Yale University Library 39002001266478 aVu, )U1 1 L'J''''"F.V i 4 »S*Jf~'r- » - -' M iTif { . k L n"^^*^:^ ^ >^\''^'*: ¦¦VI - J- - t >=^-,; *is. ¦-¦r*' uf -S" n. E' - ^^ , '^X^ive:WeJ\Bmia'~-i f 'YiiLIl«¥Mn¥JEI^Sflir¥« Gift of tlie ^ew York State Library 1923 MINUTES OF THE COURT OF RENSSELAERSWYCK 1648-1652 Translated and edited by A. J. F. VAN LAER ArchloisI, Dtotsion of Atchioei and History ALBANY THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NE-W YORK 1922 The University of the State of New York Division of Archives and History December 21,1 922 Dr. Frank P. Graves President of ihe University Dear Sir: I herewith transmit and recommend for pilblication the volume entitled Minutes of the Court of Rensselaerstv^ck, April 2, 1 648 to April 15, 1652, translated and edited by A. J. F. van Laer, Archivist of the Di'vision of Archives and History. In point of view of date this volume precedes the Minutes of the Court of Fort Orange and Beverrvycli already published. Reference to the preface by the translator and editor will show the position which these minutes occupy in relation to the previous publication. Their importance in giving a picture of the legal, institutional and economic conditions of the time has already been called to your attention in the volume to which reference has been made. Very truly yours James Sullivan State Historian and Director Approved for publication Frank P. Graves, President of the University and Commissioner of Education !5] PREFACE The court of the colony of Rensselaerswyck, whose minutes for 1648—1652 are published herewith, formed from an early date an important part of the judicial organization of the province of New Netherland. TTie court was erected by Kiliaen van Rensselaer by virtue of the power conferred upon him by the charter of Freedoms and Exemptions of 1 629, which provided that members of the Dutch West India Company who within four years after giving notice to the company should plant in New Netherland a colony of fifty adults should be acknowledged as patroons and should hold their land from the company as a perpetual fief of inheritance, with " high, middle and low jurisdiction." By these terms the patroons were authorized to administer civil and criminal justice, in person or by deputy, within the limits of their respective colonies and to erect courts whose jurisdiction should extend to matters affecting life and limb, although article 20 of the charter provided that from all judgments given by the courts of the patroons above 50 guilders there should be appeal to the director general and council of New Netherland.^ The first step to organize a court in the colony of Renssclaers-' wyck was taken by tlie patroon on July 1, 1632, when he appointed Rutger Hendricksz van Soest schout and empowered him to administer the oath of schepen to Roelof Jansz van ^This appeal applied only to judgments in civil cases. According to the Dutch criminal procedure of that period, conviction was had only upon confession by the criminal, extorted by torture, if necessary. From sentences rendered upon such conviction there was no appeal. The right of appeal was largely nuUilied by a pledge which the patroon exacted from the colonists not to appeal to the supreme court of New Netherland. Kieft and afterwards also Stuyvesant held that this was an infringement of the charter, but the patroon, in a letter to Kieft, dated May 29, 1640, maintained that a clause to that effect was inserted in the contracts with the colonists merely for the purp>ose of preventing them from wasting their time and money in needless litigation. See Van Rensselaer Boivier Mss, p. 476, and Doc. rel. io Col. Hist. N. Y.. 1 :423. 7] 8 Colony of RensselaersTvyck Masterland, Gerrit Theusz de Reus, Maryn Adriaensz, Brant Peelen and Laurens Laurensz, all of whom, with the exception of de Reus, were then residing in the colony. The patroon issued instructions for the schout and schepens on July 20, 1 632, and sent these to the colony by his nephew Wouter van Twiller, the newly appointed director general of New Netherland, who also took with him a silver plated rapier with baldric and a hat with plumes for the schout, and black hats with silver bands for the schepens. Van Twiller sailed from the island of Texel, on the ship "Soutberg," shortly after July 27, 1632, and arrived at New Amsterdam in April of the following year. He had with him a power of attorney from Kiliaen van Rensselaer to administer the oath of schout to Rutger Hendricksz van Soest, but as far as can be judged from the meager information that is available did not administer the oath. Conditions, just then, were not favorable for the erection of a court in the colony. Differences had arisen in the board of directors of the Dutch West India Company in regard to the fur trade and efforts were made by those who were opposed to the agricultural colonization of New Netherland to deprive the patroons of the privileges granted to them by the charter of Freedoms and Exemptions. Van Rensselaer complains of this in a memorial presented by him to the Assembly of the XIX on November 25, 1633,^^ in which he makes the statement that in July, 1 632, he had people and animals enough to start five farms, but that his efforts were frustrated because the Company refused to let him have carpenters, smiths and other mechanics and also declined to furnish his people with supplies, in exchange for grain and dairy products. Taking this statement in connection with the facts that Rutger Hendricksz' term of service as a farmer was about to expire and that his name does not appear in the records of the colony after 1 634, it seems safe to conclude that when Van Twiller arrived ^ Van Rensselaer Bowier Mss, p. 235-50. Court Minutes, 1648-1652 9 in New Netherland Rutger Hendricksz had determined to leave the colony and declined to accept the position of schout. Van Twiller wrote to the patroon cind recommended Brant Aertsz van Slichtenhorst for the post,^ but before his letter was received the patroon had already made other arrangements and entered into a contract with Jacob Albertsz Planck, whereby the latter was engaged as schout for the period of three years. Planck received his instructions on April 27, 1634, and soon after sailed for the colony, where he arrived on or just before the 1 2th of August. His instructions provided that on his arrival in New Netherland he was to present himself before Director Van Twiller and to reqiiest him to administer to him the oath of office " instead of to Rutger. Henrickssz, according to previous power of attorney " and, furthermore, that at the first oppor tunity he was to choose three schepens from among the fittest of the colonists, so that he could hold court if need be. Presumably, therefore, the court of the colony was first organized shortly after August 12, 1634. The court as then constituted corresponded to the usual courts of schout and schepens as they at that time existed in most of the manors of the Netherlands. It was evidently intended to bfe a court of limited civil and criminal jurisdiction, for the patroon, in a letter to Wouter van Twiller, dated April 23, 1634, dis tinctly states that Michiel Pauw, in his colony of Pavonia, calls Cornelis van Vorst his " chief officer," but that for his own reasons he desires that " Jacob Planck shall as yet not be other wise entitled than as officer," thereby indicating, it seems, that he was not to have the rank of a city schout, or the presiding officer of a superior court having power to infiict capital punish ment.^ ^ Van Rensselaer Boivier Mss, p. 281 . ^Wassenaer, under date of November 1626, speaking of the court at Manhattan as at first established by Minuit, says: "The council there administers justice in criminal matters as far as imposing fines, but n9t as far as corporal punishment. Should it happen that any one deserves that, he must be sent to Holland with his sentence." J. F. Jameson, Narratives of Nev^ Netherland, p. 84. 10 Colony of Rensselaersivyck Planck not only held the position of schout, but also that of commies, or trading agent and administrative officer of the colony. His services were not satisfactory, so that at the expira tion of his term, in August 1637, he was not reappointed. The patroon, however, had difficulty in finding a suitable successor and requested Planck to remain until the arrival of Arent van Curler, who was sent out as his assistant in the latter part of December of that year. Planck was back in Holland in August 1 639, and probably left the colony shortly after May 1 2th, when the patroon wrote to Director General Kieft: " I am negotiating about sending some people of capacity to my colony, but they were not able to make up their minds so quickly and to get ready, and in the former officer, Jacob Planck, I do not find a proper manager. He knows more about trading furs, which have been of greater profit to him than to me ; however, I wish to part with him in friendship and not lo give the least occasion for dissatis faction among my people, for they stir one another up." Having failed to find a successor to Planck, the patroon, the same day, entrusted the administration of justice and the general manage ment of the colony to three gecomrratteerden, or commissioners, namely, Arent van Cm-ler, Pieter Cornelisz van Munnickendam and Cornelis Teunisz van Breuckelen. Of these, the first was made secretary and bookkeeper of the colony and until further order was also to act as officer and commies, the second was made receiver of tithes and supercargo of the vessel, and the third was appointed the patroon's voorspraeclfe, or attorney, to defend his interests. These three conmiissioners managed the affairs of the colony until the arrival of Adriaen van der Donck, who was commissioned officer of justice on May 13, 1 641 . Just how long Van der Donck held the post of officer is not known. He arrived in the colony in August 1641, and like Planck and other officials of the colony was probably appointed for a period of three years, so that his term of office would seem to have ex pired in August 1 644.^ ^Cf. Doc. rel. io Col. Hist. N. Y. 1:431. 532-33. Court Minutes, 1648-1652 1 1 Just about this time word must have reached the colony of the death of the patroon. An entry in the minutes of the director general and council of New Netherland under date of August 8, 1 644,^ in which reference is made to " the heirs of Mr Renselaer, deceased," shows, namely, that Kiliaen van Rensselaer died, not in 1646, as stated by O'Callaghan, Brodhead and all other writers, but some time prior to August 1644, and perhaps as early as the fall of 1643, when the patroon's letters to the colony, published in the Van Rensselaer Bomer Manuscripts, ceased. The patroon's estate and title now descended to his eldest son, Johannes, who, being a minor, was with his property placed under the guardianship of his uncle Johan van Wely and his cousin Wouter van Twiller. Upon these guardians, therefore, devolved the duty of appointing a successor to Van der Donck. The latter had been lax in the performance of his duties, so that many abuses had sprung up in the colony and a firmer hand was needed in dealing with the colonists. The man chosen for this purpose was Bremt Aertsz van Slichtenhorst, the same person who in 1633 had been recommended by Van Twiller for the position of schout of the colony. Van Slichtenhorst was appointed director of the colony on November 10, 1646, but before this appointment was made, Van der Donck had already left the colony and Nicolaes Coorn, the commander of Rensselaers^Steyn, a small fort on Beeren Island, at the southern entrance to the colony, had taken his place. Coorn acted as officer of the colony until Van Slichten- horst's arrival in March 1648, but was then given the title of Offtcier Luytenani, or deputy sheriff, and made Van Slichten- horst's assistant, in which capacity he was soon succeeded by the latter's nephew, Gerrit van Wenckum. Of the records of the court, from its organization in 1 634 to the end of Nicolaes Coorn's term as officer, nothing has been preserved and little is known of what actually happened in the "^Nexo York Colonial Mss, 4:99. 12 Colony of Rensselaerswyck colony beyond what may be gathered from the patroon's corre spondence, 'w'hich stops in 1643. Several facts, however, are known which show, not only that court was held between 1 643 and 1 648, but that during or even before this period the court had ceased to be a court of limited civil and criminal jurisdiction. One of these facts is that on February 4, 1 644, and again on August 28, 1 647, sentence of banishment was pronounced on Willem Jeuriaensz ; another, that on August 13, 1644, a similar sentence was pronounced on Adriaen Willemsz; and still another that, apparently in 1646, Wolf Nyssen, a native of Fulda, in Hessen,^ was executed for a crime which is not mentioned in the accounts. This execution is the only case of capital punishment in the colony of which we have any record. The sentence was carried out by a negro named Jan, who received 38 guilders for tlie task. The name of the negro does not appear in tihe account books of the colony except under the date mentioned above. It is probable that he was a slave belonging to the Company, who had been hired for the special purpose, for on March 9, 1643, in connection with the arrest of refractory colonists, the patroon wrote to Van der Donck : " I am almost thinking of asking some of the negroes (with consent of the honorable Director Kieft) or even to employ for your assistance some Indian of good courage and obedience who would then also be of service to you in other things." ^ Van Slichtenhorst. as already stated, was app>ointed on Novemiber 1 0, 1 646. He received his instructions and took the ^"t'Stift Vol in Hessenlant;" A^ Y. Col. Mss. 2:6Ia; 3:135a. Cf. Van Rensselaer Bowier Mss, p. 830, where "t'Stift" has been inter preted erroneously as referring to the Sticht, or bishopric of Utrecht. 2 Van Rensselaer Bomer Mss, p. 642. September 27, 1646, a slave named Jan Francisco, the younger, was manumitted by the director gen eral and council of New Netherland at the request of Domine Mega- polensis. This may have been the negro who was employed to carry out the sentence in the colony. See Laws and Ordinances of New Netherland, p. 60. Court Minutes, 1648-1652 13 oath of office on Septemlber 4, 1647,^ and on the 26th of the same month sailed for his post. He landed in Virginia on December 12th, thence proceeded by another ship to Manhattan, which he reached on February 7, 1 648, and finally arrived in the colony on March 22d. Van Slichtenhorst was then 59 years of age.^ He was born at Nykerck, in the province of Gelder- land, where his ancestral estate, known as the Aert-Brantsgoed, extending on both sides of the Slichtenhorst road, adjoined the property of the Van Twillers and was situated not far from Cor- laer, the original seat of the Van Curlers. Thus, long before his coming to New Netherland, he must have been well acquainted with both Wouter van Twiller and Arent van Curler, the latter of whom was at the time of his appointment in Holland and returned with him to New Netherland. Van Slichtenhorst married early in January 1614, at Nykerck, Aeltje van Wenckum, a distant relative of Kiliaen van Rens selaer, by whom he had nine children, namely, four sons and five daughters, of whom Arend, the historian of Gelderland, and a daughter Goudje, or Hillegonda, remained in Holland. A younger daughter, Margaret, and his son Gerrit ^ accompanied him to New Netherlemd, and tihe other children died young. He was a deacon of the Dutch Reformed Church at Nykerck from ^ For abstracts of Van SKchtenhorst's commission and instructions and the form of the oath, see G. Beernink, De Ceschiedschrijver en Rechis- geleerde Dr. Arend van Slichtenhorst en zijn vader Brant van SUchten- horst, Stichier van Albany, Hoofdstad van den Siaai New-York (Werken uitgegeven door de Vereeniging Gelre, No. 12), Arnhem, 1916, p. 155-64. ^According to Mr Beernink, ' Van Slichtenhorst was on January 1, 1656 more than 67 years old, and in 1664, 76 years of age. See his biography, p. 216, 255. ^ Gerrit van Slichtenhorst married Aeltje Lansing. He had a daughter Aeltje, or Alida, bom at Beverwyck, who married, first, Gerrit van Schaick, and secondly, Pieter Davidz Schuyler. In O'Callaghan, History of New Netherland, 2 :69, this daughter Aeltje is erroneously given as a daughter of Brant Aertsz van Slichtenhorst. Margaret, or Grietje, van Slichtenhorst became the wife of Philip Pietersz Sfehuyler. Cf. G. W. Schuyler, Colonial New York. 1 :1 79. and also 1 :1 71 .where Arent van Slichtenhorst is erroneously called Brant Aertsz van Slichtea- horst's brother. 14 Colony of RensselaersTvyck 1619 to 1622, and from 1621 to 1627 was subcollector at the same place for Joncker Carel Bentinck ten Berencamp, one of the representatives of the nobility of the district of the Veluwe, who held the lucrative office of collector or receiver. Van Slichtenhorst's name first appears in connection with New Netherland under date of June 25, 1632, when he was appointed commissary of stores by the Amsterdam Chamber of the Dutch West India Company.^ He was to sail in that capacity to New Netherland in the company of Director Wouter van Twiller, but was unexpectedly detained by his former employer, Bentinck, owing to a litigation in which the latter was involved with the inhabitants of Nykerck. Having, in view of his appointment, already disposed of his property at Nykerck, Van Slichtenhorst first removed to Harderwyck,^ where his son Arend attended the university, but soon after changed his residence to the city of Amersfoort, where from 1636 to 1644 he held the position of lieutenant schout, and where he remained until his departure for New Netherland in 1 647. Before coming to New Netherland, therefore, Van Slichtenhorst had considerable experience, both as an administrative officer and as deputy schout. His contract with the guardians of the young patroon provided that he was to hold the positions of hoofd-oftcier and director of the colony for the period of three years from the date of his arrival in the colony. As hoofd-officier, he was to preside over the court, to act as pubHc prosecutor and to perform the com bined duties of a modem sheriff and chief of police. As director, he was the chief administrative officer of the colony and as such was to collect the patroon's revenues derived from farms, mills, licenses to trade, etc., of which he was to render a strict account. ^ For a facsimile of this commission and a printed copy of the text, see Beernink, p. 69, 77. ^Mr Beernink, p. 83, states that the principal street at Harderwyck, called the Donkerstraat, was on account of its many prominent residents dubbed the Jonkerstraat. It is not unlikely that the Jonker straet at Beverwyck, or Albany, afterwards corrupted to Yonker street, derived its name from this nickname of the corresponding street at Harderwyck. Court Minutes. 1648-1652 15 with the understanding, however, that he was not to engage in the fur trade, or to act as commies. For the performance of these various duties he was to receive a salary of 900 guilders a year, of which 1 50 guilders were to be paid in Holland to his daughter Hillegonda, who shortly after his departure married at Nykerck Pieter van der Schuer. In addition to this salary, Van Slichtenhorst was to receive one third of the fines and the pro ceeds from confiscated property, above the amount of ten guil ders ; below that amount, he was to have the entire sum, provided that one half was to go the deputy schout. As a third source of income, he was to have the toepachten, or fees paid in addition to the annual rent and tithes of the farms. The contract further provided that with his daughter Mar garet, his son Gerrit, and his nephew Gerrit van Wenckum, the director was to enjoy free passage and board to New Nether land ^ and that in addition he should receive 150 guilders for moving expenses. After his arrival in the colony, he was to have, rent free, the house and garden formerly occupied by the commies, Arent van Curler, and, furthermore, four cows and two horses on shares, 8 acres of plowed land and as much pasture as was needed for the horses and cattle. Finally, he was to receive 5 per cent of the profits of the trade which the guardians expected to carry on between Amsterdam and New Netherland, but in regard to which they at that time did not wish to commit themselves definitely. Van Slichtenhorst's instructions, dated September 4, 1647, consisted of 24 articles. They provided in substance that upon his arrival at tbe island of Manhattan he was to present his respects to the director general and deliver to him a letter from the guardians of the patroon. At the first opportunity he was to proceed to the colony, call upon Domine Megapolensis, make known his official capacity and ask his advice in regard to the ^Van Slichtenhorst's wife died before January 1, 1645, and there fore did not accompany him to New Netherland, See Beernink, D. 119. 16 Colony of RensselaersTvyck administration and redress of the colony. He was then to present his commission to the council, thank the members for their serv ices and summon Anthony de Hooges and Abraham Staets, in order to notify them of their appointment as gecommitteerden by the patroon. He was furthermore to make regulations for the proper dbservance of the " Sabbath of the New Testament," to enforce the contracts and the ordinances, to collect the revenues, and to attend to the proper administration of justice, taking care not to keep persons for a long time in detention at the expense of the colony, but to bring them speedily to trial and, whenever required, to inform the court of the names of the persons who were in custody and the cause of their arrest. The court as organized by Van Slichtenhorst consisted at first of four £ind afterwards of five persons, of whom two were desig nated as , gecommitleerden, or commissioners, and two, or after wards three, are in the record indiscriminately referred to as raden, raetspersonen, gerechtspersonen, or rechtsvrienden. The duties of the gecommitteerden were primarily of an adlninistrative nature, while those of the raden, contrary to what one might expect from the title, seem to have been chiefly judicial. TThe gecommitteerden represented the patroon and acted under definite instructions from the guardians. The raden, on the other hand, were appointed by the director, but represented the colonists, it being at that time held sufficient if persons who were to represent others were chosen from among them, so as to represent their class. The only reqiurement was that ihey should not be in the patroon's service. Goossen Gerritsz made a point of this on October 22, 1648, when as one of the reasons for his being unable to accept the office of gerechlspersoon he stated that he was " not yet on a free bcisis with the patroon." The objection, however, was overruled, so that he was obliged lo serve. The members of the court were as a rule chosen from among the most prominent, residents of the colony. De Hooges, one of the first commissioners, had been sent out in 1 64 1 as assistant to Arent van Curler. Upwrn the latter's departure for the Nether- Court Minutes, 1648-1652 17 lands, in October 1 644, he was put in charge of the colony and given the title of commies. After the arrival of Van Slichten horst, he became secretary of the colony, a position which he occupied until his death in October 1655. Staets was a surgeon and trader, who came to the colony in 1 642. He held the office of raetspersoon from February 5, 1643, lo April 10, 1644, and from the latter date to April 10, 1648, was Presideerende, or presiding officer of the council. As gecommitteerde, he was before June 5, 1649, succeeded by Jan van Twiller, whose place in turn, on January 5, 1651, was taken by Arent van Curler. The office of raet, or gerechlspersoon, was held by such men as Andries de Vos, Rutger Jacobsz van Schoonderwoert, Goossen Gerritsz van Schaick, Jan Verbeeck and Pieter Hertgers, all of whom were prominent members of the community, and who afterwards became members of the court of Fort Orange and Beverwyck. The proceedings of the court presided over by Van Slichten horst cover the period from April 2, 1648, lo April 15, 1652. They form the most important source for the history of the colony during that period, but unfortunately add but little lo what is known from olher sources in regard to the outstanding event of that period, namely, the controversy between Van Slichtenhorst and General Peter Stuyvesant regarding the jurisdiction of the territory around Fort Orange, which forms one of the dramatic episodes of the history of New Netherland. As is well known, this controversy had ils origin in the claim made by the patroon, as early as 1632, that " all the lands lying on the west side of the river, from Beyren Island lo Moeneminnes Castle," . " even^ including the place where Fort Orange stands,"^ had been bought and paid for by him. The Dutch West India Company, on the other hand, maintained that the territory of the fort, which was erected several years before the land of the colony was purchased from the Indians, belonged to the Company and con- ^ Instructions to Rutger Hendricksz van Soest, July 20, 1632; Van Rensselaer Bowier Mss, p. 212. 18 Colony of RensselaersTvyck sequently was not included in the patroon's purchase. The ques tion had remained unsettled during the lifetime of Kiliaen van Rensselaer, but came to an issue w'hen Van Slichtenhorst, soon after his arrival in the colony, began lo issue permits for the erection of houses in the immediate vicinity of the fort. Stuy vesant objected to the erection of these houses on the ground that they endangered the security of the fort and ordered the destruc tion of all buildings within range of cannon s(hot, a distance al first reckoned at 600 geometrical paces of 5 feel to the pace, but which afterwards was reduced lo 1 50 Rhineland rods.^ The order called forth a vigorous protest from Van Slichtenhorst, who regarded it as an unwarranted invasion of the patroon's rights, and he proceeded with the erection of the buildings. A counter protest followed and in 1 65 1 charges were brought against Van Slichtenhorst, who was summoned to appear before the director general and council at Manhattan and there detained for 4 months. The controversy continued after his return, but was definitely settled on April 1 0, 1 652, when a proclamation, drawn up by the director general and council of New Netherland on the 8th of the same month, was issued in (he colony for the erection of a separate court for Fort Orange, independent of that of the colony. The erection of this court was a serious blow to the colony of Rensselaerswyck, from which it never fully recovered. By virtue of this proclamation, the main settlement of the colony, which Wcis known as the Fuyck, but w'hich in the court record is generally referred to as the byeenivoninge, or hamlet, was taken out of the jurisdiction of the patroon and erected into an independent village by the name of Bevervs^ck, which after wards became the city of Albany.'' As a result of this action. ^Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. iV. 7.. 14:191. One Rhineland rod equals 12.36 English feel. ^The directors of the West India Company afterwards repudiated Stuyvesant's action and on April 2, 1674, declared: "That the abovenamed Patroon Renselaer and co-partners have been already, from ihe year XVI'= and thirty, and are true owners of the abovenamed Court Minutes, 1648-1652 19 the jurisdiction of the court of the colony was thereafter confined lo the sparsely settled outlying districts of the: colony, so that the cases w'hich came before it must have been very few. No con secutive judicial record of the court of the colony after April 1 5, 1 652, has been preserved, but entries in the minutes of the court of Beverwyck indicate that the court of the colony continued to hold sessions. Van Slichtenhorst vigorously protested against the erection of the court of Fort Orange and Beverwyck and with his own hands tore down the proclamation which had been posted on the house of the patroon. For this he was arrested on April 1 8, 1 652, and taken to Manhattan, where he was detained until August 1653. With his arrest. Van Slichtenhorst's administration came to a close. On July 24, 1 652, he was succeeded as director by Jan Baptist van Rensselaer ^ and as ofBcer of justice by Gerard Swart, so that thereafter the two fvmctions were no longer combined in one person. The latter had been commissioned schout on April 24, 1652,^ and continued to hold this position until 1665, when by order of Governor Ridhard Nicolls the court of the colony was consolidated with that of Fort Orange and the village of Bever wyck. The year 1 665 therefore marks the end of the existence of the first local court that was organized in the jwovince of New Netherland, outside of New Amsterdam. Van Slichtenhorst returned to the Netherlands shortly after July 1655 and took up his residence with his daughter Hille gonda, who at Nykerck had married Pieter van der Schuer. hamlet named Beverswyck or Willemsiadt, and that the possession by their late Director could not take away nor diminish said ownership; declaring, therefore, that the abovenamed Company has no right, action nor pretension thereto, leaving the right of ownership in the abovenamed Patroon and associates" Doc. rel. to Col. Hisi N. Y.. 2:558, 560-61. ^ Johan Baptist van Rensselaer had been in the colony since June, 1 65 1 . Van Slichtenhorst's term as director expired qn March 22, 1 65 1 , but he continued to exercise his functions until his arrest on April 18, 1652. ^Swart's commission, dated April 24, 1652, and his instructions, dated May 6, 1652, are printed in O'Callaghan, History of New Netherland, 2:564-66. 20 Colony of RensselaersTvyck Before his departure from the colony, the commissioners had approved a debit and credit account covering the years 1648- 1650, which showed that for this period of his administration there was due to him from the patroon the sum of 13,799 guil ders, 2 stivers and 12 pence.^ The patroon considered this amount excessive and refused to pay it, whereupon Van Slichten horst brought suit against him in the district court of the Veluwe, in the province of Gelderland. Judgment was given for the plaintiff, but on an appeal taken by Van Rensselaer to the Klaarbank, or court of appeals, at Engelanderholt the decision was reversed, so that in the end the former director failed to recover any considerable amount. The case dragged on in the courts from 1656 to 1661. The following year. Van Slichten horst commenced a second action against the patroon, but before any decision was reached Johan van Rensselaer died and further proceedings were abandoned. Van Slichtenhorst now turned his attention to the completion of an historical work, entitled: Hoe en Tvanneer Gelderlandi tot eene voogdhye is afgesondert, 878-1666, which is ascribed to his son Arend. In 1 664, he became feeble minded and was no longer able to take care of his affairs. As his daughter had a large family and his condition made quieter surroundings neces sary, he was placed in the home of Evert Elberts, a carpenter at Nykerck, where two years later, on or just before September 26, 1 666, he died at the advanced age of 78 years. Van SHchterihorst is one of the few New Netherland officials of whose complete career we have any detailed knowledge. Mr Beernink sums up his character by stating that he was " a man of many-sided knowledge and great ability, of recognized ^A translation of this account is given in the Appendix. April 4, 1652, the directors of the Dutch West India Company wrote to Stuyve sant: "From what we can learn here, the owners of the Colony of Rensselaerswyck have here come to an agreement and wrill probably send over another manager, but we doubt, whether they will easily get rid of Slechtenhorst, for it is said here, that he demands from the owTiers 14000 to 15000 guilders; we know not, how true it may be." Doc rel. io Col. Hisi. M y., 14:171. Court Minutes, 1648-1652 21 integrity and proved fidelity, of rare courage and unfaihng per severance, which at times amounted to obstinacy; an untiring champion for the rights of others and of himself."^ The present minutes of the court presided over by Van Slichtenhorst contain many personal touches which testify to his ability and devotion to duty, but the general impression left by these minutes is that he was a man of aggressive temp>erament and arbitrary and unyielding disposition, who frequently came into needless con flict with his associates and the colonists. One point in connection with Van Slichtenhorst's administra tion on which much emphasis has been laid by Mr Beernink is worthy of special notice. On the strength of a statement made by Van Slichtenhorst in the course of his litigation with Johan van Rensselaer, that on his arrival in the colony there were but three houses standing near the fort, that by August 1648 eight houses had been! built, and that at the end of his administration, in April 1652, there was a settlement of about one hundred houses, Mr Beernink calls him " the founder of Albany." ^ This title needs qualification, for it is well known that in 1646 and 1 647 severe freshets had carried away a number of houses in the colony, so that the sudden building activity during Van Slichten horst's administration may mean nothing more than that people were replacing the buildings that had been lost. On the other hand, there are various indications that before 1648 the main settlement of the colony was, not on the west, but on the east side of the Hudson river, in the so-called Greenenbosch, after wards corrupted to Greenbush, a pine grove opposite the ferry.^ It is possible, therefore, that at Van Slichtenhorst's initiative this settlement was, either for greater security, or for other reasons, gradually removed to the vicinity of Fort Orange, in which case there would be considerable justification for regarding him as the ^ Beernink, p. 260. ^Beernink. p. 175, 202, 204. ^See Van Rensselaer Bowier Mss, p. 454, 619. Also Van Curler's letter to the patroon, June 16, 1643, in O'Callaghan, History of New Netherland. 1 :459, 462 464. 22 Colony of RensselaersTvyck real founder of the city of Albany. It is interesting in this con nection to read what Father Isaac Jogues, in his Novum Bel gium, has to say about the colony. Writing in 1646, but de scribing conditions as he found them in 1643, he says: "There are two things in this settlement (which is called Renselaers- wick, as if to say, settlement of Renselaers, who is a rich Amsterdam merchant) — first, a miserable little fort called Fort Orenge, built of logs, v\dth four or five pieces of Breteuil cannon, and as many pedereros. This has been reserved and is maintained by the West India Company. This fort was formerly on an island in the river; it is now on the mainland, towards the Hiroquois, a little above the said islsmd. Secondly, a colony sent here by this Renselaers, who is the patron. This colony is composed of about a hundred persons, who reside in some twenty-five or thirty houses built along the river, as each found most convenient. In the principal house lives the patron's agent; the minister has his apart, in which service is performed. There is also a kind of bailiff here, whom they call the seneschal, who administers justice. All their houses are merely of boards and thatched, with no mason work except the chimneys. The forest furnishing many large pines, they make boards by means of their mills, which they have here for the purpwse." ^ While Father Jogues does not sipecify whether the houses stood on the east or on the west side of the river, it is evident from his description that in 1643 there was no compact settlement around Fort Orange. It would seem therefore that what Van Sli U^ ,^. /¦rr ii/^ -v..*, ^, t J K:f* Hy.'f^ -fc-./Sf-'-ff yif..^y. ^ i.^ /:¦'/ <.,t>^ii,^^ ^^, ?t.».-w>-~^ .^^ '^ .^.^.^. (?; (5dA r,^- l*^V-< MTV* > tXv-vt-tV 'ViMri)>v->/''' .\, ¦«-w^<^^. S4' i.. i(, r^ f/0«r % 4 ^.; ^•^^ t^- r ^J.. /,l J..J<.5r,SV wr. "7 £>^ y it.S vkjJ ^o. t*.HA< «V^ -/ .« Minutes of December 19, 1648, showing signature of Anthony de Hooges secretary Court Minutes, 1648-1652 55 December 23 Anno 1648 Hans Vos again engaged as court messenger for the period of four months on condition that he is to receive wages on the basis of 50 guilders a years and shall work for the honorable director two or three days a week at one guilder a day in addition to his wages and board and whenever he shall work for Pieter de Boer he shall receive wages according to the contract between them and if working for others whatever he can get. He shall also be held in the morning to fetch a pail of water, to cut fire wood and to spade one half of the garden, without receiving wages there for. And Hans Vos has this day by shaking of hands, instead of an oath taken before the honorable director, promised during the aforesaid time faithfully to acquit himself of all his duties. [In the margin is written:] This contract remaining intact, Hans Vos has again agreed to serve, on condition that he shall receive twenty guilders per month, and he has promised to work one day a week for the patroon without pay. This 31st of January Anno 1650. His term of service begins New Year 1650. Hans Vos has confirmed this by the shaking of hands instead of an oath. Cornelis Segersz is asked whether he acknowledges the signa ture which was put by him under the contract of his farm, dated August 25, 1643, to be his, or not, and if he does, the honor able director demands that he be condemned to fulfil the contract in all its parts. Cum expensis, [Cornelis] Segersz [admits that the] signature [is his and is therefore] bound [to fulfil the contract in] all its parts. [A. DE HooJges, Secretary 56 Colony of RensselaersTvyck [21 ] Director Slichtenhorst, plaintiff, against Hans in Cluys, defendant. Whereas Hans in Cluys ' has twice, even as recently as last Sunday and that in the presence of the Domine, ventured to come by force into the director's house and to insult, affront and slander him in the highest degree with respect to his office, and boldly and impudently dared to ask him in public whether he, Slichtenhorst, was officer and judge alone in the colony, saying that he wanted a justification of his sentence from him, Slichten horst, and many other insolent words, of which proof is demanded while the court is in session, or in default of proof that the delinquent by sentence of this honorable court shall be declared infamous and to have forfeited the sum of 300 guilders for having spoken rudely and insolently to the director. Con sidering however that the delinquent has but small wages, [the director] concludes that he has forfeited each time, that is twice, 10 guilders and [demands] that in addition he be declared infamous and furthermore that the delinquent be kept on water and bread or at the most be arbitrarily punished as an example to others, all at the discretion of the court, cum expensis. 1 0 guilders agreed upon in the presence of the Domine and finis, [21v] Court proceedings, January 7 Anno 1649 Jacob Lambertsz has this day by agreement finally paid his fine in the matter of his former dispute with the honorable director and Jochem Kettelheym. January 7 Anno 1649 Cornelis van Es's contract regarding his farm being read to him word for word by the secretary, de Hooges, he is asked by the honorable director whether he acknowledges the same or not. ' Hans Jansz, from Rotterdam. Court Minutes, 1648-1652 57 whereupon he answers that he acknowledges it in all its parts and provisions. It is ordered therefore that within 1 4 days, after the first notice, he must give sufficient security for the judgment, and in case he fails to do so within eight days after that date, he shall be fined double the amount, and so forth. [In the margin is written:] The 1 4th ditto notice was served on van -Es with injunction to van Es and his wife not to molest Andries de Vos and his family by word or deed and [the contract] was once more read to him by de Hoogens. January [?], Vos also included in the injunction. January 9 Anno 1649 Gysbert Cornelisz being questioned in regard to the dispute between Jan van Bremen and Hans Vos, Gysbert declares that Jan van Bremen tried to put Hans Vos out of his, Gysbert's house, whereupon Gysbert said to the aforesaid Jan that he had nothing to say in his house and if he wished to give orders, he should do so in his own house. Furthermore, that Hans was struck by Jan while Gysbert was away, eating. [22] Court proceedings, January 21 Anno 1649 The 20th ditto, Poulyntje ^ was summoned for having in an angry mood drawn his knife on Huybert,^ the servant of de Vos, in the brewery, for which he was fined fl. 1 00, according to the ordinance. Also, because said Poulyntje struck Huybert with his fists and made his nose bleed, for which he was fined the like amount. Poulyntje admits that he struck Huybert in such a way that his nose bled. 'Paulus Jansz. ''Huybert Jansz. 58 Colony of RensselaersTvyck As regards Cornelis van Es : 1 Judgment of fl. 150 with interest; also fl. 36:15. two skins; with costs. 2 Judginent on account of the oat straw ; ] To give security with costs. J for both 3 Sentence on account of slander by the wife of van Es. Jan van Bremen.. This day, the 15th of January of this year, Jan van Bremen was summoned for having in the spring, at the house and in the presence of Cryn Cornelisz, first struck Hans Vos on the head with his fist and then, wathout reason or excuse, drawn his knife on him and cut him about the head. And whereas the said van Bremen has heretofore engaged in fighting, he therefore owes a double fine according to the ordinance, so that he has forfeited: for fist blows, fl. 25 — double the amount fl. 50 for drawing his knife, fl. 100; double, fl. 200 March 30, 1648, Jacob Jansz Stol complained of violence commited by Jan van Bremen at night on his door and windows, for which he incurred a fine of fl. 1 50, and as it took place in the night, double the amount. Also that at midnight he severely wounded Kit Davits in the head with a pair of tongs, for which he incurred a fine of fl. 300, or double the amount, fl. 600. Furthermore, that he, van Bremen, made bold to take Hans Vos, the court messenger, by the arm and rudely tried to push him out of the house of the tavemkeeper, or another man's house. making him out to be an informer,^ all without cause or excuse, of which proof is demanded. And that thereafter, while Hans Vos was quietly standing under the mantepiece, smoking his tobacco pipe, he dealt him a blow on the head with his fist. All of which things in a land where justice is administered neithter ' In the margin is written : And confirmed this on the 2 3rd of January in the presence of Van Bremen, saying that he called said Vos a thief [ ]. Court Minutes, 1648-1652 59 can nor ought to be tolerated, but should be promptly and arbi trarily punished, in order that the guilt of bloodshed may not come upon the heads of the patroon's judges [ ] [ ]. [22v] Pieter Claesz offers himself before the court as surety for Cornelis van Es lo satisfy all judgments in actions which the honorable director may bring against said van Es, in toto. Witness, A. DE Hooges Andries de Vos is to pay for the patroon's dues on his mill at Bethlehem the sum of fl. 62 : 1 0 - a year. January 29, 1649, Cornelis, called Vossgen, has taken the farm next to Rem Jansz, smith, to the north, on the same con ditions as others, the lease whereof shall commence next Easter. The ramaker^ summoned for having fought on the 4th ditto in such a way that a piece of skin was torn from his face. Note. [23] [Ordinance] published the 31st of January Anno 1649 The honorable director and commissioners of the colony of Rensselaerswyck, finding that many colonists on their own authority daily use the patroon's horses to draw logs and stone "" and thereby cripple said horses and make them lame and stiff and greatly abuse them, contrary to the good intentions and pur pose of the aforementioned patroon and his director and com missioners who have put the said horses at their disposal only for the purpose of doing therewith their legitimate farm and other work, without injuring or abusing the same; and finding further more that some drive their horses until they are warm and [tired] and then let them stand in the cold, hungry and thirsty, before the doors of the tavernkeepers and other persons, thus spoiling them; THEREFORE, their honors have ordained, as they do ^ Jacob Adriaensz, wheelwright. ^ At this time there was considerable building going on in the colony. 60 Colony of RensselaersTvyck ordain hereby, that no one shall be allowed to drive the patroon's horses for money [by the hour] or by the load, or to lend them to others to draw wood or stone, beyond such use as he may have to make of them himself for his farm or household, on pain of forfeiting for each load or violation [of this ordinance] , the first time three guilders, the second time six guilders, the third time nine guilders and arbitrary correction. And as it is not their honors' intention to prevent any one from being accommodated for his money, they have no objection if those who are willing to drive for pay or by the load purchase two or more horses at their own expense and use them as they please to accommodate every one. Othervsdse, their honors will make further provision in the matter. Every one is to govern himself accordingly. Thus done at a duly attended meeting [of the council] and published on the date above written. [23v] Copy Apostil granted by the honorable director general and council of New Netherland upon the petition presented by Adriaen vander Donck at the meeting of January 21 Anno 1649. The honorable director general and council having noted the contents of the petition order Director Slechtenhorst to release the grain attached by him, provided that the petitioner give security for the compensation for the horse, for which Director Slichtenhorst is to sue the petitioner before his competent judges. Thus done in council at Fort Amsterdam in New Netherland. Underneath was written: By order of the honorable director and council, and was signed: Cornelis van Tienhoven, Secretary. Agrees with the original apostil, Cornelis van Tienhoven, Secretary. Agrees with .the original copy. Which I certify, A. DE Hooges, Secretary Court Minutes, 1648-1652 61 I, Brandt van Slichtenhorst, in the capacity of director of the colony of Rensselaerswyck, notify you, Adriaen vander Donck, or whatever other Christian name you have, and let you know that on the 2d of January 1649, in my capacity aforesaid I caused the court messenger of this colony to attach, first, two hundred schepels of wheat which are still in the hands of Cornelis Segersz, per balance of the agreement entered into with the afore said Cornelis Segersz, and whatever else belonging to you, vander Donck, is in the custody of the said Cornelis Segersz, and this in order to recover payment or compensation for a black stalHon, valued at 300 guilders, and 5 cows at 80 guilders apiece, belong ing to the honorable patroon and entrusted to the hands of vander Donck, with the interest thereon. So that, in my capacity afore said, I hereby summon you, vander Donck, for so far as you may have an interest in the aforesaid wheat and other property, to appear on the 27th day of May Anno 1 649 before the court of the aforesaid colony, in order to hear all such demand and prayer for relief as I, in my capacity aforesaid, may have to make and submit. In regard to which you must govern yourself as in your judgment will seem best. In the colony of Rensselaers wyck, the [ ] of February Anno 1 649.^ Agrees with the original. Which I certify, A. DE Hooges, Secretary [24] Court proceedings, February 4 Anno 1 649 On the 27th of January, the honorable director summoned Nicolaes Koorn [to appear] in regard to vilification of the per son of Hans Vos, court messenger, in making him out to be a rascal and an informer, demanding that [said Koorn] either prove said accusations in court, or else declare before the court that he knows nothing about said Vos but what is honorable and ^Marginal annotations destroyed. 62 Colony of RensselaersTvyck right. Also for defamation of the honorable patroon and his director and council committed in the tavern, saying that they defrauded him and that fl, 1 600 was still due him and witheld from him, which involves not merely a question of defamation, but also causes uneasiness among the common people, as if he, Koorn, was being defrauded to that extent, or so much was witheld from him. Thomas Chamber and Jochem Kettelheym, on the 12th of July 1 648, three several times engaged in fisticuffs in such a way that Tomas's face and nose bled profusely, and that on a Sunday in the presence of the honorable director, for which he is liable to the double fine, with costs. On the same date, the aforesaid Thomas came to the door of the trading house, to the director's, and again asked to fight and within the hearing of Dominus Megapolensis swore three or four times in most ungodly fashion, using God's Holy Name in vain, notwithstanding the honorable director and the minister rebuked him severely for it,^ it being Sunday and the director and the [minister being present; for which he has incurred three times the fine of six guilders, double, or three times twelve guilders. The 25th of January 1649, Thomas Chamber in the tavern publicly called Hans Vos a rascal and an informer. And as Thomas did not stop, they threw mugs and other things at each other, so that the mugs broke, and this in the presence o£ Mons'. Looper^ and Master Abraham,^ for which he is liable to the double fine. Furthermore, [the director demands] that he, Thomas, while the court is in session, shall prove that Hans Vos is a rascal, or else declare that he knows nothing about him but what is right and honorable. [24v] It is ordered that Evert Pels, next Thursday shall Mn the margin is written: Thomas Chamber admits that he swore as stated. "Captain Jacob Loper. ^Surgeon Abraham Staets. Court Minutes, 1648-1652 63 present in court here the account of Claes Tyssen regarding the pease and five weeks' wages claimed by him, on pain of forfeiting three guilders.^ Consent is given to Jan van Bremen to have a copy of the director's complaint, on condition that he plead thereto on the next court day. Whereas the honorable director, commissioners and council of this colony, on the 7th of December 1648, ordered and warned all the colonists, farmers and users of the honorable patroon's property that they must within the space of fourteen days deliver their accounts in writing to the aforesaid honorable director, specifying the accounts for each year separately, under the penalty expressed in the said ordinance, which , they have thus far failed to do, and finding that the winter has nearly gone by and spring is at hand and that the grain and effects daily disappear and become lost and the honorable patroon in every thing receives less recognition than a total stranger; therefore, their honors wishing to provide therein, hereby forbid all those, whoever they may be, who occupy the patroon's property on half or one third shares, or on payment of a yearly rental, to alienate, remove or dispose of any goods, whether grain, or other commodities, without having first satisfied the honorable patroon for everything, including the tithes, but without prejudice to the servants' wages, which shall be paid with the knowledge and advice of the aforesaid director, on pain of forfeiture for each transgression of the sum of 25 guilders and the alienated goods or other effects by those who in all fairness shall be judged to have violated the ordinance. R:Wyck, this 6th of February anno 1649, pursuant to the resolution of their honors aforesaid. Was signed: A. de Hooges, Secretary. [25] February 18 Anno 1649 Jacob Adriaensz, raedemaecker (wheelwright) , denies before us that he fought on the 4th of this month. ' In the margin is written: February 12, notice served on Pels. 64 Colony of RensselaersTvyck February 22 Anno 1649 Whereas Jacob Adriaensz, raedemaecker, and Jacob Adria ensz, Tvaegenaer (wagoner), on the 21st of February 1649, not withstanding the director's warning and on penalty of the highest fine to be imposed by him, as many as three times made bold to prevent the director from making an arrest as he was having hold of the delinquent's clothes and body, by holding on to his arms and body in such a way that he could not follow, saying also several times that they would not let him go along, which in a land of justice neither can nor ought to be tolerated, as every one in case of need is bound to lend the officers of justice a help ing hand, according to the rule of the dear fatherland, for which according to law each of them must stand in the delinquent's place and expect the same punishment, and in addition for each offense forfeit the sum of 300 guilders and receive arbitrary cor rection according to the ordinance of the 28th of May 1 648, and whereas each of them has committed the highest crime not only against the patroon by violating his high and low jurisdiction but also against the States General, whose place is occupied here, therefore, the honorable plaintiff demands, first, that each person shall give security for the satisfaction of the judgment, or, in default thereof, that they shall be placed in confinement and defend their case there; cum expensis. For which purpose the raedemaecker is summoned to appear on the 22d and the Tvaegenaer on the 23d of February, at about 9 o'clock in the forenoon. The raedemaecker' s first default. The honorable director has declared by true words that the above took place as follows: The 21st of February 1649, the honorable director, assisted by his son and Hans Vos, having come to the house of Jan Verbeeck, in the Greenen Bos, to arrest Jacob Toenys, the servant of Jan Verbeeck, on account of abusive language and violence between the son of the honorable director and said Jacob Toenys, Jacob raedemaecker, Jacob Tvaegenaer and Harmen Bastiaensen ventured, notwithstanding the honorable Court Minutes, 1648-1652 65 director forbade them to do so on pain of the highest fine which he could impose, to prevent the honorable director from arresting the aforesaid Jacob Toenys [the remainder of the declaration is illegible or destroyed] . [25v] February 23 Anno 1649 It is ordered that Jacob Adriaensen shall give security for the judgment, or in default thereof be taken into custody. The same is ordered with reference to Jacob Aertsz, Tvaegenaer. Evert Pels from Steltyn,^ by this his signature becomes surety and bail for Jacob Aertsz, Tvaegenaer, for the satisfaction of the judgment and the costs in the action for preventing the execution of justice or making the arrest, as the court of this colony shall determine. Done this 25th of February Anno 1649. Evert Pels In the scune way, in every respect. Evert Pels and Rutger Jacobsz become sureties and bailsmen for Jacob Adriaensz, raedemaecker. Rut Jacobsz Evert Pels Acknowledged before me, A: DE Hooges, Secretary The case of Jacob Aertsz, Tvaegenaer, and Jacob Adriaensz, raedemaecker, is with the full consent and approval of the honor- able director and Rut Jacobsz and Evert Pels, as sureties for the aforesaid persons, put for decision into the hands of two neutral and impartial men having legal knowledge and they therefore promise mutually to abide by the decision and to observe it in all respects. The parties aforesaid have mutually and voluntarily agreed to this, the [ ] of June Anno 1 649. Acknowledged before me, A. DE Hooges, Secretary ^ Stettin, Germany. . 3 66 Colony of RensselaersTvyck [26] February 22 Anno 1649 Whereas Jacob Aryaensz, rademaecker, Jiacob Aertsz, Tvagenaer, and Herman Bastiaensz, on February 21, 1649, in spite of the director's warning and under penalty of his highest fine, dared as many as three times each time publicly to prevent the director from making an arrest, while he had hold of the delinquent's^ body, immediately after [said delinquent] without any cause, much less justification, had struck his son Wencom, and in addition called him an informer and tried to force Wen com to keqj off his own patroon's ground, according to the delin quent's own declaration (it being indeed intolerable and unheard' of that a subject's servant should thus wrongly maltreat and grossly insult his lawful superior's son), and they, [the defend ants], held the delinquent by the arms and body and repeated several times that they would not let him go vnth the director, which in a land of justice neither can nor ought to go unpunished (as every one in case of need is bound to lend a helping hand to the officers of justice, according to the rule of the dear father land) , therefore, they have forfeited life and limb and according to written law must stand in the delinquent's place and severally receive the same punishment, fine and amercement for the crime committed, while in addition they have forfeited the sum of three hundred guilders, according lo the ordinance of May 28, 1648, posted in this colony. Arid whereas each of the persons arrested has not only committed the most serious crime within the high and low jurisdiction of the honorable patroon, but has also in the highest manner violated the jurisdiction of the States General, whose place and administration of justice are represented here, therefore the honorable plaintiff demands that each person shall first of all give bail for the satisfaction of the judgment, since '^ Jacob Toenys, servant of Jan Verbeeck. " Gerrit van Wencom, who at that time held the office of deputy schout of the colony, was not the director's son, but his nephew. He was suc ceeded by the director's son, Gerrit van Slichtenhorst, which might account for the error, except for the fact that the entire entry is in the handwrit ing of the director himself. Court Minutes, 1648-1652 67 they own no real estate here, the more so as Jacob Tvagenaer has hertofore grossly insulted the former officer, Verdonck,^ and broken the lord's bonds [of justice] ; or, in default thereof, that they may be placed under civil arrest or in confinement and there inade to defend their case, all cum expensis,^ February 21, 1 649, the honorable director, assisted by his son and Hans Vos, having come to the house of Jan Verbeeck to arrest the person of [Jacob Toenys, servant of Jan] Verbeeck, on account of abusive words . . . [the remainder of the page is destroyed.,] [In the margin is written:] The honorable director, his honor's son and Hans Vos declare by true words that this took place as here stated. Which [I certify,] [A. DE Hooges, Secretary] [26v] Court Proceedings, March 4 Anno 1649 Jan Reyersz acknowledges that he owes Albert Andriesz fl. 71 and promises to pay the same at the first opportunity to the deaconry of this colony. The honorable director, plaintiff, against Harmen Bastiaensz, defendant. Cum expensis. First default. Aert Pietersz 1 „. , , , ,-. . ^ ,. J- r irst default. V.2u"'yn Cornelisz J Appeared in the afternoon: Quiryn Cornelisz, who admits that he owes Albert Andriesz fl, 69:-, but for the present has no means of paying. Quiryn Cornelisz declares that in the fore part of the year 1 643, as the wedding guests were going over the ice to the wedding of the daughters of van Es, a mare of the said Cryn :and a stallion ^Adriaen van der Donck. "In the margin is written: The 3d ditto, Hans Vos served notice on Rut Jacobs and Evert Pels. 68 Colony of RensselaersTvyck of van der Donck were drowned near the sTvarte. or paerde hoeck^ and that he, Cryn, is under the impression that van der Donck received therefor from the wedding guests one hundred and fifty guilders. [27] Jaques Neulewels declares here that the servant of Sander Leendersz on March 1 , 1 649, went into the woods with a savage, who had a whole loaf of bread, which was cut up in the woods for the savages and after they had eaten it, they went with six packs, led by the servant, together into Sander's house. March 11 Anno 1649 Sander Leendersz acknowledges the contract made by him with the late patroon on March 28, 1 639, and says that he knows of no other contract than that. It must therefore be carried out in all its parts, as well as that granted by the court on February 23, Anno 1645. Sander Leendersz admits having sailed two yachts since 1641, for three years, and says that he knows of no other contracts. Catalyn Sanders admits that she signed with her own hand the contract made with the patroon on March 28, Anno 1639, and that she has a copy of it at her house. Whereupon complete condemnation is asked. Catalyn Sanders also acknowledges the contract entered into with the court of this colony on February 23, Anno 1645, and says that she knows of no other contracts. Catalyn says that they sailed two yachts of the patroon, but not while they tapped liquor. March [ ] Cornelis Segersz has through Hans Vos [requested that he be] released by the court from [ ]. ^Now Parda hook, about a mile south of Van Wie's point. Court Minutes. 1648-1652 69 [27v] Court proceedings, March 18, 1649 Harmen Bastiaensz having heard the complaint of the honor able director read to liim, answers that they must call him before his competent judges. Cornelis Segersz has agreed with Thomas Keuningh to take his boy into his service from this date, paying him according to the time, provided that the boy must serve in the next harvest. If in binding he keeps up with one mower, he is to receive one guilder; if with two, two guilders. Comelis Segersz being in dispute with Willem de Key about pease purchased by him, their case is referred to two neutral arbitrators, whose decision as to their value they are to follow, to wit, such arbitrators as they shall nominate. Jacob Lambertsz Dorlandt is ordered to pay to the honorable director the fine imposed upon him by sentence within the space of fourteen days after the service of notice, under penalty of execution and a fine of fl.3.^ The case of Jacob Tvaegenaer and Jacob raedemaecker is sub mitted to the discretion of impartial men, with the consent of the honorable director and Ruth Jacobsz and Evert Pels, as sureties. [28] Court proceedings, March 25 Anno 1649 A warrant of arrest and summons having been served upon Willem de Key at the request of Cornelis Segersz on account of 200 schepels of wheat which he, Willem de Key, admits having taken on board his yacht and carried past the house of Evert Pels, but which on account of the inclemency of the early winter, at Willem de Key's request, were taken out of the yacht by the said Cornelis and removed to the Greenen Bos to the brewery ^ In the margin is written : March [ ] , Hans Vos served notice on Jacob Lamberts. 70 Colony of RensselaersTvyck and the house of Domine Megapolensis," Willem de Key answers that at the first opportunity he will reply to everything in writing. Apostil on the petition of Nicolaes Koorn Serves for apostil: Nicolaes Koorn is again referred to the order last sent to him, but for certain reasons the time is prolonged or extended until this day fortnight, under the penalty heretofore provided. Jan Thomasz's contract is canceled by the honorable director for so far as he is concerned. On the date above written Evert Pels transfers and conveys to Jeuriaen Bestvall the house, haybarracks and barn as they have to this date been used by Evert Pels, everything to be appraised at a convenient time by impartial men. [28v] April 3 Anno 1649 Sander Leendersz becomes surety for all actions and fines which the honorable director may institute against or demand of his servant, Egbert Doysz, submitting himself to the court here. Sander Leendersz, by his signature, promises to perform this. Witnessed by me, A: DE Hooges, Secretary On the date above written the following notice was served on : Cornelis Teunisz van Westbroeck Volckert Hansz, and Cornelis Vos You have license to carry on lawful trade, but in no wise to carry on any illegitimate trade, as is daily done by you in running into the woods to meet the savages who come vnth beavers and ^ Domine Megapolensis resided on the east side of the Hudson river, obliquely opposite Fort Orange in the so-called Kerckbuurie, or church neighborhood, which by O'Callaghan, History of New Netherland, 1 :330, and Brodhead, History of the State of New York, ' =343 is erroneously placed on the west side of the river, near the Beaver's creek. Cf. Van Rensselaer Bowier Mss, p. 454, 619. Court Minutes. 1648-1652 71 in promising them presents of stockings, hatchets and other goods if they will come to your houses to trade, and after having thus traded with them giving them a little note to tell other savages where you dwell and such presents as will induce them to come to you to trade. You are hereby warned and forbidden by the court to carry on such illegitimate trade, in violation of the ordinance. Cornelis Teunisz promises to observe this, provided those of the fort do likewise, as heretofore they have not done. Volckert Hansz agrees to do as Cornelis Teunisz. Cornelis Vos promises the same. [29] April 15 Anno 1649 Cornelis Teunisz van Breuckelen having been notified that he is alleged to have said that changes were made in the contracts after the time the leases were signed, which he denies, asks that the case be put over until Rutger Jacobsz comes up the river. Also, that Cornelis Teunisz on April 5, 1649, having called to the honorable director to come out of his house, gave up the lease of his farm, to which the honorable director consented on condition that he should render his accounts, which Cornelis Teunisz admits. On the petition of Cornelis Segersz it is ordered that he must first turn all his accounts regarding the grain over to the director and that then a copy will be exhibited at his expense. Jacob Lambertsz is again ordered to satisfy the judgment of March 8, 1 649, within eight days from the time notice is served, under penalty of six guilders, and if he remains in default another eight days, nine guilders. [In the margin is written : ] 3 days after the 1 5th of this month, notice was served on Jacob Lambertsz by Slichtenhorst himself, on the land of Thomas Jansz. Whereas Claes Gerritsz has thus far failed to satisfy the judg ment of December 1 7, 1 648, he is again ordered to satisfy the 72 Colony of RensselaersTvyck same within three weeks from the time notice hereof is served, on pain of forfeiting two pounds Flemish. The honorable director, plaintiff, against Jacob Schermerhorn Gerrit, the cooper ^ floelandt,'' the nephew (rjeve) of Mr Stuyvesant Pieter Loockemans Marten, the mason ^ Rem, the smith "* Willem Jansz Stol Hendrick Driesz Meynert, a carpenter Lammert van Valckenburgh j [1st] default ' defendants [29v] Court proceedings, April 29 Anno 1649 Nicolaes Coorn is ordered once more and for the last time that he must render and deliver his account and statement of all his claims in the form heretofore mentioned within the space of twice twenty-four hours, under the penalty provided. [In the margin is written:] May [ ] , written notice was served on Coorn. Cornelis Teunisz van Breuckelen to be asked in court whether he still stands by the words spoken by him twice on April 7, 1649, to Director Slichtenhorst, to wit, that he, Slichtenhorst, had changed the contracts under which the six lots were leased on September 1 4, 1 648, after the leases were signed and that the copies which they had procured of the said contracts or agree ments did not agree with the original terms which were read to ^ Gerrit Jansz, ^ujjper. ^Roelandt Savary? See minutes of March 16, 1651. ^Marten Harmensz? " Rem Jansz. Court Minutes, 1648-1652 73 them at the time the aforesaid leasing took place, to which he added that he and Rutger Jacobsz and two or three other persons would prove what is stated above. Whereupon a cate gorical answer, yes or no, is demanded, and in case no answer is made, that it be taken that he, Breuckelen, still stands by what he said. Cornelis Teunisz asking for a copy of the foregoing charges and eight days' delay in which to make answer, his request is granted. Whereas Cornelis Hendricksz van Es has before this been called upon and urged by the honorable director of the colony of Rensselaers'wyck to pay a certain bond given in case Cryn Cornelisz should fail to pay, amounting to the sum of one hun dred and fifty guilders, and also an absolute assignment of thirty- six guilders, fifteen stivers, as per account of Roelof Cornelisz, which aforesaid bond is signed by the said van Es and C [ornelis] Crynen, who was also called upon to pay before the said van E.S, but declared that he had [no money] for the present. And whereas Comelis [van Es], for the reason aforesaid, caused Cornelis Crynen to be arrested and summoned to appear in court, as he did appear twice, to recover the amount from him, but van Es failed to appear and to prosecute his action, therefore Cornelis Crynen [ j [30] so that for the reason above mentioned it is ordered that he, van Es, shall tender and pay the amount of the bond and the assignment, with interest at the rate of one penny in sixteen, before his departure from here, referring him for the recovery of the amount to the person against whom his action must be brought and whom he caused to be arrested and summoned to appear, to wil, Cornelis Crynen ; all cum expensis. Comelis van Es i i i i persons attached and summoned to appear on the next court day. First , , Pieter Claes which is now, action being brought by the director against both and by Andries de Vos against Pieter Claesz. 74 Colony of RensselaersTvyck Hans Vos is ordered by the court to proceed to the house of Cornelis van Es and Pieter Claesz, to watch over their property until they shall have rendered their accounts and performed their duties, all on payment of proper wages to Hans Vos. This day. May 3, 1649, Jacob Hevick has leased from the director and conmiissioners of this colony at twenty guilders a year, for the term of six years, a certain house belonging to him and a garden situated north of the house and farm of Jan Baerentsz and south of that of Thomasz Jansz, provided that Jacob Hevick shall have free of rent all the land that he shall clear within the aforesaid time ; furthermore Jacob must in addi tion yearly deliver two pairs of fowls. The lease commenced at Easter. B. V. Slichtenhorst This is X the mark of Jacob Hevick, made v«th his owti hand Jan van Twiller This is the X mark of Willem Fredericksz, as witness Acknowledged before me, A: DE Hooges, Secretary [In the margin is written:] As heretofore a considerable trade was carried on at this place, but this has now almost completely ceased, tliis is the reason that the place rents for not more than 20 guilders a year. [30v] This day, the 4th of May 1 649, Antony de Hooges and Pieter Hertgers have jointly leased from the honorable director of this colony, for the term of three years, for a garden, the ground lying to the north of and close under [the walls of] Fort Orange, to the south of and next to the yard of the honor able patroon, being the ground where heretofore the trading house of the honorable patroon stood, and to the east of the Court Minutes, 1648-1652 75 churchyard,'^ on condition that they give one beaver a year. In case necessity requires it, the director reserves the right to lay out a road through the garden to the churchyard, or an emer-' gency road,^ on condition that two gates shall be made and kept in repair at the patroon's expense. The lessees have signed this lease with their own hands. Done in Rensselaerswyck, on the date above written. A: DE Hooges Pieter Hertgers Court proceedings. May 6 Anno 1 649 Pieter Claesz promises here before the court to deliver up the house, barn and hay barracks used by him last year in as good condition as he received them. [A note in the margin says:] De Vos has used his barn five years, his dwelling house three years and the hay barrack four years. ^voorde iydi van drie Jaeren gepachi de groni tot een tuyn gelegen benoorden dicht ondert Fori Orangien, besuyden naesi aenden Hoff vande Ed: Heer Patroon, synde de groni daer voor desen hei handelhuys vande Ed: Heer Palroon heeft gesiaen, ende beoosien hei kcrckhof. The patroon's Hoff probably refers to the garden belonging to the patroon's house, which was occupied by Van Slichtenhorst. Van Slichtenhorst afterwards claimed that he had more than a hundred sleigh loads of manure drawn into this hof and kept the clapboard fence around it in repair at his own expense. The term ^erc^/io/ may be used in the general sense of a burying ground, but may also mean the plot around the former trading house of the patroon, which according to a petition presented by de Hooges on March 27, 1648, had shortly before been turned into a church. The words : " being the ground where heretofore the trading house of the honorable patroon stood," are inserted in the margin and may, perhaps, in the original have been inserted in the wrong place and be intended to apply, not to the Hoff, but to the ground leased for a garden. ^ Nooiwech. Hugo de Groot, Inleiding tot de Hollandsche Rechis- Geleerdheyd, Book II, chap. 35, § 7, says: Noodweg is een weg alleen te gebruicken tot den oogsi, tot een lijck ofte andere noodzakelickheid {Noodweg is a road to be used only for the transportation of Crops, a dead body, or for other necessary purposes) . 76 Colony of RensselaersTvyck May 28 Anno 1649 Whereas Director Slidhtenhorsit caused 200 schepels of wheat belonging to Adriaen vander Donck to be attached, whereof a written notice was sent to him and a date was set for trial of the case on the 27th of May Anno 1 649, payment is demanded for the horses, cattle and the appurtenances thereof, according to the notice, cum expensis; and in case of failure to appear, [it is demanded that] the first default [be granted], with the benefit thereof, and the right to serve peremptory notice de novo and to appoint another day for trial. [3 1 ] Whereas Gysbert Cornelisz aende Berch was ordered some time ago to deliver to Evert Pels two cows with a heifer and he, Gysbert, being called upon and urged to do so, has posi tively and stubbornly refused to give up the aforesaid cattle, he is hereby ordered by the court to deliver the said cattle to Evert Pels or his agent under the penalty of three guilders for one day's delay, six guilders for two days, nine guilders for three days and so on multiplied, and arbitrary correction, cum expensis. [In the margin:] May 19, this order was served and read to him. For which refusal the aforesaid Gysbert is summoned to appear in court under penalty of the highest fine to be imposed by the patroon. Court proceedings. May 20 Anno 1649 [Part of the page left blank] May 22, 1649 Pieter Claesz is released from his bail bond executed for his father-in-law ^ van Es, dated March [ ] [ ] his own action [ ] [31v] Copy Pieter Claesz, [you are hereby] ordered to let Jan van Bremen have two of the strongest horses, one stallion and one ^ Schoon vaeder. Court Minutes, 1648-1652 77 gelding, which said Jan shall feed oats at his expense, for which room shall be given him at your house, and in case you refuse, you are liable to the fine imposed in such cases. Guard yourself against damage. February 3, Anno 1649. By order of the director and the commissioners, A. DE Hooges, Secretary Court Proceedings, May 29 Anno 1649 The honorable court of this colony of Rensselaerswyck having examined the complaint of the director against Michiel Jansz, together with the answer, replication and rejoinder, and having duly considered everything, hereby order the said defendant to render an itemized account of everything in proper form to the aforesaid director. [32] May 31, 1649 Whereas question has arisen between Director Slichtenhorst and Mons'. Adriaen vander Donck about the claim heretofore presented by vander Donck, the director, after examination of his lawful debit and alleged credit accounts, caused two hundred schepels of wheat belonging to vander Donck to be attached, according to the writ served on him, in which the date on which he was to appear was fixed at the 27th of May 1 649. Vander Donck having appeared on the -2 1st instant, it was arranged and agreed that the 21st instead of the 27th would serve as the date of appearance, as it actually did serve, as will sufficiently appear from the complaint and the written answer of vander Donck, in. his own hand. And whereas vander Donck claims and alleges that the appointed day passed without prosecution of the case, and he, in bad faith, transferred his title to the aforesaid 200 schepels of wheat to others (in derogation of vander Donck's former agreement), as vander Donck has himself declared in the presence of the said Slichtenhorst and Antonio de Hooges, therefore, the court messenger, by order of the director, on the 78 Colony of RensselaersTvyck 3 1 st of the aforesaid month of May, once more served an attach ment against the person of the said vander Donck and by mutual consent arranged to have court held at two o'clock in the after noon of the said 31st of May; however, without prejudice to Director Slichtenhorst's former legal right as regards the wheat transferred to others, which remains intact as before and for which the former attachment was made, his case being prose cuted from day to day, at the expense of the party who shalj be found in tha wrong, for which security is demanded ; all without loss or damage, cum expensis. Furthermore, an attachment is served against him to make reply to written interrogatories. Extraordinary session, on the date above written The honorable court shows that the 200 schepels of wheat belonging to Adriaen vander Donck, which were attached, can not be received or delivered without the consent of the court, as the attachment was made by order of the court . [remainder illegible] . [32v] Copy After the fire, in the year 1646, had destroyed one of the, [two] farms on Casteels island, Adriaen vander Donck, who had had possession thereof, resolved to sell his remaining interest in the farm, with the consent of and before the court. After the sale, vander Donck resolved to leave the colony, which he did, also with the consent of the court, having first delivered his account to Mons'. de Hooges. But as they could not finally settle the accounts in regard to the burned house and some other claims on both sides, they decided to write at the first opportunity for advice to the guardians of the patroon of the colony and then to settle their accounts. Thereupon vander Donck departed. Anno 1647, after the arrival of the ship Valckenier, vander Donck brought suit before the court against Mons'. de Hooges, while he was at the Manhatans and demanded final settlement, but de Hooges had not yet sent over the account, so that he was Court Minutes, 1648-1652 79 ordered to do so at the first opportunity, when they were to pro ceed with the case. The account was sent over on the ship de Princes, which was wrecked and the account was lost. Anna 1648, Director Brant van Slichtenhorst arrived and vander Donck several times requested him, verbally and in writing and also by petition to pay the money coming to him according to his account, but never received any. Finally, some effects of vander Donck having been attached by the director of this colony anno 1 649, the [ ] of May, it was agreed upon by Director Brant van Slichtenhorst on the one side and Adriaen vander Donck on the other side [ ] [ 1 [33] guardians of the honorable patroon of this colony and Adriaen vander Donck, upon this condition and stipulation that whoever is entitled to anything shall receive the money there,^ without the parties referring each other to New Netherland. And in case it should happen that the honorable guardians on the one side and Adriaen vander Donck on the other side had any points about which they could not agree, neither of the parties, to wit, neither the honorable guardians, nor vander Donck, shall have the right to resort to or make use of judicial proceedings to settle the matter, but both parties, the guardians as well as vander Donck, shall be held to leave their dispute to the decision of arbitrators, whom they shall mutually chose, each party choosing one according to his pleasure and the two joining to themselves a third person, to whom all disputes shall be left for final decision, without either side attempting to do anything to the contrary. And the director of the colony of Rensselaers wyck hereby promises and binds himself that the honorable guardians on their part shall faithfully carry out this contract without any exception, just as vander Donck on his part promises to do this. But in case either one of the parties, except by reason of death or other serious misfortune, should fail to perform his Namely, in Holland. 80 Colony of RensselaersTvyck part, the other party shall be free to recover his loss cmd damage wherever it shall seem best to him. Furthermore, Director Slichtenhorst shall not write to his honorable masters about this matter or advise them of it without sho'wing Adriaen vander Donck before his departure [ ] [ ] [33v] vander Donck, after receipt of the gravamina to be brought forward by the honorable Director Slichtenhorst, shall deliver to his honor the reply with such other gravamina, if any, as he may have, and thus mutually exchange the papers in the case. Thus done and decided in good faith on the date above written, and in 'witness of the truth confirmed with their usual signatures and sealed 'with their seals, in the colony of Rens selaerswyck. And was signed: B. V. Slichtenhorst Adriaen vander Donck And besides their names sealed vsath the seals of both of them. Below was written: Thus signed and sealed and acknowledged before me, secretary of the colony of Rensselaerswyck, Antonio de Hooges, Secretary After collation this is found to agree with the original. Certified by me, A: DE Hooges, Secretary [34] Court proceedings, June 3 Anno 1649 Thomas Jansz, plaintiff, against Evert Pels, about surgeon's fees for wounds inflicted. Evert Pels says that he is not bound to make compensation, because Thomas Jansz was just as guilty as he was. Court Minutes, 1648-1652 81 Hans Vos is ordered and commanded to go to the house of Gysbert aende Berch and there by judicial process to levy the share of the animals for the farm of Evert Pels, as was ordered heretofore, to wit, 2 cows and one heifer. June 4 Anno 1649 The honorable director of the colony of Rensselaerswyck and Evert Pels have by mutual consent, without any further claims on their part in any manner whatsoever, completely referred and tumed over to Mons'. Adriaen vander Donck and Jan Lourisz Appel for proper decision and settlement the legal questions at issue between them both, to which [decision] they fully submit themselves. B. V. Slichtenhorst Evert Pels Acknowledged before me, A: DE Hooges, Secretary [34v] June 5 Anno 1649 Director Brant van Slichtenhorst and A. de Hooges and Johannes van Twiller as commissioners have after mature deliberation ordered and decided, as they do hereby, that Adriaen vander Donck may not receive or unload the two hun dred schepels of wheat attached in the hands of Cornelis Segersz, except upon security given by two sufficient sureties before the court here, in default whereof the attachment will remain in full force. Johannes van Twiller is granted permission by the honorable director to transport out of the colony for Mr Stuyvesant a horse belonging to Cornelis Segersz, provided he receive in return a horse of Curasao or other breed ; and Joannes van Twiller hereby guarantees the honorable director against all loss. Dated as above. Jan van Twiller 82 Colony of RensselaersTvyck Pieter Claes has left the colony of Rensselaerswyck with the knowledge and consent of the honorable director of the aforesaid colony, on condition that he would satisfy and pay Hans Vos ior performing his duties at his house by order of the court, accord ing to the resolution. Also upon condition that in accordance with his own promise he would deliver up the house, barn and hay barracks heretofore used by him, in as good condition as he found them. Done in the colony of Rensselaerswyck, this, day, the 5th of June 1 649. June 6, 1649 — Jacob Jansz Stol, for the fine incurred on account of [assault on] Hans Vos committed on the same date and the court day set for the first [of July] . [35] Extraordinary session, June 8, 1649 Claes Tyssen, on June 7, 1 649, had the court messenger serve an attachment against Adriaen vander Donck here in the colony and appoint a court day, namely, the 8th of this month, on which to settle his account and make payment according to the agree ment between the parties. Claes Andriesz and Dirck Hendricksz, both of Hilverson, are ordered to fulfil their contract of service with those to whom they are assigned, under penalty, on the next default, of being put on bread and water for eight days at their own expense, vsath costs. This will serve as a strict warning that they must faithfully per form their service, their first offense being hereby overlooked. Adriaen vander Donck declares here before the court, by handfast, that he owes Claes Tyssen no more than fl. 53, say fifty-three guilders. Willem Fredericksz becomes surety for vander Donck's debt of fl. 53 to Claes Tyssen. Court proceedings, June 10 Anno 1649 Antony de Hooges becomes surety for two hundred schepels of wheat in the hands of Cornelis Segersz which are levied by the director on account of Adriaen vander Donck. Court Minutes, 1648-1652 83 Cornelis Segersz is ordered by the court to deliver to the honorable director of this colony, or his agent, two hundred schepels of wheat for the payment of [ j on pain of forfeiting six guilders for [ ] delay after notice shall have been served. [35v] This 14th of June 1649, Christoffel Davits has in my presence taken over Dirck Hendricksz from Hilverson and by handfast promised to keep the director free from all loss and damage. Which I certify, A. DE Hooges, Secretary Court proceedings, June 17 Anno 1649 Cornelis Segersz, being summoned to appear about the pay ment to be made to Jan van Bremen on account of the honorable director, as per his order, promises and is hereby ordered imme diately to satisfy and pay Jan Dircksz in wheat or other goods of sufficient value and in case the parties have any other differ ence between them, they may adjust and settle their accounts with one another, and if they can not agree, exhibit the matter in court, all without prejudice to the claim of the honorable plaintiff. Director B. v. Slichtenhorst, plaintiff, against Jan Louwerensz, defendant, being arrested and summoned to appear on this date about slander, according to the complaint of the plaintiff. Non comparuit. First default. 18 June 1649 — Jan Tomensz and Jan Hageman summoned by Vos for the second time, under penalty of 3 gl. Appeared, but refused to take the oath. 1 9 ditto — Jan Tomensz and Jan Hageman summoned for the third time, under penalty of 6 gl., to appear on Monday at 9 o'clock. ditto — Volckert Hansz summoned by Vos to appear on the same day, or the 19th ditto, but did not appear. 84 Colony of RensselaersTvyck 21 ditto Jan Tomensz and Jan Hageman summoned for the third time under penalty of 9 gl. to appear on the 22d ditto [to give testimony?] to the truth and again sum moned to appear on the 24th. On the 22d, Jan Appel was summoned for the second time at Slichtenhorst's demand to appear on the 24th. [36] Court proceedings, June 24 Anno 1649 The director, plaintiff, against Jan Louwrensz Appel. Second default. Jan Haegeman and Jan Thomasz, being summoned. First default. Jan Verbeeck has appointed this day for Gerrit Vasterick to appear in court. Non comparuit. First default. June 28, 1649. Jan Dirricksz owes Peter Claes 235 gls., which money has been attached in the hands of Jan Dirricksz as security for the delivery [by Peter Claesz] of the patroon's horse and the house in as good a condition as he received them, and for the wages of Hans Vos. This day, the 29th of June 1649, Director B. v. Slichten horst, in the presence of Antonio de Hooges and Johemnes van Twiller, has delivered to Claes Bordingh all the writings and papers in the suit between the said Mr SHchtenhorst and Adriaen vander Donck, to deliver them faithfully to Adriaen vander Donck. [Marginal annotation] July 22, 1649, Claes Bordingh reported that he delivered the documents to Verdonck, to wit, on July 6, 1 649, early in the morning, as he came out of bed. June 28, 1 648 [ 1 649] , Hans Vos, in the name of the director, summoned Jan Appel in the colony to appeeu- in court on July 1 , 1649. The 29th ditto, Cornelis Tuenisz van Brueckelom suimnoned for the second time at the request of the director to appear in court on the 1 st of July. Court Minutes, 1648-1652 85 Court proceedings, July 1 Anno 1649 The honorable director, plaintiff, against Jan Haegeman, defendant. 1 Proof is demanded that he had permission to trade beavers, powder and lead in the colony. 2 How many beavers he traded there? 3 To give security for the judgment. Jan Lourensz and Cornelis Theunisz van Breuckelen sum moned to appear. First default. [36v] July 1 . Jan Louwerensz Appel summoned again, for the fourth time, to appear here before the court on the 8th of this month. July 3. Carsten, the Noorman, summoned on a writ of attach ment at the request of de Hoogens to appear on the next court day, being the 8th of this month. Court proceedings, July 8 Anno 1649 Aert Pietersz, being summoned to appear before the court at the instance of Domine Megapolensis, as attorney, to state whether he is willing and intends to fulfil his promise to a cer tain woman, named Blancke Ael,"^ Aert Pietersz says. Yes, and promises to have himself legally united to her in matrimony at the first opportunity. Jan Louwerensz being summoned for the fourth time on a warrant of attachment, makes no answer, much less purges him self of the charges against him, but requests judgment. Carsten Carstensz, being summoned, non compartnt. First default. The honorable director asks for the last time citation and then peremptory sentence in the matter of Jan Appel. Claes Gerritsz states here before the court that he pays no regard to the sentence of December 1 7, 1 648. '^ Literally: Fair, or light-complexioned, Alida. 86 Colony of RensselaersTvyck On the 8th instant Jan Appel was summoned in the colony to appear again or once more before the court on the 1 5th. July 1 2, Broer Cornelis was cited to appear before the court on the 15th. The 12th ditto, Jacob Aryaensz Ramaecker was cited to satisfy th® judgment against him for the payment of the rent for the year 1648. Also that on account of his fisticuffs with Cornelis boer'^ on the island on June 20, 1 649, in the presence of witnesses. [37] Court proceedings, July 15 Anno 1649 The honorable director issues an attachment against Jacob Aryaensz Rademaecker to satisfy the judgment and pay the rent for the year 1648, and to satisfy the plaintiff in regard to the fine to be paid for fighting with Kees de boer on June 20, 1 649, in the presence of witnesses. The director, plaintiff, against Teunis Dircksz, defendant, about the rent of the brewery. First default. Christoffel Da'vits admits here before the court that he loaned the horse which perished to Thomas,^ a mason and an English man. The honorable court, having heard and read the complaint of the director of this colony against Jan Louwrensz Appel and finding that Jan Louwrensz was summoned four or five times, but has not brought in any formal answer and only asked that sentence should be pronounced. And whereas he has as yet not brought forward any proper defense and seems tacitly to admit the charges, the honorable court have decided, as they decide hereby, that if Jan Louwrensz does not purge himself on the next court day of the charges brought by the director, he shall be condemned to pay the lord's highest fine and all the costs of the suit incurred according to the declaration to be made ^ Comelis Segersz van Voorhout, farmer on Castle island. ^ Thomas Fairfax. Court Minutes, 1648-1652 87 thereof and if he does not appear and properly purge himself of the charges, he shall be declared in contempt. [37v] Whereas the honorable director has caused Teunis Dircksz to be summoned to appear on account of the receipt of the payment of the rent of the brewery and he has failed to appear, the director is authorized, upon condition of giving security, to le'vy on the property of Mr Abraham Staas and Pieter Hertgers for the balance of the aforesaid rent. Copy We, Abraham Staas and Jacob Jansz Stol, acknowledge that we become bail, each one separately, for the appearance of the wife of Sander Leendersz, in the action brought by Director Slichtenhorst according to the written summons read to her, dated July 16, 1649, submitting ourselves to the judicature of the colony of Rensselaerswyck, each in the amount of ten hundred guilders. Witness our hands, this 1 6th of July 1 649. Including herein Margariet Willems. Was signed: Abram Staas Jacob Jansz StoU Tys Pietersz is ordered to repair vsathin the space of twenty- four hours after the service of this notice to the house of the honorable director, to receive there instructions with vs'hom he is to stay according to his contract, under the penalty of six guilders for the first failure to comply with this order, and in case he refuses, he shall be forced thereto by writ of execution. Order is also issued to Broer Cornelis to refrain from lodging or harboring him. This 3 1 st day of July 1 649. Jacob Jansz van Stoutenburch having been summoned under a writ of attachment to appear on the 2d of August of the same year to acknowledge or repudiate his mark affixed to the lease, dated May 5, 1649, and the appraisal of the goods on the Vlackte, amounting to fl. 1426, and whether he did not accept the aforesaid goods according to 88 Colony of RensselaersTvyck the specification thereof in the presence of the director, Domine Megapolensis and other witnesses, he is asked to give security for one year's rent and the amount of the appraisal, or else to enter into custody. Jacob Jansz acknowledges his signature to the deed and that he took over the aforementioned goods according to the appraisal. [38] The director of the colony of Rensselaerswyck being bound under the contract with Claes Segeresz to deliver to him, at the commencement of his lease, fhe land of his farm in condi tion to be cultivated by him and finding thereon ten morgens seeded with winter wheat, Claes Segersz shall next vsdinter make compensation for the seed grain and the labor and expense which have gone into it, and at the end of his lease leave the stubble on the land, according to the contract. Done in the colony of Rens selaerswyck, primo August Anno 1 649. Was signed B: v: SHchtenhorst A: de Hooges, witness July 16, Director Slichtenhorst served notice on Jacob Jansz Hap, and August 2, 1 649, on Sander Leendertsz, Frerick Lub- bertsz, Cornelis Jansz, Harmen Dousz, skippers, not to take any colonists with them to the Manhatans or out of the colony vnth- out his, Slichtenhorst's, consent. The 6th ditto the same notice was served on Aryaen Bloemert and Jan de Caper. August 10, 1649, Cornelis Segersz summoned by Slichten horst on the part of Gysbert [Adriaensz] to appjear on the 12th ditto. 1 1 ditto 1 649. Willem Juriaensz being summoned to appear because he accused Jacob Jansz Stol in public of being a whore monger and Stol's [wife] of being a whore, which led to a fight, the plaintiff demands that the defendant be condemned to pay a double fine; cum expensis. Court Minutes. 1648-1652 89 [38v] The honorable officer, plaintiff, against Cornelis Segersz, defendant. Cornelis Segersz being summoned to appear on the 1 2th ditto, being an extraordinary court day, to answer the complaints made to the officer by Gysbert Adriaensz and his brother, because the defendant, last Sunday, without any reason, much less excuse, suddenly struck Gysbert in the face with a glass and severely wounded him, not only cutting a deep gash, but also severing some arteries, which is lethal;^ and whereas the defendant here tofore has more than once, both by word and deed, committed such outrages and is in the highest degree punishable; therefore, the plaintiff demands that he be condemned to pay double the fine of 300 guilders, in accordance with the ordinance of Ams terdam or the Manhatans, and that in addition he be arbitrarily punished as an example to others. Also that the defendant fur thermore be condemned, in accordance with the complaint, to pay the costs of the extraordinary session of the court, all cum expensis. , Whereas Comelis Segersz on August 1, 1648, ventured in the presence of Arent Andriesz, Poulus Noorman and the serv ant of the aforesaid Arent to accuse Jan Baerentsz Poest in pub lic of being a rascal and the biggest liar in the colony and agreed to prove it by several witnesses, and upon examination in court by Officer Slichtenhorst repeated the assertion and on the 3d of the same month, being again questioned in court, was obliged to retract his statements and deny his accusations; and whereas the defendant in a similar way defamed the person of Councilor Vos, as shown by the minutes of the court of October 8, 1 848 ; therefore, the plaintiff demands that the defendant be condemned to pay for each offense the sum of fl. [25?], two thirds to go to the poor and one third to the plaintiff, all cum expensis. ^ twelck letael is. 90 Colony of RensselaersTvyck [39] Extraordinary session on account of vacation August 12 Anno 1649 Comelis Segersz asks for a copy of the complaint. [The court] having seen the signature subsequently added on the same paper to the lease of the other farms, which signature Cornelis Segersz before us acknowledges to be his and whereby he binds himself under the aforesaid contract, he is hereby ordered to observe the same and especially to have the buildings on the farms rented by him appraised by neutral carpenters, in accordance with the aforesaid contract, for which one carpenter shall be chosen by each party, that is, one on the part of the patroon and one on the part of Cornefis Segersz., And in case Cornelis Segersz should oppose this and act contrary to his ovsti signature subscribed in the first place, he shall be liable to pay the loss which the patroon shall suffer thereby, the court to pro ceed further against him according to law. The honorable director, plaintiff, against Willem Jeuriaensz, defendant. First default. August 12, 1649. Comelis Segersz summoned for the sec ond time to appear this day week, being, the 1 9th of this month. Court proceedings, September 2 Anno 1 649 [Christoff]el Davits, plaintiff, against Thomas [Fairfax], Englishman, defendant. [ ] being asked for the second time [ ] in the presence of [ ] [ ]. [39v] Court proceedings, September 9 Anno 1 649 Cornelis Segersz is granted a lot in the byeenTVooninge (ham let), near the first kill, on the same terms as other free men, com mencing next Easter. ^In the margin is written: Corn. Segersz being cited by the honorable director and asked in court whether he would not allow the houses and the land to be appraised, he said. No, and the buildings should not be appraised as high as the amount they had actually cost. Whereupon it was ordered as shown [in the record] . Court Minutes, 1648-1652 91 [In the margin is written:] Canceled December 30, 1650. Likewise, Abraham Staas. Andries de Vos becomes surety for [the satisfaction of the judgment in] the action [for the recovery of the loss] of the horse entrusted to Christoffel Davits, which was drowned. Whereas Thomas . . .,^ the Englishman, requested that Christoffel Da-vis should furnish surety for the satisfaction of the judgment (as he has done), on condition that he also would furnish surety (as he promised to do), and now, appearing, pro duces none, it is ordered hereby that on account of the aforesaid contumacy he shall be taken into custody by the honorable director and his goods placed in safe-keeping. Cum expensis. Whereas Tomes . . .,^ the Englishman, has fled from the colony to the fort (Director Slichtenhorst having made efforts to carry out the above order on the date above written, but he having run away and escaped into the aforesaid fort, the afore said director on the 13th instant and again on the 14th called on Mons. Laberte,^ as the person in command of the said fort, and requested the aforesaid Labete to arrest said Tomes's per son and attach his goods in order to carry out the aforesaid order of the honorable court, and handed him the judgment to comply therewith in all its parts, according to the order of Mr Stu[v]esandt, which he agreed to do in the presence of said Slichtenhorst and Tomes himself. [40] Copy This day, the 3d of June 1649, Adriaen vander Donck and Jan Louwerensz Appel, having been requested by B. v. Slichten horst, director of the colony of Rensselaerswyck, of the one part, and Evert Pels of Statyn and Rut Jacobsz, as sureties and bondsmen of and in the name of Jacob Aertsz, wagoner, and Jacob Adriaensz, wheelwright, of the other part, [to act as referees] in the dispute which they, to wit, the wheelwright and ^ Blank in the original. His name was Fairfax. ^Jean Labatie. 92 Colony of RensselaersTvyck the wagoner, had with the director of this colony as plaintiff on account of certain offenses committed by them, and the matter having by both sides been placed completely and entirely into the hands of the aforesaid Adriaen vander Donck and Jan Louwerensz Appel, they have in all conscience and after a care ful examination of all that is to be taken into account decided and concluded that inasmuch as their offenses are inexcusable each of the persons shall for himself pay to the plaintiff the here inafter specified fines, to wat: fl. 50 — , that is to say, the wagoner fifty guilders and the wheelwright fifty guilders, each. Also, for expenses, each shall pay : to the plaintiff fl. 8- to the secretary 8- to Hans Vos 7- All of which we consider to be right and proper. Further more, in the interest of the administration of justice, by way of honorable amends, the delinquents shall appear in court and there acknowledge that they have done wrong and have fallen into error through ignorance and drunkeness, praying the court to forgive them. Thus done and concluded in the colony of Rensselaerswyck. on the date above written, and in, witness of the truth subscribed with our usual signatures. Was signed : Adriaen vjmder Donk, Jan Louwrensz Appel. Agrees with the original. Which I certify, A: DE Hooges, Secretary A copy hereof shall be delivered to each without charge. [40v] Copy This day, the 4th of June 1 649, we, Adryaen vander Donck and Jan Louwersen Appel, have been requested by B. v. Slichtenhorst, director of the colony of Rensselaerswyck, of the Court Minutes, 1648-1652 93 one part, and Evert Pels of Statyn,^ of the other part, to settle a certain question at issue' between them in the court, said matter at issue being completely and fully, just as it stands, placed into our hands and absolutely referred to us, the aforesaid Adriaen vander Donck and Jan Louwerensz Appel; whereupon, after mutual examination and consideration of the same, we have found and decided as follows : First, in regard to Claes Tyssen, Evert Pels shall restore to the honorable director within the space of eight days the 26 guilders which the director paid to Claes Tyssen and for the loan of the money pay to the director the sum of fl. 1—16. Furthermore, for the notice served on Klaes Tyssen, his servant. Evert Pels shall for certain reasons pay to the honorable director the sum of fl. 4 For summons served there by the director .... fl. 3 - 4 To de Hoogens, for writing. fl. 2 -1 0 To Hans Vos for citation fl. 1—16 Thus done and ratified by us as regards the matter of Claes Tyssen. As to the matter of Tomes Jansz it is decided that Evert Pels shall pay to the Hon. Director B. v. Slichtenhorst the sum of ten guilders, once, for costs and expenses. Finally, Evert Pels shall pay to the officer, once for all, the sum of fl. 10, on con dition that the director shall not trouble said Pels or his people any more, provided Evert Pels pays as above written wathin th* space of eight days. Thus done to the best of our knowledge and decision in the colony of Rensselaerswyck, on the date above written. And was signed: Adryaen vander Donck, Jan Louwerensz Appel. I certify that the foregoing agrees with the original A: DE Hooges, Secretary [41] This day, Tuesday, September 21 Anno 1649, Jan Dircksz van Bremen complains to the honorable director about an ^ Stettin, Germany. 94 Colony of RensselaersTvyck assault committed upon him on the public road near the house of Willem Teyller by Dirck Hendricksz frOm Hilversom and requests that justice be done in the matter. The plaintiff was cut with a knife from the right to the left side of his lower lip, from the upper corner down to his chin, so that the right side [of his lip] hangs down loose. He says that to the best of his knowledge the Croat ' stabbed him with a knife through his sleeve, from the side, and that on his turning around Dirck gave him the cut. That thereafter the Croat and Aert Aertsz attacked each other with knives and that subsequently Dirck aforesaid wounded said Aert. [In the margin] This day, November 29 Anno 1649, Aert Aertsz acknowledges and confirms this declaration which was sworn to. Quod attestor. A: DE HoOGES, Secretary Information taken by the director from the mouth of Franz Jacobsz, bachelor, about 1 7 years old Declares that Claes Andriesz from Hilversom, about mid night, between the 20th and 2 1 st of October 1 649, lay sleeping in the Greenen Bos, down on the river bank, before the house where Evert Pels lives, and that Jacob Lambertsz two or three times in succession rolled down from the upper part of the bank over the body of Claes aforesaid, who, being awakened thereby and angry, struck said Jacob on the head, first wdth his fist and then with a stone, in such a way that Jacob fell. Getting up again, Jacob ran up the bank and got a knife with which he approached Claes, saying, after he had sharpened the knife a couple of times on the ground. Now stand your man! Where upon Claes, seeing this, came up the height and struck Jacob, who cut Claes several times across the body with the back of the knife ... [Note in the margin:] [Clae]s says that . . . de Goojer . . . the presence . . . has ^ Abraham Stevensz. Court Minutes, 1648-1652 95 [41 y] November 12. Comelis Segersz, or Claesen, has on his own authority slaughtered an old cow, for which he is sum moned to appear on Thursday next. Extraordinary session, the 15th day of November Aimo 1649 In consideration of the high prices of foodstuffs and all that appertains thereto and consequently of all commodities, as is daily shown, Mons'- Arent van Curler is granted six guilders a week for board of the mechanics who do any building or other work at the patroon's expense on the farm called " de Vlackte," the same being hereby also granted to all others who furnish any board at the proper expense of the patroon. Court proceedings, November 18 Anno 1649 Copy The Honorable Slichtenhorst, director of the colony of Rens selaerswyck, will please issue an attachment against Willem Menten on the Vlackte for the sum of two hundred and twenty- eight guilders, thirteen stivers (fl. 228-13-). Actum, October 18, 1649. Was signed: Adriaen Jansz van Leyden. Agrees with the original, A: DE Hooges, Secretary Attached and cited on the above mentioned court day by Director Slichtenhorst. [42] Date as above Evert Pels and Willem Fredericksz summoned by Director Slichtenhorst in regard to the rent for the farm formerly occupied by Cryn Cornelisz and the mill formerly used by Jacob Flodder, for which he is to give security according to the contract of the farm and the mills. Willem Fredericksz, appearing, acknowledges that he leased 96 Colony of RensselaersTvyck the farm for fl. 400 in addition to the tithes and the toepacht " and the mills together for fl. 1 25 a year. Furthermore, as to the wheat of Pieter Teunisz, that they received this at fl. 55 the morgen.^ no more morgens, no more pay. Evert Pels, first default. Adriaen Jansz, plaintiff against Willem Mynten, asks suffi cient security for [vacating] the attachment. Willem Menten, first default. Cornelis Segersz. First default. Upon the petition of the honorable director in the matter of Michiel Jansz, it is appointed that the former judgment shall be enforced and he is ordered once more to bring in his account, accompanied by vouchers properly signed by sureties, in [the beginning?] of April Anno 1650, or sooner, under penalty [of final judgment] by default. Notice was served on Toenis Dircksz the 22d of November 1649. [ ] November 1649 . . . [Remainder of page destroyed.] [42v] Court proceedings, December 2 Anno 1649 Willem Menten admits that he owes Jan Lourisz the sum of 228 guilders. Baerent Pietersz summoned by the director. Ordered that each one shall mark his bags and that Baerent Piertersz shall despatch each one's business as soon as possible, in order that no more complaints may be heard. December 8. Juriaen Westval and Jochem Ketelheym sum moned to appear on the 1 6th of this month. December 1 6, first default. 9 ditto. Evert Pels and Willem Fredericksz summoned like wise. December 1 6, first default. ^ Something in the nature of a quitrent, generally paid in kind, to which Director van Slichtenhorst was entitled. See Van Rensselaer Bowier Mss, p. 762. ' 1 morgen = 2 acres. Court Minutes. 1648-1652 97 9 [ditto]. Beemt, the miller,^ summoned likewise. Decem ber 16, first default. December 13 Anno 1649 Gerrit van Wencom declares that a certain Mahican, whom he [found] at [Aer]t Jacobsz's, at Bethlehem, on^ Wednesday, the 8th of December 1649, [said Indian] being quite drunk with anise water, assaulted and fell upon him in cold blood and almost strangled him, in such a way that his head was extremely swollen, but that he was accidently released by another Indian. Aertsz and Hans Vos declare last week. . . [Remainder of page destroyed]. [43 ] They declare also that the strong liquor was sold to the Indians by Aert Jacobsz by wooden bowlfuls and tapped to them ill large quantities, the wine being mixed with water, but that Aert aforesaid was unwilling to tap to any one, among others to Gerrit van Wencom, who did not have ready money, saying that he would have nothing to do with that, not even in case of the director, so that Aert Jacobsz came back empty handed. And that Aert Jacobsz said that for a gill of wine (mixed half and half with water) , he could get eight stivers from the Indians. The aforesaid deponents have confirmed and corroborated the foregoing by the clasping of hands with the director, instead of by oath. Quod attestor. A: DE Hooges, Secretary This day, the 1 4th of December Anno 1 649, the director and commissioners have sold to Ruth Jacobsz a black stallion of 1 0 years and a bay gelding of 8 years, both for fl. 225, and for pasturing each horse [he is to pay] yearly fl. 8. ^ Barent Pietersz Coeymans, referred to above. 4 98 Colony of RensselaersTvyck Court proceedings, December 16 Anno 1649 Willem Teyller declares that Thomas Chambers on the 21st day of November 1 649, on the bridge of the [fort] , being drunk, committed assault . . . [Remainder of page destroyed]. [43v] Extraordinary session, December 1 7 Anno 1 649 Jacob Hevick, appearing this day before the court upon the [summons] of the director, in regard to some boards of the honorable patroon which were missing and which the director informs us for certain he saw at his house, admits here that some time ago and again to-day he offered to settle for them with the aforesaid director. The commissioners, basing their action on the ground of the aforesaid offer of settlement, which no innocent person would have made, upon the director's proposal order in the first place his arrest and, secondly, that proceedings be taken against him according to law, all with costs. Extraordinary session, December 18 Anno 1649 Examination of Jacob Hevick Jacob is asked what has be- Answer: They are l3ang in come of the old boards which the yard. a short time ago were lying near his house and which now are gone? Is asked whether he carted Answer: He carried them or carried them away? away. Is asked: [By day or] by Answers: [Remainder of night? page destroyed] . [44] Is asked where he Answers: 2 from Crynen obtained the 16 new boards 2 from Casteels lying near his house? island 12 from the Mill Kill Court Minutes. 1648-1652 99 Is asked what he paid for Answers: Nothing. them? Is asked: By day or by Answers: By night. night, namely from the Mill Kill? Question: In what manner? Answers: With a canoe. Is asked: From where? Answers: From the strand, where the other boards are lying. Is asked who helped him? Answers: He did it alone. December [22] 1649, Rut Jacobsz has taken the oath as member of the council {raets vrundt) . the oath being admin istered by the director in the presence of the commissioners. [44v] Extraordinary session, December 20 Anno 1649 [Blank space] Mr Rutger Jacobsz took his oath as councilor on the 22d of December. Extraordinary session, December 22, 1649 Two qualified arbitrators having been chosen in the matter of Jacob Hevick, to wit, Andries de Vos and Rutger Jacobsz, they have (as the result of arbitration and with the consent of the director according to previous conclusion) decided before the honorable court of this colony, in the first place, that Jacob Hevick shall restore the stolen property, or the value thereof, to the person from whom he stole it. Furthermore, that he shall pay to the honorable director a fine of seven guilders and two beavers, in addition to the costs of convening the court in extra session, according to the order [ ] and otherwise by declaration [ ] [ ] fifty guilders [ ] [ ] thanks the gentle men for [ ] [Remainder of page destroyed]. 100 Colony of RensselaersTvyck [45] Memorandum. In the beginning of October 1649, the director and commissioners decided to exchange some of the honorable patroon's stallions for mares of Mr Arent van Curler, pro rata, according to the value of each, which was afterwards done. October 5, the patroon's sheep were sold to Mr Stuyvesant, for the reason that the wolves daily destroyed many of them and this bait also resulted in the loss of some calves. About the same date, the director and commissioners, on the eamest presentation of Mr Stuyvesant, presented a mare, on condition of receiving in return at the first opportunity a Curasao mare, the first foal of which, or the value thereof, is promised to his son. September 22, a stallion was sold to Andries de Vos for fl. 50. This stallion had an accident happen to its scrotum whereby it lost much blood, not without danger to its life, for which reason it was sold at so low a price. Court proceedings, December 30, 1649 Evert Pels acknowledges his signature to the contract of the farm formerly occupied by him and agrees to render his account within 14 days. [ ] security for the farm . . . [remainder of the page destroyed] . [45v] Copy Aert Jacobsz: Deliver to Jan Reyersz, the bearer hereof, the extra heifer which you have. It will be accounted to you for good delivery and be deducted from the number [of animals] in your possession. In the colony of Rensselaerswyck, this 27th of December Anno 1649. And was signed: B. v. Slichtenhorst. Lower was written: Aert Jacobsz is ordered once more to deliver the said heifer to the aforesaid person, under penalty of forfeiture of three Court Minutes, 1648-1652 101 guilders for each day's delay after sight hereof. R-Wyck, the 30th of December 1 649. And was signed : A. de Hoogens, by order as above. Certified by me, as director, B. V, Slichtenhorst [Note in the margin:] Picket ^ declares in the presence of the director, Mr Hoogens and Mons'. Verbrugge and in his house that Aert Jacobsz and his wife said to him and Jan Reyersz, when lately they went to get the aforesaid heifer and after they had first shown the order from the director and the commissioners, that they did not care a rap for a such a little note and, furthermore, that when Picket wanted to untie the aforesaid animal and could not undo the rope, the wife of the said [Aert] forcibly prevented him from using his knife and grabbed the knife with v/hich Picket intended to cut loose the animal. 1650, January 10. Abraham, otherwise called Crowaet, summoned to appear on the 1 3th of this month. The 1 1 th ditto, the director arrested Jacob van Schermerhoorn in the colony on account of assault committed upon him in his own or the patroon's jurisdiction and summoned him to appear on the 1 3th of January. First default. The 1 1 th ditto, Cornelis Segersz was likewise summoned by the director to appear on the 1 3th, on account of an assault com mitted upon him. First default. The 1 3th ditto, Hans in Cluys ^ was summoned to appear on the 20th of January to make payment and to state whether he stands by what he said to the wagoner ' in the presence in the presence of Tomas Koeninck's wife and others. First default. The 13th ditto. Van Es summoned again to appear on the next court day, to wit, the 20th, and forbidden to tap according to the ordinance and the ordinance read to him in the presence ^Michel Picquet. ^ Hans Jansz, from Rotterdam, also called Eencluys. ^Aert Jacobsz. 102 Colony of RensselaersTvyck of Messrs Rut Jacobsz and Goesen Gerritsz, and he promises to appear in 1 4 days. The 1 4th, Abraham Crowaet summoned the second time, the notice being served on [Louwerns Jansz?] in whose house he lives. Louwerens also summoned to appear on the [ ] ditto, to give testimony [ ] having tapped wines [ ] Tomes Compeer,^ to whom notice was served there as above. Baemt, the miller,^ [ ] [Remainder of page destroyed]. [46] Copy Any one desiring to lease [one of] the following places is to repair two weeks from next Monday, being the 3 1 st of Jamuary 1 650, to the house of Gysbert Cornelisz, tavemkeeper, [where] on such terms as shall then be read [will be offered] : Casteels island, as a whole, heretofore used by Cornelis Segersz. Also, the farm of Jan van Bremen, and about six morgens of land used by Cristoffel Davits and Cryn Cornelisz. Also, two millstones, to be sold to the highest bidder Pass it along! Copy Annual notice is given hereby that no one who is in arrears to the patroon as to rent shall undertake to remove any grain, or boards, or other effects, or in the spring send them away in any vessels, under penalty of forfeiting the grain or effects thus sent away and of paying in addition a fine of twenty-five guilders. Neither shall any skipper knowingly venture to transport any such goods, under the penalty above mentioned, nor transport any such persons under the penalty provided by the ordinance by the Hon. General Peter Stuyvesant. May every one guard himself against loss. ^Thomas Higgins. ^ Barent Pietersz Coeymans. Court Mihutes, 1648-1652 103 January [ ] Aernt at Betelhem [Bethlehem] to pay [ ] rent, as well as the rent for the year 1649 . [Remainder of the page destroyed] . [46v] Interrogatories on which is to be examined under oath Stintgen Peters, the wife of Louwerens Jansz, living on the farm of Aryaen Huybertsz First, her age. 1 Whether she, the witness, on New Year's eve, did not have some people in her house, to wit, Baemt, the miller, and his brother, Lucas, Abraham, otherwise called Craewaet, Tomes Compeer, Englishman, Peter de Goyer, and Tuenis, the servant? 2 Whether in the fore part of the night, at about 2 o'clock in the morning, there were not two shots fired before her door? 3 Also, which persons did the firing? . 4 Whether, at the aforesaid firing Hans Vos did not come to her house, as one could not tell what it meant, whether it was done by friend or enemy? 5 Whether Baernt, the miller, and his brother did not try to hit Hans Vos, who was sent there by order of the director and whether Aryaen Huy bertsz and the wife of the said Declares : About 40 years. Answers: Yes. Says, she heard it, but was in the barn to milk the cows. Says, that she does not know exactly. Answers as [stated] in the question. Says, that she already in bed. was then 104 Colony of RensselaersTvyck Baernt did not try to prevent it? 6 Whether Beernt and his brother tore Hans Vos's bald ric from his body and to pieces? Also, whether Beernt, after the witness had gone to bed, did not get [six] sausages from the garret, that the same fell . . . so that she, the wit ness, ran out of her bed and [recovered] some pieces of the six sausages [and pulled] an other piece out of Beernt's [hand] ? Answers as above. Answers in accordance with the question. [47] Court proceedings, January 20 Anno 1650 As to the affairs of Jacob Hevick, as something, or so much as shall appear to the honorable patroon by lawful account, is due him from the patroon, the amount thereof, subject to the patroon's decision, is for the present deducted from his debt. Abraham Stevensz admits that on New Year's eve, 1 650, he fired twice at the house of Adr[i]aen Huybertsz. January 29, 1650 Teunis Cornelisz acknowledges that he surrendered his lease of the farm to the director on January 27, 1650, which the director accepted on condition that he must pay [what he owed] . Teunis Cornelisz answers that another house was promised him and that the present one is not habitable on account of the smoke, which sometimes makes it necessary for him to lead his wife outdoors, and that he gave it up on that account. The director answers that Steven Jansz called on his honor Court Minutes, 1648-1652 105 and told him that the lumber was not yet all near the [house], which Theunis Cornelisz admits, but he says that the building need not have been delayed on that account. [47v] Court proceedings, February 3, 1650 Abraham Stevensz has this day leased the meadow ( Valeye) behind the farm of Broer Cornelis for one and a half beavers a year, on condition that all expenses shall be borne by him, and this for the period of four or five years. February 17, 1650 The director, for his charges in connection with the misde meanor committed by Abraham Stevensz Croaet in shooting during the night, is granted, in accordance with his bill, forty guilders, once, which the said director is to levy by execution. Hans Vos is granted by the court the sum of one hundred guilders for his supervision during the past year at the house of Cornelis van Es and Pieter Claesz, for which execution may be had against van Es, as surety, on condition that he be given two weeks' notice. [48] Cornelis van Es and Teunis having been summoned to appear on the date above written, the first default is entered against them. Hans Vos is granted by the court the sum of eight guilders for having in the name of the patroon, at the peril of his life, pursued the fugitive, Harmen vanden Bogaert, outside the limits of the colony.^ Know all men by these presents that the honorable director and commissioners of the colony of Rensselaerswyck of the one part and Tuenis Dircksz van Vechten of the other part intend to sell to the highest bidder the brewery in the Grenen Bosch, to ^See resolution of the director general and council of New Netherland of February 8, 1648 {N. Y. Col. Mss, 4:360). See also J. H. Innes. New Amsterdam and iis People, p. 68-71. 106 Colony of RensselaersTvyck wit, the house, caldron, vat, tubs and whatever else pertains to the brewery, as it shall be found on the day of sale, when the conditions as set forth in the inventory will be read. Those who are interested are to repair Monday week, being the 7th of March anno 1 650, to the house of Gysbert Cornelisz, tavern- keeper, and there, having heard the conditions, to seek their advantage. Pass it along! February 26, 1650, Mons'. Verbrugge in the name of the Hon. General Peter Stuyvesant [protested against] the taking pvossession of Catskil. Cornelis Segersz and Aert Jacobsz of Betelhem summoned [ ] February 1650. [One or two lines destroyed]. [48v] Court proceedings, March 3, 1650 Resolved that Cornelis Segersz, pursuant to the ordinances of May 31 and June 10, 1649, shall pay to the director for the benefit of the patroon, within the space of three weeks after the date hereof, the 200 schepels of wheat attached, or the value thereof in merchantable goods, under penalty of peremptory exe cution, on condition that the director give security and a receipt therefor. [Notes in the margin:] "The 200 schepels of wheat of Comelis Segersz, by way of memorandum." " This judgment was read to him in court." Resolved that Cornelis Segersz's account shall be examined, whatever is wrong to be rejected and what is right to be accepted, and that the matter at issue shall then be referred to the honorable masters, on condition that Cornelis Segersz furnish surety for the payment. [Note in the margin:] " This was also read to him in court." The director, plaintiff, against Jacob Flodder, defendant. Court Minutes, 1648-1652 107 The director demands that Jacob aforesaid, for having wounded Poulus, the Noorman, in the head with a tankard, be fined fl. 300, according to the ordinance. The defense of Jacob and Poulus is put over until [a week?] from this day. [49] The director, plaintiff, against Christoffel Davits, defendant : For having hit Ryck Rutgersz on the head with a post ; double fine; For having beaten his servant black and blue; same fine as above ; For having struck Jan van Bremen on the head with a tankard, making two wounds; fl. 300. Jeuriaen Bestval acknowledges his signature to the contract. Thomas Fairfax is ordered to furnish surety within two weeks from this day for the judgment in the action brought against him by Christoffel Davits. Gysbert aende Berch ^ promises within two weeks to furnish surety for the rent of his farm and to pay as much as possible. Jacob Lambertsz is warned once more to pay his fine to the director within the space of two weeks, or to furnish two sufficient sureties. [49v] March 2, 1650. Vos attached all the grain on the Hoogen Berch. 9 ditto. All the grain on the farms of Tunis ^ and Jochim ^ attached by Vos. 9 ditto. Dirck de Goyer * summoned to appear on the 1 7th ditto. 15 ditto. The director attached all the grain of Cornelis Segersz, both thrashed and unthrashed. ^Gysbert Cornelisz from Breuckelen, so named from the farm called the Berch, or the Hooge Berch (the High Hill), occupied by him. ^Teunis Dircksz van Vechten. "Jochem Kettelheym. * Dirck Hendricksz, from Hilversum, in the Gooi, province of North Holland. 108 Colony of RensselaersTvyck Court proceedings, March 1 7 Anno 1 650 Those who hold under a lease any property of the patroon, whether farms, mills, or other [property from which they receive] emoluments, must sign the lease v/ithin the space of three weeks after the notice is served, on pain of being deprived of the lease. All those who heretofore have held any property in common with the patroon and afterwards have kept the farm implements, household effects and other property for their private use, con trary to all law, are ordered hereby to deliver a correct inventory thereof within two weeks from the date of service of the notice and to confirm tlie same by oath, after which both sides shall choose impartial persons to make an appraisal. [In the margin is written:] March 21, 1650, notice was served on Toenis Dircksz and Broer Comelis. Jan Reyersz offers himself as surety for Ryck Rutgersz for the fulfilment of his contract in all its parts. [50] The director is granted permission and hereby urged to arrest de facto and take into bodily custody one Dirck de Goojer, the court being ready to hear the director's complaint against him. Likewise, Claes ^ and Jacob Lambertsz, his comrades. This day, Mr Carel van Bruggen, assisted by Pieter Prins and Jan Labatie, as witnesses, has delivered to the director a protest against claiming title to Catskil. Jacob Flodder says here [in court] that Poulus called him a rascal, for which he is fined by the director. Claes Segersz and Jeuriaen Bestval offer themselves as sureties for the payment of three years' rent by Gysbert Cornelisz aende Berch and confirm this by the clasping of hands. Jacob Flodder denies that the director saw him drinking at the house of Gysbert Cornelisz, tavemkeeper, on Sunday morn ing, December [13?] 1648. The director, Jacob Flodder and Poulus, the Noorman, subr mit their differences for final decision to the commissioners and councilors of this colony. ^ Claes Andriesz. Court Minutes, 1648-1652 109 Ryck Rutgersz acknowledges that he sold to Jacob Flodder the lumber which is ready for the house or barn. [50v] Extraordinary session, Friday, March 18, 1650 Personal confession of Claes Andriesz of Hilversom He admits that on July 16, 1649, he struck at Hendrick Driesz ^ with a knife. He denies " that on September 20, 1 649, he drew a sheath instead of a knife across the director's body. He denies that Steven Jansz shut the door in his face. He admits that he treated the director insolently on the public road between Thomas Jansz's and Gysbert's and asked the director what indliced him to summon him, but says that the director asked him first why he had not appeared. He denies that he challenged his master, Jan Baerentsz, but admits she challenged Steven Jansz once, but did not draw a knife. He denies that on September 20, 1 649, he ran after Jan van Bremen. He admits that on January 31,1 650, he struck Gysbert aende Berch on the forehead. He admits that he asked Steven Jansz whether he had been yet to the director's, whereupon Steven replied. Yes, and he then said that he [the director] might speak to him about it if he chose. He denies having challenged Steven Jansz with a knife on February 20, 1650. [In the margin is written:] March 26, 1650, he begged for giveness on his knees. [51] Confession of Dirck Hendricksz of Hilversom He admits that on July 12, 1649, he unhitched one of the patroon's horses which was tied near the patroon's house and ^Hendrick Andriesz, from Doesburch. ^bekent (admits) is changed to onikcnl (denies). 1 1 0 Colony of RensselaersTvyck rode it into the Casteels island creek, with the result that the horse was drowned under him. He denies having slandered the director on December 19, 1 649. [ In the margin is written : ] Hans Vos testifies that he did. He denies having practically prevented Jan van Bremen before the door of the barn of Evert Pels from taking a horse out of the barn. He acknowledges having entered into a contract with the patroon and also that on his own authority he left the service. He says that Adriaen Huybertsz on Shrove-Tuesday invited him to his house out of friendship and that he did not seek trouble. He denies that Thomas Chamber struck him or that they grappled with each other. He admits that on September 20, 1 649, he ran after Jan van Bremen and Aert Otterspoor and cut said Jan Dircksz with a knife. Dirck declares that Jacob Lambertsz took Claes Andriesz, who lay sleeping on the river banck near the house of Evert Pels, by the arm and rolled with him down the bank, whereupon Claes struck said Jacob with a stone and that thereupon Jacob went to get his knife and wounded said Claes. [51v] Extraordinary session, March 19 Anno 1650 Gysbert Cornelisz, tavemkeeper, and Pieter Prins declare that the savages, who some time ago made the disturbance before the patroon's house, had come over drunk from the other side. Extraordinary session, March 21 Anno 1650 Dirck Hendricksz declares that Croaet, last fair day,^ held a knife in his hand while grappling with Aert Aertsz. He says that Jan van Bremen and Aert did him no harm at the time. ^ kermis; generally referring to the Amsterdam fair, which according to New York Colonial Mss, 1 :268v came in 1 641 on September 22. In this case, however, according to the minutes, September 21, 1 649, Court Minutes, 1648-1652 1 1 1 Extraordinary session, March 22 Anno 1650 Andries Herberts offers himself as surety for Thomas Fairfax in the action brought against him on account of the horse that was drowned. Cornelis Teunisz van Westbroeck binds himself as surety for Jacob Lambertsz, to wit, in the sum of fl. 83, due of old, which he promises to pay -within three weeks. Goossen Gerritsz binds himself as surety for Jacob Lambertsz, to wit, in fl. 150, the amount determined upon by composition. [52] Croaet says that Jan van Bremen and Aert Otterspoor last fair day did him no harm. Croaet admits having drawn a knife on Aer)^ but says that Aert drew his knife first. Upon the director's request that Croaet [be ordered to] give bail, consent is given, on condition that Jan van Bremen and Aert likewise give bail. Extraordinary session, March 25 Anno 1650 The case of Claes for definite reasons adjourned until to-morrow, in order with God's help to dispose of it if possible.^ [52v] Extraordinary session, March 26 Anno 1 650 ^ In the matter of several serious misdemeanors of Claes , Andriesz from Hilversum. On the very urgent prayer of his master, Jan Baerentsz is intended. It would be interesting to know whether as early as 1 649 a fair was actually held in the colony. It may in this connection be observed that an act passed on November 11, 1 692, provided " that there be held and kept in the City and County of Albany, two ffairs yearly the first ffair to be kept at Albany and to Commence the third Tuesday of July and to end on the fryday then next following being in all four days inclusive and no longer and the second fair to be held at Crawler [Craloo] in Renselaer Wyck on the third Tuesday in October, and to end on the ffryday following being in all four dayes inclusive and no Longer." Colonial Laws of New York, ' :298. See also ordinance of March 10, 1648, in Laws and Ordinances of New Netherland, p. 89. ^In the margin is written: March, summoned late." The rest of the page is blank. ^Also printed in Van Rensselaer Bowier Mss, p. 731-32. 1 1 2 Colony of RensselaersTvyck Wemp, and his wife, and perceiving the great need of the same, the honorable members of this court are moved to decide as follows, but upon the express pledge of the delinquent. 1st. That he, Claes Andriesz, shall not enter any tavern of this place to drink beer, wine or distilled liquors. 2d. That he shall promise under oath that he will faithfully serve his present master and master's wife, or any other master whom he may get in the colony, and do their work and obey them in everything. Also, that he will not leave their service or the colony before and until he has fulfilled his obligations to them, the director and the patroon according to his contract and promise and that on the Lord's day of rest he wiH go to hear God's Holy Word instead of going to the tavem and will show and yield all proper obedience to the public authorities. 3d. Tha! he shall also promise under oath that he will give no one, whether man, woman or any aged person, either by word or deed, the least cause for complaint which might result in damage of any sort; [53] and if he does, he shall be publicly punished for all his previous misdemeanors, though all his fines, costs of extraordinary sessions of the court, etc., had been paid. All that is hereinbefore written, Claes Andriesz aforesaid, without fetters, promises to perform in every respect, fully con firming the same by oath in the presence of the aforesaid honor able members of the Court, according to his own hand, binding therefor his person and property, which he now owns or here after may own, be it in this country, in the fatherland or else where; to this end submitting himself to the honorable court and to all other courts and justices, without exception, all 'with costs. In witness whereof, he has signed this with his own hand in the colony of Rensselaers'wyck, this 26th of March Anno. 1650. Claes Andriesz And Claes Andriesz has made a formal promise as above before this honorable court. Quod attestor, A. DE Hooges, Secretary Court Minutes, 1648-1652 113 Jan Baerentsz Wemp promises and hereby binds himself to pay within one month from this date one hundred guilders in part payment of the fines of Claes Andriesz. Dated as above. March 30, 1650. Cornelis Toenisz and Abraham Stevensz de Capiteyn ^ summoned to appear to-morrow. [53v] Court proceedings, March 31 Anno 1650 Willem Jeuriaensz acknowledges his signature to his contract. Also, that he bought in the year 1 648 one cow and in the year 1649 another cow from the patroon, at the prices agreed upon. Cornelis Teunisz van Westbroeck denies that recently and again on March 26, 1 650, at the leasing of the farms at the house of Pieter Bronck, he called Hans Vos a rascal or a thief catcher. Upon the petition of the honorable director: Passing by all other considerations, it is ordered in general that he shall bind himself by definite agreement to comply with what the honorable guardians shall ordain, binding therefor his property, present or future, in the possession of himself or his heirs, under siibmission to the honorable court here, or wherever it may please the honorable patroon or his agent. Provided that van Es (after a copy of everything has been handed to him) shall within the space of two months from this date bring in his account and send a remonstrance setting forth his arguments to the honorable guardians. Underneath was written : By order of the honorable court aforesaid, A. DE Hooges, Secretary [54] Jan Dircksz binds the 200 guilders due him by the patroon and furthermore his liquid as well as not readily avail able assets as security for the judgment and also for Arent Otterspoor. ^Literally: Abraham Stevensz, the captain. He is in other places referred to as de Croaet, the Croat, and may have been a soldier in the army of Count Montecucculi which invaded the province of Gelder land and the Gooi in 1629. 1 1 4 Colony of RensselaersTvyck Ruth Jacobsz offers himself as surety for the satisfaction of the judgment in the case of Abraham Steventz Croaet. Extraordinary session, April 4, 1650 Jan van Bremen says that Willem Menten was present at the fight between him and Dirck Hendricksz of Hilversum. Judgment as to the horse drowned by Dirck Hendricksz from Hilversum : The director maintains that Christoffel Davits is bound to make good the loss of the horse. The two commissioners {gecommitteerden). namely, de Hooges and Jan van Twiller, and the two councilors {Raeden) , Ruth Jacobsz and Goossen Gerritsz, maintain as follows: That the horse was intrusted to Christoffel Davits, but that he lent it to one Thomas Fairfax, his servant, for his own use as well as, among other things (as Thomas has declared before us), to fetch bread for Christoffel Davits. But that, after Thomas had left the horse, properly hitched, in the public square near the fort, trusting to [the safety of] the common road and the [vicinity of?] the patroon's house, Dirck Hendricksz, also a servant of said Christoffel Davits, unhitched the horse and riding it deliberately let it drown, and that now, being in irons, and being admonished about it by the director, as the guilty [ ] [ ] they maintain . . . [remainder of the page destroyed] . [In the margin is written:] The director appeals from the judgment. Certified by me, A. de Hooges. [54] Antony de Hooges protests here before the commis sioners and councilors that Director Brant van Slichtenhorst has to this date rendered no account to them, the commissioners, as required by his instructions. Mr Brant van Slichtenhorst states that he would doubtless have received something if Antony de Hooges had not snapped it up. Court Minutes, 1648-1652 115 Aernt Aertsz van Otterspoor offers himself as surety for the payment by Dirck Henricksz of two hundred guilders for the offenses committed by him according to the judgment of the court. Witness my mark, the 1 4th of April 1 650. This is the mark made by Aernt Aerntsz Otterspoor X with his own hand in the presence of Jan van Twiller Extraordinary session, April 5 Anno 1650 Dirck Hendricksz Goojer is ordered for the present to go at the first opportunity in the service of the patroon to Katskil, his case to be disposed of some time hereafter according to his conduct. [55] Court proceedings, April 28 Anno 1650 Catalyn Donckersz ^ is ordered to compound for her offense with the honorable director. The 12th of May Anno 1650 After the close of the sermon,^ the director, in the presence of A. de Hooges and Rutger Jacobsz, offered and proposed to Jacbb Waelingen to let him have the lease of the farm of Teunis Cornelisz, but he dedined it. Also, at first, to let him have tha use of the farm of Pieter Teunisz, which he likewise declined. In the afternoon he agreed with Teunis Dircksz about the six morgens of land in the rear of the farm of the said Teunis Dircksz, cultivated by Teunis Comelisz, on the following' terms : Teunis Dircksz shall pay to Teunis Cornelisz for the seed which is at present on the land fifty guilders,- and to the patroon for this year's rent, one hundred guilders. At the next stubble ^The wife of Sander Leendertsz Glen. ^A^aer het eyndigen vande Predicatie. May 12, 1650, came on a Thursday. 1 1 6 Colony of RensselaersTvyck time, the land shall revert to the patroon, to be leased as con venient. And Teunis Dircksz agrees to take the land without any horses, cattle, or other conditions. [55v] May 1 9, 1 650. Teunis Dircksz cited to appear before this court a week from to-day, being the 26th of this month. Copy ^ To the Honorable, Valiant, Very Worshipful Mr Petro Stuy vesant, Director General of New Netherland, Curasao, etc., and to his honor's associated Council: Whereas we understand from others and especially are informed in writing that your honors are instructed and conse quently intend to oppose and prevent the settlement of Catskil, which was undertaken and is proceeding by order of the honor able guardians, and thus come into conflict with the latest order of their honors aforesaid, as the accompanying copy will show, we are compelled to remonstrate to your honors, since two con flicting matters can not be reconciled unless one give way and your honors must realize that it is impossible for us not to follow the instructions which according to our oath we are bound to carry into effect as far as it is possible, that suth [opposition] is unbecoming united fellow countrymen and incompatible wdth the bond of union by which we are all joined together and that on the contrary we should help each other in every possible way. Our first request and proposal, therefore, is that your honors will be pleased to postpone the execution of your plans and have patience until by the first opportunity we are advised by our lords and masters how to govern ourselves. Meanwhile, we promise not to transport, nor to allow to be transported thither, any people, tools or other necessaries, until we have further advice, when we shall consider ourselves in duty bound to write again. ^ For extracts from this remonstrance see O'Callaghan, History of New Netherland, 2:161. Court Minutes, 1648-1652 117 Wherewith, Honorable, Valiant, Very Worshipful Gentle men, Mr Peter Stuyvesant and the Council, we commend you to the protection of Almighty God and send you greet ings from the director and commissioners of the colony of Rensselaerswyck. Signed: B. V. SLICHTENHORST A: DE Hooges, Commissioner Rensselaerswyck, June 15 Anno 1650 [56] Court proceedings, June 23 Anno 1650 Resolved that the fl. 1 92 which Claes Tyssen honestly earned on the Vlackte shall be paid to him by the director. Evert Pels, having been summoned, did not appear. Court proceedings, June 30 Anno 1 650 The ordinance of the Honorable Stuyvesant and the Council of New Netherland, in regard to the regulation and change in value of the wampum, dated May 30, 1650,^ is approved and ratified by us in its entirity, so that every one is to govern himself accordingly. The honorable director, commissioners and councilors of this colony, having weighed and considered the contents of the ordi nance concerning the depreciation of the wampum, now posted in Fort Orange, have for pregnant reasons ratified and hereby do ratify the same, so that every inhabitant of this colony is to govern himself accordingly and to comply with the provisions of the aforesaid ordinance, under the penalty provided, which shall be enforced by this honorable court. Let every one guard him self against damage. Done in the colony, the 30th day of June A°- R. 5, 1650.^ A: DE Hooges, Secretary ^Printed in Laws and Ordinances of New Netherland, p. 115—16. ^Anno Regni 5, meaning the fifth year of the reign of Johannes van Rensselaer, the second patroon. According to O'Callaghan, History of New Netherland, 1:345; 2:68, and Brodhead, History of ihe State 1 1 8 Colony of RensselaersTvyck [56v] Jan van Twiller, Gerrit Vasterick, A. de Hooges, Ruth Jacobsz and Goossen Gerritsz having examined the seawan of the patroon which was received before the depreciation of the seawan, find that the same must be valued at eight for one stiver and as the greater part of it is strung, those who take it in pay ment shall receive according to the custom and the provisions of the ordinance. And whereas the seawan in the treasury before the publica tion, according to the specified account thereof, amounted to the sum df [blank] , it is decided that the patroon shall stand the loss. Certified by me, A : DE Hooges, Secretary Court proceedings, July 13 Anno 1650 Tomes Sanders, smith, residing at or about the Manhatans^ is granted permission to move hither and to settle here wath his family in the village {byeenTvoninge). to support himself by means of his usual trade. Whereas the director, commissioners and councilors are informed by way of rumor that Cornelis Teunisz van Westbroeck takes the person of Jan Hagemans, free trader, and his goods into his house, without advising any one thereof, contrary to the instructions received by us, he is hereby notified and ordered to abstain therefrom and to send him away, under penalty of con fiscation of the goods in the possession of the said Jan Hagemans. of New York, 1 :420, Kiliaen van Rensselaer died in 1 646, and the same year the guardians of the young patroon rendered homage to the States General in the name of their ward. According to the above date, this must have taken place before June 30, 1 646. In an entry in the minutes of the council of New Netherland, under date of August 8, 1644 {New York Colonial Mss, 4:199) reference is made to "the heirs of Mr. Renselaer, deceased." This shows that, contrary to the statements heretofore made, Kiliaen van Rensselaer died, not in 1 646, but some time prior to August 8, 1 644, possibly as early as the fall of 1 643, when his communications to the colony ceased. Johannes van Rensselaer was not definitely invested with the high, middle and low jurisdiction of the colony until after April 7, 1650. See Resolution of the States General of that date in Doc. rel. io Col. Hisi. N, Y., 1 :383. Court Minutes, 1648-1652 119 [57]^ Extraordinary session, July 15, 1650 Jan van Hoesen complains of injury done to him by Willem Jeuriaensz, as follows: That some days ago he called the wife of Jan van Hoesen a whore, with the result that from excitement she had a mis-. carriage; also, that yesterday, being the 14th of this month, he repeated the insult, while the wife lay sick in bed. [In the margin is written:] Annetje, Constapel's wife,^ says that she heard Capiteyn ^ call her a whore when she lay already sick in bed. He, Willem Jeuriaensz, says that the neighbors told him that he said it. He declares that Willem Jeuriaensz told him that a while ago, to wit, on March 31, 1650, when he was last summoned and appeared before the court to pay for two cows which he had received, he, Willem Jeuriaensz, had a knife concealed in his sleeve, adding further that if the director had attempted to do anything to him, Willem, about the said payment, or any one had attacked him, he would have received a rip from him. Jan van Hoesen declares that Willem Jeuriaensz has often and repeatedly said to him and accused him of it that the contract between them was fraudulently drawn, said contract being signed by Willem Jeuriaensz and Jan Fransz van Hoesen and aeknowl-^ edged before B. v. Slichtenhorst, A: de Hooges, J : van Twiller, Goossen Gerritsz and Cornelis Teunisz. As Johan van Twiller and Gerrit Vasterick are absent, the [case] aforesaid is adjourned until the 1 7th of July aforesaid at the usual time. '^At the top of the page is written: noia vani hannissement, memor andum of the banishment. ^Annetje Juriaens, the wife of Andries Herbertsz, alias Constapel. She was a sister of Volckje Juriaens, the wife of Jan van Hoesen. ^Willem Jeuriaensz, alias Capiteyn. 120 Colony of RensselaersTvyck [57v] Extraordinary session, July 17 Anno 1650 The honorable director requests the corporal apprehension of Willem Jeuriaensz on account of the aforesaid crimes. Annetje, the wife of Constapel, says that Volckje, when she had the miscarriage, said that it was caused by excitement, due to the abusive language of Willem Jeuriaensz. Aertje Cornelis, the wife of Thomas Sandersz, smith, declares as c^bove. Willem Jeuriaensz, in contempt of the honorable court, says that he is a person of 21 years, whereas it is known to us that he is at least 70 years of age. The commissioners and councilors consent to the corporal apprehension of Willem Jeuriaensz. Delivered to Commissioner Johan van Twiller, for the honor able guardians of the patroon, three court records corresponding with [and extending] up to this [record].^ Pursuant to the resolution of the commissioners and councilors and with the consent of the honorable director this court record is tumed over to me, Antonio de Hooges, secretary of this place, on this date, the 1 7th of July Anno 1 650.^ [58] Extraordinary session, July 18 Anno 1650 The honorable director, plaintiff, against Willem Jeuriaensz. Whereas Willem Jeuriaensz on account of his rascality and misdeeds was on two separate occasions sentenced to leave the colony and banished forever, to wit, in the year 1 644 and again ^ drie Gerechts Rollen respondeerende ioi op deese; apparently referr ing to the court records that were kept in the colony prior to the adminis tration of Bant van Slichtenhorst, which are missing. ^ This entry, taken in connection with the complaint made by de Hooges against Van Slichtenhorst on April 4, 1 650, seems to indicate that Van Slichtenhorst had refused to let de Hooges have the custody of the record, but that at the latter's request the court directed that it be turned over to him. The minutes, both before and after this date, are in the handwriting of de Hooges, so that he must have had access to the record for the purpose of making his entries. Court Minutes, 1648-1652 121 in September of the year 1647, which last time the delinquent petitioned the court to grant him a respite, pledging himself in said petition not to molest any one, either directly or indirectly, in or out of court, under penalty of forfeiting his property then in his possession or thereafter to be acquired and of being imme diately sent out of the colony, as apears by the said petition, upon which petition a respite was granted in an apostil entered on the same, and whereas he has since pursued and more particu larly now does pursue his former ways; And whereas, secondly, he has unjustly accused many honest persons of having fraudulently drawn up the contract between him and Jan van Hoesen, and among others has impugned the honor of some members of this honorable court; And whereas, thirdly, he has boasted that when he was sum moned by the court to pay for the purchase of two cows he had a knife concealed in his sleeve and that if the plaintiff had laid hands upon him he would have cut him with it; And whereas, furthermore, when he was summoned to appear to answer for these and other crimes, [58v] he did openly insult the honorable court of this place, saying to several people: " I invite you to the funeral; I am summoned before the court and must hang;" and further committed other rascalities; Therefore, all this being taken into consideration, the plaintiff demands that the former sentences shall be put into effect and that in addition the delinquent shall be publicly exhibited on the scaffold for his crimes, to wit, that he shall be whipped and branded and that thereafter he shall be forever banished from the colony. Furthermore, that all his property and effects shall be confiscated and forfeited to the benefit of the honorable plain tiff. [59]^ The honorable commissioners and the council of the colony of Rensselaerswyck, having read the demand of the ^Another translation of the sentence is printed in O'Callaghan, History of New Netherland. 1 :437-38. 122 Colony of RensselaersTvyck honorable director as plaintiff against Willem Jeuriaensz, baker, and having duly weighed and considered all that is therein set forth and to be considered, and finding: That on account of his misdeeds he was before, on the 4th of February 1644, banished from the colony by the honorable court ; That afterwards, because he had attempted to stab the person of Antony de Hooges, then the patroon's comys, with a knife on the public road and thereby, as much as in him lay, had com mitted a murder, he was again banished from the colony on the 28th of August 1 647, but on his petition granted a respite, under penalty of forfeiture of all property and banishment in case he should molest any one, whether in or out of court, or cause any annoyance deserving punishment; And finding furthermore all that is set forth in the honorable plaintiff's conclusion, to wit: That he, the delinquent, has so frightened and shocked a cer tain woman that according to her complaint she had a mis carriage ; Secondly, that he has unjustly accused and slandered honest people, among them some members of the honorable court of this place, in connection with the signing of the agreement between him [59v] and Jan van Hoesen, saying that they had dravm it up fraudulently; Thirdly, that, having been called upon to pay for the purchase of two cows, he boasted on coming home that he had a knife concealed in his sleeve and that if he had been arrested on account of it, he would have paid the director with it; Furthermore, having been summoned to answer for these enormous crimes, he has openly derided the honorable court here, saying to several people : " I invite you to the funeral ; I am summoned before the court; I must hang." Furthermore, we are assured by trustworthy people that he said to a certain woman who was about to partake of the Lord's Court Minutes, 1648-1652 123 Supper : "If it is a piece of bread you want, come to me, I will give it to you." And other rascalities. So that he is a blasphemer, a public nuisance, a murderer, as far as his intention is concerned, a person who holds the court and justice in contempt and a disturber of the common peace. The honorable court, aforesaid, therefore, have sentenced [60] and adjudged, as they sentence and adjudge hereby, that the former sentences concerning the banishment shall be carried out, so that he, Willem Jeuriaensz is hereby banished from the district and jurisdiction of this colony, henceforth and forever, with order to depart by the first vessel and never to return, on pain of corporal punishment. All cum expensis. Thus sentenced and ratified in Collegio, this 1 8th day of July Anno 1650. To my knowledge, A. DE Hooges, Secretary The honorable commissioners and councilors decide that Hans Vos shall be paid by the director according to his account. The honorable Goossen Gerritsz, in accordance with the previous promise, is by unanimous vote granted permission to engage in the tapping business. This date, skipper Reynert Pietersz from Bolswaert was in the presence of A. de Hooges called upon . . . [two lines burned off] . [60v] Court proceedings, July 27 Anno 1650 Resolved that Willem Jeuriaensz shall in irons be brought on board the yacht of Rutger Jacobsz and then be unshackled, Rut ger Jacobsz having promised to make room for him on his yacht [and to take him] to the Manhatans. The court of the colony of Rensselaerswyck are of opinion that Michiel Jansz with such an answer as he made on April 4, 1 650, has not satisfied the judgment of May 29, 1 649, and the order of Novemiber 1 8 of the same year. 124 Colony of RensselaersTvyck The aforesaid Michiel Jansz or his sureties are therefore once more peremptorily ordered, under penalty of having judgment given against them by default, to file an answer within two months from this date, and to support it with proper proof, and also to sign the two accounts which have been handed in. The honorable director promises Gysbert Cornelisz ^ to reduce his rent for two years to forty guilders on account of board of Johan van Twiller, provided that Johan van Twiller becomes surety that he will settle for it with the patroon. [In the margin is written:] The director protests that he does not promise Gysbert to credit him with two years' rent [from?] this date, July 28, Anno 1650; also, that he demands proof of the charges for board. Jan Helms is to accept the grain of Jan van Bremen on the following conditions: He is to receive the wHinter grain according to appraisal, in connection with which it is to be noted that he, Jan Helms, shall be free from paying tithes. And Jan van Bremen shall pay the rent out of the winter grain and the quantity credited to him by appraisal, the amount to be delivered to Jan Helms to be reduced in proportion to the rent. [Marginal note:] This date, August 5, 1650, the wheat of Jan van Bremen was appraised by Aert Jacobsz and Ryck Rutgersz, lawfully summoned for that purpose by the director, at five [hundred schepels?]. [61 ] Adriaen Jansz from Leyden is granted permission to col lect and receive his debts outstanding in the colony. Extraordinary session, July 28 Anno 1650 [Blank space] ^Gysbert Cornelisz, the tavemkeeper. Court Minutes, 1648-1652 125 Court proceedings, August 4 Anno 1650 Willem Jeuriaensz requests to be released from confinement to tend to his affairs, on condition that he will comply with the last sentence. Granted. Witness my hand, A. DE Hooges, Secretary Extract from a certain document The son-in-law of Megapolensis, who has been a minister here and who was forbidden to preach by the Classis of Alcmaer, goes over with the same ship. ' In case he should attempt to per form any church service in the colony, we order Director Slich tenhorst not to employ him thereto or to tolerate him in the colony, about which we shall write him personally if time will permit it. And w'hereas we have been requested by the Deputies of the Classis of Amsterdam to make this known here, we hereby order the director and commissioners of our colony to carry out our instructions in this matter. The name of the minister is Wilhelm [Grasmeer]. This order was contained in a letter to [Gerrit] Vasterick, sent to him by Wouter van Twiller. [61 v] Special meeting,^ August 15 Anno 1650 We, the undersigned, attest and declare that we have seen and read a certain rough note {kladde) written by Gerrit Vasterick, purporting to be an extract from a letter concerning the minister, Grasmeer, to prevent him from preaching. Which copy, being neither collated with the original, nor authenticated or signed by any one, was unsatisfactory to Director B. v. Slichtenhorst, who said that one could take no action on such a scrap of paper. Whereupon the director, together with de Hooges and Ruth Jacdbsz, went to the said Vasterick's house, where the director ^ Buyientydtsche vergaederinge. 126 Colony of RensselaersTvyck asked if it was not possible to get an authentic copy? Said Vasterick answered that he had given a copy. The director replied that it was not authentic and was not signed. Where upon Vasterick made Jan van Twiller (for he, himself, lay sick in bed owing to some accident) get the letter.. Having the letter in his hands, Vasterick demanded his former copy, which was handed to him without any suspicion, the plan being that de Hooges should make an extract from the letter for so far as the aforesaid matter was concerned. But Vasterick declined this and read some things from the letter, which de Hooges took down from his mouth. Having obtained this writing, we saw that we had been deceived by Vasterick's trick in demanding back his former copy, for it in no sense corresponded therewith. This much Vasterick let us see, that the letter was signed by Wouter van Twiller only and addressed to Vasterick alone. This is a true account of what took place and we offer if need be to confirm this on oath. Done in the colony of Rensselaers wyck, on the date above written. B. V. Slichtenhorst, director of the said colony A. DE Hooges, commissioner and secretary of the said colony Rutger Jacobsz [62] Hereupon their honors aforesaid and the other members of the court have resolved and decided as follows : Whereas Vasterick, according to the foregoing attestation, is found guilty of fraudulency in writing, so that one does not know which copy is correct, or whether either of the two is to be accepted, as neither is properly copied, or compared (for one can read to another anything one pleases), much less authenticated; And whereas, secondly, it is notorious that the disease which Vasterick has at present is of such a nature that he ought not to carry it from a whorehouse into a court of justice, this being a place for which such persons are unfit ; Therefore, their honors aforesaid, having noticed this, have firmly resolved not to allow him to sit on the bench until he has Court Minutes, 1648-1652 127 purged and cleared himself of the aforesaid charges and assured and convinced us of the contrary. By order of their honors aforesaid, A. DE Hooges, Secretary [62v] Special meeting, August 20 Anno 1 650 Whereas the case of Claes Gerritsz was to come up this day, we have decided and thought it advisable to leave the differences between the honorable director and him to the decision and award of two impartial men to be appointed for that purpose, provided that the wages which are still due him, to wit, those which he earned in the employ of Brant Peelen, deceased, and Broer Cor nelis, and on the Vlackte, shall remain as a pledge or security for the award to be rendered by the aforementioned persons. Meeting of the inhabitants regarding the rumors of war concerning the Maquas, held on the 21st of September 1650 Information, as to what took place on the 2 1 st of September 1650: ^ Rem Jansz, residing in Fort Orange, declares that on the 20th of September 1 650, it happened that a certain Tapaen savage, at the house of Arent Andriesz, unasked and unexpectedly said to him: "You Dutchmen have now been selling guns long enough to the Maquas, for they came to us last summer and made presents in order that we should help them to kill you when the ice was on the water. They also went to the savages to the south and offered them a large nootas of seawan, whereupon they promised to lend them the helping hand." Jacob Jansz Stol declares that the savage [63] said the same thing to him. Albert Andriesz declares likewise and they say that when they asked him earnestly whether it was true, he said: " Come 128 Colony of RensselaersTvyck and take me and bind me fast and if it does not happen within the aforesaid time, then cut off my head." ^ That this happened as above stated they declare here before the court in the presence of several inhabitants. Witness my hand, A. DE Hooges, Secretary September 8, 1 650. ^Miereas the need teaches us to adopt measures, we have granted permission to have the patroon's cannon, consisting of three pieces, to wit, a six-pounder, a five pounder and a three- pounder, used until further order in Fort Orange. But in order that the palroon may not be deprived of his property, the under signed persons acknowledge that they have borrowed the afore said pieces on condition that the patroon or his agent may have them back whenever he needs them or it may suit his pleasure. Jan Labatie This is the mark X of PlETER JacobsZ, set with his own hand [63v] September 23 Anno 1650 The insecurity of our lives and property oppresses us contin ually, living as we do under the unrestrained domination of in human people and cruel heathen. And while, indeed, we had some intimation of this last year, it shows itself particularly at present through evident indications and plausible predictions and earnest warnings which are communicated to us, not by the afore said parties, but by far distant Indians. Which being the case, although some think it advisable to have recourse to arms and resistance, and to exchange our weak position for that of their superior strength, their honors, the directors, commissioners and councilors, reaHzing the need, have resolved and determined, for ^soo snijt mij de hals af. Cf. O'Callaghan, History of New Nether land, 2:162. Court Minutes, 1648-1652 129 the welfare of the colony of our lord patroon, the preservation of the commonwealth and the protection of our wives and children, to commission and empower Mons'- Arent van Curler, Gerrit Wencom, Cornelis Teunisz van Breuckelen, Thomas Chamber and Volckert Hansz, being requested thereto, to repair with a present to the Maquas country, to renew the former alliance and bond of friendship ; which they hereby willingly undertake to do. Done in the colony, on the date above written. Quod attestor. A. DE Hooges, Secretary ^ [64] The same date, we summoned Jan Labatie, inhabitant of Fort Orange, to come to the house of the director and requested him, as he is reasonably experienced in the use of the Maquas language, to consent to be likewise employed as an ambassador to the Maquas country, whereupon he replied that he would not do that for anything in the world. He was asked again why, and whether it was not better to emibrace peace than to begin a war in which we could not possibly survive? Labatie answered that it mattered little to those in the fort how it went, whether it was war or peace. ^ Whereupon he left. [64v] Special meeting about the welfare of the colony in con nection with the rumors of war with the Maquas, September 27 Anno 1 650 Before the meeting proceeded to business, the following took place : It has happened that the abuses of which public notice was given last Sunday in accordance with the ordinance were brought to our attention by the inhabitants here themselves. But as the work once commenced ought to attain its final aim and object, it has occurred to us that it is very necessary that the running into ^ Another translation of this resolution is in O'Callaghan, History of New Netherland, 2 : 1 62-63. 2 In the margin is written: "Noia bene." 130 Colony of RensselaersTvyck the woods, the delivering of notes and the sending of brokers (a source of much mischief, quarreling and discord) be stopped. And as this can not be done properly and decently 'without the consent of the inhabitants of Fort Orange, they have therefore, in confirmation of their good intention and inclination, for so far as they are concerned, signed these with their own hands. [The remainder of the page is blank.] [65] Extraordinary session, September 30 Anno 1650 On the above date, Jacob Waelingen was offered and tendered by the court the half of Casteels island, called Welys Burch,^ heretofore used by Adriaen vander Donck, which offer Jacob Waelingen has declined and refused to accept. Extraordinary session, primo October Anno 1 650 Jacob Waelingen, after previous delay, insisting urgentiy that he be permitted to transport himself with his wife and children to the Manhatans to seek their advantage there, as they until now have not well been able to support themselves here, and it being evident that they can not be detained against their will, we have thought it to the best interest of the patroon to release him from all claims and demands and consequently have granted them per mission to leave the colony and to seek their advantage wherever they please. [65v] The 2d of October, Anno 1650, in the afternoon, the ambassadors left. The director and Antony de Hooges at that time called them aside and urged them not to attempt or to do anything but what would tend to the benefit and welfare of the patroon and his colony, the peace of the inhabitants and the pro motion of the common weal, which by handshake they promised to do. ^ There were two farms on Castle island, one called Rensselaers Burg, and the other Welys Burg. See " Map of the colony of Rensselaerswyck, about 1632," in Van Rensselaer Bowier Mss. Court Minutes. 1648-1652 131 After delivery of the letter from the honorable gentlemen our superiors, the lord patroon Johan van Rensselaer and the co-directors Samuel Bloemaert and Johannes de Laet, this [record] was begun anew. The letter was received November 19, 1650. November 24, 1650 Jan Verbeeck, plaintiff, against Jan Dircksz, Englishman,^ defendant. It is adjudged that the defendant shall pay Jan Verbeeck the balance of his debt cash. The director, plaintiff, against Christoffel Davits Jacob Lambertsz 1- Default [for failing to appear in] court Abraham Stevens [66] Abraham Stevensz is ordered to produce witnesses by December 8, 1650, that he did not draw a knife on Jan Carstensz. Extraordinary session, Novemiber 28 Anno 1650 The honorable director and commissioners [of the colony] and the commissary of Fort Orange, Charles van Bruggen, having under pressure granted permission to a certain savage named den UyV to erect a small house to the north of the aforesaid fort, which tended to become a great nuisance to the colony as well as to the fort, Mons'- Labatie, to do away with [the source of] former troubles, has this day bought said little house of him and paid for it, to which consent is given by us on condition that a proper recognition to the honorable patroon and the co-directors ^According to Van Rensselaer Bowier Mss, p. 818, he came from Amersfoort. See also note on Jan Dircksz van Bremen, under date of April 30, 1648, in this volume. ^The Owl. 132 Colony of RensselaersTvyck of this colony be paid to the director. In witness whereof this is subscribed as follows: The mark X of den Uyl, named Stichtigeri, made with his own hand B. V. Slichtenhorst A. de Hooges Adriaen Jansz,' witness [66v] December 13 Anno 1650 Steven Jansz, carpenter, upon examination by the director, declares that on the 12rii of this month a certain company of persons came to his house to drink, having played golf for brandy, which they drank there. And that one Teunis Jansz, sailmaker, accused the wife of said Steven Jansz of ha-ving erased two strokes at the same time, although she had tapped two glasses for it. Whereupon one Philip, the gunstock maker, ^ also took part in the dispute, wanting to have a voice in it.^ So that Gysbert Cornelisz, the tavemkeeper, got into a dispute with said Philip, saying among other things that they should not make such charges without being able to prove them, with the result that he, Gys bert, received a wound in his left breast, but does not know how it happened or who did it, as tliree or four persons were wrestling together. [67] On the date aforesaid the honorable director attached the money in the hands of Jeuriaen Bestval which is due to Jochem Kettelheym, on account of a claim which the director '' Probably Adriaen Jansz van Ilpendam, then a schoolmaster and afterwards a notary public. See p. [96] . ^Philip de Lademaecker. On page [70v] he is referred to as Philip Pietersz Laedemaecker, which would seem to identify him with Philip Pietersz Schuyler. " A marginal note, to be inserted at this point, reads as follows : Which made the wife of Steven Jansz very angry, whereupon Philip said: "Have your husband come! " So that Steven Jansz, after some words, struck said Philip with his fist on the forehead, whereupon they clinched. Court Minutes, 1648-1652 133 has against said Jochem, for which Jochem is summoned to appear on Thursday after New Year. [Note in the margin:] 1 st Default. December 20 Anno 1650 Jacob Adriaensz and Claes Andriesz being categorically questioned by the director in regard to the fight which recently took place at the house of Steven Jansz, carpenter, answer as follows : Claes Andriesz says that after Steven Jansz and Philip, the gunstock maker, had struck each other with their fists, Philip, going out of the door, challenged Gysbert, whereupon those who were inside held Gysbert fast, so that Philip came back into the house and got into a quarrel with Gysbert. This, Jacob says also. And that in this turmoil Gysbert was wounded, that is to say, Philip knocked Gysbert down and when Gysbert got up again, he was wounded. [67v] The aforesaid deponents declare that otherwise there was no trouble or dispute, except first between Steven Jansz and Philip and then between Philip and Gysbert. Which, by handshake and true words, instead of an oath, they have declared to the director to have thus taken place. The 27th day of December Anno 1 650 The honorable director has this day arrested Philip, the gun- stock maker, [to remain within the limits of] the colony under penalty of three hundred guilders, and appointed a week from next Thursday as the day on which he is to appear in court. The same day, Philip has in the presence of Jacob Jansz Stol requested permission to go outside the [said limits of the ] arrest into the fort, to which consent is given on condition that he promise to appear in person on the appointed day and to give security for the satisfaction of the judgment and the costs, [68] which being promised by him, permission is granted said Philip. 134 Colony of RensselaersTvyck On the date aforesaid the honorable director has in like man ner once more arrested Jacob Jansz Stol in the colony, in the first place to fulfil the contract between the late patroon and his predecessor, Hendrick Albertsz, deceased, and furthermore to answer for all his crimes committed to this day, and also appointed the 5th of January Anno 1650 as the day on which he is to appear in court, but notwithstanding the arrest he has without giving bail gone outside the jurisdiction of the colony into the fort, in contempt of the liberties ' obtamed. Aert Jacobsz was summoned on December 14, 1650, to appear on January 5, Anno 1 65 1 , on account of his dispute with Jan Helms. Abraham Stevens Croaet, on December 15 th, summoned for the second time to appear on the above court day. Christoffel Davits summoned for the second time to appear on the above court day. Cornelis Cornelisz van Voorhout summoned to appear on the above court day. December 22, Gysbert Cornelisz from Weesp is granted the garden heretofore used by Carsten Carstensz at one beaver yearly, on condition that [68v] whenever the honorable masters need it, he will have to give it up, subject to reimbursement for his outlay. 1 January 1651 Seger Cornelisz, Peter, the Frenchman, and Jan Tyssen summoned to appear on the 5th of this month, at nine o'clock. 2 ditto Egbert Sanders's servant, Jem;^ Toenis Cor nelisz. On the 3d, Henrick Driesz, Mr Rut ger Jacobsz' servant. 3 ditto Jan Helmsz summoned in writing, in the name of the patroon, against Aert Jacobsz. ^ Vryheeden; meaning the liberties or privileges, granted by the charter of Freedoms and Exemptions, of 1 629. ^ James. Court Minutes, 1648-1652 135 3 ditto Jan Baerentsz, by legal process, attached in the hands of Jan Reyersz and Ricke[r]t Rutgersz at Betelem [Bethlehem], all the moneys due from them to Claes Andriesz, [notifying them] again to pay, which notice was received by Jan Reyersz. Sept. 9, 1650 g y SHchtenhorst, director, plaintiff, against summoned. Jacob Jausz Stol, defendant. First default. [Plaintiff demands] whether he, Stol, is willing to carry out all the provisions of the contract dated Jan. 5 1651 j^jjg 7^ 1^42, of his predecessor, Hendrick Seconddefault. Albertsz, deceased, and [continued] after his death, and if so, to give security for the satisfaction of the judgment. '^ Jacob Jansz says that he submits himself to the arbitral judgment of impartial men and the director. 1 648, May 30 For having struck Hans Vos, when he suspected no harm, on the forehead with his fist and in addition spoken evil of the director afore mentioned. For the defamation fl. 10: - And for the blow with the fist, according to the ordinance dated December 7, 1649, also fl. 10: - All cum expensis. [69] 1648, June 6, Jacob Jansz fought against Andries Constapel with his fists, at the house of Gysbert Comelisz, tavemkeeper, for which he forfeits fl. 10:- 1648, July 6, Jacob Jansz, on his own authority, cut down two logs {masts), up above, in the patroon's wood, and had them hauled to the strand, where they were attached, notwithstand ing which he shipped them on the 8th ditto out ^ Stol succeeded Harry Albertsz as ferry master. 136 Colony of RensselaersTvyck of this jurisdiction, thereby acting in utter con tempt of the court. The honorable plaintiff, therefore, demands that he be arbitrarily punished, as an example to others. Also, that he pay the patroon for the timber and for violating the attachment, fl. 50, according to the ordinance and custom of the Manhatans, all cum expensis. 1648, December 27, Jacob Jansz was fined for having with some other persons been drinking at the house of Gysbert Cornelisz during divine service. 1649, June 2, Jacob Jansz, without cause, threw a tankard at Hans Vos, the court messenger, smashing his face, so that for two months he could not perform his duties, for which according to the ordinance of the Manhatans he has for feited the sum of fl. 300, all cum expensis. [69v] 1649, August 4, Jacob Jansz again removed a log (masO, for which he forfeits the amount above stated. 1 649, 1 1 ditto, he struck Willem Jeuriaensz on his back with a tankard, at the house of Gysbert Cornelisz, for which he forfeits fl. 1 0. And because AbreJiam Pietersz, carpenter, wanted to prevent it, he struck him on the head, for which is due fl. 10: 1650, September 29, he fought with Pieter Hertgerts and struck de Hooges on the left eye with his fist, and greatly injured the thumb of Volckert Hansz in his own house, all of which took place in the presence of the honorable fiscal, for which he has incurred the double penalty. And for contempt of court, in ignoring the attachment and summons, the same fine as above. Court Minutes, 1648-1652 137 1650, December 12, he struck Gysbert Cornelisz, tavemkeeper, and Claes Andriesz with a golf club at the house of Steven Jansz, for which, together, he forfeits fl. 20:- And whereas the aforesaid Jacob Jansz was summoned and arrested in the colony and in violation thereof has gone outside the limits of the aforesaid jurisdiction, without giving bail, the honorable plaintiff maintains that he has for feited the sum of fl. 20 [and demands] that he give security for the satisfaction of the judgment or sentence. [70] Court proceedings, January 5 Anno 1651 It being taken into consideration that Mons'. Arent van Curler as far back as the arrival of the honorable director was nominated as commissioner {gecommitteerde) , but by serious obstacles has until this date been prevented from taking office,^ be has on this highly pressing occasion accepted the same and consequently taken the proper oath before the honorable director. Whereas the annual term [of office] of Goossen Gerritsz has expired and he for some important reasons urgently requests to be discharged, we have, recognizing [the justice of] the same, granted his request and discharged him, thanking him hereby for his faithful service. And in his place are nominated Jan Verbeeck and Pieter Hertgers. Regarding the question at issue between Aert Jacobsz and Jan Helms, it is adjudged that each shall pay a fine of seventy-five guilders, cum expensis. [70v] Philip Pietersz, gunstock maker, requests delay until the next court day, which is granted him on condition that he give security for the satisfaction of the judgment. ^ maer door merckelycke impedimenten iot daio te rugge is gesieli. 138 Colony of RensselaersTvyck Jan Labatie offers himself as surety for the judgment. Whereas the annual ordinance concerning the shooting at night mentions in general, but not in particular, the shooting on New Year's eve; And whereas, secondly, the renewal of the said ordinances has recently been neglected; It is decided that the New Year shooters shall for this time be excused, without prejudice to the director's action against those who fired during the service. Decision rendered by: Arent van Curler Antony de Hooges Rutger Jacobsz Goossen Gerritsz The honorable director appeals from the above decision. Cornelis Comelisz van Voorhout summoned by the director. First default. Abraham Stevens denies that he drew his knife on Jan Carstensz, but admits that he fought with him. Teunis Cornelisz denies that he fired his gun at New Year during the night. [71] [Marginal note in the handwriting of van Slichten horst:] 9 ditto, Jochem Kettelheym summoned again to appear on the 12th. January 10, 1651 Hans Vos complains that Dirck de Gojer ^ has threatened to assault him at Catskil and that he understood from said Dirck that he had given orders to Claes Andriesz and Jacob Lambertsz, Gofers,^ some time when they saw him here in the colony, to do the same. ^ Dirck Hendricksz, from Hilversum, in the Gooi. ^ The s^ame as Gooiers, or Gooilanders, meaning men from the Gooi, or Gooiland, a district in the southeastern part of the province of North Holland, Netherlands. Court Minutes, 1648-1652 139 Whereupon an injunction is served on said Dirck to refrain, on pain of corporal punishment, from molesting Hans Vos either by word or deed. And Jan Dircksz van Bremen is authorized to serve the notice on said Dirck in the name of the patroon. Furthermore, the director is to forbid Claes Andriesz and Jacob Lambertsz [to molest Hans Vos] under the penalty above mentioned. [71v] Court proceedings, January 12 Anno 1650 The honorable director, plaintiff, against Jochem Kettelheym, defendant. Jochem 1648, July 12, Jochem Kettelheym and Thomas Chamber three several times struck each other with fists, so that their noses and mouths bled, and that on a Sunday, in sight of the director, for which they have incurred the triple penalty of fl. 10 each, according to the ordinance of May 28, 1 648, amounting together to fl. 30:- December 27, Jochem confessed that during divine service he had been sitting [in the tavern] , drinking brandy with Flodder,^ the Noorman,^ Capitayn,^. and Rem, the smith,* for which according to the ordinance of May 28, 1648, and that of the Manhatans, is due fl. 6:- Jochem 1 550, July 3 1 , Jochem promised to pay for solder Pietersz ^ 4 schepels of wheat fl. 10:— December 13, the director attached, in the hands of Jeuriaen Bestval, all the moneys due from him to said Jochem, in order to secure payment; in the first place fl. 40, which he, Jochem, then owed to Nocolaes ^ Jacob Jansz Gardenier, alias Flodder. ^ Poulus, the Noorman. ^Abraham Stevensz. ^ Rem Jansz. ^Apparently the same person as Arent Pietersz, alias Solder. See Van Rensselaer Bowier Mss, p. 814. 140 Colony of RensselaersTvyck Jochem Koorn and which were attached in his hands, accord- agrees to . , , , 1 • • ]_ J submit 'ng to Koorn s own admission, as appears by de evidence Hooges's endorsement on file. What is more, Coorn thTt' hT^ aid several times importuned the director, both in his house Koorn. and on the road, about this attachment. ... fl. 40:- l 65 1 , January 9, summoned and must first purge himself before he can be heard. [72] The honorable director, plaintiff, against Cornelis Cornelisz van Voorhout, defendant. 1649, June 20, tbe defendant fought with the Raemaecker (wheelwright) with fists, in the presence of Hans Vos and others at the house of Gysbert, the tavemkeeper, for which each has forfeited the sum of fl. 10:- Drew his knife on Christoffel Davits, for which he has forfeited fl. 100:- April 1 7, Jan van Bremen complained about the defendant on account of violence and blows, for which is due a double fine, first on account of the matter com plained of and secondly because it happened at night, @ fl. 10 fl. 40:- November > 7, he fought with Thomas Chamber, using his fists ; due fl. 10:- Admits that 1650, September 30, the defendant, wihtout any it took place 1 r i i t t i • • i i in Gysbert's '"^ason or lawtul cause, struck J an Labatie m the lava- house, tory of Gysbert Cornelisz with his fists, for which he must pay the double fine fl. 20 :- 1 65 1 , January 5. Kit Davits summoned. January 10. Summoned [again]. January 11, 1 65 1 , the director has notified and summoned the newly nominated members of the court, to wit, Pieter Hertgers and Jan Verbeeck, to take the proper oath and on this date in their official capacity to enter upon their duties. Baerent Pietersz, having been summoned by the director on January 11,1 649, to show where he each year bought his wheat. Court Minutes, 1648-1652 141 answers that he requests an order from the court that he must do so. To which the director replies that if he to-day brings in his proof, he will not have [his account?] reduced. [72v] Cornelis Cornelisz Vos, being summoned to find out who on New Year's eve during the service fired off guns in front of his door, answers that he does not know. Being asked who were at Harmen Bastiaensz's, he answers, seven or eight persons. This day, Jan Verbeeck has taken the proper oath as a mem ber of the court {gerechlspersoon) and is admitted by the court. Marten Harmensz having been granted a lot in the village {byeenTVooninge) to build there, promises that he will not have any intercourse or dealings with any private traders, namely, with those of the fort. Teunis Jacobsz and his wife, being summoned by the director about 1 1/8 loot (5/8 ounce) of gold found by them, declare that they found it behind the homestead {hofste) of Gysbert, the tavemkeeper, and sold it to Gerrit Vasterick for fl. 1 8, without knowing who lost it. Which gold being examined by the court here is found to be purified and partly engraved gold. The director having thereupon submitted the question whether it is to be kept for the benefit of the patroon and the co-directors, or to be restored to Vasterick; It is resolved that it shall be returned to Gerrit Vasterick. [73] It is further considered necessary, as thus far little atten tion has been paid to the maintenance of public roads, to the great inconvenience and even danger of the inhabitants here, that some bridges be built, to wit, one across the first kill, in the village {byeenTVooninge) , with railings and benches to sit on; one across the third kill; one across the beaver kill, with railings; and a wagon bridge around the rear (een ryhruch achterom). Also, that a convenient staircase be built on the outside of the church (een bequaeme trap aende k'^rck Tvorde gemaeckt).' The honorable director, plaintiff, against Jacob Lambertsz, defendant. 142 Colony of RensselaersTvyck On the 9th of October 1 650, Jacob Lambertsz, being armed, with a sword on his side, dared by word and deed, on the Hoogen Berch, in the highest manner to insult the director, who came there wath Steven Jansz, carpenter, to perform his duties, without giving any reason or occasion thereto in the least. In the presence of Teunis Dircksz and Gys¬bert aende Berch, he wanted to compel the director, first, to drink with him and then to fight a duel with him. Furthermore, he used such vile language about the court, his past crimes, and his arrest, that one can not well put it down with the pen, saying he would [73v] wipe his Gooiland . . . with it and that he had enough of the director and all the gentlemen, so that finally Teunis Dircksz and Gysbert had to take Jacob away. He has likewise insulted de Hooges and also Hans Vos. Which things in a land of justice can not go unpunished, it being intolerable that one should thus, without any reason what ever, rudely assail one's lawful superiors and their servants and even threaten to do them harm, where (as in the case of the delinquent) the court has shown such leniency in imposing sentence. The honorable plaintiff, therefore, in the first place requests [a warrant for the] corporal apprehension [of the defendant]. Teunis Dircksz, Gysbert aende Berch and Tys Evertsz declare that Jacob Lambertsz carried a sword on his side and that on coming dowm the hill he said to the director : " You carry a sword? I do too. If you are an officer, I am one also." That meanwhile they had together drawTi out the manure for Gysbert and that for fun they had made said Jacob out to be the officer. Which by handshake instead of an oath they declare to have thus taken place. [Here follow two or three lines which have become illegible.] [74] About midsummer anno 1649, the honorable general being here, he requested Jan Baerentsz to haul out some logs {masts), which he refused, saying that the horses and the land Court Minutes, 1648-1652 143 which he had in use belonged to the patroon, so that he first ought to have consent thereto. Whereupon the honorable general came to the director and after relating the aforesaid con versation requested that permission might be given, whereupon consent was given by the director. Also, Jan Labatie, having been written to by the honorable general to send him a certain negro residing at the house of Broer Cornelis, he came to the director's house to request in the first place permission to apprehend the aforesaid negro and in the second place that the director would assist him, Labatie, in making the arrest, whereupon the director gave said Labatie permission and lent him the helping hand in making the arrest. [74v] Steven Jansz, carpenter, being asked by the director whether at any time he received any beer from said director to retail it; Secondly, whether he ever asked and received permission from the director to tap; Answers, that he never received any beer from the director and he tapped without previous consent. Steven Jansz has declared this by handshake, with true words, instead of an oath, to be as stated. This 1 8th day of January Anno 1 65 1 . [75] Court proceedings January 19 Anno 1651 This day Pieter Hartgerts has taken the oath of member of the court {Gerechts persoon) before the director and is admitted as such. Upon the request of Andries de Vos what the director has to say against his brother-in-law, Baerent Pietersz, the director answers that he sent 93 1/2 schepels of wheat to the mill and that he got back but 74 schepels. The director says that he deserves more credence than a thief. Whereupon Andries de Vos says : " You may be that your self." 144 Colony of RensselaersTvyck Andries de Vos says with reference to Ruth Jacobsz and Jan Verbeeck . . , [the remainder of the page is blank] . [75v] Extraordinary session, January 20 Anno 1651 November 25, 1648, Thomas Chamber reported that one of his cows had been shot dead in the wood by the savages. Also, November 14, 1649, Thomas aforesaid again reported that a mare was shot dead by the savages. Proof hereof follows, according to the contract: Jan Andriesz from Dublin and Thomas Heggens declare before the court that they found the cow that was killed in the woods, the horns being cut off, the bowels removed, the fat cut away, a piece cut out of the belly and the rest being left lying in the woods, about which complaint was made at the time by Thomas Chamber to the director. They declare this by handshake, with true words instead of an oath, to be a fact. Jan Andriesz from Dublin and Poulus Jansz from Gorcum declare that they found the aforesaid mare lying dead in the woods, having been shot through the soft part of the belly. This the witnesses declare in the manner as above, in the presence of. The honorable director Arent van Curler and myself, A. DE [Hooges, Secretary] [Note in the margin, at the bottom of the page, illegible.] [76] Whereas some dispute has arisen between Director Brant van Slichtenhorst and Jacob Jansz Stol about the contract made between the late patroon and Hendrick Albertsz, deceased, concerning the beaver trade mentioned in said contract, and find ing that he, Jacob Jansz, can have no knowledge of the aforesaid trade of his predecessor ; Court Minutes. 1648-1652 145 Secondly, that it is commonly known that he, Hendrick Albertsz, deceased, made it his special business to work and not to trade; And that, owing to the aforesaid obscurity, no solution can be found except by submitting the question to the decision of impartial men, the following persons have been chosen thereto by both sides, to wit : Mons"'. Arent van Curler, Antony de Hooges, Mr Abraham Staas and Evert Pels; who, after careful con sideration of everything, have decided that for the aforesaid trade until the death of the aforesaid predecesor, including the trade of the said Jacob Jansz for the period of about eight months in the year 1648, there is due fl. 36:- wherewith all claims and demands on account of the aforesaid contract shall be settled and released. Thus signed by us, the aforementioned arbitrators, this 20th day of January Anno 1 65 1 . Antony de Hooges Arent van Curler Abram Staas Evert Pels [76v] Court proceedings, January 26 Anno 1651 It is decided that Thomas Chamber by virtue of his contract shall have the right to use the pasturage specified therein for the grazing of his own cattle, without charge. As, also in accordance with the contract, he proved on January 20, 1 65 1 , that the savages killed a horse and a cow, he is by virtue thereof entitled to have them replaced by others with out compensation. Court proceedings, February 2 Anno 1 65 1 Teunis The honorable director, plaintiff, against Teunis Ducksz £)|y^]^g^ ^jjjj Cornelis Teunisz van Westbroeck, in their default, capacity as administrators of the estate of the late Cornelis Maesz, defendants. 146 Colony of RensselaersTvyck First The same, against Teunis Dircksz in particular, about insults offered to the honorable director. [77] Whereas a question has arisen between the honorable director. Brant van Slichtenhorst, and Baerent Pietersz, the cases of both parties are dismissed, without prejudice to the good name and reputation of either. Thus done in collegio, on the date above written. _. Jacob Lambertsz, defendant. default. [The rest of the page is blank.] [77v] Brant van Slichtenhorst, director of the colony of Rens selaerswyck, plaintiff, against Teunis Dircksz, defendant. Whereas by virtue of their oath and the orders of the honor able patroon the gentlemen [of the court] of the aforesaid colony are required and commanded to see to it that all the farmers each year, in accordance with their contract, render an itemized account and statement [of everything] , inclusive even of the fur trade, and make payment, and this not in gross, but in detail, the said defendant has thus far failed to do so, notwithstanding the aforesaid gentlemen, as often as twace a year, by public ordinance (in addition to many verbal reminders by the said plaintiff) have given abundant warning that every one must within certain days deliver an account in writing with the vouchers thereof to the director aforesaid and that no one may transport out of the colony, or even remove from one place to another, any grain, boards, or other effects until and before the honorable patroon or his director are satisfied, on pain of con fiscation of the grain and effects as provided by said ordinance and of paying in addition a fine of fl. 25 for each default. This does especially apply to those who have an open account, like this defendant, who is bound to render an account of the years 1638 and 1639, as well as of the building done by him and the farm implements and grain which he received as former farm hand of the honorable patroon. Also, as farmer, from the yeaj; 1 640 to 1 648, with the fl. 1 6 for each Court Minutes, 1648-1652 147 farm hand. Furthermore, for the years 1649 and 1650, accord ing to the agreement of March 1 7, 1 650, of the patroon's common property, which the defendant leased at a public bidding for fl. 500 a year, in addition to the tithes and recognition, according to the conditions of September 14, 1648. Furthermore, the defendant, in the year 1648, promised to pay for tithes 28 schepels of wheat and 28 schepels of oats and in the years 1 649 and 1 650 the defendant managed on his own authority, without the knowledge of the director, much less of the commissioners, to appropriate the lord's tithes, and to keep to himself all the rent, tithes and the patroon's common property and disposes thereof as if they were his own, contrary to the patroon's prohibition, as appears on folio 50 of the court record, and only seeks his own profit and tries to cheat the patroon out of his law ful property [78] and possessions. And even dares bodly and without shame, in the presence of the director and Domine Mega polensis, to assert that he paid fl. 9000, in return for which he, the defendant, received but fl. 2000, as was done even lately, on May 8, 1650. Which, indeed, is putting it on altogether too thick and quite incredible. Furthermore, apart from the aforesaid ordinances, the honor able plaintiff, in the name of the patroon, attached in the year 1649 the defendant's grain, both threshed and unthreshed, for bidding the same to be removed, much less to be transported out of the colony before the defendant had rendered his lawful accounting and statement as aforesaid. Notwithstanding this, contrary to and in spite of all this, the defendant has carted the grain past the director's door and last year furnished two lasts of wheat to Hendrick, the baker, and others. Also, on April 2 1 , 1650, he caused skipper Jan de Kaeper to take 401 schepels of oats and in the fall, on November 14, 160 schepels of oats to the Manhatans, and further on his own authority alienated all his grain. And when the director by proper judicial proceedings tries to prevent it, he, the defendant, calls said director a thief and a 148 Colony of RensselaersTvyck rescal and, if the plaintiff had not prevented it, would, on February 16, 1650, in the moming, at about 9 o'clock, as the director was busy writing in his own office, have stabbed him with his own pen knife in the presence of his own son and the director's two [grand] children.^ Which aforesaid deeds, neither can nor ought to be suffered to go unpunished. Therefore, as the defendant has not only defied the director and this honorable court and violated their ordinances as well as the Freedoms law fully obtained by the honorable patroon from their High Might inesses, but also gravely offended the Lords States General whose place is likewise occupied here, the honorable plaintiff, in view of all these circumstances, demands: In the first place, that the defendant shall within a specified time be peremptorily ordered to render his lawful account, [ 78v] under penalty of judgment by default and such damages (and he would not have it happen again for ten thousand guilders) as the plaintiff in his capacity shall reckon to have suffered, with costs, and without prejudice to the former fines. Secondly, that all the grain delivered, sent away, removed or shipped by the defendant during the years 1 648, 1 649 and 1 650 shall be confiscated by virtue of the aforesaid ordinance. And furthermore that the defendant be condemned to pay the full amount of all the fines which in accordance with said ordinance he has incurred to this date, [the plaintiff] requesting security for the satisfaction of the judgment, all with costs. Finally, that he be made to pay the rent and toepacht of tlie six morgens of land for the year 1650, and as surety for Jan Helms also be made to pay his rent and toepacht for 1 650, with costs. ^The v^ill of Gerrit van Slichtenhorst, dated Oct. 12, 1683 proved Sept. (Dec?) 29, 1685 (N. Y. Hist. Soc, Collections, 1892, 25:170, 470^471), mentions seven children: Alida, wife of Peter Davids Schuy ler, Elizabeth, wife of Nicholas William Stuyvesant, Bata, wife of Jan Oost, Helagont, Gerrit, Rachel and Yonde. Two of the younger chil dren, Gerrit and Gouda, or Hillegonda, afterwards moved to the Dutch colony of Surinam. See De Navorscher, 1918, 67:436-37. Court Minutes, 1648-1652 149 The same demand the director likewise makes in regard to the defendant and Cornelis Teunisz van Westbroeck, in their capacity of guardians of the minor children of Cornelis Maessen, deceased. Director Brant van Slichtenhorst, plaintiff, against Teunis Dircksz van Vechten, defendant, for slander. Whereas the defendant, on the first of February 1650, when the plaintiff in his official capacity came to the house of Cornelis Teunisz van Breuckelen to make an inventory of the patroon's cattle, in the presence of nearly all the authorities of the colony and of Fort Orange, the Domine and about ten witnesses, dared 1 6 or 17 separate times greatly to abuse the plaintiff, saying : "Are you to be our director and ruler? You are an old, gray thief and a rascal and you have stolen my own property and I shall prove it," adding thereto all sorts of abuse and this without any cause or occasion for it. Which slanderous remarks the plaintiff brought to the attention of the court and for which the defendant is now [79], the 2d of this month, summoned to appear before the full court, but does not appear, so that in the first place proof of his statements is demanded as before. Secondly, the defendant, on December 19, 1649, and again on February 16, 1650, at the house of Pieter Bronck likewise slandered the plaintiff (and also called Domine Megapolensis an informer, as appears more at large by the bill of complaint) , which slander the said plaintiff has taken much to heart, being a person of good reputation and character, who neither in his private nor in his official capacity is willing to suffer such injury for anything under the sun and which in a land of justice should not go unpunished, it being intolerable tliat people should thus fail to respect their lawful authorities, both ecclesiastical and civil. The honorable plaintiff concludes therefore that the defendant for such repeated, public, deliberate, false and lying accusation must and ought to be punished as an example to others. Furthermore, that for all the aforesaid slanders he shall make 150 Colony of RensselaersTvyck honorable and pecuniary amends, as follows : In the first place, that he shall appear before the entire court and resting on his bare knees pray God,,.the court and the director for forgiveness; that he shall then with his right hand slap his mouth and say as many times as he has slandered with it, " Mouth, thou hast spoken falsely and lyingly." And that for each slander he shall in addition be condemned to pay a fine of fl. 300, two thirds thereof to be for the director and one third for the poor, in accordance with the ordinance of May 28, 1648; and that furthermore he shall be punished as stated above, all cum expensis, the plaintiff demanding security for the judgment. The defendant, some time ago, in crossing the river with Domine Megapolensis, likewise, without any reason whatever, addressed many vile words to the Domine, who at the time was an estimable minister here in the colony, making him out to be an informer and a rascal [79v] and, after having uttered said slander, crowded in upon the minister with the intention of stabbing him unexpectedly with a knife, so that the minister upon his approach warned the defendant not to come nearer, or he would hit him with a piece of wood on the side of his head in such a way that he would fall out of the boat into water. And as the defendant has not been able to prove the aforesaid charges, he must be regarded as a slanderer, who in addition has committed assault and violence, for which according to the ordinance of May 28, 1 648, he is liable to a fine of fl. 1 50, and as the same took place on Sunday, the double amount according to the ordinance, or fl. 300* and for drawing his knife, fl. 100, according to the ordinance of the Manhatans, amounting in all to . . . fl. [blank] ; all cum expensis. Furthermore, the plaintiff has summoned the defendant to obtain payment of the stipulated toepachten ^ for the year 1 648, in addition to the tithes and the amount in cash stipulated in the contract of September 14, 1648; together with the toepachten ^A sort of quitrent to which the director under his contract with the guardians of the young patroon was entitled. Court Minutes, 1648-1652 151 for the years 1649 and 1650, at fl. [blank] a year, all cum expensis. The defendant, furthermore, has dared to put an exhoi'bitant price on his and the patroon's earliest grain, selling the mudde at eleven guilders, which is a violation of the patroon's ordinance, it being the particular duty of the commissioners and the court to prevent that any one fix the price of the grain in such a way as to oppress the poor people and his fellow men as much as is in his power ; for which offense he is liable to the patroon's high est fine. [80] September 18, 1648, Teunis Dircksz ordered Willem Menten four times in succession to fire a musket in the brewery during the night, by which repeated shooting those of the fort and in the colony were quite startled and frightened, thinking that it was an alarm; whereupon those in the fort returned the firing, as a signal that they would come to the rescue, and Mons'. Labatie with some soldiers, who were assigned to the task of pulling down the houses in the Fuyck ^ ^^nd who were ordered to go, during the night sailed across the river to relieve them. When Mons'. Labatie and the aforesaid soldiers came into the Grenen- bos, Teunis Dircksz gave them six gallons and a half barrel of beer for their trouble. For which improper shooting by night, he has forfeited for each time the sum of fl. 1 0, according to the ordinance of October 16, 1648, and in addition is to be arbi trarily punished as an example to others. All cum expensis. The 19th ditto, Teunis Dircksz called Teunis Cornelisz a rascal and a thief and in addition beat him in his own house '¦The Dutch name for a funnel shaped hoopnet. The name may originally have been applied to the houses in the immediate vicinity of the fort, which were built along convergent lines, as distinguished from the term byeenwoninge, which in this record is used repeatedly to designate the entire village. It is interesting to note that on the island of Curacao, in the Dutch West Indies, there is a harbor called de Fuyck, which is referred to by de Laet as early as 1 644. See his Hisiorie ofie laerlijck Verhael van de Verrichtinghen der Geociroyeerde West-Indische Com pagnie, p. 436. Cf. also Doc. rel. to Col. Hisi. N. Y., 2:558, and Journal of Jasper Danckaerts, 1679-1680, ed. by B. B. James and J. F. Jameson, in " Original Narratives of Early American History," p. 216. 152 Colony of RensselaersTvyck about the head with his fists and pulled the hair out, of his head, because he had hired the six morgens of land which the com missioners in leasing his land had kept to themselves, which attempt to give the patroon's property a bad name and make it useless is a matter of serious import and consequence, for which he has forfeited the sum of fl. 10 for each excess, to wit, first, for calling him a rascal, secondly a thief, thirdly, for having struck him with his fists, and fourthly for pulling his hair and trying to make the patroon's property useless, amounting together to fl. 40:- and in addition, arbitrary correction. In May 1649, the defendant fought, first with Pieter Hert gers, and then with Mr Abraham Staas, with fists, at their house in the brewery, for which he has forfeited fl. 1 0 each, or fl.20 :-, all cum expensis. [80v] Febmary 21,1 649, Teunis Dircksz was lined because he let a sleigh with two horses in very cold weather stand wdth- out food or cover before the door of Jan Verbeeck, for which according to the ordinance he has forfeited, for the first time, the sum of fl. 3 :— Director Brant van Slichtenhorst, plaintiff, against Seger Cornelisz, defendant. Whereas the defendant, on December 23, 1648, before the full court, acknowledged his signature affixed to the contract of August 25, 1643, upon which acknowledgement, as appears on folio 2 1 of the court record, he was condemned to fulfill all the terms of the contract, which has since expired, it follows that the defendant must deliver in the first place, the house, brew house, three hay barracks, hogpen, wagon, plow, harrows, harness, and furthermore all the farm implements, horses, cows and hogs, according to the inventory, information and contract made with vander Donck in the year 1 646, all in good condition and wall and roof tight,^ according to the plain language of the contract. 'At this point is written in the margin: " 2d, must deliver in good condi tion the number of animals and the aforesaid farm tools; 3d, the build ings; 4th, or, in case of failure, the honorable plaintiff will count the loss at fl. 1500, plus damages and costs." Court Minutes, 1648-1652 153 which the patroon will not suffer any one to misconstrue or inter pret otherwise than it stands, and w^hich reads as follows : " The patroon shall to begin with provide [the buildings] at his expense, provided that the farmer shall thereafter at his expense maintain them and keep them in repair, and at the expiration of the lease deliver them back in as good condition as he received them." Nota. For which the defendant is asked to give security or, in default thereof, to go under arrest. [81 ] Also, that the defendant within a short time shall comply with and satisfy the judgment of August 1 2, 1 649, in regard to his refusal to have an appraisal made of the patroon's own build ings, under penalty of arrest, for the first time. Also, payment for the 23 morgens o'f wheat appraised at fl. 75, with interest at 1 0% until full payment is made, as is customary here, and also to give security therefor. Whereas all the colonists have each year, sometimes twice, by publicly posted notices been warned that every one must deliver to the director his account in writing, for each year separately, with the necessary vouchers, the defendant nevertheless obstinately remains in default to render his account for the years 1644, 1645, 1646 and 1647, under the penalty provided by the ordinance, and is to pay the balance agreed upon on March 3, 1 650, and to give security therefor. Also, the defendant, last year, on his own authority, appro priated the patroon's tithes, without once notifying thereof the director, much less the commissioners, for which he has for feited for each morgen 4 schepels of wheat, according to the regulations made by the late patroon in regard to the tithes, in addition to the value of the same. Furthermore, the defendant has dared daily to have teaming done with the patroon's horses, which were entrusted to him only to do his farm work with, employing thereto one, two and even three horses at a time, as the plaintiff himself has seen, in violation of the ordinance of March 31,1 649. The plaintiff, therefore, demands that the defendant be con- 154 Colony of RensselaersTvyck demned to render within a specified time an account of his illegi timate gains; that [81 v] the halfe of said gains shall be declared to be for the benefit of the honorable patroon and that he alone, without loss to the patroon, shall be required to make good the damage suffered on account of the horses that are stiff, crippled, lame, blind, dead or drowned; the plaintiff maintaining further that the defendant ought to be aAitrarily punished for having misused the property that was entrusted to him ; all cum expensis. Also, that the defendant be ordered within a definite time to make a correct return of all the beer that was brewed by him and to pay therefore one guilder per barrel, according to the ordinance of the honorable patroon. February 14. Jacob Lambertsz, defendant. Also: Teunis Dircksz Corn: Segersz Jan Carstensz Corn: Teunisz van Westbroeck Jan Michielsz Willem Jeuriaensz Willem Fredericksz Aert Jacobsz^ Of these, the grain, threshed and Jan Helms [unthreshed, was attached. [82] Court proceedings, February 16 Anno 1651 Teunis Dircksz acknowledges his signature as surety affixed to the contract of sale of the farm of Jan Helms. Cornelis Teunisz acknowledges his signature as surety affixed to the contract of sale of the farm of Aert Jacobsz. Andries de Vos, having been requested to act as assistant to the guardians of the orphans of the late Cornelis Maessen, accepts the appointment before the court. Upon the petition of Andries de Vos, praying to be released [ from his contract] regarding the use of the water and the build ing of a mill' in the vicinity of the farm of Thomas Chamber, on Court Minutes, 1648-1652 155 account of the difficulties and inconveniences connected there with, as shown in a previous remonstrance, his reasons are accepted by us at their face value and admitted to be valid; consequently, fiat is entered upon his petition. Willem Jeuriaensz acknowledges his signature to his contract dated May 7, 1638. Upon the petition of Jan Thomasz and Volckert Hansz, pray ing payment of what is due to them by the honorable patroon, the following serves for apostil : If they render a true account, statement and proof of what is coming to them from the honor able patroon, they will be satisfied to that amount in goods of the honorable patroon. [In the margin is written:] The director appeals from the above decision. [82v] Court proceedings, March 2 Anno 1 65 1 Jacob Adriaensz summoned to pay land rent of the year 1 648. The term of the lease of the homestead of Casper Jacobsz shall commence at Amsterdam fair ^ anno 1 65 1 . Teunis Dircksz agrees to answer the director's complaint in two weeks, provided that a copy be handed to him. Cornelis Segersz is likewise granted a delay of two weeks, precisely. As to the attachment, Cornelis Segersz promises here before the court that he will deliver to the honorable director four hun dred schepels of wheat, on condition that he to whom anything shall turn out to be due by settlement of accounts, shall receive it. In regard to the proposal made the honorable director about the ordinance concerning the depreciation of loose seawan,^ issued and communicated to us by the honorable general and council of New Netherland, we report that we are forced to follow it, for the reason that otherwise we should draw all the unstrung sea- ^ September 22. " See Laws and Ordinances of New Netherland, p. 1 1 5-1 8. 156 Colony of RensselaersTvyck wan from the Manhatans to the colony, to the considerable loss and damage of the honorable patroon and the inhabitants. March 7, 1651, the Honorable Director Slichtenhorst attached the threshed and unthreshed grain of [Claes Segersz?] for the payment of the patroon's highest fine. On the same date and in like manner the director attached the grain of Jeuriaen Bestval and also summoned him in order to secure payment for the years 1 649 and 1 650. The 1 1 th ditto, Cornelis Segersz was summoned in his capa city of lessee for the payments as above on account of Claes Segertsz. [83] Comelis Segertsz having appeared in court on the 2d day of March aforesaid, after receipt of the complaint brought against him by the honorable director, and having been asked by the plaintiff whether he had answered it, he replied that he did not consider himself sufficiently able to refute the same and requested that for lack of advocates or attorneys a member of the court might be appointed defensoris loco to answer the same. The honorable members of the court, therefore, having duly con sidered the defendant's request and not seen fit to reject it, but on the contrary wishing to grant his just request, have after some controversy and opposition finally ordered and directed Antonio de Hooges to undertake the task. Which the said de Hooges (as in duty bound to their honors aforesaid) has accepted, upon this special condition that he should not become involved in the suit. Whereupon the honorable plaintiff suggested [that he accept the appointment] without prejudice to his honor and oath, which the said attorney promised., Whereupon, as a further pledge, the honorable director and Mons'. Arent van Curler as commissioner have offered him, de Hooges, the right hand, in the presence of {Rutger Jacobsz and ^ Pieter Hertgers | magistrates Court Minutes, 1648-1652 157 [83v] Court proceedings, March 16 Anno 1651 Cornelis Segersz, being once more confronted with the judg ment of March 3, 1650, declares and earnestly represents that he has serious objections thereto, and humbly but urgently requests that the question which may result from his account may be referred, not to the honorable masters, who are prejudiced in the matter, but to impartial judges or persons learned in the law, by whose decision both parties may abide. Which request being taken up and considered by their honors aforesaid, they have decided to allow room for fair play and therefore granted his request. Presentibus : Mr Brant van Slichtenhorst, director Arent van Curler, commissioner A: de Hooges, commissioner and secretary Rutger Jacobsz "^ Pieter Hertgers and L magistrates Jan Verbeeck J Gysbert Cornelisz acknowledges that on January 31, 1 650, he leased Casteels island for fl. 1910. What was attached in the hands of Thomas Chamber on account of Claes Teunisz amounts to fl. 1 34 : 1 0- And after payment of that money on account of Jan Ver beeck fl. 45:- The honorable director hereupon requests judgment. Claes Teunisz requests that the money due to him from the honorable patroon be paid. The director demands payment from Jochem Kettelheym on account of the farm of Jeuriaen Bestval, for so far as his share as principal is concerned. [84] December 21 Anno 1650 Carsten Carstensen, being asked by the director whether he sold the garden heretofore used by him, situated north of the lol 158 Colony of RensselaersTvyck of Gysbert Cornelisz from Weesop ^ and south of the honorable Company's [ground], as to the ground, the use thereof, or any thing else? Answers, that he sold to Jacob Jansen Schermerhoorn the palisades and the produce that was in it Icist summer for four beavers, and the hogpen for one beaver, so that he has neither sold nor enjoyed any use or ownership, but only [sold] the produce and building for so far as they were his own. He says also that when the garden was granted to him, he was a free colonist under contract with the honorable patroon of this colony. This he has declared to be true, in the presence of: Mons'. Arendt van Curler Mons'. Gerrit Vasterick Mons'. Roelant Savery^ At the request of Director Brandt van Slichtenhorst, Which I certify, A. de Hooges, Secretary This day, the 22d of December 1 650, Carsten Carstensen has again declared in court that the above statements are true and consequently confirmed them by handshake and true words, instead of an oath. Which I certify, A. de Hooges, Secretary Jan Baerensen, who has had the use of the aforesaid garden before Carsten, declares that he took it by order, authority and consent of Comelis Tuenisz from Brueckelen, at that time officer of this colony.' Testified to, this 27th of March 1651. Which I certify, A. de Hooges, Secretary. ' The same as Weesp, a city near Amsterdam. ^He was a glazier; see Appendix II. ^At the bottom of the page, in a later hand, is written: "Cornelis Teunisz from Breuckelen, officer of this colony. When? " Court Minutes, 1648-1652 159 [84v] August 18 Anno 1651 With common consent it is resolved to send away some extracts from the court minutes concerning the proceedings between the honorable director and Claes Gerritsz. The court once more orders Claes Gerritsz to satisfy the judg ment of August 20, 1650, within six weeks after notice hereof is served, under the penalty of two pounds Flemish. Whereas question has arisen between Director Slichtenhorst and Domine Megapolensis in regard to the account between them and the payment thereof, Domine Megapolensis is kindly requested this coming autumn to come to the colony of Rens selaerswyck al the expense of the honorable patroon and the co-directors, in order lo preach God's Holy Word and administer the sacraments and among other things lo settle the aforesaid account and question and pay according to his ability. Rensselaerswyck, August 18, anno 1651. [The director, Slichtenhorst?] [85] This day, the 18lh of August anno 1651, Hendrick Reur from Munsler is engaged as court messenger for the period of one year, to acquit himself faithfully of his duties, for which he is to receive a salary of one hundred guilders a year and in addition thereto fees for citations and arrests. And Hendrick Reur has by shaking hands with the director, instead of taking an oath, promised before the court that he will faithfully conduct himself. [The rest of the page is blank.] [85v] Extraordinary session, September 6, 1651 As to the question which has arisen between Pieter Bronck and Joost Teunisz from Norden; Whereas, on receiving an order on Jan van Bremen, Joost Teunisz turned over to Pieter Bronck the obligation between 160 Colony of RensselaersTvyck them, which amounts to giving a receipt, but whereas Joost Teunisz has not yet received the fifty guilders, owing to the fact that to this date he has not been at the house of Jan van Bremen for that purpose, and we are informed that at the time the order was made out the money was ready, it is adjudged that Joost Teunisz must provisionally seek to recover the amount from the aforesaid Jan van Bremen and in case for some time to come there is no likelihood of payment, Pieter Bronk must secure pay ment before he may receive the balance of his own account from Jan van Bremen. As to the costs of the extraordinary session, amounting to fl. 18:10, Joost Teunisz is condemned to pay two thirds, or fl. 12:10, and Pieter Bronck one third, or fl. 6:— [86] As to the defamation, Joost Teunisz declares before the court that he has nothing to say against Pieter Bronck that reflects on his honor or virtue, if he only gets his pay. As to the calling of names, which Joost had no right to, as he should have let the court settle their difference, he is con demned to make reparation by paying a fine of eight guilders to the director and two guilders to the poor. As to the matter in dispute between Jacob Jansz Flodder, plaintiff, and Hendrick Andriesz, defendant, the court has thought best to call in two impartial person to examine the boards and to determine whether they are merchantable, or not, to which purpose are appointed the following persons, namely : Mr Abreun Pietersz ^ and Harman Bastiaensz, who are to make their report to the court, which shall then adjudge the matter as it shall see fit. Whereas Jacob Jansz Flodder sold a certain quantity of boards to Hendrick Andriesz, which were to be merchantable and now form the subject of a dispute because the delivery is said to have taken place out of season, the honorable court has thought fit to refer the matter to Harman Bastiaensz and Willem Fredericksz Bout, to examine said boards and to determine ¦ Abraham Pietersz Vosburg. Court Minutes, 1648-1652 161 whether they are merchantable, or not. The persons aforesaid having declared before the court that some of the boards are not merchantable, the honorable court have decided and adjudged that in their opinion Jacob Jansz Flodder is bound to take back the boards and Hendrick Andriesz is ordered to return said boards at his expense to Jacob Jansz Flodder, or to make pay ment therefor. The costs of convening the court in extraordinary session are to be paid by Jacob Jansz. Done in collegio, the 6th of Septeiriber 1 65 1 . By order of the director and council of the colony of Rensse laerswyck, in [their] absence. [86v] Court proceedings, September 7 Anno 1651 Cited are: Firstdefault Claes Teunisz Marten Hendricksz Evert Pels Thomas Keuningh Extraordinary session, 9 ditto, 1 65 1 {Evert Pels Marten Hendricksz Court proceedings, September 14 Anno 1651 The judgment of August 20, 1 650, concerning Claes Gerritsz, being read to Cornelis Segersz, he declares that he has made no payment, whereupon the director levies an attachment. Cornelis Cornehsz van Voorhout cited to pay : For the rent of the year 1650 fl. 100:- For tithes A- 15:- For[ ] [ ] 1 [ ] [ ] 6 162 Colony of RensselaersTvyck For { ] pair [ ] fl. 30:- He promises to pay the same at the first opportunity. [87] Thomas Chamber and 1 Default Claes Teunisz J"'*=^ First default Teunis Cornelisz Evert Pels and Martten Hendricksz being summoned to a,ppear in regard to payment for the brewery and their note of March 15, 16^0, acknowledge their signature and debt and .promise at the first opportunity to make some payment according to their ability. Claes Gerritsz has cited the honorable director. Claes Gerritsz is arrested by the honorable director [to remain] within the [limits of the] colony, under penalty of the lord's highest fine. Upon the petition of Pieter Bronck for permission to have a suitable house erected for tapping purposes, for which he has had a quantity of lumber piled near his house, the director asks that in accordance with the instructions from the honorable gufudiaras but two taverns be allowed. Whereupon, the court having heard the said instructions read, it is unanimously decided that for the convenience of the piiblic [the petition of] Pieter Bronck [shall be granted], whereupon the director [has withdrawn his request] . [87v] Thomas Chamber again cited to appear on Thursday next. Court proceedings, September 28 Anno 1651 Cited: r Evert Pels I Marten Hendricksz Second default. Thomas Keuningh Sander Leendersz !Second Claes Gerritsz Teunis Cornelis default Court Minutes, 1648-1652 163 Attachment of money due to Claes Gerritsz by Broer Comelis. ^g^eed Willem Frcdericksz caused Cornelis de Vries to be together. i summoned. ^'*" Rutger Adriaensz caused Claes Cornelisz to be Comelisz i , , . summoned, suiters hu jirst default. Evert Pels and Marten Hendricksz acknowledge their signatures to the note, one dated March 14, 1650, amounting to fl. 2200:- the other the 1 5th ditto, in the sum of . fl. 200 :- [Interest?] fl. 96:- fl. 2496:- For expenses 5 :8- Total due fl. 2501 :8- In addition. Marten has received personally 35 :- fl. 2536:8- [Two lines destroyed.] [88] to pay the third part within one month after the date hereof and the balance in February of the year 1652. Thomas Chamber complains that Adriaen Dircksz from Bil ^ refuses to serve out his term and wastes and neglects his time, claiming to be free, contrary to the contract signed by him, dated March 24, 1651. Adriaen Dircksz acknowledges his signature to the contract. He says that he does not want to stay with Thomas Chamber, to whom he is bound. For the maintenance of good order and justice and to curb the refractory spirit and intolerable insolence of the indented servants, 't Bildt, in Friesland? 164 Colony of RensselaersTvyck it is adjudged that Adriaen Dircksz shall de facto be taken into custody by the officer and for the space of fourteen days be kept on bread and water at his own expense and that Thomas Chamber may at the expense of said Adriaen hire another servant to take Adriaensz Dircksz's place. Jochem Wessels requests a lot to build thereon and to support himself by baking. Granted on condition that he contracts to [one or two lines destroyed] . [88v] Claes Gerritsz says that the director used violence against him. The director demands once more that Claes Gerritsz within a short time satisfy the judgment against him, or pay the damages specified in the complaint and give security therefor, or have his person taken into custody. Likewise, as to the fines, that he give security or be placed in confinement. [The defendant is] to make answer on the next court day. Claes Gerritsz declares here before the court that Ruth Jacobsz did not know of the judgment of August 20, 1 650, as the man says. Court proceedings, October 5 Anno 1 65 1 Citations : Claes Cornelisz cited by Rutger Adriaensz Claes Teunisz, Teunis Cornelisz and Jan Michielsz cited by Third the director in regard to question arisen between Rutger default A 1 • , --,1 Adriaensz and Claes Cornelisz As to the defamation, Rutger shall [ ] provided that according to the debt Claes pay to Rutger [ ] one beaver [ ] according to f ] [About two lines burned off.] Court Minutes, 1648-1652 165 [89] This is the account between Rutger and Claes: Claes debit to Rutger Credit One beaver for a fur This is paid according cap fl. 8: - to agreement about For two citations 1:4 a wagon fl. . And the [extract from and according to debt. 1 : 1 the] minutes -:12 fl. 1: 1 fl. 9:16 1: 1 Remains [to be paid] fl. 8:15 cum expensis. Jan Michielsz acknowledges that he owes the patroon fl. 85. The director asks judgment against him and interest, all cum expensis. Jan Michielsz is condemned to pay the eighty-five guilders promptly within two months after date. Teunis Cornelisz cited for the third time to pay the sum of fl. 1(X)0, with interest, according to valid account., It is maintained that he must purge himself of his defaults and give security before he can be heard and that then judgment ought to be given against him, cum expensis. The court, per superabundance, grants a fourth and per emptory citation. Claes Gerritsz having been ordered by the court to make answer this day and having remained in default, said Claes Ger ritsz is ordered once more, peremptorily, within the space of eight days, to satisfy the judgment demanded by the plaintiff, to wit, to state precisely how much he has traded each year and to pay the damages mentioned in the aforesaid complaint, under penalty of judgment by default, and to bind his person and property as security for the judgment, without prejudice to the director's further claims and demands. [89v] Through the mediation and upon the persistent request of certain petitioners, Adriaen Dircksz, a prisoner, is this day. 166 Colony of Rensselaerswyck the seventh of September, graciously released from confinement, on condition that he, Adriaen Dircksz, promises to perform his duties faithfully and in all obedience, without in any wise acting sullenly, or opposing his master in whose service he is, and to serve out his bounden time, under penalty of double punishment, as the case may deserve, all cum expensis. October 12 Anno 1651 Jan Baerentsz having asked the court for an extension of his lease on account of the excessive expenses incurred on his farm, we, having noted his diligence and the good progress made by him and considering such persons to be extremely useful here, have consented to have his lease prolonged or extended for the period of four or six years, at his option. [90] Extraordinary session, October 18 Anno 1651 Whereas Rutger Jacobsz has more than once urgently requested to be discharged from his office of magistrate {Gerechts Persoon) and presented the, reasons which move him to do so, we, desiring to oblige him in the matter, have to fill his place and office first urged Mons'. Johan Baptista van Rensselaer to allow himself to be prevailed upon to take his place and finally obtained his honor's consent thereto. In confirmation of which his honor has by handshake with the director and with the approval of the commissioners {gecommitteerden) been confirmed and installed in said office. Which I certify, A. DE Hooges, Secretary On the date above written, Adriaen from Alekmaer has agreed that for a certain house standing to the north of Fort Orange, heretofore built by a savage named den Uyl,^ through pressure brought to bear upon us by virtue of their superior ^The Owl. His Indian name was Stichtigeri. Court Minutes, 1648-1632 167 strength, he, Adriaen. would pay yearly one beaver to the agents of the honorable patroon and the co-directors, submitting himself hereby to the court and the laws of the colony. In witness of the truth, this is signed by Adriaen aforesaid with his own hand. By me, ApRIAEN PlETERSZ VAN AlCKMAER Which I certify. A. DE Hooges, Secretary The lease commences at Easter of this year, 1 65 1 . [90v] Court proceedings, October 19, 1651 Thys Baerentsz admits his debt shown on folio 43 of the " Book of Monthly Wages," amounting to three hundred and forty-one guilders, fourteen stivers, whereupon the director demands judgment against him, with the accrued interest. Thys Baerentsz is granted a delay of six weeks in whieh to make payment, under penalty of execution. Thomas Keuningh being cited by the director to pay for the half of a bull', amounting to the sum of fl. 35 in beavers, toward which fl. 1 0 is credited' to him, the director asks that he be con demned to pay. Thomas Keuningh is ordered to pay within the space of one month after this date. As to the question which has arisen between Jochem; the baker, and Jacob Luyersz, it is ordfered that Jacob Luynersz shall imme diately fulfil his contract with Jochem and that each of ihemi shall produce his evidence as to the difference beUween them on Thursday next, on which day they are this day summoned to appear. Jan Michiekz having heretofore been summoned to pay fl. 251, is ordered' . . . [two lines destroy edj. [91] GilHs Fonda earnestly requests permission to support himself by distilling liquor in the Greenen Bos, in the house belonging to Evert Pels, next to the brewery. His request is 168 Colony of RensselaersTvyck granted on condition that he enters into a contract in regard to the duties to be paid to the honorable masters. Extraordinary session, October 21 Anno 1651 Resolved and therefore ordered and decided that all the inhabitants of this colony residing round about and near the vil lage {byeenTVooninge) shall be held on Thursday next, being the 26th of this month, to make ready at their expense to cut down the underbrush in the thicket behind the fort, from there to the third kill, along the hill, and to remove said underbmsh, each one for himself, in order to prevent many accidents and inconveniences, in the interest of all. [91v] Court proceedings held on October 26 Anno 1651 Whereas on the last court day, as a special favor, it was proposed that Claes Gerritsz submit the differences between him and the director to the decision of impartial men and whereas the appointed day has now arrived, the parties have agreed to refer their question to neutral persons, two to be appointed by each, on condition that if the authorized agents can not agree, the former claims shall remain intact and that the decision must be rendered peremptorily within the space of eight days. Jochem, the baker, and Jacob Luyersz, cited by the director. Jacob Luyersz declares that Jochem struck him with a piece of wood, which blow he warded off with his arm. Also, that he had a biscuit knife in his hand, with which he threatened him, Jacob, in the house of Hendrick, the baker, and that he called him a dog. Jochem declares that Jacob drew a knife on him first. Claes Cornelisz admits that he owes Tys Baerentsz one hun dred guilders to dat^ and no more. First default yjje director and Gerrit Vasterick have cited Evert Pels. Court Minutes, 1648-1652 169 [92] Court proceedings, November 2 Anno 1651 Dirck van SchelluyDe, appearing before this court as the attorney and the authorized agent in the case of Michiel Jansz, has first of all exhibited and produced in court his .appointment and commission as a notary, dated April 8 Anno 1650, which being carefully examined and read by us is found to be duly, firmly and bindingly authenticated in the name of their High Mightinesses by the honorable secretary Cornelis Mus ^ and con firmed by the signatures of their High Mightinesses aforesaid, so that we properly recognize him as such. Cryn Cornelisz and Hans Jansz from Rotterdam requesting permission to erect a saw mill on a certain kill situated on the west side of the river, a little north of Beeren island, their request is granted on the same conditions as other mills, provided they submit themselves to the government and judicature of this colony. [92v] Aert Otterspoor having been summoned by Jan, the smith, about defamation, says and declares before the honorable court that if he has slandered said Jan (which he does not know), he is sorry. Cum expensis. The compensation for expenses is fixed by the court at three guilders. [93] Extraordinary session, November 4 Anno 1651 The honorable court of the colony of Rensselaerswyck, having seen and examined and carefully considered all the documents in the proceedings carried on between Director Brant van Slichtenhorst, as plaintiff, on one side, and Michiel Jansz, as defendant, on the other side, with the continuation thereof by Notary Dirck Schelluyne, as attorney, have adjudged and decided, as they hereby do adjudge and decide, that the defendant, or his sureties in the matter, shall tender and pay to ^Cornelis Musch. The commission is printed in Documents relative io ihe Colonial History of the Stale of New York, 1 :384. 1 70 Colony of Rensselaerswyck the honorable plaintiff tlie sum of two thousand nine hundred and fifty-four guilders, and eleven stivers, the receipt of which, clear, by balance of accounts, the defendant (as appears by his signa ture) , has acknowledged in court. The just half thereof, that is, fourteen hundred and seventy-seven guilders and five stivers, eight pence, the defendant, or his sureties, are ordered to pledge witliin the space of six weeks after the date hereof. Likewise, for three horses received by him, which the defendant took with him at his departure [from the colony], valued at one hundred and fifty-six guilders and ten stivers each, amounting to the sum of four liundred and sixty-nine guilders, ten stivers, the defendant, or his sureties, are ordered to pledge the amount aforesaid as above. As to any further lawful claims wbich the defendant may have aside from the liquid assets mentioned in his aforesaid account, he is once more ordered to present proof thereof tefore the first of May anno 1 652, under penalty of judgment by default, and in case upon examination by the court said claims are found to be properly proven, they will be credited to the defendant's account. Furthermore, the defendant is condemned in the sum of thirty guilders for the costs of this extraordinary session. Done in the colony, this 4th day of November anno 1 65 1 . By order of the honorable court, A. DE Hooges, Secretary [93v] Court proceedings, November 9 Aimo 1651 [Blank space.] Extraordinary session, November 10 Anno 1651 The honorable director and Claes Gerritsz having heretofore chosen Mr Johannes Dyckman and Mons'' Dirck Schelluyije as arbitrators on the part of the director and Andries Herbertsz and Willem Fredericksz as arbitrators on the part of Claes Geritsz, Court Minutes, 1648-1652 171 they on this day, the date above written, appeared to settle the differences between them and in view of the limited powers of the arbitrators bave jointly and severally agreed emd contracted to settk all the questions and differences which have thus far arisen between them out of court and to place them entirely [94] into the hands of the aforesaid arbitrators, on condition that each party shall waive all right of exception or whatever may in any wise conflict wath the full power of attorney given by him, under penalty if either of the principals should violate this agreement or object to the decision or award of the arbitrators of forfeiting the sum of seventy-five guilders to the poor ; for the fulfilment of which they bind themselves according to law. But with this exceptioo and reservation that if the autliorized agents can not agree or compose the differences, that then all former judgments Emd writings regarding the aforesaid differences shall stand and remain intact. In witness whereof the principals have confirmed and ratified these by their signatures. Done in the colony of Rensselaerswyck, the year and day above written. B. V. Slichtenhorst The mark X of Claes Gerritsz, made with his own hand. In the capacity aforesaid the authorized agents have found and awarded, as they hereby do find and award, as follows: As to the forbidden trade carried on by Claes Gerritsz, he shall pay therefor to the director the sum of one hundred guilders, at tweijty stivers apiece, once, and [94v] no more. Secondly, as to the unlawfully traded furs and the contraband goods found in the possession of said Claes Gerritsz, it is decided that they shall remain confiscated and forfeited for the benefit of the honorable director in his official capacity. Finally, as to the insulting and slanderous remarks addressed by Claes Gerritsz to the person of the honorable director, it is decided that by way of fine the said Claes Gerritsz shall within the space of 14 days from the date hereof turn over and pay once for all the sum of twenty five guilders for the benefit of the poor and a like sum to the honorable director. 172 Colony of RensselaersTvyck Furthermore, he shall admit to the director that he did wrong. All with the costs of the extraordinary session and this arbitration. Wherewith all the disputes which to this date have arisen and occurred between the parties are finally disposed of and settled, the parties on both sides being for ever after enjoined from taking any legal or extrajudicial action in the matter. Thus done by the authorized agents on the date above written. In watness whereof they have hereto affixed their signatures. Joannes Dyckman D, V. Schelluyne 1651 Andries Herberts The mark of X WiLLEM Fredericksz, made with his own hand [95] In accordance with the aforesaid arbitration, Claes Gerritsz has by handshake, in the presence of the aforesaid authorized agents, acknowledged to the honorable director that he has done wrong. Date above written. Which I certify, A. DE Hooges, Secretary Court proceedings, November 16 Anno 1651 The following were cited: Hans, first Haus Jansz from Rotterdam cited by Evert Pels default. Adriaen de Vries and Evert Noldingh cited by the honorable director defadff" Claes Uylenspiegel cited by Mr Dyckman The honorable director, plaintiff, against Evert Noldingh, defendant. Whereas the defendant has committed a criminal offense by striking Adriaen Dircksz in the face with a pair of tongs, thereby completely smashing his nose and mortally wounding him, without any reason or occasion for it in the least, which serious crime in a land of justice may not remain unpunished; therefore, the Court Minutes, 1648-1652 173 honorable director demands that he shall be arbitrarily punished and in addition be condemned to pay a fine of fl. 300, or be put to hard labor, according to the ordinance, cum expensis. And furthermore, that he shall give security for the satisfaction of the judgment, or be placed under arrest. [Two lines burned off.] [96] It is resolved and decided that on every court day the bell shall be rung, in order that every one may know the time when the court convenes. Court proceedings, November 23 Anno 1 65 1 It is resolved and ordered that on the 28th of November of this year, being next Tuesday, every inhabitant of this colony shall take the burgher oath, according to the formulary.^ Citations : Mr Dyckman causes Claes Uylenspiegel ^ to be cited. Claes Uylenspiegel — Cornelis Cornelisz van Voorhout. The honorable director — Jochem, the baker. Mr Dyckman requests that the wages earned by Jan Weble ^ be deposited with the court, until proper liquidation. Upon the petition of Adriaen Jansz, schoolmaster,* the follow ing apostil is entered: The petitioner is granted for this current year, from now on, without thereby establishing any precedent, in alleviation of his house rent, out of the emoluments of this colony, the sum of fifty guilders, once. [96v] Court proceedings, November 30 Anno 1651 The honorable director causes Jochem, the baker, and Jacob Luyersz to be cited. Jan Michielsz — Claes Uylenspiegel. ^ For the form of this oath and the names of the persons who took it, see O'Callaghan, History of New Netherland, 2 : 1 76. ^ Claes Teunisz, alias Uylenspiegel, meaning the wag, or joker. ^ This name is not identified. Perhaps intended for Jan Wemple. * Adriaen Jansz van Ilpendam, who on February 2, 1655, petitioned the court of Fort Orange and Beverwyck for the exclusive right to keep day and night school. He was apparently in the colony on November 174 Colony of RensselaersTvyck Teunis Dircksz cited and his property attached at the request of the director. Jeuriaen Bestval cited and his property attached at the request of the director. Property of Claes Segersz attached. Property of Evert Pels attached. Property of Cornelis Cornelisz van Voorhout attached. This day, Mr Joannes Dyckman, assisted by Jean Labatie, Jacob Jansz Stol and Pieter Ruyverdingh, delivered to the court a writ of appeal signed by the Honorable General P. Stuyvesant, dated November 20, 1651. Jacob Luyersz denies having drawm a knife on Jochem, the baker. The court having heard the parties, to wit, Jochem^ the baker, and Jacob Luyersz, and having duly considered everything, con demn the said Jochem, for striking [Jacob Luyersz] with a piece of wood, to pay fl. 10, and [the said JochemJ as well as Jacob Luyersz for drawing knives, to pay each a fine of fl. 10. Willem Jeuriaensz being asked in court whether he is willing to carry out the contract entered into with Jan van Hoesen, dated January 30, 1 650, he answers. No. 28, 1650, and was probably engaged as schoolmaster not long after September 9, 1 650, when the court of the colony passed the fol lowing resolution: "Whereas the Honorable director, the commissioners emd councilors of the colony are earnestly requested to provide the inhabitants with a competent schoolmaster and to appoint one, and recognizing the need thereof and that such appointment would tend to the uplift of a well ordered republic; therefore, having duly considered the same, we have in the first place, of our own free will chosen, and appointed as curators and commissioners for the building of a suitable school, the securing of a voluntary contribution from these inhabitants thereto, and the supervision and administration and authority over the same, their honors, Monsr. Arent van Curler and Goossen Gerritsen, who are hereby authorized thereto and also voluntarily accept the same. Done in the colony of Rensselaerswyck, this 9th day of September Anno 1650. (Signed) B. v. Slichtenhorst, A. de Hooges, Rut Jacobsem. A. van Curler, and the mark X of Goossen Gerritsz, made with his own hand. ("Leases and Contracts," 1648—52, p. 19, Rensselaerswyck Mss.) Court Minutes, 1648-1652 1 75 [97} Court proceedings, December 7 Anno 1651 The following citations were made: Jacob Aerts caused to be cited Evert Pels The honorable director " Jochem Kettelheym Willem Jeuriaensz Jeuriaen Bestval Evert Pels Teunis Dircksz and Kees Schoester,^ on the part of the minor children " Jacob Aertsz, wagoner Mr Dyckman " Corn. Cornelisz van Voorhout Jacob Aertsz, acknowledging his debt for the purchase of goods belonging to the estate of Cornells Maesz, deceased, amounting to the sum of fl. 65:12:8, is ordered promptly to pay the aforesaid money with the interest thereof at the rate of one penny in sixteen to be reckoned from Shrove Tuesday 1649. Jeuriaen Bestval and Jochenj Kettelheym are hereby per emptorily and strictly ordered promptly to pay the arrears of money next Thursday, or to furnish tWQ sufficient sureties, or, in default thereof to go to debtor's prison. Willem Jeuriaensz acknowledges his signature affixed to the contract dated May 7, anno 1 638. [97vJ December II, anno 1651, the director, on account of the crime committed [by Huybert Jansz |, attached all the money in the hand's of Mons'. v^ri Curler which is due to Huy bert Jansz by Mons'. van Curler. Court day held on December 14, 1651 The 7th ditto, [the director?] caused to be cited the guardians of the children of the late Cornelis Maessen; ^ Cornells Teunisz van Westbroeck, one of the guardians of the minor children of Cornelis Maesz van Bijren, See- Van Rensselaer Bowief Mss, p. 181. 1 76 Colony of RensselaersTvyck Default aiso^ Claes Segersz, Jeuriaen Bestval and Jan Reyersz. Default Jijto, Pieter Bronck had Aert Otterspoor cited Default ditio, Aert Otterspoor Jan van Bremen Default Gysbert aende Berch and Claes, his brother Default Jochem Kettelheym and Jeuriaen Bestval Aert Jacobsz and Cornelis Teunisz, as surety for the aforesaid Aert Jacobsz, cited to acknowledge or deny their signatures affixed to the contract dated August 16, anno 1649. Jan Reyersz admits the debt for goods received from the estate of the late Cornelis Maessen. Is therefore condemned to pay, the same as others. The director attached fl. 500 in the hands of Jan Reyersz, due to Ryck Rutgersz. Aert Jacobsz and Cornelis Teunisz acknowledge Th"* their signatures affixed to the aforesaid contract and was^reTd to Aert, or the surety, is condemned to pay within six Aert Jacobsz weeks the two years' rent due for the years 1 649 S? . ""' and 1650 according to the contract, under penalty 1 eunisz on ^ the 21st of execution, [98] and the remaining rent next *^'"°- Easter anno 1 652, Aert, or his surety being likewise condemned to pay this. The director has notified Aert Jacobsz of the cancellation of the lease of the nearest farm at Bethlehem, heretofore occupied by him, with order to leave the same next spring, anno 1652, unless he, or tiis surety, promptly turn over and pay the arrears of rent, tithes, recognitions, etc., according to the contract. Aert Jacobsz and Comelis Teunisz van Westbroeck cited to appear on the 2 1 st of December anno 1 65 1 . Court proceedings held the 2 1 st of December Anno 1 65 1 Whereas Hendrick Westerkamp, contrary to the published - ordinance, on the 18th of this month had Jan Baerentsz and Claes, the Brabander, haul firewood, and Hendrick admits hav ing been warned by Jan Baerentsz, after which he had four more Court Minutes, 1648-1652 177 sleigh loads hauled, he [and the] drivers are condemned accord ing to the ordinance. [ ] Febru- Whereas Jan Baerentsz and Jan Reyersz com- notice was plam that Claes Andriesz troubles them about some h^^'-d"" money which he claims to be due, they are hereby, persons. Under penalty of the lord's highest fine, enjoined B. V. Slich- and forbidden froni troubling each other any more, ^re°"o*r widiout prejudice to each person's rights. [98v] Court proceedings, January 4 Anno 1 652 Cited at thfe request of the director: Ryck Rutgersz Kees Schoester Lucas, the brother-in-law of Jan Thomas Aryen, the servant of Cornelis Vos Gysbert aenden Berch Claes, his brother Ryck Rutgersz acknowledges his debt on folio 76 of the director's book, amounting to fl. 944, whereupon the director demands judgment against him, without prejudice to any further claims or right which Ryckgert may have. TTie court orders Ryck Rutgersz, if he has any counter clmms, to produce them within the space of fourteen days and after previous and proper inspection of them to liquidate accounts and furnish sufficient sureties for the payment, or elsp to go to debtor's prison. This was read to Ryck Rutgersz. Whereas Claes Comelisz, being the servant and brother of Gysbert aende Berch, last year, on a Sunday, came to the house of the director and in a spiteful tone said that he " would get his pay " from Gysbert, even if the director and the gentlemen of the court were standing by, which actually did happen and can not be tolerated in a land of justice, the honorable plaintiff con cludes that the guilty party is therefor in tlie highest degree liable 1 78 Colony of RensselaersTvyck to arbitrary pumishment, as an example to others, irrespective of his right to recover what is due to him, all in conformity wrdi, the former ordinances and the plaintiff's duty, cum expensis. Gysbert Comelisz admits that he has taken some grain for his brother Claes and delivered it. Gysbert acknowledges his indebtedness in the sum of fl. 1981 , as per folio 44 of the director's book, but as to the fl. 540 for the number of morgens received he claims that it is sufficient for him to make restitution at the expiration of the lease according to appraisal. [99] The court order Gysbert aenden Berch, if he has any counter claims to make with reference to the fl. 1981, or other accounts, to produce them without fail within eight days after this date and then after previous and proper examination to liquidate accounts and fumish sufficient sureties for the payment or go to debtor's prison. It is decided that a copy of the cErector's complaint shall be handed to Cornelis Teunisz van Westbroeck to make answer thereto on next Thursday and to fumish sureties for the satis faction of the judgment. The director concl'udes that whereas Lucas, the brother-in-law of Jan Thomasz, and Aryen, the servant of Comelis Vos, on the yacht of Willem Albertsz have beaten said Willem over the head till he bled, knocking off some pieces of skin, they have each forfeited the sum of fl. 25, for which they must give security. It is resolved that the heavy cannon belonging to the honorablfe masters, being two in number and lying in the fort, shall from there be brought back to the colony. Il is agreed that Steven Jansz shall receive his wages at fl. 20 a month, clear, and that he shall not be charged for board at the places where he has workedl Whereas Claes Cornelis, the brother ot Gysbert aende Berch, in spite of the prohibition and arrest, has taken and appropriated to himself some grain, in contempt of this honorable court, and in addition has heretofore used these insulting words, namely, Court Minutes, 1648-1652 179 that " he would get it, even if the director and the other gentle'- men were standing near," which is intolerable in a land of justice, he is condemned to pay a fine of fl. [ ] , for which he is to furnish sureties, the ordinances remaining in force. Cum expensis. [In the margin is written:] This sentence was rendered on January 1 1, 16S2, and entered here by mistake. [99v] Court proceedings, January \ 1 Anno 1 652 Citations : Teunis Cornelisz Willem Albertsz Lucas, the brother-in-l'aw of Jan Thomasz Adriaen, his mate Gysbert aende Berch Claes, his brother Willem Albertsz says that he was beaten by Lucas first, before he took the sword from its place. What Teunis Cornelis acknowliediges he owes according to folio 74 of the director's book, amounts to the sum of fl. 1280: 1 1 :- His credit account as above amounts to ... . fl. 61 6:1 5:12 So that he remains indebted fl. 663:16:12 For counter claim on account of incon venience of the house, hauling logs, etc., is deducted fl. 100:- Balance to be paid fl. 563 : 1 6: 1 2 Except the straw and the four beavers paid on account of the patroon for covering the hay barrack. Whereas Teunis Comelisz at the aforesaid liquidation of accounts asks permission to pay the aforesaid sum in instalments, permission is granted him to pay the money promptly in three 180 Colony of RensselaersTvyck payments, the first one month from this date, the second a month later and the third likewise after one month, making in all a period of three months, payment to be made in good currency or merchandise within the space of 1 4 days, for which he is to bind himself and furnish sureties, under penalty of execution. [100] Robbert Vasterick offers himself as surety for Lucas, the brother-in-law of Jan Thomasz, and his comrade Aryen, in the actions brought against them to this day by the honorable director in the matter of Willem Albertsz, namely, on account of the fight. Upon the petition of Cornelis Teunisz van Westb[roeck] the following apostil is given: The petitioner is granted a delay of eight days, provided he give security for the satisfaction of the judgment before instituting his defense. Done in the colony of R:Wyck, this 11th of January 1652. Was signed: To my knowledge, A. de Hooges, Secretary Court proceedings, January 18, 1652 The honorable director caused to be cited: Tys Baerentsz Robbert Vasterick Willem Albertsz Hans Jansz from Rotterdam Tys Baerentsz being cited with reference of the judgment of October 19, 1 65 1 , is once more and peremptorily ordered and commanded to pay the money mentioned therein wathin one month after this date, under penalty of being put upon the limits, or to give security therefor. Hans Jansz from Rotterdam denies that he fought vnth Jacob Flodder, much less that he drew a knife. Upon the complaint of Evert Pels and in view of the ordinance of November 16, 1 65 1 , on account of lost time and abuse and contempt of court, Hans Jansz from Rotterdam is condemned Court Minutes, 1648-1652 181 to pay a fine of twenty guilders, without prejudice to the claim of Evert Pels. The court having considered the complaint of the honorable director against Willem Albertsz, on the one side, and Lucas, the brother-in-law of Jan Thomasz, and Aryen, the servant of Cornelis Vos, on the other side, and heard the parties and the witnesses, have condemned Willem Albertsz and Lucas afore said each to . . . [one or two lines destroyed]. [ 1 0Ov] Ryck Rutgersz is once more ordered to comply with the ordinance of January 4, 1652, under the penalty as above. Jan van Hoesen is from this date granted the lot of Willem Jeuriaensz, provided that he, Willem, shall remain in his house as long as he lives or the occasion requires. Cornelis Teunisz van Westbroeck offers his house and effects as security for the judgment in regard to the complaint of the honorable director. Court proceedings held on January 25 Anno 1652 Upon the petition of Evert Pels, containing a request for the lot next to the garden of Gysbert, the tavemkeeper, it is decided as follows: 1 The petitioner's request for the lot and horse mill is granted. Gysbert [aende Berch] is authorized to draw [logs] for the petitioner during eight days, but not to use any mares. Upon the petition of Reyer Elbertsz, praying that he may be permitted to burn brick, it is decided to make the following apostil: The petitioner is granted permission to try if it will succeed, in which case a formal order on the subject will be made, but that the place, etc., will be shown him. Whereas heretofore a lot was granted to the poor in full ownership, next to the lot of Sander Leendersz, it is decided that the same shall . . . [one or two lines destroyed]. [101] 2 Jeuriaen Teunisz, glazier, is granted a lot between Gysbert Comelisz, the tavemkeeper, and the land of Thomas 182 Colony of Rensselaerswyck Jansz, which wdlll be shown to him, provided that the lease is to commence next Easter, Tbe lionora'ble director having represented that Dirck Jansz is bound to submit to the court an invoice of the goods imported by 'him into the colony and the court finding that much trouble may arise from such importations, it is resolved and decided that Dirck aforesaid shall [be required to] take the burgher oath and that the bouse which was built by Harmen Bastiaensz and the said Dirck shall be tran^erred to Dirck's name, on condition that he enter into a contract emd pay the duties to the honorable masters. Jochem Wesselsche, baker, is hereby ejqiressly '^'^ ordered and commanded within the space of eight zo January days from this date to have me liunber and the hog pen lying and standing on the lot of Jan van Hoesen removed from said lot to the lot assigned to him, under penalty of having the director order it done at their expense zuid to his profit. Likewise, the said Jochem, his wife and the menders of the family are strictly enjoined from assaulting, molesting or troubling Jan van Hoesen or his family in any way by word or deed, under penalty of fifty guilders, in addition to the ordinary fine. The same injunction is issued to Jan van Hoesen and family wath regard to Jochem Wesselsche. [lOlv] Court proceedings, February 1 Anno 1652 Citations : By the director: Jochem Wesselsz and his wife Tys Baerentsz By Pieter Bronck: Paulus Thomasz Paulus Thomasz admits that he owes Pieter Bronck fl. 165:16. Pieter Bronck asks jiudgment and security for the payment. Cmri Minaies, 1648-1652 183 Paulus Thomasz ibeing asked in court by the honorable director on what conditions he and Jan van Bremen, Pieter Teunisz, Compeer ^ and others were to take up and .possess the land promised to ithem at Catskil, answers that they were to use the land for ten years free from any taxes, but that at the expiration of the ten years they were to pay tithes, whereupon they took the oath of "fidelity before and to Mr Dyckman. The above, Paulus Thomas declares by handshake and on the truth of a man, instead of under oath, before the director, to have thus taken place. [102] Mr Johannes Dyckman, appearing in court with the request that he may be permitted to have as much timber cut and hauled as wall be necessary for a new house, his request is granted. 3 Jan Baerentsz Wemp requesting permission to have a lot next to the palisades, north of Thomas Jansz, on condition that the lease shall commence at Easter anno 1653, his request is granted provided that the lot shall be pointed out to him and that he must Contract like others. Whereas Jan Baerentsz aforesaid requests that the half of fhe increase of the cattle may belong to him in full ownership, as mentioned in his contract, it is resolved and decided to let him have the same. 4 Hendrick Reur is granted the lot next to that of Jeuriaen, fhe glazier, on condition that he shall make a contract like others, fhe lease to commence Easter anno 1653. 5 Steven Jansz is granted the lot next to Hendrick Reur. The lease commences Easter anno 1653. 6 Jacob Simonsz Klomp is granted fhe lot next to Steven Jansz. The lease commences Easter anno 1653. 7 Marten Hendrick Verbeeck [is granted the lot] next to Jacob Simonsz. The lease commences as hereinbefore stated. He shall support himself by brewing. ^Thomas Higgins. 184 Colony of RensselaersTvyck [102v] Whereas the honorable director on the one side and Jan Thomasz and Volckert Hansz on the other side by way of compromise have heretofore referred their mutual differences to fhe decision and award of fhe honorable guardians in the father land ^ and to this date have received no information or decision, the parties hereby mutually release each other from the aforesaid compromise, their difference remaining in fhe seune state as before and intact, just as if no submission [to the guardians] had taken place. Court proceedings, Febmary 8 Anno 1652 Cited by the director: Ruth Jacobsz, about payment or restitution of 64 schepels of wheat. Thomas Sandersz, smith. Pieter, the Frenchman^ The honorable director, plaintiff, against Thomas Sandersz, smith, and Pieter, fhe Frenchman, defendants. Whereas on the first day 6f February of this year they pre sumed fo fight wifh each other wifh knives, with the result that Thomas aforesaid was wounded in his left arm, the honorable director concludes that each of them, by virtue of the ordinance, has incurred the penalty of fl. 300, for which fhey are to be put on the limits. [ 1 03 ] Peremptory order is issued by fhe court fhat both parties, Thomas Sanders as well as Pieter, the Frenchman, must present their evidence by Thursday next. Mr Dyckman proposes fhe question whether the gentlemen of the court did not promise him copies of the deeds of purchase and conveyance of this colony? Answer : Yes. Asks: Why, then, fhey were not exhibited? Is informed fhat an answer thereto was given. Mr Dyckman, having a placard from the Hon. Director General Petro Stuyvesant, proposes fo post the same in fhe fort ^ Meaning the guardians of Johannes van Rensselaer, the young patroon. Court Minutes, 1648-1652 185 as well as in the colony. Says also that he will show authority thereto from their High Mightinesses and the Company. The honorable director first requests a copy to examine it. Mr Dyckman asks and requests permission to publish and post the placard in the colony. The honorable director again emswers. No. Mr Dyckman says that he will ask it once more and that then . . . [blank]. [103v]^ Extraordinary session, Februeury 9 Anno 1652 Whereas on Fdbmary 8, 1652, Mr Johannes Dyckman, accompanied by five persons and his assistant appeared before the full assembly and there with much circumstance explained his instructions, reading among other things a placard of the Hon. General Petro Stuyvesant and the Council of New Netherland regarding certain claims to some ground around Fort Orange, and first asked us for permission to post this placard in fhe colony and then, when according fo our duty this was refused, assured us among other things that such was the order of their High Mightinesses, therefore, [be if known,] that we shall first calmly await fhe order of their High Mightinesses aforesaid and that in case of refusal or lack of remonstrance [on their part] we shall in honor and by virtue of our oath be bound to protest against all damage, mischief or injury which may result therefrom. And in case, contrary to our expectation, without the approval of their High Mightinesses aforesaid, any placards should be posted within the jurisdiction of the colony, [we promise] that any person who shall tear them down shall af fhe expense of the honorable masters be released from all costs, loss or damage. B. V. Slichtenhorst, Director of the colony of Rensselaerswyck A. DE. Hooges, Secretary A VAN Curler J. B. [van Rensselaer] ^ In the margin is written : A copy hereof was shown to Mr. Johannes Dyckman on Feb. 26, 1652. 186 Colony of RensselaensTvyck [ 104] The honorable court of the colony of Rensselaerswyck, by virtue of the agreement dated September 28, anno 1650, request Mr Johannes Dyckman in all amity and friend^ip, according to the tenor of the agreement just mentioned, to restore the three cannon belonging to the honorable masters. Done in collegio, this 9th day of February Anno 1652. Was signed: B. V. Slichtenhorst, Director of the colony A. de Hooges, Secretary and Commissioner A. van Curler J. B. V, Rensselaer Jan Verbeeck Whereas Harmen Bastiaensz has the lumber for a house ready at the place assigned to him and in view of the placards lately posted by the Company is reluctant to proceed with the building; fhe more so as Mr Dyckman on the date underwritten has for bidden him to do so, therefore the director hereby releases him from all demonstrable loss or damage which he may suffer on that account. Done in Rensselaerswyck, this 9th of February Anno 1652. Was signed: B. V. Slichtenhorst, Director of the colony of Rensselaerswyck [ 1 04v] Extraordinary session, February 1 2 Anno 1 652 Arrested and cited by the director to appear in court this day, at 9 o'clock in the forenoon: Jan Dircksz van Bremen and Pieter Teunisz van Brunswyck The parties having failed to appear after their names had been legally called, the first default is given against them. The honorable director asks that a second and a third per emptory summons be issued to appear on Thursday next. The court rules: Fiat, Mons'. Arent van Curler and Mons'. Johan Baptist van Rensselaer attest at the request of the director that Jan Dircksz Court Minutes, 1648-1652 187 van Bremen on December 27 Anno 1651. in their presence, acknowledged his signature to the contract made with the honor able director and the commissioners on the 18th of January of the year aforesaid. Court proceedings, February 1 5 Anno 1 652 Cited by the director are : TTio court, for :::r:gra"ted t: ^'^^^ T--- -^12^ and 3d peremptory 8 days' delay. Jan Van Bremen J summons First default. f. Teunis Dircksz Second default. T •-, i ri L Kyck Kutgersz The court messenger reports that according to his warrant he served the second and third fjeremptory summons on Jan van Bre men and Pieter Teunisz and that they accepted them, but replied that they could not appear on this day, [but would appear] a week from this date. [105] Mr Johannes Dyckman, assisted fay Master Abraham Stacis, Jacob Jansz Stol, Jan Labatie and Pieter Ruerdingh, assistant, appearing after proper request for admittance, has handed in two placards,, addressed to the Commeuider and those of the jurisdiction of Rensselaerswyck, one of the 27th and the other of the 29th of January 1 652, and signed Andreas Johannis Christman, Clerk. Also an extract from the Resolution Book of the Hon. Director General and Council of New Netherland, of Monday, January 29 Anno 1652. Also the answer to our request for restitution of the honorable masters' cannon, dated February 15, 1652, and signed Johannes Dyckman, Abram Staas and Jacob Jansz Hap. Upcm the petition of Thomas Sandersz it is decided as follows : For reasons set forth in the petition and in order to be accom modating the honorable court have upon his petition redliced the amount of the fine to thirty guilders. Whereas the question between the honorable director and 188 Colony of RensselaersTvyck Jan Thomasz has been pending in court for a long time and no response or decision has been received from [the honorable guardians in] the fatherland to whom the case was referred, the parties absolutely submit themselves fo [the decision of] four arbitrators, of whom each side is to choose two, two fo be taken from the court and two from outside fhe court, to whom they leave the matter completely. The honorable director chooses from the court, Mons'- J. B. V. Rensselaer, Mons'- van Curler is chosen by them both. Jan Thomasz chooses from fhe court, Pieter Hartgers. [ 1 05v] Court proceedings, February 22 Anno 1 652 Delivered to Mr Dyckman an extract from the deed of con veyance of the colony dated August 6, Anno 1631. Also, a copy of the grant by their High Mightinesses to dis pose of the fiejf [by will], dated February 5, Anno 1641. Mr Dyckman having once more proposed the question whether we would consent and approve fo have the aforesaid placards posted and published, the honorable director, in the name of the board, has answered: " In no wise, as long as I have a drop of blood in my body, unless you show me first an authorization from their Hig'h Mightinesses or our honorable masters." * First Pieter Jacobsz 1 . , , , default T_u._ T -L-i; f "itcd on fachalf of fhe director Johan Director Slichtenhorst, plaintiff, against Jan Labatie and Pieter Jacobsz, defendants. The honorable plaintiff, by virtue of the agreement, demands restitution of fhe patroon's cannon, loaned in good faith, or else claims damages in the amount of fl. 225 for each piece plus law- h}\ damages, because the plaintiff paid fhe board and wages of Master Steven and Andries de Vos in making the gun carriages and to give security therefor or submit to civil arrest. ^ In the margin is written : A copy hereof was shown to Mr. Johannes Dyckman on Feb. 26, 1652. Court Minutes, 1648-1652 189 ¦iA •, ,- "] Pieter Teunisz ) 3d ctahons and I jj^J failure to appear J an Van hJremen J This is added !'!, \ " *"! , They are therefore declared contumacious and or tlie honorable ..... court, the I8th judgment is given against them by default," all sub- December Anno ject to proper accounting. Court proceedings, February 29 Anno 1652 Interrogatories drawn up for fhe examination of Gerardus van Wencom, Hendrick Jansz Reur and Jan Bastiaensz The honorable director asks the above named persons whether they do not recollect having seen on the 8th of this month fhat when Mr Dyckman, accompanied by five persons and his assistant, appeared before the court, he brought wifh him info the middle part of fhe house three soldiers, who were fully armed, namely, with their side arms, two carrying muskets with lighted fuses and one carrying a snaphance? The deponents jointly declare as stated in fhe foregoing article. Director Slichtenhorst protests and complains of violence com- hiitted by Mr Dyckman's soldiers on New Year's eve in having several times, contrary fo the ordinance, shot burning fuses on the roof of the patroon's house and also on tlie house of the director, which is covered wifh thatch, so that fhe fore part of the house seemed ablaze and the director's son, in the intense cold, was moved to spring naked out of bed to extinguish several papers, and having therefore endangered not only the honorable masters' house, property and papers, but more particularly some people's lives. . . . [about two lines destroyed]. [106v] Secondly, the aforesaid director complains and pro tests about great and notorious violence and maltreatment received by his son on New Year's day last past af the hands of Mr Dyckman and his soldiers, who suddenly grabbed him by fhe hair and at the; same time struck him on the forehead so that he fell down and in the presence of the aforesaid Dyckman not 190 Colony of RensselaersTvyck only beat him black and blue, but dragged him through the mud and mire and treated him inhumanly as if he were a criminal, yes, struck his children wifh their guns and threatened to shoot them, but were prevented from doing so. And that without any reason or occasion therefor in the least, so fhat from this cruel abuse of power a massacre might easily have resulted. And he, Dyckman, encouraged his soldiers in their evil work, while they thus inhumanly treated the director's son and his children, by calling out aloud: "Beat him now and may the devil take him! Likewise, the aforesaid director complains emd protests about violence committed by Mr Dyckman in coming on the 8th of February 1 652 with his six persons and three soldiers, armed with guns with lighted match and side arms, at the time that the court was in session, info the house of the honorable mcisters and into another man's jurisdiction, of which the director was informed and had knowledge only after the court had adjourned. And whereas no one has a right to enter another's jurisdiction by force of arms [107] except with the previous consent of the officer or the commissioners of the court, this fends not only to the dis paragement of the court, but also of the authority of our supreme government, which is likewise represented here. Furthermore, the director complains and protests against the insults offered by Mr Dyckman on the 8th ditto in bringing his assistant and fhe aforesaid persons into the court and ordering him to sit down at the table and to make a note of everything that he, Dyckman, proposed, against which Director Slichtenhorst expressly protested, refusing to suffer it in any way and ordering him to get out, as he did. And afterwards, fhe aforesaid Dyck man again made him come in, against the aforesaid protest and the order of the director, so that violence prevailed over justice. ^ [In the margin is written:] And when Dyckman was told that the scandalous treatment of the director's children would be avenged, the said Dyckman ordered his gunner, Pieter Jacobsz, to load his pieces with [ball], saying that they would fire through the director's house, as the «alid gunner Wiself confessed to the director and is well known to every Court Mintdes, 1648-1652 191 [107v] Citations: The honorable director causes Rutger Jacobsz and Jacob Jansz to be arrested in the colony and to be cited to appear on the 22d of this month on account of the crime committed against the person of Albert, the carpenter. 23d ditto. Jan Thomasz causes Claes Uylespiegel r in the cellar @ fl. 2 a day fl. 31: and for board 15; ;10: To Huybert Jansz. for bringing 69 schepels of oafs on board for Dom. Megapolensis and fo Carsten Car- stens for measuring, together In 1648 and 1649, until 1 1 April 1650, Thomas Jansz. has hauled clay, dirt and lumber for 1 9 days af fl. 5 a day 95 and board 19 To Jan Berents for 1 0 days' haul ing as above at fl. 5 a day 50 and for board 1 0 To said Jan Berents for [work on] the new buildings Paid to Jan Smith for 44 days' labor at fl. 1:1 0 — a day 66 51 days' board 51 21: 5:— 46:10: 114: 60:—: 202:—: 117:—:— Court Minutes. 1648-1652 211 Paid to Jacob Aryaens for a wheel barrow 6: : Paid for a ladder 2:10: For my extra trouble and writings against Pieter Stuyvesant regarding the buildings in the Byeenivoninghe 250: — : — Paid to Gerrrit van Wencom for copying all the writings six times at fl. 5 each 30: — : — For firing by order of the honorable guardians upon the arrival of fhe Hon. General in 1 648 a salute of six guns and on his departure three, for which, with the cleaning of the gun, was used 24 lbs. of powder @ fl. 2 the pound; also three days' board of Jan van Bremen and Hans Jans from Rotterdam, together 54: — : — Paid by order of the guardians to a squaw whose corn was eaten by the patroon's horses 7: — : — To 4 beavers sent by Rutger Jacobs for 2000 bricks from the north for fhe chimney and for the freight, together 35 : — : — Paid for 2 reams and 4 quires of paper 29: — : — Paid for locksmith's work 1 1 :16: — For 5 hatchets 9:10:— For covering 4 sashes with cloth 3:12:— 24:18:— 1 648, September 1 4 Af the leasing of 6 lofs paid in premiums to the highest bidder in cash, as appears from the minutes 32 : 1 0 : 2 1 2 Colony of RensselaersTvyck Paid to Gysbert Cornelissen, innkeeper, for tavern expenses at the leasing and for wine for communion service, the toll on which is due to the patroon 1 76 : 6 : — Paid to Abraham Staas for two large locks for the ankle shackles, one beaver 8: — : — To 4 1 /2 schepels of wheat sent to the fatherland 11:5 : — Paid fo Jan, the boy of Comelis Segers, for hunting up the patroon's boat which the savages had stolen 1:10 : — Paid for fhe purchase of the house of Jan van Bremen, now situated on the farm of Jan Berents 327: 8: — To commission paid for the sale of the brewery 23 : — : — 1 648 and 1 649 To the sons of Cornelis Segers for 3 days' hauling of heavy logs with four horses and for board 6 : — : — Paid June 15, 1649, upon order on the part of the patroon for ransom of a French Christian 56 and anno 1650 for another French Christian 6 62:—:— 1 650, January 3 1 Paid in commissions at fhe leasing of the farms of Jan [van] Bremen and Cornelis Cornelissen and the sale of the two mill stones 47: — : — ditto, April 14 Paid to Christoffel Davits in settlement of de Hoges' account 6 : — : — To Rem Jansen, smith, for ironwork for the patroon's house 27: — : — Court Minutes. 1648-1652 213 By order of the court arrested Dirck Henricks, Claes Andriessen and Jacob Henricks, whereof the director has handed in a specified account of expenses Claes estimated at 1 04 : 1 4 : — EHrck at 118:10:— 223: 4:— For the reimburstment of which expenses security has been given., Paid to Vasterick for Dirck Henricks 1 1 5 : — : — and for a hat 1 4 : — : — Whereas the said Dirck by a judg ment of the hororable court was ordered to go to Katskill in the service of fhe patroon, it follows that fhe director must be reimbursed for the monies advanced by him with interest 129: — : — In the wanfer of 1650 fire broke out three times in the patroon's chimney and was attended with great danger. The expenses of extinguishing the fire and bricking up the holes amounted to 27 : — : — Sent to the patroon 64 beavers @ fl. 8 512: — : — Paid to Claes Tyssen according to the judgment and receipt 200: — : — To Gerrit van Wenkom for his services as lieutenent-schout (deputy sheriff) , for 2 years, at fl. 300 a year 600: — : — Whereas the guardians promised Slidh- tenhorst by contract a free dwelling as van Curler has had heretofore, but 214 Colony of RensselaersTvyck others instead of Slichtenhorst have enjoyed this and he therefore has had no free dwelling, but a very unfree {onvrye, i.e., without any privacy) and forlom house and small barn, he reckons that he has thereby suffered yearly a loss and damage of more than fl. 1 50, amounting in three years to 450:—:- There is also due to Slichtenihorst for extra pay and all his expenses 309: — : — Due also fo Slichtenhorst for expenses on account of colonists and gentlemen who come and go and entertainments, yearly fl. 200, in three years 600: — : — Due to me for extra trouble and writings on account of Adriaen van der Donck 250:—:— Also for writmgs, trouble and expenses in connection with proceedings against Michiel Jansen 200: — : — Due to Gerrit van Wenkom for copying all fhe foresaid writings six times @ fl. 5 each 30:—:— Slichtenhorst is by virtue of his contract entitled to 4 milchcows at fl. 20 a year, which cows he, Slichtenhorst, has used not for his own benefit, but largely for that of the lord patroon, to occupy the vacant farms, in order thus to keep out the savages as far as possible, the more so as the savages, one after the other, even took posses sion of the empty houses; amounts in three years to 240 : — : — Court Minutes, 1648-1652 215 Also for fhe promised horses at fl. 30 a year, in three years 180: — : — Also for 4 morgens of arable land at fl. 20 a year, amounting in three years to 240: — : — Also for loss of 4 morgens of pasture at fl. 1 0 a year each and the increase of cattle, amounting in three years to 1 20 : — : — Also the late rumors, called the Maquas war, cost me in addition to other large presents 159: — : — Also fo expenses connected with the arrest of William Juriaens, assessed by the honorable court according to fhe declaration at 118: — : — Paid in specie for five captured wolves, according to fhe ordinance 24: — : — Whereas the Director was commissioned in writing to go to the Manhatans about three matters conceming in fhe highest degree the jurisdiction of the lords patroons, the total charges for the trip are 131 : 2: — To balance of accounts of Jan van Twiller, for money advanced fo Frederick Lubberts. Also for 23 weeks' board, which, being called upon fo pay the same before his depar^fure, he said in the presence of all the magistrates would be paid by the patroon. Also for 8 schepels or oats, amounting in all to fl. 160, against which there is credited to him fl.27, so that there is still due to me 133: — : — 216 Colony of RensselaersTvyck Whereas the seawan was reduced in value af the Manhatans, to wit, from six to eight [beads] for one stiver, I stated in a memorial to the honorable court fhat, as I had a considerable quantity on hand, I could not afford the loss. July 23, 1650, I was by decision of the court, referred to the patroon, the amount allowed being Still due per cash account 1650, 28 Sept. Presented to the principal chief of the third castle who came to see us according to his custom: For clouts Four knives Four awls A few days' board Whereas I have had more than a hun dred sleighloads of manure drawn into the patroon's garden and kept the clapboard fence around the yard in repair af my own expense, and my contract provides fhat the ex penses are to be charged to the patroon and the same has cost me me at least one hundred guilders, there is due The amount of salary which according to the contract must be paid here in this country is fl. 750 a year, amount ing for three years, to wqf from March 22, 1 648, to ditto 1 65 1 , to 310: 4: 1408: 5: 10:16: — 100: — :— 2250:—:— Total amount due fl. 21118:14:12 Court Minutes, 1648-1652 217 From this is to be deducted the receipts specified above 73 1 9 : 1 2 : Net amount due fl. 13799: 2:12 This date, the 20th of January anno 1 65 1 , the above account vj^&s ex amined by fhe commissioners of the colony of Renselaerswyck, whio found the disbursements to amount to fl.21118:14:12 The receipts 73 1 9 : 1 2 : So that there remains due fl. 13799:2:12 Thus done in accordance with the instmctions of the commis sioners and of the Hon. Director Brandt van Slichtenhorst, dated the 4th of September Anno 1 647. Done at Renselaerswyck, on the date above written. Was signed: Antonius de Hooges, Secretary and Commissioner A. van Curler, Commissioner Being asked for information in regard to the above account, Arent van Curler wrote on September 1, 1659, to Johan van Rensselaer as follows:^ Dear Sir and worthy cousin : Salute! There being a time for everything, this opportunity presents itself, which I do not wish to let pass. As to Slichten horst, of whom your honor writes that he obtained a judgment for some thousands on the basis of ifhe account of about 1 3,000 guilders whidh the late De Hoges and I are said to have signed, I think it is tme that we signed it, but that we approved it, non credo. Why is no attention paid to our way of signing it? Owing to fhe length of itime that has passed, I have for gotten the circumstances, but (under correction) it seems to me ^The Dutch text of the letter is printed on p. 245-46 of Mr. Beer- nink's biography of Van Slichtenhorst. 218 Colony of RensselaersTvyck and my recollection is that we examined the accounts and the vouchers and found the receipts to be so much and the disburse ments so much, but as to having signed, approved and ratified the same, I trust we did not, as the commission of the commis sioners gives them power to examine and discuss the director's accounts provisionally, but the approval must come from the patroon and the co-directors. Miinheer, mon cousin. Your willing cousin and servant, Was signed: A. van Curler INDEX Accounts, to be rendered by colon- Amsterdam fair, no ists, 63, 146 Adriaensen, Gysbert, attacked by Comelis Segersen, 88, 89 Adriaensen, Jacob, the wagoner, see Aertsen, Jacob, the w^agoner Adriaensen (Aryaensen), Jacob, wheelwright, fighting, 59, 86; denies fighting, 63; attempt to pre vent director from making arrest, 64, 66 ; summoned, 64, 86, 155 ; first default, 64; to give security for judgiment, 65 ; surety, 65, 69, 91 ; case to Ibe decided by referees, 65 ; attachment against, 86; fined, 92; examined as to fight at house of Steven Jansen, 133; fighting with Kettelheym, 140 Adriaensen, Maryn, schepen, 8 Adriaensen, Rtrtger, see Arentsen, Rutger Ael, Blancke, 85 Aertsen, Aert, see Otterspoor, Aert Aertsen (Adriaensen, Aryaens), Jacob, the wagoner, to serve out term with Evert Pels, 25; entered another man's service, 25 ; court order concerning, 26; wages at tached, so; attempt to prevent director from making arrest, 64, 65, 66 ; summoned, 64, 175 ; to give security for judgment, 65 ; surety for, 6S, 69, 91 ; case to be decided by referees, 65; fined, 92; testifies, 97; debt,' 175; cited Evert Pels, 17s; accounts, 211; mentioned, 51 Albany, 18; Van Slichtenhorst's claim as founder, 13, 21, 22; pa troon's office, 24; fair at, in Albertsen, Hendrick, ferry master, 13s ; Stol to carry out contract with patroon, I34, I35, I44; men tioned, 49 Albertsen, Willem, see Blaeuvelt, Captain Willem Albertsen Amersfoort, 14 Andriessen, Albert, money due to from Jan Reyersen, 67; money due from Quiryn Cornelissen, 67 ; state ment concerning Maquas, 127; ac counts, 204, 209 Andriessen, Arent, 35, 89, 127 Andriessen, Claes, from Hilversom, 44; ordered to fulfil contract of service, 82; accused of fighting, 94; taken into custody, 108; confession, 109; attacked by Lambertsen, no; case adjourned, in; promises to give no cause for complaint, in; fined, 113; questioned regarding fight at house of Steven Jansen, 133 ; money due to, 135 ; attacked by Stol, 137; forbidden to molest Hans Vos, 139; complaints about, 177 ; accounts, 213 ; mentioned, 138 Andriessen (Driessen), Hendrick, at tacked by Claes Andriessen, 109; summoned, 134; dispute with Flod der, 160; sued by director, 72 Andriessen, Jan, from Dublin, state ment on killing animals, 144 Appel, Jan, see Louwrensen, Jan Arentsen, Rutger, summons Cornelis sen, 163, 164 Aryaensen, Jacob, see Adriaensen, Jacob Aryen (Adriaen), the servant of Cornells Vos, I77> 178, 181; surety for, 180 Attorneys at law, lack of, 156 Barentsen, Jan, see Wemp, Jan Barentsen Barentsen, Thys, de'bts, 167; granted delay, 167; money dvie to, 168; cited, 180, 182 Bastiaensen, Harmen, case referred to arbitrators, 30; sued by director, 31, 67; attempt to prevent director from making arrest, 64, 66; reply to complaint of director, 69; to act [219] 220 Colony of RensselaersTvyck (Bastiaensen, Harmen — Continued as referee, i6o; house, 182; for bidden by Mr Dyckman to erect house, 186; accounts, 209; men tioned, 141 Bastiaensen, Jan, examination of, i8g Beeren Island, n, 169 Beernink, G. ; biographer of Van Slichtenhorst, quoted, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 207 Bentinck ten Berencamp, Joncker Carel, 14 Bestval, Juriaen, summoned, 48, 96, 156, 174, 175, 176; transfer of property to by Pels, 70; acknowl edges signature to contract, 107; surety for Gysbert Cornelissen, 108; property attached, 132, 139, 156, 174; farm of, 157; ordered to pay debts, 175 Beth, Reynert Pieter, see 'Both, Rey nert Pieter Bethlehem, 97, 103, 135, 176 Beverwyck (Beverswyck), erected an independent village, 18; court of justice erected, 18, 23, 199; men tioned, 19, 23 Blaeuvelt, Captain Willem. Albert- sen, attacked, 178, 179, 180; cited 179, 180; judgment against, 181; accounts, 202 Bloemaert, Adryaen, not to take colonists to Manhattan without director's consent, 88; accounts, 209 Bloemaert, Samuel, instructions re ceived from, 131 Boer, Pieter de, see Jansen, Pieter Bogardus, Anneke Jans, daughters, S3 Bogardus, Rev. Everardus, 202 Bordingh, Claes, papers in suit delivered to Van der Donck, 84 Bosie, Pieter, the Frenchman, sum moned, 134; prosecuted for fight ing, 184 Both (Beth), Reynert Pietersen, skipper, so, 123, 207 Boundary posts, 194 Bout, Willem Fredericksen, Marten Hendricksen ordered to pay, 31; mark as witness, '74; surety for Van der Donck, 82; summoned, 95, 96 ; sued by director, 154 ; to act as referee, 160; summons de Vries, 163, 170; mark of, 172; accounts, 209; mentioned, 196 Brewery, 86, 87, 105, 151 ; contract of sale, 202 Brick, Reyer Elbertsen to try manu facture of, 181 Bridges, 141 Bronck, Pieter, dispute with Joost Teunissen, 159; petition to have a tavern, 162; cited Otterspoor, 176; cited Thomassen, 182; money due to, 182; mentioned, 113, 149 Burgher oath, 173 Byeenwoninge, use of term, 22-23; ground around to be cleared of underbrush, 168; mentioned, 90, 118, 141, 151, 211 Cannon, borrowed from patroon, 128 ; court requests restitution of, 178, 186; answer to request, 187; resti tution if demanded by Van Slich tenhorst, 188 Capital punishment, only case of in colony, 12 Carstensen (the Noorman), Carsten, summoned, 85; garden, 134, IS7; statements sworn to, is8; accounts, 210 Carstensen, Jan, reported attack on, I3i> 138; sued by director, 154 Casteels island, 78, 102, 130; leased, 157 Catskill (Kastil, Katskil), settlement of opposed, 106, 108, 116; land at promised to certain persons, 183; purchase and expenses of, 207 Chambers, Thomas, sued by director, 30; remarks about Qaes Tyssen, 31 ; ordered to start building house, 31; dispute about brandy, so; fight ing with Kettelheym, 62, 139, 140; fighting with Vos, 62; complaint Court Minutes, 1648-1652 221 Chambers, Thomas — Continued against, 98 ; to renew alliance with Maquas, 129; animals shot by savages, 144; right to use pastur age without charge, 145 ; mill near farm, 154; money in hands of at tached, 157; cited, 162; complains of Adriaen Dircksen, 163; may hire another servant, 164; petition, 195; accounts, 204; mentioned, no Christman, Andreas Johannis, placards signed by, 187 Church, 75 ; staircase built on outside of, 141 ; coats of arms in, 207 Claesen, Cornelis, see Segersen, Cor nells Claesje, a negress, 191 Claessen, Pieter, sued by director, 33, 43. 73; first default, 40; fined, 43; to fulfil his contract of service, 47; sumimoned, 48; claims unjust treat ment by director, 43, 53 ; regrets fusing slanderous language, 54; surety for Van Es, 59; sued by de Vos, 73; Hans Vos to watch property, 74 , 105 ; house, barn and hay barracks, 75 ; released from bail bond, 76; ordered to let Jan van Bremen have horses, 76; left Rensselaerswyck, 82; money due to, 84; accounts, 204; mentioned, 41, 42, 46, 53 Oaverack (Klaverrack), purchase, 207 Coats of arms, burnt in glass, 207 Coeymans, Barent Pietersen, see Pietersen, Barent Coeymans, Lucas Pietersen, see Piet ersen, Lucas Compeer, Tomes, see Higgins, Thomas Coninck (Keuningh, Koeninck), Thomas, boy to be taken into serv ice, 69 ; wife, mentioned, loi ; cited, 161, 162; ordered to pay for bull, 167 Constapel, see Herbertsen, Andries Coorn (Koorn), Nicolaes, acted as officer of the colony, 1 1 ; apostil on Coorn (ICoorn), Nicolaes — Co»- tinued petition of, 26, 70; attachment of money in hands of, 29; to render statement of goods received, 29 ; at tachment against ^ vacated, 32 ; ordered to present accounts, 40, 72 ; summoned in regard to slandering Hans Vos, 61; notice served on, 72; money due to, 140; accounts, 205, 209 Cornelis, Aertje, 120 Cornelis, Broer, see Teunissen, Cor nells, from Breuckelen Cornelissen, Claes, summoned, 163, 164, 176, 177, 179; admits debts, 168; complaint against his brother Gysbert, 177; fined, 178 Cornelissen, Cornelis, van Voorhout, see Van Voorhout, Cornelis Cor nelissen Cornelissen, Gysbert (aen den Berch), from Breuckelen, ordered to deliver cattle, 76; animals from his farm for Evert Pels, 81 ; surety for, 107, 108; statement regard ing Lambertsen, 142; cited, 176, 177, 179; acknowledges indebted ness, 178; authorized to. draw logs, 181 ; mentioned, 142 Cornelissen, Gysbert, from Weesp, tavemkeeper, summoned, 48 ; state ment regarding Van Bremen and Vos, 57; statement regarding Indians, no; rent reduced, 124; dispute with Philip Schuyler, 132, 133; granted a garden, 134; fight ing at his house, 135, 140; drink ing at his house, 136; attacked by Stol, 137; lease of Casteels island, 157 ; garden, 181 ; Cornelis Seger sen to deliver wheat to, 198; placard on house torn down, 200; accounts, 212; mentioned, 102, 106, 108, 109, 141, 158, 181 Cornelissen, Pieter, from Munnick endam, commissioner, 10; referred to arbitrators, jo 222 Colony of RensselaersTvyck Cornelissen, Quiryn (Cr^Ti), ac counts, 26, 2y; released from con finement, 28; service with Evert Pels, 29; money due to, 35; first default, 67 ; horse drowned, 67 ; bond, 73 I farm, 95 ; land to be sold, 102; requests permission to erect a saw mill, 169; inventory of estate, 202 ; mentioned, 32, 58 Cornelissen, Roelof, 35; accounts, 73, 202 Cornelissen, Seger, summond, 134; sued by director, 1521 Cornelissen, Teunis, ordered to pay Marten Hendricksen, 31 ; farm, 104, IIS; house, 104; payments to by Dircksen, 115 ; summond, 134, 162, 164, i6s, 179; denies shooting, 138 ; slandered by Dircksen, 151 ; first default, 162 ; accounts, 204, 209 ; mentioned, 206 Court messenger, duties, SS ; ap pointed, 159. See also Reur, Hendrick; Vos, Hans Court of Fort Orange and Bever wyck, erected, 18, 199 Court of Rensselaerswyck, erected, 7; jurisdiction, 7, 9, 12; appeal from, 7; organization, 16; main settlement of colony taken out of its jurisdiction, 18 ; consolidated with court of Fort Orange, 19; minutes connect with those of Fort Orange court, 23 ; members in 1651, 157; bell to be rung when court convenes, 173 Court records, extent of, 23 ; kept by de Hooges, 24, 120; original title, 24; sent to Holland, 120; extracts sent to Holland, 159; listed in Van Slichtenhorst's inventory, 202 Craloo, fair at, in Croaet, see Stevensen, Abraham Croon (Kroon), Dirck Jansen, to take the burgher oath, 182; house, 182 ; accounts, 208 Crynen (Quirynen), Comelis, arrested, 35 ; money due to, 35 ; bond signed by, 73; summoned, 73 Davits, Christoffel, attacked by Van Bremen, 58; takes over Dirck Hendricksen, 83 ; statement regard ing a horse, 86; sues Fairfax, 90, 107 ; horse drowned, 91 ; taken into custody, 91 ; land to be sold, 102 ; sued by director, 107; to make good loss of horse, 114; default for failing to appear in court, 131 ; summoned, 134, 140; attacked by Kettelheym, 140; accounts, 212 Day of fasting and prayer, Slichten horst's protest against order for, 30 De Caper (Kaeper), Jan, not to take colonists to Manhattan without director's consent, 88; took grain to Manhattan, 147; accounts, 208 De Gooier (Gojer), Dirck, see Hendricksen, Dirck De Goyer, Peter, 103 De Guyt, see Jansen, Huybert De Hooges (Hoogens), Anthony, commissioner, 16; in charge of colony, 17; secretary of the colony, 17; main body of record in hand writing of, 24; assault on, 27; sued by Van der Donck, 78; decision on Van der Donck's wheat, 81 ; surety for wheat, 82 ; payments to by Pels, 93 ; opinion regarding loss of horse, 114; judgment re garding horse certified by, 114; protests regarding Van Slichten horst's accounts, 114; letter to Governor Stuyvesant, 117; exam ination of seavran, 118; court records in custody of, 120; at tacked by Jeuriaensen, 122 ; investi gation of authenticity of letter to Vastrick, 125; attacked by Stol, 136;' decision regarding New Year shooters, 138; insulted by Lambert sen, 142; decision on dispute be tween director and Stol, 145; to act as attorney for Segersen. 156; books, 202; accounts, 205, 206, 212; signature, 33, 34, 30, 44, 55, 60, 61, 63, 6s, 67, 70, 74, 77, 80, 81, 83, 88, 92, 93, 94, 95, 97, loi, 112, 113, Court Minutes, 1648-1652 22: De Hooges (Hoogens), Anthony — Continued 117, 118, 123, 125, 127, 128, 129, 132, 144, 158, 166, 167, 170, 172, 174, 180, 185, 186, 193, 199, 217; men tioned, S4, 56, 57, 77, 78, 84, 85, loi, IIS, 119, 130, 140, 157 De Key (Kay), Willem, dispute about brandy, 50; dispute with Segersen, 69; warrant of arrest, 69; statement by, 70; appearance in court, 53; wife, 53 De Laet, Johannes, instructions re ceived from, 131 De Princes, ship, wrecked, 79 De Reus, Gerrit Theussen, schepen, 8; mentioned, 36, 48 De Vos, Andries, office of raet held by, 17; derogatory remarks about, 33; slandered by wife of Van Es, 44; Van Es not to molest, 57; in junction served on, 57; servant, 57; pasonent for mill, 59; sues Pieter Claessen, 73; surety for Davits, 91 ; arbitrator in case of Hevick, 99; stallion sold to, 100; requests director to state charges against brother-in-law, 143; ap pointment as assistant to guardians of orphans, 154; petition regarding use of water and building mill, 154; accounts, 209; mentioned, 75, 188 De Vries, Adriaen Dircksen, com plaint about, 163 ; acknowledges signature to contract, 163 ; pun ished, 164; released from confine ment, 165; cited, 172; attacked by Nolden, 172 De Vries, Cornelis, summoned, 163 Dircksen, Adriaen, see De Vries, Adriaen Dircksen Dircksen, Jan, see Van Bremen, Jan Dircksen Dircksen, Jan, the Englishman, beaten by Claes (Jerritsen, 53 ; sued, by Verbeeck, 131 ; mentioned, 28, 44, no, 113. See also Jan, the Smith ' ¦¦' Dircksen, Teunis, appointed as surety, 34; sued by director, 86, 145, 140, 149, 154; summoned, 87, 105, 116, 174, 187, 194; notice served on, 96, 108 ; to sell brewery, 105 ; grain attached, 107; agreement with director regarding land, 115; srtate- ment regarding Lambertsen, 142 ; punished and fined, 150, 152; or dered shooting by night, 151 ; slandered Teunis Cornelissen, 151 ; surety for Jan Helms, 154; agrees to answer director's complaint, 155 ; cited Jacob Aertsen, 17s; releases Pieter Hartgers from obligation as surety, 194; mentioned, 142 Distillery, in Greenen Bosch, 167 Donckers, Catalyn, see Sanders, Catalyn Doussen, Harmen, not to take colonists to Manhattan without director's consent, 88 Doyssen (Dojesen), Egbert, servant of Sander Leendertsen, 70; sum moned, 134, 195 Driesen, Hendrick, see Andriessen, Hendrick Duyckingh, Evert, accounts, 207; of fers to burn coats of arms in glass, 207 Dyckman, Johannes, to act as referee, 170; signature, 172; cites Uylenspiegel, 172, 173 ; request con cerning wages earned by Jan Weble, 173; delivers to court Stuyvesant's writ of appeal, 174; cites Van Voorhout, 175 ; timber for house, 183 ; promised copies of deeds of purchase and conveyance of colony, 184; asks permission to post placard in the colony, 184-85, 188; requested to return cannon, 186; placards presented by, 187; answer to request for cannon signed by, 187; extract from the deed of conveyance of the colony delivered to, 188; copy of grant by their High Mightinesses delivered to, 188; soldiers of, complaint of 224 Colony of RensselaersTvyck Dyckman, Johannes — Continued violence committed by, 189; erec tion of boundary posts, 194; dispute with Leendersen about a negress, 195 ; remarks ^bout Van Slichten horst, 197; mentioned, 183, 194 Eencluys, Hans Jansen, see Inckluis, Hans Jansen Elberts, Evert, 20 Elbertsen, Reyer, permitted to burn brick, 181 Evertsen, Tys, statement regarding Lambertsen, 142 Fair, iio-ii Fairfax, Thomas, horse lent to, 86, 114; sued by Davits, 90; charges against Davits, 91 ; fled from colony to fort, 91 ; ordered to furnish surety, 107; surety for, in First kill (Rutten kill), 54 Flag of the colony, hauled down by order of Director Stuyvesant, 198, 199 Flodder (Gardenier), Jacob Jansen, mill, 27, 95 ; sued by director, 106 ; complaint against Jansen, 108; denies drinking, 108; submits dif ferences to commissioners, 109 ; buys lumber, 109; drinking, 139; dispute with Hendrick Andriessen, 160; fighting, 180 Fonda, Gillis, 167 Fort De Hoop (Hope), 34, 39 Font Orange, dispute as to jurisdic tion of territory around, 17, 185; buildings around fort ordered torn down, 18, 151 ; separate court for, 18, 199; inhabitants alarmed by shooting in the Grreenen Bosch, 151 Francisco, Jan, 12 Fredericksen, Willem see Bout, Wil lem Fredericksen Furs, confiscated, 171 Fuyck, origin of name, 151 ; houses torn down by soldiers, 151 ; men tioned, 18, 23 Gardenier, Jacob Jansen, see Flod der, Jacob Jansen Gecommitteerden (Commissioners), temporarily administer colony, 10; duties, 10, 16 ; approved appointment of J. B. van Rensselaer as magis trate, 166 Gerechtspersonen (rechtsvrienden) , duties, 16 Gerret, the cooper, see Jansen, Gerrit Gerritsen, Beernt, accounts, 210 Gerritsen, Claes, confesses wounding Jan, the smith, 32; denies state ment about trading beavers, 43; quotes Ruth Jacobsen, 44; sued by director, 48; given time to settle account, 52 ; accused of beating Jan Dircksen, 53 ; ordered to satisfy judgment, 71, 164-165; pays no re gard to sentence, 85; decision on case submitted to referees, 127, 168; court records concerning, 159; judgment concerning, 161 ; arrested, 162; cited, 162, 192, 194; money due to, 163; complaint regarding director, 164; statement by, 164; referees chosen, 171 ; mark, 171 Gerritsen, Goosen, 16; office of raet held by, 17; second default, 40; urged to accept office of magistrate, 40 ; accepts magistrate's office, 41 ; takes oath of fidelity as magistrate, 43 ; surety for Jacob Lambertsen, in; opinion regarding loss of horse, 114; examination of seawan, 118; permission to engage in tap ping business, 123; discharged at own request, 137; decision regard ing New Year shooters, 138; supervision of school, 174; mark of, 174; cited, 192; cited 'Lambert sen, 194; accounts, 205; mentioned, 102, 119 Glen, Sander Leendertsen, see Leen dertsen, Sander Gooier (Gojer), meaning of term, 138 Grasmeer, Rev. Wilhelm, 125 Court Minutes, 1648-1652 225 Greenem Bosch, 21, 64, 94, 105; resi dence of Megapolensis, 32; houses searched, 32; brewery, 151, 194; shooting in, 151; distillery, 167; brew kettle, 202 Grotius, Hugo, 202 Guyt, see Jansen, Huybert Hageman (Haegeman), Jan, sum moned, 83, 84; sued by director, 85; ordered sent away, 118; ac counts, 204 Hans in Cluys, see Inckluis (Een cluys), Hans Jansen Hansen, Volckert, see Jansen, Volckert Hap, Jacob Jansen, see Stol, Jacob Jansen Harderwyck, 14 Harmensen, Marten, the mason, sued by director, 72; no dealings with private traders, 141 Hartgers (Hertgers), Pieter, office of raet held by, 17; first default, 40; surety for return of horse, 53; wife, S3; lease of land, 74; levy on property, 87; attacked by Stol, 136; nominated as magistrate, 137; to take oath of office, 140 ; admitted as member of court, 143 ; fighting ¦with Dircksen, 152; witness, 156; referee in case of Jan Thomassen, 188; cited Dircksen, 194; obliga tion as surety, release of, 194; ac counts, 204; mentioned, 157, 193 Helms (Helmsen), Jan, to receive grain, 124; dispute with Jacobsen, 134; summoned, 134; fined, 137; surety for, 148, 154; sued by director, 154 Hendricksen, Cornelis, see Van Nes, Cornelis Hendricksen Hendricksen (Henricks) , Dirck. from Hilversom, ordered to fulfil contract of service, 82; taken over by Christoffel Davits, 83 ; assault on Van Bremen, 94; summoned, 107; taken into custody, 108; horse drowned by, 109, 114; charges 8 Hendricksen (Henricks), Dirck — Continued against Croaet, no; fighting, 114; surety for, 115 ; ordered to Katskil, 115; complaint about, 138; injunc tion served on, 139; accounts, 213 Hendricksen, Marten, see Verbeeck, Marten Hendricksen Hendricksen, Rmger, of Soest, ap pointed schout, 7, 8; does not hold office, 9; mentioned, 17 Henricks, Jacob, accounts, 213 Herbertsen (Herberts, Constapel), Andries, surety for Thomas Fair fax, in; wife, 119; fighting with Stol, 135; to act as referee, 170; signature, 172; accounts, 206, 207 Hertgers, see Hartgers Hevick, Jacob, lease of house, 74; mark of, 74; sued by director, 98; examination, 98; decision of arbi trators, 99; money due to, 104; accounts, 204, 210 Hey, Jacob, accounts, 209 ' Higgins (Compeer), Thomas, shoot ing during the night, 103 ; statement on killing animals, 144; land at Catskil, 183 ; mentioned, 102 Hoofd-officier (chief officer), 9, 14 Hooge Berg, location of, 36 Horse, sold to Gen. Stuyvesant, 81; presented to Gen. Stuyvesant, 100 Horse mill, 181 Horses, speeding of, 50-51, 52; neglect of, 59; emplojmient for other than personal use forbidden, 59-60; exchanged, 100; cruelty to, 152; used for teaming, contrary to ordinance, 153; removed to Man hattan, 170 Houses, ordered to be torn down, 18 ; torn down by soldiers, 151 ; Commissary Dyckman forbids erec tion of house of Harmen Bastiaen sen, 186; expenses of protests against destruction, 211 Huybertsen (Huybers), Aryaen, notice to leave farm, 191 ; pay ments to by director, 199 ; accounts, 204; mentioned, 103, 104, no 226 Colony of RensselaersTvyck Inckluis (Eencluys), Hans Jansen, accused of beating an Indian, 29; summoned, 48, loi, 172, 180; sued by director, 56 ; requests permission to erect a saw mill, 169; denies fighting, 180; fined, 180; mentioned, 211 Indians, sale of contraband munitions of war to, 34 ; sale of liquor to, 97 ; drinking, no; permission to erect house, 131 ; cattle killed by, 144, 14s; house of near Fort Orange, 166; accounts with, 207; see also Maquas . Inventory of Slichtenhorst's office, 201 Jacobsen, Aert, sells liquor to Indians, 97; to deliver heifer to Reyersen, 100; refused to obey Director's order, loi ; to pay rent, 103; summoned, 106, 134, 176, 192; grain appraised by, 124; fined, 137; sued by director, 154; surety for, 154; judgment, 176; lease of farm may be canceled, 176; mentioned, 97, loi, 134 Jacobsen, Casper, lease of homestead, 155 Jacobsen, Franz, statement by, 94 Jacobsen, Pieter, mark, 128; sued by director, 188 ; cited, 188 ; tears down a placard, 200; mentioned 190 Jacobsen, Rutger, office of raet held by, 17; remarks to Claes Gerritsen, 44; promised protection by Van Slichtenhorst, 54; surety for Jacob Adriaensen, 65, 69, 91 ; surety for Jacob Aertsen, 69, 91 ; sale of horses to, 97; takes oath as councilor, 99; arbitrator in case of Hevick, 99; surety for Abraham Stevensen, 114; opinion regarding loss of horse, 114; examination of seawan, 118; to take Willem Jeuriaensen on his yacht, 123 ; in vestigation of authenticity of letter sent to Vastrick, 125 ; servant, 134 ; Jacobsen, Rutger — Continued decision regarding New Year shooters, 138; witness, 156; did not know of judgment, 164; successor appointed, 166; signature, 174; cited, 184, 191, 192; first default, 191; accounts, 204, 208, 211; men tioned, 71, 73, 102, 115, 144, 157 Jacobsen, Ruth, see Jacobsen, Rutger Jacobsen, Teunis, summoned, 141 Jan, the boy of Cornelis Segers, 212 Jan, the smith, 32, 169; accounts, 210. See also Dircksen, Jan, Englishman Jans, Anneke, see Bogardus, Anneke Jans Jansen, Adriaen, from Leyden, signa ture, 95; sues Mynten, 96; permis sion to collect debts, 124 Jansen, Adriaen, Van Ilpendam, see Van Ilpendam, Adriaen Jansen Jansen, Albert, the carpenter, 191 Jansen, Claes, from Bockhoven, con demned for hauling firewood, 176; cited, 192 ; to pay for hauling wood, 193; satisfies judgment, 193 Jansen, Cornelis, to receive a gun, 32 ; not to take colonists to Manhattan without director's consent, 88 Jansen, Dirck, see Croon, Dirck Jansen Jansen, Evert, to support himself by tailoring, 35 Jansen, Gerrit, the cooper, sued by director, 31, 72 Jansen, Hans, see Inckluis, Hans Jansen Jansen, Huybert, de guyt, summoned, 48; attacked by Paulus Jansen, 57; crime committed by, 175 ; accounts, 210; mentioned, 196 Jansen, Jacob, from Stoutenburch, remarks about Claes Tyssen, 30; sued by director, 30, summoned, 87 ; acknowledges signature, 88 Jansen, Jacob, see also Flodder, Jacob Jansen; Stol, Jacob Jansen; Schermerhoorn, Jacob Jansen Jansen, Louwerens, 102; wife, 103 Court Minutes, 1648-1652 227 Jansen, Mathijs, widow sues Jeuriaen sen, 35 ; .money due to, 40 Jansen, Michiel, accounts, 33, 34, 77, 96; arrested, 34; appointment of sureties, 34; again arrested, 34; sued by director, 36-39; Appel files answer in behalf of, 44; has not satisfied judgments, 123; ordered to file answer, 124; attorney for, 169; court decision, 169; men tioned, 48, 214 Jansen, Paulus, the Noorman, assail ant fined, 25, 107; attack on Huybert Jansen, 57 ; . fined, 108 ; submits differences with Flodder to commissioners, 109; drinking, 139; statement on killing animals, 144; mentioned, 35, 89 Jansen (de Boer), Pieter, contract with Hans Vos, 51 ; mentioned, 55 Jansen, Rem, the smith, sued by director, 72; rumors of war with Maquas, 127; drinking, 139; ac counts, 212; mentioned, 59 Jansen, Roelof, of Masterland, schepen, 7; daughters, S3 Jansen, Steven, carpenter, quarrels with Claes Andriessen, 109; fight at house of, 132, I33, I37 ; wife ac cused by Teunis Jansen, 132 ; state ment on receiving beer, 143 ; wages, 178; lot, 183; accounts, 205, 206; brought to colony, 208; mentioned, 104, 109, 142, 183, 188 Jansen, Symon, cited, 48 Jansen, Teunis, sailmaker, 132 Jansen, Thomas (Tomes), wounded by Evert Pels, 47, 52; sues Pels, 80; court decision regarding, 93; accounts, 204, 210; mentioned, 71, 74, 109, 182, 183 Jansen (Hansen), Volkert, forbidden to carry on unlawful trade, 70; summoned, 83; to renew alliance with Maquas, 129; attacked by Stol, 136; dispute with director, 184; accounts, 1 55, 206 Jeuriaensen, Willem, see Juriaensen, Willem Joesten, Symon, summoned, 47 Jogues, Father Isaac, quoted, 22 Juriaens, Annetje, 119, 120 Juriaens, Volckje, 119, 120 Juriaensen (Jeuriaensen) , Willem, sentence of banishment, 12; sen tence confirmed, 27; accounts, 29, 215; sued by widow of Mattys Jansen, 35, 40; sued for slandering Stol's wife, 88; sued by director, 90, 154; acknowledges signature to contract, 113, 155, 175; complaint against, 119; apprehension of, 120; twice banished from colony, 120, 122 ; punished and forever banished, 121; attack on de Hooges, 122; to be brought on board yacht of Rutger Jacobsen, 123; requests to be released from confinement, 125; attacked by Stol, 136; not willing to carry out contract with Van Hoesen, 174; cited, 175; lot, 181 Katskil, see Catskill Kees de boer, see Segersen, Cornelis Kees Schoester, see Van Westbroeck, Cornelis Teunissen Kerokbuurte, location of, 70 Kerckhof, 75 Kettelheym (Kuttelheym), Jochem, sues Lambertsen, 44; remarks about by Lambertsen, 46 ; persons slander ing will be fined, 46 ; summoned, 48, 96, 133, 138, 175, 176; dispute with Lambertsen settled, 56; fighting, 62, 139, 140; grain attached, 107; money due to, 132 ; sued by director, 139; debts, 157, 175 Keuningh, Thomas, see Coninck, Thomas Key (Kay), Willem, see De Key (Kay) Kieft, Willem, letter from patroon to, 10; mentioned, 12, 196 Klaverrack, see Claverack Klomp, Jacob Simonsen, lot, 183; mentioned, 183 Koninck, Thomas, see Coninck, Thomas 228 Colony of RensselaersTvyck Koorn, Nikolaes, see Coorn (Koorn), Nicolaes Labatie (Laberte), Jan, requested to arrest Fairfax, 91 ; witness, 108 ; borrows cannon from patroon, 128; refuses to be ambassador to Maquas country, 129; buys house, 131; surety for Schuyler, 138; at tacked by Kettelheym, 140; to send a certain negro to (ien. Stuyvesant, 143 ; delivered to court Stuyvesants' writ of appeal, 174; placard pre sented by, 187; sued by director, 188 ; cited, 188 ; mentioned, 151 ; ac counts, 204, 209 Lademaecker, Philip Pietersen de, 132, 137 Lambertsen, Jacob> of Dorlandt, fined, 25, 69, 107; sued by director, 44, 141, 154; retracts remarks about Jochem Keelhuyn, 46; summoned, 48, 194; paid fine, 56; ordered to satisfy judgment, 71 ; notice served on, 71 ; accused of fighting, 94 ; taken into custody, 108; attack on Claes Andriessen, no; surety for, in; default for failing to appear in court, 131 ; forbidden to molest Hans Vos, 139; mentioned, 138, 146 Lansing, Aeltje, 13 Laurenssen, Laurens, schepen, 8 Lawyers, lack of, 156 Leendertsen (Glen, Lenerts), Sander, servant, charges against, 68; state ments by, 68; surety for actions against his servant, 70; wife, sued by director, 87 ; not to take colonists to Manhattan without director's consent, 88; wife, 115; cited, 162, 195 ; slave accused of theft, 191, 19s ; dispute with Dyckman about a negress, 195; accounts, 206; men tioned, 49, 181, 195 Liquor, sold to Indians, 97 Litschoo, Sergeant Daniel, 198 Logs, cut in patroon's wood, 135 Loockemans, Pieter, sued by director, 72 Loper, Capt. Jacob, 62 Louwrensen (Appel), Jan, appointed as surety, 34 ; files answer in behalf of Michiel Jansen, 44; dispute be tween Pels and director referred to, 81, 92; sued by director, 83, 84; summoned, 84, 85, 86, 102; court's decision, 86; referee in case of Jacob Aertsen and Jacob Adriaen sen, 91 ; -money due to, 96 ; signa ture, 92; accounts, 209 Lubbertsen, Frederick, not to take colonists to Manhattan without director's consent, 88; accounts, 207, 208, 215 Luyersen, Jacob, dispute with Jochem, the baker, 167, 168; cited, 173; denies attacking Jochem, 174; fined, 174; stolen goods given to, 192; statement by, I93; petition, 195 Maessen, Cornells, see Van Buren, Cornells Maessen Manhattan, first court at, 9 Maquas, rumors of war with, 127; resolution to renew alliance with, 128-29; accounts with, 207 Masterland, see Jansen, Roelof Mechanics, allowance for board, 95 Megapolensis, Rev. Johannes, resi dence, 32, 70; losses by theft, 32; has Aert Pietersen examined as to his matrimonial intentions, 85; son- in-law, 125; slandered by Van Vechten, 149, 150; accounts with director, 159, 206; sale of books, 20S ; leaves colony, with wife and children, 208; mentioned, 12, IS, 41, 62, 88, 147, 208, 210 Menten, see Meynten Meynert, a carpenter, sued by director, 72 Meynten (Menten, Mynten), Willem, attachment against, 95 ; debts, 96 ; sued by Jansen, 96; ordered to shoot during the night, 151 ; men tioned, 114 Court Minutes, 1648-1652 229 Michielsen, Jan, apostil on petition of, 28; sued by director, 154; cited, 164, 167; debts, 165; cited Uylen spiegel, 173 ; stolen goods given to, 191 ; denies charges, 193 ; offers to go to prison in lieu of bail, 193; petition, 195 Mill, Plodder's contract, 27; near Thomas Chambers' farm, 154 Musch, iCbrnelis, 169 Neulewels, Jaques, statement by, 68 New Year's eve, shooting, 138 Nijssen, Wolf, see Nyssen, Wolf Nolden (Noldingh), Evert, school teacher, 29; sued by director, 31, 172; cited, 172; punished, 172 Nyssen, Wolf, executed, 12 Oost, Jan, wife, 148 Ordinances, on driving patroon's horses, 59; on value of wampum, 117; conceming shooting at night, 138; against hauling firewood, 176; listed in Van Slichtenhorst inven tory, 202 Orphans, guardians of, 149, 154, I7S Otterspoor, Aert, accused of fighting, 94, no, nt; surety for Dirck Hendricksen, 115; summoned, 169, 176; cited Van Bremen, 176; men tioned, no, 113 Paerde hoeck (Parda hook), 68 Papenakick kill, 206 Patroon and co-directors, instructions received from, 131 Patroons, see Van Rensselaer, Jo hannes; Van Rensselaer, Kiliaen Pauw, Michiel, 9 Pavonia, 9 Peelen, Brant, schepen, 8; mentioned, 127 Pels, Evert, JaCob Adriaensen to serve out term with, 25 ; service of Quiryn Cornelissen with, 29; ac counts, 32, 33, 202, 204; sued by director, 33, 52, 93; quarrel with Claes Tyssen, 33, 35, 52, 62; sum- Pels, Evert, Jacob Adriaensen — Continued moned, 47, 54, 95, 96, 161, 162, 168, 175; servant, 48; wife sued by di rector, 52; notice served on, 54; surety for Jacob Aertsen, 65, 69, 91 ; surety for Jacob Adriaensen, 65, 69, 91; transfer of property to Jeuriaen Bestval, 70; Gysbert Cornelissen ordered to deliver cattle to, 76 ; sued by Thomas Jansen, 80 ; animals for farm, 81 ; dispute with director to be decided by referees, 81, 93; decision regarding, 93; first default, 96; acknowledges signature to contract of farm, 100; non appearance, 117; decision on dispute between director and Stol, 14S; acknowledges signature and debt, 162, 163; cited Hans Jansen, 172; property attached, 174; request for lot and horse mill granted, 181 ; mentioned, 35, 44, 50, 69, 94, no, 167, 180 Peters, Stintgen, wife of Louwerens Jansen, 103 Picquet (Picket), Michel, statement by, loi Pieter, the Frenchman, see Bosie, Pieter Pietersen, Abraham, see Vosburgh, Abraham Pietersen Pietersen, Adriaen, lease of house, 167 Pietersen, Arent, first default, 67; summoned, 85 ; payment to, 139 Pietersen (Coeymans), Barent, sum moned, 96, 97, 140; shooting dur ing the night, 103; charges against by director, 143; case dismissed, 146; mentioned, 102 Pietersen (Coeymans), Lucas, brother- in-law of Jan Thomas, shooting during the night, 103 ; prosecuted for beating Willem Albertsen, 177, 178, 179, 181 ; surety for, 180 Pietersen, Reynert, see Both, Reynert Pietersen Pietersen, Tys, ordered to director's house, 87 230 Colony of RensselaersTvyck Planck, Jacob Albertsen, first to hold office of schout, 9; other offices held by, 10; not reappointed, 10 Poest, Jan Barentsen, see Wemp, Jan Barentsen Poor, lot belonging to, 181 Poulus, the Noorman, see Jansen, Paulus Poulyntje, see Jansen, Paulus Prins, Pieter, witness, 108; statement regarding Indians, no Quirynen, see Crynen Raden, see Raetspersonen Raetspersonen (raden), duties, 16 Rechtsvrienden, see Gerechtspersonen Rensselaers Burg, 130 Rensselaers Steyn, n, 202 Rensselaerswyck manuscripts, deposi ted in Albany county clerk's office, 24; turned over to State Library, 24; largely destroyed by fire, 24 Reur, Hendrick, Jansen, from Mun- ster, engaged as court messenger, 159; salary, 159; lot, 183; exami nation of, 189; statement by on proclamation erecting court of Fort Orange and Beverwo^ck, 200; men tioned, 183 Reus, Gerrit Theusz de, see De Reus, Gerrit Theussen Reyersen, Jan, debts, 67, 176; Jacob- sen to deliver heifer to, 100; surety for Ryck Rutgersen, 108; moneys in hands of attached, 135, 176; cited, 176; complaint about Claes Andriesen, 177; mentioned, loi Reyntgen, the skipper, see Both, Rey nert Pietersen Roelofs, Catrina, 53 Roelofs, Sytje, 53 Rutgersen, Ryck, attacked by Davits, 107; surety for, 108; sells lumber, 109; grain appraised by, 124; moneys in hands of attached, 135 ; money due to, 176; cited, 177, 187; judgment against, 177; ordered to comply with ordinance, 181 Rutten kill, 54 Ruyverdingh (Ruerdingh), Pieter, de livers to court Stuyvesant's writ of appeal, 174; placard presented by, 187; placard posted by, pro claiming erection of court of Fort Orange and Beverwyck, 199 Sabbath, observance, 16 [Sanders, Catalyn, vdfe of Sander Leendertsen Glen, 115; summoned, 19s ; statements by, 68, 192, 197 Sandersen, Thomas, permission to settle here, 118; wife, 120; cited, 184; sued by director, 184; fine reduced, 187 Savary (Savery), Roelandt, sued by director, 72; witness, 158; accounts, 208 Saw mill, request to erect mill near Beeren island granted, 169 Schepens, designated by patroon, 7; to be appointed by Planck, 9 Schermerhoorn, see Van Schermer horn School, 29; petition to keep day and night school, 173 iSchoolmaster, committee appointed to engage, 174 Schout, original appointee, 7; first to hold office, 9 Schuyler (Scheuller), Philip Pieter sen, 13 ; dispute with Steven Jansen, 132, 133; arrested, 133; requests permission to go outside jail limits, 133 ; requests delay, 137 ; quotes Mr Dyckman's remarks about Van Slichtenhorst, 197 ; father-in-law, 197; mentioned, 193 Schuyler, Pieter Davidsen, 13 ; wife, 148 Schuyler Flatts, 30 Seawan, depreciation, 117, 118, ISS, 216. See also Wampum Segersen, Claes, contract with di rector, 88; surety for Gysbert Cornelissen, 108; grain attached, 156; accounts, 156; property at tached, 174; cited, 176. See also Segersen, Cornelis Court Minutes, 1648-1652 231 Segersen, Cornelis, Jacob Adriaensen in service to, 25; ordered to pay Reyer Stoffelsen, 28; attachment of money in hands of, 29; attachment against vacated, 32; derogatory re marks about de Vos, 32 ; derogatory remarks about Poest, 35, 89; acknowledges signature, 55; wheat in hands of attached, 61, 81, 82; request to be released by court, 68 ; to take boy into service, 69; dis pute with Willem de Key, 69; requests arrest of de Key, 69; accounts, 71 ; horse sold by, 81 ; ordered to deliver wheat, 83; sum moned, 83, 88, 89, 90, 95, IOI, 106, 156; farmer, 86; sued for slander, 89; lease of farms, 90; granted a lot, 90 ; canceled, 91 ; first default, 96; to pay director, 106; accoimt to be examined, 106; grain attached, 107; sued by director, 154; granted a delay, 155; promises to deliver wheat, 155; requests that case be referred to impartial judges, 157; attachment against, 161 ; refuses to pay debt, and deliver grain, 197. 198 ; punished, 198 ; to deliver grain to Comelisen, 198; accounts, 204, 206; boy, 212; sons, 212; men tioned, 43, 44, 102 Ship de Princes, 79 Ship Soutberg, 8 Ship Valckenier, 78 Shooting at night, ordinance concern ing, 138 Skippers, not to take colonists to Manhattan without director's con sent, 88; not to transport goods of persons in arrears to patroon, 102 Slichtenhorst, Brant, see Van Slichtenhorst, Brant Aertsen Smith, Jan, see Jan, the smith Solder, see Pietersen, Aert Soutberg, ship, 8 Stads Herberg (City Tavern), 27 Staets (Staas), Abraham, commis sioner, 16; offices held by, 17; levy on property, 87 ; bail for appearance Staets (Staas), Abraliam — Con tinued of wife of Sander Leendersen, 87; decision on dispute between director and Stol, 145 ; fighting with Dirck sen, 152; placards presented by, 187; answer to request for cannon signed by, 187; accounts, 204, 208, 212; mentioned, 49, 62, 91 Stevensen (Stevens), Abraham, ac cused of fighting, 94; silmmoned, loi, 102, 113, 134; shooting during the night, 103, 104, 105; lease of meadow, 105 ; charges against, 1 10, in; surety for, 114; default for failing to appear in court, 131 ; ordered to produce witnesses, 131 ; admits fighting, 138; drinking, 139 Stichtigeri, an Indian, 132, 166 Stoffelsen, Reyer, payment to by Cornelis Segersen, 28; accounts, 209; mentioned, 49 Stol (Hap), Jacob Jansen, first de fault, 40; complaint against Jan Van Bremen, 58 ; fined, 82 ; bail for appearance of wife of Sander Leendersen, 87; not to take colonists to Manhattan without director's consent, 88; slandered by Juriaensen, 88; wife slandered by Juriaensen, 88; statement concern ing Maquas, 127; arrested, 134; charges against, 135; sued by director, 135; succeeded Harry Albertsen as ferry master, 135; fined, 136; to give security for satisfaction of judgment or sen tence, 137; dispute with director about Hendrick Albertsen's con tract, 144; delivered to court Stuyvesant's writ of appeal, 174; placards presented by, 187; answer to request for cannon signed by, 187 ; cited, 191 ; first default, 191 ; mentioned, 29, 133, 193 Stol, Willem Jansen, sued by director, 72 Stuyvesant, Nicholas William, wife, 148 232 Colony of RensselaersTvyck Stuyvesant, Peter, controversy vnth Van Slichtenhorst, 17; proclama tion of day of fasting and prayer, 30; protection promised Rutger Jacobsen from, 54; nephew, 72; horse sold to, 81 ; protests against taking possession of Catskill, 106; letter from director to on settle ment of Catskill, 116; ordinance regulating wampum, 117; director consents to certain requests of, 143 ; signs writ of appeal, 174; placard from, Mr Dyckman proposes to post, 184-85, 188; claims ground a;-ound Fort Orange, 185 ; orders flag of colony hauled down, 198; accounts, 205 ; mentioned, 102, 196, 211 Swart, Gerard, officer of justice, 19 Taverns, director requests that but two be allowed, 162 Teller (Teyller), Willem, complaint against Chambers, 98; mentioned. t)4 Teunis, the servant, 103 Teunissen, Claes, see Uylenspiegel, Claes Teunissen Teunissen (Theunisen, Toenisen), Cornelis, from Breuckelen, com missioner, 10; accounts, 26, 27, 29, 32, 33, 71, 204; appeals from de cision of court, 32; gives up lease of farm, 71 ; requests (delay in case, 71, 73 ; accuses Slichtenhorst of changing contract, 72; sum moned, 84, 85, 86, 113; order is sued to regarding Tys Pietersen, 87; notice served on, 108; to renew alliance wiih Maquas, 129; garden sold with his consent, 158; debts, 163; mentioned, 35, 47, 48, 52, 105, 119, 127, 143, 149, 202 Teunissen, Cornelis, see also Van Westbroeck, Cornelis Teunissen Teunissen, Jeuriaen, glazier, lot, 181 ; mentioned, 183 Teunissen, Joost, from Norden, dis pute with Bronck, 159; fined, 160 Teunissen, Pieter, wheat, 96; farm, ns; land at (Datskill, 183; cited, 186, 187; judgment against, 189; accounts, 209 Teyller, Willem, see Teller, Willem Theusz, Gerrit, see De Reus, Gerrit Theussen Thomassen (Tomensen), Jan, re marks about Claes Tyssen, 30 ; con tract about building house, 31 ; con tract canceled by director, 70 ; sum moned, 83, 84; accoimts with pa troon, 155 ; brother-in-law, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181 ; dispute with director, 184; case submitted to referees, 188 ; cites Uylenspiegel, 191 ; ac counts, 206; mentioned, 195 Thomassen, Paulus, cited, 182; ad mits debts, 182; land at Catskill, 183 Thymensen, Reynier, 50 Toenys, Jacobj attempt to arrest, 64, 66, 67 Toepacht, 15, 96, 148, 150 Trading house, 62, 74 Tyssen (Tysschen), Claes, remarks concerning, 30, 35; beaten by Evert Pels, 33, 35, 47; vrages, 47; Pels ordered to pay, 52, 54, 63 ; accounts with Van der Donck, 82; decision regarding dispute with Pels, 93 ; payments to, 117; accounts, 213; mentioned, 32, 33 Tyssen, Jan, summoned, 134 Uyl, den (Stichtigeri), an Indian, 131, 132, 166 Uylenspiegel, Claes Teunissen, denies calling Claes Tysschen an informer, ,30; sued by director, 30; 50;; speed ing horses, 46, 47, 51 ; fined, 46, 52 ; director demands he be banished from colonv, 51; accotmts, 157; cited. 161, 162, 164, 172, 173, 191; debts, 191 Valckenier, ship, 78 Van Alekmaer, Adriaen Pietersen, see Pietersen, Adriaen Court Minutes, 1648-1652 233 Van Bremen, Jan Dircksen, fined, 28, 58; account of, 2«; accusation against, 29; dispute with Vos, 57, 5£i; complaint against by Stol, 58; to have copy of director's com plaint, 63; horses,. 76; money due to, 83; debts, 84; money in hands of attached, 84; complaint about assault, 93 ; farm, 102 ; attacked by Davits, 107; fighting with Croaet, no, III; statement about fighting, 114; grain of, 124; to serve notice on Dirck Hendricksen, 139; com plaints against Kettelheym, 140; cited, 176, 186, 187, 189; land at Catskill, 183; acknowledges signa ture to contract, 187; judgment against, 189; accounts, 204, 209, 211, 212; mentioned, log, no, 131, 159 Van Breuckelen, Cornelis Teunissen, see Teunissen, 'Cornells Van Bruggen, Carel, see' Verbrugge, Carel Van Buren, Cornelis Maessen, 48 ; ad ministrators of estate, 145; guard ians of minor children, I49i 154, 175.; accounts, 202; accounts with guardians of children, 204; men- ticHied, 176 Vara Curler (Korler, Ckirlaer), Arent, sent out as assistant to Plamcfc,, 10 ; commissioner, 10; cffices held by, 17; allowance for board of me chanics, 95 ; horses, 100 ; to renew alliance with Maquas, 129; accepts office of commissioner,. 137; de cision regarding New Year shoot ers, 138; signature, 144, i74, 185, 186, 217, 2rS; decision on dispute between director and Stol, 14S ; wit ness, 158; supervision of school, 174; money in hands of attached, 175 ; referee in case of Jan Thomassen, 188; books, 202; letter to Johan van Rensselaer, 217; men tioned, rs, 16, 43, 156, 157, rS6, 193, 2fI3 Van den Bogaert, Harmen Meyndert- sen, pursuit by Vos, 105 Van der Donck, Adriaen, commis sioned officer of justice, 10; suc cessor to, II ; patroon's letter to, 12; debts, 29, 82; to collect money for Hans Vos, 32; petition pre sented by, 60; dispute with Di rector regarding payment for ani mals, 61 ; insulted by Jacob Aert sen, 67; horse drowned, 68; wheat attached, 61, 76, 77, 82; court de cision concerning wheat, 78; sells interest in farm, 78; to leave the colony, 78; sued de Hooges, 78; agreement with Van Slichtenhorst regarding dispute, 79; dispute be tween Pels and Director referred to, 81, 92; may not receive or un load wheat, 81; attachment against by Claes: Tyssen, 82; sued by di rector, 84 ; referee in case of Jacob Aertsen and Jacob Adriaensen, 91 ; signature, 92; accounts, 206; men tioned, 28>, 130, 214 Van der Schuer, Pieter, 15, 19 Van Dorlandt, Jacob Lambertsen, see Lam;bertsen, Jacob Van Es, Cornelis Hendricksen, see Van Nes, Cornelis Hendricksen Van Hoesen, Jan, complains against Jeuriaensen, 119; wife slandered, 119; Jeuriaensen's contract with, 174; granted lot of Jeuriaensen, 181 ; injunction issued to, regarding Wesselsen, 182; mentioned, 182 Van Ilpendam, Adriaen Jansen, Schoolmaster, witness, 132;' petition of, 173; day and night school, 173 Van Leyden, Adriaen Jansen, see Jan sen, Adriaen, from Leyden Van Mumiidcendam, Pieter Cornelis sen, see^ Cornelissen, Pieter Van Nes CEsi, Essen), Cornelis Hendricksen, sued by director, 33, 41, 45, 73 ; and wife sued by di- director, 33, 44; arrest of Quiry nen at request of, 35 ; first default. 234 Colony of RensselaersTvyck Van Nes (Es, Essen), Cornelis Hendricksen — Continued 40; fined, 42; testimony about to be given, 48 ; slandered director, 53 ; regrets using slanderous language, 54; contract regarding farm, 56; in junction served on, 57; statement regarding, 58; surety for 59; wed ding of daughters, 67 ; asked to pay bond, 73 ; bond signed by, 73 ; Hans Vos to watch property, 74, 105 ; summoned, loi, 105 ; declaration of regarding drovraed horses, 203 ; ac counts, 204; mentioned, 76, 113, 202 Van Rensselaer, Jan Baptist, director, 19; appointed magistrate, 166; sig nature, 185, 186; referee in case of Jan Thomassen, 188; Mr Dyck man's remarks about, 197 ; statement by on proclamation erecting court of Fort Orange and Beverwyck, 200; mentioned, 186, 193 Van Rensselaer, Johannes, guard ians, II, 26, 184; second patroon, 117, 118; death, 20; instructions re ceived from, 131 ; exhibits in Van Slichtenhorst's suit against, 201, 203; letter to from Van Curler, 217 Van Rensselaer, Kiliaen, court erected by, 7; memorial presented to the West India company, 8; date of death, n, 118; succeeded as patroon by his eldest son Johan nes, II, 26 Van Schaick, Gerrit, 13 • Van Schaick, (loosen Gerritsen, see Gerritsen, Goosen Van Schelluyne, Dirck, attorney for Michiel Jansen, 169; to act as referee, 170; signature, 172 Van Schermerhorn, Jacob Jansen, sued by director, 72 ; arrested, loi ; produce from garden sold to, 158 Van Schoonderwoert, Rutger Jacob- sen, see Jacobsen, Rutger Van Slichtenhorst, Aeltje, or Alida, 13, 148 Van Slichtenhorst, Arend, historian, 13, 20, 201, 203 Van Slichtenhorst, Bata, 148 Van Slichtenhorst, Brant Aertsen, recommended for schout, 9; suc ceeds Van der Donck, 1 1 ; appointed director of colony, 11, 203; arrival in colony, 13; sketch of, 13-14; wife, 13, is; children, 13; contro versy with Stuyvesant, 17; protests against erection of court of Fort Orange and Beverwyck, 19; ar rested, 19; returns to the Nether lands, 19; actions against the pa troon, 20; completes historical work of his son Arend, 20; death, 20; character, 20; his claim to being called the founder of Albany, 21- 23; entries by in court record, 24; protest against Stuyvesant's proc lamation of day of fasting and prayer, 30; signature, 36, 39, 53, 54, 74, 88, 132, 174, 185, 186; state ment about Claes Gerritsen, 43; slandered by Van Nes, 53 ; promises to indemnify Rutger Jacobsen, 54; to release grain attached by him, 60; son, 64, 66; garden, 75; deci sion on Van der Donck's wheat, 81 ; requested to render his account to the commissioners, 114; refused to let de Hooges have custody of court records, 120; investigation of authenticity of letter to Vastrick, 125; accused of violence, 164; ar rest, 197, 201 ; inventory of effects taken at house of, 201-3; exhibits in his suit against Johan van Rens selaer, 201, 203; account of re ceipts and disbursements by, 203- 17; mentioned, 13, 31, 54, 119, 157 Van Slichtenhorst, Elizabeth, 148. Van Slichtenhorst, Glerrit, director's son, 13, 15, 66, 197; children, 148 Van Slichtenhorst, Gerrit, director's grandson, 148 Van Slichtenhorst, Goudje, or Hille gonda, 13, 15, 148 Van Slichtenhorst, Margaret, 13, 15 Van Slichtenhorst, Rachel, 148 Van Slichtenhorst, Yonde, 148 Court Minutes, 1648-1652 235 Van Slyck, Comelis, see Teunissen, Cornelis, from Breuckelen Van Stoutenburch, Jacob Jansen, see Jansen, Jacob, from Stoutenburch Van Tienhoven, Cornelis, secretary, signature, 60 Van Twiller, Jan (Johannes), offices held by, 17; mark as witness, 74; decision on Van der Donck's wheat, 81 ; sells horse to Gen. Stuyvesant, 81 ; signature, 81 ; opinion regard ing loss of horse, 114; witness, ns; examination of seawan, 118; court records delivered to, 120; charges for board, 124; statement by on proclamation erecting court of Fort Orange and Beverwyck, 200; accounts, 215; mentioned, 84, 119, 126 Van Twiller, Wouter, arrival at New Amsterdam, 8; letter of patroon to, 9; guardian for Johannes van Rensselaer, 11, 26; mentioned, 14, 125 Van Valckenburgh, Lambert, 193 ; sued by director, 72 Van Vechten, Teunis Dircksen, see Dircksen, Teunis Van Voorhout, Cornelis Comelisen, summoned, 134, 138, 173, 175; sued by director, 140; debts, 161; prop erty attached, 174; accounts, 212 Van Voorhout, Cornelis Segersen, see Segersen, Cornelis Van Vorst, Cornelis, 9 Van Wassenaer, Nicolaes, quoted, 9 Van Wely, Johan, guardian for Jo hannes van Rensselaer, 11, 26 Van Wenckum, Aeltje, wife of Van Slichtenhorst, 13; death, 15 Van Wenckum (Wencom), Gerrit, Van Slichtenhorst's assistant, ii; record partly in his handwriting, 24 ; director's nephew, 66 ; assaulted by drunken Indian, 97; to renew alliance with Maquas, 129; exami nation of, 189; paid for copying, 211, 214; salary as deputy sheriff, 213 ; mentioned, 15 Van Westbroeck, Cornelis Teunissen, forbidden to carry on unlawful trade, 70; surety for Jacob Lam bertsen, in; denies slandering Vos, 113; ordered to send Jan Hagemans away, 118; sued by director, 145, 154; guardian of minor children of Cornelis Maessen, 149, 175 ; surety for Aert Jacobsen, 154 ; cited Aert sen, 175 ;_ cited, 176, 177, 192; judgment, 176; director's complaint against, 178; debts, 179; granted delay, 180; offers security for judg ment, 181 ; replication of director against, 194; accounts, 205 Vasterick, Gerrit, to appear in court, 84; examination of seawan, 118; letter to, concerning a minister, Grasmeer, 125 ; accusations against, 126 ; gold sold to, 141 ; witness, 158; summons Pels, 168; accounts, 207, 213; mentioned, 119 Vasterick, Robert, surety for Lucas and Aryen, 180; cited, 180; state ment about Mr Dyckman, 197 Verbeeck, Jan, office of raet held by, 17; apostil on petition of, 28; debts, 40; servant of, 64, 66, 67; sues Dircksen, 131 ; nominated as magistrate, 137; to take oath of office, 140; admitted as member of the court, 141; accounts, 157, 204; signature, 186; mentioned, 64, 67, 84, 144, 152, 157, 192, 193 Verbeeck, Marten Hendricksen, de mand for payment of accounts, 31 ; ordered to pay Willem Frederick- sen, 31; cited, 161, 162; acknowl edges signature and debt, 162, 163; lot, 183 Verbrugge (Van Bruggen), Carel, protests against taking possession of Catskill, 106, 108; commissary of Fort Orange, 131 ; accounts, 204; mentioned, loi Vlackte, de, farm, 95 Vol (Fulda), in Hessen, 12 236 Colony of RensselaersTvyck Vos, Cornelis Cornelissen, farm, 59; forbidden to carry on unlawful trade, 70 ; summoned, 141 ; servant, 177, 178, 179, 181; accounts, 205 Vos, Hans, request conteerning Quiryn Cornelissen, 27; attachment of money, 29; ordered to complete term of service, 31 ; money due to, 32; contract of service with Pieter Claessen, 47; beating, 48; sum moned, 51 ; dismissed until after harvest time, 54; court messenger, ss; dispute with Van Bremen, 57; attacked by Van Bremen, 58; slandered by Koorn, 61 ; fighting with Chambers, 63 ; ordered to watch property of Van Es and Claessen, 74; payment of wages to, 74; ordered to levy animals for Evert Pels, 81 ; assault on, 82 ; wages, 84; summons issued by, 84; slandered by Segersen, 89; pay ments to, 92 ; payments to by Pels, 93 ; testifies, 97 ; granted money for supervision of house, 105 ; money for pursuit of fugitive, 105 ; attached grain, 107; testimony regarding Dirck Hendricksen, no; slandered, 113; accounts, 123, 205, 208; attacked by Stol, 135, 136; complaint about Hendricksen, 138; protection from assault, 139; in sulted by Lambertsen, 142: men tioned, 28, 64, 67, 68, 69, 82, 83, 103, 140 Vosburgh, Abraham Pietersen, at tacked by Stol, 136; to act as referee, 160; accounts, 207 Vossgen, Cornelis, see Vos, Cornelis Cornelissen Waelingen, Jacob, offered lease of farm, 115; refused to accept Offer of half of Casteels island, 130; Waelingen, Jacob — Continued granted permission to leave the colony, 130 Waelingen (Walichsen), Simon, 48; money due to Hans Vos, 32 Wampum, ordinance regulating value of approved, 117. See also Seawan Weble, Jan, 173. See also Wemp, Jan Barentsen Welys Burch, 130 Wemp, Jan Barentsen, slandered by Segersen, 35, 89; requests clemency for servant, 112; to pay fines of Claes Andriessen, 113; attachment of moneys, 135 ; requested to haul logs, 142; garden, 158; lease ex tended, 166; condemned for haul ing firewood, 176; complaint about Claes Andriessen, 177 ; lot, 183 ; cattle, 183; accounts, 206, 210, 212; mentioned, 74, 109. Ses also Weble, Jan Wendel, Evert Jansen, see Jansen, Evert Wesselsen (Wessels), Jochem, re quests a lot, 164; dispute with Luyersen, 167, 168, 174; dted, 173, 182; fined, 174; injunction issued, 182 Westerkamp, Hendrick, permission to support himself in the colony, 25; wheat for, 147; condemned for hauling firewood, 176; brickyard, 194 ; accounts, 2O5 ; mentioned, 168 Westval, Juriaen, see Bestval, Juriaen Willems, Margariet, 87 Willemsen. Adriaen, sentence of banishment, 12 Willemstadt, 10. 23. See also Bever wyck Wilt wyck, 22 Witbeck, Jan Thomassen, see Thomassen, Jan Wolves, 100 Whiting (Wytit^h), William, 39 YALE UNIVERSITY a39002 00126eit78 » •\i- t «t —