0] m f\©«lRflU2(; qENERAU AT JSeA ¦i&sis!i.jn 5:1 V."KEP\A/t) RTH.^ 1 xM';:i u YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY From the Books of Willi.. \M Rose Benet Beqiieatlied by His Wife M .\ r j o R I E F L .\ c K ROBERT BLAKE BALLANTYNE, HANSON AND CO. EDINBURGH AND LONDON 7 crjY) ROBERT BLAKE ADMIRAL AND GENERAL AT SEA BASED ON FAMILY AND STATE PAPERS BY WILLIAM HEPWORTH DIXON A NEW EDITION WITH TEN ILLUSTRATIONS IN PERMANENT PHOTOGRAPHY LONDON BICKERS AND SON, LEICESTER SQUARE i88s TO HIS EXCELLENCY SIR WILLIAM REID, K.C.B., governor of MALTA, AUTHOR OP "THB THEORY OF THE LAW OF STORMS,' ©ijis J^tstotg is tiiscDibcB. PREFACE. I TEKY willingly meet the flattering request — pre ferred by many correspondents unknown to me — for the issue of a cheap edition of 'Robert Blake.' My unknown friends are pleased to think its wider perusal wiU do good : if so, the whole merit is due to the theme. Blake is the very model of a British sailor — gentle, pious, resolute, and fearless. My purpose in writing the book was to make known to a wider circle the simple virtue, the deep religious feeling, and the moderate views of a man whose supreme military and naval genius place him in the highest class of great captains. Pew readers have leisure for the perusal of manuscript state, papers and family records, or even for a study of the brighter and more amusing procession of satires, eulogies, and proclamations of a past age. Pew, therefore, have known anything of Blake beyond the vague and slender outline drawn by Clarendon and the royalist writers ; and the man who, next to Crom well, was the foremost personage in England during the viii PREFACE. most troubled and glorious part of the seventeentli century, has been little more than a colossal name. The defender of Lyme and Taunton — the chastiser of Rupert — the conqueror of Van Tromp, De Ruiter, and De Witt — the hero of Porto Perino and Santa Cruz — the negociator with Italy — the liberator of Christian slaves — deserved to be better known. The detail of his life was as beautiful as the aggregate was glorious. Blake's ruling principle — like that, of a man equaUy illustrious in our own day — was duty. When some of his captains wished to revolt against CromweU, he replied, "It is not our business to mind State affairs, but to keep foreigners from fooling us." Blake dis approved of Cromwell's usurpation ; but he was watch ing Tromp, then at the head of a powerful fleet, and any hesitation in the navy would have been disastrous to his country. His words became as famous in the navy of that time, as the device "England expects every man will do his duty" became in the days of our fathers. One part of the naval career of Blake is of striking interest. He was the first man who broke through the old delusion that ships could not attack batteries. On three memorable occasions Blake attacked stone walls — at St. Mary's, at Porto Perino, and at Santa Cruz — and each time with complete success. Contemporaries a< first thought him mad, as contemporaries often think men of genius; and the enemies whom he destroyed behind their granite walls, consoled themselves with saying he was the devil. Even after his death, the PREFACE. ix wonder did not cease. Clarendon, a political opponent, says of him : — " He was the first man that declined the old track, and made it manifest that the science might be attained in less time than was imagined ; and despised those rules which had long been in practice, to keep his ship and his men out of danger, which had been held in former times a point of great ability and circumspection, as if the principal art requisite in the captain of a ship had been to be sure to come home safe again. He was the first man who brought the ships to contemn castles on shore, which had been thought ever very formidable, and were discovered by him only to make a noise, and to fright those who could rarely be hurt by them. He was the first that infused that proportion of courage into the seamen, by making them see by experience what mighty things they could do if they were resolved, and taught them to fight in fire as well as upon water : and though he hath been very well imitated and followed, he was the first that drew the copy of naval courage, and bold and resolute achievement." There are officers who still think it madness to oppose ships to batteries, though steam has added wings to the man-of-war, enabhng it to attack how and when it pleases, to retire from the range, to return at will, to shift the position, to defy winds and tides. Tliere are stUl ofiicers who think their chief business to lie in coming "home safe again." Blake was of another mind ; Nelson was of another mind ; Dundonald, I believe, is of another mind. Santa Cruz was Blake's X PREFACE. Cronstadt — one of the strongest fortresses of the seven teenth century : when Blake attacked it with his worn and rotting ships, it was strengthened by an enormous fleet — a fleet carrying nearly as many guns, and far more men, than his own. The Spaniards were as confident as the Muscovites in the impregnability of their fortress. Yet he entered the harbour, silenced the batteries, and burnt the fleet. The royalist writers were overpowered by this briUiant feat of arms. Bates, who speaks of the " unparalleled boldness " of the action, says : — "He found the harbour in shape of a crescent, defended by seven forts lying round it, and two castles placed at the points, with seventeen ships riding therein, their heads standing towards the mouth of the harbour, that they might fire with greater certainty upon those that offered to enter : nor could the Governor forbear to jeer and flout at the English. Blake, therefore, entering the mouth of the harbour with his frigates, thunders broadsides and small shot against the castles, till the soldiers flying from thence, he manned his boats with seamen and sent them in, who burnt and destroyed aU the Spanish ships that were there." Warwick says : — " Blake's rash and daring attempt proved very fortunate and glorious." " Of all the desperate enterprises," says Heath, " that ever were made in the world against an enemy at sea, this of the noble Blake's is not inferior to any." Clarendon speaks still more admiringly: — "The whole PREFACE. xi action was so miraculous, that all men who knew the place concluded that no sober man, with what courage soever endued, would ever undertake it ; and they could hardly persuade themselves to believe what they had done : whilst the Spaniards comforted themselves with the belief that they were devils, and not men, who had destroyed them in such a manner. So much a strong resolution of bold and courageous men can bring to pass, that no resistance and advantage of ground can disappoint them. And it can hardly be imagined how small loss the English sustained in this unparalleled action — not one ship being left behind, and the killed and wounded not exceeding two hundred men; when the slaughter on board the Spanish ships and on the shore was incredible." Common men, of course, adhere to the common opinion : but uncommon men see that Blake was right, as well as successful, in attacking Santa Cruz. The most briUiant seaman of our generation — ^the true successor of Blake and Nelson — Lord Dundonald (who has done me the very great honour of revising the naval part ofthis narrative), has written some brief and pregnant notes on Blake's most celebrated actions. This was before the Russian war broke out, and long before the question of attacking Helsingfors and Cronstadt arose. With respect to Blake's attack on Santa Cruz, Lord Dundonald says, in a profound and characteristic passage : — " On the principle which I have never found to fail — that the more impracticable a task appears, the more easily it may be achieved, under j udicious manage- .xii PREFA CE. ment — the attack on Santa Cruz was founded on a correct estimate of the probable result." With this testimony of a man of genius, I commit my work to the reader; adding, that I have very carefuUy revised the new edition, in the hope of making it less unworthy of its illustrious subject, and of the favour with which it has been received by the public. W. H. D. ^''¦'fS^^^r ^^£ =^ >. *=*^s5n^ ^^je=^, gg_^ m 1 1 m M ^ft^S CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. The Soholae. 1599-1625. West of England iu the seventeenth century — Taunton and Bristol — The Severn merchants — Admiral Blake's ancestry — Humphrey Blake of Plansfield— Sara WilUams — Birth of Robert Blake — His brothers aud sisters — Bridgwater in the seventeenth cen tury — Home of the Blake family — Perils of the merchant- service — Piracy in the South of Europe — Blake at school — At Oxford — Decline of the family fortunes — College efforts at inde pendence — William Blake at Oxford — Death of Humphrey Blake — Pamily matters — Development of character , . 1 CHAPTER II. The Revoluiiou. 1625-1645. The coming revolution — Laud aud his party — ^Remonstrance from Somersetshire — Charles marries a Papist—State of affairs in Ireland and Scotland — Revolt of the Covenanters — ^Meeting of Short Parliament — Blake retumed for Bridgwater — Rebellion in Ireland — The Royal standard raised at Nottingham — The two parties in the field — ^Battle of Edgehill — ^Blake astir in Somersetshire — Prince Rupert — Siege of Bristol — ^Blake com mands at Prior's HOI fort — The town surrenders — ^Rupert threatens to hang Blake — ^Rapid progress of the Royalists — Blake at Bridgwater — Death of his brother — Lyme — ^Invested by Prince Maurice — Brilliant and successful defence by Blake — Maurice retires ........ 17 CHAPTER m. TAUtfToif. 1645-1649. Essex advances into the west — Blake's daring conception — Cap ture of Taunton — Battle of Marstou Moor — Charles marches towards Exeter — ^Determines to avoid Taunton — Capitulation of Essex's army — ^Blake harasses the royal army — Position of Taunton — Sir Francis Doddington — ^Wyndham before the town — Blake's letter — Means of defence — ^Wyndham repulsed — Blockade — Tandruske breaks the cordon — G-oring's crew — xiv CONTENTS. PAGl Quarrels in the Royalist camp — Cavaliers resolve to recover Taunton— Sir John GrenviUe in the leaguer — Concentration of troops — The siege renewed — Welliugton House burnt — Distress of the defenders — Blake appeals to Parliament — Relief sent down — The stratagem — The storm — Retreat of the Royalists — Effect on the garrison — Rejoicings in London — Goring before Taunton — Cavalier blunder — Blake's practical sarcasm — Welden in danger — Battle of Naseby — Final relief of Taunton — The Club-men — Capture of Dnnster Castle — Blake's poKtical views — Cromwell's jealousy — A new career opening . . 53 CHAPTER IT. Naval Command. 1649-1650. Part taken by the navy in the civil war — ^Batten — Commotions in the fleet — Batten goes over to the Royalists with his ships — Prince of Wales in the Downs — Rupert made admiral of the revolted fleet — State of the exile court — Rupert's proposal — He turns pirate — Blake made General at Sea — Change of flag — The new system — Distribution of the Parliamentary fleets — Rupert at Kinsale — Hopes of the Royalists iu Ireland — Blake sails for Ireland — Kinsale blockaded — Roundhead triumphs — Rupert escapes to sea — His piracies — Arrives in Portugal — Blake in pursuit — His instructions — John, king of Portugal — Blake off Belim Castle — Party spirit in Lisbon — Rupert courts the mob and the priests — Attempts to assassinate Blake — ^Por tugal declares for Rupert — ^Blake's vig(5rous policy — Captures the Brazil fleet — John sues for peace — The princes leave the Tagus — Treaty with Portugal 91 CHAPTER Y. Cataliek-Coksaiks. 1650-1651. Rupert as a corsair — He Fortifies the Channel Islands — Isles of SciUy — Sir John Grenville — Rupert's intentions — How the exiled court was supplied with money — Lawless adven tures — A new fleet sent to the south under Penn — Blake's orders from homf' — ^Rupert at Malaga — At Veles Malaga — Burns six English ships — Blake in full chase — ^Incident at Carthagena — Murder of Ascham at Madrid — Corsair fleet destroyed — The two princes received at Toulon — They escape to South America — Reprisals against France — Romantic com- ' bat — Blake returns to England — Attacks the Isles of Scilly — Captures Tresco — Preparations for an attack ou St. Mary's — Battle between frigates and batteries — Grenville surrenders — Sir George Carteret — Daring of Jersey pirates — Strength of the island — Elizabeth Castle — Blake's advice to the Navy Commission — State of the fleet — Wrongs of the seamen — Sails CONTENTS. XV PAOA for Jersey — Attempts to land — New dispositions — Landing effected — Elizabeth Castle cannonaded — Carteret's gallant de fence — Surrender of the islands . ..... 120 CHAPTER VL The Duioh War. 1652. Desire of an alliance with Holland — The Orange party — Events in the United Provinces — St. John at the Hague — Navigation Act — ^Dutch carrying-trade — Sudden opening of the war — Tromp attacks Blake in the Downs — ^A drawn battle — Expla nations aud negociations — Blake captures Dutch prizes — Augmentation of the Navy — Merchants in danger — The northem fisheries — Kew disposition of the fleet — Blake in the north — Tromp in the Downs — Capture of herring-boats — Tromp sails for the north — A terrible storm — ^Blake master at sea — De Witt — ^Vandome's fleet taken — Fall of Dunkirk — Battle of the North Foreland — The Dutch retreat — Effects of the victory in England 153 CHAPTER VII. Tromp. 1652-1653. De Witt disgraced — Tromp' s youth and education — Again in com mand — Frederick III., King of Denmark — The fleets in winter quarters — Tromp appears in the Downs — Battle off Dover — Complaints of the English ofiicers — Three commissioners sent to the fleet — New equipments — Royalists in command of ships — Project of the exiles — Several captains broken — New fleet in the Channel — Great battle of Portland — Blake wounded — Second day's battle — Third day's battle — Tromp escapes into Zealand — Killed and wounded — Cromwell disperses the Long Parliament — Blake's opinions on that event — Contrasts and resemblances — ^Blake declares to stand by the service — Battle of the Gable — Blake expeoted-^Arrives — A glorious victory — Humiliation of Holland — Condition of the two fleets — Letter from Blake — English capture numerous vessels from the enemy — Sickness in the fleet — Blake dangerously ill — Put on shor&~ Final action of the war — Rewards of the English Admirals . 179 CHAPTER VIIL The Mediterranean. 1654. Blake stiU sick at KnoU — Way of life — Goes on board at Spithead — The Brest Pirates — Preparation of a secret armament — France and Spain await the thunderbolt — Two fleets sail from the Solent — The expedition — Blake in the south of Europe — xvi CONTENTS. PAOE Storm and perU — The fleet at Tunis — Preparations for defence — Negociation — Return to Cagliari for bread — The Dey's defiance — Blake's ruse — BriUiant attack on Porto Ferine — Explanations sent to Constantinople — Venetian coui-tesy — The Knights of Malta — Treaty with Algiers — A noble incident — Effects of this cruise in the Mediterranean .... 220 CHAPTER IX. Spanish War. 1654-1656. Penn's treasonous offer — War with Spanish America — The reasons for it — Diplomacy of Cardinal Mazarine — Peace with France — Affaii'S of the Vaudois — A fray at Malaga — A priest surren dered to heretics — Blake at Cadiz — Failure of Penn's expedi tion — Philip declares war — Cadiz blockaded — Spaniards venture out to sea — The fleets in presence — Blake sails for Lisbon — His health failing rapidly — -Return to England — The great admirals out of service — Dangers increasing — Fresh services — Blake goes on board the Naseby — His faa'ewell letter — He sails for Spain — Blake's plans — Blockade of Cadiz — Skirmishing at sea — Affairs of Portugal — The EngUsh ambassador shot at iu public — Blake near Lisbon — Instant reparation demanded and obtained — Ludicrous alarm in Rome — Cromwell's suggestions — Can Gibraltar be stormed ? — New proposals from London — A terrible storm — Blake in great peril — Six ships put out of service — Brilliant exploit at Malaga — The fleet sa,ils for Aviero Bay — Stayner captures the Mexican fleet — Tragic story of the Badajoz family — General Montagu returns to England 243 CHAPTER X. Santa Cruz. 1656-1657. Blake's design — A winter campaign — Spaniards make new pre parations — Receive secret aid from Holland — The Barbary corsairs — Effects of the war on mercantile interests — Deplor able state of the EngUsh fleet — Welcome news — SUver fleets at Santa Cruz — Blake at the Canaries — The Dutchman's w;aming — The attack begun — The Spanish fleet annihilated EngUsh retire from the harbour — Criticisms on Santa Cruz Effect of the inteUigence in London — CromweU's letter Timo rous proceedings against the Dutch — Blake confined to his cabin — His last pubUc service — Liberation of Christian slaves — The passage home — Dies in Plymouth Sound — The corpse carried to Greenwich — Magnificence of his funeral — The Stuarts disinter his remains 273 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. OBERT BLAKE PRINCE RUPERT CROMWELL AT MARSTON MOOR Frontispiece LORD GORING . CHARLES THE FIRST AT NASEHY ELIZABETH CASTI.E, JERSEY .... JOHN DE WITT . ADMIRAL TROMP . ... CROMWELL DISPERSING THE LONG PARLIAMENT GEORGE MONK, DUKE OK ALBEMARLE 28 57 6583 141171 179 203206 ROBERT BLAKE ROBERT BLAKE. CHAPTER L 1599—1625. THE SCHOLAR. Iir the early part of the seventeenth century the country lying between the South Channel and the river Severn was the most beautiful and important part of England. While Liverpool was still a swamp, and Manchester a straggling hamlet, when Leeds was a cluster of mud huts, and the romantic valley of the Calder a desolate gorge, the streets of Taimton, Exeter and Danater resounded with arts and industry ; and the merchant- ships of Bridgwater and Bristol were going out or coming in from the remotest corners of the globe. The fairest fields, the richest cities, the proudest strongholds lay iu this region. The vales of Stroud, Honiton and Evesham are stiU. unrivalled. When the vine grew in our latitudes it attained its highest perfection on the sunny slopes of Somerset and Devon ; and a royal sybarite, whose taste at least has never been impugned, declared that in those days the south-west coast was the only part of England fit for the habitation of a gentleman. The towns were in equal repute with the country. B 2, ROBERT BLAKE. Taunton was famous for its woollens while the Plan taganets were yet on the throne ; in later times a band ofindustrious Flemings, flying from the persecutions of the Duke of Alva, brought their knowledge, enterprise and capital into the town, and under their teaching it soon obtained an equal reputation for serges. Parlia ment fostered these rising trades, and " Tauntons " were then as well known in the markets as are now Manches ter cottons and Spitalfields silks. While the Yorkshire breeder of sheep was either too indolent or too ignorant to convert the wool of his native downs into an article of trade, the workmen of the western city obtained by the process wealth, cultivation and political power. Bristol, inferior in population and maritime resources only to London, had long aspired to the honours of a western metropolis. Its history looked back to the remotest times. Its docks, its streets, its religious edifices, its gates and decaying fortifications, all bore testimony to its ancient grandeur. Only the city of London yielded a larger return to the royal ex chequer. Commissions, commissioners and pursuivants levied money under many pretexts from its opulent traders, and the armies of Ireland and Scotland were frequently recruited among its hardy and adventurous population. Prom its situation as a point of depar ture for the west and south, it had gradually obtained a monopoly of Irish commerce. Its vessels visited the harbours of Portugal and Spain, whence they brought home the treasures of two worlds in exchange for the wooUen cloths which constituted our sole manufac ture. As its great houses increased in means, their enterprises took a bolder range. No longer satisfied to share their gains with the Iberian, they sought by new discoveries to win for their own port such advantages as Columbus had won for the Spaniard and Vasco de Gama ROBERT BLAKE. 3 for the Portuguese. Cabot had sailed from their river on his first adventure, and four of the five small vessels which composed his fieet were supplied by the Severn merchants. In voyages undertaken at their expense, he had added Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, and North America as far as the inlet of the Chesapeake, to the known regions of the world, and estabhshed a connexion with Hispaniola, Porto Eico and the coasts of Brazil, which was not abandoned even when the government, in virtue of a treaty to that end, gave up the rights of EngHsh discovery in those regions to the crown of Arragon and Castile. Inspired by these successes in the far west, they fitted out an expedition for the Arctic Ocean, and sent it forth to search for a new passage northward to China and Hindustan. These spirited men pursued their enterprise with admirable zeal ; and only failed to rival the fame of more celebrated dis coverers because nature had left them no outlet to find in that direction. One of the most active of the Severn merchants in the latter part of the sixteenth century was Humphrey Blake of Plansfield and Bridgwater, father of the re nowned Admiral. Humphrey's father, Robert Blake, the first of his family to step out of the narrow circle of a country life, removed at an early age from Tuxwell, the seat of his ancestors for several generations, to Bridg water, where he hoped to share the abundant harvests of the Spanish trade. Where the family of this Eobert Blake was first settled is unknown. Tradition gives it a home in Northumberland and derives the name from the river Aplacke in that county. The first of the Somerset shire Blakes whose name I have found, is Humphrey Blake who lived in the reign of Henry VIII., and held the estate of Tuxwell, in the parish of Bishop's Lydyard, in capite, by the payment of the fortieth part of the 4 ROBERT BLAKE. knight's fee. He had three sons, John, Thomas, and Eobert ; to the last of whom, when he died in 1558, he left the manor of Tuxwell. This Eobert Blake was he who removed to Bridgwater, where he married Margaret Symonds, improved his scanty fortunes by commerce, and during a long life retained the respect and confidence of his fellow-citizens. He had the honour to serve as chief magistrate in his adopted town three times, iu 1573, in 1579 and in 1587, as appears by inscriptions stOl pre served on panels in the Town-hall of Bridgwater. At his death, which occurred in October 1592, he bequeathed the large sum of 240L, to relieve the poor and repair the causeways ; setting an example of liberality to his townsmen and descendants which the latter at least piously followed. His son, Humphrey, succeeded to the estate and business. The property was not inconsiderable. He married a lady of good family and fortune ; Sara Williams, widow of a gentleman named Smithers, and on her he settled at his marriage the lordship of Puriton together with divers lands and messuages in Puriton, Catcote, Bawdrippe, and Wollamington. Plansfield, which has always been described aa the original seat of the Admiral's ancestors, was probably the dower of his mother. It had belonged to her family for generations ; had been granted by Henry VII., to Sir John Williams after the Perkin Warbeck troubles, and had descended from him to Eeginald Williams, John Williams and Sir Nicholas Williams, at whose death it reverted to the crown for lack of male issue ; and it had been restored by Queen Elizabeth to Mabel, hia widow. The Admiral's father was certainly the first of the Blakes who owned the manor of Plansfield. In the Heralds' Visitation of Somerset in lt>23, he is styled Humphrey Blake of Plansfield, son of Eobert Blake of Bridgwater. Sara WilUams, like Cromwell's mother, also a widow ROBERT BLAKE. 5 brought blood to the family. Robert, the Admiral, was her first son. He was born towards the end of August, 1598, and received the rite of baptism at the parish church of Bridgwater, on the 27th of September in that year. He was called Eobert, in pious remembrance of his grandfather. Many children followed ; in all twelve boys — Humphrey in 1600 ; William in 1603 ; George, who died in infancy, in 1604 ; George, the second of that name, in 1606 : Samuel in 1608 ; Nicholas in 1609 ; Edward, who died in infancy, in 1611; Benjamin, who died in infancy, in 1612 ; Edward, the second of that name (he also died in infancy), in 1613 ; Benjamin, second of the same name, in 1 614 ; John, who died in infancy, in 1617 ; aud Alexander in 1619. The number of girls is not ascertainable, in consequence of irregu larities in the registers ; but the Admiral's will mentions two of his sisters — Bridget, who married Mr. Bowdich, of Chard, and another not referred to by her maiden name. The Heralds' Visitation speaks of a Mrs. Burrage as being one of Humphrey Blake's daughters ; but this is probably a misspelling of Bowdich. The other sister mentioned in Blake's will married Thomas Smythes, of Cheapside, a celebrated goldsmith and banter. After a lapse of two centuries and a half, it may still be possible to recover an idea, more or less faint, of the way in which the family lived in the west of England, and of the infiuences under which the Admiral passed the fifteen years of his childhood and early youth. Bridgwater, on the river Barrett, stands in the centre of a rich plain, now sparkling with orchards and corn fields, but in the seventeenth century little more than a morass, bounded on one side by the Quantock hills, and on the other, at a less distance, by the wooded slopes of the Poldons. The valley, about three miles in width. 6 ROBERT BLAKE. includes several spots famous in English story. There the victorious armies of the King of Wessex had been arrested. There our own Alfred had found shelter from the Danes. There, in later times, Monmouth lost the battle of Sedgemoor. The town was built, as it is now, on both sides of the river ; but at that time the eastern suburb, joined to the main body of the town by an ancient and solid stone bridge of three arches, was inhabited almpst exclusively by the opulent traders and gentry. High Street, leading through the corn-market, — where there was a famous inn, the Swan, and a pic turesque old market-cross, — was gay with shops; and, between the carrying trade and the shipping trade, the little town had an air of ceaseless bustle and business. Lying on the highway from Gloucester and Bristol to Taunton, Exeter and Plymouth, the western trafiic aU passed through the town. Pack-horses, laden with Yorkshire wool, tinkled their bells along its streets and over its old bridge night and day. Its port was crowded with vessels. Yet even then the town seemed to have passed its prime. Grass already grew in some of its streets, and many of its houses wore a dim and faded aspect. In former times it had been defended by a wall and gates ; but nearly every trace of these defences had been swept away. The Castle, once a royal appanage, held by the Queens of England aa a dower, kept watch and ward over the surrounding country ; but, although an imposing structure in the feudal times, it had lost its former splendour. Eays of light from a distant past still lingered on its decaying turrets : in the Wars of the Eoses it had often withstood siege and storm ; and in spite of its decay, it could stOl boast the honours of a virgin fortress. The first object to catch a stranger's eye aa he now stands on the iron bridge, which has replaced the old ROBERT BLAKE. 7 stone edifice, is a row of chesnuts and poplars on the left bank of the stream. They grow in what was formerly Humphrey Blake's garden. The house in which the Admiral was born, in which he passed his youth, and in which, when at Bridgwater, he lived in the fuU blaze of his renown, still stands in what was formerly a part of St. Mary's Street; a house two stories high, built of blue lias stone, with walls of immense thickness, heavy stone stairs, oak wainscots, and decorated ceUings ; a habitation of the Tudor days, and of unmistakeable importance in its time. The gardens, bounded by Durleigh brook, the river Barrett, and the highway, were about two acres in extent, mingling fruit-trees and flower-beda, scented plants and vegetables for the table. Though the house stood within a few steps of the church and the Corn HiU, it enjoyed a complete seclusion; and the windows looked out over a wide sweep of valley to the sunny slopes and summits of the Quantocks. In this secluded garden, by that old stone bridge, among the ships, native and foreign, lying at anchor in the river, and under the guns of the grim fortress, the ruddy-faced and curly-haired boy, Eobert Blake, played and pondered, aa was his habit, untU the age of sixteen. Erom his father's garden he would daily witness the extraordinary flow of tide known as a Bore — a phenomenon only seen in the Ganges, the Severn, and two or three other streams ; and the con versation of his father and of his father's friends must have helped to fix his mind on the sea and on maritime afiairs. When it is said that Humphrey Blake was a merchant trading with Spain, it is not meant that his daya were spent in the routine of the desk and the exchange. The life of a trader was then a life of peril and adven ture. He manned his own ships and saUed with his 8 ROBERT BLAKE. argosy. Like later cruisers among the Pacific islands, his course and his destdnation was rarely known before he quitted port. Palling in one harbour to dispose of his cargo, he spread his canvas in search of richer markets. He saw strange lands and strange people ; and he had to hold his own, not merely against the dues, fines, and exactions of legitimate powers, but against the still more formidable corsair. Piracy was not, in the six teenth century, the despicable calling it is now : in the opinion of that age, a pirate was but a soldier of fortune on another element. Prance, Germany and Italy were overrun with mercenary heroes, eager to seU their swords in any cause where pay was sure and profiigacy aUowed. Hundreds of distressed English gentlemen, when the civil wars left them stranded, took to the sea for bread. In some parts of Europe the people of entire districts lived on plunder ; persons now Uving can remember a time when the daring valour of the Greek and Biscayan freebooters was the theme of winter tales and popular ballads. Nor were theae imlicensed spoilers the worst enemies whom the peaceful merchant had to encounter at sea. The Moors of Africa had erected piracy into a national system. Por ages the Salee rover had been a terror to the south of Europe ; and the Tunisian and the Algerine, equal to him in skill, daring and fanaticism, had still finer ports and larger privateers. No coast in Christendom was free from their incursions ; but their favourite stations were the bays and harbours of Por tugal and Spain, as in these ports they found it easy to attack and capture stragglers from the fieets of both worlds. To the ordinary motives of the pirate, adventure and greed of gold, the Moor added the fiercer spurs of reUgious difference and hereditary hate. Europeans, it may be justly said, had forced the Moors into piracy as fl measure of defence. Their expulsion from Granada ROBERT BLAKE. 9 in the fifteenth century roused in them the worst passions of human nature ; and that band of armed priests, nestled behind the impregnable ramparts of Malta, and sworn to hold no truce with their race and faith, — a vow which they kept to the last letter, by piratical descents on the coasts of Africa, marking their path along the shore with burning villages, slaughtered peasants, and captive women and children, soon to be ex posed by these Christian missionaries in the slave-markets of Venice, SevUle and Genoa, — left them no policy but that of revenge and retaliation. In their undiacrimi- nating rage, the followers of Mohammed waged war against the commerce of all civilised countries ; when the opportunity offered, they seized both fleets and cargoes ; and, Uke the Knights of Malta, carried ofi' their prisoners for sale to the bazaars of Tunis, Tripoli and Algiers. For protection against these formidable enemies, the merchant had to trust to his own bold heart and steady hand. His vessel, however small, carried some means of defence. The crew were well armed. Aids to escape were kept in readiness. Prom the British Channel to the Straits of Gibraltar the course of the Severn adven turer lay through continual perils. Every rock and inlet along the coast had to be carefully examined before the little barque could venture on. The adventurer Uved on deck, and he ate, drank and slept with his mind alert and his hand on his sword. At the return from a voyage, many were the tales of perilous encounter, chance-escape and valorous deed which he had to tell hia friends and children on the dark winter nights : — and such stories were, no doubt, a part, of the food on which the imagination of young Blake, silent and thoughtful from his childhood, was fed in the old mansion at Bridgwater. 13 ROBERT BLAKE. The rudiments of a more regular education he obtained at the grammar-school, then considered one of the best foundations of its kind in England. This edifice has long disappeared from the streets of Bridgwater ; and it has been replaced by another school of similar aims aud character, conducted in the house in which the Admiral was born and in which he lived. At the grammar-school he made some progress with his Greek and Latin ; something of navigation, ship-build ing and the routine of sea duties he probably learned from his father or from his father's factors and servants. His own taste however, his habit of mind and the bent of hia ambition, led to literature. He was the first of hia race who had shown any vocation to letters and learning, and his father, proud of his talents and his studies, resolved that he should have some chance of rising to eminence. Nor was this early culture thrown away. At sixteen he was aUeady prepared for the university, and at hia earneat desire was sent to Oxford, where he matriculated as a member of St. Alban's HaU in Lent Term 1615, in company with Edward Eeynolds, who afterwards became bishop of Worcester, and John Earl, subsequently bishop of Salisbury. Little ia known of Blake's coUege life. It is recorded of him that he rose early, and was extremely assiduous at his books, lectures and devotiona ; that he took great delight in field-sports, particularly in fishing and shoot ing. If any credit ia due to ancient gossip, which, whether false or true, is traceable to his own age, and is preserved to us as a contemporary scandal by a writer who revered his name and was intimate with members of the family, — his aquatic sports were sometimes irre gular. "He would snare swans," says old Aubrey. Most writers have rejected this report. He had not been long at Oxford before his ambition ROBERT BLAKE. n prompted him to try his strength against Robert Hegge and Eobert Newlin in a contest for a scholarship then vacant at Christ Church. He soon found that a student without friends or influence had little chance of success in that aristocratic coUege. The failure of his first effort did not, however, cast him down: — he kept to his books and looked steadily towards the future. Nevertheless, willing to accept such friendly support as came in his way unsought, he removed from St. Alban's Hall, where he had found and felt himself a stranger, to Wadham College, at the request of his father's friend, Nicholas Wadham, a Somersetshire man, who had recently founded the noble edifice which bears his name. In this new college Blake remained several years ; there he took the usual honours and completed his education : — and in the great dining-hall of Wadham, among the effigies of poets, divines and antiquaries, a portrait of the Admiral is still shown with pride as that of its moat illustrious scholar. During the years which he remained at Wadham CoUege, waiting to estabUsh himself in some permanent position in the University, the family prospects were graduaUy growing dark at Bridgwater. Humphrey Blake, his father, possessed the daring spirit of hia class. The Severn adventurers gained money fast and lost it fast. With corsairs lying in every creek, it was easy to be rich to-day and poor to-morrow. Sometimes pros perous, sometimes nearly prostrate, Humphrey Blake had carried on his enterprises for many years, standing weU with his feUow-merchants and honoured with the confidence of his feUow-citizens. He was twice elected to the chief magistracy of Bridgwater. But fortune turned more and more against him. Many of his ventures had failed. In some of these his losses had been severe. Much of his own and his wife's 12 ROBERT BLAKE. property was gone ; and in the decline of life he found himself for the firat time in serious trouble. Want of means chafed his ardent and ambitious mind ; the more as his misfortunes had fallen on him when the energy of youth was passed, but not the cares of early manhood. He had married somewhat late in life ; his family had increased rapidly ; and at fifty-seven he found himself an old man with ten children, of whom the eldest, Eobert, was only twenty, and the youngest, Alexander, was in the arms of his nurse. His troubles preyed on his spirits, and with the increasing darkness of his fortunes his health began to fail, Eobert, in his rooms at Wadham CoUege, shared the family afflictions. He felt acutely the position in which his father stood, embarrassed with debts and surrounded with so many responsibilities ; and the feeling gave a new and higher impulse to his desire to obtain a feUowship. A vacancy occurred at Merton, and he off'ered himself — not as in the earlier period of his college life, from a boyish ambition to achieve honours and place, but from a sacred wish to be useful to his brothers, and to relieve his father of the modest expense of his maintenance at Oxford. Alexander Eisher, John Earl, Edward Eeynolds, his old comrades at St. Alban's Hall, and several other young men of parts and learning were in the Usts. Had Blake's efforts been successful, the life of the renowned Admiral might have been paaaed iu the seclusion of a college, among the books and studies he already loved so weU and in that case Taunton would in aU human probabUity have remained in royalist hands, the battle of Naseby would not have been fought, Tromp would have remained unconquered, Spain unscathed, Tunis and Santa Cruz uncelebrated ! How little did Sir Henry SavUe, theu warden of Merton CoUege, dream that in rejecting Blake ROBERT BLAKE. 13 from his petty senate, he was turning back on the world one of those master-spirits who were to overthrow the government, humiliate his adored sovereign, and elevate England to the height of human grandeur ! But so it was. Savile, a man of sense and acquirements, as witness his fine edition of St. Chrysostom, had an eccentric distaste for men of low stature, and chose his senators, as the Prussian king did his grenadiers, by their height. The young Somersetshire student, thick set, fair-complexioned, and only five feet six, fell below his standard of manly beauty. His infiuence was adverse, and Blake lost his election. He remained five years at Oxford after this incident, and in good time took his degree of Master of Arts. There seems to be no ground for supposing that want of learning was the bar to his advancement in the Uni versity. He had read the beat authors in Greek and Latin, and wrote the latter language sufficiently weU for verse or epigram. Even in the busiest days of his public Ufe, he made it a point of pride not to forget his old studies. When chasing the enemy or fiercely cruising before a foreign station, his grave humour — and never man had finer sense of sarcasm, or used that briUiant weapon with greater effect — loved to find ex pression for its scorn and merriment in the satires of Horace and Juvenal ; thus in some degree reUeving the stern fervour of Puritan piety with the easy graces of scholarship. His brother William, smitten also with love of letters, entered himself a student at Wadham, where, in 1624, he was already a Bachelor of Arts, and on the death of the antiquary, Camden, furnished a Latin epigraph to the book published by the University. In the ninth year of his reaidence at Oxford, and in the twenty-seventh of his age, Eobert Blake was called to his father's bedside. The old man had grown worse 14- ROBERT BLAKE. in health, and was no longer able to manage his affairs. At last his son abandoned the idea of a college life, gave up his rooms at Wadham, and took up his abode in the old house at Bridgwater. On the 19th of November Humphrey Blake died, leaving to his sons Eobert and Humphrey, the care of his widow, and hia famUy of young children. The estate was encumbered with debts. Puriton, Catcote, Bawdrippe, and Wollamington had been con veyed away to trustees, for the mother's sole use during her life ; the only property mentioned in the recital of the will, ia the house and gardens in St. Mary's Street, Bridgwater, and these were bequeathed to Eobert and Humphrey, and their heirs for ever, subject to the one condition that their mother, Sara, should have the use of them during her widowhood. To whatever family pro perty remained, to all the lands, leases, debts, difficulties, and responsibilities which survived the broken merchant, Eobert was heir. Humphrey, William and George were of age or near it ; Samuel was seventeen, Nicholas sixteen, Benjamin eleven, and Alexander six, at the time of their father's death. Not one of them, with the possible exception of William, was settled in life ; and the four youngest had stiU to be in some measure educated as weU as started in the world. The young girls had also to be sup ported out of the wreck. The first thing, then, was to ascertain the residue after paying aU debts ; and in order to clear off some of these claims, it may be that Plansfield was at this time sold. When the debts were paid, it would seem that property, exclusive of the house in St. Mary's Street, of about two hundred pounds a year remained. The means were sUght, the respon sibilities heavy ; yet Eobert accepted, and in due course achieved, the task of rearing, educating, and placing the ROBERT BLAKE. 15 whole of that numerous famUy. Humphrey Uved with him, and foUowed his fortunes to the last, becoming in due time a public servant and a commissioner of naval prizes. WiUiam went to London, where he became a learned and successful man ; he attracted the notice of scholars, was created a doctor of civil law by the Uni versity of Padua, and when he died, followed the example of hia brother and grandfather in leaving a legacy to the poor of his native town. He also left a number of legacies to his brothers, nephews and nieces. George went to London, and became a goldsmith and banker 6f Cheap- side. In after life he retired to Plymouth, where some of his children married and remained, though he himself subsequently settled at Minehead, on the Severn. One of his sons, Benjamin, had a taste for letters ; and a copy of verses written by him oh the death of his uncle. Dr. WiUiam Blake, is stiU extant. Samuel married early in Ufe, and took to agriculture. A farm, consisting of a house and about one hundred and fifty acres of land, orchard, garden, meadows, and pasturage, at Pawlett, a vUlage about four miles below Bridgwater, on the river Parrett, had been made over to him by his eldest brother. When the civil war broke out he joined his brother's company, and was one of the first martyrs of the good cause in the west of England. Nicholas engaged in the Spanish trade like his father and grand father. He resided chiefly at Dunster and Minehead, successfuUy cultivated business, and acquired a moderate estate, which his descendants of Venne House still enjoy. Benjamin was at first a farmer ; but he also turned soldier when the wars began; afterwards went to sea, served against Eupert and Tromp in his brother's fleet, took part iu the expedition against Hispaniola under Penn and Venablea, and waa raiaed by the former, when he returned to Europe, to the rank of 1 6 ROBERT BLAKE. vice-admiral. Of Alexander it is only known that he Uved till 1693, and was then buried in the church of Eaton Socon, in Bedfordshire, where there is a tablet erected to his memory. During the nine years spent at Oxford, Blake's cha racter was slowly but soundly developed. When he returned to his native town and again took up his resi dence in the family mansion, he was remarkable for that iron wiU, that grave humour, that free aud dauntless spirit for which after-events found employment. Simple in his tastes and habita, there was a dignity and refine ment in every line of his countenance which bespoke command. His manners, though austere for one so young, were relieved by a certain bluntness of address, while his peculiar sense of humour and great vehemence of passion rendered his conversation at once agreeable, emphatic, and picturesque. The abuses in Church and State afforded themes for satire ; the profligacy which reigned at court, the moral laxity and doctrinal into lerance of so many religious professors excited his intense scorn, and in public and private places he inveighed against them with bitter sarcasm and solid argument. The weak worldliness of the prelates, the mean subservience of the Church to royal vices and foUies, drove young Blake, as they drove thousands of the ardent and uncorrupted young men of that time, into Puritanism: the despicable pedantry, faithlessness and profligacy of the King, his favourites and his courtiers, insulting from their high station the moral sense of a virtuous, domestic and religious people, made him sigh for a republic Uke that of Pericles or of Scipio. CHAPTER II. 1625—1645. THE REVOLUTION. Foe several years after his return from college, Blake's time was chiefiy occupied with the care of his aged mother — who outlived her huaband thirteen years, seeing her youngest son Alexander arrive at the age of manhood, — and iu the education and settlement of his brothers and sisters. But he was a keen observer of public events, a politician by nature and early training ; and as the action of the court became suspicious to good Protestants and menacing to the nation's civil Uberties, he bent the force of his genius to create in his native county a party of resistance. Nor was the task difficult. Commercial habits and superior education had given a Uberal bias to the men of that district ; and whatever instinct of ancient and unreasoning loyalty still sur vived was rudely tried by the King's friends. Laud, ap pointed to the see of Bath and WeUs shortly after Blake left Oxford, in two vv three years, contrived by his zeal for episcopacy and royal right, his absence from the see, except as a persecutor of conscience, and his fierce denun ciation of aU classes and degrees of non-conformity, how ever sUght — to rouse a stern spirit of opposition to the governing powers in Church and State. Possessed of the King's ear. Laud felt no scruple in turning the i8 ROBERT BLAKE. executive arm against his spiritual opponents, and even attempted to coerce the judges into instruments of epis copal vengeance. On one occasion, when Lord Chief- Justice Eichardaon returned to London from the Somerset assizes, where he had heard and disposed of cases in which the bishop took an interest, with a moderation worthy of the bench in its better days, he was attacked with so much fury at the Council-board, that on retiring he remarked to his friends, he had been almost choked with a pair of lawn sleeves. Such a policy, carried out in the vicinity of Bridgwater, and finding its victims in men generaUy respected, gave force and edge to Blake's keen invective. The more famous pro ceedings of the same prelate, after his translation to Canterbury, in bringing Prynne, Burton, Bastwick, and other men more pious and learned than himself before the Star-Chamber and Court of High Commiaaion, — the cUpping of ears, the branding of temples, the slitting of noses, the burning of tongues, the prisons, pUlories, and pubUc scourgings to which he resorted for the main tenance of his Popish rites, — continued in the years which foUowed that event to caU forth his indignant denunciation. Nor was the spur of private resentment long wanting. Bishop Pierce, who after an interval succeeded Laud in the see of Bath and WeUs, resolved to put down the famous Lectures, and suspended Mr. Deverish, minister of Bridgwater, for preaching the usual Lecture in his own church on market-day, and using a short prayer. Nor did this act satisfy the prelate. Humphrey Blake was the churchwarden ; and Pierce enjoined him to do penance for the crime of not presenting Deverish for ecclesiastical censure. Blake could plead the usage of the church. Since the days of Queen Elizabeth theae Lectures had been used by all zealous and pious clergymen. But Pierce was in- ROBERT BLAKE. 19 exorable. A bold remonstrance against such prostitu tion of the powers exercised by the courts of conscience was signed by many leading liberals of Somerset, and by Eobert Blake one of the first. The remonatrants prayed the King to put an end to reUgious persecution, and inveighed against the Popish rites and ceremonies which Laud was trying to intro duce into the Church. Two Puritan divines, Deverish and Norman, were the clerical leaders of the movement party in Bridgwater ; but their lay ally was its real leader, and by his genius and activity the local influence of the StaweUs and Wyndhams, strong royalist famUies, was overthrown, and a commanding position was obtained for the new opinions. The aspect of affairs at court was lowering. Charles had not only married a French woman and a Papist — causes of deep offence to a people jealous of foreign in trigues — but had entered into iUegal and insulting engagements with the wily minister who then directed the policy of Versailles. As the price of Henrietta Maria's hand, Richelieu had demanded that the young Queen and her court should have a right to exercise her reUgion — that the children iaauing from the mar riage should be under the control of their mother and her advisers until the age of thirteen — and that for the future all English Catholics should be allowed to perform the services of their Church. These stipulations, granted by Charles to gain the honour of an aUiance with the blood of St., Louis, were agreed to in a series of secret articles ; but their purport was soon known, and the King's treason to the law of the land and the strong Protestant instincts of the people alarmed and enraged the country. Nor was the popular mistrust unjusti fied by events : — the chUdren of this unhappy marriage were so trained in early Ufe as eventually to forsake the o2 20 ROBERT BLAKE. religion of their country, and with that lapse to forfeit the splendid inheritance of their race. Seeing Popery enthroned at WhitehaU, the people resented every incU- nation towards Eome in the clergy — whether that inclination showed itself in the lofty character of their spiritual pretensions, in the pomp and circumstance of their way of life, or in the boldness of their hostUity to freedom of thought. On aU these points Laud was ob noxious to the more ardent Eeformers ; and Charles himself was scarcely less hateful. His origin waa bad. The disgust created by his father's claim to govern England — ^not by a semi-divine right of genius, Uke the first and last of the Tudor sovereigns, but by a divine right of birth — a disgust which outlived the poor pedant and weighed heavily on his son, — was not aUayed by any act of manly sincerity or generous explanation. Questions of finance also arose to embarrass parties and embitter the contest about principles of govemment. Ireland and Scotland were even less tranquil than the supreme country, though from different causes. Beyond the Tweed, the religious question alone occupied the field of controversy. By law, Charles was not the head of the Church in Scotland, and his attempts — aided by his com plaisant Archbishop of Canterbury — ^to bring its clergy under control, to rob them of their spiritual rights, to meddle with their church government, and to impose on their unwilling congregations his own ritual, periUed his secular power and alienated from his person the friends to whom he might otherwise have looked in the worst extremities of his fortune. In Ireland the elementa of diacontent were more numerous, but they nearly aU had their origin in the religious disabilities imposed on the Catholic masses. When pressed for money, Charles had sold certain graces or indulgences to a body of men in the western counties of the island ROBERT BLAKE. 21 for 120,000Z., though well aware that the very word indidgence would have a startling and papistical sound in English ears. For this sum he consented to re move from the purchasers aU penal laws enacted against their creed, to allow them a right to practiae at the bar, and to exercise other functions at that time prohibited by statute. To the original infamy of this sale, Charles added the still deeper infamy of taking the money and refusing to fulfil the contract. When the poor dupes complained, he sent Strafford into Ireland with orders to repress diacontent with a atrong arm, to aaaimilate the Irish to the English Church, and finally to over-ride the ancient constitution and mate the King's power abso lute. Strafford succeeded in this task as only a man of genius can succeed. Attacking the Catholics in their opinions, their liberties and their properties, he frus trated every measure taken in their defence ; and by harassing suits and galUng disabUities, invented by an intelUgence infinite in resources and carried out with a vigour which knew no pause and counted no obstacle, he achieved such a success with the higher classes and in the rich towns as intoxicated his royal master. The old nobles of the country were brought over, some by threats, some by cajolery, still more by fashion, policy, and personal ambition. But the Deputy's fierce and unscrupiUous course of conversion fired the passions of the Irish people — and dread of his vigorous policy arrayed against him the whole liberal and constitutional party in England. The armed revolt against Charles began in his native land. Harassed by Laud's agents, the Scotch Pres byterians took an oath and covenant to maintain their religious independence at aU hazards ; and when the King threatened them with the punishment due to rebels, instead of stealing back to their homes to escape 22 ROBERT BLAKE. the royal wrath, they flew to arms, boldly crossed the border into England, and offered to put the issues of their quarrel to the ordeal of battle. The court raged with passion and insulted pride. But its contortions were as vain as they were undignified, for the reforming House of Commons made the cause of the Scotch Cove nanters their own, and the royalist policy received its first sudden and serious check. Strafford was impeached. Laud was lodged in the Tower. Finch the Lord-keeper and Secretary Windebank were driven into exUe. Con- ceaaiona were obtained for the EngUah people ; and in the northern kingdom Charles was stript of his most coveted prerogative. In the heat of his resentment against the Scots, the King had summoned the two Houses to meet again after a separation of many years ; the step had created an immense sensation in the country ; and the most active and liberal of the country gentlemen were returned for nearly aU the large towns. Blake went up as member for Bridgwater. Vane, Hampden, Crom well, Pym, and EUiot were retumed to Westminster. Their legislative labours were, however, of brief dura tion — this meeting of the Houae being that which is known in history as the Short Parliament. Charles wanted money to fight the Covenanters ; but when he asked for money in hia usual peremptory manner, the House replied with a long list of grievances, and insisted that before any money-biUs were laid on the table, an inquiry should be made into the state of the nation, especially in regard to the attempted innova tions in religion, interference with the rights of private property, and invasion of the privileges of Parlia ment. Neither threats nor cajoleries could overcome their resistance. After a vain trial of his strength on the constitutional ground, Charles suddenly dissolved ROBERT BLAKE. 23 the House in a fit of anger. Pym and Elliot were conspicuous during the brief session. But the great fighting-men were silent. Blate said not a word. Cromwell said not a word. Events, however, soon com peUed Charles to issue writs for a new election; and before the year was out, the Long Parliament, fated to see and to survive so many governments, was sitting at Westminster. Of this famous assembly Blate was not a member until 1645, when he was returned for Taunton in the room of Sir WUUam Portman, his seat for Bridgwater being occupied by Colonel Wyndham, governor of the castle, and a haughty opponent of the popular party. The strife had not yet died away beyond the Tweed when it arose in the sister country. There, a long- cherished hatred of the Saxon race embittered the quarrel about lands and religions. Under the powerful rule of Strafford, the Celtic population had been made to feel its inferiority in a thousand gaUing forms ; that statesman treating the country as a conquered province, subject to no law save the law of the sword, and capable of no rights but such as the prince might bestow and revoke at pleasure. Yet in spite of Stafford's cruelty and his own bad faith, the person and government of the King were popular among the light-hearted people : those papistical rites and doctrines which rendered him so suspicious in other parts of his dominions won for him the confidence and affection of his Irish subjects. In tbe King's name, and as they pretended with his approval, they fiew to arms. Treachery of a confederate caused the failure of an attempt to seize DubUn Castle ; but the insurrection spread into the remotest districts, and in one weet from the outbreat, the open country and many of the chief towns in Longford, Leitrim, Cavan, Donegal, Derry, Monaghan, and other counties were 24 ROBERT BLAKE. possessed by the insurgents. The leaders declared by proclamation that their object in rising was to support the King against the popular members of the House of Commons, who had invaded the royal prerogative, intercepted the favours granted by the Crown to its subjects in Ireland, and designed to root out the CathoUc faith from that part of the empire. The King's cause was adopted as their cause. Their fury was directed against the very men who had brought the great oppressor to the scaffold. In the drunken ness of unexpected success, their followers committed atrocities at which nature and history must shudder. The English settlers, whether of ancient or of modem standing, were cast into prison, their goods and lands seized and divided, their chUdren torn from them, their women ravished before their eyes, and their whole body, the grace, the soul, the sustaining element of the country, was treated with every barbarity which hate could devise and victorious passion inflict. In this outburst of popular insanity, more than forty thousand Protestant settlers were butchered in cold blood. Preparations were instantly made to check these atrocities. But who was to command the forces sent against the rebels ? Those rebels openly declared that they had the King's sanction for what they had done : — a moat unhappy declaration for the man in whose interests they professed to devastate and murder. The two Houses dared not entrust him with the means of repression. Charles himself felt how disastrous was the position made for him by his friends. He was compelled either to admit that the rising had taken place at his instigation, or to transfer to his new Parliament the general conduct of the war. He chose the latter evil, and in one day his enemies became masters of a fleet and an army. That day the contest ROBERT BLAKE. 25 between the two powers began. After he had ceded control over the forces necessary to suppress the rebellion, Charles, alarmed at his defeneelessness, made efforts to get his creature. Sir John Pennington, appointed chief admiral iu the Irish seas, a post of supreme importance at that moment. His requests were denied. Parliament had reason to suspect that officer of an intention to employ the force undtr his command against the national movement ; they refused therefore to accept the King's nomination, and sent the Earl of Warwick as their vice-admiral into those waters. Soon after this event, Charles raised the royal standard at Nottingham, and called the gentry of England to his aid. The two parties now in presence of each other, arming to dispute poaaeasion of the realm, and determine the principles on which it should be governed, were as distinct in character as in cause. On the King's side, notwithstanding his personal meanness, a large majority of the men of old family was arrayed. Men of the highest birth and the gentlest nurture flew to the standard of their King. Brave by nature, and loyal from long habit, they were attached by ancient tradition or private interest to the forms of monarchy and episco pacy. But these loyal gentlemen, though hardy, heed less, and romantic, possessed no strong convictions, little of the sustained energy so needful in revolutions, and stiU less moral reputation. On the popular side were ranged a few men of the highest rank, separated from their peers by greater purity of life and by wider cul ture, together with the whole body of merchants, and the more sober, stem, and religious of the country gen tlemen — the EngUsh Commons. A gay demeanour, a light heart, a passion for wine and women, marked the Cavalier. The Roundhead was distinguished by a grave aspect, an austere life, fiery enthusiasm, and fixed beUefs. 26 ROBERT BLAKE. Between such opponents the contest could not have been prolonged beyond a single summer, had they com menced it in equal numbers and with equal means. But their condition as soldiers was as various as their opinions. The royalists rode into the camp almost ready for the field. Many of them had been long famUiar with the use of arms ; and nearly all had been accus tomed to a country life, to hunting, sporting, and the exercises which best prepare men for the hardships of a camp and the terrors of a battle-field. The rank and file of the Roundhead forces consisted of students, small farmers, and city tradesmen. To their hands, books and implements of trade or husbandry were more famiUar than pikes and muskets. Devotion, courage, enthusiasm, they could bring to the contest, but they had the art and practice of war to learn from its very rudiments. Charles quitted Nottingham for the west bf England at the head of six thousand men. Enthusiasm for his cause in the opening days of the confiict was boundless. At Shrewsbury his army had increased to nearly twenty thousand. This sudden accession of strength induced him to turn on London, the head-quarters of his most active and powerful enemies, in the hope of crushing them at a single blow ; but he had scarcely quitted his halting-place when the Earl of Essex was descried hovering with a considerable force on his fiank and rear, ready to cut off stragglers, intercfept suppUes, and enclose him between two fires, should he advance on the capital. He waa forced to retreat or to give battle and he chose the latter in confidence. Six thousand men were left dead on the field of Edgehill : Essex retired towards Coventry, and the King advanced his head-quarters to Oxford, whence he sent out fiying squadrons of horse under Prince Rupert to spread terror to the suburbs of London. For a few days the city was ROBERT BLAKE 27 distracted with reports, and the popular leaders showed a desire to treat ; but unfortunately for the royal cause, while terms were being discussed under cover of an armistice, Ruthen, the Royalist General, assaulted Brentford. The cry of treachery was raised. The citizens flew to arms. The trained bands marched out of London and encamped before the captured town. By rapid marches Essex brought up his army from the midland counties ; and instead of seizing Whitehall and the Tower, as he intended, Charles was compeUed to throw himself beyond the Thames ; flying like a fugitive across the bridge at Kingston toward Reading and Oxford, in the latter of which cities he resolved to pass the wdnter months, after fortifying with hasty works and strong garrisons all the more important places in the immediate vicinity. Meanwhile Blake was on the alert in Somersetshire. Taking the King's hasty dissolution of the Short Parlia ment as a signal for action, he began, with the aid of his young and fiery brothers Samuel and Benjamin, to count his friends, to prepare arms and horses, to concoct watch words, and to keep a keen eye on the movements of the King's partisans. His troop was one of the first in the field, and both the horse and foot played a conspicuous part in the first action of any importance in the west of England, when Sir John Horner routed the newly raised forces of the Marquis of Hertford at WeUs. From that date he was in almost every action of importance in the western counties, fighting his way into mUitary notice. He distinguished himself in the sharp encounter at Bodmin ; and gained the confidence of his chief. Sir WiUiam Waller, by his conduct on the fiercely disputed field of Lansdown. Detached from the army to strengthen the garrison at Bristol, he missed the dis astrous retreat at Roundway Down. Blake's attention 28 ROBERT BLAKE. was not, however, confined to the war. His knowledge of business, his activity, and his severe integrity pointed him out for other employments, and he was made one of the Committee for seizing, and sequestrating the Estates of Delinquents in Somerset : — a thankless office, the duties of which he nevertheless discharged for several years without giving rise to a single accusation of par tiality, or making for himself one personal enemy. But the camp was his field of action ; his superiority to other men about him lay in the marveUous fertUity, energy, and comprehensiveness of his mUitary genius. Before the field of action was as yet occupied by large armies, he scoured the country with his intrepid dragoons, rousing the spirit of his friends, carrying terror to the hearths of his enemies, and levying contributions of money and horses on such towns and hamlets as were known to be disaffected to the national cause. In the royalist camp Prince Eupert could alone be compared with him as a partisan soldier ; and that briUiant cavalry officer, fated to be foUed so often on land and sea by Blake, firat made the acquaintance of his redoubtable enemy at the siege of Bristol. Rupert's youth had passed Uke that of a hero of romance. The son of a Bohemian king and an EngUsh princess, he was coimected in blood with half the reigning families in Europe, and his long pedigree stretched back through Charlemagne to Attila. Yet as a boy he had known nothing of the grace of boyhood. Storms raged round his cradle from his birth. In an ante-chamber of the Hradachin he waa one day snatched up by his nurse while sleeping in the midst of fiashing fires and booming artillery ; Austrian and Bavarian troops were thundering at the gates of Prague ; and iu the hurry of mortal fear the menial dropt her charge on the floor, and there he was found by a chamberlain of jigiV ¦¦ ' !,: ,c'.»b";:! : -i' fc.W-.'S'rt.'-il.4,;*.*^¦/l•J; iMuE RUPE .ROBERT BLAKE. 29 the palace, and flung into the last carriage that foUowed the unhappy court in its flight to Breslau. Army after army rose to avenge the dethronement of his mother, the famous Queen of Hearts, but they struggled in vain against . the more prosperous fortunes of the southern Germans. Eupert and his brother Maurice wandered from court to court, but dread of the imperial arms silenced every sentiment of pity in the royal palaces of Europe ; and HoUand alone, in its pride of Uberty and power, dared to offer an asylum to the unhappy fugitives. There Rupert passed his youth. A hard student at the University of Leyden, a hunter and hawker over the flat fields of the Zuyder Zee, the hero of many a courtly tournament, a volunteer at the siege of Rhynberg, — at the age of fifteen he was a man of the world, and a soldier who had won his spurs in actual service. A brief visit to England, where Laud proposed to make him a bishop, the Queen to marry him to a rich heiress, and the King, his uncle, to send him out as viceroy to Madagascar, — led to an insane enterprise of his own for the recovery of his father's famUy dominions on the Rhine. Defeated and taken prisoner, he passed three heavy years in the fortress of Linz, varied only by a love- affair with the young Countess of Kuffstein, whom he abandoned for ever the moment he obtained his freedom. His temper soured and his passions infiamed by adversity, he turned soldier of fortune, repaired to England, where his uncle's troubles opened a field for his mUitary talents, and he was immediately made master of the royal horse. The Cavaliers were companions after his own heart. No sooner did he meet the easy, dashing, courteous gentle men of England than he became their leader. Brave, active, impetuous, no foe could withstand the vigour of his onset or escape the celerity of hia purauit. Three months after his arrival his name waa already a word of 30 ROBERT BLAKE. terror in the country. But if his daring spirit and indomitable activity made him a dangerous enemy, — it is also certain that his cold heart, his lust of money, his ruthless cruelty, his contempt of law, made him a stUl more fatal friend. In spite of his valour, his vigUance, and his success, history muat deacribe the King's warlike nephew as the evU genius of hia cause. From his camp at Oxford, Charles ruled about a third of the territory of England. Wales and the border land adhered steadfastly to his banner; and his dashing master of the horse, after taking the important town of Cirencester by surprise, proposed to consolidate the royal power in the west by the capture of Bristol and the line of fortresses along the Severn. With his uncle's consent, he tried to win the town by treaaon, but the faithleas citizens who would have made themselves his instruments and accomplices were betrayed to the authorities. Treachery faUing, he advanced at the head of fourteen thousand foot and six thousand horse, and summoned Colonel Fiennes, the commander, to yield up the place to his King's officers. Though torn with factions, as were moat towns at that time, Bristol was capable of a long, if not a permanent defence. Of regular troopa within its walls, in cavalry and infantry, there were not less than two thousand men ; many of the citizens were armed ; the store of provisions was abun dant and of excellent quality ; shot and powder were plentiful; and a powerful park of brass ordnance was distributed among the forts and works. The lines, it is true, were incomplete. In many places the breast works had not been carried to the proper elevation, and the ditch at some points required greater width and depth. But the castle within the town was a hold of some strength, and the minor forts along the line — one of the most important of which, Prior's HUl, was ROBERT BLAKE. .31 entrusted by Fiennes to Captain Blate — offered centres of support to the garrison. Had the chief command been in the hands of an able and resolute soldier, the city would probably not have fallen, and if so, not ingloriously. On Sunday morning, July 23, Rupert and Maurice sat down before the waUs, their force supported by a con siderable train of artUlery, and from their head-quarters at Clifton — a charming suburb even at that time — they summoned the garrison to surrender. This summons leading to no result, they spent a day and night iu reconnoitring the position, exchanging a few shots with the outposts, and driving in foragers. Next day Fiennes issued an order that all citizens not actuaUy engaged in the defence, should teep within doors, leaving the streets free for the soldiers. At the same time Rupert drew out his army in two lines, and marched them in order of battle within view of the forts, hoping to intimidate the citizens by his immense means of offence. But the display failing of effect, he fixed his positions, and began to erect batteries. In the afternoon Lord Grandison and a body of cavalry took possession of a rising ground, covered by a thick hedge, over-against Prior's Hill, where Blake was stationed with a smaU body of men ; and the labourers threw up in haste a rude breastwork, on which, under cover of the dark ness, they planted their field-pieces unseen. At mid night two cannon-shots from Grandison's position lighted the sky and broke the deep silence with their echoes. Blake quietly answered from Prior's HiU with a discharge of mustetry and grape-shot. On the instant Ughts were seen moving in the beleaguering lines, and a nocturnal cannonade commenced, spread rapidly to adjacent parts, and lasted for about an hour. Next day preparations were made by the RoyaUsts to storm the 32, ROBERT BLAKE. works ; and when aU was ready they advanced to the assault in six lines, the officers and soldiers wearing green boughs for recognition in the disorder of the expected sack. The men in the first line bore fagots on their backs ; those in the second drove carts laden with earth to fill the ditch; the third line was armed with muskets ; the fourth bore long pikes with wild-fire at the points ; the fifth carried hand-grenades ; the sixth was armed like the third with muskets. The charge was made with Rupert's usual intrepidity. Parts of the shallow ditch were filled — the worts were sealed in several places at the same moment — and Cavalier and Roundhead met hand to hand in single encounters ; but after a long and fierce struggle, the assailants were repulsed with loss at every point. WhUe the infantry were storming, a squadron of the royal horse swept round the outer Unes, and made an unexpected appear ance before Frome Gate, with orders to cut down the sentries, and advance at a gallop on the rear of the garriaon then engaged with the main body of the royal infantry. This attempt also faUed. The guard at Frome Gate was on the alert, and a hot fire from behind their sheltered positions put the horsemen to rout. The fighting went on simultaneously at the forts. Two demi-cannon had been directed by Lord Grandison with some effect against the old waUs at Prior's HUl ; but Plate's vigorous fire tept the assailants at bay, and when night came down, and the combatants had time to count their losses, besides the usual casualties, Grandison had to deplore the death of his chief cannoneer ; Blake, the mutUation of one of his three guns, and serious damage to his works. The garrison of Prior's HiU had little breathing time. Before three o'clock in the morning, the grey dawn was streaked with bursting lights, and the sleep of the tired ROBERT BLAKE. 33 soldiers was broken by the cracking muskets of the Comish division. Rupert was already awake in hia tent ; and on catching the first signal, he drew out his troops, and disposed some squadrons of horse under cover of the rising grounds, — ready to second the infantry in case of need, to check sallies, and enter the lines as soon as the foot had forced a way. His design was to break the curtain between Prior's Hill and the next position, a small redoubt, strengthened by two fortified houses ; but finding his flank tom by Blake's steady fire, he sent Grandison with a body of picked men to storm the post, while he advanced with the main body against the intervening curtain: — the attack on Prior's HiU thus became the centre of ope rations for that day. Dividing his force, Grandison sent fifty muaqueteers to alarm the line a little to the right of Blake's position, and fifty others to make a demonstration on the left. Within gunshot of Prior's HUl, the highway entered Bristol through the rude defences, the point of intersection being covered by a spur with a low breastwork, and barricaded by a gate of strong timbers. While the garrison at the Hill was distracted with the movements of the musqueteers, Colonel Lunsford, at the head of three hundred men, feU on the curtain, — but after a sharp struggle, was driven back with loss. Major Sandara was then sent forward with two hundred and fifty men to storm the spur, and bravely rushing through the fire from the works up to the gate, came to a pike and pistol contest with its defenders. Nine hand-grenades were thrown into the works. Captain Fawcett fastened a petard t6 the timbers of the gate, but the explosion only shattered a few bars, without opening a practicable breach. After an hour and a half lost in fighting a series of skirmishes, in which he saw Captain Howell and many of his most 34 ROBERT BLAKE. gallant commanders fall in vain, Grandison was con vinced that so long as Prior's Hill remained in Blake's hands, the curtain could not be forced at that point; and he drew out his whole strength against the proved key of the position. Elated by success, the little garrison prepared to receive the foe. The RoyaUsts, led by their impetuous and exasperated chief, pushed into the shaUow ditch surrounding the fort again and again, but always to retire in confusion and with loss. Finding his ammunition about to faU, Blake ordered his men to hurl stones on the aasaUants below, whUe the best marksmen kept up a steady and destructive fire from the embrasures. Lunsford at one moment placed a ladder against the wall, and mounted as high as the paUsades, but was then forced back. Lieutenant ElUs gained the line, but was instantly shot through the heart. Again the whole body advanced to an assault; again the little garrison repulsed them with slaughter. As the Royaliata retired in confusion, Blake, feeUng, with the untaught instinct of genius, that the decisive moment had come, lowered the drawbridge, and sallied at the head of his Uttle troop. Rage and shame seized the royalist officers on seeing their troops turn from the fire of a mere handful of men ; and mounting a horse that stood near, Grandison shouted to them to foUow him. At the sound of his voice the fugitives rallied, and were led a third time to the assault. At the ditch they met the Roundheads, Blake in front ; the struggle was renewed, pistol and pike, sword and musket. Grandison was shot in the leg and disabled. Colonel Owen advanced to take his place ; he received the contents of a musket in his head. Hotly pressed in front, their leaders out of action, without plan or direct ing mind, the Royalists at last fell back in disorder to their old position. Having completely swept the Une, ROBERT BLAKE. 35 and cleared the hUl, so far as they came within range of his fire, Blake retired with his exhausted troops to their little fort. At other points the fortunes of the day had been less favourable to the Roundheads. Between Brandon Hill and Windmill Fort, where the curtain was incomplete, and the defence weakest. Colonel Washington broke over with his regiment of horse ; and the defenders faUing back rapidly, he advanced at a brisk pace through the suburbs up to Frome Gate : but being unsupported by the prince, his ardour exposed his men to the risk of being enclosed and cut off. From the windows and roofs of houses a flanting fire gaUed and thinned his rants ; and some of hia bravest officers feU at his side. Rupert hesitated to enter the broten Une, and tept his troops waiting in a meadow at the foot of Brandon HiU, out of range from its guns. Had Fiennes made a vigorous movement at this time, he might have captured or cut to pieces the whole of Washing ton's regiment, seriously damaging the reputation of Rupert's redoubtable cavalry. But the governor's heart faded him aa soon as the enemy appeared before Frome Gate. To the astonishment of the Cavaliers he made signs for a parley ; and before midnight, he had already agreed to that surrender which blasted an honourable reputation, and brought his head within an inch of the block. Rupert undertook that the inhabitants should not be plundered, and that the garrison should depart without their arms. Blake's indignation was loudly and fiercely expressed. At first he could not believe that a man, who had evinced no want of courage in the House of Commons, could give up the second city in the empire after a few hours of not very serious fighting ; and for his own part he refused to admit the terms of capitu lation, and threatened to hold his Uttle stronghold to d2 36 ROBERT BLAKE. the last man. In the confusion of his preparation for departure on the morrow, Fiennes omitted to acquaint the commanders of Prior's HUl and Brandon Hill forts with the nature of the important act concluded with the prince ; and this negligence afterwards became a serious charge against him, as putting many valuable Uves in peril. When, therefore, at sunrise a body of RoyaUsts appeared before the ditch to take possession of the Uttle fort which they had vainly assailed the previous day, Blake replied to their summons with a volley of musketry. On hearing that the commander at Prior's HUl refused to admit the articles of surrender, Eupert declared that he would hang him on the spot: — how different might have been his own career had he carried this threat into execution ! Twenty-four hours longer Blake held his post, and kept the CavaUers at bay ; but then leaming, from persons on whom he could rely, the exact nature of the agreement with Fiennes, and that the Eoundhead garrison was already on its march, he. reluctantly quitted the position he had shown himself so weU able to defend. Fiennes was brought before a court-martial at St. Alban's, where he waa tried for cowardice, convicted and sentenced to death, — ^but his life was spared by the lord general Essex. Blake did not appear as a witness against him on the trial. The loss of Bristol waa one of a series of misfortunes. Ten days before the capitulation, WaUer had been worsted at Eoundway Down ; a fortnight before that disaster, the Fairfaxes had fought and lost a great battle on Adderton Moor, and were then shut up in HiUl. Even CromweU's genius had failed to keep down the Lincolnshire Eoyalists ; Gainsborough was taken by their partisans ; Lincoln itself had to be abandoned. Hopton had encountered and dispersed the Eoundheads at fctratton in Cornwall. With the exception of London, ROBERT BLAKE 37 the Associated Eastern Counties, and a few isolated towns, the whole country appeared to be reduced to obedience. Liberty appeared to be iu its last throes, and one more decisive victory might have put an end to constitutions and parliaments in England for many years. With no fear of an enemy by the way, Charles passed from Oxford to Bristol, where he caUed a council to deliberate on the next movement. Eupert and the war-party advised the King to march on London and finish the war. But more timorous councUs prevaUed, and it was first resolved to reduce Gloucester, the only city of importance in the west of England stUl faithful to the national cause : — a fatal determination for the King, as it gave the Eoundheads time to recover from the alarm of so many disasters. Eising to the height of the occasion, the London train-bands once more marched with Essex and his levies against the victorious Cavaliers. At their approach, Charles burnt his huts and raiaed the siege of Gloucester, and the battle of Newbury, though undecisive, restored in some degree the equality of the two powers. Meantime Blake received new employments from the Parliament. He was named one of the Somerset Com mittee for Ways and Means, and appointed, as a reward for his exploits at Bristol, Lieut.-Colonel to Popham's regiment, one of the finest bodies of militia in the country. The corps was fifteen hundred strong, weU equipped, and firmly attached to Eoundhead principles. With a part of this force, in which his brother Samuel had command of a company, Blake made a dash into Bridgwater, with the hope of surprising its castle and securing that town for the good cause. Eiding in by the old stone bridge on which he had so often played as a child, he stationed his men on the Corn-hUl and market place, and made the Swan Inn his head-quarters. But 3S ROBERT BLAKE. Wyndham was alert. The guns of the castle, forty in number, were prepared for action ; the royalist garrison was at least equal in strength to his own regiment ; and swayed by the Luttrels, Trevelyans, and other county famiUes, supported by a majority of the clergy, the townsmen themselves evinced no eagerness to throw off the Cavalier yoke. Without ordnance, field-stores, or other necessary supplies, Blake would not venture to sit down before the castle; so caUing in his scouts and patrols, he gave marching orders for the south coast, where his regiment had been already destined for service in defence of Lyme. A melancholy incident marked the departure from his native town. Samuel, his younger brother, a gallant but imprudent officer, had left his quarters on a flying visit to his wife and chUdren at Pawlett, four miles down the river. At the Shoulder of Mutton, a vUlage ale-house stiU in existence, he heard that a captain of array and one of his followers were crossing the river at Combwich passage to beat up recruits for the King's service. This inteUigence he ought to have carried at once to his brother, instead of which his zeal induced him to mount his horse and ride after the two officers. He came up with them at Streachill, a quarrel ensued, and he was killed in the fray, leaving behind him a widow and two young chU dren. Blake was terribly shocked at this family disaster, but he bore it in the true spirit of a Eoundhead. " When the news came to Bridgwater," says one who lived in his family and often heard the circumstance referred to, " the officers of the regiment were seen to cabal together in little companies, five or six at a place, and talk of it very seriously, none of them being forward to tell Colonel Blake what they were talking about. At last he asked one of them very earnestly, and the gentleman replied with some emotion, Your Irother Sam is killed. ROBERT BLAKE. 39 explaining how it came to pass. The colonel, having heard him out, aaid, Sam had no business there. And, as if he took no further notice of it, turned from the Corn- hiU or market-place into the Swan Inn, of chief note in that town, and shutting himself in a room gave way to the calls of nature and brotherly love, saying, Died Abner as a fool dieth ! " The same writer adds : " But the sorrow of heroic minds, as it is more powerful than that of the general, ao it is sooner spent ; and collecting his own great soul within itself, and remembering the duty and resignation to the Divine wUl, he was in a short time composed both in thought and look, and leaving the Swan room, conversed with his officers on the Corn-hill about their march to the south coast. After thia guah of grief, he was never known to bewail his brother's untimely death, or let it dwell in his memory." But to the end of his career he never ceased to think with kind ness and regret of poor Sam, — the only one of his brothers who resembled himself in contempt of obstacles ; and to the orphan children thus suddenly committed to his charge he became a father. The elder boy, Eobert, evinced at an early age a longing for the sea ; he entered the navy, and served with distinction in the fleets of his uncle ; the younger, Samuel, showed a more pacific disposition. It was to the young seaman, Captain Eobert Blake, that the Admiral bequeathed, as the true heir to his naval glories, the gold chain bestowed on him by ParUament for his eminent services to the Commonwealth. After the fall of Bristol, the royal army, increased by new levies, separated into two grand divisions. Eupert and the King turned northward, Maurice went into the west with orders to reduce the few towns on the south west coast still holding out for Parliament. Lord Car narvon led the advanced guard of the western army, a powerful squadron of horse, and in a few weeks swept the 40 ROBERT BLAKE. country from the Severn to the sea. Dorchester struck without a blow. Weymouth, Corfe Castle and Portland Island fell into Cavalier hands ; and these great losses were foUowed by the loss of Barnstaple, Dartmouth and Exeter. The natural strength of Plymouth set the land- forces at defiance ; but with the exception of two or three insignificant places, like Poole and Lyme, it was the only position of infiuence still retained by the Eoundheads in the west of England. Maurice, flushed with the glories of a triumphant march, tried an assault of Plymouth ; but faiUng in the attempt, he left a detachment of his army to blockade the great fortress, and with a force of nearly twenty thousand men moved along the coast, intending to punish the petty garrisons of Lyme and Poole, on his way towards London. Lyme was a little fishing town with nine hundred or a thousand inhabitants. Built in a narrow vaUey, at the dip between two hUls, it was overlooked on three sides from the heights, and the cUffs commanded the whole inner line of the bay. Three narrow lanes, lead ing towards Charmouth, Axminster and Sidmouth, cut by a few irregular streets, formed the heart of the town. GeneraUy the houses were built of soft stone and covered with thatch, the better sort having curious gables and balconies opening out pleasantly to the sea. The church, dedicated to St. Michael, stood on a rising ground on the left, but every part of the grave-yard, roof, and steeple was overlooked from the brow of Colway hill. As a port Lyme was of smaU importance, the water being shaUow and the shore dangerous. Only vessels of the smallest tonnage could run in for shelter behind its ancient Cobb, — a low sea-wall built out four or five hundred yards from the town to break the tremendous force of the Atlantic waves, — ^yet as no other place of refuge offered itself for several leagues ROBERT BLAKE. 41 along that stormy coast, its roadstead sometimes swarmed with small vessels, the property of London merchants, and therefore good prize for Eoyalists. The town-defences conaiated of a dry ditch, a few earth works hastily thrown up, and three smaU batteries, — Davies' fort, standing a little above Church Cliffs on a high mound looking towards Uplyme, but which has since faUen into the sea — Gun Cliff, and the fort at Cobb Gate, the two latter being smaU batteries on the sea-shore, covering the bay, but useless against an enemy making his attack from the hiUs. Into this cluster of poor cottages Blate threw himself with part of Popham's regiment to protect the ships from marauding Cavaliers. Colonel Ceely, the civU governor of the town, had won distinction against the fiying corps of EoyaUsts ; his brother-in-law, Harvey, a man of means, lent the assistance of his purse ; and they were seconded by the zeal and devotion of Kerridge the mayor. Nor was Parliament unmindful of the town. A committee had been named to watch over its safety in conjunction with Poole and Plymouth. Money had been voted for arms, and powder had been sent from Plymouth. But the most sanguine member of the London committee never dreamt that Lyme would repulse the great army under Maurice, aud that Plate's hold of this obscure and unfortified town would become one of the remark-" able events of the war. As the prince came down from the hUls of Somerset, Blake counted his forces, and found the number did not exceed five hundred men. The town, though its spirit was good, afforded little aid, for its whole population fell short of a thousand souls ; but with the assistance of the mayor and Governor Ceely, a body of volunteers, some of them from Charmouth and other neighbouring vUlages, was drilled for service. Earth-works, hastUy 42 ROBERT BLAKE. thrown up, connected the points of the defence from Davies' fort, on the High Cliff, along the slopes beyond the town to Holme Bush fields, near that arm of the Cobb which connects the sea-wall with the shore. Two large houses, standing on opposite sides of the valley, about a mile from the line — Colway House, an ancient residence of the Cobham family, and Haye, a substantial farm, were occupied as outposts. Foraging parties were sent out in all directions, with orders to bring back fodder, cattle and other necessaries, for which receipts were duly given. Blake's comrades were still working at the rude defences when the glittering array of the royal army suddenly appeared above the brow of Uplyme Hill. The vast expanse of sea, the green slopes of that secluded valley, broten to the view by clumps of trees, orchards and corn-fields, and the white houses of the town, as they lay, serene and pic turesque, in the morning sun, touched some chords of sentiment even in the grim bosom of civU war, and the Cavalier host rent the air with shouts of surprise and admiration. It was not untU evening that Maurice descended into the vaUey, drove the outposts from Haye and Colway House, and summoned Blake and Ceely to surrender. The extreme weakness of the place was well known to the Eoyalists ; so that when the prince found his sum mons answered with a haughty defiance, he impetuously called his trumpeters to sound a general charge. The infantry hurled a shower of hand-grenades into the town, and in the disorder caused by their explosion, a squadron of horse rode down on the lines, expecting to carry them lance in hand at the first onset. But the tactics which had baffied the Eoyalista at Prior's HiU prevailed again at Lyme ; after a fierce struggle between lance and musket, the horse, unable to force an entrance, drew off, ROBERT BLAKE. 43 and retired up the valley. The foot then advanced in deep columns to storm ; again and again they advanced ; but always to faU back with loss of men and character before an unwavering and deadly fire. Furious at this sudden check to his career of arms, Maurice rode to the scene of confusion, rallied the broken ranks, and gave the word to charge once more ; but the men refused to obey the word, until he wheeled round his cavaby and drove them on by pistol-shots in the rear. It was aU in vain. VoUeys of case-shot met them in front from an enemy protected by cover from their fire ; and as their ranks thinned, the line staggered, broke, and the men turned and fled beyond hope of recal that day. The prince then changed his plan ; convinced by the firm ness of the first day's resistance, that, contemptible as Lyme would appear to the Eling and his councU, he must either sit down to the labours of a regular siege, or march away with his great army, leaving this vigilant enemy in his rear and with the stain of discomfiture on hia hitherto victorious banner. Between these two courses there was no choice ; so he took up his resi dence at Colway House, and threw up works on which to plant his siege artUlery. More than eight weeks that fine army lay on the slopes over Lyme, baffied by an enemy with only a handful of men, and mud-works for ramparts. At Oxford, the affair was a marvel and mystery. Every hour the Court expected to hear that the "little vile fishing-town," as Clarendon contemp tuously caUs it, had faUen, and that Maurice had marched away to enterprises of greater moment ; but every post brought word to the wondering council, that Colonel Blake still held out, and that his defence waa rouaing and rallying the dispersed adherents of ParUa ment in those parts. While the weatern diviaion of the Eoyalists was wasting its time and strength in an obscure 44 ROBERT BLAKE. corner, — neither port, nor fortress, nor highway, — the most important towns and castles lay open to the Eound heads, and some of them actually feU into their hands. Lyme itself remained unshaken. Day after day, week after week, storm, stratagem, blockade, failed to subdue the little garriaon. Maurice felt the humUiation of his position ; unable to account to his uncle and his brother for the delay of its capture, he made a prodigal sacrifice of life to secure success. How often would the thought occur to him — if Eupert had only hung that Captain Blake at Bristol ! In London the press was filled with the wonders of this remarkable defence ; and Eoundhead writers uaed it aa a set-off against their own prolonged faUures at Latham House. Yet the CavaUers fought before the breastworks at Lyme with the most resolute gallantry, and some of the best blood in the west of England flowed into its trenches. After the siege was raised, and the Eoyalists had time to count up and compare their losses, they found to their surprise and horror that more men of gentle blood had died before Lyme, than had fallen in all the other sieges and skirmishes in the western counties since the opening of the war. Within the town, aU was activity, confidence, enthu siasm. The volunteers from Uplyme, Charmouth, and the viUages along the sea-coast, raised the effective force of the garrison to nearly a thousand men ; many of them rude of speech, unused to arms, unbroken by discipUne, but hardy, fearless, and devoted to the good cause. After a few days' service in that fierce school, under that steady command, they stood fire like veteran soldiers ; and they brought into the camp a spbit of disinterestedness quite unusual iu men of the sword. Under pressure of the defence, they served without pay, and Uved on short commons ; many of them had no ROBERT BLAKE. 45 shirts or other Unen, few wore shoes and stockings, and stUl fewer could boast of a fuU suit of clothes. Yet no murmur was ever heard: — each man felt some portion of the greatness of the issue, and ordinary sufferings seemed as nothing when borne in the name of freedom and of God. Nor was this martial ardour confined to the hardier sex ; women not only tended the sick, and waited on the wounded, but wrought at the ditch and barricades, loaded the bandoliers with powder and shot, and even learned to handle the musket with effect. One heroine stood in the ranks during a furious attempt to storm, and fired sixteen rounds of shot at the enemy's columns. Possessed of a regular siege-train, Maurice had a great superiority in the more distant fighting. His batteries, placed on the cliffs and slopes above the line of defence, gradually silenced the little forts in the town. Cobb Gate was destroyed by a battery erected at Holme Bush, which battery also swept the bay, and prevented the arrival of vessels, except under cover of night. A powerful battery was erected on Colway HUl to act against Davies' fort — the key of the defence, — but the earth-walls on that side being hastily strengthened six or eight feet, the cannon-shot spent its force on them in vain. In the narrow streets and lanes of the town, destruction went on slowly but certainly. Hand- grenades were picked up in every yard ; many houses were soon rendered uninhabitable ; those on the hdl- side near the road to Sidmouth were utterly destroyed ; the vessels in the harbour suffered much from the land batteries ; but not an inch of the line was lost by the garrison. About seven at night on May 6th a grand attack was made by surprise. Six days the Eoyalists had been quiet in their tents, and the town-people had been employed in securing their fishing-boats from the 46 ROBERT BLAKE. rage of a tempest ; the soldiers, a little off guard, were at supper — and the approach of the storming party — three separate columns, supported by musqueteers, — was concealed by a thick fog. Roused, however, by the enemy's signals, the Roundheads fiew to arms, and met theb assailants with valour and impetuosity superior to their own. Some companies of Royalists, fighting as if they had resolved to take the place that night, forced their way through the rude works, and preaaed on with shouts towards the market square ; but the defenders closed behind them, and cut off from their comrades, in the narrow alleys of an unknown town, the enemy in front, flank and rear, they perished almost to a man. The surprise having faUed, the fog and darkness came in aid of the defence; and in less than an hour after the signal to storm the breastwork had been given, the Cavaliers were driven off from every part of the crescent, leaving behind them a heap of pikes, muskets, hand-grenades, and ladders. A himdred men lay dead in the trenches. By death, wounds and desertion, Maurice lost between four and five hundred men that night. Colonel Blewett, one of the best soldiers in the royal camp, feU, pierced with three balls, while gallantly leading his column across the works. The day he joined the camp before Lyme, the generals told him it was a mere breakfast matter, and that they would carry the town before they dined ! Captain Pawlett and many other officers were left dead in the fields. Next morning, Maurice sent to beg the body of his friend Blewett, and Blake at once consented to restore it if his men were not disturbed while searching for the body, and picking up the spoil. He would not, he said, in such a case make conditions, but he would appeal to the prince's magnanimity to set at liberty Ceely' a brother-in-law, Harvey, who had been ROBERT BLAKE. 47 seized when going about his affairs, and was then a prisoner in the camp. Blewett's corpse was found, washed and put into a new shroud and coffin ; but Maurice refused to restore Harvey, and told the defenders they might teep the dead body if they pleased. Indignant at this reply, Blate had the coffin carried to the line opposite the entry on Holme Bush, where he signalled the heralds to come for it. " Have you," said he, scornfully, as the men approached, " have you any command to pay for the shroud and coffin?" They answered, " No." Curling his whiskers with his finger, he added with disdain: — "Nevertheless, take them: we are not so poor but that we can give them to you." The news of this gaUant repulse flew to Plymouth. Thence it was despatched to London, where it created the most lively joy. In the House of Commons it was read by Richard Rose, one of the burgesses for Lyme ; and the House at once voted an aid of 300Z., and thanked the garriaon and its chiefs in the warmest terms. Blake was urgent in his appeals to Parliament for succour. Proviaions and ammunition were both failing ; some of his most active partisans had fallen at his side in the daUy encounters, and his little garrison was rapidly losing its strength by death, wounds and sickness. But to the Cavaliers" he still presented the same resolute front. Late one night his scouts brought word that early next morning the enemy intended a surprise ; against this plot he resolved to use counter-plot ; there fore, when the assailants, moving with great caution, came to the works, they found them more deaerted than they had dared to hope; the few men on guard fled before them into the town, and Cavaliers to the number of four hundred followed them into the net of close and intricate alleys where Blake had laid hia ambush. Not a single man escaped. Cut off from their friends and 48 ROBERT BLAKE. enclosed in a ring of fire, poured on them from the cover of windows, doors and parapets, as weU as from the soldiers in the streets, they struggled gallantly to gain some open space, but after a great part of their body had fallen in heaps, choking the way and rendering it stiU more difficult to advance or retreat, the rest laid down their arms and were made prisoners of war. A parley took place soon after this signal disaster, when Blake told one of the Royalist generals that he did not wish for advantage of position : the officer, then stand ing on the low breastwork, pointed out its weakness, and spoke with the confidence of an old soldier of its speedy capture. "Here," said the commander of the garrison characteristically, " you see how weak our works are ; they are not things wherein we trust ; there fore teU the prince that if he wishes to come into the town with his army to fight, we wiU puU down ten or twelve yards, ao that he may come in with ten men abreaat, and we wUl fight him." The RoyaUsts repUed that they would come into the town when they could do so to theb own advantage : — which did not happen so long as Blake commanded. The twenty-third of May found the civU and mUitary governors anxiously counting up the store of bread and powder. A crisis was nigh ; in two weeks the last sack of flour would be consumed, and if no relief came in by sea the garriaon would be starved out, and either forced to surrender or cut their way through the beleaguering hosts. But on that very evening they descried a sail rounding Portland Point ; and when morning dawned the fleet of the Earl of Warwick was seen in the ofiing, lying as near shore as the dangerous form of the coast would allow. He had brought by order of Parliament a small relief of provisions and some military stores. The saUors sent on land with these supplies ROBERT BLAKE. 49 were so shocked to see the naked and deplorable con dition of the Uttle garrison of whose prowess they had heard so much, that they immediately returned to the ships and spread the touching details of the story among theb comrades. Theae noble fellows at once made a collection of aU the articles they could spare; and many a man that day gave up his best shoes, his warmest shirt, and more than half his ration to the de fenders of Lyme. They contributed from their scanty stores, thirty pair of boots, a hundred pair of shoes, a hundred and sixty pair of stockings, a heap of old clothes, a good round number of shirts, and a considerable quantity of bread and flsh. Nor waa this the largest part of their generous sacrifice : — they proposed to the commissariat to give up for the same purposes a fourth of their daily allowance of bread for the next four months, in all nine thousand pounds weight. While these arrangements were being made on board, the garrison waa fighting bravely in the afreets. Blake, at the head of a sallying party, was about to issue from the gate, when Captain Southern, sent by Maurice to make another effort to carry the town by assaiUt before Warwick could throw reinforce ments on shore, began the attack. The action was brief but terrific. Colonel Weir, Blake's moat active and efficient officer, was shot in the abdomen ; Captain Pyne, his gallant master of the horse, received a mortal wound ; Blake himself was hurt in the foot, enough to make him lame for life. Sixty Cavalier corpses strewed the ground ; among them was the corpse of Captain Southern, who for a freak had dressed himself in Lord Pawlett' s armour — a man most hateful to the people of Lyme, and who was heavily mulcted for his share in these transactions for the express benefit of the town. Few men had done so much for the defence as Captain so ROBERT BLAKE. Pyne ; and Blake ordered a solemn funeral to be per formed in hia honour. Unfortunately, the voUeys fired over his grave informed the Cavaliers, who from Black Venne and Colway Hill could look down into the very churchyard, that some mournful act of the drama was in progress and the attention of the citizens drawn off from the defence ; and when the people in theb mourning attire were turning from the chancel where they had paid the last duties to their old companion in arms, a cry of attack was raised along the streets, and a can nonade, louder, fiercer, and more sustained than uaual, commenced from all the batteries. After thundering at the works until noon, tearing away the earth-walls in several places, bursting through roofs and knocting down chimneys, the Cavaliers advanced with their scaling- ladders, hand-grenades, and long pikes, from Charmouth road, from Uplyme, and from the high grounds above Holme Bush. The Roundheads met the attacking parties with the fury of men sufi'ering under a sense of outrage, — aud that day blood flowed down the steep gutters, and the rivulet and the town-water were both dyed crimson. The Royalist gentlemen held theb ground stoutly, but their ardour was no longer seconded by the common soldiers, and they were three times driven back with shame and loss to their entrenchments. Yet these repulses were dearly bought, and in the diary of the defence this day was marked as that on which the town suffered most severely in its garrison. When all was still again, Blake went o.n board the fleet, and arranged with Warwick the detaUs of an operation for the ensuing day. In pursuance of his scheme three hundred men were secretly landed from the ships ; the Ueet then weighed anchor and stood away eastward towards Charmouth, making feints of a design to throw men on shore at some favourable point. ROBERT BLAKE. 51 Maurice, anxiously watching this movement from the heights, concluded that the Earl had taken part of the garrison on board with the intention of attacking him on his rear or flank ; and under this impression he sent his cavaby, attended by a few hundred foot, along the brow of the cUffs, to wait on this suspicious movement, and if possible prevent a landing. By firing a few broadsides towards the cUffs, Warwick drew this force to the east of Seatown, seven or eight miles from Lyme, where he commenced a more steady cannonade, as if he designed to send a body of men towards Cbideock Castle. The RoyaUsts threw up a breastwork. Meanwhile, as Blake had foreseen, the Priuce resolved to make a final attempt to carry the works. Three thousand men were chosen from the Cavalier ranks ; they were arranged in three solid columns, and ordered to support and succeed each other in the attack. On the other side, by the acces sion of the three hundred seamen, Blake could now muster within his lines about twelve hundred men ; and as Maurice's formidable cavalry was away among the hills beyond Seatown, the two forces approached nearer equality of numbers than they had been in any previous encounter ; with the advantages for the defenders of con centration, narrow streets, houaea, every one of which waa a little fortress, and the works in advance, such as they were. At six in the evening, while there were stUl three hours of daylight, the ibst shots were exchanged, and until past eight the slope leading to Uplyme was like a battle-field, and the firing ao swift and fierce as to give the town an appearance of being wrapt in flames. Some houses were set on fire and destroyed, others were battered down with shot ; but the sight of burning thatch and faUing rafters only served to inflame the courage ot the people. A full thbd of the town waa already in ruina, and even had he succeeded, Maurice would have k2 52 ROBERT BLAKE. gained nothing at Lyme beyond glory and a heap of stones. The first column fought gallantly for half an hour ; it retired, and the second column occupied its post. By half-past seven this was also broken ; and the last column advanced with tremendous shouts on the now almost exhausted garrison. Falling back a little, so as to recover breath under the cross fire from the nearest houses, the defenders made a vigorous stand, and in half an hour the result was no longer doubtful. Blake then gave his final orders. Advancing from all sides, as if quickened with new life, his officers appeared on both flanks of the enemy, while he pressed them steadUy in front. A little after eight o'clock the attacking column was cut through, and the soldiers fled in disorder to their entrenched quarters. Stragglers continued to fire their pieces at intervals until night-faU ; but the contest was already over. That day cost King Charles five hundred of his bravest followers. Maurice had made his last effort, and it had failed. Cannonades were repeated again and again, but the day of hope for him was now past. Essex was moving westward with a large army, and the Prince felt that his position before Lyme was no longer tenable. As a parting salute he fired into the town a quantity of red- hot balls and bars of twisted lead. Poor Maurice ! His rage, though vain, was not unnatural : for his fortunes and his military reputation were both broken on the rocky beach at Lyme. The loss of the Cavaliers in men amounted to two thousand : — more than had fallen in the conquest of both the two western capitals, Exeter and Bristol. Theb loss in time, material, moral infiuence, and military character were more considerable and more breparable. CHAPTER IIL 1644—1649. TAUNTON. The long detention of the royal army in the vaUey of Lyme, enabled Essex to march by slow stages from London to Dorset, without meeting an enemy, and with the advantage of being able to recruit his forces and strengthen the interests of his party by the way. Without great military talents, barren in conception as he was slow in execution, Essex had yet the good fortune to be everywhere popular. His name was a pledge of order. A regiment of raw levies is seldom kept imder the curb of discipline, but the legions of Essex con trasted most favourably with Goring's crew and Maurice's marauders. Many of those who had hitherto been neutral in the quarrel, and comparatively in different to the issue, so that it should come speedUy and relieve their houses from piUage and their women from insult, received Essex with open arms. Hundreds flocked to his camp, anxious to serve under so chivabous a leader. Thus, whUe the Royalists were wasting their strength to no purpose in an obacure corner of Doraet- shbe, their enemies, recently broken, dispersed and di- spbited almost beyond hope, were gaining in moral and material power. Alarmed for his own safety, Maurice had anxiously watched the movements of this new army ; 54 ROBERT BLAKE. and as soon as he heard of the dexterous turn which restored Weymouth to the Roundheads without the loss of a single man, he drew to his tents a great part of the Taunton garrison, and abandoning to the enemy aU the trophies of his former march, fled away, with his reduced but still magnificent army, towards Exeter. Essex, moving in the wake of Maurice, toot the road towards Cornwall, in the hope of cutting off the western division of the grand army, — ^but leaving nearly aU the important towns of Somerset and Devon in the King's hands, and separating his troops from their natural base of operations. His error was fatal. Every step west ward led him deeper into an untnovm country, with in habitants either neutral or unfriendly, and in which all the strong places were possessed by Royalists. With the exception of Plymouth, still held in, a state of blockade, aU the great fortresses owned the King : Poole, Lyme, and Weymouth had been maintained or recovered by the national party, but between the sea- coast and the head waters of the Severn, they had not a single town or castle of real miUtary importance. The Cavaliers possessed Bath, Bristol, Exeter, Bridgwater, Langport, and Ikhester, — and they had powerful garri sons in such atrongholds as Ninney Castle, Chideock House, Dunater Caatle, Corfe Castle, Portland Island, Farley Castle, and the ScUly Islands. Essex, on his part, possessed no more of the country than his patrols covered with theb mustets. StUl he pressed on. NaturaUy brave, he could not see his enemy in full retreat without the wish to hang ou his rear and compel him to hazard daily skirmishes. At Oxford his im prudence was soon understood, and Charles proposed to march into the west with aU the forces at his disposal, place the Roundhead Earl between two fires, and compel him to fight a battle at a great disadvantage. ROBERT BLAKE. 55 Affairs were in this position, when Blake, now master of hia own movements, executed one of those bold and happy strokes which equal in importance the gain of a great battle. His idea was to break the formidable line of royal fortresses in the midst, — to cut off the suppUes and interrupt the most direct communication between the RoyaUst camps, — to cover, at least for some days, the rear of Essex, now entangled in the Cornish hills, unable to force a battle or to retreat, — and, finally, to secure for himself and for the good cause a new and com manding centre of operations. Theae objects were aU to be achieved by the capture of Taunton. A glance at any old map wiU show how that town waa placed. It was surrounded by castles and garrisons. It stood on and controUed the great western highway. All letters, levies, stores and ammunition sent from Charles to Maurice, or from the generals and officers in the west to the King and to each other, had to pass through it. With the exception of cross-country roads, out of the way and almost impracticable for cavalry and artUlery, no other route existed between Oxford, Briatol, and Exeter. But, beaides its central position, Taunton was of sin gular importance to the Roundheads. The inhabitants — rich, brave, devoted, numerous — were for the most part well affected to their cause. The farmers, artisans and peasants of the neighbouring hamlets were mostly Puritans in reUgion. A large pile of arms seized in Roundhead houses by Sir William Portman, the borough member, was laid up in the old castle, together with ten thousand pounds in ready money, extorted from rich and poor of the same party. The Cavalier generals never imagined Taunton to be in danger. It was unwaUed and surrounded at no great distance by strong fortresses and garrisons, Bridgwater and Langport, either of them within an hour's hard riding, Dunster and Ilchester 56 ROBERT BLAKE. also within easy reach, and no enemy nearer than the exhausted little troop at Lyme. But Blate, who had friends in the place, was well informed of the state of public feeling, of the exact strength of the garrison, of the irresolute character of the military governor; and notwithstanding the hazards of such an attempt with the small force at his command, the prize being of supreme importance in that stage of the war, he resolved to try the effect of a sudden attact. His men were inured to danger, and had never tnown defeat. His Taunton friends assured him that he had nothing to fear from the inhabitants, and that Colonel Reeves's garrison was unequal to the defence of so large a town. Blate fore saw that his great difficulty would lie, not in seizing the position, but in holding it afterwards against so many enemies. Taunton was not lite Lyme. No aid could come to it by sea ; on every side it was shut in by hiUs ; every road from it led to a royal stronghold. Yet once master of the town, he did not despair of being able to maintain himself long enough to give Essex time to create a diversion in the west ; and at the moment this seemed sufficient. Joining his fiying corps with the regiment of Sir Eobert Pye — afterwards governor of Leicester, when Eupert stormed that unhappy town, — he suddenly appeared before the gates of Taunton, sum moned the garrison to surrender, and offered them honourable terms. Startled at this unexpected appa rition, unaware of the exact strength of his assadants, and not willing to throw himself on popular support. Colonel Eeeves asked for a parley, in which he agreed to give up hia post on condition of being allowed to march away with his men to Bridgwater. As soon as the Royalists had marched out in silence at the east gate of the town, Blake and Pye entered with their respective corps, amidst the peal of St. Mary's beUs and the up- O O 00 < < ROBERT BLAKE 57 roarious joy of the Puritan people. A demi-culverin, ten smaU pieces of ordnance, two tons of match, eight barrels of gunpowder, a considerable store of pikes, pistols, swords, and other arms, with a magazine of pro visions, were found in the castle. A great quantity of houaehold furniture — carried by force from the dwellings of suspected persons — was also found among the spoils of this bloodless victory, and was no doubt restored to its former owners. No accident occurred to dash the glory of his capture : — and when the news of it arrived in London, patriotic citizens Ughted fires in honour of Colonel Blake, and Parliament hastened to appoint him governor of the town which he had so gaUantly assaUed and so unexpectedly won. Blake took possession of Taunton on the eighth of July 1644 ; on the second of the same month CromweU had defeated Rupert at Marston Moor. InteUigence of these events reached the court about the same time at Bath, whither Charles had moved to be nearer the scene of operations between Maurice and Essex. Two such disasters convinced the RoyaUst generals that to act with greater vigour or to see the west of England torn from their hands was theb only choice. Exeter still held out for the Queen, a guest within its waUs ; aU the active inland towns and garrisons, Taunton excepted, were with the King; and the Round head army under Essex had failed to estabUsh for itself a decided superiority in the field. Under these cbcumstances it appeared to the royal generals that there was time — and only just time — to strite a blow such as would recover for them the whole west of England. A few rapid marches, imdertaken with a clear purpose, had abeady brought the army from Oxford, across the Cotswold Hills, to Ciren cester and Bath. Lord Hopton had been previously 58 ROBERT BLAKE. required to concentrate at Bristol a large body of troops, blindly devoted to the King, from the Welsh borders ; and as this ever-increasing army continued its westward march, Blake, who had long seen that the object of the movement was to overwhelm the Earl of Essex, prepared to dispute its passage along the great highway, aware that the interruption of his line of march would compel the King either to throw himself on Taunton with his whole power or march through the hiUs over almost impassable roads. In either case a certain number of days must be lost to the RoyaUsts, and during these precious days a man of military genius would have been able to reduce Exeter, or force Prince Maurice to fight a battle. UnhappUy the Earl of Essex was not a CromweU. Much discussion and some differences occurred in the royal camp as to the course to be pursued. The Cavalier gentry of Somerset and Devon burned with rage at the idea of one of the fairest towns in the two counties being held by rebels ; the more ardent generals expressed indignation at what they called the insult offered to the royal army by Blake in throwing himself with a few adventurers into a position that every soldier knew to be untenable. They urged the King to advance from Bristol by the great highway and punish the rebel who had so shame fully foUed them at Lyme. But the very name of that obscure little town suggested the strongest reason for avoiding Taunton. Charles's object vvas an immediate concentration of his two armies on the borders of Cornwall, so that by a decisive victory over Essex he might be able to relieve Exeter and reduce Plymouth to obedience. If he attempted to force his way through Taunton, it was impossible for any one to teU how long he might be detained there, whilst the number of days to be lost in going over the Quantock Hills and round ROBERT BLAKE. 59 by north Devon to Exeter could be reckoned with the greatest certainty. The Royalists, therefore, leaving Blake for a time in undisputed possession of his prize, took the cross-country roads, and in due time arrived at Exeter. The King's plan succeeded. Joining Maurice at Liskeard, he found they had no need to ¦ risk a battle in order to conquer. Led by false statements into a country of which he knew nothing, Essex saw hia army waste away by sickness, desertion and the enemy's fire, with no hope of action or of escape. Shut up in a narrow gorge by the sea-shore, land-locked on aU sides, with a hostUe population around him, provisions failing and a mutinous spirit spreading in the ranks, he at last determined to quit the command he could no longer hold, leaving his foUowers, many of whom had taken up arms expressly for his sake, to the clemency of an incensed sovereign. He embarked with a single attendant, secretly, and in the night : — next day the troops were without a leader, and nothing remained but to surrender at discretion. The army of the West was annihilated without a shot. Thia terrible calamity spread dismay throughout England : but nowhere was it so terrible as to the poor burgesses of Taunton. Of that great Roundhead army, not a single battaUon tept the field to divide with them the attention of the victorioua Royaliata. One man alone appeared undaunted by an event which laid the western counties at the King's feet. Blake not only prepared to defend his post against the foes who would soon be disengaged from other tasks and swarming round it in the hope of booty ;• he continued to carry fire and sword, levies and requisitions, into the enemy's quarters. Hanging, with a handful of intrepid men, on the left fiank of the royal army, he had harassed their westward march, cut off their 6o ROBERT BLAKE. stragglers, intercepted their supplies ; and by sudden and frequent visits to the weaker Royalist towns, had kept the district in such a state of alarm as, even after the fiight of Essex, prevented Charles from settling the country in his own interest. His unfailing good fortune had raised the spirits of his followers to the height at which danger becomes a mere excitement; undaunted by the presence of two armies, imchecked by castles and fortified houses, their bold excursions were extended to the very gates of Exeter ; and in the midst of rejoicings for the victory in Cornwall, ladies were suddenly alarmed by the appearance of a squadron of Roundhead horse under the waUs of that city. From these saUies Blake and his officers seldom returned without bringing back arms, ammunition and prisoners. Nor was Taunton itself neglected. Though determined to keep as wide a space of country open round the town aa vigour could clear and vigilance keep watch over, he did not overlook the fact that, isolated as he was from his Roundhead friends, it would be impossible to hold the open field much longer against the CavaUer foreea occupying the western towns ; such parts, therefore, of the ancient forti fications as admitted of hasty repab, were strengthened and restored. Little time was aUowed the garrison for preparation. Flushed with their successes in Cornwall, the returning Cavaliers swept the country from the gates of Plymouth to the suburbs of Taunton, without encountering a single hostile band. Charles himself, too elated to think of a single town in Somerset, was bent on a rapid and vic torious march on London, whither he summoned aU his subjects by common proclamation to attend him and compel the two Houses to mate peace. But although the town was undisturbed by the grand army, parties of horse and foot from Exeter, Bridgwater, and Dunster ROBERT BLAKE. 6i Castle, — Irish rebels, wild men from the Cornish mines, and yet more detested foreign mercenaries, — prowled about the beautiful hamlets near Taunton ; not daring to approach too near the rude lines, or engage in an open assault, but committing acts of rapine and cruelty on unarmed persons met on the highways. Sir Francis Doddington, a brave but brutal soldier, at the head of a marauding party from Bridgwater Castle, made himself conspicuous by theae outrages. One day he met a clergyman on the road a short distance from Taunton, to whom he shouted — " Who art thou for, priest ? " The clergyman answered calmly — "For God and Hia Gospel." Doddington drew a pistol and shot him through the heart. WhUe the Eoyalists were yet at Exeter, a councU had been held to consider the loss of Taunton, and the interruption of the great highway. Many local magnates, indignant that the finest town between Bristol and Exeter should be held by rebels, urged the King to march in that direction ; but the royal generals, anxious to gain time, resolved to proceed through Honiton and Chard towards London, leaving the tast of reducing Taunton to Colonel Wyndham, governor of Bridgwater, and Blate's old rival in his native town. Wyndham was proud of his employment, hoping to triumph over a local as well as a public enemy. Suddenly appearing before the town with a small force drawn from Bridgwater, he wrote a letter to the burgesses in very menacing terms, threatening the town with fire and sword, if it were not immediately surrendered. Blake's answer was brief and emphatic :— " These are to let you know," he wrote, "that as we neither fear your menaces nor accept your proffers, we wish you for time to come to desist from all overtures of the Uke nature unto us, who are resolved to the last drop of oiu" blood to main tain the quarrel we have imdertaken ; and I doubt not 62 ROBERT BLAKE. but the same God who hath hitherto protected us will bless us with an issue answerable to the justness of our cause ; however, to Him alone shall we stand or fall." — As his threats produced no effect, Wyndham sent a second trumpeter to his old neighbour and townsman, almost entreating him to accept terms of surrender ; for, as he urged, the town was unwaUed — the place incon siderable — and an attempt to defend it against the royal forces, now masters of the West, could only lead to an unnecessary waste of Christian blood. Blake referred to his former answer as expressing all that he had to say in return : — and from that moment the siege may be considered as begun. In some respects Taunton waa a more defensible place than Lyme. It lacked the vast advantage of a sea com munication, but then it was not surrounded by heights commanding its streets and public buUdings. The nearest hills were far beyond the range of cannon. The only rising ground for a mUe or more waa that on which the castle stood, near the centre of the town : consequently the enemy's powerful artillery inspired but little terror in the citizens. The character of the country also favoured de fensive operations, for the fields were small, the hedges thick and high, the roads narrow and circuitous. In the opinion of one of the most eminent commanders of that age, every field was as good as a fortification, — every lane as defensible as a pass. Only three entrances led into the town — the north road from Minehead and Dunster, crossing the river Tone under the castle-guns by means of an old wooden bridge — and the great high way, entering from Bridgwater and Bristol at East Eeach, and passing out at the West Gate for Exeter aud Plymouth. The castle and the river covered the firat ; a sort of stone blockhouse, honoured with the name of the New Castle, flanked West Gate. East Gate had no ROBERT BLAKE. 63 other defence than a narrow paasage closed up with a soUd oak door. WaUs there were none. On every side the town was open, except so far as garden walls, hedges, and outhouses might afford covering from an enemy. The town itself consisted then, as it does now, of three principal streets, corresponding with the three roads into and through it, East Street, North Street, and High Street, meeting in a triangular space near the caatle gates. This open space waa used as a market and a buU- ring. Part of it was covered with sheds and shambles ; in the centre stood an ancient stone cross, and facing it were the low picturesque fronts of the Town-hall, and the famous Inn, then and long afterwards known as the White Hart. In the angle formed by the junction of East Street and North Street rose the high and graceful tower of St. Mary Magdalen. With one exception, all the streets were strait and winding. The houses were buUt of brick or stone, with peaked gables, tile roofs, and bow windows. The castle, a structure of the Saxon time, and a hold of importance during the wars of the Eoses, was partly in ruins ; but its position was good : the waUs, gates, and old drawbridges remained, and a double moat, fed by a brook from the hamlet of Chedford, strengthened its outworks. Blake completed his preparations. Strong barricades were thrown across the roads. Breaatworks were raiaed at the gates ; and at East Gate, where he beUeved that the principal fighting would take place, he planted some of his artUlery, supplied by order of the House of Commons, and garrisoned the alma-houses on one side and the dwellings on the other with his best muaqueteers. StUl, when everything had been done that coiUd be done, the situation struck the mind as hopeless. In the earlier periods of the war Taunton had changed hands as Royaliata or Roundheads happened to be in greater force 64 ROBERT BLAKE. in the neighbourhood. Hopton had placed there a RoyaUst garrison. The men had fied at the approach of Waller, who left a body of troops to secure the place for Parliament. .Hertford drove these Roundheads away, and left the govemment to his friends. Reeves in his turn had surrendered without a blow. Blake was the first man who had ever thought of holding the town against a superior force. The Cavaliers believed him mad. As they knew very weU, he had no base of opera tions in his daring attempt, no fianka on which to lean for support, no source of supplies but the chances of an occasional forage, and no hope of relief untU a new army could be created, drilled, discipUned, and led to victory. How terrible the present evil — how vague and distant the hope of aid from London ! On receiving Blake's brief answer, Wyndham made a demonstration in the meadows on the east of the town, hoping to intimidate the inhabitants and afford the Royalist citizens an opportunity of rising against the garrison. But a party issuing from East Gate, and falling unexpectedly on his line, obliged him to face about and defend himself, which he did at first with some firmnesa, though in the end he was forced to retire with loss from hia awkward position. UnwiUing, after this encounter, to risk an assault, his troops tore up the roads and barricaded them with fruit-trees, cut off communications with the distant Eoundheads, and stopped the market-carts on their way into the town with produce. For several months this blockade continued ; sometimes it waa strict, at other times it was loose and ineffectual; altogether it produced no material change in the position of the two forces. Wyndham indeed had much to gain by delay. The entbe district — Lyme, Poole, Weymouth, and Plymouth excepted — was occu pied by his friends. He had Bridgwater and Ilchester to -VilD CORiKu. ROBERT BLAKE. 65 fall back on in case of need, either to reat hia men or to recruit his strength. The Eoundhead towns were closely invested : though, being open to the sea, they were not in immediate perU. Yet they were too well guarded to send relief or create any diversion in favour of Taunton. Day by day Blake saw the stock of proviaions dwindle. No effort was spared to bring in new supplies ; every week or two a vigorous sally was made by part of the garrison, which for a moment broke the cordon, and enabled farmers and gardeners to carry in fresh garden stuff, corn and cattle ; but hemmed round aa he was by so many strongholds, it was impossible to enlarge the circle much or preserve it open long ; and in spite of every effort to increase the store, with a moat careful husbandry of means, the want of food soon became a serious question for the besieged. Hope of succour from without waa for a time at least denied. Lord Goring, with a large army of Eoyalists, lay at Salisbury, ready to oppose the march of relief from Kent or Middlesex, and the parliamentary chiefs began to fear that Blake would ultimately be starved out of his commanding position, and forced to give up without a blow one of the fineat towna in the west of England. But help came to him in the hour of need. A German officer, named Vandruske, passing with a body of horse on the flank of Goring's dissolute army, rode rapidly down the vales of Wiltshire, Doraetshire and Someraet, and falling un expectedly on Wyndham's line, cut through it and rode triumphantly into the town. In the panic thus created among the Eoyalists, Blake sallied out, attacked the be leaguering regiments, routed them at the flrst onset, and chased them in theb flight to the gates of Bridgwater, in the castle of which town they found the firat shelter from Vandruske's dragoons. The great roads being opened up by this action. Blake, attended by Vandruske's 66 ROBERT BLAKE. horsemen, made a circuit of the country, rousing friends from the torpor of despair, and striking exulting foes with a sense of the sudden vicissitude war. For a few days the action of the Eoyalists those parts seemed paralysed. The garrisons retired hind their ramparts, leaving the open country at energetic Roundheads' mercy ; every town in Some and Devon was disturbed more or less by these ex sions ; and Goring's force was suddenly ordered dow Weymouth, lest the siege of that place should be ii rupted by them. The spbits of the Roundheads rapidly revived. Weymouth garrison, driven by surprise from the u] town and the forts, stUl held out in the lower t( and shortly after Goring's arrival with his fuU strei of horse, foot, dragoons and artiUery, the place, to the words of the RoyaUst writer, " was retaken that contemptible number of rebels, who had 1 beaten into the lower town, and who were lo( upon as prisoners at mercy." Baffied at Weymo Goring retired with ten thousand men and a large ] of ordnance into Somerset, raising wonder and ho along his line of march. War had made the cou: familiar with the ordinary licence of the camp. actions of money — ^levies of corn, horses and me arbitrary arrests — drum-head trials — ¦ and sumr punishments, were every-day events. But Gori army — tnown by the opprobrious name of Goring's ( — pillaged without legal forma, insulted women, burnt the property they could not carry off. Ho and viUages were deserted at their approach. Drun. ness and debauchery marted their course ; shi misery and desolation foUowed in theb track. The warlike of the population, women, children, old men ministers of religion, fled before them as before a ROBERT BLAKE. 67 suming fire ; and with such effects as they could snatch up in the hurry of departure from their homesteads, threw themselves into Taunton. Of the clergy who thus flew to Blake for protection against Goring's crew, was one who proved singularly useful during the long and trying defence : — Thomas Welman, vicar of Luppit near Honiton. Educated at Oxford, where he distinguished himself by his leaming, piety and gentle manners, he married a Honiton lady, and settled in a quiet country hamlet to the work of his Christian miniatry, among a people who soon became attached to him by ties of gratitude and love. The rapine, cruelty and profligacy of the CavaUers roused his mild nature ; he fled from the pleasant place in which his lot had been cast ; and during the hottest period of the siege of Taunton, his pictures of the shame and ruin he had seen that be leaguering host commit in the valleys of Devonshire, served to inflame and sanctify the patriot ardour of the garrison and people. As time wore on, every hour developed still more the importance of the blow struck by Blake at Taunton. It had prevented the concentration of the royal armies. It had thrown a new subject of discord into the King's council. It had created a thousand local jealousies, discontents, and suspicions. Lord Goring, general of the horse, quarrelled with Lord Hopton, master of the ordnance, about the command. Sir Eichard Grenville, Sb John Berkeley, and other West-of-England men, loudly expressed their discontent at what they called the meanness which permitted such an enemy tp remain master ef Taunton ; and in a critical moment, GrenvUle refused to obey the orders of his superior officers. He had sworn to capture Taunton, and he refused to move until his oath had been redeemed. Meanwhile the New Model waa perfected ; and under the Self-denying f2 68 ROBERT BLAKE. ordinance, the command in chief of the Eoundhead army was transferred from Essex to Fairfax, with CromweU for his general of the horse. Cromwell joined Sir WiUiam WaUer ; and the combined forces of the two generals making a feint as if they would fall on Goring, the outwitted Eoyalist drew off to Exeter, leaving the road open for Vandruske and his dragoons to regain the main body of Eoundhead cavalry. These indications of a change of fortune called the Prince of Wales into the west, where he summoned the Commissioners for Somerset to Bristol, to advise with him in person on the state of that county. They complained bitterly of the riot and insolence of Goring's soldiers, and mourned in spirit over the obstinate defence and troublesome saUies of the Taunton garrison ; which, they said, kept the country for thirty miles round in a state of alarm, and rendered it difficult to raise either men or money for the royal cause in Somerset. On all sides, it was urged that the most important operation for the western armies would be the reduction of that town. Messages were therefore sent to Goring, and at his request two of the prince's council. Lord Capel and Lord Colepepper, went to Wella to conault with him on the aspect of affairs ; when after long consultations. Goring drew up in writing a plan of action. Leaving the greater part of his horse and two hundred foot on the borders of Wilt shire and Dorset to observe the motions of the enemy, — but so conveniently placed as to be able to retire towards his main body, should CromweU or Waller advance in strength,-— he proposed to move with his infantry and artillery, a few select squadrons of horse, and as many of the fiying corps as could be drawn together on a sudden, into the vale of Taunton, and either capture the heroic town or bum it to ashes. Prince Charles adopted this plan. Orders were thereupon sent to Sb Eichard ROBERT BLAKE 69 GrenvUle to appear in the trenches before Taunton with his regiments, consisting of eight hundred horse, two thousand two hundred foot, and a large body of pioneers, — orders which he obeyed with the utmost zeal. The Commissioners of Somerset were inatructed to repair to the camp, and encourage by their presence the labours of the besiegers, as well as use their local influence with the citizens. Magazines of stores and ammunition were prepared; and in a few days Grenville had already occupied all the roads leading out of Taunton, — put an end to the free intercourse between town and country, — and drawn his Une within a few hundred yards of the suburbs. Since the defeat of Wyndham, that officer had been quiet at Bridgwater or Bristol; no enemy had been descried from the castle-turrets ; no warlike clangour had been heard from the bells of St. Mary's church. But the fiery GrenvUle soon made his presence known to the inhabitants ; with dogged valour he was fighting hia way to the gate at East Eeach, when a sudden move ment by Waller forced Goring to turn his force east ward. In expectation of a pitched battle, the Cavalier commander ordered Grenville to quit his trenches, and repab with his whole force towards Shaftesbury. Grenville refused to obey these orders. The Prince of Wales interfered ; but the obstinate knight answered that his men would not stir a yard, and that he himself had solemnly promised the Commissioners of Cornwall and Devon not to advance beyond Taunton until he could advance through it. At the same time, he de clared his conviction that in a few days the place must fall under his assaults ; and then he would joyfully push forward to the rendezvous of the royal army. Two or three skbmishes occurred between Goring and WaUer, but without result. Goring again complained to the 70 ROBERT BLAKE. Prince that without important reinforcements he da not risk a battle ; GrenviUe answered, that with hundred mote men he would undertake to deli Taunton into the Prince's hands in six days. Perple by these quarrels, without the character and authoi necessary to overrule both officers for the common gc the Prince of Wales called a council to determine best course to pursue. Eupert waa present and too share in the debate. Taunton still held out : — Grenv would not quit the trenches even at the positive C( mand of the King's son, his own future sovereign, u it fell :— Goring could not fight a decisive battle with the four thousand men then occupied in the si( These were the fixed facts of the case. Eupert ur that a combined attempt should be made to expel Bla arguing that the possession of Taunton by the Ron heads was the chief obstacle to the raising of men . money in a rich and populous county ; that the si employed one of the best of the royal armies ; that the event of its reduction, not only would Grenvil foreea be releaaed for other service, but volunteers wc come in, and new levies could be made at pleasure. this way it was possible to pacify the four west counties, raise an army for Goring to lead into Kent Suaaex, and another for the Prince of Wales to a to his father's camp. The six days mentioned Grenville waa conaidered enough to effect the captt and the least sanguine officer in the royal army profes to believe that the town could not hold out more t ten days or a fortnight against the combined armies Goring and GrenvUle. The council, therefore, resol to compel the rebel town to make immediate submiss at any cost of men and material that might be foi necessary for the purpose. An immediate concentration of troops took pi ROBERT BLAKE. yi Wyndham repaired to the camp with his regiment. Sb John Berkeley made his appearance there. Sir Joseph Wagstaffe brought down from Wells the main body of Goring's foot, and the whole of his great park of artiUery. The forces thus gathered before Taunton were of superior appointment and overwhelming number. The very day of theb arrival, GrenvUle advanced his lines within mustet-shot of the town, occupying the entire circuit of the suburbs ; and then set out to inspect WeUington House, an outpost five miles distant, into which Blake had thrown a small garrison. From a window of this house he was marked by a musqueteer, and shot in the thigh ; the wound was considered mortal, and he was immediately carried away by his servants to Exeter. Sb John Berkeley, who had served in the leaguer before Lyme, and was therefore supposed to know something of Blake's tactics, succeeded to the command. The six days paaaed, and the town was unconquered. Week foUowed week, but no one could tell with certainty how many days longer it would defy storm and stratagem. Some progress the besiegers undoubtedly made. The little garrison at Wellington House was overpowered, after an heroic reaiatance, by superior numbers, and in their rage the CavaUers set fire to the house and destroyed it utterly. The investing Unes were gradually drawn closer round the town ; the suburbs, especially the suburb of East Eeach, were pU- laged and burnt. Many houses in the outer circuit of streets and lanes were battered down with the incessant play of cannon ; and now and then for a few hours the Eoyalists occupied advanced positions within the shelter of ruined cottages and gardens. But the heart of the town remained inviolate. The castle, churchyard and market-place never once saw the enemy. Berteley hoped to see a profound moral effect produced on the garrison 72 ROBERT BLAKE. and inhabitants by the storm and confiagration of WelUngton House : — Blake better understood the moral effect of such wanton barbarity, and as soon as he heard of it, he ordered the joy-bells of St. Mary's to ring out a merry peal ! In the outer streets — especially in East Street and just outside East Gate — there were daily battles. Blake planted a few pieces of cannon at East Gate, in front of which the street widens considerably and the road faUs about twenty feet : the houses, almost reaching to each other across the narrow gateway, served his men for ramparts ; the doors, balconies, and chimneys for embrasures. Every day the Cavaliers stormed up the outer street. When cannon and musket could be used no longer with effect, the pike and pistol had to decide. Without regular walls, and with insuffi cient artiUery, Blake had few advantages of position to set off against the tremendous disparity of men ; and gaUant and unyielding as the little garrison proved itself, he saw its ranks grow thinner daily, as his brave companions feU under the enemy's fire, while the pros pect of relief still appeared distant and uncertain. But what distressed both people and garrison beyond the loss of their houses and gardens, the fatigue of nightly watches, and the destruction of daily conflicts, was the terrible scarcity of provisions. Bread was sold for fourteen pence a pound, beer at eighteenpence a quart — more than twenty times theb market value ! Other articles of food were equally dear. The rations of the soldiers were reduced to the lowest Umit; aud in spite of public care and private charity, it is probable that many of the poorer inhabitants died of starvation. Berkeley was well aware that famine fought his battles in the town ; for, as in every other place where there were men, there were adherents of both parties within its gates ; and in his despair of being able to win his ROBERT BLAKE. 73 way pike in hand, he sent to invite the garrison to surrender to the King rather than die the lingering death of hunger. Blake replied to this request, that he had not yet eaten his boots, and that he should not dream of giving up the contest whUe he had so excellent a dinner to fall back on ! Tradition says, that at this time only one animal, a hog, was left alive in the town — and that one more than half starved: in the after noon, Blake, feeling that in their tragic state of mind a laugh would do the defenders as much good as a dinner, amused them by having this hog carried to all the posts and whipped, ao that its screams, heard in many places, might make the enemy suppose that fresh suppUes had been obtained. But while assuming thia defying attitude towards the Cavaliers, he wrote frequent and most urgent letters to London for relief. He assured the Houses that if succour did not speedily arrive, they must be put to the last straits for bread and powder. He said he had hitherto met with scorn every offer of a parley : he had stiU a barrel or two of powder ; and as for food, the garrison had resolved to eat theb horses. But he begged the Houses to consider their distress ; and, in conclusion, he said he committed him self and his cause to God, in the confident hope that He would relieve them in Hia own good time. Parliament anawered this appeal by an assurance that aid should soon be sent. Fairfax and Skippen received pressing orders to fiy to the relief of the noble garrison. Mean- whUe, house by house and street by street, the town was being burned, razed, and destroyed by cannon-shots. Hand-grenades, and fire-arrows, were thrown into it from every post. Not a day passed without a fire ; some times eight or ten houses were burning at the same moment ; and in the midst of aU the fear, horror, and confusion incident to such disasters, Blake and his little 74 ROBERT BLAKE. garrison had to meet the storming parties of an enen brave, exasperated, and ten times their own strengf But every inch of ground was gallantly defended. broad belt of ruined cottages and gardens was gradual formed between the besiegers and the besieged, and ( the heaps of broken walla and burnt rafters the obatina contest waa renewed from day to day. The rage of the Eoyalists at this prolonged resistan knew no bounds : — and iu the pages of Clarendon th« loud wail and gnaahing of teeth are stUl almost audibl Blake could not be conquered, and the royal army cou not march away, leaving an enemy so redoubtable, popular, so full of resources in its rear. The Prince Wales left Bristol for Bridgwater to be nearer the acei of action, and to encourage his officers and men 1 hopes of royal favour. At the caatle of that tow Commiasioners for the western counties waited on hin and after long consultations it was resolved to raise ai arm an additional eight thousand men in those pari and to bring the whole weight of Eoyalist power in tl west to bear on Taunton, which, it was now consider! certain, must, from want of bread and powder, fi within a month. These things were all arranged, sa Clarendon, " so that in order to the taking that pla and to the raising an army speedily, aU things stood fair that more could not be wished." Yet Taunton d not fall ! And aU this time that famous Model Arm fated to break and humble the proud chivalry of Englai in almost every encounter, was being slowly created ai organised by the genius of CromweU. At length tl force, reformed and re-officered under clauses of t Self-denying ordinance, was fit to take the field. B opinions were divided as to the course to be foUowe CromweU wished to face towards Oxford, where the Kii lay entrenched, and fight a great battle there whUe t ROBERT BLAKE. 75 Eoyalists of the west were occupied in Somerset ; urging in defence of this plan, that as the King himself, the chief army of the Cavaliers, and the beat part of theb artiUery lay there, one defeat would put an end to the war, and the reduction of a few towns and fortresses would then become a mere question of time and detail. On the other side it was urged that the issue of battle was uncertain, even should it be found possible to force the King to engage in open field ; that Taunton was the key of the four western counties ; that its fall after so glorious a defence would produce a great moral effect in the country ; and that, moreover, its heroic garrison had a right to expect the first relief that could be despatched into those parts. The humane conaiderationa overruled the military : and the word for Taunton being given, the soldiers started with a burst of enthusiasm which shortened the journey several days. For an entire week, says Sprigge, the army refused to take an hour's repose ; a,nd they were already among the Cavalier tents in Dorsetshire before the Cavalier generals had heard of their departure from the neighbourhood of London. But at Blandford, two expresses, riding post-haste from Westminster, overtook the army on its march, bringing an unexpected and unwelcome order to turn round towards Oxford, sending on a mere relief-party to Taunton. The reason for this sudden change of purpose, was the receipt of inteUigence that Charles had taken the field, at the pressing solicitation of Prince Eupert, and was then on his way to the north, leaving 'Oxford with only a small garrison, which the Eoundheads in that city promised to attack and overpower if the new army would advance against it. Fairfax at once obeyed ; first detaching four regiments under the command of Colonel Welden, with instructions to recruit his strength on the way — enlisting all volunteers and carrying doAvn all the 76 ROBERT BLAKE. flying corps willing to join in the relief — and to send word by trusty messengers to apprise Blake of his approach, and concert with him the signals to be used in announcing his arrival. At Dorchester six companies of foot joined his party ; every town through which he passed afforded volunteers ; and the whole garrison of Lyme, now freed from the enemy, turned out to the assistance of their old commander. By forced marches, Welden crossed the Chard Hills into Somerset at the head of two thousand horse and three thousand foot, to encounter an army more than thrice hia strength. Berkeley had notice of the approach of this party, and tried by a stratagem to induce Blake to make a premature sally, during which he had hopes of being able to cut him off and enter the town by surprise. From the watch- tower on St. Mary's steeple Blake received intelligence that a large body of cavalry waa approaching the Cavalier lines from the Chard road, as if to attack them ; personal observation, however, soon convinced him that these were Eoyalist soldiers, and surmising the real fact — that it waa a feint to tempt him out of his impregnable position, he stood still, waiting the development of this curious manoeuvre. As the clouds of dust cleared off, he could see masses of foot and cavalry moving forward, and as they drew near Berkeley's tent the Eoyalists faced round to engage them. For more than an hour the battle seemed to rage, when the attacking party wavered and fled. But the ruse had faUed. Convinced at last that Blate would not accept the bait. Sir John recalled his flying squadrons, formed them in deep columns for assault, and rushed towards the ruins which separated the real combatants. Vast quantities of hand-grenades were thrown into the houses, and two long streets were that day consumed to aahes. Never had the Cavaliers fought more gallantly. Pilie in hand, they cleared the ROBERT BLAKE. 77 out-works, passed the gate, and stormed the timber barricades in East Street. But the besieged fell back only to concentrate their strength and recruit theb stock of powder. Eesisting with paaaive courage until the enemy began to shew signs of weakness, Blake then gave the word for hia reaerves in the bull-ring to advance at a pike charge, while the musqueteers stationed in and behind the houses in East Street, opened up a aharper fire. After a tremendous struggle the streets were again cleared, and the Cavaliers driven back to their entrench ments, leaving behind them hundreds of their comrades, killed, wounded, and prisoners. WhUe the Cavaliers were suffering from the effects of this severe repulse, the boom of artillery was heard among the Blagdon HiUs, in the direction of the road from Chard, by which Welden's party was known to be advancing. Blake counted the echoes carefully, and when the firing ceased, finding that altogether ten guns had been discharged, he knew by the signals previously arranged with the scouts, that the army of relief had left Chard and was come within ten miles of Taunton. Intelligence of succour being at hand spread in the town, reviving hope in the brave and rousing despair from ita apathy. Blate made his dispositions to co-operate with the relief in an attact on the still superior forces of the enemy, — and his companions in toil and danger retbed to rest that night with a conviction that the morrow's sun would go down on an altered aspect of things. High as their hearts beat for the contest, proud and calm as their leader looked, they could not forget that Berkeley's army was large enough to spare a division superior to that commanded by Welden to watch and check his movements, and yet maintain the siege. If they kilew no fear, they had little cause to exult. At length the morning dawned, Sunday morning 78 ROBERT BLAKE. May 11th ; the troops were mustering in the buU-ring and in the court of the castle, when news was brought that the Cavaliers were already in full retreat on the roads towards Ilchester and Bridgwater, having struck their tents in the night and abandoned their entrench ments before sunrise. Trusty scouts were sent off to watch Berkeley's movements ; from the church-tower the long lines of the Cavaliers could be seen in fuU retreat ; the patrols sent word to theb commander that the camp was almost deserted ; and that in theii: haste to get away, arms, ammunition and camp-furniture to a great value had been left behind. Assured by his various inteUigence that the retreat waa not a mere feint to draw him into a snare, Blake sounded his trumpet for a sortie, and passing through East Gate he feU on the stragglers and rear-guard, put them to rout, seized a pile of arms, cleared the orchards and meadows lying between the Chard and Bridgwater highways, and would have pursued the fugitives farther, had they not taken the precaution to make the roads in their rear impassable for cavalry by cutting down the trees and throwing them across. Their retirement from the works after so long and fierce a siege produced a powerful reaction on the inhabitants, and the pious people flew to St. Mary's to return thanks for ao unexpected a mercy. Welman took for his text the words of Malachi — " I am the Lord : I change not : therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed." And the fervid preacher exhorted them to continue their trust in the Lord of Hosts. He assured them that their cause was the cause of heaven, and that all the powers of earth could not prevail against it. The miraculous retreat of the royal army, — since, in the opinion of its own commanders, it waa equal to twice the number of Eoundheads then arrayed againat it, — gave ROBERT BLAKE. 79 point and meaning to the preacher's words ; aud just as the congregation had risen to the height of enthusiasm, several persons ran into the church gasping out — Deliverance ! Deliverance ! A squadron of Welden's horse had galloped unopposed to the very works at East Gate and exchanged greetings with the defenders. The people rose to theb feet at these magic words ; some embraced their friends and children ; others ran about wUdly in the extravagance of their joy ; many rushed for the doors, anxious to get ocular demonstration of this good news. But Welman called to them in a loud voice to pause, and having recovered silence in the sacred edifice, he motioned them with a solemn gesture to kneel down and join with him in giving thanks where thanks were most due for so great a mercy. The main body of Welden's corps arrived at four o'clock in the afternoon, when the aspect of Taunton and its heroic defenders filled the rough soldiers, inured as they were to sieges and battles, with wonder and pity. More than a third part of the houses had been burnt or battered down with artiUery, — and both garrison and inhabitants were dying of hunger in the streets. Harassed as they were by the march over hUly and broken roads, the relief party refused to touch a morsel of the still remaining provision; and after effecting the first object of their visit, returned that very night towards Chard. Parliament heard in due time of the relief of Taunton. Bonfires were made in London in celebration of the happy event. A day of general thanksgiving waa appointed. Letters of thanks were sent to Fairfax for having despatched the relief corps : Welden and his officers received their share of the nation's gratitude for theb successful expedition ; and the governor, garrison and people were all lauded in high terms for theb zeal, courage, and sacrifices in maintaining a town 8o ROBERT BLAKE. without walls or other mUitary defences, and already exhausted by a long siege and blockade, for fifty days againat such overwhelming numbers. Two thousand pounds were voted to the soldiers, and five hundred pounds were sent to Blake, as a testimonial to his genius and devotion to the national cause. Orders for special collections of money were also voted : London taking the lead in this noble effort. To the inhabitants of the town and neighbourhood the 11th of May was ever afterwards a day aacred to happy memories, celebrated in anniversary sermons and in popular baUads. To the Eoundhead party throughout the country, Taunton, even in the depths of its material desolation, was a watchword and an omen of eventual triumph. But its sufferings were not yet ended. At the first movement of the new Model Army, the court called Goring's forces from the west ; but finding Fairfax march towards Devon and Somerset instead of on Oxford, as they had expected, a new and bolder policy was adopted. Charles despatched Goring to the scene of his former licence, to cover the leaguer before Taunton and crush the new Model, whilst he himself, considering Oxford strong enough to resist assault, resolved to make a rapid march northward- — join his forces with thoae of Eupert and Maurice, raise the siege of Cheater, sorely pressed by the Eoundheads, and if possible regain some of his lost ground in the great county of York. But this division of the central and western armies proved fatal to the King. Covetous of the glory of reducing Taunton, and burning to fiuah his libertine aoul with the spoU of a city famous for the wealth of its citizens and the beauty of its women. Goring led back his division into Somerset, after making a terrible oath that he would reduce that haughty town or lay his bones in its trenches. Fairfax turned his ROBERT BLAKE. 8r flank in obedience to fresh orders from London, and, to the consternation of King and court, suddenly appeared under the walls of Oxford. This movement recalled the royal expedition from the north, and the two grand armies were once more and for the last time in presence. Goring's crew overran Someraet. Eape, robbery and murder again became daily and nightly incidents. Falling on Colonel Welden with superior forces, he drove him into narrow passes in the hills, from which a more skilful general would have made it difficult, if not impossible, for him to retreat without serious loss. But Goring's orders were so given, that Colonel Thornhill and Sb William Courtney, whom he had sent by different routes to cut off the Eoundheads at Petherton Bridge, not aware of the double nature of the expedition, fell on each other, and with such ardour, that both officers were hurt, one of them waa made a priaoner, and many persons were killed on both sides before the blunder was discovered! While they were fighting with each other, Welden escaped into Taunton. Goring foUowed in his rear, and once more the unhappy town waa inveated on aU sides. In London the alarm and rage were great. A deputation from the House of Commons went to the Committee of Militia to aak for five hundred mounted muaqueteers. But zeal outran the request. Hants and other counties volunteered men for the service. The Eoyalists acted on the defensive ; patrolling the country, checking sorties, and trusting to the effect of famine. Goring boasted in his letters to the Prince of Wales that he could take the place in less time now that Welden's party had added to the wants of the garrison. AU depended on the strictness of his blockade. Blake knew thia, and' his only chance of an indefinite prolongation of the defence lay in being able, by frequent saUies, to break the Unes and open up 82 ROBERT BLAKE. temporary communications with the country. Nearly every day foraging parties went out in search of corn and fodder ; sometimes these adventurers were cut off, more frequently they escaped the vigilance of the Cavalier patrols ; but such as returned almost invariably brought in prisoners or provisions. The spirit of the garrison rose with every encounter. They had learned to regard that mixed host of Irish, Cornish, and German mercenaries, so brave in the ale-house and the farmyard, with a contempt equal to their hate. The governor's sarcastic humour fed this feeling. One day, by way of inaidt. Goring sent a poor fellow into the town, dressed in rags, with a tattered drum, to demand an exchange of priaonera. Blake expreased a superb contempt for the insult — not by hanging the poor drummer, or by harsher treatment of his prisoners, as the Cavalier general would have done under like circumstances, but by dressing the man in a new suit of clothes, giving him a new drum, and setting the prisoners free. In the valleys, Welden's horse did exceUent service : — but the courage of the colonel sometimes led him into unnecessary dangers. One day, making a sortie with his cavaby, he was received so firmly by Goring that his charge was broken, and his whole troop put in perU. Blake, from his watch-tower, saw the danger ; sounded his trumpets for a sortie, formed two squadrons of his veteran horse in the market-place, rode at theb head through East Eeach, fell on the flank of the CavaUers, and threw the whole body into momentary confusion. Welden seized the moment to disengage his men, and draw them off towards the town. Blaise brought up the rear, disputing every inch of ground, and retbing in perfect order, and with his face towards the enemy. The example of these brilUant episodes incited persons at a distance to acts of romantic daring. A party ¦-LUS THE. FIRST AT,,NASEBY. ROBERT BLAKE. 83 from the garriaon at Lyme undertook to force theb way through the Cavalier camps, and carry a smaU supply of powder to theb former chief, — a feat which they performed with the utmost gallantry and success. As a reward, Blake invited them to witness a grand sortie, which proved to be the most murderous conflict that had ever taken place before Taunton, four hundred Cavalier corpses being picked up in the trenches after the battle. This victory was of immense and immediate importance to the besieged, as Goring drew off hia men to a greater distance, enlarging the Eoundhead quarters five or six mUes ; and the Londoners, once more roused to activity by the glorious news from Someraet, formed an association for the especial purpose of sending relief to Taunton. Members of the Common Council, private merchants, traders and gentry commenced a subscription, and in a few days four thousand pounds were already raised. Parliament also promised speedy and eft'ectual aid, and Colonel Massey distributed handbills in the taverns aud workshops, caUing on volunteers to join him in the expedition. Such was the alacrity of the patriotic citizens, that before Maasey was prepared to march with the government aid, they had abeady equipped at theb own expense a thousand horsemen. WhUe Goring waa employed in the vale of Taunton, the CavaUer cause was decided on the field of Naseby. With that battle the war waa almoat at an end. Fairfax turned westward to raise the siege of Taunton, crush Goring's crew, and recover the great strongholds of Somerset and Devon for ParUament. On the second of July he met Massey at the head of three thousand new levies, speciaUy designed for that service, at Blandford. Goring gave Way to panic. Heedless of the oath which bound him never to quit the leaguer before Taunton, he burnt his tents and drew off to Langport, whither a2 84 ROBERT BLAKE. Fairfax followed him, and routed his troops in two or three brief but destructive encounters. The march of the Eoundheads through the West was brilliant and victorious. Bristol was carried by storm. Bridgwater, Langport and Ilchester, keys of the western counties, were also carried by storm. Finally, Taunton was freed from its enemies ; and all the neighbouring towns, castles and strongholds, — Dunster Castle alone excepted, — were soon in friendly hands. The last act of the siege had lasted five weeka — the former more than aeven ; but reckoning from the date when Blake seized the town to the day of Goring's retreat, there was exactly a year as the duration of hia marvellous and successful defence. One of the King's beat armies had been occu pied and destroyed by it. Some of the bravest of his captains had lost theb reputation or their Uves in its trenches. GrenvUle, Digby, Berkeley, Hopton, Wynd ham, Goring, and many others had retired from it foUed and dishonoured. Major-general Digby, brother of the famous Sir KeneUn, received there a mortal wound, and the last attempt to blockade the town cost the lives of fourteen hundred CavaUers. The town itself presented a most deplorable aspect. For many miles round, the country, once a rich and cultivated garden, interspersed with orchards, nursery- grounds, and water meadows, was a dreary desert. The corn had been cut down green — fruit-trees destroyed in mere wantonness — barns and mills emptied of theb con tents — farm-houses ransacked and burnt — the peasants and farmers driven with insult and violence from their homesteads. The relieving army noticed with horror that between St. Nicholas and Taunton they marched for half a day without seeing a single human creature or one human habitation standing, in the most populous and wealthy district of provincial England! In the ROBERT BLAKE. 85 immediate suburbs of the devoted town the work of destruction had been done completely : — there all was black, grim, ugly ruin. The streets of the town proper had aU suffered, more or less, up to the walla of the church on one side, and to those of the castle on another. A thbd of the entire number of houses in the town had either been burnt by means of wild-fire and red-hot balls, or battered down by the artillery. Blake had the proud satisfaction to feel that he had kept his ground ; but towards the end of his year of hard fighting, he was master of little more than a heap of rubbish. After the retbement of Goring, his first care was to diminish the number of mouths to be fed daily, by sending Welden's corps to the lord general's camp ; his next care was to provide for a regiUar supply of fresh provisions from a distance, until the ravages of the fierce soldiery could be restored, and the lands so terribly wasted could be again brought into culture. Nor were the heroic sufferings of the people forgotten at head quarters. The two Houses issued warrants for a general collection in behalf of the ruined citizens, and the money raised under theb warrants was chiefly employed in rebuUding the burnt and battered houses. For several months Blake's genius and energy were devoted to the reUef of the inevitable distress, in aiding each man to recover his former position, and in forwarding the interests of his party in Somerset. One of Blake's negotiations during the autumn was with the celebrated club-men or peace-makers. These men, instigated by the royalist gentry, had risen in arms under pretence of self-protection from the marauders of both parties, though in reality they desired and intended to serve the King; Goring, however, whose disorderly followers were supposed to be glanced at in their declaration, issued a severe order against them from 86 ROBERT BLAKE. Exeter, which greatly incensed many of those who had expressed themselves to the intriguers favourable to the royal cause. Blake saw as clearly as Goring the incon venience of having a third party in the field, of uncertain good faith, without leaders and without flag, and he therefore tried to win them over to his own cause, and induce them to combine with the parliamentary forces. To this end he proposed a form of submission for them to sign and send to Fairfax, in which they were to thank God for having freed those parts of "the plun dering and dissolute army, which consisted of many papists, Irish rebels, and outlandish commanders, officers and soldiers, whose common practice was to rob and destroy the inhabitants," — to assert their fixed reso lution to protect themselves from violence and rapacity, — to express their readiness to join with Fairfax for the purpose of putting a speedy end to the war, — and to offer to submit themselves to the laws, orders and commands of Parliament. But the club-men refused to subscribe such terms. " Our intentions," they repUed, " are to go in a middle way ; to preserve our persons and estates from violence and plunder ; to join with neither; and not to oppose either side, untU, by the answer to our petition, we see who are the enemies of that happy peace which we really desire." On his part, Fairfax refused to treat with this anomalous body ; and his lieutenant-general soon afterwards gave them a terrible chastisement near Hambledon Hill. Early in the following spring, Dunster Castle still holding out against the victorious Eoundheads, Blake, no longer fearing for the safety of Taunton, took the field with his recruited corps, joined by volunteer parties from neighbouring garrisons, in the hope of carrying that fortress by atorm. BuUt on the crest of a hill, of very difficult ascent for troops, and defended by a body ROBERT BLAKE 87 of men resolute in their attachment to the royal cause, it had hitherto reaiated every attact, and was generally thought impregnable to the military science of that age. It was indeed a virgin fortress, and is often spoken of in the old writers as the strongest castle in the west of England. Blake appeared under ita waUs about the middle of AprU ; and the demand to surrender being answered by a stem defiance, he gave instant orders to his tmmpeters to sound a charge. The battle was continued for some days ; but as the progress towards victory was too slow for his Roundhead zeal, Blake secretly prepared a mine, which he sprung at a favotu-able moment, throwing huge maaaes of the soUd masonry into mid air, and making wide rents in the walla, through which the aasailants stormed with an impetuosity that nothing could reaist. Sun-down saw the red cross of England floating from the highest tower of Dunster Castle. Though elected by the burgesses to represent them in ParUament, inatead of Sir WiUiam Portman, expelled for disloyalty to the House, Blake continued to reside at Taunton, and to busy himself with the pacific duties of his government. Unlike so many officers who had hitherto been hia rivals in glory and public service, when the King's cause was lost, and the King himself was become a priaoner, he made no attempt to throw himself into the centre of intrigues or to use his great infiuence in the West for personal advancement. With a true Roundhead contempt for wealth, and for the dazzling prizes laid open to the ambition of genius in troubled times, he remained at his post, doing his duty, humbly and faithfully, at a distance from Westminster ; while other men with less than half his claims, were asking and obtaining the highest honours and rewards from a grateful and lavish country. A sincere Republican, it 88 ROBERT BLAKE. was his wish to see the nation settled on the solid basis of a religious commonwealth ; but though his principles were stern, his practical politics were moderate. That, at any period after the sword was drawn and blood had actually been shed in the quarrel, he would wiUingly have treated with the King, as King, is doubtful ; but after Charles's refusal of the terms offered for his acceptance while he was still with the Scottish army, it is certain that Blake no longer entertained a thought of maintaining the monarchy in his person. The town of which he was representative and governor, he at its head, prayed the houae never to make peace or receive proposals from the perjured sovereign, but to continue the war to an end, so as to obtain a fbm and lasting settle ment of religion and public quiet^ — pledging themselves to support Parliament in this course of action to the last drop of their blood. Yet hia patriotic zeal did not blind him to the suggestions of justice and true poUcy. The proceedings of the army-chiefs after Charles fell into their hands gave him great annoyance. Like Algernon Sydney, the younger Vane, and other of the wiser or more moderate men, he wished to see the King deposed and baniahed. He deprecated even the appearance of iUegality and violence ; and when he found the party of which Cromwell was the inspbing genius bent on the King's trial and execution, he expressed his discontent with their proceedings, and under the infiuence of his humane convictions, declared openly that he would as freely venture his Ufe to save the King as ever he had done to serve the Parliament. The influence, moderation, and mUitary genius of Blake rendered him an object of jealousy 'and suspicion to the friends of Cromwell. Before they dared to bring the King to trial, they took the precaution to lessen his power, by disbanding the principal part of those forces ROBERT BLAKE. 89 which had performed so many prodigies of valour at Lyme and Taunton. Care was taken to conceal from public notice the real motives for this measure ; and the order was accompanied by an expression of gratitude and thanks from the House for his eminent services, and bv another donation of five hundred pounds. Still, it waa known to some and suspected by many, that these flatteries masked suspicion. Blake obeyed the orders with out a word of remonstrance. Others felt and resented the intrigue and the slight, though he did not : — and it was not long afterwards referred to by one of the most dis tinguished naval commanders of that age, as affording a sort of excuse and justification of his own treachery to the national cause. But the governor of Taunton had no share in such feeUnga. He never attempted to con ceal hia thoughts from friend or foe — for he had no fear and no ambition. He conaidered Cromwell violent and unwise in his desire to put the King to death. But he never professed to think the question of what should be done with the faithless King other than one of detaU. In the idea of founding in England a great religious commonwealth, he fuUy concurred. What else was left ? He had seen monarchy produce few fruits save false hood, tyranny, and spbitual pride. He wished to try the experiment of a democracy founded on religious princi ples. Yet, overriding his private theories and desbes, reigned in his heart the strong sense of patriotic devotion. Covetous of glory, but free from the vices which too often grow in the neighbourhood of that noble passion, his thought by day, his dream by night, was how he could be useful to his country, and to those great Protestant and liberal principles for which she had sacrificed her domestic peace, and poured out her best blood in torrents. An opening for a glorious career soon offered itself at sea : — and the appointment of Blake to the chief naval 93 ROBERT BLAKE. command — whether it arose from CromweU's deaire to remove a powerful and incorruptible officer from the scene of his own intrigues, or from the general belief of the parliamentary chiefs that hia executive genius, dauntleaa valour, and unvarying good fortune would be conapicuoualy displayed in his naval exploits, — ^was a most important event, opening a new and brUUant era in the history of the British navy. TS...-1 & ^^^s =1^«> Y f^ K^"2 r-rrn iO^ ig /jTr* ii j^4\ CS f^T 'X--^ >fe^ m ^ m m^ 1 i B M i CHAPTER IV. 1649—1660. NATAL COMMAND. In the earlier period of the Revolution the navy occupied a neutral attitude. The Earl of Warwick acted as lord admbal under the commission isaued by ParUament in its own and the King's name jointly ; but, with the exception of a loose blockade of Ireland, varied by skirmishes of no political or naval importance, the fleet had done little in those eventful times except ride in the EngUsh Channel, watch the movements in foreign ports, and guard our shores against the arrival of arms, levies, and munitions of war from France and Holland. Public opinion in the coast towns had placed nearly aU those important stations in the hands of Parliament from the outset. In the famous sieges, storms, and blockades which make the historical romance of the civil war, there is scarcely one in which the fleet took a prominent part. On the whole this was a happy circumstance. Standing apart from the scene of strife, the seamen were lees swayed by violent and bitter passions than their less fortunate brethren in camp and city. Not that they were indifferent to the quarrel. High church and divine right were aa unpopular in the navy as in the army. But, mixing less frequently and fiercely in the actual conflict, naval men were less blinded by passion, and 92 ROBERT BLAKE. took a clearer and more moderate view of the course of events than generals and soldiers. As time wore on, and the nicer shades of opinion came out in stronger relief, some differences in religion assisted in dividing stUl more clearly the two great arms of the public force. The army became Independent — the navy remained Presbyterian ; and these words involve two entbe systems of ideas and of policy. When Warwick surrendered his command under a clause of the Self-denying ordinance, the affabs of the Admiralty were put in commission, and he was rewarded for hia services by a seat at the new Navy Board, a post which he retained four years, notwithstanding the many changes which occurred in the other members. Admbal Batten succeeded to the command vacated by the Earl ; and so long as the King kept the field, this able officer discharged the duties of his station to the perfect satisfaction of Parliament. On occasion of the Queen running into Bridlington, a amaU port on the east coast of Yorkshire, with arms, money and stores from HoUand, to support the failing cause of her husband, he followed the Dutch ship into port, and, to the horror of the Royalists, compeUed her majesty to fly from her lodgings in the night and take shelter in a place protected from the fury of his guns. He made foreigners, aa well as Cavaliers, respect the red cross of England — dis tinguished himself in the blockade of Ireland, and captured a Swediah fleet that refuaed to lower its topsails in token of his supremacy in the narrow seas. For his good services he received the nation's thanks on more than one occasion. But Batten was no republican at heart. He served his country because his country paid his wages. He was equaUy willing to serve the King. Like Penn and other seamen he was on neither side. But the time ROBERT BLAKE. 93 was at hand when neutrality was impossible. Every branch of the public force was compelled to choose a part : and aa the army grew more and more outrageous in its pretenaiona, murmurs began to arise in the fleet in regard to the conduct of those on shore. Fluahed with its recent victory, the nation seemed as if about to divide against itself. The sudden rise and successful career of the Independents waa a cause of fierce and deeply-seated jealousies in the navy ; and the series of events, which led to the purchase of the captive King from the Scotch army, his unceremonious arrest by the soldiers at Holdenby, and his subsequent imprisonment at Carisbrook Castle, gave rise to dangerous exploaions of discontent in the Downs. Charles was surprised and seized on the 4th of June ; and, eight days after this event, the Earl of Warwick found it necessary to write to Batten, urging him to sleepless watchfulness, lest the men should be seduced from their duty, and the vessels under his command be surprised into some act of disobedience. He took care to remind the Admiral that Parliament had raised the seamen's wages above the rates paid in former times ; and he expressed a hope that his old comrades would remain faithful to the Nation. Aa the mutinous spirit increased rather than abated. Batten himself fell under auapicion of fomenting an evil spirit in his men. He was therefore called to London. Colonel Rainsborough, an Independent, and one of the army faction, was put down as vice-admbal. But this new commander was unequal to the work, the mutinous spirit of the navy was fomented by the royaUst intriguers of Kent, and Rainsborough no sooner arrived at his post than he was seized and displaced by the officers under hia command. The mutineers declared for King, Parliament and Covenant, and aent a message to the Earl of Warwick, offering to obey his orders if 94 ROBERT BLAKE. he would come on board, and suhscribe to the terms of theb declaration. Unprovided with means to punish thia act of uaurpation, the Houaea reluctantly concurred in the nomination of Warwick; and the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of London, whoae commerce and supplies were threatened by the revolters, earnestly begged for the sake of peace that Batten might be restored to his command. Even these concessions were unavaUing. The rebeUious ships hoisted the royal colours, stood over for Calais in hopes of finding the Prince of Wales in that town, and faiUng that, made for Holland. This important defection raised once more the drooping hopes of the CavaUers. Prince Charles re ceived Batten with open arms, though he had fbed on his royal mother a few years before at BridUngton, — and conferred on him the honours of knighthood. Under the erroneous impression that the whole fleet would foUow Sir WUliam Batten's example, the Prince of Wales and hia brother James, Duke of York, went on board the revolted ships and saUed towards the Downs, where Warwick was then lying, having abeady joined his forces in the river with the fleet from Portsmouth, making altogether nineteen ships and three ketches, a force about equal in men and guns to that under the two princea. On heaving in sight of the Roundhead squadron, Charles sent a meaaenger commanding the Earl to lower hia atandard and repab to the royal presence ; orders which he of course firmly but respect fully declined to obey. The temper of his men was good, and Parliament being assured that they would fight with alacrity against the revolted ships, a formal resolution was passed authorising and requiring him to attack and capture them in spite of theb having royal commanders on board. The two divisions of the fleet watched each other for several months without coming ROBERT BLAKE. 95 to an engagement. Both sides wanted energy, prompti tude and weU-defined purpose ; and among the Cavaliers were loud and fierce disaenaions. The common saUors again mutinied against theb officers : Batten, Gordon, and Lord WiUoughby quitted the service in disgust ; and the better sort of seamen, deserting from the Prince'a ships, daUy returned to their former stations. Some of the repentant crews contrived to carry back theb vessels ; and it was soon apparent that under weak and purposeless leaders the debauched, quarrelsome and insubordinate seamen at Helvoetsluys were not strong enough to cause real alarm to theb country. Nor in all probabUity would they have ever again required the attention of a great fleet, had not a new commander appeared, whose bon wUl and contempt of law gave him vast advantages over captains who contended in the names of Uberty and civUisation. Long before the battle of Naseby put an end to the war on a grand scale, Prince Rujjert, diatruatful of the issue, liad tried to secure some part of the spoU which passed through his hands for his own future use; but one or two vessels which he freighted with plunder feU into the hands of Parliament. After the faU of Bristol and his disgrace with his uncle, the adventurer and hia brother Maurice were ordered to quit the country. At first Rupert retbed to HoUand. From that state he went to France, where the romantic Queen Regent received him as a knight of chivaby might have been received in olden times by the Queen of Beauty. She offered him any post in her service which he would himself select. He asked for a troop of horse and a regiment of foot. He was made a Field-marshal, and placed at the head of all the English then serving in the French army : — not an inconsiderable body, as the Cavaliers who fled to the Continent nearly aU turned soldiers of fortune. Under o6 RdBERT BLAKE. Gassion and Rauzau he served in the Low Countries not vdthout distinction. The defection of Batten and the arrival of the revolted fleet in HoUand threw a fresh lure in the way of his ambition, and caUed him once more to the side of his royal relatives. The affairs of the Stuarts were at the lowest ebb. The exiles starving in their retreat — the Marquis of Ormonde unable to stand against the Roundheads and clamouring loudly for succour in Ireland — ships vnthout stores and ammunition — officers without a plan — men mutinous, disorganised and without pay : — such was the state of affairs when Rupert retumed to his cousins and proposed to take the supreme command at aea. On being allowed hia own terms, he pledged himself to restore discipline, to supply the more pressing wants of the royal court, to carry assistance to the lord-Ueutenant of Ireland, and to harass the trade of London and the naval power of ParUament. In return he asked to be invested with the same powers at sea which he had formerly enjoyed on land ; that is, to be free from every aort of control. The Prince of Wales, poor, wasteful and inexperienced, consented. From that moment Rupert became a corsair in the very worst sense of the word. One of his largest ships he sold to the Dutch, and with the money obtained for it he bought stores, powder and shot. Once out at sea, he threw off every restraint. With him every ship that he could take was an enemy— every argosy a prize. No flag afforded protection against his predatory warfare. Not only were the merchants of England apoUed of their goods ; French, Spanish, Swedish ships were alike attacked, captured and sold by this pirate. On these robberies the court of the exUes depended for daily bread. If Charles found a merchant willing to risk the discount of a bill, he drew on Rupert for the amount, and sent a frigate out to inform him of ROBERT BLAKE. 97 the date and sum of the transaction. When Rupert's sailors murmured at the long arrear of their pay, the freebooter bade them go out and catch a ship for them selves, the first that should heave in sight. In this manner, states with which England was at peace, powers which the young princes were trying to enlist in their father's cause, were insulted and robbed without regard to consequences near or remote. No country suffered more from the marauder than that very HoUand from which he sailed, and which still afforded protection to his own parents and to the sons of hia sovereign ! Against such a comrnander and such a system the CouncU of State saw how vain it was to oppose the Earl of Warwick and the naval officers of his school. WhUe the Earl lay in the narrow seat! with a powerful fleet, the Prince sallied from Helvoetsluys with two ships and cap tured as many prizes as enabled him to fit out the remain der of his vessels. When aU was ready, he passed down the Channel to his destination on the Munater coaat. His men showed a disposition to go over to their countrymen ; but he excited a change in his own favour by audaciously bearing down on the hostile fieet and opening through its Une of guard a passage to the south. To such boldneaa, energy and rapidity of action, it became necessary for ParUament to oppose quaUties simUar in kind. But with the exception of Blake, there was perhaps no man in England, having any knowledge, however slight, of sea afiairs, equal to the Prince in personal courage, fertUity of resource and brilUancy of execution. Blake was therefore caUed from his pacific government at Taunton to assume the chief command at sea, in coiijunction with Colonel Deane and Colonel Popham — the latter a brother of his old friend and feUow-soldier of the same name — ^under the title, invented for the occasion, of Generals and Admirals at Sea, or as they 98 ROBERT BLAKE. came afterwards to be usuaUy styled — Generals of the Fleet. The tasks which the three Generals took upon them selves were at once varied and onerous. When they went on board, the navy was in a condition Uke that in which CromweU had found the old army. Abuses existed everywhere. The Admiralty offices, the dock yards, the ports and naval stations, the ships, were aUke corrupt ; and many of the corruptions were of long standing and flagrant character. To provide the Generals with fuU powers to examine and correct abuses they were also appointed Commissioners of the Navy, with seats at the Admiralty Board. The mandates under which they acted required them to employ aU available means to achieve these three ends : — 1. To completely re-organise the naval power, so aa to rid that great arm of the public service of all doubtful and disloyal elements ; 2. To dis perse, capture or destroy the revolted ships, and drive the Princes, Rupert and Maurice, from the high seas; 3. To co-operate vrith the Land Forces in a new and more efficient attempt, then in course of preparation by Crom weU, to put down the Irish rebels. The new system began with a change of flag. From the accession of the Stuarts the Union Jack had streamed from the topmasts of every vessel engaged in the service of the state ; but the King's removal having dissolved the necessary legal connection of the two countries, all ships at sea in actual service were hence forth ordered to carry only the red cross on a white ground. When the new Commissioners came to examine the details of the actual state of the navy, they found the disorder greater than had been feared. Few of the vessels were sea-worthy. The dock-yards were iU- managed. Stores and arms were systematicaUy stolen. The wages of the saUors were not regularly paid ; and ROBERT BLAKE. q9 when vessels came into port the poor men had usuaUy to wait some weets before they could obtain their money. No proper care was taten of the rations. Often the biscuit was mouldy, the beer sour, the meat rank. The syatem of forced impressment was bitterly complained of; whUe in the neglect to provide hospitals for the wounded and asylums for the infirm, the dictates of sound poUcy and the caUs of humanity had been equally spurned. In aU these matters Blake became a reformer the day he became an admbal. His letters, stUl preserved in the Admbalty papers, ahow how minute and constant was his care for the comfort and welfare of his men : in these documents his kindness of heart seems even more conspicuous than his naval genius. Fearleaa himself, he was remarkably tender of the Uves, the health, and even the comforts of others. He would at any time weaken the force under his command in order to send a frigate home with a few wounded men, if he found they could not be treated with sufficient caje on board in the midst of daily-renewed battles. The minutest detaUs engaged his attention when the comfort of his men was concerned, even in the crisis of a great campaign. No wonder that he was adored ! An instance of his popularity occurred soon after his nomination to the command at sea. The watermen of the Thames had by ancient usage a right to priority of impressment for the service ; but the usage, Uke many other usages, had been waived with the fuU consent of aU parties ; the dangers and disorders of the service having few attractions for men possessing other means. But no sooner was the new system understood than the overseers of the watermen peti tioned Blake to restore their old privilege ; first, because the watermen on the river were weU-affected to the Commonwealth, secondly, because they were the proper raw material out of which to make expert seamen, and E 2 100 ROBERT BLAXE. thbdly, because the priority was an ancient right of theb order. The first measures adopted by the new commanders in fitting out the fleet gave evidence of the energy and character about to become the distinguishing marts of the service. They went down and purged each ship of the idle, the vicious and the disaffected ; good and true men were alone retained, and it was to fiU the places of the discharged sailors that the watermen of the Thames put in theb claim. The ablest captains of the service were sought out and employed, without regard to age, interest or personal consideration. No incompetent noble or honourable person was allowed to occupy the place of a better seaman. Merit alone found favour. Penn, Jordan, Ascue, Stayner and Lawson, the most famous captains of the Commonwealth, were appointed to important commands. Although Blate was but one of three Commissioners, there is reason to beUeve that he toot the lead in theb deUberations ; and that the general features of the campaign, which had to be adapted to the particular character of the enemy to be encountered, and the other exigences of the service, were the wort of his brain. The naval forces were thus disposed : — Deane was stationed with a squadron in the Downs, having instructions to cruise between Portsmouth and Dover and keep the trade of the narrow seas free from interruption ; Popham, with a second squadron, waa to lie off Plymouth sound, check the depredations of the SciUy pbates, and guard the southern entrance to the Channel ; Sir George Ascue, with a third squadron, waa to cruise in and near the bay of Dublin, prevent the Irish rebels from communicating with their English partisans, and keep St. George's Channel open. Blake reserved to himself the task of chasing, fighting and destroying the pirate fleet under Prince Rupert. ROBERT BLAKE loi Before going on board the fiag-ahip, he took care to supply himself with jacks, standards and studding saUs for giving chace. On the eighteenth of April (1649) at the age of fifty, Blake set his foot on deck for the first time as a com mander, and from that moment to the hour of his death no man in England contested with him for the first place as a saUor. Envy, jealousy and hatred dogged the steps of every other officer in the service, but whUe the common sailors regarded him with an enthusiaam bordering on idolatry, the veteran admirals of Spain, Portugal and the United Provinces, against whom he fought in so many brUliant and destructive battles, considered him the perfect model of a foe. The country gentlemen of England, though they abhorred his poUtical principles and affected to contemn his religious opinions, allowed that hia course of action was frank and noble ; and even the coarse and malignant writers of the Restora tion spared his memory the mountains of abuse which they heaped on men like Vane, Hampden and Sydney. After cruising for some time in the narrow seas, doing much damage to commerce, Rupert attacked and cap tured the Robert frigate ; and the blockade of Kinsale having been raised by orders from London, he and his brother made for that harbour with the intention of co-operating with the Marquis of Ormonde, and establish ing for themselves a convenient station whence they might saUy out on theb marauding expeditions and shelter theb prizes from the pursuit of Blake. The town and castle of Kinsale being in the hands of Iriah rebels who atiU made some show of loyalty to the King, Rupert had no difficulty in disposing of his stores and merchandise, the fruits of his formidable industry. His best ships were kept at sea in search of unarmed traders, and the harbour of Kinsale was soon filled with prizes 102 ROBERT BLAKE. of all nations. Lately without a shUUng in his eoff the royal buccaneer was now rich. The most dar spbits in the south of Ireland flew to the standard c man who had set up this profitable syatem ; and neit men, money nor stores were wanting to equip captured vessels for the pirate service. The sece fleet became for the second time a formidable power, i the daring outlaws began to plough the deep with the confidence of prowess and success. Thus affabs Ireland took what appeared to the court so happy a t that even the cautious Marquis of Ormonde sent ovei Holland and invited the exiles to that part of tl dominions. He assured them that with the assista of the squadron at Kinsale, the greater part of Ireli would soon be brought into obedience, — when la armies could be raiaed, — the Scots cajoled or coer into a league, — and a vast material power could be s denly hurled from those shores against England. ' exUed court leaped with joy at any prospect of renew the war. But Charles waa poor and his credit low. wanted money for an outfit — Rupert cooUy and chai teristicaUy sent out a frigate, caught a Dutch trader, £ her for ten thousand pounds, and despatched the mo: to his cousin at the Hague. As soon as the arrangements for his new model w got into a state of progress, Blate, his pennons fly from the masts of the Triumph, passed down the Char with the fourth division to check the growing diaorc at Kinaale. Nor was it long before the Cavaliers reason to know that a new system had begun v the new general. Their fleet, returning from a cm encountered a storm, and the frigate Charles, separs from the other vessels, got involved in a dense fog, wl prevented a good look-out being kept. Before the < tain was aware of the enemy's presence he was assa ROBERT BLAKE. 103 by the Constant Warwict and the Leopard, part of Blake's squadron, and after a sharp action was compelled to surrender. Pushing forward this success, Blake foUowed the returning fleet to their pbate hold and shut them up safely within it, — as Ascue in an earlier part of the summer had endeavoured to do without success. The arrival of this new force at Kinsale disconcerted the vast plans of the Cavaliers. Charles did not dare to sail for the Irish coast ; Eupert could no longer send out his ships ; and the sources of supply being cut off by the blockade, his funds rapidly grew less. Though he had more than half the island at his back, his prospects were gloomy. His fleet was locked up. He could only escape from his perUous position by cutting through the guard-ships ; and even if he got away from Kinsale and from the enemy, he knew of no harbour in which he could seek refuge from pursuit or carry on the sale of his prizes. This posture of affabs was the more vexar tious, as the fine weather being come, and his fieet careened and ready for a summer voyage, he had raiaed an extraordinary levy of men. Inatead of sweeping the coasts and rivers of their mercantile marine, as he had hoped, he was forced to act on the defensive, and erect batteries on the shore to prevent the enemy's fire-ships coming into harbour and burning his fleet. Worst of aU, his men began to murmur and desert. Blake offered them lower pay and none of that Ucense which they enjoyed at Kinsale ; yet his influence was already such in the navy, that they went over to him at every convenient oppor tunity. Eupert, mad with rage, one day seized ten of his men, on the plea that he suspected them of a deaire to escape, and strung them up at the yard-arm. Harassed by these cauaea of diacontent and impatient of a pro longed inactivity, he would have risked an engagement with his wary adversary; but in a case of so much I04 ROBERT BLAKE. moment, he listened to the counsel of his more experi enced naval officers, who told him it would be rushing on destruction to attack Blake in his present position, untU they had prepared some fire-ships, and crowded theb decks with an overpowering body of soldiers and marines. The town of Kinsale being open to the country, Eupert went overland to the various port-towns on the coast stiU possessed by the royalists, to engage as many men as could be prevaUed on to accept high pay and hard service ; but when he retumed to Kinsale with these recruits, the courage of his captains had been so much cowed they stiU voted in the councU of war that it was unwise to hazard a trial of strength with such an enemy, and that consequently the only course was to secure theb ships in the harbour untU foul weather, (which had already, even in the early summer, more than once driven the hostUe fieet to MUford Haven,) should compel Blake to quit his station and either return to Bristol Channel or the Downs. Infinitely chagrined at this turn of opinion, Eupert, compeUed by the faUure of his funds, disbanded his new levies, dismantled the useless barques, keeping only the fiag-ships and four frigates to wait on them, ready for active service. One of Blake's letters to the House of Commons will suggest the perUs of the service even in the best month of summer : "Me. Speakee, — The high value which the honour able house hath been pleased to put upon our honest endeavours, signified unto us by yours of the 5th instant, we receive with all humble acknowledgment, desiring from ourselves that the fruit of aU may be to render us more able and prosperous in theb service, by making us more lowly in the sight of God. And as we have learned from our Great Master, when we have done aU we can, ROBERT BLAKE. 105 to confess ourselves unprofitable servants unto God : so, for all the good he hath, or ahaU be pleased to do by ua, hia unworthiest instruments, it shaU be sufficient unto us to be accounted but faithful servants unto men for the Lord's sake. Of this honour we shaU ever be ambitious, but shall desire, next imto God, to owe it rather unto the prayers than thanks of men : as having more need of one than any right to the other. Being thus resolved, ho,wever, it hath or shaU please God to exercise us with varieties of providence we shall not doubt through his blessing of good success and a happy conclusion in the end. We have now been thirteen days absent from Kinsale, from whence we were forced by extremity of weather, and driven hither where we now are with eight ships — viz. Triumph, Charles, Leopard, Lion, Garland, Hercules, John, and Elizabeth. We shaU, God wiUing, with the first opportunity, endeavour to get Kinsale Bay again and pursue our former resolution, if we shaU find them there, or otherwise to follow them whithersoever they shaU go. In the meantime we have despatched away directions to Vice- Admiral Moulton and others, advising them to put themselves into the strongest posture they may to defend themselves and oppose the enemy in case he should be gone out and nearer the Channel. We shaU neglect no opportunity of doing our duty and discharg ing that great trust which the Parliament hath been pleased to repose in ua, which may make it appear how much we are " Your moat faithful and humble Servants, " EOBEET BliAEE, " Eio. Deane." " From aboard the Triumph, in Milford Haven, " June 13, 1649." io6 ROBERT BLAKE. Meanwhile the approach of the victorious Eoundheads by land, storming theb way from Dublin southward, under the command of Cromwell, warned Eupert that, in spite of his batteries and castles, his hold was growing insecure. As dangers thickened around him, his mind became a prey to jealousy and distrust. He accused the governor of Cork of a desire to betray him to the enemy. He shot an ensign and all his company on suspecting them of an intention to afford a passage to Blake through the line of guard-ships. In his nervous agitation he conceived doubts of the fidelity of the Cavalier governor of Kinaale castle, and actuaUy took that fortress by surprise as a precaution against an imaginary act of bad faith. As the winter neared and the strong winds of the north-east set in, Blake was forced to ride out at a greater distance from the mouth of the harbour; it being an extremely dangerous lee-shore, and without safe anchorage at any point. As the weather broke up Eupert prepared for the long-expected day of escape. But at the last moment he was unable to man the greater part of hia ahips, and he reluctantly left several of theae behind a prey to the enemy. The caatle he gave up to the Marquis of Ormonde, then retreating towards Cork before the parliamentary army. When he came to reckon up his effective force, he found that his whole fleet consisted of only seven saU of all rates. With this force, aided by the elements, he had the good fortune to escape from Kinsale. Continual storms had rendered it impossible for Blake to keep his fleet toge ther off that terrible coast : many of his ships had been driven to the nearest ports for shelter ; and towards the end of October, a violent gale having stiU further weakened the blockading squadron, and scattered the few remaining veaaels widely about the offing, Eupert and Maurice seized an opportunity to steal away im- ROBERT BLAKE. 107 observed, and when once out at sea, they spread theb sails direct for Portugal. His naval duties at Kinsale ended by the flight of the two princes, Blake repabed to Ross. CromweU was negotiating the surrender of that important town under the threat of such an assault as had already over whelmed Tredah and Wexford with sudden ruin. Fate had not yet fixed the destinies of Blake. At the request of Cromwell, he became a Commisaioner for the arrange ment of Irish Affabs. His colleagues were, Deane, who had joined him at an early period on the Irish coast. Sir WilUam Fenton and Lord BerghUl. CromweU wished him to take a command on shore, and wrote to the House of Commons on the subject. Men of his cha racter were needed in Ireland, and the House of Com mons offered him the rank of Major-General, and pro posed to raise a regiment for him. But it left him his choice and he choae to remain at sea. He was caUed away from his duties as a Commissioner to go in chase of his old and formidable adversaries. With their characteristic impartiaUty, the Corsair princes, when they escaped from the Irish Seas, levied black mail on all nations. In atanding acroaa for the Continent, Maurice encountered a Malaga trader, which struck at his first summons, and was of course seized ; shortly afterwards Rupert met with two EngUsh merchant-men, bound from London to San Lucar in Spain, and after a desperate struggle mastered and manned them for further service. WhUe scudding along the shore towards the Tagus, in which river the King of Portugal, in his horror of Puritans and patriots, had given him a promise of pro tection against his pursuers, a vessel from Brazil, freighted for Lisbon with the property of Portuguese traders, stood across his line of sail, when he instantly gave chase, overtook, captured and condemned her as a lo8 ROBERT BLAKE. prize, on the absurd plea that she had not struck her colours to him at the first summons. Though other nations suffered from these outrageous piracies, the chief losses, of course, feU on the mercantUe men of England ; and as the CouncU of State received from the London and Bristol traders most urgent complaints of the insecurity of the narrow seas, they took on the 4th of December the unusual resolution to fit out a winter fleet, and they invited Blake to assume the command and go in pursuit of the peatUent marauders. By the middle of January, 1650, a smaU force, consist ing of five ships, the Tiger, John, Tenth Whelp, Signet, and Constant Warwick, carrying altogether one hundred and fourteen guns, was ready for sea ; and as soon as he could obtain his instructions, Blake went on board the Tiger. These instructions directed him " to pursue, seize, surprise, scatter, fight with and destroy" the ships of the revolted fieet, and to suppress pbates and protect lawful traders in the exercise of" their calling. If any foreign prince or power joined with or assisted the corsab princes, he was required not to spare the revolters on that account ; and in case the foreign power assisted the revolters by force of arms, he was to fight with them, and by God's help destroy them. He was to prevent any injury to the foreign prisoners who might faU into his hands; and to send them at his convenience to England, there to await the decision of Parliament. If any vessel or vessels belonging to the revolted fleet should be sold by their commander to a foreign power, or the subject of a foreign power, he was dbected to demand, attack, capture or destroy them wherever found, aa a part of the Engliah navy which the revolters had no right to sell. Theae were the detaUs. As to general principles, he was inatructed that time out of mind the lordship of the seas had belonged to England. This ROBERT BLAKE. 109 ancient right he was directed to maintain ; to cause the ships of aU nations to strike their flags in his presence ; and in case of refusal to seize and send them in as prisoners, unless they should offer such obedience and reparation as he might judge sufficient. It waa sub mitted to his prudence, however, not to proceed so far in these demands as to force hostilities with any superior fleet, until the particular object of his voyage had been accomplished. But he waa to keep for future use a strict account of any flag that refuaed to acknowledge his dominion of- the sea. Towards foreign powers at peace with England he was directed to avoid every cause of offence and to renew ancient leagues of trade and friendship with them, unless such States should join with and protect the revolters; in which case he waa instructed to aaaail the said powers, to destroy their fieets, and to capture their merchant-vessels, and send them as prizes into the most convenient EngUsh ports. Lastly, as events could not be foreseen, and the means of communication with London would be slow and un certain, he was inveated with a wide discretionary power in the diapoaal of hia fleet. The final clause contained the essential spirit of his instructions — " You are to order and dispose of the said fleet and the ships under your command as may ie most advantageous for the public, and for obtaining the ends for which the fleet is set forth ; making it your special care in discharge of that great trust committed to you, that the Commonwealth receive no detriment." To the five ships first equipped for this service eight others were added in the spring, four men-of-war — Reso lution, St. Andrew, Phoenix, and Satiafaction — and four merchant-men — HerciUes, America, Great Lewis, and Merchant — under the command of Admbal Popham, who also carried out additional instructions to hia coUeague. no ROBERT BLAKE. In the meantime Rupert had saUed into the Tagus and received a cordial and flattering welcome from John of Braganza, King of Portugal, who assured him that he ' would protect him in that river against aU his enemies. A friendly salute from the forts welcomed the fugitives with royal honours. The first night the princes anchored in Weyrs Bay, near the river mouth ; next day they stood higher up the stream, fixing their station at San Katherina, untU Rupert should find leisure to present himself at court in due form. His reception was enough to turn a steadier brain than his ; King John sent some of his proudest nobles to attend the fugitive Prince from BeUeisle to the palace, where he confirmed in per son and in the warmest manner the promises of protec tion which he had previously made through his envoy. The fieet then anchored under the guns of BeUeisle, and the officers sold the goods taken in theb prizes to the Portuguese merchants ; which done, they saUed to Lisbon, where they employed the seamen during the winter months in careening, victualling, and fitting out theb prizes as men-of-war. At the approach of spring, Rupert, tired of court festivities, went on board and dropped down the river to BeUeisle, with the intention of renewing, under more favourable auspices, the profit able piracies of the former year ; but before he could get clear of the Tagus, Blake was at its mouth with his Uttle fleet of five ships ; and not daring to attempt a passage by force against such a commander, Rupert anchored under the guna of the fort. Blake now aent an officer to aak the King'a permission to attack the revolted ships at theb anchorage. John haughtily refused. Blake affected not to comprehend the King's answer, and ordered his boats to cross the bar. A few shots from Belim Castle stopped them. At the first discharge Blake sent a boat to inqube the reason for this show of ROBERT BLAKE. in hostility against a friendly power, there being no war at that time between Portugal and England ? The officer replied that he had received no orders to allow any other ships to pass. With great moderation, Blake sent his complaint to Lisbon: and some prominent members of the CouncU, alarmed at the false position in which their King's rash promise to the revolters had placed the country, urged him to make concessions to the powerful Commonwealth even at the last moment, rather than incur the hazards of a naval war. John's own fears incUned him to Usten to these councils, so that, inatead of a haughty reply, he sent one of his courtiers to compU- ment the new Admiral, and to beg that, for the sake of peace, he would not attempt to enter the river unless foul weather should force him to seek a shelter for his ships. To these civiUties he added a supply of pro visions. In return, Blake declared that he was anxious not to violate a friendly river. But he reminded the King that he was there as the minister and representa tive of a powerful nation : that the fugitive princes possessed no country, nor even a single port of their own into which they could send their captures for legal con demnation, and were therefore incapable of being treated aa a neutral power ; that the ahips then in their posaesaion were a part of the EngUsh navy, which had been armed, equipped and furnished by Parliament in theb own ports, and manned by theb own servants ; that, more over, the two princes had acted as pirates and sea-robbers, and by adding the captured ships to theb fieet, were growing into a power likely to prove dangerous to the lawful commerce of aU nations ; finaUy, that having no place in the world which they could pretend to caU theb own, they were unable to appeal to the law of nations, or ask the protection of any prince in their revolt and pbacy,, without thereby creating a cause 112 ROBERT BLAKE. of war between that prince and the Commonwealth of England. To this clear statement of the question the King could only oppose his personal feelings and his rash promise. The royal CouncU was divided in opinion : the Conde de Mbo, an expert and sagacious minister, spoke the senti ments of the more prudent, and his views were shared by all the traders and merchants interested in the com merce and colonies of the country. But the Queen, ardent, prodigal, and fascinated, warmly espoused the cause of her briUiant guest ; and two violent factions arose in the court and city, of which the rallying cries were "peace" and "war" with England. The weather growing foul, Blake entered the river with his fieet and anchored in Weyrs Bay, whence he unceasingly pressed the King and CouncU for leave to fall on the revolters ; but weeks passed on and he could obtain no satisfactory reply to his requests. Duplicity and delay characterised all the proceedings of the court. The Brazil fieet, then fitting out for the summer voyage, was almost ready to saU ; and it became apparent to Blake that the Portuguese were trying by theb civiUties and councUs to gain time until this fieet was despatched and out of danger. Rupert himself waa mystified. He complained that his enemy was aUowed to come up the river to San Katherina, only two mUea from his own station. His sailors deserted to Blake in spite of every severity ; and one of his largest ships, the Swallow, of thirty-six guns, was in the very act of escaping when the plot was dis covered and defeated. Alarmed at these symptoms of revolt in his crews, and doubtful whether the Queen would be able to prevaU against the Miro party in the Council, he secretly prepared to defend himself; and if his worst fears should be realised, to force a passage through the English squadron or perish in the attempt. ROBERT BLAKE. 113 His preparations did not escape the vigUanee of the court, and they created a suspicion in high quarters that, urged by hatred and despair, he was about to com mit some act of wanton hostUity against his protectors. Fear in some, contempt in others, were thus raised. But the more factious and alarmed the city grew, the safer Eupert felt himself. As a ready means of sowing disaenaions in Lisbon, he courted the priesta and the populace. Though a Protestant, he did his best to rouse the passiona of the Portuguese Catholics against his adopted country. He urged the priests to preach a crusade against England, not only as a point of con science, but also as a means of increasing their own worldly infiuence. These men wUlingly gave their aid and countenance : they harangued against patriots and protested against the shame of a Christian nation treat ing with rebels, until the Lisbon people were so incensed that the Eling could hardly pass down the streets of his capital without hearing the exclamations of their rage and fanaticism. To gain over the mob to his interest, Rupert went among them, gave them money and soft speeches, and made a pretence of placing himself and his cause under their protection. These artifices succeeded so far as to compel the Mbo party to be extremely wary, and to postpone a final arrangement of the question. Not content with the success of this appeal to the basest passions, the fugitive armed an assassin against the Ufe of his formidable enemy. The only plea ever put forth by his partisans in excuse for this attempt at private murder was a false report to the effect that some persons from the EngUsh fleet went on shore at BeUeisle to attack a hunting-party, including Eupert, Maurice, and several other Cavaliers, in which, however, they pretend that the Eoundheads got the worst of it, and were glad to retreat ; the real truth being that the men were sent n4 ROBERT BLAKE. on shore in the ordinary way to obtain fresh-water, aud while getting it were assailed by Eupert's party, who killed one of theb number, dangerously wounded three others, and made five prisoners. Towards evening of the day on which this incident had occurred, a bombsheU, placed in a double-headed barrel, with a lock in the middle so contrived that on being opened it would give fire to a quick-match and cause the whole to explode, waa sent by Eupert to Blake's fiag-ship, in a Portuguese boat, manned by a trusty saUor and two negroes, the former dressed as a Portuguese tradesman. The men sent on this murderous errand were instructed to say they were oU merchants come with a present for the seamen. But when the boat arrived at the ship's stern, they found the ports there closed, and whUe they were rowing round to the transom-port, some of the crew observed and recognised the EngUshman as one of Eupert's men whom they had frequently met on shore at BeUeisle ; and before any mischief could be done he was arrested and the device of which he was to have been the executioner discovered. Having missed his aim, and doubtful of the King's resolution, with failing provisions and wavering men on board, Eupert engaged the governor of the castle to connive at his passage, and prepared to faU down the stream with the ibst favourable wind. But Blake had friends on board the Prince's ships, and being informed of thia design, he towed his vessels iu a dead calm to the mouth of the river, which movement compeUed Rupert to faU back to his old position. Months were spent in theae bloctades and negotiations without result. Blate, now strengthened by the arrival of Popham's squadron, represented to the King that his port had been dishonoured, that innocent blood had been shed ; and he demanded iu more urgent terms permis- ROBERT SLAKE. 115 sion to right himself. Instead of complying with this request, the monarch at last threw off the mask, put some of the EngUsh merchants under arrest, and pro nounced for the cause of the two princes. This change, whUe it simplified the state of affairs and left Blate to act as he thought proper, added the whole weight of the Portuguese navy to the force of the revolters. Blate's answer, however, was swift and sure. The BrazU fieet of nine sail coming out of the Tagus, he seized them without ceremony, removed the officers and crew, put trusty men in theb places, and thus at a strote raised his ovm effective strength fromthbteen to twenty-two sail. At the same time he threatened to seize the American fleets on their return, if the revolters were not immedi ately compeUed to quit the Tagus. The English Admi ral had been so modest in his demeanour, so moderate in his demands, the King was astounded at what he called the temerity of these acts of self-defence ; and in the first outburst of his rage he gave ordera to arm the coasts and fit out his fieets for service. Miro was dis graced. The friends of peace were discountenanced. A squadron of thbteen men-of-war was equipped ; and, under the command of Vara John, was ordered to join the force under Rupert. Even then, they did not con sider it prudent to attack the English, who continued to cruise at the river mouth, interrupting all commerce by sea, and threatening to intercept the richly-freighted vessels known to be coming home from the Brazils. Autumn waa deeply advanced. The fleet had been in those unfriendly waters seven months, and although provisions and stores had been supplied by Popham's squadron and by other means, the ships were sea-worn, the stores weU nigh exhausted, the men auffering from the effecta of long confinement and severe duties. Ru pert trusted to the storms of winter, and the court of i2 ii6 ROBERT BLAKE. Portugal believed it would be impossible for the EngUsh to stay on that bleak and hoatUe coast. But Vane, one of the greatest naval administratora ever born, was inde fatigable at home in preparing the materials of war. In spite of the elements Blake remained in the Portuguese waters to encounter one of the BrazU fleets, consisting of twenty-three sail, just as they were about to enter the Tagus, when a brief but fierce engagement ended iu the loss of the Portuguese flag-ship, which went down during the cannonade,and three other ships, which were set on fire and consumed ; and the capture of the vice-admbal and eleven large ships, aU laden with the most precious car goes. Only seven of the smallest barques escaped ; they got away, and sUpped into the river while the con test was at its height. When the king heard of his great disaster, he went on board Rupert's fiag-ship, and ordered him to attack the EngUsh with the combined fieets and recover his lost treasures. Rubert was wUling, but the winds kept no terms with the royal thbst for revenge, and the Portuguese pennons floated idly in the river, whUe the victorious EngUsh repabed their losses and counted their magnificent gains by the late engagement. At last, however, a fair wind sprang up, and with provisions already on board for fourteen days — ample time as the courtiers thought to capture or destroy the blockadmg squadron, Rupert dropped down the river, at the same time hoisting aignala for Vara John to follow and join him below Belim with aU his disposable force. But the Portgueae commander either could not or would not raiae his anchor for several hours, and the revolters were already up with the English squadron before their Portuguese allies had got under sail. Want of concert prevailed throughout. The ships were scattered over a wide expanse of sea, and neither party was able to afford assistance to the other. WhUe moving about the bar- ROBERT BLAKE. 117 bour in a thick fog, the Prince suddenly discovered the admbal, with Blake's pennons fioating at the main-top, riding within pistol-shot of his stern; and with that fearlessness which concealed so many faults, he gave orders to tack round quickly and run alongside the flag ship, without flring a single shot or raising the least shout tUl they were near enough to spring on board. The men of the admiral caught a gUmpse of the sus picious craft through the thick atmosphere, and as she passed in silence under theb lee, poured into her a broadside that shattered her fore-topmast. Blake con tinued his course, the fog slipped in, and the two ships were instantly out of sight. Rupert's fleet was too far to leeward to give chase or render aaaistance. Their outfit being exhausted, the allies retumed to their for mer station at BeUeiale, mutually accusing each other of incapacity. Vara John was deposed from his command, and judged unworthy ever to be again employed in his coimtry's service, Blake and Popham, after des patching all their prizes to England, retumed to block up still more closely the mouth of the Tagus. A second descent of the combined fleets was equally unsuccessful. Without risking a general engagement, which he had no deabe to riak, Blake remained maater at sea. Rupert had seen no more service on thia new element than himself ; but it is curious that the veteran admirals of Portugal should have been foiled in aU their attempts to force Blake either to quit his position or fight a battle. At length the loss of so many vessels, and the continual outcries of his subjects, induced King John to sue for peace on reasonable terms. As neces sary preUminaries to a peace, Miro was restored to favour, and it was intimated to the fugitive princes with many feigned regrets that the crown of Portugal could no longer protect them against the might of England. ii8 ROBERT BLAKE. Rupert received a hint that as Blake was at sea in search of the dispersed fleets of BrazU, some of which had stopped short at the Azores, 'while others had run for safety into Spanish ports, he might get clear away with his ships. If the princes did not depart, they were- given to understand that on Blake's return he would be aUowed to attack them at their moorings. Rupert therefore again unfurled his corsab banner, slipped his cables, and under a friendly salute, the last he ever heard in Por tugal, he dropped down the river in search of new ad ventures. As soon as the princes had quitted BeUeisle, Don John despatched an envoy to London to sue for peace and friendship with the EngUsh Commonwealth. His for mer pride was remembered againat his present humility, and the Council of State made hard conditions. But the envoy granted aU the preliminaries demanded. He agreed that the EngUsh merchants who had been under arrest should be set at Uberty ; that they should have all their losses made good to them ; that the King of Portugal should defray a considerable part of the war expenses abeady incurred. When the envoy presumed to dispute some dates and details, the haughty Council commanded him to quit the country. However galling to his pride, Don John was obliged to submit. He sent a nobleman of high rank, the Conde de Camera, as ex traordinary ambassador, to deprecate the anger of Par liament. The Conde assented to every proposal made to him by the Council : — but delays again arose througli the change from the ParUamentary to the Protectoral form of government, and it was not until January, 1653 that the treaty of peace, trade, and friendship was finally ratified between the two powers. So long as he lived, Don John gave England Uttle trouble. At the close of the dispute with the court of Lisbon, ROBERT BLAKE. 119 the owners of the nine ships seized and detained by Blake at the mouth of the Tagus were aUowed to pre sent a statement of their grievance to the judges of the Court of Admiralty. Blake's conduct in the matter was minutely investigated ; Admiral Popham was called on to give evidence as to the facts : and after a full inquiry the judges decided that the General-at-Sea had acted in the spirit of his instructions. But they acknowledged the private losses which the owners might have suffered by the forcible detention of theb ships, and decided that the same compensation should be awarded to them for the service, as in cases where ships had been hbed by the State. i ^^^s M CHAPTER V. 1650—1661. CAYALIER-CORSAIES. RirPEET had not invented the corsair system. That honour belonged to George Carteret, governor of Guern sey. WhUe the King was stUl at Oxford, and when Blake was vigorously defending Lyme, Carteret des- pabing of the royal cause on land, ordered a model galley to be buUt for him by the expert artizans of St. Maloes. She was fitted with twelve pair of oars and with large saUs, so as to go against wind and tide. She carried one brass cannon and two swivels, and was manned by thbty-six desperate ruffians. She cruised in the narrow seas, and her captures were armed and converted into war-ships. Carteret became master of a fieet. He soon made himself terrible to the London merchants. Warwick, sent to reduce the islands to obedience, re turned without crushing the freebooters, and theb enter prises took a wider sweep. For a whUe Carteret was master of the narrow seas. Charles then gave him the commiaaion of a Vice-Admiral in the Channel, and the royaliat rover filled his coffers and strengthened himself in his hold, Mont OrgueU Castle, against the Roundhead forces. A career like that of Sir George Carteret, com bining danger, enterprise and success, had an bresistible charm for Rupert ; and it is demonstrable that from the ROBERT BLAKE. 121 period of his firat offer to go on board the revolted fieet, he proposed to Uve by plunder. His intention was to establish one or more strongholds, from which he flattered himself that he should be able to interrupt at his will the rich commerce of the narrow seas. His "first idea was to make hia labs, as many of the old northern jarls and vikings had done before him, in the Channel Islands, and particularly in the formidable groups of rocks lying off the Land's-end, the Isles of SciUy. Nature herself might have formed these islands for a pirate hold. Dan gerous sunken rocks, an extremely intricate channel, and a sea unrivalled for sweU and violence, prevented the approach of frigates or other armed vessels towards the centre of the group ; and, as the ruins stUl visible show, art had come efficiently in aid of nature. At every point where it seemed poasible to effect a landing, stood bloct- houses and batteries connected with each other by Unes and breast-worts of the most formidable character. On St. Mary's Island, even at that time the wealthiest and most populous of the group, these field-works were bound together by castles of great strength and com manding position : Old Town Castle, a strong pUe in the days of Leland ; Star Castle, with its ditch and ramparts, buUt by Sir John Godolphin in EUzabeth's reign ; and the Giant's Castle, standing on the crest of a bold and rugged cliff. Some of the islets were extremely fertile ; com grew in abimdance on many of them, and they were aU weU stocked with rabbits, cranes, swana, herons, and sea-fowl. Into thia convenient hold Rupert poured men, money and warUke stores. To ensure his force against the risk of capture by sudden assault, — for the Dutch were anxious to possess so convenient a port, and their famous Admbal, Tromp, had been seen hovering about under suspicious cbcumstances, — he gave the command, civU and mUitary, to the gaUant Sb John Grenville, 122 ROBERT BLAKE. nephew of Sir Richard GrenviUe, Blake's old antagonist at Taunton. The islanders, children of the sun and sea, willingly joined in the attempt to convert their home into an important magazine and naval station. And to render the extraordinary combination of natural and artificial defences perfect, two thousand picked men were landed aa a garriaon, aided by a multitude of Cavalier gentry, whose private fortunes had been wasted in the war. When cruising in the South Channel, before the approach of Blake's squadron had driven him to Kinsale, Rupert had carried the fruits of his terrible industry into this pirate hold. The store-houses on these rocks were filled with the captured merchandise of all nations ; but the chief articles stored up were silks, corn, wine, oil, timber, and the precious metals. WhUe in Ireland, apparently engaged in the work of co-operatiug with the Marquis of Ormonde in the royal cause, he had been occupied with the task of strengthening this position. On the 3rd of March he sent to Sir John GrenviUe from that country as much corn, salt, iron and steel as the ships could stow. His project of starting aa a corsair on a large scale was not disguised. In April he wrote to Grenville on the subject nearest his heart : — " You will receive," he says, " if these ships come safe, such pro visions as we can spare here, and also some men, which I was feign to send out of my own regiment. They are aU armed, and have some [arms] to spare. The officers have formerly served his Majesty. You may trust them. I doubt not ere long to see Scilly a second Venice. It will be for our security and benefit; for if the worst come to the worst, it is but going to ScUly with this fieet, where, after a little whUe, we may get the King a good subsistence ; and, I beUeve, we shaU make a shift to Uve in spite of aU factions." ROBERT BLAKE. 123 The exUed family and their chief adherents seem to have entertained no scruples about thia system of free- booting. On hearing of a new capture, Charles writes from the Hague to his cousin : " Having already dis bursed for the fleet a considerable part of those moneys which we intended for own support and maintenance, and being now totaUy deatitute of means to pay the debts of our dear brother, the Duke of York, and our own, and to provide for the aubaistence of ourselves and family, we are no ways able to discharge the debts contracted at Helvoetsluys for the fleet ; and we intend, therefore, to provide for the satisfaction thereof out of the proceeds of the goods in the ship lately taken, if it prove good prize." — Charles drew on the corsair prince as on a bank ; and when Rupert could no longer meet the demand made on him by his royal cousins out of the stolen property at hand, he had recourse to the goods and chattels laid up for future use in his stronghold at SciUy. Prog, a merchant, who had discounted a biU of 5000Z. drawn by Charles on Rupert, arrived at Kinsale to ask for his money; but being dissatisfied with the prizes offered to him in liquidation of hia claim, the prince gave him 533Z. in gold and silver, and an order on Sir John Grenville, at Scilly, for 10,909 lbs. weight of Ardaaae aUt, as an equivalent for the remaining 4467?. In this way the business of the exiled court was done. Men who had formerly been colonels of regiments be came captains of frigates ; those who could find no vessel to command, repabed to ScUly, Jersey, or Guernsey, to share in the defence or join predatory parties aa volun teers ; so that when St. Mary's Island fell at last into Blate's hands, he found as many colonels and captains in the forts and castles as would have sufficed to officer a large army. The court busied itself daUy with these pbacies. Instead of concerning itself with the affairs of 124 ROBERT BLAKE. nations, with the intrigues at Madrid, London and VersaiUes, the royal Council became engrossed with price- lists, trade speculations, and rates of exchange. Gossip from Amsterdam was received with more eagerness than gossip from Paris. The gravity with which the old states men of the Stuarts discussed the market value of hides, sugar, silk, and timber, was excessively ludicrous. Claren don, Cottington, and the moat reputable members of the party sanctioned thia course of life,— accepting from neces sity that which the Bohemian Princes had adopted from love of adventure and lawlessness of spirit. Nor was Charles averse to share the disgrace as weU as the profit. Carteret, his deputy-governor of Jersey and Guernsey, fitted out a fieet of ten light and fast-saiUng frigates, each carrying eight or ten guns, for the purposes of pbacy, with his consent, if not by his orders, — and this gallant freebooter brought in and sold numerous prizes in the ports of Jersey, while Charles himself was present on the island. In one of his letters to Charles, Prince Rupert gives some account of his lawless adventures during his flight from Kinsale: — "Some forty leagues from shore," he says, " it happened that in the night, by a mistake of a light, aU our fleet [five vessels] except Sb John Mennes's [ship] loat me. Two days after we made early in the morning seven ships to windward. We gave chase to them, and they to us, which proved to be our fleet : MarshaU lieing come in with a prize, and my brother having taken another, made up the seven. At night, being moonlight, we made two great ships and a smaU vessel, which we immediately chased. In the morning the Black Lady, the Black Knight, the Scott, and the Mary overtook them. The smaU ketch bore up right before the wind, and the Black Knight gave chase, but in vain. The other two being proved EngUsh, did not ROBERT BLAKE. 125 alter theb course. Our small ships feU to work, which lasted from seven in the morning until ten, about which time their admiral's main-top- sail-yard and main-saU were shot by the board, which stopped her way until my ship came up, to which she struck without a shot of ours : after which the other yielded also. These prizes being considerable, and being fearful of some disaater, having near three hundred prize-men aboard ua, it was gene raUy thought fit to secure and seU them with the first convenience to do, which no place was thought more convenient nor safe than Lisbon." The goods captured in these vessels he sold to the Portuguese merchants for 30,000Z. ; the vessels themselves he fitted out aa men-of- war. Blake's. vigilance and activity never allowed him to return to the Channel Islands ; but it cost the country much blood and much treasure before they were reduced to obedience. When the news arrived in England that Rupert had quitted BeUeiale on a new piratical expedition, the CouncU of State hastened the preparation of another fleet to go in pursuit of him. The Fabfax, then on the stocks at Deptford, was rapidly finished. Penn was caUed in haste from St. George's Channel, the war being almost at an end in Ireland, and was appointed Vice- admiral of the Straits. The new fieet for the south consisted of eight of the best and fieetest saUers in the navy, commanded by some of the most eminent captains of the age. The fiag-ship, Fairfax, Vice-admiral Penn, carried 52 guns and 250 men ; the Centurion, Captain, afterwards the famous Admiral Sir John Lawson ; the Adventure, Captain Andrew BaU ; the Foresight, Cap tain, afterwards Admbal Howett ; the Pelican, Captain, afterwards Admiral Sir Joseph Jordan; the Assurance, Captain Benjamin Blake, younger brother of the Admi ral ; and the Nonsuch, Captain MUdmay, were aU frigates 126 ROBERT BLAKE. of 36 guns ana 150 men each. The other vessel, the Star, Captain Sandars, carried 22 guns and 80 men. On the heels of this squadron, a fourth fleet, consisting of the Triumph, Tiger, Angel, Bonadventure, Trades-increase, Lion, and Hopeful Luke, — carrying in the whole 1226 men and 270 guns — was sent out under the command of Vice-admiral HaU, for the special purpose of acting as convoy for the protection of English merchants in the waters of Southern Europe. By these squadrons new and enlarged powers were carried out to Blake. Hitherto he had been requbed to forward aU his prizes to England for condemnation and sale ; he waa now desired to deal with his prizes as he thought best for the service, send ing them home or seUing them in foreign ports, and using the money so obtained to revictual and refit his ships as occasion might seem to him to reqube. His commission was renewed for an indefinite term ; and all the naval power of England in thoae seas, with the single exception of HaU's convoy squadron, waa placed at his absolute disposal. This mighty and irresponsible power was wielded by Blake with a wisdom, energy, and success which received unqualified admbation in England, and extorted applause from the moat rancoroua of our enemies abroad. He had no instructions to control his movements. Translated out of the mere forms of office, the language of the CouncU of State to theb great Com mander was briefiy this: — Uphold the interests and the honour of England ; pursue, capture, or destroy its re volted fleet ; protect ita trade and its citizens abroad ; overawe ita rivals and false friends ; harass and humble its avowed enemies ! In the execution of his task he waa bound by no forms of law. The Commonwealth knew that the rulers of the continent were not its friends ; for although war had not been declared ia words, the courts of France, Spain, HoUand, Tuscany, ROBERT BLAKE. 127 and Portugal, had all favoured the royal fugitives, or pronounced their hatred and disdain of the EngUsh people and their ParUament by acts of hostiUty. The old ties of amity, the old treaties of commerce which bound England to the nations of Europe, were aU broken and abrogated by recent events ; and not knowing when or from what quarter a blow might be struck at its peace and honour, it behoved the man who went abroad as the representative of his country, to treat with the suspected powers boldly, proudly, energetically, with words of peace on his Ups, but with his hand always on the hilt of hia aword. After their expulsion from the Tagus, the crews of the revolted fieet were beginning a new life. As adversity gathered round him, Rupert grew reckless. Even a semblance of legality no longer seemed to him needful. " Misfortune being now no novelty to us," says the manuscript memoir found among his papers, " we plough the sea for a subsistence ; and being destitute of a port, we take the confines of the Mediterranean Sea for our harbour: poverty and despair being companions, and revenge our guide." In this spirit the Royalists sailed from Lisbon. Coasting the shores of Andalusia, they feU in with the Malaga fieet during a dart night, and any sail being now regarded aa good prize, they fired into them, and captured two ships. Under cover of night the others escaped, followed by the Second Charles which vessel, missing the signal for retreat, parted company, and was for several days given up as lost. Rupert stood in for Malaga, intending to enter that roadstead by night and surprise the ships lying out of port. With this de sign the frigate Henry was sent forward with instructions to take up, as if by accident, a position between the veaaels and the mole, so that when the Prince fell on them in the night it might prevent them from retreating 128 ROBERT BLAKE. into the harbour. But some of the Henry's men deserted when the frigate anchored off the mole ; and as these deserters informed the Spaniards of the intended night attack, a signal from the batteries warned the ships of their danger, and they stood safely in while it was yet broad day. Finding his plan defeated, Eupert adopted a friendly tone towards the citizens. Not able to drive him away by force, they in their turn tried to soothe his disappointment by the empty honours of a royal salute. As nothing coiUd be got by staying there, the fleet saUed for Veles-Malaga, higher up the coast, where they had heard that some EngUsh merchant-ships were lying in security under the protection of a friendly power. On hearing of the appearance of the Bohemian corsair on the coasts of Andalusia, the governor of Veles-Malaga despatched a courier to Madrid for instructions how to act should the Prince make any hostile demonstration in his district ; but on the plea that this messenger had not retumed when Rupert arrived, he refused to interfere, and six English ships were fired and burnt by him under the guns of the Spanish batteries ! Blake was out at sea, waiting the arrival of a supply of stores sent by the CouncU of State, when inteUigence of this atrocity, committed in a friendly port, reached him. Having already serious causes of complaint against the Spanish court, he wasted no time in communicating with the English Admiralty. Leaving orders for Admi ral Penn to cruise about the mouth of the Guadalquiver, and watch the Une of coast between Cadiz and Gibraltar he at once turned his bows towards the rocky entrance of the Mediterranean, and passed the Straits with all his fleet, being the first English Admbal who had ventured into those remote and celebrated waters since the time of the Crusades. The chase again became close and exciting. Rupert had saUed from Malaga, no one knew whither. ROBERT BLAKE. ,129 At MotrU and at Capo de Gata, Blake could pick up only vague and contradictory rumours. At Capo Pales, near Carthagena, the revolted ships had last been seen in the midat of a tremendous squall ; when, fortunately for their personal safety, the' two princes separated from their companions and ran out to sea. As the storm abated, they descried a Leghorn trader, and the corsair instinct being strong within them, gave chase, foUowing her to the Barbary shore, where she was at last overtaken and captured. The remainder of the revolted ships ran into Carthagena for shelter ; and as soon as the foul weather cleared a little, the English fieet waa seen riding before the harbour, cutting off every hope of escape. Blake sent a messenger to inform the governor of the town that enemies to the Commonwealth of England had taken refuge in that port ; that he, as Admiral, carried instructions from Parliament to pursue and destroy them ; and that, the two nations being then at peace, he hoped to be aUowed to execute his orders without interference. The answer to these demands was not satisfactory. The governor pretended he could see no difference between one EngUahman and another ; he said he had nothing to do with theb private quarrels ; and he concluded by stating his determination to protect every one fiying to his harbour who waa not a declared enemy of his royal master. Spain had not yet learned to comprehend the genius of the young Republic. WhUe professing herself ready to acknowledge the new order of things, she maintained a haughty and suspicious reserve of her real sentiments. Willing enough to see England on doubtful terms with her own enemies, the Dutch and Portuguese — not much offended, in consequence of the late King's behaviour towards the Infanta, at the dis- aatera of the royal house, the court of Madrid, neverthe less, assumed a right to suspend judgment on the course I30 ROBERT BLAKE. of events— to hold out a hand to either party as it might suit its pleasure or poUcy — and when occasion served to treat both Roundheads and EoyaUsts with indifference and disdain. Nor was this proud caprice the only thing which Blake found written in his boot of wrongs. Early in the year Anthony Ascham had been sent by the CouncU of State as their ambassador to Madrid. A suitable residence not being ready for him when he arrived, he repabed to an hotel with his servants and Baptista Eiva hia interpreter. Clarendon and Cottington were then in Madrid prosecuting a hopeless suit in favour of theb master ; and on hearing that Ascham was on the road from Cadiz, where he had received hospitaUty from the people, the two lords protested in bitter and indig nant terms to Don Louis de Haro against his reception at court ; and even hinted that, in their opinion, it would not be safe for him to appear in Madrid. Whether the Eoyalist lords were guUty of more than a wicted sugges tion to their servants is a point involved in mystery; what is quite certain is the fact that Henry Progress, one of their personal attendants, and five other needy Cavaliers, went to Ascham' s hotel the day after his arrival, and finding him alone with Eiva at dinner, rushed in upon the two men, crying — Welcome, gaUanta ! wel come ! In a moment they both feU on the fioor pierced with many wounds. This atrocious deed, done in broad day, on the sacred person of an ambaasador, in the centre of a great city, and imder the eye of the court, raiaed a storm of indignation not only in Spain and England but all over Europe. Clarendon and Cottington were sus pected of being privy to the murder ; and Don Louis gave them to understand that if the enraged populace of London should retaUate on his ambassador there, the King would hold them responsible for the shedding of innocent blood. A special agent was sent to deprecate ROBERT BLAKE. 131 the wrath of Parliament, and a great parade was made of prosecuting the assaaains. But Progress, the man whose confession was of greatest consequence, was kept secreted in the Venetian embaasy ; the other scoundrels, though murderers could not lawfully plead privUege of sanctuary, were aUowed to remain in a church to which they ran reeking with blood ; and after some time the priests organised a scheme for their escape, which they aU effected except Sparks, who waa taken in the act and executed. Theae events made it absolutely necessary for Blake to show a strong hand at Carthagena. Disdaining to notice the governor's pretended ignorance of the state of things in England, he bore down on the revolters, mastered the Eoebuck, set fire to another ship, and drove the remainder on shore utterly disabled. The guns, tackle, furniture, stores and ammunition were saved by the crews, and after some negotiation these were de livered up by the Spaniards to the Admbal's agent. With the exception of the Eeformation and the SwaUow, the two veaaela in which the princes saUed, and the Mar maduke, theb recent prize, the whole of the revolted fieet was now captured and destroyed ; and that corsair power, only a few daya ago an object of terror to the pacific traders of aU nations, was reduced to so mere a wreck that it seemed impossible for it ever again to become an element in the European waters. Not to leave a remnant behind him, Blake endea voured to gain some inteUigence of Rupert ; and, put on a false acent, either by design or otherwise, he steered for Majorca, expecting to find him lurking about the ports of that island. But the two brothers, feeling that the game waa nearly up, — for three veaaels would be unable to attact merchant convoys with certain success, and from the position of royal corsabs making war on a grand scale againat all fiags and fleets, they had now K 2 132 ROBERT BLAKE, become petty plunderers of unarmed vessels, — stood across for Toulon, where they had reason to expect a friendly reception from the omnipotent Cardinal Riche lieu, that statesman being for the moment on bad terms with the Commonwealth. A sudden storm, however, separated the Eeformation from its two feUows ; Maurice rode, with his prize, into the great road of Toulon, where he was quietly allowed to seU her cargo ; Eupert was driven by bad weather to the east, as far as SicUy, in which island he was compeUed to remain part of the winter, entbely uncertain as to his brother's fate. At length, however, he reached Toulon, whither he was quickly foUowed by the EngUsh squadron. Blake instantly sent into the town to protest against the honours and succours granted in a friendly port to fugitives from justice and enemies to the Engliah Par liament. This remonstrance producing no effect, the Admbal declared that he should consider the permitted sale in that port of a cargo of EngUsh goods, piraticaUy seized, as an hostUe act; and that unless ChevaUer Paul, the French Admiral then commanding in the road, undertook to drive the corsairs from his harbour and restore theb plunder to its lawful owners, he should hold himself free to make reprisals on the commerce of France. The ChevaUer tried to avoid the neceaaity for such destructive measures, by hastening the departure of his dangerous guests. With his assistance they refitted and prepared for sea, when seizing a favourable opportunity, they escaped from the roadstead, and passed through the Balearic Islands. Penn was left to destroy the pirates ; he chased them from port to port, without faUing in with them. Broken in spbits and in fortune, they made their way to the West Indies, where they Uved by plundering the commerce of Spain and England ; and were now and then heard of ia ROBERT BLAKE 133 Europe for several years after through the tale of some hapless merchant returning from the New World beg gared by their depredations. At length the two brothers parted company in a tropical storm. Maurice was never heard of again : but Eupert Uved to invent pinchbeck, and to enjoy the amenities of the Eestoration. Nothing is more curious in the history of those times than the way in which Blake exercised the tremendoua powers entrusted to him by the Council of State. Men of office and ancient routine were startled by his bold and open poUcy, so far removed from the old turns aud tricks of diplomacy. Hia logic was brief and simple : in face of any event he asked himaelf but one queation — Is thia for the honour and intereat of England ? Whatever the answer, that settled the question. If it appeared to him clear that the thing ought to be done, it was done. There waa no looting right or left, backward or forward, to antecedents or consequences. Portugal and Spain had refused either to do justice or to give him formal permission to execute justice for himself; caring Uttle for theb offended majesty and pride, he had taken the matter into his own hands, and had taught them that the young Commonwealth of England would not be cheated, like an old and decrepit monarchy, with lying laws and treacherous formaUtiea. France had now rouaed his ire, and powerful as that coimtry was under the great Cardi nal's sway, it soon felt the inconvenience of the reprisals which he never threatened in vain. Months before the affair of the Marmaduke at Toulon, there had been some sUght bickering between the two navies. James, Duke of York, had isaued from the Hague a number of blank commiasions to be filled up by his agents with the names of persons able and wUling to fit out privateers and harass the coasts and commerce of England, aU goods taken by them being declared beforehand lawful prey. 134 ROBERT BLAKE.' Under the sanction of these commissions, men who cared nothing for Roundheads or CavaUers, EepubUcs or Monarchies, chartered fieet saUers, and manning them powerfuUy, roved about the narrow seas in search of plunder. Some of their prizes had been carried into Brest and Havre ; and speedy justice not being obtained for this wrong from the Court of VersaiUes, ParUament in its turn had isaued letters of marque against French vessels. Except in a single case, where he found a French man-of-war lying in wait for English merchants, Blake had hitherto scrupulously avoided every appear ance of an intention to carry out his free instructions ; but after the authorities at Toulon had openly received the revolters, he felt himself bound to retaUate on every occasion that should offer itself. On his voyage homeward, he captured four French prizes, — one of them a fine frigate of forty guns, the combat with which reads like an episode in an ancient romance. Meeting the Frenchman in the Straits, Blate signalled for the captain to come on board his fiag-ship ; and he, consi dering the visit one of friendship and ceremony, there being no declared war between the two nations, readUy answered the invitation. The Admbal, when he entered his cabin, told him he was a prisoner ; and asked him if he would give up his sword. Astounded at such a demand, the Frenchman boldly answered— No ! Blake felt that an unfab advantage had been gained as the captain probably knew nothing of the Toulon affab or of the English threat of reprisals ; and scorning to make a brave officer the victim of a mistake, he told him he might go back to his ship, if he wished, and fight it out as long as he was able. The captain thanked him for his handsome offer and retired. After two houra' hard fighting he struck his flag, and being brought once more on board the flag-ship, Uke a true French knight ROBERT BLAKES 135 he made a low bow, kissed hia sword affectionately and deUvered it to his conqueror. After an absence of twenty months, during which he had completely dispersed and destroyed the revolters, rebuked the pride of Portugal, read a significant lesson to Spain and France, freed the southern and great mid land seas from privateers, and left a salutary dread of the young Commonwealth on the shores of Barbary and among the naval powers of Italy, Blate retumed to England. For the first time during centuries the fieets of Venice and Genoa had found themselves in the immediate neighbourhood of an English power; and though the name of Blake had not yet grown into the word of terror it became in those diatant parts a few years later, the rights and the honour of Englishmen began to be respected from the date of his first me morable cruise in the Mediterranean. Applause and more substantial rewards awaited him at home. The Council of State made him a Warden of the Cinque Ports. ParUament recorded its special thanks in his favour and voted him a donation of a thousand pounds. The whole country rang with the renown of a man who had revived the traditional glories of the EngUah navy and exerciaed ao perilous a power with unequalled wisdom, resolution and success. Blake had little time allowed him for repose. Though the strength of the corsair Prince had been broken, the hold which he had buUt for himself at Scilly, not only held out against the power of ParUament, but the desperate men whom he had thrown into it continued to harass peaceful tradera. The reduction of this group of rocks, together with the islands of Guernsey and Jersey, firmly held by the brave and enterprising Carteret, was the naval work laid out by the Council for the year 1651. Fears were entertained of Dutch interference ; Van 136 ROBERT BLAKE: Tromp, the oldest aeaman of the naval Eepublic, was at sea with a mighty fieet and auapicioua inatructions. Par liament auspected him of a deaign against the islands, for which the depredations of the corsabs would have sup plied some sort of excuse, and they sent ambassadors to the States General to demand explanations. At the same time they prepared to reduce the islands and scatter the pirates, and to remove all pretext for the intervention of Van Tromp. The former coUeagues were again named Generals of the Fleet ; and in April Blake and Ascue threatened St. Mary's, the largest of the Scilly group and the residence of the governor. On receiving the usual summons to surrender. Sir John GrenviUe repUed in the tone of a man prepared to impose rather than aubmit to conditions. He said he was wUUng to enter into a treaty ; but he spoke of having a large force at his disposal, not only sufficient to maintain the islands, but to restore the exUe to the throne of his fathers. Despising this bombast, Blake selected eight hundred men, under the command of Captain Morris, to land at the back of Tresco, an island lying againat St. Mary's, and of all the SciUy group the next to it in size and military importance. A garriaon of nearly a thouaand men, posted behind a line of breaatworks, opposed this attempt ; but the Eoundheads threw themselves into the water, waded to shore, and as soon as the first com pany could form, advanced pike in hand to assault the entrenched positions. The cavaUers fought gaUantly, disputing the ground with pike and pistol after theb field-artiUery had failed. But having obtained a lodg ment in the outset, Morris held his conquest stoutly, and when night put an end to the contest the garrison withdrew to their boats aud passed over to St. Mary's, leaving Blake in possession of their works, arms, and some prisoners. At daybreak the Eoundheads pushed ROBERT BLAKE. 137 forward, passed the ridges of high ground, and came down the south slopes of the island, when one of the most picturesque and striking scenes in Europe burst on their sight. In front, girt with rugged rocks and green islets, rose the wealthy and populous island of St. Mary's, crowned with ramparts and caatles. Be low lay the narrow roadstead, shut in by innume rable rocks and points of land like a beautiful alpine lake, in which the pbate pinnaces and caravals were moored. As the light of morning feU on green meadow and rugged peak, on busy town and shining water, the beauty of the scene appealed to the sternest heart. Little time, however, had the Eoundheads to spend in admbing wonder. Their chief soon fixed on a jutting point of ground, somewhat in advance of the regular lines for a battery, which, when finished, would sweep St. Mary's harbour and roadstead, and prevent the arrival of reUef from Jersey or the harboura of Normandy. Erected almoat aa soon as it waa planned, this battery became a source of deep annoyance to the garrison. Gren vUle' s position was indeed growing critical. Besides the population, itself larger than the natural means of supply, more than sixteen hundred men were crowded together on the little islet ; and as aU chance of free communica tion with theb friends on the Continent was for the moment cut off, the CavaUers saw themselves reduced either to submit to a blockade, certain to end in their destruction, or by a bold and combined effort to dislodge the enemy from Tresco, and again open the paasage of the main roadstead. The latter, however, seemed a desperate adventure. Blake had landed a considerable force at Tresco and encamped them, aa the remains of lines and mud-huts atUl show, on a low neck of land facing the harbour ; aud nothing less than a battle and decisive victory could have enabled the Cavaliers to 138 ROBERT BLAKE. regain the position they had so hastUy abandoned. MeanwhUe, seeing that hia batteries produced little or no effect on the castles at that distance, Blake adopted a bold and unexpected resolution. He brought his frigates through the intricate and dangerous channels, planted them in the roadstead under the castle guns, and pre pared to fight a regular battle of artillery between land and sea. This feat has been achieved so often in later times, that it ia not easy now to estimate the daring which it then implied. Up to that day it had been considered a fundamental maxim in marine warfare that a ship coiUd not attack a castle or other strong fortification with any hope of success. Blake was the first to perceive and demonstrate the faUacy of this maxim ; and the experi ment, afterwards repeated by him in the more brUUant attacks on Porto Ferine and Santa Cruz, was first tried at the siege of St. Mary's. With great labour he got some of his lighter frigates through the rocks and shoals of that intricate channel, and moored them in the road, — when a furious cannonade began from the castle, stiU more fiercely anawered by broadsides, and raged until dark. Daybreak saw thia contest of cannon recommenced : but the battle was decided in favour of the frigates. A practicable breach being made in the castle wall, the command for an assault was given by Blate, when Gren vUle, very much changed in his opinion as to the impreg nable strength of the pirate hold, sent to beg a parley, which ended in an engagement on his part to surrender the islands, garrisons, stores, arms, ammunition, standards, and aU other implements and materials of war, on con dition that the lives of the officers, soldiers, and volun teers should be spared ; the common soldiers and saUors being allowed to enter the nation's service, and the gentlemen sent to London to await the final decision of Parliament in their favour. These terms were thought ROBERT BLAKE. 139 by many to be too favourable to the EoyaUsts, — and that fallen party began to look up to Blake as the moat friendly or the moat lenient of their conquerora. To prevent the garriaon from giving cause of alarm, he sent part of the men into Ireland and the rest to Scotland, to be there incorporated with the armies of the Common wealth. Sir John Grenville and the corsair gentlemen taken with him, arms in hand, were put on board Sir George Aacue's squadron and carried into Plymouth sound. Acting in the spirit of Plate's articles. Parlia ment treated Sir John GrenvUle with extreme leniency. He was even permitted to enjoy his forfeited famUy estates without molestation. For some years his turbulent soul, rebuted by a cause equaUy strong and magnanimous, remained quiet ; but after the death of CromweU he again appeared on the stage and played a conspicuous part in the drama of the Eesto ration. The SciUy Islands cleared of their lawless occupants, Blate turned hia attention to Jersey and Guernsey, the only remaining strongholds of the corsab power. Carteret commanded as deputy for Lord Jermyn. Carteret, a gallant officer, who had served in the royal navy whUe the navy was yet called royal, and had received and refused the appointment of Vice-Admi ral under the Earl of Warwict, was one of the ablest generals and stanchest Cavaliers whom Blake had to encounter by land or sea ; and his prolonged defence of these islands, especially that of Jersey, which he con ducted in person, though in the end it was unsuccessful, covered his name with glory — and after the restoration of the Stuarts, when he became co-proprietor of an American province, Charles insisted on calling it New Jersey, in honour of his famous exploit. The sphere of duty which devolved on him at Jersey was exactly suited 140 ROBERT BLAKE. to his capacities. Daring as Eupert himself, but cautious as he was brave, his piratical adventures were conducted with forethought, gaUantry and success. For more than two years his name had been a terror to the London merchants, and the council-board at Westminster was tept in a fiutter of fear and rage by the letters which arrived almost weekly with accounts of the discomfiture aud loss suffered by vessels carrying the national flag at the hands of this terrible freebooter. Whitelocke's journal throws jets of light on the scene of these disasters, whUe Blake was chasing Eupert in the south of Europe. For instance : — On Feb. 21, 1650, " letters that several merchantmen have been taken on the western coast by Jersey pirates; " Feb. 26, "letters that two Dutchmen laded with salt came to anchor within half a league of Dartmouth Caatle, and that presently two Jersey pbates came up with them, cut their cables and carried them away." The gunners in the castle fired on the bold marauders, but without effect. Success made them stiU more daring, and the complaints laid before the Council became more frequent and more vehement. March 1, "letters of Jersey pirates very bold on the western coast ; " March 6, " letters of several ships taken by the Jersey pirates ; " Mar. 15, " of the want of frigates on the western seas to keep in the Jersey pbates ; " March 17, " of the Jersey pbates taking several merchant- ships, and none of the ParUament frigates to help them ; " March 19, " letters of the pbacies committed by those of Jersey." A few of the more respectable inhabitants of Jersey had firmly resented the loss of character brought upon their island by these piracies. La Cloche, an eloquent divine, denounced the thief from the pulpit ; declared that Jersey had become a nest of pirates, a second Dunkbk, and proposed an appeal to the ting against the acts of his disreputable friends. Carteret ELIZABETH CASTLE, JERSEY. ROBERT BLAKE. 141 threw the preacher into gaol, and would have hung him had he found a decent pretext. Even after the appearance of Blake and Ascue off the Scilly Islands, Carteret, still confident in hia own re sources and secure in a fortress which since the days of RoUo had never been assaUed with success, continued his destructive warfare on commerce. He had, indeed, no choice. Upwards of four thouaand men, the remains of veteran armies and sea-roving adventurers, thronged the two little islands. He was bound to feed them, and it was desirable to keep the more daring spirits employed at sea. Of Jersey itself he had no fears. Its position was atrong by nature, and had been rendered yet atronger by art. Storms rarely cease in that part of the English Channel. Sunken rocks, lying near the surface, not only render the navigation extremely dangerous for large vessels, even with good pilots, but cause violent currents, cross currents, and cataracts at every ebb and fiow of tide. Nature itself seemed to have fashioned the coast of Jersey, rocky, steep, and broken, as the ramparts of a vast and impregnable fortress. Skilful en gineers had added EUzabeth Caatle, Mount OrgueU and Comet Caatle to the natural defences. Elizabeth Caatle, buUt on a bold and isolated rock in St. Aubin's Bay, facing St. Heliers, the chief town in Jersey, and about a mUe from the mainland, was at that time considered one of the strongest mUitary positions in the world. This fortress, the tey of his defensive operations. Sir George Carteret commanded in person. Mount OrgueU he entrusted to Sb PhUip Carteret : and Cornet Castle, in Guernsey, to Colonel Burgess. While the sea was yet open to the marauders, they sent pressing entreaties to Lord Jermyn and to the royal exiles for immediate succour : — and in this position the Cavaliers awaited the Roundhead squadron. 142 ROBERT BLAKE. WhUe the expedition against these islands was fitting out at Plymouth under his personal dbectious, Blate employed a few stolen moments in visiting the naval stations on the coast, in strengthening weat points, in re distributing the naval force, in stimulating the energy of his coUeagues and in rectifying legions of abuses. His flag-ship, the Victory, fiew about the Channel. One day its bright pennon waa streaming in the Downs, the next day it was found at Spithead or in Plymouth Sound. Where work was to be done, apathy aroused, energy increased, there was the Victory and its indomitable Admbal. The tardy routine of the Navy Commission was the high rock against which his reaiatless wiU rolled with the least effect. Week after week he urged this body to proceed with greater rapidity and resolution. The ScUly lalea reduced, theae officials saw no reason for maintaining a force at the Land's End ; but Blake told them it was necessary to keep several powerful vessels at that point ; to send a frigate to watch the Isle of Man and check the Irish marauders who continued to infest St. George's Channel ; and to station a regular garrison on St. Mary's Island. When he quitted the ScUly Islands for Ply mouth, he left a favourite officer, Colonel Bennett, in command of the Commonwealth forces there ; and whUe the Scotch army remained in England he kept up a re gular correspondence with him, considering that station as one of very great importance. Much of this corre spondence is now lost ; but the foUowing brief note, relating to land as weU as to sea events, has escaped the common doom. "Plymouth, August 26th, 1651. "Yesterday I wrote unto the Com^ of the MiUtia, which I beUeve you have partaken of, — How that ac cording to the intelUgence I have received the enemy waa possessed of Worcester. By the pacquet this morn- ROBERT BLAKE. 143 ing, I am informed that the enemy bended his course towards that place, but to prevent him coming there was a considerable force put into it. He is at a stand, knowing not where to go, and his forces mutinous in respect of their tedious marches. It hath pleased God to take out of this life my partner. Col. Popham, who died of a fever in the Downs, by reason whereof I be lieve my stay wiU not be long here. I have no more at present but to renew my desbe that an eye may be had upon the disaffected." In the depots and dockyards the abuses against which he had to struggle were of the most formidable kind. Many of the ships were not sea-worthy. The stores, provisions and warlike materials were very deficient ; and the seamen's wages were often in arrear. Blake com peUed the authorities in London to listen to complaints ; and from the extracts of letters written by various cap tains of vessels which he submitted to their conside ration, it is stUl possible to gather some idea of the extreme poverty of means with which he had to per form hia wondrous exploits. An example or two will suffice for this purpose : Captain Pearce, he says, writ ing from Londonderry on the 27th of August of thia year, " complains that the fleets on that coast generaUy stand in great need of victuals, desires speedy suppUes thereof, otherwise must greatly suffer; goes to half allow ance, drinks water; hath but seven days' provi aiona, moat of it atinks ; butter and cheese not edible." Cap tain Veaaey, of the Truelove, writing from Liverpool in the same month, complains, he says, that "the frigate wants all manner of stores ; stands in great need of trim ming ; is very leaky ; when she bears up hath a foot of water above the ceiling; hath been out nineteen months; her men in great need of pay to provide clothes for winter." This was very much the state of the fleet 144 ROBERT BLAKE. throughout. A letter written by Blake to the Commis sioners at theb office on Tower Hill, from Plymouth on the 28th of August, proves his minute attention to every thing connected with the welfare of his men, and exhibits one of the abuses — the plan of paying all the seamen's wages in London — which for a long time resisted all the influence brought to bear on it by the reformer. — " Gentlemen," this letter runs, " there hath been this summer divers mariners prest in this and other western ports into the States' ships ; and, in respect their habitations are so far distant from London, many of them have, upon the going in of the ships they served in, been discharged here ; and one Mr. Edward Pattiaon of this town, out of charity hath paid them their tickets, they being poor people and not able to look after it alone. This man acquaints me that for some tickets, notwithstanding he hath been without his money a good while, he ia in danger to lose it through delay. I know not what the reason is, but I beUeve what he did was merely to relieve and ease the poor men. I therefore make it my desire to you that you wUl give orders for the payment of such tickets as he hath or shaU present unto you, they agreeing both in entriea and diacharges with the muster-books, and thereby Mr. Pattiaon not put to unnecessary attend ance. Therein you wiU not only obUge him but also your affectionate friend, Robert Blake." The rectification of abuaea, and the political imcer- tainties which arose for a moment through the Scotch invasion of England, detained the fieet at Plymouth several months. MeanwhUe Carteret maintained his reputation as a daring and successful cruiser. Undaunted by the fall of Sir John Grenville at Scilly, he swept the sea from Land's End to Portland Reach, and the Council had stiU the mortification to receive the letters which ROBERT BLAKE. 145 Whitelocte has briefly reported : -^April 17, 1651, " letters of the Jersey pirates fating two barques laden in sight of Portland ; " April 21, " of more prizes taten by the Jersey pbates, and of Captain Bennett's fighting two of them four hours;" July 14, "that five English vessels were taken by boats from Jersey, carrying four or five guns apiece;" July 18, "letters of two prizes taken by a Jersey frigate of eight guns, twenty-four oars and eighty men, and that there were twelve of those frigates belonging to Jersey;" August 7, "letters of much damage done by the Jersey pirates ; " September 27, " letters of the Jersey pirates doing much mischief on the western coast." By the middle of October the English fleet was almost ready for sea. Blake hoisted his flag in the Happy Entrance, a forty-four gun-ship. Captain John Coppin. The battle of Worcester had put an end to embar- raaaments on land, and left the powers that ruled in Weatminater time to think of such matters as national honour and the security of trade. Taking Colonel Haynes and his regiment on board, together with two other regiments of foot, and four troops of horae, Blake sailed from Plymouth sound ; and on the 20th of Octo ber, after suffering from a terrible storm, which scattered and slightly damaged many of his ships, he obtained a precarious anchorage in St. Ouen's Bay on the west side of Jersey. The sea broke furiously on the rocky shore, and a heavy rain added to the difficulty of making obaervations. But the officers of the Happy Entrance could see that the coast was alive with defenders, horse and foot, men active, courageous and well-disciplined. After a brief rest, Blake ordered his boats to be lowered at three in the morning, but the waves broke too grandly in theb front to permit a landing. When day dawned, a second attempt was made, but without 146 ROBERT BLAKE. success. Carteret had only to look on and see his enemy baffled by the elements. The boats put off, filled with armed marines, dismounted troopers and their horses, bodies of infantry with their pikes and matchlocks ; but the sea rose before them lite a vast rampart, and one or two boats which ventured into the raging surf, were overset in an instant. Blate resolved to try the effect of a cannonade. The ahips being got into position, the cannoneers began to play, and their fire was quickly answered from several little forts and redoubts iu the bay, as well as from twenty-four brass field-pieces at tached to the militia service. In the fury of the moment some of the frigates ran close enough for the men on board to use their muskets, and many Cavaliers rushed into the water in the eagerness of theb zeal ; but as a cannonade of four hours' duration, in which the Round head gunners spared neither powder nor shot, produced no apparent effect on the garrison, the fleet drew off to a more sheltered position in St. Brelard's Bay, about a league distant, where the Admbal made a new dispo sition of his power. One squadron was sent back to St. Ouen's Bay; another was ordered to take up a strong position in St. Aubin's Bay, over against St. Heliers, and ready to act against EUzabeth Castle. Other ships were commanded to cruise off the coast of St. Clements, threatening every hour to make a descent ; and a further division was sent to GrouvUle Bay, on the extreme east of the island, to operate againat Mount OrgueU Castle. These move ments perplexed the defenders, and Carteret was obliged to detach a part of his forces to wait on and watch each squadron. Blake himself remained in the Happy En trance at anchor in St. Brelard's Bay, and the chief force of the Royalists encamped on the rising grounds, ready to resist the Eoundheads should they attempt to land- ROBERT BLAKE. 147 A little after midnight, though a thin rain was still faUing, the moon broke out for a few minutes, and by her pale light Carteret saw that a large body of foot was being lowered from the ships into flat-bottomed boats brought from Plymouth for that service, — in all ten battalions of four thousand men. A brisk fire was opened on them from two small batteries erected in favourable positions on the shore, and mounted with excellent ordnance. The Happy Entrance replied with her broadsides, and other of the Eoundhead ships joined in the cannonade. But either in consequence of the discovery of their intention, or because the tremendous sweU of the sea prevented the necessary measures being taken, the attempt to land that night was aban doned. When the battalions returned to their ships, new orders were given out. A squadron of nineteen sail was left in St. Brelard's Bay to occupy the attention of the camp, while Blake, with the remaining body, returned to his former position in St. Ouen's Bay, where he had found more sea-room, and had now resolved to effect his purpose of throwing Colonel Haynes and his troops on shore. Sir George Carteret left the dragoons and his own company of fusiliers, supported by four companies of mUitia, to watch the nineteen ahipa and frigates, and started with the infantry on a harassing night-march along the beach ; keeping the fleet in view as well as he could in the uncertain light of early morning. Blake's policy was to wear out the men by constant marches, alarms and cannonades. Every moment some of the fleet-guns thundered at the shore, or at the exposed column ; and many times during the long march Carteret had to halt and bring his artillery into position and return the fire. Nor could he gain a single moment's repose for his harassed comrades during the day. In stead of pulling up his fleet in the centre of the bay, l2 148 ROBERT BLAKE. as was expected, Blake held on his course, making for Letac, the extreme northern point of land, and thither Carteret was compelled to follow him. But as soon as the ships were all come up in front of that headland, the captains were - signalled to tack about and return to the southern point. La Frouque, five or six miles distant. Carteret could no longer keep his men together. They had been under arms three days and two nights, during which time rain had fallen without intermission; they had made several marches and counter- marches over bad roads and broken ground ; and they had stood the fierce though intermittent fire from the enemy's ships. At sunset he allowed them to depart for the neighbouring villages in search of refreshment and repose ; he himself, with a few dragoons, alone remaining on the beach, along which, however, he had aU the camp-fires Ughted. The weather changed in the night. The rain ceased, the wind died away, and the awell of the sea abated ; but not a star was visible, no moon arose to tell the tale of preparation ; for years, the pitchy darkneaa of the sky that night was recoUected as an omen of disaster. The fires along the shore appeared to warn the Admiral that his endeavour to throw Haynes' regiment on shore at that point would be attended with other diffi culties than a threatening sea and a rocky coast on a dark night. Yet nothing could check his ardour. So long familiar with success, he despised obstacles ; and towards the close of the civil war even the Eoundhead soldiers had learned to feel that contempt for Cavalier prowess, which at an earlier period the Cavaliers had affected to feel for the valour of tailors and serving-men. At eleven o'clock at night, the boats were again lowered, and by a desperate and gallant effort were run ashore. Holding their arms above their heads, the men leapt into the surf, many of them up to the neck in water, and ROBERT BLAKE. 1/19 pushed for land. While struggling to obtain firm footing, and to free themselves from the returning surges, Car teret's horse rode down furiously with the hope of forcing them back into the sea ; but, forming his men in the dark midnight, Haynes led them to the charge, and, after a confiict of half-an-hour, he drove the Cavalier horse from the field, and pursued them inland more than a mile. Early next morning, Haynes marched against a fort near his halting-place, but found it abandoned. Several pieces of cannon and some colours fell into his hands, but no enemy appeared to dispute his advance. During that day and the next day other forts and mili tary positions .were taken without a blow ; and in three days the whole island, with the exception of Mount OrgueU and Elizabeth Castle, had surrendered. Finding it useless to contend in the open field with his dispbited troops against the victorious Eoundheads, Carteret withdrew his entire force into Mount OrgueU and the Castle, which laat place he had a reaaonable' proapect of maintaining against every aasault. Money, guns, ammunition, stores, and provisions for eight months had been carefully piled up there in anticipation of the siege which now threatened it. Cut off from the mainland and surrounded by rocks and seas, commanding the island though not commanded by it, Elizabeth Castle was conaidered an impregnable fortreas. The nearest point of land on which a fort could be raised against it was more than three-fourths of a mile distant, and the sunken rocks lay so near the surface all round, that a frigate or man-of-war could not approach it within several furlongs. With plenty of men and an occasional supply of provisions from France, Carteret hoped to hold this rock until a change of fortune came to his royal master ; and into this fortress the chiefs of the I50 ROBERT BLAKE. Cavalier gentry, the clergy of the ialand, and a picked garrison retired at the approach of the Eoundheads. Haynes and his victorious troops took posaeasion of St. Heliers. Having already battered down a strong fort at St. Mary's Island, Blake believed he could also damage Elizabeth Castle from his fleet ; and therefore sending Colonel Haynes to invest Mount OrgueU by land, he himself carried his frigates into St. Aubin's Bay, and planting them as near the fortifications aa the pilot could find sea-room, he opened a tremendous fire on its old walls. The garrison answered with a loud cannonade. But at the very outset of this furious attack, an acci dental shot from the Happy Entrance produced a disastrous moral effect on the defenders. A cannon-ball struck the little church on the rock, splintered the stones and killed several persons ; at which Lady Carteret was so alarmed that she earnestly entreated her husband to make terms with the Admiral before the island was blown to pieces. The commander was himself firm ; but so many persons, male and female, pestered him with their fears, that he was forced to send away his best boats with them that very night to France. Neither Lady Carteret nor the ladies and gentlemen who accom panied her in her hasty fiight could have been of much use in the defence. But seeing these persons going on board under cover of the dark night, a part of the regular garrison, equally desirous of saving theb lives, made an attempt to get off ; and aU who were taken in the act of trying to escape were hanged as deserters. StiU further to diapbit the defendera, Mount OrgueU surrendered after a, fortnight's siege : — Sir Philip Car teret obtaining from Blake the promise of an amnesty and act of oblivion for himself and his comrades in arms, a promise which was in due time confirmed to them ROBERT BLAKE. 151 by ParUament. Twenty brass and iron guna, as many barrels of powder, a thousand stand of arms, and two months' provisions for seventy men, were the spoils of the victors. The land forces were then moved to a hiU near St. Heliers and opposite the Caatle. But the ordinary field-artillery waa uaeless at so vast a range, and Blake had to send to Plymouth for mortars of greater calibre. From these mortars a succession of missUes were thrown into the castle ; many of the houses were knocked down aud multitudes were kiUed by the exploding grenades ; but, without one word of encouragement from his master, one message of hope from Lord Jermyn, Carteret gallantly held his little rock for two whole months, though at a terrific sacri fice of human life. At last a magazine of stores was blown up and eighty officers and men were buried in the ruins. This crowning calamity induced him to hoist a white fiag, and after a parley, to surrender on condition of being taten, with such officers as chose to go, and landed safely at St. Maloes, on the coast of Normandy. The garrison had been reduced to three hundred and eighty men. A great park of artillery, and stores of powder, shot, bread, beer, beef, salt, wine and brandy, were found in the remaining magazines. After these signal successes. Comet Caatle, in Guernsey, sur rendered without a blow, — and the English seas were at last cleared of every enemy to the Commonwealth of England. For this important service Blake received the special thanks of Parliament, as did also Colonel Haynes. A public thanksgiving was ordered for these victories and for the conquest of Limerick, which city had been taken about the same time. The election of members for the Council of State being about to take place, Blake was nominated by Parliament, in a full House, 153 ROBERT BLAKE. one of that supreme body. His hands were already full. He was a Commissioner for sequestrating the Estates of Somerset Delinquents — a Commissioner for purging the Ministry of improper persons — a Com missioner of the Navy and Admbalty — a member of the Houae of Commons — and a member of the Council of State. And now, as if these offices implied no cares and duties, he was appointed, in the probable event of a fierce and sanguinary war with Holland, sole General- at-Sea for the ensuing year. But this accumulation of offices and honours did not prevent the great seaman from looking with care and courtesy to the interest of his humblest companions in glory. His letters at this as at every other time exhibit his characteristic kindneas of heart, showing the utmost readiness to hear complaints and to rectify grievances. One of his earliest suggestiona to the Navy- Commis sioners, after the reduction of the Channel Islands left them at leisure to think of abuses at home, was a strong recommendation for them to adopt the plan of paying the seamen's wages in the port in which they were discharged, and as soon as they came on shore ; so as neither to give them the trouble of walking to London nor keep them waiting several days at Ports mouth or Plymouth, in idleness, at great expense, and at a distance from all the salutary infiuences of family and home. His regard for minor and individual cases of distress was illustrated by numerous special appli cations to the Commissioners. Every sufferer found a zealous advocate in his Admiral. And although abuses of many kinds continued to prevail at the Admiralty Office and in the dock-yards, defying every effort of the courageous reformer, there is reason to suppose that when Blake pleaded the cause of his own seamen, he generally obtained justice for the applicants. CHAPTER VI. THE DUTCH WAE. A CHEEisnED dream of the English Republicans had been the idea of forming the United Provinces of Holland and the new insular Commonwealth into one mighty Protestant state. The Dutch were the greatest naval power in the world. The sea seemed to be their native element, — aud their fleets of war and commerce were known in every port, from the farthest east to the remotest west. Their colonial empire was only inferior in extent to that of Spain ; while their wealth, energy, and valour, gave promise of an indefinite expansion. England possessed a larger home territory, better har bours, and a finer geographical position. Its population was more numerous ; its maritime reaourcea were scarcely inferior ; and its land forces, after putting down the proudest chivalry of Europe, were no longer to be compared with the mercenary troops of Italy and the Empire. A confederation of the two Common wealths would, therefore, have produced a vast and powerful Republic, capable, should the need arise, of resisting all the crowns of the Continent. Such a confederation would have been able to dictate peace to powers like France and Spain. It would have secured the ascendancy of Protestant ideas and a liberal policy in the north and west of Europe ; and would have 154 ROBERT BLAKE. furnished a ground from which knowledge and free institutions might have contended against the igno rance, bigotry and despotism which in modem times have found their strongholds in the east and south. But this splendid conception was opposed by commercial jealousies and dynastic interests. WUliam, second Prince of Orange of that name, had married in the days of Stuart rule, a daughter of Charles I. ; so that iu addition to his princely antipathy to commonwealths, he was urged to thwart the idea of such an aUiance by the powerful motive of a possible succession for his wife and chUdren to the English throne. He was popular with the lower classes of his countrymen ; and so long as he lived, the two Protestant states remained on bad terms. He refused to extend to the Parliament's agents the ordi nary protection of the D utch laws. Dorislaus, its first envoy, was murdered at the Hague by foUowers of Montrose. Strickland, who succeeded to the perUous office, suffered daily insults in the public streets. Yet no redress could be obtained. Recent prosperity, a career of victory unrelieved by check, had raised the pride of Holland to the highest. AVithin a few years the renowned Admbals of the Republic had humbled the power of Spain, punished the insolence of Dunkirk, compelled the Prince of Salee and the Deys of Tunis and Algiers to sue for peace, and made the Sultan of Fez and Morocco tremble on his distant throne. After such successes, nothing seemed to them beyond the reach of their ambition ; and many of their people, led by the Orange party, were anxious for a rupture with England at the moment of its supposed exhaustion, believing that in a few weeks they could wrest from it the vain but fiercely disputed right to be considered mistress of the narrow seas. But the Prince of Orange died somewhat suddenly, ROBERT BLAKE. 155 leaving the heir to his honours and passions yet unborn; and the democratic party, comprising nearly all that was liberal and enlightened in Holland, seized the oppor tunity to abolish the office of Stadtholder and restore the pure form of republican government. Their success encouraged the Engliah leaders to believe that even if their idea of a confederation could not be realised, a close alliance, offensive and defensive, might be formed between the two states. Oliver St. John was sent over as ambassador to the States- General to propose a treaty of trade and friendship. His reception was at first cordial and fiattering; but the negotiations went on slowly and uncertainly. After a long consideration of the "English proposals, their High Mightinesses offered a counter project. Debates, interviews, and written ex planations multiplied ; time wore on ; and at length St. John found that his leave of absence had expired. His pride waa hurt at theae delays. The exile court was stUl at the Hague ; and in addition to his ill-success with thes States-General, he was subject to frequent out rages from the Cavaliers. The Dutch, on their aide, were angry with Parliament for having fixed a day for his return, fancying it intended as a sarcasm or a menace. Probably the true cause of the delay was a desbe on the part of Holland not to commit herself to the new Commonwealth until the result of the Scotch invasion should be seen : — St. John answered their com plaints in haughty language, and took his leave, war between the two countries already raging in his heart. As soon as the battle of Worcester had put an end to doubt as to the stabUity of the new Commonwealth, Dutch statesmen saw their mistake. In turn the States- General aent envoya to assuage the wrath of Parliament, and endeavour to resume the negotiations at the point where they had been broken. But new causes of 156 ROBERT BLAKE. offence were in the way, and the terms once rejected could no longer be obtained. Some English merchants, ia consequence of complaints made to the Council of State of their losses by Dutch privateers, had received letters of marque against the ships of that nation ; and in a short time more than eighty prizes had been secured in the ports of our east coast. A more serious obstacle to negotiation had arisen in the Navigation Act. The Dutch were a nation of traders. Their whale, cod, and herring fisheries occupied a great number of vessels ; but the largest and best part of theb commercial navy was employed in the carrying trade. Amsterdam and Rot terdam were the exchanges of Europe ; and the ship owners of these wealthy ports made their fortunes by transporting the produce of art and nature from one coun try to another. Under the Stuarts, England had neglected this important branch of naval industry ; but the Navi gation Act, in declaring that no goods, the produce of Asia, Africa, or America, should be imported into Eng land except in vessels either belonging to subjects of the Commonwealth, or to the countries from which the goods were imported, put an end, so far as these islands, with all theb colonies, connexions and depen dencies were concerned, to that lucrative and fruitful branch of Dutch enterprise. The firat prayer of the new ambassador, therefore, was that thia aevere law should be repealed, or if not repealed at once, that its action should be suspended during the progress of negoti ation. But while urging this point in the name of peace, they were careful to hint before the Council of State that they were then fitting out a powerful fieet for the protection of their trade. Parliament took the hint as a menace, and repUed by ordering its captains to exact all those honours to the red cross which had been claimed by England in the narrow seas from the Saxon ROBERT BLAKE. , 157 times. The order raised new troubles. Commodore Young, falUng in with a Dutch fieet retuming from Genoa, sent to request the Admiral of the convoy to lower his flag ; the latter refuaed to comply with a de mand so unexpected ; and Young poured a broadside into the ahipa. A sharp action ensued, and the Dutch man was obliged to strike. To revenge the insult to their colours, the States- General fitted out a fleet of forty-two sail and placed it under the command of their renowned Admbal, Tromp, with instructions to use his discretion as to when and how far he would insist on the point of supremacy ; but he was positively required to repel on all occasions, and at all hazards, attacks on the traders of the Republic, and to support the dignity of its flag. Tromp's genius was well suited to the execution of these vague and menacing orders. War had not yet been declared, and the ambassadors were still in London talking of peace, when Admiral Tromp suddenly appeared in the Downs. Bourne, sta tioned with a squadron of the fleet near Dover, despatched a messenger with the intelUgence to Blake, who was then cruising in the James off Rye, in the usual manner of the summer guard. Suspecting evil designs, Blake in stantly gave his orders, and in a few hours his whole force was under sail for the Straits. Next morning he saw for the first time his celebrated enemy lying in Dover roadstead ; when he came within ten or twelve miles of the nearest ships, Tromp weighed anchor and stood out to sea, but without either lowering hia flag or offering any explanation of this act of defiance. Blake fired a signal-gun to call attention to the omission. No answer was retumed. To a second and a third shot Tromp replied derisively by a single gun, stiU keeping his course, the Dutch flag flying proudly at mast-head. Over against Calais road, it w^as observed by the English 158 ROBERT BLAKE. fleet that Tromp fell in with a ketch coming fuU speed from Holland, the captain of which evidently brought im portant orders, for Tromp veered round and made towards Blake, his own flag-ship, the Brederode, being in the van. The English officers were mystified by these move ments. In spite of the presence of the Dutch ambas sadors in London, Blake felt a strong impression that Tromp had received instructions to offer battle, and he lay-to and got his squadron into as good fighting posture as he found possible on so short a notice. The Dutch had a vastly superior force. Tromp counted forty-two men-of-war and frigates. Blake counted fifteen. He had sent orders for Bourne to join him with his squadron of eight ships ; but these were not yet in sight, and possibly would not arrive in time for the engagement. The disproportion of vessels did not, however, indicate the true disproportion of force. As a rule the EngUsh ships were larger than those of Holland, carrying more guns and a greater body of men ; but, on the other hand, the Dutch ships were manned by veteran seamen, while the great body of men on board the EngUsh fieet were raw soldiers sent from the camp and unaccustomed to the new service. When the two fieets came within musket-range, Blake, affecting not to notice the enemy's menacing attitude, shot out from his main body and advanced towards the Brederode to speak with its commander about the refusal of honours formerly paid to the English fiag. Tromp sent a broadside into the James and stopped her short. Blake and several of his officers were in the cabin when this salute burst on them, smashing the glaas, and damaging the stern. He lifted his eyes from his papers, and coolly observed — " Well, it is not very civil in Van Tromp to take my flag-ship for a brothel, and break my windows ! " As he spoke, another broadside roUed from ROBERT BLAKE. 159 the decks of the Brederode. Curling his black whiskers round his fingers, as he always did in anger, he called his gunners to return the fire, and in a short time the battle became general. The English admirals then in service had not hitherto seen maritime warfare on a grand scale, like Tromp and the officers who had served under his ordera in the great contest with Spain ; and only one of them. Vice-admiral Penn, had received a regular naval education. When the CouncU of State appointed Blake to the sole com mand against HoUand, they gave him two blank com missions, that he might select his own vice and rear- admirals for the ensuing year ; and in conjunction with CromweU, he had named Penn and Bourne to these important stations. Penn went on board the Triumph, sixty-eight guns, taking young Robert Blake, son of the Admiral's dead brother Samuel, aa his lieutenant ; Bourne raised his fiag on board the St. Andrew, of sixty guns. But not expecting to be assailed while the Dutch envoys were stUl soUciting peace in London, Penn had got leave of absence from his ship, and was on a visit to his family; so that Blake had to contend with vastly inferior power against the greatest nautical genius of the age, without having at his side a single person of practical knowledge as a seaman. At four o'clock the conteat began with a succession of broadsides. On the part of Blate at least, no, line appears to have been formed ; fieet met fieet and ship grappled ship as they chanced to fall in each other's way. From the first onset, the Jamea, a fifty-gun ship, carrying 260 men, bore the brunt of the action. The recoUection of Lyme and Taunton, of SciUy and Cartha gena, fierce as the fire was, faded before the terrific work. More than seventy cannon-baUa were lodged in his huU ; his masts were blown away ; and his rigging was torn l6o ROBERT BLAKE. into strings by the tremendous gunnery of the Dutch. His master, one of the mates, and several other officers fell, dead or wounded, at his side. For four hours the shot of the enemy fiew about and around him without intermisaion. Six men were kUled, thirty-five were desperately wounded, and many more were hurt; but his crew maintained the unequal contest with a bravery and resolution after his own heart. As night came down, theb energies were roused anew by the thunder of Bourne's cannon bursting in the enemy's rear. The sound of artillery, booming along the waters, had reached the rear-guard, consisting of the St. Andrew and seven other ships, and Bourne immediately crowded saU and stood out to sea in hope of sharing in the battle. He arrived in the crisis of the engagement, and his 300 additional guns sufficed to turn the scale of victory. Unable or unwUling to engage this new enemy, Tromp retired from the scene about nine o'clock with the fast- fading light, leaving his intended surprise and destruction of the English fleet at beat a drawn battle. Blake was too much disabled to foUow, his mizen-mast being shot away, his sails, cordage and spars all torn and broken. He came to an anchor about four mUes off the Ness, and spent the night in repairs and preparations for the mor row. When day dawned the Dutch were not in sight. Far as his eye could reach, the Channel showed no trace of an enemy : — and the Commonwealth was once more lord of the narrow seas. During the fight two Dutch ships had been boarded and taken. One of them was so much damaged it waa feared she would go down in the night, and after rifiing her holds and cabins the crew turned her adrift. The other, a ship of thirty guns, was brought in safely and manned for immediate service. Young Robert Blake distinguished himself greatly. In the absence of Vice-admbal Penn, he commanded the ROBERT BLAKE. i6i Triumph, and evinced such skiU and courage, that on Penn's removal to the James, he was appointed captain of that important vessel. With the one exception of the fiag-ship, the fleet had not suffered materiaUy. Only nine men were reported as slain in all the other ships. Of the Dutch, two hundred and fifty were taken pri soners, and nearly aa many more were aaid to be kiUed. The encounter of two powerful fieets in the midst of peace, without declaration of war or other previous for mality to prepare men's minds, produced an extraordi nary sensation in the two countries. In London, the mob rose, and would have burnt the house of the Dutch ambassadors at Chelsea, had not the government sent down a troop of horse. These ambassadors made strenu ous efforts to explain the cauaea of the rencounter. They declared that Tromp was not the first to begin. They accounted for his appearance in the Downs by alleging stress of weather. They said he was about to lower his fiag when Blake began to fire ; they expressed deep regret for what had occurred ; and urged, with apparent earnestness, that violent counsels should give place to renewed attempts at negotiation. Tromp also pretended that he had not violated the peace ; that from first to last he had merely stood on his defence. He declared that had he chosen to make use of his immense supe riority of force, he could have destroyed the English fieet. People received the declaration with contempt. At last the ambassadors offered to disavow and disgrace theb great Admiral; but the more they pressed their point, the sterner and more exacting Parliament became. England, it replied, had suffered inault and wrong ; its duty was therefore to obtain reparation for the past, security for the future. Every day, as war came nearer, the States-General seemed more resolved to adhere to a pacific policy. As a final effort they sent over their i62 ROBERT BLAKE. grand pensionary, Pauw, a man whose character and office were thought likely to give unusual weight to his overtures ; the demands of Parliament rose at every turn, and after a fruitless attempt to negotiate, this eminent ambassador gave up the vain effort to reconcUe the two powers, and took his leave. Blake remained master of the Channel. AU reserve being thrown away, in consequence of the late engage ment, he exerted his power to harass the enemy's trade, and to fit out the vessels which had faUen into his hands for immediate service. His cruisers brought prizes into port almost daUy during the latter part of May and June. He captured ten merchant-men at one swoop. One day he received inteUigence that a Dutch fleet of twenty-six traders, convoyed by three men-of-war, was coming up Channel; — they were aU captured, traders and convoy, and the latter were immediately manned and fitted for service. In less than a month, to the surprise and ecstacy of the Londoners, he had sent into the river more than forty rich prizes captured in open sea from their powerful and vigilant enemy. The Dutch merchants were compelled to abandon the Straits. Their argosies from the South of Europe and from the Eastern and Western Indies had to run for safety into French ports and send their cargoes overland at an immense loss, or to make the long and dangerous voyage round by the North of Scotland. This brUliant success inspired the CouncU of State with new life. Orders were given to strengthen Dover pier. Forty sail were added by one vote to the fieet. At Blake's suggestion six additional fire-ships were prepared. The seamen's wages were raised; and the Vice-admbala of aU the maritime stations from Norfolk to Hampshire were requested to summon together aU mariners between the ages of fifteen and twenty, young, ardent, docUe, and engage them in the ROBERT BLAKE. 163 State's service. Knowing the vast resources and in flexible spirit of the people with whom they were about to enter into conflict, the CouncU of State, Blake being a member, and iu aU matters connected with the navy its chief authority, resolved that the entbe fleet should be raised to 250 saU and 14 fire-ships. The divisions were to be commanded and located aa foUows : — 30 sail were to go forthwith to the west Channel, ply between Brest and Scilly, and teep the sea open towards the south ; 20 sail were to go northward, disturb the Dutch fisheries and capture theb Baltic traders ; 30 sail were to ride in the Straits; and the remaining 170 sail and the fire- ships were to teep together under Blate's immediate orders to oppose and fight the enemy. These magnificent ideas were never realised in full : — but at the end of one month from the fight off Dover the energetic Admiral coidd count with patriotic pride no less than 105 veaaels, carrying 3961 guns, under his flag. He was not, how ever, equaUy strong in men. His constant cry was — seamen, soldiers ! And the Commissioners of the Navy were engaged day and night in devising means to supply him with this essential element of maritime power. Two regiments of foot were taten on board bodily, and from that time marines became a necessary part of the equip ment of our men-of-war. MeanwhUe the Dutch preparations for the campaign were made on the grandest scale. The doctyards of the Texel, the Maas, and the Zuyder Zee resounded with the note of coming strife. Sixty men-of-war, larger in size and more perfect in equipment than had ever yet been seen in those northern seas, were commenced. Convoys not too far away were caUed bact ; merchant men of heavy tonnage were pressed into the service ; the ablest seamen found in their ports, irrespective of age or nationality, were lured into the service by offers of high i64 ROBERT BLAKE. wages and the hope of plunder ; and in a few weeks their renowned Admiral, ripe in age, honours and expe rience, E*iw himself at the head of 120 sail — a power more than sufficient in the opinion of every patriotic Dutchman to sweep the English navy from the face of the earth. The swift and unexpected opening of the war had placed the mercantile marine of both nations, especiaUy in the North Sea, at the mercy of privateers and cruising squadrons. At that period few English vessels ventured to the south of Europe ; the distance checked the enter prises of the timid, and the more substantial peril of Algerine pirates and Salee rovers prevented the brave from seeking fortune in waters where the might of England was Uttle known and stUl less feared. In the opinion of these African marauders, Holland waa the only naval power of Europe. More than once she had chas tised their insolence with stem severity; and, as her traders ploughed the southern waters in comparative safety, the spices of the Levant, the sUks of Italy and the wines of Portugal, were chiefly brought to England in Dutch bottoms. Baltic commerce, on the contrary, was chiefly carried in our own ships ; and at that very moment an unusual fleet of vessels were in the North and Baltic Seas, Parliament, in anticipation of war, having sent out several traders to purchase hemp, tar, and ship-stores for them in Sweden, Denmark, and Pomerania. Theae stores were now become of vast importance. The dockyards were bare ; not a frigate in the fieet was decently supplied; and in the face of a contest which muat occupy months and might extend to years, it was necessary to send a strong aquadron to the north to collect theae ships and convoy them safely home with their precious cargoes. Other reasons compelled Blake's attention to the squadron of the north. Ever ROBERT BLAKE. 155 since the atrocious action at Amboyna, which wrested the Spice Islands from our hands, the fleets of HoUand had generally returned from either east or west by the long route of the Orkneys, so as to avoid bringing their freights within view of Dover Caatle. One of these rich argosies was now known to be on the home ward voyage, and the CouncU of State was anxious that it should be harassed, and if poasible cut off. Again, unable or unwiUing to make uae of the noble fisheries that nature has lavished on our coaata, the EngUsh of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries had allowed their more enterprising neighbours to reap the harvest almost unquestioned. A fisherman's life suited the Dutchman's coarse and laborious habits. The hulks or busses engaged in this trade, averaging from three hun dred to five hundred tons burden, were each manned by about a dozen persons ; uauaUy the master with his wife and chUdren, and about sis or eight others, men and women. On board these herring-boats, children were able to earn theb own bread from the age of four or five. The life waa rude at best — the wages were always scanty. But the people had learned to Uve on stormy and sterile seas, to fiouriah on mud-banks and sandy plains. More than once our ancestors had tried to establish rival fisheries, but never with a chance of profit. With an old Saxon chivalry, stiU found in some portion of the lower classes, they refused to allow the women to divide their coarse toils or share their daUy perils ; nor had they yet learned to look without horror on infant labour. Free from these scruples, the Frisian found in his baser nature a commercial advantage againat which it waa ruinous to compete. The Dutch family, huddled in a corner of the buas, found a part of ita coarae food in the waters on which it exercised its craft. The English fisherman, who left his wife and children at home, had i66 ROBERT BLAKE.- to support them out of the profits of his spoil. Thus the whole trade feU into Dutch hands ; and at the open ing of the war between the two countries the boats engaged in it were counted by thousands. Could the Dutch make good theb claim to fish among the Northern Islands ? This was an open question. They did fish in those waters. But while the fact was aUowed, the right was denied ; and on taking the supreme dbection of the war, Blake was anxious to give practical effect to the denials of his government. WhUe the squadron waa preparing for sea, information came to hand that the spring fleet of theae herring-buaaes, consisting of more than six hundred saU, convoyed by twelve men-of-war, was on its way home laden with fish. His first idea was to send Sir George Ascue to the North, and stay in person to oppose Admiral Tromp ; but as that great genius of strategy lay stUl in the Texel, making no sign of an intention to put to sea, he changed his plan, and resolved to go in peraon to the North. Sending swift messengers to the Baltic, to desbe all the merchant- vessels, private and pubUc, ready to return home, then in and about the Sound, to rendezvous at Elsinore, and there await his arrival, — he went down to Dover, instaUed Ascue as his Ueutenant in the Channel, with ordera to keep a sharp eye on Tromp's movements, and set sail in the Resolution for the North, attended by a magnificent array of sixty ships. On the 21st of June, Blake fired his parting salute iu Dover road. On the 9th of July letters reached the CouncU of State annoimcing that a gaUant fleet, supposed to be General Blake's, had passed in sight of Dunbar. Two days later, despatches left Westminster in hot haste, by mounted couriers, to inform him that a sudden change had occurred in the enemy's dispositions, — that as soon as he was known to have passed the Frith of Forth the ROBERT BLAKE. 167 Dutch Admiral had quitted his lair, — that he was then riding with 102 men-of-war and ten fire-ships in the Downs, — that the whole coaat was alarmed for its safety, none knowing where a blow would first be struck, — and that so far from Ascue being able to afford them any protection, he had himself been compeUed to run under the guns of Dover Castle. The couriers rode day and night with urgent letters of recal ; but before these came into the Admiral's hands, one of the three great objects of Blake's expedition had been accomplished. Meeting the great herring-fieet off Bockness, his advanced guard of twenty sail feU furiously on the men-of-war, and after a gallant contest, prolonged by the obstinate valour of the Dutch againat superior numbers for three hours, sunk three of the twelve and took the other nine. All the herring-busaes, six hundred in number, fell into his power with their crews and freights. But as these boats belonged to poor families, whose entire capital and means of life they constituted, he took from them, on a rough computation, every tenth herring as a royalty, and then warning the men never to fish again in the creeks and islands belonging to the Commonwealth of England without first obtaining from the CouncU of State a formal permission, he sent them home with all their boats and the remainder of their cargo untouched. This act of clemency called down severe censures on Blake in certain quarters. Many condemned such generosity to an enemy aa Quixotic. " If the fiah," said the politicians, " were of no use to the fleet, he should have thrown them into the sea." The answer was, " That they were human food, and that thousands would suffer, none would gain, by theb destruction." Even men like Ludlow blamed him for not keeping possession of the poor feUows' boats. A remnant of the Dutch boats escaped into the Sound, whither Blake followed them; but his entrance into t68 ROBERT BLAKE. those waters alarmed the Danes along the shore, and they flew to arms as if to repel an invader of their country. A letter from the Engliah Admiral to the King of Denmark put an end to their fears, for he declared that he had entered the Sound in chase of an enemy to the Commonwealth, and would refrain from every act of hostility on his part. He required, however, that the Dutchmen should be compelled to quit the asylum which they had found in Danish harbours. Kent was in arms to repel the invader. Seamen crowded on board Ascue's squadron with offers of service. The regular mUitia turned out. Between Deal and Sandown Castle a long double platform was erected, with cannon at intervals to sweep the shore should the Dutch attempt to land. But these warlike preparations, though they evinced the national spbit, did less to preserve the coast from outrage than thoae elements which have so often proved our beat allies iu the hour of danger. Calms kept the enemy bound in mid-channel untU the country had recovered from its first alarm. When the wind returned, it blew from the land, and with such steady violence, that with all his skUl Tromp waa unable to get near enough for a passing broadside. To the south of his position, Ascue rode in perfect safety with his smaU squadron ; and some fresh ships, preparing to join him just before the Dutchman's appearance in the Straits, were retained in the Thames by a counter order. Tromp, it is beUeved, had expected to intercept this reinforce ment as it left the river, and then by a sudden onset to crush Ascue under overwhelming cannonades. Success at theae two points would have left Blake with about fifty sail — for he had despatched eight of his best frigates to strengthen the Downs squadron — against a fleet fluahed with victory and of thrice his power. But the weather having foiled him in these hopes, the wily ROBERT BLAKE. 169 Dutchman returned with the strong gale then blowing to the Texel, where a vast fleet of merchants were im patiently waiting to set forth on their voyage under his protection. Convoying these vessels northward, he saw the Baltic traders through the Sound, the busses disperse to theb fishing stations, and the Indiamen separate to pursue their several voyages out of all danger from Engliah cruiaers, — and then went in search of Blake's squadron, confident in his immense superiority of force, and not unwilling to put the fortunes of hia country to the arbitration of a battle. Since his recent victory, Blate had suffered severely from storms, and his ships were scattered among the roadsteads of the Orkney Islands for repair ; but on hearing that his great enemy had foUowed him into the North, he hastily prepared for an encounter. Towards evening, on the 5th of August, the fleets came in sight of each other between Fair Isle and Fotdd, almost half-way from the Orkneys to the Shetland group. Smarting under a recoUection of former wrongs, both confident of success, Tromp trusting to his naval genius and superior force, Blake in the Lord of Hosts and the valour of his men, they eagerly prepared for action. But the empire of the seas was decided in favour of a new claimant. Whilst preparations were being made in the Resolution to attack the Dutch fleet, the sky gradually assumed a dart and threatening aspect. The wind, which had been extremely variable for some days, sud denly settled itself north-north-west. In the excitement of the moment, theae signs were not at first observed; but as the gale rose, and the sty continued to grow blact and lurid, Blate signaUed his ships to loot out for the coming storm ; and leave the enemy to shift for themselves, certain that there could be no engagement that day. At length it burst ; — and the fiercest of mortal I70 ROBERT BLAKE. passions were stilled in a moment before the awful demonstration. Fitful gleams of light, now and then caught through the storm and darkness, told the com manders that another power had undertaken to disperse and separate their fieets. Many of the ships were soon unmanageable. Rudders were wrested violently off; sails were tom and twisted into knots, and the waves went through and through them at every sweU, throwing their white and seething foam into the very sty. The darkness, danger, and distance from aid and shelter, filled the excitable imaginations of the saUors. " The fleet," says the Dutch writer of Cornelius Tromp, " being as it were buried by the sea in the most horrible abysses, rose out of them only to be tossed up to the clouds ; here the masts were beaten down into the sea, there the deck was overflowed with the prevaUing waves ; the tempest was so much mistress of the ships, they could be governed uo longer, and on every side appeared all the dreadful forerunners of a dismal wreck." The atorm raged through the night without abatement ; and when day came down on the roUing waters, inatead of the imperial fleets which rode so proudly among the rocks and islands a few hours previous, anxious in theb strength and majesty to put the freedom of the sea to an hour's arbitration, — a remnant of scattered, helpless and damaged ships were alone descried between land and sty. The Dutch had suffered terribly. More than one of theb frigates had been dashed on the roots, spUntered into fragments, and every soul on board sent down into the foaming surge. Tromp picted up broten relics of three of his fire-ships : — theb fate could not be doubted. They had all gone down. Most of his men-of-war and frigates were con siderably damaged, and the greater part of his fleet was scattered beyond the poaaibUity of recal. Some of the ships found refuge in the harbours of the Shetland group, 1- IN Li ... Wl i ROBERT BLAKE. 171 others fledrtowards the Norwegian coaat. After spend ing several days in the vain attempt to coUect the damaged elements of his power, Tromp was obliged to run into Scheveling with a remnant of only forty-two sail, to his own infinite chagrin and the extreme astonish ment of his countrymen at the failure of an enterprise so vast and costly. Blake had been fortunate enough to teep his fieet together under shelter of the mainland of the Shetland Islands, and although he had not escaped without serious injury to many ships, he was able to teep the sea, and hang with his whole body of sixty-two sail, fleet and prizes, on the rear of the disabled Dutch. Finding the enemy disinclined to put out again from theb harbours, he ravaged and insulted theb coasts from Wadden to Zealand, and then ran across to Yarmouth with his prizes and nine hundred prisoners. In a few days his standard was again waving in the Downs from the masts of the Resolution. Ascue and De Ruiter had met and drawn a battle, but the spirit of the States- General seemed to riae with their unexpected want of auccess, and they prepared another large fleet for service in the Channel under command of the re nowned admbal and statesman De Witt. Tromp had retbed into private life. Clamorous at a reverse in one long accustomed to triumph over every foe, a Dutch mob insulted his age and misfortune ; and in a fit of disgust the veteran laid down his commiaaion. De Ruiter, too, had been anxious to retire from the responsibilities of command. He pleaded his long services, his old age, his faUing health; but his countrymen would not Usten to his complaints ; they expressed a boundless confidence in his genius, and urged him to lead them once more as of old to victory. When the new squadron was ready for sea, De Witt joined De Ruiter, and toot the supreme command. To oppose this new danger, Blake 172 . ROBERT BLAKE. called in the force under Ascue from Plymouth ; and the two fleets- — that of England, composed of sixty- eight .ships of various gunnage — that of Holland nearly equal to it in number of ships and guna — were once more in the same seas, and anxious to try theb strength against each other. An episode delayed the battle. Blake was cruising in the Channel at the beginning of September, expecting every day to faU in with the Dutch admirals, when news was brought to him that the Duke of Vendome, having recently encountered and scattered the fleets of Admiral the Count d' Oignon, was concentrating war-ships, frigates, transports, men and military stores on the coast of Calais and Dieppe, with the design of throwing relief into Dunkirk, then hotly pressed by the Spanish forces under Archduke Leopold. The defeat of d' Oignon had left the sea open to the French ; should Vendome throw men and prisoners into the private town, it would pro bably not fall. The course of events before Duntbk gave the Council of State much concern. As yet they had taken no part in the war between Conde and Mazarin, though the inte rests of their commerce had led them to sympathise in secret with the cause upheld by Spain. France leaned, as of old, to our enemies, the Dutch. Should Dunkirk be preserved to Louis XIV., it was probable that at no dia tant day, it would be used by the admirals of Holland as a basis of operations against towns on the coasts of Essex and Norfolk. How were the EngUsh to secure its fall ? Only by arresting the reUef squadron. But then there had been no formal declaration of war between France and England. Though the privateers of Brest and Dunkirk continued their depredations on the mer chant navy, and though many EngUsh cruisers bore letters of marque againat French ships, these disorders ROBERT BLAKE. 173 had not seriously compromised either government with its neighbour, and a show of friendship waa maintained between London g,nd VersaiUes. Nor waa there time for Blake to write a letter to hia coUeaguea of the Council of State. The transports were on board, the ships under way, when his intelUgence came to hand ; and before a meaaenger could reach WhitehaU, the French fleet would have been safely anchored under the batteries of Dun kbk. It was one of thoae cases in which he was allowed to act on the impulses of his genius. He believed it for the honour and interest of the Commonwealth, that Duntbk should faU — and the question was submitted to a councU of war, whether it would be poaaible to deatroy, capture, or disperse the coUected fleet ? The council having advised, Blake atood away in the Resolution, fol lowed by the Sovereign, and about twenty other ships. The Sovereign, then the largest aa well as swiftest vessel in the navy — carrying eleven hundred men and eighty- eight guns, of which twenty were forty-four pounders — led the way, and was the first to engage the enemy. Its fire was terrible — the second broadside sinking one of the royal frigates — and its key-shot cutting off the main masts of five others. As the frigate was going down, Blake bore into action with his pennons fiying and trum pets sounding ; and immediately singling out the Don- adieu — commanded by one of the Knights of Malta — he ran alongside, and boarded her pike in hand. The rapidity of the attack, and the instantaneous advantages gained, disconcerted the French ; some struck their colours — some fled — fiercely pursued by the Sovereign and the lighter vessels towards Dunkbk ; and in a few hours the whole body of the French squadron, war-ships, fire-ships and transports, admirals, officers and men, were either gone down, or safely harboured under the guns of Dover Castle. Dunkirk immediately surrendered to the 374 ROBERT BLAKE. Archduke Leopold : — and the seizure of Vendome's squadron remained, not only an Ulustration of the extras ordinary powers exercised by Blake at sea, but a striking instance of bold conception and rapid execution. Theae prizes safely harboured, the cruise in search of De Witt and De Ruiter recommenced. On the 28th of September, Penn, stiU on board the James, came in sight of the Dutchmen off the North Foreland ; on seeing his signal, Blate, at that moment more than a league in advance of his main body, rode up to the vanguard and gave his brief but emphatic orders — " As soon as some more of our fieet comes up, bear in among them !" De Witt was taten unawares ; his ships were in disorder ; a bad spirit prevaUed among the men ; and De Ruiter urged him to avoid a battle. Pride made him deaf to his sage counciUor, and he resolved to fight at a dis advantage, rather than exhibit to the world the spectacle of a Dutch admiral in retreat before the presumptuous islanders. His dispositions were made hastily and in confusion. De Ruiter was to lead the van, he himself the main body, De Wilde the rear. Evertz waa sta tioned with a reserve to watch the action from a short distance, and pour out succours when they were most needed. At the last moment De Witt sent an advice- boat round to each of his ships to beg the captains to do their duty in theb respective posts on that day. But his prayer was not heard. Apathy, intrigue, and dis content were on every dect. The Brederode, Tromp's old fiag-ship, was in the fieet, but the officers and men refused to allow the new Admbal to come on board her ; and just before the action began, De AVitt's standard was removed to a huge Indiaman. Resenting the disgrace of their favorite leader, several other ships disputed the new Admbal's orders, or obeyed them without the zeal which is essential to victory. Yet ROBERT BLAKE. 175 unwarned by these signs of disaffection — hoping that' success would restore confidence and loyalty to his crews — De Witt laid his topsaUs to the masts and formed his fieet in line. About four o' elect in the afternoon, the Engliah being weU up, a single order was given out from the Resolution — to hold bact the fire till close in with the enemy, — and the fiag-ship, foUowed by the James, the Sovereign, and the whole body of the vanguard, bore down on De Witt's line, which tept up an intermittent fire as it advanced. At this moment the Dutch tacted, and the two fleets came into coUision. The crash of the first broadsides was terrific. The ships were close together, and an unusual quantity of shot struct home. For more than an hour the roar of artUlery was incessant. After that its action slackened ; there were occasional pauses in the storm ; and the Dutch ships sheering off to a greater distance, the sulphurous atmosphere broke in many places, and the wind drifted it away in masses. But although the Dutch feU back, they fell back fighting, and with theb faces to the enemy, and with obstinate valour they continued the battle untU night-fall. De Witt had suffered most severely in men, Blake in masts and rigging. The most experienced admirals in both fleets were of opinion that De Witt could not have held out an hour longer without seeing his power broten and annihUated. De Ruiter had com manded his division with consummate skiU and bravery. A great part of his own crew was swept away ; his main-yard had faUen over to the left side ; his main-sails, mizen-saUs, and rigging were torn to shreds; his hull was seriously shattered ; and he had received no less than four shots between wind and water. De Witt had atoned in a great measure for his rashness in fighting, by his courage and conduct during the action. Neverthe- 176 ROBERT BLAKE. less, the Dutch were unmistatably worsted. Under the first ahoct of the onset, two of their ships went down. Two others had been boarded and taten ; one of them, the rear-admiral, was the prize of Captain MUdmay of the Nonsuch. The two captains and aU the crews were prisoners. Throughout the Dutch fleet the loss of life had been great. And to the infinite vexation of De Witt, about twenty of his captains, either disaffected to his person or unwUling to renew on the morrow so destruc tive an engagement, took advantage of the dart night to quit the main body with the ships under theb com mand and mate for Zealand, whither they carried the first news of the disaster. AU night Blate saw the lights burning in the enemy's ships, and assuming that they would fight again at daybreat, every hand on board the English fleet was employed in repairing saUs, masts and cordage — in securing the prisoners — in helping and soothing the wounded sailors — and in the sad and pious duties con nected with the burial of the dead. The grey Ught dawned on the sleepless crews stUl at theb labours, and before sunrise the whole fleet was in motion bearing up towards the enemy. At flrst the Dutch seemed disposed to renew the bloody wort of the previous day ; but before the EngUsh van had got within range of cannon-shot, a change of opinion toot place, and they made sail and stood up the Channel. De Witt had wished to fight. But Evertz and De Ruiter over-ruled his voice in the councU of war, where it waa reaolved that an attempt should be made to collect the shattered and scattered remnants of their fieet ; to gain one of their own ports and com municate with their masters ; to repair, refit, and re-man their ships ; and then await the commands of the States- General. Blate kept as close on their rear as the dis abled state of his ships would allow ; and having chased ROBERT BLAKE. 177 them into the Goree, where the shallows yielded them protection, he returned the insults offered to our coasts by Tromp in the early part of summer. Reports of the battle of the North Foreland were read in London with boundless joy. It was the fir^t great naval action since the reign of Elizabeth; and indeed there was room for honest exultation. The prowess of England had now been arrayed against the best seamen and the most famous admirals in the world, and the English had come off victorious. At the first trial of strength, they had proved themselves equal to the acknowledged masters of maritime war. Hitherto Tromp, Evertz, and De Euiter had been regarded by Europe as peerless, if not invincible, com manders. Yet an English land-officer, with only three years' experience of the sea, had learned to contend with these renowned admirals on equal terms ; rough soldiers, drafted from the camp, had, in the same period, ceased to fear the veteran sailors who had swept the imperial navies of Spain from the ocean. Blake was rising into the first name in our naval history. His southern cam paign, made whUe his genius was still unaided by ex perience, had placed him in general estimation by the side of Drake and Frobisher. His drawn battle with Tromp, his victory over De Euiter and De Witt, raised him into the highest rank of admirals. ParUament shared the Uberal enthusiasm of the people. With a premature contempt of their powerful enemy, they commanded Blake to dismiss a part of his fleet to the merchant service from which it had been taken ; they aUowed the fortifications erected between Deal and Sandown to be deatroyed ; and they ordered the guns planted on the Une of breastworks to be removed into the two caatles. At Blake's most urgent request they ordered thirty new frigates to be built; but in 178 ROBERT BLAKE. their minds the victory was abeady won, for the moment all was confidence and security. The Council of State began a dUigent study of the Mare Clausvm, Selden's learned book on the right of England to assert her dominion in the narrow seas, and to exclude the Dutch from any participation in the advantages of the northern fisheries. They had the book translated into English ; and questions which had tested the learning of men Uke Grotius and Selden were rapturously debated in taverns, and triumphantly settled in the councU. Vendome's complaints were treated by the CouncU of State with haughty indifference. They fancied theb power was fixed in the Channel for ever. They had not yet learned to understand the genius of their enemy or the magni tude of his resources. ADMIR.AL TROMP. CHAPTER VII. TEOMP. De AVitt's return to Holland with a discomfited fleet was the signal for disorders in that country. His enemies of the Orange party charged him with rashness, cowardice and treason. ¦ The common sailors, turbulent and disobedient before the engagement, carried their dislike to the Terge of mutiny after their defeat. On the flag-ship itself, De Witt's position was most disagree able, even if hia Ufe were not in danger. Before going on board in the Texel he had been compelled by a decent regard for naval discipline to hang two of his seamen in Amsterdam, and at the execution he had been under the stUl more unfortunate necessity of shooting several citi zens to prevent a rescue in the streets. In his day of power and of untried fortunes these acts of severity were borne in sUent rage ; but when he returned from sea with broken power and faded laurels, the popular pas sions swelled againat him Uke the surges of theb own stormy coast. In Flushing he was mobbed as soon as he landed ; and hia proud heart almost broke at the inault. In anger and disgust, he took to a sick bed. De Euiter shared in some measure the unpopularity of his chief, and he also offered to resign his commission. The hour of alarm and general indignation — for the Dutch had so often triumphed over every enemy at m2 i8o ROBERT BLAKE. Eea, they could not understand their reverses, except on the principle of gross misconduct, — sent the incon siderate people to the feet of their old commander. They now remembered, that if Tromp's success in the early part of the war had not been such as theb impa tience had expected, he had not suffered a signal defeat; if he had lost a powerful squadron, they had the consolation to feel that nature and not man had been the cause of its overthrow. AVhen the failure of his rivals allowed them time to estimate his claims with less haste and less passion, they could not but see that his reputation as a saUor stUl towered above that of every other man in HoUand ; whUe, on the other hand, personal hatred and the memory of an ancient grudge fitted him in a pecuUar manner for the chief command in a war against England. At ten years old, Tromp was present in his father's ship at the famous battle fought against Spain under the waUs of Gibraltar in 1607. Shortly after that event, he was captured by an English cruiser after a brisk engagement in which his father lost his life. Two years and a half he was compeUed to serve in the menial capacity of cabin-boy on board the captor : — and thus the seeds of hatred to England and the English were sown in his proud and passionate heart. Once planted, this hatred grew with his growth. For a long time his Ufe was passed on board fishing-boats and merchant-men ; but his nautical genius was irresistible, and he fought his way through legions of obstacles to high command. At thirty he was confessedly the ablest navigator in HoUand. More than twenty years he had commanded with success against Spain, — and had done more than any other individual to humble the pride and reduce the power of that extensive empire. The disastrous opening of the English war scarcely ROBERT BLAKE. i8i impeached his naval genius ; and the insult offered to his former success in stripping him of his great employments because nature had raised a destructive storm in the northern latitudes, appeared to the States- General gra tuitous and unworthy as soon as they discovered that his future services were necessary to the Republic. The old Admiral's passion was soothed by compUments and royal offices. The King of Denmark, alarmed at the sudden growth of the Engliah maritime power, made interest with the leading Dutch statesmen, with a view to pro mote a vigorous renewal of hoatilitiea ; and at his special intercession Tromp was restored to his former post and his former honours, the most eminent of his rivals in naval ability and domestic infiuence, De Witt, De Ruiter, Evertz and Floritz, being appointed to serve under him as his Vice and Rear-Admirals. De Witt, too much mortified at his recent failure to have any wish to re-appear on the scene in an inferior place, excused himself from serving on the ground of ill-health ; De Ruiter therefore again went on board as second in command. Other nations became interested in the quarrels of the two Republics. The war had barely commenced before the States- General sent ambassadors to Denmark, Poland and other powers in the north of Europe, to engage them in a common league againat England. Frederick IIL, King of Denmart and Norway, listened to these propoaals ; and though he did not as yet choose to commit himself by an open actnowledgment of his leanings, he sought by indbect and unexplained acts to forward the views of his powerful continental friends. Under pretence of securing them against Dutch cruiaers, Frederict refused to allow the ships which Blake had ordered to rendezvous at Elsinore to pass the Sound :— an idle pretence, since the English were at that time i82 ROBERT BLAKE. masters at sea. As the hemp, tar and naval stores from the Baltic were urgently needed in the dockyards, ParUament wrote to King Frederict desbing him, as a friend and ally of the Commonwealth, to deliver up to theb Admiral aU the goods and ships then lying in his ports : and at the request of the CoimcU of State, Blake detached Captain BaU with twenty men-of-war and frigates to add force to this reasonable request, and in the event of its receiving favourable attention to convoy the ships home in safety. After an absence of some weeks. Ball returned as he went out. Pressed to declare itself, the Court of Denmark vamped up a story about some old debts contracted by the late Eling of England on account of the German war, and claimed a right to detain the vessels until these debts were paid. The expected supply of stores was therefore not obtained, — and the Commonwealth had a new enemy to deal with in the north of Europe. The term for which Blake had been commissioned to act as sole General and Admbal of the Fleet was near its close. He felt the weight of his great command, and he requested that two colleagues should be joined with him in the command aa in the first years of his naval service. During his absence in the north he had seen the disadvantage of leaving the Downs to an inferior officer, however able ; and in the belief that such a divi sion of the supreme command woiUd be serviceable to the country, he set aside personal considerations and proposed to have two officers, enjoying the fuU confi dence of the CouncU of State, associated with him in the new commission. Popham being dead, the choice of admirals feU on Colonel Deane, his former coUeague, and General Monk. His own commission was renewed. Deane and Mont were then employed in suppressing the last remnants of the war in Scotland, and they could ROBERT BLAKE. 183 not for some time to come take any active part in the naval war. Severe weather being set in and the Dutchmen busy in theb doctyards with the preparation of another vast armament, Blate made the usual winter distribution of the fleet. Besides the twenty ships sent to Elsinore under BaU, Penn saUed with a simUar squadron towards the North to convoy a fleet of colUers from Newcastle to London ; a division of twelve ships was stationed in Plymouth Sound ; fifteen of the most damaged vessels were ordered into the river for repair ; and with the remainder of his force, conaiating of thirty-seven men- of-war and frigates, the fire-ships and a few hoys, — Blate rode in the Channel, cruising from port to port, between Essex and Hampshbe, and expecting no enemy to appear untU the return of fine weather. In this he was miataten. Tromp's energy and infiuence had infused an extraordinary degree of activity into the marine de partment, the harbours and doctyards of HoUand. In an incredibly short time the Dutch had fitted out and manned a vast fleet ; and as soon as the English squadrons were dispersed for the winter stations, Tromp secretly and tmexpectedly left the Texel and appeared off the Goodwin Sands with more than a hundred saU of the line, frigates and fire-ships. His plan was bold and well conceived. Throwing himself suddenly into the Downs with this overwhelming force, he intended to close up the Thames and cut off re-inforcements from Chatham or the Lea, to faU on Blate's little squadron with his mighty force, and crush or drive it down Channel towards the Land's End, and then, with the entbe coast at his mercy, to dictate peace to the Commonwealth on his own terms. At that time the thought of a winter campaign fiUed men's minds with terror ; but Tromp, by a swift and daring blow, proposed to conclude the 1 84 ROBERT BLAKE. war in a few days. Elate was scarcely aware of the Dutch stirring in their ports before theb ships were seen from the out-loot of the Triumph, to which vessel he had removed his pennon. Late in November the two fleets were in presence between Dover and, Calais ; and the tnowledge that Tromp was on board assured the English Admiral that mischief was meant. A council of war waa called on board the Triumph. Blake described the situation of the two countries at that moment, glanced at the superior force of the enemy, at the dis tance of his own squadrons, and ended by declaring his resolution to fight, if it were necessary, but on no account to faU down the Channel, leaving the coast- towns to be insulted, and perhaps destroyed by that mighty and uncrippled armament. The captains ac cepted his decision, and returned to theb several ships to prepare for action. All that day the two admirals watched each other's motions, the object being to gain the weather-gage. The night came, cold and tempes tuous, even for winter, and the ships were unable to teep together. With the appearance of light the man oeuvres of the previous day were renewed, the Triumph and the Brederode dodging each other for several hours in a slight and variable wind, theb somewhat oblique course inclining slowly towards the Ness. At three in the afternoon the fleets were near each other off that Essex headland. Tromp's patience was worn out, and anxious to engage, he made a sudden effort to get alongside the English Admiral at an advantage ; but a rapid and decisive movement carried the Triumph under his bow to the weather-gage. In passing, the two ships exchanged broadsidea. Blake was closely followed in his dexterous movement by the Garland, and missing the Triumph, Tromp ran against her with such violence as in an instant to break her bowsprit and ship's-head with the ROBERT BLAKE. 185 weight of the crash. The Garland and the Brederode engaged, the English ship of forty-eight guns fighting with consummate bravery against its powerful enemy, until the Bonadventure, a trader of thirty guns, came to the rescue, and placed the Dutch Admiral himself in peril. Tromp encouraged his men by shouts and ges tures to renewed efforts ; he appealed to their love of country, theb pride of race, theb affection for himself. But all his exertions would have failed had not Evertz seen his exposed position, and brought his own ship to bear on the Bonadventure, thus placing the gallant little merchantman between the fire of two powerful admirals. The four ships were grappled together ; but the EngUsh held out manfully against tremendous odds for more than an hour, when the contest was decided in favour of number of men and weight of metal. Out of two hun dred men on board the Garland at the beginning of the action, the captain and sixty officers and men were killed, and a still greater number were severely wounded ; the Bonadventure had suffered to an equal extent ; and the survivors being no longer able to defend their decks, the Dutchmen boarded and captured both the vessels. The Triumph, the Vanguard and the Victory bore the chief brunt of the action. At one time theae three vessels were engaged with twenty of the enemy ; and although they suffered most severely in men, and were greatly damaged in their hulls, masts, and rigging, they came off safely from the desperate encounter. Night, which at that season of the year came down early, was already separating the fieets, when Blake heard for the first time of the unequal battle waged between the two Dutch Admbals and the Garland and Bonadventure ; and not withstanding the fatigue of his men, he gave orders to bear up to the Brederode, and endeavour to recover the captives. Other of the enemy's ships, however, croaaed 1 86 ROBERT BLAKE. his line, and a more destructive conflict than had yet taken place ensued. Blate was surrounded by the Dutch ships. Three several times the Triumph was boarded in gallant style by the foe ; each time the boarders were driven bact to their boats with fearful slaughter. The flag-ship was reduced to a wreck. The foretopmast was shot away. The mainstay was gone. The sails and tackling were all in strings. The huU was shattered and pierced with hundreds of shots. The wonder was how she kept her head above water ; and had not the Sapphire, a trader of thirty guns, and the Vanguard stood by him with unwavering steadiness and devotion, the English Admiral muat have fallen before such overwhelming numbers. Thick fog and darkness put an end to the struggle. Under cover of night Blake drew off his ships, the Triumph being the last to retbe from the scene of action, towards Dover roads. Tromp could not, or would not, follow. Next day the weather was thick with fog ; the enemy was not in sight. The disabled vessels were UI prepared to brave the fury of the south-west winds ; and, master of his own move ments, Blate proposed to run into the Thames, and anchor in Lea-road to repab damages, ascertain the enemy's intentions, mate some necessary alterations in the fleet, and wait the recal and concentration of his distant squadrons. The Dutch had not gained an easy victory. Their loss in men was great. One of their vessels had been blown into the air, every man on board perishing. Tromp's ship and De Ruiter's ship were both put out of service, and many others were seriously crippled. But their victory was unquestionable; for the moment they were again masters of the Channel. There seem to have been three principal causes of this disaster — ^the first and last that England experienced under Blate's command — any one of them sufficient to ROBERT BLAKE. 187 account for it : — (1.) The overwhelming superiority of force on the part of Tromp. (2.) The extreme weakness to which some of Blate's vessels were reduced for want of men; and (3.) The cowardice or disaffection to the service, manifested at a critical moment of the battle by several captains in the English fieet. To the first of these causes Blake himself professed to attach only a secondary importance. Had all the thirty-seven ships behaved like the Garland, Sapphire, Vanguard, Bon adventure, Victory, and Triumph, the result would pro bably have been other than it was ; and even his defeat, if the retbement of a squadron before a fieet three times its strength can be so called, was less gaUing to his proud nature than the idea of having officers under his command who at such a time could fail in duty to theb country. In the letter which conveyed to the Council of State the first news of the reverse of fortune, he says : — " I am bound to let your honours know that there was much baseness of spirit, not among the merchant-men only, but in many of the State's ships. And therefore I make it my earnest request that your honours would be pleased to send down some gentlemen to take an impartial and strict examination of the deportment of several commanders, that you may know who are to be confided in and who are not. It wUl then be time to take into consideration the grounds of some other errors and defects, especiaUy the discouragement and want of seamen. I shaU be bold at present to name one — not the least, — which is, the great number of private men-of-war, especially out of the Thames. And I hope it wUl not be unseasonable for me, in behalf of myself, to desbe your honoura that you would think of giving me, your unworthy servant, a diacharge from this employment as far too great for me, especiaUy since your honours have added two such able gentlemen [Monk and Deane] for the undertaking of that charge ; 1 88 ROBERT BLAKE. so that I may spend the remainder of my days in private retirement, aud in prayers to the Lord for blessings on you and on this nation." But inatead of receiving the acceptance of his offer to resign, Blake found that the misfortuue which might have ruined another man had given him strength and infiuence in the country. The CoimcU of State wrote by return of courier to express theb unanimous thanks for his gallant conduct in the late action, and to assure him that aU his proposals, — except the one which referred to his own retbement, — should be adopted. Never had he been so necessary to the country as at that moment, and his hints and requests were immediately carried into effect, so far as lay with the CouncU. Three of theb own body. Colonel Walton, Mr. Chaloner, and Colonel Morley were sent down to inquire into the aUeged misconduct of the officers, to report on the ineffective, condition of the fieet, and, in case of need, to assist in a Council of War, to be caUed by the Admiral after their arrival. Messengers were sent to recal the convoys to the Downs. Orders were sent to Deane and Monk to hold themselves in readiness to go on board at twenty- four hours' notice, and assume the responsibilities of their rant. Cruisers and other vessels lying at Harwich and elsewhere on the near coasts were instructed to repab to the general rendezvous. A resolution was carried to raise the effective marine force to 30,000 men. More care was taken wdth the store magazines. The Navy Commissioners, long crippled by the perfidious policy of the Danish King, were empowered in this emergency to seize on hemp, tar and pitch, where- ever these important articles could be found. But not a whisper was heard against the Admiral, either in the Council or in the city. There was no attempt on the part of the Navy Commissioners to meddle with his plans or to abridge his authority. The CouncU of ROBERT BLAKE. 189 State reposed an almoat unbounded confidence in his genius and fidelity. Five days after the engagement off the Ness, they ordered — " That a letter be written to General Blake, to acquaint him with what the Council hath done for the giving him an addition of strength, — to let him know that (in regard the state of affairs is before him, and he hath a perfect understanding of them) the Council do leave to Mm upon the place to do what he may for his own defence and the service of the Common wealth." The next day they wrote again in the same spbit: — "The CouncU suggest objections to General Blake going with his fieet into Lea road, and recommend Harwich aa a better position: but still leave it to him to act accord ing as his Council of War shall advise upon the place." Curiously enough, the firat diaaster experienced by Blake at sea gave him power to effect reforms in the service and to root out abuses which had defied all his efforts in the day of his success. One great abuse was abolished that in his opinion lay at the source of the late defeat. To encourage merchants and others having ves sels capable of armament to place them during the war at the disposal of Government, an Order of CouncU had hitherto aUowed the masters of such vessels to command them after the change of service. Many persons thus came to occupy, aa a private right, important offices in the navy who had no real attachment to the new order of things, and there was reason to suspect that some of the secret partisans of the Stuarts had crept into places of trust in this way for the express purpose of betraying the Commonwealth. These Royalists kept the exiled court well informed of the state of the navy, and the exiles in turn communicated the latest information to the States- General. Thus the Admbal had not only to fight his great and astute adversary, but to struggle against intrigues abroad and treason at home. Before Tromp I90 ROBERT BLAKE. sailed from the Texel, Charles Stuart had caused a secret memob to be drawn up by Lord Clarendon and the Marquis of Ormonde — to be presented to M. Borrel, Dutch Ambassador in Paris — in which he proposed to the States-General a plan for creating divisions in the English fleet and consequent excitement and weakness in the country. He declared that he was aware that many captains in the Commonwealth navy were his own friends ; and he offered to go on board the Dutch fieet as a private officer, seeking no command, except of such vessels as should desert to him from the English. De Witt, how ever, as a sincere Republican, refused to accept this doubtful aid ; but a knowledge of the fact on which the proposal was based, that many of Blake's officers served under false colours, and were ripe for an act of treason, was of vast importance to Tromp in the arrangement of his bold and masterly campaign. Certain incidents in the late battle left no doubt that several captains had acted with direct or indbect reference to the enemy's design ; and without being able to bring the crime of treason home to them, the Admiral toot the occasion to insist on having a regulation adopted by the supreme Council, that in future captains and other officers should receive theb appointments from the State. As the inqubies of the three members, Walton, Morley and Chaloner proceeded, several officers were suspended, either for neglect of duty, lack of courage or other faults, against whom no suspicion of treachery or disaffection could arise. It was necessary to purge the fieet of its weak, as weU as of its faithless, captains. No naval scrutiny was ever conducted with greater justice, openness and severity. The three members reported to the Admiral the results of their investigation in each case, and he deUvered sentence of arrest or dis missal with a stern rigour, even when the law feU in ita ROBERT BLAKE. 191 fuU weight on his own household and his own family. Francis Harvey, his secretary, was cashiered. Captains Young, Taylor, Saltonstill and others w«re put under arrest untU the pleasure of the CouncU of State should be known. His brother Benjamin, to whom he was strongly attached as a brother and an officer, feU under suspicion of some neglect of duty ; and however painful the exercise of power under such cbcumstances, he was instantly broken and sent on shore. This rigid measure of justice against his own fiesh and blood silenced every complaint; and the service gained immeasurably in spirit, discipline aud confidence. WhUe these reforms, recruitments and renovations were proceeding imder Blake's immediate eye, Tromp rode up and down the Channel with a broom at his mast-head, a proaaic emblem of his right to sweep the narrow seas ; and the States-General, more elated with theb victory than their Admiral himself, put out a proclamation againat our manufactures — aent intel ligence of theb great successes to foreign powers — and interdicted aU correspondence and communication with the Britiah Islands, pretending, aa if they were abeady aasured victors, to place them in a state of naval blockade. Ballads, by-words and scurrUous caricatures delighted the ears and eyes of the excited populace. The names of the vessels captured in the fight afforded Dutch wits a theme for abuse: they had carried off the "garland," they said, from the islanders ; and there were squibs and jokes about the "bon-adventure" having realised the prophecy of its name in falUng into their hands. But what concerned the Council of State more than these squibs and sarcasms, was a report that Tromp contem plated making a descent on the Isles of Jersey and Guernsey, and a very natural fear that the trading part of the community would suffer from the cruiaers of their 192 ROBERT BLAKE. watchful and active enemy. These alarms hastened their preparations for the second winter campaign ; and on the 8th of February Blake, still in the Triumph, sailed from Queensborough, at the head of sixty men-of-war and frigates, having Monk and Deane with twelve hundred soldiers from the camp on board. Penn was Vice- admbal, Lawson Rear-admiral. In the Straits the Portsmouth squadron of twenty sail came in, and with this addition to hia effective strength, Blake resolved to seek the Dutch fleet and give battle. Tromp had gone southward to meet a large fleet of traders, ordered by ihe States-General to rendezvous at the Isle of Rhe, opposite Rochelle, and convoy them home ; but intel ligence had there reached him that the Engliah were about to quit the Thames in his absence with sixty sail, and he intended to arrive at the river mouth in time to block it up, prevent their departure, and keep the Ports mouth squadron from effecting a junction with the main body. Blake had stolen a march on the Dutch Admbal, and when the latter turned Cape de la Hogue, he was surprised to find the English with a force equal to his own prepared to dispute the passage of a sea so lately swept by his potential broom. Confident, however, of victory, he accepted with joy the offer of a battle which fortune enabled him to decline without disadvantage had such been his pleasure. Day was breaking on the morning of February IS, when the vanguard of the Dutch Admiral was descried from the maat-head of the Triumph. Blake dreaaed and went to the out-look. Nature could scarcely boast a grander spectacle than rose before him as the sun came forth, showing that heaving sea covered with ships, and lighting their sails and pennons with its pale radiance. The darkness of the weather had prevented recognition until the foremost ships were within a league of each ROBERT BLAKE. 193 other. The EngUsh Admbals were close together; the Triumph having Penn's, ship, the Speater, and Lawson's, the Fabfax, both within hail. But Mont was some miles astern in the Vanguard, and the main body of the fleet lay about a league and a half apart. Tromp saw his advantage. With the wind in his favour he might have carried his convoy to the Scheldt in safety, and retumed at his leisure to give battle ; but he chose to play a bolder game, and fancying the Engliah vanguard of only twenty ships woiUd prove unable to resist the weight of hia attack, he sent his traders to windward, out of gun range, with orders to slacken sail and witness the engagement. Personal combined with public reasons to lend a thrUling interest to the coming battle. The two nations had now had time to coUect their forces. Their largest ships were in array. The most popular admirals were on board the respective fleets : Blate, Deane, Penn and Lawson on the one side ; Tromp, Evertz, De Ruiter, Swers, Floritz aud De WUde on the other. It was the first time Blake and Tromp had met on equal terms ; and even the common seamen felt that the day had come to put theb prowess to the test. At the outset, all advantages of position were with the Dutch. Their ships had the wind, and were close up together. When their extended line of fire opened on the Engliah van guard, it seemed almost impossible for about twenty ships to withstand the crash of such tremendous broad sides. As usual, the Triumph was the firat to engage, and the Brederode, ever in the van, advanced to meet her, reserving fire till the two veasels were within musket-shot, and her charge could be delivered with the most deadly effect. With a strong breeze in his favour, Tromp shot by the Triumph, pouring a fearful broadside into her as he passed ; and then, suddenly tacking round, fired a second time close under her lee, splintering masts 194 ROBERT BLAKE. and spars, tearing canvass and cordage, and strewing the deck with heaps of kiUed and wounded men. With this salute the Admirals parted company for the day, Penn dashing in between them with the Speaker and other vessels to cover Blake from some part of the circle of fire in which he lay exposed. The battle became general as the other divisions of the English fleet came up. On both sides the wreck was awful. In less than an hour from the first shot being launched from the guns of the Triumph, the sea was covered with spars, tom saUs and broken planks. Almost every ship engaged in the action had even then had its cables cut asunder and its masts shot away. One moment an English crew were seen boarding a Dutch man-of-war, the next moment the boarders were driven back, and their own vessel was assailed in turn. Here there was a ship wrapt in flames ; there one was going down with all her men on deck, their cries unheard or their terrors unheeded by friend or foe ; elsewhere a fearful explosion sent decks and crews whirUng into the black and lurid atmosphere. It is said in contemporary accounts, that the roar of the artiUery could be heard along the shores of the Channel, from Boulogne on the one side to Portland on the other. About mid-day Monk came up with the white division, and from time to time other ships joined in the contest, thenceforward fought on nearly equal terms. De Ruiter justified his old renown. Early in the battle he had singled out and engaged with the Prosperous, a hired merchantman of forty guns, commanded by Captain Barker ; but as the fire of the English ship was main tained with steadiness, he grew impatient with the dis tant fighting ; and ordering a boarding-party to prepare for action, he ran hia ship alongside the Prosperous, when his men gallantly leaped on her deck pistol and sword in hand. The close combat lasted a few seconds only. ROBERT BLAKE. 195 Driving the assailants back to theb ship. Barker threat ened De Ruiter in Ms turn ; but the brave old aeaman, shouting in hia fierce humour to the men, " Come, my lads, that was nothing — at them again ! " led them to a second and more furious assault. With his numbers reduced and his ship unmanageable. Barker was un able to reaiat the onset, and he and his crew were prisoners. At that instant Blake came up. The prize was instantly recovered, and De Ruiter himself almost surrounded by the Engliah. Vice-admbal Evertz and Captains Swers and Kriuk hastened to relieve theb countryman from his dangerous position, and the battle soon raged round this new centre with extraordinary violence. Penn's ship, the Speaker, was shattered by the guns, and condemned as no longer fit for service. When night put an end to the engagement of that first day, Penn was deapatched to the Isle of Wight to bring up the guard-ships left at that station. Kriuk, in the Ostrich, fought Uke a true saUor, till his rigging and maats were shot away to the very hull, and his deck was covered with the dead bodies of his com rades. At last, he was boarded by the Engliah. As the unfortunate vessel seemed to be sinking, and her officers and crew were nearly aU killed or wounded, the EngUsh made a hasty plunder of her contents and left her to her fate. De WUde offered his aid in an effort to bring her off; but a sudden calm came on, and not having a yard of sail left, the attempt to tow her away failed, and she was again abandoned. Next morning, Blake found her drifting about, the unburied corpses lying where they had fallen the previous day, and not a living soul on board. Captain Swers — afterwards the distin guished admbal of that name — was taken prisoner. Seeing his comrade. Captain De Port, roughly used by two English frigates, he flew to the rescue with hia ahip, o2 196 ROBERT BLAKE. and the four enemies were immediately locked together. De Port's ship was struck between wind and water and began to fiU ;> he himself was severely wounded by the faU of a splinter ; yet he contmued to urge his men by shouts, and to fiourish his hanger as he lay on his back in agony, until ship and crew went down together. Effective as the Dutch cannonade had hitherto been thought, it was no match for the deatructive fire of the English frigates ; and after a desperate struggle, in which the enemies proved themselves worthy of each other, Swers' ship also went down, himaelf and several of his officers and crew being taken on board the frigates and theb Uves preaerved. Towards dusk, Blake felt himself strong enough to detach a number of his swiftest saUers with orders to gain the wind, and if possible prevent the escape of the vast fleet of traders which had been hovering on his flank all day ; Tromp saw the movements of this squadron, and guessing its motive, fell back with a great part of his fleet, so as to cover the merchantmen. His retreat put an end to the first day's engagement ; for on seeing their Admbal turn his face from the enemy, some of the Dutch captains hoisted sail and fled away under cover of the gathering darkness. Blake remained maater of the scene of action, but his ships were too far damaged and his men too much ex hausted to permit of an active' night-chase. Heroic valour had characterised the officers and men on both sides. The Dutch had lost eight men-of-war, either taken by the enemy or destroyed. The Prosperous, the Oak, the Assistance, the Sampson, and several other English ships had been boarded and captured during some period of the day, though every vessel had been afterwards recovered. The Sampson was our only loss that day. Her brave commander, Captain Button, and nearly all his crew being slain, Blake took out of her the remaining ROBERT BLAKE. 197 officers and men, and allowed her to drift away. This excepted, no other ship in the Engliah fieet had suffered so severely as the flag-ship, the Triumph. Her captain, Andrew Ball, fell that day covered with glory ; Sparrow, the Admiral's new secretary, was shot down at his side ; and nearly half the crew had been swept into eternity. Blake himaelf was wounded in the thigh, and the same ball which lamed him for the remainder of his Ufe, tore away part of Deane's buff coat. The enemy's loss in men could not be ascertained ; it waa known to be very great by the entire clearance of more than one vessel ; and the decks and guns of the captured ships were so spattered with blood, as to sicken and appal the most callous of the victors. As soon as night came down, Blake's first care was to reUeve the agonies of the wounded men by sending them on shore to the well-prepared hospitals, where persons of all ranks aided in promoting theb comfort and recovery ; coUections of money, clothes and linen being made for them throughout the West, and the defects of the service supplied by the spontaneous enthusiasm of the people. His own wound, though not dangerous, demanded repose and careful treatment ; but he listened to no friend who urged him to go on shore and seek for himself the relief which he took care to put in the way of hia humbler comrades. The two fieets lay almoat close together, with their Ughta streaming all night across the wintry sea. Until dawn next day, every effective hand on board the English fieet was employed in restoring sails, stopping leaks, cleaning guna, and repairing the waate of war. Everything was made ready to renew the contest with the return of light, for a dead calm had succeeded to the fresh breeze blowing when the battle began, and this calm continuing, it was impossible for the Dutch to avoid another battle. 198 ROBERT BLAKE. As day broke a Ught wind sprang up, and Tromp, anxious to get his traders home in safety, disposed his fleet in the form of a crescent, the two hundred merchants in his centre, and crowding every inch of sail that he could spread, stood directly up Channel. Blake followed with his whole power ; the breeze which favoured the flight also aiding the pursuit ; yet it was twelve o'clock before the Triumph came within gunshot of the rearmost enemy, and nearly two before the main body came up with them off Dungenesa. Compelled to fight againat his wiU, Tromp ordered the merchants to mate sail for the nearest Dutch port, keeping close under the French shore between Calais and Dunkirk for protection, and then turned Uke a panther on hia pursuer. On both sides the battle was renewed with fury. De Ruiter gave fresh proofs of his skUl and courage ; but the fortune of war was stUl against him. After some hours of this second engagement his vessel became unmanageable, and would have faUen into Blake's hands had not Tromp seen his danger and sent Captain Duin to bring him out from the fight. With great difficulty he was extricated from his position and carried away. An hour or so later Tromp also began to faU slowly back towards Boulogne, stiU, however, con testing every wave, and the mingled rout and battle lasted untu night again separated the hostile hosts. Fortunately for the English fleet, though the air was bitterly cold, the sky was unusually clear for winter, so that the enemy's lights served them as signals, and enabled their ships to keep pretty close together and well up for the battle of the morrow. On the second day Blake had captured or destroyed five Dutch men-of- war. The advantages gained by the recent reforms came out clearly in face of the enemy : — the Admirals had not a single complaint to make as to the courage, steadiness and unity of purpose displayed by the inferior officers. ROBERT BLAKE. 199 In the Dutch fleet, on the contrary, want of concert, party-bitterness and personal envy, combined to clog the genius of the great commander. At the close of the second day's engagement several captains sent word to the Brederode that they could resist no longer, pleading want of powder as an excuse, and Tromp was compeUed to send these men away from the main body iu the night ao as to prevent treason and cowardice from spreading to the other ships. To conceal the true nature of this defection, he made a pretence of giving them instructions to take up a new position to windward of the traders, and begged them to make such a show of resistance as would keep the English frigates from coming too near. But his device failed of its own weakness. When day light dawned, Blake saw at a glance that the fleet had been considerably reduced, and inferring that a squadron had been deapatched in the night to cover the flight of the merchanta, he aent off a division of fleet sailers, drawing little water, in pursuit of them, while he himaelf bore down once more with the main body on his reduced but stdl unconquered enemy. Tromp fought, as usual, with the most desperate courage : but he had now little hope, with hia broken and divided power, of doing more than occupy Blake's attention untU hia richly laden mer chants could run into the nearest port. Even this waa doubtful. After the flrst shock of the third day's battle, he aent Captain Van Neas to the merchants, with orders for them to crowd sail and make for Calais road, as he found himself unable to promise them more than a few hours' protection. As the flght grew fiercer, he sent his Treaaurer to urge them to press on faster, or the EngUah frigates would soon be amongst them. But the wind was then blowing from the French coast, and notwithstanding his energetic attempts, Van Ness was unable to carry such a number of disorganised ships 200. , ROBERT BLAKE. sufficiently near land to be out of danger. More than half the Dutch frigates and men-of-war had now been taken, sunk or scattered ; and considering it a species of insanity in Tromp to continue the engagement until they were all destroyed, the other captains, contrary to theb express orders, retreated on the flying traders. Confusion then reached its height. Some of the English frigates came up ; and the merchants, in their alarm and disorder, ran foul of each other, knocked themselves to pieces or fell blindly into their enemy's power. Still fighting with the retreating men-of-war, Blake arrived in the midst of this wild scene late in the afternoon, and finding several ships run against him, as if desbous of being captured, it occurred to him that this was a device of his wily adversary to stay the victorious pursuit, and give time to rally some part of the discomfited fleet, — and he issued strict and instant commands that every war-ship still in a condition to foUow and fight the enemy should press on with aU its force against the main body, leaving the traders in their rear to be watched and seized by the frigates already assigned to that service, or driven into ports whence it would be easy to recover them should the Dutch fieet be swept from the Channel. Darkness alone put an end to the exciting chase. Tromp ran in under the French shore, about four miles from Calais, where he anchored the remnant of his once mighty fieet — now reduced to less than half the former number of masts, and these damaged in every part. Blake consulted pUots and others well acquainted with the coaat, as to what Tromp could do in his new position ; and the general opinion of these men being that the Dutch could not weather the coast of Artois, as the wind and tide then lay, and would be compelled to come out to sea in order to get home, he cast anchors and sat down to repair his damages. The night was ROBERT BLAKE. 201 unusually dark, with a high gale blowing, so that the enemy's lights could not be seen ; and when day again dawned the sea was quite clear in that direction, Tromp having slipped away and tided towards Dunkirk, whence he got off into the harbours of Zealand. By twelve o'clock in the morning, Blake was ready to give chase, but no enemy being then visible, and seeing how useless it would be to foUow the runaways into the fiats.and shallows of their own coast, he stood over towards England, and the gale still rising, carried his fieet and prizes into Stoake's Bay, in the Isk of Wight, whence he and his coUeagues in command wrote to inform the House of their success. Extremely false and exaggerated accounts of the great Battle of Portland were published in the two countries. Excepting the loss of their tradera, the Statea- General tried to make the world believe that their fleet had done as much mischief as it had suffered: — but when Tromp was asked to aail againat the enemy and recover his laurels, he frankly confessed that his best war-ships had been lost or deatroyed. In their report to Parlia ment, the English commanders stated that their loss was confined to the Sampson, the vessel turned adrift duruig the first night of the engagement, — and that their gain from the enemy waa seventeen or eighteen men of war, and a large fleet of merchant-ships, the precise number not being ascertainable at once, the prizes having been carried into different ports. Sixteen saU were brought into Dover. Altogether it is probable that more than fifty of these vessels feU into English hands. On both sides the loss of life was great. The Dutch captains. Balk, Van Zaanen, De Port, Spanhem, Regemorter, Fokkes, and AUart were slain : Swers, Schey, and Van Zeelst were taken prisoners. England had to mourn the deaths of three of her bravest captains — BaU, 202 ROBERT BLAKE. Mildmay and Barker. Blake himself was severely wounded, as was also his gallant Rear-admbal Lawson. Few of the more distinguished persona on board escaped without a wound. In London the first news of this battle was received with enthusiasm. At last the two nations had met on a fair field ; the genius, strength and courage of the officers and men had been fably tried ; and the Common wealth had gained a splendid victory. Special letters of thanks and congratulation were written to the three commanders. A day of general thanksgiving was appointed. Parliament began an immediate subscription in behalf of the wives and chUdren of such as had fallen in the action : and a short time afterwards a pubUc provision waa made by the State itself for theb support. Troops of horse escorted the prisoners from the various ports where they had been landed to London, and in every town through which these cavalcades passed on the journey, the people rang the joy-beUs in celebration of the battle. As to Blake himself, less mindful of his own wound than he was of the hurts of his humblest companion, he remained in St. Helen's road and about the Solent for some weeks after the acticn, refitting his ships, taking in fresh steres, and preparing te chas tise the Brest privateers, who stiU infested the seas and made spoil of English and other traders engaged in the commerce with Ireland. In April he received informa tion that Tromp was making great efforts to equip another fieet, so that he was still unable or unwilling to go on shore. With a hundred sail he appeared before the Texel, where he found about seventy Dutch men-of- war and frigates ; his vanguard fired into them as soon as he came within gunshot, when they hastUy retreated, leaving fifty of theb doggers behind as prizes. Tromp had gone out on convoy service ; but no longer able or CROMWELL DISPERSING THE. LONG PARLIAMENT. ROBERT BLAKE. 203 willing to try the Channel passage, the Dutchman was obhged to go round the north of Scotland to meet the fleet of Spanish and Levantine merchants. He contrived by consummate seamanship to bring his ships home, though the wits of London and Westminster had their laugh at the expense of that top-gaUant humour which had so lately threatened to brush the Engliah navy from the seas in which he no longer dared to show his pennons. Leaving him for the present aecure in his fortified and inaccessible ports, Blate saUed towards the North with a smaU squadron, whUe Mont ap.d Deane returned with eighty sail into the Downs, where they witnessed and acquiesced in CromweU's dispersion of the Long Parliament and in his assumption of supreme power. The precise objects of this northern cruise have not been clearly stated. But as it had the effect of remov ing from the Downs and from the majority of his naval comrades a popular commander, tnown for his sincere attachment to the Commonwealth, at the very moment when CromweU had resolved to venture on the rash, indecent and unlawful act of dispersing by brute force the representatives of the nation, it is not difficult to surmise by whose intrigues the Council of State had been induced to urge it. On the famous 20th of AprU, 1653, Blate was cruizing with twenty ahips between the Friths of Forth and Moray, when the troopers marched down to Westminster and cleared the House. Next day Cromwell dissolved the CouncU of State. On the 25th a council of officers in London declared for CromweU, and the same afternoon brought despatches from Deane and Monk, with their adhesion and that of certain captains of their fieet to the number of thirty-three. Penn and the officers with him signed to the same effect. But neither the Admiral 204 ROBERT BLAKE. himself, his brother Benjamin, nor his nephew Robert, set their hands to these documents, so that the name of Blake does not occur in the papers which carried to the usurper an assurance that his violence would not be opposed by the navy. That Blake was dissatisfied with a change that soon condemned Algernon Sydney to the privacy of Pens- hurst, consigned Sir Henry Vane to a priaon, and drove many of the moderate men whose opinions he shared, into private Ufe, there is no reason to doubt. To his friends and associates he made no secret of his resent ment. Had he been in his place in the Council of State when Cromwell entered, there would probably have been a louder and more important protest against the act of uaurpation than that made by the Lord- President Brad- shawe. But he was far away, deeply engrossed with the duties of the service, when the deed of violence was done in Weatminater; and before the intelUgence reached him on his diatant station, the change was an historical fact, formally accepted by the army and the fleet. From that moment Blake gave up politics. The gentry of Somersetshire returned him as theb represen tative in the new Parliament ; but he never appeared in the House except on the business of his department. The fears and intrigues of the usurper caused him to be excluded from the new Council of State. In a Par liament without power, even his fearless truth and un compromising honeaty could do little harm to the Lord- General's intereata : while his very name on the rolls of the New Representative, lent a dignity to that assembly which Cromwell understood, and which his admirers stUl claim as a triumph for their hero. The case was dif ferent as regards the CouncU of State. AVithin that smaller and more powerful body, he might have proved a dangerous adviaer and opponent so long as the great ROBERT BLAKE. 205 question of a settlement of the nation was stiU under discussion : it was, therefore, a necessary precaution, that, for a time at least, he should be excluded. Blake's opinions were known to be unfavourable to mUitary rule, not only in England, but on the continent generally ; and when the Dutch heard of a sudden revolution having been accomplished by the army in London, they at once leapt to the conclusion that their most redoubtable naval adversary would no longer carry on the war with his old vigour. In these hopes they were deceived. Calling his cap tains together as soon as the messengers arrived at the fleet, he told them, that whatever might be their private opinions, he considered it to be his duty and their duty to act in their several posts, whUe out at sea, with good faith, and in such a way aa would best conduce to the .pubUc peace and welfare. He spoke of the irregu larities which had occurred in London; but he would not admit that in such a crisis, threatened as the country was on every side with foreign enemies, the fleet had any right to plunge the country into the horrors of civil war. When pressed by some of hia captains to declare againat the cUque of army officers and their leader, he at once took up a position which he never afterwards abandoned. "No," he said, "it is not for us to mind affabs of State, but to keep foreigners from fooling us." Though he suspected CromweU and abhorred mUitary rule, he had manliness and patriotism enough not to deprive his country of such services as he could render, because it had aUowed itself to submit to a power not of his choice. And fortunately thia resolution was taken with his uaual rapidity ; for Tromp, Evertz, De Ruiter, and De Witt, under the impreaaion that the fleets of England were divided from each other and rent by discords, sailed from the Goree with 120 ships, brought together and manned in haste, for Dover road, into which they drove a few 2o6 ROBERT BLAKE. stragglers, toot two or three prizes, and began to fire on the town. The fleet then in the narrow seas was divided into three squadrons. Deane and Mont, with the red flag, in the Resolution, had under their immediate orders 38 saU, carrying 1440 guns and 6169 men; the white divi sion, under Penn, consisted of 33 saU, with 1189 guns and 5085 men ; Lawson commanded the blue, composed of 34 ships, having on board 1189 guns, and 5015 men ; mating a grand total of 105 ships, 3840 guns, and 16,269 men. The Dutch were about equal in guns and men, though they had a greater number of vessels. Blate, meanwhUe, having learned by mounted couriers riding day and night that Tromp was again in the Channel, and had fired into Dover, spread his saUs and poured impetuously down the north coast before a full breeze, burning to revenge that insult and re-estabUsh his invaded supremacy in the narrow seas. Early in the morning of June 2d, the two great fleets sighted each other about three leagues from the Gable. Lawson pressed in advance of his comrades, and charged through the enemy between eleven and twelve o'clock in the forenoon, separating De Ruiter's squadron from the rest of the Dutch fleet, and engaging it in a severe contest before the main body on either side could be brought to bear. In about an hour Tromp was at the elbow of his gaUant comrade, and at three o'clock the cannonade was general. One of the first cannon-shots that swept the Resolution kiUed General Deane : Monk threw his cloak over the mangled corpse of his colleague, and shouted to the men to avenge his death. Tromp had that morning given out an extra quantity of liquor, and for some hours his Dutchmen fought with reckless and extraordinary courage ; but when darkness put an end to a long day's engagement, he found himself not less damaged than the EngUsh. GEORGE MONK, DUKE OF ALBEMARLE. ROBERT BLAKE. 207 All that night, while the hostile fieets, at gunshot dis tance from each other, were trying in haste and disorder to repair the havoc of the laat few hours, Blake was riding with his division, under fuU sail and with stream ing lights, for the scene of action, unaware of the day's events, the loss of his old friend Deane, and the doubtful position of the channel fleet. AU night the officers and men in the Downs, dispirited at the death of their old general, watched and waited anxiously for the signals of the Sea Eling. The summer morning dawned early, but no trace of his coming could be descried on the horizon. Fortunately, Tromp was unaware that Blake was expected in the course of the day, beUeving him too far north to be recaUed; and he spent the precious hours of the morning in a series of skUful movements intended to recover the weather-gage ; but, owing to a sudden calm, he was unsuccessful in his attempt, and about noon the two fleets were again within range of the great guns. The battle was renewed, as if by mutual consent, at the point where it had ceased the night before: it was maintained with energy ; but neither party could claim an advantage over the other until the expected squadron hove in sight. Early in the afternoon, high above the din of battle, and breaking through it as the thunder-clap cleaves through the roar of wind and rain in a storm, the explosions of his terrible artUlery were heard by the anxious and excited seamen on the Dutchman's rear and flank ; and the sound of carnage roused them Hke a sudden inapbation. Young Robert Blake was tfep first to engage the enemy; he broke through the Dutch line, and was received with tremendous cheers from the sailors of the English fleet, to whom he brought proof of their great commander's arrival on the scene of action. At four o'clock the battle ended and the rout began. Tromp fought with the energy of 2o8 ROBERT BLAKE. despab ; but nothing could stand against the impetuous onset. The men of the Brederode, stung to madness by the cries and reproaches of theb Admiral, boarded the Vice-admiral — the James — but were repulsed by Penn's crew, who entered the Brederode with them, gained possession of the quarter-deck, and would pro bably have captured the ship, had not Tromp, resolved not to fall alive into English hands, thrown a light into the powder-magazine, and caused an explosion which sent the upper-dect and the gallant boarders who occu pied it into mid air — the plants shivered into a thousand splinters — the men horribly scorched and mutilated. By a mbacle Tromp himself was scarcely hurt ; but a report of his death spread through the fleet, and many of his disheartened captains turned and fled. De Ruiter and De Witt exerted themselves in vain. After his marvellous escape, Tromp quitted the disabled Brederode for a faat-saUing frigate, in which he flew through the fleet to assure the saUors of his safety, encouraging the brave, threatening the waverers, and ibing on the timid as they fled. But it was now too late : the day was irrecoverably lost, and the brave old sailor at last and with stern reluctance gave his sanction to the order for retreat. As the flight became general, a fresh gale sprung up to favour the pursuit. Allowing the enemy no pause, the English admirals pressed hotly on their rear, sunk many of theb ships, captured several others, and would have destroyed the entire armament,. had they been favoured with two more hours of dayUght. But favoured by a dark night, Tromp sought shelter in the road before Ostend, and the next day escaped with the remnant of his fleet into Weilingen. Blake and Monk had to report that among their captures they counted 1350 Dutch prisoners, including six captains, Verburg, Schellinger, Laurence, Duin, Fietersz, and ROBERT BLAKE. 209 Westergo : eleven men-of-war, including a vice-admiral and two rear-admirals ; two water-hoys and one fly -boat. The other ascertainable losses of the enemy included six men-of-war sunk, two blown up and one burnt. In the Engliah fleet they counted 126 men slain and 236 wounded. Several of their ships had their bows shot away, and the masts and rigging of many others were shattered or destroyed. InteUigence of this great defeat threw the United Provinces into a ferment. The mob rose in various towns, deposed the magistrates, and accused the govem ment of incapacity and treaaon. The admirals offered to resign theb commissions. Tromp told the Deputies of the States that it waa impoaaible to . fight the islanders any longer, unleaa theb fleet could be reinforced by a great number of large ships; and DeRuiter boldly declared that he would go to sea no more with auch a fleet as they then possessed. In the Aaaembly of the Statea, De Witt spoke the truth stiU more clearly out: — "Why," he aaid, " should I keep silence any longer ? I am here before my aovereigna ; I am free to apeak : — and I muat say that the EngUah are at present' mastera both of us and of the seas." This was the opinion of the well- informed in both countries. The naval power of Hol land waa for the time completely broken, and the final battle of the war hazarded and loat two months later, waa but an expiring effort made with crippled meana and under circumstances of the greatest discouragement. The condition of the Dutch fiag-ship was little worse than that of their navy throughout : — " The Brederode," says Tromp, in his report to the States- General, "has received several shots between wind and water; and though we have had her caulked as well as possible, she stiU leaks so fast, that last night, in spite of all our pumps, the water gained on us above five feet in 210 ROBERT BLAKE. height : tOl the present time we have contrived to teep her above water ; but if after aU we find our labour lost, we shall be obUged to run her ashore." Under these circumstances the States began to think of peace, and a vessel carrying a white fiag was sent with an agent on board, who was inatructed to go to London to prepare the way for two freah ambassadors fully empowered to arrange the preliminaries of a treaty. Though it kept the sea, the English fieet was in scarcely better condition than that of the enemy. After sending the wounded men on shore at Ipswich, where hospitals had been prepared for their reception, with strict orders that every care should be taken of their wounds, and every comfort afforded them during the progress of theb recovery, — Blake pursued the fiying enemy, keeping his great ships out at sea to avoid the shoals and sand-banks, but running his frigates close in land and scouring every bay and inlet. His objects were, to place the coast of Holland from the Zwin to the Texel in a state of blockade — to intercept and destroy the Dutch trade — to hinder the herring-busses and whaling-boats from going out on the usual summer voy age — and to teep the fleet closed up in the Texel and prevent its junction with that refitting in the WeUingen ; and having determined on his plan, he coUected such of his ships as appeared to be unable to remain at sea for some weeks to come, and sent them bact to England with the prizes, himseK remaining with the other portion of hia fleet in the Dutch watera, capturing stray ships and holding the long chain of towns and ports between Ostend and the Ema in a state of perpetual alarm and irritation. His letters written at this time from before the Texel and the Vlie show with how wide a range of obstacles he had to contend, and add new elements to the admiration excited by his victorious career. Five ROBERT BLAKE. si I days after the battle he writes to the Board of Admi ralty : — , " GENTLBMEif, — Siuce ours of the 6th present, we are got between the Texel and the Vlie, where we shall en deavour to hinder any men-of-war coming out from thence to mate a conjunction with the Dutch fleet now at the WeUingen, aa weU as hinder their fishing and merchan dising trade so near as we can. " The ships sent for England with the Dutch prizes, of which you had an account in our laat, we do desire they may be refitted and sent unto ua ao aoon as poaaibly you can, and that the Commissioners of the Navy may be sent unto, to give order for as much victuals and water to be put on board them as they can weU stow, also that so many other ships with victuals and water as can be got ready in that time may comfe along with them, and for those victualling and water-ships now with us, we shaU use our beat endeavours to get it out as fast aa we can, and dispoae of it to each ship according to theb neceaaity ao far as it will go, and then send them back for recruits, whereby the charge of hiring more ships for that service may be saved ; but as yet we have not had time. " We do desbe that two or three of the best-sailing frigates may be hastened to us with powder and shot, which is our great want. " We have aent orders to aU those ships and vessels in Yarmouth road to repair unto us with all expedition, and do desire that for the future no more ships-of-war or others may be sent thither, but that they repab into the Zwin, where we shall send to them and for them aa the service requires. " We would gladly know certainly what quantity of victuals there lies now ready at Hull, Yarmouth, and Harwich upon any occasion. p2 212 ROBERT BLAKE. " It is supposed as soon as the enemy is in a capacity to show hia head, he wiU endeavour to attempt somewhat upon our own coast ; but we hope you wiU take care that he may be prevented, and if he shaU come again and shoot into Dover pier, that youwiU not be much startled at it, though we assure you there shaU be nothing want ing in us to hinder him in that or any thing else that may disturb the peace of thia Commonwealth, so far as the Lord shaU enable us. " We do desbe aU diUgence may be used to supply us with seamen, and that the first ships that come may bring as many with them as they can. We are," &c. Next day he wrote again, complaining that the ships were in very bad condition and much in want of powder and shot. But suppUes came in slowly. Want and sickness increased day by day. On the 12th he again wrote : " The 11th preaent came many letters of yours to our hands, several of them, bearing date in May laat, are du plicates of some we formerly received, and have abeady answered as to the material things therein. The same day also came Colonel Goffe, Major Bourne and Captain Hataell, and seven ships-of-war, with eleven victuallers and water-ahips in their company. What theb lading particularly ia we cannot as yet give you an account ; but so soon as it comes to our hands, we shaU communi cate it unto you, which we hope wUl be by the next ; only this we have in general, that there are 140 barrels of powder in the Samuel merchant, and 172 in the John and Katherine (besides a quantity of shot) over and above their proportion ; also 700 soldiers, which might have been serviceable unto us had care been taken to have sent bedding and cloths along with them, according to your resolutions at Chatham in that particular, which we hoped would have been adhered to ; for want whereof ROBERT BLAKE. 213 they are likely to occasion much sickness amongst us, instead of answering your expectations. " As aoon as we have dispoaed of the victuala now come to us, we Shall send the ships that brought it back again with what speed we can, that they may be recruited and retumed to ua ; and we hope you wiU uae aU dili gence for the hastening bact the ships we sent into the river as a convoy to the Dutch prizes ; we having many ships here wUl be unfit for service before they get to ua, let them mate what haste they can. We sent the other day eleven ships and frigates to Harwich to wash and taUow, and then to complete three months victuals, as also to tate in the ammunition remaining at Yarmouth for the fleet, and so to return with all speed. " For those ships and frigates of Captain Baddy's squadron, which we understand are in a capacity for service, wanting some men, we desire they may be sup plied and hastened to us, the rather because we are in formed there are eleven or twelve great frigates newly launched at Amsterdam, Enchuyaen, and thereabouts, which carry fifty guna a piece, beaides the ten men-of- war which came home with the French fieet. We un derstand some hammocks are eome in a hoy to Harwich, for which we have sent, but hear not of the other neces saries of wood and candles, so often mentioned unto you, of which the fleet wants a proportion of six weeka to even with our present victualling. The lOOOlbs. is now come iu the John and Katherine, and John Poortmans intends to get it aboard to-day, which we hope wiU yet be serviceable : for the Cock and Brier which you men tion are on their way towards ua ; the latter of them we conceive may be very uaeful in her station on the weatern coast, and therefore do not desire her here. We have desbed Major Bourne to remain about Harwich and Yarmouth, the better to despatch to us the ships and 214 ROBERT BLAKE. frigates that are or shall be sent thither, and such other vessels with provisions as are necessary for the fleet; and also to maintain a constant and mutual correspon dence between the CouncU of State and yourselves with us. The supply of ammunition you have made unto us, especially of shot, will not answer our present wants in that behalf, wherefore we desbe the continuance of your care therein, that what further quantities can be suddenly provided may be aent unto ua accordingly." About a fortnight later he complained that his stores and proviaiona were aU run abort ; the beer, he said, was sour, the bread bad, the butter rancid, the cheese rotten. The amount of aickneas on board was very great ; and in spite of the enemy's present weakness, and the im mense advantage of holding them in close blockade, he expressed a fear that, unless reUeved, he would be com pelled by want and sickness to return to England. His own health was bad, the consequence of his neglected wound, but of that he said Uttle. The close of his letter, in which he had described one of his captures, gave excellent reasons for maintaining the blockade : " It hath pleased God this last week," it ran, " to deliver several merchant-ships of the enemy into our hands, which was thus : Upon the 19th present some of our frigates, appointed to ply to and again before theVUe, met with eleven sail, which proved to be Dutch ships, some of them come from the West Indies ; and being ships of force, they fought for some time, but at length committed themselves to saUing aa theb securest way ; whereby five of them escaped, but four are taken, one sunk, and another burnt. In this encounter Captain Vessey, Commander of the Martin, was slain, whom we understand hath left a poor widow with a great charge of chUdren, whose condition we leave to your conside ration. Upon the 22ud some other of our frigates met ROBERT BLAKE. 213 about thirty sail more to the northward of the Vlie, which being ships of no force endeavoured whoUy an escape ; but yet eleven of them were taten and some of the remainder scattered, and the rest got into port ; two of these came from Sweden laden with guna, aU new, whereof two are brass, and most of them carrying a bullet from 241bs. weight to twelve, as we are informed, which we hope wUl be aa seasonable for ua as for them, had they escaped ; there were no more amongst them had any guns but these two, the rest are richly laden for the most part ; they are not all come into the fieet as yet ; when they are, we shall send them in under the convoy of such ships aa are least useful, also such sict and wounded men as are not fit to be tept on board ; upon whose arrival in Lea road, whither we shall order them, we do desire speedy directions may be given concerning them as may stand with the good of the service. We intend also (if the Lord will) to mate a trip over with the whole fieet upon the English shore, to see them out of danger, and then to j-eturn with what speed we can, leaving in the meantime so many of the beat frigates we have to lie between the Dogger Bank and the Eiff, to intercept the enemy's ahipa of trade expected home. We earnestly desire you will hasten unto us as many clean ships as you can, apprehending more service might be done than now is, had we a considerable number of them ; also that you would send to Major Bourne that thoae ships now taUowing at Harwich may be expedited to us. " We still continue before this place, sometimes at an anchor, at other times under sail." One more extract from this correspondence wiU com plete the dreary picture of this victorious fieet, and will bring down the story of the war to the point where Blake was compeUed by illness to go on shore : 2i6 ROBERT BLAKE. " Since our last, wherein we acquainted you with our resolutions to saU with the main body of the fleet for Sowle Bay, we have had blowing weather for the most part, whereby we were driven to leeward as far as Flamborough Head ; but are now, through the goodness of God, come thus far on our way, and hope to get into the place of rendezvous this night, or to-morrow morning at furthest, where aU diligence shaU be used to accom plish the end of our coming thither ; and therefore deaire that what victuaUing ahips and others can be sent from London within the time Umited for our staying upon this coast, may be expedited to us, and we have written to Major Bourne in the like manner for such proviaiona as can be sent unto us from Yarmouth and Harwich. Our men faU sick very fast every day, having at present on board this ship upwards of eighty sick men, and some of them very dangerously, which we hear is gene rally through the whole fleet alike, proportionable to the number of men on boai'd; so that we shall be constrained to send a considerable number unto Ipswich for their recovery ; where there is room enough for them and good accommodation, as we understand by a letter from Dr. Whistler lately come to our hands, to whom we have written that special care might be taken of them, and suitable provision made for them, according to their conditions ; and do desire a considerable number of seamen may be sent unto us with what expedition you can, or else it is apprehended we shaU be very weakly manned, to do service answerable to what is expected from us. "We have this morning sent away the Worcester frigate for Chatham, being very foul, and wanting a new foremast, w^hich could not be suppUed here. We should have ordered him to stay in Lea road to receive your directions, but that we apprehended much time would ROBERT BLAKE. 217 be loat that way, being appointed to make his repair unto the fleet with all expedition. The captain of her is a godly and valiant man, whom, with Captain Newbery, commander of the Entrance, we do especially recommend for two of the best frigates now a building, which if you shall approve of and appoint unto, we shall deliver them commissions upon notice given. We hope you do not forget to send us paper and canvass for cartridges, with a considerable quantity of old jimk for wads, our neces sity in this particular having been several times made known unto you. There are two honest captains more whom we desire to recommend unto you for removes into some of the new frigates now a building, with good strength, viz. Captain Bragg in the Marmaduke and Captain Hermon in the Welcome ; they are already in ships of good force but slow sailers, and do apprehend they would do more and better service if better pro vided. We earnestly desire you wUl send down to us as much victuals as wUl complete us to the laat of September, if you can, or else the quantity of butter, cheese, and bread that was lost in the Golliott hoy, of which we gave you an account already, being much in want thereof. We alao desire you wiU hasten unto ua what clean ships and frigates you can from London, for want whereof so much service cannot be done as other wise might be." Next morning the fleet put in, and Blake was carried on shore more dead than alive, leaving Monk, Penn and Lawson on board to carry out and complete his plan for the final reduction of Holland. One more blow, and all was over. Taking advantage of the temporary absence of the blockading fieet, the Dutch squadrons of the Texel and Weilingen put to sea and effected a junction with each other on the south coast ; but their shattered power was no longer capable 2x8 ROBERT BLAKE. of bearding their powerful enemy, and when the English admirals hove in sight at the close of the month, they endeavoured by fiight to avoid another battle. Penn aud Lawson won their brightest laurels in this final con flict with Tromp, Evertz and De Euiter. The fighting began at dust ; but night soon parted the combatants. Next day a heavy gale and thict dirty weather pre vented a renewal of the action. On the third day the last shot was fired. The aged and able Admbal of Holland received a mustet-baU in his heart ; and after his death the captains of his fleet fled away, the EngUsh for the first and only time in that war pursuing the fugitives without mercy, as the ruthless Mont had com manded them to give no quarter. They made no prisoners ; they tiUed aU who feU in theb way ; and after a few houra the conteat became a masaacre rather than a battle. The States- General, now thoroughly humbled, sent ambassadors to sue for peace ; the nego ciations were carried on without further interruption ; and early in the foUowing spring a treaty was made in which they formaUy conceded to England the honours of the flag — agreed to banish the royalist exUes from HoUand — gave the East India Company compenaation for ita leases — settled a sum of money on the hebs of theb Amboyna victims — and made amends to the English traders who had suffered in the Baltic. In modern times there had been no maritime war to compare with this Dutch war, either as to the genius of the combatants, the interests at state, or the magni tude of the operations conducted. In less than two years the English Sea- General and his officers had, according to our own computations, captured or destroyed seventeen hundred Dutch sliips ; the HoUanders them selves admitted that they had lost more than eleven hundred vessels. Twenty months of naval war with ROBERT BLAKE. 219 England cost the Statea- General more money than they had expended during the twenty years war so gloriously waged against Spain. Honours and decorations awaited the successful admirals in England. The Council of State proposed that Parliament should order two gold chains, each of 300Z. value, to be made and presented to the two sur viving generals, Blate and Mont. Two other chains, valued at lOOZ. each, were given to Penn and Lawson. Four chains of 40Z. each were presented to the four flag-officers. Eewards and promotions feU to the lot of many of the inferior officers. Penn waa raiaed to the rant of Sea-General in the place of Deane. Lawson was made Vice-admirak Captain Badily — who had recently fought and lost the battle of Porto Longone, the only event of any importance which had occurred in the Mediterranean during the Dutch war — was made Eear-admiral at the same time. A sum of 1040Z. was voted for medals. Bonfires were Ughted in aU public places, and moat conspicuously on Tower Hill. A day of general thanksgiving, as usual with the Eoundheads after a great victory, was appointed. But aU thia time Blake lay at home in a dangerous fever, and only heard the public exultation at his success through the occa sional echoes which, in spite of medical precautions, came to disturb the repose of a sick room. CHAPTER VIII. THE MEDITERRANEAN. DrEiNG the remainder of the summer months of 1653, it is at least probable that Blake lay sick at Knoll, a country-house attached to an estate which he had pur chased about two mUes from Bridgwater. Fever, of a slow but obstinate character, arising in the first instance from his neglected wound, combined with other ail ments, including dropsy and scurvy, then common to all men leading a sea-faring life — to lay him for awhile completely prostrate. But a land diet, gentle exercise and his native air gradually produced a change for the better in his condition. Knoll was at aU times a favou rite retreat. When absent from his poUtical and pro fessional duties, it was his deUght to run down to Bridgwater for a few days or weeks, and with his chosen books and one or two devout and abstemious friends to indulge in the luxuries of seclusion. He was by nature self-absorbed and taciturn. A long walk, during which he appeared to hia simple neighbours to be lost in profound thought, as if working out in his own mind the detaUs of one of his great battles, or busy with some abstruse point of Puritan theology, usuaUy occupied his morning. If accompanied by one of his brothers or by some other intimate friend, he was still for the moat part silent. Good-humoured always, and ROBERT BLAKE. 221 enjoying sarcasm when of a grave, high class, he yet never talked for the sate of hearing his own voice, or encouraged others so to employ theb time and talents in his presence. Even his lively and rattling brother Humphrey, his almost constant companion when on ahore, caught, from long habit, the great man's con templative manner ; and when his friends rallied him on the subject in after-years, he used to say that he had caught the trick of silence whUe walking by the Admbal's side in his long morning musings on Knoll hiU. A plain dinner satisfied his wants. Eeligious conversation, reading and the details of business, gene rally fiUed up the evening until supper-time ; after famUy prayers, always pronounced by the General him self, and a frugal supper, he would invariably caU for his cup of sack and a dry crust of bread, and whUe he drank two or three horns of Canary, would amile and chat in his own dry manner with his friends and domes tics, asking minute questions about their neighbours and acquaintance ; or when scholars or clergymen shared his simple repast, affecting a droU anxiety, rich and pleasant in the conqueror of Tromp, to prove by the aptness and abundance of his quotations that, in becoming an admbal, he had not forfeited his claim to be considered a classic. During the whole period of this recovery he was in constant communication with his coUeaguea the Sea- Generala and with the Navy Commissioners. AVhen his commiaaion expbed, it was again renewed ; and not an order of any consequence was given in that branch of the public service on which his opinion was not firat taken. His brother Humphrey was named, with John Sparrow, Eichard HUl, Eobert Turpin and Eichard Blackwall, a Commisaioner for the condemnation and sale of prizea, — an extremely reaponsible and lucrative 222 ROBERT BLAKE. office. In October he entered the House for the first time since his election. The House was deeply moved ; and the speaker, by command, returned him the thanks of the nation for hia splendid services. In December an Act of Parliament named a new Ust of Lords Commis sioners of the Admiralty, at the head of which his name appeared. A few weets later, though stUl suffering from Ul-health, and lamed for Ufe by his late wound, he retumed to active service, going on board the Swiftsure at Spithead, with the new Sea- General Penn, whose plain good sense and wide range of nautical information were of use to him in his high station. The Dutch negociation was not proceeding so rapidly as could have been wished ; the ambassadors, with the proverbial slovmess of theb nation, daUying with the English claims, he determined to bring them to the point at once by an active renewal of hostilities, no truce having been entered into by the two powers. He had also some accounts to settle with the Brest privateers, that port having lately grown into another Duntirt. Spreading out his winter guard, he closed up the south entrance of the Channel, and spent most of his time in daUy chase of such adventurous craft as dared to try the narrow seas in preference to the long voyage round the Orkney Islands, until the treaty with HoUand was actually signed and ratified by the two governments. With this result he was extremely pleased. Though his highest renown had been gained in the Dutch war, that war had never met with his private approval. Holland, Uke England, was a Protestant State, and it galled him to think that the two guardians of free thought and reformed religion should be waating each other's power, whUe Popish Spain looked haughtUy on. A war againat that empbe waa his passion by day, his dream by night ; like a true Puritan, he suspected and ROBERT BLAKE. 223 hated the Spaniards as the real chUdren of Anti-Christ ; and could he have chosen, he would have waged none but anti-Popish and anti-piratical wars. When he went on board the Swiftsure, he carried in his pocket instruc tions from the CouncU of State to lie at the entrance of Brest harbour and prevent ingress or egress, until satia faction was obtained for the injuries done to English commerce; but on consulting pilots and captains well acquainted with the coasts of Bretagne, he found that the strong westerly winds generally blowing there would render it extremely hazardous for vessela to attempt to ride near the shore. He therefore stationed a part of his squadron at convenient points, to watch and overawe the depredators, while the main body tept out at sea in search of the HoUandera. The progreas of the Dutch treaty had put an end to the necessity for a winter campaign. The colleagues returned to London; and Blake went down to Bridg water in a new character, the formidable Sea- General being suddenly transformed into a commisaioner for purging the churches of England, Puritan, Independent, Presbyterian, and aU other, of ignorant, scandalous and inefficient pastors. From the cockpit of a man-of-war he passed into the chapter-houses of Somersetshire, carrying that stern and resolute spirit of reform into hia new sphere of action which had already made him ao conspicuous at the Navy Board. For the moment, the active part of his professional career seemed about to close ; and a new world of public duties was opening before him, when government, having its own reasons, public and private, for wiahing to keep him and his comrades at a distance from London, commenced the outfit of a new expedition, which occupied the summer months of 1654. Cromwell tept the objects of his naval armament a mystery, though it is 224 ROBERT BLAKE: probable that Blake was in the secret. In May he left the fieet in the Downs and went up to London, where we find him dining with Cromwell. From this time until September, when the first squadron sailed, the dockyards were alive with preparation. Of course, it waa soon noised abroad that the islanders were fitting out a new fieet ; but the service on which it waa to be employed — the commandera to whose skiU and fideUty it would be entrusted — could only be surmised by friend or foe. France and Spain, constrained by the late iaaue of events to think with less scorn of the new Common wealth, waited with anxiety the faU of the thunderbolt. The war which had long raged between theae European powers, exhausting both countries without producuig a decided preponderance in either, rendered the friend ship of England, now mistress at sea, of the utmost importance. That the armament now preparing waa intended to take a part in the conteat was assumed on all sidea : — but into which scale would the swords of the Sea- Generals be thrown? Causes of dissatisfaction, general and special, were not wanting with either country. Spain as the great Catholic power, was the natural enemy of Puritan England. Its commercial syatem was prohibitive, and therefore opposed to the interests of our merchants and manufacturers. Its arrogance offended our national pride. The favour it had shown to Prince Eupert and the revolted fieet during the doubtful fortunes of the Commonwealth, was neither forgotten nor forgiven. France, on its part, had afforded an asylum to the royal exiles, had aUowed ita subjects to attack the merchants of the Channel, had interdicted the importation of English sUks and woollens, and without an open declaration of war, the private and national cruisers of the two statea had long carried letters of marque against each other. Up to the close ROBERT BLAKE. 225 of the Dutch war, England had favoured the cause of Spain as against France. Agents of that state had been aUowed to recruit their armies in Ireland, and the suc cours so raiaed had enabled them to reduce Gravelines and invest Dunkirk. At a critical moment Blake had captured the relief-guard under the Duke of Vendome, and caused the loss ofthis stronghold. Either party, there fore, might be struck and both feared the blow. But the urgent inquiries of the two crowns as to the object of the new armament were evasively anawered by Crom well, and no one could tell in what quarter the storm would burst. Meanwhile the work of equipment waa carried on throughout the summer and autumn months. Aa the ships got ready for aea, and the plans of the govem ment came to maturity, the fleet waa divided into two grand divisiona : the firat, entruated to Blake, conaiated of the fiag-ship St. George, carrying aixty guns and 350 men, and twenty-four saU of ships, carrying altogether 4100 men and 874 guns ; the second, placed under Penn, con sisted of the flag-ship Swiftsure, and thirty-seven other ships, beaides two ketches, one hoy, and one dogger-boat, the whole carrying 4410 seamen and 1114 guns. On board the latter squadron about 3000 soldiers were alao placed, with General Venables at their head. Captain Eobert Blake went out with hia uncle ; Captain Benja min Blake, restored to his former rank, commanded the Gloucester, of 54 guns, in Penn's division. Towards the close of the. year 1654 theae mysterious armaments sailed from the Solent with aealed" ordera, the smaUer squadron passing by Brest towards the south of Europe, the stronger bearing away into the Atlantic, as if bound for the Isle of Barbadoes ; leaving the minds of men, not only in England, but on the Continent, in a state of profound uncertainty as to their ultimate aims. 226 ROBERT BLAKE. At first popular opinion inclined to believe that a great blow waa to be struck at France ; and this belief was fostered by the arts of the wily cardinal then ruling the destinies of that country. Every day rumours were spread of an approaching rupture between the two powers, and a body of troops w-as'sent down to Dieppe, as if to repel an expected invasion in that quarter. Public belief was myatified by CromweU and Mazarine ; it was commonly reported that Blake, with his entire division, was about to enter the service of Spain, and the price at which this powerful aid had been pur chased was actually named. Many weeks elapsed before Europe learned the real nature of thia armed demonstration. The secret aim of the government was to deal a blow at the pride and power of Spain. Though the expedition had other objects, this waa its paramount purpose. Envy of her colonial wealth, hatred of her religion, and impa tience of her narrow views of commerce, combined with the recollection of ancient and uriredressed wrongs of a political kind to give popularity to a war against Spain. Blake, with his flying squadron, was to watch the ports and rivers of that country, to intercept ships entering or leaving them, and, if possible, to cut off all communi cation between Madrid and the West Indian Islands ; while Penn and Venables, after raising a large additional force at Barbadoes and other English settlements in those seas, were to make an attempt on Hiapaniola and San Juan, or, failing these, on the mainland of South America, between Oronoco and Porto BeUo. The con ception of this double campaign was masterly; Blake holding the mother country in a state of profound isola tion, whUe Penn and Venables invaded and captured her distant colonies. Had it been executed with vigour and precision, it is more than probable that England would ROBERT BLAKE. 227 have founded an empire in South America as well as in the North. During the few weeks which must necessarily elapse before Blake's co-operation would be required in this service — no war being as yet declared againat Spain, nor any intimation afforded that the West India squadron was directed againat her possessions — ^he undertook to seek redreaa for minor and more miscellaneous wrongs. Our traders still suffered from the privateers of Brest and Toulon. The Duke of Guise threatened an invasion of Naplea, which it was thought due to English interests to impede, and, if poaaible, prevent. Eovera from Salee, Tunia, TripoU, and Algiers, then and long afterwards the peats of European commerce, had recently captured and sold into slavery several crews of our merchantmen. The Commonwealth had also cause of offence against the Grand Duke of Tuscany, who had supported the revolted fleet, and aUowed Eupert to aell his prizes- in the port of Leghorn. The Knighta of Malta too, equally zealous against heretics and infidels, had pbatically seized some English ships. All theae wrongs, suffered during the troubles on land, he had a roving commission to inquire into, rectify and redress ; his powers being to that end aa vague and extensive as the work to be done waa novel and undefinable. Early in December, his squadron anchored in Cadiz road. He waa received, not only by the Spanish autho rities, but by captains and officers of aU nations at that great emporium of trade, with extraordinary demonstra tions of respect. The English residents crowded the beach, eager to catch a glimpse of their renowned coun tryman. A Dutch admiral, lying there with his fleet, lowered his flag in honour of the red cross. One of our tenders, parting from the fleet, fell in with a Brest admiral, on his way with seven shipa-of-war to join the q2 228 ROBERT BLAKE. Toulon fleet, fitting out to cover the operations of the Duke of Guise and check the'movements of the EngUsh in the waters of Italy and France ; but on learning that it belonged to the English squadron then at Cadiz, the .Frenchman sent for the captain into his cabin, told him he was at liberty to return, invited him to drink Blake's health in a cup of Burgundy, and ordered a salute of five guns to be fired in his honour. The renown of Blake's exploits had gone before him to the warUke ports and towns of Barbary; and some Algerine cruiaers, having a number of English captives on board, brought them as presents to appease his wrath. Every prince and people in the south who had insulted or outraged the Commonwealth learned to tremble at his approach. In his imagination the Grand Duke of Tuacany already heard the thunder of his cannon booming acroaa the waters of Leghorn. The terrified Pope gave orders for a solemn procession, and the sacred Host was exposed for forty hours, to avert the threatening calamity from the dominions of the Church. As peace had not yet been ratified between France and England, the Brest admiral, finding Blake's ships at the entrance of the Straits of Gibraltar, feared to attempt a passage in presence of so uncertain a friend, aud fell back with his reinforcement to Lisbon. Meanwhile news reached Cadiz that the fleet of the Duke of Guise was stiU at Naples ; and the EngUsh immediately weighed their anchors and passed the rock of Gibraltar under fuU saU, making their course directly for the southern limb of Italy. When they arrived at Naples, the Duke was gone ; but whether into the Gulf of Venice, or that of Genoa, they could not learn from any trustworthy source. What appeared to be the best accounts described him as having sailed for Leghorn ; and as soon as the fleet had taken in bread and water, ROBERT BLAKE. 229 Blake quitted the Bay of Naples — where he had received every kindneas from the people,— and foUowed in pursuit of his enemy along the Papal coast, not ill pleased at the idea of making Auti-Christ tremble in the midst of his altars and palaces. The alarm of the Holy City was extreme. Many of the rich citizens fled away from Eome. Some buried their wealth in secret places — othera carried their effects, for greater safety, into the Umbrian Appeninea. Trains of monks paraded the streets in penitential garb, and new works were haatily raiaed about the chapel of Lorette to preserve it from pillage. When the cause of all thia ferment arrived with fourteen saU in sight of the towers of Leghorn, he sent his secretary on shore to desire instant redreas from the Grand Duke for the ownera of all vessela which had' been seized and sold in his territories by Eupert and Maurice, fixing the money value of these various injuries at the sum of 60,000Z. sterling. The Duke hesitated and proteated ; but on finding the Sea- General urgent and inflexible in his demand, he offered to pay down a part of the money, and to confer with his friend and ally, the sovereign Pontiff, about the residue. Blake repUed, that the Pope had nothing to do with the matter, and that he expected the Grand Duke would at once pay down the entire sum. Thia peremptory measage brought down thbty-five thousand Spanish pistoles and twenty-five thousand Italian, together with information that some of Eupert's piratical seizures had been dis posed of in Eoman ports. Thia information was pecu Uarly acceptable to Blake, who sent an officer to Eome with a demand for reparation. Doubts, equivocations, and refusals followed on the part of the newly-elected Pontiff, Alexander VII. But remonstrances and sup plications were idle ; the right was clear ; the power to enforce it was at hand ; and ultimately the Pope's fiscal 230 ROBERT BLAKE. was obliged to pay down to the heretics twenty thou sand pistoles : — probably the only money ever brought from Eoman coffers to enrich the public treasury of England. Ever mindful of the religious interests of his country men, the Sea- General wrote a letter to the Grand Duke of Tuscany, urging him to permit the Protestants of England and other countries, whom pleasure or business might induce to aettle in his dominions, fuU Uberty to follow their own form of worship — a privilege not then formally conceded by any Catholic power in the South, though Jews, Greeks and Armenians, were all permitted the open exercise of their reUgion at that very time in Florence. No threat accompanied this request ; but the imposing power of the Commonwealth and the marveUous successes of Gustavus Adolphus in Poland, roused the fears of even the least tolerant of the ItaUan princes, and the Duke rather deferred than denied the request of the bold heretic, aUeging as hia excuae for delay, the want of precedent for such a concession in any Catholic country. Blate contented the EngUsh residents in Florence and Leghorn by a promise that, on his return to England, he would urge the govern ment to adopt measures for effecting theb object. Other business now demanded his attention. French pirate cruisers, reported to be growing more and more formidable to our peaceful traders in and about the Balearic Islands, required a check; he therefore seut the Langport and three other frigates to ply between Capo Paloa and Majorca. InteUigence alao reached him to the effect that a general rendezrvous of the Moslem fieets had been ordered by the Grand Seigneur at Tunis on an affair of great moment, probably with a view to an attack on Venice or some other Christian state. New orders likewise came to hand from London touching the ROBERT BLAKE. 231 Spaniah SUver Fleets, then slowly wending their way from the New World towards Cadiz, which made it absolutely necessary for him to despatch his affairs in the Mediterranean and sail with convenient haste for the western coaat of Spain. But sickness, foul weather and contrary winds detained the fieet near Leghorn. Two French vessela from the Levant, brought in aa prizes, unfortunately communi cated plague to their captors. Blake himself was struck down by thia new and terrible diaeaae, and for aeveral weeks he waa unable to hold a pen or even dictate a letter. The winter storma also put the fleet in daily peril. On the 19th of January, Blake wrote from Leg horn to the Commissioners in London :^" My last unto you waa only a postscript of the 5th January — sent by the way of Antwerp — added to a duplicate of my former of the same, being then under sail bound for Trapani. Since which time it hath pleased God to exercise us with variety of wind and weather, and with divers mixed pro vidences and strange diapenaations never to be forgotten by ua, eapecially in regard that He hath been pleased in them all to rouse His compassion to prevail against His threatenings, and His mercy to triumph over His judg ment. The day we set sail we had a fair wind at N.E., with clear weather and great hopes of the continuance thereof, forasmuch as it had been a long time foul and stormy before, almost ever since we came into the road. The next day we had the wind at E. and E.S.B., some times at S.E. and S.S.E., but not much wind. We were then engaged among many islands ; a place of no small danger, eapecially for a fleet. At night, hauling up our saUs, and it growing calm, we drove upon a sudden so near Capua, that if it had not pleased God to spring up a fresh gale in the very nick, the ship would have been in hazard, almost inevitable of perishing there. 232 ROBERT BLAKE. The Worcester and Langport were in the same danger with us, being nearer the shore than we, especially the Langport, which was in much leas than the ship's length of it, being a steep aud upright rocky place. The (St.) Andrew and some others were also in no small danger. But it pleased God wonderfully and in great mercy to bring us all off in safety without any loss but of an anchor and cable of the Langport. The next day retain ing stiU some hope of a favourable wind and weather to carry us on our intended voyage, we kept plying and turning to windward, and so continued tiU yesterday morning, at what (which) time, there being no likeli hood of obtaining our first intention, the wind S.S.E., blowing very hard and murky weather, we were forced to bear up for this place ; where, although not without much danger in our way, by reason of a shoal and rock lying under water upon which divers ships have been wrecked, we arrived yesterday by a most merciful and good hand of providence, leading us, as it were, by the brink of deatruction into safety : for which we, in our gratitude, have great cause everlastingly to praise the Lord and His wonderful goodness, and to rejoice in these Hia salvations with fear and trembling. So we doubt not, when the papers shall come to your hands, your hearts will likewise be filled with the thoughts of the same and of His unspeakable love." The first day of good weather the fleet left Leghorn road for Tunia, intending to pay a flying visit to TripoU and Algiers, after arranging some open questions with the Dey, to impress those formidable corsairs with a salutary dread of English power. On the 8th of Feb ruary they anchored in Goletta road, having on the way sent out a vessel to recal some frigates formerly left at Trapani in Sicily ; but even before hia arrival on the coast of Africa, Blake had learned that no gathering of ROBERT BLA'KE. 233 the Barbary powers was likely to take place. Neverthe less, there were accounts to settle with these pirates ; for years they had been in the habit of plundering English vessels, and carrying English crews into the interior as slaves. Some of their depredations were quite recent ; and it was suspected that many Christian cap tives lived in their city in all the suffering and degrada tion of slavery. War was their charter, ita spoils their revenue. The Dutch had tried more than once to make peace with them, but they would not hear the word : pirates by birth, education, and policy, they knew no power but that of the sword, admitted no law but that of necessity. The Dey of this warlike and lawless race hearing that the sti-ange people, "whose flag had not waved in thoae seas within memory of the oldest Mus sulman, intended to visit his port and demand repara tion for the past, guarantees for the future, formed a temporary camp of several thousand horse and foot, light ened hia heavy ahipa, and drew them in shore under the guns of his great castles of Goletta and Porto Ferine, raised a new platform, strengthened by batteries along the inner line of the bay, brought out from the arsenal his largest guns, and then, with aU the pride and confi dence of a barbarian, he waited the enemy's approach. Wiaely conaidering that wherever the pirate powera appeared in unusual force it would be for the honour and interest of England to be near at hand, Blake, acting on the false report of an intended gathering, had made a somewhat hasty and unprepared appearance before the walls of Tunia ; he had come to fight or to make a paas- ing obaervation, aa the caae might seem to require, rather than to higgle about terms and conditions, to measure words and concoct articles with the usual tediousness of diplomacy. For such slow work his fleet was in no con dition. The very sea in which he rode at large was 234 ROBERT BLAKE. strange and hostile to him and to his country. England had then no Malta, Corfu, and Gibraltar as the bases of naval operations in the Mediterranean ; on the contrary, Blake found in almost every gulf and on almost every ialand of that aea, in Malta, Venice, Genoa, Leghorn, Algiers, Tunia, and Maraeilles, a rival and an enemy. Hardly could he rely on the shelter of one friendly port. Most of his supplies had to be obtained from England ; and there were not more than three or four harbours, Naples, Cagliari, and Trapani, for instance, in which he could obtain a common commodity such as bread, for either love or money. Foul weather had seriously in jured his ships, and the stock of proviaions already ran short ; but being now within sight from the graceful minarets of the town, it was thought best before retbing, to try the effect of a summons, such as had carried con sternation through the palaces of Eome and Florence. An officer was therefore sent on shore with a letter from the Admiral to the Dey, giving an account of the recent seizure by Tunis pbates of the Princess and some other Engliah ships, the names and cargoes of which were duly specified, and concluding with a demand in the name of the Commonwealth of England for their restitution, to gether with the inatant releaae of all EngUsh captives. After several questions and explanations had passed between the two powers, Commiasioners were mutually named to consider these demands, and they met on board the fiag-ship, the St. George. The agents of the Dey, professing the utmost readiness to make peace, would undertake to respect the fiag of England in all times to come, but they steadily refused to give up the prizes which they had already acquired. Finding them puffed up -with a vain pride in theb own strength, the English commander ceased to negotiate, sent some of his frigates forward to block up the entrance of the harbour, whUst ROBERT BLAKE. 235 he carried the St. George as close as he could under the guns of Porto Ferino, in order to obtain a good view of the coaat and its meana of defence. A council of officera, after a long debate, advised an attempt to enter the port with their whole aquadron, and attack the great ships of the enemy under the very embrasures of the castle ; hut on consulting the locker, and finding there a scarcity both of bread and liquor, — only five days' drink and fourteen days' bread, — Blake felt that it would not be wise to attempt ao perUous a service vidthout better provision. Under theae circumatancea he left Captain Stayner, one of hia most distinguished officers, with the Plymouth and five other ships, to keep guard over the harbour, and if possible prevent the pirate fieet from escaping to aea, while he sailed with the remainder of his force to Cagliari, a friendly station on the south-eastern limb of the Island of Sardinia, to refit and provision. At Cagliari Blake found the Langport and the other frigates which he had aent from Leghorn to the Balearic lalands, with a new French frigate in prize and 3000 dollars obtained for the wrect of a French cruiser which they had captured and run on shore at Majorca. But Cagliari could not supply bread enough for the wants of the English squadron, and the Sea-General was obUged to send out vessels in aU directions in search of this essential article of diet. The Langport and the Diamond were despatched to Majorca and the Spanish coast for bread; the Maidstone and the Hampshire went to Genoa and the porta of Northern Italy for bread ; the Hope was permanently stationed on the Sardinian coast to procure bread; two frigates were despatched to Algiers for bread or biscuit. The want of these neces saries delayed his operations some weets ; but on the 8th of March, the St. George was once more imder the guna of Porto Ferino, and an English officer was at the 236 ROBERT BLAKE. Dey's palace trying to induce him to make reparation and render up the English captives without bloodshed. Vain of hia strength, and confident that Blake had sailed away on the former occasion from fear of his magnificent artillery, the barbarian replied in insolent terms to every proposal made by this agent. He refused them the commonest civUities : even permission to take on board a little fresh water, — "TeU the Dey," ^aid Blake, curling his whiskers in scorn and anger, " that God has given the benefit of water to all his creatures ; and for men to deny it to each other is equaUy insolent and wicked." — The barbarian replied with defiance. "Here," he said to Blake's officers, " here are our Castles of Goletta and Porto Ferino : do your worst ; aud do not think to brave ua with the sight of your great fleet." — A short consultation of the EngUsh captains took place, and the commander laid before them his plan. " We judged it necessary," he afterwards wrote to Secretary Thurloe, "for the honour of the fleet, our nation and religion, seeing they would not deal with ua aa friends, to make them feel us aa enemiea, and it was therefore determined in a council of war to endeavour the firing of their ships in Porto Ferino." The artillerymen on shore were at theb guns, the horse was drawn up and the infantry disposed along the line of the harbour to repel the anticipated attempt to land, when, to the extreme surprise of the Dey, the English fleet again drew off, and stood out to sea without firing a single gun. Gradually the white sails faded from sight. Night came down, but no enemy appeared in the offing. Next day all was silent : the English fleet had vanished from before theb eyes like the mbage of theb own deserta. A second day elapsed, a third, fourth, and fifth, but nothing was seen of those haughty islanders, of whose courage they had ROBERT BLAKE. 237 heard so much in the ports of Italy and Spain. To the spirit of defiance succeeded a feeling of contempt. All Tunis believed they had looked their last on that famous red cross ; by degrees a false sense of security crept over the excited corsabs ; theb watchfulness re laxed, theb ardour melted away ; and when Blake suddenly retumed from Trapani — whither he had sailed for the very purpose of throwing the pbates off their guard — he found them in a less organised and enthu siastic attitude of defence, though their means were still such as au ordinary man would have thought it madness to encounter. Late in the, afternoon of April 3d, 1655, the EngUah fiag waa once more descried from the towera of Porto Ferino. Soon after break of day on the foUowing morn ing, without firing a single gun, tlie whole squadron rode into the harbour before a light gale, and to the amazement of the Turkish janizaries and artillerymen on shore coolly proceeded to drop anchors within half musket-range of the great batteries. The Engliah had prepared themaelves for a terrible day. Long before it was yet light they came on dect, and at a signal from the St. George divine service was performed throughout the fleet in an extremely solemn and impressive manner. This pious act completed, orders were given to advance. Captain Cobham, in the Newcastle frigate, was the first to gain the corsab harbour ; but he was quietly fol lowed by the Taunton, Foresight, Amity, Mermaid, and MerUn. Close in theb wate came the great ships, the St. Andrew, Vice-admiral Badily, first ; the Plymouth, Captain Stayner, second ; and the St. George, third. These and other war-ships stationed themselves dbectly in front of the castles and as near to them as they could float. The boldness of this movement awed the stout hearta of the corsairs for a few seconds, but they 238 ROBERT BLAKE. soon recovered, and here and there a ready gun sent its iron contents crashing in amongst the masts and rigging. The Dey now gave his final instruc tions, and the first broadsides from the English ships were answered from the immense part of artillery dis played along the shore — not less than a hundred and twenty guns of large calibre vomiting out death from their brazen throats at the first discharge. In a short time the fire of Porto Ferino was made to bear on the line of great ships, these fiercely replying with their tremendous broadsides against its soUd masonry ; and for two hours the air waa torn and the sky obacured by the inceasant volleys of flame and smoke, dense, hot and sulphurous. At the onset all the issues of the day seemed to Ue with the artiUery. Fortunately, the gale which in the early morning had carried the EngUsh fleet into the harbour, continued to blow during the battle, throwing volumes of smoke in the faces of the corsairs and helping to prevent their cannoneers from taking aim. On the other side, almost every shot from the ships told with effect on the castles, batteries and platform. Some of the guns were silenced and many parts of the breastwork were cleared by the cannonade ; but the conflict was still undecided when Blake made a new movement, which had been in his mind from the first, but waa not deemed practicable until that moment. Drafting a number of picked men from each ship, he lowered the long boats and sent them, under cover of the black sky, with instructions to row alongside the great corsair vessela, and throw into them a quantity of lighted brands and torches. One of hia favourite officers, John Stoaks — a man who had served with distinction in the Dutch war, commanding the Dragon in the battle of Portland, the Laurel in that of the Texel, and who waa at this time captain of the St. George — was selected for ROBERT BLAKE. 239 the execution of this important trust; and he achieved his perilous task with auch consummate address, that in spite of a galling fire from the musketeers on ahore, he succeeded in effecting a lodgment under the porta of the huge pbatea, and threw into them his burning brands. The work of deatruction was then swift and awful. The whole of the nine great ships-of-war, the naval strength of the Tunisians, were at once clothed in fire. Even the assailants felt cowed at an event so sudden and so terrible, and the battle almost ceased at the instant, as if both parties were entranced by the gorgeous spectacle. The frantic corsairs made many efforts to stop the pro gress of destruction ; but wherever the fire appeared to slacken for an instant, a broadside from one of the English frigates raked its deck, stirred up the burning embera, and scattered the daring fellowa who had ven tured on board. At laat the decks were abandoned by the pirates, and the red glare of the consuming squadron shot up freely and furiously against the sky, tinging with a hot and lurid light a scene which the April sun could scarcely reach through the artificial pall of battle. In four hours from the crash of the first broadside, the work was done. The pirate ships, so long the terror of peace ful tradera, were burnt to their very keela. The batteries on shore were completely silenced, and most of the guns planted on the raised platform were either damaged or dismounted. The walls of Goletta and of Porto Ferino had been much shaken ; several breaches had been made in them ; and both strongholds might have been carried by assault had there existed any reason for their capture. But Blake's ends had been accomplished in the destruc tion of the fleet. Hia losaes in this celebrated action amounted to no more than twenty-five killed and about forty wounded ; the loss of life on shore, though the men fought behind breastworks and other cover, must have 240 ROBERT BLAKE. been very considerable, though it was of course impos sible for the English to obtain an exact account of the casualties. After reading the pirates this tremendous lesson — to which there waa acarcely a parallel in history until Exmouth's splendid bombardment of Algiers in our own time, — the English squadron sailed for Tripoli on the same errand ; but the Dey of that place, warned by the fate of Tunis, received them with every demonstration of honour and regard; he acceded with apparent zeal to their demands, and entered into a treaty to respect the Commonwealth fiag at aU times and in aU places. This summary dealing with the dependent powers of Turkey brought the governments of London and Con stantinople into connexion and correspondence. Blake himself seems to have had some doubts whether his instructions, vague and ample as they were, would be held to justify him in entering the ports of a power with which his country was not actually at war, and destroying ita fieets and fortifications. Had not the Dey's haughty words chafed his spirit, it is not certain that he would have proceeded so far without waiting for fresh inatruc- tiona ; and aa aoon aa the action at Tunis was over, he despatched a full account of the incident to Sir Thomas Bendish, CromweU's ambassador at Constantinople, which that functionary was desired to lay before the Grand Vizier ahould any complaints be made on the subject. The Turks were then at war with the Venetian Ee public, and the destruction of so large a portion of their fleet by an enemy hitherto unknown in the affairs of the Mediterranean roused their anger to a high degree ; but the Grand Vizier hesitated to involve himself with a new and powerful enemy by any hasty expression of his resentment. Tunisian agents went to Constantinople to complain of Blake to the Grand Seigneur. They ROBERT BLAKE. 241 attributed their inability to defend their fleet and caatlea to the want of heavier guns ; and the govemment imme diately ordered six pieces of brass ordnance of the largest calibre to be despatched to Porto Ferino. Ben- dish was led to consider the Grand Vizier satisfied with Blake's explanations ; but the incident waa nevertheleas a sharp thorn in his master's side; and for several months the English traders at Smyrna lived in fear of retalia tions. Fear or policy, however, prevailed in the divan, and so long as the formidable Sea- General lived, the English residents in the Levant continued to pursue their peaceful enterpriaea without molestation. After settling his affairs at Tripoli, Blake ran into the Adriatic, where the Venetians received him with such honours as are given to royal visitors. Hia late actions had spoken in the most convincing language to the able and astute rulers of Venice, and they lost no time in offering friendship to the weatern Eepublic. On his return towards the Straits of Gibraltar, he again called at Tunis to inquire if the Dey were prepared to treat of peace. In answer to his first summons, a white fiag was raiaed at the castle of Porto Ferino ; and after some negotiation of a merely technical nature, a treaty was signed and ratified in terms equally honourable and advantageous to England. The humbled corsair even consented to allow an English consular agent to reside at hia court. A fiying visit to the island of Malta served to teach the proud and unprincipled Templars some respect for the rights and properties of heretical Englishmen. Theae priestly marauders believed them selves a serious power in the Mediterranean ; in some degree they made a pretence of being the guardians and the arbiters of Catholic Europe. When the expedition under the Duke of Guiae appeared before Valetta, they haughtily refused to aUow it the shelter of theb port. 242 ROBERT BLAKE. But the unceremonious manner in which Blake had exacted reparation from the princes of Italy, and even laid his hands on Pope Alexander's own coffers, warned them that their clerical character would afford them no protection from the strong arm of English justice, and they restored to the lawful owners the spoils of theb warfare against English heretics. There only remained Algiers. But force was no longer necessary in dealing with the great pirate cities ; the blow struck against the syatem at Tunis had cowed the corsairs from TripoU to the shores of Fez and Morocco. AVhen the English squadron stood into the Bay of Algiers, boldly aa if on a viait of courtesy to a friendly power, and Blake sent his officer, as uaual, to demand restitution of property and the liberation of Christian slaves, the Dey received the messenger vrith great civUity, paid a handsome compliment to the EngUsh Admiral, and to show hia good wUl sent a present of Uve cattle to the fieet — an extremely seasonable and politic gift, which at once made him popular with the iU-fed seamen. With regard to the specific demands of the Admiral he an swered with great adroitness, that the ahips and men captured by his people in times past, whether from the English or from other nations, had become the property of private individuals, most of whom had bought them at full price in open market ; that they had been seized during a period of recognised and inveterate war between Islam and Christendom, when no treaties existed, and when therefore none could be broken ; that he coiUd not restore the captives without using violence towards his subjects, and creating general discontent, if not rebellion in his dominions. He urged, moreover, that, considering the general prevalence of piracy in Europe as well as in Africa, the English required too much when they de manded the unconditional surrender of his prizes. ROBERT BLAKE. 243 FinaUy, if these objections should seem to the Admiral aa clear aa they did to himself, he said he would procure the liberation of aU English captives then in his country at a moderate ransom per head, and enter for himself and hia people into a solemn engagement not to moleat Engliah tradera for all time to come. The humble tone of the pirate prince recommended his argument ; a contract was therefore made for the ransom of aU the captivea at a fixed price, and the poor wretchea were liberated and sent on board the ships of theb deliverers. Before the fieet sailed from the harbour a noble and touching incident occurred, adding one more to the long list of iUuatrations of the English seaman' a character. The ships were lying in-shore, not far from the mole- head, when a number of men were observed swimming towards them, pursued by several turbaned Moors in boats ; and on coming under the bows of our vessels, the fugitives cried to the saUors in Dutch to save them from theb Moslem pursuers. Forgetting that only a few months before we had been at war with the Dutch, regardless of every consideration beyond the humane instincts of the moment, our sailors helped the poor wretches to clamber up, when they discovered that they were runaway slaves, and the men in chase of them their masters. Here, then, waa a new difficulty ! The Dey claimed the fugitivea in virtue of the new treaty, and appealed to the accepted principle of compensation for all restored captivea. But the idea of giving back Christian men, even enemies, from the freedom of an EngUsh man-of-war into the hands of pirates and infidels waa not to be entertained by Puritan sailors. Some one suggested to his fellows a subscription : how much the Admiral himself paid into this fund he has carefuUy concealed, but every seaman in the fieet generously agreed to give up a dollar of his wages to buy the poor b2 244 ROBERT BLAKE. Hollanders their freedom. A bargain was soon made, the money was paid by the fleet-treasurer, and the liberated men went home to tell theb countrymen this story of the magnanimous islanders. Before the end of AprU 1655, Blake had brought his extraordinary cruise to an end. In six months he had established himself as a power in that great midland sea from which his countrymen had been politically excluded since the age of the Crusades. He had redressed with a high hand the grievances of many years, and had taught nations to which the very name of Engliahman was a strange sound, to respect our honour and our rights. The pirates of Barbary had been chastised as they had never yet been chaatiaed in history. The petty princes of Italy had been made to feel the power of the northem Protestants. The Pope himself had learned to tremble on his seven hiUs ; ^nd the echoes of our guns had startled the CouncU-chambers of Venice and Con stantinople. Blake aent home not less than sixteen ships laden with treasure, received in satisfaction of former injuries, or taken by force from hostUe states. Some of the ItaUan princes sent embassies to London to cultivate the friendship of CromweU. The representa tives of the Grand Duke of Tuscany and the Doge of Venice distinguished themselves in these missions by the splendour of their appointments. The former had ordera to solicit the honour of a present of the Pro tector's portrait, which was painted for his master by Cooper, and hung in the ducal palace among the choicest products of Italian art. CHAPTER IX. SPANISH WAR. The correspondence between Blate and Cromwell, so far as it related to the affabs of Spain and the course to be pursued by the southern fleet, had been carried on in cipher, and aU the instructions sent from London were secret. But the time had come to throw off the mask. During the six months consumed in the bold and success ful exploits which had established on both shores of the Mediterranean a salutary awe of English prowess, the object of the expedition imder Penn and Venables re mained a profound mystery. Penn himself, when he saUed from Portsmouth was unaware of the precise service on which his squadron was to be employed, for his orders were not to open the letter of final instruc tions until far enough from Europe to prevent any risk of their nature transpbing -.—a very necessary precau tion as the event proved, for that worldly seaman, already foreseeing the downfaU of the Commonwealth, and anxious to secure to himself the gratitude of the royal family by unexpected and splendid services in their cause, no aooner found himself at the head of a large fleet than he entered into communication with the exile court at Cologne, and offered to desert with his entbe power from the Commonwealth, and aail into whatever port ahould be named by Charlea and hia council. Had 246 ROBERT BLAKE. he known the errand on which he was about to proceed, he would unquestionably have told the Stuarts, who, in their turn, would have eagerly seized the opportunity of strengthening their interests at Madrid by forwarding such a piece of state intelUgence. On the receipt of it, there is no reason to believe that PhiUp IV. would have refuaed any longer to grant the uae of one of his harbours in the Low Countries for the reception of the revolters. But having no port to receive so large a fleet — nor any means of supporting it, except pbacy, — from which he was perhaps warned by the mysterious fate of his cousin Maurice, Charles declined the trai torous offer, and desired the Admiral to reserve his loyalty for some happier season. The expedition there fore saUed on its unknown voyage ; and it was not until late in the spring of 1655 that news arrived in Europe from the west relating the particulars of an attack made by Penn and Venables on the great Spanish settlement of Hispaniola. , The idea of a secret expedition to invade an ialand possessed by a power against which war had not been declared, would be excessively offensive to modern no tions of pubUc honour. But in CromweU's time the peace of Europe was not fixed on certain bases. Commerce and colonies lay almost beyond the pale of law and treaties. No French admbal would have thought it right to plunder Lyme or Sandown ; but not one Frenchman in ten would have hesitated to seize the merchants of either of these ports on the high seas. Countries might be at war in one latitude, though not in aU — at sea when not on land. The seizure of Vendome's fleet had not led to a war between France and England. The destruction of Eupert's squadron in the harbours of Carthagena had not interrupted the relations, auch as they were, between London and Madrid. Europe, indeed, ROBERT BLAKE. 247 had never known auch a thing as peace on the high seas ; from the Northern jarl to the African corsair, the strong arm had always ruled on the highway of nations. Even when England and Spain had seemed to be on the beat terms with each other in Europe, envy, jealousy and distrust reigned in the New World, and the elements of discord often broke into open violence and bloodshed. CromweU affected to believe that war already existed between the two countries in that hemisphere, and that an armament was needed for the protection of English interests in America. Eeal causes for a war with Spain were neither few nor remote, though it is probable that the most active of theae were such as would exercise little influence over the minds of statesmen in the nineteenth century. The first and gravest was the religious situation. Spain was ultra- Catholic, England ultra-Protestant. The moat powerful and warlike of the aects which supported Crom well sincerely beUeved that Spain was the devil's stronghold in Europe. The Reformed faith — tolerated in the Holy Roman Empire, in France, and still more recently in Portugal— had never found mercy at Madrid. Racks, wheels, boUing oil, and other yet more delicate means of torture, opposed the spread of new doctrines throughout Spain and the Indies ; while frequent burn ings and gibbetings kept the masses of the people true to the creed of their fathers. The horror excited in Puritan England by reports of these atrocities was naturally heightened by the fact that foreign residents — even Englishmen — aometimea fell under the frowns of the Holy Office, and suffered, without appeal, judgments given by that secret and terrible tribunal. In fact, the Inquisition was the great obstacle to a solid and durable peace between the two powera. AVhen the Spaniah Ambassador first proposed an aUiance, Cromwell made 248 ROBERT BLAKE. this one of his two essential conditions : — that English merchanta living in Spain should be aUowed to exercise their own religion, have the use of Bibles and such other pious hooka as they might require, and be free from the control of the Holy Office. The Ambassador refused even to transmit thia demand to his master, and the attempt at negotiation faded. Other causes tended to excite the war-feeling. The murder of Ascham had not been forgotten ; nor had the favours extended and the shelter afforded to Rupert and his revolted ships at Cadiz and Carthagena been forgiven. Among poUtical reasons, the obstinate refusal to aUow foreign traders to visit any of the ports of America and the West India Islands, was the first and strongest. Liberty of trade — freedom from the Holy Office : these were the two conditions on which the Protector offered to treat. " What," ex claimed the Ambaaaador, " my master has but two eyes, and you ask him to pluck out both at once ! " Unable to make terma with the Catholic court, Cromwell prepared for war. Though Mazarin, acting on his famous maxim of state, seemed wiUing to give way on every point before the energetic rulers of the new Commonwealth, the causes of quarrel with France were not yet fuUy re moved. The cruisers of the two countries still carried letters of marque ; and daily encounters took place at sea without either accelerating or retarding the long and tedious negotiations of M. Bordeaux. For three years this agent had been in London asking for peace. Crafty diplomatists fancied that Cromwell employed hia time in maturely weighing the relative advantages of a French and a Spanish alliance, and the ambassadors of the rival powers intrigued day and night to gain his ear. To the surprise of the old formalists, he at length took a deci sive attitude against Spain, without attempting to hurry ROBERT BLAKE. • 249 on the settlement of his differences with France. Fear leaa of consequences, while Penn and Venablea went out to attact Hiapaniola, Blake haraased the trade of Maraeillea and kept the Toulon fieet locked up in the Mediterranean harbours. Whenever his cruisers found ships at sea sailing to or from French ports, they seized them as lawful prizes. One of his frigates toot a Hamburg vessel bound for Maraeillea, which he con demned. Another captured two Hamburgers and a Hollander ; but aa he found by their papers that two of these were not bound for French ports, they were set free ; the other, carrying goods to Rouen, waa con- fiacated. Such incidents occurred almost daily. Loud and bitter complaints were made by the men of business in France at the delay of peace ; discontent spread to other classes ; and Bordeaux was urged by his country men to conclude a treaty with the Commonwealth at almost any sacrifice, rather than continue a state of things 80 wounding to the pride and disastrous to the commerce of France. Even the pride of Louis XIV. yielded to the interests of his country. He treated on CromweU's own terms. The point of honour and precedence was waived ; Louis consented to banish the Stuart Princes, together with Hyde, Ormonde, and fifteen other of their adherents, from the soil of France ; maritime hostilities were at once to cease between the two nationa ; and the treaty waa on the very eve of signature, when news arrived in London of the horrible massacre of the Vaudois by the soldiers of the Dute of Savoy, an intimate friend aud aUy of the King of France. No event in history had fired the Protestant passions of the English people like the atrocious invasion of those Piedmont vaUeys. Fasts, prayers, denunciations, offered themselves as vents for the national fervour ; coUections of money were made 250 ROBERT BLAKE. for the sufferers in all the churches of London; and some of the bolder spirits proposed to send an army to the Savoy Alps; a project to which the Govemment was not altogether averse. But for the moment CromweU trusted to his influence over Mazarin as the best meana of obtaining justice for those poor Protestant vUlagers. He told Bordeaux that he would not make peace with his master until he knew his sentiments on the subject of the masaacre and banishment of the Vaudois ; and Blake received orders to uphold Protestant interests in the south with all the powers at his command. The presence of an English fleet in the Mediterranean gave force to CromweU's suggestions. At firat the Ambas sador of Louis contended that France had nothing to do with the matter, — that the Duke of Savoy was an independent prince, — that the Vaudois were rebels as well as heretics, and had justly incurred chastisement at the hands of their sovereign. Cromwell remained inexorable ; and Bordeaux's master was at last compeUed to interfere. Under the double preaaure of English and French remonstrance, the Duke of Savoy granted a full amnesty to the Vaudois, and confirmed to them their ancient right to exercise theb own forms of divine worship by a new decree. CromweU's letters informed Blake that, in conse quence of the blow about to be struck in the AVestem Archipelago, his presence with the fieet, if not hia more active services, would be required on the Atlantic coast of Spain ; and in consequence of these orders he sailed from Algiers towards the Straits of Gibraltar. But as the two countries were stUl at peace, he caUed at Malaga for fresh water, when a curious incident oc curred. A party of English sailors from his fieet, in rambling about the town, suddenly came upon a pro cession of priests carrying a Host through the streets. ROBERT BLAKE. 251 and instead of faUing on their knees before the sacred symbol, like the pious Spaniards, the Puritan seamen laughed at and derided those who did so, until one of the clergy called on the populace to avenge the inault aimed at their reUgion. A street fight ensued ; and with the advantage of numbers and local tnowledge on their side, the Malagayans beat the scoffers back to theb ships, whither they carried an English version of the fray to their commander. Indignation and true policy con curred in inducing Blake to treat the affair gravely. In Lisbon, Venice and pther Catholic ports, mob-law had been applied to the sailors of EngUsh merchant- vessels on the ground of alleged want of respect for the forms of foreign worship ; and considering the new relations which the two countries were about to assume, he judged it due to the honour of his fiag and necessary to the safety of his countrymen, to show the Spaniards that he could and would redress such wrongs with promptitude and severity. Half measures, he felt, would be uaeleas in such a case ; so sending a trumpeter into the tov\Ti, he demanded, not retaUation on the offending mob, as was expected, but that the priest who had set them on should be given up to justice. The Spaniards were astounded. Give up a Catholic priest to the judg ment of h erotica ! The Governor of Malaga replied that he had no power over the offender, aa in Spain the servants of the Church were not responsible to the civil power. " I wiU not stay to inquire," said the stem Englishman, " who has the power to send the offender to me ; but if he be not on board the St. George within three hours, I will bum your city to the ground." And so he dis missed the messenger. No excuse, no protest, was admitted ; aud before the three hours had expired the priest made his appearance in the fieet. Blake then called accusers and accused together; heard the story 2 52 ROBERT BLAKE. on both sides ; and decided that the seamen had behaved with rudeness and impropriety towards the natives, and thereby provoked the attack of which they complained. He told the priest that if he had sent an account of what had occurred to him, the men should have been severely punished, aa he would not auffer them to affront the religion of any people at whose ports they touched ; but he expressed his extreme displeasure at the Spaniards taking the law into their own handa, aa he would have them and all the world know that an Englishman was not to be judged and punished except by Englishmen. With this warning for the future, Blake, satisfied with the priest being given up and being completely at his mercy, treated him with civUity and sent him back unharmed to his friends. Cromwell was mightily pleased with this little incident. He took the letters referring to it in his own hand to the Council, read them out with a smiling face, and when he had finished reading, declared that by such meana they would make the name of Engliahman as great as that of Roman was in Rome's proudest days. Early in June the fieet passed the Straits and anchored once more in the Bay of Cadiz, where they received a hospitable reception. By the treaties then existing between the two atatea, not more than ten English ahipa- of-war could claim to enter any Spanish port at one time ; yet as a mark of extraordinary confidence and respect, when the Governor of Cadiz sent down a pre sent of bread, fiesh and vegetables to the St. George, he desired it to be intimated to the Admiral, that although the capitulations declared that " there cannot come in hither above ten ships-of-war at once, nevertheleas his lordship might come in with all hia forces and welcome," But Blake, expecting every hour to receive intelUgence from London which would compel him to exchange ROBERT BLAKE. 253 pacific greetings for acts of vigorous hostility, would have refused the invitation even had he not suspected that a snare might be concealed under thia show of extreme courtesy. He excused himself on the plea that he had only touched at Cadiz on hia way, and could atay no longer than was required to take fresh water and other necessaries on board. In the city every effort was made to learn what he intended to do next. Whether his fleet was bound for England, Lisbon or the Barbary coast, could not be ascertained even by the agents of the CouncU of State. Cromwell kept his secret, and Blake kept his secret. But among the best-informed EngUah residents in Cadiz, rumour fixed on Salee, the famous rovers of which still harassed our southern trade, as the scene in which the next grand naval spectacle would be exhibited. The mystery cleared. Barely had Blake weighed anchor at Cadiz harbour when news arrived from the western Archipelago. Penn, it turned out, had sailed from Barbadoes to Hispaniola. There the regiments were landed and given up to the sole direction of Venables ; who, through cowardice, incapacity or treaaon — for he alao, though unknown to Penn, waa in correspondence with the Stuarts, — frittered away his most favourable opportunities, and finally led his men into a disastrous situation, from which they were only rescued by the intrepidity of Admiral Goodaon and a body of seamen sent from the fleet. The Engliah had retired from the ialand diagraced and discomfited : — so far the expedition, begun with secret treason, had ended in a signal failure. But after this first overthrow, as the sealed orders required Penn to establish an interest in any part of the Spaniah Indies, he sailed for Jamaica, landed hia troops, put down a feeble attempt at reaiatance, and added that fine island to the permanent colonial empire of his country. 254 ROBERT BLAKE. When this inteUigence reached Madrid, PhUip de clared war against England — seized the persons of all English residents, merchants, factors and agents con nected with the intereata of their commerce, and laid an embargo on aU their merchandiae and properties, amongst others on those of Nicholas Blake, the Admiral's brother. The reported failure of the Engliah at His paniola raised the spirits of the court to an extravagant height : the Governor of the island was made a grandee and pensioned ; even the messenger who brought the news to Spain had 1500 ducats a-year settled on him for life. Blake's rapid and effective cruise in the Mediterranean, following in the immediate rear of the brUUant actions of the Dutch war, had caused the maritime powers of Europe, and particularly Spain, from its own experience of the Dutch admirals, to regard with blended interest and alarm what appeared to be the invincible prowess and fortunes of the young Commonwealth. The first signal check to that ascend ing power was therefore haUed with a delight out of all proportion to its importance. In the safety of His paniola, Philip forgot the loss of Jamaica ; in the eacape of his SUver Fleets from the English squadron in the West Indies, he overlooked the more resolute and watch ful enemy who lay in wait for them under the very guns of Cadiz. While staying in the Channel before Cadiz, Blake had learned from hia scouts that the Silver Fleet waa expected from America in four or five weeks, and war being then inevitable, he stood acroaa to Cape Santa Maria, the most southern point of land in Portugal, intending to make the bay or bays lying between that promontory and Cape St. Vincent the bases of his summer operations ; with his frigates and fast sailers ranging the sea in a vast circle as far as wind and weather would ROBERT BLAKE. 255 permit, in search of the anticipated prize. In the Spa nish harbour ten large gaUeons were being prepared for sea — six of them, it was reported, being intended for service at Hispaniola, the others for the Mediterranean ; but Blake, suspecting they were designed as a convoy for the SUver Fleet, endeavoured by absence from the port, by insult and by other provocations to entice them out. But nothing would induce them to stir. Nearly a month the St. George rode before the little town of Lagos. The war-ships kept out at sea, the frigates menaced the coast; stiU the galleons did not move. At last, in the fuU belief that Philip would not allow his admirals to risk a battle — a belief founded on information reaching London through various and inde pendent channels — CromweU desbed Blake to send home part of his fieet, so as to reduce the heavy expenses of the war; but before these instructions could be carried into effect, news arrived at Lagos that the merchants of SeviUe, Cadiz, and San Lucar, seeing the government neglect to provide the necessary protection for their trade, had combined to equip at their private expense a squadron strong enough to put to sea for convoy service, and even give battle in case of need ; and under theae circumstances he abandoned the idea of sending back any part of his fleet, and as speedily as he was able he got such of his vessels as were sea-worthy, and many that were not sea-worthy, together. On the 4th of July he wrote to CromweU in reference to the state of his ships : — " Seeing it hath pleased your Highness to com mand my longer atay in and about these parts with the rest of the ships, I ahaU make bold to offer one humble deaire, which I conceive to be my duty for the service of the Commonwealth and the better effecting the ends proposed, — that your Highneas wUl be pleaaed to con sider the condition of our fleet, eapecially of the great 256 ROBERT BLAKE. ahips, which are very foul and defective, particularly the ship in which I am— being very leaky and the mainmast unsound." Yet it was in vessels of this character that he had ruined Prince Rupert, cleared the Channel Islands, fought the battle of Portland, and chastised the pirates of Porto Ferino ! Early in August the Spanish squadron, consisting of 28 men-of-war, and six fire-ships, with 36 long-boats, and 6000 troops on board, sailed from Cadiz, with the apparent intention of fighting the English. Towards the middle of the month the two squadrons came in sight off the coast of Portugal, Blake having been southward in search of the Spaniards ; but, after dodging each other for some days, they separated with out exchanging a single shot, for reasons which are explained at length in the foUowing letter from Blake to the Lord Protector : Mat it please toue Highness, — ^Your commands of the 30th July I received by the Assurance frigate the 13th instant, with the inteUigence of a great fieet pre pared to come out of Cadiz and theb design from your secretary, which in part we have found to be true, as I shall give your Highness an account. The 6th inat. I received a letter from Captain Smith (which comea herewith), whereupon we stood away for the coast of Barbary, as far as Mamora, within three leagues; but having no news of the fleet there, we made towards the Bay of Cadiz, sending two frigates before to gain intelligence, who returned to us the 12th instant with thia, that the fleet sailed from thence seven days before, and were plying off Cape St. Vincent, to which place we hastened ; and the 15th, in the morning, espied them to the windward of us, we being then off the Bay of Lagos, whither we desired to go for water ; but they ROBERT BLAKE. 257 bearing up upon us, with intent (as we thought) to fight us, I called a council of war, which unanimously reaolved to engage the firat opportunity, being moved thereunto with an eager desire we had to see some end of our tedious expectation, and to prevent that accession of strength mentioned in the secretary's intelligence (whereof we likewise had notice from other hands), and also out of a despair of being able to keep the sea many days longer for want of Uquor. But the Spanish fleet forthwith tacked and atood the other way, and we after them all that night. In the morning we were fair by them ; but there being little wind (not enough to work our ships) aud a great sea, so that we could not make uae of our lower tier, and also a thick fog, we did nothing that day; their fleet being then thbty-one in aU. The next day we continued in the same resolution, and sent some frigates ahead to gain the wind, and to engage them ; but the evening approaching, and a great part of our fleet far astern, we thought it best to deaiat for that time. Theae checks of Providence did put us upon second thoughts, and a strict review of the instructions which I had received ; the which being all perused and compared together at a councU of war, we could not find in them any authority given unto us to attack this party, but rather the contrary ; and we had reason alao to conceive it was not the intention of your Highness that we should be the first breakers of the peace, seeing your Highness having notice of the coming forth of the Spanish fieet did not give us any new direction at all touching the same in your last order of the 30th of July. Upon these grounds we receded from our first resolution, and took into con sideration the state of our fieet, which we found in all things to be extremely defective, but more particularly in want of liquor ; some of the ships having not beverage for above four days, and the whole not able to make above 258 ROBERT BLAKE. eight, and that at short allowance ; and no small part both of our beverage and water stinking. Hereupon it was debated amongst us whether we should return to the Bay of Lagos or go to Lisbon for suppUes, there being no other place but thoae two. To go to Lagos it was not held good, both because aU that country could not afford us one pipe of beverage wine, and to get water there very difficult, and upon the least wind from the south or east almost impossible, and the place a dan gerous road for such a fleet to anchor in, which we must have done for getting a quantity of water, beside many other inconveniences. It was therefore resolved that we should go to Lisbon. Nevertheless, we kept in sight two days after, and on the 22nd inat. we lay a great part of the day with our aails hauled up, untU they were very near ua ; but perceiving they had no intention to engage us, nor any commission to that purpose, as we thought, and also understood by a small frigate of thebs of twenty- four guns, the captain whereof coming accidentally amongst ua, I commanded aboard, who told us the same; and withal that they knew nothing of the expected fleet at aU, but only that they were bound to attend the com ing of the same. Hereupon, our liquor growing less,. we stood away for Lisbon, where we arrived on the 24th instant, and anchored in the road of Cascaes. . . . How these passages of Providence wUl be looted upon, or what construction our carriage in this business may receive, I tnow not (although it hath been with all integrity of heart), but this we know, that our condition is dark and sad, and, without especial mercy, like to be very miserable : — our ships extremely foul, winter draw ing on, our victuals expbing, aU stores failing, our men falling sick through the badness of drink, and eating their victuals boiled in salt water for two months' space ; the coming of a supply uncertain (we received not one ROBERT BLAKE. 259 word from the Commissioners of the Admiralty and Navy hythe laat), and though it come timely, yet if beer come not with it, we shaU be undone that way. We Jiave no place or friend, our recruits here slow, and our mariners (which I most apprehend) apt to fall into discontents through their long keeping abroad. Our only comfort ia that we have a God to lean upon, although we -walk in darkness and see no light. I ahaU not trouble your Highness with any complaints of myself, of the indis position of my body, or troubles of my mind ; my many infirmities wiU one day, I doubt not, sufficiently plead for me or against me, so that I may be free of so great a burden, consoling myaelf in the mean time in the Lord, and in the firm purpose of my heart with aU faithfulness and sincerity to diacharge the trust while reposed in me. .... As soon as we have got a sufficient proportion of liquor, which I hope may be in five or aix daya, we intend (God willing) to sail to the southward cape, and to spend some time thereabouta, ao long as we can pos sibly lengthen out our victuals, so that we may be able to get home, in case the victualling ships do not come in time; which we shaU then be forced to do, or must perish in the sea. I have no more at present to trouble your Highness with (this already being I fear too much), but shaU ever remain. Your Highness's most humble And faithful servant, ROBEET Blaeb. Atoard tte (St.) George, in Cascaes Road, August 30, 1655. The allusion to hia own indiaposition of body and trouble of mind, contained in this letter, though brief and by the way, is extremely touching. He had left a . sick room to go on board. For nearly a year he had 26o ROBERT BLAKE. never quitted the " very foul and defective " flag-ship. AYant of exercise and aweet food, beer, wine, water, bread and vegetables, had helped to develop scurvy and dropsy ; and his sufferings from these diseaaea were acute and continuoua. In fact, his constitution was completely undermined. For three weeks after the date of the letter just quoted, he kept his station in the Spaniah waters, when, finding no relief come in, and supposing that the Silver Fleet would now remain in America until spring, he reluctantly turned his bows towarda the north, and brought hia squadron home to repair and replenish. But there was no rest for him at home. Arrived in England, he found that in the present posture of affairs his retirement from the service, even for a time, would be extremely detrimental to the country. The Council had no cue to take his place. Deane, Penn, Ascue, Lawson, all the men who had served with him in the Dutch war with eminent abUity and success, were now either dead or out of employment: — Ascue had been pensioned and dismissed on the alleged ground of his want of success against De Euiter, but in reality because suspected of a leaning towards the exUes; Penn had been ostensibly broken for the failure on Hispaniola, but more Ukely because Cromwell had heard of his treach erous offers ; Lawson lay under a cloud, and was soon afterwards arrested as a Fifth-monarchy conspirator; Deane waa dead ; and Monk had neither the genius nor the deaire for naval commands. But while the more experienced commanders were thus faUing away, the duties and demands of the service were daily increasing. The nation was committed to a war with Spain. The Pope, UI at ease since the fright of the previous spring, was warmly engaged in a project for uniting all the Catholic maritime powera in a league against the formid able heretics; and agents from Venice, Florence, Madrid ROBERT BLAKE. 261 and some other cities, had already met in Eome. Genoa had taken up a threatening attitude ; for as many mer chants of that Eepublic were interested in the safe arrival of the Silver Fleet, they strongly urged the government to join their armada with that of Spain for its protection. Holland was again wavering in her friendship, and report affirmed that the King of Spain had tempted them to declare war against England by the offer of Dunltirk and two other ports in the narrow seas. Nor was peace yet firmly estabUshed with the Barbary powers; at the very first reverse of fortune these corsairs would have gladly seized the moment of retaliation and revenge. What perhaps most of all annoyed Cromwell was that John, King of Portugal, who had found means to delay the execution of the treaties entered into twenty months ago — especially the clause which secured to English subjects in his dominions immunity from the Holy Office — now mani fested a disposition to withdraw from the compact altogether. In face of so many perils and uncertainties, Blake's services were indispensable. At such a time, his very name was worth a squadron. Not to speak of the moral strength which hia presence would give to any fleet going southward, the occasional sight of his fiag would be pretty certain to teep the Barbary corsairs quiet ; a sudden visit to the Tagus might bring John of Braganza to reason; and the dread of another call at Leghorn would probably be sufficient to frighten the Pope and the Grand Duke out of the proposed league of Catholic princes. However anxious for repose of mind and body, Blake could not decline the responsibilities of command without a breach of duty to his country; and ill as he was, he lent his days and nights to the duties of his station, visiting the dockyards and arsenals, and urging 262 ROBERT BLAKE. the work of repair and replenishment by his presence and his counsels. But though he would not refuse the last pulse of hia brain to hia country, hia age and bodily Bufferings warned him of the fatal consequences which might result to the service should he fall a victim to any sudden sickness while in thoae distant seas, with no colleague on board to whom in case of need he could devolve the supreme command ; he therefore begged tho Council of State to nominate another Sea-General to share hia responsibilities and assist him with his know ledge. Whether he actually named Montagu for the office is uncertain ; but true to the plan of their par liamentary predecessors, the Council fixed on this soldier, a young man of good family, and a confidential friend of Cromwell, as the new general. The preparations of the fleet went on rapidly. Towards the end of February 1656, the Generals went on board the Naseby, then in the Downa with part of the fleet, and they continued in the Channel,, cruiaing between the river mouth and St. Helen'a road, for the better expedition of affairs. The trouble of getting in the necessary provisions was almost incredible ; every naval station on the coast was short of stores ; nor could they be procured in sufficient haste at any price or favour. Blake's patience was at length tired out, and he resolved to sail without them. " The expectation of the provisions and fbe-shipa," he wrote to Cromwell on the 8th of March, " shall be no cause of stay : but as soon as ever we can get a supply from the shore of the things that are essentially requisite, which we are labouring at, we shall with the help of God be gone." At St. Helen's in the Isle of Wight, he received his final inatructions, and while hia fieet was getting under weigh for the south, he wrote his last letter in England — a very pious and a very touching farewell : ROBERT BLAKE. ' 263 General Blahe to Secretary Thurloe. SiE, — I have received yours of the 13th instant, together with the enclosed note of the galleons ; as also your intelligence touching the end of the war between the Protestant and Popish cantons, and the peace settled there, and likewise the probabilities of a truce for aix yeara betwixt France and Spain; and the being of Charlea Stuart with his company in Flanders. These sudden transactions aeem to have some great matters in the womb of them ; but we know that God is the supreme disposer of aU the counsels, deaigns, and confederationa in the world ; and we know He is able to order them all for the greater good of His people. And our trust ia, that He will do ao even fpr our good also, if we can believe in Him. The Lord help our unbelief, and subdue our hearts to the obedience of His holy will in all things. We are now getting an anchor aboard, making ready to aaU, although there be little wind, or none at all. But we shall use our utmost endeavours to get to sea, not losing any opportunity that God shall afford lis ; as we have hitherto been careful, and hope that hia Highness is confident we are and shall continue so, as far as God shaU enable ua ; which is aU at present from Your very affectionate friend and servant, Eobeet Blake. Aboard the Naseby in St. Helen's Road, March 15, 1656, (ne-w style). Two days before the date of this letter he had made hia wUl, writing the whole of it out with his own hand. This solemn act accomplished, and the final instruc tions received from the Council of State, orders were given to get the ahips under weigh. The squadron coasted as far west as Torbay, and aa the white cliffs 264 ROBERT BLAKE. and verdant slopes of Devonshire faded from his sight, the departing hero saw his last of England. As the Sea-Generals paaaed down the Portuguese coast, they sent their letters to King John and assurances of support to Mr. Meadows, English envoy at the court of Lisbon, in his demand for a complete recognition of all the clauses of the late treaty. But they never once slack ened sail until they were again in the Bay of Cadiz, ¦where their dispositions soon made the inhabitants aware that their daring intention was to remain the entire summer, and to hold the royal harbour in a state of perpetual blockade. By these means the SUver Fleets would be kept at sea in imminent danger, and the usual trade of the SeviUe and Cadiz merchants would be deatroyed. The Spaniards did not, however, dream of fighting with the renovated fleet. Now and then a slight skirmish took place between a couple of stray ketches, shallops, or long-boats ; and one morning in the midat of a dead calm, when even the English frigates could not move a point of the compass, the royal gaUeon and two other ships rowed out and fought at a great advantage with some of Blake's outsiders. But tbe principal damage done on either side in this encounter waa effected by a chance shot from one of the frigates lying close in shore, for this cannon-baU knocked down part of a church and kiUed two men. While these affabs were going on, serious news came in hot haste from Lisbon. King John, suffering from stone, and in the hands of his priests, absolutely refused to accept the treaty ; and the majesty of England had been insulted in the person of its envoy. Don Panta- leone and his brother, the Conde de Torre, as was gene rally given out at the time, waylaid and pistolled Mr. JMeadows in the streets of the capital, — probably out of revenge for the death of their brother, who had been ROBERT BLAKE. 265 executed in London for murder. No attempt was made to discover the assassins. The wound did not prove mortal ; but Blake remembered the unatoned murders of Ascham and Dorislaus ; and this time he was resolved to show the world that England would cause the law of nations to be respected towards her servants. Leaving a few frigates to teep watch over Cadiz, the whole fleet weighed for Lisbon, and in the first week of June anchored in Cascaes road at the Tagus mouth. But fear and dismay travelled faster than the Naaeby, and aa aoon as it was known in Lisbon that Blake's instructions were clear and ample, the people rose against the prieat party and compelled the invalid King to make peace with England. John sent for Mr. Meadows ; and on receiving a promise that the Sea- Generals would not molest hia ships or damage his ports, he consented to accept the treaty substantially aa it then stood : — that ia, with one or two verbal alterations, which in the opinion of the resident Engliah, would not unfavourably affect their juat claima, while, on the other hand, they would have the effect of soothing the King's pride. The right of our nation to have Bibles and other pious books in their houses, without being considered as thereby breaking the laws of the country, waa conceded. The proposal of an appeal to the Pope in all disputes about religion, previously insisted on by the Portuguese, waa abandoned. The lives and properties of English settlers were placed beyond the reach of the Holy Office. The customs were reduced to twenty-three per cent. And, finally, the King consented to pay down in sUver 50,000Z. sterling, besides 20,000Z. and some other moneys due to the English for demurrage and freight of ships. A careful perusal of all the correspondence of John and his agents with the English would probably incline the reader to believe that the hasty admission of these 266 ROBERT BLAKE. various claims, after two years of intrigue and subter fuge, was intended only aa a feint to gain time and induce the Generals not to enter the Tagus. But Blake Imew the King of old, and he declared his fixed resolu tion to remain at Cascaes — or in case of need to saU up the river to Lisbon, and there wait the fulfilment of the treaty. Flurried by a message so energetic, the court sent to Mr. Meadows to beg that he would obtain for them some sort of assurance from the Generals that they would not molest their trade, if they, on their part, held fast to the terms of the treaty. AVhereupon Blake and Montagu wrote : — " If his majesty of Portugal do per form on his part, and cause the money, which is by the treaty to be forthwith paid to his Highness's use, to be put into our possession, that it may be conveyed to England, — he may confidently assure himself that we ahaU never so far dishonour his Highneas nor prostitute our own reputation, and bring a scandal on the faith and holiness of the religion we profess, as to violate any of the articles of the treaty." John had no resource but to pay the money, which was accordingly put on board and aent to England. A ludicroua incident served to show the effect of Blake's southern campaigns in the capital of the Catholic world. Pope Alexander VII. had been active in his hostUity to England. He had invited Spain, Genoa, Florence, and other maritime statea, to make common cause against Puritan intruders into the Mediterranean. He had been the chief abettor of the King of Por tugal in his faithless attempt to evade treaties. He had interposed the strongest obstacles to a just settle ment of the Protestant question of the Vaudois. His Holinesa, therefore, listened with fear and trembling for the renewed echoes of that Puritan cannon which had already left so many records of its presence on the shores ROBERT BLAKE. 267 of Spain, Italy, and Barbary. One morning in the middle of June, whUe the red cross of the Commonwealth waa still floating in the Tagus, and Blake was occupied in taking on board the Portuguese dollars, it was suddenly announced in the streets of Eome that the English fleet was cannonading Civita Vecchia ! The poor Pope, sup posing iu his terror that the formidable heretics would in a few hours be thundering at the gates of the Eternal City, caused earthworks to be thrown up, and the cannon of St. Angelo to be dismounted, carried into the streets, and placed in the most commanding positions for defence. Aa no enemy appeared; scouts were sent down to Civita Vecchia, when it turned out that no damage had been done — that no Engliah veaael had been seen in that harbour — and that the firing which had given rise to the little comedy in Eome proceeded from a couple of Dutchmen, the crews of which were wasting their powder in a fit of drink. The state of affaira remained unchanged before Cadiz. Cromwell, harassed for funds, was anxious to strike some sudden and tremendous blow againat the great-, enemy of his country ; and therefore sent out Captain Loyd, " known to us to be a peraon of integrity," with a set of propositions as to how and where such a blow could be best dealt ; " desiring to give no rule to you," — Blake and Montagu, — but " rather as queries than as resolutions : " — a remarkable instance of submission in a man of CromweU's imperious character. The queries were : — Would it not be poaaible to burn the galleons at their moorings in the harbour ? Could Cadiz itself be attacked with success ? Or, failing both these, might not an attempt be made to carry the town and Castle of Gibraltar? All these were points to be maturely conaidered. Drake had once burnt a fleet in the Bay of Cadiz. Esaex and Ealeigh had once carried 268 ROBERT BLAKE. the city by assault. On their way from Cascaes road the Sea- Generals held many consultations, examined charts and compared opiniona ; intending, if the project of burning the Spanish fleet as it lay in the Carracas appeared feasible, to fall suddenly and fiercely to the work of destruction the moment of their arrival. But not a single pilot could be found willing to undertake the responsibility of carrying an English war-ship into that narrow and dangerous harbour. Times had changed since Drake surprised the Spaniards. The expedition under Essex had taught them theb weakness and their strength. When he arrived in the Bay, Blake obtained exact information from spies, and secret agents, as to the means of defence possessed by the city, from which it appeared, — that the navigation of the channel was extremely difficult at all times, — that the Spaniards had thrown a number of heavy chains across it, — that large veaaels had been placed in convenient poaitions ready to be sunk at the first signal of an attempt to enter it by force, — that guna had been planted on both shores of the paasage, — and that the preparations for defence were altogether of the most complete and formidable character. It was therefore obvious to the council of war, that in order to deatroy the fieet in Carracas it would be necessary first to subdue Cadiz. And thia point was considered; but only for a moment. That the city was strong by nature, and still stronger by art, was well tnown to military men ; but CromweU's ' spiea had led him to believe that it was Ul-aupplied with troops, and it was on this circumstance that he had indulged in his dream of an attack. On the spot the council of war obtained more exact accounts, w^hen it appeared that in Cadiz, town and island, Porto Santa Maria and Eotto, where the Duke of Medina com manded in person, there were about forty thousand ROBERT BLAKE. 269 regular troops, some regiments of which vast force enjoyed the well-won reputation of being the finest infantry in the world. Under these circumstances they voted it irrational to think of making any attempt on the mainland, unless a large body of troops could be sent from England to co-operate with the fieet, as had been the case when Essex and Ealeigh forced their way into the town. An attack on Gibraltar was declared im practicable for aimilar reasons ; the Spaniards having recently strengthened the worts and thrown a powerful garrison into that important stronghold. On receiving the letters in which theae decisions of the war-council were reported, the Protector and his Council wrote to Blake and Montagu : Gentiemen, — We have seen a letter written by you to the Commissioners of the Admiralty, dated 9 th May, from Tangier, which arrived here yesterday morning, whereby we understand the posture of the enemy, and that for the several reasons expressed by you in that said letter, it seems to you not rational to attempt the burn ing of the Spanish fieet in Cadiz ; and thereupon appre hending that some of your ahipa may be spared into the Channel for the better securing of trade, and the block ing up of Dunkirk and Ostend, where the pirates and ships-of-war grow so numerous, that lately eighteen or nineteen of them in a body took twenty of our merchant- ships in two fleets, being under a convoy of a Dutch ship of thirty-six guna ; therefore we have resolved to caU into these seas part of the fleet now with you ; and to that end we desire you, upon the receipt hereof, to give orders to ten ships, under a good officer, to aail with the firat opportunity of wind and weather into the Downs, requiring them to give immediate notice unto us of their arrival. We leave it whoUy unto you which of the ships 270 ROBERT BLAKE. you wUl send, conceiving you fo be best able to judge which of them wUl be fittest for this service and may be best spared by you. Some thoughts we have had that the lesser sort of ships, and especially frigates, will best answer the aforesaid ends here. This we have resolved, not knowing anything of your posture or counsela more than your aforesaid letter represents. But in case you are upon any design, or if aught else hath emerged, either upon our letter and instruction sent by Captain Loyd, or from your own thoughts, with which these orders wUl not well consist, we leave it to you, notwith standing what we have herein written, whether you will send these ships or not ; our iutentions not being to dis appoint any thing which may be in your eye or design to be done there by the fleet. The fleet had barely taken up its position ui the Bay of Cadiz before it began to experience some of that extreme weather to which the hopes of the Spaniards seemed now chiefly turned aa a meana of compeUing the English to go home. Several captains of ships were on board the Naseby receiving their inatructions to aail for England in compliance with the requeat of the CouncU, when a gnat of wind suddenly rose in the east and south-east. It increased into a tremendous gale, snapt the anchor-chains, tore the cordage into shreds, and scattered the fleet — seven or eight ships, of which the Naaeby was one, excepted — far and wide from Sagres to Tangier, doing serious damage to the entire squadron. The night which followed thia terrible day was dark as well as tempestuous. Here and there the lights were hung out aU night long as signals of distress, and in every pause of the storm the commanders heard sigual- guna booming over the sea from great distances. About one o'clock, the Naseby had a narrow escape of wreck. ROBERT BLAKE. 271 The Taunton, her aaUa tom and rudder unmanageable, came drifting before the gale right on them. Lights were hoisted and orders given for Captain Vallis, her commander, to open a new sail; but the poor fellow seemed to have lost all power over her movements. On she came, stem foremost, against the Naseby, which veaael had hitherto tept at anchor. A few momenta and a collision appeared inevitable. Blake ordered his cables to be cut as a laat chance, when auddenly, as he says in hia letter to Cromwell — " it pleased God in very much mercy that she" — the Taunton-— " let slip, and getting a sail open with much ado steered clear off ua, elae one or both of us, in aU likelihood, had immediately gone to the bottom." Nearly all the veaaels of hia fieet lost their long-boats, and many of them their cables and anchors : — the Eesolution had one of her anchors snapt into two pieces, and the other bent almost double. But none were absolutely lost. The Kent and the Taunton were the longest absent from the general gathering ; but after a few days of painful suspense, to the infinite joy of their comrades they alao retumed. In one of his let ters Montagu says, "the sea ran mountains high ; " and he added suggestively — " Judge you what thia aea is to ride in winter time ! " Great damage was also done to the Spanish ships lying in harbour ; many of the mer chant-men being torn from theb moorings and driven out to aea. Six of the English ships, including the Kent, Bristol and Mermaid, were judged to be no longer fit for so rude a service, and were sent home to England. Mean time the Generals did their utmost to exasperate the enemy to come out and fight. But neither insult nor spoliation could sufficiently stir the Hidalgo blood : as the Lisbon agent expressed it in his correspondence, " the -Spaniard used hia buckler rather than hia aword." Hear- 272 ROBERT BLAKE. ing that a Sicilian and a Genoese galley had taken part with the Spaniards of Malaga against the English, Blate despatched the Euby, Nantwich, and Lyon, with the Fox fire-ship, to that port, in search of the offenders, and with orders to infest and alarm the coast on that side from Gibraltar to Valentia. Still the Cadiz gal leons would not venture out. Blake then drew off a number of frigates and good saUers for a temporary guard, and with the body of his fleet sailed for the Afri can coast in search of water and proviaions ; intending also to pay a brief viait to Salee, on the west coast of Africa, and teach the lawless rovers of that city some respect for European commerce and civilisation. Suc cess attended him and his officers. The expedition againat Malaga was brilUantly executed. The EngUsh ships stood into the harbour at mid-day, with colours and pennons flying, and anchored between the bulwark and the pier-head in three fathoms of water. The people on shore were taken quite aback, fancying the ships were come in to give themselves up to the King of Spain. But they were roused from this dream by a sudden declaration that, if the Genoese galley were not given up to the EngUsh, they would proceed to fire every slap that was within the pier. After exchanging signals, the two gaUeya made an attempt to quit the port, the Genoese covering the Sicilian like a shield, when the frigates poured a broadside into the insolent Genoeae, which broke her rudder, tilled forty of her crew, and carried off her oara in splinters. The Sicilian slipt away in the confusion, but the Genoese was obliged to put bact into the port, where she was grappled by the fire-ship and instantly wrapt in fiames. The cannon of the land-worts now opened on the Engliah, and iu return the ships began to bombard the town. A dozen resolute fellows leapt on shore from a long-boat, and ia ROBERT BLAKE. 273 a few minutes they had spiked eight pieces of heavy ordnance under the very walls of the town. The people were amazed and stunned ; many of the gentry fled away ; the citizens hid themaelves in their wine-casks ; and it was thought that a force of 4000 men would have been able to capture and plunder the place, so great was the terror of the people. Blake and Montagu retumed to their Cadiz station, but the Spaniards stiU remained in port. No SUver Fleets appeared. July and August passed away in glorioua but not very profitable cruises, skirmishes and blockades. Winter was drawing near, and every ship in the service required to be careened and refitted. Victuals of every kind ran short. To obtain supplies even of bread and water, it was necessary to seek the ports of a friendly power. Blake, therefore, appointed Captain Eichard Stayner, of the Speaker, to watch the bay with a squadron of aeven ahips, the Speaker, Bridg water, Providence, Plymouth, and three others ; and with the remainder of his power he saUed early in September for the northem part of Portugal. The Generals, however, had not come to an anchor in Aviero Bay before a fortunate accident brought a diviaion of the long-expected SUver Fleet in sight of Stayner's squadron. Four magnificent Spanish gaUeons and two merchantmen of Indian build, aU of them laden with cargoes of gold, silver, pearls and precious atonea, hidea, indigo, sugar, cochineal, varinaa and tobacco, and having the Viceroy of Lima and his family, a general, an admiral, and vice-admiral, together with about two thou sand inferior persons on board, had left the Havanna early in June bound for Cadiz, under the impression that their European fieets would be able to protect them against the English, and without touching land at any point, they had made the whole voyage in the short space of 274 ROBERT BLAKE. fifty-seven days. On theb way they picked up a little French barque, laden with hides, and afterwards, among the Weatern lalanda, a Portuguese corn-factor, both of which vessels they made prizes. Either from mistake or from malice, the Portuguese saUors, when their captors inquired from them where the English fieet lay, replied that the Spaniards had beaten Blake a month ago, and driven him away from their coast ; they consequently continued their voyage towards Europe in the utmost confidence, instead of running to the Azores for a convoy. In passing San Lucar, they noticed a long-boat in the act of crossing the bar ; but by some fataUty they proceeded towarda Cadiz without staying to inquire how an English long-boat could be entering the river if Blake'a squadron had been discomfited and driven home. Even when they observed Stayner's frigates, just at dusk on the 8th of September, some five or six leagues eastward towarda Cadiz, they concluded that theae muat be Spanish guardahips lying about the harbour, and therefore did their beat to keep close to them all night, putting their own lights on for company, and occasionally firing guns to announce their fortunate arrival. At day-dawn, they discovered their mistake ; and, though they had a vast preponderance of force, they separated, and some of them ran ashore aa the only meana of saving the vast treasures with which they were freighted. A fresh gale, blowing hard from the north-east, had scattered the English squadron, and only the Speaker, the Plymouth, and the Bridgwater were at first sufficiently near the galleons to engage with them. Stayner naturaUy made for the fiag-ahip of the Spaniard ; but finding that it was one of the weakest in the fieet, and suspecting that the fiag waa raised on that vessel merely to deceive and draw off an enemy from the gold and silver galleons, he let her go, and she succeeded in making her escape with ROBERT BLAKE. 275 her Lisbon prize into Cadiz. The battle raged between the other vessela for six hours. From the waUs and towers of Cadiz the Spaniards could see every turn of the en gagement ; two of theb galleons were on fire at the same moment ; two others of their ships went down to rise no more. After defending his charge with heroic valour, theb Vice-admiral was overpowered, his vessel, on fire in several places, was hastily rifled by the conquerors of its gold and silver; the priaonera were removed to the Speaker, and it was then left to fill and sink. In this gaUeon went down the unfortunate Viceroy of Lima, with his wife and daughter. The Plymouth chased one of the tradera to the ahore, where she ran aground near Cape Degar ; but it appeared by the statement of pri soners taken that she had no silver on board. The gal leon of the Eear-admiral was taken, a prize of very great value. " The ahip we took," says Stayner in hia letter to Blake, " is worth aU the reat of the fleet." It was a royal galleon of about 500 tons burthen with 350 men on board when she struck her colours, and contained two mUlion pieces of eight. Two other prizes were afterwards picked up ; and of the eight veaaels only two escaped capture or destruction. The money lost amounted to nine million pieces of eight. The loss in men on the Engliah side was very slight ; but aeveral of the frigates were much damaged, eapecially the Speaker, which had borne the chief brunt of the battle." Among the prisoners taken was the young Marquis de Badajoz, son of the Viceroy of Lima, whose melan choly and romantic story at once became a theme for poets and tale-tellers. Hia father waa born a few leagues from Madrid, of a noble but reduced family of pure Hidalgo blood. In early Ufe his royal master made him Governor of Chili, in South America ; afterwards he wa? translated to the Vice-royalty of Lima, which country ho t2 276 ROBERT BLAKE. governed fourteen years ; but his period of office being completed, hia family grown up to youth, his own labours rewarded with wealth and honours, he embarked in the vice-admbal with his lady, his four sons, and his three daughters — two of them affianced brides, one to a son of the great Duke of Medina Coeli, the other to Don Juan de Joyas, Rear-admiral of the fleet, and now Stayner's prisoner. When the flames began to spread in the galleon, the marchioness and one of her daughters swooning with heat and fear feU on their faces and were scorched to death. One of the boys also feU a victim to the flre. The marquis might have estaped unhurt, but seeing the blackened bodies of his companions where they lay, he rushed towards them, threw his arms about his wife, and died in the embrace. The young marquis, his brothers, and sisters, were saved by the Engliah boarders and carried to the Speaker, where they were treated with compassion even by the rude sailors. The eldest boy afterwards became quite a favourite with the two commanders : " He is a most pregnant, ingenious, and learned youth as I ever met with," said Montagu, " and his story is the saddest that ever I heard of or read of to my remembrance." The whole fortune of the famUy, consisting of 800,000 pieces of eight, waa on board the vice-admbal ; much of it was plundered by the boarders, and the reat went down with the wreck. Cromwell had already deabed one of the Generals to return home for a abort time, to consult with the Board of Admiralty on the state of the fleet and on the general conduct of the war; and he had named Montagu for this purpose, aa his absence would be least severely felt. Blake was desired, if the plan met with his approval, to make a selection from the squadron under his command of such good sailers as would be best likely to stand the ROBERT BLAKE. 277 wear of a winter campaign, and with these vessels teep guard before the harbour of Cadiz, and utterly destroy its commerce. He thereupon removed the red cross of the Commonwealth to the mast of the Swiftsure ; and collecting all Stayner's prizes with the other ships intended for home, he toot farewell of his colleague, committing him to the mercies of God and the good-will of his countrymen. England soon rang with the new glories of its great seamen. Poems, plaudits and rewards met the victorious Montagu. A tnighthood was reserved for Stayner. The bulUon which he had captured was landed at Portsmouth, and some eight-and-thbty wagons, attended by chosen picquets of soldiers carried it trium phantly through the western towns to London, where it was paraded through the City, and then immediately carried to the Tower and coined into English money. CHAPTER X. SANTA CRUZ. Statnee's brUUant success against the first division of the Silver Fleets which had fallen in the way of an Engliah squadron, encouraged Blake in the idea that by remaining at sea all winter, he might be able to strike such a blow at the naval power of Spain, as would shake that empire. The Mexican gaUeons had been disposed of by his lieutenant ; thoae of Peru, known to be still more richly laden with gold, sOver, pearls and precious stones, were on their way to Spain. Could he only keep the mouth of the Carracas closed, so aa to prevent any caraval going out to warn them of theb danger, it was not unlikely that they would follow in the track of the former fleet, and fall into hia hands. But thia advan tage was only to be gained by a winter at sea : and in such a sea, with a fleet in the worst condition, and in his state of increasing bodily infirmity ! The best of the great ships had gone home with the Naseby, Cromwell believing from aU past naval experience that it would be impossible for them to ride through the storms of December and January on that dangerous coaat : what remained as the Cadiz blockading squadron were about twenty frigates, with the Swiftsure, a vessel of 898 tons burden, carrying 380 men and 64 guns, as admiral. Yet the duties were numeroua and of different kinds which ROBERT BLAKE. 279 this fleet of frigates was expected to perform. Simply to keep the seas would have been no easy task ; but Blake waa expected to hold the whole aouthem coaat of Spain in a state of siege, — to close the Straits of Gibraltar against the enemy, — to intercept the Silver Fleets ahould they arrive, — to prevent the coming in of oak, hemp, tar, and other materials for ship-building from the north of Europe, — to entice out and then fight with the war-galleona known to be fitting up in Cadiz by the merchanta of SevUle for the defence of their pro perty, — to cut off all communication over aea between Spain and Flanders, — to haraas and destroy the enemy's trade, particularly that of their colonies and settlements in America, — to watch and check the movements of the Barbary coraairs, — and finally, to protect the intereats of English commerce with Portugal and the Straits of Gibraltar, then fiercely menaced by Biacayan and other Spanish privateers. The Commonwealth expected fuU and daring service from its ' officers. But however much was hoped in England from the Admiral's genius and good-fortune, the wonders of this winter cruise and the brilliant ac tion with which it closed in the early spring at Santa Cruz surpassed every expectation. For the first few weeks, the Spaniards affected to laugh at a madman who could dream of riding in that tempestuous ocean for a whole winter. Nevertheless, October and November passed away ; and though daily storms scattered the aquadron, carrying some of the frigates to the African porta, othera into the Straits, and now and then an unfortunate vessel as far as Cape St. Vincent, the bay was never free from the enemy : and after a day or two of decent weather, the fleet was found riding in all its strength acroaa the entrance to Cadiz. Opinion then worked gradually round. The citizens began to fear 28o- ROBERT BLAKE. that nature would probably not fight their battle as effectuaUy as they had hoped. If the American fleet was to come in, other means of defence must be considered. Some rich merchants at last offered to fit out a powerful squadron. At theb expense eight royal gaUeons were prepared ; guns were put on board twelve traders of heavy burden ; and a solemn appeal was made to the chivalry of Spain to go on board the reUef squadron as volunteers, and . in that capacity make one grand effort to dislodge the enemy from his insulting position. Much was expected from this appeal ; several spirited gentlemen offered their services, and the agents talted in heroic measures of theb intended feats : — but for some reason not tnown to the English, the squadron did not venture outside the passage, and Blake continued master at sea. About mid-winter, De Ruiter anchored off the bar of San Lucar with nine or ten Dutch men- of-war ; and the opinion current in diplomatic circles in the south of Europe was, that he intended openly to join the Spaniards againat England. European diplo macy was probably weU acquainted with the secret leanings of the States-General ; but it erred in assuming that they would have the courage to declare their pre ference, and take upon themselves the consequences of their friendship for Spain. They rather chose to work for her in secret. Under false fiags and with forged papers they from time to time carried succours to Cadiz and San Lucar ; in the name of the Genoese they buUt and equipped in their dockyards as many frigates and men-of-war as would have formed a powerful fleet; and indeed at that very moment they had aix magni ficent ships, of from sixty to seventy guns each, on the stocks nearly finished. But De Ruiter carefully abstained from any offence against the red cross. He made a show of the profoundest respect for Blake ROBERT BLAKE. 281 personally, and sailed away into the Mediterranean, as he pretended on a voyage against the pirates of Algiers and Tripoli. The English were compeUed to rule the Barbary powers with a rod of iron. A few months ago the Admiral had paid hia promiaed viait to Salee, when he summoned the formidable rovera of that port to a con sultation ; but aa the barbariana did not for the space of two days comply with hia request, he drove two of their fleetest vessels on the rocks and broke them into fragments, threatening to deal in Uke manner with their entire fleet if they persisted in their refusal to treat with him according to the usagea of nations. The Prince of Salee had abeady learned by the example of Tunis that Blake never threatened in vain, and on receiving thia peremptory intimation he sent an agent to the Naaeby. The audden recal of the fleet towards the Bay of Cadiz, in expectation of the Silver Fleet, had prevented the formal conclusion of a treaty; but the rovera became more guarded from that time in their interference with English merchants. Early in February a violent storm in the Bay of Cadiz drove the blockading fleet towards the Straits, and the heavy galea increasing, Blake ran into Tetuan, a Morocco port just within the Straits, for shelter ; and as some questions had arisen between him and the Dey of Algiers, ere he retumed to Cadiz, he ran along the coast to that city, paid the Dey a flying visit, and arranged all his difficulties without having to fire a single shot. The affair of Porto Ferino had relieved him from the necessity of any more fighting with the pirates. In paasing Tan gier, then a settlement of the Portuguese, he found it closely invested by the Moors, and so severely dis- treaaed aa to be not unlikely to fall into their hands. In the high spirit of Christian chivalry he detached a 283 ROBERT BLAKE. part of hia fieet to relieve the garrison, break the be- aiegera' lines and support the interests of the new Eling of Portugal, Alphonso VT., on those shores : — a service which had the happy effect of saving the town and drawing still closer the bonds of friendship established by his means between London and Lisbon. Discontents arose and multipUed in Spain. The loss of one Silver Fleet and the long delay of another ren dered money scarce, crippling both public and private means. New taxes had to be imposed. Voluntary gifts and loans were tried, — and many Hidalgo famUies stript themselves of part of their ancient wealth to uphold the glory of their King. The Church also contributed its blessing and its money towards the support of a war against heretics. But these donations went a short way towards meeting the enormous expenditure ; and in its hour of need govemment was compeUed to exact a fifth part of the estates, stoct and property of every merchant in the empire. Thousands were ruined by this sweeping measure. Trade almost ceased. The Spanish dollar rose in value; debts were left unpaid; and many of the most princely residents of Cadiz and Seville were broten in their fortunes. In England the splendour of victory, the humUiation of a haughty foe, and the sight of wagons fiUed with captured gold and silver, helped to sustain the popularity of the war ; but the trading interests suffered severely from the corsairs of Brest and the Bay of Biscay. The amount of money taten from the enemy was slight when com pared with the losaes of private persons. Few indeed gained by the war except the privateers of the two nations, and that band of lawless adventurers who plundered peaceful traders under cover of any fiao- which it suited them for the moment to unfurl. Nothing excites more wonder and admiration than ROBERT BLAKE. 283 the poverty of means with which this bold watch and guard was maintained. Hardly a single ship was sea worthy. The Fairfax, the Worcester, the Plymouth, the Newcastle, the Foresight, were all seriously damaged, Some were short of a mast, others had no powder ; all were in want of spars, canvass, hemp and stores. AVorst of aU, sickness had carried off the ablest seamen of the fleet; and more than one of the frigates had not sufficient hands for the ordinary working service, much less for war. On the 11th of March, 1657, Blake writes from before Cadiz to the Admiralty : " Our fleet at preaent, by reason of a long continuance abroad, are grown ao foul, that if a fleet outward bound should design to avoid us, few of our ships would be able to foUow them up. I have acquainted you often with my thoughts of keeping out those ships so long, whereby they are not only rendered in a great measure unservice able, but withal exposed to desperate hazards : wherein, though the Lord hath most wonderfully and mercifully preaerved ua hitherto, I know no rule to tempt Him, and therefore again mind you of it, that if any such accident should for the future happen to the damage of his High ness and the nation — which God forbid — the blame may not be at our doors, for we account it a great mercy that the Lord hath not given them [the Spaniards] the oppor tunity to take advantage of these our damages. Truly our fleet is generally in that condition, that it troubles me to think what the consequence may prove if such another storm, as we have had three or four lately, should overtake us before we have time and opportunity a little to repair. Our number of men ia lessened through death and sickness, occasioned partly through the badness of victuals and the long continuance of poor men at sea. The captain of the Fairfax tells me, in particular, that they are forced to call all their company 284 ROBERT BLAKE. on deck whenever they go to tack. Therefore (I) desire that, if you intend us to stay out thia summer, or any considerable part thereof, that you will forthwith send us a sufficient supply of able seamen." But CromweU was too busy with his own schemes to think of the brave men who were fighting the battles of their country on a distant station. No succours were sent out ; nothing but apologies and excuses. The Lords of Admiralty said they were sorry to hear of his illness ; sorry also to hear of the wretched state of his ships ; but they could not promise him any immediate aid, because the Lord Protector's time was completely taken up with Parliamentary intrigues, the great ques tion of Kingship being then under consideration. The events of the next few days, however, put an end to the tasks which held the sick Admiral a sort of prisoner in those waters. Letters of intelUgence came to hand an nouncing that the second SUver Fleet, consisting of six royal galleons and sixteen other great ships, was on its way towards Europe ; but that having heard of the former disaster, and leaming that the enemy was stiU in force before the Bay of Cadiz, it had run for safety into harbour in one of the Canary Islands. At first this news was of a doubtful nature ; perhaps an invention of the Spaniards to draw him from his post ; certainly it was too vague a report to justify a run with his whole squadron into a latitude so remote ; but several handa, unknown to each other, furnished Blake with the same intelUgence, and his habitual caution at last admitted that there were grounds for trusting to the general accuracy of his information. Finding that the fleet already prepared for sea, did not venture forth, he arranged his plans, called in his cruisers, and on the 13th of April set sail with his whole force, now recruited to twenty-five ships and frigates, for those islands. Don ROBERT BLAKE. 285 Diego Diagues, the Spanish Admiral at Santa Cruz, had news of Blake's intended movement, and he made instant preparations to give the assailants a warm reception should they venture to attack his fleet. The port of Santa Cruz was then one of the strongest naval posi tions in the world. The harbour, shaped like a horse shoe, was defended at the north side of the entrance by a regular castle, mounted with the heaviest ordnance and well garrisoned ; along the inner line of the Bay seven powerful forts were disposed ; and connecting these forts with each other and with the castle was a line of earthworks, which served to cover the gunners and musketeers from the fire of an enemy. Sufficiently formidable of themselves to appal the stoutest heart, theae worka were now strengthened by the whole force of the Silver Fleet. The precious metals, pearls, and jewels vfrere carried on shore into the town; but the usual freightage, hides, sugar, spices, and" cochineal, remained on board, Don Diego having no fears for their safety. The royal galleons were then stationed on each side the narrow entrance of the Bay ; their anchors dropped out, and theb broadsides turned towards the aea. The other armed veasels were moored in a semicircle round the inner line, with openings between them so as to allow full play to the batteries on shore in case of necessity. Large bodies of musketeers were placed on the earthworks uniting the more soUd fortifi cations ; and in this admirable arrangement of his means of resistance Diagues waited with confidence the appear ance of his Engliah assailants. On the evening of Saturday, AprU 18th, the foremost of the EngUsh frigates sighted what they beUeved to be the nearest point of land in the Canary Islands ; but the weather was extremely thick and hazy, and it waa noon on Sunday before they were certain of their exact 286 ROBERT BLAKE. bearings. Thia circumstance afforded Diego timely warn ing of their approach. Next morning, Monday, the red cross of the Commonwealth was descried at daybreak from the royal galleona ; the fleet appearing about three leagues diatant, under crowded sail and bearing in before a stiff breeze. A Dutch captain, who had seen some thing of the late war, happened to be lying at that moment in the Santa Cruz roadstead with his vessel ; when he saw the Sea-General's pennon floating on the wind, and the frigates in advance making direct for the harbour, he felt they were bent on mischief, and anxious to avoid any portion of the hard knocks likely to be given in the coming fray, he went to the Spanish Admi ral and asked permission to retbe. Diagues smUed at bis fears. Why, his naval force alone waa almost equal to the English. The royal galleons were mounted -with the finest brass ordnance in the world. Their broadsides would oppose a living waU of fire against assault. With his castles, batteries, and earthworks, his powerful and spirited garrison, his double Une of w-ar-ships, he con sidered, and not unreasonably considered, that his posi tion was impregnable. The Dutchman shook his head : " For aU this," he said, " I am very sure that Blake will soon be in among you." — " WeU," replied the haughty Spaniard, " go, if you wiU; and let Blake come if he dare." — The Dutchman retumed to his ship, hoisted sail, and escaped the destruction which awaited every vessel afioat within the Bay of Santa Cruz that fatal morning. As soon as day dawned on the EngUsh fleet, a frigate, which had been sent forward in the night for that pur pose, signaUed to the Swiftsure the welcome intelligence that the whole body of the SUver Fleet lay at anchor within the harbour. Thereupon Blake roused from his sick-bed by the prospect of action, caUed a council of war, stated the case in a few brief and pregnant words, and ROBERT BLAKE. 287 ended with a proposal to ride into the port and attack the enemy in his formidable position. The shape of the harbour, the situation of the great castle, and the direction of the wind — then blowing steadily landwards — made it useless to think of bringing oft" the royal gaUeons. It only remauied therefore to destroy them where they stood, with theb threatening broadsides pointing towards the English ships. Many thought this scheme would be equally impossible to carry out ; but the captains who had served in the attack on Porto Ferino had no doubt of the bold conception of theb general being brilliantly executed. At least it was resolved to make the attempt. Between six and seven o'clock, a solemn prayer was offered to the Diapoaer of eventa : no oath, no breverent ribaldry waa ever heard on board that fleet ; no rum or brandy waa given out on the eve of battle ; but every man on those gallant ships knelt down humbly, and in that fervent spbit which was in aU trials and temptations the Roundheads' sustaining fire, asked the God of battles to bless His people, and put forth Hia right arm in aupport of the good cause. At seven aU was ready — the saUors had breakfasted and prayed. A division of the beat-equipped and moat powerful ships was then drawn off and sent forward under the gallant Stayner to attack the royal galleons and force an entrance into the harbour ; Blake reserving to himaelf the task of silencing the castles and batteries on land. Stayner's old frigate, the Speaker, now bearing hia pennon as Vice-admiral, led the van of this attacking squadron right at the entrance, unchecked by the tremendoua broadsides of the galleons and regard less of the terrific flanking fire from the caatle and batteries. In a space of time almost incredibly short he had passed the outer defences and established himself near the royal galleons, m the centre of a huge semi- 288 ROBERT BLAKE. circle of shot. Blake instantly followed with the re mainder of his fieet, and covering Stayner's flank with hia frigates, so as to leave him free to fight the great ships without interruption from the batteries on shore, he commenced a furious cannonade on the whole line of defences, and especially against the castle. The Spa niards fought throughout the day with desperate valour, and for some hours the old peak of Teneriffe witnessed a scene which might almost be compared with one of its own stupendous outbursts. The Spanish musketeers kept up a destructive fire from behind the covered way. Yet in spite of the highest courage, unanimity and conduct on the side of the defence, the cannonade along the earthworks gradually slackened. One by one the batteries ceased to answer. Before twelve o'clock Blate was able to leave the completion of this part of his tast to a few well-stationed frigates, whUe he turned with the main body to the assistance of Stayner, engaged for four hours in an unequal contest with gaUeons of greatly superior force in men and guns. Diagues made heroic efforts to recover his faUing ground ; but it was now too late to turn the tide of victory. By two o'cloct the battle was won. Two of the Spanish ahips had gone down, and every other vessel in the harbour, whether royal galleon, ship-of-war, or trader, was in flames. MUes and miles round the scene of action, the lurid and fatal lights could be seen, throbbing and burning against the duU sky. The fire had done its work swiftly and awfully. Not a sail, not a single spar was left above water. The charred keels fioated hither and thither. Some of them fiUed and sank. Others 1vere thrown upon the strand. Here and there the stump of a burnt mast projected from the surface ; but not a single ship — not a single cargo — escaped destruction. AU went down together in the tremendous calamity. ROBERT BLAKE. 289 Theb victory complete, the next care of the English was to get away safely from the Bay, as the great guns of the caatle at its entrance, supplied with fresh gunners, kept up a deadly fire. Blake's plan, when he stood with a atrong breeze into Santa Cruz, seems to have been to fight and destroy the Spanish galleona, first silencing aa many of the land-batteries as might be necessary to that end, and then to retbe with hia fleet from the harbour at the ebb-tide ; but juat as the devouring flames had got safe hold of the Spaniards' bulla, enauring the com plete destruction of their ships, the wind began to veer a little towards the south-west — a change, as the pious sailors remarked, which had not been known to occur on that coast for many years — and by skUful management the whole squadron came out of the Bay with one slight accident, the striking of a frigate on an unknown rock. But she got off without serious damage ; and by seven o'clock in the evening all the ships were out in the Bay beyond gun-range. The loss of the Spaniards waa immense. The finest part of their Silver Fleet was utterly annihilated : ships, guns, equipments, cargoes, aU were gone. Considering the many disadvantages under which they had fought, the loasea of the English were comparatively unimportant. Not a single ship waa miaaing at the muster ; but several frigates, particularly the Speaker, were rendered unfit for further service. The slain amounted to no more than 50 ; the wounded were about 150 in number. Perhaps no naval action has ever been more warmly admired and more curiously criticised than this attack on Santa Cruz. " Of all the desperate attempts," says royaUst Heath, "that were ever made in the world againat an enemy by aea, this of the noble Blake'a ia not mferior to any."— "The whole action," writes Claren don " waa so miraculous, that all men who knew the 290 ROBERT BLAKE. place concluded that no sober man, with what courage soever endued, would ever undertake it ; whUst the Spaniards comforted themselves with the belief that they were devils and not men who had deatroyed them in such a manner. And it can hardly be imagined how amaU loss the Engliah sustained in this unparaUeled action ; no one ship being left behind, and the kdled and wounded not exceeding two hundred men, when the slaughter on board the Spanish ships and on the shore was incredible." On the other side, it has been aUeged by Sir Philip Warwick and later writers, that when Blake stood into the Bay of Santa Cruz there was no reasonable probabUity that the wind would change when the work of destruction was effected ; that had it not changed, the squadron would have been wind- bound within reach of the great artiUery of the caatle for an indefinite period ; that, in short, nothing less than the unexpected turn of wind could have saved the fieet which his rashness had placed in auch imminent peril. To theae criticisms it would probably be a sufficient answer to say, that during his whole naval career the great Admiral never made a serious mistake : even his unequal and disastrous encounter with Tromp in the Downs was defensible on political and naval grounds. The best proof, however, that he could bring his fleet out of the harbour when its work was done, is the fact that he did bring it out ; had it appeared to him desbable for the ships to remain at anchor under the caatle-guns there is no reason to beUeve that they would have been unable to hold their position. Masters of the harbour for twelve hours, it would have been easy to remain mastera for twelve days. Nor is it clear that the change of wind took place before the fleet qidtted the Bay — as accounts written on the spot represent ROBERT BLAKE. 291 that change as occurring after the muster in the offing — when a speedy return to Spain, not an escape from Santa Cruz, figures as the great object of providential interposition. InteUigence of this great naval exploit reached London as CromweU's second ParUament was drawing its first session to a close. The excitement was extreme. Popu lar baUada, in which Antichrist and the Inquisition were treated with disdainful waggery, were sung at every street-corner under the fantastic and picturesque gables of old London. The Lord Protector aent his secretary down to the Houae with the letter of detaUs ; and when honourable members had heard the whole story from Blake's own hand, they tendered him the thanks of the country for his eminent services, and voted five hundred pounds for the purchase of a jewel to be given him aa a mart of honour and respect. The House partook of the liberal enthusiasm which filled the cities of London and Weatminater. The repreaentatives gave one hun dred pounds to Captain Story, the messenger of such glorious news. They ordered a letter of thanks to be written to the officers of the fleet. Finally, they set apart an early day for a solemn national thanksgiving. CromweU himself wrote to the dying General a letter of thants and congratulation : SiE, — I have received yours of the [20th April], and thereby the account of the good succeaa it hath pleased God to give you at the Canaries, in your attempt upon the King of Spain's ships in the Bay of Santa Cruz. The mercy therein to us and this Commonwealth is very sig nal, both in the loss the enemy hath received, as also in the preservation of our ships and men, which indeed was very wonderful, and according to the wonted goodness and loving-kindness of the Lord, wherewith His people u2 293 ROBERT BLAKE. hath been followed in all theae late revolutions ; and call for on our part, that we should fear before Him, and stUl hope in Hia mercy. We cannot but take notice 'also, how eminently it hath pleased God to make use of you in this service, assisting you with wisdom in the con duct, and courage in the execution ; and have sent you a amaU jewel, as a testimony of our own and the ParUa ment' s good acceptance of your carriage in this action. We are also informed that the officers of the fleet and the seamen carried themselves with much honesty and courage, and we are considering of a way to shew our acceptance thereof. In the meantime we desire you to return our hearty thanks and acknowledgments to them. Thus beseeching the Lord to continue His presence with you, I remain your very affectionate friend." The favourable wind which brought the squadron out of Santa Cruz carried it once more at a steady and rapid pace to the shores of Andalusia ; but intelli gence of the terrible diaaster at the Canaries had abeady reached the merchants of Cadiz, and new endeavours were made to induce the States- General of HoUand to unite with Spain in a league against the proud and victorious ialandera. Dutch statesmen, alarmed at the extraordinary growth of EngUsh influence at sea, were disposed to entertain the advances made to them by their ancient and mortal enemies ; they expedited the preparations of their fleet, and raised it to a force of seventy sail. CromweU's ministers could obtain no satisfactory explanation of the reasons for this armament or of the service on which it was to be employed ; and as aoon as the battle of Santa Cruz had disabled Spain for some time, they wrote to inform Blake of theb fears and uncertainties, and to beg that he would return with convenient haste to England. Warned of theae mtrigues with the States-General, the EngUsh frigates ROBERT BLAKE. 293 kept strict watch over the motions of the Dutch squadron in those seas, and soon found that, while declining to commit themselves to the hazards and expenses of another naval war, the officers readily engaged them selves to bring into Cadiz and other ports the gold and sUver landed at Santa Cruz, by order of Don Diego Diagues, before the late attack. Aware of the contract, Blake declared these Dutchmen lawful prizes ; and in structed the captains of his cruisers to chase, capture or destroy them whenever found with Spanish cargoes on board. By these prompt measures aeveral of their ahipa and frigates were taken, laden in great part with gold and sUver from that island. One of these Dutch vessels was reported to have a mUlion pieces of eight on board. Another of his captures, the Flying Fame of Amster dam, ran on ahore near Suebra, in order to save the cargo ; but it was got off again at full tide by the English frigates : it had 448 Spaniards, paasengers from the Canaries, on board, beaides a very valuable freight. Remonstrances were of course made by the Ambassadors of HoUand against thia rigoroua policy. But Blake had little patience with the wiles and subterfuges of diplo macy. His object in thoae seas was to destroy the trade, the resources, the fleets of Spain ; he conaidered its gold and sUver, its pearls and precious stones, its apicea, sugar, hides and cochineal lawful prey ; and in whatever bottoms or under whatever flag he found these articles, he believed his right to seize them indisputable. The Dutchmen raUed and spouted — but they kept the peace. From Norway to Barbary the echoes of Blake's thunder had been heard. The wavering were confirmed in theb friendship for the Commonwealth ; States which had so far proudly held aloof evinced the desire to culti vate a closer aUiance ; false friends suddenly grew eager and demonstrative in their civiUties. To uae the emphatic 294 ROBERT BLAKE. words of our agent at Lisbon, the English were " every where held in terror and honour." But the hero's health was now failing fast. The excitement of Santa Cruz had fearfully augmented his disorders ; his friends could see that he was nigh to death. Want of rest, want of fresh food and wholesome wine, strain of heart and of inteUect, the fester of an unhealed wound, the wrack and waste of a cruise \m- exampled in activity and in success, had done their work even on his vigorous constitution. He had gained his victory, but he had sacrificed his life. He had only f o come home and die. Few commanders have ever won so entirely the love, devotion, adoration of their officera and men. It waa an article of faith for the captains to beUeve in his genius and fortune. The common sailors would have leapt into the sea, or rushed into the cannon's mouth, to gain a word of approbation from his lips. But their hearta refuaed to beUeve that he who had taught them to fight in fire and in water, who had courted death in plague, in tempest, and in battle, was now dying in the midst of victory. For himself, he knew that his wort was nearly finished. And he was most anxious, if God were wUUng, to go home, and die in his native town. He had his country's express permission to return should he think it useful to the service; but it lay on his conscience to perform one other tast before he quitted for ever the seas in which he had tept his glorious watch. He felt bound to pay a second visit to Salee, and compel the Moorish corsaira to restore the Christian captives to their freedom, and enter into a treaty of peace with England. Thia visit to Salee was his last, and, in the opinion of gentle hearts, his most Ulustrious action. An accident had formerly defeated his attempt to exact reparation from these formidable pirates for the injuries inflicted by ROBERT BLAKE. 295 them on English commerce; before he finally quitted the southern watera, he considered it a sacred duty to return to Salee and complete the negociations then suddenly interrupted. Unlike the pirates of Tunis, TripoU, and Algiers, who went out to sea in the largest class of war-ships, the Moors of Salee, a town forming part of the dominions of the Emperor of Fez and Morocco, made their excursions in small but well-built and extremely fast-aailing vessels ; the bar of the river on which their town was buUt not affording, even in good weather, more than a depth of ten or twelve feet of water. After a short prevalence of south-west winds, a strong sweU of sea always broke on the bar, rendering it impaaaable for craft of any but the smalleat aize ; so that in winter the pirates were usuaUy compeUed to lie still. But with the approach of spring, they would set out in theb powerful little frigates, scour the European waters as far as the Bay of Biscay, and the Sardinian aea, rifiing unarmed traders, and even making occaaional descents on the coasts of Spain and Italy in search of spoU and prisoners. On hia second visit to this nest of corsairs, Blake succeeded, without firing a gun, or ahedding a drop of blood, in bringing the Moorish Prince to reason : — he had conquered the rovers of Salee at Santa Cruz. The very day on which his frigates appeared off the bar, the Moors accepted his terms ; and in less than a week he departed for the north, having taken on board supplies of fresh water, cleared the whole body of Christian captives, and made peace with the pirates. This crowning act of a virtuous and honourable life accomplished, the dying Admiral turned his thoughts anxiously towards the green hills of his native land. The letter of CromweU, the thanks of ParUament, the jeweUed ring sent to him by an admiring country, — 296 ROBERT BLAKE. all reached him together out at sea. These tokens of grateful remembrance caused him a profound emotion. Without after-thought, without selfish impulse, he had served the Commonwealth, day and night, earnestly, anxiously, and with rare devotion. England was grateful to her hero. With the letter of thanks from Cromwell, a new set of instructions arrived, which allowed him to return with part of his fieet, leaving a squadron of some fifteen or twenty frigates to ride before the Bay of Cadiz and intercept its traders ; with their usual deference to his judgment and experience, the Protector and Board of Admiralty left the appointment to the command en tirely with him ; and as hia gaUant friend Stayner waa gone to England, where he received a knighthood and other weU-won honours from the Govemment, he raiaed Captain Stoaks, the hero of Porto Ferino, and a com mander of rare promise, to the responsible position of his Vice-admiral in the Spanish seas. Hoisting his pennon on his old fiag-ship the St. George, Blake saw for the last time the spbes and cu polas, the maats and towera, before which he had kept hia long and victorious vigUs. AVhen he put in for fresh water at Cascaes road he waa very weak. " I beaeech God to strengthen him," was the fervent prayer of the English Resident at Lisbon, as he departed on the home ward voyage. While the ships roUed through the tem pestuous waters of the Bay of Biscay, he grew every day worse and worse. Some gleams of the old spirit broke forth as he approached the latitude of England. He inquired often and anxiously if the white cUffs were yet in sight. He longed to behold once more the swelUng downs, the free cities, the goodly churches of his native land. But he was now dying beyond aU doubt. Many of his favourite officers silently and moumfuUy crowded round hia bed, anxious to catch the last tones of a voice ROBERT BLAKE. 297 which had so often called them to glory and victory. Others stood at the poop and forecastle, eagerly examin ing every speck and line on the horizon, in hope of being first to catch the welcome glimpse of land. Though they were coming home crowned with laurels, gloom and pain were in every face. At last the Lizard was announced. Shortly afterwarda the bold cliffs and bare hOls of Cornwall loomed out grandly in the distance. But it was now too late for the dying sailor. He had sent for the captains and other great officers of hia fleet to bid them fareweU ; and while they were yet in his cabin, the undulating hUls of Devonshire, glowing with the tinta of early autumn, came fuU in view. As the ships rounded Rame Head, the spires and masts of Plymouth, the wooded heights of Mount Edge combe, the low island of St. Nicholas, the rocky steeps at the Hoe, Mount Batten, the citadel, the many pic turesque and familiar features of that magnificent harbour rose one by one to sight. But the eyes which had yearned to behold thia scene once more were at that very instant closing in death. Foremost of the victorious squadron, the St. George rode with its pre cious burden into the Sound ; and just as it came within view of the eager thousands crowding the beach, the pier-heada, the waUa of the citadel, or darting in count less boata over the smooth waters between St. Nicholas and the docks, ready to catch the first glimpse of the hero of Santa Cruz, and salute him with a true Engliah welcome, — he, in his sUent cabin, in the midat of hia lion-hearted comrades, now sobbing like little children, yielded up his soul to God. The mournful news soon spread through the fleet and in the town. The melancholy enthusiaam of the people knew no bounds, and the national love and admiration expressed itself in the solemn splendour of his funeral 298 ROBERT BLAKE. rites. The day of his death the corpse was left un touched in its cabin, as something sacred; but next morning skUful embalmers were employed to open it ; and, in presence of aU the great officers of the fleet and port, the bowels were taken out and placed in an urn, to be buried in the great church in Plymouth. The body, embalmed and wrapt in lead, was then put on board again and carried round by sea to Greenwich, where it lay in state several days, on the spot since consecrated to the noblest hospital for seamen in the world. On the 4th of September a solemn procession was formed on the river. The corpse was placed on a state barge, covered with black velvet, and adorned with pencUs and escutcheons. Trumpeters in state barges, which bore his pennons, and other barges, carrying the great banners of the Admbalty and the Commonwealth ; others again bearing the sword and target, the mantle, crest and helmet, preceded the body. Humphrey and aU his other brothers, aU the nephews, and other members of his family, together with the secretaries and servants at tached to his immediate household, dressed in the deepeat mourning, foUowed. After them came the Protector's Privy CouncU in theb state barge, the Lords of the Admiralty and Navy, the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of the City of London, the Admbals, Vice-admirals and Captains of his fleet, the Field Officers of the army, and a vast proceaaion of civU notablea. In this order they moved slowly up the river from Greenwich to Westminster, where they were received by a miUtary guard and greeted with salvoes of artiUery. At the stairs, the heralds re-formed the procession, which then marched slowly through Palace-yard to the venerable Abbey. A new vault had been made for Blake's remains in Henry the Seventh's chapel, and close to that of the great Tudor monarch; and they were lowered into it ROBERT BLAKE. 299 amidst the tears and prayers of a grateful and admbing nation. Other heroes of the Commonwealth had been abeady buried within those regal precincts ; and on every such occasion loyal tongues had not feared to accuse the new rulera with upstart and indecent pride. But no voice was raised against the interment there of the con queror of Tromp, the hero of Tunis and Santa Cruz,' the liberator of Christian slaves. This Ulustrious man almost escaped the common lot of greatneaa ; and perhaps no one ever played ao conspicuous a part in the drama of history who was followed by leas envy, hatred, and other uncharitableness. Personal foes he seems not to have known ; and the bitterest enemies of his political creed spoke of what they deemed his errors more in sorrow than in anger. When the imposing ceremonial was closed, a stone slab was laid on the vault, — and they left him in the old Abbey, with no other monument than that of his imperishable renown. To theb eternal infamy, the Stuarts afterwards dis turbed the hero's grave. Blake had opposed the King's trial. He had diaapproved the uaurpation. When he found the sword prevail against law and right, he aban doned poUtics, Uke Sydney, Vane, and othera of his Ulustrious compeers, giving up hia genius to the service of his country against its foreign enemiea. Surely after a life of the moat eminent aervices, the aahea of auch a man might have been allowed to rest in peace! The House of Lords, in their zeal for the restored famUy, gave orders that the bodies of CromweU, Ireton, and Bradshawe ahould be dug out of their graves. But even these zealots did not thmk it decent to molest the re- mams of Blake. That infamy was reserved for Chariea himself. In cold blood, nearly seventeen months after hia landing at Dover from the deck of the Naseby, a command was issued by this prmce to tear open the 300 ROBERT BLAKE. unobtrusive vault, drag out the embalmed body, and cast it into a pit in the Abbey yard. Good men looted aghast. But what could the paramour of Lucy AValters, Barbara Palmer, Kate Peg, and Moll Davies, know of the virtues of the iUustrious sailor? What sympathy could a royal spendthrift have with the man who, after a life of great employments and the capture of mUUons, died no richer than he was born ? How could the prbice who sold Duntirt and begged a pension from VersaiUes respect a man who had humbled the pride of Holland, Portugal, and Spain, who had laid the foundations of our influence in the Mediterranean, and in eight years of succeaa had made England the firat maritime power in Europe ? A hole was dug near the back door of one of the pre bendaries of Westminster : — and the remains of Crom weU's mother, of the gentle Lady Claypole, and of sturdy John Pym, were cast into the same pit with the aahes of Eobert Blake. THE Eiro. PRINTED DV BALLANTYNE. HANSON AND CO. EDINBURGH AND LONDON YALE UNIVERSITY a39002 00175017i*b YALE BRmSH HISTORY PRESERVATION PROJECTII SUPPORTED BY NEH h* i *JL