YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY JT lovers ico.Iith lo i un EEIS COPAL CHUB.CE. Jj S.J~07lFSjtPL. HISTORY o p GARDINER, PITTSTON AND WEST GARDINER, WITH A SKETCH OP THE KENNEBEC INDIANS, & NEW PLYMOUTH PURCHASE, COMPRISING HISTORICAL MATTER PROM 1602 to 1852; WITH GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES OP MANY FAMILIES. By J. W- HANSON, Author of " History of Norridgewock and Canaan, Me. ;' ' "History of Danvers, Mass. ;" &c. &c. GARDINER: PUBLISHED BY WILLIAM PALMER. 1852. 7. *? Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1852, by J. W. Hanson, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of Maine. Cu 2^3 S ?-0 HALLOWELt: masters, smith & co. printers. PEEMCE But little need be said of this volume by way of introduction. Its character will be developed to every one who peruses its contents. It has been the constant effort of the compiler to collect and arrange all the facts he could obtain from every known source, having 'any connection with the history of the towns of which he has treated, and he believes, arid feels ready to say, that he knows of no important, uninvidious fact, which he has not recorded. If there are errors they are slight, and are such as necessarily attach to a work involving so many dates. His constant effort has been to crowd and compress his facts into the least possible space ; so that if the reader looks for any felicities of diction, he will be disappointed. . He will only behold a plain, unvarnished account of literal facts. The books and persons to whom the compiler has been indebted for facts, will be found in the foot notes attached to the text, and the reader can consult the book or person, if he wishes to verify any statement concerning which he has doubt. Besides those, the compiler has been under the greatest obligations to Moses Springer, Esq., Hon. Edward Swan, Hon. IV PREFACE. Robert H. Gardiner, (who not only furnished books, but valuable manuscript matter.) John Webb, late City Clerk, Alphonso H. Clark, Henry Dearborn, Peter Grant, Adjutant Gen. of Maine, Selectmen and Town Clerk of West Gardiner, Hon. David Bronson and E. S. J. Neally of Bath, and to that far larger number of his fellow citizens who have sup plied him with papers, hints, and means of informa tion, and manifested constant and great cordiality in advancing the labor in which he has been engaged. It will be difficult for any one whose eyes shall glance over these pages, to realize the vast amount of constant, plodding research and toil, invested in this volume, involving hundreds of miles of travel, the reading of many volumes of books, the consulta tion of thousands of pages of good, bad. and in different manuscript, and of many oblivious octo genarians, and then, the additional labor of sifting, assorting, collating and reconciling. Besides this, the greatest conceivable apathy, and indifference, and ignorance prevailed, even among those who were born and who had grown gray, and wise in other matters, on the soil. With all these obstacles before him, the compiler persevered, and he believes his volume is correct as far as it goes, and that it con tains as much substantial information as can be well crowded into the same space. He hopes his fellow citizens will encourage his effort by buying his book, and being pleased with it. INDEX PAGE. Abenaques, or Abnakis, localities of, . . . . 13, 17 " signification of, 14. ¦ " tribes of, 14 " description of, - 14, 15 " in 1615, number of, . .... 23 " depredations of, 26 " fate of, .26 " in the Revolution 27 " chiefs, 27 Army worm, 85 Agry, Thomas and family, 87 Allen family, 103, 104 Arnold's Expedition, . . . . . . . 113, 117 Alterations in Town lines, ....... 179 Alewives, very plenty 186 Almanac, Maine Farmers', 297 Associations, Incorporations, &c 322 Attorneys, 332 Almshouse, 336 Brown, Alexander's death in Gardiner, .... 36 " " settlement in " 56 Berry family, 68,78,79,80,81 Bailey family, 72, 73, 106 Bacon, William 81 Burns, Joseph 82 Byram family, . 155, 156 Brown farm, 85 Barker family 110,111,156 Blanchard family, 128 Bradstreet family, , 131 Bickford, Moses 82, 83 Brick kiln, '. . . . 155 Bowman's Point, sketeh of, . . . . 166, 167, 168, 204 Bridge, Swan Island, opposed, .... 176, 200, 201 Born-drunk Davis, 204 Burns, William 213 Bridge, effort for, 214 Bailey, Rev. Jacob 245 ' s, Calvinistic 275, 276, 277 1* VI INDEX. PAGE. Books published, 296' ff Buildings, when built 6d* Cabbassa Indians, relics of, ¦ |° » .1 origin of name, . . • • 18, 19 .< « « of tribe, 19 " in 1807-8, 19_ " skirmish at 2o Call family 3j* Charter of Wm, & Mary, 37 Cabbassa Mill 47, 62 Colburn family, 70,71,86 Cox, James, 84 Cooper family, 137 Clark family, . 137 Clay family 170 Cold fever . . .177 Common, 209 Cave, singular, ......... 209 Cabbassa stream, power of, . . . . . . 214, 217 " " appearance of, ..... 217 City officers, Gardiner 227, 228 Congregationalists, Pittston, 263 — 266 Gardiner, 266—271 College graduates, 335 Character of people, 341 — 2 Davis family, 61, 67 Door family, 75 Denny, John, ......... 78 Denbow, Nathaniel, .. J .... 83, 86 Dunlap, James, 127 Dearborn family 140—144, 340 Dunham family, 158 Deaths of aged people, 291 — 294 Daughters of Temperance, 326 Etechemins, .......... 13 Early Voyages to Maine 29, 30 " "" "Kennebec, .... 30,1,3,4,6 Everson, William, 82, 83 Embargo, action of the people on, ..... 176 Eastern River, ... 185 Evans, Hon. Geo. . . 207 Ecclesiastical, 245 Episcopal parish, history of, 245 — 256 ': East Pittston, early 336 339 \ Early Settlers 339 Flitner, Zachariah, family, 82 Fuller family, . . . . . . . . .133 Freewill Baptists, first church , 271 " " second " 272 i " " third " \ 273 ! INDEX. vii PAGE. Freewill Baptists, fourth church, 274 " " fifth " 275 Freshets, 159, 284, 285 French Jesuits 22 Fisheries of Kennebec, 37, 161 Fort Richmond built 37, 38 " Cushnoc " 42, 43 " Halifax " 43 Fitch, Benjamin, 61, 63 Flagg, James 78 Farm, first, 155 Freemasons, 322 Franklin Bank, 326 Farmingdale, 340 Facts, No. of herein, 340 Grant, form of 49, 60 " Plymouth, 48 Grants, Kennebec 31, 40, 49 " Dr. Gardiner's 46, 49, 60, 68, 69 « to settlers, 39, 47, 50 Gardiner, Dr.'s efforts 46, 47, 54, 58, 59, 60 " " character, 43, 45 Gardiner, grant of area, 45 Grant to Vassal, 45 " " Dr. Gardiner, 47 Gardinerston, settlement of, 61 Great House, account of, 62 Game, ........... 75 Glidden, Joseph 78 Gardiner (Gid.) family, 83 Dr. and family, 87, 105 " " epitaph, 91 -« " will 92 " John 99 William 102 Grant family, . . • 134 Gay family, 156, 157 Gold digging, 168, 169 Gardiner, R. H 172, 173 Gardiner, sketch of 195 " Act of incorporation, .... 195, 196, 197 » " tax list, 1803, 197, 198, 199 " officers of 199 " appearance of in 1803, 1" " old houses in 199 " condition of in 1803 203 " city charter, . 213, 214 Gannet, Barzillai .201 Graduates, 344 Gardiner, location of 222, 214 soil, &c, of 215, 216 Vlll INDEX. Gardiner, R. H.'s house, " tax list for 1851, " Bank, " appearance of Hoskin's, Capt. death, . Hancock's visit to Gardinerston, Haley, Martin Hopkins, Peter Hicks, Dr. Jonathan Hazard, (slave,) ' . Hallowell, Robert Indian history, " ideas of land titles, " localities, . " names and definitions, " conduct to whites, " sales of land " " insults to " " wars, six, " troubles at Richmond, " " " Merry Meeting Bay, Industry, origin of name, Indians in Gardinerston Insurance Co., Jenkins, Dennis, Jackson family, Jewett family, Kennebec, origin of name, " claim, . " " extent of, " " boundaries, Kerdoormeorp, (Brown's Farm,) Kennebec Company's efforts, " " character, Kenny, Paul and Stephen, Kennebec River, . " " opening and shutting, Indians, character " bridge, . Lincoln, County of, formed, Louis Philip, Lawrence, John and Joseph, Law, William, Loud, Jacob, Lawrence family, . Lapham family, • . Lyceum, Mechanic's Association, McCausland's family, PAGE. . 220 228, 238 . 326 218, 219 . 34 . 76 . 78 . 84 . 86 98, 99 . 171 . 13 . 15 . 17 20, 21 21, 28 22, 34, 35 . 23 . 24 . 24 . 25 . 66 27, 112, 113 . 326 . 84 . 130 137, 139, 158 . 16 . 29 32, 41 32, 33 . 36 50, 44 52-3, 38 83, 86 . 185 287, 288 . 14 . 340 . 171 . 16? . 84 . 84 61, 63 82, 86, 106, 161 . 138 . 206 . 322 61, 62, 68, 69 INDEX. IX PASE. Marson, Abner, ...... 84 Moore family, . 157, 158, 335 Meeting-house, Pittston, 171, 179 Maine, separation of from Mass., . 171, 176, 177, 203, 204 Military, War, &c, 177, 204, 299-306 McCausland, Henry, 248 Methodists, East Pittston, 256 " Gardiner, 260-263 " Pittston, 263 Norridgewocks, their depredations, 24-5 " destruction of, 25 Natahnis, .... 27 Noble, John and Henry, 86 North, Maj. and family, . 86, 87 North house, 87 New Mills, origin of, 133 Nahumkeag Island, 185 " stream, 186 " pond, . 187 New Jerusalem Church, 278 Newspapers, . 294-6 Odd Fellows, I. 0., 326 " " Literary Society, . 323-4 Occurences, 289 Oaklands, . 220 Oak Grove Cemetery, 212, 213, 336 Oldham family, 83 Oakman, Samuel, . 86 O'Bluffskie, Frederic, 87 Officers, first town, 134 Philbrook family, . . 61, 68 Prices, early 70, 127, 139 Population, in 1764, 76 « " 1800, 171 " table of, 290, 291 Pittston incorporated, 124 " Act of incorporation, 124, 125, 126 Pitts, John, account of, 124 Pittston, name of, . 126 Plaisted family, 136 Pittston, early condition of, 145 " inhabitants in 1785, 146, 147, 148, 187 « " location of, 148, 14S.-150, 153, 154 of in 1787, 153 " 1789, 159 « •• " 1791, 160 « " " 1799, 166 ¦ < << condition of in 1800, 171 " sketch of modern 174 X INDEX. PAGE. Pittston tax list, 1803, . • • A7*-.1?6. " parishes, " description of 176, 1/7 184, 185 " tax list, 1851, . 188-194 Physicians, Poor, . 202, 327-332 206 Polls, valuation, &c, 291 Post-offices, 306-307 Publishments, early, 308, 309 Queen of Sheba, 159 Richmond trading house, . 25 Revolutionary troubles, 112, 118 Revolution, efforts of Gardinerston in, 118 119, 1 JO, 121, 133, 134 Revolutionary soldiers, 122 Refugees, act concerning, . 138 Roads, 150, 155 , 159, 1 71, 173, 176, 202 Representatives, . 150 Settlers, early, sufferings of 24,84,128 Sabbatis, . 25, 27 Settlers, early at Edgecomb, 29 Settlements on the Kennebec, 30, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 42, 55, 57 Squatters' rebellions, 51 Settlers, difficulties with 52 Settlement in Pittston, first 56 Shipping built, 38 Settlers, character of, 70 " difficulties of 70 Smith family, . 76, 77 Stackpole family, . 109 Soper family, . ¦¦' 128 Shaw family, 137 Springer family, . 150, 151, 152 Swan family, . 163, 164, 165 Stone family, 169, 170 Statistics of Pittston in 1820, 178 " " " " 1850, 188 " " Gardiner " 1820, 205, 289 " " " » 1850, 220, 221 Surplus Revenue, . 211 Schools, 297, 299 Sochigones, location of, 14 Sons of Temperance, 344 Slaves in Gardiner, 340 Thomes, Mr., . 61, 63 Tibbetts family, . 73, 86 Trees, wood, &c. 74, 75, 155 Taggart family, . 86, 110 Tarbox family, 107, 108 Town petition, 123 INDEX. xi PAGE. Town records, 130 Traveling carriages, &c. 162, 211 Temperance, 178, 202-3, 206-7, 211 " Societies, 325 Town House, . 179, 206, 207 " officers, Pittston, 181-3 Taxes, Pittston, 183-4 Togus springs, 186 Tax for support of Gospel, • • 200 Taxes, Gardiner, 224 Town officers, Gardiner, 225-7 Temple of Honor, . 326 TJniversalists, . 279—81 Vessels built, 309-322 Votes for Governor, 179, 180, 222, 223 " " President, 181, 224 Wampum, 31 Weather, . . 62, 109, 127-8, 139, 155, 153, 163, 282-6 Winslow family, 61-7 Winter family, Warren family, 84 West Gardiner settled, 127 Wakefield family, 158 Worromontogus bridge, 177 " river, 186 West Gardiner, incorporation, &c, 239 " " officers, 240 " " , Taxes, &c. 240-4 Wawenocs, location of, 14 Washingtonians, 323 Washingtons, Martha, 327 Young family, 132 PLATES.* 1 Episcopal Church, Frontispiece. 2 Old Post-office, . . 86 3 R. H. Gardiner's House, 220 4 Methodist Church, . 262 5 Congregational Church, 270 6 Universalist Church, . 280 * The churches were drawn by B. S. Jones, of Pittston, and the residence of R. H. Gardiner was daguerreotyped by Mr. C. T. Rogers, and the old post-office by Mr. John Curran. ERRATA. Page 77, Samuel and Abigail Smith, were children of James ana not of Jeremiah. 84, last line, Julia should commence the line above. 98, for hegird read hegira. 107, 5th line from bottom, for 1824, read 1826. 161, I3th line from bottom for Gardiner read Pittston. 298, 7th line from bottom for 71, read 17. 305, 14th line from top, for Whitman read Wliittemore. 312, 1st line from bottom, for Wolverton, read Woberton. HISTORY GAEDINEE AND PITTSTON, CHAPTER I. IXDIAN HISTORY. When the messengers of European civilization first furled their white sails on the forest-fringed shores of America, numerous tribes of dusky Indians roamed our forests, and pursued therein the preca rious habits of savage life. Wherever fish and game were plentiest, they were most numerous, enjoying a peaceful existence with the exception of occasional short, and bloody feuds. They had their own coun tries, the boundaries of which were well understood by the different tribes, and were never overstepped unless for the purpose of insult by some tribe bent on war. The Abenakies, Abenaques or Abnakis and the Etechemins, owned and occupied the present limits of Maine. The Etechemins dwelt from the Penobscot, eastward, and the Abnakis from New Hampshire to the Penobscot. Sometimes the name was called Wapanachki, or Wabanaki ; but however the word was pronounced, the name signified Eastlanders, or 2 14 INDIAN HISTORY. Eastern men,* from Wabamo, East, and aski, land. This great nation was divided into four smaller tribes:— the Sokokis or Sochigones, on the Saco ; the Anasagunticooks, on the Androscoggin ; the Wawe- nocs, east of Merry-meeting Bay, and the Canibas, or Kennebecs. from Merry-meeting Bay to Moosehead Lake, on both sides of the river. The Kennebecs were subdivided into the Norridgewogs, who dwelt at' Norridgewock ; the Taconnets, at Waterville ; the Cushnocs, at Augusta, etc. These small tribes were all Kennebecs, and the Kennebecs, Sokokis, etc. were all Abnakis. They spake the same tongue with slightly differing dialects, and were essentially, in all great enterprises, one people. Thus an Indian living at Augusta was of the Cushnoc clan, the Kennebec tribe, and the Abnaki nation. The Kennebecs were very numerous when the whites first made their acquaintance.! The different clans all paid homage, or political deference to the great chief, or bashaba, who usually resided on Swan Island,! which seems to have been the head-quarters of the Abnakis. Sabastian Rale, the French Jesuit Missionary, who resided among the Eastern Indians many years, thus describes their manners and ap pearance : <§> — Their cabins are made by planting a centre pole, and covering with bark ; the fire is built in the middle, on the ground, and for beds and chairs, they spread mats on the earth, made of reeds. The men dress in the skins of animals, or in loose robes of red or blue cloth ; and the women wear mantles reaching to the middle of the leg, very gracefully arranged, with light coverings thrown over the head, * Heckewelder's Hist. Ace. p. 107. Also, Gookin and Prince. 1 Kendall's Travels, p. 61. t Hubbard's New Eng. p. 31. \ Williamson's Hist. Me. Vol. II. p. 4. § Lettres Edifiantes. INDIAN HISTORY. 15 and falling to the feet, and stockings from the knee to the ancle. Their moccasins are of deerskin. In the winter they wear snowshoes, without which they cannot subsist. With them they are able to overtake the swiftest animals. They are tall, power ful, and active, with teeth whiter than ivory. Their only ornaments are beads, made of shell, white and black, so arranged in belts, and the like, as to repre sent different figures with great beauty. Their children are regarded with the greatest affection, and the utmost respect is manifested toward the aged. Their skill with the bow is great ; even children can shoot with astonishing accuracy. They eat with great irregularity ; feasting on the best one day, and famishing the next. Tobacco is used by all, and esteemed the greatest luxury. They are less barbarous than any other tribe. When they fight, they divide their bands into small companies of five men, each with knife in one hand, and tomahawk in the other; and they are thus very formidable. When they enter the possessions of an enemy, they scour the country in small bands, and inspire the greatest dread, by attacking all quar ters at once. Rale informs us that the Kennebecs understood making candles, and that with twenty-four pounds of bayberry wax, and twenty-four pounds of tallow, they would make one hundred candles, each one foot long. These Indians owned the soil in common.* They held as "tenants in' a state of nature." Any Abnaki had a right to use any land belonging to the Abnaki nation. They could not comprehend how one per son could own the soil. Each native possessed an undivided portion of the territory of his tribe. Thus * Statement of Kennebec Claims, p. 21. 16 INDIAN HISTORY. all sales made by the sachems were made with this understanding, never denied by an Indian, — that they sold only what they themselves possessed, — the right to hunt and fish and occupy with others. When a purchaser died, his right reverted to the tribe. This explains subsequent troubles. The whites purchased, and supposed that they possessed a fee simple title, which the red man could not un derstand, and he was forced to yield to what he felt was injustice. In the year 1660 there was an Indian Sagamore named Kennebis * and it has been conjectured that he was one of a long line, for whom the river Ken nebec was named.f In my History of Norridge wock;]: may be found the following supposed origin of the name : — " It is highly probable that a Sachem named Kennebis, from some other tribe, left his own people out of dissatisfaction, and followed by his family and a few others, settled in the wilds of Maine. From him and his followers proceeded the Kennebec tribe, and the Kennebis of Indian history was doubt less a descendant of the first Kennebis. History is silent, however, and conjecture is our only au thority." The Abnakis, or to give the word a free transla tion, the Down-easters, occupied the best portion of Maine, and the Kennebecs possessed the best part of the country of the Abnakis. They were bold and brave, strongly attached to native soil, and peaceable when unmolested. The wigwams of their happy villages were to be seen wherever salmon and shad abounded, and wild game was plenty. All along the slopes and savannahs of the beautiful Kennebec their hunting grounds extended, and the quiet graves * Williamson's Hist. Me. t Drake's Book Indians, Book III. Ch. VII. j Hanson's Hist. Norridgewock, &c, p. 15. INDIAN HISTORY. 17 of their fathers clustered around the mouth of each tributary to their beloved river. '" Here lived and loved another race of beings." The silent river as it rolled its constant journey to the sea, bore on its bosom some dark-eyed Indian maid in her light shallop, or a company of hunters or warriors as they paddled their white canoes across its blue surface. Where stands the busy mill, then drank the antlered moose. Where spreads the wide green intervale, then wrought the busy beaver. Where now is heard the locomotive's scream, the steamboat wheel, then howled the wolf, then leaped the golden salmon, then fled the caribou. The all-beholding sun as he gazed on our splendid stream, saw only nature and her votaries.'* The mouths of the Cabbassa-contee and the Nahum- keag were two of their favorite resorts, at an early date, though the irruption of the whites soon drove them further up the river. As early as 1614, when Oapt. John Smith visited the river, before any white men, Nahumkeag was a noted place. Though his observation was limited, and his means of knowledge slight, yet he points out localities, and repeats names sufficiently definite. He says : f — " The principal habitations I saw at Northward, was Penobscot, who are in wars with their next northerly neighbors. Southerly up the rivers, and along the coast, we found Mecadacut, Segocket, Pemaquid, Nusconcus, Sagadahock, Satquin, Aumaughcawgen and Ken- ebeca. To those belong the countries and people of Segotago, Pauhunlanuck, Pocopassum, Taughtanaka- gnet, Wabigganus, Nassaque, Masherosqueck, Waw- rigwick, Moshoquen, Waccogo, Pasheranack, &c. To these are allied in confederacy the countries of * Hist, of Norridgewock & Canaan. + 3 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. p. 21, 22. 2* 18 INDIAN HISTORY. Aucocisco, Accomenticus, Passataquack, Augawoam and Naemkeek, all "these, for anything I could per ceive, differ little in language or anything," etc. There can be little doubt that the Nahumkeags were at that time and previously a flourishing clan of the Kennebecs. In the neighborhood of the Cabbassa- contee and Nahumkeag, they hunted the trout, the salmon, the moose, the caribou, deer, bear, rabbit, loupcervier, martin, fox and beaver. Here were group ed their wigwams and birchen cano.es. Here the council fire was lighted, here the warwhoop was heard. " Gazing on the same sun that smiles on us, the Indian hunter pursued the panting deer ; looking on the same moon that rolls above us, the Indian lover wooed his dusky mate." There are evidences that the region of Cabbossa was a favorite home of the red men. Their bones, arrows, kettles, and other implements and utensils of war and peace, have been exhumed. When Daniel Nutting, Esq. erected his house, in the year 1829, he found in the earth composing a large knoll, numbers of arrow-heads, etc., some of which are now deposit ed in the cabinet in Brunswick.* The soil of Pitts ton village, and especially that in the immediate neighborhood of the Methodist church, seems to have been an Indian burial place. Paint, arrows, kettles, bones, and other relics have been found in abundance.f Mr. George Williamson has a brass kettle, thus found, from which the iron bale had entirely rusted away. A large kettle was discover ed containing the bones of an aboriginal infant. J Generally, Indian names and their origin are but poorly preserved. In this locality we are more fortunate. A tradition is preserved, which says: — Daniel Nutting, Esq. f George Williamson,- Esq. Mr. Joshua Nickerson. INDIAN HISTORY. 19 When the first red men came from the distant and beautiful North-west, to which the Indian always directed his gaze, and where he fancied were the Happy Hunting grounds, a small clan settled along the Gabbassa-contee, from its source to its mouth. Scarcely had they pitched their wigwams, when, one day, one of their number, a noted brave, went down to the shore, and, divesting himself of his clothing, exclaimed ' I am a Sturgeon,' or Cabbassa, and plunged into the Kennebec, near the mouth of the stream. Immediately a large sturgeon was seen frolicking among the waves, but, though the sanups and sachems of the tribe looked long and anxiously for the warrior's return, and though his squaw and pappooses mourned his absence, he was never seen again. Ever after, when one of the tribe was asked who he was, he would reply, ' I am a Sturgeon,' or Cabbassa, or, in other words, a red man from Cab- bassaguntiag. Gradually, the hieroglyph of a stur geon was adopted as their symbol, and was attached to their treaties, or deeds. Kendall, who traveled through the region of the Kennebec in 1807 - 8, says : — " A very trifling number of the Indians, of this river, are still in existence, and belong to the village of St. Francais, where they bear the name of Cab- bassaguntiac, that is, people of Cabbassaguntiquoke. Cabhassa signifies a Sturgeon. The pronunciation Cabbassa, more elegant, as I think, than Cobbisse, is constant among the Indians whom I saw ; and I may take this opportunity of remarking, that the form of the Indian words is commonly more elegant in their own mouths, than as they are rendered by the English colonists. I exclude, on this occasion, all that is deeply guttural in their speech." Dr. Morse declares the original name of the stream was Copsecook, which Kendall reasonably observes, is a contraction of Cobbessecontiquoke. Charlevoix, 20 INDIAN HISTORY. in his time, delineates a river, with a fort on the north side of its mouth, which he calls fort Cook. This, says Kendall, "must be intended for fort Copsecook."* Doubtless Cabbassa means sturgeon and thus the land around the stream should" be called Cabbassa- guntiag, or the place to catch sturgeon, and the tribe was the Oabbassaguntiquokes, or Indians from the sturgeon region. I think Kendall must have trans posed the words, for ag as a terminal, always sig nifies a place. f * Travels, vol. III. p. 124, 125. t The Compiler of these pages has taken great pains to collect the various aboriginal names of places in Maine, and obtain their significations. To this end he has consulted the Governor at Old- town, through the Rev. O. H. Johnson, but while he has two or three hundred names, he has only been able to find a very few definitions. Nanransoak, (Norridgewock,) — Smooth water between falls. Penobsquisumquisebou, (Sandy River,) — Rocky and sandy river. Wallayash or Allagash, — Bark for a camp. Megallaioay, — Birch bark region. Oosoola, (South Norridgewock,) — A spot frequently inundated. Taconnet, (Waterville,) — A place to cross. Kennebec, — The country owned by Kennebis. Mooseelucmagutitic, — The great place for moose. Sunkarunlcatunk, (Sagadahock,) — Mouths of rivers. Nahumkeag, — Good fishing-place. Seboois, — A small stream. Caratunk, — A narrow strip of land, between two rivers. Presumpscot, — Rough place in a river. Sebasticook, — A river parallel with another. Kenduskeag, — Place for taking salmon. Sebago, — Great waters. Umbagog, — Great waters near other. Cobscook, — A small, muddy stream. Maquoit, — Meeting of waters. Narramissic, — Hard to find. AUamoosic, — Good for nothing. Loshtoc, (St. John's river,) — Wide and shallow. Necotoc, — Two streams forming an acute ano-le. Suukhaze, — Dead water at the river's mouth. Passadumkeag, — Palling water before the falls. iletaivamkeag, — A gravelly stream. Hclioodic, — Whore fish live all the year. INDIAN HISTORY. 21 ¦They treated the first white men with the great est kindness and hospitality. When the pale faced strangers came, and sought to buy their lands, they cheerfully sold them with an Indian title ; giving them permission to occupy with the same privileges as themselves. For more than fifty years* the whites had constant intercourse with the Indians without the least difficulty. It was not till they began to understand that the whites claimed a fee- simple title of their lands, and designed to drive them away from their hunting grounds, and not until other wrongs were heaped upon them, that they began to resist their advances, and commit deeds of violence. The acts of wrong committed by the whites were commenced very early. In 1614, Capt. John Smith's companion, Thomas Hunt, stole several savages and made slaves of them ; among others, Squando. When the Pilgrims came over, they too treated them barbarously, and soon their hatred was roused. History settles the fact, that they were well disposed until they were wronged. When they found that a string of beads or a peck of corn was all that they had received for a valuable tract of country, in a word, when they fairly understood Penobscot, — River of rocks. Natuah, — An intervale. Megunticook, — Great swells of sea. Skowhegcm, — A place to watch for' fish. Arantsoak, — Great camping ground. Cabbasaconteag, — Where the sturgeon is found. Wesserweskeag, or Westkeag, — Land of sights. Catawamteak, — Great landing-place. Among the aboriginal names of Maine, are some, equaling the Latin in their majesty of sound, and others not surpassed in liquid melody of sound by the best of the southern Indian dialects. Could they be collected and defined, they would make a fine cata logue. What Latin proper name surpasses Madockawando, or where in the Italian is a more liquid name than Oosoola, or Al lagash ? * * Williamson, vol. I. p. 498. 22 INDIAN HISTORY. what was meant by a white man's title, they refused to acknowledge, it. Very early indeed, the whites found, and sought to hunt, and fish and trade on the Kennebec. The land from Merry-meeting Bay down to Winslow's Rock, in the Long Reach, was bought by James Smith, of Ramegin, or Robinhood, May 8, 1648. He paid annually one peck of corn, on the first day of November. But the deed gives only an Indian title. It expressly says: — "with the privileges [reserved to me] as hunting, fowling, fishing, and other games."* In 1649, he sold Jeremysquam, and in 1654, Woolwich,! to Edward Bateman and John Brown. In 1648, (August 8,) the land on both sides of the river, from Cushnoc, (Augusta,) to-Wes- serunsicke, (Skowhegan,) was sold to William Brad ford, by Monquine, Agodoademago, and Tussucke.J Kennebis and Abbagadusset sold all of the land, as head sachems of the Kennebecs, on both sides of the river, several times over ;<§> proving, if there were no evidence besides, that they only expected buyers to occupy as tenants in common. In 1649, || Kenne bis sold land to Christopher Lawson at Taconnet. From the very commencement of the seventeenth century, the French had made efforts, which were at last successful, to win over the Eastern Indians to their interest. In this they were much assisted by the Jesuit priests, among whom stand conspicuous Biart, duentin and Gilbert du Thet, Gabriel Dreuil- lettes, Vincent and Jaques Bigot, and Sebastian Rale These men forsook the attractions of civilized life, and with a zeal seldom witnessed on earth, devoted themselves to what they thought the spiritual in terests of the red men of America ; and filled their * Sullivan's Hist. Me. t Ibid. % Williamson's Hist. Me. vol. I. p. 467. § Sullivan's Hist. Me. il Ibid. » INDIAN HISTORY. 23 hearts at length with an inveterate hatred of English men, which they endeavored to wreak on every possible occasion. At the commencement of their labors, in 1615, the Abnakis numbered about 17,000, of whom about 5,000 were Kennebecs, or Canibas. From the Catholic chapel at Norridgewock, and from the council lodges of the different clans on the Kennebec, where the wily priest was always seen in times of trouble, went out those influences which at last converted the Abnakis to Catholicism, and made them such bitter foes to the English and all Protestants, that nearly up to the period of the Rev olution, they were the most terrible enemies to all the settlements of Maine. They were constantly excited by religious motives to miniature crusades, and the lonely cabin of the settler was ravaged, and the awful terrors of barbaric warfare were constantly seen. Nothing is more certain than that the efforts made by the French to conciliate the natives, efforts which were not made until too late, by the English, caused the Indians to pursue the course which re sulted so injuriously to the New England settle ments. The English, at first, having fire-arms, drove the Indians away easily, and it was not until the French furnished them, that they began to resist success fully. In the year 1675, Ramegin or Robinhodd, was the chief of the Kennebecs, and he was firmly allied with Tarumkin of the Anasagunticooks, and Squan- do of the Sokokis. Squando's squaw was passing along the Saco, and some rude sailors, having heard that Indian children could swim naturally, threw her child in, and caused its death. This roused Squan- do, and his friend Robinhood, and they plunged headlong into the first, or King Philip's war. The Kennebecs all engaged against the English in the six Indian wars which prevailed : — 1. King Philip's, 24 INDIAN HISTORY. ., from June 24, 1675, to April 12, 1678. — 2. King William's, from August 13, 1688, to Jan. 7, 1699. 3. Queen Anne's, from August, 1703, to July 11, 1713. 4. Lovewell's, from June 13, 1722, to Dec. 15, 1725. — 5. Spanish, from July 19, 1745, to Oct. 16, 1749. 6. French and Indian, from April, 1755, to February 22, 1760* On the breaking out of the first war, the settlers who were living near Bath, were alarmed, and a par ty went up the Kennebec to ascertain the disposition of the Canibas. They met a band of Indians among whom were seven Kennebecs, who surrendered their arms. One, named So wen, a Canibas, endeavored to kill Hosea Mallet. He was instantly secured, and was released on confessing that he deserved death, and offering to pay forty beaver skins. Robinhood, on hearing of the occurrence, celebrated it with a great feast and dance, and expressed the utmost friendship for the Euglish.f Nov. 29, 1690, Egere- met, alias Moxus, Toqualunt, and Watombanet, sachems on the Kennebec, signed a treaty at Saga- dahock. Two years after it was renewed, and sign ed by Wassambomet, Ketteramogis, Bomazeen and Wenobson, of Kennebec. It was not kept, but the Kennebecs went against Dover, Wells, York, and many other places, especially the smaller ones in Maine. The miseries of the scattered settlers were terrible, for the Kennebecs, once aroused against them, became their worst foes, though they always buried the tomahawk, or crusted it with blood, as the French desired. Efforts were made to conciliate them, by the English, in 1705, by rebuilding a chapel which Col. Hilton had destroyed, at Norridgewock, but they * Williamson, Neal, Mass. Rec, Belknap, Mather's Magnalia, Penhallow. t Williamson, vol. I. p. 519. . INDIAN HISTORY. 25 were unsuccessful, for, according to Rale* in 1710 they ravaged twenty leagues of territory, and killed two hundred, and took five hundred prisoners, and returned with ten canoes loaded with valuable plun der. These outrages were attributed to Rale, and a reward of a thousand pounds was offered for his head. From this time the Indians began to relax their efforts against the English, though June 13, 1722, a war party of thirty Kennebecs took nine families who lived near Merry-meeting Bay, but dismissed all but five. * A skirmish took place in 1723, not far from the mouth of Cabbassa-eontee. Two Mohawk Indians entered into the service of the Eastern settlers, and they were sent to fort Richmond. Captain Heath, the commander, commissioned Ensign Colby and three whites to go on a scout up the river, with the Mohawks. After going a few miles, they said they smelt fire, and would go no further without more men. A messenger was despatched who returned to the fort, and brought thirteen soldiers, and after traveling a short distance, they met about thirty Abnakis. They killed two, and the rest retreated in so great a hurry as to leave their packs. Colby was killed, and two soldiers wounded. At this time, the Indians were so bold and hostile, that no house or person was safe any where in Maine. August 23, 1724, a. party forever broke up the power of the Kennebecs, by destroying Norridge wock, and killing Rale, and most of the leading chiefs and braves of the tribe. A monument was erected, August 23, 1833, to commemorate the event. In 1725, a trading house was established at fort Richmond. Sabatis, an Anasagunticook sachem, re- * Early Jesuits, p. 55. 26 INDIAN HISTORY. quested government, in 1727, to keep supplies at Brunswick, saying, " in cold winters and deep snows, my men unable to go to fort Richmond, sometimes suffer." In 1732, the Governor visited the Kenne bec, and after praising its beauty and capacity said, " fort Richmond if rendered defensible, is so situat ed as to command the waters of the Kennebeck river," and he urged the great necessity of their fortifications being enlarged and repaired. Several petty attacks were made by small roving bands of Kennebecs, in 1745. Dec. *2, 1749, an unfortunate affray occurred at Wiscasset. in which a Canibas Indian was killed. Obadiah Albee and Richard and Benjamin Holbrook were arrested for the homicide, though they after wards succeeded in escaping. This transaction en raged the Indians of St. Francois and Becancourt, and about 100 braves proceeded to Richmond fort, then having but 14 men. Sept. 1 1, they made a violent assault, and had they known its weakness they would have taken it easily. But while they delayed Capt. Samuel Goodwin aud a small party succeeded in entering the fort in the night, and caused the assailants to abandon the assault. They committed ravages on the river at Dresden, Wiscas set and other places. In 1751, most of them amalgamated with the St. Francois tribe. These sent a war party, in 1754, against fort Richmond, but .after a few menacing words they retreated. The few who were now left of the original Kennebecs were scattered among the other tribes, and were only dangerous by acting as guides to the northern and eastern Indians. In 1764 there were but thirty warriors left of the once great tribe of the Kennebecs.* * Williamson, vol. I, p. 482. INDIAN HISTORY. 27 On the breaking out of the Revolution, the few remaining warriors of the Kennebecs gathered at Gardiuerston, where they were persuaded by Paul Higgins, a white man who had lived among them from childhood, to join the Americans. Headed and guided by Reuben Colburn, they went, to the num ber of twenty or thirty, in their canoes to Merry- meeting Bay, whence they proceeded to Cambridge on foot, and arrived August 13, 1775.* They were not much encouraged by Washington, and returned. Swashan.f a chief formerly distinguished around the western part of the State, but who lived in 1775 at St. Francois, came to Cabbassa with the Canibas, designing to aid the Americans. He told Washing ton that half of his tribe, and nearly all of the Canadians, were ready to fight against the English, who seem to have made efforts to obtain their favor and that of the Canadians, in vain. In 1 795 there were but seven families, and there is not one of all that noble race now on the earth. Of the Kennebec chief's, Robinhood lived at Woolwich; Kennebis at Swan Island ; Abbigadas- sett at the same place; Assiminasqua at Waterville ; Hopehood or Wohawa, at Woolwich ; Bomazeen at Waterville ; Arruhawikwaliemt at Norridgewock ; Warraeensit and Wadacanaqnin at the same place. Natahnis and Sabatis were two brothers who were much respected and beloved all along the river. They were with Arnold as guides, on his great ex pedition to Canada. They resided in a very lonely place, J and were thought to be spies, and, on the 4th of October, Arnold surrounded the cabin of Natahnis and endeavored to take him. The place had been deserted a week. Near the wigwam was found a very accurate map of the route to Canada, which Drake, 13, HI. p. 15G. f Ibid. } Ibid. 28 INDIAN HISTORY. Natahnis had drawn on birch bark, and placed on the top of a stake. It was of great use to the army. In Canada the red brothers joined the Americans, and were in the siege of Quebec, Dec. 31, 1775, where Natahnis was wounded in the wrist, and taken prisoner. Drake relates, on what seems good author ity, that they were the only Indians employed in the Revolution by the Americans. On the first settlement of Gardinerston, there were Indians frequently seen, and the early traders made most profitable bargains with them. They were able to purchase very valuable furs with a little rum or a small piece of bright cloth. They were Catholic, were faithful in their bargains, and harm less and inoffensive in their intercourse, except when maddened to frenzy by the fire-water of the pale faces. The scene displayed around the Cabbassa- contee, at the gathering previous to the journey to Cambridge, is well recollected,* as are the frequent journeys the red men were accustomed to make to the sea, in the early times ; but, with the exception of the incidents related of Ezra Davis and Alexander Brown, hereafter, it is not known that any import tant events ever occurred between the whites and Indians, in the neighborhood of the towns treated of in these pages. They rapidly passed away. The advancing tides of civilization swept them off, and now their favor ite haunts are filled with the institutions of a better mode of life. The dark, solemn forests have fallen. The wigwam has been succeeded by the farm-house and the populous village and city. The white sails of commerce, the railway train, the busy avocations of civilized life, now occupy the soil where the noble form of the dusky Indian dwelt. * Abiathcr Tibbcts. CHAPTER II. A BRIEF SKETCH OF THE KENNEBEC CLAIM. The history of the early settlement of America is one of the most deeply interesting studies to the attentive observer of human affairs ; and the coloni zation of the northern regions, especially, should receive his careful consideration. While it was known that this continent possessed realms as fair as ever the sun lighted, filled with tropical beauty and abundance, never fading flowers and always ripening fruits, the enterprising voyagers who first landed on our shores, with few exceptions, seem to have pre ferred the wild, stormy regions of the north, to the sunny vales and uplands of the south. Led by what is sometimes called an instinct, but what the Chris tian more correctly calls Providence, they sowed the seeds of civilization in the wintry valleys of New England. That portion which is now Massachusetts, was permanently settled first, in J>lew England, though the shores of Maine were known to English voy agers very early.* Bartholomew Gosnold sailed from Falmouth, England, March 6th, 1602, and proceeding westward, landed somewhere in the 43d degree of north latitude ; probably in the neighborhood of * There are excavations, and cellars, and the remains of found ations to buildings, in Edgecomb and along the coast east of Wiseasset, which were found by the earliest settlers there, and which were made by unknown hands, perhaps long before the English or French settlement of North America. 3* 30 SKETCH OF THE KENNEBEC CLAIM. Mount Desert. He saw a European shallop with eight savages, one of whom wore English garments, whence he properly concluded that an English ves sel had visited the coast before him. Martin Pring, in 1603, commanded two vessels, the Speedwell and the Discoverer, and visited Amer ica for the purpose of obtaining cargoes of sassafras, then considered a powerful medicine. He sailed along the coast, but did not probably see the Kenne bec river. In 1605, George Weymouth and his crew, coasted the shores of Maine, and discovered the Penobscot river. They sowed various garden seeds, May 22d, on an island, and this was the first essay at agricul ture ever made in Maine. From this date various attempts were made at settling in this portion of the wilderness. In 1 606, James I. granted to the Plymouth Council all the land contained between the 34th and 45th degrees of north latitude, which grant included the southern half of Maine, and the Sagadahock colony was commenced, August 11, 1607, on Stage Island: but this place was soon abandoned, and the colony pro ceeded to Atkin's bay, about ten miles from the mouth of Kennebec river. Here a small colony of forty-five persons wintered, in 1607-8. The place was known in subsequent times as Popham's fort. In the course of the year 1608 the colony became discouraged by a variety of causes, and the enter prise was abandoned. There was not sufficient stamina and perseverance in the colonists to oppose successfully the rigors of our austere clime. Other settlements were made in various places, and grants and patents of different parts of Maine were conveyed to several prominent persons. The cele brated Capt. Smith, of Pocahontas memory, explored the region, and others attempted a colony in 1614, and another in 1617, and at subsequent periods. SKETCH OF THE KENNEBEC CLAIM. 31 In 1620, King James renewed the charter of 1 606, with more ample privileges and better defined limits, extending from the 40th to the 48th degree of north latitude ; and in 1624, the Plymouth Council made a grant of a portion of the territory which they received from King James to Sir Ferdinando Gorges and John Mason. It was defined as extending from the Merrimack to Sagadahock. The Council evi dently meant the Saco, so ill-defined and incorrectly named were localities in those days ; but the gran tees claimed to the Kennebec, and as both claimants conveyed the same places to different individuals, great disputes resulted. It was not until two years after, in the year 1626, that the New Plymouth settlers began to trade with the natives along the Kennebec. In that year a shallop of corn passed up the river, and returned with 7001bs of beaver skins, and some other furs.* These voyagers, being desirous of securing for them selves all this profitable trade, applied to the Ply mouth Council for a Patent, which they obtained,! but it was too indefinite to be of very great service. Still, with Indian corn and wampum,J and a few trinkets, valuable furs were obtained for the Euro pean market, and thus the adventurous settlers and traders managed to turn very advantageous bargains. In 1628, a trading house was erected near Merry- meeting Bay. January 13, 1629, the Kennebec or Plymouth Patent was granted to New Plymouth. It was from the old Plymouth colony to William Bradford and his associates as follows : — " And forasmuch as they had no convenient * Prince's Annals, p. 156-7. t Williamson, vol. I. p. 233. X Wampum or wampumpeag was composed of blue and white beads, and was much desired for ornaments, by the Indians in Maine. It was purchased of the Narragansetts and Pequods. 32 SKETCH OF THE -KENNEBEC CLAIM. Place either of Trading or Fishing within their own Precincts, whereby after so long Travel and great Pains, so hopeful a Plantation might subsist, as also that they might the better be encouraged to proceed in so pious a Work, which might especially tend to the Propagation of Religion, and the great Increase of Trade to his Majesty's Realms, and Advancement of the Public Plantation ; ,¦,.., " The said Council further granted and assigned unto the said William Bradford, his Heirs, Asso ciates and Assigns, All that Tract of Land or part of New England in America, aforesaid, which lyeth within or between and extendeth itself between the utmost limits of Cobbiseconte, alias Comaseconte, which adjoineth to the river of Kennebeck, alias Kennebekike, towards the western ocean, and a place called the Falls at Neguamkike, in America aforesaid, and the space of fifteen English miles on each side of the said river commonly called the Kennebeck river, and all the said river called Ken nebeck, that lies within the said limits, &c."* This grant, which was designed to further the settlement of America, contained 1,500,000 acres of land. Many disputes and much litigation grew out of the loose manner in which the limits of this grant were described, but at length the boundaries were submitted to Messrs. Walcot, Gridley, Pratt, Worlhington and Hawley, very eminent, lawyers, and they decided, in 1757, the southern boundary should be the northern line of Woolwich, below Swan Island, and the northern boundary, the southern line of Cornville, which would comprise a strip of land thirty miles wide, and from the Wesserunsicke, to the southernmost bend of the Cabbassa-contee river. This legal decision by the Superior Court of Massa- * Deed. Statement of Kennebec Claim, etc. SKETCH OF THE KENNEBEC CLAIM. 33 chusetts and Maine, put a stop to the extravagant claims of the New Plymouth Company, which de fined the sea as its southern bounds. As the south ern boundaries of the Kennebec Purchase were " the utmost limits of Cobbiseconte," and the "falls of Negnamkike," it became a most important question where these localities were. The earliest charts fix them well. In a plan dated 1752, is a place about four miles below the Cabbassa-contee, marked Nahumkee. In another early plan, the same place is called Nehumke. In Col. Heath's survey, made in 1719, and in Jones', dated 1731, the same place is called Nehumkeag, and in North's, made in 1752, it is marked Neguam- kike.* Many depositions were taken on this subject. Joseph Bane, aged 76 years, testified October 19, 1752, that he was with the Indians many years, and that the Cobbiseconte was about twelve miles above Richmond fort, and that about four miles lower was Nehumke. Philip and Obadiah Call, James Collar, and John Harron, declared to the same effect. f In 1634 a trading house was erected at fort Pop- ham, and another at Cushnoc, and, April 3, 1639, the charter of the Province of Maine was granted. In 1634,J the Lords Say and Brooke, commission ed a Capt. Hoskins to visit Kennebec, but the au thorities stationed on the river by the Plymouth Council forbade him to trade with the natives, and John Alden, one of the magistrates sent three men to cut his cables. They parted one, and he threaten ed them with death if they touched the other. They * Kennebec Claims. t Philip Call and Obadiah, his father, were among the very earliest settlers of Dresden. They were famous hunters, and were with the Indians much. Philip was grandfather to Capt. David Call, at Bowman's Point. X Williamson, vol. I. p. 252. 34 SKETCH OF THE KENNEBEC CLAIM. did so; and he shot one, and immediately received a mortal wound himself. A kinsman of Hoskins pro cured the arrest of Alden, and he had his trial. It was declared that Alden had violated the sixth commandment, but that, as Hoskins .was the aggres sor, it was excusable homicide. This act and trial caused a great deal of excitement in Boston and vicinity. The tribunal' settled one principle, that the New Plymouth colonists had an exclusive right to the trade of the Kennebec, and that all intruders were trespassers. The Lords Say and Brooke wrote to the Governor of New Plymouth, " we could for the death of Hos kins, have despatched a man-of-war and beat down your houses at Kennebeck about your ears." But the matter did not proceed to such extremities. Hubbard calls the captain's name, Hocking. * Twenty hogsheads of beaver were procured in 1634 at Kennebec, by the New Plymouth adven turers. It was in the Spring of this year, that Governor Winslow visited Kennebec, and was near being1 killed, by an Indian, as he stood on the -parapet. In the year 1636, there were about 100 souls scattered up and down the Kennebec, but they were so sparse as not to be represented in the General Court.f In ,1640, the owners of the Kennebec Purchase ceded their grant to all the freemen of the Plymouth colony, so that it soon took the name of the " New Plymouth Grant." From the year 1649 to 1666, the lands on both sides of the Kennebec were purchased a second time of the Sagamores who claimed them. But Williamson, vol, I. p. 2G6. f Ibid, p. 267. SKETCH OF THE KENNEBEC CLAIM. 35 these lands were sold several times over by different chiefs to different purchasers. Even as early as 1648, a chief sold all the land from the mouth of the river to Wesserunsett, to Governor Bradford. Sept. 10, 1653, Essemenesque testified that Mattah- anada sold to Wm. Bradford, " all that tract of land from Cobbiseconte unto the place where I now dwell, called Usserunscut," and that he and all other Indians concerned approved the sale.* July 8, 1653, Baggadussett declaredf that Monquine, alias Matta- hannada, the son of old Natawormet, Sagamore, " sold from the lower end of Cobbiseconte, to the upper side of Wesserunskeik.J He received two skins of liquor, and one skin of bread for more than a million acres of land. At this time the settlers and squatters, and trap pers, regardless of the Plymouth Patent, and the claims of the Patentees, went wherever they chose, refusing to adhere to the company's rules, and as the Plymouth authorities were so far removed, they pur sued their inclinations unmolested. Land could be had almost for the asking, but perhaps they thought a deed from an Indian owner, as good as one from a Plymouth claimant. The settlements and trade on the river declined considerably about the year 1650, and the exports were greatly lessened. May 15, 1654, a warrant was issued, calling upon the inhabitants on the river to assemble on the 23d, at the house of Thomas Ashly, near Merry-meeting Bay. Thomas Prince, the commissioner, was met by sixteen men, who took the oath of allegiance to England and the Plymouth colony. This^ embryo State elected Thomas Purchas, of Pejepscot, Assistant, and John Ashley, constable. * Statement of Kennebec claim. Abo Lincoln Registry of deed3. t Ibid. J Ibid. •§ Williamson, vol. I. p. 367. 36 SKETCH OF THE KENNEBEC CLAIM. None of them seem to have lived near Cabbassa. It is interesting to note the civil enactments of this little band Capital crimes, such as treason, murder, converse or compact with the devil, either by con juration or witchcraft, arson, sodomy, rape, adultery, to be tried by the General Court. Other crimes to be tried by the Assistant's Court. Theft to be pun ished by restoring three or fourfold ; the drunkard fined five shillings for the first, and ten shillings for the second offence, and to be put in the stocks for the third. Sabbath-breaking, at the discretion of the Assistant. Selling strong, liquor to the Indians, to forfeit double the amount sold for the first offence, fourfold for the second, and for the third, to be for- ' ever prohibited from trading with them. Fishing and fowling free- Nowhere* else had the fur trade been so indus triously and profitably followed. For nearly forty years the rich beaver and other peltries, had been sent by hogsheads and bales to other parts of the world, and yet, in 1661, when the patent was con veyed to Boies, Tyng, Brattle and Winslow, there were not in the 700 square miles, above 300 white people. The colony sold its rights to Antipas Boies, Edward Tyng. Thomas Brattle and John Winslow, for £400. No systematic attempt to settle was made for many years. The descendants and assignees of these men, associated and formed what was long known as the Kennebeck Company, aud the owners of our soil now trace their titles back to that organization. f" In 1676, Alexander Brown was killed at his house at Kerdoormeorp, about six miles above Swan * Williamson, vol. I. p. 370. t History of the Kennebec Purchase by R. H. Gardiner, Esq., p. 278, Maine Hist. Coll. SKETCH OF THE KENNEBEC CLAIM. 37 Island ;" and at the same time all the other whites who had located above Swan Island, for purposes of fishing and hunting, etc. There seem to have been several scattered along the river, possibly some as far upas Cushnoc and Taconnet,( Augusta and Winslow.) The celebrated charter of William and Mary, dated October 7th, 1691, divided Maine into two great sections called Maine and Sagadahock. The former extended from the Piscataqua to the Kenne bec, and the other from the Kennebec to the St. Croix. The* long delay of settlement on the Kennebec, seemed to decline in the year 17 16, for we find the proprietors offering to give families 100 acres of land, and to remove them and their effects, and aid them in supporting the Gospel, if they would become settlers. Doctor Noyes of Boston, a prominent man among the Plymouth proprietors, built a stone fort at Cushnoc this year, said to be the best in the East. This fort was surrounded by settlers, and encouraged other towns less exposed, and- doubtless the country would have thrived rapidly ; but the demon War lighted his torch, and the inhabitants retreated. The Indians burnt it in Lovewell's war, and gradually the fisheries and trading ceased. Williamson tells us that Noyes entered largely into the sturgeon fishery, for the English market. The London epicures pronounced the American sturgeon to be equal to those brought from Norway. The best place in the river was around the mouth of the Cabbassa. Thousands of barrels were transported to Europe. In the year 1719, fort Richmond was built op posite Swan Island, on the west bank of the river. It was near the water, and not very well built. It * Penhallow. Kennebec Claims. 4 38 SKETCH OF THE KENNEBEC CLAIM. was dismantled iu 1754. It stood in the present town of Richmond, ten miles below Gardiner. "On a map dated in 1720, there is a house drawn, and a clearance delineated on the west side of Kennebec river, a little above Nahumkeag Island, and marked fishing establishment."* "From depositions pre served in the Company's records, it appears that in 1728 there was only one family remaining at Long Reach, now Bath, and that all the country from Damariscotta mills to the ocean was a wilderness."! Several ships were built near the mouth of the river, in the year 1742, and it is not known that this great branch of business was followed in Maine be fore. During the same year, the Governor proposed offering to foreign Protestants lands, such as would induce settlement ; for it was ascertained that grants of townships and plantations to single individuals did not procure their settlement. At this time the people from Richmond fort, and north, were taxed £34. There were ten soldiers stationed there in 1743. arid 25 in 1744. Mr. Gardiner says, %u The meetings of the Com pany continued regularly from 17,49 till they were finally closed, in 1816. Very strong prejudices existed against the Plymouth Company for many years previous to its dissolution. Some of the proprie tors were men of fortune who invested their money in the purchase as a good speculation, and without intending to give themselves any trouble about its management; others, being tories,at the period of the Revolution, abandoned their country, and never again returned to it. The portions therefore of the lands which those persons had received in severalty were wholly neglected, purchases could not be made, * Hist. Kennebec Purchase, Maine Hist. Col. by R. H. Gard iner, Esq., p. 279. t Ibid. + Ibid, p. 278. SKETCH OF THE KENNEBEC CLAIM. 39 for there was nobody to sell ; the best settlers would only go where they could obtain a title to the soil. These lands were therefore taken up by men of no property and little industry, who were generally unwilling to make improvements on soil to which they had no title, and from which they could be ejected at any moment. " A heavy responsibility rests upon the person upon whom devolves the duty of fostering the settler in his first efforts to subdue the wilderness ; where lands are held in large patents or proprietaries, the individual settler must mainly depend upon the Cor poration for the establishment of roads, schools, places of worship and those other essentials to the prosperity of a civilized community ; property be yond what a man has acquired by his own hands, is altogether a creature of law, and is designed for the general benefit, aud the laws of our country as well as of others, allow the owner to be deprived of this property against his consent, upon an equivalent granted, when it becomes necessary for the public convenience. Any man therefore who keeps back from cultivation jthe soil necessary for the welfare of the community, acts in dereliction of the principles upon which the tenure of property is founded, and has no reason to complain, if by betterment laws or other enactments his negligence should be punished by a practical forfeiture of his rights. " Without therefore attempting to justify the in dividual proprietors, the efforts of the Plymouth Company for a quarter of a century after its forma tion, were judicious and unremitting, and they spared neither labor nor expense to promote the prosperity of the settlement, and it is owing to their exertions that the county of Kennebec has held so distinguish ed a place in the State." In March, 1752, a tract five miles square above Cabbassacontee river, was granted to three persons 40 SKETCH OF THE KENNEBEC CLAIM. from Massachusetts, provided they would place one hundred settlers on the same within three years, and townships on the same terms were offered to John Stedman, of Rotterdam, Henry Ebronfield, of Frank fort, and Gershom Flagg.* These offers were all in vain, on account of the difficulty of obtaining settlers. At the same time it was voted in the Company that any settler petitioning for a lot of land any where in the Patent should have it. It has been observed that several attempts were made to settle parts of our State, 'and even portions of Kennebec, previous to the grant made to the owners of the Kennebec Purchase. The great dis tance from the centre of power, and the consequent hardships, and exposure to danger, prevented the accomplishment of that purpose, which the great advantages of hunting, fishing and soil seemed to suggest. The Indians of Maine, always in the French interest, and among the most implacable on the con tinent, operated as a constant check on every enter prise. While the Indians of Plymouth were weak and soon exterminated or subdued, those of Maine were always able to descend in destruction on the whites, and find immediate security in their vast retreats. The Plymouth Grant was of great value for its salmon, sturgeon and furs, and the parent colony used much effort to derive a valuable reveuue from the territory, but squatters and trappers who disre garded their claims interfered largely with their profits, and it was because the property was poor, that they sold their claim in I66I.7 Their labors were confined to fishing and trading until 1749, when efforts were made to settle the * R. H. Gardiner, Esq., Hist. Ken. Pur., Maine Hist. Col. vol. II. p. 280, 281. f Hist. Plymouth, p. 118. SKETCH OF TfHE KENNEBEC CLAIM. 41 territory, and accordingly a meeting of the old pro prietors and others, who by will or purchase had become owners, was held in September, 1749, and after much consultation, Massachusetts passed an act incorporating the proprietors of the Kennebec Pur chase from the Plymouth colony, in June, .1753. *" At the. time of this incorporation, their claims were very extensive under the purchase, and extend ed from Casco Bay to Pemaquid, and from the ocean to Carratunk falls. Four adjoining Companies claim ed, however, large portions of this territory, whose claims, after tedious litigation, were finally settled, either by compromise or reference. The controversy with Clarke and Lake, was the first settled. They claimed under Indian deeds, and after sundry law suits and references, it was decided in 1758, that on the east side of Kennebec river, the north line of the present town of Woolwich should be the south boundary of the Plymouth Patent, and the north line of Clarke and Lake. The second claim was of the Wiscasset Company, also under Indian deeds, and was finally settled by compromise in 1762, the boundary line between them being fixed at half way between the Sheepscot and Kennebec rivers, from Monsweag bay to the upper narrows in Sheep scot river. The third settlement was with the Pejepscut proprietors who had obtained formal re cognition of their titles by a charter from William and Mary, and by the Massachusetts Legislature, in 1715, and again in 1726; but a clause was inserted in the Massachusetts confirmations, " saving all other interest that may be found therein." This com promise was arranged after much difficulty in 1758, but was not finally completed till some years later, * Hist, of the Ken. Purchase, R. H. Gardiner, Esq., Maine Hist. Col. vol. II. p. 276, 277. 4# 42 SKETCH OF THE KENNEBEC CLAIM. when in 1766 the Pejepscut Company released to the Plymouth Company the lands between New Meadows and Kennebec river, comprising the present towns of Phippsburg and Bath, and determined the line between them as the south line of the Plymouth Company, to run from the mouth of the Cathance river, W. N. W., and the west line to be fifteen miles from Kennebec river, but it was another half century before the meaning of the expression " fifteen miles from Kennebec river," which was to be the west line of the Plymouth Company, and the east line of the Pejepscut was finally settled. The Courts after a tedious suit determined that it should not be a line parallel to the Kennebec river, but a line every where fifteen miles distant from any part of the river. The fourth settlement was in 1763, with the Pemaquid proprietors, holding under a grant from the Plymouth colony." In 1752, the Government deposited several -hogs heads of bread, and several barrels of pork at fort Richmond to conciliate the Indians. Settlements were now rapidly increasing. Woolwich, Bath, Edgecomb, Dresden, Bowdoinham, Topsham, Wis- casset, Sheepscot and other places were filling up, and the State seemed prospering, though many con troversies about land titles were fruitful causes of trouble. Besides, the Indians were constantly com plaining of the settlements above, fort Richmond. They denied that their fathers had ever designed to convey lands further north than that place. In 1754 some 60 of them visited Richmond, and threatened its destruction. The new encroachments of the settlers, and the instigations of the French, seem to have been the principal causes. Settlers began to move in, about 1751, and the *fort * Maine Hist. Col. vol. II. p. 279, R. II. Gardiner, Esq. SKETCH OF THE KENNEBEC CLAIM. 43 at Augusta was built in 1754, and that at Winslow iu 1755. " The proprietors* now attributed their want of success to the dread of the hostile Indians, which deterred settlers from coming within their patent, and to remove this dread they chose a committee to treat with the Indians, and to satisfy them of the peaceable nature of their settlements; and in 1754, in order to give confidence to the lower settlements on the Kennebec, they voted that if the government of Massachusetts would build a fort at Ticonic,T that they themselves would build barracks and block houses. This proposition was assented to, by the pro prietors undertaking to build a house of hewn timber 100 feft by 32, and 11 feet high, at Cushnoc,J two blockhouses and two sentry boxes, and also to pro tect the workmen ; to these terms the proprietors agreed, and the house known by the name of the Old Fort then built, is still standing on the east side of the river, a little below the bridge at Augusta, and fort Halifax at Ticonic, was completed the fol lowing year." "Among the new proprietors at the organization of the Company, was Dr. Sylvester Gardiner ; he must have inspired great confidence in his judgment and discretion, for he was almost immediately made perpetual moderator of all their meetings, and from that period till the American Revolution, he devised all their plans, and directed all their measures, and expended large sums from his own private fortune to forward the settlements in Kennebec, and to his enlarged views, indefatigable exertions and liberal mind, may be attributed those plans which so rapidly advanced the prosperity of the Patent. As evidence of the vigorous measures adopted, it may be mention ed that in eleven years from the time Dr. Gardiner as- * Maine His. Col. vol. II. p. 279. t Winslow. J Augusta. 44 SKETCH OF THE KENNEBEC CLAIM. sumed the management of the Company's concerns, £5000 were assessed on the shares of the Company, which was expended in promoting the prosperity of the Patent. In 1761, they erected the County buildings for the County of Lincoln, at Pownalboro',' now Dresden, and the court house then erected, is still standing on the east side of the Kennebec, about two miles above Swan Island. The difficulty of obtaining settlers at this period, when the expect ation of realizing sudden wealth by emigration had subsided, where no inducement was offered to emi grants beyond the grant of a fruitful soil requiring patient labor before it would yield its slow returns, can hardly now be realized. Europe did not then contain a large surplus population to be annually provided for, the sword preventing any increasing numbers. The few who were tempted to leave their friends and country to obtain a more comforta ble support, were attracted to 'the milder climates, and more stable governments of the older colonies. The early records of the colony give abundant evi dence of the difficulty of obtaining settlers, and show the means adopted by the proprietors for secur ing them. In the year 1751, a number of Germans having arrived at Boston, the Plymouth Company as an inducement to them to settle in their Patent, offered immediately to give each family one hundred acres of land in what is now called Dresden, to pay their passage from Boston, and to advance them six months provisions, and to build a house of defence against the Indians; the only conditions they im posed upon the settlers, were that each should clear five acres of land, and build a house 20 feet by 1 8, within three years. These offers were accepted, and the descendants are yet to be distinguished in that neighborhood by their patronymic names."* * Hist. Ken. Pur. Maine Hist. Col. vol. II. p. 279, 280. SKETCH OF THE KENNEBEC CLAIM. 45 To Dr. Gardiner undoubtedly the praise should be ascribed of settling the region of ancient Pittston, and for aiding very materially in the general settle ment of the Kennebec valley. The particulars of his biography, and sketches of his family and de scendants may be found hereafter, as well as an account of the efforts he made to settle Gardinerston. The extract just quoted from the pen of his grand son, conveys a proper idea of his services. February 14, 1753*21,000 acres of land were granted to Ephraim Jones and Eleazar Melvin of Concord, and Joseph Fay of Andover, Massachusetts. This land comprised Gardiner. The Company re served mill-sites, proper lands for the ministry, and 1000 acres for other purposes. But the conditions of furnishing settlers were not complied with, and the grants were forfeited, though the Proprietors afterwards ceded the reservation of mill-sites, all but those on the falls in West Gardiner, known as Cram's mills. Finding that the trio above-mentioned were not likely to furnish the necessary " hundred fami lies," the proprietors decided in March, that they might have such proportion of the grant as they furnished families. But even under these favorable auspices, no settlements were made. Inf the same year they granted to Florentius Vassal a township, on condition of his introducing one hundred settlers in five years. This was the sixth township which was offered upon the same conditions within little more than a year, but in no instance were the gran tees able to avail themselves of the offers, and the grants became void. The offer of a township was made to James Otis, in 1754, but it was no more successful than the rest. * R. H. Gardiner, Hist. Kennebec Pur. Maine Hist. Col. vol. II. p. 281. t Ibid. 46 SKETCH OF THE KENNEBEC CLAIM. Dr.* Sylvester Gardiner who had long been aware of the great facilities of the Kennebec river and its territories, now began to turn his energies to the work of. settlement. He brought an uncommon zeal, a ripe judgment, great business talent, and a powerful interest in the growth of the country, to bear on his enterprise, and so. confident was he of success, that he was willing to commence at his own expense, what the large Company of Proprietors, had never been able to accomplish. He received a grant of four hundred acres of land, where Dresden vii-. lage now stands, cleared up land, laid out a farm, erected houses and mills, and employed a sloop to run to the Kennebec in the summer, and to the Sheepscot in the winter. The farm and farmhouse are now owned and occupied by one of his great- grand-sons. In December, 1754, f"the Company granted to Dr. Gardiner the falls and part of the land forming the present town of Gardiner, not as a gift as they had offered it the previous year to strangers, but as a portion of what he would be entitled to in the future divisions of the Company, and trusting to his deter mined purpose, these grants were made without the usual restrictions or limitations ; and so well did Dr. Gardiner fulfil the expectations of the Company, that he soon afterwards commenced, and in a few years completed at Gardinerston, now Gardiner, two saw mills, a grist-mill, fulling-mill, pot-ash, wharf, stores, and many houses, and cleared an extensive farm ; he also cleared farms and built houses at the Chops near Merry-meeting Bay, at Lynde's Islandj Swan Island,* Dresden, Pittston and Winslow, and was at great expense in introducing settlers and furnishing them * R. H. Gardiner, Esq., Maine Hist. Col. vol. II, t Ibid, p. 283. SKETCH OF THE KENNEBEC CLAIM. 47 with supplies. The houses he built were mostly on the same model, two stories in front, and one back, with a roof sloping from the ridge-pole of the front part to the eves of the one story in the rear ; the one at Swan Island is still occupied by another of his descendants. His exertions gave great stimulus to the settlements ; for many years his grist-mill was the only one in the country, and settlers came thirty miles with their meal bags upon their backs, from the interior, or in canoes by the river, to get their grists ground." He did so well that the terms on which the lands were granted, were yielded as ap pears by the following : — " At a meeting of the Proprietors of the Kennebeck Purchase from the late Colony of New Plymouth, held at Boston by ad journment, the Fifth February, 1755 : •' Whereas this Propriety at their meeting at Boston held by ad journment, the 11 : December, 1754, did vote, grant and assign to Silvester Gardiner of Boston, Physician, his heirs and assigns for ever, Two Tracts of Land on Kennebeck River as pr. said Grants reference thereto being had, may more fully appear on Conditions of settling two Families on each Tract within three years from the date of the Grants if not prevented by War, which Grants were made for great Services done this Propriety by said Silvester Gar diner, therefore it is unanimously Voted, That the said Grantee, his heirs and assigns shall hold the aforesaid Lands forever, free from the Conditions of settling two Families on each tract as men tioned in said Grants. " A True Copy, Exam'd. " Pr. Henry Alline, jun., Prop'rs Clerk.'' *As late as 1775, and until a mill was erected at Sebasticook, the settlers of old Norridgewock and Canaan, were obliged to go to " Cobbossee," to mill, with their corn in their canoes. Other grants were soon made to James McCobb, Benjamin Faneuil and others, and among them, Samuel Oldham received one hundred acres, if he would burn a kiln of bricks on the spot for his own * Hanson's Hist, of Norridgewock and Canaan. 48 SKETCH OF THE KENNEBEC CLAIM. use. So difficult was it to persuade settlers to go " down east." That the reader may see the form of the first grants, the following extract is presented. After re citing the various titles by which the land had been held, a sketch of which has been given, the deed proceeds : — " And whereas the said William Bradford and his Associates, afterwards assigned over and surrendered up to the late Colony of New Plymouth the aforesaid Tract on Kenebeck River, together with other Lands, and the same Colony afterwards, viz. : on the twenty-seventh Day of* October^ A. D. 1661, being seized of the whole Tract aforesaid on Kenebeck River, and also the Lands on both sides the said River, upwards to Wessarunscut, by their Deed of Bargain and Sale of that Date, for and in Consideration of the Sum of FOUR HUNDRED POUNDS Sterling, sold all the said Lands on said River to Antipas Boyes, Edward Tyng, Thomas Brat tle and John Winslow, their and every of their Heirs and Assigns forever, as the said Deed Registered in the Records of said Colony may more fully appear. KNOW YE, THAT we the Heirs and As signs of the said Antipas Boyes, Edward Tyng, Thomas Brattle and John Winslow, of and in all said Lands on Kenebeck River afore said, and legal Proprietors thereof, at our Meeting held at Boston, this Eleventh Day of December, A. D. 1754, called and regulated according to Law, have voted, granted and assigned to Silvester Gardiner of Boston in the County of Suffolk and Province of Mas sachusetts Bay in New England, Physician, his Heirs and Assigns forever, Parcel of land within our Tract aforesaid, Situate lying and being on the West side of Kenebeck river, butted and bound ed as follows, viz. : Begnining Twenty Rods North of the Mouth of Cobbiseconte River and runs Westerly Two miles keeping the said Breadth, and then runs Southerly to the said Cobbiseconte River, and then runs on said River till it comes to the first pond in said River, and then runs on the East South Easterly side of said pond untill it meets with the North Line of Lott No. 11, commonly called Thomas Hancock Esq his Lott, then runs East South East on the North line of said Lott untill it meets Kenebeck River, then runs Northerly up said Kenebeck River, untill it meets the first mentioned bounds ; On Condition the said Silvester' settles two Families on said Tract within three years if not prevented by an Indian War. " This Lott granted to said~Silvester lies in a Triangular Town and is called Lott (AB.) in the Companvs plan as thereon deline ated and laid down by John North Esq Surveyor. " In Witness whereof the proprietors aforesaid have caused their Seal to be hereto affix' d. « David Jeffries prop. Clerk. " A Copy of Dr. Silvester Gardiners Grant; [L- S-J " Compared pr. David Jeffries prop. Clerk." SKETCH OF THE KENNEBEC CLAIM. 49 " At a Meeting of the Proprietors of the Kenebeck Purchase from tlie late Colony of New-Plymouth, on the 2ith of Jan'y, 1753, unani mously Voted, " This Proprietee will bo at the Cost of Defending any Law- Suits that may arise on Account of any Grants made by said Pro prietee to any Person or Persons whatsoever, provided said Grantee seasonably acquaint the said Proprietee with any Law-Suit com menced against him or them as aforesaid ; and impower any one or more Person or Persons whom said proprietee shall appoint, to defend said Action or Actions to final Judgment (cum Facultate substituendi,) and also afford said Person or Persons thus impower- ed, all such Assistance as he or they can, in Defence of the same." The lands on the west side of the Kennebec were granted as follows : — The land was laid out in lots one mile wide on the river, and five miles long, run ning west, and each contained 3200 acres. Lot No. 1 . commenced at Abagadussett Point, and was grant ed to Benjamin Hallowell, Dec. 10, 1760 ; Lot No. 2, to Samuel Goodwin, April 8, 1760; No. 3, to Francis Whitmore and Rev. Mr. Stone ; No. 4, to Wm. Bowdoin; No. 5, to Jeffries and Flagg ; No. 6, to Thomas Hancock, in 1760 ; No. 7, to Charles Apthorp, Jan. 14, 1756 ; No. 8, to James Pitts, May 5, 1 756 ; No. 9, to James Bowdoin, Dec. 17, 1760 ; No. 10, to Wm. Bowdoin ; No. 1 1 , to Thomas Han cock, Jan. 14, 1756. Lot No. 11 was in the south ern part of Gardiner, and Avas afterwards deeded to Ebenezer Hancock. Dr. Gardiner had four lots in the limits of Gard inerston, containing from twelve to fifteen thousand acres ; Lot AB has been mentioned, Lots 23 and 24 were west of it, and he owned a five mile lot north. A new plan was adopted in 1760 .which, with ultimate extensions proved successful. Three tiers of lots were laid out ; in the first tier each lot was a mile deep and fifty rods wide, and every third lot was reserved for the proprietors, and marked P. while the other two were given to actual settlers. The second tier was reserved by the proprietors, and the 50 SKETCH OF THE KENNEBEC CLAIM. third bestowed on settlers. This offer of two-thirds of the best land, and five-ninths of the whole, soon turned the attention of people to this river, and'settle- ments rapidly extended up the Kennebec, especially as the facts were officially published in America and Great Britain. This plan with some slight modifi cations was the cause of the rapid growth of the country, and Winthrop and Hallowed were incorpor ated in 1771. And within a few years other towns grew up, especially on the close of the Revolution, when the hardy and industrious men who bore the iEgis of American Liberty began to flock hither. " *The Company sent agents round at various times, to ascertain what settlers had complied with the con ditions, and to tender grants, upon receiving a small fee of three dollars and a half. The Company's title • to lands east of the Kennebec and towards the lower part of the Patent, being disputed by ether proprie tors, and the Company not being able to warrant iu their corporate capacity, or to sell them without warranty, Dr. Gardiner undertook the responsibility for them, which proved troublesome to himself, and vexatious to his heirs. The Company conveyed to him large tracts of land on each side cf Sheepscot river, and he gave two bonds, each in the penal sum of £20,000 sterling, to sell and account to them for the proceeds. The Revolutionary War interrupted the business, and he had no opportunity after its close to complete it before his decease. The Company commenced suits on the bonds against -his executors, which after being in Court some years, were submit ted to referees, who, after deliberating seven years, decided that so far from any thing being due from Dr. Gardiner's estate to the Company, there remained a balance of more than three thousand, five hundred R. H. Gardiner, Esq., Maine Hist. Col. vol. II. p. 283, SKETCH OF THE KENNEBEC CLAIM. 51 dollars due from them to him, which they decided should be paid his heirs, and that they should re- convey to the Company the fragments of lands not sold, and that the Company should restore to them certain bonds from settlers taken for portions of these lands, and which were in their possession. The Company also agreed to refund to the heirs nearly two thousand dollars, which they had been obliged to pay on account of these warranties." From the Revolution to the year 1796, the pro prietors -had neglected their property, and large numbers of squatters had settled on land, in many instances neglecting to see that they took settlers' lots, and thus the territory was filled with those who had no right or title to the land they occupied. And when the proper owners claimed their possessions, and sent their agents to collect or survey, they as sembled in large bodies, and forcibly resisted. In 1796,* the settlers in Jefferson not only repelled all owners, but they prevented others from agreeing to measures not indorsed by themselves, and in 1810,f Jason Chadwick, a surveyor, was shot in Malta, while in the discharge of his duties. On one occa sion a settler was shot for becoming a traitor to the interests of the rest, in assisting to make surveys. There was even a specious show of legality in their movements, for they announced the theory that the Company being a corporation, had no power to sell except to liquidate debts, and that as they were not in debt, they could not sell, and that therefore the settlers had a legal tenure, claiming under the offers given before the Revolution. This doctrine was quite general, and the settlers remained. These transactions filled the country with alarm and con fusion. At first, attempts were made by the pro- Williamson, t Ibid. 52 SKETCH OF THE KENNEBEC CLAIM. prietors to obtain acknowledgments ,of their rights from the squatters. This was of course refused, and then recourse was had to the law. The settlers neglected their farms, in their efforts to resist what they deemed aggression, and the prosperity of Maine seemed at a stand. The murderers of Chad wick were imprisoned in Augusta Jail, and vain attempts were made to release them by force. At length, Elijah Brigham, Peleg Coffin and Thomas Dwight were appointed commissioners by the consent of proprietors and settlers, to present a plan of adjust ment, and they divided the latter into three classes : those who settled before, during, and after the Rev olution. The first were to pay least, and the last most, for their lands. This plan, with some modi fications, ultimately settled disturbances, and on the reception of a township on the Penobscot river, which was divided among the proprietors to com pensate for losses, the excitement ceased ; the rebel lious squatters resumed the hoe, and subsequent litigation has been confined to those points incidental to all land-ownership. After being in operation for sixty-five years, the affairs were ended in 1816. R. H. Gardiner, Esq., in winding up an interest ing sketch of the Company, which the Compiler has laid under contribution, says : — *" In reviewing their History, and comparing their efforts to convert the wilderness into abodes adapted to civilized man, with those of other Patentees, we must allow that they displayed much liberality, judgment and effi ciency. Even at the period of their greatest supine- uess, their lands were not more covered by squatters than others, and the charge of negligence attaches more to the individual proprietors, than to the cor poration itself. Previous to the Revolution they had * Maine Hist. Col. vol. II. p. 293, 294. SKETCH OF THE KENNEBEC CLAIM. 53 divided almost all their lands on the west side of Kennebec river, and all on the east side of tho river, and within five miles of it, which were henceforth held in severalty. Of these more than a fourth were held by absentees, some of whom never returned to this country, and all of whom felt too little interest in their property here, to trouble themselves about its management. It was for a long time questioned whether these absentees had not forfeited their rights by forsaking their country in its time of greatest need, nor were their rights established till the form ation of Jay's treaty in 1 794 ; and after that treaty, the absent proprietors were in no haste to dispose of their claims to American citizens. The claim of one of the proprietors, embracing one twenty-fourth of the whole Patent, has lain dormant almost to this time. The first grant to Florentius Vassal, styles him as of London, and a suit has recently been com menced in the Court of the United States, for the recovery of this very land. Only a very small fraction of the Patent was owned iu Maine, and the Massachusetts proprietors became after the Revolu tion almost as neglectful of their property here, as those who had left the country; those who did appoint agents paralyzed their efforts by the very restricted nature of the powers they were entrusted with. Let us not attribute then to the corporation the evils which principally arcse from individuals, but remember that but for the exertions of the Com pany at a time when single settlers could not have established .themselves here, the planting of Kenne bec must have been delayed at least the third of a century ; and it may not be extravagant to say that if the towns 011 the Kennebec had not been built, the interior country would not have been settled, aud the population which now occupies the most impor tant portion of the State, would have been scattered in other regions, and Maine would scarcely yet have .¦>* 54 SKETCH OF THE KENNEBEC CLAIM. acquired vigor to become independent of the parent State." Thus it will be seen, that although many attempts were made to settle our State, now so flourishing, they failed repeatedly, for many years, mainly in consequence of the Indian wars ; and that to Dr. Sylvester Gardiner, with his great wealth and zeal and energy, and public spirit, belongs the credit of finally effecting the settlement of Pittston and Gard iner. This is not the place to record the entire history of the Purchase, but enough has been stated to show how the enterprise was carried on to success. CHAPTER III. FROM THE SETTLEMENT TO THE INCORPORATION. It has been seen that a futile attempt was made to settle Maine, at Stage Island, in 1607j thirteen years before the feet of the Pilgrims were Avet by the December spray of Plymouth. At intervals others essayed to plant colonies, or commence loca tions, on the Kennebec. John Parker, a fisherman, bought Rasceagan in 1629, and removed thither in 1630.* Nine years later, in 1639, Edward Bateman and John Brown bought Neguascag,f of Mahotiwor- met, for one hogshead of corn, and thirty sound pumpkins, and commenced a settlement there. They did not remain long, however, for John Cole lived there in 1657, and James Smith in 1667. In 1650, Thomas Webber dwelt on the upper end of Raskeagan, which he and Parker sold to Clark and Lake, in 1658. Parker then lived on Arrowsic Island, near Squirrel Point. In 1649, John Richards lived on Arrowsic or Arrowscag Island. He sold all of the Island except Parker's 100 acres, in 1654. In 1658, a town was laid out on Arrowsic, in ten acre lots. A fort was erected at Stinson's Point, near Potter's mills, by a man named Hammond, in 1660. Hammond also ventured to Ticonic falls, where he had a trading house, as early as 1661. Bath was bought of Robinhood, by Robert Gutch, Oct. 27, 1661. Until this time, the settlements had * Sewall's Sketch of Bath, Maine Hist. Col. t Ibid- 56 SETTLEMENT ANT) INCORPORATION. steadily progressed. In 1670, there were thirty families on Arrowsic and Parker's Islands, an,d twen ty families below the chops on the west side of the river. On the breaking out of Philip's war, the Indians destroyed or drove them all away. Gen. Joseph Sewall, to whom we are indebted for these facts, says : * — " The whole Kennebec country was deserted by the whites, their forts, houses, and mills were burnt, their improvements destroyed, and the territory again left free for the roam of the savage, and the occupation of his game." It is not known that more than one penetrated as far north as Pittston, and established a residence there, as early as the commencement of King Philip's war. The first white settler within the limits of ancient Pittston, of whom we have any record, was Alex ander Brown. Previous to the breaking out of the first, or King Philip's Indian war, Brown came, the pioneer of all, and occupied the northern frontier. He muse have begun about the year 1670. He settled on the intervale, extending from Geo. W. Bedell's to' Jordan Stanford's, then and for a long time after, known by the aboriginal name of Ker doormeorp, but subsequently called " Brown's Farm." He worked several years there, cleared up a fine spot for tillage, and was probably engaged in procuring sturgeon for the London market. Philip's war broke out in 1675, but Brown would not desert' his post. In 1676,t he was murdered by the Indians, his house was burned, and the entire white population below him was swept away. The place was abandoned, and we know not that it was occupied permanently, for eighty-four years. We find it impossible to avoid speculating on the consequences which would have * Maine Hist. Coll. vol. 2. p. 193. t History of Kennebec Purchase. SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. 57 resulted to this region, had the red flame of war not been kindled. Brown would have been followed by others, the Kennebec would have been populated nearly a century sooner, and the Pine Tree State would to-day be much larger than it is. Still, attempts were constantly being made to settle the country, and they seemed destined to succeed when Noyes built his fort in 1716, but it was swept away by the Indians in 1726, as was the " fishing place," previously spoken of, as being a little above Nahumkeag Island. Who built or occupied this latjter place is not known, but it is probable that those engaged in fishing found Brown's clearance, and placed a fishing house on his old foundation. It was not until about the beginning of the latter half of the eighteenth century that the line of civilization began to creep slowly northward. Capt. John North, assisted by Abram Wyman, in the year 1751, laid out the land in lots one mile wide on the river, and extending west five miles. They commenced at Richmond fort, and continued as far as Nahumkeag Island.* Wyman and others, cut mill-logs north of the first pond as early as 1763-4. On an old mapf dated 1754, the Kennebec is thus marked : Commencing at Waterville is printed " Ta- connett Falls," and opposite is the " Sebastoocook." On the stream are these words : " Fort Halifax, built by the Government of the Massachusetts, 1754." A little lower down on the eastern side of the river is a stream called Majorgomogusuck, on which is printed, " The proprietors granted this tract upon no other condition than settling sixty families thereon." Cushnoc is spelt Cushanna, and it is recorded that the region was given on con- » MSS. of Dr. Sylvester Gardiner, in possession of R. H. Gard iner, Esq. f P^und in the State Houses at Boston and Augusta. 58 SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. dition of settling an hundred families in three years. This did not include Fort Western, but only as far south as the stream in Augusta. " Fort Western built By the Plymouth Company, 1754," is recorded below the stream, and it was given as was the next tract above. Just opposite and extending down to the Cabbassa is another lot delineated, with the same terms of settlement affixed. About opposite, a little below, is a stream called " Warromantogus," and a little below another, called " Negwamkick falls." Winthrop pond is drawn with twenty-one large .islands. Opposite Swan Island on the east side is " Franckfort Fort, Built by the Plymouth Com pany," and " Eastern. River," which is declared to contain sixty-four people. Fort Western was 30 feet from the river, and was built by Messrs. Thos. Hancock, Sylvester Gardiner, James Bowdoin, William Bowdoin and Benjamin Hallowell, committee for the proprietors, and was built by them because the State agreed to erect Fort Halifax, for an outpost of defence. A few people were at Eastern river, (Dresden,) and a small population besides the garrisons around Cushanna, Franckfort and Taconnet. At the time the forts were erected, the country presented an aspect of unbroken wilderness, from Swan Island to the Canadas. At this time Dr. Gardiner began to lay those plans, which, fostered by his zeal, resulted in the settlement of the region of ancient Pittston. In 1754 the land comprising a part of Gardiuer was granted to him. He was quite instrumental in other settlements, but it was not until about 1759 that he fairly embarked in his work, resolved to succeed. In that year he received a lot on Sheepscot River* * Wiseasset Records. SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. 59 In 1761 he received 3200 acres below the chops in Merry-meeting Bay, if he would settle a family there iu one year, unless prevented by the Indians, and about the same time, he obtained pther land in what is now Pittston.* December 10, 1760, he received one of the " mile lots." It commenced twenty rods north of the Cob- bossee, and run west five miles, north one mile, east- south-east five miles, to the Kennebec, and down the Kennebec to the first bound, being a lot con taining about 3200 acres. It was a condition of this bargain that a family should be settled in one year, unless an Indian war prevented, and that if any improvements had been made by settlers or others in the territory they were reserved. So well were his services received by the Company, that, Feb. 8, 1764, the lot north of the Cabbassa-contee was deed ed to him, for f" his great Trouble and Expense, in bringing forward settlements." The bounds were more definitely stated as commencing 20 poles north of Cobbossee, thence west-north-west until they strike the stream, thence south down the stream to the first Cobbossee pond, along the north end of the pond to the stream, and thence north-east to the Kennebec, and thence to the first bound, twenty poles north of the mouth of the stream. This lot was surveyed by John McKechnie in November, 1762. Dr. Gardiner had previously received a tract north of this, and joining it. J March 14, 1764, he received the south-west half of the 3200 acre lot, on the eastern side of the Kennebec, and Nov. 13, 1769, he received a lot from " Cobbossee great pond to the 10 mile lot," being most of the Gardiner Territory. <§> Wiscasset Records. t Ibid. Plymouth Company Records. § Ibid. 60 SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. July 4, 1770, he received 2500 acres, extending from the Kennebec to Winthrop Pond, for which he paid £416, 13, 4. He continued to receive other lots until he possessed a large portion of Gardi ner and Pittston, and much of the territory in other parts of old Kennebec. Cobbossee Tract extended from the neighborhood of Jordan Stanford's to the vicinity of the mouth of the stream. There has been a good deal of litigation concerning the north ern boundary of this lot, the stream having, like the Mississippi, more than one mouth.* Those who wished settlers' lots made application to the Company or to some one of the proprietors with a petition like the subjoined : — " To the Proprietors of the Kennebec Purchase from the late Colony of New-Plymouth. " Gentlemen : — I the Subscriber of in the County of , being desirous of settling within your Pur chase, pray you would make a Grant to me and my Heirs of the Lot numbered containing Acres, situated in within your said Purchase. And I hereby engage for myself and Heirs that the Conditions of the said Grant shall be performed, viz : — That a Dwelling-House shall be built on the said Lot not less than feet square, that Acres of said Lot shall be cleared and made fit for Tillage within Years, from the Date of the Grant, and that I will dwell thereon personally during said years, if living, or in case of my Death, that my Heirs, or some Person under them, shall dwell on said Premises during said Term ; and for the term of Seven Years more, by my sell' or Substitute ; and as soon as said Grant shall be made out and ready to be delivered to me, I hereby promise to pay your Clerk for the Time being, shillings Lawful Money for his fee, and shillings Lawful Money towards defreying your Expenses for Sur veying; and you'll oblige your Petitioner. Dated this Day of 17 ."t So desirous were the proprietors of procuring settlers, that a petition like the foregoing, usually secured a good farm, if near a mill-privilege, of five or ten acres, or, if further away, of one, two, or more hundred acres. The conditions varied from * Plymouth Company Records, f Printed form of blank . SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. 61 five to ten shillings, and from three to ten years residence. Soon after Dr. Gardiner commenced the labor of peopling this region, the settlement grew rapidly. He had drawn the attention of the public to his zeal and pilaris, and several enterprising men from differ ent places consulted him in Boston. Those who pleased him most he effected an arrangement with, in the summer of 1760, and they made their prepar ations to settle in what is now Gardiner. They gathered their families and effects, and proceeded to their rendezvous, which was Falmouth.* These persons, the first settlers of the territory that is now Gardiner, West Gardiner and Pittston, set sail from Falmouth in the fall of the year 1760, and proceeded to what was then called, Dr. Gardi ner's estates at Cobbiseconte, or Gardinerstown. They were a Mr. Thomes, who was a builder of Grist-mills ; Benjamin Fitch, a saw-mill wright ; Jacob Loud, a house carpenter ; James Winslow, a wheelwright; and Ezra Davis, James and Henry McCausland, and William Philbrook.7 They ar rived in safety, with the families of Winslow, Davis, Philbrook, and the McCauslands, and run their ves sel into a wide creek, formed by the mouth of the stream, whieh was then navigable to the sites now occupied by the saw-mills, and there, on the northern bank of the stream, the craft lay all winter. James Winslow's wife, took her little daughter Sarah, then six years old, by the hand and went ashore, and they are the first two white females known to have set foot within the limits of Gardiner or Pittston.J They immediately threw up some log huts, and passed the winter in making preparations for th& * Abiathar Tibbetts. Mrs. Jon. Winslow. f Mrs. Jon. Winslow, Mrs. Amos Lyon, John Plaisted. { Ibid. 6 62 settlement and incorporation. coming summer. The McCauslands and Winslows occupied the same cottage, and on the 23d of March, 1761, Jonathan Winslow was born, the first white child native in ancient Pittston. The house stood exactly where now is the Widow Esmond's store .^ * On the 27th of March, wishing to make an addi tion to the cottage of Winslow, they were able to haul the logs on the crust, so cold and backward was the spring of that year.f When the season opened they erected a grist-mill at the end of the lower dam, and the old sills were found in a state of preservation when the last dam was built. The same workmen commenced build ing a large mansion long known as the Great House. It was erected by Dr. Gardiner for an inn and stood where are now the Gardiner Hotel and Allen's block.! It was afterwards kept by James Stack- pole, Benjamin Shaw, Pray, Bow man, Randall, Widow Longfellow, etc., arid in 1815 it was taken by E. McLellan, who kept it until 1827, when he removed to the Cobbossee House. The Great House was occupied by stores and private families after this until it was take^ down.§ The upper story was used for a place of public worship when the Episcopal church was burned by McCausland.|| The Cobbossee Grist-mill was known for several years among the northern settlers, and was resorted to from a great distance by them, even from Nor ridgewock and Canaan, until the mill was finished at Sebasticook, and caused settlers to increase ra ly in this neighborhood. » Mrs. Jon. Winslow, Mrs. Amos Lyon, John Plaisted. t Mrs. Lyon. J John Plaisted. § E. McLellan, R- Gay, || R. Gay. SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. 63 Of the foregoing settlers the following facts are known. Fitch took charge of the erection of the mill, built the Togus dam and mill, and worked at his trade all through the country. Aug. 3, 1768, he received a grant of five acres of land, which he sold to Wm. Gardiner, May 14, 1770, receiving £7 for his improvements. ' On the breaking out of the Revolution, he enlisted in the English Service, and was killed fighting for the king. He married Ann McCausland* and has no descendants here. Loud came from Weymouth with no design of settling. He was master carpenter on the Great House and Mill, and went back when they were finished. Some thirty years after, he returned and settled in Pittston.f Thomes was a single man, who went back to Falmouth, and married Huston. He never returned. James Winslow and his brothers, who lived in Portland, received a large tract of land from their father at Broad Bay, and removed there in 1752. His daughter Sarah was born there in 1754. They designed to remain, but the Indian troubles forced them back to Portland. From that place James came to Cab bassa-contee,!|and brought his wife and three clildren. He worked on the mill until it was done and then obtained a fine spot of land which had been cleared by the Indians, 90 acres of which Dr. Gardiner conveyed to him as partial pay for his services. This land was the north-western lot in the present town of Pittston, and now includes the farms of Messrs. Amos Lyon and Leavitt. The family removed to that place in 1763, and the deed is dated July 26, 1764, and was signed by Sylvester Gardiner, in presence of William Gardiner and Jno. * Mrs. Marston, Mrs. Lyon, Abiathar Tibbetts. t Ibid. 64 SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. McKechnie, at Cobbisseeconte, before William Lith- gow.* Winslow went to Damariscotta and assisted on the mill at that place. While he was gone his wife and daughter raised their own crops. They took a bat- teau, and crossed the river repeatedly, and went to the Great House, where they, obtained manure, with which they dressed their land for corn, and with their own hands they harvested forty bushels in the fall.f James Winslow had been a drummer in a fort at Portland, while a young man, but he became a con vert to the principles of the Society of Friends, and as such, abhorred war and all its preparations. Yet it 'was found necessary to erect a blockhouse imme diately, for defence against the Indians. This was done in 1763. It was a substantial, bullet-proof fort. It stood on the side of the hill, near the site of the Universalist church .J In the autumn of 1765 there was an Indian alarm. § Several of the settlers heard mysterious sounds in the night, as of footsteps, and the dogs were "clamorous, and one was heard to cry out as if struck. The settlers became very much alarmed, and fled to the blockhouse. The Wins- lows, who then lived where Amos Lyon now dwells, fled across the river, and a Bullen family from Hallo- well, and others of the settlers, with them, until the settlement was entirely deserted, and thirty or forty families were congregated in the humble fort. Jona than Winslow was then four years old. A little dark cloak was thrown around him, to make him the color of the ground, and he trotted along in the procession to the place of safety. They remained here several days. The next day all went out to gether well armed, and harvested Winslow's crops, * Wiscasset Records. f John Plaisted. X Mrs. Elizabeth Lyon. § IbhL SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. 65 and thus they worked, with their arms, and in com pany, until the crops were all gathered. The alarm seemed to be false, and gradually the settlers resum ed their homes again.* Mrs. James Winslowf was a very energetic woman, and was much relied on in cases of sickness. For many years she was almost the only midwife from Augusta to Bath, and doubtless was present at the birth of many hundreds of children. " Granny Winslow," was the only physican in whom the early settlers believed. GENEALOGY OF THE WINSLOW FAMILY. (In the Genealogical sketches scattered through these pages, b. signifies born; unm. unmarried; m. married; d. died. The dates and facts are recorded as far as they could be ascertained. If some family accounts are more nearly complete chan others, it is because they are recorded in the Town books, or because the descendants have taken an interest in the matter. The author would have been glad to have recorded all the dates in all of the families of the early settlers.] JAMES WINSLOW,}: b. in R. L 1724, m. Anna Huston, she b. 1734, he d. in Farmington, 1802, she d. 1824. Children, 2, who were infants when he came, and who soon died of the rash. I. Sabah, b. Broad Bay, 1754, m. Ebenezer Church, who was b. 1742, and d. July, 1810. Children, 1, Charity, b. Aug. 7, 1770, m. Iehabod Plaisted. (see Plaisted.) 2, Jona. b. 1772-3, m. Charity Daniels; is in Canada. 3, William, b. 1775, m. Sarah Daniels and Elizabeth Daniels, moved to Ohio, and d. 1817. 4, Abigail, b. 1777, m. Nehemiah Littlefield, and moved to Ohio. 5, James, b. 1780, m. Hannah Trufant, and Abiah Brooks ; lost at sea, and has descendants in Bath. 6, Anna, b. 1782, m. Paul Felker, and lives in Searsport. 7, John, b. 1784, m. Esther Richardson, and lives in Levant. 8 and 9, Silas and Sarah, b. June, 1786, he m. Sophia Blunt and Susan Bradford ; Sarah m. Ebenezer Rollins of HallowelL 10, Mary, b. 1788, m. Amos Morrill, and moved to Ohio. 11, Jacob, b. 1790, m. Lydia Thompson and moved to Georgia. 12, Stephen, b. 1792, m. Abigail Sandborn and d. in Ohio. 13, George, b. 1794, m. Betsey Piper. H. Jonathan, b. March 23, 1761, (the first white child born * Mrs. Jonathan Winslow, Mrs. Elizabeth Lyon. t John Plaisted. X Mrs. Jon. Winslow, Mrs. Amos Lyon, Silas Church, Jno. Plaisted, Geo. Church. 6* 66 SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION, in Pittston,) m. Hannah Tarbox, 1789, who was b 1764 now living ; he i Nov. 18, 1345. One child, Elizabeth, b. 1790, m, Amos Lyon. _ _, ,, , , . in. Carpenter, b. 1764, m. Betsey Colburn, and. moved to Pennsylvania. Chil. 1, Charles. 2, George, 3, Carpenter. 4, David, 5, Reuben. 6, Caleb, 7, Joseph, and two others. George now lives in Maiden, Mass. IV. John, b. 1766, m. Sarah Baker and moved to New Sharon. „, ,, V. Betsey,* b. 1768, m. Rev. John Thompson. He was rep resentative to Boston from Industry,, and was in the State Senate in its first session in Portland. He d. 1820, and left children. VI. Anna, b. 1770, m. Eleazar Crowell, and moved to Ohio. VII. George, b. 1772; drowned while skating on the Kenne bec in 1788. VIH. James, b. 1774, m. Betsey Willard, d. in Industry in 1843. Fourth Generation. Children of Elizabeth and Amos Lyon. 1, George, b. 1807. 2, Hannah, b. 1809, m. Luther Gordon. 3, Mary, b. 1812, d. 1834. 4, William, b. 1815, m. Elizabeth Lowell. 5, James b. 1817, m. Hester A. Nichols. 6, Elizabeth, b. 1819, m. John Jones. Children of Silas Church. 1. George F. b. 1814, m. Eliza beth Turner, of Kingston, Jamaica, 2, Clementine A. b. 1817, d. 1834. 3, Meredith, b. 1820, unm. 4, Sarah A. b. 1822, uma. 5, Andrew, b. 1828, d. 1833. 6, Clementine Lucinda, b. 1837. Children of George Church. 1, Stephen, b. August 30, 1818. m. Mary Baker. 2, Cyrus, b. June 30, 1820, m. Hannah Plaisted. 3, George, b. May 3, 1822, m. Elizabeth Sprague. 4, Lucy Ann b. Feb. 18, 1824, d. Oct. IS, 1825. 5, Mary Elizabeth, b. Feb. 10, 1826, m. Horace Bemis. 6, Sarah, b. March 12, 1828. 7, Lncv, b. March 26, 1830. 8, Charity, b. Jan. 9, 1833. 10, Ebenezer, b. July 2, 1835. 11, Mary Ann, b. June 19, 1839, d. Feb. 4, 1847. Fifth Generation. Children of Luther Gordon. I, Isabella, d. 2, Agnes, m. Actor Thompson. 3, George. 4, Mary. 5, Susan. 6, Winslow. 7, Emily. 8, Vesta. 9, Charlotte. Children of William Lyon. 1, Susanna. 2, George. 3, Augus ta. 4, Helen. 5, Elizabeth. Children of James Lyon. 1, Otis, d. 2, William Henry. 3, Faustina. 4, Eulalia, d. Children of John Jones. 1, Helen. * Betsey Winslow, who m. Rev. J. Thompson, gave Industry its name. When the town was about being incorporated, Mr. Thompson said to his wife as he was leaving home, " What shall we call the new town ?" " Name it for the character of the people," was the reply, " Call it Industry." He proposed the name, and it was accepted. SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. 67 So plenty was game at this time, that it was not at all difficult for the poorest family to obtain animal food enough. The woods were full of game, large and small, and the rivers teemed with alewives, shad, and the delicious salmon. Jonathan Winslow used to relate that he captured sixteen noble salmon, one Sunday morning before breakfast.* Ezra Davis,f made only a temporary halt at Cab bassa, while at work on the Great House, but he removed to the Eastern River or Dresden, the same season, 1761. Here he was very unfortunate. The French had taught the Indians to murder Eng lishmen wherever they could find them, and one day, probably about 1762, Davis heard his little boy Thaddeus, aged eight years, scream. Soon the terrible warwhoop came thrilling their hearts, and they knew that the Indians were upon them. He closed his doors as well as be could, and fortified his house. Before this was done the Indians fired and killed his mother-in-law, Mrs. Pomeroy, who was in bed, sick. Seven then rushed to the door, and endeavored to beat it down with their toma hawks, but he fought so well that they retreated, carrying Thaddeus with them, who was never seen nor heard from afterwards.. His son Ezra removed to the "Brown farm." He also lived in Pittston. In the following table are some of their descendants. EZRA DAVIS.J m. Pomeroy, and had several children. 1, POLLY, m. Thorn. Berry. 2, EZRA, Jr. m. Abigail ; chil. I. Henry, b. Aug. 9, 1778. II. John Smith, b. Dec. 8, 1781. 1H. Rhoda, b. Aug. 20, 1790 ; m. Benjamin Inman, 1811, IV. Enoch, b. April 11, 1794. He was killed accidentally at a shooting match. * Mrs. Jon. Winslow, Mrs. Amos Lyon. t Abiathar Tibbetts. J Town Records. 68 SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. V. Sarah, b. March, 27, 1796. VI. Levi, b. Oct. 7, 1798. VII. Hannah Matilda, b. Oct. 10, 1805. The following years, 1761 and 1762, were very dry. Almost all vegetation was burned up, and the woods in all directions were on fire. There was no rain from June to the last of August. The winter of the latter year was very cold, and the snow was very deep. Samuel Berry* of Bath, and James McCausland, cut timber on the shore of Cabbassa first pond, and hay at Brown's farm as early as 1761, under Dr. Gardiner. McCausland leased some fresh meadow of Dr. Gardiner in 1760. William Philbrook received lots No. 3, and.33,f containing eighteen acres. The deed was dated Dec. 1, 1765. % He owned 250 acres on the Cat- hance which he conveyed to his son Jonathan Phil- brook in 1768. He was drowned in the Penobscot. His lot was situated adjoining the land of Daniel Tibbetts, and David Philbrook. His wife's name was Mary.§ David Philbrook, |J a son of William, received lot No. 34, which he reconveyed to Dr. Gardiner, Oct. 23, 1772, for £5. He married Hannah Crosby. 'Jonathan,! another son, came from Cathance after a few years. Henry McCausland and James McCausland were from Ireland, and had been several years in America. They were brothers, and received two settlers' lots, comprising a part of the present village in Gardiner, and extending from the river back of the residences of Messrs. Evans, Kimball, etc.** James McCausland * Dr. Gardiner's MSS. t These numbers are from McKechnie's plan, dated 1763. X Wiscasset Records. § Ibid. |j Ibid. H Abiathar Tibbetts. ** Mrs. Lyon. SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. 69 was drowned quite early, and those who bear the name now are mostly descendants of Henry.* June 13, 1764, Henry McCausland received two lots on the eastern side of the river, containing 250 acres. This he sold to Benjamin Fitch, July 9, 1765.f He procured other land, and his descendants are numerous in this vicinity. It is saidj that the McCauslands originally receiv ed the soil occupied by the centre of the village, but that Dr. Gardiner, who foresaw what the place would probably become, persuaded them to remove across the stream, where they lived for many years, on a larger, though less valuable tract than they at first owned. HENRY McCATJSLAND, b. Ireland, m. Elizabeth Wyman. Chil. I. Robert, m. Town, 2d wife, Sally Door, and settled in Winslow. H. Ann, m. Benjamin Fitch, and lived near the northern shore of the stream several years. LU. Catharine, m. David Philbrook. IV. Sally, m. Ithiel Gordon. V. Jane, m. Sylvester. VI. Gardiner, m. Polly Douglass. VH. Polly. VLH. Henry, m. Abiel Stackpole, 1783. Children, I, Jno. b. Not. 19, 1784, m. Jane Connor. 2d wife, Dill. 2, Hannah, b. Feb, 3, 1789, m. Benj. Marstou. 3, Henry, b. Dec. 31, 1789, d. at sea, unm. 4, James, b. April 22, 1791, m. Rebecca . 5, Andrew, b. June 13, 1793, m. Mary Bates. IX. Andrew, m. Keziah Berry. Chil. 1, Nathaniel, d. unm. 2, Lydia, d. unm. 3, Mary. m. Jno. Murray. 4, Montgomery, m. Hannah Woodbury, and Sarah Colcord. 5, Alexander, m. Sarah Nash. 6, Benjamin, m. Temperance Glidden. 7, John, m. Deliver ance Nash. 8, Tristam, m. Deborah Nash. Andrew and Martha died young. Fourth Generation. Children of James and Rebecca. 1 and 2, Emeline and Robert L. b. April 8,1809. 3, Adaline, b. March 16, 1811. 4. Sarah, b. Aug. 28, 1813. Children of Andrew and Mary. 1, Willam Henry, b. Dec. 27, * Mrs. Hannah Marston. t Wiacasset Records. + Abiathar Tibbetts. , 70 SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. 1816. 2, Andrew B. b. Nov. 16, 1818. 3, Charles Wesley, b. Nov. 25, 1820. 4, Hester Ann, b. Sept. 25, 1823. 5. Mary Bates, b. May 9, 1825. 6, Sally Stetson, b. Jan. 23, 1827. 7, Catharine Bates, b. April 27, 1829. James McCausland had a son James, b. 1750, m. Mary Berry, d. March 11, 1826. ChU. 1, Mary, m. David Clarke and John Johnson. 2, Olive, m. Ephraim Goodwin. 3, Jeremiah, m. Olive Cram. 4, Charles, m. Sarah Lord. 5, Sarah, m. Ezekiel Robin son. 6, Thomas, in. Rhoda Brand. Thomas and Mercy died un married. The relative prices at that day were different from those at the present time. Land was sold for a mere song, but paper was 8 cents a sheet ; boards $5 a thousand; corn $5 a bushel; shoes $15 a pair; butter $ 1,33 cents a pound, and other articles in pro portion. The most of these early settlers were men of in dustry and integrity, but the great evil of social life in New England was fastened upon them, and de scended in a great degree to their posterity. When corn was scarce, and provisions expensive, it was always found necessary to have rum in the house at any price, and this fact explains many a sudden death, and the passing away of many a farm and house. Intemperance was the baneful curse of the first settlers of Kennebec. The. following year, 1761, four brothers and their four sisters removed from Dunstable to the eastern side of the river and settled in what is now some times called Coburntown. Their names were Jere miah, Reuben, Oliver, Benjamin, Lucy, Sarah Elizabeth, Hannah and Rachel Colburn. Lucy m. Dr. Zachariah Flitner ; Sarah Elizabeth m. Maj. Henry Smith ; Hannah m. Josiah French of Win throp, and Rachel m. Thomas Jackson. Jeremiah soon removed to Orono, and his daughters were the first white Americans who inhabited that place. November 9, 1763, Reuben Colburn* received 250 * Wiscasset Records. settlement and incorporation. 7li acres on the eastern side of the river. The condi tions specified were substantially the same as those attached to the other settlers' lots. He was required to build a house 20 feet square, and 7 feet stud ; was to reduce 3 acres to tillage in 3 years ; he or his heirs were to occupy the land 10 years, and work two days each year on the ministerial lot. January 1, 1773, he bought a lot five milesby one half a mile, of James Bowdoin, excepting one lot of 100 acres, granted to John Shanny. Maj. Colburn built some of the first vessels on the Kennebec, and took an active part in the Revolution. See Indian Sketch. His location was near Agry's point. Jeremiah Colburn* had 800 acres on the Eastern river at one time. REUBEN COLBURN.tm. Elizaheth Lewis. Children, I. Elizabeth, b. May 29, 1767 or 8, m. Carpenter Wins low. (See Winslow.) H. Reuben, b. Aug. 27, 1770 ; d. June 19, 1795. IH. David, b. March 28, 1773 ; m. Hannah Avery. Children, 1, Reuben, m. Lydia Smith. 2, John, d. unm. 3, Mary Ann, m. Moses Jewett. 4, Abiah, m. Amos Cutts. 5, Hannah, m. Seth Hathome of Richmond, d. 6, David, d. 7, Gustavus, unm. 8, Elizabeth, m. David Lawrence, he d. IV. Abigail, b. Feb. 27, 1775 ; m. John Smith. (See Smith.) V. Abiah, b. March 15, 1777 ; m. Caleb Smyth, 1796, both d. Children, 6. 1. William, is professor in Bowdoin College. 2, Mary, m. Stephen Young, d. 3, Eliza, m. in the west. 4, Charles m. and now lives in Roxbury. 5, Margaret, m. John Kendall. 6, Lydia. VI. Ebenezer, b. Oct. 25, 1779, d. VH. Sarah, b. May 8, 1782, m. David Young. Children, 7. Vm. Olive, b. Nov. 20, 1784, m, John Colburn, 1817. (See Oliver Colburn.) IX. Martha, b. July 12, 1787, m. Isaac Noyes. Children, 4, lives in Hallowell. X. Lydia, b. Aug. 13, 1791, m. Noah Loud. She d. in Au gusta Hospital ; he d. One son, Warren, is now in California, m. Harriet Bailey of N. H. OLIVER, b. 1744, m. Margaret Burns, she b. 1743, he d. Jan. 10, 1788; shed. Sept. 19, 1812. Children: * Abiathar Tibbetts. Wiscasset Records. t Town Rec. Thomas Jackson. Widow Colburn, 72 SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. L Rachel, m. Wm. Hatch, of Berwick. 4 children. II. Hannah, m. Joseph Rollins of N. H., 6 chil. She lives in East Pittston. HI. Rebecca, m. Robert Murray of New Castle. 5 children. IV. Oliver, b. March 20, 1774,. m. Hannah Smith, she b. Oct. 26, 1782, he d. Jan. 1835. Chil. 1, Lavinia, b. Aug. 8, 1802. d. 1822. 2. H. Octavia, b. 1805, m. Joseph Follansbee. 3, Sarah E. b. Sept. 25, 1807. 4, Emetine, b. Jan. 1810, d. 1811. 5, Emeline, b. Sept. 28, 1812, m.Wm. P. Basford. 6, Oliver,* m. Selecta Rollins. 7, Cordelia. 8, Abbott.* 9, Joseph H. m. Margaret Soper. 10, Samuel S. 11, Henry. V. Sarah, m. Thomas Cutts, of Industry. 8 children. VI. "Mary, m. Aaron Young of Bangor. 8 children. VH. John, m. Olive Smith. Chil. 1, John m. Susan Spring er. 2, -^ranklin m. Sarah R. Smith. 3, Olive, m. James Cutts. 4, Hirum, m. Clementina Smith. 5, Charles m. . 6, Alfred m. Southwick. 7, Maria m. Carlton Houdlette. 8 , George, unm. VIH. William, b. 1785, m. Martha Blanchard 1808, live in Richmond. Children, 1, Martha, b. 1809, m. Elisha Stover of Harpswell. 2, Margaret, b. 1811, m. George Prentis, 2d husb. Wm. Bampton, of Hingham, Mass. 3, Oliver, b. 1813, m. Mary Jane Call. 4, Ardria, b. 1815, m. Joseph Fowler of Pittston, 2d husb. Charles Swett of Richmond. 5, Wm. d. at sea. b. 1818. 6, Silas, b. 1821, m. Harriet A. Gaubeart. 7, Lavinia, b, 1823, m. Hiram G. Call. 8, Lydia, b. 1826, m. Sylvester. 9, Charles, b. 1829, m. Charlotte Holbrooke of Richmond. 10, Joseph, b. 1832. BENJAMIN COLBURN, m. Joanna Tibbetts ; 2d wife, ; he d. April 18, 1814. Children ; I. Jeremiah, d. unm. II. Reuben, d. unm. III. Deborah, m. Nath'l Bailey. (See Bailey.) IV. Hannah, m. Stephen Mason, large family. V. Fanny, m. Reed, and settled in Bangor, had chil. VI. Harriet, m. Carlton Blair, children. VII. Betsey, m. Caleb Wilson ; d. VIII. Catharine, m. Wilson. 2d hns. Samuel Searls. IX. Ruby, m. ; d. X. Sally, m. Marsh of Orono. XI. Joseph, m. Mary Eldridge. XII. Benjamin, m. Brown, d. May 1, 1814. XIII. George, m. Crowell ; 2d wife, Ham, of Bath. Nathaniel Baileyf came in the year 1762 and received 200 acres in the " 3200 acre lot," on the eastern side of the river in June, 1763, of the Ken- * Lost at sea, Feb. 22, 1844. t Town Records, Capt. Joshua D. Warren, Capt. David Bailey. SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. 73 nebec Proprietors. It was in the south-western part of the town. NATHANIEL BAILEY,* b. 1743 ; m. Sarah Goodwin ; d. April 21, 1832 ; she d. Dec. 1830. Children, I. Elizabeth, b. January 3, 1770 ; d. July 30, 1790. H. Nathaniel, b. Oct. 7, 1771 ; m. Deborah Colburn, 1795 j she d. March, 1851. Children, 1, Samuel G., b. March 29, 1796 ; m. Eliza Thomas. 2, Betsey, b. January 3, 1798 ; m. William Brown. 3, Clementine, b. Feb. 9, 1800 ; m. Gideon Barker. 4, Nathaniel, b. March 23, 1802 ; m. Mary A. Stearns. 5, Benja- min.t b. April 12, 1804 ; m. Eliza Jackson ; d. May 10, 1829. 6, Lydia W., b. Oct. 31, 1806; m. Abner Jackson, f 7, James Y.,f b. Jan. 18, 1809 ; m. Eliza (Jackson) Bailey. 8, Joseph,f b. July 28, 1811 ; m. Louisa Alexander. O HI. DAvro.t b. Dec. 3, 1773 ; m. Mary Smith, 1796. Chil dren, 1, James,t b. Oct. 3. 1797 ; m. Mary Smith. 2, Sarah, b. Aug. 1,1799; m. Henry Mellus.-f 3, Pamela, b. Aug. 31, 1800 ; m. Henry Dearborn. 4, Mary, b. January 6, 1803 ; m. Eliphalet Rollins.t 5, David,J b. April 30, 1805 ; d. October 7, 1851. 6, Hannah, m. Joshua D. Warren, t 7 Henry.t m. Mary J. Watson. 8, Caroline, m. Albert Marwick.f 9, William, m. Mary A. Good rich. IV. Samuel G.,t b. June 25, 1775; d. 1826-7; m. widow Sarah Mason ; settled in New York. V. Thomas, b. May 2, 1777 ; d. July 26, 1800. VI. Abigail G., b. June 27, 1779 ; m. James Smith, 1799. VH. Sarah, b. Oct. 22, 1781 ; m. Nathaniel Hall, 1803 ; he was a school teacher, she m. a Johnson and now lives in Dresden. VHI. Jacob, b. May 31, 1783; m. Eliza Barker, 1810. Chil., 1, Lydia, unm. 2, Jane, unm. 3, Thomas, d. 4, Charles, unm. 5, Alethea, m. Myers, of Bath. 6, George. LX. Mary, b. March 23, 1786 ; m. Stephen Twycross,f of Dresden. Chil. 1, Mary, m. Goodwin. 2, Stephen, unm. 3, Sarah, unm. 4, Martha, unm. 5, Thomas, m. X. Lydia Bj., b. Feb. 27, 1788 ; d. 1834 ; m. Benjamin Web ber, 1805. Chil., 1, Pamela, m. Jackson. 2, Lavina, unm. 3, Benjamin, m. In 1762, came Solomon Tibbetts,^ who was born in Lebanon, N. H. Availing himself of the offer made by Dr. Gardiner, he removed to Gardinerston in 1762, with nine children. His wife's maiden * Town Records. Capt. Joshua D. Warren. Capt. David Bailey. t Masters of Vessels. X d. at San Juan, a very distinguished sea captain. \ Abiathar Tibbetts. 7 74 SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. name was Elizabeth Spearing. Edward and Abia. thar were born after their arrival here ; the latter in 1767. He is still living in Litchfield at the advanc ed age of 84 years, and is in the full possession of his faculties. The compiler of these pages was under many obligations to him for facts anecdotes and dates connected with the early history of the town. The family settled on two lots, Nos. 36, and 6, con taining 18 acres, on the Plaisted Hill. The deed was dated September 18, 1766. This was sold to Henry Smith. This land joined Benaiah Door's and Paul Kenny's. He removed to the shore of the Cabbassa pond in Litchfield, in 1774. Abiathar was born on PlaistedHill, and was one of the first children born in this town. Daniel Tibbetts* received lots 2- and 32, Sept. 19, 1766, but he removed to the pond when the family- went. James afterwards received one hundred acres there. This land was leased in 1784 by Daniel, of Wm. Gardiner and Thomas Carter, for one year, for six bushels of potatoes, delivered at the New Mills.f Ebenezer Tibbetts, a brother of Solomon, received lots No. 12 and 13, in 1766, adjoining Henry Bick- ford's ; but he soon returned to Lebanon. SOLOMON TIBBETTS, b. Lebanon, 1710 ; d. 1780 ; m. Eliza beth Spearing. Children, 1, Solomon. 2, Joseph. 3, James. 4, Daniel. 5, Theodore. 6, Edward. 7, Abiathar. 8, Elizabeth, m. Henry Kenney. 9, Lydia, m. Nathaniel Denbow. 10, Abi gail, m. Pelatiah Warren, il, Joanna, m. Benjamin Colburn. 12, Susan, m. James P. Evans. Solomon and Joseph never came here, but all the others did. David m. Fanny Philbrook. The growth of timber in this valley was of the very finest description.! White Oaks and Pines of gigantic dimensions extended their unbroken shade * Abiathar Tibbetts. f Lease in possession of R. H. Gardi ner, Esq. X Abiathar Tibbetts. SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. 75 as far as the foot could wander, and the moose and deer and all other wild game indigenous to this clime, were in the greatest abundance, until after the period of the Revolution. It was among the most common sights to see two or three moose crossing the stream or some one of the ponds at the same moment. Abiathar Tibbetts, whose memory runs back to the time when these natural parks occupied the soil, exclaimed, " Oh the country was then most flourish ing. And now, what a desolation it is !" On one occasion Gen. Dearborn who had often passed a fine oak on the banks of the Kennebec, got out of his canoe and measured it. It was 18| feet in circum ference.* Benaiah Doorf of Lebanon, N. H., was among the first settlers who arrived here. He came soon after Tibbetts, in 1763 or 4. He received an eight and a ten acre lot on Plaisted Hill, and having complied with the terms imposed by Dr. Gardiner, as had Mr. Tibbetts, Dr. Gardiner gave each a deed. They were deposited for safe keeping in a trunk in Mr. Door's house, which took fire and they were con sumed. No immediate steps were taken to mend the loss, and as the deeds were not recorded, both settlers lost their land. Daniel Door in Pittston is a descendant of Daniel. It is not known that any other descendant of the name resides in either town. His lots were No. 35 and No. 1. Lot No. 1, he sold to Wm. Everson, " schoolmaster," July 16, 1766, and he conveyed the rest to Dr. Gardiner in 1770. BENAIAH DOOR.5; had children. I. John. II. James. LU. Henry, m. Abigail Weeks. * Abiathar Tibbetts. t lb. 76 SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. IV. Benaiah. V. Allen. VI. Daniel, m. Jane Arven, 1793. Children, 1, Elizabeth, b, July 3, 1794. 2, Lena, b. Dec. 6, 1796. 3, Jane, b. Dec. 30, 1798. 4, John, b. Jan. 10, 1800. 5, Daniel, b. May 3, 1803. 6, Nancy, b. Sept. 26, 1805. 7, Barzillai, b. May 12, 1808. 8, Dolly, b. Sept. 11, 1810. 9, Ichabod, b. May 5, 1813. 10, Eunice, b. Dec. 16, 1815. 11, Delia, b. April 4, 1818, m. 12, William Andrew, b. Dec. 10, 1820. 13, Frances Ann, b. Dec. 25, 1823 ; d. March 10, 1827. VII. Sally, m. Robert McCausland. VIH. David, m. Betsey Arven, 1799. IX. Mary, m. Henry Fitch, 1798. X. Frances, m. XI. Benjamin. In 1764* the Lords of Trade ordered the census of Maine to be taken, and out of 24000 people in Maine, only two hundred were in Cabbassa and Cushnoc. They increased rapidly, however, until the Revolution broke out, so that in 1771, Hallowell, Vassalboro', Winslow and Winthrop were incorpor ated. This increase was mainly through the exer tions of J. Pitts, B. Hallowell and Dr. Gardiner.f John Hancock,;): was here at one time, soon after the first mill was built, and never having seen a saw mill, he entered where Solomon Tibbetts was at work, and witnessed the operation. Young Abiathar was astonished to see His Excellency give his father a dollar for the pleasure the latter had imparted. Henry Smith settled in Pittston in 1764. Sept. 23, 1765, he received a deed of five acres of land on the west side. Aug. 5, 1772, he procured 100 acres of land on the eastern side of the river, for which he paid Dr. Gardiner £66, 13s. 4d. The next year he received 60 acres in addition. Maj. Smith was born in Germany in 1738, and came to America while yet a lad. He served as a continen tal soldier during the French war, and was at Ticon- * Williamson. f Hist. Ken. Purchase. X Abiathar Tibbetts. SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. 77 deroga, and saw Lord Howe fall, and was at Quebec under Wolfe. He was the landlord in Pittston for many years.* HENRY SMTTH.t b. Sept. 29, 1738 ; came to America, 1747 ; to Pittston, 1764 ; d. Dec. 12, 1827 ; Sarah E. Colburn, his wife, d. April 11, 1821. Children. I. Henry, b. Nov. 17, 1767 ; m. Sally Williams, 1794 ; d. July 20, 1820. Chil. 1, John, d. unm. 2, Henry, d. unm. 3, Jeremiah, d. unm. 4. Robert, m. Ann Foss. 5, Sarah, m. Daniel Hasty. 6, William, m. Priscilla Clarke. 7, Gilbert, b. April 6, 1807 ; d. unm. 8, Hiram, b. Nov. 15, 1808 ; d. at sea. 9, Cath arine, b. Feb. 10, 1811 ; unm. 10, Marian, b. Aug. 28, 1813 ; m. Wm. Watson. II, Susan, m. Daniel Wingate. 12, Esther, m. '¦ Briggs. H. Joh», b. Sept. 17, 1769 ; m. Abigail Colburn. Children, 1, Betsey, b. March 28, 1796 ; m. Francis Hall. 2, John, b. Dec. 5, 1798 ; d. 3, Evelina, b. April 19, 1?99 ; m. John Soper ; 10 ch. 4, Olive, b. Nov. 1, 1803 ; m. John Rollins ; 7 ch. 5, John, b. April 14, 1805 ; m. Mary Stacy. 6, Martha, m. Caleb Duell ; 4 ch. 7, Abigail, m. Charles Bradstreet; 7 ch. 8, Sarah, m. Franklin Colburn; 6 ch. 9, William, m. A. G. Doyle. 10, George, m. H. E. Nye. HI. Sally, b. Jan. 2, 1772 ; m. Nathaniel Kimball. Chil., 1, Henry, m. Ann Duganne. 2, Hannah, m. Alexander S. Chad- wick. 3, Nathaniel, m. Julia Stone. 4, Abigail, m. Coffin. 5, Bartholomew, d. at sea. 6, Cordelia, m. George Cooke. IV & V. James and Jeremiah, b. March 3, 1774. James m. Abigail Bailey. Children, 1, Thomas B., b. Sept. 12, 1800 ; m. Elizabeth Brown ; 1 child, d. 2, Amanda Malvina, b. Nov. 3, 1802 ; m. Trueworthy Rollins ; 9 ch. 3, James Parker, b. March 22, 1804 ; m. Laura Joy, 1 ch. 4, Lydia Caroline, b. Dec. 3, 1805 ; m. Reuben Colburn ; 2 ch. 5, Mary A., m. Pierce Burt ; 17 ch. 6, Sarah, unm. Jeremiah, m. Elizabeth Adams. Children, 1, Mary, m. James Bailey. 2, Franklin, m. Letitia McLellan. 3, Samuel, m. Lydia Still ; 5 ch. 4, Abigail, m. Ebenezer Richard son ; 4 ch. 5, Clementine, m. Hiram Colburn ; 2 ch. VI. Betsey, b. April 26, 1776 ; m. Joseph Follansbe. VH. Molly, b. Dec. 28, 1777 ; m. David Bailey. (See Bailey.) VIH. Rachel, b. July 15, 1780 ; m. Caleb Stevens. Children, 1, William, m. Caroline Bradstreet. 2, Hannah, m. William Bartlett. 8, Julia, m. Mains. 4, Hiram, d. unm. 5, John, unm. 6, Caleb, m. Julia Clapp. 7, Franklin, unm. 8, George, m. Leonora Bailey. 9, Henry, unm. LX. Hannah, m. Oliver Colburn. (See Colburn.) * Wis. Records, Gardiner Intelligencer, t Town Records, Jno. Smith, Elijah Jackson. 7* 78 SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. Fourth Generation. Children of Alexander S. and Hannah Chadwick. 1, Ed mund A., unm. 2, Sarah E., unm. 3, Nathaniel K., m. Martha Chadwell. 4, Henry K., unm. 5, Gilbert, unm. 6, Anna Maria V. Children of Georoe Henry and Cordelia Cooke. 1, George Henry. 2, Lorenzo Draper. Children of Henry and Ann Kimball. 1, Mary Ann, m. James Molineaux. 2,-Sally, m. Augustus Barrows. Children of Nathaniel Kimball. (See Stone.) John Denny* received a five acre lot, (No. 5,) August 1, 1764. We know no more of him. James Flaggf received 100 acres on the eastern side of the river, July 26, 1764. It adjoined Joseph Glidden's. He afterwards bought a small lot on the western side, and his house stood near; the foot of Vine street. . The same dayj Joseph Glidden received a lot on the eastern side, of the Kennebec. He had previous ly, Nov. 25, 1763, received a five acre lot on the western side. Martin Haley§ bought 100 acres in 1763. It was the first lot in what is now the south-western corner of Pittston. He paid £40. On this land he raised the first English hay ever cut in Old Pittston. || His son Martin married Jemima Jennison and Nath'l m. Jenny Jennison. Martin d. April 27, 1832. Samuel BerrylT and Nathaniel Berry, and a deaf and dumb brother named Benjamin, came from West Bath in 1763. Samuel received an eight acre lot, (No. 5,) on " Plaisted Hill," and his house was near the first dam on the Cabbassa-contee. The terms on which his land was obtained, were, that it should be well fenced, have a good house, and that the grantee should dwell thereon seven years, clear up three acres, and work on the highway and ministerial lot certain days each year, and that he should not sell it Wisoasset Rec. f Ibid. X Ibid. § Ibid. Geo. Williamson, Esq. H Wiscasset Rec. SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. 79 until the Plantation of Gardinerston contained 60 families. Berry bought out James McCausland in 1776. Nathaniel, a mariner, at one time owned 100 acres in Hallowell, which he sold to Samuel Norcross. He settled permanently in Gardiner, and his descend ants are very numerous.* Capt. Berry was a great hunter, and a man of great bodily strength and agility. On one occasion he was chasing a moose, on snow shoes, and his companions had the curiosity to measure his leaps, and it was found that he had leaped seven feet be tween the shoes, time after time. LIEUT. SAMUEL BERRY, t b. Au%. 10, 1737 ; m. Sarah Thorn; she b. Oct. 14, 1739. Children, I. David, b. Nov. 22, 1759; m. Mary Bradstreet; she d. 1827; children, 1, Polly, b. March 23, 1782, m. Webster. 2, Arthur, b. Nov. 5, 1783, m. Harriet Stackpole, 2d wife, Elizabeth Grant, 3d, Mary Taylor. 3, Rachel, b. April 7, 1785, m. Pol lard, 2d hus Wall. 4, Patty, b. July 10, 1793, d. unm. 6, Harriet, b. Dec. 1795, d. unm. 6, Andrew Bradstreet, b. January, 1798, d. unm. ; 7, Amasa, d. unm. n. Thomas, b. Aug. 23, 1763 ; m. Polly Davis, 2d wife, Mary Hanscom. Children, 1, Samuel, unm. ; 2, Joseph, m. Betsey Tabor. 3, Keziah, m. Samuel Fall. 4, David, unm. HL Lydia, b. Aug. 22, 1765, m. Nathaniel Berry. (See N. Berry.) IV. Martha, b. July 10, 1767, m. V. Lucy, b. March 22, 1769 ; m. Joseph Lambert of Mill Cove, Bath. Fourth Generation. Children of Capt. Arthur Berry, 1, Arthur. 2, Julia, m. J. Macy of New York. CAPT. NATHANIEL BERRY, m. Mary Mitchell. Children, I. Nathaniel, (See sketch of Lieut. N. Berry.) b. 1755, m. Lydia Berry, d. Aug. 20, 1850. Children, 1, Rhoda, m. Ichabod Wentworth. 2, John, b. Feb. 17, 1783^ m. Elizabeth Robinson, Nov. 8, 1804 ; she b. Oct. 26, 1784. 3, Josiah, unm. 4, Deborah, m. Abram Lord ; 2d hus. Pardon Grey ; children. 5, Sally, m. Leonard Blanchard ; 3 children. H. Keziah, m. Andrew McCausland. (See McCausland.) * Wiscasset Records. t Mrs. Lucy Allard, Jno. Berry, Jr., Arthur Berry, Esq. 80 SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. III. Mary, m. James McCausland. (See McCausland.) IV. Jonathan, m. Miriam Fitch and Hannah Runnels. Chil dren, 1st wife, 1, Lucy, m. John Hutchinson. 2d wife, 2, Rhoda, m. John Blodgett. 3, Caroline, m. Lewis Gowell. 4, Emily, unm. ; 5, Cynthia, unm. 6, Lucinda, m. Albert Newell. 7, William, m. Adelaide . V. Betsey, b. 1773, m. James Douglass. Children, 1, Martha,^ m. John Goodwin and Joshua Howard. 2, Betsey, m. Moses Woodbury. 3, Tratia, unm. 4, Alex. Clark, d. unm. VI. Andrew, b. 1774, m. Margaret Robinson. Children, 1, Otis, m. Hannah Gordon. 2, Matilda, m. John Collins. 3, Sumner, m. Drusilla Webber. 4, Catharine, unm. 5, Octavia, m. William Buker. 6, Sophronia, m. Isaac Landers. 7, Orrigtonn, unm. 8, Eliza, m. Ilenry McCausland. 9, Daniel, unm. 10, John Andrew, m. Lydia A.,Howard. 4 died young, VH. Lucy, b, 1776, m. Samuel Allard, who d. 1812. Children, 1, Cynthia, unm. 2, Jonathan, m. Theodosia Gowell. 3, Melinda, m. John Allett. 4, Wm. Henry, unm. 5, Greenleaf Cilley, unm. 6, Joanna, m. Joseph Foy, 1 died young. Fourth Generation. Children of John and Elizabeth Berry. 1, William H. b, Sept. 18, 1805, m. in N. J. and had children. 2, Albert, b. Feb. 12, 1808. m. Hannah Johnson, Hallowell. 3, Elbridge, b. July 23, 1811, m. Angeline Cary, March 22, 1836. she b. Feb. 4, 1812. 4, John, Jr., b. Oct 26, 1814. m. Mary Norris, Sept. 25, 1839. she b. April 26, 1815. 5, Mary J. b. March 24, 1818, m. Hiram Smith, July 29, 1844. 6, Arthur, b. Jan. 8, 1820, m. Nancy Jewell, Nov. 17, 1842. sheb. Jan. 15, 1819. 7, Harriet, b. June 20, 1823, d. August 13, 1827. Children of Ichabod Wentworth and Rhoda. 1, Betsey, m. Geo. Cox. 2, John, m. Kinney. 3, Julia, m. Withee. 4, Noah. 5, Josiah, m. Sturgess. 6, Lydia Ann. Children of Isaac Landers and Sophronia. 1, Lydia Ann. 2, John Collins. 3, George Henry. Children of Leonard Blanchard and Sally. 1, Adaline, m Cowell. 2, Castaline. 3, Franklin. Children of Abram Lord and Deborah. 1, Augustus, d.. 2, Abram, m. Lydia Sandborn. Children of Joseph Foy and Joanna. 1, Charles. 2, Anna. 3, Henrietta, d. 4, Joseph. Fifth Generation. Children of Albert and Hannah Berry. David. Children of Eldridge and Angeline. 1 Harriet J. b. Dec, 23, 1836. Henrietta, b. Feb. 1838. Mary Joanna, b. Aug. 29, 1841. Wm. Everett, b. April 4, 1843. Clara Ella, b. April 13, 1845. Sarah L. b. June 21, 1851, d. 1851. Children of John, Jr. and Mary. 1, Georgiana Floresta, b. July 17, 1840, d. Oct. 16, 1840. 2, George Henry, b. Sept. 22, 1842. 3 & 4, Edwin Augustus and Edward Augustine, b. Dec. 5, 1844. 5, Jno. Willis, b, Oct. 10, 1851. SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. 81 Children of Arthur and Nancy. I, Frederick A., b. Feb. 6, 1844. 2, Eliza C, b. Nov. 29, 1847 ; d. Aug. 29, 1848. 3, Lizzie C, b. Aug. 22, 1850 ; d. Jan. 24, 1852. Lydia Berry, the daughter of Samuel and the wife of Nathaniel, who was born Aug. 22, 1765, was the first white girl born in Gardiner or Pittston. Nathaniel Berry, was born in Georgetown, now called West Bath, Dec. 22, 1755. When he was eight years of age, (1763,) his father removed to Gardiner, and Nathaniel continued to reside here until he was twenty-two years old, 1777J when he went to Boston and enlisted. He was on the northern frontier with Gen. Schuyler, at the retreat of Sara toga, surrender of Burguoyne, the skirmish at White marsh. He soon became a member of Washington's Life Guard, and was at Valley Forge, in that darkest period of the Revolution. In January, 1780, he was honorably discharged and he returned to his home in what is now Gardiner. A few years before his death he removed to Pittston. While at Valley Forge a member of the Guard opened a writing school, and Mr. Berry attended. He wrote the names of the Life Guards in his book. His death took place Aug. 20, 1850. Hon. George Evans, pronounced an Eulogy, and a large procession of the people, officers, military escort, fire department, etc. attended the body to the Methodist Church, and thence to the Pittston cemetery, where it was buried amid the tolling of bells, and the firing of minute guns. Mr. Berry was a man of vigorous mind and body, and will long be remembered as one of George Washington's Life Guards. William Bacon* received five acres, Feb. 10, 1764, near the present Ferry. He attempted to build a house, but only succeeded in digging a cellar about 1769, after which he went away. * Wiscasset Records. 82 SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. Joseph Burns* received lots 11 and 12, containing ten acres, Jan. 1, 1765. Moses Bickfordf settled on an eight acre lot, the same day, (No. 17.) Dr. Zachariah Flitner,| a German doctor, settled on a five acre lot in what is now Gardiner village, in September, 1765, but he soon gave it up, and remov ed to Brown's farm. After remaining there awhile he went to the neighborhood of Nahumkeag pond. ZACHARIAH FLITNER, m. Lucy Colburn. Children. I. William, settled on Arrowsic, and d. no issue. H. Benjamin, 6 or 7 children. III. Hannah, m. Hanover ; children. TV. Lucy, m. Daniel Kelley; 5 children. V. Frances, m. Samuel Oakman. Children, 1, Francis, d. at sea, unm. 2, Samuel O., m. Jackson. 3, Zachariah, m. Mary Lapham. 4, Elizabeth, unm. 5, Cordelia, m. Joseph FKtrier. 6, William, d. at sea ; unm. 7, David, unm. ; is at Sandwich Islands. VI. Joseph, m. Elizabeth Cutts. Children, 1, Joseph, m. Cordelia Flitner. 2, Eliza, m. Lewis Packard. 3, William, m. Louisa Cutts. 4, George, m. Mary A. Chase. 5, Samuel C, m. Sophronia S. Jackson. 6, Mary, unm. 7, Sarah, unm. In 1765, Henry Layer and Frederic Jacquere were warned off from the land which they had re ceived from Messrs. Hancock, by Dr. Gardiner, and forbidden to cut more fresh meadow hay. Messrs. Hancock and Gardiner both claimed the same soil, and quite a lawsuit, and much trouble grew out of the difference, between Dr. Gardiner and John Han cock, who became heir. Jon. Bowman was the attorney of the latter. In 1769, David Lawrence was warned off by Dr. G. who claimed land which Lawrence had bought of Hancock. || Francis and William Winter^ came here in 1766, but did not remain long. William Everson,1I a schoolmaster, bought an eight Wis. Rec. t Ibid. % ^^ Geo. Williamson, R. H. Gardiner, MSS. § Wis. Rec. It Ibid. SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. 83 acre lot of Benaiah and Mary Door, July 16, 1766, for £33, 6. 8. The deed was executed in presence of Jonathan and William Philbrook, and Benjamin Bickford. A number* of settlers who had selected lots re ceived their deeds September 18, 1766. Henry Bickford obtained lots 6, 14 and 15, containing six teen acres. It was on the northern shore of Cab bassa stream. He remained but a short time, and went to Dresden. Paul Kennyf took up lots 8 and 37, containing eighteen acres, situated near the land of Stephen Kenny and Solomon Tibbetts. Stephen Kenny}: obtained lots No. 3, 8, and 38, containing 26 acres, on the north shore of the stream. Nathaniel Denbow§> settled on lot No. 27, con taining ten acies, situated on the Cabbassa. Jonathan Oldham, || a mason, obtained a five acre lot, No. 15, Oct. 11, 1766. Samuel Oldham,** also a mason, came here the same year, but died in a few years. GIDEON GARDLNERtt came in 1766—7, and settled in Pittston ; he was b. 1730 ; d. Oct. 28, 1798. He had children. I. Betsey, m. Dr. Warren. IL Dorcas, m. Turner ; children. IH. Charlotte, m. Hall ; no issue. IV. Sarah, m. Stephen Jewett. V. John, m. Mrs. Phoebe (Cartright) McCord ; he d. April 20, 1814. Children. 1, Benjamin C, m. Sturtevant. 2, J. D., m. Ann L. Milliken. 3, Charles F., m. Emeline Clay. 4, Dorcas, d. 5, Henry, m. Elizabeth Coggswell ; 2d wife, Caroline Turner. Fourth Generation. Children of J. D. and Ann L. Gardiner : 1, Louisa L. 2, Re becca J. 3, Ellen H., d. 4, Augusta B. * Wise. Records. f Ibid. \ Ibid. § Ibid. || Ibid. ** Ibid. ft Ibid. Town Records. J. D. Gardiner. 84 SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. About the year 1766-7, there was a season of great scarcity. The people had raised but little in the fall, and that supply was exhausted before spring. They made dried moose meat a substitute for bread, and they were destitute of vegetable food for a long time. When the ice broke up some of the settlers went down to the mouth of the river in batteaux, and waited there until the first coaster appeared. This was done frequently afterwards, in times of scarcity. James Cox,* settled here in 1767. Peter Hopkinsf received five acres the same year. His deed was given in 1768. The land of these two joined. William LawJ obtained five acres Aug. 2, 1768. It comprised "Law's Cove." The next day, Dennis Jenkins,^ a ship carpenter, obtained five acres, which he sold March 10, 1778, to William Barker. It was where William B. Grant, Esq. resides. Jenkins' wife was named Anna. He designed to build ships here, but from some cause he did not remain. Abner Marson|| bought SO acres, Aug. 22, 1768. It joined Nathaniel Bailey's land. John LawrencelT took up 100 acres on the eastern side of the Kennebec, in 1769, which he sold to Joseph Lawrence in 1770. It was lot No, 3. PELATIAII WARREN, came in 1770, m. Abigail Tibbetts ; she d. 1793, murdered. Children, I. Hannah, m. Pratt. II. Abagail, m. Wm. Sloman. . III. William G., b. 1774, m. Margaret Marson. Children, 1, William, m. Ann Fields. 2, Caroline, d. 3, Samuel, m. H. K. Leach, 2d wife, C. T. Vigoureaux. 4, James, m. 5, George, m. Hutchinson. 6, Jno. m. Mary Melius. 7, Harriet E. m. Dr. J. C. Julia Boynton. * Wis. Rec. Dr. Gardiner's MSS. + lb. t lb. 5 lb. li lb, IT lb. SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. 85 IV. Elizabeth, b. Aug. 29, 1778; m. Dennis Gould; she d. Feb. 25, 1849 ; he d. Feb. 5, 1852, a. 86. Children, I, Robert, m. Rebecca Whitney. 2, Jesse, m. Eliza Crowell. 3, Relief, m. Col. John Fairbanks, of Winthrop. 4, Walter, m. in Mississippi. 5, James, m. Rachel Rollins. 6, William, m. Lucy Lawrence ; 2d wife, Lydia Ann Moore. 7, Bartlett, m. Catherine Cottle. 8, Ellesif Ann, m. Richard B. Caldwell. 9, Oscar R., m. Martha Robinson. V. John, b. 1787 ; m. Mary Chase, 1805 ; he d. in Turner, Nov. 25, 1846 ; she d. Jan. 18, 1830. Children, 1, Abigail S., b. Sept. 8, 1806 ; m. Charles H. W. Tuesley of Hermon. 2, William S. b. Sept. 2, 1807 ; m. Sarah Ames ; d. Aug. 3, 1827. 3, Joshua D., b. Jan. 1, 1809 ; m. Hannah C. Bailey. 4, John, Jr., b. Sept. 14, 1810; m. Lydia Bowker. 5, Henry S., b. Sept. 19, 1812; d. July 16, 1830. 6, James, b. Sept. 18, 1814 ; went to sea, and not heard from. 7, Mary A., b. July 31, 1816 ; m. Morton ; d. 1837. 8, Caroline, b. Feb. 9, 1819 ; d. April 9, 1825. 9, So phia, b. Feb. 3, 1822 ; m. Prior M. Hamlin ; d. Jan. 20, 1849. 10, Rodney, b. Dec. 15, 1823 ; d. at sea, June 13, 1841. 11, Sidney, b. April, 1826 ; d Sept. 1826. VI. James, b. 1789 ; d. 1829. VH. Cynthia, b. 1790 ; m. Enoch Tibbetts. Chil., 1, William, m. Hannah Gould. 2, Edward, m. . 3, Dolly, 4, Cynthia. 5, Thomas. 6, Sarah. 7, Enoch. VHI. Fanny, b. 1792; m. John Coombs; 2d hus. Bartol. Chil., Apphia. IX. Charlotte, b. 1794 ; m. James Smith ; 2d husband, Brown. Chil., 1, John, m. Welch. 2, Welly, unm. 3, Frances, unm. 4, Cynthia. 5, Jane. Fourth Generation. Children of Samuel and C. T. Warren. 1, Osgood W. G. 2, Ann Sarah, d. Child of George and Julia Warren. George. The celebrated Brown* farm, heretofore spoken of as the first land cleared by the English in Gardiner or Pittston, was leased by Dr. Gardiner in 1770, to Joseph Cragin. About the year 1770, the destructive, army worms first made their appearance. They devoured all be fore them, and moved over houses rather than pass around them. Samuel Oakman,f a mariner, removed to Pittston in 1771, and August 31, 1772, he purchased land of * Wis. Rec. R. H. Gardiner, MSS. t Wis. Rec. 8 86 SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. Major Colburn. There are none of the name now left. John and Henry Noble* settled near Major Smith's hotel. Dr. Jonathan Hicks,f was here from 1772-4, and was the first physician who ventured to settle here. He found the people so healthy or so poor, that he went back to Massachusetts, whence he came. In 1773, the settlers' lotsj of Nathaniel Denbow, Paul and Stephen Kenny, Daniel and Ebenezer Tib betts, Henry Bickford, and Joseph Lawrence, were taken from them for not fulfilling their conditions. William Gardiner was appointed to take possession of them, by his father, because they had "gone off and left their respective places." Benjamin Colbum<§> and John Taggart bought 408 acres of Major Reuben Colburn, Jan. 1, 1773, on . the eastern side of the Kennebec. John North was one of the first Irish settlers who came to the Kennebec. In 1757 he succeeded Capt. Bradbury as commander of the fort on St. George's river. John McKechnie was his Lieuten ant. He was a Kennebec proprietor in his own right, and that of his wife. North became one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas. He died about 1765 and Joseph, his son, went to fort Halifax soon after, and in 1773-4 purchased the old postoffice now used as a store by William R. Gay, and moved to Gardinerston. It was built by Dr. Gardiner in- 1763-4, and Judge North sold it to Maj. Seth Gay in 1786. It is older than any other building in Gardiner or Pittston. Mr. North repre sented Gardinerston in the Provincial Congress in 1774-5, and removed to Augusta, about the time of * Wis. Rec. t Ibid. A. Tibbetts. X Dr. Gardiner's MSS. 5 Lincoln Records. HOi-lp JJIovcrs & OLD TOST OFFICE, like oldest liuldiiig in GorciiRer, SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. 87 the peace. He was a most influential man. A writer in the Kennebec Journal speaks thus of his family, which was the best cultivated in the Planta tion : — " Madam North, his wife, was a Boston lady of the old school. She had a good person, a cultivated mind, dignified and graceful manners, and being re markable for her powers of conversation, was the delight of the social circle. Her sprightly and spirit ed remarks, in tones that were music to the ear, were peculiarly pleasant and animating. Under her direction, their house was the seat of elegant hospi tality. In the latter part of her life she became blind ; and the world she had cheered, was shrouded from her vision."* The old Gardiner, North or Gay mansion is now standing, a venerable monument of the early times. Thomas Agryf first bought 93 acres of land in Dresden of Samuel Dudley, but after that, in 1774 he removed to Agry's Point. He was a ship-carpen ter, and built some of the first vessels above Bath. The family was once very conspicuous here, but there are now none of the name. His son, Capt. John, married Betsey Reed. Thomas and John re moved to Hallowell and Capt. David died at sea. In 1776-7, Frederic O'BluffskieJ received a settler's lot, but he soon enlisted, and went into the Revolu tionary army. Having given minutes of the first settlement, we will next give some facts in the history of the honor ed founder of the city, and his family. Dr. Sylvester Gardiner, whose enterprise did so much towards settling the Kennebec valley, was born in South Kingston, R. I. in the year 1707. He * Lincoln Rec. Williamson's Hist. Maine. t Lincoln Records. % Ibid. State Papers. 88 SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. was the fourth son of William, who was the son of Benoni, the son of Joseph, an English emigrant. He was educated by his brother-in-law, Rev. Dr. McSparran, for the medical profession, and studied eight years in England and France, and returned to Boston, where be soon became known as an accom plished physician. He established a depot for the importation of drugs, and soon realized a very large fortune. Gradually he accumulated immense pos sessions of real estate in Maine, having at least, at one time, one hundred thousand acres of land.* As will be seen in these pages, he was the grantor of much of the land in ancient Pittston and other places in the vicinity, the builder of mills, and the author of the beginning of our early settlements. He erect ed houses and mills at Swan Island, Pownalborough and other places. See Ecclesiastical Sketch. On the breaking out of the Revolution, he imme diately espoused the cause of Great Britain, and left Boston with the British army, on the evacuation. He was forced to leave his large property behind him, taking only about £400 with him. Sabine saysf, " he was an addresser of both Hutchinson and Gage. In 1776, he went to Halifax with the British army." On his flight his property was confiscated, and all that could be found was sold at public auction. A fine library containing^ about 500 volumes, belonging to Dr. Gardiner, was sold at auction by William Cooper in 1778 and 1779. There were upwards of 90 rare folios, 80 quartos, 330 octavos, and about 50 duodecimos. Another library was sold the same day, belonging to " Mrs. Rebecca Hallo well, an absentee." It contained about 22 folios, '22 quartos, 84 octavos and about 28 duodecimos. * Updike's Hist, of Episc. Church, in Narragansett, p. 126. t American Loyalists, p. 316. J Massachusetts Archives* SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. 89 These books were all sold, and scattered among many purchasers, as may be seen by the State Ar chives in Boston, where the names of the books, the prices and purchasers' names are all recorded. Pro bably the first mentioned above is the library which Dr. Gardiner willed to the town of Gardiner, here after referred to. The books and other personal effects, sequestrated and sold amounted to £1658, 18. The personal effects of Robert and Rebecca Hallo well were also sold, and they brought £243, 8, 6. The list of articles owned by Dr. Gardiner com mences thus : 1 mahogany bookcase, 1 pine painted do., 2 black walnut square tables, 1 tin fender, 1 chamber table, 1 small timepiece, 1 oil coat, 1 green sacking bedstead, etc. The estates on the Kennebec were confiscated, but the Attorney General found that the action was illegally prosecuted, and instituted new proceedings.* Before they were brought to a close peace was de clared, and the proceedings were stayed. The heirs of Dr. Gardiner learned these facts, and obtained the property. Had there been no flaw in the first suit the property would now be in other hands than those of the heirs of Dr. Gardiner. Oct. 16, 1778, an act was passed,t by the Assem bly of Massachusetts against a large number of absentees, and among them were recorded the names of Sylvester Gardiner and Robert Hallowell. They were declared to be " manifesting an inimical disposi tion to the said States, and a design to aid and abet the enemies thereof in their wicked' purposes," and it was enacted that if they should return, the sheriff, selectmen, or any other inhabitant should apprehend them, and commit them to jail until they could be sent out of the State, into the British dominions. * Frederic Allen, Esq. t Mass. Special Acts. 8* 90 SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. It was also enacted, that should any such be trans ported and return, they should be put to death with out benefit of clergy. Those who should harbor or conceal these were to be mulcted in the sum of $500. This continued in force in this part of the Union until the adoption of the celebrated treaty first made November 30, 1782. This provided that Congress should recommend the States to provide for the restitution of all property which had been confiscated from those who had not borne arms against the United States, and that all other refugees should have liberty to go to any part of the country and re main twelve months unmolested, and use what endeavors they could to obtain their property. It provided that Congress should recommend the States to restore all estates when the original owner should pay the bona fide price received for them after their confiscation, and that all who should have any interest in confiscated lands, either by debts, mar riage settlements, or otherwise, should be allowed to prosecute their claims and obtain their rights without impediment. This was unanimously adopted by Congress, in January, 1784, nine States being present. About the time of peace, Dr. Gardiner wrote to Mr. Bowdoin as follows : — *" April 10, 1783. There is now an entire change iu our ministry, which you will hear of before this reaches you, and with them most likely a change of political measures. God grant us all grace to put an end to this devouring war, so contrary to our most holy religion : and unite us all once more in that bond of peace and brotherly union, so necessary to the happiness of both countries, which God grant TJpdihe, p. 127. SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. 91 may soon take place, and give us all an opportunity once more to greet one another as friends." Dr. Gardiner seems to have acted conscientiously in his course, for undoubtedly he was a man of pro bity and his " Christian fortitude arid piety were exemplary as his honesty was inflexible, and his friendship sincere."* When peace was finally settled, he returned to his native country, and resided in Newport, R. I., and practised physic and surgery, until he died suddenly of a malignant fever, August 8, 1786.f " His funeral was attended by most of the citizens, and his body was interred under Trinity Church. The shipping displayed its colors at half mast, and much respect was shown by all the people. "J In the Episcopal church in Gardiner, near the pulpit, a beautiful Cenotaph of black marble, about eight feet high, enclosed in a fine oaken frame, and cemented in the wall, is erected to the memory of Dr. Gardiner, and bears the following inscription :§ — Sacrum Memoriae SYLVESTRIS. GARDINER, Qui natus, haud obscuro genere, in insulA Rhodi Studuit Parisiis Et Bostonise did medlcinam feliciter Exercuit. Postquam satis opum paravisset, Navavit operam ad domandam ornandamque Hanc orientalem regionem, tunc incultam. Hie sylvas late patentes evertit, molas omnigenas JEdificavit, omnia rura permultis tuguriis ornavit, Templum Deo erexit, Atque haac loca habitantibus pater-patrlae dici Profecto meruit. Vir acerrimo Ingenlo ; medicus sciens, Maritus fidelis, pius in Liberos, In obeundis negotiis vigilans, sagax, indefessus, Integer vitae, in sacris literis doctus, Christianse fidei omnino addictus, * Newport Mercury, Aug. 14, 1786. t Updike. X Newport Mercury, Aug. 14, 1786. § Copied from the Cenotaph. 92 SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. Ecclesiseque Angllcanoe observantissimus, Mortuus est in insulA Rhodi, Anno Domini MDCCLXXXVI, ajtatis LXXIX. Ut viri de ecclesla deque Republica optime meriti Memoriam commendaret posteris, sueeque insuper Erga~avum yenerandum pietatis monumentum extaret, Honorarium hoc marmor erexit, Nepos haeresque, Robertus Hallowell Gardiner, TRANSLATION. Sacred to the memory of Sylvester Gardiner, who, born in Rhode Island of family not obscure, studied in Paris, and practised medicine successfully, a long time, in Boston. Having obtained a competency, he directed his attention to the civilization and im provement of the Eastern country, then uncultivated. Here he leveled extensive tracts of forest, built various kinds of mills, ornamented the country with numerous cottages, erected a church, and by the inhabitants of these parts has richly deserved to be called the father of the land. Distinguished for his abilities, a learned physician, a faithful husband, a good father, of incorrupti ble integrity, in transacting of business, indefatigable, sagacious and vigilant, of upright life, deeply read in the Sacred Scriptures, a firm believer in the Christian Faith, and wholly devoted to the doctrine and discipline of the Church of England, he died in Rhode Island, iu the year of our Lord, 1786, aged 79. That ho might commend to posterity the memory of a man who deserved so well of the Church and the Republic, and that a monument might exist of his own gratitude towards his venerable grandfa ther, Robert Hallowell Gardiner, his grandson and heir, has erected this honorary marble. His last will and testament reads as follows:* In the name of God, amen. . I, Sylvester Gardiner, late of Boston, in the County of Suffolk, now residing at Newport, in the County of Newport, and State of Rhode Island, &c, physician, being of sound understanding and memory, for which, I return my most humble praise and thanks to my mighty and merciful Creator, calling to mind the uncertainty of my Ufe, as it is appoint ed to all men once to die, do make and ordain this, my last will and testament. First, I do most humbly resign my soul to God, humbly be seeching him to pardon all my sins through the all-sufficient merits and mediation of my blessed Saviour and most mighty Re deemer Jesus Christ. I commit my body to the earth from * Copied by Charles E. Allen, Esq., from the Suffolk Registry, vol. 86, p. 26. SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. 93 whence it was taken, in assurance of its resurrection at the last day, when the Lord Jesus shall change it, that it may be fashioned lika to his glorious body, by his mighty power, whereby he is able to subdue all things to himself. As to my burial, I desire it may be decent without extravagance, at the discretion of my executors hereafter mentioned. t I order all my debts and funeral charges to be paid as soon as convenient after my decease. Such worldly goods and estate as it hath pleased God to give me, I dispose of in the following manner. Imprimis, I give and devise unto my two sons-in-law, Robert Hallowell, Esq., and Oliver Whipple, oi" Portsmouth, in the State of New Hampshire, in America, Esq., all my Cobbiscontee tract of land, so called, at Gardinerston, lying on the west side of Ken nebec river, abbutting ou Cobbiscontee great pond, and lies on the north and south side of Cobbiscontee great river, as by the several grants to me will appear; also an Island on Kennebec river, containing about 120 acres, which was formerly called Lynd's Island, but now Gardiner's Island, and now let upon lease to Joseph Smith ; the foregoing Island and land upon this special trust, for the express following purpose, (that is to say,) to and for the sole use and benefit of my son William Gardiner, during his life, and afterwards to the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, and in default of such heirs male, then to the eldest daughter of the said William Gardiner and the heirs male of her body lawfully be gotten, and in default of such issue, male or female, I give and devise all the aforementioned premises to my grandson, Robert Hallowell, son to Robert and Hannah Hallowell, and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten, and in default of heirs male, then to the eldest ' daughter of the said Robert Hallowell, and to the heirs male of her body lawfully begotten, and in default of such heirs male or female of the said Robert Hallowell, then I give and devise the aforementioned "premises to my grandson Sylvester Whipple, s6n to Oliver and Abigail Whipple, and to the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, and in default of such heirs male then to his eldest daughter and the heirs male of her body law fully begotten, on this condition, that in case the devised premises, should pass to the heirs male of the said Robert Hallowell, or the heirs male of the said Oliver Whipple, in such case the said male or female heirs, shall be obliged to change or procure his name to be changed from Hallowell or Whipple, as the estate may happen to pass, to the one or the other, to the name of Gardiner, and in default of such issue male or female, as before specified, then to the next heir at law and in default of lawful heirs, then to St. Ann's Church in Gardinerston. I give and bequeath twenty pounds ster ling to be paid annually forever, in four equal quarterly payments out of the rents and incomes of my Cobbiscontee or Gardinerston Estate aforesaid to the Episcopal minister for the time being of St. Ann's Church in the said Gardinerston, who shall be duly presented and inducted into the said Church, and he shall be deemed rightfully inducted and instituted who shall be presented 94 SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. to the same by my said son, William Gardiner or his heirs, the perpetual successive patrons of the said Church, always supposing that the major part of the parishioners of the said Church duly qualified by law to vote, agree to the nomination or presentation, but if the major part of the parishioners duly qualified shall oppose the person presented by the patron for the time being, he shall then present a second witnin one year after such rejection, and if he be opposed in like manner, he shall present a third, who shall be inducted any opposition notwithstanding. And if the patron for the time being upon a vacancy of a minister of the said Church by death or removal, shall neglect to present within 12 months, another candidate for the same, the parishioners of the said Church, being convened by their wardens, shall have power by major vote to present one themselves for that time only, the patron's right returning, again, upon the next vacancy, and the person so chosen by the Parishioners, shall have a good and legal right, annually, during his ministry at said Church, to the £20 sterling, out of the rents and income of the said Estate, to be paid by the Patron for the time being, as though he had presented himself. And furthermore the said £20 sterling, annually or so much of it as shall become due during any vacancy of the min istry in said Church, shall be paid to the next incumbent. And I order and direct the said Church of St. Ann's, to be decently finished, if not done before my death, out of my personal estate. I give to the Church of St. Ann's, in Gardinerston, forever, 10 acres of land, in Gardinerston, to be laid out by my son William, and my two Executors hereafter mentioned so as to include with in the bounds of said Church a Parsonage house. I give and bequeath my whole library of books, for a public Library, by the name of the Gardiner Library, for the use of the settled Epis copal and Dissenting Clergy and the Physicians that shall live within 15 miles, east and west of Kennebec River, and 20 miles north and south from the Church, on said River, the Library to be always kept at Gardinerston, and the Episcopal minister there for the time being to be the Librarian, on his giving sufficieut security to my son William, his heirs and successors in that estate forever ; which, if he refuses or neglects then some other person to be librarian, who shall give such security ; said library to be always subject to such rules and regulations, hereunto annexed and signed with my own hand. I give and bequeath to my dearly beloved wife, Catharine Gard iner, the interest of £1000 sterling, which sum I order and direct my Executors hereafter named, to place out on good and suffi cient security, at lawful interest, or to lay out the same in the public funds as my said wife shall direct, and the interest I also direct to be paid to my said wife, every half year during her remain ing a widow, but in case my said wife should marry again, in that ease I order and direct my Executors to pay my -widow the interest .of £500 sterling, only, during her natural life, and no discharge except a receipt in her own hand in writing, signed by the hand of said widow, shall be sufficient to discharge my Executors from the payment thereof during her life, and after her death, the SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. 95 principal shall descend to my heirs to be equally divided among them as before directed. I give and bequeath to my two daugh ters, Hannah Hallowell and Abigail Whipple, the whole of Worro- montogus tract, containing 6000 acres of land, bounded westerly by the east side of Kennebec river, by the 3 grants of the said land from the Kennebec Company, to me, will more fully appear, to be equally divided between them, the northerly half I devise to Wil liam Hallowell, the southerly half I devise to my daughter Whip ple, each of them paying annually £3 sterling out of the rents and profits of the said land, to the Episcopal minister for the time being of St. Ann's Church in Gardinerston, who shall be elected and duly inducted in said church. I give and devise to my daugh ter Rebecca Dumarisque, my lot of land called the Diamond lot, containing 1000 acres, as per grant from the Kennebec Co., as de lineated and laid down on the Kennebec Company's plan made by John North, Esq. to hold during her natural file, and then to the male heirs of her body, lawfully begotten, and in default of male heirs, to be equally divided among her daughters that may be living, at the time of my decease, she and her heirs paying annual ly the sum of 40 shillings sterling out of the rents and profits of the said land, to the ministry of St. Ann's "Church in Gardinerston, who shall be duly elected and inducted to the said church. Also I give and devise to my daughter Dumarisque the sum of £300 sterling. Also I give and bequeath to my daughter Ann Brown the sum of £300 sterling. All the rest and residue of my estate real and personal, I order to be sold by my Executors, who are hereby fully impowered to make deed and conveyance of the real estate according to their discretion, and the money arising from the sale of such real estates, to be divided into 6 equal shares. One share, I give my said daughter Brown, one share my said daughter Hallowell, one share my said daughter Whipple, one share to the children of John Gardiner, Esq. Barrister at law, late of the Island of St. Christophers, now resident at Boston, New England, (as 'tis said,) and to the said John Gardiner himself, I give only the sum of one guinea out of my estate and its my will and order he, shall have no more, one equal share I give to my said daughter Damarisque, together with the said aforesaid sum of £300 sterling as above devised, to be put out at interest by my Ex'trs hereafter named, on good security and the interest or income to be paid to her half yearly during her life, or to such person or per sons for such use3 as she by a writing under her own hand shall direct or order, and no discharge except a receipt in writing signed by the hand of my said daughter Rebecca Damarisque, shall be sufficient to discharge my Executors from the payment thereof during her life, and after her death the same sum, princi pal and interest, shall be equally divided among her daughters that shall be then living and paid them accordingly. One other share I give to my son William Gardiner to be put out at interest on good security for this use to wit, to be applied, the interest thereof, as it shall become due, towards discharging a bond in which I was bound to a person in London, whose name I have forgot, for his debt, until the same shall be paid, but if that same 96 SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. debt shall be paid or discharged in my lifetime, then it is my meaning and will that the interest of this same sum, given or intended for the use of my said son William, shall go and be divided in equal shares among and between my daughter Hallo well, my daughter Dumarisque, my daughter Brown, my daughter Whipple, and the said John Gardiner's children, they to have one sixth part, and the said interest to be applied and paid accordingly bo long as that it shall amount to so much as the whole debt ana interest for which I was so bound, and after my said six heirs shall have received and divided among them out of the said interest so much as the full amount of the said debt and interest for which I am so bound, the same being paid by me in my lifetime, then the interest of the said sum so given, or designed for the use of my said son William, shall be the one half of it paid annually, to him, and the other half of it laid out in the improving the Estate at Cobbiscontee, as may be agreed on between my execu tors and the said William Gardiner. And in consideration of the faithful services of my servant maid, Belau, I give her all her wearing apparel with the bed and bedding she has usually used together with £10 sterling for the purchasing household furniture. I also give her the sum of £16 sterling, per annum, to be paid her quarterly, during her natural life, by my Executors and for the faithful payment thereof it is my will that my real estate stand chargeable, and that my Executors shall and may detain and keep in their own hands and possession, so much money from the share or portion from each of my heirs before named aa shall be sufficient to secure the punctual payment of the said £l(i sterling per annum, during the life of my faithful servant Belau. And I do hereby constitute and appoint my said sons-in-law, Robert Hallowell and Oliver Whipple, Esqrs., Executors of this my said last will and testament. And lastly I do hereby revoke annul and make void, all former wills and testaments, by me at any time made. In witness whereof, I, the said Silvester Gardi ner, have to this, my last will and testament, containing six sheets of paper, set my hand and seal to the last sheet, hereof, my hand only to the blank sheets. Silvester Gardiner, [l. sj Signed, sealed, published and declared by the said Silvester Gardiner, Esq., as his last will and testament, in the presence of us, this 25th day of April, A. D. 1786. John Bours, Thomas Rob inson, Sarah Robinson. Is* Codicil. A Codicil to be added to, and be a part of the last will and testament of Sylvester Gardiner, late of Boston, in the County of Suffolk, now residing at Newport iu the County of Newport, and State of Rhode Island, &c, physician. Whereas I have made and published a will in writing, bearing date the 25th day of April, A. D. 1786. Now I, the said Sylvester Gardiner, do hereby ratify and confirm the same, with the following addi tions or alterations, to wit : I give and bequeath to my son, John Gardiner, one thousand pounds lawful money, to be paid him by my executors, in my will aforesaid named, in two years after my decease, out of moneys that shall arise from the securities now SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. 97 lodged in Ms hands to collect the payment of. I do by this my Codicil annul and make void the legacy in and by my said last will and testament bequeathed my servant maid Belau. It is my mind and will that the powers of attorney by me given to my son- in-law, Oliver Whipple, Esq., my son, John Gardiner and Edward H. Robbins, of Boston, Dr. Elijah Wright Dix, of Worcester, shall continue and be in force and valid, until the arrival of my son-in- law, Robert Hallowell, Esq, in this country ; and that until that time, that my said attorneys shall account for their conduct to and with my other Executor, the said Ohver Whipple, Esq. For and in consideration, the trouble my Executor, Robert Hallowell, Esq. may have in the settlement of my estate, I do hereby give him one hundred pounds sterling money per annum, and the liberty to live in any one of my houses, particularly the new one at Cobbiseontee or Gardinerston estate, if he pleases, rent free, until a final settle ment of my estate. I give and devise all my part and right in Swan Island to John Sylvester John Gardiner, to hold to him lis heirs and assigns forever. I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Catharine Gardiner, in addition to what I have already given her in and by my last will and testament, all my plate and house hold furniture of any sort and kind that I may die possessed of, and also the sum of £30 lawful money, yearly, and every year during her life, to be paid her by my Executors out of my estate, and I do also hereby declare, that my said will, in writing, and this Codicil, which I will shall be added to and deemed part thereof, do contain my last will and testament. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, the 25th of April, A- L. 1786. Silvester Gardiner, [l. s.] Witnessed by John Bours, Thomas and Sarah Robinson. 2d Codicil. In addition to the aforegoing will and Codicil, mv will and desire is that my wife, Catharine Gardiner, be provided by my executors with a suitable and convenient part of a house for her to live in where she may choose during her residence in America, the rent of the same to be paid out of my Estate. But provide! she chooses to return to England, then in that case my will is, that my executors pay the expenses of her passage together with the passage of a servant to attend her. In witness to the above I have hereunto set my hand and seai, the 26th day of April, 1786. Witnessed by Bours aud Robinsons. 3d Codicil. A Codicil to be added to and be a part of the last will and testament of Sylve3ter Gardiner, late of Boston, in the County of Suffolk, now residing at Newport in the County of Newport, and State of Rhode Island, &c, physician. I do hereby revoke and disannul that part of a Codicil to my last will and testament made and executed the 25th day of April last whereby I have given to my wife, Catharine Gardiner, the sum of £30 lawful money, yearly, and every year during her life, and also the whole and every part of another Codicil made and executed in favor qt my said wife, Catharine Gardiner, the 26th day of April 9 98 SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. last, and for and in lieu thereof I do hereby give and bequeath to my said wife, Catharine Gardiner, the sum of five hundred pounds lawful money, to her sole use and disposal, to be paid to her by my attorney, Edward Hutchinson Robbins, out of the securities or credits which I have put into his hands to collect and secure, together with an annuity of £50 lawful money, to be paid to my said wife, Catharine Gardiner, half yearly during her natural life, by my said attorney, the said Edward, out of the residue of the securities or credits in my said attorney's hands, which I hereby make chargeable for that purpose, all which is to be considered in lieu of my said wife Catharine Gardiner's right of dower or claim of thirds. In witness whereof, &c. ith Codicil. In addition to my will and Codicils thereto annexed and added, all which I do hereby ratify and confirm, I do now give and bequeath to my son, John Gardiner, his heirs and assigns, my house and lot of land with the appurtenances to the same belonging, in the town of Boston, which belonged to my late father-in-law, Dr. John Gibbons. I do also hereby give to my said son, John Gardiner, his heirs and assigns, the one half part of my Pownalboro' farm in the State of Massachusetts, and the other half part of said farm, my will and desire is, should be equally divided between my grandson, William Gardiner, and granddaughter, Ann, children of my said son,- John Gardiner, said Pownalboro' farm being on the Eastern river. In witness to the aforegoing Codicil, I do hereby set my hand and seal the 12th day of May, A. D., 1786. Silvester Gardiner, [l. s.] For a considerable time before Dr. Gardiner's hegird, he kept a slave, whom he owned, named Haz ard, at work on his estates in Gardinerston.* He is the only one known ever to have been here. Hazard\ was a bad fellow. He was sent here for attempting to poison the family, and for other bad acts. Mr. R. H. Gardiner says, " He was sent down here where my grandfather gave him tools and stock for carrying on a farm. He was subsequently drown ed in the Cabbassa, (at Hazard's Rips.) The town of Hallowell sued Gardiner for the support of a Lewis, one of his descendants. It was proved that Hazard was his own master and had all his earnings, but as he was never regularly manumitted the court decided that he had not gained a residence. The • Action between Hallowell and Gardiner, Greenleaf 's Reports. t Cqm. qf R. H, Gardiner, Esq. SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. 99 case is reported. All the colored people named Lewis in this vicinity are descended from Hazard."* John Gardiner,f eldest son of the Doctor, " was born in Boston in the year 1731, and was sent to England to complete his education. He studied law at the Inner Temple, and practised in the Courts of Westminster Hall." He was from the beginning an ardent republican, and a friend of Churchill and John Wilkes. He defended the latter, and attracted the attention of Lord Mansfield ; but though his Lord ship liked his talents, he would not advance him because of his political principles. He received the appointment of Attorney General in the West Indies, and removed to St. Christophers in 1768. Here he was very successful, and during the Revolution he distinguished himself for his whig principles. In 1783, he removed to Boston. He petitioned the Senate and House of Represen tatives in Oct. 1783, and he relates in his petition^ that he left America in 1748, before he was of age, and resided in England and South Wales, until 1 768, and from that year until 1783, in St. Christophers in the West Indies. He declares that his father, Dr. Sylvester Gardiner, " unfortunately for himself as for your petitioner," withdrew from Boston in 1776, with the British troops, leaving behind him a large property, some of which was seized by the State, * After endeavoring to poison the family, he hung a favorite horse of the Doctor's, and fired his house. At this the neighbors were alarmed, and insisted that he should not remain. They said he might hang his master's horses and poison the family (with their own consent,) but they, the neighbors, would not be burned up by him, so he was banished to Cabbassa. His attempt at poison ing was thus discovered. Mrs. Hallowell was a favorite with the slave, and he told her one morning not to drink of the coffee. This aroused the suspicions of the family, and on analyzing the coffee it was found to be poisoned. t Updike's Hist. Narragansett Church. X Mass. Archives. 100 SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. and sold. He declares that among the property was real estate which Dr. Gibbons, his grandfather, de signed for his mother, and which was not the proper ty of Dr. Gardiner, and also a library, which was superior to most private libraries in this part of the •world, and which he designed as a donation to Har vard University. He claims that the law of forfeit ure and corruption of blood for treason is a cruel law, introduced into England in the year 420, by the Saxons, and that he should not suffer for his father's conduct, as he has been a staunch whig ever since he could act for himself ; and was iii " political opinion and conduct," the very reverse of his father. That in 1763 he took the part of John Wilkes, when an abandoned ministry attempted to crush him, having been his counsel, and that he always took the part of the Americans, and resolved, long before peace was declared, to return to the colonies and spend his days. He appeals to John Hancock and others for proof of his declarations. He closes as follows : — " That your Petitioner hath lately been in the County of Lincoln in this State, upon a visit to his Brother, William Gardiner, Esq., who there pos sesses upon the River Kennebeck, a very large and good Estate, from the Gift of your Petitioner's said Father, made to the said William Gardiner, up wards of ten years ago, and where your Petitioner found there hath been, and now continues to be, a most unjust and enormous Waste and Destruction of the choice Timber, on the Estates, or Plantations which were such the late Estates of your Petitioner's said Father at the time of his withdrawing himself as aforesaid. And upon one of which Estates which your Petitioner's said Father bad actually devised to your Petitioner by his last Will, a Saw-mill hath lately been most illegally and injuriously erected, without any Liberty from the State ; and hath been SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. 101 the means not only of stopping the course of the Fish, but hath been the means of cutting up great quantities of White-Oak, and other choice Timber, wliich grew upon such Estate, which is called Wor- roamontogus ; and all this without any Acknowledge ment or Benefit whatever, to this Commonwealth for the same." He adds," that his father's stock of medicines, houses, and vessels, and other property, amounting in all to more than $,12,000, have been confiscated, property which he ought to own, and he continues, " although ' the Father hath eaten sour Grapes, yet your Petitioner's Teeth have not been set on edge,"1 that his political opinions and actions have been and are, in total, the very reverse of his said Father's ; your Petitioner with all Humili ty throws Himself at the Feet of this August Court, most humbly and submissively appealing to your Wisdom, your Justice, your Humanity, whether he ought in any shape, further to bear, suffer, or be visit ed for the political sins and offences of his said Father." Depositions* were made on this petition, from which it was ascertained that John Gardiner was a warm and ardent whig, and that he lost all chance for promotion in the West Indies for that reason, aud that he cheerfully befriended all Americans who were brought to the Island as prisoners. A committee appointed for the purpose reported that the papers, &c, be filed, and await the action of Congress. Feb. 13, 1784, John Gardiner, his wife Margaret, and their children, Ann, John Silvester John, and William, were naturalized.! His daughter Ann married James Lithgow. Mr. Gardiner rendered himself famous by his efforts to abolish special pleading, a movement which some Mass. Archives. f Ibid. 9* 102 SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. fifty years after was successful. He was an ardent reformer, and an active Unitarian, and was the prin cipal agent in transforming the old King's Chapel, or Stone #Chapel, into a Unitarian Church. He was much celebrated for his uncompromising opposition to the Athanasian creed.* He also wrote an able treatise in defence of the theatre. He removed to Pownalborough and represented that town in Gener al Court, from 1789 until his death, which took place in 1793-4. He( was drowned by the loss of a packet in which he was sailing to Boston to attend the session of the Legislature. John Gardinerf had a son, John Sylvester John, who became an able theological and political writer. He was born in Wales in 1765, and was educated until he was eighteen, by Dr. Parr. He was rector of Trinity church, Boston, from 1805, until he died, at Harrowgate Springs, England, in 1830, while traveling for his health. He published eleven ser mons. He left one son, William H. an eminent Boston lawyer, and two daughters, Louisa, who married John Cushing of Watertown, and Eliz abeth. William Gardiner, a son of Sylvester, removed to Gardinerston, soon after the settlement commenced. He usually employed a housekeeper, and was con tinually receiving company, which came to enjoy the advantages of hunting and fishing, which the place afforded. On the flight of Dr. Gardiner, William produced a deed| running from his father to himself, conveying the estates in Pittston. When the action on the part of the Commonwealth was brought, and he saw that the lands would inevitably be confiscated, this deed was produced. On calling the witness whose name * Frederic Allen, Esq. f Updike. j F. Allen, Esq. SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. 103 was attached, to attest the signature, he declared that he was not a witness to the signing, nor was the signature his, but that William Gardiner had told him that he had such a deed, and that he should thus hold possession of the property. It was un doubtedly a resort to avoid the loss of so valuable an estate by confiscation. He gave " Purgatory" its questionable name. He had on one occasion been on a hunting excursion to Litchfield, and camping out in the vicinity of. Pur gatory, was badly bitten by the black flies, midges and "no-see-ems," as the Indians termed them, which then abounded. On his return, he was asked where he had been, and he replied to Purgatory. The name was immediately caught up, and such has been the title of the locality since.* Mr. Gardiner seems to have been a practical joker. He very much alarmed the people on one occasion, by manufacturing thunder and lightning on a plan entirely original. He laid a light train of gunpow der in each of the entries, rooms, and on each flight of stairs, in the Great House, and then commenced rolling a heavy cannon ball across one of the floors. The night was dark, and as the people went out to examine into the cause of the unwonted noise, he lighted the powder, and every room was filled with lightning. He was much delighted by the astonish ment of the wondering people, who declared that they saw the lightning leaping from room to room, when it was no where else.f Wm. Gardiner had the Cabbasa estate bequeathed to him ; he died intestate. Another descendant of Dr. Gardiner, Mrs. Allen, daughter of Oliver Whipple, and wfe of Frederic Allen, Esq., deserves most honorable mention in these Moses Springer, Jr. t Ibid, and Abiathar Tibbetts. 104 SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. pages. She was a woman of rare endowments of mind, and of superior culture and attainments. Her chief study and delight was the science of geology and its collaterals mineralogy, conchology, &c. She found many rare relics of other eras, and attracted the attention and applause of the most scientific men of the age. In the mounds in our vicinity she found seaweed, shells of extinct species, the tooth of a wal rus and one of a bison, and other remains, which de monstrated that the arctic seas once flowed over this country. Her cabinet is replete with curiosities of this description, while her correspondents were such men as Aggasiz, Lyell, Buckland, Silliman, and oth ers of the most scientific men in Europe and Amer ica. Her cabinet, and that of her deceased son-in-law, Dr. Gay, which is now in the mansion of Frederic Allen, Esq. are probably seldom equaled for the num ber and value of their gems, shells, minerals, etc. Many of the shells were found in the clay-banks which abound in Gardiner, and most of them were imbedded some fifteen feet below the surface. The family yet possesses the portrait of Mrs. Gar diner, and until recently had that of the Doctor, both of which were painted by Copley, father of Lord Lyndhurst, who was a refugee, and an excellent artist. Mrs. Allen was author of a fine poetical work, learned, and skilfully wrought, consisting of 400 lilies, and notes, amounting to 34 pages, entitled, " A Poet ical Geognosy, by Mrs. H. _B. Allen. Boston, C. C. Little and James Brown, mdcccxli." — and other poems. Her maiden sister, Miss Anne Whipple, is a writer of uncommon talent for verse, as is her daugh ter, Mrs. Eleanor Gay, who has published a volume of 79 pages, eatitled " The Siege of Agrigentum, a Poem." SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. 105 Dr. SYLVESTER GARDINER,* b. 1707; d. 1786; m. Anne Gibbons, daughter of Dr. Gibbons, and had six children ; 2d wife, Eppes ; 3d wife, Catharine Goldthwaite. Children, I. John, b. 1731; m. Margaret Harris of South Wales; d. 1793. Children, 1, Anne, m. James N. Lithgow. 2, Rev. Dr. John Sylvester John, m. Mary Howard. 3, William, m. Downer. Grandchildren of John. — Children of James N. and Anne Lithgow, 1, Alfred. 2, Llewellyn. 3, Louisa, m. Williams. — Children of John S. J. and Mary Gardiner, 1, Wil liam Howard, m. Caroline Perkins. 2, Elizabeth, d. single. 3, Louisa, m. John Cushing of Watertown. — Children of William, 1, George. 2, Margaret, m. Rev. Thomas Fales. 3, Mary Ann, m. Elder. II. William, lived and d. in Gardiner, unm. and intestate, and is buried beneath the Episcopal vestry. HI. Anne, m. John Brown, second son of the - Earl of Alta- mont ; his brother, Earl of Altamont, became Marquis of Sligo. Children, 1, John, m. Lord Howe's daughter. 2, James. 3, an other son. 4, Ann. 5, Louisa. TV. Hannah, m. Robert Hallowell. Children, 1 & 2, Hannah and Anne, who d. single. 3, Robert, who took the name of Gardiner. Robert Hallowell Gardiner, m. Emma J. Tudor. Chil dren of Robert H. and Emma J. Gardiner, 1, Emma J., b. March 29, 1806 ; d. unm. 2, Anne Hallowell, b. Dec. 5, 1807 ; m. Francis Richards. 3, Robert Hallowell, b. Nov 3, 1809 ; m. S. Fenwick Jones. 4, Delia T., b. June 16,1812; m. George Jones. 5, Lucy Vaughan, b. Dec. 10, 1814 ; d. unm. 6, John William. Tudor, b. June 5, 1817, unm. 7, Henrietta, b. March, 1820 ; m. Richard Sullivan, Jr. 8, Rev. Frederic, b. Sept. 11, 1822; m. Caroline Vaughan. 9, Eleanor Harriet, b. July 16, 1825. — Grand children of Robert H. and Emma J. Gardiner, and descendants in the fifth generation from Dr. Sylvester Gardiner. — Children of Francis and Anne H. Richards, 1, Francis G. 2, Sarah. 3, John T. 4, George. 5, Robert H. 6, Henry. — Children of Rev. Frederic and Caroline Gardiner, 1, Emma Jane. V. Rebecca, m. Philip Dumarisque. Children, I, Capt. Philip, in the British Navy. 2, James, m. Sarah Farwell, of Vassalboro'. 3, Frances, a physician in Jamaica. 4, Rebecca, twice married. — Grandchildren of Philip and Rebecca Dumarisque. — Children of James and Sarah Dumarisque, 1, Frances, m. T. H. Perkins, Jr. 2, Louisa J., m. J. Blake. 3, Philip, m. Margaret Deblois, of Boston. VI. Abigail, m. Oliver Whipple of Cumberland, R. I., after wards a lawyer in Portsmouth, N. H. He published a poem dedicated to Pres. John Adams. Children, 1, Sylvester G., d. without issue. 2, Hannah B.. m. Frederic Allen, Esq. 3, Anne, single. — Grandchildren of Oliver and Abigail Whipple. — Children * Updike's Hist. Nar. Ch. R. H. Gardiner, Esq. Frederic Allen, Esq. 106 SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. of Frederic and Hannah B. Allen, 1, Charles E. 2, Hannah. 3, Eleanor A., m. Martin Gay, M. D. late of Boston. 4, Augustus 0. — Grandchild of Frederic and Hannah B. Allen, Martin, son of Martin and Eleanor A. Gay, b. 1849, a descendant in the fifth generation from Dr. Sylvester Gardiner. Rev. Frederic Gardiner has published a Religious Allegory, entitled the " Island of Life." Having given these few facts in the family of Dr. Sylvester Gardiner, we now return to the process of settlement. JOHN BAILEY, about this time, lived in Pittston, but his descendants are. mostly in Alna and Whitefield. Children, 1, Mar garet, b. Feb. 24, 1777. 2, Nathan, b. Aug. 7, 1781 ; m. Betsey Boynton. 3, Mary, b. July 25, 1782. 4, Thomas, b. Feb. 16, 1784. 5, Sarah, b. Feb. 14, 1786. 6, Eleanor, b. Dec. 18, 1790; m. Henry Cooper, 1809. 7, Micajah, b. March 27, 1792. 8, John, b. April 9, 1795. 9, Hannah, b. Aug. 25, 1797. 10, Eliza, b. July 30, 1799. 11, Susan, b. Sept. IS, 1801. David Lawrence* came from Littleton, in 1768. He purchased a farm of Hancock, and commenced a clearing immediately, where now his son, Charles Lawrence, resides. D AVLD LAWRENCE, b. Littleton, Jan. 26, 1743 ; m. Eliza beth Eastman, 1768 ; Sarah Clark, March 6, 1791 ; Hannah Clark, April 12, 1795; Lucy Troop, 1803. Sarah, d, Feb. 5, 1795; Han nah, d. March 30, 1801. First wife b. June 29, 1749; d. August 13, 1790. Children, I. David, b. Pittston, Feb. 12, 1769. II. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 11, 1770; m. Isaac Leighton. Chil dren, 1, David, m. Charlotte Bowdoin, 6 children. 2, Lucy, m. Flanders, 4 children. 3, Edward, m. Mary Smith, 4 children. 4, Elizabeth, m. Peter Waitt, 3 children. 5, Benjamin, m. Lucy Luce, 7 children. 6, Mary, m. Silas Leighton, 1 child. 7 Great- grand-children of Isaac and Elizabeth. HI. Benjamin, b. Nov. 27, 1772. IV. Simeon, b. Jan. 10, 1775 ; d. March 9, 1779 ; killed by the fall of a billet of wood. V. Edwakd, b. Jan. 19, 1778 ; m. Abigail Wells, 1801. Chil dren, 1, Edward, m. Caroline Stevens; 7 children. 2, Daniel, m. Sophia Dewell; 3 children. 3, Benjamin, m. Mary. A. Felker;2 * Furnished by Charles Lawrence, James Tarbox, Jr., Lincoln Records, etc. SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. 107 children. 4, Lucy, m. Gould. 5, Washington, m. Mary Crowell ; 5 children. 6, Cordelia, m. J. Marson ; 8 children. 7, David, b. Jan. 25, 1818 ; m. Elizabeth Colburn"; 1 child. 8, Frank lin, b. July 3, 1820 ; m. Mary Averill ; 1 , child. 9, Lavina, b. Sept. 10, 1822 ; m. Geo. Nichols ; 2 Children. VI. Lucy, b. Feb. 1, 1780 ; m. William Luce, 1800. Children, 1, Eliza, m. Samuel Eastman ; had 11 children. 2, Lucy, m. Ben jamin Leighton. VII. Simeon, b. Sept. 13, 1783 ; m. Mary Stevens ; 8 children ; 1, Simeon, b. Nov. 19, 1805 ; d. 2, David, b. Sept. 7, 1807 ; d. 3, John, b. Dec. 5, 1809; d. 4, William, b. Jan. 19, 1811; m. Sarah Failing ; 2 children. 5, Joseph R. b. Nov. 28, 1814 ; m. Hannah Jackins ; 3 children. 6, Elizabeth b. March 5, 1816; in. Hiram Libbey; 2 children. 7, David, b. Sept. 14, 1817; m. Rhoda Fisher"; 1 child. 8, Mary, b. Aug. 8, 1819; m. James Witham ; 7 children. 9, David, b. May 24, 1823. There are 25 great- grand-children. Children of second wife : — VHI. Sarah, b. Nov. 3, 1791 ; m. James Jakins, 1810; 12 chil dren ; 1, Hannah, m. Joseph Lawrence. 2, Charles, m. Nancy Niles ; 4 children. 3, Thomas, m. Hannah Waitt ; other children. IX. Charles, b. Feb. 18, 1793; m. Eleanor ^on-ill ; 11 chil dren ; 1, Dolly, m. James Tarbox, Jr. ; 1 child. 2, Drusilla, m. Franklin McGowan ; 1 child. 3, Hiram, m. Elizabeth Capen ; 1 child. X. & XI. James and William, b. Feb. 5, 1795. James m. Susan Leighton ; 3 children. 1, Elizabeth, b. September 15, 1828. William m. Mary Luce ; 7 children. 1, Augustus, m. Almatia Richardson. 2, Elias, m. Hannah Curtis ; 1 child. Children of third wife : — XH. Hannah, b. July 31, 1796 ; m. James Costellow ; 2d hus. Samuel Hodgdon. Children, 1, Edward, m. Emily Smith ; 2 chil dren. 2, Joseph, m. Mary Ann Ramsdell ; 2 children. 3, Benja min, m. Jerusha Thomas, 1 child. XHI. Isaac, b. Nov. 26, 1797 ; m. Phebe Dole ; 8 children ; 1, Cordelia, b. Feb. 20, 1825 ; m. Ira Carlisle, 1 child. 2, Harriet, b. Aug. 3, 1826. 3. Franklin Gustavus, b. Dec. 26, 1828. XIV. Mart, b. Feb. 9, 1801 ; m. Peter Waitt ; 6 children ; 1, Hannah, b. Feb. 7, 1823 ; m. Thomas Jackins. 2, Geo. Washing ton, b. Oct. 14, 1824 ; m. Mary Webber ; 1 child. 3, Charles Wesley, b. July 25, 1824. 4, Joseph, b. Nov. 2, 1828. Joseph Tarbox,* a descendant of a French Hugue not family, who spelled its name Tabeaux, was married in Boston, about the year 1742, to Mary Bel cher, and removed to Biddeford, on the Saco, and * Samuel Belcher Tarbox, Esq. 108 SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. settled near the Pool, at the mouth of the river. He raised a large family. Eleazar, one of his sons, left for the Kennebec, and arrived at Gardinerston, Oct. 24, 1774, and com menced lumbering and trading. . March 4, 1781, he married Phebe Stackpole, daughter of James Stack-- pole, who emigrated from the same place, at the same time. In 1781, he purchased four settlers' lots of William Barker, and raised seven sons and two daughters. Three of the sons, Samuel B., Nathaniel and Wil liam, and one daughter, Mary, now live at the home stead. Eleazar died in 1832, aged 80 years and 5 months, and Phebe, his wife, died April 2, 1851, aged 92 years and- 13 days. Theyare both buried on the soil on which one lived fifty-one, and the other sevenfy years. ELEAZAR TARBOX,* b. Biddeford, 1752 ; m. Phoebe Stack- pole, March 4, 1781; d. 1832; she b. 1759; d. April 2, 1851. Children, I. Joseph, b. Nov. 12, 1781; d. March, 1804. II. James, b. March 21, 1784; m. Alice Moore, Jan. 3, 1814. Children, 1, Delia B., b. Nov. 22, 1814; m. G. R. Smith, April 10, 1836. 2, Mary Louisa, b. Aug. 28, 1816. 3, James, Jr., b. Dec. 11, 1818; d.Dec'23, 1818. 4, Julia S., b. April, 1820 ; m. William AV. Bradstreet, Jan. 12, 1848. 5, Frances E., b. March 7, 1822 ; m. Roland Fisher, Oct. 25, 1842. 6, James, Jr., b. May 5, 1824 ; m. Dolly M. Lawrence, Jan. 25, 1849. 7, Caroline H., b. Oct. 23, 1827. 8, George, b. Jan. 8, 1829. III. Zachaeiah, b. April 7, 1786; d. Aug. 7, 1817. IV. Nathaniel, b. Oct. 12, 1788. V. Samuel Belcher, b. May 15, 1791. VI. Eleazar, b. April 17, 1794 ; m. Margaret C. Rollins, March 11, 1834. Children, 1, Anna Maria, b. June 2, 1837. % John E. G. b. April 24, 1843. VII. Mart, b. Aug. 1796. VIII. Julia, b. Nov. 13, 1799 ; m. Franklin Glazier, of Hallo well, Dec. 18, 1823 ; he b. April, 1799. Children, 1, Franklin, b. April 4, 1825 ; m. Emma J. G. Swan, March 26, 1849. 2, WiUiam Belcher, b. June 28, 1827. 3, John, b. Nov. 9, 1830 ; d. March 5, * S. B. Tarbox, Esq. SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. 109 1842. 4, Julia Mary, b. Oct. 26, 1832. 5, Louisa Tarbox, b. Oct. 1, 1837. 6, Eleanor Lucy, b. May 19, 1842. IX. William, b. January 10, 1804. Fourth Generation. Samuel Belcher Glazier, son of Franklin Jr., and Emma, b. Jan. 20, 1850. Wallace Tarbox, son of James Jr., and Dolly M. b. Jan. 24, 1850. James Stackpole kept the Great House, but at length removed to Waterville. JAMES STACKPOLE, b. Nov. 14, 1732; m. Abiel Hill; she b. April 29, 1737 ; came here in 1774. They were both born in- Biddeford. Children, I. Hannah, b. Sept. 19, 1755 ; m. Andrew Goodwin ; d. Nov. 7, 1791. II. Joseph, b. Feb. 13, 1757 ; m. Hannah Town ; d. Nov. 13, 1782. HI. Phebe, b. March 20, 1759 ; m. Eleazar Tarbox. (See Tarbox.) IV. Samuel, b. May 1, 1761 ; m. Polly Spencer. V. Eunice, b. May 7, 1763; m. Ephraim Low. VI. Abiel, b. May 4, 1765 ; m. Henry McCausland ; d, 1843. VII. Sarah, b. July 12, 1767; m. Wyman; d. Dec. 25, 1801. VIH. James, b. May 28, 1769 ; m. Mary McKechnie ; lives in Waterville. IX. Mart Anne, b. Feb. 10, 1772 ; m. Charles Dingley. X. Elizabeth, b. July 13, 1776 ; d. 1787, drowned. XI. John, b. Dec. 11, 1779 ; m. Patty Ellis. XII. Jotham, b. Oct. 11, 1781; m. James' father, Dea. John Stackpole, d. Dec. 28, 1796, aged 89. His mother, Bethiah, d. June 28, 1785, aged 76. " The* winter of 1774-5 was remarkable for its mildness. In the journal of Rev. Thomas Smith of Falmouth, are the following entries : Jan. 23, 1775, very moderate weather ; 27th, a summer day; 28th, wonderful weather; Feb. 7th, there has been no snow and little rain since the 29th of Dec. ; we saw two robins ; 11th, warm day ; 18th, cold ; 20th, snow, incomparable sledding ; 21st, a summer day ; 23d, a great snow storm. March 7th, the frost * Annals of Warren. 10 110 SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. seems out of the ground in the streets ; 28th, it has been a wonder of a winter ; so moderate and un freezing." In 1774-7, Dr. Robert Taggart and his brother John, settled about two miles from the river, where it does not appear that the Doctor had much prac tice ; at any rate he did not have a very good loca tion. On one occasion the brother was at work in the woods with his axe when he was attacked by a pack of wolves. He leaned his back against a tree, and fought them so long and so well, and laid so many of them dead around him that the rest retreat ed. Dr. Taggart died July 29, 1823. John married Sarah McLellan.* Both lived on the eastern side. Dr. Taggart was favored with quite a practice at one time. He had one unfailing remedy in some cases. f When ordinary means of cure failed, he would cause a black cat to be flayed and would wrap his patient in the reeking skin. He was willing to insure a cure after that was done. William Barker from Lancashire, England.^ reach ed this country about the year 1774, and tarried.a short time iu Salem, Massachusetts, and in Phipps- burg, and arrived in Pittston, in 1775. He bought fifteen acres of land just below the village of Gardi ner, April 18, 1776. He went to Dresden in 1778, and remained until 1780, when he returned to Pitts ton, and settled and kept a store near William B. Grant's. He bought one acre of land of Nath'l Brown, together with a house and store, Oct. 18, 1781. His store was in the gully and was kept by a Scotch man named Kidgeton, who left his property with Mr. * Elijah Jackson. f Rufus Gay, Esq. X Mrs. Lord. Mrs. Grant. R. Gay, Esq. Wiscasset Records. SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. , 111 Barker on the commencement of the Revolution, and went into the British dominions. He owned the land now owned by Arthur Berry, John Dennis, Mrs. C. Tarbell, &c., and kept a store until 1814. He died, August 5, 1822. Mr. Barker was unfavorable to the movement of the colonists, and when Arnold went up, he refused to sell nails to make the batteaux, without double price. It is re lated that some of the soldiers broke into his sture in the night, and took what nails they wanted without any consideration. Several anecdotes are related of him, which not only show that he was in favor of his King, but also that the whigs of the Revolution had sometimes the disposition to resort to Lynch law. At one time Mr. Eleazar Tarbox took a bat- teau belonging to Mr. Barker, and went down river on an errand connected with the public service. He returned and restored the boat to its former place, but when the two gentlemen balanced accounts, some years after, Mr. Tarbox was made debtor to one bat- teau. On another occasion when Mr. Barker refused to sell a barrel of flour for what the colonists thought they ought to give, they broke open his store in the night, and helped themselves. The tories of this vicinity were so exposed in a variety of ways, that it seems to have required at least as much fortitude to be a tory as it did to be a whig. WILLIAM BARKER,* b. Lancashire, Eng. 1734; m. Dorothy Cooper in Eng., 1771; d. Aug. 5, 1822; she d. April 2, 1814. Children, I. Nanct, b. April 13, 1772 ; m. Peter Grant, 1791 ; (See Grant Geneal.) II. Elizabeth, b. Pittston, Sept. 29, 1779 ; m. Joshua Lord ; he b. Berwick, 1766 ; d. Oct. 14, 1838 ; no Children. At this time the troubles of the Revolution began to demand the means of defence against British ag- * Mrs. Lord. Mrs. Grant. 112 SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. gression, possessed by the people, but so poor were the early settlers of Pittston, that they were unable to furnish their part. They manifested their good will, as will be seen by the following document, found in the State Archives in Boston. They wish to give their proportion, and ask that it may be charged to the Plantation. " Gardinerston, June 13th, 1775. '' The Petition* of the Committee of Safety of this Plantation. " To the President and other Members of the Provincial Con gress of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, assembled at Watertown in s'd Province : — " Humbly Sheweth, that Whereas your Petitioners have formed themselves into a body, and Complyed with the Resolves and orders of the Congress, and appointed Committees of Safety, Cor respondence and Inspection, and as a Committee of Safety, have Exerted ourselves to the utmost of our power in order to obtain such a Quantity of powder as is necessary in our present situation, but can obtain none, — We now implore your assistance, in our Infant and defenceless state. It's with pain we Give you This Trouble, when we know how much business of Vast Consequence you have on your hands. But Necessity Obliges us, humbly hop'g you will Grant us what powder you think needful for us at this Time, out of the Colony Stock, and Charge it to this plant ation. And your Petitioners shall ever pray," &c. "William Garbineb,") n .„ „ -r, ~ Committee Reuben Colburn, I - Henry Smith, f gafetv » Samuel Oaxman, J '"' *' In July 1775,f the settlers were much interested and delighted by the appearance of a large band of northern Indians who made Cabbassa their rendez vous for a short time. They were under the com mand of the sachem Swashan, and the white chief, Paul Higgins, who had lived so long with them that he was in all respects like them. They all had their war-dresses and paint, and were ready to wreak their old grudge against the English by joining the Americans. Major Reuben Colburn was rejoiced at the idea, supposing that they would afford much aid, * Massachusetts Archives. f Abiathar Tibbetts. Drake's Book of the Indians. SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. 113 especially should there be any invasion of the Can- adas. They numbered about 30, in all, and they left Cabbassa for Cambridge about the first of Au gust, under the guidance and general command of Reuben Colburn. Their squaws rowed them down to Merry-meeting Bay, where they were left, and the warriors proceeded on foot for Cambridge, at which place they arrived Aug. 13. They offered their services to Washington, who treated them civilly, but would not employ their savage and unscrupulous aid. The Indians of Maine and Canada were gen erally in favor of the Americans, but it does not appear that they were ever employed, except as guides and scouts, and that rarely. The few scattered settlers who in that early day dwelt on the banks of the Kennebec were startled by an appearance as sudden as it was unusual. The solitudes were peopled with strange sounds, as the array of war appeared. Arnold's expedition, as it was called, came up the river, on its way to Q.uebec. It tos a great event then, and the enterprise must always be regarded as one of the most brilliant of the American Revolution. General Dearborn fur nished the following account of the detachment : — » " The Corps destined for the Expedition to due- bee, marched from Cambridge on the 13th qf Sept. 1775. They consisted of two battalions of infantry of five companies each, and three companies of rifle men, one from Virginia and two from Pennsylvania, amounting in all to eleven hundred men. "The officers were as follows: — 1st Bat. Lieut. Col. Roger Enos, of Conn. ; Major Return John Meigs, of Conn. ; Captains Thomas Williams, Henry Dearborn, Scott, Oliver Hanchet and William Goodrich. " 2d Bat. Lieut. Col. Christopher Green, of Rhode Island ; Major Timothy Bigelow of Mass. ; Captains 10* 114 SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. Samuel Ward, Simeon Thayer, McCobb, John Upham and Jonathan Hubbard. "Rifle Captains : — Morgan of Virginia ; Smith and Kendrick of Pennsylvania. " There were several young gentlemen who ac companied the expedition as volunteers. Mr. Ogden of New Jersey, who became a Colonel in the Revo lutionary army, Aaron Burr, afterwards a Colonel, and Vice President of the United States. Oswald, afterwards a Colonel of Artillery, Lieut. Frehegan, a Danish officer, afterwards Colonel, John McGeyer and Charles Potterfield of Virginia, and the Rev. Mr. Spring of Newburyport, chaplain, and Dr. Senter of Rhode Island, surgeon. " The army reached Newburyport on the 16th of September ; embarked on the 18th, in vessels, and sailed on the 19th ; entered Kennebec river the 20th, and passed up to Gardiner's Town, being that part of Pittston where Col. Colburn lived, about two miles below Gardiner, where the boats were built for trans porting the troops up the river, from above #ide water. Col. Colburn built the boats and never was paid for them, nor have his heirs been, although they • have repeatedly petitioned Congress.* "On the 23d, the vessels reached fort Western, now Augusta. At that place half of the troops, with the provisions and ammunition were put into the batteaux, and the remainder marched on the bank of the river. On the 24th, they arrived at fort Halifax, nearly opposite Waterville. The batteaux, provis ions and ammunition, were transported over the carryiug-place at Taconic falls, by the soldiers, where they encamped. Arrived at Skowhegan falls October the third, and crossed a carrying-place of sixty rods. The batteaux were there repaired, then they proceed- They were built at Agry's Point. SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. 115 ed up the river to Norridgewock falls, where they arrived the 4th. Passed the carrying-place and ad vanced up the river the 6th. Arrived at Karritunk falls on the 8th. Transported the boats, &c, . PL, -a* 'a 2 "3^ > >S No. Amt Amt £ £ 1 18, 150, 2 1*. i, 3,6 4,10 00 0 10, 10 90, 2 4 4 3 3 8 2 8 1 10 2 9 ¦ O -h < & No. 3 a °> CO o Ci U No. 20 16000 15 210 5 25 0 loo 40 100 10 90 6 94 5 30 5 30 8 30 8 10 18 50 10 10 1 9 1 4 3 7 5 5 2 0 1 0 o No, 1-2 s to V fc X o o O No. No. 2 2 6 6 2 3 1 2 3 2 5 2 1 2 0 6 4 1 0 2 1 1 I 1 3 2 2 6 1 o S o_ No 0 420 1 4 3 COCO No, ¦si 3 o mo No. o . o O 3-8 WfH si It No. Amt. £ 20 50 10 ¦ 50 20, 10 100 8 40 5 20 5 20 50 30, 20 12 40 5 2030 40 40, 20 10 20 20, 20 40, $ «j +j CO OS w § 2 1— ( w 03 ni n +3 o 72, 2! 23,15 10, 75 14, ?a 148, 5 sets 12, > 15,10 25,15 o 9,14 13,14 56,07 24, 5 49,10 95,15 Sam'I Norcross, Seth Soper, Reuban Colborn, Samuel Oakman, Oliver Colburn, Thomas Jackson, Benja. Colburn, (Maj.) Roger Lapham, David & Thomas Agrey, Widow Annah Agrey, Hannah Baley, Nathanel Baley, Abner Mason, Samuel Dudley, Silas Clark, David Young, Sam'I Palmer, Burnham Clark, Moses Dudley, Leonard Cooper, John Baley, David Philbrook. Other single Polls. William Wilkins, Ezekel Pollard, Henry McCasslin, Sr. Thomas Town, John Pollard, Dan. Kelley, 0 14 1416 6 333 0 14 0 5 10 5 20 5 0 0 0 00 2 Allen Wing, Nath'l B. Dingley, Swet, Isaac Clark, Swet, Jr., Joseph Burns, Nutter, 10, 10, 18, 30, 15, 10, 50 4 3 2 3 30 40, 7,10 32, 5 39,15 357 4 2 1 0 20 20 30, 35,17 58, 93,17 199 2 4 5 3 9 30 50 31,10 41,19 92, 5 134, 4 75 1 2 5 2 4 50 280 , 25,15 321,10 347, 5 83 1 2 2 2 3 20 24 0 13,16 33,19 47,15 72 1 0 2 0 6, 8, 2 10,10 18,12 115 2 2 3 3 20 20 20,15 22,15 43,10 174 2 2 10 10 20 12, 4 U, 26, 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 250, 250, 675 1 4 4 7 2 60 75,15 50,10 126, 5 100 1 1 0 0 20 0 5, 12, 17, 64 2 2 2 0 15 20 6, il, 4 27, 38, 4 65 2 3 3 6 100 15,15 31, 46,15 132 1 2 1 0 0 0 6, 45,12 18, 63,12 220 1 4 4 2 * 3 30 40 6, 49, 53,15 102,15 186 1 2 2 2 10 30 27, 6 27, 54, 6 294 1 4 2 12 30 30 17,14 31,10 49, 4 100 I 2 0 0 5, 16, 21, 0 1 2 2 2 2 0, 26,10 26,10 150 4 2 20 20 7,10 27, 34,10 150 2 2 20 20 7,10 9 19, 26,10 2, Jona. Jewett, John Webber, Sr., 1 Enoch Moffat, 1 yoke Stephen i Jewett, cow, oxen, Ephraim Conner, 1 Noah Nason, one-half Simeon Goodwin, 1 yoke oxen, horse, 1 eighth mill, cow, Allen Door, 1 horse, Gardiner Williams, 1 John Sylvester, house 1 yok e oxen, horse, and land, Thomas Haley, Sherebiah Town, mill, o ^1 148 INCORPORATION AND SEPARATION. Samuel Marssen, David Berry, Thomas Berry, Peletiah Warren, John Webber, Jr., Noah Webber, Ezekiel Webber, Richard Dolloff, Jonah Brown, William Lyford, Elijah Robinson, Nathaniel Kimball, Caleb Kimball, Bartholomew Pollard, Elijah Pollard, Ithiel Gordon, Charles Quincy, Philip Roach, Jona. Winslow, Joseph Galusha, Carpenter Winslow, Poster, James Flagg, John Elliot, David Wetmore, James Boise, John Goodwin, Boston, John Gray, Daniel Hilton, Abraham Southard, John Nason, Joseph Pall. In the year 1785 the inhabitants spoken of in the above tax list lived as follows: — William Gardiner was never married, and boarded generally when here, at the Great House. Henry Smith first occu pied a small house in General Dearborn's garden, on land now occupied by the stores of Messrs. Grant, Dennis, etc., he then removed to the eastern side of the river, where he for many years kept a tavern. The McCauslands occupied the elegant sites now owned by Messrs. Evans, Kimball, Allen, etc. Sam uel Grant came from Vassalboro', and settled near where the Saw-mills are. Benaiah Door lived on Plaisted Hill. Samuel Berry, who was usually called Lieutenant, lived on the Plaisted Hill. Elea zar Tarbox lived where his descendants now dwell. Joseph Burns settled a few rods from William Bradstreet's. R. E. Nason was on Plaisted Hill ; he was captain of the first military company, and was succeeded by Maj. Seth Gay. William Bar ker lived near where William B. Grant's house now is. Andrew Bradstreet was near the mouth of the Cabbassa stream. Benjamin Shaw was in the Great House and at New Mills. General Dear born lived in a house built by Messrs. Byram & Dingley. It stood near the Hayssales, and was incorporation and separation. 149 afterwards occupied by Hon. Parker Sheldon, and at length became a cooper's shop. It has now passed away. Samuel Norcross lived where Mr. R. H. Gardiner's farm house now stands. Ezekiel Pollard lived a little below the steam mill. Wm. Wilkins was the school teacher, and went all about, having his habitation with the parents of his pupils. John Sylvester lived in what was called the " Scotch House," the cellar of which may be seen near the residence of Mr. John Dennis. Sherebiah Town was the miller. Simeon Good win lived at New Mills, and soon removed to Purga tory. Enoch Moffat lived on the Gardiner side but a short time and removed. Gardiner Williams died in a year or two. Noah Nason was a brother to R. E. and was concerned in the mills. Allen Door died in the American service. Nathaniel B. Dingley, a house carpenter, soon removed to Winslow. The others did not settle permanently. It is believed that the foregoing persons were the only heads of families then resident within the present limits of Gardiner. Within the limits of what is now Pittston there were rather more people. John Law lived at Law's cove, near the lower meeting-house in Pitts ton. Gideon Gardiner, who was a cousin of Wm., kept a hotel on " the Neck" in Boston, through the Revolution. His house stood where now Mrs. (Smith,) Stevens resides. James Winslow dwelt very near the Hallowell line, where is now a two story brick house. Jonathan Blanchard dwelt about opposite Bowman's Point. Seth Soper was below the village in Coburntown. Reuben Col burn, Benjamin Colburn, Samuel Oakman and Oliver Colburn, were in near proximity, about two miles below the ferry. Thomas Jackson settled near Maj. Smith, as did Roger Lapham. The Agreys lived on Agrey Point, , near Nahumkeag 13* 150 INCORPORATION AND SEPARATION. stream. Nathaniel Bailey and Abner Mason lived near the Nahumkeag. Samuel Dudley, Silas Clark, David Young, Samuel Palmer, Burnham Clark, Moses Dudley, Leonard Cooper, John Bailey and David Philbrook, were at Eastern River Plantation, or East Pittston. Jonathan Jewett lived on Beech Hill. Major Colburn was elected to attend the Falmouth Convention, which was holden in 1786, to determine whether the province of Maine should become a dis tinct State. A Representative, (Major Colburn,) having been chosen to the General Court, in 1786, "Col. Dear born, Capt. Oakman and Capt. Henry Smith," were chosen a committee to instruct him. The following year, a singular vote Was passed : — "That Capt. Henry Smith. William Wilkins and Silas Clark be to Orator (audit) the Selectmen's ac counts." The road from Eastern river to the Kenne bec, which had been laid out but a short time, was accepted this year. In 1787 the Town raised the sum of £120, 10s., which ought to have been raised in the year 1 782, and a committee was chosen to wait on Jonathau Bowman, Esq. in order to stay an execution in favor of the State, for the delinquency. At the same time Charles Dudley was chosen delegate to a Convention to be holden in Boston, January, 1788. It is supposed that some one offered to present the town with a meeting-house frame, for March 4, 1789, it Avas voted " not to have the Meeting-house Fraim on gift." April 6, it was voted that "the Town house now raised near Major Colburn's,. shall be the property of this Town, and that the owners thereof after this day relinquisheth to said Town all their right and title therein, without fee or reward," and in 1790, £20 were voted to finish the building. William and Moses Springer, brothers, and James, INCORPORATION AND SEPARATION. 151 their cousin, were of German descent, and came to Pittston from Franklin, Hancock county, in 1786. They settled in Pittston, on the eastern side, and engaged in ship-building in " Springer's ship-yard," near Agry's Point. In 1795, they removed to Bow man's Point. WILLIAM SPRINGER, b. Nov. 29, 1754, m. Mary Norcross, b. 1762, d. 1808; and Betsey Jewett. Children of first wife : — I. Mart, b. Oct. 17, 1782 ; d. 1839 ; m. Levi Palmer, and Geo. Lilly. Children by 1st husband. 1, Arabella, d. young. 2, William, b. March 31, 1808 ; m. Ann M. Noyes. 3, Mary S. b. 1811 ; m. Winship Lilly. 4, Dr. Gideon S., b. June 14, 1814. 5, Franklin, died young. II. William, b. June 15, 1784, d. 1802, in Jamaica. HI. Joanna, b. Feb. 7, 1786 ; m. Gideon Stinson, and Jno. Gilmore. Children, 1, Gideon Green, m. Martha Fullerton and Hannah Goodwin. By 2d hus. 1, Mary, d. 2, Pamela, m. William Potter. 3, John. 4, Hannah, m. Ephraim Fullerton. 5, Jane. 6, Sarah. IV. Susan, b. July 26, 1787 ; d. 1835. V. Nancy, b. March 13, 1791; d. 1851; m. John Goodwin. Children, 1, John A. ; m. Sarah Kean. 2, Mary. 3, Oscar. 4, Greenleaf. 5 & 6, Hannah and Edwin. 7, William. 8 and 9, Charles and George. 10, Eugene A. 11, Thomas. VI. Hannah, b. July 10, 1797 ; d. 1819. VH. Pamela, b. Dec. 3, 1800 ; m. James Blenn, and Jesse Har- riman. Children by 1st hus., 1, William, m. Sarah Crocker. 2, Edmund. 3, Mary. Children of 2d wife : — VIH. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 24, 1809 ; m. Geo. Snow. Children, l.Geo. H. b. 1831. 2, Fred. VV. b. 1833. 3, M. Ellen, b. 1838. 4, Albert, b. 1840. 5, Edwin H. b. 1850. IX. William, b. Aug. 17, 1811 ; m. Martha Carter. Children, 1, Louisa, b. 1838. 2, Julia, b. 1846. X. Ellen, b. April 27, 1813, m. Geo. Ellis. Children, 1, Warren, b. 1839. 2, Arabella T. b. 1840. XI. Harriet, b. July 17, 1816 : m. William Perry. Children, 1, Anna E., b. 1834. 2, William, b. 1847. Fourth Generation. Children of William- and Ann M. Palmer. 1, Charles F. b. July 23, 1842. 2; WiUiam Cass, b. Sept. 13, 1844. 3, Mary Lilly, b. Sept 28, 1846 ; d. Dec. 24, 1851. 4, Louisa Maria, b. March 13, 1849. 5, Mary, b. May 21, 1851. Children of G. G Stinson. 1, Jane Ellen, by 1st wife. 152 INCORPORATION AND SEPARATION. Children of William and Pamela Potter. 1, Jane M. 2, Edwin. 3, William. 4, John G. 5, Ellen M. Children of J. A. Goodwin. 1, Charles. 2, Anne S. Children of Ephraim Fullerton and Hannah Gilmore. 1, George. 2, Mary. Children of WiUiam Blenn and Sarah Crocker, 1, Mary E. 2, James W. 3, Almira. MOSES SPRINGER, b. Oct. 17, 1767 ; m. Susan Norcross, June 10, 1793; d. Oct. 24, 1832. She b. May 10, 1769; d. Oct. 3, 1842. Their children, I. Jacob, b. April 12, 1794 ; d. in Havanna, May 30, 1821. H. Moses, b. Jan. 24, 1796; m. Matilda Lawrence, Sept. 16, 1821. Matilda d. Dec. 6, 1839. 2d wife, Eliza Harden. Children, 1, Charles F. 2, Caroline Matilda. 3, Harriet L. 4, EUen Maria. 5, Francis A. III. & IV. Eliza & Sophia, b. March 11, 1798. Eliza m. Nathaniel Kenniston. Children, 1, Sophia, m. David Perry. 2, Louisa, m. Jason Collins. 3, Julia, m. Freeman Trott. 4, Jacob S., m. Rachel Bailey. 5, Susan S. 6, Caroline, d. 7, Mary. Sophia, m. Richard Eastman. Children, 1, Ann E. 2, Edwin. 3, Frances. V. Julia, b. Feb. 18, 1800, m. Harvey Gay, no issue. VI. Susan, b. Dec. 4, 1801, m. Wm. S. Robinson, and d. Nov. 25, 1829. Children, 1, Mary Ann. 2, Abigail. 3, William S. VH. Samuel, b. June 25, 1803 ; m. Sarah N. Clay. ChUdren, 1, Olive. 2, George. 3, Henrietta. VIII. Mary, b. Oct. 31, 1804; m. Ezekiel Waterhouse. ChU dren, 1, Lucy Ann. 2, Albert S. ; m. Lydia Mudget. 3, EUa. 4, George. IX. William N. b. Nov. 6, 1806 ; m. Climena Moore and Han nah Sturgess. ChUdren, 1, Luella. 2, Frederic. 3, Julia. 4, Anna. 5, Another. X. Albert, b. Aug. 19, 1808 ; d. March 25, 1826. XL Addison T. b. Nov. 1, 1810. XII. John, b. Oct. 22, 1812 ; d. Aug. 21, 1825. XHI. George A. b. May 15, 1815 ; m. Anne E. Gray. 4 chil dren! Fourth Generation. Children of David and Sophia Perry, 1, Francis D. 2. Child of Jason and Louisa CoUins, Anna Augusta. Child of Freeman and Julia Trott, Charles Freeman. Child of Jacob S. and Rachel Kenniston, Caroline. JAMES SPRINGER, m. Mary Lemont. Children, 1, Rachel, d. 2, James, d. 3, Benjamin, m. Mary A. BaUard, and d. ; 2 chil., 1, Mary F. 2, Laura A. B. 4, Sarah, d. 5, William, d. 6, Mary, d. 7, Harriet, d. 8, Samuel, d. By the tax-list of 1787, it appears that the fol- INCORPORATION AND SEPARATION. 153 lowing persons, not previously mentioned, had enter ed the town between 1785 and that year, : — Mark Whidden, Joseph Blodgett, James Dudley, Joshua Reed, Ebenezer Blodgett, Scribner Moody, David Bliss, Elisha Prescott, Jonathan Piper, Wm. Peatt, Eli Andrews, Brackett Towle, John Clarke, Wm. Bachelder, Jeremiah Moody. Henry Quincy, J. C. Gookin, March 13, 1787, there were five feet of snow in the woods. "In* the year 1787-9," writes Gen. H. A. S. Dearborn, " there was a small grist-mill at the end of the dam on the southern side of Cobbossee-contee stream, and above it was a house where Mr. Town the miller lived. Opposite the end of the present bridge was a one story building where a Mr. Piper lived. The next two houses were Mr. Gardiner's and my father's, and on the bank of the river south there was a house in which Major Seth Gay lived and kept a store. In the cove below, Mr. Barker had a house and store, and a half a mile south was a little hut, and below another in which a man named Pollard lived, and on the bank of the river, southerly, was Mr. Eleazar Tarbox's house, and there was but one other above Swan Island, which was at the Brown farm. Mr. Gardiner owned a farm house, where he died, on the hill, south-west erly from his residence on Water St., (where now Bernard Esmond lives.) At the dam, a mile above the mouth of Cobbossee stream, was a double saw mill, and a small house, in which resided the fam ilies of two of the McCauslands; and one other hut. There were a few houses on Cobbossee-contee pond, but none between the dam and the pond, on the banks of the stream. North of Cobbossee stream was a saw-mill, and near it a house in which * Gen. H. A. S. Dearborn's MS. 154 INCORPORATION AND SEPARATION. a Mr. Moor lived and died. Above was the house of Capt. Bradstreet. On the hill, over which the road to Monmouth passes, were two houses, the first occupied by a Mr. Door, and the second by Pelatiah Warren, and there was no other between it and Monmouth, but Barker's at the Rips, at the outlet of Winthrop pond.. A Mr. Door lived in a hut near where Doctor Parker last resided, and above was Charles McCausIand's house. A mile above was Church's house and farm, and but one other south of the "hook," now Vaughan's wharf, Hallowell, which was Capt. Smith's, below the cove on the bank of the river. " On the east side of the river above the ferry landing, was a house in which Mr. Warren lived, near where Robert Hallowell, Esq. built a house, and passed many summers, (now occupied by Mrs. Stevens, daughter of Maj. Smith.) " At Togus dam there was a mill and a house where David Philbrook lived. Law had a hut in the cove below the mouth of Togus Stream, arid Capt. Henry Smith's house was half a mile lower on the river. Then Col. Colburn's and next Capt. Agry's, on the Point, at the mouth of Nahumkiek stream. Above the ferry way was one hut, in which a man lived called Governor Hatch. " At the period to which I refer, there was a very imperfect and circuitous road from Gardiner to Hal lowell, which passed over Plaisted Hill, in the rear of Church's house.- The road on the bank of the river was later made, and a bridge built below the dam, but there was one before, across the stream at Bradstieet's house, above the mill pond. There was no road on the west side of the river, but a short distance below Mr. Tarbox's house, and no mode of reaching Brunswick by land, but by crossing the ferry at Gardiner, and going down on the east side INCORPORATION AND SEPARATION. 155 of the river, to the Narrows above Bath, where there was a ferry. " Major Seth Gay built the first wharf, and Gen. Dearborn established the ferry in 1786. He was accustomed, as were others, to draw a seine around the mouth of Cobbossee, and incredible numbers of shad, herring, salmon and sturgeon, were taken every spring. " The first farm ever cleared was on the east side of the river, on the road to the Meadows, on Warro- montogus stream, by Ebenezer Byram and Major Seth Gay. Others on Beech Hill were made at about the same time. " At that time there was plenty of white and red oak timber on both sides of the river, and large quanti ties were shipped to England. There was also very fine spruce, pine and ash, from which rafters, oars, &c, were made, and shipped to Boston. There was also plenty of cord wood, hemlock bark, shingles, clapboards, laths, heading, &c, all obtained in Pitts ton. All the shores of the ponds and streams west were well wooded, and mill logs, and timber in large quantities came down to the ' New Mill.' " The first brick-kiln was in the rear of Gen. Dear born's. In 1787 the road was accepted, from Recoe's Meadow to Spring Meadow, striking the river a little south of Capt. Henry Smith's. The snow came very early in the autumn of 1785, and continued to fall so that the ground did not freeze hard. Teams were able to pass in any direction until the last of April, 1786, and yet plowing commenced very early in May. Ebenezer Byram was employed by General Dear born to come from Bridgewater and build his house. Accordingly he came and entered into copartner ship with N. B. Dingley, who came here before him. 156 INCORPORATION, AND SEPARATION. EBENEZER BYRAM,* came in 1786 ; m. Margaret Gay, sister of Seth and Rufus ; she b. May, 1764; d. Sept. 15, 1828; he b. Bridgewater, Mass., Dec. 5, 1754 ; d. Nov. 27, 1832., Children, I. Harriet, b. Jan. 12, 1790 ; m. John Haseltine. ChUdren, 1, Wm. B. b. 1816 ; m. Isabel E. Francis, June, 1848, she d. 1848. 2, Jno. H. b. 1818 ; m. Maria 3, Harriet Jewett, b. 1820, d. 1836. 4, Charles E. b. 1823. 5, James E. b. 1825. 6, Margaret A. b. 1827. II. Charles L. b. May 29, 1792 ; unm. HI. William Henry, b. Aug 29, 1794; d. July 12, 1800. IV. Ebenezer Gay, b. May 6, 1796; m. Isanna Capen. ChUdren, 1, Edward. 2, IsabeUa. VT James Rufus, b. March 3, 1799 ; m. Mrs. Eunice (Lin coln,") Walton, no issue. VI. William Henry, b. May 10, 1801 ; m. Susan Haselton. ChUdren, 1, Eliza, b. 1841. 2, Harriet, b. 1844. 3, Harry H., b. 1S47. VII. Mary Augusta, b. Feb. 19, 1803 ; unm. VIII. Samuel Haskell, b. May 27, 1805 ; d. 1812. JOHN B ARKER,j; came in 1786 ; m. Lydia ; d. May 17, 1814. Children, I. John, b. April 25, 1789. II. Clark., b. January 27, 1792. III. William, b. Sept. 17, 1794. IV. Mary, b. Sept. 2, 1797. V. Isaac, b. November 1, 1800. VI. Gideon, b. April 7, 1803. VII. Oliver, b. June 25, 1805. SETH GAY,§ son of WUliam, b. Dedham, April 7, 1762; moved to Pittston, 1786; m. Elizabeth Hoogs; she b. April, 1768 ; d. July 10, 1849 ; he d. Jan. 30, 1851. Children, I. Betsey, b. Newton, April 26, 1785 ; d. Oct. 13, 1811. II. Thomas, b. Pittston, Jan. 2, 1787. III. Nancy, b. Sept. 24, 1788; d. Dec. 14, 1811. * Nicholas Byramf was the son of an English gentleman who removed to Ireland when his son was young. The father sent the son when he was 16, to visit his friends in England. The man who carried him, robbed him, and sent him to the West Indies, where he was sold to service, to pay his passage. When his time expired, he went to America, and settled in Weymouth, Mass. He m. Susanna D. Shaw, and had several chUdren. In 1660, he bought land in Bridgewater, and d. in 1688. His son, Capt. Nicholas, m. Mary D. Edson, and they were the first members of the first church in E. Bridgewater. Both d. in 1727. Dr. Joseph was one of their sons, and he m. Martha D. Perkins. Their son Joseph, m. Mary D. Bowditch, and Ebenezer was one of their children. t MitcheU's Hist, of Bridgewater. Wm. H. and Mary A. Byram. X Town Records. § Thomas, Charle3, George, William R., and James Gay. INCORPORATION AND SEPARATION. 157 IV. Myra, b. June 13, 1799 ; m. John Moore. V. Sally, b. April 2, 1792. VI. Seth, b. Feb. 1, 1794; m. Matilda Oakman, 1844; d. Sept. 8, 1844. VH. Mary M-, b. March 29, 1796. VTH. William Rurus, b. March 14, 1798. IX. George B., b. July 7, 1800 ; m. S9phionia Stevens. One child, George Lewis, b. March 21, 1830. X. Charles, h. June 22, 1803 ; ro. Almira Stevens. One chUd, Charles Martel, b'. Jan. 30, 1839. 2d wife, Martha W. Perkins. Children, 1, William Perkins, h. Dec. 5, 1845. 2, John Bentley Fuller, b. Oct 29, 1847. 3, Margaret Lewis, b. AprU 25, 1851. XL James, b. July 9, 1805; m. Jane M. Lemmon. ChUdren, 1, James Frederic, b. July 10, 1831. 2, Sarah Jane, b. Dec. 17, 1833. 3, Georgianna, b. Feb. 20, 1836. 4, Josephine, b. Sept. 22, 1837. 5, EUen Thorndike, b. Dec. 26, 1839 ; d. March 4, 1840. 6, Elizabeth Virginia, b. March 2, 1844. XII. Margaret Lewis, h. August 16, 1808; m. Charles Branch. RUFUS GAT,* son of William, b. Dedham, July 19, 1770 ; moved to Pittston ia 1786; m. Mary Marble, Jan. 12, 1800; she b, Newburyport, Feb. 26, 1771 ; d. Sept 30, 1839. ChUdren, I. Laura Matilda, b. Dec. 8, 1800 ; m. John Brazer Davis, Oct. 25, 1826 ; d. May 23, 1834. One child, John, b. August 25, 1832 ; d. Aug. 21, 1833. H. Dorcas Parker, b. Oct 16, 1892. HI. Oiive, b. Dec. 30, 1804 ; m. Rev. Henry Aiken, Worces ter, Aug. 26, 1836 ; he b. Sept 25, 1802 ; d. May 24, 1841. ChU dren, 1, Henry Parker, b. Oct. 15, 1839. 2, Mary Olivia, b. Oct 17, 1841. IV. Rufus Marble, b. Oct. 21, 1806. * REUBEN MOORE, f removed here in" 1787, and d. May, 1804; Ms wife Elsie , b. 1762 ; d. Feb. 12, 1847, leaving 61 grand children, and 40 great-grandchildren. I. Bathsheea, b. Vassalboro', Dec. 9, 1779. II. John, b. Vassalboro', July 2, 1781. HI. Jebusha, b. Vassalboro', Aug. 27, 1785 ; m. Maltiah Lawrence. IV. Reuben, b, Vassalboro', June 2, 1787. V. Alice, b. Pittston, April 23, 1789. VI. Charges, b. May 29, 1791. VH. Robert Hallowell, b. Feb. 18, 1793. VHI. William, b. August 9, 1794. IX. James Parker, b. Oct. 28, 1795. X. George, b. Oct. 24, 1797. XI. Samuel, b. Dec. 5, 1798. XH. Henry, b. June 24, 1800. XIII Climena, b. Nov. 30, 1803. * Thomas Gay. t* Town Records. 14 158 INCORPORATION AND SEPARATION. JEDEDIAH JEWETT,* came in 1787; m. Naomi ; he d. Jan. 23, 1823 ; she d. Feb. 26, 1805. Chil. I. Enoch. H. Moody. HI. Charles, b. March 7, 1787. IV. Harriet, b. Sept. 1, 1791. V. William, d. March 4, 1799. VI. Sarah Farley, d. June 25, 1804. DANIEL JEWETT.t b. 1765 ; came in 1787 ; m. Betsey Tar box ; he d. 1834. Children, I. Martha, b. Dec. 28, 1791 ; m. George Williamson. Chil dren, 1, Helen. 2, EmUy. 3, Mary. H. Betsey, b. July 22, 1793; m. Stephen Young. (See Young.) HI. Georbe, b. July 17, 1795 ; m. Anne Eaton ; she d. Jan. 10, 1830. 2d wife, Hannah Emery. Children, 1, Anne Virginia. 2, George F. 3, James E. IV. John, b. April 17, 1798; m. Harriet Clark. Children, 1, IsabeUa, m. Warren Turner. 2, Sophronia. 3, John. V. James, -b. March 10, 1800 ; d. 1823. VL Albert G. b. Nov. 27, 1802 ; m. Hannah Wilson. Child, Tq o p\(ll 1 A VH. Daniel T., m. Sarah Wilson. Child, Daniel. DAVID MOORE,J came in 1787 ; m. Meribah ChU. I. Tristam, b. December 12, 1781 ; m. Susanna Marson, 1805 ; H. Thomas, b. March 1, 1784 ; m. Mary Atkins, 1808. IH. Da vid, b. April 16, 1786 ; m. Dolly Jackins. IV. James, b. June 21, 1788; m. Olive Taylor," 1810. V. Anna, b. July 22, 1790; d. AprU 13, 1795. VI. Sarah, b. Sept. 11, 1791 ; d. Jan. 4, 1795. VH. William, b. Dec. 12, 1793. VHI. Robert, b. Jan. 29, 1796. IX. Susanna, b. June 2, 1799. X. John, b. Aug. 3, 1801. DOMINICUS WAKEFIELD,§ came in 1787; m. Martha Door; she b. 1768; d. 1847. Children, 1, James, b. Sept. 8, 1788. 2, Jeremiah, b. May 3, 1791. 3, Daniel Haselton, b. March 29, 1795. 4, Sarah, b. January 19, 1797. 5, Dorninicus and 6, Eunice, b. AprU 18, 1799. 7, Henry, b. Sept. 18, 1801. 8, Annis, b. Dec. 24, 1803. 9, Betsey, b. March 29, 1805. DAVTD DUNHAM, || came in 1788; m. Hannah . ChUdren, 1, David, b. Nov. 23, 1784. 2, Gershom, b. AprU 5, 1786; d. May 10, 1786. 3, Stephen, b. May 3, 1787. 4, Henry D., b. AprU 1, 1791. 5, Patty, b. Aug. 3, 1793 ; d. July 9, 1795. 6, Samuel, b. Oct. 18, 1795. 7, Harriet, b. May 28, 1799. * Town Records. t Town Records. George and John Jewett, Esqrs. X Town Records. § Ibid. |j Ibid, INCORPORATION and separation. 159 The next Tax List is dated 1789, and presents the following additional names of persons who eame of age, or removed to Pittston between 1787 and 1789, who have not been already mentioned. Samuel Eastman, Joseph Pulsifer, Walker, BarzUlai Gannett, James Mason, David Locke, James Judkins, Samuel Lang, Jeremiah Wakefield,* Nichols, Benoni Hunt, John Nichols, John Foster, Mattocks, Samuel Jones, Stephens, Jona. Oldham, Richard Kimball, Christopher Jackins, George Stanley, James Kinsman, Alexander McAllister, Francis Knight, Ebenezer Pratt, Thomas Owens, Thomas Ward, WiUiam Blodgett, Levi Shephard. In 1791 the road was accepted from Dudley's Mill to the river, and in 1794 the one from Leonard Cooper's to the "head of Tide-waters at Frankfort." The spring of 1791 was made memorable by the most remarkable freshet ever known. The banks of the river were almost entirely swept, and the country was left a wreck. It is well remembered that a canoe was paddled into the kitchen of the Great^ House, and that bread was taken from the overi into the canoe. A similar freshet now would raise the water about three feet on the sign post of the Gardiner Hotel. There was a wild, insane creature who lived on the banks of the Cabbassa-contee, and also form erly, in the family of Jedediah Jewett, who called herself the Q,ueen of Sheba, but whose name was Richardson. Rarely has the world seen a happier person. She fancied the whole world her own, and wherever her temporary abiding place was, she * Born 1757, married Elizabeth Hanscom. Died AprU 6, 1851. 160 INCORPORATION AND SEPARATION. deemed herself " monarch of all she surveyed." On one occasion, when the Supreme Court held a ses^- sion in Hallowell, in 1794, the Queen of Sheba entered* "her head was uncovered, and her face haggard and bronzed by exposure. Her eyes were wild, but piercing, beaming with conscious majesty and high command. She advanced rapidly to the Judges' seat, and had actually got in among them. The presiding Judge, alarmed and amazed, called for the interference of the sheriff, while she,, nothing daunted, insisted that she was only taking her proper place." Those who came in between 1789 and 1791, Robert Shirley, Timothy Clark, Isaac Hatch, Jere. Dudley, John North, John Butler, Allen Landers, Charles WithereE, Bichard Davis, Elijah Clarke, Edward Palmer, Thomas Palmer, Anna Palmer, James Pickard. were, Ebenezer Thomas, Abiel Pitts, Joshua Little, Jona. Moody, Andrew Harlow, Jona. Redman, Leighton, Hubbard Eastman, Seth Fitch, David Blair, Daniel Evans, Bolton Fish, Samuel Little, Peter Lord, Asa Moore, For those who permanently settled here, between 1791 and the date of the separation of Gardiner from Pittston, the reader is referred to the Tax lists of that date, published on subsequent pages, A pound was wanted on the eastern side of the river, in 1790, and it, was decided " to give Eli An drews five pounds, fifteen shillings to build said pound, as large, as strong and as compleat in every respeet, as the pound is at Cobacyconty, Iron Hinges and a good Lock and Kea." £10 were raised in * Kennebec Journal. INCORPORATION AND SEPARATION. 161 1791, toward finishing the meeting-house. The town meetings which were held at the hotel of Henry Smith, up to the year 1791, were at the meeting house thereafter. May 16, 1791, the question was taken, whether Maine should become a separate State, and there were 45 yeas and 5 nays, in Pittston. The same question was tried in 1 792, and there were 23 yeas and one nay. The same year the small pox prevailed badly, and Col. Norcross' house was the pest house. The people voted that it was not expedient to inoculate for the disease. ' Much discussion arose in the year 1793, concern ing the route for the road from Worromontogus to Hallowell, and Capt. Samuel Oakman having written and published an article in favor of the old route, it was voted to transmit the article to the Court of Sessions at Pownalboro' as the sense of the town. This year Reuben Colburn was sent as a delegate to Portland, to take into account the propriety of separ ating from Massachusetts. The value then placed on fish may be gathered from the fact that in 1794 a bill was found against Gardiner, by the grand jury, for neglecting to provide a fish committee. MALTIAH LAWRENCE,* came in the spring of 1792, from Falmouth. He m. Jerusha Moore, and commenced a blacksmith's shop where William Palmer's store now is. He was alone before Col. Stone came, and then was in partnership with him fifteen years. He foUowed his business here forty years. He was b. 1770. ChUdren, I. Matilda, b. 1801 ; m. Moses Springer, Esq. ChUdren, 1, Charles. 2, Caroline. 3, Louisa. 4, EUen. 5, Francis As- bury. H. John, b. 1803 ; m. Jane Neal, sister to Dr. Neal. Chil dren, 1, Emeline. 2, Maltiah. 3, Sarah J, * Maltiah Lawrence. 14* 162 INCORPORATION AND SEPARATION. HI. Myra, b. 1805 ; d. Dec. 1851 ; m. James Macomber ai B.angor. ChUdren, 1, Frank. Z, Loring. 3, Frances. TV. Reuben M;,m. Mary Smith. ChUdren, 1, Charles. 2, Mary E. V. Sarah A., unm. VI. Elizabeth, m, Thomas Seavey. ChUdren, I, William. 2, Margaret. 3, Harriet. 4, Ellen. 5, Frederic, d. VH. Caroline, m. Charles Osgood, (deceased.) Tin. Harriet, m. Albion P. BufTum. IX. Sylvanvb N., b. 1827. The only mode of traveling at this time, was the primitive method of going on foot, or on horseback. The first wheel carriage was a venerable chaise, already outlawed by Fashion in Boston, brought here by Mr. Hallowell.* It was one of the first chaises invented, and was called by the owner the parish chaise, for the appropriate reason that the whole parish borrowed it. This was about 1789 or 90. When Gen. Dearborn returned from Congress the first time, he brought a Philadelphia wagon with him, which was the wonder of all the boys in town, though there was not more than a mile of road where it could run.f Then the mail was carried on horseback to Portland through Mon mouth. The road to Monmouth was improved very much about this time. Mr. Shaw soon bought a carriage^ of Joseph Lamson, which the latter brought from Exeter. The widow Anna Marshall removed to Bowman's Point in the spring of 1799, and she brought her family in a two wheeled cov ered carriage^, which she let and used for a long time. She kept a -house of entertainment, with a ship for a sign board. Her children were Benjamin, William, Enoch and Betsey. In 1806, Mr. Rufus Gay|| brought the first new chaise into the town, for which he paid $135. § Enoch Marshall. 1) R. Gay, Esq. INCORPORATION AND SEPARATION. 163 In 1794, Louis Philip, afterwards king of France, and Talleyrand, who were in exile^ visited Pitts ton, and remained several days. Rufus Gay relates, that on returning from church, which was held in the Great House, that year, he found them at Gen. Dear born's, and that his brother Seth shook hands with them, and that he saw them both repeatedly. Some have denied that the French king was ever here, but there can be no doubt of it. While they were at Mr. Vaughan's, at Hallowell, Talleyrand went out fishing ,pne day in Vaughan's brook and fell in, where the water was deep and swift. A little boy was with him, and he reached him his fishing pole, and helped him out. The crafty old French statesman could usually work his way out of trouble. There was a heavy frost about the middle of May, 1794, which nearly destroyed fruit, berries, nuts, &c. In October, 1793, a snow storm came, and covered the potatoes several inches deep. It remained for several days, and the weather was so cold as to freeze the river. The snow protected the potatoes, so that they were not injured. June 16, 1795, a great frost cut down all vegetation. " William Swan,* Esq. settled iu Groton, Mass., about the year 1774, was engaged in trade, which business he was subsequently compelled to relin quish by reason of the peculiar state of the currency of the country, its rapid decline in value having proved ruinous to many persons. In 1777, he was one of a company of volunteers which marched from Groton to Saratoga, to assist in the capture of Gen. Burgoyne and his army ; they arrived at Saratoga, about the time of the surrender, and did not have it in their power therefore to render any very signal ser vice ; it was however a tedious and laborious march, * Com, by Maj. Edward Swan. 164 INCORPORATION AND SEPARATION. owing to the ibad state of the roads, traveling on foot about 400 miles, the whole service occupying about six weeks, during which time there fell much rain and snow. At one time, as Assistant, he dis charged the duties of Clerk of the Courts in Middle sex county, which situation he resigned , against the advice of his friends; he was an active magistrate in the County of Middlesex, from 1790 to the time of his removal into Maine, and afterwards, in the Coun ty of Kennebec for many years, having had cogni zance in all of more than 3000 cases. He removed from Groton in Aug. 1794, first settled in Maine at Otisfield in the County of Cumberland, from whence he removed to this place, March, 1796. While re siding here, he was several years one of the wardens of what is now Christ's Church, and selectman and assessor of the town. He removed to Winslow, in 1806, and was elected and served as a member of the convention which framed the (present) Constitution of Maine. He was always a firm supporter of the Constitution and laws of his country and of all relig ious, moral and educational institutions, which he deemed important for the well being of society. He was a man of great integrity and uniformity of character." WILLIAM SWAN,* b. Boston, 1746 ; a descendant in the fourth generation from Dr. Thomas Swan, who was graduated at Harvard, 1689 ; m. 1776, in Groton, Mass. to Mercy Porter ; d. Winslow, 1835 ; Mercy d. 1815. Children, I. Sarah, b. Groton, 1777 ; m. 1796, Hon. Thomas Rice ; d. 1840, no issue. H. Elizabeth, b. Groton, 1780 ; m. 1801, George Crosby, Esq., Augusta ; d. 1809, no issue. HI. William, b. Groton, 1782; m. 1827, Mary Codman of Portland. IV. Edward, b. Groton, 1783; m. 1804, Susan Shaw of Gardiner; she d. 1847; m. 1849, Harriet Shaw. ChUdren, 1, * Maj. Edward Swan. INCORPORATION AND SEPARATION. 165 Edward B., b. 1805 ; m. Sarah A. E. Davis, 1840 ; d. 1847. 2, William, b. 1806 ; m. in Liverpool, Eng. 1836, to Elizabeth Wylde. 3, Catharine, b. 1808 ; m. 1832, Joseph Adams, Esq., of Gardiner. 4, Thomas, b. 1810; m. Margaret Shaw, 1835; d. 1839. 5, Margaret, b. 1812, m. Peter Grant, 1835 ; d. 1843, (see Grant.) 6, George, b. 1814; d. 1841. 7, Christiana, b. 1817. 8, Mercy P., b. 1821 ; m. 1844, Charles B. Clapp. 9, Emma J. G., b. 1825 ; m. 1849, Franklin Glazier, Jr., (see Tarbox.) V. Francis, b. 1785; settled in Winslow, 1809; m. Han nah Child, 1814; removed to Calais, 1834. Children, 1, Sarah Porter, b. Feb. 5, 1816 ; m. R. H. Manning, of N. Y. 1840 ; d. Santa Cruz, Dec. 21, 1841. 2, James Child, b. Aug, 4, 1817 ; m. Helen Trask, Sept. 9, 1845. 3, William Henry, b. Jam. 13, 18>19 ; lives in N. Y. 4, Francis Keyes, b. Oct. 20, 1820 ; m. Sept. 16, 1843, Emily Bradbury. 5, Charles Edward, b. Sept. 5, 1822 ; m. Mary D. Downes, Sept. 26, 1849 ; she d. July 9, 1851. 6, Eugene, b. July 23, 1824. VL Thomas, b. 1787 ; d. of SmaU Pox in W. I. 1805. VH. Sophia, b, 1789, d. 1814. VHI. Mart, b. 1792, d. 1838. LX. Lavinia, b. 1797, m. 1822, Rev. Thomas Adams ; d. Gar diner, 1826. ChUd, Sarah Barnard, b. 1824. X. Catharine, b. 1799, d. 1800. Fourth Generation . ChUdren of Edward B., and Sarah A. E. Swan. 1, Caroline D. b. 1841. 2, Sarah, b. 1844 ; d. 1851. Children of WiUiam and Elizabeth Swan. 1, Mary Catherine, b. in Eng. 1838. 2, Edward W., b. in Eng., 1839. 3, Elizabeth, b. Gardiner, 1842. ChUdren of Joseph and Catharine Adams. 1, Susan S., b. 1833. 2, Edward S., b. 1836. 3, Joseph L., b. 1838. 4, George, b. 1840. 5, Elizabeth W., b. 1842. 6, Julia C, b. 1845. 7, Francis H., b. 1848. ChUdren of Thomas and Margaret Swan. 1, Thomas, b. 1836. 2, Benjamin, b. 1838. Children of Charles B. and Mercy P. Clap. 1, Agnes H., h. 1846. 2, Charles P., b. 1848. Child of ij. H. and Sarah P. Manning. I, Sarah Augusta, b. Aug. 1841. ChUdren of James, C. and Helen Swan. 1, Helen Louisa, b. May 21, 1846. 2, Sarah Porter, b. April 25, 1848. 3, Annie Child, b. March 11, 1850. Children of Francis K. and Emily Swan. 1, Henry Storer, b. Dec. 8, 1844. 2, EmUy Manning, b. Oct. 24, 1846. ChUd of Charles E. and Mary D. Swan. 1, Mary Downes, b. June 1, 1&51. Edward Swan, who came to Pittston in March, 1796, says : — " The only families residing from the Rolling dam brook, to what is now the southern 166 INCORPORATION AND SEPARATION. boundary of Hallowell, and extending two miles westward from the Kennebec river, were those of the following persons :" (stated from memory.) Gen. Henry Dearborn, Mr. Jedediah Jewett, Esq., Mr. WUliam Barker, Capt. Seth Gay, Mr. Ebenezer Byram, " Reuben Moore, " Benjamin Shaw, " Eleazer Tarbox, " Joseph Bradstreet, " Peter Grant, " Andrew Bradstreet, Capt. WiUiam Springer, " Moses Springer, " James Springer, Mr. Ichabod Plaisted, " Daniel Jewett, " Samuel Lang, " Thomas Towns, " Joseph Eveleth, " Nathaniel Berry, " Thomas Berry, . Unmarried men considered permanent residents : — Rev. Joseph Warren, > being the only Professional men Dr. James Parker, J then residing in Pittston. Joshua Knox, Benniah Door, AUen Door, Daniel Door, Henry McCausland, Robert McCausland, Dominicus Wakefield, James Door, James P. Evans, Abraham Fitz, Jonathan Oldham, Ezekiel PoUard, Elijah Pollard, Ezekiel Webber, James McGurdy, Hilton, Davis, Richard Walker, Thomas Francis, colored. Matthias Lewis, " Mr. Rufus Gay, WUliam G. Warren, BarziUai Gannet, Bartholomew KimbaU, Nathaniel HaU, Jonathan Redman, Jeremiah Wakefield, Augustus Ballard, Mr. James Lowell, Joseph Glidden, Hugh Cox, Cyrus Ballard, Samuel Elwell, Maltiah Lawrence, John Stone, Samuel Hodgdon. A brief sketch may here be given, of the Bow man's Point tract, as it was about this time that it was settled. It was the next lot north of the Cabbassa tract, and was granted to Thomas Hancock, who bequeath ed it to his nephew William Bowman, in 1763. It soon obtained the name of Bowman's Point. It commenced 180 rods north of the mouth of Cab- bassa-contee, and extended north one half mile, and west five miles. It was bounded north by land INCORPORATION AND SEPARATION. 167 owned by James Pitts, and south by Dr. Gardiner's 1600 acre lot.* In the year 1796,f the Bowman Point tract was purchased of Jonathan Bowman of Dresden, by Peter Grant, trader, James Parker, physician, and James Springer, Moses Springer, Joseph Glidden, Jr, and Hugh Cox, shipwrights, for $4000,00. This land was then a part of Hallowell, and contained 1680 acres. The southern boundary was a half mile and twenty rods north of the Cabbassa-contee, in the gully north of the residence of Hon. Parker Sheldon, and the northern boundary was the 3200 acre lot of James Pitts, and Robert Pierpont's lot. It was 176 rods wide on the river, and 226 rods on the back end, and four miles long. When divided others purchased, and Samuel Hodgdon, Augustus Ballard, William Springer, Jeremiah Wakefield and Daniel Norcross became proprietors. Each received a small lot on the river for a homestead, and other portions in different parts of the tract. There were seventeen lots. The southern was the first. Moses Springer took No. 1 and 6 ; James Springer received 2, 5, and 17 ; Daniel Norcross, 3 ; Jeremiah Wake field, 4 ; William Springer, 7 and 8 ; Peter Grant, 9 and 10; Joseph Glidden, 11; Hugh Cox, 12; Au gustus Ballard, 13 ; Samuel Hodgdon, 14 ; Doct. Parker, 15 and 16. The land was surveyed by William Barker, and was a part of the original lot No. 20. Mr. Grant, who was the originator of this project, was driven to this course. He had hired a mill for some time, and wished to buy, but he could not, for the most of the property in West Pittston was own ed by a minor, and his guardians were not empower ed to sell. He was able to buy at the Point, and at Wiscasset Records. Hancock's WiU. t Peter Grant, Esq. 168 INCORPORATION AND SEPARATION. reasonable prices, and he removed to that place im mediately, and commenced shipbuilding. In the year 1800,* the following additional persons resided at the Point in Gardiner, then Hallowell. Wm. G. Warren, Nath'l Kimball, James McCurdy, Wm. Griffin, Anna Marshall, Samuel Davis, and Benj. Fitch. The population at this time was 117. In 1796, the road from Caleb Stevens' to the river, and the Cabbassa road, were accepted. The " Gold Hunters," have made Pittston one of the places where they have "sought, but never found." At the commencement of the present cen tury, Daniel Lambert, who lived in Canaan, sudden ly announced, that through the medium of witch- hazel rods, he had discovered wealth untold, conceal ed in different places. To prove what he related, he exhibited several old pieces of brass, battered, but highly polished, and was frequently found digging on the farms of his neighbors, and at length in other towns. Gradually he inoculated the entire popula tion of the Kennebec valley with a treasure-seeking mania, and people in all conditions of life, were found digging, from Anson to Seguin, and all along the coast, even to Rhode Island. The Pebble Hills, in Pittston, was a famous place, and excavations were there made eighty feet deep. The curious may now see large pits as evidence of the folly of former days. Lambert at length gave out that he had found huge quantities of gold, and succeeded in deceiving the people so that they sold their farms and stock, and gave all their property to him, and hundreds thus beggared themselves. He announced that a large amount had been sent to Philadelphia to be coined, and that he should make a general distribu- Mass. Census of that year. INCORPORATION AND SEPARATION. 169 tion on the first of September, but with the arrival of the day he disappeared. He was not heard from for several years, but when the excitement had subsided, he was known to have settled on the upper Penobscot. " Lambert's Day," was for a long time observed with much hilarity, and the transaction is still remembered as one of those foolish infatuations which sometimes degrade com munities. Deriving no wisdom from experience, about a dozen years after, it began to be whispered about that a negro boy named " Mike" had a rare faculty bestowed on him. He could place a perforated stone which he had in his possession, in his hat, and immediately he could reveal the hiding places of buried treasure. This "medium" declared, with out the aid of "spiritual communication," that money had been deposited among the pebbles in Pittston, and that it was very deep, for, though originally it was near the surface, the water had rolled the stones over it, and now, he said, he could see it down very deep. So his dupes digged eighty feet, and found nothing. The conclusion left on the minds of posterity is this, that the excavations were deeper than the people who made them. And notwithstanding all this, there has hardly been a single summer which has not found men, wasting their time, and presenting a spectacle of folly, as they have sifted and examined the locality for gold. As late as last year, 1851, there were sev eral who were thus at work. JOHN STONE,* b. Kennebunk, January 3, 1772 ; came to * Benjamin F., John, and Capt. WUliam Stone. Dr. Theobald. Capt. Kimball. 15 170 INCORPORATION AND SEPARATION. Pittston in 1796; m. Sarah Butler; d. March 14, 1848; she b. Dec. 22, 1782.* Children, . • I Julia, b. May 12, 1 800 ; m. Capt. Nathaniel KimbaU. Children, 1, Julia A., b. Jan. 22, 1824 ; m. F. P. Theobald, M. D. 2, Frederic Nathaniel, b. April 23, 1826 ; m. Susan Barker. 3, John Franklin, b. Aug. 8, 1832 ; d. California, June 9, 1850. 4, George S., b. 1833. 5, 'William H., b. Aug. 20, 1836. 6, Parker James, b. Feb 21, 1838. 7, Charles Edward, b. May 17, 1840. H. Mary, b. March 6, 1802 ; m. John P. Hunter. ChUdren,. 1, Mary Augusta. 2, EUen Dorcas. 3, John Lothrop. 4, Ed ward G., d. 5, Edward. 6* Georgiana. 7, Isabella. HI. Benjamin F., b. Sept. 26, 1804 ; m. Caroline G. Kenney. IV. John, b. Dec. 20, 1806; m. Caroline Avery; she b. March 25, 1808 ; m. Nov. 25, 1829. Children, 1, Frances C, b. Feb. 8, 1831. 2, Sarah J., b. March 25, 1839. 3, Emma R., b. May 28, 1841 ; d. Jan. 19, 1844. 4, Charles A., b. June 8, 1843. 5, Emma R., b. AprU 27, 1 845. 6, Harry J., b. Jan. 8, 1849. V. William, b. Jan. 31, 1809 ; m. Harriet B. Marston, b. 1818. Children, 1, Frederic WiUiam, b. 1839. 2, William N.j b. 1846. 3, Mary M., b. 1848. VI. George E., b. March 21, 1814; m. Elizabeth Fields; children. VII. Sarah J., b. AprU 28, 1816 ; d. 1838. Fourth Generation. Son of F. P. and Julia A. Theobald. Philip E., b. August 22, . 1849. RICHARD CLAY.t h. Buxton, York Co., August 17, 1779 ; came to Pittston, 1799 ; m. Olive Bradstreet, May 17, 1803 ; he d. Sept. 29, 1848 ; she d. 1818 ; 2d wife, Rebecca Purrington, widow • of James, m. 1819. ChUdren, I. Nancy E., b. 1806 ; m. John Plaisted. (See Plaisted.) II. Emeline M., b. 1808; m. Charles Gardiner, of Boston. ChUdren, 1, Olive L. 2, Henry R. III. Olive, b. 1810 ; m. Loring Macomber, who d. 1837 ; since m. N. B. Norton ; no children. IV. Sarah, b.( 1812; m. Samuel Springer. Children, 1, George. 2, Olive L. 3, Henrietta. V. James A., b. 1814; m. Emily S. Stevens of HaUoweU. ChUdren, 1, James, b. Nov. 15, 1836. 2, Clarintine, b. Oct. 11, 1838. VI. Henry T., b. 181 7 ; m. Susan M. Sprague ; moved to Bos ton, 1847. Children, 1, MarceUus L. 2, Sarah E. 3, Josephine A. 4, EUa E- 5, Richard F. * Mrs. Mary Butler, mother of Mrs. Sarah Stone, whose maiden name was' Lawrence, is now living at the residence of the late Col. John Stone, at the advanced age of 95 years. t James A. and Henry T. Clay. INCORPORATION AND SEPARATION. 171 In 1796, the Cabbassa and Eastern river districts relinquished their part of the town or meeting-house, to the other part of the town, on condition of being exonerated from all expense for the future. In 1797, the vote for separation stood 76 to 19. In 1798 the propriety of dividing the county of Lincoln, a ques tion which had been agitated for some time, was deeply considered, and the Hon. Henry Dearborn was chosen delegate to a convention held in Hallo well, in October of that year, and a portion of Lin coln county was erected into Kennebec county, Feb. 20, 1799, and Barzillai Gannet was Clerk of the Sessions. The Togus road over Beech Hill was accepted in 1799. At this time the population was about 1 400, of whom 650 were in Gardiner, 150 at Bowman's Point, and 600 in Pittston. "About this time," writes Gen. Dearborn, " I went down to the mouth of the river with my father and there were not over twenty houses to be seen from Gardiner to Stage Island, at the mouth of the river, on both banks." Robert Hallowell, son-in-law of Dr. Gardiner, and father of R. H. Gardiner, Esq., who began to be here considerably, about the time that the town was incorporated, was born in Boston, in July, 1739. He was proscribed and banished in 1778. "He appeared as an addresser of Gage, in 1775. He accompanied the British troops to Halifax on the evacuation of Boston, and in July, 1776, was wait ing at the former place to embark for England in the ship Princess Royal. His sister Sarah, wife of Sam uel Vaughan, Esquire, of London, died in England, in 1809 ; and his sister Anne, widow of General Gould, died in Bristol, England, in 1812."* He died * Sabine's Loyalists. 172 INCORPORATION AND SEPARATION. in Gardiner, in April, 1818. His grave-stone, under a corner of Christ Church, declares that he was a " man of firm integrity, distinguished courtesy, and strong affections." . . That many of those who joined the British, against their country, were conscientious, cannot be doubted. They supposed the American efforts des tined to failure, and their sympathies were all English. Sabine in his "Loyalists" declares, that " nearly a1L the Loyalists of Maine were Episcopalians, and that few of other communions in that State adhered to the King." Educated in the English Church, and with English political principles instilled from birth, it is no cause of wonder that they should adhere to the crown. Robert Hallowell Gardiner, the present owner and occupant of Oakland farm, is a son of the foregoing, and was born in England, during the absence of his parents and grandfather, about 1781-2* Dr. Gardi ner was displeased at the Unitarian and Republican principles of" his son John, and William was not an efficient man, and he settled nearly all his property on his grandson, Robert Hallowell, then about five years of age, on condition that he should assume the name of Gardiner, which he did. A petitionf dated, Boston, Nov. 6, 1801, and sign ed Robert Hallowell, Junior, " humbly shews, that Robert Hallowell, the younger, of Boston, in the County of Suffolk, Gentleman, is the devisee of a large and valuable estate, upon condition that he shall change his name to that of Gardiner, which he is desirous of doing, he therefore prays, that the Legislature will be pleased to pass an act to change the name of your petitioner to that of Robert Hallo- * Daniel Nutting, Esq. Moses Springer, Esq. t Mass. Archives. INCORPORATION AND SEPARATION. 173 well Gardiner, and that by the latter name he may to every legal intent be known and called." March 1 1, 1802, a special act was passed by the Massachusetts Legislature, enacting "that Robert Hallowell, the younger, of Boston, in the county of Suffolk, gentleman, shall be allowed to take the name of Robert Hallowell Gardiner." The road from King's mill to the Kennebec, coming out at Warromontogus, was accepted in the year 1802. At the time Mr. Gardiner came into possession, there were about 650 people within the limits of- Gardiner, of whom some sixty were squatters. By a variety of measures these latter were persuaded to sell their improvements or to purchase a legal title. The proprietor firmly but liberally compro mised all differences with those who were on his lands when he came of age in 1803, so that those painful scenes of bloodshed elsewhere witnessed when settling land difficulties were never known here. The area of Gardiner was from this time rapidly peopled, and as will be seen by the next chapter, an act of separation was called for and obtained. 15* CHAPTER V. SKETCH OF PITTSfON PROM THE SEPARATION. The events since the separation of Gardiner from Pittston have not been of a remarkable character in either town. Pittston has been steadily growing, and those arts and pursuits that are the elements of prosperity, have been largely possessed. The first inhabitants and owners of property after the separa tion, may be known by the following list of tax payers, for the year 1803. Copied verbatim. NAMES, TpTAL TAX. d. c. m.. Widow Hannah Agry, 7,40,3 Capt. David Agry, ' 39,44,3 Widow Hannah Bailey, 1,82,9 Nathaniel Bailey, 8,17,3 NatHT Bailey, Jr., 4,29,3 David BaUey, 4,11,7 Henry Bodge, 3,43,5 John Barker, 4,99,6 Jona. Blanchard, 6,97,6 WUliam Blanchard, 4,02,2 John BaUey, 8,86,2 Nathan Bailey, Jr, 2,27,7 Peter Benner, 2,77,7 Joseph Blodget, 2,68,4 Benj. Colborn, 4,96,5 Joseph Colborn, 3,03,4 WUliam Church, 3,62,6 Samuel Clark, 3,22,3 Richard Calvert, 4,35,5 Wid'w Margaret Colborn, 4,99,3 Capt. Ohver Colborn, 3,59.9 Thomas Coss, 4,93,2 NAMES. TOTAL TAX. rf. c. m. Samuel Cutts and WU- liam Stevens, 7,17,6 Lenard Cooper, 12,84,1 Joseph Colman, 2,87,0 Richard Cookson, 2,34,0 Isaac Clark, 9,05,5 Bumham Clark, 5,13,5 Eldred & Crowell, 24,68,9 Reuben Colborn, 4,65,7 Jacob Daniels, 2,68,0 Ezra Davis, 5,14,1 Samuel Davis, 3,02,6 James Dudley, 2,39,7 Alvan Dimmick, 5,39,2 Hobert Eastman, 3,08,4 Judah Eldred, 8,30,4 Micah Eldred, 2,85,0 Francis Flitner, 3,63,1 Joseph Flitner, 4,18,1 Benj. Flitner, 4,60,8 Benj. Follensbie, 6,93,1 Edward Fuller, 5,11,3 SKETCH OF PITTSTON. 175 NAMES, TOTAL TAX. NAMES. TOTAL TAX. d. c. m. d. c. m. Thomas Freeman, 2,77,2 Edward Palmer, 7,33,3 Dennis Gould, 6,13,8. Samuel Palmer, 3,78,3 Charles Glidden, 3,97,4 Jeremiah Pickard, 0,33,7 Arnold GUdden, 2,70,5 James Pickard, 3,69,3 Joseph Green, 4,22,2 Benj. Pulsifer, 3,26,7 Freeborn Groves, 5,92,0 Joseph Pulsifer, Jr., 2,97,1 Susannah Hunt, 2,74,0 Joseph Rawlings, 5,04,6 Betsy Hailey, 6,33,0 James Rawlings, 6,75,2 Martin Hailey, 4,44,8 David Rawlings, 4,50,7 Nathaniel Hailey, 4,99,3 Stephen Rowe, 2,67,3 Nathaniel HaU, 2,79,1 Obadiah Read, 18,09,6 WUliam Hanover, 4,97,6 Isaac Read, 17,37,1 WiUiam Hanover, Jr., 2,89,3 Henry Smith, 2,05,0 SUas Hunt, 3,26,0 George Standly, 5,84,8 Ephraim Hatch, 6,91,6 John Stephens, 5,03,9 Jedediah Jewet, 15,06,9 Levi Shepherd, 4,74,7 Jonathan Jewet, 4,50,5 Henry Smith, Jr., 5,64,0 Daniel Jewet, 9,13,4 John Smith, 4,39,2 Enoch Jewet, 6,15,5 Jeremiah Smith, 6,62,6 Samuel Jones, 2,25,8 James Smith, 3,87,1 Thomas Jackson, 5,46,6 The heirs of Seth Soper, 4,25,7 Benj. Jackson, 3,43,0 Caleb Stephens, 3,34,2 Christopher Jackins, 4,68,0 Caleb Stephens, Jr., 8,72,9 Christopher Jackins, Jr. 3,72,4 Daniel Scot, 8,58,2 James Jttkinn, 3,65,8 Alexander Troop, 6,07,6 Andrew Johnson, 3,47,2 John Taggard, 3,95,8 James Johnson, 3,93,6 Robert Taggard, 6,94,2 Levi Johnson, 2,79,0 Samuel Thomas, 4,69,1 Abiathar EendaU, 8,17,8 Simeon Town, 4,46,2 John Law, 0,31,4 Benj. Trask, 3,91,8 Jacob Loud, 11,03,8 Jonathan Winslow, 4,21,0 Peleg Loud, 3,58,1 David Young, 21,65,4 Elihu Loud, 2,73,5 David Young, Jr., 4,17,3 Rodger. Lapham, James Laplane, 7,85,32,99,1 NON-KESIDENTS. Samuel Little, 3,73,1 Robert Hallowell, Esq., 37,25,3 Trustam Mores, 2,79,2 Ohver Whipple, Esq., 11,44,8 Abner Marson, " 0,62,1 Wm. Howard and heirs Abner Marson, Jr., 5,91,4 of Samuel Howard, 7,29,9 Stephen Marson, 4,20,9 James Dumerisque, 2,09,0 George Marson, 4,79,8 Isaac PiUsbury, 2,34,5 David Moore, 4,88,1 Hanson Hight, 0,60,7 WiUiam Moody, 2,61,8 Edward Lawrence, 0,33,6 Scribner JM oody, 0,81,6 William Gardiner, 1,41,4 Samuel Marson, 2,94,3 BurreU Lot, so called, 0,59,8 Samuel Marson, Jr. 5,22,9 Ebenezer Church, 3,51,5 Robert McNight, 3,20,9 Dr. James Parker, 0,64,9 Samuel Oakman, Esq., 62,40,1 Heirs of John Winthrop, Samuel Oakman, Jr. 6,15,5 Esq., deceased, 2,24,3 Charles Osgood, 4,44,1 | Joseph Atwood, 0,70,2 176 SKETCH OF PITTSTON. Edmund Bridge, Esq., Edmund Bridge, Jr., James N. Lithgow, James Marr, David Murry, Joseph Pribble, Blair, Andrew Goodwin, TOTAL TAX. d. c. m. 0,48,0 1,41,2 0,74,7 1,17,5 1,68,2 0,93,50,84,20,90,0 NAMES. TOTAL TAX. d. c. m. Peter Bryson, 1,66,6 Henry Dearborn, Esq, 2,75,7 Seth Gay, Esq., 1,69,2 Ebenezer Byram, 1,72,0 Sam'I Davis of HaUoweU, 0,28,3 David Blinn, 0,50,0 Francis Blinn, 0,31,2 Joseph North, Esq., 1,64,5 Single Polls, taxed $2,23 each. Henry Adams, Daniel Follensbie, Benj. Marson, Ebenezer Blodget, Jedediah Cowin, David PhUbrooks, Bisbee Boulton, Simeon Cunningham, Samuel Tarbox, Rufus Cushman, John C. Gookin, Joseph Trask, Daniel Davis, WUliam Hatch, David White, Samuel Dudley, Seth Hunt, John White, Oliver Foster, Paul Home, John Robertson, John FoUensbie, Thomas Mead, Nowal. Samuel Follensbie, The road from Beech Hill to Eastern River, that from Samuel Marson's to the County road, and that from Reed's saw-mill to the road from Pittston to Millford, were accepted in 1 804.* # The town landing (on Eastern River, below the mills, commonly called the board landing,) was laid out in 1804. The town remonstrated with the State Legislature in 1806, through a committee consisting of Samuel Bishop, Samuel Oakman and Reuben Colburn, against the erection of a bridge at Swan Island. The representative to Boston was instructed to vote against the project. In the year 1807, the people of Pittston were opposed to erect ing the State of Maine from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The vote stood, for, 24 ; against, 64. In 1808 the town refused to petition the Pres ident to take off the embargo ; but passed several resolutions professing a determination to support Government and the Executive. Pittston was divided into two parishes in the year * Town Records. SKETCH OF PITTSTON. 177 1810. The line was run by Carr Barker, a quaker, on "the 8th day of the 11th month, 1810." November 23, 1811, it was "voted that the town should petition to the Legislature of this Common wealth to grant them some relief on Worromatogus bridge, so called, by a lottery or some other means." The State listened to the request, and granted the town a township of land. The bridge was repaired at an expense of $ 1800. In the year 1812, there was a great zeal in behalf of the country. The town voted " to raise a sum of money to make the detached militia now drafted up ten dollars per month for six months after they are called for into actual service, and assist after they return, provided they return in six months after they are called for into actual service, providing the Government do not allow it. Voted, that , the above additional sum shall be paid to the family of those detached militia, if they stand in need in their absence." During the year 1814 a very mortal sickness, called the cold fever, prevailed. Pittston lost some of its best people thereby. Benjamin Colburn, Sen., d. April 18 ; Benjamin Colburn, Jr., d. May 1 ; Hannah Colburn, d. April 29 ; Judah Eldred, d. April 27 ; John Gardiner, d. April 20 ; Levi Shorey, d. March 25; John Clark, d. March 28; Jno. Barker, d. May 17; Samuel Barker, d. April 17; Mrs. Asa Parker, d. May 18 ; Widow Hobart, d. May 19 ; Widow Dunham, d. Jan. 6 ; Thomas Dow, d. March 3 ; Widow Bailey, d. March 20 ; James Clark, d. March 24 ; Widow Clark, d. March 25 ; John Goodwin, d. March 19. David Neal was chosen in 1816 to attend a Convention held in Brunswick in reference to a separation from Massachusetts. The question of separation was taken in town meeting, and resulted, yeas, 52; nays, 34. In 1819, the vote was 64 yeas, 178 SKETCH OF PITTSTON. and 18 nays, and Eli Young was chosen a delegate to the Convention which met in Portland, in Octo-' ber of that year, for the purpose of framing a Con stitution. When the constitution was presented to the people, the vote was 20 for, and 8 against. At the time Maine became a distinct State the statistics of Pittston were taken, and the following productions were reported for the year 1820 : — 446 acres of tillage ; 1747 acres of upland mowing ; 28 acres of fresh mowing; 1613 acres of pasture ; 176 barns; 116 horses; 278 oxen; 478 cows; 251 swine; 2061 bushels of Indian corn; 870 bush els of wheat ; 25 bushels of rye ; 222 bushels of oats ; 101 bushels of barley ; 86 bushels of peas and beans; 1511 tons of upland hay; and 23 tons of fresh hay ; 633 tons of shipping ; 04,400 of stock in trade. The average wealth to each individ ual in the State being called $ 100, the average in Pittston was $101, showing that the people were better off than the average. Sept. 9. 1833, it was " voted, that no license be granted by the selectmen for the retailing of spirit uous liquors. Voted, that the town instruct the Town Agent to complain of all persons who shall sell Spirituous Liquors. Also voted that special agents be chosen to see that the laws are not vio lated, and to prosecute all persons who sell spirituous liquors in this town." Samuel Clark, George Wil liamson, and Leonard Blanchard, were chosen for that purpose, and in the year following it was re solved by the town that " no licenses be granted by the proper officers for the retailing of spirituous liquors to be drank in stores or shops. Samuel Clark, Leonard Blanchard, Benjamin Follansbee, Jr., Charles Loud and Dudley Young, were constituted a committee to complain of all persons who should sell spirituous liquors in the town. The lines were perambulated and finally adjusted SKETCH OF PITTSTON. 179 between Pittston, Dresden and Alna, October 21, 1844 ; and this year-the town sold the old meeting house and built a Town House. A strip of land fifty rods long on the river was taken from Hal lowell, (now Chelsea,) that winter and added to Pittston. This included land belonging to Rufus White, John Dow, and George Lyon. The annexed tables of votes, taxes, officers, etc., of Pittston, will inform the reader of various matters of interest which have transpired in the town. A RECORD OP THE VOTES IN PITTSTON FROM 1786 TO 1851 INCLUSIVE. 1786* Nathaniel Thwing had 25 votes for Register of Deeds. Governor. Lieut. Gov. . Total. 1787. John Hancock, 34 Thomas Cushing, 36 Governor. 1788. John Hancock, 12 Elbridge Gerry, 14 26 1789. John Hancock, 34 James Bowdoin, Benj. Lincoln, il 39 1790. John Hancock, 30 James Bowdoin, 10 40 1791. John Hancock, 44 44 1792. John Hancock, 34 34 1793. John Hancock, 35 Elbridge Gerry, 7 42 1794. Samuel Adams, 56 56 1795. Samuel Adams, 47 47 1796. Samuel Adams, 52 Increase Sumner, 3 55 1797. James Sullivan, 71 Increase Sumner, 4 75 1798. Increase Sumner, 60 60 1799. WUUam Heath, 63 Increase Sumner, 37 100 1800. Caleb Strong, 12 Elbridge Gerry, 44 56 1801. a 715 • 331 305 ¦ 262 413 172 293165 370 258 200 SKETCH OF PITTSTON. 181 PRESIDENTIAL VOTES AS PAR AS RECORDED. 1792. 18 Washington, Total, 18 1804. 15 C. C. Pinkney, 47 Jefferson, 62 1812. 72 Madison, 60 DeWitt Clinton, 132 1820. 32 Munroe, 32 1824. 26 Adams, 26 1828. 52 " 2S Jackson, 80 1832. 172 Clay, 84 256 1836. 47 Harrison, 33 Van Buren, 80 1840. 298 " 120 « 2 Abolition, 420 1844. 187 Clay, 119 Polk, 31 *t 337 LS48. 227 Taylor, 108 Cass, 63 tt 398 TOWN OFFICERS. MODERATORS. (Before the separation these officers were taken from either side of the river.] Reuben Colburn, 1782, 4, 5. Samuel Oakman, 1784, 6, 92, 3, 4, 5, 7, 1800, 3, 9. Henry Dearborn, 1785, 7, 8, 9, 90, 1, 7, 8, 9. Jedediah Jewett, 1791, 3, 5, 6, 8, 1884, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Jeremiah Dudley, 1792, 4. Thomas Agry, 1794. B. Gannett, 1797, 8, 9, 1800, 1, 2. After the separation. David CroweU, 1803. i Samuel Clark, 1823, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, David Agry, 1806. 30, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 44, 5, 7, 8, 50. Thomas Eldred, 1807, 11, 12, 13, ' Jonathan Young, 1825. 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 1, 2, 3. I Rufus Gay, 1826. Thomas Coss, 1809, 10, 11, 13, John Stevens, 1829. 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 32. Abiath'rKendaU, 1812, 13, 15, 16. David Young, 1813, 14. EU Young, 1814, 17, 29, 31, 3, 5. Caleb Stevens, 1817. Jacob Loud, 1818, 19. George Williamson, 1820, 5, 30, 1,2, 3,5. George Jewett, 1831, 46, 9, 50. EUakim Scammon, 1832, 4. Henry Dearborn, 1836. Gideon Barker, 1836. Dudley Young, 1837, 9, 40, 1. Joel Johnson, 1842, 3, 4, 6, 6. Cyrus Rundlet, 1843. Abiel V. Goodwin, 1844. James M. Carpenter, 1851, 2. REPRESENTATIVES. Joseph North, 1774-5, in Provin cial Congress. 1785, voted not to send. .Reuben Colburn, 1786, 96. William Barker, 1789. Jedediah Jewett, 1792, 5, 1801, 5, 6. BarzUlai Gannett, 1797. Gen. Henry Dearborn, 1798, 9. Samuel Oakman, 1800, 3, 4. Thomas Eldred, 1807. David Young, 1809, 11,, 13, 15. OUver Colburn, 1812, 14. Thomas Coss, 1819, 20, 2, 4.* 16 Signifies majority, f PluraUty. 182 SKETCH OF PITTSTON. WiUiam HUton, 1821. Joseph MerrUl, 1823.* EUakim Scammon, 1825,* 7,* 9, 30, 4, 5, 46. Charles Currier, 1826,* 8.* Henry Dearborn, 1831, 8. John Stevens, 1832, 3. Hiram Stevens, 1836, 7. John Blanchard, 1839, 40. Samuel G. BaUey, 1841. George WUliamson, 1842. WiUiam Troop, 1843, 4. John Coss, 1847. Samuel Clark, 1848. f Benjamin FUtner, 1849.f Classed with Vienna, 1860-1. Note. The above may not all have been elected, in conse quence of the vote being canceled by the town with which Pitts ton was classed. selectmen. Nathaniel Berry, 1781. Henry Smith, 1781. Benjamin Colburn, 1781. Thomas Agry, 1783. Seth Soper, 1783-4. Samuel Berry, 1783. David Lawrence, 1784. Henry Dearborn, 1785, 7, 8, 9. Samuel Oakman, 1784, 6, 7, 8, 9, 90, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1808. Silas Clark, 1785, 6, 9. WiUiam Barker, 1786, 7. Samuel Dudley, 1788, 93, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Jedediah Jewett, 1790, 1, 2, 1803, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9. David Young, 1790, 1, 2. BarziUai Gannett, 1793, 4, 6, 7, 8, 1801, 2. Peter Grant, 1795. Reuben Colburn, 1798. John Agry, 1799, 1800. Reuben Moor, 1799, 1800. Isaac Clark, 1799, 1800. Caleb Stevens, Jr., 1801, 2, 3, 7, 10, II, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. OUver Currier, 1801. Abiathar KendaU, 1802, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17. David CroweU, 1803, 4, 5. David Agry, 1804, 5, 6. Thomas Eldred, 1806, 7, 9, 16. Thomas Coss, 1808, 9, 10, 11, 17, 18, 19, 20, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. EU Young, 1812, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, I, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 30, 1, 3, 4, 7, 8. Noah Loud, 1815, 16. Joseph Blish, Jr., 1818, 19, 21, 2, 3, 4. George WUUamson, 1820, 5, 6, 35, 7, 8, 43, 6, 7, 9, 51, 2. Henry Dearborn, 1825, 35, 48. Samuel Clark, i826. Wilham Stevens, 1827, 8. John Blanchard, 1827, 8. George Jewett, 1829, 30, 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 42, 5, 50, 1. Charles Loud, 1829, 30, 1, 2, 4, 5. WUliam Troop, 1832. James Harris, 1832. John A. Colburn, 1833. Gideon Barker, 1836, 41, 50. Benjamin FUtner, 1836, 9, 40, 1, 2, 3, 8. George W. Mansur, 1836, 41. Dudley Young, 1839, 40. Moses B. BUss, 1839, 40. Moses Harris, 1842. Cyrus Rundlett, 1843, 4, 6, 7, 9. John Y. KendaU, 1844. EUakim Scammon, 1844. John E. MerrUl, 1845. Joel Johnson, 1846, John Coss, 1846, 7, 9, 31, 3, Benj. F. FuUer, 1848. Augustus L. Call, 1850, Jona. Clark, 1852. WilUam Wilkins, 1782. WiUiam Barker, 1783, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 90. Thomas Philbrook, 1788. TOWN CLERKS. Jedediah Jewett, 1788. Seth Gay, 1791, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1800, 1, 2. BarziUai Gannett, 1794. SKKTCH OF PITTSTON. 183 After the separation. Nathaniel Hall, 1803, 4, 5, 6, 7,8. Benjamin Jackson, 1809, 10, 11, 12, 13. Noah Loud, 1814, 15, 16. EU Young, 1816, 17, 18, 19, 20, 1, 2, 3, 4. Henry Dearborn, 1825, 6, 7, 8. Daniel Sewall, 1829, 30, 1, 2. Hiram Stevens,. 1833, 4, 5, 6, 7. John Dow, 1838, 9, 40, 1, 2. Lorenzo S. Clark, 1843, 4, 5. Alphonso H. Clark, 1846, 7, 8, 9, 50, 1, 2. TREASURERS. Samuel Oakman, 1783, 4, 6, 7, 1803, 7, 8. Henry Smith, 1788. WiUiam Barker, 1789, 90, 1, 2, 3,4,5,6. Jedediah Jewett, 1797. Seth Gay, 1798, 9, 1800, 1. Rufus Gay, 1802, 22, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. David Agry, 1804. David CroweU, 1805.* David Agry, 1805, 6. Daniel Jewett, 1809, 10, 11. Abiathar KendaU, 1812, 13. EU Young, 1814, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 1. Henry Dearborn, 1830, 1, 4. Stephen Young, 1832, 3. Gideon Barker, 1835. Wm. Stevens, 2d, 1836, 7, 8, 9. Alphonso H. Clark, 1840, 1, 2, 3. EUakim Scammon, 1844, 5, 6. Benjamin S. Jones, 1847, 8, 9, 50, 1, 2. TEAKJ SCHOOL. PREACHING . HIGHWAY. TOWN, &.C TOTAL. 1779 £627 1783 £100 £100 200 1784 150 60 210 1785 £15 £15 150 80 260 1786 30 150 60 240 1787 30 75 60 165 1788 50 150 60 260 1789 150 40 190 1790 60 15 150 50 275 1791 80 75 140 '295 1792 100 20 100 40 260 1793 100 50 100 40 290 1794 150 60 200 30 440 1795 100 60 200 50 410 1796 #500 #200 #1300 #200 #2200 1797 850 200 1000 200 2250 1798 700 200 1000 200 2100 1799 600 750 500 1850 1800 850 300 750 470 2370 1801 550 900 360 1810 1803 1000 300 AFTER THE 1500 SEPARATION. 400 3200 1803 400 500 200 1100 1804 600 600 200 1400 1805 600 400 1000 150 2150 * David Crowell removed from the town in 1805 — 6. 184 SKETCH OF PITTSTON. YEAR. SCHOOL. HIGHWAY. TOWN, tfec. TOTAL. 1806 600 1200 20O 2000 1807 600 2200 1000 3800 1808 60O 1000 600 2200 1809 600 1000 70O 2300 1810 600 1000 700 2300 1811 700 1500 950 3150 1812 700 1000 525 2225 1813 300 1100 650 2050 1814 40O 2500 915 3815 1815 500 1870 1 045 3415 1816 600 1400 400 2400 1817 400 3000 1000 2400 litis 600 1200 530 2330 1819 60O 1000 625 2225 1820> 600 1000 775 2375 1821 600 1050 300 1950 1822 600 1200 250 2050 1823 600 1600 400 2600 1824 60O 1610 600 2810 1825 60O 1000 900 2500 1826 600 1200 900 2700 182X 600 1600 120 2320 1828 600 1700 500 2800 1829 600 1500 600 2700 1830 600 1500 600 2700 1831 600 1600 800 3000 1832 720 1720 450 2890 tS33 700 J500 500 2700 1834 720 1700 700 3120 1835 720 1500 1800 4020 1836 720 2400 819 3939 1837 720 3500 750 4970 1838 720 2800 1200 4720 I839< 720 1600 1020 3340 I8 H. K. Chadwick, Geo. Dockendorff, James Burns. Gilbert " Hiram Dunlap, William 0. Barker, Patrick Conolly, Samuel S. Davis, John F. Brookings, John E. ( 'urrier, Israel R.Dale, Michael Broderic, Daniel Carr, Patrick Dray, John Barns, Martin Com or, Gilbert Eastman, SKETCH OF GARDINER. 237 Timothy Eastman, John S. Emmons, Benj. " Jr., James Elwcll, 2d, Henry Elder, Geo. ElweU, Josiah Eastman, Enos Edgcomb, Erastus Edgerlon, Daniel W. Elder, Edward Farris, Franklin Foster, Edward Flint, John " John Foley, John K. Foye, Charles H. Flyng, Benj. H. Field, E. P. Furlong, John Finn, Patrick Finity, James H. Foye, Alcander Fuller, John Fielding, William Gray,- Sam'I Gowell, Winthrop Glidden, Ezra Griffin, Moses Gould, Henry G. " John A. Glidden, William Goodwin, Benj. F. " Nath'l T. " William Gardiner, Oliver H. P. Goodwin, Nath'l Godding, Jr., J. i". Gray, Levi Goodwin, J. W. Glidden, Lawson H. Green, Henry Gilson, Charles F. Green, A. W. Griffith, George Garland, Silas T. Gushee, James A. Goodwin, Anthony Greenleaf, Bernard Garraly, Israel Holbronk, Aaron Hamilton, William H. " SethSilas H. Isaiah H. Hamblin, William Harden, Arthur " Edward W. Howes, L. G. Hurlburt, Albert Huntington, John " William H. " Edmund Hersey, M. P. " Augustus Hopkins, H.M. Hill, Rev. J. W. Hanson, (exempt,) Rev. W. L. Hyde, (ex.) Jona. Holt, Dennis Hayden, George Hutchinson, W.S. Eleazar " Samuel " Martin Holmes, Andrew Hutchins, Hammond, James L. Harriman, Kiverius Hooker, Jr., George W. " Miller Hinkley, Charles Hartshorn, Wm. Hopkinson, Charles E. Hodges, Barna Hena, Wm. B. Hazeltine, John Hicks, Wm. E. Hollis, Philip Irish, James Jarvis, Silas Jaquith, George M. Jewell, Hartley W. Jewett, Benj. Jordan, B. F. Johnson, Richard " Wm. Jewell, Samuel Jarvis, Robert Knowles, Daniel Knight, Thomas Kindrick, James Kittredge, Jr., John S. Kelly, Sam'I W.Kimball, Reuben " Edward Kincheler, Benj. Lane, M. T. Look, Hosea H. Linnen, Wm. H. Lord, John A. •' Sam'I M. Lawrence, Joseph Libbey, Sylvanus Lawrence, Joel Libbey, Wm. Lathe, Thompson Lewis, Leander H. Lowell, Geo. W. " John Leeman, Hiram Lawrence, Thomas Murfield, Thomas Miller. Walter B. McCaus land, John Meserve, Nath'l L. " S. S. Moore, Granville Marr, Levi Morgan, William " Leonard Moore, Nehemiah " Ira Maxcy, Franklin Muzzey, Geo. A. McCausland, Arthur B. " Joseph " Sumner B. " David McFadden, Jacob Mitchell, Ruel Maxcy, Edin Muzzy, Ebenezer Merrill, Reuben McLellan, Wm. Meader, Thomas McLoud, Jerome R. Marsh, John Murphy, Geo. S. Maynard, Albion P. Mason, John Morse, Richard Maberrv, J. D. Moody, ' • Geo. A. McCurdy, John Maher, Ephraim Mahoney, Patrick I. P. Nickerson, Ezra H. Norcross, Manthano Noyes, Elam G. Nickerson, Robert M. " John B. Nutting, Isaac Neal, Waldon Otis, James O'Brien, Michael " Alonzo Owen, P. O'Connell, M. " Simon OrfF, 238 SKETCH OF GARDINER. John Obyrne, Henry Pierce, E. " George " A. Pitts, Daniel Plummer, Charles " Amos B. Potter, C. F. Simon Peacock, Benj. " Joseph " Nehemiah Preble, Jeremiah Pickering, Henry " Samuel P. Payne, Joseph Palmer, Nehemiah Page, Abraham Page, Benj. Pincin, Ed. S. Perham, Wm. Perkins, Ed. W. Parkhurst, Wm. Park, Charles Packard, Adoniram J. Parker, Joseph Parsley, E. G. Robinson, P. S. John " 2d, Jotham Ripley, " Jr., Wm. B. Rafter, Geo. E. Ridley, Geo. Reed, Augustus " Isaac " Wm. Rogers, N. S. C. T.- " W. W. Rowcll, Samuel H. Ring, '•' N. Russell, Thomas Ryan, Samuel Smith, Amasa li 2d. Alfred Charles " Mellen James D. " John O. " Michael " John " Thomas J. " Charles Sawyer, Robert Smiley, Daniel Shannon, James B. Sherman, Jacob M. Steward, George Shaw, Horace " Robert A. Sager, David Strong, Job Swift, Jr., Luther " Zina Standish, George " David " Thaddeus Spear, Wm. H. •' Charles " John T. Stone, Charles B. " Henry Stanley, Ezekiel Siphers, Robert P. Stinson, Francis Springer, Bart. Sullivan, Wm. Tozier, Eldridge Temple, Asa C. Thompson, Charles " Corydon " James " R. N. " J Dexter Taylor, Silas " Dudley H. " Andrew Tibbetts, George Tarbox, Kiah B. Trask, Waterman Trafton, Lyman Tilton, Augustus G. Varney, I. G. Vannah, John Walker, , Geo. Webb, F. M . Wakefield, [srael W. Woodward, N. R. Winslow, S. P. Witham, Sullivan Washburn, Wm. C. Watson, Joseph Wells, Geo. Waire, Moses Weymouth, Jona. W. Willard, Charles Webster, Albert J. Wright, Wm. H. Wakefield, Isaac S. Whitney, John Wilson, Charles B. Williams, John P. Weston, Daniel Welch, Moses S. Wadsworlh, Elbridge Webber, Isaac E. Wentwurthj Freeman Yates. CHAPTER VII. SKETCH OF WEST GAHDINEIt. On the incorporation of the City of Gardiner, a large number of the people residing in the western part of the territory, petitioned for leave to with draw, and to become inhabitants of a distinct town. They were moved to this step by the fact that they would thus be more conveniently situated. This was clearly seen by the people of the city, and the town was allowed to secede without opposition. It was incorporated August 8, 1850. The warrant was issued to James Woodbury to call the first town meeting, which was held in the Freewill Baptist white meeting-house, Aug. 21. West Gardiner lies west of Gardiner city, contains about 10,400 acres, and is almost , entirely of a rural character. Its history up to the year 1850 is the same as that of Gardiner, and the period since that date has been too brief to allow of matters of great importance to transpire. The town is flourishing, and the people industrious, frugal, and happy as mankind in general. It is believed by the writer, that no public place for the sale of ardent spirits has ever stood in the town, and that even under the present anti-liquor law, no agent has yet been ap pointed. The following statistics show the com mencement of the Town's progress. (See Ecclesias tical and Miscellaneous, hereafter.) 240 SKETCH OF WEST GARDINER. TAXES. Year. Schools. Poor, Town. &c. Highway. State & Countv. Total. 1851. $800 $1000 $1000 $700 $3,500 1852. 800 1700 1000 800 4,300 VOTES. Q0VEBN0B. 1850. John Hubbard, 45; W. G. Crosby, 34; G. F. Talbot, 21; Total, 100. HEPRESENTATIVE. Robert Thompson, 49 ; Charles Danforth, 24 ; Ansyl Clark, 20 ; Total, 93. OFFICERS. Moderators. Daniel Fuller, 1850, 1 ; John Stevens, 2d, 1850 ; Aaron Brown, 1850 ; Samuel H. Parsons, 1851, 2; John Knox, 1851; Thomas M. Clark, 1852. Town Clerk. Oliver S. Edwards, 1850, 1, 2. Treasurers. Merrill Hunt, 1850, 1; Cyrus Brann, 1852. Selectmen. Aaron Haskell, 1850 ; Abner Milli- ken, 1850, 1 ; Daniel Marston, 1850 ; Daniel Fuller, 1850,* 1 ; Thaddeus Spear, 1851, 2; S. H. Parsons, 1852 ; Thomas M. Clark, 1852. The valuation, prosperity, and names and condition of the people, may be found in the TAX LIST OF WEST GARDINER, 1851. Value of Real Estate, $219,632,00 " Personal " 35,754,00 Tax, 9 mills per cent. 238 polls at 1,00 Assessment, 2561,00 * Elected to fill a vacancy. SKETCH OF WEST GARDINER. 241 NAMES. Samuel Austin, Baker Andrews, Smith H. " Wm. H. Allen, Total. $10,41 7,38 3,87 6,48 Jas. Atkins, (Hallowell,) ,90 Aaron Bran, 7,76 Thomas " ,95 Uriah Briery, (Gar.) 1,68 Ira Bachelder, 1,67 John Bean, 20,95 John Bachelder, 19,08 Samuel Bush, 4,02 Greenlief Bibber, 2,20 Brown Baker, 11,49 Wm. Blanchard, 5,47 Geo. W. " ,72 John " 10,89 John Blaisdell, 11,53 Handy " ,24 William Bran, 2d, 3,33 Gardiner " 2,25 Moses " 6,35 Levi T. " 3,29 Jefferson " 7,97 Richard Blaisdell, - 5,40 George Bran, ,72 James " 10,85 Cyrus " 4,57 Simon & Francis Bran, 3,87 Thomas J. Bailey, 7,63 Joseph Baker, 3,64 Ivory Bran, (Gar.) 2,53 John Baker, Jr., 1,00 Heli Bassett, 10,77 Daniel Bran, 6,25 Wm. " (estate,) 4,23 Aaron " 2d, 3,02 John Blanchard, Jr., 6,30 Andrew Brown, 5,90 Joseph A. Brown, 5,11 21 names. Total. Thomas Burnham, 12,92 John " 1,13 David Bangs, 4,77 John H. Cram, 63 WiUiam Crosby, 2,16 Isaiah Clough, (Litch.) 2,97 Charles " 6,21 Peter Clark, Jr., 13,39 Wm. W. Clark, 8,16 Wm. M. " (HaU.) 1,08 Joseph Carleton, 11,93 Nathaniel Currier, 20,09 John Crommet, 4,09 George Church, 10,16 James Collins, (Gar.) 90 George " 5,76 Thomas M. Clark, 20,59 James Collins, 13,36 Jonathan Cole, 3,41 Joseph " 12,29 Asa Copp, 45 Samuel Clay, (estate,) 13,14 William " (Gar.) 1,76 Daniel Cole, 9,15 James Davis, 10,08 Paul Dyer, 13,97 Manuel Defratus, 3,60 Thomas Davis, 3,06 William M. Douglass, 4,55 Joshua " " 6,79 Eleazar " 9,26 Zebulon W. " 8,67 William H. " 6,36 Oliver S. Edwards, 13,03 Ezekiel " 63 A. K. P. " 6,91 Nathaniel Erskine, 2,34 Jeremiah " 6,36 Daniel Fuller, 25,53 David " 13,73 242 SKETCH OF WEST GARDINER. NAMES. Total. William Fuller, $7,30 David H. " 12,92 Henry Farr, 6,12 Isaac " 14,63 Enoch French, 18,88 John Fogg, 11,98 Charles G. French, 9,59 John A. " ,59 Joseph Fuller, 9,90 Daniel Gilman, 8,78 James " ,23 Nahum Grover, 4,49 Wm. 3,97 Caleb Goodwin, (est.) 9,77 John M.Gove, 11,79 John Gowell, 19,31 Bernard Goodrich, 3,60 Charles Gowell, 8,55 Sumner Green, 32 Oliver Goodwin, 5,62 E. H. Gardiner, (Gar.) 24,75 Archibald Horn, (Hall.) 7,20 Samuel Horn, 3,92 John W. Herrick, 9,29 Wm. P. Haskell, 36 Joseph " (estate,) 11,57! Ephraim Hodges, 2d, 3,64 Ezra " 4,52 Sullivan Hodgdon, (est.) 8,49 Samuel " Jr., 10,23 Jeremiah " 15,89 John " 12,35 Samuel " 1,80 R. G. Hildreth, (Mass.) 9,63 Shepard L. Hutchinson, 32 Daniel Hildreth, 2d, 10,39 Henry Hinton, 8,73 Caroline Hildreth, 6,30 Charles H. Houghton, 5,47 Merrill Hunt, 14,88 names. Total. Euclid Houghton, $9,47 Aaron Haskell, 40,30 Nahum Hildreth, (Gar.) 72 Levi Jones, 7,07 John Johnson, 5,78 Rufus Judkins, 13,82 David Jenkins, 8,14 John Jaqueth, (Gar.) 2,68 Robert Johnson, 8,03 Benj. Jewett, 7,58 Seth Kempton, 8,19 Nathaniel Kenniston, (Gar.) 4,54 John Knox, 1,41 Nathan J. Knox, 9,90 John S. " 6,80 Thomas K. Lord, 3,44 Samuel Lane, 15,04 Hiram Lord, 10,53 Isaac "¦ 8,78 J. B. Littlefield, 13,06 James Lowell, (Gar.) 2,70 Tobias Littlefield, 6,46 James " 12,04 Joseph W. Lunt, 8,48 James Littlefield, Jr., 4,11 Jeremiah C. Looke, 2,32 Jesse Lambert, (Gar.) 12,79 John Libby, 10,88 Levi Lambert, 8,01 Robert Laplane, 7,61 Geo. T. Marston, 15,61 Daniel Marston, (est.) 17,38 Samuel C. McKenny, 8,69 Thos. C. McCausland, 2,70 Jeremiah " 11,03 Thomas H. " 4,05 Sally " (exempt,) Arthur B. '¦ 8,93 Frederic Mills, 6,97 SKETCH OF WEST GARDINER. 243 names. Total. Thomas Mills, $2,25 Benj. Marston, (Gar.) 1,08 Arthur B. McCausland, (Gardiner,) ,90 Andrew " 1,80 Charles W. » 1,80 Joseph S. " 4,55 John " 15,57 John R. McKenney, ,36 Nahum Merrill, 25,65 Daniel " 18,25 Allison Mill'tken, 17,46 P. L. " (est. ex'mpt.) Nath'l Marston, 4,36 James " 3,51 Levi Moore, 3,48 Wm. McLellan, 2,17 Reuben S. MitcheU, 2,25 J. F. Marr, 5,55 Alex'r " 9,62 F. B. Merrill, 6,53 James C. Malc.omb, 7,97 Stephen Merrill, 12,41 Wm. " 9,83 Thomas J. Neal, 6,56 Simon Nudd, 7,42 Geo. Nash, 13,20 Samuel " ,54 Hannah Neal, (exempt,) Eliakim Norton, 7,28 Robert M. Newell, 25,26 Asa L. " 6,54 Edward Norton, 12,67 Reuel W. Norris, ,59 T. J. Parks, (est.) 21,33 Hiram Pope, 18,71 Elijah " 23,34 John Plaisted, (Gar.) 4,28 Simeon Potter, 1,49 Sidney " 4,65 Bart. B. Potter, ,16 names. Total. Robert B. Potter, $2,03 Ansyl Potter, 13,85 Edward Peacock, 2d, 16,59 James " (Gar.) 5,53 James Potter, 9,93 « Sam'I H. Parsons, 10,77 Wm. Peacock," 7,38 Benj. B. Robinson, 6,73 Joseph Roberts, 8,42 Charles M. " 15,10 John M. " 11,58 Andrew Rollins, 4,95 Gardiner Roberts, 12,50 John Robbins, 8,44 Chester Rhodes, 25,88 Thomas Richardson, 3,19 Geo. L. Smith, 4,69- Thomas B. Sampson, 36,00 Job " 5,36 John Stevens, 2d, 7,38 Maria Sampson, (exempt,) Moses Stevens, (Bath,) 4,50 Jeptha Sherburn, ' 5,59 James " (Hal.) 27 Joseph Steward, 3,60 John " 2,07 James Sherburn, 12,45 Aaron Stackpole, 15,08 Harvey Scribner, 12,94 James Spear," 13,70 Richard " 8,63 Joseph L. " 1,58 WUliam " 2d, 12,59 John " 9,06 Israel " 2,54 George " 1,35 Joseph M." 1,08 Gardiner " 20,22 Thaddeus " 24,02 Charles Small, 8,51 Jacob " 5,31 244 SKETCH OF WEST GARDINER. NAMES. Total. NAMES. Total. Hartwell Stickney, 6,91 James Woodbury, 7,56 Lois Spear, (exempt,) Wm. " 11,25 Herman Stinson, 7,23 N. M. Whitmore, (Gar )12,71 Hugh Smith, 10,05 John Williams, 12,01 BarziUai " 8,38 Ivory Wakefield, 25,73 John Stevens, 5,45 Jeremiah " 32,07 John A. " 2,03 Dominicus " Jr., 17,96 Hannah Tappan, (exempt,) H.M. & J." 7,61 Andrew Tibbetts, (Gar .) 1,26 Annanias " 1,35 Jesse Tucker, (est.) 28,33 Wm. " (Gar.) 6,08 tt tt 1,80 Granville " 12,93 Emerson Titcomb, 21,20 Alfred " 10.98 Caleb Towle, 14,47 George " 1,31 Nicholas " 7,90 H. D. " (Gar.) 5,07 Henry Taylor, (Hal.) 1,35 A. & F. " 10,03 Robert C. Towle, 13,55 James Williams, 9,28 Moses D. Thompson, 3,05 Wm. H. " 5,97 Caleb Taylor, 2,84 Nicholas S. " 8,39 Wm. Trafton, 10,09 Ezekiel Ware, 12,55 Asa Trask, 2,25 Joseph Wharf, Jr., 12,02 Elias Taylor, 6,59 Samuel Washburn, 8,80 Geo. D. Wakefield, 13,86 SINGLE POLLS. James Bran, Jr. Samuel Merrill, Eli Bassett, Abner Milliken, Moses R. Burnham, Henry Marston, Joel L. «• Robert D. Rhodes, James Cole, Charles Small, Jr., Augustine Fuller, . Wm. Stackpole, George A. " Samuel Small, Daniel F. " John Smith, George W. French, David Tucker, AUeoh Galusha, Nathan Thorn, Israel Glass, Sleeper' Towle, Wm. Hildreth, John "¦ Thaddeus H. Littlefield, Thomas Trafton, Robert "¦ Franklin Wakefield, Alvin Merrill, P. M. Ware. Seward " CHAPTER VI.II. ECCLESIASTICAL. EPISCOPALIANS. Members of the English Church were among the earliest settlers of Maine.* Those who attempted in vain to found a colony on Stage Island, in 1607, were members of that church. Sir Alexander Rig- by sent over the Rev. Richard Gibson, in 1646, to reside among the people of Falmouth, but he soon removed to Portsmouth, N. H. Robert Trelawney sent the Rev. Robert Jordan to Cape Elizabeth, soon after. The Episcopalians were very much opposed to the submission of the Province of Maine to Massa chusetts, proposed in 1652, because it would prevent the general adoption of their liturgy. The Society at Cape Elizabeth has experienced a varied career, aiid its present condition is unknown to the writer. Among the first who advocated Episcopacy on the Kennebec River was the Rev. Jacob Bailey, who graduated at Harvard University, in 1755,f and was settled at Pownalborough, and weut as a missionary for several years, through the neighboring region. employed by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. When the Revolutionary troubles thicken- * Greenleaf, p. 223. t Sabine's American Loyalists, p. 142. 21* 246 ecclesiastical. ed, he opposed the American cause, and went lo An napolis, Nova Scotia, where he became Rector of St. Luke's Church, in which office he died, in 1808, aged 67. He was absent from his church but one Sunday for twenty-six years. The third effort to establish Episcopacy in Maine, seems to have been made in Gardiner, or as it was then called, Gardinerston. After erecting a mill and making the attempts which have been spoken of in another part of this work, Dr. Gardiner, who was an ardent Episcopalian, and who wished to see the cause he loved flourish, established St. Ann's Church, and made preparations for building a place of worship, in the year 1771. But the premonitory movements of the Revolution prevented its completion, and the Avar soon after commencing, effectually hindered its progress, so that when Dr. Gardiner died in 1786, it was not done.* In the last will and testament of the good Doctor was found evidence of the love he had for his re ligion, and for what he deemed human welfare. The provisions he made have been seen in the will printed on page 92 of this volume. He gave ten acres of land, and £28 sterling in money annually, to the cause he loved, and thus enabled, it to gain a position here, and which have always aided it. He however encumbered it with the English custom of presentation, so that his heirs can have the power . to decide who, at any time, shall be the pastor of the church. Should the entire parish desire one man, and the owner of the fund desire another, the will allows the proprietor to appoint- a preacher, whatever may be the wish of th% society, or the legacy is lost. The executors of Dr. Gardiner's will fulfilled his wishes, and a small wooden building of one story, Greenlcaf, p. 223. ecclesiastical. 247 was erected on the land now occupied by the Epis copal vestry. It was about 50 feet square, with a tall steeple, surmounted by a large gilt sturgeon, or cabbassa. The windows*were arched, in the fashion of modern churches. The vane and bell were given by Wm. Gardiner, and he had also given a parsonage house, which was near the church, and was nearly finished when he died. It was at length allowed to go to decay.* A town meeting was called, October 17, 1791,f " To see if the Town will vote to hear the Rev erend Mr. Warren as a Candidate on the Principals of the Will of the Late Dr. Gardiner, until next March Meeting or for any other term and to se if the Town will Vote to appropriate any Sum of their Money to his use or raise any sum for his Support in Case they should agree with him for a Term longer than to expend the Legacy, and to pass any Vote or Votes relative thereto, that the Town when assembled shall think proper." At the meeting the people " having maturely considered the 3d artical in the warrant respecting hearing the Reverend Mr. War ren as a candidate on the principils of Doctor Gardi ner's Will, it was voted not (to) hear him at all." April 2, 1792, it was voted that Major Reuben ColburnJ " should get the Windows and Doors put up in the Meetinghouse." The society or parish was incorporated March 28, 1793,|| in answer to a petition presented to the Gen eral Court by Jedediah Jewett, William Barker, Hen ry Smith, Henry Dearborn, Nathaniel Bayley, Seth Gay, BarziUai Gannett, Stephen Jewett, Samuel Lang, Reuben Moore, &c. The first meeting of the Society was held on the first of June, and the fol- Gen. H. A. S. Dearborn. f Pittston Kecords. J Ibid. Parish Kecords. 248 ECCLESIASTICAL. lowing gentlemen were chosen the first board of officers: — Jedediah Jewett, Moderator; BarziUai Gannett, Clerk ; Jedediah Jewett, William Barker and Reuben Moore, Assessors: Henry Smith, Jr.t Collector ; William Barker, Henry Smith and Eben ezer Byram, Wardens ; Henry Dearborn, Seth Gay and Jedediah Jewett, Vestrymen ; Samuel Lang, Sexton. The salary of Rev. Joseph Warren was fixed at £65 per annum. The pews were arranged. in three classes, and it was voted that those who occupied the first should pay fourpence, the second, three pence, and the third twopence a Sunday. There is but one of the original communicants yet living, — Rufus Gay, Esq., who is now a re ceiver of the New Church doctrines. Seth Gay, his brother, another, became a Universalist some years before his death. Wm. Swan, Margaret Byram, and perhaps one or two others, were among the first members, and they have all passed away. On the 22d of the following August, the Church was burned by McCausland, the maniac. Henry McCausland, who has already been spoken of among the early settlers, and Revolutionary sol diers, at length became insane, and went wandering about the town, though he was always considered harmless ; but at length he fancied that the Lord had directed him in a vision to make a burnt-offer ing and a sacrifice. The offering was to be the church, and the sacrifice the Rev. Mr. Warren, who had for some time preached in the vicinity.* He then lived a little north of the Cabbassa-contee. Watch ing for a good opportunity, he filled a child's shoe with live coals, and fearful that he should be dis covered if he crossed the Cabbassa bridge, he forded * Town Records. ECCLESIASTICAL. 249 the river near New Mills, and went cautiously over to the little church. The building being unfinished, shavings were scattered in the gallery, and he" gath ered them into a pile, and placed the coals among them, and to prevent a too early discovery, he cov ered them with a door, and taking the church Bible, he very tenderly carried it into the woods, and laid it on a stump. At that time the boards were rough and loose on the floor, and the humble edifice, in a small clearing in the pine woods, was in strong con trast with the present elegant structure. The build ing was entirely destroyed. Having made his burnt- offering, he looked about in vain for an opportunity to secure his sacrifice. Finding no favorable occas ion, he concluded that some one bearing the same name would answer equally well. An opportunity soon presented itself. In October, Mrs. Solomon Tibbetts who lived near Potter Bridge, was very sick, and needed a careful nurse. Accordingly she sent her son Abiathar down to the village after her daughter Abigail, Pelatiah Warren's wife, housekeep er for William Gardiner. There was then no road from the Cabbassa pond to the village, and he took a canoe and went after Mrs. Warren. They started on their return, and were seen and followed by Mc Causland, in another boat, but his canoe was heavier, or young Abiathar understood the use of a pad dle better, — he could not overtake them. He pro cured another boat, and arrived after Abiathar had gone to sleep in a field-bed on the floor. Mrs. War ren sat on the edge of the bed, resting her mother's head on her shoulder, when McCausland entered. He spoke pleasantly for a few minutes, and the women paid no further attention to him. They had killed a cow that day, and a butcher-knife was sticking in a beam overhead. The maniac suddenly seized it, and plunged it into the throat of Mrs. Warren. He immediately made his escape. Abiathar heard the 250 ECCLESIASTICAL. outcry, and sprang up, and saw the event in a mo ment. He seized a loaded gun which was suspend ed over- the mantle-piece, and would have shot him dead, but his brother restrained him, until the mani ac escaped. He wandered about until the people had begun to assemble in the Great House, where they had worshipped since the church was burned, when he appeared, wild and haggard, and confessed that he perpetrated both deeds. He was immedi ately secured, and was sentenced to be hanged, but was pardoned because of insanity. He was impris oned in Augusta jail until he died, August 28, 1829, thirty-six years after. During his confinement he read the Bible through several times, and was visited by hundreds of curious persons, from whom he ob tained small contributions which he sent to his fami ly in very considerable sums. He was born in 1759, and thus was 70 years old when he died.* A meeting was immediately called at the house of Gen. Dearborn, and it was voted to erect another edifice during the approaching fall, and Henry Dear born, Benjamin Shaw, Ebenezer Byram, Reuben Moore and Henry Smith were chosen a committee to superintend the building, which was decided to be fifty feet by thirty-five, and fifteen feet high, with a porch or belfry, twelve feet square, " and no steple." By the executors of Dr. Gardiner's will, and general subscription of the parish, the church was soon rebuilt,! an(i April 26, 1794, it was voted " to give Rev'd Joseph Warren a call to settle as a minister in the Episcopal parish in Pittston," and to give him " thirty-four pounds, thirteen shillings and fourpence in addition to the legacy of Doctor Syl vester Gardiner, which is £37,6,8 ; also the improve- * Abiathar Tibbetts. Mrs. Lord. Christian Intelligencer. t Parish Records. ECCLESIASTICAL. {|pf- 251 ment of the Parsonage land ; and the loose contribu tion money, as a salary," and that " when Rev'd Mr. Warren shall be married, the parish will add eighteen pounds to the £72, — which is the salary for the current year." The parsonage lot was fenced, and otherwise improved this year. Mr. War ren accepted, and became pastor.* May 9th, 1796, it was voted on account of "the high prices of provisions, " to give Mr. Warren ninety-three dollars and thirty-four cents." He left July 20, 1796 and went to Charleston, S. C, and Rev. James Bowers succeeded him, at a salary of three hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty-four cents, and the use of the parsonage. It was voted that he should not receive the stipulated salary auy longer than should be agreeable to three-fifths of the Society, and that he should not dissolve his minis terial connection, while a majority wished his stay. fin the year 1797, the pews in the meeting-house were sold as follows: — Reuben Colburn, $16; Ebenezer Vose, #26,75 ; James Smith, $ 20 ; Caleb Stephens, Jr., $ 26,75 ; Oliver Colburn, $27,75 ; Caleb Stevens, #29,50 ; Bartlet Week's, #25,25 ; James Dudley, $26 ; Robert Murray, $27 ; H. Smith, $28 ; Samuel Oakman, $28 ; David Colburn, $28,50 ; Roger Lapham, $26,50 ; Griffin & Cutts, $25,50 ; Caleb Smith, $18; Caleb Stevens, $17; Nathaniel Bailey, Jr., $17,75: Jeremiah Smith, $21; Henry Smith, $24,50 ; Thomas Agry, $26 ; James Dud ley, $18,50; Robert Murray, $20; Ebenezer Vose, ),25; James Smith, $21,25; Thomas Jackson, ),25 ; Reuben Colburn, $22,00 ; Freeborn Gra ver. $24,50 ; David Agry, $26,50, making a total of $658,50. In 1798,J a gallery was finished with pews in the * ParishJRecords. f Town Records. X Ibid. 252 ECCLESIASTICAL. meeting-house, and the first pew-holders were, Free born Grover, Caleb Smith, Nathaniel Bailey and Daniel Hilton. The selectmen were instructed in the year 1800, " to apportion the preaching money to the members of the Episcopal Society, Eastern River District, and the other parts of the town according as they respectively pay of said tax." April 19, 1802, Mr. Bowers, having received an invitation to remove to Marblehead, proposed to the parish that the connection should be dissolved, and his request was granted. During the same year the Constitution and Canons of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States were adopted to govern the .parish. Mr. Nathan B. Crocker, now an Episco pal Clergyman in Providence, R. I. was appointed lay reader, July 30, 1802, and it was voted to pay him $3,50 per week.* Rev. Samuel Haskell was invited to become Rec tor of St. Ann's Church, July 16, 1803, at a salary of $500, he to have or give six months notice be fore leaving. When Gardiner was erected out of Pittston, the society changed its name, as it was thought that pos terity might find it difficult to determine whether St. Ann's Church, and the Episcopal Society were the same, and these names were changed in 1819 to " Christ Church in Gardiner, Maine." The annual income of the property bequeathed by Dr. Gardiner is about $120, and is annually devoted to the support of the resident Episcopalian clergy man. Mr. Haskell accepted, and remained until the sum mer of 1809, when he removed to New York. The church was destitute for two years ; but Mr. Haskell was succeeded by Mr. Aaron Humphreys, a Metho- * Parish Records. ECCLESIASTICAL. 253 dist* preacher, who was employed as a lay readerf with the understanding that he was to be ordained after the Episcopal custom, at a salary of $330, and whose term of office commenced June 1, 1811. (Mr. Humphreys was afterwards ordained as an Episco palian clergyman, and then became Rector of the Parish.) April 19, 1813, it was voted that Mr. Humphrey's ministerial functions cease at the end of one year from this time. In the month of September, 1815, Rev. George Leonard preached a short time on pro bation, and in December he was invited to become Rector ; but from some cause he declined, so that there was no pastor, or regular religious service for about four years. In the Summer of 1817 Rev. Gideon W. Olney visited the parish, and in August the Rt. Rev. Bish op Griswold preached several times, administered Baptism, the Lord's Supper, and confirmation, to twelve persons. On the' 27th of September, 1817, Mr. Olney was invited to become Rector, and he was instituted November 19, 1817, by the Rev. Charles Burroughs, of Portsmouth. The keys were presented by R. H. Gardiner, Esq. The occasion was one of great joy to the parish. J It was agitated during the same year to erect a new church. A plan was reported, and it was voted to proceed, provided enough could be obtained from the sale of pews to erect the house. The efforts were successful, and on the afternoon of the 31st of May, 1819, the corner stone of Christ Church was laid.<§> A part of the evening service was read by Mr. Olney, and an anthem was sung. Then the congregation went in procession from the old church * R. Gay, Esq. t Francis Richards, i Parish Records. § Ibid. 22 254 ECCLESIASTICAL. to the foundation of the new, in the following order: — Singers. Rev. G. W. Olney. Neighbor ing Clergy. Wardens. Vestry. Members of the Supreme Judicial Court. Head mason and carpen ter. Congregation. Religious services were performed, after which a silver plate was deposited under the corner stone, inscribed with the date of the occurrence, the name of the principal donor, the Rector, Wardens and Vestry, and then an address by R. H. Gardiner, Esq. followed by singing, and a benediction. March 30, 1825, Mr. Olney resigned the Rector ship, and left the parish on the 10th of April, and, March 8, 1827, Rev. E. M. P. Wells was invited to become Rector, but there was a difference of feeling in reference to him, which resulted in a failure to settle. August 9, 1828, Rev. T. W. Motte succeeded Mr. Olney. He accepted Aug. 30, and was instituted Sept. 18, 1828, by Rev. Charles Burroughs of Ports mouth. Rev. Messrs. Ten Broeck, Lot and Norris M. Jones were present. March 20, 1830, he re signed. April 19, Rev. Isaac Peck received a call. He ac cepted, but remained only a short time. Feb. 15, 1831, a beautiful chandelier, bought and imported by the young ladies of Gardiner, was placed in the church. In 1833, July 4, the old meeting-house, which had been used as a town-h»use for a long time, was burned. Mr. Peck resigned Oct. 26, 1831. May 12, 1832, Rev. Joel Clap assumed the pastor ate. He remained until the year 1840, when he removed to Woodstock, Vt. During a portion of his stay, from April 13, 1834, until June 8, there were no meetings in the church for fear the roof would fall in. July 9, 1840, at a parish meeting, Rev. Wm. R. ECCLESIASTICAL. 255 Babcock* was invited to become Rector. He ac cepted, and commenced his labors. The present lecture room was erected in 1841, and covers the grave of William Gardiner, the builder of the first church. In 1842, about 30 feet of the spire was taken down, and the spire and tower cemented. The Parsonage was sold in 1842, to Phineas Pratt, Esq. Rev. Mr. Carpenter of Rhode Island, was or dained at Christ Church, July 19, 1842. Mr. Babcock resigned, April 5, 1847. During his stay, more prosperity was enjoyed than ever before. Communicants were doubled, and the congregation largely increased. Requested by the parish, he waived his resignation until October, when a Bishop of Maine was to be chosen. He was graduated at the General Theological Seminary, N. Y. Sept. 15, 1847,f it was voted, that if Mr. Bab cock should insist on his resignation, the Rev. Geo. Burgess, D. D., of Hartford, Conn., should be in vited. Bishop Burgess accepted, and came on the first Sunday in November, 1847. Dr. Burgess has published " The Last Enemy," pp. 330 ; " The Stranger in the Church ;" and is Bishop of the Episcopal churches in Maine. February 11, 1848, Samuel Duborro was ordained in Christ Church. Christ Church is one of the finest edifices in Maine. It is 96 by 78 feet, and stands 125 feet above the bed of the river. Its weather-vane is 125 feet above the corner stone, so that it is 250 feet above the river. It is in the plain gothic style,, and all parts are in admirable keeping. It seats 475 people, J and cost about $14,000. This church has been repaired repeatedly. Owing to some defect in the building, the spire and walls * Parish Records. f Ibid. J Daniel Nutting. 256 ECCLESIASTICAL. have been ascertained to be weak, and much regret has been expressed by the citizens that so fine a church should have been so improperly built. The parish of Christ Church contains 151 members, and has a Sunday school of 180 scholars, with a Sunday school and parish library of 700 volumes* METHODISTS. EAST PITTSTON. Rev. Jesse Lee from Virginia was the pioneer of Methodism in this town, about the year 1794. His stay was short, but it opened the way for others, whose labors were longer continued. Philip Wager, Roger Searls, Elias Hull and Enoch Mudge, and per haps some others, preached here a part of the time till the latter part of the year 1797, when the first Methodist Church was organized by Aaron Hum phrey.! It was composed of members residing in Pittston and Whitefield. Some of the most efficient were David Young, Burnam Clark, James Norris and Benj. Flitner, all of whom are deceased, but they lived to a good old age. The Church was first associated with a circuit called Lincoln and Bath. The record does not state who had charge in 1798.' In 1799 John Finegan and Comfort C. SmithJ were in charge. In 1800, Timothy Merritt and Reuben Hubbard. In 1801, Timothy Merritt and Comfort C. Smith. In 1802, Joseph Baker<§> and Daniel Ricker. In 1803, the circuit was divided, and that part including this church was called Bristol, and Comfort C. Smith stationed upon it. In 1804, Samuel Hillman. 1805, Daniel Ricker. 1806, Allen H. Cobb ; in the latter part of the year, David Carr took his place, and Cobb * Rev. George Burgess. -f Since an Episcopalian. X Since a Universalist. § Ibid. ECCLESIASTICAL. 257 took Carr's in Hallowell. 1807, James Young.* 1808, Joel Steele. 1809, Wm. Frost. 1810, Daniel Wentworth. 1811, David Stimpson. 1812, David Stimpson and Caleb Fogg. In 1813, the circuit-was divided, and that part including this church called Pittston, and Samuel Hillman and Joshua Nye, its preachers. 1814, Ebenezer F. Newell. 1815, John Wilkinson. In 18J6, Pittston and Bristol united, and John Lewis and Jeremiah Marsh were appointed to it. 1817, Henry True and John Briggs. In 1818, Pittston and Bristol were set back again, and John Briggs appointed to Pittston. 1819, Wm. McGray and Benj. Ayer. 1820, John Atwell. 1821 , Philip Ayer. 1822, Daniel Wentworth. 1823, E. F. Newell. 1824, Benj. Jones. 1825, Peter Burgess. 1826, Caleb Fogg and Peter Burgess. 1827, Daniel Wentworth and Francis Drew. 1828, Wm. S. Doug lass and John Libbey. 1829, Job Pratt. 1830 and 1831, John Young. 1832 and 1833, Samuel Jew ett. 1834, James Thwing. In 1835, Rishworth J. Ayer. 1837, James Thwing. 1838 and '9, Josiah Higgins. 1840 and 41, Daniel Fuller. 1842 and 3, S. P. Blake. 1844, Sullivan Bray. 1845, David Hutchinson. 1846 and 7, George D. Strout. 1848, Mace R. Clough. 1849, Daniel Clark. 1850 and 51, P. P. Morrell. 1852, John G. Pingree. The following have been Presiding Elders upon the districts including this charge :— Ralph Willis- ton, Joshua Taylor, Joshua Soule, Oliver Beale, David Hutchinson, Philip Munger, Eleazer Wells, Elisha Streeter, Geo. Webber, Ezekiel Robinson, Charles Baker, David Copeland, Wm. F. Farrington, N. D. George, W. H. Pillsbury and Albert Church. The Sabbath school was first organized in 1832. There are now three in East Pittston, connected * Since a Universalist. 22* 258 ECCLESIASTICAL. with this church, having 100 scholars, and a library of 300 volumes. This church, like the Jewish church in the land of Palestine, has had her seasons of common and special blessings, and her seasons of conflict and trial. But by the Grace of God, she is what she is, and has a membership, including probationers, of one hundred and sixty members. -She has furnished four preachers : — David Young, Jr., now deceased, Eliakim Scammon, John Young and Cyrus Scam mon. Up to the building- of the present house of worship, this church was in her ministry associated with other churches, so that she had Sabbath preach ing alternately, and on the vacant Sabbaths the church held social meetings for prayer, and the exer cise of the gifts of the lay-members in acts of wor ship, by singing, exhortation, &c. Since that time the preachers have labored mostly with this church. Those members near the house, have for ten or twelve years, last past, besides the public preaching, generally had a prayer meeting, Sabbath and Wed nesday evenings, and a class meeting Saturday eve nings, which has had a very salutary influence upon the religious interests of its members. In 1809, a one story meeting-house was built, at a cost of about nine hundred dollars, which Avas raised by subscription, and the sale of a tier of wall pews. The rest of the house was finished with free seats. The citizens joined with the church members in building the house, with the agreement that it should be a Methodist house, but free for other denominations, when not occupied by Methodist preachers. This house continued to be the place of public worship, till another and better one was built at a cost of about $2400 ; built by the sale of the pews, in 1838. About five years ago a church bell was added — the first in the town. This house, ECCLESIASTICAL. 259 like the other, is a Methodist house, but free for others. The governing ministry of this church has been supplied by the Annual Conference of the Ministry of the M. E. Church, including this locality, by the rules of which no one can be sent more than two years in succession. David Young, Jr., of Pittston, (see Young geneal ogy,) became a local preacher in the Methodist E. Church of this place, about 1810. A local preacher is one who has no special charge over any particular church or society, and does not belong to the Con ference of Traveling Ministry, but labors for the gen eral welfare, when and where he thinks there is the greatest prospect of doing good. In this capacity- he labored zealously and usefully not only in the church at East Pittston, but in many of the neigh boring towns, and sometimes far abroad, till about five years ago, when he was taken down by sick ness, and died, as much respected and beloved as any one in this place ever was. E. Scammon became a local preacher in 1816, and continued such till 1836, when he joined the Annual Conference and still holds a superannuated relation to that body, but by a rheumatic affection in his limbs, he has been laid aside from efficient labors since 1839, and at this time is unable to go abroad. John Young commenced preaching about 1825. He joined the Traveling Connection as early as 1830, and still holds his connection with it, and is general agent of the Bible Society for the State of Maine. Cyrus Scammon commenced preaching in 1835, joined the conference in 1837, and still remains a traveling preacher in the East Maine Conference. — Written by Rev. Eliakim Scammon. 260 ECCLESIASTICAL. METHODISTS IN GARDINER. The first Methodist preachers who visited Hallo well and Gardiner, were Rev. Comfort C. Smith of Readfield, and Rev. Epaphras Kibbey of Massachu setts ; who in the summer of 1 800 were requested by Mr. Andrew Goodwin, Gershom Cox, Jesse Kim ball and others residing on the east side of the Ken nebec, in Hallowell, to preach to them. This they continued to do occasionally, and in the summer of 1 802 the Methodist Conference appointed two preach ers, viz., Rev. C. C. Smith and Aaron Humphrey, to Hallowellcircuit ; which then embraced all the river towns from Richmond to Bloomfield. The germ of the Methodist Church in Gardiner was formed in 1802 at Bowman's point, where in the following year a meeting-house was erected, on the intervale just north of Peter Grant's house. — This edifice was never finished, as there was a ten dency in the society to concentrate in the villages of Hallowell and Gardiner. — It continued to be us ed occasionally for worship, till about 1830, when it was taken down. — The early Methodists in Gar diner were Moses Springer, sen'r, Eleazer CroweU, Ichabod Plaisted, James McCurdy, William Springer, Daniel Plummer, James Miller, Stephen Robinson, Nathan Sweatland, Harlow Harden, and their fami lies. The following is a catalogue of the preachers appointed each year, with the numbers in the society. year. names. No. in Society. 1802 Comfort C. Smith and Aaron Humphrey, 100 1803 A. Humphrey and S. Hillman, . . 150 1804 A. Humphrey and Dan Perry, . . 161 1805 Thos. Perry, 187 1806 David Carr, and A. H. Cobb, . .115 1807 Caleb Fogg, : .... 117 1808 Henry Martin, 117 ECCLESIASTICAL. 261 1809 Eben. F. Newell, 1810 Zachariah Gibson, 1811 Samuel Hillman, 1812 During the year 1812, 162153150 150 there was much uneasiness in the society, occasioned by the active part taken by Mr. Hillman in favor of the war with Great Britain. Numbers of the church were Federalists, and warmly opposed " preaching politics," of which they accused their minister. 1813 Joshua Randall, 139 1814 John Atwell, 203 1815 " 230 1816 Henry True, 240 1817 Daniel Wentworth, . . . .300 1818 Benj. Jones, . • ... 344 1819 Oliver Beale, 405 1820 Henry True, 425 In 1821, the three towns of Augusta, Hallowell and Gardiner were set off, and continued to be call ed Hallowell circuit, containing 314 church members. 1821 Charles Virgin, 314 Till 1821, the society worshipped in the meeting house at Bowman's point, and in the school-house near Ichabod Plaisted's. In 1821 and part of 1822, they occupied the old church which had been vacat ed by the Episcopalians. 1822 David Hutchinson, . . . .352 In 1822, Mr. Richard Clay having completed the " Yellow meeting-house" on the Plaisted hill, which he had built at his own expense, informed the min ister, Mr. Hutchinson, that he " had given the house to the Lord and the key to father Plaisted." This was considered an intimation that the church might occupy it, which they did immediately, and continu ed there till Nov. 1828, when the new church was dedicated, on which occasion an eloquent dedicatory 262 ECCLESIASTICAL. sermon was delivered by the celebrated John N. Maf- fitt. The cost of the edifice was about $3500. 1823 David Hutchinson and Otis Williams, . 372 1824 Heman Nickerson and Jesse Stone, . 372 1825 Stephen Lovell and Caleb D. Rogers, . 336 1826 Wilder B. Mack and Moses Hill, . . 391 In 1827, Gardiner was established a separate sta tion, which then contained 159 church members. 1827 Phineas Crandall, . 159 1828 John Atwell, . 172 1829 " . 225 1830 Stephen Waterhouse, . . 397 1831 « » . . 380 1832 Justin Spaulding, . 240 1833 R. E. Schermerhorn, . 245 1834 Aaron Sanderson, . 225 1 835 " . 228 1836 John B. Husted, . . 277 1837 John W. Atkins, . 282 1838 Moses Hill, . 262 1839 " . 320 1840 Wm. F. Farrington, . 390 1841 " " . . 470 1842 John Hobart, . 470 1843 Geo. Webber, . 312 1844 N. D. George, . 312 1845 T. Greenhalgh, . 256 1846 Moses Hill, . 282 1847 " " . 283 1848 Eaton Shaw, . 265 1849 " " . 250 1850 Joseph Colby, . 440 1851 " " . 420 The number of church members at the present time, (1852,) is 420, including about 75 probation ers. The Sunday school was organized in 1827. It has 233 members, and a library of 500 volumes. JT-Pawerj- & ct> Iilk .Bosimt. 3- tT. Jones JJ el METEODIST CHURCH ECCLESIASTICAL. 263 METHODISTS. SOUTH GARDINER AND BRUNSWICK ROAD. In 1840 the Methodists in South Gardiner erected a meeting-house on the river road, containing 42 pews, at a cost of $1200. In 1843, that portion of the church, with others on the Brunswick road, were set off as a distinct charge, and Rev. David Higgins appointed as their preacher. 1844, Rev. John Cum- ner was appointed to serve them one year, since which they have had only occasional supplies. [The account in the foregoing paragraph, and the sketch of the methodists in Gardiner, were written by Moses Springer, Esq.] METHODISTS. PITTSTON VILLAGE. The Pittston Village Church became a separate station about the year 1842, and preaching was had. Rev. Freeman Yates was appointed in 1846, F. Soule in 1847, I. Foster, 1848-9, P. Higgins, 1850, Zina Hyde Blair, 1851. The neat house which now adorns the village was erected in 1847, at a cost of $3000. It was mainly done by Messrs. Smith Cox and John Blanchard. The preacher of the dedica tory sermon was Rev. Gershom F. Cox. A bell was placed in the steeple, by subscription, in 1851. There are about 30 members of the church, and there is a Sunday school of 50 scholars, possessing a library of 250 vols. [Statistics furnished by Alphonso H. Clark.] ORTHODOX CONGREGATIONALISTS. The great majority of the people of the Province of Maine were of the Congregational order, but that exclusive sectarianism which prevailed in Massachu setts did not obtain here. So liberal were the people that this proverb prevailed at Plymouth : — " When a man can find no religion tp hjs taste, let him go to 264 ECCLESIASTICAL. Maine."* Every variety could here be found, and no one party was sufficiently powerful to be able to tyrannize. The people of ancient Pittston, who loved the re ligion of the Puritans, were for a long time obliged to go abroad to hear their favorite doctrines, or, at the most, were able to receive only the occasional in struction of a visiting preacher. The Rev. Isaac Foster, who went to Hallowell in 1786, had a few hearers from Pittston, and it is probable that the Hal lowell church was partly sustained by Pittston mem bers.! Previous to this, however, the more zealous of these destitute Christians were forced to greater troubles. Major Reuben Colburn was an ardent Con- gregationalist. It was for many years his custom,J through the summer months to place his family in a canoe on each returning Saturday, and paddle them down to Georgetown, 35 miles, and attending church Sunday, would return Monday. This is an amount of zeal rarely witnessed in these degenerate days. Attempts were made in the year 1 788 to erect a meeting-house near Maj. Colburn's, for the benefit of the people on the eastern side of the river, who were mostly Congregationalists and Methodists. The frame was finished, and the people finding them selves unable to proceed further, offered the building to the town in February, 1789. The town refused to accept it, but, at another meeting the vote was re considered, the building was taken by the town, and partly finished. It was called the Town House, or the Meeting-house, and religious services were held there until it was superseded by the new house. In 1846 it was sold to Hiram Stevens, for $25,46. The reader will please read 1846, for 1844, on page 179, line second. * Greenleaf. t Ibid. j Elijah Jackson, ECCLESIASTICAL. 265 Efforts were made to secure the services of Rev. Mr. Moore, in 1792, to preach in the eastern part of the town, and teach school.* He does not seem to have remained long. Rev. Charles Turner preached in the years 1795 and 6. The people of East Pitts ton seem to have been very hostile to the Episcopal church, and refused to sustain its interests. Year after year they voted to devote their portion of the religious tax to the support of schools.f But in 1798 the town voted that the people should not ex, pend the money in schooling, though they might support any preaehing they pleased.! Efforts were made to employ Rev. Price as minister of the town for the year 1803, but the vote stood 16 to 18.$ In 1805 it was voted to divide the money raised by religious tax, among the several denomina tions, according to the contribution of each.]) The Congregationalists considered Pittston as missionary ground, until about 1812. At length, however, the FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH IN PITTSTON Was organized, Nov. 17, 1812. The Council pres ent at the organization, at the house of Maj. Reuben Colburn, were Rev. Messrs. Gillet, Bailey, Ward, Jenks and Tappan. There were eight members : — Isaac Noyes, Ephraim Hunt, (living,) Thomas Jack son, Francis Flitner, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Jackins, Mary Oakman, Sally Oakman, (living.) Miss Oak man married Mr. Kendrick. Mr. Daniel Kendrick was then ordained to the work of the Gospel minis try. The order of exercises was thus arranged : — Rev. David Thurston, Introductory Prayer; Rev. Eliphalet Gillet, Sermon ; Rev. Wm. Jenks, Ordain ing Prayer; Rev. Mr. Ward of Alna, Charge ; Rev. * Town Records. t Ibid. t Ibid. § Ibid. || Ibid. 23 266 ECCLESIASTICAL. B. Tappan, Right hand of Fellowship ; Rev. Bailey, Concluding Prayer. Mr. Kendrick remained until his connection was dissolved, Aug. 29, 1820. He lives in Minot. From that time preaching was enjoyed most of the time by the church, by preachers residing at a distance, until June in the year 1841, when Rev. James McCullom removed to the town, was ordain ed, and continued to labor until Sept. 1845. He is now at Great Falls. The next pastor was Rev. J. H. Stratton. He came in the year 1846, and remained until May 28, 1849, when he removed to Irving, Mass., where he died. Rev. Sumner Clarke removed to Pittston, and became pastor of the church in Dec. 1849. In 1851, he removed to Massachusetts. Sept. 26, 1851, Rev. Joshua Gay assumed the pastorate. There are now about 46 members. There is a Sunday school of about 40 scholars, and a li brary of 200 volumes, connected with the church. The meeting-house is situated about a mile below the ferry, and was built in 1836. It is a very neat temple. — Dea. E. Jackson, and Ch. Rec. CONGREGATIONALISTS. — PITTSTON VILLAGE. A small church consisting of some thirteen mem bers, was formed in Pittston village, in the year 1851. The pastor of the Pittston church is their minister. HISTORICAL SKETCH OF THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH AND SOCIETY. GARDINER. WRITTEN BY hEV. W. L. HYDE.. Pastors. Native place. Ordained. Dismissed. Rev. Seth Sweetaer, Newburyport, Mass. Nov. 1836 Nov. 1838 " Aaron Cheater Adams, Bangor, Me. July, 1839 Jan'y 184J ECCLESIASTICAL. 267 Pattors. Native Place. Ordained. Dismissed. Rev. Josiah Wheelocfc Pect, , Vermont. Dec. 1841 July, 1848 " William Lyman Hyde, Bath, Me. May, 1849. There were no formal attempts made to estab lish in Gardiner a religious society according to the faith and usages of the Cougregationalists, until the year 1833. A very trivial circumstance led to the undertaking the enterprise at this time. The vener able Dr. Gillett, Secretary- of the Maine Missionary Society, one Saturday afternoon in the spring of the year, rode down from Hallowell on hurseback, expeeting to cross over to Pittston. where he had an appointment for the Sabbath. The river was swol len by recent rains, and the ice running fast, render ed the crossing by ferry-boat impracticable, and he had turned his horse to go back again to Hallowell, when he was accosted by a brother in the faith, a member of the Congregational church in Litchfield, and invited to tarry with him for the night. The brother expressed a very strong desire for the estab lishment of Congregational worship in this place, but he knew of only one other person in the place ex cept himself who had a similar desire. As the result of their conference, Dr. Gillett left an appointment for the Sabbath next succeeding, with the assurance that if the prospect was good, the Missionary Soci ety would send a man to labor here. The Sabbath was rainy, and a little handful of six persons gather ed in the room of the brother already mentioned. The venerable father expounded the scriptures in a familiar manner, to their edification, and in the even ing, as the storm had cleared away, preached in a private house near the factory. Several times during the spring and summer he preached in the old school- house on Summer St. In the fall of the year, Mr. Daniel Hunt, a licentiate of Andover Theological Seminary, was sent by the M. M. S., and preached three months at the old Masonic Hall. These first 268 ECCLESIASTICAL. efforts to establish a religious society, developed the fact that there were quite a number of the same faith in the place, and led to measures for the organ ization of a parish. According to a call signed by Nathaniel Wilson, Esq. and twenty-one others, a warrant was served, and on the 28th of Sept. 1833, the parish was duly organized. All of the members, however, were men of small pecuniary means and only three of them members of any church. The main reliance there fore for pecuniary aid was on the Maine Missionary Society. In the spring of 1834, Mr. Seth Sweetser, a licen tiate of Andover, was commissioned by the Maine Missionary Society to preach here during the spring vacation at the Seminary. He spent five Sabbaths, preaching during this time in the school-house on Summer street. The congregation increased during this brief ministry till the school-house -was so full that many had to stand during the services. At the expiration of his mission a strong desire was ex pressed on the part of the society to have him re turn and preach again after completing his studies at Andover. In August the parish gave Mr. Sweetser a formal invitation to labor among them, there being no church yet organized. Mr. Sweetser accepted, and in Nov ember resumed his labors. The meetings on the Sab bath were now held in the Masonic Hall and the seats were provided by joint labor. In March of the ensuing year they changed their place of wor ship to the Town HaU. On the 28th of July, 1835, an ecclesiastical coun cil was convened, and the following individuals, members of Congregational churches in other places, were organized into a church. Nathaniel Bryant and Mrs. Mary Bryant, from church in Vassalboro' ; Gorham Whitney, Mrs. Olive ECCLESIASTICAL. 269 Whitney and John Baker, from church in Litchfield ; Joseph G. Bartlett, frofn church in Hallowell ; Mrs. Pamaiia Crooker, from church in Bath ; Mrs. Ruth Patten, from church in Topsham ; Mrs. Priscilla White, from church in Woolwich ; Mrs. Elizabeth Gray from church in Thomaston. The public services at the Town Hall at two o'clock, P. M. were as follows : — Introductory Prayer, Rev. P. Hawes ; Sermon, Rev. B. Tappan ; organization of Church and Prayer, Rev. Thomas Adams ; Fellowship of the churches, Rev. J. T. Hawes ; Concluding Prayer, Rev. George Shepard. During the winter of 1834, several meetings were held, to consult upon and mature a plan for a house of worship ; nothing however was done, till the win ter of 1835. R. H. Gardiner, Esq. at this time gen erously gave the society the lot of land on which their meeting-house now stands, and the ensuing spring the erection of a building was commenced. After much delay, owing to the poverty of the socie ty, the building was completed and paid for, by the aid of some of the neighboring churches ; and was dedicated to the worship of Almighty God, Nov. 23d, 1836. Qn the same day, Rev. Seth Sweetser was ordained pastor of the church and society ac cording to their unanimous request. In this relation he continued with them two years, when having received a call to Worcester, Mass., he was dismissed to the great grief of the church and parish. For a few months the society was without a min ister. The following spring, however, Mr. Aaron C. Adams, of Bangor, was invited to settle with them, and on acceptance he was ordained, July 10th, 1839. On account of pecuniary embarrassments aud the difficulty of raising his salary, Mr. Adams felt it his duty to leave, after laboring with great acceptance 23* 270 ECCLESIASTICAL. and success here, nearly two years. He asked and received his dismission in January, 1841. The society were now supplied for some months by Rev. Hermon Stinson. During the ensuing fall, Mr. Josiah W. Peet, a licentiate of Andover Seminary, preached as a candidate ; and receiving a call from the church and parish, he was ordained pastor, Dec. 15th, 1841. During the period of Mr. Peet's minis try, the house of worship was carpeted and in many respects improved, and made comfortable ; by the lib erality of a member of the parish, an organ was plac ed in the gallery. The church is valued at $3,000, and will seat about 300 persons. A vestry building was erected on a contiguous lot, for the convenience of social meetings. These results were accomplish ed by the energy of the pastor. The society, how ever, was crippled constantly during this period by deaths and removals. A very large amount of energy and pecuniary ability was, by these causes, with drawn. In July, 1848, Mr. Peet asked and received his dismission. In October of this year, Mr. W. L. Hyde, a licentiate of Bangor Seminary, came here to labor. In May, 1849, he was ordained pastor, which office he now holds. There have been no very powerful religious awak enings in connection with the labors of either of the pastors ; still the labors of all have been blessed by gentle influences from on High. The following table will exhibit the outward con dition of the church during the ministry of the various pastors. There were at the organization of the church, ten members. There were added during By Prof. Letter. Deaths, dism. Rev. Mr. Sweetser's Ministry, 26 22 2 5 " " Adams' " 15 8 3 8 " " Peet's " .7 15 12 17 " « Hyde's " 16 14 4 6 Total, 64 59 21 36 r^v X. s. Jan&vSeZ. JXUmm- kco.Iifh.llostm. COtf&BJGGAIIfJNAI CHURCH. ECCLESIASTICAL. 271 There are now 73 members on the church record, thirteen of these however are non-residents. The Sabbath school numbers about one hundred, with a library of 250 volumes. FREEWILL BAPTISTS. FIRST CHURCH. The first Freewill Baptist church in Gardiner was organized July 15, 1820. It consisted of seventeen members, and was under the pastoral care of Elder Joseph Robinson, of Richmond. He remained about fourteen years, laboring with great acceptance. In 1835 there were forty-five members, and the pastor at that time was Elder E. Gunham, who remained about two years. At the end of that time there were fifty-two members. The next pastor was Hubbard Chandler, under whose care the church in creased to sixty-one. He was succeeded by Elder Robert Stinson, who remained three years, and the church had seventy-two members. The meetings of this church, and their religious services were held in the school-houses in districts No. 7 and 13. In 1841 they built a neat church, at an expense of $1060,00, which was dedicated to God, November 3d, by Elders Hermon and Robert Stinson. It is the first meeting-house below the village, and seats two hundred persons. Mr. Stinson continued until 1842, when Elder Nathaniel Purrington of Lisbon became for two years the pastor. Elder Samuel Bush had the care of the church for three years after this, and additions were made, so that it num bered 86 in 1849. Since then, by deaths and remov als the church has been considerably diminished. Elder C. Purrington, Elder Thomas Tyler and some others have labored with the church. A Sabbath School was commenced in June, 1829, by R. H. Gardiner, Esq., and his family, and was for eight or nine years under their direction. Mr. F. 272 ECCLESIASTICAL. Richards took charge of it for one or two years, and different persons have managed it from time to time. Its largest number was from 70 to 80, but at present it is quite small. It has usually kept about three months each year. — Abridged from an account writ ten by Dea. Samuel Newcomb. FREEWILL BAPTISTS. SECOND CHURCH. The Second Freewill Baptist Church in Gardiner, now the first in West Gardiner, was organized Oct. 26, 1826, by Elders Samuel Hathorn, and Josiah Farwell. It had 15 members. Preaching was had the first year, from Elder S. Hathorn, and 14 mem bers were added. He continued to labor until 1835, assisted somewhat in 1834, by Elder Hubbard Chandler, and 46 members were added to the church. Elder Mark Getchell and Elder Barnard Goodrich labored in the years 1836, 7 and 8, and 21 members joined the church. Elder Samuel Bush became pastor in 1840. Up to this time the services of the Sabbath were celebrated in school-houses. In the summer of 1840, the meeting-house was built at a cost of $1100, and was dedicated in November. Sermon by Elder Josiah Keene, and other services by Elders Nathaniel Purrington, Mark Getchell and Isaac Frost. This house stands in the western ex tremity of the town, on the Litchfield road, where the road from Horseshoe pond to French's corner crosses, and will seat 250 persons. The preachers in 1841, were Elders Getchell and Frost, and during this year a great revival was enjoyed. A protracted meeting was held for three weeks, and from Febru ary to May 100 members were added by baptism, and 5 by letter. January 19, 1842, fifteen were dismissed to form the Centre Church, or what is now the second in West Gardiner. The preachers since 1841, have been Messrs. Elders M. Getchell, ECCLESIASTICAL. 273 and I. Frost, 1842; M. Getchell and N. Purrington, 1843 ; N. Purrington, Andrew Rollins and Hiram Albee, 1844 ; A. Rollins aud M. Getchell, 1845, 6 and 7; Gideon Perkins and M. Getchell, 1848; Thomas Tyler, 1849; Mark Getchell and Alexander H. Morrell, 1850; and M. Getchell, 1851. In 1843, there were 6 aud in 1844 there were 5 added. Since 1844 ho members have been added, but during that time some have died, some have been dismissed, and some have been excluded. The present number is 115. The Sabbath school was organized in 1840, contains about fifty scholars, and has a library of about 200 volumes. — Statistics furnished by Mr. Daniel Fuller. FREEWILL BAPTISTS. THIRD CHURCH. This body, the Gardiner City Church, was organ ized in October, 1826, by A. Bridges and J. Robin son, and was supplied with occasional preaching by Elder S. Robbins. It finally lost its name to live. It was re-organized January 30, 1836, by a council from the Windsor quarterly meeting, consisting of Elders Josiah Keen, Cyrus Stilson, Henry Meader, Aaron Brown and Dea. Lawton. At this time there were ten members, and three others were immedi ately baptized and admitted. Elder S. W. Perkins was pastor, and he remained about two years. The congregation increased and the affairs of the church prospered during his stay. Meetings were held in the Clay meeting-house. The next preacher was Elder Dexter Waterman, who remained but a short time, and was followed by Mr. Perkins again, who left in one year, and the church enjoyed only occas ional preaching, until 1841, when Elder Hermon Stinson became its pastor. He remained about three years, and was followed by Elder J. Stevens, who continued until the winter of 1846. During the 274 ECCLESIASTICAL. summer of that year, the meeting-house at the corner* of Summer and Winter streets was built, at an ex pense of $3100. It is sixty feet by forty, containing sixty pews, and has a brick basement. It can con tain 400 persons, and is valued at $3000. It was dedicated to Divine service, December 31, 1846, by Elder J. K. Staples, who was pastor for two years. Elder C. Phinney was with them about three months. Elder D. Lancaster preached a short time, and was succeeded by Elder P. Folsom. There are now 80 members. The Sabbath school was commenced in 1837, and the Sabbath School Society in 1837. The average number of scholars is 75, and 600 library books have been bought within five years, besides others previously procured. — Dea. H. Lee man and Charles Bridge. FREEWILL BAPTIST. FOURTH CHURCH. This Church, located in the southern part of the City, was organized with twenty-nine members, in the year 1838, under the labors of Elder Robert Stinson. He labored with this people in 1838-9, and was succeeded by Elder Harmor Getchell, in Dec. 1 840, who remained until Dec. 1842. From this time the church remained" without a pastor until 1850, when Elder Sam'I Hathorn commenced preach ing with the people, and a revival took place. The books were reviewed and it was ascertained that four had died, eight had been dismissed, and four teen added. The present number is thirty-one, and Elder James Colby is pastor. The church holds its meetings in the school-house in District No. 9. — There is a Sabbath school connected with the church, containing about fifty teachers and scholars, and is in a very flourishing condition. It has a library worth from ten to fifteen dollars. It was organized in 1851. — Furnished by William H. Huntington, Clerk. ECCLESIASTICAL. 275 FREEWILL BAPTISTS. FIFTH CHURCH. There was a small church formed about the year 1838, on the Brunswick road. It worships at the Union house on that road, owning it, with the Meth odists and Baptists. There are about 32 members. FREEWILL BAPTISTS. SIXTH CHURCH. This was formerly called the Centre Church, and is in West Gardiner. The brick meeting-house was erected in the year 1841, at a cost of $1300, and was dedicated to God, December 22d, of the same year. Elder John Stevens preached the dedicatory sermon, from Psalms cxxn. 1. He was aided in the services by Elders Thomas S. Tyler, Samuel Bush, Barnard Goodrich, Mark Getchell and Nathaniel Pur- rinton. The church was organized January 24, 1842, by Elders J. Stevens and Samuel Bush. The original members were sixteen. Additions have been made as follows : — in 1843, 3 ; in 1844, 17 ; in 1847, 5 ; making in all 41, of whom 3 have died, 9 have been excluded, and 6 have been dismissed to other churches. There are now 23. The preachers have been Elders T. S. Tyler, Samuel Bush, Hiram Sleeper, Cleveland B. Glidden, &c. There is a Sunday school having about 20 scholars. — Facts furnished by Mr. John Blan chard. CALVINISTIC BAPTISTS. FIRST CHURCH. In the year 1782, it is not known that there was more than one person who was a Calvinistic Baptist, on the Kennebec* In 1 785, there were but three churches on the Kennebec and east of it, and these formed the Bowdoinham Association. * Greenleaf's Eccl. Sketches. 276 ECCLESIASTICAL. The First Baptist Church in Gardiner, now known as the Baptist Church in West Gardiner, was organ ized by a Council convened Dec. 14, 1815, in the school-house at Brown's corner, West Gardiner. Elders John Robinson and Henry Kendall, and sev eral brethren from the church in Litchfield constitut- ted the council, convened "at the request of certain brethren formerly members of the 1 st Baptist church in Litchfield.", They were organized as the First Baptist church in Gardiner, and were as follows : — Elder Levi Young, Wm. Nash, Sewall Brown, Ezekiel Robinson, James Lord, Joseph Robinson, Abigail Nash, Anna Brown, Mary Doe, Sarah Lord, Eunice Robinson, Mary McCausland aud Elizabeth Rice. Sixteen more were added within a year. Since then additions have been made as follows : — In 1824 and 5, twenty-nine; fourteen in 1833; thirty-nine in 1838 ; nine in 1841 ; thirty-four in 1843. The whole number of communicants since the organization of the church is 205, of whom 53 have joined by letter and 152 by baptism. During the existence of the church 36 have been excluded, 10 dropped, 8 restored, 56 dismissed and 24 died. Present number 83. Elder Levi Young supplied the desk from December 1815, until October 1819. The pastors have been Rev. Abraham Bedel from 1832 until September 1837. Elder Eliab Cox from December 1837 to January 1839. Rev. A. M. Piper from May 1839 to May 1841. Elder Rufus Chase from June 1841 to April 1844. Rev. W. O. Grant, fromx September 1844 to 1849. The pastor since 1849 has been Rev. H. Pierce. The follow ing persons have been licensed by this church to preach : — Rev. Thomas B. Robinson, February 20, 1826 ; James C. Morgan, January 15, 1833, (exclud ed from the church, May 3, 1834.) For a consider able time religious meetings were held in the school- house at Brown's corner, and afterwards in a sphoojr ECCLESIASTICAL. 277 house near where the church now stands. In February, 1835, a society was organized for the purpose of building a meeting-house. It was finish ed in July, 1836, and dedicated the same month. The house is a small, neat building, containing a singing gallery and vestry, and will confortably seat 200 persons. It cost $900 and is located about one- third of a mile west of the Hallowell line, on the road leading from Brown's Corner to Hallowell. The Sunday School is in a prosperous condition. — Statistics furnished by the Rev. H. Pierce. BAPTISTS. VILLAGE CHURCH. The Gardiner Village Baptist Church was organ ized, Nov. 10, 1843. The original members were Rev. J. W. Lawton, B. H. Field, L. Parsons, E. Shepard, Lucy V. Lawton, Nancy Field, Joan McCurdy, Mary A. Jewett, Pamelia Duganne, Mary White and Margaret Plaisted. There are now about fifty members, and there is a Sunday School which has been in operation since the organization of the church, containing about 30 scholars, with a library of about 200 vols. The church possesses a fine lot of land for a meeting-house, and preparations have been made to erect one. The lot is just below Mr. Daniel Nutting's, on Brunswick street. The first preacher was Rev. J. W. Lawton, who came in 1843. He was succeeded, January 3, 1846, by Rev. Martyn Byrne. Aug. 9, of the same year came Rev. J. B. Foster, sent by the missionary society. Rev. Edwin Dibbel came in January, 1849, and was ordained April 30, 1851. In October of the same year, he removed to Bath, and was succeeded in November, 1851, by Rev. M. J. Kelley, the present pastor. [Dates furnished by Mr. Na thaniel Clark, Church Clerk.] 24 278 ECCLESIASTICAL. NEW JERUSALEM CHURCH. [Written by H. B. Hoskins, Esq.] The writings of Emanuel Swedenborg, were first introduced into this State, about the year 1812, by the late Mr. John Savels of this town, who became acquainted with them through the Rev. William Hills, an English minister of the established Church. Through the influence of Mr. Savels the knowledge of these writings became disseminated in this neigh borhood. In the year 1832, these persons residing in town who had adopted the doctrines taught by this " Servant of the Lord Jesus Christ," formed themselves into a Society for the purpose of main taining public worship. A church was formed Aug. 25, 1836, under the designation of the New Jerusa lem Church, consisting of sixteen members. These doctrines were first publicly preached here by the Rev. Samuel Worcester, in October, 1831, and afterwards, occasionally, by him, the Rev. Henry A. Worcester, and others, until Sept. 1839, when the Rev. Adonis Howard commenced preaching for the society, and was ordained their pastor, Oct. 17, 1841, and continued that relation until May 31, 1846, when he was compelled by ill-health to relinquish his ministerial duties. Since then, the society has had no settled pastor, but has continued its meetings for public worship, under the direction of one of its appointed members. ' Forty-two persons have been admitted since its organization, and one hundred and twelve adults and children have been baptized. There is a Sunday school connected with this church. Note. — The triangular lot on Brunswick street, near the Common, has been secured for a building spot, and it is hoped that a church may speedily be erected on the eligible site. — Compiler. ECCLESIASTICAL. 279 UNIVERSALISTS. The first public proclamation of the gospel of Universal Grace, within the limits of Gardiner, was in the old school house that used to stand on the Common. It was somewhere about the year 1820, and was by BarziUai Streeter, and Elias Smith, — the father of the sect called Christians, or the Chris tian Band. At about the same time, the venerable Hosea Ballou came and preached one Sabbath eve ning in the old town house. He was persuaded to tarry here on the occasion alluded to by Mr. Parker Sheldon, aided by Maj. Seth Gay, Col. John Stone, Javan Knapp and Haynes Learned. Revs. Sylvanus Cobb, W. A. Drew, Russel Streeter and others, occasionally visited the place. The first parish organization was in 1835, the records of which were unfortunately destroyed. It is remembered that Mr. Parker Sheldon, who was for many years almost alone as a Universalist, Maj. Gay, one of the original members of the Episcopal Church, E. McLellan, J. Y. Gray, James Steward, J. G. Donnel, Silas Andrews and others were the supporters of the cause. The society was weak and small, and had much opposition to resist, and experienced a varied career. Aug. 29, 1840 it was permanently reorganized, and had the following members ; J. Steward, J. Y. Gray, Allyn Holmes, John Roberts, J. G. Donnel, Joel H. Snow, Henry Bowman, E. F. Deane, P. Sheldon, Silas Andrews, Welcome Pincin, Andrew Jeck, James A. Clay, Alvin Stanford, Nathaniel Snow, Jr., Abel Thompson, G. M. Atwood and Moses H. Lord. The number had increased to. 65, in 1846. The committee which drew up the constitution now gov erning the society, was E. F. Deane, J. P. Weston, R. K. Littlefield, P. Sheldon, James H. Jones and William Cooper. 280 ECCLESIASTICAL. Rev. Messrs. N. C. Fletcher, D. J. Mandell, Oliver Q,uinby, Henry Jewell, and others, labored with the society from, time to time, but the first .settled resident pastor was Rev. James Partelow Weston, A. M., a graduate from Bowdoin College, in the class of 1840. He was principal of the Waterville Liberal Institute, and came here from that position, April 16, 1843. His ministry was very successful, and at the end of seven years, in the year 1850, he resumed his former position, and now resides in Waterville. He was succeeded in November, 1850, by Rev. John Wesley Hanson, the present pastor, a native of Boston. He was installed February 28, 1851. The installation services were as follows : Sermon, Rev. E. H. Chapin ; Address to the Society, Rev. Calvin Gardner ; Charge and Delivery of Scriptures, Rev. W. A. Drew ; Right hand of Fellowship, Rev. W. R. French ; Prayer, Rev. B. F. Robbins. The church was organized in August, 1844, with the following members : James P. Weston, James M. Merrill, Harriet Merrill, Lucy Ann Whittier, John Woodcock, Thomas Searls, Joseph Few, Joshua Nickerson, Joanna Dennis, Joanna G. Dennis, Elizabeth D. Dennis, John Jewett, Harriet Jewett, Betsey H. Franklin, Welcome Pincin, Zilphia Stu art, Elbridge G. Pierce, Louisa Snow, Frederic Blood, Nancy Blood. The Universalist church was erected in the year 1842, at an expense of $6500, and was publicly dedi cated Feb. 1, 1843. Introductory Prayer and Remarks, Rev. W. A. Drew ; Scripture Lesson and Dedica tory Prayer, Rev. N. Gunnison ; Sermon, Rev. L. L. Saddler, from Prov. ix. 1, 2 ; Concluding Prayer, Rev. H. Jewell. The church is a very neat speci men of Protestant architecture, and occupies a fine situation. It has an excellent organ, a bell and two clocks. Connected with the parish is a Sunday I.Ifamr ia.litkSostim UNIVERSAL l" ST CHURCH. BS..7oni>.?lleT, ECCLESIASTICAL. 281 school, numbering one hundred and eighty mem bers, owning a library of seven hundred and fifty volumes. The parish numbers about one hundred and twenty-five families, residing in Gardiner and Pittston. 24* CHAPTER IX. MISCELLANEOUS. ¦WEATHER, &C. The character of some of the weather and seasons may be learned from the following minutes, com piled from Dr. Parker's almanacs, Rufus Gay's dia ry, files of newspapers, &c. April 15, 1803, snow-storm three days; May 8, 1803, snow storm. Oct. 22, 1804, a splendid aurora borealis. Dec. 24, 1805, first snow-storm ; Dec. 29, 1805, violent wind and rain. Jan. 1806, snow nine days, and from the 25th warm and soft eight days ; February, 1806, snowed thirteen days, end ing in mist and rain ; April 1 , 1806, robins and blue birds, and sparrows came ; 2d day, snow and cold ; 20th, snow ; October, 1806, the entire month warm, clear, beautiful ; Nov. 16, 1806, first snow-storm. March, 1807, only two mild forenoons ; April 8, 1807, a ground-sparrow, the first spring bird ; 16th, robins ; April 2, 1807, 20 inches snow ; 8th, geese seen; 12th, a vessel passed.; August 1, 1807, fin ished haying. March 25, 1808, bluebirds, sparrows, ducks and geese appeared'; April 11, 1808, snow storm ; October 27,1808, snow-storm. April 11, 1809, a load of hay passed the river on the ice, and men and horses passed on the 16th. The winter of MISCELLANEOUS. 283 1809-10 was very mild. At no time up to the first of March more than 6 inches snow, and not more than a foot in all. No snow from January 25th to March 4th. May 5, 1811, a violent snow storm, — old snow not all dissolved, — not a warm day as yet, not a bud. Oct. 25, a snow-storm. From Dec. 24th to the 31st, a violent snow-storm — the great est for many years. Prices this year — flour, $11; coin, $1,25; boots, $8, &c. In 1813, the months of July and August were almost without rain, so that crops were small, and much distress prevailed. May 8 and 19, 1815, severe snow-storms. Prices this year, corn, $1,75 ; flour, $18; rye, $2,50. January 17, 1816, a power ful rain carried away the snow, which was very deep. June 8, 1816, a cold snow-storm, and many birds chilled to death. July 8, quite a frost. Aug. 22, a severe frost. This year has always been re membered as the cold season. April 12, there was a heavy snow which made good sleighing for sev eral days ; May 24, there was a rain which froze on all the fruit trees ; June 5 and 6, cold weather, rain and hail, ground froze, corn and potatoes killed, and apple trees did not bloom until July 1. Corn was hoed the first time, in the first week in July, and after that it was cut down the second time. Haying commenced in August, and a frost came the last of the month. Almost nothing was raised, and much suffering prevailed. February 11, 1818, the thermometer was 32 de grees below zero. March 28, the only snow-storm during the month. In 1818, the weather from May 20 until Nov. 19, was pleasant and agreeable, with scarcely a very hot or stormy day. In 1819, not more than three inches of snow up to Feb. 20. In the spring there was a great rain and freshet. Oct. 19, 1821, a severe snow-storm. Jan. 1, 1825, the stage used runners for the first time during the win- 284 MISCELLANEOUS. ter. May 2 and 5, snow-storms. July was the warmest for 30 years. Trie papers state, (the read er can place a query after the item,) that apples were found in E. Byram's orchard, with the side nearest the sun roasted. In August two bears were killed near the village of Pittston. Pease and straw berries were plenty, June 9. Jan. 16, 1826, the first sleighing. March 26, 1826, the greatest freshet for thirty-five years. There was eight feet of water on the wharves ; vessels, lumber, buildings, were swept away ; the water was thirteen feet above high water mark ; there was a damage of $5,000 to this village. R. H. Gardiner, Esq. and J. P. Hunter & Co., were the principal losers. An elm tree 5 feet in diameter, was uprooted in James Tarbox's ship yard.* Aug. 2, a great hail-storm, the drifts of which were ten inches deep. Aug. 28, 1827, a remarkable appearance in the heavens. Between nine and ten in the evening a broad luminous body arose in the north-west, and another in the south-east. A mag nificent effulgent arch was thus formed, which re mained fifteen minutes. The winter of 1827—8 was very open. Aug. 1 1, 1828, an earthquake was felt in Gardiner, at 3 P. M. In Jan. 1829, the thermometer stood on the 3d, at 11 degrees below zero ; 4th, 12 ; 5th, 7 ; 6th, 4 ; 30th, 18; 31st, 2.0; and it was intensely cold throughout the winter. Jan. 8, 1830, the horse ferry-boat ceas ed running for the year. Dec. 11, splendid aurora borealis. Jan. 1, 1831, two vessels went to Bath; no ice in the river. In April 1832, the thermometer was below zero 10 days, — some days 16 degrees. ? * P. Sheldon. MISCELLANEOUS. 285 One of the severest freshets ever known occurred this spring. May 1, 1832, a cold rain and snow. In January, 1833, the thermometer was 53 degrees below zero, in all, and in February, 70, and March, 51, and much snow. Feb. 1833, was the most snowy month known for many years. Feb. 15, 23 men and five horses were six hours in going from Hallo well village to the cross-roads.* March 18, 1834, a ground-sparrow singing this morning. Oct. 13, 1834, first snow. Jan. 25, 1837, the most remarkable display of the northern lights on record. A great freshet occurred Jan. 28, 1839, carrying off the ice, several stores, and filling the cellars on the river side, and doing other damage.. A very severe freshet in the spring of 1843, and another Nov. 5, 1845, which filled the cellars on Water street. March 27 and 28, 1846, there was an other high freshet. The water was fifteen feet above high-water mark. It occasioned great loss on the river. A great freshet in May, 1850. Rain ten days. Much property destroyed, — booms, ice-houses, rafts, &c. — Ice-house on Kimball's wharf, with $500 worth of ice ; Steamer Huntress got across her wharf, so that one third of her was over the wharf, and yet she was uninjured, — proving that she was staunch and strong. Winter of 1850-1 severely cold. Summer back ward and cold, and but few warm nights. 1852, winter very cold ; snow very deep ; thermometer 30° below zero once, and below zero several degrees, many times. Feb. 19, 1852, a splendid aurora. Robins and bluebirds, March 16. * G. S. Rogers' diary. 286 MISCELLANEOUS. The progress of vegetation is here given for sev eral years : — 1817. 1820. 1821. 1822. 1823. 1824. 1825. Ground Lilac appear'd, Ap. 16, Ap. 14, Mar. 26, Ap. 20, Mar.28, Ap. 3. Anemone, " Ap.24, " 26, " 20, " 15. Euthromium Am. May 4, " 27, " 26, May 3, " 18. A TABLE OP ' THE : WEATHER, &C, FOR TWELVE YEARS. Winters. Days that Ther Quantity River froze Days fell below 0. °/> mow. at Gardiner. Sleighing. 1836-7. 30 138 days. 91 1837-8. 11 2ft . 6fin. 125 1838-9. 31 5 10£ 132 51 1839-40. 19 5 2* 103 16 1840-1. 18 10 H 128 76 1841-2. 10 4 8 96 16 1842-3. 19 12 n 141 114 1843-4. 26 8 n 129 92 1844-5. 17 9 h 124 80 1845-6. 24 5 2* 112 109 1846-7. 14 6 7f 138 100 1847-8. 15 6 3 106 38 Average, 19 6 11 122 69 Mean heat for May, June, July and August, 1837, 55.0 above; 1838,64.8; 1839,62.6; 1840, 68.8. Mean heat for August, 1836, 61.7 ; 1837, 63.4 ; 1838, 68.8 ; 1839, 67.9 ; 1840, 71.4. In the winter of 1839-40, only 16 days sleighing. In 1837 sleighing commenced Nov. 26 ; 1838, Nov. 20 ; 1839, Dec. 28 ; 1840, Nov. 22. Coldest day in 1837, Jan. 26 ; thermometer, 27° below. In 1838,.Dec. 31, 23£° below. 1839, Jan. 1, 23i° below. 1840, Jan. 17, 23° below. Mean heat for Dec. 1837, 21.9; 1838, 16.3; 1839, 27.9; 1840,20.8. MISCELLANEOUS. 287 Record of the time of the opening and closing of the river between Pittston and Gardiner. Years. Opened. Closed. 1785 April 24 1786 March 21 November 18 1787 April 7 1789 April 4 January 5, -1790 1790 April 18 November 26 1791 April 3 December 10 1792 April 3 November 23 1793 April 1 1794 April 6 1796 November 28 1797 April 4 November 22 1798 April 12 November 23 1799 April 13 November 24 1800 April 10 November 28 1801 March 25 December 10 1802 April 9 December 16 1803 March 22 December 22 1804 April 12 November 19 1805 April 2 January, 1806 1806 March 15 1807 April 7 December 18 1808 Jan 25* & Ma. 29 December 6f 1809 April 17 November 13 1810 April 10 December 10 1811 April 4 December 14 1812 April 18$ December 11 1813 April 11 December 21 1815 April 18 December 2 1816 April 20 November 28 1817 April 17 November 24$ 1818 April 12 December 1 & 10 * From Bowman's Point to Swan Island. t Broke up 20th. t Country ponds broke up. § Broke up Dec. 3, & closed 7. 288 MISCELLANEOUS. Years, _ Opened. Closed. 1819 April 14 December 5 1820 April 15 November 16 1821 April 11 November 30 1822 March 28 December 6 1823 April 11 November 16 1824 March 28 December 8 1825 April 5 December 11 1826 March 26 December 20 1827 March 28 Nov. 10, 24 & Dec. 7 1828 March 25 December 19 1829 April 12 Nov. 27, & Dec. 3, & 17 1830 April 1 Dec. 13, 17, Jan. 1831 1831 March 30 December 2 1832 April 14 December 2 1833 April 5 December 14 1834 April 4 December 8 1835 November 23 1836 April 9 November 27 1837 April 14 November 27 1838 April 3 November 24 1839 January 28 December 18 1840 March 31 November 28 1841 April 5 December 1 1842 March 20 November 28 1843 April 19 ' November 30 1844 April 9 November 27 1845 March 31 December 7 1846 March 28 December 2 1847 April 18 1848 April 1 December 21 1849 March 30 December 20 1850 April 1 December 7 1851 April 7 December 2 1852 April The foregoing list was made from three sources : a-- series of almanacs owned by the widow of Dr. Parker, the records in which were kept by him ; a journal kept by Rufus Gay, Esq. ; and a table furnished by Mr. Daniel Nutting. MISCELLANEOUS. 289 Several occurrences not previously recorded, are here given- July 4, 1823, a Mr. El well was killed by the bursting of a cannon. July 4, 1825, Seth Fish, Charles Peck, and several others were dangerously wounded by the accidental explosion of a cannon. Fish died. In 1825 great efforts were made to erect a bridge between Gardiner and Pittston, — they fail ed. A fulling-mill, and grist-mill, valued at $2000, owned by Samuel Jewett were destroyed in Pittston by a freshet. At the same time, April 27, Mr. Wm. Stevens was drowned. May 4, Joseph GUpatrick, member of Junior class, Bowdoin College, died. Mr. R. H. Gardiner's house burned, in Pittston, Nov. 11, 1834. 1840, a severe fire iu September ; a brick building owned by Capt. N. Kimball and E. F. Deane, Esq. and occupied by Richardson & Co's W. I. Goods store. Deane & Whitmore lost valuable law books and papers. Entire loss, 7 to 8000 dollars. Friday, Aug. 16, 1844. a great fire consumed 10 mills, several dwellinghouses, &c. Loss $50,000, including 1,000,000 of lumber. Benjamin Elwell, Jr., Mt. 14, carried around a drum at New Mills and killed, January 20, 1845. Lord, aged 80—90, burned to death, 15 February, 1847. Attempt at highway robbery, on Brunswick road, December 9, 1847, on the person of John Rollins, Clerk for G. M. Atwood. Vessels built in Gardiner and Pittston in 1847 : 3 ships ; 1 bark ; 5 brigs ; 4 schooners. Lumber manufactured in Gardiner in 1847, 20,000 m. long 1., 16,300 m. shingles, 1900 m. clapboards, 4,000 m. laths and 50 m. plank. Violent dysentery, very mortal to children, prevailed in the summer of 1848. July 5, 1849, a destructive fire at New Mills. April 6, 1850, a fire broke out in Messrs MitcheU and Lawton's shop, near the Cabbassa bridge. Jt burnt entirely or partially, several buildings, and 25 290 MISCELLANEOUS. produced losses as follows : R. H. Gardiner, $200, ins. ; John L. Foy, $560, ins. ; John Upham, $125, no ins. ; Woodward Thompson, $50, no ins. ; H. W. Lawton, $1225, no ins. ; John C. Merrow, $150, no ins. ; John Roberts, $ 1 00, no ins. ; J. L. Mitchell $1785, ins. 500; G. S. Palmer, $837, no ins. Total about, $5000. The work of an incendiary. TABLE OF POPULATION OF SEVERAL OF THE PRINCIPAL PLACES IN MAINE. ?3| of ~ „ _. - ,- SS ft ? CO CO CO CQ CO CO S S «. — li oj CO a-. en Portland, 1786 7169 8581 12,601 15,637 15,218 20,819 Bangor, 1791 850 1221 Thom'st'n,1777 2100 2651 Augusta, 1797 1805 2457 Bath, 1781 2491 3026 Gardiner, 1803 1029 2053 Hallowell, 1771 2068 2919 Brunswick,1738 2682 2954 Belfast, 1773 1274 2026 2868 8554 8634 14,432 4221 5272 6227 *9195 3980 5384 5314 8154 3773 4523 5143 t8580 3709 4470 5044 $6486 3964 4494 4668 §4800 3547 4136 4259 4976 3077 3911 4194 5052 Total, 21,468 27,888 41,740 56,381 59,001 82,494 GROWTH OF OLD PITTSTON. In the foregoing list, Gardiner does not occupy its proper position. Pittston is identical with Gardiner, practically, and if we reckon it as Augusta reckons, namely, both sides of the river, we find a population of 9,309, making the largest place on the Kennebec. This is seen in the following table. * The original territory, now Tliomaston, South do., and Rock land, t Including West Bath. + Including "\Vest Gardiner, § About, on original territory, MISCELLANEOUS. 291 1796 1800 1810 1820 1837 1840 1850 Pittston & J 605 M08# Gardiner, j Pittston, 1018 1337 2121 2460 2823 Gardiner, 1029 2053 4470 t5044 5226 W. Gardiner, 1260 605 1408 2047 3390 6591 7504 9309 The polls and valuation are Gardiner, val. $1,385,298 West Gardiner, 223,610 Pittston, 593,319 $2,202,227 polls, 857254 546 1657 Names of some of the persons who have died in Gardiner and Pittston, aged 60 years and upwards, not recorded in previous pages. Obtained from family Bibles, gravestones, Eastern Chronicle, Chris tian Intelligencer, American Standard, Gardiner Spectator, Ledger, Fountain, Sling, Transcript and Dispatch. Elizabeth Blood, 77, Aug., 1848 ; Russel Braley, 60, March 22, 1845 ; John Blake, 90, January 20, 1848; Joseph Blodgett, 91, (P.) July, 1848; Nath aniel Bryant, 74, Oct. 10. 1850; Lydia Blanchard, 78, Sept. 14, 1850; Joseph Bowman, 66, July 10, 1830; Betsey Blake, 71, May 30, 1848; Joanna Bradstreet, 73, July 13, 1817; Frances Bowman, 65, (?) March 11, 1824; Nathaniel Bryant, 74, Oct. 10, 1850; Leonard Blanchard, (P.) May 1, 1851; Hannah Ballard, 66, Oct. 1S42. Betsey Cowen, 72, Nov. 27, 1848; Joseph Col- * About 500 in Gardiner. t Census taken in 1845 by A. S. Chadwick, by order of the Town, 6527. 292 MISCELLANEOUS. lins, 89, Dec. 6, 1848 ; John Colburn, 67, (P.) April 15, 1850; Margaret Chapman, 76, August, 1844; Sally L. Cooper, 69, (P.) May 4, 1848; Elizabeth Clark, 74, (P.) Feb. 26, 1825; Isaac Clark. 76,"(P.) July, 1825; Abigail Colcord, 88, August 1825; Rachel Colcord, 71, August, 1825; Samuel Clark, (P.) 72, May 27, 1851 ;¦ James N. Cooper, (P.) 63, July 17, 1849 ; Gershom Cox, (P.) 83, April 12, 1849 ; Thomas Coss, 76, ( P.) March, 1843 ; Wm. Craw ford, S3, Oct. 1841; Hannah Chase, 80, Sept. 28, 1851 ; Henry Crawford, 86, Dec. 28, 1851 ; Nancy Clark, 76, Dec. 12, 1851. Sarah Day, 81, Aug. 13, 1847; Dolly Damon, 78, Dec. 15, 1850; Amelia F. Dugann, 79, Feb. 1849; John Dockendorf, (P.) 79, April 30, 1841 ; Nancy Dockendorf, (P.) 53, June 17, 1829. Sarah Eastman, 85, Dec. 1850; Mary Eldred, 64, (P.) Oct. 6, 1837 ; Micah Eldred, 70, (P.) Aug. 17, 1847. Lucy Fuller, 83, May 4, 1846; S. Ferguson, 80, January 27, '1850; Francis Flitner, 76, (P.) April 3, 1850; Lucy Francis, 80, Dec. 29, 1831. Seth Getchell, 91, (P.) Aug. 1844; Abigail Grif fin, (P.) July 25, 1846 ; Moses Goodwin, 76, (P.) Dec. 27, 1840. John Hutchinson, 61, (P.) Jan. 5, 1846; Mary Hunt, 101 years 7 months, (P) March, 1847; Jane Hill, 64, Nov. 21, 1847 ; John Hazeltine, 70, Sept. 3, 1848; Andrew Hutchins, 64, February 9, 1851; Sarah Ham, 81, Jan. 20, 1851 ; Dr. Silas Holman, M.D.* 61, Sept. 17, 1850; Joseph Haskell, 62, Dec. 4, 1849; Wm. Haskell, 79, August 9, 1830; Jane Hanscom, 79, Sept. 5, 1838 ; Harlow Harden, 68, Graduated at Harvard, practised here 30 years. MISCELLANEOUS. 293 Oct. 19, 1843; Elizabeth Houghton, 83, March 22, 1851; Esther Hildreth, 71, Feb. 1841 ; Sarah Hard ing, 80, Nov. 29, 185L. Wm. James, 70, July, 1845; Enoch Jewett, 69, (P.) Feb. 22, 1846; Christopher Jackings, 78, Feb. 9, 1826, (P.); Mehitable Jones, 79, April 29, 1843; Hannah Jones, (P.) 62, Nov. 12, 1849; Sam uel Jones, (P.) 69, Oct. 22, 1849; Jesse Jewett, Aug. 22, 1842, (P.) 73*; Benj. Jackson, 70, (P.) June 14, 1842 ; Christopher Jackings, 76, (P.) Nov. 1843; Andrew Johnson, 75, Aug. 1843. Charles Kinsman, 66, (P.) April 16, 1847 ; Lydia Keith, 87, (P.) Dec. 1, 1848. Deborah Leighton, 85, Sept. 29, 1844 ; Samuel Little, 79, (P.) Dec. 21, 1848 ; Reuben Libbey, 60 March 13, 1825. Lydia Meroe, 87, April 29, 1848 ; John Merrill, 74, May, 1849; Mary McCausland, 88, Dec. 8, 1848 ; Nathaniel Marston, 72, Jan. 18, 1848 ; James Marston, 74, Dec. 23, 1850 ; Abigail Mussey, 67, Aug. 8, 1825; Joseph Mathews, 84, Aug. 26, 1850; .(Anna McLellan, 61, Sept. 22, 1850; Widow Mar- "sori, (P.) 93, May 16, 1832; Daniel Merrill, 71, Sept. 7, 1851. Zebulon Newell, 74, Dec. 1825; John Nichols, 78, Oct. 30, 1824; John Nickels; (P.) 92, July 20, 1849. John Oliver, 82, Oct. 1848; Samuel Oakman, Dec. 18, 1822. Ebenezer Pierce, 75, December 5, 1851 ; Edward Philips, 64, Dec. 12, 1851 ; Mary Potter, 71, June 1842; Sarah Peacock, 61, Dec. 3, 1846; Nancy Pray, 71, April 6, 1849; Mary Palmer, 60, Nov., * Died at Windsor, was deputy sheriff, lived at Bowman's Point. 25* 294 MISCELLANEOUS. 1848; Mary Parker, 88, Jan. 7, 1817; Catharine Porter, 74, (P.) March 10, 1831 ; Dr. James Parker 69, Nov. 9, 1837 ; his widow, Dorcas, (Marble,) yet living ; b. June 2, 1773 ; in. March 25, 1798 ; Eben ezer Preble, 75, Dec. 5, 1851. Joseph Roberts, 69, April 15, 1846; Priscilla Roberts, 69, Aug. 2, 1848; Eunice Robinson, 71, Nov. 9, 1848; James Rollins, December 6, 1830, aged 60. Rebecca Smith, 67, Nov. 18, 1850; Chapin Samp son, 86, Dec. 30, 1850 ; Isaac Sawyer, 85, May 11, 1847 ; Hannah Sumner, 75, April 24, 1828 ; Miriam Shepherd, 91, June 10, 1825; Sarah Sampson, 83, (W. G.) June, 1851; Esther Savels, 77, May 28, 1851; Susan Springer, 73, October 3, 1842; John Stevens, 69, (P.) Dec. 1842 ; Asa Stevens, 65, Feb. 1841. Elihu Thorp, 75, April 7, 1850; Betsey Thurs ton, 74, July 24, 1844 ; Lucy Troop, 97, (P.) April, 1847; Royal Tarbox, 70, Sept. 5, 1848; Michael Tappan, Aug. 1:31; Mary Tilton, 73, Nov. 6, 1847. Jane Wells, 75, July 12, 1848; Margaret Warren, 75, April, 1845; Lucy Woodward. 69, Feb. 15, 1843; Wm. Whitmore, 82, May 27, 1850; Lydia White, (P.) 77, Dec. 20, 1841; Daniel Woodward, 68, April, 1843; Lois Williams, 89, Dec. 11, 1841. Mrs. Whipple, 79, March 13, 1829. NEWSPAPERS, &C. The first periodical established in Gardiner waff the Eastern Chronicle, originated in Oct. IS24, by Hon. Parker Sheldon, editor and proprietor. Two volumes appeared, and it was joined to the Christian Intelligencer, an Universalian print, Jan. 25, 1827 ; Rev. Wm. A. Drew, Editor. - The Intelligencer had MISCELLANEOUS. 295 been published six years at Portland, and ceased to exist in 1834, after a life of ten years.* The American Standard was made out of the Intelligencer, and was published by Mr. Sheldon about one year, in 1832.f The Yankee Blade, which commenced in Water ville, began in the fall of 1842, and was pub lished in Gardiner a little more than two years, when it was removed to Boston.^ The Gardiner Spectator was commenced in Dec. 1839, by Alonzo Bartlett, and in July 1840, G. S. Palmer became publisher. Nov. 26, 1841, William Palmer published it, and continued it until Sept. 24, 1S42, when it ceased, § and The Gardiner Ledger arose from its ashes, Nov. 11, 1842, and continued about thirteen months.1I The Cold Water Fountain was established Juue 28, 1844, by G. M. Atwood. It is now iu existence, and enjoys much patronage from the friends of Temperance in different parts of the State. Differ ent hands have been employed upon it. Its publishers have been G. M. Atwood, H. W. Jewell & Co., Weston & Morrell, and Morrell & Heath. Editors, Rev. J. P. Weston, Rev. J. W. Lawton, G. M. At wood, S. B. Weston, Rev. Freeman Yates, G. H. Shirley, and A. M. C. Heath.** David's Sling hurled some pebbles, commencing Feb. 1, 1845, and ending Jan. 6, 1846, in all 39 issues. James A. Clay and Isaac Rowell, editors and proprietors-ft The Star in the East shone once in the winter of 1845. Printed by H. W. Jewell.JJ The New England Farmers' and Mechanics' * Hon. P. Sheldon. t Ibid. X R- B- Caldwell. § William Palmer. H Ibid. ** G. M. Atwood. A. M. C. Heath. ft Jas. A. Clay. XX A. M. C. Heath. 296 MISCELLANEOUS. Journal, a monthly magazine, was published one year in 1 827, by Hon. Parker Sheldon. Dr. Ezekiel Holmes, Editor.* The Busy Body was a semi-monthly, commenc ed in April 1846, by T. H. Hoskins. Three num bers appeared.f The Gardiner Advertiser, was commenced Feb. 9, 1850, by Richard B. Caldwell. On the appear ance of the second number, the name was changed to the Kennebec Transcript, and it was published as a semi-weekly until July, six months. Since then it has been hebdomadal. Edited by S. L. Plumer, Esq. until May, 185 l.J The Dispatch was published six times in the fall of 1848, by James Burns, Esq., who was also editor. H. W. Jewell & Co., printers.** The Incorridgible was commenced in July, and appeared four times. It was printed by Jewell & Heath, and edited by W. E. S. Whitman.tt The IAberty Standard, published at Hallowell, was printed at the office of the Yankee Blade, two years.JJ Out of the fourteen included in the foregoing list, but two remain, the Transcript and the Fountain. The rest, after a brief existence, died ; or, in the case of the Blade, experienced translation. Requies- cat in pace ! BOOKS. Several books have been published here, some of which were quite valuable. Mr. Sheldon, the veter an printer and publisher, commenced the enterprise. The following is among them. " Introduction to the mechanical principles of Carpentry. In two * Hon. P. Sheldon, t A. M. C. Heath. X R- B. Caldwell. ** James Burns, Esq. ft W. E. S. Whitman. MISCELLANEOUS. 297 parts ; Part I. strength and stiffness of timber. Part II. statics applied to constructions of timber. By Benjamin Hale, Principal of Gardiner Lyceum,- 1827, pp. 182, 8 vo." In 1818 Moses Springer, Jr. commenced compil ing the Maine Farmers' Almanac. It was published at Hallowell by Ezekiel Goodale. In 1822 it pass ed into the editorial hands of Daniel Robinson, of West Gardiner, who has continued to edit it to the present time. Mr. Robinson is a man of great scientific attainments, and his work has a very large circulation. Messrs. Springer and Robinson always made their own calculations. Other works are mentioned in other connections. SCHOOLS. The first school Teacher was Master Everson, who has been mentioned among our early settlers. He taught formerly in Boston, but his methods did not quite keep pace with the times, and he removed to Gardinerston. He taught here from house to house, wherever he could find employment. The troubles of the Revolution seem to have prevented the people from paying much attention to the important subject of Education, until after the town had existed nearly a score of years. In 1783 it was voted " not to pay any schooling ;" but in 1785 the Selectmen were " appointed as a Commity to hire a school master and Fix the Wards ; who is to teach School ; and Reed a Sermon over every Sunday." In the year 1787 it was voted "That Thirty Pounds be raised for Schooling, to be paid in Lumber or aneything that the Schoolmaster will Receive." At this time there were four districts. " The* first school-house was a wooden edifice of * Gen. H. A, S. Dearborn's MS. 298 MISCELLANEOUS. one room, rudely constructed, not being lathed and plastered, but rough, inside and out." It was situ ated above the first grist-mill, near the house where the miller lived. Previous to the erection of this house a man named Hoogs kept a school in the south-east lower room of Mr. Gardiner's house. " Here," writes Gen. Dearborn, " I was an A B C darian." May 16, 1791, it was "voted to Raise £80 for Schooling, to hire a person to keep school and preach nine months." In 1792, voted that the " Eastern River District, may lay out their proportion of the £20 raised for preaching in schooling." It is difficult to say whether the Eastern River district loved Schooling more, or preaching less, for we find that their por tion of the money raised for preaching was placed at their disposal for several years at this period, implying that they preferred not to devote it to the support of the minister. In 1825 there were 11 districts, and 18f months of schools taught by males, and 27£ months taught by females, in Pittston, and 12 districts, and 41£ months of schools taught by males, and 34J months taught by females, in Gardiner. Since that date, these schools have been steadily improving, until they have reached their present position. CONDITION OF SCHOOLS IN 1850. Gardiner : 9 districts and 2 parts ; 1 1 male teach ers, 71 female; male rec'd $26,93 per month, female $2,14 per week; 14 school-houses ; schools average 29.6 ; scholars, 2076 ; average attendance, 831 ; money raised $3,085,99 ; excess, $994,79 ; amount for each scholar, $1,49 ; Private schools, $300. Pittston : 19 districts ; 15 male teachers, 24 female; male rec. $18,92 per month, female $1,44 MISCELLANEOUS. 299 per week; 19 school-houses ; schools average 18; scholars, 1219 ; average attendance, 603 ; money raised, $1,200; excess, $70,80; amount for each scholar. 98 cts. ; Private schools, $75,00. West Gardiner : 9 districts ; 9 male teachers, 9 female ; male rec. $20,05 per month, female $1,57 per week ; 9 school-houses ; schools average 22.7 ; scholars, 615; average attendance, 264; money raised, $914,18; excess, $410.18; amount for each scholar, $1,49. This includes the Lyceum now transformed into an excellent High School, and the Academy in East Pittston. East Pittston Academy, was incorporated in June 1850,.with a neat building, 32 by 42 feet, costing $1200. The subscribers were Job Mansir, Lorenzo S. Clark, Wm. Troop, Augustus L. Call, Eli A. Young, Geo. W. Mansir, Jr., Harrison Small, Henry Benner, Smith Moody, Amos Merrill, Wm. Hunt ington, James Hunt, Samuel G. Bailey, Winslow Hunt, David S. Rairdan, Ezra Bailey, Wesley Young, William Young, Paschal P. Morrill, John Marson, John Boynton, Charles Cuningham, Daniel Little, Wesley Benner, Joel Pulcifer, Mark Trafton, Washington Houdlett, Henry Dearborn, Albert N. Clark, Henry Nash, George W. Mansir. The subscribers were organized by choosing Dr. H. Small, President, Albert N. Clark, Secretary, G. W. Mansir, Treasurer, and Henry Dearborn, David S. Rairdan, James Hunt, Job Mansir and Wesley Young, Directors. The school commenced Sept. 23, 1850, G. F. Jackson, A. M., teacher. MILITARY. The people were very zealous in the Revolution, and the war of 1812, and have always furnished a goodly proportion of the military of the State. 300 MISCELLANEOUS. The first military company in Pittston was form ed about the time of peace, and was commanded by Robert Edgecomb Nason. As late as " 1796* all of the militia of Pittston was enrolled in one company, commanded by the late Maj. Seth Gay. There was a company of Cavalry raised within the limits of the Regiment, commanded by Maj. Reuben Colburn. Some other officers and members belonged in Pittston. In 1803, when Pittston was divided by the incorpora tion of Gardiner, the militia in Gardiner formed one company. The first Captain elected was Osgood Johnson, who resided in the north-west part of the town. The next year after, a division of the com pany was made, and a new company formed, which was organized by the choice of the late Col. John Stone, as Captain, Ebenezer Moore, Lieut., and Jacob Davis, Ensign. These officers served in the com pany seven years, in the order in which they were elected. During this period this was a very full and efficient company. " In 1809 they were called out, on application of the civil authorty of the Commonwealth of Massa chusetts, in protecting the County jail and Supreme Judicial Court at Augusta, during the imprisonment and trial of several persons committed for the murder of Lot Chadwick ; a rescue of said persons having been threatened by numerous persons, then known as " Malta Indians." " In 1813, there was a company of Riflemen or ganized, the officers and members of which, resided principally in Gardiner ; first officers, Edward Swan, Captain, Daniel Woodward, Lieut., Wm. Norton, En sign. This was a well disciplined, active, and effi cient company for many years. In 1814, during the war with Great Britain, this company was called Maj. Edward Swan. MISCELLANEOUS. 301 into actual service to resist a threatened landing of the British near the mouth of Sheepscot River ; and it served about three weeks at Wiscasset and Edge comb, with the Regiment to which it was attached, then under the command of Col. John Stone. One fact may be mentioned in relation to the Rifle com pany, which shows with what promptness and alac rity, the militia in those days served their country. Their commander had heard on Sunday at 2 o'clock, that a Regimental order was to be issued calling out the Regiment for the above purpose. He immedi ately applied to the Col., who confirmed the fact, and in less than three hours from that time, the company crossed the ferry at this place, on their march to Wiscasset ; although the extremes of the residence of different members were, at least, seven miles apart. There were four or five members, who could not be assembled at so short notice, who join ed the company before sunrise next morning, near Wiscasset. The entire company roll, including offi cers and musicians, was between fifty and sixty, and not a single member, whose residence was within the *limits of the company, was absent from sickness or any other cause, on the arrival of the company at Wiscasset, Monday morning." Some of the commissioned officers who have resided in Pittston and Gardiner are here given. Arthur Plumer, Brigadier General, August 20, 1829. Henry B. Hoskins, Aid-de-camp, -August 25, 1829. Ebenezer F. Deane, Brigade Quarter-master, Aug. 9, 1840. Robert H. Gardiner, Jr., Brigade Major, July 31, 1833. George W. Bachelder, Brig adier General, July 30, 1838. David C. B. Bow man, Aid-de-camp, August 10, 1838. Solon S. Simons, Brigadier General, Jan. 1, 1841. David P. Bodfish, Aid-de-camp, Jan. 13, 1841. Amos C. 26 302 MISCELLANEOUS. Stuart, Brigade Quarter-master, February 17, 1841. Geo. W. Bachelder, Maj. General, October 8, 1840. David C. B. Bowman, Aid-de-camp, Oct. 10, 1840. Cyrus K. Bodfish, Division Quarter-master, July 2, 1842. Bernard Esmond, Aid-de-camp, April 17, 1843. Caleb Stevens, Brig. Gen., June 13, 1843. Henry Smith, Aid-de-camp, June 29, 1843. Lo renzo Clay, Aid-de-camp, Aug. 28, 1849. Caleb Stevens, Colonel, Aug. 27, 1838. Dennis Marr, Major, Aug. 7, 1841. Dean Pray, Pay-master, Aug. 20, 1842. Gideon S. Palmer, Surgeon ; David H. Goodno, Surgeon's mate, April 8, 1843. Cyrus K. Bodfish, Col., July 22, 1843. Dean Pray, Adj. ; Samuel E. Marshall, Pay-master, July 28, 1843. James P. Weston, Chaplain, Aug.. 9, 1843. Lorenzo Parsons, Quarter-master, Aug. 11, 1843. Artillery. — Warren Williamson, Capt. ; Moses S. Wadsworth, 1st Lieut.; Robert P. Stinson, 2d Lieut. ; James D. Moore, 3d Lieut., June 23, 1849. Geo. M. Atwood, 2d Lieut., Aug. 9, 1 849. Charles H. Davis. 2d Lieut. ; Moses S. Wadsworth, .Capt., Dec. 28, 1850. Geo. M. Atwood, 1st Lieut., Aug.' 9, 1849; and Div. Q. M. (Maj.) Feb. 1852. PITTSTON. G. Company. — Benjamin Hatch, Capt. ; James Norris, Jr., Lieut., Sept. 26, 1829. Jacob Marson, June 25, 1831, Ensign. James Norris, Jr., Capt.; Jacob Marson, Lieut. ; Horace Colburn, Ensign, July 13, 1831. Jacoh Marson, Capt. ; John Emery, Lieut., June 21, 1834. Charles Moody, Capt. ; Ben jamin Marson, Lieut., June 30, 1836. Robert Mc- Knight, Capt. ; Erastus Jones, Lieut. ; Milton M. Stone, Ensign, Sept. 2, 1837. Company disbanded, Feb. 25, 1843. MISCELLANEOUS. 303 H. Company. — James Rollins, Jr., Capt. ; John A. Colburn, Lieut. ; John Smith, Ensign, July 26, 1830. Charles Cooper, Capt. Aug. 4, 1832. Caleb Stevens, Lieut., Sept. 15, 1832. Caleb Stevens, Capt.; John Smith, Lieut. ; Benjamin S. Jones, Ensign, Sept. 17, 1834. Benjamin S. Jones, Lieut. ; Daniel S. Plum er, Ensign, July 2, 1836. Daniel S. Plumer, Capt. ; James Marson, Ensign, Sept. 7, 1836. James Mar son, Capt. ; Paul S. Rollins, Lieut. ; Joseph C. Bai ley, Ensign, Aug. 28, 1837. Hiram Covil, Capt. ; Sept. 1, 1842. GARDINER. E. Company. — John Libbey, Capt. ; John L. Foye, Lieut., Sept. 15, 1829. John L. Foye, Capt. ; Stephen Webber, Lieut. ; Robert Williamson, En sign, August 25, 1832. Stephen Webber, Capt. ; Thaddeus Hildreth, Ensign, May 6, 1834. Robert Williamson, Capt. ; Thaddeus Hildreth, Lieut., June 30, 1836. Charles E. Allen, Ensign, May 2, 1837. Thaddeus Hildreth, Capt. ; Isaac W. Woodward, Lieut. April 28, 1838. Dennis Marr, Ensign, Sept. 11, 1839. Harlow Harden, Jr., Capt., May 5, 1840. Dennis Marr, Lieut. ; Hiram Benner, Ensign, Aug. 15, 1840. Hiram Benner, Lieut.; James M. Wil liams, Ensign, Sept. 6, 1841. F. Company. — Daniel Marston, Capt., July 8, 1826. Asa Copp, Lieut., June 25, 1831. George Nash, Ensign, Aug. 6, 1832. George Nash, Capt. ; Thaddeus Spear, Lieut. ; Greenlief Robinson, En sign, September 20, 1832. Thaddeus Spear, Capt. ; Greenlif Robinson, Lieut. ; Samuel E. Bran, En sign, May 28, 1836. Greenlief Robinson, Capt. ; Samuel E. Bran, Lieut. ; John Bran, Jr., Ensign, May 1, 1838. Samuel E. Bran, Capt.; Harvey Blaisdell, Lieut., June 22, 1839. Richard B. Getch ell, Aug. 30, 1839. 304 MISCELLANEOUS. Nathaniel H. Marston, Gardiner, Lieut. Cavalry, Sept. 2, 1828. Van Rensalaer Lovejoy, Gardiner, Lieut. Cavalry, Aug. 24, 1839. A. Riflemen, Gardiner. — Ivory Nudd, Capt., June 14, 1831 ; Lieut., Sept. 14, 1830. Loring L. Macomber, Lieutenant ; Thomas Gilpatrick, Ensign, June 14, 1831. Laban L. Macomber, Capt. ; Thos. Gilpatrick, Lieut., September 21, 1833. Charles F. Gardiner, Ensign, Sept. 21, 1833; Captain, Aug. 22, 1835. Elbridge G. Hooker, Ensign, Aug. 22, 1835; Lieut. Sept. 12, 1835. Ezekiel W. Barker, Ensign, September -12, 1835. Elbridge G. Hooker, Capt. ; Ezekiel W. Barker, Lieut. ; Daniel Bryant, Jr., Ensign, June 30, 1836. Disbanded, June 30, 1842. C. Light Infantry, Gardiner. — Geo. W. Bach elder, Capt. ; Philip C. Holmes, Lieut. ; Nathaniel Webber, Ensign, Aug. 16, 1832. Nathaniel Web ber, Lieut. ; Philip C. Holmes, Capt. ; Samuel CroweU, Ensign, Nov. 22, 1834. Joseph Perry, Ensign, June 30, 1836. Joseph Perry, Capt. ; John Berry, Jr., Lieut. ; David Smith, Ensign, April 14, 1838. John Berry, Jr., Captain; David Smith, Lieut. ; Arthur Berry, 2d Ensign, May 3, 1842. John O. Craig, Col., May 6, 1828. Jesse D. Robinson, Quarter-master, July 14, 1828. John D. Gardiner, Adj., Aug. 28, 1832. William R. Babson, Pay-master, Sept. 16, 1836. David P. Bodfish, Pay-master, March 23, 1840. V. R. Lovejoy, Col. Feb. 27, 1841. Geo. Shaw, Lieut. Col., Aug. 28, 1830 ; Col., July 2, 1831. David H. Myrick, Adj., August 3, 1831. John Libbey, Maj., August 7, 1832. Samuel Plaisted, Surgeon's Mate, July 31^ 1827. Benj. Hatch, Col. ; John Libbey, Lieut. Col., Sept. 1, 1832. Geo. W. Bachelder, Major, Aug. 15, MISCELLANEOUS. 305 1834; Lieut. Col., August 22, 1835. Isaac N. Tucker, Maj., Aug. 22, 1835. Geo. W. Bachelder, Col., Aug. 13, 1836. James H. Marston, Pay-master, Sept. 3, 1836. William Tarbox, Adj., March 23, 1837. Caleb Stevens, Maj., Aug. 13, 1836; Col., Aug. 27, 1838. George Swan, Pay-master, March 13, 1839. Sanford K. Ballard, Pay-master; Gideon S. Palmer, Surgeon's Mate, Aug. 25, 1840. Ste phen Whitmore, Surgeon, Aug. 4, 1841. Henry Smith, Adjutant, August 19, 1842. Arthur Plumer, Lieut. Colonel May 25, 1820. Charles H. Dustin, Adjutant, Aug. 21, 1821. Silas Holman, Surgeon's Mate, July 1, 1823. Roswell Whitman, Captain, Rifle, George Shaw, Ensign, May 6, 1823. Bailey Potter, Capt. ; James Fuller, Ensign ; Ezekiel Waterhouse, Ensign, April 17, 1824. George Cox, Lieutenant, November 9, 1820. John Keith, Ensign, June 30, 1821. Will iam Bradstreet, Ensign June 6, 1819. Daniel Marston, Ensign, April 12, 1823. Nicholas Booker, Ensign, Sept. 17, 1824. Charles McCausland, Lieut., March 15, 1823. Several of our citizens have been conspicuous in the more active scenes of war. Col. F. T. Lally and Captain Charles N. Bodfish, were in the Mexican campaign. Col. Lally held the rank of major, and Capt. Bodfish was captain of company K. of grena diers. Both belonged to the Ninth Regiment. They landed at Vera Cruz, and joined Gen. Scott, just after the battle of Cerro Gordo. Maj. Lally had an independent command, and fought his way, with his train, to the city of Mexico, receiving at one time a bullet in the neck. Capt. Bodfish was in the battles of Contreros, Cherubusco, Chepultepec, and Molino del Rey. He elicited much admiration from his 26* 306 MISCELLANEOUS. commander, by building a road in three hours and a half, which the engineers declared could only be done in four days. There are three of our citizens now in the public service, graduates at West Point. E. Parker Scam mon, graduated June 30, 1837 ; was promoted 2d Lieut. 4th Artillery, July 1 , 1837. Acting Assistant Prof. Math. Aug. 28, 1837 to Sept. 10, 1838. Act ing Prof. Eth. from Aug. 30, 1841, to Sept. 26, 1841, and Assist. Prof. Eth. from Sept. 26, 1841, to July 13, 1846. 2d Lieut. Top. Eng. July 7, 1838. A. M. First Lieut. Sept. 21, 1846. — John W. T. Gardiner, graduated Juiie 30, 1840. Promoted Bvt. 2d Lieut. 1st Dragoons, July 1, 1840. 2d Lieut., Dec. 31, 1840. 1st Lieut., April 21, 1846. — Geo. F. Evans, graduated June 30, 1846. Promoted Bvt. 2d Lieut., 1st Dragoons, July 1, 1846. Bvt. 1st Lieut. Feb. 23, 1847, "for gallant and meritorious conduct in the Battle of Buena Vista, Mexico." Second Lieut. Oct. 18, 1847. POST OFFICES. BarziUai Gannett was the first post-master. He kept the office in a small red store where he traded. He soon removed it to the Jewett house, at the foot of Vine street, and when he had finished the house where Frederic Allen dwells, he removed it to that place. He was elected to Congress and was suc ceeded, June 1, 1809, by Maj. Seth Gay, who re moved the office to the old North house, a view of which may be found in this volume. When Major Gay became post-master the mail from Portland came only once a week, and on horse-back. The proceeds of the post office were then about $125, per annum, of which the post-master received 30 per cent. In 1826 the net income of the Gardiner office was $598,73, and of the Pittston office, $86,36. MISCELLANEOUS. 307 In 1811 the first stagecoach came here from Brunswick. April 1, 1835, Major Gay was succeed ed by William Palmer, Esq., who remained until Oct. 1, 1841, when Thomas Gay was appointed. Dr. Joseph Merrill succeeded him, June 30, 1845, and L. H. Greene was appointed in May, 1849. On the separation of Gardiner in 1803, a Post Office was established in Pittston. Jacob Loud was the first post-master. He kept the office near Smith's ferry. He died June 22, 1820, and was succeeded by Henry Dearborn, who removed the office to Togus Bridge. Stephen Young was ap pointed in 1 829, and removed the office to the vil lage. Alphonso H. Clark was appointed in 1841, Hiram Clark in 1845, Samuel S. Colburn in 1849, and Caleb Stevens in Dec. 1850. While Loud was P. M. he used to carry the mail from Wiscasset to Gardiner on horseback, and from Gardiner to Augus ta in a canoe. " The E. Pittston post office was established about 1817. Jonathan Young was the first post-master. For a few of the first years, the post-master's letters and papers were about equal to all the rest of the matter mailed to the office. In about 1828, James Norris, Jr., was appointed. In 1831, Wm. Kendall was appointed. In 1836, Cyrus Rundlett was appointed. In 1846, Joel Johnson was appointed. He died in about six months, aud was succeeded by Eliakim Scammon, the present incumbent. The net amount of postage at this office in the year ending March 31, 1834, was $24,94. Year ending March 31, 1851, $61,43." — E. Scammon. The first post-master in West Gardiner was Aaron Haskell. He was succeeded in 1828-9 by Daniel Marston. Daniel Marston was reappointed in 1844, and John W. Herrick in 1848. 308 MISCELLANEOUS. Some of the earliest publishments of marriage : — 1782, John Taggart and Sarah McLellan. 1783, Benj. Handy, (Livermore,)and Lucy Tower, (P.) Benj. Eastman and Anne Carbarker, (Pow nalboro'.) Thomas Berry and Polly Davis. Thos. Agry, (P.) and Hannah Nye, (Sandwich.) Henry McCausland and Abial Stackpole. Joshua Reed and Polly Clark. 1784", Josliua Norcross, (P.) and Charlotte Smith, (Winthrop.) Robert McCausland and Hannah Stack- pole. Thomas Town and Margaret Higgins. Ed ward Tibbetts and Sarah Douglass. John Brown and Sarah Modgrie. John French, (Winthrop,) and Elizabeth Gipson, (P.) Thomas Berry, (P.) and Mary Hunchcum, (Hanscom ?) of Saco. Ithiel Gor don and Sarah McCausland. 1785, Joel Judkins and Bial Thomas. Elijah Pol lard and Nancy Fitch. Philip Roach and Sarah Wadleigh. Gardiner McCausland and Mary Doug lass. Henry Door and Abigail Weeks.- William Haley, (P.) and Molly Savage, (Hallowell.) Mark Walton and Mary Clark. James Dudley, (P.) and, Sybil Cheney, (Pownalboro'.) Thomas Owen, (Topsham,) and Hannah Norcross, (P.) Burnham Clark, (P.) and Mary Greely, (Ballton.) 1786, Gardiner Williams and Molly Voss. Thos. Mawgrage and Elizabeth Jackson. Comfort Car penter Smith, (Winthrop,) and Sally Norcross, (P.) John Shelvock and Polly Law. William Pain and Pamelia Parker. Jonathan Berry and Miriam Fitch. John Clark, (P.) and Rosanna Co Hester, (Ballton.) 1787, Nathaniel Barker Dingley and Susanna Bradstreet. Samuel White, (Pownalboro,) and Han nah Haley, (P.) BenoniHuut, (P.) and Nancy Long fellow, (Ballton.) Leonard Cooper and Eliza- MISCELLANEOUS 309 beth Palmer. Joshua Fall and Betsey Hig gins. Christopher Jakins and Lydia Farrington, (Winthrop.) 1788, Joseph Webber, (Cobbossee Pond,) and Susanna Porter, (Sandy River.) Carpenter Winslow and Betsey Colburn. John Barker and Lydia Clark. Joseph Blodget and Ruth Boson. Daniel Watson and Betsey Webber, (Cobbossee Pond.) Dominions Wakefield and Patty Door. Benjamin Rollins and Sally Porter- William Wing, Jr., (HaUowell,) and Eunice Rundlett, (P.) 1789, Levi Shepherd and Elizabeth Moore. Isaac Hatch and Abigail Clark. Thomas Colby and Jenny Neil. Jonathan Winslow and Hannah Tar box ; (m. Nov. 26, by Henry Dearborn.) Abner Marston, Jr. and Peggy Carney, (Pownalboro'.) 1790, Dudley Hobart and Sophia Dearborn, (Ex eter, N. H.) John Neil and Betsey Hutchinson, (Fairfield.) Jeremiah Wakefield and Mary Berry. Alvin Nye and Susan Norcross. Samuel Bullen and Sarah Fletcher, (Hallowell.) Thomas Hankersoh and Nabby Jakins. 4 A list of the vessels built in Gardiner and Pittston, and at Bowman's Point, which belonged to Hallo well previous to 1834. The earliest records at 'Bath are somewhat imperfect, and it is probable that there maybe some deficiencies. SI. signifies sloop; S. ship ; B. brig ; Bk. barque, and Sc. schooner. 1784 NAMES. CAPTAINS. TONS. OWNERS. B. Dolphin, ' Thos. Agry, 115, T., J. & D. Agrv. B. Dolphin, " " 161, " " " 310 MISCELLANEOUS. NAMES. SI. Hannah, SI. Polly, Sc. Phenix, 1785 CAPTAINS. TONS. OWNERS. W. R. Miller, 99, T., J. & D. Agry & W. P. Miller. 1788 W. Springer, 100, J. & W. Springer & S. Howard. 99, T., J. & D. Agry. J- Agry, 1791 B. Hannah, J. Rogers, 178, W. & J. Springer & R. Colburn. 1792 S. Commerce, D. Agry, 242, D., J. & T. Agry. Sc. Nancy, Peter Grant, 119, S. & P. Grant. " Polly," J. Drummond, 99, S. Oakman. " Betsey, Charles Porter, 113, Reuben Moore, &c. SI. Hannah, T. Jones, " Hercules, M. Eldred, 1797 100, T. Jones & J. Davis. 69, J. & T. Eldred & A. Wing. Sc. Ruth, T. Farnham, 101, R. Moore, S. & J. Bradstreet, C. Jewett. 1800 Sc. Polly, M. Springer, 112, I. Wentworth, W. & M. Springer. S. Venus, D. G. Bond, 228, S. Oakman & D. P. - Bond. 1801 Sc. Dispatch, M. Springer, 126, P. Grant, J. Lowell & A. Ballard. B. Orange, C. Ballard, 161, R. Moore, J. & S. Bradstreet. S. Washington, J. Purrington, 169, P. Grant, N. B. Ding ley, &c. B.'Argo, I-Lilly, 158, C. & I. Lilly, I. Reed. MISCELLANEOUS. 311 NAMES. CAPTAINS. TONS. OWNERS. Sc. Rachel, C. Ballard, 116, D. Agry & C. Ste vens, Jr. 1802 B. Franklin, J. Marston, 139, S. Jewett & J. Mars ton. S. Alexander, J. Ring, 275, J. O. Page, &c. 1803 Sc. William, Charles Swift, 101, P. Grant & C. Swift. SI. Samuel, J. Springer, 79, P. Grant, A. Ballard, J. Lowell. 1804 B. Emmeline,* G. Colcord, 202, J. O. Page. S. Two Broth- 217, S. & J. Bradstreet & ers,t R. Purrington. 1805 B. Nancy, C. Ballard, 172, P. Grant. Barque Mary, T. Jones, 190, W. Springer, H. Cox & L. Palmer. B. Nancy, A. Berry, 160, P. Grant, & J. Wake field. Sc. Hannah A. Hinkley, 115, S. Oakman, W. Mc- Matilda, Lellan. 1806 B. Hiram, J. Church, 167, D. Moody, H. Smith. S. Jno. Andrew, J. Moore, 225, S. Bradstreet, heirs of R. Moore. " Eliza Ann, D. Agry, 290, D. Agry. 1807 B. William, E. Harding, 168, J. Bradstreet, M. Lawrence, &c. Sc. Anchovey, J. Marston, 117, J. Marston. * B. Follarisbee, builder. t J- Glidden, builder. 312 MISCELLANEOUS. NAMES. CAPTAINS. TONS. OWNERS. Sc. Olive, Charles Swift, 113, A. Ballard, P. Grant, J. Lowell. S. Criterion, O. Colburn, 360, J. & T. Agry, C. Stevens, &c. 1808 Sc. Rose in R.Stevens, 121, H.Smith, Jr., S.Brad- Bloom, street. S. Caroline, T. Jones, 325, T. & J. Agry, &c. B. Eliza, S. Oakman,* 127, S.Oakman, F.Flitner. 1809 Sc. Caledonia, A. Nye, 92, H.Smith,E.Robinson, S. Cutts, W. Stevens. "Valeria, A. Berry, 96, P. Grant, J. Lowell, & A. Ballard. 1810 Sc. Argonaut, J. Colburn, 116, H. Smith, Jr. &c. B. Emmeline, R. Stevens, 212, C. Stevens Jr. &c. 1811 Sc. Oscar, A. Nye, 89, S. Bradstreet. " Olive Branch,B. Robinson, 140, R. Clay, J. Bradstreet, &c. " Enterprise,* W. Hanover, 118, R. Gay, P. & E. Lord. " Native, T. Hinkley, 137, Hinkley, Hodgdon, Ballard, Lowell. B. Dispatch, T. Timmins, 223, E. Emerson. " Harriet, W. Purrington, 218, J. Bradstreet, R. Clay, &c. " Chs. Fawcett,J. Colburn, 237, H. A. Bement. 1812 Sc. American J. Wolverton, 128, E. Waterhouse, R. Hero, Stuart, M. Springer. * Builder. t G. Staples, builder. MISCELLANEOUS. 313 NAMES. CAPTAINS. TONS. Sc. Washington, J. Howes, Jr., 149, " G.Beckworth,A. Morgan, 138, Sl.Ed.&Hiram, E. Raymond, 109, S. Alfred, B. Trott, 287, Sc. Ann, " Samuel, 1814 H. Kimball, 40, 1815 M. Springer, 142, " Gen. Jackson,J. Moor, 100, B. Cobbossee E. Howes, Jr., 147, Contee, Sc. Trenton, G. Clark, 93, B. Alexander, O. Colburn, 182, S. Diana, A. Berry, 382, " Alb't GaHatin,C. Clark, 488, Sc. Sally, J. Crawford, 95, 1816 B. Robinson, 135, R. Stevens, _ 156, J. Moore, 91, W. Davis, 118, 1817 Sc. Lydia,? " Neptune, " Curlew, " Hannah, Sc. Olive, S. Preble, " Sanford & H. Melius, William, i S. Decatur, W. Blish, Sc. Sally Ann, J. Dingley, *' Rambler,? J. Blish, 27 80, 92, 108, 69, 108, OWNERS. Lawrence,Lord,Brad- street, Tarbox. J. Rawlings, M. H. Rollins. Lowell, Ballard, & Hodgdon. S. Oakman, B. Trott. Kimball, Stuart, Field, &e. P. Grant, W. G. War ren, M. Springer. A. Berry & R. Clay. E. Swan, R. H. Gar diner, J. Stone, &c P. Tallman. C. Stevens, Jr., &c P. Grant. R. K. Page. J. & T. Agry. J. & D. Reed. W. G. Warren, P. Grant. J. Moore & R. H. Gardiner. S. & J. Bradstreet. S. Preble. T. Agry & S. Kings- berry. A. & C. Ballard, P. Grant. Dingley & Farrell. J. Blish & J. Agry. 314 MISCELLANEOUS. NAMES. CAPTAINS. TONS. OWNERS. Sc. Retrieve, T. Hinkley, 102, Lowell, Hinkley, Cox, & Clay. SI. Mentor, O. Colburn, 68, S. Bradstreet & J. Tarbox. 1818 Sc. Two Broth- W. Crawford, 83, W. B. Grant & W. ers, Bradstreet. " Wm. Barker,J. Town, 91, W. Bradstreet & S. >¦ - Grant. B. Belvidere, S. J. Browne, 196, D. Jewett, &c. Sc. Telegraph, S. Loud, 87, W. G. Warren & B. Follansbe.* " Lucy Ann, I. Pillsbury, 63, N. Bachelder. Sc. Arringdon, E.Perry, 110, Lowell,Clay& Perry. " Elizabeth, C. Ballard, 84, Peter Grant. " Ranger,? J. Agry, Jr. 123, J. & T. Agry. 1819 Sc. Catharine, W. Colburn, 84, J. Colburn, & C. Ste vens. " Amanda J. Jackson, 74, Bradstreet, Lilly, Malvina, Smith, &c. " Cygnet, N. Kimball, 136, N. Kimball, T. Agry, &c. SI. Messenger, O. Colburn, 83, J. Lord, Bradstreet, & Grant. Sc. Columbus, S. Perry, 119, Clay, Lowell & Hodgdon. B. Orion, C. Ballard, 125, W. & J. Bradstreet, & W. B. Grant. 1820 B. William, S. Twycross, 110, S. Twycross & Co. " Alexander, S. Swanton, 228, S. Swanton & Co. Sc. Laurel, S. Perry, 86, J. Lowell, R., D. & S. Clay. "William, T. Eldred, 111, L. F. & T. Eldred. Builder, MISCELLANEOUS. 315 NAMES. CAPTAINS. TONS. OWNERS Sc. Worromon- J. Blanchard, 108, E. Swan & R. H « tof T' ¦ , T „ Gardiner. Sc. Admiral, J. Haskell, 56, W. & J. Bradstreet, W. B. Grant. 1821 B.RobertReade,S. Smith, 185, Smith, Page & Co. 1822 " Washington, -. Chase, 191, P. & S. C. Grant. " Lawson, i S. Watts, 137, Watts, Page & Co. Sc. Porter, R. Phinney, 113, J. Lowell & Clays. 1823 B. Jasper, S. Smith, 192, Grants & Ballard. " Elizabeth,? D. Reed, 169, I. Re,ed. - " Abby Jones, W. Crawford, 198, Brads't & Crawford. Sc. Lively,* E. Dill, 21, E. Dill. " Delia Belcher.J. Tarbox, 66, J.,E.& S. B. Tarbox. B. John Odlin, J. Kean, 175, C. Stevens, &c. " Laurel, B. Weeks, 168, Clays, Lowell, Kim ball, &c. " Enterprise, S. Gay, Jr., 128, Gays, Stuart, Clay & Milliken. 1824 B. Arcturus, J.Moore, 254, Swan, Gardiner, R. Williams. Sc. Franklin, G. Greene, 56, D. Nutting, N. Kim ball & B. Cooke. " Elmira, J. Nutter, 125, J. & S. Young, &c 1825 Sc. Sophia Ann,0. Harward, 1 10, J. & Jon. Young, & A. Marson. B. Splendid, J. Miller, 222, J. N. & A. Cooper. " Billow, Mark Springer, 183, S. C. & P. Grant. * Rebuilt. 316 MISCELLANEOUS. NAMES. B. Milton, CAPTAINS. S. Nickells, Sc. Hesperus, S. Nickells, " Octavia, " Henry, " Globe, " Mary,? B. Shepard, A. Nickells, A. Phinney, A. Brown, TONS. OWNERS. 172, W. Bradstreet & J. P. Hunter. 85, Gould, Bradstreet & Haskell. 95, Watts & Gardiner. 189, Clay, Lowell & Nickells. 96, S. B. & E. Tarbox. 65, A. Brown, E.White. B. Julia, Sc. Forrester, B. Alexander, " Horatio, B. Waltham, " Hercules, 1826 S. J. Brown, W. H. Byram, A. Cooper, B. Weeks, G. Webb,' O. Harward, 167, Kimball, Stone, <5zc. 117, Lowell, Byram, &c. 128, J. N. & A. Cooper. 102, H. Getchell. 284, J. Agry & Co. 146, Richardson & Har ward. 1827 " Shamrock, W. Crawford, 227, Crawford & Brad- &t re c t Mark Springer, 292, S. C. & P. Grant. " Meridian, Sc. Oaklands, " Scott, " Ranger, B. Adeline, " Comet, " Catherine, " Carroll, J. Tarbox, ' 81, E. & N. Tarbox & P. Harding. J. Scott, 124, Cutts, Stuart, Scotts. E. Fitts, 117, Colson & Perkins. D.jBrown, 177, Messrs. Cooper. J. Staples, 139, J. P. Hunter, J. & J. Lowell, Jr. 1828 S. Flitner, S. C. Cox, Sc. Argo, J. Webb, Jr., B. Grand Turk, A. Cooper, S. Lotus, S. Watts, Sc. Deborah, J, Jewett, 199, P. & P. Grant, Jr. 227, Cox, Swan, Gardi ner, &c. 114, S.Young, J. Webbjr. 298, J. N. & A. Cooper. 293, Watts & Page. 89, J. Jewett & R.StuarU MISCELLANEOUS. 317 1829 NAM^S. CAPTAINS. TONS. OWNERS B. Alcyqne, F. Bears, 197, Lowell & Byrams. S. Gardiner, S. Nichols, 346, Bradstreet & Gould B. Corinthian, O. Colburn, 250, N. Kimball, J. Stone, W. Stevens. 1830 Sc. Harriet F,, L. Low, " Maria Jane, S. Alley, 97, J. Otis Sc Co. 125, Alley, Gould, cj-c. 1831 " Napoleon, A. Blanchard, 129, J. Jewett, & J. N. & A. Cooper. 99, Waitt, Springer & Waterhouse. 99, W. Bradstreet. 99, B. Shaw. 23, Shaw, Bowman & Nutting. S. Constellation, T. B. Sampson, 276, S.C.,P.,&P.Grant,Jr. " Magnolia, J. W. Waitt, So. Arab, J. Haskell, " Bonny Boat, J. Tarbox, •' Experiment, D. Brookings, 1832 B. Panope, S. Gay, Jr., 142, Gay, Stuart, Clay & Milliken. Sc. Savannah, W. B. Gurney, 130, Frost & Currier. I " Lafayette, J. Flitner, Jr., 139, J. N. & A. Cooper. B. Mary AverilI,J. Y. Bailey, Sc. Louisa, S. Merrill, " Gir.ird, J. Jewett, " Hiram, D. Scott, " Signet, T. Simmons, Steam. Ticonic, E. K. Bryant, S. Congress, J. Holmes, B. Rob. Adams, W. H. Byram, 146, Hunter, Stone, ^-c. 120, D. Gould & Co. 130, Wm. Cooper & Co. 113, Scotts & Stevens. 98, N. Kimball & Deane. 100, Steamboat Co. 401, Coopers & Holmes. 200, Byrams & Lowell. 1833 " Euphrates, F. R. Theobald, 212, Hunter, Stones, Stu art & Atkins. Sc. Adventure, C. C. Duell, 122, W. Elwell. 27* 318 MISCELLANEOUS. NAMES. CAPTAINS. Sc. Mexico, P. C. Virgin, B. Citizen, J. Thing, Sc. Erie, J. Moore, " Olive Brancb,C. Cooper, B. Helen, F. Houdlette, " Citizen, A. Nickells, " Corsair, S. Mohawk,* " Orient,t W. H. Byram, R. Stevens, N. Kimball, " Manco, W. Crawford, " Constitution, W. T. Glidden, TONS. OWNEES. 81, Kimball & Co. 200, Clay & Thing. 64, Springers, Water- house & Foy. 155, J. N. & A. Cooper. 138, J. Chisam. 140, Nickells, Clay & Milliken. 161, Byrams & Lowell. 344, S. C. & P..Grant. 350, Kimball, Clay & Stevens. 350, W. Bradstreet & W. Crawford. 472, Coopers 8r Glidden. 1834 Sc. E. Warren, D. Blanchard, B. Orson, S. Nickells, Sc. Ozello, W. Cutts, B. Choctaw, " Margaret, " Castor, " Coral, E. Lawrence, W. Swan, S. C. Cox, T. Dow, 1835 132, Thayer Sc Alley. 145, J. Bradstreet. 104, Bradstreet, Lowell 8r Cutts. 245, P. Grant. 246, Swans Sc Blanchard. 146, Cox, Stevens Sr al. 135, Young, Jewett, Src. Sc. Kosciusco, J. Marson, " Ann, N. Houdlette, " H.A.Breed,?H. Brookings, " Warsaw, F. Flitner, B. Franklin, S. Brookings, 1836 Bark Gallileo, J. Lambard, B. N. England, J. Crooker, SI. Hualpa, Herrick, 123, R. Northey Sr Co. 129, C. Thayer Sf Co. 131, W.L.Wheeler Sc Co. 128, Flitner,Hunter #Co. 153, F. Stevens 8c Co. 268, W. and H. Stevens. 156, Crooker and Henry. 31, W. Bradstreet. * E. G. Pierce, builder. t B. Follansbo, builder. MISCELLANEOUS. 319 NAMES. CAPTAINS. TONS. OWNERS. B. Tampico, W. Cutts, 134, W. Bradstreet. " Billow, E. Lawrence, 174, Lowell and Grants. 1837 Sc. Bunker Hill,R. Colburn, 122, Colburn, Smith.Clay and Stevens. SI. Boneto, W.W. Bradstreet, 10, W. W. Bradstreet. B. Porto Rico, Thomas Dow, 150, John Jewett. "Christiana, S. C. Cox, 226, W. & H. Stevens. Sc. Farmer, " Canton,? 1838 Henry Cooper, Hinkley, 133, J. Y. Kendall. 106, Hinkley. Bk John Odlin, W. T. Hanover, 257, J. O. P. Stevens. St'r Kennebis, J. Snow, 110, W. H. Stevens. Bark Fairfield, Herrick, 198, W. Bradstreet. B. Grecian, C. Lemont, 232, J. N. &Wm. Cooper. Bark Edinburg, Theobald, 283, J. P. Hunter and Atkins. 1839 Sc. Gazelle, G. Barker, Bark Gleaner, H. Stevens, " Mary & Jane,J. Varney, 113, Jewett, Clark, Bac ker, Adams, <$-c. 289, T. N. Atkins Sc Co. 346, Coopers & Varney. 1840 Bark Callao, S. C. Cox, B. Haidee, J. Flitner, Sc. Only Son, J. T. Moore, 350, W. & H. Stevens. 156, H. Stevens & Co. 135, Stephen Young. 1841 S. Hargrave, James Bailey, B. Sea Flower, Kinsman, 484, J. Bailey. 150, J. Jewett. 1842 Bark Rainbow, T. Sampson, 292, S. C. Sc P. Grant. Sc. Colorado, Wm. Swan, 115, E. Swan Sc Son. S. Caledonia, J. Varney, 449, J. N. Cooper. 320 MISCELLANEOUS. NAMES. CAPTAINS. TONS. OWNERS. S. Sabbatis, S. C. Cox, 447, W. $ H. Stevens. B.Abby Amelia, Smith, 184, J. Smith. 1843 Bark Trident, J. Thing, St. Experiment, 324, R. Clay. 64, B. Follansbee. 1844 B. MarceUus, S. Marson, S. Meteor, S.Ja'sN.Cooper,J. Varney, B. Natahnis, S. N. Rollins, 187, F. Stevens Sc Co. 142, D. W. Nutting, R. Clay. 495, S. C. Sf P. Grant. 549, J. N. Cooper. 1845 B. Home, Bark Lowell, Sc. Opher, B. Globe, B. S. Young, Sc. Ostaloga, B. Caribee, Bark Juniata, S. Marson, J. A. Bradstreet, 348, M. Damon, 134, H. Brookings, W. Abbott, 139, R. Clay Sc J. ' Smart. W. Bradstreet. M. Damon. 208, James Smith. 199, Stephen Young. 129, F. Stevens Sc Co. 219, Child, 385, J. N. Cooper. 1846 " Emma, D. Brown, B. Mary Ellen, Nichols, Sc. Glenroy, S. Duel I, *B.E.G> Pierce,George Carr, Bk. Nahumkeag,J. Fisher, B. Cath. Rogers,- Bk. Ja's Smith, R. Colburn, Sc.S. Wardwell,J. Hodgkins, " Athos, J. Hazelton, 199, R. Clay, D. Brown. 164, W. Bradstreet. 144, F. Trott, W. W. Bradstreet. 149, S. C. and P. Grant. 266, F. Stevens Sc Co. 163, Stephen Young. 237, James Smith. 134, John Jewett. 138, F. Stevens Sf Co. * When two years old, Wft N. Y. for Europe, and never heard from. MISCELLANEOUS. 321 NAMES. CAPTAINS. Sc. Betsey, H. Marson, " Jno. Marshall, Collins, " Henrietta, H. Brookings, TONS. OWNERS. 146, S. Young. 168, J.N.& Wm.Cooper. 147, F. Stevens & Co. 1847 B. NancyPlais- G. F. Church, 149, ted, " Torno, H. Marson, 149, " Sea Belle, S. Marson, 125, " Alb'n Cooper, Rodbird, -185, " Amesbury, 168, Bark Keoko, . A. M. Jackson, 247, B.H.W.Moncure, Titcomb, 198, S. W.A.Cooper,W. Cutts, 645, B. Monica, A. Burke, 179, S. Cybele, Ambrose Childs, 798, Sc. E. Hinds, L. Perry, 145, " Alvarado, A. D. Copeland, 134, W. F. Day Sf Co., J. Sc G. Plaisted. Tupper Sf Damon. W. Bradstreet. Wm. & J.N.Cooper. W. Bradstreet. C. Sf G. W. Stevens. S. Young. J. N. Cooper. S. Young. F. Stevens Sf Co. do. do. 1848 B. Crocus, Sturdivant, 222, B'k O. St. John,A. Berry, 2d, 236, B. Glencoe, J. H. Hazelton, 223, B'k Arco Iris, O. Colburn, 253, B. Vesta, Lawrence, 249, B. iEolus, L. Ballard, 199, Sc. Attakapas, H. Pierce, 125, B.Rach.Stevens,B. A. Follansbee,213, " John Alfred, J. T. Moore, 197, " Mary Wilder.M. I. Milliken, 214, B'k M. Melville, W. Copland, 234, S. W. V. Kent, J. Varney, 677, Bradstreet^" Lowell. W. Bradstreet. J. Hazelton. Byram Sf Damon. S. C. Sf P. Grant. Damon Sf Tupper. S.Young,Brown,&c. F. Stevens Sf Co. Stephen Young. William Cooper. F. Stevens Sf Co. J. N. Cooper. 1849 " Jno. Merrick, H. Stevens, 693, Bk.YankeeBIade,J.A.Bradstreet, 420, B. John Davis, 149, S. Ch's Cooper,W. Cutts, 678, B. A. E. Maines,Edwin Jewett, 153, H. Tupper et als. W. Bradstreet. S. Marson. J. N. Cooper. F. Stevens & Co. 322 MISCELLANEOUS. 1850 NAMES. CAPTAINS. TONS. OWNERS. Bark Reindeer, Lawrence, 496, S. C. and P. Grant. Sc. Kaloolah, F. Glazier, 159, W. W. Bradstreet. S. State Rights, J. D. Warren, 826, F. Stevens &, Co. 1851 St'r Clinton, S. Hunter, Bark Trinity, Holt, Colburn, 43, N. Kimball. 453, J. Brown. 349, S. C, and P. Grant. S. J. D. Cooper, W. A. Cooper, 524, W. and C. Cooper and brothers. There are on the stocks, (in Gardiner) three vessels ; a barque of 550 tons, being built for Pierce & Bacon, Boston, by E. G. Pierce ; also, by the same, for John Aiken, New Bedford, a beautiful pi lot boat, of 70 tons, on the model of the world-fam ous yatcht America, and named for her builder, George Steers. Mr. Pierce has built thirteen vessels. , His son, George Pierce, built the Trinity, already spoken of. Capt. Nathaniel Kimball is building a fast sailing steamer, to sail on the Kennebec. It is to be 120 feet long, by 17 wide, and 4 deep. Messrs. Clark Benner & Brothers are building a vessel of 300 tons, and Messrs. W. & F. Stevens another of 950 tons, in Pittston. ASSOCIATIONS, CORPORATIONS, &C. Hermon Lodge of Freemasons, was organized August 14, 1820. The first officers were R. W. Cyrus Kindrick, M. ; W. Thomas Gilpatrick, S. W.; W. David Neal, J. W. ; John Haseltine, T. ; Daniel Nutting, S. ; W. Partridge, S. D. ; Benj. Cook, J. D. ; James Tarbox, S. S. ; Robert Gould, J. S. There are now about 50 members of the Lodge. The Mechanics' Association was constituted in May, 1841. First officers, C. A. Robbins, President ; MISCELLANEOUS. 323 G. S. Clark, Secretary ; R. Williamson, Treasurer. This Association is a most excellent one. It owns a valuable library of 1000 volumes ; a cabinet of cu riosities, &c. ; and has furnished the people of Gardi ner with a course of lectures from some of the ablest men in America, each winter, for several years. The Washington ians in Gardiner organized May 6, 1841. First officers, John Robinson, President ; John Leeman, Vice President ; Harrison Fairfield, Secretary ; John Stone, Treasurer. Many reformed inebriates joined them, and they experienced a varied history, until they were re-organized, in the winter of 1850-1. Officers then, Warren Williamson, Presi dent ; Moses Wadsworth, Secretary. Odd Fellows' Literary Society. This was an Association composed of many of the most promi nent citizens. It was originally limited to thirty members but at length became much larger. The exercises were of a literary and somewhat humorous character, and though secret, were of great interest to the members. Many reminiscences are preserved by the former members, among whom were Hon. Parker Sheldon, Hon. Sanford Kingsberry, Col. John Stone, Jacob Davis, Esq. and many others. Its seal was a circle bisected with a straight line, and enclos ing a triangle in such a manner as to form the word Oddity. It was instituted in the year 1825. At one time the Maine Branch received a present from the Parent Society at Worcester, of a gigantic razor. They replied by sending a jewsharp, the tongue of which was a mill-saw. The diploma for member ship reads as follows. — " Maine Branch of the Fra ternity of Odd Fellows. To Be it unknown to the King of the Goths and the Vandals, the Pope of Rome, the Landgrave of Hesse, the Emperor of all the Russias, the Dey of Algiers, the President and Fellows of the University of Gottin- 324 MISCELLANEOUS. gen, the Grand Seignor of Constantinople, and the Governor of Maine, and to all the Inhabitants of the Earth, to the Perieeci, Antaci, Antipodes, Amphscii, . Ascii, Heteroscii, Periscii, Troglodites, Symesii, An thropophagi, dwelling, living, existing, or being on the Continents, Islands, Isthmuses, Peninsulas, Capes, Promontories, Mountains, Plains, Rocks, Vallies, Glens or Caves, or navigating, sailing, floating or moving, upon the Oceans, Seas, Lakes, Bays, Gulfs, Straits, Channels, Harbors, Inlets, Rivers, Cataracts, Brooks, Ponds or Puddles, whether Kings, Priests, Nobles, Generals, Colonels, Majors, Captains, Lieu tenants, Ensigns, Judges, Counselors, Attorneys, Esquires, Yeomen, Farmers, Merchants, Thieves, Extortioners, Vagabonds, Villains, Heretics, Spin sters, or by whatever term, addition, name, appella tion, or title, military, civil, or ecclesiastical, they may be designated, to whom these Presents shall not come ; — But Be it Known to Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Herschel, Ceres, Juno, Ves ta and Pallas, and to Arcturus, Orion, and the Pleai- des, and to all the Constellations of Heaven, and to all the Whales, Krakens, Mermaids, Sea-serpents, Codfishes, and Herrings of the Ocean, and to the Sun, Moon, and Stars : — THAT WE, reposing special confidence in your oddities, eccentricities, and singularities, have admitted you as a Member of our Fraternity, and we do hereby make, constitute you an ODD FELLOW, and confer on you all and singular the honors, privileges and immunities thereunto belonging : And in testimonial of these things, we have affixed our hands and seals to these our letters missive this IqoDCCCXXX year of the world, and of our oddity the first. " Ezekiel Holmes, President. " Henry B. Hoskins, Scribe." MISCELLANEOUS. 325 Warren Division, Sons of Temperance, No. 3, organized Feb., 1845. First officers, — R. M. Smi ley, W. P. ; J. P. Weston, W. A, ; E. A. Chadwick, R. S. ; G. S. Palmer, F. S. 50 members* Kennebec Division, Sons of Temperance, No. 26, organized March, 1846. First officers, — N. O. MitcheU, W. P. ; G. M. Atwood, W. A. ; Geo. By ram, R. S. Disbanded.* Cobbossee Division, Sons of Temperance, No. 104. Organized March, 1848. First officers, Har low Harden, W. P. ; F. Glazier, Jr., W. A. ; J. W. White, R. S. Disbanded.f Temperance Watchmen, Gardiner Club, No. 10, organized April, 1850. First officers, — F. Yates, S. O. ; Wm. H. Lord, J. O. About 100 members.! Cadets of Temperance, Cobbossee Section, No. 27, organized May 1, 1850. Merrit B. Elwell, W. A. ; Thomas Beedle, V. A. ; Henry M. Greene, S. Disbanded.^ Willewa Temple of Honor, No. 3, organized Jan. 1847. First officers, — John Robinson, W. C. T. ; Hiram W. Jewell, W. V. T. ; N. R. Withee, W. R. About 32 members. Natahnis Lodge No. 9, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, organized February, 1844. First Officers, F. P. Theobald, N. G. ; Hiram Stevens, V. G. ; B. Shaw, Jr., S. ; William Mathews, T. About 100 members.^ Cobbossee-contee Encampment, No. 9, I. O. O. F., organized October, 1846. First officers, — F. P. Theobald, C. P ; M. S. Wadsworth, H. P. ; Hiram * A. M. C. Heath. G. M. Atwood. t A. M. C. Heath. X Wm. H. Lord. § Dr. Theobald. 28 326 MISCELLANEOUS. Stevens, S. W. ; A. T. Perkins, J. W. ; Caleb Ste vens, S. ; H. T. Clay, T. About 20 members. Willewa Union, No. 1 1, Daughters of Temperance, organized September, 1847. First officers, — Sarah Mitchell. P. S. ; Angeline Maxcy, A. S. ; Abby Par ker, S. Suspended. Grand Temple of Honor, State of Maine, is locat ed in Gardiner. Instituted May 15, 1850. Officers^ A. Earle, Rockland, G. W. S. ; W. H. Lord, G. W. R. Gardiner Bank,* incorporated January 31, 1814. Capital, $100,000. First officers, — President, Peter Grant. Directors, the President, and R. H. Gardi ner, Joshua Lord, Simon Bradstreet and Nathan Bridge. Kennebec Mutual Insurance Company,! incorpor ated Feb. 16, 1844. First board of Trustees, — Richard Clay, R. H. Gardiner, Edward Swan, Ar thur Berry, Frederic Allen, William Stevens, 2d, Nathaniel Stone, Philo Sanford, Franklin Glazier, James N. Cooper, Rufus K. Page, Homes Tupper. — Edward Swan, first and only President; Homes Tupper, Secretary. This company commenced issu ing policies, May 6, 1844. Ended, May 8, 185 K Whole number, 2269. Total amount of premiums, up to May 6, 1851, $406,210,30. Losses paid, $351,721,38. Franklin Bank, capital, $50,000. First officers, — Richard Clay, President Directors, the President and J. N. Cooper, A. Leonard, Haynes Learned, and E. F. Deane. It ceased on the expiration of the charter. Savings Institution was incorporated in 1834, with deposits at the end of six months of $1845,50. In * S. B. Tarbox, Esq. -j- Edward Swan, Esq, MISCELLANEOUS. 327 1840, they had amounted to $12,421.00. and in Jan uary, 1852, they were $65,871,73. ' There are 427 depositors, and have been in all, 987. Cobbossee-contee Bank, incorporated in 1852, with a capital of $50,000. Besides these are several other associations, as the Oak Grove Society, the ladies of which are en deavoring to beautify the Cemetery ; the Martha Washington Society, which has benefited many of the families of inebriates ; the Episcopal sewing circle ; Ladies' Aid Society, (Universalists ;) Congre gationalism Swedenborgian, Methodist and Baptist sewing societies, most of which have an annual Fair and Levee, the proceeds of which are devoted to the objects had in view. physicians. Among the very earliest settlers of this town, Mrs. James Winslow is often mentioned, as having been very serviceable to the sick, particularly to parturient women ; indeed she was the only individ ual devoted to the practice of medicine, prior to 1769, about which time Dr. Zachariah Flitner, a German, settled on the east side of the river.* Robert Taggart settled, also on the east side of the river, about the year 1771, as a physician. f Jonathan Hicks practiced medicine here a short time about the year 1777. Little is known of this individual except that he was a " good doctor," that he came from the west, and returned again. J Gen. Dearborn, having been educated a physi cian, practiced medicine and surgery for several years after he settled here. His services were mostly gratuitous. He was occasionally assisted by * Rufus Gay. Dr. G. S. Palmer. t Ibid. J Ibid. 328 MISCELLANEOUS. Dr. Tupper, who lived at Nantucket wharf, now Dresden, and by Dr. Vaughan, who lived at the Hook* James Parker, M. D., was born in Boston, and received his medical education under the direction of his father, who was a practicing physician. He settled in this town about the year 1790. He was a successful practitioner, and an influential man.f Dr. Parker was elected a Representative to the 13th Congress of the U. S., and commenced his duties in May, 1813. He was a Democrat of the Jeffersonian stamp, and warmly advocated all the measures of the party, from the non-intercourse and embargo to the declaration of war. During his whole life he was deeply interested in politics, and commanded an ex tensive influence in the county, as well as in the national councils. He was elected for one term to the State Legislature. In 1802 and 3 a malignant fever prevailed in the village of Gardiner and vicin ity, supposed by some to be the imported yellow fever of the West Indies. Although many fell victims to the disease, Dr. Parker was remarkably successful in arresting its progress by administering large and frequent doses of jalap and calomel.J Enoch Hale, M. D., M. M. S, S., A. A. S., was born in West Hampton, Mass., in 1790, and received his early education in that place. He studied medi cine with.Drs. Bigelow & Warren, of Boston, and received his medical degree at Cambridge University, in 1813, soon after which he commenced practice in Gardiner. § Dr. Hale was a profound student, and devoted his life to the interests of his profession. His attention was early drawn to the influence of climate upon health, and he made many Meteorolog- Rufus Gay. Dr. G. S. Palmer. f Dr. G. S. Palmer. Moses Springer, Esq. § Dr. G. S. Palmer. MISCELLANEOUS. 329 ical observations and experiments. In company with Moody Noyes and Charles M. Dustin, he attempted to freeze mercury by the natural coldness of the atmosphere. For that purpose, in the coldest winter night, he ascended to the top of the mdst of a vessel, lying at one of our wharves, and exposing the mercury, properly isolated, to the clear cold air, more nearly succeeded in the experiment than any man had done before him, the mercury having de scended to 39° below zero, or within one degree of the point of congelation.* He published a " His tory of the Cold Fever," and other works. He re moved to Boston, and died in 1848. David Neal, born in Kennebunk in 1789, studied medicine with Dr. Page of Brunswick, attended Medical Lectures at Bowdoin College, and commenced practice in Pittston, in 1811. After a few years, he moved to the west side of the river, where he practiced till 1839, in which year he died. Dr. Neal had a very extensive practice. He was always companionable, and possessed an unceasing flow of humor. He was never married, and left a large property to his relatives. j Silas Holman, M. D., was born in Bojton, Mass., received his medical degree at Harvard University, commenced practice in Gardiner in 1819 ; was rep resentative in the Maine Legislature iu 1845, and died in 1850. J Dr. Holman was a sterling man, of refined taste, gentlemanly manners, and of great benevolence. He was an eloquent speaker, and will long be remem bered throughout this and other States, as one of the most useful and interesting lecturers on temperance. His " Trial of Alcohol," in a series of 5 or 6 lec- * Dr. Palmer. t Ibid. M. Springer, Esq. X Dr. G. S. Palmer. 28* 330 MISCELLANEOUS. tures was repeated in many places to the great de light of thousands.* James Freer, M. D., was educated in Philadelphia, and practiced medicine in Pittston. John Dow, was born in New Hampshire, studied medicine in Dover with Dr. Dow, came to Pittston in 1837, now practicing. David H.'Mirick, M. D., was bora in Massachu setts, received his medical degree at Bowdoin college in 1827, commenced practice in Gardiner in 1830. Died in 1837. E. J. Ford, M. D., was born in Gray, studied medicine in Gray, practiced medicine in Alna and Jefferson about 27 years. Received an honorary degree of Doctor of Medicine at Bowdoin College in 1836, commenced practice in Gardiner, in 1837, now practicing. F. P. Theobald, A. M., M. D, was born in Wis casset, graduated at Bowdoin College in 1830, re ceived his medical degree in 1834, commenced practicing in Gardiner in ] 836, is now practicing. Joseph Merrill, M.D., was born in West Gardiner, received his. medical degree at Bowdoin College in 1829, practiced first in Durham, commenced prac ticing in Gardiner in 1839, now practicing. Stephen Whitmore, M. D., was born in Bowdoin ham, received his medical degree at Bowdoin Col lege in 1S36, commenced practicing in Gardiner in 1837, left on account of ill-health in 1841, lives in Bowdoinham. G. S. Palmer, A. M., M. D., was born at Bow man's Point, formerly a part of the territory of this city. Graduated at Bowdoin College ¦ in 1 838 ; re- Moses Springer, Esq. MISCELLANEOUS. 33 \ ceived his medical degree in 1841; studied under Dr. Enoch Hale in Boston, commenced practicing in Gardiner in 1842. He commenced and prosecut ed his studies without any pecuniary aid.* C. W. Whitmore, M. D., was born in Bowdoin ham, received his medical degree at Bowdoin College in 1839. First practiced in Richmond, commenced practicing in, Gardiner in 1846, now in California. Abiel Libby, M. D., born in Gardiner, received medical degree at Bowdoin College, 1846, practiced in Gardiner a short time, he is now practicing in Richmond. Cyrus Kindrick, M. D., was born in Gardiner, received his medical degree at Jefferson Medical College, Phil., commenced practicing in Gardiner in 1850. Now practicing. John S. Gardiner, M. D., was born in Hallowell, received medical degree in New York, in 1845, practiced in Gardiner one year. Since dead. James Bates, M. D., was born in Green in 1787. Studied medicine with Dr. Mann ; attended medical Lectures in Boston, entered the U. S. Army in 1813, remained two and a half years, settled in Norridgewock in 1819, was member of the twenty- second Congress, was appointed superintendant of the Maine Insane Hospital in 1845, remained six years till it was burnt, commenced practicing in Gardiner in 1851, now practicing. Jacob Cofflnfr M. D., received his medical degree at Bowdoin College in 1822, and commenced practice at East Pittston about the same year. He sacrificed himself to his profession, and died in 1833. * M. Springer, Esq. f Dr. G. S. Palmer. 332 MISCELLANEOUS. Wm. H. Jewett* M. D., was born in Gardiner, received his medical degree at Bowdoin College in 1831, and practiced one year at East Pittston. David Y. Pierce^ M. D., received his medical degree in 1835 ; practiced two years at East Pitts ton. Harrison Small,% M. D., was born in Jay, and com menced practice at East Pittston about the year 1840. He has been successful as a practitioner and is now actively engaged in his profession. On the Homoeopathic System, Rev. Adonis Hoto- ard, and Wm. F. Jackson, A. M., M. D., have been the principal practitioners. On the Thompsonian System, the principal prac titioners have been Drs. Newcomb, Whitney, Mar- den, Welcome Pincin, Benj. Colby, Bryant Morton, Joseph N. Smith, M. F. Marble and E. M. Parritt. Dr. Parritt has been Professor of Chemistry and Medical Jurisprudence in Cincinnati, O., Louisville, Ky., and now occupies that chair in the Medical College in Worcester. ATTORNEYS. Some of the Counselors at law who have resided in Gardiner and Pittston, will now be recorded : — It is believed that John Davis was the first reg ular practitioner here. He came in 1785. Allen Gilman came in 1796—7, and in a few years removed to Hallowell, aud thence to Bangor, where he was Mayor, and died. * Dr. G. S. Palmer. f Ibid. + Ibid. MISCELLANEOUS. 333 Nathan Bridge began here as a lawyer in 1798-9. Sanford Kingsberry was born in Claremont, N. H., was graduated at Dartmouth in 1801, with Daniel Webster, came to Gardiner in 1804, became cashier of Gardiner Bank in 1814, and practiced law until he took his seat on the bench of the Court of Common Pleas, in 1821. He was State Senator in 1828, 9, removed to Kingsberry in 1834, and fell dead in one of our streets, March 1, 1849, aged 66 years. Frederic Allen came to Gardiner in 1803, and, as is well known, has been one of the most profound and successful lawyers in Maine, for nearly half a century. Charles M. Dustin, a nephew of Judge Kingsberry, commenced studying with his uncle about 1811-12, but died shortly after entering the profession. George Evans, (see biographical sketch.) Theophilus P- Chandler began to practice law in Gardiner, removed to Bangor, and thence to Boston. He has for many years been president of the Ogdens- burg Railroad. George W. Bachelder, born in Hallowell, Nov. 13, 1802; graduated at Bowdoin in 1823; com menced as aii attorney. in Gardiner in 1826. Was appointed municipal Judge in 1850. Ebenezer Furbush Deane, graduated at Bowdoin in 1824 ; taught the Gardiner Lyceum, and com menced practicing law. He was a man of much influence. He died in 1848. Caleb Locke graduated at Bowdoin in 1827, and began the profession of the law in 1830, with great promise, and died at Biddeford in 1836. Joseph Adams graduated at Brunswick in 1827, 334 MISCELLANEOUS. began the law in Hallowell in 1831, removed to Pittston in 1832, and to Gardiner in 1836. Thomas Swan, born in 1810, began the law in 1831 ; removed to China, and thence to Vassalboro', and died, 1839. He was clerk of Kennebec Courts in 1838-9. Charles E. Allen graduated at Bowdoin in 1835, and commenced as an attorney in Gardiner in 1838. In 1846 he removed Jo Boston, where he now re sides. Nathaniel M. Whitmore, born in Bowdoinham, graduated at Bowdoin College in 1833 ; commenced practicing law in 1838. George H. Robinson read law at Cambridge Law School, commenced the profession in Vicksburg, Mississippi, in 1839, and came to Gardiner in 1843. Sanford K. Ballard, born at Bowman's Point, graduated at Bowdoin in 1 836 ; commenced the law in Gardiner in 1839, and died Nov. 20, 1841, aged 26 years. Noah Woods, born in Groton, Mass., Sept. 26, 1812 ; read law with Judge Tenney, and commenc ed the legal profession in Gardiner, in March, 1841 ; received Honorary degree of A. M. at Brunswick. Charles Danforth, born in Norridgewock, August 1, 1815, studied with Judge Tenney, and commenc ed the profession in Gardiner, Nov. 1841. E. A. Chadwick, born in Frankfort, graduated at Bowdoin in 1842, commenced practicing law in Pittston, Oct. 1844, and in Gardiner, Nov. 1849. Lorenzo Clay, born in Candia, N. H., Nov. 5, 1817; graduated at Hanover in 1843; commenced the legal profession in Gardiner iu 1845. MISCELLANEOUS. 335 S. L. Plumer, b. Gardiner, graduated at Har vard in 1 844, commenced the law in Gardiner in 1848. Edited the Gardiner Transcript. Augustus O. Allen, b. Gardiner, graduated at Brunswick, and read law in the office of his father, > Frederic Allen, Esq. Ward Iu. Lewis commenced practicing law in Pittston in 1848. Washburn Benjamin is also an attorney in Pitts ton. College Graduates. Several persons who were born or have resided in Gardiner or Pittston, have been graduates at College. Some of them who have not been mentioned pre viously are here given. Bowdoin, Phineas Pratt, 1817; B. B. Thacher, 1826 ; Rev. Sanford A. Kingsberry, 1 828 ; Augustus 0. Allen; Rev. Frederic Gardiner, 1842; Wm. Ly man Hyde, 1842; Wm. S. Chadwell. Rev. S. A. Kingsberry is a Clergyman in Damariscotta, and Pres ident of the Maine Bapt. Missionary Society. Rev. F. Gardiner is an Episcopal Clergyman in Bath. Mr. Allen is an attorney. These three are natives of Gardiner. Ebenezer Moor, 1 832 ; Ansyl Moor, 1835* Waterville, A. G. Jewett, 1826. Mr. Jewett was born in Pittston, is a lawyer of distinction in Bangor, and has been charge to Lima. Brown, James Plaisted ; Samuel Plaisted. Harvard, BarziUai Gannett, 1785; > James Bowers, 1794 ; Robert Hallowell Gardiner, 1801; Robert Hallowell Gardiner, jr. 1830. * Children of Ebenezer Moore. Ebenezer Jr., has been Mayor of Quincy, IU. 336 MISCELLANEOUS. ALMSHOUSE, &C. For some time previous to 1.846 the poor of Gar diner had been provided for at an establishment in West Gardiner, consisting of a farm and buildings called the Brann place. This was at length sold, and in the year 1848 the present Almshouse was purchased. The deed is dated Jan. 2, 1849. The house was built by Eben Moore, and was bought, together with fourteen acres of land, of C. E. Brad street, who then owned it. $2200 were paid for it, and an additional building was erected, at a cost of $3000. The establishment is a brick one, of two stories, containing thirty-six fine rooms, including seven fitted for the insane in the most admirable manner, together with a spacious hall. The build ing is every way a most excellent one for the pur pose, and is a monument of the humanity and generosity of the city. Last year $3436,17 were expended for the poor, and 63 persons, or an aver age of 32 had resided in the house. Under the new arrangement the keeper of the house has been J. L. Foy. It will be seen by a reference to the tax-lists that the poor of Gardiner and Pittston have always been well cared for.* EARLY APPEARANCE OF EAST PITTSTON. Rev. Eliakim Scammon, one of the oldest settlers of East Pittston, says — " I came into this town first in 1806. The place was then comparatively new, and many changes have since taken place, and most of them much for the better. There was then not a chaise nor wagon in this part, and I believe but Noah Woods, Esq. MISCELLANEOUS. • 337 two in the town ; it was said Samuel Oakman, and Jedidiah Jewett, each owned a chaise. The sleigh and saddle were the only vehicles for travel ; but it is now almost as uncommon to find a family desti tute of a wheel carriage. The young women would mount the saddle and ride off five, ten, or even forty miles in a day, through sloughs and over rough roads, with as much safety and dignity of feeling, as those now do, over our smoother roads, in their easy carriages. These muscular exercises gave a tone to the system, that made dyspepsia a stranger among them. It was not an uncommon thing to see a man, with his wife mounted upon a pillion behind him, with an infant in her lap, or in the arms of the father, riding to church. " The business of the place is very much changed, especially the lumbering and trade. Then there were three saw-mills driven night and day, for sev eral months in the year, at which many hundred thousands of sawed lumber were manufactured for distant markets ; now none, not even enough for home use. " There is now upon the Eastern River here, but one saw-mill, with a shingle machine attached, and one grist-mill. The stream falls in the distance of forty or fifty rods, about forty feet, and by a canal across a point of land, about thirty rods, a fall of fifty feet more may be obtained. " The cord-wood business is also fast waning, — nearly done. There was in those days a profitable trade here. Much short lumber and timber were brought to the tide waters here, for market, from Whitefield, Jefferson and Windsor. Trade has wan ed with the lumber business. • " In those days of brisk trade, three traders sold from ten to twenty hogsheads of spirit in a year. In those days when it was a custom to use it as a com mon beverage to aid in labor, and as a treat, at rais- 29 338 . MISCELLANEOUS. ings, militia drills, and social circles, a store without rum, to be sold in any quantity, and to any customer, would not be sustained by the community. Many families in those, times paid more than fifty dollars a year for this article ! The consequence was, what it always will be where such usages abound, drunk enness, poverty and wretchedness. " But a happy change has taken place. I seldom see a man intoxicated, and but very little spirit is sold here. The prices of some very useful articles have changed very much. I once paid 37£ cents a yard for India cotton cloth, but I can now buy our factory cloth, worth more than twice as much, for eight cents. Cut nails were then worth 10 or 12 cents a pound, now not more than half of it. The difference at an earlier period was still greater. The price of man's labor in the winter was five dollars a month, and seven for the rest of the year, and a pair of tow and linen shirts cost three and a half dollars. If the young men of this day had to work for and pay such prices, California would be much more thronged than it now is. " There has always been a laudable interest felt in public schools, and it has not abated. Hence our Academy, sustained wholly by individual liberality, is in successful operation. Of professional men, none have been sustained but clergymen and physi- xcians. Of the former we have had many, of the latter but three ; one deceased, one removed, the other remains in a large practice. A respectable legal gentleman opened an office here about thirty years ago, but left after two year's trial probably for the reason, though differently expressed, that a Mr. J. P. left Hunt's Meadow : — he said he left because he could not live there by his business, if he died. " A comparison between the present and the past shows an increase of steady habits and good morals. MISCELLANEOUS. 339 Lumbering and mercantile business, have given place to mechanical and agricultural industry. There is much less idle time spent, greater economy used, and the improved condition of the buildings and farms, shows a general thrift beyond former days." An interesting history might be written of the buildings and different branches of business in Gar diner and Pittston, but our limits do not allow. The "old Cotton Factory" was built in the year 1811, by an incorporated company. It manufac tured cotton yarn, and was one of the earliest, as well as most celebrated cotton mills in the country. The Paper Mill was first built in 1812, by John Savels, but it was burnt in about a year, and rebuilt in 60 days after. Its fabrics are well known. The paper of Richards &¦ Hoskins' manufacture, (of which this is a sample) is in good demand, and justly celebrated. The first brick building erected in town was built by Rufus Gay, in 1808, and stands nearly opposite the Ferry. The Bank build ing was erected in 1813, R. H. Gardiner's was the next, in 1819, (Butman's Druggist Store,) and the next was by Richard Stuart, in 1820. This was burnt in 1852. h Generally speaking the architecture of Gardiner is not specially good. It is not equal to that of other Kennebec cities. There is a large predom inance of comfortable and neat cottages, howeve"r, suggesting that they are the humble, but independ ent homesteads of people of small means. Note. — Mr. George Lyon informs us that a man named Henry Babbage came to Gardinerston in 1760, with the first settlers, and that he returned to Massachusetts in a short time. He should be reckon ed with the earliest settlers.. 340 miscellaneous. On the same authority, — that of his grandfather, Jonathan Winslow, he relates that there were other slaves than Hazard. He mentions Pomp., Black Nance, and Stockbridge, the property of Dr. Gardi ner and Mr. Robert Hallowell. There were others .also. When this work was about finished, — March, 1852, — a bill had just been enacted by the Legis lature authorizing the erection of a bridge across the Kennebec, between Gardiner and Pittston. This is a cause of the greatest rejoicing to the people of the two towns, as it will be one of great, advantage to the people, and a desirable convenience to a large population east and west of the Kennebec. In April, the effort to erect a town spoken of on page 214 was successful. The boundaries were changed so far as to exclude Frederic Allen, and Dr. Theobald. The beautiful name Farm- ingdale was selected. A letter was received when the last sheets of this book were being worked off, from Mrs. Julia C. Wingate, of Portland, giving some additional facts connected with the Dearborn family. Gen. Henry Dearborn married Mary, daughter of Gen. Bartlett, of Nottingham, by whom he had two daughters, Pamelia Augusta, who married Allen Gilman. She died eleven months after marriage, leaving an infant daughter, who married Col. Greenleaf Dearborn, U. S. A. She is now a widow, residing in Portland. The other daughter, Sophia, married Dudley Hobart. She was left a widow with eight children, five of whom died young. One daughter married Melville, and lives in Galena, 111. ; another married Blake ; and a son now lives in Ohio. In 1780, Gen. Dearborn married widow Marble, daugh ter of Col. Osgood of Andover. Gen. H. A. S. Dear- miscellaneous. 341 born, was a child of the second wife, as was George Raleigh, who died on the homeward passage from Asia, and Julia C. who married Joshua Wingate, Nov. 1799. Children of Joshua and Julia C. Win gate, — 1, Julia Octavia, b. Aug. 1800, m. Charles Q. Clapp ; 2, George R. D. b. 1807. d. 1826. Chil dren of Charles &., and Julia O. Clapp, — 1, Julia E., m. John B. Carroll, of Va. ; 2, Georgianna W., m. Winthrop G. Ray, of N. Y. Gen. H. A. S. Dear born left a wife and three children: — 1, Julia M., m. A. W. H. Clapp, (one child, Mary J. E.) ; 2, Henry R., m. Sarah Thurston ; 3, Wm. L., unm. It may be said generally, concerning matters spoken of in this book, that authorities frequently have differed widely, — Tradition having sometimes, apparently borrowed the hundred tongues of Rumor, so that it will be no matter of surprise, if the reader sometimes finds his impressions contradicted. It is believed, however, that a careful examination of any mooted question herein spoken of, will result in favor of the statement here recorded. The Compiler has now finished his task. He has omitted no pains to render his work a valuable com pendium of facts. He finds that he has used, ten thousand names of persons, with an average of four distinct facts to each. Thus, he has spread before his 'fellow-citizens forty thousand definite facts. Much of this matter must necessarily have perished, had a few more years elapsed without rescuing it from oblivion. He hopes that the toil he has subjected himself to may be appreciated. He would impress on the minds of his readers, that the facts contained in this book will only be valuable to them, as they are used as means of suggesting salutary truths. History is 29* 342 miscellaneous. useful only when its practical lessons are learned. May the readers of this book shun the faults, and imitate the virtues, of their fathers ! The Compiler cannot forbear recording a cheering fact, now beginning to appear, in the career of the city of Gardiner : — Owing to circumstances which need not here be mentioned, the people of this city have always been remarkably destitute of local pride. The rich and the poor have seemed alike indifferent to the character of the city, and the consequences have been injurious. Now, however, be# it recorded as an encouraging feature in our history, the younger generation is determined to overcome those obstacles which some of the fathers opposed in vain. The social, intellectual and business character of the city have already shown the influence. If these efforts are persevered in, our schools will continue to improve, business will flow through our streets, a spirit not to be resisted will create such a character for the place, that it will yet be a matter of pride to claim a citi zenship in Gardiner. As improvement increases, all our interests will acknowledge the influence, and the city will ascend to a more elevated civic position. And when the future Historian attempts to write a complete History of Maine, — which neveir can be done until each town has contributed its own, — prominent among the most flourishing, ours will be found, and his pen will gladly record its achieve ments. It rests with the young men, and especially with the mechanics, and business men, who control the public destinies, to render the city what it should be. May they be resolute in their efforts, until they over come all opposing obstacles ; until all available natural and artificial means of advancement are actively miscellaneous. 343 employed. Then, while our noble State continues to wear proudly on its shield the appropriate motto, Dirigo, — I lead, — Gardiner, in the front rank of its cities, shall bear an equally significant legend on its escutcheon, — Excelsior, — Higher Yet ! THE END. ERRATtM; On page 335) for Ansyl Moor, read Asaflel Mdof . BUSINESS REGISTER, 1852. Containing the name and occupation of each person doing business in Gardiner and Pittston, — commencing in Gardiner at the lower, or east erly, end of Water Street. ' Gardiner Steam Mill Co., Wm. B. Heseltine, Agent. William JR. Gay, Lumber and Commission Merchant. Gorham Whitney, Innholder — Kennebec House. Ebenezer E. Byram, West India Goods. Abel Whitney, Cooper. Henry B. Bradstreet, West India Goods. James Tarbox, Jr. , West India Goods. Patrick Maher, Grocer. Mrs. Olive Whitney, Millinery and Fancy Goods. John P. Dennis, Butcher. Jesse Lambert, Brickmaker. William S. Grant, Ship Chandler. E. Swan & J. Adams, Insurance. Harrison G. Lowell, Sail-maker. John Dennis, Corn, Elour and Grooeries. Haile Wood, Hardware and Iron. Sedgwick L. Plumer, Attorney. Milliken & Dudley, Butchers. Fling, Drew-& Co., Groceries and Provisions. Michael Burke, Boots and Shoes. Owen Dealy, Tailor. E. H. Gardiner, Counting Room. P. A. Butman Jr. & Co., Druggists and Apothecaries. Mrs. Parkhurst, Millinery and Eaney Goods. E. Forsyth, Groceries and Provisions. Sylvanus Hathaway, Hats, Caps and Furs. Gideon S. Palmer, Physician. Danforth & Woods, Attorneys and Counselors at Law. Nathaniel K. Chadwick, Dry and Fancy Goods. Lorenzo Clay, Lawyer. Business Megiste'r — Gar din er. George Evans, Counselor at Law. W. F. Jackson, Homeopathic Physician. Frederic Allen, Counselor at Law. Emerald McCurdy, Tin Plate and Sheet Iron Worker. F. Blood, Confectioner. Edwin Bailey, Dry and Fancy Goods. Joshua K. Osgood, Auction and Commission Store. Joseph Foy, Oyster Saloon. Elias Davis, Goldsmith and Optician. Isaac J. Carr, Innholder — Gardiner Hotel. Charles Swift, Goldsmith. Charles B. Stone, Groceries and Provisions. George M. Atwood, Bookseller and Stationer. F. P. Theobald, Physician. N. M. Whitmore, Attorney at Law. Langdon Gilmore, Surgeon Dentist. Asa Woodward, Telegraph Operator. Morrell & Heath, Publishers, and Book and Job Printers. J. & B. Stanford, Boots and Shoes. J. & J. T. Stone, Dry and Fansy Goods. Henry K. Chadwick, Ready-made Clothing. George H. Robinson, Lawyer. Nathaniel Clark, Shoemaker. J. T. Smart, Groceries. Freeman Trott, Groceries. Mrs. H. Howard, Dress-maker. James A. Cox, Boots and Shoes. J. E. Davis, Hats, Caps and Furs. Miss E. B. Whitney, Milliner and Dress-maker. Miss M. A. Merrill, Dress-maker. Albert Griffin, Groceries. Daniel S. Johnson, Grocefies. William Partridge, Baker. Jacob Jewell, Hair Dresser. . David Landers, Livery Stable. A. B. Rafter, Millinery and Fancy Goods. J. Y. Gray, Patent Medicines. Moses Dunton, Fish Market. John Brown, Confectioner. R. A. Sager, Harness-maker. Moses H. Lord, House, Sign and Carriage Painter Daniel Lincoln, Innholder— Cobbossee House. Business Register — Gardin er. W. S. Ring, Butcher. Charles H. Partridge, Tailor and Draper. John Webb, Boots and Shoes. Charles P. Branch, Druggist and Express Agent. William Palmer, Bookseller and Binder. Robert Williamson, Tailor and Draper. E. A. Chadwick, Counselor at Law. H. Skillin, Daguerrean Artist. W. A. Lawrence, Ready-made Clothing. I. G. Vannah & Co., Hardware and Iron. Silas T. Gushee, Dry and Fancy Goods. B. Shaw, Jr., Express and General Forwarding Agent. George W. Bachelder, Counselor at Law. R. Richard Clay, Physopathic Physician. Marion F. Marble, Physopathio Physician. E. Morgan Parritt, Physopathic Physician. Ansyl Clark, Agent for selling spirits. D. C. Palmer, Manufaciurer and Dealer in Lumber. Mrs. J. W. Perley, Millinery and Fancy Goods. B. S. Jones, Tin Plate and Sheet Iron Worker. E. W. Parkhurst, House and Fancy Painter. Peter J. Galvin, Tailor and Draper. Albert S. Waterhouse, Auction and Commission Store. A. W. & G. W. Hamlin, Groceries. Leander H. Lowell, Tailor. James M. Robinson, Boots and Shoes. B. Weymouth, Boot and Shoe Maker. True W. Townsend, Dry and West India Goods. C. A. &, J. D. White, Druggists and Apothecaries. James A. Clay & Co., Manufaet'rs and Dealers in Lumber. Adlam & Hill, Furniture Warehouse. R. H. Sawyer, Saw Shop. Benjamin Johnson, Grocer. Joel H. Snow, Carpenter and Joiner. Amos C. Stuart, West India Goods and Groceries. Mrs. J. Esmond, West India Goods and Groceries. Thomas W. Tobey, West India Goods and Groceries. Eben Jackson, Tin, Sheet Iron Ware and Stoves. S. & C. Baker, West India Goods and Groceries. Mrs. L. P. Bodfish & Co., Millinery and Fancy Goods. A. Ring & Co., Butchers. Elwell & Shaw, Butchers. Business Regislei Gardiner. S. W. Tarbox, .Groceries. Mitchell, Wilson & Co., Dry and West India Goods. Bartlett & Johnson, West India Goods and Groceries. Nash & Nudd, Furniture Warehouse. S. J. Park & Co., Marble Cutters. John Lawrence, Blacksmith. Paul R. Cleaves, Innholder — Washingtonian House. John Stone, Dry and West India Goods. Smith Maxcy & Son, Millers. William M. Vaughan, Manufacturer and Dealer" in Flour. Myrick Hopkins, Dealer in Wool and Hides. Holmes & Robbins, Machinists and Founders. John Leeman, House and Ship Painter. W. E. Hollis, Boot and Shoe Maker. Stephen Tucker, Groceries I. N. Tucker & Co., Woolen Factory. John Robinson, Carpenter and Joiner. Lincoln Perry, Shingle, Clapboard and Planing Machines. Frost & Gray, Manufacturers and Dealers in Lumber. Welcome Pincin, Physopathic Physician. T. Baker & Co., Manufacturers and Dealers in Lumber. Richards & Hoskins, Paper Manufacturers. E. J. Ford, Physician. Uriah Briery, Groceries. Robert Stinson, Victualer and Grocer. Isaac Decker, Victualer. John Dunphy, Varnish, Japan and Oil. Wing & Bates, Lumber and Commission Merchants. Mason Damon, Sail Maker. Peter Vigoreux, Sail Maker. B. Emmons Victualer. John Meader, Confectioner. John McMannis, Blacksmith. James Foy, Victualer. John N. Brown, Hair Dresser. Cyrus Kindrick, jr., Physician. Daniel Nutting, Notary Public. James Bates, Physician. S. L. Carlton, Daguerrian Artist. Richard B. Caldwell, Printer and Publisher. Business Register — Gardiner. CHUROH STREET. Lincoln & Milliken, Livery Stable. Randall & Bailey, Carriage Makers. Silas Andrews & Co., Blacksmiths. -Albion E. Wing, Carriage Maker. John Brown, House and Ship Painter. W. R. Wharff, Blacksmith. BRIDGE STREET. Joseph L. Mitchell & Co., Sash, Doors and Blinds. J. 0. Clay & Co., Sash, Doors and Blinds. Richard K. Littlefield, Millwright. George W. Littlefield, Carpenter and Joiner. James G. Donnell, Carpenter and Joiner. Walter Curtis, Blacksmith. Sifamai Bowman, Blacksmith* . H. R. French, Blacksmith. S. Springer, Tin Plate Worker. John E. Merrill, Innholder — Mansion House. Robert Thompson, Stone Ware Factory. J. Steward & Son, Manufacturers and Dealers in Lumber. William Sargent, Manufacturer and Dealer in Lumber. William Day & Co., Manufacturers and Dealers in Lumber Mitchell & Royal, Elbridge Berry & Co. " " " Frost & Clay, " " " Hooker, Libby & Co., " " " James Reynolds, Carriage Maker. HIGH STREET. John Plaisted, Tanner and Currier. George Plaisted, Tanner and Currier. Joseph Merrill, Physician, SUMMER STREET. Edward Jarvis, Tanner and Currier. Leeman & Hamlin, Tanners and Curriers. Holt & Parker, Tanners and Curriers. G. A. Woodsom & Co., Tanners and Curriers. Moses Springer, Land Surveyor. Meserve, Rojbinson & Co., Furniture and Bedsteads. Joseph Perry, Machinist. Moore & Plaisted, Sash, Doors and Blinds. 30 Business Register — Gardiner. SPRING STREET. Arch Morrell, Brickmaker. J. Taylor, Brickmaker. Woodward Thompson, Brickmaker. WINTER STREET Joseph Welch, Plasterer and Stucco-worker. Simeon Cary, Butcher. MISCELLANEOUS. William Palmer, Coroner. Charles N. Bodfish, Sheriff. John D. Gardiner, Deputy Sheriff. Lawson H. Green, Postmaster. George H. Cook, Deputy Collector. George S. Maynard, City Marshal. PITTSTON. Benjamin Follansbee, Ship Builder. James Smith, Ship Builder. William Cooper, Merchant and Ship Builder. H. & S. Cutts, Blacksmiths. Spencer F. Wadsworth, Blacksmith. Alfred Smart, Blacksmith. H. T. Franklin, Blacksmith. S. B. Russell, Carriage Maker. Caleb Waterhouse, Boot and Shoe Maker. D. B. Peaslee, Boot and Shoe Maker. W. B. Winslow, Boot and Shoe Maker. Caleb Stevens, Postmaster. Franklin Stevens & Co., Ship Builders. Stephen Young, Ship Builder. A. C.Cross, Innholder. Gideon Barker, Drugs and Groceries. W. & J. Peaslee, West India Goods and Provisions. Noah Dennis, Groceries and Provisions. A. H. & H. T. Clark, Groceries and Provisions. Joseph Brookings, Dry Goods and Groceries. Jere. Connor, Dry Goods and Groceries. Daniel Brookings, Dry Goods and Groceries. Business Register — Pittston, fyc. Charles Kinsman, Groceries and Provisions. Joseph Follansbee, Groceries and Provisions. Luther Cole, House and Ship Painter. Ward L. Lewis, Lawyer. John Dow, Physician. W. Benjamin, Lawyer. David R. Clark, Joiner. John Jewett, Ship Builder. Eben. Hinds, Master Ship Builder. John Still, Master Ship Builder. David S. Rairden, Master Ship Builder. H. Small, Physician. L. S. Clark, Dry Goods and Groceries. J. Y. Boynton, Carriage Maker. Amos Merrill, Blacksmith. Winslow Hunt, Blacksmith. G-. Mansir, Miller. E. Scammon, Postmaster — East Pittston, < FARMINGDALE Nathaniel Kimball, Ship Builder. Elbridge G. Pierce, Master Ship Builder. Joseph Irish, Ship Carpenter and Joiner. Leonard Fuller, Blacksmith. Enoch Marshall, Deputy Sheriff. Justices of the Peace and Quorum. GARDINER. Frederic Allen, Robert H Gardiner, George W. Bachelder, Edmund A. Chadwick, Lorenzo Clay, Charles Da, afort h, L. H. Green, Darnel Hddreth, C Kindrick William Palmer, Sedgwick L.' Plumer, George H. Robinson, baniel Nutting, Moses Springer, ¦Benjamin Shaw, N. M. W^ore, Noah Woods, Ezekiel Waterhouse. Justices of the Peace, fyc. WEST GARDINER. Abner Milliken, J. W. Herrick. PITTS-TON. Benjamin T. Folsom, John Jewett, Ward L. Lewis, Jacob Peaslee, George Williamson, George W. Mansir. Notaries Public— Gardiner. Joseph Adams, George W. Bachelder, Daniel Nutting, Benj. Shaw, Jr. (Register arranged by Wm. H. Lord.) Note. Several of the persons mentioned as doing business in Gar diner, are residents of Farmingdale. The Steam Sawmill in Pittston is owned and operated by Frost & Clay, of Gardiner; and another Saw mill, on the Togus Stream, is operated by Nallian O. Mitchell, also of Gardiner. \ — • — ? FIRST OFFICERS IN FARMINGDALE. April 12, 1852, the people of Faxmingdale held their first Town meeting, and chose their first officers as follows : Moderator, A. S. Chadwick. Town Clerk, E. A. Chadwick. Selectmen, Assessors, and Overseers of the Poor, A. S. Chadwick, Thos. B. Seavey, Daniel Lancaster. Superintending School Committee, Abeam Rich, E. A. Chadwick, Reuben Seavey. The ice left the river April 12, 1852. ERRATUM. Page 289s line 14 from top, for Pittston, read Gardiner. Advertisements — Gardiner, 1852. S. T. CUSHEE, water street.... wholesale and retail dealer in Where will always be found an extensive assortment of the nicest quali ties and newest styles of Goods. Also a full assortment of fjrj- NEW GOODS RECEIVED DAILY. «£j} C. A. & J. D. WHITE, DEALERS IN PAINTS, OZ£S, WINDOW GLASS, FANCY ARTICLES, SlElSLailS ©if M& wmw&P &®« CLAY'S BLOCK, WATER STREET. HOLMES & ROBBINS, At their Forge, Foundry, and Machine Shop, will furnish SH&IPtlS MLB SASIFllffil®® of all kinds, at short notice, and on favorable terms. Particular atten tion given to SHIP AND MILL WORK. The following are some of the articles manufactured by them, viz : FOR VESSELS — Windlass Purchases, Windlass Necks, Truss Arms, Capstan Spindles, Iron Knees, Quarter Blocks, SLieves; Hawser, Stern, Deck and Side Pipes; Belaying Rails, Pins and Chocks, and all kinds of Shapes for Truss Hoops, Clamps for Screws, &c. &c. FOR MILLS — Water Wheels, Shafting, Gears, Gudgeons, both Wing and Plate, Iron Buckets, Cranks, Rims, Boxes, and many smaller arti cles, such as Saw Arbers, Stirrup Screws, Boxes for the Eyes of Mill Stones, Turning Lathe Irons, &c. Also, Hubs for Carts and Wagons, Boxes, Plow Castings, Fire Doge, Fire Frames, Cultivator Teeth, and every kind of Casting, or Wrought Iron Shape, wanted for Agriculture, Ship Building and Machinery. 30* Advertisements — Gardiner, 1852. ROBERT THOMPSON, manufacturer of CORNER OF BRIDGE AND HIGH STREETS. CH&SIES SWIFT, IMPORTER OE AND DEALER IN CLOCKS, LAMPS, SILVER AND PLATED WAREr Spectacles, Violins, Violin Strings, Fancy Goods, &c. G. P. BRANCH, -WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN- MEDITERRANEAN, INDIA & SOUTH AMERICAN B2ESJS$, 8HBB1&AM, ENGLISH EXTRACTS, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, Brushes, Fancy Soaps, &c Water Street. Agent for Gay & Co.'s Kennebec 8? Boston Express. MICHAEL BURKE, Water Street Manufacturer of and Dealer in §@®K AI® SKOfiS. CUSTOM WORK done in a workman-like manner, at short notice. Advertisements — Gardiner, 1852: PUBLISHERS OF THE FOUNTAIN & JOURNAL. OFFICE OPPOSITE FOOT OF CHURCH STREET: Cxxlss of efiera Baricta furm'sfjsS at JSestou prices, an5 printeci at atoutone l)alf tfyc former rates. HIRAM K. N/10RREL.L-. ALVAN M. C. HEATH. itttgeflft €m Dentist, And Manufacturer of Mineral Teeth. OFFICE OPPOSITE FOOT OF OHUROH STREET. Whole or parts of sets of Teeth inserted with or without gums, as taste or necessity .may require — upon the principle of atmospheric press- tire — and a fit warranted. Perfect satisfaction given in all operations, or no compensation will be required. J. D. GARBIB3ER, ® is pity © ei & ie a i? ir% Will attend promptly to any business entrusted to his care. tftltt J« ) WSSj MOORE &, PLAISTED, Manufacturers of and Dealers in SUMMER STREET, Kren constantly on hand, and will furnish at short notice and on re«oii- Sfr™ ft y„f the above named work, manufactured of good material JZ in a workmanlike manner. Their Improved Bli.d. are supe, ur to any others now manufactured. Advertisements — Gardiner, 1852. WM. A. KAWREBfCE, DEALER IN OPPOSITE COBBOSSEE HOUSE. N. B. — Garments cut to order and made at the shortest notico. FREEMAN TROTT, DEALER IN was? wmm @oob$, AND n. ssiura, Rooms in Palmer & Williamson's Block — opposite the Cobbossee House. These Rooms have been fitted up for this especial purpose, with 160 r.'n-p rant ni .L'. I...I.I . ,....( ...... . . . i any other rooms public patronage. square feet of sky-light; and are not surpassed by any other' rooms in INew England. They are sincerely recommended to public patro UFS iO VIM gNSPHUNCB. WILLIAM PALMER Is Agent for several of the best Fire and Life Insurance Companies in INew England. He will effect insurance on all descriptions of property, at the lowest rates. ENOCH MARSHALL, LDHiPDIF^ ©Eg SOP p. (FARMINGDALE.) Advertisements — Gardiner, 1 852. JOHN BROWN, -MANUFACTURER OP AND DEALER IN- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ALSO, DEALER IN T@Y§, MOT, HOTS, 4S. MESERVE, ROBINSON & CO. Manufacturers of and Dealers in SOSTBAJDSi TABLES, €M1I, BIS1S, And all kinds of Common Furniture. At the old stand of Joshua Jones Summer Street. Wood Turning executed to order, in the neatest manner. Planing and Sawing done at short notice, at reasonable rates. Coffins made to order. J. L. MESERTE. E. G. ROBINSON. N. L. MESERVE. Offers (or sale, at his Store on Water Street, a large assortment of ?A?3R IMilliS, STATIONERY, &53ID LBk&KlGI ©©©&§» Which he will sell at the lowest prices. All kinds of School Books used in this and the neighboring towns. A large assortment of FANCY GOODS, which will be sold at reduced prices. Newspapers, Magazines, and Cheap Publications, received every week. Blank Books of every kind, constantly on hand, and made to order, in the most durable style. BOOK-BINDING.— Old Books, Music, Newspapers, Pamphlets, &C, bound at short notice and at low prices. gg- W. P., having had many years' experience in the above business, can assure the public that he is "now prepared to give greater bargains in his line than ever before offered. Advertisements — Gardiner, 1852. GHAR&ES B. STONE, Nearly Opposite the Gardiner Hotel, keeps on hand an extensive assortment of Wo Ho mom AM) ©:&©m&ot, GLASS AND EARTHEN WARE. Also, a full assortment of Nails. He also keeps a general assortment of Provisions, Flour, Pork, Lard, Butter, Cheese, Salt, &c. &c, which he will sell cheap for cash, or approved credit. The highest market prices will be paid for Country Produce. S. J. PARK & CO. Bowman's Block, Water Street Manufacturers of f^^fftM^e, atJLiyaiKiuLteU Italian Marble Monuments made of the best material. Having had many years' experience in the business, they are confident that they can satisfy all reasonable expectations. They will sell the same quality of material and workmanship as cheap as can be purchased elsewhere. Ornamental Work of every description done in the best possible manner. JQSEPM FERRY Is now manufacturing, at his Machine Shop on Summer Street, SHIR6LS 22ACHSOS, SKM (DLM»M® MAQKOTg, THRESHING AND LATH MACHINES, Of the most approved kinds in use, combining all the essential qualities necessary to a durable and easy-working Machine. AI_|_ KINDS OF Saw Arbors, Collars, &c, furnished at short notice. Confidently believing that he is able to satisfy all reasonable expecta- tions, he would invite all those in want of a good Machine, to call and ejcamjne before purchasing elsewheie. Advertisements — Gardiner, 1 852. SYLVANUS HATHAWAY, Manufacturer and Dealer in ! ^s mm m SUKPAL0 mm&s SUFML© & FM COATS, TRUNKS, VALISES, UMBRELLAS LADIES' FANCY FURS, &c. ' N. B,— Fur and Buffalo Coats made to order. The highest prices paid lor all kinds of Shipping Furs. C. H. PARTRIDGE, WATER STREET. Ready-made Clothing, of all kinds, constantly on hand. Also, Broad cloths, Cassimeres, Satinets, Vestings, &c, which will be made to order in the best manner and latest styles. Cutting done at short notice. J. K. OSGOOD, AUCTS0NE81& & mmmimim merchant, WATER STREET. J23E£3L"S3r C^CE>C£>U3l^ Of every description received and sold to the best advantage, and returns faithfully made. N. B. — The best of reference given. L. H. GREEN, AGENT FOR SEVERAL OF THE BEST im, HEALTH Ml mm insurmce Companies in the country, viz : National Loan Fund — American Mutual Hope Mutual — Norfolk County — Washington Co. Mutual— and Great Falls Mutual. California risks obtained on better terms than hertofnre. L. H. G. is Agent for a number of Newspapers in Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Washington. CO- He is also a Licensed Auctioneer, and will attend sales ot Keal Estate, Horses, Carriages, &c. Advertisements — Gardiner, 1852. G. M. ATWOOD, ®®®IS§I11L!Ll1LE Mi® ©1TM®!J»» Offers for sale a full assortment of SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY, Bibles, Testaments, Blank Books, Toy Books, Magazines, Cheap Publications, Newspapers, Pencils, Steel Pens, Fancy Wafers. Also, a large stock of which are selling at very low prices. G. M. A. is Agent for, and has for sale, most of the Popular Medicines of the day, which are warranted genuine. M. F. MARBLE & CO., PilliFATiSe PHYS3C3ANS & SflM Office opposite the Cobbossee House. J. & J. T. STONE, -WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN- IiratS>52acS&gg>£_El c£3 ODcSCOi.CS® 'CSS.® They keep constantly on hand, at their old stand, an extensive assortment of Feathers and Carpetings, which they will sell very cheap. JOHN DENNIS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Keeps constantly on hand an extensive stock of the above-named Goods, which he will sell on very reasonable terms. Register and Advertisements printed by Morrell & Heath. YALE UNIVERSITY 39002 00186 1989b mm Hl^ra ,jj?»i;. HHH