Ms- "^ m- h t. m ¦• ' .. * > ..¦*.. r^" ItM^ feA'^ lul.". ' /' I fell .vM^" ^^1 .-%!•> "i^,'^ . SSsffi fJviT- . - w ^^'¦'"' rJ K'^ ^P4 *jPst ^aa *i^m YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY THE WETMORE FAMILY t^ OF AMERICA, ITS COLLATERAL BRANCHES aENEALOGICAL, BIOGEAPHICAL, AND HISTORICAL NOTICES. JAMES CARXAHAX WETMORE. ALBANY: MUNSELL & ROWLAND 78 STATE STREET. 1861. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1861, BY JAMES CAKNAHAN -WETMOEE, In the Clerk's OfBee of the District Court of the United States, for the Southern District of Ohio. Ann.^ — He beareth argent, on a chief azure ; three martlets or. Creiif — A Falcon, ppr. "Cliildren"s children arc the crown of old men; aud the glory of child ren are their fathers." — Prov., xvii, 6. "Though not perfect and infallible, in all respects, were a reli gious, brave and virtuous set of men, whose love of liberty, civil and religious, brought them from their native land into the Ameri can deserts." — i?^/;. Br. Moi/heic's itni. Serrrum, 1774. "To let the memory of these men die, is injurious to posterity; by depriving them of what might contribute to promote their steadi ness to their principles, under hardships and severities." — Rev. Dr. E. Galamy's Preface to his Account of Ejected Mi-ii.i.sfci-.-i. TO THE MEMORY OF REV. OLIVER WETMORE THIS VOLUME IS AFF3ECTI0NATELY INSCRIBED BY HIS SON, THE AUTHOR. * * * '^ "A MAN BENEATH WHOSE STERN EXTERIOR INNOCENT HUMOUR PLAYED AND WARM AFFECTIONS GLOWED; OF THE MOST UNBENDING INTEGRITY AND ABOVE ALL MEANNESS; WHILE UPRIGHT AND HONORABLE IN HIMSELF, INDIGNANT AT OUGHT ELSE IN others; an ARDENT FRIEND OF HUMANITY, OF PUBLIC SPIRIT AS A CITIZEN, FAITHFUL AND TENDER AS A HUSBAND AND PARENT, UNDAUNTED IN COURAGE, AND PERFECTLY UNYIELDING IN HIS DE LIBERATE AND INTELLIGENT CONVIOTIONS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS ANI TRUTH."— iCeu. Dr. Ihwler. PREFACE. This work was commenced with a view only to arrange a brief genealogy and biography in manuscript, of the author's branch of the family of Wetmore for his own satisfaction ; as he progressed he discovered many things that would interest other branches, and being urgently solicited by influential members of the family to advance his researches, he consented, supposing a few months would enable him to compile a work that would be acceptable to those directly interested, and at the same time in some measure, perpetuate the Memory of The Founder of the Family, as well as many of his worthy descendants. Proceeding in his labors, material increased upon his hands, until nearly two years and a half had been devoted exclusively to collecting and arranging what the reader finds before him. If the object he had in view, which was to place in an enduring form the memory and virtues of his kindred shall have been accom plished, he will consider the time and labor well expended. Should any find their names omitted or not properly recorded, he trusts they will make due allowance for the difficulties attending the compiling of such a work. Every possible efibrt has been made to give publicity to his undertaking. Many families might have been 1* vi PREFACE. more fully noticed had the members taken the pains to furnish in formation. To those whom he has particularly noticed, now living, he may owe an apology for the freedom he has taken. It has always been considered an extremely difficult thing to write biographies, particularly of the gentler sex. He would deprecate their criticism, reminding them that a work of this kind is intended only for pri vate circulation, among those of the same kith and kin; hence what might be deemed improper in the pages of a public journal, would be perfectly proper and in good taste in a Family Genealogy. The arrangement of the book differs somewhat from kindred works ; in place of numbering the persons named, the pedigree of every individual, as son, or dau. of, &o., is given, so that the head ing of each particular family, together with the heading of the page above, gives the entire genealogy back to Thomas, the founder of the family. For instance, see page 281. " Maud Douglass, child of Oscar Davison, son of James Merritt, son of James, son of John, son of James," which, together with the head line, " Rev. James son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas," makes the pedigree through nine generations complete. The history, dates of birth, marriage, &c., of the different ances tors, the reader will find by referring, a-nte, under head of the seve ral generations. The several branches have been placed by themselves, in chrono logical order. By branches he means the descendants of the children of Thomas. John, the oldest son and child of Thomas and his descendants by themselves. Those of this branch livino- reside chiefly in Central New York, and in Ashtabula county, Ohio, Iowa and Minnesota. The descendants of Samuel, the third son of PREFACE. VU Thomas, are commonly known as the Winchester and Torringford (Ct.) branch. The descendants of Izrahiah, the fourth son of Thomas, the compiler has divided, for the reason that his (Izrahiah's) sons have formed distinct branches : the descendants of his son, Rev. Izrahiah, being generally known as the Stratford branch, while those of his son, the Rev. James, of Rye, as the Rye or New Brunswick and Nova Scotia branch, and of his son, Judge Seth, as the Middletown branch, and his son Jeremiah, as more particularly the North Carolina branch, while the descendants of his son, Dea. Caleb, reside in the Western Reserve, Ohio, Litchfield, Ct., &c. ; his son Josiah, left no male descendants, his branch is represent ed by the families of Phillips and Magill. The descendants of Beriah, the 5th son of Thomas, the author has not been able to trace down as fully as could be desired. The descendants of Na thaniel, the 6th son of Thomas, reside chiefly in Schoharie, St. Lawrence and Lewis counties, N. Y., and in Illinois; and the de scendants of Joseph, 7th and youngest son of Thomas that had issue, reside in Western New York and Pennsylvania. The reeord of descendants of daughters of Wetmore, it will be perceived, immediately follow their mother's name, while the record of descendants of sons are carried forward (after recording their christian names) under head of their proper generation. The motto used in connecti*on with the Coat of Arms in this work — Tentanda via est (the way remains to be tried, or the way is to be tried) — is used by a part of the family only, while a por tion use the motto : Virtus, Lihertas et Patria, both of which, it is believed, have been long in use by the different branches. A list of the works to which the compiler has had occasion to VIU PREFACE. refer, and in some instances to make liberal quotations from, may be found under head of Index of Titles of Works. Before closing, the writer would here acknowledge his gratitude to his many attentive correspondents, and would express his regret that the closing of his labors will be, he fears, the closing of a cor respondence which has been to him of a most pleasant and agreeable nature. To the following he would in particular return his thanks : Samuel Wetmore, Esq., of N. Y. City, and Dr. D. Williams Patter son, an accomplished genealogist, residing at West Winsted, Ct., for copies of early genealogical records; Wm. H. Whitmore, Esq., of Boston, for valued suggestions respecting the probable ancestry of Thomas Whitmore ; Judge A. K. Smedes Wetmore, of Woodstock, N. B. ; Judge Justus S. Wetmore, Co. Kings, N. B. ; and Dr. Thos. Saunders Wetmore, of St. John's, N. B., for valuable genealogi cal records, &c., of the family residing in the British Provinces; William T. Coggeshall, Ohio State Librarian, and his assistant, Mr. Francis A. Marble, for many acts of politeness and attention ; Mr. Joel Munsell, his publisher, for carrying out so satisfactorily his plans respecting the typography and arrangement of the work. And to the subscribers, for confidence reposed in their friend and obedient servant, THE AUTHOR Columbus, Ohio, Aug., 1861. CONTENTS. Part pagjj. I. Introduction ; Reference to the probable Ancestry of Thomas Whitbiore (Wetmore), etc., . . 1 II. Biographical and Genealogical Notices, etc., of the same, 11 III. Biographical and Genealogical Notices of his Immediate Descendants, etc., ....... 27 IV. Biographical and Genealogical Notices of Descendants of John, oldest son of Thomas, . . . .37 V Genealogical Record of Descendants of Thomas, second son of Thomas, etc., . ... 49 VI. Biographical and Genealogical Notices of the Descend ants of Samuel, third son of Thomas, including Bio graphical and Genealogical Notices of Collateral Branches of Woodhull, Prime, Jeevis, Ehle, etc., 50 VII. Biographical and Genealogical Notices of Rev. Izra hiah (of Stratford), son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas, and his Descendants, with Notices of Collateral Branches of Booth, Cheesebrough, Walker, Rathbone, Spooner, etc., . . 112 VIII. Biographical and Genealogical Notices of Rev. James (of Rye), son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas, and his Descendants, with Notices of Collateral Branches of Lamson, Hunt, Sherwood, Lee, Haight, Craft, Puddington, Merritt, Bliss, Peters, Rainsford, Dibble, Flewelling, etc., 145 IX. Biographical and Genealogical Notices of Judge Seth (of Middletown), son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas, with Notices of Collateral Branches of Brewster, Cotton, Stoddard, Edwards, Hopkins, Hunt ington, Ellsworth, Backus, Metoalf, Barber, X CONTENTS. Part ^^™- Shepard, Wright, Whittlesey, White, Warner, Willard, Benton, Bigelow, Stoughton, Tread- well, Boerum, Hunter, Kirkland, Chetwood, etc., 282 X. Biographical and Genealogical Notices of Jeremiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas, with Notices of Fa^ mihes of Butler, Goodrich, Hobbs, Christophers, Waldo, Story, Badger, etc., . 440 XI. Biographical and Genealogical Notices of Dea. Caleb, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas, and his Descendants, and families of Johnson, Binney, etc., . . ¦ 484 XII. Biographical and Genealogical Notices of Josiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas, and his Descendants, with Notices of the Families of Phillips, Williams, etc., .498 XIII. Biographical and Genealogical Notices of Descendants of Beriah, fifth son of Thomas, etc., . . . 502 XIV. Biographical and Genealogical Notices of Nathaniel, sixth son of Thomas, with Notices of Livingstons, etc., ...... . 505 XV. Biographical and Genealogical Notices of Descendants of Joseph, seventh son of Thomas, with Notices of the Family of White, etc., . . . . 512 Appendix A. Historical Sketches of John Whitmore (of Stamford), 531 B. Armorial Bearings and Lineage of English Whitmores, 540 C. Abstracts of Wills in England, . . .542 D. Biographical Sketch of Pres. Edwards, with Genealogi cal Record of some of his Descendants, . . . 545 E. Biographical Notice of Elder Brewster, with Genealogi cal Record of his Descendants, ..... 552 F. Biographical Notice of the late Gov. Treadwell, with Genealogical Record of his Descendants, . . 573 G. Biographical Sketch of the Life of Rev. Samuel Kirk land, etc., ... ... 584 H. Biography of Capt. MiLEs Standish, with Genealogical Record of some of his Descendants, . 588 EERATA AND ADDITIONS. •ag 6 9, " 18, ll 22 " 32, u 65, line 3, for Whyttemore read Whyttemere. " 2, for T. H. Trumbull read J. H. Trumbull. " 22, for Robinson read Bradford. " 6, insert comma after Izrahiah. " 27, dele Sarah M. Whitman, and see page 89. 98, " 4, dele comma after Sarah Jane. 99, " 15, for 1887 read April 13, 1842 ; had Sophia, b. Aug. 17, 1844 " 26, for Honesdale read Hornellsville. 100, " 3, for Burnel read Burrel. " 20, for Nancy read Mary. 108, " 13, for Eegulus read Regulus L. See Bth, errata. 206, " 26, for David read David Brown. 208, " 12, for Greffeth read Griffeth. 224, " 37, dele comma after Sarah. 225, " 27, for Debros Steward Tea,d Deborah Shertoood. 251, " 13, dele comma after David. 265, " 13, insert comma after Charles. 267, " 28, dele comma after Frances Sophia. 277, " 8, for Jostea read JosiaA. 303, " 35, after m. insert Dea. Chauncey Whittlesey. 326, " 20, for Eofteri read B,Offer. 342, " 37, for Lonystreet read Sionestreet. 343, " 8, for Aug. 15 read March 23. " 15, for Richard Tea,dL Roland. 415, " 24, for 1848 read 1838. 452, " 9, after Capt. John (Andrew?) insert Mather. 454, " 24, for Geo. read Gov. 477, " 2, before Jeremiah insert Charles. 488, " 15, for son read grandson. 489, " 30, for AMjah read AAijah. 490, " 4, for Erelina read Euelina. 508, " 4, for Balsom read Balsora. " 5, dele comma after Almira. 509, " 2, insert comma after Isaac. " 23, dele comma after Barron. 513, " 18, " " " Timothy. 581, " 17, for Dunton read Denton. 538, " 31, for relation read writing. 539, " 13, for Whitmore read TTetmore. -a sw ^^ H | CO p^ig — Pio H O o -Hannah 2d=NATHANiEL Bacon. For her record, see pp. 12 and 36. -ABiGAiL=SAMnEL Bishop. For her record, see pp. 12 and 36. -Benjamin. For his record, see pp. 12 and 36. -Mahitable=Andeew BACon. For her record, see pp. 11 and 85. —Josiah. For his reeord, see pp. 11 and 85. -Saeah 2d=JoHN Bacon. For her record, see pp. 11 and 35. — Joseph=Ltdia, dau. of Nathaniel Bacon. For his record and de- ' scendants, see pp. 11, 85, and 512-530. — Nathaniel^Dokcas, wid. of Oba diah Allen. For his record and descendants, see pp. 11, 35, and 505-511. -^Beriah^Makgeret, dau. of Rev. Samuel Stow. For his record, see pp. 11, 34, and 502-504. — Izrahiah^Rachel, dau. of Eev. S. j Stow. For his record, see I pp. 11, 32, 88, and 34. — Samuel=Mart, dau. of Nathaniel Bacon, Sr. For his record aud descendants, see pp. 11, 30-32, and 50-111. — IIannah=Nathaniel Stow, Sk. For her record, see pp. 11 and 30. — Thomas^Elizaeeth, dau. of Geo. Hubbard, Sr. For his record and descend'ts, see pp. 11, 30, and 49. — Sarah. For her record, see pp. 11 and 30. — Mary=John Stow. For her record, see pp. 11, 28, and 29. — Elizabeth^Josiah Adkins. For her record, see pp. 11 and 28. — John=Aeigail, dau. of And. War ner. For her record, see pp. 11, 27, 28, and 37-48. -Eev. Izrahiah (of Stratford)^SA- rah Booth. For his record and descendants, see pp. 32, and 112- 144. -Stow. For his record, see p. 32. -Eev. James (of Eye)=ANNA. For his record and descendants, see pp. 32, and 145-281. -loHAEOD. For his record, see p. 32. -Judge Seth (of Middletown):^lst, Margeret, wid. of S. Gaylord ; 2d, Hannah, dau. of Jos. Whit more ; 8d, Hannah, dau. of Eev. Time. Edwards. For his record and descendants, see pp. 32, and 282-439. — Jeremiah^Aeigail Butler. For his record and descendants, see pp. 82, and 440-483. — Calee=Mab.t . For his record and descendants, see pp. 32, and 484-497. —Josiah^ . Forhis record and descendants, see pp. 32, and 498- 501. INTRODUCTIOK ABBREVIATIONS. b., born; m., married; bap., baptised; chil., children; dau., daughter; s p., sine pi-oIe, yfithont issue; unm., unmarried; amfe, before ; dele, omit ; post, after ; etc. Arms. — Or, gold or yellow; ar., argent, silver; gu , gules, red; vert, green; sa., sable, black; purp., purple; chev., cheveron ; loz., lozenge; ppr., proper, etc. N. B. A complete Chart of the Family, showing at a glance the relationship of one member to another, measuring 70 by 72 inches, containing 2250 names, has been executed by the Author, to be issued, on cloth, and folded in cases, as soon as a sufficient number of subscribers are received to warrant its engraving. Price of Book and Chart, $9 ; Book or Chart separately, $5 each. ends abut against the Common or landing place, and part against the house lot of Eobert Batte, west, and y« meadow Francis Norton east. The side against y« lands of Eo. and Tho. Curtice north, and y« lands ^ See Appendix A. 2 -Hannah 2d=NATHANiEL Bacon. For her record, see pp. 12 and 36. -Abigail^Samtjel Bishop. For her record, see pp. 12 and 36. -Benjamin. For his record, see pp. 12 and 36. — Mahitable^Andrew Baoou. For her record, see pp. 11 and 35. — Josiah. For his record, see pp. 11 and 85. — Sarah 2d^JoHN Bacon. For her -Elizabeth=Josiah Adkins. For her record, see pp. 11 and 28. -John=Aeigail, dau. of And. War- o7tJ°\\^^ ''^""'^'^^ see pp. 11, 27, 28, and 37-48. INTRODUCTION The Wetmore Family, of America, is descended from Thomas Whitmore, who came from the west of England to Boston, Mass., in 1635, being the eleventh year of the reign of Charles the First; and was among the early settlers ia the Connecticut colony. There were other settlers in New England of the same surname, and it is therefore worth while to attempt to discover what relationship, if any, existed between them. John Whitmore^ was of Wethersfield, Connecticut, in 1640, and in the town records of deeds, vol. i, p. 121, is the following entry: " The 2d month and 5 daie 1641, The lands of John Whitmore lying in Wethersfield on Connecticut river. One piece whereon his house and barne standeth containing twelve acres and half more or less. The ends abut against the Common or landing place, and part against the house lot of Eobert Batte, west, and y« meadow Francis Norton east. The side against y« lands of Eo. and Tho. Curtice north, and y® lands ^ See Appendix A. 2 2 WETMORE MEMORIAL. of Tho. Whitmore, Francis Norton, Mr. Denton, John Gossope and Tho. Coleman south." John Whitmore removed to Stamford in 1641, with Eev. Eichard Denton and many others who had been settlers at Watertown, Mass. He was a man of con siderable importance. Of his family we have only a few traces. In the Stamford records we find " March 7nth 1(549. The testimony of John Whitmore, his wife being no ... . Goodwife Whitmore afiirmeth that her husband sold to her son John five acres land on y" plane." Another deposition says, " That Brother Whetmore told him he had sold his son John five acres in y® East Field on y® Playne, and if it did not come to so much, he would make it up in y<* other plain, and so make it good ; it lay in y' plain, and this land was Eo. Fisher's by gift from y« Corte." From the records of New Haven Colony, vol. xi, p. 134, 1657, 25th 3d mo. Edward Jessup brough" Joseph Mead of Stamford, as his witness, who did now affirm upon oath, that Edward Jessup and his mother, widdow Whitmore, went from Stamford to live else where ; they left two mares at Stamford and desired him to take care of them." We conclude then, that John Whitmore had a son John of age before 1648, and a daughter who had married Edward Jessup.^ We may also presume that it was this son John, who had a daughter Sarah, born at Hartford, Dec. 16, 1647. 2 Edward Jessup was of Stamford 1641-9. Sascoe-Neck, Fairfield county, Ct., 1653; Newton, L. I., 1653; Westchester, N. Y., 1662. His will, dated Augt 16, 1666, mentions, wife Eliz Bridges and daus Hannah and Elizabeth ; the lattgr of whom md Thomas Hunt. INTRODUCTION. 3 Our Thomas Whitmore was living at Hartford at that time, and had children baptized there in 1646, and 1648. Wm. S. Porter in his Historical Notices of Connecticut, p. 41, says, that a John and Thomas Whitmore owned land in Hartford in 1646. There was a Francis Whitmore of Cambridge, Mass., who married previous to 1649, and became the pro genitor of a family which has always preserved this spelling, and whose record has been published in a pamphlet form, by William H. Whitmore, Esq., of Boston. There is no evidence to show any connection between him and Thomas, except that his eldest son Francis Jun. moved to Middletown, Ct., where Thomas had settled, and their descendants intermarried. As several other families moved at the same time from Cambridge farms (now Lexington) to Middletown, where Thomas was living, we must not lay too much stress upon this circumstance.^ At that time there were two persons named Whitmore, residing in Essex county, Mass., namely, Ann, who married George Farrow, or Farrar, February 16, 1643-4, and had issue ; also Mary, who married John Brewer, Oct. 23, 1647. It is probable they were relatives, but highly improba ble that they were in any near degree of relationship ^ Among the descendants of the family at Middletown, there has always been a tradition that our ancestor, Thomas Whitmore, was accompanied to this country by two brothers, Francis and John. While we are not disposed to reject this tradition wholly, from the fact that it was a received truth among those of the 4th generation, we are nevertheless not disposed to ofier it as evidence, for the reason that genealogists, generally, attach but little importance to such testimony. 4 WETMORE MEMORIAL. with Thomas or John Whitmore. It is possible these two girls were related to Francis Whitmore of Laxton, county of Notts, England, whose will, dated January 26, 1644-5, mentions sister Anne Farrar, nephew Eobert Farrar (if he be alive and in England), nephews John, William, Francis, Thomas and George Farrar. We may think it possible that these Whitmore girls, and possibly Francis W. of Cambridge, were nieces and nephew of the testator, and one of them married her cousin, a Farrar here ; but this is all a conjecture and offered only to call future inquiries to the point as worthy of attention. Now a John and Thomas Whitmore were at Weth ersfield together in 1640-1, and John Jun. and Thomas were together in Hartford in 1646. We are justified in assuming that they were near relatives, and the dates make it probable that John Sen. was the father. As it respects Francis of Cambridge, it is possible he may have been a brother of Thomas and John Jun., hut this is only conjecture. We have been unable to find any trace of the English ancestry of Thomas Whitmore. There were families of the name among the gentry of Cheshire, Stafford and Salop, but we cannot trace any connec tion to them, nearer than that our ancestor came from the west of England, where those counties are situated. It may be well to note in this connection, that there has been a generally received tradition that our ances tor came from Wales. That his father's family may have resided for a time in Wales, previous to his INTRODUCTION. 5 embarking for America is very possible ; but that he was not a Welshman, his name itself would prove. Our family coat of arms is different from that used by the English families* (save one branch, given by Joseph Emerson's edition of Heraldry, London, 1780, which coincides with ours), and very probably was first brought here in 1723, by the Eev. James Wet more of Eye. It is like that used by the Cheshire family, but with the addition of three martletts, which in the estimation of Mr. A. S. Somerby, a high authority, is proof that the person who obtained the arms, could not prove his relationship to that family, and hence this difference was made ; however, these arms were assumed in colonial times, though members of the family are fully justified in using them as any English family would under similar circumstances.^ In regard to the surname of our ancestor, being Whitmore, it is so written wherever we have found it recorded in the Colonial records. The Wethersfield Town records of 163940, has his name registered as To. Whitmore, in connection with certain lands ; his name is spelt Whitmore on the records of the General * For notices of Coats of Arms of Whitmores in England, see Appendix B. ^ It is remarkable however that the descendants of branches of the family other than the Rye, have always used this coat, and tra dition carries the use back prior to the time of the Rev. James Wetmore's return, and this gives an additional strength to our assertion that the family have a right to use it. The Stratford branch have a copy which was obtained in England for the Rev. Izrahiah (4th gen.), by William Samuel Johnson, LL. D., while agent there for the colony of Connecticut in 1766, which agrees with the one used by the various branches in this country. 6 WETMORE MEMORIAL. court of Connecticut, May 20, 1652, when made a freeman; again when he was a member of the said court in 1654 and 1655. In the copy of his will on file in the Eecorder's office at Hartford, dated July 20, 1681, his name is written distinctly, Tlumias Whitmore, senior; and wherever the surname of his children are entered in the body of the will, they are written Whitmore. A petition from his son Izrahiah, to the General court, is preserved in the Secretary of state's office at Hartford, which is signed in a bold, clear hand, Era^ hiah Whitmore, and wherever we have seen the names of other sons of his given, they have been invariably Whitmore. If the family name had been Wetmore in England, it is fair to presume that some one of that name (other than those who have descended from the American Wetmores) could be found there. We have, with other members of the family, been unable to discover, in traveling in various parts of England, any native Briton who spelt his name Wetmore. Mr. A. S. Somerby, an accomphshed English genealogist, here tofore referred to, has made (by request of parties interested) diligent search among parish records, and in offices of registry of wills, in many counties of Eng land, and has forwarded abstracts of wills* made by persons of names similar to Wetmore, and has reported, at the same time, his inability to find any record of a family spelling their surname Wetmore. At what particular time the family changed the spelling of their name, we have been unable to dis- *" See Appendix: C. INTRODUCTION. 7 cover ; are led, however, to think that the children oi" the third (possibly some few of the second) in part, and the descendants of the fourth generation very generally adopted the name of Wetmore. What induced them to make the change we have no means of determining, unless it was, as says a correspondent, " probably a matter of convenience to them, growing out of the greater number of famihes in Middletown of the same name,'' that a part of them should vary the spelling to avoid confusion, and without sufficient consideration of the greater evils which follow such a change." The first record we find of the name being Wetmore, is in a joint affidavit made by the widows of Andrew Warner Sen. and Thomas Whitmore, as follows : Rebecca, widow of Andrew Warner Sen., testified that at her husband's request, some time before his decease, she had written a deed of gift of a parcel of meadow and swamp, to his son in law John Wetmore, but that he died before executing it. Catherine, widow of Thomas Wet- more, testified that her husband intended to perfect a deed of gift, written, but not signed, to his son John Wet more, of certain lands. — Priv. Conirov. ii, 49. Upon these affidavits the General court made the following order : October 12, 1682. This Court orders that the execu tors of Thomas Whitmore's will, and the administrators of Andrew Warner's estate, doe signe the respective deeds of land that were given to John Whitmore by Thomas Whit more, and that land was given by Andrew Warner to John ^ Francis, son of Francis Whitmore, of Cambridge, removed to Middletown, and md Hannah Harris, Feby 8, 1674, and had eight children, four sons and four dau^ ; two of his sons m"* in M — and they each had 10 children born to them. 8 WETMORE MEMORIAL. Whitmore; they both deceasing before the deeds were made by their order for the settlement of those lands were signed.— Trumbull's Pub. Bee. of Conn. We here give all we have had the means to discover respecting the origin of the name Whitmore. Eobert Ferguson, in his work entitled English Sur names, and their Place in the Teutonic Family, London and New York, 1858, says : Lastly, I take the names derived from seabirds. I doubt whether Gull, is derived from the bird. It might Gull, >^be from the old ISTorse gulr, golden, else- Mawe, J where referred to as probably a term of affec- .Mew, y .j.^^^^ rpj^g Anglo-Saxon words meaio, mcew, Whitmore \ whence probably the names Mawe and Mew. Beardmore, ) The old Norse was mar, which is a common baptismal name in the Landnamabok. Hence may be our name More, while Whitmoee and Beardmore maybe from hvitmar and beartmar signifying a white gull. But as an Anglo-Saxon name More is probably derived from mar, renowned, famous, and both Whitmore and Beardmore may be compounds of this, wight, a man, and heart, bright, entering into a great many Anglo-Saxon names. Burke in his Encyclcypcedia of Heraldry (London, 1847), also in his Landed Gentry, in noticing the family of Whitmore of Apley, county Salop, says : " Was originally seated in the northwest side of the Parish of Bobbington,^ in the manor of Claverly; * The parish of Bobbington is situated partly in the hun833 Stratford, 74- 7,958 Wetherffield, 113- iz,6o2 Fairefield, 94- 8,634 IVIiddletowpe, 31- 2,173 Pequott, Farrnington, 46. 5.S'9 Seabrook, 53- 4,437 14 WETMORE MEMORIAL. The lifts of Perfons & Eftates of Pequott is to bee perfefted & returne thereof bee made to the Magiftrates when they keepe the perticuler courte there, as is after ordered. This Courte orders that the eftate of Capt. Baxter, attached by the Conftable of Fairefield for the forfeiture of his recognizance, fliall bee remitted. This Courte orders that when executyon is don upon the goods of Tho. Staples of Fairefield, upon a verdift graunted to Capt Baxter, forthwith attachm* bee graunted upon thofe goods for the ufe of the country, untill this courte fees what is to be done in reference to this fine. Whereas, notwithftanding former provilion made for the conveyance of the knowledge of God to the natives amongft us, little hath hitheto beene attended through want of an able Interpreter, this Courte being earneftly deJirous to promoate & further what lyes in them a worke of that nature, wherein the glory of God & the euerlafting welfare of thole poore loft, naked fonnes of Adam is fo deeply concerned, doe order that Thomas Mynor, of Pequott Ihall bee wrott unto from this Courte & defired that hee would forthwith fend his fonne John Mynor to Hartford, where this Courte will provide for his meintenance & fchooling, to y^ end hee may bee for y^ prefent afliftant to fuch elder, elders or others as this Courte fliall appoint, to interprett y<= things of God to y" as hee fliall bee direifted & in y^ meane time litt himfelfe to bee inftrumentall that way as God Ihall fitt & incline him thereunto for the future.^ [58] It is ordered by this Courte, that Capt. Cullick, M"" Steele, M"^ Allen, as a Comittee by this Courte appointed, are to Confider of M'' Whiting's will, & a right interpretatyon thereof, togeather with the Sur Pre . . rs of the fald will & make report thereof to this Courte. It is ordered by this Courte that M^ Talcoat, M"" Allen, M' Hollifter, ftiall joyne with Capt. Cullick in receiving accounts for the forte rate, for the yeare paft, of the Conftables for the feverall Plantatyons uppon the River. Maior Mafon & Capt, Cullick, (if his occafions permit him, if not) M"- Clarke, are defired to go to Pequott & with Mf Winthrop to keepe a pfticiiler courte, before winter, to execute juftice there as caufe fliall require, This Courte graunts power to Maior Mafon to call the Traine bands togeather once in 2 years, to exercife in a Generali training on the firft or fecond week in September. It is ordered yt warrants ftiall goe forth from the Trcafurer for a whole 3 Vppon a motion made to ye Commlflioners by Capt. CuUiclii, from the Generali Courte of Conneaicott, to talce into ye confiderafion ye inftruftion of ye Indians in theire Junfdiaion, in ye knowledge of God, and theire defire yt John Minor might 1 ^"'?'^"'f'*.^^ ^" interpreter to communicate to ye faid Indians thofe inftruaions . ,,r ^^ ''^'11"='' ^y M' Stone, M^ Newton or any other allowed by the Courte and allfo yt ye fa,d Minor may bee further inftruded and fitted by Mr Stone to bee a meet inftrumente to carry on the works of propagating ye Gofpell to ye Indians, ye Commiffioners conceiving ye faid propofitions to bee much conducing to ye propa- ^ 'e^r°/r. ¦"["" '"°'^' ^°^ "*'='""¦' y Magiftrates of Conneaicott to tdke care tl^rl tr ,? ^"'"'f "''' '' ^^ ^'""^^ " ^°'"^ °'her meete place, as they THOMAS WHITMORE. 15 rate for the Country, according to the order of rating, to be payd f in wheate, i in peas, } in Indyan : Wheatt at 4s. Peas at 3 s. p'" bush : Indyan at 2s 6d. It is ordered by this Courte, that y" next Wednefday come three weekes, bee kept a day of Publique Thankfgiuing in y** feuerall Plantatyons w*''in this Jurifdiftyon. This Courte is adiorned to the firft Wednefday in March next ecept the Deputy Govornor fee caufe to call it fooner. A Session of the Generall Courte in Hartford the 3'' of Oftober 1654. M"^ Wells, Deputy GouT Magiftrates: M^ Webfter, M"^ Woolcut, M'' Cullick, M' Clarke, M"" Willis, M' Tailecoat. Deputyes: M' Steele, M' Gaylerd, M" Trott, M' Allen> M' Fitch, M'' Weftwood, Edward Stebbing, Nath: Dickerfottj John BifTell, Andrew Bacon, John Holliftei", Tho : Coleman, John Clarke, Rob : Webfter, Tho Chapman, Tho : Sherwood, Tho: Fairechild, Tho : Whitmore. The diftribution or divifion of men to bee prefled out of each Towne, to attend the expedidon to Narrarganfett, according to the conclufion of the Commiffioners,* is as followeth : Windfor, 8 perfons, Wetherfiield, 6 perfons, Pequott, 4 perfons. Norwacke, o " Farmington, 2 " Fairefield, 6 " Hartford, 9 " Stratford, 5. -^ 45. The perfons that are to goe firft w* are 24, are to bee out of the Townes following : Windfor, 4 ; Pequott 4, Mattabeefeck, i 5 Hartford, 6 ; Wetherffield, 4 ; Farmington, i ; Sea broock, 4 — 24. The remainder of the firft number being 21, w*'' are to attend and bee in reddinefs as a referue, are to goe out of the townes following: Windfor, 4; Hartford, 3 ; Wetherffield, 2 ; Farmington, i ; Fairefield, 6 . Stratford, 5 — 2 1 . Mf. Webfter, M' Stone, M"^ Fitch, M"^ Will. Whiting & M' John Whiting, prefenting to this Courte a diftributyOn of M"' Whitings eftate, agreed upon by them, and under all their hands, & bearing date the 30'h September, 1654, the Courte allowes the faid diftributyon and orders it to bee recorded. The Courte allfo allowes and approues of y^ judgement and apprehen- fions of ye Comittee, (viz: M"^ Cullick, M^ Steele & M"^ Allyn) about M"" Whitings wiD fo farr as they all agree & order it to bee re corded. This Courte giues M' Will : Goodwin libberty to make vfe of w'* 4 The Commiflioners, at their meeting in September, had refolved upon war with Niniget, and had ordered 40 horfemen and 250 foot foldiers to be forthwith levied from the feveral colonies. Of thefe Maffachufetts were to fiirni/h 40 horfe and- 1 5 3 foot; Conn. 45 foot; Plymouth 41 ; and N. Haven 31. A part of this force was to be difpatched with all expedition to the Niantic country, and the remainder to hold themfelves in readinefs to march upon notice from the Commander in chief, the felec- tion of whom was conceded by the Commiffioners to Maffachufetts. — Rcc. of U. Colonies; Hutchin fan's Hiji., vol. j, pp. 186, 187, and ColkSions, 261; Trumhuirs Hijl. of Conn., vol. i, pp. 123, 224. 16 WETMORE MEMORIAL. Timber from the wafte land belonging to the Country, hee fliall have occafion for to keepe his fawe mill in employement. This Courte graunts to M'^ Cullick libberty to draw and fell one hogfliead of Clarrett & a quater cafck of red wine to his friends and neighbors, free from the countryes excife. And this Court doth aUfo further graunt unto the faid M"^ Cullick, free licenfe & libberty for the futur to draw out or fell to his friends and neighbors w" wine and liquors hee fhall fee caufe, free from the Countryes excife. [55] It is ordered by this Courte, that it fliall not be lawfull for any pi'fons whatfoeuer to draw any Wine, Strong waters of any forte or Kind, Stronge Beare or Syder & Sell it out by retaile to any p^^fons whatfoeur, except fuch p'^fon or p'fons in each Towne as are licenled fo to doe from the Courte. Whereas, Notwithftanding, a former order reftraining the felling of all wine & liquors to the Indyans, that greate and crying finn of Drunkenes reignes amongft them^ to the greate difhonor of God & hazard of the liues and peace boath of the Englifti & Indyans w'''' as this Courte is in formed is by frequent felling of Syder or ftrong Beare to them. It is now ordered by this Courte, that it fhall not bee lawful for any p'^fon or p'fons whatfoeur within thefe libbertes direftly or indireftly, to fell, lend, barter, or giue to any Indyan or Indyans whatfoeur, fmall or greate, one or other, any wine, liquor, beare, Syder^ or metheglin, or any forte or kinde whatfoeur except it bee their ordinary houfehold beare, for w'^'' they fhall haue noe recompenfe, Vppon the former penality of fine pounds for euery pinte & 4.0SS. for the leaft quainty, one third part to bee to the partyes informing, and the other to the publique Treafury. This Courte orders, that the 5th day of the next weeke bee kept a pub lique Faft & day of humiliation throughout all the Plantatyons in this Jurifdidlion, to feeke the p'^ence and blefling of the Lord vppon the p'efent expedition to the Narraganfetts, according to the conclufioner of ye Com miffioners, wherein o* future peace & comforts are much concerned. This Courte deflres and appoints ye Magiftrates to take the moll fea- fonable time to giue order for a publique day of Thankfgiving throughout this Jurifdiftyon. This Courte frees Thom : Allen, the fonne of M^ Mathu Allyn from his fine of 20I. ' The Comittee chofen by this Courte to prefs men and neceffaryes in each Towne, for this expedition, in each Towne till it bee ended is as followeth : ' there"- ^'"'^'"'' ^' ^^^^^'' ^ ^' ^">'"' '° J°y"^ ^"h ye Magiftrates For Hartford, M' Webfter & Andrew Bacon, to joyne with the Maeif trates there : •' •' 6 For Farmington, M'' Steele and the Conftable : ¦ForWetherflield, M^ Hollifter, Thomas Coleman & Nath Dickerfon to joyne with the Deputy Govornor : ' For Middletown, Rob : Webfter : T'ho: Whitmore, with the Conftable. __ 8 flu Margin.] "The prticular refpeaing Sider in this law is repealed Mch nth THOMAS WHITMORE. 17 [56] For Seabrooke, John Clarke & Rob Chapman, with the Maior. For Stratford, Tho : Sherwood & Tho : Fairechild, with the Affiftant Conftable : For Fairefield, M"^ Ward & Alexander Knowles, with the Conftable. For Pequott, Capt. Denifon & Hugh Calkin, with the Constable. One drum & I p'' Cullers, fro Pequett : From Hartford, a Lievetenant, & Surgeon & 4 hogfhead of Bifkett : From Windfor, a Seriant, and z bar: of meale, I bar: of Peas & a boate. The men are to bee on there march next Tuefday morning ; and are to meete in Hartford from Windfor & Farmingtone. It is ordered that the fize for all Cafck for Beefe and Porke, after the I of March next fhall bee 31 Gall & J. The Courte is adiorned to y* i Wednefday in March next. — Trum bull's Colonial Records. [64] A Sejfion of the Generall Courte in Hartford the 7°"" day of March 1654-55. M"^ Wells Deputy. Magiftrates: M' Webfter, M"" Woolcutt, M' Cullick, M"^ Clarke, M' Willis, M'' Tailecoate. Deputies: M'' Steele, M' Phelps, M' Trott, M"" Gaylerd, M"" Allyn, M' Weftwood, M' Hollifter, Edw : Stebbing, John Biffill, Andrew : Bacon, Nath : Dickerson, Steph : Harte, Tho : Cole man, Tho : Whittmore. Richard Church is freed from watching, warding and training. This Courte allowes the fouldiers y' went uppon the laft expedidon to y^ Narraganfetts, by vertue of the determination of ye Comiffion" as fol loweth : To the comon fouldiers 1 6d a day ; To the Drumers 2od a day ; To the Serieants, 2s a day; To the Enfigne, 2s 6d a day; To the Lief- tenant 3s. a day ; To the Stewart, 2s a day ; This Courte' defires M'' Wells & Nath : Dickerfon, for Wetherffield ; M' Webfter and M"^ Cullick for Hartford ; M" Clarke & M-^ Allyn for Windfor ; M'^ Steele & M' Harte for Farmingtone ; Tho : Allyn «f Rob* Webfter for Middletowne ; to receiue, allowe and figne to the Treafurer, fuch bills of debts from ye Country to any p'^ticular perfon as fhall bee brought in to them in theire feuerall Townes. And Mr Webfter & M"^ Cullick are defired to audite the Treafurers acco' for the yeare paft. This Courte hath confidered ye acknowledged tranfgreffion of lawe, about cafting Ballaft in an inconvenient place, at Wetherffield, by William King, Mariner ; uppon feverall grounds they doe mitigate ye penality of ye faid order, and doe adiudge ye faid King to pay for his tranfgreflion afore- faid lofs. This Courte advifes that it bee p^fented to the Gen : Courte in may next, that it may be ordered, that notwithftanding ye former order w^h req : that fuch goods as arc difftreined uppon execution fhould be apprized by 3 men, as ye lawe direfts, we"^ now proues to bee inconvenient & fometimes iniurious to ye creditors, it fhall hereafter bee lawfull for ye Marftiall to make fale of fuch goods diftreined w*''out the apprizm* before 4 18 WETMORE MEMORIAL. fpecified, as well as hee may, for the good of the debtor, for the fame pay that the debtor was to make. — Colonial Rec. of Conn : T. H. Trumbull, Hartford, vol. i. The amount of property assessed in the town of Middletown, March 22, 1670, was £4322.10s. The list of Freeholders and Proprietors, and the amounts assessed to each were as follows : Thomas Allen, Obadiah Allen, Nath' Bacon, W™ Briggs, Alex. Bow, William Cheney, Jasper Clements, Henry Cole, Nathan' Collins, ' stock and person, with 150£ given him in land by the town, Samuel Collins, W"' Comwall, John Cornwall, Sam' Cornwall, W"' Cornwall jr, George Durant, Sam' Eggleston, Edwd Foster, John Hall, Joseph Hubbard, Daniel Hubbard, Thomas Hubbard John Hurlburt, Isaac Johnson, John Kirby, Isaac Lane, W=^ Lucas, £ s. 103.10 30.00 119.00 42.00 45.00 101.00 98.10 115.00 225.00 58.00 160.00 41.00 45.00 46.00 34.0055.00 26.00 99.0038.00 24.0061.00 26.00 24.00 88.00 40.00 42.00 £, s. Anthony Martin, 60.10 Tho^ Miller, 50.10 Tho« Eanney, 105.00 David Sage, 68.10 John Savage, 129.00 Sam' Stocking, 113.10 Sam' Stow, 194.00 Tho^ Stow, 54.00 John Stow, 24.00 James Tappin, 50.00 Edward Turner, 44.00 WiUiam Ward, 110.00 John Ward, 44.00 Rich Hall, 75.00 Sam' Hall, 130.00 John Hall jr, 26.00 Giles Hamlin, 134.00 W'^ Harris, 200.00 Daniel Harris, 132.00 George Hubbard, 90.10 Andrew Warner, 84.00 Rob' Warner, 87.10 John Warner, 96.10 Tliomas Wliitmore, 125.10 Nathaniel White, 169.10 John Wilcox, 140.00 £4322.10 Hist. Sketches of M. The foregoing list composed all the householders of the town, at that date, and it will be perceived that THOMAS WHITMORE. 19 there are but thirty-five surnames and from them have many of the present inhabitants of Middletown descended. That our readers may have some idea what constituted the material wealth of the colonies at the time this assessment was made, as well as to preserve in these pages a curious historical sketch of things as they were in New England at the time our common ancestor was living, we give the following interesting paper, which was furnished to the Boston Traveller, from a magazine published in the last cen tury, entitled, Observations made by the Curicms on New England ahout the year 1673. f 120,000 Souls, There are about j 13,000 families, (^ 16,000 that can bear arms. 12 Ships of between 100 and 200 Tons ; 190 " " 20 and 100 Tons; 500 Fifher boats about 6 Tons; There are 5 Iron Works, which cast no Guns ; There are 15 Merchants worth about £50,000, or about 500 one with another. 500 p^^fons worth £3,000. No houfes in New England has more than 20 rooms. Not 20 houfes in Bofton which have 10 rooms each. About 1500 families in Bofton. The worft houfes in New England are lofted. No beggars. Not three perfons put to death for theft (annually). About 35 Rivers & barbers. About 23 Ifland and fifhing places. The provinces of Bofton, Maine & New Hampfliire make about three fourths of the whole ftrength. The other three of Connefticott, Rhode Ifland & Kennebeck being one fourth of the whole effect. Not above three of their military men have been aftual fouldiers as ye artillery men in London. (Leverett, ye Govorno' Maj Dennifon Maj Clarke Mr Bradftreet f Mr Thacher Among ye Minifters } W Oxenbridge (M' Higginfon There are no muficians by trade. A dancing fchool was fet up, but put down. A fencing fchool is aUowede. All Cordage, Sail Cloth, & Nets come from Englaiid. 20 WETMORE MEMORIAL. No Cloth made there worth i^s a yarde. No linen above 2/ 6d. No allum, nor copperas, nor fait made by their fun. They take an oath of fidelity to ye Govorno'^ but none to ye King. Ye Govorno' is chofen by evry freeman. From the Rev. Dr. David D. Field's Centennial Ad dress, delivered at Middletown, Nov. 13, 1850,^ we take the following respecting Thomas Whitmore and other original settlers of that town. As for early settlers, John Hall, William Cornwall, Wil liam Smith, Samuel Webster, and Thomas Wetmore, were settlers in 1652, and settlers probably, some or all of them, from the beginning. Thomas Allen, Andrew Warner, Nathaniel Bacon, William Markham, ISTathaniel Brown, George Hubbard, Henry Cole, Giles Hamlin, George Graves, William and Daniel Harris, Thomas Miller, and a man by the name of Martin, supposed to be John Martin, were settlers in 1654, and probably earlier ; they may have been here as. early as the settlers first named. John Savage, Samuel Stow, Eobert Warner, John Wil cox, William Bloomfield, Mathias Treat, and JSTathaniel White, were early settlers ; and so were persons by the name of Cheney, Clement, Bow, Eggleston, Lucas, Tappin or Tapping, Turner, and some others. The character of the early settlers of Middletown may be given in a few words. It is not pretended that they were a perfect community. They had their faults as other set tlers of N"ew England. But their faults were not peculiar to themselves ; they pertained to the age in which they lived, and are susceptible of much palliation from the cir cumstances in which they were placed. This admitted, they were as a body, a very religious people, possessed of much practical knowledge, not derived altogether from experience and observation, but also from reading and intercourse with literary and well-informed men : friends of liberty, constitutional liberty, regtilated by righteous laws. They were a very religious people. All attended public worship. Before they had a meeting-house, they worshiped God under the boughs of a tree, and in less than tvpo years they buih them a sanctuary, and eighteen years after, ano- ^ Centennial Address by David D. Field, D.D., with Historical Sketches of Cromwell Portland, Chatham, Middle Haddam, Middletown and its Parishes. Middletown, Ct., W. B. Casey, 1853. THOMAS WHITMORE. 21 ther. These were humble structures, it is true, but they were grateful for the accommodations they afforded. They secured regularly the services of a minister of the gospel. Not long after the settlement commenced, the people em ployed Mr. Samuel Stow, a native of Concord, Mass.^" * * * The settlers possessed much pradical knowledge, the result of observation and reading, and intercourse with the wise and the good. The early clergy were superior men, men of talents and learning, and the magistrates and public men were well-informed. The people themselves were able to read ; the most of the males at least to write and keep accounts, and they united their efforts with those of their superiors for the right training of their youngs Family worship and government were maintained with strictness. Attending public religious instruction with their children, they welcomed their minister to their dwellings, and ordered their families so as to have these visits the most profitable to their entire household. The Bible, that inexhaustible source of knowledge, and what other books they had, were more read, more studied at home by old and youug, and their contents made the subjects of more reflection and conversation, than are found now in the abodes of their descendants. ISTor let us think too meanly of the, common schools which were established by law, and the people were required to maintain. All deemed them indi|pensible to the diffusion of knowledge through the entire^community. Hence we find the town in March, 1676, when their means were small, agreeing to pay a Mr. Webb twenty-five pounds for keeping school a year. * * * Parents were glad to send their children to school ; ministers visited the schools and encouraged the children to learn : yea, they often took youths into their houses and instructed them themselves. The settlers were the friends of constitutional liberty, and of righteov,s laws, well administered. They came here under the wing of the constitution which went into operation in 1639, allowing them to elect their own ofiicers, and to unite with others in the election of ofiicers of the commonwealth. That constitution was superceded by the charter of Charles the Second; a charter liberal for a monarch to grant, and which showed the adroitness of Gov. Winthrop, in obtaining it. Thus the people had what they wished, the privilege of managing legally their own concerns, whether of town 10 In an appendix Dr. Field corrects the error that he has fallen into here. The Rev. Mr. Stow was born in England, and came from Eoxbury, Mass., to Middletown. 22 WETMORE MEMORIAL. or society, school district, or any other corporation with which they were connected, while they took part with others in elevating men to higher stations, and more exten sive trusts. They knew their rights, though for more^ than twenty years the public laws were in manuscript, copies of them were sent to the towns, publicly read, and left for examination by the inhabitants; and when they were printed and bound in volumes with blank leaves, every family was required to purchase a copy. * * * Thus the people had the laws continually before them, and were probably more conversant, than the people now are, with the existing statutes. One trait of the early settlers was, that when they found public men very faithful, they elected them repeatedly to ofiice, sometimes for long periods, and to old age. That we may the more fully fix in our minds the age in which our ancestor lived, let us note some of the leading English characters and personages of his time. First, he was a subject of James I, Charles I, and Charles II. Shakespeare was living, and died when he was a year old (1616) : Sir Walter Raleigh was beheaded two years later; Brewster, Robinson and Miles Standish, with their fellow voyagers of the May flower, landed at Plymouth four years afterwards; George Fox founded the society of Quakers two years later(1624); Bacon died in 1626; John Bunyan was born two years subsequently (1628) ; Dryden thre6 years later, and Sir Christopher Wren the year follow ing; Ben Jonson, the friend and contemporary of Shakespeare, died 1637-8. Newton was born four years later, and WiUiam Penn two years afterwards ; Crom well, Lord Protector from 1663 to 1658, and Milton who died in 1674. Rubens and Vandyke, though not English bom were famous in England at that time as well as in the rest of Europe, as painters. He died, December 11, 1681, aged 66 years, and the subjoined is a copy of his will taken from a record in the Probate court's office in the city of Hartford : The iasC mUimd Testament oi Thomas Whitmore Senior, n^ed about sixty and six years, being at present under some considerable THOMAS WHITMORE. 23 weakness of body, yet having through ye mercy of God, ye comfortable use of my understanding as formerly, is as followeth : After committing my soul to God as to a faithful creator, and my body to a decent burial, I doe here leave this as my last WiU and testament for the disposal of that portion of worldly estate Which G-od hath given me, amongst these my children and relations which I shall leave behind me, as followeth : Imprimis. I give to my son John Whitmore a part of my lot in ye boggy meadow quarter. That is twenty rods wide of yt part of ye land Within the fence that now is to lie on ye south west side that lot^ and to go from y' fence as far east as my land goeth, Moreover I give to my said son three quarters of my great lott that lyeth westward from the town, to take the whole breadth, half ye length, beginning at y* farther end and likewise the half ye breadth of ye other half next ye town and to take it on ye North Side. And my Will is y' my son Berriah shall have the other half of that part next the town. Moreover it is my will y' my said son John shall have all my proportion and interest in the three mile lott on the east side of ye great river, that is the farther three miles on y"- side eastward. Moreover I give to my said son a part of my meadow at Wauggunk being that piece which lying athwart east and west and from the north side of y' on the east of my meadow to Deacon Allyn^ meadow. • It. I give to my son Tho^ Whitmore my long meadow lott lying on the north side, Moreover I give to my said son Thomas half my lott at Longer chunk and the other half to my daughter Hanna Stow to be equally divided between them as they shall agree or if they agree not, as indifferent men which they shall choose shall judge equal. It. I give my son Samuel Whitmore a parcell of land on ye North Side of ye three Mile River which I bought from Goodman Savage by exchange of land being about ten acres lying at' ye west End Goodman Savage's lott, only Reserving fourteen acres of y' land for my Daughter if she survive me. Moreover I give my said Son two acres of meadow lying in y'^ farther neck ; and a piece of swamp in the Round meadow swamp being one acre and sixteen rods lying between Capt Harris's swamp and swamp which was Tho^ Hubbards. Moreover I give my said son Round Meadow lott being near six acres only Reserving and Willing a third part of it for my daughter Abigaill if she survive me or else to Remain to Samuel. It. I give to my son Jzrahiah Whitmore my upland lott, on the east side of the Great River being about twenty and two acres lying in ye half mile lott, as also a piece of meadow at Wauggunk adjoining to his Brother John's line from John's North to a piece of meadow we call Flee Meadow, as also four acres in ye pond on the east side ye great River between Ensign Cheeny and M"^ Nathaniel Collins'^ meadow. I give my said son one parcell of land in ye last half mile division on ye east side the Great River, that is all I have in y' division on y' side. 24 WETMORE MEMORIAL. It. I give my son Berriah Whitmore that piece of meadow at Waugunk called ye Flee Meadow, and it is my will herein that my sons y' have meadows there, shall all of them allow each other a lane highway, as shall be needful to come to their land there. Moreover I give to my said son y^ parcell of upland in my wester- most lott by his brother John's as above specified. Moreover I give to my said son one acre of my home lott next the Great River, on this condition that he come settle upon it but if not he shall not have it, but it shall remain to the lott for them I shall appoint that lott to. On further consideration, I see not cause to give my said son that acre of my house lott. It. I give to my son Nathaniel Whitmore half my land in the boggy meadow quarter of that which lyeth without the fence as it now standeth, and the other half to my son Joseph Whitmore Northward to be on the north Side that land and Joseph on the south side, and the other part within ye fence whioh is not disposed of to John Whitmore, I give to Nathaniel and Joseph to be deliv ered equally between them. Nathaniel on the north side, and Joseph next John, and it is my will herein to reserve a piece of land in Nathaniels part of the two acres which lieth within the compass of y^ swamp, to be for my wife, as long as she liveth, and in order hereunto I do appoint & it is my will herein, that John and Na thaniel and Joseph, shall clear and break up. that to fit it for improvement, Moreover I give to my said Sons Nathaniel and Joseph part of my boggy meadows, That is all the Westermost end coming down to the head of John Stow's answering the Crook of the River, and I do herein engage on y' I doe interest in y' meadow not to hinder each other for water courses through ye land, where shall be for ye good of ye whole. It. I give to my Daughter Sarah Whitmore & my son Josia Whitmore & my Daughter Mehetable, my great lott at the Straits Hills to be equally divided among them three, Sarah first, and Josia next, and Mehetable last from ye homeward side. It. I give Katheren my loving wife the rest of my home lott, with all the housing thereon, during her natural life as also, the one half of my long meadow on the south side of y' lott and a parcell of land which I have at Paschoug on the east side the Great River, and the remainder of my boggy meadow to be devided be tween my wife and my son Thomas, and after my wife's decease, my will is that my son Thomas shall possess as his ov?n. My home lott, that is all but that disposed of and the other half of my long meadow & also my land at Pascouchoug. Moreover I give to my loving wife my field lott during her natural lifg or until Benjamin fulfill the age of twenty-one years and then it shall be settled on him as his, Moreover as I received of my wife Katheren twenty pounds of her estate, six pounds whereof I have already paid her, yet I appoint and my will is that twenty be paid her out of my estate m household stuff and stock, so as may be- most convenient to her and not hurtful to ye estate. Moreover I give to my loving wife THOMAS WHITMORE. 25 two Cows, the two Cows to be a part of the twenty pounds above specified. / It. I give to my DJiughters Sarah, Mehetable, Abigaill and Hanna junior, six pounds apiece out of my estate & to this my youngest daughter Hanna one piece of land of twenty acres lying near the straits on the west side of the Great River. To my other three daughters I give ten shillings a piece as a Remembrance of me, they being already disposed of and provided for. Futher I give Thomas and Joseph my Carpentering tools between them. Moreover it is my will to leave my loving wife and my son John my sole Executors of this my last will and testament, appoint ing y' when my just debts are paid ouf ye estate and ye legacies like wise paid also, if then, the Estate arise to leave anything more my will is that my Executors shall have the one half of that as theirs, and the other to be devided equally, to my children which are yet unmarried to be paid to them at their mothers death, or at her mar riage if she marry again. Further it is my will that my son Thomas at my decease shall enjoy one acre of my home lott next the great river for his present use with the housings that are there upon it, and I intend herein and it is my will that my son Thomas, shall take care of the orchard to look after it, and that his mother and he shall part the fruit as they shall agree, as also Thomas shall have the liberty to make ' use of a part of the barne for his own use and this is my full intent in this My last Will and Testament, I testify by setting to my hand and fixing my seal July 20''' 1681. THOMAS WHITMORE Senior. Signed sealed and delivered f~ Seal"!. in presence of us Deacon Samuel Stocking John Hall, Senior. I also request my loving and trusty Friends, Deacon Samuel Stocking and my brother John Hall to answer to this my last will, to lend their help and advise to the performance thereof as need shall be. The names of his children are recorded in the Probate office at Hartford, immediately after the will, and their ages annexed. Sons. Daughters. John 36 years old Elizabeth 32 years old Thomas 29 Mary 31 Samuel 26 Hannah 28 Izrahiah 25 Sarah 17 Beriah 23 Mahitable 13 Nathaniel 20 Abigail 3 Joseph IS JJannah 1 Josiah 13 Benjamin 7 f / 5 26 WETMORE MEMORIAL. Thomas Whitmore's first wife, Sarah, died Dec. 7, 1664-5. Her father, John Hall, was one of the ori ginal grantees of Middletown, and was the third ap pointed Town clerk of M., 1665. He (says Note B, in Historical Sketclies of Middletoivn) had been in a family estate many years before he left England, and was an early settler both in Hartford and Middletown. John Hall Sen' lands recorded June IO"" 1654 vol i, p. 5. He died May 26, 1773 in the 89'^'' year of his age and the 40'" of his being in l^ew England. July 20"' 1678, Ann, wife of John Hall, and dau. of John Willcocke ended this life about the 57*'' year of her age. He was accompanied to Middletown by his three sons. Rich"* , Samuel, and John HaU jr. Rich* HaU lands recorded June 10*, 1654, p. 5, vol. I. He died Mar 24, 1740, in the 82'' year of his age. Chil. of Rich" and Mary Hall. John b. May 1654 ; Richard b. June 1655 ; Samuel b. Sept. 1658 ; Anna b. Nov. 20, 1661 ; Rich Hall Sen' d. Mar 30, 1691. Mary his wife d. Mar 30, 1691.— Jf. Bee. One of the first elected ordained Deacons was John Hall, son of the first John Hall ; he died Jany 22, 1694, aged 75 and his Epitaph declares his virtues : Here lyes pur Deacon Hall Who studied peace with all. Was upright iu his life. Void of malignant strife ; Gone to his rest, left us in sorrow Doubtless his good works will him follow. These rhymes are as quaint as Cotton Mather's and not a whit quainter than some epitaphs found on grave stones in old England. — Dr. Field. Samuel Hall (son of John Sen.) lands recorded June 10 1654, vol. I, p. 5, d. Mar 24, 1740, in his 82d year, had Saml b. Feby 3, 1663, John b. Aug 7, 1668, Thomas b Aug' 29, 1691.— M. Bee. & ' ' •'-' Thomas Whitmore's second wife, Mary Attconson, died June 1, 1669, after giving birth to her daughter Mahitable. *^ Mrs. Catharine Leet, third wife of Thomas Whit more, died Oct. 13, 1693; her will was made Auo- 14 1688, by which she bequeathed her propertv to her first children, WiUiam, Samuel and John Robards and her last children, Benjamin, Abigail and Hannah Whitmore. IMMEDIATE DESCENDANTS or THOMAS WHITMOEE. John, b. — ; bap. at Hartford, Sept. 6, 1646; m. Dec. 30, 1680, Abigail dau. of Andrew and Rebecca Warner, of Middletown, Ct. ; she d. May 5, 1685 ; had Thomas, and Abigail ; m. (2d) April 1, 1686, Mary, dau. of John Savage Sen., of Middletown ; had Elizabeth, Mary, John, and Ebenezer. He had land recorded in Middletown in 1668. He was made a freeman Oct. 8, 1685. General Court held at Hartford. [171] Maj. Rob' Treat Esqr. GoV^ James Bishop Esq Dept Gov'' Propounded for Freeman, Thomas Hall, David Hall, Josh : Culver, Samuel Merriam, of Wallingford ; Jn° Leon ard, Saml Bristol, Edw* Lee, Tho Dowd, John Parmele of Guilford ; John Stow S"". John Whitmore, ISTatba' Stow, Isaac Wilcox, Rich'* Hubbard, John Clarke, William Cor- nelle of Middletown ; Samuel Hubbard of Hartford. He d. Aug. 31, 1696. Will dated Aug, 6, 1689. In ventory of his property taken by his brother Izrahiah, Nathaniel Stow, and Edward Shepard, Dec. 1696. His widow, Mary Savage, m. Obadiah Allen ; she d. Oct. 20, 1723. Andrew Warner, the father of Mary (Warner) Whit more, was one of the fifty-two householders who were registered as proprietors of Middletown in 1670. He was a settler there as early as 1654. See under head of Thomas Whitmore Sen. 28 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [2d Immediate Descendants of Thomas Whitmore. Andrew, Robert, and John Warner were sons of Andrew Warner, who emigrated from Hatfield, England, about 1630, who vpas at Cambridge in 1632, and at Hartford among the early settlers. He was a deacon in the Rev. Mr. Hooker's church, and an infiuential man in that town. He removed to Hadley in 1659, where he died at an ad vanced age in 1684. The three sons in Middletown were farmers. Eobert repeatedly represented the town in the General court ; he d. April 10, 1690. John d. in 1700. The Warners in Lyme and Chester are descendants . of Daniel Warner, one of their brothers. — Hist. Sketches of Middletown, note B. For descendants of John and Rebecca (Warner) and Mary (Savage) Whitmore, see under head of Descend ants of John, son of Thomas. Elizabeth, b. — , 1648 ; m. Oct. 8, 1673, Josiah son of William Ad kins, of East Hartford ; removed to Middletown ; had I Sarah July 16, 1674, d. Feb. 25, 1719; II Abigail, b. Sept. 11, 1676, m. Robert Hubbard 1703 ; III Solomon, b. July 25, 1678 ; IV Josiah, b. March 9, 1680 ; V Benjamin, b. Nov. 19, 1682 : VI Ephraim, b. March 9, 1685 ; VII Elizabeth, b. Aus 11 1687, m. Samuel Ward, 1711. Josiah Adkins^ Sen. d. Sept. 12, 1690 ; will dated March 1, 1690; inventory, by John Hall Sen., Na thaniel Stow, and Samuel Stow, Jan. 1, 1691. Their son Solomon was elected deacon of the First congre gational society of M., Jan. 8, 1735; d. Oct. 5, 1748 aged 70. WiUiam Adkins came from Wales. ' ^^""i^-lf,*^^ ™- ?°T- ^^' 1^^^' J°^°' «°° of Thos. Stow Sen., of Middletown; had I Jj^hn, b. Oct. 10, 1669, drowned in a well April 10, 1679 ; II John 2d, b. March 3, 1672 ; III Thomas b. April 10, r674; T^Nathardel, b. Feb 2271675 ; YMaTt b. June 7, 1678 ; VI Hannah, b.Aug. 25, 1680 ; VII sJIh, ar.d Eliz 3; but by a former w. thot to be an aSs? others' had rec' r«rffs^^^,-r^.-So^;r-j^^--S 'z:^'-it'Lt,\t\r'' ''^°^^^^'" '"^ ^^^ ^''' " ^- days^bEi •: Gen.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 29 Immediate Descendants of Thomas Whitmore. b. March 25, 1683, d. April 12, 1683; VIII Samuel, b. April 30, 1684, d. April 12, 1690 ; IX Thankful, b. July 15, 1686, d. Jan. 15, 1689 ; X E.iperience, b. Sept. 30, 1688, d. same month. Thomas, the father of John, came with his brothers John and Rev. Samuel Stow, from Roxbury, Mass., with their families. Samuel, John and Thomas Stow Srs., were among the fifty-two householders and proprietors of M. in 1670; for further notice of them see forward under head of Izrahiah Whitmore. John Stow, the husband of Mary Whitmore, d. Oct. 18, 1688, aged 48. It would appear from the following that he was for a time a soldier during the wars with the Indians : A Meeting of the Council in Hartford, May 31, 1696. Robt Treat Efq^ Dep* Gov'; M"^ Sam" Willys, Capt John : Allen, Capt Dan" Clarke. Right Worshipf"' Sir, by poll from Hatfield we recieued intellegence even now that y^ Indians have donne much fpoile ; many howfes burnt, without the fortificadon ; feueral men from Hadly went over for y"^ reliefe, of which yt is fine Kild and three wounded; two of our men kild, Jobama Smith & Ric^ Hall ; John Stoe wounded in y" foott, and Roger Alvis is alfo wounded in y^ foott ; John Smith of Hadly kild, and two of y^ garrifon fouldiers; yt was about a hundred & fifty Indians yt fought; yy vp y^ meadow all like to be kild & taken, but yt men ifliied out from towne for y* relief; none flayne till almoft come vp to y* towne ; many more In dians yt were at y* towne doeing fpoyle, at yt time yt o'' men were fought wtl", they drew off and ambulh' y* way twixt Hampton and Hatfield to lay waiett for o' fources ; but fearing it beforehand, went not that way, but drew over to Hadly ; could not gett to Hatfield by reafon they lay fo thick about y^ landing place ; many cattle and horfes flayne and taken away : y^ is y® fubftance of wt intelligence we have to impart. Thq Lord fanilify his hand to vs for our good and be p'fent w^" you in all yo'' waighty concemes vnder hands. Intellegence from Bofton you have aheady. Not elfe but cordiall refpefts to yo'felfe and all relations wth you ; take leave remaining, yo'"^ humble fervt, Benjamin Newbery. Northampton y« 3 oti" 1676. Oft 1682 John Stow by reafon of fome weaknefs of body that doth attend him, doe free his perfon from publique fervice and rates dureing the Courte's pleafure. — Colonial Rec. 30 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [2d Immediate Descendants of Thomas Whitmore. Sakah, b. — 1650, bap. April 20, 1651, d. July 14, 1655, aged 5 years. Thomas, b. Oc-. 19, 1652 ; m. Feb. 20, 1684-5, Elizabeth, dau. of George Hubbard Sen. ; had Elizabeth and Thomas. He died Feb. 11, 1689 ; she died Dec. 6, 1725. George Hubbard Sen.^ was one of the early settlers and proprietors of Middletown (see under head of Thomas Whitmore). Dr. Field in speaking of him says : "he had six sons, Joseph, David, Samuel, George, Nathaniel and Richard. The two oldest settled in Middletown. This George Hubbard was a distinct person from the George Hubbard who resided in Wethersfield, Mihbrd and Guilford. The genealogies of their families show this. He was made a freeman by the General court May 18, 1654. For the descendants of Thomas and Ehzabeth (Hubbard) Whitmore, see under head of Descendants of Thomas, son of Thomas. Hannah, b. Feb. 13, 1653 ; m. Nathaniel Stow Sen.,» son of Thomas Stow Sen., April 4, 1677. We have been unable to find any record of her descendants, if she had any. His father it will be perceived, by reference under head of Thomas Whii> more Sen., was also one of the fifty-two householders and proprietors in 1670. He was made freeman by the General court, Oct. 8, 1682. Samuel, b. in Middletown, Sept. 10, 1655; m. Dec. 18, 1687 Mary i*''i:°^,.^''*o''°'®^ '^^®''-) ^"""^ ^""^ ^'^^'O" ^- -A^pril 7, 1664; had Mahita,ble, Samuel, Mary, Benjamin, Thomas, Daniel, Bethiah and Jabez. ' He removed to the Middlefield Society in 1 700 He d. Aprd 12, 1746 ; his wife d. May 24, 1709. chidren are named.— i>r. Savage, Gena Diet 'A brother of John Stow, the husband of his wife's sister Mary. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 31 Immediate Descendants of Thomas Whitmore. The settlement in this society (Middlefield) was begun about 1700. The earliest settlers were Samuel Allen, Benjamin Miller, and Samuel Wetmore, from the First society. With these, others united from the same society, by the name of Bacon, Hubbard, Stow, Turner and Ward ; from Dunham by the name of Camp, Coe, and Lyman ; from Stratford by the name of Birdseye ; from G-uilford by the name of Bartlett ; persons were there also by the name of Chilson and Hale. When the society was incorporated in Oct. 1744, there were more than fifty families living vrithin its limits. The names of the heads of these fajmiiSstt- were, Samuel Allen Sen., Samuel Allen Jun., Ephraira and Obadiah Allyn, Thomas'' Alvord, JSTathaniel and Joseph Bacon, John Bartlett, John Birdsey, John Brown, Abra ham and Edward Camp, John Chilson, and John Chilson Jun., Joseph, David and Robert Coe, Gideon and Thomas Cooke, John and Isaac Dowd, Daniel Driggs, Jeremiah Guild, Ebenezer and Joseph Hale, Eliakim Hall, Samuel Stow, Hawley and Ebenezer Hubbard, Jeremiah Learning, Benjamin Miller, Benjamin Miller Jun., Joseph Miller Sen., Ichabod, Amos and David Miller, Moses Parsons, John Rockwell, Daniel Stow, David Strickland, David Strickland Jun., Stephen Turner Sen., and Samuel Warner, Samuel Wetmore Sen., Benjamin Wetmore Sen., Benjamin Wet more Jun., Beriah, Joseph, Thomas, Daniel, Caleb, Pros per, and Josiah Wetmore Jun., and Titus John Whitmore, the aggregate list of all these persons exceeded £3000. Almost all these persons were farmers, and soon after the incorporation of the society, the population reached a point from which it did not vary for many years. — Hist. Sketches of Middletown, 1853. ISTathaniel Bacon probably came direct from England. He was a nephew of Andrew Bacon of Hartford; his family were from Stratton, England, co. Rutland.* — Id. * Nathaniel Bacon Sen. had lands recorded June 9, 1654, vol. i, p. ill. — W. E. Reg. Children of Nathaniel and Ann Bacon : Hannah, b. April 14, 1635 ; Andrew, b. February 4, 1656, d. July 5, 1662 ; Nathaniel, b. July 20, 1659, d. April 18, 1663; John, b. March 14, 1661-2. he d. Nov. 4, 172- ; Mary, b. April 7, 1664; Andrew 2d b. June 4, 166- ; 'Abigail, b. July 13, 1670; Lydia, b. Feb. 18, 1672. Nathaniel Bacon Sen. m. 2d, Elizabeth Perpont, April 17, 1682 ; had Beriah, b. Aug. 17, 1683, who m. Ann Odell of Stratfield, and d. May 15, 1730. Nathaniel Bacon Sen. d. Jan. 27, 1705-6.— iV. E. Hist. Reg. 32 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [2d Immediate Descendants of Thomas Whitmore. For descendants of Samuel and Mary (Bacon) Whit more, see under head of descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. Izrahiah, b. in Middletown, March 8, 1656-7 (March 9, 1656 ?) ; m. May 18, 1692, Rachel,* dau. of the Rev. Samuel and Hope (Fletcher) Stow, of M. ; had Izrahiah Stow, b. Jan. 31, 1694, d. n'-*' Wiag ; James, Ichabod, b. April 18, 1698, d. Jan. 7, 1715 ; Seth, Jeremiah, Caleb and Josiah. He was a magistrate of the town, and a deputy to the General court, from 1721 to 1728 inclusive; he was a man of fine abilities, says tradition, and enjoyed the confidence and esteem of the colonists. His father in law made him his executor, and speaks of him in his will in terms of the highest praise. He died at the age of 86 years. The Rev. Samuel Stow, the father of Mrs. Rachel Stow Whitmore, born in 1622, was son of John and EHza^ beth (Biggs) Stow, who came from Kent, England, to Roxbury, Mass., in 1634 {Roxbury Rec). He married Hope, the daughter of Wilham Fletcher {Mid'n Rec.), and had " John, b. at Charlestown, Mass., June le' 1650; Ichabod, b. Feb. 20, 1652; Hope,b. Feb. 1656- Dorothy, b. Aug. 1, 1659 ; Elizabeth, b. Aug. 1, 1662- Thankful, b. May 1664 ; Rachel, b. March 13, 1666-7' -^N. E. Reg. He graduated at Harvard college, 1645. Studied for the ministry, and soon after became the first pastor of the First orthodox congregational society of Middle- town. As it was the custom to have clergymen some time on trial, he was not regularly settled till 1657 where he continued his ministrations for three years' when it appears that a difiiculty arose between him and his people, and was succeeded by the Rev. Nathaniel 6 Sister of Margaret, wife of Dea Beriah WliUrr,n,.o „^a • , t ,, X^^r''''^' "^-^-^^ of l'erntte^t7a;\i:^yTnT^°arah Gen.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 33 Immediate Descendants of Thomas Whitmore. Collins.'' It would seem from the following record that he, some twenty odd years later, established a church at Simsbury : "Vpon y* prefentation of an addrefs by M' Stowe and Michael Hum phries, on behalfe of the inhabitants of Simfbury,' for liberty to gather a church and fettlement of a pailor there, with the approbation of this Gen^ Court, according to Gofpell order, after y^ ufuall maner in this colony, we fee no caufe to difcourage, but to alow them fo to doe, it being done with the obfervation and approbation of three or foure of the elders and meffengers of the neighbouring churches, advifeing that theire inhabit ants doe choofe a competent number of the moft fober and godly perfons to begin that church and call the officer, as is defired by them.— T'rum- bulPs Col. Rec. of Conn., vol. in, p. loi. The Rev. Samuel Stow in connection with Nathaniel White and Jasper Clements, made bequests for the support of common schools in Middletown, thereby laying the foundation probably of the first free schools in Connecticut. He died May, 1704, leaving consi derable landed property to his heirs. John Stow, the father of the Rev. Samuel, was made freeman at Roxbury, Mass., in 1634, and member of the Ancient and Honorable artillery company, 1638 ; and representative to the General court of Mass. in 1639. "Ehzabeth wife of John Stow died and was buried 21 (6) 1638."— 5os b. July 5 1752 V Jesse, b. June 20, 1754; VI Elizabeth, b. Sept. 25, 1756 VII John, b. Dec. 17, 1758. John, b. in M. Feb. 22, 1726-7, d. Dec. 29, 1731. Elizabeth, b. in M. Sept. 22, 1730. Sarah, b. in M. May 3, 1732. John 2d, b. in M. Mar. 27, 1734; m. Marcy Bacon, May 4, 1757; had Ebenezer, John, Ebenezer 2d, Ebenezer 3d, Ehzabeth, Elisha, Mary, Benjamin. He held a commission of ensign under the crown ; at the commencement of the Revolution he gave up his post in his majesty's army, and joined the volun teers, then being organized by Col. Ebenezer Sage of Middletown, and was appointed captain, and served his country during the entire war. On peace being estabhshed, he settled in the south part of the town of M. and was one of eighty that formed the South congregational church there, as will be seen by the following agreement : " We the subscribers of the Second strict congrega tional church and society in this town, believing it to be our duty to attend public worship of God, and sup port the Gospel Minister, do agree according to our several abilities, to raise such supplies as shall be necessary to render the life of a Gospel Minister com fortable, in order for his usefulness among us, and that we will attend a society meeting, annually, on the last Monday in September, in order for raising such sup- 1 From and including the fourth generation of all the different branches, we record the name Wetmore, instead of Whitmore. Gen.J WETMORE MEiMORIAL. 39 Descendants of John, son of Thomas. plies as shall be necessary for the comfortable support of a Gospel Minister. And we further agree that we will be accountable to this church and society for any neglect of fulfilling this our agreement, provided always that no force of ci\dl law is to be used in collecting support for the Gospel ministry among us."^ — Hist. SMchofM. Dated Oct. 13, 1788, and signed by John Wetmore, and 79 other male citizens. Christian, b. in M. Nov. 30, 1735; d. Dec. 24, 1742. Lois, b. in M. Jan. 27, 1737; d. Feb. 15, 1737-8. Ebenezer, b. in M. ) Jan. 7, 1738-9 ; d. 18th same month. ) Jan. 7 A dau. b. " j " " " ; d. same day. FIFTH GENERATION. Children of Capt. John, Son of Ebenezer. Ebenezer, b. in Middletown Feb. 4, 1759 ; d. Nov. 25, 1761. John, b. in Middletown Sept. 19, 1760; m. Mahitable ; had John, Thomas, Ebenezer, Abigail, Mercy, Mitty, Mahitable. He enhsted in the Continental army at 15 years of age. Serving out the time for which he had enlisted, and his father drafting a second company, he reenlisted. Was taken a prisoner and placed in one of the old Jersey prison ships, where he sufiered greatly from sickness consequent upon close confinement and an over-crowded hulk. Through the kindness of a Mr. Sholer, or Shaler, a gentleman attached to the British 2 Their first pastor was Stephen Parsons, a native of the town ; he remained their minister till Aug. 1795, when he was dismissed on account of his views upon the subject of baptism, and was succeeded by the Rev. David Hunt ington of Lebanon. 7 40 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [5th Descendants of John, son of Thomas. service, he was released and returned to his friends at Middletown. After the close of the war, he followed the sea some years as captain of a merchant vessel. In 1792, he, with his brother Elisha and his brother-in-law George Paddock, removed to Paris, Oneida county, N. Y., where he bought lands, and turned his attention to farming. At that time there were but three buildings where the city of Utica now stands. Ebenezer 2d, b. in Middletown, Jan. 10, 1762 ; d. Jan. 27, 1762. Ebenezer 3d, b. in M., May 2, 1763 ; d. Dec. 6, 1766. Elizabeth, b. in M,, June 4, 1766; m. Mr. Wvnchop; resided in Middletown. Elisha, b, in M., Dee. 6, 1768; m. Feb. 2, 1792, Cynthia Guild, b. Nov. 3, 1768, and removed to Herk. co., N. Y., same year; had Polly, Elisha, Rhoda, Samuel, Cynthia, William, Nancy, Clarinda, Louisa, Patty Marilla, John, and Emily. He died in Paris, N. Y., Aug. 3, 1846, aged 77. He was one of the early settlers in that part of the country. An obituary notice of him says that he left a good name, and was universally loved and respected. "An aged widow, eleven children, seventy-two grand children and ten or more great grand children, mourn the loss of a valuable counsellor, and the community in which he resided that of an esteemed friend. His funeral was attended in the Presbyterian church in the neighbor hood, and the consolations of the gospel tendered to the mourners by the Rev. T, I. Whitcomb." His wid d. May 13, 1848. Mary^ b_ in M May 12 1771; m. George Paddock; removed to Herk co N. Y^m 1792; subsequently removed to Wyoming county. Pa. ; had ten or twelve children. Benjamin b. in M Aprfi 4 1774. ^. ^ar. 2, 1797, Thankful G Lucas b. Dec 13 1776 (m. by the Rev. Enoch Huntington of M.); had Elnathan Benjamm, Ebenezer, Ehza, Sally, Marv Margerett, Abigail, John, Lucretia, and Hannah. ^' Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 41 Descendants of John, son of Thomas. He removed with his family to Ashtabula county, Ohio, Aug., 1819 ; subsequently removed to Monroe, Ohio. He d. July 13, 1846. SIXTH GENERATION. Children of John, Son of Capt. John, Son of Ebenezer, John ; d. aged about 21 years. Abigail. Mitty. Thomas ; d. young. Mercy. Mehitable. Ebenezer; d. s. p. Children of Elisha, Son oj' Capt. John, Son of Ebenezer. Polly, b. Nov. 16, 1792; m. Sept. 11, 1811, William Hatfield, of Paris, N. Y., b. Sept. 5, 1791 ; he d. at Brookfield, Chnton co., Iowa, Sept. 6, 1854; had, I Gla.rh, b. at Paris, Jan. 16, 1812, m. Sophia Stimson, of Freedom, Cattaraugus co., N. Y., Jan. 21, 1834, resides at Osage, Mitchell co., Iowa; II Malissa, b. in Gainesville, March 21, 1814, m. George Cadwell of Freedom, Dec. 23, 1837, resides at Centerville, Allegany co., N. Y. ; III Nathan, b. in Wethersfield, Wyoming co., N. Y., Feb. 11, 1816, m. Julia Ann Gillett, of W., May 1, 1840, resides at Bloomfield, Clinton co., Iowa; IV Eli, b, in Wethersfield, Dec. 13, 1817, m. Ann Thayer, or Thuja, of Yorkshire, June 1, 1843, resides in Bloomfield, Iowa; V Sophronia, b. in W. Feb. 15, 1820, m. Levi Jones, of Freedom, Cattaraugus co., N. Y., Feb. 2, 1840; VI Louisa, b. in W. Nov. 17, 1821, m. Alfred Briggs, of Freedom, June 1, 1845, resides at Wethers field Sp., Wyoming co., N. Y. ; VII Perkins, b. in Freedom, Nov. 18, 1825, m. Ann Eliza Janes, Feb. 16, 1853, resides at Brookfield, Chnton co., Iowa; VIII Polly M., b. in Freedom, Dec. 15, 1827, m. Philo E. Powell, Aug. 27, 1846, resides at Eagle Village, Allegany eo., N. Y. ; IX William H., b. in 42 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of John, son of Thomas. Freedom, Feb. 24, 1830, m. Martha Thompson, of Sharon, Sept. 11, 1855, resides at Quincy, Olmstead co., Minn; X Mary, C, b. in Freedom, May 14, 1832, m. Amicy W. Sleeper, of Bloomfield, Iowa, Sept. 9, 1853, she d. May 24, 1860; XI Mason, b. in Freedom, May 14, 1832, m. Caroline Gregory of Brookfield, Iowa, Sept. 20, 1855, resides at Quincy, Olmstead CO,, Minn.; XII Cynthia W., b. in Freedom, Aug. 1, 1837, m. Alvah B. Libby, Oct. 11, 1857, resides at Quincy, 0. co., Minn. Mrs- Hatfield Sen. resides at Maquoketa, Jackson co., Iowa; her sons and sons in law, are highly respectable farmers in Iowa and Minnesota. Elisha, b. January 29, 1794 ; m. Polly Hatfield, Oct. 22, 1815 ; had Mason Hatfield, William Henry, Harriet Maria, Henry Elisha, William Hatfield, and Nathan Irvin ; she d. April 18, 1833, 88. 39 years: m. 2d, Mary Howard, July 31, 1833; had Mary Louisa, Ann Elizabeth, Charles Whitman, James How ard, John Wallace, and Sarah Jane. He is a much respected citizen of Grafenberg, Herki mer county, N. Y. Rhoda, b. Jan. 5, 1796 ; m. Perkins Hatfield, Jan. 9. 1817 • had I Orlow Hatfield, b. Oct. 24, 1818, m. Amanda Gillet,' July 28, 1836, he d. , his wid. resides at Maquoketa, Jackson CO., Iowa; II Cynthia Marilla, b. Oot. 24, 1819, m Wilham Wolcott, Aug. 7, 1835, resides Hermitage, Wyoming eo N Y ¦ III Oscar Fitdand, b. May 30, 1821, m. Elizabeth S. Enos' bept. 14, 1843, resides Hermitage, Wvomino- co N Y • IV Masmi, b. Feb. 3, 1823; m. Harriet Brfgcg "'Dec -^4' 1844, resides Hermitage Wyoming co., N. Y.; V Ma.rshal{,h. Dec. 5, 1824, m. Marion Hibbard, Dec. 11, 1849 resides Hermitage, Wy^ co., N,Y.; VI WHUam, b. April is 1826 m. Carohne McReynolds, Dec. 18, 1852, resides at Ellicottville: Cattaraugus co., N. Y. ; VII Alvira,h. Feb 5 18->q m Tnlir, Boddy, Sept. 1, 1848, resides at Hermitage Wy'co NY 78?8 -^Vd' ""-^V-f^' ''f ; "¦ Sylpta NewlJrk M Teh 7: 1858, resides at Portage, Kalamazo co., Mich • IX Wnnnni Abigail K Feb. 8, 1836, m. William Boddy,' M^y fS hves at Hermitage, Wy. CO., N. Y. J-, J-ooo, Resides at Hermitage, Wyomino- co. N Y Samuel, b. July 28. 1797; m. Jerusha Donaghy, Feb. 26 1817- had Lovice and William Donaghy. ' ' Gen.J WKTJIORE JIEMORIAL. 43 Descendants of John, son of Thomas. Resides at Spring, Crawford co.. Pa. Mrs. Wet more's mother, Mrs. Olive Donaghy, is still living at the advanced age of 102 years, retaining her mental and physical faculties to a remarkable degree. Cynthia, b. Sept. 19, 1799; m. Daniel Driggs, Nov. 12, 1825 : in. 2d, Nathan Hatfield, Nov. 12, 1S29; had, I Himmdi. Louiaa, h. Feb. 24, 1830, m. James II. Howe, May 9, 1850, resides Mayville, Huron eu., 0.; II William Henry, b. April 9, 1832, m. Margaret Evans, Jan. 7, 1857 ; III Harriet Emily, b. Dec. 1833, m. George Rowcliff, March 25, 1853, resides at Peru, Huron CO., O. ; IV Charles Natlum, b. May 29, 1836, d. Feb. 11, 1849. Mr. Hatfield Sen. d. Feb. 2, 1847 ; his wid. d. Nov. 6, 1855. William, b. Feb. 2, 1801 ; m. Sally Cossitt, Feb. 22, 1823, had William Chauncy, Sarah Amelia, Henry Augustus, Harriet Euphrania, Emily Jane, Caroline Marion, Frances Cordelia. He d. Sept. 10, 1858, in his 58th year. Nancy, b. July 20, 1802 ; m. Ebenezer Lockwood Selleck, April 3, 1822 ; had, I Morris, b. June 9, 1824 ; m. Olive Shaw, Nov. 14, 1849, resides at Adrian, Mich. ; II Nancy Matilda, b. Sept. 12, 1826, m. John Lewis Knapp, April 2, 1851, resides Adrian, Mich. ; in James, b. June 22, 1828 : m. Kate Yakely, Feb. 5, 1857, resides at Adrian, Mich. ; IV Ruth, b. July 15, 1831, d. June 18, 1850 ; V Mary Lousia, b. Deo. 18, 1833 ; VI Cynthia EUxabcfh, b. Dec. 27, 1835, d. Feb. 19, 1845 ; VII Charlotte, b. May 3, 1838, m. Hiram Knapp, March 26, 1854, resides Adrian, Mich.; VIII Harriet Irene, b. Oct. 28, 1840; IX Charles Wetmore, b. March 9, 1843 ; X Homer Elisha, b. Oct. 17, 1846. Mr. Selleck Sen.- resides at Adrian, Mich. Clarinda, b. at Paris, Oneida co., N. Y., April 2, 1804; m. Jan. 29, 1824, Oren Green of P., b. in Litchfield, N. Y., April 16, 1802; had, I Horace, b. in Wethersfield, Wyoming co., N. Y., March 4, 1825, d. April 25, 1827 : II Elisha W., b. Jan. 21, 1827, m. Laura Wells, Oct. 11, 1852 ; had 1st, Frank V., b. Nov. 13, 1853, 2d, Clarinda W., b. Nov. 31,1858, res. Spring, Pa : III Charles H, b. April, 11, 1828, m. Cohsla Casler, Sept. 6, 1849 ; had 1st, John C, b. May 27, 1850, 2d, Mary, b. Nov. 20, 1854, d. Dec, 10, 1855; resides Spring, Pa.: IV Helen C, b. Sept. 22, 1829 : V Mary M., b. in Spring, Pa., 44 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [^t^i Descendants of John, son of Thomas. July 18, 1831, m. Charles C Kindall, May 1, 1852 ; had 1st, Adelaide, b. Feb. 26, 1853, 2d, Frank O., b. Dec. 17 1857, 3d, William W., b. April 27, I860, res. Spring, Pa. : VI Henry I b in Spring, Pa., Jan. 7, 1833, m. Nancy Thompson, April l''l857, had Florence M., b. Feb. 26, 1858, res. Maquoketa, Iowa: VII Hannah Louisa, b. in Spring, Pa., May 14, 1834, m. Ira Williams, Aug. 14, 1851, had 1st, Eathon Elisha b. March 18, 1854, 2d, James Homer, b. Feb. 26, 1856, 3d, Abbv b. July 4, 1858, resides Laure, Marion co., Ohio : VIII George W., b. in Spring, Pa., Feb. 6, 1836; IX Emily M., b. in Spring, Pa., June 14, 1838 ; X Emory 0., b. in Sprmg, Pa., June 14, 1838. Mr. Oren Green d. April 17, 1838 ; she resides in Spring, Pa. Louisa, b. Dec. 15, 1806; m. Deo. 30, 1822; d. Aug. 5, 1833. Patty Marilla, b. Feb. 15, 1809 ; m. April 15, 1829, Andrew Mills, b. May 9, 1805 ; had I Charles, b. Jan. 18, 1830, d. April 3, 1857; II Charlotte Louisa, b. May 19, 1833, m. June 2, 1852, Kendrick G. Fairchild, b. Nov. 10, 1827 ; had Adelbert Mills, b, March 13, 1855 : III Andrew Wetmore, b. Nov. 30, 1836 ; IV Harriet Maria, b, July 25, 1839 ; V Edgar Delos, b. July 8, 1844. Andrew Mills resides in Clinton, Oneida co., N. Y. John, b. May 7, 1811 ; m. Hearty Parkhurst, March 23, 1831, d. s. p. Nov. 17, 1845 ; m, 2d, Nov. 24, 1846, Mary Jerusha Risley, b. June 27, 1828, had George Sanford, Charles Morris, Ruth Maretta, John E. Resides at Maquoketa, Iowa. Emily, b. July 19, 1813 ; m. James Thurstin, April 3, 1839 ; had I Wayne Wetmore, b. Oct. 26, 1840; II Albert Marion, b. Feb. 22, 1843 ; III Harrison Eugene, b. Dec. 21, 1849. Resides in Paris (Sauquoit P. 0.), Oneida co, N. Y. Children of Benjamin, Son of Capt. John, Son of Ebenezer. Elnathan, b. in M., Dec. 6, 1797; m. April 25, 1843, Elizabeth Bovee, b. Oct. 25, 1797. Resided in Monroe, Ashtabula co., Ohio. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 45 Descendants of John, son of Thomas. Benjamin, b. Sept. 7, 1799 ; unmarried. Resides in KelloggsviUe, Ashtabula co., 0., where he has been postmaster for many years, Ebenezer, b. Sept. 2. 1801 ; m. Dec. 22, 1847, Lovinia Bovee, of Coneaut, Ashtabula co., 0., b. Oct. 18, 1809. Eliza, b. Nov. 2, 1803; m. in Monroe, 0., Dec. 1822, Daniel Bennet, b. in Woodstock, Mass., June 5, 1797 ; had, I Edwin, b. Dec. 16, 1823, m. Judith Masterson, May 10, 1855, at Ste vens Point, Wis., had Eliza, b. Aug. 1858, d. July 1, 1859: II Orville. b. May 15, 1827, m, Feb. 23, 1858, Ellen Dunn, b. June 3, 1832 ; had Cliarles Henry, b. June 6, 1859 ; IV Emeline, b, Nov. 6, 1829, unmarried; V John, b. Sept. 28, 1836, m. April 9, 1859, Clarissa Thains, of Beloit, Wis., b. in Frederickton, N. B., had Daniel James, b. Deo, 9, 1859, Resides at Beloit, Wisconsin. Sally, b. Feb. 28, 1806. Maby, b, Feb, 22, 1808 ; d, March 11, 1844, Margaret, b, April 10, 1810 ; m. Sept, 18, 1833, Peter Bovee, b, March 13, 1806 ; had I Hannah Wetmore, b. Dec. 10, 1834, d. May 21, 1859 ; II John Emory, h. May 24, 1836 ; III Margaret Amelia, b. Oct. 26, 1838 ; IV Abigail Maria, b. Jan. 7, 1841, d. April 13, 1844. He resides at Kingsville, Ashtabula co., 0. She d. July 13, 1843. Abigail, b. March 1, 1812 ; d. Oct. 27, 1841. John, b. July 18, 1814 ; m. Sept. 8, 1850, Juliet Sands, b. July 26, 1826 ; had Henry Elnathan, Thomas Ebenezer, Ida Thankful. Lucretia, b. Sept. 9, 1816. Hannah, b. Oct. 13, 1818 ; d. Oct. 13, 1832, 46 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [7th Descendants of John, son of Thomas. SEVENTH GENERATION. Children of Elisha. Son of Elisha, Son of Capt. John, Son of Ebenezer. Mason Hatfield, b. Oct, 10, 1816 ; m. Lucy Ann Risley, April 16, 1839, Res, St. Charles, Wiona co., Minn. William Henry, b. Dec. 22, 1818. Harriet Maria, b. May 17, 1821 ; m. George Goodale, Dee. 27, 1842 ; had I Mary Jane, b. Oct. 8, 1843 ; II Elizabeth Livona, b. July 13, 1848 ; III George Henry Irvin, b. Dec. 23, 1851. She resides at Litchfield, Herkimer co., N. Y. He d. July 20, 1854. Henry Elisha, b. Nov. 25, 1822 ; m. Margeretta Bouck ; he d. Oct. 25, 1852. William Hatfield, b. Nov. 8, 1828 ; d. Oct. 2, 1830. Nathan Irvin, b. Aug. 26, 18—; m. Cynthia Boot, Jan. 1, 1856. Mary Louisa, b. July 23, 1834; m. Robert Clarke Cook, Dec. 27 1858 ; res. Frankfort, Herk. co., N. Y. Ann Elizabeth, b. June 13, 1836 ; res. New Grafenberg, N. Y. Charles Whitman, b. Aug. 29, 1837 ; res. Frankfort, N. Y. James Howard, b. Jan, 17, 1840 ; res. Frankfort, N. Y. John Wallace, b. June 19, 1842 ; res. Frankfort, N. Y. Sarah Jane, b. April 18, 1844; res. New Grafenberg. Children of Samuel, Son of Elisha, Son of Capt. John, Son of Ebenezer. Lovice, b. May 31, 1821; m. Lyman Hall, April 12 1838 • had I Scott W., b. Jan. 11, 1839; II Harriet L. b. Feb 22 1843 d. June 7 1851; III Julia J, b Oct. 14, 1845; IV Louisa ^'' J]l',}^' ^^^o' ^.- '^^'^'^ 2-^' 1855; V Catherine D., b. Nov. 30, 1857 ; res. Spring, Pa. ' ^'^"%^°^^«^J' !>¦ J"iy 21, 1827; m. Harriet E. Ward, Feb. 2, 1848 ; res. Spring, Pa. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 47 Descendants of John, son of Thomas. Children of William, Son of Elisha, Son of Capt. John, Son of Ebenezer. William Chauncey, b. Feb. 11, 1824; m. Cornelia A. Bailey, Aug. 26, 1857 ; res. Concord, Jackson oo., Ohio. Sarah Armida, b. Aug. 22, 1825 ; m. William Ferguson, Jan. 31, 1854 ; res. Oriskany Fall, Oneida co., N. Y. Henry Augustus, b. Nov. 12, 1827; res. Concord, Jackson co., Michigan. Harriet Euphronia, b. Dec. 15, 1829 ; m. Alex. B. Mason, Dec. 24, 1849; res. Washington Mills P. 0., Oneida co., N. Y. Emily Jane, b. Oct. 18, 1831 ; m. Nathan E. Millington, Sept. 28, 1859 ; res. Russia, Herk. co., N. Y. Caroline Marion, b. Jan. 15, 1834 ; res. Paris, N. Y. Frances Cordelia, b. April 13, 1836. " " Children of John, Son of Elisha, Son of Capt. John, Son of Ebenezer. George Sanfoed, b. Sept. 4, 1847. Chaeles Morris, b. April 24, 1850. Ruth Maretta, b. Aug. 24, 1851. John E., b. May 17, 1857. James A., b. May 15, 1859. Children of John, Son of Benjamin, Son of Capt. John, Son of Ebenezer. Henry Elnathan, b. in Ohio, Dec. 23, 1851. Thomas Ebenezer. b. in Ohio, March 14, 1854. Ida Thankkful, b. in Ohio, Feb. 14, 1858. 8 48 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [8t] Descendants of John, son of Thomas. EIGHTH GENERATION. Daughter of Nathan Irvin, Son of Elisha, Son of Elisha, Son of Capt. Johfi, Son of Ebenezer Ida Jane, b- Jan. 18, 1858. Gen.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 49 Descendants of Thomas, Son of Thomas. THIRD GENERATION. Children of Thomas, Second Son and Fifth Child of Thomas and Sarah (Hall) Whitmore. Elizabeth, b. in Middletown Sept. 2, 1686-7 ; m. June 16, 1709, her cousin Ephraim son of Josiah" and Elizabeth (Wetmore) Adkins, b. Mar. 9, 1685; had I Thomas, b. April 5, 1710 ; II Ephraim, b. July 18. 1712, d. June 27, 1713 ; III Elizabeth, b. Dec. 6, 1714, d. May 30, 1730 (1750 ?) ; IV Ephraim 2d, b. Mar. 22, 1717, d. Feb. 26, 1735 ; V Naome, b. June 6, 1719 ; VI Ebenezer, b. Oct. 1, 1721 ; VII James, b. April 9, 1724 ; VIII George, b. Dec. 26, 1726. She d. May 20, 1752; her husband d. Dec. 26. 1760. Thomas, b. in Middletown Jan. 8, 1689 ; d. Nov. 24, 1711. We presume he died unmarried, as we find no record to the contrary ; consequently the name ended in his line with him. 50 WETMORE MEMORIAL, [3d / Descendants of Samuel, Son of Thomas. THIRD GENERATION. Children of Samuel, Third Son amd Seventh Child of Thomas and Sarah {HaU) Whitmore. Mahitable, b. in Middletown Nov. 14, 1689. Samuel, b. in Middletown March 13, 1692; m. June 21, 1722 Hannah Hubbard b. July 21, 1700; had Samuel, Hannah, John, Noah, Mehitable, Sarah, Lois, Joel, Millicent, Mary. He was a member of the Middlefield society^ (Mid dletown) ; removed with his family to Winchester, Ct., on election day, 1771, where he purcha'sed land. The farm that he 'then settled still remains in posses sion of his descendants, as will be seen in the pages following. He died Dec. 30, 1773, and was the first person interred in the old Winchester burying-ground. His wife died in W. June 4, 1794. Mary, b. in Middletown June 29, 1694. |li) Benjamin, b, in M. May 17, 1696 ; m. Sept. 24, 1719, Marcy dau. of Samuel and Mary Roberts; had Benjamin, Josiah, Marcy, Mary, Anna, Abigail, Berthia (dau.), Abner. We find the following in relation to him in Mid. Hist. Sketches, under head of Middlefield Society. 1 May y« 2 A D 1773. Furthermore, Samuel Wetmore 1st and his wife Hannah, together with Mahitable their daughter, were admitted into this church by A letter from ye ch h at Middlefield. Attest, Joshua Knapp, Pastor. — Winchester First Ch. Rec. ,.y Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 51 Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. * * * * When the society was first incorporated in Oct. 1744, there were more tban fifty families living within its limits. The names of the heads of these families were, Samuel Allen Sen., Samuel Allen Jun., Ephraim and Obadiah Allen, Thomas Alvord, Ifathaniel and Joseph Bacon, John Bartlett, John Birdsey, John Brown, Abra ham and Edward Camp, John Gibson Sen. and John Gibson Jun., Joseph, David and Robert Coe, Gideop and Thomas Cooke, John and Isaac Dowd, Daniel Driggs, Jeremiah Guild, Ebenezer and Joseph Hale, Eliakim Hall, Samuel Stow, Hawley and Ebenezer Hubbard, Jeremiah Leaming, Benjamin Miller and Benj. Miller Jun,, Joseph Miller Sen., Ichabod, Amos and David Miller, Moses Parsons, John Rockwell, Daniel Stow, David Strickland and David Strick land Jun., Stephen Turner Sen., Samuel Warner, Samuel Wetmore Sen., Benjamin Wetmore Sen., and Benj. Wet more Jun., Beriah, Joseph, Thomas, Daniel, Caleb, Pros per, and Josiah Wetmore Jun., and John Titus Whitmore, the aggregate list of all these persons exceeded £3000. Almost all these persons were farmers, and soon after the incorporation of the society, the population reached a point from which it did not vary greatly for many years. ** * * Thomas, b. in M. Aug. 26, 1698 ; m. Dee. 11, 1751, Ann Wall (Hale ?) ; had Thomas, Rebecca ; m. 2d Rebecca Lewis of Sims- bury, May 22, 1754-5 ; had Ann, Jobe, Phebe, Mindwell, Ex perience. Mrs. Ann Hale Wetmore died Sept. 28, 1753. Daniel, b. May 9, 1703, in Middletown ; in. Aug. 26, 1725, Do rothy Hale ; had Increase, Ruth, David, Daniel, Gideon and EUas (twins), Ruth 2d, Jabez. It appears from record, under head of Benjamin, that he belonged to the Middlefield society. Bethiah, b. in M. Jan. 22, 1706-7 ; m. Joseph Bacon April 20, 1732 ; had I Bethiah, b. June 29, 1733 ; II Joseph, b. May 11, 1735 ; III Mahitable, b. Aug. 24, 1737 ; IV Daniel, b. Dec. 1, 1739 ; V Mary, b. Nov. 24, 1742 ; VI Abigail, h. April 17, 1745 ; VII Moses, b. Oct. 16, 1747. Jabez, b. in M. May 14, 1709 ; m. — ; had Oliver. 52 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [4tl] Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. FOURTH GENERATION. Children of Samuel Wetmore. Dea. Samuel, b. in Middletown, Dec. 24, 1723 ; m. Feb. 6, 1752 Anna Roberts, of Durham, Ct., b. March 16, 1723; had Abel. He came, with his father, from the Middlefield soci ety, to Winchester, in 1771. He was one of the first appointed Deacons of the First congregational church of Winchester, and held the office until an advanced age. It is reputed of him that he was a Christian of the old Puritan stamp, possessing a strong mind, a thorough knowledge of the Bible, a firm reverence for the sabbath, and the institutions of the gospel, and was well anchored on the Rock of Ages, which he esteemed the only sure security. The Winchester First church registei; contains the following record respecting him : "July 26, A. D. 1772. Samuel Wetmore and Anna his wife were admitted members of this chh by a letter from y« chh at Middlefield." He died Sept. 22, 1804, in his 82d year ; his wife died March 2, 1809, in her 86th year. Hannah, b. in M, Dec. 18, 1725; m. Graves; had Maj. Timothy, of Hoosie, and Leves. John, b. in M., Oct. 27, 1727; m. 1758, Ehzabeth Leming;^ had Elizabeth, Seth, Samuel. He hved in Torrington. In a book of records, kept by the Rev. Nathaniel Roberts, first pastor of Torring ton church, the following entry appears: "John Wetmore and Ehzabeth his wife owned Covenant June 18, 1758." He was killed Aug. 27, 1795, while ' Collateral branches of Lemings, were Rev. Jeremiah, an Episconal clergyman; Mathias m a Gould; Aaron m. a Grant; L^cy » sp S Abigail m. a Coe, and Jane m. MarshaU. spinster , Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 53 Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. riding on horseback, on the highway, by the falling of a tree during a heavy thunder storm. Rev. Noah, b. in M., April 16, 1730 ; m. Submit, dau. of Ithiel Russel, of Branford, Ct,, b. April 16, 1735 ; had Irena, Han nah, Ann, Noah, Appolos, Samuel Ithiel, He graduated at Yale College, 1757; studied for the ministry; was ordained in Nov. 1760. The Church records of Torrington contain the registry of children of Noah Wetmore, being baptized there in 1761 and 1768, which leads us to think that he resided there for a time after his ordination. On the 25th of Nov., 1770, he was settled as the first pastor of the Congregational church at Bethel, Fairfield co., Ct., where he ministered till 1784. In April, 1786, he was called to the First presbyterian church at Brook Haven, Long Island, to succeed the Rev. Benjamin Talbnadge, who had deceased the fifth of February previous ; here he faithfully labored in the cause of his Lord and Master, till his death, March 9, 1796. His funeral sermon was preached at Huntington, L. I., by the Rev. WUUam Schenck,** from the text : " That ye be not slothful, but followers of them, who through faith and patience inherit the promises." Heb. vi, 12. In commenting upon his life and character, Mr. Schenck said : And here, though I am not over fond of funeral enco miums, yet upon this occasion it is proper to observe a few things ; not so much to celebrate our departed friend's virtues, as to excite in us his survivors a laudable imitation of them. I know httle of Mr. Wetmore's ancestry ; only that he descended from worthy, pious parents, and a family remarkable for promoting the interest of religion. As a preacher of the gospel his sermons were well com posed, and animated with a sacred regard to the honor of ^An Attempt to Delineate the Character and Re-ward of Faithful Servants of Christ, in a Seemon, preached at the Funeral pf tlie Rev. Noah Wetmore, A. M., late Minister at Brook Haven, L. I., March 10, 1796, hy William Schenck, A. B. and M. V. D. — David Frothin^hcim, Sag Harbor. 54 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [4th Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. his divine Master, and the salvation of immortal souls. In the pulpit, you well know my brethren, he spoke the word in all plainness and godly simplicity, and labored hard to win souls for Christ. In private social life, he excelled as an agreeable, in structive companion. IJpon religious subjects he appeared judicious, and distinguished well between true and false marks of religion : the doctrines he taught, and duties he pressed upon others, were happily exemplified in his own life and conversation, agreeably to the apostle's charge to Timothy, " He was an example to believers, in word, in charity, in conversation, in faith, in purity." In domestic life his character shone with peculiar lustre, as a tender and affectionate husband, a prudent, cautious, indulgent father, a compassionate master, and faithful friend. And shall we lament his departure ? Nay ! rather let us be earnest to live, and die the death of the righteous, that our latter end may be peace. Thompson, in his History of Long Island, says of him, that : He was a gentleman of respectable talents, and experi enced a powerful influence among his clerical brethren. His social disposition made his company the delight of every circle, and it may safely be said, that few clergymen were ever more beloved. His wife survived him tiU Aug. 17, 1798 (9 ?). Mahitable, b, in M., Aug. 5, 1732; m. Capt. Asa Upson, of New Cambridge (Farmington), Ct., Aug. 14, 1776 {Winchester Cli. Rec.) ; died s. p. 1816, aged 84. Saeah, b. in M March 31 1734; m, Nov. 16, 1758, James, son oi Nathaniel and Jane Bacon; had Sarah, b. June 16, 1760. Mrs. Bacon d. at Torrmgton, — , 1803, ge. 69. Lois b in M., March 6, 1736 ; m. Jan. 7, 1762, John, son of Caleb Wetmore. For her issue see forward, under head of John, son 01 Caleb, son of Izrahiah Sen. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 55 Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. Joel, b. in M., March 9 (7 ?), 1738 ; m. Sarah Lyman, Nov. 23, 1765 ; had Olive, Ebenezer Lyman, Milicent, John Pomeroy. He resided in Torrington, Ct. In a registry kept by the Rev. Nathaniel Roberts, of T., the following entry stands : "Joel Wetmore and wife owned Cove nant, March 10, 1765." His wife Sarah (says a cor respondent well informed in the genealogy of this branch of the family) was probably the daughter of Deacon Ebenezer Lyman, of Torrington. He d. in T. Feb. 1814, ?e. 75 ; his wife d. 1832, fe. 92. Milicent, b. in M., Sept. 15, 1739. Makt, b. in M., July 23, 1741 ; m. according to the following in First church Winchester records : " 1775 October y^ 8, Abraham Loomis of Torrington and Mary Wetmore of Winchester were married." She m. 2d, a Baldwin. Kote. = Wetmore, of Torringford, m. Abigail, dau, of Samuel Hayden, of Windsor, Ct., b. Dec. 21, 1745. ^i»r. Stiles' s Hist, of Windsor, Ct. Children of Benjamin. Benjamin, b. in Middletown, March 22, 1719-20; m. Jemima Hurlburt, June 24, 1744. Josiah, b. in M., Aug. 21, 1721; m. Esther Caldwell, of Hartford, Ct., Nov. (May?) 11, 1745. Makct, b. in M., Feb. 14, 1725-6. Makt, b. in M., Aug. 24, 1727 ; m. AJcimaz Spencer, Sept. 15, 1743 ; had I Elizabeth, b. May 21, 1744 ; II Moses, b. Jan. 5, 1746; III Mary, b. April 1, 1753. Anna, b. in M., June 23, 1730. Abigail, b. in M., June 30, 1732 ; m. Jonas Burt, of Worcester, Mass., July 25, 1752. Bethiah (dau.), b. in M-, Oct, 2, 1734, Abner, b. in M., May 2, 1736. We have been unable to find any fiirther record of the descendants of the above Benjamin Sen, 9 56 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [4th Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. Children of Thomas, Thomas, b. 1752. Rebecca, b. 1753. Ann, b. June 5, 1755. Jobe, b. Sept. 10, 1756 ; d. young. Pheobe, b. March 16, 1758. MiNDWELL, b. Oct. 9, 1760. Experience, b. March 11, 1765. We have no further record of the descendants of Thomas, son of Samuel, son of Thomas. Children of Daniel. Increase, born June 2, 1726; m. March 24, 1746, Sarah, dau. of Daniel Chilson, of Middletown, Ct. ; had Ruth, Sarah, Hope ' Dorothy, Elias and Ezra (twins), John, Chloe, Eunice. Ruth, b. Sept. 12, 1727; d. same day. David, b. in M., March 17, 1728-9; m. Sarah Stanton, of Walling ford, Ct., Sept. 16, 1756; had Elihu, Hannah, David, Eunice. Daniel b. Nov. 15, 1730; m. Hannah Center, March 20 1755- had Jesse, Martha, Elizabeth, Thankful, Hannah, Mihcent Dorathy. ' Gideon, ) b. Aug. 21, 1734 ; d. young. Elias, | b. « " « Ruth 2d, b. Aug. 11, 1737; m. Joseph Washburn, Sept. 21, 1763. '^™' \ —r:> ™- Esther Whitmore, Oct. 24, 1768; had Jabez, Pameha Rhoda '' Nicholas, Howell, Issac, Daniel, Son of Jaebz. Oliver, b. Feb. 4, 1737-8, Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 57 Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. FIFTH GENERATION. Son of Deacon Samuel, Sem of Samuel. ,j Abel, b. in Middletown, Ct., April 6, 1753 ; m. May 12^ 1774, Jerusha, dau. of John and Jerusha Hills, b. in Winchester, Nov. 26, 1755; had Truman Spencer, Anna Jerusha, John, Samuel ; she d. in W., April 30, 1780 ; he m. 2d, Mary (Smith) Allen (wid.), April 13, 1783, had Abel and Elisha. He was reputed in his time a good scholar, though he had never had the advantages of a collegiate course, owing to his father having lost a large portion of his property in the depreciation of the old continental money. He was considered one of the best informed persons and " the greatest head piece " living in Win chester at his time. He died of epUepsy, May 20, 1796, ae. 43 ; his widow m. a Mr. Loveland. Children of John, Son of Samuel. Elizabeth, b. — ; bap. in Torrington Oct. 15, 1758; In. DaVid Alvord of Winchester, Sept. 8, 1774 ; had I Persis, b. in W. Dec. 18, 1775 ; II Ursula, b. in W. Feb. 13, 1778. Seth, b. in Torrington March 20, 1761 ; bap. March 30, 1761 ; m. Dec. 9, 1779, Lois, dau. of Col. Ozias Bronson of W. ; had John, Seth, Abigail, Artemisia, Alphonzo, Salmon B., Pytha goras, Lois Malinda; m. 2d, Lucy Doolittle; had Lucy Eliza beth, and George Clinton. He resided in Winchester tiU 1805, when he removed to central New York, and died at Corners VUlage, Ca- najoharie, AprU 16, 1836. An obituary notice of him contains the following : 58 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [5th Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. Died at his residence, Canajoharie, N. Y., the Hon. Seth Wetmore, aged 75. He was one of the first and leading Democrats of Litchfield county, Ct. ; was fined for sedition under the Alien and Sedition laws, for urging the right of universal suffrage ; he hved to see the universal prevalence of the principle he early advocated ; he filled many offices of trust and profit under the government ; was three times a member of the legislature of Connecticut. After his re moval to the state of JSTew York, he held the office of ma gistrate, sheriff; and judge of Montgomery county ; was one of the most active and leading men of the Democratic party who brought about the extension of elective fran chise ; died as he lived, a Democratic Republican of the old school, plain and unassuming in his manners, firm and consistent in his principles. Samuel, b. Dec. 31, 1764 (1763 ?) ; m. May 15, 1788, Hannah Griswold, b. in Wethersfield April 8, 1767 ; had Selima, Leam ing, Ruby, Almeda, Candace, Calvary, Samuel, Hannah, Har riet, Hubert, Griswold, Clarrissa. He was a captain in the Connecticut state miUtia ; removed to Vernon, Oneida county, N. Y., in 1800 ; held the ofiice of justice of the peace about twenty years; was county supervisor for many years, and served one or more sessions in the legislature of his adopted state ; was one of the early appointed deacons of the first Baptist church formed in Vernon. He died Nov. 8, 1824; his wife died July 17, 1839. Children of Rev. Noah, Son of Samuel. JuNiA, b. — ; bap. in Torrington March 30, 1761.* Irena, b. Sept. 11, 1762; m. Dr. David Woodhul, of Setauket, L. I. Dr. Woodhull was g. g. grandson of Richard Woodhull,^ * Junia, bap. Mar. 30, 1761, child of Noah Wetmore.— romn^/ore Church Record, Kev. Nath. Roberts pastor. 5 The family from whom this gentleman was descended is said to be very ancient, and may be traced to an individual who came from Normandy Gen.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 59 Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. who settled on Long Island in 1656. He died without issue at Newton, L. I. She died Aug. 11, 1848, in her 86th year, with the full assurance of meeting in a brighter world friends loved and lost. Hannah, b. Jan. 22, 1765; d. Nov. 29, 1795. Noah, b. May 4, 1767 ; m. Winfred Smith Feb. 14, 1792 ; had Appolos Russel, William Henry, Appolos Russel 2d, David Woodhull, Irena Winfred; m. 2d, Magdalen Brower Dec. 11, 1816. He removed to the city of New York, when about 45 years of age, where he became widely known, and where he enjoyed the confidence and esteem of his with William the Conquerer, in 1066. The name was originally written WodhuU, and continued to be so spelled for many years after the removal of the family in this country. Richard, the common ancester in America, was born at Thenford, North- hamptonshire, England, Sept. 13, 1620. The precise time of his arrival in this country is not known, but it must have been as early as 1648. The name of his wife was Deborah. His zeal in the cause of English liberty during the protectorate, and the danger to be reasonably apprehended upon the restoration of the monarchy, probably induced him to le'ave Europe, and seek an asylum in a distant country. He is first known in the town of Jamaca, L. I., where his name appears as sociated with the early settlers of that place. But disliking the policy and measures of the Dutch government, he left the western part of the Island and seated himself permanently, at Setauket, then called Cromwell Bay, or Ash ford, and became one of the most useful aud valuable citizen of that place. His particular knowledge in surveying and drawing conveyances, rendered his services invaluable at that early period of the settlement, and his name is found associated with most of the transactions of the town during his life. His death occured Oct. 1690, leaving issue, Richard, Nathaniel, Deborah. The second son d. unm. in 1680. Deborah m. Capt. John Lawrence of New ton, and d. Jan. 6, 1742. Richard was born Oct. 9, 1649, and like his father was an intelligent and useful man. He was chosen a magistrate, and retained the ofiice till near his death, Oct. 18, 1699, having survived his father only about nine years. His knowledge and integrity en deared him to the people, and he died much lamented. His wife was Temperance, dau. of Rev. Jonah Fordham of Southampton, and sister of the Rev. Josiah Fordham, who preached awhile at Setauket, after the death of the Rev. Mr. Brewster, in 1690. His will is dated Oct. 13, 1699, and was proved before Chief Justice William Smith, May 28, 1700. His child ren (named in said will) are Richard, Nathaniel, John, Josiah, Dorothy, and Temperance. By an original letter now in the possession of his descendants, it appears that a relationship existed with Lord Crewe, the Bishop of Durham, aud other respectable families in England. This letter is as follows : " Sr. I was heartly glad to find by y"" letter, that it has pleased God to blesse and prosper your family, and that you received the small present [crest and arms of the family] I sent you some tiiu« since wh I thought 60 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [5th Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. fellow citizens to a great degree. He died July 18, 1848, in his 82d year. An obituary notice of him be fore us says : He came to this city about the year 1808, to take the superintendence of the 'Sew York hospital, in which charge he remained thirty years, or more, discharging it to great acceptance as the general kind respect of the medical pro fession uniformly testified. His Christian spirit and cha racter, combined with those of his excellent consort, ren dered his intercourse and influence with the children of disease and affliction most salutary. had been lost. For our country news, take this account. My father de parted this life, Dec. 12, 1679, and as he lived well, soe he had great joy at, his death, with a Longing to leave this world. I have si± children, but noe Sonne, it having pleased God to take him iu y« 15th yeare of his age a man growne and very hopeful!, God's will be done. My brother Walgrave hath left one sonne, who stands heire both to ye Bishop of Duresme [Dur ham] and myself for Thenford. Yr cozen WodhuU lives very well, is a justice of peace and very well beloved ; the three brothers live all together with the greatest kindnesse that can hee. My uncle Sol died last yeare and is buried at Hintou ; my uncle Thomas a yeare before ; my uncle Nathaniel is still living. I have enclosed the papers you desire. My service to all my cozens. I rest your loving friend and kinsman." " Steane, Sept. 5, 1687." Ckbwe. (Superscribed) " ffor my Loving kinsmans Richard WodhuU Esq." To his eldest son, Richard, who was horn Nov. 2, 1691, the testator de vised his paternal estate in Setauket, now in possession of his descendant of the sixth generation. He, like his father, was a magistrate for many years, and was in all respects a useful and highly exemplary man. He married Mary, daughter of John Homan of the same town, by whom he had issue Richard, Mary, John, Nathan, Stephen, Henry and Pheobe. His death took place Nov. 24, 1767, aged 76, and his widow died in 1768 His will bears date April 16, 1760. His eldest daughter Mary was born April 11, 1711 ; m. Sept. 30, 1784, Jonathan Thompson, and was the grand mother of the compiler of this work {Hist. Long Ist.). She died Jan 30 1800, aged 88.. Her sister died unm. in 1734. Henry became a lunatic so continued till his death in 1770. Richard 3d, the eldest son, commonly called Justice Woodhull, took the paternal estate at Setauket. He was born Oct. II, 1712, aud m. Margaret, dau. of Edmund Smith of Smithtown He was among the most useful men, aud filled the office of magistrate for a large portion of his life. His death occurred Oct. 18, 1788, but his widow iwT * * *¦ * ^^*'^' ""^"^ ^^^ ^'"^ ^^ ^^^ ^S« "f 80 years (leaving r ^^'''T^-^'""^^?^..?'^^ son of Richard 3d, was born July 5, 1720; married n°.r9? S "u^ f f S.etauket where he spent his life as a Merchant, D«;,-| rk j,- f \1 T'^S ^'^^- °''*- ^' ^^^3 = ^^^'^«' Nathau, Nathaniel I pp. 397-9, 401). Gen. Nathaniel Woodhull, the patriot of the Revolu tion, was grandson of the second Richard.— Compi/e;-. Gen.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 61 Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. He consistently displayed a simplicity and integrity of character commending itself to the whole circle of his ac quaintance, which was evidently founded on firm religious principle. He was born near Danbury, Ct., where his father was settled as a minister of the Congregational church, whence he removed and became the pastor of a church in Suffolk county, Long Island, where he died. On removing to New York ; Mr. Wetmore united with the iPresbyterian church in Cedar street, under the pastoral care of the Hev. Dr. Romeyn, then first formed. He subsequently, on ac count of the nearness of his residence, joined the Presby terian church in Pearl street, of which he was for a number of years a prominent elder in the session. For sixteen or seventeen years he has been a member of the Collegiate reformed Dutch church, and has been for a number of years a ruling elder. Under the religious influ ences which guided his early education, his character be came formed and developed in a consistency and symmetry through the whole course of his life. He was strongly attached to the doctrines of grace, as presented in the standards of the Presbyterian and Dutch reformed churches, and he embraced and adhered to them, not in mere specu lative regard to them as orthodox truths, but embodied them in the constant culture of Christian experience and in the exercise of his Christian hope and service. He was a man of prayer, a lover of the house and people of Cod, and was ready in the measure of his opportunity and ability for every good work in the Master's cause. His venerable personal appearance, combined with the weight of his ac knowledged Christian character, marked him to the view of all around, as an old disciple, a. father in Israel. During the brief illness which ended in his death, he firmly rested on those precious truths which were so dear to him in life, and calmly and peaceably died in the exer cise of that " hope which is cast as an anchor within the veil, both sure and steadfast." " Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright ; for the end of that man is peace." Appolos, b, Dec. 14, 1771 ; m. Dec. 29, 1797, Mary, dau. of Isaac Ketchum, b. Oct. 18, 1773 ; had Appolos Edwards, Hannah, Oliver, Harry, Maria, Augustus, William Walter, Walter 2d. He d. May 6, 1833 ; she d. May 3, 1857. 62 WETMORE MEMORIAL. l^^^ Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. qAMTTFT Ithiel b Dec. 30, 1774; m. Liberty (Lybia?), dau. of ^DrBei^amin Youngs 'Prime'; had Ebe-iiezer Walter, Juha Ann, Maria, Erastus, Egbert, Cornelia L. He d Dec. 31, 1823 ; his widow d. May 20, 1855. Dr Prime, the father of Mrs. Lybia Wetmore, was a patriot of the Eevolution, and did much by his counsels and writings to bring about an independent and conh- dent spirit among the people, which finally led to the throwing off the yoke of the mother country. Thomp son in his History of Long Island, vol. i, p. 479, says : Dr. Benjamin Youngs Prime, son of the Eev. Ebenezer Prime, was born here," 1733, graduated at Princeton, 1751, and in '56 and '57, was employed a tutor in the cohege. He subsequently entered upon a course of medical studies with Dr. Jacob Ogden, of Jamaica, L. I. After finishing his preparatory studies, and spending several years in the practice of physic, he relinquished his extensive business, and with a view of quahfying himself stih more, sailed for Europe. In the course of the voyage the vessel was at tacked by a French privateer, and the Doctor was slightly wounded in the encounter. He attended some of the most celebrated schools in London, Edinburgh and Paris, making an excursion to M-oscow. He was honored with a degree at most of the institutions which he visited, and was much noticed for his many accomplishments. On his return to America, he established himself in the city of JSTew York, where he acquired a high reputation : but on the entry of the British troops, in Sept. 1776, he was compelled to abandon his business and prospects, taking refuge with his family in Connecticut, He was a diligent student, and made him self master of several languages, in all which he could converse or write with equal ease. Although driven from his home, he indulged his pen with caustic severity upon the enemies of his country, and did much to raise the hope and stimulate the exertions of his fellow citizens. Soon after his return from Europe, he married Mary, widow of the Rev. Mr. Greaton, a woman of superior mind and acquirements, and peace being restored, he settled as a 6 Huntington, L. I, Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 63 Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. physician in his native place, where he enjoyed aluci'ative practice, and the highest esteem of all who knew him, until his death, Oct. 31, 1791. His widow survived more than 40 years, and died at the extreme age of 91 years, in March, 1835. By her Dr. Prime had sons Ebenezer and IsTathaniel, and daughters Libia, ISfancy and Mary. The mother of Dr. Prime was Mary, daughter of John and grand daughter of the celebrated Eev. John Wheelright, who came to Boston in 1636, who in 1637, with his sister-in-law Ann Hutchinson, was expelled from the colony for preaching Antinomian errors.'' She went to Ehode Island, from thence removed to the Dutch settlements in New York, where she, with her son Francis, and her son-in-law, Mr. Collins, with the rest of the family, were killed by the Indians in 1643 ; he, together with a number of emigrants from Braintree, then a part of Boston, purchased from the aborigines a large tract of land on the then frontier, now constituting a part of Eockingham and Strafford, and established the town of Exeter, N. H., where the first church was organized in 1638, and he became the pastor ; subsequently he removed to Wells, where some of his descendants still live. Soon after removing to the latter place, he wrote a letter to the governor of the colony of Massachusetts, acknowledging his errors, and desiring pardon for the offensive language used towards the authorities in his sermon dehvered Nov. 1637 (which was the exciting cause of his banishment) ; he was pennitted, by order of the General court, to return to Boston. He was a man of leaming ; from his family proceeded all the Wheelrights in Massachu setts and New Hampshire.* ' Antinomians denied civil government to be proved of Christ. Hist. Soe. Coll, in, 138; iv, 87, 89; vm, 6; ix, 22, 27, 48. 10 64 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [5tb Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. Childre^ of Joel, Son of\ Samuel. Olive, b. in Torringford, Ct. of Windsor, Ct., July 13 1787, who m. Levi Joy, of May 10, 1792, m. Elijah April 7, 1794, m. Norman She d. Nov. 1848, se. 8: Mills March 10, 1765 ; m. Ezra Hayden, 1786; had I Malinda, b. July 25, Amherst, Mass. ; II Amanda, b. Is, of Bloomfield ; III Altumia,h.. GJriswold, of Otsego co., N. Y. he d. July 3, 1819. Ebenezer Lyman, b. 1766; bai in Torrington, Dec 28, 1766; m. 1795 (Sept. ?), Elizabeth Miller, of T. ; had Nancy, Lauren, Maria, Amanda, and Louisk. He spent a long and /virtuous life at the town of Torrington, and d. March 3, 1848, §e! 81 ; his widow d. Sept. 18, 1850, se. about 80. Melicent, b. in Torrington, 'Ct., Jan. 10, 1772; m. Jan. 1, 1797, Capt. Thomas Watson, b. in New Hartford, Ct., Oct. 15, 1763, son of Levi and Abigail (Ensign) Watson; she d. Sept. 19, 1848 ; he d. Jan. 23, 1850 ; had I Roman, b. in New Hartford, Sept. 27, 1797, d. unm. at Roseville 111., Feb, 12, 1848. H Thomas, b. in N. H. Eeb. 5, 1800; m. Nov. 10, 1829, Emeline Curtiss, b. in N. H. Aug. 3, 1807, dau. of Elizur and Amanda (Steele) Curtiss; res. in West Winstead, Ct., and have 1, Caro line Amanda, b. in N. H., Oct. 7, 1831, m. Dec. 13, 1853, Dr. Gaylord Brown Miller, b. in Torrington July 25, 1831, son of Dea. Thomas A. and Mary (Hudson) Miller, res. in Harwinton, Ct., and have child. Mary Emma, b. in Harw- July 25, 1855, Thomas Watson, b. in Harw. May 3, 1859 : 2, Charlotte Eme line, b. in N. H. Jan. 8, 1835 ; m. May 20, 1857, Henry Gay, cashier Winsted bank, b. in Salisbury, Ct. April 5, 1834, son of Henry Sanford and Mary (Reed) Gay ; have 1 child, Mary Watson, b. June 19, 1860 : 3, Emma Adelaide, b. in N. H. June 30, 1840. Ill Hiram, b. in N. H. Jan. 21, 1802 ; m. Nov. 10, 1829, Ehzabeth Stoughton Ellsworth, b. May—, 1806, dau. of Timothy and Ann Ellsworth ; he is a physician, res. at Detroit, Mich. ; has 1, Mary Ann Mather, b. Aug. 27, 1830, d. June 16, 1831; 2, Mary Ann Mather 2d, b. May 6, 1832, m. May 15, 1855 Henry B. Chandler of Detroit, one of the pro prietors of the Detroit Free Press ; 3, Roman, b. March 21, Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 65 Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. 1834, d. Feb. 7, 1838 ; 4, Ellen Frances, b. March 25, 1836, m. April 29, 1856 Henry W. N.ill, she d. April 16, 1857; 5, Roman, b. Jan. 8, 1838, d. Aug. 6, 1841 ; 6, Frederick Rotnan, b. May 14, 1839, d. Nov. 28, 1857 ; 7, Elizabeth Caroline, b. Nov. 27, 1841 ; 8, Oliver, b. Sept. 26, 1842, d. Feb. 7, 1844 ; 9, Henry Ellsworth, b. June 30, 1845, d. April 3, 1849. IV Melicent Wetmore, b. in N. H. Dec. 29, 1808; m. Feb. 29, 1836, Augustus E. Bissel, b. Feb. 13, 1805 ; res. in Detroit, a forwarding merchant; has 1, Augustus, b. Jan. 10, 1837, d. Nov. 3, 1838; 2, Henrietta Augusta, b. Oct. 16, 1839; 3, Adam, b. April 5, 1842, d. same day; 4, Edward Watson, b. Sept. 16, 1843 ; 5, George Henry, b. Nov. 4, 1845, d. Aug. 9, 1854; 6, Roman Augustus, b. March 16, 1848; 7, Thomas Watson, b. May 25, 1850. V George, b. in N. H. March 12, 1812 ; m. Sept. 10, 1833 Jane Beiden ; had 1, Henry Beiden, b. Feb. 5, 1837 ; 2, Emorett Victoria, b. May 1, 1838 ; 3, a son, b. Nov. 11, 1839, d. young; 4, Irene Jane, b. Nov. 3, 1840: m. 2d, July 1, 1847, Sophia White; had 5, Hiram, b. May 2, 1849 ; 6, Sarah Allen, b. April 4, 1851 ; 7, Augustus Edward, b. Aug. 3, 1852-; 8, Emeline, b. Dec. 31, 1855 ; Mr. George Watson resides at Roseville, 111., farmer. John Pomeeot, b. in Norfolk, Litchfield county, Ct., June 15, 1770 ; m. Nov. 1795 Miriom Dibble of Torrington, b. March 28, 1776, d. July 26, 1806, ae. 32 years; had Delia, Fanny, Julia Emeline, Adeline : m. 2d Mirah Atwater, of Burlington, Vt., b. m Cheshire, Ct., April 17, 1782; had Mariana, Sally Ann, Frederick P., Sarah M. Whitman, Henry A., Harriet M., William L., Clarissa A., and Russel C. He removed to Burlington, Vt., where he resided many years, when he changed his residence to Norfolk, St. Lawrence county, N. Y., where he died Aug. 22, 1853, in his 84th year. Sabah, b. in Torrington ; m. Giles Whiting, of T. ; had 2 sons. Children of Increase, Son of Daniel. Ruth, b. Aug. 11, 1747. Sarah, b. April 12, 1749. Hope. 66 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [5th Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. Dorothy. Elias, d. young. ) ^^j^^ Ezra. j Chloe. Eunice. Children of David, Son of Daniel. , ,' /Elihu, b. July 23, 1757 : m. ; had Norman, Bertha,^ David, Elihu, Lydia, Noble. Hannah, b. Dec. 25, 1758. David, b. Sept. 16, 1760. Eunice. Children of Daniel, Son of Daniel. Jesse, b. Dec. 1, 1755; m. Temperance Hall, of Middletown, June / 24, 1784 ; had Nancy, Collins, Polly, William, Comfort, Horace. / He removed to Ashtabula, Ohio, in 1818, where he died in 1826 ; his wife died the same year. Martha, b. Dec. 29, 1757. Elizabeth, Jan. 15, 1760. Thankeul, b. Sept. 30, 1761; m. Jonathan Gilbert, Dec. 5 1785 • had I Lucy, b. Nov. 3, 1786 ; II Prudence, b. Oct. 28 1788 • III Hannah, b. Aug. 2, 1790 ; and 5 others. ' ' Hannah, b. May 15, 1763. Milicent, b. Oct. 17, 1766. Dorothy. Gen.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 67 Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. Children of Jabez, Son of Daniel. Jabez, b. Aug. 7, 1766. Clarissa, b. May 30, 1768. Gideon, b. March 26, 1770. Jacob, b. Jan. 19, 1772. Esther, b. Nov. 16, 1773. Nicholas Howell, h. Jan. 29, 1775. Isaac. Daniel.Parhelia.Rhoda. Note. For the foUovping, from East Haddam, Ct., To. Rec. we are in debted to Dr. D. W. Patterson : John Wetmore m. Sept. 15, 1763, Martha Stancliff. Children of Ira and Hannah Wetmore. Sarah, b. Dec. 4, 1762 ; Bela, b. June 1, 1764; Jabez, b. Nov. 2, 1766 ; Welles, b. Nov. 26, 1768 ; Minnie, b. April 1, 1771 ; Anne, b. Sept. 8, 1773. We have no connecting link with the above. SIXTH GENEEATION. Children of Abel, Son of Samuel, Son of Samuel. Dr. Truman Spencer, b. in Winchester Centre, Ct., Aug. 12, 1774; m Oct. 18 (10 ?), 1799, Sylvia, dau. of Thomas and Pheobe (Griswold) Spencer, b. in W., April 12, 1778; d. March 27, 1800; m. 2d, at Burlington, Vt., Dec. 25, 1804, Elizabeth, dau. of John Jarvis, Esq., of Norwalk, Ct. ; had Sylvia Eliza beth, Darwin Woodward, William Jarvis, George Whitfield, and Charles Pitch. 6g WETMORE MEMORIAL. E^tli Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. He resides in his native town, where he is much respected. Losing his first wife the followmg year after their marriage, by way of more Ultimately asso ciating her maiden surname with his own, he had, by lawful authority, Speiicer added to his Christian name;' and becoming as he did during her short but painful illness, deeply mterested in the subject of materia medica, caused him after her death, to tum his atten tion to the study of the medical profession, and subse quently became a successful practitioner. He was for many years a magistrate of Winchester. Through the kindness of one of our correspondents, we are enabled to give the following biographical sketch of him: He chose as his profession medicine, and studied under the celebrated Doctors Samuel Woodward of Torringford, Ct., aud McLaren of Albany, IST. Y., and received his diploma in 1802. In the practice of his profession, he was eminently suc cessful, and a very thorough student, and so continued until the great number of years removed him fi-om profes sional life. When in the year 1807, the spotted fever appeared in Litchfield county, he was prosecuting a very extensive practice and applied the strength of his intellect to inves tigating the scourge, its cause and treatment, and was the first physician that treated it successfully, and triumphed over its fearful ravages. He continued in practice until he was about 75, when he gave it up altogether, and retired to his old homestead in the pursuit of comfort and the fullfilment of his days. His life has been one full of incident and trial, and his sensitive mind has occasionally broke forth in song and poesy, in both of which departments of literature, he has shown much taste and ability. Upon the occasion of the death of his wife Sylvia, he wrote the following lines, and composed a sweet and flow ing melody as an accompaniment. 9 Dec. 27, 1800. The above Truman, son of Abel and Jerusha Wetmore, now makes the addition of Spencer after Truman, to his Christian name. — Winchester T. Rec. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 69 Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. Let music roll in mournful strains. While death his pris'ner, binds in chains ; Each harper drest in grief's attire, While sorrow tunes her .mournful lyre. Awake, awake, each silent string, With melting notes, new sorrows bring. Till in the dirge, my spirit flies To the dark shade where Sylvia lies. Huge troubles rise on every side, Like the fierce ocean's rapid tide ; The raging billows' ceaseless roar. Proclaim my Sylvia is no more. 0 ! cruel tyrant ! monster death. To stop so soon my Sylvia's breath ; To deck in mourning garbs of woe. The face of nature where I go. What mighty sorrows veil the land. The lofty hills in mourning stand, The crystal streams in sorrow glide. And roll to meet the swelling tide. Ye silent groves and meadows wail. While anguish moves in ev'ry gale ; On swifter wings let nature fly. To bear my troubled soul on high. He has composed many popular sacred pieces. While sick vdth small pox, and pronounced by his physicians past recovery, his young friends, who were confined vsdth him in what was termed the pest house, informed him he could not live, and desired him to com pose a piece of music to be sung at his funeral. He con sented, if they would furnish him with the staves, and turn him on his face. They did so, and the result was the piece called Florida, which is sung to this day, in all the places of Methodist worship, and also his entire recovery. Kind and generous in all his relations in life, mirth, song and sociality occupied his leisure hours, and the strict and urgent duties of a business life, were often put aside for the pleasure of friends and early friendships. At this late period of life, being in his 86th year, his epistolary correspondence is unexceptional, and shows a wonderful preservation of all his mental faculties, and his 70 WETMORE MEMORIAL. Gen. Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. beautiful penmanship gives evidence also of his physical abilities. Mrs. Elizabeth Jarvis Wetmore, died May 7, 1844, aged 68. Mr. Jarvis, the father of Mrs. W., was a commissary in the British army, during the Eevolu- tionary war, and a nephew of the late Eight Eev. Bishop Jarvis of Connecticut, the father of the late Eev. Samuel Farmar Jarvis, D. D. LL. D., and was near of kin to Earl St. Vincent Admiral Jervis.^" " '» The family of Jervis appears to have been seated at Chatkill and Mea ford, Co. Stafford, as early as the reign of Henry VIII. John Jervis was living 1664 ; I William of Meaford ; II Sir Humfry, who was lord mayor of Dublin ; III John, who was father of John Jervis of Durlaston, Co Staf ford, m. 14 July, 1692, Mary only child of John Swynfen, Co. Stafford, and d. 3 Jan., 1746, leaving issue I John, ancester of the Jervises of Dur- lasten ; II William, rector of Steine ; III Thomas, m. and left issue ; IV Benjamin ; V Swynfen Jervis, who was a bencher of Middle Temple, consul to the admiralty, and auditor to the Greenwich hospital, m. Elizabeth, dau of George Parker of Park Hall, Co. Stafford, Esqr., d. 19 Nov , 1771 leav ing issue, I William of Meaford, b. 1728, m. Jane, only surviving sister of Thomas HatzeU of Newcastle-under-Lyne, gent., aud d. 1813 without issue, his wid. d. 1817 ; II John, earl of St. Vincent (Admiral Jervisl b at Meaford, 9 Jan., 1734, entered the navy at the early age of ten years and obtained the rank of post captain 13 Oct. 1760. In 1782, on account ot the well known action between his ship and the Pegase French 74 he received the order of the Bath. In 1797, with a fleet of 15 sail of the line ¦7' t^'^'^^^f^ aiid totally defeated the Spanish fleet, consisting of 27 sail, 7 of which carried from 112 to 130 guns each, and was immediately elevated to the peerage, by the titles of Baron Jervis of Meaford, and earl of St. Vincent, by patent 23 June, 1797, taking his title from the cape of that name, near which he had achieved his glorious victory. In 1801 he was appointed lord of the admiralty, and 27th April in that^year was creaTed mZnl ^Vvr^'ft"" r^T^^^^' '° ^'^ *^° nephews, AViuTam Henry Eicketts and Edward Jervis Ricketts, and the heirs male of their bodies successively and failing such, to his niece, Mary countess of Northesk and mh-alTtrfl!>.f , ^°^^- 1 Hi^ lordship at the time of his death wa ad miral of tlie fleet, and general of the marines. He m. 5 June, 1783 Martha ^R^k^W^^°'^'^' ^^'^'t^ ^""^ chief baron, but by her who d 8 Feb 1816), he had no issue. His lordship d. 13 March, 1833, aged 89, when the ^Ih.Jif °^ f ¦ Xl^^"'"* ^""^ ^^''"'^ J^"-"^ became ekLt and Ms elder nephew having d. without male issue before him, the viscounty devolved on his 2d nephew Edward Jervis, present and 2d viscount r^J/?:!?. alogical Peerage of England atd^ Ireland.) Wulilm Henry Lnd EdwTrd n'^7'wn '«'"''¦%'"? °^ ^'^'"^^^l J«^^'^ sisterMary wYo m 19iprU Lii'ts^:L^n.t2^Sa^rh ir28"'^T"iif r^^^^^ a chevron ermine betweeA thre; martlets or CEfsT-oTofTlVafot'o'' Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 71 Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. Anna Jerusha, b. in Winchester, March, 1776 ; m. Elijah Stark weather, of East Windsor, Ct., Jan. 21, 1802; had 1 Jerusha Ann. b. in W. Nov. 12, 1802, who m. Oct. 31, 1822, Sheldon Miller b. in W. Nov. 1799, had 1, Lewis Allen, b. in W Nov. 3, 1823, m. in Lee, Mass., April 8, 1846, Pheobe Ann Sheffield, b. in Stonington, Ct., Jan. 21, 1822; they have Frances Ame lia, b. in Lee, Aug. 11, 1847, Edward Lewis and Emma Louisa, twins, b. in Lee April 2, 1851 : 2, George Hudson, b. in W. June 24, 1825; m. Oct. 16, 1848, Eusebia Naville Herrick, of Canaan, N. Y., b. in Lebanon, N. Y. Sept. 10, 1826 ; had Emma Jane, b. in West Stockbridge, Mass., Nov. 9, 1849, d. in Collins, N. Y., July 13, 1850; Eva Maria, b. in W. S. June 6, 1857 : 3, Henry Elijah, b. in Tyringham, Mass., April 18, 1830; m. in Lee, Mass., Nov. 29, 1853, Caroline Moore, b. in Valatie, N. Y., May 1, 1834, s. p. : 4, Laura Ann, b. in Lenox, Mass., Aug. 29, 1832; m. in Lebanon, N. Y., May 7, 1851, Henry McCullock, b. inDalton, Mass., Oct. 21, 1830; had Agnes Ma rilla, b. in Lee, Mass. April 9, 1852 ; Albert Henry, b. in Lee, April 5, 1853, d. Aug. 28, 1853 ; Lilla Ann, b. in Lenox May 1, 1855, d. in L. March 8, 1857; Charles Sheldon, b. in Lee .^pril 8, 1857 : 5, Mary Maria, b. in Lenox Dec. 6, 1841, d. Mar. 23, 1842 : 6, Mary Jerusha, b. in Lee Jan. 13, 1844. II Laura, b. in W. Oct. 26, 1804. Ill Huldah Andrews, b. in W. Aug. 28, 1806 ; m. Oct. 9, 1828, Sydney Hoyt, b. in W. April 2, 1804, son of Micajah and Esther CTrowbridge) Hoyt; res. in Barton, Tioga co., N. Y. ; chil., 1, Harriet, b. in Veteran, N. Y., March 27, 1830 ; m. Shubal Cotton Brown, (b. in Lansing, N. Y., Nov. 12, 1826), Dee. 25, 1848 ; have Sidney Deville, b. in Barton, Aug. 17, 1851 : 2, Julia, b. in V. Oct. 13, 1832 ; m. John Wesley Skilhng, of Barton, Nov. 23, 1851, s. p. : 3, Lou isa, b. V. Jan. 16, 1836, m. Eh Davis Manning, of Barton, N. Y., Feb. 17, 1856; have Judge Hoyt, b. Sept. 29, 1856: 4, Deha Andrus, b. in B., Aug. 10, 1847: 5, Frederick Durrells, b. in B., May 21, 1852. IV Julia Maria, b. in Winchester, Jan. 6, 1809; m. May 10, 1841, Samuel Ward Coe, merchant of West Winstead, Ct., b. in W. June 10, 1805, son of Davis and Prudence (Ward) Coe (she is the 2d wife ; his 1st, Abigail Baldwin Sanford d. in W. Dec. 23, 1838, leaving issue Charles Betts, b. in W. Jan. 15, 1832 ; David Ward, b. May 11, 1836) ; have 1, Frances Abby, b. in W., June 26, 1842 ; 2, Wilbur Fisk, b. Nov. 23, 1844. V Samuel Wetmore, b. in W. Aug. 31, 1812 ; m. May 8, 1839, Flora Murry, b. Sept. 4, 1814, dau. of David and Roxana (North) Murry ; res. in W. ; chil., 1, Jane Flora, b. in W. March 18, 1840 : 2, Darwin Samuel, b. in W. Aug. 24, 1843: 3, Huldah Annie, b. in W. Dec. 11, 1846 : 4, Hattie Murray, b. in W. March 30, 1856. VI Sybil 11 72 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. Anderson, b. in W. May 14, 1815; m. in W. May 14, 1845, Amos Lorenzo Hull, b. in Tolland, Mass., Nov. 6, 1814 ; res. in Tolland ; chil., 1, Anna Rebecca, b. in T. Feb. 8, 1846 : 2, Helen Sybil, b. in T. Sept. 18, 1847 : 3, Clarissa Virginia, b. in W. Oct. 8, 1841 ; 4, Abbie Frances, b. Oct. 8, 1854 : 5, Jennie Starks, b. in W. Sept. 10, 1859. VII Frederick Elijah, b. in W. Nov. 21, 1819 ; unm. John, b. in Winchester, Feb. 6, 1778 ; m. Nov. 19, 1801, Lucy dau. of John and Ehzabeth (Whiting) Nash Jun., of W., b. in Torrington May 8, 1783 ; had Abel Samuel, Lucy Esther, Han nah Jerusha, Clarissa Whiting, and Rebecca Nash. A farmer, lived and died on the homestead of his father, grandfather and great grandfather, at Winches ter, May 24, 1832. Samuel, b. in W. March 24, 1780; m. Sally dau. of Adna Beach; had Mary Sophronia, and Harriet Eliza. He added the initial H to his Christian name, after attaining his majority. He studied law, and removed to Vernon, N. Y., where he died at the age of 33 years. Abel, b. in W. Sept. 23, 1783 ; d. unm. He followed the sea, and while in the port of Suri nam of South America, died of fever, aged about 25 years. Elisha, b. in W. April 11, 1785 ; m. Anna Rood, of Torrington, Ct. ; had Lucretius Allen, Lavinia Ann, Flora R., and Sophro nia ; his wife d. June 12, 1831 ; m. 2, Achsa Richardson, wid. of Mr. Beatty, of Freedom, Portage co., Ohio, April 22, 1832 ; had Emily and Lucia. He removed to Charleston, Portage co., 0., in 1815, with an ox team for locomotion, and was 49 days in making the journey. A farmer, and a highly respected citizen. Gen.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 73 Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. Children of Seth, Son of John, son of Samuel. John, b. in Winchester, Oct. 1780; m. Dec. 30, 1802, Huldah, dau. of Thomas and Pheobe (Grennell) Spencer, b. Oct. 1, 1780 ; had Horatio, Lucius, Celestia, Sarepta, Louisa Matilda, Willard Spencer, John Grennell, Huldah Ann ; he d. in 1823 ; she m. 2d, Jonathan Coe Eaq. of W. ; she d. July 10, 1845. Seth, b. in Winchester, Oct. 1784; m. LucinaCook, of Canajoharie or Sharon, N. Y. ; had Lois L., Flint, Mary Eleanor Mitchell, Seth Franklin, Titus C, Silonia Caroline, Adelia A., Lucy L., Matilda D., Julia L., Elizabeth Leaming, Emily R. He died at Mount Pleasant, N. Y., Nov. 1831. Abigail, b. in W. Jan. 1787; m. Daniel Beach of Hebron, Ct., 1804; had I Narcissa A.; II Abigail; III Hiram Wetmore; TV Eunice Louisa ; V Verlot Daniel ; Yl, Emmet Adis ; VII Sorena Desire ; VIII Philo Plato. Mr. Beach was one of the early pioneers of western N. Y., he died at Eagle Village, Wyoming co., N. Y., 1836 ; she m. 2d Jacob Wart, former husband to her sister Artemisia; she d. Sept. 17, 1858. Artemisia, b. in W. Nov. 1789 ; m. Jacob Wart, of Canajoharie, N. Y. ; had I Caroline; II Narcissa; she d. at the birth of the latter, about 1813 ; he m. 2d, as next above. Alphonzo, Maj.,b. in W. Feb. 17, 1793; m. Sept. 5, 1813, Mary Smith, of Ames, N. Y., b. June 26, 1793 : had Diogenes, Le- onidas, Thaddeus Kosciusko, Calphina, Lintz, Roxana Bacon, Sarah, Thomaa J. Smith, Alphonzo. He entered the army in April, 1812, as ensign in the 23d Infantry, and experienced much actual ser vice. Lost an arm in action, in an expedition under Col. Win der, to the Canada shore, below Fort Erie, Ifov. 28,1812 ; promoted to second lieutenant, June 13, and first lieuten- 74 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. ant, July, 1814 ; retained in the peace establishment in the 6th Infantry, May, 1815, made regimental pay master 14 Oct., 1815; captain, Dec, 1819 ; relinquished rank in the line, Feb. 21, resigned, May 1, 1833. — Mo. State Gazeteer, 1837. He marched with the army (taking his family with hun), to Missouri in 1816-17, and settled in Franklin- ton. After resigning his commission, he removed to St. Louis, where he was engaged in the practice of the law. Died from the effects of his wounds, June 13, 1849. Salmon B., b. in W. Sept. 5, 1795 ; m. Hannah Waffule, of Cana^ joharie, Sept. 15, 1816; had Regulus, Ehza Jane, Harriet Mary, Vernon B., Henry Oscar, Mary A. He died at Canajoharie Aug. 2, 1854 ; she d. Sent 19, 1854. ^ Pythagoras, b. in W. April 20, 1798 ; m. Nancy dau. of Joseph Jessup, of Greenwich, Ct., Dec. 27, 1819; had Burnel J., Al phonzo, Justus F., Catherine E., Nancy Louisa, Byron L. He served as a volunteer in the war of 1812, and subsequently held the rank of major in the Veteran corps of the state of New York. Is an attorney and counsellor at law, Canajoharie, N. Y. Lois Malinda, b. in W. 1800; m. Henry Thorp; removed to Northampton, N. Y., subsequently to Pennsylvania ; had Henry and two daughters. Lucy Elizabeth, b. — ; m. Simon D. Kittle, of Canajoharie, sub sequently merchant in the city of New York; had I Marietta Snell; 11 Charlotte Berry ; III George Wetmore, mercht. N. n lT^y}\F'^T'''^' ^ ^'¦'"^'^^> ^^ Downer; Yll Herbert C ; V 111 Cha/rles A. Resides at Fonda, N. Y. George Clinton, b. Oct. 18, 1809; m. Nov. 23, 1831, Jane Ann, ^l?''^l^^T^^''^l^^^-^ ?^ *^^ ^^^^^^' ¦^^^^ Sally White, Mary Hibbard Gen.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 75 Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. dau. of Abijah and Hannah White,^^ of Ames, N. Y., b. April, 1810 ; had George, Florence; m. 2d, Nov. 22, 1855, Catherine, dau. of Col. Herman I. Ehle (of the Veteran corps of the state of New York) and Christiana Vrooman Van Slyke ; had Herman. He settled in the state of Missouri, in 1837. He is a planter, and resides upon the banks of the Missouri river ; his place is known as Glenrose, situated in the town of Dover, where he says he " thinks he has settled down, having fallen in love with the muddy Missouri in youth, I was never content away from her banks, and here I am where her waters greet me in the morning, and are the last thing to gaze on at night." His first wife died in Salina co., Mo., May 2, 1844, his second and present wife is the grand daughter of Har manus and Mary (Vrooman) Van Slycke, and great grand dau. of the late Judge Isaac Vrooman of Albany CO., his family residence was a few miles south of Sche nectady. Her father, Herman J. Ehle, was born in Canajoharie, March 29, 1790, and was married by the Rev. Abraham Van Home of Caughnawaga, Jan. 29, 1809, had Eliza Maria (dead), James R. (dead), Charles, Catherine, Caroline, Henry (dead) , and Herman (dead) James K., married Catherine daughter of Henry Loucks of Palatine, N. Y., Jan. 1833. He is the son of John Ehle, whose father and mother (maiden name Miller) came from Prussia about 1752. His grand father, on the maternal side, was John Failing, and his grandmother, Madalen Waggoner; both his grand mothers lived to be over 100 years of age. His wife Christiana Vrooman, was born Dec. 17, 1789, died May 5, 1864. Her paternal grandfather, Adam Van Slycke, came from Holland, received a large grant of land froTQ. the crown called Van SlycTcs patent, north of the Mohawk river, in the county of Montgomery. Harmanus Van Slycke had one sister who married John Thorn of the British army, and had a large family ; two sons were killed by the Indians at Asto- 76 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. ria, while exploring the Pacific coast, in connection with the late John Jacob Astor ; one was killed by the burst ing of a cannon ; one, the Rev. John Thorn, is a Luther an clergyman ; and the late Col. Herman Thorn of New York city (who married a daughter of Col. Jauncey of N. Y., and had several children) ; daughters : Cath erine, married Moncrieffe Livingston ; Jane, married Judge Peter R. Livingston ; Ehza, married Ellis ; and Cornelia.^^ Christiana Vrooman Van Slycke had sisters, Dorathy Van Buskirk, married Samuel Lock ; Cathe rine Van Epps, married Joseph Cook, had William Henry, Aaron (died), Eli, attorney at law and ex-mayor of Buffalo, N. Y., Elisha, lawyer, Buffalo, Mary Cathe rine (dead), Susan and Christiana. John Jacob Ehle, named in the following biographi cal sketch, was half brother of Herman J. Ehle's father. The interesting historical items that the notice con tains will be a sufficient apology for our occupying so much space with it. John Jacob Ehle. One of the early settlers of the town of Palatine jST. Y., was the Eev. John Jacob Ehle, or Oel, as he himself some times speUed it. He took up a smaU patent of land of 600 acres, extending from the river back on to the hills, but eventually sold off the east end, reserving the west, which still remains a homestead in the hands of his descendant of the fourth generation, Mr. Peter Ehle. This Mr. Peter Elbe is the third in succession who has borne the name Peter. The first Peter assisted his father in building the old stone house which now stands on the rail road track, not far from the river; before which time they probably dwelt something like Abraham of old, intents, or such temporal^ i^we give this record as we received it, we are, however, inclined to believe that these several Thorns, are children of Thomas Thorn, and Ca herme, dau. of Gilbert and Cornelia (Beekman) Livingston, and grand children, not children, of John Thorn as above. Gen.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 77 Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. tenements as the facilities of the region in those early days afforded. There was an old road running tilong by the river side, where the rail road track now is, sometimes called the Indian road, and sometimes the old French road, which explains the otherwise apparently secluded locality of the old stone house. The date on the house, together with the initials P. E., are in iron figures. The precise date of the death of Domine Ehle, seems to be lost to the family, as the family records, many years since, Avent into the hands of a female branch, that re moved hence, and are not known now to be in existence. But he must have died about the time of the breaking out of the Revolution. He was interred in what is known as the Frey's burying ground, but no stone or memorial designates precisely where. By two antique certificates in the possession of Mr. Peter Ehle, and which should be forever preserved and kept at the old homestead, it seems that he was an Episcopal clergyman. His parish extended all abroad, east, west, north, and south, among the Indians, whose missionary and pastor he was. His chief preaching place, according to the tradition of his family, was at the Castle, now in the 'town of Danube. The testimonials of his priesthood are on parchment, in the Latin language, and run as follows : " By these presents. We John, by Divine Permission Bishop of London, make known to all persons, that on this 12 day of August, A. D. 1722, at the Chapel within our Palace at Fulham, in the county of Middlesex, we, the aforesaid John, Bishop as aforesaid, representing, by the help of Almighty God, the Holy Orders, have admitted and promoted John Jacob Ehle, beloved by us in Christ Jesus, a scholar, abundantly commended to us as laudable in life, unblemished in morals and virtue, skilled in the knowledge and study of good letters, and sufliciently en titled, and moreover examined, and approved by our own examiner, tothe sacred order of Presbyter, according to the custom and rite wisely appointed and provided for in this part of the English Church ; and him we did, then and there ritually and canonically, ordain Presbyter. In testimony whereof, we have caused to be affixed to these presents the seal of our Episcopate, according to the 78 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. day and year aforesaid, and in the ninth of our transla- ^iQjj_ John, London." The other certificate of his deaconship, corresponds pre cisely with this, excepting the substitution of deacon for presbyter. The signature is the autograph of the bishop him self , ^ The early date of these papers, suggests that he may have been educated partly in England; at least, have stopped there on his way to this continent. According to tradition, he was a great favorite with the Indians, so that they greatly lamented his death. In his stone house, he had a large cellar-kitchen, which al ways furnished a free lodging to traveUing Indians, and others, and not unfrequently his house presented the ap pearance of an inn. A curious letter of his is extant, addressed to Sir Wil liam Johnson, printed in the 4th vol. of the Documentary History of New York, in reference to an eastern enterprise for the education of Indian youth. A Boston society, to gether with the Rev. Dr. Wheelock, strengthened and en couraged by a legacy of Sir Peter Warren, an uncle of Sir WiUiam Johnson, were desirous of getting some Indian boys to educate, and also of setting up one or more English schools among the Mohawk Indians ; and corresponded with Sir William respecting it. Sir William seemed to have favored the design, though the establishment of schools here was never carried out. It was in reference to this that Mr. Oel wrote the following letter : At mine House, Feb. 8, 1762. The Hon. Sir William Johnson : That I write these letters and trouble you with them, is because I am forced to it. The reason is because I heard yesterday, at the Castle, that the Bostoniers were designing to erect schools in every Castle, by choosing out two young boys for to be sent into New England to be instructed there, that they might instruct the others in proper learn ing. ISTow learning is good, and is most necessary among the Indians : that cannot be contradicted. But I want to know to what design as it is to introduce their own Presbyterian Church, then it cannot be. For if it prejudice our church Gen.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 79 Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. and church ceremonies, and is not agreeable nor conforms to them, then it must not be allowed, because it is against them. But should their design be with that purpose, then I have nothing to say, but must be content with it. Now, Sir, I let it to your Sir's wise consideration, as one likely to know better than myself of what is in these matters. But I think it shall not be taken in a wrong sense, that I wi'ite these things to your honor, whom I name freely my best friend whom I have bere and can trust. I want your presence, and to talk freely to you, though I have not the opportunity, for to hear your meaning in that matter. If it is for the prejudice and wrong of the church, I can not consent to it. For I must maintain, and will maintain the church of our denomination, so long as I can. And what is my little power I shall do, and will do. Al ways, I remain, in haste, your friend and well wisher. With all respect, and humble servant, John Jacob Oel. P. S. — I hope and think Sir William, and your honour, shall be for our churches. If I can have an answer, though of but a few lines, I shall take it for a great honor. (Addressed.) This letter is directed to the honorable Sir Baronet William Johnson, overseer over the Indian officers, and now present at Cunad, Schoharie. The editor of the Documentary History of the State, says in a note, after the letter, that Mr. Oel was appointed assistant missionary to the Indians in 1750. What his means of information are, we are not informed ; but, from the far prior date of his ordination to the ministry, and there being no Episcopalians in this particular region, at that time, but Indians, it seems more probable that he had been their missionary long before 1750. — Mohawk Valley Register. Children of Samuel, Son of John, son of Samuel, Selima, b. in Winchester, March 13, 1789; m. E. Cheever; had 2 sons and 1 daughter. 12 80 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. Leaming, b. in W. Feb. 14, 1791; m. Charity Davis; had Solomon, Samuel M., and 4 daughters. Ruby, b. in W. June 27, 1793 ; m. Festus L. Thompson ; had 1 son and 1 dau.; m. 2d, Stephen Brigham Esq.; had 1 dau., who m. Isaac Adams, res. in Illinois; she d. in Vernon, N. Y., June 16, 1828, ae. 35. Almeda, b. in W. March 28, 1795. Candace, b. in W. Aug. 31, 1797. Calvary, b. in W. March 24, 1799 ; m. Althea eldest dau. of Levi Skinner Esq., Jan. 10, 1827 ; had Calvary Levi ; m. 2d, Eliza beth dau. of Isaac Bronson of W., Jan. 7, 1834; had son, d. young, Ann Elizabeth Althea ; res. in Vernon, Oneida county, New York. Samuel, b. Feb. 17, 1801 ; m. Lovina, dau. of Levi Skinner Esq., of Vernon, N. Y., Sept. 26, 1827 ; had Samuel Levi, Maria Hungerford, and 3 others; 3 of his children d. in infancy ; res. in Adams, Jeff, co., N. Y. Hannah, b. in Vernon, N. Y., June 6, 1804; m. Dr. George Foote, of v., Jan. 11, 1827; had I Emergene, b. Oct. 24, 1828; II George Newton, b. Jan. 22, 1833 ; III Charles Henry, b. May 4, 1835 ; and a dau. ; res. at Beaverdam, Wis. Harriet, b. in V. May 3, 1806; m. Rev. Conant Sawyer; had 3 daus. ; she d. in Randolph, Mass., Feb. 7, 1837. Hurlburt (Herbert ?) Grisvfold, b. in V. Nov. 10, 1808 ; m. Jane Tyler, of Florence, Oneida County, N. Y. ; had James, Henry, and 2 daughters. Clarissa, b. in V. June 22, 1810 ; d. Aug. 2, 1828. Children of !N"oah, Son of Rev. Noah, son of Samuel. Appolos Russel, b. Nov. 17, 1792 ; d. Jan. 10, 1796. William Henry, b. Aug. 6, 1794 ; m. Oct. 24, 1821, Sarah Brinck- erhoff ; had Catherine, David, Abraham, Brinckerhoff, William Henry; she d. Jan. 18, 1829. Gen.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 81 Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. Appolos Russel 2d, b. in Danbury, Ct., Nov. 11, 1796; m. Mary Carmer,' April 30, 1822 ; had Henry Carmer, George Carmer, Theodore Russel, William, Elizabeth Carmer, and Mary Carmer. Resides in the city of New York, where he has long been distinguished as an honest, upright and opulent merchant, and a philanthropic, and public spirited citizen. For the following notice of him, we are in debted to The Chronicle, a periodical published in the city of New York, and we regret that we have not at our command, a more full account of Mr. W.'s life and character, than this furnishes, especially of his Christian and benevolent enterprises, and of his many acts of generosity and love. In every trade, business, and profession, there are men, whose bright example may well be regarded by those who are to come after them, and who will in the future, fill the places made honorable by their predecessors. It is not necessary that men should die, in order that their names, deeds, and talents, may find a record. There is much practical benefit to be derived by those whom noble lives should stimulate, in sketches of the living, as in obituaries that are forgotten almost as soon as read. There is a vast difference between the facts when stated " he /ia,s doiie " and " he still does ! " There is a vitality in the latter that is derived from the knowledge that the benevolent mind is still active, that its mission is not yet ended, that its eulogy is being daily engraved upon a myriad of hearts, instead of being sculptured upon a lifeless tombstone. When we thrill with the sacred thoughts of charity, when we regard those who have happily been brought under its ministrations, and see the changes that its harmonizing power has brought, we can realize the benefit conferred upon society and ourselves more fully, if we can point to an individual and say: "There is the agent of all this good." In this, the great Metropohs of the Western World, where a greater necessity exists for philanthropic effort and charitable institutions, than in almost any other part of our flourishing country, there are thousands who have given their hearts to objects that benefit and assist the 82 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th I Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. needy. Charity, with them, is not a theory about which they can only speculate, it has become the broad basis upon which all practical reform is established. And amid all the cares of a prosperous business, they pursue their self- imposed tasks, through difficulties, depression, and some times partial defeat, up to a commensurate success. As all professions are proud of their prominent men, so may the hardware trade congratulate itself upon number ing among its merchants many of those who deserve all the praise tbat our above general remarks can convey. From among the oldest of them we have chosen an in dividual to whom all vrill cheerfully accord the title of " a man and gentleman." * * * * jje had attained the age of about ten years, when his father, ISToah Wetmore, was called to the superintendence of the ISTew York Hos pital. * * * * "The subject of our sketch, about 1812, entered Colum bia College, with the intention of fitting himself for the medical profession, but two years close application, so im paired his health, that he was compelled to seek some more active employment. Whatever regret he mio-ht have felt at thus abandoning a favorite study, was over come by the solicitations of his friends. He accordingly left coUege, and entered the hardware store of Messrs. Kip & Ingraham, located in Greenwich street, in which his future partner, WiUiam (Ireen, Jr., was then employed. After they had served this firm about three years, Mr. Green opened a hardware and iron store on the corner of Greenwich and Vesey streets, and Mr. Wetmore, in con- nection_ with his brother, Mr. D. W. Wetmore, entered the business upon his own account at the corner of Canal and Hudson streets. Shortly after, Mr. Green was afflicted with a severe iUness, rendering it impossible for him to attend to his business. At this juncture, the friendship of Mr. Wetmore, led him to offer his sei-vices, iu superin tending the interests of his former fellow-clerk. This act and its satisfactory nature, led, after Mr. Green's recovery' to a consohdation of the two firms under the business style of Green & Wetmore. In 1824, Messrs. Green & Wetmore purchased the lots corner of Washington and Vesey streets, and erected the stores which have been so long occupied by them and the present firm-a period of thhdy-five years. The business Gen.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 83 Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. was conducted under the name of Green & Wetmore, until 1835, when the former retired, leaving tbe establishment to be continued by the two brothers, under the style of Wetmore & Co., which has been retained until the present time. In 1843, Mr. D. W. Wetmore withdrew from the business, since then Mr. A. R. W. has continued it with a son, George C. Wetmore, and a nephew, Darid Wet more. Of the probity and honor with which Mr. W. has con ducted his business, it is unneccessary for us to speak; these things are patent to all who know him, and could derive no lustre from our utmost laudations. We come now to speak of "the better part," which he has chosen, and which has so eminently marked his career. And in doing this, we know that we are almost perpetrat ing a violence upon the unambitious spirit that has prompted every act. We are aware that he has never sought a blazon for his deeds, but that he rather shrinks from giring them publicity. We may meet his frown, and how shall we excuse the liberty we have taken with his name unless we claim that "the lives of all good men belong to the public ? " About thirty years ago, he united with the Presbyterian church in Laight street, under the pastoral care of Dr. Cox. This was, perhaps, the most important movement in identifying him vrith the various efforts that have from time to time been made to advance Christianity, ameliorate the condition of the poor, proride refuges for the home less, and subserve the interests of all classes of the com munity, in a moral aspect. Thirty-two years ago, Mr. W.,-with one or two others, commenced what is known as The l^ew York City Tract Society. It would be difficult to find a Christain effort that has been marked with a greater degree of success than this. From a feeble beginning it has increased and grown strong, until in 1858, as we learn from its report, the society had the serrices of tioenty-dght missionaries, and an average of 1,134 visitors. They distribute over one million tracts yearly, and on behalf of the New York Bible Society, some seventeen hundred Bibles and Testaments. Our limits will not, however, allow us to go into the statistics of this society, or we might make extracts which would astonish as well as please. The City Tract Society 84 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Samuel, sou of Thomas. purchases of the American Tract Society, the tracts that it distributes monthly throughout the city of ISTew York, and thus aids that society by reliering it of an onerous duty. But the operations, the officers, the management, and the funds of the two societies, are altogether distinct and independent of each other. During the last twenty years, Mr. W., now the corresponding secretary, has re gularly met the board of managers, weekly, to confer and adrise. Mr. W. is also one of the vice-presidents of The ISew York Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor. To him is due much of the credit of its inception and organization, as well as its widely extended benefits. Much of his time and attention have been bestowed upon it, both as an officer, and a visitor of those needing its support. The operations of this society, have been ex tended and beneficial. During some of our recent winters, thousands have received assistance from it, in articles of food, clothing and fuel. Many a heart has been lightened of its sorrow, many a lonesome attic and miserable cellar, has been made to glow with the cheerful rays of comfort. One of the best features of this charity is, that it encour ages labor. It is not a part of their economy to support, for a length of time, those who are able to work, but by a careful interest in the affairs of the poor, they not only relieve temporarily, but assist the worthy to employment, and a final independence of all charitable institutions. Another association for the poor has been fostered and encouraged by the subject of our sketch. We can only give its title : The Washing and Bathing Association, and state that its practical working is designed to benefit largely those who use its advantages. The ISTew York Juvenile Asylum is one of the last but not the least of his efforts. As president of this new institution he has been able, with those who have nobly assisted him, to extend a protecting hand to the homeless and destitute youth of our city. Unlike the penal estab lishments of our land, no associations can here be formed that wiU endanger the young mind. The refugees of this kind have generally grown up under the supervision of the state and city. The lax discipline or promiscuous mingUng of criminal and pauper, has had there a most disastrous result. How the children received into this Gen.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 85 Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. asylum, are finally disposed of, may be learned from the report of Mr. A. C. Pearcy, the superintendent of the House of Reception. " Three companies of children have been sent to Illinois during the year, and indentured under the personal super vision of Mr. A. C. Pearcy. " The first company left Feb. 8, and consisted of 16 girls and 23 boys, total 39 ; and were settled at Atalanta, Logan CO., IU. " The second left May 17, and consisted of 11 girls and 26 boys, total 37 ; and were settled at Havana, Mason co.. IU. " The third left Oct. 11, and consisted of 17 girls and 28 boys, total 45 ; and were settled at Pana, Christian co,, IU." We have above, only referred to such works as have gone abroad with the name of Mr.W. attached to them. They are local, it is true, but their effects may be felt throughout the world. We might go on to enumerate others in which he has borne a part, but it will be enough, finally, to refer to his connection with Dr. Adams's church for the last fifteen years, during which time he has been constantly consulted upon the various projects started by the benevolent and philanthropic. His sympathy is ready for all, and his ears never closed to the appeals of the worthy. * * * * We acknowledge the imperfections of our hasty sketch, for we have not said a half what is due the man. We there fore plead in extenuation, our own inability, and the deli cate matter of obtaining such data. " Not to the past, but the future looks True nobility, and finds its blazon In posterity." David Woodhul, b. June 26, 1798 ; m. Harriet Sharpe, Aug. 30, 1827 ; had Harriet Cooper, Jacob Sharpe, Corneha Brower, Peter Sharpe, Christiana Sharpe, Irene, James Scott, Fanny. He was for many years actively engaged in com pany with his brother, Appolos Russell, in mercantile pursuits in the city of New York, importing and jobbing of iron and hardware, but more recently, the manu- 86 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. facturing of iron has occupied his business hours. In whatever branch of trade he has associated himself, there he has left the impress of prudence, hberahty and uprightness of dealing. As an evidence of his unselfishness and patriotic feeling, we will here note, that nothwithstanding his direct interests as an im porter favored free trade, he has always been an ardent supporter of the principle of a tariff looking to the protection of American industry. Irena Winifred, b. Oct. 2, 1800; m. March 23, 1820, Anthony Post Halsey Esq., of N. Y. ; had I James Wetmore, b. July 19, 1821, who m. Agnes McClure, had Anthony Post Jun. : II Cornelia Brower, b. Oct. 29, 1823 : III SerMon, b. Feb. 19, 1826, m. and had Noah Wetmore : IV Mary Wetmore, b. Aug. 23, 1827, m. James Dwight, had Irene Wetmore : V Henry Martin, b. April 10, 1829, d. Sept. 11, 1829 : VI Noah Wet more, b. Aug. 23, 1830, d. March 30, 1834 : VII Euphemia, b. June 6, 1833, m. Joseph Wales, had Mary Wetmore, Frede rick : VIII Anna, b. Oct. 14, 1838 : IX Elizabeth, b. Mav 26, 1836, d. Dec. 30, 1836. Mr. Halsey occupied, for many years, the respon sible position of cashier of the Bank of New York, in the city of New York, and more recently that of pre sident of the same institution. In all the commercial and banking crises that have visited Wall street, since he has been connected with tlie street, he has kept that institution from reproach, and his ovm name unsulhed, and enjoys the confidence and esteem of the citizens of the metropohs, in a marked degree. Children of Appolos, Son of Rev. Noah, Son of Samuel. Appolos Edwards, b. Nov. 23, 1797; m. Feb. 10, 1827, Charlotte dau. of Lewis Prall, of New Jersey, b. Oct. 12, 1810 ; had Henry Augustus, Oliver, Lewis Prall, William Walter. Merchant in the city of New York; since his ma jority he has changed his name to Edward Appolos. Gen.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 87 Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. Hannah, b. Aug. 8, 1799 ; unm. Oliver, b. Aug. 13, 1801 ; m. June 27, 1850, Harriet Woolworth ; had Florence. Merchant in the city of New York. Henry, b. Oct. 12, 1803 ; d. March 21, 1827. Maria, b. Dec. 17, 1806 ; unm. Augustus, b. Nov. 11, 1808 ; m. March 1, 1831, Jane Eliza Fur- man ; had Augustus, Emily, Edward Leslie. He died Jnne 23, 1857. William Walter, b. June 13, 1811 ; d. Aug. 24, 1812. William Walter 2d, b. March 29, 1813 ; m. Nov. 26, 1839, Ca roline Shipman ; had Stephen Shipman. ChUdren of Samuel Ithiel, Son of Rev. Noah, Son of Samuel. Dr. Ebenezer Walter, b. — ; m. — ^; had Lybia; d. March 31, 1854. Julia Ann. Cornelia S. Maria, b. — ; m. Capt. William S. Hoyt; had I Samuel Ithiel; II Arftelia K. ; III Stanley. She d. Nov. 20, 1846. Erastus, b. — ; m. Louisa Hill; had Samuel Ithiel, Timothy Burger. He died Feb. 7, 1842. Egbert, b. — ; m. Eliza H. Mantam; had Egbert, Charles J., Coggill, and George. 13 88 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6t Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. Children of Ebenezee Lyman, Son of Joel, Son of Samuel. Nancy, b. July 19, 1796 ; m. Israel Coe ; had 4 sons and 3 daus. She d. Aug. 30, 1838. Lauren, b. in Torrington, Ct., July 9, 1801 ; m. Fanny C. Austin, of T., s. p. He has ever been an active business man, and en terprising citizen. Save eighteen years spent in mer cantile hfe, in the city of New York, has resided in his native town, Wolcottville being his post office address.Maria, b. May 14, 1805; m. Asahel Coe ; had 6 sons and 2 daus. Amanda b. Jan. 25, 1808; m. Elisha Baldwin, of Goshen, Ct. ; has 1 son and 1 dau. Louisa b. 1810; m. Phineas North, of Torrington ; has 1 son and 1 dau. Children of John Pomeroy, Son of Joel, Son of Samuel. Feb. 1820 ; had I Fram^es M., b. Nov. 1820 ; m. Judge Law rence,ofMoira N.Y.: II TOW 5!, (dead): UIgZoTe res. in New York city : IV Dr Hiram W r«= It t ^ ' M V . V s'^ J J -LY i/i. iivram a., res. in Lawrence, N. Y. . Y Edward p-^ t surveyor in Minnesota : VI Frederick ^merchant in Illinois : VII John P (dead) : YUlllman photographist in New York city. y • " j.ii j^man, Besides at Moira, Frankhn count;y, N. Y. Frances, Jg^"^ Burlington, Nov. 28, 1799 ; m. William W. Moulton, contractor Wis TT;^"''^"''/'^^^"^'^' 0^^°' '•^ilroad contractor, Wis,. II Jfa„„^^ ^ ^ Baldwin, La Salle HI • III Horace S., machine manufacturer, Galveston, Texas IV Gen.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 89 Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. Harriet F. : V Jidia (dead) : VI Ogden W. (dead) : VII Julia. Mrs. Frances Moulton died in 1844. Julia, b. in B. March 6, 1802 ; m. Knapp, 1842 ; res. North Stockholm, St. Lawrence county, N. Y. Emeline, b. in B., Feb. 28, 1804; d. April 19, 1805. Adeline, b. in B. Dec. 4, 1805 ; m. Milo Lafflin Feb. 16, 1832 ; had I Pomeroy W., b. Jan. 1835; II Henry (dead); III Wil liam, h. 1844 ; IV Frederick, b. 1846. Resides at Hinckley, Ohio. Mariana, b. in B. April 22, 1808 ; d. Sept. 3, 1809. Sally Ann, b. in B. March 15, 1810 ; d. Sept. 17, 1810, Frederick P., b. in B. Aug. 3, 1811 ; d. Feb. 13, 1813. Frederick P. 2d, b. Oct. 30, 1813; m. Nov. 28, 1844; Sarah M. Whitman, b. at East Haddam, Ct., March 4, 1820 ; had Russel C, Charles W. Merchant at Hinckley, Ohio. Henry A., b. in B. Feb. 18, 1816; m. Maria Bradley, 1845. Resides Norfolk, N. Y. Harriet M., b. in B. Oct. 25, 1818 ; m. Philander Robbins, 1838 ; had I Byron, b. 1840 ; II, Jane, b. 1844 ; III Harriet, b. 1846. He d. . She resides at Ogdensburgh, N. Y. William L., b. in B. Jan. 3, 1821; m. Louisa A., dau. of Nicholas Le Pelly of St. Peters, Port Gurnsey ; had William, Edwin, Atwater, Carrie Louise, Ernst Le Pelly. He is of the firm of Wetmore & Co., shipping mer chants at Marqueta, Lake Superior. Clarissa A., b. in Norfolk, N. Y., March 4, 1823 ; d. Feb. 4, 1826. Russel C, b. in N. Oct. 4, 1826; d. July 10, 1845. 90 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6t] Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. Norman. ,4Bertha. David. Elihu.Lydia. Noble. Children of Elihu, Son of David, Son of Daniel. Children of Jessb, Son of Daniel, Son of Daniel. Nancy, b. in Middletown, Ct., April 19, 1785; m. Adna Benham, 1811; m. 2d, — ^Viets. She died May 2, 1860, in her 76th year. Removed to Ashtabula, Ohio, 1816. One of the last acts of her hfe, was to write to the compiler of this work, detail ing some interesting historical items, concerning the early Wetmores. She was warmly imbued with a spirit of regard for her kindred. CoMEORT, b. in Middletown, Jan. 1, 1786; m. in New Hampshire, Anna Tuttle ; had Josiah, Amsden, Samuel William, Barnet Woodbury. ' • ?o/r.^'^"7^'^ ^^^ ^^® ^^^^^^ ^ Ashtabula CO., Ohio, m 1816, where he has ever since hved a quiet unpre- ?n '^fo^^oT^' ^'^^; ^^ ^^ ^^^ misfortune, in the tan ot 1859, to have his dwelling consumed by fire with nearly all its contents. One of his grand children was sleeping m the house at the time, and being un able to escape was burned to death. Resides at Ashtabula, Ashtabula co., Ohio. Gen.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 91 Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. Collins, b. Sept. 16, 1786. He died Aug. 1859, in Ashtabula co., 0., where he had resided for some forty or more years ; much re spected.Polly, b. in Middletown, April 13, 1788 ; d. unm. ' William, b. in M., Oot. 7, 1789; d. about 1835. / Resided in Ashtabula co., 0. Horace, b. in M. March 27, 1798 ; m. ; had -. He died whUe journeying from California, when within about 20 miles of his home in Illinois. SEVENTH GENERATION. Children of Br. Teuman Spencbe, Son of Abel, Son of Samuel, Son of Samuel. Sylvia Elizabeth, b. in Winchester, Oct. 20, 1805 ; m. Oct. 21, 1835, Leonard Beach, son of Leonard and Huldah (Cone) Hurlburt, b. July 23, 1811 ; had I Sylvia Elizabeth, b. in W. Sept. 29, 1840; II Charlotte Jarvis, b. in W. Sept. 13, 1845. Darwin Woodward, b. in W. Sept. 2, 1807; m. Ellen Diehl of New York ; had Ehzabeth. He was the oldest son of Dr. Truman S., and at an early age and against the wishes of his parents, declined a profession ; in other respects was a dutiful son, khid to those about him, of a cheerful and humorous disposi tion, one who seemed never to let care and trouble hang heavily upon his mind, until his only child fell a victim to disease. She was the idol of his heart. On the evening of August 20, 1853, he was found on the Harlem road, with his throat cut and hfe quite extinct. 92 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [7th Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. Suspicion of murder was fastened upon two persons who were known to have been with him during the day, and up to the time he left Harlem, for his home in New York that evening. When discovered, two dollars and sixty-two cents only were found upon him of five hundred dollars that he was known to have had when he left his residence in the morning. His watch was broken in pieces, while his spectacles were left in his waistcoat pocket unin jured. The only wound upon him that could cause death, was the long deep gash in his throat. Kind and affectionate in all the relations in hfe, generous and frank in all his impulses, full of life and activity, he is greatly missed from the family circle ; his widow hves in sadness over his and their daughter's decease. Dr. William Jarvis, b. in W. June 30, 1809 ; m. Eliza Jane Campbell of New York, Jan., 1844; had Emma Jarvis. Resides in Brooklyn, N. Y. He is somewhat cele brated as a composer of sweet song, in the style of the Irish Melodies ; this passion he inherited in some de gree from his father. He, hke his older brother, re fused to follow the profession his father provided for him, to till the unfruitful (?) fields of music and poetry and cultivate aromatic peans and unsightly crotchets. One of our correspondents in writing of him says that he Commenced the study of the classics with the Rev. Mr. Marsh of his native town, and after the completion of his academic career, gave his attention to the study of medi cine, under the direction of his father, and his uncle Doct. George 0. Jarvis. He graduated at the Medical College of New Haven at 21 years of age, but having, while at his studies, hsten- ed to the flattermg tales of poesey and song, he refused after graduating an M. D., to undertake its labors and responsibilities, and devoted his time and attention to the morecongemal, but less rehable, pursuits of music and her sister art. Gen.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 93 Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. In the prosecution of his musical career, he has been associated with some of the most eminent musicians. Sig- nor De Begnis, the great butib and accomplished Italian composer, was his daily companion for the last ten years of Signer De Begnis's life. Many beautiful compositions of Donizetti, the pupil of De Begnis, written for Madame Ronzi, and sung by her, were subsequently published under the supervision of De Begnis and himself, with English translations, furnished by Dr. W. He has composed a number of popular songs, of which Hinda's Lament was one, and. was his earliest production, Sweet Annie of the Vale, The Lilac at the Door, and many others followed in rapid succession. A musical annual, entitled, L'Isola Incantata, or The Fairy Isle, founded upon the beautiful superstition, that there is an is land in one of the eastern seas, where perpetual summer reigns, which when approached, gradually disappears. For this annual he wrote the words, as well as for nearly all the songs he published. For Anthony Philip Heinrich, the old Bohemian musi cian, a most celebrated composer, he wrote many ballads, to which Von Heinrich adapted music, and they were finally translated into German. At the time he was associated with Signor De Begnis, he also engaged the friendship and musical abilities of the lamented Charles E. Horn, one of the most distin guished composers of his time, and one of the finest singers of his day. It was by such associations and facilities, that he culti vated his natural tastes for music and poetry, and is it wonderful that he should turn a deaf ear to the cold salu tations of Esculapius, to listen to the sweet murmurings of Apollo, and the gushing melodies of Helecine. Dr. George Whitfield, b. in W., Oct. 11, 1812 ; m. Sarah Ann, dau. of Dea. Seth and Apne (Burton) Thompson, Nov. 29, 1843 ; had George Thompson, Elizabeth Jarvis, Mary Fitch. He graduated at the New Haven Medical College, removed to Amenifi, Dutchess county, N. Y., in 1839, and returned to his native town in 1849, and settled 94 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [7th Descendants of Samuel, sou of Thomas. in the village of Winsted, where he has since been engaged in the practice of his profession. Charles Fitch, b. in W., Aug. 21, 1815 ; m. Sarah Astor Bryden, April 11, 1850; she d. June 5, 1855, leaving Mary Jarvis. Resides in the city of New York, and is a lawyer by profession. He finished his preparatory course of study to enter coUege, under the instruction of the late Rev. Doctor Morgan, of Cheshire, Ct,, and entered Trinity College, Hartford, 1837; graduated A. B. 1841, and immediately thereafter commenced the study of the law with the Hon. L. Livingston of New York, and was admitted as an attorney, solicitor and counsellor to the courts of that state in 1845. While in college he dehvered two poems, by ap pointment, before the Athenaeum Literary Society, one entitled Venice, the other Scio. When he graduated he was selected by the faculty to dehver an oration upon Saracen Literature, and in 1844 received the degree of M. A. from the same institution. Children of John, Son of Abel, Son of Samuel, Son of Samuel. Dea. Abel Samuel, b, in Winchester, Nov. 16, 1802 ; m. Nov. 24, 1829, Lucy Almira, dau. of Miles and Anjia (Butterick) Hills, b. in Goshen, Ct., March 18, 1810; had Juha Ann, Joh^ Nash, Ellen Eliza, Leroy Whiting, Miles Hills, Samuel Abel, Hubert Porter. Resides in his native place at the homestead of his great-great-grandfather. Deacon Samuel. His paternal ancestors, for four generations, hved and died on the same place that he has inherited. It is to be hoped that his descendants will never permit the place to go out of their possession. Gen.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 95 Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. He was made a deacon of the First Congregational (orthodox) Church in 1835, which office he held for nearly 20 years. He represented the town of Win chester in the state Legislature in 1848 and 1849. Lucy Esther, b. in W.. Dec. 12, 1806; m. Sept. 11, 1833, Fred erick Porter, son of Miles and Anna (Butterick) Hills ; had I Lucy Ann, b. in W., Sept. 7th, 1841. Hannah Jerusha, b. in W., June 11, 1809 ; m. Oct. 13, 1840, Lewis Whiting of Torrington, s. p. Clarissa Whitino, b. in W., May 14, 1816 ; m. March 30, 1836, George Leroy Whiting, s. p. Rebecca Nash, b. in W., Dec. 8, 1828 ; m. Nov. 11, 1846, Alonzo Whiting of Torrington, s. p. Children of Samuel H., Son of Abel, Son of Samuel, Son of Samuel. Mary Sophronia, b. in W., May 10, 1803; m. Jan. 11, 1842, Silas Hurlburt, eldest child of John and Margeret (Hurlburt) McAlpin, b. in W., Sept. 2, 1794 ; he d., s. p. : she m. 2d, May 15, 1845, Samuel Avery, b. in W., Nov. 15, 1802, 3d child of John and Margeret (Hurlburt) McAlpin, s. p. She resides in Winchester. Harriet Eliza, b. in W., Nov. 8, 1806 ; m. Aug. 6, 1845, John, 4th child of John and Margeret (Hurlburt) McAlpin, b: Nov. 1, 1805, s. p. Resides in W. Children of Elisha, Son of Abel, So7i of Samuel, Son of Samuel. Lucretius Allen, b. in Torringford, June 21, 1814 ; m. Catherine Cathn, of Charleston, Ohio, Jan. 3, 1844 : had Willis L. He died March 13, 1848. 14 96 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [7th Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. Lavinia Ann, b. Feb. 28, 1818 ; m. John Worden, Nov. 7, 1849. Flora R., b. Nov. 21, 1820. Sophronia, b. Sept. 4, 1824; d. Sept. 25, 1849. Emily, b. March 5, 1833. Lucia, b. Sept, 25, 1834, ChUdren of John, Sov, of Seth, Son of John, Son of Samuel. Horatio Lucius, b. in Winchester, Sept. 24, 1803 ; m. May 20, 1829, Hannah, dau. of Horace and Hannah (Bull) Cathn, b. in Harwinton, June 24, 1802 ; had Sarah Louisa. He died in Winchester, Sept. 20, 1856. Celestia, b. in W., May 30, 1805; m. Jan. 20, 1831, Luman, sop of Luman and Chloe (Kellogg) Catlin ; had I Exene, b. in Harwinton, May 16, 1835 ; II Mary Lucretia, b. in H., Nov. 19, 1839. Sarepta, b. in W., Aug. 2, 1807, Resides in W. Louisa Matilda, b. May 24, 1810; m. Oct. 19, 1830, Jabez Gillet of New Hartford, Ct., b, Nov. 24, 1804, son of Uri and Esther (Gillet) Curtiss ; had I George Wetmore, b. Feb. 23, 1834 ; m- in Springfield, Mass., Oct. 18, 1835, Caroline Lee, dau. of Dr. John and Betsey Maria (Lee) Bridgman, and g. dau. of Col. RosweU and Pheobe (Potter) Lee, who reside in N. H.; had Harriet Jane, b. in N. H., Aug. 10, 1840, d. in Torrington, Sept. 6, 1843 ; Jabez Gillet Curtis, d. in T., Dec. 13, 1848. She resides in Winchester, WiLLARp Spencer, b. in W., May 18, 1813 ; m. Oct. 24, 1839, Juha Ann Woodford, b. Feb. 14, 1811, dau. of Erastus and Ruth (Barber) Woodford ; had Willis, b, — , d. infant ; Julia b. May — , 1849, d. infant. Resides in Winchester, Gen,] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 97 Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. John Grenell, b. in W., April 27, 1817 ; m. Oct. 3, 1841, Eliza Frisbe Rosseter, b. in Harwinton, Ct., Jan. 24, 1821, dau. of Jonathan and Anna (Barber) Rosseter; she d. in W., March 9, 1847, of lung fever; he m. 2d, Nov. 1, 1848, Ehza Pheobe, dau. of Col. RosweU and Pheobe (Potter) Lee, b. in Spring field, Mass., April 17, 1820 ; had Ehza Rosseter. Resides in Winchester. Huldah Ann, b. in W., July 1, 1821 ; m. April 17, 1844, Jona than Addison, b. in Harwinton, Dec. 13, 1818, son of Jonathan and Anna (Barber) Rosseter ; children I Jonathan Spencer, b. in Harwinton, Aug. 17, 1846; II Charles Wetmore, b. in H., Sept. 7, 1848; III Frank Warner, b. in H., Jan. 26, 1851; IV Cora Jane, b. in H., Sept. 25, 1858 ; V Effie Louisa, b. in H., April 1, 1856 ; VI Hattie Bentley,, b. in H., June 5, 1857. Resides in Winchester. Children of Seth, Son qf Seth, Son of John, Son of Sarrvael. Titus C, b. — ; m. ; had 1 son and 2 daughters^ Resides at DeKalb Center, 111. Lois L. Flint.Maria Blanor Mitchell. Seth Franklin. Siloma Caroline-. Adelia A. Lucy L. Matilda D., d. youiig. Julia L., d. young. Elizabeth Leaming. Emily R. 98 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [7th Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. ChUdren of Maj. Alphonzo, Son of Seth, Son of John, Son of Samuel. Diogenes, b. in Ames, N. Y., June 17, 1814; m. May 8, 1836, Sarah Jane, David Hume; had Octa^^ia; m. 2d, June 30, 1846, Deborah L. Conger; had Mary Ehza and Hugh Al phonzo. Resides Oneida, Knox co.. 111. Capt. Leonidas, b. on Governor's Island, N. Y. Harbor, May 4, 1816 ; m. Amelia K. S. de Bovis, March 14, 1849. Was an officer in the U. S. army. We regret that we have not at our command a more full account^ of his services to his country than the following, which we take from Charles K. Gardner's Diet, of the Army, 1853, and Am. Almanach, 1851: Second heut. 6th infantry Dec. 31, 1839 ; asst. com. of subs's AprU 1840; first heut. May 1846; reg. qr. master Dec. 1847 to June 1848; brevet captain for gallant and meritorious conduct in battle of El Molino del Eey Sept. 8, 1847 (July 1848). He was in several engagements with the Indians in the Florida war, and participated in the battles in Mexico ; was at the storming of Vera Cruz, at Cerro Gordo, at Churubusco, at Molino del Rey, and in the battles before the city of Mexico. He died near Hannibal, Mo., while on board the steamer Highland Mary, on her trip from Fort Snell- ing to St. Louis, Nov. 18, 1849. Thaddeus Kosciusko, b. at Plattsburgh, N. Y., July 15, 1818 ; m. April 11, 1850, Caroline V. Conger; had Frank and Carlos. Resides St. Louis, Mo. Galphinia, b. in St. Louis, 1822; m. 29 Oct., 1844, Montgomery Pike Leintz ; she d. June 12, 1849 ; issue, I Mary Wetmore, b. Aug. 1, 1845; II William Alphonso, b. March 28, 1848. Gen.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 99 Descendants of Siimuel, son of Thomas. RoxANA, b. St. Louis, Sept. 15, 1824 ; m. March 15, 1849, George T. Bacon. Resides Marine Mills, Minnesota. Sarah, b. St. Louis, May 27, 1828; m. Oct. 12, 1852, Charles G. Weber ; had I Henry Edward, b. April 4, 1857. Resides St. Louis. Thomas A. Smith, b. Franklinton, Mo., Oct. 21, 1830 ; m. May 3, 1849, Elizabeth A. Spencer ; had Thomarine A. He died Oct. 25, 1850, se. 20 years. Dr. Alphonzo, b. St. Louis, Oct. 22, 1836 ; unm. Is a practicing physician, Monroe city. 111. Children of Salmon B., Son of Seth, Son of John, Son of Sam-uel. Regulus L., b. Dec, 29, 1817 ; m. Ehzabeth Wooster, of Esperance, 1837 ; had Eliza Jane (d. ae. 3 years), Sarah, George W. Resides in Albany, N. Y. Eliza Jane, b. Dec. 20, 1819 ; m. Edwin Williams, of Canajoharie, N. Y. ; had I Thomas ; II Hetty 0. ; III Edwin Emerson; IV Eliza Jane ; V Henrietta and VI Mary Edgar (twins) ; VII Jemima ; VIII Olive. Harriet Ann, b. Sept. 11, 1822 ; m. John W. Conover of Cana joharie, Oct., 1846; had I Helen Louisa; II Henry Oscar. She died Feb. 11, 1856, in her 33d year. Vernon B., b. April 6. 1824; m. Mary Olendorfi' of Lawrence, Otsego CO., N. Y. ; had a son. Resides at Honesdale, N. Y. Henry Oscar, b. Nov. 19, 1832 ; d. July 4, 1846. Mary Artemesia, b. March 11, 1836; m. John Q. Adams of Canajoharie, Feb. 9, 1853 ; had Edwin, b. Nov. 23, 1855. 100 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [7tl Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. Children of Pythagoras, Son of Seth, Son of John, Son of Samuel. Burnel J., b. June 5, 1820; d. Aug. 18, 1848. Alphonzo, b. Dec. 3, 1821 ; m. Mary, dau. of Rev. John Pegg ; had John P., Ida. Justus F., b. Feb. 1, 1824; m. Rhoda Bailey of Canajoharie; had Charles; m. 2d, Aug. 13, 1860, Cornelia, dau. of Martin Brownell, Esq., of Hornelsville, N. Y. Resides at Hornelsville. Attorney at Law. Eliza Catherine, b. July 8, 1829 ; m. David Zeilly of Palatine, N. Y., May 21, 1851 ; had I Anna, b. Feb. 22, 1852 ; II Mary Louisa, b. July 26, 1854; III Isabella, h. April 17, 1859. Nancy Louisa, b. May 7, 1834; m. George A. Gilderslive of Palatine Bridge, N. Y., April 20, 1853 ; had I Ha,rriet, b. April 26, 1854; II Catherine, b. June, 1857; III Louisa, h. . Sept. 3, 1858. Byron Lgisa, b. June 15j 1838 ; d. May 21, 1844. Children of George Clinton, Son of Seth, Son of John, Son of Samuel. Nancy, b. Oct. 2, 1832 ; d. Nov. 14, 1833. George b in Ames, N. Y., July 18, 1834; d. in Saline co.. Mo., Feb. 28, 1845. ' Florence, b. in Frankhnton, Mo., July 10^ 1845. Herman, b. in Carroll co., Mo., Dec. 21, 1858 ; d. March 22, 1859. Sons of Leaming, Son of Samuel, Son qf John, Son of Samuel. Solomon. Gen.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 101 Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. Samuel M. 4 daughters. Resides in Illinois. Children of Calvary, Son of Samuel, Son of John, Son of Samuel. Calvary Levi, b. in Vernon, N. Y., July 13, 1828 ; m. Kate dau. of William Maxwell Esq., of Elmira, N. Y. Merchant ; res, in Chicago, IU. Ann Elizabeth Althea, b. in Vernon, Aug. 9, 1841. ChUdren of Samuel, Son of Samuel, Son of John, Son of San\,uel, Samuel Levi, b. iii Adams, Jeff, co., N. Y., Aug. 8, 1834, Maria Hungerford, b, in A., April 10, 1843. Children of Herbert Griswolu, San of Samuel, Son of John, Son of Samuel, James, Henry.2 daughters, ChUdren of William Henry, Son of Noah, Sort of Rev. Noah, Son of Samuel. Catherine, b. Aug. 15, 1822 ; m. John H. Whiteside ; had I Sa rah; II Thomas Whiteside; III William Henry ; IV Frank V Mary ; VI Infant. 102 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [7th Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. David, b. Oct. 31, 1823; m. Caroline Bixby; had Calvip Mather, Catherine Hoffman. Abraham Brinckeehoef, b. Sept. 17, 1825 ; m. Martha Emma Fobos, Dec. 6, 1859. William Henry, b. June 23, 1827; d. Dec. 5, 1859; unm. ChUdren of Appolos Russel 2d. Son of Noah, Son of Rev. Noah, Son of Samuel. Henry Carmer, b. in New York city, Aug. 6, 1823 ; m. Mary Jane Bird ; had Thomas Bird, Mary Carmer, Henry, Alethea, Edith. Resides in Dutchess co., N. Y., which county he re presented in the state senate, 1859-60. George Carmer, b. in New York city, Jap. 9, 1829 ; m. Eliza beth Graham Williams, June 1, 1852 ; had Charles Williams, Howard Graham, George Carmer. He is one of the house of Wetmore & Co., import ing merchants, corner of Greenwich and Vesey sts.. New York. Theodore Russel, b. in city of New York, Jan. 28, 1826 ; m. Elizabeth Russel Pitcher, Dec. 12, 1849 ; had Russel, Marie Bleecker, Alice Josephine, Theodore ; she d. Oct 13 1857 ¦ he m. 2d, Ellen N. D'Arcy, Sept. 20, 1859. ' ' Resides in the city of New York ; one of the firm of Churchni Rogers and Wetmore, wholesale merchants. William, b. in New York, Oct. 4, 1829 ; m. Annie Doughertv, March 4, 1856 ; had Florence, Theodore, Anderson. Wholesale merchant. New York city. Elizabeth Carmer, b. in New York, March 29, 1831. Mary Carmer, b. in N. Y., July 31, 1846. Gen.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 103 Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. Children of David Woodhull, Son of Noah, Son of Rev. Noah, Son of Samuel. Harriet Cooper, b. July 10, 1828. Jacob Sharpe, b. Aug. 26, 1830; m. Mary Leonard Lovejoy; had Elizabeth Courtney. Cornelia Brower, b. Sept. 11, 1832 ; m. Richard H. Chappell ; had I Harriet W. ; II Henry Haven. Peter Sharpe, b. Aug. 11, 1834. Christiana Sharpe, Irene, b. July 12, 1836; m. Andrew Herman DeWitt; had Anna. James Scott, b. July 12, 1836. Fanny, b. Oct., 1840. s. il, x634. ) , . » ,, ' ,, V twins. Children of Appolos Edwards, Son of Appolos, Son of Rev- Noah, Son of Samuel. Henry Augustus, b. Dec. 15, 1827; m. Oct. 14, 1849, Louisa J., dau. of James W. Pinckney ; had Frank Ward, Maria Louise, Ida, Emily Ann. Oliver, b. July 12, 1829 ; m. Oct. 25, 1853, Ehzabeth, dau. of Amos F. Hatfield, late sheriff of Westchester co., N. Y. ; had Estelle, Stanley Hatfield. Merchant in the city of New York. Lewis Prall, b. Jan. 13, 1837. William Walter, b. May 19, 1844. Daughter of Oliver. Son of Appolos, Son of Rev. Noah, Son of Samuel Florence, b. Aug. 8, 1851. 15 104: WETMORE MEMORIAL. [Tth Descendants of Siimuel, son of Thomas. ChUdren of Augustus, Son of Appolos, Son of Rev. Noah, Son of Samuel. Augustus, b. Jan. 24, 1832. Emily, b. March 25, 1843 ; d. Jan. 29, 1846. Edward Leslie, b. Feb. 4, 1847. Son of William "Walter, 2d, Son of Appolos, Son of Rev. Noah, Son of Samuel. Stephen Shipman, b. May 1, 1846. Daughter of Dr. Ebenezer Walter, Son of Samuel Ithiel, Son of Rev. Noah, Son of Samuel. Lybia, b. Feb, 22, 1832 ; m. H. Quaokenboss of New York; d. July 10, 1860. Children of Erastus, Son of Samuel Ithiel, Son of Rev. Noah, Son of Samuel. Samuel Ithiel, b. — ; d. July 16, 1838. Timothy Burger. ChUdren of Egbert, Son of Samuel Ithiel, Son of Rev. Noah, Son of Samuel. Egbert. Charles J. Coggill, b. — ; d. Dec, 1844. George Mantan. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 105 Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. Children of Frederick P., Son of John Pomeroy, Son of Joel, Son of Samuel Russell C, b. May 6, 1847. Charles W., b. Oct. 6, 1854. Children of Henry A., Son of John Pomeroy, Son of Joel, Son of Samuel. Harriet, b. about 1849. Frederick, b. about 1851. Eva. Clara. Children of William L., Son of John Pomeroy, Son of Joel, Son of Samuel. William G., b. Aug. 10, 1852; d. Oct. 10, 1853. Edwin Atwater, b. Aug. 12, 1854. Carrie Louisa, b. Sept. 10, 1856 ; d. Sept. 6, 1860. Ernest Le Pelly, b. Oct. 13, 1860. ChUdren of Comfort, Son of Jesse, Son of Daniel, Son of Daniel. Josiah Amsden, b — ; m. 1st, ; had Horace; m. 2d, had dau. Resides at Madison, Lake co., Ohio. lrnet Woodbury, b. — ; m. ; had I Ophelia. Resides at Austinsburg, Ashtabula co., Ohio. Barnet Woodbury, b. — ; m. ; had 3 .sons and 1 dau Ophelia. 106 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [7th Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. Dr. Samuel William, b. in Ashtabula co., 0. ; April 30, 1832 ; m. Oct. 26, 1855, Mary E. Barbour of Coneaut, 0. ; had Wilhs Ashton. He graduated at Michigan University. Resides at Kingsville, Ashtabula co., 0. EIGHTH GENERATION. Daughter of Darwin WooIjward, Son of Dr. Truman Spencer, Son of Abel, Son of Samuel, Son of Samuel. Elizabeth, b. in New York, Oct. 4, 1851 ; d. March 26, 1853. Daughter of Dr. William Jarvis, Son of Dr. Truman Spencer, Son of Abel, Son of Samuel, Son of Samuel. Emma Jarvis. Children of Dr. George Whitfield, Son of Dr. Truman Spencer, Son of Abel, Son of Samuel, Son of Samuel. George Thompson. Elizabeth Jarvis. Mary Fitch. Daughter of Charles FitcS, man Spencer, So San Mary Jarvis, b. Sept. 14, 1852. Son of Dr. Truman Spencer, Son of Abel, Son of Samuel, Son of Samuel. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 107 Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. Children of Dea. Abel Samuel, Son of John, Son of Abel, Son of Sam-uel, Son of Sam-uel. Julia Ann, b. in New Hartford, Ct., Aug. 18, 1830 ; d. June 5, 1831. John Nash, b. in Winchester, Ct, March 8, 1833. Ellen Eliza, b. in W. Oct. 29, 1834 ; m. Aug. 14, 1856, Stephen Grenville, son of Stephen and Antha (Stone) Beecher, b. Dec. 9, 1832; had I Henry Ward, b. in New Milford, Ct., July 22, 1857; II Mary, b. in N. M., Jan. 14, 1859. Leroy Whiting, b. in W. Sept. 23, 1830. Miles Hills, b, in W. Sept. 6, 1840. Samuel Abel, b. in W. Sept. 25, 1842. Hubert Porter, b. in W. Feb. 21, 1847. Son of Lucretius Allen, Son of Elisha, Son of Seth, Son of Samuel, Son of Samuel. Willis L. Daughter of Horatio Lucttjs, Son of John, Son of Seth, Son of John, Son of Samuel. Sarah Louisa, b. in Winchester, Ct., April 12, 1833. Children of DiogeneS, Son of Maj. Alphonzo, Son of Seth, Son of John, Son of Samuel OcTAViA, b. Sept. 11, 1837. Resides St. Louis. 108 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [8th Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. Mary Eliza, b. Oct. 6, 1848. Hugh Alphonzo, b. March 5, 1851. ChUdren of Thaddeus Kosciuszko, Son of Maj. Alphonzo, Son of Seth, Son of John, Son of Samuel. Frank. Carlos, b. 1855. ChUdren of Thomas A. Smith, Son of Maj. Alphonzo, Son of Seth, Son of John, Son of Samuel. Thomerine a., b. Oct. 10, 1850. Daughter of John Grenell, Son of John, Son of Seth, Son of John, Son of Sam-uel. Eliza Rosseter, b. in Winchester, Feb. 20, 1847. Children of Regulus, Son of Salmon B., Son of Seth, Son of John, Son of Sam-uel. Sarah.George W. Children of Alphonzo, So-il of Pythagoras, Son of Seth, Son of John, Son of Samuel. John P. Ida. Son of Justus P., Son of Pythagoras, Son of Seth, Son of John, Son of Samuel. Charles. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 109 Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. Children of David, Son of William Henry, Son of Noah, Son uf Rev. Noah, Son of Samuel. Calvin Mather. Catherine Hoffman. ChUdren of Henry Carmer, Son of Appolos Russel 2d, Son of Noah, Son of Rev. Noah, Son of Samuel. Thomas Bird. Mary Carman. Henry. Alethea. Edith. Children of Geoiige Carmer, Son of Appolos Russel 2d, Son of Noah, Son of Rev. Noah, Son of Samuel, Charles Williams. Howard Graham. George Carmer. Children of Theodore Russel, Son of Appolos Russel 2d, Son of Noah, Son of Rev. Noah, Son of Samuel. Russel. Marie Bleecker. Alice Josephine. Theodore. 110 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [8tli Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. ChUdren of William, Son of Appolos Russel 2d, Son of Noah, Son of Rev. Noah, Son of Samuel, Theodore.Florence, d. young, Daughter of Jacob Sharpe, Son of David Woodhull, Son of Noah, Son of Rev. Noah, Son of Samuel. Eliza Courtenay, Children of Henry Augustus, -Som of Appolos Edwards, Son of Appolos, Son of Rev. Noah, Son of Samitel. Frank Ward. Marie Louise. Ida. Emily Ann. Children of Olivbh, Son of Appolos Edwards, Son of Appolos, Son of Rev. Noah, Son of Samuel. Estelle, b. Oct. 23, 1854. Stanley Hatfield, b. Nov. 10, 1856, Son of Josiah Amsden, Son of Comfort, Son of Jesse, Son of Daniel, Son of Daniel. Horace. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. Ill Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. Son of Barnet Woodbury, Son of Comfort, Son of Jesse, Son of Daniel, Son of Daniel. Ophelia, b. — . She was burned to death at the time the house of her grandfather, Comfort Wetmore, was destroyed by fire, Sept. 1859, aged about 12 years. Son of Dr. Samuel William, Son of Comfort. Son of Jesse, Son of Daniel, Son of Daniel. Willis Ashton, b. Dec. 18, 1859. 16 112 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [3d Descendants op Izrahiah, Son of Izrahiah, Son of Thomas. THIRD GENERATION. Rev. Izrahiah Wetmore, Was the eldest of eight sons of Izrahiah and Rachel (Stow) Whitmore, son of Thomas and Sarah (HaU) Whitmore, b. in Middletown, Ct., June 28 (Jan. 29?), 1693 ; m. Sarah Booth^ of Stratford ; had Prosper, Ra chel, Mary, John Booth and Izrahiah. He studied for the ministry, probably under the Rev. William Russell, the pastor of the church at Mid dletown. He removed to, and was settled over the Presbyterian church at Stratford, about or soon after his majority, where he labored, doing missionary work there in the surrounding country till he was called to his heavenly home, Sept. 14, 1728, in his 36th year. 'Booth, Ebenezeb, Stratfords. of Richard ; m. Elizabeth, dau. of Richard Jones of Haddam ; had 3 sons, Benjamin, Edward, Ebenezer, besides daus. Deborah, Elizabeth, and Abigail, allliv. at his d., and he gave Nathaniel s., of his s. Ebenezer, and d. 1732. Epheaim, Stratford, eldest son of Richard, in his will of Feb. 1683, short, bef. his d., names w. Mary, and minor chiL Richard, Mary, Joanna, Bethia, and cons. Samuel Hawley. Richard, Stratford 1640, m. a sis. of the first Joseph Hawley ; had Elizabeth, b. 12 Sept., 1641; Ann Feb. 14, 1644; Ephraim, Aug., 1648; Ebenezer, Nov. 19, 1651; John, b. Nov., 1653; Joseph, Feb., or 8 March, 1656; Bethia, 18 May, 1658; and Joana, 21 March, 1661; was a select man in 1669, and on Freeman's list the same yr., and after 1673, prob. liv. many years. He testif. that he was 80 years old in 1687. His dau. Eliz. m. 19 Oct. 1658, John Minor. Joseph, Stratford, youngest s. of Richard, in his will of 14 Aug., 1703, pro. Jan. following, names, W. Eliz., d. ; Hannah, s., James, Joseph, Robert, David, and Nathan, but another s., Zachariah, is omit. His est. was good. John Southhold, L. I., 1659, re fused obedience to Conn, jurisdiction. — Savage Gen. Diet., vol. i., p. 2i2. <^en.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 113 Descendants of Rev. Izrahiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. His remains lie interred in the old East burying ground of Middletown ; a stone, with a record of his name, dates of birth and death, mark the spot, says a record before us, dated 1792, made by Judge Wilham Wetmore of Boston. FOURTH GENERATION. Children of Rev. Izrahiah. Prosper, b. May 14, 1722; m. Nov. 18, 1756, Keturah (Katurah?) Cheesborough,^ b. 1734 ; had Nathan, Anna, Izrahiah, Mary, Sarah (Polly ?), James, Eunice. He early removed to Norwich, Ct. In Miss F. M. 2 William (Cheesbrough or borough), Boston, came from Boston, co. Lincoln (in or near wh. prob. he was born about 1594), with w. Ann, 1630, arr. in the fleet with Winth. He had m. 15 Dec, 1620, Ann Steven son, and they had in Eng., Mary, bapt. 2 May, 1622; Martha, 18 Sept., 1623 ; David and Jonathan, twins, 9 Sept. 1624 ; all d. soon ; Samuel, 1 April, 1627 ; Andronicus, 6 Feb. 1629 (wh. d. in two days, as did Junia, a tw. ch. the day bef.) and Nathaniel, 25 Jan., 1630. On this side of the water they were among the earliest mem. of the first ch. of B. Nos. 44 and 5 on the list, he was adm. freem. 18 May 1631, and the same day his house was burn. Ch. in Boston bapt. were John, 2 Sept. or 11 Nov. 1632, as the numerals for mo. aud day are various ; read, wh. d. at Stonington, prob. unm. ; Jabez, 3 May 16.35, d. young; Elisha, 4 June 1637; and at Brain tree b. Joseph, 18 July, 1640 ; and this year he was rep. Soon after he rem. to Rehoboth, where he was active 1643, and in less than seven years, to Pawcatuck, where he was the earliest perm. sett, in that part of New London called Stonington. This brought the Conn. govt, to vindicate their territorial right, and very curious matter may be read about the jurisdiction in Trumbull's Col. Rec, i, 216-17 ; to the result however the judicious mildness of C. led soon, and he was a rep. 1653, 5, 7, and 64, for N. London or Stonington. He d. June 9, 1667, leav. wid. Ann, wh. d. 29 Aug. 1673. His son Joseph, under 12 yrs. old, cut his leg with a scythe, and bled to death. A mother or sister I think may be found for him in the Boston list of mem. of the oh. Sarah C. No. 78, and upon the margin, is mark, early d. Samuel, Stonington, youngest son of the first Nathaniel of same, m. 4 .Tan. 1699, Priscilla Alden, call g. dau. of Mayflower John, but wh. was her f. I see not; had Mary b. 21 Sept. 1702; Priscilla, 6 Nov. 1704; Nathaniel, 19 Aug. 1706, d. young; Amos, 2 Feb. 1709; Hannah, 6 July 1712; Sarah, 14 Aug. 1714, and Prudence, b. 28 Feb. 1722. Six of his chil. lived to be married. William, Stonington, son of Samuel of the same, m. Dec. 13, 1698, for sec. w. Mary dau. of Fergus McDowell, had William, David, Tho mas, Abigail and Mary. — Savage's Gen. Diet., i, 374. 114 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [4th Descendants of Rev. Izrahiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Caulkins's Hist, of Ncrrwich, we find his name recorded as one of the officers of the sixth Ecclesiastical (Chel sea) Society, organized Nov. 29, 1751, and at a later date renting pew No. 17, in the same church, in com pany with Ebenezer Fitch, and in 1765 preferring charges before the council (along with Ephraim Bill, Peter Lanman, and the two Backuses) against their clergyman, the Rev. Mr. Whitaker; "he on his part charging them of violent language and unchristian conduct." The council appears not to have decided the matter. He was for many years, sheriff" of New London co., and as sheriff" took a conspicuous part in the stirring events pertaining to those troublesome times. Dr. Church, a prisoner of the Continental Congress, having been delivered by Gen. Washington into the hands of Gov. Trumbull for safe keeping, the'latter directed him to be confined in the gaol at IS'orwich. He was accordingly conveyed thither and given into custody of Prosper Wet more Esq., sheriff of 'Sew London county. The orders respecting him were strict and minute. Other prisoners of war, occasionally in large bands, were brought hither for confinement. » Respectmg Dr. Church and others, the Council of safety made the foUowing orders : At a meeting July 30, 1776. Present : His Honor the Governor : Eliphalet Dyer Jr, Titus Hosmer, Richd Law, Jed Elderkin. W™ Hillhouse,' Ifathi Wales, Benjamin Huntington Esquires. * * * ' Voted and allowed Prosper Wetmore Esq., sheriff of l^ew London, of the county of ISTew London, the sum of .£12, 2s, lOt^, for his expense and trouble in supporting and guarding twenty-two Continental prisoners, taken by Commodore Hopkins, and transporting them with their baggage to Windham jail, as pr bill. Also voted and ahowed to said Wetmore the sum of £11, 4s, for transporting Dr. Church, by order of congress, from l^Torwich to Boston, and from thence to Watertown, as per bill. Gen.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 115 Descendants of Rev. Izrahiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Also voted and allowed to said Wetmore the sum of £9, 5s, for his trouble and expense with Dr. Churcb while a prisoner in his care, from Nov., 1775, until the 27th of May, 1776, and for his trouble in waiting on Dr. Church, abroad for his health, at sundry times during his impri sonment, as was ordered by Congress, amounting in the whole, to £32, Us, lOd, lawful money, order drawn and delivered, Mr. Wetmore. — 5 American Archives, i, 683. This Dr. Church, was Dr. Benjamin Church, direc tor general of the hospital (Gen. Sullivan's division in camp at Cambridge, Mass.). He was also a member of the General Court from Bostgn. He had been com plained of, for neglect of duty, and suspected of want of fidelity to the cause of independence, when he was detected in secret communication with the enemy. He was expelled from the General Court of Mass., Nov. 4, 1775, and the Continential Congress passed the following resolution : (See Am. Archives.) Philadelphia, ]S"ov. 6, 1775. Resolved, That Dr. Church be closely confined in some secure jail in the colony of Connecticut, without tbe use of pen, ink or paper, and that no person be allowed to converse with him except in the presence or hearing of a magistrate of the town, or the sheriff of the county, where he shall be confined, and in the English language, until further order from this, or a future Congress. By order of Congress. John Hancock, Pres't. Attest. Charles Thompson, Sect'y. And underwritten : Sir : — In consequence of the above resolves, I now trans mit to your care. Dr. Church, under the guard of_ Captain Israel Putnam, a sergent, and seven men. You will please comply in every particular, with the above resolution of Congress. I am, with great respect, Sir, your most humble and obedient servant, George Washington. 116 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [4tli Descendants of Rev. Izrahiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. The above was addressed to the governor and coun cil of safety, then, (Nov. 22, 1775,) sitting at Lebanon, Ct. They " Voted and resolved that the said Dr. Church be committed to, and confined, and kept in the same manner as ordered by said Congress, in the jaU in Norwich, in the county of New London, until further orders from said Congress and this board." — 4 Am. Archives, in. Connecticut CouncU of Safety, Dec. 10, 1776. At a meeting of the Govenor; Eliphalet Dyer, John Huntington, WiUiam WiUiams, WiUiam Hillhouse, 'NatV Wales Jr, Benj. Huntington and Tho' Seymours Esquires. Voted; To give Prosper Wetmore Esq., Sheriff ou Capt. Harding's producing and lodging with him his power of Attorney from the Officers and men on board tbe Brig De fence, in the capture of the Prize ship John, taken by them and brought into New London and condemned, that first deducting the charges and condemnation and all other ex penses, then one-twentieth part of net proceeds of the avails of the ship and cargo, being the Admirals part settled by congress ; then the one-third of the remainder to be by him paid to Captain Harding for bis and Brigs Crew their share in said prize, taking his receipts therefor, and to call upon Capt. BeU for the bill of expenses, and they are all properly collected in order to make settlement. (Order given Dec. 13, 1776.) * * * Directed Prosper Wet more Esqr., to pay Capt. Harding £716, 12s, lOd, of the States money in his hands, which together with £683, 7s, 2d, makes the sum of £1400, contained in the order given above as on this page to Capt. Harding. — Am. Archives. He and his wife were buried at Norwich ; the follow ing is a copy of the inscription on their joint tomb stone, in the old burying ground of that place. Katurah Consort of Prosper Wetmore Esqr., died 13 Eeby 1789, aged 53 M' James, Son of Prosper and Katurah died at Sea Oct 17, 1787, aged 17. Prosper Wetmore Esqr, who for many years was Sheriff of New London County died Oct 15, 1787 in bis 65"' year Gen.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 117 Descendants of Rev. Izrahiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Rachel, b. Oct. 2, 1723 ; d. young. Mart, b. July 15, 1725 ; m. Nathaniel Wales, Esq., of Norwich, Ct. John Booth, b. in Stratford, March 30, 1727 ; d. young. IZRAHIAH, Rev., b. in Stratford Aug. 30, 1729; m. Deo. 30, 1756, Pheobe, dau. of Hon. Robert Walker of Stratford ; had Sarah Salima, Victory, Prosper, Rebecca, Robert Williain, Victory 2d, William Walker, Charles Henry, Tryphenia, Richard Mont gomery, Charles Joseph and Charles Henry 2d ; m. 2d, Annie Ward of Middletown, who d. July 5, 1812, s. p. He graduated at Yale college, 1748. Took the de gree of M. A., at the same institution, 1751. Studied theology and entered the ministry ; was pastor of the Presbyterian church of Stratford and Trumbull 45 years. He preached the election sermon before the Legislature of Connecticut in 1773. A sermon in pamphlet form entitled : "' The Important Duties and Qualifications of Gospel Ministers, considered in a Sermon preached at the Ordination of the Reverend David Lewis Beebee to the Pastoral office over the first Church of Christ, in Woodbridge, February 23, 1791. By Izrahiah Wet more, A. M., Pastor of a Church in Stratford. ' And I will give you pastors according to mine heart ; which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.' — Jeremiah, 3 xv. New Haven, Printed by A. Morse. MDCCXCI." Together with two autograph sermons, by the same, have been kindly placed in our hands for inspection, by Gen. H. B. Carrington of Columbus. We regret that we have not the space to give one or more of them in extenso. The manuscript sermons are written in a a very small clear hand, and seem to be marked with much vigor of thought and terseness of language. They are headed as follows : 118 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [4t Descendants of Rev. Izrahiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. No. 69, The Sin of Tempting God, from a ._^ OS S £ Neither Let us Tempt Christ as some of them also tempted and were destroyed of Serpents. C+-OJ At the end of the manuscript the following appears Composed at Abbington, May 8th [1752] by Izrahiah Wetmore, M. A., In the 23d Year of His Age. No. 55. CD E-i So I gave them up unto their own Hearts' Lust: & they walked in their own Counsels. 00 and has inscribed at the end : Composed at Reading Nov. 25, 1755, by I. Wetmore, A. M, Anno Etatis ** — .24c He was, as were most of the Dissenting ministers of his day, warmly attached to the cause of Independence. This anecdote is related of him : When the news of the surrender of Lord Cornwalhs to Gen. Washington reached Stratford, it was on Sunday, and during the hours of worship. Word was immediately taken to the pulpit, where Parson Wetmore was engaged in delivering his discourse. Drawing himself up to his fullest height, and making known the intelhgence he said: "My friends, the house of God is no place for boisterous demonstrations ; we will therefore, in givmg three cheers, only go through the motions." That the nwtton^ were given with an emphads, the reader wUl readily imagine. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 119 Descendants of Rev. Izrahiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. He died at Trumbull, Aua". 3. 1798, and was buried at Stratford. His wife Pheobe Walker died Sept. 12, 1784. She was of a highly honorable family; her father, the Hon. Robert Walker. Held many important civil and mihtary posts. For many years before, and at the time of his death, he was one of his majesty's council for the Colony of Con necticut ; was one of the judges of the superior court ; colonel of the colonial mlhtia ; aU of which duties he discharged with fidehty and honor. He firmly beheved and consistently practised the precepts of the gospel. He died July 13, 1772, aged 68 years. His wife, Mrs. Rebecca Wahier. died Feb. 28. 1805, se. 89. Robert Walker Jun., brother of Mrs. Pheobe Walker Wetmore, was a man of influence. A record of him says : In private life his deportment was in the highest degi'ee exemplaiy. The urbanity of his manners, the amiability of his disposition, and the benevolence of his character, were pecuharly conspicuous. He was kind, courteous and charitable, ardent in bis friendship, and forgi-^-ing in his resentments. To his strong intellectual powers was added a quick, discerning judgment. He was honored with many important civil offices, the duties of which he dis charged with unswerving fidelity. He was a firm believer in Christianity, and a powerfal advocate of good morals. Gen. Joseph Waixer, also a brother of Mrs. Wet more, was an officer in the army of the Revolution ; was elected captain by the Connecticut assembly in Oct. 1776. Of his subsequent rise to that of general, we are unadvised. He died Aug. 12, 1810, vs. 55. Xote. Samuel Beers m. Feb. 19, 1708, Sarah Wetmore. Shed. Dec. 4, 1781 : issue Lucy, b. Sept. 10. 1760: Sarah Anna, b. June ¦20, 1(62 ; Wil liam Peet, b. April 12, 1766. (Straifonl Town Rec.) We have no connecting link for the above Sarah (Wetmore) Beers. 17 120 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [5th Descendants of Rev. Izri^hiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. FIFTH GENERATION. Children of Prosper. Nathan, b. at Norwich, Ct., Aug. 25, 1757; m. 1783, Elizabeth Bushnell of Lebanon, b. Feb. 5, 1761 ; had Prosper, Augustus, and Ebenezer. He was a man of respectability and influence, hold ing the ofiice of deputy sheriff of the county of New London, Ct., at that time a position of trust and im portance, which he retained till his death, Nov. 5, 1791 ; his widow survived him till July 17, 1849. Anna, b. Jan. 20, 1759 ; d. — . Izrahiah, b. Oct. 21, 1766; m. ; had James, George Wash ington, Ruben Schuyler, Sarah Ann, Ann, Lucy and Izrahiah. Removed to Albany, N. Y., where he died. Mary, b. March 16, 1761. Sarah, b. Sept. 27, 1763. Eunice. James, b. 1770-1 ; d. at sea, Oct. 17, 1787 ; sb. 17 years. Children of Rev. Izrahiah Jun. Sarah Selina, (Selene, Town Rec.) b. in Stratford, Oct. 3, 1757 ; m. Abijah Brooks of S. ; had I Burr; II Sarah; III Major. She d. June 11, 1813 ; se. 56 ; he d. April 4, 1829 ; se. 77. Victory, b. in S. ; d. Nov. 1762, ae. 8 years. His death was caused by falling upon the point of a stick. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 121 Descendants of Rev. Izrahiah, sou of Izraliiah, son of Thomas. Prosper, b. in S. ; m. Catherine McEwen ; had Robert Walker, Mary Ann, and Malcom McEwen. He was an aid-de-camp to General Joseph Walker during the Revolutionary war. At the' time of his first engaging in the service of his country, he was but 14 years of age. After the close of the war, and the country was once more undisturbed, he turned his attention to mercantile pursuits in the city of New York, and became extensively engaged in the China and West India trade, under the firm of Prosper Wet more & Brothers, his younger brothers Victory 2d and Robert Wilham, being partners. In 1817, he took passage on board of one of his own vessels for France. The vessel after leaving the port of New York, was never heard of again. It was sup posed that the ship with all on board were lost in a gale. He died aged 50 years. His wife was of Scotch descent. She died . Rebecca, b. in S., March, 1760; d. Dec. 1, 1760; aged 10 mos. Robert William, b. in S. ; m. Amelia, dau. of Richard Hubbell, Esq., of Bridgeport, Ct. ; had Cornelia Roxanna, Frances Caro line, Prosper Montgomery, and Robert Charles. He was engaged in the China and West India trade with his brothers. Prosper and Victory, in the city of New York, residing himself at Bridgeport, Ct. Died Victory 2d, b. in S. ; m. April 3, 1791, Katherine Matia McEwen ; had Sidney, George McEwen, and William Courtney. He resided in Stratford where he was engaged in the mercantile business for many years. Represented the town in the Connecticut Legislature. He d. March 10, 1817. William Walker, b. in S. March 29, 1769 ; m. Sarah Bogardus, Jan. 10, 1793, who was b. March 28, 1773 ; had Anna Maria Patience, William Chauncey, Emeline Augusta, William 122 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [5th Descendants of Rev. Izrahiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Henry, William Whiting, Maria Louisa, Gustavus George Washington. He died Dec. 2, 1837. Charles Henry, b. in S. ; d. young. Tryphenia, b. in S. ; m. John Strong of Poquonak (Fairfield co.), Ct. She died about 1828, s. p. ; was buried at Bridgeport. Richard Montgomery, b. in S. ; d. young. Charles Joseph, b. in S. 1780 ; d. July 17, 1816 ; aged 36 years. Charles Henry 2d, Dr., b. in S. May 12, 1784; m. June 1, 1814, Eliza, dau. of John Rathbone of New York city, b. in Stoning ton, Ct., Sept. 13, 1791 ; had John Rathbone, Charles Joseph, Ann Eliza, Prosper Montgomery, Juliet Tryphenia, James Manning, Eunice Mary, Eunice Mary 2d, infant dau., Cornelia Roxana, and Emma Maria. He entered Yale CoUege in 1800, and graduated in 1804. In 1805 he commenced the study of medicine with Doct. Henry of Lansingburgh, N. Y. ; at the same time teachiag in the academy at that place, under the charge of the Rev. Samuel Blatchford ; continued his medical studies during the years 1806, 7 and 8 with Dr. Eh Burritt of Troy. Having attended' medical lectures at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of the Univer sity of New York, he obtained from the censors of the Rensselaer County Medical Society, a license to practice physic and surgery. After practicing his profession some months in Troy, he removed to Waterford (1810) where he was early admitted to the confidence of lead ing famihes, and received the warm support of many friends. During the war of 1812 he was commissioned by Gov. Tompkins surgeon of the 144th regiment of New York infantry. He was however only a short time in active service, peace having been declared soon after the regiment had been ordered into the field Gen.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 123 Descendants of Rev. Izrahiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. In 1816 he removed to the city of New York, where he at once formed new acquaintances and friends, and was soon established in a lucrative practice. His father-in-law having extensi^¦e landed interests in central Ohio, he was induced to remove there in November, 1819. He settled on a mihtary tract, near the town of Worthington, where he immediately com menced the practice of his profession, combinmg with it agricultural pursuits, and soon became widely known as a skilful and successful physician; and was often called to distant parts of the country, to hold consulta^- tion with his professional brethren. After an arduous and laborious practice of more than a quarter of a cen- tur}- in that vicinity, his infirm health compeUed him to withdraw from the active discharge of professional duties. Dr. Wetmore's genial, humorous, and hospitable nature, always made his residence at Locust Grove, a favorite resort of the educated and refined. He has the family characteristic of love of kindred, particu larly for those of his own name, in a marked degree. To him are the Wetmores much indebted for genealo gical records of an early date : in 1818 to 1820 he had extensive correspondence with members of the family of that day ; which enabled him to compile a chart, which has since been often referred to by those desiring to be informed of the genealogy of the famil}'. We have had recourse to the same since we have been en gaged in our present undertaking. He resides at Co lumbus. 0. Mrs. Eliza, wife of Dr. Wetmore, died at Columbus, Feb. 24, 1853. She was loved and revered by all who knew her. She animated her family circle by her cheerful and affectionate disposition, which she adorned by an unaffected piety. Her conversation was inteUigent and instructive, and her hfe was go verned by strict religious principle. She was the idols 124 WETMORE MEMORIAL. C5th Descendants of Rev. Izrahiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. of her household, and the sweet remembrance of her many virtues will be fondly cherished when she has long slept with her ancestors. Her father, the late John Rathbone, of New York, was a man of indefatigable energy and perseverance. The distinguishing traits of his character were sound judgment, prudence, firmness, and unswerving integrity. He died in the city of New York, March 14, 1843 ; at the advanced age of 91 years ; having amassed an am ple fortune. His son John Rathbone Jun. inherited his father's distinguishing qualities, and also became widely known as a successful merchant and financier. He was deeply interested in the inauguration of the canal movement in Ohio, and in connection with Elea^ zer Lord Esq., of New York, took the entire amount of the first Ohio canal loan, in 1825, of $400,000, and subsequently made a loan in connection with John Jacob Astor Sen., to the same state. He died at New York in 1842. SIXTH GENERATION. Children of Nathan. Son of Prosper. Prosper, b. in Norwich, Ct., Nov. 15, 1784 ; m. Apame Hinckley, Dec. 17, 1817 ; had Martha Elliot and Harriet Hinckley. He resided at Lebanon, Ct., where he was exten sively engaged in farming, manufacturing of leather, &c., and was a much respected citizen. He died April 24, 1826. She died . Augustus, b. in Norwich, Ct., Nov. 6, 1786; m. Feb. 26, 1816, Emily T. Hinckley ; had William Augustus, Charles Hinckley, Edwin Dutton, Edwin Dutton 2d; she d. April 3, 1825; and Gen..] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 125 Descendants of Rev. Izrahiah, sou of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. he m. her sister Sarah Hinckley, Nov. 27, 1825; had Emily Cornelia, Catherine, Sarah Jane, and William Augustus 2d. He resides at Lebanon. During his early life he was engaged in business with his brother Prosper, and step-father Capt. Amasa Dutton, who had served honorably in the Revolution. A correspondent speaks thus of him : Mr. Wetmore removed with his father to Lebanon in 1791, where he bas ever since resided, save a few years spent at Millington, during his youth. By reason of age and its incident infirmities, though comparatively few have fallen upon him, he no longer confines himself to business. His three score years and ten, with their abun dant cares and toils, are more than past, and it surely is befitting that the remainder be spent at ease in the bosom of his family. He united with Congregational (orthodox) Church at 22 years of age. In pilblic life he has been little seen, all his tastes leading another way. But in private he is well known as a man of umimpeachable integrity, strict honesty, warm friendship, unwavering fidelity, the purest life and sincerest piety. His tastes are simple and manners un affected, and without ostentation. Though his eflbrts have not been crowned witb affluence, at the call of the poor and needy his benevolence finds no excuse in that for witholding from his means. In person, Mr. Wetmore is about five teet six inches, in height, his frame well knit and muscular, inchning of late years somewhat to corpu lence. Of his father's children, he only remains a connecting link between the past and present. D. H. Ebenezer, b. Dec. 28, 1789 ; d. at Lebanon, June, 1790, Children of Izrahiah, Son of Prosper. James.Ruben Schuyler. 126 WETMORE MEMORIAL. .[6t Descendants of Rev. Izrahiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Ann, d. young. Izrahiah.George Washington. Sarah Ann, d. young. Lucy, d. young. Children of Prosper. Son of Rev. Izrahiah 2d, Son of Robert Walker, d. young. Malcom McEwen, d. unm. Mary Ann, b. in New York, July 18, 1794 ; m. March 23, 1831. Alden Spooner^ Esq., of Brooklyn, N. Y., b. Jan. 23, 1783 ; had Catherine McEwen Douglass, b. July 15, 1835. Mr. Spooner was a native of New London, Ct. ; was editor of the Suffolk Gazette, pubhshed at Sag Harbor, L. I., from 1804 to 1811, and of the Long Island Star, Brooklyn, which he conducted from 1811 till his death. He was for many years alderman of the city of Brook lyn. Mr. Spooner was an ardent admirer and personal friend of De Witt Chnton. It is said that Gov. C. once I Spooner Genealogy. 1. William Spooner, in Plymouth, 1637, rem. to Dartmouth, d. 1684 1st TV. Elizabeth Partridge. She d. 28 April, 1648. Their only child, it IS helieved 2. John. 2 — ? d. — ? Dartmouth, was one of the proprietors of D., whom he m. not known. His first child was 11. John b. 2 July, 1668; d., will probated 1728. Is mentioned in the confiifmatory deed of Bradford, a§ one of the proprietors of Dartmouth. He m. 20 June, 1705, Rose Hammond of Rochester, who d 1727 Their fifth child was 49. Thomas b. July 16, 1718. He m. 10 June, 1742, Rebecca, dau. of Judah io« ¦"? A P ^^ rJ ^^^^°,f-' 5- ^""^ ^2, 1718, d. Jan. 1812. Children, -198. Judah P., b. 5 Nov 1748; d. Feb., 1807. He m. 10 Sept. 1770, De borah Douglass of New London, Ct., b. Oct. 18, 1753. Their sixth child was 896. Alden, b. 23 Jan. 1783 ; d. 24 Nov. 1848. He m. 1st, 24 Feb. 1807, Sag Harbor N Y Rebecca, dau. of Johu and Margeret Jermain. Sh^ t 9d ^Vm' \' t.\^ « ^'"'i' ^^2*- ^^'^y ^'''^ «1«^«" cliiWren. He Ewen) WeWe'. Ifd ' ''^^^^'^"' '^"- °^ ^"^P^ ^^ «=^'l^-- (M- ««n.J WETMORE MEMORI.VL. 127 Descendants of Rev. Izrahiah, son of Izrahiah, sou of Thomas. remarked of him : " Mr. Spooner has been my most devoted and disinterested friend ; he has never asked an office for himself or friends, and would not accept one." He died March 24, 1848. Children of Robert William, Son of Rev. Izrahiah 2d. Cornelia Roxana. b. ^; m. Tredwell; had I George; 11 Benja min; in Alfred. Frances Caroline, b. — ; d. unm. Prosper Montgomery, Gen., b. on that part of the town of Strat ford, on which now stands the city of Bridgeport, Feb. 14, 1798; m. Lucy Ann, dau. of Francis Ogsbury, Esq., of New York city ; had 12 child. : 9 daus. and 3 sons, of whom 3 daus. are married and living, and 3 daus. and 1 son deceased, He resides in the city of New York, where he hag been distinguished for many years, in pohtical, lite rary, benevolent and commercial circles. In 1834 and 5, he represented the city in the state Legislature. Having a great partiality for the mihtary service, entered the state artillery, a volunteer corps, and was commissioned in 1819. Li 1825, he organized and estabhshed, the 7th regiment of National Guards, was its first colonel commandant, which regiment has become famous in mihtary circles;^ was subsequently appointed pay master general of the state militia, which office he held till 1841. In 1834, was elected hy the Legislature one of the Regents of the University of the State of New York, a body having charge of the higher interests of education. This office he still holds, giving it his active attention. Has filled for several 2 This is the same 7th New York Regiment, now (April 26, 1861), at our national capital, under command of Col. Marshall Lefferets, standing ready to defend it, by their strong and well disciplined arm, from the ruth less hands of ret>els and traitors. All Honoe to the Seventh Regiment of New Tobk. 18 128 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Rev. Izrahiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. years the office of vice-president and secretary to the Chamber of Commerce of New York, and several other offices connected with the objects of commerce, htera^ ture and social organization in the city of New York. Mr. Wetmore was one of the founders of the American Art Union, and for three years its president. Under his management the largest amount of subscriptions, in the aid of the cause of art, was obtained and aj)plied to that object, which has ever been accomplished, by any similar institution, either in this country or in Europe. For fifteen years, he devoted his best energies to the management of the New York Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, of which he was for many years, the senior vice-president. For the following notice of Gen. Wetmore, we are indebted to the Cyclopedia of American Literature, Scribner, N. Y., 1856, ii, 279, At an early age he removed with his parents to E'ew York. His father dying soon after, he was placed, when scarcely nine years of age, in a counting room, where he continued a clerk till he reached his majority. He has since that period been engaged in mercantde business in the city of JSTew York. With scant early opportunity for literary culture, Mr. Wetmore was not long in improving a natural tendency to the pursuits of authorship. He made his first appearance in print in 1816, at the age of seventeen, and soon became an important aid to strug gling literature, and it may be added, writers of the times. He wrote for the magazines, the annuals, and the old Mirror , and as literature at that period was kept up rather as a social affkir than from any reward promised by the trade, it became naturally associated with a taste for the green-room and tbe patronage of the theatricals of the day. Mr. Wetmore was the companion of Price, Simpson, Brooks, Morris, and other members of a society which supported the wit and gaiety of the town Gen.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 129 Descendants of Rev. Izrahiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. In 1880, Mr. Wetmore published, -in an elegant octavo volume, Lexington, iciih other Fugitive Poems. This is the only collection of his writings which has been made. Lex ington, a picture, in an ode, of the early revolutionary bat tle, is a spirited poem. It has fire, and ease of versifica tion. The Banner of Murat, The Russian Retreat, Greece, Painting, and several theatrical addresses possessing simi lar qualities, are among tbe contents of tbe volume. In 1832, Mr. Wetmore delivered a poem, in Spenserian stanza, ou Ambition, before one of the literary societies of Hamilton College, Xew York, which has not been printed. In 1838, he edited a volume of the poems of James iN^ack, prefaced with a brief notice of the life of that re markable person. Mr. Wetmore, however, has been more generally known as a man of literary influence in society than as an author. He has been prominently connected with most of the libe ral interests of the city, both utilitarian and refined ; as a member of tbe Regents of the University, to which body he was appointed in 1833, promoting the public scbool sys tem; as chairman of the committee on colleges and acade mies in the state Legislature, to which he was selected in 1834 and 1835 ; as a member of the citj' Chamber of Com merce ; as an efiicient director of the Institution for the Deaf and Dumb ; as president of tbe American Art Union, which rapidly extended under his management to a na tional institution ; and as a most active member and sup porter of the New York Historical Society. These varied pursuits, the public indexes to more numerous private acts of liberality, have been sustained by a graceful per sonal manner, a sanguine temperament which preserves the freshness of youth, and a wide versatility of talent. The mihtary title of General Wetmore, by wbich he is widely known, is derived from his long and honorable ser vice in the militia organization of the state, of which he was for many years paymaster general. Painting. Peopling witli art's creative power, The lonely home, the silent hour. 'Tis to the pencil's magic skill. Life owes the power, almost divine. 130 WETMORE MEMORIAL. C6th Descendants of Rev. Izrahiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. To call back, vanished forms at will. And bid the grave its prey resign : Affection's eye again may trace , The lineaments beloved so well ; The speaking look, the form of grace, All on the living canvas dwell : 'Tis there the childless inother pays Her sorrowing soul's idolatry ; Their love can find in after days, A talisman to memory ! 'Tis thine, o'er history's storied page. To shed the halo light of truth ; And bid the scenes of by-gone age Still flourish in immortal youth — The long forgotten battle-field, With mailed men to people forth ; In bannered pride, with spear and shield, To show the mighty ones of earth^^ To shadow, from the holy book. The images of sacred lore ; On Calvary, the dying look That told that life's agony was o'er— The joyous hearts and glistening eyes. When little ones were suffered near, The lips that bade the dead arise. To dry the widowed mother's tear : These are the triumphs of the art. Conceptions of the master mind ; Time-shrouded forms to being start. And wondering rapture fills mankind ! Led by the light of Genius on, What visions open to the gaze ! 'Tis nature all, and art is gone. We breathe with them of other days : Italia's victor leads the war, And triumphs o'er the ensanguined plain : Behold ! the Peasant Conquerer Piling Marengo with his slain : That sun of glory beats once more. But clouds have dimmed its radiant hue. The splendor of its race is o'er. It sets in blood on Waterloo ! What scene of thrilling awe is here ! No look of joy, no eye of mirth ; Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 131 Descendants of Rev. Izrahiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Tliomas. With steeled hearts and brows austere. Their deeds proclaim a nation's birth ; Fame here inscribes for future age, A proud memorial of the free ; And stamps upon the deathless page. The noblest theme of history ! We take the following beautiful stanzas, written by Mr. Wetmore, from a work recently edited by the Rev. Charles W. Everest, entitled The Poets of Gon- necticut, S. A. Rollo, New York. Twelve Years Have Flown. Twelve years have flown, since last I saw My birth-place, and my home of youth, How oft its scenes would memory draw Her tints, the pencilings of truth ! Unto that spot I come once more. The dearest life hath ever known, And still it wears the look it wore. Although twelve weary years have flown. Twelve years have flown ! those words are brief, Yet in their sound what fancies dwell ! The hours of bliss, the days of grief, The joys and woes remembered well; The hopes that filled the youthful breast, Alas, how many a one o'erthrown ! Deep thoughts, that long have been at rest. Wake at the words, twelve years have gone. The past, the past ! a saddening thought, A withering spell is in the sound ! It comes with memories deeply fraught Of youthful pleasure's giddy round ! Of forms that roved life's sunniest bowers, The cherished few forever gone. Of dreams that filled life's morning hours; Where are they now ? twelve years have flown ! A brief but eloquent reply ! Where are youth's hopes, life's morning dream ? Seek for the flowers that floated by Upon the rushing mountain-stream ! 132 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Rev. Izrahiah, son of Izrahiah, sou of Thomas. Yet gems beneath that wave may sleep, Till after years shall make them known ; Thus golden thoughts the heart will keep, That perish not, though years have flown. Robert Charles, Col., b. in the town of Fairfield, village of Pe- quonnock, near Bridgeport, Ct. ; m. June 1830, Adaline dau. of Seth Geer Esq., of the city of New York; had Charles Frederick, Florence Adele, and Victorine Upsher. At an early age he was taken by his parents to the city of New York, where he was prepared for a mer cantile life, and when quite a youth was placed in the house of the late Robert Christie, with whom he con tinued, save a short interval, till he estabhshed himself in 1830, in the wholesale and importing business. The house, of which he was the founder, became extensively as well as favorably known throughout the country. At an early period of his life he attached himself to the military of New York; passing through the vari ous grades of a commissioned officer, to that of colonel in the staff of Gen. Sanford, where he still remains in active duty. He has always taken a lively interest in the political questions of the day. He was conspicuous among the opposition in the city of New York to President Jack son's administration, and in forming the old Whig party out of the then opposition elements; and for many years occupied the honorable as well as responsi ble position of chairman of the Young Men's Whig Central Committee of that city. On Gen. Harrison taking the presidential chair in 1841, he was appointed navy agent for the port of New York, which office he held for some years with credit to himself and service to the navy department. During Mr. Wetmore's pubhc hfe in New York, he has been esteemed liberal in his principles ; popular in his manners, and affable in his address ; estimable for his private worth, and respected for his virtues, his pubhc spirit, and unimpeachable integrity. He has Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 133 Descendants of Rev. Izrahi.ah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. now retired from an active business life, and has sought quiet in his native town. The late Mr. Geer, the father of Mrs. W., was for many years a prominent architect, and public spirited man in the city of New York. It Avas he who built, at his own risk, those famous marble palaces in La fayette place, opposite the Astor Library. At the time they were constructed, we remember they were consi dered the wonder of New York. Children of Yictory, Son of Rev. Izrahiah. Sidney, b. in Stratford, July 5, 1792 ; m. ; had Mary, Cathe rine, Virginia. George McEwen, b. in S. July 14, 1794 ; m. ; had Mary, Robert Henry, and Grace Noble. William Courtney, b. in S. Oct. 12, 1796 ; m. Elizabeth Love joy ; had Sarah, Elizabeth, Benjamin Clark, John McEwen, George William, Victory Ezekiel. He graduated at Yale College 1815. Is an attorney and counsellor at law in the city of New York. Children of William Walker, Son of Rev. Izrahiah. Anna Maria Patience, b. Oct. 26, 1795 ; m. Richard Dunn of New York, 1828 ; he died 1840 ; leaving I Mary Wetmore, b. Dec. 3, 1830; m. David W. Miller of Greenville, N. Y., 1850 ; had Edward, b. Oct. 30, 1852 : II Anna Wetmore,h. June 3, 1832; m. Franklin Curtiss of N. Y., 1852 : III John Wet more, b. March 24, 1833 ; m. Mary Morris of Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1858 : IV Rose Wetmore, b. Sept. 14, 1838 ; m. Thomas J. Jones, U. S. navy, of Greenville, N. Y., 1858; had Anna Maria, b. Sept. 19, 1859. 134 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Rev. Izrahiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. William Chauncey, Commander, b. Dec. 20, (21 ?) 1798 ; m. Susan Matilda, dau. of James Orem, of New York ; had William and Francis Gregory. He entered the navy as acting midshipman when hi his fourteenth year, June 1, 1812, receiving his first- order from Com. William Chauncey (after whom he was named), to repair on board the frigate Essex ; and was appointed a midshipman on the 14th of the same month. He sailed on the 3d of July on a cruise from New York harbor in the Essex, Capt. Porter com manding. The Essex meeting the British sloop of war Alert, Capt. Langhome, an action ensued, and in a few minutes the Alert surrendered. She was the first ship of war taken by the Americans, and her fiag the first British fiag sent to the seat of government in the late war. Mid. Wetmore was put on board the prize, Aug. 10, 1812.^ Sept. 10, 1812, he received from Com. Chauncey, a midshipman's commission, and went on board the U. S. schooner Hamilton at Sachets Harbor, first of the following month. Nov. 8, Commodore C. with his squadron, consisting of 7 small vessels, sailed out of Sachets Harbor. In a few hours after sailing, the British man of war, the Royal George, was dis covered, and chase was given. The next moming, the_ Royal George ran mto Kingston harbor, Chauncey's flotilla pursuing her, an engagement took place be tween the ship, 5 shore batteries, and the American squadron. As the British proved much stronger than was anticipated, Chauncey had to haul off. From this time to the close of the season, the sqadron was mostly employed m cruising in the vicinity of Kingston. The winter of 1812-13, Com. C. and those under his com mand were busily engaged in building and fittmg out armed vessels, to be ready on the openmg of naviga tion. April 13, 1813, the lakes were considered safe, ., If ^'¦/''/r of orders, transfers together with names of vessels, we are in- dehted to the navy department, for a tahular record furuished us. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 135 Descendants of Rev. Izrahiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. and the squadron, now consisting of 13 sail, went out with a detachment of 1700 soldiers under Gen. Pike. Chauncey's broad pennant was borne by the Madison, a sloop of war of 24 guns. Upon this vessel yoimg Wetmore had been ordered 12th Feb. previous. The squadron arrived off York (now Toronto) , the capital of Upper Canada, on the same day of sailing ; in two hours the troops were landed without material loss, and immediately advanced to the assault, while the squadron engaged the batteries. The place was soon taken, not, however, without a considerable loss to the Americans. Gen. Pike was killed by an explosion. The squadron also suffered. The place remained in the possession of the Americans, till the first of the next month. The squadron again cooperated with the land forces, in the capture of Fort George, May 27. This caused the British to evacuate the whole Niaga ra frontier. During the entire summer, the squadron was engaged in watching the enemy ; Sept. 7, they were discovered some six miles distant, and chase was given, and on the 11th, a partial engagement took place. The superior sailing quahties of the British vessels, enabled them to escape. Commodore C. removing his broad pennant from the Madison to the Gen. Pike, young Wetmore was transferred to the latter vessel. On the 27th of Sept., Com. C. brought on an action. The Pike was manoeuvred on that occasion with much skill, and his officers and men fought with great cour age and perseverance, so much so, that it has ever since been a theme of admiration in the navy. The combat was closed by the English taking refuge in Burhngton bay, under cover of guns on shore. On the 5th of October, the squadron captured five of the enemy's transports, which had on board a foreign regiment, consisting of 264 officers and men; soon after, the navigation closed. On the 9th of May, 1814, Midshipman Wetmore 19 136 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Rev. Izrahiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. was detached from the lake service, where he had served some twenty months, with credit and honor to him- seU", and benefit to his country. On the 16th of May, 1815, he sailed from New York in the U. S. brig Fire Fly, on a crmse to the Mediterranean. The vessel returned on the 6th of the following month, in distress, to the port from whence On the 1st of December, the same year, he sailed fi:om Portsmouth, N. H., in the U. S. ship Washington 86 guns, on a cruise to the Mediterranean. On the 5th of Jan., 1817, he was at Port Mahon, where he was transferred to the U. S. ship Erie, 20 guns, return ing to New York in the Washington July 17, 1818, having been absent, and in constant service, near upon 32 months. In 1820, he was passed for promo tion. Jan. 18, 1821, he sailed m the Ontario, 20 guns, on a cruise to the West Indies, and Mediter ranean, returning to Boston in the Columbus, 90 guns, the 22d of July, same year. Jan. 13, 1825, he was made heutenant, and the 1st of May followmg, he sailed from Norfolk, Va., in the John Adams, 24 guns, on a cruise to the West Indies, where he continued (serving on board the brigs Leader and Shark,) till March 26, 1826, when he returned to New York, tn command of the brig Leader. Feb. 1st, 1829, he sail ed from Norfolk on the frigate Guerriere, 44 guns, for the Pacific ocean, where he remained, cruising on that vessel and the schooner Dolphin, two years and eleven months. Oct. 1st, 1833, he sailed from New York for the West Indies, in the U. S. sloop of war St. Louis, where he remained seven months. From 1836 to 1841, he served at the New York station. Was commissioned a commander, Sept. 8, 1841 ; from that time to the date of his death, he was attached to the North Carolina (74), at the New York navy yard. Commander Wetmore died at his residence on Ber- Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 137 Descendants of Rev. Izrahiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. gen Hill, New Jersey, Aug. 8, 1846. " The services of this gentleman," writes one noticing his demise, " have been very strongly marked by personal bravery. He was a strict disciphnarian ; one of the best naviga^ tors of his grade in the service ; he was the possessor of all that constitutes an accomphshed officer." The following, detailing an account of Mr. W's fu neral, is from one of the New York daily papers : The funeral of Commander Wetmore, who died on Sat urday morning last, at Bergen Hill, New Jersey, was at tended on Sunday afternoon by a large concourse of citizens, and by the officers attached to the navy yard and receiving ship, and a party of sailors, Capt. English and Lieut. Dougherty of the marine corps, were also present. The ceremonies at tbe bouse were performed by the Rev. Mr. Taylor of the Reformed Dutch Church, after which the procession moved ofl" with solemn music of the band from the iN'orth Carolina. The officers of the navy present in uniform, acted as pall bearers. Among them were Capt. Stringham, Commanders Sands and Hudson, Lieuts. Gor don and Moore, and Dr. Bates, and tbe marine officers mentioned. The services at the grave were performed by the Rev. Mr. Stockbridge, amid a shght sprinkling of rain, and occasional peals of heavy thunder, more solemn and impressive than earth's artillery. The large concourse of people was dispersed, immediately after the conclusion of the funeral solemnities, by a heavy rain, which set in and continued for an hour or two. It is a remarkable fact, tbat the day Capt. W. was taken ill, his favorite dog fell sick, and was found the next day in a ditch, dead. When informed that the dog was missing, he remarked, he was only gone a little before his master ; a presentiment which helped to render his disease more unmanageable.Emeline Augusta, b. June 20, 1800; unm. William Henry, b. Dec. 7, 1803; d. Aug., 1805. William Whiting, b. Oct. 7, 1806 ; m. Eleanor Beebee, Nov., 1827 ; had Sarah Bogardus, Ellen, Rebecca, William Walker. 138 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [Sth Descendants of Rev. Izrahiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Mary Louisa, b. April 21, 1809 ; m. Josiah H. Reave, July, 1838, s.p. Gustavus George Washington, b. Oct. 9, 1811; d. Oct. 16, 1838. Children of Dr. Charles Henry, Son of Rev. Izrahiah. John Rathbone, Dr., b. in Waterford, N. Y., April 29, 1815; m. Samantha R. Hesket. He removed with his parents to Ohio, in 1819 ; commenced the study of medicine with his father, in 1834 ; graduated at Jefferson Medical College, Philar delphia, 1843 ; he died ; a sincere believer in the Christian faith. Charles Joseph, b. in Waterford, N. Y. ; m. Pheobe Ann Weaver of Worthington, Ohio, July 16, 1844; had Clara Cornelia, Charles Henry, Mary Florence, Eliza Rathbone. Resides in Columbus, Ohio. Ann Eliza, b. at Locust Grove, Worthington, 0., June 12, 1819; m. Dr. J. Robinson, March 15, 1854. Immediately after her marriage, she removed with her husband to Oregon, Missouri, where she died the 27th of May foUowing. An obituary notice in the Ohi^ State Jcmrnal, says : She was always ready to minister to others in sickness and sorrow, and who had so many dear friends should be called to die and make her grave among strangers. * * Mild, gentle, prudent, generous, and just, the mantle of Christian lovehness so meekly worn by her sainted mother, whose hfe was also a beautiful example of Christian faith and love feh gently on her shoulders, and meekly and lov ingly did she wear it. The loss of that mother was a sad blow to her sensitive heart. It was the means, through grace, of turning her attention more decidedly to things beyond this hfe. Like her mother, trusting not in uncer- Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 139 Descendants of Rev. Izrahiali, son of Izrahiah, son of Tliomas. tain riches, but in the living God, she was rich iu faith and good works, "ready to distribute, willing to communicate, laying up in store for herself a good foundation. against the time to come." Within a few months the church of her love has administered to her the offices of baptism, con firmation, communion, marriage, and burial ; and in the fellowship of that church she has gone, we trust, to para dise, to wait " her perfect consummation and bliss, when the bodies of those who sleep in Christ shall be raised, and made like unto his own glorious body, according to his mighty working, whereby he is able to subdue all things unto himself." Prosper Montgomery, b. at Locust Grove, W., April 25, 1821. Resides Columbus, 0., unm. Juliet Tryphenia, b. at Locust Grove, W., Jan. 19, 1823 ; m. George B. Smith of Deleware, 0., May 13, 1845; had I Emma Mary, b. July 28, 1846; II Dudley Wetmore, b. Dec. 10, 1849; IH Juliet Eliza, b. — ; d. in infancy. Mrs. Smith died Aug. 31, 1854. James Manning, b. at Locust Grove, W., May 13, 1825; m. Lor inda Harris of Worthington ; had Frank Herbert, Albert Pros per, Everett Maurice. Resides upon a part of the Locust Grove farm near Worthington. Eunice Mary, b. at Locust Grove, W., June 11, 1827 ; d. Aug. 12, 1827. Eunice Mary 2d, b. at Locust Grove, W., July 21, 1828. Infant Son, b. at Locust Grove, W., Sept. 27, 1830; d. same day. Cornelia Roxana, b. at Locust Grove, W., Dec. 1, 1831 ; m. Dr. James Rigby Lotspeich, March 14, I860 ; had Charles Henry, b. Jan. 25, 1861. Resides at West Jefferson, Ohio. Emma Maria, b. at Locust Grove, W., June 19, 1834; m. Dr. Nel son S. Darling of Columbus, 0., June 5, 1855; had I Howard Wetmore, b. Feb. 28, 1856 ; II Eliza, b. Dec. 1, 1857 ; III Grace, b. Aug. 19, 1860. 140 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Rev. Izrahiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Dr. D. removed to London, Madison co., 0., where he practiced medicine till the fall of 1860, when he re moved to La Porte, Ind., to establish himself in agricultural pursuits in connection with his profession. SEVENTH GENERATION. Children of Prosper, Son of Nathan, Son bf Prosper. Martha Elliot, b. Feb. 20, 1822 ; m. March, 1853, Henry Pal mer ; had I Lydia Louisa, b. Sept. 16, 1854 ; d. Oct. 27, 1857 ; II Willard Henry, b. Feb. 12, 1859. Harriet Hinckley, b. Feb. 21, 1824 ; m. Nov. 28, 1844, Thomas F. Rodgers ; had I Ellen Lathrop, b. Sept. 8, 1845 ; d. April 16, 1847 ; II Daniel Huntington, b. Nov. 30, 1847 ; III Ella. Augstine, b. June 4, 1852; IV Katie Eliot, b. Nov. 1, 1854. Resides in Lebanon, Ct. Childreu of Augustus, Son of Nathan, Son of Prosper. William Augustus, b. April 5, 1818 ; d. July 7, 1831. Charles Hinckley, Dr., b. Feb. 8, 1820 ; m. Sept. 25, 1848, Lucy S. Taylor; had Charles, Fannie, Kate Willis, Lucy Taylor. He studied medicine and graduated at Pittsfield, Mass. Medical College, and became a practitioner at Lebanon, Ct. Soon after his marriage (Oct. 14, 1848), he, with his wife, sailed fbr Hilo, Sandwich Islands, as missionaries, where they now reside. Edwin Dutton, b. Dec. 6, 1821; d. Sept. 19, 1823. Edwin Dutton 2d, b. Sept. 19, 1823. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 141 Descendants of Rov. Izrahiah, son of Izrahiah, sou of Thomas. Emily Cornelia, b. Jan. 4, 1827. Catherine, b. April 14, 1831; m. May 24, 1853, William R. Gay; had I Emma Francis, b. March 7, 1857 ; II Mary Real, b. Nov. 15, 1858. Resides Lebanon, Ct, Sarah Jane, b. in Hebron, Dec. 25, 1834, She just on '' entering upon a womanhood of pro mise faded and passed away, sincerely lamented and affectionately remembered." She died Jan. 1, 1860. William Augustus 2d, b. in Hebron, May 6, 1838 ; m. June 27, 1858, Abbie F. Peckham ; had George Perry. Children of Gen. Prosper Montgomery, Son of Robert William, Son of Rev. Izrahiah. A Dau., b. — ; d. unm. A Dau., b. — ; m. . A Dau., b. — ; m. . A Son, b. — ; d. unm. A Dau. A Dau. A Dau. A Dau. A Dau. A Son. A Son. A Dau. Children of Col. Robert Charles, Son of Robert William, Son of Rev. Izrahiah Jun. Charles Frederick, b. — ; m. , dau. of Daniel Holsman, of New York ; had Kitty Holsman. He res. in New York. 142 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [7t Descendants of Rev. Izrahiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Florence Adele. Victorine Upshur. Children of Sidney, Son of Victory, Son of Rev. Izrahiah Jun. Mary. Catherine. Virginia. Children of George McEwen, Son of Victory, Son of Rev. Izrahiah Jun. Mary. Robert Henry- Grace Noble. ChildreD of William Courtnav. Sarah. Elizabeth. Benjamin Clark. John McEwen. George William. Victory Ezekiel. Children of Commander William Chauncey, Son of William Walker, Son of Rev. Izrahiah. Wtliaxu, b, March 21, 1823 ; m. Sarah McCool of New York ¦ had busan. ' He died July 2, 1855. Francis Gregory, b^ Dec. 2.3 1824 ; m. Julia Emily, dau, of John Tonnele of New Jersey; had Francis Sales, Fanny. Resides Jersey City, office 117 Wall street., N. Y. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 143 Descendants of Rev. Izrahiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Children of William Whiting, Son of Widiam Walker, Son of Rev. Izrahiah. Sarah Bogardus, b. Aug. 16, 1828 ; m. Sylvester Symonds of Connecticut; had 1 Blanche, b. July 19, 1852; II Ellen, b. April 2, 1854; III Sylvester R., b. Oct. 8, 1857; IV Welling ton, h. May 5, 1860. - Ellen, b. July 19, 1834 ; m. John I. Riddell; had Lucia, b. Dec., 1859. Rebecca, b. June 16, 1836; m. W. Riddell; had I Julie, b. Feb. 13, 1854; II Isadore, b. Nov. 25, 1856. William Walker, b, Feb. 9, 1839. Children of Charles Joseph, Son of Dr. Charles Henry, Son of Rev. Izrahiah. Clara Cornelia. Charles Henry. Mary Florence. Eliza Rathbone. Children of Jambs Manning, Son of Dr. Charles Henry, Son of Rev. Izrahiah. Frank Herbert, b. at Locust Grove, Worthington, June 23, 1857. Albert Prosper, b. at Locust Grove, W., Nov. 20, 1858, Everett Maurice, b, at Locust Grove, W., Sept, 27, 1859, 20 144 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [8t] Descendants of Rev. Izrahiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. EIGHTH GENERATION, Children of Dr. Charles Hinckley, Son of Augustus, Son of Nathan, Son of Prosper. Charles, b. in the Sandwich Islands, March 3, 1853. Fannie, b. in the S. I., July 24, 1855. Kate Willis, b. in the S. I., Jan. 24, 1859. Lucy Taylor, b. in the S. I., Nov. 9, 1860. Son of William Augustus, Son of Augustus, Son of Nathan, Son of Prosper. George Perry, b. March 30, 1860. Daughter of Charles Frederick, Son of Col. Robert Charles, Son of Robert William, Son of Rev. Izrahiah, Kitty Holsman. Son of Robert Henry, Son of George McEwen, Son of Victory, Son of Rev. Izrahiah. Victory, b. 1850, Daughter of William, Son of Com. William Chauncey, Son of William Walker, Son of Izrahiah. Susan, b. May, 1847, Children of Francis Gregory, Son of Com. William Chauncey, Son of William Walker, Son of Rev. Izrahiah. Francis Salls, b. March 7, 1858. Fanny, b. in Jersey city, Aug. 7, 1859. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 145 Eev. James, Son of Izrahiah, Son of Thomas, AND HIS Descendants. THIRD GENERATION. The Rev. James Wetmore, A. M. Was the third son of Izrahiah and Rachel (Stow) Whitmore, son of Thomas and Sarah (Hall) Whit more, bom in Middletown, December 31, 1695 (o. s). He was a man of talents and of very marked religious principles ; what he esteemed to be his duty that he did. From him has sprung the most numerous branch of the Wetmore family, and one that has furnished many members of intellectual ability, elevated character and high toned morahty, and we feel assured that we shall be excused by our readers, if we give him and his descendants more than usual space in these pages. Mr. Wetmore received his first academical instruction at the Saybrook Academy,-^ from which he entered Yale College, where he took the degree of A. B. in Sept., 1714, and that of Master of Arts in Sept., 1717. After graduating, his attention was turned towards the ministry ; from whom he received his ministerial instruction, we are unable to say. As there were no theological institutions at that early day, students of divinity had to pursue their studies with the various clergymen of the country. At the time he graduated and for some time subsequently, the Rev. William, 1 At the commencement of the Saybrook Gymnasium, in Sept., 1716, a majority of its trustees resolved to unite the institution with that of Yale, at New Haven. 146 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [3d Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. son of Rev. Noadiah RusseU, was the pastor at Middle- town, and with him, we conjecture, he prepared him self for the ministry. In 1718, he was called to North Haven, Ct., and in the fall of that year he was or dained the first Congregational minister of that place ; "Here (says Bolton, in his History of the Epsicopal Ghurcli, in Westchester co., N. Y.), Mr. Wetmore was generally esteemed and beloved by his people, as might be reasonably expected from the suavity of his temper and the regularity of his conduct." He con tinued his labors at that place for some four years, when he became convinced that the ordination under which he was ministering was not valid, whereupon, he, with the rector of Yale College, Dr. Cutler, the Rev. Samuel Johnson (subsequently Dr. Johnson, president of Kings College, N. Y.), wrote the follow ing paper, which we extract from the Mass. His. Soe. Collections, ii, 129, 2d Series, 1814. Some Original Papers respecting the Episcopal Controversy in Connecticut, 1722. rrom the very Choice and Valuable CoUection of the late Eev. Johli Elliott, D. D. To the Rev. Mr. Andrew and Mr. Woodbridt/e, and others, our reverend Fathers and Brethren, present in the Library of Yale College, this lith of Sept:, 1722. Reverend Gentlemen : Having represented to you the difficulties which we labor under, m relation to our continuance out of the visible communion of an Episcopal Church, and a state of seeming opposition thereto, either as private Christians or as officers, and so being insisted on by some of you (after our repeated declinings of it), that we should sum up our case in writing; we do (though with great reluctance, fearing the consequences of it), submit to and comply with it : And signify to you that some of us doubt of the validity and the rest are more fully persuaded of the invalidity of the Presbyterian ordination, m opposition to Episcopal, and should be heartily thank- ji, n x.*"" Mv'"'' '^ ^^ "^^^ '¦®°®i'^'^ from t^em satisfaction herein, and shall be willing to embrace your good counsels and instruction Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 147 Rev. James, son of Izraliiah, son of Thomas. in relation to this important affair, as far as God shall direct and dispose us to it. Timothy Cutler, A true Copy of ^ John Hart, the original. [ Samuel Whittlesey, Testify T Jared Elliott, Daniel Brown. J James Wetmore, Samuel Johnsonj Daniel Brown. The publishing of the above created a great sensa tion throughout all New England, and the controversy became very bitter, as the reader will perceive by a perusal of the following letters, which we also take from the Mass. His. Soe. Collections; iv, 297, 2d Ser. : Original Paper Respecting the Episcopal Contro versy IN Connecticut, 1722. Very Reverend Sirs : We have taken it that yourselves were consulted upon the first erecting a collegiate school in our colony, nor can we account it improper, that yourselves and our reverend fraternity in the princi pal town of our country, be apprized of the dark cloud drawn over our collegiate affairs, a representation whereof may already have been made by some of our reverend brethren trustees. But if not, and the case being of general concern, we are willing to make our mournful report, how it hath been matter of surprise to us (as we conclude it hath been or surely will be to you), to find how great a change a few years have made appear among us, and how our foun tain, hoped to have been and continued the repository of truth, and the reserve of pure and sound principles, doctrine and education, in case of a change in our mother Harvard, shews itself in so little time, so corrupt. How is the gold becoming dim ! and the silver become dross I and the wine mixed with water ! Our school gloried and flourished under its first rector, the Rev. Mr. Pierson, a pattern of piety, a man of modest behavior, of solid learning, and sound principles, free from the least Arminian or Episcopal taint. But it suffered a decay for some years, because of the want of a resident rector. But who could have conjectured, that its name being raised to Collegium Yalense from a Gymnasium Saybrookense, it should groan out Ichabod in about three years and a half under its second rector, so unlike the first, by an unhappy election set over it, into whose eleetion or confirmation, or any act relative to him, the senior 148 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [3d Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. subscriber hereof (though not for some reason, through malice or mistake, bruited) never came. Upon the management of our col lege three years and a half, how strangely altered is the aspect thereof! that its regents, &o., rector and tutor, are become such capable masters of Episcopal leaven, and in such a time so able to cause how many to partake of it ! It appears surprisingly strange, that it should so diffuse itself into our ministry, and many of them, not of the least note, now appear in the company, viz : Mr. Hart of East Guilford, Mr. Whit tlesey of Wallingford, and Mr. Eliot of Killingworth ; these, perhaps, not much short of the rector's years, and two societies, branches of the famous New Haven, one on the north, and the other on the west, are mourning because of their first ministers, in BO little a time after their ordination, declaring themselves Episco pal, and their ordination, lately received, of no value, because a non habentibus potestatem. Upon our commencement, Sept. 12, the rector distinguished this performance by the closing words of his prayer, which were these, viz : and let all the people say, amen. On the evening of said day, it was rumored there, that on the next day the gentlemen become Episcopal, designed to propound to the trustees three questions. 1 Q. Whether ordination from such ministers, whose ordination was from the leather jacket, be valid ? 2 Q. Whether ordinations from ministers, only presbyters, be valid ? 3 Q. Whether an uninterrupted succession from the apostles' days, be not absolutely necessary to the validity of a minister's ordination ? But these were not so propounded. But the day following the commencement, after dinner, these gentlemen appeared in the library before the trustees, where many other ministers were present, and first declared themselves viva voce, but after that, on the direction of the trustees, declared themselves in writing, a copy whereof is not with us, but the substance thereof, is this. Sc. Some of us, doubting the validity of Presbyterial ordination, in opposition to Episcopal ordination, and others of us fully persuaded of the invalidity of said ordination, shall be thankful to God or man helping us, if, in an errour. Signed, Timothy Cutler, John Hart, Samuel Whittlesey, Jared Eliot, James Wetmore, Samuel Johnson, Daniel Brown. The persons doubting were Mr. Hart and Mr. Whittlesey. Consequent to this declaration, the trustees advised that doubters continue in the administration of the ministry of the word and sacra ments, but that the fully persuaded forbear sacramental ministration, until the meeting of the trustees, which was appointed on the Tues day evening at New Haven, following the opening of our General Assembly there, the said Tuesday being the 16th of the next month. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 149 Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. The trustees also advised, that the said ministers would freely de clare themselves to their respective congregations. It may be added, that Mr. C. then declared to the trustees, that he had for many years been of this persuasion (his wife is reported to have said that to her knowledge he had for eleven or twelve years been so persuaded), and that therefore he was the more uneasy in performing the acts of his ministry at Stratford, and the more readily accepted, the call to a college improvement at New Haven. But then if he knew the college was erected for the education of such as dissented from the Church of England (and how could he not know it), and knew himself not one; with what good faith could he accept said call, and the considerable encouragement he had, and the rather if he disseminated his persuasion so contrary to the vefy design of its erection, and the confidence of those that called him. Indeed he hath said, that he hath labored only with one to be of his persuasion; were it so, there would, in one instance, be a foul frustration of the confidence reposed in him, but what a member above one of the students have been leavened by him, who can be assured, but coming time may discover the unhappy instances of it. Further, Mr. C. then also declared it his firm persuasion, that out of the Church of England, ordinarily, there was no salvation. To the last we only say, My ysvoiTo for we dare not so offend the generation of the righteous, nor disturb the ashes of the myraids that have slept in Jesus, of the CathoUck professors of the orthodox faith in these kingdoms, yea, and in all reformed Christendom, and in New England particularly, who have not been of the communion of the Church of England. It must be acknowledge to the divine goodness, that all the trus tees then present (and of the whole number wanted, only three, Sc. of Lime, N. London, Stamford), shewed themselves constraint to your principles, and effected to the trusts committed to them ; yet desirous that the meeting of the trustees might (if possible), be fuller, and also their doings might be in the face of the colony re presented in General Assembly; they took care that Mr. C. might have the use of the house they had hired for him until the Wednes day next after the' opening of the General Court, viz : October 17. No wonder that it is said in all our towns on the seaside, and pro bably in our inland likewise, the talk in every one's mouth is the surprising conjuncture, wherein such a number, who are now said, at least for a year past, to have distinguished themselves by their frequent meetings together,' the design whereof the late declaration is accounted to open, appear fond of that way, an unembarrassment from which moved our predecessors to so Ypkmtary an exile into a then rude wilderness. And in the vagrant surmises of the people, others of our principal men are by way of question or affirmation talked of, to belong to this set of deserters ; of whom, till time shew otherwise, better things are hoped. 150 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [3d Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. One of us subscribing, who was then present, could have the above account only by report, when the other being present, bore a part with the trustees at N. H. Reverend Sirs, having thus bemoaned the dark providence over us, we may not doubt your Christian sympathy, nor of your prayers, which we yet earnestly ask, unto Him, that holdeth the stars in his right hand, and walketh in the midst of the golden candlesticks. We ask also your assistance, what you may think proper, in a con joined testimony in the cause of Christ to our government aud peo ple, and the encouragement of the trustees, and the recovery, if possible, of those that are gone from us. And with sincere prayers, that how grievous soever our sins may have been, and how much his a'nger hath been kindled against us, it may please the Lord, who is God and not man, yea the God of pardon, not to give us up, cast us off, forsake us, nor to call our name rram i of the Life of Bnhop Hobart, by the Rev. Dr. Berrian ; His. of 'Trinity CAi.rcA, byDr. Berrian; History of St. John's Church, Elizabethtown. hy Rev. Samuel A. Clark, Rector of the same. J. B. Lippincott, Phila., 1857 Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 169 Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. All the persons mentioned, born aud educated Cougre- gationalists, are known to have come into the church, more or less directly through the influence of Johnson, and all were missionaries of the Society for Propagating the Gospel. To these must be added, William, the son of Samuel Johnson ; Samuel, the son of Samuel Seabury, and John Ogilvie, the successor of Barclay, as missionary to the Indians, all graduated in 1748 ; Jacob Greaten, grad uated iu 1754 ; Lucas Babcock, graduated in 1755 ; and Abraham Beach, graduated in 1757 ; all missionaries in New York ; James Scoville and Samuel A. Peters, gradu ated the same year; Roger Viets, Bela Hubbard, and Thomas Davies, graduated the year following, 1758, missionaries in Connecticut ; also Samuel Andrews, grad uated in 1759 ; Abraham Jarvis and Ebenezer Kneeland, graduated in 1764 ; Gideon Bostwick and Richard Clarke, graduated in 1762 ; who were among the missionaries of the same society in Connecticut. These are the principal of the clergy of Connecticut, for half a century after the conversion of Johnson, sustained every one of them, in whole or in part, by the funds of an Enghsh missionary society. As soon after the declaration as arrangements could be perfected, Mr. Wetmore sailed for England, where he was ordained a priest in the Protestant Episcopal Church, by the Right Reverend Edmund Gibson, D. D., Lord Bishop of London. We have before us the original certificate (in manu script) of ordination, given by Bishop Gibson to Mr. Wetmore, the following being a copy : Edmundus [ J Londinenfis Epifcopus Dileeto Nobis in . ,-. Chrifto Jacobo Wetmore Clerico, Salutem et Gratiam ; Ad. rEpifcopain peragendum OfKcium Minifteriale in provincia Nov. Ebor L beal. J j^ America, in precibus communibus aliifque Ministerii. Edm^. London^. Ecclefiafticis ad officium Curat! pertinentibus juxta formam descriptam in libro publicarum precum, Au- thoritate parliamenti hujus inclyti Regni Magnas Britannias in ea parte Edit, et provis ; et Canones et Conftitutiones in ea parte legitime ftabilitas et publica- tas et non aliter negue alio modo ; Tibi cujus Fidelitati 170 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [3d Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. numen, integritati Literarum Scientis Sanas Doctrinje ^ et Diligentiae plurimum Confidimus (prseftito primitus E per Te coram Nobis luramento tum, de agnofcendo ^ Regiam Supremam Majeftatem juxta vim formam m et effectum ftatuti parliamenti dicti Regni Magnje S Britannia in ea parte Edit, et provis, quum De Can- jg onica Obedientia Nobis et fucceiforibus noftris in i^. omnibus Ileitis et honeftis per te prseftanda et exhi- benda fubfcriptifque per Te tribus illis articulis exem- c plis in triceffimo fexto Capitulo Libri Conftitutionum g Sive Canonum Ecclefiafticorum Anno Domini 1603 £ Regia Authoritate Editorum et promulgatorum) Licen- > tiam et Facultatem Noftras concedimus et impartimus O per prjefentes ad noftrum Beneplacitum duntaxat dura- Jj toras. In cujus rei testimonio Sigillum (quo in hac .S parte utimer) praefentibus apponi facimus Dat. triceffi- ^ mo die Mentis July, A° Domi. 1723 Noftrasque Transla- tionis Anno primo. While in London, he received from the Society for Propagating the Gospel, &c., the appointment of cate chist, to Trinity Church, New York, in the place of the Rev. Mr. Neau. He embarked for America soon after receiving his ordination, and arrived in New York, Sept. 24, 1723. The circumstance attending his appoint ment and his labors as assistant to the Rev. Mr. Vesey, together with his call to Rye, we give from the Rev. Dr. Wm. Berrian's Historical Sketch of Trinity Church, New York, 1847. On the apphcation of the vestry of Trinity Church to the London society, for an assis1> ant, the following reply was returned : London, March 2, 1723. Gentlemen : The Society for the propagation of the Gospell in Foreign parts, have some time since taken into consideration your letter, dated the 18th December, 1722, wherein you desire the Society would send a person in Priest's orders to be an assistant to the Reverend Mr. Vesey, and Lecturer, when they send a Catechist to succeed Mr. Neau. I do therefore acquaint you that the Society have appointed the Rev. Mr. Wetmore to be Catechist at New York in the place of Mr. Elias Neau, and to be assistant to Mr. Vesey in his parochial dutys. The Society do expect that you will make <^finJ WETMORE MEMORIAL. 171 Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. him a sufficient allowance for his decent and commodious support, agreeable to your engagement to the Society by your aforementioned XjQTiXiQT. I am. Gentlemen, yr. most humble Servt., „ , ^„ , David Humphreys, Secretary. Io the Church ]]ardensand Vestry} of Trinity Church, New Fork. j Another letter was (says Dr. Berrian) written to the Rev. Mr. Vesey, of the same tenor, but with the followina; addition : I have wrote to the Rev. Mr. Wetmore by this Conveyance, and suppose he will soon wait upon you. I desire to hear from you, as soon as it is convenient, what proceedings have been made in this affair, and hope it will succeed as the Society intend, towards your reKef in the better performing your Parochial duties, and the sup plying 3Ir. Neau's place as Catechist. I am. Reverend Sir, Your most humble servant, David Humphreys, Secretary. P. S. The Society, upon your recommendation, and that of the Mayor of New York, have appointed Mr. Thos. Huddlestone to be schoolmaster in the Room of his father, dec'd, with the same salary that was allowed him. After which another letter of the same date, to the Reverend Mr. Wetmore, was read in the words followinfir, VIZ : London, March 2, 1723. Rev'd Sir : The Society for the propagation of the Gospell in foreign Parts, have taken into consideration your letter to them, dated New York, Nov. 11th, 1722, wherein you acquaint them that the Reverend Mr. Harrison is fixed at Staten Island, by His Excel lency the Go'vernor. The Society do therefore appoint you to be their Catechist at New York, in the place of the late Mr. Neau, and do expect you would forthwith repair to the charge assigned you. The Society doe allow you for that service a salary of fifty pounds a year, to continue from your first admission here in London. And they have also appointed you to be the assistant to the Reverend Mr. Vesey, Rector of Trinity Church in New York, in his parochial dutys, and have wrote to the Church Wardens and Vestry of that Church, to make you a further handsome allowance as Assistant, towards your more decent and commodious support, which the Society expect they will, according to their promise made to them by the letter, readily doe. 172 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [3d Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. It will be proper for you to let me know what steps you shall take in this matter, and what encouragement you meet with from the Parish. I am, Reverend Sir, your most humble bervant, David Humphreys, Secretary. For the Reverend Mr. Wetmore \ . New York. j m Whereupon it is ordered that the subscription paper now before this Board, and subscribed by most of them, be carryed round to the Inhabitants of this City, to receive their subscription towards supporting the said Mr. Wet- moro. The Rev. Mr. Wetmore entered upon his duties in 1723, as catechist at New York, in the room of Mr. ISTeau, and assistant to the Rev. Mr. Vesey. It appears from the pro ceedings of the society, that he attended to the catechiz ing of the blacks every Wednesday, Eriday and Sunday evening, at his own house, besides in the church every Sunday before evening service; and that he had some times nearly 200 children and servants to instruct, whom he taught the Church Catechism, and that he commonly added some practical discourse suitable to their capacities, joined with some appropriate devotions. In 1726, a communication was received by the vestry from the Rev. Mr. Wetmore, in which he acquainted this Board that he had lately been called by the church war dens and vestry of the parish of Rye, to be their minister, in the room of the Reverend Mr. Jenny, whom the Society had appointed for the parish of Hempstead ; and that he had been inducted in the said parish of Rye, by virtue of letters of induction from His Excellency Governour Burnet. And also, that if the society should be pleased to approve thereof, he intended to accept of the said parish and remove thither, and he thanked the vestry for their subscriptions and favors to him, and-assured them that his intentions for removing did not proceed from any dislike, but purely because he conceived that it would be for the better and more certain support and maintainance of him self and family. Measures were immediately taken, as it appears from the minutes, for supplying his place. Mr. Vesey, and the rest of the committee, appointed by Gen.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 173 Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. the order of the last vestry, to prepare an address to the Honorable Society for appointing a person to officiate in the place of the Rev. Mr. Wetmore, and also another address to the bishop of London, desiring his favour and assistance therein, acquainted this board, that in pursu ance of the said order, they had prepared the foUowing letters, -n'hieh were accordingly read : New York, July 5, 1726. Reverend Sir : Wee, the Rector, Church Trustees, and Vestry of Trinity Church, in the City of New York, in America, being informed by the Rev erend Mr. Wetmore, of his call and Induction to Rye, and his reso lution, with the Society's leave, to settle in that Parish, Doe most humbly address that Honorable Body to appoint another Catechist, with the usual salary, to officiate in that place, there being about one thousand and four hundred Indian and Negro slaves, and the number daily increasing by Births and Importations from Guinea and other parts. A considerable number of those Negroes, by the Society's charity, have already been instructed in the principles of Christianity, have received Holy Baptism, are communicants of our Chifrch, and frequently approach the Altar. We doubt not but the Society has received from Mr. Neau, their former Catechist, repeated accounts of the great success of his ^Mission ; and since Mr. Wet more's appointment, we have with great pleasure observed on Sun day, upwards of an hundred English children, and Negro servants attending him in the church ; and their catechetical instructions being ended, singing Psalms and praising God with great devotion. The Honorable Society at all times, and more especially of late, has most zealously patronized the cause of those poor Infidells, who otherwise might still have remained ignorant of the true God, and the only way to happiness ; and their great charity dispenced among them here having already produced such blessed effects, must raise in them an extraordinary Joy at present, will be a vast occasion to their future happiness, and encrease their rewards of Glory in ano ther world. We could say much more on this occasion, but this we hope will be sufficient to guard them against any attempts to persuade them to turn their Bounty another way, and Induce them to believe that the Office of a Catechist here is of as great an importance as ever, and that his salary is as well and charitably bestowed as any Mission ary's in all those parts. If the Society, on these considerations, should be pleased to appoint a Catechist, we humbly pray that he _ may be one in orders, and directed to assist in our Church ; who in many respects will be more capable than a layman to discharge that office, and answer their pious designs, by inculcating on the Catechumens 174 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [3d Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. the principles of Religion, both in public and private, with greater authority ; visiting them in their sickness, and as occasion requires can Baptize them, and administer the Holy Communion to them in their dying hours. Besides, this will be an act of charity to us, who being deeply involved in debt, enlarging our Church, and at present having small hopes of discharging it, are unable of ourselves to raise a sufficient maintenance for one to assist our Rector in his declining age, and to preach an afternoon sermon; tho**- it is of absolute necessity and great importance in this populous city, a place of considerable trade and resort, and the centre of America. A good English preacher, of such a clear and audible voice as may reach our large church, and the eares of the numerous hearers, will, by the Divine Influence, very much advance the Glory of God, the Interest of our Holy Church, and Religion, at this time ; and we shall be the more Capable of raising, by annual subscriptions, soe much, as with the Society's salary, will be a comfortable subsistence for him, and a suitable encouragement for a man of piety & learn ing to come among us ; and if he has an inclination to teach a Latin school, he will also find a very good account in the discharge of that Office. Were it possible for the Society to have a perfect view of this Infant Church, planted among many difierent nations, and severall Meeting Houses, wee persuade ourselves that her Interest would lye as near their hearts, as it does want their assistance. -All which is nevertheless most humbly submitted to their consideration by us, who Heartily pray for their Health and Happiness, and shall endeavor on all occasions to approve ourselves their and your most obedient humble servts. To the Revd. Mr. David Humphre-ys, Secretary to the 1 Honorable Society for Propagating the Oospell in V Foreign Parts. ) Another letter on the same subject was addressed to the Bishop of London : New York, July 5, 1726. My Lord: Wee, the Rector, Church Wardens, and Vestry of Trinity Church, being assured of Mr. Wetmore's resolution to remove to Rye, with the leave of his superiors, have most humbly addressed ourselves to your Lordship and the Honorable Society, to appoint another Cate chist in Orders to officiate in this city. Inclosed is a copy of our Address, which we humbly conceive will convince your Lordship, and all the worthy patrons of our Church, that the office is still as absolutely necessary and of as great Importance as ever, and the Society's charity as well bestowed this way as on any Missionary on the Continent. To whom shall we goe, under God, but to our right Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 175 Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Reverend Father, who, by Divine providence is appointed the Great Shepard and Bishop of these American Churches ; and as you have authority and Interest, see we are well assured of your good inclina tions to recommend our petition to that venerable Body, and by your powerful intercession render it successful! jMy Lord, among the Infinite Blessings of Almighty God vouch safed this country, wherein we live, none is or can be more dear tc* us than the free exercise of our true Religion, and it is from hence, with Your Lordship's great goodness and piety, that we take this en couragement to address you in this manner, and the more from the consideration of our aiming at that which your Lordship has very wisely made the supreme end of all your actions, the promoting of God's gloiy and of being instrumentall in establishing and propa gating the Gospell in foreign parts, and it is a vast advantage to our poor endeavors for this pious end, that they are sure of being countenanced by your Lordship's approbation of them, and by your zealous application in favour of our Christian Church, which God has pnrchased with his own Blood. May Almighty God long preserve you, and may his Blessings be upon all your endeavors for this and other good purposes, and for all your acts of piety and charity may you be in some measure rewarded in this world, and finally receive the crown of rightousness laid up for you in Heaven. These are the hearty and most earnest wishes of. may it please your Lordship, your Lordship's most obedient humble servants. To the Right Honorable and right Reverend Father in Ood Edmund, Lord Bishop of London, and one of his Majesty' s most honorable privy Councill: The Rev. ~^1y. Wetmore acquainted this board that the society had been pleased to appoint and send over, the Rev. :Mr. Colgan, for the parish of Rye, unto which the said Mr. Wetmore had already been called and Inducted ; and inasmueh as he was willing and desirous to officiate in the said parish, until the society's further pleasure should be known therein, he and Mr. Colgan had agreed that Mr. Colgan should officiate here in his stead, untd such time as they should receive further orders from the society. And the said Mr. Colgan also appearing before this board, and declaring his assent thereto, it was con sented to and approved of accordingly, and it was there upon ordered that a letter be writt to the venerable society, desiring them to appoint the said Mr. Colgan to officiate here in the stead of Mr. Wetmore, if they had not aheady been pleased to appoint some other person; and that Mr. Vese;^ the two church wardens, or either of them, and Mr. 24 176 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [3d Rev. .James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Livingston, be a committee to prepare the same. And it is further ordered, that a subscription paper be prepared and carried about for Mr. Colgan, to commence from the first of ISTovember next. The committee appointed by the last vestry to prepare a letter to the venerable Society for Propagating the Gos pell in foreign parts, to appoint the Rev. Mr. Colgan to offi ciate here in the stead of the Reverend Mr. Wetmore, pre sented to this board, a letter for that purpose, which v^as read in these words following, viz : New York, October 17th, 1726. Rev'd. Sir : We, the Rector, Church Wardens, and Vestry of Trinity Church, in the City of New York, in America, did some time agoe, in a most humble manner pray the Honorable Society to send a Catechist in Priest's Orders to officiate here, if they should be pleased to order the Reverend Mr. Wetmore to settle in Rye, where he had been legally called and Inducted, pursuant to an act of Assembly of this Province. But since that Address the Reverend Mr. Colgan is arrived, with orders to officiate as the Society's Missionary at Rye, but finding that Mr. Wetmore had a great desire to live there, and the Vestry of that town very much inclined that he should settle among them, he being called by them, born in the country, and best acquainted with their tempers, has agreed to an exchange if the Society should be pleased to approve of it. Wee therefore heartily concur with them and the Vestry of Rye, m addressing that Honorable Body, humbly to desire that they would be pleased to confirm that agreement, and to order the Reverend Mr. Colgan to officiate here if they have not already appointed another Catechist, for such an exchange, as we humbly conceive will, m the present posture of affairs, prevent some trouble and con tusion, and most effectually promote the great end of the Society's pious and charitable endeavors, the peace and prosperity of the Church, and the interest of Religion in those parts. And tho' we have a great regard for the Reverend Mr. Wetmore, whose lite and conversation is unexceptionable, and have hitherto expressed it by our subscriptions according to our abilitys, yet inas- niuch as he can t be so well heard and understood in our large church, and since his call and Induction to Rye, we are not sure of raising a sufficient support for his family, by voluntary subscrip tions ; whereas Mr. Colgan's clear, distinct and loud voice, can reach the remotest hearers in the church, where he has read divine service and preached with great applause, and this with his recom mendations from England, gives him a prospect of doing more good Gen.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 177 Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. doubt of raising so much by subscription as, with the Society's annual allowance, may be a suitable encouragement to him to con tinue among us. All which is nevertheless most humbly submitted to the consideration of the Hon*"'"- Society by us, who sincerely pray for their Temporali and Eternall Happiness, and subscribe ourselves their and your much obliged and most humble servants. To the Reverend Mr. David Humphreys, Secretary \ to the Honorable Society for propagating the > Gospell in foreign parts. ) The church wardens and vestry men desired the favour of Rev'i- Mr. Vesey, that when the Reverend Mr. Colgan comes to town from his parish of Rye, he may have the liberty of reading prayers and preaching in the afternoon, which request Mr. Vesey readily granted and consented to. Mr. Vesey presented to this board a letter from the Rev*- Mr. David Humphreys, Secretary to the Society, which was read in the words following, viz : London, Sepf^- 19, 1726. Rev'd Sir : I have communicated to the Society the letter from yourself, and the Church Wardens and Vestry of your parish, and upon consider ing the state of your parish, as represented there, they have agreed to send a Catechist to succeed Mr. Wetmore, to continue to instruct the Negroes and other Slaves in the principles of the Christian Religion. The Society have also agreed that such Catechist shall assist you in your parochial cure, but with this consideration, that the people who have subscribed to Mr. Wetmore doe continue to pay the same subscriptions to the Catechist the Society sends, above the salary which the Society shall allow him. I am Reverend S""- your most humble Servant, David Humphreys, Sec'y. P. S. : The Society have agreed to send a Missionary to Albany. To the Rev. Mr. Vesey, New York. In answer to which the following letter was wrote, viz : New York, December 27, 1726. Reverend Sir : This day Mr. Vesey communicated to us, in Vestry, your's of the nineteenth of September last, wherein you inform us that the Hon*"'"- Society has been pleased to agree to send a Catechist to suc ceed Mr. Wetmore, and to assist our minister in his parochial cure. We are very sensible of their great goodness and charity, in con- 278 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [^d Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. tinning the office of a Catechist, to instruct the great numbers of Segro^Slaves in this city in the principles of Religion, do mos gratefully acknowledge the favour thereby mtended to our Infant Church, and shall cheerfully contribute to his support accordmg to our several ability. . . . Wee observe that the Catechist is to assist our minister,_ on con sideration that the subscriptions shall amount to the same given Mr. Wetmore. We make no doubt of raising as much for a good preacher, who can be clearly understood, and distmctly heard ; and if the Society would be so favourable to us, as to appoint the Kev- erend Mr. Colgan Catechist, we believe the people would more generously subscribe, for the Congregation is very much pleaded with his preaching, and reading divine service ; his voice is clear and distinct, and reaches to the remotest parts of our large Church. However, by this we would not be understood to prescribe to our Superiors, but humbly beg it as a favour of great importance to the Interest of our Church and Religion in this place, and shall, never theless, readily submit to their most prudent choice and determina tion, and on all occasions endeavor to approve ourselves the Society s and your much obliged and most obedient and humble Servants. Which letter was approved of, and signed, by all the members present, and ordered that the church wardens do send down the same by some safe hand to Capt. Downing, who went away this afternoon.— ilz's. Trinity Ch., p. 40-49. Mr. Wetmore was installed into his parish duties, June the 19th, 1726, agreeable to the letters of induc tion of His Excellency Gov. Burnett. Mr. Wetmore was called to Rye, to fill the vacancy caused by the removal of the Rev. Mr. Jenny from that parish, the following being copies of the corres pondence upon the subject of his call. To the Rev. Mr. David Humphreys, Secretary to the Hon. Society for propa gating the Gospel, ^c., At the Archbishop's Library, At St. Martins in the Fields, London. Rev*- Sir, We, the church wardens and vestry of the Parish of Rye, humbly present our thanks to the Hon. Society for their pious and charitable assistance, thus long continued to our' parish ; and whereas the Hon. Society have thought fit to remove from us to Hemstead, our minister, the Rev. Mr. Jenney, whose removal lays us under the necessity to Gen.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 179 Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. obtain another as soon as possible, to be actually resident among us ; so we, in pursuance of y° Act of the Assem bly, impowering us thereto, have already proceeded to elect and call the Rev. Mr. James Wetmoi'e, who has de clared his ixcceptance of our call upon condition the Hon. Society will give leave for his removal. TJntil their plea sure be known, he has promised to supply this parish once in three weeks, according to their directions to Mr. Jenny. We therefore humbly request the Hon. Society would consent to his removal, and that he may as speedily as may be, appointed to reside constantly among us. We conclude with our hearty prayers that the blessing of God Almighty may attend the pious and charitable de signs and endeavors of that Venerable Body. We are Rev. Sir, Yours, and the Hon. Society's most dutyfull and humble servants, [Signed by order,] John Carhartt, Clerk. Rye Vestry Records. Call of the Vestry to Mr. WetmorS. Whereas, by the removal of our late incumbent, the Rev. Mr. Robert Jenny (to the parish of Hemstead), this parish is become vacant : We therefore, the church wardens and vestrymen of the parish of Rye, whose names and seals are hereunto affixed, pursuant to the tenor and interest of an Act of General Assembly of this Province, entitled an Act for settling a ministry and raising a maintenance for them, in the City of IJfew York, county of Richmond, Westchester and Queens county, do call the Rev. Mr. James Wetmore, to officiate and have the care of souls within this parish of Rye aforesaid. And the said Mr. James Wetmore, hav ing told them he was ready to execute the function he was cahed unto, when he should be inducted into the same : Whereupon, it is ordered, that this Board do forthwith present the said Mr. James Wetmore, and pray his Excel lency for his induction into the Church of the said parish. 180 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [3d Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. with all and singular, the rights, privileges and appurte nances to the same belonging, or in any ways appertaining. Given under our hands and seals, this seventh day of June, Anno Dom., 1726. Samuel Purdy, [Seal.] \ Church Benjamin Brown. [Seal.] / Wardens. John Brundige, [Seal." Joseph Sherwood, [Seal.^ Daniel Purdy, [Seal.^ Jonathan Haight, [Seal. William WilletT. [Seal. Vestrymen. Parish Records. The following order was issued by the Governor, the original of which, we have before us : Mandate from Governor Burnet to Induct Mr. Jambs Wetmore to the Rectory op the Parish Church of Rye.GuLiBLMUs Burnet armiger, Provineife N'ovi Eboraci, nee non ISTovse Csesarise in America strategus et Imperator Ejusdemque Vice Admiralis, &c. Universis et singulis Clericis et Ministris Ecclesise Anglicanse quibuscumque in et per totam Provinciam Novi Eboraci ubilibet constitutis sedelibus Ecclesise Parochialis de Rye in comitatu cestrise occidentalis intra Provinciam Kovi Eboraci prsedict pro hoc tempore salutem. Cum dilectum in Christo Jacobum Wet more, Clericum et Rectoriam sive Ecclesiam Parochialem prsedict Parochise de Rye in diet, comitatu dicta tam Pro- ¦vincise Novi Eboraci in America jam vacantem ipsumque prgesentatum Rectorem ejusdem Rectorife sive Ecclesise parochialis in et de Eadem admiserim, vobis Conjunctim et divisim Committo et firmiter injungendo mando, Qua tenus eundem Jacobum Wetmore, Clericum, ceu Procura- torem Suum Legitimum Ejus Nomine et pro eo in Realem actualem et Corporalem possessionem ipsius Rectorise et Ecclesife parochialis de Rye prsedict Glebarum, Juriumque : et pertinentium suorum universorum, Conferatis Induca- tis, Inducive faciatis; et defendatis Inductum. Et quid in prsemissis feceritis me aut alium Judicem in hac parte competentem quemcumque debite (cum ad id congrue Gen.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 181 Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. fueritiis requisiti) certificetis seu sic certificet ille vestrum qui prsesens hoe meum mandatum fuerit Executus. Datum sub sigillo prserogativo dictse Provincise Novi Eboraci, xvii die Junii anno salutis MDCCXXVI. W. Burnet. By his Excellency's command, Jas. Bobin, Dep. Secretary. On the back of the above order is endorsed the certifi cate of iuduction of the tenor and date below. Rye, June 19, 1726. These are to certify that on the day and year above writ ten, by Vertue of the vrithin mandate from his Excellency the Governour, I, Robert Jenney, Rector of the Parochial Church of Hempsted, on Long Island, in Queens County in y"" province of New York, have inducted the Rev* . Mr. James Wetmore, into the real actual and corporal posses sion of the Parocial Church of Rye in the county of West Chester and province of New York, together with Parson age Glebe and all the appurtenances thereof, as witness my hand. (Signed.) Robt. Jenney. In presence of Sam^ Purdy, Jona*'' Haight, John Horton, Jn" Carhartt, Anthony Miller. At an ajourned meeting of the Vestry, held January 24, 1726-7, present Rev. -James Wetmore, &c., it was agreed to raise this year as follows : For the Minister, -£50. 0. 0. For the Poor, - 10, 0.0. For the Clerk of the Vestry, - 1, 10. 0. For the Clerk of the Church, 1, 0. 0. For the Drummer, Ij 0. 0. For Expenses and incidental charges, 3, 10. 0. For M^^ Budd, for her Negroe's work, Seven day's at the Parish house, at 2s. 6d., per day, ^ 17- 6. £67, 17. 6. 182 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [3d Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Th opias. Collecting money, - Bolton's Hist. Ch. in 3, 11. 6. Quoted as follows : Rye,Bedford,Mamaroneck, Scarsdale, North Castle, £71, 9.0. £35, 10. 0. - 17, 0.0. 10, 12. 0. 5, 0.0. 3, 7.0. £71, 9.0. Westchester. It will be perceived by the following, that the Soci ety for the Propagation of the Gospel, on removing Mr. Jenny to Hempstead, appointed the Rev. Mr. Clogan to supply his place at Rye, before receiving the petition of that parish for the appointment of Mr. Wetmore. Rev. Sir : We, the church vrardens and vestry of the parish of Rye, return our humble thanks to y" honorable Society for their pious and charitable efforts in providing so speedily to fill vacancy by appoint ing y" Rev. Mr. Colgan for us. We conclude they have before this time been acquainted by our letters, how far we have proceeded to obtain a minister, fearing the ill consequences of being left desti tute, and we hope y" honorable Society will put a favorable con struction upon our proceedings, though we have given our call to the Rev. Mr. Wetmore, and he received induction immediately upon it yet he always declared that he should submit to y" resolution of the honorable Society, and not in any way interfere in their determination, and though we find y^' inclinations of y* people very much to have Mr. Wetmore appointed for us, on which account we can't but desire y° honorable Society would be pleased to favor it, yet we shall always y'' greatest difference to their pleasure, and if they finally determine that Mr. Colgan shall be for us, against whom we have no exceptions, as being a stranger to us, we shall give him the best welcome we are capable of, but inasmuch as y^ Rev. Mr. Colgan is willing by exchange with Mr. Wetmore, to continue at New York, and that Vestry has signified their approbation, we heartily join with them in requesting of y<^ honorable society that would confirm that agreement, and give liberty to Mr. Wetmore to come to this parish, who being born in the country, and acquainted with the dis positions and customs of y" people here, will be acceptable to us. G^en.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 183 Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. and we hope do much service for religion. But all this with sub mission to that venerable body, whose pleasure we shall most cheer fully submit to ; and we pray y« continuance of their favor and charity, and that God would prosper their pious designs. We are reverend Sir, the Honorable Society's, and your most humble and Obt. Servants, Signed by order. John Carhart, Clerke. To the Rev. Mr. David Humphreys, Secretary to ye Hon' ble Society for Propagation y. Gospel, S;c., Archbishop's Library, at St. Martins in ye Fields, London. Church Rec. The request of the parish was immediately granted, and the vestry, by their clerk, forwarded the following to the Society, April 25, 1727. Rev. Sir The church wardens and veftry men of y^ parifh of Rye have ordered me to return their humble thanks to you and the Honourable Society for y^ favour of yours of September jo"", in which you acquaint us that the Honourable Society have confented to y^ exchange for which we had humbly addrefled, and accordingly have appointed y'= Rev. Mr. Wet more, to be our Minifter, which is very much to y^ fadffaftion of y* whole parifh, even thofe who are dilTenters from our church. And now we are once more peaceably fetded, we hope by the blefling of God, to fee religion revive among us, which by contentions and di- vifions is funk to a very low ebb. As the Rev. Mr. Wetmore has been born in this country, and long known among us, who has had his con- verfation becoming his facred character and profeflion, we doubt not but y^ people of this parifh will continue their afFeition to him, and hope to fee this good fruit of it, viz : that they be brought to a proper fence of religion, and more general and conftant attendance in y^ public worfhip and facraments, which for a long time have been very much negledted among us ; we earneftly pray for the blefling of Almighty God upon that venerable fociety, whofe extenfive charity (under God), finds for fo many fouls famifhing in ignorance . and error, and fhall always look upon our- felves stridtly bound to pay it, the greateft honor and moft cheerful obedi ence to all their commands and direftions, and beg leave to fubfcribe with all dutiful refpefts. Rev. Sir, Your and y* Honorable Society, Moft humble and obedient fervants. Signed by order of the Veftry, John Carhart, Clerke. 25 184 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [3d Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Letter from Mr. Wetmore in Reply to one from the Secretary of the Society in London. Rye, May 11th, 1727. Rev. Sir: I received yours of December 30th, wherein you acquaint me that the Honourable Society have appointed the Rev. Mr. Colgan, to New York, and me to Rye, according to our request, for which I return my humble thanks, and inasmuch as the people of Rye, ap pear to me to be much gratified by this exchange, I shall endeavor to make the best use I can of the good affection they profess to me, to promote the interest of piety and religion among^ them, which seems to be sunk to a very low ebb. My labours have been divided the winter past, between Westchester and Rye, but so that when I preached for Mr. Colgan at Rye, he preached for me at Westches ter, and our labors have not been without success. Besides those baptized by him in both parishes, I have baptized about 40 infants, and 1 adult person, and have had 7 adult persons apply to me for baptism, whom I have deferred for further preparations, two of which are negroes. I have admitted to the communion, three new communicants, all converts from Dissenters, and several others, with whom I have taken particular pains, have promised to come to the communion when they shall have gained some further knowledge of the virtue and necessity of the institution. The town of Rye, tho' by much, the greater part Dissenters, have upon my request, chosen trustees, who .are empowered to raise a tax upon the town, to repair and finish the church, which is now in a very poor condi tion, and I have promised to give them a bell if they will build a steeple to hang it in, which I believe they will comply with. I shall be able to give more particular accounts of the state of the parish, when I have been some longer time with them. Mr. Henry Caner, being as he tells me, about to undertake a voyage to England, to offer himself to the service of the Honorable Society, I beg leave to recommend him as a person of a good character among us, and qualified to serve the church ; sober, grave, and exemplary in his conversation, and of good report, even among those that are without, of whom I speak with the greater assurance both as to his piety and loyalty to his majesty, because I have been personally and intimately acquainted with him for more than three years. It is a matter of joy to me, to see so many new churches going forward in this country, and the good position of so many people in all parts of it, notwith standing the violence and bitterness of its numerous adversaries. I pray God to bless and reward the charity of that venerable body. Gen.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 185 Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. which gives life and motion to the church in these parts, and beg leave to subscribe with all dutiful regard. Rev. Sir, Yours, and the Honorable Society's most humble and obedient servant, James Wetmore. llsti. from Arehi-res, at Fulham, I, 676-7. — Dr. Haioks. Again Mr. Wetmore writes to the secre'tary, under date of Rye, February 20, 1727-8. Rev. Sir : Yours of June 16, came not to hand, till the 14th of November. I have since used my utmost diligence to prepare myself to answer the queries contained therein, which is something difficult, consider ing the extent of my Parish, in which is but one Church, viz : the town of Rye, built by a license from Lord Cornbury, Governor of New York, in the year 1706, the materials of which are rough stone, from the foundation to the roof, and the east end was first built with stone to the top, but the weather beating through to the preju dice of the ceiling, it has since been pulled down and built with wood and shingled, and the ceiling repaired, which cost £30, which £30 was part of a year's salary, after Mr. Bridge's death, applied to that use by order of the General Assembly. The chief promoter of the church, and its greatest benefactor, was Col. Caleb Heathcote, who gave the nails and all the iron work ; Mr. Murison paid the masons, whose work amounted to about £40, whether he procured the money by donations in York, or otherways, I can't certainly find ; the remainder was paid by tax upon the Town, but nothing of the inside was then done, but the ceiling. In the Rev. Mr. Bridge's time, a subscription was promoted for finishing the church, but nothing more was done, than building the pulpit and altar, and layino- part of the place afterwards. When Mr. Jenny was minister of the parish £8 was raised by the parish to make shutters for the windows and six pieces were built by particular men. Upon the first town meeting after I was appointed to this, I prayed the town to take into consideration the neglected and ruinous state of the Church, being gone very much to decay, and to thmk of some method that would be more acceptable to the people, to put it into a better condition, upon which they chose trustees, to repair it according to an act of Assembly of the Province, empowering trus tees so chosen to repair public buildings. These trustees made a tax of £100, and immediately provided for repairing and finishing the Church,' and have put a new cover of cedar shingles upon it, the 186 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [3d Bev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. old one which was of oak, being worn out ; they have also finished the floor and all the pews, and would have proceeded to repair the doors and glass which are gone much to decay, and to paint the walls and clean the church, but are obliged to cease for the present, by reason of some opposition they meet with from some of the Presbyterian party, instigated by a very troublesome fellow, one John Walton, who set up for a Teacher among them, before my being appointed here, from whom I have met with a great deal of opposition. These Presbyterians have commenced a law suit against the collector of the tax, and tho' we hope they will finally get no advantage, yet it caused the work to cease ; but I hope we shall find some method to revive it again and to build a steeple, to en courage which, I have promised to give them a bell when the steeple is finished. The church is 49 feet in length from west to east, and 34 in width ; there are two large aisles in the church, one from the west door up to the altar, the other from the south door up to the reading pew, which stands before the pulpit ; the rest is now filled in with hj,ndsome pews, the altar is raised two steps and railed in, but a poor altar piece. We have a silk carpet for the communion table, and a pulpit cloth, given by Queen Anne, of blessed memory, with a Chalice and Paten ; we have a folio Bible and Common Prayer Book, worn old, given by the Honourable Society, or by the Queen, as also the library as usual, to every minister. There is a salary of £50 per annum, New York money, which is equivalent to about £31 sterling, settled by an Act of Assembly upon an orthodox minister, called by the vestry and inducted by the Governour. This vestry consists of ten men and two Church wardens to be chosen annually, the second Friday in January, by the votes of the whole parish. The glebe is a small old house, and three acres of land lying near the church, one acre of which was given by Justice Denham, and about eight acres, a mile distant, lying in such a form as to be of very little use, but at present rented for three bushels of wheat per annum, for seven years. The house was built by the town for a Presbyterian minister, before there was a church in town, but never any particular settlement of it upon any ; when a minister of the Church came, and they had no Presby terian minister, the house was put into his possession and enjoyed successively with the glebe, by the minister of the church, but the Presbyterian party threatening to give trouble about it in Mr. Jen- ney's time, he procured a survey of it for the Church, and got it entered upon the public records of the Province ; he also repaired the house, which was almost fallen down, being neglected by Mr. Bridge, who thought it not worth repairing. When the Church was first built, the town was but small and the people poor. I find by an old list, that the number of people taxed for building the Church were about ninety-three, some of which Gen.] f AVETMORE MEMORIAL. 187' Rev. .lames, sou of Izrahiali, son of Thomas. were widows, and some young men without families, and though they were generally Presbyterians, by Col. Heathcote 's influence, and Mr. Muirson's industry and good behavior, and the Governour of the Province being zealous to encourage the Church, they all united in building the Church, and frequented the worship in it, as long as 5Ir. Murison lived, and so they did in Mr. Bridge's time, but after his death they fell into division, and invited a Presbyterian minister among them, and tho' they have never had one ordained in the Presbyterian or Independent way, yet they kept up their party, and whenever there has been a vacancy, the Independent ministers from the Colony of Connecticut have then especially been very busy to strengthen that party and increase their prejudices against the church. This Walton I before mentioned, took an opportunity to get into the parish at a time when there was a contest between the Rev. 3Ir. Jenny and the people, concerning the salary, during the vacancy after Mr. Bridge's death, which the vestry raised, rather than stand a trial at law, and Mr. Jenny laid it out in repairing the house and glebe, but many that before came to the Church, and some who had been communicants in Mr. Bridge's time (yet always lovers of Independency), being now disaffected, readily fell in with this Walton, and being a bold, noisy fellow, of a volible tongue, drew the greatest part of the town after him, and he had taken all imaginable pains to give them ill impressions of the Church ; he spurred them forward to build one meeting house at the White Plains, about six miles from the Church, and has set them on to build another in town, within one hundred rods of the Church, to defray the expenses of which, they have obtained briefs from the General Assembly of Connecticut Colony, to beg in all the towns and villages of that Colony, who being great enemies of the Church, have contributed largely out of mere opposition to the Church. I have used my utmost diligence and prudence since my coming among them, to dispose them to reconciliation, and to establish and strengthen the wavering, and my endeavors have in some degree, been successful. I have brought some over to the Church, several to the Communion, and inspired others with a greater love and zeal for the worship and constitution of the Church, tho' it must be con fessed to their shame, there is still a very great indifi'erence and slackness in attending the public worship of God, among those that profess themselves churchmen, as well as among the sectaries. As to • the general condition, employ, and business of those who frequented the Church at first, their estates lay much in unimproved lands, and I can't learn that they raised much, if anything for the market, but what they trafficked with, was chiefly wood and cattle. As to their sentiments in the matters of religion, I have already intimated they were by profession, Presbyterians, and always loved the Independent principles, but the act of Assembly providing for the support of a ministry, being so worded as to give the benefit 188 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [3d Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. only to ministers of the Church of England, tho' many of the As sembly, perhaps, might design other ways, and the Governour's being zealous to encourage the Church, and Colonel Heathcote, being in the parish, a man of great influence over the people, and especially the better sort ; and Mr. Muirson being acceptable to the people, by his sober and grave conversation, and very industrious to remove the scruples that they had conceived, and their prejudices against the Church, they generally fell in, to encourage and promote the Church, and frequented the worship of it, but those of them now living, who have left the Church, say they were always Presbyterians, but while they were in no condition to get a minister according to their own mind, they thought it was better to go to church, than to have no religion (tho' we have some now that are hardly of that opinion). Their manner of living was at first somewhat more compact than it is now, for as they increase, they move out into the woods and settle where they can get good farms. The parish consists of three towns: Rye and Mamaroneck, about four or five miles south, and Bedford, about twenty miles north. The nearest English church is Westchester, about fifteen miles north from Rye, and very bad travelling in the winter and spring, but in the summer pretty good, but from Bedford to Westchester is thirty- five miles and always bad travelling. The parish is very much improved since the first settling of the Church here, especially as to their numbers, and tho' there are many that live very meanly, and counting the value of unimproved lands (all which belonged to a few men, and now sold or divided among their children), we may look upon the former inhabitants as possess ing better estates than most of their children now ; yet, 'tis certain in general, that the manufacture of the country is very much in creased, and there are more hundreds of bushels of wheat sent to market in a year now, than single bushels twenty years past. There are now in the whole parish, as I find by the several lists for the year past, three hundred and forty persons upon whom tax is levied, .heads of families, and young men in the township of Rye two hundred, in Mamaroneck twenty, in the manor of Scarsdale thirty, in Bedford sixty, and thirty in North Castle, a new settlement between Rye and Bedford, about six miles from Bedford ; this place was chiefly settled by people of no religion at all, very ignorant and barbarous, being descendants of the Long Island Quakers, and having more knowledge of Quakerism, than of any othel- religion, are more receptive of that, but there being a few people of the Church among them, Mr. Jenny first began to take pains with them, preach ed among them, and baptised several, tho' they are since all returned to Quakerism or nothing ; and 'tis certain they have left the Church, partly by the instigation of the Quakers (who have been very busy among them while they were long neglected), from Mr. Jenney Gen.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 189 Uev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. being called to Hemstead, at my being fixed here, and partly upon disgust, being disappointed of some preferments they expected Mr. Jenny would procure for them, and being reproved for bringing a scandal upon religion by their loose and irregular living ; however there are a few sober people that live there, and to accommodate them and Bedford, or at least some from Bedford that are willing to come to church, I preach about once in five weeks at North Castle. There are three meeting houses in the parish, one at Bedford, built for and used by the Presbyterians, one in the township of Rye, about seven miles from the Church towards North Castle, built last year by the Quakers, and one at White Plains in the township of Rye, about six miles from the Church, built last year by the follow ers of Walton, who are the only Independent party, and they are about building another near the church. The haughty, insolent behaviour of Walton, drew upon him the displeasure of the Dissent ing teachers, on whioh account he removed from the parish a few days ago, but introduced a young man to be his successor, who holds forth one Sunday at White Plains, and another in the town of Rye, alternately, for which they give hiin £50 per annum, which they raise by subscriptions ; they have besides given him money to purchase house and land, but how much I can't tell. The Quak ers have no constant holder forth among them, but keep silent meetings, unless when some travelling speaker chances to straggle among them, and then they follow it every day in the week, from one place to another, taking all imaginable pains to seduce the igno rant and unstable. At Bedford they have had a Presbyterian minister, they gave him a house and farm to work upon, and £40 per annum, but finding it not sufficient to support him with a numerous family, he has left them, and they are now settled with another young man, to whom they give the same allowance. As to the number of people dissenting from the Church, of all sorts through the parish, they are much the greater part at Mamaroneck. They are chiefiy Quakers in the town of Rye ; the number of Church people and Independents are near equal, about sixty fami lies each — about fifteen families, Quakers, and the rest are a sort of people that frequent no manner of public worship, and by all I can learn have no private worship, neither. There are some of this sort at North Castle, about ten families of the Church, and the rest Quakers ; at Bedford there are about eight or ten families of the Church, and the rest Presbyterians or Independents ; at the Manor of Scarsdale, about eight families of the Church, and the rest Dis senters of one denomination or another. There are no more Dissent- ino- teachers in the Parish than I have mentioned, these officiate without any sort of ordination, and without qualifying themselves according to the act of toleration ; in that people are suffered to do and say what they please about religion under a notion that the laws 190 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [3d Rev. J-imes, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. of England relating to religion don't extend to the plantations. As to schools for teaching children, there are several poor ones in dif ferent parts of the Parish ; while Mr. Cleator had his sight, they tell me he kept a constant and good school, but now, where a num ber of families live near together, they hire a man and woman at a cheap rate, subscribing every o^ie what they will allow; some mas ters get £20 per annum and their diet, some £12, but there is no public provision at all for a school in this parish, except what the Honourable Society allow Mr. Cleator, nor is there any donations or benefactions to the minister or school master, besides what I have mentioned, nor is there any library besides the Honourable Soci ety's. The number of negroes in the parish is about one hundred ; since Mr. Cleator has been blind and unable to teach school, he has taken pains with the negroes, so many as their masters would allow to come, but of late, they have left coming altogether ; those that belong to Quaker masters, they will allow them no instruction ; some Presbyterians will allow their servants to be taught, but are unwilling that they should be baptised, and those of the church are not much better, so there is but one negro in the parish, baptized. I had two of my own, which I baptized, but I have lately sold them out of the parish, and I have another, which I have instructed and design to baptize very speedily. Since I received my Lord of London's letters to the Masters and Mistresses, I have taken particular pains with them, and they give me encouragement that they will send them to be instructed, if the masters can agree upon some regulations to prevent the common inconveniences of their meeting together, and I hope I shall prevail upon many of them to send their servants upon Sunday afternoons, and if Mr. Cleator can do anything towards the instruction it will be a pleasure to the good old man, and I shall assist him in it my self, and endeavor that many of them may be brought to receive christian baptism. This is the most true and exact account I can anyways give in answer to the queries contained in your letter. Rev. Sir, Your and the Honourable Society's most obedient humble Servant, James Wetmore. New York Mss. from Archives at Fulham,, I, 683, 694.— Dr. Hawks. Letters from Mr. Wetmore to the secretary of vari ous dates, from the date of the above written, to 1732, contain accounts of his ministrations, and the progress of the church in his and the neighboring parishes. C^en.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 191 Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. The following to the bishop of London, refers to his printed dialogues with the Quakers, which ended the controversy with them, and also to the urgent want of a suffragan bishop : Rye, Province New York, April 3, 1732. My Lord, I take this opportunity, by Mr. Beach, who waits upon your Lordship for your benediction and orders, to return my humble thanks for the favour of your letter, in approbation of what I had undertaken in respect of the Quakers. I now send by Mr. Beach, the dialogue I printed in reply to the Quaker's answer to my letter, in which I should have spared some expressions, if I had received your Lordship's directions before they were printed, but the great est asperity being only the relating of such facts as are open and notorious, they can make little advantage of it. They are a sort of people that take greatest advantage from being used with smooth ness, which they fancy their own merit extorts. They did not expect I would have treated them with so much freedom and plain ness, but I am well assured it has done good ; it has opened the eyes and awakened the consideration of some that were almost drawn over to them upon account of their being thought a sober, virtuous, good people, though they have as many vitiary people in their herd as among any sort of professors, but their trick is to call such only hangers-on, though they are as zealous for their principles as the best of 'em. It is now 9 months since the dialogues were printed, and though at first they gave out they had an answer ready, yet it does not appear, and of late not a syllable is heard about it, they are mighty still now, and rather afraid of losing their own people than intent upon prostituting ours. Mr. Beach will be able to acquaint your Lordship how fast the principles of the Church gain ground in New England, chiefly among the teachers in Connecticut, on which account we might hope to have this country reclaimed from this schism, so dishonour able and prejudicial to religion, and destructive to the souls of men, if some method could be projected for perfecting an establishment of religion here, and removing the difficulty which is indeed great and burthensome, of going 1000 leagues over sea, through many perils, for ordination ; if only one suffragan was allowed under your Lordship (tho' two or three would do better to ordain and confirm), in other things Commissaries might answer, it would give a new tone to the Church among us, and I believe the country would generally submit to an Episcopal government, in a little time, if there was provision, that laws or canons might be made here for 26 192 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [3d Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. regulating some circumstantial things, according to the peculiar circumstances of this country, I mean in reference to the calling of ministers and their maintenance, which the people will be fond of having their voice in, and in respect of which they are afraid of imposition, and perhaps it may be thought not necessary to insist upon a perfect uniformity, in things indifferent, as a term of com munion, where unity in government, and all essentials can be gained for which a discretionary power in your Lordship, or your suffragan, to prescribe for this country, the form and method of worship at Croft, wherein it may be thought proper to bar in any respect, from the established English Liturgy would be sufficient. I have not the vanity to think of projecting a scheme or prescrib ing to your Lordship, but only to breathe out my own and others wishes and desires into the bosom of your Lordship, as the Father and head of the Church, in the Plantations, who have expressed a zealous and fraternal care of us, and whose wisdom and goodness we confide in with pleasure, to project for us, and still further bring about that what is wanting, may be perfected and set in order, I am with all dutiful submission. My Lord, &c., James Wetmore.^" N. Y. Mss. from Arch, at Fulham, ii, 54, 56. — Dr. Hawks. 1" Mr. Wetmore did not live to see his desires for a bishop for the Ameri can colonies appointed, for it was not till 1784 accomplished, when Samuel Seabury was consecrated in Scotland, November 14th, of that year, hy Bishops Petrie, Skinner and Kilgour, of the Scotch branch of the establish ed church. The following, relative to Bishop Seabury's consecration, is from a communication of the Rev. T. B. Chandler, D. D., to Isaac Wilkins, dated Loudon, February 25, 1785. The bearer of which (says Bolton in his His tory of the Cliureh of Westchester), was the Rev. Dr. Seabury. My Dear Sir : I hope that you may happen to be in Halifax when this arrives there, both for your own sake aud that of the bearer, who is no less a person than the Bishop of Connecticut. He goes by the way of Nova Scotia, for several reasons, of which the principal is, that he may see the situation of that part of his family, which is in that quarter, and be able to form a judgment of the prospects before them. He will try hard to see you, but, as he will not have much time to spare, he fears he shall not be able to go to Shel- burne in quest of you. _ You were acquainted witli this bishop, and his adventures from the time of his leaving New York, iu 1783. He came home with strong re commendations to the two archbishops, and the bishop' of London from the clergy of Connecticut, and with their most earnest request that he mi^ht haye Episcopal consecration for the church in that state. Though no objections could arise from his character, the bishops here thought such a measure would be considered as rash and premature, since no fund bad been established for his support, and no consent to his admission had been made by the states ; besides, no bishop could be consecrated here for a foreign country, without an act of Parliament to dispense with the oaths Gen.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 193 Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Mr. Wetmore closes his semi-annual report to the secretary under date of June 6, 1732, as follows : Our trustees are repairing the windows of the Church, for which they raised £20 last year by a public rate, and we are contriving to build a steeple to the Church, for which we have begun subscriptions. I have bought a bell to make a present of, weighing 93 lb., that, for the bigness, sounds well, and I have subscribed thirty shillings besides to the steeple ; Mr. Cleator has also, upon his death bed, given half his last year's salary to this use, so that I hope we shall accomplish it, tho' I do not find the people so ready to subscribe as I expected ; a zeal for the honour and decency of God's house, and worship, is a temper very much wanting iu this country. I pray God to increase it, and to give abundant success to the pains and charitable designs and endeavours of the Honourable Society, &c. James Wetmore. A. Y. JIss.,frorii Archives al Fulham, i, 67-8. — Dr. Hawks. required by the established office. These difficulties and objections con tinued to operate through the winter, and several candidates for priests' orders, who had beeu waiting near a twelve month, were about going over to the continent, to see for ordination in some foreign Protestant Episcopal Church. At length a short act was obtained, authorizing the bishop of London and his substitutes to dispense with the aforesaid oaths in the or dination of priests and deacons for the American states ; but nothing was said in it about the consecration of bishops. The minister, it seems, was fearful that opening the door for the consecration of bishops, would give umbrage to the Americans, and, therefore, every prospect of success here was at an end. Dr. Seabury, with his wonted spirit and resolution, then thought it his duty to apply elsewhere, and by the intervention of a friend, consulted the Bishops in Scotland, who were equally without the protection and the restraint of government. They cordially met the proposal, and our friend was consecrated Bishop for Connecticut, at Aberdeen, on the I4th of November last. I have been thus particular, on the supposition that you may not have been acquainted with so much of this history. — From the original letter in the possession of Gouverneur M. Wilkins Esq. — Bolton Hist, of W., pp. 102, 103. Rev. Isaac Wilkins, D. D., to whom the above was addressed, was a son of a wealthy planter of Jamaica, W. I., who in youth was sent to New York, to be educated. After concluding his studies, he settled in Westchester co., and married Isabella Morris, a sister of Lewis Morris, one of the signers of the declaration of independence ; he was returned to the General As sembly, where he delivered a warm loyalist speech, which made him ob noxious to the whigs, and for peace's sake, he removed to England in 1775, returning to Long Island the following year, where he remained till the peace ; when he retired to Shelburne, Nova Scotia. He returned to West chester again about 1800. Studied divinity and became a minister of the gospel, and was settled over an Episcopal parish in that county some thirty years. — Compiler. 194 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [3d Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Agreeable to Mr. Wetmore's recommendation, the secretary appointed Samuel Purdy school teacher at Rye, with a salary of £1 5 per annum. The following to the secretary, gives some account of Mr. Wetmore's missionary labors in Connecticut, in addition to his laborious duties in Westchester : Rye, June 24, 1734. Rev. Sir : My parish continues in a flourishing state, tho' we have many yet that show too little reverence for religion. The church is com monly more filled this summer than heretofore, and since my last, I have baptised in my own Parish, twenty-seven children and two adults, in Greenwich in Connecticut, three children ; and Norfolk in Connecticut, two children and one adult, an Indian slave, and I have admitted eight new communicants, all of very sober conversa tion, and good lives. The people of Connecticut begin to show a friendly disposition towards the constitution of the Church of Eng land, which disposition seems to increase apace, which makes more and more want of a Bishop in the country, that some places might be supplied with ministers, that now cannot, without burthening the Honourable Society. Some zealous bigots among the Independent teachers are awakened to make fresh attempts to amuse and enslave the people by their scurrillous pamphlets, which they spread indus triously, full of bold audacious calumnies, but little argument, yet would be of mischievous consequence, if we did not antidote their poison by printing and dispersing such books as appear serviceable to this end, in which I was urged last summer to give some assist ance by printing an answer to a pamphlet that undertook to prove the necessity of separating from the Church of England, and the divine right of Presbyterian ordination and government. There is now dispersing in this country a defence of that pamphlet, stuffed with vile aspersions and unmannerly refiections upon the civil and ecclesiastical government of the nation, done by two or three hands. one of which I conclude Mr. Browne of Providence, will reply to, and the other Mr. Johnson and I must prepare the antidote for' which I hope will prove to as good acceptance in the country as what we printed last year, and have the same good effect, which has been very visible in promoting the interest of the church. My prayers and endeavors shall always be zealous to promote the great and charitable designs of the Honourable Society for propa gating the Gospel of Christ. I am, Rev. Sir, your most Obedient, humble Servant, James Wetmore. N. Y. Mss. from Arch, at Fulham, ii, 74, 75.— Dr. Hawks. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. , 195 Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. In letters to the secretary at London, during the years 1735, 1736, 1738, and 1739, Mr. Wetmore re ports his doing duty, in addition to his own charge at Rye, at North Castle, White Plains, Bedford, in West chester county, and Stamford, Greenwich, and Horse- neck, in Connecticut, making mention of baptizing one hundred and eleven children, of whom hve were negroes, and seven adults, of whom one was a negro, between the 3d of May, 1739, to the 5th of August of the same year. In 1711 he reports having baptized within twelve months, sixtyruine children, four of whom were negroes ; and four adults, one of whom was a negro. His letters to the secretary in 1743, 1744, and 1745, besides reporting the state of his several charges, alludes to his controversy with the Dissenters, especially with Mr. Dickerson a Presbyterian, who published a work on the Nature and Necessity of Regeneration ; to which Mr. W. pubhshed a reply, entitled, A Defence of Water- lands Discourse on Regeneration}^ The following letter to the secretary gives us some insight into Mr. Wetmore's visits to his native place : Province of New York, Rye, Oct. 3, 1745. Rev. Sir : I was three weeks ago at 3Iiddletown, in Connecticut, the place of my nativity, which I have been used to visit annually while my father lived there, and have not only frequently preached among them and baptized many children and some adults, but taken pains in conversation with my relations and acquaintances to give them just notions of religion and beget in them a liking to the Church of England, and I am rejoiced to see very hopeful prospect of a good church gathering in that place chiefly promoted by some brethren of mine ; " and it was a pleasure to me to observe at the Commence- 11 For interesting epistles from the Bev. James Wetmore, to the Bishop of London, and the Secretary of the Propagation Society, we would refer the reader to the History of the Protestant Episcopal Church of Westchester co., by Robert Bolton, A. M. ; Stanford & Swords, New York : 1855, 8vo. 12 Sketch of the Episcopal Chuech in Middletown. — That there was occasionally Episcopal worship before 1750, is altogether probable, aside from' tradition. Rev. James Wetmore,. a native of the town, the first Con gregational minister of North Haven, became an Episcopal minister about 196 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [3d Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. ment, in New Haven, (at which I was present in my way to Middle- town, with Dr. Johnson and several others of our clergy), no less than five of the Batcihelors graduated this year, openly professing the Church of England, and was told some others of them had a good disposition to wards it, by whom we were treated very respectfully ; and if we may imagine the questions defended in public disputation as the prevail ing sentiments of the country, we may see a great change in that colony for the better in a very few years, by the following questions, which indeed I was surprised to hear defended by those whose fathers have held, and acted upon their reverse, in their separation from the Church of England. The questions publicly disputed were : 1st. The Protestus legislativa sit unicumque societati Essentialis afS.rmat respondens. 2d. Aures in se indifiiantes sunt proprie humonie potestatis objectum respondens aflarmat. 3d. An conscientia dictermina, conferent jen agendi vel cogitandi contra veritatem nuget respondens. Reverend Sir, Yours, &c., James Wetmore. N. Y. Mss. from Arch, at Fulham, li, 155. — Dr. Hawks. 1724, and it is very likely performed service sometimes iu the dwellings of his friends. Jeremiah Leaming, a native of the town at a late period, an Episcopal clergyman, may have done the same before 17.50. Before that time, some of the inhabitants had become so much attached to Episcopal forms, that they took some steps to secure a site on which to erect a house of worship, to the building of which Mr. Wetmore most earnestly advised them. Hence the town voted, April 29th 1749, that professors of the Church of England, have liberty to erect their church in the highway, be tween Jeffries corner (so called), John Fosters corner and the dwelling house of Mr. Ephraim Doane, and the select men, or any three of them, are hereby empowered to stake out the place for the said building. Many years since the writer was assured that at the close of 1749, there were sixteen Episcopal families in the town, though measures in due form do not appear to have been taken to organize a parish till Easter Monday, April 16th, 1750. A church was erected on the site, designated in the vote of the town in 1752, fifty feet long, aud thirty-six wide, with a towering steeple, though uot finished for two or three years. This was used as a sanctuary for more than eighty years ; when the proffer of a thousand dollars from the ladies of the Assistant Society prompted the gentlemen to the work of erecting their present edifice. This was completed in 1834. It is of Portland stone, seventy-eight feet hy sixty, twelve feet porch, and cost $14,000. A bell for the first Episcopal Church was procured in 1759, and a second was given by Mr. John Alsop, a wealthy merchant of New York, a brother of Richard Alsop of this place, in 1785. This is now in use in the present church. For many years, the people were aided in the support of their ministers by the society in England, for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. Rev. Dr. Leaming, already spoken of, and Dr. Richard Mansfield, performed at least occasional services for theisi..— Historical Sketches of Middletown, ^c, W. B. Casey, 1853. Gen.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 197 Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. The following letter to the Rev. Dr. Barclay, we give from the original manuscript copy, made by Mr. Wet more : Rye, Oct. '28, 1747. Revd. Sir : I thank you heartily for your care in transmitting our letters from the society, and your congratulations thereupon. The Secretary acquaints me that the address of our clergy which I had the care of transmitting, was presented to his Majesty by his Grace the Lord Arch Bishop of Canterbury, and was very gracious ly received. He tells me also the society have appointed Mr. Lam son to Fairfield, and at the same time granted my request in appointing Mr. Chandler Catechist at North Castle & Bedford with a salary of £10 pr. annum; whether Mr. Chandler will accept of that witb the care of a school so as to be able to attend the service expected from him, I am uncertain ; because he has declined it since he gave me leave to write for it and thinks his prospects at Westchester are better. I have not yet received my Books from Boston, as soon as they come to hand will send you a dozen, and am well pleased that the performance has your approbation, and Bro. Seabury's, as it had Dr. Johnson's, before it went to the Press, who added the appendix. As you have not yet advised upon the affair of the Petition, I conclude it has not been offered, and am at a loss what retards it thus long, unless there has been some proposals to amend the same. My service to Mrs. Barclay and all Friends concludes this from Rev. Sir, Your Bro. & humble Servant, J. W. Rev. Mr. Barclay. The Rev. Henry Barclay, D. D., to whom the above was addressed, was in early life a missionary to Albany and the Mohawk Indians. On the 17th of Oct. 1746, he was called by the vestry of Trinity Church, New York citv, to succeed the Rev. Mr. Vesey (who had deceased' the 11th of July previous), as their rector; where he labored till his death, the 28th of Aug. 1764. He was the father of the late Thomas Barclay, consul general of Great Britain in the United States, residing at New York, where he was highly esteemed. Mr. Anthony Barclay, for many years British consul at New York, was a grandson of the Rev. Dr, Barclay. 198 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [3d Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Mr. Wetmore, under date of March 26, 1748, details to the secretary the state of religion in his parish ; the troubles that he experienced from enemies in their endeavors to promote divisions among his people, and in the lukewarmness of professors in his church, &c. To the Secretary : Rye, Sept. 29, 1748. Rev. Sir : In compliance with the commands of the Honourable Society, to which I would always pay dutiful and strict obedience, I give you this trouble, with my Notitia Parochialis enclosed, and acquaint you that I have drawn upon the treasurer a sett of bills, bearing date this day, for £25 sterling, payable at thirty days sight in favour of Mr. Samuel Farmer, merchant. Since Mr. Lamson has removed from this Parish, and Mr. Chandler declined accepting the catechetical mission at North Castle and Bedford, I do the duty at these places as formerly ; and although I find large congregations when I preach among them, yet I don't find that forwardness I could wish, to exert themselves in building churches and providing for the support of a minister or catechist; and it is a trouble to me that the same negli gent temper prevails in other parts of my Parish. Our church, the only one in the Parish, is much out of repair, which, after several year's endeavoring to bring my people to a scheme to make descent and ornamental, I am yet unable to effect obstructed by the difiicult humours of some professing themselves of the Church, chiefs of the Parish for estates, from whom I have had my greatest troubles since I have had the care of this Parish. To whom also, I esteem it owing that the dissenters are now endeav oring to get into their possession the small glebe belonging to our church, which is scarcely worth the charge of a law suit ; yet I have commenced a suit to defend it, which I believe, the wealthiest of my parishoners will not assist me with a farthing to support. I have enlarged and repaired the parsonage house some years ago, at my own charge, solely, and it is now grown so old and decayed' that it is scarce worth repairing. As I find it agreeable to the sen timents of the Honourable Society, that the people to whom they send missionaries, should provide a house and glebe for their minis ter, I believe a line or two from you on the subject, directed to the church wardens, would be of more effect than many words of mine, which I therefore request the favour of; and as I have not been troublesome by begging books from the Society for many years, and Prayer Books and Catechisms are grown very scarce in my Parish and poor people frequently applying to me to be supplied, a small present of that kind would be thankfully received by me and the Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 199 Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. poor people that are destitute. I only add further, my humble duty to the Venerable Board, and hearty prayers to Almighty God to bless all their pious and charitable designs, and am, with much submission, Rev. Sir, Your most obedient, and most humble servant, James Wetmore. N. Y. Mss. from Arch, at Fulham, II, 202, Dr. Haioks. Agreeable to Mr. Wetmore's suggestion, the Society forwarded to the wardens and vestry the following let ter, which was laid before them at a meeting held Jan. 16, 1749. London, Charter House, June 27, 1749. Gentlemen : It is with much concern that the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts are informed, that your church andjaar- sonage house are very much out of repair, and that even the posses sion of the glebe is disputed against your very worth pastor, Mr. Wetmore, whose great pains and abilities in the cause of God's Church, cannot but reccommend him to every worthy member of it ; therefore, the society hope and expect, that upon due considera tion, you will give orders for the full repair of the church and the parsonage house, and defend Mr. Wetmore in the maintainance of all his just rights, as you desire his longer continuance among you. I am, Gentlemen, Your Very humble servant, Philip Bearcroft, Secretary. To the Church Wardens and Vestry of the Church of Rye, New York. ^!/e Parish Records. t It appears that the letter from the Society had the desired effect. In a report from Mr. Wetmore to the secretary, written in 1751, in speaking of the church edifice, he says : " It had been lately improved, and is made neat and beautiful, and not only things but per sons are amended; several who were formerly very negligent in their attendance on the church, and very remiss in rehgion, being reformed in those particulars." He writes the secretary, April 2, 1752, that "the party disputes which have run high among us for 27 200 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [3d Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. several years, to my great grief, obstruct the success which I might otherwise hope for, in my endeavors to promote a becoming zeal for piety and reformation of manners among the looser sort of my parishioners, which are too numerous. I am glad to hear of more visible success among my bretheren, especially in Stamford parish, which I am told flourishes happily, and increases by the diligent endeavour of good brother Dibblee, who, nevertheless, finds himself hard put to it, to support a family with so small a salary as he has, and I am afraid the zeal of some young men in New England, to undertake the ministry with such slender supports, and in expecta tion of more assistance from the poor people, than they will find, may in the end, prove of bad consequence in bringing contempt upon our order."— Arch, of Fulham, II, 242, Dr. Hawks. In his report to the secretary for 1753, he informs the Society of the death of Mr. Purdy, the church's school teacher. "His corpse was attended to the church, on Ash- Wednesday, by a great concourse of people of all persuasions, to whom Mr. Wetmore preached a sermon adapted to that day, and to the melanchoUy occasion." In a letter of April, 1759, Mr. Wetmore acquaints the Society, that a very worthy person, a native of England (St. George Talbot, Esq.), but now being in New York, had put into his hands £600, currency of which he reserves to himself the interest during life, and hath left by his wiU, £400 more to be added after his death to purchase a covenient glebe, and other liberal lega cies."— Prop. Soe. Rep. Bolton, Hist, of Westchester. The date of Mr. Wetmore's marriage, and whom he married, we have not been able to discover, further than that he was a man of family during his residence m the city of New York, and that his wife's Christian name was Anna, and had issue by her, two sons and G^en.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 201 Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, sou of Thomas. four daughters ; their relative ages, we conjecture to be as he names them in his will, though this is a supposi tion only. In 1731, he together with his brothers Judge Seth, Jeremiah and Josiah, deeded their right in their grandfather Stow's land in Westfield Society ; and in 1733, he deeded to his brother Jeremiah, a lot of 196 acres on the east side of the Connecticut river (Chat ham), which land he had also inherited jointly with his brothers from his grandfather. Rev. Samuel Stow. He finished his pilgrimage upon earth, Thursday, May 15, 1760. The last scene of his life was such as afforded the most pleasing prospect of the real Christian's hope. His views were clear, his love was strong, and his joy unspeakable and full of glory. His remains he interred in the old parish burial ground, on the northwest side of Blind brook. A plain monumental stone indicates the place, and bears the following inscription, written by his long-tried friend, and fellow-laborer in his Master's vineyard, the Rev. Samuel Johnson, D. D. Sacred to the Memory of The Rev. Mr. James Wetmore, the late Worthy, learned and faithful Minister of the Parish of Rye, for above 30 years. Who having strenuously defended the Church with his pen and adorned it by his Life and Doctrine, at length being seized of the small-pox, departed this life May 15, 1760, Etatis 66. Cujus Memorise sit in Benedictione sempitema. The New York Mercury oi May 29, 1760, in noticing his death, says : 202 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [3d Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. This worthy clergyman was blessed with an extensive understanding, which he improved by a due application to the most important studies. He was well versed in various parts of useful learning, and had a thorough knowledge of our happy constitution, both in church and state, of which he was a staunch friend and able advocate. In the important duties of his ministerial office, he was zealous, coustant and unwearied ; and though he observed with grief the great decay of true Christianity and genuine piety (which he ofteu heartily lamented to his friends), yet he persevered warmly in the defence of the former, and in recommending the latter, both by precept aud example. His church has lost a faithful pastor, his wife and family an affectionate husband and a tender parent, and the pub lic a worthy and useful member. But " Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord." The Rev. Dr. Sprague in his Annals of the American Pulpit, in a brief biographical notice of Rev. James Wetmore, says : " He is said to have been a man of highly respectable talents, and to have devoted him self with great zeal to the interests of the church with which he was fully connected." Mr. Bolton in his History of tlw Protestant Episcopal Church of Westchester co., N. Y, quotes from the Rev. Andrew Fowler's Ms. Biog. of the Clergy, ii, 212 and 548. I have (says Mr. Fowler) often heard some aged persons who recollected Mr. Wetmore,, speak of him with great veneration, as a good man and sound divine. He was not the eloquent orator,, nor the fascinating speaker, but he was the rational and evangelical divine, and few clergy men in his day wrote better. It is reported of him, that being in the city of New York on a visit, he was invited by the rector of Trinity Church, Dr. Ogilvie, to preach for him ; but no sooner was the sermon over, than a particular friend of the rector asked him privately, "how he could invite that old f— 1 into his pulpit," " why," said the rector, " did you not like him ? " His friend rephed : "Ao .' never .xard a more stupid sermon in my life." When the rector Gen.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 203 Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. came home, he desired Mr. Wetmore, to lend him the ser mon he had preached that day, and promised to return it, when he should see him again. Mr. Wetmore readily complied with his request, and loaned him the discourse, and not long after, the rector preached it, instead of his own. His triend was pleased with the sermon, and told him after church, that he had outshone himself, and that his discourse was the best he had ever heard in his life. The rector replied that he felt highly gratified to think that he was well pleased with the sermon, but added, it was none of his own ; " it was the very one the old f— 1, as you called him at the time, delivered in my pulpit?" "Weh, said the rector's friend, "if ho preaches such sermon as that, I wiU never object to his preaching in your pulpit again." So apt are people to condemn a clergyman for what they themselves do not understand. AVhen a little work entitled : The Fnglishman Directed in the Choice of his Religion, was republished in the city of IsTew York, he wrote a preface or introduction to it, which was considered to be very good. He also wrote and print ed several dialogues in answer to the Quakers, and in defence of the doctrine and discipline of the Church of England. One of his pamphlets I have in my possession, which appears well calculated for the purpose it was in tended; and I see not how the Quakers could answer it in a rational and spiritual manner. I believe the Christian church could never boast of better men, take them as a body, than the Society's missionaries to this country. They chose their profession from a pure love to religion and the cause to Christ, not from the love of money or praise of men. They sought for no honour but that which cometh. alone from God, and approving conscience. Like their beloved Master, they were despised and rejected, and their religion was every where spoken against and vilefied. As the Apostles were a spectacle to men and angels, so were these men, and if they suffered not as martyrs, it was be cause the civil authority protected them. Among other writings published by Mr. Wetmore, there were, A Vindication of the Professors of the Chu/rch of England in Connecticut, against Lnvectives contained in a Sermon hy Noah Hobart of Stamford, Dec. 31, 204 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [3d Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. 1746; A Letter to a Friend, 174:7 ; A Rejoinder to Ho bart' s Serious Address, 1748; Appendix &c., to Rev. J. Beach's Calm and Dispassionate Vindication of the Profes sors of the Church of Eigland, 1749, &c. Mr. Wetmore's will (the subjoined being a copy), is recorded in the surrogate's office in the city of New York, book xxiv, pp. 125, 126. The Last Will and Testament of James Wetmore, Clerk. In the Name of God, Amen. The sixth day of August, in the year of our Lord, 1759, I, James Wetmore, of Rye, in the County of Westchester, and Province of New York, Clerk, Iseing of sound mind and memory ; but calling to mind the uncertainty of life, and that 'tis appointed for man once to die, after that, the judg ment ; do make and ordain, and appoint this, my last will and testa ment, in manner following : That is to say : First of all, I bequeath my soul to God who gave it, hoping in his mercy, for everlasting life, through the alone merits of my blessed Redeemer; and my body to the earth, to be buried in a christianlike manner, at the dis cretion of my executors hereinafter named, in an assured expecta^ tion of its being raised up again at the last day by the Almighty power of my Redeemer, to a state of greater glory and perfection, to remain forever ; and as to the small portion of my worldly estate, with which it has pleased God to bless me, I will bequeath, and dispose of the same in manner following, viz : Imprimis: I give, and bequeath unto my loving wife, Anna Wetmore, instead of a legal dowry, the use and emolument of all that land, orchard, meadow, and pasture, which Samuel Lane sold to Raphael Jacobs, lying in the town of Rye, with the house thereon, tod all appurtenances thereto belonging, and also that pas ture lot adjoining thereto, which formerly belonged to Peter Brown, on the east side of the Road leading to Harrison's purchase, to the sole use of my said wife and her assigns, during the term of her natural life; also one equal half of linnen, bedding and other house hold furniture, and the priviledge of what firewood she shall have occasion for her own use; also three cows and one horse. Item, 1 give, devise, and bequeath to my loving son, James Wet more, the privilege of the shop, and dam upon Blind brook for accommodating a fulling mill, with the utensils belonging to such mill; also the wood and pasture lott above the first stone fence to extend from Abraham Brundige's land, south-westerly, half the width of my land bought of Joseph Haight, and from the stone tence that runs across my land near Brundige's house, north-west erly to the next fence that now runs across my land, together with C^en.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 205 Rev. James, sou of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. a privilege to cart and drive cattle thereto, from the bridge to the fulling mill, to him, his heirs, and assigns forever. Item, I give and bequeath to my loving son, Timothy, that house, barn, and improvements, bought of Mr. Jacobs, lying in the town of Rye, with all the land lying on the west side of the road which for merly belonged to Peter Brown, and also that part of my land bought of Joseph Haight, on the west side of Blind brook, running from said brook, north-westerly to the stone fence that now runs cross my land, near Abraham Brundige's, and to extend northerly to the land I have sequestered for a glebe, which, at the upper end, by the stone fence, is to be half the width of my lot, to him, my said son Timothy, his heirs and assigns forever. Item, I give and bequeath unto my loving daughter, Alethea, wife of the Rev. Joseph Lamson, £30, to be paid by my executors in one year after my decease. Item, 1 give, devise, and bequeath to my loving daughter Anne, wife of Gilbert Brundige, so much of my land at Bullock's meadow, as will be included by a line bearing the same course with the line between said Gilbert Brundige's land and that part of my land he adjoins to, to begin at the south-east corner of said Brundige's lot, bought of Henry Strang, to run cross meadow and woods, the course before specified, unto the land of William Haight, comprising that part of my farm that is north of said line, unto my said daughter Anne Brundige, her heirs and assigns forever ; also £10, to be paid by my executors unto my said daughter, within a year after my decease. Item, 1 give and bequeath unto my loving daughter. Charity, wife of Josiah Purdy, £30, to be paid by my executors in one year after my decease. Item, 1 will devise and bequeath to my loving daughter, Esther Wetmore, the reversion of all that house, orchard, meadow, and pasture, which was formerly Samuel Lane's, and that pasture lot which did belong to Peter Brown, eastward of the road that leads to Harrison's purchase, with all the priviledges and appurtenances thereto belonging, after the decease of my wife, to whom I haye given the use for life, the reversion and remainder to my said daughter, Esther Wetmore, to her heirs and assigns forever. I also give and bequeath unto my loving daughter, Esther, one half part of all my linnen bedding, and other household furniture, the same to be equally divided between my wife and said Daughter. All the residue and remainder of my estate, real and personal, after payment of above legacies, and all my just debts, I will devise and bequeath to my two loving sons, James Wetmore and Timothy Wetmore, to each in severalty, to be equally divided between them, after the sale of so much as shall be necessary for payment of my just debts and 206 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [3d Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. legacies, unto them, their heirs and assigns forever ; and I do hereby nominate and appoint my said loving sons, James and Timo thy, to be executors of this my last will and testament, disannulling all former wills by me made, or executors by me nominated, and do confirm this, contained in these two pages, alone, to be my last will and testament. In witness whereof, I have hereunto affixed my name and seal. James Wetmore. [Seal.] Signed, sealed, pronounced and declared to be his last will and testament, in disposing mind and memory. In presence of Hachaliah Brown, Roger Park, Jr., Benjamin Brown, Jr. Mr. Wetmore's widow survived him till February 28th, 1771. The Rev. Ebenezer Punderson, a graduate of Yale College, 1726, succeeded Mr. Wetmore at Rye, July 1st, 1763. In the interim, the parish was without stated preaching of the Gospel. FOURTH GENERATION. Children of Rev. James Wetmore, Son of Izrahiah, Son of Thomas Whitmore. James, b^ in Rye, N. Y., Dec. 19, 1727 ;'' m. Elizabeth Abrahams, of Westchester co., N. Y., b. March 15, 1730, had Abraham, John Izrahiah, James, David, Josiah, Caleb, Elizabeth, Su sannah, Charity, Alithea and Esther. H„liri^'jri°l^^?.f ^\*?5 "^'^'Sent search and inquiry, to obtain the dates of the hirths of the children of the Rev. James, save in the instance ot his son .lames, ahoye ; hence we record them in the order that they are named m their father's will. Mr. Bolton in his Hist, of the Ch. in West chester, speaks of James, second son of the Rev. James. ****** Zr^tTt^^-J^- 'fl, Z'Z ?"'"'' ^°'' '^ i* ^^ tr"«-*^ ^e are credibly in- [unTor oThif hrnT^^ ^T ^''^ '"^ ^^^°'. "-^'^ ^^ °' 85 years, he would be the was al,o?hp?, ¦ ^r"'; ""^^"^Si^^ ye'^^s. and we conjecture that he was also the junior of his sisters Alethea and Anne. Gen.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 207 Descendants of Rev. James, sou of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. He was for many years an influential citizen of Westchester co., N. Y. He remained loyal to the crown during the Revolution. To what extent he engaged in the controversy of those times, further than what we shall notice under the head of Timothy, we are unadvised. He removed with his family to New Brunswick in 1783, and settled at the mouth of St. Johns river, where he employed himself in teaching a school. He remained there but a short time, when he removed to Hammond river, distant about 20 miles from St. Johns, where he resided till his death, aged about 70 years. He was buried in the parish of Hampton, Kings co., N. B, His wife survived him seven years, and died at Hampton, and was interred by the side of the remains of her husband. Mrs. Wetmore was the daughter of a Mr. Abrahams, a wealthy West India merchant. On a visit to New York he became enamored of a daughter of a Mrs. Bush, who was a native of Holland, whom he married, which led him to settle in that city, where he estab hshed himself in the East India trade, and added still further to his fortune. His wife was renaarkable for her courage and muscular strength. It is said that one night she awoke from sleep and saw a black man, or one whose face was blackened, in her apartment, opening drawers, etc., she sprang up, seized him, and forced him out of the room ; afterwards, a large knife was found on the floor near her bed. A cartman on one occasion, in passing her door with a cask of molasses, had the misfortune to have the head of the cask started. The man stood with terror at witnessing the molasses fast discharging its self upon the ground. Mrs. Abrahams seeing the drayman's distress, rushed out of the house, seized the hogshead and set it upon its end. _ Mr. Abrahams losing a number of his East India vessels with their valuable cargoes, without insurance, 28 208 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [4th Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. was obliged to suspend business. He removed from the city and settled in Rye ; while residing there he experienced much pecuniary embarrassment, his ne cessities were such, that he had to dispose of his silver, and other valuable household articles, in order to pro vide his family with the necessaries of life. After his death, his widow removed to the vicinity of Philadel phia, where she was compelled to support herself from the products of a market garden. Timothy, b. ; m. 1st, by the Rev. Joseph Lamson, Oct. 21, 1756, Jane Haviland of Rye, had James, Jane, Anna, Timothy, Fletcher, Thomas, Luther, Theodore, Robert Greffieth ; m. 2d, , Rachel, wid. of Benjamin Ogden of N. Y. ; no issue. He was a highly respectable and influential citizen of the county of Westchester, N. Y. ; was among the first graduates of Kings, now Columbia College, in the city of New York, 1758. He first studied for the Episcopal ministry, but circumstances prevented his going to England for ordination (tradition says, that his mother would not give her consent to his crossing the ocean). Subsequently he turned his attention to the study of law, and became a practitioner of consi derable importance. In 1753-4, he was appointed by the Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts, successor to Mr. Samuel Purdy (dec'd.), as teacher for the parish of Rye ; the appointment was made on the recommen dation of the people of that town. Though he was without holy orders he nevertheless labored for the good of souls and the building up of Christ's kingdom upon earth. When a yonng man, his father was wont to send him out to destitute places to read the services of the church, and such sermons as were furnished him, which the Society in thefr records, note, that he continued his labors with pleasure, and that his eiforts were received with good satisfaction, and promising hopes of promoting Christian knowledge. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 209 Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. In a letter to the secretary, dated Rye, May 6, 1761, he gives the following report of the. parish for the year that followed the death of his father : Rev. Sir : It is now, I think, six or eight months since we have been favored with a sermon, or had either of the Sacraments administered in this Parish by a minister of the Church. The Parish being in this des titute condition, I have presumed, at the request of the people, to read service every Lord's day, and upon other convenient occasions, which appears to have a tendency, by the blessing of God, to keep up a spirit of religion, and as I have a singleness to the Glory of God and the good and comfort of my fellow creatures, I hope it may tend to the furtherance of the glorious designs of the Venerable Society. The people are constant in their attendance, descent in their deportment, and the temper of many of the Presbyterian con gregation is such (who have no minister), that I am much inclined to think, if a popular man is settled in this parish, they will not call another preacher, but many of them may be brought into the Church. The Constitution is such, that the minister must be called by the vestry and inducted by the Governour. The Vestry are chosen by all sects in the Parish, which is thirty miles in length. Mr. Thomas who is one of the representatives in this county, and who, in Gov ernour DeLancey's time, being favoured with all the administration of all offices in the country, civil and military, by the help of which he has procured himself a large interest in the county, especially in the distant and new settlements, which abound with a set of people governed by vinality than by anything else. This gentleman, though one of the Society missionaries' sons, is so negligent and indifferent towards religion (in imitation of some of our great men), that it has been a steady method with him for years, not to attend publick worship, perhaps, more than once or twice in a year, whose example has been mischievous. This man is not only one of our Vestry (though very little esteemed by the true friends of the Church), but has procured that majority of the Vestry are not of the Church, and not one of them a communicant in the Church ; accordingly, the church are not at all consulted with regard to a successor. It is, therefore, a mere chance will be pleased in this place, which will really be, if possible, a more melancholy in this Parish than others, from the peculiar circumstance of it. As our Governour depends, from year to year, upon the Assembly for his living, &c., and we have not so fully hopes of relief there, I have thought fit to give the Venerable Society a hint of these things, which they may possibly improve to the good of the Church. Reverend Sir, &c., Timothy Wetmore. N. Y. Mss. from Arch, at Fulham, ii, 286, 287, Rev. Dr. Hawks. 210 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [4th Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. In answer to this letter (says Bolton in his Hist, of the Ch. in Westchester), the venerable Society expressed their readiness to send a missionary to Rye, if neces sary, and did so by appointing the Rev. Mr. Palmer, in 1762. The vestry it seems not being aware of Mr. Palmer's appointment, called the Rev. Mr. Punderson of New Haven, as before stated. Mr. Wetmore subsequently became a vestryman, and to him in connection with Peter Jay, Elisha Budd, Christopher Isinghart, Caleb, Joshua and Joseph Purdy, John Guion, Gilbert Willet, John Cahart, Thomas Sawyer, Gilbert Brundige, John Thomas, William Sutton, Anthony Miller, and John Adee, was the char ter to the Rye Church granted by George the Third, Dec. 19, 1764. Mr. Punderson having died the 2 2d of September previous, the parish was again without a rector, when Mr. Wetmore, it will be perceived by the following extract of a letter from him to the secretary, officiated. Rye, June 1st, 1765. Rev. Sir : The Venerable Society have, doubtless, long since heard that our parish is again reduced to the melancholy state of being without a min ister, exposed to the infection of schism, irreligion, profaneness and deism, or rather atheism. Mr. Smith, something of a popular dis senting preacher, is again introduced into Rye and the White Plains. I am sorry to say it, I think the appearances of religion, are not so favourable as they have heretofore been, and though the necessity is so great, the neighboring clergy are so attached to their proper missions, that we have not had, I think the sacrament but once, and but two sermons preached in our parish since the death of Mr. Punderson. This being the melancholy state of the church, and many manifestly verging towards an indifferency about public worship ; to prevent which, and the dreadful consequences there of, and also to prevent as far as lay in my power, as many as possible from being habituated to the dissenting meeting, taverns, and slothfulness on the Lord's day, vices to which many of our people are too much addicted, and which Mr. Punderson's successor might be obliged to struggle hard with, before he would be able to master, as also that we may have opportunity of publicly adoring our Great Creator, Redeemer, and Sanctifyer; I have presumed Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 211 Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. again to enter the sacred desk and read prayers at Rye and the White Plains, and elsewhere, occasionally, and such sermons, as I think, as are best calculated for these purposes, and to propagate the great doctrines and practice of Christians ; and I have the satisfac tion to think my weak endeavours are not without a blessing ; many profess to be pleased, and established and comforted thereby in the blessed hopes of the Gospel. The Reverend Ephraim, son of Rev. Ephraim Aveiy of Pomfret, Windham county. Conn., was ap pointed to the Mission at Rye, in the summer of the same, year, and Mr. Wetmore was succeeded by a Mr. John Rand, as the Society's schoolmaster and catechist for the parish in 1769, though it would appear, from the Propagation Society's records, that he was a teacher to "ten or twelve; four children upon the bounty of the Society," as late as 1773 and 1774, Mr. Wetmore being warmly attached to the English Church, from which his father had received much sympathy and material aid in his day of trial, as well as being of a loyal spirit, he naturally remained faith ful to the mother country during the troublesome times of the Revolution. Mr. L. Sabine, in his biographical sketches of American loyahsts, m noticing Timothy Wetmore, says : He was a person of consideration and influence. In September, 1774, the freeholders and inhabitants met at Rye, and declared that they were much concerned with the unhappy situation of public affairs, and that they con sidered it to be their duty to state, that they had np part in any resolution entered into, or measure taken, with re gard to the disputes at present subsisting with the mother country ; they also express their dislike to many hot and furious proceedings in consequence of said disputes, which in their opinion were more likely to ruin this happy coun try than to remove grievances, if they are. * * The following is the declaration alluded to above which we take from the Am. Archives, 4th Ser., i, 802 : 212 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [4th Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Eye, New York, Sept. 24, 1774. We the subscribers, Freeholders and Inhabitants of the town of Rye, in the county of Westchester, ' being much concerned in the unhappy situation of publick affairs, think it our duty to our king and country, to declare that we have not been concerned in any resolutions entered into or measures taken, with regard to the disputes at present subsisting with the mother country ; we also testify our dislike to many hot and furious proceedings in consequence of said disputes, which we think more likely to ruin this once happy country, than remove grievances, if any there are. We also declare our great desire and full resolution to live and die peaceable subjects of our gracious sovereign King George the Third, and his laws. Signed by eighty-three of the influential citizens of Westchester, among them, the subject of this notice ; also by his brother James, and his nephew Abraham Wetmore. This appears not to have satisfied either of the par ties. Subsequently Mr. Wetmore published the fol lowing explanation : The above (quoting it) like many others being liable to misconstruction, and having beeu understood by many to import a recognition of a right in the Parliament of Great Britain to bind America in all cases whatsoe'er, and to signify that the colonies labor under no grievances. I think it my duty to explain my sentiments upon the sub ject, and thereby prevent future mistakes. It is my opimon that the Parliament have no right to tax America, though they have a right to regulate the trade of the Empire. I am further of opinion, that several acts of Parhament are grievances, aud the execution of them ought to be opposed in such manner, as may be consistent with the duty of a subject to our Soverign ; Though I can not help expressing my disapprobation of many violent proceedings in some of the colonies. Timothy Wetmore. Nov. 3, 1774. , ith series. Am. Archives, i, 803. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 213 Descendants of Rev. J.ames, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. This was in New York, and its vicinity, much like the more conservative Whigs view of the controversy. Mr. Wetmore's loyal sentiments caused him to lose his property. At the close of the war (1783), he re moved to Nova Scotia, where he practiced his profes sion for many years, and held numerous offices of pubhc trust. He educated his sons in the three professions in most of which, if not all, he was thoroughly educated himself" His wife, Jane Haviland, departed this life, in New York city, August 5th, 1777, at 3 o'clock in the morn ing ; her remains, together with those of her daughter Anna, are buried beside each other a few rods north from Trinity Church, a few feet northward of a small stone of Mr. Shreve's children. " It pleased God, to enable them both to speak very distincly to the Saviour, at and near their departure, and to be very resigned to God's will." — Old Family Bible Reccrrd. Mr. Wetmore returned from New Brunswick about 1800, and took up his residence in the city of New York, where he resided until his death, March, 1820, aged 83 or 85 years. His widow removed to New Brunswick, and died in Charlotte county, about 1826 or 1828. She had, by her marriage with her first husband, Benjamin, Andrew and Albert Odgen, who were at one time prominent and wealthy merchants in the city of New York. Alethea, b. — ; m. 1747, Rev. Joseph Lamson, son of William Lam son of Stratford, Ct. ; b. about 1719; hadl A Dau., b. — ; d. 1753: 11 Anne, b. — ; m. Samuel Beiden of Norwalk, Ct. ; issue, Thomas, Samuel, William, Hezekiah : III Esther, b. — ; m. Capt. Stephen Hoyt of the Prince of Wales regt. ; issue Joseph Lamson, Stephen, Thomas: IV Elizabeth: V William, who was a physician to an American regt. : VI John, b. — ; m. Hatfield ; issue Elizabeth, Mary, William, Anne : VII — . "We are informed that Mr. Wetmore studied medicine irjimediately after graduating. 214 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [4th Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. He graduated at Yale College in 1741 ; declared for Episcopacy ; studied for the ministry, and went out to England for holy orders in June, 1744 ; received his certificate of ordination from the bishop of London in 1745, and became assistant minister to his father-in- law. The circumstances attending his voyage to England, and his appointment by the society, assistant to Mr, Wetmore, we quote from printed abstracts of the P^rop. Soe. Rep., which we find in Bolton's Hist, of the Church in Westchester. Extract of letter from Rev. James Wetmore, to the secretary of the society, dated. Rye, Dec. 18th, 1744. Rev. Sir : Mr. Lamson took a passage from Boston sometime in June last, and there being no account of his arrival in England, it is feared he is taken by a Spanish privateer and carried into some port in Spain. If that should prove to be his hard fortune, I hope, by the favour of divine Provi dence, he may find some way for redemption and get to London. The Society's Abstracts for 1745, say : Mr. Wetmore, the Society's missionary to the parish of Rye, in this Province, acquaints the Society that he is so fully employed in performing the duties of his holy func tion at Rye, Scarsdale and the White Plains, and he can not attend the distant parts of his parish so often as he could wish, and therefore he humbly prays the Society, instead of appointing a successor to the late Mr. Dwight, the Societie's school master at the White Plains, they would grant him an assistant minister to officiate under him ; and the good people of Bedford and North Castle, in which are four hundred families, that stand much in want, and are desirous of instruction in the true and sound principles of Christianity, and to those of Ridgefield adjoining to them, where a church is already built ; and the inhabitants of those towns earnestly petitioning the Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 215 Descendants of Rev. James, son. of Izraliiah, son of Thomas. Society to the same purpose, and promising £SQ per annum towards the expense, the Society hath granted this request and appointed the Rev. Mr. Lamson, lately arrived from 'Sew England, with very ample testimonials from the clergy of that province, to be upon his admission unto holy orders, assistant minister to Mr. Wetmore, in officiat ing to the inhabitants of Bedford, l!>I"orth Castle and Ridge field, with a salary of £20 per annum, besides a gratuity of the same out of compassion to Mr. Lamson's sufferings and necessities, who was taken a prisoner, stripped, and carried into France, on his voyage towards England, and afterwards in his way from Port Louis, in France, to Lon don, was detained four months by a fever at Salisbury, where he lost by that distemper, his companion and fellow sufferer, Mr. Minor, another worthy candidate for the Society's favour, and the Society hath lately had the satis faction to be informed that Mr. Lamson arrived safe some time since at Few York, and went from thence to enter upon the duties of his mission. Some idea (says the Rev. M. H. Henderson) of the great disadvantages under which the church labored during our colonial existence, may be formed from the fact, that beside the expense of the voyage (£100), and expense which candidates for holy orders could ih afford to bear, nearly one-fifth of ah that went to England for ordination, died, either from small pox, or the dangers of the deep. The number, who had gone to England for ordination from the northern colonies up to 1767, was 52 ; of these 42 only returned bzlMj.— Centennial Discourse.^^ The Society's Abstracts for 1746, say: The society have had the satisfaction to be informed by the Rev. Mr. Lamson, that he returned safe and in good health; and the good people of Ridgefield, Bedford and Iforth Castle, the places of his mission, received him gladly and even as one risen from the dead, among whom report' had for some time placed him, and in his letter, May 12 1746 he writes :— " That he officiates by turns at these three pl'aces to fuh congregations, and had baptized eleven children, and three adults, well principled m Chris- 15 Bolton's Hist, of Westchester OQ-, Ui 66, 29 216 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [4th Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. tianity; and Mr. Wetmore, the Society's missionary in the populous parish of Rye, to whose assistance Mr. Lamson is appointed, returns his own hearty thanks, together with those of his parishioners, in his letter of April Sd, 1746, professing his hope that Mr. Lamson will do much good amongst them by his preaching and exemplary life, for which they very much respect him, and that as there are great numbers of people in the wilderness country north ward of Bedford and Westchester, who have very little knowledge or sense of rehgion, Mr. Lamson's labors will be employed to good purpose among them. Mr. Lamson writes to the secretary under date of ISToBTH Castle, in the Parish of Rye, Feb. 10, 1746-7. Rev. Sh : I have endeavored since my arrival, to do what service I can among a great number of poor people, scattered about in the woods, who have little ability, and most of them little inclination to mind me. I compassionate their circumstances, and the more because so many of them have very little sense of the importance of religion and virtue. The Rev. Mr, Wetmore has been treating with a very worthy young Gentleman, Mr. Thomas Bradbury Chand ler, who is wihing to perform the service of a lay catechist among these people, if the Honourable Society, upon my removal, wih be please to bestow upon him the £10 ster ling salary, that was formerly allowed to Mr. Kint Dwight, deceased. And 1 am of opinion that such a provision is as much as these people can expect at present, and I be lieve it may in a good measure supply the place of a minister in orders, considering that Mr. Wetmore, with Mr. Chandler's assistance, to read in the church at Rye, in his absence, may more frequently visit North Castle and Bedford, and administer the sacraments among them ; and some of the people have expressed satisfaction in the hopes of having so ingenious a man as Mr. Chandler to labor among them, in such a method after my leaving them. They find as little fault as I could expect, at the talk of my removal, knowing that my present income is too small for a support.— Co???!. Mss. from Archives at Fulham, 282-3, Dr. Hawks, Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 217 Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Soon after the date of this letter, Mr. Lamson took charge of the parish of Fairfield, Ct., where he continued to the time of his death, which took place in 1778. The register of the town of Fairfield contains a record of his marriage in 1747, to Alethia, daughter of the Rev. James Wetmore of Rye and of the birth of their six child ren, five daughters and one son. And the graves of the eldest daughter, who died in 1758, and Mrs. Lamson, who died 1766, are in the old burial place, near the Court House. But it appears from the proceedings of the so ciety, that Mr. Lamson left a vddow. — Hist, of the Church in Westchester, p. 534. Mr. Lamson received his degree of master of arts at Kings College, New York, 1773 ; his family sur name (says Surtee's Hist, of the Go. of Durham,) was originally written Lambton. Robert De Lambton, feu dal Lord of Lambton Castle, in the county of Durham, died in 1350. "The Lampsons or Lamsons, were among the early settlers of New England. The will of Wilham Lampson of Stratford, Ct., bears date Sept. 1754, proved Feb. 11, 1755. Wife Elizabeth, sons Joseph, Nathaniel and John; daughters, Ehzabeth, Sarah and Mary {Prob. Rec. Fairfield co., 1754-7)."— Hist, of the Church in Westchester, p. 532. Anne, b. — ; m. Gilbert Brundige of Westchester co., N. Y.; had Timothy, Gilbert, who m. ; had Mrs. Buckley of Rye. Mr. Brundige was a man of influence in the county of Westchester, he (as before stated) receiving with others, the charter of the church at Rye from George the Thfrd, in 1764. Chaeity, b. in Rye; m. Josiah, son of SamueP and Penelope (Strang) Purdy; had I Seth, proprietor of he homestead at Rye who m. Pheobe Ketchum of L. I., and left Joshua Seth Josikh, Keziah, Alathea, Elizabeth, Charity, Mehnda and 16 Son of the first Francis Purdy. His wife Penelope was ^ daughter of Daniel L'Estrange, nat. 16-56 at Paris ; will dated 1706 vol. vii, 288, and Charlotte Hubert. Arms, gu, two lions, passant, guardant,- arg. Crest, a lion, passant, guardant or.— Chart, by Bolton, ii, Mb. 218 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [4th Descendants of Rev James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Phoebe ; II Alathea, who m. 1st Joseph Purdy, 2d William Purdy; III Esther, m. Henry Purdy of King street; IV Hannah (Anna ?), m. Josiah Merritt. Robert Bolton, Jr., in his History of Westchester co., noticing the family of Purdy, says : Northeast of the village (Rye), bordering Purchase street, is the pro perty of the late Josiah Purdy, Esq., now occupied by his son Josiah Purdy. The Purdy family were among the early settlers of Fairfield, Connecticut. Francis Purdy," the first of the family of whom we have any account, died in 1658, at Fairfield. His sons Francis, John,-^* and Samuel, subsequently removed to Rye, p. 48. The Purdy estate is situated upon the eastern shore of Rye neck, bordering the Blind brook (Mock quams). A short distance from the house is the burial place of the Purdy family, p. 91. Esther, b. in Rye ; m. 1st David Brown; m. 2d Jesse Hunt, Esq., s.p. Mr. Jesse Hunt was the high sheriff of Westches ter county in 1780. " The family (says Bolton) are presumed to spring from one of the younger sons of Thomas Hunt of Shrewsbury, county of Shropshire, England, son of Richard Hunt, bailiff of Shrewsbury in 1613. Thomas was high sheriff of Shropshire in 1656, and a colonel in the parliament service; he died A. D. 1669." Mr. Sheriff Hunt was the proprietor of Hunter's island ; he had been previously, or was subsequently married to a Miss Staples, and had Capt. Thomas, Lieut. Jesse, Samuel, and a daughter who married a Gracie {Bolton's Appendix, 523). He was son of Thomas, son of Thomas Hunt, who removed to Westchester, and purchased the Grove farm, which was patented to him by Gov. NicoUs, 4th Dec, 1667 {Bolton, 523). Bolton in noticing the Hunt family says, p. 272 : " An inventory of the estate of Francis Purdy was taken, Oct. 14, 1686. -See Prob. Rec, Fairfield Co., Ct. 18 John Purdy was residing at Fairfield, 1658. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 219 Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. At the southeast extremity of the neck is situated Hunt's point. This property has been occupied by the Hunt family for nearly one hundred and sixty years, having passed into their hands by the marriage of Thomas Hunt with Elizabeth Jessup, daughter of Edward Jessup, son of the first patentees. In 1688, Thomas Hunt, of the Grove Farm, granted to his son Thomas Hunt, one hundred acres, lying on the south side of Gabriel Leggett's land, bounded eastwardly and southerly by Bronx river. It is now the property of Daniel Winship, who married Eliza, the widow of the late Richard Hunt, Esq. The old Grange, erected in 1688, occupies a beautiful situation near the termination of the point, overlooking the East river and Flushing bay. This place was for many years the residence of Joseph R. Drake the poet, and it was here that he wrote his well known hues on the Bronx, on the neighboring banks of which he often wandered. The burial place of the Hunt family, is located near the entrance of the point. The following inscriptions are copied from two of the monuments in this yard : In memory of Thomas Hunt, who departed this life July 4, 1808, in the 80th year of his age. He possessed the car dinal virtues in an eminent degree ; he was temperate, brave and just. The solid rock shall sink beneath The iron hand of time. But virtue dwells with Immortality.'' ^ The other inscription alluded to, is one commemorative of Drake, who d. Sept. 21, 182.5, ae. 25, with two lines taken from the poem written by Fitz Greene Halleck, on the death of his companion. Dr. Drake. " None knew thee but to love thee, None named thee but to praise." 220 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [5tl Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. FIFTH GENERATION. Children of James. Abraham, b. in Rye, Nov. 29 (9?), 1747; m. Sarah Sniflfers; had Josiah, William and Abraham. He, on the breaking out of the Revolution, remained loyal to the crown. He signed the Manifesto, or De claration, in company with his father and uncle. He removed to New Brunswick, at about the close of the war. He died in New York, Feb. 6, 1790. His widow subsequently married Sylvanus Whitney. She died in St. Johns, about 1804. Elizabeth, b. Rye, Aug. 30, 1750 ; m. David, son of David and Abigail Haight of Rye ; had I Ahaigail, b. Dec. 13, 1773; m. John Harris, about 1796 ; issue, 1, Elizabeth, m. Aug. 1837, Caleb Nelson, of Canada; had 4 chil. : 2, Thomas : 3, David, m. S. Smith (died) : 4, Elijah, m. Lavinia P. of Canada; had Thomas, Elijah, John, — — : 5, James Wetmore, m. Jane Wilson, of Canada : 6, John Q., b. June 19, 1809 : 7, Caleb, d. young : 8, Sarah, m. A. Morse, in Canada : 9, Moses Mar shall. II James, b. Dec. 11, 1775. Ill Susannah, b. Dec. 1, 1777; m. Garret Williamson; issue, 1, Samuel, m. Levithea Doolittle, has 8 daus. : 2, Ezekiel Miller : 3, Abigail, m. G-ar- nett Scott, had 4 chil. . 4, Ann Eliza : 5, William : 6, Susan nah : 7, Markus : 8, Lavinia Jane : 9, Alithea. IV Elizabeth, b. Dec. 10, 1779 ; m. Elias B. Miller ; issue, 1, Pheobe : 2, Esther, m. Perry Scott, of New York, has 2 sons : 3, David Williams : 4, Maria : 5, James : 6, Samuel. V Esther, b. Sept. 1781 ; m. Timothy Birdsall ; had Jane Haight. VI Alithea, b. Aug. 23, 1783 ; unm. (1837). VII Caleb, b. Aug. 27, 1785; m. Elizabeth Whitlark ; had 1, Elizabeth ; m. 2d Maria Jack son ; had 2, Nicholas : 3, Caleb Wetmore : 4, William (dead) : 5, John; 6, Benjamin (dead): 7, Benjamin Ambler (dead) : 8, W«illiam Marshall (dead) : 9, Maria Banyan. VIII Mary, b. Dec. 27, 1787; m. Phineas Haight, May 25, 1808; had 1, Alvm Wetmore, b. Nov. 1809, who m. Patty Dibble, 1 dau. : 2 Milhcent, b. May 18, 1811, m. Benjamin Green of Indiana, has 2 chil. : 3, James Lawrence, b. Aug. 27, 1814 : 4, Thomas (dead): Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 221 Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. 5, David Edwin, b. May 26, 1819 : 6, Phineas, b. July 18, 1821 : 7, Mary Elizabeth, b. Oct. 7, 1824 : 8, Abraham Henry, b. April 23, 1827 : 9, Samuel Nicholson, b. — 18, 1829. IX David b. Feb. 1, 1790; m. Deborah Bailey March 8, 1815; had 1, Hester Jane, b. Dec. 18, 1815 : 2, David, b. Jan. 9, 1815 : 3, Thomas B., b. March 19, 1820 : 4, Infant, b. July 27, 1822 (died) : 5, Mary Lavinia, b. March 5, 1825 : 6, Anna Augusta, b. Oct. 21, 1828. Mrs. Deborah Bailey Haight d. March 3, 1835. X Lavinia, .b. March 7, 1792; m. Moses Marshall, Aug. 21, 1815; had 1, Abby Jane, b. Dec. — : 2, William W., b. May, 1818 : 3, Moses H., b. July, 1819 : 4, Caroline Elizabeth, b. Sept., 1821 : 5, Charlotte Ann, b. Jan., 1824 : 6, James Henry, b. May, 1826 : 7, John Harris, b. Oct. 10, 1826 : 8, Emmery, b. March 20, 1831. XI Jane, b. March 20, 1795 : d. April 10, 1795. Mr. and Mrs. Haight Sen, resided in New Bedford. She d. June 1843, in her 93d year. Susannah, b. in Rye, April 22, 1753; m. John Craft; had I Eli zabeth, m. Joseph Littlehall; m. 2d James Brittian : II John Thorn, m. Pheobe Dunham : III William, m. Nancy Mc- Kinsey : IV Polly, m. Joseph Dunham : V Sarah; m. Grif- feth Jenkins, s. p. Mrs. Susannah Craft, died April 4, 1850, having attained 97 years, less 18 days. John, b. in Rye, July 7, 1755 ; m. 1st, about 1778, Anna Van Cott of Long Island ; had Elizabeth, James, Martha Van Cott, Caroline (Catherine?), John, Ann, Jesse Lamereux, Daniel Van Cott, David, William, Edwin, Susannah, Joseph, Timothy, Hannah ; m. 2d Elizabeth Clark of Nova Scotia ; had Clark, Thomas and Sarah. He removed to New Brunswick in 1783, where he was govemment land surveyor till an advanced age prevented his attending to the duties pertaining to the office. He was a magistrate of Kings county, N.B., for some years, received during the Revolution a lieu tenant's commission in the British army ; was at the battle of White Plains, but was not engaged in the combat. On the King's troops removing to New Brunswick he was made a commandant of &> company. 222 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [5th Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Capt. Wetmore was a strong Royahst, as well as an ardent Churchman, as will be seen by the following entry and declaration, made by himself on the fly leaf of his family Bible : John Wetmore, born at Rye, state of New York, July 7, 1755. Baptized by the Rev. James "Wetmore, Rector of Rye church. Landed at St. Johns, commanding a com pany of loyalists, with the rank of captain. Confirmed in Kingston Church by the Right Rev. Charles Inglish, D. D., Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia. Declaration. I, the above named John Wetmore, do hereby declare that I believe the United Church of England and Ireland, as by law estabhshed, to be a pure branch of Christ's Holy Catholic Church; that for nearly seventy years I have lived in her communion, that in it I hope to die. (Signed,) John Wbtmoeb. In the 89th year of age, in the year of our Lord, 1844. He died at Yarmouth, N. S., May 4, 1848, aged 92 years and 10 month. Izrahiah, b. in Rye, Oct. 15, 1757 ; m. March 12, 1782, Elizabeth Bush, b. March 20, 1761; had Nancy, Esther, Bush, Rebecca, Elizabeth, Anna, James Bush, Sarah Bush, Infant son, b. July 9, 1796, d. 16th of same month; Gilbert Bush, Amelia, Izrahiah and Pheobe. He resided at Rye. He was a loyalist and signed at White Plains, April 13, 1775, with three hundred other freeholders and inhabitants of the county of Westchester, the famous protest " against the assem bling of all unlawful congresses and committees." {Bolton Hist, of W, ii, 351-2.) He died Feb. 7, 1838, and was buried in the old yard attached to Christ Church, not far from the grave of his grandfather, the Rev. James. His wife died in the fall of the year 1853, in her 93d year, and her remains rest besides those of her husband. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 223 Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Charity, b. in Rye, Jan. 23, 1760; m. Daniel Lamereux, March 12, 1782 ; had I Andrew Ogden, who m. Sarah Wurt; res. in St. Johns, had a numerous family ; his oldest son George, m. his cousin Susannah, dau. of Judge David Brown Wetmore ; II Daniel, b. — ; m. in N. Y. ; III Elizabeth, b. — ; m. in N. Y. ; IV Susannah, b. — ; m. in N. Y. ; V Thomas, b. and m. in N. Y. ; \1 James, b. and m. in N. Y. ; VII David, b. — ; m. in N. Y. She died ¦ . James, b. in Rye, May 23, 1762 ; m. ; had Susan, Caleb, James, Hester, Elisha, Mary, John, Elizabeth. He died March, 1850. David Brown, Judge, b. in Rye, Nov. 4, 1764; m. Oct. 20, 1787, Ruth, dau. of Justus Sherwood at Hampton, N. B., b. at Cort- landt :Manor, Westchester co., N. Y., Jan, 11, 1769 ; had Justus Sherwood, Martha Bashford, Elizabeth, Ruth Sherwood; m. 2d, Aug. 13, 1797, Elizabeth, dau. of Sylvanus Whitney, b. July 7, 1773 ; had Jane, James, David, Susannah Craft, Tho mas, William Puddington, Henry Sylvanus, Elias Scovil, John, Huldah Butler, and Norton. He was a loyahst, and removed with his father to New Brunswick in 1783, and resided for several years in the parish of Hampton ; from thence he removed to St. Johns, where he lived a short time, from thence to Kingston, county of Kings, ha 1820. He was a colonel of the first battahon of Kingston militia, and was a representative in the General Assembly of the Province for many years, and a Judge of the Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions. He died at Norton, Kings CO., Dec. 17, 1845, in his 82d year. His wife, Ruth Sherwood, died Dec. 17, 1795. Her father Jus tus Sherwood, was a loyahst, and resided at Cortlandt Manor, Westchester co., N. Y. He, with his brothers Abiiah and Jonathan, were grantees of St. John, N. B in 1783 ; he died m Kings co., in 1836, at the age of' eighty-four {Am. Loyalists, 'QU) . Mrs. Elizabeth Whitney Wetmore, died ; her father, Sylvanus Whitney, was also a loyahst, and resided in Stamford, Conn. 30 224 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [5th Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, sou of Thomas. In June, 1775, (says the American Loyalists, p. 690), he was arraigned before the Committee of that town, charged with the otfence of buying and selling tea. He made a written confession of the fact, delivered up the tea remain ing in his possession, and was allowed to depart. As the reader may be curious to learn how the Whigs disposed of this obnoxious article of drink, the following account of the destruction of that received of Mr. Whitney is here given : "At about eight o'clock in the evening a gallows was erected in the middle of the street. * * * * j^ large concourse of people soon collected, and were joined by a number of the soldiery quartered in tbe town. A grand procession soon began to move. In the first place a large guard under arms, headed by two captains, who led the van, with the unfortunate tea hung across a pole, sustained by two unarmed soldiers. Secondly, followed the Com mittee of Observation. Thirdly, the spectators who came to see the sight. And after parading through a part of the principal streets, with drums beating and fifes playing a most doleful sound ; they came to the gallows, where the common hangman soon performed his ofiice, to the general satisfaction of the spectators. As it was thought dangerous to let the said tea hang ah night, for fear of invasion of our tea lovers, a large bonfire was made under it, which soon reduced it to ashes ; and, after giving three loud huzzas, the people soon dispersed to their respective homes, without any bad consequences attending." Mr. Whitney was present during the execution, adds the writer, " and behaved himself as weh as could be expected." He removed to St. John, at the peace, and was a magis trate and one of the aldermen of that city. He died at St. John in 1827, aged seventy-nine. Josiah, b. in Rye, Dec. 5, 1766; d. June 15, 1767. Caleb, b. in Rye, May 4, 1768 ; m. Deborah, dau. of Justus Sher wood Esq., formerly of Cortlandt Manor, Westchester co., N. Y. ; had Ruth, Josiah Joseph, James, Caleb, Izrahiah, Joseph, Robert, Martha, Sarah, Elizabeth, Margeret, Infant, Deborah Jane. He removed to St. Johns, N. B., with his father's family, m 1783. Was a colonel of the Kings co., N. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 225 Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. B., militia, and a member of the common council of St. Johns for a number of years. He died Sept. 29, 1853. Alithea, b. in Rye, May 19, 1771 ; m. Ruben Craft; had I Jerusha, 11 James; 111 John ; IV Charity; V William; Yl Ruben : m. 2d, Walter Sherwood of N. B.; had VII James 2d; VIII Cliarles; IX Elizabeth; X Deborah; XI Esther ; XII Jane. She died July 23, 1834, in her 64th year. Mr. Craft was brother of John, he settled in N. B., ; died about 1801. Mr. Sherwood Sen., resided in N. B., was formerly from Pennsylvania. Esther, b. in Rye, Aug. 16, 1774 ; m. April 9, 1793, at Carleton, N. B., William Puddington, b. in Edinburgh, Scotland, June 19, 1769 ; had I Infant dau.; II Mary, b. March 20, 1794, who m. Nov. 4, 1813, Joseph Flewelling ; had 1st William Puddington, who m. 1st Susannah, dau. of John, son of James, son of Rev. James Wetmore ; had dau. d. y. ; m. 2d, Esther Meritt, g. dau. of Izrahiah, son of James, son of Rev. James Wetmore, had 3 sons and 2 daus. ; 1 son (Osmond), m. 1861, Charlotte, dau. of Brown Whelpley; m. 3d, Charlotte Whelpley, s. p.; Mrs. Mary Flewelling d. Nov. 29, 1859 ; III Elizabeth, b. March 3, 1796, d. July 4, 1798 ; IV James Wetmore, b. Feb. 27, 1798 ; m. July 12, 1828, Elizabeth, dau. of Izrahiah Wetmore of Rye; he d. Dec. 17, 1860, s. p. ; V Susannah Craft, b. Nov 4 1799, m. July 12, 1817, Thomas A. Flewelling; had 2 sons and 8 daus. ; VI William, b. Feb. 13, 1802, m. March 13, 1828 Fanny Williams, have sons and daus. ; VII George, b. June' 19, 1805, m. May 16, 1823, Debros Steward, dau, of Alithea, dau. of James, son of Rev., James Wetmore ; VIII aarissa Holmes, b. May 16, 1808, m. Oct. 22, 1829, Thomas, son of Judge David Brown Wetmore (see issue under proper head) ; IX Esther Wetmore, b. April 3, 1811, d. April 19 1811 ; X DcJvid Wetmore, b. Nov. 10, 1812, m. May 15, 1834 ; had Edmond, who m. 1861, Eliza, dau. of David, son of Judge David Brown Wetmore ; XI Caleb Wetmore, b. May 13, 1815, d Mav 16, 1815 ; XII Margeret Jane Gedney, b. Jan. 2b 1818, m. Oct. 16, 1834, William Thomas Flewelling, had Charlotte Flewelling. Mrs. Esther Puddington Sen. removed with her father's family to New Brunswick. She is still hving, and resides, as do most of her descendants, at or near 226 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [5th Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. St. Johns. She is, we beheve, the only one hving of the grand children of the Rev. James of Rye. She is much loved and respected by her numerous connec tion. Children of Timothy. James, b. Rye, Oct. 21, 1757, and d. Nov. 26, 1758. Infant Dau., b. 1758 ; d. at time of birth. Jane, b. in Rye, June 4, 1760 ; christened by Mr. Dibble, she m. Jesse Lamereux, and died in New York, leaving Timothy. Anna, b. in Rye, June 6, 1762, christened by Mr. Dibble. She died aged 15 years, and was buried as has been stated, in Trinity Church yard, New York. Timothy Fletcher, b. in Rye, Oct. 3,1764; christened by Mr. Seabury of Jamaica. He died in New York ; was a physician of Colum bia College. The following notice and tribute to him, we take from an autograph letter from his brother. Rev. Robert Griffith, addressed to his daughter Jane : Your uncle Timothy F. Wetmore, studied Physic with Dr. Seabury (who was afterwards Bishop of Connecticut and Rhode Island), and practiced Physic a number of years in New Brunswick ; he came to New York in 1793, attended the lectures of Columbia College for 3 years, wrote and published a dissertation on Puerperal Fever] and took the degree of M. D. with honor, but poor disap pointed soul, he was cut ofl" in youth, and in the most promising part of life, like many of his fellow mortals. He died in Jan., 1799 ; he was a dear brother to me ; his manners were pleasing and gentlemanly, and he was no less esteemed for his respect of religion than skhl in his profession. Thomas, b. in Rye, Sept. 20, 1767 ; christened by the Rev. Mr. Ephraim Avery, Oct. 25 ; m. March 17, 1793, at Gagetown, N. B., by the Rev. Mr. Clarke, rector of G., Sarah, dau. of Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 227 Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Judge James Peters ; had Margeret Lester, George Ludlow, Jane Haviland, Charles Peters, Ann Peters, Sarah, Timothy Robert, Thomas Allen, Susannah Mary, Eleanor, Emma, and Thomas Saunders. He was a loyalist, and removed with his father to Nova Scotia, and from thence to N. Brunswick, where he studied law with the late Hon. Ward Chipman, son of the late Chief Justice Chipman, was admitted to the bar, and practiced with credit and success. In 1792 he held the office of Deputy Surrogate of the Colony, was Master and Examiner in Chancery, Register of Wills aud Deeds for the county of Queens, and was a member of the Council. — Sabine's Am. Loyalists, 688. Was appointed Attorney General of the Province of N. B., July 26, 1809, which office he filled with signal reputation to the period of his death. As a man, he was eminently distinguished for his talents, benevolence, kindness and hospitality. His hand was always open to the poor and needy, his heart always beat responsive to the cry of distress. He was a friend to all mankind. As a lawyer and an advocate he had no superiors in the Province. If he had equals he was a leader among them. No lan guage we could use would be too strong to express the love and admiration in which he was held by his children and family, and the esteem and respect that he received from the community in which he hved. By the aid of his father's tuition and his own exer tions he arose to the highest status in his profession. As it has been said of him "he never touched any thing he did not adorn." -r^ ^ . t i, j He was a communhig member of the Established Church While he was firm and steadfast m his own professed faith, he exercised forbearance and charity towards all denominations of Christians. That he was a true disciple of our blessed Redeemer,^ no one we thmk, can doubt, after reading the following beautiful 228 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [5th Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. letter, written under painful circumstances, to his son Robert. We copy from the original lying before us. These liable affiictions (my dear Robert), which are but for a moment, work for us a far more exceeding and eter- ¦ nal weight of glory. It is salutary for us to receive in struction in the school of adversity, and we ought to bear in mind that it happens, at least sometimes, that whom God loveth he chasteneth ; and it is said. He scourgeth every son he receiveth. We all offend our maker daily, and certainly we have abundant cause to turn to him with our whole hearts. I have been most unfortunate in the eyes of all who are not disposed to admit that the hairs of our head are numbered, but from the moment the dread ful accident happened I have been fortunate far beyond expectation. I had thought and presence of mind enough to place the broken bones together and so to hold them until the sur geons arrived, also to order the Bier out of the Graveyard to take me home. I was bro't quietly and comfortably out (2 miles) and placed on a Bed in the Drawing Room, wbence I have not yet been removed (now the 17th day). I have been constantly and kindly visited by two skhlful surgeons, and I have been blessed with my family around me. I have had very little Fever and the crippled Limb wears the most favorable appearance. For those and other Blessings I am really grateful. It is with very great plea sure I anticipate your return to us. On this day three weeks, should no accident happen, I hope to see you, and by that time I hope to be on crutches. A very unexpected disappointment prevented your re ceiving a supply of cash before now. By the last Boat I took other steps which I hope will prove more successful to send you £65, a sum, sufficient, I trust, to discharge your Debts and to pay the expense of your journey here. Come, therefore, my dear son, the moment the Term closes, with all possible expedition, to the Bosom of your Father. Bring with you (if you can obtain it) a certificate of the time of your Matriculation, and the Terms which you have kept, &c. Bring also a list of your Library. I can not use a pen as I am flat on my back. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 229 Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Remember me respectfully and Idndly to our Friends the Tonges and Dr. Cochran & Family. I am tired. May God Almighty protect and bless you my dear Boy, is the prayer of, Your afl"' Father, T. Wetmore. Kingswood, Saturday, 14 June, 1823. He died without an enemy, March 22, 1828. _ The following notice of him appeared in The Courier, a paper pubhshed in New Brunswick, March 25, 1828. Under the obituary head in to-day's Gazette, we have had the mournful task of inserting the death of Thomas Wetmore, Esq., his Majesty's late Attorney General for this Province, and whose loss, we have no doubt, will be greatly felt in that profession of which he was here, the distinguished head, so great an ornament and so profound a member. While at the same time, in a domestic view of this afflicting circumstance, we are confident, that all who had the pleasure of even a partial intimacy with the lamented deceased, wih deeply sympathize in the bereave ment thus sustained by his family e\re\e.— Royal Gazette. The fohowing is a copy of the inscription upon his and his consort's tombstone : The Hon"!*- Thomas Wetmore, Attorney General of New Brunswick, who died 22 March, A. D., 1828. Also, Sarah, His wife, died 28 June, A. D., 1827. Aged 58 years. The father of Mrs. Wetmore (Judge Peters), wasa loyal ist of New York. "He settled (says Sabme) in New 230 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [5th Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Brunswick in 1783, and was one of the agents to locate lands granted to the loyalists, who removed to that colony. Of the city of St. John he was a grantee. In 1792 he was a magistrate of Queens county; also a member of the House of Assembly for a long period. He died at his seat at Gagetown, 1820, se. 75. His son, the Hon. Charles J. Peters, is the present (1847) Attorney General of N.B. Luther, b. in Rye, May 12, 1769, and christened June 25, by Mr. Avery. He died in the state of New York, May, 1813. Theodore, b. in Rye, June 28, 1771, and christened about 6 weeks afterwards by Mr. Avery. Rev. Robert Griffeth, A. M., b. in Rye, March 10, 1774 ; chris tened the Sunday next before Whitsunday, by the Rev. Mr. Avery, Mr. Robert Griffeth and wife sponsors by proxy ; m. May 16, 1795, at St. Johns, N. B., by the Rev. M. Byles, rec tor of St. Johns, Jane Gidney, of Queens co. ; had Jane, and Abraham Kirsted Smedes. To this good man and his good works we feel our- self wholly incompetent to do justice, and shall have to be content with scarcely more than naming some of the prominent acts of his short but eventful hfe. In the tenth year of his age he removed with his father to Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, where, chiefly under his father's guidance and instruction, he fitted himself for the study of the law, though his early preferences were for the ministry. On completion of the required number of years of preparation for the bar, at the same time reaching his majority, he was admitted an attorney in the courts of New Brunswick.-" ^ Copy of the certificate received by Mr. Wetmore : In His Majesty's Supreme Court) Easter Term, in the thirty-fifth year ot J udicature tor the Province V of our Soverign Lord, King George of New Brunswick. j the Third of Gt. Britain, &c. It appearing to this Court, that Robert Griffeth Wetmore of Gagetown in r=. , -, *T!f^^ county. Gentleman, is duly qualified to act as an Attorney [Seal.] of this Court; and he having this day in open court taken the oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy and Abjuration, and taken and Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 231 Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son if Thomas. Soon after, circumstances led to his removal to New York, where he superintended a classical school at New Rochelle. While thus engaged he was enabled to turn his attention to the study of theology, and fulfilling the requirements of the Protestant Episcopal Church, he was ordained deacon by the Rt. Rev. Samuel Pro vost, bishop of New York,^^ and immediately after re ceived authority from the bishop, and was commis sioned^ to go into the western part of the state of New subscribed the Declaration against transubstatiation and Popery ; and also taken the oath of Attorney. Let him be admitted an Attorney of said Court, and his admission be enrolled. Given under the seal of said Court. Dated this sixth day of May, in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-five. Sworn in Court and) GEO. D. LUDLOW, Enrolled, this sixth [ ISAAC ALLEN, day of May, 1795. j JOHN SAUNDERS. W. Fkanklin Odell, Dy. C'lk. ^ By the Tender of these presents, be it known unto all Men, That We, Samuel Provost, by Divine Permission Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the State of New York, solemnly administering Holy Orders under the protection of Almighty God, in St. Paul's Chapel, on Sunday, the 21st day of Jlay, of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety- seven, did admit unto the Holy Order of Deacons, our well beloved in Christ Robert G. Wetmore, of whose virtuous and pious life and conversa tion, and competent Learning and Knowledge in the Holy Scriptures, we were well assured, and him, the said Robert G. Wetmore, did then and there rightly and canonically ordain a deacon. He having first in our presence made the subscription required by the General Ecclesiastical Constitution. , „ , , » xc j In witness whereof we have caused our Episcopal Seal hereunto aflixed. Dated the day and year above written, and in the eleventh year of our Consecration. Samuel [Seal,] Provost. [Written on Parchment.] 22 Be it Known by These Presents, That the bearer hereof, The Reverend Robert G. Wetmore, a Deacon of the Protestant Episcopal Church, has been engaged and employed by the Committee of the Protestant Ep. Church for propagating the Gospel in the state of New York, as a missionary, with authority to preach, to administer the sacrament of baptism, and to solemnize the matrimonial and funeral ofBces, and it is hereby recommended to the members of the Protestant Episcopal Church m all parts of this state where he may offer his services, to receive and respect him m the aforesaid Signed' in the Name and on Behalf of the Committee in the city of New York, on the twenty-fifth day of May, in the year of our Lord 1797. AH * Samuel Pbovost. J Bfssett Secy Bp. of the Prot. Episc. Ch., N. Y., ¦ [Written'on Parchment. ] and Chairman of the Committee. 31 232 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [5th Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. York, then a comparative wilderness, to preach the Gospel to that then destitute region. Of his services and of the extent of them. Bishop Chase, who suc ceeded him in his missionary labors, says : " To learn what good this pious man did by his ministra^ tions through the State, one must travel where he traveled, converse with those with whom he conversed. The benefits arising to the Church of Christ and to individuals, were apparently many and great. He exhorted the indolent, comforted the desponding, and awakened the careless; in short, he so aroused the people from their lethargy and excited them to a sense of their religious duties, that in the year following there were incorporated in the state seven new congre gations, and divine service began to be performed in many places, where people had never attempted it before." — See notice of the Rev. Mr. Wetmore, in Dr. Sprague's Annals of American Pulpit, v, 454. The following year, he received from Columbia Col lege, New York, the degree of Master of Arts. The diploma that was given him at the time, is before us, and has subscribed to it the celebrated names of Wil liam Samuel Johnson, LL. D., John Kemp, LL. D., P. Wilson, LL. D., Drs. Samuel L. Mitchel, David Ho- sack, Wright Post, and John R. B. Rodgers, Profs. John McKnight, and John Christopher Kunze, all members of the faculty. His health faihng him in a measure, he was obliged to give up his missionary work,^ and to accept the 2^ Copy from the original. In Committee of the Protestant Episcopal Church for propagating of the Gospel in the state of New York, June 2d, 1798.. The Rev. Mr. Wetmore having in the course of the year, travelled 2386 ™ /^'.?^-'T™®'^ "^"'"^ service and preached 107 times, baptized 47 adults and 36o infants, and conducted himself with a degree of propriety becoming his character and office. Therefore, r r j & Resolved, That the committee entertain a high sense of the fidelity and zeal,^ which Mr. Wptmore has displayed in the discharge of his duty as ""^^'""'''¦y- J. Bessett, Sec'y. Extract from the Minutes. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 233 Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izraliiah, son of Thomas. more regular duties of a pastor. Receiving on the 10th of June, 1798, at the hands of Bishop Provost, his priest's ordination, he accepted a call from Christ's Church, Duanesburgh, N. Y., and was regularly insti tuted in that church,'-^ on the 30th of the following month, and soon after, in addition, received and ac cepted the charge of St. George's Church, Schenectady.^^ To these Iavo parishes he broke the bread of life, for three years. His health continuing to give way, he was obliged to resign his charge, temporarily. Mr. Wetmore belonged to the Masonic fraternity, to which he was much attached. We give the various degrees that he received, which we take from an autograph record. When and where Masonic Honors were conferred on Mr. "Wetmore. At Beeksmanstown, in Dutchess eo., on the 14th of July, 1797, he rec^ the degree of Entered Apprentice, and on the 18th of same month, in the same lodge, he rec* the degree of Fellow Craft. On the 19th of July, af ¦! in St. Simeon and St. Jude's Lodge at Fishkill, he was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason. 24 From the original, written and printed with a pen, on parchment: By the Tenor of these Presents, Be it known unto all Men, that the Wardens and Vestry of Christ's Church in Duanesburg, did on the thirtieth dav of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety- eight solemnly induct the Rev. Robert Grifi-eth Wetmore, A. M., Rector of Christ's Church aforesaid ; and by the virtue of the Authority in them as a Body Corporate did place him in full Possession of all the Rights and Priviledges thereunto appertaining. Whereof the Delivery of the Key according to ancient usage is sufacient Testimony. ., a a t-^,,. In Witness whereof, I have hereunto set my Hand and affixed the [Seal.] ggg^i of tlie Corporation the day and year above written. Edwabd CuMpton, Clerk to the Wardens and Vestry. 25 A certificate before Us of his induction, is written upon parchment of similar tenor to the above, with the addition to the "delivery of key, the " tolling of the Bell according to ancient usage are sufacient testimonials, and signed, " 29 day of September, A. D. 1798. ' ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ Clerk to the Wardens and "Vestry." 234 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [5th Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. At the city of Schenectady in Saint George's Lodge, he was advanced to the Hon'"'" degree of Mark Master Mason on the 19th Aug., 1797. At Poughkeepsie, in Feb. 1798, he rec* the degree of Past Master, from the Past Masters of Solomon's Lodge. At Stamford, Delaware co., on the 1st of May following, he rec* the degree of Most Excellent Master, and was ex alted to the degree of Royal Arch Mason in St. Andrew's Chapter. The 5th July, 1798, he rec* 23 ineftable degrees from Major Augustin Prevost, duly authorized and constituted Soverign Prince of Masons, &ca., &cal. In January, 1800, was elected Most Excellent Grand Scribe of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the state of Kew York, and December following, he was unanimously appointed by the Royal Arch Bretheren of the city of Sche nectady, High Priest of Cyrus's Chapter, and was warrant;- ed therein by the Royal Arch Chapter, af*. He was the earliest and the principal promoter of Ma^ sonry in Duanesburg ; he performed the duties of Chaplain to Walton Lodge in that place, and for a' considerable length of time governed the Orange Lodge. By request, he pubhshed An oration on ihe Festival of St. John the Evangelist, June 17, 1797, Catskill, M. Croswell, Address to Episcopal Congregation in Schenectady and Du- anesborough, July, 1798, Catskill, M. Croswell, 1800 : An oration occasioned by the Death of Lieutenant General George Washington, Dehvered at the Lutheran Church in Scho harie, 15th Jan., 1800; Ellihu Phinney, Cooperstown ; Masonic Valedictory Address, Duanesburg, 17 June, 1800 ; Chas. R. & George Webster, Albany, 1800 ; also Extensive Chanty m a Small Compass, all of which, are creditable to his talents, and his heart. The following, which we take from a smaU volume contaming original addresses, genealogical records, &c., partly in print, and partly in autography, while it gives mterestmg historical matter respecting the family, it furnishes the reader an insight into the inner man, more than anything we can sketch, particularly that portion addressed to his daughter, respecting the prin ciples that should govern her through life. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 235 Descendants of Rev. James, sou of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Some Account of the Wetmore Family, In a Letter from the Author of this Book to his Daughter. My dear Jane : Near one hundred and thirty years ago, Thomas Wetmore, your grandfather's great-grandfather, came from Wales, Great Britain, and settled in Middletown, in Connecticut; indeed he was one of the original patentees of that town, which perhaps accounts for the long continuance of his descendants in that place. Por a considera ble time our family spelt the name Whitmore, and why they after wards converted it to Wetmore, I never could learn, nor is I suppose of any consequence to know. Although I have made much enquiry I can not learn anything very particular respecting the family before the time of your great-grandfather, the second of the six brothers in the third generation, and of him I have received a most pleasing account in the words following. James Wetmore, A. M., of Yale College, was a Presbyterian mi nister at North Haven for five years, but possessing as much candor as discernment, he readily acknowledged himself to be without mi nisterial, or rather true apostolic authority, designed for the minis ters of Christ, and therefore accompanied Dr. Johnson, Dr. Cutler and others to London, where with them he received holy orders from the Right Rev. Edmund Gibson, Bishop of London. When he returned he was assistant minister to the Rev. Mr. Vesey, rector of Trinity Church, New York. In this place he continued about two years, when preferring the country he removed tothe parish of Rye, where he preached 36 years, and died about 36 years since. His Epitaph, or rather the inscription on his tomb stone, was penned by Dr. Johnson above named, and is a handsome eulogium, for which I respect the author. It announces that your great-grandfather was a sincere and able defender of the Church, both in the pulpit and with the pen. This Dr. Johnson was president of the College^^ in New York, and father to the late celebrated Dr. Johnson, president of the same college. It was remarked that the most perfect intimacy existed between him and your g. g. father from the age of five years until death broke the bond. I have reason to beUeve that they constitute a part of the church triumphant in heaven. Your grandfather Timothy Wetmore, Esq., A. M., of Kings Col lege, New York, was designed and educated for the ministerial office, but when on the point of departure for London, something intervened to prevent the journey, and he then turned his inclination to the study of the law ; he was admitted attorney and counsellor in the Courts of the Province of New York, and practiced law for a considerable 28 Kings College, now known as Columbia College. 236 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [5th Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. period, but possessing loyalty in the Revolution of America, with many others, he fell a sacrifice to poverty, being deprived of a com fortable home. With a numerous family he experienced much trouble, and yet with a fortitude and an affection ever to be remembered he surmounted a multitude of difficulties; to him alone his children are indebted for education and subsistence, and I desire my Dr. child to possess a grateful remembrance of her grandfather's merit and always to manifest a willingness (if God shall enable her) to return love for love. Your g. father removed his family to Nova Scotia in the year 1783, and in that country practiced law 17 years with success, and filled sundry public offices with dignity. As to myself, I cannot have much to say without sacrificing a propriety of thought, and yet boldly profess that I am in possession of some virtues, which I desire you to possess as long as heaven shall give you life. ^ 1. A superior contempt for the world, and a wish to be in Heaven in God's own good Time. 2. An unfeigned and Cordial Esteem for the Righteous and Phi lanthropy for all men. 3. A never failing Disposition to "seek Peace and pursue it" to follow after it, so that the mind can be enabled to live by faith and meditation upon Divine Providence. 4 To pay " Honour to whom Honour is due," and never conceive yourself to be equal to all the world. 5. To love Learning, and above all to esteem the Fear of the Lord, as the first of all wisdom, and a departure from Evil real under standing. 6. To be spiritually and temporally prepared for Death \_Deo Volente']. At an early time of life, I was inclined to the study of Divinity; this might have proceeded from the delicacy of constitution which I possessed, added to the frequent pious admonitions and instruction from my father, but after passing through my classical studies, it was found more convenient to embrace the Law. I was a student for five years, at the end of which time, that is to say in May, 1795, I was honorably admitted Attorney at Law in the Supreme Court of the Province of New Brunswick, the same year I came to New York, taught an academy at New Rochelle for 21 months with success, in which time, I was enabled to comply with the canons of the church, and in May received deacons orders ; four days after which I was appointed missionary for the state ; travelled in a year 2386 miles on horseback, and discharged my duty satisfactorily to my con science, and my employers. A little before the expiration of my mission, Columbia College was pleased to confer upon me, the de gree of Master of Arts. On the 10th of June, 1798, in St. Pauls Church, New York, received priests orders from the bishop aforesaid, and having receiv- Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 237 Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. ed a call from Schenectady and Duanesburg, accepted the same, and was inducted rector, July, 1798. In these parishes, I preached for near three years, and was then obliged to withold ministrations and to travel for health, having suff'ered exceedingly with a pulmonary complaint. Thus you have a few particulars respecting me. I am blessed with the friendship of many respectable characters in the state of New York, and if you shall be so happy as to conduct piously, pru dently, and gracefully, you may experience their friendship also, and acquire more knowledge respecting me. Your uncle, Thomas Wetmore, Esq., of New Brunswick, is a counsellor at law, of considerable note ; it would be accounted vanity in me, should I say I have been credibly informed that he is es teemed one of the first in the province, in the civil and military list, he has filled very important offices, and discharged his duty with reputation. I have ever experienced unfeigned love from him. I believed him to be a brother and I have great reason to hope that if your conduct may merit his attention, that it will be shown with readiness and alacrity. I hold myself under great obligations to him, and I beseech you to show all willingness to acknowledge as much for your father. Mr. Wetmore's health continuing to fail, he sought a more genial climate, in hopes of being benefited, but such was not the will of his Master in Heaven.^^ His last sickness and circumstances attendhig his death, the reader will find detailed in the following letters : Copy of letter from the Rev. Robert Smith, address ed to Mr. Wetmore's father, the Hon. Timothy Wet more, then residing in New York. Savannah, Feb. 22d, 1803. Hon* Sir : With swift emotions of sorrow and joy, you will, no doubt, receive the intelligence, which in the adorable Providence of God, we are call ed to communicate, your aff'ectionate, your dutiful, your worthy son, the Rev. Robt. G. Wetmore, is no more. Alas, a father s heart can not but throb. i, ;> t Yet venerable Sir, " sorrow not as those who have no hope. In full confidence of eternal life, through Jesus Christ his Saviour, he finished his mortal course. Rejoice therefore, that he is discharged from the burden of his sorrows, and is gone to his Heavenly leather. " He made two visits to Georgia, on his first visit he was accompanied by his wife. 238 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [5th Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Were his immortal spirit permitted to address you, would it not be in the language of our Lord, to the Daughters of Jerusalem, " weep not for me, weep not for me." May the compassionate Saviour who bedewed the grave of Lazarus with his tears, support your spirit and console your heart. May you adopt the language of the afflicted Job. " The Lord gave, the Lord taketh away; Blessed be the name of the Lord." All the circumstances relating to your son's death, has been fully and accurately detailed by my worthy friend Judge Clay, whose com munication accompanies this letter. Permit me, however, to add the assurance that your dear departed son, shortly before his death, made a choice of a text, as the subject of a funeral discourse, with psalmns adapted to the occasion. The text, Job, 27, 5, " Till I die, I will not remove my integrity from me." The Psalmns, 23 and 112. On the Sabbath after his death, the ps. were sung and the dis course delivered to a very numerous and deeply affected audience. It was also his request, that I should transmit a copy of my sermon to his friends to the north, respecting which I shall consider more fully, and write you in some future period. With sincere, &c.. &c., Robert Smith. Copy of letter from the late Judge Joseph Clay, Jr., of Georgia, to the Hon. Timothy Wetmore : Savannah, Feb. 7th, 1803. Respected Sir : It is incumbent upon me to communicate the intelligence of an event, which is generally deemed a melancholly one, but which in the present case, has been attended by circumstances which I trust will not only aff'ord you sufficient consolation, but will, notwithstand ing the relenting of nature, be to you a subject of holy joy. Your son, the Rev. Robert G. Wetmore, died at my house on the 30th of last month, after having given repeated evidences of his reconciliar tion to God in Christ, and his unwavering and strong hopes of a blessed immortality. Knowing that the particulars which preceded and accompanied his last moments, will be interesting to you, I shall mention some of those which most attracted my attention, and which made the deepest impression upon my memory. He had never appeared to mc since his last arrival from the northward, to be likely to survive the winter, and I have thought ever since our first interview, that I have perceived him declining very fast. He remained in this place somewhere about three weeks after his landing, and then went to my house, where he staid nearly as long, and then came back to Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 239 Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. this place. These alterations appeared most agreeable to him. He was making his second visit with me on the 19th of January, when we stopped at a house about fifteen miles from this place. He there sat about a quarter of an hour by the fire, and drank a little weak warm sangaree. He appeared to be refreshed, and we got into the carriage to proceed on our journey; very shortly after he was seated, he told me he was dying. I looked at him, and supposed he was. His temples were immediately rubbed with spirits, and they were applied to his nostrils, and he soon revived. He attributed his fainting fit, to the warmth of the fire and what he had drank, and his coming so soon into the open air. I expressed my great satisfaction at seeing him so much composed, when he supposed his dissolution was at hand. He replied that those who knew him best, knew it was an event which he anticipated with no uneasiness. I then requested him to determine whether we should remain where we were till the next day, or proceed to my house, whioh was be tween six and seven miles further. He preferred to go on, and as he seemed to be confident that he had strength enough, and the house near which we were, being an uncomfortable one, I thought his determination proper, and we continued our journey. The day after, he continued all day in his chamber, but the fol lowing and every day after, until the 27th, he sat a part of the day in the parlour, where my family sit, and several of these days, in the middle of the day was carried in a large chair, up and down the walks of my garden. Hearing that the Rev. R. Smith was a friend, for whom he had great esteem, and in whom he much confided, I wrote to him on Thursday, the 20th, informing him of my apprehension, that he was near his end. Mr. Smith re ceived my letter late in the morning and informed me that he had feelings then, which threatened a pluratic attack (he was also to preach on the Sabbath), but that he would come out as early the next week as his situation would admit. He was accordingly with us on Monday forenoon. Your son, within an hour or two after his arrival, desired us both to pray by his bed-side, and he requested me, I think both then and afterwards, to pray that no suffering might occasion his wavering, that he might be patient and submissive to the will of God, that if it pleased God, his pains might be of short duration, and that he might retain his reason to the last moment of his life, that I should pray for you, for his child ren his congregation, and all that he was particularly bound to pray for.' He told Mr. Smith and myself, that he placed his hopes of salvation on the Righteousness of his Redeemer alone. On Tues day he requested me to write Dr. Thollock, who had generally pre scribed for him in Savannah, and to tell him, that if his business would admit he wished the doctor would visit him, that he was desirous of seeing him that might say, whether he thought his end was very near, and if it was, that he might prescribe such things, as might 32 240 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [5th Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. mitigate the pains of dissolution ; or if he thought it most proper, that he might be removed to Savananah. He said to me, at the same time, that he had no expectation of recovery, nor desire for life, but asked whether I did not think it was proper, that he should take every step which prudence dictated, as the most likely to pro duce benefit. I told him I viewed such conduct in the same light of duty he did. Dr. Thollock was with him on Wednesday after noon. He had in the meantime been visited by two physicians of our neighborhood. Not long after the Dr. had been with him, and while Mr. Smith and myself were in the room, he said he was in clined to do whatever duty required, and he wished to be candidly informed whether we thought it best he should remain where he was, or be removed to Savannah by land, if he could bear it, and if not, whether it would be practical or prudent to make a removal by water. Being well acquainted with the state of your son's mind, I judged it proper, to make one or two remarks before the doctor gave his opinion, and observed that I had seen such evidence of compo sure in Mr. Wetmore on the subject of death, that I knew he was prepared for anything that the doctor could say, and that he would, I was sure be obliged by his candour, that I was thoroughly con vinced that he had not strength to return by land, that I doubted whether he had, to be removed by water, of that, the doctor would be a better judge. That I would, if it were deemed proper, procure as comfortable a boat as could be got, but the time of its passage would be uncertain, from its winding course, and contrariety of tides, and that if there should a change of weather for the worse, his situ ation would be very uncomfortable, and he might not be able to support it. The doctor said he was convinced that it was best for him to remain where he was, that he did not think he could live many days, and did not believe he could bear a removal. That two days before Mr. Wetmore left Savannah, he perceived from the swelling of his feet, and the soreness of his throat and mouth, that his dissolution was fast approaching and that he had prepared to call on him, on that or the following day, to give him his opinion explicitly. Your son then said, " If my friend pleases then, I will die under his roof" I observed to him that I would repeat what I had said on a former occasion. He one evening, before he came last to my house to this place, said to me, that there was a question, which he thought it proper that he should propose to me. You are willino- I know my friend that I should live with you, can you be content that I should die with you ? I answered that if it was God's will that he should die in Georgia, I was willing that it should be at my house, and should rather prefer its taking place there. That from his acquaintance with our family, and ours with him, there was as great a probabihty of his last moments being made as comfortable as possible with us, as at any other place. He said a little after this that it would be very distressing to him, to know that he should Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 241 Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. continue to live two or three months, and that no intelligence would be more joyous, than to be assured that he should die by ten o'clock that night. Mr. Smith and myself lay in the room with him on Tuesday night ; the doctor on Wednesday; I did on Thursday; a friend whom he esteemed on Friday ; and I on Saturday. I had also two of my people each night with him in rotation, selected from the most intelligent. There was also one who could read, and the whole of those set up with him in turn, could sing psalmns and hymns, which they frequently did both by night and day, at his desire. I generally joined in these exercises, when in the room, and at his recjuest, occasionally went to prayer. On Thursday morn ing he supposed he was dying, and desired me to be called to him. When I went to him he asked me to hand him a small looking glass, which was on a table near him. He looked a little at the glass, and then affectionately at me, and said, " My friend, how comfort able it is to die in Christ. When I have heard of people speaking of great comfort in dying, I thought it arose only from their great hopes of a happy immortality. It is true this does constitute much of it, but independent of these hopes, there is a pleasure in feeling that you are getting released from all your trouble, to go to another world," or to that effect. He paused a while and said : "I am disappointed. I thought I was going." During the night of Thursday, he rested but little. He rested tolerably well two or three hours, after daylight, and said to me, about ten o'clock, as he had intimated the day before, that this day he thought would be his last, and that he had suffered a great deal since yesterday, without saying anything, yet he felt one hundred and fifty times more comfortable than he had done then. I sup posed this to arise from the increased ardor of his hopes. He asked me not long after this, if there were hot some prayers that that were comfortable and suitable to his case, in Drelincourt on Death. 1 told him I believed there were, but I was not sure, as I had never read him through, and that he had not been in my possession for a long time till lately, that I would bring him and look. I got Drelincourt and the title of several prayers, which seemed his con solatory chapters and asked him which of those I should read. He said, he suspected I misapprehended him, that he was not particu larly anxious I should read any of them, from a preference that he had for them, that my own prayers were very agreeable, but he thought as his end was near, I might feel some pertubation from the interest which I took in it, and these acts of devotion might not be quite easy to me. I replied, that perceiving him to be so resigned, had given me a degree of composure, which I should not probably have felt otherwise, and that I did not imagine I should feel any difficulty in continuing to pray, when he de sired, but that as I was a young pupil, in the school of Christ, 242 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [5th Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. many topics of consolation might not occur to me, and that it would perhaps be proper for me sometimes to pray of myself, and some times to read Drelincourt's prayers. He approved of this and I practiced according. He prayed himself at much length, this morn ing, with his head upon my knee. From its length and its being delivered with much difficulty of breathing, I should not be able to recal a good deal of it, if I desired. No small portion of it had rela tion to myself and family. Yourself and his children were, I think, other subjects of it. You were much I believe in his thoughts, his children he did not appear to be uneasy about. He seemed to rely much on God's care of them, but tho' he did not speak largely of you, yet when he mentioned you, it was with such tenderness of affection, as led me to suspect that he had some apprehension of your grieving too much on his account. I hope that the God which gave him such support, such constancy, such hopes in his Redeemer, will up hold you, and will sactify the manner of his death to you, so as to make it an abundant source of consolation and of humble rejoicing. His prayer, as it respected himself, was that he might be patient, that he might persevere to the end, that the period of his sufferings might be short, that when he came before the awful Bar of God, he might stand clothed in the righteousness of Christ. He said, that he had endeavored to keep God's commandments, but that he knew his obedience was very imperfect, and that after all he had done, he was obliged to confess, that he was an unprofitable servant and placed his hopes on the merits of his Redeemer. In the midst of this prayer he paused a considerable time, and when he spoke first, before commencing his prayer, he said, " I hoped just now, that I was going." He sometimes lay and sometimes sat up in the bed, and was some times removed to a large chair by the fireside. As I was sitting by him this morning (Friday), he said : " There is no merit in a person wishing to die, merely to be relieved from pain, but rather a demerit, but I wish to depart, that I may go to Heaven, I shall see a mother whom I never saw, at least, not to remember ; I shall see two sisters, and two brothers, and my wife, who I ought first to have mentioned. She was a dear and a good wife to me. But I desire to be patient, and would do whatever I knew to be proper." The evening of this day, he said to me, and to those who were near his bed, " What a glorious expectation it is to be in Heaven, to see Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and all the worthies whom God should think proper to take to Heaven." We acknowledged that it was. I remarked to him that, I had at different periods, particularly in the earlier part of my life, felt a great desire to visit those spots, which were still celebrated for the remains of ancient grandeur, such as Rome, Athens, Palmyra, &c., that I might be gratified by a view of the monuments of Genius, which still existed there, but tha (>en.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 243 Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. this species of curiosity, had been for some time suppressed by the reflection, that death, which was not far from any of us, would re move me to scenes where I should behold things infinitely surpassing these in splendor and magnificence. He said he did not know, that precisely such a thought had ever occurred to him, that he thought it a pretty one. I left him this evening at ten o'clock, having rest, not well the night before, and told him that I would be with him whenever he desired. When I went to him to see him in the morning, I found that he had not slept better than he had done the preceding night, but that he had then got into a doze. The first time of my goin<^ into the room this morning, when he was awake and saw me, he told me that he had been restless and was impatient ; that he feared he should sin by his impatience. I told him that he had no cause to accuse himself on that account ; that his entire resignation had been a subject of admiration to all who had been about him since his illness had become so great ; that it was not wonderfuU that the pains of his body should produce some little disquietude of mind, but rather that he should show so little. He asked me to go to prayer, and especially to pray that he might be patient. I went to prayer; and, very shortly after, he said that he already felt the comforts of that prayer. On this day and at other times he thanked God for supporting him as he had done, and for his having as many comforts as the state of his disease would admit. I believe it was this day, or the day preceding, that he ventured one of his ejaculations, by saying, " Praise the Lord, oh my soul, and all that is within me praise the Lord! Praise the Lord, oh my soul" (something was added, but which I do not recollect). After singing one or two hymns this day, he desired me to sing a hymn of thanksgiving. He did not rest well through Saturday night. He dozed a good deal on Sunday morning, generally leaning his head on some one's knee. Between one and two o'clock we sung several hymns and psalmns by his desire, and at his particular request the one beginning with " Hark from the tombs a doleful cry." I went to prayer. We dined not long after this ; after dinner I was reading in my chamber, and was told he wished to see me. I went to his bed side; he appeared to be in a doze. I took hold of his hand, and he immediately asked, " Is this the Judge ?" I answered, " Yes." He said, " Farewell, my friend ; I go to Christ." I observed to those who were near, " Hear Mr. Wetmore ; he says he goes to Christ." I felt his pulse and said, " I believe, my friend, you are now going." He asked me where Mrs. Clay was. I said, "In the next room; shall I call her?" When she came and took hold of his hand, he bid her farewell, thanked her for her kindness, and prayed that God might bless her. He did so with Mrs. Gould, a 244 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [5th Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. friend who resided with us. He then desired to be raised up a little ; and in about three minutes, without a groan, expired on my arm and that of one of my people. I find that I omitted to mention that, on Saturday evening, Mr. Wetmore got into a copious perspiration. I had been engaged a little while in my garden, and he desired me to be called to him. When I went to him I felt his pulse. He asked me if I could give him no encouragement. I said, " You appear to be perspiring." He and the attendants said he had been perspiring very copiously; and he added, that the wind appeared to be rushing with some con siderable coolness to every part of his body. He enquired whether I did not think that this cold sweat an evidence that his trouble was about over. On feeling his pulse with some attention, I told him I did not think he would live more than two or three days. He said it was good news, good news; so that he may be considered as having suffered death several times, and every time the idea of its being about to take place appeared to be the cause of comfort to him. I have thus endeavoured with fidelity to relate the most interest ing facts which immediately preceded and accompanied the death of your beloved son, and my dear (tho' I cannot add, considering his joyous death, lamented) friend. The length of this detail would be tiresome to an indifferent reader ; but with you, it will be gratifying to a reasonable curiosity, furnishes grounds of consolation during your life, and confirm your hopes of spending a blessed immortality with him. I might add other evidences of the temper in which he died, from his conversation with one of my children and with my servants. But it would swell this communication to a bulk too great, and for every useful purpose I perceive enough has been communicated. I sent the body of your son from the place of my residence to this city, in the grave yard which is a general one for the different religious societies of this place. His body was interred near the grave of the late pastor of the Episcopal Church of Savannah. Mr. R. Smith has or will probably inform you of the circum stances of his funeral, and of the sermon which, by his desire, he preached on the subject of his death. I have only to add, that I feel an interest in whatever concerned your deceased son and my valued friend, and that I therefore desire to be enrolled among the number of the friends of his children, and that at a proper age they be informed of this my wish. With much respect and sympathy, I am, respected Sir, Your friend, &c., Jos. Clay, Jun. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 245 Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. I have enclosed a memorandum, taken by your son's desire. Several letters, directed to him, have by his order been broken open, to see if anything was enclosed, and those will be returned. Copy of letter written from New York by Timothy Wetmore to his son Thomas, accompanying a copy of the above letter of Judge Clay : My Dear Son: The ways of God are unsearchable and past finding out. These things that are revealed, belong to us and to our children. Y^our brother was (I perceived) much respected throughout the State of New York. I hope he has done much good. Had health been granted, to a short-sighted mortal it seemed, he might have been serviceable in the vineyard. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. You will not (I trust) regret the labour of love you bestowed. I hope the dear child is happy. He has passed the waves of this troublesome world. It is a matter of no consequence (as I know) to him, but to you especially, and also to me, it is a satisfaction, that he died in the bed of honour. But what a comfort to us is his resignation and joyful hopes. It is a circumstance of great comfort to me that your good mother was perfectly resigned, and that her children have been so remarka bly assisted at the awfull moment. I fear I never shall be so happy. Judge Clay's letter will afford you comfort. He is a man of wealth, and has been, or is one of the Supreme Judges. You will respect him highly, and I hope not fail to write to him. Oh ! what a com fort he has been to your dear brother. * * * * I find he wished you to have a port-folio that he had from Judge Clay, which he supposed you would value the more on Judge Clay's account. ***** I am in haste as the vessel is about sailing, and only add my love to Mrs. Wetmore and the dear children, and am Your sympathizing and affectionate Father, March 23, 1803. Timothy Wetmore. Judge Clay survived his guest till 1811, and we trust now enjoys a full measure of the reward of that hospitality concerning which our Lord Jesus hath said : " In as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done unto me." While in Savannah, Mr. Wetmore was necessitated to accept pecuniary aid from some of the generous 246 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [5th Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. citizens of that place, and for the purpose of perpetu ating the memory of those persons, as well as to return our (and we are confident we are only inscribing the sentiments of every living member of the Wetmore family, and especially this branch of it), grateful ac knowledgments for the Christian love and charity bestowed upon the subject of our notice, while he was a sojourner among them. We record their names in our pages, and pray that the source of all good and perfect gifts may bestow upon the worthy sons and daughters of those men, similar kindness in a like hour of need, and trust that they may at last go to that rest, that remaineth for the people of God. (Copied from the original paper.) Fearing that from continued indisposition the Rev. Mr. Wetmore may suffer some pecuniary embarrassment in a land blessed with abundance. The subscribers request the Rev. Mr. Smith to present him the sums aifixed to their names, in that manner which he may deem most accepta ble to the feehngs of Mr. Wetmore. Savannah, 10 March, 1802. Wilham Wallace, - ' $50 00 - - 50^0025,0025,00 Ambrose Gordon, - - . 10 00 Peyton Skipweth, Jr. - g'oo Joseph Clay, - 50' oO 28 This Mr. Rolton was a merchant of Savannah, a grandson of Robert Bolton, Senior Warden of Christ Church, Philadelphia, 1727. The branch of this family (says Bolton in his notice of the church in Westchester), to which Mr. Bolton (Rev. Robert Bolton) belongs, removed more than one hundred and eleven years since into Georgia, in which state his father was born A. D. 1757. Rev. Robert Bolton, the first Rector of Christ Church, Pelham, Westchester county, and the Rev. Cornelius Winter Bolton, assist ant Rector in the same church, 1847 to 1850, are sons of the first named Robert Bolton. Robert Bolton, A. M., author of History of Westchester, and the Protestant Episcopal Church, in same county, and other works, we believe to be a grandson of Robert Bolton of Savannah. They are a family long and favorably known in the Episcopal Church of the United States. William Hunter 2« Robert Bolton John Bolton, Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 247 Descendants of Rev. James, sou of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. G. Woodruff; $25,00 W. or N. V.Jones, - - 50,00 George Jones, - - ,50,00 L. Kollock, - - 10,00 Phihp D. Woolhopter, - - 60,00 Isaac Minnis, ... . . 10,00 Samuel Howard, - - - - 10,00 Philetus Havens, - . . . . 30,00 Benj. Brooks, - - - - 10,00 Gordon I. Seymour, - - 10,00 Joseph Maehin, 10,00 From Mr. Telfair, - 5,00 G. W. Nicholls, 20,00 Robert Smith, - 30,00 1536,00 Mrs. Jane Gidney, the wife of Rev. Robert Griffeth Wetmore, died at Rye, N. Y., Saturday, October^, 1802, and her remains lie interred in the burial grounds of the Old Parsonage. SIXTH GENERATION. Children of Abraham, Son of James. Josiah, b. in Rye, Nov. 20, 1770; m. Rachel, dau. of Justus Sher wood, formerly of Cortlandt Manor, Westchester co., N. Y. ; had Sally, William, Justus, Abraham, Josiah, Sarah. At the age of 13, he removed with his father's family to New Brunswick, where he grew to manhood, much respected by the community in which he lived. He died . William, b. in Rye, Augt. 31, 1772; m. March 30, 1806 Mary, dau of Weeden Fowler ; had Weeden Fowler, Elizabeth, Isaac Sniffen, Mary, William, Sarah Craft, Deborah, Susannah, 33 248 WETMORE MEMOillAL. [6th Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Thomas Bashford, Ammon Henry, Ruth Ann, Joseph Abra ham, Josiah. He, also, removed to New Brunswick with his father in 1783, where he has ever since resided. He is, we believe, the oldest descendant now living of the Rev. James of Rye. His aunt, Mrs. Esther Puddington, being two years his junior. He may be truly called the patriarch of the family in New Brunswick. Abraham, b. Rye, 1774 ; d. — . Children of John, Son of James. Elizabeth, b- Rye, Dec, 3, 1779 ; m. Williain Sherman in 1798. Resided in N. B. James, b. Rye, Sept. 6, 1781 ; m. Susan Purdy, of Rye, Sept. 1803 ; had James Merritt, Stephen Purdy, John, Ann Maria, Matilda, Susanna Eliza, Edwin Jesse, Pheobe Caroline. Resides in Carleton, St. Johns, N. B. Martha Van Cott, b. May 5, 1783, Catharine, b. in N. B., Sept. 10, 1785, John, b. in N. B., Feb. 10, 1787. Besides in Carrolton, N. B. Ann, b. in N. B., May 81, 1788 ; m. -.^ Spring ; lives in Penn. Jesse Lamereux, b. in N. B., Mar. 31, 1790; m. Pheobe Clark; had Sally Ann, Catharine, Daniel, Jesse Lamereux, Pheobe, James Alexander, Joseph Clark, Catharine, Ward Chipman ; William Puddington, John Saunders. He died in 1863 ; resided in N. B. Daniel Van Cott, b. in N. B„ Nov. 13, 1791 ; d. about 1-857. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 249 Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. David, b. in N. B., Aug. 5, 1793; m. Deborah Saunders of Nova Scotia, Oct. 7, 1818 ; had Justus, James Edwin, Nathaniel Saunders, Lydia Ann, b. Feb. 16, 1824 ; d. Jan. 8, 1825 ; John Van Cott, Deborah Ann, William Nelson, Charles Enos, Elmira Jane, George Lamereux, Sarah Abigail, Elias Scovel, Susannah Elizabeth, Lydia Angeline and Emily Caroline. Resides at Norton, Kings county, N. B. William, b. in N. B., Sept. 4, 1795. Edwin, b. in N. B., April 9, 1797. Infant Daughter, b. in N. B., May 16, 1799 ; d. — . Children of Izrahiah, Son of James. Nancy, b. Jan. 21, 1783 ; d. June 24, 1783. Esther, b. in N. B., July 9, 1784; m. April 5, 1823; Judge Justus Sherwood, son of Judge David Brown Wetmore ; for her issue see under head of Justus S. Bush, b. in N. B., Dec. 24, 1785 ; m. in N. Y., Bethia Pierce, Aug. 29, 1805 ; had Olive Eliza, John Pierce, James, Esther Ann, Caroline, Daniel and Jane. He died Dec. 13, 1827. Rebecca, b. in N. B., Feb. 19, 1788; m. Feb. 12, 1806, Gabriel Merritt, at Rye, N. Y. ; b. Dec. 1777 ; son of Josiah and Ann fPurdy) Merritt ; had I Elizabeth Wetmore, b. Nov. 30, 1806 ; 11 Rachel, b. June 19, 1809 ; m. William Kelly, Nov. 22, 1828, and had 1, Amelia Jane, b. May 20 (died) ; 2, Catharine Elizabeth, b. April 22, 1831; 3, Merritt, b. Nov. 16, 1832; 4, Henry G., b. June 10, 1834; d. July 23, 1837; 5, William, b Jan 22, 1837 ; d. April 18, 1837; III Amelia, b. Jan. 31, 1811 • m. James Henry Elting, Nov. 22, 1828 ; had William; IV Izrahiah, b. Aug. 2, 1812 ; d. Sept. 25, 1812 ; V Esther Ann b. Nov. 2, 1813; VI James D. M., b. May 4, 1816; Yll Edward Algar, b. March 19, 1818 ; VIII Rebecca Jane, b July 29, 1820; IX Mary Montague, b. Aug. 6, 1822; X Gabriel, b. Nov. 9, 1824 ; XI Charles William, b. March 21, 1827. '250 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Mrs. Rebecca, wid. of Mr. Gabriel Merritt, resides at Marlborough, Ulster, co., N. Y. Josiah Merritt, the father of the above Mr. Gabriel Merritt, m. Ann Purdy, and had, I Estlier, b. July 29, 1767 (dead) : II Gabriel, b. Dec. 2, 1777; m. as above: III Ann Carbenter, b. Aug. 29, 1780: IV Seth, b. — ; d. ae. 7 years : V David, b. — ; d. ae. 7 years 6 months : VI Josiah, b. Dec. 2, 1783 : VII Alithea Brower, b. July 19, 1785. Mrs. Ann Purdy d. Jan. 23, 1787 ; Josiah Merritt, Sen.; m. 2d Rachel Sherwood, Nov. 16, 1788. She was sister of Justus Sherwood, father of Ruth, 1st wife of Judge David Brown Wetmore. Elizabeth, b. in N. B., Oct. 6, 1789; m. July 12, 1828, James Wetmore Puddington, s. p. Resides at Clifton, N. B. Anna, b. Sept. 21, 1791 ; d. Nov. 3, 1791. James Bush, b. in N. B., Nov. 26, 1792; m. iu New York, Jane, dau. of Rev. Robert Griffeth Wetmore, Dec. 21, 1816 ; had Robert Hodge, James Izrahiah, Abraham Kirstead Smedes, Henry Penfield, David Henry, Elizabeth Bush, John Griffeth, Charles R. ; m. 2d, Isabella Smillie, Sept. 30, 1858, at Halifax, N. S. For notice of Mrs. Jane, dau. of Rev. Robt. Griffeth W., see under proper head. Mr. Wetmore resides in Halifax, N. S. Sarah Bush, b. in N. B., Jan. 7, 1795 ; d, April 2, 1795. Infant Son, b. in N. B., July 9, 1796; d. July 16, 1796. •Gilbert Bush, b. in N. B., Jan. 10, 1798 ; d. Jan. 20, 1798. Amelia, b. in N. B., Dec. 18, 1798 ; d. Dec. 12, 1799. Izrahiah, b. in N. B., Jan. 15, 1801 ; m. Clorinda Porter, 1833 ; had Izrahiah (dead), a son, a dau. Pheobe, b. in N. B., May 21, 1803; m. Sept. 4, 1828, James, son of Judge David Brown Wetmore, for issue, see under proper head. Resides at Kingston, N. B. I Gen.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 251 Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Children of James, Son of James, Susan. Hester. Elisha. Mart. ' John. Elizabeth. Children of Judge David Brown, Son of James. Judge Justus Sherwood, b. in Hampton, N. B., July 2, 1788 ; m. April 5, 1823, his cousin, Esther, dau. of Izrahiah, son of James Wetmore; had David, Izrahiah, Elilsabeth Ruth, Mary Ann De la Montagnie. Resides at Clifton, Kings co., N. B. In early life was extensively engaged in ship buildmg. Served for many years hi the mihtary service of the province, holding the several offices in succession from a comet to major commanding 1st battalion Kings co. mihtia, which latter office he still holds. About 1850, was appointed one of the justices of the Common Pleas Court of Kings co. Is a highly respected and much esteemed citizen ; enjoys the confidence and respect of that branch of the Wetmore family residing in the British provinces, where he is so well and favorably known. Martha Bashford, b. at Hampton, N. B., March 25, 1790 ; d. May 12, 1807, at Kingston. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 29, 1791 ; m. Nov. 4, 1813, William Jewett Flewelling of Kingston ; had 8 children. 252 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6tl Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. She died at Kingston, May 21, 1836. Ruth Sherwood, b. in Carleton, N. B., Aug. 24, 1798 ; m. Sept. 3, 1826, David Pickett, of N. B. Jane, b. in Kingston, Jan. 30, 1800 ; m. May 1, 1817, Joshua D. Gedney, of K. James, b. in Kingston, Oct. 29, 1801; m. at Rye, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1828, Pheobe, dau. of Izrahiah, son of James Wetmore; had William Oliver, Justus Sherwood, Elizabeth Rebecca, Emma Olivia Miranda, Esther Pheobe Susannah, James Henry, Eras mus David Brunswick, Eliza Amelia and Sarah Ann. David, b. in Kingston, Sept. 12, 1803 ; m. Feb. 11, 1828, Eliza Whelpley, of K. ; b. Nov. 2, 1806; had George Canning, Charlotte Annabella, Caroline Elizabeth, Mary Almira, Eliza Jane, Richard Whelpley, David Pickett, Wm. Wallace, Edwin Marshall, Charles Hiram, Agnes Lavinia, Howard Douglass, James Elias, Hannah Olive, Augustus Frederick, Celia Augusta, Julian Brunswick. Susannah Craft, b. in Kingston, Aug. 10, 1805 ; m. March 11, 1827, at Norton, N. B., George Lamereux; had — . Thomas, b. in Kingston, Aug. 13, 1807; m. Oct. 22, 1829, at K., Clarissa Holmes Puddington ; had Esther, Elizabeth, David Brown, George Leverett, Mary Eliza Jane, William Albert, Thomas Alonzo, Oscar Avanda. He died at Norton, Oct, 29, 1850 ; se. 43. William Puddington, b. in. K., June 24, 1809; m. Oct. 14 1830, at Springfield, N. B., Ruth Gillies, s. p. Henry Sylvanus, b. in K., June 16, 1811; m. Feb. 17, 1833, at Hampton, N. B., Elizabeth Ann Fowler; had Mary Elizabeth, Ruth, Edwin Vail, Emeline Adela; m. 2d, Aug. 23, 1847, at Hampton, Esther Susannah Flewelling ; had Helen Susannah, Gertrude, Thomas Henry Zobeiskie, John Leavitt, Herbert, Elsie Adelaide and Annie Almira (twins), David Brunswick. Elias Scovil, b. in K., July 25, 1813 ; m. March 10, 1852, at Springfield, N. B., Sarah Matilda Scott; had Ada Eliza, Nor man Arthur Leslie, Edward Clayton Scott. John, b. in K., July 25, 1815 ; d. Aug. 19, 1815. Huldah Butler, b. in K., June 17, 1816; d. at Norton, June 9, 1845. Gen.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 253 Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Norton, b. in K., Aug. 18, 1820 ; m. at St. Johns, March 24, 1847, Abby Caroline Morse; had Sarah Elizabeth, Charles Pembroke, Frances Caroline, George Stanton, Julia Maria, Emily Jane, Augusta Ruth, William Edmund. Children of Caleb, Son of James. Ruth, b. June 5, 1794; m. Aug. 18, 1813, Benjamin F. Marsh; had Charles, John, and other chil. Mr. Marsh was born in the state of Vermont; removed in his youth to St. Johns, where he followed mechanical pursuits; subsequently became engaged in commerce at St. Johns. About 1832 he retired from business with a competency. About the same time he returned to the states, and settled tn Illinois. He purchased land to a considerable extent, we be lieve in the county of Hancock, near or upon the banks of the Mississippi, where he has since resided. His son Charles was a commissioned officer in the service during the war with Mexico. Soon after the peace, while out with a party of officers hunting, his gun accidently discharged its contents under one of his arms, and he died of the wound. John studied law, and is a practitioner. Mrs. Marsh died soon after hearing of the death of her son Charles. Josiah Joseph, b. Dec. 25, 1795 ; d. Sept. 6, 1797. James, b. July 19, 1797; m. Rumah Hoyt; had William, George Lewis, Benjamin Franklin, Stephen Hoyt, Robert James, Sarah Jane, John Lockhart. Caleb, b. March 23, 1799; m. Oct. 13, 1831, Ann, dau. of Richard Whelpley of Kings co., N. B. ; had Augusta Sophia, Charles Frederick, William Walker, Caleb Newton, Charlotte Deborah, Richard Barton, Emma Caroline, Ann Adeliza, George Edwin, Alfred Brunswick. Izrahiah, b. June 18, 1801; m. Elizabeth Fairweather; m. 2 Mrs. Mary Sherwood ; had the following children, whether by 254 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. the first or second wife, we are unadvised, i. e. : William Caleb West, Elias Scovil, Frances Amelia, Holland Amanda, Anna Marsh, Catharine Deborah Jane. He died Oct. 30, 1847. Joseph, b. April 7, 1803 ; m. at St. Georges, Charlotte county, N. B., Feb. 1831, Amy Clinch; m. 2, Sarah Clinch, Sept. 22, 1834 ; had Henrietta, Thomas Carleton, Wellesley, Josephine, Frances Jane, Susan Henrietta, Sarah Hallett, Margaret Anna bella, Robert Parker, Frances Augusta, Charlotte Annette. Robert, b. April 4, 1805; m. in Sussex Vale, K. co., N. B., April 23, 1835, Annie Cougal (Cougle ?) ; had Oliver Cougal. He died July 17, 1849. Martha, b. May 24, 1807 ; m. at Hampton, March 16, 1825, Oliver Hallett. Sarah Elizabeth, b. May 1, 1809 ; m. at Hampton, June 20, 1850, George Roberts. Margaret, b. Sept. 30, 1811 ; m. at H., Sept. 29, 1831, Josiah Wetmore, son of Abraham. Deborah Jane, b. Dec. 22, 1815 ; m. at H., Nov. 21, 1831, John Lockhart ; m. 2, Feb. 17, 1848, George Flewelling. Children of Thomas, Son of Timothy. Margaret Lester, b, at Gagetown, Queens county, N. B., Feb. 2, 1794 ; christened in St. Johns, by the Rev. Mr. Clarkj of G. ¦ m. Oct. 17, 1814, the Hon. Thomas Carleton Lee; had I George,!,. Oct. 27, 1816, was a graduate of Kings College, N. B. ; thrice competed for and obtained the "Douglass Gold Medal ;" studied law ; was admitted an attorney, and afterwards called to the Bar and enrolled a Barrister, practiced with repu tation and success; was also clerk assistant of the House of Assembly, and filled for several years, the office of counsellor for the city of Fredericton ; m. Margaret dau. of William B. Phair, Esq., an officer on half pay, of the 104th N. B. regt., and postmaster of Fredericton, by whom he had many chil. ; he d. Sept. 12, 1849, much Cbteemed for ability and integrity II Thoinas Wetmore, b. July 28, 1818 ; d. Feb. 1, 1829 III Elizabeth Anna, b. Jan. 15, 1820; m. William H.'Scovil Esq., a prominent and wealthy merchant of St, Johp, by whom she len.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 255 Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. has several children. IV Frances, b. Jan. 24, 1822 ; m. Rev. William Elias Scovel, rector of Kingston, the capital of Kings CO., N. B., by whom she has many children. V William Tyng Peters, h. Jan. 13, 1824 ; is a hardware merchant in St. Johns, of the firm of Thorne & Lee ; m. Harriet Phair, by whom he has many children. VI Charles, b. Sept. 12, 1826; grad. at Kings College, studied divinity, for many years presided as the master of the Grammar School in Kingston ; is now the rector of the city of Fredericton ; is much esteemed as a scholar and a divine, and respected and beloved by the parishioners, among whom he has been called to minister; m. a dau. of Henry Bowyer Smith Esq., formerly collector and comptroller of His Majesty's customs in St. Johns, by whom he has several chil. VII Sarah Peters, b. Oct. 15, 1828 ; d. Jan. 16, 1839. VIII John Head, b. Sept. 15, 1830; is a young merchant in the city of Fredericton ; unm. IX Isabella, b. Jnne 13, 1833; d. Nov. 28, 1845. X Thomas Wetmore, b. March 18, 1835 ; graduate of Kings College ; succeeded his brother Charles, as master of the Grammar School in Kingston, over which he presided for many years ; now teaches a High School in St, Johns. XI A Son, b. Oct. 9, 1836 ; d. Oct. 24, 1836. XII Margeret, b. Dec. 18, 1840; d. Dec. 25, 1840. The Hon. Thomas Carleton Lee, was appoiiited receiver general of the province of New Brunswick, Feb. 10, 1836, which office he fiUed with credit and integrity to the day of his death, Aug. 31, 1859. George Ludlow, b. at Gagetown, Dec. 26, 1795 ; christened in private, and afterwards presented in church, by Rev. Mr. Clarke ¦ m. Dec. 26, 1816, Harriet, dau. of Andrew Rainsford, Esq., receiver general of N. B. ; had Sarah Witter, James Peters, Andrew Rainsford, George Ludlow Harriet. He studied law with his father, was admitted an attorney and enrolled a barrister; practised with great ability and success ; was appointed clerk of the House of Assembly, was also clerk of the peace for Queens co He was killed in a duel with George F. Street, Esq. (afterwards a judge of the Supreme Court), Oct_ 2 1821 • was a man of much promise, if spared would doubtless have risen to great eminence m his profession. 34 256 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Jane Haviland, b. at G., June 16, 1797 ; christened in Gagetown church, by Rev. Mr. Clarke, her parents as sponsors ; m. Nov. 6, 1826, Henry Bartlett Rainsford, Esq., son of Andrew Rainsford, receiver general ; had I Andrew William, b. Dec. 24, 1827; II Sallie Peters, b. Jan. 22, 1830; III Eliza Baillie, b. June 24, 1831 ; IV Thomas Wetmore, b. Aug. 30, 1832 ; was killed 23 Sept., 1854, at St. Johns, by the falling of a building, in which a ball was being held, in honor of the turning of the first sod of the European and North American Railway ; young in years, he was amiable, pleasing and gentle manly in his manners, and was very generally esteemed and belov ed, and his sad and tragical death was universally regretted ; V Mary Ann, b. March 17, 1836 ; VI Henry Bartlett, b. April 13, 1839; studied law and was recently admitted an attorney; he possesses very much the character of his brother Thomas ; practices in Fredericton, and bids fair to rise in his profes sion ; holds the office of secretary and treasurer to the munici pality of the county of York, of which county Fredericton is the capital; unm. Charles Peters, b. at St. Johns, Dec. 16, 1798 ; christened in private, by Rev. Dr. Byles ; sponsors, Charles J. Peters, Esq., Valentine H. Peters and Mrs. Eliza Peters, wife of C. J. Peters, by Mrs. Horsefield, her proxy; m. Nov. 15, 1823, Harriet Henrietta Minchin, dau. of Col. Minchin ; had infant, b. Aug. 21, 1824 ; died directly after ; Thomas George Robert Minchin ; m. 2, Oct. 29, 1830, Sarah Burr, dau. of the late Col. Ketchum; had Thomas, Charlotte Elizabeth, Charles, Henry George Clopper, Edward Ludlow; m. 3, Julia, daughter of the late Judge Valentine H. Peters, of Gagetown ; had infant dau. b. June, 1844 (d.) ; Julia Helen, Sarah Peters, Valentine Humboldt. He also studied law with his father, was admitted an attorney and enrolled a barrister ; ' succeeded his late brother George Ludlow in the office of the House * of Assembly, and was appointed Jan. 20, 1823, which office he still enjoys. His first wife, Harriet H. Minchin, died March 22, 1828 ; his second wife, Sarah Burr Ketchum, died July, 1842. Ann Peters, b. fit St. Johns, Tuesday, Aug. 19, 1800, noon ; christened All Saints Day, in Trinity church, St. Johns, by Rev Dr. Byles; sponsors, Mr. and Mrs. Horsefield; m. Nov. 21, 1815, John Head, M. D.; had I Elizabeth,^. Nov. 27, Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 257 Descendants of Rev. James, sou of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. 1816, who m. the Rev. Wm. 0. Ketchum, now Rector of St. Andrews, by whom she has several children; he is much respected and beloved by his parishoners. II Emily Myers, b. Dec. 29, 1818; d. Sept. 28, 1845. Ill Sarah Wetmore, b. June 25, 1820 ; d. Aug. 25, 1821. Dr. Head died at St. Johns, Tuesday, March 11, 1823 ; he was much esteemed as a physician and Sarah, b. in St. Johns, Saturday Jan. 16, 1802 ; christened by the Rev. Dr. Byles, in private; m. Aug. 7, 1819, George Pidgeon Bliss, Esq., barrister at law; receiver general of Kings co., and son of the late Hon. John Murray Bliss, one of the judges of the Supreme Court of N. B. ; he was b. 1798 ; and d. Jan. 20, 1836 ; had I John Murray, b. May 10, 1820 ; who after receiv ing a liberal education, manifested a predilection for a sea-faring life and turned his attention to that pursuit ; was in the East India service ; perished in a merchantman that was lost at sea, while on a voyage to Sierra Leone, some few years ago. He was a spirited, daring, fine-hearted fellow, aud destined to rise in his profession. II Thomas Wetmore, b. May 24, 1821 ; m. Aug. 20, 1851, at St. Pauls Church, Fredericton, by the Rev. Dr. Brook, Sarah Jane, 3d dau. of William Taylor, Esq., Ju. P. P., and coroner for York co. ; had 1st, George William Murray, b. March 1, 1854; d. Aug. 6, 1854; 2d, Ella Maude, b. Oct. 4, 1855 ; 3d, William Taylor Ward Hatfield, b. Sept. 25, 1857; 4th, John Murray Upham, b. March 13, 1860; he grad. at Kings College ; studied law ; was admitted an attor ney, and afterwards enrolled a barrister; practiced law for several years ; appointed clerk of the peace, and keeper of the rolls for Sunbury co., which offices he resigned in 1854 ; re moved to Kent CO., and was appointed a justice of the peace, and a judge of common pleas in that co. ; in March 1859, was gazetted high sheriff of Kent, which office he continues to fill. Ill Sarah Jane, b. Oct. 31, 1822; m. Oct. 31, 1842, Francis A. H. Stratton, Esq.. of Fredericton, barrister, register of pro bate for York co., and clerk of the executive council of N. B., by whom she has, 1st, John Matthew; 2d, Sarah Isabella; 3d, George Pidgeon Bliss ; 4th, Frances Sophia Margaret ; 5th, Mary Rebecca Harriet ; 6th, Frank ; 7th, Barry ; 8th, James Murray; 9th, Andrew William; 10th, Frank 2d. IV George Johnston, b. Feb. 29, 1824; m. Oct. 8, 1851, Susan Mary, b. April 6, 1833, dau. of George I. Dibble Esq., barrister, and Susan Mary, dau. of Hon. Thomas Wetmore, by whom he has 1 Susan Mary,b. Sept. 8, 1852 : 2, Elizabeth Murray, b. July 258 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. 26, 1854 : 3, James Peters, b. Jan. 18, 1856 : 4, George Sam uel Thomson, b. May 31, 1858 : 5, Helen, b. Sept. 16, 1860 : he studied law, was admitted an attorney, and afterwards en rolled a barrister, practiced his profession at Oromocto, co. of Sunbury, where he resides ; is clerk of the peace, and secretary treasurer to the municipality of said county ; is also clerk as sistant of the House of Assembly. V Rev. Charles ParJee, A. M., b. July 26, 1825; m. Nov. 17, 1849, Dorothy Ann, dau. of Charles Vaughan Foster, Esq., of H. B. M. customs; had 1, George Pidgeon, b. Sept. 21, 1850 : 2, Charles Vaughan Fos ter, b. May 12, 1853 : 3, John Murray, b. Sept. 21, 1855 : 4, Thomas Alder Dickson, b. June 28, 1857 : 5, William Dick son, b. June 18, 1859. He is rector of Springfield, co. of Kings, where he resides ; is much respected and beloved in the parish where he ministers. VI Rev. Donald Mc Queen, A. M., b. Jan. 16, 1827 ; m. Feb. 16, 1854, Sarah Hill, dau. of the Hon. Sir Alexander Stewart, of Halifax, N. S. ; had 1, Allessandra Stew art : 2, Gerald Courtenay Wentworth ; is rector of Westmore land, N. B., and is a much esteemed and respected clergyman and citizen : VII Sophia Isabella, b. Oct. 26, 1828 ; m. Wil liam Carman, Esq., a barrister at law, and clerk of the pleas on the civil side of the Supreme Court ; they reside at Frederic ton. VIII James Peters, b. June 30, 1831 ; like his brother John Murray adopted a seafaring life; died 4th Nov. 1853, on the coast of Africa ; he possessed very much the temperament and disposition, as well as the amiable and good qualities of his late brother. IX Jean Hunter, b. Nov. 15, 1832 ; unm. X Henry, b. May 25, 1834 ; is a farmer in the parish of Sunbury, N. B. XI Emma Wetmore, b. Jan. 8, 1836; m. June 7, 1857, Rev. George Goodridge Roberts, A. M., now rector of Sackville, N. B., by whom she had Charles George Douslass, b. Jan. 10, 1860. * Timothy Robert, b. May 5, 1806, at St. Johns; christened in Trinity church, hy the Rev. Dr. Byles; m. Jan. 13, 1829, Frances Sophia Margeret, eldest daughter of the late Captain John Stratton, of Her Majesty's Royal Artillery, and grand dau. of the late Andrew Phair, senior postmaster at Frederic, and half-pay officer in His, Majesty's service; had Isabella Hailes, Harriet Margeret, Mary Ehzabeth White, Johu Strat ton, Charles Inglis, Frances Gustavia, Emily Myers; m. 2 Nov. 19, 1846, Mary Ann Sophia, b. Feb. 24, 1820, at Digby', N. S. ; dau. of the late Wm. Franklin Bonnell, Esq. ; had Anna Maria Bonnell, Thomas Medley, Sophia Maud, Emma Bedell, Susanna Grace, Margeret Lester, Jane Haviland. He graduated at Kings College, Windsor, N. S., and Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 259 Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, sou of Thomas. subsequently became B. C. L. of the University of Kings College, N. B., of which he is the first graduate. Studied law, was admitted an attorney and was after wards enrolled a barrister; practiced his profession at Gagetown, the capital of Queens, of which county he is the clerk of the peace. His first wife, Frances S. M. Stratton, died at the family seat, Kingswood, near Fredericton, Oct. 2, 1840. Mr. William Frankhn Bonnell was formerly a merchant, and filled with credit several important public offices in Nova Scotia. Thomas Allen, b. Saturday morning, Jan. 26, 1805, at St. Johns; christened , unfortunately (says the family record), this was deferred from time to time till too late, for after a week's illness, and after he was supposed to be upon the recovery, on Sunday, Sept. 22, 1805, a sudden and very unexpected change took place, and at 8 J he expired, a few minutes before the arrival of the rector, who was to have administered the sacra ment of baptism ; may this be an admonition not to neglect the discharge of an important duty. Susan ^Iart, b. Friday, Oct. 3, 1806, at midnight, between that day and the 4th, at St. Johns ; christened by the Rev. Dr. Byles ; sponsors, :*Iiss 3Iary G. White, Harry Peters, Esq., and her mother ; m. June, 1829, George Jarvis Dibble, Esq., barrister and clerk of the peace of the county of York; had I Emma Wetmore, b. April 30, 1831; m. Wm. Tyng Peters, Esq., barrister, St. John ; has several children. II Susanna Mary, b March 6, 1833 ; m. her cousin, George I. Bliss, vide issue of Sarah, dau. of Thomas W. Ill Sophia Isabella Bliss, b. Oct 12 1834; m. Major Wm. Robinson of the British service; has 2 children. IV Elizabeth Maria, h. Feb. 12,1836. V Frederick Lewvi, b. Oct. 14, 1837 ; graduate of Kings College, profession, civil engineer. VI Thomas Wetmore, h.I)eo'^\), 1839 ; eraduate of Kings College, student at law. V i^lji-at'^- leen Head, b. July 17, 1841. VIII Grace Hailes, b. May 8, 1843. IX Sarah Peters, b. Nov. 15, 1846. Mrs. Dibble died Aug. 31, 1848, in her 42 year. Eleanor, b. Oct. 27, 1809, at St. Johns; christened 17 Nov., 1809, by the Rev. Mr. Roger Veats, Jr., assistant rector ; sponsors, her parents and her sister Margaret. Died Friday, May 10, 1810, after a week's illness. 260 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [Oth Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Emma, b. at St. Johns, Tuesday, Oct. 8, 1811 ; christened Oct. 22, by the Rev. Mr. Veats ; sponsors, her mother and sister Margaret, and her uncle, Valentine H. Peters; m. William J., son of the late John Bedell, Nov. 9, 1837 ; had I John William, b. Oct. 3, 1838 ; d. July 26, 1846. II Alexander Rankin, b. July 21, 1840. Dr. Thomas Saunders, b. at Kingswood, parish of Kingsclear, county of York, Friday, 26 Nov. 1813 ; m. Oct. 13, 1840, Anna Dorathea, only dau. of the Hon. Frederick Philipse Robinson, auditor general of the province of N. B., of Nashwaakiss, near Frederick; had Jane Paddock. Graduated at Kings College, N. B., in 1833, was for some years clerk assistant of the House of Assembly of New Brunswick. Studied medicine, and by his own exertions and energy, he was enabled to proceed to Scotland, in 1835, for the purpose of perfecting himself in his profession, at the universities of Glas gow and Edinburg. He took the degree of M. D. at Glasgow University, in 1839, and a diploma at the Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh, the same year. While in Glasgow he filled the clerkship of the Fever Hospital and other departments of the Royal Infirmary, in which institution he became house sur geon. He returned to New Brunswick about 1839- 40. Since which time he has been successfully en gaged in his profession, in the city of St. Johns ; has been for 18 years surgeon to the Provincial Peniten tiary of New Brunswick, and it has been said of him that he has conducted that institution as medical officer without the use of mercury or bleeding; nor has he used mercury in his private practice, 'tis said, for 15 years. Children of the Rev. Robert Griffeth, Son of Timothy. Jane, b. at Rye, Aug. 20, 1795 ; christened by Mr. Sands (parents as sponsors) ; m. by the Rev. Dr. Rowan of New York, Dec. 21, 1816, James Btish Wetmore of Rye, son of Izrahiah, son of James, son of Rev. James. Gen.J WETMORE jMEMORIAL. 261 Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. She died at Halifax, N. S., April 29, 1857, leaving her husband and 4 sons her survivors. (See under head of James Bush, &c.) Abraham Kirstead Smedes, Judge, b. June 6, 1802; bap. by the Rev. Evan Rogers of Rye ; sponsors, the parents, Timothy Wet more, A. K. Smedes and Esther Hunt; m. Sept. 30, 1824, Eliza, dau. of the Hon. Charles J. Peters, b. Dec. 1, 1798 : had Matilda Jane, Charles Jeffery Peters, Elizabeth Baker, Robert Griffeth, Edwin, James Peters, Aldert Smedes, Jane Victoria and Henry George. Prior to the death of Mr. Wetmore's father, Abrm K. Smedes, then a merchant of wealth in the city of New York (a gentleman who had been a sincere and devoted friend of the Rev. Robert Griffith W.), adopted the subject of this notice as his son, and from him it, will be perceived, he received his Christian names. From this noble specimen of the very best of men (now many years deceased), did Mr. W. receive his early education, and those principles which have so much contributed to the success that has attended him since that time. In 1819, Mr. Wetmore removed to the province of New Brunswick, and entered as a student the office of his uncle Thomas, the then attorney general. In 1823 was admitted an attorney of the Supreme Court, and in 1825 was called to the bar and enrolled as a barrister. In 1834 he received the appointment of clerk of the peace, and of the inferior court of Common Pleas, for the county of Carleton, where he has ever since resided. In 1850 the county of Carleton became divided into two counties, the new county known as that of Victoria. In the commissions of the peace and of the inferior court of Common Pleas for the new county, the distinguished position of senior justice was assigned to him; so that he now stands at the head of the two commissions, and has held other offices of minor importance. Is deputy provincial grand master of 262 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [7th Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. the grand lodge of New Brunswick. In that official capacity he had the honor of presenting the masonic address from the grand lodge to H. R. H. the Prince of Wales, in his recent visit to New Brunswick (1860). Judge Wetmore enjoys a large share of the confidence and respect of his fellow citizens, and we may add, is a worthy son of a worthy parent. SEVENTH GENERATION. Children of Josiah, Son of Abraham, Son of James. Sally. Justus.Abraham. Josiah ; m. at Hampton, Sept. 29, 1831, Margaret, dau. of Caleb, son of James Wetmore. Sarah. Children of "William, Son of Abraham, Son of James. Weeden Fowler, b. Dec. 27, 1802 ; m. Mary Hatfield, Jan. 4, 1829 : had Maria Thomas, Hilley Brower, Charles Henry, Samuel Bancroft, William, Fanny Hatfield, Elizabeth Ann, Emma, Joseph Hatfield, George Miles. Resides in New Brunswick. Elizabeth, b. May 8, 1804 ; m. May 7, 1837, Edward Spragg. Resides in New Brunswick. Issac Sniffen, b. Dec. 13, 1805 ; m. Jan. 12, 1855, Mary Camp bell ; had Emeline, Agnes Alithea, Catherine, Mary Lucretia, William Newton. Resides in New Brunswick. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 263 Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Mart, b. July 18, 1807, m. David Hatfield, Jan. 26, 1828. She died June, 1858. William, b. March 25, 1809 ; m. June 12, 1832, Sarah Pickle ; had Isaac Bashford, Weeden John, Mary Fowler, Judson Marshman, Esther Annable, Gilford Brunswick. .^ Resides in New Brunswick. Sarah Craft, b. Dec 30, 1812 ; m. Jan. 29, 1829, Charles Hugh- son. Resides in New Brunswick. Deborah, b. Sept. 23, 1814 ; m. Sept. 20, 1835, David Hatfield, Jr. Resides in New Brunswick. Susannah, b. Oct. 23, 1816 ; m. March 20, 1843, Elijah Spragg. Resides in New Brunswick. Thomas Bashford, b. Dec. 2, 1818 ; m. Jan. 15, 1841, Fanny Hat field ; had Lydia, Elias Gilbert, John Drake. Resides in New Brunswick. Ammon Henry, b. Dec. 7, 1820; m. May 13, 1847, Mary Craft; had John Craft, Rainsford Henry, Elelia Emeline. Resides in New Brunswick, Ruth Ann, b. Dec. 9, 1823, m. Jan, 28, 1841, Stephen Craft. Resides in New Brunswick. Joseph Abraham, b. March 23, 1826, m. July 20, 1848, Jane Mallery ; had Josiah Smith, Joseph Abraham. Josiah, b. July 15, 1830 ; m. July 10, 1855, Maria Smith ; had Phoebe Alice, Mary Allova. Children of Jambs, Son of John, Son of James. James Merritt, b. June 3, 1804 ; m. May 1, 1834, Rebecca Eliza Davison ; had Oscar Davison, James Purdy Merritt, Elizabeth Lavinia Robertson, William Benjamin, Henry Alline; Frede rick, Robert Purdy, Harriet Rebecca Merritt. 35 264 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [7th Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. He died m Portland, St. Johns, N. B., July 18, 1850. Stephen Purdy, b Nov. 9, 1806 ; m. Sarah Byles Littlehale of Carleton, N. B. ; had Edwin Jesse, Susannah Elizabeth, Joseph Sherwood, Sarah Louisa, James, Francis Peters, Amelia Fran ces, Ann Littlehale, Stephen Merritt. John, b. Jan. 5, 1810 ; m. Margaret Flewelling. Ann Maria, b. Jan. 12, 1813 ; m. Joseph H. Littlehale. Matilda, b. May 14, 1815 ; m. John H. FlewelUng. Susannah Eliza, b. Oct. 8, 1818 ; m. William Puddington Ple- Tvelling of Kingston, N. B. He died November 9, 1835. Edwin Jesse, b. March 17, 1821 ; d. Jan. 10, 1825. Pheobe Caroline, b. Aug. 6, 1823 ; m. Hiram H. DeForest of Norton, N. B. She died Nov. 29, 1857. Children of Jesse Lamereux, Son of John, Son of James. Sally Ann, b. July 30, 1816. Catherine, b. Aug, 8, 1818. Daniel, b. April 8, 1820. Resides in Liverpool, England. Jesse Lamereux, b. Oct. 20, 1821 ; m. Matilda Hanmer. Removed to San Francisco, California. Pheobe, b. April 14, 1823 ; m. Isaac 0. Beatteay of Carleton, N. B. James Alexander, b. July 3, 1825. Resides in California. Joseph Clark, b. June 25, 1827 ; d. July 22, 1827. Catherine, b. Sept. 20, 1828 ; m. James Beatteay of Carleton, N. B. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 265 Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Ward Chipman, b. June 25, 1830. Resides in Cahfornia. William Puddington, b. June 9, 1832. John Saunders, b. May 8, 1834 ; died . Children of David, Son of John, Son of James, Justus, b. in Norton, N. B., March 17, 1820 ; m. Jan. 31, 1845, Harriet Caroline Flewelling, of Kingston, N. B. ; had Anna Elizabeth, Adino Paddock, George Beverly Bunyeat, Edna Charlotte Elting. Resides in N. B. James Edwin, b. in Norton, N. B., Aug. 18, 1821; m. in Boston, Mass., Maria Pickell ; had Charles Frank, and others. Resides in Westfield, Mass. Nathaniel Saunders, b. in Norton, Oct. 16, 1822 ; m. in St. Johns, Mary Anderson; had Arthur Wellington, Herbert, Elizabeth, AKce. Resides in Halifax, N. S. Lydia Ann, b. in N., April 14, 1824 ; d. Jan. 8, 1825. John Van Cott, b. in Norton, April 14, 1825 ; m. June 30, 1853, Mary Puddington Flewelling; had Edwin Trevelyan, Char lotte Estella. Deborah Ann, b. in N., Aug. 18, 1826; m. Dec. — , Thomas Kierstead, of Hampton, N. B. ; had several children. William Nelson, b. in N., March 26, 1828 ; m. May 23, 1855, Mary Conley, of New York, s. p. Resides in California. Charles Enos, b. in N., July 17, 1829; m. May 19, 1859, Margerette . Resides in Norton. 266 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [7th Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Elmira Jane, b. in N., Dec. 1, 1830 ; m. Dec, 1856, John Bent ley Flewelling, of Kingston ; had 2 or 3 children. George Lamereux, b. in N., July 15, 1832; m. Feb. 14, 1858, Martha P. Stratton, of Cincinnati, Ohio ; has George Melville. Resides in Cincinnati. Sarah Abigail, b. in N., March 29, 1884; m. May 26, 1855, Samuel Whitney Saunders, s. p> Elias Scovil, b. Jan. 22, 1836; unm. Resides at Clifton, N. B. StJSANNAH Elizabeth, b. in N., Sept. 18, 1838 ; m. Charles Douglass Fairwekther, of Norton, June 22, 1858 ; has Jessie. Lydia Angeline, b, in N., Nov. 25, 1840. Emily Caroline, b. in N., Feb. 5, 1845. Children of Bush, Son of Izrahiah, Son of James. OliYE Eliza, b. June 20, 1806. John Pierce, b. Nov. 1, 1808. James, b. Dec. 11, 1816. Esther Ann, b. July 31, 1818 ; d. April 2, 1826. Caroline, b. Nov. 4, 1821 ; d. Nov. 6, 1826. Daniel, b. July 13, 1824. Jane, b. Nov. 7, 1826. Children of James Bush, Son of Izrahiah, Son of James. Robert Hodge, b. in New York city, Jan. 14, 1818 ; m. in New York, May 29, 1841, Eliza Laura Aylward ; b. in Waterford, Ireland; she died in HalifaXj N. S., June 21, 1846, leaving Butler Joseph, Frederick Robert; m. 2d. in Charlestown, Mass., April 20, 1853, Ann Proven Paul; b. in Aberdeen, Gen.J , WETMORE MEMORIAL. 267 Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Scotland ; had Paul Lessel, Henry Dunstap, James Alexander, John Grifi'eth. Resides in Halifax, N. S. James Izrahiah, b. Oct. 20, 1819, in Marlborough, Ulster county. New York; m. in St. Johns, N. B., Warty Jane Dunstan, 1848 ; had son ; dead. Resides Frankfort, Me. Abraham Kierstead Smedes, Jr., b. Jan. 30, 1821 ; d. May 3, 1826. Henry Penfield, b. Oct. 30, 1822 ; d. July 12, 1823. David Henry, b. Jan. 16, 1824 ; d. July, 1825. Elizabeth Bush, b, Jan. 25, 1826 ; d. April 11, 1827. John Griffeth, b. in New York June 27, 1828; m. Frances Poad Drake, in Halifax, March 11, 1853 ; had 2 sons and 3 daughters. Charles Rapelyea, b. Oct. Oct. 27, 1831 ; m. April 27, 1859, Catherine May of Halifax ; has a daughter. Children of Izrahiah, Son of Izrahiah, Son of James. Izrahiah. A Son. A Daughter. Children of Judge Justus Shi!RW0od, Son of Judge David Brown, Son of James, Rev. David Izrahiah, b. in Kingston, N. B., April 23, 1824 ; m. at Gagetown, N. B., Sept. 3, 1853, Harriet Margaret, dau. of Timothy Robert, son of Thomas, son of Timothy Wetmore; had Frances Sophia, Margaret Stratton, Justus Sherwood. He matriculated at Kings College, Windsor, N. S., June 24, 1840. The degree of A. B. was conferred 268 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [7th Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. upon him, April 23, 1845. Studied divinity, and was ordained by the Right Rev. John Medley, Lord Bishop of Fredericton, March 15, 1848. Stationed at Weldford, N. B., the following month. Removed to Kingston in the spring of 1859, and took charge of the grammar school in that city. Elizabeth Ruth, b. in K. Oct. 5, 1825 ; m. Feb. 26, 1846, at Kingston, Edwin Pentreath of Penzance, Cornwall, England. Mary Ann De La Montagnie, b. in K. July 30, 1827. Children of James. Son of Judge David Brown, Son of James. William Olive, b. in Kingston, June 24, 1829 ; d. June 25, 1829. Justus Sherwood, b. in Kingston, Aug. 21, 1850. Elizabeth, b. in Kingston, Dec. 12, 1832. Emma Olivia Miranda, b. in Kingston, Aug. 23, 1834 ; d. Jan. 25, 1836. Esther Pheobe Susannah, b. in Kingston, Jan. 19, 1836. James Henry, b. in Kingston, April 24, 1838. Erasmus David Brunsvpick, b. in K., April 8, 1840. Eliza Amelia, b. in K., Oct. 20, 1842 ; d. April 7, 1848. Sarah Ann, b. in K., Dec. 1, 1844. Children of David, Son of Judge David Brown, Son of James. George Canning, b. in Kingston, Dec, 1828 ; m. in K., Feb. 28, 1855, Hannah Eliza Puddington ; had Percy Colebrook, George Elmer, Edmund Stanley. Resides in Kingston, N. B. Charotte Annabella, b. in K., March 21, 1830; d. in K., Feb. 18, 1851. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 269 Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Caroline Elizabeth, b. in K., March 5, 1831. Mary Almira, b. in K., July 16, 1832. Eliza Jane, b. in K., Oct. 10, 1833; m. Jan. 1861, Edmund, son of David W., son of William and Esther (Wetmore) Pudding ton. Richard Whelpley, b. in K., Dec. 28, 1834 ; m. Charlotte, dau. of Margaret J. G. and Wm. T. Flewelling, Jan. 25, 1861. David Pickett, b. in K., May 9, 1836. William Wallace, b, in K., May 20, 1837. Edwin Marshall, b. in K., July 6, 1838. Charles Hiram, b. in K., July 11, 1839; d. Sept. 10, 1839. Agnes Lavinia, b. in K., Oct. 25, 1840. Howard Douglass, b. in K., Nov. 19, 1841. James Elias, b. in K., Nov. 27, 1842. Hannah Olive, b. in K., Jan. 6, 1844. Augustus Frederick, b. in K., April 7, 1845; d. July 12, 1845 Celia Augusta, b. in K., May 1, 1846. Julian Brunswick, b. in K., May 25, 1847. Children of Thomas, Son of Judge David Brown, Son of James. Esther Elizabeth, b. in Norton, N. B., August 25, 1830. David Brown, b. in Norton, N. B., Feb. 12, 1833. George Leverett, b. in Norton, N. B., Oct. 21, 1835; d. May 6 1856. Mary Eliza Jane, b. in Norton, N. B., Dec. 19, 1837. William Albert, b. in Norton, N. B., June 16, 1840. Thomas Alonzo, b. in Norton, N. B., July 13, 1842. OscAE Avanda, b. in Norton, N. B., Nov. 7, 1847. 270 WETMORE MEMORIAL. Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Children of Henry Sylvanus, Son of Judge David Brown, Son of James. Mary Elizabeth, b. in Norton, N. B., April 16, 1836 ; d. . 24, 1845. Ruth, b. in Norton, N. B., April 6, 1839. Edwin Vale, b. in Norton, N. B., April 20, 1841, Emeline Adela, b. in Norton, N. B., May 10, 1843. Helen Susannah, b. in Norton, N. B., July 25, 1848. Gertrude, b. in Norton, N. B., April 4, 1850. Thomas Henry Zobeiskie, b, in Norton, N. B., Oct. 17, 1851 John Leavitt, b. in Norton, N. B., Nov. 8, 1853. Herbert, b. in Norton, N. B,, June 18, 1855; d. Dec. 6, 1856. Elsie Adelaide, b. in Norton, N. B., May 15, 1857. ] m . Anna Almira, b. in Norton, N. B., May 17, 1857. j ^^^^' David Brunswick, b. in Norton, N. B., April 13, 1859. Children of Elias Scovil, Son of Judge David Brown, Son of James. Ada Eliza, b. in Norton, Jan. 24, 1853. Norman Arthur Leslie, b. in N., Sept. 13, 1855. Edward Clayton Scott, b. in N., Jan. 7, 1859. Children of Norton, Son of Judge David Brown, Son of James. Sarah Elizabeth, b. in Norton, Jan. 6, 1848. Charles Pembroke, b. in N., May 22, 1849. Frances Caroline, b. in N., Nov, 13, 1850. George Stanton, b. in N,, April 11, 1852. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Julia Maria, b. in N., Dec. 17, 1853. Emily Jane, b. in N., July 3, 1855. Augusta Ruth, b. in N., April 3, 1857. William Edmund, b. N., July 10, 1858. Children of James, Son of Caleb, Son of James, William, b. — (dead). George Lewis. Benjamin Franklin. Stephen Hoyt. Robert James. Sarah Jane. John Lockhart. Children of Caleb, Son of Caleb, Son of James. Augusta Sophia, b. Aug. 7, 1832; d. April 13, 1854, Charles Frederick, b. June 26, 1833. Resides in New York city. William Walker, b. June 8, 1834; d. Aug. 1, 1854. Caleb Newton, b. June 16, 1835. Charlotte Deborah, b. Aug. 8, 1836; d. Aug. 18, 1837 Richard Barton, b. Feb. 9, 1838; d. Oct. 18, 1838. Emma Caroline, b. July 19, 1839. Ann Adeliza, b. Jan. 3, 1843. George Edwin, b. July 13, 1844; d. Sept. 13, 1844. Alfred Brunswick, b. March 10, 1846. 36 272 WETMORE MEMORIAL. Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Children of Izrahiah, Son of Caleb, Son of James. William. Resides in Iowa. Caleb West. Resides in Fredericton, N. B. Ei(iAs Scovil. Resides in New Orleans, La- Frances Amelia. Holland Amanda, Anna Marsh. Catherine Deborah Jane. Children of Joseph, Son of Caleb, Son of James. Henrietta, b. March 10, 1835 ; d. March 25, 1844. Thomas Carleton, b. Feb. 15, 1837. Wellesley, b. May 9, 1839 ; d. April 5, 1840, Josephine, b. March 29, 1841. Frances Jane, b. Aug. 13, 1842 ; d. March 10, 1848. Susan Henrietta, b. March 28, 1844; d. Sept. 5, 1844. Sarah Hallett, b. April 24, 1845. Margaret Annabella, b. April 19, 1846 ; d. Sept. 3, 1847 Robert Parker, b. June 3, 1849. Frances Augusta, b. July 20 (26?), 1851. Charlotte Annette, b. Nov. 28, 1854. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 273 Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Son of Robert, Son of Caleb, Son of James^ Oliver Cougal. Children of Q-eorge Ludlow, Son of Thomas, Son of Timothy. Sarah Witter, b. Nov. 22, 1817 ; m. Rev. John Black, rector of Kingsclear county, York, by whom she has a large family of children. James Peters, b. March 21, 1819. Studied law; Was admitted an attorney and en rolled a barrister. Practises his profession at Fred ericton, N. B. Is reputed a lawyer of excellent abilities. Andrew Rainsford, b. Aug. 16, 1820 ; m. Louisa, dau. of the late Thomas Lansdowne, Esq., high sheriff of the county of Kent, by whom he has Sarah, George, Louisa, Francis. He studied law ; was adnaitted an attorney and en rolled a barrister. Resides at St. Johns, where he practises with much ability and success. Has re cently received the distinguished honor of being ap pointed a " Queen's Counsel." George Ludlow Harriet, b. Oct. 29, 1821 ; m. Dr. Jasper Mur phy, by whom she has many children. They reside at Fredericton, N. B., where he prac tises, and is ahke esteemed for his gentlemanly bear ing as for skUl in his profession. Children of .Charles Peters, Son of Thomas, Son of Timothy. Infant, b. Aug. 21, 1824 ; d. same day. Thomas, b. March 18, 1826; d. Sept. 18, 1828. 274 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [7th Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. George Robert Minchin, b. June 2, 1827 ; d. 1851 ; killed by accidental discharge of a gun. Thomas, 2d, b. 1831 ; d. Oct. 1835. Charlotte Elizabeth, b. May 14, 1834 ; d. May 8, 1856, by explosion of steamboat ou river St. Johns; she was married to Thomas M. Johnston, Esq. (son of Hon. Hugh Johnston), who was drowned in the same river in 1858, while driving with his wife's sister, the horse running off the bank. Charles, b. Sept. 1835 ; d. Oct. 1835. Henry George Clopper, b. March 17, 1837. Edward Ludlow, b. March 24, 1841. Infant (dau.) ; b. June 1844 ; died. Julia Helen, b. Aug. 30, 1845; d. Feb. 18, 1846. Sarah Peters, b. Jan. 15, 1847. Valentine Humboldt, b. Sept. 1, 1848. Children of Timothy Robert, Son of Thomas, Son of Timothy. Isabella Hailes, b. at Fredericton, May 15, 1830 ; m. Jan. 12, 1850, Henry William Woodforde Plant, Esq., deputy com missary general of N. B. ; now stationed at Quebec, Canada. Harriet Margaret, b. at Gagetown, Nov. 19, 1831 ; m. Rev. David Izrahiah, son of Judge Justus Sherwood Wetmore. For issue of this marriage see uuder proper head. Mary Elizabeth White, b, at Gagetown, Aug. 25, 1833 ; m. Jan. 10, 1861, at St. John's Church, Gagetown, John Head Lee, Esq. John Stratton, b. May 11, 1834 ; d. Dec. 13, 1836. Charles Inglis, b. at G., Aug. 19, 1835. Frances Gustavia, b. at G.. June 9, 1837 ; m. John Lyster, Esq., June 9, 1860. ./ . 4 . Emily Myers, b. at G., Sept. 26, 1838, Anna Maria Bonnell, b. at Gagetown, N. B., Aug. 13, 1847. Thomas Medley, b. Nov. 16, 1848, at Gagetown. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 275 Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Sophia Maude, b. Jan. 19, 1850, at Gagetown. Emma Bedell, b. Aug. 20, 1851, at Gagetown. Susanna Grace, b. April 20, 1853, at Gagetown. Margaret Lester, b. June 15, 1855, at Gagetown. Jane Haviland, b. July 15, 1859, at Gagetown. Daughter of Dr. Thomas Saunders, Son of Thomas, Son of Timothy. Jane Paddock, b. Nov. 18, 1841 ; baptized in cathedral of Fredericton, by venerable Arch-deacon Coster, Feb. 1842 ; confirmed by bishop of Fredericton. Children of Judge Abraham K. Smedes, Son of Rev. Robert Griffeth, Son of Timothy. Matilda Jane, b. Aug. 14, 1825 ; d. Sept. 4, 1825. Charles Jeffery Peters, b. Feb. 12, 1827; m. Sarah Jane Gidney ; had Eliza Jane, Helen Louisa, Anne. Elizabeth Baker, b. Dec. 8, 1829 ; m. Charles Harding English ; had I Richard Smedes, b. March 31, 1853 ; d. July 28, 1854. n Maud Marian, b. July 12, 1855. Robert Griffeth, b. Oct. 5, 1831. Edwin, b. Sept. 16, 1833 ; d. Oot. 13, 1833. James Peters, b. March 31, 1835. Aldert Smedes, b. June 10, 1836 ; d. Nov. 16, 1836. Jane Victoria, b. Nov. 8, 1839 ; d. June 26, 1840. Henry George, b. Oct. 11, 1840. 276 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [8tli Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. EIGHTH GENERATION. Children of Weeden Fowler, Son of William, Son of Abraham, Son of James. Maria Thomas, b. Oct. 30, 1829 ; m. July 15, 1852, Israel Noble. Hilley Brower, b. Sept. 13, 1833. Charles Henry, b. July 22, 1835; m. Jan. 25, 1859, Mary Davis. Samuel Bancroft, b. Jan. 18, 1838; William, b. April 30, 1841. Fanny Hatfield, b. Oct. 5, 1843. Elizabeth Ann, b. July 24, 1846. Emma, b. Sept. 26, 1848. Joseph Hatfield, b. Aug. 29, 1851 1 George Miles, b. Jan. 22, 1854. Children of Isaac Sniffen, Son of William, Son of Abraham, Son cf James. Emeline, b. Dec, 20, 1843. Agnes Alithea, b. Oct., 1845. Catharine, b. June 6, 1848. Mary Lucretia, b. May, 1852. William Newton, b. March, 1858. Children of Thomas Bashford, Son of William, Son of Abraham, Son of James. Lydia, b. Dec, 1841. Elias Gilbert, b. Dec, 1852. John Drake, b. May, 1857. Gen.J WETMORE MEMQRIAL. 277 Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Children of Ammon Henry, Son of William, Son of Abraham, Son of James. John Craft, b. April, 1848. Rainsford Henry, b. Nov. 1856. Elelia Emeline, b. Oct. 1858. Children of Joseph Abraham, Son of William, Son of Abraham, Son of James. Joshua Smith, b. Sept. 1853. Joseph Abraham, b- Oct. 1855. ChUdren of Josiah, Son of William, Son of Abraham, Son of James. Pheobe Alice, b. June, 1857. Mary Allova, b. July, 1859. Children of James Merritt, Son of James, Son of John, Son of James. Oscar Davidson, b. Feb. 18, 1835; m. Feb. 18, 1857, Janet Ann Hutchinson Stevens; has Maud Doulass, also son. James Purdy Merritt, b. Feb. 8, 1857 ; d. Sept. 28, 1857. Elizabeth Lavinia Robertson, b. Feb. 3, 1839. William Benjamin, b. July 15, 1841. Henry Alline, b. Sept. 20, 1843 ; d. Aug. 13, 1846. Frederick, b. Nov. 6, 1846; d. Jan. 24, 1860. Robert Purdy, b. Nov. 6, 1848. Harriet Rebecca Merritt, b. March 12, 1851; d. Oct. 19,1851 278 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [8tl Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Children of Stephen Purdt, Son of James, Son of John, Son of James. Edwin Jesse, b. July 1, 1829; m. April 29, 1851, Margeret Drake ; had Walter Drake. Susannah Elizabeth, b. Nov. 20, 1831 ; m. Thomas E. Streak. Joseph Sherwood, b. March 4, 1834; m. Dec. 20, 1856, Char lotte M. Tilley ; had Sarah, James Quinton. Sarah Louisa, b. Sept. 23, 1836 ; m. Edward J. Dennett. James, b. July 26, 1839. Francis Peters, b. April 2, 1843 ; d. April 10, 1844. Amelia Frances, b. March 17, 1845 ; d. Nov. 12, 1846. Ann Littlehale, b. Aug. 31, 1847, Stephen Merritt, b. May 24, 1851. Children of Justus, Son of David, Son of John, Son of James. Ann Elizabeth, b. Nov. 1, 1847. Adino Paddock, b. Aug. 28, 1853. George Beverly Bunyeat, b. Aug. 17, 1857. Edna Charlotte Elting, b. July 16, 1859. Children of James Edwin, Son of David, Son of John, Son of James. Maria Pickett. Charles. Frank, and others. Gen.J WETJIORE MEMORIAL. Descendants of Rev. James, sou of Izrahiali, son of Thomas Children of Nathaniel Saunders, Son of David, Son of John, Son of James. Arthur Wellington. Herbert. Elizabeth. Alice. Children of John Van Cott, Son of David, Son of John, Son of James. Edward Trevelyan, b. Aug. 8, 1856. Charlotte Estella, b. May 22, 1859. Children of George Lamereux, Son of David, Son of John, Son of James. George Melville, b. in Cincinnati, Ohio, July 10, 1859. Children of Robert Hodge, Son of James Bush, Son of Izrahiah, Son of James Butler Joseph, b. in Kingston, N. B. Oct. 4, 1842. Frederick Robert, b. Halifax, N. S., Jan. 13, 1845. Paul Lessel, b. Feb. 9, 1854. Henry Dunstan, b. Nov. 1, 1855. James Alexander, b. May 9, 1857; d. Nov. 4, 1859. John Griffeth, b. Nov. 20, 1859. 37 280 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [8th Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Children of Rev. David Izrahiah, Son of Judge Justus Sherwood, Son of Judge David Brown, Son of James. Frances Maria Margeretta Stratton, b. July 4, 1854. Justus Sherwood, b. June 3, 1856, Children of George Cannino, Son of David, Son of Judge David Brown, Son of Jarrtes. Perot Colebrook, b. Jan. 1, 1856. George Elmer, b. Feb. 22, 1857. Edmund Stanley, b. Jan. 31, 1859, Children of Charles Jeffery Peters, Son of Judge Abraham K. Smedes, Son of Rev. Robert Griffeth, Son of Timothy. Eliza Jane, b. Jan. 31, 1855. Helen Louisa, b. Feb. 5, 1857, Anne, b. 1859. Chhdren of Andrew Rainsford, Son of George Ludlow, Son of Thomas, Son of Timothy. George.Sarah, Louisa, Frances. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 281 Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. NINTH GENERATION. Children of Oscar Davidson, Son of James Merritt, Son of James, Son of John, Son of James. Maud Douglass, b. Dec. 1, 1857. Infant Son, b. Feb. 26, 1859 ; d. March 12, 1859. Son of Edwin. Jesse, Son of Edwin Purdy, Son of James, Son of John, Son of James. Walter Drake, b. Feb. 21, 1859. Children of Joseph Sherwood, Son of Stephen Purdy, Son of James, Son of John, Son of James Sarah, b. Oct 22, 1857. James Quinton, b. Nov. 28, 1858. 282 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [3d Judge Seth, Son of Izrahiah, Son of Thomas, AND HIS Descendants. THIRD GENERATION. Judge Seth Wetmore, Was the fifth son of Izrahiah and Rachel (Stow) Whitmore, born in Middletown, Ct., November 18, 1700 (o. s). He married 1, Margaret, widow of S. Gaylord, September 30, 1730. She died the sixth of November following. He married 2d, Hannah, daugh ter of Joseph"^, son of Francis^, of Middletown ; son of Francis Whitmore, of Cambridge, Mass. ; born Dec. 25, 1715, by whom he had Jerusha and Seth. She died May 1, 1744, and he married 3, January 15, 1745-6, Hannah, daughter of the Rev. Timothy and Esther (Stoddard) Edwards, of East Windsor ; born February 8, 1718, and had born to him Lucy, Oliver and Hannah. Of the early history of Judge Wetmore, we are ignorant. At what institution, or from whence he re ceived his education, we have been unable to discover, further than that he studied law, and became a lawyer by profession, and that he was celebrated as a practi tioner in his time. He was a deputy to the General Court of Connecticut from his native town, forty-eight terms, running from 1738 to 1771 ; magistrate of the 1 Joseph Whitmore, b. Aug., 1687. 2 Francis, Jr., b. Oct. 12, 16-50; m. Hannah Harris, of Middletown, Feb. 8, 1674. Record of descendants of Francis Whitmore, of Cambridge, by WiUiam H. Whitmore, Boston, 1855.. Gi^en.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 283 .Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. town of Middletown ; judge of the County Court of of Hartford county; he (together with Jabez Hamlin), was Justice^ of the Quorum for the same county, from 1761 to 1768. He was reputed a stern man, and had great reverence for all lawful enactments, and desired to see them obeyed by every citizen. It was unlawful in Connecticut in colonial times, as the reader is no doubt aware, to perform any out-door labor, or to travel on Sunday. The Sabbath was considered to have com menced at the going down of the sun on Saturday. On one occasion, the Judge had been attending court at the town of Meriden, and was returning home, on horseback on Saturday afternoon, and when within about three miles of his residence, the sun having sunk beneath the horizon, he spied a man chopping wood ; he stopped his horse, and addressing the man, said : '• Friend, do you not know that you are breaking the Sabbath ?" " Oh, well," replied the wood chopper, " I guess I shall get through chopping my wood, by the time Judge Wetmore gets home." At one time while riding in the main street of Mid dletown, he was met by a " hog howard," who stopped his horse, and said : "Judge Wetmore, I command you in the name of King George the Third, to get down from your horse, and help me to drive these hogs to pound." The judge could scarcely maintain his gravity, while he paid the howard to procure a substi tute, to aid him in the performance of his duty. Further, to illustrate the peculiarities of the times of our ancestors, as well as to relieve our pages of heaviness, we give the following amusing anecdote, which we received as we did the one just related, from a grand-daughter of Judge Wetmore. It was the custom of Jonathan (son of President Edwards), subsequently president of Union College (Schenectady), and Timothy Dwight, afterwards pre sident of Yale College (the former a nephew and the 284 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [3d Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. latter a grand nephew of Mrs. Wetmore), to visit "Staddle Hill" (the residence of Judge W.) during the college vacations. They were not inclined to observe strictly the custom of keeping Saturday night ; and on one occasion they proposed a plan to escape the vigil ance of the judge, and pay a visit to some young ladies, living in the neighborhood. The supper for Saturday night was invariably " hasty pudding " and milk, for host, guest and servant. The pudding was boiling in an enormous kettle, such as the old fashioned, capacious kitchen fire places of those days alone could hold. But the young men were impa tient, stole into the kitchen (where the old negress "Membo" was the acknowledged mistress) . Calling, in an undertone, " Membo, Membo, wont you give us our supper ? " and then admitted her to their confid ence. " De Lor bress you," says Membo, " de hasy puddin not done." "Never mind" (they replied), " we will eat it," and into the pantry they went, and brought out two large pewter plates, as bright as silver, and with the ladles which they had provided themselves with, they commenced dipping the pud ding from the kettle. According to the custom of the time, they were dressed in short breeches, with long silk stockings and low-quartered shoes. Membo stood aside, quite grieved, that her authoritj^ was so un ceremoniously interfered with, and particularly, to see her j^oung favorites helping themselves. " Now ! massa Ed'ards. Now! massa Dwight, see what you gone and done." They had both dropped the boiling, tenacious pudding upon their silk hose, and were dancing around the floor with pain their impatience had caused them. Membo assisted them in removing the pudding, and apphed a remedy to their burns, at the same time giving them a lecture upon being in a hurry, and the impropriety and sin of " gowin to see de girls on Saturday night, de beginnin ob de Lor's Gen.J WETJIORE MEMORIAL. 285 Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. day." We trust the rcA'erence the reader may have for Drs. Edwards and Dwight may not be lessened by this story of their " youthful indiscretion." The judge would occasionally take the place of " tidings man " in church — a person appointed to look after the mischievous children, and would sometimes have a row of badlj- behaved boys arranged along upon the " deacons' bench " under the pulpit, to which they all had to march and face the congregation when they did not conduct properly. The boys were very shy of Judge Wetmore, but often got caught notwithstanding. Though rigid he was not forbidding, but tender and affectionate. His reverence and love of order and the rights of others constrained him to be ever respectful and courteous to those with whom he had intercourse, and expected the same in return. Among his pi^ofes- sional brethren he had a commanding influence ; he was respected for his talent as well as for his unbend ing integrity. As a Christian man he was foremost in all good works. His wife's nephews, Pierrepont Ed wards and Aaron Burr, were members of his family and studied law under him. He acquired a large per sonal property, chiefly by his profession, having in herited much of his real estate. Slavery being recog nized at that time in the colony he held slaves ; ^ tradi tion says that he emancipated them, leaving each some property ; this we think not entirely correct, for we have been informed by his grandson, Josiah Wetmore, and his grandaughter, Mrs. Clarissa Dodge, that his daughter, Mrs. Lucy Whittlesey, and his son. Deacon Ohver, held servants that had been bequeathed to them by their father, and that they, subsequently, enfran chised them. Membo, heretofore named, fell to Mrs. Whittlesey. Some of Membo's descendants live, or were living, not long since, in a small house on the left of the road leading from Staddle Hill to the city, and 'Slavery was abolished in Connecticut in 1784. 286 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [3d Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. others live in different parts of the town, and are use ful and respected in their sphere. Judge W. resided, during the last half of his life on his farm at Staddle Hill, near Middletown. The two story double mansion, which he erected in 1746, is still standing. The house and grounds are now owned and occupied by his grandson, Chauncey Wetmore, Esq., and the widow of his grandson, Elisha Wetmore. He died April 10th, 1778. His remains rest in the old grave yard west of the city. A flat, brown free stone slab, horizontally elevated some three feet above the ground, and supported by six columns, marks the spot. The following is a copy of the inscription upon the stone, written by his pastor, the Rev. Enoch Hunting ton. " In memory of Seth Wetmore, Esq. Who died of the small pox. April 10th A D. 1778, ^ 78. Formed for public usefulness improved in various stations of civil life, an able Lawyer, a just judge, an aifectionate head of his family, a faithful friend ; having outlived most of his acquaintance of early life, was gathered to his Fathers in a good old age." The same stone has also inscribed upon it, " In memory of "In memory of Hannah wife of Seth Wetmore Esq Hannah wife of and daughtr of the Revd Timo. Seth Wetmore Esqr Edwards of Windsor who died who died. May Ist June 1st A D. 1773 M. 61." A D 1744." " Here dearest friends their kindred ashes blend. Clasped in the arms of death till time shall end ; Then shall they rise and stand before the Lord, And ev'ry virtue meet a just reward." Mr. Wetmore's second wife, Hannah Whitmore's mother, was a Mary Warner, a descendant of the family of that name, who were among the first settlers and proprietors of Middletown. Note B. to Dr. G-en.J WETiAIORE MEMORIAL. 287 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Field's address, says : " Andrew, Robert and John Warner, were sons of Andrew Warner, who emigrated from Hatfield, Eng., about 1630, who was at Cambridge in 1632, and at Hartford among the early settlers. He was a deacon in the Rev. Mr. Hooker's church, and an influential man of that town. He removed to Had ley in 1659, where he died in 1684, at an advanced age. The three sons in Middletown were farmers. Andrew Warner died Jan. 26, 1582.* Robert repeatedly re presented the town in the General Court ; he died April 10, 1690. John died in 1700. The Warners in Chester and Lyme, are descendants of Daniel Warner, one of their brothers." Her paternal grand-mother was Isabel, the daughter of Richard Parkes, of Cambridge, who is believed to have been the son of Henry Parke, a merchant of London.^ His third wife, Hannah Edwards, had those traits of character for which her family have been so remarka ble ; highly intellectual ; deep and fervent piety ; never for an instant compromising truth and justice for the sake of expediency. Her example and her precepts have long been felt by her descendants ; and the pruiciples which she inculcated in the minds of her children, has already brought forth good fruit abundantly, and those of her lineage have the promise of a beneficent Creator, that he wiU bless to the third and fourth generations of them that love him, and keep his commandments. This is their inheritance, which is of far more value, than title deeds or herald- ric honors. For the following biographical and genealogical notices of Mrs. Wetmore's father's family, we are indebted to The Life of President Edwards," by Sereno Edwards Dwight, S. T. D., G. & C. & H. Carvih, New York, 1830. * This is a probably a clerical error ; it should be \%9,i. — Compiler. 5 Record of the descendants of Francis Whitmore, of Cambridge, by William H. Whitmore, Boston, 1855. 38 288 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [4th Descendants of .Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. The family of Edwards is of Welsh origin. The Rev. Richard Edwards, great great grandfather, and earliest known ancestor of President Edwards, ^ was a clergyman in London in the time of Queen Elizabeth. He came, according to the family tradition, from Wales, to the metropolis, and was of the established church ; but in what shire his family lived, or of what church in London he was the minister, is not known. His wife, Ann Edwards, after the death of her husband, married Mr. James Coles, who, with her son, Wm. Coles Edwards, then young and unmarried, accompanied her to Hartford, Conn., about the year 1640, where they both died. William Edwards, Esquire, the great grandfather, resided in Hartford, and is supposed to have been, by profession, a merchant. His wife, whose Christian name was Agnes, and who came when a young lady with her parents to America, had two brothers in Eng land — one the mayor of Exeter, and the other the mayor of Barnsta/- ble. Their marriage occurred probably about the year 1645. It is not known whether they had more than one child. Richard Edwards, Esquire, grandfather, so far as can now be as certained, the only child of William and Agnes Edwards, was born at Hartford in May, 1647, and resided in that town during his life. He also was a merchant and a man of wealth and respectability. ' At an early age he became a communicant in the Presbyterian Church at Hartford, and adorned his profession by a long life of conscientious integrity, and unusual devotedness to the prosperity of religion. He married Elizabeth Tuthill, the daughter of William and Eliza beth Tuthill, who came from North Hamptonshire, England. Mr. Tuthill was a merchant of New Haven, and one of the proprietors of the colony attempted at Delaware bay. — Trumbidl's History of Conn. By this connection Mr. Edwards had seven children, the eldest of whom was Rev. Timothy Edwards, who had six children. He died April 20th, 1718, in the 71st year of his age, exhibiting during his last sickness, a bright example of Christian and triumphant faith.* The family of Stoddard is of English descent. Anthony Stoddard, Esquire, the maternal grandfather of President Ed wards, and the first of the family in this country, emigrated from the west of England to Boston. He had five wives; the first of « President Edwards and Mrs. Wetmore, as will be se&a post, were brother .and sister. ' These particulars were learned by Mr. Dwight at East Windsor, Ct., in 18.23, from two parishioners of the father of Prest. and Hannah E. — the Rev. Timotiiy Edwards — both of them (his informants) upwards of ninety years of agiC.- — Compiler. 8 For ,a y.ery interesting sketch of the life and death of Richard Edwards we would refer the reader to Mr. Dwight's Appendix B. in his life of Presi dent Edwards, written by the Rev. Timothy Edwards. — Compiler. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 289 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. whom, iMary Downing, the sister of Sir George Downing, was the mother of the Rev. Solomon Stoddard oi 'iHoTth&m^ton, Mass. His other children were Anthony, Simeon, Samson and Israel. The Rev. Solomon Stoddard, his eldest child, and the maternal grandfather of President Edwiwds, was born in 1643, and received the degree of A. B. at Hartford College, in 1662. Soon after his licensure, the first minister of Northampton, the Rev. Eleazer ^Mather, then a young man, died ; Mr. Mather (says Mr. Dwight) was ordained June 18, 1661, and died July 24, 1669, and the parish applied to one of the ministers of Boston to desig nate a successor. He advised them at all hazards to secure Mr. Stoddard. When the parish committee applied to him he had already taken his passage for London and put his effects on board the ship with expectation of sailing the next day; but, through the earnest solicitation of the gentlemen who had recommended him, he was induced to relinquish the voyage and go to Northampton. He began to preach there in 1669, soon after the death of Mr. Mather, and on the 4th of March, 1670, received the unanimous call from the church and people of that village to become their minister, but was not ordained until Sept. 11, 1672. On the 8th of March, 1670, he married Mrs. Esther Mather, originally Miss Warham of Wind sor, in Connecticut, and widow of his predecessor, who left three children. The Rev. John Warham, originally one of the ministers of Exeter, England, had four children, all daughters. He died April 1st, 1670. He was distinguished for piety and the strictest morals; yet, at times, was subject to great gloominess and religious melan choly. Such were his doubts and fears at times, that when he administered the Lord's Supper to his brethren he did not partici pate with them, fearing that the seals of the covenant did not belong to him. It is said he was the first preacher in New England who used notes in preaching. — Trumbull's History of Connecticut. Mrs. Mather had three children by her first husband, Eunice, Warham and Eliakim. Eunice married Rev. John Williams, of Deersfield, who with his son (then a child), afterwards the Rev. Stephen Williams, D. D., of Long Meadow, was caried into captivity by the Indians in 1704. — Dwight's App. Mr. and Mrs. Stoddard had twelve children, six sons and six daughters. The I Mary married the Rev. Stephen Mix, of Wethersfield. The II Esther, born 1672, married the Rev. Timo thy Edwards (the father of Prest. Edwards), Samuel, Anthony, Aaron all died in infancy. The VI Christian, married Rev. Wm. Williams, of Hatfield. VII Anthony, born Aug. 9, 1678 ; A. B. of Harvard, 1697 ; the minister of Woodbury, in Connecticut ; died Sept. 6, 1760. VIII Sarah,^ born April 1, 1680 ; married Rev. Samuel Whitman, of Farmington, Conn. They had five children : 1 Sarah, who married John Trumbull, of Westbury, and 290 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [4th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. was mother of the Hon. John Trumbull, the poet. 2 Elizabeth, wife of Rev. Thomas Strong, of New Marlborough. 3 Elnathan, minister of Hartford, Ct. 4 Solomon. 5 Samuel. IX John, born Feb. 17, 1682 ; A. B. of Harvard, 1706 ; married Prudence, of Wethersfield. He was usually known as Col. Stoddard, of Northampton. They had six children : 1 Mary, born Nov. 12, 1732, and married Hon. John Worthington, LL. D., of Spring field, and died having no issue. 2 Prudence married Ezekial WilUams, Esq., of Wethersfield. 8 Solomon. 4 Esther. 5 Israel. 6 Hannah. X Israel, born April 10, 1684 ; died in prison in France. XI Rebeckah, born in 1686 ; married Joseph Hawley, of Northampton ; they had two children : 1 Joseph, A. B. of Yale, 1742, a distinguished lawyer and statesman. 2 Elisha, killed at the battle of Lake Greorge, Sept. 4, 1755. XII Hannah, born April 21, 1688 ; married Rev. William Williams, of Weston, Mass ; they had nine children : 1 William. 2 Elizabeth ; m. Rev. Joseph Crocker, of Ipswich. 3 Anne. 4 Lucy ; married Rev. Joseph Buckminster, of Rutland. 6 Mercy. 7 Esther. 8 Solomon. 9 Hannah. — Dwight's Appendix. He (Rev. Solomon Stoddard, grandfather of Prest. E.), was cele brated throughout the colonies for his capacity, his knowledge of men, his influence in the churches, and his zeal for vital religion ; and will long be remembered for his valuable writings, whioh have often been published on both sides of the Atlantic^ ; he was a min ister of Northampton, from 1672, until his death in 1729, and left impressions of character strongly marked for originality, for talents, for energy, and for piety on the minds of its inhabitants, which the lapse of a century has scarcely begun to diminish. We find the following, respecting the Rev. Mr. Mix's courtship in Mr. Nathaniel Goodwin's introduc tion to his Genealogical History of the descendants of Nathaniel Foote, of Wethersfield, which, we think, as he (Mr. G.) says, too amusing to be omitted. It is taken from a manuscript collection of Judge Franklin Comstock, late of Wethersfield, deceased. Soon after his settlement, he (Mr. Mix) made a journey to Northampton, Mass., in search of a wife. On his arrival at Rev. Solomon Stoddard's, he made him acquainted with the object of his visit, and informed him that the pressure of duties at home made it necessary to proceed with all possible dispatch. Mr. Stoddard took him into the room where his daughters were, 3 For a list of Mr. Stoddard's writings, we would refer the reader to Dwight's Life of President Hdwards. Appendix F. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 291 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. and introduced him to Mary, Esther, Christiana, Sarah, Rebeckah and Hannah, and retired. Mr. Mix lost no time in proceeding to business ; but addressing Mary, the eldest daughter, said he had lately been settled in the ministry at Wethersfield, and was desir ous of obtaining a wife, and concluded by ofi'ering her his heart and hand. She, blushingly, replied, that the proposition was as unexpected as it was important, and required time for consideration. He re joined that he was not insensible of the marriage covenant, and was g-ratified to discover her unwillingness to enter into it without suitar ble time for reflection. That in order to give her an opportunity to reflect upon the subject, he would walk into the other room, and smoke a pipe of tobacco with her father, and she could report to him. Having smoked his pipe and sent a message to Mary that he was ready to receive her answer, she came into the room and asked for further time for consideration. He replied that she could reflect longer upon the subject, and communicate her decision by letter, addressed to him at Wethersfield. A few weeks afterwards he re ceived the following laconic epistle, which concluded the courtship, and prepared the way of the marriage : NORTSAMPTON, 1696. Rev. Stephen Mix: Yes. Mart Stoddard. They were married Dec. 1, 1696. Copy of inscriptions upon the tombstone erected to the memory of the Rev. Mr. Stoddard and his wife, at Northampton. Here is intered The Body of The Rev. Solomon Stoddard, A. M. Some time fellow of Harvard Cohege, Pastor of y» church in Northampton N. E. for near 60 years, who_ departed this life 11 Feb. 1729, and in the 86 year of his age ; A San of God, an able Minister of The New Testamen siuffularly qualified for that sacred office and faithful the! ein • A light of the Churches m general a pecuhar blessing to this ; eminent for the hohness of his life as remarkable for his peace at death. 292 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [4tl Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. In Memory of Mrs. Esther Stoddard The virtuous Wdo. and Relict of The Rev. Solomon Stoddard formerly Pastor of the Church in This Town, Who died Feb'ry 10th A. D. 1736 in the 92 year of her age. Northampton Epitaphs. The Rev. Timothy Edwards (father of President E.), was born at Hartford, May 14, 1669, and pursued his studies preparatory to his admission to college, under the Rev. Mr. Glover of Springfield, a gentleman dis tinguished for his classical attainments. In 1687, he entered Harvard College, at that time the only semi nary in the colonies ; and received the two degrees of Bachelor and Master of Arts, on the same day, July 4th, 1691, one in the morning and the other in the afternoon. "An uncommon mark of respect paid to his extraordinary proficiency in learning " {Rec. of East Wituisor) . After the usual course of theological study, at that time longer and more thorough than it was during the latter half of the following century, he was ordahied to the ministry of the gospel in the east parish of Windsor, Conn., in May 1694. Windsor was the earliest settlement in that colony, the first having been erected there in 1633. The original inhabitants came from Devonshire, Dorsetshire and Somersetshire, Eng. They arrived in Boston, in the beginning of the year 1630, and plantmg themselves at Dorchester, Mass., where they formed into a Congregational Church, on the 20th of March, when the Rev. John Warham (already alluded to), previously a distinguished clergy man in Exeter, England, but ejected as a non-confor mist, was installed their pastor. Finding themselves straightened for room at that place, in consequence of aen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 293 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. the great number of emigrants from England, the church with their minister, left Dorchester, and plants ed themselves in Wmdsor, in the summer of 1635. This town lying immediately north of Hartford, and delightfully situated in the valley of the Connecticut, originally comprehended a very large tract of land on both sides of the river, and is distinguished for the fertility of its soil, and the beauty of its scenery. The inhabitants constituted one parish, until the year 1694, when those residing on the eastern side of the Connec ticut, finding it inconvenient to cross the river, and being grown suificiently numerous to support public worship among themselves, proceeded to build a church, which stood near the present burying ground, and in vited Mr. Timothy Edwards, son of Richard Edwards, Esq., of Hartford, to be their minister. Mr. Edwards was married on the 6th day of Nov., 1694, to Esther Stoddard, the second chhd of Rev. Solomon Stoddard, who was born in 1672. His father, immediately after his settlement, purchased for him a farm of moderate extent, and built him a house, which was regarded at the time of its erection, as a handsome residence. I (says Mr. Dwight) saw it in 1803. It was a substantial house of moderate dimensions, had one chimney in middle, and was entered like all other houses of that period, by step ping over the siU. In this house his chhdren were born, and he and. Mrs. Edwards resided during their hves. He had oue son and ten daughters, whose names follow in the order of their births: Esther, Ehzabeth, Anne, Mary, Jonathan, Eunice, Abigal, Jerusha, Hannah, Lucy and Martha. I. Esther, b. in 1695 ; m. Rev. Solomon Hopkins, of West Spring field. They had several children: Hannah, m. in 1740, to Hon. John Worthington, LL. D., of Springfield; they had two sons who died in infancy : Mary, who m. Hon. Jonathan Bliss, chief justice of the province of New Brunswick : Hannah, who m Hon. Thomas Dwight, of Springfield: Frances, who m. Hon. Fisher Ames, LL. D. ; and Sophia, who m. John Wil liams, Esq., of Wethersfield. 294 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [4th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. II. Elizabeth, b. April 14, 1697; m. Col. Jabez Huntington, of Windham, June 30, 1724. They had four daughters: 1, Jerusha, m. Dr. Clark, of Lebanon : 2, Sarah, m. Hezekiah Wet more, ^^ of Middletown, and had two children ; and after his death m. Samuel Beers, of Stratford, and had three children. Lucy, m. to George Smith, of Smith Town, Long Island. Sarah Ann, m. David Burr, Esq., of Fairfield; and Wm. Pitt Beers, of Albany, who m. Anne, daughter of Hon. Jonathan Sturges, of Fairfield : 3, Elizabeth, m. Rev. Abraham Davenport, of Stamford, and had two children : Hon. John Davenport, M. C, £*nd Hon. James Davenport, a judge of the Supreme Court of Connecticut. " III. Anne, b. in 1699; m. John Ellsworth, Esq., of East Windsor, and d. 1798, se. 99. They had four children : 1, John, b. Aug. 24, 1735, and had five children; 2, Solomon, b. April 3, 1737, and had twelve children ; 3, Frederick ; 4, Anne, who m. Mr. John Stoughton, of East Windsor, and had six children. IV. Mary, b. in 1701, and d. single, Sept. 17, 1776, in the 76th year of her age. V. Jonathan (President Edwards). For biographical and genea^ logical notices of him and his descendants, see Appendix D. VI. Eunice, b. 1706 ; m. in Oct. 1729, Rev. Simon Backus of New ington, who was a chaplain of the Connecticut troops to Louis burg, in 1745, and d. there in 1746. They had seven children : 1, unknown; 2, Eunice, b. in 1732; d. unm., aged 75 ; 3, Eliza beth, b. 1734 ; m. David Bissel of East Windsor. They had two children : 4, Esther, m. Benjamin Ely of West Spring field and had fourteen children ; 5, Rev. Simon Backus, A. B. of Yale, 1759 ; m. Rachel Mosley of East Haddam, and had nine children ; 6, Jerusha, m. Mr. Smith Bailey, and had four children; 7, Mary; d. unm. VII. Abigail, b. in 1708 ; m. William Metcalf, Esq., of Lebanon, and A..B. of Harvard College; she died in 1754. They had five children : 1, Abigail, m. Moses Bliss, Esq., of Springfield, and had eight children: Hon. George Bliss Moses, William Metcalf; Lucy, m. Dr. Hezekiah Clark of Lebanon; Abigail m. Hon. William Ely of Springfield; Frances, m. Rev. Wil ham Rowland of Windsor; Emily and Harriet; 2, William, and 3, Eliphalet, who died young ; 4, Lucy, who married Mr! John Huntington of East Haddam, and had seven children ; 5, M Tliis was a nephew of Hon. Seth Wetmore, who m. Hannah Edwards. Hezekiah hemg a son of Jeremiah (brother of Seth), son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. ' wV^'^i^^'r?/'' (Edwards) Huntington d. Sept. 21, 1733, a;. 86: m. 2d, Widow SarahWetmore; he d. Sept. 26, 1752. Mrs. Sarah (Wetmore Huntington d. at Nor^vich, Ct., March 21, 1783, in her 83d y^av.-Compiler. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 295 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Eliphalet, b. Dec. 6, 1748 ; m. Mary West of Lebanon, and had ten children. VIII. Jerusha, b. in 1710, and died Dec. 22, 1729, aged about 19J years. IX. Hannah, b. in 1712, and m. Seth Wetmore, Esq., of Middle- town, Conn. ***** X. Lucy, b. in 1715, and died unm. in East Windsor, Aug. 21, 1736, aged 21. XI. Martha, b. in 1716; m. Rev. Moses Tuthill of Granville, Mass., and died in Feb., 1794, aged 77. They had four children, all daughters. In the spring of 1711, Mr. Edwards (Rev. Timothy) and the Rev. ^Ir. Buckingham of Milford, were appointed by the legislature of the colony the chaplains of the Con necticut troops in a mihtary expedition designed for Cana da. He left Windsor for New Haven in July. A fleet, consisting of twenty men-of-war and eighty ¦ transports, sailed for" Canada on the 30th of that month. Three com panies, under the command of Lieut. Col. Livingston, marched from New Haven for Albany on the 9th of Au gust, with whom went Mr. Edwards and Mr. Buckingham. The countiy through which their march lay was at that time chiefly uncleared, and the troops were obhged two nights to he out in the forest. They reached Albany on the 15th and formed there, including their own regiment, 1100 white and 120 Indians. The following letter, ad dressed to ]Slrs. Edwards from Albany, not only details the state of the expedition, but unfolds the character of the writer and the circumstances of his family. To Mrs. Esther Edwards, on the East side of the Connecticut river, in Windsor. Albany, August 17, 1711. My dear and loving wife : ¦ t,^ x The last Wednesday we came to this place. That we might not travel too hard for the footmen of our troops (which consisted but of half of the regiment, the rest not marching out of New Ha^ven when we did.) we spent seven days in the journey, which Col. Liv ingston judges to be about 160 miles, and I am apt to thmk it may not be much short of it. I lay with our troops two nights m the woods I took cold in my journey, and have something of a cough, and am not otherwise much amiss. Notwithstanding this, I am able to travel, and hope I shall be so through the whole journey. Col. 39 296 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [4th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Livingston has been very careful of me, so that through the whole march, both as to diet and lodging, I fared as well in the main as himself The rest of the officers and troops carry themselves as well to me as I can expect or desire. Here are about 1100 white men (or will be at least when the rest of the regiment come up, whom we expect to-night) and 120 Indi ans, besides what are expected of the Five Nations, which many here think will be 1600 or 1800 men, but Col. Schuyler told me he did not expect more than 1000. About 200 or 250 more whites are expected ; so that the whole army that goes to Canada is like to be about 2500 men ; to carry whom over the lake, there are provided, as I am told here, 350 batteaux and 40 or 50 bark canoes. The Governor of New York and the General are here. The General is in great haste to have the forces on their march; so Col. Schuyler's regiment was, I understand, ordered to march out of town yes terday; but as I slept last night, and still am, on the east side of the river, I am uncertain whether they are yet gone. The General told Col. Livingston, and me also afterwards, that we must march for Wood creek to-morrow, but I am apt to think we shall hardly march till Monday. Whether I shall have any time to write you after this, I know not ; but however that may be, I would not have you discouraged and over anxious about me, for I am not so about myself. I have still strong hopes of seeing thee and our dear children once again. I can not but hope that I have had the gracious presence of God with me since I left home, encouraging and strengthening my soul, as well as preserving my life. I have been much cheered and refreshed respecting this great undertaking, in which I verily expect to proceed, and that I shall before many weeks are at an end see Canada; but I trust in the Lord he will have mercy on me, and thee, my dear, and all our dear children, and that God has more work for me to do in the place where I have dwelt for many years, and that you and I shall yet live together on earth, as well as dwell together in Heaven with the Lord Jesus Christ, and all his saints, with whom to be is best of all. Remember my love to each of the children, to Esther, Elizabeth, Anne, Mary, Jonathan, Eunice and Abigail. The Lord have mercy on, and save them all, with our dear little Jerusha ! The Lord bind up their souls with thine and mine in the bundle of life. Tell the children, that I would have them, if they desire to see their father again, to pray daily for me in secret; and above all things to seek the grace and favor of God in Christ, and that while they are young. I would have you very careful of my books and account of rates. I sent you from New Haven a 40s. bill in a letter by Lieut. Willis, and since that ordered the treasurer to deliver to my father six pounds more for you. You call for it or send for it by some sure hand. Gen.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 297 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Though for a while we must be absent from each other, yet I desire that we may often meet at the throne of grace in earnest prayers one for another, and have great hopes that God will hear our prayers. The God of Grace be with you. I am thy loving husband, Timothy Edwakds. On Monday, August 20, they marched for Wood creek. At Saratoga, in consequence of the fatigues and exposure of the march, Mr. Edwards was taken severely ill. On the 4th of September, being unable to proceed with tbe army, he was conveyed in a boat to Stillwater. Thence he was carried back through the woods to Albany, where he arrived in three days in extreme danger. On the 10th he wrote to Mrs. Edwards as follows : To Mrs. Esther Edwards, in Windsor, New England. Albany, Sept. 10th, 1711> My dear: I came last Tuesday from Saratoga towards Albany, very ill, in order to return home, having been ill more than a month, and grow ing at last so weak that I could go no further than that place, which is near fifty miles above Albany. I eame to Albany in a wagon, lying along, in a bed prepared for me, last Thursday night. Since then I have been at the house of Madam Van Dyke, a Dutch gen tlewoman, where I have been so kindly taken care of, tha,t I am much better, and daily gain strength, and my lost appetite is some what recovered. I hope to be able to ride homeward next week. Last Friday I sent Mr. Hezekiah Mason to New England, to ac quaint my father and my friends at Windsor how it is with me, and to desire three or four of them to come hither and to bring an easy horse with them for me to ride upon, and come provided to carry home my effects, and to bring a blanket or two with them, in case we should be forced to sleep in the woods. I should have written by him, but was too ill to do it. This is the first day I have been able to -sit up. If the neighbors have not started when you receive this speake to Mr. Drake that they set out as soon as possible. I 'rejoice to learn by a letter from my father that you were all well on the 2d, and I hope in the mercy of God to see you all ere °°Lieut. Silvy, sent over by the Queen to serve in the expedition, a stout active young man, who came sick with me in another waggon from the camp to Albany, died this evening, just by my lodgings ; we came together from the camp sick, we lay together in one room by the way sick, we lodged just by one another several days in this 298 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [4th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. town sick, but he is dead, and I am living and recovering. Blessed be God for his distinguishing and undeserved grace, and favor to me. Remember my love to all the children. Give my respects to Mr. Colton, who, I understand stays with you. I wish you to pro vide something for my cough, which is the worst I ever had in my life. Remember my love to sister Stoughton, and my duty to my father and mother, if you have opportunity. I am your very affectionately loving husband, Timothy Edwards. Owing to the lateness of the season and to numerous disappointments, the expedition was soon after relin quished; and in the course of the month Mr. Edwards returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Edwards hved together in the married state upwards/ of sixty-three years. Mr. Edwards was about five feet ten inches in height, of fair complexion, of a strong and robust frame, full, but not corpulent. He was a man of polished manners, particularly attentive to his dress, and to propriety of exterior, never appearing in public but in full dress of a clergyman. The management, not only of his domestic concerns, but of his property generally, was intrusted to the care of Mrs. Edwards, who discharged the duty of a wife and a mother, with singular fidelity and success. In strength of character, she resembled her father; and like him she left behind her in the place where she resided for seventy-six years, that "good name, which is better than precious ointment." On a visit to East Windsor, in the summer of 1823, I found a considerable number of persons advanced in years, who had been well acquainted with Mrs. Edwards, and two, upwards of ninety, who had been pupils of her husband, from them I learned she had received a superior education in Boston, was tall, dignifled and commanding in her appearance, aftable and gentle in her manners, and was regarded as surpassing her husband in native vigor of understanding. They all united in speaking of her as possessed of remarkable judgment and prudence, of an ex act sense of propriety, of extensive information, of thorough knowledge of the scriptures and of theology, and of singu lar conscienciousness, piety, excellency of character. By her careful attention to all his domestic concerns, her husband was left at full liberty to devote himself to the Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 299 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izraliiah, son of Thomas. proper duties of his profession. Like many of the clergy of that early period in JSTew England, he was well acquaint ed with Hebrew literature, and was regarded as a man of more than usual learning ; but was particularly distinguish ed for his accurate knowledge of the Greek aud Roman classics. In addition to his other duties, he annually pre pared a number of pupils for college, there being no aca demies, or pubhc schools, endowed for that purpose. One of my aged informants, who pursued his preparatory studies under him, told me, that on his admission into college, when the ofiicers had learned with whom he had studied, they remarked that there was no need of examin- ing^lr. Edwards's scholars. He was for that period, unusually liberal and enlightened with regard to education of his children, preparing not only his son, but each of his daughters, for college. In a letter bearing date Aug. 3, 1711, wMle absent on the ex pedition to Canada, he wishes Jonathan and the girls may continue to prosecute their study of Latin, and in another of Aug. 7, that he may continue to recite his Latin to his elder sisters. When his daughters were of a proper age, he sent them to Boston to finish their education. Both he and Mrs. Edwards were exemplary in their care of their religious instruction ; and, as a reward of their paternal fidehty, were permitted to see the fruits of piety in them ah, during their youth. He always preached extemporaneously, and till he was upwards of seventy, without noting down the heads of his discourse.^2 ^fter that time, he commonly wrote the divi sions on smah slips of paper, which, as they occasionally appeared beyond the leaves of the Bible that he held in his hand, his parishioners cahed " Mr. Edwards's thumb papers " Apologizing for this one day to one of his pupils, he remarked to him, that he found his memory beginning to fail, but that he thought his judgment as sound as ever ; and this was hkewise the opinion of his people, tdl near the close of his life. He is not known to have written out but one single sermon ; which was preached at the general election in 1732, and was pubhshed. It is a solemn and and faithful apphcation of the doctrine of a general judg- 12 This is an error of Mr. D's. We haye in our possession a numher of Mr. E's sermons written in a small, clear and beautiful ^^^^.-CompUer. 300 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [4th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. ment to his hearers, particularly as legislators and magis trates. As he lived till within a few months of his son's decease, the latter often visited his father and preached in his desk. It was the customary remark of the people, that "although Mr. Edwards was the more learned man, and more animated in his manner, yet Mr. Jonathan was the deeper preacher." His influence over his congregation was commanding, and was steadily exerted on the side of truth and righteous ness. When he knew any division among them, he went immediately to see that the parties were reconciled, and when he heard of any improper conduct on the part of any individuals, it was his uniform custom to go and reprove them. Under his preaching, the gospel was attended with a regular uniform efficacy, and in frequent instances with revivals of rehgion ; yet no record is preserved of the actual admissions in the church. From some of the family letters, I find incidental mention of a revival of religion as existing in 1715 and 1716, during which Mrs. Edwards, and two of her daughters, made a profession of their Christian faith; and several others of the family are spoken of, as " travelling towards Zion, with their faces thitherward." His son observes, in 1737, that he had known of no parish in New England, except Northampton, which had so often been favored with revivals of rehgion, as that of his father. _ During the whole of his ministry he was regarded by his people with great respect and atfeetion ; no symptoms of dissatisfaction having been manifested by them for sixty-three years. In the summer of 1752, on account of his increasing infirmities, he proposed to them the settle ment of a colleague, and they actually settled oue, the Rev. Joseph Perry, June 11, 1755, but continued his salary until his death, which took place Jan. 27, 1758, when he was eighty-nine years of age. Mrs. Edwards survived him twelve years; her fourth daughter, Mary, residing with her and watching over the infirmities of age. Erom a lady in East Windsor, far advanced in life, 1 learned the following facts : Mrs. Ed wards was always fond of books, and displayed a very extensive acquaintance with them in her conversation ; particularly with the best theological writers. After the Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 301 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. death of her husband, her family being small, a large por tion of her time was devoted to reading. A table always stood in the middle of her parlor, on which lay a large quarto bible and treatises on doctrinal and experimental rehgion. In the afternoon at a stated hour, such of the ladies of the neighborhood, as found it convenient, went customarily to her house, accompanied, not unfrequently, by their children. Her daughter regularly read a chapter of the bible, and then a passage from some religious author : but was often stopped by the remarks and com ments of her mother, who always closed the interview with prayer. Ou these occasions it was the favorite point with neighboring females, even with those who were young, to be present ; all of them regularly attending them when they were able, and many of them, and among them my informant, dating their first permanent attention to reli gion from the impressions here made. In this she was regarded with a respect bordering on veneration, and was spoken of by Mr. Perry as one of his most efficient auxil- liaries. She died Jan. 19, 1770, in the 99th year of her age, retaining her mental faculties until the close of her life. Her daughter, Mary, spent many years of her early hfe at Northampton with Mr. and Mrs. Stoddard, and returning thence to her father's house. She was the nurse and attendant, and I may almost say, support of her aged parents. She was a woman of most amiable disposition, fine understanding and uncommon attainments ; had read much and appeared to have made the best improvement of the knowledge that she obtained. She survived her mother six yea,TS.-~Dwight's Life of President Edwards. FOURTH GENERATION. Chhdren of Judge Seth. I Jerusha, b. in Middletown, — , 1740 ; d. — , 1749. ' > '^ ^ " Seth b in M 1744; m. Nov. 16, 1768, Mary, dau. of William and Lucy (Downing) Wright ; b. -, 1745 ; had Seth, Wi ham, Hannah; Samuel, Mary, Willard Wright, Titus, Josiah Lucy, Nathaniel Downing ;m. 2, Lucretia Scott (widow) ; had Julia and Harriet. 302 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [4th Descendrnts of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. He was a yeoman. The property inherited from his father enabled him to hve upon his income, devot ing himself more or less to public matters, in which he took a deep interest. He held the rank of captain in the colonial volunteer service during the revolution. In a town meeting, held January 7, 1777, he, together with Col. Comfort Sage and Capt. Samuel Russell, was appointed to petition Governor Trumbull, to remove William Franklin, the then late Tory Governor of New Jersey from the town, where he was a prisoner of war, on parol, it being deemed necessary to do so for the safety of the town knd state. What is a little remarkable, this William Franklin, last royal Govemor of New Jersey, was a son of Benjamin Frankhn. Though possessed usually of a good-natured, friendly" and high-toned disposition, he was quick to repel in dignities, and sometimes was overcome by a hasty temper, which " it is said " is a characteristic of the Wetmores generally. He was generous to a fault, and hospitable beyond the greatest hospitality which pre vailed in his day. He was tender-hearted, and ever ready to reheve the distressed at any sacrifice. His descendants have a traditionary story of him, which, while it shows that characteristic trait of quickness of temperament, wih evince at the same time his readi ness to make the " amende honorable." It seems that a neighbor of Captain Wetmore had many geese that used to trespass upon the captain's premises, to his injury and annoyance. The neighbors were on the most friendly terms, but stih ah expostulation failed, so on one occasion catchmg two of the invading geese by their necks, down the road he ran, swinging them and exclaiming " keep your geese at home," " take care of your geese," &c. But by the time he had reached the gate of his neighbor, his temper had cooled off, and mortified at the exhibition he had made, without say ing a word about the nuisance, he commenced, " really Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 303 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. good neighbor it is too bad, for you to allow your geese to annoy me to such extent, as to cause me to act so foohshly, besides which, I have killed two of your geese, and must now compensate you." The good feehng between the neighbors rendered a settlement easy, and the result of the ebullition of passion was a guarantee for the future. He had a great veneration for the past, and was among the last of New England yeomanry who pre served the old custom, now almost obsolete, even in Old England, of the harvest cup. His wife, Mary Wright, was of a highly honorable lineage, both paternally and maternally, she being 8th in direct descent from the Rev. John Rogers, the mart^T; 5th in descent from George Wyllys (Wilhs), a deputy lieutenant governor and governor of the colony of Connecticut, from 1640 to 1643, and through him 22d in direct descent from Griffen de Warren, the 6th Earl of Warren and Surrey — the 2d Earl of War ren being a son of Grundred, daughter of William the Conqueror — and tlirough these pedigrees back to Alfred the Great. She d. Dec. 24, 1790. Mrs. Lucretia (Scott) Wetmore, d. May 19, 1830, ae. 67 years. He died at Middletown, April 15, 1810; was buried at the old west yard of that city, and the following inscriptions appear upon his tombstone, and that of his wife Mary : Capt. Seth Wetmore, died April 15, 1810, in the 67th year of his age. Mary— his wife died Dec. 24, 1790, aged 45. In her the virtues of the daughter, wife and mother shine with peculiar brightness(. a , ; , , LuCY, b. at Staddle Hill, near Middletown, April 10, 1748; m.cUaviC&y Wfi^ni**^ Feb. 14, 1770; had I Lucy, b. in M ; m. , Joseph W. 40 304 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [4th Descendants of .Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Alsop, Esq., of M , who had 1, Lucy Wetmore, b. Henry Chauncey, Esq., of the highly responsible and honorable mercantile house of Alsop & Co., of Valparaiso, and Alsop & Chauncey, of New York ; and had Henry, b. , m. Emily Aspinwall, dau. of Samuel Shaw Howland, Esq., of New York, who have Henry, Lucy : 2, Clara Pomeroy, d. young; 3, Charles Richard, who m. Mary E. Armstrong; 4, Joseph Wright, who m. Mary Oliver; 5, Clara Pomeroy 2d; 6, Elizabeth, b. , m. George Hoppin, Esq., of Providence, R. I. ; 7, Mary Wright, b. — ¦ — -, m. Dr. Thomas Mutter. II Hannah, b. May, 1775. Ill Elizabeth, b. ; m. Josiah Williams. IV Gen. Chaun cey, b. June 18, 1783 ; m. Sarah Tracy. Mrs. Whittlesey was a woman whose uncircum- scribed and remarkable piety was widely known. Her active benevolence knew no bounds. She sought out the poor; she provided them with work and paid them from her own purse, and many were the blessings showered upon her headi from those who were thus the recipients of her bounty. It was her custom to take her servants young and bring them up under her own eye and counsel ; they were reared in the principles of the gospel, and, through her teachings, were made useful members of society. Her household was managed in the fear of the Lord, and it was esteemed a model Christian home. In con sequence of this gentle, kind and benevolent course of action towards those dependent upon her, she enjoyed the greatest deference and respect from them. Her counsel was sought by both young and old. Her brother. Deacon Ohver, looked to her for advice and guidance in almost every important transaction of his life, revering her judgment and abiding by it. She hi return gave him her warmest affection and love. She had a just pride of distinction without being ostenta tious. To her were her nephews and nieces often indebted for letters advisory, both rehgious and pohti cal. She continued the family altar after the death of her husband, and the fohowing form of prayer, com posed by herself, she frequently used : Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 305 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiali, son of Thomas. Lniinitely blessed and most glorious God — We, thy unwor thy creatures, desire humbly to present ourselves before thee this morning and unitedly to join our praise and sup phcation to thee, the author and giver of every mercy we enjoy. Grant us, we beseech thee, the influence of thy holy spirit that we may be enabled to worship thee who art a spirit in spirit and truth. Give us, we entreat Thee, worthy apprehensions of the great and glorious perfections of thy character, and may we bow before Thee with rever ence and godly fear. We desire to adore thee for thy won derful condescension manifested in allowing such guilty and defiled creatures as we are to approach into thy presence and to worship before Thee. We desire to take all en couragement in thy infinite goodness as evinced through the all-sufficient mediator, and to place our trust in His atoning blood and powerful intercession for our being heard and accepted. We humbly beseech Thee, for his sake, to pardon and forgive all our sins, which we acknowledge have been many and great, and greatly aggravated. Remember not against us, the corruption of our hearts, or the sinfulness of our lives, transgressions of thy holy law, or our impenitence and unbehef under the call of the Gospel. Most Merciful Father, enter not into judgment with us, for in thy sight we are not able to stand, but grant us re demption through the blood of thy Son, even the for giveness of ali our sins. We humbly pray that by the special influence of thy Holy Spirit, thou wht work in us all those qualifications which accompany salvation ; teach us our dependence in Thee ; subdue our wih, bring in sub jection our evil propensities, give us hearts to mourn after a Godly sort for ah our sins, and to turn from and forsake them ; enable us to trust our souls, with ah our eternal concerns, in the hands of Jesus Christ our Saviour, who is able to save from the wrath to come, and may our faith work by love to God and man, and produce true hohness and obedience. Sanctify in us ah the powers of our nature, and enable us in our whole conversation to adorn the re ligion that we profess; fill us with joy and peace and blessing; and grant that we may go on our way rejoicing in the God of our Salvation. Be pleased, oh Lord, to bless us in the relation we 306 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [4th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. stand to one another ; make us instruments of promoting each other's comforts and happiness, both temporal and eternal ; grantthat in living together on earth, itmaybethe means of preparing us to spend a happy eternity together in thy kingdom above. Let the smiles of thy providence and grace be continually upon us, and be graciously pleased to establish thy covenant with us. Do good to all our friends and acquaintances, reward them that have shewed us kindness, forgive those that have wronged us. Pity all that are under affliction and sorrow, teach them to profit by thy correction, and be thou entreated to remove the chastising rod. Dwell at all times in this place ; bless them that minister in holy things ; save thy people throughout the land from their sins and thy judgments. Succeed the ministry of thy Gospel. Water and increase thy church everywhere. May the set time for favoring Zion be hastened, when every tongue shall be brought to confess, and every knee to bow to Christ Jesus our Lord, to the Glory of God the Father. We desire to thank Thee, Heavenly Father, for the in numerable blessings which we have been made the sub jects of We thank Thee, that we were born and educated under the light of the Gospel ; for the preservation of our lives, that we have been kept from any fatal accident, and preserved in every danger. Accept our thank ofi'er ings for our preservation the last night, aud for the com forts of this morning. We humbly beseech Thee, to keep us all this day long from sin and every evil. Let us be in the fear of the Lord all the day long. Direct us in all our ways, preserve us in all our goings, smile on the labour of our hands, and prosper all our undertakings. Give us this day our daily bread, and guide us by Thy council all our days. Prepare us for the remaining services of life, and for all the trials, sorrows, and suflerings that we may meet with. Support and comfort us under the decays of nature and the ap proach of death. Order the time, and manner, and cir cumstances of our departure out of the world, in mercy for us, and receive us at last into Thy unchangeable kingdom above. To the praise of the rich grace in Jesus the Medi ator of the new Covenant, for whose sake, be pleased to accept our prayers, and to whom, with the Father and Holy Spirit, be assented everlasting praises, Amen." Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 307 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. She died Jan. 23d, 1826, and the following is a copy of the inscription upon a marble monument. Mrs. Lucy Wliittlesey, Relict of Chauncey Whittlesey Esqr Distinguished for practical piety and Benevolence died 23* Jany 1826 ^"78 years. Mr. Whittlesey graduated at Yale College, in 1764. Studied divinity and was lincensed to preach by the Orthodox Congregational Church, but relinquished the ministry as his profession, without diminishing his at^ tachment for the gospel .^^ He was of old Puritan stock. The family of Whittlesey have ever been re markable for their talent, strong practical sense, and unflinching integrity, and the subject of this notice, was an inheritor of these virtues in an eminent degree. He entered the mercantile business ; was appointed by the Council of Safety, in 1776, commissary of sub sistence to the army; was collector of the port of Middletown, from December, 1797 to 1801 ; magistrate of the town ; a deputy to the General Court, 1809, 1810 and 1811 ; was elected deacon of the First Con gregational Society, Sept. 17, 1778, which office he held thl his decease. A correspondent, noticing Mr. Whittlesey's death, in the Connecticut Herald, pubhshed at New Haven, March 29, 1812, says : To the Editors : ¦ . ¦ I have observed in the various newspapers printed m this state, the late death of Chauncey Whittlesey, Esq., of Middletown, is barely mentioned without any further notice of the subject; this does not satisfy me. I knew him weh, and knew his worth. If the purest patriotism, manifested by a uniform zeal for the public good • if firmest integrity, exhibited in all his dealings with his fellow men ; if the highest degree of benevolence and 12 Dr. Field's Address. 308 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [4th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. charity, that ever delight to minister to the wants and comforts of all within his reach, deserves from all men esteem ; then all should have esteemed him when hving — should lament his death. If piety to God, made manifest by good works in all the various relations of hfe, meet from Christians love and respect, then Christians should have loved him while living, and should love to dwell upon his praises now that he has gone. Dea. Whittlesey d. March 14, 1812, and his re mains he interred in the old west yard at Middletown ; and the inscription upon a marble monument reads thus: Chauncey Whittlesey Esq Died March 14th 1812 Aged 66 years. Through vanquished agonies What gleams of joy, what more than human peace ! His Lord sustains him in his final hour His final hour brings glory to his God Man's glory heaven vouchsafest to call her own. Their daughter Hannah, was highly inteUectual, well read, and versed not only in polite literature, but in the history of her country. She had extensive correspondence with distinguished men of her time, both in this country and in Europe. Of fine conver sational powers, ever courteous, polite and amiable, never forgetting the rights or feelings of others. To her kindred, especially, she entertained the liveliest sentiments of interest, both in their spiritual and temporal welfare. Always scrupulously neat in her personal appearance, dressing in good taste. She was what might be termed a lady of the old school. She died as she had lived, in the full assurance of a blessed immortality. Her remains were interred near those of her parents, and a brown stone shaft standing over her grave, bears this simple inscription : Gen.J WETMORE MEBIORIAL. 309 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Erected to the memory of Hannah Whittlesey daughter of Chauncey Whittlesey born May 1775— Died Dec 21st 1855. Their son. Gen. Chauncey Whittlesey, graduated at Yale College in 1800. He studied law and settled at Middletown. He represented that town in the state Legislature, in 1817. Dr. Field, in his Centennial Address, saj's : From the close of 1804 unth 1819, Chauncey Whittle sey, Esq., practised in this county, and though able lawyers from Middletown and adjoining counties attended the courts, he acquired an elevated rank among his bre thren. He was also advanced in military life to the command of a brigade. In the last mentioned year he removed to Louisville, Ky., where he practised about four years, and afterwards to ISTew Orleans, where he practised about four years more. His health having been seriously injured while in the latter city, he returned to his native town in 1827, and attended in a degree to official business until the autumn of 1829, when his ihness became dis tressing. His sight and other bodily powers were affected, so that for the residue of his life he was almost helpless, and often racked with severe pain. ***** Gen. Whittlesey's early disappointments and sufferings served to render the grace of God, in which he trusted, the more conspicuous. Those who visited him in his afflictions, were surprised in view of his weak and dis ordered body, at the continued vigor of his mind; were instructed by his conversation and improved by his resignation to God, and his benevolence to men, and pro spects of blessedness in the hfe to come. An able writer in The Philadelphian of Jan. 8, 1835, declares concerning him : When almost every earthly comfort was withdrawn, he was not cast down, for he looked, to his inheritance among the saints in light. When bhndness and darkness came over his bodily sense, the eye of his mind remained strong and unclouded, and the light of Heaven still penetrated to 310 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [4th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. his soul and kept up a constant warmth in his heart. While he was in a condition which would have made sohie men forget all but self and suffering, his expansive benevo lence worthy of his celestial origin, constantly fiowed out to his fellow beings. His intellect was still firm and vigor ous after years of severe disease had taken from his body almost all power, but that of endurance, and his feelings, instead of being soured by disappointment and calamity, grew more tender and affectionate, while one faculty and enjoyment after another, in melancholy succession departed from him. Thus through years of trial, he acted out the faith and patience of the saints. He died . Oliver, Dea, b. at Staddle Hill, near Middletown, May — , 1752 ; baptized May 24, 1752 ; m. Oct. 13, 1773, Sarah, dau. of Capt. Elisha Brewster," b. 1754 ; had Oliver, Elisha, Sarah, Timothy, Lucy, Hannah Edwards, Clarissa, Sophia, Chauncey and Emily. He was in early life fitted for college, but dehcate. health did not permit him to enter. He was a man (says a correspondent who knew him well) of superior talents, intellectual attainments, and sound judgment ; unbounded benevolence was a prevailing trait. He was very dignified, yet accessible to aU, both high and low, rich and poor. He was a uniform christian, and his example to his family and to the world was truly such as to assure them he was ever abiding in the Lord. His cheerfulness was remarkable (in feeble health as he was), especially in the social circle that ever clustered around his board. His house was the constant resort of visitors, who took a delight in his society, while his amiable christian companion greatly contributed to the comfort and happiness that ever and brightly centered around their hearth-stone. His benevolence was widely experienced ; the widow and fatherless had every reason to rejoice at his presence in their midst, and for the provision bestowed upon them from his granaries. His woodlands were open to the poor. In the winter season the bars were 13 For Brewster History and Genealogy, see Appendix. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 311 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. let down, and all who were not able to provide for themselves, were free to enter and take as much fuel as they needed. He consecrated his children to God in baptism, the very next Sabbath after their birth, believing it his duty so to do at the earliest possible moment of their existence. He was confined to his bed, for some weeks previous to his death, and during that time his views of God and eternity, were of the most exalted and consohng nature. His life was calm and peaceful, and peaceful and calm his death. He predicted the precise hour when his spirit would take its depart ure, viz : four o'clock in the morning ; he looked at the clock tiro minutes before the hour, and exclaimed : " Come, sweet Jesus, come quickly," as the clock struck four, he turned his eyes to heaven and breathed his last sigh on earth. That dying scene, all through that night, was so solemn, so joyous and impressive, that it was not without its saving effect upon some of those who witnessed it. Such was the life, and such was the death of Deacon Wetmore, whose memory we all love to venerate and honor, and may we one and all, live as he lived, and may our last end be like his. He united with the church, Nov. 8, 1772, was made deacon of the First Congregational Society of Middle- town, March 4, 1784, which sacred office he held till he was removed by death. It will be remembered by the reader, that to be chosen a deacon of the Church of New England in colonial times, was no ordinary honor. To be_ thus selected, was a sufficient guarantee that the recipient was without spot or blenush of character, and prima facie evidence, that the person so selected was a man of weight and influence in the community in which he lived. The late Gov. Treadweh of Connecticut, in his autobiography, in referring to the office of deacon, which office he held for many years, says : " happy 41 312 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [4th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. would he have been, if he could have honored the office, as much as that honored him." Deacon Wetmore, together with his sister Lucy (Mrs. Whittlesey), and his half brother Seth, inherits ed the homestead and farm, together with the slaves belonging to the estate." He, at the death of his "As many of the slaves of Judge Seth were objects of interest, and care to his children and grand-children for a term of years, it may not be con sidered out of place to detail a little of the history of some of them. At twenty-seven years of age the servants owned by Dea. W. were set at liberty, but not without provision for their future comfort and welfare. One of them, Amos by name, ran away and hired himself out to Gen'l Morgan of Hartford. Amos was a good, faithful servant, but impatient under res traint ; he could not bear remonstrance, and so resolved to try whether he could not gratify his own will among strangers. Gen'l Morgan, finding him a most excellent waiter, wrote Dea. W. requesting him tp sell the unex pired term of his service to him. Dea. W. consented, but before Ames's time- had expired Gen'l M. failed and his property was attached, and the unfortunate runaway was taken by a creditor to the state of New York, that being a slave state at that time as well as Connecticut. The creditor also failed and poor Amos was again seized, sold and taken to South Caro lina. Dr. John Osborn, Jr., of Middletown, afterwards saw him in the latter state and asked him if he was contented ; he replied that he had a kind master, " but," said he, " /would like to go back to Massa Wetmore's once more." Another servant, by the name of Toney, on receiving his freedom, chose a seafaring life. On his return from his voyages he made it his home with his former master. He had married a squaw, who was excessively intem perate, and he could neither live with her or trust her with any of his hard earned money. So, with his old master's permission, he used to bury his treasure in the cellar. He had ever been a faithful servant and was strongly attached to his old home and its inmates. On a Sabbath morning, which was cold and blustering, after Toney's return from one of his trips to sea, Dea. W. desired Toney to accompany him to "meeting." Toney demurred, saying, " that for some unaccounta ble reason he must stay home." So he was permitted to remain with three of the children, Hannah, Sophia and Clarissa. In the course of the morn ing the children heaped upon the fire in the broad fireplace a quantity of light wood chips. The chimney caught fire aud the roof was soon in a blaze from the falling sparks. Toney, with the alertness of a monkey ascended the south side of the house by the clapboards, mounted the roof and tore the light shingles from their fastenings, and saved the dwelling from destruction. When Dea. W. returned and heard of the danger they had encountered, Toney met him with a countenance beaming with delight and self-satisfaction, and with many bows said, " Now, Massa WetmSre want Toney to go to meetin', but God want Toney to stay home. Massa Wetmore had no house now if Toney gone to meetin'." And Massa Wet more was sensible that an overruling Providence had put it into the heart of Toney to stay at home that Sabbath to be the means of savins his nro- perty from the devouring element. "Membo," whom we have already noticed, was born in Africa, and when about nme years old was brought to this country with a cargo of slaves. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 313 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. father, took charge of the homestead, where he con^ tinued to reside, giving attention to that portion of the extensive farm of his father, that fell to his lot. He died December 1st, 1798, and was buried among his kindred, in the old grave yard, west from the city Judge Seth purchased her with others and placed her in his family in the capacity of waiting maid to his wife and daughter, and truly faithful she proved to be. At Judge W.'s death, Membo fell to Mrs. Whittlesey's share. When Mrs. Whittlesey died she left Membo to the care of her daughters, Hannah and Elizabeth (Mrs. Williams), who faithfully fulfilled their trust. Mrs. Whittlesey provided that Membo should be taken care of as long as she lived : her freedom had been given her years before, but she remained with her mistress who had given her a small house on the grounds attached to her own mansion. She became blind and Very feeble, and when the winter came she was removed into the family dwelling and there taken charge of in the kindest manner until the summer, when she returned to her own humble home, still provided for and watched over by her benevo lent Christian mistress. Membo venerated, and was exceedingly attached to everything belonging to the memory and estate of Judge Wetmore. She recognized his descend ants, after becoming blind, by their voices. She was very tenacious of "the rights of Oliver and Lucy." Her memory was remarkable, and she had many anecdotes to relate of her own history, and of the sayings and doings of " Massa (Judge) Wetmore." She remembered well the time she was brought from Africa, and thanked God for bringing her to America, where, she said, she had "learnt to lub Jesus," "for," said she, "if de Lord had neber brought me here I should neber know Jesus who is so pre cious to me now." She mourned not the loss of her sight, but was cheerful and resigned, and died rejoicing in her Redeemer. She was sincerely mourned by the family. She was buried in the family lot at the foot of the graves of her master and mistress. The following anecdote has been related to us by an eye witness : Dea. Wetmore had a small yellow dog, whose name was Penn, and it was Dea. W.s custom to conduct family worship in the south parlor, then used as a sitting room, which communicated with the kitchen (now the dining room) by a small entry. Leading from the sitting room lo the kitchen was a bell pull which summoned the servants to prayers morning and evening. Invariably, without failure, dog Penn headed the servants as they proceeded to the place of prayer, and took his position in a large wooden arm chair that stood in the south east corner of the room, lying down while the mas ter read the scriptures, and as he rose to pray (which he always did, stand ing at the back of his chair,) Penn would rise upon his hind legs, drop his fore paws, close his eyes and remain in that position until the prayer was ended ; then he would alight from the chair, which uo one else ever ven tured to occupy, and precede the servants to the kitchen. Singular, that although this bell summoned others to the sitting room at various times, yet Penn never ventured in there at any other time, neither did he stay after the prayer was ended. He lived to be very old, and was so blind that at last it became necessary to kill him. Penn and his "piety " has often been since the subject of remark, sym pathy and wonder of the children around the fireside of that old mansion at Staddle Hill. 314 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [4th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. of Middletown, and the following is a copy of the in scription upon a plain brown stone, placed over his grave. In Memory of Deacon Oliver Wetmore Who Died Dec. 1st A. D. 1798 in the 47th year of his age. With silent step he trac'd the way To the fair courts of light, his wish'd abode, Nor could he ask a moment's stay. Nor make the convoys wait, that call'd his soul to God ; See the good man with head reclined. And peaceful heart, resign his precious breath ; No guilty thoughts oppress his mind. Calm and serene his life, serene and calm his death. 's His wife, Sarah Brewster, was fifth in direct descent from Elder Wm. Brewster, of the Mayfiower. She was a woman befitting her lineage, possessing much of the generous high mindedness of her noble ancestor. To her were her chhdren greatly indebted for those Adrtues which adorned their characters. She died July 5, 1827, and was buried beside the remains of her husband. The inscription upon her tomb-stone is simply In memory of Sarah Wetmore, relict of Deacon Ohver Wetmore, ~ who died July 5, 1827, in the 73d year of her age. Hannah, b. at Staddle Hill, near Middletown, 1753 ; d. July, " These lines were selected, or composed by his daughter, Mrs. Whittle sey. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 315 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. FIFTH GENERATION. Children of Seth. Seth, b. in Middletown, Sept. 10, 1769 ; m. Nancy, dau. of Gen, Wm. and Nancy (?) (Dewey) Shepard of Westfield, Mass., Feb. 1, 1800; had William Shepard; m. 2d, Salome Smith of ^ St. Albans, ^^t. ; had Charles Wright, Nancy Shepard, and Seth Downing; m. 3d, Mrs. Annie Goodrich, Jan. 11, 1817. Was a lawyer by profession, and resided for many years at St. Albans, Vt. ; was sheriff of that county ; a member of the governor's council for about 20 years, and judge of the court of probate, nearly as long. He was an amiable, conscientious man, ever ready to take a charitable view of things. While he always felt indignant at the wrong doing of men, was willing at all times to forget and forgive evil in others. Such a nature could not but be susceptible to kindness, and at the same time, sensitive in the extreme. While on one of his professional tours, business called him to the residence of Gen. Wm. Shepard, where he was taken dangerously ill. He was pro strated by a fever, which was succeeded by delirium, during which time, the general's daughter, Nancy, sat by him, and ministered to his wants as only woman can do under such circumstances. During his conval escence, these attentions were continued, until a feel ing of gratitude on his part gave way to more tender and lasting emotions, which resulted in the happy union of himself and the fair daughter of the host, before leaving-his hospitable mansion. He was a devoted Christian, and an active member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. It has been often said of him, that in prayer he was eloquent, at the same time simple and solemn, carrying those of his hearers, who were of a devotional mind. 316 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [5th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. before the Throne of grace, with great effect. His life was pure and holy, and like many a good man, whose energies have been devoted to " laying up trea sure in heaven," pecuniary success in this world did not attend him." He died at St. Albans, Aug. 29, 1830, in his 61st year. His wife, Nancy Shepard, died at the same place, Feb. 17, 1802. Gen. William Shepard, Her father, was |Dom in Westfield, Mass., December 1st, 1737; he serve^i six years as a captain in the Re volutionary army, ahd distinguished himself at Fort "W^illiam Henry and\ Crown Point; in 1783, he was chosen a brigadier general, having fought twenty-two battles ; he was subse|[uently a major general of militia ; and a representative In congress, from 1797 to 1803. The following letter addressed to General Washing ton, with Washington's reply, we take from American Archives, vol. II, fifth series, p. 603. We give them entire, to show the patriotic sentiments that animated the heart of Col. Shepard, and how they and his servi ces were appreciated by the commander-in-chief To His Excellency George Washington, Esq., General-in-Chief of all the Forces in the thirteen free and United States of America, the petition of William Shepard, now Lieutenant- Colonel in the Third Regiment in the Continental Army, humbly showeth ; That he, in early life, was called forth in defence of his country ; that he oheeffully stepped forth, and for six years successively served in the late war in various capacities, from that of a private to a captain, in which station he served three years ; during the whole of said term he was led to believe that he served with good reputation in said capacities ; that early in the unhappy controversy between Great Britain and the now free States of America, he was again called to the field, and his mind being impressed with 'the importance of the cause in which he was engaged, and the duty he i^He was a purchaser of over 300,000 acres of the Yazoo lands, the titles to which were repudiated by the state of Georgia. See Amei-ican State Papers, Land Claims, i, 202, 203, 204 and 206 ; also post under head of, William, son of Seth, &c. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 317 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. owed to God and his country, he thought himself under the strong est obligations to draw his sword against the unnatural enemies of his oppressed country to defend its sacred rights and liberties ; which consideration alone induced him to enter the present service in the station he now holds. Your petitioner further begs leave to observe that when he en tered the service he expected the same advantages with regard to preferment, with officers of his rank in the army ; but when he views the regiment to whioh he belongs, which has been destitute of a chief colonel for almost six months and not filled, and other regiments vacant but a few hours, before they are filled by advance ments from their own corps. Your petitioner is convinced that he is judged by the wise and prudent rulers of the states (whom he will honour and esteem), not to be an officer worthy of promotion, or the most flagrant injustice is done him. This being the case, your petitioner thinks himself compelled by every principle of justice to himself and to all his brethren who may continue in the service of their country (which has his best wishes, and which service he has no desire to leave, so long as the cause of his country shall require his assistance, or any other principle than those before noted, there being but little ex pected from a degraded officer), to beg Your Excellency to grant him liberty to resign his command. And Your Excellency's petitioner, as in duty bound, shall ever pray, &c. WiLLiAM Shepard, Bergen, Sept. 28, 1776. Lieutenant Colonel. General Washington to the President of Congress. [Read October 2 ; referred to the Board of War.] Head Quarters, Heights of Harlem, Sept. 30, 1776. Since I had the honour of addressing you last, nothing of import ance has transpired, though from some movements yesterday on the part of the enemy, it would seem as if something* was intended. The enclosed memorial, from Lieutenant Colonel Shepard, of the fourth regiment, I beg leave to submit to the consideration of Con- o-ress • and shall only add that I could wish that they would promote him to the command of the regiment, and send him a commission beino- a o-ood and valuable officer, and especially as the vacancy is ot a pre'ttylong standing; and I have had, nor has he, any intelligence from Colonel Learned, and himself, who had command and who obtained a discharge on account of his indisposition, of his designs *° I have also enclosed a copy of a letter from Capt. Ballard, which 318 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [5th Descendants of .Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Congress will please determine on, the subject being new, and not within my authority. I have the honour to be. Sir, your most obedient servant. Go. Washington. P. S. — A commission was sent for Colonel Learned, which is now in my hands, having received no application or heard from him since it came. From this postcript it is fair to presume that con gress was unadvised till then, of there being a vacant colonelcy in the regiment which Lt, Col. Shepard was commanding. We find by reference to the Am. Archives, that Col. S. was, on Nov. 3d, 1776, attached to Gen. Clinton's brigade, and his regiment contained 503 men, rank and file, and subsequently to Gen. Lee's division. He was commissioned by congress, colonel, on the 1st of December following." At what time he was pro moted to the rank of brigadier general we are unad vised. Gen. Shepard did his country signal service after the restoration of peace. After the close of the war, and before the constitution had been framed, there was great pecuniary distress in New England, particularly in Massachusetts. The people very generally called upon the authorities for a stay of legal proceedings, and not having their wishes granted, they attempted, in Massachusetts, to take the law into their own hands. This rebelhon was known as Shays's rebellion, a Daniel Shays, formerly a captain in the revolution ary army, taking the command of some 1100 men, armed. After taking Worcester they assembled near Springfield with the design of taking possession of the " He received a commission of lieutenant colonel in a regiment of foot, granted by the congress of the colony of the -Massachusetts Bay, on the 19th of May, 1775, and signed by Joseph Warren, Prest. P. T., and by Samuel Freeman, secretary, P. T. He was wounded in the throat at the time Qf Burgoyne's defeat ^nd capture. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 319 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. arsenal at that place, then in charge of Gen'l Shepard, who had about 900 men under his command. Shays proposed to attack Gen'l S. on the 25th of January, 1787, and wrote a Luke Day and Eh Parsons, who had each 400 men under their direction, to meet him. Shays, confident of their cooperation, marched his men on the day appointed to the attack of Gen'l S., who had his raw militia drawn up to receive them.. On Shays appearing in sight Gen'l S. sent an officer to warn him to desist. If the answer was favorable he was to file off to the right, if not, then in the opposite direction ; the officer filed to the left. " Give them a shot to the right," said the general. The cannon was fired accordingly, no injury being done. Shays moved on. "Give them a shot to the left," said General Shepard. This was done, but instead of bringing the rebels to a halt, they pressed on more rapidly. " Give them a shot breast high," ordered General Shepard. It was done. The ball killed three men, wounding a fourth ; the lawless body retreated in great confusion to a place some ten miles distant. Had General Shepard been disposed to pursue _ he mdght easily have cut them to pieces. But the object was not to destroy, but to bring them to consideration and amendment. The following day Major General Lincoln of Hing- ham, previously secretary of war, arriving with a large body of troops, the insurgents retreated towards Am herst. Gen'l Lincoln followed them, but they made good their retreat to Pelham, where they took post on two high hills, almost inaccessible by reason of the snow. The weather was very severe and Lincoln turned aside to Hadley to put his troops under cover. Negotiations ensued. The insurgents agreed to dis perse on a general pardon, but Lincoln had no au thority to make such a promise. While the negotia tion was pending the insurgents, hard pressed for 42 320 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [5th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. provisions, broke up their camp, retreated to Peter sham on the borders of Worcester county.-*' Lincoln pursued, and overtaking them, took 150 prisoners ; the remainder scattered, taking refuge in the adjoining states and Canada. A free pardon on laying down their arms, and taking the oath of allegiance, was offered all who had served among the insurgents as privates merely, or as non commissioned ofiicers, with deprivation however, for three years, of the right to vote, to serve as jurymen, or to be employed as schoolmasters, inn keepers, or retailers of ardent spirits.^" Gen. Shepard died at his residence in Westfield, Mass., Nov. 11, 1817. Mrs. Salome Smith Wetmore died at St. Albans, Vt., Dec. 11, 1815. Mrs. Annie Goodrich Wetmore was much loved and respected by those who knew her, and by none more than her step-children. She proved to them a mother indeed. She died in Ohio about 1855. William, Judge, b. in Middletown, Sept. 16, 1771 ; m. Nov. 28, 1795, Anna Ogden, of Hartford, Ct. ; had Williain Ogden, Edwin, Henry, Clarissa, Jacob Ogden, Infant Dau., and Har riet : m. 2d, Jerusha Ogden, sister of his first wife. Mr. Wetmore commenced his active business life as merchant, in the city of Hartford, where he was suc cessful and acquired some considerable wealth. He became a purchaser to some extent of Gore lands, so called, lying between the states of Connecticut and New York, to which both states laid claim, and out of which a civil war was threatened. The difficulty however was settled, but not without loss to those who had purchased the lands. About this time and before the loss was known, certain parties from the state of Georgia visited the north, for the purpose of disposing of certain lands known as the Yazoo lands, lying in 1' Hildreth, Hist. United States, m, 475. iiHildreth, Hist. United States, iii, 476. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 321 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. the then territory of Mississippi, professed to be owned by a land company who received their title from the state of Georgia. As they showed the required papers with necessary vouchers with the great seal of the state attached, capitalists had no hesitation in making purchases ; a large amount was bought l)y citi zens of Connecticut. Mr. Wetmore, with Leonard Jarvis and Henry Newman became purchasers of an extensive tract.^" The authority of the agents was subsequently denied, and the titles to the lands were repudiated by the state of Georgia. This infamous transaction was known, and will be long remembered as the " Yazoo frauds." This loss, together with the Gore land loss occurring about the same time com pelled Mr. W. to suspend business at Hartford. He then returried to his niative town, where he took the situation of deputy clerk in the county clerk's office. Here he had a proposition made him by John Stow. Esq., one of the Western Land Company (who had purchased the reserve from Connecticut) to remove to Ohio, for the purpose of acting as agent for the . com pany, in the sale of their lands. He accepted the proposition and in June 1804, he with his family, con sisting of his wife and four children, arrived in Stow township, then an unbroken whderness, having been forty-two days, with a span of horses and a covered wagon in making the journey from Middletown. He built the second house in that township (says General Bierce, Historical Reminiscences of Summit County, 0.), which was about 20 rods easterly from the north-west comer of lot 36, on which Gen. Cross's tavern stands. Three young men and their wives, and his brother Titus, then a single man, together with the subject of this notice and his family, were the first and only white inhabitants of the town for some time. Indians were 20 For abstract of titles see table on next page, compiled from Am. State Papers, Public Lands, i, 202, 203, and 217. An Abstract of all Evidences of Titles to Lands claimed under any Act, or pretended Act, of the State of Georgia, passed or pretended to be passed, in the years 1789 and 1795, recorded in office of this Department. Datt! (YP Date op Title. Names op Parties Quantity op Land.- Species op War Act. PROM TO ranty. Jan. 7, 1795, Feb. 13, 1795, Geo. Mathews, Governor of Nicholas Long, Ambrose Beginning on the Mississippi river the State of Georgia, Gordon, and Thos. Gum ming, and their asso ciates, called the Georgia Mississippi Co. at the place where the latitude of 31° 18' north of the equator, then a due east course to the Don or Tombigbee river ; thence up the middle of said river to where it intersects lat. 32° 40'; thence due west course along the Georgia Company's line to the river ; thence down the mid dle of the same to the begin ning ; reserving, out of the said tract of land 620,000 acres, to be subscribed for by other citi zens of Georgia. Feb. 18, 1796, Georgia Mississippi Com William Wetmore, Leonard For ditto. Subject to same in pany, by their agents or Jarvis, and Henry New cumbrances, &c. , attorneys, Williamson- & man. while they remain Jackson. ed the property of the Geo. Miss. Co. Feb. 17, 1797, Confirmation deed, Geo. Miss. Co. William Wetmore, Leonard Jarvis, and H. Newman. For ditto. Ditto. Feb. 28, 1798, William Wetmore, Leonard Jarvis, and H. Newman. John Peck in trust. 3,400,000 acres. Ditto. Feb. 18, 1797, William Wetmore, L. Jar vis, and H. Newman. George Blake. 250,000 acres. General. Nov. 24, 1795, James Greenleaf. William Wetmore. 320,000 acres. J. Greenleaf warrants against all persons claiming under him, the state of Georgia, the Geor gia Company. Apr. 2, 1798, William Wetmore. John Coffin, Patrick Jef frey, and Joseph Eus- sell, Jr. 320,000 acres. Only the title of Greenleaf granted. 5th Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 323 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. then very numerous in that section of the country. Mr. W.'s conscientious dealings with them soon made them his faithful friends. It was his practice, always, to have the Indians, in a trade, name their own terms ; if the terms suited, he would conclude the bar gain, if not, he would not, never allowing hhnself to banter with them. In this way he retained their confidence, and avoided the charge of " cheating poor Indian." As might be expected he enjoyed their friendship and esteem, so much so, they considered it a crime to steal from him. He was elected the first justice of the peace, and postmaster of the township, Feb. 6, 1808 ; was ap pointed by the governor and senate associate justice of the court of common pleas for Portage co., which office he resigned the 6th Sept. of the following year. In 1810, he removed to Kavenna, and was elected clerk and recorder of the county. At the commencement of the war of 1812, he resigned and returned to Stow, and received the appointment of commissary of sup- phes to the army, which office he held during the war. At about the time of the commencement of hostih- ties a British officer, in the disguise of an Indian, came to the chief of the Indian village, situated, on Lake Pleasant, and not far from the residence of Judge Wetmore, and proposed to the chief to join the Enghsh, and for their services, they would restore all the land that the American government had bought from theni, to which they assented, but when they were told it was necessary for them to massacre Judge Wetmore, and other Americans in the neighborhood, the chief and his warriors refused, saymg that he " had been good to poor Indian." Up to the time of his death, he was a general coun sellor in matters of the law, especially to the poor, although he never appeared at the bar as an advocate. His counsel was always gratis, and was in effect 324 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [5th Descendants of .Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. generally for his chents to keep out of the law, and settle amicably. In 1825, he and his sons Wilham and Henry, made the first survey of the river and grounds, now known as that part of the village of Cuyahoga Falls, lying in the town of Stow, being the one-half of the viUage. Here he and his two sons commenced improvements in the way of flouring, saw and oil mills, in company with John Stow of Middletown, under the firm of Stow & Wetmore. He was much respected in north- em Ohio, and hke his brother Seth, was truly con scientious, never pursuing the wrong, when he knew the right. Among other enterprises the Judge was engaged in, was that of distilling. On a certain Sun day morning, he was observed by his family, reading a tract with much apparent interest. After dinner he returned to the perusal of the same, and at supper time, his assiduity in perusing the tract was explained. ¦Soon after sitting down to the tea table, the judge says: " Boj^s," addressing his sons, "what sort of a sheep pen, will the still house make, if moved upon the rising ground ? " The question puzzled his sons, but after a httle conversation, it was explained, and it was decided to commence the following morning removing the still house, for the purpose of a sheep pen, instead of hghting the fires at midnight, as was the custom. This was brought about, as the sequel proved, by the judge having been engaged during the day in reading the Rev. Dr. George B. Cheever's tract, entitled. Deacon Giles's Distillery. He died Oct. 9, 1827; his wife, Anna Ogden, died June 20, 1825; and his wife, Jerusha Ogden, died Aug. 9, 1854. Hannah, b. at Middletown, May 28, 1773 ; m. Judge Dyer White of New Haven, Ct., b. May 20, 1762; had Henry, b. March 1^ 1803. She was the second wife of Judge White of New Haven (his first being a Whittlesey— his third was Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 325 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Eunice Basset, a daughter of the principal of the He bron Missionary Seminary). She was one of the best and purest of women ; all was cheerfulness, hope and charity with her, thinking evil of no one. She was a woman of strong religious principles, seldom, if ever, doubting the goodness and mercy of God. She was called more particularly to the subject of personal piety on witnessing the cheerful and happy death of her uncle, Dea. Oliver. Wherever she was, whether in society or by her own fireside, a delightful charm was thrown. She died June 30, 1820. Judge White was a lawyer of reputation and judge of one of the courts of Connecticut. Was a high toned honorable gentleman of the old puritan stamp, and during his long hfe deservedly received from his fellow-citizens their confidence and regard. He was a son of the Rev. Stephen White, born 1718 ; graduate of Yale College, 1736, and pastor of the church in Windham, Conn., 1740 to 1794, the date of his death ; and Mary, daughter of Thomas and Lydia (Backus) Dyer, a sister of the Hon. Eliphalet Dyer, judge of the Superior Court of Connecticut, and member of Con gress (1775-1777) ; and grand-son of John White, bom 1692, died January 15, 1783, and Susannah, daughter of Judge John and Susannah Ailing. Judge A. was a son of Roger and Mary (Nash) AUing ; and great gxand-son of Daniel White of Middletown, born February 23, 1661 (who died Dec. 18, 1739), And Su sannah, daughter of Hugh and Marietta (Coit) Mold, both of New London, Connecticut. Marietta Coit was daughter of John and Mary ( Jennis) Coit. They were among the first settlers of New London, Connecticut ; and a great great grand-son- of Nathaniel White, born about 1629, and one of the early settlers of Middletown, who was a representative to the General Court from that town for 86 terms, commencing October, 1659, and continuing a member, with the exception of 14 326 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [5th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. terms, tih May, 1710. He died August 2 7, 1 71 1 . He (Nathaniel White) was a son of John White who came from England, 1632, and settled first in Cambridge, Mass., and removed to Hartford, 1636. He died 1683-4.^1 Judge Dyer White died Nov. 2, 1841. Henry White, Esq., son of Judge Dyer and Hannah (Wetmore) White, graduated at Yale College, 1821, with marked honors. He studied law in the office of his father, and was admitted to the bar about 1825, and has from that date to this been acounsellor of influence in the city of New Haven. Few inen in any commun ity have ever been confided with more trusts than come under his charge, both by testamentary devise and by order of court. He holds the office of Clerk of Probate. Whether in the performance, says a correspondent, of his religious duties as a deacon of the Old Center Church in New Haven, or as an honest and upright lawyer at tending to the trusts devolving upon him, no one can be found more pure and unselfish. He married Jan. 7, 1830, Martha Sherman, grand-daughter of Refee¥t'ftj5fJ(U^ Sherman, one of the signers of the declaration of in- ^ dependence, and has 1, Henry Dyer, b. Sept. 20, 1830. • 2, Charles Atwood, b. Nov. 11, 1833. 3, WiUard Wef> more, b. Feb. 7, 1836. 4, Roger Sherman, b. Dec. 26, 1837. 5, Thomas Howell, b. Feb. 1840. 6, Oliver Sherman, b, Nov. 2, 1842. 7, George Edward,^ b. March 17, 1845. Mr. White has always manifested a warm interest in the descendants of Thomas Wetmore, and has de voted much time and labor in collecting historical and genealogical matter relative to the family. Samuel, b. at Middletown, Oct. 5, 1775 ; m. May 19, 1804, Eliza beth Wyatt, dau. of William and Hope (Phillips) Warner, b. Dec. 22, 1779; had Mary Wright, Esther Phillips, Samuel, Elizabeth Hoppin, George Phillips, Frances, and Edward Car rington. =iiFor a more extended genealogical record of the Whites, see White Genealogy by the Rev. Mr. Kellogg. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 327 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. He was in early life engaged in the mercantile busi ness, with his uncle, Chauncey Whittlesey, in the city of Middletown. He was interested in the politics of the day ; was a magistrate of his native town ; repre sented the place in the General Assembly in 1812, '13 and '14. It was said of him that he was always elected without regard to party. At the sohcitation of Gen'l Edward Carrington he took up his residence in Providence, R. I., in 1815, where he joined Gen'l C. in business. At a later period his brother, Willard Wright, joining them as a partner, the firm became extensively engaged in for eign commerce, particularly with China, the East In dies, west coast of South America, and the continent of Europe. Under the auspices of this firm, and of Cyrus Butler and Benj. and Thos. C. Hoppin, Mr. Samuel Russel went out to China, where he founded the house of Russel & Co., which firm has since es tablished a world wide reputation. At a later period, the absorbmg power of New York, as a commercial emporium, was such, that the Providence firm were forced, from time to time, to send their ships to that port, till at last their foreign business centered there entirely, and for a greater convenience, Mr. Wetmore, the subject of this notice, removed thither, estabhshing the house of Wetmore, Hoppin & Co. (his brother Wil lard Wright, John Griswold and Samuel Russel being partners), in connection with the Providence firm. He was of a tall and commanding figure, in personal appearance was what might be termed a handsome man, not generally as easy of approach, perhaps, as the other sons of Seth 2d, but kind and affable to his Mends and acquaintances, and very affectionate to wards his family. . . His wife, Ehzabeth Wyatt Warner, was sixth in in descent from the Rev. John Cotton,'' first minister of 22 The Rev. John Cotton (son of RoUd Cotton, a barrister of Derby, 43 328 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [5th Descendants of .Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Boston, Mass., and in compliment to whom, that city received its name. She died in the city of New York, May 22, 1849. He died in the same city, Dec. 12, 1851. Maey, b. at Middletown, Sept. 14, 1777 ; m. Capt. Abel Denison of New Haven, June 6, 1802 ; had 1, Charles, b. April 6, 1803 ; m. Parmelia Skinner, of Euclid, 0., Feb. 9, 1834; had 1, Mary, who m. Mr. E. R. Horton ; 2, Lucy Wetmore, b. May 21, 1840 ; he d. Feb. 5, 1841. II Zina, b. Aug. 21, 1804 ; d. Sept. 5, 1805. Ill Zina 2d, b. March 17, 1807 ; grad. Yale College, 1826 ; d. Nov. 4, 1852. IV George, b. April 10, 1809 ; d. Nov. 13, 1809. V Mary Wetmore, b. Oct. 15, 1810; m. Dr. John B. Robertson, of Charleston, S. C. ; had 1, Samuel, b. Oct. 21, 1832 ; 2, Mary Wetmore, and 3, Ann Thomas (twins), b. Jan. 22, 1855 : she d. Feb. 1, 1835, £e. 25 years. VI Ann Elizabeth, b. April, 1813 ; d. Sept. 28, 1815. Mr. Denison was a captain in the mercantile England,) was born at Derby, England, Dec. 4, 1585; B. D. at Cambridge, Fellow, Head Lecturer and Dean of Emanuel College ; minister of Boston, Linconshire, England, for twenty years, when he dissented from the estab lished church party. He left England and arrived in Boston, New England, Sept. 3, 1633, and died Dec. 23, 1652, aged 67. He married first, Mrs. Eliza beth sister of Mr. James Horrocks, a celebrated minister of Lancashire. She died without issue ; he m. 2d, Mrs. Sarah Story, widow, and had I a dau. who m. an Egginton, a merchant. II Roland, d. Jan. 29, 1649. Ill Sarah, b. Sept. 12, 1635; d. Jan. 20, 1649. IV Rev. Seaborn, whom. 1, Dorothy, dau. of Gov. Bradstreet, and had issue ; and m. 2, Prudence, wid. of Dr. Anthony Crosby. V Rev. John (the ancestor of the subject of this notice)., b. at Boston, March 15, 1639-40 ; graduated at Harvard College, 1657; m. Joanna, dau. of Dr. Brian Rossiter of Guilford, Conn., Nov. 7, 1660; b. July, 1642; d. at Sandwich, Oct. 12, 1702; had, 1, Rev. John, b. Aug. 3, 1661 ; grad. at Harvard College, 1681 ; m. Sarah, dau. of Rich ard Hubbard of Ipswich ; 2d, Elizabeth, who m. James Ailing and had issue ; 3, Sarah ; 4, Rev. Roland who m. Elizabeth, only dau. of Col. N. Saltonstall, sister of Gov. Saltonstall ; 5, Sarah, m. Wm. Bradbury, b. — ; 7, a son ; 8, Josiah, d. young ; 9, Samuel, d. young ; 1 0, .ludge Josiah (ances tor of Mrs. W.) ; b. Jan. 8, 1680; grad. Harvard College, 1698; d. at Plym outh Aug. 19, 1756; m. Hannah Sturtevant, grand-dau. of Gov. Josiah Winslow; b. Jan. 8, 1708; d. May 27, 1756; had Hannah; b. April, 1709; d. m Boston 1781 ; who m. 1, Thompson Phillips ; had Hannah ; b. July 20, 1728 ; d. March 4, 1769 ; who m. her cousin, George Phillips ; b. Oct.22, 1717 ; d. Feb. 26, 1778; had Hope, b. Nov. 30, 1756; m. Aug. 31, 1776, William] sou of Oliver Ring Warner, b. July 3, 17.54. He was lost at sea, re turning home from Guadaloupe in the Bunker Hill privateer, March, 1781, then had Elizabeth Wyatt, the subject of the above notice. Mrs. Hope Warner m. 2, Samuel Johnston, formerly of Boston, afterwards of Middle- town, Conn. No issue by this marriage. She died in Providence, R. 1., Sept. 24, 1820, aged 64 years. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 329 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. marine, which occupation, together with his commercial adventures to foreign ports, enabled him to amass a hand some fortune. He died at New Haven, Feb. 15, 1813, aged 37, leaving his widow a fine residence, where she lived many years to dispense hospitality and benevo lence. If the knowledge of want or destitution came to her, her heart expanded and her purse strings were loosened to afford relief. She was a devoted member of the Episcopal church. The clergy were at all times welcome guests at her hospitable board. One of our correspondents in de tailing her many virtues, says : " Her house was the Elysian home, where the warm and hearty welcome made all feel joyful, and caused the soul to enlarge with fond hopes and high aspirations." She died Nov. 29, 1829. Willard Wright, b. in Middletown, Oct. 19, 1779. He was in his younger days, a sea captain, subse quently a merchant, engaged, in business with his brother Samuel, as before .noted. A correspondent, who knew him well, says, " He was of a disposition as amiable as his brother Seth ; was possessed of indefatigable industry, and unceasing apphcation ; it was a rule with him to do all that he did, well. K any unusual duty presented itself, he would reflect and well mature his plans before he would act. lAke all his father's family, he had a great aversion to the use of profane language ; he lost no opportunity to rebuke any indulgence in that sin, and so remarkable was the influence which he had over men in that particular, that I am told while around any ship where he was interested, and any longshore man or ship's officer gave vent to his feehngs in oaths, he would caU the offender aside, and after a few mo ments, the man would retum to his duty, and his con duct would show that an impression of a beneficial character had been made upon him." 330 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [5th Descendants of .ludge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. He was associated in the house of E. Carrington & Co., of Providence, and was a partner with his brother Samuel, Mr. John Griswold and Mr. Samuel Russel in the New York house. He had a commanding infiuence with his brothers, and was much revered and respected by them, as well as by the community in which he lived. He died of apoplexy, Dec. 14, 1833, in the 55th year of his age ; unmarried.Titus, b. in Middletown, July 16, 1781 ; m. Sally Hamlin, dau. of Caleb Wetmore, of Stow, 0., b. Dec. 28, 1791 ; had Seth, Wil lard Wright, and Josiah. He removed to the Western Reserve, Ohio, in 1804, and was postmaster at Stow twenty years. He died Sept. 20, 1837 ; his wife survived him tiU Oct. 18, 1843. Josiah, b. in Middletown, July 21, 1783 ; m. Nancy, dau. of Moses and Lydia (Farwell) Willard, of Charlestown, N. H., Jan. 17, 1808 ; had Nancy Shepard, Nathaniel Downing, Lucy Wright, Moses Willard, William Hastings, Josiah Farnsworth, Samuel Farwell, Robert Courtney, and George Henry. At seventeen years of age he removed to Charles town, N. H. where he was engaged one year in the mercantile business. He then returned to the home stead of his father and his own birth-place, Staddle Hill, pursuing the occupation of farming, which was more congenial to his tastes. His father, at his death, left the settlement of the estate to his brother Samuel and himself. In the division of the property by will, the farm remained in his possession, until he removed to Stow, Ohio, in 1818. He remained in S. tih 1824, experiencing all the privations to which pioneer settlers were subjected, when he returned to New England, and for a time resided at St. Albans, Vt. About 1840 he returned to the village of Cuyahoga Falls, where he now resides, much beloved by his numerous family, and respected by his fellow citizens. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 331 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. During the late war with Great Britain, he com manded a company of volunteer mihtia at Middletown, and was anxious to serve his country in the field, but was prevented on account of his commission being of a more recent date, than those held by others. He is, in old age, as he was in youth, remarkable for his good nature, and lively turn of mind ; his wit and ready humor have always made him popular with old and young. He usually declined the honor of office when tendered him, but was once persuaded to act as magistrate of Cuyahoga Falls, and was several times, trustee of the township. His wife is of a quiet and retiring nature. In the trials of her pioneer life in Ohio, she has had a consolation and a hope, which looked beyond the fitful scenes of this world ; she has viewed this world's afflic tions and sorrows, as sent for some good purpose. The more severe her suffering, the brighter her Christian character has shone. She has always been warmly attached to the Episcopal Church. Her bible and prayer book have been her solace in the darkest mo ments of tribulation. Now that her hearing precludes her from attending worship in the sanctuary, the re gular appointed services of the church are performed in her own house, in company with any who may be present, and disposed to join in them, otherwise, alone. Episcopal missionaries who used occasionally to pass through that section of the country, held service a few miles distant from her husband's log cabin, which occasions were to her heart an oasis in her secluded life. The missionary usually making her humble dwelling his abiding place, his presence was always enthusiastically greeted by every member of the family, as the young members used to express it, " wish missionary would come all the while." She has taught her chhdren self respect, independ ence, and propriety of conduct. Her life has been 332 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [5th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. spent for the good of others. She is still left to her descendants, as a blessing of more value than count less rubies, a bright Christian example to be imitated. As we shall have occasion to speak of her hereafter, we will merely add in this connection, that she be longed to a family in New Hampshire, that did much to bring about and secure peace to New England in. colonial times ; and her descendants have good reason to honor their maternal ancestry. Her father's blood flowed in defence of the then frontier from incursions of the Indians and French, made in ignorance of the fact that the party attacked was one they held in rever ence and veneration, for knowingly, the Indian would not infringe upon anything that belonged to Moses Willard, the Quaker. While others would not leave anything in their fields for fear of depredation, his cat tle and farming utensils were safe anywhere. After the close of the French war, he, by his energy and the fortunate relation in which he stood toward the aborigines, did much to bring about a better state of feeling between the settlers, and the red men of the forest, consequently, to develop that part of New England. A portion of his house was at all times open to the Indian or traveler, without fee or hindrance. The wood pile and oven^ were ever at the disposal of his less fortunate neighbor, and the wayfarer. Lucy, b. in Middletown, April 16, 1786. She was an influential member of her father's family. prudent and cautious in family counsel, which gave weight to her advice. She was like her sister Mary, a devoted member of the Episcopal Church, and was active in her Christian duties. She dispensed for a 23 The family oven iu those days, was built of brick or "adobe" and stood in the open yard or lot, as they may now be seen in some parts of our rural districts. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 333 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. number of years the hospitalities of her nephew, William Shepard Wetmore, Esq., at his Chateau sur Mer, at Newport, R. I., where she died unm., of paralysis, Sept. 14, 1858. Her remains were interred at New Haven. Nathaniel Downing, b. in Middletown, Oct. 30, 1790 ; d. at M. unm. Oct. 27, 1810 ; was buried in the old west yard. He was a young man of fine promise ; he had re markable natural mathematical powers. On one oc casion he was sent to an academy, under the charge of a Mr. Nichols, who had had twenty years' expe rience in teaching. On the teacher subsequently meeting the father, he said : " You may as well keep your son at home, as I can not instruct him in mathe matics; in truth he puzzles me with his problems." He was then in his sixteenth year. He died from a fever, produced by exposure, while obtaining leeches for a sick brother. Julia, b. in Middletown, Jan. 22, 1792 ; m. Dec. 3, 1812, John Churchill Bush, of New Haven; had I Robert Wasson, b. Nov. 18, 1813 ; m. Oct. 29, 1846, Catharine Udall, of Hartford, Vt. ; had 1, Julia Sophia, b. at Ogdensburg, N. Y., Aug. 12, 1848; 2, Robert Wallace, b. at Naples, 111., April 22, 1851; d. at N. Feb. 5, 1853 ; 3, John James, b. at Ogdensburgh, Nov. 8, 1854; 4, Henry Kirk Brown, b. at 0., April 21, 1857. II Harriet Wetmore, b. April 25, 1815; m. at Ogdensburg, May 27; 1840, Gen. Elihu William Nathan Starr, son of Nathan and Grace Townsend Starr, of New Haven, b. Aug. 10, 1812 ; had 1, William Edwards, b. at Middletown, Aug. 3, 1841 ; 2, Julia Wetmore, b. Dec. 20, 1843, d. Aug. 24, 1845; 3, Robert Wet more, b. Feb. 14, 1846, d. May 23, 1847; 4, Henry Barnard, b. June 3, 1848 ; 5, Frank Farnesworth, b. Nov. 11, 1852 ; 6, Grace Townsend, b. April 21, 1857. Mr. Bush was a merchant, and served his clerkship with Birdsey Norton, of Goshen, Conn. ; while there he introduced the manufacture of the pine apple cheese, which has become so celebrated. He com menced business on his own account, in company with a friend in New Haven, and was engaged in the 334 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [5th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. West India trade, when the war of 1812 broke up their business. In 1813 he removed to Montreail, Canada; while engaged in business there, he started the plan of a bank of deposit, from which arose the first chartered bank in Canada. In 1819 he removed to Ogdensburg, N. Y., where he remained until his death, which occurred Dec. 26, 1859, in his 80th year, Mrs. Bush is still living, though in feeble health. waiting patiently for her Heavenly Father to take her unto himself.^* Her son-in-law Mr. Starr resides in Middletown, where he has enjoyed the confidence and respect of the people for many years. He has held the office of recorder of M. since 1851. Harkiet, b. in Middletown, Sept. 23, 1794; m. Henry Sylvester Ward, of M. She d. March 1, 1823, s. p. Children of Deacon Oliver. Oliver, Rev., b. at Staddle Hill near Middletown, Ct., Dec. 15, 1774; m. Jan. 15, 1797, Esther Arnold, dau. of Capt. Jonathan and Martha Southmayd, b. July 6, 1770 ; had Edmund Arnold : m. 2d, Sept. 23, 1807, Chloe, dau. of Capt. Asa and Abigail Benton, of Hartford, b. March 27, 1774 ; had Edward Perkins, Infant Son, James Carnahan, and Abigail Sarah. For the following biographical notice, we are in debted to the Rev. P. H. Fowler, D. D., of Utica, N. Y. " The Rev. Oliver Wetmore was a lineal descendant of Elder Brewster, so conspicuous among the Pilgrims of the Mayflower, and a great grandson of the Rev. Timothy Edwards, the father of Pres. Jonathan Ed wards. His early life was spent in his native place in the enjojrment of its hterary advantages, and in busi ness pursuits. "Mrs. Bush died at M., April 11, 1860. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 335 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. "In the twenty-fifth year of his age, he entered upon the study of divinity with the Rev. Nathan Perkins, D. D., for sixty years the pastor of the church in West Hartford, and who was in high repute, and much re sorted to as a theological instructor. In 1802, Mr. Wetmore was licensed by the Hartford Association, and traveled for two years as a missionary in the portions of Vermont and New York lying on Lake Champlain. He subsequently prosecuted the same work in central New York, and very extensively laid the foundations on which others built. In 1805 and 1806, he went to Holland Patent, Oneida co., N. Y., where he was ordained in 1807, his revered preceptor Dr. Perkins, preaching the sermon on that occasion. On leaving this his first pastoral charge, he labored for several years at Norwich and Trenton village, where he was permitted to rejoice in precious and powerful revivals of rehgion. " His missionary toils and exposures begot an ailment from which he never recovered, and for thirty years, he was denied the much coveted privilege of proclaim ing Christ from the pulpit. He spent the most of this space in the city of Utica, and though unable to preach in public, he assiduously labored in private, and keeping himself weU inform(3d about movements in the world, religious, reformatory and benevolent, and remaining to the last, deeply interested in them, he prayed eamestly for every good cause, and as his circustances allowed vigorously helped it on. " Mr. Wetmore belonged to a class who are rapidly disappearing from among us, and the hke of whom the world has not seen since the days of the apostles. He was a Puritan in spirit and principles, as he was a Puritan by descent ; a man beneath whose stern ex terior innocent humor played and warm affections glowed, of the most unbending integrity, and above all meanness; while upright and honorable himself, 44 336 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [5th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. indignant at aught else in others ; an ardent friend of humanity, of public spirit as a citizen, faithful and tender as a husband and parent, undaunted in courage and perfectly unyielding in his deliberate and intelhgent convictions of righteousness and truth. He may be described in a single sentence, as a man of deep feehng and fearless and persistent adherence to principle. " His last sickness was of but a week's conthiuance, and from the first excited alarm among his friends ; very kindly was it ordered that his mind should re main undistracted and undimmed, and still more kindly was it ordered that he should receive a large measure of divine grace. At times it was difficult to check the outflow of his blissful feelings, and he poured them forth in " words that burned." It is the language of soberness to say that he enjoyed dying. The writer of this having been with him one morning during a faintness which precluded his speaking, on reviving he requested him to be sent for, observing, "I wish to tell him what a privilege it is for a Christian to die. Pre viously to that he had said that he was never so happy, and so great was his joy, that he feared for a moment that he might be laboring under some delusion, and rather anxiously enquired if it was right to feel as he did. The morning before his death he was in a pre eminently bhssful frame. A few verses of the fifth chapter of Romans which were read to hhn, seemed to thrih his whole soul. The fire flashed from his eyes, and with clasped and uplifted hands he made exclama tions, as the reader proceeded, and at the close, added : ' What a precious apostle ! How I love his writings ! It seems sometimes as if I must worship him, but I shall see him in Heaven.' " He sent special messages to different friends and spoke of the affection he had for all he knew, who loved the Saviour, and begged that Christians every where might be entreated to be faithful, and that the Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 337 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. impenitent, and especially impenitent youth, might be urged to make their peace with God. " He said but little after this, and between four and five o'clock the next morning he fell asleep. So fades a summer cloud away. So sinks the gale when storms are o'er, So gently shuts the eye of day, So dies a wave along the shore. " His life was occupied to its latest hour in the active prosecution of his master's work. He has been for the last thirty years the senior member of the Oneida Presbytery. His active mind led him to take strong interest in the moral and political topics of the day, nor was his voice or pen ever wanting on the side which he deemed the right." He died in Utica, on Thursday morning, the 1st day of January, 1852. Owing to the church to which he belonged (the First Presbyterian) being in the process of rebuilding, his funeral services were held at the Dutch Reformed Church on Broad street, where there was congregated a large assemblage of sympathizing friends and citizens. His remains were taken to the Ever-Green Cemetery for interment, a spot that he took great pleasure in visiting for a number of years before his death, and where he took part in its consecration, as a resting place for the dead, by offering the dedicatory prayer. His grave is situated on a point commanding a view of the Mohawk and Nail creek valleys. A stone with the simple inscription, " Oliver Wetmore," with date of birth and death, marks the spot. Mrs. Esther Arnold Wetmore was of an old and highly respectable family of Middletown. She died January 17, 1804, after seven days' illness. Mrs. Chloe (Benton) Wetmore's ancestry, were among the early settlers and proprietors of Hartford ; her paternal ancestor, Andrew Benton, settled at Mil- 338 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [5th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. ford in 1639, and removed to Hartford in 1660. He owned property and lived on Wethersfield lane in 1664; he died 1683, Thomas Lambert says 1681, leaving by his first wife, Andrew, Samuel, Joseph, Mary and Dorothy, and by a second wife Ann, who died in 1686, Ebenezer, Lydia and Hannah.^^ Mrs. W.'s father, Capt. Asa Benton, was for many years engaged in a seafaring life and in the West India trade, in both of which occupations he was remark ably fortunate ; while on the sea he never met with an accident. After retiring from service he sent out a son and a nephew as supercargo. The vessel and cargo were never heard from after being out of sight of land. He retired from active business, and made his resid ence on what was known as the " Meadows," below and adjoining the city of Hartford. He died, leaving a comfortable estate to his family. Mrs. Wetmore's maternal ancestry were Bigelows, who were also early settlers and proprietors of Hart ford. John Bigelow, '^^ in H. (says Porter in his 25 Hannah, dau. of Andrew Benton, m. Edward Scofield of Haddam. Daniel (Benton) Guilford, 1669. Edward Guilford, 1650, was of Hartford, 1659, aud again of Guilford, 1669. Edward Wethersfield, 1660, perhaps son of preced. ; d. Feb. 19, 1698, aged 60; by W., Mary left Samuel, Ed ward, Rebecca, Mary, Ellen and Dorothy, all of full ages except Edward ; but his youngest child Daniel, b. March, 1682, d. at 4 mouths ; Joseph Milford, son of Andrew, m., Feb. 10, 1698, Sarah, dau. of Bevil Waters of Hartford. This surname is found in New Hampshire. — Savage Gen. Diet. 26 Bigelow, Baguley or Biglow, Daniel ; Sudbury of that place which be came Parmingham, son of the first John, m. Abial, dau. of Thomas Pratt of Watertown ; had Abigail,, b. Oct. 28, 1689 ; Daniel, Nov. 24, 1691 ; Abiel, Jan. 20, 1693 ; Susanna, May 4, 1696 ; Ephraim, May 12, 1698 ; and Lydia, Jan 2, 1702. James, Watertown, youngest brother, of preced., m. March 25, 1687, Patience, dau. of Jonathan Brown ; had James ; bap. May 6, 1688. His w. d. soon, and he m. July 3, 1693, Eliz. Child, youngest dau. of John of the same; had John, Nov. 15, 1694; Patience, Sept. 30, 1695, and Abraham, Nov. 12, 1699. His second w. d. April 20, 1697, and he m. next, June 15, 1708, Joanna Erickson of Boston, and d. .Jan. 20, 1728. His wife m. within a year Adam Smith. John, Watertown, 1636, blacksmith, found by Mr. Somerby to be son of Randle of Wrentham, in county Suffolk, and bap. Feb. 1617, of course by the hand of Rev. John Phillip, the rector, who came to our country two years after B. and lived sometime at Dedham, but on the overthrow of the Bishop's domination in England went back to his old living. He m. Oot. 30, 1642, Mary, dau. of John Warren, who, Bond says, was the earliest m. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 339 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Hist. Notices), in 1669, and owned lot 52 on Cooper lane, and Jonathan Bigelow lived and owned land on Wethersfield lane in 1677. Mrs. W. is still living, now 87 years of age. She enjoys her physical and mental faculties in a wonder- fnl degree. She takes a lively interest, as she always has, in the affairs of the day. She recognises her Maker's hand in all the events of life. Her benevo lence and charity for the human family knows no bounds ; the strength of her love and devotion to her children and those who are near to her by ties of con sanguinity is peculiarly strong. As a professing Christian, she follows "the golden rule " with fidelity. While she is properly jealous of that which is her due, she is acknowledged to be lohoUj unselfish. Her sister, Mrs. Abigail Wells, widow of Capt. Wells, resided in the city of New Haven. She died April 1, 1860, at the age of about ninety j^ears. She retained her bodily and intellectual powers to the end of her life. She was an earnest and devoted on town rec. ; had John ; b. Oct. 27 foil. ; Jonathan, Dec. 11, 1646 ; Mary, May 14 or March 18, 1649; Daniel,. Dec. 1, 1650; Samuel, Oct. 28, 1653; Joshua, Nov. 5, 1655 ; Eliza, June 15 or 18, 1657 ; Sarah, 1659 ; James ; Martha, April 1, 1662; Abigail, Feb. 4, 1664; Hannah, March, 1666; d. very soon, as did also a son without a name, in 1667. His w. d. Oct. 19, 1691. and he m. Oct. 2, 1694, Sarah, dau. of Joseph Bemis of W, and d. July 14, 1703. His will of June 4 of that year was proved July 28, foil. His inventory shows good estate. John of Hartford, 1688, son of the preceed., m. Rebecca, dan., as Bond says, of Jonathan Butler, but an old friend has taught me that it was George Butler, and died without issue, 1722 ; giv. his estate to Jonathan, son of Samuel Butler. By one report his w. was Mary. Jonathan, Hartford, brother of the preceed., m. 1671, Rebecca, dau. of Serg't John Shepard ; by her had Jonathan ; b. 1673 ; Rebecca ; John ; Mary, who, by Goodwin was erron. call. dau. of the sec. w. Sarah, and Violet, whose dates are not known, but all three lived to m. ; for second w. he took Mary, dau. of Samuel Olcott, and by her had Samuel ; b. bap. March 13, 1687; d. soon; Abigail,Nov.2,1690;Daniel, March 26,1693; andSamuel, again, March 31, 1695 ; besides an infant, b. March 5, 1697, two days bef. its mo. He m. third w. Mary Benton, but had no children by her, who, after his death, m. March 1713, Dea. John Shepard, and died Dec. 23, j^752. *****" Many variat. in spell. of this fam. name will be found in early records, but the gr. at Harv. in 1834, either with two or three syllab. amount to eighteen, two at Yale, one at Dart, and five at other N. E. GoW— Savage's Geneal. Dictionary. 340 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [5th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Christian, experiencing during a long and eventful life a hvely interest in all that concerned her Redeemer's kingdom. Elisha, b. at Staddle Hill, near M., Oct. 1, 1776; m. Mary Bacon, June 25, 1809 ; had Samuel Brewster, and Elisha Brewster. He was a farmer, and resided at Staddle Hill, and cultivated a part of the farm left by his father. He died from wounds received from falling upon a scythe, Feb. 16, 1855. He was a warm hearted generousman, and had strong love and affection for all who bore his name.Sarah, b. at Staddle Hill, near M., Oct. 3, 1778 ; m. Feb. 26, 1799, John Stoughton, Esq., of East Windsor, b. Feb. 2, 1772; had I John Wetmore, b. Nov. 5, 1799 ; d. Sept. 15, 1801. II Sarah, b. Sept. 5, 1801 ; m. Thomas Potwin, of E. W., May 22, 1828 ; had i, Thomas Stoughton; 2, Lemuel Stoughton; 3, Sarah Wetmore : Mrs. Potwin d. Dec. 14, 1841, ae. 40. Ill John Wetmore 2d, b. June 20, 1803 ; d. Nov. 13, 1812. IV Lucy Wetmore, b. July 18, 1806 ; m. Abner M. Ellsworth, of E. W., April, 1832; had 1, Frederick; 2, Samuel Hayden (dead); 3, Lucy Stoughton ; 4, Sarah Elsie (dead) ; 5, Stoughton ; 6, John; 7, Hugh Thompson. V Lemuel, b. March 5,1808; m. Dec. 31, 1841, Hannah Blodget; had 1, Hannah Edwards; 2, Lemuel (dead) ; 3, Oliver Wetmore : m. 2d, Mary Moody, of Granby, Mass., Dec. 4, 1851; had 4, Susan Amanda (dead). VI Ann Ellsworth, b. May 25, 1810 ; m. Oct. 27, 1842, Frede rick William Grant, of E. W. ; had 1, Frederick Wm. (dead) ; 2, Anna Stoughton; 3, RosweU; 4, Lucy Elizabeth (dead) ; 5, Elizabeth (dead). VII John Wetmore ^d, b. Oct. 18, 1813 ; m. Mary E. Ellsworth, of E. W., Feb. 17, 1847; had 1, John Alden ; 2, Mary Brewster : m. 2d, Mary Buekley Ellsworth, of E. W., June 4, 1856. VIII Frederick Ellsworth, b. July 23,1817; d. Sept. 16, 1839. IX Martha Jane, b. Jan. 23, 1821 ; m. her cousin Charles Southmayd of Middletown, June 17, 1846; had Sophia (dead), Anna, John, Mary, Charles Everett (dead). Mrs. Sarah (Wetmore) Stoughton, died at East Windsor, Nov. 12, 1836. She was a woman of clear intellect, strong religious principles, devotedly attached to the church (Presbyterian) to which she belonged ; Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 341 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. charitable, ever excusing the faults of others ; a de voted wife, and affectionate and faithful mother. She enjoyed the confidence and respect not only of her own family, but of the society of which she was a worthy member. Mr. Stoughton, son of Lemuel, son of Nathaniel, son of John Stoughton, was an independent farmer on the banks of the Connecticut, in East Windsor ; he was from a highly honorable family, his ancestry had en joyed an enviable reputation in colonial times for their talent and moral worth. His father, Lemuel Stough ton held a commission, during the revolution, in the Connecticut forces at the city of New York ; his great grandfather, John Stoughton, was one of the petitioners for a church organization, on the east side of the Con necticut river opposite Windsor, in 1694 ; he was also on the committee of the society, east of the river, in 1699, called then the Second Society of Windsor, of which the Rev. Timothy Edwards was first pastor. Mr. Stoughton was a man of great kindness of heart , he never suffered wrong to be done in his presence if he could prevent it ; he was of a mirthful disposition, fuU of wit without bitterness ; his hospitable dwelling was a spot his numerous kindred took great delight in visiting ; plenty and good cheer, together with Christian graces ever abounded there. He died much lamented Sept. 19, 1841. His sons, Lemuel and John W., stih reside in East Windsor and are independent farmers and public spirited men, and receive much of that confidence from their fellow-citizens that their ancestors received before them. The latter has represented his native town in the state Legislature. Thomas Stoughton Potwin and Lemuel Stoughton Potwin, grandsons of John and Sarah (Wetmore) Stoughton, are graduates of Yale College, the former in 1851, the latter in 1854. Thomas was made tutor 342 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [3th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. in Yale in 1855, and Lemuel at a later date. They have since studied for the ministry, and are now Orthodox Congregational clergjonen; the former re siding at Frankhn, Delaware co., N. Y. Timothy, b. at Staddle Hill, near M., Aug. 8 (2 ?), 1780, m. April 26, 1808, Hannah, dau. of Samuel Ward of Middletown; b. April 26, 1781 ; had Oliver and Timothy Edwards. He was a farmer ; removed with his family to Vol- ney, N. Y., in 1821, where he resided some fourteen years, when he removed to Genesee county, N. Y., where he lived six years, from thence to the town of Alden, Erie county, N. Y., where he died from effects of injuries received from falling from a scaffold in his barn, July 25, 1848. He was an earnest Christian minded man, a member of the Close Communion Bap tists, in which society he held the post of deacon for many years. His widow resides with her son Oliver in Middleville township, Michigan. Lucy, b. at Staddle Hill near M., Augt., 1782. She d. unm. Jan 30, 1806. The old west grave yard at M. contains her remains ; a plain brown stone with her name inscribed, together with date of birth and death, indicates the place. Hannah Edwards, b. at Staddle Hill, near M., Aug., 1784; m. Feb. 13, 1805, John Pomeroy, son of Gbv. John Treadwe'll of Farmington, Ct., b. Oct. 19, 1778 ; had I Oliver Wetmore, b. Dec. 31, 1806. He grad. at College in . He re moved to the vicinity of Baltimore, about , where he established and carried into successful operation, the Mount Hope Seminary for young ladies. In order to the better edu cate his children, he removed to New Haven, Ct., where he now resides. In his life, he has rather avoided the obtrusive eye of the public ; seeking pleasures and interest chiefly in literary pursuits. He m. July 31, 1834, Anna Helena, dau. of Frederick Kramer Bremen, Germany, b. Oct. 10, 1810 • had 1st, Anna Helena Dorothea, b. Oot. 21, 1837, who m. Thos! Wilson Longstreet of Montgomery co., Md., Nov. 4, 1856 ; chil. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 343 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Helena Treadwell, b. Aug. 28, 1857, and Arthur Treadwell, b. July 20, 1859; 2d, Oliver Ferdinand, b. June 25, 1841; 3d, George Edwards, b. March 9, 1843 ; 4th, Lucy Whittlesey, b. Dec. 12, 1847. II Eunice Gay, b. July 23, 1808; d. Nov. 24, 1808. Ill John Goodwin, b. Jan. 26, 1811 ; m. 'April 30, 1841, Ellen Tinker, dau. of Jacob Holmes of New London, Ct. ; had 1, Hannah Wetmore, b. Jan. 20, 1842; 2, Ellen Holmes, b. Aug. 10, 1843 : d. July 31, 1844; 3, Sarah Wetmore, b. Aug. 15, 1845; 4, Mary Treby, b. March 22, 1847; 5, John Good win, b. Nov. 23, 1848; d. infant; 6, John Pomeroy, b. Dec. 7, 1852; 7, Thomas, b. Nov. 18,1854; d. Nov. 21, 1854; 8, Edward Norton, b. Sept. 7, 1856. Mr. Treadwell is of the firm of Treadwells & Perry, Albany, N. Y. IV William Brewster, b. Jan. 26, 1813; m. May 14, 1844, Mary EHiabeth, dau. of Richard Adams of Albany, N. Y. ; had 1, Elizabeth, b. 1845 ; 2, Frederick (dead); 3, Franklin Adams, b. July, 1849. Mr. Treadwell is a partner of his brother, John G., and he, as well as his brother, hs-s enjoyed for many years, an enviable reputation for high moral worth and integrity in his busi ness and social relations. V Dr. Samuel Edwards, b.- Dec. 17, 1815 ; m. Sept. 12, 1836, Anna, dau. of Mordecai Stamp of Talbot CO., Md. ; had 1, Helena; 2, Alice; t, Lucy Wetmore; 4. Sarah, 5, Martha Dr. T. was for many years in the practice of medicine at Havre de' Grace, Md. He died of typhoid fever, in the city of New York, April 30, 1,860. VI Sarah Wetmore, b. May 20, 1818 ; d. in the city of New York, May 18, 1845 ; her remains were taken to Middletown for interment, and now rest near those of her maternal ancestry in the old west yard of that city. She was a young lady of many virtues, personal charms, and Christian graces. Her death caused a void in her mother's heart, that was never subsequently filled. VII Ed ward Francis, b. Aug. 29, 1820; m. April 21, 1847, Rosina, dau. of Thomas Hamill, of Baltimore, Md ; had 1, William Brewster; 2, Rosina; .3, Cornelia La Tourette ; 4, James Wet more; 5, Bertha Frances. Mr. E. F. T. is an attorney and counsellor at law in the city of New York. He has many of those sterling traits of character, that were so conspicuous in his grandfather, Gov. Treadwell. Mrs. Hannah (Wetmore) Treadwell died Sept. 5, 1857 ; her husband the 11th of Oct., 1839. We have been furnished with the following sketch of Mr. and Mrs. Treadwell, which we insert in these pages with more than ordinary satisfaction. We remember Mrs. Treadwell with feehngs of love and admiration. Her 45 344 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [5th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. retentive memory, strong and well stored mind, high moral principle, with a faculty for imparting to others of her store of knowledge, her cheerful and kind dis position, made her a welcome guest in every circle where she was known. She had a just pride of family, and was ever ready to extend a hearty wel come to all who might claim kindred with her. Ih this short notice of Mrs. Hannah Edwards Treadweh, it is not intended to eulogize alone, although that were a grateful task, nay, duty, on which one might linger with tender affection, but to depict some phases of her character which remoter generations of her posterity, may contem plate with admiration, though mingled with sorrow. Of her hfe previous to her marriage, we have nothing to unfold. Surrounded with all the comforts of life, and enjoying the advantages of the most refined society which ISTew England could boast, we can picture to ourselves very readily how such an intellect would have been em ployed. The genealogical record states her marriage at the early age of 19, with John Pomeroy Treadweh, the eldest son of the then lieutenant governor of Connecticut. " Her re sidence, for ten years after, was in Burlington, Ct., where her husband was engaged in mercantile pursuits. Here four of her children were born, and her second child was buried. Unsuccessful in business, the firm of Treadwell & Gay, was dissolved, and her husband removed his family to the city of ^ew York, in the hopes of permanent and renumerative employment which were never realized. Here two more children were born. The breaking out of the yellow fever in that city, drove the family to Middle- town, Ct., where her youngest chhd was born, and where she continued to reside for many years. Afterwards, as her second and fifth sons became fixed there in business, the family again took up their abode iu New York, where they continued to remain, until the death of her husband in 1839, at the residence of her eldest son in Baltimore, Md., and the decease of her only daughter in 1844, in duced her to break up house-keeping and dweh with her " For a biographical notice of Gov. Treadwell, see Appendix. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 345 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. sons in Albany, New York or Baltimore, as might suit her pleasure or convenience. She died September 5th, 1857, at the age of 73, at the old homestead in Middletown, Ct., and. in the very room in which she had been born and married. Such is the epitome of her life, on the surface appearing to be in no respect uncommon. But, in truth, there was much uncommon in her pilgrimage, not, it is true, iu the out ward circumstances which environed her, for multitudes have been called on to endure in this world, more than was her lot to encounter, but in the spirit and resolution with which she met her difficulties. Her life was a chequered one, full of vicissitude and trial and sorrow, yet not want ing, especially in the latter part of it, injoy and consola' tion. The failure in business of her husband at Burhngton, and his want of success afterwards in New York, made it a matter of necessity on the part of both husband and wife, to maintain the strictest economy, and to exercise the most untiring personal labor. The wants of a growing family were sometimes severely pressing, yet she met these wants without shrinking, presenting a firm and unshaken front. By her incessant toil, she furnished her children with all that they needed, both for body and soul : giving them the best education which the country could afford, and training them in their duties to God and man. And for this abnegation of self, she, in her after life, met her reward. She lived, in God's loving mercy, to see in her own family, the verification of the maxim of Solomon, " Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." She was per mitted to behold before her death, all other children but one, members of the church of Christ, and all of them in posi tions of eminent usefulness and influence. By their suc cess in the world, her sons were enabled to smooth her passage to the grave, and to show by unswerving devotion their tenderness for her who had done and suffered so much for them. In saying, in this direction, thus much of this most ex cellent woman, it must not be supposed that there was the least direlection of duty on the part of the husband and the 346 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [5th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, sou of Thomas. father. On the contrary, he was everything that the most devoted husband and affectionate father could be. He was truly one of the most loving and lovable of men, calm, gentle, and tender in the extreme. His earnest and labor ious exertions for the honorable support of his family, made him an old man before his time, for he died with the constitution of a man of eighty, at the age of sixty-one. Mrs. Treadwell was a woman of uncommon mental ability. She had the education which, when she was a child, was accorded, at least in this country, to her sex. And this, all who know anything of that period are aware, was very limited. Yet her reading was very extensive, and whatever she read she retained. She was exceedingly well acquainted with the history of her times, and as they dated back to those of the French revolution, her accounts of the events of that stirring period, especially in connec tion with its influences on our own institutions and on the character of our people, was eminently entertaining and instructive. Her colloquial powers were, indeed, unrivaled. Her abilities in argument, on any subject with which she was familiar, could not be carelessly encountered by any one. Her facts were always at her command. Her assertions with reference to historical matters, could seldom be suc cessfully denied, or her conclusions refuted. As a Christian woman her memory is sweet. To say- that she had no faults would not be true. Let them be " hid in the bosom of her Father and her God." Let us look only to her life of usefulness and honor, and bless God for the recollections which it clusters around our hearts. Clarissa, b. at Staddle Hill near M., July 25 (5?), 1786; m. Oct. 26, 1808, Capt. Gale Goodwin, b. in Middletown, July 22, 1785; had I Emily Gale, b. in M. Oct. 16, 1809, who m. in Hart ford, Nov. 27, 1830, Prof. Benj. Spilsbury Barclay, b. in Wor cester, Eng., 1806 ; had 1, Thomas Spilsbury, b. in H. Feb. 18, 1833, d. in Philadelphia, July 10, 1834 ; 2, Emily Eliza beth, b. in Phila. Feb. 1, 1835, m. April 16, 1857, George Stuart, b. in Saratoga co., N. Y., Oct. 14, 1831, had William ' Barclay, b. in Phila. March 1, 1858, d. same day, Edward Gale, b. in Phila. Oct 1, 1859, d. inf, ; 3, Ida Williams, b. in Phila. Nov. 29, 1836, m. Clement C. Moore of Fulton, Miss. ; she d. at Fulton, Oct. 19, 1855 ; 4, Edwards Wetmore, b. in Phila. jen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 347 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Jan. 3, 1842 ; 5, Clara Hannah, b. in Camden, N. J., July 8, 1845 : Mrs. Emily Gale Barclay d. at Athens, Ala., Sept. 4, 184S. Mrs. Clarissa (Wetmore) Goodwin m. 2d, Oct. 12, 1813, Stephen Dodge of Colchester, Ct., b. Feb. 22, 1771; had II Elizabeth ir/ii'h(f_y,b. in Middletown, Aug. 27, 1814 ; m. Jan.4, 1840, John Milward, b. in Halifax, N. S., Feb. 9, 1814, s. p. Ill Harriet Clara, b. in New York city, Feb. 7, 1818 ; m. Feb. 19, 1840, Dr. Thomas Greenleaf Chase, b. in Bolton, Mass., March 3, 1793 ; had 1, Clara Annie, b. in Phila. Nov. 12, 1840; 2, Thomas, b. in Phila. June 11, 1843 ; 3, Alleyn Gar diner, b. in Phila. March 26, 1849 ; 4, George Emanuel, b. in Phila. March 8, 1852 ; 5, Emeline Goodwin, b. in Phila. March 27, 1854, d. Aug. 15, 1856. IV Clara Harriet, twin sister of Harriet Clara, b. in New York Feb. 7, 1818 ; m. Oct, 20, 1840, Dr. John Fondey, of Albany, N. Y., b. Deo. 22, 1815; had 1, Martha Townsend, b. in A. May 15, 1843 ; 2, William Hunn, b. in A. Jan. 25, 1848, d. Aug. 6, 1850; 3, Clara Edwards, b. in A. April 3, 1850 ; 4, Helena Wetmore, b. in Philadelphia Oct. 14, 1857, d. Aug. 28, 1859 : Mrs. Fondey d. in Phila., Dec. 3, 1859. V Stephen Earned, b. in New Haven, Ct., Jan. 25, 1821; m. March 29, 1848, Ehzabeth McCalvey, b. in Phila. April 3, 1823; had Emily Milward, b. in Phila. June 30, 1849; and Henry Clay, b. in Paducah, Ky., Nov. 28, 1851. He d. in Philadelphia, April 26, 1855, in his 35th year. VI William Henry, b. in Hartford, Ct., Sept. 6, 1824; m. in Philadelphia, Oct. l4, 1852, Caroline Brown Ryan, b. in Rich mond, Va., Jan. 26, 1827. VII Edwards Wetmore, b. in Hartford, Sept. 7, 1826, d. Sept. 8, 1826. Capt. Gale Goodwin was lost at sea, during a severe storm, supposed Jan. 15, 1810. The vessel, the "Patty," of New London, encountered a gale in the gulf stream ; she was subsequently seen in the Ber mudas, bottom up. Mr. Stephen Dodge, died at Hartford, Feb. 5, 1827. Mrs. Dodge Sr., resides in Philadelphia. She has during her life been visited with many trials and afflictions in the loss of different members of her family. Her strong faith and confidence in the promises of her risen Saviour, has been her stay and hope in hours of darkness. Her daughter, Mrs. Barclay, was a lady of large benevolence and amiability, as well beauty of person and manner. To her half sisters and brothers 348 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [5th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. she was all their hearts could desire ; she was their counsellor, friend and dearest companion ; her writings shadowed forth the purity of her soul. The editor of the Pennsylvania Enquirer, under date of Sept. 16, 1848, noticing her demise, says : " The subject of the above brief and melancholy announcement, was a de voted daughter, a fond and faithful wife, a tender and affectionate parent. She was highly accomplished, possessed many noble qualities, and was esteemed and beloved in the social and domestic circle, of which she was at once the charm and the pride. ***** Her dying bed surrounded by endearing affection, was one of resignation and peace. She died the death of a Christian." The Philadelphia Saturday Courier, of Sept. 23, 1848, editorially on the same subject, says : " We regret to recognize, in the name of the deceased, one of our admired correspondents, author of " Song of the Spring Time," " I Know the Spot," &c., and sincerely sympathize with the bereaved husband and family, who are left to mourn her irreparable loss." We regret we have only space for the following, re ferred to above : A Song for the Spring Time. Oh ! let us sing to the beautiful spring A carol of welcome to-day ; She comes ! she is here. And her voices so clear, Bids stern winter vanish away. Hail to the Spring — the sportive Spring- In her wild aud frolicsome glee ; The streamlets play In the sunbeam's ray ; Let us join in revelry; Hail to the Spring — the mirthful Spring — And the blossoming shrub and tree ; Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 349 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Birds are singing, Forests ringing With harmonious melody. Hail to the Spring — the blooming Spring, In her roses so fresh and gay ; The budding flowers In garden bowers. Are keeping nature's holiday. Hail to the Spring— the tearful Spring — With her gentle felling showers ; Now clouds appear. Now skies are clear. While swiftly speed the golden hours. Hail to the Spring-^the joyful Spring — As she trips with footsteps light, Strewing around On the teeming ground Her jewelry green and bright. Hail to the Springr^the blessed Spring — Displaying the power of God ; Throughout the land, With a lavish hand. She scatters His gifts abroad. Then let us sing to the beautiful spring, A carol of welcome to-day ; She comes ! she is here ! And her voice so clear. Bids stern winter vanish away. Philadelphia, March, 1848. Mrs. Dodge's last sad bereavement, has been in the removal of her much loved daughter, Mrs. Fondey. The Phila. Christian Observer, in noticing the event, says : " After months of suffering, which she endured with patience and resignation, such as is seldom wit nessed, this Christian woman has gone to her reward. She was a devoted wife and mother, a fond affection- 350 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [5th Descendants of .ludge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. ate daughter, a tender, loving, idolized sister. She possessed an amiable, loving disposition, surpassed by no one, whom the writer has ever known. Her char acter was one of child-like innocence, so pure and free from guile, that the thought of evil in others never entered her heart ; from her infancy, she was remark able for her love of truth, and therefore, was the favor ite of every youthful circle in which she mingled. In mature life, no enemy sped its shaft, for none knew her, but to love and praise her. " The scenes around her death bed, her triumphant hope of going to Jesus, will never be forgotten by those who witnessed them. "As death approached, when asked if she was easy, she replied : ' Very pleasant, going to Jesus,' and as the last words died upon her lips, the spirit fled to the arms of her Saviour, with whom she so longed to be at rest. ' Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord.' " Her sufferings during an illness of five months, she counted as nothing, when compare with the sufferings of her Redeemer for her ; with her arms thrown around her sister's neck, she exclaimed: "I shall eat of meat that you know not of," then pausing for breath, "oh! my dear sister, I shah drink it anew in my Father's kingdom ! " With such thoughts and ex pressions she was constantly occupied. While con versing on one occasion with her nephews and nieces, endeavoring to impress upon them the importance of coming to Christ, she said : " I gave my heart to God, when I was but thirteen years old, and I have never, no never, regretted it." While Mrs. Dodge has had many things to sadden her hfe, she has had much to cause her to rejoice. Her children have ever been dutiful and affectionate, and have given her great satisfaction in their Christian life and character, as well as in their marriage rela tions. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 351 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, sou of Thomas. Mr. Thomas Spilsbury Barclay's family were of high standing in England. He, as well as his brothers, is a graduate of Oxford University. Dr. Chase is a grand-nephew of Gov. John Hancock, his mother being a Quincy ; his father, Thomas Chase, was a colonel in the revolutionary army, and he is descended paternally, in a direct line from William the Conqueror. Dr. Fondey is a Huguenot, both paternally and mater nally; his ancestors settled in Holland, after fleeing from their prosecutors in France; and subsequently emigrated to America, his father's ancestors settling in the state of New York, his branch at and near Albany, and his mother's settled in New Jersey. Mr. John Milward's family were of Nova Scotia. His paternal grand-father was a resident of Brooklyn, Long Island, a man of high, moral and social standing, and honored by all who knew him. His mother was of German descent, and a woman most lovely in person and character. She was a devoted noble Christian, en deared to all who knew her, for her virtues, her char ity, her tenderness and kindness to those who came within her reach. When God took her home, her children had to mourn a mother indeed, society its purest gem, the poor their friend, and the church one of its brightest ornaments. The widow of Stephen Lamed Dodge is a descendant of the Abbotts of Eng land, by her maternal side. Isaac Abbott, her great uncle, was lord high chancellor and speaker of the House of Lords for many years. Stephen Dodge, Sr., was a great grandson of Lord Gardiner, his grand mother Elizabeth, daughter of Lord G., and the wife of the late Mr. Whitney. Sophia, b. at Staddle Hill, near M., May 25, 1788 ; m. Feb. 2, 1814, Giles Southmayd, of M. ; had I John D., b. May 8, 1815, m. Aug. 14, 1844, Harriet H. North, had Frederick Giles. He d. Oct. 11, 1847, in his 32d year. II Thomas, b. June 11, 1817 ; m. Aug. 31, 1846, Mary A. Mathus, s. p. ; resides in Wilmington, N. C. Ill Elizabeth, b. July 12, 1819; m. May 46 352 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [5th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. 5, 1853, Samuel Brown ; had Thomas Southmayd, Lina Cone. He resides in Colchester, Ct. IV Charles, b. Oct. 1, 1821 ; m. June 17, 1845, his cousin Martha Jane Stoughton ; had 1, So phia (dead); 2, Anna; 3, John; 4, Mary; 5, Charles Everett (dead). Resides in Middletown, Ct. V Timothy W., b. Sept. 27,1823. VI iacy, b. Oct. 19, 1825 ;. d. Dec. 1, 1829. VII Sarah, b. Feb. 5, 1828 ; m. June 5, 1860, Rev. John Hart- well, of Leverett, Mass. VIII WilUam, b. April 29, 1830 ; d. May 12, 1832. IX Lucy 2d, b. Nov. 4, 1833. Mrs. Sophia Southmayd died March 15, 1841. She lived and died a consistent Christian, leaving a bright example of devotion to her principles, and affection for her family. Mr. Southmayd is of an old family of Middletown, and a much esteemed and respected citizen of that place. Chauncey, b. at Staddle Hill, near M., June 5, 1790 ; m. Rebecca Hubbard, Oct. 9, 1817; had Chauncey Edwards, Lucy, Har riet, Cornelia Lyman, Henry Goodwin, Cornelia Hubbard, and Mary Ellen. Mr. Wetmore resides on, and is proprietor of a part of the Staddle Hill farm, the homestead of his grand father. Judge Seth. His dwelling is the same that was buht by his grandfather in 1746. The exterior of the house is much the same, as it was when first erected, save that the gambrel roof has been changed for a more modern one. In the interior, the most of the apartments have the same finish they had in the days of their original occupant. The carved mantles and cornices, with water colored paintings over the fire places, are still to be seen. Mr. Wetmore leads the quiet and retired life of an independent farmer ; conscientious and generous in all his dealings with his friends and neighbors. He has always evinced a warm attachment for his kindred, and takes a lively interest in ah that concerns their welfare. While he has a just appreciation of the rights of others, he hates oppression by what ever name it may be known ; he never knowingly justifies Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 353 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. any man or party, or church, in doing wrong for ex pediency's sake. He has long been a member of the First Congregational Church of his native town, and is a worthy representative of a worthy ancestry. May he long be spared to represent the family of Wetmores at Middletown, the home of the paternal ancestor of all of the name, and when he is called hence, may the place on which the head of this branch of the family established, and where he spent so many years of honorable life, be retained by some one of the de scendants of the founder, bearing the surname of Wet more. In our castle building in Spain, we have thought how well an asylum, or some charitable in stitution, or a college of learning, to be made free to such as could be accommodated of the descendants of Thomas Whitmore (Wetmore), who might need such advantages, would look on Staddle Hill. Why will not some one or more of the wealthy Wetmores, take into consideration the establishing out of their abundance, some such institution ? What more lasting memorial could they estabhsh of their ancestor, or of themselves ? Emily, b. at Staddle Hill, near M., Jan. 1, 1795; m. April 6, 181^, Samuel B. Smith, of M. ; had I Lucy Beers, b. April 9, 1816 ; res. in M. II Emily Wetmore, b. Sept. 13, 1817 ; res. in M. Ill Henry Charles, b. June 13, 1819 ; m. Jan. 16, 1843, Julia Burr, of Fairfield, Ct. He d. at Nevada, Cat, May 4, 1851, leaving Mary Ehza, b. Jan., 1844, and Julia Burr, b. Sept. 1846 ; his widow resides in Fairfield, Ct. IV Samuel George, b. July 16, 1821 ; res. in M. V Julia Burr, b. Feb. 28, 1823 ; d. while on a visit to East Windsor, Nov. 1845. Mrs. Emily (Wetmore) Smith died April 27, 1852. She possessed much firmness of character ; was a con sistent Christian woman, and took a hvely interest in all religious and benevolent enterprises. She was strongly attached to her kindred, and was always ready to meet them with a cordial welcome. Mr. Smith was a farmer, and resided with his family 354 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [5th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. at Staddle Hill, and enjoyed the confidence and esteem of his fellow citizens. He died in July, 1843, aged 53. SIXTH GENEEATION. Children of Seth, Son of Seth. William Shepard, b. in St. Albans, Vt. Jan. 26, 1801 ; m. in the city of London, Oct. 24, 1837, Esther Phillips, dau. of Samuel Wetmore Esq. of New York ; had infant dau., d. Oct. 12, 1838 : m. 2d, Anstice Rogers, of Salem, Mass. ; had William Shepard, George Peabody, and Annie Derby Rogers. That the subject of the above record deserves more than ordinary mention at our hands, will we think be admitted, when we state that so far as we are informed, no one of the descendants of Thomas Whitmore, has manifested more interest in the welfare of all those bearing the name, than has he. He has done much to bring about a fraternal feeling among the different branches, by his efforts to collect together genealogical records of the various families; and while we would not detract from others, we may add that no one of the sixth generation has, as yet, done more to honor the name, at home and abroad, by a high-toned, up right, benevolent, and gentlemanly course of life than has the subject of our notice. _ That our readers may the more fully understand his character, we will commence our sketch, by de tailing a few circumstances connected with his child hood. The first occasion for his leaving the home of his youth, at St. Albans, was when one of his uncles and aunts were on a visit to his father. It was then pro posed that the " good and trusty Wilham " should re- Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 355 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. turn with them to Middletown, preparatory to his being sent to school, and from thence to active em ployment. On the arrival of his uncle and aunt at St. A., he was enquired for; his father replied that he did not know where William was, but that he would retum in safety. Night approached and he was en quired for again, with some feelings of uneasiness, but his father replied as before, that there was no cause for anxiety, that it frequently occurred that he was gone for a day or two and that he was not afraid of his intruding where he would not be a welcome guest. Late the following afternoon, William returned. Very large of his years, he had grown out of his clothes ; a hat on his head, that presented the appearance of having seen very hard usage, and as if originally in tended for a much larger head than his. Somewhat bashful and timid, such an appearance did not augur well for one who should subsequently stand the first merchant in a great city of the East ; to be consulted by high officials both in the Indies and in England^* upon state policy ; and to amass wealth far beyond that possessed by any one of his name. It took but a short time for his uncle to become convinced that the father's estimate of the boy was not the mere dictate of the heart of a fond parent, but was deserved. Before the visit was finished, plans were matured for William to accompany his aunt and uncle to Middletown — which he did. As soon as his acquaintance was made at M., all seemed to agree that he was a clever boy. His grandfather's family took a particular interest in him. He fell more immediately under the supervision of his uncle Willard Wright, who sent him to school at Cheshire, 28 He was (while on a visit in England, at the commencement of the late famine,) in Ireland, and was invited hy the ministry, to a cabinet meeting, held for the purpose of consulting upon the best method to be adopted, to supply food to that distressed land. 356 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Ct., where he demeaned himself with great propriety, and made good progress. Though he was not remark able as a scholar, his industry and perseverence gave him the respect of his teachers and friends. He was always very observing, learned accurately, not alone from the printed page, but from events and incidents as they came under his observation. He was, after going to scliool at Cheshire in a store in Middletown, and the following anecdote has been related to us, as evincing " William's readiness to adopt himself to circumstances," which has ever been characteristic with him. " The wife of the merchant with whom he was engaged as a clerk, happened to have pan cakes, the first day that he entered into his employer's service, and having a boy's appetite, he ate very heartily. So Mrs. V — gave him pancakes to eat daily and constantly, till he became tired of the sight of them. No complaint was made, however, by the boy, but when, of a Saturday, he used to get out to Staddle Hill, and his aunt's pantry was at his service, he made an onslaught, and told his aunt how tired he was of the ever recurring pancakes. His aunt thought his fare hard, and told him he ought to ask Mrs. V — to give him something else. " Oh ! no," he said, " it whl only make trouble, if I say anything about it, and besides Mrs. V — thinks I am very fond of them, for if the neighbors happen to make any remark, about what a pancake eater I am, she says : ' Oh, yes, I never saw any one so fond of pancakes, and it seemed on the first day as if I could not cook enough for him.' " On one occasion he was desirous of going to a party of some kind, but not being supplied with proper shoes, and seeing no way of obtaining a pair without intrud ing upon his uncle, or in some degree compromising his feeliags of independence, he concluded to forego the gratification ; his aunt told him he was welcome Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 357 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. to her slippers, and he willingly accepted the offer, saying he was glad to be able to go, because it would disappoint certain friends if he were not there ; thus showing that consideration for the gratification of others was stronger than his own personal pleasure. After the entertainment, his aunt was informed that William called attention to the excellence of the fit of his aunt's slippers. Success in life, since, has not changed his character in this respect ; what he was then, he still is, perfectly free from false pride and vain glory ; accessible to every one, be he ever so humble ; all he wants to know is, is he honest, is he deserving ? On his leaving Middletown, he went to Providence, R. I., in the employ of Messrs. Carrington & Co. — his uncles, Samuel and Willard Wright, being partners — where he acquitted himself so entirely to their satis faction, he was entrusted by them, jointly with the captain, with the responsilDle position of supercargo of one of their ships, the Fame, on a voyage to Eng land, the west coast of South America, and the East Indies. This, his first voyage around the world, was not a profitable one, though satisfactory to his prin cipals, so far as he was concerned. His next voyage, in the employ of the same firm, was to the west coast of South America, in the ship Lion. On the vessel arriving off the West coast, she was totally lost, but her cargo was saved, in a damaged state. After dis posing of the goods, etc., he sought employment in Valparaiso, which was soon found, and resulted in his forming, in 1823, in connection with Mr. Richard Alsop, of Middletown, the house of Alsop & Wetmore. The firm became very extensively engaged in business, enjoying, for a period, all the United States and a good part of the English trade to that port. In 1825, they were joined by Mr. John Cryder, of Philadelphia, and the firm became Alsop, Wetmore & Cryder. In 1829, Mr. W. retired from the firm, and returned to the 358 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. United States with what was considered at that time an ample fortune. After his return his health became impaired, and, on advising with his physician, he concluded to go out to China, and there engage in business, hoping that the climate and an active life might again estab lish his health. Soon after his arrival in Canton, 1833, the late Nathan Dunn, of the house of Dunn & Co., retiring, he became his successor, associating with him Mr. Joseph Archer, of Philadelphia, who had been a junior partner of the late firm of Dunn & Co. The old house was highly respectable, but afterwards, under the style of Wetmore & Co., it became one of the largest houses in the East Indjes. During the time of his being engaged in business in China, the difficulties concerning the opium trade arose. He was opposed — as it was well known by the friends of the house and the Chinese authorities — to trading in opium or any other contraband article. H any opium came consigned to his house, it was re ceived and taken care of, until after the destruction of the opium by the government, subsequent to which the house received none. The Enghsh, by bribery of ofiicials, smugghng, &c., carried on an immense trade in the article; and the English government, to their shame let it ever be said, protected their subjects in the traffic, justifying themselves by the specious plea, that " the conduct of the Chinese authorities, or executive offi cials, legitimatized the trade, in spite of the decrees and laws against the importation." Mr. Wetmore's well-known reputation, as an honor able and high-minded merchant, caused him to stand favorably with the authorities of the empire, and, dur ing the troubles growing out of the opium trade, he was invited to their counsels. After and during the war, great benefit resulted to the firm, in consequence Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 359 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, sou of Thomas. ¦ of the general and constant conservative course adopt ed by the house. In 1837, he returned to the United States for a short visit, stopping in England on his way back to China. While there, he married his first wife, the marriage festivities taking place at the residence of the bride's brother-in-law, Mr. John Cryder, Gloucester Lodge, Regent's park, London. As it was his intention to remain at Canton but a short time, his bride did not accompany him, but returned to her father's, in New York. On his arranging his business in the East, he finally returned to this country. While Mr. Wetmore was abroad, he was in the con stant practice of supplying his father with abundant means for his support, and, on his return, liquidated every reasonable claim that was made against his father's estate. In 1844, he established in New York, in connec tion with Mr. John Cryder, the house of Wetmore & Cryder. In 1847, he withdrew his interests from the firm of Wetmore & Co., of Canton, having, by his con nection with it, added very largely to his previous handsome fortune. The same year he retired from the fhm of Wetmore & Cryder, Mr. Samuel Wetmore, Jun., succeeding him. Possessed of ample means, with a reputation the most enviable, he, immediately after establishing him self in New York, took his stand among the leading merchants and bankers of that city. With a hand ever ready to relieve the wants and necessities of others, and so long accustomed to munifi cence in all his dealings, he became at once a valuable acquisition to benevolent and philanthropic circles. Mr. Wetmore, soon after retiring from active busi ness in New York, removed to Newport, R. I., where he built an elegant and very commodious marine villa, which is known as Chateau sur Mer. Here, in August, 47 360 WETMORE MEMORIAL; [6th Descendants of Judge Seth, sou of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. 1857, he gave a famous f^te champetre in compliment to his friend, George Peabody, Esq., the wealthy and munificent American banker of London. This enter tainment was pronounced, by the public journalists of the day, as quite the most grand and rechercM private entertainment ever given on this continent. Dis tinguished strangers from Europe, the British pro vinces and the different states of the Union were present ; and the whole affair was said to be worthy of the generous host and the distinguished gentleman for whose honor it was given. Mr. Wetmore has declined public offices, preferring the real pleasures afforded him in private to the uncertain gratification of a public life. He is in stature full six feet, and of commanding figure ; his head large, with a broad forehead, indicating strong mental faculties; his eyes light blue; his hair auburn; in his person he is said to resemble his late grand father. Gen. Shepard. Charles Wright, b. at St. Albans, Sept. 8, 1803 ; m. Sophia Hazeltine, Aug. 3, 1824 ; had Salome Smith, William Shepard, Nancy Shepard, Sophia Hazeltine, Maria Louisa. He removed to Stow township, Ohio, where he has frequently served as magistrate, as well as postmaster of Cnyahoga Falls. He and his uncle, Josiah Wetmore, were the first justices of Cuyahoga Falls. Nancy Shepard, b. in St. Albans, Feb. 21, 1805. She died at St. Albans, Jan. 18, 1830. _ A circumstance of some interest occurred in connec tion with her death. Her cousin of the same name (dau. of Josiah Wetmore), and nearly the same age, died the same day, and nearly at the same hour ; they were but a few miles apart, and although each knew that the other's situation was critical, yet neither was aware that the other was near her end, and the first Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 361 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. consciousness of the fact, was when their souls met in the world beyond the grave. Salome Smith, b. in St. Albans, April 10, 1809 ; d. June, 1810. Seth Downing, b. in St. Albans, Dec. 28, 1811 ; m. Sophronia Burroughs of Portage co., Ohio, March 15, 1835 ; had Helen Frances. He died at Massillon, 0., May 13, 1853. Children of Judge William, Son of Seth. William Ogden, b. in Hartford, Sept. 5, 1796; m. Elizabeth Wal lace, Oct. 2, 1822; had Henry, Edward, Edward 2d, Mary, Frederick, Julia and Eliza. He resided at Cuyahoga Falls,-«where he was ex tensively engaged in manufacturing. He, with his brother Henry, built the first paper mill in Ohio, to spin out paper by machinery on the wet felt, as now universally used. They were public spirited men, and, while attending to the welfare of their own fami hes, have always had the public good in view. He represented the counties of Portage and Summit in the state senate, in 1844 and 5. He died January 12, 1852, from exposure to extreme cold. Edwin, b. in Hartford, Sept. 25, 1798 ; m. Polly, dau. of Caleb, son of John, son of Dea. Caleb Wetmore, Aug. 24, 1820 ; had Silas, Charles, Luther ; m. 2d, Polly Bell, Jan. 12, 1844 ; had Clarissa P. and Harriet B. He is a farmer, and resides near the site of the old homestead, on the banks of Lake Pleasant. He has been a commissioner of Summit county for eight years, and a magistrate of the town for a number of years. 362 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [Oth Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Henry, b. in Hartford, Feb. 10, 1801 ; m. EHza B. Price, Dec. 8, 1830 ; had Henry W. and George Prentiss. He resides at Cuyahoga Falls, where he is much respected. He is engaged in manufactures; he, with his father, and his brother Wilham were, as it has been stated, the founders of that fiourishing manu facturing town. He is the only survivor of the firm of Stow & Wetmores, to which firm the town of Stow and village of Cuyahoga Falls are greatly indebted for works of pubhc utility. He has some of the cha racteristics of his father, advises, when asked, his neighbors and friends to compromise, rather than try the uncertainties of the law. Clarissa, b, in Middletown, Ct., March 18, 1804; m. Oct., 1827, Cyrus Prentiss, b. at Francistown, Hillsboro co., N. H., Feb 10, 1797; ^« had I Harriet, b. April 20, 1829 ; II Eliza C, b Sept. 20, 1838. Mr. Prentiss, removed with his father's family to Cuyahoga co., 0., in 1804, where on arriving to " man's estate " he took a prominent position among his fellow citizens, in maturing the resources of the then new country. He died at Ravenna, after a short ilhiess, on Friday the 29th July, 1859, much lamented by a wide circle of friends and relatives. The Ravenna Democrat, in noticing his death, says : " The an nouncement of his alarming hlness, and sudden death startled our entire community, and produced a deep and prevailing sensation of sorrow and sadness. * * *" Wherever Mr. Prentiss was known, all hearts were touched with sorrow at his sudden decease, and all felt it a duty to offer to his honored memory the last tribute of respect that can be paid to man. The banks, stores, post ofl&ce and all business places in Ravenna, were closed during the hours in which the 28 For a history and genealogy of the Prentiss or Prentice family, see C J. F. Binney's genealogy of those families, Boston, 1852. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 363 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. funeral took place. The attendance of the elderly citizens of the place was very large. Those who had been intimate with the deceased in other days, could not resist the impulse to come forward and show emotions of respect to the departed man, whom it was a pleasure to meet when life's vigor animated his frame. A long procession escorted the remains to the house appointed for all hving, the pleasant and well filled God's Acre, on the hill overlooking the lovely village, which Mr. Prentiss had done so much to im prove and beautify. Solemn funeral service were read by the Rev. Mr. Baker, and ' dust was committed to dust, to share the holy rest that awaits a life well spent.' " Jacob Ogden, b. iu Stow, Ohio, Jan. 29, 1807; m. Julia New berry; d. s. p., June 8, 1841. He was a highly respected, public spirited citizen, and his death was universally regretted. Harriet, b. in Stow, 0., Feb. 17, 1816; d. Sept. 27, 1823. Children of Samuel, Son of Seth. Mary Wright, b. in Middletown, Ct. ; m. at Providence, R. I., Oct. 7, 1830, John Cryder, Esq., of Phila. ; had I Samuel Wet more, b. in Phila., Dec. 1, 1831 ; d. at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., while at school, June 5, 1842. II -Anna Elizabeth, b. in Lon don, Eng. Ill William Wetmore, b. in London. IV Elizabeth, b. in London; d. infant. V and VI, George and Mary (twins), b. in London ; d. infants. VII Mary, b. at Newport, R. I. VIII Duncan, b. in New York. IX Edward, b. in Phila. X Esther Wetmore, b. in New York. XI Julia, b. in New York : d. young. Mr. Cryder resides in or near the city of New York ; his life has been chiefly spent in matters per taining to commerce. In 1825 he went out to Lima, 364 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. and joined, as partner, the house of Alsop & Wetmore; subsequently they established the house of Alsop, Wetmore & Cryder, of Valparaiso. The two houses having a common interest, the Lima firm was changed to Alsop, Wetmore & Co. In 1829, on the retirement of Mr. Wm. S. Wetmore and himself from those firms, as active partners, the style of both houses was changed to Alsop & Co. He returned to the United States ; Mr. Alsop residing in Philadelphia, as repre sentative of the firms in South America. Mr. Cryder removed to London, and established himself as a banker. In 1835, he, with Mr. James Morrison, opened the banking house of Morrison, Cryder & Co. Mr. Cryder's residence was in Gloucester Lodge, Regent's park, where the hospitalities of his mansion were dispensed by his accomplished lady, whose natural sprightliness, remarkable conversational powers, and amiability of manner, together with her beauty of person, made her a charming hostess and much-courted member of society in the west end of that great metropolis. In 1840, the firm of M., C. & Co. was dissolved, and Mr. Cryder returned to the United States. The firms of Wetmore & Co., of China, and Morrison, Cryder & Co., of London, were in their business rela tions closely and intimately connected with the South American houses, and Mr. Richard Alsop, of Phila delphia. In 1844, the house of Wetmore & Cryder, of New York (as before stated), was established, Mr. Wm. Shepard Wetmore and Mr. Cryder composing the firm. This house had close and intimate business relations with Mr. George Peabody, banker, of London. The firm of Wetmore & Cryder was dissolved in 1856. While in business, Mr. C. stood high, as an honorable merchant and banker. He is, paternally, of an old and highly respectable Delaware family ; and maternally, of an old Pennsylvania family. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 365 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Esther Phillips, b. in Middletown; m. in London, Oct. 24, 1837, William Shepard Wetmore ; had infant, b. in New York ; d. Oct. 12, 1838. She died in New York, Oct. 26, 1838. It was our good fortune, when a youth, to make, through the family of the late Hon. Henry R. Storrs, her acquaintance. Her kindliness of manner, courteous bearing and generosity, as well as her lady-like accom plishments, convinced us that she was a truly noble woman. The feelings of respect with which she inspired us we have never forgotten. She was pecuharly strong in her family attachments, and we have understood she often expressed the wish that she were able to relieve the necessities of all who bore the name of Wetmore, while she ever treated them with marked kindness and consideration. Her generosity and kindness of heart did not stop with those of her own kindred, for she was constantly, as she had opportunity, administering to the wants and necessities of others. Her sympathies were ever alive to those in distress. Some months after marriage she returned from Lon don to New York, where, it may truly be said, she sacrificed her hfe in acting the part of a good Sama ritan to her own waiting maid, who was dangerously ill, and died a short time before her mistress. Samuel, b. in Middletown ; m. at the residence of Col. Rene Ed ward de Russy, U. S. corps of Engineers, Fortress Monroe, Old Point Comfort, Va., July 12, 1848, Sarah Taylor, dau. of Capt. William Boerum, U. S. N., and his wife, Emily Browne, b. at Fort Hamilton, N. Y. ; had William Boerum, Wyatt. He turned his attention in early life to commerce, not however till he had fitted himself by study to become an accomplished merchant. He first went abroad in one of his father's ships to the west coast of South America and China. Soon after his return home, he embarked again for the East, with the inten- 366 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, sou of Thomas. tion of remaining there for a term of years. In 1837 he joined the house of Wetmore & Co., of Canton, and on ' the departure of the senior member of the firm, for the United States, in 1839, he became the head of the house ; he continued a partner tih 1853, when he retired, withdrawing his interests. In 1847 he suc ceeded Mr. Wm. S. Wetmore in the house of Wetmore & Cryder in the city of New York, which firm con tinued tin the close of the year 1856, when he retired from all active business. On the return of Mr. Wetmore to the United States, he commenced a very general correspondence with the various branches of the Wetmore family, for the pur pose of collecting the history and genealogy of Thomas Whitmore and his descendants, that the same might be preserved in some permanent form. He expended money liberally for this purpose, and the Wetmores are under obligations to him for stimulating the various branches with a spirit of inquiry respecting their com mon ancestry. He secured a handsome fortune by his industry and judicious commercial adventures, and is now enjoying the fruits of his labors in the city of New York. His wife Sarah Tayler Boerum, is of a highly honorable family; her great-grandfather, William Boerum, ne phew of the patroon Simeon Boerum, equipped at his own expense, a company of dragoons during the Revo lutionary war, and commanded them in person. Her great-grandmother, the wife of the above Capt. B., was a heroine, and did her part towards bringing about an honorable peace. On one occasion she passed through the enemy's camp, with £500 about her person, the proceeds of a sale of wheat. This money she appro priated towards the maintainance of her husband's troops. The patroon was a member of the first convention for the call of the first Congress. He came direct Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 367 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. from Holland. Her grandfather Martin Boerum in herited a large property, and married Jane Fox, of English parentage, a most exemplary Christian woman. She was one of the first communicants of the old St. Ann's (Epis.) church of Brooklyn, N. Y. She had large dower rights which she never availed herself of. She died Dec, 1848, aged 77. Capt. William Boeeum, U. S. N., the father of Mrs. W., was appointed a midshipman in the U. S. Navy, Oct. 15, 1811, and ordered to the sloop of war Hor net, 18 guns, on the 16th of the following month. On the 21st of June, 1812, the frigates President, 44, Com. Rodgers; Congress, 38, Capt. Smith; brigs, Essex, 32, Capt. Porter ; Hornet, 18, Capt. Lawrence, and Argus, 16 guns, Capt. Sinclair, sailed from New York Harbor in quest of a British fieet of merchant men, bound from Jamaica to England. On the 23d, at an early hour of the morning, a sail was discovered to the northward and eastward, all sail was made for her and at half past four P. M., the forecastle gun of the President was discharged; this was the first hostile shot fired afloat in the war of 1812. The enemy's vessel proved to be the Belvidere frigate, 36 guns, Capt. Byram. The B., being the sharpest sailer, was en abled to get out of reach, not however without receiv ing a shot from the President, which killed one man and wounded sixteen others. The President lost twenty- two killed and wounded, sixteen of whom suffered by the bursting of a gun on board. Com. Rodgers having a leg fractured. " The squadron hauled up to its course in pursuit of the Jamaica men, and on the 9th July, the Hornet captured an English letter of marque ; her master reported having seen the Jamaica vessels the previous evening, under convoy of a two deck frigate, a sloop of war, and a brig. He had counted 85 sail. The chase was continued with all possible speed, but 48 368 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. without success. Com. Rodgers, finding himself within a day's sail of the British Channel, stood to the south ward, passing Madeira, and going into Boston by the way of the Western Islands and the Grand Banks. Seven merchant-men were taken and one American recaptured." — Cooper's Naval History. The Constitution, 44, and Hornet, 18, Capt. Law rence, sailed Oct. 24th from Boston, under command of Com. Bainbridge, with orders to rendezvous at Port Praya, St. Jago. Midshipman Boerum, being on board the Hornet as before, says, in a letter to his father, dated U. S. Hornet, Boston, Oct. 24, 1812. We are now under way, the Constitution in company, I expect for a six months' cruise ; we have provisions for that time, and also the Constitution for eight months. It is not known where we are going for a certainty, but Com. Bainbridge has ordered Capt. Lawrence to get charts for the coast of Brazil, and river Laplata, the Cape of Good Hope, Island of Bermuda, and both sides of the Mediterranean, besides the charts we have on board. * * The same letter contains the following, although the report made by the captain of the schooner did not prove to be correct, we nevertheless give it, to show the commendable spirit that prevailed on board the Hornet : The Captain has just spoken a schooner, who informs us that Commodore Rodgers has taken with the President, before the rest of the squadron came up, a large 64. Huzza ! for the old Commodore. I have not the least doubt that if the Hornet comes alongside of a frigate, but we will take her or sink alongside, such is the spirit of our little crew. The foundation of the schooner skipper's report, probably rose out of Commodore Rodgers giving chase Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 369 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. to the Nymph frigate, but did not succeed in engaging her. The vessels arrived off St. Salvador on the 13th of December, and the Hornet was sent in to communi cate with the Consul where she found the British sloop of war Bonne Citoyenne, 18, Capt. Green, about to sail for England, with a large amount of specie on board. The British captain was invited outside, with the assurance that the Constitution should not inter fere, but declined. The Constitution left the Hornet to blockade the Bonne Citoyenne alone, while she stood to the southward, when she came across the British frigate Java, 38, Capt. Lambert, which she captured. The Hornet was left with discretionary orders. She remained off the port eighteen days, when she was chased into the harbor by the Montagu, 74, which vessel had come to relieve the B. C.^° It was late in the evening when the Montagu approached, and the Hornet availed herself of the darkness to wear ship and stand out again, passing into the offing with out further molestation. She stood northward and eastward, with the intention of going off Pernambuco. She made a few prizes, and continued up the coast until the 24th of February, 1813, when, near the mouth of the Demerara river, she gave chase to a brig, which drew in to land ; just without the bar another vessel hove in sight, which proved a man of war brig, showing English colors. The Hornet was cleared for action. The two vessels were now, 5 P. M., standing towards each other, with their heads different ways, both close by the wind. They passed within half pistol shot, delivering their broadsides as the guns bore, each vessel discharging their larboard battery. As soon as they were clear, the Enghshman put his helm hard up, with the intention to wear short round ™ Cooper's Naval History. 370 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. and get a raking fire at the American, but the man oeuvre was closely watched and promptly imitated, and, firing his starboard guns, he was obliged to right his helm, as the Hornet was coming down on his quarter ; the latter closed, and maintained the position she had got, poured in shot with such vigor that, a little before 5:40, the enemy not only lowered his ensign but hoisted it union down. She proved to be the sloop of war Peacock, 18, Capt. Peake ; she sunk before all of her men could be got off. The Hornet returned to New York, via Martha's Vineyard and Long Island Sound.''^ We quote from Midshipman Boerum to his father : United States Ship Hornet, \ Near IS'ew London, Aug. 2, 1813. j This morning Mr. Montandevert arrived with the money for the Peacock; my share amounted two hundred and fifty-seven dollars. * * * * We have no particular news here, except that two of the United States' boats, and two of the Macedonian's went out on an expedition, but returned without being as suc cessful as we expected, one of the Macedonian's getting separated, went on shore at Gardner's Island, where they found the first and third lieutenants of the Eamillies, one midshipman and five men. Mr. Tenike, midshipman, who commanded the Macedonian's boat with eight men, made. them prisoners and paroled them. * * * * The commodore expects to get out in about six weeks. I heard him ofter to bet Capt. Biddle a new coat, that he would have another frigate in some of our northern ports this winter. Subsequently Captain (afterwards Commodore) Biddle succeeded Capt. Lawrence in command of the Hornet, young Boerum continuing to serve on the H. Capt. Biddle succeeded in evading the British squad ron, and joined Com. Decatur at New York, who was preparing the President fiag ship, and sloop of war 81 Cooper's Nav. Hist. ; Wilson's Nav. Heroes. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 371 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Peacock,. Capt. Warrington, for a cruise in the East Indies. Com. Decatur sailed in the President on the 14th of January, 1815, leaving the Peacock and Hornet to convoy the store ship, which was not then in readiness to sail. They did not get out till the 23d of January, and separated a few days after in consequence of the Hornet chasing a vessel, which, on being overhauled, proved to be a Portuguese. From this they proceeded singly for their first rendezvous, which was the Island of Tristan d'Acunha; what immediately followed we will leave the young midshipman, Boerum, to narrate, which he does in the following graphic and patriotic dispatch to his father, dated U. S. Ship Hornet, ~| Off the Island of Tristan De Acunha, v April 8th, 1815. j We have had another action, and the Hornet is again triumphant. After leaving ISTew York we had a continued series of ill luck, having seen only five sail, all of which proved to be neutrals. We parted with Peacock and Tom Bowline four days after we left New York, in chase. On the evening of the 22d of March we made the Island of Tristan De Acunha in latitude 37° 7' south; longitude 11° 38' east. The next morning whilst preparing to bring the ship to anchor, we discovered a strange sail ; we supposed her to be either the President, Peacock, or brig Macedo nian, that sailed in company with the President. We however stood off a short distance from the shore, hove to and cleared the ship for action. About half-past, the strange sail, being within pistol shot to windward, hoisted a British ensign, and fired a gun, but no sooner did our brave tars see the enemy's flag, than they gave three hearty cheers, the Yankee stripes were unfurled aloft. We gave them a bloody broad-side, and the action commenced, which was continued with great spirit. But in the short space of twenty -two minutes their pride was humbled, and their flag came down. She proved to be His Majesty's sloop-of-war Penguin of 20 guns, James Dickenson, Esq., commander, who was killed in the latter part of the action. 372 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. She lost her foremast and bowsprit, had 28 wounded, and they acknowledged 14 killed, but from all accounts she must havehadmore. Anumber of her wounded have died since they have been on board. Her upper works were completely cut to pieces, two of her ports were knocked into one, and five shot struck her mainmast. Our loss was trifling, 1 killed and 11 wounded, nothing but grape shot touched our ship ; our rigging was considerably cut, and our spanker-boom was carried away by the enemy's running afoul of us. Some tutelary angel certainly hovers over the American flag, and where's the youth whose bosom is fired with the righteous cause of liberty that don't aspire to be foremost in guarding the sacred banner of his Columbia ? When men fight for freedom they must be victorious. The next morning we took our prize in tow, and stood off from land, till we got everything that was of service to us out of her, and then sunk her. We had kept Capt. Dicken son on board, that we might bury him On shore, but on the third day we were standing in for the land, when we discovered two strange sail, one of which was plainly distinguished to be a man-of-war. The ship was imme diately cleared for action, which obliged us to commit the body of our gallant enemy to the deep. The vanquished, if brave, are renowned. They are like the sun when he hides his face in a cloud, but shines again with redoubled splendor. He was buried with all the honors of war. The two strangers proved to be the Peacock and Tom Bowline. The Peacock had been more unfortunate than we were before we feh in with the Penguin, having seen only one sail since we separated. We have made a cartel of the Tom Bowhne. She whl take the prisoners to South America, from thence she proceeds to the United States. We have watered here, and shall continue our cruise with the Peacock. * * * * IST. B.— Captain Biddle and Lieutenant Connor are among the wounded. The Penguin had by their own account, 132 men, but I am confldent she had more ; they had twelTO additional marines from the Medway 74. The combat between the Hornet and the Penguin, says Cooper, in his Naval History, was one of the Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 373 Descendants of Judge Setli, son of Izraliiah, son of Thomas. most creditable to the character of the American marine that occurred in the course of the war. The vessels were fairly matched ; and when it is remem bered that an English flag officer had sent the Pen guin on special service, against a ship believed to be materially heavier than the vessel she actually en countered, it is fair to presume she was thought to be in every respect, in her own service, an efficient cruiser, yet, with the advantage of the wind, this ship was taken in twenty-two minutes, including the time lost while she hung on the Hornet's quarter and while the latter was wearing. The neatness and dispatch (con tinues Cooper) with which the American sloop did her work, the coolness with which she met the attempt to board, and the accuracy of her fire and handhng, are all proofs of her being a disciplined man of war, and of the high condition of that service in which she was one of the favorites. It is by such exploits that the character of a marine is most effectually proved. The President, that sailed from the port of New York in advance of the Hornet and her companion, the Peacock, had been taken by the English. Nof> withstanding this misfortune, Capt. Warrington, the senior officer, determined to proceed on the original cruise with the remaining vessels, and on the 12th April set sail for the Cape of Good Hope. On the 27th of the same month they fell in with a strange sail and gave chase, and at break of day the following morning they found themselves in close proximity to a hne of battle ship, and she an enemy. The Pea cock got ahead, the Hornet tacked to the westward, and the enemy commenced a chase which continued for a day and a half, and, to get clear of her, the Hornet had to throw overboard much of the store taken from the Penguin and his heavy anchors, together with six of his heavy guns, the ship coming up at times within three-quarters to a mile distant, casting shot all the 374 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of .Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. while, which, fortunately for the H., but three struck her. To throw off his persistent enemy, Capt. Biddle had to continue casting overboard all the spare material on deck. A favorable change of the wind brought the Hornet to the windward, when she began to make space between herself and her too familiar companion, and the next day, at meridian, she was fairly clear of danger. The H. had now but one gun, no cable, anchor or boat, and she made her way to New York, where she arrived June 9th, 1815.''^ — Cooper's Naval Hist. Capt. Biddle gained nearly as much reputation for the steadiness and skill with which he saved his ship on this occasion, as for the fine manner in which he had fought her a few weeks earlier. The vessel that chased the Hor net was the Cornwalhs 74, bearing the flag of an officer to the West Indies. * * * * The battle between the Penguin and the Hornet was the last regular action of the war. — Cooper's Naval History. November 16, 1815, Mr. Boerum was granted a leave of absence, for six months ; was appointed lieutenant, March 5, 1819; ordered to the Nonsuch, June 24, 1817, and to New York for duty March 28, 1818 ; to the navy department, Feb. 4, 1820 ; to the New York station, Oct. 26, 1820, and to the Constitution, March 17, 1821 ; granted leave of absence for six months, Oct. 29, 1824; ordered to the brig Shark, Dec. 8, 1824 ; leave of one month, July 12, 1825; ordered to the Macedonian, April 26, 1826; leave unlimited, Nov. 1, 1828 ; ordered to the Erie, Oct. 7, 1829 ; de tached from command of schooner Shark, July 18, 1833, and leave of three months ; ordered to the Con stitution, July 31, 1835 ; appointed to the command of the schooner Shark in the Mediterranean, by Com. Elhott, Dec. 24, 1835 ; promoted to a commander, Aug. 82 Wilson in his History of Naval Heroes reports the Hornet to have ar rived at New York July 30. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 375 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izraliiah, son of Thomas. 4, 1838 ; detached from the Constitution and three months leave ; ordered to the command of the sloop- of-war Concord, and on the 2d of Nov., 1842, was drowned on the bar at the mouth of Loango river, Portuguese province of Quillemane.^^ It was to the Concord, which had been wrecked off the mouth of the Loango river that Capt. B. was re turning, when his boat was capsized, and he lost his hfe. But few officers of the navy saw more active service than did Commander Boerum, and he died in the faith ful discharge of his duty. Elizabeth Hoppin, b. in Middletown , m. in New York, Nov. 21, 1845, Rev. George B. Cheever, D. D. ; had George Wetmore, b. at Newport, R. I., Aug., 1856 ; d. Aug. 23, 1856. She deserves more at our hands than we have the data to give. She is mild and gentle, modest and un assuming. In her girlhood she was of a strong con- scientioiis and rehgious tum of mind, and preserves these characteristics in her womanhood. Dr. Cheever's biography we could hardly presume to sketch. His bold, fearless preaching and writings, have made him many enemies; he has, however, daguerreotyped living principles upon the hearts and minds of thousands, that will never be effaced either in this world, or in the world to come. For many years he has been the courageous and faithful pastor of the church of the Puritans in the city of New York, which was erected especially for his ministry. George Phillips, b. in Providence, R. I. He was prevented by an impaired vision during his years of study from developing a naturally strong and " For these dates of orders, &c., of the Navy Department, we are indebted to Hon. Secretary Toucey, under date of his favor of the 8th of September; 1860. 49 376 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. brilliant mind. The skill of a London oculist enables him to see to an extent sufficient for all ordinary wants of hfe, and he has acquired a more general knowledge than often falls to the lot of students who are blessed with perfect sight. He possesses an ample fortune, acquired by judicious adventures to the East Indies, and fortunate investments of their net pro ceeds. Frances, b. in Providence, R. I. ; m. in New York, Oct. 25, 1842, John Jacob Taylor ; had I Jacob Bloome, d. 1843 ; II John Jacob, b. in New York ; III Amelia Mott, b. at Saratoga Springs d. April 5, 1855 ; IV Elizabeth Cheever, b. in New York ; Mr. Taylor d. June, 1852 ; m. 2d, Thomas Robinson, son of Hon. William Hunter of Newport, R. I. ; had V William Robinson, b. in Newport; VI Elizabeth Wetmore. Mr. Hunter resides at Newport. He represented in part that city in the General Assembly of Rhode Island in 1852, '53 and '54, and was mayor pro tem of New port in 1853, and member of the board of aldermen in 1854 and 1855. He was for a time attached to the U. S. Legation at the court of the Tuilleries during the Hon. William C. Rives' embassy. His father, the late Hon. William Hunter, was a distinguished citizen of Rhode Island. We quote from Lanman's Dicticm- ary of Congress : William Hunter, born at Newport, Rhode Island, November 23, 1775 ; graduated at Brown University in 1791; went to London and studied medicine, but soon changed to the law, and entered at the Inner Temple in London ; and on his return to Newport, at the age of twenty-one, was ad mitted to the bar. In 1799 he was a representative in the General Assembly of Rhode Island, and reeled^ ed at different periods from that time to the year 1811, when he was chosen a senator in Congress, and held his seat till 1821. His speeches, especially those on the acquisition of Florida, and the Missouri compro mise, won him a high reputation as a sagacious states- Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 377 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. man, and a finished orator. In 1834 he was charg6 to Brazil, an office which was in 1842 raised to a full mission, and he was continued as Minister till 1845, when he retired from public life, and resided at New port until his death, which occurred December 3, 1849. Edward Carrington, b. in Providence, R. I., Oct. 18, 1824; d. unm. in New York, Sept. 13, 1846. Children of Titus, Son of Seth. Seth, b. Nov. 10 (16 ?), 1808 ; d. unm. May 8, 1831. Willard Wright, b. Oct., 18 — ; d. unm. June 1, 1830. Josiah, b. May 13, 1816 ; m. Oct. 29, 1839, Ehzabeth R. Brainerd, b. July 18, 1821 ; had Morris, Henry. Children of Josiah, Son of Seth, Nancy Shepard, b. at Middletown, Oct. 18, 1808 : m. about Dec. 1828, Col. William L. Sowles of Alburg, Vt.; had Henry Shepard, b. Jan. 10, 1830 ; d. aged about 19 months. She died Jan. 18, 1830. Remarkable for her mild and gentle nature, her purity of character endeared her to all with whom she associated. The privations incident to a life in an unsettled country, and fevers to which she was exposed, undermined her constitu tion, and brought her to an early grave. It was she, to whom we alluded in our notice of the circumstances attending the death of Nancy Shepard, daughter of Seth 3d. The similarity of name, character and time of decease of each, at a short distance from each other, being a coincidence of special interest to their relatives and friends. i 378 WETMORE 'MEMORIAL. [Oth Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Nathaniel Downing, b. in Middletown, Dec. 4,, 1810; m. Lydia Ann Hanson Mcintosh ; had Nathaniel Downing, Emily Aman da, Henry Shepard, Lucy Ann, Lydia Amelia. Is an honest, upright man. At thirteen years of age, he had the misfortune to sever his knee pan, and has consequently been more or less a cripple since that time. This circumstance we notice, as it gave occa sion for his mother to show those resolute qualities of which she is possessed. A correspondent in relating the affair, says : " While the lad lay on the bed in the log house where his parents lived, his father, together with other members of the family, were prostrated with typhoid fever, then prevalent in the western reserve. The knee grew worse from day to day, till it assumed a frightful form. The physician in that neighborhood, was coarse and rough. In spite of his daily attention, it was evident that no improvement was taking place, but everything indicated actual approach of mortifica tion. One morning the doctor called about the usual hour, accompanied by two stalwart young men. The mother observed a little more than usual unpacking, as the doctor dismounted from his horse, but she was still unsuspicious what was about to be undertaken ; walking into the house, placing his parcels on the table, the doctor said, " Good morning, Mrs. Wetmore, I haye come to take off that boy's leg, and these young men have come to assist me." The mother knew that the boy's strength was almost gone, and felt that the terrible operation could not be effected and he survive, or if he lived, there came instantly to her mind, the idea of a poor crippled child for a whole life time. The sudden and abrupt manner in which the sug gestion was made, horrified and shocked her feelings ; for a moment she was stupified and could only me chanically give utterance to the exclamation, " Oh! Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 379 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. doctor, L don't knoio about that." " Of course," says the doctor, " you, don't know, and I shall insist upon doing what is justice to my patient, and demanded of me as a practitioner." The bluntness of the doctor aroused the feelings of the mother, and there being no time to lose, she replied with great firmness : " Doctor, I am able to take the responsibility on my shoulders. I do not approve the course you intend to pursue ; it can not be done, unless the boy desires it ;" and lean ing over the lips, which could hardly move to utter the words, she received the reply, " Let me he in the grave, mother, with my limbs on." The young men were much affected, but the doctor was unmoved, and said, " Pooh, pooh. How can the boy know what is for the best ?" " Lt can not be done," said the mother. " Lt shall not," said the young men. The doctor find ing himself overruled, hastily placed the instruments (which he had all the time been arranging) in the case, picked up his saddle-bags, and said "Take charge of matters then, you know better than I do." " What shall I do for that little boy (alluding to one lying sick of fever), and for my husband," asked the mother ? " Oh, yotjj know best," rephed the doctor, and rode away. Messengers were immediately sent to a young physician who had lately come into that part of the country, and when he arrived he declared that the operation would certainly have proved fatal. Youth and nature did more than the young doctor dared to hope for, and he survived. This was a trying position to place a mother in, but as the sequel has shown she was equal to the emerg ency." We will give one more incident to illustrate Mrs. Wetmore's self-possession in the hour of peril, for which we are also indebted to the same correspond ent. 380 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. * * * Many years after the foregoing incident, her husband was taken with severe illness. She had no one around her but her little children. The delirium which en sued was so violent, that constant care was necessary, and the wife had watched, till almost worn out. The doctor found it necessary to bleed his patient. This quieted him, and he lay sleeping calmly. The wife had not removed her clothing for many days, and as her husband appeared so comfoi'table, she thought she would seek some repose her self, l^aturally, she fell asleep. It was 10 o'clock when she retired ; about 1 she awoke, and as her husband was so quiet, she placed her hand on him, but found him cold and motionless. In turning, and insensible of what he was doing, he had rubbed the bandage from the arm, which caused the lance wound to bleed so freely, that the bed became a pool of blood. Examining the wound, she per ceived that all compression was removed, and that the vein had oozed out from the incision. She procured a small knife, and taking the arm, inserted the pouted vein, and firmly bandaging on a small slip of wood, called one of her sons, and sent for the physician. The doctor arriving, could not discover any signs of life ; as all had been done that man could do, he sat silently by awaiting the issue. About noon, which was nearly twelve hours, from the time the patient's situation had been discovered, evidences of circulation were observable, a slight blur on a looking glass had been the only evidences of vitality ; from this moment, he gradually recovered. Mr. Nathaniel D. Wetmore embarked in business early in life, which has caused him to remove sever ally to Canada, Dover, N. H., Rochester, N. H., and Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, where he now resides, at all of which places, he has been esteemed a correct business man, and one who would rather submit -to a wrong himself, than be suspected even of committing a wrong upon another. He was a member of the general assembly of New Hampshire in 1846, 7 and 8, and having had previous pleasant intercourse with the Hon. John P. Hale, he gave point and direction to the movement which re- Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 381 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. suited in the election of Mr. Hale to the United States senate. He has much of that unselfishness of charac ter, for which many of the descendants of Judge Seth, have been remarkable. We regret that we have not space to illustrate this trait of his character, by giving at least one of the many examples that he has furnish ed to his cost. He was U. S. marshal for a census district in New Hampshire in 1850, and was treasurer of the county of Stratford, N. H. Lucy Wright, b. in Middletown, July 13, 1812; m. Dr. Chester W. Rice of Cuyahoga Falls, Nov. 6, 1834 ; had I Sarah Fran ces, b. Aug. 24, 1835, who m. Edwin J. Howard, Aug. 31, 1858 : II William Olney, b. May, 1837 ; III George Wetmore, b. Nov. 7, 1845. Dr. Rice resides at Cuyahoga Falls, where he is a successful practitioner. Moses Willard, b. in Middletown, Jan. 19, 1814 ; m. in Cincin nati, 0., April 3, 1834, Julia, dau. of Norman and Ruth Dexter, of New Haven, Ct. ; had Henry Stanley; m. 2d, Sept. 15, 1836, Mrs. Jane Eliza Heddington of Louisville, Ky., dau. of Maj. Richard Oldham; had Julian Neville, Florence Lorelle, William Calhoun Stewart, Mary Thomas, Oldham Bryson, John Edgerton, Jeannie Elise, Leona Matilda. He commenced his business career at an early age, and has experienced what may be termed an eventful life. The following story of him has been related to us. We give it to show the principle by which he was governed, when he started in hfe ; at the same time furnish a good example to others. He was on one occasion, when a young man, traveling in a stage coach from Charlestown, N. H., to New Haven, Ct.,with one of his brothers. In the same stage was an Irish man, in thread-bare apparel, shriveled up with the cold, which was intense, for it was early in January. The poor fellow sat alone on the seat he occupied. 382 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. shaking, and his teeth chattering as if he had the ague. The two brothers were warmly clad, and had with them a heavy bear skin. Moses asked the man some questions, but the son of Erin could give no saf>- isfactory account of himself, further than to say that it was so cold in that region he was going to meet warm weather. He told him he would freeze before morning in the condition he was, and begged him to come over to the seat which he and his brother were occupying, and share the benefits of the bear skin. This the poor fellow did, and his benefactor saw how nearly perished the man was ; he requested his brother to sit the other side of the coach, and let the man sit between them. Thus the three rode all night. The next moming at breakfast his brother remarked to him, " That (alluding to the Irishman), is a strange man. I would not ask him to sit on the seat again, for I have been thinking that it is very probable he is the Irishman who committed that horri ble murder a day or two since at Clermont, now fleeing from justice ; for his story is strange, and his manner so remarkable." "Brother," says Moses, "never take such measure of a charitable act, the man was in dis tress, and if I had known he was the murderer, I would have warmed him when shivering and suffering as he was, if I had the power to relieve, and I will always do so, be the sufferer who or what he may." _ Mr. Wetmore removed to Tennessee some years since, where he has acquired an independence. He now resides in the city of Nashville. William Hastings, b. in Middletown, June 13, 1816 ; m. March 9, 1849, Mrs. Eleanor, widow of Timothy Keyser of Nashville, Tenn. ; had William Angelo Keyser, Charles Williard Shepard, Sarah Florence Eleanor, and Anna Cora Willard. His older brothers leaving their father's roof, left Wilham Hastings to see to the welfare of the family. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 383 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. and by his industry and labor on the farm during summer, and keeping school in the winter, he was en abled to be of essential service to his parents. He afterwards left home while still a young man, and took up his residence in the state of Tennessee. He now resides in the town of Wetmore, Polk county, where he is the postmaster. The town of Wetmore was first estabhshed by his brother, Moses Willard, and his cousin, William Shepard Wetmore. He, with his cousin, William S., and his brother, Moses W., and others, owned large tracts of nuneral lands in the vicinity of the town. He is a gentleman of punctili ous habits and religious, principles. Mrs. Wetmore's father was Samuel Henry Laughlin, of Western Virginia, whose father removed to Ten nessee when he was quite young. The son acquired a hberal education by his own exertions, and distin guished himself as a lawyer, and a political writer and leader. His wife was a Miss Bass, of Tennessee; his death occurred in Washington, D. C, about 1850, his wife having deceased before him. Josiah Farnsworth, b. in Middletown, May 8, 1818 ; m. June 22, 1841, Sarah Ann, dau. of Griffen Green, Esq., of New York ; had Robert Dean, Mary Denison, Thomas Townsend, Edward Griffen, G«orge Townsend. He was but an infant when- his parents removed from Middletown to Stow, Ohio, where he spent his days of childhood, suffering much sickness and many privations incident to an unsettled country. At seven or eight years of age, his aunt, Mrs. Denison, made him a member of her family, where everything con spired to make life joyous ; he attended to his studies, having the care and assistance of his cousin, Charles Denison. When it became necessary for him to prepare for a business life, he attended a boarding school till the 50 384 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. time fixed for his departure to China, where he was to be under the care and mercantile instruction of his cousin, Wm. Shepard Wetmore. In 1835 he sailed from Providence. On his arrival in Canton, his cousin found him too immature in years to be confined strictly to business ; so, with his cousin's accustomed liberality and large-heartedness, he conceived the idea of sending him to London, there to acquaint himself with the tea trade and business generally. He spent three years in L., profitably as well as pleasantly, and everything indicated a prosperous career ; but misfortune was in store for him. The time arrived for him to return to China, taking New York en route. In bidding adieu to his London friends, he was made the recipient of many marks of their esteem. The excitement attending his leaving England caused him to feel much debilitated ; he expected that the quiet of a sea voyage would fully recruit his health and strength. On board ship he made the acquaintance of an old gentleman, a Quaker, who was intelhgent and affable, and the two soon found themselves close com panions. After a few days out the old man was taken vio lently ill ; the captain being enfeebled in health, and from the want of proper feelhig on the part of certain Boston, Scotch and English passengers on board, the care of the invalid was left wholly to our young friend. Each night the sick man would' not rest without his new-made friend by his side ; so it continued, from day to day, till the termination of a long voyage, and when the vessel arrived at the port of New York the young man was broken down in health and strength, instead of being recruited, as he had anticipated. His friend, Daniel Wheeler, for that was his name, died of dropsy on the chest soon after arriving. Before sailing for the East, Josiah desired to pay a visit to his parents at Cuyahoga Falls. On the way Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 385 Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. he was seized with a cold, which settled into a fever and a disease of the eyes, so that when he arrived at his paternal home he was in a precarious situation, and quite blind. After many months' detention on the Reserve, he returned to New York, where his eyes were treated by a celebrated oculist ; his right eye was lost. During his long confinement and suffering, he had the kindest attention of the lady who subsequently became his wife. The long delay caused by his sickness rendered it impracticable for him to return to Canton. Thus, falhng in with his Quaker friend gave a tum to his whole life. It may be truly said in his, as in all cases, " Man proposes and God disposes." The Christian example of his mother, and his aunts Denison and White, were not lost upon him, which was, not to distrust Providence; this simple trust enabled him not only then but has constantly since, to bear up under all his disappointments in life. He was inspector of the customs for the port of New York during Presidents Taylor and Fillmore's administrations. He resides in Brooklyn — doing busi ness in Wall street, N. Y. Samuel Farwell, b. at Stow, 0., May 3, 1820; m. Lydia Leonard Wadleigh, Sept. 18, 1845; had Willie Courtney, Harriet Wil lard, Mary Frances Molineuz, Ralph. In his early youth he formed a partiality for print ing and pubhshing, which he chose for his business, on arriving at a proper age ; he became the editor and publisher of the Manchester {N. H.) American, etc. He was the deputy secretary of state of New Hamp shire for 1847. Robert Courtney, b. at Stow, 0., Nov. 30, 1822. He died unmarried at Cuyahoga Falls, Aug. 2, 1853. He was amiable, benevolent and kind m his disposi- 386 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. tion ; was a printer by profession, and for a time pub hshed a newspaper at Concord, N. H. He was a ready and forcible writer, indulging at times in wit and satire. A writer in a Cleveland paper, noticing his death, says: Though strictly a moral man, he had not till his last sickness, so realized his need of something higher and more enduring than morality, as to seek with earnestness and perseverance an interest in a crucified Saviour. But God in his mercy visited him with that slow, though sure disease, consumption, and thus gave him time to review the past, and prepare for the future. And he gave us cause to hope that it was well employed. He felt that he could but look back with shame to the past because of a neglected Saviour, and that salvation so needful to all. After much earnest wrestling with God in prayer, the prospect for the future brightened, and he was finally en abled to appropriate, "by faith," the promises of God to his soul. The patience with which he was able to endure his closing and protracted sufferings, and to wait God's time and will, was a strong evidence of, and a witness for the power and triumph of faith. And yet he realized the folly of delaying to prepare for death to the eleventh hour. May we all take warning and " watdi." H. George Henry, b. at St. Albans, Vt., Jan. 5, 1825. He resides at Polo, Ogle county, Hhnois. He, like most of his family, has great kindness of heart and amiability. A fund of wit and anecdote, together with benevolence and good feeling, conspires to make him, as he is, popular among his friends and acquaint ances. Children of Rev. Oliver, Son of Deacon Oliver. Edmund Arnold, b. in Middletown, Ct., Aug. 6, 1798; "baptized Lord's day, March 6, 1803, by the Rev. Nathan Strong, D. D. ; " m. in Utica, N. Y., June 3, 1829, Mary Ann, dau. of Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 387 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. John Hosmer and Jerusha (Kirkland) Lothrop, b. in Utica, Oct. 16, 1806 ; had Mary Buckminister, Cornelia Lothrop and Edmund. He resides in the city of Utica ; graduated at Ha milton College in 1817 ; studied the profession of law, in the office of Messrs. Gold & Sill, Whitestown, N. Y. He commenced the practice of his profession in Utica, in connection with the late Hon. Morris Miller. For the following notice of Mr. Wetmore, we are indebted to an eminent member of the Oneida county (N. Y.) bar. He practised law many years successfully as a partner of the present judge, Hiram Denio, but after the latter entered judicial life, he gradually withdrew from the active part of his profession, being engaged in somewhat extens ive land agencies.^ Some years since he was elected treasurer of the E'ew York State Lunatic Asylum, a position of great responsi bility, and requiring a large devotion of time and labor to fulfill its duties, which he discharges with marked fidehty. His fellow citizens have not been unmindful of his merits as a public servant ; he was twice elected alder man of the city ; and in 1845, was chosen by the people mayor, and re-elected with great unanimity the following year. Soon after the organization of tbe pubhc school system, he was elected one of the six school commissioners, who have charge of that great interest. In this cause his labors have been abundant, and are so well appreciated by the pubhc, that he has been constantly re-elected, and we should as soon think of taking out the main column of an edifice by which it is in good part supported, as permitting him to retire from his honorable, although onerous post. He was also one of the commissioners for building the Oity Hall, a large edifice, which is an ornament to the city. For many years he has been a trustee of Hamilton Col- ^ He was agent for the Holland Land Company ; also late Stephen B. Munn, of New York, and others. 388 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. lege, and performed, in connection with that institution, a great amount of most valuable, though unrequited serv ice. These are a few of his public duties and labors. Of his private hfe, it is only necessary to say, that he is a model husband, father, neighbor and Mend ; and if the phrase be true, " An honest man is the noblest work of God," then it is true, that he stands fairly and squarely upon that platform. In Mr. Wetmore's social and private relations of life, has his nobleness of character been the better refiected. To his aged and infirm father, he was the chief stay for more than twenty years, and no parent could have been more tender or considerate of the wants of a child, than was he of his father's, and his father in return gave him all the affection and confidence which he was possessed of. To his step-mother and half-brothers and sister, he has been alike considerate. They who survive, owe him for his aid and good counsel much more than they have, or will ever be able to return. He has been warmly seconded in his deeds of kind ness and benevolence by the partner of his joys and his sorrows. His wife is the fourth child, and second daughter of John H. and Jerusha (Kirkland) Lothrop. She has largely inherited the virtues and accomphsh- ments of her ancestry, and she has cultivated her inheritance with a diligent assiduity. During her minority she enjoyed the benefits of education and society at the town of Cambridge, the seat of Harvard University; her uncle, John Thornton Kirkland, D. D., LL. D., being at that time president of that institution, gave her an unusual opportunity to acquire useful knowledge and accomplishments pertaining to a highly cultivated and refined society, which advantages were" not lost upon her. In society, she has ever been a valued member and an ornament ; by her fireside have her virtues been the most conspicuous ; there that Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 389 Descendants of Judge Seth, sou of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. which graces a family circle have always been found. Her father, the late John Hosmer Lothrop, was bom at New Haven, May 20, 1769. He graduated at Yale College, 1787. He was a classmate of the Rev. Azel Backus, D. D., first president of Hamilton College, and of the Rev. Dr. Chester, of Albany, and was an inti mate and warm friend of both during their lives. Mr. Lothrop studied law in New Haven and Hartford, and was admitted to practice in the courts of Connecticut. He removed to the state of Georgia, where he was successful in acquiring property. He married Feb. 1, 1797, Jerusha, daughter of the Rev. Samuel Kirkland.^^ After his marriage he removed to Oneida county, N. Y., where he purchased a valuable estate, and a very pleasant residence in the village of Oriskany, where he resided for a short period. In consequence of em barrassments caused by heavy endorsements for a friend, he sold his property and removed to Utica. He was one of the leaders of the old federal jtarty in that part of the state of New York, and was for some time the editor of the Utica Patriot, during the turbu lent period of the embargo and non-intercourse acts preceding the war of 1812. He subsequently removed to New Hartford, N. Y., where he was the law partner of Gen. Joseph Kirk land (now deceased). In 1816, he returned to Utica having been appointed cashier of the Ontario Branch Bank, which office he held until a short time before his death, in the summer of 1829. He was a member of the first board of trustees of Hamilton College, and was active and influential in founding and establishing that institution. He was distinguished as a classical and belles lettres scholar, and was during his whole life a diligent and extensive reader, and his mind was stored with such 35 For a biographical notice of Mr. Kirkland, see Appendix. 390 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. knowledge as made his conversation exceedingly agreeable and instructive. He possessed striking personal accomplishments, and was always the charm of the social circle. He was generous and hospitable, his dwelling was the resort of the educated and the refined. He was a man of un sullied purity and integrity of character, and his re moval by death was an irreparable loss to the com munity in which he had so long resided. His wife and six children survived him. Mrs. Lothrop is sixth in descent from Miles Standish.^" She enjoyed preyious to her marriage, the privileges of the seminaries and society of Boston, and her accomplishments made her a befitting companion for her intelligent husband. She has ever evinced that true love and charity to those who have come under her notice, which so dis tinguished her father during his life, and in rearing her family she has striven successfully to impart to them like virtues. In the early settlement of Oneida county, she was a lady whose society was much court ed, and she has lived to see the maturity of seats of learning, churches, and their attendant blessings which her lamented father spent the best of his life and his money, and endured the privations and hardships of a pioneer, to establish. Edward Perkins, b, in Hartford, Ct., Sept. 20, 1808 ; "bap. Lord's day, Nov. 13, 1808 ; " m. in Cincinnati, 0., March, 1851, Mrs. Harriet Frances (Norton) Dockstader of Cleveland 0., s. p. He resides near Cheviot, Hamilton county, 0., has been engaged, till of late years, in the business of bookseUing and binding in the cities of Cleveland and Cincinnati, and has been esteemed as highly honora ble and liberal in all his dealings. His generosity and kindness of heart knows no bounds ; his attachments ^ For biography of Capt. Standish, see Appendix. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 391 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. for kindred and fri(3nds are of the strongest nature ; his hospitality and benevolence he limits only by his means.James Carnahan, b. in Whitestown, Oneida co., N. Y., May 1, 1813; bapt. July 9, 1813, by the Rev. John Frost; m. by the Rev. E. Channing Moore, rector of St. John's Church, May 29, 1851, Catharine Mary De Hart, dau. of the Hon. William and Mary (Barber) Chetwood of Elizabethtown, N. J., b. in Eliza bethtown, Jan. 16, 1822 ; had John Chetwood. He was named after the late Pres. Carnahan of Prince ton College. Owing to the want of means, his father was unable to give him much more than a common school education. The district school of his native town, and two or three terms spent at an academy in the town of Remsen, Oneida co., N. Y., and at a high school in Utica, kept by Mr. Chas. Bartlett, was all the opportunity afforded him when a youth, to acquire an education. So that whatever knowledge he may pos sess, has been obtained since, by reading and observa tion. At fifteen years of age, he was placed by his father and oldest brother, in a store in Utica, kept by Mr. B. B. Lansing^ now deceased, where he spent two years. The restraints and discipline of a younger clerk, did not well suit his nature, but as he had no other altemative, he had to submit. His employer, at the end of two years, failing in business, he had to seek another situation, which he soon obtained. Having acquired some experience in " cutting goods," he was elevated from " a boy in the store," to a junior clerkship, which reheved him " carrying bundles," " sweeping out store," and " sweeping the street in front." This favorable change reconciled him some what to the fate of a dry goods clerk. At the end of two years, his then employer suspended business, when he was once more afloat. This rendered him heartily sick and disgusted with the retail dry goods trade, and he mustered up the resolution of trying his 61 392 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. fortune in the great city of Gotham. After providing himself with sundry letters introductory, he left his native county, and proceeded to the city for the pur pose of finding employment in some wholesale or im porting dry goods establishment. On his arrival in New York, he found business almost wholly suspend ed, in consequence of the cholera, which was then raging (Aug., 1832). With a palpitating heart and trembling hand, he presented his letters of introduc tion ; by some of those to whom he had letters, he was treated courteously, by others quite the reverse. The different interviews that he had with the " mer chant princes," left anything but a favorable impression on his mind, as it respected their good breeding or in telhgence.^' After some days awaiting replies to his applications for employment, fortune favored him, and he was offered a situation by a Mr. Zachariah Griswold, a worthy man, now deceased, who was a jobber of cof> ton goods in Maiden lane, near Pearl street, and into whose family he was taken, and where he was treated with great kindness and consideration, by his employer's wife (now no m'ore), a lady of great goodness of heart and general benevolence. At the end of two years, his employer meeting with one of those " reverses " to which business men in the Metro polis are so accustomed, he was again without em ployment. This compelled the young man to renew his not very agreeable acquaintanceship with his "friends" to whom he had previously brought letters, and his second intercourse with them rather confirmed him in his first impressions of them. It was not long before he obtained a place in a jobbing house in Pearl street, near Hanover square. Here he " The reader will bear in mind that the time narrated, was thirty years ago, before rail roads, electric telegraphs, ocean steamships; and before the time that quarterlies and monthlies, could be purchased at the corners of the streets, and newspapers deUvered at one's door, at two cents a copy. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 393 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiali, son of Thomas. remained for about two years, when he removed to the state of Mississippi. The chief cause of -this step was, he had on a visit to Utica met with a severe injury from being thrown from a buggy while the horse which was attached was running away. The injury compelled him to keep his bed and room some six or eight weeks. On his getting out, he found himself much debilitated, and winter approaching, he con ceived it would be well to seek a more genial clime. This, together with being offered a larger salary than he was receiving, induced him to leave New York, which he did in October, 1835. On his arrival in Mississippi, he took charge of the business of his em ployer. The following year he was offered an equal partnership in the house in which he was engaged. Being promised the use of all needful capital, he re turned to New York, where he purchased goods to some considerable extent. At this time (1836), everything in the way of busi ness and property throughout the country, especially at the South, was greatly inflated. In the fall of that year. Gen. Jackson, who was then President, issued his famous specie circular. This caused the banks to curtail their discounts, which was followed in the winter ensuing by a panic and a crash, the like of which had never been seen before or since in this country. The cotton states became almost wholly bankrupt ; real and personal property commanding but nominal prices. Of the $20,000 that Mr. W.'s firm entrusted out the year preceding, they collected but about $2,000 when due. Mr. W.'s partner becoming embarrassed, he withdrew his capital ; property that was received from debtors by the firm, either depre ciated in value, or the titles were found worthless. The result was an utter failure. The general bank rupt, law reheved Mr. W., after which he set about mending his fortunes. By some years of laborious 394 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. efforts, he was enabled to make and collect together some $10,000 or $12,000, which he devoted to paying obligations that he had been previously relieved from by the bankrupt law. Tiring of a hfe in Mississippi, he removed to New Orleans. Before leaving this part of the narrative, it may be well to say that during his residence in Mississippi, he received from its citizens marks of respect and con fidence. While there he endeavored to act the part of a useful and upright citizen. The river on which he was living- — the Tchula, a branch of the Yazoo — requiring a short canal to connect it with the Upper Yazoo, also the removal of driftwood, fallen timber, etc. from the bottom and the banks of the river, to make the stream navigable, he with the aid of some of his enterprising neighbors, obtained the passage of a law, requiring the planters living within a certain distance of the river, to furnish their hands during the summer months, to work on the river instead of the roads. After the authority was obtained, it re quired some one to take the matter in hand and carry the work on. No one could be found to risk his life in the bed of that pestilent stream in the summer, and the undertaking was about to fall through, when Mr. Wetmore volunteered to take upon himself the overseeing and directing the negroes in cutting the timber and brush on the banks and the bottom of the then dry stream, so that when the water rose the obstruction would float out. After a long and tedious summer's labor, the work was accomplished, from one end of the river to the other, distance 60 miles, and the following winter, the planters had the satis faction of gettmg their cotton to the New Orleans niarket, at $1 per bale freight, where they had pre viously been paying $3 per bale; up freights were pro portionably lower. Where steamers of a small class, were heretofore • only able to run during day-hght. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 395 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. steamers of a large class were able to run night or day. The cutting of the canal at- the head of the river, enabled boats bound to the Upper Yazoo, to take the Tchula river enroute. For this, Mr. Wetmore was voted by his fellow citizens a piece of plate, with a suitable inscription engraved thereon, as a token of their obligations to him, for the services he had ren dered the community. His exposure in the bed of the river, as was expected, brought its fruit, in the way of an attack of bilious fever. By the aid of kind friends, and the care of an attentive and skillful phy sician in the person of Dr. James Maynard, formerly of Baltimore, Md., he recovered after a few weeks' confinement. In New Orleans, he obtained agencies from New York houses, for the purchase of sugar and molasses. The war of Mexico occurring, one of the houses who had given but a verbal order, withdrew their order for cistern bottom sugars, giving as an excuse, that they had fears that the privateers would take the vessels and cargoes in transitu. The real truth was, sugars had fallen in market. The sugars which had been engaged on plantations, were received by Mr. W., and resold by him at a loss of some thousands of dollars. Soon after the opening of the war with Mexico, he joined a party who had been long a resid ent of that country, in the shipment of goods • suited to the market, and opened mercantile establishments, as the American army advanced, at the several towns of Camargo, Monterey and Saltillo. On the advance of Gen. Santa Ana upon Gen. Taylor, Mr. W. placed his goods in the charge of United States officers, and volunteered his services for active duty, and at the baf>- tle of Buena Vista, acted as a volunteer aid to Capt. Rodgers of Col. Jefferson Davis's regiment of Mississippi Rifles, who was senior officer commanding detachment for the purpose of watching the enemy's cavalry, about 396 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas'. 2500 strong, under Gen. Minon, who entered the val ley of Buena Vis-ta, by a narrow pass in the rear of Gen. Taylor's forces. This cavalry force made several attempts to drive Capt. Rodgers's command from their position ; not succeeding, they retired in the direction Agua Frio, a pass in the Sierra Madre, some twelve miles to the east of Saltillo. Mr. W., accompanied by two young men, followed the enemy in order to discover their intentions. The enemy at about 4 p. m., halted and went into camp at an English factory, distance some ten miles in rear of Buena Vista. In hastening back, the little party were fired upon from ranches they had to pass, they however escaped un touched. Mr. W. lost no time in communicating®^ the intelligence of the whereabouts of Gen. Minon, to headquarters on the field. The dispatch was received by Gen. Wool, who subsequently remarked to Col. Davis, that the officer who communicated such im portant information, deserved to be breveted.®' Soon after the close of the war, Mr. W. made an expedition to San Luis Potosi, passing with his cara van through pass Agua Nueva, from thence through the desert of one hundred and fifty miles, running south to real de Catorce mountain, the same desert through which Santa Ana passed, on his march from the city of Mexico to attack Gen. Taylor, and where so many of his troops perished from want of water and proper food. The tholera broke out in Mr. W.'s company, and proved fatal to a number of his men. He had fortunately furnished himself with a medicine chest, the contents of which he found of great service in staying the epidemic. Santa Ana in his retreat had left many of his men on the road, ** Mr. Wetmore wrote his dispatch in pencil, and signed it by consent, "Capt. Eodgers commanding." 5' Mr. W. subsequently met Capt. Rodgers in Washington, who informed Mr. W. that he was "after that brevet of Gen. Wool's." Capt. R. was rewarded with the office of U. S. Consul at Vera Cruz. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 397 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. who turned their attention to robbery and pillage, which together with the Apache Indians that were overrunning the country, made it very unsafe to tra velers. Mr. W., by drawing up his wagons and stacking los cargoes (bales of goods suited for mule transporta tion) at night, in a manner to afford breastworks, and by keeping a constant guard by night, and a watch while under way by day, reached his place of destina tion in safety. On his arrival at San Luis, he found that he was the first American to bring goods by that route to that city. The usual course of transit from, the coast to that mountainous region, was by the way of Tampico. After some few months' tarry in San Luis, Mr. W. sold out his goods, receiving his pay in Mexican dollars fresh from the mint, returning to the Rio Grande by the same route he had come ; after which he returned to New York, continuing his consignments to Mexico for some considerable time. After the withdrawing of the American army from Mexico, the country became much disturbed, and con sequently the trade very hazardous, and it was not without its losses to him ; whereupon he gave up ship ments to the Gulf and opened an office in Wall street, encountering the usual vicissitudes incident to that street. In 1847 he removed to Ohio, where he noAt resides. Whatever virtues Mr. W. may be possessed of, if worth naming at all, he prefers that they be re corded in some other connection than the present. Mrs. Wetmore is the twelfth and youngest child of Major William and Mary (Barber) Chetwood. Her life previous to marriage was spent in her native town, where she enjoyed those advantages of educa tion and society for which that old borough has been so long celebrated. The influences by which she was surrounded, were of the most pleasing and improving nature, and these circumstances were not without their beneficial effect upon her mind and character. She 398 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. became, early in life, a communicant of the church (St. John's Episcopal) in which she had been made, by baptism, a member in her infancy. To this church she has ever since given her heart's best affection and devotion. Its doors have seldom if ever opened for service, when she was in the town and able to leave her dwelling, without her being found within its port als. In its prosperity or its adversity, she has always been constant in her attachment to it ; though she is now deprived, for portions of the year, from its minis trations, it nevertheless has her prayers and her offer ings. In her life she governs herself by a strict sense of religious duty. Truth, at whatever cost, is strictly adhered to by her. Her attachments for kindred, home and country, are of the strongest nature. To her the author is greatly indebted for assistance in compiling the various records and biographies forming this volume. Major William Chetwood, father of Mrs. Wetmore, was born in Elizabethtowii, N. J., Monday, June 17, 1771; christened in St. John's Church, by the Rev. Thomas Bradbury Chandler, July 21, 1771 ; he gra duated at Princeton College, 1792; commenced the study of law with his father. Judge John Chetwood ; which studies were soon after interrupted by a dis turbance in the country, growing out of a rebellion in Western Pennsylvania, wliich became historical as the " Whiskey rebellion." Having much of that patriotic enthusiasm for which the citizens of New Jersey have ever been conspicuous, he enhsted as a volunteer in the force called out by the Governor of that state, in response to a requisition from the President of the United States — Gen. Washington — to go, in connec tion with troops from other states, to put down, by force of arms, those who had revolted against the con stituted authorities of the land. He was appointed on the staff of Maj. Gen. Lee. The army consisted of Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL, 399 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. about 15,000 men, composed of volunteers from Penn sylvania, New Jersey, Virginia, and Maryland. Gov. Lee of Virginia commanding, assisted by Gov. Mifflin of Pennsylvania, Gov. Howell of New Jersey, Gen. Daniel Morgan, and Adj. Gen. Hand. The army arrived in Pittsburg in November, 1794. The forces being too strong for the rebels, they dispersed, not however, till many were arrested and held to answer.*" After the troops were disbanded. Major Chetwood returned to the law, and was admitted to the bar in 1798, commencing at once the practice of his profes sion, to which he was ardently attached. He gene rally avoided a public life, preferring the interests and pleasures that his profession and his own fireside afforded him, to the blandishments of office and emolu ments. He was chosen by his fellow citizens as mayor of the town, representative to the General Assembly, and to represent them in Congress during the admi nistration of President Jackson, &c. Lanman, in his Dictionary of Congress, in speaking of him says, that he " was an able lawyer, practicing his profession till his seventieth year." His cotemporaries at the New Jersey bar were the late Judge John McLean of the U. S. Supreme Bench, ex-Chief Justices Hornblower and Green, Hon. Theodore Frelinghuysen, &c., &c. He was married March 24th, 1801, by the Rev. Dr. Kollock, to Mary, daughter of Col. Francis Barber and Nancy his wife, daughter of Moses and Nancy Ogden. He always experienced a lively interest in all that concemed the welfare of his country, state, and native town, and was conservative in all his views of public policy. Though confined for some years almost entire- *" For information respecting the Whiskey Rebellion, see American State Papers, vol. xx ; Miscellaneous, vol. i, pp. 83, 113 ; Hugh, Breckenridge' s Incidents of the Western Insurrection ; William Findlay' s His. of ihe Insur rection; Memoirs of Judge Breckenridge; So. Lit. Messenger, Jan., 1842, and American Pioneer, 1842. 52 400 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. ly to the house by physical weakness, he retained his mental faculties until the time of his death, which oc curred Dec. 17, 1857, in the 87th year of his age. The Newark Daily Advertiser in noticing his demise, said : The funeral of Major Chetwood was attended by a large concourse of citizens, in St. John's church. The Rev. Samuel A. Clark, rector of the church officiated on the occasion. H-aving read 1 Cor. xv., he made the sublime topics there discussed, the theme of his address. In the course of his remarks, he stated tbat the deceased was baptized in that church before the Declaration of Inde pendence, by the missionary from the mother country, sent by the Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts. The members of the bar in attendance at the County Court were present, as also several distinguished citizens of Newark, and other neighboring cities. Among tbe pall bearers were noticed the Hon. Theodore Freling huysen, Ex-Chief Justice Hornblower, Chan eellor William son, arid others. The remains were deposited in the Ever Green Cemetery. A member of the bar pronouncing his eulogy a few days since before tbe court, stated that several years ago, when party strife ran high, two prominent men were candidates for speaker of the legislative council of the state. So equally divided were the council, that neither could be elected. Both parties united however, on Major Chetwood who presided, notwithstanding the bitterness of party feeling, with great abihty, and entire acceptance to ah parties. His urbanity of manner and unblemished charac ter have ever secured for him universal confidence and re spect. It is said when Gen. Lafayette visited Ehzabeth, Major Cs twelve chhdren, whose grandfather on the mother's side. Col. Barber, had served under Gen. Lafay ette, were taken and introduced to the distinguished guest. The vestry of St. John's church, to which he had been devoted during his long life, and of which he was the senior warden at the time, and for many years prior to his death, passed befitting resolves. Major Chetwood's father, John Chetwood, a distin guished lawyer of New Jersey, in colonial times and Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 401 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. the early days of the republic, was judge of one of the higher courts of that state for a number of years ; he was married by the Rev. T. B. Chandler, June 3, 1759 (Whitsunday), to Mary, dau. of John and Mary Emott ; had I John, who became a successful medical practitioner and highly respected and honored citizen of Ehzabethtown; he died 1832, from an attack of cholera, brought on by unceasing labors in his profes sion ; he acted as surgeon to the New Jersey troops in their expedition to quell the rebelhon in western Pennsylvania, 1794; II William, already noticed ; III Elizabeth, who became the wife of Col. Aaron Ogden of the Revolutionary army, governor of New Jersey, United States senator, 1801 and 1803, and president of the Cincinnati society ; IV Philip. Judge Chetwood descended from a family of honorable note in England, Sir John being the head. Mrs. Mary Emott Chef^ wood was of a family of high repute in New Jersey. Mrs. Mary (Barber) Chetwood, the relict of Major Chetwood, was bom in Elizabethtown, Nov. 1, 1780, where she has ever since continued to reside, and now occupies the old homestead, where her entire married life has been spent, and around which so many fond memories cluster, and where her children love to as semble on every Christmas festival, bringing with them their children's children, representatives of the fourth generation. Her father dying in her infancy, she shared the domestic duties, and cheered the retire ment of her mother. Elizabethtown having the advantages of a seminary and schools of learning, which were not then very numerous, drew to that point, families of wealth and influence. They constituted a society that was re markable for its refinement and high cultivation. It was in that circle she matured into womanhood. Her father having been an officer in the Continental army, and an aid to Gen. Washington, made the home of her 402 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. mother a very general resort of the surviving officers and j)atriots of the Revolution, and her recollection of them has ever inspired her with love and reverence for " the revolutionary fathers," and the school in which she was reared, has made her keenly appreciate an exalted patriotism. She is a devoted member of the Episcopal church, and her unostentatious piety is exhibited in acts of secret benevolence, as weU as more demonstrative associations with charitable insti tutions of the town, in which she has long taken a pro minent and active part. What has been said of another of her sex, a lady of the Revolution, long since passed away, may with truth be said of her. " She possesses a fine, cultivated and delicate mind ; a temper gentle and sweet ; a spirit composed in difficulty, and patient in suffering, hum ble in prosperity, cheerful in adversity ; a demeanor chastened and regulated by clear perceptions of duty and a high sense of propriety. As a child, exemplary for fihal reverence ; as a wife for conjugal tenderness ; as a mother for parental affection. Forgetful of her self, and studious of the happiness of others." May her life long be spared to animate by her presence and improve by her counsel, her numerous family. We take the following biographical sketch of her father from the National Portrait Gallery : Col. Francis Barber Was the son of Patrick Barber, Esq., who was born in the county of Longford in Ireland, at a place called the Scotch Quarters. His maternal ancestors were Scots, of the name of Frazer, some years before his immigration to America, in 1749 or 1750. After a short residence in E"ew York he removed to the then small village of Princeton, in ISTew Jersey, where the subject of this memoir was born, in the year 1751. After Francis had entered the cohege, or classical school attached to it, his father removed to Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 403 Descendants of Judge Seth, sou of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. the county of Orange, in the state of Few York. He received appointments to civil ofiices under colonial and state governments of New York, and his ashes now repose in the family cemetery in Orange county, beside the untime ly grave of his gallant and lamented son. After Francis Barber had finished his education at Princeton, he took charge of the academy at Ehzabeth town, New Jersey ; and the classical department under his charge was soon distinguished. He was charged with the instruction of several young men, who in after life rose to the highest eminence. Among others Alexander Hamilton was placed at this school by Governor Livingston, himself a ripe scholar, whose preference for this school is the best evidence of his confidence in the teacher. Upon the break ing out of the revolutionary war, Francis Barber, with his two younger brothers, John and Wilham, were officers in the New Jersey line. Francis received a commission from congress, bearing date the 9th of February, 1776, as major of the third battahon of the New Jersey troops. On the 8th of November of the same year he was appointed, by the legislature of New Jersey, lieutenant-colonel of the third Jersey regiment, and was commissioned by con gress on tlie 1st of January, 1777. Not long after the office of inspector-general of the army was conferred upon Baron Steuben, and Colonel Francis Barber received that of assistant inspector-general. In a letter addressed to him by the baron at the time, he says : " I. make no doubt but with a gentleman of your zeal and capacity, the troops, under your inspection will make great progress in the military discipline, and the good order prescribed in the regulations." Colonel Barber was in constant service during the whole war. Although a strict, nay a rigid disciphnarian, always scrupulously performing his own duty, and requiring it from ah under his command, yet so bland were his manners, and his whole conduct so tempered with justice, and strict propriety, that he was the favorite of all the officers and men, and possessed the friendship and confidence, not only of the general officers, but of the commander-in-chief. He served with his regiment in the northern army under Gen. Schuyler. He marched with the army from Ticonderoga to join General Washington previous to the battle of Trenton. 404 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Colonel Barber was in that battle and also in that of Prince ton, which so soon followed it. He was engaged in the battles of Brandywine, Germantown and Monmouth, and in the latter was severely wounded. Even when unable to remain in the field, his active spirit was employed in devis ing means of usefulness, as it is shown by the following letter from the commander-in-chief, dated July 9th, 1778 : Dear Sir — I was favored this afternoon with your letter of the 8th inst.; while you are at Elizabethtown, I wish you to obtain the best intelhgence you can from time to time of the enemy's situation, and of any movement they may seem to have in view. For this purpose you will em ploy the persons you mention, or such others as you may judge necessary. Whatever expenses you are at upon this occasion, will be repaid at the earhest notice. I am ex tremely happy to hear your wound is in so favorable way. 1 hope it wih be better every day. Though I wish for your services, I would not bave you to rejoin the army be fore your condition will admit of it with the most perfect safety. I am dear sir Your most obedient servant, George Washingtox. On the 14th of the same month (July) the commander- in-chief acknowledged the receipt of another letter of Colonel Barber's of the 13th inst., expresses his obligation for the intelligence it contains, begs him to continue his endeavors to procure every information he can concerning the enemy, and closes with his best wishes for his recovery, and with much regard, &c. In 1779 Colonel Barber served as adjutant general with General Sullivan in his memorable expedition against the Indians, and was slight ly wounded at the battle of Newtown ; at the close of the campaign he received from the general a highly compli mentary testimonial of his conduct in that department of the army. During the expedition Colonel Barber kept his wife constantly informed, not only of his per sonal safety, but of the movements, progress and suc cess of the army, and the letters preserved of that corre spondence furnish probably, as particular and detailed an account of the expedition as is anywhere to be found. On the 8th of January, 1780, Washington entrusted to him Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 405 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. the important and highly delicate duty of enforcing in the county of Gloucester, in west Jersey, the necessary requisi tion made throughout the state for grain and cattle, to reheve the distresses of the army. The Jersey brigade was again conspicuous at the battle of Springfield, where Colonel Barber was actively engaged. In this battle fell that high-minded, and gallant youth, Lieutenant Moses Ogden, the brother-in-law of Colonel Barber. When the meeting first of the Pennsylvania, and afterwards of tbe Jersey hne, threatened the dissolution of the army Colonel Barber received fi-om the commander-in- chief the following in tbe hand writing of Geu. Hamilton : New Windsor, January 21st, 1781. Dear Sir — With no less pain than you communicated it I receive the information contained in your letter of yes terday. This affair if possible, must be brought to an issue, favorable subordination, or the army is ruined. I shall therefore immediately naarch a detachment to quell the mutineers, Colonel Frelinghuysen will impart to you what I have written to him. In addition to that, I am to desire you will endeavor to collect all those of your regi ments who have had virtue enough to resist the pernicious example of their associates. If the revolt has not become general, and if you have force enough to do it, I wish you to compel the mutineers to unconditional submission. The more decidedly your able to act the better. Your most obedient servant, George Washington. The mutineers had threatened tO shoot any officer who should attempt to restrain, or in any way molest them. Notwithstanding this threat, it was supposed by many of the officers, that the Jersey troops entertained so high a regard for Colonel Barber, and his influence over them was such, that he might safely appeal to their patriotism, and honor as soldiers, and in this way lead them to submis sion. The popularity of the officer had an influence in restraining many, and the decisive measures of Washing ton, together with the partial rehef afforded by a timely supply of money, soon restored the Jersey hne to order. In August, 1781, he accompanied the Jersey line, on their march to Virginia, and was at the investment and cap- 406 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. ture of the British at Yorktown. During the march of the army Colonel Barber, as before, kept his wife informed by letters of the daily movements of the American and British armies, so far as the latter could be ascertained. One of these letters so correctly foretold the glorious termina tion of the contest, as to seem almost in a spirit of pro phecy, it proves at least the accuracy of his judgment; speaking of the enemy, he says : " Sometimes their movements indicate the design of embarking from some southern port, probably to return to New York ; others of proceeding to Yorktown. If they pursue the flrst alternative, the struggle may yet be pro tracted for some time, if the latter, I think it will be brought to a speedy and glorious tennination." The latter was adopted, and the auspicious result soon followed; peace was concluded, and the independence of the country was conflrmed. The day on which the commander-in-chief intended to communicate these joyful tidings to his army, was the day on which this high-minded soldier was summoned from this to witness the more glorious realities of another world, on that day many of the officers, and such of theh wives as were in camp, were invited to dine with the commander- in-chief at New Windsor,*^ and among the rest Col. Bar ber and his wife. He was acting at the time, as officer of the day in place of a friend.- While on duty and passing by the edge of a wood, where some soldiers were cutting down a tree, it fell on him, and both the rider and the horse were instantly crushed to death. He had received an intimation that the commander-in-chief inten ded to com municate to the officers, at the table, the intelhgence of peace, before it appeared in general orders. His afflicted and disconsolate widow received letters of condolence fi-om many of the officers upon this mournful event. It was in truth a cloud that not only shrouded her mansion in mourn ing, but appeared to eclipse forever the brightness of her future prospects. To the honor of his native state its legislature allowed to her during life the half pay of a colonel. The death, the untimely death of this gallant officer was not only lamented by all his companions in arms, but long after *i Orange county, N. Y. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 407 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. sorrow Avas soothed by the lapse of time, many a war-worn soldier has halted at the mansion of his widow, to recount his virtues, and consecrate his memory with a tear. W. C. Abigail Sarah, b. in Utica, N. Y., Jan. 8, 1816 ; bap. Aug. 18, 1816, by the Rav. Henry Dwight, D. D. She died at Utica, May 16, 1856. Miss Wetmore united herself early in life with the First Presbyterian Church of her native place, and ever hved a consistent professor of religion. Her love and sincere benevolence. of heart, endeared her to all those who chanced to come within her sphere. She suffered for many years previous to her death from a disease of the heart, which finally terminated her ex istence. She bore patiently and meekly the trials put upon her by a merciful Providence, and when her last sickness (which was about two weeks duration), came upon her, she seemed to rejoice in the thought that her pilgrimage upon earth was so soon to termin ate, and that she was to exchange sorroivs here for joys in Heaven, and there to dwell with her Redeemer, as well as to meet those " whom she had loved and lost." Her only regret was expressed at parting with her aged mother, who had been wont to receive from her those tender attentions, which only a daughter can render to a parent ; but through faith she had assur ances that God would care for and protect her, and in due time would gather her too, to those " blessed man sions not made with hands," to which she was going a httle in advance. Her death was calm and happy. To those near and dear to her that stood about her bed, after sending messages of love to absent ones, she said (just before expiring), with a smile, "we shall all soon be together, I trust, in Heaven, with father." Her remains were deposited beside those of her father in Ever-Green Cemetery, at Utica. 53 408 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Children of Elisha, Son of Deacon Oliver. Samuel Brewster, b. at Staddle Hill, near M., Jan. 19, 1811 ; m. Eliza Bridgham, April 25, 1833 ; had Elisha Brewster, Caroline Tudor. Resides at the place of his nativity. Elisha Brewster, b. at Staddle Hill, Jan. 23, 1815 ; d. Nov. 7, 1829. Children of Timothy, Son of Deacon Oliver. Oliver, b. Middletown, March 19, 1814 ; m. at Hannihalville, Os wego county, N. Y., Parmelia Mason, of Saratoga county, N. Y. ; had Mary Jane, Esther Ann. He is an independent farmer. Resides in the town ship of Middleville, Barry county, Michigan. Timothy Edwards, b. at Butler Creek, below Middletown Ct Feb. 17, 1821 ; m. Elizabeth, dau. of Rev. H. Halsey, of East Wilson, Niagara county, N. Y., April 26, 1848; had Warren Halsey, Walter Ely, Samuel Buel, Charles Edwards. He died after a short but painful ihness, at the resid ence of his father-indaw, in the town of East Wilson, June 30th, 1856. Mr. Wetmore was removed during his infancy from the place of his nativity, to Volney, N. Y., where his father resided for some years, from thence to Genesee county, same state, where he finished his _ minority, attending the schools and academies which that section of country afforded, at the same time giving what assistance he could to his father in his farming pursuits. It was here he acquired that love and knowledge of agriculture, and its attendant char-. acteristics, that so marked his subsequent life. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 409 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. The editor of Moore's Rural New Yorker, a periodical published at Rochester, and devoted chiefly to agricul tural interests, says in noticing his death : It becomes our painful duty to announce the decease of T. E. Wetmore, Esq., of Kent co., Mich., for several years an able and acceptable contributor to the pages of this journal. An appropriate obituary notice, giving some particulars of this mournful event, will be found on our next page. Though our personal acquaintance with the deceased was somewhat limited, we had long esteemed him as an up right and honorable man in the various relations of life, and as an especially able and influential advocate and pro moter of rural improvement. We, therefore, regard his loss, ere he had scarcely reached the meridian of life and usefulness, as a pubhc calamity. In a letter announcing Mr. W.'s death, a mutual friend justly remarks : — "1 have known and have been intimate with bim from childhood, and know that few excelled him in all those qualities which constitute true manhood, and render one truly great and good. He was so modest and retiring, however, that it was only by intimate acquaintance that we discovered all the good qualities of his head and heart." The following obituary, is the one alluded too, above : * * * * It was here (Genesee co., N. T.) that he began to develop that industry and energy of character, and that thirst of knowledge, wbich enabled him to attain the high rank as a citizen and scholar, as a contributor for the press, which he held at the time of his decease. He rarely spent an hour idly, but occupied his leisure mo ments, either in reading or study. While busily engaged in agricultural pursuits, he found time, unaided, to obtain a thorough practical knowledge of botany, and collected and arranged a hetbarium, more full and complete than any other in western New York. Here he also commenc ed a diary, which he kept up till the day of his death. . In May, 1844, he entered the academy at Yates, Orleans CO., where he soon became distinguished for his industry 410 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. and ability, and ranked as one of the most thorough and talented students of the institution. He here formed many warm friendships. In the spring of 1846, he entered the Collegiate Institute at Wilson. His career here, I can not better express than in the language of one who knew him well. " He at once took a high rank among the most talented members of the seminary, which rank he maintained during his connection with it. He early took a very active and prominent part in the hterary societies of the institute, and it may, in truth, be said, that no member was more hberal or efficient in their support, and the death of no one, will be more deeply and sincerely lamented." After leaving the seminary, Mr. Wetmore engaged in business, and remained in Wilson tih the summer of 1850, at which time he removed to Kent co., Mich., where he has ever since resided. While he remained in Wilson, his character and course are so well known, as to make re marks unnecessary. It is sufficient to say that he was active, patriotic and eminently public-spirited. In his deal ings he was just and honorable, in his acts upright and conscientious, in his feelings benevolent and humane. After his removal to Michigan, he devoted himself mainly to agricultural pursuits, but amidst all bis toils, he did not forget the cultivation of his mind. He kept himself sup plied vpith a large number of the standard journals and magazines of the country. He maintained a very exten sive correspondence with his numerous friends in all parts of the country, and also contributed frequently to the pub hc journals. At the time of his death, Mr. Wetmore was editor of agri cultural department of the G^-and River Eagle, and a special contributor for Moojre's Rural New Yorker, aud the readers of both those journals, wih miss the genial articles which flowed from his prolific pen. As a writer, Mr. W. parti cularly excelled ; he wrote with ease and dispatch, and his style was clear, terse and forcible, and very free from verbiage and useless rhetorical display. The aim of his writings seemed to be to beneflt and instruct, and his thoughts, as expressed in his various compositions, indicate a mind well cultivated, and of singular purity. Perhaps a word should be said of Mr. W.'s religious Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 411 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. character. We are not aware that he ever made a pubhc profession of rehgion, yet from our own intimate acquaint ance vrith him, and from the general tone of his letters, we feel no hesitation in saying that he was a man of de cided rehgious opinions and sentiments. He loved the character of God ; he admired his attributes and perfec tions ; he was an ardent student of nature, and looked through nature up to its great Author. He regarded the bible as the great rule of faith and duty, and in reference to his children, he expressed an earnest wish that they might be educated upon the basis of the Christian faith. His moral character was above reproach ; his habits were singularly pure and correct, and his whole course of life, was such as might be safely held up to young men, as a model of excellence. He was a dutiful son, an affectionate brother, a faithful husband, a kind partner, a respected and beloved citizen, and a truly good man. He has left an aged and beloved mother, a kind brother, an affectionate wife, and four httle sons, to mourn his early death. May the God of the widow and the orphan abund antly sustain and comfort them under this heavy bereave ment. He has been called from earth just as he had ac quired for himself an extended and enviable reputation, just as hope and promise beckoned him onward in the noble career which he had marked out for himself. R. B. W. Children of Chauncey, Son of Deacon Oliver. Chauncey Edwards, b. at Staddle Hill, near M., Dec. 28, 1818; m. Oct. 8, 1845, Mary Mix Buck, of Wethersfield, Ct. ; had Edith F., William Brewster, Henry Claverence. Resides near Martinez, California, where he removed from Baltimore, Md., with his brother-in-law, John W. Jones, previous to the discovery of gold in California. They took with them machinery for flouring mills, and it was not till they arrived at the Sandwich Islands, that they heard of the gold discovery. He is 412 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. an enterprising and industrious citizen, and is worthy of success in life. Lucy, b. at Staddle Hill, near M., Dec. 24, 1820 ; m. Dec. 14, 1847, Samuel Cotton Gray ; b. in Boston, Oct. 11, 1816 ; had I Edward, b. Nov. 17, 1849. II Franklin Henry, b. Aug. 20, 1851 ; d. Jan. 18, 1852. Ill Samuel Arthur, b. Nov. 24, 1853. IV Theodore, b. Oct. 24, 1855. All born in Califor- He resides in Benicia, Cal., where he has acquired property and influence. He is a son of Samuel (b. 1784), son of Samuel (b. 1738), son of Samuel (b. 1711) Gray; all natives of Boston. Mr. S. C. Gray's grandmother's maiden name was Hannah Cotton, a lineal descendant of the Rev. John Cotton, pastor of the First Church in Boston, and in compliment to whom that city was named. Mrs. Gray is a lady of energy of character, and fine natural abilities, faithful and conscientious in all her relations of life. Harriet, b. at Staddle Hill, April 15, 1823; m. John Wesley Jones, June 8, 1852 ; had I Walter, b. in California, July 2, 1856. II, a dau., b. in C, Jan. 16, 1859. Resides in Benicia, Cal. Cornelia Lyman, b. at Staddle Hill, Sept. 30, 1825 ; d. June 27, 1829. Henry Goodwin, b. at Staddle Hill, Jan. 19, 1828 ; m. April 6, 1852, Mary Townsend Winn ; had Franklin Henry, Charles, Chauncey, Lucy. Is a farmer. Resides in Suisin Valley, Rockville P. 0., Solano county, Cal. Cornelia Hubbard, b. as above, Jan. 31, 1830. Mary Ellen, b. as above, March 29, 1834. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 413 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. SEVENTH GENERATION. Children of William Shepard, Son of Seth, Son of Seth. William Shepard, b. in New York, ; d. at Newport, R. I., June 1, 1858. George Peabody, b. in London, Eng. Annie Derby Rodgers, b. in London, Eng. Children of Charles Wright, Son of Seth, Son of Seth. Salome Smith, b. May 7, 1825, . William Shepard, b. Feb. 26, 1827 : graduated at New York University, ; and Harvard College, 1849. Nancy Shepard, b. March 15, 1830; d. May 23, 1851. Sophia Hazeltine, b. Feb. 17, 1831. Maria Louisa, b. May 11, 1838. Daughter of Seth Downing, Son of Seth, Son of Seth. Helen Frances, b. at Cuyahoga Falls, Feb. 6, 1836 ; m. Albert Jenks, Esq., banker, Aurora, Illinois, Nov. 1, 1853; had I William Wetmore, b. at A., Jan. 13, 1855 ; d. Aug. 16, 1856. II Kittie Wetmore, b. Dec. 5, 1856. Children of William Ogden, Son of Judge William, Son of Seth. Henry, b. in Portage co., Ohio, July 20, 1823. 414 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [7th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Edward, b. in Portage co., 0., April 16, 1825 ; d. about 1826, being the first death in the town of Cuyahoga Falls, O. Edward 2d, b. in Portage co., 0., March 16, 1827; he was the first child born in Cuyahoga Falls. Mary, b. Portage co., 0., Sept. 27, 1829 ; m. Collier. Frederick, b. in Portage co., 0., March 6, 1835. Julia, b. in Portage co., 0., March 13, 1838. Eliza, b. in Portage co., 0., Sept. 25, 1841. Children of Edwin, Son of Judge William, Son of Seth. Silas, b. in Western Reserve, 0., July 4, 1821. Charles, b. in Western Reserve, 0., Dec. 24^ 1822; d. Oct. 7, 1845. Luther, b. in Western Reserve, 0., Oct. 10, 1825 ; d. Sept. 1847. Clarissa P., b. in Western Reserve, 0., Feb. 13, 1847. Harriet B., b. in Western Reserve, 0., July 2, 1855. Sons of Henry, Son of Judge William, Son of Seth. Henry W., b. in Western Reserve, 0., Nov. 16, 1834. Resides in Milwaukee, Wis. George Prentiss, b. in Western Reserve, 0., Sept. 19, 1886. Land Agent, St. Louis, Mo. Sons of Samuel, Son of Samuel, Son of Seth. William Boerum, b. in London, Eng. ; christened at St. George's Church, Hanover square, London. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 415 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Wyatt, b. in New York, Oct. 1, 1854; christened at Calvary Church, N. Y., by the Rev. Francis L. Hawks, D. D. ; d. April 21, 1855. Sons of Josiah, Son of Titus, Son of Seth. Morris, b. in Stow township, Ohio. Henry, b. in Stow township, Ohio. Children of IS'athaniel Downing, Son of Josiah, Son of Seth. Nathaniel Downing, b. in Dover, N. H., Feb. 5, 1838 ; m. Susan Maria Bruce, April, 1855. Wholesale grocer, Memphis. Tenn. Emily Amanda, b. in Dover, N. H., April 8, 1840. Henry Shepard, b. in Rochester, N. H., Nov. 23, 1841. Cadet at West Point U. S. Mihtary Academy, where he has distinguished himself as a mathemat ical scholar. Lucy Ann, b. July 14, 1843. Lydia Amelia, b. Jan, 13, 1845. Children of Moses Willard, Son of Josiah, Son of Seth. Henry Stanley, b. in Cincinnati, 0., Jan. 12, 1835. Julian Neville, b. in Newport, Ky., July 2, 1837. Florence Lorelle, b. in Newport, Ky., Nov. 2, 1848 ; m. Sept. 9, 1856, Thomas Edward Sumner Russwurm of Cleveland, Tenn., son of Sumner Russwurm of Rutherford co., Tenn. ; had I 54 416 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [7tl Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Lorelle, b. in Cleveland, Tenn., July 14, 1857; II John Wil lard, b. in Murfreesboro, Tenn., April 12, 1859, William Calhoun Stewart, b. in Covington, Ky., July 12, 1840, Mary Thomas, b. in Covington, Ky., March 18, 1842. Oldham Bryson, b. in Cinn., 0., March 12, 1844. John Edgerton, b. in Edgefield, Tenn., April 29, 1846. Jeanie Elise, b. in Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 16, 1848 ; d. Aug. 24, 1852. Leona Matilda, b. in Edgefield, Tenn., Feb. 7, 1850. Children of William Hastings, Son of Josiah, Son of Seth. William Angelo Keyser, b. in Tenn., June 24, 1850. Charles Willard Shepard, b. in Tenn., Feb. 18, 1853. Sara Eleanor Florence, b. in Tenn., Nov. 27, 1856, Anna Cora Willard, b. in Tenn., April 3, 1860. Children of Josiah Farnsworth, Son of Josiah, Son of Seth. Robert Dean, b. in New York, Nov. 1, 1843. Mary Denison, b. in N. Y., Dec. 23, 1844. Thomas Townsend, b. in N. Y., June 15, 1848. Edward Griffen, b. in N. Y., July 13, 1851. George Townsend, b. in N, Y., Dec. 25, 1853. Chhdren of Samuel Farwell, Son of Josiah, Son of Seth. Willie Courtney, b. March 16, 1846. Harriet Willard, b. July 20, 1848. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 417 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Mary Frances MolineUx, b. June 26, 1852. Ralph, b. Nov. 5, 1855. Children of Edmund Arnold, Son of Rev. Oliver, Son of Deacon Oliver. Mary Buckminster, b. in Utica, N. Y., Sept. 2, 1830 ; m. Sept. 6, 1854, Dr. John P. Gray, b. at Half Moon Center, Penn., Aug. 6, 1825 ; had I Edmund Wetmore, b. in Utica, Sunday, July 29, 1855 ; II Dorsey, b. in Utica, Friday, Jan. 8, 1858 ; III John P., h. in Utica, May 27, 1860. mam. Wednesday, June 5, 1861, of diptheria, EoMnND Wetmore, and on Wed nesday, June 19, 1861, of the same disease, Dorset, sons of Dr. John P. and Mart BncKMiNSTER Grat. These children who were removed after a few days' Ulness, were of unusual intellectual promise and love liness of character. When the flrst was taken, the younger could hardly reconcile himself to the absence of his brother, but when disease fastened upon Aim, he seemed to be anxious how he should get from hence to his " Neddy " in Heaven, and as death approached, he wondered why God did not send for him, and why Neddy didn't call for him, and as his spirit was about taking its flight, in a whisper he repeated Neddy's name, as if calhng for him to meet him. "Not Lost, but Gone Before." How mournful seems, in broken dreams. The memory of the day, When icy death hath seal'd the breath Of some dear form of clay. When pale, unmoved, the face we loved, The face we thought so fair. And the hands lie cold, whose fervent hold Once charmed away despair. 418 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [7tl Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Oh, what could heal the grief we feel For hopes that come no more, Had we ne'er heard the scripture word, " E'ot lost, but gone before." Oh ! world wherein, nor death, nor sin ISTor weary warfare dwells. Their blessed home we parted from With sobs and sad farewells. Where eyes awake, for whose dear sake Our own with tears grow dim, And faint accords of dying words Are changed for heaven's sweet hymn ; Oh ! then at last, life's trials past. We'll meet our loved once more. Whose feet have trod the path to God, " E^ot lost, but gone before." Hon. Mrs. Norton. Dr. Gray is the well known and worthy superintend ent of the New York State Lunatic Asylum at Utica. He commenced his preparatory studies for a collegiate course at the Bellefonte (Pa.) Academy, graduating at Dickinson College in 1845 ; and received his medi cal instruction at the Pennsylvania University, and his degree of M. D. in 1849. He was for a year one of the associate physicians of Blockly Hospital. Removed to Utica and obtained the appointment of third assistant superintendent of the above asylum in 1850, and second assistant Feb. 1852 ; first assistant in June the same year, and superintendent in July 1854, since which time his labors have been incessant in bringing that noble institution to that high state of perfection, to which it has arrived. In Dr. G.'s arduous and phhanthropic duties, he en joys the sympathies of his wife, a lady whose mind has been carefully cultured, and whose sensibilities are ever ahve to the wants and misfortunes of others. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 419 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Cornelia Lothrop, b. in Utica, Dec. 4, 1831. Miss Wetmore received her christian name in com pliment to her aunt, the late Mrs. Corneha G., wife of Hon. Charles P. Kirkland, and daughter of the late John H. Lothrop, Esq., of Utica. As we remember Mrs. K. with feelings of great respect and admiration, we desire and deem it not inappropriate to record, in this connection, a copy of an obituary of her that was published in a Utica paper, soon after her decease, which occurred in July, 1831 : Died at Mr. Voorhees', near New Brunswick, N. J., Mrs. Corneha G., wife of Charles P. Kirkland, Esq., of this village, aged 29 years. Mrs. Kirkland had been under the charge of Dr. Physic, of Philadelphia, and her friends finding medical aid of uo avail, began their return towards home, when her extreme illness compelled them to stop at a stranger's, where she died. Her remains were conveyed to this village, and accompanied to the grave by her friends and acquaint ances. Mrs. Kirkland died of consumption. The de lusive character of this disease is well known. Those who have watched its progress, are well aware how in- siduous are its approaches, and apt it is to beguile one's fears, until the sufferer is beyond the reach of art. In or dinary circumstances, its peculiar and treacherous nature invests the subject with more than usual interest. From day to day, its advance towards the grave, though sure, is silent and scarcely perceptible, and the eye of watchful affection fancies it discerns returning health, while the hectic of the cheek, and the bright lustre of the eye pre sage with melancholy certainty its fatal termination. The disease seized in this instance upon one for its prey, whose personal attractions and grace of manners, whose purity of feeling, cultivated mind and happy disposition, ren dered her the charm of the domestic circle, and the cherished object of affection to her friends. It has been said (and the reflection was perhaps inspired by a similar privation), that death seemed to pass the old, the infirm and the unfortunate, to smite her, upon whom life had 420 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [7th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. comparatively hardly dawned, whose maturer age was yielding the happy fruits of seed sown in childhood by pa^ ternal affection, and whose circumstances gave her the pro mise of the highest enjoyment. This lady possessed great benevolence of disposition and simplicity and gentleness of feeling-. In her domestic relations she was assiduous and exact, and discharged them under the most trying circumstances of health, with cheerfulness and patience. A native delicacy of moral feeling, and an acute sense of propriety, secured her against any deviation from the nicest standard of moral rectitude ; but she aspired to a higher and a surer guide. She found in the consolations of religion a more certain reliance, and a cheering assurance which enabled her to meet with serenity the gloomy ap proaches of death. In those last moments, when human resources avail nothing, she was strong in her faith and bright in her hope, and passed away " refreshed by the dews of heaven." Mrs. Kirkland died leaving three young children, two daughters and a son, viz : Juha, Corneha Lothrop and John Lothrop. The former resides with her father, on Gramercy Park, New York; the second married Alex. Seward, Esq., of Utica ; she has those Christian, feminine and endearing characteristics for which her mother was so remarkable. The son, John L., graduated at Harvard College in 1849; studied law with his father, at Utica, and being threatened with pulmonary disease, he removed to Florida, where he practiced law thl the summer of 1860, when he returned north for the purpose of spending a few months, and whhe on a visit to his sister, Mrs. Sew ard, he was taken with a hemorrhage, which ended his existence in a few minutes. He was much beloved by his family and acquaintances, and by none, more than the sister, who had the privilege of supporting him in his last moments. Miss Wetmore has much of that bel esprit for which her maternal grandfather was remarkable ; this, to- Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 421 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. gether with her literary tastes and amiability of temperament, causes her to be a favorite in educated and pohte circles. Edmund, b. in Utica, June 3, 1838. He made his preparation for a collegiate course, chiefly in the Utica Academy, and entered the fresh man class at Harvard University in 1856, and gradu ated with credit to himself, and satisfaction to his friends, in 1860, having received during his college term, the honor of two Shattuck, and one Thayer scholarship. He has commenced the study of the law, with Hon. Charles P. Kirkland, in the city of New York. Son of Jambs Carnahan, Son of Rev. Oliver, Son of Deacon Oliver. John Chetwood, b. in 'Ehzabethtown, N. J., Aug. 22, 1856; christened at St. John's Episcopal Church, by the Rev. Samuel A. Clark, his father, his uncle, Francis B. Chetwood, and his aunt, Mrs. Sarah Robert (the latter by proxy), acting as spon sors. His Christian name was given him by his mother, as a token of affection that she bore the memory of her deceased brother, John Chetwood, who died in San Francisco, Cal,, Sept. 17, 1852. That the child may ever have before him, on a printed page, the re corded virtues of his uncle, whose name he bears, as an example, as well as to place in an enduring form " me morials" of the esteem in which the departed was held, we give place to the following which we extract from a pamphlet entitled A Memorial of the late John Chet wood : New York, Baker, Godwin & Co., 1853. The collection was compiled and edited by William G. Bull, Esq., of New York (since deceased), for private circulation only : 422 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [7th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. * * * Mr. Chetwood was one of the most eminent lawyers of the state of Cahfornia, and although quite a young man, he was selected, unanimously, by the whig state central committee, on the 8th inst., as the whig can didate for judgeship on the supreme bench of the state. As a man he was deeply esteemed ; and the void now felt in the large circle of which he was an honored and pro minent member, can not easily be filled. But while his friends and society mourn their bereavement, we can not but express, in common, with the great party of which we are humble members, the profound regrets we experience in the loss of so able an advocate of the principles we pro fess. Although the dispensation which removed him from the midst of hfe, to us, who are left behind seems severe, we must yet remember that it is the common lot of humanity ; a dispensation to which, sooner or later, we must bow. It should be ours to see that we depart from the vale of tears, with minds as pure, and souls as full of noble emo tions, as his whom we mourn. — San Francisco Eve. Journal. * * * His faithful attention to business confided to his hands, his thorough acquaintance vrith the science which he professed, his upright and honest character, and his courteous demeanor soon made him a most successful practitioner, and the possessor of a lucrative business, and the esteem and confidence of the community. A proof of this was lately shown in the action of the whig state central committee, who unanimously nominated him as a candidate to fill one of the vacancies on the supreme bench of the state. — Alta California. * * * His death is one of those afflicting dispensations to which we can only bow in silence, and though regrets are unavailing, they will be deeply felt. Sincere and heartfelt sorrow will be experienced at his early death. Few persons like John Chetwood, had the power to endear and attach to themselves personal friends by stronger ties. He was beloved by all who knew him, respected by all. His was a name never mentioned save in honorable connection; whether in politics, in his profession or private life, he was the same estimable high-minded man. In the language of one of his warmest friends, we may say, "It is not for him we mourn, but for his friends." His loss leaves a void Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 423 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. which none can fill, an absence which none can supply, a sorrow which nothing can assuage. — San Frundsco paper. Proceedings of the Whig State Central Committee. At a meeting of the California Whig State Central Committee, on Saturday, the 18th inst., the death of John Chetwood being announced by the President, on motion, Messrs. Billings, Keweu aud Wilson were appointed a committee to present resolutions appropriate to the occa sion. The committee reported the following resolutions which were unanimously adopted : Resolved, That this Committee have heard with profound sorrow of the death of John Chetwood, who, at their last meeting, was unanimously and cordially selected as the worthy candidate of the Whig party, for the highest judicial office in the state. That his death is a public calamity ; that, far above all party con siderations, we mourn over his sudden departure. The eminent and conscientious lawyer, the upright citizen, the gentle and the honest man, John Chetwood, was a treasure and an ornament to the Bar, Society and the State. That we tender to his stricken relatives our earnest sympathies in their affliction, and assure them in their great grief, they have the consolation of knowing that if an unsullied life, a most distinguished position in his profession and society, the respect and aiiection of all who knew him, if virtue and honor, and success and friends, could have saved John Chetwood from death, they and we, and the community, would have been spared this melancholy occasion. That we will, in a body, attend his funeral to-morrow, from his late residence. That the Chairman transmit to his relatives a copy of these reso lutions. C. J. Brenham, President H. M. Gray, Secretary. Whig State Central Com. Proceedings oe the District Court. At the opening of this court yesterday, ex-Gov. Smith brought to the notice of Judge Lake the decease of the lamented Mr. Chetwood. He did so in the following remarks : May it please your Honor : Since the adjournment of the court yesterday, death has been busy amongst us, and has stricken to the earth one of the most accomplished and brilliant members of our 55 424 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [7th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. profession. .lohn Chetwood, who had gained a most enviable position in this community, and who but a few hours since was living, full of hope, and with a bright and brilliant prospect before him, is no more ! Disease, that was not viewed with apprehension in the beginning, traveled with unexpected force over his feeble form ; and he has fallen before a power that no one can resist. It is a painful subject of contemplation, at all times, to witness the strong and powerful crumbling away before the march of time ; but it is particularly painful and melancholy when we see the gentle, the amiable, and pure spirit stricken down in our midst. John Chetwood was well known in this community, and, while living, had not perhaps a single enemy. Coming, as many of us have come, to this land to better his fortune, he had nearly realized all his hopes : when his purposes, in a temporal sense, were accom plished, when he was beginning to look for the honors of his country, when he had received a strong manifestation of the high confidence reposed in him by a great political party — in the midst of all this, it has been the pleasure of Providence to manifest its dispensation in the trying incident to which I am now referring. I may say there is not a single person in the community who will not view his death with regret. I will go further and say, in refer ence to the honor proposed to be conferred upon him, that there is not a man, be he whig or democrat, who would view his success with one single regret. His was the glorious province to live among us, amidst the feeling that aifects the public mind in regard to public men, without suspicion ; and, had he lived, he would have been elected to the high office to which he was nominated, with the profound conviction that with him integrity would sit enthroned in the judgment seat. But it has pleased Him who rules the thunders to strike from among us one of the humblest, gentlest and purest spirits. He has been called for wise purposes from among us, to " that bourne whence no traveler returns." The only thing left us is to cherish his recollection within our inmost soul, and to be am bitious to pursue the high career that he attained. Under these circumstances, I move that this court, and the members of the bar, in regard to the memory of the distinguished deceased, wear crape around the arm for the space of thirty days; and if it be the pleasure of the court to adopt the resolution, I ask that it may be spread upon the minutes ; and, out of respect to his memory, that the court do now adjourn. Judge Lake. — It is not necessary for the court to add anything in relation to this dispensation of Providence. It has come upon us in such a manner as to unfit us for the ordinary business of the court; and as a mark of respect to the lamented deceased, we will adjourn ; and the motion will be entered on the minutes. Gen.J WETiMORE .MEMORL.M.. 425 Descendants of Judge Seth, sou of Izrahiah, sou of Thomas. Proceedings of the Superior Court. At the opening of the court on Saturday, John W. Dwinelle, Esq., rose and remarked: May it please the Court : It becomes my painful duty, without premeditation, but in accordance with the wish of the members of the bar now present, to announce to this court the decease of John Chetwood, Esq., which took place yesterday in this city Mr. Chetwood was one of the most distinguished and successful prac titioners at this bar; There was no member of the bar whose intimacy and friendship I enjoyed and valued in a higher degree ; and this intimacy and friendship only enable me to bring to a closer test, and place a higher estimate upon, the enlarged learning, the unerring legal logic, the skillful tact, the energetic perseverance, the graceful professional courtesy, and the gentle amenities in private life, for which he was so eminently distinguished. But he has now gone from among us, and we shall see him no more ! Sir, it is one of the first lessons which is taught to us, that of Death ! In our earliest infancy we are taught that God created us, and that he will surely take us away. But it is not until some dear friend is removed from our midst — not until our companion is smitten down by our side, that we for the first time appreciate the awful reality of death, and of the " remarkable retirement" of the grave. And that reality is now brought home to our hearts with a sense which cannot be mistaken. Our friend who, as it were, but yesterday stood in our midst, honored in the retrospect of a useful and stainless life, happy in the enjoyment of reputation and of the gifts of fortune, and distinguished by the unsolicited honors with which a great political party had associated his name, has gone for ever from among us, and left nothing but the remembrance of his abilities and his worth. Yes ! he who, but on the afternoon of yesterday, wasted by disease and attenuated by suffering, as he lay upon the bed of death, still retained to the last moment of that awful crisis his clearness of intellect and legal acumen, which he devoted to the settlement of his afl'airs — our friend, our brother — his pulse has ceased to throb, and it will never beat again ! In the pride of his prime, in the height of his reputation, in the midst of his usefulness, while his armor was still buckled on, and he breasted the battle in the foremost rank of forensic strife, death beckoned to him at a distance with his silent finger, and he wrapped the drapery of the grave about him and obeyed the summons. May it please the Court : I but express the unanimous and pro found sentiment of the members of the bar, in view of this afflictive dispensation, in moving that this court do now adjourn. 426 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [7th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Judge Sdtterlee said that he had always entertained a high appreciation of the learning, the abilities and the private virtues of Mr. Chetwood ; and that he deeply sympathised with the members of the bar under the calamity which had afflicted them, the court and the whole community. The court would therefore, in accord ance with the motion which had just been made, stand adjourned until Monday next. Proceedings of the United States Court. On the opening of the court yesterday morning, Calhoun Benham, Esq., IJ. S. District Attorney, arose and made the following announcement : If your Honor please : It is my duty to announce the death of one of the members of the bar and a practicing attorney of this honorable court, Mr. John Chetwood. This is, indeed, a mournful duty. It is always sad to announce the death of one whom we have known, of one who has walked the daily routine of common life, associated in its duties and shared its pains with us. But it is still more melancholy to make this announcement. There were circumstances attending the death of the deceased, which were somewhat peculiar. As your Honor knows, he was but young, in the full vigor, indeed, of early manhood. He was a man of learning and ability, of zeal and fidelity and courtesy in his profession. He had been successful in it. In the two short years he had passed amongst us, he had laid the foundations, as I am pleased to learn, of a competent fortune by his professional exertions alone. And, satisfied with what he had so honorably reaped of worldly goods, and strong in the teachings of the patience he had so sedulously practiced in gathering them, he was just preparing for a strife which, if successful, would have placed him on a yet more exalted and honorable eminence, where, It is no disparagement to the living to say, he would have shone! Nominated for the most responsible, delicate and confidential office m the gift of the people of the state— a place on the Supreme Bench— he was hailed with acclamation by his party, and just respect by his opponents. All agreed that he was worthy ; and had he been promoted by the popular sufi'rage, his rivals might well have consoled themselves in defeat in the knowledge that they had succumbed to so upright a citizen and so accomplished a jurist. But, sir, it was not to be. He was called from the possible iruition of this hope, and compelled to turn his thoughts to that Gen.J WETMORE BIEMORIAL. 427 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. future state, of which the mysteries are so inscrutable to man, and even divine revelation is dim. He died. His fate was but as that of the lowliest — the least. He died here, sir — away from his aged father — away from his fond old mother — away from the tender care of his gentle sisters — here in California, where there is many a solitary exit — where many a one has died — where many a one must die. Sir, the theme is too painful to pursue ; nor is this the proper place to pursue it. It is fitting we should send a word of comfort to his friends at home, and pay the mark of decent respect to his memory here. I move your Honor to suspend the business of the court until to-morrow morning. Judge Campbell then arose and said : I rise to second the motion of the District Attorney. The loss occasioned by the unexpected decease of Mr. Chetwood falls not only upon the immediate circle of his family and friends, but upon the entire community in which he lived. It was my good fortune to become acquainted with him several years since, in the state of his nativity ; to know that he there possessed a high reputation, not only as an accomplished lawyer, but as a high-minded, honorable gentleman; and to see him among those with whom he was con nected by the ties of consanguinity and early association. There, where he had spent the earliest years of his life, where he had passed from infancy to manhood and mature age, and where all the noblest traits of his character were most familiar, he gained the esteem, respect and affection of all who knew him. His career here is known to those who are now uniting in this last tribute of respect to his memory. For upwards of two years he practiced at the bar in this city with distinguished success : while his ability, industry and profound learning were universally acknowledged, his gentle courtesy, amiable temper and strict sense of honor were not less generally admired and esteemed. He had justly earned all the honors of the bar, and, had he lived, might in a few months have taken his seat as a member of the highest judicial tribunal of the state — honoring the station as much as it could have honored him. But a few days before his death, he was nominated for the Supreme Court ; and while the nomination was hailed with enthusi asm by his political associates, those who differed with him were fully satisfied that, in the event of his election, justice would be faithfully, ably and impartially administered by him. But it has pleased Providence to take him from us. While we feel most deeply his loss, and sympathize warmly with the absent relatives and friends, upon whom the news of his unexpected death will fall most heavily, let us cherish in our hearts the memory of 428 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [7th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. those virtues which endeared him to us while living, and which cannot readily be forgotten, though he is now separated from us by the grave. After Mr. Campbell had concluded. Judge Parsons arose and addressed the court as follows : May it please the Court : I rise to pay what I deem but a just tribute to the accomplished lawyer, the honest man and the sterling friend. My acquaintance with Mr. Chetwood commenced some two years since. Ln that period I have known him at this bar as standing in the foremost ranks of his profession ; and as a man governed invariably by the dictates of honesty ; but it was as the sterling friend that he most bound himself to me. It will be remem bered that at a time when some portions of this community seemed to vie with each other in their maledictions of myself, and when some individuals seemed to care for nothing but my ruin, both as a man and as an officer of this state, and while many persons, owing to the popular tumult, were afraid to avow their real sentiments and convictions, Mr. Chetwood came forward, and after a mature exam ination of the subject, threw the whole weight of his professional position, his character as an honest and intelligent man, into the scale, and in the court, in the community, and before the legislature vindicated the correctness of the positions taken by myself; and it is his readiness on that occasion to vindicate the right, his utter disregard of popular prejudice, that has bound him to me by feel ings of more than ordinary friendship. It is now melancholy to reflect that he, after having arrived at the culminating point of his hopes, being about to return to that circle of which he was the center, should have been stricken down. But there is a moral lesson to us all in contemplating the end of the just and the good man. Its teachings are, that we should culti vate the like virtues, and always keep before our minds the principles of virtue and of truth. His end is a notice to us all of the final termination of all earthly pursuits ; and it is well for us to pause as we here stand amid the hum and bustle of the great world around us, and that each one should ask himself what the chief end of life is. Let us all learn from this, to cultivate principles of justice and truth — that like him, when our last hour may come, we may wrap the drapery of our couch around us, aud lie down as to pleasant dreams. His Honor, Judge Hoffman, made the fohowing appro priate and feeling reply: It seems but a cold formality in me to adjourn this court as a mark of respect to an eminent lawyer, when I lament him in my heart as a valued friend. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 429 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izraliiah, son of Thomas. If varied and thorough knowledge of his profession, if the most scrupulon.s integrity, the nicest and most refined sense of honor, if a most sweet and gentle nature could command respect or win affection, Mr. Chetwood must have secured both. His death has produced a profound impression on this community. But it is not merely his acute and disciplined mind, his habitual industry, or his care and devotion to the interests of his clients, which have elicited the feeling. It is the sense of his sterling honesty, his truth, candor and justice, which have made his loss felt as a public misfortune. All who hear me knew and respected him as a lawyer, occupying a position second I may say to none in this state. To some of us he was united, by nearer ties of friendship and affection. That equanimity of temper, those kind and gentle manners, which dis tinguished him in his daily life, he retained until his last moments. Throughout an illness protracted and often painful, he betrayed no irritation, he made no complaints, but in all things " sweetly showed a most noble patience ;" and when his last hour drew nigh, he exhibited a serene composure, a genuine and unpretending courage, as worthy of himself as it was affecting to all who beheld it. One tribute to him I cannot withhold, for it is at least sincere. Had I desired the counsel of a friend to regulate my own conduct, had I sought to be advised what the purest integrity could sanction, or the most refined sense of honor dictate, by no man's opinion would I have been more willingly governed than by that of John Chetwood. The bar has paid its last tribute to him at his grave. But he will long be remembered by us, as one who added dignity to the profession, whose character largely contributed to raise it above the imputations so often cast upon it by the ignorant and unreflecting, and as one of the ablest, the most eminent, and the purest men who adorned the early bar of California. Proceedings of the San Francisco Bar. At a meeting of the Members of the Bar, of the city of San Francisco, held in the court room of the U. S. District Court, to express their affection. and respect for the char acter and memory of their deceased brother, John Chet wood, Mr. M. H. McAllister was called to the chair, and Frederick Billings appointed secretary. After remarks by the chairman and Mr. Hager, on motion of the latter gentleman, a committee of six was appointed to present to tbe meeting resolutions appropriate to the occasion. 430 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [7th Descendants of .Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, sou of Thomas. The committee, consisting of Messrs. Hager, Benham, Yale, Crockett, AlcHenry and Baker, through their chair man, reported the following, which were unanimously adopted : Resolved, That we have heard with unfeigned sorrow of the death of our lamented brother, John Chetwood. That in his death we not only deplore the loss of an eminent lawyer, whose life was marked by a scrupulous integrity, profound learning and a high sense of honor, but we mourn the departure of a friend endeared to us by those generous sympathies, that singleness of purpose, and that purity of heart for which our deceased brother was distinguished; That, whether we regard him as a lawyer who had already achieved distinction, or as a citizen always zealous for the public good, or in his social relations, as a friend, a brother or a son, he was eminently worthy of regard, and his death may justly be esteemed a public misfortune ; That we deeply sympathize with his bereaved relatives in their incomparable loss ; knowing the excellence of his character, we can well appreciate the strength of those ties by which he was bound to the members of his household ; That, as a token of respect to the memory of our departed brother, we will attend his funeral in a body, and will wear the usual badge of mourning for the space of thirty days ; That a copy of these proceedings be transmitted by the chairman to the family of the deceased ; That the secretary cause these proceedings to be published in the city papers. On motion of Mr. Casserly, the following resolution was adopted : Resolved, That the members of the bar of the city of San Fran cisco will proceed in a body from the U. S. District Court Room, at a quarter past three, P. M., on the 19th inst., to the late residence of Mr. Chetwood, for the purpose of attending his funeral. The meeting then adjourned. M. H. McAllister, Chairman. Frederick Billings, Secretary. Monument to Mr. Chetwood. — Meeting of the Bar. Upon the adjournment of the U. S. District Court on the morning of the 20th inst., the members of the bar pi-esent orgamzed a meeting by the appointment of Judge Hoffman as chairman, and Levi Parsons, secretary. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 431 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. The object was stated by the chair to be the adoption of a further testimonial of respect to the memory of John Chetwood, on the part of the Bar of San Francisco, by the erection of a monument. Frederick Billings, Esq., made a motion to that effect, accompanying it with the relation of frequent interviews held with the deceased, in which the latter always testified the most affectionate remembrance of his family in New Jersey, to return to whom would be to- him a greater grati fication than the most brilliant successes in California. He therefore hoped that Mr. Chetwood's remains would be taken to his old home in JSTew Jersey, and buried near the family he loved and who loved him so well ; and that the Bar of San Francisco would also erect there this monu ment, to show, though his remains were thousands of miles distant, how he was loved by them while living and remembered when dead. Judge Parsons seconded the proposition of Mr. Billings, and it was unanimously adopted. On motion to that effect, the chair appointed the follow ing gentlemen a committee to receive subscriptions from members of the bar, and to superintend the erection of the monument: Levi Parsons, Frederick Billings, Hall McAllister, Judge Campbell aud J. S. Hager. The late Mr. Chetwood. At a meeting of the Vestry of Trinity Church, held on the 18th of September, 1852, to manifest respect for the memory of their late associate vestryman, John Chetwood, Esq., the following resolutions were unanimously adopted : Resolved, That in the death of Mr. Chetwood we recognize a bereavement equally to be deplored by his surviving friends, the church, the state and the city of his adoption. Resolved, That in the character of the deceased we were made acquainted with an example of unsurpassed integrity, a sterling sense of justice, high intellectual endowm,ents, with great cultivation, gentle ness of manners, and kindness of heart, and sotyriety of conduct, with many charities. Resolved, That while we would convey to the aged parents of our departed friend our most heartfelt condolence, we may temper the cup of their affliction with the assurance that the virtues and pre eminent worth of their son were known and honored in this distant 56 432 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [7th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. state, where his death is bewailed as a public calamity by all good citizens. Resolved, That these resolutions be published in the San Francisco papers, and that a copy of them be transmitted to his family, in Elizabethtown, N. J. (Signed) E. D. Keyes, Chairman. D. H. Haskell, Secretary. Death oe John Chetwood, Esq. — Sad indeed are the emotions produced by this announcement, the truth of which is but too fully confirmed by our letters and papers from Cahfornia, on the 30th ; and most heavily does it fall upon venerable parents, a large circle of heart-stricken relatives, who have been watching his disease with trem bling anxiety; and a still larger association of deeply sympathizing friends, to whom he was endeared from earliest youth by evidences of the best sympathies of our nature, rare instincts of honor, and the most dehcate sensibilities of a true gentleman. ISTearly three years ago, he broke away from a wide circle of steadfast friends, and a large and growing prac tice at the bar, in this city, prompted only by an innate consciousness of his own power to encounter the risks of a strange land. At San Francisco he at once began a career of success and usefulness in his profession almost unexampled even in that state of remarkable vicissitudes ; and, having achieved both fortune and honor, he was just contemplating a visit to the land where all his affections centered, when all his prospects for the future were thus changed by a mysterious Providence. * * * — Newark Daily Advertiser. The announcement of the decease of our late townsman, John Chetwood, Esq., which occurred at San Francisco on the 17th ult., produced a marked eff'ect upon our citizens on Saturday morning ; and the expressions of sincere con dolence with his mourning relatives, together with the saduesswhich oppressed the hearts of his numerous per sonal friends, were most affecting. Our whole community deplore the loss of one whose early years were passed in this his native town, and whose buds of early promise had gradually unfolded into fuh and brilhant development here, among the companions of his childhood aud the Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 433 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izraliiah, son of Thomas. devoted friends of his riper years. A very large proportion of our young men were, like ourselves, closely attached to him by the strongest ties of personal friendship, and — having felt warmly interested in his unusually brilliant ctireer in the far-off' El Dorado— were accustomed to watch the arrival of evei-y steamer, in the fond anticipation of seeing his name honorably connected with some new triumph in the strife of fame and fortune. We were never disappointed, aud the mention of his name recalls the memory of a success almost unparalleled even in the golden regions of the Pacific. Fortune never showered her favors upon a more worthy recipient; honor never rested upon the head of one who had more fairly won her smiles ; friendship never rewarded with her choicest bless ings one whose gentle kindness and manly sincerity were more attractive to all who knew him ; the world's approval was never bestowed upon one whose sterhng worth aud inflexible integrity ever shone more conspicuously than did those qualities in the character and conduct of John Chetwood. The hearts of hundreds, wh-o were not con nected vrith him by the ties of kindred, beat more heavily upon receiving the sad tidings of his death ; but among them all, no one will cherish his memory with more fond regret or more sincerely mourn his loss than we, who knew him intimately, aud loved him as men always love true manliness. — -/ZVot Jersey {Elizabethtown) Journal. Essex County Bar. A meeting of the Essex County (E. J.) Bar was held at the Court House yesterday, ex-Chief Justice Horn blower, in the chair, when the following resolutions were passed : Whereas, Intelligence has been received of the death of John Chetwood, Esq., of California, a native of this county, and for thirteen years a successful and honorable practitioner of this Bar. Therefore, Resolved, That we receive the intelligence of the death of our late associate and friend, with profound sorrow. Resolved, That by his decease, the Bar of San Francisco, in Cali fornia, has sustained a loss they will find it difficult to repair. Resolved, That in his professional and private character he was 434 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [Tth Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. worthy of our regard, as a sagacious lawyer, a successful advocate, a safe counselor, a sympathizing friend and affectionate brother and a dutiful son ; a man of noble instincts and generous, he was known in this community, and was thus esteemed wherever known. Resolved, That from our knowledge of his character as a lawyer and a gentleman, we feel assured, if length of days had been added to his other gifts, and by the suffrages of the people he had obtained judicial station in the state of his adoption, he would have adorned the office by his ability, courtesy, patience, application and spotless integrity. Resolved, That the Circuit Court in and for this county, at the next term, be requested to order these proceedings to be spread upon its minutes. Resolved, That in token of respect to the memory of our deceased brother, we will wear crape upon the left arm for thirty days. Resolved, That a copy of these proceedings be forwarded to the parents and family of the deceased, and be published in the papers of the county. Eloquent and impressive remarks were then mnde by Messrs. D. A. Hayes, Whliam K. McDonald, Courtlandt Parker, Asa Whitehead, and ex-Governor Pennington, all of which evinced the sincere grief of the speakers at the loss of one who was au ornament to the Bar, and deeply beloved in social life ; and the occasion was one which evi dently created a deep impression on those who had formerly associated with the deceased. Touching tributes were paid to his character ; and the high gratitude and pride which was felt for his eminent success, was forcibly ex pressed. Essex County Courts. The Essex County Courts opened this morning, Chief Justice Green presiding, with Associate Judges Haines, Crane, King, Davis and Kirkpatiick. _ Upon the retirement of the Grand Jury, ex-Gov. Pen nington rose and delivered the following address : May it please the Court : When the news of the death of John Chetwood, Esq., at San Francisco, in the state of California, reach ed this place, a meeting of the Bar of Essex was held in this room, and resolutions passed sympathizing in that sad and melancholy event. By one of those resolutions, I was requested to present them to the Court at this time, and to ask that they be placed on their records. I now perform that duty. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 435 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Mr. Chetwood was well known to the Court, and to the commun ity here. He was a young man of high promise, of untiring indus try, of laudable ambition, and of untarnished reputation. As a lawyer he was discriminating and able ; and as a gentleman and friend, a man of the highest honor. Born and educated among us, we knew his origin, and had witnessed with great pleasure his pro gress and advancement. His sudden death — far from his home, in a land of strangers, whither his enterprising character had led him to advance his fortune and his fame — fell heavily and mournfully upon a large circle of estimable relatives and friends. His father, William Chetwood, Esq., now venerable for his years, as he has been upright and excellent in his life, felt as the aged feel when their prop falls beneath them. A fond mother wept at the untime ly death of her son. A brother, and an only brother, felt that the companion of his youth, one with whom he had passed the days of boyhood, had gone whence he could never return ; and a large cir cle of amiable and accomplished sisters mourned a most affectionate, kind, and generous friend and brother. To these near and dear relatives who mourned his loss, should be added a large number of associates, and the society here, to which he had formerly added so much by his personal courtesies, his correct and amiable manners_, and by the brilliancy of his genius and talehts. The death of such a man is a public loss ; but the sorrow seemed to be the more serious as it was sudden and unexpected. His last letters, before the sad intelligence reached us, were full of the brightest anticipations. He had made his mark upon the new thea tre upon which he had entered. His character as a lawyer was established ; and he had received a nomination to the high office of Justice of the Supreme Court of California, and that too upon the earnest solicitation of the members of the Bar at San Francisco, who could best estimate his character for such a station. It may be said, he had passed the difficult period of his life ; he had earned a repu tation, and all before him seemed brilliant and prosperous. But Providence, by an inscrutable decree, had directed that his labors on earth should cease, — that he should die there, without one more look on his near and dear friends, or his native place. Myste rious as are these dealings, we have but one duty, — to bow submis sively to the divine will. We trust his spirit has gone from a pure life on earth, to that blessed abode where no more troubles come, and where the weary are at rest. I ask, sir, that the resolutions I hold in my hand, and which I will now read, may be placed on your records, as a memorial of the high character our friend has left among his old companions, and in the former scenes of his usefulness. The Chief Justice expressed his sympathies with the 436 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [7th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Bar, and ordered the resolutions to be entered on the min utes. — Newark Daily Advertiser. San Francisco, California, Feb. 27, 1853. Gentlemen : The undersigned, a committee apjjointed by the Bar of San Francisco, take a melancholy pleasure in transmitting to you the sum of two thousand dollars, contributed by the bar, to erect, in ISew Jersey, a monu ment to the memory of John Chetwood. The committee have thought they could best carry out the wishes of the Bar by forwarding the amount to you, and asking you, who were his friends, and who live so near the place where his remains will he, to superintend the expenditure of the money, and the erection of the monument. Assured that you will fully appreciate the spirit and object of this testi monial to the private and professional character of Mr. Chetwood, and will take a deep interest in seeing the de sign of the Bar accomplished, the committee confide the matter to your discretion, with the single suggestion, that upon the monument should be marked the time and place of Mr. Chetwood's birth, and the time and place of his death, and in addition, the simple inscription, "To the memory of John Chetwood, by the Bar of San Francisco." They will be glad to hear of the completion and erection ot the monument. In behalf of the Bar of San Francisco, Very respectfully, your ob't servants, Frederic Billings, Levi Parsons, John S. Hager, Albx'r. Campbell, Hall McAllister. Hon. Wm. Pennington, Hon. Joseph C. Hornblower, David A. Hayes, Esq., Newark, ISTew Jersey. P. S.— It is due to Burgoyne & Co., to say that the within draft is furnished free of charge by that house. REPLY OF NEWARK COMMITTEE. Gentlemen : Permit the undersigned in the use of your own appropriate language, to say, "we take a melancholy pleasure' in acknowledging your letter of the 27th of Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 437 Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. February last, together with a draft for the sum of two thousand dollars, so generously contributed, by the Bar of San Francisco, to erect a monument, in this state, to the memory of the lamented John Chetwood. It is a " mel ancholy" duty, because a recurrence to the death of our esteemed friend and professional brother, fills our hearts with sadness on the one hand; while onthe other, it gives us heartfelt " pleasure," and the most unfeigned gratifica tion, to be assured, by your liberal donation, that you justly appreciated, while he was permitted to be with you, the many social virtues, the high integrity, the moral excel lence, the courteous and gentlemanly bearing, and the pro fessional learning, of our departed friend. Accept, gentlemen, for yourselves and your constituents, the Bar of San Francisco, our unfeigned thanks for this fraternal and generous expression of your regard for the memory of Mr. Chetwood. We consider your tribute of respect to his memory as an honor done to us, and to our fellow brethren of the Bar of this state, by all of whom he was beloved and respected. Your wishes, gentlemen, in connection vrith those of his bereaved parents and fami ly, you may rest assured, shall be carried into effect as far as may be in our power. The inhabitants of Elizabeth- town are about erecting a cemetery in an eligible situation in the vicinity of that place ; in which, we presume, tbe family will desire the proposed monument to be erected. Their wishes, however, will be consulted and complied with. With great sincerity and respect. We remain your obedient servants, Jos. C. Hornblower, Wm. Pennington, David A. Hayes. Frederick Billings, Leri Parsons, John S. Hager, Alexan der Campbell, Hall McAllister. Mr. Chetwood's remains were removed from San Francisco, and reinterred in the New Cemetery at Ehzabethtown, where the monument contemplated by his professional brethren has been erected. It is a tall shaft of white Italian marble, resting upon a square base of like material, upon which is engraved : 438 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [7th Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. " To the Memory of John Chetwood, by the Bar of San Francisco," together with the date of birth and death of the deceased. Children of Samuel Brewster, Son of Elisha, Son of Deacon Oliver. Elisha Brewster, b. in Middletown, Jan. 22, 1835 ; m. Josephine Spencer; had Frederick Brewster. Resides at Seymour, Ind. Caroline Tudor, b. in M., April 6, 1842. Children of Oliver, Son of Timothy, Son of Deacon Oliver. Mary Jane, b. Sept. 14, 1839 ; m. Feb. 22, 1859, Thomas Wilkin of Yates co., N. Y. Esther Ann, b. Aug. 18, 1845. Children of Timothy Edwards, Son of Timothy, Son of Deacon Oliver. Warren Halsey, b. at Wilson, Niagara co., N. Y., July 4, 1849. Walter Ely, b. at -Cannon, Kent co., Mich., Sept. 5, 1851. Samuel Buel, b. at Cannon, Kent co., Mich., Aug. 16, 1858. Charles Edwards, b. at Cannon, Kent co., Mich., Dec. 7, 1855. Children of Chauncey Edwards, Son of Chauncey, Son of Deacon Oliver. Edith F., b. in California, Sept. 24, 1848. William Brewster, b. in C, April 1, 1851. Henry Claverence, b. in C, April, 1856. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 4; Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Children of Henry Goodwin, Son of Chauncey, Son of Deacon Oliver. Franklin Henry, b. in California, Dec. 1, 1852. Charles, b. in C„ Jan. 26, 1855. Chauncey, b. in C, Dec. 1856, Lucy, b. in C, June 15, 1859. EIGHTH GENERATION. Son of Elisha Brewster, Son of Samuel Brewster, Son of Elisha, Son of Deacon Oliver Frederick Brewster, b, June 3, 1856, 57 440 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [3d Jeremiah, Son of Izrahiah, Son of Thomas. THIRD GENERATION. Jeremiah Wetmore, Was the sixth son of Izrahiah and Rachel (Stow) Whitmore, born in Middletown, Nov. 8, 1703 ; m. Abigah Butler, of Wethersfield, Ct., Feb. 25, 1724-5 ; had Hezekiah, Jeremiah, Abigail, Anna, Ichabod, Elizabeth, Rachel, Rachel 2d, and Thankful. He died at Middletown, October 2, 1753. We have been unable to obtain as complete a bio graphical record of him as we could wish. He inherits ed a large landed property from his father and his grandfather. Rev. Samuel Stow. His wife, we con jecture, is the grand daughter of Joseph Butler,-^ of Wethersfield, and his whe, Mary Goodrich.^ Both ^RicHAKD (Butler), Cambridge; 1632, freem. 14 May, 1634; rem. to Hartford before 1643 ; was rep. 1656-60, a deae. and d. 6 Aug., 1684. By first w. he had Thomas, Samuel and Nathaniel; by sec. w. Eliz., had Joseph, Daniel, Mary, wh. m. 29 Sept. 1659, Samuel Wright; Eliz. wh. m. an Olm sted ; and Hannah wh. m. Green. His wid. d. 11 Sep. 1691. Joseph, Wethersfield, s. prob. of Richard of Hartford, m. about 1667, Mary d. of William Goodrich ; had Richard, b. 1667 ; Benjamin, a. 1673 ; Joseph, ab. 1675; Mary, a. 1677; Gershom, ab. 1683; and Charles, ab. 1686; all nam. in his will. He d. 10 Dec. 1732, aged 84 ; his wid. d. 1 June, 1735. Nathaniel of Wethersfield, br. of Joseph, of wh. no more is told. Samuel of Wethersfield, son of Richard, was deae, and of him I can tell no more, but that his dau. Mary m. 21 Jan. 1692, Ebenezer Hopkins, of Hartford. — Savage's Geneal. Diet. 2 William (Goodrich), of Wethersfield * * * ; m. Oct. 4, 1648, Sarah, d. of Matthew Marvin, wh. outliv. him ; had William, b. 8 Aug. 1649, beside eight others ment. below, and d. 1676, leav. good est. to wid. daus. respeliv. ws. of Robert Wells (wh. was Eliz. b. 1658, m. 9 June, 1675); Abigail, of Thomas Fitch ; Mary, of Joseph Butlerf and eldest dau. Sarah, Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 441 Descendants of Jeremiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Tliomas. these families have long been distinguished in Connecti cut for respectability and talent. FOURTH GENERATION. Children of Jeremiah. Hezekiah, Capt., b. in Middletown, Aug. 22, 1726; m. Sarah, dau. of Col. Jabez and Elizabetb (Edwards) Huntington of Windham, Ct., and grand dau. of Rev. Timothy Edwards of East Windsor, and niece of president Jonathan Edwards ; had Hezekiah and Tryphenia. He died in the West Indies. Jeremiah, b. in M., Nov. 25, 1727 ; m. Hannah, dau. of Josiah Hobbs of Weston, Mass.,' b. in Boston, Jan. 5, 1729; d. Aug. b. 1649 ; m. 20 Nov., 1667, John HoUister, and s. John, b. 20 May, 1653 ; William again, 8 Feb., 1661 ; Ephraim, 2 June, 1666 ; and David, March 4, 1667. He was early an ens. rep. 1660, 2, 5, and 6, but prob. not proge- nit. of the emin. men of the state of Conn., bearing his name, His wid. bee. sec. w. of Capt. William Curtiss, of Stratford. It is some times spelt, in conform, with sound, Goodridge aud Guttridge on careless rec. William, of Wethersfield, son of preced. by io. Grace Riley; m. 22 Nov., 1680, wh. d. 23 Oct. 1712; had William, b. 3 Aug., 1681 ; d. at 3 mos. ; William again, 2 or 23 July, 1686; Benjamin, 29 Sept., 1688; Joseph, 29 July, 1691, or 29 Feb., 1692; Isaac, 18 Aug., 1693; Ann, 25 Mar., 1697; Ephraim, 12 Sep., 1699; and Ethan, 3 June, 1702. He had by sec. w. Mary Ann, wid. of Dr. Nicholas Ayrault, Eliz., Lucencia and Eunice; and d. 1737. This fam. of wh. fifteen had 20 years since been grad. at Yale Coll. was from Suffolk, Eng. Rev. William, br. prob. by m. of Rebecca, a sis. of John and of William, the first comers, gave them by will, 1678, all his est. at Hegesset, a village near Bury St. Edmunds." — Savage's Geneal. Diet. 3 Josiah (Hobbs), came to Boston in the Arabella, 1671, a passenger from London, lived at Woburn. By w. Mary, had Josiah, b. Aug. 6, 1685, Mary, 16 March, 1687, Susanna, 24 Nov., 1688; but the family tradition in Geneal. Reg., ix, 255, makes the eldest s. Josiah, b. in Boston, 1684, and the f. there to have liv. eighteen years after coming. In 1690, says the geneal reg., he rem. to Lexington, then called Cambridge Farms, and with w. Tabitha, join, the ch. there, Aug., 1699; had Josiah, Tabitha and Mary, (()/ bapt. 17 Sept. 17'99 ; Matthew and Susanna, Oct. 1700; Ebenezer, 8 Jan., / 1710 ; and Tabitha again, 13 April, 1712 ; and he d. 30 May, 1741, aged / 92 years. Josiah, Boston, s. of the preced. ; m. 1708, Esther, dau. of Ebenezer Davenport; had Ebenezer, b. 1709, Tabitha, 10 July, 1715, 442 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [4th Descendants of Jeremiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. 5, 1802 ; had William, George, Hannah, Josiah, Sarah, Jere miah, Esther, Mary, Butler, Frances, Butler 2d, Rachel, Try phenia. He died at Middletown, March 26, 1790. He resided at Middletown, and was engaged in the West India trade, at a time when there was considera ble foreign commerce carried on from that place. It appears from the following, which are taken from the Am. Archives, vol. v, 4th series, that Mr. Wetmore was a loser during the Revolution, by seizure on the high seas. The statement itself, we deem a curiosity, and one of general interest. The persons named as owners and consignees, are heads of well known famhies of the present day. An account of the brigantine Polly, vessel and cargo, Giles Sage, Master, taken by His Majesty's ship l^J'autilus, commanded by Captain John Collins on the 20th of Sept. last (1775), carried into Boston and converted to the use of the Ministerial Army and Ifavy there ; in which is con tained the value of said brigantine, the particular articles of which her cargo consisted, with names of the persons to whom each article in particular did belong ; as follows, to wit: The property of Matthew Talcott, Esq., and Captain Jere miah Wadsworth, merchants : The brigantine Polly, 110 tons bur den, valued ^£500. 0. 0 Sundries named, rum, sugar, can vass, beef, etc., 752.16. 5 -^1,252.16. 5 Josiah and John, tw. 1721, on Governor's Isl., it is said in the tradition tale. Esther, 22 Oct., 1722 ; Sarah, bapt. 10 May, 1724, in right of her mo. who had 12 April, preceed. united with Mather's ch. (the old North, not new North, as Geneal. Reg., ix, 255, reads), Dorcas, 8 May, 1726; Hannah (Mrs. Wetmore above), Jan. 5, IB29, tho' the fam. geneal. makes the b. 20 days later than the bapt., and tells that at Mather's ch. "all his chil. but one were bapt., when only three of the nine enjoy that rite in that place. He rem. to Weston, 1730, there had Nathan, b. next yr. He d. 27 Feb., 1779, aged 94 years, and his wid. d. the preceed. 29 Nov., if the accounts be correct." — Savage's Geneal. Diet. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 4 Descendants of Jeremiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. The property of Richard Alsop, Esq. : Eight hogsheads best Muscavato sugar, contng 9,882 fibs ; weight is 88 cwt., 26@60s, .£264.18.10 Two puncheons Jamaica rum, B. P., No. 38, 39, contg 227 gals., 4s, 45. 8. 0 Twenty bags of cotton wool, contg 2,214 fibs., at 2s6d f ft., 276. 1.10 Sundries (named), 62.10. 0 ¦- 649.1. The property of Titus Hosmer : Sugar, rum and French ware, 74. 7 The property of Elisha Brewster : Indigo 50 to 125, and checked linen, 23 yds., 3s, 34. 1 The property of Samuel Russel : Two puncheons Jamaica rum, B. P., No. 30, 31, 225 gals., 4s, 45. 0 The property of Return Meigs : One puncheon of Jam. ¦ rum, , 21. 4 The property of Stephen Ranney : 2 puncheons rum, and 2 hogs. Sugar, 110.10 The property of Jeremiah Wetmore : One puncheon Jam. rum, 109 gals., 4s, £21.16. 0 Three bbls. mess beef, 60s. fbbh,. 9. 0. 0 : 30.16 The property of Giles Sage : 326 a. Indigo, 128. f . ft., 1 hhd. sugar, 13 cwt., 1. 9. 16. 60s. ; 80 fts. ginger, 60s. f cwt. ; 1 ft. nutmegs, 1.10, and sundries, making in all an invoice of 884.11 The property of : Sundry other parties named ; seaman's wages, maMng a total of loss on vessel and cargo, of £3,034.19 444 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [4th Descendants of Jeremiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. The captain's wages were rated at 50s. per month ; seamen's at 35s. and 45s. per month. Affidavits, dated March 2, 1776, and signed by George Starr and Giles Sage, on the part of vessel and cargo, and Eleazer Treadwell, on the part of seamen, before Titus Hos mer, Justice of the Peace. The vessel was owned by Talcott & Wadsworth, and it appears that she sailed from Middletown, in May, 1775, for New London, where she took in a cargo of horses, provisions and lumber for Kingston, Jamaica, W. I. ; arrived at latter port, July 6, 1775, and sailed thence for New York, the 20th of August. On the 20th of Sept., when on soundings S. W. from Long Island and standing in for New York, was cap tured by His Majesty's ship Nautilus. The captain and men were taken prisoners to Boston, preparatory to being sent to England. Capt. Sage made his escape at Dorchester Point, and from thence returned home. It appears from a map of Middletown made before the revolution, that there were at that time three families of the name of Wetmore residing within the limits of the city, viz : Ichabod, Jeremiah and Josiah Wetmore. "Jeremiah, sea captain',' is inscribed on lot next west of Ichabod on Washington street, west of Main street, and before Broad street, north side, now or late, the residence of Thomas Addison, Esq. Abigail, b. in M., Sept. 18, 1729. Anna, b. in M., March 6, 1731-2. Ichabod, b. in M., Aug., 1734; m. Elizabeth Starr, of New Lon don, Ct., Nov. 10, 1757; had Ichabod; m. 2, Elizabeth Chris tophers, Nov. 24, 1783 ; had Elizabeth, Maria, Harriet Lydia, Sarah Christophers, Ichabod 2d. He, in early hfe, followed the sea, and became master of a merchant vessel. On the old map of Middletown, alluded to above, his name is recorded Ichabod Wet^ G-en.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 445 Descendants of Jeremiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. more, " Seafaring." He occupied a house in Wash ington street, west of Main. He was a warden in the first Episcopal church of M., and was highly esteemed (sajs a correspondent who knew him in his old age) for his excellence and integrity of character. He died May 27, 1807. His first wife, Ehzabeth Starr, died March 12, 1778. His second wife, Eliza beth Christophers, was of an old family of New Lon don.^ Elizabeth, b. in Middletown, July 29, 1736. Rachel, b. in M.. May 28, 1788 ; d. Jan. 18, 1739. Rachel 2d, b. in M., Feb. 11, 1739-iO. Thankful, b. in M., Feb. 14, 1743 ; d. Nov. 2, 1753. * Christopher (Christophers), New London, 1667, mariner of Devon shire, brot. from Barbadoes, w. Mary, and chil. Richard, John and Mary. His w. d. July 13, 1676, aged 54, and he m. Elizabeth, wid. of Peter Brad ley, dau. of Jonathan Brewster, and d. 23 or 25 July, 1687, aged 55, if the grave stone wh. makes his age ten yrs. less than that of his lo. be correct. Perhaps the best change would be that on that of his w.'s stone as she might well be thot. younger ; but the evidence is strong, that the inequali ty was real, and she felt the disadvant. Christopher, New London, son of Richard of the same; was Judge of the Oo. Ct., and asst. ; had Christo pher, who fill, the same offices after his f. Jeffrey, New London, br. of Christopher the first, came ab. the same time with him ; had daus. Mar garet, Joanna, and ano., beside only s. Jeffrey, wh. m. and d. 1690, of small-pox, with his -w. within three wks., leav. no chil. He was call. 55 yrs. old in 1676, and rem. in old age with two daus., liv. in 1700 at South- old, L. I. Margaret, m. Abraham Coney ; Joanna, m. 25 Dec, 1676, John Mayhew, of New London ; and the other dau. m. a Packer, of S. John, New London, mariner, younger s. of Christopher the first; m. 28 July, 1696, Eliz., perhaps dau. of John Mulford, and d. at Barbadoes, Feb. 8, 1703, leav. a wid and four chil. His wid. m. 21 Oct., 1706, .John Picket. Richard, New London, elder br. of the preced., b., says a fam. reg., 18 July, 1662, at Cherton Ferrers, Torbay, Devonsh., ab. 6 mos. from Dart mouth; m. 26 Jan., 1682, Lucretia, d. of Peter Bradlee; had Christopher, bef. ment., b. 2 Dec. 1683, H. C. 1702, and other oh., but their names and dates have not been seen. His w. A. 7 Jan., 1691, and he m. 3 Sep. foil. Grace Turner of Scituate, perhaps a dau. of John, by wh. he had more chil., in all fifteen, and d. 9 June, 1726. The name bee. extinct at N. L. a doz. years ago, but descend, in fem. lines are there." — Savage's Geneal. Diet. 446 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [5th Descendants of Jeremiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. FIFTH GENERATION. Children of Capt. Hezekiah. Hezekiau, b. in Middletown; — ; m. — - ; had G-eorge and Sarah, He resided in 1793, in Fairfield, Ct. Tryphenia, b. in M. about 1750. She died and was buried at Stratford, the following being a copy of the inscription upon her tombstone : Mrs. Tryphenia Wetmore daughter of Capt. Hezekiah Wetmore of Middletown. Died July 11, 1772, se. 22. It will be remembered that the title of Mrs. or Mistress was given in colonial times to unmarried ladies that were of age, and of elevated social rank. The custom still prevails, we believe, in some parts of Europe. Children of Jeremiah. William, Judge, b. in M., Oct. 30, 1749 ; m.. Nov. 5, 1776, Cathe rine, second dau. of Wm. Pynchdn, of Salem, Mass., who d. July 28, 1778, leaving William. He m. 2d, Oct. 8, 1782, Sally, dau. of Samuel Waldo; had Sarah Waldo, Caroline Lucy, Augusta, Hester Ann, Thomas and Samuel Waldo, twins. He graduated at Harvard College, 1770, and settled in Salem, Mass., where he practiced his profession and represented that town in the General Court in 1777- He was one of the original founders of the Massachu setts Historical Society, and was named with twenty- eight other distinguished citizens of that common wealth, in the act of incorporation of that honorable society in 1794. He ever after took a warm interest Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 447 Descendants of Jeremiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. in the welfare of the society ; and was engaged with the Rev. Dr. Morse, Dr. Aaron Dexter, Dr. William Spooner, and others, in superintending the publishing of one or more volumes of the Society's collections. He resigned his official connection with the Society, the 29th of August, 1815. He was judge of the court of common pleas of Boston, for a number of years. In an autograph sheet before us, containing genea logical and biographical notices of a number of Wet more families, arranged and sent by him to the Rev. Robert Griffeth Wetmore, in March, 1793, he says : William, eldest son of Jeremiah, 2d son of Jer°, 6th son of Iz. 1st, 4th son of Thomas, rec'* a liberal education at Harvard College, took the degree of A. B., July, , his degree of A. M., July ; noticed iu y" public perform ances by having comp * * * parts assigned him in y" En glish exercises on y* commencement days ; removed to Salem, Massachusetts ; studied law under Wm. Pynchon esq', an emminent Barrister 3 years, was admitted to y° court of common pleas ; 1" Ap., 1774, to j" Sup. Judicial Court, 2 years after was called Barrister & power accord ingly. His practice was extensive & embraced all the busi ness he desired, tih he quited it altogether in 1792, having acquired a fortune to gratify all his desires, the foundation of wc"" he laid in y' study & practice of y" com & civil law. He married 1" on 6 Nov. 1776 Catherine, 2'* daughter of W™ Pynchon esq' of Salem, by whom had one son born Aug. 7, 1777, who is now at Harvard University, where he entered a student, July, 1792. She died 28 July, 1778. He remained a widower till y" 8 Oct., 1782, when he mar ried Sarah, eldest daughter of Co' Samuel Waldo of Fal mouth, Massachusetts, dee'' ; by her he had Sarah Waldo, a daughter, born at Salem, 24 May, 1784. Caroline Lucy, another daughter born at Boston, 5 Aug., 1786, died there 24 July, 1792, to the inexpressable grief of her parents, on acc° of their unreasonable expectation from her heavenly temper and disposition, and personal graces. Augusta, an other daughter born 17 Feb. 1788. He removed to Boston, 1785, where he now lives, oe- 58 448 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [5th Descendants of Jeremiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. casioually visiting Middletown, the seat of his ancestors, where he possessed much of the old family estate for w"'' he feels the strongest attachment." On the back of the paper, of which the above is taken, is inscribed, " Notices of Family of Wetmore, settled at Middletown in Connecticut, rec'^ from W" Wetmore esq., 2* March, 1793." Judge Wetmore died Nov. 1830. The isle at the mouth of the Penobscot river, known as " Wetmore's Island," was a part of the grant from the Enghsh government to Gen. Waldo, and received its name in compliment to Judge Wetmore, and was a part of his wife's inheritance, and where they resided for some time. The island was sold to the Messrs. Cary by his heirs in 1836 or 7, for |56,000. His wife, Sarah Waldo, died Aug. 5, 1805. She was of a highly respectable ancestry; her paternal grandfather was Gen. Samuel Waldo, a distinguished officer during the Indian and French wars. The section of country, 10 leagues square, now composing a part of Waldo county, in the staie of Maine, was patented to him, and is still known as the Waldo grant, and where he resided, and to whose heirs it descended. Gen. Waldo was a son of Jonathan Waldo, a respectable merchant in Boston, who died in 1731, leaving a large estate to his five children. He was interested in eastern lands, and his son Samuel was connected with him in these speculations. On his death, Samuel came into possession of large tracts here and further east. The general was the largest proprietor of land in this town for many years, having purchased the rights of old proprietors, previous to 1730. In 1730, he bought 800 acres of the proprietors committee, and seized every opportunity to extend his interest here. He was an active intelhgent and persever ing man, and spent much time in town. He died at the age of 63, leaving two sons, Samuel and Francis, who hved in this town, and daughters, Hannah, married Isaac Winslow Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 449 Descendants of Jeremiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. of Roxbury, and Lucy married to Thomas Flucker of Boston, who were the parents of the late Geu. Knox's wife ; a third son Ralph, died young. Gen. Waldo went to England in 1729, to defend the Lincoln proprietors, and published a pamphlet in vindication of their rights. — Wil liamson's Hist, of Me., II, 338. The same authority details the circumstances of his death, as follows : As soon as the laborers had commenced work,' the Governor,* attended by Gen. Samuel Waldo, with guard of 136 men, ascended the river near the head of tide water, and below the bend, aud May 23, (1769), went ashore on the westerly side of the river. From this place he sent a message to the Tarratin tribe, giving them notice of the enterprise undertaken at the fort point, and assuring them if they should fall upon the English, aud kill any of them, the whole tribe should be hunted and driven from the country. But, added he, though we neither fear your re sentment, nor seek your favor, we pity your distress ; and if you will become the subjects of his Majesty and live near the fort, you shah have our protection, and enjoy your planting grounds, and your hunting berths, without molestation. Gen. Waldo took great interest in the expedition, ex pecting that the Musconges (or Waldo) patent extended to some place near the spot then visited by them ; and that he and his co-proprietors would derive essential advantage from the projected fortification. Withdrawing a few paces he looked around and exclaimed, " here is my bound," and instantly feh dead, of apoplexy.^ * * * * To commemorate the spot, the Governor buried a leaden 5 Gen. W. was on an expedition up the Penobscot river. The work about to be commenced was the building of a fort on the west side of the river below Orphan's Island. 8 Gov. Pownal. 'Council Rec. 1756 to 1767. Governor Pownal says "he went up to the first falls, four miles and a half from the first ledge, found cleared lands on the western side of the river, where Gen. Waldo dropt down. May 23, just above the fall, of an apoplexy, and expired in a few minutes ;" the place is not known, supposed to be not far from Fort Hill, in Bangor, some say it was on the eastern side. 450 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [5th Descendants of Jeremiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. plate, bearing an inscription of the melancholy event. Gen. Waldo was a gentleman of great entei-prise aud worth ; and the conspicuous part he acted in the first capr ture of Louisburg, will be long recollected with inter mingled pleasure and praise. His sons, Samuel and Fran cis, and the husbands of his two daughters, were the tes tamentary executors of his large estate, much of which was in the last mentioned patent. Mrs. Wetmore's father. Col. Samuel Waldo, gradu ated at Harvard College in 1743 ; he represented Fal mouth in the General Court, 1765, when the question of the stamp act was being agitated in the colonies, and was " directed to use his utmost endeavors to pre vent the stamp act taking place in that province;" being unfavorable to the popular party was not re turned the second time. Francis, 2d son of Gen. Waldo, was also a graduate of Harvard (1747). He never married (says a note in Hist, of Portland, J). 112), a disappointment in that quarter in 1768, induced him to abandon the idea ; he writes in Sept. of that year, " Miss ¦ has behaved in a manner so base, ungrateful and false, that I don't expect any further connection there." He was a re presentative of the town in 1762 and 1763 ; at the commencement of the revolution he went to England and never returned. His estates here were confiscated under the absentee act in 1782, and sold. He died in London. George, b. in Middletown, July 31, 1751 ; m. by Bishop Seabury, Rachel, only dau. of Benjamin Ogden, Esq., of New York city; had Rachel Ogden, George Curgerven, Alexander Ogden, William Henry, Sophia Maria, Charles Jeremiah, Thomas George, Harriet Augusta, Cornelia Charlotte, Mary Aun. He was educated in his native place, and at an early age embarked in the West India trade, by which he amassed a considerable property. He continued in that trade until the commencement of the Revolution- Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 451 Descendants of Jeremiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. ary war. Remaining loyal to the crown, he enlisted a company of 48 men at his own expense, called the Independent Volunteers, attaching his company to Brig. Gen. Browne's brigade ; from Gen. Browne he received his first commission of lieutenant, Jan. 1, 1777, and afterwards that of captain in the 2d batta lion, March 25, 1777. He served his sovereign until 1783, when the regiment was disbanded. He then took up lands at Antigonish, Nova Scotia, where he resided many years, after which he returned to the United States, and settled at Troy, N. J., wliere he died soon after, Nov. 2, 1800. His remains are en tombed, together with his wife's, at Morristown, N. J. Hannah, b. in M., March 22, 1753 ; m. Mr. -^ Douglass of M. ; d. Sept. 20, 1810. Josiah, b. in M., Jan. 11, 1755; " went to sea; was taken to Hali fax ; put on board of a British guard ship ; caught a putrid fever, and died Oct. 12, 1778." « Sarah, b.. in M., Jan. 10, 1757; m. Mr. ^— Hart of M., d, Sept. 19, 1789. Jeremiah, b. in M., Feb. 17, 1759. " He also went to sea, was in y* service of the Dutch, during y'^late war; was taken and con fined in y^ Mill Prison, England, where he continued till y' peace ; what became of him we^"" never learn."* He died in 1803. Esther, b. in M., March 5, 1761; d Oct. 18, 1810; unm. Mart, b. in M., Nov. 20, 1762 ; single. Butler, b. in M., July 16, 1765; d. Aug. 16, 1766. Frances, b. in M., May 20, 1767; m. Mr. Clark of M. Butler 2d, b. in M., Nov. 20, 1768; d. Nov. 24, . Rachel, b. in M., July 1, 1770, lived with her brother. Judge William, in Boston ; d. unm., Jan. 16, 1814. Tryphenia, b. Nov. 29, 1772 (single). 8 From an original record made by his elder brother. Judge William (as was most of the above gen. record), dated March, 1793. 452 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [5th Descendants of Jeremiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Children of Ichabod. Ichabod, b. in Middletown, Feb. 12,1759; grad. at Yale Coll., 1778 ; d. unm. Aug. 9, 1786. Elizabeth, b. in M., Aug. 23, 1784 ; m. John Hinsdale, May 26, 1804 ; had I Sarah Wetmore, b. June 1, 1805, who m. E. H. Kimball, of N. Y. II Elizabeth Christophers, b. June 17, 1807 ; m. E. H. Kimball; of N. Y.; d. Sept. 1, 1828. Mrs. Hinsdale d. Oct. 25, 1808. Maria, b. in M., May 28, 1786; m. Capt John^( Andrew?) of the |u^ U. S. revenue service, at New Lon3on, July 7, 1810; had I John P. C, b. Sept. 26, 1816.. /Cf/- Harriet Lydia, b. in M., Oct. 27, 1787; m. Benjamin Williams, July 19, 1807. Resides in New London. Sarah Christophers, b. in M., March 9, 1789 ; d. Oct. 13, 1805. Ichabod 2d, b. in M., March 14, 1792 ; m. in Newborn, N. C, Jan. 23, 1817, Elizabeth Ann, dau. of Thomas Badger, Esq., ; had Laura Jane, Elizabeth Cogdell, Thomas Badger, George Badger, Frances Rebecca, Lydia Cogdell, and William Robards. He removed to North Carolina about the time of his majority, where he settled and married, and where, by his integrity and uprightness of character, he established a reputable name, and received that con fidence and respect from the citizens of the ''old North State " that his worth and honorable ancestry entitled him to. He was for many years cashier of the State Bank of North Carolina, at Fayetteville. He died at the latter place, Oct. 7th, 1857. A plain stone, with name, date of birth and death inscribed thereon, erected in the grave yard of that city, marks the place where his remains repose. His widow con tinues to reside in Fayetteville, much honored and loved by her numerous family, as well as highly re spected and revered by the citizens generally. She Gen.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 453 Descendants of Jeremiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. is a daughter (as before noted) of the late Thomas Badger,'' of North Carolina, who was a native of Wind ham, Conn.; he settled in North Carolina in early life, and married Lydia, daughter of Richard Cogdell, Esq., of Newbern. He was an attorney and counsellor, was esteemed for his probity and trustworthiness, and be came one of the most eminent lawyers of that state. He died of yellow fever in 1799, leaving three small children — George E., Elizabeth Ann, and a daughter who died young. The son, the ' Hon. George E. Badger, we may truly say, has well sustained the reputation and honorable name that he inherited. He was born in 1795. His maternal grandfather, Richard Cogdell, with Dr. Alexander Gaston, was of the Council of Safety for the Newbern district. He graduated at Yale College in 1813 ; studied law with the Hon. John Stanley, who was a near relative ; was a representative in the N. C. state legislature in 1816 ; judge of the superior court from 1820 to 1825, when he resigned; was secretary of the navy under President Harrison, which ofiice he re signed on the incoming of President Tyler. In 1846 he was elected U. S. senator, and again in 1848 for a term of six years, serving on committees on military and naval affairs. Of late years he has been most ex clusively engaged in the practice of his profession m "'Giles (Badger), Newbury, 1635; m. Elizabeth, dau. of Edmund Green leaf; had .lohn, b. June 30, 1643; and d. 10 July, 1647. His will, of 29 June, was pro. in Sept. and his wid. m. 16 Feb. foil. Richd. Brown. John, New bury, son of the preced. by w. Eliz. wh. d. 8 Apr. 1669 ; had John, b. 4 Apr., 1664; d. soon; John, again, 26 Apr., 1665; Sarah, 25 Jan., 1667; and James, 19 Mar., 1669. For sec. w. he m. 23 Feb., 1671, Hannah, dau. of Stephen Swett ; had Stephen, 18 Dec. foil. ; Hannah, 3 Dec, 1673 ; Nathaniel, 16 Jan., 1676; Mary, 2 May, 1678 ; Eliz., 30 Apr. 1680; Ruth, 10 Feb.; 1683; a. s. 9 Mar., 1685; d. soon; Abigail, 29 June, 1687; and Lydia, 30 Apr., 1690. He d. 31 Mar., 1691, and his w. at near the same date, both small pox. Nathaniel, Newbury, 1635, br. of Giles, perhaps elder; had w. Hannah, but I can no more of him, or ano. br. Richard." — ¦ Savage's Gen. Diet. In 1857, three grad. of this name had come from Harvard, in 1856 ; five from Yale; and in 1834, two from other N. E. Coll. — Compiler. 454 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [5th Descendants of Jeremiah, son of Izrahiah, Son of Thomas. the higher courts of his own state, and of the Supreme Court at Washington. In politics he has always been a Whig, as was his father in the early days of the Republic; always con servative in his views. He is one of the few of that school of Clay and Webster statesmen left among us. As might be expected from such a man, he is a Union loving man, and as the crowning glory of his life it may be here recorded, that he is, during this momentous crisis in our country's history, using his commanding influence and forensic powers in endeavoring to stay revolution and all its attendant horrors. K his de scendants in generations j^et to come, should have no other birthright of which to be proud and to entitle them to heraldric honors, the simple fact that their ancestor, George E. Badger, was in sentiment and in deed against disunion, of itself will be sufftdenty^ As a citizen and neighbor, Mr. Badger stands deserved ly high, enjoying the confidence and esteem of those opposed, as well as of his own, political faith. Many is the young student of hmited means, as well as others, who has been made the recipient of Senator Badger's kindly aid and countenance. He married, first a daughter of Geo. Turner, second a daughter of Col. Polk, and third Mrs. WUhams, a daughter of the late Sherwood Haywood, Esq., of Ra leigh, N. C. "We are pained beyond expression, iu having to note here that Mr. Badger has given way to the revolutionary storm, that is devastating the southern states. We have ever been a political admirer of Senator Badger, and we wish it could have beeu so ordered, that he should stand firm with those sturdy oaks, his cotemporaries in times past, John J. Critten den of Kentucky, Edward Bates of Missouri and Edward Everett of Mass achusetts. Gen.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 455 Descendants of Jeremiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. SIXTH GENERATION. Children of Hezekiah, Son of Jeremiah. Sarah. George. Children of Judge William, Son of Jeremiah. William, b. Aug. 7, 1777 ; grad. at Harvard College, 1797 ; d. unm., Feb. 1807. Sarah Waldo, b. at Salem, Mass., May 24, 1784; m. in Boston, Aug. 28, 1808, Judge Joseph Story, LL. B.; b. Sept. 18, 1779; had Caroline, Joseph, Caroline Wetmore, Mary, Wil liam Wetmore, Louisa, and Mary Oliver. Sarah Waldo Wetmore was the 2d wife of Judge Story. His first wife was M-ary Ljoide Oliver, " whose intellect (says his son) commanded his respect, as her greatness and amiabihty had won his heart." * * * " She was an elegant and accomplished woman, full of fine sense, and interesting in her person and manners" {Judge S.'s Autobiography) . They were married Sun day, Dec. 9th, 1804, and she died the 22d of June, 1805. The following history and circumstances attending the subsequent marriage and wedded life of Judge Story, we take from the Life and Letters of Joseph Story, edited by his son, Wm. W, Story; Boston: Little & Brown. 1851. ***** To a nature ^so social and demonstra tive, the idea of a solitary hfe was repulsive. As his grief wore avpay and he became interested in society his desires 59 456 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Jeremiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Stretched forward timidly, but decidedly towards a life which should not be without its " Intimate delights. Fireside enjoyments, home-born happiness." In his solitude he longed for a home and for the charms of sympathy and love. The prize of ofliee and fame, grateful as they were to his ambition, did not satisfy the demands of his heart. His aimless aftections required to be concentrated, and though doubtingly at first, he soon hstened to the flattering voice of hope. From beneath the cloud of sorrow the sunlight began to gleam. In the beginning of the year 1808, he became interest ed in Miss Sarah Waldo Wetmore (my mother), and before it had elapsed he was afiianced to ber. Her father, Hon. Wilham Wetmore, was a lawyer of distinction in Boston, and a judge of the Court of Common Pleas. Her mother was the granddaughter of Brigadier General Waldo, so well known in the provincial annals of this country. She had been the intimate friend of my father's first wife, and was related to her by marriage, and the esteem and aflec- tion, which had begun during his previous marriage, now matured into love. The news of his engagement he thus announces to his brother-in-law, Joseph White, Jr. Boston, May 28, 1808. My Dear Brother : If you are in company, home or abroad, when you receive this letter, perhaps you may as well fold it up in silence. Will it be a surprise to you that again I am awakening to the influence of love, and again am seeking the happiness of domestic life ? I have long wished to change this irksome state for one more congenial to my feelings and my habits, but a thousand circumstances have repress ed the consideration. My difficulty in meeting with an individual to whom I could offer the free homage of my heart in sincerity, has opposed an insuperable obstacle. No motive but that of affection could ever find a plaee in guiding my choice, and how few, how very few, in the circles of polite life, unite the qualities to form domestic felicity. Thanks be to God ! all my doubts and apprehen sions have vanished. I am now an affianced lover, to one my heart most sincerely reverences and admires. Shall I tell you that this gentle being is Sally Wetmore ? I have known her long, very long, and have always respected her excellent character. Esteem has ripened into affection, and she, whom in the circles of friendship Gen.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 457 Descendants of Jeremiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. I always sought with delight, has now become the first in my heart. I ask your congratulations to me on this occasion, and I know that you will feel pleasure in learning that I shall soon have a home, to which to welcome you and yours. Yours affectionately, Joseph Story. A letter of later date, to Samuel P. P. Fay, Esq., an nounces his marriage. Monday, August 28th, 1808. My Dear Friend : I bless my stars that, at half-past six yesterday morning, I re ceived from the hands of Parson Eaton a wife. We were married at the North Church, dined in Boston, and drank tea in Salem, at our own house. Here we shall rejoice to welcome you and Harriet, and believe me in truth, we love you and her very sincerely. May our friendship find in this new connection an additional tie to fix its everlasting permanence. My wife is at my elbow, with my sistef Harriet. They are happy. Heaven grant that we may all long be so ! Yours affectionately, Joseph Story. P. S. — There is a small package containing a piece of bridal cake, which is left at Judge Wetmore's in Winter street ; pray if in town get it for our young friends to dream over. His son continues : His domestic happiness was crowned by tbe birth of his daughter Carohne, subsequently of his son Joseph. The following letter to Mr. Williams gives us a glimpse into the household : Boston, February 20th, 1811. My Dear Friend : I rejoice in the acknowledgement of your recent letter, though I have been a little more charitable than usual in accounting for your silence. The necessary arrangements of the profession, the accu mulation of domestic cares, and the delightful task of sporting with your boy, were all considered as no mean apology for a half year's epistolary negligence. My wife and myself take great interest in the picture whioh you have given us of your family group, and learn with peculiar satisfac tion that our young friend is lively, elegant and sensible. By the by I do not well discern how he could have been otherwise. Can a good tree bring forth bad fruit ? In return we assure you, that our dear little Caroline is very healthy, and very handsome ; as fine a specimen of New England's red and white, as ever graced the visions of a northern poet. She is a source of perpetual interest 458 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of .Jeremiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. and anxiety, and amply, and very amply, repays our endearments, by becoming every day more affectionate and playful. * * * * I have just published Lawes on Assumpsit, with notes, and I have preserved a copy for you, whioh I shall transmit by the first conve nient opportunity. ** * ***** Yours affectionately. To Nathaniel Williams, Esq. Joseph Story. But these golden days were not destined to last. On the 28th of February, 1811, Caroline died and a cloud of sorrow darkened over the house. My father was almost inconsolable ; but he devoted himself to study and labor as the best alleviation of his sorrow, and sought, by creat ing other interests, to forget his loss. His son Joseph still was left, for whom, with all a father's pride, he laid out future visionary plans of joy and fame — never, alas, to be realized. The following verses he wrote on the death of Caro line : Sweet, patient sufferer, gone at last To a far happier shore, All thy sick hours of pain are past. Thy earthly anguish o'er. And yet if aught or fair or bright Might hope to linger here. Long, long had shone thy modest light. And never caused a tear. In temper, how serene and meek ! How touching every grace ! The smile that played upon thy cheek Might warm an angel's face. A heart how full of filial love ! How delicate, how good ! Thy feehngs served intent to prove The bliss of gratitude. So quiet and so sweet thy death. It seemed a holy sleep, — Scarce heard, scarce felt, thy parting breath. Then silence fixed and deep. Oen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 459 Descendants of Jeremiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Who can the utter wretchedness Of such a scene portray. When the last look, the last caress Is felt, and dies away. I kissed the faded hps and cheek, Aud bent my knees in prayer. Bent — but there was no voice to speak, It choked in stih despair. Ah ! never, never, from my heart Thine image, child, shall flee — 'Tis soothing from the world to part, 'Tis bliss to think on thee. The following letters contain another picture of do mestic grief. His daughter Mary, who was born on the 9th of April, 1814, died March 28, 1815 ; and scarce had this wound began to heal, when on the 19th of October, in the same year, Joseph, then in his 6th year^-a bright, handsome and promising boy, in whose growing childhood my father had watched with delight the tender reflections of his own early life and feelings, and whose future career he had painted with sanguine hopes — died : Salem, May 8th, 1815. My Dear Friend : I feel very much obliged to you for your late kind letter. When I reached home it was but a melancholy meeting. My youngest daughter, Mary, about eleven months old, was very ill, and in about a week she expired, to our unspeakable sorrow. This was indeed a most cutting affliction to my wife ; the little girl was uncommonly handsome and intelligent, and promised us many days of future happiness. I may well exclaim, in the words of Young — " Early, light, transient, chaste as morning dew, She sparkled, was exhaled, and went to heaven." My wife has been very melancholy since this unfortunate event, and so indifferent is her health, that I propose to make a short jour ney into the country, with a hope of her convalescence. May you long be shielded from the pangs and sorrows of losses of this kind, though it will be almost miraculous if you should escape for any considerable length of time from an evil which seems the fate of all 460 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Jeremiah, son of Izrahiah, sou of Thomas. human connections. I know of no sorrow more bitter or more piercing than the sudden removal of the children of our love. This is the second time that I have buried a lovely daughter. As a pa rent, you cannot but sympathize with us. Alas ! this is the only consolation which the loss admits, and it is truly precious from the hands of friendship. With a view to dissipate my grief, for it is unavailing, I have been latterly engaged in drawing up my dissenting opinion in the case of Nereide (9 Cranch's R. 449.) I have now completed it; and never in my whole life was I more entirely satisfied that the court were wrong in their judgment. I hope Mr. Pinckney will prepare and publish his admirable argument in that case ; it will do him immortal honor. Your affectionate friend, To Hon. Nathaniel Williams. Joseph Story. Salem, Sept. 28th, 1815. My Dear Friend : I owe you an apology for not answering your interesting letter, but in truth I have been overwhelmed with public, private and do mestic business. My wife has been severely sick during the greatest part of the summer, and has hardly yet recovered any considerable portion of health. To add to my anxiety and afflictions, my little boy has been again seized with the same disorder as in the last year, except that the symptoms have been, if possible, more alarming. He has now been ill about two months, and we have hopes (alas, they are but hopes), that he is now slowly on the recovery. These two events have completely broken up all my studies and pleasures during the whole summer, and have exhausted and em ployed my time in the most anxious occupations. The few moments which I have been able to spare from the chamber of sickness, have been devoted to necessary judicial concerns. You, too, have been placed in most trying circumstances, and haye felt what indeed has often been my lot, the dreadful horror of losing children in the very bloom and brightness of youth,. * * * How frail is the tenure of our happiness, and how little of our joys and sorrows is within our own control ? For myself I can truly say, that my personal experience has greatly tended " To damp my brainless, ardor, and abate The glare of life which sometimes blinds the wise." These are melancholy reflections, and though they sometimes press on my anxious hours, I am glad to say that they have not robbed me of many cheerful days. ***** ' Your affectionate friend. To Hon. Nathaniel Williams. Joseph Story. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 461 Descendants of Jeremiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Salem, December 3d, 1815. My Dear Friend : Since I wrote you last, I have undergone great and severe anxi eties, and have sustained what I must ever deem an irreparable loss. My dear little boy, after suffering in a most melancholy manner from a gradual decline, died towards the close of October. It was my painful duty to attend him almost exclusively during the last months of his illness, and what with almost incessant watchfulness, anxiety, and sorrow, my very soul sank within me. It is impossible to de scribe to you, or to any other human being, who has not passed through such a bitter scene, how much I loved him, and how much his death has worn upon my feelings. I loved him indeed for what he was, a most intelligent and promising boy ; I loved him most because he loved me most dearly ; never could a child cling more fondly to a parent. But I forbear to trouble you with these useless and melancholy details ; I bear thg loss, as well as I may ; I fly to business to stifle my recollectioii of the past, and I find, what I always believed, that employment is the only relief under the severe losses of human life. It has fortunately happened, that the session of the Circuit Court has compelled me to more than usual labor. My mind has been occupied, and I have been obliged to run away from the indulgence of grief. Human happiness is held by so feeble a tenure, that we should not add to our sorrows, by treasuring up for solitary musings. We shall have as many griefs as we can well struggle under, without looking backward on the past. I feel myself bound, therefore, by my duties to my yet remaining family, a wife and daughter, to shake off the gloom, and to press into the cares of business, where I may gather smiles from those who in the sunshine can amuse and in struct us. But never, never, my dear friend, can the wound in my soul, be healed ; I shall carry to the grave the memory of my dear boy, whom I fondly doted on. I am again forgetting my pur poses and leading you into a path -in which I am not willing to travel. ** ******** Adieu my dear friend, I am as ever. Yours affectionately. To Hon. Nathaniel WiUiams. Joseph Story. The domestic sorrows of this period of his hfe gave a sadness to his meditations, which showed itself in the verses he wrote in later days ; and although they have not the power permanently to depress his natural light-hearted- ness, they chastened his enthusiasm and sobered his imagination. The loss of his children afflicted him deeply, and the first burst of his grief completely overwhelmed 462 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Jeremiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. him. The memory of these days was always a pain, and he could never bear any allusions to the children he had lost. But, as these letters indicate, he did not surrender him self to despondency or to vain lamentations over what was irretrievable. Cheerfulness he cultivated as a duty. It was his creed that we should keep our mind serene, bear up against misfortunes, avoid repinings and look upou the sunny side of things, Early in life he read in the Spectator a series of essays on this subject, by Addison, which made a deep impression upon him, and thenceforward he saw it " writ down in his duty" to dwell upon the compensations of every disappointment, and to preserve, as far as possible, an equable and enjoying spirit. Moments of gloom and despondency fall to the lot of all, especially of the sensi tive, and " There is often found. In mournful thoughts, and always may be found, A power to virtue friendly ;" but such moments and thoughts are for seclusion, not for society. He was not without his sorrows. But he strove to keep them to himself, so as not to overshadow with them the happiness of others. Even in solitude and medi tation he studied to banish moroseness and melancholy from his thoughts, not only as being injurious but un christian. At once cheerful by temperament and by principle, he sought not only to do his duty, but to enjoy doing it, and to accept hfe as a favor granted, and not a penalty imposed. Happy indeed is he " That can translate the stubbornness of fortune Into so quiet and so sweet a style." Henceforward he was compelled annually to absent him self from his family during the three vrinter months, in order to attend the sessions of the Supreme Court at Washington. The change of scene, the vivacity of politi cal action and intrigue, and the many distinguished men he met, gave a new turn to his thoughts and habhs, and rendered his temporary residence there in many respects interesting. But he would gladly have surrendered all the attractions of Washington for those quiet, fireside enjoy ments of home which he prized so much more highly. Gen.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 463 Descendants of Jeremiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Still, it is probable that the exchange of the stern New England winter for a warmer and more equable chmate, together with the double journey, and the excitements of new objects and persons, had a beneficial influence on his health, prolonged Ms hfe, and, on the whole, promoted his happiness. During succeeding years, he devoted himself to judicial duties with great assiduity, and took his full share in the labors of the court at Washington. In 1819, Judge Story was again visited by another severe atfliction, of which he gives an account in a journal that he kept. What a melancholy interval since I last wrote ; a year has elapsed and nothing is recorded. Ou Thursday, the 1st day of April, 1819, at ten o'clock in the evening, died my dear httle daughter, Carohne Wetmore Story, aged 6 years. This day (the 4th) is her birthday. But she is gone forever. She was a most kind, afiectionate and intelligent child, and has endeared herself to me by a thousand ties. She continued cheerful, afiec tionate and interesting to the last ; I never saw a more delicate, chaste and modest being. She seemed instinct ively to shrink from everything which might expose the frailties of our nature. Her intellectual powers were great, her desire of knowFedge insatiable, and her curiosity rapid and perpetually alive. We were obliged to restrain her ardor for knowledge, lest the exertion should be unfavora ble to her health ; yet child as she was, she manifested at every turn a penetrating intellect. I dwell, however, with most satisfaction, if that may be so called, which is but a deep and melancholy recollection, of her gentleness, her unbounded love for ber parents, her affectionate tenderness to her friends, and her gratitude for all the kindness which she received. It is a consolation — a melancholy consola tion — that until within a few days of her death she was able to enjoy tbe pleasures of her age ; that she was cheerful, and having no fears of the future, happy. In her last sick ness she sutfered but little paiu ; her principal difiiculties arose from extreme debility and exhaustion. She died 60 464 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of .Jeremiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. perfectly sensible to the last. A moment before she asked her aunt Hester to lift her up higher in the bed, and im mediately sunk away into a gentle sleep, holding her aunt's hand until she had ceased to breathe. * * * The dear httle child, however, had no dread of death, for she knew nothing of it. It was a blessing. Her ignorance was bliss. Would to God my exit might be as calm, as sweet, as pure as her's. Life daily loses its charms in my eyes ; I feel less and less the power of its pleasures, and even when I struggle most to mingle with the business of life, I often feel my heart sink within me. It requires no ordinary effort now even to brace myself up to perform duties. Yet with the world, I dare say I pass for a cheer ful man, and so I am, but my cheerfulness is the effect of labor and exertion to fly from melancholy recollections and to catch a momentary joy. While we hve we are bound to do all the good we can ; life was not meant to be passed iu gloom, yet how difficuh is the task to act up to duty in this respect. He who feels that he has but a short hold upon life (and how feeble it is), drags slowly on, for his ambition for distinction is perpetually liable to be ex tinguished by that melancholy consideration. God, with out doubt, has wisely ordered all things in his providence as to our present and future being ; but his ways are in scrutable, and his doings are mysterious beyond human comprehension. I repose myself entirely upon his mercy, his wisdom, his omnipotence, aud his infinite goodness. He will temper the wind to the shorn lamb. _ His life was thus gliding on smoothly and busily, when his home was stricken by another domestic calamity. Louisa, the youngest of his children — most lovely and attractive in person and mind, and who had been the pride and joy of my father's heart, as he watched her rapidly- developing graces and powers — was taken ill of a scarlet fever, and, after a very short illness, died on May 10th, 1831. This blow, which was wholly unanticipated, deso lated our home and entirely prostrated him. With great determination, however, he immediately betook himself to earnest labor, striving thus to attain to forgetfulness of his great loss. But it was very long before the world looked glad to him, and, to his death, this sorrow he carried hke Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 465 Descendants of Jeremiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. an arrow in his heart. The following letters show the condition of mind in which this bereavement left him : Cambridge, May 25, 1831. My Dear Sir : I have just received your kind letter, and reply gratefully to it at this moment, not knowing when I shall find more leisure. You did exactly as I should have done under like circumstances, and from the same considerations. When we are overwhelmed by a recent sorrow we are incapable of consolation, and even of communion with other minds. We must be left to our own thoughts, and to the solitude of our own sorrow, until the heart has exhausted itself of its anguish and despair. I have been very, very wretched. The calamity came upon us so suddenly and so awfully that it quite stunned me, and fot a while, I was sunk in utter desolation and despair. I have now become tranquil and collected. My official duties have compelled me to enter upon the business of common life, and this for a part of every day, has diverted my thoughts from my immediate griefs. When, however, I am alone, I voluntarily relapse with a settled and misera ble gloom. My dear little daughter was one of the best, purest, and most affectionate of human beings. She was as perfect as any thing (at least to my eyes) on earth could be. The Providence which has removed her from us, is to me truly mysterious ; but hav ing a firm and unfaltering belief in the goodness of God, and his parental wisdom, I can not doubt that it is for the best, though I am incapable of perceiving how it is so. Indeed, my dear sir, life would be to me a burden, a grievous burden, if it were not for the belief in another and better state of existence. The hope of a glorious immortality, and of a re-union with those from whom we have parted here, seems to me the only real source of consolation ; and I trust that after the anguish of my affliction shall have dimin ished, by time and distance, I shall be able to realize the full force of it. At present, I am unable to do more than to bring the truth to my mind, without the power of giving it the mastery over my feelings. ********* And now I beg to thank you again and again for your sympathy. Mrs. Story and myself have had occasion several times to say that we were sure of your kind remembrance, and that of Mrs. Brazer in our affliction. God grant that your little family may be preserved to you, and that, as parents, such a bitter cup may pass by you with out being tasted. Mrs. Story sends her love to Mrs. Brazer, and I cordially join in it, being her and Your affectionate, though afflicted friend. To Rev. John Brazer : Joseph Story. 466 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Jeremiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Cambridge, June 24, 1831. My Dear Sir : The last evening's mail brought me your kind and consolatory letter, and it was, indeed, very soothing to me. I thank you again, and again for it. I have indeed been made very wretched by this to me irreparable loss. My little daughter was one of the most beautiful and attractive of human beings, and at ten years of age everything her parents could wish. She was in our eyes absolutely perfect, and we lost her so suddenly, that we were at first stunned and overwhelmed with the blow. At present, Mrs. Story and my self are quite calm and tranquilized, as wretched as we well can be, and as well disposed as we can be, if we know how, to see a consola tion and a healing balm in any direction. I have been driven, by the pressure of my ofiicial duties, to escape from my own sorrows, and for some hours every day have been required to think for others and not for myself; and this occupation, though painful, has, I doubt not, been useful to me. The mysteries of God's providence are to me inscrutable. But I have the firmest belief in His parental character, and that all he does is in mercy as well as in wisdom. The immortality of the soul — the Christian doctrine of a life to come, which shall adjust all the irregularities here, seems to me the only natural ground of comfort and consolation. Without this hope and this belief life would be a burden. My sorrows have lately led me (as we are naturally led on such occasions) to look at the sources of consolations to which the wisest and best of the heathens were accustomed to resort, to solace their own griefs. I was especially attracted to Cicero, to the topics by which his friends endeavored to assuage his griefs, and he theirs. I was surprised to see how few and desolate, and unsatisfactory were all their grounds of consolation, and I could not but feel that death then must have been, even in its mildest forms, most afflictive and terrific. In the treatise of Cicero, to which you refer, we see more of our own private thoughts and reasonings, and we can not but ad mire his anxious eloquence in support of the immortality of the soul. But it is most manifest, that it was, at best, a cold and lifeless and hesitating confidence, with which he pressed his arguments. If Christianity had done no more for mankind than to make known to us the immortality of the soul and the ;parenta,l character of God, it seems to me that it would be the first of blessings. * * * * Most truly and affectionately yours. To Hon. Chancellor Kent : Joseph Story. This is the true spirit of Christian resignation. E'one but a truly religious nature could meekly bend to affliction with such trust and faith, looking forward to a reunion in Gen.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 467 Descendants of Jeremiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. another state of existence with her whom he had lost ; and forgetting, in his grief for the dead, his daily duties and the claims of the living upon his activity and cheer fulness. The following beautiful lines, written by my father, are those alluded to in the last letter : Farewell, my darling child, a sad farewell ! Thou 'rt gone from earth, in heavenly scenes to dwell ; For sure, if ever being formed from dust Might hope for bliss, thine is that holy trust. Spotless and pure, from God thy spirit came ; Spotless it has returned, a brighter flame. Thy last, soft prayer was heard — No more to roam ; Thou art ('twas all thy wish) thou art gone home." Ours are the loss, and agonizing grief, The slow, dead hours, the sighs without rehef, The lingering nights, the thoughts of pleasure past, Memory, that wounds and darkens to the last. How desolate the space, how deep the hne, That part our hopes, our fates, our paths, fi-om thine ! We tread vith faltering steps, the shadowy shore ; Thou art at rest, where storms can vex no more. When shall we meet again, and kiss away The tears of joy in one eternal day ? Most lovely thou ! in beauty's rarest truth ! A cherub's face ; the breathing blush of youth; A smile more sweet than seemed to mortal given ; An eye that spoke, and beamed the hght of heaven ; A temper like the balmy, summer sky. That soothes, and warms, and cheers, Avhen life beats high ; Abounding spirit, which in sportive chase, Gave, as it moved, a fresh and varying grace ; A voice, whose music warbled notes of mirth, Its tones unearthly, or scarce formed for earth ; A mind, which kindled with each passing thought ; And gathered treasures, where they least were sought ; These were thy bright attractions ; these had power To spread a nameless charm o'er every hour. "The last words, uttered but a few moments before her death, -were " I want to go home." 468 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [f Descendants of Jeremiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. But that, which more than all, could bliss impart, Was thy warm love, thy tender, buoyant heart, The ceaseless flow of feeling, hke the rill, That fills its sunny banks, and deepens still ; Thy chief delight to fix thy parent's gaze, Win their fond kiss, or gain their modest praise. When sickness came, though short and hurried o'er, It made thee more au angel than before. How patient, tender, gentle, though disease Preyed on thy hfe ! — how anxious still to please ! How oft around thy mother's neck entwined. Thy arms were folded, as to Heaven resigned ! How oft thy kisses on her pallid cheek Spoke all thy love, as language ne'er could speak ! E'en the last whisper of thy parting breath Asked and received, a mother's kiss in death. But oh 1 how vain by art or words to tell, What ne'er was told, — affection's magic spell ! More vain to tell that sorrow of the soul. That works in secret, works beyond control, When death strikes down, with sudden crush and power Parental hope and blasts its opening flower. Most vain to tell, how deep that long despair, Which time ue'er heals, which time can scarce impair. Tet still I love to linger on the strain — 'Tis griefs sad privilege. Whhe we complain. Our hearts are eased of burdens hard to bear ; We mourn our loss and feel a comfort there. My child, my darling child, how oft with thee Have I passed hours of blameless ecstacy ! How oft have wandered, oft have paused to hear Thy playful thoughts fall sweetly on my ear ! How oft have caught a hint beyond thy age. Fit to instruct the wise or charm the sage ! How oft, with pure delight, have turned to see Thy beauty felt by all, except by thee ; Thy modest kindness, and thy searching glance ! Thy eager movements, and thy graceful dance ; And while I gazed with all a father's pride. Concealed 'a joy, worth all on earth beside. Gen.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 469 Descendants of Jeremiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. How changed the scene ! In every favorite walk I miss thy flying steps, thy artless talk ; Where'er I turn, I feel thee ever near; Some frail memorial comfes, some image dear. Each spot still breathes of thee — each garden flower Tells of the past, in sunshine, or in shower ; And here the chair, and there the sofa stands, Pressed by thy form, or polished by thy hands. My home, how full of thee ! — But where art thou ? Gone, hke the sunbeam from the mountain's brow; But, unlike that, once passed the fated bourn. Bright beam of heaven, thou never shalt return. Yet, yet, it soothes my heart on thee to dwell ; Louisa, darling child, farewell, farewell ! " The following prayer, written while under the immedi ate influence of this affliction, was found in his common place-book : A Prayer, written in May, 1831. 0 ! Almighty God, our merciful Eather, who dost not afflict the children of men but for wise ends, we humbly entreat thee to look down with thy favor upon us thy afflicted servants, bowed down with sorrow for the loss of a dearly beloved child. Pour comfort into our hearts ; teach us the ways of consolation ; enable us to be resigned to thy will, and to feel in this sad event the workings of thy mysterious but beneficent Providence. 0 ! heal the wounds which by thy will now make our souls to bleed. Give us to know more of thee and of ourselves. Let us receive light from thy blessed infiuences on our broken spirits. Show us the paths of true religion and peace, and direct our steps therein. Thou knowest our misery and despair ; Thou alone canst succor and sup port us. May we learn that, even in this calamity. Thou hast in store blessings for us. 0 ! preserve, protect, and keep in Thy holy care the two remaining children who are left to us. May they grow up and become blessings to their parents, and their friends, and their country, and serve Thee with true and devout hearts. Thou art teaching us what shadows we are and what shadows we pursue. 0 ! may we improve this afflicting event, by more humility and devout affection, more ardent piety, and more love to mankind, and grant us that spirit of gratitude which shall lead us to Thee, the Source of all wisdom and power and goodness, and to adore and bless Thy holy name ever more. Amen. 470 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Jeremiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. It was at this time that Mr. Story made a translation of the beautiful epitaph on Miss Dolman, written by Shen- stone. The epitaph and translation are as follows : Ah! Maria, Puellarum elegantissima. Ah ! flora venustatis abrepta ! Heu, quanto minus Cum reliquis versari, Quam tui meminisse. Translation: Maria, ah ! most lovely ! snatched away, E'en in the flower of beauty's rare display. To dwell with Thee, in thought, how much more dear, Than to hold converse with the liring here." Mr. Story says that his father earnestly pursued his labors to bury in them his sorrows. Judge Joseph Story was the senior of eleven sons of Dr. Elisha and Mehitable (Pedrick) Story, of Marble head, Mass. (His mother was born in 1759, and his father in 1743. The latter was a man of mark and influence in colonial times ; was an ardent Whig, and one of the " Boston Tea Party," and a surgeon in the Kevolutionary Army.) He graduated at Harvard College in 1798; immediately after commenced the study of the law in the ofiice of Mr. Samuel Sewall, of Salem, then a celebrated lawyer of that town, and a member of Congress, afterwards Chief Justice of Mas sachusetts. He began the practice of his profession in 1801. Jn 1804 he published Power of Solitude, a poem, in two parts ; also. Selections of Pleadings in Civil Actions. In 1805 he was chosen to represent the town of Salem in the State Legislature, where he was a leading member of the Eepublican (Jefiersonian) party, in the House, and where he served three sessions. In the fall of 1808 he was elected, without opposition, to fih a vacancy in Congress occasioned by the death Gen.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 471 Descendants of Jeremiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. of the Hon. Jacob Crowninshield, where he distin guished himself by his speeches on the embargo, non- intercourse, war, &c. He remained in Congress but one session, viz : 1808-9. On his return home he was again returned to the State General Assembly. In January, 1811, he was chosen Speaker of the House, and again at the May session in the same year, and in November foUowing was appointed by President Madi son Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, which he accepted at a great pecuniary sacrifice. When he took his seat upon the bench, he was but thirty-two years of age, quite the youngest man, with but one exception, perhaps, that of Mr. Justice Butler of the King's Bench, that was ever call ed to the highest judicial station of this or the mother country. The United States Supreme Court at that time was composed of John Marshall, Chief Justice ; Bushrod Washington, Wilham Johnson, Brockholst Livingston, Thomas Todd and Gabriel Duval, Justices ; Wilham Pinckney, of Maryland, Attorney General. From the time he took his seat on the bench up to 1819, he was constant in his judicial labors and cor respondence arising therefrom, In only one instance, says his son, during his whole judicial life, was he pre sent at a political meeting, or publicly engaged in the discussion of a political question. The tinie alluded to, was on the occasion of the great agitation in the country respecting the admission of Missouri into the Union. There was a meeting called at Salem in De cember, 1819, at which Mr. Story was present, where he declared himself, in an eloquent and powerful speech, in favor of the absolute prohibition of slavery by express act of Congress in all the territories of the United States, and against the admission of any new slaveholding state, except on the unalterable condition of the abolition of slavery. 61 472 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Jeremiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. These views he advocated as being founded on the declaration of independence, the constitution of the United States, and the principles of freedom by which the government was originally inspired ; * * * * J^e felt that his duty to himself, his country and the world, required him to overstep the limits he had set for himself on ordinary occasions, and to throw the whole weight of his influence and opinions upon the side of liberty and law. , In 1818, he was elected a member of the Board of Overseers of Harvard College, and in 1825 a Fellow, and in 1830 was made Dane Professor in the Law School of the same institution. A committee of the Board of Overseers, in 1849, consisting of the Hon. Peleg Sprague, Hon. Wm. Kent, Hon. Charles Sum ner, Hon. Albert H. Nelson and Peleg W, Chandler, Esq., in closing their report, say : It may well be a question whether the services of Pro fessor Story— important in every respect, shedding upon the Law School a lasting fame, and securing to it pecuni ary competence, an extensive library and a commodious hall — can be commemorated with more appropriate aca demic honors than by giving his name to that department of the University, of which he has been the truest founder. The World, in advance of any formal action of the Uni versity, has already placed the Law School in the illumina tion of his name. It is by the name of Story that this seat of legal education has become known, wherever juris prudence is cultivated as a science. By his name it has been crowned abroad." It was his intention, early in 1845, to resign his seat on the bench, so soon as he had written out his opinions on the cases that had been argued before him, in order that he might give his whole time to his professorship at Harvard, and with this view he labored unusually hard during the summer of that year ; which so exhausted his physical frame, that, on Gen.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 473 Descendants of Jeremiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. taking a slight cold in the beginning of September, it was followed by interruption of the intestinal canal, which produced great bodily suffering and prostration, to all of which he manifested an entire resignation. While the domestic was arranging his bed, in order to make it more comfortable, he said with a smile, " Well, David, they are trying to patch up this good- for-nothing body, but I think it is scarcely worth while." Soon after he called his wife to his bed side, and said, " I think it my duty to say to you that I have no belief that I can recover ; it is vain to hope it ; but I shall die content, and with a firm faith in the goodness of God ; we shall meet again." He then ceased, and lay as in prayer, with uplifted eyes. In this calm state, and very feeble, he continued for about two days, not regaining his strength, but apparently not losing it. All prescription failed in reviving him. Dur ing the early part of Wednesday, he gradually lost his strength, and he lay calm and peaceful, and without taking heed of the objects and friends around him. At about eleven o'clock, to a question, whether he recognized me, he opened his eyes and feebly smiled, stretching out his hands towards me, and murmuring some indistinct words, and shortly after this he breathed the name of God ; and this was the last word that was ever heard from his lips. Gradually he lost his consciousness ; and without pain fell away into the arms of tbe good angel. At about nine o'clock in the evening of the 10th of September, 1845, at the age of sixty-six, he breathed his last. Thus he died full of honors and years ; before age had robbed him of a single happiness, or dimmed in the least, the perfectness of his powers. His work was complete — nothing was wanting to the entire completion of his judicial hfe, but to finish a single half written judgment. ****** During his illness, the alternations of his condition were the engrossing subjects of interest in Cambridge and Bos ton. And most touching instances of the affectionate feel ing which his kindly nature had created, were manifested among the townsfolk. Many of them thronged the gate. 474 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Jeremiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. lingering around it, or returning from hour to hour, to learn the tidings of his health, and cautiously refrain ing from noise. Tears stood in the eyes of the rough est, while they asked of him. All felt that they were about to lose a friend, or as one expressed it to me, " that a part of the sunlight of the town would pass away with him." Every where a cloud hung over the village ; busi ness stopped in the streets, and even over the busy stir of the city, his illness seem to cast a shadow. His funeral, which was strictly private, in compliance with his vrishes, took place on the 12th of September, but a large concourse of persons attended the hearse, in which his body was carried to Mount Auburn, and clustered around his grave, when to earth we gave back what be longed to it, yet what we had loved so much. Among them were the most distinguished men of Boston and its vicinity, and of all the members of the Law School. The townsfolk also closed their shops and suspended their bu siness for the day. He lies in the cemetery of " Mount Auburn," beneath the shadow of forest trees, and over his remains stands a marble monument, erected by him, on which the names of the children he had lost are recorded. On the one side of this monument is the motto — Sorrow not as those without hope. And on the other — - Of such is the kingdom of heaven. On the front now stands the following inscription : Joseph Story, Born, September 18th, 1779, Died, September 10th, 1845. He is not here — he hath departed. On the receipt of the intelligence of his death, reso lutions were passed and speeches made in commemo ration of his talents, his virtues, and his great legal and literary acquirements, by the Supreme Court of the United States ; the Bar of Massachusetts in gener al meeting, assembled at the Circuit Court Room in Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 475 Descendants of Jeremiah, sou of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Boston ; the Bar of the U. S. Court of Maine, and by various Courts in New Hampshire, Rhode Island, New York, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Louisiana, Mississippi, etc. Judge Story received the degree of LL. D. from Harvard, Dartmouth and Brown Universities. He acquired a large fortune from his practice as lawyer, aud the income from the sale of his legal writings, which are numerous and of the highest order, numbering twenty- seven volumes, with thirty-four volumes of decisions, has amounted to ten thousand dollars per annum. — Lanman's Congressional Diet. It could hardly be expected of us, in our limited space, to give even the title of his works, much less to note their contents. We have felt a delicacy in bring ing his illustrious name under notice. Knowing and fully reahzing our inability to do this eminent man justice, we have therefore kept ourself confined to that which more particularly related to his domestic life, leaving his public life and character to abler and more worthy hands than our's. His son, William Wetmore Story, Esq., has published two volumes entitled Life and Letters of Joseph Story, &c. (Little & Brown, Bos ton, 8vo, 1851), "a full, genial, biography (says Cyclopedia of Ameiican Literature), written with en thusiasm and fidelity." The two volumes alluded to, he dedicated in the following beautiful and affectionate style to his mother : TO Mt Mother, Sarah Waldo Story. These memorials of my father I dedicate to_ you. _ Of our home group, that hved in the sunshine of his familiar presence, you and I alone are left ; and love, gratitude, the losses we in common have sustained, and the happy memories of the past which bind us so closely together. 476 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Jeremiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. conspire to make the inscription of these pages to you at once most appropriate in itself and most grateful to my feelings. Your sympathy has lightened my labor and cheered me in my progress ; and however others may look upon this work, in your eyes I know it will seem well done. To you, therefore, I bring it with the loving regards of an affectionate son. W. W. Story. Mart Oliver, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Story, married George Ticknor Curtiss, Esq., a lawyer of repute in Boston; she died in 1849, leaving two children. William Wetmore Story was bom in Salem, Mass., Feb. 19, 1819 ; graduated at Harvard, 1838 ; married Emeline Eldredge, of Boston, Oct., 1843 ; read law under his father, and was for several years a frequent contributor to various literary periodicals. He pub lished, in 1842-5, Reports of Cases Argued and De termined in the Circuit Court of the United States ; in 1844, A Treatise on the Law of Contracts not under Seal ; and in 1847, Messrs. Little & Brown, of Bos ton, pubhshed a volume of his poems, which were spoken of as " the production of a man of cultivated taste, and of a quick susceptibility to impressions of the ideal." At an early period he evinced a marked taste for the fine arts, particularly that of sculpture, and has since acquired high reputation in that art. " Among his works as an artist (says the Cyclopedia of Arn. Literature) are an admired statue of his father, and various busts in marble, including one of his friend, Mr. J. R. Lowell. He has modeled a Shepherd Boy, Little Red Riding Hood, and other works. Besides achieving success in these varied pursuits of law, let ters and art, Mr. Story is an accomplished musician." He is now in Italy, pursuing his favorite art studies. Gen.] WETMORE MEMORIAL. 477 Descendants of Jeremiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Caroline Lucy, b. Aug. 5, 1786 ; d. July 24, 1792. Augusta, b. May 19, 1788 ; m. July 14, 1824, her cousin, Jere miah, son of George Wetmore ; had Hester Ann, George and Charles. She died May 13, 1846, se. 58 years. Hester Ann, b. Feb. 19, 1790 ; d. Jan. 25, 1835. Thomas, b. Aug. 31, 1794, in the city of Boston. He died of dropsy, March 30, 1860 ; unm. After graduating, studied law, and was admitted attorney and counsellor of the Suffolk County (Massachusetts) Bar. The Boston Daily Advertiser noticing his decease, says: We are pained to announce the death of Thomas Wet more, Esq. He died at his residence (Dwight street) in this city yesterday, at the age of 64 years and 7 months. Mr. Wetmore was a native of Boston, and was born the 31st August, 1795.'^ He graduated at Harvard College in 1814, being a classmate with President Walker, Eev. An drew Bigelow, D. D., Eev. Alvan Lamson, D. D., Hon. Phny Merrick. LL. D., the late Eev. Dr. Greenwood, and the late Wilham H. Prescott. This is the fourth death which has occurred in this class within a year. Mr. Wet more was a lavr>'er by profession, but retired from practice many years since, with an ample competence of worldly estate. He has been a most useful and highly respected citizen, and was devoted many years of his hfe to interests of the city. He was a member of the common council from 1829 to 1832 ; was an alderman in 1833-5, 1837-9, 1841-4 and 1847. He was for several years a member of the Board of Water Commissioners. He was once a can didate for the oface of Mayor, but there being two other candidates, and as a majority of all the votes cast was ne cessary for a choice, there was no election, and he then vrithdrew from the contest. He has left behind him a good name, and an unsullied reputation. His death is a loss to the community. He was never married. 12 This is an error of the writer. Mr. Wetmore, in a letter to us, dated Feh. 1st, 1860, gave the date of his birth, Aug. 31, 1794. 478 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Jeremiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Samuel Waldo, twin bro. to Thomas, b. in Boston, August 31, 1794. He graduated at West Point Military Academy, April, 1813, second lieutenant Artillery, July 21, 1814, resigned 16th July, 1816 {Dicty. of the Army). He died November. 1817. Children of George, Son of Jeremiah, Rachel Ogden, b. in New York, Nov. 1, 1778 ; m. at Morristown, N. J., Israel Canfield, Esq.; had I Alfred Washington; II Israel; III William Cummings ; IV Benjamin Ogden; V Cornelia, George Curgenven, b. in Halifax, N. S., May 11, 1783; m. at Pecon Point, Red river ; had two daughters. He graduated at Andover College. Died January, 1828. Alexander Ogden, b. in Middletown, Ct., April 14, 1785 ; m. at Pecan Point. He graduated at Andover College. Died Aug. 13, 1826. William Henry, b. at Antigonish, N. S., Dec. 16, 1786; m. Jane Ross, of Morristown, N. J. ; had James Wood, Emily. Sophia Maria, b. at Antigonish, Feb. 12, 1789; m. Joseph Lovell; had Mary, who married Capt. Wm. Radford, of the U. S. Navy. Charles Jeremiah, b. at A., April 24, 1791; m. in Trinity Church, Boston, by the Rev. Dr. Gardner, July 14, 1824, his cousin, Augusta, dau. of Judge William Wetmore ; had Hester Anne, George and Charles. He died June 7, 1837, in his 47th year. She died at Morristown, N. J., May 13, 1846. Thomas George, b. in Dorchester, N. S., June 12, 1793 ; d. at Morristown, N. J., unm., Feb. 16, 1830. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 479 Descendants of Jeremiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Harriet Augusta, b. in Penobscot, Maine (Dorchester, N. S. ?) Feb. 7, 1795 ; m. Aug. 4, 1821, in St. Paul's church, Balti more, by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Kemp, James Colles, Esq., mer chant of New Orleans, formerly of New York ; had I Harriet Augusta, b. in Morristown, N. J., Aug. 28, 1822 ; christened in St. Paul's church, Baltimore, by the Rev. Dr. Wyatt, Oct. 23, 1822 ; m. at St. Peter's church, Morristown, N. J., Dr. John Metcalfe (eldest son of Dr. James Metcalfe, of Montrose plan tation, near Natchez, Miss.), professor in N. Y. Univ. Medical College, Aug. 14, 1845, by the Rev. William I. Kip, rector of St. Peter's church, Morristown, N. J.; had 1 James Colles (d.); 2 Henry ; 3 Mary Gertrude ; 4 Francis Johnston ; 5 Edith Caro line. II Mary Gertrude, b. in Morristown, N. J., Sept. 1, 1824; christened in Trinity church, N. Y., by the Rev. Dr. Schroeder, Oot. 27, 1824; d. in New Orleans, June 29, 1828, and buried in the Protestant cemetery of that city. Ill Frances, h. in New Orleans, April 29, 1826; christened in Christ church, N. 0., July 2, 1826, by the Rev. James F. Hull; m. in St. Mark's church, N. Y., by the Rev. Henry Anthon, D. D., May 15, 1830, John Taylor, eldest son of John Johnston, of New York, formerly of Scotland ; resides in New York; had Emily, Colles, John Herbert and Frances. IV James, b. in N. 0., July 10, 1828 ; christened in Christ church, March 1, 1829, by the Rev. James F. Hull ; m. in St. Mark's church. New York, by Rev. Henry Anthon, D. D., Oct. 18, 1855, Mary Josephine, dau. of Oliver Blackley, of Cincinnati, 0. ; had Elizabeth and Christopher John ; he is a merchant. V John Henry, b. in Morristown, N. J., Oot. 13, 1831 ; chris. in M. by the Rev, Mr. Peters ; unm. ; merchant in New Or leans. VI George Wetmore, b. in New Orleans, April 10, 1834 ; chris. in Christ church, by the Rev. James F. Hull ; d. at Morristown, N. J., July 24, 1836, from the effects of measles and whooping cough. VII George Wetmore 2d, b. in N. 0., March 13, 1836 ; chris. at Morristown, by the Rev. William In graham Kip, July, 1836 ; grad. at Yale College, grad. N. Y. University Law School, 1857 ; subsequently entered Harvard Law School, where he is at present (1860) engaged in his studies; unm. Cornelia Charlotte, b. July 23, 1797 ; m. July 16, 1833, Day ton J. Canfield, Esq., of Morristown, N. J. ; had I Frances Dayton, b. April 26, 1834, who m. Eliza Ann Wurts, b. .Jan. 4 1859 and had Henry Wurts, b. Oct. 22, 1859 ; II Joseph Lovell, b. Dec. 20, 1835 ; III Hol>art., b. Jan. 10, 1841. Mary Ann, b. in Troy, N. J., April 27, 1799 ; m. Albigence Waldo Hayward, of Boston ; h.-id I .lames Colles, d. in St. Louis, Mo., 62 480 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Jeremiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. 1836 ; II George Albigence, who m. Ellen Erwin, of Nashville, Tenn. Chhdren of Ichabod, Son of Ichabod. Laura Jane, b. in New London, Ct., Oct. 17, 1817 ; m, Major Theophilus Hunter Holmes, U. S. A., June 16, 1841 ; had I Elizabeth Wetmore, b. May 16, 1842. II Mary Maria, b. Dec. 25, 1843; d. few days after. Ill Theophilus H, b. Dec. 17, 1844; appointed by President Buchanan, Feb. 13, 1861, " cadet at large," in the U. S. Military Academy at West Point, being in consideration of his father's gallant conduct at the battle of Monterey. IV Gabriel, b. Jan. 25, 1848. V Wetmore, b. March 2, 1850 ; VI Laura Lydia, b. Nov. 18, 1851; d. Jan. 29, 1857. VII Hardy Lucien, b. June 15, 1855. Mrs. Holmes died on Governor's Island, New York harbor, March 7, 1860, in her 43d year. Major Holmes is a son of Gov. Gabriel Holmes of North Carolina. Was born Nov. 11, 1804; "entered U. S. Military Academy, West Point, in 1825 ; gradu ated and breveted 2d lieutenant, July 1, 1829 ; ap pointed 2d lieutenant of dragoons, March, 1833; which he declined; adjutant ; 1st lieutenant, March, 1835; captain, Dec, 1838; made brevet major, "for gallant and meritorious conduct in several conflicts at Monterey, Mexico, 23d Sept., 1846 (April, 1847)."— Diet, of tlie Army. Is commanding officer at Gover nor's Island, N. Y.^^ His father was educated at Harvard College. Read and made law his profession ; returned to the state senate in 1807; elected governor in 1821, and mem ber of congress in 1825, and re-elected in 1827. Elizabeth Cogdell, b. in Newbern, N. C, March 6, 1819; m. Sept., 1841, Samuel Johnson Hinsdale, Esq., b. in Middle- town, Ct. ; had I John Wetmore ; II Frances Broadfoot. Resides at Fayetteville, N. C. . 1' Major Holmes resigned his commission in the army, April, 18G1. Gen.J WETMORE MEJIORIAL. 481 Descendants of Jeremiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Thomas Badger, b. in Newbern, N. C, April 7, 1821 ; m. Octavia T. Hill of Livingston, Ala. ; had Robert Smith. He graduated at Chapel Hill, N. C, University, 1841 ; studied law ; he removed to North Alabama, where he has achieved a high reputation at the bar. He now resides at Selma, in that state. George Badger, Rev., b. in Newbern, Feb. 16, 1823 ; m. in Fayetteville, N. C, June, 1850, Rose Hall ; had William Hall, George Badger, Annie Troy, Samuel Hinsdale. He graduated at the University of North Carolina, at Chapel Hill, June, 1844 ; studied law under his uncle, the Hon. George E. Badger; was admitted an attorney in 1847 ; practiced his profession a few years, when he turned his attention to divinity ; was ordain ed deacon in Christ Church, Raleigh, Jan., 1855, by the Rt. Rev. Thomas Atkinson, bishop of the Protest ant Episcopal Church of North Carolina, and priest at Sahsbury, N. C, May 31, 1857, since which time he has been the rector of Christ Church, Wood Leaf, Rowan co., N. C, and adjacent Episcopal parishes and missionary stations. Frances Rebecca, b. in Raleigh, March 4, 1825 ; m. William Gillis Broadfoot, Esq., native of Virginia; had I Charles Wet more ; II George Badger ; III William Wilson ; IV Thomas Wetmore; V James Baker; VI Andrew; VII Frank Hinsdale; VIII John Barrett. Resides in Fayetteville, N. C. Lydia Cogdell, b. in Raleigh, Nov. 28, 1829 ; m. Philip Augustus Wiley, Esq., of N. C, June, 1856. William Robards, b. in Releigh, Nov. 8, 1833. He graduated at the University of North Carolina, June, 1854 ; was tutor in same institution, 1855 and 1856; read law ; was admitted an attorney and coun selor, and for a time practiced his profession in connec tion with his brother, Thomas Badger, at Livingston, 482 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [7th Descendants of Jeremiah, sou of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Ala. He is now studying for the ministry, preparatory to being ordained in 1861, a clergyman of the Protest ant Episcopal Church. Resides at Selma, Ala. SEVENTH GENERATION, Children of William Henry, Son of George, Son of Jeremiah. James Wood. Emily, b. ; m. Dr. T. Burtiss Flagler of Morristown, N. J. Children of Charles Jeremiah, Son of George, Son of Jeremiah, Hester Ann, b. Oct. 5, 1826; m. Dec. 11, 1849, Dr. Henry Van Arsdale of Newark, N. J. ; had I Henry, b. Dec. 26, 1851 ; II William Waldo, b. Nov. 17, 1855. Mrs. Van Arsdale is a devoted church woman, having in early hfe become a inember of St. Peter's Church, Morristown, N. J., whose growth and interests have ever held a warm place in her heart. With its services she has long been identified, lending her vocal and instrumental abilities in leading and assist ing the praises of the congregation. Dr. Van Arsdale belongs to an old and highly respectable family of New Jersey ; he removed to Morristown soon after his mar riage where he now resides. George, b. on Wetmore Isle, Maine, March 11, 1828 ; d. Sent 14 1835. ' > f , Buried at Bucksport, Me. Charles, b. June 15, 1881 ; m. Mary Ludlow of New York city Oct. 7, 1852 ; had Augusta Ludlow, Mary. Resides in New York. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. Descendants of Jeremiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Son of Thomas Badger, Sou of Ichabod, Son of Ichabod. Robert Smith, b. July 1, 1856. Children of Rev. George Badger, Son of Ichabod, Son of Ichabod. William Hall, b. in Richmond co., N. C, April 7, 1852. George Badger, b. in Fayetteville, N. C, Dec. 26, 1853. Annie Troy, b. in Fayetteville, Jan. 9, 1856. Samuel Hillsdale, b. in Rowan co., N. C.j July 14j 1858 EIGHTH GENERATION. Chhdren of Charles, Son of Charles Jeremiah, Son of George, Son of Jeremiah Augusta Ludlow, b. Dec. 21, 1853. Mary, b. June 7, 1856. 484 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [4th Caleb, Son of Izeaiiiah, Son of Thomas, AND HIS Descendants. THIRD GENERATION. Deacon Caleb Wetmore, The seventh son, and child of Izrahiah and Rachel (Stow) Whitmore, was born in Middletown, July 5, 1706. Married Mary ; had John, Ehzabeth, Seth, Mary, and Eunice. We have been unable to trace out his history as fully as we could wish. From Historical Sketches of Middletown, by the Rev. David D. Field, D. D., we find his name recorded, with others, as head of a fami ly, and attached to the Middlefield Society in 1744. As Dr. Field states that' " almost all the persons named were farmers," we conjecture that he was one. His title of Deacon is traditionary. He died in Mid dletown m 1788 ; his wife died July 20th, 1742. FOURTH GENERATION. Children of Deacon Caleb. John, b. in Middletown, Oct. 25 (Oct. 1?), 1733; m. Oct. 26, 1760, Lois, dau. of Samuel (son of Thomas) Wetmore ; b. April 18, 1742 ; had Sarah, Lois, Caleb, John, Mary, Azariah, Timothy, James, Elizabeth, Josiah. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 485 Descendants of Caleb, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. He died in Litchfield, Ct., March 31, 1815. She died Jan. 10, 1796. Elizabeth, b. in M., Nov. 6 (8 ?), 1734; d. unm. Seth, b. in M., Feb. 5, 1736; d. Feb. 4, 1741. Mary, b. in M., June 1, 1738 ; d. Sept. 5, 1742. Eunice, b. in M., June 10 (May 10 ?), 1742; m. Asahel Johnson, b. Sept. 25, 1743 ; he d. June 26, 1818 ; she d. March 24, 1816; they had I Horace, b. Sept. 28, 1766, who m. Catha rine Thorn, and had 1 Edward Henry, b. — ; d. 1819 ; 2 Margaret Eliza, b. 1801, who m. June 1, 1830, William Twin ning ; had 1 Almira, b. July, 1831 ; m. Charles Marshall, 1852; 2 Edward; 3 Catharine Anna, b. 1838; 4 William Johnson ; 5 Helen ; 6 Charles ; 7 Mary. II Seth, b. Nov. 2, 1767; d. Dec. 7, 1802; m. Mary Storer; had 1 Charles John, who m. Mary Noel Neilson, he d. April 6, 1843 ; she d. March 1,1844. Ill m7/(am, b. Oct. 17, 1769; m. Maria Temple- ton, June 17, 1809 ; he d. June 25, 1828 ; had 1 Maria, b. June 22, 1810 ; d. July 13, 1810; 2 Maria Catharine, b. July 4, 1811 ; 3 Eliza Frances, b. Oct. 19, 1812, who m. May 14, 1839, Horace Binney, Jr., Esq., of Philadelphia, and had Horace, b. March 11. 1840; William Johnson, b. Feb. 5, 1842; John, b. Feb. 23, 1844; Maria Templeton, b. Sept. 20, 1846 ; Elizabeth Cox, b. Feb. 11, 1850 ; Julia Hope, b. May 7, 1852 ; Charles Chauncey, b. Oct. 20, 1855 ; 4 William Tem pleton (of Phila.), b. May 22, 1814; m. Laura Winthrop, June 10, 1846 ; had Elizabeth Winthrop, b. Jan. 12, 1850 ; Oliver Templeton, b. June 29, 1851. William Johnson, Esq., was counsellor-at-law in the state of New York, and a distinguished reporter of the decisions of the Supreme Court, and the Court of Chancery of that state. IV John,'!,. Nov. 23, 1772 ; d. — . V Eunice, b. March 2, 1776 ; d. 1776. VI Richard, b. May 2 1777 ; d. 1852 ; m. ; had William. VII Fanny, b! April 12, 1779; d. 1851. VIII Henry, h. Dec. 5, 1781. IX Edward, b. June 11, 1785 ; d. Nov. 12, 1785. Arms — Gules, three spear heads argent, a chief ermine. Crest — A spear's head argent, between two bunches laurel, vert, crossing each other^over the spear's head. For the following, taken from the Lii/ihfield {Gt.) Toum Records, we have no connecting hnk, but con- / T^ ' 0 jecture David Wetmore to be a son of D^acGii^C]aM). yo-hi^'j y• Twins John Stanley, b. in L., Ct., Feb. 28, 1852, j Albert, b. in L,, Ct., Dec. 21, 1855. Mary Adeline, b. in L., Ct., Nov. 29, 1858, Children of Charles Hamlin, Son of John, Son of John. Allace C, b. in N. Britain, Ct, Nov. 18, 1851, Frank K., b. in N. Britain, Nov. 17, 1853. Charles E., b. in N. Britain, Sept. 30, 1855. Henry S., b, in N. Britain, June 5, 1858. Chhdren of William, Son of Azariah, Son of John. William Walden, b. in Canfield, Nov. 15, 1841 ; d. Jan. 5 1857. Luther Edwards, b. in C, April 30, 1846. Henry Pratt, b. in C, April 29, 1849. Children of George, Son af Azariah, Son of John. Charles R., b. in Canfield, Nov. 5, 1851. Harriet Belinda, b. in C, Mar. 27, 1857. 64 496 WETMORE MEMORIAL. Descendants of Caleb, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Children of James Henry, Son of James, Son of John. Mary Elizabeth, b. Dec. 9, 1846. Eunice Louisa, b. Sept. 18, 1849. George Henry, b. Feb. 11, 1855. Emma Arietta, b. Jan. 14, 1858. I Children of Clark, Son of Josiah, Son of John. Ogden E., b. Aug. 25, 1846. Elizabeth M., b. April 10, 1849. Rebecca Amber, b. May 26, 1851 ; d. Jan. 27, 1852. Annie C, b. Aug. 27, 1853. Mary Ella, b. Aug. 27, 1853. Jenny, b. Feb. 12, 1860. Children of John, Son of Josiah, Son of John. Eliza Jane, b. in Canfield, 0., April, 1852; d. Deo. 11, 1858 Lucy Wallace, b. in C, May 11, 1855. Margaret Chamber, b. in C, Mar., 1859. Son of Charles, Son of Josiah, Son of John. Charles, b. Nov. 1, 1852. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. Descendants of Caleb, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. EIGHTH GENERATION. Daughter of t'ii.\RLES Pettibone, Son of Ebenezer Brown, Son of John, Son of John Rosabella Sarah, b. Dec. 12, 1855. 498 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [4th Son of Izrahiah, Son of Thomas. THIRD GENERATION. Josiah Wetmore, The eighth, and youngest son and child of Izrahiah and Rachel (Stow) Whitmore, was born in Middle- town, March 1, 1708-9. He married and had two daughters, Martha and Esther. He resided in Mid dletown, in a small house north side of Spring street, a little west of the present Roman Catholic church. He was a merchant. " He died Sept. 27, 1751, se. 42, of a broken heart, on ace" of misfortunes in trade, owing to impositions of servants & agents, & his too great confidence in y® honesty of others — left two daughters — he was buried in y° east yard by y° side of his father.-^* ***** FOURTH GENERATION. Children of Josiah. Martha, b. — ; m. Dec. 9, 1770, Gen. George, son of George and Hannah (Phillips) Phillips of Middletown, b. April 4, 1750; had I George, b. Oct 14, 1771 ; d. Oct 10, 1775; II "Manuscript letter of Judge William Wetmore (son of Jeremiah &c.) of Boston, addressed to the Rev. Robert 0. Wetmore, and deceived by the latter March 2, 1793. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 499 Descendants of Josiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Samuel, b. Aut;. 20, 1773 ; d. unm. ; 111 Martha, b. March 20,1776; d. Se^pt. 19, 1770; IV Hannah Gushing, b. Oct 15, 1778 ; m. Mr. Palfrey of New Orleans; she d. at N. 0., Nov. 18, 1808, aged 30 yrs. ; V George Thompson, b. Feb. 20, 1782 ; m. Emily Stillman of Mass. ; he d. at N. 0., Sept 17, 1808; aged 27 yrs.; Xl Jlartha 2(7, b. Dec. 9, 1784; m. Chester Holmes of Conn. Gen. Phillips died at Savannah, Ga., Oct. 14, 1802, aged 52 years. The collection district of Middletown was established in 1795, and he was the first collector appointed, receiving his commission in June of the same year. His grandfather, George Phillips, came to America from England with a brother, Thompson Phillips ; he married Hope Stow, daughter of John and Esther, and grand daughter of Rev. Samuel Stow of Middletown ; he in part represented that town in the general court from 1729 to 1738 ; he had 1 George, b. Feb. 6, 1709, d. April 18, 1709 ; 2 Hope, b. March 17, 1711, m. E. Lord of Wethersfield, Ct., a member of the general court from that town; 3 Margeret, b. Jan. 13, 1713, m. the Hon. Jabez Hamhn (grandson of Giles Hamlin) who was commissioner of the peace in 1733; justice of the quorum for Hartford county from 1745 to 1754 ; judge of the court thirty years ; a representative to the to the general court forty-three terms ; member of the council of safety ; judge of probate from 1752 to 1789 ; mayor of the city from its incorporation in 1784 till his death ; was colonel of colonial militia (Giles E[am- lin was one of the early settlers of Middletown, many times a representative to the general court) ; 4 Samuel, b. Nov. 20, 1716; 5 Geo)'ge-2d, h. Aug. 22, 1717, m. May 5, 1748, his cousin Hannah, dau. oi Thompson and Hannah (Cotton) Phhlips, b. July 20, 1728, who had I infant son, b. Jan. 18, l749 ; II Gen. George, b. April 4, 1750 (o. s.), m. Dec. 9, 1770, Martha, dau. of Josiah Wetmore, had as above'; III Thompson, b. Oct. 1752 (o. s.j, m. March 17, 1776, 500 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [4th Descendants of Josiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Esther Arnold (1st wife) b. March 26, 1736 ; m. 2d Nov. 22, 1776, Abigail Cheesbrough Mumford, grand daughter of Gov. Saltonstall and great grand daughter of Gov. Winthrop ; they had 1 Abby Martha, who m. John Porter (lawyer) , who had Charles Talbot, m. Har riet Morgan ; Anna Phillips m. Alonzo Beardsley ; 2 Ann Duryea who m. David Lee and had Anna Phillips. Abby Mumford m. Augustus Charles Murray of Scot land, an officer in the British army; 3 Josephine Louisa, m. Baron de Waechter-Lautenback, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary from the kingdom of Wurtemburg to the court of the Tuille ries ; 4 David Bradley ; 5 Mary Esther ; 6 George Thompson; IV Hannah, h. July 31,1754, in. Oct. 1774, her cousin William Cushing of Scituate, Mass., judge of the U. S. supreme court, and son of Judge John and Mary (Cotton) Cushing ; V Hope, b. Nov. 80, 1756, m. Aug. 31, 1777, Wilham, son of Ohver Ring and Elizabeth (Wyatt) Warner; she d. Sept. 24, 1820, had 1 Esther Phillips, b. July 18, 1778, m. Benja min Hoppin of Providence, R.. I., d. Jan. 1842 ; 2 Ehzabeth Wyatt, b. Dec. 22, 1779 ; m. May 19, 1804, Samuel son of Seth and grandson of Judge Seth Wet more of Middletown (for issue of this marriage see under proper head) ; VI Margeret, b. April 7, 1759 ; m. Oct. 8, 1777, Lloyd Bowers of Somerset, Mass.; she d. Dec. 16, 1831 ; issue 1 Margeret, b. ; 2 Henry, b. Sept. 20, 1781, m. ; 3 George Phillips, m. Laura Florian of New Orleans ; 4 Hannah Cushing, m. Samuel Cooper of Middletown ; 5 Lloyd, b. , m. Ann Bowers of Providence, R. I. ; 6 John ; 7 Wilham Cushing, also four other children d. in in fancy ; VII Sa,muel, b. March 9, 1763, d. July 25, 1766 ; VIII Esther, b. April 10, 1764, m. Jan. 9, 1783, Wilham Walter Parsons of Middletown, had William W. ; m. 2d William Jackson, had 2 Esther Phihips, b. Dec. 9, 1785, m. Hammett, had Esther Phil- Gen.J WETMORE iMEMORIAL. 501 Descendants of Josiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomaa. lips Parsons now of Bangor, Maine ; 3 Infant Son, b. July 31, 1787, d. Aug. 1787. Esther, b. — — ; m. Arthur 3Iagill, merchant of Middletown ; had I Arthur, who m. Fanny Wolcott. II Esther, who m. John Williams, Esq. of M., and bad 1 William; d. ; 2 John, d. ; 3 Caroline, who m. Mr. Joyner of Pensacola, Florida; 4 Mary ; d. ; 5 Margaret ; m. Theodore E. Parmelee of Buf falo, N. Y.; 6 Elizabeth ; m. Capt. Ebenezer Farrand, U. S. Navy ;i5 7 Edward. Jlr. Williams came from the Bermu das, where his family are ranked among the most respectable on the Islands. Ill Mary, b. ; m. Josiah, brother of John Williams above ; had 1 Arthur McGill ; d. ; 2 Stephen Clay ; 3 Martha Malvina ; 4 Emily Matilda ; d. ; 5 Fred erick Claudius ; d. . IV Elizabeth ; d. unm. V Martha, b. ; m. Samuel, bro. of the above John and Josiah Wil liams; had 1 Frederica, who m. Samuel Barstow, Esq., of De troit, Mich, (dead) ; 2 Elizabeth ; m. Hon. Mark Skinner of Chicago ; 3 Mary Ann. 15 A native of New Jersey ; resigning his commission, at the commence ment of the rebellion of 1861, he joined the Confederate forces at Pensa cola! 502 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [3d Son of Thomas. THIRD GENERATION. Children of Deacon Beriah, The fifth Son and ninth Child of Thomas and Sarah (^HalT) Whitmore. Sarah, b. May 6, 1693, Hope, b. Oct. 27, 1695. Thomas, b. Feb. 8, 1698 ; d. Mar. 2, 1698. Margaret, b. July 16, 1700 ;¦ m. Samuel Allen. Feb. 25, 1724-5 ; had I Margaret, b. Feb. 8, 1725-6. II Mary, b. Oct. 9, 1727. Ill A Son, b. April 10, 1729 ; d. 4 days old. IV Rebecca, b. April 21, 1730. V Sarah, b. July 24, 1732 ; VI Noadiah, b. Oct 11, 1736. He died Sept. 4, 1759. He was attached to the Middlefield Society. See under head of Samuel son of Thomas, and for Geneal of the Allen and Allyns prior to 1693, See Dr. Savage's Gen. Diet. Hannah, b. May 2, 1703 ; m- Ebenezer Hubbard, Feb. 25, 1724-5 ; had I Hannah, b. Nov. 30, 1725-6. II Ebenezer, b. Aug. 1, 1727. Ill Hope, born Feb. 22, 1729-30. IV Josiah, born March 6, 1732. V Jedediah, b. July 12, 1734 ; VI Elijah, b. July 16, 1736-7. VII Hezekiah, b. Sept 2, 1745 ; d. Oct. 28, 1762. She d. May 22, 1761 ; he m. 2d Lydia daughter of Jo seph and Lydia Wetmore, Feb. 14, 1764. He belonged to the Middlefield Society. His ancestors were among the first set tlers of Middletown, He d. Mar. 30, 1776. Bethiah (dau.), b. Nov. 12, 1705; d. Jan. 5, 1706. Beriah, b. April 23, 1707; m. Hannah Bowman, Feb. 7, 1737-8 ; had Beriah, Mary, Samuel Bowman, Hope, Hannah, Thomas, Andrew, Susannah and Margaret. (For genealogy of the Bowmans prior to 1693, see Dr. Savage's Gen. Dictionary.) Mary, b. Oct 6, 1715 ; d. Dec. 11, 1715. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 503 Descendants of Beriah, son of Thomas. FOURTH GENERATION. Children of Beriah, Beriah, b. Nov. 13, 1738; m. Abigail Bacon, June 2, 1763; had Nathan, Andrew, Mary, Philip, Nathaniel, Asahel, Lemuel. Mary, b. Feb. 13, 1739-40. Samuel Bowman, b. Aug. 19, 1742 ; m. Ann, dau. of Gideon Canfield, of Durham, Ct. ; had Nathan, Asher, Rachel, Hannah, Anna. He had lands recorded at East Haddam, Feb. 20, 1776; also Feb. 17, 1776, records the name of his wife as daughter of Gideon Canfield, of Durham. Hope, b. Nov. 13, 1743 ; m. ; had Lament Stow ; b, March 27, 1768 ; d. April 4, 1772. Hannah, b. June 3, 1745. Thomas, b. Aug. 10, 1747 ; m. ; had Thomas, Raplephe (Rapelyea ?). Andrew, b. Aug. 24, 1750 ; d. Sept. 5, 1750. Susannah, b. Aug. 25, 1752. Margaret, b. Feb. 10, 1756. FIFTH GENERATION. Children of Beriah, Son of Beriah. Nathan, b. Oct. 5, 1767. Andrew, b. April 16, 1768. Mart. 65 504 Philip. Nathaniel. Asahel.Lemuel. Nathan. Asher, Rachel. Hannah, Anna. Thomas. Rapelye,. WETMORE MEMORIAL. Descendants of Beriah, son of Thomas Children of Samuel Bowman, Son of Beriah. Children of Thomas, Son of Beriah. Gen.J Wl!]TMORE MEJIORIAL. 505 Sox of Thomas. THIRD GENERATION. Children of ISTathaniel, The sixth Son and tenth Child of Thomas and Sarah (^HalV) Whitmore. Thomas, b. in Middletown. Moses, b. in 31. ; m. Margeret, dau. of Isaac Johnson, Sept. 16, 1722—3 ; had Closes, Elizabeth, Isaac, Reuben, Content, Com fort and Stephen. He resided in East Haddam as late as 1729, and in Middletown in 1731. He, with his sons Moses and Isaac, were lost at sea in 1739. Deborah, b. Sept 22, 1704. Esther, b. in M., Feb. 13, 1705-6; m. Daniel Meeky or McKee of Wethersfield, Jan. 14, 1729-30; had I Mary, b. May 1, 1731; II Deborah,h. Nov. 9, 1732; 111 Eliz a.betJi ; IV Esther, b. Dec. 18, 1737 ; V Daniel, h. April, 1740 ; VI Elizabeth 2d, b. Feb. 8, 1742 ; VII Rachel, b. July 23, 1744 ; VIII Eunice, b. Jan. 26, 1748-9 ; d. same year. FOURTH GENERATION. Children of Moses Wetmore. Moses, b. in East Haddam, Dec. 15, 1723 ; lost at sea 1739. Marcy, b. in East Haddam, Aug. 13, 1725. 506 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [5th Descendants of Nathaniel, son of Thomas. Elizabeth, b. in East Haddam, Jan. 2, 1727-8 ; d. April 30, 1731. Isaac, b. Oct. 7, 1730 ; lost at sea, 1739. Reuben, b. in Middletown, March 30 (April 10 ?), 1733 ; m. Han nah Foster, June 24, 1753; she d. 1782; had Margaret, Hannah, Mehitable, Elizabeth, Content, Mary, Zephora, Moses, Reuben B., Patience; m. 2, Chloe Johnson, Dec. 20, 1783; had Lois, Stephen, Isaac, Chloe. He removed to Hillsdale, Columbia, N. Y. He d., se. 96 years. Content, b. Sept 27, 1735. Comfort, b. Sept, 20, 1737. Reported died in infancy. Stephen, b. Jan. 12, 1739^0, FIFTH GENERATION, Children of Reuben, Son of Moses. Margaret, b. April 8, 1757 ; m. Seba Norton, Hannah, b. Dec. 31, 1758 ; m. Andrew Webb. Mehitable, b. Nov. 7, 1760 ; m. Zephaniah Holcom. Elizabeth, b. Oct. 3, 1762, m. Judah Lawrence, a magistrate, af terwards judge. Resided at Spencertown, Col. co., N. Y. ; had Jacob. Content, b. March 17, 1766 ; m. David Newtown. Mary, b. May 28, 1768 ; m. John Blair. Zephora, b. Feb. 27, 1771 ; m. Jesse Wilcox. Moses, b. Jan. 18, 1772 ; m. Elnor Guiles. Reuben B., b. in Middletown, Dec. 28, 1773 (4'?); m. July 30, Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 507 Descendants of Nathaniel, sou of Thomas. 1794, Sylvia Howard, b. Columbia co., N. Y., May 16 (14 ?), 1774 ; had Lucinda, Reuben C, Cynthia, Moses, Cynthia 2d, Lydia Louisa, Almira, Elisha Howard. He died in St. Lawrence co., N. Y., June 16, 1823, aged 49. The " B." in his Christian name was used to distinguished his name from his father's. His wid. resides with her son, Reuben C, at Moultonville, 111. Patience, b. Nov. 22, 1777; m. Eliphaz Spencer. Lois, b. Feb. 14, 1785 ; m. Jonathan Close (Clost ?). Stephen, b. March 10, 1787 ; m. Hannah Dingman. Isaac, b. March 23, 1790 ; m. Aug. 3, 1817, Nancy Butler, b. Jan. 14, 1798; had Jehiel R., Martin B., Harriet, Ira, Harry; m. 2d, Oct. 13, 1831, Lucinda Hall, b. June 22, 1801 ; had Aretas, Louisa, Cynthia. Mrs. Nancy (Butler) Wetmore, died March 19, 1831. He died Sept. 11, 1853. Chloe, b. June 25, 1792 ; m. William Read. SIXTH GENERATION. Children of Reuben B., ^071 of Reuben, Son of Moses. Lucinda, b. Jan. 12, 1796 ; m. Friend Gibbs. Reuben C, b. in Columbia co., N. Y., Dec. 28, 1797 (1798?); m. Martha Olmsted of Maryland, Otsego co., N. Y., Sept. 14, 1822, had Stephen R., Reuben D., d. yonng; Cynthia Ann, Cornelia, Lucinda, Martha, Reuben E., Lovina, Mary, Minerva P. Was in early life a merchant in Schoharie co., N. Y. ; removed to Morgan co.. 111., in 1837. When Scott county was organized out of Morgan, he was one of the first magistrates elected in the new county. 508 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Nathaniel, son of Thomas. The " C." in his name was given to distinguish his address from that of his father and grandfather. Cynthia, b. April 11, 1800 ; d. young. Moses, b. June 1 (7?), 1801; m. Balsom White, 1825; had John J., Polly Ann, Almira, Orvilla, Reuben. He resides in Scott co., 111., where he was Judge of the County Court in 1850. Cynthia 2d, Jan. 28, 1805 ; m. Ezekiel Gallup ; had I Levi; II Celinda (Lucinda ?) ; III Ezekiel. Resides in Jefierson, Schoharie co., N. Y. Lydia Louisa, b. Feb. 9, 1809. Almira, b. April 20, 1810; m. in Summit, Schoharie co., N. Y., July 20, 1833, Treat, son of Philo M. Durand, b. in Hartford, Ct, July 4, 1813 ; had I Sylvia, b. April 16, 1835; d. Sept 12, 1840 ; II Harvey, b. May 22, 1838. Is general bookkeeper in the National Bank at Albany, N. Y. Mrs. Durand died in the spring of 1848 or 1849. Mr. Durand was for some years High Sherijff of Schoharie county, where he now resides (Schoharie C. H. P. 0.). His father, Philo M. Durand, of Oxford, New Haven co., Ct., married Harriet, dau. of Wilham and Elizabeth (Dykeman) Livingston, of Livingston's Manor, Albany co., N. Y., b. Sept. 30, 1792 ; had Al mira, b. Dec. 10, 1811 ; Treat, b. July 4, 1813 ; Aman da, b. April 3, 1820 ; his maternal grandfather, Wil ham Livingston, was b. 1738; d. Dec. 24, 1798, and his wife Ehzabeth (Dykeman) Livingston, was b. 1748 (1728 ?) ; d. 1851 ; aged 103 (123?) years. They had I Catherine, b. Nov. 16, 1772; II Lijdia, b. Nov. 20, 1774 ; III Elizabeth, b. Nov. 29, 1776 ; IV Cornelius, b. Dec. 28, 1778 ; V James, b. Jan. 17, 1780; d. ; VI John, b. Jan. 4, 1782 ; VII Richard, b. March 10, ; Ylll Samuel; IX Hn-riet. b. Sept. 30, 1792; X Ezekiel; XI William ; this family show remarkable longevity. Mr. Durand's grandfather was Ebenezer Uen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 509 Descendants of Nathaniel, son of Thomas. Durand, who came from France in 1768, had Polly, Andrew, Philo M., Isaac Philander, David, Ebenezer, William, Samuel, Hiram. Elisha Howard, b. Aug. 30, 1817 ; m. Polly Rankin. He is a merchant at Du Quoin, 111. Children of Isaac, Son of Reuben, Son of Moses. Jehiel R., b. May 1, 1818 ; m. Jan. 1849, Alvina Bacon, b. Jan. 24, 1830 ; had Sylvester J., Stephen B. He resides in Watson, Lewis county, N. Y. Martin B., b. Tuesday, April 18, 1820. Harriet, b. Saturday, Feb. 16, 1822. Ira, b. Friday, Feb. 13, 1824. Harry, b. Sunday, March 26, 1826, Aretas, b. Feb. 28, 1833. Louisa, b. March 8, 1855. Cynthia, b. Sept. 12, 1837. SEVENTH GENERATION. Children of Reuben C, Son of Reuben B., Son of Reuben, Son of Moses. Stephen R., b. June 29, 1823; m. April 13, 1849, Lucy A., dau. of Dr. N. Barron; b. in Auburn, N. Y., Dec. 9, 1832; had Barron, Eugene, Mary Helen. He was a volunteer during the Mexican war, was 1st sergeant of 1st dragoons, and with the head-quar ters' staff from Vera Cruz to the city of Mexico. After his retum, settled at Moultonville, 111. ; was made 510 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [7th Descendants of Nathaniel, son of Thomas. postmaster at that place in 1851, which office he con tinues to hold, though he has removed his place of business to Du Quoin, 111., where he has coal mine and merchandise interests. Cynthia Ann, b. Sept. 14, 1825; m. William Crabb; had dau.; d. Oct 6, 1847. She died July 31, 1849. He died in Cahfornia, Dec. 13, 1849. Cornelia, b. Oct 25, 1827 ; m. J. Russell Auberry, 1846 ; had I Stephen, b. 1847 ; II Almira, b. 1849 ; III Emma, b. 1850 ; IV Ella, b. 1854. Resides at Moultonville, 111. Lucinda, b. Feb. 10, 1830 ; m. Jacob Mock ; had I Charles, b. 1853 ; II Edward, b. 1857. Resides in Moultonville, 111. Martha, b. March 29, 1832 ; m. William Barron. Reuben E., b. Aug. 23, 1836; m. Octavia Lee; had Mary. The " E," in his name he received according to the custom of his family, viz : adding a letter of the alphabet to those of the same christian name in chronological order. He resides at Moultonville. Lovina, b. April 28, 1839; m. Franklin Galy; had Irene, b. 1856. Mary, b. Oct. 5, 1841. Minerva P.,b. April 21, 1844. Children of Moses, Son of Reuben B., Son of Reuben, Son of Moses. John J., b. Jan. 17, 1826; m. Sfept. 9, 1845, Amanda Malvina, dau. of Royal N. and Polly Lee, b. Sept. 31, 1831 ; had Mary Corrinda, Byron L., Mary M., George Warren. He resides at Nokomis, 111. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 511 Descendants of Nathaniel,- son of Thomas. Polly Ann, b. Dec. 28, 1828; m. William Lee. Almira Orvilla, b. Jan. 28, 1830; m. about 1850 or '51, Mar shall Lee ; had I Rodolph, b. Jan. 28, 1852 ; II Fannie, b. Feb. 10 (6 ?), 1858. Resides in Nokomis, El. Reuben, b. 1835. Children of Jehiel R., Son of Isaac, Son of Reuben, Son of Moses. Sylvester J., b. Feb. 6, 1852. Sydney B., b. Aug. 6, 1855. EIGHTH GENERATION. Children of Stephen R., Son of Reuben C, Son of Reuben B., Son of Reuben, Son of Moses. Barron Eugene, b. March 24, 1850. Mary Helen, b. Nov. 18, 1857. Daughter of Reuben E., Son of Reuben C, Son of Reuben B., Son of Reuben, Son of Moses Mary, b. April 18, 1857. Children of John J., Son of Moses, Son of Reuben B-, Son of Reuben, Son of Moses Mary Corrinda, b. 1847. Byron L., b. 1848. Mary M., b. 1850. George Warren, b. 1851. 66 512 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [3d Son of Thomas, THIRD GENERATION. Children of Joseph, Seventh Son and Eleventh Child of Thomas and Sarah (Hall) Whitmore. Joseph, b. in Middletown, March 19, 1706-7 ; m. Abigail Roberts, June 28, 1733 ; had Abigail, Joseph, Amos, Itha (Ithama ?), Ebenezer, Timothy, Nathaniel, Anna, Lydia, Sarah, Nathaniel 2d. She d. Nov. 18, 1760 ; he m. 2 Rebecca Blake, Oct. 12, 1761. He belonged to the Middlefield Society, as will be seen by reference to notice of Samuel, son of Thomas. Lydia, b. Sept. 22, 1708 ; m. Ebenezer Hubbard, Feb. 14, 1764 ; she d. . His first wife was Hannah, dau. of Deacon Beriah, son of Thomas Whitmore, Sen. ; he died March 30, 1776. Ann, b. in M., Feb. 11, 1711 ; died same year. Ann 2d, b. in M., March 14, 1712-13 ; m. John Boam, March 28 17.33; had I Joseph, b. Feb. 28, 1734; II Ann, b. Jan. 6 1735-6 ; III Elizabeth, b. Nov. 14, 1737 ; d. 1738 ; IV John b. Aug. 25, 1739 ; she d. Aug. 11, 1741, aged 29. Nathaniel, b. in M., Feb. 22, 1715-16 ; m. Ruth Allyn, Dec. 17. 1741 ; had Ruth, Lydia, Nathaniel. He died Nov. 1774 ; was buried in the West grave yard at Middletown ; his widow died Jan. 24, 1949- 50. "-' Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 513 Descendants of Joseph, son of Thomas. FOURTH GENERATION. Children of Joseph Wetmore. Abigail, b. in Middletown, Feb. 2, 1734-5 ; Joseph, b. in M., Feb. 3, 1738-9 ; m. ; had Joseph, Nathan iel, Polly, Luman (Lyman ?), Bela, Lucy, Lydia ; he d. in Ot sego CO., N. Y. Amos, b. inM., Oct 14, 1740; m. Rachel Parsons, Nov. 11, 1765; had Grace, Parsons, Rachel, Amos, Asher, Ezra, Eunice, Je- hial. He removed to Whitestown, N. Y., about 1790 ; he d. 1807-8, se. 67 ; his wife d. , aged 82 years. Itha, b. in M., Sept. 30, 1742 ; m. Dorathy Webster, Nov. 16, 1768 ; had Abigail, Dolly, Itha, Susannah, Ada, Ebenezer, Ada 2d, Ruth, Lois, Asel, Pheobe, Asher. He was a sea captain ; he d. .about 1793 or 4. Ebenezer, b. in M., June 16, 1744. Timothy, b. in M., April 9, 1746; m. Dec. 21, 1768, Martha Eg gleston ; had Timothy, Clark, James and Martha ; he d. in Ot sego CO., N. Y. Nathaniel, b. Dec. 14, 1748 ; d. young. Anna, b. in M., Feb. 8, 1749-50 ; m. Mr. Blake of Conn.; had Deacon Blake of Whitestown ; she married 2d, Hezekiah Hale of Conn., all deceased. Lydia, b. in M., Mar. 9, 1753. Sarah, b. in M., April 1, 1755. Nathaniel 2d, b. in M., Mar. 9, 1759. 514 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [5tl Descendants of Joseph, son of Thomas. Children of Nathaniel. Ruth, b. April 25, 1743. Lydia, b. July 7, 1747 ; d. Sept 24, 1752. Nathaniel, b. Nov. 29, 1749 ; d. ; was buried beside the grave of his father, in the West graveyard of Middletown. FIFTH GENERATION. Children of Joseph, Son of Joseph. Joseph, m. ; had Sanford, Louisa, Howell, Clarissa, Maria. Nathaniel, m. ; had Pheobe; lived in Camden, Oneida co., N. Y. Luman, or Lyman, m. — — ; had Jemima and Emeline. Polly.Bella.Lucy. Lydia. Children of Amos, Son of Joseph. Grace, b. in Middletown, Dec. 3, 1766 ; m. Gen. George Doolittle ; she d. ae. 68 years. Parsons, b. in M., Aug. 10, 1768; m. 1787, Aurelia, dau. of Judge Hugh White of Whitesboro, N. Y., b. July 22, 1770 ; had Betsey, Lois, Lansing, Parsons, Aurelia White, Aurelia White 2d, Melancton Clark, Daniel White, Leonard, Angeline, Mary Louisa, Zephaniah Davenport and Vincent Stone. He was a farmer in Whitestown ; in the autumn of Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 515 Descendants of Joseph, son of Thomas. 1815, removed with his family to Warren county, Pa., then a wilderness, where he opened up a farm ; subse quently sold his land and removed, via the Alleghany and Ohio rivers, to Western Virginia, near Wellsburg ; from thence, after a brief residence, to Steubenville, Ohio, and finally in the fall of 1827, to Rochester, where he continued, mainly, until his decease ; closing a long and eventful life, marked by much of enter prise, patience and hardy endurance, equaled by few. He died September 22, 1852, in possession of a cheer ing hope of a blessed immortality. His wife died at Rochester, July 18, 1846. Mrs. Wetmore's father. Judge Hugh White, was a native of Middletown, Conn., and was a g. grandson of Nathaniel White, one of the original proprietors of that town. He, together with Zephaniah Piatt, Melancton Smith, and Ezra L'Hommedieu, became in 1784, joint owners of a tract of land on the banks of the Mohawk river, and along the Oriskany and Sauquoit creeks, west of the German Flats, in the state of New York, then known as the Sadaqhuadate Patent, where they established a settlement and gave the place the name of Whitestown, in compliment to Mr. White who was first to move on the ground with four of his sons, a daughter and a daughter-in-law, in the month of June of that year. They ascended the Mohawk from Schenectady in a barge, and landed at the mouth of the Sauquoit, where they erected a shanty for their temporary accommoda tion. After having finished a survey of the lands, a partition was made, and Judge White proceeded to erect a log house. The site fixed upon was the shght rise of ground which forms the eastern boundary of the village. Early the following year he returned to his native town, and brought his wife and the remain der of his family. Some three or four years subse quently he erected the house still standing (we pre sume, at least it was when we visited Whitesboro, our 516 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [5th Descendants of Joseph, son of Thomas. native place, a few years since) on the southeastern corner of the village green. About 1809 or 1810, he removed to a dwelling of his own on the hill (south) overlooking the town. At the time of the establish ing of Herkimer county, he was appointed a judge, which office he afterwards held in Oneida county. For the first two years of Judge White's residence at W., the nearest mill was situated at Palatine, a distance of about forty miles (east). The distance was traversed by an Indian path impassable to a wheel carriage. The wants of animal food induced the first settlers to salt down a barrel or two of the breasts of pigeons, which they separated from the remainder of these birds, which were caught in great numbers. In 1786 the settlement of Whitestown had so far increased, that its inhabitants formed a religious society and employed as a minister the Eev. Dr. Hillyer of Orange, Kew Jersey, and organized the first Presbyterian church west of Albany. In 1788, when Whitestown was organized, its limits were laid oft" by a line crossing the Mobawk at a small log cabin wbich stood upon the site occupied by the rail road depot in Utica, and running north and south to the bouDdaries of the state, and comprehend ing all the state lying westward — a territorj^ which at pre sent (1842) is inhabited by more than a million of inhabit ants. The first town meeting was held in a barn owned by IsTeedham Maynard, Esq., on the road leading from Whitesborough to Middle settlement.^" -'t>^ For a number of years after Judge White's arrival, quite a number of the Oneida Indians resided in his vicinity. The followmg interesting incident, which took place during this period, is copied from Whliam Tracy's Lectures : An old chief, named Han Yerry, who, during the war, had acted with the royal party, and now resided at Oriskany in a log wigwam which stood on this (east) side of the creek, just back of the house, until recently, occupied by Mr. Charles Green, one day called at Judge White's with his wife and a mulatto woman who belonged to i« Barber & Holmes's Hist. Coll. N. r. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 517 Descendants of Joseph, son of Thomas. him, and who acted at his interpreter. After conversing with him a little while, the Indian asked him — "Are you luy friend ? " " Yes," said he. " Well then," said the Indian, " do you believe I am your friend?" ''Yes, Han Yerry," replied he, "I believe you are." The Indian then rejoined, " Well, if you are my friend, and you believe I am your friend, I will tell you what I want, and then I shall know whether you speak true words." " And what is that you want? " said Mr. White. The Indian pointed to a little grand child, the daughter of one of his sons, then between two and three years old, and said, '' my squaw wants to take this pappoose home to stay with us one night, and bring it home to-morrow ; if you are my friend, you will now show me." The feelings of the grand father at once uprose in his bosom, and the child's mother with hor ror and alarm at the thought of intrusting her darling prattler with the rude tenants of the forest. The question was full of interest. On the one hand the necessity of placing unlimited confidence in the savage, and intrusting the welfare and the life of his grandchild with him ; on the other, the certain enmity of a man of influence and consequence in his nation, and one who had been the open enemy of his countrymen in their recent struggle. But he made the decision with a sagacity that showed that he properly estimated the character of the person he was dealing with. He believed that by placing implicit confidence in him, he should command the sense of honor wiich seems peculiar to the uncontaminated Indian. He told him to take the child ; and as the mother, scarcely suffering it to be parted from her, relinquished it into the hands of the old man's wife, he soothed her fears with his assurance of confidence in their promises. That night, however, was a long one ; and dur ing the whole of the next morning many and often were the anxious glances cast up the pathway leading from Oriskany, if possible to discover the Indians and their little charge, upon their return to his home. But no Indian came in sight. It became high noon ; all a mother's fears were aroused ; she could scarcely be persuaded from rushing in pursuit of her loved one. But her father repre sented to her the gross indignity which a suspicion of their inten tions would arouse in the breast of the chief; and half frantic though she was, she was restrained. The afternooTi slowly wore away, and still nothing was seen of her child. The sun had nearly reached the horizon, and the mother's heart had swolen beyond further endurance, when the forms of the friendly chief and his wife, bearing upon her shoulders their little visitor, greeted her mother's vision. The dress which the child had worn from home had been removed, and in its place its Indian friends had substi tuted a complete suit of Indian garments, so as completely to me tamorphose it into a little squaw. The sequel of this adventure was 518 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [5th Descendants of .Joseph, son of Thomas. the establishment of a most ardent attachment and regard on the part of the Indian and his friends for the white settlers. The child now Mrs. Eells of Missouri, the widow of the late Nathaniel Eells of Whitesboro, still remembers some incidents occurring on the night of her stay in the wigwam, and the kindness of her Indian hostess. Judge White had issue Daniel, Hugh, Joseph, Ansel, Philo, Rachel, Aurelia and Mary;" he died April 16, 1812, and was buried in the old grave yard upon the hill overlooking the town of which he was the founder, the following being the inscription upon the' stone that identifies the spot : Here sleep the mortal remains of Hugh White, Who was born 5th February, 1733, at Middletown, Connecticut, and died 16th April, 1812. In the year 1784, he removed to Sedaghquate, now Whites- borough ; where he was the first white inhabitant in the state of New York, west of the German settlers on the Mohawk. He was distinguished for energy and decision of character, and may justly be regarded as a Patriarch who led the children of New England into the wilderness. As a magistrate, a citizen and a man, his character for truth and integrity was proverbial. This humble monument is reared and inscribed by the affectionate partner of his joys and sorrows. May 15, 1826. Rachel, b. in M., March 9, 1770. Amos, b. in M., Nov. 5, 1772 ; m. dau. of Timothy Olmstead, ; d. 1855-6. Asher, b. Dec. 10, 1774. Eunice, m. William Cheever ; d. aged about 50 years. Ezra, m. a dau. of Mr. Palmer, of Rhode Island. JEmAL, b. in M., March 28, 1785 ; m. Harriet Gilbert of Newfield, Ct. ; had Curtiss G., Edward B., Mary, Harriet, and two chil- •»For a more complete genealogy of Judge "White and his family see the White Genealogy, by the Rev. Allyn S. Kellogg ; for copies of the work ap ply to Henry White, Esq., New Haven, or Norman White, Esq., New York. Gen J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 519 Descendants of .loseph, son of Thomas. dren, who d. infants. She died about 1850 ; he m. 2 Emeline Newcomb, of Whitestown, N. Y. ; had Elizabeth, Emma and Anna. He is a farmer. Resides at Whitestown. Chhdren of Itha, Son of Joseph. Abigail, b. in Middletown, Aug. 27, 1769. Dolly, b. in M., April 2, 1771. Itha, b. in M.. May 5, 1773; m. Lucy Talcott, 1803^; had Leander, Ira, ilorris, George W., Lucy, and Orlow E. He removed from Middletown to Leyden, N. Y., when young. In 1815 or 1818, he emigrated to the Western Reserve, Ohio, where he entered land to a considerable extent. He was one of the contractors for the building of the Pennsylvania and Ohio canal, where he lost a large sum of money by the abscond ing of a paymaster. He died September, 1829. Susannah, b. in M.. Mar. 5, 1775. Ada, b. in M., Nov. 12, 1776 ; d. Dec. 17, 1779. Ebenezer, b. in M., Nov. 6, 1778 ; m. ; removed to Leyden, N. Y., where many of his descendants, we are informed, are now living. ADA-2d, b. May 16, 1780; m. in Turin, Black River, N. Y., Sam uel Hart; had I Samuel W., b. Jan. 1, 1800, who resides in Rochester, N. Y.; he d. ; she m. 2d, Dr. Manly Wellman; had II Delia P., b. Oct. 30, 1803, who m. Isaac Castle in 1820, and had Dr. Wellman ; d ; Mrs. Delia P. Castle d. in 1823. Ill Harriet D., b. May 13, 1807, m. Isaac Castle (be fore named) ; had 1 Wellman D., b. March 24, 1825, who m., Auo-. 1845, Francis Ferry, and had Isaac Nelson, b. Aug. 10, 1846, Manly Chapman, Aug. 11, 1848; d. Aug. 20, 1851, se. 3 years. William D. Castle removed with his family to Califor nia where he resides ; 2 Ada Elizabeth, b. Sept. 26, 1828 ; d Jan. 26, 1830; 3 Asa E., b. Sept. 19, 1831; d. Jan. 24, 1849; 4 Hart W., b. Aug. 15, 1835, who m. Feb., 1856, in 67 520 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Joseph, son of Thomas. California, Harriet Vantine, and had Ada ; d. young ; 5 Delia C, b. Dec. 26, 1839; d. May 14, 1848 ; 6 Lemuel J., b. April 20, 1844 ; Mrs. Ada Wetmore Hart d. Jan. 14, 1845. Ruth, b. in M., Aug. 22, 1782. Lois, b. in M., May 17, 1784. Asel, b. in M., Aug. 15, 1786; d. Nov. 14, 1788. Pheobe, b. in M., July 13, 1788. Asher, b. in M., May 10, 1790; m. Nov. 1815, Martha Piatt of Leyden, Lewis co., N. Y ; she died six weeks afterward; he m. 2d, Electa S. Talcott, Jan. 1, 1825 ; had Electa S., Delos A., Orlando E., Alson L. and Lucy Ann ; she d. ; he m. 3d, Susannah Whitcomb, Oct. 24, 1843; had Charles A-., Ira N. and Marcella Electa. He removed with his father to Lewis county about 179.3-4, and about 1829 he removed with his own family to Stow, Ohio, and to Shiawassie, Mich., Sept., 1841. Children of Timothy, Son of Joseph. Timothy Clark, b. July 23, 1769. James , b. May 2, 1772. Martha, b. 1774. SIXTH GENERATION. Children of Joseph, Son of Joseph, Son of Joseph. Sanford. Louisa. Howell. Clarissa.Maria. Gen.J WETMORM MEMORIAL. 521 Descendants of Joseph, son of Thomas. Daughter (.)f Nathaniel, Son of Joseph. Son of Joseph, Pheobe. Resides at Camden, Oneida county, N. Y. Childreu of Luman or Lyman, Son of Joseph, Son of Joseph. .Jemima. Emeline, m. Cook. Children of Parsons, Betsey, b. at Whitesboro, Oneida county, N. Y., March 31, 1789; m. at same place, Dyer Fitch, merchant of Auburn, 1817 ; she d. at Charleston, now Wellsburg, Va., May 30, 1818, leaving Dyer Wetmore, b. at Charleston, Brook county, Va., April 6, 1818, who m. Sept. 24, 1849, Julia Ann, eldest dau. of Wat son and Ann G. Miller, of Erie county, Pa., s. p. Dyer W. Fitch resides at Erie, Pa. Lois, b. at W., Aug. 26, 1790; d. unm. Aug. 8,1808. Judge Lansing, b. at W., Aug. 28, 1792; m. in Warren county, Pa., Nov. 16, 1816, Caroline Ditmars ; had Lansing Ditmars, Je rome White, Augustus Parsons, Albert Abraham, Caroline Louisa, Sydney A., Sarah Maria, Charles Canvass, Catharine Bridget, George Rapelyea. He was, with his father, one of the early settlers of Warren co.. Pa., and there became one of its most prominent and honored citizens. He died at Warren, Pa., Nov. 15, 1857. The subjoined biographical notice and proceedings we copy from the Warren {Pa.) Ledger: " At a meeting of the members of the bar and ofiacers of the court of Warren county, held at the office of John- 522 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Joseph, sou of Thomas. son & Brown on the evening of the 16th ISTovember, 1857, on motion, the Hon. G. Merrill was chosen chairman, and John F. McPherson, Secretary. The object of the meeting being stated to have reference to the death of Hon. L. Wetmore, on motion, S. P. John son, G. W. Scofield and E. Brown, Esqs. were appointed a committee to make report and draft resolutions expressive of the purpose aud sentiments of the meeting. S. P. Johnson on behalf of the committee, presented the following obituary notice of deceased, and the accom panying resolutions : The Hon. Lansing Wetmore was born at Whitesboro, Oneida county, N. Y., ou the 28th of August, 1792, mak ing him at the time of his decease, in his 66th year. In the year 1815, he emigrated to Warren county, and settled ou the bead waters of the Little Brockenstraw, where he was married to Carohne Ditmars, now his bereaved widow. After hving awhhe at Pine Grove, he removed in 1819 to Warren, where, and in the vicinity of which, he resided until his death. On the 26th of September, 1819, soon after the organi zation of this count}', he was appointed its first prothono- tary, by Gov. Findly ; which oflice, together with those of register and recorder and clerk of the several courts, he held until the spring of 1821. On tbe 23d of January, 1824, he was again appointed by Go\'. Shultz to the several ofiices of prothonotary, recorder, &c., wbich he continued unth superseded by the appointment of Robert Miles, in the winter of 1830. About the year 1831 he was admitted to the bar of Warren county as a lawyer, the functions of which he continued to exercise until he retired to his farm in Cine- wango in 1842. Iu the fall of 1851 he was elected as one of the associate judges of the county, the duties of which he ably and faithfully discharged during his term of five years. Between 1825 and 1860, for several years, he as sisted and was interested iu the publication of the Warren Gazette, in which enterprise he expended considerable time and money. The latter years of his life were devoted to agricultural pursuits, in which he always felt a deep inter est, and to the advancement of which, he perhaps contri buted more than any one in the county. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 523 Descendants of Joseph, son of Thomas. Without ostentation, be was always found with the fore most iu every enterprise that promised progress in the improvement iu society and the development of the county, and was ever I'eady to bestow liberally of his time, toil and money to further educational and literary projects, as also, ah enterprises for the mtiterial improvement of the country m roads, bridges, &e. Judge Wetniore was one of the oldest and most honored eitizeus of Warreu county. Having emigrated to its wilderness among its early pioneers, he was a gratified wit ness of its prosperity, aud an active participant in all mea sures tending to its development and improvement. Both his pen and personal toil were devoted to this pur pose many years. He commenced as a tiller of the soil, and often spending a considerable timo in the discharge of pubhc aud professional duties, closed his career while en gaged in his favorite pursuit of agriculture. Without fortune or patronizing friends, his early life was characterised by those struggles with hardships and depri vations incident to pioneer life. His courage in braving them, attest the energy and perseverance of his character. For more than forty years he was prominent as a citizen, filling many important positions in the social organization of society. " In ah the relations of hfe, personal, profes sional aud ofiicial. he exhibited an evenness of temper and uniformity of character seldom seen. Always calni, con scientious and unimpassioned, whatever it became his duty to do, he did with such quietude and competency as to dis arm opposition and reflect credit on his fairness of purpose and soundness of judgment. As a citizen, his influence was always found and felt on the side of order, sobriety, morahty and progress ; as a pubhc oflEtcer, his duties were all discharged with prompt ness and fidehty ; as a lawyer, his conduct was characterised by integrity of purpose and urbanity of manners ; as a judo-e he was patient and impartial, and as a Christian, he was earnest aud consistent ; while as a husband and a father, he has left after him a widow and numerous family to reflect his virtues aud revere his memory, whose charac ters and positions in society are enduring monuments to his virtues in the domestic relations. 524 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Joseph, son of Thomas. The following resolutions were then read, and on mo tion of B. W. Lacy, Esq., adopted : Resolved, That we have heard with emotions of profound regret of the decease of our esteemed friend and professional associate the Hon. Lansing Wetmore, and in sorrow unite, with our fellow citi zens of all classes, in rendering our tribute of respect to the memory of unassuming merit. Resolved, That our long acquaintance with the deceased, enables us to bear testimony to his integrity' as a man, his fidelity as an ofiicer, his courteous and honorable bearing as a lawyer, his ready and impartial action as a judge, his benevolence to the needy, and his zeal and industry as an agriculturalist. Resolved, That his conduct as a spirited citizen, his uniform and efiicient zeal in favor of all measures to improve the moral condition of society, his impartial and conscientious discharge of all the duties that devolved upon him, and his consistent perseverance in the ob servance of all the proprieties that belonged to his profession as a lawyer, and his character as a Christian, he has left us an example worthy of all imitation. Resolved, That we extend to the afflicted relations of the de ceased, our sincere sympathy and condolence in the bereavement which it has pleased an all-wise Providence to infiict on their household, suggesting only by way of consolation, that their loss is the eternal gain of him they mourn. Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be published in the Warren papers and that the Secretary be instructed to furnish a copy of the foregoing resolutions to the family of the deceased. Parsons, b. at Whitesboro, N. Y., Aug. 1794 : d. unm., Feb. 3, 1835. He lived for some years in Utica, where acquired a knowledge of the jewelry business, and removed to Warren co.. Pa., from thence to Mexico, to recruit his health, at the same time to engage in his accustomed business. After a protracted sojourn of fifteen years, among the several towns of Me:^ico, he returned to the States and arrived at Steubenville, Ohio, much en feebled in health, in expectation of meeting his kin dred there, but who had removed in 1827 to Rochester, N. Y. He survived but a few days. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 525 Descendants of Joseph, son of Thomas. Aurelia White, b. at Whitesboro, Sept. 30, 1797 ; d. sd. 6 weeks. Aurelia White 2d, b. at Whitesboro, Nov. 16, 1798 ; m. Dyer Fitch of Wellsburg, Va., the widower of her deceased sister, Betsey, Sept. 22, 1819 ; had I Mary Elizabeth, b. Sept. 21, 1820 ; m. and resides in Robinson, 111.; II Charles Dewitt, b. May 8, 1822 ; m. and resides in Robinson; III George Clin ton, b. Aug. 29, 1824; m. ; resides in California; IV Maria Louisa, b. July 29, 1827 ; m. ; resides in Ohio ; V Elisha Parsons, b. Oct. 30, 1832 ; resides in Robinson. VI Samuel Augustus, born Nov. 30, 1835 ; resides in Robinson. Mr. Dyer Fitch resides in Robinson, Crawford co.. 111. Aurelia White Wetmore is the third wife of Mr. Fitch ; her sister Bet sey was the second ; who was the first we are not informed. Melancton Clark, b. in Whitesboro, N. Y., Feb. 1, 1801 ; m. Feb. 1, 1827. Octavia Parker of Madison, N. Y. ; had George Parker, Hugh White. He is a highly respected citizen of Rochester, N. Y. He is kept in some ofiice of trust or honor by his fel low citizens, most of his time ; holding at different pe riods the ofiice of supervisor, assessor, overseer of the poor, school trustee, commissioner of highways, etc.; is an influential and consistent member and class leader of the Methodist Episcopal church. Daniel White, b. in Whitesboro, Aug. 11, 1803 ; m. in 1832 (3 ?) Margeret Wiley of Rochester. Resides in Buffalo, N. Y. Leonard, b. in Whitesboro, July 10, 1805 ; m. Sophronia Barber of Rochester ; had Mary Louisa. Resides m Dayton, Ohio. Angeline, b. in Whitesboro, Sept. 8, 1807 ; m. in 1834, Abraham De Kroyft of Rochester ; had I Abraham W., b. 1834 ; II Parker, b. 1836 ; III William, b. 1839. Resides in Rochester. Mary Louisa, b. in Whitesboro, Feb. 8, 1810 ; m. George S. Wil liams, Nov. 11, 1830; had I Mary Louisa, b. April 28, 1832 ; m. at' Buffalo, Bradley D. Rodgers, April 4, 1855, and had 1 526 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [6th Descendants of Joseph, son of Thomas. Mary Louisa, b. April 6, 1852 ; 2 Emily, b. May 13, 1857 ; 3 George Bradley, b. Feb. 1, 1859 ; d. Mar. 29, 1859 ; 4 Charles Otis, b. July 3, 1860. II George Otis, b. in Rochester, Jan. 26, 1834 ; d. in R., Jan. 24, 1835. Ill Albert Parsons, b. in Bufi'alo, Dec. 9, 1835. They reside in Buffalo, N. Y. Zephaniah Davenport, b. in Whitesboro, Oct. 18, 1812; d. unm. at Steubenville, Ohio, Sept., 1823. Vincent Stone, b. in Warren co., Pa., May 12, 1816; d. at Buf falo, N. Y., Aug, 16, 1840. Children of Jehial, '¦ f\ Son of Amos, Son of Joseph. Curtiss G., b. about 1825. Besides in Dansville. Edward B., b. about 1828. Resides in Westmoreland, Oneida co., N. Y. Mary, b. about 1829 ; m- George Hovey. Harriet, b. about 1831 ; m. Albert Pier of California, and has 2 children. Elizabeth, b. in Whitesboro, N. Y. Emma, b. in W., N. Y. Anna, b. in W., N. Y. Children of Itha, Son of Itha, Son of Joseph. Leander, b. in Leyden, Lewis co., N. Y., April 4, 1805 ; m. Betsey Lindsay, Nov. 8, 1833 ; had May. Ira, b. at Leyden, May 8, 1807; m. Mary McGregor of Rochester; had Etta, Henry, Charles H. He died of small pox at Rochester, Dec. 17, 1847. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 527 Descendants of Joseph, son of Thomas. Morris, b. in L., April 16, 1809; m. 1839, Polly Pendleton ; had Julia; m. 2d, Fanny McGregor Pendleton, sister of his de ceased wife ; had Alson, Ella ; m. 3d, . He died at Stow, May 16, 1850. George W., b. in L., July 16, 1813; m. 1839, Elizabeth Parks. Died in Hlinois from a kick of a horse. May 23, 1857, s. p. Lucy, b. in L., Feb. 16, 1815 ; m. Charles G. Barnes, 1837 ; had one child ; m. 2d, J. Carr, 1844; had Alice, Elva, Alta. She died March 20, 1853, in her 39th year. Orlow E., b. in Stow, Ohio, April 7, 1819 ; m. Nov. 24, 1847, Mary F. Williamson of Stow; had Henry Clay, Wilber, Pestor (Preston ?), Ade Elno, Jennie May. He died at Stow, of typhoid fever, Nov. 27, 1856. Children of Asher, ' Son of Itha, Son of Itha, Son of Joseph. Electa S., b. in Leyden, N. Y., 1826; d. infant. Delos A., b. in L., June 22, 1827; m. March 17, 1850, Mahala A. Doty ; had Asher. He resides at Shiawassie, Mich. Orlando E., b. in Stow, 0., Jan. 1, 1830 ; unm. Alson L., b. in S., Jan. 9, 1832 ; m. Jan. 7, 1858, Lucy A. Doty, sister of Mahala next above. Lucy Ann, b. in Stow, Sept. 29, 1837; m. Deo. 31, 1858, Russell Webb. Charles A, b. in Shiawassie, Mich., Oct. 14, 1844. iRA N., b. in S., May 11, 1847 ; d. Jan. 4, 1848. Marcella Electa, b. in S., Jan. 27, 1854. 68 528 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [7th Descendants of Joseph, son of Thomas. SEVENTH GENERATION. Children of Judge Lansing, Son of Parsons, Son of Amos, Son of Joseph. Lansing Ditmars, b. at Pine Grove, Warren co.. Pa., Oct. 1818; m. June 24, 1852, Betsey Wetherby, of Warren co. ; had Alice M. Mrs. W. d. May 7, 1856 ; he m. 2d, Maria C. Shattuck, of Groton, Mass., 1858. He graduated at Union College, Schenectady, N. Y. ; studied law, and practices his profession at War ren, Pa. Jerome White, b. at Warren, Pa., May 1, 1820. He graduated at Union College ; attorney-at-law, Erie, Pa. ; unm. Augustus Parsons, b. in W., Pa., July 22, 1822 ; m. Oct. 15, 1846, Catharine Kidder, of W. co., Pa. ; had Sidney Lansing, Mary Louisa, Kate Lilian, Augustus Ditmars. He is a farmer, having large lumber interests in Pennsylvania. Sidney A., b. at Warren, Pa., Jan. 18, 1825 ; m. Oct. 14, 1858, H. Aureha Buckfield, of Morristown, N. J. ; had child, b. Jan. 8, 1859 (name not given us.) He is a farmer and woolen manufacturer at Cone- wango. Pa. Albert Abraham, b. March 26, 1827 ; d. Jan. 30, 1828. Charles Canvass, b. at W., Pa., June 23, 1829; m. Dec. 15 1857, Rose E. Hall, of Warren, Pa. ; had Chapin Hall. He graduated at Union Cohege ; merchant and rah road contractor. Sarah Maria, b. at Warren, Pa., Sept. 6, 1831 ; m. Jan. 29, 1859, Charles F., of W. co. ; had Charles Jerome, b. May 4, 1860, at ConewangOj Pa. Gen.J WETMORE MEMORIAL. 529 Descendants of Joseph, son of Thomas. Caroline Louisa, b. April 14, 1834 ; d. April 21, 1837. Catharine Bridget, b. May 1, 1836 ; m. June 24, 1856, George S. Hutchinson. Merchant of Albion, N. Y. George Rapelyea, b. at W., Pa., Jan. 29, 1841. Children of Melancton Clark, Son of Parsons, Son of Amos, Son of Joseph, George Parker, b. in Rochester, N. Y., Dec. 18, 1827; m. Elea nor R. V. Bosley of R ; had George M. Hugh White, b. Dec. 15, 1830 ; d. Mar. 7, 1831. Daughter of Leonard, Son of Parsons, Son of Amos, Son of Joseph. Mary Louisa, b. ; m. Bunstine, merchant, in Dayton, 0. Daughter of Leander, Son of Itha, Son of Itha, Son of Joseph. May. Children of Ira, Son of Itha, Son of Itha, Son of Joseph. Etta. Henry. Charles H. Chhdren of Morris, Son of Itha, Son of Itha, Son of Joseph. Julia.Alsen.Ella. 530 WETMORE MEMORIAL. [8th Gen.] Descendants of Joseph, son of Thomas. Children of Orlow B., Son of Itha, Son of Itha, Son of Joseph. Henry Clay, WiLBEE. Pestor or Preston, Ade Elno. Jennie May. Son of Delos A., Son of Itha, Son of Itha, Son of Joseph, Asher, b. April 18, 1852, EIGHTH GENERATION, Children of Lansing Ditmars, Son of Judge Lansing, Son of Parsons, Son of Amos, Son of Joseph. Alice M., b. at Warren, Pa., May 2, 1853. Children of Augustus Parsons, Son of Judge Lansing, Son of Parsons, Son of Amos, Son of Joseph, Sidney Lansing, b. at Pine Grove, Warren co.. Pa., Dec. 15, 1849. Mary Louisa, b. at Pine Grove, Warren co., Pa., Sept. 10, 1851. Kate Lilian, b. at Pine Grove, Warren co.. Pa., June 3, 1857. Augustus Ditmars, b. at Pine Grove, Warren co.. Pa., Julv 4, 1860. ' > J ,. APPENDIX HISTORICAL SKETCHES OF JOHN WHITMORE, of Stamford. 1639^5. John Whitmore was a representative in the General Court of New Haven. He was murdered at Stamford, where he lived, while in search of cattle in the woods. An Indian, the son of a Sachem, brought in a report of his death, which he charged to Taquatoes. His body was sought for in vain, until that Indian led the way to the spot, and it was very evident that he was one of the murderers : but he made his escape.' For the following we are indebted to a pamphlet entitled Record of the Descendants of Francis Whitmore, of Cambridge, Mass., com piled by William H. Whitmore, Esq., of Boston, 1855 : John Whitmore was of Weathersfield, Conn., in 1640, as in February of that year, Richard Westcoat, for misleading him, was fined ten shillings. In 1641, he removed to Stamford, with others, who settled under the direc tion of Kev. Richard Dunton, and had been sojourners at Western Mass. A list of his farms in Weathersfield is here given : The second month and fifth day, 1641, the lands of Jo. Whitmore, lying in Weathersfield, on Connecticut river. One piece whereon his house and barn standeth, containing twelve acres and half, more or less : bounds and abut against the common, or landing place, and against the house-lot of Robert Batts, west, and the meadow of Francis east ; the sides against the lands of Rob. Batts and Tho. Curtice, north, and the lands of Tho. Whitmore, Francis -, Mr. Denton, Jo. , and Tho. Coleman, south. One piece of meadow and swamp lying in the Great Meadow, containing three acres three roods, more or less : bounds abut against the highway, west, and Connecticut river, east ; the sides against the meadow of Mr. Evarts, south, and Rich. , north. 1 T. Dwight's Hist, of Conn. 532 JOHN WHITMORE. One piece lying in Beaver Meadow, containing two acres, more or less : bounds abut against a highway, north, and the lands of Mr. Talcott, south ; the sides against the lands of Fran. Horton, east, and Sam. Smith, west. One piece lying in the wet swamp, containing four acres, more or less : bounds abut against a way leading to Beaver Meadow, west, and swamp of Gov. Hubbard, east ; the sides against the land of Mr. Evarts, north, and Mr. Sherman, south. One piece in the east side of Eastfield, being dry swamp, containing seven acres three roods, more or less : bounds abut against a way leading from Beaver Meadow into Mile Meadow, west, and the middle land, east ; the sides against the lands of Ro. Gildersleeve, south, and Ro. Parker, north. One piece lying on the east side of Connecticut river, containing four and fifth acres, more or less : bounds abut the river, west, and lands of , east ; the sides against the lands of John Robins, south, and Jeffery , north. One piece 'lying in penny wise, containing three acres, more or less : bounds abut against the highway, west, and the Great river, east ; the sides against the lands of John Nott, south, and Jonab Weed, north. One piece lying in the west field, containing acres two roods, more or less : bounds abut against the highway, south, and Hartford bounds, north; the sides against the lands of John , east, and Bo. Abott, west. One other piece also lying in the west field, containing fifteen acres and a half, more or less : bounds abut against the highway, south, and Hart ford bounds, north ; the sides against the lauds of Robt. Abott, east, and John Jesiopt, west. (1649) The commissioners of New Haven informed the rest of the com missioners, that in or about October last, Johu Whitmore, one of the depu ties of Stanford, a peaceable, inoffensive man, not apt to quarrel or pro voke any of the Indians, going forth to seek his* cattell, returned not accord ing to expectation, nor could be found hy the English that sought him ; but, quickly after, the son of a Sogamore who lives near Stanford came to the towne, and told the English that John Whitmore was murdered by one Torquatoes, had some of his cloths, and particularly his shirt, made of cotton-linen. Hereupon the English and some Indians went into the woods to take the murthered body for buriall ; but, though they bestowed much time and labore, could not find it. Divers of the English at Stauford sus pected Songamore's son to be either the ' author or the accessory of this murder, but had not the satisfying grounds to seize and charge him. About two or three months after, Uncas coming to Stanford, calling the Indians thither, aud inquiring after the murdered body, the fore-mentioned Songamore's son, and one Rohoron, another suspected Indian, led some of the English, and some of Uncas his men, to the place where the mur dered body, or the relicts of it lay. The carcase was brought to Stanford. The Sogamore's son and Rohoron fell on trembling, and thereby confirmed the suspicion of the English, and wrought suspicion in some of the Mohegin Indians, so they said those two Indians were nought, meaning they were guilty. John Whitmore's widow, both by messengers and letters, presses for jus tice ; and other Indians grow more insolent, and censure the English for want of due prosecution in such a case. — Hazard's State Paper, p. 127. W. H. Whitmore. March 7, 1649. The teftimony of John Whitmore his wife, being no . . . Good- wife Whitmore afErmeth yt her hulband fold to her fon John ... five acres land on y6 plane . . . Another from the same source (both being defective and partly illegible ou the records), says : APPENDIX. 533 _ . . . Yt Bro. Whitmore told him he had fold his fon John five acres, in yO Eaft Field on ye playne ; and if it not come to fo much, he would make it up in yn other plain, and fo make it good ; in lay in yt plain ; and this land was Ro. Fifher's by gift from ye Corte. — Stamford Records, W. H. Whitmore. "Feby the 6* 1639. A P'ticular Court. " Jn" Haynes Efq', Rodger Ludlow, Efq', M"" Miles, M"" Hopkins, M' Wells, M'' Webfter M"" Phelps. Jno Porter was fworne a conftable for Windfore, Nathan Eli for Hart ford, Robert Rofe for Weatherffield, for the yeare enfueing." * * * * * * * and Richard Weftcoat, for mifleading Jno Whitmore:, was fined ics to the cuntrey." — Col. Rec.ofConn , by J. H. Trumbull. " [33] -•^ Gen^U Courte the 6"» of the z^ moneth, 1642, * * * * M"^ Mitchell and John Whitmore of Rippowarms was alfo admitted members of this Co''', and accepted the charge of Freemen." " [73] A G^»rli Courte held at New Haven for the Jurifdicftio tlie 27* ofoa. 1643. Prefent. MAGISTR.4TES. DEPUTYES. Theophilus Eaton, Gouerno', George Lamberton, N. Haven, Stephen Goodyear, Deputy, g;] ^htmTn,' \ ^'^^°'^- Thomas Gregfon, Wm. Leete, ) p ... , ¦iiT-ir rr. 1 Sam Diftibrow, S ' William Towler, „. , j „.,, „' ¦" , Rich" Gilderfleeve, / ^ ^ j Edward Tapp, John Whitmore., \ " Itt was agreeded and concluded as a foundamentall order nott to be difputed or queftioned hereafter. That none fliall be admitted to free burgefles in any plantations w'hin this jurifdiction for the future, butt fuch planters as members of fome or other of the approved churches of New England, nor ftiall any butt fuch free burgefles have any vote in any elec tion, &c." — -Hoadlefs New Haven Col. Rec. " A General Courte in Hartford, the i3nth of September, 1649. John Haynes, Efqr, Gou'no'. Edward Hopkins, Efq"", Deputy. Magiftrates : Roger Ludlow, Efqr, M^ Wells, M' Woolcott, M^ Web fter, M"- Cullick. Deputyes: M"' Taylecoate, M"" Steele, M' Trott, M' AUen, M' Phelps, M"" Gayler, M'' Clarke, M"' Warde and fix others, four abfent." ' * * " This Courte taking into ferious confideration what may bee done according to God in way of reuenge of the bloude of John Whitmore, late of Stamford, and well weighing all circumftances, together with the car riages of the Indians (bordering therevppon) in and about the premifl"es: doe declare themfelues that doe judge it lawful and according to God to make warr vppon them." — Colonial Records. 634 JOHN WHITMORE. The court defired the Deputy Govenor Mr Ludlow, and Mr Talcott to ride the next day to New Haven and confer with Mr Eaton and the reft of the magiftrates there about fending out againft the Indians, and on Sept. 1 8""i fent out 45 men, to aflift the Colony of New Haven. Thefe fpirited meafures appear to have had the defired effeiS. The Indians at Stamford foon became peaceable. — Trumbull's N. H. Col. Rec. [105] At a Courte of Magiftrates held at New Haven for this jurifdic tion, the 26"" of May, 1656. Prefent, Theophilus Eaton, Efq"^, Gouernor, M"" Stephen Goodyeare, Francis Newman, M^ William Leete,. > y^-^^^^,^^ Mr. Benjamin Fenn, ^ ^ * t * * « » ? An inuentorie of y® eftate of Jn° Whitmore was prefented from Stam ford, amount to two hundred and feuenteene pound, foure ftiilling two penc, made the 8* December, 1648, prifed by Robert Huftis & Jefferey Ferris." * * * New Haven Col Rec. "At a Courte of Magiftrates held at New Haven the 15°*'' of Oft. 1662. Prefent, The Gouern"", De' Govf, M'^ Jones, M"^ Fenn, M' Treate & M'' Crane. Taphanfe an Indian was brought before y® Courte who® hath a long lay vnder a fufpicion of being guilty of y® death of one John Whitmore of Stamford, but by his flieing (as was informed by y® Govern"" ) hath euaded comeing to a triall, but of late haueing intelligence that he might be taken the gouerno' (^ he gave order for his app^'hending, according to order of y® commiflion™ formerly, which was accordingly done, & hath been kept in durance for fome fpace of time. The Gouern' alfoe in formed y® court y' he had acquainted y"^ comiflion''^ lately w* what was done, which they well approued & defired y® matter might be brought to an iflhe concerning him, for which caufe he was now called before y® Court, & there was M"" Minor p'^fent to be interp''ter betwixt them, who firft informed y® Indian vpon w' account he was there, to pruent any p''judice againft him ; then he was wiftied to tell Taphanfe that y^ Court was met to attend the bufinefs for which he was examined about at Stam ford was prefented and read ; then fome queftions was put to him vnto which he was to give anfw"^. i Qns, whether he was guilty or not guilty of y® death of John Whitmore. He anfwered not guilty. 2 Que, then why did he fly away ? He anfwered y' he did not run away but was fent to yo place where the murder was & did not at all run away. The Gouern"^ told him y' y' was not according to his former anfwr, for he being with fome others giuen them y® flip. Taphanfe that y' might be cleared, for while fome teftimonies was read, & firft the teftimony of John Mead, which is as followeth, viz : APPENDIX. 535 That he being at goodman Lawes houfe about funrifing y® fecond morning after goodman Whitmore's mifling, in ftiort time after him Taphanfe came in S; told goodman Law v* Ponas had fent him & told him y' there was an Englifliman kild ; goodman Lawes atkt him where it was y' y® Englifh man was kild, Taphanfe anfwered y' he knew not how far off, whether ten, twety or thirty miles oft", but pointed to good- man Law y' it was vp tbe riverward. Goodman Laws afkt him whoe or w* Indian it was v' ki\^ ye man, Taphanfe fi it was an Indian y' liued vp neare the Mohawkes & y' y' Indian told them at their wigwams y' he would kiU an Englifti man, and y' they pferrcd him wampom but went away verv angrie, & further y* upon goodman Lawes queftioning w"> him fi y* this Indian (naming him Taquatoes) went away in hafte & left a flocking at their wigwams ; goodman Laws fpoke to hira to ftay and he would goe w^ him to the wigwam, & as they were goeing he trembled and fliake foe y' feuerall of vs tooke notice of it & goodman Laws tooke notice of it w"^ y" reft & f y' his carriage argued guilt, & when they came' to the wigwam, Taphanfe ftiewed them the ftocking (which he faid) Taquatoes left behind, and further faith y' Taphanfe flipt inta'anoth"^ wigwom, & foe from wigwom to wigwom, and foe flipt away from y™ & returned not w"" them to helpe looke y^ man man y' was killd as he had promifed to doe at good man Lawes houfe, came from thence w"^ them' to helpe looke y*= man as they p'tended Stamford. July 2^ 1666, attefted vpon oath, John Meade, ) Fra : Bell, before vs > his I marke. ) Richard Law. " The teftimony of Richard Ambler, he afiimeth as followeth, viz : That he w"" goodman Jcflbp came to goodman Laws y' morning Taphanfe brought the newes of an Englifliman being killd, and y' goodman Lawes aflct Taphanfe how he knew there was an Englifh man killd, & y' Taphanfe anfwered y^ there was an Indian at their wigwom before & fi he would kill an Englilh man, & y' after he had killd him y« Indian came againe & brought with him a fliirt & a paire of ftockings, & y' fome y® things was bloody ; this Richard Ambler afiirmeth y' good man Lawes declared to them whoe was there as interp^'ting w* Taphanfe fi, and y"- in reference to their goeing to the wigwoms y' Taphanfe pmifed to returne w* them againe & helpe looke the Englifli man, & in their goeing he was very feareful, & trembled and quaked much, foe y' he & y^ reft tooke J324] great notice of it & fi often one to anothr & goodman Law with the reft, & y' when they came to y" wigwoms, Taphanfe fliewed them a ftocking which he fi Taquatoes left there, & notwithftanding his promife to returne with them he gave them y" flip & returned not, yet feuerall oth"^ Indians came then:e to helpe looke y^ man with them. Furthermore he faith y' the ftocking which Taphanfe fliewed them and told them y' Taquatoes there was bloody. This 2'^ of y" 5"^ m° i66z, given before vs vpon oath, Richard Law, Francis Bell. 69 536 JOHN WHITMORE. " Thefe being read & told him by y" interp'ter, Taphanfe anfwered that he is not guilty of thefe things, viz of his runing away at y* time, & denied thofe things about y^ ftockings & fi alfoe it was a miftake y' euer they fee any of thofe things foe far as they went with him, & further fi that after this men vp further into y" country. But to cleare y* firft of his runing away the gouern"^ told him y' one time Vncus he was fent tc feeke the dead body, & this Taphanfe was with him w"* oth"^ Indians and as they rofting venifon, Taphanfe goeing a litde from them ron away foe y^ Vncus brought word that Taphanfe was matchet, Taphanfe being told of this, he acknowledged it y' it was foe & that he did very ill in foe doeing, and being alkt the reafon of it, he fi that an Indian came and told him y' Vncus would take him & carry him away & therefore bid him run away & foe he did. Then it was put to him why he ftiould run away more then another Indian if he was cleare, the Govern'' f^ they had neuer any good anfw"^ of it, he anfw'''* if he knew him felfe guilty he would fpeake, but he was afray"^ & therefore did fly, & is forry he foe did, for he did euiU & gaue juft caufe of fufpicion. Then he was afkt how he knew y' Toquatoes did y* murder, becaufe he always fi it, was he by .? He anfwer* he had it from an Indian, and named his name, and f"* y® fachem of crowton fent an Indian to Ponas (the next day after Jn" Whitmore was killd) to tell him y' an Englifh man was killd, & it was funfet & they aduefied Taphanfe not to come and tell ye Englifh while next morning. Now this Crowton is nearely forty miles from thence, which caufed this queftion to him. How Toquatoes could do this murder y' day & after goe to Crowton (feeing it was about eleven o'clock when John Whitmore went out of Stamford) & then fend downe this word the next day to Ponas ? Taphanfe anfwered that it was not a halfe days journie if he ftir beumes. Then he was afkt if he faw Toquatoes that day Jn° Whitmore was killd i He anfw'''* that two dayes before he was at Nor walke & faw him there, but whither he went he knewe not & that he knew nothing of his intendment & fd he gave them his heart in this. Then he was afkt whether he was at John Whitmore houfe y* day he was killd ? He anfwered noe, nor at Stamford at all that day, and being afked where he was then, he fi at his fathers making wampom. Now he was a teftimony of Anne Akerly read, which is as followeth, viz: [325] The teftimony of Anne Akerly, widdow of about feventy-five years of age. The f^ deponent vpon oath teftifieth that y^ fame day (a little in y® afternoone) that goodman Whitmore was killed, fhee did fee the Indian called Taphanfe at goodman Whitmores houfe with oth'' Indians & y^ fi Taphanfe fhooke her (the wife of goodman Whitmore) by y® hand, and afked her nctop was, for he foe big loued her netop, then flie replied that fhe could not tell. This depofed vnto vpon the 2'' July, 1662, before vs Fra: Bell, Rich: Law. APPENDIX. 537 " And it was fi vpon this goodwife Whitmore was in fuch an extacy that fhee feared fome mifchiefe was befallen her hufband, & it was fi y' feueraU at Stamford faith y® fame that goodeo: Whitmore fi foe, & y' Taphanfe lies in this bufinefs. He anfwered, what fhall he fay if tefti mony come in againft him, but if he fpeake the truth he muft fay he was not there & y' it was a miftake & y' fhe would not fpeake it, to his face, & this (y® interpi'ter f^) he fpoke in fuch a phrafe as noted his confirma tion of it more than ordinary, that if Manatue were here he would fay the fame as he doth. Then he was queftioned about another paffage that jendered him very fufpicious y' he knowing himfelfe & Taquatoes vnder fufpicion in this bufinefs & yet he feeing Taquatoes at Stamford y^ laft winter &: yet did not difcouer (which might have been fayre way lo have cleared himfelfe) but hides the guilty pfon. He anfwered that was very true that cafe might make him fufpicious, but the Englifh neuer fpoke to him to doe it, & it he had done it it had been a faire way, he confeft hee did foolifhly. Then he was afkt how he came to goe foe readily to the place when they went to look the body. When he had fhewed a ftrange - jers before as if he knew nothing? He anfwered y' he knew it well enough, for Taquatoes told him y^ very place of ground. He was afkt how he came to know it ? He f"* that Mr Lawes fent him to know it of Taquatoes & being at Mattatuckes he was weary & fi fent by an Indian to wifh Taquatoes to meet him there, foe he did & told him y^ place ; and further fi he thincs many Englifh here knowes the murderer & that neither ^ Englifh nor Indian could fay that two kild the man. Then Taphanfe was afkt if had any thing elfe to fay ? He anfw""* all he had to fay is y' he is inocent. Then the whole examination was read, & Mr Minor y^ interpi'ter was afked if it was according to truth. He anfwered it was fully expreflied, not more nor lefle, but very wel. The Taphanfe was afkt how he came to have fuch correfpondence with Taquatoes about this thing more than another Indian ? He anfw""! as before, that Mr Lawes fent him to know it of Taquatoes, &c. He was afkt if the Indians at Mattachuckes was friends to Taquatoes .' He aufw"""! that it was all one his owne countrie. Then Mr Minor f<* that he had been often among the Indians when mifchiefe was done among y" Englifli, & that thofe Indians that was inocent would tremble from feare. The Courte confidering the cafe pcceded to fcntence which the gouerno' in the name of y= court declared thus as followeth, viz : [326] That it appears to them & to all ftanders by againft him, that he is by his owne acknowledgement to be fufpefted of being acceflary to this mans murder, both in his trembling & comeing to the wigwom that he flipt away contrary to his pmife of helpe, & another time vpon y« fame account w*h Vncus both of trembling & runing away, & this to be added that he is guilty of heing about f ftockings, &c. & in y* oth"^ pafl"age as is teftified by one vpon oath & was fi by many at Stamford that the children and wife of John Whitmore often fi it that he was at their houfe that day in fuch a fauning way & that comeing of Taquatoes to meete him at Mattacuckes fliewes correfpondencie with him & y' this (as he faith) of Mr Lawes fending him, was neuer brought to them at Stamford, alfoe 538 JOHN WHITMORE. that other pafllige of his not difcouering of Taquatoes when he was at Stamford, which was a duty vpon him for his owne cleareing whoe ftoode fufpicious of guilt that in y« whole there ftands a blott upon him of fufpi cion that there was ground for his ap''hending and commiting to durance & all y' he hath fi at this time canot cleare him of a ftayne of fufpicion ; but as being guilty of y^ murder direftly or acceffary he did pronounce him not guilty in point of death, but yet muft declare him to ftand bound to pay all charges that hath been about him & leaue him guilty of fufpi cion & obtaine y^ murderer, & now to remaine in durance vntill y" next fceflion of y''- court about a fortnighte hence, except he can giue fome affurance of his payinge the charge before, which charge was concluded to be ten pound. Taphanfe anfwered that he would do his utmoft endeau'' to procure Taquatoes, & for the charge he is poore but he will fend to his friends to fee w' may be done in it, but defired his chaine may be taken off. He was told then he would run away. He aufw"""^ that vpon his runing away he confefTes himfelfe guilty & fi they fhould kiU him. Vpon this he was granted to be at liberty foe y' he appeare at the next meeting of y^ court, which he promifed foe to doe although he could not obtaine the money." Hoadlefs N. H. CoL Rec. Hannah, daughter of William Harris, was married Feb. 8th, 1654-5, to Lieut. Francis Wetmore, of Middletown, and had ten children, the oldest of whom was named Edith. The child Edith, ^^ daughter of Lieut. Francis Wetmore of Middletown, dec'd, and grand-daughter of William Harris, late of same town, dec'd, aged 10 years on the 9th of Sept. 1700. On the 30th of August, Yi'l'l, there was a, distribution of property of Wm. Harris, dec'd, to the heirs of Jlary Gilbert, dec'd, to heirs of Martha Coit, dec'd, to Elizabeth Foster, Hannah Whitmore and Patience Markham. — Ne-m England Gen. arid I/i,\i ,j^r ,11- APPENDIX. 551 Sayles of Boston ; had Amy, Pierrepont ; 2 Jonathan, grad. Yale Coll. 1840 ; m. Mary Morris of New York ; had Gerard Morris, Mary ; 3 Alfred ; 4 AVilliam ; m. Sarah Bush ; had Minnie ; 5 Mary ; 6 Frances, and 4 others, d. unm. V Alfred, m. Deborah Glover ; had Alice, who m. Dyer Vinton of Providence, R. I.; had Alfred; two other chil. VI Henrietta Frances, m. Eli Whitney, Esq., of New Haven, the in ventor of the cotton gin ; had 1 Frances, m. Charles Chaplin ; had Henrietta, William, Fanny, Elizabeth ; 2 Elizabeth, d. unm.; 3 Eli, m. Sarah Dalaber ; had Susan, Eli, Henrietta ; resides at New Ha- 4 Dwight's Lije Pres. E. and correspondents. 71 552 WILLIAM BREWSTER. E. ELDER WILLIAM BREWSTER^ Was born (it is supposed) in Scrooby, in the county of Suffolk, England, in the year of our Lord, 1559-60. He received his edu cation at the University of Cambridge, where he became impressed with the truth of the necessity of personal piety ; those impressions never left him, and had the effect of influencing his whole sub sequent life. He left the university before receiving his degree, and went into the service of William Davison, secretary of ptateto Queen Elizabeth, and ambassador to Holland, and shared with him the vicissitudes of fortune which befel that statesman. " Davison (says Dr. Belknap) esteemed him as a son, and conversed with him in private, both on religious and political subjects with the greatest familiarity, and when anything required secresy, Brewster was his confidential friend." * When the Queen entered into a league with the United Provinces (1584), and received possession of several towns and forts, as secu rity for her expenses in defending their liberties ; Davison who ne- gociated the matter, entrusted Brewster with the keys of Flushing, one of those cautionary towns,' and the states of Holland were so sensible of his merit as to present him with the ornament of a golden chain. He returned with the ambassador to England, and continued in his service, till Davison having incurred the hypocritical displeasure of his arbitrary mistress, was imprisoned, fined and ruined. Davi son is said to have been a man of abilities and integrity, but easy to be imposed upon, and for that reason was made secretary of state. When Mary, the unfortunate Queen of Scotland, had been tried and condemned, and the Parliament of England had petitioned their sovereign for her execution, Elizabeth privately ordered Davison to 1 His life and character, embracing historical, biographical and genealofrical notices of some of his descendants. In making up this record, we have had occasion to refer to the Mass. Sis. So. CoU.., Plyrmmth 'Volori.y Records, Sis. qf Duxbury, hy Justin Winsor ; Mitchell's His. of Bridgewater, Thacher's His. of the. Town of l^lymouih, ClironicUs qf the PUgri-ms, N. E. Register, etc. 2 Mr. Brewster had for a colleaKue in OfBee under Davison, George Cranmer, the pupil and ftiend of the judicious Hooker. Walton's Lives, p. 179, Major's Edition ; Judge Davis justly remarks that there seems to have been a similarity of character between Mr. Brewster and his patron.— .M?r(ow Memorial, p. 221. 3 Elizabeth advanced the United Provinces money to enable them to maintain their inde pendence of Spain, her rival in power and ambition ; she very prudently got consigned into her hands tbe three important fortresses of Pushing, the Brillc. and Kammekins. as pledges of the reimbursement of the money which she furnished them, in defence of their liberties. They were accordingly called '¦ the cautionary towns." They were surrendered by King James in 1616.— Sir Dudley Oarleton's Letters, pp. 27, 36. APPENDIX. 553 draw a death warrant, which she signed, and sent him with it to the Chancellor to have the great seal annexed. Having performed his duty, she blamed him for precipitancy. Davison acquainted the council with the whole transaction; they knew the Queen's real sen timents, and persuaded him to send the warrants to the Earls of Kent and Shrewsbury, promising to justify his conduct and take the blame on themselves. These Earls attended the execution of Mary, but when Elizabeth heard of it, she affected surprise and in dignation ; threw all the blame on the innocent Secretary, and com mitted him to the Tower, where he became the subject of raillery from those very counsellors who had promised to countenance and protect him. He was tried in the Star Chamber, and fined ten thousand pounds, which being rigorously levied upon him, reduced him to poverty. A letter to King James from the Earl of Essex, dated 18th April, 1587, while interceding for him says : " he is beloved of the best and most religious of this land. His sufficiency in council and mat ters of state is such, as the Queen herself confesseth in her king dom, she hath not such another ; his virtue, religion and worth in all degrees are of the world taken to be so great, as no man in his good fortune hath had more general love than this gentleman in his dis grace. Lord Burleigh, in a petition to the Queen, 13th Eeb. 1586, writes : I know not a man in the land so finished universally for the place he had, neither know I any that can come near him."* Brewster did not desert his friend, as we might expect from the class of politicians of the present day, but remained as true to him as in the hey day of his political power and influence, assisting him with his money and kindly offices. His own fortune whioh had been large, becoming somewhat impaired — he sought retirement in the north of England where he improved his time in making himself acquainted with the scriptures, and practising its precepts. The conduct of the established church party at this time being so full of persecution, corruption and bigotry, caused him to look more closely into their pretensions of ecclesiastical authority, and finding so much that was at variance with the simple teachings of Christ, he withdrew from their communion, and joined others of the same sentiments, and organized a separate church, the aged Richard Clif ton and Mr. Robinson officiating as pastors, meeting at his own house where he provided for them in Christian love and kindness, till they were driven by James the First, to seek refuge on the continent.s 4 Supp. to the (hbala, p. 23 ; Strype's Annals, iii, p. 373. 8 At a conference held at Hampton Court, Jan. 14, 1604, King James declared " I will. none of that liberty as to ceremonies; I will have one doetnne and one discipline, one religion m rabstanc? and cSremony. I shall make them [the Puritans] conform, themselves, or I wi 1 Srry thim oSt of the land, or else do worse. If any would not be quiet, and show his obedi- enS he vrere worthy to be hanged." In hia speech at the opemng of his first Parliament, llShW lM14.he "professed the sect Puritans or Novelists were not to be suffered in any welleorerned community." In a private letter written about the same tune he said: "I had rather UTCThermit in the forest, thin be a king over. such a pMple as .a pack of Puntans that ovenulesthe lower house." He had previously written to his son m the Ba^icon Doron "Take heed, my son, fo such Puritans, very pests m the church and commowealth. I .protest before the "reat God, that ye shall never find with Highland or border thieves greater mgrati- 554 WILLIAM BREWSTER. He made use of his means for their removal, and when on board of the vessel in the harbor of Boston (Lincolnshire), he with the whole party were seized at night and carried to prison, from which they were not released till after paying oppressive fines, he having means was made to suffer most. When liberated he assisted the needy to embark, and followed them soon after. After arriving in Holland, his family being large, he began to experience pecuniary embarrassment. The money that he had given for the relief of others, he now needed to supply his own daily wants. He was not suited to either mercantile, mechanical or agricultural pursuits, and was compelled to turn his attention to teaching the lang-uages, of which he had acquired a perfect know ledge at the University, and with the assistance of a few friends established a printing office, from which he issued several works against the hierarchy in England. Among the books printed by him in Leyden were, " Commentarii Su,ccincti et Dilucidi in Pro- verbia Salmonsis; Authore Thomd, Cartwrightis, S. S.; Theologise in Academid, Gantabrigiensi quondam, Professore; Quibus attribita est Preafatio clarissimi viri Johannis Poly andr i ; S. Theologise Professoris Liedensis ; Lugduni Batavorum ; Apud Chtlielmum Brewsterum, in vice Chorali. 1617. Svo. pp. 1513. A copy of this work is now in the possession of the pastor of the First Church in Plymouth, the same having been presented to that church in 1828 by the Hon John Davis, LL. D. Another copy is in the Library of the Pilgrim Society at Plymouth." — Thacher's Plymouth, p. 270. His moral excellence, his talent and capability was acknowledged by the church in appointing him their ruling elder, and they con fided to him their temporal as well as their ecclesiastical affairs. When a portion of their number volunteered to go to America to establish a colony, preparatory to the whole church following, he was chosen their spiritual guide and instructor, while their pastor, John Robinson, remained at home. He was not with them when they left Delft Haven, ^ July 22, 1620, in the Speedwell, a vessel of only 60 tons, being in England making preparations privately for the voyage. The wind being fair, the vessel soon arrived at Southampton, where they found waiting the bark Mayflower, of London, with others to accompany them, among whom was Elder Brewster. Both vessels sailed on the 5th of August, 1620. They were not long at sea before the master of the smaller vessel, complained that he found his craft leaky, and re- K./^^'??'^fl5"*aQ™n TJ"^ inJ,ories than with these fanatic snirits."-Barlow-s Sum and Sub stance, pp. 71,. 83, 92; Calderon's Bist. Ch. Scotland, p. 478 ; HaUa-m I, 419 ..i.'i^?- ¦ ™''^-ti? ^^^'^ ¦''"^^ °° the 6th. of March, 1604, he issued a proclamation, that tho Sw „,?„ ^"'^^•'"'i'?'"™™.'"'"'?'^'.^"* Episcopal jurisdiction, shall be fully and only bo pub- afv^„thj;''S;.}°.''"ff^PB';l'' ?'t'",*\^ '"?'^° / Qoejo Elizabeth, without hope of toleration of Pn?i?„S !'¦ ™.'* °°.?"' ^^^ °^ /"•y he issued another proclamation in which he ordered the fam «S SSfi?;;^ "'"""' t°«"?fi'™ before the.last of November, or dispose of themselves or TiS „.?' '"""^ other way ; as being unfit, for their obstinacy and contempt, to occupy such places. m^ni^.°//Si^^''^i°^, this, was, that after November of the next year more than tfireehunS sss.:!&^e\rigi.t«.i^snt'^3rj>^U''pTi^^^^^^ fro'm"g^5fJ!ri'i^oS JSSr?e°etVJ^ fey'Je^''™^''' *'° ""^^ '• ^- """^ «¦"'''<"""• -^^ ™'^' APPENDIX. 555 fused to go further, so accordingly both vessels were headed to the eastward, and made the port of Dartmouth, after being out eight days. The Speedwell was examined and corked where it was deemed necessary, and they again sailed on the 21st of August. When they had reached some three hundred miles on their course, the captain (Reynolds) of the S., again pronounced his vessel leaky, so much so that he feared she would founder at sea; they then bore up and went into Plymouth. On examination it was found that the craft could have crossed to America had the captain so desired, he and the owners having conspired to throw up the voyage, and plotted this way of freeing themselves. It was then determined to place all in the larger vessel and proceed. Some twenty passengers on board the Speedwell declined going, and returned home. All arrangements being made, they set sail about the 6th of Sept. with 101 persons on board, besides the crew of the vessel. The weather for a time was propitious, but before they reached the end of their voyage they met with head winds and severe equinoxial gales, which strained their bark so much as to cause her decks to leak badly, but the hull proving staunch, they determined to con tinue their course, and made Cape Cod November 9th, and entered the harbor of Cape Cod the 11th, and on that day drew up and signed the following Compact : Ix THE Name of God, Amen. — We whose names are underwritten, the dread subjects of our dread soTereign lord. King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland King, defender of the faith, &c., having undertaken for the glory of God, and advancement of the Christian faith, iind honour of our king and country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the Northern parts of Virginia, do, by these presents solemnly and mu tually, in the presence of God and one another, covenant and combine our selves together into a civil body politic, for our better ordering and preser vation, and furtherance of the end aforesaid; aud by virtue hereof to enact, constitute and frame such just and equal laws, ordinances, acts, constitu tions and offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general good of the colony ; unto which We promise all due submission and obedience. In witness whereof we have hereunder subscribed our names, at Cape Cod, the 11th of November, in the year of the reign of our sovereign lord. King James, of England, France and Ireland the eighteenth, and of Scot land the fifty-fourth, Anno Domini 1620 : Mr. John Carver, 8 Thomas Tinker, William Bradford, Mr. Edward Winslow, Mr. William Brewster, Mr. Isaac Allerton, Capt. Miles Standish, John Howland, Mr. Stephen Hopkins, Edward Tilly, John Tilley, Francis Cook, Thomas Rogers, 2 John Ridgdale, 2 5 Edward Fuller, 3 6 John Turner, 3 6 Francis Eaton 3 2 James Chilton, - 3 _ John Crackston, 2 8 John Billington, 4 4 Moses Fletcher, 1 3 John Alden, 1 2 Mr. Samuel Fuller, 1 2 Mr. Christopher Martin, i 556 WILLIAM BREWSTER. Mr. William Mullens, 5 Richard Britterage, 1 Mr. William White, .5 George Soule, - Mr. Richard Warren, Richard Clarke, 1 John Goodman, Richard Gardiner, - 1 Degory Priest, John Allerton, - - 1 Thomas Williams, Thomas English, 1 Gilbert Winslow, Edward Dotey, - - - Edmund Margeson, Edward Leister, - Peter Brown, Total number, 101 The list includes a servant that died, and a child that was born at sea. From the date of the compact to the 20th of the following month, was occupied in exploring the country, and their explora^ tions resulted in their determining to land on a point of rock on the south-west side of a harbor which they had named Plymouth Bay, and on the land adjacent to take up their abode and establish their colony ; and these were the founders of the Colony of Ply mouth. We shall not attempt to follow the subject of our notice through all his labors and trials to the time of his death ; he was as one writer justly remarks the very soul of the colony. He was proffered the office of governor, at the time Gov. Carver was chosen, which he declined ; he esteemed his mission not of this world, only so far as to prepare himself and his fellow men for another and better be yond the grave. The church had no regular minister for four years after their pastor Robinson died at Leyden, making nine years that they were without having the sacrament of the Lord's Supper administered to them. In 1629 they settled Ralph Smith, a man said to have been of " low gifts," he resigned at the end of about five years, when they had Roger Williams of " bright accomplishments but offensive errors," he officiated three years and was followed in 1636 by John Reyner, an " able and godly man, of meek and humble spirit, sound in the truth, and unreprovable in his life and conversa tion," he resigned in 1654, and removed to Dover, N. H. Mr. Brewster continued in uninterrupted good health, attending to all his domestic and religious duties till within a few days of his death. On the fourteenth day of April, 1644, he was confined to his bed, and the following day he died in the eighty-fourth year of his age. " He had been (says Dr. Belknap) remarkably temperate during his whole life, having drank no liquor but water, till within the last five or six years. For many months together he had lived, through necessity without bread ; having nothing but fish for his sustenance, and sometimes was destitute of that, Yet being of a pliant and a cheerful temper he easily accommodated himself to his circumstances. When nothing but oysters or clams were set upon his table he would give thanks, with his family, that they could " suck of the abundance of the seas, and of the treasures hid in the sand." APPENDIX. 557 When we take into consideration that Mr. Brewster had been born in affluence, received his education at one of the most aristo cratic institutions of England ; companion to ministers of state ; an attache to a foreign embassy ; familiar with the elegance and abund ance of a court life, we can say with truth that the world has fur nished but few such instances of cheerful Christian resignation, humility and gratitude to God for even the least of his mercies, as was exhibited by him. It was with him as with Moses of old, " choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season, esteeming the reproach of Christ," or persecution for Christ's sake " greater riches than trea sures of Egypt for he had respect to the recompense of reward." " In his public discourses (says Dr. Belknap), Mr. Brewster was very clear and distinguishing, as well as pathetic ; addressing him self first to the understanding, and then to the affections of his audience ; convincing and persuading them of the superior excel lence of true religion. Such a kind of teaching, was well adapted, and in many instances effectual to the real instruction and benefit of his hearers. What a pity that such a man could not have been persuaded to take on him the pastoral office!" Why he did not assume the robes of priesthood has always appeared strange. It is only left for those who now study his life and character to speculate upon the subject. Some suppose it arose wholly from his natural diffidence. We are unable to see that his character warrants such a conclusion, for wherever duty called,, there he had the boldness to be found. We can not account for this seeming neglect of duty in him, upon any other grounds, than that he had been early trained to reverence the holy office, and to hold it a sacrilege for any one but those solemnly and properly ordained to officiate in " sacred things." Such an ordination he could not obtain in the colony at the time that his services were par ticularly needed, and his going to England to receive ordination was wholly impracticable. We here give a memoir of Elder Brewster, written by his friend and fellow pilgrim. Gov. Bradford, originally entered on MS. Records of Plymouth, book 1, p. 30, by Secretary Morton: " Now followeth that which was matter of great sadness and mourning unto this church. About the tenth of April, in the year 1644, died their reverend Elder, our dear and loving friend, Mr. William Brewster ; a man that had done and suffered much for the Lord Jesus and the Gospel's sake, and borne his part in weal and woe with this poor persecuted church about thirty-six years in England, Holland, and in this wilderness, and done the Lord and them faithful service in his place and calling ; and notwithstanding the many troubles and sorrows he passed through, the Lord upheld him to a great age. He was near four score years of age, if not all out when he died. He had his blessing added by the Lord to all the rest, to die in his bed, in peace, amongst the midst of his friends. 558 WILLIAM BREWSTER. who mourned and wept over him, and administered what help and comfort they could unto him, and he again recomforted them whilst he could. His sickness was not long. Until the last day thereof he did not wholly keep his bed. His speech continued until some what more than half a day before his death, and then failed him ; and about nine or ten of the clock that evening, he died without a pang at all. A few hours before, he drew his breath short, and some minutes before his last, he drew his breath long, as a man fallen into a sound sleep, without any pangs or gaspings, so sweetly departed this life unto a better. " I would now demand of any what he was the worse for any former sufferings. What do I say ? The worse ? Nay, surely he was the better, and they now add to his honor. 'It is a manifest token,' saith the Apostle, ' of the righteous judgment of God, for which ye also suffer ; . seeing it is a righteous thing, with Grod to recompense tribulation to them that troubled you ; and to you who are troubled, rest with us when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from Heaven with his mighty angels' (2 Thess., i, 5-7). And ' If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye; for the spirit of God and glory resteth upon you' (I Pet. iv, 14). What though he wanted riches and pleasures of the world in his life, and pompous monuments at his funeral, yet the memorial of the just shall be blessed when the name of the wicked shall not (Prov. x,7). "I should say something of his life, if to say a little were not worse than to be silent. But I cannot wholly forbear, though hap pily more may be done hereafter. After he had attained some learning, viz : the knowledge of the Latin tongue and some insight into the Greek, and spent some small time in Cambridge, and then being first seasoned with seeds of grace and virtue, he went to the court, and served that religious and godly gentleman, Mr. Davison, divers year, when he was Secretary of State, who found him so dis creet and faithful, as he trusted him above all others that were about him and only employed him in matters of greatest trust and secrecy. He esteemed him rather as a son than a servant, and for his wisdom and godliness, in private, he could converse with him more like a familiar than a master. He attended his master when he was sent in embassage by the Queen into the Low Countries (in the Earl of Lecister's time, 1585), as for other weighty affairs of State, so to receive possession of the cautionary towns; and in token and sign thereof, the keys of Flushing being delivered to him in her majes ty's name, he kept them some time and committed them to his serv ant, who kept them under his pillow on which he slept, the first night. And, at his return, the States honored him with a gold chain, and his master committed it to him, and commanded him to wear it when they arrived in England, as they rode through the country, until they came to the Court. He afterwards remained with him until his troubles, when he was put from his place about APPENDIX. 559 the death of the Queen of Scots, and some good time after doing him many offices of services in the time of his troubles. Afterwards he went and lived in the country, in good esteem amongst friends and the good gentlemen of those parts, especially the godly and re ligious. " He did much good in the country where he lived, in promoting and furthering religion ; and not only by his practice and example, and provoking and encouraging of others, but by procuring of good preachers thereabouts, and drawing on of others to assist and help to forward in such a work ; he himself most commonly deepest in the charge, and sometimes above his ability. And in this state he continued many years, doing the best good he could and walking according to the light he saw, until the Lord revealed further unto him. And in the end, by the tyranny of the bishops against godly preachers and people, iu silencing the one and persecuting the other, he and many more of those times began to look further into par ticulars, and to see into the unlawfulness of their callings, and the burden of many anti-christian corruptions, which both he and they endeavored to cast off, as they also did, as in the beginning of this treatise is to be seen. After they were joined together into com munion (1602), he was a special store and help to them. They ordinarily met at his house on the Lord's day, which was a manor of the bishop's, and with great love he entertained them when they came, making provision for them to his great charge ; and continued so to do whilst they could stay in England. And when they were to remove out of the country, he was one of the first in all adven tures, and forwardest in any. He was the chief of those that were taken at Boston, in Lincolnshire (1607), and suffered the greatest loss ; and [one] of the seven that were kept longest in prison, and after bound over to the assizes. " After he came into Holland, he suffered much hardship after he had spent the most of his means, having a great charge and many children ; and, in regard of his former breeding and course of life, not so fit for many employments as others were, especially such as were toilsome and laborious. Yet he ever bore his condition with much cheerfulness and contenment. Towards the latter part of those twelve years spent in Holland, his outward condition was mended, and he lived well and plentifully ; for he fell into a way, by reason he had the Latin tongue, to teach many students who had a desire to learn the English tongue to teach them English, and by this method they quickly attained it with great facility ; for he drew rules to learn it by, after the Latin manner; and many gentle men, both Danes and Germans, resorted to him as they had time from other studies, some of them being great men's sons. He had also means to set up printing' by the help of some friends, and 7 The following extracts of letters written by Sir Dudley Carleton to Secretary Naunton, from the Uague in 1619-20, shows that Mr. Brewster was at this time an object of suspicion and pursuit to the Bnn-lish government on account of obaoxious books which he had printed. '' Jul'y 2-2, One William Brewster a Brownist, hath heen for some years an inhabitant and 72 560 WILLIAM BREWSTER. so had employment enough ; and by reason of many books which would not be allowed to be printed in England, they might have had more than they could do. " But now removing into this country, all these things were laid aside again, as a new course of living must be submitted to ; in which he was no way unwilling to take his part and to bear his burden with the rest, living many times without bread or corn many months together, having many times nothing but fish, and often wanting that also ; and drank nothing but water for many years together, yea until five or six years of his death. And yet he lived by the blessing of God, in health till very old age ; and besides that he labored with his hands in the fields as long as he was able. And yet when the church had no other minister, he taught twice every Sab bath, and that both powerfully and profitably, to the great content ment of the hearers, and their comfortable edification. Yea many were brought to God by his ministry. He did more in their behalf in a year, that many that have their hundreds a year do in all their lives. " For his personal abilities, he was qualified above many. He was wise and discreet and well spoken, having a grave and deliberate utterance ; of a very cheerful spirit, very sociable and pleasant among his friends, of an humble and a modest mind, of a peaceable disposition, undervaluing himself and his own abilities, and some times overlooking others ; inoffensive and innocent in his life and conversation, which gained him the love of those without as well as those within. Yet he would tell them plainly of their faults and evils, both publicly and privately ; but in such a manner as usually was well taken from him. He was tender hearted, and compassionate of such as were in misery, but especially of such as had been of good estate and rank, and were fallen into want and poverty, either for printer at Leyden, but is now within three weeks removed from thence and gone back to dwell in London, where he may be found out and examined, not only of this book, De Reffimine Ecclesiis Scoticani^e, but likewise of Perth Assembly, of which if be was not the printer and author ; for as I am informed he hath had, whilst he remained here, his hand in all such books as have been sent over into England and Scotland ; as particularly a boob i i folio, entitled a Confutation qf the Rherfiists' Translation, CHosses and Annctations tf the New Testament, anno 1618, was printed by him. So was another in 18mo., De verd et genuind Jesu Ch-risti Domini et Salvaiaris nostri Rdiffione, of which 1 send your honor herewith the title page likewise, you will find it is the same character : and the one being confessed (as that Ue vera et genuina Jesu Christi, &c., Religione, Brewster doth openly avow), the other can not well be denied." " -Aug. 20. I have made good inquiry after William Brewster at Leyden. and am well assured that he hath not returned thither ; neither is it likely he will, having removed from thence both his family and goods." Sept. 12. In my last I advertised your honor that Brewster was taken at Leyden; which proved an error, in that the schout, who was employed by the magistrates for his apprehension being a drunken fellow, took one man for another. But Brewer, who sent bim on work, and being a man of means bare the charge of his printing letters, which were found in his house in a garrett, where he had hid them, and his books and papers are all seized, and sealed up. I expect tomorrow to receive his voluntary confession of such books as he hath caused to be printed by Brewster for this year and a half or two years past, and then I intend to send one expressly to visit his books and papers, and to examine him particularly touching Perth As- sembly, the discnurse De Regime Eccksiic Scoticanie, and other Puritan pamphlets, which I newly discovered." " Sept. 18. It appears that this Brewer and Brewster, whom this man set on work, having kept no open shop, no printed many hooka fit for sale in these provinces, their practice was to print prohibited hooks to be vented underhand in his Wsjesty's Kingdom." Jan. 19, 1620. Unless Brewer undertakes to do his utermo."-tin finding out Brewster (wherein I will not fail hkewtw of all other endeavors) he is not like to be at liberty; the suspicion whereof keeps him trom hence, for as yet he appears not in these parts." From a letter from Robert Uushman, dated London, May 8th, 1619. to " His Loving Friends," it seems that Mr. Brewster was in England at the date of bis letter, and the probability is that he did not return to Leyden again but remained secluded till the sailing of the Mayflower. APPENDIX. 561 goodness or religion's sake, or by the injury or oppression of others. He would say, of all men these deserved to be most pitied ; and did more offend and displease him, than such as would haughtily and proudly lift up themselves being risen from nothing, and having little else in them but a few fine clothes or a little riches more than others. " In teaching, he was stirring, and moving the affections ; also very plain and distinct in what he taught ; by which means he became the more profitable to the hearers. He had a singular good gift in prayer, both public and private, in the humble confession of sin, and begging the mercies of God in Christ for the pardon thereof. He always thought it better for ministers to pray oftener, and divide their prayers, than to be long and tedious in the same; except upon solemn and special occasions, as on days of humiliation and the like. His reasons was that the heart and spirits of all especially the weak could hardly continue and stand bent (as it were), so long towards God, as they ought to do in that duty, without flagging and falling off. " For the government of the church, which was most proper to his office, he was careful to preserve good order in the same, and to preserve purity both in the doctrine and communion of the same, and to suppress any error or contention that might begin to arise amongst them ; and accordingly God gave good success to his en deavors herein all his days, and he saw the fruit of his labors in that behalf. But I must break off, having thus touched a few heads of things " — CJironicles of the Pilgrims, pp. 462 to 469 The following respecting Elder Brewster, his ancestry and his early history, we extract from an interesting paper, relative to the Plymouth Puritans, by Joseph Hunter, Esq., Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, London, to the Massachusetts Historical Society, and published in their collections of 1852. * * * " But we must now turn our attention to a person who was not a minister, but who, more than any other person, exerted himself to collect into a church the different persons in the neigh borhood who were willing to go the length of Separation. He was at that time neither the pastor nor the teacher, though afterwards, when they were settled on the shores of America, he was both, but was content- to take upon himself the subordinate office of elder. This was William Brewster, the most eminent person in the movement, and who, if that honor is to be given to any single per son, must be regarded as the Father of New England. " I cannot find that Brewster has ever been the object of biographical curiosity in England. I know of nothing relating to him, either in printed books or in manuscript collections, but what has been copied from the writings of Bradford or from those who have derived their information from him. Yet, independently of his connection with the movement of which we are speaking, there 562 WILLIAM BREWSTER. is enough in the connections which he had formed in this country to make him an object of interest. * * * "It was in 1587 that Davison's ruin was completed, and it was in 1608 that he was advanced so far ahead of the princi ples of the Church of England, as professed by those in whom the power of the times was vested, that he was an object of animad version by them, and formed the determination of escaping from what he deemed their tyranny, and following Smith to Holland, where was then toleration for all forms of Protestant worship. " Here then we find a person, acquainted with the world, and ac customed to the best society it afforded, not a mere rural esquire, who in a country retirement had ^contracted a fondness for religious en quiry, and seeking, perhaps notoriety, by peculiarities in his religious profession and practice ; but one who, while he had lived in the world, and borne a share in some of its fiercest contentions, had yet been throughout subject to religious influences, first in the univer sity, and afterwards in his connection with Davison, who was noted in the court of Elizabeth for his religious spirit. And we may easily conceive the amount of influence he would obtain in such a region as Bassetlaw, where, it is probable, there were a few laymen like him, and few clergymen who could contend with him in con troversies which it was for so many years the business of his life to master ; and where not a few of the clergy had come to the same conclusion with himself, even in respect of points which were deemed by the authorities unfit to be meddled with. But the circumstances in which he had retired from the world, must have led him to dis trust the authorities of the times ; for there can hardly now be a doubt that his master was the sufferer from court chicanery of the most desperate kind, and that it was by this improper use of author ity that his own progress in the course of life in which he had ori ginally been set, was so fatally interrupted. " It is remarkable that Bradford should have left unnamed the place to which Brewster retired. That may, however, now be con sidered as determined ; and I shall proceed to two or three minor points on which some trifiing additional information may be given respecting him. And first the date of his birth, which Bradford seem to make the year 1564; but Morton, writing as it seems on some authority derived from Bradford, speaks of him as being eighty- four at the time of his death in 1643. _" This would throw back his birth to 1559, the first year of the reign of Elizabeth, and this seems to be the true date. His bap tism pould not be found at Scrooby, for the earlier registers are lost; and if they were in existence, it is hardly probable that his bap tism would be found in them, as the earliest period at which I have found any Brewsters at Scrooby is 1571, where there is a William Brewster one of three persons who are charged to the Subsidy of that year in the township of Scrooby cum Ranskill. APPENDIX. 563 " This could hardly be he who was afterwards Elder Brewster ; but it might be his father, with whose Christian name we tire not ac quainted. We have the misfortune not only of having no register of Scrooby parish, but we have no wills of the Brewsters of that place. The other two persons assessed with Brewster were Thomas Wentworth, who called himself in his will tin E.squire, and William Dawson. Dawson was a.ssesscd on twenty shillings, land, AVentworth on forty shillings, land, Brewster on sixty shillings, goods, as if he had no freehold. This shows that he was a man of good substance, paying to the tax, which was a species of income tax, more than his neighbor, the Esquire. '¦ The name of Brewster is an old Nottinghamshire name, and the circumstances which brought them to Scrooby can only be a matter of conjecture. It could not be any connection with the family of Sandys, for Sandys did not become Archbishop of York till 1576 ; and in the absence of any more plausible theory, it might be suggest ed that they were brought into those parts of Nottinghamshire as a consequence of the acquisition of an estate at Sutton upon Lound, the adjoining parish to Scrooby, by one of the Welbecks, who had other large possessions in those parts. of Nottinghamshire — the Wel becks being a Suffolk family, in which county there were many Brewsters of the rank to which the Nottinghamshire Brewsters be longed, and there having been a marriage between a Brewster and a Welbeck. '¦ We do not. however, find in any account of the Brewsters of Suffolk any notice of the settlement of any part of the family in Nottinghamshire. Yet it seems little probable that any other family of the name, beside that in Suffolk, should have sent a son to the university, and then have placed him in so advantageous a position as that of an under-secretary of State, which is usually the first step in political advancement. However, as at present this is only a conjecture, a very brief notice of the Brewsters of Suffolk, who were contemporary with Elder Brewster, may suffice. Their chief places of residence were Rushmore and Wrentham. Robert of Rushmore married one of the co-heiresses of Christopher Edmonds, of Cressing Temple, in Essex, and had two sons, Henry and James. 'The latter died without issue ; but Henry, who transferred his resid ence to Wrentham, had four daughters and two sons, Francis, who succeeded him at Wrentham, and Humphrey, who died at Hadley in 1614. Francis married Elizabeth SneUing, a daughter of Robert Snelling of Whatfield, near Ipswich (of which family of Snelling were the wives of Edmund Calamy and Mathew Newcomen, two of the most eminent Puritan divines of the reign of Charles the First, and both concerned in the Smectymnuus) , and had Robert of Wrent ham, who was a member of Cromwell's Parliament. We see, there fore, that the political leaning of the Suffolk Brewsters would coincide with that of your venerable elder. " The descent of the Welbecks from Suffolk is shown in Harl. 564 WILLIAM BREWSTER. MS. 891; but they were rather possessors of estates in the neigh borhood of Scrooby, than residents upon them, the person who acquired dying in early life in 1556, leaving an infant daughter an heir, who became married in the great Yorkshire family of Savill." * * * " Returning, then, to William Brewster, and his con nections and affairs, we may observe that this story of the Bawtry Hospital comes in aid of the fact that the Brewsters were tenants of the family of Sandys, to show that long before there was any thought of calling in the aid of any member of that family in the project of settling a colony on the American shores, there had been a friendly correspondence between the Brewsters and Sandyses, who may justly be considered as persons at this time of near equality of position. Sir Edwin Sandys could not but, even in the times before Brewster left England, have observed the course which a gentle man, whom no doubt he esteemed, was taking, and if we may rely upon certain passages in his Europse Speculum, written by him at Paris in 1599, he must then have been to a considerable extent like minded with Brewster. There was another link between them ; for Cranmer, who had been with Brewster in the service of Davi son, accompanied Sir Edwin Sandys in his continental tour, under taken for the purpose of observing the state of religion in the different countries of Europe, of which the Speculum exhibits the result. Whether Brewster out ran Sandys, or Sandys out ran Brewster, there seems to have been a friendly race between them for a time, though ultimately Brewster's was the more decided conduct. Even the old archbishop was not himself averse to further changes in the church in the way of reformation.* * * * " Let us consider how this bears on the question at what time he became one of the officers of Brewster's church. He was at Mundham in 1603, and after this was for some time at Norwich ; so that we may assign with much probability the beginning of his con nection with the church to the year 1666 or 1667. Perhaps even the formation of the church in the regular order may have risen out of the opportunity of securing his services. "Of the persons who composed Brewster's church without hold ing office in it,- we may mention in the first place, two persons, whose names only are known, and the fact that, when active efforts were being made to put down the church, they were singled out together with Brewster as objects of attack. Their names were Richard Jaokson^ and Robert Rochester, and they appear to have re sided at the village of Scrooby itself We get their names from the certificate of Tobias, Archbishop of York, dated November 13, 1608, to the Treasurer and Barons of the Exchequer of fines unpaid which had been imposed by the commissioners for causes ecclesiastical in the Province of York. 'Richard .Jackson, William Brewster, and Robert Rochester of Scrooby, in the county of Not tingham, Brownists or Separatists, for a fine or amercement of £20 8 As may bo seen in his will. See Collins' Suwlemefnt to his Peerage, 1760, vol. ll, p. 582. APPENDIX. 565 a piece, set and imposed upon every of them by Robert Abbott and Robert Snowden, Doctors of Divinity, and Matthew Dodsworth, Bachelor of Law, Commissioners for Causes Ecclesiastical within the Province of York, for not appearing before them upon lawful summons, at the Collegiate Church of .Southwell, the 22d day of April, anno Domini, 1608 — £60.' I have seen no account of any proceedings of the officers of Exchequer to recover this money. The parties were probably out of the jurisdiction of the court." * * Coats of Aejis of the Brewster Families mentioned by Mr. Hunter : "Brewster (Withfield, co. Essex). Az. chev. erm. between three etoiles ar. Crest — A demi lion, holding in his dexter paw a club over his shoulder. Brewster (Suffolk). Sa. a chev. erm. between etoiles ar. Crest — A bear's head erased a~. — Burke's Heraldry, London, 1847. Welbeck Arms — "Welbeck Abbey (Nottinghamshire). Gu. three lozenges conjoined in f esse az. each charged with a rose of the first."— Ibid. " Elder Brewster's estate (says Mr. Winsor), occupied the south eastern part of the nook adjoining the farm of Capt. Standish. Some years ago, on a piece of land which was originally included in the limits of his farm, was found a' small silver spoon bearing the ini tials ' J. B.' Elder Brewster it is said traditionally, planted the first apple tree in New England. In the time of the revolution the original tree was gone ; but there had sprung up from its roots another, which was then of large size, and known as the ' Brewster tree.'" Elder Brewster was buried at Duxbury, at what particular spot is not known. His eldest sons, Love and Jonathan, it appears from the follow ing, were his administrators : 1 644 Lres, of adminiftracon of all goods and Cattells of Mr Willm Brew- 5 June fter, deceafed are graunted by the Court to Jonathan Brewfter and Loue Winflowe Brewfter, and a true inventory thereof was exhibited to the court vpon Gounor. the oathes of faid Jonathan and Loue. — Plymouth Col. Rec, ii, p. 73. The following is a copy of the Inventory of Elder Brewster's pro perty, as rendered by his sons Jonathan and Love (adm'rs) to the court : Wearing apparell, household utensils, &c., appraised by Capt. Standish and .Tone Done, May 10th, 1644. 28. 8.10 Articles at his house in Duxbury, by Standish and Prence, May 18th. - - - - 107. 0. 8 His Latin Books by Mr. Bradford, Mr. Prence, and Mr. Reyner, May 18 ; sixty-three Tolumes, - . . - . 15.19. 4 His English Books by Mr. Bradford and Mr. Prence ; between three and four hundred volumes, - - - - - - 27. 0. 7 Latin and English Books, 42.19.11 Total sum of goods ..-.-- 150. 0. 7 —N. E. Reg. 566 WILLIAM BREWSTER. " Elder Brewster left a considerable library, many volumes of which were in the learned languages. He had eight children, two of whom were born in America. His two oldest daughters did not arrive until 1623. The first married Isaac Allerton, one of the most distinguished among the pilgrims. The last married Gov. Prince (Prence). His other daughters bore the names of Lucretia and Mary. His sons were Love, Wrestling, Jonathan and William. " Wrestling and William died before their father." — Memoir of Plymouth Colony. Jonathan Brewster, son of Elder William, arrived in the ship Fortune, 1621 ; was frequently deputy from the town of Duxbury to the General Court, and he appears, from the Colonial re cords, to have been a man of marked influence both in the formation of the colony and the church. He practiced before the court as an attorney, and was also styled a "gentleman." History of Duxbury says that he sold his house to Dr. Comfort Starr in 1638. He went to New London, Conn., and from that place he seems to have returned to England, in 1656, or contem plated so doing, judging from the following letter, addressed to the widow of his brother Love, which we give here, as it relates to the death of one in the line of ancestry : " Loveing and kind Sister : " I thanke you for Youer letter I received, being glad to heare of youer well doeing in youer widdowhood ; the Lord will make up youer losses and healp you to bee thankfull for raiseing youer good brother to bee instead of an husband to you. In my judgement I would advise to marry one whom you could love. I would to God I was nearer you, I should doe something for you ; but I fear I shall thee next year go further from you, for I with my whole family resolve for old England, and then I shall bee able to do a little for you and youers, whom I love and respect being glad to bear of your daughters improvement, both in sperituall and temporali thinges ; the Lord bestow his further blessing upon her and the rest of youers ; I doe heerby this give unto her all my interest in the pcells of Land, which was left by my father, lying near Plymouth, to her and her heires for ever. I pray you remember my love and Respects to the Capt. and his wife and childreu with the rest of my friends with you, to whom I cannot write; excuse me to them all ; those with my best love remember to you and youers ; 1 pray to the Lord to blesse you and keep you in all youer ways in his feare. Amen, and doe rest. "Mooheeken, this 1 of Your unfeigned brother, September, 1U5G. Jonathan Beewstee. Love Brewster (son of Elder B.), married Sarah Collier, daugh ter of William Collier, "who was eminently (says 31r. Winsor) distinguished in the affairs of the colony. He (Mr. Collier) was one of the merchant adventurers in Eiigland, a wealthy merchant, and quite early came to Plymouth and soon removed to Duxbury, and settled in the south-eastern part, near Standish and Brewster. He also had land west of North Hill (granted 1G35), and a tract called Billingsgate. He was an enterprising man, and engaged much in business, and during most of his life employed in the" gov- APPENDIX. 567 ernment of the colony, as assistant, and otherwise. In 1658, " the court ordered a servant to him, because he can not easily come to business." Mr. Collier was appointed with Gov. Winslow, commis sioner to treat on the subject as will be seen by the following colonial record, taken from History of Diubury : " 1642. This year, the Indians under Miantinsomo, of the Narra- ganset tribe, meditated the extirpation of the English ; but their plot was discovered; and the court ordered and agreed to " p"^ vide forces against them for an offensive and defensive warr ;" and the following were appointed on the part of Duxbury a committee for raising the forces : Capt. Standish, Mr. Alden, Jnoa Brewster, Mr. C. Starr, Mr. William Witherell, William Bassett, C. Wadsworth and George Soule. The court afterwards considered it proper to make further preparations for defence, and a committee consisting of Mr. Collier. 3Ir. Winslow, Mr. Hatherly and Capt. Standish, were sent to Massachusetts Bay, to conclude on a junction with them in their present state of affairs, and of this number Winslow and Collier were afterwards authorized to subscribe the articles of confederation. This union was fully consummated and concluded, and the articles signed at Boston, May 19, 1648, Connecticut and New Hampshire being also included in the compact ; and this era of the confederate union of the colonies, may be properly looked upon as the grand epoch, when the present American republic first appeared in embryo." Of the forces raised, Capt. Standish was appointed the com mander ; William Palmer the lieutenant ; Peregrine White the " ancient bearer ;" and Mr. Prence was joined to them as counsellor. Of every £25 expense of the war, the proportion of Duxbury was to be £3. 10s. And the following were constituted a comtcciY o/ war : the governor, Mr. Winslow, Mr. Prence, Mr. Collier, Mr. Hatherly, Jlr. John Brown, ^Mr. William Thomas, Mr. Edmund Freeman, Mr. William Yassel, Capt. Standish, Mr. Thomas Dimmack, Mr. Anthony Thacher. A sale of moose skins was then ordered to fur nish means for procuring powder and lead ; and then they passed the following order : " The first Tewsday in July the ma*''"** meete and eich Towne are to send such men as they shall think fit to joyne w*''' them in consult about a course to saveguard ourselves from sur- prisall by an enemie." 1634 f Jobe Cole and Rebecka Collier j New Plymouth May 15, 1634. .j l were married. Prince Gounor ( Loue Brewfter & Sarah Collier j 15 May —P!ym. Rec, J, 30. Loue Brewster early moved from Plymouth to Duxbury, and set tled with his father by the Ijayside. 1669 In anfware vnto the petition of William Brewfter and Wraftling Brew- 5 July fter (two grandchildren of the Reverend Mr William Brewfter, deceafed) Prence requefting accomodations of Lands, the Court haue granted that in cafe Gounor they, the faid William and Wraftling Brewfter, fliall fee caufe to goe to 73 568 WILLIAM BREWSTER. line att Swanfey, that they be accomodated with lands there, as being fuch as are comended vnto them by the goument for that end, as aboue exprefled. — Plymouth Col. Rec, V, 24. Genealogical Record of the Brewsters. Elder William Brewster," b. 1559-60; m. Mary ; she d. 1627; had I Patience, b. in England; arrived in America, 1623; m. Thomas Prence,^" governor of the colony of New Plymouth; she d. 1634 ; he d. 1678 ; II Fear, b. in England, arrived in America, 1628 ; m. Mr. Isaac Allerton, in 1626 ; d. in 1633 ; had Isaac ; III Love, b. in England ; IV Wrestling, b. in Eng land ; d. before his father,, unm. ; V Jonathan ; VI Lucretia ; VII Mary. Love (son of Elder William), Plymouth ; b. probably in Holland, possibly in England; he settled in Bridgewater, Mass., 1645; was one of the original prop.; his will is dated Oct. 1, 1650; m. Sarah Collier, May 15, 1684, and had issue I Nathaniel; owned land about the old Tarpits, and d. 1676 ; II William ; III Wrestling; IV Sarah; m. Benjamin Bartlett, 1656; his widow m. a (John?) Parks. — (Col. Rec. vi, 1679.) Jonathan (son of Elder William) " m. Lucretia , and had I William, b. in Holland, was in the Indian wars in 1645 ; II Mary, b. probably in Holland, m. John Turner, of Scituate, Nov. 12, 1645 ; III Jonathan, 1627 ; IV Benjamin, who re moved from Duxbury after 1648, to Norwich, then to New London, where he m. Ann Dart, 1659, and had Ann, Septem ber, 1662; Jonathan, 1664; Daniel, 1667; William, 1669; and Benjamin, 1673; Grace m. Aug. 4, 1659, Daniel Wether- ill ; Ruth m. John Pickett, and 2d Charles Hill, and d. April 30, 1677 ; Hannah (and perhaps Elizabeth) ; m. 1654, Peter Bradley. 9 William (Brewster), the famous Elder, claims of liberal Cliristians everlasting gratitude, as the earliest of distinguished Puritan Laymen in Eng., came, &c., with his two younger 8. the w. of the eldest, and he s. Wm. He was b. 1563 (prob., but earlier by some computations), at Scrooby, in W ottinghamshire at the Manor Hall of wh. village belonged to the archbp. of York ; He afterwards long resided at the same house at wh. Cardinal Wolsey had made his last stop, before reaching home to his final journey, on comi^ulsory retirement from Court, after banish ment by Henry VIII. thirty years earlier. His family, probably William, was tenant under lib eral lease from Archbishop Sandys, and the s. was educated sometime at Cambridge, and his family became a sub-tenant of Scrooby manor, the posse.r. Savage. APPENDIX. 569 Dea. William (son of Love, son of Elder William), d. Nov. 3, 1723, 88. nearly 78, having served in the office of deacon for many years; * * * a wortliy, who was often employed to good advantage in the civil affairs of the town ; he m. Lydia Patridge,!^ Jan. 2, 1672 (3?) ; she d. Feb. 2, 1732; had Sarah, April 25, 1674; m. Caleb Stetson, 1705; Nathaniel, Nov. 8, 1676; Joseph, March 17, 1694; William, and according to Mitchel, a Benjamin. Wrestling (son of Love, son of Elder William), Dux., a carpen ter ; d. Jan. 1, 1667, leaving an estate of £380, " 18 Dec, 1689, the town did engage to Wrestling Brewster that if he in curtesy did take Nathaniel Cole into his house, they would secure him from burthened with keeping of him said Cole." — Town Records. He m. Mary, who is probably the Mary who m. John Partridge, 1700 ; he had Jonathan, m. Mary Par tridge, May ^6, 1710; went to Windham, Ct., after 1728; she was alive 1733 ; Wrestling, probably the one of Plymouth, who m. July 12, 1722, Hannah Thomas; a deacon of K.; had Wrestling, 1724; m. at K., Feb. 8, 1810, se. 86; Thomas, Isaac, Elisha, John, Mary, Sarah, Abigail, Elizabeth and Hannah. Nathaniel (son of Dea. William, son of Love, son of Elder Wil liam), Dux. ; m. Mary Dewelley, of Scituate, Dec. 24, 1705, who d. July 29, 1764, se. 80 ; had Samuel and Mercy (twins), April 5, 1708; Ruth, Dec. 9, 1711; m. Joseph Morgan, of Preston, Ct., May 8, 1735; WiUiam, b. Feb. 14, 1747, and had Daniel, ab. 1746 ; Nathaniel, ab. 1748 ; and Stephen, ab. 1750 ; Joseph, b. July 3, 1718. Joseph (son of Dea. William, son of Love, son of Elder William), Dux. ; m. Elizabeth, who d. April, 1786, se. 82 ; he d. April 26,1766; had Lemuel, bap. 1740; Eunice, m. Timothy Walker, 1758; Truelove, 1737. " January 18, 1757, Truelove Brew ster fell through the ice, attempting to come over Oakman's ferry, and was drowned." — 'Church Rec. William (son of Dea. William, son of Love, son of Elder William), Dux. ; m. Hopestill Wadsworth,"* May 20, 1708 ; had Olive; Ichabod, Jan. 15, 1711 ; m. Lydia Brewster, of Pembroke, ¦ June 3, 1735 ; Capt. Elisha, Oct. 29, 1715 ; Seth, Dec. 20, 1720 ; Lot, March 25, 1724 ; Huldah, Feb. 20, 1726 ; m. John Goold of Hull (for genealogy of this family, see Hist. Diet., etc.), June 18, 1745; she d. April 27, 1750. 12 " Pabteddbe, George (Duxbury). Yeoman, 1636: married Sarah Tracy, Nov. 1638, died about 1695 ; had John. Nov. 29, 1657 ; Lydia, m. Dea Wm. Brewster, 1672, and died Feb. 3, 1743 ; Ruth, m. Bodolphus Thacher, Jan. 1. 1669 ; Ireipliasa, m. Samuel West. Sept. 26, 1668 ; Mercy ; SiraA, 1639, m. Dea. Samuel Allen of Bridgew.; Jama?; * * ». George Partridge. His name is spelled Partrich, Partiok. and Patrick. He was one of tho most respectable yeomanry of the Colony, and came from the county of Kent, England, about 1636, where he was possessed of an estate, whicb he mentions in his will. * * * HJi will witnessed by Alexander and Josiah Standish is dated June 26, 1682. * * * His descendants bave not been numerous."— i/isi. qf Duxbury. 570 WILLIAM BREWSTEK. John, son of Wrestling, son of Love, son of Elder William)^ Dux. ; tad Joseph and Job, wlio served in the old French war. Family of Gapt. Elisha. Capt. Elisha (son of William, son of Lea. William, son of Love, son of Elder William), b. Oct. 29, 1715; m. Miss Fosdick of New Hampshire ; had I L^icy^ b. ; m. Willis, a relative of G-en. Willis of Charter Oak place, Hartford, Ct.; II Lucretia. b. ; m. Dr. Elihu Tudor,^* and had issue ; III Sara.Ji^ b. 1755; m. Dea. Oliver Wetmore of Middleton, Ct, (for their descendants see under head of Dea. Oliver, son of Judge Seth Wetmore, p. 334); IV Hopestill, b. 1760; m. Capt. Hardy of the Eevolution ; was killed in an engagement at Lex. ; he left a dau.; b. 1788 ; she m. 2d Morrison ; had John, b. in N. Y. city, March 20, 1790; m. Nov. 7, 1818, Betsey Palmer of Hebron, Ct.; had Charles F. and Maria L. (twins), b. Aug. 18, 1815; Edward, b. June 1, 1818; Albert, b. March 13, 1820; Clarissa E., b. Feb. 28, 1822; John H., b. Feb. 21, 1821 ; Catharine, b. Feb. 3, 1828 ; Catharine, b. Dec. 15, 1830 ; Frederick and Fanny (twins), b. May, 22, 1831. Mr. John Morrison resides at Willimantic, Conn. (Mansfield Cen. P. 0.). 13 Hopestill Wadsworth was a daughter of John, son of Chriatopher Wadsworth, the first of the Wadsworths at Duxbury, Mass., his will is dated July 31,1667. Justin Winsor iu. History qf Duxbury says : " It is npt known whence they came. The family of Wadsworth is a Yorkshire family of some antiquity." Burke's .HeraWry gives their arms. "Wadsworth (Yorkshire) Gu. three fleur de lis stalked and slipped ar. "Wadsworth same arms. Crest— Od a Globe of the world, winged ppr, an "eagle rising or." 14 Dr. Tudor, son of Rev. Samuel, and great grandson of Owen Tudor, a first settler of Wind sor, waa born in that town February 3d, 1732. Graduated from Yale College, where he was esteemed an excellent Greek scholar, in 1750. and studied under the then famous Dr. Benjamin Gale of Killingworth. He entered the army during the French war—probably in August, 1759 — as surgeon's mate, with the rank of a 2d lieutenant. — Barber's Hist. (kill. In this capacity he served with General Wolfe in Canada, and at the capture of Havana. From 1762 to 1764 he seems to have lived in London, engaged in the hospitals and the active pursuit of his professional studies. Returning then to his native land, with a mind richly stored by research and observation, he established himself in practice at East Windsor. His first introduc tion to surgical practice, we have been told, whs on the occasion of the accidental blowing up of the Hartford school house on the 8th of June 1766, on the day of rejoicing for the repeal of the Stamp Act. The skill displayed by him in treating the sufferers by this deplorable accident favenim an excellent start. In the following year we find in Xh^ Omneciicut Courant, under ate of June 15, 1767, the following advertisement: Dr. Tudor, lately from London, begs leave to acquaint the public that he sets out on the 22d instant to visit the Mineral Springs at Stafford, in Connecticut, where he will be ready to give his Advice to those that choose to consult him in drinking the Waters. Upon the breaking ont of tbe revolutionary war. Doctor Tudor was a pensioner of the British government. It is said that the British government, thinking that the doctor was stretching out his life to an unconscionahlo length, actually sent an agent over to see " whether the old cuss was really alive " It is a remarkable fact that very many of the pensioners of Kngland lived to such an advanced age as to induce suspicion on the part of the Home government that there was some trickery in the matter. He was favorable to the loyalist cause, and fell under the suspicion of his neighbors at East Windsor. Indeed a party once attempted "to ride him on a rail," bnt the cool determination of the doctor completely overawed tbem, and he met with no further annoyance. His popularity, however, visibly declined, aud his practice, which was chiefly surgical, was, in his latter days, not very extensive. His reputation as a surgeon was, at one time, equal, if not superior, to any in New England. In person he was of medium height, and upright form, near sighted, always very neat in his dress, wearing ruffles, fine silver buckles, and a nosegay in his button hole. He died in 1826 at the advanced age of 93. Previous to his death, in 1790, he received from Dartmouth College the degree of Doctor of Medicine, which in that day was a compliment and honor which can scarcely be appreciated in these days of indiscriminate diploma-giving. He was one of the founders ajid second vice- president of the Connecticut Medical Society. In his commission as surgeon's mate in the 43d Regt. of Foot, dated in September. 1763, his name was by some mistake written Edward Tudor. As he had always disliked his name of Elihu, he always afterward wrote and drew his pension under the name of Edward.— Arm. to Dr. Stile^ His. qf Windsor. APPENDIX. 571 Mrs. Hopestill Morrison resided at Geneva, N. Y. V Lydia, b. ; m. Peter Van Deusen of Albany. VI Ruby, b. ; m. William Kippen of Bridgeport, Ct. VII Elisha, b. ; m. Margaret Curtiss of Wethersfield, Ct.; had 1 Betsey, b. Feb., 1781 ; 2 William, b. June, 1783 ; au. ; had William, Oli ver, Elisha, and 5 daus.; 3 Sally, b. June, 1787; 4 Dea. Elisha C, b. Feb. 8, 1791 ; m. ; had Noah L., and 3 daus. Dea. Elisha C., in a letter to us, in speaking of his and his brother and sister's families, says : " I believe all hopefully pious, in heriting as we trust something of the spirit professed by our venerated ancestor of the Mayflower." Dea. Elisha C. Brew ster resides at Bristol, Ct. VIII William, b. ; d. iu Philadelphia, 1832, of the cholera; he was owner and master of vessels, and was at one time a man of considerable wealth. He lost a vessel and cargo by pirates ; he married and had a daughter, who, though eccentric, was a lady of considerable talent, author of many poetical pieces, as well as works of romance. She removed to Cincinnati, where she died. IX Lott, b. . Capt. Elisha Brewster, Sen., married a second time, a Boston lady, said to have been a very handsome woman, graceful and elegant in her person, and a woman of superior education and intellect. He was engaged in commerce. Joseph (son of Nathaniel, son of Dea. William, son of Love, son of Elder William), Dux. and Attleboro; m. Jedidah , who d. March 26, 1794; se. 72; he d. Sept. 3, 1791; se. 73; had Zadock, baptized, 1742 ; had Cyrus, Dec. 7, 1772 ; m. Ruth Sampson, April 5, 1798, and who had Zadock, Darius and Sarah; Mary m. Silas Freeman, 1763; Joseph, m. Deborah Hunt, April 13, 1773 ; Ruth ; Nathaniel, baptized 1755 ; True- love, baptized, 1760. Nathan (son of ), Dux., b. 1723 ; m. Hannah, who d. June 4, 1776 ; he d. Nov. 1807 ; se. 84 ; had Anne, baptized, 1756. Joshua (son of -\ Dux.; m. Lydia Weston, who d. Oct. 22, 1841; had Daniel W., 1788; Job E., 1799; Sarah C, 1801; Warren W., Priscilla, Harriet. Joshua (son of ), Dux. ; had Deborah, 1787 ; Rachel, 1790 ; Sarah, 1792 ; Nathan, 1796 ; Hannah, 1798 ; Joshua, 1801 ; • Ruth, 1803. — Duxbury History. 572 WILLIAM BREWSTER. Notes. "Mr. Benjamin Brewster was grandson of Elder William Brewster of Mayflower memory. Jonathan the third son of the Elders removed to New London, where 1649, he was acting as one of the townsmen. His son Ben jamin was old enough to convey a tract of land by deed in 1654, and 1659 was married at New London to Anna Dart. He removed to Norwich very soon after the settlement. The birth of his daughter Ann is recorded there September, 1662, his sons were Jonathan, 1664; Daniel, 1667; William, born 1669 ; Benjamin, 1673. Mr. Brewster was an active and highly re spected member of the infant plantation. In 1693 he succeeded Mr. Bur chard as commissioner of the peace. His descendants are still to be found in Norwich and vicinity, In 1779 there were eleven families of the name in " East Society." The venerable Mr. Seabury Brewster, now living in Norwich city, and one of the Patriarchs of the place, is not, however, descended from Benja min but from Wrestling, the second son of Elder Brewster. He was born at Plymouth in 1755, and emigrated to Norwich when about 22 years of age. He is the father of Sir Christopher Brewster, an eminent dentist who has resided a number of years in Paris and St. Petersburgh, and has been knighted by the Emperor of Russia. — Hist, of Norwich by Miss F. M. Caulkius. Capt. Brewster (son of ), was captain of 8th company 20th Kegi- ment Connecticut Militia, commanded by Maj. Rogers. Saw Pitts, Nov. 1, 1776, weekly returns. Ebenezer Brewster was ap pointed captain in May, Gen. Wooster Division, no date. A letter from Samuel Brewster, Esquire, chairman of the committee of New Windsor, covering an aflidavit relating to one Conner and Montgomery, was read. The said letter and affidavit set forth sundry matters which rendered it very probable that certain quantities of butter and flour pur chased by the said Conner and Montgomery, were purchased with the in tent to supply the enemy. Ordered, That the said papers be referred to a committee, say the com mittee for detecting conspiracies. Elisha Brewster, Assistant Commissioner, Dec. 17, 1776. Henry Brewster, Jr., Lieut., Dec. 1776. Capt. Jonathan Brewster, ordered to take charge of prisoners by the Connecticut Council of Safety, Nov. 15, 1776. Capt. Jnoa Brewster, list of ofiicers and men, 27th August, 1776. — U. S. Archives, 5th Series, vol. iii. 1776. Joshua, 1698, d. March 27, 1776, se. 78 ; Rachel, 1727, d. April 26, 1757 ; Deborah, 1704, d. Sept. 1, 1769, ae. 65; Mary m. Edward Arnold, 1706; Sarah, m. Joseph Wright of Plympton ; Jane, m. Asa Weston, 1777 ; Eliza beth, m. Samuel Walker, 1784 ; Nathan, m. Diadema Dawes, 1784 ; Joseph, drowned while returning from the Gurnet, 1807. Yong Joseph Brewster bore arms in Dux. 1643. — Dux. History. John Alden of Dux.; married a, Brewster, April 14, 1713. Joseph (son of ), Dux.; married Almine Baker about 1800. Nathan (son of ), Dux.; married Julia Norris, daughter of Samuel Loring, seventh in descent from Dea. Thomas Loring from Aixmiuster, De vonshire, Eng., 1635. Leonice Soule, a descendant of John Soule of Dux.; 1620, married a Mr. Brewster of Dux.; Simeon Soule married Acenith Brewster, who was born March 8, 1778; he died Dec. 21, 1831. The name of Sole, Soal, Soul, and Soule is an ancient English name. — Dux. History. APPENDIX. 573 F. HON. JOHN TREADWELL, LL. D.^ " It has long been supposed that military achievements, or literary eminence or romantic adventures furnish the only suitable themes for biography. The experiment of several popular writers has proved that simple goodness, when its portraiture is faithfully drawn, pos sesses inherent charms, which even in the creation of fiction, fasten to the heart of the reader the more in proportion as its lineaments are more distinctly preserved. If, then, the picture of goodness, even in its simplest forms, is naturally so pleasing to the eye, much more do we love to view it when it is radiant with all the nobler virtues which illustrate and adorn a public life of unsullied integrity, pure patriotism, fervent piety, and enlarged usefulness. Such a life was that of the late Governor Treadwell. " He was the last of the Puritan governors of Connecticut ; the last example afforded by their annals of the Union, in the person of the chief magistrate, of the statesman and the theologian. His exclusion from office, after many years of tried and faithful servi ces to the state, constituted the first departure from the line of ' steady habits ' of Connecticut, and was the commencement of a new order of things, retaining but few characteristics of the ancient connection between church and state. " His history, therefore, involves that of the last days of the Puri tan dynasty, and of a revolution which although bloodless, and for the most part peaceful, produced a change in the political aspect of the commonwealth as marked and real, as those whioh overturn the most powerful empires. His history, moreover, is intimately con nected with the rise of those great efforts, which have been institu ted, and are now in progress, for the propagation of the gospel, and the conversion of the world ; and to him, more perhaps than to any other individual, Connecticut owes the possession of such an ample fund for the support of her primary schools. Let us then take a concise review of the life and character of this venerable and ex cellent man. " John Treadwell was born at Farmington, Connecticut, Nov. 23d (o. s.), 1745. His father was a mechanic by profession, of a 1. Memoir qf John TreadweS,, LL. D., la.te Gove-mor qf CbnnecticiU, by Prof. Olmsted, of Yale College. 574 JOHN TREADWELL. competent fortune, and a standing among the most respectable yeo manry of the town. Both parents were pious, and both lived to an advanced age, and after serene and useful lives, died in peace and in the faith of the Gospel. Young Treadwell received the rudi ments of an English education at the common village school ; but when about sixteen years of age, his father gave him the offer of a liberal education, with one week to deliberate on the choice. At the end of the prescribed time, he accepted the offer and entered immediately upon the preparatory studies, under the instruction of the minister of the place, the Rev. Timothy Pitkin. From the earliest settlement of the country to a recent period, it was the prac tice of the clergy to prepare for college the youth of their respective parishes, who received a liberal education. **:)=* u The Rev. Mr. Pitkin was among the number of those clergymen who gained an intimate knowledge of such Latin and Greek authors as were required for entering college. Indeed, it is believed that he went much further ; for most of the Latin poets seemed quite familiar to him at the age of eighty and up wards. ** * ** JU** " The account which Mr. Pitkin gave of the earliest studies of young Treadwell, coincided with that which the latter gave of himself, namely : that his progress was at first slow and discouraging, but that, through dint of perseverance, they grew more and more easy, and at last delightful. After a few months close application, he read before his father and the family a chapter in the Greek testa ment, and not rendering it precisely in the words of the common translation, his father expressed much dissatisfaction, and told him he grew worse and worse in reading the English language the more he studied Latin and Greek; but when his son informed him that he read from the Greek Testament, he was delighted to find him already so skilled in the original Scriptures. At the close of fifteen months, his preceptor pronounced him fitted for the freshman class of Yale College, and at the ensuing commencement, in 1763, he was approved and admitted accordingly, being then in the eighteenth year of his age. * * * 11 jjjg gij^gg Qf -^yiiich Treadwell was a member is dis tinguished in the annals of the college for the large proportion of eminent alumni which it produced; among whom, besides Gov. Treadwell, were Judge Trumbull, author of MacFingal, Doctor Wales, professor of divinity in Yale College, Doctor Joseph Lyman, of Hatfield, and the celebrated Dr. Emmons. With these distin guished men Gov. Treadwell maintained a friendly and intimate re lation during their lives. ***** " In his college studies, Mr. Treadwell was patient, persevering and thorough, but unambitious of distinction, and rather solid than brilliant. Looke On the Human Understanding and Edwards On the WiU were then studied classically. To these profound works he applied his mind with ardor aud avidity, being exactly suited to his APPENDIX. 575 taste ; and they gave a permanent complexion to his mode of think ing and reasoning on the faculties and operations of the mind. " Mr. Treadwell considered his advantages for religious instruc tion and improvement as far more valuable than those for pursuits merely scientific, in the same proportion as the objects of religion are superior to those of science. He highly prized the truly apos tolic teachings, counsels and exhortations of President Clapp, and systematic and discriminating sermons of Professor Daggett. These solemn religious seasons he constantly attended, and in view of the great things of God, he was often if not habitually impressed ; but having imbibed the sentiments of President Edwards, on the terms of church communion, and doubting with respect to his qualifica tions, he neglected to make a profession of religion while he was a member of college. At the public commencement in 1767, he was admitted to the degree of bachelor of arts, and returned to his father's house. ^ " On leaving college, Mr. Treadwell, finding himself presumptive heir of a considerable patrimony, and his father advanced in life and needing his society and aid, relinquished all views of a pro fessional life, for which he supposed himself not well qualified by nature, having few of the gifts of oratory, and being diffident of his powers of acting to advantage as a public speaker. Still he read law with an eminent jurist (Judge Hosmer, of Middletown), who pronounced him qualified for the practice ; but having it in view to enable himself the better to act the part of a useful citizen, he gave up all thoughts of professional life, and took up his abode with his father, laboring on the farm in the summer and keeping school in the winter." ******* Prof. Olmsted here enlarges upon the character of Gov. Tread well as a scholar, which we regret we have not the room to give in full. " Having at his disposal an income sufficient for a moderate sup port, he turned his thoughts towards the family state, and contract ed an alliance with Miss Dorothy Pomeroy, a young lady of Northampton, of good family and high personal accomplishments, and not the less precious in his eyes, for having when young, lis tened to the preaching of the great President Edwards. Feeling now the necessity of some fixed and productive employment, and encouraged by the success in trade experienced by several merchants of his native town, he resorted to the same employment. But through want of experience and probable want of a natural tact for such business, his adventure was unsuccessful, and he came near sacrificing in this experiment a large part or the whole of his fortune. By a happy expedient in the manufacture of nitre, then in great demand for the use of the army, near the commencement of the revolutionary war, he extricated himself from his pecuniary liabili- 2 Auiolnography. 74c 576 JOHN TREADWELL. ties, but gave up all thoughts of further prosecuting the business of a merchant. " On the birth and early death of his first child, an event which produced a remarkable impression upon his character, we find in his autobiography the following account : On the 28th of November, 1771, he^ was presented with a daughter, who, to the fond partiality of the parents, appeared to be uncommonly forward and engaging. Her health was perfect until she was about two years and three months old, when she was seized with a fever which proved incura ble. She languished under extreme distress for twenty days and then expired. The anxiety of and grief of the parents, witnessing the fatal progress of the malady, can be better conceived than ex pressed. The father, especially, was deeply sensible that the hand of God was upon him. He had neglected to dedicate himself and his dear offspring to God in the bonds of the gospel covenant. He knew that his child inherited from him a sinful nature, a child of wrath ; that if it was saved it must be as a sinner through the atonement of Christ, and sanctification of the spirit ; that although God is sovereign, and might, through the all sufficient atonement of Christ, save all infants, and indeed all men without the intervention of means, if he were pleased so to do, yet he was not bound in justice to do it, nor was it certain that any were saved without the use of means, either employed by themselves personally, or if in capable of this, by their constituted representatives. He was per suaded that the infant children of believers are proper subjects of baptism ; that when dedicated to God in that ordinance, the dedica tion would be the answer of a good conscience in the parent, and also a mean of salvation to the offspring, which God might bless for that purpose, and hopefully would, especially if taken away in in fancy ; and to neglect this mean of salvation, was in the. parent the worst of cruelty. In this extremity he could do nothing more, and certainly nothing less, than in an act of solemn worship with his wife by themselves, dedicate himself and his dying child to God through Christ, committing it, so far as he was able, into his hands, and fervently begging for its sanctification and eternal salvation; and that his sinful neglect might not be imputed to him, or issue in the eterual loss of his dear offspring. ¦ His peace of mind was, in a good measure, restored, and the child soon after died; and the parents hope in God that it has gone to rest. The result of this trying scene was so thorough a conviction of his duty, that soon after, although with a trembling heart, he made a public profession of his faith in Christ, and joined the church then under the care of the Rev. Timothy Pitkin." About this time the scenes of the American revolution were opening. He was inspired with a high sense of the value of civil liberty, and accordiugly exercised all his energies in the " grand 3 Sov. Treadwell ia his Aviobiography, speaks of himself in the third person. APPENDIX. 577 and glorious struggle for freedom," among his neighbors and towns people, as the records of his native ' town — Farmington — bear evidence. The part he took theu introduced him to political life, and "opened to him unexpectedly a career of civil offices (says Prof 0.) more numerous, aud in the aggregalc perhaps more im portant, than were ever held by any individual in the state of Connecticut." In his autobiography. Gov. T. says : " In the year 1774 and 1775, Mr. Treadwell, having thoroughly imbibed the principles of the revolution, entered with zeal into the measures adopted to carry into effect the ' Association ' recommended by the Continental Con gress, and took an active part in the proceedings of the Committee of In.-'pcf-tion and Corri'!lanter. In 1791, he made a census of the Six Nations, and completed " A statement of the numbers and situation of the Six United Nations of Indians in North America," contributing a copy to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, of which he was a member. In the summer of this year he attended the commencement at Dartmouth College, accompanied by the Indian chief Onondego, where his son, George Whitefleld, graduated. Before returning he visited Boston for the purpose of conferring with the Missionary Board ; returning to Oneida in the autumn, where he met with fresh encouragement in his religious duties. In the fall of 1791, he removed his family to Oneida. The fol lowing winter he accompanied, agreeable to the request of the Secre tary of War, forty chiefs and warriors to Philadelphia, further to consult with Congress respecting the welfare of the Six Nations, at the same time to establish a better understanding between the In- APPENDIX. 587 dians and the government. The visit was attended with highly beneficial results. " It had long been (says Dr. Norton) a favorite object with Mr. Kirkland to establish a high school or an academy in the vicinity of Oneida, and contiguous to some English settlement, at whioh both English and Indian youth might be educated. " In his journey to New York and Philadelphia, he did much to aid in this object ; and, as a result of a conference with the Gover nor and Regents of the University at New York, he took the initia tory steps towards procuring a charter for the institution. The charter was granted in 1793, and the institution incorporated under the name of Hamilton-Oneida Academy. Efe subsequently made to the institution a valuable donation in lands. This Academy went into successful operation, and exerted a powerful and benign influ ence on the whole surrounding region. In 1810, it was elevated to the rank of a college. The agency that Mr. Kirkland had in the original establishment and subsequent growth of this institution, would of itself justly entitle him to a place among public benefac tors." In January, 1788, his wife, Jerusha Bingham, died. He re mained a widower till 1796, when he married Miss Mary Donally, a lady who had long been intimate in .his family, and who had had charge of his children. " She proved (says Dr. Norton) a rich blessing to him, and enjoyed a high degree of the affectionate con fidence of his children. She died at Clinton, N. Y., August, 1839, £6. 84." In 1797, his connection with the Scotch Missionary Society was closed. In 1799, his son, George Whitefield, who was a merchant, failing in business, and for account of whom he was obligated, he lost all his property save his homestead farm. In 1805, his young est son died in Boston, and the following year his son George Whitefield died in Jamaica. These bereavements weighed heavily upon him till his death, which occurred February 28, 1808. His remains were taken to the church in the village of Clinton, where a. sermon was preached by his old friend and cotemporary in the ministry, the Rev. Dr. Norton. Mr. Kirkland had six children. Rev. John Thornton, D. D., LL.D., late President of Harvard College; George Whitefield; Samuel; Jerusha, who married John H. Lothrop, Esq., of Utica, noticed pp. 389, 390; Eliza, who married Prof. Robinson, D. D., of the New York Presbyterian Theological Seminary; and , all deceased, except Mrs. Lothrop. 588 MILES STANDISH. H. CAPTAIN MYLES STANDISH Was "a gentleman born in Lancashire (says Nathaniel Morton, Secretary to the Colony of New Plymouth, 1645), and was heir ap parent to a large estate of lands and livings, surreptitiously detained from him, his great grandfather being a second or younger brother from the house of Standish." There are two ancient houses of Standish in England. The one known as of Standish Hall, county Lancashire ; the other of Dux bury Park, same county, both families tracing their descent from Ralph de Standish — 1251. The subject of our notice appears to have inherited the military spirit for which he was so celebrated. The chronicles of Froissart giving the memorable meeting of Richard II and Wat Tyler, at Smithfield (1381), after the rebel was struck from his horse by William Walworth, the mayor of London, says, "then a squyer of the Kynges alyted, called John Standysshe, and he drewe out his sworde, and put into Wat Tyler's belye and so he dyed." For this he was knighted. Another Sir John Standish fought at the battle of Agincourt, 1415. Of the family of Standish Hall, Burke in his Encyclopedia of Heraldry, says : " derived (Arms) from Thurston de Standish, living 6 Henry III, who inherited lands in Shevington, from his mother Margaret de Standish, daughter and coheiress of Robert de Hulton. The present (1847) representative of this ancient house is Charles Strickland Standish of Standish, Esq., eldest son, by Anastasia his wife, daughter and coheiress of Brough, bart., of the late Thomas Strickland of Sizergh, county Westmoreland, Esq., who took the name and arms of Standish on inheriting the Standish estates. Sa. three standing dishes ar. Crest.- — An owl, with a rat in its talons ppr." Of the Duxbury Park family, the same authority says : " Arms derived from Hugh Standish, living 34 Edward I, second son of Ralph Standish, and grandson of Thurston de Standish living 6 Henry III. The representative of the family, 1667, Sir Richard Standish of Duxbury, was created a Baronet ; but the title expired with his great grandson. Sir Frank Standish, the third Baronet, in 1812; the estate devolving on his cousin, Frank Hall, Esq., great grandson of Sir Thomas Standish, the second Baronet, through that gentleman's daughter Margaret. Mr. Hall assumed on inheriting APPENDIX. 589 the name and arms of Standish, but d. s. p. in 1841, and was suc ceeded by his cousin William Standish Carr, of Cocken Hall, county Durham, Esq., grandson of Rev. Ralph Carr, M. A., Rector of Al- derleigh, coun|y Chester, by Ann his wife, daughter of Anthony Hall, of Flass, county Durham, Esq., and Margaret his wife, daugh ter of Sir Thomas Standish of Duxbury, bart. Mr. Carr assumed by sign manual, 6th May, 1841, the surname and arms of Standish only, and is the present AVilliam Standish Standish of Dux bury Park. Esq. Az. three standing dishes, two and one ar. Crest. — A cock ar. combed and wattled gu."i " All which I (says Rev. Dr. Belknap^) have been able to collect relative to the family of Standish, is as follows : " Henry Standish, a Franciscan, D. D., of Cambridge, Bishop of St. Asaph, before the reformation, was a bigot to Popery. Falling down on his knees, before King Henry VIII, he petitioned him to continue the religious establishment of his ancestors. This prelate died A. D. 1535, at a very advanced age. " John Standish, ^ nephew to Henry, wrote a book against the translation of the bible into the English language, and presented it to the Parliament. He died in 1556 in the reign of Queen Mary. — Fuller's Worthies of England. Sir Richard Stam/ish, of Whittle, near Chorley. In his grounds a lead mine was discovered, not long before 1695, and wrought with good success. N^ear the same place is a quarry of mill stones. — Camden's Brittania. The village of Standish, and seat called Standish Hall, are situ ate near the river Douglass, in Lancashire, between the towns of Chorley and Wigan, which are about six miles distant. Wigan is nine miles north of Warrington on the southern side of the coun- try." This family (says Benham in his Baronetcy of England),, is of good antiquity and note, being denominated from the lordship of Standish in Lancashire in their possession for many ages. But many of the ancient records and evidences of the family are so worn out by time, and wrote in such strange hands, that no more can be gathered from them than that follows." * ^ * h< * 1 SiAsniSH, Lancaster, a parish in the hund. and deanery of Leyland, union of Wigan; the parish includes the townsnips of Adlington, Anderton, Charnock-Heath, Char nock- Richard, Coppul, Duxbury, Shevington. Standish with Langtree, Welsh- Whittle, and Worthington; 199 miles from Loudon (coai-h road 204), 4 from Wigan, 13 from Preston. Nor. West Rail, through Crewe to M'igan, thence 3 miles; from Derby, through Crewe, &c., 99 miles. * * * * Tne church is one of the finest in Lancashire, The free grammar school, founded in 1603 by Mrs. Mary Langton, is endowed for the sustenance of a master and usher ; and in 1794, Mrs. Mary Smalley bequeathed £1.000 for the endowment of a school in which 20 girls are educated. The other annuities produce about £20 per annum. There are several seams of coal in the parish, and hand-loom weaving is, for the size of the place, rather extensively carried on. The living, a rectory in the diocese of -Manchester, is valued at £4a.l6s.8d; present net income, £1.874; pa tron. Dr. Brandreth, 1841; present incumVient, W. H. Braodreth, 1841 : contains 15,190 acres, 1,313 houses; population, in 1841. S,686; do. in 1851, 9,989; assessed property £33,170: poor rates in 1848, £890. 8tandi.>sh Hnll in the seat of Charles Standish. Esq.; Duxbury Park that of W. S. Standish. ^?(\."— British Gazetteer, London. St \ndish, a parish of Enf^land, co. of Lancaster, 3>i m. N. N. W. of Wigan, on the Prbston :ind W \ TH Kailway. Population emploj (id in manufactures of cotton and linen, and i j coal mines. — Lippin/xiWs Gazetteer, 1855. 2 American Biography, or an historical account of those persons who have been distinguished in America, as adventurers, statesmen, philosophers, divines, warriors, authors, Ac," by Jeremy Belknap, D. D. Isaiah Thomas and E. T. Andrews, Boston, July 1798. 590 MILES STANDISH. Burke in his Dormant Baronetages traces the families of Stan- dishes of Standish and Duxbury, to the same ancestor. Jordon, son of Ralph, son of Thurstin de Standish, is the founder of the family of Standish, while Hugh, his brother, is the progenitor of the house of Duxbury These two families became respectively Catholics and Protestants. Miles Standish was of the family of Standish Hall. The precise date of his birth is not known. From evidence ob tained by J. ,W. R. Bromley, Esq., in England in 1846, it is con jectured that he was born in 1584. He went to the Netherlands in the army sent over by Queen Elizabeth to assist the Dutch in their struggle against the troops of Philip III, King of Spain. On or soon after the coming of the Rev. John Robinson and his fellow separatists into Holland, he made their acquaintance and became a member of their church, and he and his wife Rose embarked with the Pilgrims in the Speedwell at Delft Haven, for America, where they finally arrived in the Mayflower, and landed on Plymouth rock, the ever memorable 20th of December, 1620, he having been previously appointed commander of a party of sixteen men to land and make discoveries. His wife died the 29th of the succeeding month. Very soon after her decease, tradition says, he set about seeking another companion. His young friend and fellow voyager, John Alden,' who was a member of his family, a young man of agreeable manner and fine personal appearance, was chosen by him to visit a neighbor, one William Mullins, a worthy man, for the pur pose of asking of him in the name of his principal the privilege of paying court to his daughter, who was fair and comely. He went, it is said, and faithfully made known the captain's wishes. The lady's father did not object, as might have been expected from the recent bereavement of the suitor, as well as from the unfriendly terms that had unfortunately existed between them ; but he unhesitatingly gave his consent, saying at the same time, that his daughter must be first consulted. So accordingly the fair damsel was called into the room ; and on her entering the young and handsome ambassador arose, and with all the self possession he could command, made known the ob ject of his mission. The interview is thus happily described by Henry W. Longfellow in his poem entitled Courtship of Miles Standish. Ticknor & Fields, Boston, 1858. " So I have come to you, now with an offer aud proffer of marriage Made by a good man and true, Miles Standish the Captain of Plymouth ! " Thus he delivered his message, the dexterous writer of letters ; Did not embellish the theme, nor array it in beautiful phrases, But came straight to the point, and blurted it out like a schoolboy ; 3 " He professed mucli native talent, was decided, ardent, resolute and persevering, indifferent to danger, a bold and hardy man, stern, austere, and unyielding; of exemniary piety, and of incorruptible iutegrityj an iron nerved Puritan, who could bew down forests and live on crumbs."— Thacher's Hut. qf ille Dawn qf P. N. ]3.— The above quoted words are used in describing the character of Capt. Standish In a note to an article entitled the History qf the PUgrim Society, p. 119 N. E. Rec., 1847, wbich we thinli more befitting than iu connection with Alden. APPENDIX. 591 Even the Captain himself could hardly have said it more bluntly. Mute with amazement and sorrow, Priscilla the Puritan maiden Looked into Alden's face, her eyes dilated with wonder. Feeling his words like a blow, that stunned her aud rendered her speech less ; Till at length she exclaimed, interrupting the ominous silence: "If the great Captain of Plymouth is so very eager to wed me, Why does he not come himself, aud take the trouble to woo me ? If I am not worth the wooing, I surely am not worth the winning ! " Then John Alden began explaining and smoothing the matter. Making it worse as he went, by saying the Captain was busy, — Had no time for such things ; — such things ! the words grating harshly Fell on the ears of Priscilla ; and swift as a flash she made answer : " Has he no time for such things, as you call it, before he is married? Would he be likely to find it, or make it after the wedding ? That is the way with you men ; you don't understand us, you can not. When you have made up your minds, after thinking of this one, and that one. Choosing, selecting, rejecting, comparing one with another, Then you make known your desire, with abrupt aud sudden avowal, And are offended and hurt, and indignant, perhaps, that a woman Does not respond at once to a love that she never suspected. Does not attain at a bound the height to whioh you have been climbing. This is not right or just ; for surely a woman's affection Is not a thing to be asked for, and for only the asking. When oue is truly in love, one uot only says it, but shows it. Had he but waited a while, had he only showed that he loved me, Even this Captain of yours — who knows ? at last might have won me. Old and rough as he is ; but now never can happen? " Still John Alden went on, unheeding the words of Priscilla, Urging the suit of his friend, explaining, persuading, expanding ; Spoke of his courage a,nd skill, and of all his battles in Flanders, How with the people of God he had chosen to suffer aflliction. How in return for his zeal, they had made him Captain of Plymouth ; He was a gentleman born, could trace his pedigree plainly Back to Hugh Standish of Duxbury Hall, iu Lancashire, England, Who was the son of Ralph, and the grandson of Thurston de Standish ; Heir unto vast estates, of which he was basely defrauded, .Still bore the family arms, and had for his crest a cock argent Combed wattled gules, and all the rest of the blazon. He was a man of honor, of noble and generous nature ; Thouffh he was rough, he was kindly ; she knew him during the winter He attended the sick, with a hand as gentle as woman's ; Somewhat hasty and hot, he could not deny it, and headstrong, Stern as a soldier might be, but hearty, and placable always, Not to be laughed at and scorned, because he was little of stature ; For he was great of heart, magnanimous, courtly, courageous ; Any woman in Plymouth, nay, any woman iu England, Might be happy and proud to be called the wife of Miles Standish ! But as he warmed and he glowed, in his simple and eloquent language, Quite forgetful of self, and full of praise of his rival, Archly the maiden smiled, and, with eyes overrunning with laughter. Said in a tremulous voice, '¦ Why don't you speak for yourself, John? " Into the open air, John Alden, perplexed and bewildered, Bushed like a man insane, and wandered alone by the seaside; Paced up aud down the sands, and bared his head to the east wind, 76 592 MILES STANDISH. Slowly as out of the heaven, apocalyptical splendors, Sank the city of God, in the vision of Johu, the Apostle, So, with its cloudy walls of chrysolite, jasper and sapphire. Sank the broad red sun, and over its turrets uplifted, Glimmered the golden reed of the -angel who measured the city. * ^^ * * *,* * * * * We here leave John Alden, adding only that they were made, after much tribulation, one.* Tradition says that the captain never forgave his young friend. As he married soon after a lady by the Christian name of Barbara, who it is supposed came over in the second vessel in 1621, their long intercourse in the government of the colony, the intermarriage of their children, and their church connections, would lead us to suppose that time, the healer of all wounds (even of the heart), did its work with the impetuous Standish. On the 17th of March, 1621, the colonists met to establish a mili tary organization among themselves, when he was regularly chosen as their captain, and he was very soon called into active service. For his expeditions among the treacherous inhabitants of the forest, he seldom selected more than a score of men to accompany him. In this way, he was enabled to enter unobserved into their midst, and by bold and decisive action strike terror among them. In 1622 the settlement of Plymouth was enclosed and fortified, and the de fence of the place was committed to his charge. He organized the adult male inhabitants into four divisions, selecting from the most reliable suitable officers to act under his orders. In February 1623, he was Sent with six men on a trading voyage to Matachiest, an Indian settlement, between what is now Barnstable and Yar mouth ; a storm came up during the first night, filling the harbor with ice and compelling him and his men to seek refuge in a hut be longing to the Indians. They collected in numbers with seeming friendship, but he like a true soldier kept a part of his men on watch while others slept. In the morning it was discovered that they had committed depredations upon his shallop. He immediately went with his entire force, surrounded the house of their chief lanough, and obliged him to find the depredators and restore the stolen property. This decided action on the part of Standish, gave the savages to understand that he was a man not to be trifled with, and they furnished him with a load of corn, when he departed for Plymouth where he arrived safely. These circumstances caused the colonists to suspect that all was not right among their red brethren, and the following month discovered 4 Horses not being in use in the Colony at this time, it was common for the people to ride on bulla, arid there is a tradition (says Thacher), when Joha Alden went to Cape Cod to he married to Priscilla Mullens, he covered his bull with a handsome piece of broadcloth and rode on his back. On his return he seated his bride on the bull, and led the uncouth animal by a rope fixed in the nosing. This sample of primitive gallantry would ill compare with Abraham's servant, when, by proxy, he gallanted Rebekah on her journey with a splendid retiome of damsels and servants seated on camels (Gen. ch. 24). Had the servant employed bulls, instead of camels, it may be doubted whether Kebekah would have been quite so prompt in accepting bis proposals. xVPPENDIX. 593 IS a conspiracy existing among them to destroy the whites. At th.„ time the capt^iin was sent to Manomet, a creek which runs through the town of Sandwich, and empties into the upper part of Buzzards Bay. He was not received with that cordiality which he had been led to expect from the manner they had welcomed Gov. Bradford the fall before, when the governor was there to engage the corn that he had now come to receive. Two Indians (we quote from Belknap) from Massaehu,setts were there, one of whom had an iron dagger, which he had gotten from some of Weston's people at Wessagus- set (Weymouth), and which he gave to Canacum, the sachem of Manomet. in the view of Standish. The present was accompanied with a speech, which the captain did not then perfectly understand, but the purport of it was, '¦ that the English were too strong for the Massachusetts Indians to attack without help from others ; be cause if they should cut off the people in their bay, yet they feared that those of Plymouth would revenge their death. He therefore invited the Sachem to join with them, and destroy both colonies. He magnified his strength and courage, derided the Europeans be cause he had seen them die, crying and making faces like children." An Indian of Paomet, was present who had formerly been friendly, and now professed the same kindness, offering his personal service to get the corn on board the shallop, though he had never done such work before ; and inviting the captain to lodge in his hut, as the weather was cold. Standish passed the night by his fire, but though earnestly pressed to take his rest, kept himself continually in mo tion, and the next day, by the help of the squaws, got his corn on board, and returned to Plymouth. It was afterwards discovered that this Indian intended to kill him if he had fallen asleep. The conspiracy was discovered by Winslow while on a visit to Massasoit. The first victims of the slaughter were to have been the colonists sent out by Weston, at Wessagusset. John Sanders, over seer of Weston's colony, was absent at the time on the coast in pur suit of provisions. The Indians, taking advantage of his absence, became openly hostile, so much so that it became necessary to send a force there not only to protect the colonists, but to crush the conspiracy ; a party, under command of Standish, was accordingly sent. Mr. Winslow, in his narrative, gives the following account of the expedition : •¦ The 2.3d of March [162.3] being yearly court day, we came to this conclusion, that Captain StandLsh should take as many men as he thought sufficient to make his party good against all the Indians in the Massachusetts Bay; because it is impossible to deal with them upon open defiance, but to take them in such traps as they lay for others, therefore that he should pretend, as at other times ; but first go to the English and acquaint them with the plot and the end of his own coming, that by comparing it with their own carriage toward them he might better judge of the certainty of it, and more fitly take opportunity to revenge the same, but should forbear, if it 594 MILES STANDISH. were possible, till at such time as he could make sure of Wittuwa- mat, a bloody and bold villian, whose head he had orders to bring with him. Upon this Captain Standish made choice of eight men, and would not take more because he would prevent jealousy. On the next day, before he could go, came one^ of Weston^s company to us, with a pack on his back, who made a pitiful narration of their lamentable and weak estate, and of the Indians' carriage, whose bold ness increased abundantly, insomuch that they would take the vic tuals out of their pots and eat before their faces ; yea, if in anything they gainsayed them, they were ready to hold a knife at their breasts. He said that to give them content they had hanged one^ of the company who had stolen their corn, and yet they regarded it not; that another of them had turned savage; that their people had mostly forsaken the town, and made their rendezvous where they got their victuals, because they would not take pains to hving 5 "His name was Phineas Pratt; an Indian followed him to kill him, but by missing his way, he escaped and got into Plymouth. This man was living in 1677, when Mr. Hubbard wrote his history. The Indian that followed him went to Manomet, and on hie return visited Ply mouth, where he was put in irons."— Hubbard's Ms. 6 Mr. Hubbard's account of this matter is as follows: "The company, as some report, pre tended, in way of satisfaction, to punish him that did the theft; but m his stead, hanged a poor, decrepid old man that was unserviceable to the company, and burdensome to keep alive. This was the ground of the story, with which the merry gentleman that wrote the poem called Hudibras, did in his poetical fancy, make so much sport. The inhabitancs of Plymouth tell the story much otherwise, as if the person hanged, was really guilty of stealing, as were many of the rest. Yet it is possible that justice may be executed, not on him that most deserved it, but on him that could best be spared, or was not likely to live long, if he had been let alone " The lines referred to in Hudibras, are in Part II, Canto II, commencing with line 403: Though nice and dark the point appear (Quoth Kalph), it may hold up and clear. That Sinners may supply the place Of sufF'ring (saints, is a plain case. Justice gives sentence many times On one man for another's crimes. Our brethren of New England use Choice malefactors to excuse, And hang the guiltless in their stead. Of whom the churches have less need ; As lately 't happened : In a town There lived a Cobbler, and but one, That out of Doctrine could cut use. And mend men's lives as well as shoes. This precious Brother having slain In time of peace ao Indian, Not out of malice, but mere zeal (Because he was an Infidel), The mighty Tottipottymoy Sent to our Elders an Envoy, Complaining sorely of the breach Of league, held forth by Brother Patch, Against the articles in force Between both churches, hia and ours ; For which he crav'd the Saints to render Into his hands, or hang th' offender. But they maturely having weigh'd They had no more but him o' th' trade (A man that serv'd them in a double Capacity, to teach and cobble), Resolv'd to spare him ; yet, to do The Indian Iloghan Moghan, too, Impartial justice, in his stead did Hang au old Weaver that was bed-rid. Then wherefore may not you be skipp'd. And in your room another whipp'd ? For all philosophers but the Skeptic, Hold whipping may be sympathetic. This story is (says History N. E. chap, iii, p. 102) here most ridiculously caricatured as a slur npon the churches of New England. We do not find that the people of Weston's plantation had any church . they were a set of needy adventurers, intent only on getting a subsistence Mr Neal says, that 'he obtained a patent under i»-ete7ice of propagatmg the discipline of the church of England m America." APPENDIX. 595 it home ; that they had sold their clothes for corn, and were ready to perish with hunger and cold, and that they were dispersed into three companies, having scarcely any powder and shot. As this relation was grievous to us, so it gave us good encouragement to proceed, and the wind coming fair next day, March 25, Captain Standish being now fitted set forth for iMassachusetts. " The captain being come to Massachusetts, went first to the ship, but found neither man or dog therein. On the discharge of a mus ket, the masters and some- others showed themselves, who were on shore gathering ground nuts and other food. After salutation. Cap tain Standish asked, how they durst so leave the ship, and live in such security ? They answered, like men senseless of their own misery, that they feared not the Indians, but lived and suffered them to lodge with them, not having sword or gun, or needing the same. To which the captain replied, that if there was no cause, he was glad. But upon further inquiry, understanding that those in whom John Sanders had reposed most confidence, were at the plantation, thither he went, and made known the Indians' purpose, and the end of his own coming; and told them that if they durst not stay there, it was the intention of the governor and people of Plymouth to receive them, till they could be better provided for. These men answered that they could expect no better, and it was God's mercy that they were not killed before his coming, desiring that he would neglect no opportunity to proceed ; hereupon he advised them to secrecy, and to order one-third of their company that were farthest off to come home, and on pain of death to keep there, himself allow ing them a pint of corn to a man, for a day, though that was spared out of our feed The weather proving very wet and stormy, it was the longer before he could do anything. " In the meantime, an Indian came to him and brought some furs, but rather to get what he could from the captain, than to trade, and though the captain carried things as smoothly as he could, yet, as his return, the Indian reported that he saw by his eyes that he was angry in his heart, and therefore began to suspect themselves dis covered. This caused one Pecksuot, who was a Pinese (chief), being a man of notable spirit to come to Hobamock (Standish's Indian guide and interpreter), and tell him that he understood the captain had come to kill himself and the rest of the savages there. ' Tell him,' said he, ' we know it, but fear him not, neither will we shun him, but let him begin when he dare, he shall not take us un awares.' " Many times after, divers of them, severally or a few together, came to the plantation, where they would whet and sharpen the point of their knives before his face, and use many other insulting gestures and speeches. Among the rest Wittuwamat bragged of the excellency of his knife, on the handle of which was pictured a wo man's face. ' But,' .said he, ' I have another at home, wherewith I have killed both French and English, and that hath a man's face 596 MILES STANDISH. on it, and by and by, these two must be married.' Further he said of that knife which he there had, ' Hinnaim namen, binnaim mich- en, matta cuts,' that is to say, ' by and by it should see, by and by, it should eat, but not speak.' Also, Pecksuot being a man of great er stature than the captain, told him : ' Though you are a great captain, yet you are but a little man ; though I be no sachem, yet I am a man of great strength and courage.' These things the captain observed, but bore them with great patience. "On the next day, seeing he could not get many of them togeth er at once, but Pecksuot and Wittuwamat being together, with another man and the brother of Wittuwamat, a youth of eighteen, putting many tricks on the weaker sort of men, and having about as many of his own men in the same room, the captain gave the word to his men, and the door being fast shut, he began himself with Pecksuot, and snatching his knife from his neck, after much struggling, killed him therewith ; the rest killed Wittuwamat and the other man ; the youth they took and hanged. It is incredible, how many wounds these men received before they died, not making any fearful noise, but catching at their weapons, and striving to the last. Hobomock stood by as a spectator, observing how our men demeaned themselves in the action ; which being ended, he smiling, broke forth and said : ' Yesterday Pecksuot bragged of his strength and stature, and told you that though you were a great captain, yet you were but a little man ; .but to-day, I see you are big enough to lay him on the ground.'' " There being some women at the same time there. Captain Stan dish left them in the custody of Weston's people, at the town, and sent word to another company to kill those Indian men that were among them. These killed two more. Himself with some of his own men went to another place and killed another, but through the negligence of one man an Indian escaped, who discovered and crossed their proceedings. '' Captain Standish took one-half of his men, with one or two of Weston's and Hobamock, still seeking them. At length they espied a file of Indians making towards them, and there being a small advantage in the ground by reason of a hill, both companies strove for it. Captain Standish got it, whereupon the Indians 7 Hobormlc. This friend of the English early adopted the Christian religion, and became an inmate of Capt. Standish's family, whom he was accustomed to accompany on his expeditions, as a guide and interpreter, and was often of great service to the English, with whom he con tinued till his death in perfect friendship. It is said that he was a notable pinese or chief counsellor of Massasoit; yet he prefered to remain true to tho interests of the English, rather than live in perfect enjoyment of those honors which his rank in the councils of his nation would secure to him. His attachment to the English was ever manifested, and in all tho secret plots of the Indians, he was their steadfast friend and adviser. It is said of him, during the severe drought in 162.3 (which lasted from early in May, to the middle of July, wherebv the Jinglishwere in great danger of famine, on account of the destruction of their crops), when visited by Mr, Alden, he broke out in language like this : '• I am much troubled for the Enirlish, lor 1 ani afraid they will lose all their corn by the drought, aud so they will be all starved ; as lor the Indians, they can shift better for themselves." But when afterwards he mot him, after their supplications for rain had been answered by Divine Providence, he said: "Now I see inghshman's fcod is a good God, for he hath heard you and sent you rain, and that without storms, tempests and thunders, which usually we have with our rain, which breaks down our corn, but yours stand whole and good still; surely your God is a good God." He died in 1042 having served the colonists for nearly twenty years faithfully and cheerfully.-JVoJe to Hist. oJt APPENDIX. 597 retreated and took each man his tree, letting fly their arrows amain, especially at himself and Hobamock, whereupon Hobamock cast off his coat and chased them so fiist that our people were not able to hold way with him. They could have but one certain mark, the arm and half the face of a notable villian as he drew (his bow) at Captain Standish, and break his arm, whereupon they fled into a swamp. When they were in a thicket they parlied, but got nothing but foul language, so our Captain dared the Sachem to come out and fight like a man, showing how base and womanlike he was in tongueing it as he did, but he refused and fied, so the Captain re turned to the plantation where he released the women, and took not their beaver coats from them, nor suffered the least discourtesy to be offered them. " Now were Weston's people resolved to leave the plantation and go to Monhegan, hoping to get passage and return [to England] with the fishing ships. The Captain told them he durst live there with fewer men than they were, yet since they were otherwise minded, according to his orders from the Grovernor and people of Plymouth, he would help them with corn, which he did, scarce leaving himself with more than brought them home. Some of them disliked going to Monhegan, and desiring to go with him to Plymouth, bringing the head of Wittuwamet, which was set up on a fort.* " This sudden and unexpected execution, hath so terrified and amazed the other people who intended to join with the Massachu- sencks against us, that they forsook their houses, running to and fro like men distracted ; living in swamps, and other desert places, and so brought diseases upon themselves, whereof many are dead ; a Canacum, Sachem of Manomet ; Aspinet of Nanset ; and lanough of Matachiest. This Sachem (lanough) in the midst of these dis tractions, said, ' the God of the JEnglish was offended with them, and would destroy them in his anger.' From one of these places, a boat was sent with presents to the governor, hoping thereby to work their peace ; but the boat was lost, and three of the people drowned, only one escaped, who returned ; so that none of them durst come among us." The Indian (says Dr. Belknap) who had been confined at Ply mouth on his examination, confessed the plot ; in which five per sons were principally concerned, of whom two were killed. He protested his own innocence, and his life was spared, on condition he would carry a message to his Sachem, Obtakiest, demanding three of Weston's men, whom he held in custody. A woman returned with his answer, that the men were killed before the message arrived, for which he was very sorry. 8 This mar excite in some minds an objection to the humanity of our forefathers. The reason assigned for it is, that it might prove a terror to others. In matters of war and public fustice they observed the customs and laws of the English nation. As late as the year 17^7, the heads of the lords, who were concerned in the Scots rebellion, were set up over Temple Bar, the most freauented passage hetween London and Westminster.— Jlr. Bellcnap. 598 MILES STANDISH. Thus ended Weston's plantation within one year after it began. He had been one of the adventurers to Plymouth ; but quitted them and took a separate patent ; and his plantation was intended to rival that of Plymouth. He did not come in person to America, till after the dispersion of his people, some of whom he found among the eastern fishermen, and from whom he first heard of the ruin of his enterprise. In a storm he was cast away between the rivers Pascataqua and Merrimack, and was robbed by the natives of all which he saved from the wreck. Having borrowed a suit of clothes from some of the people at Pascataqua, he went to Plymouth, where in consideration of necessity, the government lent him two hundred weight of beaver, with which he sailed to the eastward, and such of his own people as were disposed to accompany him. He never re paid the debt (says Prince) but with enmity and reproach. When the intelligence of the affair between Standish and Peck suot reached the Rev. Mr. Robinson at Leyden, he wrote to the church at Plymouth " to consider the disposition of their captain, who was a warm temper. He hoped that the Lord had sent him among them for good, if they used him right; but he doubted whether there was not wanting that tenderness of the life of man, made after God's image, which was meet ; and he thought it would have been happy if they had converted some before they had killed any." " Truly are these words (says Winsor, in his His. of Dux.) a monument to the character of Robinson, alike honorable and Chrsitianlike. But consider the situation of Standish ; upon his decisive action at this moment, we cannot but feel that depended much, not merely the preservation of the company to whose succor he had come, but the existence, perhaps, of the whole colony. Had they been successful in their designs here, elated by their recent victory, they would have made the settlement of Plymouth the next object for their depredations, and the lives of the whole colony would have fallen victims to their cruel barbarity. This was not distant from the foresight of the captain. He struck a mighty blow and by determined action in time of doubt dispelled the fears of his followers and sent terror upon the enemy. His action needs no apology. He acted but the part of a brave defender of his country, who feels that upon his own vigorous exertions the defence of the people depends. And, says his biographer, men of his profession will admire his couragCj his promptitude and decision in the execu tion of his orders. No one has ever charged him either with failures in point of obedience, or of wantonly exceeding the limits of his com mission. He is called by Prince, one of those heroes of antiquity who choose to suffer affliction with the people of God ; who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, waxed valiant in fight, aud turned to flight the armies of the aliens." * * ^|c * * * The next scene in which we see Captain Standish, was where the fishermen of Plymouth had erected a stage at Cape Ann, which APPENDIX. 599 was taken possession of in 1625 by a company from the west of England. Standish was ordered to retake it, and met with a refu sal. _ The dispute grew warm, and came near resulting in open hos tilities, which was only avoided by prudential means being taken by Roger Conant, the agent for the opposing party, and captain of the ship that brought the west countrymen over. The affair was compromised by the ship's crew building another stage for the Ply mouth fishermen. Standish's conduct on this occasion was severe ly criticised by the friends of the west country adventurers. Mr. Hubbard, in his Ms., p. 84, noticing the affair, says : " He had been bred a soldier in the low countries, and never entered into the school of Christ, or of John the Baptist ; or if he ever was there, he had forgot his first lessons, to offer violence to no man, and to part with the cloak, rather than needlessly contend for the coat, though taken away without order. A little chimney is soon fired, so was the Plymouth captain, a man of very small stature, yet of a very hot and angry temper. The fire of his passion soon kindled, and, blown into a flame by hot words, might easily have consumed all, had it not been seasonably quenched." The same writer, on another occasion, showed a better state of mind when he spoke of him as a " gentleman very expert in military service, by whom the people were all willing to be ordered in those concerns. He was likewise improved (employed) to good accept ance and success in affairs of the greatest moment in that colony, to whose interest he continued firm and steadfast to the last, and always managed his trust with great integrity and faithfulness." In the autumn of 1625 he was sent over to England as agent of the colonists, to settle some matters of difference between them and merchants of London, their correspondents ; at the same time to further their interests with the Council of New England.' Though there was a pestilence or plague existing in London at the time, he accomplished the objects of his mission and returned again to the colony in 1626, bringing with him the sad news of the death of Mr. Robinson, their pastor. About this time, attempts were being made to form colonies within Massachusetts bay, at Cape Ann and Pascataqua (Morton Memorial). One of these colonies was under the direction of a Captain Wollaston, a man of some weight and influence. " He (says Dr. Belknap) pitched on the southern side of the bay, at the head of the creek, and called an adjoining hill Mount Wollaston (Quincy). One of his company was Tliomas Morton, ' a pettifog ger of Furnival's Inn,' who had some property of his own, or of other men committed to him. After a short trial, Wollaston not 9 " 1625 * * * Merchant adventurers of London sent two ships on a trading voyage to New England • on their return they were laden with dry flsh and furs ; the smaller ship was towed by the larger till they reached the English channel, when, being cast off, she was captured by a Turkish man-of-war, and carried Into Sallee, where the master and his men were made slaves."— Thacher's Hist, qf P. ^ , a -j *; ,i j Capt standish was a passenger m the larger vessel, and providentially escaped. 77 600 MILES STANDISH. finding his expectations realized, went to Virginia, with a great part of the servants ; and being better pleased with that country, sent for the rest to come to him. Morton thought this a proper oppor tunity to make himself head of the company ; and in a drunken frolic, persuaded them to depose Filcher, the Lieutenant, and set up for liberty and equality. Under this influence they soon became licentious and debauched. They sold their goods to the natives for furs, taught them the use of .arms, and employed them in hunting. They invited and received fugitives from all the neighboring settlements, and thus endangered their safety, and obliged them to unite their strength in opposition to them. Captain Endicott, from Naumkeag, made them a visit, and gave them a small check by cutting down a Maypole which they had erected as a central point of dissipation and extravagance, but it was reserved for Captain Standish to break up their infamous combination. After repeated friendly admonitions, which were disregarded, at the request and joint expense^" of the scattered planters, and by order of the government of Plymouth, he went to Mount Wollaston and summoned Morton to surrender. Morton prepared for his defence, armed his adherents, heated them with liquor, and answered Standish with abusive language ; but when he stepped out of his house to take aim at his antagonist, the captain seized his musket with one hand, and his collar with the other, and made him prisoner. The others quietly submitted. No blood was shed, nor a gun fired. They were all conducted to Plymouth, from thence sent to England, where Morton was treated with less severity than he deserved, and was permitted to return and disturb the settlement, till the establishment of the IMassachusetts Colony, when he retired to Pascataqua, and there ended his days." Capt. Standish removed with his family to the north-west side of Plymouth harbor," in 16.31, but returned to Plymouth to spend the 10 From the bill of expense, sent to the Council of New England, may be seen the uumber and ability of the plantations in 1628 : Plymouth contributed £2.10 Naumkeag (Salem), 1.10 Puscataquack (Mason's company) 2.10 Mr. Jeffery and Mr. Burslem, 2.00 Nantascot 1.10 Mr. Thompson (Bauantum neck), 15 Mr. Blackston (Boston), 12 Mr. Edward Uitton (Doverj, 1.00 See Gov. Bradford's Letter Book, iu His. Soe. QM., m, 63 (IJelknap). £12.07 11 Brewster was also a settler on this neck, and in tbe neighborhood of the captain, whose house was situated to the south-east of the Mill, on a knoll near tfie shore. The sea, it is said traditionally, once flowed between this and Captain's hill, thus forming a neck, at the extremity of which was situated his house which stood probably about thirty rods from the bank, although it is not now more than as many yards. The bank here has been continually washing away, and since the beginning of the present century, thirty feet are known to have gone. And within the same period, there have been seen, about sixty feet from the present bank, two stumps of trees, each larger than a barrel. To the south of the house, where there is now a salt flat, not many years ago were to be seen four acres of good corn, nnd was originally covered with a growth of hickory. This is the fact as given me by Mr. Kent, who received it from Ezekiel Soule, Esq., who was informed of it hy Mr. I'lbenezer Bartlett, who died in 1781, aged S7 vears, and who related it from his own experience. There is but little doubt, tbat at the time of the settlement of Standish, this whole peninsula, or nearly the whole of it. was one thick forest. Until a few years ago, there were standing in another part of the neck, flvi. large sized and aged whitewood trees, which boro the appellation APPENDIX. 601 winter, to be the better enabled to attend public worship. In the following spring he was joined by his friends John Alden, Jonathan Brewster, Thomas Preneo (Priiu-e), and their f^imilies. The place received the name ot Duxbury. or burrough, or burrow, in compli ment to him, from Duxbury Hall, the seat of his family in England. The place at which ho settled is in the south-eastern part of the town, on the peninsula from which arises the hill known us " Cap tain's Hill." At a meeting of the (reneral Court, Jamiary first, 1632, he was elected a member of the same, which office he held, with the excep tion of a few terms, till his death. He was appointed, March 2, 1035-6, to drill the men of Ply mouth and Duxbury in the use of arms, agreeable to the following order of the (leneral Court : Alfo, it was ordered and agreed upon that Captaine Myles Standilh and Lieuten*^ Will. Holmes be employed in teaching the ufe of armes at the towne of Plymouth and Duxburrow, according to fuch order as fhall be taken thereabout ; and the faid lieutenant have Hkewife the charge of the guarde of the towne, to fee their duty faithfully pformed; each of them having for their paines the fum of twenty pounds for this prefent yeare, to be paid in the beginning of Novemb^ next enfuing, either in money, corne, or beaver, as it fhall then paiTe. In 1637 the troubles with the Pequots commenced, when the General Court, consisting of William Bradford, gent., Gournor ; Captain Myles Standish, Thomas Prence, Tymothy Hatherley, and John Jenney, gentlemen, met and made the following order : of the "Brewster trees," and situated near the iVook point. Primeval forest trees were also standing at other places until of late years. The point called "" JCagle's West," without doubt look its name from circumstances which the name indicates, as the trees, a few years ago stand ing bere, continued to be a favorite place of these birds. Tbe surface of the land in this vicinity, is probably now two or more feet higher than it was two centuries ago, owing to the vast drifts of sand which have been here formed. Standish probably bailt his house about the time of his first coming to Duxbury, or about the year 1632. It was occupied by him until his death in 1656. His son Alexander then succeeded to the estate, who, it is said, built addition to it, in which he kept a store; and io corroboration of this tradition, it may not be knowd, tbat leaden weights have been found in the remains of this part of the building. A few years a^o, when discoveries were first made here by Mr. Kent, the foundation stones were nearly in their original positions. The cement employed was evi dently ground clam shell:^, and the roof was thatched The outline of the house is now hardly di.'Jtinguishable. We have a tradition that it was burned down, and this is substantiated by the evident traces of fire still to be seen— but at what time is not perfectly known, though it has beeu supposed about the-year 1665 About twenty or more years ago. Mr. Kent, then ;pastor of the church in the town, first opened the ground about the site. The first substance discovered was a quantity of barley, perfectly charred, and apparently inwrapped in a blanket. This was found in the east comer of the site, which was thought to be a small cellar. At tbe chimney in the new part were found the ashea. aa perfectly fresh as though the fire had but just been extinguished; and here also was found a portion of an andiron, an iron pot, and other articles. In. other parts of the ground there was discovered a buccaneer gun-lock, a sickle, a hammer, a whetstone, a large hinge, a scythe wedge, portions of stone jugs and other pieces of earthenware : large quantities of glass, and some beads, some of which show the action of great heat; several buckles, and among others a sword buckle; a brass kettle, a pair of scissors, a small glass phial, chisels and files, parts of pipes, and other articles of household use. There were also found a deer's hom, aud a tomahawk of fine workmanship, possibly the veritable instrument of Hobo- mok. Here I may obperve, that numerous instruments of Indian manufacture have been ploughed up in various parts of the town, such as stoue axes, tomahawks, arrowheads and "¦ou^'es generally all of perfect form. Many of these curiosities are in the cabinet of the Rev. Benjamin Kent, whose museum, at the close of his labors at Duxbury, contained upwards of four thousand specimens, collected by many years' assiduous attention to the subject. Some few rods to the southward of the hou.oe, in a hollow towards the shore^ is situated Stan- dishes Spring It has probably never been disturbed since the hero himself, more than two hundred years ago, first laid the stones around. Its water is clear, and is with a white sandy bottom and it has never been known to have been ary.— Hist, qf Duxbury. 602 MILES STANDISH. It is concluded and enafted by the Court, that the Colony of New Plymouth fliall fend forth ayd to affift them of MalTachufetts Bay and Conneftacutt in their warre againft the Pequin Indians, in revenge of the inocent blood of the Englilh w'^'' the {^ Pequins have barbaroufly flied, and refufe to give fatiffaftion for. It is alfo enadled by the Court that there fhall be thirty pfons fent for land fervice, and as many others as Ihall be fufficient to manage the barge. Lieutenant William Holmes is eledled to goe leader of the faid company. Plymouth Rec. Court Orders, i, p. 60. This war ended in the entire subjugation of the Pequots, and the almost total annihilation of the tribe. The colonists were permitted to enjoy a season of peace till 1642, when they were again disturbed by a conspiracy among the Indians. The General Court met the 27th of September of that year, to take into consideration the disturbed state of affairs, when Capt. Standish was appointed one of the council of war, as well as commander of the forces. He, together with Edward Winslow and Timothy Hatherley, were chosen commissioners to Massachusetts, whose duty it was to agree upon a plan of operations for conducting the war against the conspirators. In October, 1643, he was again elected by the court as one of the five members of the council of war, and again in June, 1646, and again in 1653. In 1644 he was elected Treasurer of the colony, whioh office he enjoyed till his decease. In May, 1653, he acted as Deputy-G-overnor in the absence of Governor Bradford. At the same sitting of the court he was appointed to command the troops mustered into service on account of the war of England with the Dutch. Two vessels were pressed into service for an expedition against the Dutch at Manhatoes (New York). In June, 1654, he was ordered to be at Plymouth preparatory to marching to Manomet, to embark from thence on board the bark Adventer, and there form a junction with other troops under Major Sedgwick " on an intended expedition against the Dutch att the Manhatoes." The following is a copy of the order and the commission given him by the court. 1654, " Thefe-'^ being well prouided for, were to goe forth vnder the 20 June — comund of Captaine Myles Standifh, whoe was ordered to bee [Bradford theire Comander in Chiefe ; Leiftenant Mathew Fuller was Governor] ordered to goe forth with him as leiftenant on this expedi tion ; and Hezekiah Hoare was appointed enfigne bearer. "The comiflion given to Captaine Standifh is as followeth: " Whereas wee are required by his highnefs the Lord Proteftor of England, Ireland and Scodand, to afford affiftance vnto the ftate of Eng land, in ordere thereunto, wee, hauing raifed fom forces ouer which wee doe conftitute ouer wellbeloued frind. Cap' Myles Standifh, theire leader and comander in chiefe, of whofe approued fidelitie and abilitie wee haue 12 Alluding to the men that had been drafted from tho several towns. APPENDIX. 603 long experience, vnto whofe wifdome and difcretion wee doe committ the leading and ordering of thefe our men, and vnto whom wee doe require our rnen to yield all due obedience as vnto theire comaunder ; and that he be reddy, on the 28'h of this pfent June att Plymouth, to receiue fuch men as fhall tliere be comitted to him, and vpon the 29"^ day march them vnto Sandwich, and theire further to receiue thofe that fhall bee b'e brought from thofe foar plantations vnto him ; and from thence to march his men to Manomett, and there to fhip them aboard the barkque called the Aduenter, and foe taking the firft opportunitie of wind & weathers of fayhng to the Monhatoes, or fuch place of randeuoos as fhall fliallbee appointed there to meet with Major Robert Sedgwicke and Cap* John Leurett, the comiflioners in chiefe appointed by his highnefs the Lord Proteftor for the defigne and there to joyne with them for the carrying on of the faid defigne according to fuch direftion as fhall be giuen him from tirhe to dme h-^ the Comiffions in chiefe and counfell of Warr. Plymouth, June 20, 1654. Giuen under our hands and common feale of our goument, WiLLAM Bradford, Prefedent, John Alden, Thomas Prence, Thomas Willett, William Collyare, James Cudworth, Timothy Hatherley. John Winslow, P^mouth Court Rec, iii, p. 55. This was undoubtedly the last military expedition in which he was engaged, as he died October 3d, 1656, se. 72, " a man full of years and honored by his generation." Secretary Morton in record ing his departure says : " He growing very ancient, became sick of the Stone or Strangullion, whereof after his suffering of much dolor ous pain, he fell asleep in the Lord, and was honorably buried at Duxbury." '¦'No stone (says Winsor) marks the resting place of his ashes, and we must seek in vain the plaee where reposes what was mortal of the immortal Standish. He was probably buried on his farm, or perhaps in the old burying ground in that vicinity at Harden Hill." He requested, it will be perceived by reference to a copy of his will, p. 604, that he might be buried near his daughter Lora, and daughter-in-law Mary Standish. '^ There are (says Winsor) a short distance easterly from the site (alluded to above) two stones of con siderable size which are about six feet apart and were thought per chance to mark the grave of some one of the family. A few years ago investigations were made, but without affording any foundation for the supposition. Their peculiar shape though evidently in their rough state, and the fact that their position to each other was exactly east and west, induced some persons to dig between them in hopes of making a discovery. Excavations were accordingly made to the depth of eight feet, without, however, any success. In a biographical sketch of the author, appended to Capt. Samuel Delano's 604 MILES STANDISH. Voyages, and written in 1817, it is stated in speaking of Capt. Stan dish, ' here he died ; and some aged people in the close of the last century pointed out the spot where he was buried.' " An antiquarian friend, whose researches in Duxbury commenced about ten years after writing the above sketch, and who, as he has informed me, in his conversations with the octogenarians of that day, always especially inquired relative to the burial places of the first Pilgrims, tell me that he could neither find the slightest con firmation of the statement above, in the language of those who were, at the time specified in the account living in their prime ; nor moreover in the testimonies of such aged persons as also had mani fested in their early days a desire to be informed by their elders on the same point, was there anything in its nature that could in the least degree substitute the belief. " As to the credit which that sketch is entitled to in this respect we cannot of course judge, as it is indefinitely chargeable to ' a friend of Capt. Delano.' " — Hist. Dux., p. 54, note. His landed possessions were quite extensive, and his estate was considered large at the time. The following is a copy of his will, for which we are indebted to the New England Register. The Last Will and Testament of captaine Mtles Standish, Exhibited before the Court held att Plymouth, the 4th of May, 1657, on the oath of captaine James Cudworth, and ordered to be recorded aa followeth ; Given under my hand this March the Tth, 1655. Witnesseth these present, that I, Myles Standish, Seni'r, of Duxburrow, being in p'rfect memory, yett deceased in my body, and knowing the fraile estate of man in his best estate, I doe make this to bee my last will and testament in manor and form following : 1. my will is that out of my whole estate my funeral charges be taken out and my body to bee buried in decent manor, and if I die att Duxburrow, my body to bee layed neare as oonyiently may bee to my two dear daughters, Lora Standish my daughter, and Mary Standish my daughter-in-law. 2. My will is that out of the remaining pte of my whole Est:ite that all my just and lawful debts, which I now owe or at the day of my death may owe, be paled. 3. Out of what remains according to the order of this government my will is that my dear loving wife Barbara Standish sliall have third pte. 4. I have given to my son Josiah Standish upon his marriage one young horse, 1' five sheep and two heiffers, which 1 must upon that contract of mar riage make forty pounds, yett not knowing whether the estate will bear it at present ; my will is that the residue remaine in the whole stocke and that any one of my four sons, viz. Allexander Standish, Myles Standish, Josias Standish, and Charles Standish may have forty pounds apeec ; if not that they may have proportionably to ye remaining pte bee it more or lesse. 5. My will that my eldest son Allexander shall have a double share in land. 13 In 1629, horses and mares were brought into Massachusotts Bay by Francis Higginson, formerly of Leicestershire, from which county many of the animals were imported. I^ew York received its first horses in KiiiS, imported from Holland by the Dutch West India Company, probably of the Flanders breed.— Henry Wm. Herbert's Horse and Jlorsemansliip, I. 109. Horses were considered so valuable in 1657. the General Court of New Plj mouth passed an ordinance, that every freeholder who kept three mares and would keep one horse for military service, should be exempt from watching and military dutv. APPENDIX. 605 6. My will is that soe long as they live single that the whole bee in ptuership betwix them. 7. I doe ordaine aud make my dearly beloved wife Babara Standish, Allexander Standish, Myles Standish and Josias Standish joynt exequitors of this my last will and testament. 8. I doe by this my will make and appoint ray loving friends Mr Timo thy Hatherly and Capt. James Cudworth supervisors of this my last will and that will bee pleased to doe the oiEce of Christian Love to bee healp- full to my poor wife and children by their Christian counsell and advisse, and if any difference should arise whioh I hope will not, my will is that my said supervissovs shall determine the same, and that they see that my poor wife shall have as comfortable maintainenoe as my poor estate will beare the whole time of her life, which you my loveing frinds pleasse to doe though neither they nor I shall be able to recompenc, I do not doubt but the Lord will. By me Myles Standish. further my will is that Marrye Robenson, whom I tenderly love for her grandfathers sacke shall have three pounds in som thing to goe forward for her two years after my decease, whioh my will is my overseers shall see pformed. ffurther my will is that my servant John Irish Junir have forty shillings more than his covenant which will upon the towne booke alwaies. provided he continew till the time hee covenanted bee expired in the service of my exequitors or of them with theire joynt consent. March 7th i(jyr, ^y ^^ Myles Standish. 9. I give unto my son and heir aparent Allexander Standish all my lands as heire apparrent by lawful decent iu Ormistick Bousconge Wrightington Maudsby Newburrow Cranston and in the Isle of man, and given to mee as right heire by lawful decent, but surreptitiously detained from me my great grandfather being a 2ond or younger brother from the house of Standish of Standish." by mee Myles Standish. .March 7th 16.>5. Witnessed by mee James Cudworth. Note. — The word " surreptitiously," in the last clause was inserted [in 14 " In the fall of 1846. an association was formed among the descendants of Capt, Standish for the purpose of making investigations, and upwards of S3,000 were furnished to their agent, J. W. R. Bromley. Esq., who started on his mission in November of that year, and returned in October of the following year, without, however, accomplishing the object of his search. I have been favored with tbe perusal of some of his correspondence with the Corresponding Secretary of the Association, and some brief minutes which I have gleaned from them may not be uninterest ing. The property to which it was his object to prove the right of Capt. Standish, comprises large tracts of rich farming landa, including several valuable coal mines, and produces yearly income of £100,000 or more. From a commission, which was found, apj)ointing Standish to a Lieatenancj' in Her Majesty's forces on the continent, the date of his birth was found, as also from incidents of his life inNew England, which have now become a portion other history, aud from other data in possession of his descendants, which all led to the conclusion that the year 1584 must have been that of his birth. The family seats are situated near the village of Chorley in Lancashire, and the records of this parish were thoroughly investigated from the year 1549 to 1552. And here in connection comes in an incident in the researches of Mr. Bromley, which de serves particular attention, and causes the fair conclusion, that Standish was the true and righ1> ful heir to the estates, and that were truly " surreptitiously detained " from him^ and are now enjoyed by those to whom they do not justly belong The records were all readily deciphered. with the exception of the yi-.ars 1584. and 15S5, the very dates, about which time Standish Is supposed to have heen born ; and the parchment leaf which contained the registers of the births of these years was wholly illegible, and their appearance was such, that the conclusion was at once established, that it had been done purposely with pumice atone or otherwise, to destroy the legal evidence of the parentage of Standish, and his consequent title to the estates thereabout. The mutilation of these pages is supposeji to have been accomplished, when about twenty years befort., similar inquiries were made by the family in America. The rector of the pariah, when afterwards requested by the investigator to certify that the pages were gone, at once suspected his design of discovering the title of the property, and taking advantage of the rigor of the law (as he had entered as an antiquarian researcher merely), compelled him to pay the sum of about £15, or suffer imprisonment, , .... As it was said that the Captain married his first wife in the Isle of Man, this island was visited with hopes of discovering there hia marriage registered, but without sua-ess, as no records of a date early enough were to be found. And thus it will be seen that on account of the destruction of all le'^al proof, the property must forever remain hopelessly irrecoverable."— i7w(. Dux. p. 97. 606 MILES STANDISH. il blank left between the preceding and following word], apparently at a subsequent time, yet appears to be the hand of Sec. Morton. An inventory of the goods and chatteles that Captaine Myles Standish, gent, was possessed of att his decease as they were shewed to us whose names are underwritten this 2™'i of december, 1657, and exhibited to the Court held att Plymouth the 4 May 1657, on the oath of Mi^ Barbara Standish. £ s. d. It. one dwelling house and out houses with the land thereunto belonging, It. 4 oxen. It. 2 mares, two coults, one young horse, It. 6 cows, 3 heifers and one calf. It. 8 ewe sheep, two rames and one weather. It. 14 swine, great and small, It. "Wilson's dixonary, homer's Illiad, a comentary on James Ball catterkesmer, It. another pcell in octavo. It. halfe a young heifer. It. one feather bed, bolster and 2 pillowes. It. 1 blankett, a coverled and a rugg. It. 1 feather bed and bolster. It. 1 blankett and 2 ruggs, It. 1 feather bolster and old rugg, It. 4 paire sheets. It. 1 pr fine sheets. It. 1 table cloth, 4 napkins, It. his wearing clothes. It. 16 peeces of pewter. It. Eathen ware. It. 3 brasse Kettles, one skillett. It. 4 iron potts, It. a warming pan, a frying pan and cullender, It. one paire stillyards, It. 2 bedsteads, one table, 1 forme ohaires, 1 chest and 2 boxes, It. 1 bedstead, one settle bed, one box, 3 casks, It. 1 bedstead, 8 chists, 3 vasses with sence bottles, 1 box, 4 casks, It. 1 still, - - ... It. 1 old setter, 1 chaise, one kneeding trough, 2 pailes, 2 traies. It. one fowling peeoe 3 muskets, 4 carbines 2 small guns, and one old barrel. It. one sword is one cutles 8 belts, It. the history of the world and the Turkish history, It. A chronicle of England and the country ffarmer, It. ye history of Queen Elizabeth, the star of Europe, It, Doctor Hales workes, Calvin's institutions. It. Wilcock's workes and mayor's, It. Roger's Seaven treatises and the ffrench akadamey, It. 3 old bibles, - It. Ceser's comentaryes, Bariff's artillery, 15 " His identical sword is said to be in the cabinet of the Pilgrim Society. His coat of mail has been seen by a descendant now living, but at that time was in such a state of decomposition as to crumble into pieces at the touch. ******** Tbere is in tho possession of the Massachusetts Historical Society, another sword, which is also said to have belonged to Standish ; but the history of the one at Plymouth is said to he established without a doubt. It waa in possession of his son Capt. Josiah Standish. See Miss Caulkins' Hist, qf Norwich, p. 118 ; Hist. Dux. 140 0 0 24 0 0 43 0 0 29 0 0 15 0 0 3 15 0 0 12 0 0 4 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 1 5 0 4 0 0 1 15 0 0 14 0 3 0 0 1 4 0 0 10 0 10 0 0 1 8 0 0 5 0 2 0 0 1 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 2 13 0 1 7 0 2 6 6 0 12 0 0 16 0 8 1 0 2 7 0 1 10 0 0 8 0 1 10 0 1 4 0 1 0 0 0 12 0 0 14 0 0 20 0 APPENDIX. 60'3 It. Preston's Sermons, Christ in contentment, gospel conversation, passions of the mind, the phisisious prac tice, Burroughes Earthly mindedness, Burroughes dis covery, - - . 1 4 C It. Ball on faith, Brinsley's watch, Dod on The Lord's Supper, Sparke against herisey, Davenporte apollogye, - 0 15 C It. A reply to Doctor Cotton on baptisme. The Garman History, The Sweden Intelligencer, reasons discussed, 0 10 0 It. 1 Testament, one psalme booke, Nature and grace in Con flict, a law booke. The mean in mourning allegation against B. P. of Durham, Johnson against hearing. It. pcell of old bookes of divers subjects — in quarto, - It. 2 beer casks, 1 cheru, 2 spinning wheels, one powdering tubb, 2 old casks, oue old flaskett, It. 1 mault mill. It. 2 sawes with divers carpenters tooles. It. a timber chaire with plow ohaires. It. 2 saddles, a pillion, one bridle. It. old Iron, It. 1 chist and husking table. It. 1 hatchett, 2 trammells, 2 iron doggs, 1 spitt, 1 fine forke, 1 lamp, 2 gars (?) one lanthorn, with old lumber. It. in woole, - It. in hemp and flax. It. eleven bushels of wheat, - It. 14 bushels of rye, It. 30 bushels of pease, It. 25 bushels of Indian corn. It. cast, and peakes, and plowirons and 1 brake. It. axes, sickles, hookes, and other tooles, It. eight iron hookes, 1 Spinning wheel, with other lumber, John Alden, 358 7 0 James Cudworth. Descendants of Miles Standish. Captain Standish's wife Barbara survived him. He had children, Alexander, Miles, Josiah, Charles, d. young; Lora died before her father, and John died young. Alexander was the oldest ; he was admitted a freeman June 7, 1648 ; was town clerk from 1695 to 1700, and was often the town's deputy (grand jurors or supervisor); he inherited the homestead, and possessed other lands in the vicinityof Ply mouth and Duxbury ; he was a trader, and had considerable dealings with the Indians. His will is dated July 5, 1702, and proved Aug. 10, 1702 ; his estate inventoried the use of £600 ; he m. 1 Sarah, dau. of his father's rival, John Alden ; had Miles, m. Experience Sherman (Holmes ?) ; had 1 Sarah, b. April 15, 1704; m. Abner Weston, March 2, 1730; 2 Pa.- tience, b. Aug. 16, 1 707 ; m. April 6, 1738, Caleb Jenny of 78 0 6 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 2 0 0 1 19 0 1 6 0 1 0 0 0 11 0 0 8 0 2 1 0 0 15 0 0 6 0 2 5 0 2 2 0 5 5 0 3 15 0 2 5 0 1 0 0 0 14 0 608 MILES STANDISH. Dartmouth ; 3 Priscilla, b. April 1, 1710 ; m. Elisha Bisbee (?) ; 4 Miles, March 11, 1714 ; m. Mehetable Bobbins, of Plymouth, Dec. 17, 1738; had Miles, m. Naomi, dau. of Daniel Keith; removed to Pennsylvania, and had a son Miles ; Penelope, bap. June 27, 1741 ; m. Nathaniel Cobb, jr., 1763 ; Lydia, bap. May 1, 1743; Experience, bap. Sept. 24, 1744; m. Simeon Ames, 1765; Hannah, b. April 27,1746; m. Daniel Fobes, 1769 ; Sarah, b. May 22, 1748 ; Priscilla, bap. 1755 ; Miles sr., inherited the homestead, and died there Sept. 15, 1739 ; his son Miles inherited the same, sold July 3, 1763, to Samuel and Sylvanus Drew, who sold it to Wait Wadsworth, who sold it to John, the father of John Paunce, and removed to South Bridgewater, 1765; bought a farm at Titicut. — Ghiide to Plymouth. Ebenezer, b. 1672; he d. 1734; had 1 Ebenezer; m. 1739 a Churchill, and d. 1748 ; 2 Zachariah (South Bridgewater), d. 1780 ; m. ; had Ebenezer, Hannah, Sarah, m. Josiah Cushman, jr., 1749; Abigail, m. Samuel Wright, 1752; Peleg; Zacha riah ; 3, Moses, 1689, Plympton, m. Rachel ; d. 1769, se. 80 ; had Moses (the father of Moses, whose son is Moses of Bos ton) ; Capt. John, d. at Plympton, 1787 ; Aaron, Rachel, Re becca, m. Zachariah Weston, 1751 ; 4 Hannah, 5 Zeruiah, m. Zebedee Thompson, of H. ; 6 Sarah, m. Josiah Cushman, 1749; 7 Mercy, 1716; m. 1736, Ebenezer Lobdell; m. 2d, Benjamin Weston ; d. 1794. Sarah, m. Abraham Sampson. Lydia, m. Isaac Sampson. Mercy, m. Caleb Sampson. Sarah, m. Benjamin Soule. Elizabeth, m. Samuel Delano ; he (Alexander, son of Capt. Miles) m. 2d, Desire, widow of Israel Holmes (maiden sur-name, Doten). Thomas ; removed to Pembroke ; m. Mary ; had 1 David, m. Jan. 24, 1746, Hannah Magoun ; d. 1793, who had David Lemuel, b. 1746; d. 1824, se. 74; m. Rachel Jackson, of Bath, where he settled, and had David and Lemuel, Arno, Thomas, Jan. 23, 1825 ; m. Martha Bisbee, Feb. 10, 1748 ; d. June 18, 1759, at Fort Miller ; had Thomas, who d. 1780 ; Mary, Jan. 21, 1733 ; William, June 24, 1737 ; Betty, Sept. 1739. Icahbod, m. 1719, Phebe Pring; d. 1772; " he was the man, proba bly a cooper, who d. at Halifax, 1772, leaving Mary, Phebe and Desire, who m. David Hatch." — Hk. of Bridgewater. " Desire m. a Weston, and probably David, who waa killed in Duxbury by the fall of a tree in 1689. — His. of Dux. APPENDIX. 609 Miles, second son of Captain Miles Standish, removed to Boston and m. Sarah, dau. John Winslow, July 19, 1660 ; he d. s. p about 1666 ; his widow m. 2d, Tobias Paine, 1669 ; 3d, Rich ard Middlecott ; she d. 1726. Capt. Josiah third son of Capt.ain Miles Standish, was appointed Uct. o, 1654, by the General Court, " En.signe bearer of the milletary companie of Duxburrow ; " and June 8, 1655, waa " admitted Freeman " by the same Court. May, 1657, he, to gether with his mother and brother Alexander, was accepted by the Court as an executor of his father's estate. October 2, 1658, was made one of the Council of War. He removed to East Bridgewater and was elected Lieutenant, which was confirmed by the General Court, June 6, 1660. The same year the Court granted him lands at Manomet. He returned to Duxburrow about 1663 ; was member of the Grand Inquest 1664; Deputy to the General Court, 1665; Selectman, 1666 ; member of the " Counsell of War," and " Grand Enquest " and Board of Selectmen, 1667 ; Deputy to the General Court fi-om 1671 to 1682. Was appointed Captain about 1680. He removed to Norwich, Conn., about 1686, bought land at Preston, Ct., of John Parks, 1687. He m. 1st, Mary, dau. of John Dingley of Marshfield, 1654, who d. the same year ; he m. 2d, Sarah, dau. of Samuel Allen"* of Braintree ; had I Miles, who m. Dec. 5, 1700, Mehetable Adams. II Josiah, who was admitted to the church at Preston, Dec. 25, 1700; married ; had Mercy (prob. others) ; she m. Wheelock, and had Mary (prob. others), who m. Bingham of Windham, Ct.; and had Jerusha, who m. Sept. 19, 1769, Rev. Samuel Kirkland;" and had Jerusha (for other descdts. of this marriage see notice of the Rev. Samuel Kirkland), who married John H. Lothrop, Esq., and had Mary Ann (and others) ; who m. Edmund A. Wetmore (for her descdts. see under head of Edmund Ar nold, son of Rev. Oliver). Ill Samuel, b. in Dux. ; m. in Preston, Ct., June 1, 1710, Deborah Gates; had 1 Deborah, b. Dec. 27, 1711; d. 1805. unm.; 2 Samuel, b. Deo. 1, 171.3; had Samuel; 3 Lois, b. Jan. 9, 1715 ; 4 Abigail, b. Feb. 9, 1717; m. Rufus Rood; 5 Sarah, b. Feb., 1719; d. 1745, unm. ; 6 Thomas, b. May 19, 1724; ni. Content Ellis; m. 2d Dorcas Bellows ; 7 Thomas, b. May 19, 1724 ; Williamstown, Mass. ; m. widow Sarah Williams. — Hubbard's Ms. IV Israel, b. 16 " Samd£L (Allen) Braintree, perhaps as early as 1622, freeman, 6 May, 1635. by W. Ann, wh. d. 29 Sept., 1641, had Samuel, b. ab. 1633 ; Mary; Sarah, 80 Mar. 1639 ; and W. Margaret, whose family is unknown, but who had been widow of Edward Lamb, had James, Abigail : Joseph, 15 May, 1650 ; and perhaps one or two preceeding. His will of 2 Aug., 1669 was proved 16 Sept. foil. ; Mary, m. 24 Jan.. 1656, Nathaniel Greenwood ; Sarah, m. JosiaJa Standish of Dux bury, as his sec. wife and Abigail, m. 1670, the sec. John Gary of the same."— Df. Savage's Gen. Diet. 17 Dr. Young's Discourse on the Life and (Jtiaracter qftlie taix, John Ttwrntmi Kirkla-nd, LL. D. Mr. Weaver who is engaged upon the genealogy of Windham families, we are informed expresses a doubt of the correctness of Dr. Young's tracing of the genealogy of the Rev. Mr. Kirkland. That he was a descendant of Standish there is no doubt. 610 MILES STANDISH. m. Feb. 8, 1704, Elizabeth Richards. V Mary. VI Lois. VII Mehitable, and VIII Mercy. Note. "Col. standish of Plattsburg, N. T., son of a Doctor Standish, formerly of Plymton, was a descendant of Zechariah ; Abigail Standish married Samuel Wright, 1752; Mrs. Bisbee, living in 1809, at Plymton, very aged, was a Standish, born at Captain's Hill in Duxbury ; Betsey Bisbee Standish, died in East Bridgewater, 1792, aged 41 ; Isaiah Standish was in Rochester, 1805 ; Sarah Standish married Daniel French of East Bridgeport, 1817 ; Samuel Standish of Lebanon, Conn., had a son Israel, and a dau. Hannah, Israel had Elisha, Jonas, Amasa and Nathan, Elisha had a son Lodowick, Nathan had two sons, one of them Thomas, living in Lebanon ; another in Bozrah ; Ezra, a respectable man, and cousin of Lodowick, lived in Bozrah." In making up our history of Capt. Standish, we have had occasion to refer to the following works : Plymouth Colony Records ; Mass. His. Soe. Coll. ; His. Duxhury ; His. of Bridgewater, Mass. ; His. of To-wn of Plymouth ; N. E. Register ; Chronicles of the Pilgrims ; etc. INDEX. Thomas Whitmore (Wetmore) and his immediatii; Descendants. Whitmoee (Wetmore) Thomas, 1, 2, 3. 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 25, 26, 27, 30, 112. Abigail, 12, 23, 25, 36. [51. Benjamin, 12, 23, 24, 25, 31, 36, Beriah, 11, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32. EUzabeth, 11, 25, 28, 49. Hannah, 11, 23, 25, 30. Hannah 2d, 12, 23, 25, 36. Izrahiah, 6, 11, 23, 25, 27, 29, 32, 33, 112, 145, 282, 440, 447, 484, 498. Whitmore (Wetmore) John, 7, 11, 23, 24, 25, 27 Joseph, 11, 24, 25, 31, 35, Josiah, 11, 24, 25, 35. Mahitable, 11, 24, 25, 35. Mary, 11, 25, 28, 29. Nathaniel, 11, 24, 25, 35, i Samuel, 11, 23, 25, 30, 3 .484. Sarah, 11, 26, 30. Sarah 2d, 11, 24, 25, 85. Thomas, 11, 23, 24, 25, 8 49. Descendants of John, Son of Thomas. Wetmobe Abigail, 27, 37, 39, 40, 41, 45. Ann EUzabeth, 42, 46. Benjamin, 38, 40, 44, 45. Caroline Marion, 43, 47. Charles Morris, 44, 47. Charles Whitman, 42, 46. Christian, 37, 38, 39. Clarinda, 40, 43. Cynthia, 40, 43. Ebenezer, 27, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 45. EUsha, 38, 40, 41, 42, 44. EUza, 40, 45. Elizabeth, 27, 37, 38, 40. Elnathan, 40, 44. Emily Jane, 43, 47. Frances Cordelia, 43, 47. George Sanford, 44, 47. Wetmore Hannah, 40, 46. Harriet Euphrania, 43, 4^ Harriet Maria, 42, 46. Henry Augustus, 43, 47. Henry Elisha, 42, 46. Henry Elnathan, 45, 47. Ida Jane, 48. Ida Thankful, 45, 47. James A., 47. James Howard, 42, 46. John, 27, 37, 38, 39, 40, 4 45. John E., 44, 47. John Wallace, 42, 46. Lois, 37, 38, 39. Louisa, 40, 44. Lovice, 42, 46. Lucretia, 40, 45. 612 LNDEX. Descendants of John, son of Thomas. Wetmobe Margaret, 40, 45. Mary, 27, 37, 38, 40, 45. Mary Louisa, 42, 46. Mason Hatfield, 42, 46. Mehitable, 39, 41. Mercy, 39, 41. Mitty, 39, 41. Nancy, 40, 43. Nathan Irvin, 42, 46, 48. Patty Marilla, 40, 44. Polly, 40, 41, 42. Rhoda, 40, 42. Wetmore Ruth Maretta, 44, 47. Sally, 40, 45. Samuel, 40, 42, 46. Sarah, 37, 38, 43, 47. Sarah Jane, 42, 46. Thomas, 27, 37, 39, 41. Thomas Ebenezer, 45, 47. William, 40, 43, 47. William Chauncey, 43, 47 William Donaghy, 42, 46. William Hatfield, 42, 46. William Henry, 42, 46. Descendants of Thomas, Son of Thomas. Wetmore Elizabeth, 30, 49. Wetmore Thomas, 30, 49, 51. Descendants of Samuel, Son of Thomas. Wetmore Abel, 52, 57, 67, 68, 72., Abel Samuel (Dea.), 72, 94, 107. Abigail, 50, 55, 57, 73. Abner, 50, 55. Abraham Brinckerhoff, 80, 102. Adelia A., 73, 97. Adeline, 65, 89. Alethea, 102, 109. Alice Josephine, 102, 109. Almeda, 58, 79. Alphonzo (Maj.), 57, 73, 98. Alphonzo, 74, 100. Alphonzo (Dr.), 73, 99, 107. Amanda, 64, 88. • Anna, 50, 51, 53, 55, 66. Aun, 51, 53, 56. Ann EUzabeth Althea, 80, 101. Ann Jerusha, 67, 07. Anderson, 102. Appolos, 53, 61, 86. Appolos Edwards, 61, 86, 103. Appolos Russel, 59, 80, 81, 85. Artemesia, 57, 73. Augustus, 61, 87, 104. Barnet Woodbury, 90, 105, 111, Benjamin, 31, 50, 51, 55. Bertha, 66, 90. Bertha (dau.), 50, 55. Wetmore Bethia, 30, 50, 51. Burnel J., 74, 100. Byron Louisa, 74, 100. Calphina, 73, 98. ' Calvary, 58, 79, 101. Calvary Levi, 80, 101. Calvin Mather, 102, 109. Candace, 58, 79. Carlos, 98, 108. Carrie Louise, 89, 105. Catherine, 80, 101. Catherine Hoffman, 102, 1 Celestia, 73, 96. Charles, 100, 108. Charles J. Coggill, 87, 104 Charles Fitch, 67, 94, 106. Charles W., 105. Charles Williams, 102, 109 Chloe, 56, 66. Christiana Sharpe, 85, 103 Clara, 105. Clarissa, 56, 58, 67, 80. Clarissa A., 65, 89. Clarissa Whiting, 72, 95. Collins, 66, 91. Comfort, 66, 90, 106. Cornelia Brower, 85, 103. CorneUa L. (S. ?), 62, 87. Daniel, 30, 31, 50, 51, 56, INDEX. 613 Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. Wetmore Darwin Woodward (Dr.), 67, 91, 106. David, 51, 66, 66, 80, 90, 102. David Woodhull, 59, 82, 83, 85. DeUa, 65, 88. Diogenes, 73, 98, 107. Dorothy, 56, 66. Ebenezer Lyman, 55, 64, 88. Ebenezer Walter (Dr. ), 62, 87. Edith, 102, 109. Edward LesUe, 87, 104. Edwin xVtwater, 89, 105. Egbert, 62, 87, 104. EUas, 51, 56, 66. EUhu, 56, 66, 90. Elisha, 57, 67, 72. Eliza Catharine, 74, 100. EUza Courtney, 103, 110. EUza Jane, 74, 99. EUza Rosseter, 97, 108. EUzabeth, 52, 56, 57, 66, 91, 106. EUzabeth Carmer, 81, 102. EUzabeth Leaming, 73, 97. EUzabeth Jarvis, 93, 106. EUen EUza, 94, 107. Emeline, 65, 89. Emily, 72, 87, 96, 104. Emily Ann, 103, 110. Emily R., 73, 97. Emma Jarvis, 92, 106. Erastus, 62, 87, 104. Ernst Le Pelly, 89, 105. EsteUe, 103, 110. Esther, 56, 67. Eva, 105. Eunice, 56, 66. Experience, 51, 56. Ezra, 56, 66. Fanny, 85, 103. Flint, 73, 97. Flora B., 72, 96. Florence, 75, 87, 100, 102, 103, 110. Frances, 65, 88. Frank, 98, 108. Frank Ward, 103, 110. Frederick, 100. Frederick P., 66, 89. George, 75, 100. George Carmer, 81, 83, 102, 109. George Clinton, 57, 74, 100. Wetmore George Mantan, 87, 104. George Thompson, 93, 106. George W., 99, 108. George Whitefield (Dr.), 67, 93 106. Gideon, 51, 56, 67. Hannah, 50, 52, 53, 56, 58, 59 61, 66, 72, 79, 89. Hannah Jerusha, 72, 95. Harriet, 58, 79, 105. Harriet Ann, 74, 99. Harriet Cooper, 103. Harriet EUza, 72, 95. Harriet M., 65, 89. Harriet Sophronia, 72, 96. Harry, 61, 87. Henry, 80, 101, 102, 109. Henry A., 65, 89, 105. Henry Augustus, 86, 103, 110. Henry Carmer, 81, 102, 109. Henry Oscar, 74, 99. ' Herman; 75. Hope, 56, 65. Horace, 66, 91, 105, 109. Horatio Lucius, 73, 96, 107. Howard Graham, 102, 109. Hubert Griswold, 68, 79, 101. Hubert Porter, 94, 107. Hugh Alphonzo, 98, 108. Huldah Ann, 73, 97. Ida, 100, 103, 108, 110. Increase, 51, 56. Irena, 53, 58. Irena Winfred, 59, 86. Irene, 85, 103. Isaac, 56, 67. Jabez, 30, 50, 51, 55, 56, 67. Jacob, 66, 67. Jacob Sharpe, 85, 103, 109. James, 80, 101. James Scott, 85, 103. Jesse, 56, 66. Jobe, 51, 66. Joel, 50, 55, 64. John, 60, 52, 56, 57, 67, 72, 7S 96. - Josiah Armsden, 90, 106, 110. John GrenneU, 73, 97. John Nash, 94, 107. John P., 100, 108. John Pomeroy, 55, 65. Josiah, 50, 65. Julia, 65, 89, 96. JuUa Ann, 62, 87, 94, 107. 614 INDEX. Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. Wetmore Julia L., 73, 97. Justus F., 74, 100, 107. Lauren, 64, 88. Lavinia Ann, 72, 96. Leaming, 68, 79, 100. Leonidas (Capt.), 73, 98. Leroy Whiting, 94, 107. Lewis PraU, 86, 103. Liutz, 73. Lois, 50, 54. LoisL., 73, 97. Lois Malinda, 57, 74. Louisa, 64, 88. Louisa Matilda, 73, 96. Lucia, 72, 96. Lucretius Allen, 72, 95, 107. Lucy Elizabeth, 57, 74. Lucy Esther, 72, 95. Lucy L., 73, 97. Lybia, 87, 104. Lydia, 66, 90. Maria, 61, 62, 64, 87, 88, 103. Maria Hungerford, 80. Mariana, 65, 88. Marie Bleecker, 102, 109. Marie Louise, 103, 110. Marcy, 60, 55. Martha, 56, 66. Matilda D., 73, 97. Mary, 30, 50, 55, 100. Mary Artemesia, 74, 99. Mary Carmer, 81, 102, 109. Mary Eleanor Mitchell, 73, 97. Mary EUza, 98, 108. Mary Fitch, 93, 106. Mary Jarvis, 94, 106. Mehitable, 30, 50, 54. Miles Hills, 94, 107. Milicent, 50, 55, 56, 64. MindweU, 51, 56. Nancy, 64, 66, 88, 90. Nancy Louisa, 74, 100. Nicholas Howell, 56, 67. Noah (Rev.), 60, 53,68. Noah, 53, 59, 82. Noble, 66, 90. Norman, 66, 90. Ophelia, 105, HI. Olive, 55, 64. OUver, 61, 66. 61, 86, 87, 103, 110. Octavia, 98, 107. Parmelia, 56, 67. Peter Sharpe, 85, 103. Wetmore Pheobe, 51, 66. Polly, 66, 91. Pythagoras, 57, 74, 100. Rebecca, 51, 56. Rebecca Nash, 72, 95. Regulus L., 74, 99, 107. Rhoda, 66, 67. Roxanna, 73, 99. Ruby, 58, 79. Ruth, 61, 66, 65. Russel, 102, 109. Russel C, 65, 89, 105. Sally Ann, 65, 89. Salmon B., 57, 74, 99. Samuel, 30, 31, 32, .50, 51, 5i 57, 58, 67, 72, 79, 94, 101. Samuel Abel, 94, 107. Samuel Ithiel, 63, 62, 87, 104. Samuel Levi, 80, 101. Samuel M., 80, 101. Samuel William (Dr.), 90, lOf 111. Sarah, 50, 54, 56, 65, 73, 9f 99, 107, 109. Sarepta, 73, 96. Selima, 58, 79. Seth, 52, 57, 58, 73, 97. Seth Franklin, 73, 79. Silonia Caroline, 73, 97. Stanley Hatfield, 103, 110. Stephen Shipman, 87, 104. Solomon, 80, 100. Sophronia, 72, 95. Sylvia EUzabeth, 67, 91. Thaddeus Kosciusko, 73, 98, 107 Thankful, 56, 66. Theodore, 102, 109, 110. Theodore Russel, 81, 102, 109. Thomas, 30, 60, 61. Thomas A. (I. ?) Smith, 73, 9£ 107. Thomas Bird, 102, 109. Thomarine A., 99, 108. Timothy Burger, 87, 104. Titus C, 73, 97. Truman Spencer (Dr.), 37, 67 68, 91. Vernon B., 74, 99. WiUard Spencer, 73, 96. William, 66, 81, 91, 102, 109. WiUiam G., 89, 105. WiUiam Henry, 59, 80, 102. William Jarvis (Dr.), 67, 95 106. INDEX. 615 Descendants of Samuel, son of Thomas. Wetmore William L., 65, 89, 105. WiUiam Walter, 61, 86, 87, 103, 104. Wetmore Willis Ashton, 106, 111. WilUs L,, 95, 107. WiUs, 75. Descendants of Rev. Izrahiah, Son of Izrahiah, Son OF Thomas. Wetmore Albert Prosper, 139, 143. Ann, 120, 125. Ann EUza, 122, 138. Ann Maria Patience, 121, 133. Anna, 113, 117. Augustus, 120, 124, 140. Benjamin Clark, 133, 142. Catherine, 125, 133, 141, 142. Charles, 140, 144. Charles Frederick, 132, 141, 144. Charles Henry (Dr.), 117, 122, 123, 138. Charles Henry, 117, 122, 138, 143. Charles Hinckley (Dr.), 124, 140, 144. Charles Joseph, 117, 122, 138, 143. Clara CorneUa, 138, 143. Cornelia Roxanna, 121, 122, 127, 139. Edwin Dutton, 124, 140, EUzabeth, 133, 142. EUza Rathbone, 138, 143. Ellen, 137, 143. Emeline Augusta, 121, 137. Emily Cornelia, 125, 141. Emma Maria, 122, 139. Eunice, 113, 117. Eunice Mary, 122, 139. Everett Maurice, 139, 143. Fannie, 140, 144. Fanny, 142, 144. Florence Adele, 132, 142. Frances Caroline, 121, 126, 127. Francis Gregory, 134, 142, 144. Francis Sales, 142, 144. Frank Herbert, 139, 143. George McEwen, 121, 133, 142. Grace Noble, 133, 142. George Perry, 141, 144. George Washington, 120, 126. George William, 133, 142, 79 Wetmore Gustavus George Washington, 122, 138. Harriet Hinckley, 124, 140. Izrahiah (Rev.), 5, 112, 113, 117, 118. Izrahiah, 112, 113, 117, 118, 120, 125, 126. James, 113, 117, 120, 125. James Manning, 122, 139, 143. John Booth, 112, 117. John McEwen, 133, 1 42. John Rathbone, 122, 138. JuUet Tryphenia, 122, 139. Kate WiUis, 140, 144. Kitty Holsman, 141, 144. Lucy, 120, 126. Lucy Taylor, 140, 144. Malcom MoEwen, 121, 126. Maria Louisa, 121, 138. Martha EUiott, 124, 140. Mary, 112, 113, 117, 133, 142. Mary Ann, 121, 126. Mary Florence, 138, 143. Nathan, 113, 120, 124. Prosper, 31, 51, 112, 113, 114 115, 116, 117, 120, 124, 125; 126, 140. Prosper Montgomery (Gen.) 121, 127, .128, 129, 131. Prosper Montgomery, 122, 139 Rachel, 112, 117. Rebecca, 117, 121, 137, 143. Reuben Schuyler, 120, 125. Richard Montgomery, 117, 122 Bobert Charles (Col.), 121, 126 132 141. Robert Henry, 133, 142, 144. Robert Walker, 121, 126. Bobert William, 117, 121,127. Sarah, 133. Sarah Ann, 120, 126. Sarah Bogardus, 137, 143. Sarah Jane, 125, 141. Sarah Salima, 117, 120. 616 INDEX. Descendants of Rev. Izrahiah, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Wetmore Sidney, 121, 133, 142. Susan, 142, 144. Tryphenia, 117, 122. Victorine, 132, 142. Victory, 117, 120, 121, 133, 144. Victory Ezekiel, 133, 142. Virginia, 133, 142. WilUam, 134, 142, 144. Wetmore William Augustus, 124, 125, 140, 141, 144. William Chauncey (Com.), 121, 134, 13.5, 136, 137, 142. WilUam Courtney, 121, 133, 142. WilUam Henry, 121, 137. WiUiam Walker, 117, 121, 133, 137, 143. WilUam Whiting, 122, 137, 143. Descendants of Rev. James, Son of Izrahiah, Son op Thomas. Wetmore Abraham, 206, 212, 220, 247, 248, 262. Abraham K. Smedes (Judge), 230, 261, 262. A. K. Smedes, Jr., 250, 267. Ada EUza, 252, 270. Adino Paddock, 265, 278. Agnes Alithea, 262, 276. Agnes Lavinia, 252, 269. Aldert Smedes, 261, 275. Alethea, 205. Alice, 265, 279. Alfred Brunswick, 253, 271. Alithea, 206, 225. AmeUa, 222, 249. Amelia Adela, 252, 270. Amelia Frances, 264, 278. Ammon Henry, 248, 263, 277. Andrew Rainsford, 255, 273, 280. Ann, 221, 248. Ann AdeUza, 253, 271. Anna Almira, 252, 270. Anna, 204, 208, 222, 226,-249. Ann EUzabeth, 265, 278. Ann Littlehale, 264, 278. Ann Maria, 248, 264. Ann Maria Bonnell, 258, 274. Aun Peters, 227, 256. Anna Marsh, 254, 272. Anne, 205, 206, 218, 275, 280. Arthur WeUington, 265, 279. Augusta Ruth, 258, 271. Augusta Sophia, 253, 271. Augustus Frederick, 2-52, 269. Benjamin Franklin, 253, 271. Bush, 222, 249, 266. Butler Joseph, 266, 279. Caleb, 206, 223, 224, 253, 271. Wetmore Caroline, 249, 266. Caroline Elizabeth, 252, 269. Catherine, 221, 248, 262, 265, 276. Catherine Deborah Jane, 254, 272. Celia Augusta, 2.52. 269. Charity, 205, 206, 217, 223. Charles, 256, 265, 274, 278. Charles Enos, 249, 265. Charles Frederick, 253, 271. Charles Henry, 262, 276. Charles Hiram, 252, 269. Charles Inglis, 258, 274. Charles Jeffrey Peters, 261, 275, 280. Charles Pembroke, 253, 270. Charles Peter, 227, 256, 273. Charles Rapelyea, 250, 267. Charlotte Annabella, 262, 268. Charlotte Annette, 264, 272. Charlotte Deborah, 253, 271. Charlotte EUzabeth, 256, 274. Charlotte EsteUa, 265, 278. Clark, 221. Daniel, 248, 249, 264, 266. Daniel Van Cott, 221, 248. David, 221, 223, 249, 252, 265, 268. David Brown (Judge), 206, 222. 223, 251. ^ " ' David Brown, .Tr., 252, 269. David Brunswick, 252, 270. David Henry, 250, 267. David Izrahiah (Rev.), 251 267 280. David Pickett, 252, 269. Deborah, 247, 263. INDEX. 617 Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Wetmore Deborah Ann, 249, 265. Deborah Jane, 224, 254. Edmund Stanley, 268, 280. Edna Charlotte Elting, 265, 278. Edward Clayton Scott, 252, 270. Edward Ludlow. 256. Edwin, 221, 24;i. 261, 275. Edwin Jesse, 248, 264, 278, 281. Edwin MarshaU, 252, 269. Edwin Trevelyn, 265, 279. Edwin Van, 2"52, 270. Eleanor, 227, 258. EUas Gilbert. 263, 276. EUas Scovil, 223, 249, 252, 254, 266, 270, 272. EUsha, 223, 251. EUza AmeUa, 252, 268. EUza Jane, 252. 269, 275, 280. EUzabeth, 206, 220, 221, 222, 223, 247, 248, 249, 251, 262, 265, 279. EUzabeth Ann, 262, 276. EUzabeth Baker, 261. 275. EUzabeth Bush, 250, 267. Elizabeth Lavinia Robertson, 263, 277. EUzabeth Rebecca, 252, 268. EUzabeth Ruth, 251, 268. Elmira Jane, 249, 266. Elsie Adelaide, 252, 270. Emeline, 262. 276. Emily CaroUne, 249, 266. Emily Jane, 253, 271. Emily Myers, 258, 274. Emma, 227, 200, 262, 276. Emma BedeU, 258, 275. Emma Caroline, 2-53, 271. Emma Olivia Miranda, 252, 268. Erasmus David Brunswick, 252, 268. Esther, 205, 206, 218, 222, 225, 248, 249. Esther Ann, 249, 266. Esther Annable, 263. Esther EUzabeth, 252, 269. Esther Pheobe Susannah, 252, 268. Fanny Hatfield, 262, 276. Frances, 273, 280. Frances Amelia, 254, 272. Frances Augusta, 254, 272. Frances Caroline, 253, 270. Frances .Jane, 254, 272. Frances Sophia M. S., 267, 279. Wetmore Francis Gustavia, 258, 274. Francis Peters, 264, 278. Frank, 265, 278. Frederick, 263, 277. Frederick Robert, 266, 279. George, 273, 280. George Beverly Bunyeat, 265, 278. George Canning, 252, 268, 280. George Edwin, 253, 271. George Elmer, 268, 288. George Lamereux, 249, 266, 279. George Leverett, 252, 269. George Lewis, 253, 271. George Ludlow, 227, 255, 256, 273, George Ludlow Harriet, 255, 273. George MelviUe, 265, 279. George Miles, 262, 276. George Stanton, 253, 270. Gertrude, 252, 270. Gilbert Bush, 222, 249. Guilford Brunswick, 263, Hannah, 221. Hannah Olive, 252, 269. Harriet Margaret, 258, 274. Harriet Rebecca Merritt, 263, 277. Helen Louisa, 275, 280. Helen Susannah, 252, 270. Henrietta, 254, 272. Henry Alline, 263, 277. Henry Dunstan, 266, 279. Henry George, 261, 275. Henry George Clopper, 256, 274, Henry Penfield, 250, 267. Henry Sylvanus, 223, 252, 270, Herbert, 252, 270. Hester, 223, 261, 265, 279. HiUey Brower, 262, 276. Holland Amanda, 254, 272. Howard Douglass, 252, 269. Huldah Butler, 223, 252. Isaac, 247, 262, 276. Isaac Bashford, 263. IsabeUa Hailes, 258, 274. Izrahiah, 222, 249, 267. Izrahiah, 206, 222, 224, 249 250, 253, 267, 272. James, 204, 205, 206, 208, 212 220, 221, 222, 223, 224. 225 226, 248, 249, 251, 252, 253 263, 264, 266, 268, 271, 276. 618 INDEX. Descendants of Rev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Wetmore James (Rev.), 5. 32, 34, 146, 147, 148, 150, 152, 159, 160, 161, 162, 164, 165, 166, 169, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 182, 183, 184, 185, 190, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 206, 214, 216, 217, 222, 225, 235, 248. James Alexander, 248, 264, 279. James Bush, 222, 249, 260, 266. James Edwin, 249, 265, 278. James Elias, 252, 269. James Henry, 252, 268. James Izrahiah, 250, 267. James Merritt, 248, 263, 277. James Peters, 255, 261, 273, 276. James Purdy Merritt, 263, 277. James Quinton, 278, 281. Jane, 208, 223, 226, 249, 252, 266. Jane Haviland, 227, 256, 268, 275.. Jane Paddock, 260, 275. Jane Victoria, 261, 276. Jesse Lamereux, 221, 248, 264. John, 206, 221, 222, 223, 225, 248, 261, 252, 264. John Craft, 263, 277. John Drake, 263, 276. John Griffeth, 250, 267, 279. John Leavitt, 252. John Lockhart, 253, 271. John Pierce, 249, 266. John Saunders, 248, 265. John Stratton, 258, 274. John Van Cott, 249, 265, 279. Joseph, 221, 224, 254, 272. Joseph Abraham, 248, 263, 277. Joseph Clark, 248, 264. Joseph Hatfield, 262, 276. Joseph Sherwood, 264, 278, 281. Josephine, 254, 272. Josiah, 206, 220, 224, 247, 248, 262, 263, 277. Josiah Joseph, 224, 253. Josiah Smith, 263, 277. Judson Marshman, 263. Julia Helen, 256, 274. JuUa Maria, 253, 271. Julian Brunswick, 252, 269. Justus, 247, 249, 262, 265, 278, Wetmore Justus Sherwood (Judge), 223, 251, 267. Justus Sherwood, 252, 267, 268, 279. Louisa, 273, 280. Luther, 208, 230. Lydia, 263, 276. Lydia Angeline, 249, 266. Lydia Ann, 249, 265. Margeret, 224, 254. Margeret Annabella, 254, 272. Mary Ann De la Montagnie, 251, 268. Margeret Lester, 227, 264, 258, 260, 275. Maria Pickett, 265, 278. Maria Thomas, 262, 276. Martha, 224, 254. Martha Bashford, 223, 251, Martha Van Cott, 221, 248. Mary, 223, 247, 251, 263. Mary Allova, 263, 277. Mary Almira, 252, 269. Mary Elizabeth, 252, 270. Mary Elizabeth White, 268, 274. Mary Eliza Jane, 252, 269. Mary Fowler, 263. Mary Lucretia, 262, 276. MatUda, 248, 264. MatUda Jane, 261, 275. Maud Douglass, 277, 281. Nancy, 222, 249. Nathaniel Saunders, 249, 265, 279. Newton Caleb, 253, 271. Norman Arthur Leslie, 252, 270. Norton, 223, 252, 270. Olive EUza, 249, 266. Oliver Cougal, 254, 272. Oscar Avanda, 252, 269. Oscar Davison, 263, 277, 281. Paul Lessel, 267, 279. Percy Colebrook, 268, 280. Pheobe, 222, 248, 249, 264. Pheobe AUce, 263, 277. Pheobe Caroline, 248, 264. Rainsford Henry, 263, 277. Rebecca, 222, 249, 250. Richard Barton, 253, 271. Richard Whelpley, 252, 269. Robert Griffeth (Rev.), 208, 226, 230, 231, 232, 233, 237, 238, 240, 243, 244, 247, 250, 256, 260, 261, 276, 447, 498. INDEX. 619 Descendants of Eev. James, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Wetmore Eobert, 224, 254, 273. Robert Hodge, 250, 266, 279. Robert James, 253, 271. Eobert Parker, 254, 272. Robert Purdy, 263, 277. Ruth, 224, 252, 253, 270. Euth Ann, 248. 263. Sally, 247, 262. Sally Ann, 248, 264. Samuel Bancroft, 262, 276. Sarah, 227, 247, 257, 273, 278, 280, 281. Sarah AbigaU, 249, 266. Sarah Ann, 252, 268. Sarah Bush, 222. 249. Sarah Craft, 247, 263. Sarah EUzabeth, 224, 253, 254, 270. Sarah HaUet, 254, 272. Sarah Jane, 253, 271. Sarah Louisa, 264, 278. Sarah Peters, 256, 274. Sarah Witter, 255, 273. Stephen Hoyt, 263, 271. Stephen Merritt, 264, 278. Stephen Purdy, 248, 264, 278. Sophia Maud, 258, 276. Susan, 223, 251, Susan Henrietta, 264, 272. Susannah, 206, 221, 223, 247, 263. Susannah Craft, 223, 252. Susannah Eliza, 248, 264. Susannah EUzabeth, 249, 264, 278. Susannah Grace, 258, 275. Susannah Mary, 227, 257, 258. Theodore, 208, 230. Wetmore Thomas, 208, 221, 223, 226, 229, 237, 245, 252, 254, 256, 257, 269, 274. Thomas AUen, 227, 258. Thomas Alonzo, 252, 269. Thomas Bashford, 248, 263, 276. Thomas Carleton, 254, 272. Thomas G. E. M., 256, 274. Thomas Henry Zobeiskie, 252, 270. Thomas Medley, 258, 274. Thomas Saunders (Dr.), 227, 260, 275. Timothy, 205, 206 ,208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 221, 226, 235, 237 245 261. Timothy Fletcher, 208, 226, 230. Timothy Eobert, 227, 257, 267, 274. Valentine Humboldt, 256, 274. Walker WilUam, 253, 271. Walter Drake, 278, 281. Ward Chipman, 248, 265. Weeden Fowler, 247, 262, 276. Weeden John, 263. WeUesley, 264, 272, WilUam, 221, 226, 247, 263, 254, 262, 263, 271, 272, 276. WilUam Albert, 252, 269. WilUam Benjamin, 263, 277. WiUiam Caleb West, 264, 272. WilUam Edmund, 253, 271. WiUiam Nelson, 249, 265. WiUiam Newton, 262, 276. WiUiam Oliver, 262, 268. Wniiam Puddington, 223, 248 059 265 WUliam WaUace, 262, 269. Descendants of Judge Seth, Son of Izrahiah, Son OF Thomas. Wetmore AbigaU Sarah, 334, 407. Anna Cora W., 382, 416. Annie Derby Rogers, 357, 413, Caroline Tudor, 408, 438. Charles, 367, 412, 414, 438. Charles Edwards, 408, 438. Charles W. S., 382, 416. Charles Wright, 315, 360, 413. Wetmore Chauncey, 286, 310, 352, 408 411, 412, 438. Clarissa, 285, 310, 312, 320 346, 347, 362. Clarissa P., 361, 414. CorneUa Hubbard, 352, 412. CorneUa Lothrop, 387, 419. Cornelia Lyman, 352, 412. 620 INDEX. Descendants of Judge Seth, son of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Wetmore Edith F., 411, 438. Edmund, 387, 421. Edmund Arnold, 334, 386, 387, 388, 416, 417, 609. Edward, 361, 414. Edward Carrington, 326, 377. Edward Griffen, 383, 416. Edward Perkins, 334, 390. Edwin, 320, 361, 414. EUsha, 286, 310, 340, 408. Elisha Brewster, 339, 408, 438, 439. EUza, 361, 414. Elizabeth Hoppin, 326, 376. Emily, 310, 352. Emily Amanda, 878, 414. Esther Ann, 408, 438. Esther PhiUips, 326, 365. Florence Lorelle, 381, 415. Frances, 326, 376. FrankUn Henry, 412, 438. Frederick, 861, 414, 438, 439. George Henry, 330, 386. George Peabody, 354, 413. George PhiUips, 326, 375. George Prentiss, 362, 414. George Townsend, 383, 416. Hannah, 282, 301, 324, 385. Hannah Edwards, 310, 312, 342, 343, 344, 846, 682. Harriet, 301, 320, 853, 363, 412. Harriet B., 361, 414. Harriet WiUard, 385, 416. Helen Frances, 361, 413. Henry, 320, 824, 361, 362, 377, 413, 414. Henry Claverence, 411, 438. Henry Goodwin, 352, 412, 439. Henry Shepard, 378, 414. Henry Stanley, 381, 415. Henry W., 362, 414. Jacob Ogden, 320, 363. James Carnahan, 334, 391, 393, 394, 395, 396, 397, 421. Jeannie Elsie, 381, 416. Jerusha, 282, 301. John Chetwood, 391, 421. John Edgerton, 881, 416. Josiah, 285, 301, 330, 360, 377, 415. Josiah Farnsworth, 330, 383, 416. Wetmore Julia, 361, 414. Julia, 301, 333, 334. Julian Neville, 381, 415. Leona MatUda, 381, 416. Lucy, 282, 285, 301, 303, 304 307, 310, 312, 313, 314, 332 342, 352, 412, 438. Lucy Ann, 378, 414. Lucy Wright, 330, 378. Luther, 361, 414. Lydia AmeUa, 378, 414. Maria Louisa, 360, 413. Mary, 301, 328, 332, 361, 383 386, 414. Mary Buckminster, 387, 417. Mary Denison, 383, 416. Mary EUen, 352, 412. Mary F. Molineux, 385, 417. Mary Jane, 408, 438. Mary Thomas, 381, 416. Mary Wright, 326, 363. Morris, 377, 414. Moses WiUard, 330, 381, 382 383, 415. Nancy Shepard, 316, 330, 360 377, 413. Nathaniel Downing, 301, 330 333, 877, 378, 380, 415. Nathaniel Downing, Jr., 378 414. Oldham Bryson, 381, 416. Oliver (Dea.), 282, 310, 311 312, 313, 314, 825, 570, 582. Oliver (Rev.), 310, 334, 335 337, 609. OUver, 342, 408, 436. Ralph, 386, 417. Eobert Courtney, 830, 386. Eobert Dean, 384, 415. Salome Smith, 315, 360, 361 413. Samuel, 301, 326, 330, 354, 359 363, 365, 414, 600. Samuel Brewster, 340, 408, 438 Samuel Buel, 408, 438, Samuel FarweU, 330, 385, 416 Sarah, 310, 340. Sarah E. Florence, 382, 416. Seth (Judge), 282,283, 284, 285, 286, 294, 295, 134, 352, 60O 570. Seth (Capt.), 282, 801, 303, 316 500. Seth, 801, 315, 330, 354, 377. INDEX. 621 Descendants of Judge Seth, sou of Izrahiah, son of Thomas. Wetmore Seth Downing, 315, 361, 413. SUas, 361, 414. Sophia, 310, 312, 351, 352. Sophia Hazeltine, 360, 413, Thomas Townsend, 388, 4161 Timothy, 310, 342, 408. Timothy Edwards, 342, 408, 409, 410, 438. Titus, 301, 321, 380, 377. Walter Ely, 408, 438. Warren Halsey, 408, 438. WilUam, 301, 320, 321, 323, 361. AVilUam A. Keyser, 382, 416. WiUiam Boerum, 366, 414. Wetmore WilUam Brewster, 411, 438. WilUam Courtney, 385, 416. WiUiam C. Stewart, 381, 416. WiUiam Hastings, 380, 382, 383, 416. WilUam Ogden, 320,324,861,413. WilUam Shepard, 316, 333, 364, 355, 368, 359, 364, 366, 383, 3&4, 413. William Shepard, Jr., 352, 360, 413. WiUiam Wright, 301, 327, 329, 330, 354, 357, 377. Wyatt, 365, 414. Descendants of Jeremiah, Son of Izrahiah, Son of Thomas. Wetmore AbigaU, 440, 444. Alexander Ogden, 450, 478. Anna, 440, 444. Annie Troy, 481, 483. Augusta, 446, 447, 477. Augusta Ludlow, 482, 483. Butler. 442, 451. Butler 2d, 442, 451. CaroUne Lucy, 446, 447) 477. Charles, 477, 478, 482, 483. Charles Jeremiah, 450, 479. CorneUa Charlotte, 450, 479. EUzabeth, 440, 444, 462. EUzabeth Cogdell, 452, 480. EmUy, 478, 482. Esther, 442, 451. Frances, 442, 451. George, 442, 446, 450, 455, 477, 478, 482. Geo. Badger (Eev.),452, 481 ,483. George Curgerven, 450, 478. Hannah, 442, 451. Harriet Augusta, 460, 479. Harriet Lydia, 444, 452. Hester Ann, 447, 477, 478, 482. Hezekiah, 441, 446, 455, 494. Hezekiah (Capt.), 440, 441, 446. Ichabod, 440, 444, 452. James Wood, 478, 482, Wetmore Jeremiah, 2, 34, 201, 440, 441, 442, 443, 444, 446, 447, 451. Josiah, 442, 451. Lydia CogdeU, 452, 481. Laura Jane, 452, 480. Maria, 444, 452. Mary, 442, 451, 482, 483. Mary Aun, 450. 479. Rachel, 440, 442, 444, 450, 451, 478. Rebecca, 462, 481. Eobert Smith, 481, 483. Samuel Hinsdale, 481, 483. Samuel Waldo, 446, 478. Sarah, 442, 446, 451, 465. . Sarah Christophers, 444, 452. Sarah Waldo, 446, 447, 455, 456, 466, 466, 475, 476. Sophia Maria, 460, 478. Thankful, 440, 444. Thomas, 446, 477. Thomas Badger, 452, 481, 483. Thomas George, 450, 478. Tryphenia, 441, 442, 446, 451. 'William (.ludge), 113, 442, 446, ^^ 447, 448, 466, 456, 478. WiUiam HaU, 481, 483. WiUiam Henry, 450, 478, 482. WilUam Eobards, 452, 481. 622 INDEX. Descendants of Caleb, Son of Izrahiah, Son op Thomas Wetmore AbigaU, 486, 489. Albert, 490. Alice C, 490. Ann M., 490. Anna, 486, 489. Annie C, 492, 496. Arrietta, 487, 492. Azariah, 484, 486, 487, 490. Caleb, 31, 32, 34, 51, 330, 361, 484, 485, 486. Caroline, 486, 490. Catherine Ann, 487, 492. Charles, 488, 493, 496. Charles E., 490. Charles Hamlin, 486, 489, 490, 493, 495. Charles Pettibone, 489, 493, 497. Charles R., 491. Clark, 488, 492, 496. Cornelia, 486,491. D. Simmons, 490, 494. Dwight Erwin, 490, 494. Ebenezer Brown, 486, 489, 493. Edward, 486, 490, 495. I':dward Ahijah, 489, 494. Electa, 486, 489. Elizabeth, 484, 485, 486, 487, 488, 491, 492. Elizabetb M., 492, 496. Eliza Jane, 488, 492, 493, 496. Emeline, 490. Emma Arrietta, 492, 496. Eunice, 484, 485. Eunice Louisa, 492, 496. Evelina, 490, 494. Evelina Ann, 486, 490. Frank K., 490. Frederick, 486, 490, 493. Frederick Henry, 490, 494. George, 486, 491, 495. George Henry, 492, 496. Harriet, 486, 491. Harriet Belinda, 491. Henry, 486, 490, 491. Henry Pratt, 491. Henry S., 490. Wetmore Henry Wallace, 488, 493. Hiram Pease, 489, 494. Huldah Ann B., 487, 492. James, 484, 487, 490. James Henry, 487, 492, 496. Jenny, 492, 496. John, 54, 484, 486, 488, 489 492, 496. John Daniel, 487, 491. John Stanley, 490. Josiah, 484, 488, 492, 493. Junius Marcellus, 490, 494. Lois, 484, 486, 488, 492. Lotan, 489, 493. Louisa, 487, 491. Lucy Angeline, 489, 493. Lucy Wallace, 492, 496. Luther Edwards, 491. Margeret, 488, 492. Margeret Chamber, 492, 496 Maria, 486, 488. Marilla, 486, 489. Mary, 484, 485, 486. Mary Adeline, 490. Mary Ann, 486, 490. Mary EUzabeth, 492, 496. Mary Ella, 492, 496. Mary Louisa, 490, 494. Mary Seymour, 490, 494. Nancy, 487, 492. Ogden E., 492, 496. OUver Perry, 488, 492. Polly, 486, 489. Rachel EUzabeth, 486, 490. Rebecca, 488, 493. Rebecca Amber, 492, 496. RosabeUa Sarah, 494, 497. Sally HamUn, 486, 488. Sarah, 484, 486, 489, 491, 493. Seth, 484, 485. Seth H.,489, 493. Timothy, 484, 487. Timothy Seymour, 486, 490, 493. WiUiam, 486, 489, 493. WiUiam, 486, 491, 495. William Walden, 491. INDEX u 623 Josiah, Son of Izrahiah, Son of Thoafas and his Children. Wetmore Esther, 498, 501. Martha, 498, 499 ^^ETMORE Josiah, 31, 32, 34, 51, 444, 498 499. Beriah, Son of Thomas and his Descendants. Wetmore Andrew, 502, 503. Anna, 503, 504. Asahel, 503, 504. Asher, 503, 504. Beriah, 11, 34, 503, 508. Bethiah, 34, 502. Hannah, 34, 502, 503, 504. Lament Stow, 503. Lemuel, 503, 504. Margeret, 34, 5o2, 503. Wetmore Mary, 503. Nathan, 503, 504. Nathaniel, 603, 504. Philip, 503, 504. Eachel, 503. Rapelyea, 503, 504. Samuel Bowman, 502, 503, 504 Sarah, 34, 502. Susannah, 502, 503. Thomas, 34, 502, 503, 504. Nathaniel, Son of Thomas and his Descendants. Wetmore Almira, 507, 508. Almira Orvilla, 508, 511. Aretas, 507, 509. Barron Eugene, 509, 511. Byron L., 510, 511. Chloe, 506, 507. Comfort, 505, 506. Content, 505, 506. CorneUa, 507, 510. Cynthia, 507, 508, 509. Cynthia Ann, 507, 510. Deborah, 505. Elisha Howard, 507, 509. EUzabeth, 505, 506. Esther, 35, 505. George Warren, 510, 511. Hannah, 506. Harriet, 507, 509. Harry, 507, 509. Isaac, 505, 506, 507, 509. Ira, 507, 509. Jehiel E., 507, 509, 511. JohnL, 508, 510, 611. Lois, 506, 507. Lovina, 507. 510. Louisa, 507, 509, 80 Wetmore Lucinda, 507, 510. Lydia Louisa, 507, 508. Marcy, 505. Margaret, 506. Martin B., 507, 509. Martha, 507, 510. Mary, 606, 607, 510, 511. Mary Clarinda, 510, 511. Mary M., 510, 511. Mary Helen, 509, 511. Mehitable, 506. Minerva P., 507, 510. Moses, 35, 605, 506, 507, 508. Patience, 606, 507. Polly Ann, 508, 511. Reuben, 505, 506, 507, 508, 511 Reuben B., 506. Reuben C, 507. Reuben D., 507, Reuben E., 507, 510, 511. Stephen B., 505, 506, 507, 509 510, Stephen R., 507, 509, 511. Sylvester J,, 509,511. Thomas, 35, 506. Zephora, 606. 624 INDEX. Joseph, Son op Thomas, and his Descendants. Wetmore Abigail, 512, 513, 519. Ada, 513, 619, 520. Ade Elno, 527, 529, 530. Albert Abraham, 521, 528. AUce M,, 528, 530 Alson, 527, 529. Alson L., 520, 527. Amos, 512, 613, 514, 518, 519. Angeline, 514. Ann, 35, 512. Anna, 512, 513, 519, 526. Asel, 513, 519. Asher, 513, 518, 519,529, 530, Augustus Ditmars, 528, 5ii0. Augustus Parsons, 521, 528, 530. Aurelia White, 614, 525. Bella, 513, 514. Betsey, 514, 521. Bridget Catherine, 521, 529. Caroline Louisa, 521, 529. Chapin Hall, 528. Charles A., 520, 527. Charles Canvass, 628. Charles H., 526, 529. Clarissa, 514, 620. Curtiss G., 618, 626. Daniel White, 514, 525. Delos A., 520, 627, 630. Dolly, 613, 519. Ebenezer, 512, 513. 519. Edward B., 518, 526. Electa S., 520, 527. Elizabeth, 519, 526. Ella, 527, 629. • Emeline, 514, 521. Emma, 519, 526. Etta, 526, 529. Eunice, 513, 518. Ezra, 513, 518. George M., 529, George Parker, 525, 629. George Rapelyea, 521, 629. George W,, 519, 527, Grace, 513, 614. Harriet, 618, 526, Henry, 526, 529. Henry Clay, 527, 529, 530. HoweU, 514, 520. Hugh White, 525, 529. Ira, 519, 526, 529. Wetmoee Ira N., 520, 527. Itha, 512, 613, 519. James, 513, 620. Jehial, 513. Jemima, 514, 521. Jennie May, 527, 529, 530. Jerome White, 521, 528. Joseph, 35, 502, 512, 513, 514 520. Kate LUian, 528, 530. Lansing (Judge), 514, 521, 522 523, 524, 528. Lansing Ditmars, 521, 528, 530 Leander, 519, 526, 529. Leonard, 514, 525, 529. Lois, 513, 514, 519, 520, 521. Louisa, 514, 520. Lucy, 513, 514, 519, 527. Lucy Ann, 620, 527. Luman (Lyman), 513, 514, 521. Lydia, 35, 612, 613, 614. Marcella Electa, 520, 627. Maria, 514, 520. Martha, 513, 520. Mary, 618, 526. Mary Louisa, 514, 525, 528, 529, 630. May, 526, 529, Melancton Clark, 514, 525, 529. Morris, 619, 527, 529. Nathaniel, 35, 512, 513, 514, 521, Orlando E., 520, 527. Orlow E., 619, 527, 630. Parsons, 513, 514, 521, 524. Pestor (Preston ?), 527, 529, 530 Polly, 513, 514, Pheobe, 613, 514, 519, 520, 521 Rachel, 513, 518. Ruth, 512, 513, 514, 619. Sanford, 614, 520. Sarah, 612, 513. Sarah Maria, 521, 628. Susannah, 513, 519 Sidney Lansing, 628, 530. Sydney A., 521, 528. Timothy, 512,613, 520. Timothy Clark, 613, 520. Vincent Stone, 514, 526. Wilber, 527, 629, 530. Zephaniah Davenport, 514, 626 INDEX. Descendants of Wetmores, not Wetmore by Name Adams Edwm, 99. Adkins AbigaU, 28. Benjamin, 28. Ebenezer, 49. Elizabeth, 28, 49. Ephraim, 28, 49. Experience, 29. G«orge, 49. James, 49. Josiah, Jr., 28. Naome, 49: Samuel, 29. Sarah, 28. Solomon, 28. Thankful, 29. Thomas, 49. Allek Margeret, 502. Mary, 502. Noadiah, 502. Rebecca, 502. Sarah, 502. Alsop Charles Richard, 304. Clara Pomeroy, 304. Elizabeth, 304. Lucy Wetmore, 304. Mary Wright, 804. Alvord Persis, 57. Ursula, 67. Atwater Edward, 88. Frances M., 88. Frederick, 88. George E., 88. Hiram H. (Dr.), 88. Lyman, 88. WUliam H., 88. AUBEHRT Almira, 510. Ella, 510. Emma, 510. Stephen, 510. Bacon Abigail, 36, 51. Andrew, 35. Ann, 35. Benjamin, 36. Bethiah, 51. Bacon Catherine, 36. Daniel, 35, 51. Esther, 35. Hannah, 36. Jeremiah, 36. ¦John, 35. Joseph, 35, 5% \ Josiah, 35. Mary, 36, 51. Mehitable, 35, 61. Moses, 61. Nathaniel, 35, 36. Sarah, 35, 36, 54. Barclay Clara Hannah, 347. Edwards Wetmore, 346. Emily EUzabeth, 346. Ida WUliams, 346. Thomas Spilsbury, 346. Beach AbigaU, 73. Emmet Addis, 73. Eunice Louisa, 73. Hiram Wetmore, 73. Narcissa, 73. Philo Plato, 73. Sorena Desire, 73. Verlot Daniel, 73. Bedell Alexander Rankin, 260. John WilUam, 260. Beecher Henry Ward, 107. Mary, 107. Belden Hezekiah, 213. Samuel, 213. Thomas, 213. WiUiam, 213. Bennet Charles Henry, 45. Daniel James, 45. Edwin, 45. EUza, 45. Emeline, 46. John, 46. Orville, 45. Bihnet Charles Chauncey, 485. EUzabeth Cox, 485. Horace, 485. John, 485, 626 INDEX. Descendants of Wetmores, not Wetmore by Name. BiNNET Julia Hope, 485. Maria Templeton, 485. WiUiam Johnson, 485. Bishop Abigail, 36. Catherine, 36. Mary, 36. Samuel, 36, Sarah, 36, Susannah, 36. Bissel Adam, 65, Augustus, 65. Edward Watson, 65. George Henry, 66. Henrietta Augusta, 65. Jane Haight, 220. Roman Augustus, 65, Thomas Watson, 65, Bliss Alessandra Stewart, 258. Charles Parke (Rev.), 258. Charles Vaughn Poster, 258. Donald McQueen (Rev.), 258. Elizabeth Murray, 257. Ella Maude, 257. Emma Wetmore, 268. George Johnston, 257. George Pidgeon, 258 . George Samuel T., 268. George William Murray, 257. Gerald Courtenay W., 258. Helen, 258. Henry, 258. James Peters, 258. Jean, 258. John Murray, 257, 258. John Murray Upham, 267. Sarah Jane, 267, Sophia Isabella, 258. Susan Mary, 267. Thomas Alder Dickerson, 258. Thomas Wetmore, 257. William Dickson, 268; WUliam T. W. H,, 257. Boam Ann, 512. Elizabeth, 512. Johu, 512. •loseph, 512 Bovee Abigail Maria, 45. Hannah Wetmore, 45. Margaret Amelia, 45. John Emory, 45. Broadfoot Andrew, 481. Charles Wetmore, 481. Prank Hinsdale, 481. George Badger, 481. James Barker, 481. John Barrett, 481. Thomas Wetniore, 481. WilUam WUson, 481. Brooks Burr, 120. Major, 120. Sarah, 120. Brown Lina Cone, 352. Sidney DevUle, 71. Thomas Southmayd, 352 Brundige Gilbert, 217. Timothy, 217. Booklet Mrs. (of Rye), 217. Bush Harriet Wetmore,' 333. Henry Kirk Brown, 333. John James, 333. JuUa Sophia, 333. Eobert Wallace, 333. Robert Wasson, 333. Butler Mary M., 489. Canfield Alfred Washington, 478. Benjamin Ogden, 478. Cornelia, 478. Frances Dayton, 479. Gideon, 503. Henry Wurts, 479. Israel, 478. Joseph Lovell, 479. WiUiam Cummings, 478. Carr Alice, 527, Alta, 627. Elva, 627, Castle Ada EUzabeth, 519. Asa E., 519. Delia, 620. Exene, 96. Hart W., 519, Mary Lucretia, 96. Samuel J,, 520. WiUiam D., 519. Chappell Harriet W.. 103. INDEX, Descendants of Wetmores, not Wetmore by Name. Chappell Henry Haven, 103. Chase Alleyn Gardiner, 347. Clara Annie, 347. Eveline Goodwin, 347. George Emanuel. 347. Thomas, 347. Chauncey Henry, 304, Lucy, 304. Cheever George Wetmore, 375. Clark AbigaU, 37. Jedidiah, 37 Coe Frances Abbey, 71. Wilbur Fisk, 71, Colles Chiistopher John, 479, Elizabeth, 479. Frances, 479. George Wetmore, 479. Harriet Augusta, 479- James, 479. John Henry, 479. Mary Gertrude, 479. Connover Helen Louisa, 99. Henry Oscar, 99. Coebwell Christian, 37, EUzabeth, 37. John, 37. Lois, 37. Mary, 37. Sarah, 37. Craft Charity, 225. Charles, 225. Deborah, 225. EUzabeth, 221, 226. Esther, 225. James, 225. Jerusha, 225. John, 225. John Thom, 221. PoUy, 221. Sarah, 221. WUliam, 221, 225. Crtder Anna Elizabeth, 363. Duncan, 363. Edward, 363. Crtder Elizabeth, 363, Esther Wetmore, 363. George, 363, Julia, 363. Mary, 363. Samuel Wetmore, 363. WilUam Wetmore, 363. Curtiss George Wetmore, 96. Harriet Lane, 96. Jabez GiUett, 96. Darling Eliza, 139. Grace, 139. Howard Wetmore, 139. De Krotft Abraham W., 525. Parke, 525. William, 526. Denison Ann EUzabeth, 328. Charles, 328, 383. George, 328. Lucy, 328. Mary, 328. Mary Wetmore, 328. Zina, 328, De Witt Anna, 103. Dibble EUzabeth Maria, 259. Emma Wetmore, 269. Frederick Lewis, 269. Grace Hailes, 259'. Kathleen Head, 259. Thomas Wetmore, 259. Sarah Peters, 259. Sophia IsabeUa Bliss, 25i Susanna Mary, 259. Dodge Clara Harriet, 347. EUzabeth Whitney, 347. Emily MUward, 347. Harriet Clara, 347. Henry Clay, 347. Stephen Larned, 347. 351 WiUiam Heury, 347. Dowd Dinah, 38. Elizabeth, 38. Eunice, 38, Jacob, 38, •lesse, 38. John, 38, Mary, 38. 628 INDEX. Descendants of Wetmores, not Wetmore by Name. Dunn Anna Wetmore, 133. John Wetmore, 133. Mary Wetmore, 133. Rose Wetmore, 133. Durand Harvey, 508. Sylvia H., 508. Dwight Irene Wetmore, 86. Ellsworth Frederick, 340. Hugh Thompson, 340. John, 340. Lucy Stoughton, 340. Samuel Hayden, 340. Sarah Elsie, 340. Stoughton, 340. Elting WiUiam, 249. Elton Mary, 37. Recompense, 37. English Maud Marian, 275. Richard Smedes, 275. Fairchild Aldert Mills, 44. Fairweather Jessie, 266. Feert Isaac N., 619. Manly Chapman, 519. Fitch Charles De Witt, 525. Dyer Wetmore, 621. Elisha Parsons, 625. George Clinton, 525. Maria Louisa, 525. Mary EUzabeth, 525. Samuel Augustus, 525. Flewelino Charlotte, 226. Mary, 225. WiUiam Puddington, 225. Pondet Clara Edwards, 347, Clara Harriet, 347. Helena Wetmore, 347. Martha Townsend, 347. William Hunn, 347. Foote Charles Henry, 80. Emergene, 80. George Newton, 80. Gallup Celinda, 508. Ezekiel, 508. Levi, 505. Galt Irene, 510. Gat Emma Francis, 141, Mary Reed, 141. Mary Watson, 64. Gilbert Hannah, 66. Lucy, 66. Prudence, 66. GiLDEESLEIVE Catherine, 100. Harriet, 100. Louisa, 100. Goodale Elizabeth Livona, 46. George Henry Irwin, 46 Mary Jane, 46. Goodwin Emily Gale, 343, 347. Grant Ann Stoughton, 340. Elizabeth, 340. Frederick, 340. Lucy EUzabeth, 340. RosweU, 340. William, 340. Graves Leves, 52. Timothy (Maj.), 52. Grat Dorsey, 417. Edmund Wetmore, 417, John P., 417. Theodore, 412. Geeen Charles H., 43. Elisha W., 43. Emily M., 44. Emory 0., 44. Florence M., 44. George W., 44. Hannah Louisa, 44. Helen C, 43. Henry, 44. Horace, 43, John C, 43. Mary, 43. Mary M., 43. Haight AbigaU, 220. INDEX. Descendants of Wetmores, not Wetmore by Name. Haight Abraham Henry, 221. Alithea, 220. Alvin Wetmore, 220. Anna Augusta, 221. Benjamin, 220. Caleb, 220, Caleb Wetmore, 220. David, 221. David Edwin, 221. EUzabeth, 220. Esther, 220. Hester Jane, 221. James, 220. James Lawrence, 220. Jane, 221. John, 220. Lavinia, 221. Maria Banyan, 220. Mary, 220. Mary EUzabeth, 221. Mary Lavinia, 221. MilUcent, 220. Nicholas, 220. Phineas, 221, Thomas, 220. Thomas B., 221. Samuel Nicholson, 221. Susannah, 220. WUUam, 220. WUliam MarshaU, 220. Hall Catherine D., 46. Harriet L,, 46. Julia J., 46. Louisa L., 46. Samuel W., 519. Scott W., 46. Halset Anna, 86. Anthony Post, Jr., 86. CorneUa Brower, 86. EUzabeth, 86. Euphemia, 86. Henry Martin, 86. James Wetmore, 86. Mary Wetmore, 86. Noah Wetmore, 86. Seaton, 86. Harris Caleb, 220. David, 220. Elijah, 220. EUzabeth, 220. James Wetmore, 220. John Q., 220. Harris Moses Marshall, 220. Sarah, 220. Thomas, 220, Haetle Betsey, 488. John, 488. Lotan, 488. Mary, 488. Susan, 488. Hatfield Alvira, 42. Eli, 41. Charles Nathan, 43. Clark, 41. Cynthia M., 42. Cynthia W., 42. Hannah Abigail, 42. Hannah Louisa, 43, Harriet EmUy, 43. John, 42. Louisa, 41. Malissa, 41. Marshall, 42. Mary C.,42. Mason, 42. Nathan, 41. Orlow, 42. Oscar Fitzland, 42. Perkins, 41. Sophronia, 41. WiUiam, 42. William H., 41, 43. Hatden Amanda, 64. Altumia, 64. Malinda, 64. Hatwood George Albigence, 480. James Colles, 479. Head Elizabeth, 266. Emily Myers, 256. Sarah Wetmore, 256. Hills Lucy Ann, 95. Hinsdale Elizabeth Christophers, 452 Frances Broadfoot, 480. John Wetmore, 480. Sarah Wetmore, 452. Holmes Elizabeth Wetmore, 480, Gabriel, 480. Hardy Lucien, 480 Laura Lydia, 480. 630 INDEX. Descendants of Wetmores, not Wetmore by Name. Holmes Mary Maria, 480. Theophilus H., 480. Wetmore, 480. HOTT Amelia K., 87. Delia Andrus, 71. Frederick Durrells, 71. Harriet, 71. Joseph Lamson, 213, Julia, 71. Louisa, 71. Samuel Ithiel, 87, Stanley, 87. Stephen, 213. Thomas, 213. Hubbard Ebenezer, 502. Elijah, 502. Hannah, 502. Hezekiah, 502. Hope, 502. Jedediah, 502. Josiah, 502. Hunter Charlotte Jarvis, 91. Elizabeth Wetmore, 376. Sylvia Elizabeth, 91. 'WilUam Robinson, 376. Jenks Kittie Wetmore, 413. WiUiam Wetmore, 413. Johnson Charles John, 485. Edward, 485. Edward Henry, 485. Eliza Frances, 486, EUza Winthrop, 485. Eunice, 485. Fanny, 485. Henry, 486. Horace, 485. John, 485. Margeret Eliza, 485, Maria, 486. Maria Catherine, 485. Oliver Templeton, 486. Richard, 485. Seth, 485. WUliam, 485, WilUam Templeton, 485. Johnston Colles, 479. EmUy, 479 Frances, 479. John Herbert, 479. Jones Anna Maria, 133. Walter, 412. Kellt Amelia Jane, 249. Catherine Elizabeth, 249, EUzabeth, 249, Henry G., 249. Merritt, 249. WilUam, 249. Kimball Adelaide, 44. Frank 0., 44. WiUiam W., 44. Kittle Charles A., 74. Charlotte Berry, 74. Downer, 74. George Wetmore, 74. Herbert C, 74. Marietta Snell, 74. Newell, 74. Lafflin Frederick, 89. Henry, 89. Pomeroy W., 89. WiUiam, 89 Lamereux Daniel, 223. David, 223. Elizabeth, 223. James, 223. Susannah, 223. Thomas, 223. Timothy, 226. Lamson Anne, 213. Elizabeth, 213. Esther, 213. John, 213, 217. Joseph, 217. Mary, 213. Nathaniel, 217. William, 213. Lee Charles (Rev.), 255. EUzabeth Ann, 254. Frances, 265. George, 254. IsabeUa, 255. John Head, 265. Margeret, 255. Sarah Peters, 256 . Thomas Wetmore, 254, 259 WUliam Tyng P., 225. INDEX. Descendants of Wetmores, not Wetmore by Name. Leintz Mary Wetmore, 98. WiUiam Alphonzo, 98. Lotspeich Charles Heury, 139. Magill Arthur, 501. EUzabeth, 501. Esther, 501. Martha, 501. Mary, 501. Manning Hoyt (Judge), 71. Marsh * Charles, 253. John, 2.')3. Marshall Abby .Jane, 221. Caroline Elizabeth, 221. Charlotte Ann, 221. Emery, 221. James Henry, 221. John Harris, 221. Moses H,, 221. WilUam W., 221. Mather John P. C.,452. McCullock Agnes Marilla, 71 Albert Henry, 71. Charles Sheldon, 71. Lilla Aun, 71. McKee Daniels, 505. Deborah, 505. EUzabeth, 605. Esther, 506. Eunice, 505. Mary, 505_ Rachel, 505. Merritt Amelia, 249. Charles WiUiam, 249. Esther Ann, 249. Elizabeth, 249. Gabriel, .Jr., 249. Izrahiah, 249. James D. M., 249. Mary Montague, 249. Rachel, 249. Rebecca Jane, 249. Metcalfe Edith Caroline, 479. Francis Johnson, 479. Henry, 479. 81 Metcalfe James Colles, 479. Mary Gertrude, 479. Miller David WiUiams, 220. Edward, 133. Emma, 71, Eva Maria, 71, Esther, 220, George Hudson, 71. Henry Elijah, 71. James, 220. Laura Ann, 71. Lewis Allen, 71. Maria, 220. Mary Emma, 64. Mary Jerusha, 71. Mary Maria, 71. Pheobe, 220. Tliomas Watson, 64. Samuel, 220. Mills Andrew Wetmore, 44. Charles, 44. Charlotte Louisa, 44. Edgar Delos, 44. Harriet Maria, 44. MOOK Charles, 510. Edward, 510. Moulton Harriet P., 89. Horace S., 88. Julia, 89. Mariam A,, 88, Norman S., 88. Ogden W., 89. Ogden Andrew, 223. PoUy M., 41. Palmer Lydia Louisa, 140. WUlard Henry, 140. Potwin Samuel Stoughton, 340, 341 Sarah Wetmore, 340. Thomas Stoughton, 340, 341 Prentiss Eliza, 362. Harriet, 362. Puddington Caleb Wetmore, 225. Clarissa Holmes, 225. David Wetmore, 225. Edmond, 225. Elizabeth, 225. 632 INDEX Descendants of Wetmores, not Wetmore by Name. Puddington Esther Wetmore, 225. George, 225. James Wetmore, 225. Margaret Jane Gedney, 225. Osmond, 225. Susannah Craft, 225. WiUiam, Jr., 225. Purdt Alathea, 217, 218. Anna, 218. Charity, 217. Elizabeth, 217. Esther, 218. Joshua, 217. Josiah, 217. Keziah, 217. Malinda, 217. Pheobe,' 218. Seth, 217, Rainsford Andrew WiUiam, 256. Eliza Baillie, 256. Henry Bartlett, Jr., 256. Mary Ann, 256. Sallie Petprs, 256. Thomas Wetmore, 256. Reese Charles Jerome, 528. Rice George Wetmore, 381. Sarah Frsinces, 381. William Olney, 381. RiDEl L Isadore, 143. Julie, 143. Lucia, 143. Robbins Byron, 89. Harriet, 89. Jane, 89. Roberts Charles George, 258. Robertson Ann Thomas, 328 Mary Wetmore, 328. Samuel, 328. Rodgers Charles Otis, 526. Daniel Huntington, 140. Ella Augustine, 140. Ellen Lathrop, 140. Emily, 526. George Bradley, 526. Katie Eliot, 140. Rogers Mary Louisa, 626. Rosseter Charles Wetmore, 97. Cora Jane, .97. Efiie Louisa, 97. Frank Warner, 97. Hattie BenUey, 97. Jonathan Spencer, 97 Russwurm John WUlard, 416. Lorelle, 416. Selleck Charles Wetlnore, 43. Chariotte, 43. Cynthia Elizabeth, 43 Harriet Irene, 43. ' Homer Elisha, 43. James, 43. Mary Louisa, 43. Morris, 43. Nancy Matilda, 43. Ruth, 43. Sheffield Edward Lewis, 71. Kmma Louisa, 71. Franoe.s Amelia, 71. Smith Dudley Wetmore, 131 Emily Wetmorf , 352. Emma, 139. Henry Charles, 352. JuUa Burr, 352 JuUet Eliza, 139. Lucy Beers, 352. Mary EUza, 352. Samuel George, 362. SOUTHMATU Anna, 340, 352. Charles, 352, 489. Charles Ever.-tt, 340. Elizabeth, 351. Frederick Giles, 341. John, 352. Johu D , 351. Leonard, 489. Lucy, 352, 489. Mary, 340, 357. Sarah, 352. i Sophia, 340, 352. 1 Thomas, 351. i Timothy W , 352. ' WiUiam, 352 SoWLES Henry, 377. INDEX. 633 Descendants of Wetmores, not Wetmore by Name. Spencer Elizabeth, 55, Mary, 55. Moses, 55. Spooner Catherine McEweu, 126. Starkweather Abbie Frances, 72. Anna Rebecca, 72. Clarissa 'Virginia, 72. Darwin Samuel, 71. Frederick Elijah, 72. Hattie Murry, 71. Hnlen Sybil, 72. Huldah Andrew.*, 71. Huldah Annie, 71. Jane Flora, 71. Jennie Starks, 72 Jerusha Ann, 71, Julia Maria, 71. Laura, 71. Samuel Wetmore. 71. SvbU Anderson, 71. Starr Frank Farnsworth, 333. Grace Townsend, 333. Henry Barnard, 333. Julia Wetmore, 333. Robert Wetmore, 333. WiUiam Edwards, 333. Steward Debros, 226. Stort Caroline, 455, 457, 458. Caroline Wetmore, 455, 463. Joseph, 455, 457, 459. Li.uisa, 455, 469. Marv, 455. MarV Oliver, 455, 476. William Wetmore, 456. Stoughton Amanda, 340, Ann Ellsworth, 340. Frederick Ellsworth, 340. Hannah Edwards, 340 John Alden, 340. John Wetmore, 340, 341. Lemuel, 340, 341. Lucy Wetmore, 340. Martha Jane, 340 Mary Brewster, 340. Oliver Wetmore, 340. Sarah, 340. Stow Hannah 2b, John, 28. Stow Mary, 28. Nathaniel, 28. Sarah, 28. Thomas, 28. Stratton Andrew William, 257. Barry, 257. Frank, 257. Frances Sophia M., 267. George P. B., 257. James Murray, 257. John M.atthew, 257. Mary Rebecca H., 257. Sarah Isabella, 257. Stonestreet Arthur Treadwell, 343. Helena Treadwell, 343. StuartStmonds Blanche, 143. Ellen, 143. Sylvester R., 143. Wellington, 143, Edward Gale, 346. WiUiam Barclay, 346. Tatlor Elizabeth Cheever, 376. Jacob Bloome, 376. John Jacob, 376. Thorp Henry, 74. Thurstin Albert Marion, 44. Harrison Eugene, 44. Wayne Wetmore, 44. Treadwell Alfred, 127. AUce, 343. AnnaH. D., 342, Benjamin, 127. Bertha Frances, 343. Cornelia La Tourette, 343. Edward Francis, 343. Edward Norton, 343. Elizabeth, 343. EUen Holmes, 343. Eunice Gay, 343, Franklin Adams, 343. Frederick, 343. George, 127. George Edward, 343. Hannah Wetmore, 343. Helena, 343. James Wetmore, 343. John Goodwin, 343. 634 INDEX. Descendants of Wetmores, not Wetmore by Name. Teeadwell John Pomeroy, 343. Lucy Wetmore, .343. Lucy Whittlesey, 343. Martha, 343. Mary Treby, 343. Oliver Ferdinand, 343. Rosina, 344. Thomas, 343. Treadwell, 343. Samuel Edwards (Dr.), 343. Sarah, 343. Sarah Wetmore, 343. WilUam Brewster, 343. Twinning Almira, 485. Catherine Anna, 485. Charles, 485. Edward, 485. Helen, 485. Johnson, 485 Mary, 485. Wales Frederick, 86, Mary Wetmore, 86 Wart Caroline, 73. Narcissa, 73. Watson Augustus Edward, 65. Caroline Amanda, 64, Charlotte Emeline, 64, Elizabeth CaroUne, ti5. Ellen Frances, 65. Emeline 65. Emma Adelaide, 64. Emorett Victoria, 65 . Frederick Roman, 65. George, 66. Henry Beiden, 65. Henry Ellsworth, 65. Hiram (Dr.), 64. Hiram, 65. Irene Jane, 66. Mary Ann Mather, 64. Melicent Wetmore, 65. , Oliver, 65. Roman, 64, Sarah Alien, 65, Thomas, 64. Weber Henry Edward, 99. Wellman Delia P., 519. Harriet D., 519. Wells Frank, 43. Clarinda W., 43. White Charles Atwood, 326. George Edward, 326. Henry, 324, 326. Henry Dyer. 326. OUver Sherman, 326. Roger Sherman, 326. Thomas Howell, 326. Willard Wetmore, 326. Whitesides Frank, 101. Mary, 101. Thomas, 101. WUliam Henry, 101, Whittleset Chauncey (Gen.), 304, 309. Elizabeth, 304, 313. Hannah, 304, 308, 309, 313 Lucy, 303, 313. Williams Abby, 44. Albert Parsons, 626. Arthur MagiU, 501, Caroline, 601 Eathan Elisha, 44. Edward, 501. Edwin Emerson, 99. EUza Jane, 99. Elizabeth, 500, 501. Emily Matilda, 501. Frederica, 501. Frederick C, 501. George Otis, 526, Hetty 0., 99. Henrietta, 99. James Horner, 44. .Jemima, 99. John, 501, Margeret, 501. Martha Malvina, 501. Mary, 501, Mary Ann, 501, Mary Edgar, 99. Mary Louisa, 526 Olive, 99. Stephen Clay, 601, Thomas, 99. William, 501. Williamson AbigaU, 220. Alithea, 220. Ann EUza, 220. Ezekiel Miller, 220. INDEX. 635 Descendants of Wetmores, not Wetmore by Name. Williamson Lavinia Jane, 220. Markus, 220. Samuel, 220. Susannah, 220, William, 220, Van Arsdale Henry, 482. Van Arsdale William Waldo, 482. Vantinb Ada, 520. Zeillt . Anna, 100. Isabella, 100. Mary Louisa, 100, Persons who .married Wetmores, or their Descendants. Abrahams, EUzabeth, 206, 207. Adams, Isaac, SO. John Q., 99. Mary Elizabeth, 343, Adkins, Ephraim, 49. Josiah, 28. Allen, Mary, 34. Mary Smith (widow), 57. Samuel, 502. Alltn, Ruth, 512. Alsop, Joseph W., 303. Alvord, David, 57. Anderson, Mary, 266. Armstrong, Mary E., 304. Aspinwall, Emily, 304. Atconson, Luke, 11. Mary (widow), 11. Atwater, Mirah, 66. WUliam, S8. Auberrt, j. Russell, 510. Austin, Fanny C, 88. Atlsard, Eliza Laura, 266. Bacon, Abigail, 503. Alvina, 509. Andrew, 35. George T., 99. James, 54. John, 35. Joseph 61. Marcv, 38. Mary, 30, 32. Mary, 340. Nathaniel, 36. Badger, Elizabeth Ann, 452. Bailet, Deborah, 221. Rhoda, 100. Baldwin, Elisha, 88. Barber, Sophronia, 525. Barbour, Mary E., 106, Barclat, Benjamin Spilsbury (Prof.) 344, 351. Barnes, Charles G., 627. Baeron, WilUam, 510. Babstow, Samuel, 501. Beach, Daniel, 73. SaUy, 72. Beaedslet, Chauncey Gunn, 491, Beatteat, Isaac 0., 264 James, 264. Beatty, Achsa Richardson (widow), 72. Bedell, WUUam J., 260. Beebe, Eleanor, 137. Beecher, Stephen Grenville, 107. Belden, Jane, 65. Samuel, 213. Bell, PoUy, 361. Benham, Adua, 90. Bennet, Daniel, 45, Benton, Chloe, 334, 337, 339. Binnet, Horace, Jr., 485. Bird, Mary Jane, 102, Birdsall, Timothy, 220. Bishop, Samuel, 36. Bissel, Augustus E., 65. Joel, 36. BixBT, Caroline, 102, Black, John (Rev.), 263. Blackburn, Erelina, 490. Blacklet, Mary Josephine, 479. Blair, .John, 506. Blake, Mr. 513. Rebecca, 512. Bliss, George I., 269; George Pidgeon, 257. BLonGETT, Hannah, 340. Boam, John, 512. Boddy, John, 42, William, 42. Boerum, Sarah Taylor, 365, 366. Bogardus, Sarah, 121. Bonnell, Mary Ann Sophia, 268. Booth, Sarah, 112. BosLET, Eleazer R. V., 523. Bostwick, Lorain L., 492. Bouck, Margeretta, 46. 636 INDEX. Persons who married Wetmores, or their Descendants. Bovee, Elizabeth, 44. Lovinia, 45. Peter, 45. Bowman, Hannah, 602. Braulet, Maria, 89, Brainerd, Elizabeth R., 377. Horace Byrington, 491. Brewster, Sarah, 310, 314. Beidgham, Eliza, 408. Stephen, 80. Bridgman, Caroline Lee, 96. Briggs, Alfred, 41. Harriet, 42. Brinckerhoff, Sarah, 80. Britain, James, 221, Broadfoot, William Gillis, ,481. Bronson, EUzabeth, 80. Lois, 57. Brooks, Abijah, 120. Brower, Magdelen, 69. Brown, David, 218. Mrs., 487. Samuel, 352. Shubal Cotton, 71. Brownell, Cornelia, 100. Brundige, Gilbert, 217, Bryden, Sarah Astor, 94. Buck, Mary Mix, 411. Buckfield, H. Aurelia, 528. Buckley, Lois, 489. BcEL, Delia, 488. Diana, 488. Eliza, 490. Bunstine, Mr., 529, Burr, Julia, 352, Burrough, Sophronia, 361 . Burt, Jonas, 55. Bush, EUzabeth, 222. John ChurchiU, 330, Bushnell, Elizabeth, 120. Butler, Abigail, 442. Joseph C, 489. Nancy, 507. Cadwell, George, 41. Caldweli , Esther, 56. Campbell, Edward, 262. Eliza Jane, 92. Canfield, Ann, 503. Dayton J., 479, Israel, 478. Carman, William, 258. Carmer, Mary, 81. Carr, J., 627. Casler, Colisla, 43. Castle, EUza, 519. Isaac, 519. Catlin, Catherine, 96. Gyrus, 490. Hannah, 96. Luman, 96. Center, Hannah, 56. Chandler, Henry B., 64. Chappel, Richard H., 103. Chase, Thomas Greenleaf (Dr.), 347. Chauncey, Henry, 304. Cheesbrough, Keturah, 113. Cheever, E., 79. Chetwood, Catherine Mary De Hart, 391, .397. George B, (Rev. Dr,), 324, 375. WiUiam, 518, Chilson, Sarah, 56. Chittenden, Gideon, SS. Samuel, 36. Christophers, Elizabeth, 444. Cilley, Amina, 492. Clark, Ebenezer, 37. EUzabeth, 221. Mary, 490. Pheobe, 248. Clinch, Amy, 254. Sarah, 254. Close, Jonathan, 507. Coe, Asahel, 88. Israel, 88. Samuel Ward, 71. Colles, James, 479, Combs, Joseph, 492, Conger, Deborah L., 98. Conover, John W., 99. Cook, Lucimi, 73. Robert Clarke, 46. Cornwall, Elizabeth, 37. Mary, 35, CossiT, Sally, 43, Cougal, Anuie, 264. Crabb, WiUiam, 510. Craft, John, 221. Mary, 263, Reuben, 225 Stephen, 263. Crane, Caroline Marrilla. Cryder, John, 367, 359, 363, 364. CuNNiNGHAJt, Jonathan H.,492. Curtiss, Emeline, 64, FrankUn, 133, George Ticknor, 476, .Jabez Gillet, 90. D'Arcy, Ellen N., 102. Darling, Nelson S. (Dr.), 139, 140 Davis, Charity, 80, Mary, 276. INDEX. Persons who married Wetmores, or their Descendants. Davison, Rebeoea Eliza, 263. De Bovis, AmeUa K. S., 98. De Forest, Hiram, 264. De Kroyft, Abrtiham, 525. Denison, Captain .-Vbel, 328. Denneit, Edwurd j., 278. Dexter, Julia, 381 Dibble, George Jarvis, 259. Miriam, 64. Patty, 220. Susan Mary, 257. Diehl, Ellen, 91. Dingman, Hannah, 507. Ditmars, Caroline, 521, 622. Dockstader, Frances H, (Norton), 390. DoDGK, Stephen, 347, 351. Donaghy, Jerusha, 42. Doolittle, George (Gen.), 514. Leviatha, 220. Lucy, 57. Doty, Lucy A , 627. ^Mahala A., 527. Dougherty, Annie, U>2. Mr.. 451. Down, Jacob, 38. Drake, Frances Poad, 267. Margeret, 278 Driggs, Daniel, 43. Dubal, Abigail, 493. DuNH.^M, Joseph, 221. Pheobe, 221 Dunn, EUen, 45. Richard, 133. Dunstan, Warty Jane, 267. Durant, Treat, 508. Dwight, James, 86. Edwards, Hannah, 282, 284, 286, 287, 288, 294 Susan, 491. Eggleston, Martha, 513. Ellsworth, Abner, .340. EUzabeth Stoughton, 64. Mary Buckley, 340. Mary E,, 340. Elting, James Henry, 249. Eltos, Richard, 37. English, Charles Harding, 275. Exos, Elizabeth S., 42. Erwi.v, EUen, 480. lOvANS, Margeret, 43. Fairchild, Kendrick G., 44. Fairweather, Charles Douglass, 266. EUzabeth, 253. Faeband, Ebenezer, 501. Ferguson, WUliam, 47. Ferry, Francis, 519. Field, Daniel, 36. FiTOH, Dyer, 621, 525, Flagler, T. Burtiss (Dr.), 482, Fletcher, Rebecca, 489. Flewelling, Esther Susannah, 25 Harriet Caroline, 266, John, 264. John Bentley, 266. Joseph, 225, Margeret, 264, Mary Puddington, 265, Thomas A., 225. William Jewett, 251. William Puddington, 264. WUliam Thomas, 225. PoBOS, Martha Emma, 102 Fondey, John (Dr,), 347, 361. Foote, George (Dr.) 80. Fosteu, Dorothy Ann, 268. Hannah, 606. Fowler, Elizabeth Ann, 252. Mary, 248. FuRMAN, Jane Eliza, 87, Gallup, Ezekiel, 508. Galy, FrankUn, 510. Gardner, Elizabeth, 487, Gay, Henry, 64. WilUam R., 141, Gaylord, Widow of S., 282, Gedney, Joshua D,, 252. Geer, Adaline, 132. Gidney, Jane, 230. Sarah Jane, 275. Gilbert, Harriet, 618. Jonathan, 66. Gildersleive, George, 100. Gillet, Amanda, 42. .Julia Ann, 41. Gillies, Ruth, 252. Goodale, George, 46, Goodrich, Annie (Mrs.), 315, 320 Goodwin, Gale (Capt.), 346, 347. Mary (.Jane ?), 490. Grant, Fredprick William, 340. Graves, Mr., 52. Gray, .John (Dr ), 417, 418. Samuel Cotton, 412. Green, Benjamin, 220. Oren, 43, 44. Sarah Ann, 383. Gregory, Caroline, 42. Griswold, Hannah, 58, Norman, 64, Guild, Cynthia, 40, Guiles, Klnor, 506. 688 INDEX. Persons who married Wetmores, or their Descendants, Haight, David, 220, 221. Phineas, 220. Hale, Ann, 51. Dorothy, 51. Hezekiah 513. Hall, Lucinda, 507. Lyman, 46. Rose, 481. Rose E., 528. Sarah, 11, 112. Hallett, Oliver, 254. Halsey, Anthony Post, 86. Elizabeth, 408 ¦ Hamill, Rosina, 343. Hamlin, Ann, 486. Marv, 486, Sall>, 330. Hanmee, Matilda, 264, Harris, John, 220, Lorinda, 139. Hart, Mr., 451. Samuel, 519. Hartle, George, 488, Susan, 492. Hartwbll, John (Eev.), 352, Hatfield, David, 263, David, Jr., 263. Elizabeth, 103. Fanny, 263. Mary, 262. Mr., 213. Nathan, 43. Perkins, 42. WilUam, 41. Haviland, Jane, 208, 213. Hayden, Ezra, 64. Hayward, Albigence Waldo, 479. Hazeltine, Sophia, 360. Head, Dr, John, 266. Heddington, .Jane Eliza, 381. Herrick, Eusibia N., 71. Heskkt, Samantha R , 137, Hibbard, Marion, 42. Hill, Octavia T., 481. Hills, Frederick Porter, 95. Jerusha, 57. Lucy Almira, 94. Hinckley, Apame, 124. Emily T,, 124. Sarah, 125, Hinsdale, John, 452. Samuel J,, 480. Hobbs, Hannah, 441, 442. Holcom, Zephaniah, 506. Holmes, Chester, 499 Ellen Tinker, 343, Holmes, Theop, H. (Maj.), '480 Horton, E, R., 328. Hotchkiss, Justin, 490. HovEY, George, 626 Howard, Edwin J., 381. Marv, 42 Sylvia, 507. Howe, James W., 43. Hoyt, Rumah, 253. Stephen (Capt,), 213. Sydney, 71. Wm. S, (Capt.), 87, Hubbard, Ebenezer, 502, 512. Elizabeth, 30. Rebecca, 352. Robert, 28. Hubbell, Amelia, 121. Hughson, Charles, 263, Hull, Amos Lorenzo, 72. Hume, Sarah Jane David, 98. Hunt, .Jesse, 21,'<, Hunter, Thomas Robinson, 27 Huntington, Sarah, 441. Hurlburt, Jemima; 65. Leonard Beach, 91. Hutchinson, George S., 529. Jackson, Maria, 220. Janes, Ann Elizabeth, 41. Jarvis, Elizabeth, 67, 70. Jenkins, Griffeth, 221. Jenks, Albert, 413. Jessup, Nancy, 74. Johnson, Asahel, 485 Chloe, 506. Margaret, 505. Thomas, 274. Johnston, John Taylor, 479. Jones, John Wesley, 411, 412. Levi, 41. Thomas (U. S. N,), 133. Jot, Levi, 64. Joyner, Mr., 601. Kelly, William, 249. Ketchum, Mary. 61. Pheobe, 217. Sarah Burr, 256. William 0. (Rev.), 257. Keyser, Mrs. Eleanor, 382. Kidder, Catherine, 528. Kimball, Charles C, 44, E. H., 452. Kirstead, Thomas, 265, Kittle, Simon D,, 74. Knapp, Hiram, 43. John Lnwis, 43. Knight, Clark W., 490. INDEX. Persons who married Wetmores, or their Descendants. Kramer, Anna Helena, 342. Lafflin, Milo, 89, Lamereux, Daniel, 223, George, 262. Jesse, 226, Lamson, Joseph (Rev.), 197, 198, 205, 208, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217. Landon, James, 36. Landsdowne, Louisa, 273, Lawrence, .Judah, 606. Judge, 88. Leaming, Elizabeth, 52. Lee, Amanda Malvina, 510, Eliza Pheobe, 97. JIarshaU, 511. Octavia, 510. Thomas Carleton (Hon.), 254, 255. William, 511. Leet, Katherine, 12, 26. Leintz, ilontgomery Pike, 98. Le Pelly, Louisa, b9. Lewis, Rebecca, 61. LiBEY, Alvah B., 42. Lindsay, Betsey, 526. Littlehale, Sarah Byles, 264. Littlehall, Joseph, 221. Lockhart, John, 254. LooMis, Abraham, 55. Lothrop, Mary Ann, 386, 609. LoTSPEiTCH, James Rigby (Dr.), 139. Lovejoy, Elizabeth, 133. Mary Leonard, 103, Lovell, Joseph, 478. Lucas, Thankful G., 40. Ludlow, Mary, 482. Lyman, Sarah, 55. Lyster, John, 274. Magill, .4rthur, 501. Mallery, Jane, 263. Manning, Kli Davis, 71. Marsh, Benjamin F., 253. Marshall, Charles, 4s5. Moses, 220. Mason, Alexander E., 47. Parmelia, 408. Masterson, Judith, 45. Mathee, Capt. John, 452. Mathus, Mary A., 351. Maxwell, Kate, 101. May, Catherine, 267. McAlpin, John, 95. Samuel Avery, 95. Silas Hurlburt, 95. McCalvey, Elizabeth, 347. McCluee, Agues, 86. 82 MoCoOL, Sarah, 142, McCullock, Henry, 71, McEwen, Catherine, 121, Katherine, 121, McGregor, Fanny, 527, Mary, 626. MoIntosh, Lydia Ann H., 378, McKee, Daniel, 606. McKinsey, Nancy, 221. McReynolds, Cdroline, 42. Merritt, Gabriel, 249, 250. Josiah, 218. Metcalfe, John (Dr.), 479. Miller, David W., 133. Elias B,, 220. Elizabeth, 64, Gaylord Brown (Dr,), 64. Sheldon, 71. Millington, Nathan E., 47. Mills, Andrew, 44. Elijah, 64. Milward, John, 347, 351. Minchin, Harriet Henrietta, 256 Mock, Jacob, 610. MooDT, Mary, 340. MooEE, Caroline, 71. Clement C, 346. MoRKis, Mary, 133, 488. Robert, 488. Morse, A., 220. Abby Caroline, 263. Moulton, WiUiam W., 88. MuRPHT, Jasper (Dr.), 273. MuRET, Flora, 71. Mdtee, Thomas (Dr.), 304. Nall, Henry W., 65. Nash, Lucy, 72. Neilson, Mary Noel, 486, Nelson, Caleb, 220. Newberrt, Julia, 363. Newcome, Emeline, 519. Newkirk, Sylphia, 42. Newton, David, 606. Nickerson, Joseph, 488. Noble, Marietta, 489. North, Harriet H.,351. Phineas, 88, Norton, Frances H., 390. Seba, 506. Ogden, Anna, 320, 324. Jerusha, 320, 324. Rachel, 208. Rachel, 450. Ogsbubt, Lucy Ann, 127. Olendoefp, Mary, 99. Oliver, Mary, 304. 640 INDEX. Persons who married Wetmores, or their Descendants, Olmsted, M.artha, 507. Miss, 518, Owen, Susan MatUda, 134. Paddock, George, 40, Palfret, Mr,, 499 Palmer, Henry, 140. Miss, 618. Parker, Octavia, 525. Parkhurst, Hearty, 44. Parks, Elizabeth, 527. Parmelee, Theodore E,, 501. Parson, Rachel, 613. Patterson, Lovina, 491. Paul, Ann Proven, 266. Peckham, Abbie F , 141. Pegg, Mary, 100, Pendleton, Polly, 527- Pentreath, Edward, 268. Peters, Eliza, 261. Julia, 256, Sarah, 227. William Tyng, 259. Pettibone, Sarah, 489. Phair, Harriet, 255. Margeret, 264. Phillips, George (Gen.), 498, 499, Pickell, Maria, 265, Pickett, David, 252. Pickle, Sarah, 263. Pier, Albert, 526. Pierce, Bethia,. 249. Sarah F., 493. Pincknet, Louisa J., 103. Pitcher, EUzabeth Russell, 102. Plant, Heury W. W., 274. Platt, Martha, 520. Richard, 11, Porter, Clarinda, 250. Potwin, Thomas, 340, Powell, PhUo E., 41. Prall, Charlotte, 86. Prentiss, Cyrus, 362, 363. Price, Eliza B., 362, Prime, Lybia, 62 Puddington, Charlotte, 269. Clarissa Holmes, 252. Edmund, 268. • Hannah Eliza, 268. James Wetmore, 250. William, 225, Purdy, Henry, 218. Joseph, 218. Josiah, 217. Susan, 248. William, 21S. Pynchon, Catherine, 446, 447. Quaokenboss H., 104. Radford, WUliam (Capt.), 478. Rainsford, Harriet, 255, Henry Bartlett, 256. Ramsey, Elizabeth, 488, Rathbone, Eliza, 122, 123. Read, WiUiam, 607. Reese, Charies P., 528. Reeve, Josiah H,, 168. Rice, Chester W. (Dr.), 381. Riddell, John J., 143. W,, 143. Eislet, Lucy Ann, 46. Mary .Jerusha, 44. Robbins, Philander, 89. Roberts, Abigail, 612. Anna, 52. George, 254. George Goodrich (Rev.), 258 Marcy, 50. Robertson, John B. (Dr,), 328. Robinson, Anna Dorathea, 260. J. (Dr.), 138. William (Maj. R. A.), 259. Rodgers, Ann, 489, Bradley D., 526. Thomas F,, 140. Rogers, Anstice, 354. Rood, Anna, 72. Root, Cynthia, 46. Ross, Jane, 478, Rosseter, Eliza Frisbee, 97. Jonathan Addison, 97. Rowcliff, George, 43. Russel, Submit, 53, Russwurm, Thomas E, S., 415. Rtan, Caroline Brown, 347. Sands, Juliet, 46. Saunders, Deborah, 249. Samuel Whitney, 266. Savage, Mary, 27, 28, Sawter, Conant (Rev,), 80. Scott, Garnett, 220, Lucretia, 301, 303. Perry, 220. Sarah Matilda, 252, Scovil, WUliam EUas (Rev,), 255 William H., 254. Selleck, Ebenezer Lockwood, 43, Setmour, Anne, 486. John S., 490. Sharpe, Harriet, 85, Shattuck, Maria C, 628, Shaw, Olive, 42. Sheffield, Pheobe Ann, 71, Shepard, Nancy, 316, 316, INDEX. 641 Persons who married Wetmores, or their Descendants. Sherman, Deborah, 224. Mrs, Mary, 253, Rachel, 247, Ruth, 223. Walter. 226, William, 218. Skilling, John Wesley, 71. Skinner, Althea, tO, Lovinia, 80. Mark (Hon.), 501, Parmelia, 328, Sleeper, Amicy W., 42. Smillie, Isabella, 250. Smith, George B., 139, Maria, 263, Mary, 73, S., 220. Salome, 315, 320. Samuel B,, 352. Winfred, 59, Snippers, Sarah, 220. Southmayd, Charles, 340. . Erastus, 489. Esther, 334, 337. GUes. 351, 352. SowLES, "William L, (Col.), 377. Spencer, Akimar, 55. EUphaz, 507. EUzabeth A., 99. Huldah, 73 Josephine, 438. Sylvia, 67. Spooner, Alden, 126, 127. Speagg, Edward, 262. Elijah, 263. Sprague, Belinda, 486. Spring, , 248. Stamp, Anna, 343. Stancliff, Martha, 67. Stanton, Sarah, 56. Stakes, EUzabeth, 489. Starkweather, Elijah, 71. Starr, EUzabeth, 444 WilUam E. N. (Gen.), 333, 334. Stevens, Janet Ann H. S. 277. Stewart, Sarah HiU, 258. Stillman, Emily, 499. Stimson, Sophia, 41. Stonestreet, Thomas Wilson, 342. Stoeee, Daniel W., 489. Mary, 485. Story, H< n Joseph (L.L D.), 455, 457, 458, 460, 461, 463, 465, 466, 470, 471, 472, 474, 475, 476. Stoughton, John, 340, 341. Martha Jane, 352. Stow, Rachel, 282, Stratton, Frances Sophia M., 258, 259 Francis A, H,, 257. Martha P., 266. Streak, Thomas E., 278, Strickland, Mary, 492, Strong, John, 121. Stuart, George, 346, Symonds, Sylvester, 143, Talcott, Electa S., 520, Lucy, 519. Taylor, John Jacob, 376. Lucy S., 140. Sarah Jane, 257. Templeton, Maria, 486, Trains, Clarissa, 45. Thayer (Thuja?), Ann, 41, Thompson, Festus L., 80. Martha, 42. Nancy, 44. Sarah Ann, 93. Thorn, Catherine, 485. Thorp, Henry, 74. Thurstin, James, 44. Tilley, Chariotte M., 278. Tonnele, Julia Emily, 142, Tracy, Mary, 304. Treadwell, , 127. John Pomeroy, 342, 344. Tuttle, Ann, 90. Twinning, WilUam, 485. Tyler, Jane, 80. Udall, Catherine, 333. Upson, Asa (Capt.), 54. Van Arsdale, Henry (Dr.), 482. Van Cott, Anna, 221. Vantine, Harriet, 520. Viets, Mr., 90. Wadleigh, Lydia Leonard, 385. Waffule, Hannah, 74, Waldo, Sarah, 446, 448, 450. Wales, Joseph, 86. Walker, Phoebe, 117, 119. Wallace, Elizabeth, 361, Minerva, 492 Ward, Annie, 117. Hannah, 342. Harriet E., 46, Samuel, 28. Warner, Elizabeth Wyatt, 326,327 Wart, Jacob, 73. Washburn, Joseph, 66. Watson, Thomas (Capt.), 64, 642 INDEX. Persons who married Wetmores, or their Descendants. Weaver, Pheobe Ann, 138. Webb, Andrew, 606, Russel, 527. Weber, Carlos G., 99. Webster, Dorathy, 512. ¦Wellman, Manly (Dr.), 619. Wells, Laura, 43. Wetherby, Betsey, 528. Wetmore, Augusta, 478. Charles Jeremiah, 477. Clark, 488. David J, (Rev,), 274, Edwin, 489. Eliza, 225. EUzabeth, 226. Esther, 251. Esther Merritt, 226. Esther PhUlips, 354. Harriet Margaret, 267. James, 250. Jane, 250. Josiah, 254. Justus Sherwood (Judge), 249. Keturah, 116. Lois, 484. Lydia, 502. Margeret, 262 Pheobe, 252. Polly, 361. Susannah, 225. Thomas, 225. Titus, 498. WiUiam Shepard, 365. Wheeler, T. D., 493. Whelpley, Ann, 253. Chariotte, 225. Eliza, 252, White, Aurelia, 614, 518. Balsora, 608. Dyer (Judge), 324, 325, 326. Jane Ann, 74. Sophia, 65. Whiteside, JohnH., 101. Whiting, Alonzo, 95. Whitlark, EUzabeth, 220, Whitman, Lucy, 493. Sarah M., 89. Whitmore, Esther, 56. Hannah, 282, 286. Whitnet, Elizabeth, 223. Whitcomb, Susannah, 520. Whittleset, Chauncey (Dea.), 303 307, 308, 309, 327. Elizabeth, 304. Giles, 65. Lewis, 96. Wilcox, Jesse, 506. WiLET, Margeret, 526. Philip Augustus, 481. Wilkin., Thomas, 438. Willard, Nancy, 330, 379, Williams, Adeline, 490. Benjamin, 452. Edwin, 99. Elizabeth Graham, 102. Fanny, 225, George S., 625. Ira, 44. John, 501. Josiah, 304, 601. Samuel, 601. Williamson, Garrett, 220. Mary F,, 527, Wilson, James, 493. Jane, 220. Winthrop, Laura, 485, Winn, Mary Townsend, 412. Wolcott, Fanny, 501, William, 42. Woodford, JuUa Ann, 96. Woodhall, David (Dr.), 58. WooLWOETH, Harriet, 87. Wooster, Elizabeth, 99. Wurt, Sarah, 223. Wurts, EUza Ann, 479. Wtnohop, Mr., 40. Yakelt, Kate, 43. Zeillt, David, 100. INDEX. Collateral Branches. Abrahams, Mr., 207. Adams, Mehitable, 609. Richard, 343. Adkins, Abigail, 28. Benjamin, 28. EUza, 28. Ephraim, 28. Josiah (Sen,), 28. Josiah (Jr.), 28, 49. Sarah, 28. Solomon, 28. WiUiam, 28. Alden, AUce, 126. John, 255, 567, 572, 590, 591, 592, 596, 601, 603, 607, PriscUla, 113. Allen, AbigaU, 609, James, 609. Joseph, 609. Mary, 609. Obadiah (Dea.), 17, 27, 34, 35, 61. Samuel, 609. Samuel (Dea.), 569. Sarah, 609. Allerton, Isaac, 566, 568. Alling, James, 328. John (Judge), 326. Mary Nash, 325. Roger, 325. Susannah, 325. Alsop, Abby, 650. John, 196 Richard, 196, 357, 364, 443. Alston, Joseph, 549. Theodosia (Burr), 548, 649. Ames, Fisher (Hon.), 293. Suneon, 608. Arnold, Edward, 572. Esther, 500. Ayrault, Mary Ann, 441. Nicholas (Dr.), 441- Backus, Elizabeth, 294. Esther, 294. Eunice, 294. Jerusha, 294, Lydia, 325. Mary, 294. Simon (Rev.), 294. Bacon, Abigail, 31. Andrew, 31, 36. Ann, 30, 35. I Bacon, Beriah, 31. Hannah, 31, John, 31, Joseph, 31, 51. Lydia, 31. Nathaniel, 30, 31, 35. Mary, 31. Badger, Abigail, 453. Elizabeth, 453, George E. (Hon.), '453, 481, GUes, 453. Hannah, 463. James, 453. John, 453. Lydia, 463. Mary, 453. Nathaniel, 453. Ruth, 453. Sarah, 453. Stephen, 453, Thomas, 452, 463, Bailet, Smith, 294. Bakee, Almine, 572. Baldwin, . 55. Barber. Anna, 97. Francis (Col.), 399, 400 403, 404, 406, 406. John, 403. Mary, 391, 397, 399, 401, Nancy, 39'9. Patrick, 402. Ruth, 96. WUliam, 403, Bartlett, Benjamin, 568, 669 Bass, Miss, 308, Basset, Eunice, 326. Beach, Adna, 72. Beardslet, Alonzo, 500. Bedell, John, 260. Beecher, Antha (Stone), 107. Beekman, Cornelia, 76, Stephen, 107, Beers, Anne, 294. Elizabeth, 294. Lucy, 294 Samuel, 119, 294. Sarah Ann, 294. WUliam Pitt, 294. Bellows, Dorcas, 609. Bemis, Joseph, 339. Sarah, 339, 644 INDEX. Collateral Branches. Benton, Abigail, 334. . Andrew, 337, 338. Ann, 338. Asa (Capt.), 334, 338. Daniel, 338. Dorothy, 338. Edward, 338. Joseph, 337. Mary, 338. Samuel, 338. Bigelow, Abigail, 339. Abraham, 338. Daniel, 339. Eliza, 339. Hannah, 339. James, 338, 339, John, 338, 339. Jonathan, 339. Joshua, 339. Martha, 3o9. Randle, 338. Rebecca, 339. Samuel, 339. Sarah, 339. Violet, 339. Bingham, , 609. Jerusha, 585, 587, 609, Bisbee, EUsha, 608. Martha, 608. Mr,, 610, Bissel, David, .294. Blacklet, Oliver, 479. Bliss, Abigail, 294. Emily, 294. Frances, 294. George (Hon.), 294. Harriet, 294. John Murray (Hon.), 257. Jonathan (Hon.), 293, Lucy, 294, Moses, 294. WiUiam Metcalf, 294. BoEEUM, Martin, 367. WiUiam (Capt.), 366, 367, 368, 370, 371, 374, 375. WUliam, 366, Simon, 366. Bonnell, William FrankUn, 268, 269, Booth, AbigaU, 112, Ann, 112 Benjamin, 112, Bethia, 112, David, 112. Deborah, 112. Ebenezer, 112. Edward, 112. Booth, EUzabeth, 112. Ephraim, 112. Hannah, 112, James, 112. Joanna, 112. John, 112. Joseph, 112, Mary, 112. Nathan, 112. Nathaniel, 112. Richard, 112. Robert, 112. Zachariah, 112. Bostwick, Charles Edward, 492 Julia Claudes, 492. Mary Elizabeth, 492, Bowers, Ann, 500. George PhiUips, 500. Hannah Cushing, 500. Henry, 500, John, 500, Lloyd, 500. Margaret, 600. WiUiam Cushing, 600. Brauburt, William, 328. Bradlet, Peter, 445, 568. Bradstreet, Gov., 328. Brainerd, Belinda Caroline, 491 Seth Wetmore, 491, Brewster, , 56, Acenith, 572. Ann, 572, Benjamin, 571, 572. Betsey, 571. Captain, 572. Daniel, 568, 572. Daniel W., 571. Deborah, 571, 572. Ebenezer, 572, Elisha, 569, 571, 572. Elisha (Capt.), 310, 442, 560 Elisha C. (Dea.), 571. EUzabeth, 569, 672. Eunice, 569. Fear, 668. Harriet, 571. Henry, Jr., 572. Hopestill, 570. Huldah, 569. Ichabod, 569. Isaac, 569. Jane, 572, .Job, 570. Job E., 571. John, 569, 570, INDEX, QU Collateral Branches, Beewstee, Jonathan, 445, 565, 566, 567, 569, 572, 601. Jonathan (Capt.), 572. Joseph, 569, 571, 672. Joshua, 571, 672. Lemuel, 569. Lott, 569, 671. Love, 565, 566, 567, 668, 569, 570, 571. Lucretia, 568, 570. Lucy, 570. Lydia, 571. Mary, 568, 569. Merov, 569. Mr. (Rev.), 59. Nathan, 571, 572. Nathaniel, 568, 569, 571, Noah L., 571. OUve, 569. Oliver, 571, Patience, 568. PriscUla, 571. Rachel, 571, 572. Ruth, 669, 571. Samuel, 569, 572. Sarah, 570, 572. Sarah C, 571, Seabury, 572. Thomas, 669. Truelove, 569, 571. Warren W., 571. William, 22, 314, 334, 562, 553, 554, 565, 556, 557, 558, 569, 560, 561, 562, 663, 664, 565, 566, 567, 569, 570, 571, 572, 600, 601. [672. WrestUng, 567, 668, 569, 570, Zadock, 571. BeidgmAN, Betsey Maria (Lee), 96. John (Dr.), 96, Beiggs, Elizabeth, 22, Bronson, Emily, 365. Heury, 550. Isaac, 80, Jonathan, 338. Ozias (Col.), 57, Patience, 338. Richard, 453. Beownell, Martin, 100. Beundige, Abraham, 204. Gilbert, 205, 210. Bdckminstee, Esther, 290. Hannah, 290. Joseph (Rev.), 290. Mercy, 290, Solomon, 290. Boll, Hannah, 96, William G., 421, Bore, Aaron (Rev. D. D.), 285, 546 547. 548, Aaron (Col.), 648, 649, David B,, 294, Sarah, 548, Theodosia, 548, 549, Bosh, Mr., 207, Sarah, 551, Butler, Benjamin, 440. Charles, 440. Daniel, 440. Elizabeth, 440. Fanny C, 489. George, 339. Gershom, 440, Hannah, 440. Jonathan, 339. Joseph, 240. Mary, 440, Nathaniel, 440. Rebecca, 339. Richard, 440, Samuel, 339, 640. Thomas, 440. William, 489, Walgrave, 60. Carew (Lord), 69, Butterick, Anna, 94, 95, Catlin, Arthur D,, 490. Chloe (Kellogg), 96. Clarinda, 490, Elnor S., 490, EUen, 490. Emma, 490, Hannah (BuU), 96, Horace, 96, Luman, 96. Mary Cordelia, 490. Truman, 490. Carr, Ralph (Rev.), 589. WiUiam Standish, 589. Chaplin, Calvin, 551, Charies (Rev. D, D.), 550. Elizabeth, 551. Fanny, 561, Henrietta, 561. William, 651. Cheesbroogh, Abigail, 113. Andronicus, 113. Ann, 113. David, 113. EUsha, 113. Jabez, 113. .John, 113. 646 INDEX. Collateral Branches. Cheesbrough, Jonathan, 113. Joseph, 113. Junia, 113. Martha, 113. Nathaniel, 113. PriscUla, 113. Prudence, 113. Samuel, 113. Sarah, 113. Thomas, 113. WUliam, 113. Chetwood, Elizabeth, 401. Francis B , 421. John (SU), 401. John (Judge), 398, 400. John (Dr.), 400. John, 421, 422, 423, 424, 425, 426, 427, 428, 429, 430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 436, 437, 438. Mary (Barber), 391, 397, 401. PhiUp, 401. William (Major), 391, 398, 399, 400, 401, Chilsox, Daniel, 66, Christophers, Christopher, 445. Elizabeth, 445, Jeffrey, 445, Joanna, 445. John, 445. Lucretia, 445. Margeret, 445. Mary, 445. Richard, 445. Clap, Mary, 560. Clark, Hezekiah (Dr.), 294. Cobb, Nathaniel, Jr., 608. Coe, , 52. Charles Betts, 71. David Ward, 71. Davis, 71. Jonathan, 73. Prudence (Ward), 71. Cogdell, Lydia, 453. Richard, 453, Cogswell, D. Mason, 582. Klizabeth, 582. Coit, John, 325. Marietta, 325. Mary (Jennis), 325, Coles, James, 288. Collier, Sarah, 566, 567, 568, 569. William, 566. Collins, Mr., 63. Cone, Huldah, 91. CoNBT, Abraham, 445, Cook, Aaron, 76. Christiana, 76. Eli, 76. Elisha, 76. Joseph, 76. Mary Catherine, 76. Susan, 76. WiUiam, 76. Cooper, Samuel, 500. Cotton, Dorothy, 328. Elizabeth, 328. Hannah, 328, 412, 499. John (Rev.), 327, 328, 412. John (Rev,), 2d, 328. John (Rev.), 3d, 328. Josiah (Judge), 328. Mary, 500. Roland (Rev.), 328. Roland, 327. Samuel, 328. Sarah, 328. Seaborn (Rev ), 328., Augustus, 583. Crittenden, Clarinda, 683. Levi, 583. Crocker, Joseph (Rev.), 290. Crosbt, Anthony (Dr.), 328. Prudence, 328. Cunningham, Flora Rebecca, 492. Jane Elizabeth, 492. CuETiss, Amanda (Steele), 64. Elizur, 64. Esther (Gillet), 96. Margeret, 571. Nancy, 583. Uri, 96. WUUam (Capt ), 441. Cushing, John, 500. Mary (Cotton), 500. William, 500. Cushman, Josiah, 608. Dalaber, Sarah, 551. Dart, Anna, 577. Davenport, Abr.aham (Rev.), 294 Ebenezer, 441. James (Hon.), 294. .John (Hon.), 294. Dawes, Didiima, 572. Delano, Samuel, 608. Devereux, Elizabeth, 550. George, 550 Georgiana, 550. John, 650. Dewelley, Mary, 569. Dewey, Nancy, 315. Dewitt, Margeret, 550. INDEX. 647 Collateral Branches. Dexter, Norman, 381. Ruth, 381. Dibble, George J., 257. DiNGLET, John, 609. Mary, 609. DoNALLT, Mary, 5S7. Doolittle, Rebecca, 36. DoTEN, Desire, 608. DouDALL, Ann, 560. DoDGLAss, Deborah, 126. Downing, George (Sir), 289. Lucy, 301, Mary, 2S9 DuEAND, Almira, 608, Amanda, 608. Andrew, 509. David, 509. Ebenezer, 509. Hiram, 509, Isaac Philander, 609, Philo M,, 508, 509. Polly, 508. Samuel, 609. WUUam, 509, Dutton, Amasa (Capt,), 126. Dwight, Cecil, 550. DeUa, 550. EUzabeth, 660, Erastus, 550, Henry Edwin, 550. Jonathan, 560. Mary, 550. Maurice WiUiam (Dr.), 550, Nathaniel (Dr.), 650. Sarah, 550. Soreno E., 287, 288, 293, 550. Theodore, 650. Thomas (Hon.), 293. Timothy, 283, 547, 549. Dyer, Eliphalet, 325. Lydia (Backus), 326. Mary, 325. Thomas, 325. Dykeman, EUzabeth, 308. Edwards, Aaron, 289. AbigaU, 293, 294, 296. Agnes, 288. Alfred, 660, 551. Alice, 551. Amy, 651, Ann, 288. Anna, 650. Anne, 293, 294, 296. Anthony, 2S9. Edward, 550. Elizabeth, 293, 294, 296, 441, 547, 650 Esther, 293, 294, 296, 547, 548. Esther (Stoddard), 282, 292, 293, 295, 296, 298, 300. Eunice, 293, 294, 296, 647, 548, 550. Prances, 550, 651. Gerard, 551. Hannah, 293. Henrietta, 650. Henrietta Frances, 551. Henry P. (Judge), 650. Henry Waggoner, 560. Jerusha, 293, 295, 296, 545, 547, 550. John, 660. John Starkes, 660. Jonathan, 283, 289, 293, 294, 296, 299, 300, 334, 545, 547, 548, 650, 575, 579. Jonathan Walter, 550. Lucy, 293, 295, 647, 550. Martha, 293,295. Mary, 293, 294, 296, 301, .547, 548, 549, 650, 551. Mary Ogden, 560. Minnie, 565. Ogden (Judge), 550. Ogden P., 651. Pheobe, 650. Pierrepont, 285, 547, 548, 550, 551. Rhoda, 550. Richard, 287, 288, 293, 560. Robert, 650. Robert Ogden, 650. Samuel, 289. Sarah, 546, 547, 548, 550. Susan, 560. Susannah, 547, 550. Timothy, 547, 548, 660. Timothy (Rev.), 282, 288, 289, 292, 293, 295, 297, 298, 300, 334, 341, 441, 546. WilUam, 288, 650, 551. WiUiam Coles, 288. Egginton, Mr., 238. Ehle, Caroline, 76. Catherine, 76. Charles, 75. Eliza Maria, 75, Henry, 75, Herman, 75, Herman J. (Col,), 75. 83 648 INDEX. Collateral Branches. Ehle, James K., 75. James R., 75. John Jacob, 75, 76. John Jacob (Rev.), 76, 77, 78, 79. Peter, 76, 77, Ellis, Content, 609. Mr., 76, Ellsworth, Ann, 64, Anne, 294. Frederick, 294. John, 294. John, Jr., 294. Solomon, 294. Timothy, 64. Ely, Benjamin, 294. WUliam (Hon.), 294. Emott, John, 400. Ensign, Abigail, 64. Mary, 400, 401. Erickson, Joanna, 338. Failing, John, 75, Fitch; Fitch, 440. Farwell, Lydia, 320. Fletcher, Hope, 32. WUliam, 32. Flewelling, Margerette I. G., 269. WUliam T., 269. Florian, Laura, 500, Flucker, Thomas, 449. Fobes, Daniel, 608, Fordham, Jonah (Rev.), 59.- Jcsiah (Rev,), 59. Fosdick, Miss, 370. Foster, Charles Vaughn, 258. Fowler, Weeden, 247. Fox, Jane, 367. Frazer, , 402. French, Daniel, 610. Gates, Deborah, 609. Gay, Almira, 682. Caroline, 682. Charles, 582. Eliza, 682, Krastus, 582. Fisher, 582, Harriet, 582, Henry Sanford, 64. JuUus, 582. Margeret, 582. Mary, 582. Mary (Reed), 64. Pheobe, 582 Richard, 582. William, 582. Gayloed, S., 282. Geee, Seth, 132, 133. Gillet, Esther, 96, GiLMAN, Eliza, 28. Samuel, 28. Thomas, 28. Glovee, Deborah, 651. Goodrich, Ann, 441. Benjamin, 441. David, 441, Ephraim, 441. Ethan, 441. Eunice, 441, Isaac, 441. John, 441. Joseph, 441. Lucretia, 441. Mary, 440. WiUiani, 440, 441. Goold, John, 669. Gould, , 52. Gracie, Mr., 218. Grant, , 52. Gray, Edward, 412. Franklin Henry, 412, Samuel, 412. Samuel Arthur, 412. Green, , 440. Griffen, 383. Greenleaf, Edmund, 453 Greenwood, Nathaniel, 60 Grennell, Pheobe, 73. Griswold, Mary, 650. Nathaniel, 550. Pheobe, 67. Haight, Abigail, 620. David, 220 Joseph, 204, 205. WUliam, 205.^ Hall, Ann, 689. David, 27. EUakim, 312, Elizabeth, 582. Frank, 588. John. 11, 12, 18, 20, Mary, 26. Richard, 3, 18, 26, 29 Samuel, 18, 26. Thomas, 27. Halset, H. (Rev.), 408. Hamlin, Giles, 18, 20, 489 Jabez, 499, Hammett, Esther P, P., 5( Mr., 500. Hammond, Rose, 126. INDEX. Collateral Branches, Hardt, Capt., 570. Harris, Hannah, 7, 282. Hatfield, Amos F., 103, Hawley, Elisha, 290, Joseph, 112, 290, Samuel, 112. Hayden, Hayden, 65. Haywood, Sherwood, 454. Hill, Charies, 568. Hills, Anna (Butterick), 94, 95. Jerusha, 57. John, 57. Miles, 94, 95. Hinsdale, Rhoda, 648. HoBBS, Ebenezer, 441. Esther, 441, 442, Josiah, 441, 442. Mary, 441. Matthew, 441. Sarah, 442. Susannah, 441, TabUha, 441, HoiT, Mr., 560. HoLLisTER, John, 441. Holmes, Gabriel (Gov.), 480. Israel, 60S. Jacob, 343. Ruth, 582. Holsman, Daniel, 141. Homan, Henry, 60. John, 60. Mary, 60, Nathan, 60. Pheobe, 60. Richard, 60. Stephen, 60. Hooker, Mary, 54, 65. Prof, ,.5 50. Hopkins, Benjamin, 500. Ebenezer, 440. Frances, 293. Hannah, 293. Louisa, 550. Mary, 293. Solomon (Rev.), 293. Sophia, 293. Hoppin, Thomas C, 327. HoREOCKS, Elizabeth, 328. Howland, Samuel Shaw, 304. Hoyt, Esther (Trowbridge), 71. Henrietta, 650. James, 328. James, 550, Micajah, 71. William, 660. WiUiam S., 550. HuBBAED, Richard, 328. Sarah, 328. Hubbell, Richard, 121. Hubert, Chariotte, 217, Hudson, Mary, 64. Hulton, Robert de, 588. Hunt, Deborah, 571. Jesse (Lieut.), 218, Miss, 218, Richard, 218. Thomas, 218, 219. Thomas (Capt.), 218. Hunter, WiUiam (Hon.), 368. Huntington, Eliphalet, 295. EUzabeth (Edwards), 441. Jabez (Col.), 294, 441. Jerusha, 294. John, 294. Sarah, 294. Hurlburt, Huldah (Cone), 91. Leonard, 91. Margaret, 95. Hutchinson, Ann, 63. Francis, 63. Ingersoll, Aaron, 548. David, 548. Jackson, Esther Phillips, 500, Rachel, 608. WUliam, 500, Jarvis, John, 67, 70. Rt. Rev, Bishop, 70. Samuel Farmer (Rev.), 70 Jauncey, Col., 76. Jennis, Mary, 325. Jenny, Caleb, 607. Jeemain, John, 126, Margeret, 126. Rebecca, 126, Jerome, Amasa, 583. George, 583, Lucy, 583. Jessup, Edward, 219. Elizabeth, 219. Joseph, 74. Johnson, Edwards, 550. EUzabeth, 550, Frances, 550. George, 550, Hugh (Hon.), 274, Isaac, 505, Laura, 650, Robert Charies, 550. Samuel, 328, 550. Samuel W., 560. WilUam, 550, Woolsey, 550. 650 INDEX. Collateral Branches. Johnston, John, 479. Jones, Elizabeth, 112. Richard, 112. Jumel, Mad., 548. Keith, Daniel, 608. Naomi, 608. Kellogg, Chloe, 96. Ketchum, Col., 256. Joshua, 548. Keyes, Electa, 550, Keyser, Timothy, 382. Kippen, William, 671. Kirkland, Charles P., 419, 421. Cornelia G, (Mrs.), 419, 420. CorneUa Lothrop, 420. Daniel, 584. EUza, 687. George Whitefleld, 586, 587. Jerusha, 387, 388, 389, 390, 687, 609. John, 584. John Lothrop, 420. John Thornton (D. D., LL. D.), 388, 607, 609. Joseph (Gen.), 389. JuUa, 420. Samuel (Rev.), 390, 584, 585, 586, 587, 609. Knox, General, 449. Kramer, Frederick, 340. Lamb, Edward, 609. Lambton, Robert de, 217. Lamson, WUliam, 213, 217, Landsdowne, Thomas, 273, Lane, Ann (wid.), 36. Laughlin, Samuel Henry, 383 Lawrence, John (Capt.), 69. Leaming, Aaron, 52. Abigail, 52. Jane, 52. Jeremiah, 31, 51. Jeremiah (Rev,), 52, 168, 196. Lucy, 52. Mathias, 52, Leceister, Mr,, 550, Lee, Abby Mumford, 500. Anna Phillips, 500. Betsey Maria, 96. David, 500. Pheobe (Potter), 96, 97. Polly, 610. RosweU (Col.), 96, 97. Royal N., 510, Leggetts, Gabriel, 219, Le Pelley, Nicholas, 89, L'Estrange, Daniel, 217. Lewis, Colonel, 548. Livingston, Catherine, 508. Cornelia (Beekman), 76. Cornelius, 508. Elizabeth, 508. Elizabeth (Dykeman), 608. Ezekiel, 508. Gilbert, 76. Harriet, 508. James, 508. John, 608. Lydia, 508. Moncreiffe, 76. Peter R. (Judge), 76. Richard, 508. Samuel, 508. WiUiam, 508. Lobdell, Ebenezer,- 608. Lock, Samuel, 76. Lord, E., 499. Loeing, Julia Norris, 572. Samuel, 572. Thomas (Dea.), 572. Lothrop, Jerusha (Kirkland), 387, 388, 389, 390, 587. Samuel K. (Rev,), 583, John Hosmer, 387, 388, 389, 390, 587, 609. Loucks, Catherine, 75, Henry, 75, Loveland, Mr,, 57. Lyman, Ebenezer (Dea,), 55. Miss, 650. Magoun, Hannah, 608. Marshall, , 52. Marvin, Alexander, 582. EUzabeth, 582. Matthew, 440 Sarah, 440. Mather, Eliakim, 289. Esther (Mrs.), 289. Eunice, 289, 291, Warham, 289. Maxwell, WiUiam, 100. Mayhew, John, 445. McAlpin, John, 96. Margaret (Hurlburt), 96. McDowell, Fergus, 113, Mary, 113, Merritt, Alithea Brower, 250. Ann Carbenter, 250, Ann (Purdy), 249, 250. David, 250. Esther, 260. Josiah, 249, 250, Josiah, Jr,, 250. INDEX. Collateral Branches. Mberitt, Seth, 260. .Metcalfe. AbigaU, 294. Eliphalet, 294. James (Dr.), 479. Lucy, 294. William, 294. WUUam, Jr., 294. Middlecot, Richard, 609, Miller, Aun G,, 521. JuUa Ann, 521, Lydia, 550. Mary (Hudson), 64. Thomas A. (Dea.), 64. Watson, 521. Minchin, Col., 256. Mix, Stephen (Rev.), 289, 290, Mold, Harriet, 500. Hugh, 325. Joseph, 669. Marietta (CoU), 325, Susannah, 32.5. Morris, Lewis R., 550. Louisa, 550. Mary, 551, Morrison, Albert, 570, Catherine, 570, Charles F., 570. Clarissa E., 570. Edward, 570. Fanny, 570, Frederick, 570 Hopestill, 571, John, 570. John H., 570. Maria L., 570. MosELEY, Rachel, 294. Mullins, PrisciUa, 591, 592, WiUiam, 556, 590. Mumfoed, Abigail Cheesbrough, 500. John, 445. Murray, Augustus Charles, 500. MuERY, David, 71. Roxana (North), 71. Mygatt, Thomas, 582, WUliam, 582 Nash, Elizabeth (Whiting), 72. .John, 72. North, Roxana, 71. Norton, Asahel (Rev. Dr.), 683, 587. Charles, 582. Edward, 582. EUzabeth, 682, John Pitkin, 682. John Treadwell, 582. Mary, 682. Mary Pitkin, 582. Norton, Romanta, 582. Odell, Ann, 31 Ogden, Aaron (Col.), 401. Albert, 213. Andrew, 213. Benjamin, 208, 213, 460 Frances, 560. Moses, 399, 405. Nancy, 399. Rhoda, 550. Ogsburt, Francis, 127. Olcott, Mary, 339. Samuel, 339. Oldham, Richard (Maj,), 381 Oliver, Mary Lynde, 455, Olmsted, , 440. Oeem, James, 134. Packer, Mr., 445, Paddock, Alice (Alden), 126 Rebecca, 126, Paine, Tobias, 609. Palmer, Betsey, 670. Gertrude, 582. Parke, Henry, 287. Parkes, Richard, 287. Parks, John, 609, Parsons, Ebenezer, 648. EUhu, 547, 548. Eliphalet, 648. Esther, 648. Jerusha, 548. Jonathan, 548. Justin (Rev,), 548. Lucretia, 648. Lucy, 548. Lydia, 548. Sarah, 548. William, 500. WUUam Walter, 500, Partridge, George, 569. John, 569. Lydia, 569. Mary, 569. Ruth, 669. Treiphosa, 569. William, 126. Pedrick, Mehitable, 470. Peet, WUliam, 119. Pegg, John (Rev.), 100. Penfield, Harriet, 550. Perkins, Elizabeth, 582. Hannah, 583. Perpont, Elizabeth, 31, Peert, Edith, 583, Erastus, 583, Florence, 683, 652 INDEX. Collateral Branches. Perry, Harriet Willard, 583. Henry Webb, 583. Jessie May, 683. John Strong, 583, John Treadwell, 583. Mary, 683. Mary Norton, 683. Roger Hooker, 683. Samuel, 683. WUlard Ellmore, 683. Peters, Charles J. (Hon.), 230, 266, 261. Eliza (Mrs.), 256. James (Judge), 227, 229. Valentine H. (Judge), 256, 260. Phair, Andrew, 258, William B,, 254 Phillips, Abby Martha, 600. Ann Duryea, 500, David Bradley, 500, Esther, 500. George, 328, 498, 499. George Thompson, 499, 600. Hannah, 348, 498, 499, 500. Hannah Cushing, 499. Hope, 328, 499, 600, Josephine Louisa, 500. Margeret, 499, 600, Martha, 499. Mary Esther, 500, Samuel, 499, 600. Thompson, 328, 499. Pickett, John, 445, 668, PiEEEEPONT, .James (Rev,), 545, 546. Sarah, 546, 547. Pinckney, James W., 103. Pitkin, Mary, 582. Timothy (Hon.), 582. Timothy (Rev.), 674, 675. Platt, Mary, 11. Porter, Anna Phillips, 500, Charles Talbot, 600. Eleazer, 550. John, 500. Jonathan Edwards, 560. Moses, 550. Pierrepont, 550. Sarah, 650. William, 560. Polk, Colonel, 454. PoMEROT, Dorothy, 575, Pollock, Elizabeth, 550. Frances, 550. Hester, 550. Thomas, 660. Potter, Pheobe, 96, 97, Prall, Lewis, 86. Peatt, Abial, 338. Abigail, 338, Daniel, 338. Ephraim, 338. Lydia, 338. Susannah, 338. Thomas, 338, Peence, Thomas, 667, 568, 601. Prevost, Col., 648. John B., 548. Theodosia, 548. Prime, Benjamin Youngs (Dr.), 62, 63 Ebenezer (Rev.), 62, 63. Libia, 63. Mary, 63, Nancy, 63. Nathaniel, 63. Being, Pheobe, 608. Puddington, Esther (Wetmore), 269. WilUam, 269. Pcmpellt, Miss M., 650, Purdt, Ann, 249, 250. Caleb, 210. Francis, 217, 218. John, 218. Josiah, 205, 218. Penelope (Strang), 217. Samuel, 180, 181, 194, 200, 208, 217, 218. Ptnohon, William, 446, 447. Rainsford, Andrew, 256, 256. Rathbone, John, 122, 124. Reed, Mary, 64. Reeve, Aaron Burr, 648, Tapping, 648. Richards, Elizabeth, 609. Rilet, Grace, 441, Robards, John, 26, Samuel, 26. William, 26, Robert, Mrs, Sarah, 421, Roberts, Amy, 583, Eli, 583. Eliza, 583, Mary, 50. Samuel, 50. Robbins, Mehitable, 608. Miss, 560, Robinson, Frederick PhilUpse (Hon,), 260. Rev, (Prof), 587, Rood, Rufus, 609, Root, Charles, 582, Henry, 582, INDEX. 65c Collateral Branches, ¦Root, Jane, 582. Sarah, 582. Rosseter, Anna (Barber), 97. Brian (Dr.), 328. Joanna, 328. Jonathan, 97, Rowland WiUiam (Rev.), 294, Russel, Ithiel, 53 Russwurm, Sumner, 415, Saltonstall, C. (Col.), 328, EUzabeth, 328. Gov,, 328, 500. Sampson, Caleb, 608, Darius, 571. Isaac, 608, Ruth, 571. Sarah, 671, 608. Zadock, 571. Sanders, F'rances, 550. Sandys, Archbishop, 563, 568. Edwin (Sir), 564, Sanford, Abigail B., 71. Sayles, Maria, 551. Scofield, Edward, 338, .Seward, Alexander, 420, CorneUa L., 420. Seymour, Ira, 548. Shelton, Henry, 550. Shepard, John (Dea.), 339, John (Serg't), 339, Nancy (Dewey), 315, Rebecca, 339. WiUiam (Gen.), 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 360, Sherman, Experience, 607. Martha, 326. Roger, 326. Sherwood, Justus, 223, 224, 247, 250. Rachel, 250. Skinner, Levi, 80. Smith, Adam, 338. George, 294, Henry Boyer, 256. Margaret, 60. Soule, Benjamin, 608. John, 572. Leonice, 572. Simeon, 672. Southmayd, Jonathan (Capt.), 334. Martha, 334, Sparhawk, Daniel, 583. Spencee, Pheobe (Grennell), 73. Pheobe (Griswold), 67. Thomas, 67, 73. Spooner, John, 126. Spooner, Judah P., 126. Thomas, 126. WUliam, 126, Standish, Aaron, 608, Abigail, 608, 609, 610. Alexander, 569, 604, 606, 607, 608, 609. Amasa, 610. Anastasia, 588. Arno, 608. Barbara, 604, 606, 607. Betty, 608, Betsey Bisbee, 610, Charles, 668, 604, 607. Charles Strickland, 688. Colonel, 610. Daniel, 610. David, 608. David Lemuel, 608. Deborah, 609. Doctor, 620. Ebenezer, 608. Elizabeth, 608. EUsha, 610, Ezra, 610. Experience, 608. Frank (Sir), 688. Hannah, 608, 610. Henry, 589, Hugh, 588, Ichabod, 608. , Isaiah, 610. John, 589. John (Capt ), 608. John (SU), 588. Jonas, 6lO. Josiah, 569, 604, 606, 609. Lemuel, 608. Lodowick, 610. Lois, 669. Lydia, 608. Margeret de, 688. Mary, 603, 608, 609. Mehitable, 609 Mercy, 608, 609. Miles (Capt.), 22, 390, 566, 665, 667, 688, 689, 690, 591, 592, 693, 694, 596, 596, 597, .598, 699, 600, 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610. Miles, 607, 608, 609. Moses, 608, Nathan, 610. Patience, 607, Peleg, 608. Pheobe, 608. 654 INDEX. Collateral Branches. Standish, Priscilla, 608. Rachel, 608. Ralph D., 588, 590. Richard (Sir), 589. Rose, 690. Samuel, 609, 610. Sarah, 607, 608, 609, 610. Thomas, 608, 609, 610, Thomas (Sir), 588, 589, Thurston de, 588, 590, William Standish, 689. Zachariah, 608. Zechariah, 610. Zeruiah, 608. Standysshe, John, 588. Stanley, John (Hon.), 453. Starr, Grace Townsend, 333. Nathan, 333. Steele, Amanda, 64, Stetson, Caleb, 669, Stevenson, Ann, 113. Stewart, Alexander (Hon. Sir), 258. Stoddard, Anthony, 288, 289. Christian, 289, 291. Esther, 282, 289, 290, 292, 292, 293, 296, 296, 298, 300. Hannah, 290. Israel, 290. John (Col.), 290. Mary, 289, 290, 291, Prudence, 290. Rebeckah, 290, 291. Sarah, 289. Solomon, 290, Solomon (Rev.), 289, 290, 291 292, 293, 301, 646. Stone, Antha, 107. Storrs, Seth, 560. Story, Elisha (Dr.), 470, Mehitable (Pedrick), 470, Sarah, 328. Stoughton, John, 294, 340, Lemuel, 340. Nathaniel, 340, Stow, Daniel, 31, 51, Dorothy, 32, Elizabeth, 32, 33, Elizabeth (Briggs), 32. Esther, 499. Hope, .34, 499. Ichabod, 32. John, 18, 24, 27, 29, 30, 32, 33, 499. Margeret, 34. Nathaniel, 27, 28, 30, 32. Stow, Rachel, 32, 34. Samuel, 31, Samuel (Rev,), 12, 18, 20, 21 28, 29, 32, 33, 34, 51, 201, 440 499. Thankful, 32. Thomas, 18, 28, 29, 30. Strang, Penelope, 217, Stratton, John (Capt. R. A.), 268. Strickland, Thomas, 688. Strong, Thomas (Rev,), 290. Sturges, Jonathan (Hon.), 294. Sturtevant, Hannah, 328. Sweet, Stephen, 463. Taylor, William, 257. Thorn, Catherine, 76. Cornelia, 76, Eliza, 76. Herman (Col.), 76. Jane, 76. John, 76. John (Rev ), 76. Thacher, Rodolphus, 669. Thomas, Hannah, 569. Thompson, Jonathan, 582. Zebedee, 608. Tract, Sarah, 569. Treadwell, Ada, 583. Alice, 683. Ann, 583. Charles, 583. Dolly, 682, Edgar, 583. Emma, 583. Eunice, 582, 583. Ezra Prentice, 683. Florence, 583, George, 583. George Curtiss, 583, George Hooker, 583, Henry, 583, Howard, 583. Jane, 683. John (Hon., LL. D,), 342, 343, 344, 573, 674, 676, 576, 677, 678, 579, 580, 681, 582. John Pomeroy, 682. Julia, 583. Lucy, 583, Mary, 683. Walter, 583. Trowbridge, Esther, 71. Trumbull, John, Sr., 289. 290. Trton, Elizabeth, 560. Tudor, Edwin, 570. Elihu (Dr,),570. INDEX. 655 Collateral Branches. ToDOE, Owen, 570. Samuel (Rev.), 570. Turner, Gov., 454. Grace, 445, Johu, 668, Tuthill, Elizabeth, 28S. Moses (Rev,), 295. William, 288. Umsted, Mr , 550. Van Deusen, Peter, 571 Van Slyke, Adam, 75. Van Epps, Catherine, 76. Christiana Vrooman, 75, 76. Dorothy Van Buskirk, 76. Harmanus, 75. Mary (Vrooman), 75, Vinton, Alfred, 551, Dyer, 661. Vrooman, Mary, 75. Wadsworth, Christopher, 670. Harriet, 6S2. Hopestill, 569, 570. John, 570. Luke, 582. WACHTER-Lautenback, Baron de, 500. Waggoner, Madalen, 75. Waldo, Francis, 448, 460. Hannah, 448. Jonathan, 448. Lucy, 449. Samuel (Col.), 446, 447, 448, 450. Samuel (Gen.), 448, 449, 466. Walker, Joseph (Gen.), 119, 121, Rebecca, (Mrs.), 119. Robert (Hon.), 117, 119, Robert, Jr., 119, Samuel, 572. Sarah, 582. Timothy, 569. Walworth, 'WUliam, 588. Ward, Prudence, 71. Warham, John (Rev.), 289, 292. Miss, 289. Warner, Andrew, 7, 18, 20, 27, 28; 287. Ann, 37. David, 28. Elizabeth Wyatt, 600. Esther Phillips, 600. Hope (PhiUips), 500, John, 18, 28, 287. Mary, 280, OUver Ring, 500. Rebecca, 28. Robert, 18, 20, 28, 286. William, 326, 328, 500. 84 Warner, WilUam Ring, 328. Warren, John, 338. Mary, 338. Waters, Bevil, 338. Watson, Abigail (Ensign), 64. Levi, 64. Weaver, Mr., 609. Welles, Abigail, 339. Capt., 339. Robert, 440. West, Mary, 294. Samuel, 569. Weston, Abner, 607. Asa, 572. Benjamin, 608. Lydia, 571. Zachariah, 608. Wetheeill, Daniel, 568. Ruth, 668.' Wetmore, Esther, 269. Wheelock, Dr., 78, 584, 585, 609. Wheelright, John, 63. John (Rev,), 63, Mary, 63. Whelpley, Brown, 225. Richard, 253. White, Abijah, 75. Abijah L., 74. Amos H., 74. Ansel, 618. Daniel, 325, 518. Hannah, 75. Henry, 518. Hugh, 518. Hugh (Judge), 514, 515, 516 617, 618. John, 325. Joseph, Jr., 456, Laura 'Wheeler, 74, Lucinda Geortner, 74. Mary, 518. Mary Q., 259. Mary Hibbard, 74. Nancy Durham, 74. Nathaniel, 18, 20, 33, 325, 32£ 515. Norman, 518. Peregrine, 667. Philo, 518. Rachel, 618. Stephen, 325. William, 666. Whiting, Elizabeth, 72. Whitman, EUzabeth, 290. Elnathan (Rev.), 290. Sally, 74. 656 INDEX. Collateral Branches. Whitman, Samuel, 290. Sarah, 289. Solomon, 290, WUliam (Rev,), 289, Whitmore, Ann, 3. Francis, 3, 4, 7, 282, Francis (Lieut.), 538, Joseph, 282, William H,, 3, 282, 531, 532, 638, 539. Whitney, Eli, 551. Elizabeth, 561. Frances, 551, Henrietta, 551. Susan, 651, Sylvanus, 220, 223, 224. Willard, Josiah, 683. Lydia (farwell), 330. Mary Jane, 583. Moses, 330, 332. Williams, Anne, 290, EUzabeth, 290, 650. Ezekiel, 290. John, 293. John (Rev.), 289. Mrs., 464. Sarah, 609. WiUiam (Rev ), 289, Willis, Mr., 5 70. WlLLOCKE, Johu, 26. Ann, 11, 26. Winslow, Isaac, 448. John, 609, Josiah (Gov.), 328. Sarah, 609. Winthrop, Gov., 600. Woodbridge, Jaheel, 550. John, 550. Jonathan, 650. Joseph, 550. Lucy, 647, 650. Sarah, 560. Stephen, 560. Timothy (Rev.), 550. Woodford, Erastus, 96. Ruth (Barber), 96, Woodhull, Deborah, 69. Dorothy, 59. John, 59. Justice, 60. Nathan, 60. Nathaniel, 59, 60. Nathaniel (Gen.), 60. Pheobe, 60, Richard, 58, 59, 69. Sarah, 60. Temperance, 59. Woolsey, Benjamin, 550. Laura, 550. William W., 660. Worthington, John (Hon.) 293 Wright, Lucy (Downing), 301, Miss, 650. Samuel, 440, 608, 610. WiUiam, 301. Wyatt, Elizabeth, 600 . Wyllys, George, 302. Samuel (Dep. Gov.), 29. Young, Martha, 548. INDEX. 657 Najies Inoident.\li.y Mentioned. Abbott, Ro,, 532. Robert, 565. Isaac, 351. Addison, Thomas, 444. Adee, John, 210. Akerlt, Ann, 536. Allen, Ephraim, 31, 61. Isaac, 231. John (Capt ), 24. Mr., 13, 14, 16, 16, 17, 633. Samuel, 31, 61. Thomas, 12, 16, 17, 18, 20. Allerton, Isaac, 555. John, 556. Alltn, Mathu, 16. Alsop & Chauncey, 304. & Co., 304, 364. & Wetmore, 367, 364. Wetmore & Co., 364. Wetmore & Cryder, 357. Alteeall, Margery, 641. WilUam, 541. Alvis, Roger, 29. Alvord, Thomas, 31, 61. Ambler, Richard, 635. Anderton, Hugh, 542. Andrew, Mr. (Rev.), 146, 153. Samuel (Rev,), 169. Ann, Queen, 186. Anthon, Henry (Rev., D. D,), 479. Archer, Joseph, 358. Arnold, Jonathan, 166. Astor, John Jacob, 76, 124. Library, 133. AsTWooD, John, 533, ATKINSON, Thomas (Rt. Rev.), 481. Atwaters, Jeremiah, 161. AvEKT, Ephraim (Rev.), 211, 226, 230. Babcock, Lucas, 169, Backus, Azel (Rev. Dr.), 389. Bacon, , 22. And., 13, 15, 17. Nathaniel, 18, 20, 31, 61. Bainbridge, Commodore, 368. Baker, , 430. Ballard, Captain, 317, 420. Ur. (Rev.), 363. Barclat, Anthony, 197. Henry (Rev., D. D.), 167, 197. Thomas, 197. Barker, Frances, 641. Bartlett, Ebenezer, 600, John, 31, 51, Bassett. WiUiam, 567. Bates, Dr. (U. S, N.), 137, Edward (Hon,), 454. Batte, Robert, 1, Batts, Rob , 531, Baxter, Captain, 14. Beach, Abraham, 169. John (Rev.), 163, 166. Mr., 191. Bearcroft, PhiUp, 199. Beardmore, , 8. Beebe, David Lewis (Rev.), 117. Belknap, Rev. Dr., 552, 556, 557, 589, 597, 599. Bell, Fra., 535, 536, Bellamt, Dr, Benham, Calhoun, 426, 430. Baronetcy of England, 689, Berrian, William (Rev., D. D,), 168, 170, 171, Bessett, j., 231. Biddle, Capt,, 370, 372, BiERCE, Gen., 321, Bigelow, Andrew (Rev,, D. D.), 477. Bill, Ephraim, 114, Billings, Frederick, 423, 429, 430, 431, 436, 437, Billington, John, 556, BiRDSET, John, 31, 51, Bishop, James (Dept. Gov.), 27, John (of London), 77, 78. of London, 175. Bissell John, 13, 15, 17. Blackstone, Mr., 600, Blake, George, 321 Blatchford, Samuel (Rev.), 122, Bloomfield, William, 20. BoBiN, James, 181. Bolton, Cornelius Winter, 246. John, 246. Robert, 246. Robert (A. M.). 246, Robert, Jr., 218. Robert (Rev,), 195. Bolton's History of Prot. Epis. Church of Westchester, 146 166, 182, 192, 195, 202, 206' 210, 214, 215, 217, 218, 222.' 658 INDEX. Names Incidental. Bolton's History of Westchester, 182, 192, 193, 210, 218, 222. Bond, William (Alderman), 541. BoosET, James, 12. Bostwick, Ephraim (Rev.), 168. Gideon (Rev.), 169, Bow, Alex., 18, 20. Beadfokd, William (Gov.), 565, 657, 562, 665, 593, 600, 601, 602, 603. Bradstreet, Mr., 19. Brandreth, William H., 589. Beazee, John (Rev.), 465. Johu (Mrs,), 465. Beenham, 'Charles J., 423. Beewee, John, 3. Pilgrim, 660. Bridges, Eliza, 2. Hannah, 2. Rev. Mr,, 185, 186, 187. Briggs, William, 18. Bristol, Samuel, 27, Beitterage, Richard, 556. Bromley, , 540. J. W, R,, 589, 6u6. Brook, Rev, Dr., 267. Brooks, Benjamin, 247. Mr., 128. Brown, Benjamin, 180. Benjamin, Jr., 206. Daniel, 147, 152. Hachaliah, 206. Johu, 31, 51, 667. Nathaniel, 12, 20. Peter, 204, 205, 566. R.,522. Stephen, 642. Beowne, Daniel, 169, 161, 164, 166, 167. Isaac, 167. Maj. General, 451. Mr., 194. Stephen, 543, Beundige, John, 180. Buckingham, S,, 160. Mr. (Rev,), 295. Budd, Elisha, 210. Bunyan, Johu, 22. Burgoyne & Co., 436. Burke's Encyclopedia of Heraldry, 8, 540,565,568, 570,688. Landed Gentry, 8, 640, 541. BtfRLEiGH, Lord, 558. BoRNET, Gov., 178, 180, 181. WiUiam, 542. Burslem, Mr., 600, Butler, Cyrus, 327. Justice, 471. Byles, Rev. Dr., 230, 256, 257, 258, 269, Byram, Captain, 366, Calderon's History Church of Scot land, 564. Calkin, Hugh, 13, 17. Calmy, Edmund, 563. Camp, Abraham, 31, 61. Edward, 31, 51. Ichabod, 167. Campbell, Alexander (Judge), 427, 428, 431, 437. Caner, Henry, 184. Caner, Henry (Rev.), 167. Canterbury, Lord I3ishop of, 197. Richard (Rev.), 167. Carhartt, John, 179, 181, 183, 210. Carleton, Dudley (Sir), 652, 558. Carnahan, James (Pres.), 391. Carrington, E. & Co., 330, 354. Edward (Gen.), 327. Henry B. (Gen.), 117. Carver, John (Gov.), 655, Cary, Messrs,, 448, Case, .John, Sen., 33, Casserly, , 430, Caulkins, Miss F, M,, 114, 572, 606. Chamber of Commerce of New York, 129, Chandler, Jane, 168. John, 168. Mary G., 168. Mary R , 168. Peleg W., 472. Thomas Bradbury (Rev. Dr.), 159, 168, 192, 197, 198, 216, 267, 397, 400. Chapin, A. B. (Rev., D. D,), 165. Chapman, Robert, 13, 17. Tho., 15. Charles I. 1, 22, 563. H, 21, 22. Chase, Bishop, 232. Thomas, 351. Chauncey, Israel (Rev.), 153. WUliam (Cora.), 134. Cheesbroock, Will., 13. Cheney, Ensign, 23. William, 18, 20. Chester, Rev. Dr., 389. Chilson, John, 31, Chilton, James, 565, Chipman, Chief Justice, 227. Ward (Hon.), 227. INDEX. 659 Names Incidental, Christie, Robert, 132. Chuech, Benjamin (Dr), 114, 115, 116, Richard, 17, Clapp, President, 575. Clark, Samuel A. (Rev.), 168, 400, 421. Clarke, Daniel (Capt.), 29. John, 13, 15, 27. Mr., 13, 14, 15, 17. Major, 19. Mr. (Rev.), 226, 255. Richard (Rev.), 169. Richard, 556. Clay, Henry, 458. Joseph, Jr, (Judge), 238, 244, 245, 246. Cleator, Mr., 190, 193. Clements, Jasper, IS, 20, 33. Clifton, Richard (Rev.), 552. Clinton, Gen,, 318. De Witt (Gov.), 126. Coggeshall, Wm, T,, viii, CoE, David, 31, 61, Joseph, 31. Robert, 31, 51. Coffin, .John, 321. Coit, Martha, 538. Cole, Henry, IS, 20. Nathaniel, 569. Coleman, Tho., 2, 13,15, 16,17,531. Colgan, Mr. (Rev), 175, 176, 177, 178, 182, 184. CoLLEN, Peerage, 70. Collier, WilUam, 603. Collins, John (Capt.), 442. Mary, Mrs., 34. Nathaniel (Rev.), 33. Nathaniel, 18, 23. Samuel, 18. Collyare, William, 603. Colton, Mr., 298, Comstock, Franklin (Judge), 290, Conner & Montgomery, 572. Connor, Lieutenant, 372. Cook, Francis, 655. Gideon, 31, 51. Thomas, 31, 61. Cooper, William, 643. Naval History, 368, 369, 370, 372, 374, CoPP, Jonathan (Rev.), 168. Coelett, WUliam, 233. CoRNBUEY, Lord, 186. CORNELLE, , 27. Cornwall, John, 18. Samuel, 18. Cornwall, William, 18, 20. William, Jr., 18, CoRNWALLis, Lord, 118, Coster, Archdeacon, 275, Cotton, Jonathan, 168, Courtship, Miles Standish's, 590, Coventree, William, 542, Coye, Robert, 542, Crackston, John, 665, Crane, Jud^e, 434, Cranmer, George, 562. Crittenden, John J. (Hon.), 454. Cromwell, Oliver, 22, 168. Cross, Gen., 321, Crowninshield, Jacob (Hon,), 471. Cudworth, James, 603, 606, 607. Cullick, Capt., 13, 14, 16. Mr., 16. Culver, Josh., 27. Cuhming, Thomas, 321. CuMPTON, Edward, 233. Curtice, Ro., 1. Tho., 531. Cushman, Robert, 660. Cutler, Timothy (Rev., D. D.), 147, 148, 152, 159, 160, 161, 164, 166, 236, Daggett, Professor, 575. Davenport, John, 150. Davis, Jefferson (Col.), 395, 396. Judge, 434. Matthew L,, Memoir of Col Burr, 548, 549. Thomas, 169. Davison, WUUam, 552, 563, 562.. Dawson, WilUam, 563. Day, Luke, 319. Dayton, Elizabeth C, 168. E. B. (Gen.), 168, WilUam, 168. Deaf aud Dumb, Institution for, 129 Dean, Barzillai, 168. De Begnis, Signor, 93. Decatur, Com., 370, 371. De Lanoey, Governour, 209. Delano, Samuel (Capt,), 603. Denham, Justice, 186. Denio, Hiram (.Judge), 387. Denison, Mr., 17. Major, 19. Denton, Richard (Rev.), 2, 531. De Russy, Rene Edward (Col.), 365 Dexter, Dr., 447. Dibblee, , 200. Ebenezer, 167. Rev. Mr., 226. 660 INDEX. Names Incidental. Dickerson, James (Capt), 371, 372, Rev, Mr, 196. Natha., 13, 16, 16, 17. Dimmack, Thomas, 567. Disbrow, Samuel, 633. Doane, Ephraim, 196. Dodsworth, Mathew, 565. Dolman, Miss, 470 Done, Jone, 665. DoTET, Edward, 556. • Dougherty, Lieut. U, S. N., 137, Dowd, John, 27, 31, 51. Downing, Capt., 178. Drake, Mr., 297. Joseph R, 219, Drew, Samuel, 608, Sylvanus, 608. Driggs, Daniel, 31, 61. Dryden, , 22. Dwight, Daniel (Rev.), 168, Heury (Rev, Dr.), 407. Kint, 216. 'Mr,, 214. Dwight's History of Connecticut, 531, Life of Pres. Edwards, 287, 289, 290, 301, 548, 651. Dwinelle, .John W., 425. Dunn, Nathan, 358. & Co , 358. Durant, George, 18. Duval, Gabriel, 471. Dyee, Eliphalet, Jr., 114, 116. Earl of Warren and Surrey, 303. Gatqn, Francis, 655. Mr. (Rev,), 457, Theophilus (Gov,), 533, 634, Edmonds, Christopher, 563, Francis, 563, Henry, 563. James, 568, Edward I,' 9, 540, iSgqleston, , 20. Samuel, 18 Hlderkin, Jed, 114. Kli, Nathan, 533. :Jlizabeth, Queen, 552, 562, 589, ILLIOTT, Jared, 147, 148, 150, 152. HlMERsoN, Joseph, Heraldry, 5, Emmons, Dr,, 574. Endicott, Captain, 600 Bnglish, Capt. (U. S. N.), 137. Thomas, 666. Epitaphs, Cambridge, 538, 639. Northampton, 292, 546. Essex, Earl of, 562. Evarts, Mr,, 531, 532. Everett, Edward, 454. Charles W. (Rev.), 131. Fairchild, Tho., 13, 16, 17. Farrar, Ann, 4. John, 4. Robert, 4. Thomas, 4. WiUiam, 4. Farrow (Farrar ?) Geo., 3, 4. Faunce, John, 608. Fay, Samuel P. P., 467. Fenn, Benjamin, 534, Ferguson, Robert, 8, Ferris, Jeffrey, 534. Ferry, John, 33. Field, David D. (Rev. Dr.), 19, 20, 21, 26, 30, 307, 484. Filcher, Lieutenant, 600. FiNDLEY, Governor, 522. Fisher, Ro , 2. Pitch, Ebenezer, 113. Mr., 13, 15. Fitz Hugh, , 540. Fletcher, Moses, 565. Foley, Mary, 540. Thomas, 540. Foote, Nathaniel, 290. Foster, Edward, 18. Elizabeth, 538, Fosters, John, 196. Fowler, Andrew (Rev.), 202, MS. Biography, 202. P. H (Rev. Dr.), 334. Franklin, Benjamin, 302. WilUam (Gov.), 301, Freeman, Edmund, 567, Samuel, 318 Frelinghuysen, Colonel, 405. Theodore (Hon.), 399, 400. Frost, John (Rev,), 391. Frothingham, David, 53, Fox, George, 22. Fuller, Edward, 566. Mathew, (Lieut.), 602. Samuel, 555, Gardiner, Richard, 656, Gardner, Charles K., 98. Rev, Dr., 478. Gaston, Alexander (Dr.), 453. Gaylor, Mr., 13, 15, 17, 533. Gazetteer, British, 8, 9, 589. Lippincott's, 589. Missouri State, 74. George III, 158, 210, 212, 283. Georgia, Governor of, 321. INDEX. 661 Names Incidental, Gibson, Edmund (Rt, Rev,), 170, 174, John, 61, Gilbert, Mary, 538, Gildersleeve, Richard, 533. Ro., 532. Glover (Rev. Mr,), 292, G«LD & SiU, 387, Goodman, John, 656, Goodwin, Nathaniel, 290. Will., 15, Goodyear, Stephen, 533, 534, Gordon, Ambrose, 246. Lieut. U. S, N., 137. Gossope, John, 2. Gould, Mrs., 243, Geaves, George, 20. Gray, H. M.,423. Greaten, Jacob (Rev.), 169. Gee.^ton, Mary, 62. Mr. (Rev.), 62. Green, Charles, 516. Captain, 369. Ex- Chief Justice, 434. WiUiam, Jr., 82. & Wetmore, 82, 83., James, 322. Greenwood, Rev. Dr., 477. Geegson, Thomas, 533. Greswold, , 540. Griswold, John, 327, 330. Roger, 579, 680.' Zachariah, 391. Geoome, , 640. Geundred, , 303. Guild, Jeremiah, 31, 61. Jeremiah, 51. Guion, John, 210. Hagee, John, 429, 430, 431, 436, 437, Haight, Jonathan, 180, 181. Haines (Judge), 434. Hale, Ebenezer, 31, 61. Joseph, 31, 51. John P. (Hon.), 380,381. Hall, Eliakim, 51, Halleck, Fitz Greene, 219, Hamilton, Alexander, 403. College, 129, Hamlin, Jabez, 283. Hancock, John (Gov.), 351, John, 115. Hand, Adj. General, 399. Haeding, Captain, 116. Haeeis, Captain, 23. Daniel, 20. Hannah, 538. Harris, WiUiam, 538. William, 18, 20. President, 453. Rev, Mr , 171. Haeeison, William H. (Gen.), 132. Hart, John (Rev.), 147, 148, 150, 152. Stephen, 13, 17. Margeret, 638, Haskell, D. H.,432. Hatherley, Mr., 567, Timothy, 601, 602, 603, 605, Hatzell, Jane, 70, Thomas, 70. Havens, Philetus, 247. Hawe, , 540. Hawks, Francis L. (Rev., D. D,), 165, 185, 190, 192, 193, 194, 196, 199, 200, 209, 216, 217. Hayes, David A., 434, 436, 437, Haynes, John, 533. John (Gour.), 633. Hazard State Papers, 532, Heathcote, Caleb (Col.), 186, 188. Heineioh, Anthony Phillips, 93. Henderson, M. H. (Rev.), 215. Henry, Dr., 122. HI, 9, 649. VIH, 65, 70, 668, 589, Heraldry, Burke's, 665, 568, 570, 588. Emerson's, 5. Herbert, Henry WilUam, 604. Higginson. Francis, 604. Rev ,19. Hildreth, History of U. S., 320. Hill, William, 13, Hillhouse, James (Hon.), 679. William, 114, 116. Hillyer, Rev, Dr., 516, Hilton, Edward, 600. [570 Historical Collections N. Y., 516 Hoadley's New Haven Colonial Re cords, 633, 638. HoAEE, Hezekiah, 602. Hobamock (Indian), 695, 696, 597. HoBAET, Henry (Rt. Rev., D. D.), 168 Hoffman, Judge, 428, 430. Hollistee, Mr,, 13, 14, 16, 16, 17. Holmes, William (Lieut.), 601, 602, Hooker, Rev. Mr., 28, 287, 552. Hopkins, Dr. 679. Edward, 533. Mr., 633. Stephen, 555. HoEN, Charies E,, 93. 662 INDEX. Names Incidental. Hornblower, Ex-Chief Justice, 399, 400, 433, 436, 437. Horsefield, Mr., 256. Mrs., 256. Horton, Fran., 532, EosACK, David (Dr.), 232, Hosmer, Judge, 576. Titus, 114, 443, 444. Hough, John, 542. Houlcombe, Joshua, 33. Howard, Samuel, 247. Howell, Governor, 399. Howland, John, 655. HoWTOST, Elizabeth, 543. Hubbard, Bela (Rev.), 169. Daniel, 18. David, 30. Ebenezer, 31, 51. George, 12, 18, 20, 30. Hawley, 31, 51. Joseph, 18, 30. Nathaniel, 30. Richard, 27, 30. Samuel, 27, 30. Thomas, 18, 23. MS,, 594,699, 609. Huddlestone, Thomas, 171. Hudson (Commander U. S. N.), 137. Hull, James P. (Rev.), 479. Humphrey, Michael, 33. Humphreys, David (Rev.), 171, 172, 174, 177, 178, 183. Hunt, Eliza, 219. Esther, 261. Thomas, 2. Hunter, Joseph, 661. William, 246. Huntington, Benjamin, 114, 116. David (Rev.), 39. Enoch (Rev.), 286. John, 116. Hurlburt, John, 18. Hustiss, Robert, 634. Hutchinson's Hist. CoUections, 15. Ingliss, Charies (Rt. Rev., D. D.), 168, 222. Irish, John, Jr., 605. Isinghart, Christopher, 210. Jackson, General, 393, 399. Richard, 564. Jacobs, Raphael, 204, 206. James I, 11, 12, 552, 556. Jarvis, Abraham (Rev., D D,), 169. Leonard, 321, 322. Jay, Peter, 210. Jeffrey, Mr,, 600. Jeffrey, Patrick, 321. Jennt, John, 601. Rev., 172. Robert (Rev.), 178, 179, 181, 182, 186, 187, 188, 189. Jervis, Admiral, 70. Baron, 70. Benjamin, 70. Edward, 70. Humphrey (SU), 70. John, 70. John (Eari), 70. Mary (Countess), 70. Swynfen, 70. WUUam, 70, Jessiopt, , 532. Jessdp, Edward, 2. John, Bishop of London, 77, 78. Johnson, Guy (Col ), 683. Isaac, 18, Samuel (Dr.), 236. Samuel (Rev., D. D.), 146, 147, 148, 150, 152, 159, 160, 161, 164, 166, 169, 194, 196, 201. S. P., 622. WUliam, 169, 471. William (Sir), 78, 79, 585. William Samuel (LL. D.), 5, 232. Jokes, George, 247. W. or N, v., 247, Jonson, Ben, 22. Kellogg, Allyn S. (Rev.), 518. Mr. (Rev.), 356. Kemp, John (LL. D.), 232. Rt, Rev, Bishop, 479. -Kent, Chancellor (Hon ), 465, 472. Eari of, 652. Mr,, 600. Kewen, , 423. Keyes, E. D., 432. Kilgour, Bishop, 192. King, Judge, 434. . William, 17, 158. Kip, William Ingraham (Rev.), 479. & Ingraham, 82. Kirby, John, 18. Kirkpatrick, Judge, 434, Knapp, Joshua (Rev.), 60, Kneeland, Ebenezer (Rev.), 169. Knowles, Alexander, 17. Kollock, , 247. KoLBOCK, Rev. Dr., 399 Kunze, John Christopher (Prof.), 232. Lacy, B. W., 524. Lafayette, General, 400. Lake, Judge, 423, 424. INDEX. 663 Names Incidental. Lambert, Captain, 369. Thomas, 338. Lambton, George, 533, Lamson, Alvan (Rev., D, D,), 477, Lane, Isaac, 18. Samuel, 204, 205. Langhorne, Capt. (Royal Navy), 134. Langton, Mary, 589. Lanman, Peter, 113. Lan5ian's Congressional Dictionary, 376, 378,399,476, Lansing, B, B., 391, Law, Richard, 114, 536. Lawes, Goodman, 535, 537. Lawrence, Captain, 367, 368, 370. Lee, Edward, 27. General, 318 Major General,-397, 399. Leete, WUliam, 633, 534. Lepferts, MarshaU (Col.), 127. Le Grass, , 540. Leister, Edward, 556. ¦Leonard, Jno., 27. Leverett, John (Capt.), 603, Governor, 19. L'Hommedieu, Ezra, 515. Lincoln, Major General, 319. Lives, Walton's, 652. Livixgston, Brockholst, 471. Governor, 403. L. (Hon.), 94. Lieut. Colonel, 29S. Mr., 176, Lippincott's Gazetteer, 589. Long, Nicholas, 321. Longfellow, Henry W., 690. Lord, Eleazer, 124. Bishop of Canterbury, 197. CornwalUs, 118. Gardiner, 351 Lowell, J. R., 476. Lucas, , 20. William, 18. Ludlow, Rodger, 533, 534. George D., 23, Ltmax, Joseph (Dr.), 574, Macbin, Joseph, 247. Madison, President, 471. Mainwaining, Captain, 9. C. H.,9. ManoSet (Indian), 693. Mansfield, Richard (Rev. Dr.), 167, 196. Marble, Francis A., viU. Margeson, Edmund, 556, Markham, Patience, 538. 85 Markham, WilUam, 12, 20. Marshall, John (Ch. J,), 471. Martin, , 20. Anthony, 18. Christopher, 555, Mary, Queen, 562, 554, 658, 589. Mason, Hezekiah, 297. Maior, 14, & Brown, 622. Massasoit (Indian), 593, Mathee, Cotton (Rev., D, D.), 150, 154. Eleazer (Rev.), 289. Increase (Rev , D. D,), 150. Maynard, James (Dr.), 395. McAllister, HaU, 431, 436, 437. M. H,, 429, McDonald, WilUam K,, 434, MoHenry, , 430. McKnight, John (Prof.), 232, McLaren, Dr,, 68. McLean, John (Judge)., 399. McPherson, John F., 522. MoVicKAR, John (D, D,), 168. Mead, Joseph, 2. Meade, John, 634, 635. Medley, John (Lord Bishop otFrede ricton), 268. Meigs, Return, 443. Merriam, Samuel, 27. Merrick, Pliny, 477. Merrill, G. (Hon.), 522. Mifflin, Govemor, 399. Miles, Mr., 532. Robert, 622. Miller, Amos, 31, 51. Anthony, 181,- 210. Benjamin, 31', 51. David, 31, 51. Ichabod, 31, 51. .Joseph Sen,, 31, 51, Morris (Hon,), 387. Thomas, 18, 20. MiLTOii, 22. Miner, Richard (Rev.), 167: MiNNis, Isaac, 247. Minon, Gen., 396, Minor, Mr., 215, 534, 5S7. Mitchell, Mr., 533. Samuel L, (Dr,), 232. Morgan, Daniel (Gen,), 399. General, 312, Rev Dr., 94. Moore, Channing (Rev.), 391. Lieut. (U. S.N,), 137. Moeeis, , 128. 664 INDEX. Collateral Branches. Morris, Isabella, 193. Lewis, 193. Morrison, Cryder & Co., 364. James, 364, Morse, A., 117, Rev, Dr,,447, Secretary, 557, 603. Thomas, 599, 600. Moss,* Joseph (Rev.), 150, 152. Mdnn, Stephen B , 387. Munsell, Joel, viii. Murison, Mr., 185, 187, 188. Mynor, John, 14. Thomas, 14. Nack, James, 129, Neau, Elias (Rev.), 170, 171, 172, 173, 236. Nell, Mr., 163. Nelson, Albert H., 163. Newberry, Benj., 29. Newcomen, Mather, 663. Robert, 563. Newman, Francis, 534. Henry, 321, 322. Newton, Christopher, 167. Isaac, 22. Judg.e E , 487. Mr,, 14, Nicholas, Mr. 333, G. W,, 247, NiOHOLLs, Governor, 218. Norton, Birdsey, 333. Francis, 1, 2. Mrs, (Hon,), 418 Nott, Johu, 522, Odell, William Franklin, 231, Ogden, Jacob (Dr, ), 62.- John (Rev., D. D.), 169. Olmsteu, Prof., 573, 576, 580. Richard, 13. Osborn, John (Dr.),. 312. Overstocks, Captain, 549, Oxenbridge, Rev., 19. Painter, Solomon (Rev.), 167, Palmer, Rev. Mr., 209, WUliam, 567. Paomet (Indian), 593. Park, Roger,' Jr., 206. Parker, Courtlandt, 434. Elizabeth, 70. Francis, 543. George, 70. John, 543. Ro., 532. Thomas (Sir), 70. Parmele, John, 27. Parsons, EU, 319. Levi (Judge), 428, 430, 431, 436, 437. Moses, 31, ' 1 Stephen, 39. Patterson, D. Williams (Dr.), viii," 67. Peabodt, George, 360, 364. Peake, Captain, 370. Pearcy, A. C, 85. Pecksuot (Indian), 595. Pee$, .John, 321. Penn, WiUiam, 22. Pennington, William (Ex-Gov.), 434. Perkins, Nathan (Rev., D. D.), 335. Perry, Mr., 301, Peters, Harry, 259. Hugh (Rev.), 168. Samuel (Rev.), 161. Samuel A. (Rev.), 169. William, 168. , Petri, Bishop, 192. Philip III, 690, Phillips, John (Rev.), 338, Philps, Mr,, 12, 13, 16, 17. Physic, Dr., 519. Pierson, John (Rev.), 168. Mr. (Rev.), 147. Pike,, 135. Pinckney, Mr., 460. William, 471. Pitkin, Timoftiy (Rev.), 574. Platt Zephaniah, 515. Pope, Bromwich, 540. Elizabeth, 540. Roger, 540. Porter, Captain, 367. Commodore. 134. Jno., 533. Williams., 3. Post, Wright (Dr.), 232. Pownal, Gov., 449. Prence, Thomas, 565, 566. « Prescott, WilUam H., 477. Price, , 128. Priest, Degory, 556. Prince of Wales (H. R.' H.), 262. Provost, Samuel (Rt. Rev.), 231, 233. Punderson, Ebenezer (Rev.), 164, 206,210. Purdy, Daniel, 180, • Joseph, 210. Joshua, 210. Samuelr 180. Putnam, Israel (Capt,), 116. Poem, to Caroline, 548. INDEX. 065 Names Incidental. Poem, Lexington, 129, Louisa, 467, Miles Standish's Courtship, 590. Painting, 129, Spring Time, 348, Sylvia, 69. Twelve Years Have Flown, 131. Raleigh, Sir Walter, 22. Rand, John, 21 1, Ranney, Stephen, 443, Thomas, IS. Reyner, , 565. Richards, Elizabeth, 643. Richardson, Jane, 543. Record of descendants of Francis Whitmore, 2S7, 530, 531, 539, Rickktts, Edward Jervis, 70, William Henry, 70, Ridgdale, John, 555. Rives, Wm. C. (Hon.), 378, Robbins, Julia, 532. RoEENSc N, Marrye, 605. Roberts, Nathaniel (Rev ), 55, 58. RoBiNSO.N-, John (Rev.), 552, 564,456, 590, 598, 599. Rochester, Robert, 564. Rockwell, John, 31, 51. Rodgers, Captain, 395, 396. Join R. B. (Dr.), 232. Rogers, Commodore, 367, 368. Evan (Rev.), 261. John (Rev.), 303. ilajor, 572. Thomas, 555. Rohoron (Indian), 532. Rollo, S. A., 131. RoMYEN, Rev. Dr., 61. Rose, Robert, 533. Rowan, Rev. Dr., 260, Rubens, 22. Rushmore, Robert of, 663. Russel, Joseph, .Jr., 324; Noadiah (Rev.), 146. Samuel , 327, 330, 443. Samuel (Capt.), 302. William (Rev.), 112, 146. Sabine's American Loyalists, 211, 223, 224, 227, 229. Sage, Comfort (Col.), 302. David, 18. Giles (Capt.), 442, 443, 444. Saltonstall, Governor, 160. Sanders, John, 593, 596. Sands, Commander (D. S. N.), 137. Rev, Mr,, 260. Sanfoed, General, 132, Santa Ana, General, 395, 396, Satteulee, Judge, 426, Saunders, John, 231. Savage, Goodman, 23. John, 18, 20, 27. Mary, 27. Savage's Genealogical Dictionary, 12, 28, 30, 112, 133, 338, 339, 440, 441, 442, 445, 453, 502, 568, 609 Sawyer, Thomas, 210. Schenck, William (Rev.), 53. Soueoeder, Rev. Dr., 479. Schuyler, Colonel, 296, General, 403. Scofield, G. W,, 522. Scoville, James, 169. Seabury, Samuel (Res;. Bishop), 167, 169, 192, 193, 22B, 450. Sedgwick, Robert (Maj.), 602, 603. Seventh Regiment of New York, 127. Seymour, Gordon J., 247. Thomas, 116. Shakespeare, William, 22. Shays, Daniel, 318, 319, Shepard, Edward, 27. Sherman, Mr,, 532 Sherwood, Joseph, 180. The, 16, 17, Shirmas, John, 533. Sholer or Shaler, Mr., 39. Shreve, .Mr., 213. "Shrewsbhey, Earl of, 622, Shultz, Governor, 562. Silvy, Lieut., 297. Simpson, . 128, Sinclair, Captain, 367,. Skinner, Bishop, 192. Skipweth, Peyton, Jr., 246. Sis ALLEY, Dr,, 579. Mary, 589. Smedes, Abraham K., 261. Smith, Capt. (U. S. N.), 367. WiUiam (Chief Justice), 59. Ex-Governor, 423. Jobama, 29, Johu, 29, Melancton, 515. Mr., 210 Robert (Rev.), . 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 244, 247. Samuel, 12,- 532. WiUiam, 12, 20. Snelling, Elizabeth, 563. Robert, 563. Snowden, Robert, 565 666 INDEX. Names Incidental. Society for Propagating the Gospel, 169, 170, 178, 195, 200, 208, 214. Sogamore (Indian), 632. Somerby, A. S,, 5, 6, 338, 642, Soule, Ezekiel, 600. George, 655, Spooneb, WiUiam (Dr.), 447, Spoonee's MS. Genealogy, 126. Sprague, Peleg, 472. Sprague's Annals Am. Pulpit, 23, 232, 584. Stanford & Swords, 196. Starr, C, 567, George, 444, Stebbin, Edw,, 13, 15, 17. Steele, Mr., 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. Steuben, Baron, 403. Stiles, Dr., History of Windsor, 53, 55, 292, 570. St. John's Church, History of, 168. Stockbridge, Mrt (Rev.), 137. Stocking, Samuel, 12, 18, 25. Stone, Mr., 14, 15, Stores, Henry R. (Hon.), 365. Stow, John, 499. & Wetmore, 324, 362, Strang, Henry, 205. Street, George F., 255. Strickland, David, 31, 5ir Stringham, Capt, (U, S. N,), 137. Strong, Nathan (Rev. Dr,), 386. Story, Joseph, Life and Letters of,* 455, 475. Sturgeon, William (Rev.), 168. ' Sullivan, General, 115, 404, 586. Sumner, Charles, 472, Sutton, William, 210. Swynfen, John, 70, Mary, 70, Talbot, St. George, 200. Talcoat, Mr,, 13, 14, 15, 17,633, 534. Taloote, Mr., 13, 14, 15, 17, 533, 534 Talcott, Mr., 13, 14, 16, 17, 532, 533, 534. Matthew, 442. Wadsworth, 444. Tallmadge, Benjamin (Rev.), 53. Taphanse (Indian), 534, 535, 637, 538. ¦ Tapp, Edward, 533, Tappin, James, 18, 20, Taylecoate, Mr,, 13, 14, 15, 17, 532, 533, 634. Taylor, Rev, Mr,, 137. Zachary (Gen.), 395, 396, Telfair, Mr., 247. Tenike, Mr., 370. Thacher, Anthony, 567. Rev,, 19, Thollock, Dr., 239, 240, 247. Thomas, John, 210. Mr., 209. WilUam, 567. Thompson, Charles, 115. Thompson's History of Long Island, 53, 54, 60, 62. Jonathan, 60. Mr., 600. Thorne & Lee, 256. Tilley, John, 555. Edward, 655, Tinker, Thomas, 555. Todd, Thomas, 471. Tompkins, Governor, 122. Toquatoes, Indian, 632, 535, 536, 537, 538, Toucey, Isaac (Secretary of the Navy), 375. TowLEE, William, 533. Tracy, WilUam, 516. Treadwell, Eleazer, 444 Memoir of John, 573. •& Perry, 343, Treat, Mathias, 20, Robert (Gov.), 27, 29. Trott, Mr,, 13, 15, 17, 533. Trumbull, Governor, 302, 579, Judge, 574. J. H., 533. Trumbull's Colonial History of Con necticut, 15, 33, 533. Public Records of Conn., 8, 16. Turner, Edward, 18, 20. John, 555. Robert, 543. Stephen (Sen.), 31, 51. Tyler, Johu (Pres,), 463, Wat,- 683, Unoas (Indian), 532, 536. Usher, James, 168. Vandyke, 22. Madam, 297. Van Horne, Abraham (Rev.), 75. Vassel, WUliam, 567. Veats, Roger, Jr. (Rev.), 259, 260. Vesey, Rev,, Mr,, 170, 171,, 172, 177, 197, 235. Viets, Roger, 16'i, Viscount St. Vincent, 70. [NDEX. Names Incidental. Visey, Rev., 163. Wadswqrth, C. 567. Elijah (Capt.), 487. Jeremiah, 442. Wait, 608, Wales, Doctor, 574. Nathaniel, 114, 116. H. R. H., Prince of, 262. Walker, President, 477. Rev. Mr., 163. Wallace, William, 246. Walton, John, 186. Ward, John, 18. ilr., 13, 17. WiUiam, 18, Warde, Mr,, 533. Warner, Daniel, 287. Samuel, 31, 51. Warren, Griffen de, 303. Joseph, 318. Peter (Sir), 78. Richard, 556. Warrington, 317, 371, 373, 375. Washington, Bushrod, 471 George (Gen), 114, 115,118, 316, 317. 318, 398, 401, 40S, 404, 405. Watkins, Hezekiah (Rev.), 168. Watmore, Agnes, 544. Barbara, 544. Charles, 644. Christopher, 644. Dorothy, 644. Elizabeth, 543, 544. Francis, 543. George, 643. Isabel, 543. James, 543, 544. Joan, 543 John, 543, 644. Joice, 643, Lettis, 644. Margaret, 543. Margery, 544. Richard, 544. Robert, 543, 544. Roger, 544. ' Thomas, 644. WilUam, 543. Weadmore, Richard, 543. Thomas, 643. Webb, Joseph (Rev.), 152, 153. Mr., 21. Webster, Daniel, 463. Mr., 15, 16, 17, 633. Roberi;, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17. Webster, Samuel, 20. Weed, Jonab,, 532. - Welbeck, 563. * Weld of Wiley, 540. Welles, Dep. Gov,, 13,15, 16 Mr , 533. Wentworth, Thomas, 56,3. Westcoat, Richard, 531, 533, Westwood, Mr., 13, 15, 17, Wetheeell, William, 567. Wettenhall, , 540. Wetmore, A. K. (Judge), viii Anne, 67 Bela, 67. David, 485, 486. Edith, §38. Francis (Lieut.)', 538, Hannah, 67, Hoppin & Co,, 327, Ira, 67. John, 67. Justus S. (Judge), viii. Lucy, 119, . Minnie, 67 Prosper & Brothers, 121. Samuel, viii. Sarah, 119, 486. Sarah Anna, 119. "Tho., 1. Thomas S. (Dr.), vin. WeUes, 67, & Cryder, 359, 364, 366. & Co., 83, 358, 359, 364 Wheeler, Daniel, 384, Whitakee, Rev, Mr.,' 114. Whitcomb, Rev. T. J., 40. Whitemoee, Christian, 542. Whiting, Mr., 14, 16. John, 16. Whitmar, Agnes, .642. AUce," 542.' Edward, 642. Richard, 542. Henry, 542. John, 542. Whitmer, Marian, 542, William, 542. Whitmore, , 8. ' Anne, 543. Apley, county of, 8. Beatrice, 543. Cecelia, 543. Eleanor, 542. EUen, 543. Francis, 631, 638, 639, 668 INDEX. Names Incidental. Whitmore, Francis, of Laxton, Eng., 4. George (Sir), 54l, Genealogy, 287, 531, 539. Goodwife, 2, 637. Hannah, 638. Humphrey, 543. Isabel, 643. ' Jane, 542, Joan, 543. John (Sen.), 1, 2, 3, 4, 7,,.'353, 354, 356, 531, 532, 533, 634, 53d, 536, 537, 638. John Titus, 67. Katherine, 542. Mary, 643. , Ralph, 543, Richard, 541, 543. Rowland, 642. Sarah, 2, Thomas, 631, 539, 543. Thomas, of Apley, 540. T., of England, 8. William, "640, 641, 54,;. -, WUliam H., vin, 532. WUUam (Sir), 9, 540. WilUam 'Volryche, 540. Whitney, Mr., 351. Whittemore, Samuel, 539, Whittleset, Samuel, 147, 148, 160, 152, Whytemiee, Jane, 542. ^ John de, 541. Phillip de, 9. Richard, 541,. 542. Thomas, 541, 542. Whytemore, Agnes, 542. Whyttemere, John, Lord of, 9, 640, 541. Whytmor, John, 542. Whytmore, Richard, 643. Wilcox, Isaac, 27. John, 18, 20. Wilkins, Gouverneur M., 193. Isaac (Rev., D. D.), 192, 193. Willet, Gilbert, 210. Thomas, 603. Willett, WilUam, 180. William the Conquerer, 59, 303. Williams, Nathaniel, 457, 458, 460, 461. Roger, 556. Williams. Thomas, 656. WilUam, 116. ' Williamson, Benjamin (ChanceUor), 400. & Jackson, 321. Willis, Lieut., 296. Mr., 13, 15,17. Wilmot, Rev, Walter, 168. Wilson, , 423. P. (L.L. D.), 232. Wilson's Navaf Hercres, 374. Winder, Col., 73. Winship, Daniel, .219. Winsor, Justin, 566, 570. Winslow, , 567. Edward, 565, 602. GUbert, 556. John, 603. Mr,, 593. Winthrop, Mr,, 14, 21. John, 568, Wirdman, James, 543, WiTTUMUT (Indian), 696, 597. Wolfe, General, 570. Wollaston, Capt., 599. Woodbridge, Mr., 146. Woodruff, G , 247. Woodward, Samuel (Dr.), 68, Wool, Gen., 396. Woolcott, Mr., 13, 17. Woolhoptee, PhiUp D., 247. Wolsey, Cardinal, 568. Ween, Christopher (Sir), 22. Wyatt, Rev. Dr., 479. Yale, , 430. Yerry, Yan (Indian), 516. Young, Dr., 609. Men's Whig Cen. Com., 132. INDEX. 669 Titles of Works Quoted. Alta California, 422. American Almanac, 98. Archives, 116, 116, 211, 212, 316, 318, 321, 322, 399, 442. Art Union, 129. Biography (Belknap), 562, 656, 557, 589, 597, 599. LoyaUsts, 211, 223, 224, 227, 229. Annals of American Pulpit, 231, 232, 584, Baeber & Holmes's Historical Col lections, 516, 570. Baronetcy of England (Benham), 589. Boston Daily Advertiser, 477. Bridgewater, History of, 652, 610. British Gazetteer, 8, 9, 589. Cambridge Epitaphs, 538, 639. Chronicles of the PUgrims, 552, 610. Colonial Records, 18, 29, 33, 34, 533 History of Connecticut, "83, 633, Colony Record, 14, 15. Connecticut Colony Records, 533. Courtship of Miles Standish, 690. Ctclopedia of American Literature, 128, 345, 475, 476, 545, 547. DiCTioNAET of the Army, 98, 478, 480. of Congress, 376, 378, 399, 475. DoouMENTAET History of New York, 78, 79,552,566,567,569, 571, 572, 601, 608, 610. East Haddam Records, 6.7. Encyclopedia of Heraldry, Burke, 8, 540, 565, 568, 570, 588. English Surnames (Ferguson), 8. Fairfield County (Ct.) Records, 218. Farmer's Genealogical Register, 538. Genealogical Dictionary (Savage), 12, ^, 30, 112, 113, 338, 339, 440, 441, 442, 445, 463, 502, 568, 609. Register, Farmer's, 638. Guide to Plymouth, 608. Heraldry, Emerson's, 5. See Ency clopedia. Historical Collections t>f Maine (Hutchinson); 15. Historical Notices of Connecticut (Porter), 3, 328. Sketfehes of Middretown, 18, 20, 26, 28, 31, 39, 196, 484. History ot Bridgewater, 552, 610. Church of Scotland, 554. Connecticut, 15, 53,~159, 288, 289, 290, 301, 531, 548, 661. Duxbury, 552, 566, 667,' 669, 671, 572, 596, 598, 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 608, -610. Episcopal Church, Westchester County, N, Y., 146, 166, 182, 192, 195, 202, 206, 210, 214, 21S, 217, 218. Long Island, 53, 64, 60, 62. Maine (WiUiamson), 449. Naval Heroes, 374. Norwich, 114, 672, 606. Por-tland, 450. ' Puritans, 554. Plymouth, 552, 553, 690, 599, 601, 610. St. John's Church (Clark), 168. SummUCo., 0., 321. Trinity Church, 178. United States (Hildrett), 320. Westchester Co., 193, 218, 222. Windsor, Ct.,-63, 55, 292, 670. HudibraS, 694. Landed 'Gentry (Burke), 8, 540, 541. Lexington and other poems, 129. Life of President Edwards (Dwight), 287,289, 290, 301, 648, 551. of Rev. Samuel Kirkland, 584- and Letters of Joseph Story, 455, 475. Lippincott's Gazetteer, 589. Litchfield (Ct) Town Records, 584. Manuscript, Hubbard's, 694, 599, 609. Biog. of the Clergy, by And. Fojyler, 202. Connecticut Archives, 216. Archives at Fulham, 166, 185, 190, 192, 193, 194, 196, 199, 200, 209, 216, 217. Massachusetts Historical Society Collections, 63, 146, 147, 15 S, 159, '?52, 600, 6_10, 670 INDEX, Titles of Works Quoted. Memoir of Plymouth Colony, 566. Colonel Burr, 548, 549. John TreadweU (Gov.), 572, 573. Missouri' State Gazetteer, 74. Mohawk Valley Register, 79. Moore's Rural New Yorker, 409, 410. Morton Memorial, 562, 556, National Portrait Gallery, "402. Naval History (Cooper), 368, 369, 370, 372, 374, Newark Daily Advertiser, 400, 432, 436. New England Chronology, 568. Register, 31, 32, 537, 538, 552, 666, 590, 604, 610, New ¦ Haven Colony Records, 533, 538, New Jersey Journal, 433. New York Chronicle, 81. Historical Society, 129. North American Review, 578, Northampton Epitaphs, 290, 292, 546, Ohio State Journal, 138. Peerage, Collen, 70. Plymouth Court Record, 602, 603. Colony Records, 552, 557, 566, 602, 603, §10. Records, 552, 567, 668, 566, 568, 690, 599, 610. Poets of Connecticut, 131. Prentiss FamUy Genealogy, 362. Peopagation Society Records, 169, 170, 178, 196", 200, 298,214. Public Records of Connecticut, 15. Record of the descendants of Francis Whitmore, 287, 630, 531, 539. Royal Gazette, 229. Rye Vestry Records, 179, 180, 199, San Francisco Journal, 224. Stamford Records, 533. State Papers, by Hazard, 532 STE.4TF0RD, Town Records of, 119. Suffolk Gazette, 136. Torrington Church Record, 58. United Colony Records, 14, 15. Walton's Lives, 552. Warren (Pa.) Ledger, 521. Winchester Church Records, 60, 68. Town Records, 68. YAtC UNIVERSITY "r. ,' l|l|rl 'I k |l ,.,l'l,'" »¦ ' •'I .^ .