Aldithewisse, Et xlvij acrae et tres rodse terrae maritlmse in quodam loco vocato Flittermeshe, quarum quselibet acra valet per annum xij d. , Et est summa Iv s. ; Et sunt ibi xxij acrse terrae maritlmae in duobus locis vocatis Pund- fold et Longerech, Et vij acrre terrae maritime in quodam loco vocato 18 CUSTUMALS OF BATTLE ABBET. Terra brocalis. Terra Susanna et campestres. Wysshe, Et viij acrse et tres rodae terrae maritimae in quodam loco vocato Uppecroft mersshe, Et iij acrae et dimidia terrae maritime in quodam loco vocato Redewlsshe, et valet qualibet acra per annum xij d., Et est summa xlj s. iij d. ; Et sunt ibi xix acrae j roda terrae maritlmse in quodam loco vocato Berghammesmershe, Et vij acrae in quodam loco vocato Pammershe, Et iij acrse et j roda terrae maritlmse extra Wallam de Flltermersshe et Longereche, Et valet qualibet acra per annum xij d., Et est summa xxix s. vj d. ; Et sunt ibi xv acrae terrae brocalis in quodam loco vocato Swyn- hamme, Et iiij"" vj acrse terrse brocalis, in quodam loco vocato Hoo- brokes, quarum qualibet valet nunc per annum iiij d. ; Et prsedlctae terrae brocales, si fuerint competenter assewiatse, valebit qualibet acra per annum x d. ; Et est summa Iiij 11. iiij s. ij d. Et sunt ibi xviij acrae terrae susanae in campis vocatis Wellelond et Hammes, Et xxj acrae terrae in campis vocatis Panden et Panylond quarum quselibet acra valet per annum vj d,, Et est summa xix s. vj d. ; Et sunt ibi xxiii) acrae terrse et dimidia in campo de Berghamme, et valet quaeiibet acra per annum vj d. , Et est summa xij s. iij d. ; Et sunt ibi xxxiilj acrae terrae in quodam campo vocato Swyn- hamme, Et Ivj acrae terrae in quodam campo vocato Hoolonde quarum quselibet acra valet per annum iijd., Et est sumina xxijs. vjd.j Et sunt ibi xxx acrae terra>, et dimidia in campis vocatis Eldeton et Furneysllond, Et xij acr» terrse in campis vocatis Pleme et Schebbecroft et Roberdes merssh', et valet qualibet acra per annum iij d., Et est summa x s. vij d. ob. ; Et sunt ibi vj acrse et una roda prati In quodam loco vocato Hoolond', Et vj acrae prati in quodam loco vocato Robertessmersh', Et una acra prati juxta Roberteswode alias Rokeswode, quarum quaeiibet acra valet per annum xviij d., Et est summa xix s. xd. ob. manor of BERNEHORNE, CO. SUSSEX. 19 Summa acrarum bosci xij acrse. Summa acrarum terrae arrabilis ccccxliiij acrse dimidia et una roda, unde clxvij acrse iiij rodae terra maritlmse, Cj acrse terrse brocalis, Et ciiij''^ acrse terrse susanse. Summa acrarum prati xiij acrse et una rodse. Summa totius extentse prsedictse xviij 11. x s. iiij d. Johannes Pollard tenet unam dimidiam acram in Aldithewisse et Liberi debet xviij d. ad quatuor terminos, et defect inde relevium et heriettum. Johannes Suthinton' tenet unum mesuagium et xl acras terrae et debet iij s. vj d. ad Pascha et Michaehs. Willielmus de Swynhame tenet unam acram prati in Broco de Swynhame et debet jd. in festo Michaelis. Radulphus de Leybourne tenet unum cotagium super unam acram terrae in Pundenn' et debet iij s. ad Pascha et Michaelis, et sectam curiae in Manerio de tribus septimanis in tres septimauas, relevium et heriettum. Ricardus Knyst de Swynhame tenet duas acras et dimidiam terrae et debet per annum iiij s. Willielmus atte Knelle tenet duas acras terrae in Aldithewisse et debet per annum iiij s. Rogerus le Glede tenet unum cotagium et tres rodas terrae et debet ij s. vj d. ad Pascha et Michaelis. Alexander Hamound tenet unam parvam peciam terrae juxta Aldewisse et debet unam aucam, pretii ij d. Summa totius redditus hberorum tenentium, cum pretio aucse, xviij s. ix d. Dicunt etiam quod Johannes de Caworth tenet unum mesuagium NatiTi. et xxx acras terrae, et debet per annum ij s., Pascha et Michaelis, Et debet unum gallum et duas gallinas ad Natale Domini, pretii iiij d.; Et debet herciare per duos dies ad semen Quadragesimale cum CAMD. SOC. D 20 CUSTUMALS OF BATTLE ABBEY. uno homine et equo proprio et hercia propria, pretium operis iiij d. ; Et percipiet de domino utroque die tres repastus pretii iij d. : Et sic erit dominus perdens j d. ; Et sic nihil valet ilia herciatio ad opus domini; Et debet cariare fima domini per duos dies cum una curtena cum duobus bobus propriis, pretium operis viij d. ; Et percipiet de domino utroque die tres repastus pretii ut supra, Et sic valet opus de claro iij d. ; Et inveniet unum hominem per duos dies ad falcandum pratum domini, qui potest falcare per aestimationem j acram et dimidiam, pretium falcationis unius acrae vj d. ; Et est summa ix d. ; Et percipiet utroque die iij repastus pretii ut supra, Et sic valet ilia falcatio de claro iiij d. ; Et debet colligere et levare illud idem fenum quod falcaverit, pretium operis iijd.; Et habebit de domino ij repastus pro uno homine, pretii j d. ob., Et sic valet opus de claro j d. ob. ; Et debet cariare fenum domini per unum diem cum uno carro et iij animallbus propriis, pretium operis vj d. ; Et habebit de domino iij repastus pretii ij d. ob. ; Et sic valet opus de claro iij d. ob. ; Et debet cariare in autumpno fabas vel avenam per ij dies cum uno carro et tribus animallbus propriis, pretium operis xij d. ; Et percipiet de domino utroque die tres repastus pretii ut supra, Et sic valet opus de claro vij d. ; Et debet cariare boscum de bosco domini usque ad manerium per duos dies in sestate, cum uno carro et tribus animallbus propriis, pretium operis ix d. Et percipiet de domino utroque die tres re pastus pretii ut supra, Et sic valet opus de claro iiij d. ; Et debet invenire unum hominem per duos dies ad falcandum brueram, pretium operis iiij ; et habebit iij repastus utroque die pretii ut supra ; Et sic erit dominus perdens, si receperit opus, j d. ; Et sic nihil valet ilia falcatio ad opus domini ; Et debet cariare brueram quam falcaverit, pretium operis v d. ; Et percipiet de domino iij repastus pretii ij d, ob., Et sic valet opus de claro ij d. ob.; MANOR OF BERNEHORNE, CO. SUSSEX. 21 Et debet averare ad Bellum per ij vices tempore aestivo, utraque vice dimidiam summam frumentl, pretium operis iiij d. ; Et percipiet in manerio utraque vice unum repastum pretii ij d., Et sic valet opus de claro ij d. Summa redditus, cum pretio gallinarum, ij s. iiij d.; summa pretii operum ij s. iij d. ob. ; debiti de dicto Johanne per annum. Willielmus de Kayworthe tenet unum mesuagium et xxx acras terrae et debet ad Pascha et Michaelis ij s. redditus, Et faciet omnes consuetudlnes sicut prsedictus Johannes de Cayworthe. Willielmus atte Grene tenet unum mesuagium et xxx acras terrse et debet per omnia sicut dictus Johannes. Alanus atte Felde tenet unum mesuagium et xvj acras terrae, pro quibus Serviens solvit ad Curiam de Boxle ij s., et debet ad Pascha et Michaelis iiij s., sectam, relevium, et heriettum. Johannes Lyllingwyst' tenet j mesuagium iiij"' acras terrae et debet ad dictos terminos ij s. sectam, relevium, et heriettum. Idem Johannes tenet unam acram terrse in campo de Hoo et debet ad dictos terminos ij s., sectam, relevium, et heriettum. Eeginaldus atte Denne tenet j mesuagium et xviij acras terrae et debet ad dictos terminos xviij d., sectam, relevium, et heriettum. Robertus de Northehou tenet iij acras terrae apud Saltcote et debet ad dictos terminos xviij d., sectam, relevium, et heriettum. Summa summarum redditus nativorum, cum pretio gallinarum, xxs. Summa omnium operum eorundem trium nativorum vj s. X d. ob. Et memorandum quod omnes supradicti nativi non possunt mari- tare filias suas nee facere filios suos coronari, nee possunt prostrare meremium crescens in tenementis quae tenent, sine licentia et visu 22 CUSTUMALS OF BATTLE ABBEY, Ballivi vel Servientis domini, et hoc ad eedificandum et non aliter ; Et post mortem cujuslibet prsedictorum nativorum dominus habebit pro herietto melius animal si quod habuerit, si vero nullam vivam bestiam habeant," dominus nullum heriettum habebit, ut dicunt; Filii vel fihse prsedictorum nativorum dabunt pro ingressu tene- menti post mortem antecessor um suorum tantum sic[ut] dant de redditu'per annum. Silvester Sacerdos tenet unam acram prati adjacentein mesuagio suo, et debet inde per annum iij s. Summa redditus tenentium ad termlnum vitae iij s. Coterelli Petronilla atte Holme tenet unum cotagium et unam peciam terrse et debet ad Pascha et Mitihaelis sectam, relevium, et heriettum. Walterus Heryng' tenet unum cotagium et unam peciam terrse et debet ad Pascha et Michaelis xviij d., sectam, relevium, et heriettum. Isabella Mariner tenet unum cotagium et debet ad festum Michaelis xij d., sectam, relevium, et heriettum. Jordanus atte Melle tenet unum cotagium et unam acram terrse et dimidiam et debet ad Pascha et Michaelis ij s. sectam, relevium, et heriettum. Willielmus de Batelesmere tenet unam acram terrs cum uno cotagio et debet ad festum Michalis iij d., et j gallum et j galllnam ad Natale Domini, pretii iij d., sectam, relevium, et heriettum. Johannes le Man tenet dimidiam acram terrae cum uno cotagio et debet ad festum Michaelis ij s. sectam, relevium, &c. Johannes Werthe tenet j rodara terrae cum uno cotagio et debet ad dictum termlnum xviij d., sectam, relevium, heriettum. Galfridus Caumbreis tenet dimidiam acram et unum cotagium et debet ad dictum termlnum xviij d., sectam, relevium, heriettum. Willielmus Hassok tenet j rodam terrse et, unum cotagium et debet ad dictum termlnum, xviij d., sectam, relevium, et heriettum. MANOR OF BERNEHORNE, CO. SUSSEX. 23 Idem tenet tres acras et dimidiam terrae et debet per annum ad festum Michaelis iij s. pro omnibus. Eogerus Doget tenet dimidiam acram terrse et unum cotagium quae fuerunt R. Molend[inarIi] et debet ad festum Michaelis xviij d., sectam, &c. Thomas le Brod' tenet unam acram et unum cotagium et debet ad dictum termlnum iij s., sectam, relevium, et heriettum. Willielmus le Colliere tenet unam dimidiam acram terrse et cotagium et debet ad dictum termlnum xviij d. , sectam, rele vium, &c. Agnes de Cayworthe tenet dimidiam acram et cotagium et debet ad dictum termlnum xviij d., sectam , relevium , &c. Agnes de Badlesmere tenet unam acram terrae et cotagium et debet ad dictum termlnum iij s., sectam, relevium, &c. Willielmus atte Whaunne tenet unam acram terrse et debet ad Pascha et Michaelis ij s., et relevium. Ranulphus Fichs tenet unam acram terrae qu^ fuit Mabilise^ Coupere et debet iij s. ad festum Michaelis. Johannes Molend[inar ins] tenet dimidiam acram terrae quae^ fuit \ je f eodo dictae Mabilise et debet ij s. ad dictum termlnum. /Episcopi. Johannes Coupere tenet unum cotagium dicta Mabillae, de feodo I de Bexle, et debet xij d ad dictum termlnum. ) Summa redditus dictorum coterellorum, cum pretio gallinarum, xxxiiij s. vj d. Et memorandum quod omnes dicti coterelli facient quoad filias suas maritandas, filios suos coronandos, et quoad meremium prosternendum et heriettum reddendum, et etiam ad fines pro ingressu faciendas, sicut Johannes de Cayworthe et alii nativi antedicti, exceptis tribus ultimis de feodo Episcopi. Item fines et amerciamenta cum heriettis et releviis valent per annum v s. 24 CUSTUMALS OF BATTLE ABBEY. Feodum Episcopi. Liberitenentes de feodo Episcopi. Tenementa adquisita de feodo domini Episcopi CiCESTRENSIS, DE TENURA MaNERII DE BlXLE. Item sunt ibidem viij acrae et dimidia terrae maritlmae in quodam marisco vocato Roberdesmersche et valet quselibet acra xij d. ; Et sunt ibidem xxxiiij acrae terrae in campis vocato Mellefeld' et Pendlond', Et v acrse terrae in campo vocato Densexe; et valet quaeiibet acra vj d.; Et sunt ibi xlix acrae terrse in campo vocato Goddyngele et valet quaeiibet acra per annum iij d. ; Et sunt ibidem qusedam peclse de bruere, jacentes per diversas partlculas, quse valent per annum xijd. Summa acrarum iilj'"'xvj acrse et dimidia, de quibus de terra maritima viij acrse et dimidia. Summa totius extentse prsedictae xlj s. iij d. Willielmus atte Knelle tenet unum mesuagium et quinque acras terrse de Mellefeld' et debet x s. ad iiij" terminos principales et sectam ad hallmotam de tribus septimanis in tres septimauas, relevium, et heriettum. Johannes Pollard tenet unum mesuagium et duas acras terrse et debet ad festum Michaelis x d. ob., relevium, et heriettum. Summa redditus x s. x d. ob. Coterelli. Jacobus atte Crouche tenet per uxorem suam unam acram terrse et unum cotagium et debet ix d. ad Pascha et Michaelis, relevium, et heriettum. Alicia Foghelere tenet unam acram terrse et unum cotagium et debet vij d. ad festum Michaelis, relevium, et heriettum. Walterus le Gardener tenet unum cotagium et tres acras terraj et debet xiiij d. ad festum Michaelis, relevium, et heriettum. Willielmus Cok tenet unum cotagium et debet xvj d. ad Pascha et Michaelis, relevium, et heriettum. manor of BERNEHORNE, CO. SUSSEX. 25 Idem Willielmus tenet dimidiam rodam vocatam Pundfold et debet per annum iiij d. Willielmus atte Whaunne tenet unum cotagium et duas acras terrse et debet iiij s. ad Pascha et Michaelis, relevium et heriettum. Petronilla de Caldecote tenet unum cotagium et vij acras terrae et debet xx d. ad festum Michaelis, relevium, et heriettum. Summa redditus Coterellorum ix s. ix d. Summa redditus totius feodi de Bixle xx s. viij d. ob. Summa totius extentse dicti feodi Ixj s, xj d. ob. Scriptum obligatorium Abbatis et Conventus de Bello de ij s. annul redditus pro relaxatione sectae de Bixle, salva secta tenentium. Omnibus Christi fidelibus ad quos praesens scriptum pervenerit Eeginaldus dei gratia Abbas de Bello et ejusdem loci Conventus Salutem in Domino sempiternam: Noveritis quod nos tenemur solvere singulis annis imperpetuum Domino Johanni Episcopo Cicestrensi et successoribus suis Episcopis Cicestrensibus ij s. annuatim ad Manerium de Bixle, pro secta quam prsedictus Episcopus nobis remislt et quietam clamavit de tenementis quse habemus de dono Sibillse de Icklesham et de dono Sainfridi de Somery in Bernehorne et Codyngle, ad duos anni terminos, videlicet ad Pascha xij d. et ad Festum Michaelis xij d. ; Et ideo volumus et concedimus quod Ballivi prsedicti Episcopi et successorum suorum destringant prsedicta tenementa pro praedicto redditu quotiens in solutlone ejusdem fuerit cessatum; Et quod, si tenentes prsedicta tenementa inhabitaverint, sequitur hundredum prsedicti Episcopi de Bixle pro capitlbus suis, quamdiu fuerint ibidem residentes. In cujus rei testimonium sigllla nostra prsesenti scripto feciinus apponi. Datum apud Bellum in Crastino Sancti Benedicti in Capitulo nostro anno domino millesimo cclxj. 26 Rental and Custumal of the Manor of ALSISTON, Co. Sussex. Temp. Edward I. [Liber Regius de Bello, fol. 23-27.] Redditus, servitia, et consuetudines manerii de Alsiston'. Radulphus BedeUus tenet j wistam ij s. ob. q* et ij vomeres Idem tenet j magnam wis tam ij s. vij d. I Rogerus a la Laye tenet dimidiam hidam iiij s. ob. et ij vomeres j Robertus Thurban tenet j hidam viij s. j d. ob. Ricardus Niweman tenet dimidiam hidam iiij s. ob. Idem tenet unam wistam ij s. ob. q" Eadulphus de Fraxino tenet iij wistas vj s. j d. ob. q" Idem tenet unam mag nam wistam ij s. vij d. Radulphus Terri tenet dimidiam hidam iiij s. j d. ob. RicardufS Norreys tenet dimidiam hidam iiij s. ob. Gocelinus Eufus tenet dimidiam hidam iiij s. j d. Ricardus Molendarius tenet dimidiam hidam iiij s. j d. ob. ij d. xij d. iij d. ob. iijd. vd. ob. d. V d. ob. d. iij d. ob. d. ob. xij d. ob. q» d. iij d. d. vj d. „ d. vd. ob. ij d. vj d. ob. ij d. vj d. ob. ij s. q'' jd. ij d. ob. q* iiij s. ob. V d. ob. iiij s. j d. ob. ijd. vjd. iiij s. ob. jd. V d. ob. ij sol. q^ jd. ij d. ob. q" iiij s. ob. j d. ob. V d. ob. MANOR OF alsiston, CO. SUSSEX. 27 Nicholaus de la Wyke tenet j wistam Thomas Bissop tenet dimidiam hidam Robertus de la Hale tenet dimidiam hidam Willielmus de la Hale tenet dimidiam hidam iiij s. ob. Ricardus Aleman tenet unam wistam Rogerus Norreys tenet dimidiam hidam Summa Ixviij s. iij d. ob. q*. Summa xxj d. Summa viijs.vd. q*- Willielmus Praepositus tenet j wistam pro xij d. per annum, quos non solvit quam diu est in praepositura. Radulpho Terry remittitur ob redditus. Gocelino Rufo, ob. Rogero Norreys, ob. q*- Praedicta remissio redditus facta fuit prsedictis, de termino Sancti Thomse Apostoli, pro terra eorundem quae inclusa fuit cum prato domini. Quaeiibet dimidia hida debet ad Natale j gallum et iij gallinas, Summa Ixvj ; Et ad Pascha xx ova. Summa ovorum cccxxx. Et sciendum quod quselibet dimidia hida debet domino, qualibet die qua licet operari, opus unius hominis quicquid ei injungitur. Si trituratio bladi injungitur, iij homines debent triturare in die dimidiam summam et dimidium bussellum de frumento, vel ij homines dimidiam summam de ordeo, vel unusquisque vj bussellos de avena; De fabis et vescis sicut de frumento ; CAMD SOC. E 28 custumals of battle ABBET. Et debent triturare in quocumque orreo eis prsecipitur, infra manerium tantum, ut dicunt; Et debent ventilare quicquid triturant et portare ad granarium, et, si longe fuerit granarium, debent averiis suis cariare ; Et trituratio tanti bladi ut prsedictum est, et ventilatio et cariatio, pro opere unius diei allocatur. Si opus fossorium injungitur, debent in die duo homines de novo fossato facere j perticatam, v pedum latitudine, vel unusquisque de veteri fossato j perticatam reparare ; Si aliud opus injungitur, debent operari quousque pares eorum perfecerint opus suum in orreo ; Si injungitur ire ad carucam vel herciam, debent hoc facere quousque tempus sit carucam disjungere; Quando torrare debent, scilicet glebas frangere ad ordeum, vel oves lavare vel tondere, bladum sarculare, falcare, vel fenum coUi- gere, debent operari tota die excepta hora comedendi ; Ad colligendum fenum debet quselibet dimidia hida invenire j hominem per unum diem, prseter opus unius hominis cotidianum ; Et similiter j hominem per unum diem ad tassandum fenum et ad falcationem prati ; debent habere cibum uno^die, et debent cariare totum fenum, scilicet quselibet dimidia hida cum duobus bobus ; Item, si opus fuerit, quaeiibet dimidia hida debet invenire ij homines ad metendum in campo domini et habere decimam garbam, vel, si dominus maluerit, quselibet dimidia hida debet metere in die j acram de frumento vel de avena, vel dimidiam acram ordei vel vesciarum, cum quot hominibus voluerit et habere decimam garbam; Debent cariare totum bladum, scilicet quaslibet dimidia hida cum duobus bobus ; Item quselibet dimidia hida debet invenire ad fimum extrahendum duos homines et ij boves, quousque totum extrahatur; Item quselibet dimidia hida debet arare j acram ad frumentum semel, et seminare dimidiam illam acram de proprio semine; Item debet arare j acram ad ordeum bis, et ij acras ad avenam manor of alsiston, CO. SUSSEX. 29 semel, et debent cariare semen de granarlo in campum ad semlnan- dum terram quam arant, et herciare debent quicquid arant ; Item quaeiibet dimidia hida debet cariare per annum quatuor careatas ad focum domini, set non longius quam a Grimbrok ut dicunt, et quando dominus sedificat, j careatam meremii, quilibet dabit juvamen careariis ; Item, si necesse fuerit quaerere bladum apud Seford, vel alibi prope, debet quselibet dimidia hida ire cum averio uno bis in die, et alloca bitur pro opere unius diei ; si longius, semel tantum debet ire ; Item quselibet dimidia hida debet invenire et facere quatuor cheveruns et omnia pertinentia in parietibus, et coopertura ad hlosam domini, excepto magno meremio ; ita quod oves domini con- serventur indempnes, et hoc allocabitur pro opere duorum dierum omni anno. Item quselibet dimidia hida debet averare ad Bellum omni die, Lunae, quod si jumentum suum moritur vel puUum pariat, quietus erit de uno averagio, set operabitur; Item debent averare ubicumque et quandocumque eis prsecipitur, set, nisi potuerint nocte redire ad propria, debent esse ad sumptus domini; Et sciendum quod quando averant, arant, vel cariant, quieti sunt de opere cotidiano ; In autumpno vero, si cariaverint tres cariatas bladi, et impediti fuerint per pluviam amplius cariare, quieti erunt ipsa die de opere suo; Si minus tribus Careatis cariaverint, non erunt quieti set triturabunt vel aliud opus sibi injunctum facient; Et sciendum quod quaeiibet dimidia hida continet ij wistas, unde quaeiibet wista debet medietatem omnium prsedictorum ; Duae tamen sunt magnse wistae, quas tenent Radulphus BedeUus et Eadulphus de Fraxino, a festo Sancti Johannis usque ad festum Sancti Michaelis; debent facere quantum facit dimidia hida, scilicet sarculando, falcando, fenum vel bladum ducendo, et in aliis operibus, excepto quod non metit nee triturat; Item utraque istarum debet ire pro j careata meremii ad facien dum aratra, ubi prsecipitur; 30 CUSTUMALS OF BATTLE ABBEY. Et si opus fuerit, debent invenire hospitium hospitibus Abbatis vel monachorum, et equis ; Item istae duae wistae debent ducere et reducere porcos domini ad nemus, tempore pannagii, ad Bellum vel Limenesfeld ; Item utraque istarum debet habere xix oves et j multonem in pastura domini quse vocatur Westdun' ; Et sciendum quod quilibet praedictorum, de qualibet sue quam habuerit, debet dare domino j purcellum ablactatum, scilicet quando secundo porcellaverit, et non amplius. Cottarii de Alsistun'. Eobertus Upeheye, Johannes Wodegos, Margeria relicta Wil lielmi carpeiftarii, Matilda relicta Alurici, quilibet istorum quatuor debet ad festum Sancti Thomae xij d. ; Et a festo Sancti Michaelis usque ad tempus sarculationis debet quilibet qualibet ebdomada duo opera, scilicet die Lunae et die Veneris, ut dicunt, et non alia opera , facere nisi triturare et torrare, id est glebas frangere, et spargere fenum quando necesse fuerit, ut dicunt ; Et ad Natale Domini debet unusquisque cariare vel portare ad Bellum xij gallinas, et ad Pascha ccl ova, et quieti erunt de opere xij diebus Natall, et a die Para ceves usque ad octabas Paschae ; Sarculabunt quamdiu aliquid sarculandum est; Tempore lanse tondendae, debent jungiter interesse ad oves con- gregandas et fugandas ad aquas, et lanam simul coUIgendam ; Tempore feni et bladi, debet unusquisque invenire j hominem quamdiu durat, ad spargendum et colligendum et tassandum fenum et ad bladum tassandum. Edithae rellctae Eoberti Upeheye remissi fuerunt iij d. redditus pro terra ejusdem inclusa ad pratum domini. Notandum quod tres wistae de prsedictis wistis, et duse magnse Sancti Sancti okeday Johannis Michaelis vj d. vjd. vj d. vjd. vjd. vjd. vjd. vjd. vjd. vjd. vj d. vj d. MANOR OF ALSISTON, CO. SUSSEX. 31 wistse, et wista quam Willielmus Praepositus tenet, nichil solebant facere de hlosa. Memorandum quod reparatio hlosae remissa fuit pro xxj d. sol- vendis per annum, et dedunt de fine pro eodem xs., ut quieti esse possent per redditum praedictum, unde vj homines sunt de Thelinton' qui solvunt ilium redditum. Thomse Apostoli Willielmus Pelliparius vj d. Alanus Coopertor vj d. Nicholaus de Cobbetot' vj d. Walterus Cat vj d. Quilibet istorum quatuor debet esse ad fenum colligendum, et per quatuor dies ad cibum domini. Willielmus Poidras vj d. vj d. vj d. vj d. Relicta Page xiij d. ob. xiij d. ob. Martinus Bercarius vj d. vj d. vj d. vj d. Quilibet istorum trium debet esse ad fenum colligendum, et per duos dies ad cibum domini, Johannes de Chinting' xiij d. xiij d. Iste solus debet esse ad bladum tassandum, et per ij dies ad cibum domini. ISTI SUBSCRIPTI TENENT TERRAS DE QUIBUS NON FACIUNT ALIQUOD SERVITIUM. Robertus de Thurban, pro j crofta xvjd. Radulphus Terri, pro j mesuagio xvjd. Willielmus Eufus xijd. xijd. ijs. Adam Beste xxjd. xxjd. 32 CUSTUMALS OF BATTLE ABBEY. ThomEe tt v ,1 Sancti Sancti Apostoli -tioKeaay Johannis Michaelis Willielmus Praepositus, pro terra Dyon' ix d. iij d. ix d. iij d. ix d. iij d. ix d. iij d. Radulphus faber vj d. ob. vj d. vj d. vj d. Willielmus Potenina, Bercarius vj d. vj d. vj d. vj d. Summa xij s. iiij d. ob. Summa vj s. Summa viij s. Summa vij s. viij d. ob. Memorandum quod relicta Willielmi praepositi debet vj d. ad Pascha et festum Sancti Michaelis pro domo tannatoris ; Item Willielmus praepositus tenet libere quamdiu vixeritj wistam, et debet idem xij d., quos non solvit quamdiu est in praepositura. Teletun'. Adam de Suthintun', Willielmus, Jordanus, Adam de la Lote, Brthtwi, Eicardus Dunlond, quilibet istorum vj tenet dimidiam hidam, et debet ad festum Sancti Thomse iij s. v d. ad Hokeday j d., ad festum Sancti Johannis vd. ob., et ad Natale j gallum et iij- gallinas, et ad Pascha xx ova ; Et debet unusquisque facere pro dimidia hida sua quicquid facit dimidia hida de Alsistun'. Et notandum quod isti vj debent communare cum Abbate de Begeham et nobiscum in pastura de Duna de Teletun', quam habemus de Willielmo Pessun. Tenentes de terra Pessoun. Mabilia Postel, viijd.; Eichard Spuhard', iijs.; Alanus de Teletun', vj d. ; Bartholomseus mercator, xiiij d. ; Terminus istorum est ad Purificationem ; Et nos debemus pro terra Pesson dimidiam marCatn ad eundem termlnum ad wardam castri. manor of alsiston, CO. SUSSEX. 33 Cloppham. Gocelinus de Cloppham tenet dimidiam hidam, et debet ad festum Sancti Thom^ iij s. vj d., ad Hokedai ij d., ad festum Sancti Johannis vj d. ob., ad Natale iij gallinas, et ad Pascha xx ova ; Et debet facere per omnia sicut dimidia hida de Alsistun'. Lullintun'. Thomse tt t- j Sancti Apostoli MoKeaay johannis Ricardus Orul tenet unam hidam ix s. vij d. ij d. xiij d. Humfrey tenet dimidiam hidam iiij s. xj d. iij d. vj d. ob. Johannes Blundus tenet dimi diam hidam iiij s. x d. ij d. vj d. ob. Gilebertus Plot tenet dimidiam hidam iiij s. ix d. j d. vj d. ob. Bartholomseus Blundus tenet dimidiam hidam iiij s. ix d. j d. vj d. ob. Quaeiibet dimidia hida debet ad Natale iij gallinas, et ad Pascha xxj ova; Item quselibet dimidia hida debet arare unam acram et dimidiam et quindecim sulcos ad frumentum, et seminare totum de proprio semine ; Item debet arare unam acram et dimidiam ad ordeum bis, et unam acram et dimidiam ad avenam vel ad vescias, et omnia alia opera facere sicut dimidia hida de Alsistun'. Alurichtun'. Thomse TT/^Vo/l Sancti Apostoli iioKeaay j^jjannis Walterus Senex tenet dimidiam hidam iij s. iij d. j d. v d. ob. Warinus de Middetun' tenet dimidiam hidam iij s. ij d. j d. v d. ob. 34 CUSTUMALS OF BATTLE ABBEY. ThomseApostoli Radulphus Chapell' tenet dimi diam hidam iij s. ij d. Henricus de Middetun' tenet dimidiam hidam iij s. ij d. Willielmus Laverke tenet dimi diam hidam iij s. ij d. TT 1 J Sancti Hokeday j^t,^^^;. j d. V d. ob. j d. V d. ob. j d. V d. ob. Quselibet dimidia hida de Alurichtun' debet ad Natale iij gallinas, et ad Pascha xx ova ; Quselibet dimidia hida de Alurichtun' debet omnia sicut dimidia hida de Alsistun', hoc excepto, quod ubi dimidia hida de Alsistun' arat ij acras ad avenam, dimidia hida de Alurichtun' non debet arare nisi j acram ad vescias ; Item sciendum quod quaeiibet dimidia hida de Cloppham, Lullin tun', et Alurichtun', debet cariare tantum duas careatas ad focum ad Curiam de Alsistun', et qualibet j careatam meremii ; Set debent prosternere et cariare clausturam ad tres curias, vide licet Cloppham, Lullintun', et Alurichtun', quantum necesse est. Cotarii de Cloppham, Lullintun', Alurichtun'. Clopham. Johannes Bret Gunnora relicta Nicholai Thomas Carpentarius Lullintun' Galfridus Ruter Walterus Cole Alurichtun' Walterus Senex praedictus. Thomas Apostoli ix d. vjd. ix d. ixd. ix d. xviij d. Sancti Johannis ixd.vjd. ix d. ixd. ixd. Quilibet istorum sex, tempore lanae tondendae, debet invenire j hominem ad oves congregandas et fugandas ad aquas, lanam simul colligendam, et ad sarclandum quamdiu aliquid est sarclandum et manor of alsiston, CO. SUSSEX. 35 ad fenum spargendum, colligendum, et tassandum, et ad bladum tassandum usque ad finem. Thomse Apostoli Hokedai Sancti Johannis Sancti Michaelis Henricus Textor ix d. ix d. ixd. ixd. Robertus Textor iijd. iij d. iijd. iij d. Walterus Liber tenet j wistam xviij d.ob. xviij d. ob. Uterque istorum Henrici et Roberti Textorum debent duo opera in autumpno quicquid inj ungitur ; Iste Walterus debet invenire j homine n per j diem ad extra hendum fenum de Broco de Lullinton'; Et j averagium ad Seford' ad singulas naves ibi cum blado domini applicantes. Fulcherus textor vj d. vj d. Iste Fulcherus debet opus unius hominis per unum diem in prato domini, et comedere cum hidarlis. Libere tenentes in Cloppham, Lullintun', et Aluuichtun'. Johannes Horsman AldellnusWalterus Cokey Lucia relicta Thurban Helewisa relicta Carpen- tarii Symon Bercarius Eobertus de la Gare tenet j hidam Thomae Apostoli Hokeday Sancti Johannis Sancti Michaelis vjd. vij d. ob. vjd.vij d. ob. vij d. ob. Clopham vjd. vjd. vj d. vjd.. vjd. vjd. Lullintun' vjd. vjd. vj d. vjd. vjd. vjd. vij s. iij d. Iij d. iij d. ob. iij d. vij s. iij d. Idem, pro prato de la Hore iij d. ob. Iste Eobertus, praemunitus a serviente de Alsistun', debet ire cum eo ad omnia negotia Abbatis sumptibus ipsius Abbatis. CAMD. SOC. F 36 CUSTUMALS OF BATTLE ABBEY. Eobertus Huser tenet di Thomse „_, „j „ Apostoli Hokeday Sancti Johannis Sancti Michaelis midiam hidam Et debet arare et seminare iiij s. ix d. sicut dimidia hida de Lullintun' Idem, pro una crofta vj d. Johannes Lot, pro una acra iiij d. ob. iiij d. ob. iiij d. ob, iiij d. ob. Alur Thomje ;ICHTUN' Hokeday Sancti Ad Sancti Apostoli Johannis Vincula Michaelis Bricius textor iijd. iijd. Gilebertus Kech vd. vd. vd. vd. Willielmus Kyrie iij d. iij d . iij d. iij d. iij d. iijd. Joseph textor xiij d. xiij d. Johannes Lot, pro dimidia acra prati. jd. jd. jd. jd. Walterus Senex prsedictus, pro j crofta. vjd. vjd. vjd. vjd. Johannes Bull' xij d. xijd. viij d. vjd. Eadulphus Bataille viij d. Willielmus Laverke prsedictus, pro quadam terra, iiij d. iiij d. Et sciendum quod omnes tenentes de Alsistun', Teletun', Cloppham, Lullintun', Alurichtun', excepto Roberto de la Gare, quando braciant tenentur mittere ad Curiam de Alsistun' unum picherum, ad minus de duobus galonibus, et datur eis parvus panis. manor of alsiston, co. sussex. 37 Blechintun' Thomaj tt i j Sancti Apostoli Hokeday joj^^^i^ Radulphus Thurgar tenet j wistam ij s. iij d. ij s. iij d. ij s. ij d. Robertus frater ejus tenet j wistam ij s. Iij d. ij s. iij d. ij s. ij d. Nicholaus filius Bartholomsei tenet dimidiam hidam iiij s. vj d. iiij s. vj d. iiij s. iiij d. Ricardus de Ecclesia tenet dimidiam wistam xiij d. ob. xiij d. ob. xiij d. Willielmus Gloucunister tenet dimidiam wistam xiij d. ob.. xiij d. ob. xiij d. Ricardus de Munt tenet di midiam wistam xiij d. ob. xiij d. ob. xiij d. Johannes le Kyng tenet di midiam wistam xiij d. ob. xiij d. ob. xiij d. Willielmus Herebrand tenet unam wistam ij s. iij d. ij s. iij d. ij s. ij d. Symon Coding tenet j wistam ij s. iij d. ij s, iij d. ij s. Ij d. Rogerus Jordan tenet unam wistam ij s. iij d. ij s. iij d. ij s. ij d. Radulphus textor tenet unam wistam ij s. iij d. ij s. iij d. ij s. ij d. Herebrande tenet unam wistam ij s. iij d, ij s. iij d. ij s. ij d. Randolphus Monachus tenet unam wistam ij s. iij d. ij s. iij d. ij s. ij .. Walterus Prat tenet unam wistam ij s. iij d. ij s. Iij d. ij s. ij d. Ricardus filius Nicholai tenet dimidiam hidam iiij s. vj d. iiij s. vj d. iiij s. iiij d. Omnes isti debent In communi ad festum Sancti Thomae xj d,, ad hlosam domini emendandam ; 38 CUSTUMALS OF BATTLE ABBEY. Et debet invenire xj homines ad fenum extrahendum de Broco de Lullintun' per j diem ; Et xij averagia ad carlandum bladum de Seford' usque Alsistun' semel, de singulis navibus cum blado domini ibi applicantibus ; Et debent arare in communi j acram et dimidiam, circa Purificationem ; Et, quia longe distant a dominico Abbatis, solebant facere finem pro arura cum serviente de Alsistun', pro tribus solidis [et modo iiijs.] Willielmus Lacat tenet di midiam wistam xij d. xij d xlj d. Robertus Molendlnarius tenet dimidiam wistam xij d. xij d xij d. Isti duo debent j mlllenarium allecium contra Quadragesimam, quale serviens elegerit, et portare ad Curiam de Alsistun'; [qui quidem tenentes dictas dimidias wystas modo solvunt .viij s. pro redditu et allicibus.] Omnes prsedicti de Bletchintun' debent cuilibet novo Abbati relevare terrain suam quantum est redditus ipsorum. Bocholt', Tenentes de Boscagio. Thomse Hokeda Sancti Apostoli ^ Johannis Martinus Hoppere, [nunc Prior de Michelham,] ij s x d. ob. ob. ob. Symon Burgeys x d. ob. ob. ob. Radulphus de Plays xviij d xviij d. xviij d. xviij d, Walterus de la Hes' et Radulphus frater ejus xx d. ob. j d. iij d. q* MANOR OF ALSISTON, CO. SUSSEX. 39 Isti duo tenent j wistam, et debent habere j carrum cum uno homine ad fimum extrahendum quousque extrahatur ; Etj equum ad avenam herciandam quousque perficlatur ; Et invenire unum hominem ad fenum extrahendum de Broco de Lullintun' per j diem ; Et invenire j hominem ad bladum tassandum per totum au- tumpnum ; Et averare bladum de Seford', scilicet dimidiam summam de singulis navibus ibi adventantibus ; Item debent in Quadragesima 1 tyndag. Willielmus Harding xvd. Eadulphus frater ejus xij d. Isti duo debent invenire j hominem ad Brocum de Lullintun' per j diem, etj averagium ad Seford' sicut praedicti. Idem Eadulphus, Thomas^ et Herveus de la Hes' xx d. ij d. iii d q". Isti tres tenent j wistam et debent per omnia sicut pr^dicti Walterus et Eadulphus pro sua wista, Herveus prsedictus v d. ob. Eobertus filius Willielmi v d. STEKNBfiSE. Symon de Sternerse tenet j wistam et debet ad festum Sancti Thomae ij s. et j vomerern, ad Hokeday ij s. vij d. ob.; ad festum Sancti Johannis ij s., ad festum Sancti Michaelis ij s. vij d. ob. ; Iste debet invenire unum hominem per j diem ad extrahendum fenum et colligendum in Broco de Lullingtun', et j averagium ad Seford pro blado domini; 40 CUSTUMALS OF BATTLE ABBEY. Isti remlssus fuit redditus xvd. et j vomeris, quando inclusus fuit boscus de Sternerse, scilicet anno Domino m°cc°lij°, quia vj acras terrse suae incluslmus cum bosco. Saltland'. Muriel de Hemsted' debet ad festum Sancti Martini j ambram salis et dimidiam ; Herveus le Vole debet ad eundem termlnum j ambram salis et dimidiam ; Matilda de Peclond' debet ad eundem termlnum j ambram salis et dimidiam, et ad festum Sancti Thomse j vomerem ; Helyas de Caldecot' debet ad festum Sancti Thomse ij s., ad Hokeday iij s. Linderle. Willielmus Franceys debet ad festum Sancti Thomae xv d. ob., ad Hokeday xv d. ; Eogerus Par.'^one ad festum Sancti Michaelis, ob. Sirmtun'. Thoraaj Apostoli Hokeday Sancti Johannis Sancti Michaelis Henricus Dudel ixd. ixd. ixd. ixd. Hida de Sirmton' ij s. vj d. ij s. vj d. ijs. ij s. V d Cecilia vjd. vjd. vjd. vjd. Eedditus de Prioee de Michelbham. Prior de Micheleham debet v s. ad Pascha, et v s. ad festum Sancti Michaelis, pro refluxu aquae molendini sui super terram praedicti Symonis de Sternerse, Et Ideo remlssus fuit dicto Symoni redditus duorum solidorum per annum de redditu viij s. qui remanserunt. manor of alsiston, CO. SUSSEX. 41 Redditus de Shoeham et Brembr' Eobertus Death ThomEE Apostoli Ad vincula Sancti Petri ixd. Humfridus Hunte ixd. Nova Shor- Isabella filia Eoberti ixd. ham. Eadulphus le Welle Willielmus filius Eadulphi de Grace iiij d. ob. iiij d. ob. Johannes Baudefar Eogerus de Wyke Willielmus Abbot vs. ij s. vj d. ij s. vj d. vs. ij s. vj d. ij s. vj d. Vetus Shor ham. Andreas Peverel i j s . ^ ij S;__ Eobertus de Heselholt' xviij d. xviij d. Willielmus de la Dene iijs. iij s. Brembr'. Willielmus Attewude ijs. ijs. Willielmus Skiret vijd. Relicta Symonis clerici xij d. Alicia, relicta Cementarii, vjd. Philippus Brun Robertus Burre vjd.vjd. Letia, relicta Willielmi, xij d. Summa xxij s. vij d. Summa xxj s. vj d. Memorandum quod debentur Curiae de Laghtone pro communi pastura super la Dikere pertlnente ad terram de Sternerse, ad Natale j gallina, ad Pascha j d. et x ova. 42 Kental and Custumal of the Manor Co. Kent. Temp. [Liber Regius de Eedditus de Dyngemaresco, RicarJus Kynet Idem et Walterus Kydelman, pro Jo hanne Skineleuere Idem Eicardus Kynet, pro heredibus Eletese filiae Eicardi Item idem Eicardus Kynet et heredes Johannis Willem, pro Martino Sprot ix d Heredes Thomae Kynet Humfridus Eoger, pro Willielmo le Helte Eicardus le Lewere, pro heredibus Alani Robert Hamo Waryn Adam et Eicardus, filii Willielmi de la Curt Heredes Girardi, Johannis, Eoberti atte Wyke Godelena, filia Godefridi atte Wyke, et participes ejus xvj d. xvj d. Johannes Gilebert vj d. vj d. Hamo Oter, et participes ejus vij d. vj d. ob. Thomas Lambert de Dover' xiiij d. ob. q* xiiij d. ob. q' Johannes, filius Johannis Thurgar, et participes ejus xijd. xj d. ob. q" Idem, pro terra relictse le Milkere iij d. ob. iij d. ob. q" Epiphaniae Hockeday ij s. j d. ij s. j d. iij d. ob. iij d. ob. q' vd. ob. vd. q* ixd. ij s. j d. ixd. ij s. j d. ijd. ijd. iij d. xd. ob. iij d. xd. ob. V d. ob. vd. q* xxiij d. xxiij d. 43 of DYNGEMARES (Dengemarsh) Edward I. Bello, fol. 31-35.] SOLVES DI ANNUATIM. Sancti Johannis Baptistae Sancti Michaelis Heetheld Sancti Thomse Apostoli Romescot Sancti Petri ad Vincula ij s. j d. ij s. j d. iij d. ob. q^ ij d. ob. vd. q" vd. ixd. ixd. jd. j d. cum uxore et sine ij s. j d. ij s. j d. ijd. ijd. ob. ob.-j >cum uxore et sine iijd. iijd. ob. ob.J xd. xd. ijd. j d. cum uxore et sine vd. q'' iiij d. q" xxiij d. xxij d. ij d. Item q" de grangia ij d. Item q" cum uxore et sine xvjd. xiiij d. ob. q* j d. Item ob. j d. cum uxore de grangia- vj d. vj d. ij d. vj d. ob. vj d. j d. xiiij d. ob. q'' xij d. ob, q* j d. xj d. ob. q* xj d. ob. q* iij d. iij d. ob. q* ij d. ob. CAMD. SOC. Q j d. cum uxore et sine j d. cum uxore j d. cum uxore iij d. cum uxore et sine 44 CUSTUMALS OF BATTLE ABBEY. EpiphaniEe Hockeday Item Johannes filius Johannis Thurgar, et participes ejus, de redditu Symonis le Fant, de novo Idem, de redditu Godring, de novo Idem, pro Ada de Aqua Heredes Adae Peytevin, pro Cristina Ailnoht lidem, pro Willielmo Peytevin, avo ejus iiij d. Nicholaus filius Alwyni Wulnoht et participes ejus Adam et Nicholaus Witesone Eogerus filius Eicardi Spite Idem et participes ejus, pro heredibus Blakeman Spite Heredes Thomse Eichard, pro Waltero et Huwelin Spite Thomas filius Johannis Rogeri Thurgar Godwinus de Grinesby, pro Ada Cot- rake Heredes Adae Asse Hamo le Bret, pro Eicardo Betewater Heredes Johannis le Longe pro Alwyno le Eevere Heredes Johannis le Longe, de redditu Symonis le Fant, de novo Eogerus Kenep et participes ejus Eelicta Gilberti Barrok et participes ejus, pro Cristina de Hethe Matilda de Burgherse Heredes Edwardi Knocte Johannes le Hore, pro Martino Sweyn Alwynus Heremer Nicholaus et Johannes filii Symonis Quic Johannes filius Godring et participes ®j^^ Idem et participes ejus, pro terra matris, Aldemoderland' ijd. ijd. jd.q^ ijd. ijd. jd.q^ V d. ob. vd. ob. iiij d. iiij d. viij d. q" viij d. q^ viij d. iijd. viij d. iij d. ob. ijd. ij d. ob. iiij d. vd. iiij d. vd. vd. vd. vd. vd. vd. vd. jd. jd. jd. j d. ob. jd. j d. ob. xvd. ob. xvd. ob. xiij d. ixd. xiij d. ixd. ijd. vj d. ob q" ijd. vj d. ob. q' ij d. ob. ij d. ob. ij s. V d. ij s. V d. ij d. ob. ij d. ob. MANOK OF DYNGEMARES, CO. KENT. 45 Sancti Johannis Baptistse Sancti Michaelis Heetheld Sancti Thomse Apostoli Eomescot Sancti Petri ad Vincula ijd. j d. q'' ijd. j d. q^ jd. jd. cum uxore V d. ob. iiij d. ob. jd. jd. cum uxore iiij d. iiij d. jd. jd. cum uxore viij d. q^ vij d. q- j bene quando non faciunt servicium suum sicuti et quando faciunt. CAMD. SOC. H t>^ c 52 custumals of battle abbey. Redditus solvendi subscriptis annuatim. Ricardo Kynet ad Epiphaniam et Hockday ob. Hamoni Waryn, pro terra Symonis Fant, ad iiij™ terminos iiij d. •Johanni Sipewerthe, de heredibus Bordwate, ad iiij"' ter minos viij d. Heredibus Nicholai Godring' ad iilj'"^ terminos v d. Heredibus Nicholai et Johannis Godring' ad Epiphaniam, pro Johanna relicta Godring' de forgabulo ij d, Summa redditus de Gavelmed' omnibus allocationibus vj Ii. iiij d. Summa redditus de terra Doder' ad eundem termlnum xviij d, Summa redditus ad Epiphaniam Ij s. vj d. ob. q"' et de kydellis iiij s. Summa redditus ad Hockeday Ij s. j d. ob. et de kydellis iij s. ix d. Summa redditus ad festum Sancti Johannis liilj s. xj d. ob. et de kydellis ' iiij s. Summa redditus ad festum Sancti Michaelis xlv s. vij d. ob. et de kydellis iij s. ix d. Summa totius redditus xvij Ii. vij d. q^. 53 Custumal of the Manor of APELDREHAM (Applb- dhum), Co, Sussex, Temp. Edward I. [Liber Eegius de Bello, fol. 85-36,] Consuetudines de Apeldreham, tempore Martini servientis ibidem usitat^. Isti subscripti dicuntur Yherdlinges. ' virgatam j virgatam ' virgatam j virgatam j virgatam et dimidiam j virgatam et dimidiam j virgatam dimidiam virgatam j virgatam et dimidiam j virgatam et dimidiain J J J Rogerus Nyueman tenet Thomas Piperwyt tenet Johannes Kenteys tenet Willielmus Sigar tenet Robertus de Cruce tenet Johannes de Sutherton' tenet Willielmus Nylende senior tenet Laurentius Praspositus tenet Johannes de Idenne tenet Robertus Goringe tenet Isti prsenominati debent arraie xxij acras ad frumentum et xxij ad avenam, et herciare, et interim nichil aliud operentur; Isto opere complete, debent cotidie invenire ij equos ad hercian- dum quamdiu dominus, habuerit seminandum; Et habebunt semel in die cibum, scilicet panem, potagium, et unum ferculum ad ordinationem servientis qui pro tempore fuerit, et equi eorum habebunt prsebendam quantum capi possit inter duas manus ; Debent etiam omnes averare quotiens necesse fuerit de la Delle usque ad Curiam domini, et de manerio usque Cycestr', et in rede- undo si necesse sit ; Set non debent transire portas civitatis nisi pro libito suo ; 54 custumals of battle ABBEy. Debent etiam averare apud Wynton' singulis annis in adventu Camerarii de Bello, et ducere sumptibus suis mersimonia Camerarii apud Alsiston', Set summa utriusque non debet esse nisi ad pondus dimldise summae frumenti; Praepositus ipsius loci erit quietus ab omni averagio; Debent etiam simul warectare in sestate xj acras de warecto; Quilibet virgarius debet extraere frum' [fimum ?] ad dimidiam acram fimandam, et spargere, et ad plus plus et ad minus minus; Omnes etiam custumarii debent bis per annum, si somoniti sint, facere benerthe qui propriam carrucam habent vel partem ; Debent isti prsenominati sarclare v acras et dimidiam frumenti, V acras et dimidiam ordei, et tantum de avena, et metere et ligare et coppare et cariare per totum autumpnum quotienscumque vocati fuerint ; Quilibet virgarius qui tenet j virgatam debet invenire ad quam libet precariam autumpnalem ad metendum ij homines de iij pre- carils, et habebunt singuli singulos panes ponderis xviij 11., cere, et duo duo, j ferculum carnis pretii unius denarii, si sit dies carnis, et potagium ad primam precariam ; Ad secundam vero erit panis medietas de frumento et medietas ordey, et cetera alia ut supra ; Ad tertiam precariam erit panis totum de frumento, et cetera ut prffinotatur ; Ad quartam precariam, quod vocatur Hungerbedrip, quilibet de tenentibus domini, prceter Henricum de Chaus, inveniet j hominem ad metendum et habebunt semel in die cibum, scilicet panem et potum, et j ferculum secundum quod serviens illius loci providere placuerit, et caseum ; Et sciendum quod quilibet cottarius inveniet ad iij primas pre carias quantum unus virgarius qui tenet j virgatam, et [debet] habere cibum secundum quod illi habent. Quilibet [sic) vero virgata debet triturare ventilare et portare ad granarium iiij bussellos frumenti, et seminabit si fuerit necesse et quando sunt sommoniti. MANOR OF APELDREHAM, CO. SUSSEX. 55 Eogerus Oliver, relicta Hamonis, Willielmus Bercarius, Johannes Nota. Molendarius. Debet herciare quilibet ipsorum; Inquiratur quantum. Cottarii majores. Hugo ate Se, Eadulphus Procchant, Rogerus Carectarius, Eicardus Bercarius, Eelicta Wyte, Philippus Damesone, Michaelus le Wyte, Eicardus ate Steghele, Philippus Goring. Quilibet istorum tenet iiij acras, et debent qualibet septimana singuli eorum a festo Sancti Mathaei usque festum Sancti Petri ad Vincula tria opera, quicquid eis injungitur, prseter septimanas Natalis, Paschse, et Pentechostes, quia tunc non debent operare nisi forte necesse fuerit triturare foragium ad animalia sustinenda, et tunc debent, ut dicunt, habere dignarium suum si triturant usque primam ; A festo vero prsedicto Sancti Petri usque festum Sancti Mathaei qualibet die debent operari, prster Sabbatum, quicquid eis injungitur ; Quando triturant, debent triturare singuli eorum pro j opere de duro blado unum werkhop, quod continet Ij bussellos et dimidium, scilicet de frumento, fabarum, et veciarum; De ordeo vero, ij werkhops ejusdem mensurae; De avena etiam, iiij werkhops ejusdem mensurse; Debent etiam pro duobus operibus iij lyneas fimi spargere; Et quando colligunt stipulas debent colligere 1 garbas pro quolibet opere, et habere unam garbam ; Et debent unum diem omnes post prandium torrare, scilicet terras frangere; 56 CUSTUMALS OP BATTLE ABBEY. Debent etiam portare faldam domini super terram domini ubi prsffceptum eis fuerit, et levare, et singuli eorum portabit (sio) ij clatas cum palis; Et quicumque eorum vaccam possideat debet pro vacca metere j acram avense et ligare ; Et dicunt quod solebant habere unam vaccam pasturatam cura ovibus domini quod vocatur Esterlese ; Set Martinus, qui multo tempore stetit ibi serviens, dixit quod nunquam suo tempore habu- erunt, sed quod fuit de gratia cujusdam Gydonis aliquando firmarius si unquam habuerunt. Cottarii minores, Johannes Albus, Elyas Taupen' Eicardus Godesone, Avicia ate Steghele, Sibilla Kockyld, Eadulphus Harding. Isti debent triturare sicut alii cottarii, set quilibet istorum non debet nisi unum opus tantum per ebdomadam ; Debent colligere stipulas sicut alii, et faldam domini portare, set quilibet non portabit nisi unam clatam ; Debent etiam torrare sicut alii cottarii ; Debent fimum spargere pro opere suo si necesse sit. Omnes custumarii debent falcare, spargere, colligere et carriare pratum de Suthmed, et debent habere vj bussellos frumenti et ij multones de consuetudine ; Debent etiam omnes lavare et tondere oves domini, et habere lockes de ventre ovium, ut dicunt. Bercarius, qui est unus de cottariis, custodiet oves domini et erit quietus ab operibus interim, prseter opera in autumpno facienda, et MANOR OF APELDREHAM, CO. SUSSEX. 57 habebit pro custodia ovium et separatione agnorum, j quarterium ordei ; Dicunt etiam quod dominus tenetur arrare cum carrucis suis Bercarlo et Porcario curiae, ij acras ad semen Yemale, et ij acras ad semen Quadragesimale, et uterque eorum metet j acram de fru mento, j acram de ordeo, dimidiam acram fabarum, dimidiam acram veciarum, etj acram avense, et ligabit. Thomas Molendarius, Willielmus Nylende Junior, Eicardus Prat, Isabella de Sutheton'. Isti tenent coterias et debent ad Hungerbedrip, quilibet eorum j hominem pro prsedictis coteriis. 58 E-ental and Custumal of tlie Manor of BRITHWOL TON (Bright Walton), Co, Berks. 12 Edward I. [Liber Regius de Bello, fol. 37-il.] Redditus et servitia de Brithwolton', annuatim solvenda, Isti tenent libere. Thomse . Annuncia- Sancti Sancti Apostoli tionis Johannis Michaelis Willielmus Fulco, de xiiij acris et dimidia per parcellas de assarto, xvij d, ob. xvij d.ob. xvij d.ob. xvij d. ob. Ricardus de Westwode tenet xij acras, et ij acras bosci de terra de fraxino, de venditione Willielmi Fulco, et reddit ad quatuor terminos prffidictos iij d, iij d. iij d. iij d. Idem, pro quodam mes uagio de fraxino de vendi tione Eadulphi de Fraxino j d, jd. j d, j d. Eicardus Juvenis, villanus domini, tenet de eodem tene mento de fraxino unum mes uagium et vj acras terrse, de venditione pr^dicti Eadulphi de Fraxino, reddens vij d. vij d. vij d. vij d. Walterus a GodeshalP, villanus domini, tenet unam acram de eodem tenemento de dimissione prsedicti Ea- MANOR OF brithwolton, CO. BERKS. 59 Thorns Annuncia- Sancti Sancti Apostoli tionis Johannis Michaelis dulphi de Fraxino, per red ditum unius gariofili eidem solvendi, quem idem resig- navit domino. Persona de Brithwolton' tenet unam virgatam terras iij d, iij d. iij d. iij d. Henricus Carpentarius tenet de assarto iij acras terrae, quas aliquando Ste phanus Rector de Brithwol ton' tenuit, reddendo domino annuatim iij d, iij d, iij d. iij d. Et sciendum quod WilUelmus Folke prsedictus veniet in autumpno ad tres precarias, scilicet ad primam per unum hominem, ad secun dam per ij homines, ad tertiam cum tota familia ; Debet etiam venire ad summonitionem Servientis cum carruca sua ad tres precarias ; Persona prsedictus habebit totam familiam suam ad magnam pre cariam in autumpno; Item Eicardus de Westwode habebit familiam suam manentem in mesuagio prsedicto ad praedictam precariam in autumpno ; Nee licebit alicui metere in eodem villa eodem die quo dominus habet magnam precariam nisi in campo domini. Virgarii. Heres Huthredi tenet unam virgatam xvj d. xvj d. xvj d. xvj d. Heredes Willielmi Wynd tene[n]t unam virgatam Elyas habet ad termlnum vitse Eogerus Bisothewode tenet unam vir gatam xvj d. xvj d. xvj d. xvj d. CAMD. SOC. I 60 CUSTUMALS OP BATTLE ABBEY. Johannes ate Grene tenet unam vir gatam xvj d. xvj d. xvj d. xvj d. Eicardus Juvenis tenet unam vir gatam xvjd. xvjd. xvjd. xvjd. Ricardus de Cruce tenet unam vir gatam xvj d, xvj d, xvj d, xvj d. Robertus de Eversole tenet j vir gatam xvj d, xvj d. xvj d. xvj d. Henricus filius Adse de Eversole tenet j virgatam, qui dicitur novus, xvj d. xvj d. xvj d. xvj d. Adam de Eversole tenet unam vir gatam xix d. xix d. xix d. xix d. Galfridus Warner tenet . unam vir gatam xvj d. xvj d. xvj d. xvj d. Quilibet istorum habet unam acram de greneholte per extentam, unde quilibet reddit per annum iiij d. supra in redditu suo; Quilibet etiam istorum prsedictorum qui habet animalia juncta carrucee, sive bovem, sive jumentum, sive vaccam, arrabit dimidiam acram ad culturam yemalem et dimidiam acram de warecto in sestate, et vocatur ista arrura grasacra ; Quilibet prsenominatorum debet arrare et herciare unam acram quse vocatur Nedacra, licet non habeat animalia ad carrucam, vel dare iij gallinas et j gallum ad cherset prout dominus eligere voluerit; Debet etiam quilibet eorum, pro quolibet animali setate duorum annorum vel amplius, dare domino ad festum Sancti Johannis Baptistse unum denarium quod vocatur Lesselver ; Quilibet etiam eorum venire debet ad tres precarias cum caruca sua ad summonitionem Servientis, et si habet integram carrucam tunc arrabit duas acras, scilicet unam acram ad culturam yemalem et aliam ad culturam Quadragesimalem, et unam acram de warecto in sestatCj et qui minus habet quam carrucam integram pro portione quam habet herciat et arrat, quia quantum arrat herciare debet; manor op brithwolton, CO. BERKS. 61 Unusquisque autem eorum inveniet unum hominem ad lavandum et tondendum oves et agnos domini quamdiu necesse sit; Debet etiam unusquisque sarclare per iij dies per unum hominem a mane usque vesperam ; Omnes etiam debent totum pratum domini [falcare], et cum aliis cusiumariis illud levare ; et pro falcatione habebunt unum multonem et dominus dextram scapulam illius, et habebunt sal ad saliendum ; Unusquisque vero illorum veniet per j hominem ad unam pre cariam in autumpno et ad secundam per ij homines et ad tertiam cum tota familia sua ; Quilibet autem eorum cariare debet bladum domini ad Curiam in autumpno per unum diem integrum ; Debent etiam colligere nuces ad medietatem, et debent pannagiare porcos, et dare pro porco unum denarium et pro porcello secundum quod fuerit setatis; Debent etiam portare faldam domini ad summonitionem Ser vientis, ter in anno, ubicumque praaceptum els fuerit; Et sciendum quod pro istis consuetudinibus prsedictis non debent relaxari de aliquo redditu ; Et memorandum quod si prsedicti operari debent, tunc unusquis que operabitur a festo Sancti Johannis Baptistse secundo die usque Gulam Augusti a mane usque meridiem quicquid ei injungitur ; Et a Gula Augusti usque festum Sancti Michaelis quolibet die a mane usque meridiem ; Et si metet, metere debet dimidiam acram et ligare pro opere, et habere unam garbam illius bladi quo metet per corrigiam, unius rectse ulnae et unius quarterii illius. Et si plenarie operantur ut prsedictum est tunc cuilibet debet relaxari xij d. sui redditus. 62 custumals op battle abbey. Isti subscripti dicuntur Cottarii, et tenent dimidiam virgatam, et solvunt redditum ad quatuor terminos vel operari debent ut post invenietur, Sancti Annuncia- Sancti Sancti Alfredus ate Steghele Galfridus Willeame Radulphus Faber Symon Danger Agnes relicta Jordani Bercarii Thomas Bagge Relicta Smokyere Warinus le Hey ward' Adam Burgeys Johannes le Heyward' Willielmus Burgeys Johannes Parlefrens Alicia Wadel Huthredus Bi Northestrete Willielmus Parlefrens Johannes Bi southewode Item Johannes Blsouthe- wode dat per annum de incremento ij s, ne pone- retur ad opera. Item Johannes Berkarius pro eodem ij solidos. Johannes Berkarius vij d. vij d. vij d, vij d. Quilibet de prsenominatis dat per annum iiij d. redditus pro una acra quam habet in Greneholte per extentam in communi inter alios. Set iste redditus non relaxabitur alicui prsedictorum pro operibus suis, qui prsescribitur (sic) inter redditus. Thomse tionis Johannis Michaelis vij d. vijd. vijd. vijd. vijd. vijd. vijd. vijd. vijd. vij d. vijd. vijd, vij d. vijd. vijd. vijd. vijd. vij d. vijd. vijd. vijd. vijd. vijd. vij d. vij d. vijd. vijd. vij d. vijd. vijd. vij d. vijd. vijd. vijd. vijd. vij d. vijd. vijd. vijd. vijd. vijd. vijd. vij d. vij d. vijd. vijd. vijd. vij d. vijd. vijd. vijd. vij d. vijd. vijd. vij d. vijd. vijd. vij d. vijd. vijd. vijd vijd. vij d. vij d. MANOR OF BRITHWOLTON, CO. BERKS. 63 Omnes isti prsedicti, si operantur, debent operari quicquid eis injungitur a festo Sancti Michaelis usque Gulam Augusti, semper secundo die prseter Sabbatum, a mane usque meridiem, et si tri turant, quilibet triturabit pro opere ij bussellos frumenti vel iiij bussellos avenae; Et a Gula Augusti usque festum Sancti Michaelis quolibet die debent operarf, prseter Sabbatum, a mane usque meridiem quicquid eis prsecipitur, et si metent, quilibet metet pro opere dimidiam acram et ligabit, et habebit unam garbam per corrigiam, ut inter opera virgariorum prsenotatur ; Et si plenarie operantur ut prsedictum est tunc quilibet debet relaxari de ij s. sui redditus ; Et si dominus habere voluerit aliquem de praenominatis Carru- carlum suum vel ad aliud officium tunc relaxabitur de ij s. redditus. Et memorandum quod quilibet istorum prseter Johannem Bisothe wode dat iij gallinas et unum gallum de Cherset, et Johannes prse dictus dat quinque gallinas et j gallum, et debent pannagiare porcos, suos ut alii prsenominati ; Et sciendum quod debent cum aliis lavare et tondere oves et agnos, et cetera facere sicut virgarii, excepto quod non arrant Benacre, nee cariant in autumpno, nee falcare debent neque herciare, et pro istis operibus communibus non debent relaxari sui redditus. Isti subscripti sunt similiter Willani et tenent de ASSARTO per CERTUM REDDITUM, ET VOCATUR GaVELLAND. Heres Wynd Johannes ate Grene Heredes Huthredi Ricardus de Cruce Robertus de Eversole xiiij d. ob. q" xiiij d. ob. xiiij d. ob. q* xiiij d, ob. Sancti Annnnsia- Sancti Sancti Thomse tionis Johannis Michaelis q» q'' xjd. xjd. xjd. xjd. xjd. xjd. xjd. xjd. vijd. vij d, q» vij d. q» vijd. 64 CUSTUMALS OF BATTLE ABBEY. Sancti Annuncia ¦ Sancti Sancti Thomse tionis Johannis Michaelis Henricus filius Adse de Eversole, pro terra novi iij d. iijd. iijd. iijd. Adam de Eversole iiij d. q* iiij d. iiij d. q* iiij d. Galfridus Warner ate , Stretend' x d. xd. xd. xd. Johannes Bisouthewode xj d. xjd. xjd. xj d. Willielmus Carectarius, pro Henrico Bi southewode viij d, ob. viij d. ob . viij d, ob. viij d. ob Warinus Bisouthewode xiij d. xiij d. xiij d. xiij d. Johannes le Wodeward' xxj d. xxj d. xxjd. xxjd. Relicta Edwardi xd. xd. q* xd. • xd. q" Willielmus Page tenet unius cotsetli ix d. ixd. ixd. ixd. Idem de assarto x d. xd. xd. xd. Henricus Brun Car pentarius iiij d. iiij d. illj d. iiij d. Radulphus Cissor xvij d. xvij d. xvij d. xvij d. Willielmus Textor iiij d. ob. iiij d. ob. iiij d, ob. iiij d. ob. Agnes le Boltere, pro Huthredo v d. q" vd. q" vd. q^ vd. q* Johannes le Pleytere iiij d. iiij d. iiij d. iiij d. Robertus Curteys xvij d, ob. xvij d. ob . xvij d, ob. xvij d. ob, Johannes Berkarius x d. ob. X d. ob. X d. ob. xd. ob. Johannes Custos matri- cium vj d. vjd. vjd. vjd. Johannes le Messager vj d. vjd. vjd. xjd. Walterus a Godeshalf x d. xd. xd. xd. Agnes relicta Jordani, de incremento j cot setli j d. ob. j d. ob. j d. ob. j d. ob. MANOR OP BRITHWOLTON, CO. BERKS. 65 Sancti Annuncia- Sancti Sancti Thomse tionis Johannis Michaelis Adam Burgeys, de in cremento j cotsetli j d. ob. j d. ob. j d. ob. j d. ob, Willielmus Burgeys, de incremento j cotsetli j d. j d. j d. j d. Willielmus Parlefrens, de incremento j cot setli j d. ob. j d. ob. j d. ob. j d. ob. Memorandum quod Willielmus Carectanus, [sic] Warinus Bisouthewod', Johannes Wodeward', relicta Edwardi, Henricus Brun Carpentarius, et Walterus a Godeshalf praenominati, unus quisque eorum dat iiij d, per annum pro una acra quam quilibet habet in Greneholte per estentam in communi, qui redditus prse notatur supra in redditu eorum. C0TTERI.ffi, Alicia Parlefrens Isabella Wynd' Robertus Kete Agnes de Londres vj d, vj d. vj d. vj d. iiij d, iiij d. iiij d, iiij d, iij d. ob, iij d, ob, iij d, ob, iij d. ob, vd. vd. vd. vd. Redditus Caponum per annum. Terra le Wynd' debet per annum iij capones ; Willielmus Carectarius annuatim ij capones; Johannes le Wodeward' annuatim j caponem ; Henricus Adam Novus per annum ij capones; Memorandum quod nullus custumarius habebit aliquam relaxa- tionem redditus de terris quas tenet de assarto vel in communi de Greneholte pro aliquo officio vel opere domino faciendo ; 66 CUSTUMALS OF BATTLE ABBEY. Sciendum etiam quod omnes tenentes, tam liberi quam alii, venire debent ad iij benerthes ad arrandum, et quicunque habeat animalia juncta carrucse cum summonitus fuerit; Item omnes virgarii, et qui tenent de assarto, debent in Quad ragesima herciare ad summonitionem Servientis, et qui non habet equum perquirere debet ad herciandum domino, praeter cottarii, et habebunt cibum semel per diem, scilicet jianem, cervisiam, pota gium, et unum ferculum de carne vel pisce prout tempus dederit, et secundum quod Serviens providere voluerit; Item omnes tenentes, tam liberi quam servi, venire debent ad iij precarias in autumpno ad metendum, scilicet ad primam per j hominem, ad secundam per ij homines, et ad tertiam cum tota familia sua, et habebunt cibum bis per diem, scilicet ad nonam panem, cervisiam, et caseum, et in vesperis panem, cervisiam, potagium, et j ferculum de carne vel pisce secundum tempus. Memorandum quod dominus potest pro voluntate sua quem voluerit de custumarils eligere in Prsepositum, et qui tenet integram virgatam terrse relaxabitur ei de redditu suo quinque solidorum xld. Debet etiam relaxari de duabus partibus omnium consuetudinum quae debentur domino per annum pro prsedicta virgata terrae, tam in arrura quam aliis, praeter Garsacram operandam ; Habebit etiam Praepositus da consuetudine j acram de frumento non fimatam per liberationem et discretlonem Servientis : Et ad Natale Domini, Pascha, Pentechosten cibum suum habebit et per autumpnum. Si dominus habere voluerit Carrucarium de custumariis suis, vel de virgariis seu cottariis, habebunt tantum relaxationem de ij solidis sui redditus ; Et insuper quilibet de carrucariis habebit arruram suae carrucse quam tenet semper secundo Sabbato, et si impedimentum habuerit vel per pluviam vel diem festivum nullam restitutionem habebit Sabbato sequenti, set expectabit circulum, scilicet Sabbatum sequens, quia computabitur sibi illud impedimentum pro diurno arrurae ; MANOR OF BRITHWOLTON, CO. BERKS. 67 Debent etiam omnes carrucarii habere primam acram quam seminant de bericorn, et eo die jantaculum quo inciplunt seminare, et cibum suum die Natali et Pascha. Wodewardus vero debet esse unus electus de virgariis, Iste debet custodire boscum et porcos domini et debet relaxari de xld. sui redditus, et pro custodia porcorum habebit iiij bussellos de bericorn' et cibum ter, ut Praepositus, et ad festum Sancti Martini intestina unius porci praeter adipem illius qui necessarius ad lar- darium. Messor vero, si sit electus de custumarils, habebit relaxationem ij s. de redditu suo et cibum ter, ut Propositus, et In autumpno quid vigilabit noctu circa blada domini in autumpno, et pro hoc habebit cotidie dum metent j garbam per corrigiam ut supra patet de eodem blado quo metent. Custos etiam multonum, si ellgitur de custumariis, custodiet multones et habebit relaxationem de ij solidis sui redditus, et habebit proficuum de falda per xij dies in Natali et xl oves cum ovibus domini euntes et ipsemet faldam de propriis ovibus, et habebit unum vellus quod vocatur Belwertheresfies et cibum suum ad Natale et Pascha, et unam acram de terra fricta juxta pasturam suam ad seminandum si voluerit. Ad oves matrices custodiendas non de i;onsuetudine eligere de custumariis, licebit etiam domino eligere sibi Pr^epositum et alios ministros vel de virgariis vel de cottariis vel de hils qui tenent de assarto pro voluntate sua, quia omnes sunt villani sui et servilis conditlonis ; Nee possunt maritare fillum vel filiam sine licentia domini extra libertatem, vel vendere bovem suum vel jumentum. Memorandum quod virgarii debent de consuetudine triturare prsebendam domini cum ad partes Illas declinaverit quandocunque. Item sciendum quod sarclantes bladum per tres dies, habebunt cibum in die bis, scilicet ad nonam panem de bericorn, potagium, et serum, scilicet mege Galileo, et in vesperis panem et serum. CAMD. SOC. K 68 custumals op battle abbey. Eedditus de tenemento de Fraxino quod puit Eicardi de Walingford' ad quatuor terminos solyendus. Ad Pascha Sancti Sancti Natale Johannis Michaelis Henricus Brun vjd. vj d. vjd. Vjd. Eadulphus Custos mul tonum vjd. vjd, vj d. vjd. Hugo Molendenarius vjd. vjd. vjd. vjd. Adrianus vij d. vijd. vijd. vijd. Matilda North, Notht iiij d. ob. . iiij d. ob. iiij d. ob. iiij d. ob. Walterus a Godeshalf iiijd. ob. iiij d. ob. iiij d. ob. iiij d. ob. Elena Sepestre iiij d. iiij d- iiij d. iiij d. Willielmus Fulco xd. xd. Memorandum quod de isto redditu debent solvi ad Pascha x d. et ad festum Sancti Michaelis x d. per manum Servientis de Curia, Et Eicardus Juvenis debet pro terra alba ad idem ob. q'^ ad terminum Sancti Michaelis, Et terra de Fraxino ob. q^, et qui portat iUum redditum apud Poghelegh' habebit j par.cyrotecarum ; Isti tenentes prsedicti debent venire ad precariam in autumpno. Istud tenementum dimisit nobis Elyas filius Alwyni de Lymenes feld', et pro hac dimissione concessum est ei tenementum de Wyk' ad terminum vitee suae, tenendum cum redditu illius loci et aliis praeter le Laghedey prsedictorum tenentium apud Brithwolton' more solito faciendum, et virgatam terrae similiter ad terminum vit» libere tenendam ab omni redditu et servitio quam tenuit Willielmus Wynd' in Brithwolton' ; Habuit etiam pro eodem tenemento in denariis xxv marcas, et relicta dicti Eicardi de Walingeford' pro Haghecrofta pro quieta- clamantla sua habenda xx solidos. Memorandum quod anno regis Edwardi duodecimo istae terrae prsescriptK traditse fuerunt villanis de Brithwolton' quse terrse MANOR OF brithwolton, CO. BERKS. 69 erant de tenemento de Fraxino, solvendum ad iiij °'' terminos anni scilicet ; Radulphus Faber, pro iij acris et j quarentena in Wode mer per annum xij d. ob. Ricardus Juvenis, pro iij acris in Wodemer per annum xij d. ob. Walterus a Godeshalf, pro iij acris in Holte per annum xvj d, Hertle et Covenholte. Redditus de Hertle ad ii terminos solvendus, et EST IN comitatu BrEKS". Ad festum Sancti Thom* Sancti Johannis Hugo pro Henrico Reymund' Idem, de aumentatione redditus sui iiij s. iiij d. vjd. iiij s. Iiij d vjd. Willielmus de la More • ij s, iij d. ij s. iij d. Ricardus de Folrithe ij s. iij d. ij s. iij d. Johannes ate Barre ij s, iij d. ij s. iij d. Johannes Pycher Duae filise Ricardi Miles ij s, iij d. ij s. iij d. ij s. iij d. ij s. iij d. Et sciendum quod prsedicti tenentes dicunt quod secundum antiquum [consuetudinem] heredes prsedicti Reymund' debent tertiam partem duarum marcarum annul redditus ; lidem tenentes debent sequi Lagheday de Brithwaltone bis per annum. Covenholte est in comitatu Hamtoni^. Redditus de Covenholte per annum, solvendus ad iiii" TERMnsros, SICUT APUD Brithwolton'. Henricus de Covenholte ad iiij terminos xj s. j d., tenet j virgatam et j cotsetle. Johannes Morekoc ad iiij"'^ terminos vj s. xj d., tenet unam virgatam. 70 CUSTUMALS OF BATTLE ABBEY. Editha relicta Willielmi le Hajd ad iiij" terminos v s. ob. ':enet tres partes j virgatae. Johannes Gocelyn ad iiij"' terminos v s. j d, ob., tenet ut Editha supra. Johannes de Messecumbe ad iiij"" terminos v s. j d., tenet dimidiam virgatam. Walterus de Messecumbe ad iiij""' terminos v s. j d., tenet dimidiam virgatam. Thomas CaufPyn ad iiij"' terminos ij s., quarterium j virgatae, ad Natale j gallum ij gallinas. Henricus Cauffyn ad iiij""^ terminos Ij s., quarterium j virgatae, et j gallum et ij gallinas. Hugo Poleyn ad iiij""^ ter minos Iij s. X d., dimidiam virgatam, et ij gallos et iiij gallinas. Godwynus de Husseburne ad iiij"'' terminos iij s. x d., dimidiam virgatam. Johannes Pope ad iiij" ter minos ij s. ij d., tenet j quarterium virgata. Robertus Gyssor ad iiij°"^ terminos ij s. ij d., tenet j quarterium. Adam Scot ad iiij""^ ter minos ij s. j d. ob. q", tenet j quarterium. Cecilia de Messecumbe ad iiij"'^ terminos ij s. j d. ob. q", tenet j quarterium. Abbas de Beauluy ad iiij"'' terminos ij d., tenet dimidiam acram, Alexander Gheaufyn ad iiij"' terminos ij d. Gilbertus de Botes ad iiij" terminos ij s., tenet dimidiam virgatam. Summa Ix s. x d. ob. MANOR OF BRITHWOLTON, CO. BERKS. 71 Isti prffinominati non faciunt servitium quia aumentaverunt red ditum suum, set debent pannagiare porcos suos scilicet pro porco setatis unius anni j d,, et pro porcello ob,, et non possunt maritare filiam suam sine licentia nee equum nee bovem vendere sine licentia domini ; Item Gilbertus aliud nisi redditum facit, set dicitur quod ij s. de redditu suo tenentes prsenominati diviserunt inter illos solvendos, ut eos defenderet contra nocentes patriotas in comitatu suo. Sciendum quod prsenominati debent sectam ad Lagheday de Bromham bis per annum. 72 Rental and Custumal of the Manor of BROMEHAM, Co, Wilts. Temp, Edward I, [Liber Regius de Bello, fol. 42-45.] Redditus de Bromham et servitia. Liberi tenentes Ad Natale Sancti Johannis Baptist* Gilbertus la Roche X s. iiij d. X s. iiij d. Idem, pro terra Hamlyn, Willielmus filius Gilberti Blund vs. vij s. ij d. vs. vij s. ij d. Nicholaus le Eyr Julian' fii' Osmundi de Molendino viij s, ij d. ij s. vj d. viij s. ij d. ij s. vj d. Alicia Blund', pro terra de Wester- broke, Eobertus Blund' iiij s. viij s. ij d. iiijs. viijs. ijd. Ist praenominati sunt quieti per redditum suum praedictum de communibus servitlis; Debent tamen herietum et relevium ; Et tenentes ipsorum debent arrare gersacram, si habent carrucam vel aliquam partem carrucae, ad culturam yemalem. Ad Natale Sancti Johannis Baptistse Humfridus ate Clive xxjd. xxjd. Idem, de incremento pro carta - habenda. iijd. iijd. Willielmus Geffrey de West- broke vs. vs. Heredes Johannis Osmund le Eeade vs. vs. Ad Natale 73 Sancti Johannis Baptistse Gilbertus la Eoche, pro terra le Marun, iiijs.jd. iiijs. jd. [Et Memorandum quod dominus tenet majorem partem illius terrse, set Gil bertus solvet totum antiquum reddi tum et duos denarios ultra, propter quandum quietamclamantlam haben- dam sub tenore salvo jure cujusque.] Heres Eoberti le Eyr iij s, vj d. iij s. vj d. Johannes de la Forde iiij s. vj d. iiij s. vj d. Idem, de incremento pro carta habenda, ij s. ij d. ij s. ij d. Quilibet istorum debet arrare j grasacram post festum Sancti Michaelis, prseter Gilbertum la Eoche, licet habeant carrucam integram vel partem, et etiam si ex toto non habeant animalia ad carrucam ; Debent etiam cariare fenum ad Curiam, dum est carlandum; Debent prseterea cariare bladum ; scilicet Humfridus vj cariatas bladi, ij cariatas de monte et iiij"' sub monte ; Gilbertus la Eoche XV carectatas, scilicet quinque de monte et x sub monte ; Willielmus Geffrey, heredes Johannis Osmund', heres Eoberti le Eyr, et Johannes de la Forde, quilibet istorum xviij carectatas, scilicet vj carectatas de monte et xij sub monte ; Item quilibet istorum prsenominatorum debet herietum et rele vium; Et si tenentes illorum habeant animalia ad carrucam, debent arrare garsacram pro portione qua jungunt carrucis. Ad Natale Sancti Johannis iij s, vj d. iij s. vj d. iij s. vj d. iij s. vj d. ij s. vj d. ij s. vj d. ij s, vj d. ij s. vj d. ij 8. vj d. ij s. vj d. 74 custumals of battle abbey. Isti subscripti vocantur Majores Erdlinges, scilicet Virgarii. Willielmus de la Forde Johannes filius Eogeri de Fraxino Eobertus ate Slade Willielmus Tancred Johannes Osmund de Fraxino Memorandum Et memorandum quod quilibet de quinque prsedictis debet per de horsgabulo. . ,. .... , , , , , annum ad terminos praedictos iiij d. de horsgabulo prseter hunc redditum ; Item quilibet prsenominatorum quinque seminabit j acram, de frumento proprio, quod vocatur grasacra, et arrabit et herciabit, et qui non habet propriam carrucam Serviens domini providebit sibi socium, de minoribus ejusdem conditlonis eidem juagendu.n, et Serviens domini praenominatam acram seminabit, et pro isto servitio sunt quieti de cherset ; Item quilibet istorum arrabit duas workacras ad culturam yemalem, prseter Johannem Osmund qui arrabit tantum j werck- acram ; Item quilibet prsedictorum debet iiij'"' deywynes per unum hominem post festum Sancti Michaelis a mane usque nonam, et debent operari quicquid eis injungitur ; Debent etiam lavare et tondere oves domini cum aliis custumariis quilibet per unum hominem ; Debent extraere fimos, scilicet qui habet carectam cum j curtana et qui non, inveniet j hominem per diurnum quousque extrahentur • Item quilibet istorum praedictorum falcablt per iiji^^ dies per unum hominem a mane usque nonam in prato quod vocatur Formed et Thachmed, et simul levabimt dictum pratum et cariabunt fenum ad Curiam cum aliis customariis de prsedictis pratis ; MANOR OF BROMEHAM, CO. WILTS. 75 Item quilibet prsenominatorum metet et ligabit j Nedacram in utumpno ; Item quilibet habebit ad iij^' precarias in autumpno quae vocantur Nedbedrypes, per tres dies quolibet die, duos homines ; set Wil lielmus de la Forde inveniet iij''* homines ; et sciendum quod debent metere a meridle usque vesperam ; Item quilibet istorum debet cariare xij carectatas bladi, scilicet iiij de monte et viij sub monte ; set Willielmus de la Forde cariabit xviij carectatas bladi, vj de monte et xij sub monte ; Debent etiam pannagiare porcos suos, scilicet pro porco plenae setatis ij d., et pro porcello dimidii anni j d. ; Et memorandum quod pro istis operibus prsedictis non debent relaxari de redditu suo. Sequitur pro quibus operibus habebunt relaxationem quartae partis sui redditus, scilicet ; TVillielmus de la Forde si operatur debet operari a festo Sancti Johannis Baptists usque festum Sancti Michaelis, qualibet die a mane usque nonam, quicquid ei praecipitur, et qualibet ebdomada infra prsedictum tempus arrabit ad proprium custum j acram, et illo die relaxari debet ab alio opere, et si plenarie operatur relax abitur sibi quarta pars sui redditus ; Johannes de Fraxino, Eobertus de la Slade, et Willielmus Tauncred debent operari per praedictum tempus quicquid eis injungitur; In autumpno vero si metent, metere debent tantum secunda feria, quarta, et sexta, scilicet quilibet j acram et ligare et coppare ; Feria vero tertia, et quinta, metere debent et ligare dimi diam acram ; Johannes Osmund de Fraxino operabitur ut alii praenominati, set non arrabit nisi Nedacra et Grasacra ut supra notatur ; Idem Osmundus metere debet in autumpno, quolibet die prseter Sabbatum, dimidiam acram bladi et ligare. CAMD. soc. 76 CUSTUMALS OF BATTLE ABBEY, Isti dicuntur minoees Erdlinges. Ad Natale Domini Sancti Johannis Baptistas ij s. vj d. iijd. ijd. ij s. vj d. iijd. ijd. ij s. vj d. ijd. ij s. vj d. ijd. , ij s. vj d. ij s. vj d. ij s. vj d. ijd. ij s. vj d. ijd. ijs. ijs. ijs. ijd. ijs. ijd. ijs. ijs ijs. ijd. ijs. ijd. Johannes sub Cliva Idem, pro acra molendini, Idem, de horsgabulo, Johannes de Stocwelle Idem, de horsgabulo, Eogerus Thurgred Henricus Brun Idem, de horsgabulo, Eicardus Hereberd Willielmus de la More Idem, de horsgabulo, Osmundus Beerd Galfridus Faber Idem, de horsgabulo, Memorandum quod quilibet de prsedictis debet illj"f deywynes post festum Sancti Michaelis, per j hominem, quicquid eis prse cipitur ; Quilibet etiam arrabit j werkacram, si habeat carrucam integram vel non, et qui habet propriam carrucam arrabit j grasacram per se, et qui non habet integram carrucam asoclabit alii socco ad arrandum, set isti prsenominati non seminabunt de proprio frumento; Quilibet eorum inveniet j hominem ad lavandum et tondendum oves domini ; Debent etiam falcare per iij''* dies cum aliis virgariis prae nominatis in prato praedicto, quilibet per j hominem per diurnum, a mane usque meridiem, et eundem levare, et fenum cariare ad Curiam cum aliis custumariis ; In autumpno vero, debent metere et ligare quilibet eorum j Ned acram ; Et unusquisque eorum invenire debet j hominem per iij dies 77 ad Nedbedripes in autumpno, et debent operari a meridie usque vesperam ; Et quilibet eorum cariabit In autumpno ix carectatas bladi ad Curiam, scilicet tres de monte et vj sub monte ; Et quilibet eorum dabit Cherset, scilicet tres gallinas et j gallum ; Debent etiam pannagiare porcos suos, sicut supra majores virgarii de quibus pranotatur ; Et sciendum quod pro praenominatis operibus non debent relaxari de aliquo redditu, Set pro quibus operibus debent habere relaxa tionem si operantur subscribitur inter opera Half Erdlinges ; Set sciendum quod de horsgabulo non dimittitur pro aliquo opere, nisi quando fiunt averagia. Isti subscripti vocantur Halferdlingbs, et majores Cotarii. Natale Sancti Johannis Galfridus Kyng xviij d, xviij d. Johannes Balk xviij d. xviij d. Johannes Bonde xviij d. xviij d, Ricardus Molendinarius xvd. xvd. Et de incremento redditus iij d. iij d. Thomas Hanech xviij d, xviij d. Johannes de Campo xviij d. xviij d. Johannes Cole xviij d. xviij d. Et de incremento iij d. iij d. Matilda de Ivertone xviij d. xviij d. Willielmus Godwyne xviij d. xviij d. Et de horsgabulo iij d. iij d. Robertus Berd xviij d. xviij d. Et de horsgabulo ij d. ij d. Eicardus Milicent Carpentarius xviij'd. xviij d. 78 custdmals of battle abbey. Isti prsenominati sunt unius conditlonis et operis, scilicet quilibet eorum faciet vj deywynes per j hominem, post festum Sancti Michaelis, quicquid eis injungitur; et tantum faciunt quia non arrant werkacram ut alii supra, et operantur a mane usque nonam; Et siquis prsenominatorum habeat bovem vel jumentum ad carrucam juvandum, juvabit arrare, pro portione quam habet, Grasacram, et quilibet herciare debet j acram ; Debent etiam lavare et tondere cum aliis custumariis oves domini; Et quilibet per iij"' dies per j hominem falcare et colligere fenum, et cariare Illud ut superius de majoribus Erdlinges annotatur; Et quilibet metere et ligare j Nedacram, et invenire j hominem per iij dies ad Nedbedripes, cum sommonltus fuerit in autumpno, metendum a meridie usque vesperas ; Et quilibet praedictorum cariabit in autumpno vj carectas bladi, scilicet ij carectatas de monte et iiij"'" sub monte, ad Curiam ; Debent etiam pannagiare porcos suos, et dare Cherset, ut majores virgarii, ut patet superius ; Et memorandum quod pro prsenominatis operibus non relaxibltur quis de redditu suo, Horsgabulum nee non dimittitur aliquatenus pro aliquo opere, nisi quando averantur ; Sequitur pro quibus operibus isti prsenominati dejbent relaxari de redditu suo in parte, scilicet ; Si Johannes sub Clyva et alii prsescripti quinque solidorum, vel Ricardus Hereberd et socli sui quatuor solidorum, vel Galfridus le Kyng et socii sui trium solidorum, habere debeant relaxationem redditus tunc debent operari praeter opera praedicta, scilicet, a festo Sancti Johannis Baptistae usque festum Sancti Michaelis quilibet per j hominem a mane usque meridiem, prseter Sabbatum, quicquid eis injungitur; Et si metere debent in autumpno pro opere suo, tunc metere debent quilibet scilicet dimidiam acram, et ligare pro opere suo ; Set quilibet de Cottariis, scilicet Halferdlinges, videlicet Galfridus Kyng et socii sui trium solidorum, habebit garbam in autumpno de 79 blado quo metet, scilicet feria tertia et quinta, per funem sive corrigiam longitutudinls quinque quarteriorum rectse ulnse, et si plene operantur tunc debent relaxari unusquisque quartae partis sui redditus ; Set illi trium solidorum si plene operantur, scilicet a festo Sancti Michaelis usque festum Sancti Johannis Baptistae qualibet septimana per iij"* dies, relaxabitur eis tres partes sui redditus; Et si operantur a festo Sancti Johannis usque festum Sancti Michaelis totam sep- tlmanam, prseter Sabbatum et dies festivos, tunc debent relaxari de quarta parte sui redditus, ita si plene operantur per annum ut superius dictum est non persolvunt redditum illo anno. Minores Cottarii. Emma de Iverton', ad duos terminos anni, Cristina de Therleate, ad praedictos terminos, Esedem, de incremento, Henricus Alwyne, ad prsedictos terminos. Idem, de incre.mento, Petrus Messor, ad prsedictos terminos, Cristina de Canigge, ad praedictos terminos, Johannes Harald, ad prsedictos terminos, Walterus Sacrista, ad praedictos terminos. Idem, de Incremento, Johannes Pye, ad praedictos terminos, Idem, de incremento, Nicholaus Stormi, ad praedictos terminos, Robertus de Lupyeyte, ad prsedictos, Adam Fussedame, ad . . terminos, Idem, pro tenemento Henrici presbiteri, Nicholaus de Midelhale, ad ij terminos. viij d. viij d. xijd. xij d. iijd. iijd. vijd. vijd. vd. vd. ixd. ixd. vjd. vjd. xij d. xijd. xd. xd. vjd. vjd. viij d. viij d. iijd. iijd. viij d. viij d. xviij d. xviij d xvd. xvd. vjd. vjd. xvj d. xvjd. 80 custumals of battle abbey. Isti prsenominati sunt de uno servitio et consuetudine, prseter Nicholaum Stormi, scilicet quilibet eorum faciet iij deywynes post festum Sancti Michaelis per j hominem, et quilibet eorum inveniet j hominem ad lavandum et tondendum oves et agnos domini, et quilibet juvabit per j hominem ad spargendum et levandum pratum de Fordmed et Thachmed, et unusquisque venire debet ad faciendum mulonem feni quousque fiat, et quilibet eorum metet in autumpno dimidiam acram bladi et habere garbam per corrigiam ut pr^no- tatur, et unusquisque debet sequi tres Nedbedrypes in autumpno, et debent operari a meridie usque vesperas et habere garbam suam de blado quo metent ut supra notatur ; Debent etiam unusquisque eorum habere j hominem ad orreum faciendum, per iij dies et habere qualibet die de eodem blado unam garbam quo tassant ; Et si habent animalia ad carrucas debent pro portione quam habent jungere carrucas ad arrandum Grasacram ; Debent etiam dare Chyrset, scilicet quilibet iij gallinas et j gallum, et pannagiare porcos suos ut alii supra ; Nicholaus autem Stormi debet habere j hominem ad levandum pratum prsedictum et mulonem faciendum ut supra, et habere per iij dies hominem ad orreum, et habere garbam ut alii supra, et pannagiare porcos suos, set non dabit Cherset; Et sciendum quod nullus de praadictis relaxari debet de aliquo redditu pro prsedictis operibus. Cristina Bishop, ad duos terminos prsedictos iij d. iij d. Eadem, pro Sarcrofta iiij d. iiij d. Ista debet sequi per j hominem iij Nedbedripes, et habere iij garbas etj die levare fenum et tassare per iij dies, et habere quo libet die garbam suam per corrigiam praenominatam, et facere mulonem feni cum aliis, et dare Oherset, et pannagiare porcos suos, nee debet pro istis operibus habere relaxationem redditus sui. MANOR OF bromeham, CO. WILTS. 81 Isti vocantur Coterie. Walterus le Sopere, ad duos terminos prsedictis vjd. vj d. Et pro Cher set j d. q" Adam Pyntel, ad ij terminos iijd. iij d. Item j d. q" Adam Pope, ad ij terminos iiij d. iiij d. Item j d. q" Quilibet istorum interesse debet ad fenum levandum per j diem, et mulonem feni faciendum, et dare unusquisque j d, q'' pro Cherset, et pannagiare porcos suos ut alii supra. Isti non operantur set dant redditum. Alicia de Cimiterio, ad ij terminos praedictos viij d. viij d. Ricardus Molendinarius, ad ij terminos vj d. vj d. Idem, ad quatuor terminos censuales, pro firma molendini ij marcas Memorandum quod Customarii qui falcare debent pratum prse- nominatum habere debent de consuetudine iiij bussellos frumenti ad panem, etj multonem, etj caseum, et sal ad saliendum. Sciendum est etiam quod Carrucarii, quot sint de Customarii, Memorandum, Messor, Forestarius, Faber, et Prsepositus, habere debent cibum semel per j diem, post festum Sancti Michaelis, quando inciplunt seminare ; Praepositus, si sit electus de Customariis, habebit pro labore suo relaxationem redditus sui usque ad summam iiij solidorum et pr^- terea habebit j jumentum et pullum in pastura domini in sestate, et mensam suam a Gula Augusti usque festum Sancti Michaelis ; Et Messor, si sit de Custumariis, debet relaxari de xij d. de redditu suo, et habebit suum jumentum et pullum sicut Praepositus, et praeterea, quia vigilabit in autumpno circa bladum domini cus- todiendum, habebit Ix garbas de frumento de mediocri frumento; 82 CUSTUMALS OF BATTLE ABBEY. Memorandum. Memorandum. Memorandum. Bercator, si sit de Customariis, similiter habebit Ix garbas pro custodia bladi et vigilia, et relaxabitur ei iij s. de redditu suo ; Carucarii, Forestarius, qui habet in custodia porcos domini, et Faber, si sint de Custumariis, quilibet habebit relaxationem de iij s. redditus sui; Omnes etiam servientes domini habebunt baconum die carnis, scilicet quilibet j ferculum; Memorandum quod omnes qui debent horsgabulum per annum debent averrare in adventu Abbatis cum somoniti fuerint, apud Britholton' vel Sarum vel alibi, ad voluntatem domini usque ad xx leugas, et erunt quieti illo anno de horsgabulo ; Memorandum quod Falcatores habent iiij d. de consuetudine pro quodam prato jacens in prato de Formed quod vocatur There vewyse, pro falcatione et spersione. Redditus vomerum. Henricus Brun, secundo anno Eicardus Hereberd, quolibet anno J vomerem j vomerem Item memorandum quod Johanni Cole, nativus domini, debet per annum iiij s, ad voluntatem domini pro vij acris terrae de terra le Mathun tenendam ; Item Cristina de Caneghe tenet de eadem terra tantum, et debet iiij s. per annum ad voluntatem ut supra, ut patet in Eentali apud Bromham. 83 Rental of the Manor of ANESTY, Co, Hants, Temp, Edward I, [Liber Begins de Bello, fol. 55.] Anestya. Sciendum quod anno Eegis Edwardi duodecimo Willielmus de Anesty, dictus de Bello, dimisit nobis tenementum illud pro libera- tione quadam habenda quoad vixerit, Et tunc fuerunt tenentes, scilicet : Ad terminum Natalis Sancti Johannis Eicardus Tannator xviij d. ob. q'' xviij d. ob. q* Idem, pro alia terra ijd. ijd. Johannes de Aulton', Clerlcus viij s. viij d. viij s. viij d. Henricus Astyl, pro Eadulpho Cham- peneys ijd. ijd. Hugo Astyl, pro Asketyl iiij d. iiij d. Willielmus Eotarius, pro Martino de Molendino xviij d . ob. q*^ xviij d. ob. q" Idem, pro Beggelone ixd. ixd. Idem, pro Petronilla Nigra xviij d. ob. q" xviij d. ob. q* Johannes Waryn ixd. ixd. Robertus de Cruce xviij d. ob. q^ xviij d. ob. q" Stephanus Kyng xviij d. ob q" xviij d. ob. q* Walterus Niweman, pro W. Bukere ixd. ixd. Radulphus Berkarius xij d. xijd. Idem, pro alia terra vjd. vjd. Willielmus Emme iij s. j d. q" iij s. j d. q" Walterus Waryn, filius Albreth' xviij d. ob. q^ xviij d ob. q' Galfridus de Belstede xviij d. ob. q^ xviij d. ob. q CAMD. SOC. M 84 CUSTUMALS OF BATTLE ABBEY. Ad terminum Robertus Kyng iij s. j d Idem pro ali[a] j d. ob. Henricus Edulf iij s. j d, Idem pro aliis x d. Galfridus Eotarius iij s, j d Eobertus Aluene iij s, j d Adam Oter, qui assignatur Canonlcis Durford' xv d. Johannes Ode xiij d. Natalis ob. ob. ob. Sancti Johannis iij S. j d. ob. j d. ob. iij s. j d, xd. iij s. j d, ob. iij s. j d, ob. xvd.Dedono Eadulphi de Anesty xiij d. Eedditus emptus. Eogerus Parnientarlus Galfridus Eotarius Nicholaus Molendinarius Galfridus de Belstede Alicia Chochemand Eadem ad festum Sancti Michaelis Ad Pascha ijd. ijd. ijd. Ad festum Sancti Michaelis jd. jd. dimidia libra plperis. Item memorandum quod Eicardus Ysmangere dat annuatim ad ij terminos prsedictos xij ferros equinos, pro pastura unius equi et j vaccse habenda in communi ad voluntatem domini. 85 Rental and Custumal of the Manor of CRAU MAREYS (Crowmaksh), Co. Oxon. Temp. Edward I. [Liber Regius de Bello, fol. 56-57.] Eedditus et servitia de Craumareys, in Comitatu OxONI.ffi. Termini quatuor principales. Thomas Niweman tenet dimidiam virgatam terrse, reddendo per annum ij s. vj d. et iij d. de cherset. Johannes de Lane tenet dimidiam virgatam, et debet per annum ij s. vj d. et iij d. de chirset. Nicholaus de Compton' tenet dimidiam virgatam, et debet per annum ij s. vj d. et iij d. de chirset, Nicholaus Cronti tenet dimidiam virgatam, et debet per annum ij s. vj d. et iij d. de chirset. Johannes Akreman tenet dimidiam virgatam, et debet per annum ij s, vj d. et iij d. de chyrset. Eobertus Aluerd tenet dimidiam virgatam, et debet per annum ij s. vj d. et iij d. de chyrset. Johannes de Brithwolton' tenet dj,midiam virgatam, et debet per annum ij s. vj d. et Iij d. de chyrset. Idem, pro crofta et mesuagio apud Stokbrugge, per annum iij s. iiij d., et j hominem ad iij"' precarias in autumpno. Idem, pro una acra de terra Thomae North, per annum iiij d. Johannes de la Broke tenet dimidiam virgatam, et debet per annum ij s. vj d. et iij d. de cherset. 86 CUSTUMALS OF BATTLE ABBEY. Idem, pro alio mesuagio quod tenet, iiij d. et iij d. de cherset. Johannes de Forteghe tenet dimidiam virgatam, et debet per annum ij s. vj d. et iij d. de cherset. Ricardus Cole tenet dimidiam virgatam, et debet per annum ij s. vj d. et iij d. de chyrset. Robertus Hurt tenet dimidiam virgatam, et debet per annum ij s. vj d. et iij d. de cherset. Cristina filia Johannis tenet dimidiam virgatam, et debet per annum ij s. vj d. et iij d. de cherset. Johannes la Weman tenet dimidiam virgatam, et debet per annum ij s. vj d. et iij d. de chyrset. Cristina de Stokbrugge tenet dimidiam virgatam, et debet per annum ij s. vj d. et iij d. de chyrset. Eadem, pro quodam mesuagio et prato, per annum ij s. vj d. et iij d. de chyrset; Et ad tres precarias in autumpno, pro eodem mesuagio et prato, quolibet die ij homines et ad iiij precariam j hominem. Thomas de Stokbrugge tenet vj acras terras et unum mesuagium et unum croftum^ pro quarta parte unius virgatae, et debet per annum ij s. iiij d. et iij d. de chyrset. Thomas Hered eiman tenet dimidiam virgatam, et debet per annum ij s. vj d. et iij d. de cherset. Quilibet de praenominatis, prseter Thomam de Stokbrugge, debet ad iij precarias in autumpno quolibet die de dimidia virgata ij homines, et ad iiij™ unum hominem, super terram dominici meten dum, ad cibum domini ; Debet etiam quilibet de prsedictis quolibet die metere in autumpno dum est metendum dimidiam acram, et ligare, prseter Sabbatum, et habere de eodem blado quo metet j garbam cum ligamine de meliori blado tracto; et quilibet bladum domini sarclare debet post prandium, dum est sarclandum, et si sarclent croftum sub curia, habebunt panem et caseum semel ; MANOR OF CRAUMAREYS, CO. OXON. 87 Debent etiam falcare pratum domini, et habere prime die ad jantaculum panem et caseum ; Et debent simul pratum praedictum spargere, levare, et tassare, et habebunt consuetudlnarii x d. ob. ; Et quilibet unum panem de frumento pretium unius oboli. Et quilibet de prsedictis, prseter prsedictum Thomam de Stok brugge, triturabit, post festum Sancti Michaelis, sex bussellos fru menti, et quilibet habebit unum pondus straminis, quantum ipse levare potest sine auxllio, et asportare sine auxilio; Debent etiam colligere stipulam per dimidiam diem, et quilibet habere unum thelyn. Isti subscripti de diversis servitiis faciendis. Petrus le Wyte tenet dimidiam virgatam et j mesuagium con-- tinens j acram, et debet per annum ad quatuor terminos anni vj s. Idem debet ad duas precarias in autumpno, quolibet die ij homines, et ad tertiam precariam iij homines, et ad quartam precariam ij homines usque nonam, vel per unum hominem usque vesperam; Et arrabit j acram post festum Sancti Martini ad Graserxe, et [debet] habere cibum cum consuetudlnarils vill^ Ad nonam scilicet, panem, cervisiam, et caseum; Et In vesperis, panem, cervisiam, potagium, unum ferculum de carne vel pisce, scilicet allecibus, et caseum ; Et in autumpno ut alii habent ad precarias ; Istam tenet ad terminum vitse et post reverti debet in vOinagium domini. Walterus Overee tenet unam rodam terrse, et debet per annum ij s. Iste inveniet j hominem ad principalem precariam in autumpno. Alicia le Wife tenet duas acras et dimidiam, et j mesuagium, et debet per annum ij s, et iij d. de cherset. 00 CUSTUMALS OF BATTLE ABBEY. Ista debet omnia servitia sicut Thomas le Newyman, prseter triturationem. Johannes Cole tenet v acras terrse et unum croftum, cum mes uagio, et reddet ij s. vj d. et iij d. de cherset. Radulphus tenet ix acras terrse, reddens per annum ij s. vj d. et iij d. de cherset, Willielmus ate Streme tenet ix acras, reddens per annum ij s. vj d. et iij d. de cherset. Idem tenet ij acras terrse et dimidiam, et j mesuagium, reddens per annum ^tviij d. et iij d. de cherset. Johannes in Thelane ij mesuagia et ij acras terra, reddens per annum ij s. ij d. et vj d. de cherset. Isti pr^nominati, scilicet, Alicia, et qui secuntur, debent omnia servitia sicut Thomas le Neweman, excepto quod non debeat triturare. Matilda, relicta Johannis tenet ij acras et dimidiam, reddens per annum xiij d. et iij d. de cherset. Ista debet metere in autumpno per vj dies, et ligare; Et ad iij'^' precarias inveniet quolibet die j hominem, et ad iiij'*'^' precariam unum hominem usque nonam^ Et fenum vertere debet et levare, cum communi villatae. Radulphus de Northene tenet, per Agnetem uxorem su m, Ij acras et dimidiam et unum curtilagium, Et debent xiiij d. et iij d. de cherset, et omnia servitia ut prsedicta Matilda ; Idem tenet unam acram de terra le Deen, de dimissione H. Abbatis, Et debet per annum iiij d. Mabilia, relicta Johannis, tenet ad termlnum vitse viij acras terrae de tenemento quod fuit Thomse North, quod est in manu nostra de dimissione Agnetis filise suse, cum toto quas quidam viij acras Dominus Abbas ei concessit ad termlnum vitae, reddens per annum xx d. MANOR OF CRAUMAREYS, CO. OXON. 89 Johannes le Wyte tenet de terra Thomse North ij acras et j mes uagium, de venditione praedicti Thomse, et reddit per annum xij d. Memorandum quod omnes tenentes debent pannagiare porcos suos, pro porcos plenarlse setatis j d. et pro minore setatis secundum portionem ; Debent denarios dare Sancti Petri ; Item non debent maritare filias suas extra libertatem sine licentia, Nee etiam bovem suum vel equum sine licentia vendere ; Debent etiam omnes custumarii habere in autumpno cibum suum ad precarias, bis per diem ; scilicet, ad nonam, panem de frumento, cervisiam, et caseum, et ad vesperas, panem, cervisiam, potagium, camera vel alleces secundum quod dies fuerit, et caseum, et dicunt quod debent habere potationem post nonam ; Debent etiam habere unam acram de frumento, post primam pre cariam, quam eligere voluerint, Ita tamen quod non sit fimata nee faldata, nee forsettere nee foretata super dominicum mensurata, sicut jacet in campo; Debent etiam communere, super stipulam, quam cito blada domini colliguntur, et in una pastura quse vocatur Heycrofte; Et post festum Sancti Martini arrabunt domino j acram, que vocatur Grasherxe, qui habent carrucas ; Qui vero non habent carrucas, tunc primo communent in om nibus locis infra et extra; Et debent colligere stipulam super dominicum post festum Sancti Martini ad opus eorum, et propter hoc dabunt cherset; Dicunt etiam quod quaeiibet virgata potest habere sexdecim bidentes ad faldam suam, per tempus; Dicunt etiam quod omnes custumarii debent sommoneri per ij dies, antequam debent sarclare falcare et metere, ut sint parati cum instrvimentis opera domini perficere, Et qui non habet falcem debet falcatoribus j d. ; 90 CUSTUMALS OF BATTLE ABBEY. Dicunt etiam quod, si dominus habuerit necesse cariare bladum suum, debent cariare omnes qui carectas habent, Et habebunt cibum, et illo die aliud non operabuntur. Memorandum quod nullus custumarius tenetur dare denarium Sancti Petri, nisi habeat in mobilibus ad valentia xxxd. vel amplius ; Item memorandum quod falcatores, qui falcant de consuetudine, habebunt ad quantitatem iij bussellos frumenti ut dicunt. 91 Rental and Custumal of the Manor of HOTON (Hutton), Com. Essex, 12 Edward I, [Liber Eegius de Bello, fol. 58-60.] Hotona. Redditus et servitia de Hotona, ¦^^ Pascha Sancti Sancti Natale Johannis Michaelis Magister Sancti Bar tholomsei London', pro terra deDonton', xij d. xijd. xijd. xijd. Robertus de Ildene- brigge xiij d. q'* xiij d. q" xiij d, q" xiij d. q" Heredes Johannis de Berners de Hersham xx s. xx s. Martinus filius Gerardi de Branford', pro mesuagio, iiij d. Idem , pro Roberto Canteys, ix d. ob. ix d. ob. ix d. ob. ix d. ob. Idem, pro terra Lyn not, iij d. iij d. iij d. iij d. Idem, pro j acra Alani fuUonis, ob. ob. ob. ob. Johannes Sutor iiij d. ob. iiij d, ob, iiij d. ob. iiij d. ob. Eicardus Bercator j d. j d. j d. j d. Ricardus Eok iij d. Item iij d. Item iij d. Item iij d. Item ob. q'' ob q* ob. q^ ob. q^ CAMD. SOC. n 92 CUSTUMALS OF BATTLE ABBEY. Ad Sancti Sancti Natale Pascha Johannis Michaelis Eobertus Beneyt ij s. j d. ij s. j d. ijs.jd. ij S. j d. Willielmus Casteleyn j d. jd. jd. jd. Willielmus Waleys viijd. viij d. viij d. viij d. Idem iij d. iijd. iijd. iijd. Idem, pro Chimino, ob, q* ob. q^ ob. q'' ob. q* Thomas Goldhay vj d. vjd. vjd. vjd. Terra Ricardi Nigri in dominicum, Warinus Dylle, j d. jd. jd. jd. Johannes Gery vj d, ob. q'' vj d. ob. q" vj d. ob. q ' vj d. ob. q» Johannes Seynvere j d. ob. j d, ob. j d. ob. j d. ob. Willielmus Casteleyn ij d. 'ijd. ijd. ijd. Galfridus Waleys vj d. vjd. vj d. vjd. Radulphus Hubert xij d, q" xij d. q" xij d. q* xij d, q« Johannes Adam, Gun- nild', Stephanus Adam, iij d. ob. iij d, ob. iij d. ob. iij d. ob. Adam Stobhere , ij d. ob. ij d, ob. ij d. ob. ij d. ob. Johannes filius Adae Warde iij d. q" iij d. q^ iij d. q" iij d. q« Walterus Eussel, pro Tr opine], j d. ob. j d. ob. j d. ob. j d. ob. David ate HuUe vj d. vjd. vjd. vjd. Idem, pro Galfrido David, vij d. Item vij d. Item vij d. Item vij d. Item ob. ob, ob. ob. Heredes Stephani Cu- pere x d. x d. xd. xd. Johannes Lorechun, pro Stabler ob. ob, ob. ob. Idem, pro novo redditu ij d. ij d. ij d, ij d. Alditha Stubere, pro j acra de terra Charles iij d. iij d. iij d. iij d. MANOR OF HOTON, CO. ESSEX. 93 Ad Pascha Sancti Sancti Natale Johannis Michaelis Cristina Bende pro j acra Johannis de Quercu vj d. ob. vjd. ob. vj d. ob. vj d. ob. Willielmus Bosco, de novo redditu j d, ob. j d. ob. j d. ob. j d. ob. Eelicta Johannis de Quercu sive Fer- thyng ob. q'' ob. q* ob.q'^ ob. q"' Matildis Dode, de novo redditu • ij d. ijd. ijd. ijd. Radulphus SIche, pro Holdelyn q* q'' vij d. ob. . . .d. ob. jd.q^ vijd. ij d. q" iiij d. vj d. ob iij d. ob. Item j ob. q^ 112 CUSTUMALS OF BATTLE ABBEY. Heredes Felicise de Kyngesnode iiij s. iij d. ob. Eobertus filius Eogeri xl d, Eobertus de Blakebrok' et heredes Danielis xxj d. Item prsedicti heredes Danielis ij s. ob. Eogerus de Bosco iij s, q"* Walterus de Bosco xv d. ob. Jordanus de Westbrok' ij d. Idem Jordanus et Eadulphus filius Adse x d. ob. q^ Willielmus de Ealdeton' iij d, Alanus filius Paulmer' ij s. iij d ob. q^ Henricus et Osbernus de Stonstrete iij s. iiij d. Eobertus et Walterus de Stonstrete xij d. ob. Heredes Eeginaldi filii Matilldis ij s j d. Jordanus de Bouescote cum soc [lis] ij s. vj d. Eogerus filius Siwardi et Willielmus Spi ciarius xiiij d, q* Heredes Ferebraz xviij d. Allocandum eisdem xij d. ob. Johannes de Chelmynton' et Willielmus frater Eogeri ij d. Thomas de Capella et Mathseus de Notebery iiij d. Meynard Gog, Willielmus Gog et Wimarca mater eorum xij d. ob. q" Willielmus Baldewyn' et Norman frater ejus viij d. ob. Heredes Eoberti Torche et [socii] x d. ob. Heredes Walteri Mercatoris iij d. ob. .... Eobert[us] hered [es] Willielmi Elu rich' viij d. Item iij d. ob Jordanus de Westbrok' j d. ob. Eobertus de Blakebrok' vij d. ob. Alanus filius Eicardi de Bevere ij d. ob. Thomas de Marchesham ij d. Heredes Wodegar j d. Willielmus et Meynard' Gog iij d. MANOR OF WYE, CO. KENT. 113 Willielmus Chepman Albinus et Johannes Gog Eadulphus filius Adae, pro Isabella Gog Heredes Thomae de Marchesham Heredes Eoberti de Marchesham Eadulphus Koc filius Willielmi de Marches ham Willielmus de Blakebrok' V d. ob. q'' iijd, iiij d, ob. ij d. Item j d. ob. iij d. ob. jd. j d. ob. Summa Ixxiiij s viij d. Item iij d. ob. Inde Eoberto de Kyngessnode Persons de Eluineham Heredibus FellclEe de Kyngessnode Heredibus Meynard' Gog Isabellse Motekyn [per rotulum] Summa x d. ob. q*. iijd.iiij d. ijd. j d. ob. q^ vj d. ob. q" Item per rotulum vj d. ob. q* Westkyngessnode. Eobertus de Aspale iiij d. Alditha Pyx iiij d. Heredes Symonis le Chaloner iij d. Hamo et Johannes filii Willielmi de Forda j d. Tota Westkyngessnode pro Eomescot xiiij d. Summa xxvj d. Inde ad Eomescote Et pro Siredeston' ob. q* id. Eumdenn' Heredes Johannis filii Jocii Heredes Willielmi filii Jocii Willielmus Eufus j d. ob, vd. q* vd. Summa xj d. ob. q°' 114 CUSTUMALS OF BATTLE ABBEY. Iburmindenn'. Dominus de Essetesford' xij d. Summa patet. Cheperegg'. Johannes de Rising' x d, Heredes Eadulphi de Campis v d. Wecchindenn', Johannes filius Thomse ix d. Icheregg'. Heredes Gileberti de Grana ij d. ob. q" Heredes Gilles j d. ob. Abbas Matilldis uxor Gervasii j d, ob. Heredes Thomse Humfr' vd. Aldringdenn'. Heredes Martini de Aldringdenn' vjd. Heredes Malgeri et soc[ii] iijd. Eglingdenn'. Gilebertus de Eglingdenn' et heredes prsedicti Malgeri xiiij d. ob. Heredes Elwyni et Helyee xiiij d. ob. Summa vj s. ob. q* Inde Amisio de Brichindenn' ij d. MANOR OF WYE, CO. KENT. 115 Eedditus de villata de Wy. Willielmus le Frode iijd. Heredes Radulphi Cabet vjd. ob. Item j d. ob Item j d. Heredes Ferebraz ij s. ob. Allocandum eisdem jd. Jordanus Copping' ill] d. Henricus filius Martini Pelliparii Iij d. ob. Albreda de Forstallo vj d. ob. q'* Heredes Elwin' Scot vd. Mabilia heres Henrici Dod vd. Asketlnus Pukel ijd. Hamo Tunere qa Heredes Haghemunde Cukcu ijd. Godefridus Arcur xiiij d. Heredes Scot, pro eodem ob. Stephanus filius Ely^ de Estmanneston', pro Godefrido et Letitia de Fannes j d. ob. q" Emma Solye, pro eodem ob. q^ Alicia Tayllur, pro eodem ob. q" Thomas Gossolt, pro eodem jd. AVillielmus de Mercato ij d. ob. q^' Symon de Mercato, pro eodem ob. Willielmus Michel ob. Betun de Fannes q" Willielmus Cartere j d. ob. q'' P[hillpp]us de Wy, pro eodem jd. Godefridus Haghemund', Willielmus Scot, et Ricardus Scot, pro heredibus Motekyn ijd. Rogerus Shonke vij d. ob. q^ Amicia de Chawell' vij d. ob. Willielmus de Cumbe vij d. ob. CAMD. SOC. Q 116 CUSTUMALS OF BATTLE ABBEY. Martinus Child xvd. Heredes Loth le Brun vij d. ob. Heredes Warini Carpentarii ixd. Eicardus de Plumton' jd. Jordanus Scarias iiij d. ob. Wydo de Edingbrok' ijd. Magister Wilhelmus de Brunesford' jd. Augustinus filius Johannis de Holte jd. Heredes Willielmi Plente ob. Heredes Walteri Mogge ob. Walterus Selk' ob. Petrus le Kelt ob. Item iiij d. Alanus filius Ricardi Santere vjd. Willielmus de Cranebrok' xd. Thomas Noreys, pro situ molendini iij d. ob. Heredes Johannis le Fullur, pro stallo in aqua ob. Heredes Baldewyni Cobbe ob. Jordanus Fot ob. Item ob. Heredes Symonis Eylred ijd. Emma filia Stephani Trippe j d. ob. Stephanus Sutor de Westesture iijd. Serlo do Stontegh' ij d. ob. Henricus Pret jd. q- Ricardus Florenc' iij d. Johannes Godale iij d. Thomas filius Reginaldi, pro Useberne iiij d. Summa xvj s. xj d BOCHOLTE, Stephanus de Kyngeswode xiiij d. ob. Allocandum eidem ijd. Thomas faber, pro Johanne Fraunceys ijd. Ricardus Stronge vij d, ob. MANOR OF WYE, CO. KENT, 117 Hem-icus de Stonhelde vd. Monachi Sancti Bertini iij d. ob. Item Mathseus de la Dane ixd. P[hilipp]us de Wy, pro heredibus Mistiman jd. q^ Heredes Ferebraz jd. Willielmus Textor ij d. ob. Couellyde iiij d. q" W.llielmus Draghetope jd. Henricus et Mathseus de la Dana j d. ob." Ricardus Ace ijd. Petrus aurifaber iij d. q'* Radulphus le Wred, scilicet Huot ij d. ob. Symon Dust jd. Hugo Barun j d., P[hilipp]us de Wy, pro eodem ijd. Allocandum eidem Hugoni jd. Eylmerus le Bret ijd. Heredes Salomonis de Kyngeswode vd, q^ Heredes Willielmi de la Rede xixd. Allocandum eisdem iiij d. ob, q* Heredes Cole iiij d. ob., P[hilipp]us de Wy, pro eodem ij d. ob. Eadulphus de Eldelond', pro Dobbewode vij d. Willielmus filius Thoms de Bosco viij d. Summa ix s. ij c Inde heredibus Willielmi et i^^aui de Puttok' vijd. Heredibus Willielmi de Forda iijd. Willielmo de Valoynes iijd. Heredibus Ferebraz jd. Godefrido de Chilton' jd. Symoni de Chilton' jd. Pro heredibus Hamonis de Ealdelond' j d. forgabulum Summa xvij d. 118 CUSTUMALS OF BATTLE ABBEY. Summa totalis de termino Michaelis x 11 viij s. ij d. q". Item de novo redditu xxij s. vjd. ob. Summa totius redditus per annum, ultra omnes allocationes et resolutiones, de claro secundum istud librum, Ixviij Ii, xix s. iiij d, q", Redditus vomerum ad festum Sancti Johannis. Heredes Anable de la Slede j vomerem Nicholaus de Ecclesia et Nicholaus de Haulo j vomerem Heredes Godefridi de Doddeston' j vomerem Ad festum Sancti Michaelis. Heredes Willielmi de Hertesole j vomerem Johannes Denz j vomerem, Chilton' j vomerem Willielmus Brode, pro Jugo Wlstan' j vomerem Kyngesham j vomerem Redditus gallinarum ad Natale et ovorum ad Pascha. Quodlibet jugum debet ij gallinas et j gallum et xx*^ ova Summa jugorum averag' [iantium ?] xxviij Summa gallinarum et gallorum iiij"^ iiij Summa ovorum dlx Virgata de Throst unam gallmam et quinque ova Juga libera. Bertramus de Cr) ol, pro Wastpllmton' ij gallinas xv ova Heredes Augeri de Pette j gallinam x ova Heredes Walteri Crulling' iij gallinas xx" ova Henricus de Stapele j gallinam v ova MANOR OF WYE, CO. KENT. 119 Stephanus atte Tone Heredes Symonis et Eoberti Pokel Heredes Guydonis Selk' Inde Willielmo de Coumbe Heredibus Willielmi atte Forde j gallinam ijova et dimidiam ij gallinas. Item j iiij gallinas ij gallinas ij gallinas Plimton'. Willielmus et Daniel fratres ij gallinas j gallum Godefridus et Eobertus fratres Jordani Mares calli Eogerus de Wesel', Willielmus Heyrum, et Eicardus Cancell' Gilbertus Willielmus et Thomas de Wen- dringham Henricus Symon et Godardus Wulmey Robertus filius Rogeri Carpentarii Inde heredibus Roberti Kaybore De Westhethe j gallinam j gallum ij gallinas j gallum xx'' V ova j gallinam j gallum ij gallinas ij gallinas j gaUInam et dimidiam vj gallinas Plerindenn'. Siredus Ruffus et soc[ii] Idem Siredus et Stephanus de Plerindenn' Hugo et Henricus de Plerindenn' fratres ") Ricardus de Plerindenn' ) Johannes de Becebundenn' Symon le Wyse iij gallinas, Stephanus de la Hoke ij gallinas iij gallinas iij gallinas ij gallinas j gallinam 120 custumals of battle abbey. Wecchindenn', Willielmus et Constantinus, pro terra Elvene, et Thomas heres Humfrldi Heredes Martini de Albrindenn' et soc[ii] Gilbertus de Eglindenn' "| Malgerus de Eglindenn' J Heredes Elwyni et heredes Elyse j gallinam, unde abbas sextam partem j gallinam ij gallinas ij gallinas Bocholt. Johannes Blundel et fratres Heredes Eicardi fabri Heredes Thomse textoris Heredes Anable atte Slede Henricus de la Saghthe Johannes Fraunceys Eicardus Strong' Eobertus de Stonhelde Hamo de la Hetthe Mathseus et Henricus Bithedane Hugo Barun Inde heredibus Ferebraz j gallinam ij gallinas ij gallinas j gallinam j gallinam ij gallinas V gallinas xl ova ij gallinas xl ova ij gallinas xv ova ij gallinas xv ova xxv ova j gallinam Villata. Eicardus Scot et soc[ii] Eogerus Tannator Heredes Johannis tinctorls Eicardus Waleys Item Rogerus Tannator Eobertus Chynne Stephanus Kene j gallinam j gallinam j gallinam ij gallinam j gallinam ij gallinam ij gallinas MANOR OF WYE, CO. KENT. 121 Willielmus Molendinarius Heredes Edmundi Breack', [videlicet Johannes Sandreforde] Westkyngessnode. Willielmus de la Hoke Walterus de la Hoke Eicardus filius Adae le Hog Eicardus Eykelyn Willielmus Tannator Heredes Eadulphi de Forda Heredes Eogeri de Forda Walterus Juvenis Heredes Eoberti de Westkyngessnode Osbertus de Plukele Osbertus Doul Alditha Pix Eicardus Wytman Heredes Willielmi Coleman HolemereHeghelond' Heredes Petri Heredes Willielmi de Westkyngessnode Willielmus le Frend Wolfrod de Westkyngessnode Willielmus atte Pende j gallinam ") Alditha Pix j gallinam J ij gallinas j gallinam gallinamgallmam gallinam gallinam ij gallinas gallinam gallinam gallinam ij gallinas gallinam gallinam gallinam gallinam gallinamgallinam gallinam gallinamgallinam J gallinam j gallinam quse morantur ibi 3 Inde heredibus Holdeghe Jgi allinam ACHOLT AD FESTUM SaNCTI MiCHAELIS. Heredes Symonis de Bradeham ij gallinas Eogerus de Letthon' de Edwyneford' ij gallinas 122 CUSTUMALS OF BATTLE ABBEY. Kyngessnod' Heredes uxoris Radulphi filii Paulini Felix de Kyngessnod' Idem Heredes Adrian de Orgareswike Jordanus de Westebrok' Heredes Eadulphi le Hettere Maynardus Dod Henricus faber Paganus de Pynkyndenn' Matilda Bredsellestre Eicardus de Bevere Thomas de Marthesham dimidiam gallinam ij gallinas j gallum et xxv ova iij gallinas et j gallum ij gallinas et dimidiam ij gallinas iij gallinas ij gallos et xxv ova j gallinam j gallum j gallinam j gallum j gallinam j gallinam j gallinam et x ova j gallinam et ix ova Consuetudines et servitia ejusdem Manerii de Wy, singulis annis. De averagiis: Sciendum quod tres sunt wendi, scilicet Dune wendus, Chiltunwendus, et Brunelfordwendus'. In quolibet wendo sunt decem juga, Et sic sunt in tribus wendis xxx juga; quorum xxvj juga et dimidium sunt in Wy, In Wyvelesbergh' et Seyevetun' j jugum et dimidium, Et Kyngessnode respondebit de ij averagiis, Et sic sunt xxx*". In Dunewendo sunt juga x, scilicet Cukelescumbe j jugum et dimidium, Driveres dimidium jugum, Chelcheburn' j ugum et dimidium, Ammyng' j jugum et dimidium, Walewey j jugum, in Beauderegg' j jugum averag' [a veraglans ?],. Cliteres dimidium jugum, Forewerd' dimidium jugum., Foghel dimidium jugum, Pukel dimidium jugum, Torntegh' unum jugum; Et prseter hsec virgata Trostel, quse est quarta pars unius jugi averag' [aver- agiantis ?] , debet semper unum averagium de xij septimanis in xij septimanas. MANOR OF AVYE, CO. KENT. 123 In Chiltuneswendo sunt x juga, scilicet Estchiltuu' ij juga, Wyther- estun' j jugum, Burghorn' et Delman j jugum, Orgar' et Eobertus Pistor dimidium jugum, Westchlltun' j jugum et dimidium, Cnottes et Someres dimidium jugum, Henewoode, quod est in Wyveles bergh' et in Seyevetun', j jugum, Danilond', quod est in eisdem villis, dimidium jugum; Et prseter hsec de Estkyngessnode duo averagia in prsedicto wendo; Et sic sunt in illo wendo quasi x juga. In Brunesfordwendo sunt x juga, scilicet aula de Brunesford' cum veteri tenemento unum jugum, Norman j jugum, Wulstan' j jugum, Bissop' dimidium jugum. Belting' dimidium jugum, Broke j jugum, Dudestun' duo juga, Forde j jugum, Pirye Willielmi j jugum, cum Morling', Pirye Nel, et Berdes, et cum quadam parte de Morling', j jugum, Et sic sunt xxx juga in tribus wendis. Et quilibet wendus faciet x averagia de tribus septimanis in tres septimanas, scilicet quodlibet jugum unum averagium de tribus septimanis in tres septimanas; Et semper per diem Sabbati, per unum" scilicet Sabbatum frumentum, per aliud ordeum; Set virgata Throstel quando veniet semper portabit frumentum. Prseter prsedicta averagia sunt in sestate de liberis jugis xxxiij averagia, scilicet inter Hokeday et Gulam Augusti; scilicet xvj summae et dimidia summa, et totum de frumento ; Et omnia averagia fient a Wj usque ad Bellum ; Et unum averagium est dimidia summa vel frumenti vel ordei. Item xxviij juga averag' [averaglantia ?] pertinentia ad Wy, ex ceptis ij jugis de Kyngessnode, arabunt, seminabunt, et herciabunt xiij acras ad frumentum ; scilicet quodlibet jugum unam acram et dimidiam, Et virgata Throstle unam virgatam et dimidiam; Estplum- ton, quod est dimidium liberum jugum, faciet unam acram, Pirye Ricardi quinque acras et dimidiam virgatam, excepto jugo Willielmi de Pirye quod tantum arrabit unam acram et unam virgatam et dimidiam virgatam ; Et ibi deficit dimidia virgata de acra et dimidia illius jugi, et suppletur defectus ille in jugo Pirye Ricardi de dimidia virgata quas est de Morling' ; Item liberum jugum de Beauderegg' arabit, seminabit, et herciabit unam acram et dimidiam. CAMD. soc, K 124 custumals of battle abbey. Summa acrarum ad frumentum xlix acrae et dimidia, j virgata et dimidia. Omnia prsedicta juga arabunt, seminabunt, et herciabunt ad ordeum sicut ad frumentum; excepto jugo Walewey una acra et dimidia, Et Estplumton' una acra, quse duo juga nichil facient. Summa acrarum ad ordeum xlvij acrse, j virgata et dimidia. Omnia praedicta juga de arrura ad frumentum debent tot acras de frumento metere, colligere, ligare, et coppare, scilicet xlix acras, dimidiam, j virgatam et dimidiam. Item prsedicta xxviij juga debent falcare, spargere, vertere, cumu- lare et cariare ad Curiam de Wy, et levare ibidem super tassum xxviij acras prati; scilicet quodlibet jugum unam acram, videlicet jugum de Beauderegg' averag' [a veraglans?] Chelcheburn', Cukeles cumbe, Ammyng', Witherestun' Pukel, Cliteres, Drivers, Fore- werde, viij acras et dimidiam et una virgata ; Et hoc in prato de S wy n ef or d' ; In Harifeldmed', jugum de Dudeston' ij acras, Pirye Willielmi iij virgatas, Ryndesdon' j virgatam, Belting' dimidiam acram, Pirye Nel, Bordes, cum Morling' j acram, Forde j acram, Estchilton ij acras, Pirye Ricardi iij [acras] ; Summa x acrse et dimidia. In Northbrunee, juga Brok' et Foghel unam acram et dimidiam; In Suthbrunee, Henewode, Danilond', Cnottes et Someres, et Thorntegh', Walewey, Westchilton', Orgar', et Robertus Pistor, Burghorn' et Delman, vij acras ; In Blykemede, aula de Brunes ford'^ Norman, Wlstan', Bissop', iij acras et dimidiam ; Summa totalis xxxiij acrae j virgatse prati, Albus redditus domini Regis, de quo Abbas nichil habebit, set ballivus tantum ad opus DOMINI Regis levabit, Hampton xij d ; Boctun' vj s. x d. ; Welle xij d. ; Dene viij d. ; MANOR OF WYE, CO. KENT, 125 Cumbe xij d. ; Thrimworth' ij s. ; Bocwell vj d. ; Hastinglegh ix d. ; Aldelose vj d, ; Summa xiiij s, iij d, Inde Vicecomiti xiiij s, ; Bedello, pro labore coUectse faciendse, iijd. [The following Memoranda relating to the Customs of the Manor of Wye are transcribed from a small volume entitled " Red ditus diversimodi Ecclesise de Bello pertinentes," formerly in the Augmentation Oifice :] — De Wy. Anno quo guerra fuit inter Regem Johannem et Barones Angllse, ad festum Sancti Thomse Apostoli, emergebat obolus qui dicitur foxalpeni de v jugis ; scilicet de uno jugo et dimidio de Cugeles- cumbe, et de uno jugo et dimidio de Chelchesburne, et de dimidio jugo de terra as [les?] Duneres, et de uno jugo et dimidio de Hemminge, et de una virgata de Throstesierd ; De tribus jugis Ricardi de Pirie et de duobus jugis Willielmi de Beudrege emergebat obolus quem Willielmus super pacat ; De uno jugo Pukel et sociorum ejus, et de uno jugo Ricardi de Tortege et sociorum ejus, et de uno jugo H. Walewei et sociorum ejus, et de uno jugo Walteri filii H. et sociorum ejus, obolus ; De uno jugo Willielmi de Chiltune, et de uno jugo filii Geroldi, et de uno jugo et dimidio de Westchiltune, et de tribus virgatis Burghornd' et sociorum ejus, et de una virgata Roberti pistoris, et de una virgata Walteri pistoris, et df una virgata Orgari pistoris, obolus ; De uno jugo Simonis de Brunesford, et de dimidio jugo filii Wlstani et sociorum ejus, et de uno jugo filii Normanni de Brunes ford et sociorum ejus, et de duobus jugis de Dudestune obolus; De uno jugo Willielmi de la Forde et sociorum ejus, et de uno jugo Adse Legistre et sociorum ejus, et de uno jugo Stephani de 126 custumals op battle abbey. Rengesdun' et Godwini de la Cumbe, et de uno jugo Beltinge, et terra Bissop et Alanus Putac, obolus ; De uno jugo Henwde, et de uno jugo Denilonde, et falii Cnotte, et de uno jugo Martini de Wilmintune et Warini, et de uno jugo heredum Roberti de Lege, obolus. Quondam ad summonitionem nostram fuerunt xxij hundred! et dimidium, Nunc autem pertinent tantum sejitem, scilicet : Blake- burne, Tendurdenne, Rulumdenne, dimidius hundredus de Berne- feld, Silbriddenne, Cranebroke, Badekeleg', de quibus debemus habere ij denerlos et Rex tertlum ; Prseterea summonemus Kale- belle, Felebrage, Chileham, Godraeresham, Cherteam, quse omnia habent fossas suas, et ideo nichil habemus de illis. Septem hundredi non habent fossas nisi apud Wy, et ideo habe mus ij denerlos ; Archiepiscopus tamen et Prior de novo trahunt homines suos ad fossas ; Abbas de Sancto Augustine non habet. Hundredus de Langebreg' recipit summonitionem nostram et habemus inde ij denerlos, et debet serviens noster interesse et acci- pere merciamenta, similiter de septem hundredis. Baculus debet currere a festo Sancti Michaelis usque ad Na tivitatem, et a Pascha usque ad festum Sancti Petri ad Vincula; et sunt xiiij borgi, scilicet : Beudrege, Brunesford, Wilmintune, Gocele, Hebbinge, Welle, Sotindune, Dene, Beumundestune, Thokinkeam, Sacumbe, Tremworthe, Tune, Cukelescumbe, In Cancia sunt Ixvj hundredi praeter Middeltune,' Cantuariam, Quinque Portuos, Roffam, Derteford, Niwendenne ; et isti hundredi sunt pertinentes ad leth, et sunt in Cancia tantum sex leth, primum, Sancti Augustini, Eldlnge, Sipweie, ubi sunt xiiij hundredi, Srewin- cheope, ubi sunt xvj hundredi, qui pertinent ad nostram summoni tionem, prseter Fevresham, Tenham, Boctune, Gilesford, Sutthiine, Redditum dimidii jugi quem tenet Willielmus 'de Esplumtune et socii sui, scilicet ad quemlibet terminum x denerlos, dedit W, Abbas Radulpho Picot, cujus heres est Bertrammus de Criel ; Set" forlnseca servitia reddunt Willielmus et socii sui ; scilicet, arant, seminant, Ijerciant, metunt, ligant, et coppant ; et per summonitionem falcant MANOR OF WYE, CO, KENT. 127 unam acram ; et intus ducunt, et ad custum et (ad) cibum proprium ; et si non venlant ad summonitionem sunt in misericordia de xxj deneriis ; Reddunt etiam ad Natale ij gallinas, et ad Pascha x ova, et averant quinque averagia, et debent sequi Curiam domini, et auxilium facere domino sicud alii ; et hac terra vocatur Sifled. Notandum quod quodlibet jugum de xxvij jugis et dimidio et una virgata, una cum dimidio jugo de Denilonde, reddit ad Natale tres gallinas, et ad Pascha xx ova; set serviens veniet semel propter illas; quod si eas non habuerit, ipsi eas portabunt infra xij dies, quod si infra xij dies non aportaverint, pacabunt gallinas et erunt in miseri cordia domini de xxj deneriis ; Praeterea Johannes de la Tune reddit unam gallinam et v ova de terra quse fuit Reginoldi Sporcarii; Item Angerus de la Pecce unam gallinam et v ova; Item jugum de Sandesdane iiij gallinas et xx ova ; Item Radulphus Wallensis ij gallinas, quas ipse portabit sine summonitione ; Item heredes Willielmi Crispini ij gallinas, quas ipsi portabunt sine summonitione ; Item Daniel de 1 duas gallinas, quas portabit sine summonitione. Haec sunt imdecim libera juga quae reddunt redditum suum in uno die ; scilicet, Sevietune unum jugum quod reddit in die Sancti Michaelis xiiij solidos; Item tria juga de Plumtune quaj tenet Ricardus Juvenis, heres Roberti de Marti, reddunt xxij solidos et ij d. in die Sancti Martini ; Item iiij juga de Beltesburne reddunt in die Sancti Michaelis duos marcas; Item duo juga de Crundale reddunt unam marcam in die Sancti Johannis ; Vanne j jugum, reddens vij solidos et iiij d. ; Item Thomas de Oliford reddit pro uno jugo unam marcam in die Sancti Michaelis pro omni servitio. Molendinum de Bolle quod tenet Simon de Brunesford jacet pro uno jugo, et reddit per annum xx solidos pro omni servitio, et xxvj denarios pro mutura, et de anguillis vj sticas pro piscatione In stagno; Molendinum de Wy jacet pro uno jugo, et reddit per annum xxxij solidos pro omni servitio, et xxvj denerlos pro mutura, et de anguillis decem sticas ; Molendinum de Holmthege jacet pro uno jugo, et reddit per 128 custumals of battle abbey. annum xj solidos et iiij denerios, et xxvj denevios pro mutura; Cujus molendini Ricardus Brjin habuit quartam partem. Quo Ricardo mortuo, successerunt sibi iiij filii, quilibet eorum optinens partem suam de quarta parte dicti molendini; Set Johannes de Bosco emit de duobus filiis Ricardi Brun scilicet de Waltero Brun et fratre suo, quicquid contingebat illos in dicto molendino, et hoc fuit octava pars, salva tamen relictse Ricardi Brun patris dicti Walteri Brun et dote sua de dicta octava parte; Unde intelligendum quod, prsedicta relicta Ricardi vivente, non habemus nisi sextam decimam partem molendini, qua vero defuncta, succedet nobis libere octava pars. Et sciendum quod ista tria molendina solebant molere totum brasium mittendum ad Bellum, et brasium Curiae de Wy, sine theloneo, et quia non molunt brasium de Bello reddunt pro mutura vj solidos et vj d., scilicet quodlibet molendinum xxvj denerios; et defendunt se pro tribus jugis in donis faciendis domino ; Alia vero juga dant pro brasio faciendo xx solidos in Crastino Purificationis. Triginta sunt juga et dimidium apud Wy qu^ dicuntur libera. Heredes Willielmi de Kingeswode tenent unum jugum ; Heredes Radulphi Blundel dimidium jugum, pro xxiij d. iij q* per annum ; Orlavvestune, dimidium jugum ; Heredes Stephani de Rengeswode unum jugum, solvendo vij solidos ; Heredes Ricardi de Pirie tria juga et j virgatam, reddendo xxiiij solidos et ij denerios, et habent xxxij acras et dimidiam de bosco pro V solidis et v deneriis; Heredes Willielmi de Essetesforde iiij juga, reddendo liij solidos, et tenent xl acras de bosco pro dimidia marca, et debent viij averagia ; Heredes Ricardi de Vannescumbe duo juga, pro j marca in die Sancti Michaelis pro omni servitio; manor of wye, CO. KENT, 129 Heredes Anfredi de Tuteham unum jugum pro dimidia marca in die Sancti Michaelis ; Heredes Thomse de Hollforde unum jugum, pro dimidia marca in die Sancti Michaelis; Heredes Ad» de Sumeri unum jugum, pro vij solidis et iiij deneriis pro omni servitio ; Apud Crundale duo juga pro ij marcis ; Heredes Simonis de la Tune unum jugum pro viij solidis et iiij deneriis, et debent viij averagia, et reddunt redditum suum ad quatuor terminos ; Heredes Aldens dimidium jugum pro v solidis, et v averagia debent, Heredes Angeri de la Pecce j virgatam pro xxij d., et iij averagia, et j gallinam ; Heredes Willielmi de Plumtune et sociorum ejus dimidium jugum ; Sandesdane j jugum, pro viij solidis et ij deneriis per annum, et ij gallinas pro omni servitio ; In villa de Wy unum jugum ; In Acholte unum jugum ; De Plumtune tria juga, reddendo in die Sancti Martini xxiij solidos et ix denerios; Seievetune unum jugum, reddendo in die Sancti Michaelis xiiij solidos; Heredes Willielmi Buteiller unum jugum pro vij solidis et v deneriis, et dant vij denerios et obolura de husbote in die Sancti Michaelis, et alias consuetudines facit sicut alia juga, set non averant, et dant ad quemlibet terminum foxalpeni pro se et pro Ricardo de Pirie; Tria molendina, scilicet de Wy et de Bolle et de Holitege, tenent tria juga ; Prseter ista xxx*" juga et dimidium jugum, tenet Jordanus de Forde quandam purpresturam in Reddebroc unde facit quatuor Eedebrok. averagia cum supradictis, et eodem tempore, scilicet inter Pascha et festum Sancti Michaelis. 130 custumals of battle abbey. Sunt etiam apud Wy xxx'' juga servilia et una virgata cum duobus jugis apud kingessnode. Cukelescureibe tenet unum jugum et dimidium ; Chelesburne cum terra les Duneres duo juga; Throstesipherd unum virgatam; Beaudrege unum jugum : Hamminge unum jugum et dimidium ; Walewey unum jugum ; Walterus filius Henrici et Cliter' unum jugum; Pukel et Fugel unum j ugum ; Heredes Eoberti de Lege unum jugum; Thornege unum jugum; Heredes Willielmi de Chiltune unum jugum; Heredes Geroldi unum juguin; Heredes Willielmi Burrihorn et sociorum suorum iij virgatas ; Weschiltune unum jugum et dimidium; Eobertus pistor et socii sui dimidium jugum; Cnotte et socii et Denilonde unum jugum ; Walterus pistor unum virgatam; Simon de Brunesford unum jugum; Heredes Norman et sociorum suorum unum jugum; Heredes Wlstani unum jugum ; Heredes Roberti de Dudestune duo juga; Heredes Bertelini et socii sui unum jugum ; Heredes Eoberti de Pirie iij virgatas ; Heredes Berdes dimidium jugum; Apud Forde unum jugum; Heredes Stephani de Eengesdune unum virgatam; Apud Pirie dimidium j ugum ; Beltinge dimidium jugum; Terra Bissop dimidium jugum; Henewode unum jugum, et hoc jugum non habet boscum in Kingeswode set in wallls, scilicet ; manor of wye, CO. KENT. 131 Apud Kingessnode duo juga; Et notandum quod omnia ista juga xxx'" et j virgata reddunt ova et gallinas, scilicet quodlibet jugum iij gallinas et xx** ova, prater duo juga de Kingessnode quae nee dant gallinas nee ova. Ista juga paria sunt in redditu, In husbote, in brasio faciendo; et quodlibet istorum debet arare unam acram et dimidiam in hieme, et in Quadragesima tantum ; et seminare, set de semine Abbatis, et herciare, et in autumpno metere unam acram et dimidiam ; ligare, coppare, falchare unam acram, levare et cumulare, et kariare ubi poni debet. Eicardus de Pirie tenet tria juga et unam virgatam inter libera juga, set per redditum quem reddunt juga servilia, et tamen non sunt de numero illorum ; Arant, seminant, falcant, set non averant nee husbotant nee brasiant; quod mirum videtur, cum quodlibet reddat vij solidos et v denerios, more illorum quae averant, nee dant gallinas, nee ova ; Summa redditus xxiiij s. iij d. Jugum Willielmi de Beudrege, quod dicitur liberum, par est uni jugo Eicardi de Pirie in redditu et consuetudine, excepto quod non husbotat ; Jugum de Eengesdune, quod reddit vij solidos, et jugum de Beudrege, et xxvij juga et dimidium et una virgata quorum quod libet reddit per annum vij solidos et v denerios, sunt de numero vj llbrarum et excrescunt xij denerii et iij quadrantes ; Liberum jugum Willielmi de Beudrege reddit per annum cum istis, vij solidos et v denerios, husbotat, set non brasiat; Similiter jugum liberum Stephani de Eengesdune non averat neque brasiat, set husbotat, et reddit tantum vij solidos, scilicet xl denerios de antiquo et xliiij denerios de novo ; Dimidium jugum de Denilonde reddit sicud alia, et tamen non est de illis quse reddunt vj libras ; husbotat, averat, non brasiat nee habet partem in nemore, licet reddat more illorum quse habent boscum ; Triginta duo juga et una virgata sunt apud Wy, scilicet xxvj CA3ID. SOC, s 132 CUSTUMALS OF BATTLE ABBEY. juga averantia et dimidium et j virgata, et jugum de Henwode, et dimidium jugum de Denilonde, et duo juga de Eengesdune et de Beudrege, et duo juga apud Kingessnode; Reddunt in die Sancti Michaelis xx solidos pro husbote, scilicet jugum vij d. et ob. VIginti vij juga et dimidium et una virgata sunt de vj libris, et faciunt omnes consuetudines pariter, sine exceptlone, et ideo patre mortuo successor dat relevium, scilicot xl denerios ; Similiter dimidium jugum de Denilonde facit omnes consuetudines prseter brasium, et dat relevium secundum redditum; Similiter jugum de Eengesdune et de Beudrege dant relevium patre mortuo xld., secundum antiquum redditum, et hoc quia husbotant ; Omnia alia juga tantum dant de relevio quantum de redditu. Similiter duo juga de Kingessnode tantum dant de relevio quan tum de redditu, licet husbotent; Iten\ ista duo averant set non brasiant, et quia non brasiant, debent portare pisas vel fabas in cursu suo, et debent super duo averagia in tribus septimanis; Item ista duo juga non reddunt sicud alia de Wy vij solidos et v denerios, nee dimidium jugum quod dicitur Denilonde quod est in parachia de Wivelesberge, et ideo non sunt de numero sex llbrarum. Quodhbet jugum de triginta et una virgata debet unum averagium in iij septimanis; Quodlibet jugum de xxvij et iij virgatis debet arare in hieme unam acram et dimidiam, et post Natale Domini iterum acram et dimidiam; metere, ligare, coppare, falcare unam acram, vertere, cumulare, et ducere intus : In crastino Purificationis xxvij juga et dimidium et una virgata reddunt pro brasio xx solidos, scilicet jugum ix denerios; Heredes Eicardi de Pirie tenent tria juga et unam virgatam quse faciunt omnes consuetudines in redditu, arura, seminatura, fal- chatura, sicud alia; set non husbotant nee averant nee brasiant; Eeddunt autem de quolibet jugo vij solidos et v denerios sicud ilia de vj libris, set non sunt de illis ; unde videtur quod debeant averare, braslare, husbotare ; MANOR OF WYE, CO. KENT. 133 Willielmus de Beudrege tenet unum jugum quod est par here dibus Eicardi de Pirie, praeter quod husbotat, et est de sex libris. Lx juga et dimidium sunt apud Wy, quorum triginta et una virgata averant, et quodlibet averariorum reddebat antiquitus xl denerios; Triginta alia juga et una virgata sunt libera. In villa de Wy sunt xxvj juga servilia et dimidium, averantia, brasiantia, et una virgata quae dicitur Throstesierd, q[use] non h[abe]t nemus suum sine redditu sicud alia; et jugum unum in parachia de Wivelesberge scilicet Henwode, quod habet dennara suam per se; et dimidium jugum de Denilonde, et duo juga in Kingessnode. Duo juga de Eengesdune sunt libera nominata, et jugum de Beudrege, quse husbotant et sunt de numero vj llbrarum; Tamen jugum de Eengesdune non dat xlix denarios prseter antiquum red ditum sicud alia, set xliiij denerios ; Item neutrum istorum brasiat ; Ista duo juga habent boscum in nemore, scilicet acram pro ij denarios, quia Eengesdune x acras pro xx denerios; Similiter apud Beudrege est unum jugum liberum quia nullum facit averagium sicud nee alia libera; De illo tamen datur husbote et xllxd. per annum, et habet x acras de bosco in nemore pro xx denarios, et non brasiat; Aliud est jugura apud Beudrege habens x acras de bosco sine redditu, et per hoc probatur quod est servile sicud alia, et facit omnia averagia sicud alia ; Dimidium jugum de Denilonde par est aliis in redditu et hus])ote set non in brasio, unde nichil dat de xx solidis, nee habet boscum in nemore ; Ista xxix juga et dimidium et una virgata, scilicet xxvij juga et dimidium averantia et brasiantia., et una virgata quse dicitur Throstesierd, et duo juga dicta libera de Rengesdune, et de Beu drege, reddunt praeter antiquum redditum vj libras, et excrescunt xij denerii et iij quadrantes. Omnia juga quse debent arare debent vertere aratra sua versus 1 34 CUSTUMALS OF BATTLE ABBEY. terram domini in vigilia Sancti Martini, et feria proxima post, sine summonitione, arare in terra domini, et qui non facit in misericordia domini de xxj deneriis ; Similiter in vigilia Sancti Gregorii ; Si Sabbato non venerit ad averandum, nee in die Lunse venerit ad Bellum, erit in misericordia de xxj d. ; et potest BedeUus suplere, et habebit vj denarios, et averabit ad proprium custum et cibum semel in iij ebdomadis. Triginta sunt juga et una virgata averantia, scilicet xxvij et dimidium et una virgata, et Denilonde, et duo juga de Kingessnode; Undecim libera quse reddunt in uno redditum suum, Seievetune, Plumtune, Crumdale, Vannescumbe; xxvij juga et dimidium et una virgata habent boscum in Kinges wode sine redditu, quodlibet x acras ; Summa acrarum cc Ixvij et dimidia. Hii OMNES sequuntur hundredum de Wy. Omnes homines de Boctune qui sunt de honore Comitis de Bulunne ; Omnes homines qui sunt de honore Comitis de Perches ; Om.nes homines de Beaumundestune qui sunt de honore W. de Say ; Omnes de Dene qui sunt de honore Hamonis de Crevequer; Omnes de Bukewelle qui sunt de honore Arsic; Omnes de Trem withe qui sunt de honore Comitis Glocestrlse; Omnes homines de Vanne qui sunt de honore Warini filii Geroldi ; Et omnes homines de Cumbe et de Brokes et de Haltune et de Wilmintune [et] Sotindune, Wechindenne xiiij sol, xj den. Heselindenne xxxiij d. Cheperege v solid. Aldringdenne xl den. Hicherege iiij sol. vj d. Westhee xx solid. Baldewinus Tuckere et frater ejus Willielmus vj sol, ix d. MANOR OF wye, CO. KENT. 135 Robertus et frater ejus ix solid. AVillielmus de Hillallegate iiij sol. iij d. Isti habent circiter xxxvj acras cum pratis, ubi sunt circa octo acras, et terra arabilis de marisco circa xij vel xiiij acras, et juxta viam de Sipweye habent versus orientem circa iiij acras in tribus locis. Memorandum quod Simon de Tuna habuit octavam partem molendini de Wy, et hanc octavam partem emit Ricardus postea Abbas de Bello pro xl solidis, et pro redditu sex denariorum sohen- dorum heredibus Radulfi Soltebrede annuatim, ad festum Sancti Michaelis; Item idem Ricardus emit quartam partam ejusdem molendini de Stephano de Rengesdune pro centum solidis, et pro redditu sex denariorum annuatim solvendorum illi et heredibus suis in die Sancti Johannis Baptistae, et hanc partem eandem confirmavit Mabilia uxor dicti Stephani in libera potestate viduitatis suk Radulpho Abbati per cartam suam; Item idem Ricardus emit octavam partem ejusdem molendini de heredibus Orgari filii Stephani pro 1 solidis, et pro redditu trium denariorum annuatim solvendorum in die Sancti Michaelis; Item quintam partem ejusdem molendini emit idem Ricardus per Johannem de Bosco de heredibus Walteri de Wy pro 1 solidis, quam partem emerunt heredes dicti Walteri de Wy de Alano Putac, quam partem dicti heredes debent warantizare Abbati et Conventui de Bello causa remedii redditus de terra quam tenent in Hacholte, cum minus dent de redditu quam alii tenentes de eadem terra, et ita Abbas et Conventus habent quinque partes dicti molendini, et heredes Walteri tres partes. Memorandum quod coram Domino Willielmo de Eboraco et ejus sociis Justiciariis Itinerantibus apud Cantuariam pax formata est inter Dominum Abbatem et Conventum de Bello et Priorem et Conventum Ecclesiae Christi Cantuari^ super quibusdam llbertatibus 136 CUSTUMALS OF BATTLE ABBEY. et consuetudinibus de hominibus de Broche in Hundredo de Wy, et sic inrotulatum est; videlicet, quod omnes homines Prioris de J Broke veniunt ad duos laydeyes per annum ad praesentationes faciendas et asslsas recipiendas et custodiendas de nullo placlto illis diebus responsurl, aliis diebus venient ad latrones judicandos et alia judicia facienda cum necesse fuerit ; Et si contigerit latronem ex- traneum attachiari in tenemento de Broke, borgeshaldrus cum tota borga sua ducet ipsum latronem ad Hundredum de Wy et ibi judicium suum per judicem dicti Hundredi sustinebit; Si vero contigerit aliquem hominum de tenemento Prioris de Broke pro aliquo furto vel alio crimine attachiari, tota borga cum borgesaldro ducet eum ad prasdictum Hundredum, et tunc veniet ballivus Prioris de Broke et exiget curiam Prioris, et seorsum habebit et advocatis quibusdam viris discretis dicti Hundredi reus judicetur; Si vero dissensio fuerit de judicio Inter dictos advocates Hundredi In Curia Prioris e.x causa rationabili, tunc revertatur reus ad judicium dicti Hundredi et ibi communiter judicetur prout deliquerit, sive in furcis vel pillorio vel tumberello dicti Hundredi ; Si vero contigerit dictum hundredum .aliquid promittere pro communi negotio vel expensas facere, homines Prioris de Broke secundum portionem suam debunt cum ceteris hominibus dicti Hundredi ; Si vero aliquis hominum Prioris de Broke pro qualicumque causa vel placito in dicto Hundredo inplacltatus fuerit, et in misericordiam Inclderit, eam balllvo dicti Hundredi vadiabit, et ipsa misericordia erit Prioris Cantuariffi. Anno regni regis Henrici filii Johannis xx° mense Aprlli. 137 Extents and Custumals of the Manors of LYMENES FELD (Limpseield) and BRODEHAM, Co. Surrey, 5 Edward II, [Liber Regius de Bello, fol. 67-71.] Extenta manerii de Lymenesfeld' facta die Martis proxima post festum Sancti Johannis ante Portam Latinam, anno regni Regis Edwardi filii Regis Edwardi quinto, coram , Johanne de la More clerico et Johanne de Steneghendenn' Serviente ejusdem manerii et aliis, per sacramentum Gilberti atte Quarere, Hugonis de Notefeld', Johannis Clerici, Eogeri de Botleye, Eogeri Daly, Johannis atte Pette, Paris' Miles, liberorum tenentium; Johannis le Man, Henrici Brice, Willielmi Leffode, Willielmi de Lynggeleye et Willielmi atte Cumbe [nativorum], Juratorum; Qui dicunt Dominus Abbas de Bello et ejusdem loci Conventus tenent manerium de Lymenesfeld' de dono domini Willielmi quondam Eegis et Conquestoris Angllae, in liberam puram et perpetuam elemoslnam adeo liberum et quietum sicut illud tenuit, velut ut Rex dare potuit ; Et dicunt quod sunt in prsedicto manerio omnia subscripta : Dicunt quod advocatio ecclesise pertinet ad manerium, et valet ecclesia per annum xx 11.; Et quod capitale mesuagium cum duobus gardinis et exitus eorundem cum herbagio et curtllag[iis] valet per annum x s. ; Et quod una grangia apud Skymannye cum clause adjacente valet per annum iij s. iiij d. ; Et quod una grangia apud Gamelingedenn' cum ejus clause valet per annum ijs.; Et quod unum columbarium valet per annum Iiij s. ; Et duo molendina aquatica cum cursu aquae valent per annum xviij quarteria multurae, pretium quarterii iijs. iiijd.; Et est summa lx s. et piscaria in stangnis, vivariis, et aliis aquis valet per annum xiij s. iiij d., si fuerit 138 CUSTUMALS OF BATTLE ABBEY. instaurata ; Et sunt ibidem in bosco qui vocatur la Chert cccc v, acrae grossi bosci ; Et in bosco qui vocatur Echenewode apud Sky- manneye Ixv acrse grossi bosci ; Et in bosco qui vocatur Stafherst- wode vj^^x. acrae grossi bosci; Et sunt prsedicti bosci omnes com munes omnibus tenentibus domini de manerio, tam liberis quam nativis, per totum annum ad omnia averia sua; Et sunt ibidem apud Geldenewode in diversis pedis ix acrse grossi bosci, Et v acrse grossi bosci et subbosci, omnes separales prseter tempore glani, quia tunc sunt communes omnibus tenentibus ad porcos suos tantum ; Et sunt Ibidem apud Eldehawe, Horsteghe, Hamonettesland, et Godwynesland, infra clausum de Otyndenu' xxiij acrse grossi bosci, Et xij acrse de alneto et subbosco omnes separales eodem modo quo supra; Et in bosco qui vocatur Eliottesgrave, iij acrse et dimidia grossi bosci ; Et in bosco qui vocatur Innome apud Slykemannye, xvij acrae dimidia grossi bosci ; Et in Clenchesland vj acrse grossi bosci in diversis peciis ; Et in Suthland et Hegheland ij acrse et dimidia grossi bosci; Et in Hornesland vj acrse grossi bosci in diversis peciis et haiis; Et in pastura vocata la Hoke ij acra grossi bosci, omnes separales eodem modo ut supra; Et valet pannaglum in omnibus supradictis boscis, communibus et separalibus, per annum xxiij s. iiij d. ; Et pastura valet in prsedictis boscis separalibus xxvj s, viij d. ; Et sunt ibidem in bosco apud Prinkehamme qui vocatur Bokeselleswode xlvij acree grossi bosci, et pannaglum et herbagium valet inde per annum xiiij s. ; Et sunt ibidem In boscis qui vocatur Fulegrofe et Longegrofe xj acrse et j roda grossi et subbosci, omnes separales; Et in Estoueneye, Middeloueneye, Betlesham, la Hulle, et Chalvetegh', ix acree et j roda grossi bosci et subbosci separales ; Et sunt ibidem In quadam grava quae fuit Galfridi de Lingeleye vj acrse de subbosco separales; Et valet totus subboscus in omnibus supradictis boscis, cum alneto, per annum vj s. viij d., Et non plus quia de residue oportet includere diversas terras manerii ut respondeant ad istam extentam ; Et etiam quia oportet quod dictus subloscus dlvi- datur in xij partibus ad prostrandum, et sic semper xij™" anno potest prostrari; Et sunt ibidem in grava super la Doune xxxiij acrse de MANORS OP LYMENESFELD AND BRODEHAM, CO. SURREY. 139 subbosco debili, quia totum fere spinse et tribuli, et sic profectus vix valet inde nunc per annum xij d. ; Et si prsedicta grava fuerit assarta, pastura valeret in eadem per annum v s. vj d. ; Et sunt ibidem in campo qui vocatur Estouene xxxviij acrse, Et in campo qui vocatur Middelouene Ixj acrae et dimidia, Et in campo c^ui vocatur WestoUene lx acra; terrse, Et in campo qui vocatur Betlesham xiij acrce, Et in campo qui vocatur la Swere vij acree, Et in campo la Hulle ix acrse, Et in crofta quae vocatur Eylfynes- croft iij acrae, Et in campo qui vocatur Chalfethegh' xj acr^, Et in campo qui vocatur la Redone xxxiiij acrse terrse, quarum quselibet acra valet per annum vj d., Et est summa cxviij s. iij d., Et sunt in campo qui vocatur Passemeresfeld x acrse, quarum quselibet acra valet per annum v d., Et est summa Iiij s. ij d. ; Et sunt ibidem in campo qui vocatur Sandberewe, inter Horslegh' et Goseford', lilij acrse, Et in campo qui vocatur Schepeland xlvij acrse dimidia, quarum quselibet acra valet per annum iiij d., Et est summa xxxiij s. X d. ; Et sunt ibidem In campis qui vocantur Horscroftes Ixxviij acrffl separales, quarum quaeiibet acra valet per annum iij d., Et est summa xix s. vj d. ; Et sunt ibidem in campis qui vocatur Godeburesland Ixxiiij acrae separales, quarum quselibet acra valet per annum iij d., Et est summa xviij s. vj d. ; Et sunt ibidem infra clausum de Otyndenn' apud Eldhawe Godwynesland et Hamonettes land iiij™ acrse terr^ et pasturse, quarum quselibet acra valet per annum iiij d., Et est summa xxvj d. viij d. ; Et sunt ibidem in una crofta quse vocatur Rusesland xiij acrae, quarum qualibet acra valet per annum vj d., Et in crofta vocata Luncesford' iij acrae, et valet acra inde vd., Et est summa vij s. ixd.; Et sunt ibidem in una crofta quae vocatur Heyeland juxta boscum de Stafhurst x acree dimidia terrse, Et in Ij croftis quae vocantur Suthland xiiij acrae terrae, Et in diversis campis qui vocantur Clenchesland xxxvj acrse dimidia terrse, Et in diversis campis et croftis quse vocantur Hornes land Infra unum clausum et procinctum cxi acrse terrse et pasturse, Et in duabus croftis ibidem juxta boscum qui vocatur Echenewode XV acrae, quarum quaeiibet acra valet per annum ij d. , Et est summa CAMD. soc. T 140 CUSTUMALS OF BATTLE ABBEY. xxxvj s. ; Et sunt ibidem in campo de Skykemanneye ix acrse, quarum quselibet acra valet per annum ij d., Et est summa xviij d. ; Et est ibidem una crofta quse continet unam dimidiam acram, juxta mesua gium Gilberti atte Frith, et valet per annum viij d. ; Et sunt ibidem in campo qui vocatur Chertreden xij acrse, Et in duobus campis qui vocantur Chertland xxvij acrse et dimidia terrse. quarum quselibet acra valet per annum vjd., Et est summa xixs. vjd.; Et sunt ibidem in quadam crofta quse fuit Galfridi de Lyngeleye xiij acrse dimidia, quarum quselibet acra valet per annum iiij d., Et est summa iiij s. ix d. ; Et sunt ibidem in tribus campis quae vocantur Fifacr' xlvj acrae, Et in campo qui vocantur (sic) Impetoneland xxxvj acrse et iij rodae, Et in campo qui vocatur Halemannesland xvij acrse dimidia, quarum quselibet acra valet per annum ij d., Et est summa xvj s. viij d. ob. ; Et sunt ibidem in campis qui vocantur Eliottes- land et Ballardesland xx acrse, quarum quselibet acra valet per annum iiij d., Et xlv acr^ quarum quaeiibet acra valet per annum ij d., Et est summa xiiij s. ij d. ; Et sunt ibidem in campo qui vocatur Lokieresland xxxiiij acrse, Et in campo qui vocatur Estland xxij acrse, quarum quselibet acra valet per annum vj d, Et sunt in eodem campo xlvj acr^ et j roda, quarum quselibet acra valet per annum iij d., Et est summa xxxix s. vj d. ob. q'^; Et sunt ibidem in la Hoke et Prestesmede xviij acrse, quarum quselibet acra valet per annum iiij d., Et est summa vjs.;Et sunt ibidem in campo qui vocatur Swaleweclive xvj acrae, Et una pecia quae vocatur Wyndtteland iiij acrse dimidia, quarum quselibet acra valet per annum iij d., Et est summa v s. j d. ob, ; Et sunt ibidem supra montem in campo qui vocatur Gregoriesfeld xxx acra;, Et in campo qui vocatur Gregories- denn' xvj acrse, Et in campo qui vocatur Wisseleghedene xvj acrse et j roda, Et in una crofta quse vocatur Lathegh' vij acrse, Et in campo qui vocatur Innome xiij acrse' et dimidia, Et sunt ibidem super la Doune cilij acrse terrse et pasture, quarum quselibet acra valet per annum ij d., Et est summa xxxj s. j d. ob. Et sunt ibidem in prato quod vocatur Alsonesmede in Westouene viij acrse, Et in prato quod vocatur Fulemed iiij acrae, Et in campo MANORS OF LYMENESFELD AND BRODEHAM, CO. SURREY. 141 qui vocatur Chalfetegh' j acra prati, Et in campo qui vocatur Redone ij acrae prati, Et in prato quod vocatur Brokkemede viij acrse, Et in prato quod vocatur Chertmede viij acrse, Et in prato apud Slykemsmne iiij acrse, Et in prato quod vocatur Musherstesmed ij acrte, Et in prato [vocato Lamhenerst mede] juxta mesuagium Johannis atte Mede j acra, Quarum qualibet acra valet per annum xvj d., Et est summa Ij s. viij d. Boscus communis, Boscus separalis, Gravse, Alneta, Spinse et tribuli super montem, Acrse terrse. dc acrse, clviij acrse, xxxix acrae, "l xxiiij acrse, J Acrse prati, Gardina et clausa et piscaria Duo molendina aquatica Curia et Lagheday, xxxiij acrae, mccclxvij acrse j roda, xxxviij, valet xxvj s. viij d. ut supra. Item xxxiij s. iiij d. valent vj s. viij d. valet totum xij d. valent xx li. iij s. ix d. q'' valent 1 s. viij d. valent xxvij s. viij d. valent lx s. valent lx s. De redditu et consuetudinibus sequitur. Liberi tenentes de Limenesfeld. Johannes de Wachesham miles tenet unum mesuagium et xij acras terrae et debet inde de redditu per annum vj s., Et debet sectam ad Curiam de Lymenesfeld' de tribus septimanis in tres septimanas, et heriettum et relevium. Rogerus le Longe tenet vj acras terra et xxiiij solidatas redditus apud Gamelyndenn', qui fuerunt domini Adse de Chyueuing', et debet inde de redditu per annum xij s., Et sectam ad Curiam de Lymenesfeld' de iij septimanis in iij septimanas, Et debet relevium. 142 CUSTUMALS OF BATTLE ABBEY. Robertus Emery tenet j mesuagium et unam croftam, quse con tinet V rodas terrse, Et debet inde de redditu per annum vj d. ob., Et debet relevium et heriettum. Rogerus de Bottelegh' tenet j mesuaglum et dimidiam acram terrse, Et debet inde de redditu per annum vj d. ; Idem tenet ij acras terrse, quas adquislvit de Roberto Colyn, et debet inde de redditu per annum vj d., et heriettum et relevium et iiij*"" sectas per annum. Galfridas Kempe tenet j mesuagium et dimidiam acram terrae Et debet inde de redditu per annum iiij d., et heriettum et relevium. Ricardus Emery tenet iij rodas terrse super Thenelette et debet inde de redditu per annum iij d., et relevium. Alicia filia Thomae Ailwyne tenet j mesuagium et debet inde per annum xvij d., Et debet relevium et heriettum. Johannes de Wilton tenet j acram et iij rodas terrse, quas adqui slvit de Thoma Aylwyne, Et debet inde de redditu per annum v d., Et relevium. Henricus Coleman tenet j mesuagium et ij acras terrse et debet inde de redditu per annum vd., et debet sectam ad Curiam de Lymenesfeld', heriettum et relevium. Symon de Excestria tenet j mesuaglum et j parvam placeam terrse Et debet inde de redditu per annum xvj d., et heriettum et relevium. Eogerus Daly tenet unum mesuagium et vij acras terrae -et debet inde de redditu per annum xviij d., Et sectam, relevium, et heriet tum. Idem tenet unum cotagium, quod fuit quondam Sutoris, Et debet inde de redditu per annum ij s. ; Idem tenet unam peciam terrse ad capud croftae suse Et debet inde de redditu per annum xij d. ; Idem tenet unum curtilagium, quod fuit Margerlse atte Watere, Et debet inde de redditu per annum ij d., et relevium pro omnibus, Wilhelmus atte Welle tenet unum mesuagium et iij acras terrse Et debet inde de redditu per annum xx d. ; MANORS OF LYMENESFELD AND BRODEHAM, CO. SURREY. 143 Idem tenet ij acras terrae, ex dimissione domini R. de Thrulegh' quondam Senescalli, Et debet inde de redditu per annum ij s. ; Idem tenet unum cotagium, quod fuit Johannis Cosin, Et debet inde de redditu per annum iiij d., quem quidem redditum dominus adquislvit de Johanne Clerico, Et debet heriettum et relevium. Henricus Maheu tenet unum mesuagium et iiij acras et j rodam terrse Et debet Inde de redditu per annum xviij d., et debet relevium et heriettum ; Idem Henricus tenet unum mesuagium et tertiam partem j acrse terrse et debet inde per annum de redditu xij d., et relevium et heriettum. Henricus Maheu tenet unum mesuaglum et tertiam partem j"^ acrse terrse et debet inde de redditu per annum xij d., et relevium et heriettum. Johannes de Wilton' tenet unum curtilagium quod fuit Rogeri Passemer, et continet unam acram terrse, et debet inde de redditu jDer annum iij s. Idem tenet x acras terrse in Westfelde, ad terminum vita suse, Et debet inde de redditu per annum vijs., Et relevium et heriettum. Willielmus filius dicti Johannis tenet iij rodas terrae, de dono ejusdem Johannis patris sui, Et debet inde de redditu per annum xd., de quibus dominus adquislvit de praedicto Johanne ij d., Et debet relevium. Philippus atte Slow' [nota, Joh' de Steuekedenn'] tenet unum mesuagium et vj acras terra Et debet inde de redditu per annum iij s. xd., 'et debet sectam, relevium, et heriettum. Ricardus le Ros tenet unum mesuagium et dimidiam acram terrse, quse fuerunt Galfridi le Lusshe, Et debet inde de redditu per annum vj d., et sectam, relevium, et heriettum. Idem tenet j mesuagium et dimidiam acram terrse quod vocatur Busardesland, Et debet inde de redditu per annum viij d. ; Idem tenet in servitio unum mesuagium et unam acram terrse, quse fuerunt Baldewyni le Grey, Et debet inde de redditu per annum xviij d., et heriettum et relevium. 144 CUSTUMALS OF BATTLE ABBEY, Robertus le Hounte tenet unum mesuagium et unam croftam, qua; fuerunt Galfridi le Lusshe, Et debet inde de redditu per annum xij d., et relevium et heriettum. Matilda quse fuit filia Rogeri [se] le Pottere tenet unum cotagium quod fuit Johannis Doning' Et debet inde de redditu per annum xij d., et relevium et heriettum. Johannes Wyberd tenet unum mesuagium et vij acras terrse et prati Et debet inde de redditu per annum xvd., et debet sectam, relevium et heriettum. Hugo de Notefeld tenet j mesuaglum et j acram terra, Et [debet] inde de redditu per annum xij d. ; Idem tenet iij acras terrse et dimidiam, quse fuerunt Baldewyni le Grey, et debet inde de redditu per annum iij d. ; Idem tenet ij acras terrse, quse fuerunt Ricardi Peyn, Et debet inde de redditu per annum ix d. q" ; Idem tenet iiij acras terrse, quse fuerunt Mabilise de Lingeleye, Et debet inde de redditu per annum viij d, ; Idem tenet ij acras terrae, quas adquislvit de Galfrido Coche- mund, Et debet inde de redditu per annum iiij d. ; Idem tenet vj acras et dimidiam terrse ex dimissione domini J, de Whatlington' Abbatis, quas prius habuit ex concessione domini R. de Thrulegh', Et debet inde de redditu per annum iiij s, iiij d., Et debet sectam, relevium, et heriettum; Idem tenet iiij acras terra ad terminum vita Galfridi Cochemund, Et debet inde de redditu per annum viij d., relevium, et heriettum, Simon de Stonhamme tenet unum mesuagium et xx acras terrse, qua fuerunt Ella Aron, Et debet inde de redditu per annum vij s. vj d , Et sectam, relevium, et heriettum, Willielmus Hennehorn tenet j mesuaglum et j acram terrse, qua fuerunt Baldewyni le Grey, et debet inde de redditu per annum j d., et sectam, relevium, et heriettum. Johannes filius Petri atte Helde tenet unum mesuagium et j acram terrse et debet inde de redditu per annum vj d, ; MANORS OF LYMENESFELD AND BRODEHAM, CO. SURREY. 145 Idem tenet ij acras terra, qua fuerunt Baldewyni le Grey, et debet inde de redditu per annum ij d. ; Idem tenet unam croftam qua vocatur Brusingesfeld', ex con cessione domini J. de Whatlington' quondam_AbbatIs, quam idem Petrus prius habuit ex dimissione domini R. de Thrulegh', Et debet inde de redditu per annum iiij s., et relevium et heriettum, et debet invenire ad duas precarias in autumpno, utroque die unum hominem, et habebit per diem ij repastus pretii ij d., Et sic valet opus de claro iijd.; Agnes Pottere tenet unum mesuagium et tres rodas terrae, qua fuerunt Baldewyni le Grey, et debet inde de redditu per annum ob. q", et relevium et heriettum. Galfridus le Pottere tenet unum mesuaglum et tres acras terrse et debet inde de redditu per annum xij d., Et relevium et heriettum, et debet invenire ad duas precarias in autumpno, utroque die unum hominem, ad Iij repastus pretii ij d. et valet opus de claro ij d. ob. Walterus Stut tenet unum cotagium et debet inde de redditu per annum vj d., relevium, et heriettum. Johannes filius Johannis Cony [in manu domini] tenet unum mesuagium et viij acras terrse et debet inde de redditu per annum iiij s. Idem tenet unam acram terra et debet inde de redditu per annum ij '^^ ' .. Idem tenet viij acras terra, quse fuerunt Johannis de Musherst, et debet inde de redditu per annum xv d., Et ij d. redditus de dicto tenemento relaxati fuerunt pro quodam excambio terra ; Idem tenet unum curtilagium, quod vocatur Parishawe, et debet inde de redditu per annum iij d., et relevium et heriettum. Gilbertus atte Quarere tenet unum mesuagium et lx acras terra et prati, bosci et pasturse, Et debet inde de redditu per annum vij s. ij d., Et sectam, relevium, et heriettum. Johannes atte Pette tenet unum mesuagium et quinque acras terra et debet inde de redditu per annum xiiij d., sectam, relevium, et heriettum. 146 " CUSTUMALS OP BATTLE ABBEY, Willielmus Chesman tenet unum mesuagium et unam acram et dimidiain terra Et debet inde de redditu per annum vj d., sectam, relevium, et heriettum; Et debet invenire ad duas precarias in autumpno, utroque die unum hominem, et [habebit] duos repa,'3tus ut supra, Et valet opus de claro iiij d. Walterus Notefeld et relicta Stut tenent unum mesuagium et duas acras terra Et debent inde de redditu per annum xij d., Et debent j par rotarum ad carucam, pretii vj d., Et debent heriettum et relevium. Gilbertus atte Quarere tenet unum mesuaglum et vij acras terra Et debet inde de redditu per annum ixd., et debet sectam, relevium, et heriettum.Robertus de Langenherst tenet vj acras terra de tenemento quon dam Johannis de Musherst, Et debet inde de redditu per annum xvj d., quem quidem redditum dominus adquislvit de domino Johanne de Musherst, et debet relevium. Her^s Roberti de Langenherst tenet unum mesuagium et unum molendinum aquaticum et 1 acras terra qua fuerunt Johannis de Musherst, et debet inde de redditu per annum xviij s. vij d., Et debet sectam, relevium, et heriettum. Johannes atte Welle tenet unum mesuagium et debet inde de redditu per annum j d., et debet heriettum et relevium. Philippus atte Thegh' tenet unum mesuaglum Et debet inde de redditu per annum viij d., sectam, relevium, et heriettum. Willielmus le, Chesman tenet iiij acras terra, quas adquislvit de Phihppo atte Thegh', Et debet Inde de redditu per annum xvj d., Et debet relevium et heriettum. Johannes atte Mede tenet j mesuaglum et xx acras terra Et debet inde de redditu per annum iij s. iiij d., Et sectam, relevium, et heriettum ; Idem tenet v acras terrse de tenemento quondam Johannis de Musherst Et debet inde de redditu per annum xx d., quem quidem redditum dominus adquislvit de pradicto Johanne de Musherst, Et debet inde relevium. A1AN0RS OF LYMENESFELD AND BRODEHAM, CO. SURREY. 147 Johannes Godstokne tenet j mesuagium et iij acras terra Et debet inde de redditu per annum xvj d., Et debet heriettum et relevium. Galfridus Tornour de Frenyngeham tenet j m.esuaglum et j acram et dimidiam terra, Et debet inde de redditu per annum xiiij d., Et debet sectam, relevium, et heriettum. Johannes de Cunnpwerth' tenet in servitio ij acras terra, quas Walterus Rabel de eo tenet in dominico, Et unam acram quam Willielmus frater ejusdem Johannis de eo similiter tenet in dominico, Et debet inde de redditu per annum ij s. vj d., Et debet sectam, relevium, et heriettum. Walterus Isabel tenet ij acras terra Et debet inde de redditu per annum x d., Et debet relevium ; Idem debet per annum de redditu iiij d., pro exitu habendo ante portam suam ad boscum de Stafhurst, et debet relevium. Hugo Coleman tenet j acram terra de Croucheland Et debet inde de redditu per annum vj d., et debet relevium. Johannes Vyel tenet j mesuagium et j acram dimidiam terra, et debet inde de redditu per annum vj d., Et debet relevium et heriettum. Ricardus de Whatyndon' tenet j mesuagium et unam parvam croftam, et debet inde de redditu per annum xix d., Et heriettum, et relevium. Willielmus Patrich debet de redditu per annum iiij d. pro exitu habendo versus boscum de Stafhurst, et debet relevium, et adven tum de laghedeyes, Hugo Coleman tenet unam croftam qua vocatur Osegodesreden, Et unam croftam in Stafhurst qua vocatur Parisland, et debet inde de redditu per annum ixs., Et relevium. Hamo Broun tenet unum mesuagium et vj" acras terra, bosci, prati et pasturse, et j molendinum aquaticum, Et debet inde de redditu per annum xxiij s. viij d., sectam, relevium, et heriettum. Willielmus filius Johannis de Stafhurst tenet xij acras terra de tenemento de Wyntersell', Et debet inde de redditu per annum iij s. ij d., Et debet sectam, relevium, et heriettum. CAMD. SOC, u 148 CUSTUMALS OP BATTLE ABBEY. Willielmus de Stafhurst tenet unum mesuagium et vj acras terra, et debet inde de redditu per annum iij s. ii d., sectam, relevium, et heriettum. Hugo Coleman tenet j mesuagium et vj acras terra et debet inde de redditu per annum xix d. ob., sectam, relevium, et heriettum, [Nota : Tnquiratur de obolo per annum.] Symon le Heuer' tenet j mesuagium et vij acras terra, Et debet inde de redditu per annum iij s. vj d., Et sectam, relevium, et heriettum. Heres Willielmi atte Pette tenet j mesuagium et v acras terra, Et debet Inde de redditu per annum xxij d., et heriettum, et rele vium; Idem tenet iij acras terra, qua fuerunt Johannis filii Willielmi Sacerdotis, Et debet inde de redditu per annum xiij d., Et debet relevium et heriettum. Johannes le Wri3the tenet j mesuagium et ij acras terra, Et debet inde de redditu per annum xd., heriettum, et relevium; Et debet invenire ad duas precarias in autumpno, utroque die unum hominem, ad ij repastus ut supra, Et valet opus de claro ij d. ob. •Johanna, filia Eoberti le Carter', tenet j mesuagium et debet inde de redditu per annum ij s., Et sectam, relevium, et heriettum. Willielmus, filius Eoberti de Compwerth', tenet unum cotagium, Et debet inde de redditu per annum x d., heriettum, et relevium. Memorandum : de viij d. de redditu per annum per iiij'"' terminos solvendis, pro ij acris prati de Willielmo le Meleward et Ricardi fratris sui, qui quidem redditus non inseritur in isto quaterno. Et sciendum est quod unusquisque supradictorum liberorum tenentium, tam majorum quam minorum, qui carucam habet in tegram vel aliquam .partem caruca, venire debet cum caruca sua vel cum ejus parte, si integram carucam non habeat, ad unam pre cariam carucarum in yeme, et ad unam precariam carucarum ad semen in Quadragesima; Et unusquisque qui carucam habet arare MANORS OF LYMENESFELD AND BRODEHAM, CO. SURREY. 149 debet unam acram ad utramque precariam, Et qui minus habet quam carucam integram arabit secundum quod habuerit animalia in caruca juncta, Et qui nulla habuerit animalia juncta nichil arabit; et uterque tentor caruca, et fugator cujuslibet caruca, habebunt cibum semel in die, pretium cibi cujuslibet carucarii per se j d. ob. ; Et valet arura cuilibet acra vj d, ; Et quia plures pradictorum tenentium sunt adeo parva tenura et impotentes quod neque carucas integras nee earum aliquam partem [possunt] habere, astimatur dicta arrura per annum ad x acras, pretium acra ut supra, Et sic valet pradicta arrura Ij s. vj d. de claro ; Et debet unusquisque herciare terram quam araverit, et valet herciatio unius acra de claro ob., Et est summa v d. Et unusquisque vero supradictorum tenentium qui porcum seu Pannaginm. porcos habuerint [sic) dabunt pannaglum quolibet anno, videlicet pro porco plena atatis ij d., Et pro porcello plus vel minus secun dum quod fuerit majoris atatis vel mlnoris ; Et extenditur dictum pannaglum supra in exitibus et profectibus boscorum. X li. iiij s. iij d. Liberi tenentes de Prynkehamme. Reginaldus de Cobeham miles tenet unum mesuaglum et c acras terra, Et debet inde de redditu per annum xxj s. j d., Et sectam ad Curiam de Lymenesfeld' ut supra, Et heriettum et relevium. Stephanus filius Johannis Crispe tenet unum mesuaglum et xxx acras terrse, Et debet inde de redditu per annum xs., Et debet sectam, relevium, et heriettum. Philippus et Walterus filii Willielmi atte More tenent j mesua gium et xl acras, Et debent inde de redditu per annum x s. vj d., Et sectam, relevium, et heriettum. Heres Gilberti le Crispe tenet j mesuagium et xxx acras terra, Et debet inde de redditu per annum vj s. viij d., Et sectam, rele vium, et heriettum. 150 CUSTUMALS OF BATTLE ABBEY. Johannes de Purile tenet in servitio unum mesuaglum et xl acras terra, qua fuerunt Willielmi de Prinkehamme, Et debet inde de redditu per annum xx s., Et sectam, relevium, et heriettum. Willielmus atte Longebregge tenet j mesuagium et xxx acras terra et debet inde de redditu per annum x s., et sectam, heriettum, et relevium.Walterus atte Broke ^lenet j mesuagium et viij acras terra et debet inde de redditu per annum xvlij d., et heriettum et relevium. Edmundus de Farshetteslegh' tenet j mesuagium et xl acras terra Et debet inde de redditu per annum vj d., Et heriettum et relevium. Willielmus de Lullingdenn' tenet j mesuaglum et lx acras terra Et debet inde de redditu per annum iiij ferros equorum, pretii vj d. ; Et debet relevium, Et de herietto nihil sclunt, ideo inquiratur. Daniel atte Longebregg tenet medietatem unius roda terra Et debet inde de redditu per annum iij d., et relevium. Nativi. Johannes le Man tenet unum mesuagium et vij acras terra, Et debet inde de redditu per annum ij s. ; Et debet invenire unum hominem et j equum per unum diem ad herciandum, ad semen Quadragesimale quod vocatur Tyndesawe, et habebit herciator semel cibum in die pro se et equo suo, pretii j d. ob., Et sic valet opus de claro j d. ; Et debet invenire unum hominem In fimarlo domini circa fima extraenda ad curtanas implendas, semper secundo die donee plenius extracta fuerint, Et sic inveniet unum hominem communiter circa idem per x dies, Et valet opus v d. ; Et debet invenire unum hominem ad spargendum fenum in prato domini per j diem, qui habebit cibum bis in die, pretii j d. ob., Et sic valet opus de claro ob. ; Et debet Invenire unum homineni per unum diem ad fenum in MANORS OP LYMENESFELD AND BRODEHAM, CO. SURREY. 151 pratis domini levandum, qui habebit potum semel, Et valet opus ob. ; Et debet invenire unum homlnern per Ij dies ad sarclandum bladum domini, qui habebit utroque die unum repastum per diem, pretii j d., Et sic valet opus de claro per j diem ob., Et est summa jd.-, _ Et debet invenire unum hominem ad tassum feni faciendum, dum tassata fuerint v carectata feni, Et valet opus q"; Et debet invenire ad iij precarias in autumpno quolibet die j hominem, ad duos repastus per diem j d. ob., Et valet opus iiij d. ob. de claro ; > Et debet triturare Ij bussellos avena In quolibet adventu domini Abbatis, quotiens venerit de Abbathia de Bello, Et valet opus per astimationem j d. ; Nee potest filiam suam maritare, nee facere fillum suum coronari, sine licentia, nee meremium prostrare sine visu et licentia Servientis, Et hoc ad adificandum et non aliter. Summa consuetudinum et operum xiij d. ob. q" Willielmus atte Wattere tenet j mesuagium et v acras terra Et debet inde de redditu per annum xij d., Et residuum redditus quem solebat reddere, videlicet x d., relaxantur eidem eo quod viij acra de terra quam tenuit sunt in manu domini ; Et debet omnes consuetudines et opera sicut Johannes le Man; Summa consuetudinum et operum per annum xiij d. ob. q^ Petrus atte Wattere tenet j cotagium, quod Golda tenuit de tene mento- pradicti Willielmi, et debet inde de redditu per annum xvj d. ; Willielmus atte Cumbe tenet j mesuagium et xviij acras terra Et debet inde de redditu per annum xij d. ; Et debet omnes consuetudines et opera sicut Johannes le Man ; Summa consuetudinum et operum xiij d. ob. q''. Radulphus le Pottere tenet unum mesuagium et xviij acras terra Et debet inde de redditu per annum xx d. ; 152 CUSTUMALS OF BATTLE ABBEY. Et debet omnes consuetudines et opera sicut Johannes le Man ; Summa consuetudinum et operum xiij d. ob. q*. Henricus de Fonte tenet j mesuagium et xv acras terra Et debet inde de redditu per annum xxij d. ; Et debet omnes consuetudlnes et opera sicut Johannes le Man;' Summa consuetudinum et operum xiij d. ob. q^, Thomas Waryn tenet j mesuagium et vij acras terra, Et debet inde de redditu per annum xij d.; Et debet omnes consuetudlnes et opera sicut Johannes le Man ; Summa consuetudinum et operum xiij d. ob. q^ Henricus Brice tenet unum mesuagium et vij acras terra, Et debet inde de redditu per annum xiiij d. ; Et debet omnes consuetudines et opera sicut Johannes le Man; Summa consuetudinum et operum xiij d. ob-.q". Gervasius Testalyn tenet unum mesuagium et vij acras terra, Et debet inde de redditu per annum xij d. ; Et debet omnes consuetudlnes et opera sicut Johannes le Man; Summa consuetudinum et operum xiij d. ob. q''. Willielmus filius Gilberti Testalyn tenet j mesuagium et vj acras terra, Et debet inde de redditu per annum xx d. ; Et debet omnes consuetudines et opera sicut Johannes le Man ; Summa consuetudinem et operum xiij d. ob. q''. Ricardus Cole tenet j mesuagium et xvj acras terra, Et debet inde de redditu per annum xvj d., Et debet omnes consuetudines et opera sicut Johannes le Man ; Summa consuetudinum et operum xiij d. ob. q*. Willielmus Bellamy tenet unum mesuagium et ij acras et j rodam terra, Et debet inde de redditu per annum xd., Et debet omnes consuetudines et opera sicut Johannes le Man ; Summa consuetudinum et operum xiij d, ob. q^ Willielmus Bellard tenet j mesuagium et x acras terra, Et debet inde de redditu per annum xlj d.; Et medietatem omnium consuetudinum et operum sicut Johannes le Man; Et alia medietas redditus et consuetudinum et operum MANORS OF LYMENESFELD AND BRODEHAM, CO. SURREY. 153 qua facere solebat, relaxata sibi fuerunt (sic), eo quod dominus habet in manu sua xvj acras terra de tenemento quod tenuit ; Summa consuetudinum et operum vj d. ob, q", Henricus Brice tenet unum mesuaglum et xxx acras terra et debet inde de redditu per annum vj s, viij d. ; Et debet x ova, pretii ob. ; Et debet omnes consuetudines et opera sicut Johannes le Man, prater quod ad fima extrahenda; Idem tenet unam viam apud le Chert Et debet inde de redditu per annum ij d.; Willielmus le Fode tenet unum mesuagium et xx acras terra Et debet inde de redditu per annum ij s. v d., Et debet omnes consuetudlnes et opera sicut Johannes le Man, prater quod non sparget fenum in prato domini; sed debet j d. q" pro falcatione prati; Et prater quod ad fima extrahenda debet invenire animalia ad medietatem unius carri, ad fima extrahenda per unum diem de fimario domini, et valet opus ij d.; Summa consuetudinum et operum x d. q". Willielmus de Lyngglegh' tenet j mesuaglum et xl acras terra Et debet inde de redditu per annum ix d., Et debet j gallinam pretii ij d., Et x ova pretii ob. ; Et debet facere v averagia cum j homine et j equo, de Lymenes feld' usque ad Bellum, Et valet opus xxd,; Et debet pro cariagio bosci, quod vocatur Rostwode, vj d. ; Et debet pro falcatione prati ij d. ob. ; Et debet levare fenum, sarclare bladum domini, et triturare Ij bussellos avena In quolibet adventu domini Abbatis, eodem modo sicut Johannes le Man ; Et debet invenire ad duas precarias in autumpno, utroque die unum hominem ad duos repastus ut supra, Et valet opus ut supra ; Et debet invenire medietatem unius carri in fimarlo domini ad fima extrahenda, quolibet die donee plenius extrahantur, quod est communiter per xx dies, et valet opus illud per unum diem ij d. 154 CUSTUMALS OF BATTLE ABBEY. Et non plus, quia dominus inveniet pasturam animallbus dum fecerint opus, Et est summa pretii dicti operis "xld.; Summa consuetudinum et operum vj s. iiij d. ob. Johannes de Lingelegh' tenet j mesuagium et vj acras terra Et debet inde de redditu per annum xviij d. ; Et herciare ad Tyndsawe in Quadragesima per j diem, sicut Johannes le Man, Et valet opus j d. ut supra; Et debet invenire unum hominem ad unam precariam in au tumpno, ad duos repastus ut supra, Et valet opus j d. ob. ; Summa consuetudinum et operum ij d. ob. Hugo atte Hale tenet j mesuaglum et iiij acras terra et j moram qua continet j acram, ad termlnum vita sua et uxoris sua, Et debet inde de redditu per anrium ij s, ; Et quia xv acra de tene mento quod tenuit sunt In manu domini, et dominus habebit rever- sionem dicti mesuagii terra et mora qua nunc tenet post decessum ejus et uxoris sua, extinguntur (sic) de redditu quem solebat reddere per annum xiiij d. ; Et relaxantur et extinguntur omnes consuetudines et opera quas et qua facere solebat de dicto tenemento, videlicet bis tantum, sicut facit Johannes le Man ; Thomas atte Lak' tenet j mesuagium et Iij acras terra Et debet inde de redditu per annum xij d., Et relaxantur de redditu suo iiij d., Et omnes consuetudines et opera quas et qua facere solebat, videlicet eodem modo sicut Johannes le Man, eo quod xv acra de tenemento quod tenuit sunt in manu domini; Walterus atte More tenet j mesuagium et xx acras terra, Et debet inde de redditu per annum ij s. iiij d. ; Et debet j gallinam, pretii ij d. Et debet herciare ad Tyndsalwe in Quadragesima, sicut Johannes le Man, et valet opus j d.; Summa consuetudinum et operum iij d. Omnes supradicti nativi, videlicet quilibet eorum qui carucam habet integram vel aliquam partem caruca, debet arare et herciare MANORS OF LYMENESFELD AND BRODEHAM, CO. SURREY, l<55 ad duas precarias carucarum eodem modo sicut et supradicti liberi tenentes; Et debent insuper quarere semen ad granarium domini, et terram quam arraverint debent inde seminare ; Et possunt arare ad duas precarias iiij acras communiter, Et valet arrura et herciatio unius acra ut supra, Et sic valet tota ilia arrura et herciatio de claro per annum ij s. iiij d., Et non plus quia tentores et fugatores carucarum habebunt j repastum ut pradicti liberi tenentes. Nativi de Prinkehamme. Galfridus de Molendino tenet j mesuagium et xl acras terra, Et debet inde de redditu per annum xviij d. ; Et j gallinam, pretii ij d., Et x ova, pretii ob. ; Et debet, pro arrura et herciatlone ij acrarum terra ad semen yemale, xxd.; Et pro messione ij acrarum bladi, xx d. ; Et debet, pro trituratione xxj summarum frumenti vel ordei vel avena, vij s. ; Nee potest filiam suam maritare, nee facere fillum suum coronari, sine licentia domini ; nee meremium prostrare sine licentia et visu Ballivi, et hoc ad adificandum et non aliter ; Summa consuetudinum et operum x s, vj d, ob. Lucas de Molendino tenet j mesuagium et xl acras terrse Et debet inde per annum iij s. vj d. ; Et debet j gallinam, pretii ij d. ob., Et x ova pretii ob. ; Et debet, pro arrura et herciatlone j acra terra, x d, ; Et pro trituratione x summarum dimidia bladi, iij s, vj d. ; Summa consuetudinum et operum vs. iiijd. Willielmus Paris tenet unum mesuagium et xl acras terra, Et debet inde de redditu per annum iiij s. ; Et ij gallinas, pretii iiij d., Et xx ova, pretii j d. ; Et debet xxij averagia usque Bellum vel London', pretii vij s. iiij d. ; CAMD. SOC. x 156 CUSTUMALS OF BATTLE ABBEY. Et debet, pro cariagio ij carectatarum bosci quod vocatur Rost wode, xij d. ; Et debet invenire unum equum et ij boves, qui medietatem unius curri faciunt ad fima de fimario domini extrahenda quousque plenius extraantur, quod est communiter per xx dies, Et valet opus per diem ij d. et non plus, quia dominus inveniet pastura ad animalia dum- modo fecerint opus, Et est summa iij s. iiij d. ; Summa pretii operum et consuetudinum xij s. j d. Johannes filius Eoberti de Bukesell' tenet j mesuagium et viij acras terra, Et debet inde de redditu per annum iiij s. pro omnibus. Omnes supradicti nativi, tam illi de Lymenesfeld' quam illi de Prinkehamme, debent dare pannaglum pro porcis suis eodem modo sicut supradicti liberi tenentes. Et sciendum quod omnes et singuli supradicti liberi tenentes qui herietem dare debent, Et etiam omnes et singuli nativi supradicti, dabunt pro herieto cum acciderit, videlicet unusquisque eorum melius animal quod habuerit ; Et si nullum animal habuerit dabitur pro herieto tantum sicut datur de redditu de tenementis suis per annum. Et similiter omnes liberi tenentes dabunt pro relevio, cum acci derit, tantum sicut datur de redditu per annum. Nativi vero, cum decederint, illi qui post eos j>er propinquitatem et kundam clamaverunt, facient finem pro ingressu a[d] voluntatem domini. Vidua autem, jwst mortem nativorum, remanebit in medietate tenementi quod vir suus tenuit ad totam vitam suam, nee se mari tare potest sine licentia domini. Et sciendum quod unusquisque tenentium pradictorum, tam liberorum quam nativorum, quotlens-cunque braciaverit ad venden dum, mittet ad manerium domini ij galones melioris cervlsia quod vocatur Tolcestr', Et pro quolibet Tolcestro dabitur portanti j panis, pretii ob. ; Et sic valent Tolcestr' per astimationem per annum iijs. MANORS OF LYMENESFELD AND BRODEHAM, CO. SURREY. 157 Dicunt etiam supradicti jurati quod fines, amerciamenta, et per- quislta Curiarum de Laghedays, cum releviis et heriettis, valent per annum lx s. ; Et dicunt quod dominus habet in dicto manerio Lagheday, cum omnibus llbertatibus et consuetudinibus ad Laghe- deye spectantibus. Eedditus de tenementis dimissis ad voluntatem domini. Johannes le Man tenet unam peciam terra qua vocatur Hali- deyes, Et ij acras terra super la Forlong, et debet inde de redditu per annum ij s. pro omnibus. Henricus Brice tenet unum curtilagium, quod fuit Elya de la Chert, Et debet inde de redditu per annum xij d. pro omnibus. Johannes Bercarius tenet unam peciam terra qua vocatur Cher- thawe, Et debet inde de redditu per annum ij s. pro omnibus. Henricus Brice tenet unam peciam terra qua vocatur Eeye- croft, Et debet inde de redditu per annum ij s. pro omnibus. Johannes atte Pette tenet unam peciam terra qua vocatur Giff'reyshull', Et debet inde de redditu per annum viij d. pro omnibus. Nicholaus Ede tenet unam peciam terra qua vocatur Prestesland, Et debet inde de redditu per annum iiij s. Gilbertus atte Quarere tenet j peciam terra qua vocatur Prestes- croft, Et debet inde de redditu per annum xij d. Galfridus Dany tenet unam croftam qua vocatur Colieresland, Et debet inde de redditu per annum xvj d, pro omnibus. Eicardus le Baker' [in manu domini] tenet unam croftam qua vocatur Calipreshawe, Et debet inde de redditu per annum ij s. pro omnibus. Hugo Coleman tenet tres acra's terra de Pyneslond, Et debet inde de redditu per annum xv d, pro omnibus. Petrus le Felde tenet unam peciam terra qua vocatur Woderede, Et debet inde de redditu per annum xij d. pro omnibus. Michaelis le Tornour tenet j peciam terra qua vocatur Crouches- lond, Et debet inde de redditu per annum viij d. 158 custumals of battle abbey. Willielmus de Codestone tenet xv acras terra, in diversis peciis super la Doune, et debet inde de redditu per annum iij s. Eogerus de Bottele tenet vij acras terra et dimidiam qua vocan tur Innome, Et j acram terra qua vocatur Stubet, Et unam acram terra qua vocatur Gonnore Acre super la Doune, Et debet inde de redditu per annum iij s. iiij d. pro omnibus. Petrus Cartere tenet j peciam terra qua fuit Eadulphi Wolbard, Et debet inde de redditu per annum xviij d. pro omnibus. Johannes atte Foyle tenet ij pecias terra qua vocantur PoUardes- lond et Clerkeshagh', et debet inde de redditu per annum ij s. pro omnibus. Eector ecclesia de Lymenesfeld' tenet unam croftam qua vocatur Smithescroft, et debet inde de redditu per annum vj s. viij d. pro omnibus. Elyas atte Slou tenet iij acras et iij rodas terra bi Estonne, Et debet inde de redditu per annum iiij s. pro omnibus. Henricus Maheu tenet j acram terra qua vocatur Plomacre, Et debet inde de redditu per annum xij d. pro omnibus. Henricus Maheu tenet j acram terra qua vocatur Goceland, et acram apud Hennehorne, et j peciam terra apud HarehuU', et j peciarq terra apud la Lak, et j angulum apud Brueram, Et debet inde de redditu per annum xxij d. pro omnibus. Johannes le Gardiner tenet unam croftam qua vocatur Parises- reden, Et unam croftam' qua fuit Plesancia de Paris, Et debet inde de redditu per annum iiij s. x d. Alexander de Upton' tenet unum cotagium, Et debet inde de redditu per annum viij d, Johannes Hermite tenet unum cotagium, Et debet inde de redditu per annum xxij d. Eobertus atte Coumbe tenet unum cotagium, Et [debet] inde de redditu per annum xxij d. Heres Thoma Hermite tenet unum cotagium, Et debet inde de redditu per annum xxij d. Nicholaus Burney tenet j dimidiam acram terra qua fuit / MANORS OF lymenesfeld AND BRODEHAM,, CO, SURREY, 159 Willielmi H[er]eman, et debet inde de redditu per annum xij d. pro omnibus. Parisius Miles [in manu domini] tenet j dimidiam acram terra quae vocatur Heyelondeshagh', ad terminum vitee suae, et debet inde de redditu per annum vj d, Johannes Spadiere tenet j cotagium, de anno in annum, Et debet inde de redditu per annum xx d, Johannes atte Mede tenet j acram prati, Et debet inde de redditu per annum ij s. Summa lx s, xj d, Summa totius redditus xviij li, xv s. ij d., De quibus resolvi debent Eogero le Long' vj s. viij d. pro tenementis in manu domini existentibus, Et sic est redditus de claro xviij li. viij s. vj d. Extenta manerii de Brodehamme, facta per supradictos juratores, die et anno supradictis, qui dicunt quod sunt ibidem omnia infrascripta : Dicunt quod capitale mesuagium cum ejus clauso adjacente valet per annum iij s. iiij d. ; Et quod unum molendinum aquaticum cum cursu aquse valet per annum ix quarteria multurse, pretium quar terii iij s, iiij d.; Et est summa xxx s. Et sunt ibidem in bosco de Brodehamme xvj acrse grossi bosci, Et in la Thegh' vj acrse grossi bosci, Et in Aldithegrove iiij acrae et j roda grossi bosci, Et apud Harehull' et Bromfeld iij acree grossi bosci, Et in campo vocato Threleland j acra grossi bosci, Et in campo vocato Ylegh' j acra grossi bosci, Et valent .pannaglum et herbagium In eisdem per annum vj s. viij d. ; Et sunt ibidem, in una crofta qua vocatur Benhawe juxta molen dinum, ij acrse terrse et j roda, Et in campo qui vocatur Mellelond viij acrse et iij roda, Et in campo qui vocatur Mellefeld ix acrae et j roda, Et in campo vocato MellehuU' x acra et j roda, Et in 160 CUSTUMALS OP BATTLE ABBEY. campo vocato Throland xxiij acra, Et in campo vocato Mellereden xviij acra, Et in crofta vocata Alditheland v acra, Et in campo vocato Ilegh' xj aci'a, Et in campo vocato Farndene vij acra et dimidia, Et in campo qui vocatur Heyecroft viij acra et dimidia, Et in campo qui vocatur Eedehamme xvj acra, Et in duobus campis qui vocantur Werthe xxxiij acra et iij roda, quarum qualibet acra valet per annum vij d., Et est summa iiij 11, ixs. ob. q''; Et sunt ibidem, in campis vocatis Harehelle et Bromfeld', Ivij acra et dimidia terra et bruer[ia], quarum qualibet acra valet per annum iiij d., Et est summa xix s. ij d. Et sunt ibidem, in prato quod vocatur Pihtlakesmede, ij acra dimidia prati, Et in prato quod vocatur Longemede v acra, Et in alio prato versus Est v acra et dimidia, et j roda, Et in prato de Reden iij acra, Et in pratis qua vocantur Parkmede et Maghtdde- mede iiij acra et dimidia, quarum qualibet acra valet per annum ij s. vj d., Et est summa lij s, x d, ob.'; Summa acrarum bosci, xxxj et j roda ; Summa acrarum terra et pastura cum brueria, ccxvij acra et iij roda ; Summa acrarum prati, xx et iij roda ; Summa totius extenta supradicta, x 11, iij s, xj d. Liberi tenentes. Johannes atte Stokene tenet in dominico xx acra, Et tenet in servitio unum mesuagium quod Walterus le Tornour tenet de eo, Et debet inde de redditu per annum vj s. viij d., Et debet sectam ad curiam de Brodehamme de iij septimanis in iij septimanas ; Idem tenet ut supra ij acras terra de tenemeto Henrici atte Melle, Et debet inde de redditu per annum vj d., oneratur infra in redditu Henrici atte Welle, Et debet relevium et heriettum, H6res Henrici atte Melle tenet j mesuagium et xx acras terra, Et debet inde de redditu per annum vj s., sectam, relevium, et heriettum. MANORS OP LYMENESFELD AND BRODEHAM, CO. SURREY. 161 Johannes atte Melle tenet j mesuagium et xxx acras, et debet inde de redditu per annum xij d., et sectam, relevium, et heriettum, unde debet W. frater ejus iiij d. Ricardus de Crouherst tenet unum mesuagium et iij acras terra, Et debet inde de redditu per annum ij s., et sectam, relevium, et heriettum. Johannes Golfo tenet j mesuagium et iij acras terra, Et debet inde de redditu per annum ij s., et sectam, heriettum, et relevium. Alicia relicta Pistoris tenet j mesuagium et unam croftam, Et debet inde de redditu per annum ixd., et sectam, relevium, et heriettum. Willielmus de Crauherst tenet unum mesuagium et unam croftam, Et debet inde de redditu per annum viij d., et sectam, relevium, et heriettum. Idem tenet j anglum de Alditheland, Et debet inde de redditu per annum j d., Et ij gallinas pretii iiij d. Johannes Lambard tenet unum cotagium et j acram terra, Et debet inde de redditu per annum viij d., et sectam, relevium, et heriettum. Nativi. Willielmus atte Brodehamme tenet j mesuagium etiiij acras terra et dimidiam acram prati, Et debet inde de redditu per annum xvd., Et sectam, relevium, et heriettum; Et debet j gallum et v gallinas pretii xj d. ob. Elyas atte Brodehamme tenet j mesuagium et iij acras terra, Et debet inde de redditu per annum xiiij d., et sectam, relevium, et heriettum ; Et debet iiij gallinas pretii viij d. Robertus Eussel tenet unum mesuagium et ij acras terra, Et debet inde de redditu per annum xvj d., Et sectam, relevium, et heriettum ; Et ij gallinas pretii iiij d. ; Johannes Moraunt reddit gallinas. Nicholaus Croufte tenet j mesuagium et ij acras terra, Et 162 CUSTUMALS OP BATTLE ABBEY, debet inde de redditu per annum xij d,, et sectam, relevium, et heriettum. Prior de Tanregg' tenet iiij acras terra, Et debet de redditu per annum xij d. pro omnibus. ~ Philippus Eucke tenet unam parvam placeam terra, Et debet inde de redditu per annum j d. pro omnibus. Cristina, qua fuit uxor Willielmi de Lynchulle, tenet j mesuagium quod vocatur Mellelondeshawe, Et debet inde de redditu per annum ij s., relevium, et heriettum. Johannes Galian tenet unum cotagium de tenemento Clencher, Et debet inde de redditu per annum viij d., et debet relevium. Johannes le Tornour debet vj d. ad quodlibet terminum. Summa reddituum xlv s. xj d. Summa pretii gallinarum ij s. iij d. ob De omnibus supradictis tenentibus qui heriettum dare debent, dabit unusquisque pro herietto, quando acciderit, melius animal quod habuerit; Et si nullum animal habuerit tunc dabit pro herietto tantum sicut datur de redditu de tenementis suis per annum ; Et pro relevio dabitur tantum sicut datur de redditu de tenementis per annum. Eedditus de tenementis dimissis a[d] voluntatem dominl Johannes Golfo tenet iij acras terra ad voluntatem domini, Et debet inde de redditu per annum xvj d. Eicardus Faber tenet x acras terra eodem modo, Et debet inde de redditu per annum vj s. viij d., et sectam. Michaelis le Tornour tenet j mesuagium et iij acras terra, Et debet inde de redditu per annum ij s. et sectam. Elyas atte Brodehamme tenet j placeam terra ante portam maneriij et debet inde de redditu per annum viij d. MANORS OF LYMENESFELD AND BRODEHAM, CO. SURREY. 163 Henricus Mayheu tenet unum cotagium, et debet inde de redditu per annum ij s. pro omnibus. Summa xx s. viij d. Summa totius redditus. Dicunt etiam quod perquisita curia, cum heriettis et releviis, valent per annum iij s. iiij d, Summa totius redditus per annum Ixiij s. ij d. ; De quibus resolvuntur domino de Ocstede Ij s ; Item resolvuntur Priori de Tonebregg' per annum xiiij s, viij d, ; Et sic [left blank] . \ CAMD. SOO. 164 GLOSSAEY. Ambra, a dry measure containing four bushels. Arura, the service of ploughing. Assewiatns, dried up or drained. (^Fr. Asseicher.) Areragium, service in carrying ('from Averia, beasts of burden) . Averare, or Averagiare, to perform carrying service. Averia, ^Z«r., beasts of burden. Baculus, a staff of office ; also, meta phorically, the office itself; "baculus debet currere a festo Sancti Michaelis usque ad Nativitatem " (p. 126). Bedripes, services performed at the harvest or Autumnal Precarise, so called because the tenants were then bidden to reap. (^Saxon, biddan-ripan.) These services were also occasionally termed " Nedbed ripes," or Ifeed-hedripes, the fourth precaria, when a fourth was re quired, being frequently styled " Hunger-bedrip," probably because on that occasion food was always furnished to the tenant by the lord of the manor, which was not an invariable rule at the other precarise, Benerthe, a day's service in ploughing. Bercator, a shepherd, or keeper of the sheep-walk. Bericorn, barley. Brasiare, to brew. Brasium, malt. Brocus, a thicket, or covert of brush wood. Brnera, heath. Campestres, level ground or flats ; " Terra susana et campestres " (p. 18). Carriata, a cart-load. Caruca, a plough-team. Carucarius, a ploughman. Cervisia, ale. Cherset, Church-scot or Church-shot. A customary payment made by the tenants of the manor at Easter, sometimes in money and sometimes in hens. Originally it appears to have been a measure of wheat given by every man on St. Martin's Day to Holy Church as first-fruits. Cheveruns, rafters (^Fr. Chevron), (p. 29). Clata, a hurdle. Claustura, brnshwood for hedges or fences; " debent prosternere et cariare clausturam ad tres curias " (p. 34). Clausum, a close. Companagium, anything eaten with bread.^ Coppare, to cock hay, or set it out in cocks. Coronari, to be made a priest or clerk by receiving the "corona clericalis" - or tonsure. Corrigia, a band or cord. Cotsetlus, a cottage, or cottage tene ment. Curtana, a cart or waggon. Cyrotecse, gloves. Denna, a dene or wooded hollow; also a coppice. Deywyne, a day's work (p. 74). GLOSSARY. 165 Dignarium, a dinner. Bragetum, buckwheat. Faber, a smith. Falcare, to mow. Ferculum, a dish or mess of meat. Pimum, dung or manure. Fossatum, a ditch. Foxalpeni, a customary payment in the manor of Wye of a halfpenny, due on the Peast of St Thomas the Apostle (p. 125). Fraxinus, an ash-tree. Fugator, a driver or teamster. Gavelmed, meadow-land assigned to the tenants during a certain portion of the year as pasture (p. 51). Gavelmerke, a hedge or fence so called, which probably separated the tenants' lands, or those which paid rent or gafol, from the demesne (p. 6). Glanis, or Glandis, mast, i.e. the fruit of the oak, beech, chestnut, &c., on which swine were fed. Grasacra, a graze-acre or service in ploughing. Graserthe, or Graserxe, a ploughing service, or literally " graze-earth." Grava, a grove. Gula Augusti, the 1 st of August, or Lammas Day. Haia, a hedge or fence; also an en closure surrounded by a hedge. Hercia, a harrow. Herciare, to harrow. Hersura, the service of harrowing. Heii;hyeld, hearth-penny. Hlosa, a sheep-cote (p. 29). Hockday, the Tuesday within the quinzaine of Easter, kept as a holiday in commemoration of the slaughter of the Danes in England. A term at which rent was generally payable. Horsgabulum, horse-gafol, or pay ment in lieu of carrying service. Hungerbedrip, see " Bedripes." Husbotare, to pay husbote. Husbote, the right of taking from the lord's wood the necessary timber for the repair or support of a house; also the sum paid for that privilege. Inparcare, to impound (p. 61). Jantaculum, breakfast. Jugum, a yoke of land, equivalent to a hide. Jumentum, a mare. Kydellus, a kiddle or fishing-net, such as is now called a kettle-net and frequently used on the coasts of Kent and Wales. Lesselver, a payment made to ihe lord of the manor at the Feast of St. John the Baptist, of a penny for every animal of the age of two years and upwards (p. 60). Lynea, a line or row; "lyneas fimi," rows of manure (p. 55). Mege, " Maige," the French for whey. Mellena, Mellenarium, a thousand. Meremium, timber. Merlengse, whiting,s. (^Pr. Merlan.) Messio, reaping. Messor, a reaper. Metere, to reap. Mulo a heap; " mulonem feni," a hay stack. Multo, a wether. Multura, multure, the toll taken by a miller for grinding com. Nedacra, a ploughing ^service so called, or " Need-acre." Nedbedripes, see " Bedripes." Opus fossorium, ditching work. Pacare, to pay or discharge. Pannagiare, to give or pay pannage. Pannaglum, pannage, the feeding of swine on the mast in the lord's woods ; also the money paid for that privilege. Patriota, a native. Porcarius, a swineherd. Prsebenda, provender. 166 GLOSSARY, Prsepositus, a reeve; also a foreman of husbandmen. Precarije, services rendered " ad precem," or at the bidding of the lord of the manor. Preces, sometimes used for " Precarise." Profectus, profit. PuUus, a foal or colt. PurceUus ablactatas, a young pig which has been weaned. Romescot, Peter's " Rome-feoh " ). Pence (^Saxon, Serum, whey. Spargere, to spread hay. Sparsio, the spreading of hay. Stica, a " stike " of eels, consisting of 25 in number. Stipnla, straw or stubble. Sulcus, a furrow or furlong (furrow- long); "debet arare unam acram et dimidiam et quindecim sulcos " (p. 33). Summa, a " seam," or load of grain consisting of eight bushels. Tassare, to heap or pile up; "tassum," a mow or heap. Terra brocalis, land overgrown with brnshwood (brocus, a thicket) and probably also marshy land; " Et predicta terra brocales si fuerint competenter assewiatre, (if they were sufficiently drained), valebit qualibet acra per annum x d." (p. 18). Terra fricta, pasture land broken up for cultivation. Terra maritima, land near the sea, or salt-marshes. Terra susana, unsound or worn out land. " Susanne " is stated by Cotgrave to be equivalent to " Suranne," meaning stale or over worn with years. Thelyn, a bundle of straw, (p. 87). Tolcester, a toll paid for licence to brew and sell ale. Torfeld, see " Turfeld." Torrare, to break clods ; " glebas frangere" (p. 28). Tribulus, a kind of thorn; "spinae et tribuli " (p. 139), thorns and brambles. Triturare, to thrash. Turfeld, turf-yield, a payment for liberty to cut turf. Tyndsawe, the " semen Quadragesi male " or Lenten sowing (p. 150). Ventilare, to winnow. Virgata, a virgate or yard-land ; also a rod (p. 6) and a rood (p. 123). Vomer, a ploughshare. Warectare, to plough for lying fallow. Wendus, a division of land iu the manor of Wye, consisting of 10 juga or yoke-lands. Werkacra, or Workacra, a ploughing service. Werkhop, a measure of grain con taining 24 bushels. Wista, a virgate or yardland. Westminster: Printed by Nichols & Sons, 25, Parliament Street. YALE UNIVERSITY a39002 00 ^»j$^»F, ,U'